2007, 03-27 Regular Meeting ~ AMENUEU A(,EN!)A SPOKAIVI: VAI.LEY CI'I"Y ('c)l ti('II. RH:GULAR :WEETiNc; Cauncil Mceting lll l ? .l;f~•, ~17r~rr}~ 'IN1'* 6:00 p.ui. TY fls1LL A'I' REAR'OG1U PLd"L ~ 07 Exst Sprague Avcnue, F')rst Flour !ertroaic Devicts bc Turned OR i)u,-;a;; ('ouririi 4lirtiiq! t ~ I .l. TC) ORDF:k: INVQCATION; Y:litor ixl l lult.n. \,~II~~. 1;•.:nii,l~ ~~(i RULL CAl 1. : %PPRC)VALUf, Al.ENilA: 1'v'i't2Uni.1(°i'tON QF SPECLiL t,i -F S TS :k N t► !'liV%'f ti ik f i( ►Ns: lht-uknilion u/Greenctcres Neighl+oritovrl A wtr, d c'uMMT1'TEL Bt)aRn. l_JA ltnN sti!+f%i % 1( ~ 14E, 111 )J~ I hiAl'OR'S kF,!'(llt 1 : 1'IJHLIG CC1M!11F ti"1'ti: ,.I _i~ ~n~1i~.:t.J l,;l.~~, , , ' ~~iilrli: c~~tr►tricnt 'i;s:, ..,i~~ ~~,E,, ri.:~:~,, ;111' rUblIC tQ 2{pX'Ilk llll i1ll}' 1U411i. Whl`fl 4a3:1 . I~,~: lfli• p .jii~ltl, .~f;~ ~ Ul . ,!'I~ .!Ih, ;i~iJl: _ ;:,~i !6: rerord :inti iimit trmn4:t: to threc minntc,. ~ - , ~.~~111~'.1 ~ .~~~~'.IV~~:~: ~_.i'111~)j.. ~ii I~t~R. ..-il'•I~iCft'.J .ri1T111~, ~~~li ?e rt :('~'~i.~~,i s. - - ~1~ a. Following Cluim Voucher-. vc)Ut:.NER UST DATF A1+1UUN 1 1113-02-07 ~ 1 I iRfi-11'33 $376,U70.63 I :1349-07 112,34-11292 S1,W0,DOb.Bfi ~ ~ 113-19-07 11299-11362 S268,243.65 ~ c IRAND'TOT~t. ^ f~ ~~;.?.'1 !~1 h. Paymii for Pcricxi EnJing March 1 S, 2007: S 175,923.21 c. Minutes ot Fehnsary 27, 2007 Rt-gular Ccwnci) Me- • . . . , • . ~•~c {'ulic 1 of 2 VEW BUSItiE55 I Ficst Reading Proposcti Chdinuncc 07-044 Amrnding Pwchaging Cade - Cary Driskoll [pnblic comment] 4. First Rcading Pr+oposaf Ordinunce 07-005 Rcnum6ering I'itlo 7.35 Matnrimd Transpmrlation Deviscs- Csry Drisi:ell [public cnmme.nt] 5. Firs1 Resuiing Pmpascd Ordiiiance 07-006 Amending Public Rocord Osdinance Mike Cannclly ipablic commcntJ 6. Proposcd Resututian 47-002 Adopting the Spokane County AII-Ha7ard Mitig,nticui Pian - Marina Sukup [public commcnt) Pl1BLIC COMMF;V . Excqt whc:re indicatrcl abrwc fiir "peblic commeat" lhis ia an upWrtunity fUr the public tn speal: on any topic. Whcn you come to the padium, please state your nnme and nddre.cs for thr rccord and limit romarks lo chn:c minutcs. AUMINISTRATiVE ItF:P()kTS: 7-&.'hvo! Wrmentftrv-S:0+o?I R~ullitixn (Zc~.iil i:'~.1nLrCic F'rvlr~l f:~~l?ct1 f~l~•crn. 11;3:hi3tgti~n tit:ttr i?cl}nrt~tient i-1 Trin~.~~rtati~~n ItiFUlZ.NLA7'ION UNl..Y: 9. SAC I3vlaws Proposcd C'hanLcs 10. Dep,nrtmcnt Kcpc)rts 11. l-IrarPetli ['ontnrt F:XECU7IV £ 5F:5S[ON: 1..and Acyui,ititm A,1).I0URNN1t:tiA' F07'l.'RE SCHEDULE Rtgular Councll MedinRs an geatra!!y hdd 2nd and 4" Tucsdaj7, beglnnlag ut 6:00 p.ra. C'oun, i/ .Slru11' .5escinn+• ur,• gE•nern/!r he!rf P. 34 rlnr/ {fIt Tffr•vdCl{'s, berginnim, a! 6: llfl l,.nr. 0/rer 1 i•ntafive l.Pcurriin~:1/~~tin~~,~.-L►eirt,_ Wedncsday, April 11. 2007 - Msyor Wilhitc's titatc uf'thr City rlddmss; 1![iralnsu !lt,tL I N(117(T: Indivtc1u11: plnllttittg ?o ullLmd lhc tntc'lin~ uhr rrcluire -ijrc:ciol txii ~tincr lo accOmmodAtc rfiy:icd, hrruing. ou uthcr impnimtcntt ptm:,c amtact thc t'ily l'1cr1: ni (SO')) 921-10(Ni a: ;4xm ss poWhlr vt thut urangements mn~, bC mrulG ('i~un~11 :1eC~~ln (11-?~-~.t'. I{ciuL:t ~4Crtlnl VnP.+= ot ~ - - ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request.for Council Action t . Meeting Date: March 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business 9 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: Proposed Amended 2007 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Resolution 06-013 dated 6/13l06 adopting the 2007- 2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), RCA (Information Only) in Council's 2127/07 packet. BACKGROUND: Council adopted the 2007-2012 TIP based upon information staff had at that time relative to available funds and how these funds could be utilized for transportation projects. Staff also submitted 29 funding applications to TIB, SRTC & CDBG, several of which received funding. Staff also recently subrnitted additional grant applications for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5307 program funding. The resufts of this Call for Projects will not officially be known until the SRTC Board meeting on April 12. Since the last Information Only RCA on this topic, staff has had the opportunity to review information from the pavement management system being developed by JUB Engineers and has come up with a list of 2007 Street Preservation Projects. The recommended projects are as follows: 1. 24h Avenue - Sullivan Rd to 22nd Ave 5. Sprague Avenue - Bowdish Rd to Pines Rd 2. Evergreen Road - 24`" Ave to 32Nd Ave 6. Thierman Road - Mallon Ave to Desmet Ave 3. 8'h Avenue - Havana St to McKinnon Rd 7. Argonne/Mullan - Sinto Ave to Indiana Ave 4. 4`" Avenue - Carnahan Rd to Eastern Rd ' Some of these Street Preservatiori projects may receive funding from the FTA 5307 grants mentioned above; specifically Evergreen Road, Sprague Avenue and 8I' Avenue. This list of Street Preservation Projects will be finalized based on the results of the grant applications and the local funds budgeted for 2007. Finally, the draft Amended 2007 TIP attached to the previous RCA incorrectly included the Broadway Avenue Inlay Project (from I-90 EB ramp to Park Road). This project is not scheduled to begin until 2008. Based on the above information, it is recommended that the 2007 TIP be amended to reflect the deletion of the projects that did not receive funding, include those projects that were not completed in 2006 and have been carried over to the 2007 construction year, and those projects added to the 2007 construction year. Adoption of this amended 2007 TIP is currently scheduled for April 24, 2007. ~ OPTIONS: 1) Recommend moving forward with a resolution to adopt the proposed Amended 2007 TIP, or 2) provide additional direction to staff based on Public Hearing comments. , RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Recommend staff bring back to Council a resolution adopting the Amended 2007 TIP. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 2007 budget will be amended to reflect changes associated with this amended 2007 TIP. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, Senior Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Updated Draft Amended 2007 TIP I cny ot sPok,no v,nor DopmrtrrKnt of Pubik Works Adoptad 2007 TranspowiMn improvamant Program Pnrtury Ciiy Totoi ~~~ay BNd T~~ey Rued THod~a Rosd STP(U~ f~ADJ f PPIV.bb4 _ 8artm Road BndQe ~ Spoiii.nne Rhw #5503 BR S - S 5338.000 ► mesftarnt4etd WiiGur Roed Pinas Raed GMAO $ 29 000 E i 01 8,000 PuKS a lrvzk,rsa 4Nest 8ama P.amps A Sull"n RwKf Nottri EQ (BiQeiuw G] Walkstty Ave Cky lhrsits CKy $ 1000 S 1.900 - vafiey Gomopr- Proleq 82 Unnrersay FLd Ewrr.gwen ita UCP S 123.0a0 S 264.000 s &aaervar Avexut hiay 1-90 E6 rsmR Punc Ras:f STP(U) S 89.000 5 659,000 71 Monfgomery nvenua Inlsy 02 Argvrxie Raed Univetsity Rosd COBG $ - $ 497,000 e3^ Brosdway Avenue Safety Study t80 Sulpvan Roed Cihr $ 50.000 S 50,()00 3 Psrt Row GraQa Separat,on t8TV1 Indittv Avorxx Mortpanery averxue ;TPrU) S 32.09Q S 752." 10' Park Road - ProJed 2 Broadway Avenue Indfens Avenuo UM $ 113,000 S 587,W0 t t• PeAc Road 03 PE Orgy Sprague Averue 8roedwsy Avenue STP(U) S 25.000 $ 297.000 Sqrsal Gmtroaer UpgraOe GMA: S ~oo S 400,OUO ' 3 Sulbvan Rca! PCC Misaion Ave-iue 190 EB Rampe C+ty S 4 5j7 01l0 5 450,000 15• UnNer34y Roed INey 1 Qiahman-Mica Rd 151h Avenue W(U) $ 11,000 $ 81,000 t 6• Univafslty Road Inlay 2 15ih Avenue 4qh Avenue STP(U) $ 6.000 S 42,006 s~ Strzrt Preseniation Pro}eds Giry $ 500000 6 570 000 44• Barker Rosd ResormWctlon 32rM Avanue 81h Avenuo C1ly 40.0~00 000 _ 1,sze,dDD 6.4~ • artNWes de+rw oam 2DG7 proQrn aw b Itl d Orwt trtt"0 r3aeen cn r_arr.-..po,~■i i.o •c. pe 3noov.a~ lwiw.k, Mj TI-i Appt~om was r.qrrmM ti qoxditw HrcaM'aV frcn Ray Rc'M n('ark P.a3 nlNj ce .:afmy e Clty ot Spokano Valtoy Reprrtmertt of PuElic Wortcs ~ v,SEJ ilroposea Amonded 2007 Trannporfatlan Improwment Program 4I247G7. RtsoluUon 007•)QQf Primety Crty ToRal Proi~~ From To Saroe AnourA Pro~eot . Avpltwey Blvtf, Tsh~ Rcad Flodgas Road STP(U) $ 685.000 $ 5063000 i 3ariier Road Br►dqe C Spokane Rwet t4...503 9R S - $ 556,000 3 PinnslMxeslisld Wibur Rosd Pfnes RuaC ChtAO S 14,000 S 3429.000 Pu+es 3 Ind:ara Wesi Sound Ramps 4 5ullivan Road NoM E)d (HiqNaw G 1 V'Ve'iesWy Ave Crty lxnrta Crty 5 1,000 $ 6.000 5 VsYey Cortidor - Prvjed 92 Unives'sity Rd E+arqraen Ftn. STP;U) $ 123.000 S 264.000 3 Part Road GrsOe SepsraLOn (BTl/) Indtana Arenue Montpomery Averxie SjP(U) $ 32_000 5 732.000 12 Signal Contioaer Upq►ade GMAO S 31.840 S 258.400 13 SuVivan Raad PCC M+ssian Avenue 19p EB Ramps Gity $ 60.704 S 450.p0p 43 5L•cat PresennUon ProjeW City f 1.t83.$43 S 1 A83.849 -er, I Avenve - SirQhrsn Rd to 22nd Avo 5 bSJ.;N✓'J ,wWeon Ftaap - 24tn Ave to 32nA Aw S 542 iri)0 Avririe • Ha:aia St to tdc!{rnnan Rd S 455.000 :tn Averne - CwrkliRnn Rd ti Ess:srn Rd S 3L3.00 --,iraQue Avtrwie -$arKffah RA t0 Plnes Rd S 672 0W ' -irerrster P.CSd - AdaGon Ave fo Otunef Ave S 223 ~:YJ ~.aonrobMuilan S+No Ave 1o indiana Ave ,!.,p1nvnYISpraOua+DiihmaMdlo (75 f90 ~ SprsQue Univerailly Rasd CMAQ S 46.509 f 720,T00 t rar+.eM tiegh.a SBwet Petrebadk Clty 5 105.500 S 105.500 =r3 7errece Stwer PaveDack Cry S 20.00(} S 20.000 ~ i`? RaveDtsu Ckty S 1,100,000 S 1.100,000 :`pelCinq Trenlwoutt . c;r3ndvievv Acres $ 5,424,143 f 16,008,443 P. qwYs wi ronsh~ma Je~sM1t! ma I7!' on L, I lesQ avama G.lV Rm m~y :funp du~ rr ~ w~ry .d uwsww. onA n. uanafd by tL L'iry m 6m ialld apon M PnPn}I' oomf 4f i~~...~IR1 M IN1~Y1~.1~'s~iS1'Itt i01:11~ I-r'ti.:r~•i:;r_~ 6,a79C Fi_.~.~1 - - _ .i - . . _ _ - . _ . _ . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ ,.Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 03-27-07 City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUGHER LIST DATr VOUCI4ER #s TpTAi, VOUCE•IER. A1vi0UNT 03-02-07 ~ i 1136-11233 ~ $376;970.63 03-09-07 ~ 11234-11292 ~ $1.,590,006.86 03-19-07 ~ 11299-11362 ~ $268,243.65 GRAN17 TO'CAL I I $2.235221.14 , RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Amy Sienknecht ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ~i vchlist ' . . ; Voucher List Page: .1 0310212007 4:17:10PM , Spokane,Valley Bank codc : apbank . , , i ' . ' • • . . . ' , • ' . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice . PO . DescriptionlAccount Amount 11786 3f2/2007 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 02262007 VALLEY PRECINC7 SNOW PLOWIN 53.70 • Total : 53.70 11187 312/2007 400197 AIR INC. 126165 PRE-EMPLOYMEM' SCREENINGS 50.00 Total : 50.00 11188 3/2/2007 001081 ALSCO . {spo160963 FLOOft MATS'FOR CITY HALL 84.44 ' Ispo168902 FLOOft MATS FOR Ct7`f HALL 80.44 ' Total : 160.88 . _ . . 11189 312/2007 004335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 6-225Q4 SERVICE ON '04 DAKOTA 35518D 29.26 Total : 29.26 . . . . . L., . 11190 3/212007 .001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINES5 SYSTEMS 129943 MONTHLY BILLING FOR MAILROOVI 1,248.87 • Total : 1,248.97 11191 3/2/2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 736192120 41540 BARKER RD PROJECT #0134- 365.30 • ~ ` • • Total : 365.30 14192 312/2007 001022 CARk, SALES •CO. 840485 ' . 41532 MAINTENANCE REPAIR 151.04 . . . . ' Total: 151.04 • . . . 11193 302007 000101• CDWG , DLS7079 . 41519 pLANAR 19" LCD MONITOR 1,102.43 ' . Total : 1,102.43 y , 11194. 3J2l2007 000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3589713 40691 ' 0009 - VALLEY CORRIDOR EIJV. ST 8,441.49 Total : 8,441.49 t . . 11195 3/212007 000109 COFFEE SYSTENIS INC 47949 COFFEE.ORDER FOR CITY HALL 148.28 . . Total : 148.28 71196 3/2/2007 000643 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC., INC. 23245 41391 DOCUMENT HOLDER 329.79 . Total : 329.79 . . ,u. 11197 3!2l2007 040035 CORPORATE-EXPRESS 77079253 , 41539 CORPORATE EXPRESS 497.15 ' Total : 497.15 . Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List ' Page: 2. 03I0212007 4:17:10PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO'# DescriptionlAccount Amount 11198 3Y2/2007 000235 DATA BASE SECURE RECORDS DES. 15500 . DOCUMENT•DESTRUCTION 30.00 • Total : 30.00 11199 31272007 000537 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, IN 215940 41286 CONTRACT #06-020 DEA DEV. PlJ1 5,243.20 , 215941 41286 CONTRAC7 #415-020 DEA DEV. PLA 6,384.00 • Total : 11,627.20 11200 3/212007 •000060.DENENNY,RICHARD 02262007 REIMBURSEMEM"FORAWC?RIP 711.71 : . Total : 711.71 11201 31212007 004912 DEX MEDIA WEST , 308551704 ADVERTISING FOR CENTERPLACE 94.85 • ' Total: 94.85 11202 3/2/2007 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 09006100 SERViCE ADDRESS: 7814 E. SPRA, 69.58 ' . Total : 69.58 11203 312/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCMAN7S BANK 1217 MERICIER-CREDIT CARD PAYMEId' 52.47 • 1225 - ' GOLMAN-CREDI7 CARD PAYMENT 1,052.55 1563 REGOR-CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 142.04 • . 1829 GENEI2AL CARD #1-CREDIT CARD 991.11 1852 • GENERAL CARD #4-CC PAYMEfdT 1,247.33 - 51345 DEVLEMING-CREDIT CARD PAYME 80.00 . 5060 TAYLOR-CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 1,298.81 • 5078 MUNSON-CC' PAYMENT 60.00 - 5094 - SCHIMMELS-CREDIT CARD PAYME 33.66 5169 WILHITE-CREDIT CARD PAYMENT 225.00 . ' . . Total: 5,162.97 11204 3l2/2007 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CENTER 41500215 JANUARY 2007 WORK CREW INVO 774.58 Total : 774.58 11205 312/2007 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM H. 02272407 AWC TRIP TO OLYMPIA REIPABUR"z 461.88 Total: 461.88 11206 3/2/2007 000007 GRAINGER 9294102273 41461 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHAS[ C ' 2452 ' 9298511610 41461 GRAINGERBLANKET PURCHASE C 21.20 ' . . . Totai : 45.72 , ' - . . . -'..age: 2 ' _ , j ' . / ' ~ • ~ • l 1 . . vchlist . •VOUCher•.LiSt • Page: 3 0310212007 4:17:10PM Spokane-VAley . Bank code : apb3tlk • Voucher Date Vendor - : • ' Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount • Amount 11207 312l2007 000545 H & H FIiVAldCIAL SERVICES INC. 1161 FEB. LEASE PAYMENT ON RICOH,' 233.49 - • 1162 FEB. LEASE PAYMENT QN RICOH ~ 347.34 " 1163 FEB. LEASE PAYMENT ON RICOH : 412.68 1213 tviARCH LEASE PAYMENT ON RICO 233.49 ' 1214 ' MARCH LEASE PAYMEfVT ON RICQ 307.34 • 1215 MARCH LEASE PAYMENT ON RICa 412.68 . Total : 1,907.02 11208 3J212007 000009 HEINLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 41833985 41511 HP XW6400 WORKSTATION 4,993.43 Total: 4,993.43 11209 3/212007 •001018 HP EXPRESS SERVICES HPE304061245 ' 41537 COMPAQ SERVER SUPPORT RENE 6,277.00 ' Tota I : 6,277.00 11210 3/2/2007 000117 JOURMAL NEWS PUBUSHING INC. 28729 ' ADVERTISING FOR*PL'ANNING 83.25 . 28730 ADVERTISING FOR PLANNING 64.50 , Total: 147.75 11211 3/2/2007 000662 NATIONAL BARRICAQE & SIGN CO., OF 54202 •41462 NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F 229,80 . • ' Total: 229.80 11212 302007 001035 NE7WORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 15043 TROUBLESHOOTING & MAINTtNAI 3,862.50 Total : 3,862.50 11213 3I2/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 374783580-001 41512 OFFICE DEPOT 1723 374858735-001 41513 OFFICE DEp07 . 140.41 374858981-401 •41513 OFFICE DEPOT 17.97 ' • 37522100MQ1 41518 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 2$4.11 ' 375221174001 41518 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES ' . 2_35 ' 3753384324001 IN-STORE PURCHASE FOR P & R 26.02 ' 375756654-001 41520 DG-OFFICE SUPI'LERS 61.10 375824073-001 41522 SUf'f'LIES - GEN ANd 07 TAGS 149.37 375824510-001 41522 SUPPLIES - GEN AND 07 TAGS 144.67 375908097-001 • IN-S70RE PURCMASE FOR PLANN 41.94 Total : 885.17 11214 312/2007 000512 OFFICETEAM • 17703796 TEMP. ASSIS?ANT FOR COMMUNiI 63525 ' 17865238 TEMP. ASSISTANT FOR COMMUNII 594.00 Page: 3 vchlist UouCher L'ISt - Page: 4, 0310212007 4:17:10PM - Spokane Valley Bank code : apb2nk Voucher Date Vendor •Invoice . PO # DcscriptionlAccount. Amount 11214 312/2007 000512 OFFICETFAM . (Confinued) 17975513 TEMP. ASSISTANT FOR COMMUNII 594.00 , • - - Total: 1,823.25 11215' 3!2/2007.• 000453 PERCY'S CAFE AMERICANA 02282007 ROOM RENTAL FOR SPRAGUE/API 1,917.48 , Total : 1,917.48 11216 312/2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 20,408 TEMP. JANITORIAL WORKERS FOF 1,105.60 , . . - Total : 1,105.60 11217 3J212007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 3008-0500014497 TEMP. WORKER FOR IT SUPPORT 997.62 - • 3008-0500014545 IT SUPPORT TEMP. WORKER 818.56 Total : 1,816.18 11218 3/2f2007 000322 QWEST 549-921-6787 5118_ . OVERFLOW. SECURIIY FOR SPRI' 42.87 • • . , . Total : 42.87 11219 312/2007 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 623467 SUPPLIES FOR COUtdCIL MEETtNC 36.38 • 658017 . . SUPPLIES FOR COUNCIL MEETING 31.64 658020 SUPPLIES FOR COUNCIL RETREAi 189.24 Total : 267.22 11220 3/2l2007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 1923598 4152$ SENSKE - MAYHEW TREE REMOV) 597.30 Total : 597.30 11221 3/212047 401140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS invco37650 . , 41464 QUOTE N0..0001.07 POTMOLE COl 703.73 • . invco37651 . 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COL 703.73 ~ invao37674 • 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COl 703.73 invoo37676 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COL 703.73 , • . 41464 • invco37680 . 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COL 703.73 . , invco37681... _41464 (1UOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COl 703.73 . . . . . Total : 4,222.38 11222 3l2/2007 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER VLY0701 SPOKAtdE COUNIY MONTHLY INV( 305,948.52 . Total : 305,948.52 11223 312/2007 .000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 40100007 ' SPO. COUM'Y UTIUTES 0& M INV, 800.23 4 \ . . • ' , i ' ~ ~ vchlist ' _ . Vouct r List . . . Page: 5 0310212007 4:17:10PM . . . ' tpokane Valley ~ - eank code : apbank. - ' • ' Voucher Date Ver . Invoice . PO # Description/Account • Amount 11223 3l212007 -000001 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER (Continued) Total : 800.23 11224 3/2/2007 040324 SPOKANE COUNTY WVAZER DIST. #3 170-004Q=03 . SERVICE ADDRESS:. N. 906 PARK F 25.52 . Total: 25.52 11225 312/2007 000011 SPOKANE VALLEY CHAM6ER, OF COfuIA 105897 ANNUAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Al 3,150.00 . . Total: 3,150.00 11226 3/2/2007 001261 STOCKMAM, KIMBERLY , 02262007 RENTAL REFUND FOR LOUNGE 1Iti 1,335.00 Total : 1,335.00 11227 3/212007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1147 PLANNING SERVICES THROUGH F 2,750.00 Total: • 2,750.00 11228 3/2/2007 000419 SUMMfT LAW CROUP 32988 EMPLOYMEM' & LAgOR ADVICE 198.00 Tatal : 198.00 11229 31212007 .001250 SYTE NET SERVICES 5591 41521 NETWORK CABLING FOR CITY HA1 49522 . " Total : 495.22 11230 312/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POVJER 0012-004137.02 SERVICE ADDRESS: UNP(NOWN 59.61 0013-032588.01 • SERVICE ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 64.43 0014004275.01 SERVICE ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 24.82 0014032971.00 SERVICE ADDRESS: SIGNAL, 16TH 42.59 0030-031942.01 SERVICE ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 47.39 . Total : 238.84 1'1231 3/712007 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SAOKANE 0036832-1518-4 - ' SERVICE ADDRESS: 11707 E. SPW 144.57 Total : 144.57 11232 3l2/2007 400417 WESTERN DANCE ASSOCIATION 02262007 USAGE OF WESTERN. DANCE.CEN ;;198.00 . Total : 198.00 11233 3f2/2007 000129 WRPA • 07-164 41543 CENTERPLACE MISC. 35.00 Total : 35.00 48 Vouchers for bank code_:, 8pbank - Bank total : 376,970.63 , Page: 5 ! vchlist • . •VoucherList t Page: 6 0310212007 4:17:10PM Spokane;Yalley • _ . . , , , Bank code : apbank Voucher ' Date ' Vendor . ' - . Invoice PO DescnptionlAccount Aanount _ • . _ ' . . ' • , Total vouchers 376,970.63 48 Vouchers in this roport . ~ • t , t ' APPROT• ED• • fG I, the undersPgned, do cerf,ify undet pqnalty of Rerjury, ~ "~.ke~ Date `T9iompson, Finance Airector that the mate7ials have been fumi5hed, thQ setviyoes rendered, Qr the labor performe4 as:desutGed herein L~' • and thai the G9im is just, due and an unpaid obligation 1 n.`~l against the City of Spokene Valley, and thatl am autho&ed to authenticate and oeRify tfl said clairn. 1 pr• ' Ute _ , Finance Director Date ~ • , • ~ ,~or . 6 . . , ' - , vchlist Voucher List - i~? : ~Page:,;,: . ."i•1 03/0912007 4:31:09PM . . „ . Spokane Valiey. . . . , .T: . f'. C • • ' Bank code : apbank . . . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice, , PO DescriptionJAccount . Amount 11234 3/8/2007 000050 APA - INI.AND EMPIRE SECTIOy 03082007 APA CONFERENCE REG..FOR MIKI 50.00 Totai : 50.00 11236 3J912007 000001 SPOKANE COUNT`( TREASURER 03062007 SUMMARY INVOICE FOR,FEB. 2007 1,358,331.06 • • - Total: 1,358,331.06 11237 3l912007 090311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0602678198-7 DATA CONNECTION CARD CHARG 420.32''' Total : 420.32 11238 3/9/2007 000720 AMSAN CUSTODIAL SUPPLY ItdC. 386832 41530 JANfTORIAL SERVICES 290.70 . ' Total : 290.70 11239 3/912007 001192 ANDREWS ENTERPRISES, KENNY 03052007 ' REFUND REQUEST FOR GREAT R( 197.75 Total : 197.75 11244 319/2007 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. 13922 JANITORIAL WORK, FEB. 2007-VAL 2,082.17 • • Total : 2,082.17 11241 319/2007 000030 AVISTA UTIUTIES 90091047 • SERVICE ADDRESS: 2426 N. DISC 6,843.59 . Total : 6,843.59 11242 31812047 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8792378 ` LINEN SUPPLY SERVICE FOR CEfJ . 377.96 • 8796228 LINEN SUPPLY SERVICE A7 CENTE 379.48 . 8798177 _ LINEN SUPPI~Y SERVICE FOR CEN' 393.71 • Total: 1,151.15 11243 3l9/2007 000101 CDWG dpr2092 41548 COMPUTER CARRYING CASE FOFt. 79.25 Total : 79.25 11244 318/2007 000863 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP. 023429 41285 CONTRACT #06-017 CENTURY WE: 857.37 . Total: 857.37 11245 3/9I2007 ' 000729 CH2MHILL INC. • 3589235 41025 0043-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 73,152.78 ' Total : 73,152.78 11246 31912007 00109 COFFEE SYS7EfJIS INC 47944 COFFEE ORDER FOR CENTERPLA 14.95 Page: 1 vchlist VOUCher List Page: 2 0310912007: °'4:31:09PM Spok'ane Valley . . . . . eank codc : 2pb8nk 4 y Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11246 ,'3f9f2007 000109 000.1a9` "COFFEE SYSTEMS INC (Continucd)' . ' Total : _14.95 11247 3l9/2007 000646 COLUMBIi4 FIBER SOLUTIONS 552 DARK F1BER LEASE' 228.06 ' . Total : 228.06 11248 • 3/9J2007 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEEf 870166725701 FUEL CHARGES FOR CITY VEHICL 1,799.00 870166725702 FUEL CHARGES FOR CITYVEHICL 1,371.30 • • • . Total: 3,170.30 11249 3I9/2007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 058059.0 . SERVICE ADDRESS: DISCOVERY F 37.50 06377.0 . DISCOVERY PL. SP. N. 2426 102.80 Total : 140.30 11254 319/2007 '040683 DAVID.EVANS & ASSOClA7ES 215939 , 41315 . 0016 - APPLEWAY - DAVID EVANS • 25.385.15 Total : 25,385.15 11251 3l9/2007 000136 DEPARTMENT OF INFO SERVICES, STA' 2007020211 COMPUTF-R BILLING-MASTER LICE 25.00 Total : 25.00 11252 3l9/2007 0006B6 DEPARTMENT OF UCENSING 03052007 DOL CASH TRANSiV11TTAL 112.00 ' Total: 112.00 11253 3/9i2G07 00117,1 EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSI7Y 03052007 . REGISTRATION FOR GREG MCCOf 59.00 • , . Total: 59.00 11254 31912007 001253 GORDON Tl-fOMAS HONEYWEI_!_ 2033 41525 LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,407.25 Total: 2,407.25 .11255 3l912007' 000002 H 8 W BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 155781 MONTHLY COPY CHARGES; #152! 42.70 . 155980 MONTHLY COPIER USE 81LLING 272.46 155981 fwipNTHLY COPIER USE.BILLING 6.60 156030 MONTHLY COPIER USE BILLING 37.78 156173 MONTHLY COPIER USE BILLING 130.27 t156174 . MONTHLY COPIER USE BILLING 43.70 156177 MONTHLY COPIER U5E BILLING 19.31 • 156178 MONTHLY COPIER USE BILLING 26.74 • 156213 MONTHLY COPIER USE BILLING 100.81 2 , % ' . . . vchlist • Voucher List \Page: 3 03.-0912007 4:31:09PM Spokane Valley 8ari:code: apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor • ' Invoice ' PO# Description/Account•• Amount 11255 3/9/2007 000002 000002 H & W BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC.: (Continueti) Total : 680.37 11256 319/2007 000009 HEWLETI'-PACKARD COMiPANY 41865790 ' - 41538 HF' XW8400 WORKSTATION FOR M 3,400.27 41884188 41486 COMPUTER FOR COORDINATORS 868.80 . Total: 4,269.07 11257 3/9l2007 001267 HUBBARD, RIC 03082007 LOUN'GE RENTAL REFUND REQUE 27825 • . . Total: 278.25 11258 3/9/2007 000393 INIAND AUDIO VISUAL • 8179 AUDIO EQUIPMEN7 RENTAL FOR C 125.98 ' • ' ' Total: 125.98 '11259 3!912007 001263 INIAND NW.JUICE PLUS ASSOC. 03052007 . REFUND REQUEST FOR GREAT R( 260.00 Total : 260.00 11260 3J912007 001158 INLAND TREE SERVICE 8173 41545 7REE REMOVAL @ 15TH & DARTAII, 461.56 Total : 461.56 11261 3/9/2007 001265 JEHOVAH'S V+lITNESSES 03052007 REFUND REQUEST FOR GREAT R( 647.00 • . Total : 647.00 11262 31812007 001284 JIFFY LUBE 569075 OIL SERVICE ON JAY'S TRUCK-328 162.88 569081 OIL SERVICE ON BOB'S TRUCK-321 5320 . Total : 216.08 91263 3l912007 001266 JONES, GREGG ELIZABETH 03082007 REFUND REQUEST BY PLANNING-, 870.00 ' Total : 870.00 11264 3/9/2407 '000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLJSHING INC. 28746 ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC WORK: 107.80 51404 ADVER'('ISING FOR CITY CLERK 120A0 . . ' ' Total: 227.80 11265 3/912007 041155 KLUNDI'IMOSMER 14387 41341 ADVERTISING 1,300.00 • • , ' Total: 1,300.00 11265 3/912007 001262 MCKINLAY & PE7ERS - 03052007 REFUND REQUEST FOR GREAT R( 216.75 ' Total: 216.75 11267 319I2007 001058 MCROBERTS, CAROLINE 03072007 EMP. AI'PRECIATION 8 MILEAGE R 4527 . . . Page: 3 vchlist Voueher List Page: 4 0310912007 4:31:09PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8pb3nk • Voucher Date Vendor . . . Invoice PO # DescriptioMAccount Amount 11267 , 3l912007 001058 001058 MCROSERTS, CAROUNC - (Continued) . Total : 45.27 11268 319/2007 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00016927 TAXTTOOLS SOFIINARE RENTAL-1 341.63 ' Total: 341.63 11269 3/912007 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & hAANAGEA4ENT 15476 ' SENTINEL MONTHLY SERVICE 90 [ 1,047.00 • Total: 1,047.00 11270 3/9120Q7 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 376128641-001 41534 . OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR OPS. & ADI 220.67 41534 , . 376905356-001 41541. BIG TAB INSERTABLE STORAGE D 74.52 377028984-001 41543 OFFICE DEPOT LASERTONERCAF• 59.12 377530273-001 ' 41534 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR OPS. & ADI 43.08 Total : 397.39 11271 319/2007 000512 OFFICETEAM 18034204 TEMP: WORKER FOR COMM: DEVE 342.38 • Tota I : 342.38 11272 3l912007 000997 aTIS ELEVA70R COMPANY sr04008307 - YEARLY ELEVATOR SERVICE AT C 1,532.53 _ Total : 1,532.53 11273 319/2007~.' 000020 PRES70NIGA7ESIELLI5, L.L.P. 716299 LEGALADVICE•FOR'SPENDING OF 2,303.D0 ' Total : 2,305.00 11274 • 319l2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE.STAFFING SERV INC. 20,565 TEMP. WORKERS AT CENTERPLA( 1,105.60 Total: 1,105.60 11275 319f2007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 3008-0500014597 TEMP. WORKER FOR 17 SUPPORT 1,023.20 . ` . . . . 'Total: 1,023.20 11276 3/9/2007 000322 QWEST 509-228-0869'015B INTERNEfACCESS FOR CI7Y HALI 160.15 Total : 160.15 11277 3/9/2007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREL CARE INC. 1602767 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 48,822.81 • 1602768 • CONTRACT MAWTENANCE-CENTE 1,900.50 , - • Total: 50,723.31 11278 3/912067 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30393583 ' 41536 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 575.63 4 ; - . . ; vchlist . .'.-VouChertList Pagc: 5 0310912007 4:31:09PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank . , , . Voucher Date Vendor • • Invoice ' PO # QescriptionlAccaunt ' Amount 11278 319/2007 000935 ' 000935 SERVICE I'APER COMPAfdY . (Continued) • • Total : 575.63 11278 3/912007 001075 SOLACE,'INC. ' 113 - ADVERTISING FOR P.ARKS 8 REC. 275.00 ' Total: 275.00 11280 3/9/2007 000234 SPOKANE CNTY AUDfTORS OFC, RECO 03062007 RECORDING 8 FIUNG FEES . 338.00 • . . . Total: 336.00 11281 3J9/2007 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEEft VLY0701 40937 PINESIMANSFIELD MOU WITH COl 20,030.60 . Total : 20,030.60 11282 319/2007 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER 41500206 GEIGER CORRECTIONS HOUSING 17,379.80 . Total : 17,379.80 11283 3I9J2007 001211 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER, ATfN: 03052007 4TH QUAI2TER LIQUOR TAXES & P 4,652.63 • , Tota I : 4,652.63 11284 3/9/2007 000939 SPRAGUE & SULL1VAN MINISTORAGE 21602 STORAGE SPACE 1L46 RENTAL 119A0 . Total : 119.00 11285. 319/2007 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0141276864-3 CELL PHONE CHARGES JAN 15-FE 780.36 ' Total : 780.36 11286 31912007 000211 STATE TREASURER 03062007- NOTARY PUBLIC APPOINTMENT F( 30.00 Total : 30.00 11287 3/912007 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. ..03052007 . JOB POSITION ADVERTISING 1,370.60 • _ . 