2006, 02-14 Regular Meeting ~ - ~ AGE?VT)A YALLEY CI"I'N' t'l)t"ti(-IL `E:CIt1I, MF:ETIN(: ituncil Meeting 085 ~ ~~t i-Lt[.r. r1T RFnwoon YLAZ:-*% t I7U7 Fast Sprague Avenae, Flrat Flori r coJri,•d ilccpcc,t.AI! Ftectcanic Ocw3ces hcTurnerl Uftnur-in,_, ('uuncil 11czting, r ti1,[. 7'O ORI1N:R I_YVOCATION: f'aitorl3rian1'rior.Chtircli o!'shc {'I,EDGE nF .4T I.FGT.aNC'f-: ltnLl. CAi,I. ->1'1'RON'.A1, OE .AI;FND:\ Iv-t-Rouuc~non oF sri..Ci:U_ 4_.c-rN-rs :0u ~~iu.~:~:~-r:~ri~ ('OM`fITI'EE. BOAItD. t _t ~t'1t`.T kIt1 i:F't't ~It t ~ MAYOR'S REPOIl I : !'[fIIL1C C.OMMF.N'Ty flil': 1 . • ;•~'!rl',1?1~'. ,ilr puGlic tospcnk oo nny topic. When you _ • ~ iii, 11--, , Iic cecc?rd snd limiL rcmarks to thcce minutc, l. C()NSFNT AGE.VU4 Cansists uCitems con5idcrk:d r"utinc which urc apprn`cJ .45 ag.r(Nu; . ~1:rW,, ilmcmhet may removc an item fram thc Cunsant Agcnda w be c:.onsidcred sepsuatek a PoUowing claim vuuchers: ~VOUCI-IER LIST DA7T' VOUCHFR #s TOTAL VOUGHER , . t"+.MMO[INT 1,inuary 20. 2006 8454-8473 $140.8 i i.5r .1 :tnunry 23. 2006 8,E74-9492 (-8485 53,684.49 ~ J.unumrv 24. ZUUS 8493-8498 683„5021. t9 ' 3miu,Irv 30, 2006 8499-8536 $106.702.98 Ecbtvarv 3, 2006 8547-8573 S62,Z715.96 G2AND T4T'AL 5956.978.( h. Payrol) far i'ay Yeciod Ending January 31, 2006 of $210,1 80.47 ^ c. Approval of Award of Bid And Authorizatian tor City Manages's Signnture on Can~- ~ L!. Apprnval of Rcqursi for Use of Sjmkanc Vnllcy Rnd C:entcrPlnce [.ogas fo: e. Approva! of hlinutes of Council Study SessIon Merting of January t f_ Approvat of Minutes of'Special Councii NtactingofJanunry 23, 300, g. Arproval of Ntinutcs of Rcgular Counc:ii Meeting of lanuary 24, ?ll( h. Appraval caf.Minutcs of Cauncil Stucly Session Meeting of )nnuary• - I. :~('i~(•?t':i~ T 1IIt1UiC•~ i'i ~ +~Ui7~11 ~l~hj'' titt-c~l~~ti *v~C~2llit; (11 }'CFr~i:tr'~, 'fN tiL\'V BlfSIVESS ;e,:ut►d Rea{ing P['oposed Ordilutncx 06-001. UR-1 lnterim Zoning - Mnrina Sukup pubUc commcntJ + Hr-cs Rcuding Propost-c! nrdinnncc 06-0(r- Amcnding Intcrim 7.oninu rc Plastic Injccti (public commcnti 4. Firsc Zrading Fmposed Ordinance 06-003 An►ending Aviation Area - Ntarina tiuE:up [public eommentl Motion Consideration. Mcmorattdum of Undcrstanding with Spakane CaunhI Re 2006 Sc-xer t'onstructioa t'rograin - Neil herstcn jpnbHc commcntJ 6. Motian Consideration: :1. Spokane County Street Mnintennnce Interloc,11 -~,tcil Ker~ten ~pubtie comment) 1). Twu new FfEs: MnintcnancdConstruction Inspector Positions, Gradc 14 (Public commcnti 7. Motiun Can.gidcratian: titayaral Appoinunent, Lfldging'Cax Advisary Camraittee -kiayor Wilhite. [pubtic commrnt] 8. ;11otion Cerisieierntion: Mayorril Appointment af Crnincilmemher (_Jothmssnn to the Weed & Seed [public cummcalj P[JBI.[C CO'4111EN"TS fxccpt whrre inJ3catnl abutic fix "public cr>rnment" thrti i: .111 011portunit•: t. or the puMic to srenk on arry tnpic. When }-rru cc►me to the Fodium, rl,:a,,c ~..,iir nn,rc ,r.i :.,r tL•r rr,:onl.utd itmit rewm~:: tlurr til1011fCs AnNiLN«TIiaTiVE lUrurtTS: F irr District # 1 lxvy - F irc Chict.Mike Iluompsun 10. Bus Benches - Cary Uriskell 1 1 Spokane t.'nunuy Srrvice As;reemenu; -\iiia RrgortMorgan Koudell:a INFnR11A'I'IOti ll;Yl.V: rlem.c » ill not ht- rti.r,:Us.sCd nr rennr;eri uprnr J AD.1Ot'RtiNiFti I' FU'Fl 'Kt: SC'11L:DULE Xegula► C'urrticil rNtec[ings ute k~.•iicrull), lrclJ ?nd atid 4"` Tucsduys, hrgiiinirrg at h: UU p.nr. C'uunr!! SfuJy Sa~slnnrs are genma!!y he/rf Ji° arrd Sth 7'uetdu1's, he~fiinning ut 6: !l0 p. m. Uther Tentwi►-e LrDrnminlt Aieetinps/Erents: 'rttttrs, fcb'_'3, 6:00 p.tn., Sprcisl Council N-[cc,in~,, i'outi:,l I~1elibcra►iou Park, & Rrireaiitui "1-hurc, Mgrch 9, 6:Uq p.m. 5pccial Council Mcriing Caunci) C}c;libcration Comp Plan C:apital I.acilitirti Thirrs. kisrch 21.2006, 6:(10 p,m. SPecial C'nuncil Mecting, E~inal 1'nblic llenrin; ('omP 1'Inn V0TI1E. j`i1Rlli[:.,4 1u 3lir.ltd (hC TItCthag Wltb f:qtllit tipC'1!J tO UC:o7tiJ11o+j:ilt ph}:iC1S. hC.i.iP.g, or liuhEL itvwments, Ple.ttc uni Lut ULs Ct tv Clui at (509) 421-ItNin ?.:,:wA,n Ls po;*_il.!_ ;othntnlrongrntc:rie ituv be ma~l'-.: ~I.'.•! 1 01; 1tc; ila _ ,j ? Spol~ane ,;OWWVaIIey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley vJA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Councilmembers Cc: Dave Mercier; Nina Regor From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Date: February 10, 2006 Re: February 14, 2006 Council Agenda Attached nleasc find. for Tue.sdav's. Febniarv 14. 2006 Council Auenda: 1. Amendecl Agencla (item #3 postpAneti, additinnal research nccded) 2.1'owcrf'oint f'resentation - goes Mth agenda item 94 3. Service Agreemcnts Update - goes with agenda item # 10 ~ i Al1~x~:rl~`~}~, AGE~! D A SPOKA1VE VALLEY CITY C'O[]NC'IL SPk;CIAL iMEE'FING Coancil M eeting #SS 1'uudiiy, Fcbruary 14, 2006 6:00 p.m. CI7'Y HALL r1T REDWC1O.D PLAZA 11.707 East Sprague Avcnuc, rirsc rroor C'onnciE ltequests All E[cctronic Devices l) e Turned Off ])it ring Councel IVIeetilEg C AL1, ORD ER .TN1'OC'ATION: 1'astar 13rian Peior, Ep iscopal C h uri~h of the Resurrection i PLE.K7G-E OhALLLGlAIYCE , Yti)LL Cr1LL APFRQV.4LOF AGE1VDA . INTROD'LTCTICIiN 0 P SPFCIAL GLFESTS AND PRLS ENTATIOIVS COMMITTT;.T, B OA.RA, LYA~SO1V SUMiN9ARY FtU, FC1.RTS MAYOR'S RFPCIRT: . PUBLIC COM~'IENTS Exccpt u+herc incEECated below for "publie eommtnt'° this is an opportunity foT the public to speti k on any topic_ W heii you com e to [he podituu; please statc. your name and addeess f~r the recorci and limit remarks to tli ri~c m inti ws. 1. COiNSENT AC,tElVD.4 Consisrs of items considered routine whicli iire approved as a~roup, A Counc i lrn ember may remnve an itcrn fro m Clie Consent Agenda to bc considered separately. ~ .a. F011oWing claim vouclIers' . VOUCHFR..LISTLIATE VOUCHER #s T07'AL VQUC.HER ~ AM ~LJ~1T January 20, 2006 8454-5473 ~ $100,811,56 _lanuary 23, 2 006 ~ 8474-8492 (-8485) $3,684.49 January 24, 20{}6 ~ 8493-8498 ~ 683,502,19 ~ January 30, 2006 ~ 8499-5536 ~ $ I 06a702.9$ ljebrLlaFy 3, 2 0(}6 ~ 5547-8573 $62,276,86 GRAN.D TOTAL ~ $956,975,08 ~ b, Payroll far Pay Fer€odEndinbJanuaey 31, 2006 0#'$210,i80.47 c. Approval ofAward of Bid and A uthoriz►tion tor C ity Nianager's Signature on Contrac# d, Appi-oval of Rcquest fnr Use of Spokano Valley and C enterPlacc Logns for Mayor's Ball e. Approval of Mtnuies of Catmci] Study Session luleeting of January 17, 2 0 06 f. Approval of iVJinutes oP Special CQunci I Meeting oF January 23, 2QOfi g. Approva] nf h+1 i nim s of Regu lar Counci E Mccting of Jxnuary 2 4, 20 06 h. Appeoval of M inutcs of Council S tudy S e-ssi on Meeting of_fanuary 31, 200G i_ Approva I of Minutes of Council Study Session Mccling of februar}+ 7, 2006 Council AgcndaQ?-14-U6 Regulssr kMccling Pa;c ] oF2 I NFVV 13US1NF,SS 2. Second Rcadinr Proposed Ordinanee 06-001, UR-1 lnterim Zoning - Marina Sukup public comment] Pi-ppRsed Y : • . it4tt , ° ° ~ttU fHe" i} 4. Pirst Reading Proposed Ordinance 06-003 Amending Aviation Area - Marina Sukup . [public commcnt] 5. Motion Consideration: vtem4randum of UnderstAndin? with Spokane County Re 2006 Sewer Construction 1'rogram -\leil Kersten Ipublic commenti 6. Ivtatinn Cnnsideratinn: a. Spokane County Street Ivlaintenance lnterlocal -Neil Kersten [public enmmentl b. Two neev FTF_s: MaintenaneelConslruetion [nspeeror Positions, Grade 14 [puUlic commentl 7. Niotion Consicleration: vlayoral Appoincment, Loclging Tas Advisory Gommittee - Mayor Wilhite [pulilic cpmment] 8. Motion Consideratinn: vlayoral Appointment of Councilmember Gothmann to the Weed R Seed Comnlittee - Mayor Wilhite [public commenti 1'UBL1C CUMMENTS Except where indicated abovc f'or "public eommenl" this is an opportunity for the public to speak on any topic. When you come to the podium, please state yaur name and address for t.he reeord and limit remarks to three minutes. AD171NISTRATtVF RFFQRTS: 9. Firc Dist.rict ft1 Levy - Fire Chief'Mike'l'hompson 10. 13us Benches - Caiy Driskell 11. Spokane CountY Service Agreements -Nina Rebar/Morgan Koudelka INFORMATION O\TLY: [These iteins will rrnt be disczrssed or reported upon._] AD.iOURNMF.:NT FUI UfZESC'HEDULE Reg1rlnr Cnrurci! 1Ncetiriss are getrera!!y lreld 2nd aird 4`r' Tuesdqys, hegiiriritig at 6: 00 p.rn. Cuiurcil Stucly Sessions are general!}, Ireld P, .3rd ClI1lI SIII Tuesiluys, beginrring af 6:110 p.nr. Olller Tentative Uncnmiire Meetint~v/Fvr.iit.r: Thurs, Fcb 23, 6:00 p.m.; Special Cduncil Ivleeting, Council Iaeliberation Parks & Recreittion 'ChurS, March 9, 6:00 p.m. Special Couneil iMeeting Council I7eliberation Comp Plan Capital Facilities 'Churs. March 23, 2006, 6:00 p.m. Special Coumcil Nleeting, Final 1'ublic 1-learing Contp Plan NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting tivho riquire special assistancc to accommodate pliysieal, hearing, or other impairrnents, plefue contsc.t thc City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 ns soon :is possible so thtit arrungements may b£ made. Council A~enda 02-14-C1( Re};ular ~qeetiitig Page 2 of 2 odne l~ Va I ley . Hazard Airp~ort A Trawl 14 . 2006 Purpose • First Reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 14.702 of the Interim zoning regulations relating to Airport Hazard Overlay I a Background • Felts Field classified as a reliever airport with precision instrument runway • The main runway (4,500') will be engthened by 550' • Airport protection includes preventing encroachment by incompatible land uses a Height hazard o Safety hazards w Noise . Felts Field is owned jointly by the City of Spokane, Spokane County and the Airport 6oard Spokane Valley is signatory to the master plan governing Felts Field He'i'ghtHazard • Civil Airport Imaginary Surfaces govern the height limitations in regulated airspace • Approach Zone • Transitional Zone o Conical Zone o Horizontal plane Hel'ght Hazard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .-i ► . 3URfACE SLOPE KEY ~ ...a ~ j~ rr~+w r .rr ~+.u r.a~ A- ~ - ~~~rw ~ ~ • ~lr~•~ ~ ~ • ~ CIVIL AIRPORT IMAGINARY SURFACES yj> a.e~o.r raM..w rvq • • a , - - - - • rrM ~+h ~A~ 1~ r ~I •r 1 ~ ld ~ 4MbMM► ~1J~At! ~w•~ K~. +~1n ~w M ~r~ ' • ~ asfit p'~tsea ~ . , w~~ w~ • w •.w ►s ~ r ~ . M , , . l~J, . . • . .r.~ wr. ~ u. •r V~ • ~ - ~w ' w• . . H01/CIr ~H~MA • •w~+~~M ~r ~~y ~ ~ ~cr~ w~..•...T~~r - IL- ~ ~ - SECTION_A-A AYIATION DiVISiON ` ' • ~ ` ' ~ _ T o.. + " ~ TvaneveAM,e.. ~ .i- f ~ ~ ° ` p~Y, . e ~ ' - ~ '~-it ~ ~ • ~*3 ~ s i"'r '"."r. +t~ "l p,,: , > " j~ i- ~ j i~•j' . T~ l,~ ~ ~Y~l ~ ~ ` f • . ~ ~ l ♦ ~ 1 -~~r ~ ~ • ~ 4 ' ` t ~ ' ~ = ~ . ~ i~" ~ / . a y • - f . ~ . .a,._ • -.r• ./~~J ~f ' i . r~• `•~~rl~ • T ~ 1.` ~ . t . , i . r • 7 S~ ,.,e98nd coonti ~ ~ ~,idPa ~c4vdsP&O ~ r ~ I1 ti ~ • ~ e`'~ . ` ~ ~u~faces ~ !r`!a~y i ~ a ~ ~ f y ~ ~ , • . • , f ~ .tiS ~F' ~ • . . . . . , 'if =~J^, .ap' r ~ ' . . • - _ ~ . 41 ~ a ~ ~ - ~ "t ~ i!•,~~',: ;,1_~i-' _ . f . 4 6~ ~~+-~ji ,y~. f , - , • j a ~ r ° ' • • ' ~ ~K _ ~ . . t ~ . . . • , ~ ~ ~ ' . . . . ~ ~ ,T . y . - ' . ' • ,w ~ . . Arrival Accidents • Clustered on runway centerline ipo 40% in a narrow stri p ~ . . • s~ ~ • • ~ 80% within 2,000' ~ ' . . . . . of the runway . ° Extends laterally • . 11,000' from the ~ runway • • v LM Arrival Accidents Departure Acc'dents ~ • Not as - concentrated as arrival accidents - • , • 40% with i n 1, 500' . of the runwa ~ • t ~r ~ ~ ~ ' ~ Y . . . ~ o . . a...... ' ~ 80 /o with i n 6,000 . . « • . , , 1 of the runway - R Extends lateraily 2,000' from the runway , . nauRN aa Departure Acddents Land Use Compatibility Zones • Six Zones ,,CW., 4 ~ • Dimensions } calculated based i 2 on the length of : s ' runway . ~ ~ ~ Avigation easement required 5 + :-j Limits on land use _ s.~ 1 Le9end r,,vv `1`" ~~,,ff---- ~ a► ~ , . { ~i ~ s ouw Tv"A" safety z~n~s ~ ~ ~irpalt ~ , 3500~ ~ ~ G1ty d V*MY . - ton►~0 ~ ' ~q410 Cxy ~ . _ ~ T°w" U.s.s ulJ Y . ` UMA2 ~ . 1.- ~ S = ~ • _ GKy ot s-s e . f ,1 ~s~ • • IWT ' ~ , . ~ ~},~►`4..5 ~ ~ , 3-' - 43 - ► ~ s,~ to* • ~y~ ~ti:+~' ~',~i` +;c. _ v • . ' , L~.''V• ~ ~ „ ~"~\~i j ~ .N;:. • . . . . Ma 3.9 Altp01't I..and f-~-T Use Coutpatib[Uty ~ w...... hw 1 V~ „ j ~ i ww 71M TSI~ L-F ( i 1»a ~ ~ 1m -MS • MS am "0 6 3 ~ ~ ~ , ~..~.i►t.... nnw turnrq Znrs 3V'R • ] %,Ow i4rr ~ ~ ~~r~r lsn 1 - ' qw , +/w+w ~'MiRfs~ LOiu . / yq) lanw • 2 i 4 ~ r.~~ ( Y I. r„r f TO Wn af MIMoo J O t~ vIle 1'wn la*4e1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ! ~ a a.. ~~i~ra,.,... ` l ~ d ►~r,r~ . _ I r~~ Mq ce weern vlI*r ~ ~"J1~~` 1 ~ ~ ~ Bp LC WJ• ~ aw,. ~ ~.w - • L ~ L - - ! - ~.r ...U" 46~ ia:. ~ L !f + J Q~~ 0 ~ y~ ~ M} 4 ~ . ~ ~ ► 1 3 . ~~o~.~l;,ai- ~ ~.,..e ,S„ ~ 4 ~ _ . i ~ ~ ~ . • ~ ~ . d ~ ~ fr.. :nSR. ~ y. ~ ~ ~ ' ,a ..~!`'_►lt--j n _ I tyr 1 . ~ . ~i►~ ■ ~ i:4~r~ ! ~ , Y t ~ , " ; j ~ ~ . - ~ II . . _b ~lr~~.~r.. « 1►++~~ wn.~~w ~ TM~ ~ ~ _ - ~~M ~ • ...tir....r t► • N~w.rn~ ~ _ , I - •yNr~+...ww.~~.w~ jt ~1 ~i[,-~ i- ~ _ ♦~r , . ~~~VM~MII~~M~w{~~~r~~ ` " _ ~ ' . r~... _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . :'r t-.~~ -`rru..~ '►r«~Nl~.w .1W Ci qM Prohibited Uses Aiq3ort Land Use Compatibil~ Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6 Single-family Residential • • C. oj • a~ 1 du/ 5 1 du/ 1 du/ 2.5 Maximum Density n/a n/a , acres 2.5 acre , n/a acre Manufactured Housin Parks • • • • 0 • Multi-famil Residential • • • • • • Schaols • • • • • • Parks & Pla rounds • • • • • • Hos itals • • • • • • Nursin Homes ~ • • • • • Dayca re • • • a • • Churches • • • • • • Hazardous Material Stora e • • • • • Flammable Materials Stora e 0 0 0 i o Incineratars • 0 • • • • Ov+erhead utilities • • • • • • Hi h lntensrty Uses 0 0 0 a 0 Nomise • Noise levels greater than 65 Ldn is excessive • Presently noise contours 65 Ldn and greater are confined to airport property ~ A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was issued on December 1, 2005 with a comment period extending to January 15, 2006 . CTED was sent a copy of the draft regulations on December 2, 2005. Reco~, ~endatoion, • WsDOT recommends approval, o By unan m~~s vote, PIanning Commission recommended approval ofi #he proposed ordinance, deleting onIy "mediGaf facilities" 'rn Section 14.702.080, ~s vague and unnecessary. Land Use Compatibility Zone 3 shouId be caIculated at 301 from the centerline of the rur~~~~ ~~cause of the topogr~~~y unique to FeIts FieId. Staff concurs with the recommendation of the PIanning Commission. SOoKane wley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 * Fax: 509.921.1008 * cityhaftspokancwalley.org Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercter and Members of Council CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager From: Morgan Koudelka, AdministratFve Analyst Date: February 10, 2006 Re: Spokane County Service Agreements - D'estrict Court Update Contained within the Council packet for the February 14, 2006 council meeting were several draft service agreements between the County and the City that are part of agenda item number eleven (11) - Spokane County Service Agreements. The drafl district court agreement entitled, "Interlocal Agroement for Costs Incident to Adjudication of Misdemeanor and Gross Misdemeanor Offenses in the City of Spokane Valley," has an exhibit attached that does not reflect a weightcd method of determining the City of Spokane Valley usage. We received today a revised exhibit the correctly calculates the City of Spokane Valley usage based on weighted factors for case types. This methodology has the efT'ect of reducing the City's estimated 2005 usage from 20.67% to 19.92% and reducing the City's estimated 2005 district court from $741,681 to $714,904. This estimated cost will bc updateci in lhe PowerPoint presentation that will be displayed at the council meeting. I have attached a revised district court agreement Exhibit 2(five pages) to this mcmorandum. Attached: Exhibit 2 for district court agreement with Spokane County (five pages) F.i6ibit 2 Spokaae Couuty Spokune Vallry District Court 2045 Contract Component A Component B Comoaseet C ~-j BudPet Allouble to PereeotaEe Misdemeaoor Servi°~ • City ot Spokaoe VaUe~` , Contraet Amoaet Salary 2,816,5 SS ] 9,92'o u 561,462 M Bc O 173,315 . 19.92'/0 34,525 Indirect Costs 596,970 19.929'. 118,918 3.588.840 # 714.904 a Notn " Component A rcpresrnts Disvict CourCs burlget, less civil, felony dt Spokane City Interlocal. 3ee Attachmcnt A Component A mulliplied the Component II equates the contrxt amount. Sce Attachment A. 'Ihe Indirzct (Overhrad) rate of 21.18•/n is appliai to salaries only. "ne indirect rate is based on Spokane County's OMB A-87 [ndirzct Cost Plao Lscalatai 2003 for 2005 (2005 S&B) prepared by PRM Gruup, an irdependent plan propaier. 21' I (1.~ 200fi ~ Spokane Coanty Spokaae Valley District Court Statistics and Calculatioos 2005 Cootr9ct Attachrnent A District Court Casc Statistics ~ Offensc CateRery Spolwne Val{ey Spokaoe Connty* Weight (Hours) SV Hours SC Hours SV Infractions 11,799 59,709 2_21 26,076 131,957 DV - Misdaneanor 400 927 75.64 30,256 70,118 DUl 178 2,793 71.32 12,695 199,197 Criminal Traffic 1,661 5,443 12.41 20,613 67,548 Criminal NT (lcss misd DV) 769 2,776 17.36 13,350 48,191 Subtotal 14,807 71,648 102,990 517,011 19.92% ~ , • See Attachment B •s See At#achment C Misdemeanor/Infraction Ezpenditure Calculation Salary imd Btaefits M& O '1'otal Expenditures 4,493,138 271,462 4,764,600 Less: Civil n.»s (514,319) (31,074) (545,392) Less: Felaay L+rc (66,558) (4,021) (70,580) Less: Ciry of Spokane""• (1,093,706) (63,052) (1,156,758) Misd/Infrac Total 2,818,555 173,315 2,991,870 , See Attachment D Fstimated 2005 City of Spokane Interlocal Contract Spokane Valley Cost Calculation Misdemeanor/ PercentaSe Infraction Bnditet Spokane Valley Actnal Coet Misd!lnfrac Salary & f3enefitc 2,818,555 19.920/o 561,462 MisdMfrac M& O 173,315.27 19.920/o 34,525 2,991,870 595,986 Indira.Y Costs (21.181/6) 596,970 19.92°/. 118,918 ~J Total 3,588,840 714,904 2/10/2046 , Attachmant B D I S T R I C T C O U R T 2003 last 6=s/2004 .tirat 6awt FILINO J REVENUE REPORT contains: citv o! Dpokaoe va11eY iu:lsdictfoo (only) .D1N RS l01i1Ca 11YRSL* 10►T im ,NLY ADCOiT 8=F2 m NOV DYC TOTALf Jrjl.Ln9g (sec[ioa source: ,'is Caseload zeNort) I1Oa47SI09 2003 0 0 0 '!95 647 1,40e •::,1.OY9, ---;,1~030~::~: ~:'.061 .::3r390 '4I21. -1.D66 2004t%. ::847% .734 1.199 992 859 1.095 874 789 1,187 1.098 11,799 Cdan9e 992 329i -22% -20% -2S% 38% -09i ^iS8B4tv ecu~b3nea Inlnctlv^ TrafFir In•rar'~•Yvf, °raff'c and In'[dC[lrnYeckinv Dxi 2003 0 0 0 :1 17 17....... . 171',..1 15. 24 2004'_:'---•.-_..15::.".;,~«15i:,,: 21.. 12 15 „ " 10 4 13 12 10 178 han - 99A •in -M -13'rL U% Zb% CRI1! TR 2003 0 D G 1_7 102 152 . 133;-... 112 168169 Compone•138.' 113ai:'. 179 162 133 64 23 32 41 35 1,681 c-hanae 38'✓r V% -87% -85% -T6% $3% -7894 CR33d WT • 2003 0 0 o ie 97 96 103 • 102 104 90 _58 . . , : 92 {nd DV) 2004 ..93 ' 102 98.. 112 106 106 80 BB 1.169 Chanqe 31Xi -19fi 17~6 ~ lHf. 79fFllinpf 14,807 ltisd;r DW 2003 0 _ D 0 30 42 31 38 39 26_ 32 ~7 27 2064.,:. ..2B ...',+::,n:,ZY' ~4..vf...~.i~_,O K:.. 32 . 31 61 45 51 30 37 . 400 CRenoe_ -646 -try9~ 551 t§ 31'rfR 15'~t 18% Peloay DW 2003 0 D 0 d 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 ZOW 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 CMnge Tbta2 DV• 2003 0 D 0 30 44 33 38 39 27 32 17 27 4001 28 97 39 32 34 51 45 51 31 37 0 0 402 Chanqe 0 -1'16 6§~ 18l6 3174 15% 169L • DY counta azr • subeat ot w11o ioclvdmd lnJ t3e cstain~ sectiaoa abory. 2H 0(2006 Pape 1 d i ' APRIL 2003 - UtcotporalfMt Monlfi Attachmeat C D I S T R I C T C O U R T 2003 . last 6mos/2Q,04.. tirat 6mos. FILINCs ( REYENUE REPORT Contaiaa: a7S juslodlationa fi7oinooryocated, civll, tpoleane Va11R, aad Libmrty LaW JAg to 101R= aPRZL ~ JtlIQ dIJLi 110QQit StM OU 11f1V 11tC WYl11I.8 Pil3nqa (aaction aource: JIS Canelwd raQorr,) ntYxacazoet 2003 9,206 6,202 6,564 6,961 6.858 8.981 1,842 . 6,141., 5,208 4,087 ..3.067: .4.923 : 8,279- 5.19& .t.::1.1.a14: :8,022• 4,875 5.358 6,573 5,158 69.709 Chao4e 32% -31X 4l61" 5,19(k! -18% -14l6 1% 4% 26% 6% catCavrv oamhln [1on Treffic, :nfrai[ton Non 7lelflc. and 1n([actlon ParKln-7 20a1 222 209 201 156 187 201 161 21U ::='::iii:: 243 168 !._.:361 2004181~. 246 28E . 196 194 .,18W ~ 156 186 214 188 2,793. Ch4Ma -17Xi 18% ~p96 26i1 1896 •6% 3!b -219t 119t -73% cnnt rn 2003 4+12 411 483 480 490 559 ' 485 120. 464 .461 378 66E . Campane 486 468 ' S72 490... 472 223 99 128 113 151 5,413 ':hanae 5% 14°K 24% 7% 3% -WAi 4X)9k -70"/. 49Y. -67% CAI1i trr • 2003 270 277 345 288 342 372 315-..,.. ~;.:341, (IndD~ Z00~~:::::"..'i~' 27Z~ij.::•t.:937. . 337'_r. _.353 .,.__.338 312 284 239 292 . 3,700. c:hanaA .y,Q~L 09i •794 17Yo 396 4196 -5% -T% -27`6 At% Flrfpt 71,618 Mt&d= Dw; 200G3 03 70 88 73 ed 86 110 _;100;,.;,': 73 . 82 45.::.::... 78 2004 z::k* ~ .:=85. 87 •_r:r_i 7672 , 78 . ~ ,103 97 69 Te 927 r.smy ~ ch Z003 y';y. Z~% .1~ 41 _1~9 .1I Zi8 -5~5 4x 4~ 32 51 2004 3E 33 47 53 13 47 10 63 82 56 532 Change -3% -20% 2% 20% -79i 12% -139i 15% 32% 40% Tocai w+ 2003 122 111 134 117 110 138 126 155 120 122 77 120 2004 103 120 125 125 121 136 113 160 131 132 0 0 1.459 Chsnqe 805% 8% -7% 7% -14% -1l6 139i 3% 8% 8% • DY aomtA azw w rwbfft ot L Azw SLo iWludkd inl tE~ estaSO~~ nno-tzaffie Nwctlae *ba~. 211d2008 Ppe t M 1 • Spokanc Caunty Spokarie Vslley UisLrict Court Felon}/Civil Staffir►g % 2005 Conlr3et ' Attachnicnt D SPO:KA.NE VALLEY ITLONY S"rAYrliNG C:OsT Salary at I'F of 13encGts at %E'TE of Tntal Salary & Position % FI'E Avera4e Position Avcrage Pusitiuo BenefiLs at %Ff'F Comniissiuner 02 20,138.14 3,727.49 23,865.63 L;ailifi 0.2. 5,478.77 2,780.42 8,259.19 OA4 0.6 15,595.61 6,716.94 22,312.55 Court Clerk 0.3 8,539.37 3,58I.7l 12,121.08 , 66,558.45 Sl'OK.4NE VALLEY CiVT.T..lSMAT.;I" CLAl1V1 STAIaFING CQST S:il917' 9t %F"I'E of Benetits at %FI'E of 11 ufal Salary & Yusition %%rL Avcragc Yusilion Average Position $cnclits at %h'I'E J►ldge 1.0 118,45 8.00 21,083.98 13 9;541.9R Cornmissioner 0.2 20,138.14 3,727.49 23,865.63 Baili.fT' 12 33,246.52 16,308.63 49,555.15 Civi]1SC Staff 7.0 206,234.92 95,120.84 301,355.76 • 51.4,315.52 CA-LClT1..A7'ION nF SPQ.KANE N'AL,L-EY FI;LONY A.ND CI.VIL, STA:HrliYC; % 13udgeted Salary & Benefits Pclony % 4,493,138 66, 558.45 I.48°/u Civil % 4,493,138 514,318.52 11.45% z/1orzo06 Spokanc County . Spokxnc Vallc~y L7istric.~t Court Feloriy/Civil Staffng % 2005 Contract Attachment .U SPOKANE VALLEY FELONY STAFFING C(7ST ' Salary at %FTF nf BenefiLs at %FTF af Total Satary & E'ositinn %FCE AverAge Position Averoge Position Benefits at %FTE Comrnissioner 0.2 20,138.14 3,727.49 23,865.63 Bailiff 0.2. 5,478.77 2,780.42 8,259.19 OA4 0.6 15,595.61 6,716.94 22,312.55 Court Clcrk 0.3 8,539.37 3,581.71 12,121.08 , 66,55$.45 Sl'QKANE VAI..LEY CIVCL/SMALL CLAIN STAFFING CUS'f Salary at %FTC of Benefits at %F 1'E of Total Salary & Position H`CE Average Position Average Position Benefits at %FI'E Judge 1.0 118,458.00 21,083.98 139,541.98 Commissioncr 0.2 20,138.14 3,727.49 23,865.63 Bailiff 1.2 33,246.52 16,308.63 49,555.15 CiviUSC Stafl' 7.0 206,234.92 95,120.84 301355.76 514,318.52 CALCULATIQN QF SPOKAtYE VALLEY FELUNY AND C1ViL STANFliNG % Buclgeted Salary & Renefits I=elony % 4,493,138 66,558.45 1.48% Civil % 4;493;138 514,318.52 11.45% 2/ 10/2006 CITY OF SPOKANE VALL• EY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-14-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin, report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval qf the Following Vouchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCf-lER L.IS"1' DATE ~ VOUCHER tts TpTAt,. VQl.1CI-[ER AIv10UNI`I' January 20, 2006 I 5454-3473 $100;811.56 ~ January 23; 2006 ~ 8474-8492 (-8485) ~ $3,684.~9 Jariuary 24; 2006 ~ 8493-3498 683,502.19 Janutuy 30, 2006 ~ 8499-8536 $106,702.98 . Februaty 3. 2006 ~ 5547-8573 $62,216.86 GRAND TOTAI.. ~ S956,978.08 ~ . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ' ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists , vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0112012006 4:03:19PM . Spokane Valley • Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8454 12/30/2005 000969 ADAMS 8 CLARK, INC. 4515 40839 BEVERLY HILLS STORMWATER PL 10,000.00 - Total : 10,000.00 8455 12/3012005 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY SV6265397 CMECKED DVRS 125.32 ' Total : 125.32 8456 12l30/2005 000030 AVISTA UTIUTIES 41006944 STREET UGHTING/SIGNAL POWEF 18,496.95 Total : 18,496.95 8457 12130f2005 000863 CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORP. 023042 40670 8TH AVENUE CONSTRUCTION MAP 446.55 • Tota I : 446.55 8458 12l30/2005 000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3537411 40561 BARKER ROAD IMPROVEMENT PR . 6,82226 Total : 6,822.26 8459 12l30/2005 000588 CVSD #356 12/34105 ROW lake 1512 N. BARKER ACQUISITIOtJ . 12,960.00 • • Total : 12,960.00 8460 12I3012005 000099 DATA PATH CSV06100 40676 NETWORK CASLE INSTALL 326.40 • Total : 326.40 8461 1213012005 000683 DAVID EVANS 8 ASSOCIATES 185368 40861 APPLEWAY AVENUE RECON57RU, 10,411.67 Total : 10,411.67 8462 12/30/2005 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTENIS INC. 083634 40768 FAX TONER CART121DGE FOR 1160 .92.09 140391 COS7 I'ER COPY CHARGES 98.92 140426 COST PER COPY CHARGES ' 340.14 140427 COST PER COPY CMARGES ' 98.19 140428 COST PER COPY CHARGES 219.18 • 140429 COST PER COPY CHARGES 51.20 140444 COST PER COPY CHARGES 156.15 140447 COS7 PER COPY CHARGES 127.10 140451 COST PER COPY CHARGES 135.94 - 140494 COST PER COPY CHARGES 10.24 140524 COST PER COPY CNARGES 45.08 Total : 1,374.23 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01120I2006 4:03:19PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank , Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 5463 12I3012005 000995 MILHOLLAND, ROBERT AND TERESA 12l30f05 ROW take 1317 N. BARKER ACQUISITION 903.00 _ Total : 903.00 8464 1213012005 000132 MODERN ELEC7RIC WATER COMPANY 04559-01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 81.25 . ' • 04562-11 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARG 79.85 04732-01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARG 31.80 Total : 192.90 8465 12130/2005 00005$ OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, ASSOCIATE A500163 12l29105 EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 202.00 Total : 202.00 8466 12l30/2005 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 15389 40787 CP NAME TAGS 103.08 Total : 103.08 8467 12/3012005 000994 SIMPSON ENGINEERS, IPJC. 14902 SPRAGUE/APPLEWAY 70POGRAP 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 8468 12/30I2005 000470 SPOKANE COUNTY, FAIR 8 EXPO CENT 12l30I2005 Tourism TOURISM PROMOTION 8,873.63 • Total : 9,873.63 8469 1213012005 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 12130l05 Contract TOURISM PROMOTION 11,333.37 Total : 11,333.37 8470 12/30/2005 000862 SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. Progress payments #2 40674 STH AVENUE OVERLAY PROJECT 8,161.26 . • Total : 8,161.26 8471 12/3412005 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE L57339 STATUTOFiY AUDIT SERVICES 3,175.20 Total : 3,175.20 8472 12/30/2005 000500 TOSHIBA 2282617 40875 TOSHIBA TECRA M4 TABLET PC -1 1,776.74 Total : 1,776.74 8473 12130f2005 000996 WASHINGTON PAUTUAL BANK, MORTGA 12130l2005 ROW take 1317 N. BARKER ACQUISITION 3,127.00 Total : 3,127.00 20 Vouchers for bank code : apbank ' Bank total : 100,811.56 20 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 100,811.56 2 1 vChlist VOUCne List Pagc: 3 01l20I2006 4:03:19PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank _ Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount I, the undcrsigned, do certity under penalty of pequry, . that Uho rrsalerials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor perfomled as described hcrein , and that the Gaim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokano Valley, and that I am authorized to authentipte and certify to said Claim. . . Finance Director Date - ' Page: 3 , . vchlist VouCher List Page: 1 0112312006 1:43:40PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 8474 1l2312006 000037 AMERICAN LINEN IiVC. 168693 • FLOOR MAT SERVICE 45.34 ' Total : 45.34 8475 1/23/2005 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8583940 CENTERPLACE LINENS SERVICE 116.75 . Tota) : 116.75 8476 1/23/2006 .000950 BRACCO, LISA 1/13105 LB Reimb. REIMB. FOR TRAVEUMILEACE 20.00 Total: 20.00 • 8477 1/23/2006 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 36906 COFFEE & TEA SUPPLIES 151.78 ' Total : 151.78 8478 1/23f2006 000686 DEPAR7MENT OF LICENSINC 01/23106 DOL Cash CASH TRANSM177AL TO DOL 28.00 Total : 28.00 8479 1/2312006 000912 DEX PAEDIA WEST 302150515 DEX ADVERTISING-CENTERPLACE 91.25 Total : 91.25 8480 1/2311006 000222 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. 24830 ICMA QTRLY PLAN FEE-401A 250.00 24835 ICMA QTRLY I'LAN FEE-401A EXEC 125.00 • Total : 375.00 8481 1/2312006 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 53527 CITY PHOTO ID CARDS 32.55 53530 CITY PNOTO ID CARDS 32.55 ' Total : 65.10 8452 1123/2006 000353 INTERNA710NAL TRADE ALLIANCE 1l18106 fTA Invoice INTL TRApE ALLIANCE MEETING 40.00 Total : 40.00 8483 ' 1123J2006 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHIN.G INC. 27121 ADVERTISING 117.60 • 27122 ADV ER71 S I N G 140.00 27127 ADVERTISING 25.50 27128 • ADVERTISING 73.50 27129 ADVERTISING 90.00 . 27140 ADVERTISING 53.30 27146 ApVEt21'ISING 34.50 • Page: 1 vchiist • VouCher List . Page: 2 0112312006 1:43:40PM Spokane Valiey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Descriptfon/Account Amount 8483 . 1/2312006 000117 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. (Continued) Total : 534.40 8484 1/2312006 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. INV002102502 ADVERTISING 280.00 • Tota I : 280.00 1/2312006 000997 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY Otis Maintenance MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 1,72 vjJ G 0 Total 28.00 8486 1/23/2006 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 9,015 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 442.24 . . 9,016 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMEN7 SERVI 452.48 Total : 894.72 8487 1/23I2006 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 482793 HR TRAINING SUPPLIES 35.64 Total: 35.64 8488 1/23/2006 000324 SCWD #3 475-1495-00 WATER CHARGES 7.09 Total : 7.09 8489 1/23/2006 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTIUTIES 1/1106 Sewer charge SEWER CHARGES 471.15 Total : 471.15 8490 1/23J2006 000167 VERA WATE(2 & POWER 0006-033021.01) STREET LIGHTING POWERlWATEF 19.48 0007-017753.01 STREE7 LIGHTING POWER/WATEF 19.60 0008-010790.01 STREET LIGHTING POWER CHARC 63.19 Total : 102.27 8491 1/2312008 000964 VOLT 13856974 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 396.00 . Total : 396.00 8492 1/23/2006 000460 W.S.A.S.C., C!0 KA7HY ARMSTRONG 1l17/06 Membership PARSON WSASC MEMBERSHIP 30.00 • Total : 30.00 19 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 5,412.49 19 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 5,412.49 : e: 2 . •"'D vchlist Vo cner List Pagc: 3 01l2312006 1:43:40PM Spokane Valley ' Bank code : 2pbank ' Voucher Datc Vendor • Invoice PO # Description/Account - Amount I, lhe undersigned, do certify under penalty of pequry, that the materials have been fumished, the serrices rendered, or the labor performed as descrtbed hejein • and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid abligation • against the Ciiy of Spokane Valley, artd that I am ' aulhorixed to authenticate and certify to said ctaim. Finance Director Date . Page: 3 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 1 01124/2006 2:20:35PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor • Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8493 12/30/2005 000$03 AMARO LAW OFFICE INC. 4774 to 5326 - CODE ENFORC. LAW SERVICkS 817.12 5009 to 5311 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 1,458.24 5015 & 5351 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 318.07 5147 R 5170 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 164.50 5148 8 5169 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 211.00 5149 & 5184 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 294.59 5150 & 5350 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 540.03 5151 & 5217 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 614.69 5152 CODE ENFORC. LEC7AL SERVICES 119.14 5153 & 5352 CODE'ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 255.49 ' 5158 & 5183 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 451.87 5159 R 5353 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 716.83 5160 8 5310 . CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 804.54 5161 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 69.08 5162 & 5175 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 924.63 5215 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 374.70 5304 ' CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 790.93 5313 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 446.50 5364 J CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 214.48 . 5515 & 5216 CODE ENFORC. LEGAL SERVICES 143.50 Total : 9,529.93 8494 12i30l2005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 730048421 STREE7 LIGFfTING POWER CHAFZC 25.89 Totai : 25.89 8495 12/3412005 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 16148 Tr1XTOOLS SOFTWARE 17ENTAL 341.53 Total: 341.63 $496 12I30l2005 000318 SHAMROCK PAVING C0. IP1C. Four (4) Final MONTGOMERY CONSTRUC710N 15,904.48 . Total : 15,904.48 8497 12/30l2005 000689 SPOKANE COUN'tY UTILITIES 043-Drainage-Final CARNAHAN DRAINAGE IMPROVEN, 5,245.41 05213-001 - Final EDGERTON, PHASC 2, ROAD PUTE 104,689.90 053-001 Progress ORCHARD AVENUE ROAD PUl'BAC 51,273.82 054-001 I'rogress PARKS ROAD PROGRESS BILLING 145,060.60 055-001 - Final SHERWOOD FORES7lMICA PARK I 302,829.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List , Pagc: 2 01/24/2006 2:20:35PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8497 12/30f2005 000689 SPOIWNE COUNIY UTILITIES (Continued) 056-001-Final (corr) JOHNSTON ROAD PU76ACK 41,535.87 Total : 650,634.60 8498 12/30/2005 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 28780 BARGAINING CONTRACT 6,666.66 28784 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT & LABOR 399.00 Total : 7,065.66 6 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 683,502.19 6 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 683,502.19 I, the undersigned, do certify under penatty of perjury, that the materials havc been fumished, the sQrvices rendered, or tfie labor pertormed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of SpOkane Valley, and that I am autharized to authentiqte and certify to said daim. Finance Director Date 2 / • ~ _ \I vchlist Voucher List ° Page: 1 01/30l2006 11:42:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank - ' Voucher Oate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8499 1/2712006 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY A1837 40864 CP-ALARM SYSTEM REWIRING 271.25 Total : 271.25 8500 1J27l2006 000173 BINGAMAN, GRFG 1/26l06 GB Reimb. REIMB. OFFICE SUPPLIES 33.61 Total : 33.61 8501 1/2712006 000918 BWE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8686248 CENTERPLACE LINENS SERVICE 125.53 Total : 125.53 8502 1/27/2006 000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3539016 40691 VALLEY CORRIDOR EP1V. STUDY 14,594.48 Total : 14, 594.48 8503 1127/2006 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC -':,37111 ' CP - COFFEE SUPPLIES 41.95 • Total : 41.95 • 8504 1/27/2006 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 05859.0 WATER CHARGES 37.50 06377.0 WATER CHARGES 50.20 Total : 87.70 8505 1/27/2005 000686 DEPAR7MENT OF LICENSING 01/27/06 DOL Cash CASH TRAPISMITTAL TO DOL 69.00 Total : 69.00 8506 1/2712006 000999 EASTERN WASHINGTON ATTORNEY, SE 7883 LEGAL PROCESS SERVING , 72.43 . Total : 72.43 8507 1/27/2006 000987 ECOLAS 7956994 CP-DISHWASHER PROTECTOR 110.94- Total : 110.94 8508 1127/2006 000746 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPARTMENI 21715600 2 4TM Q7R: 2045 BALANCE 5,292.00 ' Total : 5,292.00 8509 1/2712008 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 53575 CITY PHOTO ID CARD . 19.53 Total : 19.53 8510 1/2712006 000401 INLAND NW CHAPTER OF ICC 1/26/06 ICC Members. 2006 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHI • 125.00 Total : 125.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01130/2006 11:42:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank .a - Voucher Date Vendor lnvoice' PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8511 1127/2006 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 27168 ADVER7ISING 10125 ' _ ' ~ Total : 101.25 8512 1127/2006 000012 JOURN.AL OF BUSINESS INC. INV002102501 40884 ADVERTISING 210.00 Total : 210.00 8513 1l27/2006 000887 LCD EXPOSITION SERVICES INC. 50406 40852 CP-4 PANEL 7ABLE70P DISPLAY 1,540.70 50407 40846 ADVERTISING 162.75 Total : 1,703.45 8514 1/27/2006 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES 3247 ADVERTISING 25.00 Tatal : 25.00 8515 1l2712006 000033 MCPC, INC. 4859435 40887 OFFICE SUPPLIES 122.09 4855436 WALL CALENDAR 18.76 4859829 CREDIT FOR WALL CALENDAR -18.76 4862199 40894 OFFICE & KITCFIEN SUPPLIES 116.03 Total : 238.12 8516 1/2712006 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 02101/06 Mercier AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 400.00 1/23f06 l7M Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 259.61 Total : 699.61 8517 1/2712006 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC 12/16l05 NW Christ PURCHASE OFFICE PANELS/FURN 7,000.00 . Total : 7,000.00 8518 1/27/2006 001000 OCCMA 1/24106 DM RegisUa. REGISTRATION 280.00 Tatal : 280.00 8519 1/27l2006 000652 OFFICE OEPOT INC. 320000051-001 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 29.56 320682652-001 44889 OFFICE SUPPLIES 92.62 321101106-001 40890 OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.11 321542678-001 40895 OFFICE SUPPLIES 325.98 321636139-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 46.77 Total : 596.04 8520 1127/'2006 000020 PRESTONIGATESIEI.LIS, L.L.P. 678846 LEGAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,160.00 . - 2 ' . _ .~ir . • . . ` ~'I • ; , j VCh11SL Voucner List Page: 3 01/30I2006 11:42:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code : 2pbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 8520 1/27/2006 000020 000020 PRESTO NIGATES I ELLIS, L.L.P. (Continued) Total : 1,160.00 8521 1/27/2006 000494 PRO pEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 9,232 7EMPORARY EMPLOYMEfJT SERVI 525.16 • Total : 525.16 8522 1/2712006 000991 PUGET SOUND BUSINESS JOURNAL 4000355751 40892 ADVERTISING 324.00 Total : 324.00 8523 1I27l2006 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787 5116 TELEPHONE CFIARGES-MIRABEAI! 43.01 Total : 43.01 8524 1l27/2006 000202 SCAPCA 3501 ANNUAL ASSESSMT - 1 ST QTR. 201 29,784.25 ' Total : 29,784.25 8525 1/'27l1006 000324 SCWD #3 17Q0040-03 WATER CMARGES 25.52 Total : 25.52 8526 1/27/2006 000090 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMATION, SYS 52020 COUNTY IT SUPPOFtT 13,821.50 Total : 13,821.50 8527 1/27/2006 000749 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTM DIS7., - V 1/13106 Health Dist WATER TESTING PROGRAM 42.00 • 1/13J06 Health Dist . WATER TESTING PROGRAM 126.00 Total : 168.00 8528 1/27/2006 000451 SPOKANE REGIONAL SPORTS, COMMI: 1/24105 Sports Comm. TOURISM PROMOTION 22,665.75 , . Total: 22,665.75 8529 1127/2006 000405 Si'OKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY, CENTE 1/24/06 SVCC 2006 OUTSIDE AGENCY SERVICES 3,500.00 Total : 3,500.00 8530 1127/2006 000939 SPRAGUE 8 SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 9907 CENTERPLACE STORAGE RENTAL 119.00 - Total : 119.00 8531 1/27/2005 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUk4, L.P. 01412766643 CELL PHONE CHARGES 824.60 " • Total : 824.60 8532 1/27/2006 000983 STANLEY STEEMER - 63.331,;;°- 40882 CENTERPI.ACE - CARPET CLEANI~ 456.30 Total : 456.30 : r_ - ° Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0113012006 11:42:04AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8533 1/2712006 000964 VOL•T 13893504 7EM1'ORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 495.00 Total.: 495.00 8534 1/27/2006 001001 WEESE, ELAINE 1l19106 ROW take PURCHASE BARKER RD_ ROW TAN 550.00 Total : 550.00 8535 1/2712006 000706 WSAPT, C/O ELLENA HAZEN 1/26l06 WSAPT WSAPT MEMBERSHIPS 140.00 Total : 140.00 8536 1/27/2006 000649 WSBA WSBA # 12448 2006 LICENSE FEE - CONNELLY 404.00 Total : 404.00 38 Vouchers for bank code : apbenk • Bank total : 106,702.98 38 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 106,702.98 . . . . I, the undersigned, da certify under penalry of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor peAortned as described herein and that tfie claim is just, due and an unpaid oblegation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said daim. . . Finance Director Date 4 , ~ . ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0210312006 10:32:16AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8547 21112006 001007 HEDLUND, JEROME AND DONNA 1/31106 ROW take PURCHASE BARKER RD. ROW TAN 500.00 Total : 500.00 8548 2/1/2006 001008 GAYLORD, FRANK 2/1/06 ROW POSSESSION AiVD USE AGREEMEI 13,000.00 Total : 13,000.00 8549 212/2006 000989 BARNES, GARY 114l06 Refund REFUND PERMIT FEE 108.56 Total : 108.56 8550 2/2/2005 000649 WSBA 1/6106 WSBA DECLARATION OF APPUCANT 50.00 Total : 50.00 8551 2!3/2006 000168 B& C TELEPHOPJE INC. 108328 TELEPHONE REPAIR & LABOR 653.17 Total : 653.17 8552 213l2006 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8688154 CENTERPLACE UNENS SERVICE 129.05 Total : 129.05 8553 2/3/2006 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 37232 COFFEE & TEA SUPPLIES 156.59 Total : 166.59 8554 2/3/2006 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEEI' 870166725601 VEHICLE FUEL 713.74 . Total : 713.74 8555 213/2006 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 02103106 DOL Cash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO DOL 69.00 . Total : 69.00 8556 2/3l2006 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL 1130/06 MD Reimb. ' REIMB. 't'i2AVEUMILEAGE 108.19 . 1/30106 MD Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 67.64 1/30I06 MD Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 2005 44.62 , Total : 220.45 8557 2/3/2006 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1113f06 MasterCard CREDIT CARp CHARGES 4,474.33 ' . Total : 4,474.33 8558 2I3/2006 001004 GLASER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 418 . HR TRAINING 19,551.72 Page: 1 vchlist VauCher LiSt Page: 2 0210312006 10:32:16AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Inyoice PO # Description/Account Amount 8558 213f2006 001004 001004 GLASER 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. (Continued) Total : 19,551.72 8559 2/3J2006 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM H. 1l27/06 WG Reimb. REIMB. 7RAVEUAAILEAGE 125.40 Total : 125.40 8560 2/312006 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. INV002103502 40884 ADVERTISING 210.00 • ' Tota I : 210.00 8561 2/312006' 000755 LEAGUE OF OREGON CfTIES 3276 ADVERTISING 25.00 Total : 25.00 8562 2J312006 001005 MARKHAM, MARVIN AND PHYLLIS 1/26/06 ROW take PURCNASE BARKER CORNER 7AK 2,413.00 Total : 2,413.00 8563 2/3/2006 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 1/27/06 DM Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 238.23 Total : 238.23 8564 213/2006 000062 MUNSON, RICMARD 1130/06 RM Reimb. - REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 130.17 Total : 130.17 8565 2l3/2006 000871 NOR7HWEST IMAGES PHO70GRAPHY, A 41268 40840 COUNCILMEMBEI2 PORTRAIT 81.32 A 41268 40888 COUNCILMEMBER PORTRAIT 81.32 40888 . Tota I : 162.64 8566 2/312006 000058 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, ASSOCIATE A500163 1/31106 . EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 303.00 Total : 303.00 8567 2/3J2006 000691 OLSTEN INC. 61573205 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 580.00 Total : 580.00 8568 21312006 001006 OMWBE A- 07 - 03 POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS INV. 100.00 ' Tota I : 100.00 8569 2/3/2006 000997 Ol'IS ELEVATOR COMI'ANY SR092005 CP-ELEVATOR SERVICC CONTRAC 1,344.00 Tota I : 1,344.00 8570 2/31'2006 000991 PUGET SOUND BUSINESS JOURNAL 4000357441 40907 ADVEI271SING 324.00 e: 2 J' vchlis# Voucher List Page: 3 0210312006 10:32:46AM Spokane 1Jalley Bank code ; apbank Voucher . Date Vendot Invoice PO # DescripttonlAccount Amount 5570 2iaI2906 000991 000991 PuGEr souND ausiNESS JoURNA (continued) Total : 324,00 8571 21312006 000358 REGOP, NINA 1127f06 NR Reimb. F2EIMB. HR MEETINCti SLIPPLIES 38.81 . Tatal: 3931 8572 213l2006 000321 SPOKANE.AREA EDC . 1 st Quarter 2006 1 ST QTR CON7RACT PAYMENT 'i6,Z54,00 Total : 7 6,25d_00 8573 213l2006 000964 VOLT . 13902433 7Eh+fPORARI' EMPLOYNOEN7 SERVI 3SB_00 To#al: 396.00 27 Vouchers far bank code = apbank Bank total : fi2,276_86 27 Vouchers In this repart Total vouchers : E2,276_86 I, the undersfgrred, do certi#y under penaliy ai gequry, Ihat Ihe rna[erials have heen furni$hed, the services . rendered, pr tire labar perfarmed as desCribed herein a n d Ihak lhe claim isjusQ, due and an.unpaicE abligatian agairist the City of Spokane Vall°Y, aRd that I am - autharized ko authen#icake dnd certity [a said clairn_ Finante Direckor date , Page' 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-14-06 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informa#ion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending Jan.uary 31, 2006 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ~-fOPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $138,878.51 Benefiks: j 71.341.96 TOT/\L PAYROLL: $210,1$0.47 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faullcner ATTACHMENTS . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 9 consen't ❑ old business Q new business ❑ public hearing El informafion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Award of Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Project - 15t Avenue to Sprague Avenue Construction Contract . GOVERNING LEGISLATION: - PREViOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2006-2011 Six Year TIP (Resolution 05-009, 6/14105). Informational memo presented to Council at July 12, 2005 meeting. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the approved TIP, staff issued Bid No. 05-006 for the Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation Project - 1St Avenue to Sprague Avenue. This project _ includes removing the asphalt surface and replacing with concrete pavement, and other associated work. STA and Federal funds with a local match comprise the funding package for this project. Bids were opened on February 3, 2006. The bid results have been reviewed and the award has been authonzed by WSDOT Highways and Local Programs (required for ~ Federall funded ro ects where WSDOT is the certif n authorit ~ Y P 1 Yi 9 Y). , The Engineer's Estimate is $199,961.50. The lowest responsive bidder, Cameron Contracting, submitted a bid of $195,332.10. OPTIONS: 1) Aufhorize the City Manager to execute a contract to the lowest responsive bidder , 2) Provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The Public Works Department recommends the Council authorize 1) the award of this contract to the lowest responsive bidder, and 2) the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the contractor. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The STA funding for construction of this project is $138,300. Federal funding is $44,000.00. City par#icipatian is $46,416. Total construction budget of , $228,716. Approx. $31,000 will be used for construction management and inspection services, State staff time and agency staff time, leaving $197,716 available for the construction contract. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ArTACHMENTS: Bid tabulation - Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilitation. • ~•~►,•„r~rie BID TABULATION - Dishman-Mica Road Rehabilltation Pro'ect S PV ' PROJECT N0. 05-006 -S~r vAlley BID OPENING DATE Februarv 3. 2006. 11:00 A.M. BIDDERS . ~ Engineers Estimato ~ Camoron Contraeung ~ Acme Concrote Paving ~ Bacon Concroto ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTALS Yes Il Yos ~ Yos i ~ Nsoor sto rMM Itom A~ I NUMBF3t Ipescrl tion ~ p ~ Unitl Qry I Prlca I Total I UNt Prlce Total ~ UNt Prfco ~ Tatal ~ Unit Prico I Totsl 1 I 0001 • IMOBILIZA710N i L.S. I 9 I 20,000.00 I S 24,000.00 1 $ 14J64.00 S 14J84.00 23,151.00 1$ 23,151A0 1$ 22A00.01) I 5 22,000A0 2 I 0108 I~EO RING CEMENT CONCRETE CURB ~1D I LF I 20 ~5.00 $ 100.00 1$ 7.0-0 I S 140.00 1$ 8A0 I S120.00 ~ b 30.D0 I S 6D0.00 3 ~ 0310 1 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCLUDING HAUL I CY ~ 700 ~ 15.40 I $ 10.500.00 1 $ 20.00 I S 14.000.00 1 S 20.00 I S 14.dD6.00 29.00 I S 20,3U0.00 4 ~ 6243 IADJUST VALVE BOX I Ea.CHI 3 I 400.40 1 $ 1,200.00 1$ 200.00 I S 6,00.00 1 3 187.001 S 561.00 1$ 400.00 I S 1,200.00 5 I IADJUST MANMQLE I Ea.CHI 2 I 500.00 I S 1,000.00 I$ 550.00 I S 1,100.00 1S SUOAU I S 1,000.00 1$ 500.00 I $ 1,00O.00 6 I 5495 ICRUSKED SURFACING BASE COURSE I CY 175 1 32A0 I $ 5,600.00 1$ 35.00 I S 6.125.00 1$ 32.00 I S 5100.00 I$ 42.00 I S 7,359.00 CEPAENT 7 I 5B79 IDOWE S~NC. PAVEP.1ENT-INCIUDING I Sy 2,U90 SOAO I$ 104,500.00 1 $ 51.59 I S 107.823.10 1 S 52.001 S 1 0 8. B 8 0. 0 0 1$ 74.50 I$ 155.705.00 8 1 5880 kPOXY-COATED 7IE BAR V+IITH ORlLL HOLE ~ Gn 1 25 I 100.00 I$ 2,500.00 1 $ 30.00 IS 750.001 S 30A1) 1 S 750.00 1$ 25.00 625.00 9 1 ISUBCyRADE PREPARATION , i SY I 2,1001 1.00 I$ 2.500.00 I$ 2.50 I S 5.250.001 S 2.301 S 4,830.00 1$ 3.20 I $ 6.720.00 10 I IF'AVEMENT SAW GUTTIPlG I lF J 200 I 2.00 400.00 1$ 3.00 I S 600.001 S 6.001 S 1,200.00 1$ 3.25 I$ 650.00 11 I ICOAAh9ERC1AL HMA I TON I 20 I 55.00 I$ 1,100.00 I$ 182.80 I S 3.652.00 1S 180A0I S 3,600.00 1$ 300.00 I $ 6,000_00 12 1 6700 ICEPAEN7 CONC. TRAFFIC CURB AND I i.F I 20 I 20.0015 400.00 1$ 25.00 I S 500.001 S 35.00 I S 700.00 1$ 44.00 I$ 890.00 13 1 ICEMENT CONC. VALI.EY GUTTER. 3 FT ILF I 87 I 20.00 I$ 1.340.00 I$ 30.00 I S 2.010.00 1S 31.001 S 2,077.00 1$ 36.00 I$ 2,412.00 14 I 7054 iRAMP DETECTABLE WARNING RETROFIT I SF ~ 40 I 50.00 1 $ 2,000.00 I$ 45.00 I S 1,800.00 1S 35A0I S 1,400.00 1$ 42.00 I$ 1.680.00 15 I 6807 lPLASTIC L1NE I U ~ 1,5401 1.00 1 $ 1.500.00 1$ 1.50 I S 2,250.00 1S tAU I S 1,500.00 i$ 1.50 I$ 2.250A0 16 I 6833 iPLAS7IC TRAFFIC AF2ROW I EaCHI 6 I 70A0 I$ 420.00 I$ 150.00 I S 800.00 1S 110.001 S 660.00 1 $ 140.00 I $ 840.00 17 I 6857 IPLAS7IC CROSSWALK LINE I SF ~ 130 I 4.00 I$ 520.00 1$ 6.00 I S 780.00 IS 5.00 I S 650.00 I$ 7.10 I$ 923.00 18 1 6859 IPLASTIC STOP LINE I 6F ~ 41 I 8.50 I$ 268.50 10.00 I S _ 410.00 1S 8.00 I S 328.00 1 $ 10.00 I$ 410.00 19 I 6871 IPLASTIC TRAFFIC L[1TER I EA I 4 I 40.00 I$ 160.00 75.00 I S 300.00 ~ S 48.00 I S 192.00 1 $ 87.00 N$ 268.00 20 + iINDUCTION LOOP VEHICI.E DETECTOR I Ls I i I 18,aDp,00 I$ 18,000A0I$ 21,850.00 I S 21,850.00 ~ S 20,500A0 I S 20.500.00.1 $ 15,000,00 15,d00.00 21 1 6888 ITEMPORARY PAVEA4EN7 MARKING I LF I 1.5001 0.25 I$ 375.00 1 $ 1.00 I S 1,500.00 iS 1.001 S 1,500.00 1 $ 1.25 $ 1,875.00 22 I 6971 1 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL I L.S. I 1 I 52,0D0.00 I$ 12,OaU.00 2,060.00 I S 2,000.00 1S 1,800.00 I S 1,800.00 1$ 2,400.00 I$ 2,400.00 23 I 6882 ICONSTRUCTION SIGNS CI.ASS A I SF I 200 I 14.00 I$ 2,860.00 8,00 I S 1,800.00 1S 8.00 I S 1,600.00 I$ 10.00 1$ 2,000.00 24 I 6894 IPORTABLE CHANGEABI.E h9ESSAGE SIGN IF-aCH~ 1 I 3.000.00 I$ 3,0O0A0 2,OUQ00 I S 2,000.00 ~ S 1,800.00 I S 1,800.00 1$ 2,400.00 1$ 2,400.00 25 I 6994 JMESSGE SIGN PORTABLE CHANGEABLE I~ 168 I 10.00 $ 1,680,00 I $ 2.25 I a 378.00 ~ S 2.D0 S 338.00 I$ 2,50 1 $ 420.00 26 I 7038 IROADWAY SURVfEYING ILs I 1 I 5,600.00 $ 5,0D0.00 I $ 1.50.00 I S 1,500.00 ~ S 3,700.00 I S 3,700.00 14.00O,00 I$ 14,000.00 27 I 7736 JS P C C P I A N I LS I 1 I 5.500.00 $ 1,5D0.00 750.00 I S 750.00 I S 285.00 I S 265.00 I$ 500.00 I$ 590.00 I I I I I I I I I I ~ TOTAL I I I I $ 199,381.50 1 I 5 196,332.10 1 I S 202,500.00 I 1 $ 270,328.00 ' .I , S#69ane - ,;oOValley 11707 E Sprague Avc Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Vallcy WA 99206 509921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org • r,. . , r , _.......,....,.r~....,...~ - . _.....,....W~.~___ . . . - Memorandum To: City Council - Meeting July 12, 2005 From: Lauis Graf, Engineer (CIP) Thru: Meil Kersten, Public Worfcs Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (CIP) Cc: Carolyn George Date: July 5, 2005 Re: Project update - Dishman-Mica Rehabilitation Broadway Avenue Overlay Argonne Road Overlay D1S11iV1AN-MICA RFFH.ARI_i.,l`1'A'1'lUN 1'1tUJ'ECT (.4pnlewav tc► Snrxeue) The Dishman-ltilica Kehabilitation ProjecC is jointly funded by the Federal Surface'1'ranspoitation Prqgram (STP), Spoktuie `1'ransit Audiority (STA) and City funding. The tottil budgec for the prqject is $226,400. City participation is $40,300 (17.8% of Cotal budget), whieh consists oPsciiff saltiries and benefits. 'Che project applications for the Federal 2004 Call for ProjecLs wa.s apprqved and 5igneci by tljc: Mayor on November 17, 2004. The above pmject was also irielucietl in the 2005-2010 Amended `l`Il' approved by Couneil on April 26, 2005. ConstruCtiun plxns, speciFcations and estirn2te flre being eomplefcci by eity sttiff. `l^he project advertising datc fqr bidding was July 1, 2005. I`his date ltss been delaycd until an Fnvironmenl.il Classification Summary (ECS) is completed ancl a Categorical Fxclusion (CE) deternlinatinn is issued by WSDOT. A new at1 date is fentatively scheduled for July 29,.2005, with a bid opening on Augilst: 19. Coimcil approval for contract award is Centakively scheduletl for August 23, 2005 at the regular council meetinn. Conslruction wil) generally occur over a 4 week period in Septembcr and Qctober. Staff is proposirtg t~~ close Uishman-Mica IZoad behween Applcway ancl Sprague. This will allow Por roadway reconstrtiction without the interference of traflFic (increa.scd safe .ty), rcduce the construction timeline by 50% (re(Iucecl duratinn of impact to traffic and businesses) and reduee the construc;tion cnsts. Yortable Changcablc Message Signs will be instal led one week prior to road closure to itlert dhe public of potential dcla.ys anti detour routes. Please see attached proposed clctour route map. i ~ Page 1 O f 2 ' RRQAnWAY AVENUE OVERLAY PROJC•CT (l3ates t(i Sullivan) ; TFie Braadway Avenue Overlay Project is funded by the Fccleral Surface Transportation Program (STP) and City funding. The total budget for the project is $812,701. City pariicipation is $109,715 (13.5% of total budget), which consists of staff salaries and benefiCS and 13.5% of CUnStruCC10n COStS. "I'he project applications for the Fecteral 2004 Call for Projects was approvec) and signed by the Mayor on Noverribcr 17, 2004_ Tlie above project was also incliidcd in the 2005-2010 Amended TIP approved by Council on April 26, 2005. Construction Wlans, specifications and estimate are being completed by city staff. The project advertising date for bidding was July. l, 2005. This datc has been delayed until an Frivironmental Classification Summary (FCS) is completed and a Categorical Exelusion (CF) deterniination is issued by WSTaOT. A new ad date is tentatively schecJuled for July 29, 2005, with a bid opening on August 19. Council approval for contract. award is tentatively scheduled for August 23, 2005 at the regular council meeting. Conslruction will generally occur over a 6 week perind in September and October. SIaFF is proposing to specify construction of the project in three phases. This phasing is an ad.empt to minimize the negative traffic; impacts in tlie corridor and decrease delays for school access at F'rog-ess EIemeMary, Blake Elementary and Not-01 Pines Middle School. ARGQNNE R()AD UVEiZLAY I'ROJECT (inriianx to VlontRomerv) The Argonne Road Overlay ProjecC is funded My the Federal Surface Transportation Program , (ST'P) and City funding. The toCal budget for the Eamject is $316, 600. City parl:icipation is $42,600 (13.5% of total budget), which consists of staff salttries and benefits alid 13.5% of construction costs. The project applications for lhe Eederal 2004 Call for Projects was approveci and signed by the • Mayor nn November 17, 2004. The above project was also ineludeci in the 2005-2010 Amendeci TIP approved by Council nn April 26, 2005. Conslxuclion plans, specifications and estimate are bein3 cpmpleted by city st-tff. The prajcct advertising date for bidding is July 29, 2005. This date may be delayed until an Envijonment<31 . Classification Summary (ECS) is completecl anct a Calcgorical Esclusion (CE) determinalion is issued by WSUOT. F3icf onening is tentatively scheduled for August 19, 2005 with Council anproval for contract award tentatively schecluled for August 23, 2005 at the rt;gular council meetins. Construction will generally occur over a 4Nveek perioti in September and October. Staff is proposing to specify night construction to avoid adverse lrafFic clelays in this heavily used • • CorridUr. Staff is developing eontraeCS with local engineering finns to provide eonstruction contract management and inspeetion services for each of our 2005 projects. Costs for these services <<re already included in each project budget and are eligible for reimbursements from the grant agencies. l'age 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOF{AhfE VAL,LEY Request for Council Action ~ ~ - Meetang Date; 02-14-08 City Manager Sign-oif_ Iterrr: Check all tFrat appl}r- 0 consent ❑ old business xx new business ❑ public hearing ;inforrnakion ❑ admin. repor# ❑ pending legislation AGENDA I7EIU1 TITLE : Request to Use City of Spokane llalley and CenterPlace Logos far 2006 Mayor's Ball BACKGROUND: Mayor 1Nilhike requests use of the City of Spokane Valfey's Iogo and the logo for CenterPlace for marketing a nd promotional items far the 2006 h+}ayor's Bell_ r ` RECOMNIENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Nrotian ta approve use of the City of SpoEcane Valley and CenterPlace Logos for marketing a n d prornotional ite ms for the 20 06 Niayor's Ball. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: none I STAFF CONTACT- ATTACHMEIVTS I I , . . nRAF'r NMVuiEs ' C:1.'1'Y OF SPOKA.NE VA:I:..IJEY CiTY COiJNCTL S'l'IJpY SESSIOiv Tuesday, Janusry 17, 2006 Mayor \'Vilhite called the meeting [o ordcr a[ 6:04 p.m., and welcomecl cveryone to the meeting. Pre,cent: Councilmembers: Staft: Diana Wilhite, Mayor llave iViercier, City Manager Stcve Taylor, Deputy Vlayor Vlike Connelly, City At[orney Dick [Jenenny, Councilmeml?er Scotc K.uhla, Senior Planner i'v1ike DeVleming, Cnuncilmember Ntike Basinger, Associate Planner k3ill Gothmann, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Cominunity llevelopment Dir. Rich viunson, Counci(member Greg "]3ing" Bll7€8[I1111, IT SpecialisC 1Zob tarontaine. Tnierri flhsetrt: GAry SchimmEls, Councilmember Chris I3ainbritt};e, City Clerk City Clerk.I3uinbridge called roll; r.rll Cvxnrcilntenrbers preserrt except C'ow7cilnten7ber =Schimnrels. It ivas ntoved bv CouncilmEniber Afunsorr, seco►7ded by 17eputy A9rryor Tuylar, and tmanimpusly approved to exczrse Cuairrcilnzen76er .Schiazmcls fr•an toirigltt 's meetit7g, . 1'rior to deliberation on the draft Comprehensive 1'lan, it was Council consensus to qdcl to the City's T.,egislalive Agenda, Senate .F.3ill 6459, concerning the community healtli carc collaborative grant progrt►ro. Mayor Wilhi[e indicated she would add chitt item to the final leLter. ~ DELTI3FRr1TI0iV: Council began cleliberation by continuing, the tabled discussion af the list of aestlietic eorriclors (LiTF'-14.2), in plrticular the Indiana from SR27 to Flora Road, as previously direc councilrnembers wanted to Icave this in, and tliree wanted to delete this from the list. .At that tirne, Mayor 1,Vilhite inclicaCed she wvrted to take another 'drive to the area in question before she decided. Mayror Wilhite repoited tliat she drave the area rivice, and after brief council discussion, she voted to take that desigriation Cff the aesthetic corridor list. Prior to the discussi4n of the T.and Use Maps, COtmcilmember-Munson said he wanted the "cap and replace" for billbdards discussed iwlher; he statetl that he voted for ih<<t: re-wording, but did not reali2e the would meui thai billboards could be replaced at wiy legal location rather chan he replaeed in the curreiit location; and as such; he chan;;ed his vote to vote in opposition to that re-wording. Councilmember Gorhmann suggesi:ecl Purther revision of LUf' 14.8 to "cap and replace on sile." .After di.rcussion of the issue, inclr.rclinj the need ra clefiire "cap ancl replcrce, " it was deter•mined Flrat Pnlicy L UP-14.3 will be Grvu,ght back for furtyrer eonsaderatiorr w`ren all cvuncilrrielribers ure present. Peior to map deliberation, Councilmember Denenny explainett that he woulcl like tn review sorne c;omments made concerning the maps, antl Senior Plaitner Kuhta made copies of the comment spreadsheet for eouncilmembers' review. Councilmembers were remindetl the comment book is avaiJable for council review in the City Clerk's oI'Fce. . Following Scnior Planner I<uhta's explanation of the Land Use vlap, Council ciiscussinn followcd concerning def.initions of the land use designations and the actual designed areas on the map; the neecf for r. Fiiture establishment of zones; what current zonins means concerriing densities; ehan5ing the current . Iiibeled designations of UEt 3.5 etc to Rt, R2, R3, ete.; rezoning issues t.hal could be addressed during the annual comprehensive plan change; cun•enC residential zones which contain other community facilities; Ivtinutes Study Session 0 1-17-06 Page 1 of 3 tlpptoved by Gouncil: D12.AFT fleYibility in process of changing zones includi.ng policy for such changes; and undeelying zqnes, changcs ~ and altcrnatives. , Councilmembers then reviewed and discusscd the ctesigntieions as sho«m on d1e map. It was Co:orcil consensus to keep the lotiv, ntedium, rnul lrigly densitv desigrrati.nns as .sho►va, Mayor Wilhice called for a short recess at 7:30 p.m.; and reconvened the meeling at 7:44 p.m. Other discussion included the "neighborhooct eomrnereiaP" desi<„*nation vid goals for neighborhoods, including the pros and cons of having some coinrnercial in neighborhoods (walking proximity to small stores versus maincaining the character of current neighborhqods); adding light inclustrial in eommLmity conunercial; the city center eoncepC ancl keepi.ng it as shown on the map or movin? it elsewhere, or determining strategies and options for die concept of a city center withoul pinpointing its exact location; the upcoming study of ihe corridor ancl the idea oP purchasing land from private souress for a ciry center. FurCher discussion included the Rosewood area; non-conforming uses; clensities of trailer eourts; and houses currently used f'or commercial purposes. It war Courreil eonsensza !o inch.cde the crty center desigrration on 117e map. It was deternlined that discussion of receivect public comments concerning the map will be delayed until staff has the opportunity to link the comment with the map designation and b'ring that infomiation back for council discussion, including commentary from staff oii the appropriateness of the public's camments/proposed changes. . The followina succific changes, were avreed uoon: ` . Page 5, 2.2 Larid Use Plan: ' 2°d paragraph, change to read: "As shown in Figure 2.1 below, the majority of land is designated resideniial (57"/o) under Ehe-Git~-6enEar- this plan." Page 6; 2.2. 1 City Center Plan # 1: "Cre.atc an iclenCifable city center that is a social and economic fucus oEthe City of Spokane Valley." Page 7 middle of page: "1"he following wetrld eutild bc components of the City Center:" 3. Ghange "Nvouici°° co °°couta." 8. Connect second sentence to first so it reads: vlulli fainily housing that is safe and secure and located in sucli a wsy dhat it is buffered 1'a~e 11, second paragraph from the bottom; change to reaci: "1'his process resulted in apopulation iarowth allpcation of 39,431 . . Page 13, Table 2.1; Change the title to read: "Spokane Valley LJGA T ancl Capacity Analysis (July 2004)" Page ! 6; top: after cliscussion of what the area covers, it was determined tMaC v1r. Kuhta will clean up that paragraph to rnake it cleiir and cnrrect. Page 24, 2.7.1 Aesthetic Corridors; last line 2°d paragraph: "L7esign elements and landscaping treaements shnuld denote a sense of arrival into the City or a neighborhnod or special lrea such as city ecnter." Page 26; 2.9.1 StrEet Connectivity. Delete the figurc anci change the section to read as follotvs: . . "Strect design can have << significant impact on community development. It is irnportant thal neighbortloods bc con.necced in such a manner that cars, bicycles, ancl pedestrians can pass with e.ase frorn Minutes Siudy Session O 1 -17-06 Paee 2 of 3 Approved by Council: . DRAr•T - one neighhorhood to an adjacent neighborhood via collectors and arterials. Such a pattern promotes a , sense of community. A.ll new developments should nive special considersiion to emergency access routes. As a centinder for 1:he'nexC Comp plan deliberation, stafE will bring the «iap w+th linkeci commenls, and council will again discuss I.:iJP 14.3 There being no further business, it was maved, seconded and unviimously agrecd to acljourn. The meetiiig acljourned at 3:50 p.rTi. . L7iana Wilhite, iMayor n-rTEsT: Christine Bainbridge, City Ctei-k ) Nfinides Sttidy Session 01-17-06 P,i;e 3 of 3 Approved by Cotrncil: MINU rEs ` Cify of Spolcane Valley City Council lKxccuYive Session Montla}', Junuary 23, 2006 Atleitdcrnce: Councilmenibci•s: Staff: Diana VI'ilhite, Mayor Dave Mereier, City Manager Diek Denenny, Cntmcilmember Nina Regor, Deputy Ci"ry Ivtanagcr IvTike DeVleming, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmembcr fZich iVlunson, Councilmember Gary Scllirnmels, Councilmember Absenl: Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor . C'•XECUTNF, STSSION: vliiyor Wilhite called the meeting t4 prder at 5:50 p.rn. IC was then »JOVed by Coinrcilmember Sc6rimnaels, secoizclECl by Cawicibirenrber Uerzetiny, CITtLI TI17Li)1tl)ip1lSly frgreetl that Caanrcil go ir7to E.Yecutive Sessionfor approxrrnnlely 90 minules for the patrpose of disc:issbq lahnr negotiations. Council adjournecf inCO executive session. . ~ . At 6:21 p.m. vT,lyor WilF►iie declared Council out of Executive Session, ar►ct the meeting was adjoui-iied. ]aiana «'ilhite, Mayor r1TTEST: Christine I3<<inbridge, City Clerk . Counci! A7inutes: 01-23-06 f'a,ee ! oC 1 Approvcd by CUUnci I; • 17raft . AtiiNr[J'1'F S City of Spokane Valley City Coi.incil Regular iN-Ieel;ing Tuesday, January 24, 2006 yone to the 80 ineeting. vlayor Wilhite callecl thc rneeting to orcler at 6:00 p.m., aiid weleomed ever fillEll(il!l1CG: Ll-ry Slllff I ' T)iana Wilhite, tilayor Taa<<e Mercier, Cit:y vlanager Dick Denenny, Councilmember Nina Regor, T)eputy City Manager V1ike T)eVleming, Gouncilmemher A![il:e Connelly, City Attoniey Bill Gothmann, Councilmember KenThompson, Finance llirector Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MitClflil SUkU'), Community lacvelopment i7irector Rich Munsnn, Councilme►nber Tom Schollens, Building Official Nlike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Ncil Kersten, 1'ublic Works Director ' Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scoti: Kuhta, Senior Planner Ahsetrt: John E-Cohman, Senior rngineer Steve Taylor, Dcputy Mayor Mike Basinger, Associate 1'lanner Carolbelle T3ranch, Yublic lnformation Officer Greg "I3ing" 13ingaman, IT Specialist Chris l3ainbridge, City Clerk ~ TNVOCATIUN: Pastor Darrcl] T'reeman of the Spokane Valley Nazarene Church oavc the invocation. PLEllGE Or AT_:L,EGT.A\°CE Vlayor 1Vil.hite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bai.nbridge called roll; all Councilrne,mbers were present except Deputy kMayor Taylor. It lvas muved by Courtcilmember Munson, seconded by Cai.urcilmember Denenrry, aiid ununimously passed to excaise Depury A9ayor Tcrylor from tatiglz!'s meeri,tg. APPRUVAL OF r1Gi?\'DA lt ivas ntovecl by Coimci!»nenrber Gotlunann, secanclEC1 by Couircilrnember _ M:enson, and imrni irnoirsly pussed to upprove t{ae agetrda as submitted IN`I'FZQT)'fJCTIOY OF SPECIA.I.. CIJI:S°I"S AvD PItE SENTA.T..I.(7NS Ivlayor Wilhite acknowledged aiid welcomed County Commissioner A2arlc R.icliard, and cFianked hi►n for coming. COA']A9.lTTE:N:, 130ARD, LIr1ISON SU1'07AEtX :IZ:I±:F?QRTS Councilmember.17enennv: reported that the Spokane `l'ransit Authority (STA) niet last Thursday; that he rnet with the Department of Ecology (DOF.) todsy aiid a draft of the proposal was prescnted to them, whic}1 appears to•be aworkable solution, aiid that the group Will meeC comorrow frorri about 9-2. Councilmember Gothmann: stated that he macle a presentation to the Spokane Valley Business Association about the City's Comprehensive Plan; that he attended the Spnkane ConvEntion Bureau's rtnnual r»eeting 4vhere onE of lhe highlights was matching Milce Basinger reiceived his "Way to Go" . award at the Commute 1'rip Rec1tletion (CTR) Banq«et; he alsn atienclecl ehe Chamber Awarcts; and a I•lousing & Com.rilunicy Development .Advisoiy CommiCtee meeling which designaked approximately $1.1 million i.n improvemcnt grants; and that he a.nd several Councilmu(nbers attended last nighYs ,joint meeting witli tttie Central Valley School Distriet, where itnpact fee,s And tlieir Capital F'rojects Plan were ciiscusseld. Counci.l Meeti.ng: 01-24-06 Paee 1 of 5 Approved by Council: Draft Councilmember vlunson: explained that last week he attended the GvIA Steering Committee of Elected Officials where a major milestone was reachcd as the Committec passed on as a recommendation to the County Commissionees, a motion to begin ta resolve the joiTit planning-issues; hc also attended a light rail steering commiriee and a S'I'A meeting last week, where Hley began to work on the statistically relevant survey within the STA riding area to finci out if people want lighc rail anc1 if so, if they are willing to pay fbr it, aiid tbat survey resulLS should be available sotnetirne in rebruary; and he also attended the Central Valley School District joint meeting. MAYOR'S 1tE:POitT: Mayor Vliilhite reported that she attended the Convention Visitor's Tiureau annual meting wliere City employee Mike T3asinger received his award for bicyclinj to work; she also attended the Spokane Valley Chamber and Builders Associatinn awards banquet; the GMr1 meeting, and last night's meeCing wiCh the CenCral Valley Sehool Jaistrict. PU}3LIC CONL1'IENTS Mayor `VilhiCe invitied public commenYS; no camments were ofFered. - 1. PIJF3LIC FCEAR.ING: :[nEerim 7oninL► UR,-.l - Marina Stikup Mayor Wilhite opened the public hearing at 6:11 p.m. and invited Community Development Director Sukup to explain the issue. Director Sukup explained the history of this issue and that this process extends the zoning far another six months, nr Lmtil September 2006, assuming the Comprehensive Plan gets finalized and ihat qrdinance passed. iNT.s. Sukup also mentioncd that we are s[ill a«<aiting the federal draft floodplain maps affecting Saltese Creek, and that much of the delay in acquiring the map was due to Hurricane K.atrina. Mayor Wilhite iiivitud public cornmcnt. Gail Stiltner, 1.011.9 .F.. 44"' Avenue, Ponderosa Areii: e:c.pressed her ehanks for the interim zoning and stated that she supports the extension of the zoning that thcir way of life allows no higtier density lhen 'one home per acre; that wildlife couldn't take a higher densiry either as she finds morc deer roaming as eonstruetiion continues; ancl she w.ints Ca preserve the character of ~in existing neighborhood and therefore asks that this zoning be continued. She said she is proud of Ponderosa and wants it to bc a unique and vitat part of the Valley. Mayor Wilhite invited further comments. No further comments were offercd and Mayor Wilhile closecl the public hearinb at 6:17 p.in. As a means of public disclosure, Councilmember Gothmann stated that his home is affected by this action. 2. CO\'SENT AGEIN17A Consists of iterns considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered senarately. a. Following claim vouchers: . IVOUCHTR LTST DATF ~ VOUCKER #s ~ TOTf•lL VOUCHEIt f1M0UNT January 9, 2006 ~8379-8394 ~ $243,331.04 January 9, 2006 ~ 8352-8378 ~ 5288,264.32 ~ January 17, 2006 ~ 8395-8422 $54,202.56 ~ Jantiary 17, 2006 ~ 8431-8450 $82,186.90 ~ I I $668,484.82 b. Payroll for Pay I'eriod Ending January 15, 2006 of $140,170.73 c. Approval of Resolution 06-001, Amended Fee fZesolution cl. Approval of vlinutes of Rebular Council Meeting of Januaiy 10, 2006 e. Approval of M.inutcs of Special CoLmci11V1eeting of January 12, 2006 Council Meeting: 01-24-06 Page 2 oP5 Approved by Council: Draft . ~ It xvrr,s moved by G'ourtcifjrjeirxbei• 11~{~uzson, ,secorrded by C'ou=ihnember -DeWemfrtg, and unarrimously , passecl fo r.rpprove t}ae Consenr .zlgenafa as presented . .N.F.W BCJS1NESS . 3. Pronosed Ordi nance 06-001. f x#endin s-, UR-I Ti7teriin lonin~l -Marina Suktin 11fter C ify C;lerk Baiirbi- idge read the ordin aiica title, ic was inoved_ by C'ouncrbt~ember Muwun ond secvrzdecl by Cotmcdmember DeHewin,g to advance ordinance 06-00.7 ro a,second reading ar aiatei• dxe, Community Develapmeiit Director Sulcup added #o her previous presentation, by stating that suff- recanlmends apprnval. CauntilmerrEhcr DeVleniing mentioned thax page 4 of tl7e rindings has tEte Vera lerigatioii as I}istfict 14, which should be corrected to District 15_ iVlayor Wilkiitc invited ptpb€ic comni e nt. .ludv 13ellas. 5803 8 44"' Aven4Ge: asked a proced4tral questicm concernin; passing this ordir►ance; and Co4knc~ilrnember Munson explaiiiad that two teading5 are reqUired tio pass an ordinanc~e;, unless t17e fules ate suspended_ As-this issuc deals with a moratoriuin, Artorney Conn elly recommendcd not suspending the rules, Ms. Bellpis expresse(i her desirc that caunciI pzi ss thc ordinance. V01e by A cclurnafron: -[n Fa uor_ fJnaninioafs. Opposed.- None. A b.smnlVorie. Mo(idn carried. P'"1JC C C114'1MElYT;S , Mayor W ilhike invi[ed pul7lic com ment; no cornni ents Were offered. Ai}AILNISTRATTVE REi'ORTS: . 4. SG)okane C ountv T ib rarv Diskr ict U nc[a(t on ~ew LibrtLrv ProcZSs -M ike 1~1~i r# ~ lflike Wir€ cxplai ned the 'Library D istr3ct's plans to repla.ce the V alley Library by the end -o£ 2046, ~~riil~ a ]ar~,rer resource librai7'; ~nd ~~~rtlier explainecl Cfie high€i~li#s af his Jt'~nuary ?~l, 2006 "Report to the J Spokane Valley Cii.}' Cauncil_" Mr, Wirt acf&cl that ta every extent possihle, TFYe]f L4'QIIICI I]ke, tO tEe the new facilily into our Coniprehensive Plain as they ba[ance lhcir facilities; #hiit i'hey would pi-opose a LCFA, o r a Library CapiW l Facility Are1; which c~a n bc doiie #]i ough stzi te I alx, that stated if you want i:D . build a facil 1 1y, }'ou must define ttrr~, arca you vrai7# ta serv c arLd ask tli e people in th;9 t aroa if they want to f.ttn d tli e COilStfUCli(]R Or TFle F]Llljd lrig. lvtf, WIrt C'x p Ia Etled OtEleC itICCFfY}LL'Ik'CS, SllCh a5 j.]fQF}Q31T1g a (IISTriGt- wiclc bond i ssue, hLit felt th~i t wvuld not bode ~vell for th qse outside che vallcy_ M r_ W irt sEa te<i thal. ideally; tli ey u+ould sell the ex isting btp ilcling aiid use tlie fiiuds to buI ]d a new facility ; bu[ lhe Frst step is - sile acquisition. - A plan is fo ask Elie Board of C:ounly Cominissions to plac:e the issue nn the bailat wkthin the baundaries oClhc are.i6 to forrn the LCF'A and to apprave lhe salc of bonds to fu od ihe p rojcct; and if ehe LC:rA fai3ed, tl3ey could s(art again a n d re-define the Y.,CrA; aiicl tliat a U:F'A approvU l anly raqui.res a simpke n,ajority_ Mr_ Wirt ended his prescntatiati by stating that the hope is that by the t~nd of 2006, sUCh decision would be ma.de to proceed with tlie project or dccide ta wait .{'or -Further city center development; ]otate and purchase the siEc; wnd upda#e the estimaterl buildiiig cost, ending wizh an • approxtmate niove in dal'Q of 20 E E_ Discussion followed and Catuncilmember Munson sts1ted he fee[s 201 k is too lnng to irvait lo movc fiorward. w ith these facilities artd aslced flbout explarin; a partnering with #he suhool cGstrict's niiddle scliook3, 1Ir. Wirt cxplained that there are MrenIe secUrity issties with schools ivhich niust be ovcrcoine first, ancl Etiat thcy Ilave not officislly, cx.plored that idea, Th6 ]dea of renindeling versus bu}'in- tvas discussed, zi nd Mr. W iit mentionecl that I-VIl i le it Would be ditficX~lt to i-eni odel a bi~ box like Homc 8 asc, 3dexs h<<ve becn ciir-ulated abcjtit the Safeco huilding as ajointivenfure witli City 'Hall; that even thougli that f-acility is t't liltie ofF ce3i#er and way too bEg for what they can a.ff.ord, a join# venture might be ; , . - . Counc:i I Meettn- U l-24-06 Page 3 af 5 Approved by Cauncil; ~ Draft 5. Tana Czinacitv Analvsis - Scott KuhtalMike Basinger/Grea iVlcCormick . Plannina Manaber NfeCormick and Senior Planner Kuhta gavc their PowerPoint presentation on our I.,and Quantity analysis; explairning that the County's population projection and allocation of the future populatian to al jurisdicCions within the County, will be used to acijust the Urban Gro,,vth Area (UGA) bounclaries; and that the GMA requires UGA's to be large enouoh to accommodate the 20-year population prqjcction. vf.r. McCnrmick explained that the first stcp is to iclentify aU lands what would be usecf for future development. Ivir. Mereier acldecl tha[ this is not a ealculstion of population growth, but is . a ealculation of capacily oP the land to acconunodate the dwclling units and the ntnnber of people who would 'be living in those units. ufr. McCormick further explained that the County wants to see a population propasal from all the jui•isdictions; and to aeeoinmodate that request, we have to do lancl capacity analysis to see iF we have the land to accommodatc the expected rise in population; and dhese calculations are an effort to dete.rmi.ne how much of the anticipated population ean be aecommodated in the UGA; and based on that, to see what's left over and then start adjusting the UGA boundaries if necessary, stressing t}iat the nurnbers are still being adjusted as thesc are preli.minary fgures. Mr. I<uhta added that we still have to show if we have enoubh industrial and comrnereial clevelopment land; and rnaybc idcntify new future centers; and that we aclopteci the County's environmelital work and supplemented that with the new inforniation we have. StafF adcled that this topic will be fui-ther dcveloped ancl explained at the Pebruaty I I reUeat. 6. T)raft M<tintenance Contract - Neil Kersten/John Hohman I'ublic Works Director Kersten explained that the draft msintenance conlrzict with Spokane County was discussed in Uecember, and dhat he now has more detail on the contract and its elements, and that the contract changes iricorporat:es the finalized model agrecmcnt. DirecCOr Kersten then went through the various seclinns of the contract, incltading seetion 1 the transition plan where the City may reduce or increase services by 10%; and that the City may at irs option, give the County 30 clay's notice of termination of a specific street: mainCenance activity. Mr. K.crsten I:hen went ovrer the inajor contxact changes as shown on the transition plan PowerPoint slide. Director Kersten also explained that sectioii 3 of the contract cpntains the provision that the City will direct ServiCes of the County's operational workforec and eqiiipment, and wiU oversec the claily work needs and sehedules. Aciditionally, he explained, the County currently charges a 24% overhead on all work; that they have discusscd the overall impact to City st:affing levels and sugge„st adding tiwo, F1'E's at the grade level 14, with one position to be filleci after completion of the landscaping bid, and the other posicion to be filled after completian nf the street sweeping and stormwater maintenance bids, with funds for those positions providEd from reduction5 of the CounCy's overhead/management fees. Mr. Kersten stated that if Council approves, staff wil( prepare an update of the posicion descriptiotts concurrene with the Count.y Strcet Maintenance . ageeernent; and scaff will bring that agreement back to the Februaiy 14, 2006 council meeting for couneil , consideration. City vlanager Mercier added that this proposal respects council's desire to cantinue . contracting where possible and economical; and that the list of services whieh can be transfen•ed to the Ciry are optional opportunities, and we siill preserve the right of.10% acljustment in contraet. it was Council consensus that staff brin~ the contract back for couneil approval consideration. 7. Uniform Develoarnent Code Pronased Ordinances (2) - Mike Connellv City, Fltcorney Connelly e.cplained that this is a continuation of the process to streamline and reduce the existing zone code prior to adaption of a new uniform clevelopment code; that Council will see rivo ordinance,s; tlie first of which will take all tltosc portions of the adopted County cocle that have no applicatian for the City of Spokane Valley, aitd tvill repeal them, adding that he found a slice of rural residential so that adjustmenl will need to bc made; ant3 that the second ordinanee addresses the recently ptissed ordinance which started re-numbering the devclopment code in anticipation of the final Unifortn Development Code; and that the numbering system will be incorporatcd into tlle new uni.fiorm , devclopment code; but he will ask Chat the first re-numbcring orciinance be repealed so as not to cerate - another layer of numbers. Mr. Connelly added thlt a more dctailed presentation is scheduled for the Council Meeting: 01-24-06 Page 4 oPS Approved by Council: 17raft Retreat, but in the meantiule, he asks that /hese nrdinances Ue presented to thc Planninb Commission foe _ public hearings, and thcn brought back to council fqr furttier aciion. There was Council consensus to move t.hese ordinances fonvard. It ivus niovecl by Councitrrremher lWzrnson, secontled by Cotrnciln:ember Devleming, und unrnZimously agreed to adjourn. T6►e meeting udjvurnecl at'3:05 p.m. T)iana VVilhife, aVlayor A`C"I'LST: Christine F3ainbridge, City Clerk ~ . Council ME:sting: 01-24-06 Page 5 of 3 Approved by Council: DfZAF1' 119IfVUTE.S CiTX OIF SPOK.AXE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDI' 5ESSInN Tuesclay, Januaiy 31, 2006 . Vlayor Wilhite called die meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., anci welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Counci Imcmbers: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Ivtayor . I7ave Mercier, City Manager Stcve Taylor, Deputy Mayor \Tina R.egor, DepuCy City iVlanager Dick Denenny, Councilmcmbcr Vlike Connelly, City Attorncy ibiike :L7eVleming, Couiicilmember Greg ~V1cCormick, Planning Msnager 13i11 Gothmann, Couneilmember Scoti Kuhta, Senior Planner Rich tMunson, Cowicilmember Nlike Basinger, Associate Planncr Gary Schiinmels, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir. Tom Scholtens; Buildin- Official Carolbelle 13ranch,l'ublic Information pfficer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk lntroductions: The following employeES were introduced dien greeted by Council: Building Offcial Tom Seholtens introduced Permit Specialist Anila I31ake and E3uilding Inspector tI Doug Powell; and I'lanning Manager Grcg McCormic:k introduced Planning lntern-Carl T)eSitnas. Council lleliberation on Draft Comprchensivc 1'lan: As a hc►usekeeping item, Mayor 4Vilhite rTientioriecl that since aur Community Developmcnt Director would be involved in nvo publie hearinbs February 9, and v(s. Sukup would like Co be involved in those hearinos a.S well as deliberation on the housing ancl neighborhood, Mayor Wilhite suggestecl swilching ctates f(ir deliberation of housing antt neighborhoods, with Natural Environment, which Wrould put discussion of Natura) Fnvirun.ment for the February 9 rneeCint, and Hnusing and \Teighborlloocts at the Fehruary 21 meeting. Council concurred to makE tliat cl»nge. Draft Comorehensive I'lan ]'ublic Comment.ltevisions Map and Spreadsheec Senior Planner Kuhta explained Ihat he has received additional public coinments since he updated the spt'eadslieet, and he will cover ihose aC the end of this list. . Cauncil and staff chen wenf khrough the various comment;s with die rollowiilg results: M:36: a reciuest by Mr. Bquge to divicle tiis Yonderosa property into bwo parcels. As this is more of a zoni.nS implementatiori issuc, s[afP rcennunends no chan~c at this time. yi37: a rcyuest by L,aurie Peterson to have an "office" designation al die NE coriier of A1h.i and Mar;;uerite. Staff recommencls either no chsnge or Co review the entire block Co Margeruite. Councilmember Dcnenny stated his preference to walk the area before rnakin(y a decision; and there was Council consensus to go look at die area in question. M38: a suggestio❑ for medical office zone as an implementing zone, with assisted living idcntified as permissibte use. Staff stated this is more of a zoning 'or implementaiion issue; adding tltat the new ' designation of "office" would not precludc assisCed living. Couricil consensus for no decision at this cime. P/I39: a request for this Greenacres propert), to hitve cnmmercial zorting rEinstated. StafT recommends change to Neighborhood Commercial as property has had historie t;ommercial uses. Council concuis. Vlinutes Sttidy Sessioii 01-31-06 Page t of 5 tlpproved tsy Council: D.RAFT M 40: general coinment to supp ort medI ca l c:oy-ridor concept , . , ~ M4l ~owner wants to build a rtini-storage. Staff stated concerns about coin in ercial property wi[]7 frontage an Valleyway; ajid that inediuni dens3ty residcnkiai woulcl allow mtMlti-famify and ather uses. After Conncil discijssion ozt whecher io chaiige tlie area to comrnercial, Et was C'ouncil consensus Co view the M42 9 nd M43: similar general coiiiments qn the corridor and [heEr suppott of ofFice designa#ioii. N144: a tepeat of h+i3!