42365 • ADVERTISING FOR C11Y CLERK 32.08 . Total: 1,402.68 11288 31912007 000871 TURNINC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC • 0000001054 41509 OPERATING SUPPLIES : 126.52 Total : 126.52 11289 319/2007 000548 WA CHAPTER AMERICAN PLAN. ASSO 03082007 , PAW SPRING CONF. REGISTRATIC 250.D0 ' Total : 250.00 11290 319l2007 000098 WA CITIES IN5URANCE AUTHORI'f'Y 10Q321 . NOTARY FIDELITY BOND FOR PAT 50.01) ' Total : 50.00 ' . . Page: 5 vchlist . • Voucher List Page: 6 .03109I2007 4:31:09PM -Spokain~.Valley _ . ~ Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor , . . . , . , , Invoice , . PO # DescriptionlAccount • . Amount 91291 ' 3/912007 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 189685D-2681-e ' • WASTE SERVICES A7 YALLEY PRF 26007 . - . . • • • ' Total 260.17 11292 3/9I2007~ 000558 WCMA` .03082047 . MEMBERSHIP DtJES FOR DAVE ME 162.00 Total: 162.00 58 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,590,006.86 58 Vouchers in this report • ' , Total vouchers : 1,590,006.86 - APPROVED: ' . , - . . I, the undersigned, do oertffy under penalty of perjury, ~ that the materfals have been fum(shed; the'seNioes KenThQm SOn,Fiaance Dire or . Date • rendered,,or the labor pertortned as'described horein ..,~ey. and that the claim is just due and an unpaid obiigation ` aga[nst the City of Spakane Valley, arid tliat I am e- authar~zed to authenticate and'certiEy to sai . a. - p ~tC ~ S'~~ ~.~v,.,.~ . . ~ . , . • ~ . ~ . . . • - , Finance Director pate ' l . ' . f / ~ - . . _ .J ( . . Page: 6 , . ; , . . . ~ . . ' . vchlist . ~r!"VOUCher:L"ISt :A: •:Page: 0311912007... 9:12:46AM . . . . . . . , . . Spokane Valley. . - - . Bank.code : apbank . • _ . , - - . . . : - . _ . . _ . . . . . Voucher Date Vendor . invoice • . . PO # Description/Account.,, •Amount 11299. 311612007' 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 03162007 . HAZ. MAT. ENDORSEMENT FOR.TC . 10.00 ' • ' Total: 10.00 1,1340, 3116/2007, 000028 'FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 03162007 . . •CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS 3/1612D0• 5,938.8$ ' . . . T`otal: 6,938.88 11341 3119I2007. 001181 ACOSTA,.CARRIE 03162007. WMCA,CO,j~1FERENCE LODGING/MI 932.73 - . : . • • • . Total: 932.73 11302 3/19/2007 000197,.AIR.INC. . 127251 BACKGROUND CMECKS FOR NEW 125.00 . . Total:. 125.00 11343 • 3119l2007 001078-ALLAMEF2ICAN APPRAISAL a07038 • BEACON ADD,f710N . 500.00 . . ' - • " ' • Total: 500.00 11304 3/19/2007 001081. ALSCO . Ispo164905 MATS, F.OR VALLEY ROLICE PRECII .10.74 Ispo172865 h4ATS FOR VALLEY POLICE PRECII 10.74 Ispo172866 • MATS FOR VALLEY. PRECINCT SHC 13.30 Total: 34.78 • 11305 ' 3/19/2007 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. 6-23324. OIL CHANGE SERVICE ON 04 F154 33.83 • 6-23331 MAINTENANCE SERVICE ON 05 DA 53.99 . . ~ 6-233345 MAINTENANCE SERVICE ON 07 F2 30.23 Total: 118.05 11306 311912007 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS 48243A BOND•ROLL PAPER F012 PLOTTER ' 104.64 I Total : 104.64 11307- 3119/2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITI i S 43152007 MAS'fER BILLING ACCOUNT: 4100E 22,731.01 Total : 22,731.01 -11308 3119l2007 000271 BAINBRIDGE, CHRISTINE 03162007 . WMCA MEALS, REIMBURSEMENT 106.79 • ' Total': 106.79 11349 3/1912007 000918 BLUE RI680N LIiJEN SUPPLY, INC. 8794310 lJNEN SUPPLY SERVICE FOR CEPJ' 377.35 . . 8800136 , LINEN SUPPLY SERVICE FOR CEN 382.05 . ~ Page: 1 I . i , vchlist Voucher List . Page: 2~03l1912007 '9:12:46AM Spokane Valley ' . . Bank code : apban.k • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # • Description/Account Arriount 1'1309 3/1912007 000918 000918 BLUE RIBSON LINEN-SUPPLY, INC. (Continueii) Total : 759.40 11310 3/19/2007 006907 6UILDI'NG MAINTENANCE SUPPLY 43446 ' 41531 ' JANITORIAL' SERVICES• 615.48 Total : 615.48 11311 3/19P2007 a00863 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP. 023455 41285 . COiVTRACT #06-017 CENTURY WE: 3,888:40' • Total : 3,888.40 11312 3/1912007 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 00104058 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES • 11.00 • Tota I : 11.00 1,1313 3/19/2007 000379 CITYOF SPOKANE Vl1LLEY 03122007 PETTY CASH.REIMBURSEMENT 32.55 Total : 32.55 11314 3/19l2007 00104.8 CITY PAI2CEL DELIVERY, INC. 0999741 CARRIER SERVICES FOR PW 3.66 . Total : 3.66 11315 . 3/19/2007 000957 'COBALT TRUCK EQUIPMENT 20963 41527 LIGHT BAI2- FOR FORD TAURUS 655.60 . ' 41527 • 20968 41527 LIGFIT BAR FOR FORD TAURUS & f 1,015.41 • 21080 41527 LIGHT BAR FOR FORD TAURUS 15.13 , Total : 1,686.14 1131_6 3119/2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 48343 • COFFEE ORDER FOR CITY HALL 139.38 , . . ' ' • Total: 139.38 --11317 3/19/2007 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 77355941 41552 KLEENEX FOR EMPLOYEES 86.84 . . , . , . . . , ' • • ' ` Total: 86.84 11318 3/1912007. 000537 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIA7ES, IN 216989 41286 CONTRACT #06-020 DEA DEV. PLA 5,866.00 217854 41286 COM"RAC7 #p06-020 DEA DEV. PLA 3,305.65 - Total : 9,171.65 11319 3119/2007 000152 0bAR'fMENT OF TRANSPORTATION re313atb70213077 SIGNAL & ILIUMINA'I'ION MAINTEN.• 1;950.25 ' re313atb70213078 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINTEI' 9,736.84 • , , , Total: 11,687.09 11320 3119/2007 001249'_DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY p16764790101 41505 OPERATING SUPPLIES 371.80 ,_2Z~ge: 2 ~ i -vchlist . Voucher,List Page: 3 0311912007 9:12:46AM . Spokane Valley 9ank code : apbank ' . ' VoucheF Date Vendor ' • + • ` Inv.oicc • PO # Description/Account ` Amount 11320 3119/2007 " 001249 001249 DISCOUNT SCFi00L SUPPLY (Contintted) ' Total : 371.80 11321 3/1912007 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #9 09026100 SERIVCE ADDRESS: 8300 E. SPRA, 69.58 09066100 - SERVICE ADDRESS: 8325 E. Sf'RA, 69.68 09078104 SERVICE ADDRESS: 7711 E. SPRA, 93.74 . . Total : 232.90 11322 3/1912007 000987 ECOLAB • 1515781 41533 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 92.65 . • Total: 92.65 11323 3/19/2007 000645 ECONORTHWEST 8772 SPRAGUE/APPLEV1lAY CORRIDOR 55,716.00 , Total : 56,716.00 . 11324 3/19/2007 000171 GEIGEI2 COiZREC710NS CEN'T`ER 41500225 • STANDARD HOUSING INVOICE 22,929.00 41500233 PE6RUARY 2007 WORK CREW INV 786.65 Total: 23,715.65' . Y ' . 11325 3/1912007• 000007 GRAINGER 9308086306 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 8.58 . 41461 ~ • ' Total: 8.56 11326 311912007 001237 CREAT LAKES SPECIALIY F'RODUCTS 612084 • DISPLAY FURNITURE FOR CENTEF 4,611.70 • • : , Total : 4,611.70 11327 3/1912007 001273 GREATER SPOKANE DIETE7IC ASSOC 03162007_ . ROOM RENTAL REFUND REQUESI 219J5 • • Total: 219.75 11328 3/19l2007 000441 MOME DEPOT COMMERClAL CREDIT 6035322540850983, SUPPUES FOR CENTERPIACE 318.55 ' ' • • • ' Total: 318.55 11329 3/19l2007 000070 INLAND PO.WER AND LIGHT CO 94202-002 SERVICE ADDRESS: FLORA RD. 38.38 ,94202-003 • SERVICE ADDRESS: DISMMAN MIC 51.96 94202-005 SERVICE ADDRESS: DISWMAN MIC 125.29 . 94202-006 ' - SERVICE ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 201.60 . , • . . • . Totai : 417.23 11330 311912007. 000388 IRV1N WATER DIST. #6 - 112500.0 . SEFtVICE ADDRESS: 135D4 E. MIRP 168.D0 ~ • ~ ' ' ' _ Total : 166.00 Page: 3 vchiist . `Voucher List Page: . .4 0311912007 9:12:46AM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank 5 Voucher Date Vendor . ; . . , • Invoice . . PO # DescriptionlAccount _ Amount 11331 3/1912007 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0044450 • • 41409 CONTRACT NO 06-001, ST MASTEF 4,328.42 . . Total : 4,328.42 11332 3/19/2007:400073 MC CORMICK,:GREG . 03152007 REIMBURSEMENT FOR MILEAGE 67.94 Total: 67.90 11333 3119/2007 001272 MCCRACKEN, M/1RK . 031626Q7 ROOM REN7Al. REFUND REQUES'f 143.50 Total: 143.50 11334 3/19l'2067 001270 MCMORRIS RODGERS, CONGRESSW01 03132007 AUDfi'ORIUM RENTAL REFUND RE 50.00 Total : 50.00 11335, 3119f2007 000033 MCPC, INC. 4302162 ' 41536 BINDERS FOR CI7Y CLERK 140.58 ' - ' - Total: 140.58 11336 3119l2007 000132 PAODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 04500-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: 721 PINES & E 82.65 . 04515-02 . SERVICE ADDRESS: 13313 BROAD 36,64 04553-01 , SERVICE ADDRESS:._16TN & PINES . •71.15 ' • • 04556-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: PINES 8 MISS 95.85 ' 04559-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 11123 MISS 81.25 . 045£2-11 SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 11423 MISS 138.65 04605-02 • SERVICE'ADbRESS: E. 9118 MI5SIi 40.75 . 04639-02. SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 9122 BROA 42.70 04669-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: N. 800 UNIVEf 45.35 -04691-02 SERVICE:ADDRESS:N.°80060WDI 40.70 04732-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: N. 100 BALFC 39.90 ' 04745-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: 9707 SPRAGU 53.45 04792-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 11600-SPRi 50.30 04836-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: 9105 SPRAGU 74.22 • 04966-02 • . SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 12112 SPRI 5,546.10 ~ 04971-01 . SERVICE AD(JRE SS: SPRAGUE & F 144.15 . , - 06811-02 ' SERVICEADDRESS: 9211 ARGOND 53.45 . 07099-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 10701 SPR! 70.07 •07247-02 • SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 9207 MONT 65.34 07750-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 12910 SPRj 35.70 . • . . 07854-02 , SERVICE ADDRESS: E.. 10920 SPRj 59.83 • ' 07861-02 SERVICE ADDRESS:'N. 1600'MULL 43.05 08297-02 SERVICE ADDRE5S: E. 13001 SPRJ 61.62 4 ' • 1 , °vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: . 5 03119I2007 9:12:46AM ' - Spokane Valley • . 3ank code : apbank • . ' - - Voucher Date Vendor ~ • ; Invoice _ PO # . Description/Account, . . . _ Amount 11336 3l19l2007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY (Corrtinued) . 08343-02 SERVICE ADDRESS:.E. 10700 47H i ' 77.52 ' 09779-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: 106'f8 LITES E 224.00 09784-02 5ERVICE ADDRESS: E. 12710 SPW 1,015.07 , 09909-02 . SERVICE ADDRESS: 8614 2ND & Fi 64.45 09919-02 ' SERVICE ADDRESS: 213 2ND & UN 59.55 09963-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: E. 11123.5 MI: 35.52 . . 10038-01 •SERVICE.ADDRESS: 10001 HERALI 46.50 10039-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: 9405 WILLOIN 28.30 10040-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: 9614 FARR 28.30 , • - 10041-01 ' . SERVICE ADDRESS: 10112 DAR7M 28.30 - • . 10042-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: 1402161'H & : ' . 21.65 ' 10046-2 SERVICE ADDRESS: 13102 MISSIO 35.45 10049-02 SERVICE AnDRESS: XWALK BROA 38.39 - - ' Total : 8,675.83 11337 311912007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COUIPANY 09910-02 SERVICE ADDRESS: 114 2ND & DA 14.85 ~ . • ' ' • 10031-02 . ' -SERVICE ADDRESS: 108 APPLEWE 11.20 10176-01 SERVICE ADDRESS: S. 1607 PINEE 21.65 Tatal : 47.80 . • : . . . 11338 311912007 000662 NATIONAL BARRICADE & SIGN CO., OF 54250 . 41462 NATIOPJAL BARRICADE BLANKET F 184.08 . . • ' • . Total : 184.08 111339 .311912007 001268 NORTHWESTTi RAINING INSTITUTE 03122007 GREAT ROOM RENTAL REFUNO RI 434.25 . . ' . • Total: 434.25 11340 3/19/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 375824073-02 41522 SUPPLIES - GEN AND 07 TAGS 5.98 376256671-001 ' . IN-STORE PURCHASE FOR PARKS 26.27 377583844-001 41549 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HR 8 DEPI 86.12 ' 378100031-001 41551 DG-OFFICE SUPPLIES 134.87 378100402-001 41551 DG-OFFICE SUPPLlES . 472.49 ' ' • 41551 . • r 378168684001 41553 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.22 • 378426927-001 • 41556 OFFICE DEPOI' . 55.48 ' • ' • ' ~ . • ` Total : 792.43 11341 3/19/2007 000307 OFFICE OF 7HE STATE TREASURER 03132007 STATE REMITfANCES ' 67,371.54 . . . . Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List . , , • Page: 6 ~ 03/19/2007 9:12:46AM Spokane Vatley Bank code : apbank . ' . , Voucher_ Date •Vendor Invoice . , RO# DescripGonlAccount • , Amount 11341 3/1912007 000307 000307 OFFICE OF THE,STATE TREASUREI (Continued) Total : 67,371.54 11342 3/19/2007 000512 'OFFICETEAM . 18090303 , 'fF-MP. WORKER FOR COMMUNITY 387.75 , . . , . ' Total: 387.75 11343 311912007 000899..`ONEEIGHIY "NEIVVORKS 559887 CEIdTERPLACE AND CITY NALL -T1 828.18 ' . Total: 828.18 11344 3119/2007 001133 PATRIOT FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 7-02-04 FREEZE REPAIR AT CENTERPLACI 81.45 ' . . Total: 81.45 11345 3119/2007 000119 PIP f'RIN7ING INC. 13QU37130 . 41542 LE'ITGRHEAD PRINTING 412.01 ' 1330037041 •°41542 - LETTERNEAD PRINTING 1,060.09 ' . Total : 1,472.10 11346 3/191'2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 20,729 TEMP. WORKERS FOR CENTERPL 1,036.50 Total•: 1,036.50 11347 3119/2007 001,161 PROVISIONAL-STAFFING SERVICES 3908-0500014648 TEMP. WORKEI2 FOR IT SUPPORT 1,02320 ' Total: 1,023.20 11348 3119/2007 000341 RICOH CORPORAi'ION 07042724054 MONTHLY BILLING FOR FINANCE C 246.53 07042724293 MONTHLY BILLING.FOR PERMfT CE ' 412.68 - 07042736121 MON'fMLY 81LUNG FOR FiR COPIEI 23$.92 ' Total : 898.13 11349 3/1912007 001231 RIGHELLIS PC 919 41494 CONTRACT NO. 07-077 RIGHELLIS 728.50 . , Tota I : 728.50 11350 3/19/2007 000733 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERiJATIONAL 6c988 , 41555 MCAFEE ACTIVE VIRUS DEFENSE 2,143.36 • w6m32 •41550 CISCO SMARTNEi' SUPi'ORT CON' 3,110.92 • Total : 5,254.28 11351 ' 3/1912007 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS ` 37698 41464 QUO7E NO. 0001.07 PO7HOLE COl 1,407.46 . • Total : 1,407.46 11352 3/1912007 000090 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMATION, SYS 50300631 JANUARY 2007 131LLING • 15,378.82 • Total : 15,378.82 . , . _ \1 • ' ~ ~ .:~e: 6 vchlist Voi',_ List 7 'M11912007 9:12:46AM Spokane,Valiey 5ank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor . Inv.oice ' PO # Qescription/Account Amount 11353 311912007 000308 SPOKANE COUN7Y PRQSECUTIllG,ATI 03132007 MONTHLY REMITfANCE'FOR CRIN, ' 1,060.54 Total:1,Ofi0.54 11354. 3/19/2007 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTIUTIES 015364l065364 • ' '•SERVICE ADDRESS: 13525 E. 24TH' 167.77 016631/066531 SERVICE ADDRESS: 1901 N. SULU 27.68 017022/067022 ' SERVICE ADORESS: 105 N. BALFO 78.80 0244331074433 SERVICE ADDRESS: 906,N.,PARK F 78.80 027129/077129 SERVICE ADDRESS: 12710'E. SPW 44,23 _ • 0316081081608 ' SERVICE ADDRESS: 11423'E. MIS~S 255.18' , 434354l106428 SERVICE ADD,RESS: 606 S. PARK F 62.68 , . 0370591109325 SERVICE ADDRESS: 13504 E. iU11RP 62.68 • 0429031115953 SERVICE ADDRESS: 2426 N. DISCC 781,95 . ' Total : 1,559.78 11355 3/19/2007 000374 SPOKANE REGIONAL, CliAMBER OF CC 53705 . MEMSER REGISTRATION FOR DIAI 10.00 54419 ' MEMBER REGISTRATION FOR DIA1 . 20.00 . Total : 30.00 11356 3/1912007 001160 TOWER ELECTRICAL SERVICES 0020794-in 41369 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2,881:06 Total : 2,981.08 11357 3119/2007 000646 U.S. FOSTAL SERVICE, NEOPOST POS"f 03162007 WIRE TRANSFER 3,010.00 , Total : 3,010.00 11358 3119/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0001-031971.02 SERVICE ADDI2ESS: UNKNOWN 72.78 ' .0001-032805.00' SERVICE ADDRESS: 15008 E. MISS 21.63 0002-001425.01 SERVICE ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 163.81 0004-000755.01 SER1VE ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 154.97 ' • 0005-016348.01 . SERVICE.ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 58.97 • 0006=033021.00 SERVICE•ADDRE3S: EVERGREEN 21.63 - 0016-007780.00 SERVICf.ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 22.98 0018-031941.01 SERVICE ADDRESS: UNlCNOWN 53.18 . 0018-032752.00 SERVICE;ADDRESS:..160;4.$. ST. CF 20.71 . ' . 0099-0fl0005.00 SERVICE ADDRESS: .UNKNOWN 1,714.40 Total : 2,305.06 11359 3119/2007 001271 WALLACE, SCOTT 03152007 • REIM8URSEMEN7 FOR PARKING 9.00 .1r . . ' Page: • 7 - . vchfis4 , Vbucher List Page: 8 p 0311912007 9:12:46AM - S,pbkane Valley . . 6ank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor- ' ' • Invoice - • PO # ' Qescription/Account . ' Amount 11359 3I19/2007 001271 .001271 WALLACE, SCOTT (Continued) . Total : 9.00 11350 3119J2407 000038 VVASTE MANAGEMErlT OF SPOKANE 0035427-2881-9 . ' WASTE SERVICES AT CENTERPUI 55.00 . 1895139-2681=7 • WASTE SERViCES FOR nARKS & F 341.23 Total : 396.23 ' 11361 3/19/2007 000255 WFOA , . 4649 41546 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING SEMI 200.00 Total : 200.00 11362 3119l2007 000310 WSAMA 03152007" • 2007 WSAMA CONFERENCE-CONN 190.00 03152007 ' 2007 WSAMA CONFERENCE-DR{SM 215.00 Total: 405.00 64 Vouchers for bank code apbank . . Bank total : 268,243.65 64 Vouchers in this report - ' Total vouchers 268,243.65 • APPROWM • . , I, the undersl9ned, do oertifY under penafty af perjury, . • that tha materials have 6sen lumished, the serviass Ken Thompson, rnancc Director , Date ' rendered, or the labor performed as desaibcd herein ' • _ and thai the clafm Is just, due and an unpafd obllgation ~ • against the City of'Spokano Val['ey, and that I em authoriz:ed t4 authenticate and ceRify to said Gaim. , MA'S'OY° wll ~ e~ Financo Director Date . . . \ ~ , ' ' . v _ • .ry ' • -Lounelmemaer Page: 8 ; : _ . . , ` . . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 03-27-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending March 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: . , RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 154,632.84 Benefits: $ 21.290.37 - TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 175,923.21 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS D12.t1FT MTNU 1 ES ' City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Mecting Tuesday, February 27,2007 Mayor \Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., ancl welcomed everyone to the 110`h meeting. Atlendance: eiry sraff. . Diana VVilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, CiCy vlvnager Steve Titylor, Ueputy Mayor iNiiia Regor; lleputy City Manager Dick ]aenenny, Councilmember Mike Connelly, Ciry Attorney Mil:e DeVleming, Councilmember Nlarina Sukup, Community Devctopment 17ir. T3ill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Dircctor Rich Munson, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Gary 5chimmels; Councilmember Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analys/ - Carolbelle Branch, Public lnformation pfficcr Greg Bingaman, 1T Specialist Chris Bainhriclge, City C1erk 1NVOCATION: Pastor MarCia "1'aylor, of Fasl Valley Presbyterian Church gave the invocation. YLEllGE OF Ai.,LEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the Plcdge of Allegiance. 1tULL CA.Gi.,: Cicy Clerk 13ainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. ~ APPROVAL ONy AGE\TDA: It was moved by .l~eputy Mayor Taylor, secarrded rnrd ununimorrsly agreed to approve the anretrded agenda. 1NTRQDTJCTION OI+' SPECIAi., GUESI'S AND PR.F,SE1V'I'ATIONS: None. CQAUM-i'CTEE. BOAI2D, LTATS0IT SU'Nli~tARY REPOl2T5: Councilmember Schimmels: reporl;ed that he attentied a few functions and visits witM the Legislators in Olympia; that he also stopped at the ai'fice of the King Co Slicriff and the Pierce Caunty Sheriff, where he mct wi[h a technical group whieh conducts their contracts and liaison infornlation with the SherifPs Office; and thac representatives from those offices are willing to come over foe a stucty session. Gouncilmember llenennv: saicl lhat lie met wi[h the Health Board. DequtV Nfavor '1"avlor: explainecl he attended his First meeting as a member of the Solid Waste tldvisnry Committee, where [tiey diseussed the Plan Council was briefcd on previously. CouncilrncmbEr Gothmann: said Iie was appoiuted to the Area Aging and L.ong Term Care Board of Fastern Washington, and t.hal he and Ian Robertsnn gave a prescntatinn on what is being done for seniors in our v-ea. Councilmcmbcr Mtmson: repoi-ted that while in Olympia representino the City of Spokanc Valley, he wa,.s also representulg the AssociaCian of VVashington Cities; a.nd that he also attended a GVIA Stcering Committee of Elected Officials, and that there is still no conclusion on how to fix the Caunty Wicle Planning Policies. CoLmcilmember DeVleming: no i-eport. A'IAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite'reportecl tha[ she also traveled to Olympia to meet with Ilie Legislators; and attended the GIv1A meeting; tliat she participated in the Cown meeting al CenterPlace wich Congresswoman Mevlorris, and attendccl a WSU Advisory Board meeting. Ceuncil Meetaig: 02-27-07 Page 1 of 9 Approved by Council: DRAFT 1'U13LIC COMIVIFNTS: ;1Tayor Wilhite invited general public comments. Patrick Martin. E 6606 7`" Avenue: spoke conccrning the Eclaeclift Community, and School District n81 " closing 1'ratt Flementary School; saici that the children will now have to be bussed; that Pratt Elementary School building will be changed to an atlminish•at.ive building with parking areas for one hutidred additional vehicles; that the area is especially dangerous for the kids, and he asks Council to contact the School laistrict a.nd tel) them of these concerns, adding that thcre will be a public meeting tomorrow night aC R.oosevelt Elementary at 7:00 p.m. Mikc rlanigan. 1712 S McCabe: concerning Centerl'lace, he explained that citizens' primary coucern is to have effective law en.f'orcement and training of offcers, ancl that falls within the purview of that builcling; that CenterPlace is a facility for the betterment of our community, and he feels training of police officers from the region mcets that criteria; that offieer krainiitg pro~,*rams hclp bring up the 20% needed fbr regional aclivilies, and lie urged Council to Nvork with staff to get this ironed out and continue havi.ng the trxining programs. Gail Stiltner. 10119 E 44'h Avenue: concerning CenterPlace, she said she wanted to remind council that many people feel this wa..s a decision not in keeping with the community spirit; and that she fnds the dispute diffcult to understitnd or to explain to others; and dnesn't understand why high level training is permitted but not in-service; that she feels this is a matter of narrow definitions or semantics; and she askeci Council to re-examine this issue as she feels the Sheriff's Office should have access to the center. Sandra T amoe-vlartin: E 6606 7ffi Avenue: eoneerning Pratt T'lementary; she said she has solicited the assistance of neiahboring busincsses for their support to help ovcr-throw the Schonl Board's decision, wid the businesses tnld her it was a pnlitical decision; she asked Council for help as she said they don't want to lose the sctiool, which would also mean no funding for Weed and Seed; that the children will be bused co anot}ie.r school, ancl she feels the erime that has been eradicated will rehirn. VTayor Wilhite explained that Chis is a niatter for the School Boud, and that while she understands the iiiiportance of the school, and that Councilmembers can weigh-in on the issue; tliey have no control over the Schaol Board. 1. CONSEN7 AGEN'DA: Consists of items considered routinc which 1re approved a.s a proup. A Councilmember may remove an item £rom the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. rollowing Claim Vouchers: ~ VOUCI-iEK. LTST DATE ~ VOUCHTR #s ~ TOTAI.. VOUCHER r1~v10UN'1' 01-26-2007 ~ 10957- l p997 ~ $48,019.45 02-02-2007 11007-11042 ~ $47,319.42 02-08-2007 11043-11076 ~ $498,693.09 GRAND 1'(:)'I"AL $59=4,031.96 ~ b. Payroll for Period Fnding February 15, 2007: $172;666.08 c. Ivlinutes of Jaiwaiy 30, 2007 Council Study Session Meeting d. Minutes of February 6, 2007 Council Speeial Ivlecting e. Minutes of February 20, 2007 Council Stucly Session Meeting Ct ivas nroved by Coin7cilmember Utmsorl, seconcled, und unmtrmously agreed tu approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmemner Munson asked about the possibility of passing a r4solution addressing the 11'ratt rlementary School issue, and City nttorney Connelly said he is not aware of any prohibition, but dhat the rnatter should probably be noticed prior to taking that action. Cowicil Meeting: 02-27-07 Page 2 af 9 Approved b}' Counc.il: DRAFT , NEVV BUSTi~~.SS 2. Yronosed Resolution 07-001 Extendinv- Cable Fra,nchise - MorQan Koudclka Administrative tlnalyst Kqudelka explained the backg-ound on this resolutiqn, which would extend t}Ze City's current franchisE ag-ccment with Comcast for an adclitional three months, thereby giving further review time. It was ►nnved by Cornrcilnre►rrber Gothmunry and secotrded to approve Resolution 07-001 implementing a conlinuution period for tlie cable television frcrnchrse tivitl7 Conrcust through.Jurre 5, 2007. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Tonv Lam iis. 1626 E Emoire. said that he woulcE ]ike Council to .tsk more questions so we kliow Nvfiat we're negotiating and a..skino so the public knows tivhat kind nf contract we are looking at; and that he hopes things are happening for the benefit of the public. Mayor Wilhite invited furt}ier comments; no further coinments Nvere offered. Deputy Nlayor Taylor explained that this action extends the current francliise agreement, which gives Cotncast and the Ciry more time for ncgotiations and diseussion. Vnte by Acclaniation: L: Fuva•: Uita3aimous. Opposed; tVone. flbslentivns: None. jWotion currietl. 3. vlotion C:onsideration: SR'1'C Aoprnval of Proicct Annlications - Steve Wnrlev It was moved Gy Ueputy jWciyor Taylor aitd secardetl lo upprove tlte list of project applicativrrs rurrl uuthorize tlre Xfuybr to sign eacl2 applicution as required by SkTC. T'noineer Worley explained that applications au-e due the end of dhis week, and he submitted a revised list of proposcd project applications. ,VIr. Worley said that the fgures are estimates, but he believes any changes aRer this point would be minor; and that st•aff continues to gather infornnation regarding the eligibility of t:hc projects with the SR`CC criteria. Mr. Worley also mentiuned that project 96 nn the list deals with bus lanes only, and iPt-11at projecC is successful, they will try to secure additinnal fuuds fior the remainder of Sprague. Mayor Wilhite invited public eomment. Tonv Laczinis. 1626 T: EmUire, asked about the particulars qf the projects, and Mr. Nlercicr hajided Alr. Lazanis a copy of the list of propose.d project applications. Mr. Worley - concluded by stating tliat dhe projects are not listed in any particulzir order or priority. Vnte hy ' Accltumutinn: In Favor: Uiurnimouc. Qpposed: None. Abstentinns: 1Vone. Motion carried. J: 4. Motion Consideration: Annroval of Alemorandum of Understandinp- Sewer Paveback- Steve Worlev It ivas nroved by.Deputy Mayor Taylvr uncl seconded to approve the Alemorund:an of Underslanding ivitlt Spokuire Countyfor the 2007 ,Sewer Prngrairt and auflrarize tl7e City Mmrager or clesignee tv sigri 1he doctnnerrt. Engineer Worley explained that as reviewed last week, this is fur our participation in the Septic Tank L-limination Program (STFP) and is an agreement to pay for the full-width paving scheduled for diis year; that die sgeeement is the same as last year but with diPferent dollar amounts. Mayor Wilhite invitecl public comment; no eomrnents were offered. DepuCy 'Mayor Tayloe added that Council hacl aiSCUSSIqIIS in the pasC regarding full-Nvidth paving; and that the issue of fundi.ng has noC been totally resolved for this project; but coimcil decicled lo go aliead and fund full-width paving until the City's Street Ntasterplan is adoptecl; adding that ultimately we will nccd additional dedicated funding for this service of full width paving, as we are depleting our road fund dollars by doino tliis. Vote by Acclamation: Irr Ftrvor: Urrarrimous. 4pposed: Arone. Abstentions: 1Vorre. Alotion car°riecl. 5. Mavoral Anpointments: Lodszina'I'ax Advisorv Commirtee - Mavor Wilhit.e Mayor Wilhite explained diat there are two openings on this comnlittee, along with an openinb for a member of Council to be represcnted; that one position is for a member representing businesses required to collect the tax, and the other vacanc}° is to represent an orgar►izai.ion authorized to be funded by the tax. Mayor Wilhite said that the position was posted on the City's webpage, in the newspaper, and was mailed out to numerous entities; atid that three applications were received within the deadline. Aqayor GVilhite urtnotarced Fler desired appointmetat Of EICIOIiIlC1 Sha►v of the Greater Spolcane valley Chamber of , Cai7rnerce f,nr one year; Lee Cumeron of Mirabenu Purk Ilotel for hvo years, aird Ueputy ArlmJor Sce%,E Taylor for one year. Mayor Wilhite iiivited public comment: M.iSce FlaniRan. 1712 5McCahe: extendecl , his "kudos" tn Council for Iaeputy Mayor Ta}'lor's and the Committee's work. Mayor Wilhite invited - further public comment; no fiirChcr comments were offered. It ►vas moved by Coutlcilnremher Mimsoir Council Meeting: 02-27-07 Page 3 of 9 Approved bv Couricil: 17RAFT mrd secondecl l0 confrirt the Mcryor's uppointnterrt of Deputy 1Ylayor Iuylor for one year, Eldunna Shmv jor one year, and Lee Canteron for two years. Vote hy Accluntatiott: br f"avor: Unuiiimous. Opposed: • Rlone. Absteiilivns' 1\'one. :1lotion carried. J PUBLIC CONn9EnjTS Mayor Wilhite invited general public comments; no comments were offered. AnMIiN15'I12ATTVlC REPURTS: 6. Uniform Develonment Code 1`itles 17, 19. 22 and 24 - Marina Sukun Community Development Direetor Sukup said chat this is a brief rcport to inform Council af some minor changes. She explained the fqllowing change.s: . title 17 would change the chart designating the rypes of pcrmits and put shoreline permits as Type LT, wliic.h are subject to administrative approvals. 