~ ~ M45; cutrently propeety is ]ow densify residential; rec[uestor wants ta put in aii insurance of#ice and sngesls corridor inixed 4tse. (~auIIcil discussed thc corriclor mix.ecl use design ation, aiid a kr parking ]ots and buffer ing, aii d doterrrEincd it wou icl viem-r the site. M46: propert}r is jiot in the City. M47- the suggesfiion is to have consis#ent categ ,ories for bii;e and pedestrian map, 'I'his issue will be ' addressed alter duein,g the rnap.procoss, M48; suppotrts tlye office dcsignation; no change reques#ed_ , M49_ requcstor wants zi Con<fitioiial 'Use Pennit (CUP) for selF storxge faci lity but does n ot specify a I propos~d c:akegoiy ta the recamincndcd low clensity eesidential. Staff states the correcC clesigmation Foe a seif-storage facility woulcl be commemial 1ig1i#; aiyd staff rccommencGs adding self-storage as a Ci1P in re.sidcntial /ones as part of the comp piaii implernenution zoning. It was Couilcil cons~nsus .to discu3s , this request wlic-ii xoning irrlplementatiaii is addressed_ " ' MS0 and M-51 - no action needcd 'IvZ52; Spohane VaI ley C hani ber of C ornmerce site (currently ni ixed use c~)rridae}, reyLiest does nat specify a proposecl c~ategory but requests to be zoacd B-2, sirnilat ko other proper#ies aiong Spragtie. SYafF sEates not al I areas a.lOLlg SpPagklc 8Pe B-2, 5omc; are higher usage. Staff recnmrE1ends nU change as kceping . property Corridar Mixc;d 'CJse is cansistent with adjacent properlics. Couiicil daes iint recommend ch2ng[;, . M53 and YJ55: both want liigher usagc as believe ]ots~ (LM53) are unsellablc as s3nglc family; and that propeny (1+155) is surrourided hy rc¢iona[ businesses t•uid would likc UR-22 zaning, Staff explains tlicse are trausitian w-eas, and sug4e8l's loalcing at n-Ea]€ing changes aII the way enst to the commcrcial desigiiation; other suggestions include the area from .Pines to Unioii; suggestion that perhaps of#ice wauld be a better lransi#ion; otlier cho ices For IvI55 wei-e reg3ona! com rttercia l or higli den.9 ity_ SeEyior Planner Kiihfa wiE] designate a parcel iiumher io mxke cfear w1iic1i area5 arc to be considered, aiid ivill bring h& fnr fur#her rcvieW, M56- peaperty #ronts 190, lixs high densify resicleniial comg plan designation, xnd requestor wants coeridor mixcd uSe. StafF suggests considering olfice desiViatioii due to freeway proxiinity. It was Co+inciE consensus to view the site_ . A157: The i-equest is #or.Boone to be an iinprovcd raacEwxy. 'T`lie Planniiig Commission recommended M.ission a3 the arterial _ -I'ftis i ssue w~is prev3ous]}+ discusse(l in [hf. iransportatiqn p1ai), . Minu[es S#udy Session 0 1 -31-06 Page 2 nf> Approve[I by CounGil: DRArT ~M58: he dqesn't own the property (the lettcr writcr); but looking at rivo parcels wants medium densiry residential rather than designation of low density residential. StafFreconunends changing to the meclium density but to c!o so for all property south to cotnmercial(y designated property along'1 rent. After council discussion of the area and consicferarion of inedium or high or oi:her designation, cnuncil ctEtermined it Will view the site. v159 and M61 (there is no M60): boili requests are from the same person; iind they request mixed use. Staff recommends mixecl tue designation foe both requests. Council conew•s. M62 and Vi63: general camments supportirig the offiee designations. A.d<lilional corresnondence: Vt64: •lec[er frnm 1'ton vledler who owns some duplexes on East Mission in the low density designation; request is fQr rr►eclium density residential as he wimts Co build rivo or rnore ctuplexes across from the old senior center. Staff Ceels mEdium density is more eonsistent widi what the owner has on the ground; the zone is UR 3.5, aiid aceoss from the seninr center is I.1R 22; and staff recommends changing that low density designation Co make it consistent. Council concurs. . Lirian Chave7 Janu.lry 29, 2006 letter concei7iing 15302 E. Valleyway. Counci.lmember Gothmann statecl he reeeived a telephone call from Mr. Chavez, and once Ivlr. Gothmann realized the nature of the call, referred Tv1r. Chavez to the Planning Deparcment. 17iscussiai includcd the UR7 and UR 3.5 desiDnations; and whedier lotiv density residential «rould tae appropriate. lt was Council consensus tn view the area. Laurie l-lopkins ar►d Susan Brackeii (not related) e-mails of 1-31-06 concerning their support for more pa,•ks. . ~ Fax from Pak I:.enney 1Zealty regardin~; 123 N Argaine: as not:ec~ in the Januvy 6; 2006 letter tc~ Ivan White (property owner) frotri Heather Kauer, the sale of vehieles at 123 N Argonne is currently prohibited . by the City's IntErim Goning Code. Mr. iVlcCormick reiteracett t:hal this reyuest is not a comp plan issue but rather is a current: zoning question and t}ie current zoning does not allow the use they seek. Mayor Wilhite callecl Cor a short recess al 7:40 p.m. and reconvenetl the meeting at 7:50 p.m. 17egarding M37, City Manager Mercier encouraged Couneil to remember some of the things that Michael Freedman snoke oP concerning Argonne Mullan as one of the principle econornic corridors in die GOIt1I11U1'llly; and in workuig on lhis 20-year plan, rather chwi thinkin; of tMe end of the area being the realign of the facing parcel, to perhaps [Iiink about bringing it out to the neighborino parallel road; as that woulcf provide additional arca for ehiit designation to grow into, and possibly end up an easier buffer to loolc at the face of offce buildings across the street trom there. City Attorney Connelly added that Council should also keep in rnind Chey are planning to provide gro-svth to resiclential and high density for che nett 20 years; ancl Lhere is a need to keep paee with commei-cial and reuiil to maintain the 60/40 split, which is 60% off ice/retaiVcommcreial, and 40% residencial; iind the danger of not keeping areas of ,lrOwt.h ~tvailable fior officE relail commercial, is clle split could encl up upside dotvri rinar~cially. Councilmember vtunson adcled his concerii about the mix of low-irlcome housing througftout there; that many of the hames are 60 to 70 years old; ajid hc does not want to ~o too far into reduciog ihe level of available low-income housina. COuncil reiterated the desire ro view the area. vlr. Kuhta brought attention to an e-mail f.rom Deborah F'irkins acfdressing numerous paree[s. Mr. K.uhta - scaced that he would map these parccl eomments dIICI I)PU]a this back when Council re-addresses the various areas after Council has had opportunity to-view those areas. Nlinutes Study Session O 1-3 I-OG Page 3 of 5 ApProvecl by Counc.il: D EZAF'1 LA.iND T1SE, LUF 14.8 - Billhuarcls Can and Renlacc: Mayor Wilhite explained there was a misunderstanding of the de1'inition of cap and replace; that this was brought 'up at the last comp plan a1SCUSSIqtI, and it was sugbested to bring the issue back wIlen all Councilmembers can consider the issue. Councilmember Gothmann suggested adding the words "on site" to "cap and replace" and that woulcl mean if a sign were destroyecl, anolhcr sign could not be placecl in any other loca-tion othcr than the original sign's location. Community Develnpmenl Director Sukup stateci that the Sign Coinmittee hacl a specitic concept in mind tivhen thcy discussed cap, and thal was t:here would be an absolute, fnitc nurnber of billboards within t.he entire City; aiid if one were to eorne down, another could be erected based on the current sign regulations. I3ased on that defnitian, it ivas moved Gy jWcryor Wilhile aiid seeonded by Depury iIlayor Taylor, to hrrve crrp and replacE tlefrned cs broug6it fonvard by dlie Planninn Comnri.ssrnn per A1s. Sztkup's definition of Cap mid Replace, tivhic{i is to have a firtile ttttntbEr vf billboards witltin tlte Ciry. Council discussion included reinterpreting the deFmition as tn replace on site only; thal a vote taken prior to incorporation indicaceci peoplc do not like Uillboards; that thal vrote was advisory only; and that perhaps the proposed definition still allows too much latitude. lblayor Wilhite invited public c;omment on thc mation, aiid no public comments were offered. Yole by Acclamation: L2 Favvr: Aqayor Wilhrte, Ueputy jVfcryor 7aylar, trncl CouncilmemGers DeVlenai►tg aiid Schintmels. .4gainst.• Councibrrembers Gotlimcrnn, Afunson, ui7t1 Denereiiy. Ab.stentioris: eVorie. Motian ctrrried UTILT7']FS: It was decideci lhal throughout the chapter, "private uti(ities" would be chan?ed to "public and private' utilities, including the chapter title on page 1. 6.5 (.=oals S Polie;ss . Council began deliberation on pag ge 10. Council discussed some goals and policies and did not discuss ot}iers where they had no commenls or siacgestcd ehanges. Bven after lengthy discussion, Couneil chose noC to make any changes to several goals ~u1d policies, anci therefore, only thqse goals and polieies vviCh recommended changes 3re noted below. ~ Durinn ttic discussion, franchise agreemenCs were mentionccl aiid City Attorney Connelly said he will research to see if we have water distric;t Franchise agreements. There was couneil conserisus for the f'ollowing changes: F'UP 3.2: Change to read: "1?romote joint planning and coordination of public aiid priv3tc utility . activities by providing timely notice to affected private and public ulilieies of City corlstruction projects, including tlie maintenance and repair of cxisting roads." PU:Y 3.5: Chanoc to read: "Based upon applicable regulalions, the City should require the undergrotuiding of ulility disCributiqri lines in new suUdivisions. The City should encouraae ihc under grounding of utility disteibution lines in new con5trueCion and signifiaantly reconstructed facilities, consistent with all applicable laws." Pi,TP 3.6: Change to read: "Based upon applicable regulations, the City should work with the utilities..." PUl' 3.7: Change to read: "Tlie city should work with appropriate entities to prepare right-of•-way vegetation plans to ensure that the needs of landscaping and screening are balancecl with the need to prevent negative irripact to the utilities." It ivas moved by Depuly Mciyor Taylar, secontlEd, uncl:arcrninrously passed ta extend Fhe meetir7g to 9:1 S p. Iviinutes Study Se;sion 0 1-31-06 Paee 4 of 5 ' Approvcd by Council: DkArT , fPTJF` 3.11: Be"lj5e this goak inc:orporated by refaence (rather chan usii7g as a guidc olatfier simtlar verbiage) the Regjion~Ll [Jtility C;oiTidor Platt witliouC haLviiig #he entirc Plan av-ailable for raview, staff- (Crreg McC:orrn€ck and Scott Kulyta) will rerword this goxl aiid being hack for further Couiycil considera#ion. PUP 3.12: C:ouncil consensus to dcle,te #]7is its it was determincd this shaujcl bc in the franchise a*i-eemcnt ratiier than S1ated here as a policY. OT~~ CUANGLS: 6_2.3 Vera W~tli~r & Power - Descript3ou af UIiG[y '1"hird tine from battom-of f-Lrst paragapli; and Ver~L located on the northwest corner af -Sullivan Roqcl aiid 360' - not 3$'n Second paragraph: Vera purcl7ases the "niajority'° (not 100°la) of its polxer from the Ronneville Po}ve~r Ad17133115ffat1C}fl. , Planning Managee McCormick nienlioncd that aComcast represenEative is fiere #onight, and that Comcasl is now praviding telephonc ~eivice; so there ma}+ be some nccessary texC changes ta be made based on -.fi18t J7eW EllfC}CfEkaL'lptl_ lt was Council cnnsensLis tha1: c.ouncilinembers rrlay subniit xny scrivener's errors fouiyd thro4Gghout tltie ~,ntire Coinpreherisive Plc7i7, to the Cify Clerlc wE10 w1Il nl9ICe ffie c-hail;es WitliOLPt further counci] approval, l ~ ivia}+nr Willlite ~Irmo+jnced #hat tihis coinpletes the utilikics chapter, oll,e.r than tlhose issuiug fnr fui#her ~y re#inemetkt; $nd the next c;omprehensive plan discussion wi11 focus oii economic developmeiyt_ '1here being iio furtherbusincss, #]i e meeling adjpurned at 9:15 p_m. JJiana W ill7ite;Mayor ATTEST' Christine Bainbriclgc, Cify Clerk - M iriutes StiLdy Sassian 01 -3 1-06 Page 5 uf S Approved by C;ouncil. I71Zt1FI' R-1INUTES ~ . C1TY OF SPpKANF VAT.,T.,EY CITY CQCJNCII., S'I'UDY SESSION 'i'uesday, February 7,2006 viayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., vid welcomed everyone to the meeeing, - Present: Councilmembers: Staf£ L7iana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier; City Ma.nager St:eve Taylor, 17eputy vlayor Nina Regor, Deputy CiCy Manager Dick Denenny, Councilinember Cary llriskell; Deputy City Attomcy Mike lleVleming, Councilmember Grco vicCormic;k, Ylanning Manager Bill Gothmann, Cotmcilmenlber Scott Kuhta, Senior Planncr Rich AAunson, Councilmcrnber Niike l3.lsing;er, Assnciate I'lanner Caey Schimrr►els, Couneilmember Marina Sukup, Community Dcvelopment 17ir. Carolbelle $ranch, Public Information Otficer Chris T3ainbrid~e, CiCy Clerk . (Apnroximacely 30 residents) City Clerk Bairibridge called roll; all Councilrnembers were present. FTJ13LjC HEAl'LCiVC. - ffraft Cornn Plfin Mayor \lrilhite opened the publie hea.ring at 6:05 p.m, ancl inviCed public comment'g. `l'ed 1-iairer. 73-103 r1io Lane. E'alm Desert. California: explained that he rnovcd to California a yeae ago but still owns property on Pines Road here in the City; that his property is surrowided by cornmerci,jl and ' businF;ss yet his property is resiclential; he statecl he wauld lihe his properly dcsignaled as similar propertics. , Gail Stiltner. 10119 E 44"' Avenuc: expressed appreciation to the Council for die dili-ent work on the plan and die atmosphere in which the meetiiigs are conducted; she stated slic wanes co retain the nositive .~.SpecCS and conimunity charac.ter of che neighhorhoods, and asks Council to keep to the eriteriit to make sure the properties are compatible with surrounding pronerties. She also asked for three word changes: (I) 2.5.1: ehantie to distinct chlractcrs shaIl be preseived; 2.9.1: change to all ttew developments "shall" (rather than shoulcl) give special cqnsideration ta emergency acccss routes; and (3) LUP 1.5: change to "criteria shsill include" - ratlter Lhan may include. Slie asks for [hESe changes a; slle feels there is too rnuch leeway in stating "should" ar "may." She also saicl thac in 29.2 b'affe calming, that the list nf multi-use spaces omiuecl horses; that she feels lhis is very important to the valley, and asks that }iorses be ac(dcd. Judv T3elous 8803 E 44°i Avenue: stated she was in apreement wittt ti1s. Stilbier's commcnts above; feels the neighborhodds versus the developer situations are very adversarial and confusin€; alsp feels the tercninology should be in keepuig with the character within the nei?huorhoods and she feels that means derisity; suggesta crafting the warciing so there are special standw-ds as.low clensity one through si,c leads to tOO much discretion. She mencioned the shoreline chapter and surface water section; that the seccion ittdicates we don't have much surface water, but the next 30 pages disc.usses the surface water and shorelines; and she wonders if all Chose areas only apply to shorelines. She added that the terins found in the ~lossary• itre ❑oE clear e4ncerning open spaces (8.2.3); f.ish and ~vildlife; ancl neighborhood subari;,~ ,ylinutcs Study Session 02-07-06 . Paoc 1 of 5 tlpproveci by Council: nxAFT should not be cfefined as subareas. She also mentioned a tynographical error in the numbering; as - , neighborhaod subareas, planning is numbcred 10.2 as is the following goals and policies. vlarv Follard, 17216 East F3aldwin Avenue: read her statement concerning the Parl:s and Recreation Viaster plan anc! Chat the comprehensive plan shoulcl reflect that plan and she feels it does not; spake of the nced for allocatin€ impact fees; arid of the need for park property; and gave the City Clerk copies of four articles for reference in addressing the imporcance of developing parkland now. Mayor Willlite invited furt:her pulalic comment; no fur1:her comincnts were ofiftered and Mayor Wilh'ite closed the publie hcaring at 6:24 p.m. Senior 1'lanner Kuhta and Council proeeedecl Co ciiseuss the updated public commenl cnap: M37: vE corner of Alki iuld M.arnuerite; consensus to leave as is. M41: 16202 E. ValleyNva}°; change to medium density on that particular lot. M45: 19 NT31ake; consensus to change to corriclor mixed use. V156: consensus fnr oFfice dcsignation on both sides. vI 58: made change earlier to mectiurn density. M66: 15302 E Valleyvvay; aftcr much discussion, it was deterniined that staff will perf'onn additional researeh, including photographs af the area and will forward council results of thaC invesligation. Council consensus to leave as is until c.ouncil can review the results of the adclitional research. V167: Mr. Kuhtii said he just received the list of approximately 90 prQperties, diat staff will brin~ tllat baek after sta .ff has had an oppori'unity to further revie«; adding that these will be includcd on a separate rnap and spretldsheet. Mayor Wilhite ealled for a shnrt recess a[ 7:20 p.m. arld reconvened the meeting aC 7:29 p.m. vlr. McCormick indicaced he and City Attoniey Connelly continue their Nvork on re-wording PUf' 3.11 and will bring that back for fiu-ther council aonsicfer:ition. I± CONOM7C DEVELOPNIE, NT: Community Development Director Sukup spokc of the Valley Chamber of Commerce's recommendaCions for this cliapter, and mentioned the letter from lhe Chamber concerning the draft goals. [Councilrnember Schimmels left the room at 7:32 p.m., and returned at 7:35 p.m. ] GOAl.S AlVD POLTCTFS ' CUAL EDG-1: no chaiige 6[7P 1.1: Council consensus to begin sentence with "Slrivc to provide..." FpP 1.2: Council consensus to change to read: "In conjunction with the Speiatte V.~}ley Ghamber-e€ Gett~-~f~e-: :he SpelFane-Ecofi , Spekew-, ~.':rl•!ey-b,etS4►esS f13~;36iat+en QEA1.14-".',-m<E4~*a4-tasu .i appropriate entities, encour-Age suppe~ market feasibility studies to identi.fy and tarjet economic opportunities." . , Minutes Srucly Session 02-07-06 Pflge 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRarT EDP 1.3: Couneil CUnSE:OSIlS lo change t:o react: "In pari:nership with the business cornmuniry anc! appropriate entities, encourage the development of a comprehensive marketing strategy customized for Spokane Valley and supportive oPregiqnal econqmic development objectives." EDP 1.4: Council consensus to change [o rcad: `Coi1sider estal?lishment of a public G[S system tp facilitate economic research for businesses." Elll' 1.5: Cowncil consensus to change to read: "'Encourage the development of business incubators Ce promotc che crcalion of new business cntcrpriscs." EDP 1.6: no change EDP 1.7: no ehange r1aP 1.$: no changc EDP 1.9: Council conscnsus to chanac "support" to "encoura~e." FDP l .10: no change. EDP 1.11: Council consensus to change ca reacl: "Seek e:cpansion ofi ihe Spokane Communicy Fmpowerrnen[ 7one to include incomc-eligible Census block grotaps within t:hc Cit:y of Spok:tne Valley." Conunwiity Development Director Sukup stated she will add the explanation of the empowerment zone to the narrtit:ive part of the tcxt. GOAL EDG-2: no chiuige . , EL71' 2.1: no change E171' 2.2: no chanee CQAL EDG- 3: Council c4nsensus to changc to read: "Prornotc the clevclonment of a qualifiecl labor force thac is glabally competitive and responds to the changing needs of the wa-kplace." EDP 31: Council consensus to chan4e to read: "Fiicourage the region's K-42 :,c1aoe1s,-sae;ac :-nd fo-deve-k~~ Nvorld-class education con5artium _ jobs-e-f-t~►e-ir~~'ert~►afiei~-ea2; 'tert~l-eves-sofftnlunieti4+en-ski-Hs-s"-delivers-compFehensive-editeE3tierr, (sesondar-y-chi-ough-cleetej:a-!-lava4s). LDl' 3.2: no change E171' 3.3: Council consensus to omit the words "partiner arid support." Add the term "supporY' to the glassary. . T'nP 3.4: Council conscnsus io omit the worc! "support and" so that the sentence stares : Encourage K- 12." EDP 3.5: COUIICII COI1SEllSIIS t0 OlTllt t}1C word "support." _ FTaP 3.6: no chanjc Niinutes Shidy Session 02-07-06 Pagc 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT rDP 3.7: Council eonsensus to omit entire policy. GOA.T.. F•AG4: Council consensus to ctlange to re<td: "rncourage regional Courisrn as a sustainable provider of jnbs and markets." EDP 4.1: Council consensus to cliange to read: "Encourage the development o1' a comprehensive tourisrn promotion plan that supports the marketing e.fforts of regional tOUPiStT1 agencies, uttraclinns, (omit aposCrophe in the word attracCion's] and events." 6DP 4.2: Council cnnsensus to change to reacl: "Fncourage the development of local atir3ctions, recreational, culCural and sports events which tahe advairtage of Che four sea.sons." EDP 4.3: Council consensus to cliange to reiicj: "Encourage and promate Lt►e marketing of appropriate facilities consistent with Spokane Valley's tourism objectives." EDP 4.4: Council consensus to leave as is until Cauncil has fiirther opportunity to review lhe Natural Environment chapter. COAL Fi)G S: Council consensus Co change to read: `443e-Gifiy-ef c~^k^.,° "^l'ey-wW-ceepefate Collaborate with other governmcntal agencies and the business community tn promote asustainable, strong, diverse and healthy regional ecnnomy." T'DP 5.1: no change , ' . ~ EDI' 5.2: no changc C'DN 53: Couneil consensus to cliange to read: "Encouraee R4ee;n•rze t.he continued SUppOrl' and fimclins of vital iC-i-hat t},^ '°c# f'r~an•rF2~~^FR, a.,~' S+^te f,^ditrg-ef~lF-active - - duty, reserves and IVational Guard components of the United States Anned r'orces." LOI' 5.4: Council consensus lo change to read: " Collabarace with oilier local oovernment business organizations in promoting legislation in support of economic development whcn appropriate." IF was ntoved by Deputy M. r.ryor Taylor rnad secorided, 1o extend tlre meetittg to 9:1 5 p. i».: Vote Gy Acclaniatiorr: Lz Fut,a•: Mrryor WiUrite, Deputy ttqtryor Taylor, Counciln:ember,s Schimnaels, Cotliniann, . antl Denefrny. Opposed.- Coiu7cilmembers ltlunsan crntl DeVlenririg. AbsFer2tiaris: i1rone. Motion ccrrried. - GQAL EUG 6: Council cnnseilsus to nmiC ehe second sentence of the goal. EDP 6.1: Council consensus to change "business" to "businesses." EDI' 6.2: Council consensus to end the sentence with the word "practices" thereby deleting: (e.n., recycling, pollution control, solar enerny, commute drip reduction). GOAT., rDC, 7: no chranve. . EDP 7.1: no cliange . .I:DP 7.2: no cliange - M.inutes Study Session 02-07-06 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: DttArr F.1)P 7.3: Cduncil consensus to delete the policy entirely. Cnuncilmember DeVlerninj expressed concern about including cust:omer service in these goals and policies. Councilmember C7eVleming will daft proposeci liuiguage concerning customcr service. In olher business, Mayor 1~j~ilhite iildicaced she intends to make a lodgitig tax. committee appointliient at the rebruary 14 counc.il rneeeing, and thus far has heard no recommenclations from councilmembers. Additionally, the Weed and Seed Co«i►nittec contacceci the Mayor and asked for Council represenuttian nn that committee, whieh 1lolcls meetings '1'hursdays at 3 p.m. Mayor Wilhite indicated Councilmember Gqthmann volunteered, and hearing nQ pbjecCiotL, she would like to add that to the rebruary 14 council meeting. Mayor VVi.lhite also ashed if Councilmernbers haci any objectious to placing an itcm on the , February 14 consent aQenda for approval of CenteeYlace's and t}ie City of Spoktine Valley's logos for use for the Niayor's ball. There were no objections, vliiyor Wilhite indicated economic (fevelopment, as well as the Natural Envirorimental chapters wil) be discussed at Thursday's, February 9 meetino. There beinn nn further business, the rnecting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Ntayor ATTT'ST: ChrisCi.ne $i►inUridge, Cit)l Clcrk . Minutes Siudy Session 02-07-06 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Coiincil: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY l ~ Request for Council Action , Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: - ❑ consent ❑ old business - ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: An ordinance extending the UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Interim Zoning for a second six months in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Neighborhoods and amending the findings of fact and work plan. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.63.220, Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-025 . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance No. 04-035 extending the Interim . Zoning for an additional six months by Ordinance No. 05-025 adopted on September 27, 2005 as an emergency measure. City Council advanced the proposed extension to a second reading on January 24, 2006. BACKGROUND: A moratorium or interim zoning ordinance may be renewed for one or more six-mvnth periods if a public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal. The Intenm UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Zoning was originally effective on Septernber 8, 2004. A renewal of six months was authorized as an emergency measure on September 27, 1 2005, expiring on March 6, 2006. The updated work plan had anticipated completion of the fComprehensive Plan prior to this date. The following work is not expected to be complete until ~ after that date: . • Approval of regulations irnplementing the Comprehensive Plan. • Revision of floodplain maps for Chester and Saltese Creek by FEMA. • Finalization of stream reclassification by the Department of Natural Resources. • The resolution of the wastewater capacity issue resulting from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study by the Department of Ecology and the Environmental . protection Agency (EPA) remains incomplete. OPTIONS: Establish UR-1 Urban Residential Estate as permanent zoning, approve the extension, deny the extension. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance No. 06-001. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Communi#y Development Director , ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinance, Findings of Fact, Amended Workplan D1tAF'T - CI"'Y OF SPUKAl\L+" VAi,LEY SPOKAsvF COTJ\°TY, WASHTNGTQN ORDINA\'CE NO. UG-Olll AN ORnTNA.NCF OF Ti-7T- CTTY QF SPnKANE VAL.LEY, WASI]];NGTON, E1\'t'ENll1NG 111.L ITJ:t_K4i\i Et:F;STI)Ti\''I"fA]:, FSTATF (iIR-1) f1vTF.R.11ri 70\TIYG ATJTF[ORI7ED 13Y QRDIT7ANCE N0. 04-035 F012 Al\` ADll1TlOa\iAC, SLX NlUNT1iS }3EYOX.I) TAE SFCONf.) F,XTFNS.T.C)\r APPROVFn l3Y pRDI1TANCF Nc►. 05-025 1N THE PO\TDGROSA AINll ROTCHF012ll AitEAS; .4JN'ir:YD1NG '1'.HE h'LYUINGS OF FACT A.t~ «'ORKPLAN. . «'FTER.rAS, The GroNvth Vtanagement Act provides that all zoning regulations be consistent with an adopted Gomprehensive lslan (fZCW 35r1.63.105); tuul , VVI-IEREA$, RCW 35A.63.220 provides for estaUlishment of interim zoning for up to one year followin; a public hetiring where a Work plan is dcveloped for related studies; and NI-IEREAS, the interim 2onin~ rnay be ext:cnded for one or rnore six-month pcriods if a subsequent public hearin~ is held and findin;s of fact are made prior ta each rene~val; and WNERFAS, the Spohane. Vallcy Comprchcnsive Plan is riot yet completc; , 11rMEREAS, vai•ious studies required to complete ille analysis of the environmental impacts remiiin incomplete; and WHEREAS, the neighhorhootls desire to continue the Interim 7oning until such time as full analysis has been cArnpleted; and NW.T.rRFr1S, Ordinance No. 05-025 extended the interim zoning for a period of six months until March 6, 2006; • NV'IIEREt1S, the Ci[y Council held a public hearing on January 24, 2006 and approvcd revisecl the findinSs nf Fact a.nd Workpla.n; and , \lOW, `f'HEK.~'~'OK.E, the City Cauncil of Lhe City of Spokaric Vallcy, WaSI11t1g[Otl, UYd31[1S 3S ' FOI I OwS: Section 1. The Intcrim Urbaci Residential Estatc (iJR-1) Zonine is liereby extended for ai additional six monl.h period tivithin the original bnundaries itnc! subjecl to the regulations set fortFi in Spokanc Vallcy Ordinance \'o. 04-035. Sectior, 2. . Severabilitv, IPany section, sencenee, elause or phrase ot'this ordinance shall be held to bc invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction; such invalidity or unconstiCulionality shall not aftect the validity or constitutionality of any other section; sentence, clause or phrase nf this ordinance. Section 4. Ef-fective Date This Ord'uiaice sliall be ui full force and effect five days after publication of this ' Ordir2ance or a surnmary thereof occurs iri the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. prdinancc 06-001 EKtending UPU 'Lone Fage l of2 DRAFT PASSETa by the City Council this day of February, 2006. Mayor, 17iana VVi(hite AT1 ES'1': City Clerl:; Christine Bainbridge Approvecl as lo Form: Office oP the City tlttnmey nate of'Publication: Effective 17ate: . Ordinanc.e 06-001 Extending UR1 Zone Page 2 of 2 1. ~ i r t , I ~ I ~ r Poad~ [P°r~~~ 1 ~ '4 \ ~ 1 ~ir~d, pc~ R~ !k ~ ~ ~ -i ~ Exhibit "C" REVISED UR-1 interim Zoning Work Plan February 24, 2006 I os , lD Task Neme St~M Fiwsh Drxebon 020e 43 Ne. Ap I wy I,Nn I N I Aup I sep 1 I Noigfiborfwod Characbsr I 3l6/2006 I U/2008 I 26.9w 2 Compmhensive Pfan 302006 OW006 26.ew Adap4ed 3 I Desgn Qualiry I 3l8/I004 I w6/2006 ~ 130.6w 4 I Envfronmsntal Quality I 3f28/Z005 91812008 I 76.dw 5 I SalEese Croek Ro-Map l 328I2005 W2006 ( 75.6w 6 I Public HssltfAa/sty 318/2006 I df22/2008 I 24w 7 I Hazard NGtigation: Aocess 3/8/2006 , 8222008 24w r 8 IPublicNotioe + 6/~J/'2006 I 7/11/2007 36.71w I 9( Regulatary Review I 312712008 ~ a118/2008 I 21w ( 10 I Comp Plan Reps Draft ~ 3/27/2006 I 81182006 ~ 21w I ~ Oriplnal Tasks ~ New Tasks DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT *Iene- FINDINGS OF FACT R EVlsEQ JANUARY 24, 2006 ;A%Uey SECQND EXTENSiON OF INTERIM URBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE (UR-1) ZONING FOR S1X MONTHS ~ - ...-vyr'~:. STAFF REPORT DATE: January 24, 2006 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Extension of interim zoning controls to limit residential densities for a period of six months, and to continue practice of allowing the keeping of large animals on residential lots. PROPOSAL LOCATION: Portions of the Ponderosa and Rotchford residential subdivisions. PREPARED BY: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Spokane Valley Community Development Dept. 1. BACKGROUNOINFORMATION PROPERTY INFORMATION: Size & Ponderosa: Located adjacent to Browne's Mvuntain on the southem edge of Characteristics: the City, neighboring the Dishman Natural Area on the northwest and the Iller Conservation area on the south. Fully developed single-family residerrtial lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local access and residential . collectors. Limited access to municipal wastewater collection system. Terrain hilly with intermittent streams feeding Chester Creek. Portion of the subdivision located within the 100-year floodplain. Large stands of native Ponderosa pines. Abuts a closed landfill. Platted in phases between 1964 and 1992. Rotchford: Located on the eastern edge of the City. Fully developed single- family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, serried by local access and residential collectors. No access to municipal wastewater collection system. Rolling terrain abutting steep hills with drainage into Saltese Creek. Saltese Creek is located within the 100-year floodplain. Platted in 1974. Both subdivisions were originally platted as residential subdivisions designed for the keeping of a limited number of horses. SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN & ZONING Subject Comprehensive Plan - Low Density Residential Properties: Zoning - Interim UR-1 Residential Estate Preservation of Existing Residential Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDINGS Revised 1 of 5 II. FINOINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS INTERIM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Relevant provisions of the Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan are found in Chapter 6 (Housing) includes the Vision -"Spokane County is a community that provides the opportunity for a variety of housing types and development patterns for all incomes and lifestyles while preserving the environment and the character of existing neighborhoods." "Planning Principles The following planning principles, developed through citizen participation efforts, form the basis for development of the Urban Land Use Chapter. • Compact urban forms should be encouraged that create a greater sense of "community," with pedestrian/bicycle-friendly settlement pattems. • Neighborhood character should be preserved and protected. • Jobs, housing, services and other activities should be within easy walking distance and shorter commute times of each other. • Communities should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreational uses. • Streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths should contribute to a system of fully connected routes. 0 Communities should have a diversity of housing and job types that enable residents from a wide range of economic levels and age groups to work and reside within their boundaries. General Goals UL.1a Provide a healthful, safe and sustainable urban environment that offers a variety of opportunities for affordable housing and employment. UL.1b Create a future rich in cultural and ethnic diversity that embraces family and community values and recognizes the interests of the whole community. Goal UL.2 Maintain and enhance the quality of life in Spokane County through urban design standards. Policies UL.2.1 Establish minimum performance standards within the zoning code for nuisances such as noise, vibration, smoke, particulate matter, odors, heat and glare and other aspects as appropriate to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and neighborhoods. UL.2.2 The design of development proposals should accommodate and complement environmental features and conditions, and preserve and protect significant cultural resources. UL.2.6 Develop urban design °guidelines" that provide consistency of application for the design review process. The guidelines should focus on the functional interrelationships between land use, site design, neighborhood character and transportation systems. UL.2.9 Develop neighborhood, subarea and community plans with specific design standards that reflect and preserve community character. UL.2.11 Promote linkage of developments with open space, parks, natural areas and street connections. Preservation of Existing Residentlal Subdivisions (UR•1 Interim Zoning) FINOINGS Revlsed 2 of 5 UL.2.12Enhance and preserve the site characteristics of residential dev,elopment (existing trees, . watercourses, historic features and similar assets) through sensitive site planning tools such as clustering, lot averaging, transfer of development rights and flexible setback requirements. Goal UL.4 Encourage exemplary developments and creative design through the use of performance standards. Policy UL.4.1 Allow flexibility and innovative design through the use of performance standards which emphasize outcomes. Goal H.1 Coordinate hausing policies and programs with other jurisdictions, agencies and neighborhoods. H. 1.3 -"Provide opportunities for early and continuous participation of citizens and neighborhood groups in land use and community development planning processes." H. 1.5 -"EncflUrage the creation and continued operation and effectiveness of neighborhood associations through neighborhood and subarea planning programs.° Goal H-2 Reduce regulatory barriers and allow greater flexibility in the housing development process. Policy H2.2- When developing housing regulations, consider the balance between housing affordability and environmental quality, design quality and maintenance of neighborhood character. H2.3. Develop consistent, precise, fair and enforceable regulations that maintain environmental quality and public health and safety standards, while minimizing housing development costs. Housing Policy H2.5. Provide incentives for safe and decent housing that is in close proximity to jobs, transportation and daily activities. Goal H.3a Develop a variety of housing options for all economic groups Policy H3.2 Ensure that the design of infill development preserves the character of the neighborhood. Goal ED.5b Promote publiclprivate partnerships that encourage innovation and crEativity in the economic expansion of our region. Policy ED.5.6 R2view development regulations continuously to assure clarity, consistency, predictability and direction. Provide opportunities for citizens to initiate amendments to inconsistent, outdated, inappropriate or unnecessary or confusing regulations. Amendments shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER: Ponderosa: Low density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited number of horses. Heavily wooded with rugged terrain in parts. Expansion to the northtivest precluded because of the Dishman Natural Area and terrain. Over 95% of lots fully developed. Some remain vacant because of topography. • Rotchford: Lovv density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited number of horses, Terrain is relatively flat east of Sullivan Road with steep hillside limiting any easterly expansion, Equine easements provided on local streets. Subdivision is fully developed. Preservation of Exisfing Resfdential Subdivisions (Ut2-1 Iriterim Zoning) FINDINGS R°vised 3 ot 5 Social Character: Well-organized and cohesive neighborhoods. DESIGN QUALITY: Local access and residential collectors designed to accommodate lots of " approximately one acre. Single-family housing is well maintained and designed for residential privacy. A limited number of large animals, especially horses is a design theme in both neighborhoods. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing* regulations, performance or design standards to assure the quality of residential design to preserve neighborhood character pursuant to this Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: . Wastewater. Limited access to public sewer in the Ponderosa. Balance of property relies on septic systems. Rotchford Acres relies entirely on septic systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities should not be permitted absent an organized wastewater collection and treatment system. Potable Water. Ponderosa is served by Spofcane County Water District #3, Rotchford by Vera Irrigation Dist. #15, both Group "A" Community Water Systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities will require adequate supply and pressure for domestic consumption and fire protection. Stormwater: the Ponderosa subdivision has intermittent streams that drain to Chester Creek. The contribution of to the rate and volume of flows from additional impervious cover resulting from re- subdivision could result in an environmental damage as yet undetermined for which mitigation would need to be established in a planned and coordinated manner. Similar concerns concerning drainage which could affect Saltese Creek. A significant stream traversing the neighborhood has been reclassified as a Type 4 stream by the Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife. The implications of this change have not been assessed. The Federal Emergency Management `Agency proposes to release draft floodplain maps affecting Saltese Creek is mid-2006. . Erodible soils: Both the Rotchford*and Ponderosa subdivisions include or abut geological hazard areas which require further evaluation prior to allowing additional residential densities. Native Vegetation/habitat: Ponderosa includes areas of wildlife critical habitat for White Tail Deer and threatened species. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established implementing regulations, performance or design standards to assure the continued preservation of environmental quality in outlying areas with limited public infrastructure and specific environmental conditions, such as steep slopes, intermittent flooding and highly erodible soils. PUBLIC HEALTH 8 SAFETY: Access: Ponderosa: Property lies west of the Union Pacific Railroad with only-two points of access. Additional access should be required prior to any increase in residential densities for evacuation and emergency services. The evaluation of access will be incorporated in the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan under development by the City of Spokane Valley in the fall and winter of 2005-2006. Animal Maintenance: The requirements for the maintenance and upkeep of even a limited number of large animals raises issues of compatibility resulting from noise, odor, proximity to residential structures, flies, etc.. These issues are compounded with increased residential densities and requirements for buffering for any addifional residenfial densities may be required. , Landfill: Ponderosa: The proximity of a closed landfill to an increased number of residences requires - additional study. Preservation of ExisEing Residenfial Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zaning) FINDINGS Revised 4of5 The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet . established implementing regulations, performance or design standards to assure continued compatible principal and accessory land uses within residential neighborhoods in `-~conformance with the draft Comprehensive Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE: Current property owners purchased property with notice of existing regulations pertaining to the keeping of large animals. The Short Plat process requires notice only to adjacent property owners. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA): Ordinance No. 48 (effective March 31, 2003) adopted on an interim basis by reference the Spokane Environmental Ordinance (Spokane County) thereby implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Chapter 197-11 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Spokane Valley. An Environmental checklist was completed and a Determination of Non-Significance was issued on April 26, 2004. Conclusions were based on the finding that a regulation preserving the status quo would have no adverse environmental impact. Conclusion(s): Permitting piecemeal increase in residential densities without the establishment of implementing regulations, performance and design standards raises serious issues related to preservation of neighborhood character and design, maintaining environmental quality, public health and safety, and the adequacy of public notice, which require additional study prior to the establishment of permanent regulation. III. DECISION The Interim UR-1 Residential Estate Zoning adopted pursuant to Spokane Valley Ordinance 04-035 and extended until March 6, 2006 pursuant to Ordinance No. 05-025 should be extended for a second six month period pending completion of environmental review and, the developrnent of implementing regulations, performance and design standards to preserve neighborhood character, maintain environmental quality, and to ensure the continued health, safety and welfare of-the areas pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 following a public hearing before -the City Council. Resolution of issues shall be accomplished in accordance with the revised Workplan attached as Exhibit "C." ' Pressrvation of Exisfing Residential Subdivisions (UR-1 InEerim Zonirio) FINDINGS Revised 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~Request for City Council Action Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 Item: Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing information El admin. rsport ❑X pending fegislation AGENDA fTEM TITLE: First Reading: an ordinance amending SVMC 10.309.060 by amending Chapter 14.623 Business Zone Matrix of the Zoning Regulations to permit Plastic Injection molding in B-2 and B-3 C4mmunity and Regional Business Districts. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70, Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53 codified as Section 10.30.060 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code PREVIOUS COUNCILlCOMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: City Council was bnefed an the proposed amendment on January 10, 2006: Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 9, 2006. BACKGROUND: "Plastic Injection Molding" is presently not a permitted use in business zones. Using current. technology, the process involves heating plastic pellets within a mold. No solvents or Volatile Organic compounds are used in the molding process. Machinery is hydraulic, generating less noise than a small forklift. The process is less intensive than a print shop which is a permit#ed use in bath B-2 and B-3 business zoning districts. Currently the use is permitted only in I-2 Light Industrial and I-3 Heavy Induskrial zoning districts. The proposed amendment was sent to CTED on Decsmber 8, 2005, and a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) was made on the same day, with comments due on December 30, 2005: OPTIONS: Approve, provide staff with direction or disapprove. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTlON: Move to advance Ordinance No. 06-002 to a second reading. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Developmenf Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinance. , Cl l'Y Ur' SPOI{Ai TE N'AI.LEY SPOKANE CUUNTY, WAS:tiliNGTON caKnEvAiNcE tNn. 06-002 AN QRD ,TNANCE QF TF[.E CTt'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SE'OICAYT CQUiNTY, WASITTNGTQN, ANIE l~tDING CTG1P'I'E1Z 14.623, BUSL\tE.SS Z01'ES NiAT12L\, CQDTE'IED AS SECTIQN 10.30.060 OF THE SPUKr1NE VALLEY R1'UNTCL['AL COllE, TU PTRMIT PLASTIC IN.TCCTIp\° MOLDINC fiN CERTAli\° BUSINESS LUNE, S. V1'EIERLAS, the City of Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 03-053 codifieci as 10.30.060 of the Spqkane Valley ivtunicipal Code, adop#ed dhe Spokane County "Laning Code as lnterim 17evelopment Regulat:ions pursuant: ta t.hc rcquirerncnts of R.CW Chap. 36.70A; and `3'T.iT::RFAS, thc Coinprehensivc P1,1n Goal Goal UI.:.Sa is to "I,plrovide c.onsistent;fair and timely rcgulations t:hat are flc:cible aild resportsive ancl cf.t'ective"; and WH'LREAS, Policy UL.5.6 is to "[r]eview development regulations continuottsly tn ensure clarity, , consisitency;predictability and direction"; and «'HTREAS, the technology associated with plastic injection molding involves heating of plastic pelletis inta a illold without the use of solvents or volatile organic compounds; and WHE121;aS, the process is not inconsistent with other uses of similar or greater land use intensit_y allowed within certain buiness zoning districts; and WliC+:1ZE;AS, a public hearing was held befnre the Spokane Valley t'lanninb Commission on Januaiy 12, 2006 to provide the oppoirtunity for public comment on the proposed regulations; and W:Ff_F;IlEAS, the propased development rcgulat.ions musC be s«bmitled co the Washington Dcpartmer►t of Community Trade anc! F.conomic laevelopmcn[ pursuant to «lAC 365-193-620; NU1Y, T1iE1ZEr"UIZE, the City Council of the City of Spokaiie Valley, 1'Jashington; ordains as rouow5: Seetion 1. Chaptcr 14.623.020 is acnendecl lo adcl the followir►g use in ]3usiness Zones Zlatrix as foltows: . . R-1. . R-2 R-3 Plastic in.jection molding N P P Section 2. Severabilitv. Tf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ortlinance shall be held to be invalid OI' U[1COt]StICUll0t131 by n court of competent jurisdietion, sueh invalicliey ar uncUnstir,utionality shall not afl:ect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase oftliis orctinanee. Section 3. E,ffective 17ate. '['his Ordinance shall be in full force and efiect five days after publication oF this Orclinanee or a suInmary ehereof occurs in the official new•spaper of the City as pmvided by law. . Business Gonc A9atrix p2ge I oF? PASSEf) by the Cicy Couneil this day of .2006. Mayor, Diana Wilhite • ATTEST: Cit:y Clerk, Christine Bainbridge - Approved as to Form: pffice of the City Attorncy ' Uate of Publicatinn: rffectivc Taate: F3uSineSS TOne Matrix Page 2 of 2 ~~OKANE VALLEY Request for City Counci l Action MeeEing Date: February 14, 2006 [tern: Check all #hat aPPlY= f-] cc,nsent ❑ ald busines5 0 new bijsifless ❑ p-ublic hearing iriforrrkation ❑ adrriin_ repork 0 pending legislaflon AGENDA fTEM T]TLE: First Fieading: an ordirrance amendrng S'VMC 10.309.06 by aretending Chapisr 14.702 Airport Qvertay (AO) Zane in the vicinity of FeFts FieId. ~OVERNING LEGISLATIOfV. R.CV4J' 36.70, S'VMC 10.309.06 PREl11OUS COUN!Cfl.1COM'MISSION ACT1ON TAl4EN: City Council was hrieFed on the pnconsistencie-s be#weerr the inierlm Airport Overlay Zone regulations, s#ate guidelines and federal regufatioros on Septemk:er 20, 2005. P4anning Comrrtissian rece[veci a presentation by the WSDC]T Division vf ,Aviatoore on the requireenerrts on December 8, 2005_ Planning Comrnission was briefed vn khe prc~~~~ed amendments on January 12. 2046, and held a public hearing on Febr-uary 9. 2006. BACKGROUh] C]: FeIts FieJd is Ioc~ted adfacent to the City of Spofsane 1TaIley. A,pproxirnately 1(} acfes af the airport is Incfucfed within the Cfty's corpo;ate lirnits- flroperty adjaining the airporf ~s -generaliy fufiy developeti and zcrned Jow densily resadenfial arrcf industrW. FeIts FJeld is a public refaever aIFpoF`t prID3'taClly handIIng genefial avIaII{}k'I. As sUCh, it is reguCated pursuant #o Chap#er 77 of the Code of Federa! Regulatoons. Safety and height regu;atitrn is established by fecterral regufati~on based on #he leng#h of tFre runway. Federal requiremenEs are ger,erally overseen by tt3e tilVsDOT Divisfon of Auiation. 1`he proposed arnendment kafings the airspace :hazaed planes into conforrnar~~e with federa7 require-ments and 2l'Sc) e°~~ablISr'IeS land USe cC1mpatlblfity Zt}f1es festRiCf1ng Certaif1 latld I.ISes IF't p'fiC3Y9fT11ty t{3 F#~'Itar Fle]d, A Oeterm'rnadion of IVon-Signtficance was issued on De~ember 1, 2005 wikh c#mments due not later 4hari January{ 15, 2006 and a d~aft proposal was submikted to CTE[] an[S other agenei$s for their review an ~~~~mber 3, 2005. OPTICtNS: 1, Repeal Chapter 14.702 Gn its entire#y 2: Approve amendments as submftted, 3. Peavid+e staff with dirWi~~ ~onoemlng additional amendrnents RECOMMEhIQED ACTlON OR NIOTIC?N; "i recorrrmend approvaJ of Spokarre Va,F1ey Ordrnance No. 06- xxx amendang SV'MC 10.3D9.06 hy arnending Chapter 14.702 Airport Hazard Ovorlay (AO) Zo ne rn the aic inity of Felts FieFd. BUDGET'dFIIdANCiIAL IMPACTS° None, STAFF CONTACT: f1+farina Sukup,. AICP, Corrimunity Development Director AT'TACHiG1ENTS: C1raf# Ordinance' Cof1"Imeflt LQ#},er WsDOT CJ'MSIC]3J 4'3f AV[atIOtI, Svund Cormpahsons AiRF'CS4d1 WCiI -:I. CifkPTEFi G ~GPd~ffr'l+~+Ld' ~ INat]OAS 17•ra~s~~ra~a.fi ~~nOSsPANdlh~e 44tT~ORS f7p~Cr.htNS ft7 Go' Cfld 7iuo-sho1c6 nf Pairr 1AU x25& r.iii itasy Jm TokoQff wrlin AfierCumor fat 5G f oL;11 ~ 130 ~ xa2g 0 120 xIS4 ~ ~ ~i Hsa~k C3=~~~~ 1 tp ~ fipnmrri G,+~srsdinB (3,311f1 F~t Fr~rm i~v+'Y Er~J ~ s 747-t00 TOnott (A Mir~s Frcem Sran or FLall) ~ In.,-i+ic CWYAra{ Trair. rJ'w Y&k 100 xtB POWEr 4..awrtmnwur ~€st 54 Fcai) Arn~ruk'u~te SirBn (at 100 Feo P+F0isyr ~pG~t~sl Rbt xkl 721•200 T.0keolY (4 MIIes 5rpm Start oI F&tl11) ~ ~ ~ ICHeW rrmk. 4n r,~~ (al -;0 f=@uQ .laE fti+c-mft Cataln. aE 1~tulsa Sr»rcrl3ng (at 3 Fsel) Ya Aukcrnrat0+2. 85 mph (at 50 FeA No{ffy ~~ginuran1 - Buey Stree (ul 50 F,dat} 70 - " x2 Mr.21M TaFc~ol (A Mdes From 5Tar[ af RalO lAmti fiwjirtess erffim 'g Au9arrroG11a. 317 mFh {et 50 FeaM WrrnaI fi.:onwersatttrn (al 3 FavE) 90 - x1 Cemne 172 LandlaV P.3434 Fee1 From Rwy Endj t7u1e1 01'MGg , ~ - l1~#;'•~'~+rt~P,~r, i,~exR =~c,ni ~f] ~ .x112 ~ - - ~ 40 x1l4 {avlfii 4f rijan Arua. Etig#mamus Qu1a1 L1mry ~ - Oiufat Sulurbsti Nea. hCi9hlmrle 3 3D - x7~~ Qula[ R4arW Arcra, #ikpmina C-4inrrl, FiM, ELackgr[]umd 2# ---xi116 ~nC[#dIP1~7 SfWc~i~ ,''~o L„amc Rz„"i'snq ~ 10 - 4t- F`erceptdbl6ftyr ad Clarupes In Lp-lydriesg 1 s3E3 t~nnotk~c~1p I ry -i~ x1164 -t 3da Bweky Notimeo rr,rosnora or HeariF,g * S dR Q4dlae Ar}p3iDf7Y ~ tO aa 1 AppbseRt Differertce F€Gl3RE $A Typica! Decibel Level of CvmmanSounds 3Jf {1lfio .4ff.';7f I P.%3Ri?id7g N.7f1".1.qi f .k ,.'c:i d{i3Y,~1 ,.'[;fl~, ~ Oraft Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Zone I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANF COUNTY, WASHlNGTON ,\N OROiNANCE OF (HE GITY OF SF'OKANE YALLEY, WASHINGrUN, AMENDiNG SVMC 10,308.068 BY AMENDtNG CHAPTER 14.702 AIRPORT OVERLAY (AO) ZONE IN THE VICINfTY OF FELTS FIEID, PROViDiNG FOR SEVERABIIITY; AND ESTABLISHING EFFECT(VE DATE. WHEREAS, the Interim Comprehensnre Plan adopted by the Criy of Spokane Valley pursuant to Ordinance 52 (2003), codrf'ied in SVMC 10.30.010; and VIIHEREA3, interim PEan Goal T.3g provides for the protection of airports from encroachmertt by incompatible land uses and the prohibition of uses which wouid conflid or obstruct airport operatioRS and airpon safety; and WHEREAS. Felts Fteld is located both within and adjacent to the city of Spokane Valley, and WHEREAS, Airport hazards endanger the lives and property of users of landing fields and persons in the vicinity of Felts Field; and WHEREAS, Aitspace obetreactions end incompatible fand uses iRiparr the utrltty of an airport and diminish the value of the public investment therein; and WHEREAS, Prevertting the creation ar establishment of airport hazards and incompatible tand uses protecxs the pubiic health, safeiy, and general welfare and promotes the most appropnate use af land; and WHEREAS, the protection of airspace and preveMion of airport hazards is regulated pursuant to CFR Part 77 and RCW 14.12 020; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 53 (2003) adopted the Spdkane County Zoning Cade, as codified in SVMC 10.30.060; and WHEREAS, this ordinance aniends Section 14 702 ot the adopted Spokane County Zonir►g Code, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Cauncil of the City of Spokane Valley Washington, does ordain as tallows S6Ction 1. SVMC 10 30 ;;~U is hereby drrientied Co ;;menil C't;a;:!er 14 %l)2 lu read as foAows l;hapier 141U2 Airporl i 14.702.OQP PurDose and IntfNA The purpose and iMrent of the Airyort H~. airport hazards, because. ii +s tound tka 1 At ; aiport hazards endangers the Itve~ r_4oper#y-Gf-~anEsandpersons in the vwArnty of ja+iu,oy iw-,_ Go,"Fetts Ffeki-: and 2=-rsaace obstruclions and incomuatible land uses An--aiFpoFt haZaFd e€l-heebstrAci►ve »tt~~+►~ ~f#~-i-s~?c'J~~~~S the thr? -4r~a,3vailabl+~ fof Qhe Iar:dirvi- takenfi-~li~i ( Ordinance 06 003 Airport Page 1 of 10 DraR Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Zone ~~;aneuve►►f~-a~i,►rc;~a#t thus-tefxiinq ice dt~(~Yy cx impair the utiUty of an airporl and (Jimmish the value of tfie public investment therein. and- 3-T tsJameni~-an-airpofA hazard-is,a pubknuisar►Gew~; i detrine+taJ-to_t#e regionsewed tfy Ehe-auwr't a#eded- 4. It +s-neeessary -tr}-pPreveMi ng the creation or establishment of incompatible iand «ses and airport hazards }rf-arrfeF tn proteds the public heafth, safety, and general welfare, and to promotes the most appropriate use of land. F, -I-iiee1+mwtaUon, ren~o~a~; alteraNon.-n~~t+gatia~. ar marking-and4ighting af existing a+rpe"a~ar kw wh►sh-peWca4-subd+wsHms amy4ieed io ra+se and expeFtd-pubI+~funds: i n txdef to-s.awy-eui -the-p~pes.e-3rtcf intent-e€-4he Airpoo-9veday ~tx3e;-~Me-#ol;swiN rteV@{9pm@RtSZBnd2rPf#6-ShalE~pply-t6-Ehed66fafit38deOR4G~l-aF+Bae,aPQf~Ch-ai£aS-aFid a(- iden! polential zones ind16-atQd-AN-the 4ftIs3~SpokaR@-GQtFRtjf-Z-ofilflg-Map5-:r-h6 a(}d t1E,E? (}f 5ufF9lliid+1ic) 14.702.020 Anc~licability TheAirport Hazard Overlay Zone to ;.~~~;,,:I• Gciiuniy Those-a+ffA>r#s are 1~tokasae 44-Aeroat+ena,l Air~po1: araas surrourid,i:; Felts Field, F rce-Base;-aAd '~-~.e-~Gr-Pafk-A4~o~i= established herem-_ The airport elevation af Felts Field is 1952_9 feet abov-_ rr►ean sea lovel tmsll. Prowsions of this ch.@pter shall aQply to all tanc'. - buildin95. structures. natural features and uses located witfiin the Airur,f' Naz:ard Overlay_(AO) Zone district as depicted on the mVs. except that tt,- Erovisions of this cha er shall not agplv to anv use that is defined @s aviation use. All uses and activities are at atl times subieci to the underty,i~~,: =onin district Where the reguirements artd restrictions impasQd bv ?i~, ~.irnort H.azard Overlav Zone conflict with thp reauirements 14.702.040 In--or~i:W tocarcy-et*"he-purpose-and-inter►t-o€A44e A,rf)<>r; abeve-,a~d-E~s~str~ ihose-uses which-may-be hazardotrs-to-the operaN)nal satety alf6fatt-sperahaifPerfs-withm Spelfane-County-ithe-tolkn~rinng a+r-spact4 .)M lasd-use-Safetyarear,-aFe-estaN►sMed- f A_pproach Area4AA~ -T#e~feac~k►-atea-+s-aii~-wh+sh lies-dir-ec:; ex?r+.~r~~: iindaFan +maginaFy Mpproask►surfao& 4ofKjdudffially, cenEef3i+3e,it4w-,h-eod-ef-a•runway-Tbe4nner- edgo-ef-the-appfoaE~~-GUr{a ;e the same-endof-the-mimary- su#esQ-The 5 :,t:?wat+:f fr«+-;i it;:: of !he pnrnary sitrtac(- a 'm{1►R?llfii-o#-~-~~~ #8~1 6; W, +tlf(~~t; 1t)t' d.f.±i344~3-:h 6r.^rt .~.i)~oi*, ~14em{y te-a-,Nwta Ot e*+stW►geF-planned-pFeGiswn +nstrumen-riffways Or ctenpr~es+sie~-~skt~rncr~E-r{N~ways h:fw~ ~~sibil~ty m+n+mums as-4ow as 114 o( r'i statute rn+4e. ~ Ordinance 06-003 Airport I'aye 2 of 10 Oraft Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Zane ~Thf-ewa-Naousaf+d-fHre bux3fed-iaet -tGvexfst~~ of -planRed-rao}-pFeGoe►*n imipdfnent-~wajrs-havirgv~s+bi~+ BtaEuie-aile: 3vm4 •€eeE-te+~~x~e~-~r~ed-wst+a~-funwayf; ethw thap-w;my : -Twa4ha.+sand-t++va ~ed4ftyreet-#eF e*istiag,-ef-p{anred-WWa, ajaways: -=4h0se4URways-ge~4han40;0904eet4n leVh:-thewKfinst th., :;)PFt3ac.h d-on+€eFmly-on-eash-s+de-*i"maFy - . ;rfaes tr~►-~be-pcta~a~r--sarlasea~-a-fla~equali~g-~ea~-E-~-~}-(eet =rpe~+~ar-le-th~r~, eveFyone4umdfed{-U)0YfP_+-; . ..r}KfF3Y i JrIA-4i~ 4hal POi#Fdfl lhe$pQFaafrh-$f6c?•@f4Ii~f{lFiMf~ji,a6-~. ifl@k~ ! _••{@#1~i6~` ~If,~-L~1f~fi~6~6d~Ai8f~-~8Ri-~i96F~--(3~~~ (3F~F~F~'silt : . , lAU34~~the-QlHSWV-if-pi8+iti8d4BF}gth-t3t4h8-fili'11h►c3 y , ,.-.-_Aect-Retenbal,-one B-tAPi „Q»--o-; QAmAdent PeEetftiel-Zcirae rid-in-#at-portisu~~#-tbe-appFeac4varea-a€-a fltnway-2rs,defwwdbweii}aLi~.-~.- ~~:~~~ext t3teaNa~~~e=+4=a d'+s~eq~a: • f the-existir4g-eF-planoed4eagth-o#-O3e-cunway- : : . ;4esGFibed-#wr~►i~~re sF►owri on Exhib4€ "A" attack►ed hPr~io and ~?ar1r. ; a~ • _ ? :F: . . . ► ~ 1~0 J. ~ ~ - i r ~ ~ f~ k~~ . - ► i , Al ~ r+• - -Z.: . , ; il p11 1 GcKiwua"42a (GLA }-Zt~t.snical-area-tsal~d#~aE~-~5 d+r~-d~-~ ':}>?qj/1,'{I~ ~~iff??-t}~If1E'fi6}~fl.3l SiJ~c'iGa itN?-c,{1nfGa; !5Llrf, mc?! f~K~caF~;~~t:~} r'-UtWar6ffnfT' !hF f Ordinance 06-003 Airport Pape 3 of 10 Draft Spokane Valley Airport Hazarcf Zone ~,:rimasy surface at an elevation fl# theeleyat+00-c4 ttie 4;er}ses►ifie ot ltve r:,nway teFa-d+staF+seat-3589-te*-The c~enis~-sur(ase-continwesupward a+xd-otitti+rard t a- erreqr400-honzortital kaet #oF a txor4zental -drsianse-oi :sQ,pAA-#set-as measwed radfally-edtwafd-tsom the eAge-e#-OwPom,ary-stsdwe.exsept t hai;46r- iheseai . the -surface-shaN ~ xtend-upward-a~d-outward4rtxn4tie pnrnacy sur#ase-ai- ~-vert-orie hundred-feeE-#er a horizGrital-iistanse-oPAitly 4Wisarxi {30;01)0) f.~ foFl'+4he edg@ O( tklf3 fXlm3fj1 SUffr')GB.- lsir Hazard Heiahi Restrictions Lxcept as otherwise orovided herein. no buifdina or structure shall be erecied. altered. or maintained so as to rp o+ect or otherwise aenetrate the FAR Part 77 airspace surfaces shown on the Airport Hazard MaQ attached hereto and made a Qart hereof for all ;~uroases. Such aoalicable heiqht limitations are herebv established for each of the zow_>> as follow5- t Pnmarv Surface - A surfacs Ionartudinallvi centered on a runway The pnmarv surface extends 200 feet bevond each end of the runwav and is 1.000 feet wide. The eleva6on of any_pomt on the nrimary surface is the same as the elevation of the nearest aoint on the runwavi centerline. _ Precisian InstrumenLRunwat,ApprDach Zone - Slopes frftt(50) feet outward for each foot uQward be4innrns at the end af and at the same elevation as the Dnmarv surface and extendma to a honzontal distance of 10.000 feet along the extended runwavi centerline: thence slooes uoward forty {d0l feet horfzontaflv for each foot verlicallv to an additional horizontal distance of 40.000 feei alona the extended runwavi centerline. . Transitional Zones - Sioae seven (7) feet vutward 1or each foat upward beqinnmq at the sides of and at the same elevation as the primarv surface and the agpraach surface. and extendinq to a he+qht oF 150 feet above the airoort elevation which is 1.952 feet above mean sea level_ In additian to the tore4oinq, there are established heiqht Iimrts slo~n seven U feet outward, for each foot unward bevinnina at the sides af and at the same elevation as the approach surtace, and extendinq to where thev' mtersect the conrcal surface_ Where lhe Qrecision instrument runwaV apPrasch zone pjc~ects bevond the canical zone. there are esiablished heiqht limits sloping seven feel outward for each loot upward beq+nninq at the sides of and a1 the same elevat,on as the approach surface, and extendinQ a harizontal distance of 5.000 feet measured at 90 defaree anqles to the extended runwavi centerline_ Horizontal Zone - Established at 150 feet above the airoort elevatron or at a heiaht of feet above mean sea fevel. Corncal Zone - Sloaes twentv (20) feet outward fo{ each faot upward be~inninq at the peripherv of the horizontal zone and at 150 feet above the airoort elevahon and extendinq to a heiaht of 350 feet above the airaort e 1''•) a h'_) n ~ Ordinance 06-003 Airport Page 4 of 10 Draft Spokane Valiey Airport Hazard Zone A 1 MIRNG <O►[ Ka r A• . ~ - - cIVlt AIRPORT I%fA(:IVARY 5l'Itf.tCfS . /l.AM • ~ w...~ ~ • ~ ~ ~w wn ~ • \ 14.702.044 060 Heght f=xcevtions Restf+ci+ons Exvfspc'-3S otfif)f1N1f5£+ (?f4Vided-l#? t airpori opefat+ons,-fiostructu(e or objW-oUna!+*aIgrorn~#-sha4{•be Structures shall not be construded, atteted, maintained, oF-a41ewed-to grow in any-the rec3ulated air space area a&-dEScj+becJ-l)i4-e+Natode-seas Eo-pFe)ed-ab6ve the cenwa1 sL►c#ace.-Ttte follaw+rg items ar%-- exernpi <<yn except as fallov+rs 1. Any strudure or objed that would be shiekied by existing structures of a permanerrt and substarttial character or by natural terrain or topographic features oi equal or greater heigM,-aod wat+ld-bekwated +n an-aFaaoEesFab+shed clerrelopmef3i-+n+Mek-+t-}s eiridenl-beycnd-a r8asor+ab44ot+bt4hat4he-stpasEare so s13+eldeci w►Il net-adver=.;ely~~ff-ect sa€eiy-in a+vn2VgaEic3t}.- 2. Artiy air navigation facikty, airport visual approach or tanding aid, aircxaft amesting device, or meteorological device, of a type approved by the Federal Aviation ~ Administration. ar-an appraprfate mlitary-serviw at n*Aary a4fports with a fixed location and height 4 IFlt;ineratoc{s ) a"cf - uWs) owned-a"ar cperated by-a mun+t;+pal co+p"+of ti t~ j)elii+cal eittier ine#ivfdually-ef-fe"Iy: 43. Stn,ctures neoessary end inadental to airport operations. 14.702.0680 Ge+aefal iUroort Land Use Restric3ions Sut~ecE aE-all time6-4ethe he+gbtfestf#ions set foF#h-in-SecEion14--742 U84-no uses sha be made-o#-any land+n 4ie~soA+sal aFea 'Aabeye-wh+sh-sreates-uF Laijses ~ Onimance 06-003 Airpoft Page 5 of 10 Oraft Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Zone 11i.: six a+rport lanct usE Cot»patibility zones establisiled by~hr WsUiD ( Uivatoun oi Amation in quidelmes are based on fedefal aviation accident data irom the Nalionai Transportation Safety Baard (NTSB) are shrnvn on the Airport Land Cnmpatibil+ty Lone Map_Attached hereto and made a Rart hereof for all Qur~,poses 1 1 'rahibited uses in all Airport Lanci Use Com ap tibility Zones A Anv use that creates or causes interference with the operations of radio or I electronic facilities at the airport or with radio or electronic communications between airpvrt and aircraft. h_ Any «Se car lyfitwg tflat Ifllp<lffsii1t3kE.'S 1I fl+~fGUIt fcli a PIIOt'S abi[ttV t0 dl3tingUlSh between airport lights and other tights.. or that creat:-s -glare ia the-eof P404s 1151i'1q Et1Q alijofl'S .Affzctir=,ilol VISIUfI, Of OtFI@f1Ni5P IR1p81fS VlSlbillty M tFl@ VlClfllty Of the airport. All iiqhtinq shall be ' cui-down' 3nd f~jll yshiielded c. Anv use that endangers the landing, taking off, of maneuvering of aircraft: or d. Any_usewhich atiracis bircis in ariy mancl: ;~i t,r• _ garbage. recvcling and stormwater detenticr i F •or osisuali:~_,.- f . ;11e11•_1~i:~ +?.~ir.'ti fr ~ii~: . .3►rspace-ac~dk;r Ac~der+t-Poter+Iia~ Areas-d~efi . a~d~e#a~ ,3V}ga~Ofi@a6@FFiBA~--b~+-!he Qf$n@Ff~/--~Wf~@f{6}tO~b@-a~3F8~18te t . -Mhthe-S(aOkaF)k'AGOkifitjfkttdfE9F$-Off}F=,. Special function land uses for which the sAnificant commari w: t • ;i~- . nability of the aeoale occunvina the saace to mave out of harm s wav such -,chools. hospitals. nursinQ homes. medical facilities. and other similar tase~ f I-1i4h intensitY land uses which are characierized bk a potential to attract -.;oncentrations aaf persons to an inrinnr nr ni_iicloor area, even fnr iirn~te~ ~>•_~~I~. r cime SuCh uses inclu : t amysement aarics, fairgmunc;~, 2 box retail :i conventioNexhibit halls. maiac 3u(JI,0nuIIIs, ti4.!Jt:! -1 skadiums and erenas 5 tem ora even4s attractiRy dense concentrabans,..! camivals, revival meetinqs svorts toumaments Conventions but not inc;luciinc; events for whic.h exposure to aviation safetv hazard is a weal know expectahon ;air shows, airQort opep_housES pilot meetinqsa ~tc i :li !_,lfl[f ; i fwS af.z Ir.; , ~ r i l..a•, 1 Ldn~J i I.r ` in ;1lip:liN ::ue` I i n,•t. 1_ I 3 1 5 n I _,iii,,~..;~i~~ (~...<~i.1.•~li~: i • I • I V 1 . . t '(}Il1. 5 1_(J SI" I Qt// ~„1,-..:II".I'P~/•i~',~•. I3 e~Y.aY". ~ M re't----• r~ Nou u. ~'ai~s • • ~ • ~ Mulb }amo Res en tal 1•~! 0 • ~ • ~ Ordinance 06-003 Airport Page 6 of 10 OraR Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Zone Au i t►d ' ni i1lUlbt wti,_s - 1 ~ 3 4 4 ~ F,.tr1~ h F't3Y~tDUnds • ~ • • • I ~ ~ I ~ I• • I I•I • I • I • I• • ~ Numing Hoffws ~ Q I.I•I • • I•I . Churd~ea I • I • I . . I . I • I•I•I • I • I'I tia"Afto Flamtyklblo ena I'I •I ' I • I •I Hxib ~ , I• I. I . I . I. I • ~ I. I. I . 1 • 1• I • I~ • I • I• I• 1 ~ nsi Usft 3 Avg,,TUoii -asements!title nobcelcavoant st.ail be required as a condition af lhe is,uance ot any_permit lor 4onstruction, recanstrucbon ar exaansion of an_y sirudure !ocated within any Aimnri l_and U5e Compalibilitv Zone. ~ ~ 1' • I v a ' 1 ~ ' -aw 750 . , , i i. I'!li'.i in , il;~.,..i! y. ~~riri.i., I) 2 . •i~~i'I i ! ~;i.. .~I~° .'I ~iyi•,p. . ~ _ ,1~r~t ~W~ CAviyipti_ aton L)e~na~r,ient ul iaresnc,rtatw 1!'svi1nnflstj&_bv yyashuln 1-4.q62-.,2g u144t " Arxiden! -A-snd . rsoe~ot-inc~~ MqU1Fed. C." a-spesific~r"e-plan;4o4r,eet ' cenference-w4b-tbe- Wannipg -ser~#e~e-~v+l~be- ~ ~f D++estoF-The-pu9mwve ef !he buEtdings-aW deskytoE Oe-Wefeel-+n erdeF-ta~ain~ai~oo►n e,nv*onmePl- 6tWklvtg-j-~m -;'-~w+4-ne(-be- rssu lar►r~+~9-9ieGOeF h2is app$ye& p{arr~~ 14nay4ftdE►de req~+irert~e#s-~o-mdigate4m),asts of !he-projesf-and4o ensuFe EhaE-the-stanfard&-G#-the Zsr11e-c1e-uphek1-The-Dicester at#m!#ief-op4~ lneF 82 0-64&-develepctaei*plaP,r__ 14--782-M RZ-A"1 WIthiFi-8f$aS-de61g `A-, .._..4f1" Y'efii16e6-shAN he k3scsd ,,4rw .any 1?ij►!dfro or stfl.:4C'14J(P. bf! Prt?ftPJ Of c'iIt#.'S'?Ff 1.lf1IPSS --thefWIS2 {3FF?li4£d Ifl ~ Ordinance 06-003 arport Page 7 of 10 ~ _'._'1~.•: r'Jr _ _ li~.;l" ~.n it+t' ~i,,r~~,~(~:!rt: •~`r,.,;>'.V•if~~:. ,tlf!~Wc-'~.'r tii i.rt •N.•}.-ir~rrii1j 1 1i4aret;3~5~nyilflCl{lt11F1f~ ~?lll{~If?~~{6; ~Glf LOf11rf1F`►Gf~~~ S~(3Faije-4t P4?fSOflal prOp---flY 2. Oiftdoor~ita~age~t-ec~u+pm~nt,-autor►~c,bst~~s. ~,~a=,tarnery bu,lrt~Ftq ;►}ate+~ais: an.~l E;6A~f~G~6 2f~ UI ~P. ~il 5~+~f .i G9/1ietE'f'! ~~f3FS@f}~. 'efe{a l c3j?1coi{1i7;3: 1}c,a:,~xE:-ep: ICi{,, f}G {)I rlef d;,iir=kl~~Eila~ 11::E'c- 44'h!•,i::tt':~,): :b6~3fi~~~lie3fi~+~i@&-f3~ blld6. l i ~rV {.it {l.;ii. i~• `•t?f~f~frr8. Qifaf FyF,-"el Q44-$fi*illflil ~ M ; ►ep$}r faali4 v -fd-gpen-si+eFage-area and 4ravel4&a4ef& 7 GGr*sFete-bawh plant 8. Au#awr+esku~iuP"-r}i~,* 5a;vage yao,: Rail-ef4Pjskf+1g trefglN-teamn,aW 27-0--pGsidet~4 -ReterAwl Zsng4ARZ-"b , =:-.iinwiR~.useS aFe. ~►-Acc+del ! : ~ ~ - ReGiFeahoa{-vehkA-paA 8.- Sslaool 0--St2& I:, , ~ F-~sp+~at 1-~-~F~►eai.-, 12 Chikf : i _ . . , Me4et ' T'{elmipomef.twi.: . . ~ - NlN6Nig ME3n,, ~ ~~~~►1::. - ~ ! - , • ' - . F • - • - ,~f+bstac~a1-1+loise-kPpast A -as-itaose-ar-::- .-letemFled-4hat-exlstmg-or-potec#ial-ioise-leve (day-mgf4-ay" 7ound 1ewel) Substantiat noise imoacts (aver 65 Ldrsj at Felts Field are confineU )Lro ropertv IR the event o1 chanqed conditions authentrcated bv the Spokar,.• arport E3oardjhe foflowing uses wfll be orohibited within areas where noise leve. .yxceed 65 Ldn T-he n sha# show-vvkeire-sut:,..:, rjase~d-areas,oGot"f-ar-e anEw4aled a~c!! , : . t nr--aB-H@W-iFi#Of 'lable Gchoo! 2. Cr tiosiDita! 4 Manu;,: - Child dav-care cente1 Parks 8 PlaUrounr;-, L00 llses-pfehfbdec, 40 a'eti35-w#eF4-SUb6EaF*d1 +4fqsa060_+_'AESt, :l~~ „ . . _ c ::;._;nty tor+hqgAlla~tte-fioIJcwv+ng-+jses are-prehib+:. : c ;ia4frt;h ? Rc-y; ~ Ordinance 06 Q03 Airpor! Paqr• 8 af i r Draft Spokane Valley Airport Hazard Zone 2:- ktosp+tal ~i= G#+~1~-~ay-sar~ c;er~~~r ~i 1,-.jb~afY a--~y-~''~f~pfovtC'r.=; Manuta~~~ S. Resc+t#eM#+aE subdMrjon +r~- chaptef-g8-17--RCMV. -theSpoka0e-6e111My ;t}or#-R1a~ 9rd+n~e-ac~d~~tae~pelc2Ae-rqu~S. t~dw~sions 9cdwance- _Noti-,ir!,] in this chapter shall diminish the resaonsibil~ty of aroied proponents to submA_p Notice of Constructian or Alteration ta the Federa1 Aviation AdministraUan if re ~.~uired in ac,cordance with Federal Aviation Reaulations Part 77 "ObLects AffPCting Na\nqable Airs oace' ',)2.100 Non-Conformin4 Uses t Regulations Not Retroackive -'The requfabQns tara5cnbec_herzin shall not be C4RStrued to reauire the chanqe of use. nor the removal or alter~tion of a~ structure ar tree not confoRni to the regulati ns as of the effective date of this ordinance,provided however that the owner of any existinq non-confal'1111(1y structurg or tree is required to permit tfie installatian. o~eratton. and ma~ntenance Of such markers and [ights as shall be deemed necessary bY the Directar af AifpOft 0pG'1'a110f1S ~ Noncanforminq Uses Abandaned or Destrotied - Whenever the DirectorQf Communitv Deveiopment dgtgmnines tt►at a le~al non-cantorming tree or structure has been abangoned . destroved or damaqed bV more than more than 4001, e~rcent. no oermit shall be issued aranted that would allow such use. ~trudure or tree ta exoeed the appticable heiqht limil or othervyise deviate frort, che zornnq rqgulations. 14 702 120 Pemtits 8 Vanances a No bulldin permit shall be issued for anr~prohibited useL.gr for any st►ucture or cbsVuct+on which exceecls the air hazard heiqht resUidions adopted hetein, t) An apphcation for a_permrt far the construction of a buildinq~struct+Lre. use, ~iubOivision. short subdivision,_binding site Qlan or other devslment located within the .4rport Hazard OverEay Zone shall submit a stte plan which includes the I~ evaiion of the -:_~te above mean sea level. and the heicaht of anypoposed structure b Additional notiae: any buildir rmit or land uss achon includinqplats. 4hort vlats, subdivisiorts and bindma site oians within the airoori hazand overlay zone shall contoA ct,t• inl,+-jwina notice: Nalice iLhenein prvvrded that this pmertv I's located within the Airoti ~ iazarri Overlav Zone of the Cifv of Stzokene Vallov. Washmq~ton. and~ .tiubjQCt fo restnction on heiclht end use pursuant to Chqgfor 14.702 4rrpert Hezard Uveriav zone ass rt inay be $inended lrvm trme fo timQ.' cVariances - Any_person d8sirina to erect or increase the heiQht of anv sVucture, ar fjermil the arowth af any tree. or use of propertv. not In accordance with the requia~ons aDplv ta tbg Spokane Val Community Development prescribed herein may Qepartmertt for a vanance. grovided however that th8 application sttall be accom,_p,anied bv a determination from the Fedefal Aviation Administration as to the effect of the qro sal on thq operabon of air navi ation acilitiess and the safe, effident ~se of r7aviaab{e airs[3ace. A coQy of th@ aAPlication shaA be fumished to the Director of>ort tperatiorts for revi _ew and camment Final determination on the variarcce shall be made !~y the Heanng Examiner tollawing_notice and hearing_ IOrdkwo" 06,003 qhport Page 9 oi 10 Draft Spokane Vatley Airport Hazard Zone Section 2. Severabil►tv. If any ssciion, sentence, clause or phrase of this -iinance shall be heid to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent :sdiction, such invalidity or unconstitubonality shafl not affect the validity or canstitutionality of any other sedion, serttance, clause or phrase ot this ordinance. Sectlon 3. Effeciive D t~e. This OMinance shall be in iull foroe and effed five days after pubGcation of this Ordinance or a summary ihereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided 6y law. PASSED by the City Council this day of , 200f Mayor. Diana Wilhfte ATTEST: City Clerk, Chnstine Bainbndge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publicatian I Urdinance 06-003 Airporl Faye 10 of 10 AIMIL Washington State Aviation Orvision v7PDepartment of Transpo►tation 3704 »zr►a suecL s~~te Kz r .O Ba: 3387 Oouglus B. MacDonaid A;I,ngton, Washinpton 98223-3367 5erretary af Trans~,)rtation 360-651-630011-B00-552-0566 F ax 364-651-53 t 9 TTY: 11-8004W$388 JanUaTV 31.2006 vtiWN K'S(jQt.Wd gCY hlr. David Crotiby, Chair Planning Cammission City of Spokanc Vallcy 11707 E. Sprague, Suitc 106 Spokane Vafley, WA 99206 RE: Pmposc,~ Airport H;a7ard Overlay Ordinsnce near Chairman Cmsby: 'Ihank you for the upportunity to comment un the proposed Airpc>rt Hazard Overlay t)rciinanc;e. The Washington State Department of Transportarion (WSDO-1) Aviation Uivisian supports the proposed amendment. We believe it is an important step in protecting Felts Ficld Airpart from encrogchment by inrampatible development, anJ will help preserve the viability of the airport in the future. WSDOT Aviation works with local communities across Wxshington State tu ericouragc a balance bctween prescrvation of transportation infrastructure and quality of life. In 1996, tlie Wa.shington State Legislature amended the Growth Mnnagcment Act to require all ciries and counties to protect airports firom incompatibie Iand uses through comprehensive planning and development regulations. Through the Airport I.and Usc Compstibility Progmm, WSDO"T Aviation provides technical assistance to help jurisdictions cuntply Nvilli thc luw. 'Che city's Prc}posrd Airport Ilazard C)verlay will he1P prc►tect the airport from encroactunent. "rhe amendment imposes height limits neat the airport to improvc safety, and limits Innd uses that rnny interfere with airport opemtions and contribute to health and sufety eoncems for the community. We recommend the city include iLs land use compatibility and airport height hazards maps in the comprehensive plan to reinforce their importancc. To further enhance these protections, the city wtill be wnrking with the Spokane Airport Board on ihe easemendcovennnt/disclosure notice in coming months. «'e support this collahvration and look forward to working with Eaoth parties. 'I-hese protections are imnortant fur lhe airport, which supports a variety of activities aiid is a significant tcanomic eesource for the regon. For example, several businesses are lacated on airport property, providing aviation scrvices including flight schooUflight training, aircraft rentaJ and sales, aviation accessary and pilot supply sales, sightseeing tours and charter, and aircraft maintenance and modification. In addition, Spokane Community College operaies its aviation maintcnance progam at Felts Pield. In total, Ntr. David Crosby January 31, 2006 Page 2 approximately 300 aircrafl are bF+sed at the airport. A stvdy coaducted by WSUOT in 200 1 estimated that the airport geocrates S 16.5 million in total aiuiual ssles output. Thank you again for the oppochuuty to comment cm the propo5ed amendment. Acioption of the Airport Haz,ard Overiay will help prevent future enctoachment of incompaiibie iand uses and protect the operation of Felts Field. We offer our continued technical assistance to address aviation issues und look forevard to working with the city in lbe future. Sinccrcly. ~Ql,kl Kem Waehler :'1vialion i'l:uuicr Cc: Ntarina Sukup, Uircctor uf Cammunity I)<<elupment%Y13IlIlllll_' David Cruwncr. Spokane Airport 1_3u;ir,1 Dce CaPuto, Wathiiwtim St:,rc Dcparnurnl ~.~t (~~~liltllll711i~. I f'1~{~ :uti~3 Fcunomic I>cvcloprucrit "AirPort Waza d~ kM~ ~ ~ . . _ : . •'y ~ ~-U 1 - ~ , . a ~►.~~s ~-~,.e .t° . ~ , at r wt • ~ AMMM ~ i.y. A'{rb . . 2103 ft. 4 M ~ Legend . . 1 T, , ~ 5 10 fl Ca►fnvn I 9~p1s 10oQNio~s rien _ • :E:a~~ • ~ ~A~(lh0ad ` ~~s ~ y~ 21 si, ' y"~►til .r . • 1._ , 2Y01 • T2o0 T2o ~ t b~ ~F ((1'^^1-2N1~1I . . . i ' . r , . ' . , . . . ' 1 am1 ~ 25E1 -26W ~VI.`i,.ar.~ - ~ ~ >~rrg~C ;p 1' 2641 ` - , • . i~ . _ . , t -St20 3121 • as:o , r ~s.s _46oo +iazaro ton.s ~ • . Trnnsfte Ans ~ - ,•i' , ' Hntunnhl6urta~:. " • s. ♦ . - . . . . .•aiq c.. _ - t I Ranf~IL1/Vl~~ja - - { , _ - ~I- _ ' • - - • , ~ .f.l V~.ll).k! 1.2 i I 1m&@q* ,raseRh R - - aoseRh ~ Ne#uat~'1 _ ~ Airp-Ort La''"I +~l~lse bility ZoI~ec C c~ ~ Legen~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~murr* ~e ~ ~ ~h F Trok P~rn 7 f5ow YunklpW10" ~ Webaeh r~ CItY ol9pokma 'YLTDY ~lay 3 rn Nlellsslay ~ 41~1~~ +f ~'a` ~ ~ Priaaelon q~~. ~ _ I "44 ur'WW~ 1av'' ~y ~r-~• , fiRA-E Rkfs City Of , ~ ~ PoskweW ~ 5pokane uR-1 UR_&6 ~%on " L ~ ~ 4 ~ LaUnsse Welt~an ~ ~ ~ Cerbarvl Gadand UR•31' G1a" UR•12 Gemel G1med IJPrnmer 0 Caunentl Caullsnd ~r~' 1 r11.:;~ EfR73 e~eo1aI~ '4~ ~n g~pnrr ~'~or~n t~f ~lill+woo~i &1 Libe ~ ~udJt1~~, EutJhd 2 ~ r ~ Frede~itk ~ ~ ~ • Fred~~. FredQrid ~ ~ ' &3 OL r-UIrwlewg Ll E ~G ~~I~d~ar~ t1 ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ wq 1-4 + ~ ~ E . . ~t'~ 1 fF...• ' ` n.zrs+~:" _..~~Ltgmtl9 ~ A n ~ Cale E uL ' '3A , - _ I rEmWna ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ • r' - k~ ~ ~ C014MUR ~ ~ ~7 ~r~ ' 7115 - 23ad ~ - 23W T#Bp 2496-~ Li _ 2690 -We5 Saldy tor,m • a a4 i c9awo s uiMVay PrpWcNl Zane -1 -n Ft Siaeline smftty zone . 5 . ~ sp"~f $ 0 a 6 " Inrer ruPAltipZteie,Ztl% -3 , Alkf j2~ F .►1k~~~ ~ Riva {a ` * ¢ y. ~ ~ knner Tumhkg 7Arke 30lb - 3 : s ~~'t9XF~rry F ~ erry ~ Fmnl g ~ Alnln , s on lhis map are dynami~#: - ~ .,,t~hl ' ly ra.,, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 9 otd business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2006 Sewer Paveback Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2006 Budget, which includes funds for full-width street paving associated with Spokane County`s 2006 Sewer Construction Program.. Informational Memo presented at the Council's retreat on February 11, 2006 BACKGROUND: See attached Informational Memo . ~ OPTIONS: 1) Approve MOU with Spokane County for full-width paving costs 2) Provide additional direction to staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to authorize the City Manager #o execute the MOU with Spokane County for full-width paving costs associated with Spokane County's 2006 Sewer Construction Program. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: See attached Informational Memo STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Worlcs Director Steve M. Wodey, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS Informational Memo, Draft Memorandum of Understanding - , Sct~~0~~~1Q ~ ;oo*VaHey. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley b'IA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org • . : : . . . , , . ~ . lnformati'onal Memo Date: February 8, 2006 To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director . Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Cc: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Re: 2006 Sewer Paveback Program Spokane County's 2006 Septic Taiilc Llimination I'rogram includes three projects wilhin the City of Spokane Valley: Veradale Heights: This includes the area north of Sprague Avenue beriveen E-vcrgrecn Road and Adams Road, from Niron Avcnue to Mission Avenue. '1'his is the largest oi'the three ! sewer projects this year. - Vera Terrare: This project encompasses the area soudi of Sprague Avenuc bctween Ewergreen Road and Burns R.aad, between 2"d Avenuc and 8`h Avenuc. Elcctric RR: This project is on the west side of the 'I'own of Millwood between Park Road and Vista Road and between Trent Avenue and Utah Road, which is inunediately south of the Union Paei (ic; Railroad. The design of the Veradale Heiglits project is 93% completc. The Electrie R.R. project is 80°/u complete and the desigu of the Vcra Tcrrace project is jusl geeting started. 1?reluninary estimates have been prepared to deterinine the city's cost to provide full-widlh pavinb For each of tliese three peqjects. Prclinunary cstimates for the cosl af drainage improvements have also bcen prepared for each pr.ojcct. A summary of these coses are tabulated below: City of Spnkanc Valicy Share 2006 EsCimated Road & llrainagc [m rovcment Costs Estiiiiated "oad Estiinated Draitiage . Improvement Costs Iiiipi-ovenietit Costs L1e-ctrie Ttailroad $77,000 $52,000 Vera Terrace $241,000 $41,500 Veradalc Heights $357,000 $37,000 CQntingency _ $100;000 , $1.9,500 Estimated Total Costs I $775,1100 I S1.50,000 hifonnational Memo 216/2006 2006 Sewer Pavebaek Yrog;ram " Page 2 T'he $150,000 drainagE improvement costs are within the budgeted allotment UF the Slormwater FLuid. The cily's 2006 budget inc:ludes $500,000 in the StTeet CaPital Projects Fund £or f.ull-width Paving associated vvith the 2006 sewer projects. The City alsv applied for CDBG funds in the aanount of $207,815 to assist vvith f.ull-~,Nridth paving costs associated vdth the Vera Terrace sexuer project. These CDBG funds have been prelunuiazily recoinmended for approval. Final approval of the CDBG fiuids is not eYpccted iurtil the cnd of March or rlpril of this year. A note aboul the C.TaBG funci amount: this amounC was esEimated conservatively last fall prior to Spokane County begin.ning the design for the Vera Terrace project. There were inany unknowns at that time related to the layout and deptti of the proposed sewer. The CDBG funds are only available to a pbrtion of the Vera Terrace Project area, specif.ically 4`hAvenue and all streets norlh pf 0' Avenue. According to recent preliminary sewer layouts and depths fronl Spokaiie Caunty, the estimaled cvsLs f:or full-width Paving in tlie GDBG eligible area is $130,000. , A summAry of the sewer paveback fuiiding is as follows: . Total Estimated Paveback Costs: $775,000 2006 Budget A.mouni: $500,000 CDBG Amount: $130,000 Shortfall: $145,000 1 he actual shortfall will be based on the final bids the County receives. It is recommended ihal any shortfall in funds for this ycar's sewer paveback program come from the Street Capital Projects Funci (303); Contingency line item. As was done la.st year, Spakane County will bicl the Veradale I-Ieights and Vera Terrace projects wiCh iui allernale bid schedule; one schedule rAith trenching aiid asphalt patching, another schedule with full-«ridth paving. The difference in bids between these two scheclules reflects the City's costs. '1'lus approzch allows us to take advantage of crEdits that Spokane County woula typically pay for on a trenchlpatch project. These credits include pavcment sa-,vcutting, crack sealing, and pavement surface seali.ng. The Electric RR pro.ject will not have an alternate bid Schedule because the cost to the City is mostly rclated to the paving of "gaps". Since the roacis in the Flectric RR project area are narrow and will be completely removed for the i.nsiallation of the sewer, there is no accommodation for credits as describEd above. In this case Spolcane County pays the enfire cost 1'or paving the roacis back ln their original widills. Attached is a draft Memorandum o£ Understanding (MOU) zegardi.ng the City of Spokane Valley's reimbursement to the county for our share of the paving and drainagc costs. We will be bringitnb a fuial MOU to Cotuicil for approval in the near fuiure. Please let us know i:f you have any questions or coiYUnents. . ` "Mcmoranclum of Understanding Behveen the City of >5pokanc Valley and Spokane County Pavement Replacement Cost Sliaring and Drainage Improvement Costs for the 2006 Sewer Construction Program WHFRrAS the City of Spokane Valley (the Cl"I`Y) and Spokane County ([he COTJNTY) desire to work collaboratively to construct portions ofi the COWe TY's 2006 Sewer Construction 11'rogram together with CITY paving and ctrainage improvement pi-ojects; and Wf-fEREAS the CITY desires t]hat the roads impacted by the construction of sewers in the 2006 Sewer Consta'uction Program be- reconstlvcted to the full preconstructian wicleh for an improve.d roadtivay surface; and Wf-IEREAS the CITY aIso clesires i:hat pavement replaccinent work be extended iii some areas beyond the limits of sewer consh-uction; and WF[EREAS the CITY also desires ihat certain drainage improvements be construeted irl areas tbat will be impacted by the COUN'1 Y's 2006 Sewer Conslruction Proa'am; and ' WI-IE[ZEAS the costs of such full width repaving, <<dditional length oE roacl reconstructiori, ancl miscellaneous drainage improvements itre not Piincted by the COLiTY's SeZVCr Construction Prqgrarn, . and said costs wiil necd to be paid by the CITY; and ` - I 1~VT-iERLAS the 2006 Sewee Constniction Peogram includes the Veradale Heights, Vera TE.rCiiCE:, and Electrie 12ailrnad Sewer Projects within the limits of the CTTY, as identified in the CQiJ17TY's adopted Sia-Year Sewer Capital Improvement f'rogram 2006-2011. \T0W `C'1-iEItEFORE, the Cl l Yand the COUN'1"Y do liereby agree as follows: l. 1'rior to the bid of each projecl', the COUN`l"Y shall provicle the CITY with a set of project plans, togetlaer witli aost estimates indicating the extent of pnvement renloval and replacement to be paid f'or by the COUN1'Y as a part of the sewer project. The CITY shall review the plans and estimate, and shall advise the COUNTY regarding the extent to which the CITY desires to sdd pavement removal and replacement, as well as t.he specific drainage improvements that the CITY would like to make in conjunctio►1 witli the project. 