'lhe conditioned and variaiice pennits would be issued hy the dcpartment, they are subjec.t to a joint review applicatinn, and this would remove the requirement that everything go co a public hearing bcfore the Hearing Fxaminer. She said the appeals from the cienial of a sMoreline would go to the Shoreline_s Hearing Board; and appeals of an administrative decision would go to the Hear'►ng r;ra►niner if dhat was the method the itpplicarlt chose to pursue. . Title 19, sincl 24: the Plannin; Commission received numerous public comrnents; with the general compliant of lack of review time; and the 1'lanriing Co►nmission continued the public liearings on Title 24 and 19 to Vtarch 8, with t.he proviso that the airpoi-t hazard overlay zone be immedia[ely f'orv,,arded to the Council. Titlc 22: design and development standards, the 1'liinning Commission eontinued that public hearing to March 22. , Ms. Sukup further stated that she is meeting with dle Home $uildcrs Association here Comorrow at 7:00 a.m., anc1 evcry Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. through the end of Mareh., she will meet with varinus neighborhoods groups to hesr concerns and answer questions. Councilmetnber 17eNrleming asked if when Council sees these titles again, iP tliere is away to mttke sure Councilmembers can differentiate the new changes f'rotn what Council has already considerecL vis. Sukup said tllere are some areas which will be difficult to identify, as staff faund some mindr ehanges, along with members of the public recommendina CI7111gES to the use chlrts; and that Council will again iCCClVO tll0 IIOtt (IfaRS in traek-change format. Cotuiciltnember Munson asked 1bout whic.h title contained the orientation of homes on lots that Council prcviously discussed; and Ibis. Sukup answered that was '1 itle 20, Subdivisions, and that Cnuneil has completed its review of that litle. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 6:55 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. 6a. GenterPlacc Use Puliev Discussion Conversation beaan with Cnuncilmetnber Gothmann staking that he feels Nve are iiot serving our customer; the Community Colleges, as well as Nve could, and that it apnears we are lryinb to micra-manage what , they do; and that it also appears the College is crying to rent out only approrimalely S% of their total capaciry, with the 5% based on assumed use of eight liours a day, fve ciays aweek. Mayor 1Vilhite remarkcd that there are legal requirements tn be met as noticed in the Certificatc of City, but in reading the R.C1V's, there appears to be noching •thaC covers education; t11at the Community Colleges are stiv¢gling to hold classes; that it was deterrriined we need tn use 20% of the space we• lease them for regional everlts, and perhaps a solut.ion to consider is tn lakc that 20% back under the City's purvicw and control, and leave the CoIleges „rith the rest of the classrooms the_y have; which woulcl mcan that 20% must still be used for rebiortat event~s, and in discussing this with bond counsel Mike Ormsby, things that are special events i.riclude cammunity events, sporting events; theatrical events, trade shows, and Cotmcil Meeting: 02-27-07 Paae 4 of 9 Approtred by Gouncil: DRAFT ~ musicals; and that doesti't rnean those things must have 20% atteiidance from peoplc outsidc the area; . therefore, she expidined that perhaps wc necd to define what typcs of activities would be permitted. Deputy vlayor Taylor agreed tliat removing the 20% gets the confusing regional definition out of the way; and Councilmember Munson added that would mean tive cnuld re-negotiate the contract with the Colleges and reduce their "footprint" by 20%. Ivtayor Wilhite said the College's letter indieated that might be a pnssibility to cxplore. Attorney Connelly said the 20% regional use is eonfusing; that the lease and the Certifcate of City wcre «ritten based on iJie assumption that a Community College cun-iculum wotild have artistic, musical, tlieatrical exhibits, etc, and it was assumed that wauld bc about 20% of the use; when there are other uses outside the Commuoity College's actual use, that assumption may no longer be valid, and if it reaclies.a pnint where it is not valid, the revenue stream aould be affieeted. Attorncy Connclly said that prablem would be salved if we simply "earved out" 20% of the space and mad'e it a part of the regional facility; which is the bulk of the use for the Center, thereby leaving the remaining 80% of the space with the restriction that use would have to be for a legitimate public purpose ta a public entity, i.e., a govemmental public enlity t:o use that space, tllereby preserving our tax-eYempt sCatus of the bonds whiclt were used to build the facility; 111d 1l 1}lal point il becomcs a policy issue_ Mr. Connelly said the policy issue is what types of use.s does Council want to allow in that remaining space. City Manager vlercier said that in discussions with personnel from the CoIleges, tlley Nvelcomc the opportunity ta know they could re-size lheir presence in the building given that enrollments have been less than expected, buC that we are still at the conceptual stage of the conversation with Council and staf.f has nol bccn authorized to re-negotiate a teiue, ancl st.aff would require such authorization before proceeding as any revised lease must be approved by C:ouncil. Mr. ivercier said there are sevErul decisiorrs: /I1 ivhElher there is a cnn.rensus of Council that staff shuuld re-ne.euticrte a lease wi16r the Com»aunitv ColleQe autliurities corrcerninO the crnrnzunt nfsoace allocated to tllem in order for the Citv ta capture 20% ot that snace to satisfv the bond arrd reeional recruirement elemenl; and it Council is .so inclined rnid r7evolialio►rs ure successfiJ leadinQ to that cortcltision, the next decisions ivotdd be (2) enumerution of what vreciselv Cowrcrl wan1s to r.rchieve tivit{r that snace ln the buildinQ. t80% of 111e educntiat wirrg and not the entire buildiirQ) and (3) ►vhnt ivould be the list ofautl7arized itses. vlaynr Wilhile Expressed her desire to broaden the definition of what is allovvable in that space to c.onsider within certain parameters, work force type of trainin;; and that she understands the need to have the space available to many entities and therefore, we wnuld not baok to companies on an on-going basis. Attorney Connelly added thac if tJie use is a convention, conference or special event type use, it would fall under thc rt:gion7l defi.niY.ion; but that any contract or agreement must be carerully scrutinized with any privlte entity far extended use of the facility 1s that could jeopardize the tax exempt status; and once Couiicil detenrines what kind of uses it wants to allow, a lease could be wTitten lo preclucie lhese kinds of problems from recurring, and one way to do that would be not to sub-lease at all, or have very restrictive sub-leasing. Councilmeinber v(.unson said that as CAUncil develops any policy about usage, to include the Community Colleges and our staff in t11at c.onversation to determine what their goals are in using that space for ac.ademic purposes and whether that would it wiCh what we are trying to accomplish. According to exeerpts from a letter from the Colleges; Councilmember Gothmann said the Colleges are open to re-examination of the am4unt of leased space they have in the facility. In responsc to questions abaut renting the facility for events, tltlorney Connelly said we can rent space to anyone for regional uses such as conventions and conferences a.nd snccial cvents; that the City is the public entity which can rent the uses <<s defncd b}' statute; but we cannqt turn it over by way of lease oe contract to a private entity for their use by way of a long-terin lease; and that statute very specifa►Ily defines "regional use" as convention, conference or special event center, wich speeial event center defiricd . ~ as one used for GOCOIII.[Tllllllty CVGIItS, sporling GYGt11s, tr3dE SllOwS and aPf15t1C, It1USICfll, fl7C1tCIC3l OC Couneil Meeting: 02-27-07 Page 5 of 9 Approvecl by Council: T)RAFT eYt►ibitions, presentatiUns or perf'ormances;" and it would likely be permissible to have the space rented out for a singlc event; but not to lease space Por a specified time period; and it was mentioned that the Convention Center dowmtown does not leasc their space out to any person or entity. To further clarify, Mr. Connelly said if we usecl 100% Facility llistrict funds to build lhis building, the Communit), College woulcl not have been able to lease that space, as they are not a regianal use; and the issue is; wfiat does Council want to use those eighl classrooms for, and the only restriction is it must be used by a public entity; and if the CollegGS want to lease out those eight classrooms, the lease shoulcl be written so Council knows exactly what will happen tliere and will not be faced widi an Lmanticipated user. ylr. Vfercier further explained that if Council wants to defne tliat sub-leasing to public entities is acccptable, it is important not to be arbitrary and eapricious; and as Council clef.ines a policy of lhat nature, it is imporiant co eonceive of the rangc of public entities whieh might want tn usc that space ancl for what purposes, whether offiee, programmin;;, Some eombination or olher, and to determine if dhat use is the intended use and purpose of the building; and in the absence of a marketing plan, we do not knnw the continued use EYpectations of the Colleoe, Mr. Mercier said staff made an offer Co Chancellor Livingston lasl week about discussing re-sizing the space; and while the C;ollege's dcmand is building, iP lhcir prograrn people wquld work with ours to identify «fiat is available when, we would bc happy to add that tn our marketing plan so chey could be used as break-out rooms for example, for an incoming cnnference to help generate some income for the college. Mr. Mercier said other items for Council to considEr are (l) whetkler Council wants to allow sub-leasing and if sn, for what type of use (ofI°ice, cvcapqns training, or somexhing else); (2) to consider speeific defnitions so a.s not to have any confiusion and everyone will knotiv exactly what "work fore.e" and "in- service training" a.nd other terins mean; that il is not merely semanties, but cveryone must have the same ciefmition of the terms. As an exarriple, Mr. Mercier saicf work f'orce training could rnean training f'or a ciew teclinology, or tu re-train the entire workforce because the current type qfwork is no longer available br vial)le; or could mean somet.hing to do with anyone unemployed needing work force txaining; hence the . imporcance of well-defined terniinology. . Council discussion turned to negotiation versus setting policy; whethcr the building manager cnuld hanclle the genei-al uses; ]nnking al the br4ad andlor the more narrow issue of use; CdunCilmCmbers' visions for classronm use; whether the facility shoulcl bc used as a deputy traininj center; the need fdr a marketinc, business plan; that wnrk Force traiiiing has ahways bEen a part of the buildinb's planned use; whether we are goina lU furiher the eviction prnce.ss of the Sheriff's Office; whether to include the Colleges in the discussion of policy use; if the Sheriff's Office (or any renter) should have office space; whether sub- leasing should be allowed at all; the goal eo promote education in the communiry; and that this is strictly a policy which should be clefined by Council. Bv soecial reauest of Councilmember Schimmels. these are his verbatim comments: "I believe that we have an immediate problem nver there t}iat we haven't addresseci, and i think a good share of that should be addressed tonight; are ive going to further the eviction notice or nnt. 1 think that we have tn ask the question about broadening the scope of just the understanding of what we have on the lease, what we have over there. ( for one do not believe that we wauld have to re-riegotiate that lease at this point ancl time if we had mnre eonversat.ion about what's happening over there. And then lool:ing cfown tlie roacl, but, going to a broader, longer term, not a quick study as far as what we want to do with that building down the road. ]3eeause there's 1}een cAmments macle that the people that are the players today rtlay not be there tomorrow. Iwrould certainly not want to limit that, that we would force them out ght. But I think that wc have to addivss what we have for that reasoning; or for any reasoning in that lic over there today and put it to rest one way or the nther. T rnean; it's, to me it's nol gooc1 business on anyonc's part tq stalemate this any Purther." Council Mecting: 02-27-07 Page 6 of 9 Approved by Council: llKAFT "I'd like to just to say a cAUple things. Nir. Munson mentioned the office use, and this is part of this ~ - problem with this agreemenY and the Certifieate or anything, interpretation. 1 look in that a?reement and I . see the word "office" allow•e_d; but that's a bold statement, so 1 don't l:now how }rou diffcrcntiate between nur oflic;e as the City's office there, the College's otfice; and nor the Sheriff or whocnever. It's not an office complex per se, but it's pait of the function of just dlere being there. I3ut i'd like to say one more thinQ, that in talking with the technical service people in Kin? County in the SherifCs Department, we are the bold envy in the S1ate of Washington as far as training in Spokane County; and 1 think we should think about that." "I feel diat's part of the pracess (in response to Deputy Ma}=or Taylor's rcmarks about any public entity's use of the building or wheeher the builcling should be used for edueation). The administration over there can only carry so many briefcases to and from; 1 mean you have to have somewhere to hang their 11at. i, to me that defies common sense really. Tt his to be part in cnnjunctinn with that is happening over there." T6rere wa,s Coinrcit conserrsus tFrat lvli% 111ercrer talk ivith Agi. Livirigston to re-riegotiate the lease (tlre College's footprint) crncl that the City will retrieve the 20% as discussed. Mayor Wilhite added that the remaining issue is to craft a policy on usage of that particular space that may or may nnt be le<YSed oul to another government agency as to typcs of uses; and thac shc agrees in the need to iiiclude work force training; but she would prefer to craft the policy fnr other business community members' use on a ease by case basis so as not to tie up the f'acility tor long term usage. Ivir. Mercier eoricurrcd that the Community Colleges want to laiow what Cotmcil has in mind for the building. 17eputy Mayor'1 aylnr said he believes those subletting the spacc should have a desk and an lnteniet port provided by the Commwiity Colleges to administer the tritining that is noing on in the faeility; bul net to have full- time office space; and Counc.ilmember Gothmann agreed that any office space must be instructionalty related. Ueputy Mayor I'aylor added that the pri.mary focus for the classrooms is for an educational - inseitution lo use the classmorTis to promote education in the conununity; and if they (die Community College) are having problems filling Lip t.he classrooms during t:his building phase of their lease term which they have (until 2010), he wants to give them the flexibility to sub-lease, with prior (;ouncil approval, that the sub-lease has to be approved annually by the City, but ta inake surc that when thcy sub- lease, they are not crowding out their o,,rm efforts to fll it with the appropriale use that we want iC to; and so attaching some kind af percentage, perhaps 20 or 30% as a maximum amount that the sub-lessee's space should occupy, but he added that he does not want to get into those specifcs, but mnre of a general concept.; that Council fureher tle6nc workforce training ta include some in-service training for that sub- lcase; and sug~cst that Council place the same type of restrictions on office space for the sub-lessee as for the Community Colleges. Ivlayor Williite clarified that the lessor and any sub-lease must be a governmental agency, and that she lilces the idea of a perr.entage; which bives limited space for the sub- lcttin~. 77'liere tivas Council consensua o►1 the use nf pereentages, lrrnited term of a st.rb-lease; that svme suG-lertiirg is allowable hut t72ilSl bE to cr puUlic entity; the vvnrk fa~ce n~airrirrg arrd i~:-servlce tralnii74 would Ge allowed as netivly deftned; that office use wvuld bc defirrecl us the intcnt fo,• the eur•rent use c>f the Comrnun ity Colleges, i.e., offce use is there fvr the operation vf wI7Ut 1S C)CCLIi'Yii7g Ul 1{IE CGIJIeY; that ivE recngitize the Cont»riality Colleges lrus office space they zae for their prograunming, atrtl thut the City Irus office space they cn-e using 1o aperule the fucility; und if u sub-leuse is used, the Colleges could make cu7 aclminisn•ative spcrce fnr their sub-lessee to have u desk antl u cvmputer par•t fo deul tivith ucfnainrslrutiorr vf lhut tr•criiTing being provided rn that faciliry only; ►vl2ich is not a sub-lease for office space, but is a recogrritiar lhat the Cmmiiturlity College's Admirrrs[rative urea curt allow 1Izu1 tlesk ser•vice jor an iirdividual to do their progrmrt. ?'Jrere was alsv cotrseruus ►vith Muyor Willrite's suggestioir thut trs offiee spnce, hotli the Conrmuiiity Colleges aird any lessee use ytn inore thrnr one roorrr total; rnld tlrat rn Mr. .A16°cier s conversations witfi the Conanaunity C'olleges, that we will inr.licale 1o lhem thrrt ci minority ojthi Council hteeting: 02-27-07 Page 7 of 9 Approved by Council: DK..ATT space lhat they lrave leased hy ars be eligible for sub-lecrse, cu7r1 we will try to qucrntify rl7ut nrore directly , in the corrversations. To recap: Staff suggested: Council actinn or consideration neecJecl: • detennine policy for use types permitt:ed ■ determinc if staff should re-negotiate lease ■ cteterrr►ine if City should take back the 20% space ■ determine the precise use of thnse eigFlt CI3.SSYAOIIIS ■ determine if sub-leasing will he permitted and if so, f.'or what (office, weapans training, etc.) ■ detine ternls such as "wOrk force" ttncl "II1-Se['VICB Ll'Sllllllg" Council cautions to consider: 5cnitinize any contract wit:h private eiitity carefully so we dqn't jeopardize tax exempt status ■ Cannot lease 5pace for ]ong-term use to private entity ■ The Community Colleoc use is not a Xegiatrul use ■ If sub-lcasing, must not be arbitrary and capricious; must define policy Council consensus: • Mr. Mercier will talk %vith Ivir. I ivingston to re-negoliate the lease ■ The City will retrievc the 20% as discussed ■ Use a pereentage (perhaps 20 or 30%) a..s a rnaximum amoumt a suh-lessee's space could occupy ■ Have limitetl ternl of a sub-Ie.ase ■ Sub-lease must only be with a public entity ■ Work force lraining and in-service training would be allowed as newly de[ined ■ Office space use only for eurrent use of Community Colleoes ■ ls appropriate f'or a sub-lessee tn have a dcsk and Internet port for lraining in the facility only ~ ■ That the afore-mentioned of.Tice space, bnth the Community Colleges and any lessee hiivc nu ~ . ; more than onc r4oin total •We will indicate to the Colleges that a minority of elie space ihey have leased by us be eligible for sub-lease, ancl Nve Nvill try fo quantify that mnre directly M.r. iMercier mentioned [hat after Council has had a chance to review these meeting minutes to ensure we have cantured all elements, we will schedule an approlch to the Community Colleges to discuss re- negotiation of the lease. Coutrcil concurred. ln summary, Mr. Mercier said that a notice has been submitted ro the Sherifl's Office for them to relocate their office operation and in-seivice training to another facilit}; that they a.re eligible to eontinuc as any other entity wquld be eligible, for tFieir regional seminars; and wr; hnow that tlley have advertised certain programming; through September, and we have told them to proceed to f ll their adverliscd obligations through September. LYFO1tAI.4TTQ1i 01'LY: '["hese topics were not discussed and were inclucjecl in the Council's paaket as informaiional items only: (7) sictewqlk ordinance; proposecl amendctl 2007 Transportation Improvement Progi-am ("I71P), and (9) Permit Center Update. In other business, Mayor Wilhite mentianed tile upcoming .fune 12 AVVC conference in Tac;oma; and lleputy NIa}ror Taylor mentioned that the NLC, EFNR (Encrgy, Environment, and Natura1 Resoui-ces) Steering Committee will hold its Septcrnber 27 through 29 meeting at CenterPlace. . , Council lvtccting: 02-27-07 . Page 8 of 9 Approved by Cauncil: DRAYT j There being no fiirthei° business, i1 wus naavEd, sECUnc1ed, wrd ununimously agreed !o adjourri. "1"he meeting adjourned aC 8:30 p.m. ATTCST: I7iana Wilhite, Mayror Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ Council Meeti.ng: 02-27-07 1'age 9 of 9 Approved Uy Council: DRt1FT M11v[JTES City of Spokanc Vallcy City Council Special 1'[eeting Tuesday, Mxrch G, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called tlie meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., aiid welcomed everyone to the 111'h meeting. Attei:dance: City S[njf Diana Wilhite, Mayor . Dave iMercier, City Nlanager Dick Iaenenny, Councilmembcr Nina R.egar, T)epui:y City Ma.nager IVlike lleVleming, Councilinember vlil:e Connelly, City Attorney , Bill Gothminn, Councilmember vlarina Sukup, Commimity I7e<<elopment Dir. Ken Thompson; Finanee Director .iohn Wohman, Senior T:ngineer Abserrl: iVlike Jackson, l'arks & Recreation Director Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Scott Kuhtti, Senior Plfuiner Rich Ivlunson, Cnuncilmember Carolbelle Branch; Public Infonnation Officer Gary Schimrnels, Councilmembcr Grec, Bingaman, 1T Specialist Chris Bainbriclge, City Clerk INVUCATION: Pastor Darrell Cole from Wesleyan Church gave the invocation. Pi,,FDGF OF Ai.,T.,FGTANCF: vlayor Wilhite led tlie Pledge of Allegianec. RQLI. CALL: City Clerk Rainbridoe called rnll; all Councilmembers were present except Ueputy Mayor Taylor, Councilmember Munson, and Councilmember Schimmels. It wcrs mo>>ed hy Cvu,rcilmember Galllmarin, secortded and u3lanitrtvusly agreed 1o excuse Deputy Mayor Tavlor and Cow7cihnenrbers Mzmson ancl &hintmelsJrom tonight's meeling. APFROVAL QF AGENDA: It was ►noved by Counci!►nember 1aenenny, secondetl ui:tl ut:animoaisly a,greed to approve tlre agenda as prese►tted. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUCSTS E1ND PRESENTATIONS: 'None. COM17Ti'TEE. BQARD, LTAiSQN SUN11rIARY REPORTS: Councilmember Denennv: rnentioiied that there will be a mectina tomorrow of the complete T~~tDL (Total Ma.Yimum Daily Load) regarding evastewater treatment, ancl that he anticipates the mee.ting will lye infnnnative by the oversight grnups and other groups as they work their way to tirm thc relationships ainong all entities. Councilmemhcr Gothmann: mcntioncd hc attcndcd a mceting today wit:h Seott Kuhta who gave a presentation to the Chamher af Commerce on the plans for the coITidor's future. MAYQR'S ,R,FFQRT: Mayor Wilhite reportecl that she mec with the Mayor of Bridgeport brieily; she attended the Association af vlayor's meeting where chey diseussed issues such as polieing and the building boom still going on around county; and that she attended a small dinner for the Ambassador of Afjhan. Viayor Wilhite Chen read the proclamation for Nleals on Wheels, entitled "March for Meals." Council Meeting: 63-06-07 . Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DKAFT I'iTBLIC COM-LVIEN7S: Lewis Osman. 4411 SWoodruff' Rd in Panderosa: spoke in regard to the proposed Uniform Development ~ 1 ille 19; he said that he has properCy on the corner nF Moodruff and 44`h; that prior to our incorporation; Spokane Count}, said he'cl have to waiC until 2007 for sewers until he could do something with his proper[}; but now that we are own eity, he received aflycr about subdividing property; he wantcd to k.no«' what he caii do now as he wanted to builcl a horne on his extra acreage. Ma}'or Wilhite said that staff would be contacting him soon regarding. 1. CONSENT AGE\'nA: Consists oF items considered routine wfiich are approved as a group. A Councilmember may removE an itcm fi•om the Consent Agenda to be eonsidered separately. a. Following Claim Vouchers: VQi.jCHER LIST DATE ~ VOUCT-i13R #s ~ TOTAL VOUCHEIZ AN![.OUNT 02-16-07 ~ 11077-11157 ~ $1;595,426.01 . 02-23-07 ~ 1 1 158-1 1 176 $57,902.58 GRANll TOTAL $1,653,328.59 ~ b. Yayroll for Period Enciina T'ebruary 28, 2007: $227,160.40 c. Approval of Beverly Hills Drainage improvements d. N[inutes of Nebruary 27, 2007 Regular Council Meeting Councilmcrnber Gothminn said that he had been c;ontacted by Councilmember Schimmels whn requested to have the I"ebruar}' 27, 2007 minutes removecl from tonight's consent agenda to be discussecl at another tirne. It ivas maved Gy councrlmenrber Dene►any, secnrlded and ununimously agreed to uccepl !he eonselrt agendu for the li.sted claiirr vouchers, t/te payroll for pEriocl etrding February 28, urrcl for the approval of !he Beverly Hills Draiaage hmprovenients. Vfayor Wilhite said lhat Councilmember Schimmels had questions cnrieerning the minutes xncl wc will have to wait to clete.rmine his concerns. - ~ \'EW BUSiN'ESS ' . . 2. Ntotion ConsideratiQn: Street SweeninLi, R.epue5t for Proposals - John Hohman Engineer Nohrnan explainetl that this issue was previously presented to Council November ] 4 and February 20; and that staff now seeks approval of the contract to AArk Swecping in an amount not to exceed S473,6537. It was nzoved by CvuncibnenaGer 17eneririy ancl.secorrded to mvard the canh•uct tu AA.A Siveeping in rn: airivunl not to exceed 5"473,687 arid cruthorize t{ae City MairubEr lU Sign thc~ crrntract rutd future ,seveir-yeur rerrewal options as provicled irt the RFP cloczane►7ts. Mayor Rrilhite invited public commecit; no comments were offered. Vote by Acelanrcrtion: Lz Favor: Uttariinrous. Opposed• Alorte. AbsJerttions: .None. Motiori carried. PUI3LIC CC7MM:FNTS Mayor 1Vilhite invited benersl public comments; no comments were offered. ADti-T1NIST12ATIVF REPORTS: 3. Citv N.fanaier Comments City Manager Mercier announced that Rick VanT,euven has been selectecl to serve as tliis Ci _ty's new police chief. A1"tcr Iv'[r. Mercier cold a littlc about Chief VanL.euven's backgrouncl, he a,sked Chief VanLeuven to step fonward for comments. Cltief Vanlaeuven said he looks forwarcl to workino with our staff, C;ouncil, itnd Managenient 'I"eam; aRer which Councilmembers greeted and welcorned Cliicfi VanLeuven. In other comments, Vlr. Mercier said that as Iie has done periodically in che past, he reported that since incornoration, Council has passed over 600 items of business in the forrns of contracts; ordinances, and resolutions; and he Chankcd Council for their Eftorts. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that City Attorney Ivlike Connelly was recently' given an outstanding service award for his service as a municipal attorney. ~ Council Nleeting: 03-06-07 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT ~ 4. Consultant for Citv Center RevitalizF►tion Ylan - Scott Kuhts Senior Planner Kuhta explained the background of the draft ItequesC for Qualifications (K1=Q) for a consultant who would assist the City in discussions aiid possible negotiations with property owners in the proposed city eenter. After Mr. Kuhta beiefed Councii on the background of this issue, as per the aCCOmpanying March 6, 2007 Request for Council Action Form, Coulicil and stafP then discussed the proposal; it was rnentionetl that no proposals tivere received from local firms; that membErs of the intcrview panel included Mr. Kuhta, Mr. McCormick, and Ms. Regor (Mr, Kersten was out of towm); ancl the panel felt lhat Clearpath was the frrn of chnice. Mr. Kuhta said hc expects Council will have seve.ral opportunities for discussion of the proposal as Clearpath procecds. Coumcil concurred for staff tn move forward and bring lhe contract baek for approval. 5. Spokane Countv's klazard Plan (FENtA) - Nlarina Sukun Community Development 17irecfor Sukup explained that she is sitting in for Darrell Kuby who was unavailable due to military duty obligations. Ms. Sukup then went through the E'owerPoint presentation, an(l said ihat once the Plan is approved, we would be eligible for disaster mitigation funding frorn FEMA. This item will be brought back later for council consideration of a resolutiori to adapt the 1'lan. 6. 2006 Accomolishments ReDort-Nina RcQOr ]?eputy City Manager Regor started the presentation by explaining that each clepartmenYs accomplishments tivill be presenteil from a rnember of senior staff, and thae t:his report is divided in garl:s: first cxplaining the 2006 inilestones; then by department accomplishments. rlfier iMs. Regor and members of senior stati` discussed the reporf, lbis. Regor wrapped up the presentation by mentioning the 2007 adeptecl council goals. Council gave staff accolades for tlleir harcl work. i' In other business, Mayor Wil.hite reminded Cnuncil that dlere will be no rneeting next iveek as a scveral councilmembers altend the training opportunitics in Vl'ashingCOn, D.C. There being nU further business, it was irrot~ed Gy Councibnember Derrenrry, sEcrmded and utianimously agreed to adjounz The mecting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. DianA Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk . Cotmcil Mccting: 03-06-07 Page 3 of 3 Approved b), Council: CITY QF SPOKANE VA:LLEY Reyuest for Council Acrion Meering Datc: March 27, 2007 City 1Vlanager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appty: ❑ cAnsent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ ini'ormation admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGF;NIaA ITEM Tl"1'LF: Proposed Ordinance 07-004 Amending Purchasulg Code COVLRNING LEG.ISLA'Y'ION: SVMC 3.35, 3.40, 3.45, 3.50, RCW I'itle 39 PI2L"VIQUS COUNCIL ACTIQN TAKL+"N: Study session February 6, 2007; scudy session Macch 20, 2007. BACKGROLTNll: As the Council is awdre, staff has been revieNuing thc City purchasulg provisions in the City Code to make several corrections, and to make thcm easier tn use for staff in thc day-to-day operation of the City. Thcsc cade revisions will then be :fnllowed up through the creation aud adoption of a comprehcnsive purchasing policy manual on how to implement the code provisions. Additionally, there were numerous changes to defuiitions that clarify duties and obligations I~or the City aiid those with whoiu the City contracts. '1'he policy chdices identified on viarch 20, 2007 have been reflccted in the proposed Ordinance. 1'lcase note lhat 3.35.010 now has four distinct subsection, A-77, rather than tluce paragraphs. There were no substantive changes in the First tluee paragraphs (now A-C), but I did removc language in what is now C stating thal paragraph was in addition to thc change order authority statcd ab4ve. That was unduly confusuig. Additionally, I draftcd language in 3.35.0101a that attempts to capture Council's intent for emergency change orders outsicle the Manager's authoriry. The balance of the draft is Lulchanged froin a slibstantive standpoint. Ol'TIUNS: Direct staff to malce clianges to tlic proposed eode amenclments; or schedule a second reading. TtECUMMENDTD AC'1'IUN OR 11!IOTION: I muve that we aclvance Ordinance 07-004 to a second reading at a subsequent meetuig. BUDGE`C/FI:NAnTCIAL IMYACTS: NA . STAT+'N" CONTACT: Caiy 17riskell, Deputy City Attorney ' , " ~ ATTACHivIk.NTS: Proposed Ordinance 07-004 [)KAFi' C1'I'Y UF SPOKAhE VALLF_Y SPUKANE COUNTY WASHiNGTnN ORDINANCE NU. 074K)1 AN OItOL'VANCE OF THF CITY OF SPO"NE VALLEY, WASHiNGT()N. AMF.;VDING CERTAIN REGtTLATIONS PERTAIrill`G 1'U PURCHASING FOR THE CITY OF SPOKAiNE VALLEY PURSUAN? TO SPOKANE VAI.I.EY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 335, 3.40, 3.45, AND 3.50, AND PROYiDING FOR O"TI-ER NU'ITERS PROPFRLY RELATED TFYFRF.TO. WHEN.EAS, RCW ritle 39 authorizes a city to adnpt policies and procedures w7thin its jurisdiction for contracting and purchasing; and W} ILItL'AS, thc City of Spakanc Vallcy previously adopted Code provisians to provide for convaciing and purchasing an behalf oCthe City; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has determined thnt it is Appmprint8 and necessnry from timc to t;mc to revicH• attd n.vise Code provisiuas to refloct changes in state !aw and to nttempt ta increase efficiency; and WHEREt1S, it will further the Ciiy's health, saf'eiy and w-clfare to make rcvisions to thc City's cuntnicting and purchasing Code provisions. NQW 1lIEREFORE, the City Council of the City uf Spokane Vatley, Washingtan, ordains as folluws: Sectian 1. inteo . The Citv of Spnkane Valley drelares that the inteni of this (7rcfinance is to auiend Spukanc Vallcy Municipal Code Chapters 3.35, 3.40, 3.45, und 3.50 w camply with state (aw. Section 2, SVMC 3.35 to bc amcndcd. Spokane Valley Municipal Cudc Chapter 335 shall be amended as follows: Sections ~ L~C1!Elllt_i11S `3S,Q 10 CQDITtlCt - d ! - xEquisitio _ it~pplies. mmeO&K w. 3.35.050 Rules and pnlicy. 315.005 Uefnitiunti- ,iangc etdrts and tey,uesis for adsiitic+nal «ark" mcans a m -ur3t fUr additionAl smiccs ~;vre tliese sLm chaneed cQnditions, a tauirement chat extra wo or Le. icr be pert"rtmed, 4r .11ch ather circumstanccs that neeessitcite a madifieasion to ttte eonA-3ct. The scope of the Hat~, :,socurcment or ser►ice maY be muciitied to •e hr best intuest c~f thr Citv. Latra w•ork mn~- be rdrrcd bv thgciLv manaster in ordcr to eccorr~plish thc purvuse aaid intent of the contract with the . r . ,1\ ~Far:j~rr" r+.ran~ Lit% m;in~2cr or de;igneve Orcliu:ircc 0r-0il-l Amcndiist, f'urcl!.14L' ('I1ljC f'age 1 of 12 naAF-r 335.010 Contract AutharitNet F+Tiirf. -.-the p.,- , - ~ =•-?,j-s`-~i ; iirr --r--=i-aricTrrf i~ :::t:i'rc•r'itnr~- .f . ~ . , I7ir citv manauer is authoricrd to cntct into cantracts. contract mQtlifipativns !que ordcrs Hithout ity CaUncil apCroval wbcn ihe agucgatC am0uni of the contraci grtd 81) mtract am dments or rhaqLc QN_e,D do not rxcred S?OO.OQO, e~~nt as sct farth in suhs~lior . ~~-l~~titi•. ~3 A71%' Coillfilil._ ioI1tT3Ct ameniir?z7t and'nr cfiance orcler in excess cif ihe citv _mannee 's :'I' .:I : ' ' • ~ ± - ~iC CltN 1 A F1:1RC i 11:1, C t~_IlC![It\ ;p c\~~i1IC 3.l\ .:IllCi?d111c:1-1 L7 Or14C.', Al1When ;u~ic:,ated, atr Itss ttiitn tiftecn pcmcnt of che origina) c.ontruI aRlount_ or up tn 5=00,040, ' i:ft~~~er is less. U. 1-he Finance Comm~rire o the Citv Cuuncil is authgrjzed to a,npreve chanae ordcrs on Ii ~ n~,)tice that ore_in eacess of the amovntj auth_ari7^rd in subsectirn ~hcive, iTt crcumstancrs •.lierc such a ch.inee order is ticn:essary to avoid a tiubsujntiAl ri$k of harm to the Citv. in suclt an _tirnt. thr t:it: \tanaiz:r sfi.ill aro%idc arI?ronriale information to thz f'itV Council at it; nctt 'I i A :1i?Cf -~i-~~!ii-t~-'-~~d Fi•_'tc1=~ -.ri ~t=i?i~-Tii-c-~fi-.i~+:ci1~?- ~4~'`2L_ .i?3t-c-i-:r-iii~ :~cs--i-rca:~?t-rt~^ci._.. pf--~fi_.lii{a~,:}s~ ~ ft~ !'??c:?s??t s{=-- :_:tt`r-Ifr~:`-~Tt ~t~4~}t •~1N~ , ' "_13<t~;:,._ . . . . it': ~`[~i--iiE~i}}ti}{ft~E}-t!~-i"r*it`~tt~-'aCfi-+c`C'-~:-tT's?T-~a.'.~!:.~L`f-1t•f~tiwti ~-i-Crir-~+--µF-t#+v-:... - . - :u - . . . . _ . . . • . ittx24 =`i-i iit. - -•••zJ~ S3it4 t~Eiif~i?:Cfi:;-:::t ~ :--•+tctiic~~er. ui:{~ l,•~~e.titi ~ic~ ~~+~C-~+~+.#f<`-~--_*_'it;~:n'i.... s.. t!-..+ _ua:a._.t-~~, : -lic , :_t~i: . , . '-c? ~..-i!t !^L..i•t.,.r.~._:P ~~~r-- - r .i ' .,.r _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . 3.35.050 Etules an(l pmlic:s. The city manuber muy devetop rules, policies, .ind prcxedures to irnp'tni+:ni il:i; cIi;iJ,trr - . . ;,:~'c~-:±f=r.;-r~•;+`~s.•~.:t1-#-:?_+-..t.1,==e'~ -•'~i:~-~-~~~+~e`t~ '-.~::.i.~e1.C . SecNon 3. S1+'`1(' 3.40 tt) I,c arTicnilcJ. Srn)kane Valir~ Miini, iii,sl Codr l'li,i{,tcr ~O ,li.►11 hc annended as f'Ollow,: 5«tiony: 3.40•010 I}etinituons. ; .40.020 Administratiuii. 3.40.030 Lucal vcndurs. I 1.40.O40 Campetitivebidciing - ~uk li.: :0 0~0 H.remrti~,ns ta aomrctitice hiddirtg reyuiremcnts. ~ t~njinnncc 117-00L1 Amrnding PunhUuc (:Udc Pagc 2 ul 1 uRAff 3-40.060 I'rohibited prsctices. ~.40.479 Uispvsition of public property. 3.40.010 Definitions. Unless the ccmtext requires otlserwise, the terms used in this chapter shal) have the fc,llowiag meanings: fund "Adequaie approprixlion balancr" means_bu4gCte4 funds are siill a~~ail2ble in the 2 . _ _ . . ~ "Bid" mesns an offer submittcd by a biddcr to furnish :cn ila;Krr, supplies, materials, guods, equipment and other property in cunfarmity with the spccifications, delivery ierms aad conditions, and otleer rcquircmcnts included in the invitation for bids or otherwisc required by the City. "RiJ laond" rnca»s a bond or other a»pmpriatc securiv. as aQoroNed in advAncc b-, tl,c Citv. "E3idder" means a firm ar individual who regularly maIntains a place of business, Uansacts husiness, soliciEs busincss or maintains an invcntary af inerchandise for saIe in, and is rcgutrred ~ or licensed by, the CRy-a? h, L'Ta:'k~r. "Bidding" mcans dic procodute used to solicit quataiions on price and delivery from pro5px.~ctivc suppliers of :onlraczual srnices, malcrials, goods, equipmeni, and othcr Cit}• pr(lptl'ty. ~%hSiTI_::'.il_bt iJifo[i0l Cli}lci_:i I~ i71?'3I :iC 6[lfo(7Tt8l_Cl?(ili]tl!1i1: F1.1 "Capitxl equipment" means any equipment of the City having an initinl value of S5000.00 or more and nn estimated uscfiil lifc of thncc oc morc yeats. -1 \ i-- - 1' .!c ,iglla. ,C11~ ~jvITj tT1CSI15 811~' ItCI?l L~1 CCIl C~i j?CT'S~ii73l j1Tl~(1l'fT~ k It111Cij 11% EI1C ( _ It% "Contractuul services" means pmfessianai and general service wntructs to accamplish a ~ particiiln project or service. .t'O~".+'C.. . ~ -.-•ar`~_' .._-_1~ ' t`h-:.. ' ' ' F'urchsse" meattc the acguisitiar► of suppiies. mnteriAls ¢,-W,s ar gquipment and other •:{"~"Purchase order" meaas a doc;ument uW to audiorizc the encumbrancc of (.'ity funds toward ~ the purchase ofsupplies, equipment and other praperty. "I'urchasing agent" means the finanre directoc or dc~igne,- «ho will gurchase supplics, t-loc►d, tLLiiipsncni and otficr proNrt- (,n hr}tali cit' th-I Cih ~1,--ihe- "Requisition" means a standard form providing detaited information as to quantity, description, estimated prico, possible vendars, fund account, signatutE and uthec information ~ necessnry to mul:c purchnsing decisions. Ordinance 07-()04 Arncndinw, PurLhs,e c.'ade i'ap-e 3 of I.'_ I 1 nk n rT "Resjxznsible bidder" mrans a Gideicr µhu 1i:ls pru~cu by cxpcrirnce ur itilun»utiun turnisij,~_: ~ tu the satisfaction of the city manager •-F4"k,-~i;fiee-that current financial resources, praduaion or service facilities, service reputation and experience arc adequate to make satisfactory deliver, of supplies oT aceeptsble quAlity, equipment, or ccintractual servic:cs and who has not vialatrd w attempted to violatc uny provisions of this policy. 3.40.020 Admiaistratioa. Under direc:tion of the finance director, the purchasing procedure shall be administered in :tccordartce with this chapter and othet applicahle lnws. 'The finance dimctor or drsignee(s) shall havC the responsibiliry ta: A. Administer and maintain the purcttasing system according to the rulcs and regulatians ctitablisheei or authoriud by applicable ordinanccs and statutes, B. Coordinatc the ncgatiation, purch&w ancl disposition af all City supplic,;, materials and cyuipment in consultation with City stafF. C. Seek to ubtain competition by bidding or ncgotiation on all City purchnsc.. ~ D. Pte$cribe and maintain such administrative policies, procedures and forms as arc rr:isonably necessary to implcmcnl this chapter. E. Coordinatc the inspection of nll City-purc:hasod equipment ta assure wnfonnanec with spccificatians. F. Ensure that biddcrs' lists, vendors' catalog files and other rocord; ncidrd f. r t`•,• opriatiun of the pun:hasing systcm an; maintained. G. Maintain the praperty inventory and Cixcd assct systems of the Ci t:. . If. Determine widl sppropriatc C'ity staff the ncctl filr anV rirutinc cnn[ftiCtS Qil v:iriaus pieces of equipr„cnt. .in,j 1o c~?~~iili••~1 .nt~~ tn::it:f:~~~~ in_fU',:~:t:fn~: cuntracts. LPerioclicaJly preparc a comprth,.n>~\c 1i-.1 ct.~~r~,;t~~. ~t.•r~i inil ,•r eciuipment. Items which cannot tx; used or reassigned tu anothcr Jcpartment shall be recommended fordisposal at ypuhlic nuction. ~_•.~-~rl+~~--- 441- 3.40.04U (.'umpctitive hidding .;►e-_nuhlic .sor~. ontnctLff=- '---sa-t~ 'r`2ci! _ \%fICnC ilit :ri:.. . . . Iflc' fullcnving competitive bid process shall be use(l A. Publication of Notice. Sralr:i hids .h:iil _ ~,~-:J-L il ,1, . -::ncral circulaticm at [east tiftrrn da\ s_hrfore the datc anci timc ut tor «nkmine such. bids, f;all include an_.-Mimate of the nrnhshle crn. to cetfiier with a dcscrivtican of tlie %tior{:.FOF-t?.- , iihiie - v,*is; 1e+1W . b"- . Fi° :.Pe}-- Ia Nd-c~~~t , ' . . . . . _ 3.. , . ,,...=-~tane :t►he-wmdr: Tlit--_ - ut-mej Ke tt ~•i,~'~►~.- '+=~it. . . _ yI-0-P.:~S!-f4lqfe2-4-ii1e Fe'.~litr4s--cR ;c'f1l~i--rziti2-:eH !-te-be;:IIONttw; .►n[i >h311 :e that planslspcxifcations may bo obtained from the City, nnd inLludc the mnnner, plucc, datc and time for submitting a bid to the City. l'hc oiv r1c•rk t~~iSl 11.:11Ct l~1 ~~I_ Rl~l1l'•l IJI 3 I~ti~~il~ ~?~3i: B. Rejeciiun of 13ids. 1he f nBnee dicu;tor ntay reject, without cuusc, any and all bids and may re-advertise f(ir bids pucsuant tt) tlie prncedures herein de5crihed. if no bids am received, the OCdtildl}CC 07 -004 A777l'flljl[1L PltiOL4,1' l ~tC l'.~n~ -1 !1f I I i)!ZA ET I tinanee dire:tor _---.-mciy nebotiate the purchasc with a ~ cndor at the lowest cost possiblc W the City. ( C. Paformance Bonds. Bcfaro ctitcring inw a contract, dic .i,,,;~~or mny rryuirc a performanee bond in such amount ns is reasonably necessary to protect tlie best interosts of the City and to ensure complete, proper, snd full prrformancc of the contract. A perf'armancc 1vnd shall be required on all pubtic works construciion projects, as :et s~_rt°i :n.Rt=W 39 sfR 0:+1 - or a!i10.ndrd ; _ D. Bid Nonds. Thc finance director may requiir as a cundition of bidding a bid bcmcl E-F S. i+ee-t§er~in the amount of fva petretit af the ~+i~f amouni-4~. Such bid bond shall be roquiced on all formally bid public warks canstruction projects,^snd ~'kC Joe 3-1 sucl r::iic 3s the bid is ;ubmittcd to the Cit%. When the contrnct is lei, ul) bid bonds shall be returned to the bidders exccpt that of the successful bidder, which shall be retuincd until a contrnci is entcred into and A bond tu pcrform ilte work furnished as provided abave. If d1e successful biddor faits to ~ cntcr into the wntract in accordance with the bid itiid . ' within 10 day-s fmm the date at which the bisldet is notified of bid gward, the bid bond shall be forfeitcd. E. Award of Fiid. Eacepi as otherwise pravidad herein, the City will accept the bid of the lowcst responsible bidder. F. Award to Other Than Law 8idder. Whcn the bid award is not givan to the lowest ~ -~-.1-•:_n~i~~l~ biddcr, a full and cumplete statement uf the reasons shnll bc prcparad by the financc directar and placed in the City file rclnting ro the transxction. 3.40.050 Eicmptiona to rnmpet3tive bidding requirement3. I'he following typcs of purchascs are exempt from competitive bidding rryuirements: A. Sule Source. Purchascs which by their natvre are not udaptcd to competitivc bidding, such as purchases which are clcarly and leAitimately limited to a single source, and contracts to repair equipment owned by the City which may be mare efficiently accamplished by a eertain person o{ Ili'[Tl with previous cxperiencc on the equipmcnL i hc c 11\ i7:3T1:iL'C: ~li.l1l 1::I~C PFL%:i1U':{1 :!ljo[l:l':j r~quirc sc~tir:g !<,rth_thc contract and fectual basis for diis cxeaiptiop. •~liich mutit tf~cn_bc r,:.,sdc-J ~%ith ti;c citN clrric and vpcn tppuhlic in~icruon. B. Special Facilitics or Marktt Cnnditians. Purrhases involving spccial fac;ilitics ar marttet canditions that generully relate to acquisition nf unique facilities thnt mny be spocially rriunufaletured or not othenvise gencmlly availablc. Special mnrket conditions may require immedifste acquisition bsseci upon a favomble offer, including, but not limited to, liquidation sales, public or private party ofI'ers and similar circumstanccs whcre the acyuisitian can be (lbtaine~d at below market value.~=_ . _ ==¢lt~.z-~~:=:~-~~~-~-~.•r --+e-so:±fee;-.-iaN~~-r+ - - ~ ~teertimi- 'ilic cit~- tIISna;cr sha31 ha+r nrrviouslv acivotrd writt::i _,~Iticies. Which recauire setting foRh_the contjs.ct nnd fha~is fc+t thi> ctemntiun. %t~hi~:~_-;~~~.•t _II InC !Ctt': dtd SIllj 1V DUhi ll' t!iti~ ~flOfl C. Auction. Closcuut, Bankruptcy Sales. IT it is detcrmined that svpplies, mnterials, ur ryuipmcnt can be purchased tltrough public auction, closeout sale, bankruptcy sale or otller similar sale at a cost below the market cost, the Gnancn dircctor may authorize said purchase(s) ;i ~~(~(►.ih'i11.110. D. Cxchangcs. 'C'he City may by agmcment exchenge suppliea, materials or equipment with other public ageacies. ~ E. Interlocal Agrcements in Leuuig of Contrscts for Commoditics, L-guik:tk iit or Scrvices. "Ilie city manager may entcr into joint purchase agreements with any and all other public agencirs %vithin the swte for the purchase of any commodiry_ ar srrvice as prrmitted by state law, whwrc it is dcterniincd by the -itti manager to be in the betit interest af the City. (_)rdiuance 07-00-1 Amendin~z f'urchsw Code I'~u;r S of 12 D2A VI 1:mergen4y 1'urchas4as. ln the cveiyt that an eiilergenc) s(iOu1J arisc; aticr 0117LL i. which emergency myuires immcdiate action an the part of the City department involved ic-r if . protection of the best interests of the City, or should such a situation arise on a Saturday, Sund.!', or holiday and wherc it is not possibte or convenient to rr,ach the city manager, any necessar. purchases shall be made by the City depurtment for which the punhase is necessary.lhe purcha=.i shall bc repaetcii tu the liruance director next busincss day. Publicaiion notir,. rnay be waived for emergency purchases a5 provided by law. ~~ki~-~'-'•L?r?4t~;~ttt:i fen•=l ;l:i ~'e tt:iti F-H?===t-it'.w.3i3Fifl S. G, Petiy Cash. The finance department may maintain a petty cash ~hanvze fund of up to S1,0S00 tv help eliminnte the issuance of purchase orders and claims vauchers for small itrmg necdcd immedisicly from vendurs not having opcn purcltasc otders. No single petty ca,' purchase shall excced V 1!:!OAO.-~;_~;~ ++~-~+rrr~:~. All requests for petty caqh funds ~ rrimbursement of petiy expenditures shall be reconciled hy a rrccipt or paid invoice. or-*4•~ ,~~:4 a comnleted Petri~ cri-h Fnrm. Reirnhitr:cmentc snfj reconciliations (if re?tv cash fiinrlq tx: madc citsh funti Ii.Rt , : • rcquiremcnts ~,ct tocYli in tiuti ciiaptcr. l,p011 apl)roAal t-,i' the city wunIil, ►hc Llty cnanabcr •!~~;,j+~-may proceed to acquire re.a) property through nrgotiation. Such negotiations shall be bnsed upon a faic markei vnlue appraisal of the property. l-he City shull not pfly more than fair iiiarket vulue for nny real propcrty, except with prior city council approval, or except as may be iippruved by the Washingtun Statc (kpartment uf Transpartatian on behalf of the City for coad construction pmjcxts. I . -v~.--rcr~in~z-~•-~~2-j?r~~t`tftr?}?~rti~~t-=.t3~?~;.- . ~t!-: - - '-~:{1-iil iil~lfti . - ~-~4i}r$~(jFc~ffn~-ER-~i!!~lffc • _ -nas4 ' eest eti1~ 3.- , ei4~a4-,eF%tee5~4t-•.- - wnie-es. - " . 5 . - . c~ci~c~~~~he~-~e~u#~te~-rc•-~e~s~- _ _--iFiN-E-p ie@t'~C-e.'kit-~rlf : •1,•,• Eafl ..t5 he „b....:~e,t .•..P.., S"Ft .•~c3f~'L't~cio-ot4%6l7r-+-4-% iOn_°Ub1C NL' Urehases or contracts for scrviccs_ :uiJ vublic +%orS~~urcha~cs Iess thun $50.M. Van-nul ' , lyurchnses or crntracts for w.n ices. nnd nublic %+t%rk tturrhasr#_of Ic~s_ ~SD,UQt! atc i ,Ilhject ta a frormnl compctiti. r biddinAt least riwicr per %rar. the Ciq shall nublisli : iie%kspaver of general cirrulntion a ncitire of dtr cxistence of ven&r lists for punliw; ~,~es. ma!rrinls, uc~ads or rqui mrnL and s~,licit the names uf .endors f~~r the lis~s. the C ~s, ill estahlish hv resolution u prrK:rdum u n~urr tl~at a~om,pct' iva rire is ~blish~ a~ci ' :%,-ardinvz the cantrac;s t"or the purchases to th IuHe>i re~~n~le biddsras defned_in SVh ,_;(.O.lO~CJ.Jmmcdintely aftsr t}ec ati%ani is mnde, the hiti quowtions nbtaincJ ~hal) hv rmrrc'• ren ?o ri;htic__i^_s~cti~:~i. ,mci ;h,ill hti - - - -1----- - - - _ . . . . _ ; i ~ ~ . . . i . : ~ : . . . . , . . . ~ ' . . ' ~ . ' i . . . l . . . , , . . ~ 3.40.060 Prohibited pructices. fallowing types of purchasing practicrs um hereby prohibited nnd may result in disyualification of ttic bid: A. Callusion Amung Bidders. Any ngrermrnt or collusion among hidders nr pmspective hidder-, to cither huy or sell nr tix prices in n;strairit of t'ree campetition. Such bidders mny be (lr.linancc 07 .00•1 .Nmcndini-, I'urch.ix c'odc f'ace 6 vf I ~ DR4FT subject to exclusion from future bidding with the City when deteRnined by the finsnce director to be in the bcst intrrest of the City. B. Disclosure of Pormal Bid Contsnts. Anv disclosure of infcxmation contained in the sealed bid prior to bid opcning. Notvrithstar►ding anything hercin to the conirary, all bids subntittcd by 6idders Wking acivantage of nny informntion revealed contrsry to this sectian shall become null 3„d voia. C. Gratuides. In accordance with high swndards of behavior, the acceptance of any giR or ~ gratuity in the form of cash, merchandise or any other thing of by an official or rmplnyca of the City from any vcndur or contrartar, ur prospoctive vcndur ar cuntractor. D. Employee-t?vmed Businesses. Obtaining City goods or services fmm businesses in which l'ity effic:ials, employees ar thcir immediatc family mrmbcrs havc a majority ownership intcrest ~ or otherwise exceed the "interests" described in ; *4.;qt-r-?Z~ '%V42.23-W-'W. E. Sale of Materials end Suppli+es. Thc City acquiring goods or services for any privnte party, or sclling its materials or supplies to City offieials, cmployees, or the public except when said mnterials have becn declarcd surplus and disposed of as providcd hcre:in. 3.40.070 Disposition ot p%M+et_ i t-v prnperty. ~t:`►!~~ ~t~ property shall he disposed af in the fbllowing manner. ~ A. Definition. "Pi+ ~l ic\ property" as deFmed hercin means any property or equity interest in real or perscmal pmpcrty held or awnoci by the City. B. Sucplus Propcrty. llsc Jrcitiion_!n derlarc~n!~.+em sumlus ~t;ail -rst s~lrl~ %',itli tltc cih luricil Upon recommendation ofatheJapanr*+ent-dipeeEw.4he finanee dircctor, the Citv Cuuncil may doclaro property surplus upon onc or more of the following criteria: The City has or anticipates no practical, efficient, or appmFriate use far the property. Thc purpose served by the pmpcrty can be accomplished by use of a bctt tr, Icss co5dy, or more ciTicient ultemative. 3. Thc purpose servod by the praperty no tonger exists as deiermined by n change of Exolicy or practice. 4. The propcrty is damaged, inoperablc or obsolete aad the cost of repairing the same is unecanomical or imprnctical. C. Sale of Property. f-k, I l(11\tilc na5h:i_C t -f d fl'z:4U11r-I1 hN It1C CIS1 council dcx:laring. Vfotltf"[N ~:he finance director is authorized to sell surplus property in the foQowing manner. 1. Upan a ftnding by a dcparUneni directur tliat the property is surplus to City use, the f-inancc director shall provide nuticc of pcricntial disposition ta uthcr City dcparlmcots. If nny dcparivcnt dira;tor dcsires to ncquire and use the proposed surplus property, the prapcrty rnay bo trnnsferred to the requcsting dcpartment dirrctor, or other autliorizxd representative. 2, lf no request for use of proposed surplus property is roceived, the finanee dircctoc may pruccx:d to dispose of the same by public auction, bid, or ather method of sAlo on trrms dccrned to be in the bcsi intcre.st uf the City. 3. Surplus persanal property which is unsellable because of obsulesce:nr.e, wear and tear, or othcr cegsans may ba dismantled, if necessary, end sotd as scrap. Surplus personal property Nvhich has no marketftble value or use mny be disc,ftttded as refuse. 4. If the pruposed surplus property is real property, notice of the proposn) to declare the same swplus shall be given to the city council. ~ S. 44ie t{&d:.-:en~ ~r~~~l~-~~~•~-~w. '+~-F~=tt. _ couned. If the city cotmcil declnres the renl pmperty as sumlus, the fmnnce director shell secune g markei Ot:7inance 07-004 Anr:nding Pun:lme Cucle P;egc 7 c)C nR:1FT1' v3lUe apprdl5dl uf the propzrty anJ prucu:d to sell tlie sacue by pubiic auctiun ur tliruugli tlic farmal bidding pmcc:dures the city manager decros tu bc in the besi interr:st of die City. D. Trade of [teal L'rvperfy. Rcal property may be tradcd under the follawing ronditiuitti: l. lf the financC dim.ctor determincs thnt the disrosal of real praperty dccicircd swplus under this section could realize gre;atcr bencfit to the City through wnsidemtion other thnn cash, the finance directar may invite pmspective purchasers to tender considcratian of eash and property. [lpan receipt of a bid tendering cansideration in kind, and prior to accepting such bid, the finance director shall make a report setting farth the benefits of snch a transaction. This repott shall te made to the city council at a regular council meeting and the report shall be apea to public inspection. 2. Before Acceptinb any hid containing in-kind eonsidcratian, an aclrquate appcaisal mu-t have been made by a qualified indepcndrnt appraiser. I 3. lf the city council finds that the bid containing the in-kind consideration has morc value or benefit to the City than any ather bid submittcd, the finance dirxtor may accept the biii cuntaining in-kind consideration. F. Leasc of Public Property. When specifically pmvided far in the City budgei, the city ~ manager, 4- ~gne e-may authorize the lease or sublease df any pmperty, including real pfaperty, under such tcrms and conditiuns as the city manager may desm dcsimblc, fair and appropriete, cither by use of negotiatians or bidding in the best interest of the City. I.rases of real propcrty shall not be granted fur a period ot more then five ycars, unless atherwise authorized by the ciiy council. Sectiou 4, SVMC 3.45 to be amended. 5poknne Valley Municipal Code Chapier 3.45 shnll bz amendcd tis falluws: tirc:lions: ~ 4. t?il~ l)rti~:'tnn; 3.45.01 f Architectural and cngincering services. ±_45.020 Procurement of architcxtural and engineering servires. 3.45.030 Cmergcncy and limitution_ i-4S.QQS 1)efinitiuns. ".irOh_~ectprA) and en¢ineeriniz scn ict~' means~T►fes5ional scrvicrs rrndrn-d bv _ge other than as an cmnlovee of thc Citv, contra~ina to tertorm acti% ities thir~ the , l : of che ¢enernl drfii7ition of profcssional pnc4ice ..i F„ t? W~ • 1 : - i ~r. ~ . ~::~r,::~,: ~c a,;en~% tor hich the srrti ice> ati urt;% ic,, P!`rCI`Il" fT1Cam anv 1udi\'idual. llraanlzatll_il:_._Tt'I~~!. •Il.P. i:lli!. {t~ CIt1C1[l. M a11v LonlHn3fioIl Rhrrrr+f . 3.45.0111 Architectural and engineering services. ~ Annually, orFi6d in respanse w spccific prajects ar work a; set tc~rth_~el~~,., thc City shall encuur3gr, thruugh notice published in a newspaprr of general eirculation, architecturul and l_)rdinancr I)?-(}cl-! AmecidinL f'wc3tas:; l'oJc f'u4 c ~ 011~' n RAVr engineering tinns to submit a sUiternent of yualificatiuns and Ex-rformance data whieh can be used to select firms that provide services to the City. The qualifications and data shxJl be maintained in the office of the city clcrk and be availablc for public inspcctiun_ 3.45.010 Procnremcnt of nrchhecturai and cngineerlng services. A. For CoiIh:Icts llp_.19 SJ(1{).I)!In j{1C L_1Tl'_fS7.'.♦ cflooiz 1t,_olliN_ticlett 1ifTT1S fLo111 the IISI. 35 :tased under 3.35.010 afx.ive. ha~-,d on ihe intormattnii th:it nas bL-,--n >ubmitted in resmnsr toi dx ,1n11ual eublication. I3. For co"Vacts o~cr S100,000 the Gitv shall, Aat Ieast 150 days prior to contracting for nnhitectural or engineering scrvir.es, tW-C-i;,--shall-publish a notice stating the specific project or SCOpC OF N•ark ar annaunce generally the catcgory or typc of profcssiona) scrvices rcyuircd. Thc notice shall contain the name and address of a City repmesentative who cnn pmviae infarmation and details on the roquest for qualificaiiotu or request for proposal. Fii . The C:ity sball review the curtent stntements of qualifications on ftle with the city clerk, artid «r the statements suhmittcd in responsc to Ihe notice_a; ria%- _ he :euuirei bti sei?iot;,: A and E3, and shaU conduct discuasions with onc or marc firnis rcgarding anticipated conccpts and the relativc utility of alternbtivc methods tar furnishing the requested services. The City may roqucst intcrvicw-s and presentations from firms. ( (A). The City shall select the most 6ighly qualified firni to provide the services ha5ed upon the critetia set farth bclaw and in the roquest. Tho cvaluatian criteria includes: 1. 'fhc ability uf the Grm to providc the roqursted scrvices; 2. The scope of wark or methods ta furnish the services; 3. Qualifications, experience and refcrcnces: 4. Performance under previous contracts with the City; and 5. Such ather informatioa as deemcd relevant. Aftcr idrmit7catian of the mast highty qualificd firm, the City shall tequcst a fx proposal from the firm and thereafter procecd to negotiate n contract at a price which is determined 6y the City to he fair and reasonable. ln making this determinaiion the City shall evaluate the estimated value of the scrviccs, the scopc, comp(crity and nature of the rcqucst IFdtc City is unablo tu ncgotiatc a fair gnd reasonable pricr for seivices, negotinticros shnll be tcrminated and nnothcr fum shall be sclxted in accordancc with the abnve process. DE. When the parties hava reacbed a fair xnd reasanabla price, and :i.-;----ndinu uL-cin eh,_ ;smount vi ihc the city cauncil ''r :in inan3cer shall review the cc>ntract far ::r•pro%e autfic+riz3tion. Uuring the negatiaticxn pnxess the srlrcted rtrm shall nat contact any member of the city council tu discuss dic; fee fnr services unle:as uthemisc authurized. Tlic City reserves die right to canecl any request for qualifications or proposals. Tlie reyuest sIintl not bc deemed an utFer c►f cuntract nnr shall any frrn hc entitlcd tu recover any cost a;sociatecl with preparing a respoiise. 3.45.031) Fmergency and limitation. Ir'othing cantnined hercin shall limit or prr:vcnt the C:ity t'rom procuring an;hitec:tural or cngincering services in the event of an emcrgency. T'his chapter Shxll be expressly limited to the professional servicss identified heroin. 'Section SVMC 3.50 to bc amendccl. Spokstne Valley Municipal Codc ChaQtcr 3.50 shall be amcndad as follows: Sections: :.50.010 Small works roster. -,.-~Q.f►'!I C'rciition ofscparata rr,stzn. (hdinancr 07-004 Arnrn(iin}; F'urils;F ~r c'txlc Page 9 of 12 DRAYr ?.~O.U-jQ Maintenance oCruster. {0.040 Use of rostcr. 3.50.010 Smell worlcs rcxRter. 4-2 ---4 I-he city cletk a small works roster comprised of contractors who (1) have requested to be on the roster, and (2) are properly licensccl or rogistcred to perform contrricting work in thc state of Washington. The small works roster may Ue used in (ieu of formal seulcd competitive bid proc,efdures to award cantracts for public work where the estimated eost of the work is S200,000 OT leSS. (:~~It~rt~cEr~-+-:3=cit":r?!+??'.;!?Zc' iO: l''t:^mc'fi'+t- ~F-{ik"~fi! ' ~ - ' ~;-~•ilt~.-!?45tf ~+~'~•±f•c'~!Ci-r.