2. The COiJNTY shall preparc bid documcnts that includc the addition3l work that is requested by the CITY. The CI7'Y may,request that the COLNL'Y include a Base Bicl Schedule and an AICernate }3id Schedule in the bid documents to allow for a more accurate determinatinn of the true cost impact of the sdditional work requested by the CITY. 3. After the bids for aprvject are'openetl, the COUN'l`Y shall prepare t1he bid tabulation and provide a copy to die C['CY o❑ the day of the bid, togetlier with a calculation of the CITY's estimated sharc of the project cost based upon the unit prices submitted by the low bidder. If the CI"I'Y then decides to proceed ' tivith die desired irnprovements, the Cl'I°l' shall provide a written notice to the COUN7'Y wit}iin threc days of the receipt of the bid tabulation. 4. The CTTY's maximum c;ost for the three 1)roject,s shall not exeeed $725,000 for road improvements anci $140,000 for drainage imprqvements without wricten authorization by the CITY. The COUiNT'Y shall not proceecl with any work that would increase the C.I"l1"s cost to an amount greater than the total amount authorized. 1'he estimated CITY cosis by project are presented in Table I bclow. The CITY and the COUNTY recoo ire that t:his tstimated total cost is for planning purposes, and that the actual amount will be based upon final quantities and actual cont.ract nrices. 5. If the CITY subsequently elects to make additions to the scope of the project, the CITY shall request such addrtional wrork in wril•ing. A corresponding adjustment shall then be made to the CI`I`Y's share of the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantities and the associatcd contract bid prices. For work items requesced by the Cl"I'Y that are not covcred by the coni:ract bid prices, the C011NTY shall prepare a change order for the CJT1"s review and acceptance prior to work items beina consLructed. 6. Upon suUstatitial completion of each project, die COUNTY will scnd an initial invnice to the CITY for the CITY's portion of the cost of roadway ancl drainage improvements. Upon execution of the final pay estimate with the contractor, the COUV'"rY shall prepare fuid send a final imroice far any additional amounts payable by the Cl'1 Y. ST'OKAIY'E COUNTY: BY: Date: N. $nice Kaw(s, County Utilities Direecor . CITY QF SPQKA\7E VALY.EY: By: llate: laave Mercier, City Manager 1AOU - Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and Drainage Improvement Costs Page 2 af 3 For the 2006 Sewer Construction Program • TNBLE 1 City of Spokaoe Valley,Share 2006 Fstimated Road Rc Drainage Improvement Custs Estimxtecl Estimatec] Drainage Road lniprovement Costs Improvement Cdsts 1'ro,j cct Electric Railroad I $77,000 $52,000 Vera Terrace I $241;000 $41,500 I Vcradale F-(eights I S357,000 I $37,000 I Contingency I $I00,000 I $19,500 I Estirnated Total Costs 5775,000 I $150,000 ` ` MOU - Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and Drainage Improvement Costs Page 3 of 3 For the 2006 Sevier Construction Program - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - ~f Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Nold business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislatian AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2006 SPOKANE COUNTY STREET MAINTENANCE INTERLOCAL GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City Agreement No. C03-33 - Interiocal Agreemenf with Spokane County Regarding Road- Maintenance PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Agreement C03-33 approved April 22, 2003; December 20, 2005 Administrative Report, January 24, 2006 Administrative Report BACKGROUND: Staff has given hnro presentations to Council on December 20, 2005 and January 24, 2006 regarding the proposed 2006 Sfreet Maintenance Interlocal, The interlocal allows the City flexibility to bid certain services to alternate providers. If the bids are successful, City can transition those services from the County. This will reduce the demands on the County crews . while providing alternate service opporfunities. Staff also described the proposed approach for addressing the increased demand on the City for developing work schedules and managing the road maintenance service contracts. . The proposal calls for the authorization of fwo new Maintenance/ Construction Inspectors grade 14 with a pay range of $3,358 -$4,305. These are existing employee positions on the City's classification matrix. _ Staff recommended approval of the two FTEs with the understanding that one position will be filled after successful c4mpletion of the landscaping bid and the other position would be filled after successful completion of the street sweeping and stormwater maintenance bids. Funds for the FTEs will be provided from reductions of the County's overheadlmanagement fees and from specific maintenance activity tasks as services are transitioned according to the proposed 2006 interlocal. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: 1. Motion to approve the 2046 Spokane County Street INaintenance Intedocal and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. 2. Motion to approve two new Maintenance/Construction Inspector FTE's at grade 14. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: No additional funds required in 2006. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, AIA, and John Hohman; P.E. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2006 Spokane County Street Maintenance Interlocal %vl attachments Rcturn to: .Uaniela Frickson, Clerk of the Board . 13o:u•d of County Commissioncrs 111.6 W. Broadway Spokane, `Vashington 99260 Ilfl.ERi.,0CAL AGKELMEN`1 F0R ROAn MAT,NTLIYANCE SERVICFS IN TH;E C1TY OF SPOKANF VALLCY (January 1, 2006 -Decem ber 31, 2006) TFiIS AGIZCE:M_I?NT, madc and entered into by and betwcen Spotzanc County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the tr,3nsaction of business at 1116 West Rroadway Avenue, Spolcane; `Vashington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "COiJNTY" and the City of Spok,ine Valley, a municipal coiporation of the SUite of Wa.shington, Ilaving nffiees for t}te tratisaction of business at the R.edwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avunue, Suite 106, Spolcane Valley, Washingt4n 99206, hereinafter referred to as "C1"1 Y," jnintly hereinaftcr referred to as the "Pf1R'1fES.° The COUNTY ancl CT.1'Y agrcc as follqws. - SCCTlUN 1\`O. 1: 12.E,Cl'I'AT..S A\'D FINDI17G5 (a) `I'lie Board of Counl:y Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of'County property and the management of Cnunty funds and business under RC\W 36.32.120(6). (h) CQUnties and cities may c:ontraet wi[h each otlier to perform certain funetions whieh each may legally perform under chapcer 39.34 RCNV (Znterlocal Cooperation Act). (c) The Cify of Spokane Valley tlesires to utilize the services of Spnkane County for the purpose of providing road maintenance services on the public rights-of-tivay in the City. SF..•C7`IC)N NU. 2: DLFiNrI'TIONS (a) Aareement: "Aureeauer~t" means this interlocal r1~~reemeni heRvicen dhe C1TY and COUIVTY regarding road maiatunanee services. (b) Citv: "CI1Y" iTieans the City of Spokane Valley. (c) CounCv: "COi3NI'['Y" means Spakaiie County. (d) iblaint:enancc and Qnerations: "(viaintenance and Operations" and "ivI&O" shal) mean (1) those class codes (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) uscd by Spokane County in its budgetary process as prescribed by the Br1RS manual adopted by the State of NVashington under chapter 43.58 RCW so long as _ such expenditures are directly ariributable anct proporkionate to scrvices rendered to CITY under the terrns • of this Agreement • Page 1 of 9 (e) Services: "Services" means thnse services identified in Ekhibit A-1. (f) Comvensatien: "Compensation" means that methodology set forth in Eyjlibit A used to e,,stablish the amount nf maney which the CITY will pay the CO[JNT1' for providing Services. (g) C;aoital Irnorovernent: "Capital Imprnvement" shall mean the capitalization threshold adopted by the Caunty cluring the tenn of the Agreement. "1'he County shall give the City advance notice of any increase in the capitalization thresho]d. Any such expEndiCure will be coded as provided for in the BARS-manual adoptECi by the State of Washington imder KCtiV 43.88. (h) Uneontrollable Circumstances: "Uneontrollable Circumstances" means the following events: riots, wars, civil disturbances, insurrections, acts nf Yenorism, external fires and floods, volcanie eruptians, lighming ar earthquakES at or near where the Services are performed and/or that directly affect nroviding of such Services. (i) IZenort: "Report" shall mean the Invoice Supporting Documentation set fath in Exhibit A-7. SFCTION NO. 3: PLTI2YOSE The purpose of this Ap-eement is to reduce to writing die PAR'I"1E5' understanding as to the ternis and eonditiqns under which the COLNTY will provide Services on liehalf of the Cl'T'Y. IC is the intent of the PARTIES that Services to be provided by the CQi.JNTY will be consistent with tlie CITY'S ' CounciUManager form of bovemment prqvided for in chapter 35A.13 RC1N. : SECTIOiN NO.4: D0I2A7'IOiV!`N'T7'"RA«'AL This As cement shall cominence on January 1, 2006, ttnd run through Dccemher 31; 2006, unless one nf the ' PARTIES provides notic•e as set forth in Section 7. At the conclusion of the initial terni, this Agreernent shall automatically be renewed fiom year to year thereafler effective January lu to 1_7ecember 315L AII reneNvals shall be subject to all terms and conditions set forth herein ereepe for Fxhibit A. '1'he PAFZTIFS recognize it is highly wilikely that Exhibit A, setting fnrth the new billing rates for each ycar's Services, will be available at the start of any renewal time Frame. Accordingly, until a new Gxhibit A has been prepared and agreed Co between the PARTITS, the PARTfES agree dhat the COUN1-Y will bill the Cl`I'Y and the C1TY will pay the COi.JN9-Y at the saine billing rates paid in the previous year. Upon I:he PAR 1"1FS agreement en a new E:chibit.A, ihe CITY and COUNTY wil1 reconcile payments to date under tlie peevious yeaj5 billing rates with the new billing rates. tlny underpayment for any Senriees witl be due in the ftrst paytnent due following reconciliation. Any overpayment Por any Services will be crcdited to the first monthly payment due follotving the reconciliation. The PARTCES agree that no interest shall be owing by either Pariy to the other Yariy for any nverpayment or underpayment determined as a result of the reconciliation. Any Parey may withdraw at any time frotn this Aareemeut for any reason whatsoever upon a minimum of 180 days written natice as pravicled Por in Sectian 7 to the other Pariy. Yagc 2 of 9 . S1+CTi.ON \`Q. S: CQST OF 5E12VLC.N.S ANI:) PAY\-i,En'TS ~ The Cl'1'Y shall pay the COUNTY the costs for Services provided under dhis Agreement as set: forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto ancl 'tncorporated herein by reference: The COUNTY CEO shaU advise the CITY Ivianager 3s soon as possible oF any anticipated or unviticipated capital improvernent costs that a.rise duriog the contract periad. Any such capital iir►provement costs shall be arr►orti7ed over the useftil life of the improvement; and the i.ncreased cost in the Agreement resulting from the improvernent shall be calculateci by the PARTILS and paid wiiliin 30 days of receipt of request by ' . the CITY. Any capital improvement for which the COUNITY seeks reimbursement fi-otn the Cff'Y must be necessary to fulfill the requirements of dhis Ar,;reement:. Tlie COUNTY will bill the CITY for the cost of Services monthly, by the 15'b of the month for the previous rnonth. Payments by the C17"Y will be ciue by the 5`h day of die following month. At the sole option of the COLJNTY, a pcnalty may be assessecl nn any IaCe paymcnt by the CITY based an lost interest carnings had the payment been timely paid and invested i_n the Spokarie County Treastuer's lnvesement Pool. The CITY may dispute any montlily billing. Pencling resolution of a.ny dispute, the PtIRTIES agree that the CI'I'Y stiall pay timely that poition of the bill that is undisputed. In the event the CiTY disputes Fuiy monthly Milling it shall include i.n conjunetion cvit}i the ►nqnthly payment a letter staling with spe.citicity the basis for the dispute. The P.4kTEES a{,n-ee to mcet witliin thirty (30) calendar clays of the COUNTY's receipt of the documentation letter stittinb the basis for the CITY disputing any monthly billing to resolve the matter. In the event die PAR`l"IES cannot muCually resol<<e the matter within die thirty (30) calendar day tirile frame, unless othenwise agrced by the PAR'IIES, ilie mcitter shall be resolved pursuairt to die 17ispuce ResoluCion provisions set forth in Sec;liori 17. The selection pf arbih-ators as providecl for in Section 17 shall commence widiin thir _ty (30) calendar days of the running of'the thirty (30) calendar day time frame. Any resolution of a disputed ar.nounC Lhrough usc of the Fu•bitration process identified in Section 17 shall include, at the request of either'Party, a ctetermination of wliether interest is appropriate, including the 3I11OLltlt. SECTION NU. 6: 1ZLLA'1'Lll RESPONSTRiL.T.T.WS TN CO\'.1UNC'I'lUN Wll'1l I'ROVIl7ING SFRVICE$ Thc CO[JN'I`Y Qr designees ao ee to attend stalTmeetings as requested by the C1`I'Y ,blanager. The COUNTY or desi~nees agree to meet upon request by the CITY Manager or hislher designee to discuss any Service provided under die terms of this Atn-cement. °1'he Cll'Y agrees flie: COTJNTY rnay use the COUNTY'S stationery in cnnjuncCion with provicling Services uricler the terrns ofi this Agreement. . S:E CT:[ON NO. 7: NOTiCF All nQtices or other communieations given hcreundcr sliall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or ocher c;ommLuiications are rcceived when sent by persanal delivery; ar (ii) the Yhird day following the clay on wllicli the sanie have been mailed by frst class clelivery, posfagc prcpaid addressed to ktte COUNTY or tlie CI"1 Y at the acldress s£t forth bclow fvr such Party, or at such other address as either Party shall from time- to-time designate by notice in wriCinb to the other Party: F'a;;e 3 of 9 • COUNTY: Spokane County Chief ExecuYive Offirer , or his/her authorized represencaeive 1116 West 13roadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 CITY: City of $pokane Valley City Manager or his/her authorized representative Redwood Plaza 11707 Fast Spraguc Avenuc, SuitE 106 Spokane V31ley, Washinat:on 99206 SECTIQN n70. 8: REPORTIIYG ' ReDOrts -'1"he COiJ\T'fY shall provide the CITY wich reporis doicumenting actual usaoe under this Agreement at the sane ti.me u►ch invoice rE;questing payment is made, unless otherwise mutually lgree.d by the 1'arties. The I'arties agree that the ternninology "reports documenting usage" means thaC typc of information provided by the COUNTY to the CITY in the 2004 agreement for Services. Such reports shall be in a for►nat as mutually agreed to beriveen the Paities. The content andlor fnrniat for such reports may be changed from time-to-time by written agreement behveen C[TY and COUN'I'Y staff. Recarcls Review - The CITY shall be allowed fo eQnduct ranclorn reviews of tYie records generated by the COUNTY in performance of this Agreement. "1"he CITY will provide the COUN1'Y with reasonable advance notice of the records reviews. `I"he Parties agree that they will maF:e best efforts tn achieve a resolution of any potential records confidentiality issues, including entering into confidentiality agreements or other similar mechanisms that will allow disclosure of the necessary infomlation to accurately conduct a records i-eview. If the CITY will be a]lowed to view only those records directly relating to Services prnvided within CI'I`Y's corporate boundv-ies, then the COUNT'Y must keep a log of original documents used eo charbe the Cl l Y, and. those documents must have identifying numbers or letters so the original source dncuments cim be easily retrieved. SFC1'iQN \Q. 9: COi3NTFRPARTS This Agrecrrient may bc excculed.in any number oF counterpart:S, cach nF which; when sq executed ancl . dclivcre:d, shall be an qriginal, bul such counlerparis shal I tegether constitute but one and t:he same. SECTTON iN4. 10: ASSTG\'MI?\°I' i\in Pzirty may assign in whofe or pa.rt its interest in diis Agreement without the written approval of the other PARTY. SLC"1'lON NO. 11: COUNTY ENIl'LOY'ELS The COUNTY shall appoint, hire, assign, retain ancl discipline all emplnyees performing Services under.this Agreemerit according to applicable collective bargaining agrecrncnts and applicable state and fecieral laws. The COUNTY agrees to meet and confei• with the CI'CY with respect to stafif ihat is assignecl to provide Services. lssues of discipline or peifonnance will be specifically Iiandled according to COUNTY policies. Pagz 4 uf 9 sLC7.Ioivrto. 12: i.tABIL1TY . ~ (a) `f'he CO[NTY sliall indemnify and hold 1larmless the C1TY and its officers, agents, and employe:es, fmm sny and all claims, actions, suits, IiaUility, loss, cos1~5, expenses, vid daunages of any nature whatsoever, by imy reason of or Fu•ising out of any negligent act ar omission of the COUNTY, its officers, agents and employce,S, relating to or arising oiit of perl'orrnin- Seivices pursuitnt to this Apreement. Li the event diat any sui1: based upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brouo rt against the CI'CY, the COU\"1 Y shall defend the sarne at its sole cost ancl expense; peovided that the CITY rescrves the right to participate in said suif if any principle of governmental or public law is involvecl; ancl if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the CITY; and its offcers, agents, and emplo}'ees, or jointly against the Cl°1'Y and the COUN'1'Y and their respective officers, agents, and e►iiployees, the COUN"CY shall satisfy the same. (b) 'I he Gl"1'Y shall inderTinify aiid hold ha.rm.less the COLTNTY and its officers, agents, and employees, from any ijnd all claiins, actions, suits, li<<bi]ity, loss, costs; etpenses, anCi darnages ot any nature «<hatsoever, by ariy reason of or ar-ising out of any riegligent act or omission of the CTTY, iLs officers, agencs and emplo}'ees, relatina to or arising nut of performing Seivices pursuant Co t:his Agreetnent. In the event thal tiny suit based unon sucli claim, action, loss, or damages is broubht against the C'OUN7'Y, the C1TY shall dcfend the same at its sole cost attd expense; provided that the COUNTY 'reserves the riLhc to participate in said suit if any principle of governniental or public law is involved; and if final judb'ment in said suit be rendereci against the COLJNTY, and its officers, ~~gents, and employees, or jointly a};ainsC.thc COLjNTI' and tlie Cl'1'Y and their respcctive officers; agents, anci employees, die CITY shall satisfy the tiame. (c) If the comparative nenligenc.e of the Parties and their of:ficers and employees is a cause of such damage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or expense shaI1 be shared benveen the Parties in proportion to their relative degree af negligence and the right of indemniey shall apply to such proportion. (d) VVhere an officcr or employee of a 1'arty is ttcting under the direction and control of the other 1''arty, the Party directing and controllinS the offeer or e►nployee in the activity zGnd/br omission giving rise t:o liability shall accept all liability for the other Psrty's officer or employee's negligenee. (e) rach Pariy's duty tn indemnify shall survivc the termination or expiration of the Aorecment. (f) The foregoing indemnity is specificalJy intended to constitute a waiver of each Party's immunity Lmder Washinoton's (nduscrial Insuranee Act, chapter 51 RCW, respeccing the utlier party only, and only to the cxtenl necesSAry to provide the indenutified 1'arty with a full and complete undenuiity of claims macle by the inde►nnitor's employees. 7'he E'A.f7."I"I IaS acknowledge that these provisions were specifie.ally neootiated vid agreed upon by them. (g) The COUN"I'Y and the CITY agree to either self insure or purchase policies of in;urance covering the matters contained in this Agreernent with coverages of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence with $5,000,000 acgregale limits ineluding professional liztbility and auto liability coverages. SLC''10N NO. 13: RELATIO\SkTCI' OF THL Yr1ft1'lES "1'he PtIRTLES intend that an independent conlraclor relationship will be created by this Agreement. "The COUN`I"Y shall be an independerit contractor and not the agent or employee: o1'thc CJTY, tliat the CI'I'Y is interested orily in tiie results tn be achievetl and that the right to conh-ol the partic:ular manner, methocl and nie<ms in whieh the serviees are peiformed is solely within the discretion of die C(aUN1'Y. Any and all Page 5 of 9 emplnyees who provide Services to the CIT1' undcr this Agreement shal) be deerned employees solely of the COtJNTY. The COiNTY shaU be solely responsible for die conduct and actions of ali emplayees . ~ under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or representative of dle CITY shall be deemed tn be an employee, agent, scrvant or represcntative of the COUNTY for any purpose. SFCTiON NO. 14: MQDITICATION This Agreement may be modified in «7iting by mutual Nvrilten agreement.of the PARTT.ES. SECTiQkN NO. 15: PRQPERTY Al\`ll EQUiI'MT.\`T' 'fhe ownership of aII property and equiprnent utilized in conjunction witll providing ttiE Services shall remain with thc original owner, unless specifically and mutually agreed by the 1'F1ItTIES to Chis tAgreement. SFCTiC)N NQ. 16: ALL VVRITIr7GS CONTAINED IiC12E, INBTNDLNG ~FFECT This Agreement contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the PAR.TIES. Thc PARTIES agree that there are no other understandin?s; oral or othenvise, regarding the subject ma[ter nf tt►is Agreement. No changes or additions to this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the PARTIES unless such change or addition is in writina, executed by die PARTTCS. This Agreement sliall be binding tipon the PART1ES hereto, their successors and a.ssigns. SECTIUN \°O. 17: ll1SPUTL+" ItESOY,UTION ' Any dispute behween the Pt1RT[ES wliich caiinot be resolved benveen dhe F'AlZ7'IES shall be subject to arbitration. Fscept as provided for to the contrary herein, such dispute shall first be reduced to writing and considerr;ct by the COUiNTY CEQ and the CITY Manager. [f the COUNIY CEd and the CI'17' Manager cannot resolve the diSpute it will be submitted to arbiU-ation. 'I'he provisions of chapter 7.04 RCW shall be applicable to any Arbitration proceeding. The COLJNITY and the CITY shall havc the right to designate onc person cach tA act as an arbitrator. Thc two selected arbitrators shall then jointly select a third arbitrator. "1'he decision of the arbitration panel sllall be binding on the Pt1RT1FS and shall be subject to_judicial review as provided for in chapter 7.04 R_CW. The costs of die arUiiration pailel shall be equally split betw•een the PAR7'fES.. SECTIO\i NO. 18: VENUE STIPULATIO\j This .4greement has been and shall be canshved as hsving been made and-delivered within the State of Washington and it is mutually uriderstood and agreed by eacli party that this Agreemenl shall be gnverned by the laws of the State oP Washingqon both as fo interpret•at'ion ancl performance. Any aeCion at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enfnrcement of this Ar,;reement; or any pravision hereto, shall be instituted only in courts of competent jurisdiction widiin Spokane County, Was1liilgton. PAge 6 of 9 - SFC"I'TQN NQ. 19: SEVE 12A:F311_.:I717X 'Che 1'A!2`t'I.FS agree dhat if any parts, tenns or provisions of this Agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and oblioations of the PAIt°11ES shall not be affec•ted in regard to the remainder of the Agreement. If it stiould appear that any parC, term or provision of this Agreemenl is i.n conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washingon, thcn the part, tenn or provisiori Chcreof dhat may be in conflicl: st►all be deemed inoperative and null tincl void insofar as it may be in can.ilict therewith and this Agreement shall be deemed to modify to corrforrn to such statutory provision. SFC.T.iQN NQ. 20: RECOIWS t111 public records preparecl, ownecl, used oe retained by the COLTNTY in conjunction wilh proviclina Services under the terms of l;his Agrecment shall be deemet! CITY property and shall be made available to the CITY upnn request by the CITY Manager subject to t}1c attorney client and attorney work product privileges set forth in statute, court i-ule or case law. The COLJ\TY will notify the CITY of any public disclositre rEquesC +ancler chapter 42.17 1tCW fnr copies or viewing of such recorcfs as well as the COUNI'Y'S response t}hereto. SECTI(UN NU. 21: HFAnT1TGS 'I'he section headinos appearing in this Agreemenl have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenienc;e anci ready reference. In no way do ehey purport to, and shall not be deemet! Co define, lirnit or erCend the scope or intent of the sections to whieh they pertain. (l SCCTZUN NO. 22: T171IE OF ESSENCE Oh" AGRTFIVf.T\`T Time is of the essenee of this Agreement and in case either Party t'ails to perf'orm tlie obligations on ies part to be peifoilned at the time tixed for thc performance oP the respective obligation by the terms nf this rlgreecnerit, the other Party may, at its eleckion, hold the other Party liable f'or all costs and damapes causccl by such delay. Sk;C'l'ION NO. 23: iJ1iCQNTROLLABL~•". C]RCU1NiSTANCrS/I1vIPOSS1I3iY.1'1'Y A delay or interruption in or failure of perforinance of all or any part of chis Agreement resulting from Uncontrnllable: Circumstances sliall be deemed not a defaulc undcr this Agreement. A delay or interruption in or failure of performance of all or any part of this Agreement resulting from any change in or ricw law, order, rule or reg«lation of any naCure whictl renders providing of Service5 in accordsnce wiU1 the terrns of this Agreement legally irnpossible, and any other circumslances beyond the control of the COUNTY which rende:r legally iiilpossible the performanee by the COUNITY of its . obligations under this Agrcement, shall be deenied not a default Lmcler this Agrcement. SFCTION NU. 24: FILING This tlgrcernent shall be filed by the CounCy wit_h such offices or agencies as reyuircd by cllapter 39.34 aCW. Page 7 of 9 : SEC'1"lON NO. 25: FXECUTIUN A.N17 APPRnVAL - . The PART1ES warrant t11aL the officers exeCUting below have been duly authorized to act for and on behalf of the I'arty fnr purposcs of confirming this Agreemcnt. SECTION NQ. 26: IN1TlAT1VF,S . The PARTIES recognize that revenue-reducing iniUative(s) passed by •the voters of Washington may substantially reduce local operating revenue for the CITY, COLJNTY or both Pf1RTIES. The FAK`f'1E5 agree that it is necessary to have flexibility to reduce the contractecl amount(s) in this AgTeemcnt iri response to budget constraints resulCi.ng f.rom the passage of revenue-redueing initiative(s). lf sueh an event occurs, the PARTI:ES agee to nebotiate in good faith to achieve a rnutually agreeable resoluCion in a timely fashion. SECTION NO. 27. CvNll'T,T.ANC.F.. WITFI LAWS The Parties shall observe all federal, state and local laws, ordiriances and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the tcrms of diis Agreement. SECTION \7Q. 28: DISCC.AMFR Except as othenvise provided, this AgreemEnt shall not be construed in any rnanner that would limit either E'arty's authorit:y or powers under laws. SECTION NO. 29: SUPFRSEDE This Agrcement shall supersede and terminate that agreement bchveeii the Ilarties entillecl _ "INTERLOCAL AGREFN.iEN7 BETVVEEt"; SPOKA.NF CQUNTY Ai\Tll CITY OF SFQKA.NE VALLEY R.EGA12]7ING PRQVTSION OF 1tOAD MA_T1'TFNA(YCE SEItVYCES" executed by Spokane County on June 4, 2003, snd executed by the CITY on vTay 27, 2003. SECTION NO. 30: ASSLTIYA.IVCE 1°he CITY shall p1y the COTJNTY t:he truc and full cost of aII Services provided under this Agreeinent. The iiitent of t:he Parties is that neither 1'arty will subsidire the other 3nd that the CI1'Y will not subsidize any ot:her jurisdiction that is receivinn similar services. . Page 8 of 9 ' IN `N '~TN~SS NYB~k RFQF, the PARTIES have c~iused chis Agreement to be esecuted on date and year opposite their respective signatures. . DATED: ' BOARD pF COUN 1 Y COVTiVtiSS10\jLRS OF SPOKAN'E COUNTY, Vl'AS14ING7'ON TODia MTCLKE,, Chairman . A'1"1'EST: CLERK OF TFTr 130E1R17 MA1Z1C 1UCHARTa, V ice-Chairnian Daniela Erickson PHILL.CE' D. HARRIS, Commissioner DATL17: CITY Or SPOICANE Vt1LLFY A7"1"EST: David 1Vtercier, Cit}' Manager Christinc Bainbridge, City Clerk AAPROVEU AS '1'O FORlvt ONI.Y: . Oftice of tlte City AttUrney • i J Page 9 of 9 EXM113TT "A" • STREET MA.IN7'ErTANCE PRQVISIOiNS SECTiQN \T0.1: 2006-2008 TRANSITI4N Pi.Ai\T The transitioii plan, as set forth iti Lxhibit A-2, outluies cach activity by year that the City will , cpnsider transitioning io ot]Zer providcrs. The City may solicit comPletive bids and examine other available resources to provide the specific activities outluied in the plan. 'Z'he C11'Y, at its nption, . may reduce activit.ics each year as outlinccl in the plan. Tlie CITY will give the COUNTY 30 days written noti_ce prior to the terminatioti of any aclivity. CITY, at its option, may reduce or increase services up to 10% of the amount of the aiuiual contract, as outlined 'ui Exliibit A-2, witli 60 days prior written notice to COiINTY. SEC`1'IUN NQ. 2: COS'I' OF SFR.V[CES An°D P AXMENi 5 In- consideration for COUNTY providing services as set forth herein, CITY sfiall pay COUNTY for actual cnsts (monthly bills will include costs by activity for direct labor for each employec, supervision, employee bene.f.its, eqttipment reutal, inaterials and supplies; utilities, subcontrxctecl wark and permits) aft-ec receipt of invoices and supporting documcntation lo include copics of timecards, updated material costs and quantities; and summary reports for labor aiid cquipment cliarbES as identifed in Lahibit A-7, aud overhead costs as cicscribed in Exhibit A-5. Standard "labor rates can be affccteci by overtimc, exrra holiday pay, shift differential, labor conlracts, and on-call rates. Labor and equipment rates are sho,,«i iii F-xhibit A-3 for 2006 and Exhibit A-4 for . 2007 and will be reviewed and moditied wlien requircd. CQUNTY will notify CITY ui ,~A7iting oE' any changes to or modi.fications of che labor ancl cquipment rates. . Estimaled costs for rcquested services in future years «ill bc provided by the CITY as a part of annual Uudeet discussions. CIl Y shall pay COUNTY far the full cosc (including salary, benefits, supplics, materials, equipment, aid adinuustrative overhead costs) af provi_d'uig CITY with rapid-responsc staf-F in responding to emergencies as outlined in Section 3B of klus Eatubit. SECTION NO. 3: S.F,RVICLS PTtOVTDED A. Countv Resnonsibilities - Services CpWi TY will provide street and traffic maintenance serviccs as identifed in Exhibit A-1. lhc CITY will direct Chese services within the limits 4f COUNTY'S operational workforce aiid _ equipament. tlctual levels of servicc provided by COUNITY will be thosE adopted by CITY and COUNTY in acuiual budget processes. COUN"CY is a contractor for CIT"Y and will provicie services requcsted by CITX so long as such services are within COLJNTY'S ability to provide. _ Page 1 of 3 Actual services provided by COUN1`Y shall be of lhe type, natui-e and magiutudE subsequenily negol'iated behveen CTl Y and COi.TNTY during the PARTIES' annual budget anci planning processes. Aftcr adopiion of.' budget and plaii, within thE constraints -of the base level serviccs program described, CTTY may request adjustments to individual casks in order to meet specific needs. COLTNTY shall consider all such requesls aiid, whenever practicable, alter the Nvork. progranl as neccssary. COiNTY is a contractor of sei-vices ouly and does not purport to represent CITY professionally other than in Providing the services requestcd by CITY. B. COUN1'Y and CITY Cnordination CQI.NTY wi.ll identif}, specifie liaisons fQr street, trafEic, and stormwater maintenance se•rvices to handle day-to-day opcraiional activities related to basic and discrctionary services. CITY will identify a liaison for the smne purposes. The liaisons will-mect regularly wich the CITY to revicw schcduled daily work activities, futtire planned work acEivities, completed work activities and the overall perf-ormance of this Agrcement. The C4LTNTY will provide dail_y, bi-weel:ly and 90 day schedules to the CITY. Iaaily schedules will ShOW the activity, specif7e wor.k locatious aiid thc number of cre%v for each activity. Schedulcs will be Provided prior to tlie datcs of thc scheduled work. Schedules cnay changc due to 4veaiher, available persoiuiel, equipment, malerials, and other workload factors. CQt.JNITY will noiif.'y CTTX of any schcdulc changes as soon as the chan;es Are known by COUN'i"Y. Emcreency work, including 911 calls, .vill be rcferred directly to COUNTY personncl. C()UiNTY will maintain an emergcncy contact list witli the CITY and 911 dispatch centers. Fnlergency work to protect publie safety anc3/or property xvill be handlcd as COUNTY anci/or CIT'Y liaisons dc-enls neccssary. E-mergency work may includc, but is not limitecl to, snnw and ice control, slide ancllor debris removal, flooding, repair 'of flaod damage to roads and road rigllts-of-way, repair ot' traFf c sinnal nialfiiiictions, or replacement of do-v«ied stop sigt1s. Cl l`Y liaison will be in..f.ornied of tie incident as soon as practicable. Non-ernergency eici7en requests, duruig re ;iilar CITY operacing liours, -v.ill be reterrecl to CITY. CITY will be responsibLe for prioritizing requcsts anci arranging wiili COU-NI1'Y far work to be done. C. CITY Resuonsibilities ln conjunction with COLTNTTY providing the services ciescribed in Subsections A and B nf this Sectinn, CITY, in exccuting this t-lgreement, dnes: (1) Confer on COUN"[ Y the aulhor.ity tn perfonii the strcet and traffic maintenance services within CITY luuits for the purposcs of carrying out t.his Agreement. _ (2) Agce that when COLFN11-Y pr.ovides en~ineering and administrative services for Cl l'Y, County Fnaineer may exercise all the powers anci perform all the duties vested by law or by Page 2 of 3 resolution in tlie City En;uieer or otlier officer or departmEnt of the City charged with street adnuiustra.tioti. (3) Adopt by reference all ordinances, resolutions and cocies necessary to providc authority for COtJNTY to perfonn the services under ttus Agreement. Attachment List: . A-1 Services A-2 Multi Year Budget/Trausition Ylan A-3 2006 Lmployec and Equipmcnt Rates A-4 2007 Lmployee and Equipment Ratcs A-5* Ovcrhead Cost Dcfinition A-6 Winter Operatians Taelail A-7 Invoice Supporting ]7ocuuientation Page 3 of 3 - ~ EX[IIBIT 1 ~ SERVICES Spokane County wi.ll pr.owicle street and traffic maintenauce setvices within CI'fY limits of Spokane Valley at the ]evels described in Section 1 of the Agreeinent, as .f.ollo"vs (aelual levels of scrvicc provided by, COLTNTY Nvill be those adopted by C1TY aiid CO'ITNTX i.n ailnual budget proccsses).Traffic aiid street maintenance service Icvcls as sEt by CITY,shall re:flect City policies and may or may not be sunilar to County polieies. CITY shall bc solely responsible for selting seivice level policies for all roadway feariires. COTJN'CY is merely a contractor for purposes of unplementation of City poliey. i. Street Maintenance - The following are examples of street maintenance services provided by COLTNTY. Actual services will bc in the magiutude, nature and manner requestcd by CITY. 1.1 Travelecl Way/Roadway Surface: Patching, crack sealing; prele>>cl, pavement _ replacem.enC, grading, gravelling, swccping aiid flushing. 1.2 Shoulders: Restoration aiid repair. 1.3 Urauiage: Cleaning debris from clrairiage pipes, catch basins, drywells, culverts, " ditchcs, gutters, aid curb and gutter inlels. Rcpairing dalnage to exisking drainage facilities such as drainage pipes, catch basins, drywells, culverts, ditches, gutters aiid curb and gutter inlets. 1.4 Wuiter Maintenance: Sancling, liquict de-icuig, snow removal and chasing water from roadway surfaces. The County will provide minunum level of service as outlined in Exlubit S.for snow removal priorities, crcw confi;urations, equipment, and estimates of duration. 1.5 Roacisicle: Cutting or trimming bushes or lunbs blockuig visibility. 2. Traf-i-ic Maintcnance - The .f.ollowing ai-e exanples of tra£tic mauitenajice services provided by COiJVTY. tActtial services -vvill be in the magnittide; nature and manner requested by CITY. 2.1 Sign Mai_ntenance: Replacing 1'adcd sigii faces and brol:en posts, slraightening leaning posts, relocating siens Car visibility or pedestrian safety, maintenance Qf vazidalizetl signs or signs damaged by velucle accidents, inspcction of signs to check for visibility or pedeslrian safety; maintcnuice of vandalized signs or signs to check lor re(lectivity, rcmoval of signs ~vhen appropriate. EX1iYI31T "1" !'agc 1 uf 2 2.2 Crosswalk Marking: Refurbishin;, installing new, and removal when appropriate. 2.3 Stop Bars Marking: 1Zefiirbishing, installing new and reinoval when appropriate. 2.4 An•ows/T.egends Marking: Refurbishing; installing ncw and removiug when appropri ate. 2.5 Curb Painting: Maintenance of curbing and islands. 2.6 Striping: T'aiutuig linear road stripes on paveinent, such as centerlines, edge lines, radius anci channelization, and removal of luie, stripes or syuibols from Lhe pavement. 2.7 Rcpair and replacement of street liGlit heads, poles, wiring or bulbS in exisCing street lights which are incorporateci within traffic signal systems. 2.8 Utility T ocati.ng: T..ocating unclerground traf#ic facilities for utilitics or ottier digging operations. 2.9 Signal Maiutenance: Replacing and cleauuig light systeins for signal and fla.Sher displays anci signs, installation and repair of vchicle detcctor loops, checl:uig and . adjusting sipal tuniug, exa ining tr.affic signal operation to assure it is opcrating as intcnded, uispectuig hardware for wear or deficieiicies, testing and repairing of elecTronic control devices and components, repair or replaceinent of signal alid ilasher displays, supports or wiring etternal to controller cabinet, modif.ication of cqntrAller cabincts; testing of new and modifiEd cabinets and control devices, tra -ff'ic cowiter testing and repau and preventative maintenanec. 2.10 Flasher/Crosswalk Preventative Maintenancc: Examining to assure equipinent is .operating as incendeci and inspecting hardwarc for wcar or deficiencies and repairing components as required. . . ' EXHCBIT "1" P:age 2 of 2 Exhibi# 2 Mutti-year Budget and 7ransrtian Plan wCT1U'!11' ,cCtn.nav ON C4F+TMC cO[SE I'5#3CFGFT 'r ~ne tiStKicarr~dF1TV s~ca~;iir =~r.. h~}7' iptritsrlCtFllN7Y' 2ouf 3~i f Crrrm~T'~+~aqrr,J~~.fhiV+%T` ION /IY4;1Flf +MC'PF1Pl~"!` C~FiT~Y /IMLMJPIf _ i-d1Ed~v i a y~:,.;1L4 ~ lkCf1YR7 CD~Ia`i1w~F A~I'LI#Il7hTi~:a:~: . I57cijlrl; i ~Tl41t'Y CUidT~:.~4G1dL 1iQiM~W1e~N~~ . . M45411iT LS}p+~P.~:r 15Ne:~h° ~o C~Pmaor L; ; x:i 30 ~ ty C s :9 i44 Cily .s.- 4'~ 2M7 F~ftnprJv lLww4mrwfKe CF!o[irll €36 4UL' OU ~i- - . . cj ~~i CI[ 55.. i r; - - - .3YJ i`/Yi eeilr`,AHR' - '~1 '~1..}i!i ~ ' 1 42 112;1LR'00 ` 3~ a,3d0+chVic~~aFm~7,,: #'O pa7.+599,0If. 3C,r~~i ;I.. „q~ ~ {E.d S1&~~ *rw:. 2um ."i4Aw RCPUIe Fy,.F. M4wW ~:'F~PuP9tY W" Rri4,W - . q~y.4'r ~i474A1 UA-?M 73 ~7 Ci~ tin~Ny~ ~3KFaw~n~p RarnorW A k~!~ I i~, €W.[uti ie ~i`.qh~rr 9~,aer.Qe 9 tc>;s11 ~ • - . I I 44~iq.AO+ E~? ~ ~ f k7 'S l.i_L'~ ~c' &ROnL m 25450 5ea~r F~u •~rr~s I p&x ='~tDf~t~ P-~r g i„a eaz.tb C"± T.w..w oa aAaa; ~ - , CKY I F :'1~ I GdyFyY'~!~ ~7 7 . #1.!]R :YJ (.jv c* i i: .l Q" ~.'i. 24 13 - ptl~h !1 f37n 1] - 1.. 1'i7 4~ 25,1 EISld ff'~'YI ' 1 .';`fY1Q.L3 ~Q41n 7 ~ s.i ~v t 7 ~17 ~ f' i!A;p, U-Jp ~ 1P ~w I J a t t~~ ~55 a~-s~mwa,~ sao- -°'I ! es 4e Ccity it ~ ort l r•:~ar~a ii ~ d-'~ I S1 CYL+~'7G '~i ~ 57,7~Ifi~ _ :h~01=MIICq ~ ~ ~arr4.p . . ~ 3S..1C+~7 li a7~~ n;, I ~ s~1a as $I d ~ aU ~ I ;J"3w [e f ~ fp o:a cxa ~ a; C I tl ~~x: 4~r rri Coy1n ~ aI u;:..;~,i~t ~ „ s , L ~,r ~ 1zs,ncx~W ~,r I xn Goul~ ' ~T~ ~~~3E I ~o.vr~a ~ ~n~l ~a: ee.~.tra Cbunty a~ je4 I ~`os,ni P ~~9~ ~ ~R ~~8 . ~y a ~ Y c4l,m S5,r:r,i ~,al ;4~enaa COLc„ $4 4A,+ann tt m ~ ~ ega r * s 11 fbmUka jJ P2t]C' 00 cfry, S+'i ~ ~ i12+tR;iE r d ~raIh , A tnre"rwil ~ r'trc~L?➢ [;cw,n ,Ta;.aa~aa ~ I i*e C:c~, I ~ct.4inr. I ~ T I t-1 +.4 Rt, l~ ~ 1 L5 aCF.lf.~ ri •A 8 ~r~ cqLI r~ ~ sx1~~ ;8C-In I if,i5[] LU GI I ~ a~r~~~ Cl~r l d ~Qr :;n CA ~ ~~~a~ a~. ~ sta 4.~ K~rcwi,n st. ^^u~ Ci " - ;4.~~Lr~1 CfN ~~?s Gd ~~,rv :~4 wr.r . . o~er ix~74a ~o Ci : L' v;~ Jl: s.i - s~.C~es3o C 3a~a,~u Cil . ~::~rura 1 eErr xr ~ ~ i1-~on ~ T~' ~ ~ ,rya C-n~ k, cu A~ ,n #s: ~ sh I l~4~saa ~ u7es ur~ t, I I cQUnt'1+ S~'r CraO.~ l i.-e ~ ~ H I~~~...~' '~ahaeu.~. I ■*"T,ao ~ s710 Ornmi 123-1+a.tc C-ourdy sa 9=W ~ - tM C 4~5 ~ , sw.;:m im c'a t x. , c ~ s, NW m courdy u~ ar - ~ 9r4D C.~veFl;..daa°rc~d 3A.G?3:G7~Jnt ~*.k~ JE 1a.uF 011 ci! ti7.,,a, t» Li:di 33[i i,~5?u L4 A8@. ]'i!I L:AUR1 ~ 7 q. 7T ~Cft ` f'; ~,t •F .rG,,'7uTlr L le~vl Rede9f ~ a'tr - S~:t~ n:t ~"Q.`~{I8 .6] ~.7.3G t..reex a•+Y7, - . - ~ 1144 : ? itFl 7. - ~ 3.S - 4q . !3_A13tld '~PJtYl1 ~l9&'K70 '~.14?iT yR;daa . Cjty 19+r,rnmr.f.rY,~artoic~ru•.ef~ SY+~4.dhet.qp M7.~~~k 51~.5t~a.fa ~f0.~.+~i $~74a14.iL ~e.~Fit4 Si&f1.7u3.o-; sL11e.4K P C°tq 5 71115u an ti~ r ~rrr ~ Cbu~i ~ aaa.57 - :-ey.:f't Us, S u~s+r~ 00 ~ a?' ~ ~ - / 'fi~ ~ TId3 S, ~ SU7'n.}] OLk ccuf I CDUnt ,m~, rm w ~11jA111 #Se~~ cGS,.ir.. ~n~ r fLN2yN R-5~ I st.:e:,~.ae ~j ? _ ~.?,p~rr~,~A I ~.an G~unl I ~yy~M C~w, ~iuns ~si,:adr 'C~m~v I a~7 ! Gcsu ssus.~t ~ cs 1 " coume I - crwn! i I ~ce.,n ~ + r" q.ea C. 1 '~°I~R➢1~ I Couea " 1 v~rn ~ ~ Ca f n C^arA ~ ~ Recr - 8~ I Cc>u ~ Co~aza. I i.Cx; I ~ ~psdret 1 IrItffw MaC"di19t7C4 Tadl ~ i+~7L~4.GYG~ "A14fl0 P Couf~y ~ ~JUfti[y ~ 56 M~,f~SJ . or fto mw 7mm aftomw Raa~dPeH~~i!#IEY'fs~Tu~ [3_~"''~'3~{',~j 37~5".LT~~GC I r t r:. _ °4i7f i~w.ra 11.akF8~•~'au ~ ~^~¢35= 4G I Fd1'~~ ~ i~~~?i~ •~a' ~ ~Cr4,~P'~.5+t -i•t, tCfJ7.'fi17 ~11 S I 42U . ' Id ~It t!t~~ SC.. J 154E;4 16 sao~a.ti^~,TraRi ~ i~i~1.yCU6i1 '''a7'.ilpq(S ~ ar~ i 1 aN r, saaaV 14, t~r ~ ~+,x~wti,.~.acx.rr,a~aff~rs% i l1:1 636 ou I 97iR.94A~1I ~ ~ ~:=aay~~yl ~~~n~~~l EcBV ~ _ 75.9~.~+:7 I st..~ael su si ~ ~Y ` 412ra t~s r~ ~~ru~ Y775.GTT7e 'j7t7'~4.,l~~ ;t.6tt, ~ ' 7i~4.~. ~1N 6 • ~a7 z~:.ao ~ ~ ~.~~~a'{2e. 49.5~ iF . ~ sa ,5_~~ `SUb~+cl i€~ r~i~,ta~n t~sendft r~ g ap~Y,ty 9n am~+ir~ertar snci m~Wa pFtvege~ecta 65 "z'wo new F"FU ~ 4qFd9,tetl acbvltlft 4an to pVtownud hY r4vw ~r rFaA"rOngpw& .eM - EXW 3 - SPOKANE COUNTY . ROAD MAINTENANCE 2006 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 X 2.5 X EQUIPMENT CHARGES HouRLY ' TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) . RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS RATE X-tra Help (5 month position) 2231X $ 1,848 12.00 ~ n/a 17.61 28.68 Dump Truck I 7CL8D ~ $ 33.00 Seasonal Help (9 month positon) 2251S 1 S 3,064 19.24 ~ n/a 25.23 S 41.38 Water Truck ~ TCL8W ~ 40.00 Road Maint. Specialist I ~ 2251 ~ S 4,546 ~ S 28.06 ~ S 28.66 31.38 $ 51.64 Oil*Distributor ~ ASPHT ~ 56.75 Road Maint. Specialist II I 2261 ~ S 4,865 29.96 30.56 33.51 $ 55.19 Motor Grader ~ GRADE ~ 32.00 Road Maint. Specialist III I 2271 ~ $ 5,078 $ 31.22 31.82 $ 34.93 $ 57.55 Backhoe ~ BACKH ~ 21.00 Road Maint. Specialist IV ~ 2281 5,301 $ 32.55 33.15 $ 36.43 1$ 60.04 Asphalt Paver I PAVER 1 1$ 50.00 Wheel Loader I LOADE 1 1$ 26.00 Sweeper 1, SWEEI' 1 1$ 40.00 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISION MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT 2 X Broom I BROOM 1 I$ 50.00 TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Sander ~ SANDE ~ 1$ 64.50 Road Maint. Foreman I ~ 2208 1$ 6,430 1 S 39.27 1 n/a 1 $ 29.65 IS 58.29 Roller ROLLS Road Maint.lUtility Inspector ~ 2208 $ 50.00 ~ S 6,430 1 $ 39.27 ~ n/a 29.65 58,29 Truck & Plow ~ PLOW I I $ . 43.00 Road Maint. Supervisor II ~ 2210 ~ S 7,469 1 $ 45.46 ~ n/a 34.28 67.55 Truck & Pup ~ TCL8D ~ 43.00 Road Maint. Superintendent ~ 2222 ~ $ 7,852,1 $ 47.74 1 n/a 1 $ 35.98 ~ n/a Vactor ~ 7CL8V ~ 60.00 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT moN7'HLY HOURLY EVENING SoT 2 X _ TITLE CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (fl Training Foreman 2211 1 $ 6,759 $ 41.23 1 n/a $ 31.11 ~ n/a Material Resource Manager I 2219 6,759 1 $ 41.23 1 n/a 1$ 31.11 1 n/a Enviromental & Spec. Proj. Mgr. I 2128 7,852 1 S 47.741 n/a 1$ 35.98 1 n/a Operations Manager I 2309 . ~S 6,930 ~ S 42.25 1 n/a 31.88 + n/a Administrative Specialist II ~ 1012 . ~S 4,248 ~ $ 26.29 1 n/a 29.39 ~ n/a (a) The "Monthly Rate" is the loaded l3bor raEe per month for the class of employee al a top step placernent, inGuding benefits and L81 expenses. (b) The "Evening Rate" is the hourty labor charge for those workers assigned to evening shifts (swing & graveyarci). • • (c) The 1.5 X rate is the overtime loaded labor charge per hour worked over normal working hours. (d) . The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour workEd ior working recognizQd holidays, (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOl) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance workers. (o 7he straight overtime rate is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allotived for maintenance vrorkers. Updated Note 1: Call-out after normal working hours is charged a rninimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for Maintenance Workers only. 12122I05 Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor con4ract available. Note 3: Spokane Couniy reserves the right to utilize any qualified worker for the City of Spokane Valley contracted work. Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT 3 - SPOKANE COUNTY SIGN & SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 2006 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates . MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 X 2.5 X EQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY TITLE I CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE I CLASS RATE X-tra Help (S month position) ~ 2231X 1 $ 1,848 12.00 1 n/a 17.61 I$ 28.68 1.5 Ton Truck I TCL4M ( $ 12.00 Traffic Signal Technician 2 ~ 2311 1 $ 6,026 I$ 36.87 1 n/a 41.27 1 $ 68.12 Bucket Truck I TCL36 $ 7.50 Traffic Signal Technician 3 1 2312 1 $ 6,6591 $ 40.64 1 n/a $ 45.501 $ 75.17 Class 4 Truck ~ TCLS4 $ 12.00 Chief Traffic Signal Technician ~ 2313 7,177 $ 43.72 ~ n/a $ 48.96 1 $ 80.93 Heavy Use Truck ~ TCL6L ~ $ 7.50 Traffic Sign Technician 1 ~ 2242 ~S 4,466 $ 27.58 ~ n/a $ 30.84 1 $ 50.74 112 Ton Truck ~ PU112 6.00 Traffic Sign Technician 2 ~ 2265 S 5;060 $ 31.12 nla ~S 34.81 1 $ 57.35 Compact 4x4 ~ P4x4C ~ 4.30 Traffic Sign Technician 3 I 2274 5,453 1 S 33.46 n!a 37.44 1 $ 61.74 Mini Van I VANMC I 4.00 Traffic Sign Technician 4 2287 $ 5,877 1 S 35.98 n/a 40.28 1 $ 66.46 Midsize Sedan ~ CARMD ~ 3.25 Chief Traffic Signal Technician 2283 $ 7,000 1 $ 42.67 n/a 47.78 1 $ 78.96 Striper Truck ~ PTRKC ~ 44.75 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT 2 x TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Engineer 3 ~ 2335' ~ S 8,254 1 $ 50.13 ~ nfa 34.22 ~ n/a (a) The "PAonthly Rate" is the loaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at a top step placement, including benefits and L&1 expenses. (b) The "Lvening Rate" is the hourly labor charge for those workers assigned to evening shifts (swing & graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked over normal working hours. (d) The 2.5 X raie is the overtime labor charge per hour worked for working recognized holidays. (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight avertime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance workers. {o The straight overtime rate is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allowed for maintenance workers. Note.1: Call-out after normal vrorking hours is charged a minimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for Maintenance Workers only. • Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract available. Note 3: Spokane Caunty reserves the right to ulilize any qualified vrorker for the City of Spokane Vallcy contracted work. ' Updated ' 12l22105 ,'age 2 of 2 fl . EXHI y~.-/=4 . ' - SPOKANE COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE - 2007 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates IMAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 x 2.5 XEQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY I ' TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS RATE IX-tra Help (5 month position) ~ 2231X $ 1,848 12.00 n/a 17.61 1 S 28.68 Dump Truck ~ TCL8D $ 33.00. ISeasonal Help (9 month positon) ~ 2251S $ 3,459 21.59 n/a 28.32 1 S 46_59 Water Truck ~ TCL8W ~ 40.00 IRoad Maint. Specialist I ~ 2251 $ 4,637 ~ $ 28.60 $ 29.20 31.99 1 S 52.65 Oil Distributor ~ ASPHT ~ 56.75 IRoad Maint. Sqecialist II ~ 2261 1 $ 4,962 1 $ 30.541 $ 31.14 1.$ 34.161 $ 56.27 Motor Grader ~ GRADE ~ 32.00 IRoad Maint. Specialist III I 2271 5,179 ~ S 31.83 $ 32.43 $ 35.61 $ 58.69 Backhoe ~ ~ I BACKH 1 1$ 21.00 I Road Maint. Specialist IV ~ 2281 5,407 ~ $ 33.18 $ 33.78 37.13 1 $ 61.22 Asphalt Paver I PAVER 1 1 $ 50.00 Wheel Loader I LOADE 1 1$ 26.00 Sweeper I SWEEP 1 1$ 40.00 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISION MoNTHLY HOURLY EVENING• SOT 2 X Broom I BROOM I($ 50.00 . TITLE I CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Sander I SANDE I IS 64.50 Road Maint. Foreman I 1 2208 6,559 1 $ 40.04 ~ n/a ~ S 30.22 $ 59.44 Roller IRoad Maint_IUtility Inspector 1 2208 1 $ 6,559 $ 40.04 n/a I I ROLLS ~ 50.00 ~ ~ 1 $ 30.22 1 $ 59.44 Truck & Plow ~ PLOW S 43.00 Road Maint. Supervisor II ~ 2210 7,619 1 $ 46.35 ~ n/a ~S 34.94 68.88 Truck & Pup ~ TCL8D Road Maint. Superintendent ~ 2222 8,007 $ 48.66 n/a $ 43.00 ~ ~ 36.68 ~ nla Vactor ~ TCL8V ~ 60.00 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT MONTHLY HouRLY EVENING SOT 2 X TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (fl Training Foreman ~ 2211 6,894 $ 42.04 1 nla 1$ 31.72 1 n/a Material Resource Manager ~ 2219 6,894 42.04 ~ nla $ 31.72 ~ n/a Enviromental & Spec. Proj. Mgr. ( 2128 8,009 48.67 ~ nla $ 36.68 ~ n!a Operations Manager j 2309 $ 7,069 43.08 ~ nla 32.49 ~ nla Administrative Specialist II ~ 1012 $ 4,333 26.79 ~ n/a 23.96 ~ n/a (a) "I'he "Morithly Rate" is the Ioaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at an average step plaaement, including benefits and L&I expenses. (b) Tho "Evening Rate" is the hourly IaUor charge for thasa workers assigned to evening sliifts (swing & graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X rate is the overtime Ioadetl labor charge per hour v:orked over normal working hours: ' (d) The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked for warking recognized holidays. (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenaiice tvorkers. (fl The straight overtime rate is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allowed for maintenance workers. Updated Note 1: Call-oul afier riormal working hours is charged a minimLim 4 Iiours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for hAaintenance Workers onfy. 12/22/05 .Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract. Note 3: Spokane County reserves the right to utilize any qualified worker for the City of Spokane Valley contracted tivork. . Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT 4 SPOKANE COUNTY SIGN & SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 2007 Standard Labor and Equipment Rates MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 x 2.5 x EQUIPMENT CHARGES HOURLY TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) TYPE ~ CLASS RATE X-tra Heip (5 month position) ~ 2231X $ 1,848 12.00 1 n/a $ 17.61 1$ 28.68 1.5 Ton Truck ~ TCL4M ~ 12.00 Traffic Signal Technician 2 2311 $ 6,1461 $ 37.59 1 n/a $ 42.08 1 $ 69.46 Bucket Truck ~ TCL3B ~ 7.50 Traffic Signal Technician 3 2312 6,792 $ 41.43 ~ n/a $ 46.39 1$ 76.65 Class 4 Truck ~ TCLS4 ~ $ 12.00 Chief Traffic Signal Technician + 2313 IS 7,320 $ 44.57 ~ n/a 49.92 $ 82.53 Heavy Use Truck ~ TCL6L ~ $ 7.50 Traffic Sign Technician 1 ~ 2242 ~ $ 4,555 1 $ 28.11 ~ nla ~ $ 31,44 51.73 112 Ton Truck ~ PU1/2 ~ $ 6.00 Traffic Sign Technician 2 ~ 2265 ~ $ 5,161 1 $ 31.72 ~ n/a ~ S 35.49 $ 58.48 Compact 4x4 ~ P4x4C $ 4.30 Traffic Sign Technician 3 ~ 2274 I-S 5,562 1 $ 34.11 1 n/a 1 $ 38.17 $ 62.95 Mini Van I VANMC $ 4.00 Traffic Sign Technician 4 I 2287 1 $ 5,9951 $ 36.68 1 n/a I S 41.06 $ 67.77 Midsize-Sedan I CARMD ~ 3.25 Chief Traffic Signal Technician- ~ 2283 ~S 7,140 1 $ 43.50 ~ n/a ~S 48.71 1 $ 80.52 Striper Truck I PTRKC 44.75 ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SoT 2 X TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE R.ATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Engineer 3 ~ 2335 1 $ 8,4191 S 51.11 1 n/a 1 $ 34.881 n/a (a) The "Monfhly,l2ate" is the loaded labor rate per month for the class of employee at an average step placement, including bene6ts and L&I expenses. (b) The "Evening Rate" is the hourty labor charge for those workers assigned to evening shifts (svring & graveyard). (c) The 1.5 X rate is the avertime labor charge per hour worked over normal vrorking hours. (d) The 2.5 X rate is the overtime labor charge per hour worked far working recognized holidays. (e) Supervisors and Foremen are paid Straight Overtime (SOT) not the 1.5 X rate of the maintenance workers. . (fl The straight overtime raie is also applied to recognized holiday pay resulting in 2 X not 2.5 X allowed for maintenance workers. Note 1: Call-ouf after normal wrorking hours is charged a rninimum 4 hours straight time, or at the 1.5x overtime rate for Maintenance Workers oiily. Note 2: All rates are based on the most current labor contract. Note 3: Spokane County reserves the right to utilize any qualified vrorker for the City of Spokane Valley contracted work. Updated 12122l05 • ;'age 2 of 2 EXHIBIT 5 - ADMINISTRATION PERCENTAGE CALCULATION SHEET • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUDGET EXPENDITURES AGENCY ORGANIZATION 4000000 ' 2003 2005 2005 ACCOUNT TITLE BUDGET ADOPTED YTD Actual 50800 Beginning Fund Balance $ 7,615,000 $ 18,188,207 $ - 51999 Reinbursable $ 1,330,000 $ 2,344,416 $ 2,4023226 Administration 54310 Management $ 113,000 $ 426,200 $ 121,889 54320 Undist Fringe $ 495,000 $ 1,000,600 $ 1,589,256 54330 General Services $ 1,070,000 2,439,832 $ 2,430,995 54340 Planning $ 400,000 $ 652,600 g 626,198 54350 Facilities $ 125,000 $ 236,200 $ 238,277 54360 Training $ 140,000 $ 311,960 $ 282,348 54370 Undist Indirect Labor Cost $ 960,000 $ 1,783,600 $ (169,418) Total Administration $ 3,303,000 $ 6,850,992 S 5,119,545 r1 Miscellaneous • 59119 Principal Gen Govt S 187,500 $ 187,500 59200 Interest $ 300 $ 119 59443• Capital-Equipment $ 53,258 $ - $ - Total Miscellaneous $ 53,258 $ 187,800 $ 187,619 59700 Operatinq Transfers Cost Allocation $ 1,197,167 Public Works Admin $ 325,000 Permit Center Bonds $ 249,663 Sewer Construction $ 985,000 Ev2rgreen Interchange s 171.685 $ - ~ - Total Operating Transfers a 2,928,515 $ 4,471,178 $ 2,060,280 Maintenance _ 54230 Raadvray $ 4,983,600 $ 7,767,100 $ 7,632,039 54240 Storm Drainage $ 676,800 $ 711,100 $ 813,009 54250 Structures $ 66,000 $ 99,800 $ 153,665 54261 Sidewalks $ 6,000 $ 21,900 $ 23,955 54263 Street Lighting S 229,200 $ 130,100 S 109,676 54264 Traffic Control Devices $ 901,200 $ 1,279,000 $ 1,296,449 54266 Snow&:Ice Removal $ 2,419,200 $ 3,333,100 $ 1,917,372 54267 StreetCleaning $ 730,800 $ 761,000 $ 798,709 54270 Roadside Development $ 781,200 S 1,092,700 $ 1,259,845 54290 Maint_ Administration $ 1,205,000 S 1,032,100 $ 1,053,781 Total Maintenance . $ 12,000,000 $ 16,227,900 $ 15,058,500 2003 2005 2005 ACCOUNT TITLE BUDGET ADOPTED YTD Actual _ Construction - 59510 Engineering $ 792,100 $ 760,500 $ 269,262 59511 Value Engineering $ - $ - $ ' 59515 Construction Engineering $ 558,100 $ 377,200 $ 241,899 59520 Right of Way $ 430,200 $ 288,000 $ 60,106 59530 Roadway $ 3,353,800 $ 2,852,500 $ 1,809,908 59540 Storm Drainage $ 377,500 $ 306,700 S 187,908 59550 Structures $ 839,000 $ - S 48,371 59561 Sidewalks $ 157,800 $ 90,000. $ 49,869 59563 Street Lighting $ 8,500 . $ - $ - 59564 Traffic Control Devices $ 455,800 $ 362,000 $ 124,811 59565 Parking Facilities $ 14,200 $ - $ - 59570 RQadside Development $ 70,400 $ 15,000 $ 35,687 59590 Construction Administration $ 52,600 $ 137,300 $ 62,739 Total Construction $ 7,110,000 $ 5,189,200 $ 2,890,560 \gency Org 4000000 Subtotal $ 34,339,773 $ 53,459,693 $ 27,718,730 igency Org 4200000 Engineer Grants 5000 Unclassified $ 7,308,000 $ 7,011,000 $ 6,567,203 lgency Orc . 4210000 State Grants $ 3,176,000 $ 5,977,000 $ 4,937,805~. 5000 Unclassified Total Expenditures $ 44,823,773 $ 66,447,693 $ 39,223,738 ORIGINAL PERCENTAGE CALCULATION Administration $ 3,303,000 $ 6,850,992 $ 5,119,545 Miscellaneous $ 53,258 $ 187,800 $ 187,619 Operating Transfers $ 2,928,515 $ 4,471,178 $ 2,060,280 TOTAL ADMINSTRATION $ 6,284,773 $ 11,509,970 $ 7,367,444 Total minus Grants $ 34,339,773 $ 53,459,693 $ 27,718,730 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 34,339,773 $ 53,459,693 $ .27,718,730 CALCULATION (Oripinal Version) Administration/Expenditures 18% 22% 27% ALTERNATE CALCULATION _ Total Road Fund Budget Expenditures $ 66,549,017 $ 39,375,775 ~ . Total AdminstrationlBudget Expenditures 17% ~9%•-.-~ ~ \ r / \1 I i - - EXHIBIT 6~,~ _ PRIORITIES ON SNOW PLOWING CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SNOWPLOWING NUMBER OF DEICERS GRADERS TRUCK TRUCK TRUCKS HOURS TO PRIORITIES EMPLOYEES PLOWS SANDERS Plows/Sanders COMPLETE COMMENTS 1. Main Arterials 14 2 7 2 3 12 Sanders team up with 2. Secondary Arterials 8 2 2 2 2 12 truck plows. 3. Willside Resicfentials 12 2 8 2 2 16 4. Valley Floor Residentials 15 9 4 2 60 EYHIBIT 7 BILLING DOCUMEN IA'l'IOiv The followin~ items are provided tl~rou~iout the billing cycle to thc City b}~ the County ta aici in auditing the montlily biU for serviees. 1. Copies of enipldyee time cards. 2. Current County costs of inventoried items. 3. Current costs for cantractecl materials. 4. Current rcntal cha.rges for fleet vehicles. 5. Summary Reports of Labor and Equipment. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new businESS ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admiri. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.20 BACK.GttO UND : As you are aware, effective I 2-31-05, Jeff Fiman's Lodging Tax Aclvisory Committee terin cxpirecl. `llie vacancy availabili[y wiis announced iq t:he general public via several notices in the Valley h'ews I-Ierald, a notice in the Spokesman Review, aund notice on our website. Tncumbent Jeff Fiman was alsa notified of the vacancy. , "1'he notice oF committee vacancy was post:ed with a deadline of January 31, 2006 for application re.ceipl. Applications were receivcd f.rom Brendan Genther of Holiday Inn, and Jeff Pirnan, Quality Inn Valley Suitcs, along with a recommendation leller (e-mail) for Jeff Fiman from the Spokane I-[otel . vfotel Associatian; and thaC informatinn wa.s disd•ibuted to Couneilmembers January 31, 2006. Appointments are for one and two-years. OPTIONS: ' 1. Approve the Mayor's Nomination 2. Choose not to approve 3. Take other action deemed appropriate by council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the ~Vlayor's nominalion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: - STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS None ' . , , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Weed and Seed GOVERNING LEGISLATION: BACKGIZUIJND: The Weed and Seecl Committee has requested Council represenfation on their commitlce.. Councilmetnber Gothmann has requested that he be eansictered for this appointment. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the Mayor's Nomination . 2. Cho,ose not to approve - 3. Take other action deemed appropriate by council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the Mayor's nomination of Councilmember Bill Gothrnann tn tfie Weed and Seecl Comrnict•ee. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS None ~ . . Edgec lf f Wecc anc Red Mayor Diana Willutc February 8, 2006 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. SPokane Valley, `VA 99206. - Dear Diana: We of Edgecliff Weeci and Seed are expanding our Stecring Coninuttee and would be honored to havc yAU or a representative from the Spokanc Valley City Couneil as an aclive par-ticipant. Included is certain inl"ormation you have requested: 1. A copy of otir By laNvs. . ; 2.The responsibilities of the Steering Commitree MembEr inclucle attendaiice at mectings anci special events, participaticm i.n pro;rams as cime and 'uiterest allaw, advice and guidance in the 1•'ullfilinent of our gaals a,nd objectyve5. A. representative c;an atteud in the absense of Steerinb Mcmber. 3. Oiu manthly mcctings are held on the third Thursday, 3:00 pm at the Greatzr Spoktuic Substance Abuse Cnuncil (GSSAC) off:ice located at 8104 F. SpragueAve. 4. Wc have ne set lenbth ot ternl for. Steerinp- Mernbers. Wc hapt; to introduce a representative of the City of Spdkane Valley as a valued Member to oiir Edgecliff Weed and Seed Steering Comnuttee on the February- 16, 2006 meEting. Sineer.ely, ~ 7`03 Becky Boyuieton, GU-Chairperson Telephone N76. 535-7544 ' ; . BB/rs . wFi~`r~ ~p E"D 52.2 S. Thierman Rd. Spokane Ualley,, WA 9921, 2 (509) 220=6365 _ RECElVED BY MAII NOV 2 2 2005 U.S. arroRrvEY BYLAWS . sIIE, wa .r.pGM:LIFF SCOPE tiVEED & SEED PROJECT STEER,I.NG CONIlVIITT:C:C A12TICLF I - NAME ANl) YURPOSE Section 1. Nane. Thc nane of the or.ganization shall be the Edgecli.f.#' SCOPE (Sheriff's Com.munity Oriented Policing EFfort) Weed 3c Seed Project Steering Corrunittee ("Steering Comuittee"). ' Section 2. Puiroose. Tlle Steering Cominittee is the governing board for the Edgecliff SCOPE Weeci & Seecl project. The Steering Comrnittee assists EdgeclifFSCOPE and the Uiuted States Attorncy, Easteru District of Washi.ngton in the implcmentation of the E.dgeclif[' Wecd & Seed Froj ect. ' The Sreering Committee is responsible for the final decision regarding policies, activityes, prograins, and implemenEation. of lhe Edgecliff Weed & Seed hnplementation Plau and. Strategies. ' ARTICLE LC- EiOUNUA.RiE5 The Edgeclif.f SCOPE Steering Committee's goveraing responsibilities are bounded by the Edgeclif.£SCOPE, Spokane County, Washington areas. AEZX):CT.F iII - RESPONSIBIIlITIE, S Section l. Under the sponsorship of ttie United States Attorney for the Eastern District of 'Washington, the Stccring Committee shall assist and consider any rccoinulen.dations received froni the Weed Committec and Seed CAmmittee as tivell as itny other committees that may be cstablished by the Steering Committee. " Section 2. Spokale County Sheriff s Office shall bc responsible f.or tlie adminisiration of the Weed and Seed Progxam Grant anci any other grant funcls that suppnrt the Program. . Section 3. VVhen thcse By-.C.aws con.f.lict witll local, county, state auci/or federal law regulal'inns, the applicable local, county, state andlor fecieral law shall prevail. - ARTICLE IV - vlEiVMERSEi7.k' Section 1. Membcrs. The SteEruig Comuaittee shall consist of a miniuiuni of 10 anci a inaxiuium of 15 menibers. Section 2. Renreseniation. The Steering Comuuttee nlembership shall iuclude, but not , be limited to, thc following: . F-dgeeliffSCOPE Weed & Seed 13y-Laws-IU/19/OS Page l of5 . • Uiutcd States Altorney for ttie Eastern District of tiVashington (or ehe U.S. - Attorney's designee) • Representahves of the Edgecli.ffcommunity a.C 1arge representuig: D Social service agencies Ci Faith-based groups . * Housuig organizal'ians ❑ Schools Qi Teuant or block asSOCialions * Non-profit community ba.setl organizations active wittun the Ec1geclifE' SCOPE Weed & Seed Project boundaries D' Busincsses - • City of Spokane Valley • Spokane County T.aw En forcement • F.dgecliff SCOPE F'resident • SCOPE Program Manager ~ Pratt School Principal • Spokane County Prosecutor A. Aunointment. IVlembcrs representing various com.munity orgauizations, groups and broad interests within the Edgecli.f.f SCOPE Weed & Sced Project boundaries shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee subject to Steering Coinuuttee vote of approva] and acceptlble baekground chcck. . B. hiterest in vferi-ibershiD. Any pcrson interested in beconung a Couimittee member is encourageti to subiiut lus/licr naine, rePerence ijif,orniaCion, and proposed area of . representation of the Steeting Conuuittec. - C. Terni. The terms of inembers shall be for a period of thrcc (3) yca,rs, espiring dn Septeuiber 30 of the expiration year. Menibers may scrve consecutive terms. D. Attendance. Meeting atlendance shall be in accordance with the State of Wasbington's . Open Public Meeti.ngs Act. . E. . Ex-Officia :M'ember. The chair, with approval of t}ie Stecring Committee rnay appoint . non-voling ex-officio members to the commictee. = F. Othcr Interested ]?ez-sons. All resiclents of the Edgecliff com.nlunity anci other persons and orgw-uzations wtlo have an interesl in Steering couunittce acrivities are encaurageci • to atteiid rEgular meeiings. . - ' G. Vacancies. "Upon the death, resignation or removal pf any member, a successor may be appointed by the Stcering Conunittee to serve the remainder of the unexpi.reci remi. Edgecliff SCOPE «eecj & Seed By=Laws-10l19/05 ' Page 2 of 5 H. Vieetiniz Attendauce. A.ny member of the Edgceliff SCOPE Weed and Seed Froject . Steering Committee who nusses three (3) consecutive rneetings, upon a majority vote of the Steering Com.mittee; may be removed. 1. Proxics. The Agcncy mcmbers may desigi-iale proxies to represerit them in their absence. ARTICIsE V - IMEETII\TGS . Seclyon 1. Meetines. The Steering Comriuttee shall meet at least four (4) times pcr year, or more as determined by the Comm.ittee. The*Chair or any tlirec (3) members may call special meetings as deemed necessary. MEmbers shall be notified of special meetings fvc (S) calendar days prior fo the special meeting. Meetings shall be conducted under the cunent eclition of Robert's Rules of prder (Ftevised). All meEtings shall be subject to Washington State's Open .R'uUlic av[eetings Act. Sectio». 2. Minufe.s. The Steering Committee shall keep complete uunutes of its meetings. Recorcis are apen far publie inspection pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act. ARTICLE Vl - VOTLXG Section J. A.ction. A.clion on matters shall be by majority vote of the Sleering ' Comnuttee. A.ny tnembers of tlie Steering Committee may call for a vote on any iuattier. A11 menibers, including the Chau• may vote- on a11 matters except where disqualified by state law (such as conflict of interESt). Section 2. Cauorum. A quorum shall cansisl of f ve (5) or more member.s. The Chair is included as one of the five (5) counting towards a quorum. A quorum must be present to conduct Steering Committee business. AEtTICLE VIl - O FFxCF,RS A.NIa nUT.TES Secrion '1. Officers, The officers are t.ie C.hai.r, Vice-Chair, and Secretiuy. Section 2. Ch.air. The C2iair sliall be selected at the first meeting annually by tlie. Steeruig Coinmittee. The Chai.r may serve consecutive terms. The Chair shall preside at al( • Steeruig Committee meecings, prepare ihe agencia foi each meeting, and,appoint and remove members to the Steeri.ng Couunittee with the approval of a majorily oFthe Steering Committee. . . Section 3. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall bc thc United States Attoiney for tlie Eastern Disti-ict of Washuigton (or the U.S. Attoniey's ttesignee). The Vice-Chair shall asstune • tlle duties and responsibilities of the Chair in h.is or her absence and assist tie Steeiing Comniitfee with its reladonship to thc Executive Office for Weed & Seed and olher .federal agencies. Edgecliff SCOFE Weed & Seed T3y-Laws-i 0119105 Page 3 of 5 S cction 4, Secretarv. The 8 ecretaty ~ha] l he seler.ted at the first lio effti,ng annually by the - . Steering Co=ittee. The S ccrctary shal) recor.d tlxe minules and maintain recvi-& o.f, the . , : Steeriug Cornriiiltee, The ~Ccrctary may be aS teerinz Canln.ul'tee rneinber with avoke, oz a non- - uieiuberlstaff pcrson v6 thout a vote, AR`X'JC'X..]i; 'V.I-Xf. - E_.~CUTiVL C(?N&T['i`TEE, I ~ S ectio]-~ 1.. Fxecut7 ve Comn3ittee Estabtished, 'Z'.he, S teering Caituriittee i-aay establisb an . Ex(-'cutiv~e committee to o versee Tegutar pro grams of the Ed;ecliff $COPL ~~,1eed 8c Seed .Pi-oject ta relicve, tiie S teeriug ~owi.nittee of excessive numbers ofm.eeCi.n;s to dea1 with nvnar and . , rou#irie matters, or emergencies. Section 2. Executive Conimittec Nlembersbi.l), The.Executive Cominiktee sl,al] consist of at least the followuig; . , . * Weed Commit#ce Chair • • Seed ~omno~ttee Ch.ail . ~ Steering Cormnittee Chair . +SCOPE Prograrti iVlanager ar Spokane Co:unty Fi scal Agerit A. Sl'eexing C oinimittee nycrnber #o be iiamed by the Committee . • Unitc~d Sta.tes Attoniey or designee . . • Weed & Seed secretary {if o#henvise ealzi.lled to vote) . ARTTC:~E IX - WEEL1 & SEED CONliMI(TTFFS S ectio.n 1, Vwleed& S eed Cornrnittees r3stablisheri_ A FYeed Corn ni Uiee an.d a.Seed CoMMixtee are ]iem~hy esiahlished. Their puipese slia.ll be tv Facilitate, the unplemeni-ation af the_ . faur (4) Weed & Seed S lrategies (I.aw Enforcement; Coi-n murutyPolicuig; }?reven tian, . Int~a-vei7don, & D-ealn,eii t, and Neighborhoad hevita.li.zation)_ A. A priia-tar.y .focw of the FYeecl Committee shall be the Law Enforcernent atld Col-nmunity . Policing strategies, It is noted. that Camrnunity Policing is a broad stTategy f]Zai' overlaps a-nd is coordinated with the Seed Cominittee. The pnrnary focus af the 5'eed Comiriittee shall be the Prevendoj-~, 7ntervention & Treatrnent, and thc ncighborhood Ravilali~-,ation sirategies. S ection 2, Ad FIoc C orunittees_ 't"he Weed Comrnittee and t1i e Seed Cornmittee inay , oreau, ad hoc committees wit1x the abjective of facusing on ackivkties wilhin the four (4) . Edgecliff SCOPE Weed & Seed strategies. , . ~M`TC:LEi X - ~OLIC ITATYO N , . _ Section 1, SoliritaEi.om 7'liere sha11 be no salicitiug oEcontributions by aay rnember af . tlie St.eering Commi.ttee (fiinds, goods ar services) withaut prior apprbva.Z. Contributions slia.ll be , accotinted for in accardaiice with federa], state aud loca1 law, . . . - ~ i . Ed6ccliFf SCOPE Weed 8c Seed By-~aws-10l19l0.5 Page 4 of5 . I ARTICLE ,.Y~. - $YYLAWS AL1OPTION AND AME.1~TMATFNT S ection 1, Montian and Ainendment. Ad optian of these By-Laws, ar amendments b.erelo, zequires a majority vote by not 1e-ss than five (5) of the members in a#tendancc at a regular meeting ofthc 8 tee;;ii g Conkmiitee, provided that a copy o.fthe proposexl arn mdmenbi, have becn mailed by i'Yrst class maa_l at .least sfweu (7) ca f.e.adaC day5 bi~,fOre Lhe meeblag, Oii.Ce adopted, #be.By-Laws, and amendments thereto sl7all be submitted ta tlii-, Fxecutive off'ice foi- Weed and Seed (E0WS) for approval. These By-Y.aws ar amendments herc#o sha] l be deemed ~ aPProved 30 days aRer subinittal ta EO'WS, or upon 1ater notic e froni EOWS. If nat approved, the S teeruig C ommittee siiall consider appropriate mvj sions. Section 2. Amendmencs. Any Steering Committee rnember may propose an arnendment to these f3y-Laws at an} regLLlar n,eetin g f.or consideration as provaded in Article-XT, S ecti.oTL I_ Seciaon 3, Fiscal Year. The fpcal (operating) year v.f the Sleenng Committee shalI he . froni Octob er 1 -through S eptcmbcr 30_ . - BY-LAWS AD(l.PTED . ' . These By-Laws are hereb}r adopted the, day o#' ~ cr dwlcv_~ 2005 by the St~ering Cornrnittee subject to tbe approva of Clae U,S, Attoniey. ' r . BeckyB gton WzlliarnH, 13eatty . - Chair, Steenng Com}?ai.tte=- lyirst Assistant 'lJ.S, AttorJ, vice-Chair 5~Ni.ff.7"TED V0R Ff-NAL RE VLEW - These By-Laws were subinitted to the Executive Office €or ~Need S eed an the d~.yof ~~cer„!~-a~ _2005, VICKiE? MII.,LS; Secretary . . A(, , 2005, ' ' APPi-oved tlus aaday of Y-IJO' ?-ed-State,~ DEV1TT~ lttor~ a.ey t of Washittgton - ~ Edgeclitf SCO.L'F Wead & 5aed By-Laws-10l19I05 Page 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Itern: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information x admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2006 Levy (nformation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: 'I'he District is asking far voter approval of a three-year levy that will provide funding to meet the increase in demand for services and to continue to do everything possible toward improving response times. At the Board of Fire Commissioner's meeting on January 23, the Commissioners approved a resolution to hold a special electian an March 14, 2006. Information will be presented to provide infarmation for the March 14, 2006 Levy vote. See altachments for additional information. OPTt4NS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Thompson, Fire Chief Spokane Valley Fire Department ATTACHMENTS 1. PowerPoint Presentation 2006 LEVY INFORMATION PRESEN'TED BY: SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DEPAR'TMENT i •v:?CS~e~: ~ . i s - r_ 1A . Goals for 2003 Levy ■ Gvals > Imprme Scrvice Levels > Reduce Responae Timcs ■ Proceas to Achieve Goals > Persoand Fiircd aad Tramcd > Opeaed Fire Ststion 8 at 1120 N. Wilbur y Opeacd Medic Sntion 9 ac 11514 E. 16" s Opened Medic Station 10 at 17217 E. SprAgue 1 2003 Levy_ ■ The kvy ratea for the pcevious voter approved special kvy was projtcted to be $1.82 for 2004, $1.82 for 2005, and $1.83 for 2006. ■ Because the assesacd valuation increased more chan originally projected, the levy nttes tumed out to be 14wer. ■ Actaal levy rates were SL80 for 2004, E1.77 for 2005, and $1.57 for 2006. Achievements ■ Servi« levels were improved bY n°aldug more unita available for t6e next emergency call. • Responee times were reduccd on evch emergeacy caIl by a minimum of 15 ecconda. Present Financial Isaues ■ The Fire DisuicPe ctglilar levy from property mxes is resaicced by one percent gtowth per yrar plus new construction. ■ Our new consmiction has beea approximately w additional $100,000 in new cevenue per yeu. ■ T6e oae petceat increase in the regular levy plus thc new construction has not kept up with inflation or the demaad for setvices. 2 Calla for Service • Ia 2005, oar mtal calls for service were 9165. ■ Total calla for service 6ave incrcaeed by 7.4% over 2004. ■ The number of caIls for service has ateadily increaeed ovcr thc Last 6ve ycars. . ' ~ w * ~y' ✓ r . _ _ 1f W `W fd 1~ . Iacreasing Demand for Senrice "DrivinP" Factors • We project our demand for secvices wiU continue co grow due to scveral factocs: >Coatinued growth in the district >Aging of the genenl population ➢Incceasc in the number of citizens without health insurance 3 Itcnlacement Alaiutenance and nneration LeNy ■ With th.e shortfall nf funding from the regular levy and tlie incrcase in . demand for secvices, the Disuict will request fiincliri,; tlicough a voter approved replacemcut maintenance and operation leNy. Fiature Goals ■ Goals >Improve response timcs to cmcrgencies . ~ >Respond to increasing demand for services > hlinimizc nurnhers of .►ppataRis responding to emergcncy medical calls Plan to Accomplish Goals ■ 2007 : [lite (9) adclilit)nal fircfighters > I.casc/Purchasc (2) replnccment cu{ines > f.ease/piirchasc (1) repbeernen[ 75' pumper laddcr i Lc3se/purch.-ise (2) mini-puinpers > Paruhacg rCPlaccment prutectivc clothing Eor FF'b > Purchase rcplacemrnt sraff vchick. • 4 % Plan to Accomplish Goals ■ 2008 a Cuntinuing eostb for (9) adClitiOrial fir0FiglaterS a Upgrade brrutt►iug sipparatus to ineet nationsJ • standards > 1'urchase rcplnccmcnt staff cchidcs ■ 2009 > Continuing cost for (9) adiiitionu( fucfightccw > I.ea.4c/pi.uchase (1) tiew enginc > Purchase teplacement stuff vehicles ' 2006 LCVy . ■ Projectecl levy rates were based on a conservative 3% gro,.vth per }'esr in assesseci , valu3tion. Approximate Le,,y Rate Per $1000 " Collection Ycat Acecased Valuc i-cc,v Amnun; 2007 $1.70 $11,757,026 2008 $1.76 $12,522,2Z6 2009 $1.53 $13,393,565 2006 Levy - ■ Rate chwge froin $1.57 in 2006 to $1.70 in 2007 is a 13 ccnt incrcasc. ■ Tbis would equs►1$13 per $100,000 in , assessed valuation. ■ The scerage home price ui Spolcane County of $170,000 would pay w additiong $22.10 per }'ear. - 5 1 FOOll FOlZ THOU'GHT ■ 1ilost people rvill be paying mare for an iractease in tlaeir tElevision cable scrvices this yeat than what they cvrl/ realize from the incrcase in the levy amount. . • 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 28, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business public hearing ❑ information X admin, report ❑ pending legisla#ion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Bus benches in City Rights-of-Way GOVERPJING LEGISLATION: SVMC 10.07.09 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: When the City Council adopted the new sign provisions of the Code, the issue was raised regarding advertising in the rights-of-way in the form of bus benches. Several questions were asked of staff to answer, and staff was requested to come back ovith a proposal on how to treat bus benches and the advertising on them. This discussion will attempt to do so. By way of background, the bus benches currently existing are all owned by Sunset Outdoor Advertising, and Spokane Transit Authority is not involved in their placement or upkeep. They are uniform in size, with the backrest (advertising area) being two feet high by six feet wide. The existing benches were not placed pursuant to an agreement with us or Spokane County, but I am not a+,vare of any objection made when they were placed. The benches result in a public benefit in that they provide transit. users a place to sit while waiting. The benches would not otherwise be placed and available. The questions/materials Council asked about the existing benches are as follows, followed by the response I received from Tom Townsend of Sunset Outdoor: 1. Please list all benches currently in the City of Spokane Valley ROW - A list was provided, vwhich is attached for your review as Attachment 1. It includes the name of the client and location. 2. Provide all maintenance logs for the benches listed in number 1, including citizen complaints - Mr. Townsend advised that they do not keep a log of such information, but will do so in the future pursuant to an agreement with the City. . 3. A copy of the contract Sunset haslhad with Spokane County for placement of such benches in the unincorporated portion of Spokane County from 2000 forward - Mr. Totivnsend advised me that there is no such agreement. He did provide a copy of the agreement Sunset Outdoor has with the Cify of Spokane. There, Sunset had also placed benches without having a contract in place, and fhose parties agreed to a resolution that partially addressed the placement wifhout permission in Spokane's ROW. I will address this more later during a discussion of options. , 4. An accounting of all funds paid to Spokane Valley or any otherjurisdiction for the . placement of bus benches in the ROW owned by Spokane Valley since March 31, 2003 - Mr. Townsend advised that they have not been paying any jurisdiction for placement of the benches located in SpQkane Valley. Staff undersfood from Council that there is a general consensus to keep the bus benches, and if we are going to do so, what do we need to do. Included with this RCA is a proposed revision to - the City's sign provisions, inciuded as Attachment 2. First, please note the re-numbering that occurred resulting from an inadvertent use of the same number for several sections. Second, Section includes a new definition for °bus benches/structure.° Lastly, Section identifies that bus benches placed pursuant to an agreement with the City is an exception to the prohibition to signs (other than signs that belong in the ROW, like street signs) in the ROW. Staff has also drafted a proposed agreement that any company wanting to place bus benches in the ROW must sign, which is Attachment 3. After drafting it, I reviewed it with Mr. Townsend for his thoughts and comments. We made some minor revisions, and he stated he thinks it is fine now. Please note the yearly amount payable to the City for each bench, $40. Some policy considerations for the Council to consider include: - Does the City want to seek more or less than $40? - Do you want each contract to be for longer than one year, with an automatic rollover - Does the City want to seek some form of compensation for the benches being in the ROW for three years without payment? Here are some options - Do you want increased money for the first year or two? Spokane received $100 for the first two years as a°catch up" mechanism; - Include a requirement for higher quality benches than wood; ' - Include requirements for garbage cans that must be emptied regularly or clean up crews visiting each site regularly. OPTIONS: Instn.ict staff to make changes to the agreement and/or the proposed ordinance. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we forward the proposed amended sign code ordinance to the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to the Council. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Depending on what, if anything, the Council chooses to charge on the contract. The proposed agreement is $40 per year. Attachment 1 contains 77 benches listed. If that were to remain constant, the yearly amount would be $3,080. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTAC H M EN TS: Attachment 1- List of current benches and related information; Attachment 2- Proposed amended sign code allowing placement of bus benches in ROW; and Aftachment 3 - Proposed agreement. ~ Cl'1`Y OF SPnKANr VALLEY _ SYOxAN , CO~~, «~t~sxllvGrO~~r ORDINANCE NO. 06 r1N ORnaNANCE QF TH:L C1TY OF SPOKAt\T VaI..T..FY, SPOICA~\`E, COCTi\`TY, WASMNGTON, AMENllliNC: SLC'1'lON 10.07.09 SiGN REGUILAI'IONS Oh THE SPQK,ANF VALLEY MU'N1ClE'A:1' CUl)F, PROVTDING I+OR SEVEI2AC~UX.17Y, AND CFFCCTIVE DA'[ N;. WHL12EAS, che City of Spokane VaUey on June 14, 2005 aclopted Ordinance \'o. 05-016 amending its [nterim Sign Code; ancl W:FII<'.R.F,AS, the City finds that further unendments <ire necessary from time to time to protect the public healt:h, safcty and welfare; and W13L12.EAS, the City finds lhat iC SCrves the public interest to provide a reaulatory mechanism whereby bus benches can be alloweci for transit users; and `VHEREAS, tlie proposed developmenc rcgulations must be submitted to the Washinglon Department of Community `I'rade a.nd Econornic lacveloprnent pursuant to WAC 365-1 95-620; NOW, 1'liETtL+'FORF, ihe Ciry Council of the City of Spolcane Valley, Washington, ordains as follo-vvs: ' Section 1. Scction 10.07.09 of the Spokane Valley Mtmicipal Code is hcreby artierided to read as fnllnws: . ~ ~ Section 10.07.09 "Sign l7egulations" Section Purnose, lntent aod Scooe Signage rebulations are intended to promote commerce, traffic safety and eommuniCy iclentity whilc improving the visual errviron►nent of residential, commercial and industrial areas. Signs are classified as off- nrerniscs signs or nn-premises signs. On-premises signs mtiy be aCCached (wall) signs or free-standing signs. Sigms may be classitied as permanent or temporary. Sectioii Definitions • Abanduned -;i sign that advertises a product nr service no longer available or a business no longer in ' operation; a sign wfiich is illegible, non Cunctiocial, in disrcpair, or hazardous as a result of lack of maintenance; a nonconfornting sign structure that hAS lost legal stahis as a result of abandontnenl or Iack of use. , • Billboard: t1 structure for the puepose of leasing advertising space tn promoee an in[erest othcr chan that of an individual, business, product or service avaitiible on lhe prcmises on wliich the billboard is Iocated. • Buildiug Sign: An extension of a building (e.g. awnini, canopy, marquee), whether permanent or tempbriiry, which contaicis copy. • Bulletin Bnard: See Reacler 13oarcl. Bus.T3ench/Structure: a structure nruvidin+_* ternnorarv shelter and!or seatinLy f'or transit patrons. Ordinance 06-0** Am:nding regulatiorns re: bus benchesPage 1 of 10 • Code Enforcement Officer: The authorized respresenCative of the City of Spokanc Valley wiifi responsibility for codc complinnce. - • Copy: letters, characters; illustrations, logos, braphics, symbols, -writing or any combinatinn thereof, . designed to eommunicate inforniation of any kind, or to aclvertise, announce or identify a person, entity, business, business product, or t'o advertise dhe sale, eental or lease oFpremises. • Copy Area: the area of the sign containing any copy, symbol, sign, logo or graphie. . • Di"rection:il Sign: Any sign relatino solely to ir►eernal pedestrian and vehicular trafific circulation within a cornplex or project. • Eleetronie Sign: A sign that can be changed Uy electeical, electronie or computerized process; inclusive of video boards. • k'lashing Siga: M electrical sigil or portiori thereoC whieh changes light intensity in a brief, brilliant, nr sudden anct transienC outburst of light causing a steady on and off, glittering, spark.ling, or oscillating pattern. • Freestanding Sign: F1 permanent sign not attached to or fprming pitrt of Ei building. • rreewa}' Sign - A permanent free-stand'tng on-premises sign or billboard located on a parcel adjacent and contignious to lnterstate t-Iigliway 90. • tnflstable Sign: Any ternpora.ry hollow item or character expanded or enlarged by the use of air or gas, • AZenu Boarcl: A.n on-site display of inenu items at a restaurant; not meant to be viekved from lhe street. ' • iN'lonument Sign: A sign and stapporCing structure constnicted as a solicl scructure or one that gives the appearance of a continuous, non-hollow, unbrolcen mass. • Multi-Business Cnmplex Sign: a sign with aprimary fac.ility name and a list of the inclividual sCOres or businesses mountecl on one structural element. Sueh a sigm type includes signage deseribing a mall arrangement, a strip-center development, an industrial park complex; or a multi-business stnictuee or • compleY of buildings with a unifyinb name and a listing of busittesses confained within the grouping. • AZural: A work of art applie(i clirectl}° to a waU, ceiling, or tloor surface where forms andlor figures are the dominant elements artd not iriCCncled For commercial advertisirig. tlny form of wording or logo shall be pFsecondary nature to a mural. • Name Plate - a sign shnwing only the nvne and address of t:he owner or occupant qf the premises. • Non-conforminb Sign: Any sign which was lawPully erECted and maintainecl on private propert), whic[i now, as a result of code Arnettdments, does not confprni to all applicable regulations and restrictions of this chapter_ •\°otice Sign: A sip intended to safeguard the premises (e.g. "hio Parl;in;", "~TC~ Trespassing", "Watch Dog on l5uty"); or which identifes emergency telephone r►umber, hours; and security information. • Ubsolete Sigci Structure: A sigm support structure-not removed within thirty-six months by the owner nr (essee of die premises upon which the sign is located Nvhen the advertised business is no longer conducted on the premises. Urdinance 06-0if Amencling rcgiilations rc: bus berichesPage 2 qf 10 ; • Ofrieial Sign -a sign erected by a governmenCCtl aoency within its territorial jurisdiction Cor the purpose of carrying out anx official duty or responsibility auChorizEd by the Cil'y Council anci including, buC not limit'ecl to, traffic sigus and signals,-zoning signs, aiid street sigms. Iairectionitl signs; special lighting or banners celebrating seasonal or civic events spdnsored and/or endorsed by the City Cotmcil zire pfficial signs. Off-Prcmise SigTi: a sigm clisplaying copy that pertains ko a business, person, organizati4n, activity, evtnt, place, servicc, or procluct not principally located or primarily manufacturetl or sold on the premises on which the sign is IoLated. • On-Freinise Sign: a sign which advertises or directs altention to 1 business, person, organization, act:ivity, event, place, service, or product whieh is manufact+ared andlor available on the premises where Ilie sign is locatecl. • 13ortuble Sign: A sigan not permaneritly attachecl or affixed ro the ground or othcr pei-inanent struchre, or a sign designed to be transported or moved from place lo place, incluclino, but not lirnited to signs designed to be transported by means of ~vlleels. y • Reader Board: A sign fiie:e consisting oI' t:racks to hold re,adily changeal>le leriers a11owing freyuent changes of copy. • Roof Sign: A sign supported by and erected on or above a r4of. • Sign A.rea - the gross surface area nf the sign, including a single surf3ce of a sigr1 Nvikh messages on both sides, the sum of all surfaces where Cwo or more sigms share a single structure, the orASS surface area of both Caces of a V-st►aped sign; anct the copy area of a monun►ent sign. ln the case of an irregulsrl_y `-J shapecl sign, the sign area is calculated by enclosing the extremE limits of the sign by no more than fiour (rk) rect<tnales. '1'he sum of the area of the rectangles shall be the gross swface area. 'Che maximum , allowable area is reducecl by 10% for the second and each subsequent rectangle usetl in the calculaeion. • Support Structure(s): E'ost's or columns ancl the anchors and bolts thaC structurally suppot-t the sign attache.d to it. • Teniporary Sibn: A sign which is Cc~ be removed wi[hin a specific period of time or upon the occurrence of a specified event meeting the height a.nd area requiremerits of 1"able 7.02; inclusive of inflatables. • •'Chree-Sided Sign: A sian with three faces. • Two-Sided Sigu: A sign with tNvo faees. . • Use(s) - General use categories or specifc uses within cat:eg4ries as follows. o institutional Semi-1'ublic include a churches, publie park, mulriple-farnily dwellinn, donnitory; . fraternity, sorority, nursing home, rel,irement apartment, public building, child day-aare center, family day-care provider, nonprpfit community hall or Iodge, animal clinic, cemetery or sanitariutti. o Instituliorial -Public include a sc:hool (l:indergarten thrqugh university), hospilal, police station, fire station, post off ice or public golf course. • o Office -include a business or profcssional office. ~ o Commerci3l - include permitted commereial uses ocher than home inclustry, home prafession, and those listed above. Qrdinance 05-01' rtrnending regulatinns re: bus benchr.sPage 3 of 10 o lndustrial - include permittecl industrial uses. • Video Bo:ird: See Electronic Sign_ •Wall Are.a - the lwu climensional respresentation of a buildino elevation, including windows and doors, excluding enves. • VV111 Sign - A permanent sign attachecl ar erected parallel to and extending not more than Ffteen (15) ' inches from the fagade or face ofany building to which it is attached and suppor[ed throughout ils entire lengh, with the exposed face of the sign parallel tb the plane of said -vvall or facade. Signs iricorporated into mansard roofs, marquees or canopies are wall signs. ' Section Prohibited Signs The following signs arc prohibitect: 1. Sijns whicti by colaring, shape, wording or location resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or deviccs. 2. Sigms that create a safety hazard fpr pedeslrian or vehicular traffic. 3. rlashing sions. 4. 1'ortable signs 5. _Signs located within the public right-of-way, except offieial signs, and ercept bus be»clies plsecil pursu2nt to an aereement with the CiCY. 6. Sigis attached to or plac•c.d on a vehiele or trailer parked on public or private property, provided that - this provision shall not be constxued as prohibiting the identification of a Firm or its product on a , vehicle operating during t}ie nornaal course of business. 7. Signs obsteuctino visibilily wilhin any Clealview Triangle as established in Section 10.07.06. of t}iis Code. 8. Billboards. 9. Off-premises signs. ~ Section Fermit Repuired. l. A permit is requircd for any sign excluding officia) signs (inclucti.ng traffic and directional signs); - seasnniLl decorations; meechandise disp(ays; pnint-of-purchase advertising displays; natinnal and statc f.lags; flags of a polirical subdivision; symbolie ilags of itn institution; legal notices rcquired by law; barber polcs; historic site; monuments/ plaques; graveslones; advertising copy affixed co structures intenclecl for a separate use, ruch as phone booths; donation and recycling . containers;lettcring or symbols applied directly onto or flush-mounted _ magnetically to a motor vel.tiele operaCing in the normal course o£ business; policical signs supporting political issues, candidates or ballot measures; replacemenC of copy on signs otherwise permitted; 3nd or other signs noted on Tables 7.01 and 7.02. - 2. Perrnit Applications shall include a site plan that provides the following inforniation: a. Tbe location af the affected lot, building(s) and sign(s); . b. The scale of the site plan; • c. A scaled drawing of the propased sign or sign revision, including size, heigt►t, copy, structural footing details, method of attachment ancl illuminatian; . d. The location of all existing signs on the site including size and height; , e. 'I"he Iocation of signs an other property for sigii types subject to spacing requirements; Or<tinencc 116-0°" Amcnding rcgulations re: bus bsnchesFage 4 of 10 f. Approved sign plan, if applicable; and g. Tax parcel number of proposed sign. Section Number, General Regulations 1. On-premises attached (wall) and freestanding signs shall comply with the requirements of Table 7.01 for maximum height, maximum allowable area, maximum number of signs, minimum spacing and setback roquirements, provided however, that on-premises freestanding signage is limited to the maximum number of either pole signs or monument sign structures allowed per 300 feet of street frontage. i.e. if a single pole sign is authorized, no additional monument signage is permitted; similarly, placement of monument style signs will preclude placement of a pole sign. . Tabte'7e91 Nef,ryJ~t. Copy Area and SQacin R~qt~irvmenlg i- T:=•~'t° ` Maximum Minimum -Q r '3 ~ I n T vl R n e- Sf m , g ype m ~ a T Additlonal proviajons Zoning District o d Q rn co E 2 o 0 o aqo 2 Vt U.~ N U) (n : On-Premises - Attached (Wall) ' . : - Namedate ~ 1 4 ~ 5 ~ n/a ~ n1a ~ Na ~ n/a ~ N ~ Institutional -Semi-Pub6ic ~ 1 Na ~ ZO ~ Na ~ n/a ~ n/a ~ n/a ~ N Institutional - PuWic ~ 1 ~ Na ~ 32 ~ Na ~ n/a Na ~ n/a ~ Y ~ 2576 of wall area in UR-22 onN ~le OPfioe (UR 12. UR 22) I 1 I Na ~ 32 ~ Ne ~ Na Na ~ Na ~ Y I Multi-tenant Offioe (UR 12. UR 22) ~ 1" ~►da ~ gp ~ Na ~ n/a ~ n/a ~ Na ~ Y ~'One oer buildina Cammerdal (All Realdendal Zones) II IWa I20 IrVa I Na n/a I Ne I Y I CommerdaUlndustrial 2onea (61, 82, Na ' Na n/a n/a Na Y ' 25% of wall aroa 63, 11, 12, 13)) • . . . ~ Subdivision or Area nane 1' 10 60 n/a n!a Na n/a Y p« a~~el street fi'ontaS~e Industrial Parlc/Area Identiflcatfon ~ 1 ~ 7 ~ 150 ~ Na ~ n1a ~ Na ~ n/a ~ Y ~ Institutional - Semi Public (ReaidenNal 1 6 16 Na n/a n/a Na Y Maximum copy area may be Z.one) w►aeased up to 60 aq. ft. for Insdtudonal-Publlc (ResJdeMfal Zone) ~ 1 ~ 15 ~ 32 ~ nla ~ nla ~ n/a ~ Na ~ Y~ monument signs less than 7 feet in . Offioe/Commercial NR12, UR 221 ~ 1 ~ 15 ~ 32 ~ n!a ~ nls ~ n/a ~ Na ~ Y ~he'ght Directional Signa ~ Na ~ Na ~ 4 ~ Na ~ Na ~ n/a ~ Na ~ N ~ tndlv[duallQl[611:1014 8USf1f~?~1~<Sl~ns) - : . . . . : . Cortxnercial, Individual Busfness (81) 1• 20 50 n/a n!a Na 5 Y ' Per aRerlal street irontaqe per business per building Commercisl, MuRFbualnesa (151) I 1' I 20 I 100 ~ n/a I n/a I Na I 5 Y I• Per arterial atreet frontaqe CommercrciaVindusvial. Indhridual 1. 30 nla 100 200 Na 5 Y * Per straet irontape per buslnesa bualneaa (B2, B3, 11, 12, 13,MZ) per building , CommerciaVlndustrial Mufti-business V. 40 250 n/a Na 300 5 Y Per street frorrtage and per 300 M. B3. 11. 12. 13, MZ) }t. frontage, Froeway CommerciaUlndustriel, Individual/ MutU- Business (132, B3, 11, 12, 1' 50 250 n/a Na 300 5 Y ' Per 300 ft 13, fu1Z) Commercial, Individual Business (B1) I 1' 7 75 n/a n/a ~ nla ~ 5 I Y • Par arterial atreet frontage Commercial, Muaf-busfneas (131) I 2' I 7 I 75 I n/a I n/a I Ne I 5 I Y Commercialllndustrial Zonea, Individual 2• 7 gp Na n/a n/a 5 Y ' Per street frontage business (132, B3, N, 12, 13) Ordinance 06-0*0 Amending regulations re: bus benchesPage 5 of 10 Table 7.01 Hei ht Co Area and S acin Re uirements Maximum Minimum -a N O ~N O LD 7 v Si!n TYPe ViA ~ 0 ~ ~ AddiUonal Provisions Zoning Distrtct m Q a o► Q a► ~ } ~ E d9 o 0 0 0 o c0a ~0 Z 2 U Un`. Uw~. tn tAN a CommerciaUlndustrial Muiti-business 2•• 7 90 nla n;a 300 5 Y Per streetfrontage and per 300 (82, B3, 11, 12, 13) ft fronta9e On Premises Freestandin - Aesthetic Corridors OfFice (UR12, UR 22) 32 n!a nla nla 5 Y Individual 8 IVAuIU Is Busine.sses - Aesthetic Corridors Commercial (B1) 1 8 75 n/a nla nla 5 Y Commeraal,~lndustrial (82. 83, 11, 12, 13) 2" 8 90 n/a nla 500 5 ~ Per streetfrorttage and per 500 Y it frontage 2. Temporary signs shall comply with the requinnents of Table 7.02 for maximum height, maximum allowable area, maximum number of signs, minimum spacing and setback requirements and limitations relating to time and evcnts. Table 7.02 Temporary Signs - Maxlmum V Sign Type m T~ } c"i « m Additional ~ Zoning District ~ o2^ Time Limit o~ Provisions z c~Q~ ~icii a°~ , Residential Subdivision 1 10 40 1 Year Y I Non-illuminated Banners, flags, pennants, 30 inflatables n/a nla days/quaRar 10 Y One renewal Searohlights n/a I n/a I 10 days I 5 Y I Contractor, Arohited, Surveyor, Enplneer 1 40 12 months 5 Y Ono oxtension Real Estate R@Siden;ial I 1' I 5 I I 5 I N 'Per road frontage CommeraaVlndustrial I 1 I I 32 I I 5 I N Open House Direational I 1• I 3 I 5 I I 5 I N I• Per access street i , All illuminated signs shall have lighting confined to the sign, and positioned and shielded to minimize impacts to the surrounding area(s). Gooseneck reflectors and lights are permitted on Frcestanding and Wall Signs provided that lighting or glare does not extend beyond the property line. rlectronic signs shall be permitted on the same basis as other signs, subject to height and area reyuirernents of Table 7.01. 3. A roof mounted sign may be substituted for an allowed freestanding sign, provided that the height of the sign structure may not exceed the maximum height of the zoning district in which the sign is I located. 4. Signs located within the airport hazard area shall conform to the location and height regulations of that area. Ordinancc 06-0" Amending regulauons re: bus benchesPage 6 of lU I 5. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained in a manner that prevents the free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape. 6. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape except Official Signs. 7. Any sign erected or maintained within ftve (5) feet of the public rights-of-way shall be smooth and free af nails, tacks and wires. Section Comurehensive 8ign Plan Commercial development, shopping centers, industrial parks, mixed use developments, and hotel conferencc centers exceeding five (5) acres in size may seek approval of a sign plan specific to the development proposal. The Ditector of Community Devetopment may approve a comprehensive sign plan that allows deviations from the strict interpretation of spacing, height and area requirements upon a showing of good cause, and provided that there are no adverse effects on adjacent properties. Any cooditions imposed to secure approvals shall be binding on the Applicant. Modifications to the approved sign plan shall require reapplication and approval by the Director. If the Applicant and Director cannot come to an agreement, the Director's decision may be appealed through thc Hearing Examiner. Section Aesthetic Corridors l. The standards shown on Table 7.01 shall apply to parcels adjacent to the following designated aesthetic corridors: a. Appleway Avenue (between I-90 and University Avenue) b. Evergreen Road (between Sprague Avenue and Indiana Avenue) c. Mirabeau Parkway d. [ndiana Avenue (between Pines Road and Flora Road) Sectioa Sign Location and Front Setbacks l. Monument signs exceeding three (3) feet in height may be located at the property line outside any border easement, providetl that the requirements of Section 7.06 Clearview Triangles of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code gave been met. 2. Pole signs with structural supports less than two (2) feet in width with copy area placed at a height of seven feet or more above grade may be located at the property line, provided that the requirements of Section 10.07.06 Clearview Trianglcs of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code gave been met. 3. All temporary signs, except inflatable signs, shall be located not less than five feet from the right-of- way. 4. Inflatable signs shall be set back not less that ten feet from the rigltt-of-way. 5. All signs shall meet the vcrtical and horizontal clearance requirements of the electric utilities. 6. All freestanding and monument signs shall be located in a landscaped area. Landscaping should be appropriately sited to ensure that signs are not blocked or obscured by trees or bushes. SecNon Sign Area Calculadon Illustrations 1. Sign area for wall signs is equal to 25% of the hvo-dimensional area of a building's elevation, excluding eaves and gables.. Ordinance 06-000 Amcnding rcgulacions re: bus btnchesPage 7 of 10 2. The sign area of a freestanding sign consisting of one sign shall be calculated as shown in Figure 7.2 below. The sign area of a freestanding sign consisting of more than one (1) sign shall be computed by adding together the total area(s) of all signs as shown in Figure 7.3 below. 3. Any portion of the sign not necessary for structural pETE'S PRO GOLF support of the sign or any structural support greater than two (2) feet in width shall be considered in the detcrmination of the square footage of the sign. Figura 7.1 ~ Border A > < A A B, ! 1 T SIGN Maximum Hefght S1GN B ~ 1 ~ Maximum Fleight ql ~ SIGN 2 = sz Minimum Height Setback A2 r, SIGN 3 = 63 Property Flgure 7.2 Line ProoeM Llne Figure 7.3 4. A 10% increase in sign area is allowcd for decorative framing or borders. Area calculation does not include decorative rocks or landscaping adjacent to a monument sign. 5. The sign area for multiple-sided signs shall be calculated as follows: a. The total sign area for a two-sided sign shall be calculated using one (1) face, therefore allowing both faces to be of equal size (for example a two-sided siga has two (2) faces with 18 square feet per side, therefore the sign area is 18 square feet). b. The sign area for a three-sided sign shatl be equal to the total amount of sign area a one-sided or I rivo-sided sign is allowed (for example, in item 3a above, a two-sided sign is allowed 18 square feet of sign area per side which equals 36 total square feet. !f a three sided sign is used instead of a one- sided or two-sided sign, the three-sided sign may allocate the 36 total square feet among three sides, therefore allowing three sides with 12 square feet per face for a total of 36 square feet of sign area). 6. Irregularly shaped signs may be measured in the following ways: Chdinance 06-00' Amcnding rogulations re; bus benchesFaee 8 of 10 ~ a ; i~ A 0 b *:~D C 21 D .y ~i B I a. Conventional Measurement: Total area = a'b b. Sum of Squares: Total area = Area A+Area B+Area C+Area D Section$10 Maintenancc of Si"n b 1. Any signage that has been approved or that has been issued h t,..rniit shall be maintained by the owner or person in possession of the property on which the sign is located. Maintenance shall be such that the signage continues to conform to the conditions imposed by the sign permit. 2. Any damaged sign structwe shall be repaired within thirty (30) days of notice. 3. Any signage which has been damaged to such extent that it may pose a ha•r_ard ta passersby shall be repaired or removed within forty-eight (48) hours of notice. 4. The advertising copy on any existing sign that no longer advertises a bana fide business conducted or product sold on the premises, shall be removed by and at thc expense of thc property owner within sixty (60) days of notice. Section Exisdng Nonconformia Sg iQns• Any permanent sigit made non-conforming as a result of the adoption of these rcgulations may be repaired, but not structurally altcred or made more non-conforming in any way. If the sign is removed in order to make repairs, it shall be replaced within sixty (60) days, or the permit is void. Thereafter, the sign shall conform to the requirements of this Section. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Section, any sign or signs for which a temporary permit has been issued by the City shall be permitted to remain at the location or locations authorized by the permit for as long as the permit is valid and all the requirements of the permit have been met. ( Section Billboards (Reserved) Section 2. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the valiciity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after I publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by thc City Council this day of , 2006. ATTEST: Mayor, Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Ordinance 06-U" Amrnding regulations re: bus bcnchcsPage 9 of 10 Approved as to Form: Uftice of the City Attorney Date of Publication: F.ffcctivc Date: Ordinance 06•0•' r>>tiending regulations re: hus benchetiPage 10 af 10 CONTR.AC"1:' FOR BUS BENCH PLAMMCNT This CONTREICI' is bettveen the CI1'Y OF Sl'OKANE VAIdT.:FY, aWashington 111Ut1(Clpal corporation, i-eferred to hcrcafter as "City" and , wFiose address is , refeiTed hereafter as "Advertiser." 1'he parties a~rcc as follows: 1. PTRI+nRi\~CE. 1 he Advertiser sttall provide and maintain bus bcnches for transiE patrons in reetun for permission to advertise thereon in accordance with the fnllowing: A. All bus benches must: be placed in the City right-of-way, and be within ten feet ( I 0') oC a designated transit stap as evidenced by die location of a blue transit sign. No more lhan 2 bus benches will be lacated at ajiy desigiiatcd transit stop. The backrest of each bus bench shall not exceed two feet high by six feet wide. B. Bus benches shall not be placed in, or nezir a location where the Spokane Transit Authority (hereaftcr referred to as "STA") has plaeed a txansit shelter. ' C. 13us Benches must comply witli the provisions of the Arnericans R'itfi Disubilities Act (ADA) reytlirements. D. Bus benches are prahibited in areAS where benches with sians are prohibieeci by S`I'.A. lt is itic -responsibility of the Advertiser to be aware of these areas. , E. $us benches are prohibiied in areas that are inconsistent with existino laws, such as near a fire hydrant or handicappecl narking space. F. 'Chc Acivertiser must at all times be in compliance with the Spoks-une Valley Code provisions rclating to signs. G. 1'he Advertiser will obtain fi•om the City a Genera] Obstructian Nermit and pay an annual inspection fee to che•ck for proper location; condition wid compliance with AUA and any ather provisions of this contract: The Advertiser shall obtaui the prior approval of City's Directqr of.E-ngiueering Services or his/her designee for each placement of a new bench. H. '1'he Advertiser shall keep the benches in good repair, cleaned at regular intervals and maintained in safe condition. Each bench sha.ll be inspected, by Aclvertiser agent, at IeasC once every thirty (30) days, and noted for repairs with any repairs to be made within thirfy (30) days thereafte.r. The Advertiser shaU rnsintai.n littEr control within the immediate area of each bench. Advcrtiser shEill SllliRlli maintenaiice records tn the City within chree business days of che request . 1. 'Beforc this agreement shall become effectivc, die advertiser shall submit to the City an inventory of all its benches located on the public right-o.f-way. The inventory shall include the bench location, condition and scheduled repairs, if any. 'fhe city shall approve the inventory in whole or in part _ and has the full authority to order the Advefiser to retnove any bench or to have the bench repaired before it may contittue to st3y. i Contrac[ for $us Bench Placement Page I of 4 2. CON I RA.CT 'IERM. The contr3ct shall be foe a period of one year, and shall automatically renew for an additional one year period unless written noticc qf termination is provided by one of the parties. Either paity may terminatE this contract by ninety (90) days' written noCiec to the other party. 3. COMPLNSATI0N. The Advertiser shall pay the City FURTY DOT T_.ARS ($40.00) per year, per bench, payable in advance, in quarterly i.nstallments. 4. FAYMLTT. Thc Advertiser shall submit payment to the Spokane Valley Cammunity DevelopmenC Department Yennit Counter, 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Wa..shington 99206. 5. \iQTTCE. NotiGe shall be given in writing as follows: ' TO "1"1JE CTTY: TO 1'1-lE ADVERTISER: Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk \tame: . Phone Number: (509)921-1000 Phone Number: Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Address: Spo}:ane Vi1IlGy, WA 99206 6. CUNll'LrANCF WI'I`13 LAWS. The ptirlics, in the performance of Chis agreement, agree to comply wit.h all applicable N'ederal, State, local laws, ordinances, and regulations. 7. R.F,T..ATIO\SHl'P OF TIU. PARTTF.S. It is understoocl, agreed .and declared thal the . Advertiser shall be z3n independent Advertiser and not the agcnt or emplo}°ee of the City, that the City is interest:ed in only the resulCS to be achicved, and that the righC to control the particular inanner, metliod and means in whir,h the services are performed is solely within die discretinn of the Advcrtiser. Any and all employees who provide services to ehe City under this agreement shall be decmed employees solely nf the Aclvertiser. The Adver1:iser shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of aIl employees under this agreement and any liability that may attacll thereco. 8. O`N'?,I7?,:RS..H.IP ON llOCU1lE\'TS. All drawings, plans, specifications, and othcr rc;lated documents prepitred by thc Advertiser under this agreement are and shall be the properCy of the City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.17 or nther applicable public record laws. 9. RN.C0:12nS. The City shall have the right to cxamine during nonnal business laours a copy of the up-to-date list of bus beneh advetrtiSiiig clients, along with the location of all such bus bcnehes, covered in this contract. T'his right of review shall estend f'or a period of thirty (30) days from the date tinal payment is made hereunder. 10. TN$URANCE. During tlte terrn of the contract, the Aclverkiser shall maintain in force at its own erpensc, the following insurance: A. Workers' Compensation lnsurance in compliance with RC1W 51.12.020, 'which requires subject employers to provide workers' compensatiori coverage for all chei.r subject workers and Employer's I.:iability or Stnp Gap Insuranee in the amount of $500,000; B. General Liability Jtasurance on an occurrence basis with a combined single li.mit, af not less - tliat $1,000,000 each occurrence for bodily injury anci property damage. lt shall include contractua] Contraet fnr Bus 13encb Placentent Pagc 2 of 4 liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this contract. It shall provide thaC the CiCy, its officers, employees and lgents are additiona) insureds bLrt only widi respect to the Advertiser's services to be provided tuider the cont►nct; fuld C. Automobile Liability lnsurance with a combine single limit, nr the eyuivalent, nf not less than $1,000,000 eiieh accitlent or bodily injury and propert}+ darna5e, iricluding coverage f'or owned, hired or non-owned vehicles. There shall be no cancellation, material change, reduction of limits or intent not to renew the insurance coverage(s) widiout diirty 30 days written notice from the Advertiser or its insurer(s) to the City. As evidence of the insurance coverage required by this contract, the Adveitiser shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the City at the time the Advertiser returns the signecf conGriicC. The cerlifcate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insured, and include applicable policy endorsements, the thirty (30) day cancellation clause, and the deduction or retention level. insuring companies or entities are subject t:o City .icceptance. .T_f requestecl, complete copies of insurance policies shsll be provided to tlie City. 1'he Advertiser shal) be finlnciaUy responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured ret:entions, and/or self-insurancc. il. iYDFNPiTffICAT.T.ON. Each parey shall indemni[•'y and holcl the other, its officcrs, employces, agents and volunteers ha»nless from and against any and all claims, demands; orders, decrees or judgments for injuries, dealli or damagc to any person or property arisinD or resu(tirlg frotn any ncgligcnt act or omission on the part of said party or its agents, employrees or volunteers in the performance of this Agreement. , - 12. WA1VL+ R No officer, employee, agent or otlier individual acting on behalf of either party has the power, right: or authority to waive any of the con(ficions or provisions of this agreement. No waiver in one insttvnce shalt be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonpeiformance. All remedies affordcd in th.is agreement or by law, shall be Iaken ancl construcd as curnulative, anci in adclilion to every ather remetiy provided herein or by law. railure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of t:his a~,~reement or to reyuire <<C a.ny timE perFormance by the other p<<rl}° of itny provision hcrcof shall in no way bc construed to bc a waiver of suah provisions nor shall il afTect the validit:y oF this agreement or any part thereof. 13. ASSIGNA-IENTS. TFiis contract is binclina 4n the parties and thcir heirs, successUrs, and assians. Neither parfy 5hal) assign, t:ransfer or delegate any or all of the responsii?ilities of t:tiis agrcernent or the heriefiLs receivecl hereunder without firsi obtaining the writlen cansent of the other parcy. 14. COsYN"1llL\TYALIi'Y. Advertiser may from time to time receive infoi7nation which is deemed by the Ciry to be confidential. Adveriiser shalt not disclose such information Nvithouc the express written . GbnSEnt OC the Cily ar upon order of a Court oFcompetent jurisdiction. 15. J[rKISDW'CION AiV;I) VKNllE. 'I"his Contrac.t is entered into in tipokane County, Washingtort. • Venue shall be irl Spokane County, State of Wlshington. 16. CUST AVD ATTORN.CY F'EES. In the event a lawsuit is beought wit1i respcct to tliis Agreement, the prevailiog party stiall be awarded its costs aiid attorney's fccs in the amount to be determined vy the Court as ressonable. Unless provided otherwisc by statute, Advertiscr's attorney fees payable by the City s}iall not exceed k}ie total sum amount paid under this agrecment. Contract E'orBus Bench Placement Pa;e 3 of4 17. Ei's'TTRE AGREElYTCti``l'. This wr+tten agreement conslitutes the entire and complefe agreemcnt - beriveen dhe pnrties and supercedes any prior nral or writt'en agreements. This Agreeme~~t may not he changed, moditied or altereci except in writing signed by the pariies hereto. 1$. ANTi-KICki3ACK. No officer or employee of the City of Spokane Valley, having the power or clury to perform an official act or action related to this contract shall have or acquire any interest in the contraet, or have solicited, ttecepted or granted a present of future gift, favor, service or other thina oF value f'rom or to any persoit involvecl in diis contract. 19. BLTSTNCSS T..iCENSE REOUIIZN,NTE\T. Sectian 5.05.030 of the Spokane Valley Municipal code sCatcs thal no person may engage in business with the City without first having obtaincd a valid busirless license. The Adver[iser shall be responsibfe f'or contacting the Licensing Department to obtain a busirtess license, or an exemption stahjs tlatemiination. 20. SEVERAiiTLI'TY. If itny sectiov, sentence; clause or phrase of khis Agreement shoulci be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Flgreement. , 21. Fa1i113i.TS. ExhiUits attached and incorporated into this agreement are: 1. Tnsurance Certiliaates Cl l'X OF SPOKANB VALI:.EY XXX COUIPANY T)avid ivtercier, City Manager • By: . (Titie) . A11$STEll BY: Christinc E3ainbrid~e, City Clerk Approved as to form: OlTice of the City Attor-tiey Contract for 13us Bcnch F'laccment ' Page 4 of 4 SUNSET OUTDOOR BUS BENCH LOCATIONS IBD# ICO I BENCH LOCATION M DEC CLIENT '"6 I 569 !SO Broadwa Lake NEC y 8~ 111.4 Panther ~_1=8 1568a ISO Broadway NL w/o Havana NEC 111.4 JPanther ~ 400 ~ 570 SO Fancher & Broadway iVEC 12.5 Sticker ~ ~ 429 ~ 615 SO ISprague & Havana NEC 19.4 Com ~ 431 ~ 617 ATC;Sprague @ Costco Exit NEC 119.4 ISticker ~ 433 ~ 616 $O Sprague SL 100' e/o Fancher 121.5 IComcast ~ 435 ~ 619 $O Sprague NL 100' wlo Fancher 121.5 IPanther 1 439 1 6181 ISprague & Doilar SWC 134.5 Wendle/Auto Row ' 441 1621a !SO ISprague NL 600' e/o Park 135.3 lUniversal 443 I 622 ATCESpraque & Vista NWC 137.2 IComcast 445 1625a'SO ISprague & Bessie NEC 137.2 lWendle/Auto Row 447 1 !SO Appleway & Girard SWC ~ 20 IPanther ~ 449 1 lAppleway & Coleman SWC ~ 20 !Comcast ~ 451 623 $O Appleway SL w/o Vista SEC ~ 20 IPanther 1 453 ~ Appleway SL e/o Vista SEC ~ 20 lrJVendle/Auto Row ~ 455 ~ Appleway & Dishman SWC ' 20 Nllhalen ~ ~ 457 1626a ISO Sprague & Argonne NWC 133.8 ILiving 1 458 1626b ISO ISprague & Argonne NWC 133.8 Panther 1 460 1 627 1SO IMontqomery & Woodruff SL@ Stroh 10 Panther ~ ~ 462 02a ISO 4rgonne WL s/o Broadway 13.9 IPanther 463 1632b ~ATCArgonne WL s/o Broadway 13.9 ILivinq y(/"-~5 637 CATCArgonne & Mission SWC 113.7 IClips ~T 638a ISO argonne rqonne & Knox NWC 118.1 JEWU 468 1638b*IS0 & Knox NWC 118.1 ESubs 470 1640a ;SO Argonne & Knox SEC 118.1 Oiua Hut 471 1640b SO Argonne & Knox SEC ' 118.1 ICars 473 042a SO Argonne & Montgomery SEC 118.1 Subs 1 474 1642b ISW l4rgonne & Montgomery SEC 18.1 KEEH . 478 1644a ISO Argonne & Trent NWC 18 ISubs ~ 479 1644b ISO Argonne & Trent NWC 1 18 IClips ~ 481 1646a (SO IMullan & Mission SEC 18.3 ISubs ~ ~ 482 :646b ISO IMullan & Mission SEC 18.3 ILiving I 484 1 648 ISO [Mullan 8 Sinto SEC 118.3 IComcast ~ 486 650a 'SO IMullan & Boone SEC 118.3 IComcast ' ~ 488 652a ATCJMullan & Broadway SEC 112.9 iWhalen ~ 490 1652b SO CMullan & Cataldo SEC . 112.9 [Clips ( 492 1 SO Oullan 8 Main SEC 112.9 N1lhalen 1 494 1654a ISO ISprague & Mullan NEC 128.9 Clips ~ ~ 495 I654b ISO ESprague & Mullan NEC 128.9 Subs ~ 497 1700 SW ISprague & Locust NEC 128.9 IComcast ~ 499 1 702 SO ISprague & Farr NWC 128.9 IEWU/Living ~ ~ 501 1 706 SO ISprague & Herald NWC 128.9 Comcast ~ f'~3 1712a SO ISprague & Raymond NEC 128.4 Comcast ~ 1712b ISO 19prague & Raymond NEC 128.4 lPiua Hut ~ 1 506 1716 ATCSprague & U-City NL 128.4 Whalen J 1508 ~ 721 SO University & 16th SWC 1 5IClips ~ ~ 510 ~ 722 SO Sprague & Gillis SWC 128.4 IComcast ~ 512 .I 720 1SO Sprague SL elo Skipworth 128.4 iComcast 1 514 1 724 IATC!Sprague w/o Bowdish 1 30 IComcast SUNSET OUTDOOR BUS BENCH LOCATIONS I BD# j CO I BENCH LOCATION IDEC I CLIENT ~ 516 I726a ISO ~S ra ue & Bowdish SEC ~ 30 JEWU 517 I726b (SO ra ue & Bowdish SEC ~ 30 INWW _519 1728b(SO Sprague.NLw/o Pines ~ 30 Whalen 521 1 729 1SO (Pines & Alki NWC 20 Subs ~ 523 1 731 SO (Pines & Valleyway NWC 20 ESubs ~ ~ 525 1730a SO ISprague SL e/o Pines 1 26 lSticker 527 I 736 ATCISprague & McDonald NWC 26 Subs 529 1 738 IATClSprague & McDonald SEC 26 Comcast 531 I 742 ATClSprague & Evergreen SEC ~ 25 jEWU 533 744a !SO !Sprague & Evergreen NWC 1 25 ISticker 534 744b ISO ISprague & Evergreen NWC i 25 IComcast 536 ± 746 ISO IMission SL w/o Evergreen (overpassl 10 jClips 1 538 750 ATClSprague & Best NEC 123.3 JESPN ~ 540 746 IATC ra ue NL w/o Adams 1'23.3 IComcast ~ 542 1752a SO Sprague NL 100' w/o Proqress NWC 121.2 INWW ~ 543 1752b SO Sprague NL 100' w/o Progress NWC 121.2 jCom ~ 545 1 753 *TCSprague & Progress SWC 121.2 IComcast 547 1754b ISO lSprague SL 50' e/o Sullivan 121.2 JEWU 549 1 756 IATClSprague NL w!o Sullivan 121.2 IComcast ~ 551 1760b ISO ISprague wlo Sullivan NWC 119.5 Cars 553 1 767 ISO ISullivan WL @ Noodle Express ~ 15 Wendy Bailey l 555 i763a IATCISullivan EL 150' n/o S ra ue I p ~ 123.9 ~Wendy Bailey . . 1 556 1763b ISO lSullivan EL 150' nlo Sprague 123.9 IClips 1 558 I 765 00 iSullivan EL slo Broadway 123.9 IClips 560 1 767 00 ISullivan EL 50' n/o Broadwa,y 123.9 IClips 562 ATCfSullivan & Valleyway SEC 123.9 IClips 564 766 ISO ~Sullivan @ Industrial Park 1 15 IPanther 566 I 768 ISO lAppleway Greenacres NEC 1 10 ILeak Seeker 7? CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY , Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Februery 14, 2006 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information M admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane County Service Agreements GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NIA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Spokane Valley has 17 service agreements with Spokane County. Many of the city services are perfonned by the County through interiocal agreements. Most of these interlocal agreements expired at the end of 2004, but the City and County agreed to extend the contracts under existing terms pending finalization of the revised contract provisions. The City and County staff have been working on developing a model agreement to utilize in the renewal of these agreements for the year 2005 and beyond. Many of these agreements are now ready to present to Council. This agenda item presents the model agreements for Animal Control, District Court, Hearing Examiner, Jail, Jury Management, Pre-7rial, and Prosecution. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Request changes, ask for more information, or indicate desire to move agreements to a motion consideration on February 28, 2006. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cify has budgeted $17,412,296 in 2005 for County senrice agreements. Reconciliation of 2005 settle and adjust agreements will take place in summer of 2006. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ' ATTACHMENTS 1. PowerPoint Presentation 2. Madel Agreement for Animal Control . 3. Madel Agreement for District Court 4. Model Agreement for Hearing Examiner , 5. Model agreement for Jury Management . 6. Model Agreement for Pre-Trial 7. Model Agreement for Prosecution . 8. Model Agreement for Public Defender _ Spokane County Service Agreements MorW Knuaelka. AqmnWdfiw Amysl. Febnwry 14, 2UC0 Contracts Expired 12/31/2004 o Anirnel cootrol n District Court n Dah Proccssing n Geigcr ❑ Jury $mices o Nrt•Trial o Proxcutot • o Probation n Public Defcndu Convam «tcnded pending Cunlindon of updarod agrcements , Contracts Automatically Renewing 0 lail o Law Enforcemcnt ❑ Engineering Services I a Road Maintenance ❑ Hcaring Examinec , ~ Model Agreement General Highlights ■ One yar duntion with svtorortic J ■ Rolling 180-0ty widdrawal notia (law rnforccment 1 yr) . Capital wats amortined over useful lire ■ DispWe rcsdution ttvou6fi arbitration ■ Propeny rchined by owmer (purchuer) ■ Cadit given fac prcvioua and other rypa of contributions ■ Elimuuoes City suDsidization ofother jurisdictions • Rchit►s QM8 A-87 Cnst Aliocatioa P1en ■ Allows for Oestin4 ad auditing by City .~..a...._...._.~ . Mode Agreements: Highlights by Type Sctt(c and Adjust ❑ Twelve equnl monthly payntcnts bauxd on July-lunc usage ❑ Actual costs detrnnined and reconciled aftcr ti•ear- cnd o Aaud overfiead cosa applicd ❑ Querterly usage rcports from County Pav-as-Xou-Go o Billed montlily according to actual costs o Monttily usage rcQorts from County Model Agreement Benefits ❑ Consistcncy -[n language and cost mcthadology o Easier to administer o Cleua language prevents atisintetprctatioa ❑ Provides solid foundation for future o Iieporting roquiranent ellows review and dimtnatcs mistakes o Ciry ownaship of reoords and purr.hasod property a Increased aocuracy es e result of auditing o Morc accurate and simplistic application of ovarhead costs (Actual contract year overhead costs applied ) . 2 Model Agreement Status: Aareements now orcsented to Council . Au.w c4..x - t~ew Ca.l • lfaiq E~oe.r . }h ] • PWTra0 7w1qw . Peerim • PMic Oelsis A¢reements soon to be vresented w Council . ~.,.e`~. • c«w • astO.Wesh"oaw.dsr+..-".FFgx..+°..~ • r.a • ilNl M . ns(lrr Aor 7mS) r..w..