+r1#3l~.'~?{~it~i ,~-a~~~1~+i~#+f+~>n-i►#~-~-=+~~#-4=~-a#r-~-~~-The small works roster is created and maiatained pursuant to the laws of the state of Washington F►s now enactcd ar herr,attcr amcnded. 3.50.020 Crcution of sPparate rnster3. ~ Thc City e;may elect to establish small works rosters for diffcrent spexialties or categories o1' anticipated work with such rosters making distinetions behveen contractats basecf upcro such s-pccialtics ar work_ 3.S0.030 Maintenance of rc►ster. The smttll works roster shall he maintained ns follows: ~ A. At (esst oncc per ycar, thc City shall puhlish m a newspnper of general circulatinn a noliee of the evcistencc of the small works roster(s) soliciting the names of ( contractors ior such roster(s). 'Ibe C'ity k=a!at~4 s}uill ptACC on the small works roster(s) the namcs of qualified Contractors who respond to the published notice with a reyuest to bc ~ inctuded on the roster(s). 'fhereafler, the City edd tn the roster(s) the names of eontrnetors who submit a written request and appropriate reconls. ii.In order to be included on the mster, the contrnctor shall supply infarnlaiion on a cuntractor qunlification f'orm devcloped by the City •-1 ti':,?=r4_ "Tbc contractor ciualitication ferm shall include, at u minimum, ttia name, address_ and phone numbcr of the cnntractoc, the r,antractor's Washinglon registration numtxr, dic cuncractor's insurance company, the contrnctor's bonding compuny and the contractor's areu or areas of work. 3.SO.040 Uxe otroster. ~ A_ "ihc Ciry ~•T-~;K-t:-++~-~=u~':r~--muy utilize dhe small works rostcr whcn s.-ekinQ to construct any public work or improvcment with an estimated cost including labor, material, supplies and eqaipment of $200,000 or less. B. E'rrwCUtlrl's •hail >>C C~X:lhlishe:l tur securini trlC(ltil}fiC. oi__~Ct_iit'Itl. UUU[I+.lii?[]i ~tm contracio„ un thc approPriate Smal) ti.g; roster to cnsure that a rometitiNc nrice is ,tablished and tLi auard contntcri to thc 1owe;t resaonsible hiddcr_ as delined in SVMC ~ ti0.0401131. Invitations for quotations shall include an estunatc of thc sroDc 3nd iigture of the ~ork to bC T?CTt(1f1T1Cd 3S µCII as materials ac!d equivrncnt to bc i'urni5hcd. Mox%Cvcs. detailcd lans and mecifications need not be included in the im itstion. Clualatiens shaU ti+c invitcd frortl i I applop ate coniractors on thc a ro riate small %%orf:s roster.T-e wA+ffJ a-puW,-w,*%44roF1A the ~ter-. t4e . ~ lkmM-i11•E'~4.....: :re i.:_3.- o _ ..1- f ..m a4 ls..sr r«_e 1-u..f:Fsd . fAfOE10Fi fAii}-&k-i+f - . . . •i... .{.1'.. .rL e•rffiitited 4o-b2' _ ) • , the ~ • _ • . @f1C' +be - , _ ~ ! 44~3 - z-wE~-t~i-4!!i'~t-il-f~f2f~flti'f-?'i(iiis-4E~-N~~QV~YtflS~-{H ...7.-_-:~<'~-e.-•.~<-}r'~~i :i.:..=~_,_ c_)rdut.;ncr 07-00•3 ;liurnding ('urchasc Code I'svr 10 u1 12 . nkaFr L. , 'T' '-T-._ : ' _ fUfHi D.--Wheo awarding a contract for work from the small worics msYer, the City ei- Spek&qe iH11e%-shall award the contract to the lowest respcansible bidder; provided, however, the City -4 TA~ie~ reserves the right under applicable taw to reject any or all bids and to waive procedural irregularitics in the bid or bidding procass. ~ ln ac4dition to price, the City-4=s-t-okaiie V:lle~, shaU tBke intn acwunt the following when dctcrtnining the "lowvst resMnsiblc bidder": 1. The ability, capacity and skiU L-f the bidder W perfarm the contraei or ►ru% ide the ._;A iLC ~r uirr:l; T}ll' ~itidl~?_tc'r_f111Ci'S!1\. C2L'Utd[lL•I1, lUif'T1~C•:S. CXpf.'t'7C11'.(:. .illd CIItLICD,% k-t the bidder, Whether the contrector can perform the requimd work within the time specified by die City-~~~-~'- '-_-a. Quslity of the contrnctor's performance under previous contracts with the City af Va}~±~r other govcrnmental entity; and 45. Thc previaus and existing complianco by the contraetor with laws rtlating to coatracis #'~~+~-N•e45-ar servicrs with the Cityt i-hpekeno Velkv. i . y--bN-}vMir.sCd-tif •}~{~ft~ti4$t-(}F!• 1;lt-(=+1i~-6 f -S f W~~uf~ti 1-1). "fhe City af Spoitit+te %:t~k~--may rec;cive bids Iclcphonically, in writing nr elcctmnically. The time and data of rcccipt shall bc recorded to enSUre all bids are presentcd in a timely fashion fot review and cansideratian. After expiration of the time and date fnr submission of alt bids or quotatians, the city manager tw-tHYJe-ntgnee-shal) rcvicw the sAme and either offer a cantract to pert'orm the public woric or submit the same to the city council for appr-e% aiauthorizaii~. immediai-ely ' PoW , - _ . a;peuntz . •:~~i-c - ` _ . - The Citv shall post a 1i51 of the _ntrxcts awardcd under SViC 3,50 nt lcnst oncr e%crv %rar. 7he list shall cQntain the name of c cantractor c"r %endor a>% ared il1e qontract. t, hc amuunt of the contract a brief desrri io of -i.e_bpe of ~i-n * c~rmed ar items nurchn.sed undcr the cc~ntrACt, and dir date it ~~a.s a~~arde ! iic fist sha{1 also stata the locaticm ►%here the hid quoratinns for tht;e contrscis ate availahle tor ;.:f,ii: in,peition 11. A contract awnrded from a smnll works roster under this chuptcr neec1 nut be advertisal in :i Icgnl newspapcrofgeticral cirzulalion. St-ction 6. Sevcrabilitv. If any sa;tion, subscction. srntcncc or clausc of ilhis chaptcr is Cor nny rca>nn held to be mvalid, such decision shall nat affext the validity af the remnining provisians of this chapicr. Scction 7. F;ffu:tivc date. Tltis Ordinsncc shall bc in fuU Carrx and effect tlurty (30) d$ys aFtcr puhlicetion of this Ordiriance ar a summary tliereof oec;ur3 in the ulTicial newspaper of the City as providcd hy law. I Ordinanc---, 1:17-004 Amcnding Purcfia-~c Code Pt[ge 11 0l- 12 nRAFr Pa,;,c-d this day of ;tpril. 2007. ATTFtiT: City Clcrk Christine Bainihr!Jc;- :lnproved As Tn Farm: Ufiicc; of the Cit, Auwric~ llate of Publication: f~!'Fcctivc Date: I Ordinance 07-004 Amending Purcha5r Cud_• P,Lc nf~ I' I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: PUlarch 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-005 Renumbering SVMC 7.35, relating to motorized foot scooters, to SVMC 9.20. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 7.35 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: This is purely a house keeping item, with no substantive changes. Staff is reviewing code provisions previously adopted to determine if corrections need to be made. One such c4rrection is to renumber 7.25, relating to motorized foot scooters, to 9.20. Additionally, changes to the animal control regulations coming up in the next month would mean that we need to use the chapter designation of 7.35 for the new regulations. OPTIONS: Place on future agenda for second reading; suspend rules and adopt. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move that we suspend the rules and approve Ordinance 07-005.° BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 07-005 renumbering SVMC Chapter 7.35 nuAF-r CITY OF SPt?KANE VALIIEY Si'OKANE COUrTi'Y. WASiii]YGTnN nRATNANC'E Nn. 074)05 AN ORAiNANCE OF 7'HE C11'Y OF SYOKA.NE VALLEY, SP()KANF CC)UNTY WASdINGTOr, RENUMBFR[NG SPOKANF VALLF.Y MIJNICIi'AL CODE SECTIUNS 735.010 - 7.35.070 TU SPUKANE: VA].l.EY MUNIGLPAL CUDE 5ECTIONS 910.010 - 910.070, AND PR()VIDING FOR OTHER MATI'ERS PRUPEItLY RELATEll TIiEItETO. WHEREAS, the (;ihy of' Spokane V:illey adopteJ SVMC 7.15, providing far the reEulsticm of motoriud foot scootcrs; and VYFIF.RFAS. the City Cuuncil has dctcrmincYl thtit il would be more apgropriale to renumber Chaptcr 7.3_5 to Titb 9, Vehicles and Traffi'w, undcr 9.20. NO%%', Tl(FREFORE, the ('ity ('ouncil ot'thc C'it}• of Spokanr Vallcv, Washinglun (irdnins fis fol lows: Se=tino 1. Intcnt. (t i, the iniCnt uf thc Citv Cuuncil tu rrnuniher Spukanc Valley h4unic:ipal Code Sections 7 35.010 thmugh 7.35.070 ro Sixikane Valley 114unicipal Code Sectinns Q.20.010 thmugh 9_20.070. Spu{:aifc Vulley Munici}wl Cocic Chapte,~r 7.35. is hereby r+enumbe:red as set fi+rth Ix;luw. 9.' 1)7-._"_A 10 Definitioas. The following dcfinitions are applicable in this chapter unless the cantext otherwise requirrs: A. "Motorized fool scooter" means a device with no more thnn two 1 q-inch or smaller diameter whcels, has handlebars, is designcd to be stood upon (but may have a sext), and is powered by nn internel wmbustion enginc or clceiric motur that is capablc of pro}clling the dcvicc with or %iitliout human propulsion. B. "Matorized skatcboard" mr,xns cvery dcvic:c with a platfrnm on whirh the rider or operator halenccs, the platfarm having two or more sM.g of wbeels beneath it, propelle.d by an uttuched or auxilinry clectric or gusoline motor. C. "Mutorir.cJ pcrsoaal transportatiun dcvire" shall bc dcemed to includc motorirccj foot scootcrs, motorized skatetxoards, Eoeket motoncycles and all ather similar dcvices, but shall exclude matarixrd wheel chairs, mbtor driven cycles, mopedS, electric-ussisted bicyclec, rrtotarcycles, and clectronic persone) nssistive mobility devices. D. "Approved motorcycle helmet" means a pmtective covering for the head consisting of a hatd outer shcll, pxdding adjecent to And inside the outcr shcll, and a ncck or chin strap type retcntiun .rystcm, widi a tatel required by the Federal Consumcr Products Ssfdy Commission as adopted by the Cadc af E'edcral RcKulations, 16 Cf•R Saction 1203. E. "Approved bicycle helmet" means a head c:avereng designed for safciy that mccts cx exceeis the rcyuired safety suandards adopted by the U.S. Consumer Product Saf'ety Commission (CPSC) 15 USCS 6004, or Z-00.4 set by the Amcrican Nationnl Slattidards [nstitute (ANSI), the Snefl Foundation, the Amcrican Suciety for Testing and Matcrials (ASTM), or such subsequent nationally recugnized standard for helmet pr.•rfurmancc as may be adoptcd by the City of Spokane Valley. The helmet sliall be cquippei with a nock or i:hin strap that shall he securely fastened while the motorized pcmonal transportatian devicc is in inotion. Ordinnnce 07.005 Pn~~e I a~f 1 Dlt.%H`l_ F. "5treet,," tor thc purpuses of this chapter uiily, rncans the entire ti+idth bct%rccn thr curb boundar.) lines, ineluding tfie shouldcr, of every wgy publicly maintainui in thc City of Spahanc V,sllcv whcn IuIN' purt thcreof is open to !he use of the public for purposes of vchicular tmvel or parking. G. "Modificd or enhancud" mcans that any of the settings or cyuipment of thc motorircd persnnal trinspcMacian devicc, including but nul limited to thc>sr settings or equipment ihat at3ects displaccment, harsepower, or muffler e(icct have been alterr.d ta achieve grealer pciwer, higher spzed, anci/ur be:ttcr performance than possihle when the unit was delivered frcfm the factor-y for ~alr. '►.207:dS.020 nucy a obey ruies ortbe n,aa. Any person op~.~rating a motorized pe:rsonal transportution device on a titreet shaU obcy ull rulcs of thr road appliCsblc !o ntotor vChICICS, &S W@II 85 L}►C CltftlfTlAlldS of OffiCl3I l1YirIIC COIIITQI Sl~,'J18IS, signs, and othcr contrnl devices applicable to motor vchiclcs, unless otherwise directed by a law enforumcnt official at their designee. Every person opersting a motarizcd persanal transportation dcvia an a street iti gr,inted all of the rights and is subject to all of the duties and responsibilities applicuble to the driver ofa motor vchicle pursuant to thc Chapter 30$-330 WAC, except WAC 308-330-504 through 308-330-541) relating lo hicycle licensing, as acloptLA ur Itereafter anendud, a copy of which will be kept on file in thc city cleric's ofTice, and pursuarrt tt) C'htiptcr 9.05 SVti1(' except as to those lircivisions therrnf .vhich bN their very natum can have no uppii,.:111, In. Q,21`0.1~-.030 Requircments fOr 0l>L•ratinl_, rnotowiird pc r-.on:sl tran.pi>rt:►Iinn dr% iccs. A. Minimum Age. No pe:rsun shall uperate a muturir.ed E>eraonal transponation dc~ n ~~cT~ ;j lley, ar uther public area unlcss such perscsn is 16 yeats of age or older. B. Passengers -'I'owing. Only one persan shalt accupy a motorited pe:rsmal tmnsportation devire at onc time. An opcratcx of a motorizcd personal transporlatian dcvicc shall not trunspnrt passcngcn or tow other devices or pemns behind a motorized personal transportation devicc. C. I[clmet Required_ Any pcrson opernting a motorircd personal transportatinn dcvice prupelled by an intcrnal cvmbustiun crtgine upnn any strcx;t, alley ur other public p(acc in thc City shall wuu an approvcd mutnrcyele helmet designtxl fcx safety an his or her he;ad und shall havc thc nec:k ur chin strap of the helmet fastened securrly while the motarizod pcr.onal transportatian devicc is in motion or t,p:ratiun. D. Lighting Requin3d. 1. All motoriz-cd pcrsonal transportation devices, whcn in use on any street, alley, or other public areii, shall bc cyuipped with a funcliuning lamp on the front thai shatl emit n white light visiblc fmrti a dititpnce of at lea5t SQO feet to the fmnt. 2. All motorizeci personal trsnsportatiun dcviccs, when in use on uny stmet, alley «r uther public arrea, shall be equipped with a functioning recf n:Ilectar on the rear of the motorizcd personal tr.insportntion device, of a qrpe approved by the Washington State Patmi, thni is visible from all distancrs up to 600 feel to the rdar when directly in front of lawful lower bcnms of the hcad lamps on a motor vchiclc. A latnp that emits a rrd libht visible from v distancc of SOiI feet to the rear may be useci in additian to thc rtxl rCtloc:ior. A light-e:mitting diode (L.Ell) tlashing lail light diat is visiblc: from a ciistance of 5(N} feet tu the rear may likewise bc useci in addition to the red cE(lector. 3. All motcxized persnnal transportation devices in apcration on a street shxl) tx; equipped with i-t stop Iwmp or latnps on the rear of the motorized Exrsoaal transportation device which shall displgy a re(1 or anbt;r light, or any shsde of wlor tx:tween recl and amlx;r, visible from a distanee of nut tess than 300 fcct to thc rcxr in normal sunlight, and which shall bc actuatcd upon application of a servir.e bralcc. C. Muftler Required. Mutorized personal transpcirtatiun devices {xowereti by an intcrnal combustiiiii cobine shall have u property functioning engine muffiler attached and constnntly operational during usc oi thc motariu.•d personal transportation device to prc.vcnt a noise nuisance Ss prohibited by SVK4( 7.05.040(0). Tlu usc of a cutaut, bypass, or siniilar mufllcr rlimination dcvice is prohibited ou L,U motprizxd pec:sonal transportation devices that ane {wwemd hy an internal combustion enginc. ~'~r•!irt:r.!~_ U"-~!i), ; ! nwAHHr F. I3ral:c itcguired. Motorir.eci pemnal transportntioa devices shall be cquipped with a rcar brafce which, when applicci, enable9 the opcrator to makc the braSccd wfieal(s) skid on dry, Icvcl, clcan psvemcnt. G. Maiifications Prohibitod. Motorized personal transpcxtation devices operateci within the Ctty of Spokanc Vallcy shall not bc modified or enhancod in dcsign or constructian fmm the spccifications as provided by the manufecturer w ns utherwise roquired by Spokane VaUcy Municipal Code provisions or the Revisecf Codc of WAShington. 0,207J5.040 Prohibited arras. A- Parks. Motarized presonel transportation devices are prohibited fram nll City parks pursuant to SVMC 6.05.070(G). Violatiots of this restriction are subject to the spccific penalties set forth in SVMC 6.05.090 anJ 6.05.100. B. Sidewalks. It is unlnwful far any pcrson to operate or ridc a motorizod pusonal transportatian device on srry sidewalk within the City of Spokane Vulley City limils. C. F'ublic Trails. Tt is untawful for any pcrsoa to operate or ride a motorizod petsonal iranspottaiian devic:e on any public traiLs, including the Centenniel Trail, within tfic City of Spobcane Valley City limits. D. Ccrtein Sqveis. [t is unlawful for any person to opcrate or ride a motorired personel Uansportation device on acry strYrt with a spt,•cd limit greater than 25 milcs per hout. 14.201435.050 Applicability of otber traffic lnwx. Tbe following criminat trafY'tc laws shall apply to the operntion of motorized personal transpnrieticm dcvices within the City of Spoksne Valley: A. Negligettt Driving - First Degree - RCW 46.61.5249, ns actnpied by reference in WAC 308-330- 425, as adopted ar hereaflar amc.~ndecf, and kept on file in the city clcrk's oflice, and purniant to Chapter 9.05 SVMC. B. Negligent Ihiving - Second Degroe - RCW 46.61.525, as adopted by refe~ in WAC 308-330- 425, a5 adopted cr hereafler amcndcd, and kcpt on filu in ttK: city clerk's of'fice, and pursuant to Chapter 9.05 SVMC. C. Reckless Driving - RCW 46.61.500, aY adopted by reference in WAC 308-330-425, as aduptcd or herr.nfter emended, and kept on fite in the city clerk's oflice, gnd pursunnt tu Chuptcr 9.05 SVMC. D. Uriving Under the [ntluence - RCW 46.61502, ss adopted by nefecence in WAC 308-330-425, as ndoptccl or hereuftcr smendrd, and kept oa file in the ciry clcrk's office, and pursusnt to Cha.pter 9.05 SVMC. E. Drivcr Under 21 Cansuming Alcahol - ItCW 46.61.503, as adopted by refarcncc in WAC 308-330- 425, as udoptcd or hereaft+er amended, and kept on file in the city clerk's affice, 6nd pursuant tU Chapter 4.05 SYMC. ~J.2 ot:.Kp60 Uealcr notice required. A1) pcrsens and/or esiablishments in the City of Spokanc Valldy involved in the rctail salc or Icase of mototizad persattial transpaKbtian dcvices shall provide to Cnch purchaser of said matorizxd pcrsanal trnnspartation dcvice written notice of the regulatiana, restrictions, and requitements of the this chnptcr prior to completing the sale or lease of snid motorir.r,c1 prrsonal transportatiun ckvicc. Q.:PjS070 Violatioo - I'cnnlty. Any person violating any pmvisian of this chapter, except for SVMC shall bc deemed to have committed a(Class 2 or Class 3, plus court costs and fces) traffic infraclion. }Towever, conduc.~t that constitutes a violatian of a rule of the toad, or constitutes a criminnl trafTic ofionse, may also be chargoci as such and is subject to the maximum penaltics allowed for such an oRense or offenses. A viotation of Ihis chapter for a minor under the uge of lb shall result in a referral to the Spoksne Cuunty juvenile jtisiice s}stcm (or retiolution. !)rriin:uicc 0?-0(15 Putc 3 uf 4 1)il_1F"T 5cctiua l. Sevcrabilitti. 11 anN ~c~U~~n, >enteti~r, cla«,r ur piirwtic: ui'tlii5 Ordina;icc ;ttauld th: held tn be invalid or unconstitutional by a rnurt of competent jtuisdiction, such invalidity (}r uncAnstituiianality shall nul affax the validity ur constitutionnlity of any oihtx soction, sentencx, clause o; phrasc af thi!t Oniinance. Seedno 3. Lffectivc Date. 'Ihis Ordinanr.e shall tx in Full forcc and efl-ecl five (5) days aftet public•,ution of the Ordinanoe, or a summary themof, occurs in thc ofTicial newspaper of the C'rty ss pmvided ty law. PAtiSEll h-,• thc ('itv Council this dAV of Manh, 2007_ ~i:t~ i•1. I ~i:~n:~ \'~'illiit~ I A7Ti-ES'i'. ~ l'itv ('Irrk, (-hrisiinr Ii,iiitil,ridgc Apprnved av tc► rurni: Uftice of thc ('iTy !1ttomcy llatc of Publicati t - n: , , i„ I ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 27, 2007 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-006 Public Records Ordinance GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.56; SVNIC 2.75 . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City has an existing Public Record Ordinance codified as SVMC 2.75 Public Records. BACKGROUND: The State legislature during the 2006 session adopted the Model Public Records Ordinance prepared by the Attorney General's Office. The ordinance attached would replace our existing ordinance and is consistent with that model ordinance. OPTIONS: Move to a second reading or return to staff for further consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance 07-006 to a second reading on the April 10, 2007 Council agenda. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Responding to public records requests has a significant budget impact in that substantial staff time is required. Compliance is required by state law. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly, Chris Bainbridge. . ATTACHMENTS : = Ordinance 07- D12AF1' CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE VAI,I..EY, VVAS1iL1'GTON . Oit.i)iNANCF NO. 07-406 ~ . , AN ORT)INANCE OF TI•lF, CITY OF SPOK.ANF VALLEY; Sl'OK.ANE COt1N'1 Y, WASHI.\TGTON, REPEAL~TG EXISTI.NG SPOICAIF VAI.LFY MUNiCCPAI. CpL7E (SVmC) SFCT[ON 2.75 ANA RrPLACi3~'G IT WITH A rfEWLY A170PTED SEC`I'ION 2.75 1N A MaNNER. CONSIST'ENT WITH WASHINGTON ADvII\jISTRATIVE COf)E CHAP1'ER 44-14 AND RC\'J 42.56. WTTE IYEAS the City of Spokane Valley adopted SVA'IC 2.75 pursuant to ortlinance 21 in 2003; and VViTEItEAS the State of Washington, pursuant to RCW 42.56 antl WAC 44-14 has adopted model rules for I'ublic Records; and WHFREAS the city of Spokane Valley wishes to adopt i°ules regarding 1'ublic Recortis that are eonsistent with Ihose model rules. NC)W, TFfr1tEFORI;, the Cit}, Council of the City of Spokane Vallcy, Spokane County, Washington ordai.ns as follows: Section 1. Spokane Valley Municipal Codes sections 2.75.010, 020, 030 040, 050, 060; 070, 080; . 090, 100, 110, 120, and 130 adopted by Ordinanc.c 21 in 2003, are hereby repeaied in their entirety. Section 2.1Vew Spokane Valley Municipal Code Seetion is as set forth below: 2.75 PLJT3LIC I2ECORD5 Autboritv and purposc- compliance wich Public Records Act RCVV 42.56. l. RCW 42.56.070 (1) ruauires each Citv lo make available for insliection and couvint:, nonexemnt "public records" in accoedance Widl published rules. The act defines "nublic reeord" to inelude anv "writing containinE inFormation relatino to the conduct of eovernment or the performance of any P-overnmental or nrnprietaiv function urenared, owneci, used_ or retained" bv the Citv. IZCW 42.56.070 (2) rectuires each Citv ic1 set forth "for informational Uu►-poses" evcrv law, in addition co the Publie Records AeL tliat exemats or nrohibits the disclosure of oublie records held bv that Cilv. 2. The Uuraose of this title is to establish the nraccdures the Citv will follow in order to nrovide full aceess to public records. T11ese rules nrovide inforniation !v oersons wishin¢ to request access to oublic records of the Citv. and establisli urocesscs f'or reauestors and Citv staff that are desianed t'b best assisl meanbers of the qublic in nbtAining suc.h access. 3. The auruosc of the Public Kecords Act is to provide the nublic full access fo infarmirtion concernina the conduct of izovernment, mindfiil of individual's privacv riLhts and che desirabilitv of the cfficient administration of eyovernment. '1"he act and this title will be interoretcd in favor of disclosure. .T.n carrvinL out its resnonsibilities under the act, the Citv will be guidecl bv the urovisions pf the act describinp- its nurooscs and interorctation. Ordinanc.e 07-006 Public Recnrds Paee 1 of 6 DKAFT • 2.75.020 City description--Contact information--Public records officer. 1. The Citv is a non charter code Citv governed bv the provisions of RCW 35A.13_ The Citv's central office is located at 11707 E. Snraeue Avc., Snokane Vallev. WA 99206. The Citv also has offiees at CenterPlace located at 2426 N. lliscoverv I'lace, Snokane Vallev. WA 99216 and the Snoka►ie Vallev Precinct locatccl at 12710 E. Snraeue Ave.. Sookane Vallev,lVtA 99216. 2. Anv oerson wishinR to reauest access to public eecords of the Citv or seckinQ assistance in makina such a reauest should contace the public records offcer of the Citv: Ci1:v Clerk Citv of Snokane Vallev 11707 E. Snrnue Ave. Suite 106. Snokane Vallev. NVA 99206 Phone: 688-0177 Fa.Y: 688-0194 publ icrecordsrep uestf@snokaneval lev.orr Information is also available at the Citv's web site at httn://www.sqohanevallev.orf,, 3. The nublie recorcls of'f'icer will oversec comnliance with the Act but another Citv staff inember mav orocess the reauest. Therefore. these rules will ref'er to the nublic rcc.ards officcr "or dcsienee." The qublic records afficer or desienee and the Citv will orovide the "fullest assistance" as set forth in Section 2.75.030 below to renuestors; ensure that nublic records are orotee;ted t'rom dama~Te or disor-anization: and r~revent fulfiUin~ uublic records requests from causin2 exccssive interf.erencc with essential functions of the Citv. 2.75.030 avuilabilitv of publie records. I. Hours for insnectian of records. PuMlic records are available for insnection and croovinu durins nornlal business hours of die Citv. Mondav throuih Friclav. 8:00 a.►ri. t:o 5:00 u.m. (excludina holidavs a,s defined in SVMC 2.60). Records must be insoected at Citv offices bv anonintment. 2. Records Tndex_ The Citv finds that maintaininQ an index is undulv burdensome and would interfere wilh Citv onerations c3ue to the diversitv ofCitv denartment.s and information svstems, budeet restraints and thc unavailabilitv of staff. 3. Oraanizijtion of recorcis. The Citv will maint,iin its records in a reasonably oreanized manner. The Citv will take reasonable actions to protect records from damaue amd disbrqanization. A reauestor shall not take oriainal Citv records from Citv officcs. A varietv of records is available on dle Citv web site htto://www.sookanevallev.orE. Keauestnrs are encouras:ed to view lhe documents available on dhe web site peior to submitting a records reauest. 4. Makins: a rcquest for oublic rccorcls. (a) tlnv nerson wishins to insoect or Iiave conies of t)uhlic records of the Citv should make the reauest in writinL on the Citv's aublic rccord reauest fonn, or bv letter. faa:, or e-mail addressecl ta che oublic recorcls officer, or bv teleuhone or in qerson. 'fhe reauest should include the follawinL, information: Name of reauestor. comnlete mailing addre5s of reQUestor: other contact information, includinu teleohone uumbcr ancl anv e-mail address; identification of the uublic recards adequate for the oublic reeorcls off'icer or desienee to ' locate the records and the date and time of dav of dhe reauese. Within f ve davs of Orclinance 07-006 Public Records ' I'age 2 of 6 D 12AFT receint. the aublic recorcis officer or desienee shall confirm lhe substance and the receint of mctuests for nublic records bv telebhone or in-nerson or in -vvritiniz. (b) If the requestor wishes to have ctinies of the records instead of simolv insnectinQ them. he or she should so indicate ancl mske arrangemcnts to pav far conies of the records or a denosit aursuant tn SVMC section 2.75.070. (c) A f'orm is avnilable for use bv reauestors al' all Citv offices and on-line at httu:llw,.«v.spokaneva11ev.orR. 2.75.040 Proeassine of public records-ecneral. 1. Providinp "ftillest assistance." The Citv is chareecl bv statute with adaoCine rules which clescribc how it will "nrovide fiill acccss to public records." "protect records from damate or disoreanization," "orevent excessive interference with other essential functions of the City," nrovide "fullest a-gsistance" to reauestors, and Qrovide the "most timelv oossible action" on aublic records requests. '1'he nublic rccords officer or desienee will nracess rcauests in the order allowinEi the most: requc•sts to be t)rocessed in the most efficient manner. 2. Acknowledainp receint of reauest.. Within five (5) business davs of receiot of the reouest_ the public records officcr will do one or mnre of the f'ollowing: (a) Make the records available far insnection or convinu: (b) lf cooies are requested and pavmcnt of a deposit for the coaies, if anv, is made or terms of nav►nent are atzreed unon. send the conies to the re.questor: (c) Provide a rea.sonable estimtitE of when records Nvill be available; (d) If the request is unclear or ddes not sufficientlv identifv thc reauested records. reUuest clarification from the reQUestor. Such clarification mav be requested tind nrovided bv , teleohone. The nublic records orCcer or desigiiee mav revise dhe estimate of when - records will be available, or (e) T.?eny dhe re4uest. 3. Consequences af failure ro resnond. If tlle Citv does not resaond in writint within five (S) business davs of reeeint of the reauest for disclosure. the reauestor should eonsider contactinLy the vublic records officer Ca determine the reason for the failui-e to resUOnd. 4. ProtectinLy rights of others_ In the event that the renuesteci records contain infoniiation that mav affcet riQhts of others ttnd mav be exemnt from diselosure, the nublic rec;ords officer mav, prinr to nrovidine the records, eive notice to suc}i others whose riahts mav he affected bv the c{isclosure. Such notice shoulcl be: t-iven so as to make it nossible fa• those other nersons to contnct the reauestor and ask him or her to revise the re4uest. nr. if neccssarv, seek an order from a court to prevent or Limit thc disclosure. lhe notice to the affected Qersons will include a conv of the rec ucst. 5. Itecords exernnt from disclosure. Some reaords are exemut from ciisclosure, in whole or in oart. Lf the CiCv belicves that a recard is exemnt 1'rom disclosure iincl sljoulcl be withheld. the nublic reLOrds ofticer will state the specifie eYCmntion and nrovide a brief exnlanation of whv the recorcl or a nortion of the record is beinp- withheld. If onlv a aortion of a recard is exempt Gom disclosure. but the remainder i5 not eYCrnnt, the aublic reeords officer will redact the exemot nortions. nrovide the non-eXemot oortions. and indicate to tlle reauestor whv nortinns of tllc ' record are beinp- redacted. - Ordinance 07-006 Public Records Page 3 of 6 DRAF'T . ~ 6. Inspection of records. . ` (a) Consistent wieh ot:her demands. the Citv shall promotlv nrqvide space to insaect nublic records. No member of the vublic mav remove a document: fram i:he vicwine area or disassemble nr ijller anv docuinent. 7'he rea,uestor shall indicate which documents he or she wishes the Citv to caav. fb1 The requestor must claim or review the assembled records within Chiri:v (30) davs of the Citv's noliFcation to him or her that the records are available for ins)ec:tion or conving. The Citv will notifv the reaucstor in writing of this reauiremciit and infoi-in the reauestor that he ur she should contact the Citv t:o make arrangements to claim er revicw the records. Lf'the reouestor or a rearesentative of the reque_stor fails to claim or re<<ie«< the recqrds within the thirtv-dav (30) qeriad or make other arranQements, the CitN, mav close the reauest and re-file the assembled reeords. 7. Providi.ne coaies of recnrds. After insne,ction is complete, the nuhlic records officer nr desicnee shal) ►nal:e the reauested conies or arranee for convine. S. Pravidins records in installments. When the reauest is for a large number of recorcls, die public records officer or designee will Qrovide access for insnection and c4nvinQ in installments. if he or she reasonablv determines that it would be nractical to arovide the records in Chat wav. If, within thirtv (30) davs. the reauestor fails to insnect the entire set of records or one or more of t:he ittstalltnents_ the oublic recorcls officer or desiLqiee mc'tv ston searching for the remainine records and clase the request. 9. Comnletion of insneetion. When tlie insaection of thc reauested records is comnlete and all re4uested cooies are nrovided, the uublic records officer or designee will inciicate that the CitU has comnleted a diliQent search for the reuuested records and macle anv Iocated non-exemnt records available for insnection. 10. Closiniz withclrawn or abandoned reauest. .lf tihe rcouestor either withdraws lhe reouest or fails to fulfill his or lier obligations to insnect the records or oav thc deposit or final navment for the reauested conies. thc nublic records officer will closc the request and indicate to the reauestor that I.he Citv has closed the reauest. 11. i...ater discovered dacuments. i1', after dhe Citv has informed the requestor that it has Qrovidcd all available records. the Citv becomes aware of additional resnonsive documents existin; at the time of the request_ it will qmmatlv inform the reouestor of the additional documents and orovide them on an esnecliYed basis. 2.75.050 fRescrveai; . 2.75.060 LxemQtiuns. ' I. The Public Records Act orovides that a number of lvoes of documents are exemot from nublic insncction and couving. ln acldition, documents u-e exemot from disclosure if anv "other statute" exemots or nrohibits disclosure. A list of the laws and reLUlations. outside the Public, Records Act, that resta-ict thc availsbilitv of some documents held bv Citv for insnect:ion and copving, is kent bv the Public Records OfYicer. 2. The Citv is nrohibited bv statute fro►n disclosinq lists of individuals for commereial vurooses. 2.75.070 Costs far providiae cupies of puhlic rccords. . 1. Costs for naner canies. There is no fce tor insoectinc! nublic rccards or for QrovidinL, docume►its bv e-mail. A reauestnr mav obtain standard black and white nhotoconies for 15 cents ner nne, and $3.00 per nase for larae mans, and the actual cost ner disk for CD's or ot.her electronic storage device. There will be no charp-e for documents provided electronicallv. 17ncument Ordinance 07-006 Public Kecords Pace 4 of 6 DRAFT copies mailed to [he requestor will not be mailed until Che Pee, plus poSlxQe, has been received. There sha11 be no charp-e for document conies faxed locallv provided there are ten (10) or fewer , paees: and the 15 ccnLs aer page fee will not be charued for less than seven (7) nap-cs per rettuest, unless the documents are mailed_ in which case, the fee and postaee will be charEed. Before beeinninp- to make the cooies. the ouhlic records o'fficcr or dcsienee mav reauire a deaosit of un to ten ncrcent (10%) of the estimated costs of convina all the records selected bv the reaue,stor. The oublie recorcls officer or desiQiiee mav also re4uire the uavment of die remainder of the coovine costs before providinR all the records. or the oavment of the costs of cnnvina an installment before providintt that installmenl. The City will not charae sales tax when it makes conies oFaublic records. 2. Costs of mailing. The Citv mav also charRe actual costs of mailinE. including the cost of the shinoine container. 3. YavmenC. Pavmcnt mav be made bv cash. check. nr mnnev order navable to the Citv of Saokane Vallev. 2.75.0$0 Review of DeniqLs of aublic records. 1. Petition for internal administrative review of denial of access. Anv nerson who obiects to the initial denial or pautial denial of a records rc(iucst mav nctition in writina (includine e-mail) to the oublie records afficer for a review of that decision. 'Ihe netition shall include a coDv of or reasonablv identifv the writtcn statement bv the qublic records officer or desiQnee denvina the repuest. 2. Cnnsideralion of oetitipn for eeview. The public records officer shall prqmptiv urovide the r)etitiori and anv other relevant infnnnation tn the nublic re_cords officer's suoervisor or other Citv offcial dGSienated bv the Citv to conduct the review. That person will immediatelv . consider the oetition and eilher aFEirm or reverse lhe cleniiil wiehin two (2) business davs ~followinz Ghe Cit:v's rcceint of the petition, or within such other time as Citv and tlie reQUCStor ' mutuallv aeree. 3. Judicial review. Anv nerson mav obtain courk review of denials of public records reuues[ oursuanl lo R.CW 42.56.550 at the conclusion of two (2) business davs after the initial denial. Section 3. Severabilicv. lf any portion of this ordinaclce or its application to any pr.rson pr circumstances is held invalid, the remainder a1'the Ordinance or thc applicativn or the provision to other Persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Section 4. Efi'ective Date. The Ordinance shall be in full foree anci effecl rve days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in lhe ofEicial newspaper of the City as providcd by lsw. I'ASSEU by the City Council this day of April, 2007. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTE-ST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbricl;;c Ordinance 07-006 Public Reeords Page 5 of 6 DRAYr ~ ; 4pproved as to Furm: , Office of dhe City Attorney Date of Publication: Efftetive Date: . , _ \ . . Ordinance 07-006 Public Records Yage 6 of 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution: Adopting the Spokane County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: 44 CFR 201 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was briefed on the Hazard Mitigation Plan on December 7, 2004, and given an update on August 15, 2006. The overview of the Final Plan was presented to Council on PJlarch 6 and 20, 2007. BACKGROUND: In 2000, the U.S. Congress passed legislation requiring the development of , Hazard Mitigation Plan by each state and local government jurisdiction before November 1, 2004, as a condition of receiving disaster mitigation funding. The Spokane County Division of Emergency Management has finalized and FEMA has approved the Spokane County Multi- Jurrsdiction A!!-Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Plan is very general, but there are areas where the City of Spokane Valley may wish to supplement the Plan either on its own, or in conjunction with other public and private agencies, either because of past disaster events or because of location. It should be noted that there are five "disaster committeesp which address some of these issues ron a regional basis. There are others which are already addressed through actual or proposed ~ local regulations (See checked items). Action statements which may require Iocal supplements to the Plan are: Tier 1 Action Statements ' A4 In cooperation with local schools, agencies and business organizations create a public education program to educate citizens and business about hazard risks, avoidance and mitigation. ✓A5 Continue to monitor and review all development and building plans, policies and regulations to insure they include sections that address hazard mitigation. A7 Work with neighborhood groups to create neighborhood disaster mitigation. Tier 2 Action Statements A9 Establish procedures for mobilizing heavy equipment during disasters. A12 Encourage the development of community emergency notification systems to inform the public of potential problems. A17 Develop a multi-hazard evacuation plan. A25 Use traffic simulations to predict evacuation problems and plan for these problems. A25 Cooperate with local school districts to prepare plans for school evacuafion or shelter in place. A26 Develop a post disaster debris management program. ~ A30 Identify critical businesses and public services and ensure their continued operation \ during a disaster. Administrative Report Spokane County Mulfi-lurisdiction AI!-Hazard MiNgation P1en Page 2 of 3 Specific Hazards ~ Drought ✓D2 Utilizing appropriate land use and building plans and regulations, profect aquifer recharge areas and wetlands. D3 Promote water charge rebates or other incentives for drip irrigation of landscape, limiting lawn sizes and using drought tolerant materials. D7 Expand fire safety planning and mitigation activities in areas vulnerable to drought. Earthquake . E3 Ensure that all hazardous materials storage facilities are earthquake resistant. ✓E7 Adopt earthquake resistant construction techniques in local plans and ordinances for geologically sensitive areas. ✓E8 Utilizing local plans and ordinances minimize development in areas of steep slopes and highly erodible soils. E9 Develop procedures for cooperation between area building departments for post-disaster damage assessment and rebuilding. . Flood F2 Create local incentives to encourage stream bank protection using vegetation to reduce turbidity and floating debris. ✓F8 Update all flood insurance maps. F9 Notify all homes and business in flood prone areas of the possible risk ✓F11 Evaluate all building and planning codes for flood protection and modify to ensure reduction of repetitive losses. ✓F12 Ensure that existing building codes reduce hillside run-off. F13 Prevent the manipulation of streams that might cause downstream ilooding utilizing effective code enforcement. ✓F14 Require on-site water retention for new development. ✓F15 Protect natural flood storage areas such as wetlands from development. F16 Encourage communities to be involved in the Flood Insurance Community Rating System. Hazardous Materials ✓HM1 Identify and secure all hazardous materials storage locations from natural and human- caused disasters. Landslide ✓L1 Restrict building in areas of potential landslide. Severe Storm SS1 Encourage tree trimming on public and private property. ✓SS7 Encourage the continued development of underground utilities. Administrative Report Spokane County Multi~lurrscliction AI!-Mazarti Mr6gafion Plan Page 3 of 3 Terrorism and Civil Disturbance " T1 Identify all critical facilities that may be vulnerable to terrorism and civil disturbance. Wildland Fire WF1 Encourage citizens to create defensible space around their homes. WF2 In cooperation with local fire districts, establish design and construction standards for wildland urban interface zones. WFS Create emergency access roads where necessary. WF6 Require that new development in wildland urban interface areas to provide at least two means of ingress/egress. WF7 Support the Firewise program. WF8 Using a fuel layer study, identify and prioritize those wildland urban interface zones at most risk. Urban Fire ✓UF 7 Ensure that all building codes meet fire protection and evacuation standards. Staff has requested that the following information (page 18) concerning Spokane Valley be updated as follows: " The ngwly created City of Spokane Valley, incorporafed March 31, 2003, is the second largesF in the county. !ts population of 87.000 makes it fhe seventh largest city in Washington. The City of Spokane Valley occupies much of the eastern central portion of the county and contains Jands that have been rapidly developing over the past three decades. The city contains 38.5 square mrles of lend and approximately 5,000 businesses whose annual qross sales exceeded $9, 981, 785, 000. in 2006. !ts population densrfy is 2,260 persons aer souare mile. denser fhan the unincorporated areas of the county, buf not as dense as the Cffy oi Spokane. L OPTIONS: Review proposed resolution and suggest changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to approve Resolution 07-002 adopting the Spokane County All-Nazard Mitigatron Plan. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution DRAFT • City of Spolrane Valley Spokane County, Washington Resolution iNo. 07-002 ' A RESULOTION AllOPTING T1iF. SPQKAN'E COUNTY Al.UAAZt1RD M:l"1":[GATInN 1'LAN VVHEI2FAS, The City of Spokane ancl Spokane County entered into a joint Resohition on or about June 25; 1979, under Spokane County Resolution No. 79-0873, establishing a joint Spnkane City/County Dcpartment of Fmergency Se.rvices. Adclitionally, the entities on or about August 10, 2004, adopted Spokane County Resolution No. 04-0689, which established functions for boUi entities as called for pursuant to chapter 3$.52 RCW. The City oF Spolcaiie, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, ToNvn of Nf.ilhvood; 1'own of Fairfield, lown of T,.atah, City of Libeity Lsilce, Town of Rockford, Town of Spaiigle, City of Cheiiey, City of Aiiway Height.s, City of 17eer Park, aiid Town of Waverly lil:ewise entcred into diis joint venture; and A'PFREAS, the Federal Eanergency M. anagement Agency ("FEMr-1") requires dhat loLtil and b•ibal governtnent applieants for sub-grants must have an approved local mitigation plan in accordance \vith 44 CtR 201.6 prior to receipt of a 1•tazard Vlitigation Grant Program sub granl funding." The purpose of sucli local mitigation plan is to represent die Ivfulti-Jurisdiction's commitment to reduee risks firom nahiral and man-madc Iiazards: and WH.EREAS, pursuanC to 44 CFR 201.6, the Department nF Emergency vtanagemenc Serviccs ha.s prcpared a plan entitled "Spokane County Multi-JurisclictiAnal All Hazard Mitigation Plan," which Plan serves as a guide fpr decision-makers as they commit resources to reducing hazards; and WTTERE AS, the Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard vlitigation Plan has be:en re<<iewcd by FEMA; found to meet the required criteria under 44 CFR 201.6, and following adoption by all jurisdictionS, will be adnptE;d by rEMA ma.king the adopting jurisdictions eligible for mitigation project gr~ants. NOW, TFILI2EFORE, BF IT HEREBY RESnLV'Ell by tlie Spokane Valley City Council that: Section 1. Tlie SyOKrli'VT COWfY MULTI-JURI,SDI0T0IVAT. AT.,I, HAZ1RD Ai~ITIGATlON PLftN is hereby adopted, rePresencing Spokflne Valley's commitcnent to reduce risks from nattu•al and man- made hazards; and Section 2. The Plan has been revicwed by FEMA and accepted as successfully containing appropriate criteria as outlined i.n 44. CRR 201.6. Approved by thc Ciry Council ihis day of March, 2007. Diana Wilhitc, Mayor . AT1'EST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: . Office nf the City Attorney Resolution 07-002 Adopting AlI-Haz9rd N4iti};aUOn Plan PtLge 1 ot' 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action ~ Meeting Date: 03-27-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply:❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : School District#81 A Representative from School District #81 has been invited to discuss the potential closure of Pratt Elementary. ; , STAFF CONTACT: ATTAC H M ENTS ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: - Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information Z admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sullivan Road Concrete Project GOVERNING LEGISLATION: BACKGROUND: Robert Blegen, of the Washington State Department of Transportation will give a presentation on the Sullivan Road Concrete Project. 'RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley ATTACHMENTS: . \ . ~ -I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Construction Summer 2007 Darrel McCallum P.E. Robert Blegen P.E. Projed Er►gineer Asslstant ProJect EnglneCr Wxshington Stnto U ~ / Dopartmont o1 Transpwtatian ' Overview I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation • Sullivan Rd. overpass has two thru lanes in each direction with a number of dedicated tum lanes. • SUllivan Rd. interchange acoommodates over 40,000 vehicles per day. ` j i "~'fi•ie,-;: .2L-_y,,,. . ~p~,,., „ . ~ Y 3~~ .r+ 3, s, a Z . N~ l.enos $6 . - Slfimn JZ:I. (ac4p f.hr(h ~ . 1 General Information I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation • Vehicle and truck traffic stopping and starting over time, alonq with Nie wear from sbuudded tires has deformed the asphalt, creating 1" to 2" ruts. ~:~~~~c,~~•<~. ~~~~~~,t~~, . -,~i,.n ~~%'~•.~.j11s'~ F ~.~i'.~t73SF~~~G45$..`:S~S i •This rehabilitation will replace tfie existing asphalt pavement with rigid ooncrete pavement. Concrete Pavement is designed to withstand deformation from the traffic conditions. ■Signal Improvements at Pines and Sullivan •The project is a partnership between WSaOT and the City of Spokane Valley. e Amilk j~~allc Wnshtrogtom Stato V7ffl_ Department ot Trensportcttlon . i I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement RehabiUtation •Goals •Limit impacts to traveling public •Limit impacts to businesses •Cost effective •Well communicated •Tools to control schedule •High quality product with long life 2 r Scenario One (2 Lanes SB, 2 Lanes NB) (Build half at a time) I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation • Restrictions •(1) 2 lanes in each direction in the construttion zane. •(2) East leg o! WB off ramp closed ! tsmporarily remove light • Opflratlonal Failure . •(1) Traffic N6 Sullivan unable to get thru intersedion in one light cyUe (starting at 3:00pm). • ~ •(2) High traffic volumes SB Sullivan ` begln bloCking lntsrsectian (within ihe . 4:00pm hour). No gaps for any I movement to enter Sullivan SB ~ • (3) 7reEfic backup Gsgins encroaching onto freeway froan both off ramps. •Unfcaslbte Option Scenarios Two through Four I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation • Restrictions - •(1) 4 lanes open, no !eft tum movaments •(6) 3 lanes open,no !eft tum movements •(4) EB oB-ramp merge, yield cortrollvd ` •(7, 8) A4ission stop controlled (no lefts) •(9) EB Mission IeR turns to Sullivan restore • Oporatlonal Failures •(1) NB traffic on Sullivan backs up due to either reductEon Eo one lane trom hwo or allotiving leR turn movements. •(2) Traffic Bac7cup on E8 ohf ramp - , ' approaches frewvay •(3) SB and NB Sullivan trafflc backs up •(4) Business acoess degraded . . ~ •Due to mulaple restrictions and operational degradations and back ups the design team had to look for an atternative that would reducc the ' - overall impacts. r~ , 3 Scenario Five (Closed Completely) I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation • Oaerational Failure - Remedied • Mave Yraffic onto Reliable Routes, •Traffic will be tempararily rEdirected around road closure, removing any of the opera/ional failures that the other scenarias had, • Restrictions •Compiete closure of Sullivan Road behween Mission Ave. and Indiana Ave. • Benefiks • Shar#er oonstruction period (apprax. 3weeks) wmpared lo staged scenarios lasting three months. •Open aocess to businesses will be maintafned throughout - . construction. • Improved safety for construction workers and motorists. •Completely closed worksite, open to pedestrian traffic. •One deEour route for the eniire duration. ' •Less confusion caused by changirsg canstruc![on stages. •Reduced chanoe of accidents with signage end barrier sitrn~ars . structures in wor4c area. g 0° suu.nn P-1. axvv nxrt, Public/Stakeholder Involvement - . Construdabflity meeting - WSDOT proposes to clase Sullivan 5-18-06 . bVSDOT requests for City of Spokane Valley concurrence 07-03-06. . Gty of Spokane Valley provides Sullivan clasure ooncurrence 07-25-06 . WSDOT communications strategy meeting 8-28-06. , ■ Fair hand outs 2^d week of September of 2006. . Fire Department meeting 9-13-06. ■ Mirabeau Park Hotel meeting 09-14-06. ■ Comfort Inn Hotel meeting 10-05-06. . Central Valley School Dist:rlct contacted 10-06-06. . East Valley School DisCrict contacted 10-06-06. .City af Spokane Valley Communications Group meeting 10-10-06. . SpokanE Valley Chamber contacted 10-15-06. . Valley P9all contacted 8-30-06 and 11-07-06 . Spokane Transit Authority contacted 11-07-06. . Sheriff's Department contacted 11-07-06. ■ Traffic Management Center contacted 11-07-06. ■ Fire Department meeting 11-08-06. . Emergency Services meeting 11-29-06. ■ Spokane Valley Chamber - Governmental Affairs Committee 2-6-07 ■ City of Spokane Valley - City Council 3-27-07 4 Detour Plan - Broadway, Evergreen & Indiana . _ ~A~_ . ~ _ 1 ~\-••-~T - I~r',~s",` f ~i~.. ~ rr•• \t~ 1 F . .r : ~ , . • ~ I I t ~R.. . e • t`._ = ~ \ _•~~.sm~~ ~ , ' i.r\..~i,~"= , ' . i . _ • _r_' - - - e: - ..y ^ : . • C-7 . ~a% • ~ . : i . =e~ ~ li: - : i • - ~ " ' ~ ' ° ' , ~ , r- I I~i •---.n .4 ~j 1 _ „R.,, a " .~^-t1_;~.. _,J... . ~ --•J t - S=;..~ ..i• ':'~`;a:, 1. ' IM - it 44 I ' .,~•Y v. ' ~r~ ' .•Y s _ . ~ tLLdYJ r j ~~t'.:t:.: a _ • . e iiN M,:~ M [ • . ~G~~' . ; Scenaryo Five (Gosed Completely) I-90, Suilivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation - continued . • What intersections wili be effected by the Sullivan Road closure? •VJSDOT and the City of Spakane Valley have identified the effiected intersections as: •Sull(van & A41sslon •Suqivan & Broadway •Su[livan & Sprague •Evergreen & Sprague •Evergreen & Broadway •Evergreen & Mission •Evergreen 8 EB ramp ferminal •Evergreen & WB ramp kerminal •Evergreen 8 Indiana •Indisna 8 Valisy Mall East •Indiana & Vallsy Mall West •Indiana 8 Sullivan ■ What will happen to these effected intersections? • WSDOT has modeled ihese intersec8ons and will Emplement new timing plans in partnership vrith the City of Spo9cano Valley to mitigate the Impacts caused by the Sullivan Road closure. 5 - Motorist Services Plan U =`_~q.s : ~ . y . ~'J ~I~r~. •I ~ ~ ~.l~ 1•wa _ 7.. I iwca~j I F,: m, ~~,,_.,~r ~ - - - _ , L-- - - i ~ _ _ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ , , - ~ V:6. }}}I I TIJ / ~ ~ • ' • , ~ " r t ~ 1 .o` ~ ~r:> e 1j ' 'li.' ~ ~ ; ^ _ _ ' a r ~ulisii S . ~ ~ ~ ~ • - ~ J _ . . ~ 'I •1 L.. - ; i • _ - ^ i ~w._ _ - ; . ~ ~ ~KO~ teDVaY[ iv Contract Provisions for Advertisement 02/12/07 ■ What other items are in the Contract Provislons to obtain our goals? ■ Road closure alert signs up 6 weeks prior to road closure. ■ VMS alert sign up 1 week before closure. , ■ Work to commence no later than June 1-' on Pines (Stage 1) ■ Sullivan Road closure to begin on July 90 and end July 31 R'. (Stage 2) ■ Based on 24 hour 7 day a week Engineer's Estimate . Sullivan Road will be open for Pedestrian aocess. ■ Prior to the Sullivan Road closure and afler it has re-opened to traff'ic no lane restrictions will be allowed dunng the hours of 6:00a to 7:00p. ■ No lane closures during holidays. ' ~ 6 Contract Provisions Advertisement 02/12/07 ■ What other items are in the Contract Provisions to obtain our goals? . ■ Sonus incenfive to contractor for early road opening. $ 5000 dollars per day. Up to S 25,000 dollars. ■ Contractor to incur penalry of S 24,000 dollars per day for not having cfosure open within the allotted time. ■ Also a penalty of $ 800 dollars per 15 minute period per lane when there is a unauthorized closure. ■ Further penalty to contractor of S 5000 per day if it doesn't finish within the allotted vrorking days. ~ . . , Conclusion I-90, Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation • In any of the scenarios the impacts will be slgnificant: •Traffic Delay • Driver Coniuslon • Degraded OperationPl Conditions _ • Sclcctcd Option III U R •S~nari o Five (Closed Completely) ~ •Limit Duration of Impact: ~ •Approx. 3~veeks for road closure scenario •3 Months for Steging scenario •Mlnimize Traffic Disruption ' •Reduced Confusion •Pdo creaiion of degraded operafoonal conditions. •A predictable and reliable route. . . i . 7 ; •Questions? I-90, Sullivan Road to Barker Rd Interchange Why is WSDOT pursuing the expansion of I-907 , ■ I-90 is a major commute and travel route for eastem Spokane County and North Idaho tivith traftic volumes exceeding 100,000 vehides per day. (60,000 - 70,000 in Sullivan to Barker Area) . Freight traffic fhrough this corridor is expecied to increase by 30% over the next 10 years. ■ If I-90 is not expanded to accommodate grawing freight and passenger traffic, congesGon and other impacts vrill substantially reduce the transportation value of this critical corridor. . There are High Accident Locations on the Intersfate 90 corridor beh-reen the Sullivan UC and the Idaho State Line. . Vicinity of Barker Interctiange to East af Harvard Inierchange ■ Vicinity of Idaho Rd Interchange and the Idaho State Line. . 8 I-90, Suilivan Road to Barker Road Project ■ What will the end result tre? • This project evill add tvoo additional lanes (one general purpose lane in each direction) to I-90. • The project is expected to be built in five major phases: Sullivan Rd. to Bar{cer Rd., Barker Rd Interchange to Harvard Rd. (Liberty Lake), Marvard Rd Interchange, Harvard Rd. to Idaho Road, and the Idaho Raad Interchange. • Some Preliminary Engineering for the Sullivan to Narvard Road and Harvard Road to the idaho State Line secfions has started with an effort toward final design on the Sullnran to Barker sogment complete by Spring af 2008. $9.7 million in federal funding vras allocated to this effort. O ' m r i. ~U F ~ a ) r E 0utuFr - suwECr TO REV79ION , • v 1m12Q0T ~ i i f ~ J 9 r►~ ° + ~ • ' - a ~ SpR~~~ ~ - ' ' ~ Questions7 , ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ` Request for Council Action - Meeting Date: 03-27-07 Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing Q information ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amended Student Advisory Bylaws GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 04-007, 04-418, 04-026, 05-415 BACKGROUND: Spokane Valley Resolution 04-007 created the Student Advisory Council for the City of Spokane Valley. Resolution 04-018 amended 04-007 and included a section stating that ~prior to implementation, all such rules and regulations, including any proposed by-laws, shall be approved by the Spokane Valley. City Council." The proposed changes include adding the officer, position of Treasurer, and changing the SAC ' meeting place from Council Chambers to CenterPlace. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: If no objections, this item will be placed on an upcoming Consent Agenda for approval. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Mike DeVleming, Councilmember. ATTACHMENTS: Draft, red-line version of proposed amended Student Advisory Council Bylaws i. DRAFi' 0000 tlTl tK SPOKANE VALLEY j Vdl~~ SfUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL BI- LAWS Intent The bi-laws are ihe rules that govem the Student Advisory Council for ttle City of Spokane Valley. ScoQe The bi-taws should dired all student coundl aciivity during meetings. Definitions Counci) Studeni Advisory Council Terrn 1 year (September thru June) unless othervrise noted 10.00 MEETING SCHEDULE & LOCATION 10.10 Councii meetings will start in September and end the following June. 10.20 Meetings will be held on the lu & 3^' Thursday unless othenwise noted 10.30 it is the intent that on the first meeting fn June, the council will finalize its recommendafion for tfie next slate of Student Advisory Council Members to the Spokane Valley City Countil for approval. Council meetings will be hefd ;(i~~--o4,-r C---iterFlace -~ven; center unless othenNise noted. 10.50 Council Meetings will start at 6:30 and will adjoum no later than 8:00 unless a motion and second to extend the meeting receives a majority vote. 20.00 ATZ'ENDANCE 20.10 Counci) members will attend all council meetings. 20.20 Absences (other than illness) must be approved by council. 20.30 2 Unexcused absences will be grounds for removal from council. 30.00 ELIGIBILITY & MAKEUP 30.10 Council will consist of: (1) Representative from Vailey Christian School. SAC IIyl~~~ s I'.lu;. 1of -a DRA f)R:M-1 (2) Representaiives from East Valley High Schooi. (2) Representatives from West Valley High Schoc>!. (3) Representatives from Central Valley High Scf~ (3) Representativez from University H , (1) Student At Largc (1) Spokane Valley : ' (1) Spokane Valley City Manager or their designated represvs 1 ,`~,r-.;,,,,,r,ri",~ +i,> 30.12 L<ngth of 1 . 30.12.01 Higli year under listed circumstanc, a. Representative is stili b. Council votes to keep member for the addiu,--.::-;i 30.12.02 The rerms of the high school representatives ~.v01 h` ~r.~•~-~~r:=: ; so that at (east 4 S.A.C. wili ft- ,-tiii 30.12.03 Student at Large will serve 1 yea r 30.12.04 Mayor (or representative), City N1m1,i;ticr (c•r Business representative will serve consecutive one year ci r i;, 30.12.05 S.A.C. applications for high school representatives will b,_ advertised in Aprii and recommt i~' m,ide in 1linP tn tho- City Cnuncil 40.01 The selecti, September. 40.10 OffiCerS wiil c:f< (i) ;,-Uutiul 40.10.01 Council Chairperson will be elected by a simple vote of the S.A.C. and will serve a one year term. oxA nRaFr 40.10.02 Counci) Chairperson will be responsfble for presiding over coundl meetings and setting agendas. 40_10.03 Appoint chairman of all sub committees. 40.20 Offcers will consist of (1) Council Vice Chairperson 40.20.01 Counal Vfce Chairperson will be elected by a simpte vote of the S.A.C. and will serve a one year term (September thru June). 40.20.02 Council Vice Chairperson will assume the Chairmanship in the second year of their term (September thru June). 40.20.03 Preside over meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. 40.30 Officers will consist of (1) Council Historian 40.30.01 Council Historian wil) be eleded by a simple vote of the S.A.C. and will serve a one year term (SePtemb+er thru June). 40.30_02 Council Historian will be responsible for the recording of al) minutes taken during the S.A.C. meefings. 40.30.03 Preside over meetings in the absence af both Chaicperson and Vice Chairpecson. 40.30.04 Responsible for advanced agenda scheduling. t`iticers wiil cori>isi of (1) i reasurer :uncil Treasurer will be elected by a simple vote of the SAC A will serve a one year term (September ihru June). --uncil Treasurer will be responsible for retafning a ledger of the : ,~~ndl financfal ceport. ~-side over meetings in !he r3bterce of the Chaimerson. Vic.? • ~r~ ~ , - . 60.00 SUB COMMITTEES 60.20 Committees will be created, as necessary by the S.A.C. with a speclfit task. 60.22 Committees will dissolve onte ihe specific task has been accomplished. SAC I3ylaws f'agc 3 of 4 DKA URAFI' 60.24 Committees can consist of other citizens (fellow studenis, business people community members, and ocher ciLizens). 70.00 GENEWAL 70.10 The S.A.C. is an advisory council to the City Council. 70.20 All recommendations to the City Counci) are suggestions only. 70.30 S.A.C. bi-laws will be designed and written by S.A.C. and will requirP City Counci) approval to raiify. 70.40 All S.A.C. meetings are public and open. tiA(' 13y1aws '~4010107~~ SooKane Va11ey . . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley W!a 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org i., . . , . ' , . .•r_., . . ,.i,., „ . , , , . . N..., „ • . x„.,. , „ ~ ti. ,411.1 r.. Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: PAarch 21, 2007 Re: February Report During Fcbruary, fnance emplnyees worked in the following arE:as: BudrLet vitriancelinvestment reports Reparis showing a comparison of revenues and expenclitures; tn our 2007 budget, ae February 28; 2007 arc attachcd. Staff provides information on all funds quarterly. - Total General Fund year-Yo-date revenues and expenditures, are close to our expectations at February 28, ' 2007. The inve- scment repnrt is also attached for your revieNv. 1..adQine ta.r allocations - round t-vvo The lodging cotnmittee has schecluled a meeting for the weck of Vlarch 26. We have ttvo new members so baekL7ound information is being prepared. The committee has expressed an ir~lerest in allocating additional funds during 2007. Niulti->>ear financial aldn Business plans are beuiS prepared by all city departments so they can be incoeporated into the city multi- year financial plan. These busincss pldns will improve our accuracy when we prajcet our costs over the ne?:t six years. ftenewed Eambline tax on punch boards and pull tabs This tax will he renewed beginning July 1, 2007. L-xpect a few establishments to complain even tliough they have avoided this tas for rivo years. 2006 Comvrehensive annual Fnancial renort This reporl is being prepared for distribution to banks, bonclholders, insurance companies and others that have an interest in our finwicial status. 2008 bttdset Staff is preparing information that will be used by clepartments to prepare their 2008 budgets. The budget calendar has been prepared assuming adoption will be in late October of this year. City of Spokane Valley ` Selected Operating Funds Budget Variance Report • Year to Date at February 28, 2007 January & Budget February YTD Unrealiaed Percent . 2,~'17 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized Genorai Fund Rovonuos: Propertyl'ax $ 9,745,000 $ 28,553 S 28,553 S 9,7116,447 0.00% 1 Sales Tax 17,686,800 1,389,213 1,989,213 15,697,587 11_25 Gambling 7ax 910,000 - - 910,000 - 2 Leasehold Excfse Tax - 310 310 (310) - Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 724,170 11,986 11,988 712,182 1.66 2 Slate Shared Revenues " 1,121,000 - - 1,727,000 - Planning & BLtilding Fees 1,630,000 251,779 251,770 1,378,230 15.45 Fines and Fatleitur2s 1,250,000 116,139 116,139 1,133,861 9.29 Recreation Pragram Feos 447,700 62,398 62,398 385,302 13.94 Invesiment Interest 302,800 67,625 67,625 235.175 22_33 4 Operating Transfers 40,000 - - 40,000 - 3 Gcneral Fund S 33,857,970 S 2.527,996 $ 2,527,995 S 31,329,474 7.47°!0 6 OtherFund Rovenuas: Street Fund $ 4,088,372 S 214,044 $ 214,040 S 3,874,332 5.24°,b FtotellMotel Fund 656,000 28,454 28,454 629,546 4.32 Stormvrater Fund 1.900.309 19,150 19,150 9,881,159 1.01 1 Othcr Funds $ 6,646.681 S ~261,644 $ 261,644 S 6.385.037 3.94% January & . Budget Febn,ary YTCl Unreafized Percent 2007 Exaenditures Exnendlturos Exnenditilrps Realized General Fund Expenditures: Estlmated Fnding Fd. Balance $ 2,307,866 S - S - S 2,307,966 0.0096 legislalive Branch 242,393 8,0,061 80,061 162,332 33_03 ' F_xecutive & Legislative Support 881,554 113,924 113,924 767,630 12.92 Public Safety 18,256,400 1,426,898 1,426,898 16,829,502 7.62 Operations & Administrativc Svcs 1,467,808 175,555 175,565 1,292,243 11.96 Public WoAcs 7,142,537 148,844 148,844 994,043 13.02 Planning 8 Cammuniry Dev. 2,296,276 259,970 259,970 2,036,306 11_32 Ubrary Senrices 20,000 - - 20,000 - Parks & Recreation 2,086,186 222,247 222,247 1,863,939 10.65 General Governmenl 5,156,000 417,665 417,565 4,738,335 8.10 S 33.857.470 S 2,845,174 S 2,645.174 $ 31,012,296 8_40% Othor Fund Eupondituros: Street Fund S 4,088,372 $ 404,742 s 404,742 $ 3,683,634 9.90°6 Hoiellillote! Fund 658,000 14,563 114,563 643,417 2.22 5 Stormwater Fund 1,900,309 40,574 40,574 1,859,735 2.14 S 6,646,681 $ 459,898 S 459.899 $ 6.186,782 6.929G i ~ 312112007 437 Pld . City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month February 2007 Total LGIP° F&M MM F&N9 CD Investments Beginning $ 31,272,065.85 $ 1,577,368.27 $ - $ 32,849,434.12 Deposits 2,198,474.71 - 1,000,000.00 3,198,474.71 Withdrawls (2,200,000,00) - - (2,200,000.00) I nterest 125,132.89 5,360.03 - 130,492.92 Ending $ 31,395,673.45 $ 1,582,728.30 S 1,000,000.00 S 33,978,401.75 Balances bv Fund General Fund $ 8,009,990.71 Street Fund 4,844,541.88 Arterial Street 888,835.40 Pa'ths & Trails 22,499.94 HotelfMotel 409,778.87 Center Place Op 323,969.78 Service Level Stab. 4,658,454.43 . Winter Weather Res. 537,224.97 Capital Projects 3,684,890.83 Spec. Capital Proj. 3,859,673.48 Mirabeau Point Proj. 374,482.28 Parlcs Capital Proj. 1,358,070.32 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 2,664,833.89 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,528,971.80 Equipment Rental 794,257.55 Risk Altanagement 17,925.62 $ 33,978,401.75 'Local Govemment Investment I'ool ~ - FOOTNOTES Note: 1 Most property tax is received in May and November 2 Received quarterly 3 Internal transfers are made quarterly 4 City estimate may be too low 5 Requests for reimbursement are light in early months 6 Beg bal of $5.050 million not shown on this report 1 \ P61ione pUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT VaHey MONTHLY REPORT February 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Intedocal Awarded the AAA sweeping contract and currentty bidding Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract. • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with private engineering fiRns. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for their Wastewater Facilities Plan and beginning their RRP process for a new treatment plant. CAPITAL PROJECTS: • Valley Corridor Project Projed on hold pending outcome of the SpragueJAppleway Comdor Sub Area Plan. Staff participated in Sub Area Plan core team meetings with consultant, the third public workshop, and the joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting. • Street Master Plan Consultant continued their work on finalizing both phase 1 and phase 2. • Sullivan Road PCC Continued coordination with WSDOT. Project scheduled for construction in July, 2007. • PineslMansfield The County and State are preparing final designs of their respective areas of the project. The County Right of Way Dept. is woricing on appraisals and on the aoquisition process. The project is scheduled to advertise for bids in the spring of 2007 with constn.iction scheduled to-begin in 2007. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges David Evans & Assoc. is working on the final design. David Evans 8 Assflc. continued their work on appraisals and access agreements. This project will advertise in the spring of 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2007. • Barker Road Bridge Project PeRnitting, property acquisition and final design has continued. CH2M HILL is preparing the Environmental Classification Summary (ECS), SEPA and cultural resources study and other supporting studies. This project will advertise late in 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2008. CONSTRUCTION • CenterPlace Working on final project closeout. • Argonne Road Overlay Project Paving is complete. Permanent striping will be completed in the Spring. • Barker Road Project - Project compfete. Punchlist items remain. • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Approximately 15% of the project will be carried over to the 2007 construction season. Construction began on Monday March 5t'. • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Mainline sewer construction is complete. Paving is complete. A required sewer connection at tfie intersection of 4t" and Evergreen will be constructed in early spring. Staff continues to work with County Utilities on pavement cuUreplacement requirements for this woric. • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled in April. The project will be combined with the Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled in late March. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled in April. • Mirabeau Springs Deck Renovation Project The project was awarded to Modem Homes Construction. Construction began on March 12t'. TRAFFIC: ; • Began coordination with WSDOT and Spokane County Traffic Safety Commission for SR 27 Corridor Safety Project. The project will likely involve improving signal coordination on the comidor and evaluating high accident locations. All work will be funded by WSDOT. A kickoff meeting is scheduled for May 10t'. • Began working on purchase of energy efficient LEDs to replace incandescent signal bulbs. WII be partially funded by Avista and Vera rebates. • Made changes to AM timing plan on Sprague-Appleway couplet. More improvements are being analyzed. Also added Broadway/Mullan and BroadwaylArgonne to Argonne weekday coordination plan. • Continued coordination with WSDOT for Sullivan Bridge closure in July. • 7- Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 30 - New citizen requestslcomplaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concems, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Met with Spokane County and City of Spokane to discuss the regional stormwater manual. Most technical differences were resolved , address Ecology's comments. The manual is currently being reviewed by a technical writer. • Street Sweeping Proposals were received on February 6`h, 2007. AAA Sweeping was the only company to submit a street sweeping proposal. Staff concluded negotiations with AAA Sweeping and recommends that the street sweeping contract is awarded to AAA Sweeping. The proposed contract is for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City. • Requested bids for stormwater improvements for the Beverly Hills neighborhood. Design was completed by Adams & Clark. Five bids were received on February 22, 2007. L&L Cargile was the low bidder. STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: 'City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of February private contracts have invoiced $13,368 and the County has invoiced $452,483, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $465,851. The County has invoiced $1,988 and private contracts have invoiced $974, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $2,962. The overall total is $471,813 or 7.5°k of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS • Evergreen Lumber 5,600 sf Warehouse addition COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS • Ecolite addition Phase 4 11,840 sf factoryrindustrial/storage • Haight Change of Use/Remodeling . Intemational Gateway Corp Park Phase II 24,111 sf OfficelUVarehouse . Lake City Rental 9,206 sf retaiUequipment rental center • Panco Office Park 3 offioe bldgs totaling 12,955 sf • Sessions Residential Care Home 16,800 sf residential care home • Shanin Repair Shop 2400 sf automobile/truck repair . Waste Management Vehicle Maintenance Facility 105,000 sf vehicle maintenanoe center • Whitmire Daycare 2,792 sf daycare facility FINAL PLAT APPLICATIONS • Belleville Estates REZ-25-04JSUB-16-04/PUD-06-04 • McMillian Estates REZ-27-05ISUB-12/05 17 lots subdivision 8 rezone • E & S Commercial Genter BSP-01-06 . Evergreen Crossing BSP-02-06 12 lot BSP • Grumco & Pinecroft Change of Conditions • SHP-04-06 4 lot short plat • SHP-03-06 2 lot short plat • SHP-08-06 2 Iot short plat • SHP-33-06 2 lot short plat • SHP-10-05 4 lot short plat • SHP-05-05 4 lot short plat • SHP-18-06 2 lot short plat • SHP-14-06 3 lot short plat • SUB-11-04 LAND USE PRE-APPLICATIONS • PRE-12-07 4 lot short plat • PRE-18-07 2 lot short plat • PRE-13-07 rezone UR3.5 & mining to UR22 • PRE-16-07 rezane RR-10 to UR-22 • ZE-94-84 rezone change of conditions COMBO (REZONEISUBDMSION) APPLICATIONS SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS • SHP-31-06 9500 sf private driveway • SHP-02-07 3 lot short plat . 0 SHP-03-07 2 lot short plat REZONE APPLICATIONS S`po~kan00* e _OValley Capital Improvement Projects 2006 & 2007 PROJECTS Propasod EsUmated Doslgn Constructlon 2006 (2007) Total Project Funding Road Construction Projects Projoct Location Bid Date CompleUon Dato Complote Complete Fundinp Cost STF'(U) Argonno Road dverlay Indiana llvenue to Montgomery Avenve A7ar-06 611107 10096 90% $ 316,600 $ 316,600 Road Daslpn Prolocts Tlt3ffCMAQ PinesfAlansfiehl I'rojec1 Wilbur Rd. to P(nes Rd., Pines to 190 May-07 12J15f07 8096 0°b S 1,032,015 3 4,500,825 STP(U) Appleway Avenue Reoonstrvctivn Tsdiirtey Rd. lo Hodges Rd. May07 11115107 80% 096 $ 609,000 5 5,810,296 BR 8arker Road Bridge Replacement Barker Rd, at Spokane 12iver Dec-07 1211l09 8096 696 S 856,101 S 8,092,700 Sowor Prolocts City VQradate Mejghts - Paveback Valleyway to Ddission, Fverqreen to Adairis Mar-06 611l07 10496 8096 S 430,258 $ 430,256 City Vera Tercaoe - Pavoback 2nd to 7th, Evergreen to @trms May-08 511l07 10096 95% $ 341,2G4 $ 341,264 City Speldings - Paveback Indiana West of A7ontpomery Mar-07 11f1107 9096 0'36 $ - $ - City Grandview Acras - paveback Marfi7 11/1107 9096 0% $ - $ - City 7tentwood - Paveback Apr-07 11/1f07 90°Y6 Ogb $ - $ - Planninp Proiects STP(U) Valley Corridor Environmental Study Univemiry to Appleway Na Jun-07 0°Yo 096 $ - $ - STP(U) Valley Couplet - Project 2 University lo Evergreer► 0°Y6 096 Total $ 3,625,236 E 19,491,941 S'fP(U) - Surfaoe Transportatfon Program (Urban); TIB - Transpartation Improvement 8aard; Bf2AC -BrNJyQ Reptacement Advisory Committee; CDBG - CommuNty Doveloprnent Block Grant Pragram CPhAQ - Congestion AlanagQmenUAlr Quality Program; STn - Spokane Transit Auihority Feb 20"7,-^---- struction Projects , i ►vC. EMO ; . TQ: Dave Mcrr.icr, City vlanager FROvI: Kick Van Leuven, Chief of Police George Wigen, Administrative Sergr.snt DATE: Nlarch 19, 2007 RF: Monthly- Report Fcbruary 2007 During the month of February 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) uicidents for the Spokane Valley Police Departmcnt totaled 4,227. Thesc are self-initiated officer contacts; as well as calls for service. Out of those incidents, 1,223 actual reports were taken during the month of February. Attached is the breakdown describing thosc incidenCS. fldditionally; therc were 1,451 traffic stops condueted that resulted in 252 traffic reports. Included with this report are hotspot maps for. February residential burglaries, February coininercial burglaries and Pebruary traffic eollisions, along with January anci February stolen veluclcs. ADNIIINISTRA'I`I VE: ♦ The process of choosing a new cliief of policc from the chree candidates submitted by the Slterif.f's Officc continued, with aaticipation that the ~ndl choice ~~vill be announced early in March. COMM[,TnjTTX ORIEN 1 E1) P()LiCINC ; ♦ Neigtiborhood «jatch Coordinator 17iana Somerville and Crunc Preventinn Officers Grcg Sn~der and '1'ravis Pendell ~~~ere bus}~ during February, niakuig plans anc~ pr.eparu~g for the 2" a►unial Crimc Preventi.on Conferencc to be held at CenterPlace the March 7 and S. Nuiuerous training caurses, inchiding Internet Safety, Gang information, Fraud and l:dentity 'lheft, Terrorism Awareness aud Prewention aald others; will be oFfered during the hwo-day event. Also, a relaresentative from the Washulgton State Department of Emergency Vtanagetnent plans tv atte.nd the conference 1o give a brief overview of a new program called Map Your Neighborhood (i\1YN), a 9-scep approach to individual neighborhnod preparedness during and a.fter a major disaster. ♦ Lt. Steve Jones reports that a lot is liappening in the world of SCOPE tihese days. `Vith several anticipated changes within the Sheriff's 01~'ice and the Spokane Valley Police Department, one of the inost critical tasks is that of finding and hiring a new civiliaii SCOPE Director. "I'he SCOPE Board of Dircctors put out the announc.ement and received • 28 responses (.'or tlie Directors PQSition. hiterviews will be conducted in March, witli ' hopes of having the ncw directar "on board" by t-lpril 1, 2007. The new director will work ;-very closely with the Sheriffs Office and the Spokane Valley Police Department. Yage l orrRATiovs: Thefts of copper wire, aluminum and other metal continue to rise ui number and volume ul the Spokane Valley. ~ ♦ Coppcr Crooks CaPtured Officers arrested a pair of copper thieves who were cutting the grounci wires froin Avista power poles ui the Yardley area of SPakane Valley. A witncss called 9-1-1 and said t~vo suspiciou.S men were walking in ttie 5000 block of Easr Alki. 7 hey were carrying a black bag and bnlt cuttcrs. The wirness added that he could see the pair cutticig copper ground wires from power poles. Of.ricer Glen TIuickley and others arrived and detauied William Anihony Bodak, 39, 6409 E. Fighth, and Rnbert Jaines Nlatthews, 37, of Olympia, Washington. Hinckley arrested both meu for First Degree Malicious Mischief. Officer Rob Steveris drove both suspects te the Spokane County Jail for book.ing on the felony charge. An Avista representative who arrived on the scenc said the numerous damaged poles would cost about $5,000 to repair. Hc added tliat the contuiued thefts of copper wire and grOiuid cables 'vi the tivestern Spnk.ane Va11ey area could cventually result in Public safety issues. ♦ Copper Crooks Leave Company Unwired 1 hieves brokc into the Madern Electric storage yard on N. Pines Road and macle off with 880 feet o#' unclergroiuid copper cablc. The thieves apparently climbeci over or scurried beneath tlie yard's security fencing, leaving belund a small anount of wue which had been stored on spools at the facility. A Mndem Electric employee said the cable weighs a litile more than Nvo pounds Per f'oot, so etiessed that more thau one person was involved ui the burglary. Thefts aT copper, aluminum and even stainless stEel are repUrtecily at an all time high in Spokane County as prices for scrap mctals (and methamphctamuie)-remain high. ♦ Fugitive Hunt Nets 1)rug Suspect Members of the F.a~slem Washington Joint Fubitive Task. Force went to a Spokalie Valley apartment coinplea and got more thaii just the wanted suspect thcy were see.king. They also arrested a suspect who wa.s carrying 32 grams nf inethamphetainine ajid $2,539 in cash. Members of the task farce were lookuig t'or Peter G. Rueteler, a 27-year-old fuEitive wa»ted Cor First-Degree TIieC[, Sccond Degree Theft and six counts oF Fargery. He was believed to be at an apartment complex on NOrth Bowclish Road. t1s detectives approached the apartment; they saw a white male leavuig. When they Urdercd hun to slop, he took off running and thrcw a cellular phone case to the, ground. DOC O1'ficer Joc Letourneau chased thc susper:t down and captured lum. The case was recovcred and the 32 grans of ineth were discovcrcd inside. The suspect was identified as 26-year-old Richard Robert Pink with an address on E. 1 wenty-Second Avenue. He was booked intd the Sp4kane Cotuity Jail on a felony count of Possession of Mcthamphetamine with hZtent to llcliver. - EWJFTF members did f nd Rueteler inside the apartment. He was booked 'uito the Spokane Couniy Jail on the eight felony charges and a inisdemeanor warrant charging him wiCh driving on a susPended operator's license. The Hastcrn 1~'Vaslungton Joint Fugitive Page 2 Task Force is comprised of investigators f.rom the Spokane Cnunty Sherifrs Office, the U.S. Marslial's Ofice and Washington State Departmenl oFCorrections. + Meth, Meth and More Meth Detectivcs assigned to the Spokaiie County Sherif_E's T.nvestigative Suppart Unit raidecl a Spokane Valley apartment and fotmd methainphetainine atid related paraphernalia. The ISU investigators executed a search warrant they obtaincd after making several undercover purchases of ineth froui the occupants of the residence. Those occupants; Ryan J. Tatsey, 22, and Crystal M. Valencia, 18, were arrested and booked into the Spnkane County .1ai1, he on a felony count of Delivery of Controlled SubstanceJMethamphetanune aiid she on an outstandirag mistieme•anUr lraffic warrant `Iatscy tivas iti the apartment when detectives entcrcd about 8:45 a.m. Valencia was arresteti at her place of employment, a dayGare lacated at Sprague azid Evergeen. She had a drug pipe on her person at the time of the arrest. Detcctive JOlltl N0we1s said that in addition to their arrests; both Tatsey and Valencia have multiplc counts of llelivery of a Contcolled Substance pending. ♦ Ufficers Arrest Pair for Robbery A pair of: Wesl Valle,y School students was arrested after tliey assaulted a woman while stealing a safe from her vorth k'ark Roacl resiclenc;e. I`he hwo male slispccts, one 15 and the qther 16, werc cach booked 'uito Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center on felony charges nE First Degree Robbery. Officers were called to the hoine on Nnrth Park. A 14- year-old resident told t11em she had answered the front door and was met by the huo . suspects who asked fnr bandanas they had left there previously. She went upstairs to get the batidanas and wheii she r.elurned, she saw one of the siispects holdiug a small safe . owmed by her mother. She attempted to stop the thieves and the 15-year-old elbowed her in the left eye. She chased the rivo as they ran outside, but lost them when they jumped a backyard fenr.e. The OffiiCers contacted West Valley School Resource laeputy Iaamon Sinimons Nvho identif eci the lNvo, cme a student at West Valley High and the otller a student at Spokane Contract High Schaol. Simmons providcd their home address and officers contacted a parent at the home. NVhile there, they received a call that the suspects were walkuig honie ou Nortli Ely. Office.r Rob Stevens drove there and arrested both suspccts. Altliough they declineci tu discuss the robbery, one suspect did show Stevens tivhere they had dumped the opened safe. Off'iceis were able to recover document5 and several hundred dollars wrorth af coins and jewelry. SCOO'T`E1ZS AND BIKES: '1'here were no scooter or bike collis'ions in Fcbniary. r~ . Page 3 - 2007 FEBRUARY CRIME REPORT I Feb-07 1 Feb-06 1107 to date 1 06 to date 11 06 Total 1 OS Total 1 04 Total BURGLARY I 401 6511 961 107 11 714 1 7441 997 FORGERY 1 401 2711 721 45 11 334 1 4641 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF N 791 7911 1941 172 11 1,1221 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 1 481 51 11 1061 114 11 811 1 7491 916 PROPERTY OTHER 1 761 7711 1401 161 11 982 1 1,1541 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 1 271 1411 571 40 11 403 1 3331 390 STOLEN VEHICLES N 411 291 901 78 11 711 j 6031 577 THEFT 1 1341 1481 2961 301 11 1,888 1 2,2561 2,853 UIOBC I ol 1 ll 11 111 11 1 81 10 VEHICLE OTHER ~ 0 0il 01 0 11 31 51 40 VEHICLE PROWLING ~ 70 6711 1471 163 il 937 j 9581 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTYCRIN➢ES I 5551 55811 1,1991 1,182 11 7,916 1 8,1781 10,519 ASSAULT I 611 5511 1181 123 11 846 1 8941 880 DOAISUICIDE 1 171 1811 341 35 11 167 1591 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 1 601 31 11 1381 69 1 736 7621 755 HOMICIDE I 01 0 l 0l 0 1 51 11 S KIDNAP I 11 11 21 Sii 22 I 351 24 MENTAL 1 261 3811 511 81 1 4251 4251 386 MP N 6i 511 11l 13 1 881 971 106 PERSONS OTHER I 881 7711 1981 178 il 1,159 I 1,2561 1,624 ROBBERY 1 71 1ll 81 711 58 1 561 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 1 81 611 181 151 83 M 921 190 ; . TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES N 2741 23211 5781 526 I 3,589 1 3,7771 4,192 . ADULT RAPE I 41 211 71 6 11 29 1 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 1 131 8il 221 17 11 78 1 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCEI 6 711 11 l 19 1051 881 205 SEX REGISTRATION F ~ 1 0il 1 1 0 31 61 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES I 31 311 41 711 151 91 21 CHILD MOLESTATION ~ 21 SII $I 11 II 691 671 77 CHILD RAPE ~ 21 311 41 8 11 62 1 351 30 RUNAWAY ~ 261 2211 581 48 11 309 1 3111 437 SEX OTHER I 181 11 11 311 28 11 203 1 1811 162 STALKING ~ 11 0il 31 0 il 171 271 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON N 91 1711 191 34 11 1771 2441 341 TOTAL SEX CRlMES ~ 851 7811 1651 178 11 1,067 1 1,1081 1,475 DRUG I 571 7711 1251 161 11 665 1 891 ~ 999 ISU OTHER I 0l 0il 01 01 01 0l 1 TOTALISU 1 571 7711 125 161 1 665 1 8911 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFlC REPORTS M 2521 21511 564 474 11 3,345 1 2,4031 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVEp 1,2231 1,16011 2,6311 2,521 11 16,582 1 16,3571 19,962 7 ciflRwn Ti`t`~` I MENSNNNNMM rp ~ ''~n~ ~ ~ rvwn ~ e 8 ~ j ~ " 1 sr~~ Y ~ ° - R I c-i ~ l cc ri d I i Kre q ~cx T~ 9 , ~ a ~ ~ I ~ ~ .f r ~i'~t: ~..1. . ~ ~ ~L..~~7 ~ ~1K` ~1 ~_•E.: .,.:yy ~ ~ ~f36~ ~ ~ E -7 ~fUC& M t6 11- _ 1 1 1 l nn I~'~iflnn 1Wox tt -3' her 1ut , - tr p d ~ n +LL CB ~ i ~ ~t Al 8j D7 ~?.~r : ~ 1sL. . r yX;y, ZSI :nrf~i _ u'r . v ;1 : ' er ---•,<f..; I ~ 41 GM LL 61, ~ ~ ! 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Li =Hi9h 2 . ~ -1, 2407 February Traffic Collision Hotspots MepProduoad:7Marcti2007 ~ i F~t .~os~ r. z ~ ~ „ C ~ _,Otaj _l. ~ " • ~ i ~ .,C _ . _ ~ ~ o. 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R "=~r i ` _ 1~~~. f~ ' ~ _ -1 1'1E' . ~-qc'6Ti/f' ' - ~ • ~ ; l~j _ ~ .~'1 -r - IZ44?~ r ~ 1 fk: , ~ •3~ , ~ ~ ~ ~'-S'`~• ~ ~ 3~ Te~ ~ m icisl ~ 231h ~qp a l~ ll ~ ~•t ~ ~a~t L, _ ~ ~ d4th 1 ~ -~20 ~ ttt• ~ ~ j~ ~ - w ~ , L'~ _ ~l MLow SmMedruR1 /Nigh 44M ol a, iMat~`l,v r1~L•-- Q. 7 Masch 2007 h~~+~► ; ~ ' aear Map Produced: ~ °ts tS 1 gla~'Y 'H i-....~.1mP1~LiiYr Bur - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEBRUARY 2007 MONTHLY REPORT , LONG RANGE PLANNING: Planning Commission The Spokane Vailey Planning Commission met three times during the month of February and held pub(ic hearings on proposed Title 19, 21, 22 and 24. Consideratfon of the Sheneline Master Program has been suspended far the time being. The Commission met with the Ad hoc sign Committee to discuss their find(ngs and proposals with the Planning Commisslon on February 8, 2007. CURRENT PLANNING: 2007 Llcenses 8 Permits lssued - Aei Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Auq I Seg Oct Nav Dec e=:n ra07 57 I u ~ I ~ ~ I I I ~~pd N I 25 ; 36 74 32 I 23 32 35 24 21 I 10 1 50 J.- 2003 11 I 'H 34 11 iu n dS -6 j 3d Monthly revenus for the Planning Division totaled $15,285 in February. 2007 Planning Revenues :sa,oca 140,000 S30.000 - - - - - _ 120.000 - - r. { t a L"y~ Sj ~ Jan i"e blar April 1.1 s'y June Ju/y Aup ~e:t qr.t tlcq '?ec pRear^.r 1:=T 1 Ree._t ~'QO0 -,--9em n-.a''X 5 Pago 1 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community DevelopmQnt February 2007 Monthly Report Revenues generated by the Pianning Division ere compered v+nth the 2007 Budget apprapriation in the table below. 2007 New Land Use Actions ~n . - - ~ p - - - - = - - Jan Fe~ U ui : r Yr.y Jun Jul I Auq I 6ep Uee Nov Dac - p?007I 16 I 27 1 iD I_9` d c~ 2pp9 20 I 18 1 30 24 27 15 23 20 I 17 - 2005 15 L 22 1 24 I 24 j 1! 1 33 16 ~ 17 17 I 24 20 2007 Plannfng Revenuus Compared wlth Budget ~ I i S- 1:;i.i07 $1, - . . . , • . . . , . Sir- - j- _ ❑ Ac!ual YTD Re,ev.4e OA-:AI H~~".;e! F+i.rnt!Y Page 2 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development February 2007 Monthly Report BUlLD1NG DIV/S14N: The Building Division lssued 234 permits in February 2007, compared with 233 for the same period last year. 2007 CONSTRUCTION PENY(TS ~DO r` r--- - - - - , u,' c.w, AM rbr aiwr M W_ 4 aa ~ Oc I .rO i9Q7 1~+~» Z4 ~ 27a ~ . 7DO~ti~ 7s IA ]n Jf3 !ll 71~ ly 3!T 'f 10 7f➢ Sis ~ 211 I JIt ~ - - - - - - - 2007 New Structure slUnits Parmitted 40 30 - 1 ~ 20 i tp - ~ ~ Jan fnb ~ Maf I Apr Aby , June Ju1y Au4 Sept j Oct Nov i Oec ~ ~pNew 1 d 2 Dwellinp Umb 28 32 ~ ~ - lobtrlN-famlly!lnMs - t - 0 I n New Commerwl Struclures 1 6 The Permlt Center collected a total of $113,501 in Permit and Plan Review Fess in February 2007 compared with $93,341 for the same period in 2006. 2007 9uYdWp Rwanuu I iwaca - - , _ wnao~ - - - - ~-r10m Rrn.w ,.,.e r : rL w •a a.~ o: r. The reported value of construction, (ncluding new structures and additionslalteration is shown in the following chart, camparing these values with 2006. New vatue for February 2007 tokals $9,776.521 Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Vailey Department of Community Development February 2007 Monthly Report 2007 Voluadon os ConatrucUon i~~ : • ~ WQCf!~ t:~_OOO.u:c 000.00e ' - = 905 ~a lu a~ r- : t D D00,000 r - i] SUUrCE 5pokana Va11ey Fin8nCO OepaRrtienr In February 2007, building inspectors performed 889 inspections tn 19 days. This averages 46.78 inspections per day. The Plans Examiners reviewed 71 projects in February 2007 At the end of February, there were 4 projects awaiting review. :007 Hulltlny Insptctlons - - - - :'n , , . . - ~ = a. ` - . _ . ~ - • ■ ~ t . , S.-.U . - Ln FN Nr I P I h.__ ' .ar• JW y s.~ Gcf I ♦ Oc ~~::i,: P.ur n,n q0 1~~ ►J~ ~ tDL ± •t71 . •1L ~tn . :~M I ,v •eft tIW , C~ Iw% nv.- , -gn a.~ I an i sn rn •n I :i:' n1 1414 'p0 I ooi -.4 There were 210 right-of-way inspectians were performed dunng the month oi f=ehruary 2007 Pago 4 ot 7 _ I City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development February 2007 Monthly Report CODE COMPLIANCE: The number of 'Violations Reported" on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Vailey Zoning Code violations, pius comptaints received which were not violations. The complaints received are added to the total because they refEect time officers spent in tfie field conducting investigations. tn addRion, the `Investigated' and 'Pending' columns accuratefy reflect Code Compfiance's current ability to process and Investigate backlag cases. The following chart provides a monthly comparison oF the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reparted. Violations are reported based on the primary complaint received, rather than tfie number of additional violations identfied on any individual premises. The investigation of a comptaint af junk vehicles, for example, might also resutt in identificatlon of additlonal violations such as the ac.cumulation of trash or harborfng of livestock. These are not included in the summary A total of 58 camplairtts were prooessed in February. ~cn ::i - - - i - - - - - - - -i c o - - - ~ r~ - oj - - ( - - - r - - { - - ~ - - ~ -I - I .1 1__ ~I 1~ . : l n_1 I C6 I.1~; F.«~y~~❑ ~u•-.-: : :u: .:ii Ac.a . _ _ IJ,:1 Gn H6w~!i li,-,:.-Gu :ar-~ ~ Fr..-47 ~ a %lorernna Ae~r,rtad 43 ` 134 ~ 113 63 66 I 74 I 17 St 59 I 50 I Jt I 30 I'JE ~ g /IDa temenL 31 108 I 82 i 19e 118 I 42 I 88 48 ~45 33 I 30 I 14 I 18 c Fde Tranekn 0 a I 0 I 0 0 I 0 D ; 0 I 0 0 ~ 2 I 0 I 2 , Q p,.., • i.,j f1,. 3 a l .11 01 I 54 51 I bQ 53 i 47 I, 41 I 11 I JB I 45 I 60 ~ ■Vfolstlont Reported sAbitbments OFile Tinmfen •Ptndlnp Files I The Spokane Valley Police Department, in cenjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying Junk vehicles abandoned within the right-of-way. SCOPE votunteers tag the vehicles. Vehlcles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Activity is consolidated inta the fiollowing six categories: Environmentat (sewerlseptic, critica) areas, animal and nuisance violations); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangeraus building, landlord/tenant, illegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solfd Waste (sotid waste, illegal dumping, and household wasie vio(ations); CEearview Trianole and Complaint - No Violation. Pago fi of 7 I City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development February 2007 Monthly Report 2007 Code Violations by Category 60 so 40 30 - ?0 - 10 - - 0 Ji n :Ii i=[-r_iii Ib:3r-07 ISp--L:i ti4:3y-0~ I.lur-ii Jul-W AUy-,D7 :iep U7 Ucr 0,7 PbV-07;L1pC-0' 5 I ~ ~ O c:omplamt -'do Viobton 11 `s SoBd 1Maa.e I 7 O.kink Auin I 3 5 ❑ Clear V{ew TrionQle I I_._ 1 I I I ~ 1 ~ I I p R onerry I 8 98 p =:,vuu-m!eri~l 0 D CUSTOMER SFRVICE Pianning The Hearing Examiner he(d 3 land use hearings during February. Assisted 410 walk-in customers at the counter and dealt with 371 customer inquires by phone. Senior Ptanner Kuhta made presentations to the followfng groups this month - WSU fnterdisciplinary School of Design on 2/5I07, the Inland Empire Section of APA Brownbag Lunch on 219107 and the REDCON Conference Panel on 2/14/07 regarding the Sprague/Appleway RQvitalization Plan. A presentation to the EWU Planning Class on 2/22/07 regarding Capital Facflities and conducted t►ie City Ccnter Property Negoiiatfons Consultant Intervicvvs on 1l27107 Building: Permits The following table summarizes the pi:rfumiancP of 1he f'i:rmit (:r:nier for those pnrmits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that the application is deemed "counter-complete" to the time that a permit is issued. Values shown are tiiose on which Plan Check and Building Permit Fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times_ Delays in the issuance permiis Febnuary result from inadeqi.jate ar incomplete submittafs, failure of the 3E?~~!Ir.:~nt 1~~ F~u~N uF, ti,~~~~~_r~n!i r•?; ~'a~•, 6 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development February 2007 Monthly Report ~ , Feb 07 o Velue z C~ ❑ $ ~ : N[W CONSTRUCTIOr AAercartiEe I 1 ~ 3.214.580.00 59 1 Sa 59 OfllceiProtsssfoeW I 1 2.121.183 DO 130 ~ 130 130 Strud[re I 1 876.225.00 1 37 ~ 37 1 37 REMOOEL inausMai BWdaq I s I 328.000.00 I 51 I1e I ao Maca►mg I z I 105.000.00 I as.a I 30 I101 CffmMrcbsskxW ~ 3 ~ 28.500.00 I 71 ~ 3 I 186 R°Hglous Duddln4 ~ 1 ~ 3,000.00 1 17 ~ 17 ~ 17 The Permit Center has been tracking tumaround for Right of Way Permit Applications and fhe faxed Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Applications. At present the City responds to applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day. Permits for those application types are generally issued within two days. Buitding: Inspectlons Inspections are conducted the day following the inspection request except for weekends and holidays. Code Complfance All preHminary investigations are canducted within 24 haurs except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Pennit Center There were no surveys returned during the month af February Pago 7 of 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 27, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ Conser,t ❑ Old business O Netiv business ❑ f'ublic Hearing [9 Intormation Admin. RepoR❑ Pending Le9islation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Center Consulting Services GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council approved a contract for consulting services to develop a subarea plan for the SpraguelAppleway corridor, including designating and planning a city center. Preliminary recommendations concerning a proposed location for the city center was presented to Council at a joint Planning Commission/City Council meeting on September 14, 2006. On January 2, 2007, Staff presented Council a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a consultant who would assist the City in discussions and possible negotiations with property owners in the proposed city center. Council consensus was to move forward with the RFQ. On March 6, 2007, Staff recommended to Council that the City negotiate a contract for services with ClearPath LLC. l BACKGROUND: On September 14, 2006, at a Joint Planning CommissianlCity Council meeting, the City's -lead consultant for the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Revitalization Plan presented to council three options to pursue the development of a city center: 1. Master plan the preferred site, adopt zoning regulations that would allow a city center to be constructed, then wait for the market to build it. 2. Niaster plan and zone the preferred site and then "stimulate" developer interest by constructing civic buildings and/or other capital irnprovements such as streets, sidewalks and parks. 3. Master plan and zone the preferred site, secure property by purchase or option, market the city center plan to developers through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process and then resell property to selected developer. Option 1 provides the least financial risk to the City, but will likely take a significant amount of time for a city center to develop, if it happens at all. Option 2 requires a significant financial investment from the City for capital improvements, and therefore poses a greater financial risk, but the chances of getting a city center constructed are better than Option 1. Option 3 gives the City control over the project and potentially is the fastest way to get a city center constructed. However, it is the riskiest option because it requires the City to play a much more active - development role. City Council expressed interest in exploring Option 3. - Michael Freedman of Freedman Tung Bottomley (FTB) suggested that the City would be best ~ served by hiring a consultant to assist in contacting and negotiating with property owners in the area preliminarily designated as city center "Phase 1". On January 2, 2007, Council reviewed the RFQ and directed staff to proceed with its publication. Staff issued the RFQ and received six responses, all from firms outside the Spokane region. Of the six responses, two firms were selected for interviews. On February 27, 2007, City Staff , interviewed Leland Consulting from Portland, Oregon and ClearPath, LLC firom Seattle. The City interview team included Nina Regor, Mike Connelly, Greg McCormick and Scott Kuhta. The interview team unanimously recommends ClearPath, LLC as the rnost qualified firm to assist the City in developing a city center in partnership with property owners and developers. ClearPath is a relatively new company that has a broad range of experts in real estate negotiations and acquisition, public/private partnerships, land development, economic development and municipal government. They are currently working on town center projects in the cities of Bothell and Tukwilla as well as comdor revitalization projects for Shoreline, Lynwood and Oes Moines. ClearPath would assist the city in the following areas: • Provide feedback on the FTB recommended approach to developing a city center. • Identify critical issues, opportunities and barriers to developing the city center. • Develop a strategy to implement the City's vision for its city center, including wortcing with property owners, developers and other key individuals and institutions. - • Identify opportunities for publiclprivate partnerships and actions the City could take to facilitate development. • Negotiate agreements with property owners and potential developers. On March 6, 2007, City Council directed Staff to prepare a contract for Council review. Staff . has prepared a draft contract and Scope of Services which are attached to this RCA. ClearPath suggested a 2-phase approach to the project. The first phase v+rill include discussions with key stakeholders, including property owners, Staff and Council to help cla(ify the intention of the City and City Center property owners. ClearPath will then develop a strategy to work with property owners in securing land for the City Center and a new scope of work will be developed for the next contract phase. The cost for work completed under the first phase will not exceed $15,000. OPTIONS: Information only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Information only. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total cost for City Center consulting services is preliminarily estimated at $50,000. Funding for the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan is included in the 2007 budget, but did not include the cast of these proposed consulting services. The project cost would be incorporated into the City`s spring 2007 budget amendment. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager . The City of Spokane Valley ~ - ' City Center Property IVegotiations SCOPE OF SERVICES Project Overview . The City of Spokane Valley (City) is developing a subarea plan and development regulations to establish a frameworlc for revitalizing the Sprague/Appleway corridor. A priority for the City is to locate, plan and develop a City Center in the vicinity of Sprague Avenue and University Road. This project requires consufting services to assist the City in working with property owners to determine their level of interest in the creating a City Center. ClearPath, LLC (ClearPath) will act as the City's key strategic advisor in all City Center negotiations and deal structuring, as directed by the City. The tasks completed under this contract are considered to be the first phase. After CIearPath completes the tasks identified in this Scope of Services, a new Scope of Services will be developed as the second phase. The second phase will include property appraisals and negotiating agreements with property ~ owners. NVork Program The following task list describes the services to be carried out by ClearPath. As the project proceeds, the task list may. be modified as directed by the City. Task 1. Clarify Ciry Intentions ClearPath will review with Staff the City's intensions, issues and expectations. ClearPath will develop a preliminary acquisition strategy, including options, public/private partnerships, arms length sale and eminent domain. ClearPath will meet with Michael Freedman, Freedman, Tung and Bottomley, to better understand the recommended strategy for the City Center location, design and development. ClearPath will meet with property owners to understand their issues and interest in working with the City to develop a City Center. ClearPath will work to align the interests of the property owners and the City and will identity specific barriers to success. ClearPath will meet with City Council members and other key stakeholders to understand the level of commitment and desire to develop a City Center. , . , Task 2. Define City Center Strategy After clarifying the issues and intentions of the. City, key stakeholders and property owners, ClearPath will develop a strategy to woric with property owners in securing land for the City Center. ClearPath will develop an understanding of costs, benefits and tradeoffs and will identify negotiating leverages and strategies that will leaci to success. ClearPath will provide a written progress report to Staff and Council. ClearPath may be requested to present the report to Council in person. ClearPath will develop a Scope of Services for the projecYs second phase. Budget The budget for services described will be based on the following rates for time and materials. Advisory and Transaction Services: $200lhr Analytic Support: $150/hr Administrative Support: $70 Printing and Copies: 15 cents per page . . Travel: Automobile mileage at current IRS rate Air travel/hotel at actual expense . The City will reimburse ClearPath for actual expenses incurred in the delivery of services under this contract. Any expenses to be reimbursed by the City must be approved in writing by the City before the expense is incurred, unless for printing/copies and travel expenses. Total cost for this initial contract will not exceed $15, 000. Project Duration Tasks under this scope of services shall be completed by June 1, 2007, unless extended by mutual agreement. AGREF;ME\'T 1+OR PROFESSlUNAf., SERVICES i i Clearl?ath, LLC TFIIS AGIZEEMEiN'1' is made by ajid beriween the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of Hhe State of Washington, hereinafler "City" ancl ClcarPath, LLC, hereinatler "Consultant," jointly referred to as "parties." IN (:dNSLL7ERATTON of the terms and conciilions contained herein chc parties agree as follows: 1. VVork to Be .C'erformed. The Consultant will provide all labor, services and material to satisfactorily complEle the atiached Scope of Services. A. Administration. The City A1anager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Consuliant. Prior to commencemcnt of work; Consultant Sliall contact the City Manager or desigmee to review the ScopE of Work, schedule and date of completiori. i)pon notice Gom the City Manager qr designee, ConsultanC shall commence work, perform t11c requested tasks in the Scope of Work, st:op work and promptly cure anv failure in performance under this agreement. B. Reuresentations. Thc City has relied upon the qualifications of the Consultant in entering into this agreement. By execu[ion of this agree►nent, Consuliant represents it possesses the ability, skill and resources necessary to perForin the work and is fiimiliar with all cun-ent laws, rules and regulalions which reasonably relaCe to the Scope of Work. No substitutions of agreecl upon personnel shall be made without the wriften consent of the City. Consultant shall be resNonsible for the teehriical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and City shall not be responsible for discovering deticiencies therein. Consultant shall correct such ciefieie_ncies without additional eompensation excepl t:o the extent sueh aetion is directly attributable to defic.ie.ncies in C:ity fiirnished ittformation. C. ModiFcati0n5. The City may modifV this agreement ancl order changes in the wrork whenever necessary or acivisable. The ConsultanC will accept modifications when ordered in writing bY t}1e City Manager t,r dcsignee. Compensation For such maditications or changes shall be as mucuslly abre.ed between the parlies. The Consultant shall rrrike such revisions in the work as are necessary to correct errors or ornissions appearing therein when required to do so by the (;ity without additional cornpensation. 2. Term of Contract. This agreement shall be in full f'orce and effect upon execution and shall remain in efi'ect unt.il eornpletion of all contraecual requirements have been met. Either parly may terminate this agreement by teii (10) days writ.ten notice to the other party. In the event. of such cerrnination; the City shall pay the Consultant for all work previously aut:horized and satisfactorily performed prior to I:he termination date. 3. Cnmpensation. '1'he City agree.s to pay the Consultant on a time iinc1 rnaterials basis in aecorcl.3nce with dle attached fee schedule as full compensation for everything done uncler this agreement, not to exceECi S].S,OOQ, for work direLceci by the Gity. 4. Yxvment. The Consultant shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to the Ciry. Applieations for payment shall bc sent to the City Clerk at thc below statecl acldress. ~ Agrccmcnt for ProCessional Services City Ccnter Proper[Y vegotiations f'aoe 1 of 5 °1'he Cit.v reserves the right to withhold payment untler lhis agreement which is detennined in the reasonable judgment of the City ManaDer or designee to be noncompliant with tlle Scope of 4Vork, City Standards, City ordinancES and fcderal or state standards. 5. \'oticc. \iofice sltall be given in writing as follows: TO THE CI`I°Y: TQ TI-IE CUNSULTANT: Name: Christine Bainbricice, City Clerk Name: Rob Larsen Phone Number: (509)921-1000 Phone Number. (206) 235-5545 Address: 11707 ra..St Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Address: 815 Westeni Avenue, Suite 300 Spok3ne Valley, WA 99206 Seattle, WA 98104 6. Apnlicable Laws xnd Stanclarcls. The parties, in the performance ofthis agreement, agree to compl}' with all applicable I'ederal, State, local laws, ordinances, anct regulations. 7. Relationship of the Piu-ties. (t is underStood, agreed ant! dcc.lared that the Consuhant shall bc an iridependent Consultant ancl nol the agent or employee of ehe Cit_y, that the City is interesled in only the results to be achievecl, antl that the right to control fhe particular manner; me[hUC1 and means in which the services are perforined is solely within the discretion of the Consultant t\ny and all ernploye:es who provide serviccs tq the City under this agreement shall bc cieeaned employees solely of the Consultant. The Cansultant . shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions orall cmnloyees under this agreement and an_y liability that rnay attach thereto. Ownershin of Documents. All drawirtgs, plans, specifications, and other related dQCUments ; prepared by the Consultant under this agreement are rlnci shall bc the property of the City, .ind may he subject " ta disclasure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or oUler zipplicable public record la-,vs. 9. Records. The City or Stace Auclitor or any of their represenuitives SMall have fu11 access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of the Consultant's records with respect to all matters covered in t:his contract. Such representatives shall be pcnnitted to audit, eaamine ancl make excerpts . or transcripts Gom sueh records and t4 make audits of all concracts, invoices, materials, payrolls and reeord of iTiatters covere:d by this contract for a period oFthree yrears firom the date final payment is made hereunder. 10. Insur.ince. "L'he (:onsultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the agreement, insurance itgainst claims f7or injuries to persons or damage t:o property which may iirise From or in connection wilh the performance of the work hereuncler by the Consultant, its agents, representativi;s, or eanploye.es. No Limilation. Consultant's maintenance of insuranCe as required by the agreement shall not be con5trued to limit the liabilily of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or othenvise limit t.lie City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equic}'. A. Minimum Scope of Insw-ance. Consultant shall obfain insurance of the [ypes (lescribcd belnw: 1. Autonrvuile Liabilit), insuranee covering all owned, non-owned, hired anci leased vehicles. Caverage shrill be written on Insurance Services Office (TSO) form Agreern$nt for ProPessiqnal Service; City Center Property Neaotiakions Page 2 of 5 CA 00 01 or a substihite form providinb equiwilem: liabilit_y coverage. (f necessary, i ; the qolie_y shall be endorsed to provide contractual lilbility coverage. 2. Conurter•cicrl General I.iQhility insurance shall be N.Titten an ISO occurrence form Cr 00 Ol and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, inde.pendent contractors and personal injury iuid advertising injury. The. City shall be nained as an insured under the Consultant's Cotnmercial General Liability insuranee policy Nvith respect to the Nvurk performcd for the City. 3. lVorkers' C'onnpensafinn coverage as required by the lndustrial [nsurance laws oPthe Statc of Washington. 4. 1'rofessional Liability irisurance appropriate to the ConsultanC's profession. B. Minirnum Amowits oflnsurance. Consultantshall maintain thc f411owinginsurance lim its: l. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit fior bodily injury and properiy damage of$1,000,000 per accident. 2. Comntercial Gene,-ul I iabilfty insurance shall be written widi limits no less thaii $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 ocneral aggregate. 3. Professiorial I iabifity insurance shall be written with liinits, no less than . $1,000,000 per c.lsim and S1,000,000 policy abgregatc lirnit. C. Other Insurance Yrovisions. TMe insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for rlutomobile Liability, Professional Liability and Commercial General Liability in5urance: 1. TFie Cnnsultant's insurance coverage shall be prirnary insurance as respect t:he City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurariee pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insuranee and shall not contribute with it. 2. Thc Consultant's insurance shall be encforsed to statc tllat coverage shall not be eancelleci by either party, except after thirty (30) ctays prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requestcd, has been given to dhe City. - 0. Acceptabilitv of Insw-ers. Insurance is to be plaeeci with insurers wit11 a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: VII. E. Verificstion ofCoveraee. Cnnsultancshall furnish the City with original certifiGates anci a eopy of the amendatory endorsements, inelucting but not necessarily limited co the aclciitiqnal insured endorsement, evidencing the insuranee ruquirements of the Consultant bcfore comrnencement of the worlc. E. Evi(lence of Coverape. As evidence of tlie insurancc coverage required by this contract, the C;onsultant shall furnish acceptable insui-ance certif icates to the Cit), at the time Agreement for Professional Scrviccs • City Center Propcrty Negntixtions F'age 3 of 5 the Consultant returns the signed contract. The certificate shall specify all of ihe parties whn are additional insured, and will include applicable policy endorsements, che thirty (30) day ; cancellation clause, and the deduction or retention level. lnsuring companies or entities are subjecl to City acceptance. 1f requested; complece copies of insurance policies shall bc provided to the City. The Consultant shall bc financially resporisible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insurecl re.tentions; and/or self insurance. 11. Inclernnific.aHon and Hulci Harmless. Each pa.rty shall dete.nd, indemnil'y and hold the other, its officers, officials, employees mict voluntee.rs hannless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, lo5ses, ur suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting fmm any neSligent acts; errors or omisSions on tlie part of said parfy or its agents, employees or voluntcers in perfonnanee oi'this agreemenl. 12, Waiver. Nlo officer, employee, agent or other individual acting on behalfofeither party has the power, ripht nr autliarity to waive any oftlie cAnditions or provisions ofthis agreement. No waiver in one instaricc shall be held to be waiver uf any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. A Il remedies atrordecl in th is agreernent ar by law; 5hall be takcn and construed as cumulative, and in addition to eveiy other remed}' previcied hereiri or lay law. Failure ofeither party to enforce at any tiilie any ofthe pravisions of this agreement or tu reyuire at any time performarice by the other pacty of any provision hereofshal I in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor sllall it affect th'e vali(lity of this agreement or any part thereof. 13. Assitnment and Deleaation. Neither party shall assign, transfer or delegate any or all of ihe responsibilities of this agreement or the benefils re_ceived hereunder Nvithout first obtaining Uie writien consent of tlie other party. 14. Subcontracts. Fxcept as otllenwise provided herein; the C;onsulli3nt shall not enter intb subcontracts for any of the work conte►nplated under this agree.rne.nt without obtaining prior written approval of ' the City. 15. Conficle.ntialitv. Consultant may, frorn tirne to time, reeeivc inf'onnation which is deemed by die City to be eonfidential. Consuiti►nt shall not disclose such infonnation without the express %vritleri conse.nt oFthe C'ityo ur upon order of a COurt oPcoinnetent jurisdictiai. 16. .Turisdiction and Venue. This agi-e.emenc is encered into in Spokane Councy, Washington. Venue shall be in Spol:wic County, State of 1TVashington. 17. •Cost and Attorney's Fces. In the evenl a lawsuit is brought with respect to th is agreement; dle prevailing party shall be awarded its costs and atlorriey's fees in the amount to be determineci by the C;ourt -is reasonahle.. iJnless provided athenvise by statute, Consultant's alYOriiey fees payable by the Cicy shall not cYCeed the total sum amounC paid under this agreement. 18. Fntire Aereement. °1'his writlen agreement constit-Lite_s [Fie entire Fuid complete agmeement betwcen tlie parties and supercedes any prior oi-al qr written agreemer►ts. Tt1is agreement may not be changetl, modified or altered except in writing si;;ncd by the parties hereto. 19. A nti-kickback. 'No ofiicer or employce of the City; having the power or dut},to perform an • official act or action related to this agreemenl shall have or acquire any interest in this agreement, nr have solicited; accepted or granted a presenl or future gift, tavor; service or other thing of value i=rom any person with an interest in this agreement. AgrLTment for Prufessional Services , City Centet Pruperty Negotiatiqns Page 4 of 5 . ` 20. Business ReQistration. Prior to eommencemen[ of work under this agreenient, Consultant shall register Nvith the City as a business. . 21. Severahilitv. Ifany section, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis agrecmcntshould be tield to be invalid for any rcason bY a court of compeTent jurisdictian, suelt irrvalidity shall noC Affect the valiclily ofan_y otlier section, sentcnce, clause or phrasE of this agreement. 22. EYhibits. Fxhibits attached and ineorpprated into this agreement are: 1. Scope of services (includes f'ee schedule) . 2. Insurance Ceriificatcs TN Vl'ITNESS WE.ERFQP, the parties havic executed this a};recment this cfay of .2007. CiTY OF SI'O Kn\T VALLEY: C;onsul[ant: Uavid Mercier, City Manager Rob L-irsen, Principal Tax 1D No.93-0584951 ATTFST: APf'ROVrD AS 'I'O FOM4: Christine I3ainbritfge, City Clerk Ui'fice ofthe City rVtorney r~ , Agrccment for Ilmfes;ional Servicrs City Center Nroperty N;egotiations Page 5 of 5