~~.r r Animal Control a Caoputerized uadcing systmi amnrhud over Den yars (S21,5OO/year) o Dengaau dog heerinss Aendled by Hnring Fxaminer (Est CostS3,000) o Albws teibring of swia M Spolune Valley I o Usege deoerminod by etraight pcrcrntegc in five cuego~ea O Eatimated Z005 CaA (CouMy) - 5425,686 o Budgeled 2005 Cast (Ciry) - $409.627 . ' District Court 0 Un,e e. . . * . .oco.d" a ,vaghnd s)suaan (Geaw weight for taes IhM ub oae Ome to pam md u Doaiestic Yidcnu and Wn ri F.xseb6she mmanct !or , with de Distria Caun wits ad cnsa basd on Ktwl oW The mwioipd cwt and nunicipal de, . apbam re rwt airanly utiimd o Albws for dispme balwion o( firuwal dioroements o Aaeova cnatrrtual msu (Dar hrk, Chrney. Spokine) from Discnct Coun tml Lstimated 2005 Cost (Caunty) • f741,6E1 IIudgned 2005 Cust (Cit» . f691.128 3 I Jury Management Services 0 1ury penel costs will flow through the Di.strici Cuure agrctment ❑ Only administrative costs of the jury management system will be paid through this agrocment ❑ Aclual coats will be paid once pa year 0 We do not pay in advance so no County estimaee is PnWed. ❑ 2005 SV budget is , . Pre-Trial o Dtlermincs irtdigcrvcy for pemvns ralucsting appo,inL-nax oCcouivcl o Setlle nnd Adj icct sgreement base,i on pertentage of S V l'AVCC Estimatc.i 2'YJ5 CUSt { L OUn:} ] - $4I ,7{.9 Budgctcd ZDOS Cost (C'it?•) - 532,%8 .w. ~ Prosecution o Raaaaiao adgross misdmevwn, iaisdempnon, md in5scua+x n Dedinud Depuq F.. n work in6actions n Vdly Pr-a oeun procaednp o W ill sew luedk unimJ ow u odw ase; not chrp "pnisly o Wd wa ases wA0 eo ba Fm6od M Coumy Pn»auio, i civil de, . ~and chupd m1 vi Iwwfy n1a, aII od- -a uninl u wctle md djuat 6oed m a%W ptromui{e Fsnmred 2003 Caat (Couxy) - L297,61 4 BudSeted:00SCosi (Ct5')• f291,15q 4 Public Defender o Ciry cMrged Cor repQesentation for qualifying indigents and e11 jwaniks Hut roquest rcpresrntatioa o Setde and Adjmt agreanau based on City's paoemage of cesu applied to sctual rcgulsr salsry, mainleoance, and operstioao and 1% of the investigalor selery. FsdmmYi ZppS COfI (County) - 5320,516 sudgexd 2005 Gxt(Ciry)- S310,028 Hearing Examiner o E'ay-as-you-go agreement bascd on an hourly rate. ❑ Fon cearing Iand-use, administralive, and animal contml mattcrs. o Ccwnty agrecs to hear recommendations of the City in designating Hearing Examiner pro- tcros to hear City matters. ■ 2005 hourly rate is S8838 Next Steps n Comxd commrnts oa ab, es currrndy being presented. ❑ Agreements that CouncJ has no rnmtending iuues with will be pbced on Ihe Februery 28 agenda as a motion comideration. ❑ CornenAU on whetnu ro Aave a separnte nation Cor ac6 agreemrnt or ooe motion for aJl ageanenes being spprovod. ❑ Remaining ouawding egreanrnts (communicstians. Ixw rnfomement, GI3, jtil, fosd meintrnance, Gcigcr) will6e Fresented to Council as they become availablc. .e. ~....e » 5 F`Zeturn to: .t)snicla Erici;son, Clerk of the .F.3oard Board of County Commissioners _ 1116 W. Broaclway Spokane, `Vsishington 99260 J 1NTFRT.,OCA.L AGREEMENT FOR AMIMAL CON"f:k2.0L STRVICES LN '1'WJ+'.CI'Z'Y QT. SFQKAN'-C VALLEY - (J'.inuary 1, 2005 =llccembcr 31., 2005) T~T.fS AGREEMCNT, made and enl'ered into by and beriween Spokane County, a political subdivision of thc StatE of, WashingtUn, having offices for th.e transaction of business at 1116 West BroadNvay Avenuc, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinitfter refe_rred to as "CQUNTY" and the City of Spokane Valley, a munieipal corporation of the State of Washi.ngton, havi.ng o.f.f ccs for thc transactian of business zit'the Kectwooci Pl.aza, 11.707 - East; Spraigue Avenue, Suite 106, Spokanc Vallcy, VJashinbton 99206, hereinafter referred to as "CiTY," jointly hereinat~er referred to as the "1'A.~"ClFS." `.ncc COUINTTS' and CITY ~ ~ _ agree as follows. SEC'I'_1:ON :I.YO. 1.: TtMI.`C`AY.S AND FINDINGS - (a) 'I'he k3oard of County Commissioners of Spokane County has thc caxc o.f.. . COUN1 Y properly and the managcmEnt of CQTJN']'Y fiinds xnd business uncier RCW 36.32.120(6). •(U) • Countics and cities may contract witll ezch other to perfnrm certain runc;tions which each may legally perform under chapter 3934 RCtiV (Interlocal Coaperation Act). - (c) Pursuant Yo the provisions of 36.32.120(6) an.d RCW 36.32.120(7), Spokane Gaun'ry, through its Board ot' County Conunissioners, may cnact ordinances dealing with aniinal control withm the unincorporaled area of Spokane County. (d) City of Spokane Valley may enact ordi.nances dealing with .animal contral cvithin its bounciaries. (e) . The City of Spoka.ue VaUey desires r4 ulilize the services of Spokane County , for the purposE ofper.f.'on-ning certain animal cantrol fimctions withiu the boundaries oft}lc - - City of Spokane Valley. Pzlge 1 of 18 SECTION NO. 2: DEI+`INITTQNS . (a) Ap-reeinent: "Agreement" mea.ns this Tnterlocal Agreement bcttivEen the CITY anci CO'UIV"I`X rEgarding aiiimal conYrol services. (h) Citv: "CTTY" means the Cil'y of Spokanc Valley. (c) Countv: "CQUNTY" means Spokane County. (ci) Maintenancc and Oaerations: "iVlaintenance and Opcrations" and "M&O" shall mean those class c:odes (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its budgetary proccss as pscribed by the BAt~S manual adopted by the St.~ite of Washington under chapter 43.88 :R.reCW so long as such expenditures arc directly altributable and proporlionate to services rendcccd to CITY under the lerms of ttus Agreement. (e) Services: "Scrvices" means thase services identifed in Exhibit 1. "1'hose Services cio not include Hearing Faarniner services. Heauing Exacmi_nez services are includcd iri. a scparate agreement. (f) Compensatian: "Campensation" mcans that cnethodology set .forth in U-xhibit 2«secl to establish the ainount of money which the CITY will pay the COUNTX f.or providing Services. (g) Capital ImArovement: "Capital Tmprovement" shall mean any expcnditure in excess of $1999.99 or such higl-ier Fgure ii.s set by the Cn1JNTY as the capitalization threshold durinb the term of the Agrccment. The COUN"i Y shal.l give the CITY advance ' . notice of any i.ncrea.se in the capitalization threshold. The I?ARTIES agree to meet and discuss the impacl;s of any change in the capitalizal'ian threshold which. will G1L1Se c3i1 i.ncr.ease- 4f costs to the C1TY in excess of $50,000.00. Any sucb expenditure will be coded as pravided tor in the :EiAR.S-manual adopted by the Statc of Washington uncier R.CW 43.88. (h) Uncontrollable Circumstanccs: "Uncontrollable Circumstanccs" means the _ following events: riots, wars, civil disYurbances, insurrectians, ac;ts of terrorism, ExtErnal fires and f.loods, volcanic eruptions, lightning or earthqual:es at or neac where the Services are performed and/or ttiat directly affeet providing of such Services. (i) 1Zeport: "Rcpoct" means the time stu(ly prcpared by the Spokane Cotmt), Regional A.nimal Protectian Service Department. , Page 2 of 18 SFCTION NO. 3: ]'U12:1'OS:E ' The purpose of tlus AgreEmcut is to reduce to NN-ritiag the PARTi.FS' understanding as to . the iernis and conditions under which the COUN1 Ywill provide Serviccs on bchalf of the CTTY. Tt is the intcnt of the PAR.TTF_,S that Services fo be provided by the COlJNT1' will be consistent Nvith the C1TY'S Counci]IManager for.ni of government provided for .in chapter 35A.13 RCW. . SECTION NO. 4: DURATION/WIT1iDRAWAL Tf.i.is Agrecmcnt shaU com.rn. cncc on Janua.ry 1., 2005, and run fhrough I7ecember 31, 2005. At the conclusion of the iniliA tei-m, this Ageement shall autornaticaUy bc rcncwcd f.rom ycar to year thercafter ef.-fective January 15` to December 31"' All renewals sha.11 be suhject to al.l. tcrrns and conditiotis sct forth herein cxeept for EYhibit 2. - The PARTILS rec;oguze il highly unlikely tYiat Exhibit 2 sctti.ng f.orth the e:stimafed costs for each }°eu's Services will be available ak the st:art of a.ny rEnEwal ti.mc frame. Accordulgly, until a netiv Latubit 2 has bccn prcpared and agreed to between the 1'At('1"iES, the PA:RTIES agnee lhaC l'he COUNT'Y will bill the C;11 Y aud thc CTTY will pay the COUNTY at the sa,mc month.ly pa}Trlient rate used for the previous year. Upon thc PARTIES agreemerit ori a new Exhibit 2, the C1TY. an.d COT.JNTX will recancile payments to date under the previous years payinent schedule with t.he netiv paymeti.t sctiedule. Any undcrpayincnt for any SErvices will be due in lhe IYrsC payment due following reconciliation. Any ovcrpay.rnent for any Sen,,ices will be crediCecl to che fust monthly pa}rment due following tttc reconciliation. Tlie PnRTII:;S agree thal no interest shall be n«+ing by eilher Par[y lo the ofher 1'arty for wy overpayment or undcrnayment determined as a result of the ceconciliation. A.ny Party may withdraw at any time from this /Agrcernent for any reason whatsoever upon a mini.mum aC 1.80 clays written nc.~tice as prcavidcd for in Section 7 to the other Pa.rty. SEC'TION NO. 5: COST OF SERVICES Al\'D PAY V1=EN'TS 'I.'he CTTY shall pay the COUN"IY the actual casts for Servic;es provicied under this Agreerilent. lhe estimated cost for 2005.Scrviccs under this Agreemenl shall be as set forth in Fx.liibit 2, attachcd ltercto and incarpnrated herein by reference. This methodology uses the last six (6) months of Keport numbcrs for-2003 and first six. (G) months oP Report numbers for 2004 and avcragcs thern for a riwelve (12) mUnth lime fratne. Thc resulting numbEr is uscd as a basis to estimate the 2005 cost of Services. '1"he Yagc 3 of 18 . COUNTY CEO shall advise the CITY Managcr as soon as.possible of any a.nticipated or , unanticipatEd capital improvement costs that arise cluri.ng the contr.act pcriod. 'Ifie CiCy shall pay capital i.mprovcmcnt costs eitlier (1) under the Cost Allocation Plan as an indirect cost wnortizeci over the useful li.fe of the improvement utilizing straight-1_ine dEpr.eciation and incorpnrating the expected salvage value of thE i_tnpr.ovement at the end ol' its useful life or (2) as a dircct cost in the fonn of a contribution made ta the Equipment Rental and FZevolving N und. 'Y'he CI':L Y shall bc responsible only for capital improvcment costs incurred after Marcli 31, 2003. Any portion of a capita.l i.mprovement that was paid for or acquired through separate agrccmcnt or with geant proceeds, bond procccds, user fees, danations, or any otiher acquisition method that reflects a contribution on behalf of CI1 X shall not be included in the depreciation schedule applied to the CITY. Any eapiCal improvement. f.or whicti ttic CnUNTX seeks reimbursement &om the C.I.~I Y must be necessary to fcilfill the requirements o.f this Agreement. At the end of the Galendar year, using the methodology set forth in Eah.ibzt 2, the PART'IE- S shall apply the actual capenditures and the actual usage percentage lo determinc the final cost. it is the PARTIE-S inlent that any adjustment takE place as soon as possible anci accordingly Will usc their respective best efforts to timely prepare, dissemi.natE and reviEw all expenciiture documentation. The CITY will have sixty (60) calendar ciays from its receipt of the expenditure documenltll'ion to provicle the CO'UNTY with ariy written objec;tions(s) Yo such documcntation. The wc-itten objecdpn(s) musl specif cally identif), the cxneaditurE(s) ' in question. °lhe CO[JN'1'Y agr.ecs to consider all written objections received from t}te : CITY within thuCy (30) calendar days of rcccipt of the objections(s). In the event 'that the PAR`I'IES c;annot muttrally resolve any written objcction(s) submitted by the CITY within the thi.r.ty (30) calendar days time frame, or such other ti.me fra.me as the k'ARTIrS may mutually agree, the objcctions shall be resolved pursuant Co the l:7ispute }2.csolution pxovisions 5et forlh in Section No. 17. Pcnding resoluti.on of the oUjecticans(s), the PARTIES ag-ee that the CITY shall pay that portion of the bill thal is undisputed. Ta the ea~tent that the C]:TY was over billed in any year and the Agreement is still in cffect, • the COUN'I'X shall crcdit the C[T'Y for such overpaynient i.n the next monthly paymcnt owning by the CT'I''Y. Provided, however, in the event the Agreement is terminatEd at such time that the ovcrpayment is detennined, the COUNTY shall reimburse the CI:°I"X for any overpayment wit:hin thirty (30) calendar days. To the extent that the CITY was under billed in any year atid the Agrcenicnt is still in effecl, the CITY shall reimburse the COUN7."Y for any undcrpaym.eot in the nexl monthly payment owing by the CITY. Providcd, however, in the event the Agreement is ternunated at such time that the undcrpayment is determined, the CITY shall reimburse the COUN1'Y for avy underpayment within thirty (30) calendar days. E:ither. T'ariy may at its sole option charge inCeresC on any overpaymEnt or underpayment based on lost - interest carni.ng had the amount determined due been invested in tEic Page 4 rif 18 respective PAKTIES investrxten.t pool af the eud of Ihe 1:hirty (30) day time fi~une pro-vicied .fo r 13 et-einabove to fi11~ da te oi'p ayrnent, An}+ resolution of a disputed arnount tlxrough use ot the arbitratioix proc~-ss identifiecl in Sectio.n 17 sb.all. include at the recltiest of either Pa.r.ty, adetennination ofNvhetb.e.r interest is apFropriate, including the amount_ Th~ ~OLWW wiI I bill the CI1'Y for the c ost o.f sen+ice.s -s outlined, mont.kiJy, hy fhe 15d10f die month. Montti.ly payrnenis w-ill b~ ca1coh-uted by dividing those annual costs sct .f,orth herein above by twelve (12). Payments by the C1TY' will bc due by the 5 t' day of tfxe f.ollow.i.iig niontli. 'i'he COUN"1"Y, at its so.l.e optivn, may c-hargc itxtc.re,t on any late payment caiculatcd an any lost interest earning had the amount dLEe been invested sixice fhe date due io lhe riate of pa}Frnent in the COTJNTY° s inveslnient p aol. . Tlie mechodolo4y conteMplates that ttic ~OUNTY will retai-n all revenues as outlined in }~;,xflib it 2, collecttd from perl`orming such scrvices. . SEC'FIOlY NO. fi: ~LA':f'ED RUSPONAI31LTTJx;S TIV CONJCFNCTrON'WIIW . PROVID'1'NG SERVICES • . The COUNTY or its designee agr.cc to attend stalf meetirtgs as rcquesfed by the CI'1Y ~ IvZanager_ . The COL1NTY or its designee agee to rneet upon requesc by tkic CITY M€nager or h:islher _ clesigiicc fo discuss Eu7y Service provided undcr the terms of t.his Agreemctit_ - The Clr Y agxces the COZJNTY may use the C O'EJNTY'S stationer}+ in conjun cti on with . providing Services uadex flw~ tcrms of this Agreement. SEC;TIOlY lYO. 7: NQTrC.E . . A11 notices or othe.r 0nxmLuikaiions given hcreuti.de.r skrall be deen-ied givc.tL oR' (J.) tlie day such notices or othe.r'co.muxxuii.ications are received whcn. seiit hy personal delivery; o.r (6) - the tl-iuci d ay following the day on which the sa.nte have becn m ailed by first classs deI'tvcry, posta,,,,,,e prepaid adclressed to thc COLTN':i`Y or L'he CYl'Y at thc addre.ss set !'orl:h be1ow fox sucb. Party, or. at such other adclress as either Party sh2ll-l fr0211 t1.i7]C-t17-t].ETle {ieS1gI1ate by notice in writing to the otb.er. Party= y Pagc 5 of XS COUNTY: Spokane Caunty Chief Executive Qfficer or hislher authorized representative - 1] 16 West Brpadway Avenue Spokarie, Washington 99260 CITY: City of.' Spokane Vallcy City Managcr or his/her authori.zcd representative Redwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague 1\venue, Suite 106 ' Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 StC`CZUlY NO. 8: REPORTING R.cnocts - 1 he COUN 1 Y shall provide the CITY with reports documenting actual usage under this Agreement. 'fhe ParCies agree that the terminology "reparts ciocumenting actual usage" means that type ol infarmation provided by the COUNTY to the CITY in the 2004 . agreement ior Services. An updated report shall be submittcd quarterly unless athenvise mutually agreed by thc .Partie,s. Sueh zeports shall bc i.n a.f.orrnat as mutually agrced to beriveen the Parties. The content and/or format for such reports may be changed from time- lo-time by Nvr-itten agreement between CITY and COiJNTY staff. Rcco.rds l.teview - I"he Crl'Y sha11 be allowed to conduct ruidom reviews of the records generated by the COUNTY in perforniance of this Agreement. The CITY will prnvide the COUNTY with reasonable advance notice of the records reviews. The Parties agree that they -,Nrill make best effbrts to achieve a resolution of any potential recor.ds confdentiality issues, including cntering into confidcntiality agrccments or othcr sunilar mechanistns that will allow disclosure of the necesslry information to accurately conduct a records revieNv. If the CIT'Y will be allowed to Niew only those records directly celating to Services provided within CITX's corporate bvundaries, thEn tlie COUNTY must kccp a log of original documents uscd to c}tacgc thc CTTY, arid those documents must have identifying num_bers or letters so the original source documents cw be easily retrieved. SECTYON NO. 9: COlTNTERPARTS • This Agr.eement may be executed i.n any number of countcrparts, cacll 01' wtticb, whEn so. executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterpart:s shall together constitute but one aad thc samc. 1'flge 6 of 18 SECTZON NO. 10: ASSIGN'lYENT No ;Party rnay assign in whole ox part il's i~fier~st in this Aguem-aenl' mthout the written approval of tb.e other PARTY. SECTYON 1VO. 11: COUNTY EMFLOYEES The COUNTY'shad hixe, assign, refain and discipline a11. crnplo}+ees perfornYi.ng Sericcs under #his Ageement accord.iag to applicable co1lective bargainiiig ageements and appli(,able sf'ate akld fiederal la ws. The COUNTY agrees to meet an.d co nfer w-itli tho Cl ! Y- with respect to staff that is assigned to pxovide Services. lssues af disc.ipliwe or perCorn-iance Nvill bc speciticall}~ handlecl according to C:O'UN7Y polir-ies. . SECTION NC}. 12: -LYAI3TGI.TY (a) Thi-- COCJNT'Y shall indenznify and hold harmless the CIl Yartd xCS officers, a~eli~s, and emplayees, fro.cr). any and alI clauns, actions, suits, liabilily, loss, costs, cxpcnses, and _ dain ages of anynaLure w}) atsocver, by miy reason of or arising aut of Erny negligent act or. ~omission of the CQTJN'1'Y, il:s ofFiicers, a~eats aad employees, relating fo or tiriSin41 out of perloiming S ertFices pursuant to this Agreeinent. ln the event ihal' an}+ sti ii: based upon such claiin, action, 1m, or damages is brougLlt against ihe CI"1''Y' , thc CO[_JN'.T.`~~ Shall defend the same at its sole cost arrd expense; provided tbat the 'CITY reserves t#~e righ.t to participt}E-e in Saici suii iF auy princip.lc of governmeni'a1 or public 1aw ig involved; and if fmal _judgr:nent in - said quit be renclered agai.nst the C1TY; wld ils of~icers, agents, ~ujci eniployces, or _jointly - againsi fhe CITY md the COUNTY and their respect.ive o.ffi cers, ag enYS,•and employees, tb.e C O[_JNTY shErll satisCy the same, (b) Thr~, CITY shall indemnify and h ol d harmless Lhe COT_T.NTY- and ifs officers, agents, ' and emp1oyees, f,roni any and all olaims, actions, suifs, 1iabi lily; Joss, costs, expenses, and dtunages of any iiature whatsoever, by any reason of nr arising out of aay tYegi igent act or omission of the C1'X'Y, its officer.s, agents and erxrployees, reiating to or aurising out n-F pe,rF,'nrming Services putsuatit to this Agreernent. ln thc cvcnt tiial' any suit based upon suclx cI aitn, action, 1oss, or damagcs is b raught ~gairist the * COUN7Y, 11it-, CITY shal1 def.cnd #hc samv at itg sole cost arrd expensc; proviried thaL' the COTJNTY reserves t1'ie right to participate in said suit if any pnnciple of gover.nmc.ntal vr public laNv is involved; and if - ~'inal judgrnc.lat in. said suit be rendered againstthe CO UN"1'Y, and its offi cers, agents, and- empJoyees, or jointly against the COUNTY ancl the CJTY and tlleir respective officc.rs, agenis, anci ernployees, thc CITY shall satisfy the same, . ~ . T'sige7oflS 4 . I (c) If the compat'a#.i-ve negJilgerxcc o#'tlle Partieq arrd #heir o-tlicers ancl ernployces i.-s a cau.~e a#' such daniage or injuty, L'he liabi~ity, loss, cost, or oxpense shall be shared ' between the Par6es in .proporti.on ta tllo i.r relative degree of negl2gence and the right of iud enlnify sha11 appiy to su ch proportion, (d) Whe.re ai): of.ficer nr.employce of a Party is aciFng tinder the directian and control of the other Party, the Party directin.g au.d controlling the of.ficer or tmplo}+ee in the , activity andlor omission giving rise t0 1iability shall ~~~ept all ]1.ab1_t!ty foI' the other Pat-ky's o ff.icer or crr-3p]oyee's negligence. (e) Each Par-ty's duty ta indemnifiy sh~dl survive the termination ox cxpixafion o#' tlle Agreement. - ~ int~n.ded to constitute a waiver of each (t) T'he foregoing indemnitS' is specificallY ~ . Parry's h=unity uncier Wasliingi'on's Tndustrial Ynsurance Act, r-bapter 51 ~CW, respecting the other par-ty only, and only i'o Lhe extent necessary to pxovi.dc thc indernnified ~ Pa.rty with a.~'i.ilJ, and cornplcfe indei-nnity vf claims rr~acie by 1he indemnitor's e.mployees_ oa ted and agreed ~ The 1'AR11138 acknowlcdge that th.csc provisions were speci~f~calI~+ negi.~ upon by fhem. p . lhe COUTVl''Y" and the CT1"Y agree to cithc.r seif i.usure or purchase golicies of insuranct covering Ihe matlers confiained in this Agreernent iviEh coverages of riot less than ~ $5,000,000 pcr occurrence wifh $5,0 0 0,0 00 ~ggregal'e Iimits inclucling profession.al 1iabi]aty and auto tiabi.lity covcrages_ . SEi CTION lYO. 13: R-E1rATYONSH.iP OF T~ PAWfIES The PAWI`MS intend that an independent contractor relatioiiship Mll bQ czeated by this Agrceznent. 'fhe GO'U.N'CY shall be an independent canti•actor and noL' 1:he agent or emplayee ofthe CT1"Y-, that the C= is intc.restcd only j.n tlxe resuIl's to bd dchieved and that - , the.nght to conirol the particular manner, ro e#had and mans in which the services ane perCormeci is sole1y wil:hiri the cliscretiorx of #lxe COUNrl"Y-_ Any and all employees wlia provide Services to L'he CIT7C u.nder tbis .Agz'eerrxi~nt sha11' bc deemed employees soIely of the COUNTY. The ~OLTNTY sha11 be solely responsible far the conduct and actJ o n s of all ernployees under this Agreement and a.ny liabLlity that may. attach thereto. Likewjse, no ageR~ ~Laploycc, servartt vr represen#ative of t1he C1TY shall be deerned to be an employoe, agent, servant or representative ofthe ~OUNTY for any purposc, . SECTIOJ.Y NO. 14: MOU~~CA.TION T'his Agreement rn ay be modifi ecl in writing by rnutual written ag~reemertt of the PAR.7'TF.5. Pagv 8 o.f 18 S.N:C'.l:'T()N NQ. 1.5: PRQPERTY A1VD EQUIE'17ENT The ownership of all prpperty anci equipment utilized in conjiznction with providing the Sen~ices shall remaiu with the origi»al owner, unless oiherwise specifically and riiutually ag-eed to by the F'AR'I LES to this Agreemcnt. For the purpose ot this se,cCion, the tertniuology "owuEr." mcans that Party which paid the fiill purchase pr.ice fior the praperty qr equipment. SECTION NO. 16: ALL WR1TiL\'GS CON"I"A]NF1) HTREINBINDING EFFECT This AgeemenC contairis terms ancl conditions agreed upan by the 1'A:Wf'1FS. The PAR'I'IE, S agree that'Uiere au-e no other unclerstand.i.ngs, oral or othenvise, regarding the subjECt mattcr of this Agreement. No changes or additions to tb.is Agreement shall Ue v<<lid or binclin; upon the Yt-1tZl'IE,S unlcss such change or addition is in Nvriting, cxecutcd by the PAR.T]T:.S. . . . This Agreement shall be binding upon the YA.R.7TT,S hcreto, their successors a.nci assigns. SECTiO\ NO. 17: D15P[J`I"E f2.N:SQLTJTION ~ l . Any dispute behveEn the NA..R.TfI:,S which carulot be resolveci between the PARTTES shall be subject to arbitration. Except as providcd f.or to the contrzuy herein; such disrutc shall f rst be reduced ta Nvriting. Il'' the COUN"1"Y Cl?0 and the CITY Manager caulnot resolve the dispute it will be subrnitted to arbitration.- The provisions of ckiaptcr 7.04 RCW shall be applicable to any arbitration procceding. 1'he COUNI'.Y. and the CTTY shall have the right to clesignatc one person each to act as an arbilr.ator.. "I'he t~vo selcctcd arbitratois shall then jointly select a third arbitrator. The dccision af the arbitration panel shall •be bi.ndi.ng on the P~IRTICS and shall be subject lo judicial review as provided for in chtipler 7.04 .F2.CW. 1 tte costs of, the arbitration panel shall be equally split bchween the PARTIES. . SEC"TTON NO. 18: VENUE STLI'IILAT.[ON . I"his Agreement has bECn and shall be construeci as having bccn made and delivered withi_n thc State af Washington and it is mufually understood iuld agreed by each pa,rt5, thar this Agreement shall bc govcrned by the 1aws of the SttZte of Washington both as to _ interpretation and per.f.onnance. Any action at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for Nagc 9 of 18 . the enforceroent of this Agrccrxaent ar any peovision hereto, sha1i be instituted only xtt cc EZrts of competent jurisdic-tion uithin Sp okarte Coun.ty, Washin gtan_ . SECT.ION NO.19: SEVERABIT.,ITY T}xe P.ARTTCS agree tb at it' an} partg, teTms or provisions of this Agreement are Jacld by the . caurts to be illegal, the validaty of the.rem ai.nin g portion s or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligatians of the PAKFrES shall o.ot bc affected in regard to 1:1ie remainder of the Agetment. 1f it should appear that any par, ter.m or p'rovisiion of this ' Agrcoment is in r-onfiict with ai1y statutory provision oi' the State of'QVashington, fhen the .patt, terxxx or pr.ovision fihercof tYrat may be Fn cnnfl ict shall- be deenied inoperative and nul.I and void insofar as it may be in con#lict therewi.tb. and this Agireenienf sha11 be deemed to rrrodify to conform to sizch sfal'utory provision. - SECTIO]V NO. 20: RECORDS All public =ords prepared, owned; used or rei:airied 6y the C,;OCJNTY iI] GpI1jt1flCt2oil Nvltil providing Services under the tenns oC this Agreement shall be deemed CIT°.Y. pzopezty and sball'be made available tv the CiTY upon requesL' by the CIlY Managez` subject to the attorney clie.nt and attor€ley work product prjvileges set forth in stafule, court rule or. case ° 1av,+. 1'he COLIIJ'rY'will notify ttae CI'iY of atty public digcloslLre requesl tinder chapter 4117 FtCW Cor copies or viewing of siich records as wcll as the COTJNTY'S respmse - thereto. ' SECTION NO. 21 : YfEADINGS' The seozion headirtgs appearing in this Agreement have been inserted so1e1y tox the Vutpose of, convenicnce and ready reference. In no way do they purpo.rt to, arid sball not bc 'dee.rxxed ta defne, lirnit or extend the scope ar intent ol' l;he sections to whiob thcy pertdm, - SECTION NO. 22. TIME OI' ESSEi~~~ OF AGYZEEWNT Ti.nae is of the es~wnce of tliis Agreenzen~ anci in case either Party fails to per.fo.rw the obligations on its part to be performed at the time fxed for tlae perfon-nance af itie respectivc obligafioLi by the terms of this Agreement, the other Party may, at its election, hoId the other 1'arty liable for all costs atYd darnages caused by suGh dclay. Page 10 of 18 ~ , SECTiQN ~TO. 23: UNCONTRQLLABLE CIRCUIVISTAIVCESli1~1:POSS:r1i:I=[al:P['Y , A delay br interruption in or failure qt performance of all or any pa.rt of tliis Agreement result.i_ng £rom Uncontrol_lablc Circumstances shall be deemed noC a default under this Agreement. n delay or interruption in or failure of perfornialce of all or any part of this Ag.rcEr_nent res«lting from any change in or netiv law, ordcr, rulc or regulation of any nacLu-e which , renders providing nt' Services in accardance with the terms of this A.grccr.nent legally impossible, and any other circumstar_lccs bEyond the control of the COUN'1"Y which render legally impossible l'he Perl'omlance by the COUNrl Y of its obligations under [his Agreement, sh11.1. bc decmcd not a dcfault under this Agreement. SECTION N0. 24: FILING ' This Agreement shall be liled by the CounCy wiCh such of..f ces or agcncics as required by chaptcr 3934 R.C`V. . SFCTTnN N0. 25: EXECTJTIQl\T A.ND APPROVAL 1'he 1'A.Wl.fES warrant that t}ac of.fcers executing belo«r have been duly authorizeci to act `for and on behalf of lhe Pa.rty for purposes of conf rrning this Agreemeni. SECT:IOIV lYC7. 26: 1:NI:T:1:A"X':I'VN:S _ The PAfZ.T1TS recognize that revenue reducing initiative(s) passed by thc voters of VVashington may subst.a.ntially rcduce Iocal qperal-ing revenue for the C1TY; COUN`CY ar both PA[ZTIES. The PAR'.[1ES agree that it is ncccssary ta have flexibiliiy to reduce the contracted'amount(s) in this AgrEEnient in response to budget constraints re.sulting frorn the passagc of rcvenuc rcducing initialive(s). Tf such an eveni occur.s, thc PARTIT.S agree to negotiatE in good faith to achieve a inuhially agreetible r.esolution tn a timely fashion. . SECTION NQ. 27: CQKk'LIANCE WITH LAWS The ParCies shall observe all fecleral, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the cx-teci_t that they may be applicable to the tenns of this Agreemcnt. STCTIQN NU. 28: DISCLAlME17 rxcept as othenvise provided, this Agreement shall not bc construed in any manner fhat would limil either 1'arty's authority or powers under law. Pagc I I of 18 . . SECT10N NO. 29: ASSiJRANCE The Cl'1`Y shall pay ttic COUNTX the tnie and fiill cost of all Services provided Lmder this Agreement. lhe intent of the Part.ics is that neither Party will subsidize thc vther and that the CITY will not subsidize any otlier jurisdiction that is r.ECeiving similar services. IN W.i.TNESS WHERE-OF, the PAR"1'MS have caused this Agreement ta be executed on date iind year oppositc th.cix respective signatures. DATED: T30ARD OF COUN7 Y CO1VlNTJ:SSIONTRS OF SPQK.ANE COUNTY, WASI-LI:NGTQN TODD Nl`lE'LKE, Chai.rpcrson A.'1.fiEST Clcrk of tli.e Raard ivIAILK RIC;HACZl7, Vicc-chairman . Daniela Erickson PHI.LLI.P :la. HARi2.IS, Commissioner DATED: CIT'X OF SPQKANC VALLEY: ATfiFST: . Davici Mercier, City Manager ChristineF3ai.nbridge, City Clerk . A:F':F'RQVED AS TO FORM ONLY: Off_i.ce of City Atfarney , Page 12 of 18 MCLlR:[T l. CO[JiNTY tiu•ough the Spokaiie County Regional Animal Proteckian Services (SCRA-E'S) will provide Anima] Cc>ntrol Sci~,rices to CiTY lAzthui lhe CITY's boundaries. ror thE purpose of tlus Agreemcnt, Anunal Control Services shall include: 1. Luforcement of Gl"l`Y' S A.n.i.mal Control Ordinance; 2. Enfor.cenient of.C1TY'S inherently Dangerous Mairimals/Reptiles Ordinancc; 3. L-n:for.cement of chapter 16.081'ZC;V~f(Taags); 4. Fn:(orcemcnt of chapter 16.521Z.CW (Prevcntion o:F Cruelty to .4n.i.mals); and 5. Enforcement of•'ehapter 16.54 R.CW (Abandon.ea Animals). Luforce.ment includes field serviccs, shelter serviccs, educaliAnal services, the licensing of dogs, c,at.s ar►d 'uiliei~ently clangcrous mam.mals/reptiles, and appeari.ng beforc all administrative and judicial heari.nDs in conjtmction ,v7th such duties anci fiuictions. I'ield Serviccs iuclude lhosc provideci during uormal hours of operation a5 well as ernergency . services provided- onJv aftcr normal hours of operatidn. Noriual hours of oper.ation are Monday through F-riday,.7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and Sarurday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. except hal.iciays.. . Ficld Seivices provideci during normal hours of operation are: (1) i7og at large eouiplainCS; (2) Cat at large on private property; (3) llog bar.king; (4)17og or cat - no license; (5) i7og nr cat - no rabies y vaceinatiou; (6) Doo threatens person; (7)17og tlireatens domestic: animal; (R) laog or eat bite; (9) • Injutecl dog Ur cat; (10) Sick dog or cat; (ll) Agcncy assist; (12) Abandoned aniuial; (la) Ani.ulxl cruelly; (14) L7cacl on an-ival dog or cat; (15) Con.Giied dog or cat; (16) I"rappi.ng tiog or cat; (17) Vicious dog; (l8) 1Ccruiel inspections; (19) Dangerous dog i.nsPectious; (20) lnhereutly dangerous . mavrual or reptile uispecticros; anci (21) Other as deeiued necessary by lhe clepartment. Field Services pr.ovided after nam7al hours of operation, ref.'erred to as Fmergcncy Services, include: (1) Unjureii or sick dog/cat; (2) llog/c:at bite - dog cat is still at large; (3)17og bite - severc . dog bite (victim is in hospi.lal and dob xvi_U ne,ed to be quarantiued i.nlmEdiatcly in the county shelter); (4) Vicious or threatening dog - dog threalens persons or darnestic ai.ii.n,als ancl is still at large; (5) Animal iu our humane trap tliat is makuig a disturbance or injuring it5elf; (6) Other law enfarcemeut agency requcsts our assistance when animals are imrolved; (7) Other cmergency such as extremc cruelty, pet ciying iu a hol vehicle, etc.; (8) Exotic llANGERUUS PFT at large (i.e., cougar; tiger, wolf, bear, etc.); and (9) Nlultiple calls on same problem - animal control officer ou call Nvill evaluaie and make a detennination ou Nvlielher to respond. Slielter Services are provided. Manday, 1'uesday, 'I'h«rsday anci Hriday, frcim 10:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., and Saturday f.rom 1:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M., closed «,ecinesday, Sunday and holidays, and include.full sl,nrice animal shelter services: (1) Housing dog/cai - occasional o[her animal; (2) Pel license Prograin; (3) After hours animal receiving room; (4) A.n. imal redemptions; (5) Adoption ` pro~~ram; (6) Voluntecr program; (7) ]7og trai.ning program; 1'rappi.ng program; and (9) i Page 13 of 18 Crematoriuui on site. r.ducational services include: (1) l7og bite prevention program - eleinentary schools and servzce workers; (2) School career fair participation; (3) Specialty pzesentations ava.ilable upon request; (4) Public servicE announcenients - newspaper; radio and television; (5) ' Com.munity outreach - fair Fioolh, lic;ense cluucs, special Events, ete.; and (6) NN'ebsite. 'I hc CO[,TNTY may conduct survEys within CITY.f.'or unlicensed dogs and cats. In conjunction with the en.f:brcement of Ttems No. 1 and 2 herein above, CITY shall adopt and keep . current by appropriate legislative action, both an (i) Animal Contrnl Ordinance and (u) lnherently Dangerous Maiiunals/Reptiles Orciinance substautially idcntical to those adopted by COL1N'1 Y as they pretently ex:ist or as ttiey may hereinafter be inodifiedlamendcd, to include all f:ees/penalties. This responsibility shall not•be deemed a restriction upon the CITY's legislativc power. The City of SPok.ane Valley may enact orciinances dealiug Aritti diiinal cantrol withi.n its boundaries; and COiJNIT"Y shall provide CITY «rith a copy of Chapter 5.04 and Chapter 5.12 of tlie Spokane County Code aud all subsequenc mociifications/amendments thereto. CITY shall providc CUiJNTY %vridi copies-of its adoptetllamended Ord'ulAaces substantially identiral to Chapters 5.04 and 5.12 of the Spol:ane County Codc. CITY shalJ provide legal counsel to prosecute any citations/complaints issuecl by COCTNI'Y in , cnforcement of Ilems N0. 1 through 5 hcrein above i.n the Muaicipal Court or Superior Caurt. In perfvrming the above Aiumal Control Servic-es, COUN 1 Y will provide such personnel, as it ; deems neccssary as well a.s any and all vehicles and materials of any lcind or naturc whatsoever at no cost to CI'T'Y. . COUN'rY will provide Anima.l Conh-ol Scrvices above and beyond thosc set forih herein td CITY at cost negotiated betwcen CITY and COIJNI Y. Page 14 of 18 Exhibit 2 Spokane County Spokane Valley Animal Control 2005 Contract Compo°ent A Gamponent A Component C 2005 Percentuge Adopted Budget S kane Valle.y Contract Amount DepaRmental Expenditures Salary 804,917.0 49.240Y* 396,341.13 M& O 206,980.00 49.24% 101,916.95 Indirect Costs 271,577.80 49.24% 133,724.91 Departrnental Revenues 420,994. 49.24% 207,297.45 Total 862,480.8 424,685.55 Notes •Componeat A represents Mimal Control's 2005 adoptod budget for revenues and expaxiitures. Revcnucs do not includc cstimatod donetions, neutering rcimbursements and surchurges, anJ contract revcnues. •'Thc pcrccntagc of scrvices provided to Spokane Valley is based upon the results of a Time Study pcrformal by thc Mimal Control Services Department. The percentage of services provided to Spokane Valley was 49.24°k basod on statistics (lanuary - Dec 2004). See Attachment A. Component A muttipliod by Componcnt B equates thc contract amount •••The Indirect (Ovencead) rate of 33.74% is only applied W salaries. The indirect rate is based on Spokant County's OMB A-87 Cost Plan Escalatcd 2003 for 2005, adjustod to only includc dcpreciation of capital improvements acyuired after the Ciry's official date of incorporation, preparcci by PRM Group, an indcprndcnt plan prcparer. Sex Attachment B. Page15of18 Spokane County Spokane Valley Animal Control Attachment A-Time Stady Statistics January - December, 2004 2005 Contract Requeat Emergency for Service Impounds InvestiQations Cells Trapping "Cotal Yo Spokanc County 4,418 3,215 350 51 160 8,194 47.59% Spokane Vallev 4,332 3.563 294 96 194 8,479 49.24% Mi11H•ood 83 65 3 1 2 154 0.89% Cheney 160 135 12 1 2 310 1.80°/a Fairchild AFB 30 46 3 3 - 82 0.48% Total 9,023 7,024 662 152 358 17,219 100.00% Page 16 of 18 Spolcine Coanty, WaStiIOgt00 OMB A-87 - Indfreet Coat Ratcs Fiscal 20113 for BndZet Year 2005 (inelodn Esealatlon Factor Appliod to 2003 AMusls to biore Accantdy Rcflect Costs for 2005) (2005 Budgeted Salary & Beoefib e:clada multl-yar ulary dc beoefib) (Adjasted W e:clude Bnilding and Equlpeent Deprcciation for Purpoae o[ Oubide Cootncts) AttacYment B- IndircN Rste [or 2005 AdJ rsttr Central Service I.ess: Bldg Less: Equip Centnl Serv1 Salary & Indireet Cost I Depnrtment Cost 1 rcc De rec Coa Beaeti Rztc Animal Coritrul 0 281,040 7.145 2,317 271,579 804,917 33.74°/ Communications 144.054 357 48.907 94390 382172 24.R0'/ Counsel for Defense I 63.074 I 2.032 I 1.432 I 59.610 I 707,207 I 8.43% DistridCourt I 984.614 I 10350 ~ 22L707 ~ 951.557 ~ 44,93 138 I 21. 1r/9 Emergen Servias I 188247 I 2,383 I 23,349 I 162.515 I 332.931 ~ 48.81% Heming Exsminer ~ 13.548 I - ~ 111 I 13.437 ~ 152,681 I 8.800/ Tro-Trial I 122A09 I 123 I 440 I 121.846 317.774 I 38.34% hobatioo I 48.651 I 354 I 2.473 I 45.824 566.604 I 8. Pjosccutin&6j!y I 547.252 I 659 ~ 1175 I 545,418 I 7,771,083 I 7.02•/ tublic Defender I 388.751 ~ 15.422 I 8.866 364.463 I 4.713_255 ~ 7.73•/ Shcriff•'s I 2,530~659_ I 17,659 I 408,109 2,104,891 ~ 229~05 A62 I 9.190/0 •Animal Canuol - adjust cost allocation: From lhe Escalated OMB A-87 Plan 2003 ActuaLs for use in 2005 Budget Ycar 2005 ellocation tu Animal bascd on 2003 ectuuLs 458,794 (.ctis: Prosecutor as SY has separate contract (33,518) l.ess: 2003 ISD cust of new systcm (214,594) Add: }•car 1 0£ 10 for anwrtizcd cost of systcm _ 21,459 Scc Attachmcnt C. Equal: Adjustcd 2005 alla:ation to Mimal bascd on 2003 aaxuals 232,141 Lcss: Amnunt allocated in 2003 bascd on 2001 actuuls (183,243) L•qual: amount to add to Adjusted 2005 to corrcct 2003 49,898 Add: Adjusted 2005 elFocation to Animal based cm 2003 ectuals 232,141 Equal: Amount Allocatcd to Animal in 2005 281.040 f tearing Fxamincr - Per Marshe[I deduct roll forward, and Proseculnr dloca[ioo Sherifl'- Adjusl Fuilities allocation for PSB square fxt not allocabk to Spolcmne Valley: From the Escalntcd OMB A-87 Pfan 2003 Actuals far tue in 2005 Budget Year Fscitilits Maintenana Costs allocated to the PSB 1,106,470 Divided by: Public Safety Building uryare fcet (excl oommaa uea) 147,800 Equsl: Cast per square foot 7_49 Multiply by: PSB squarc fcct NOT chsrgeabk w the Valley (cxcl oommon ares) 20,681 Equal: Amount tn reduce mst allocatiom by 154,823 sss Shcriff - Exclude Facilitics allocation for Sheriff Garage, SV has their own garage 23,524 Page 17 0[ 18 Spokane County Spokane Valley Animal Control SCItAPS Ioformation System Amorti•ration 2005 Contract Attachmcnt C- SCRAPS Information System Amortization Cost of new system 214,594,00 Asset Life 10 years Annual Dcpreciation 21,459.40 2005 21,459.40 2006 21,459.40 2007 21,459.40 2008 21,459.40 2009 21,459.40 2010 21,459.40 2011 21,459.40 2012 21,459.40 2013 21,459.40 2014 21,459.40 214,594.00 ~ Pagc 18 of 18 .tZeturu to: Danielz Lricl:son, Clerk of the $oard Aoard of County Commissioners 1116 W.l;rcti:,dw;ty . Spakane, «'ashington 99260 TNTF.Tt1:.OCAL AGREEMFNT f Olt CUSTS INCIDFN'f TQ Al:)JfJll1CATIUN OF MTSI)EiA.1_EANOR AND C.:RQSS MCSI)L'+'1VIEANOR OFFENSFS • . TN 1'H~; C11 Y C~F SPQKAYf; VAL:LLY (,lanuary :I., 2005 -December 31, 2005) '1'EIIS AGRETN-M N'I:', madc and entered inlo Uy and amoug the Spokanc County ])istrict C'oizrt, having oFfices for the tr-wisaction oF bu~iness at 1100 West Mallon, Spokane, `Vashuigton 99260, hereinafier ref.erred to as "COURT," Spokanc County, a. political subdivision of the State of Wa-shington, having officcs fbr the transacti.on of business at 1116 'West F3roadway Avenue; Spokane, Wa.shington 99260, hcrcinaf`ler refen-ed to as "CUUN'1'Y," ancl the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of the Siate oi' `Va.shington, having offices f'or the traxisaction of r-business at the Kcdwoocl Plax.a, 11707 Fast Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Waslungton 99206, hereuiafter rcferred lca as "CITY," jouitly hcreinafler referced to as the "PAR.TIF.S." 1'hc C()UNTY; COURT and CI1"Y a&Tee as fiollo%vs. ' SEC'I`ION NO.1: 1tN:C1'I`ALS AND rINUINGS (a) "1'he 'Boarci of Caunty Couuiussioncrs of Spok~uie Caunty has the carc of Councy propErly and the manageuient of County Punds aad business uuder RC1V 36.32. l20(6). (b) Counlies and cities naay coiitr.act with cach other tp perForm cerfa.in functions 4vhich each may legally pcrform uncler chapter 39.34 RCW (lnterlocal Cooperation Act). . (c) Yursuanf to the peovision.s of RCW 39.34.180, tlie City of Spokane Valley is responsible for the costs incidenl ta investigation, prosccution; acljuciicalion and incarceration oi' Jtiisciemeanor and gross inisdemeauor offenses thai occur 'withi.n its jurisdiction and that aa-e commiitea by aduLts. (d) Spokane County has cstablisHeci the C4URT under the provisions of chapter 3.38 RCW for thc judicial adm.i.nistratiou of tlic laNvs of the Stale of Wash.i.ngtou and the orclinances of Spokaale Coiuity. 1`he CO[.TRT consists of oue district encompassi.na all of Spok.-iic County. (e) '1"he City of Spokane Valley desires to ufi.l.ire the serviccs of the COi.IRT for the . f ptoose of adjudicati.ng and senteuciug cases which occur x«tbin the City of Spokane Valley and Pagc I of 17 are referrcd to the COURT -where the charge is (i) an inf.Taction and/or (ii) a misdemeanor or gross , misdemeanor offense eommitted by aii adult, and/oz (iii) a vialation ofthe City of Spokaue Valley's - ord'ulances ,vluch. conslitules a cnisdemeanor, un.less f.led witti a felony. . SECTTON NQ. 2: I)E~+~liNll"IONS (s) Aareement: "Agreement" means this Interlocal Agreement bctween the CTTYs COURT and CO`UN'fY rega,r.di.ng Court Scrviccs. (b) Citv: "CITY" ineans the City 6C SpQkane Valley. . (c) Countv: "CO[.FNTY" means SpokanE Cotuity. . (cl) Maintenance and Qnerations: "Maintenance and pperatious" and "=M&Q" shall mean (1) those class cocles (3000-5999 aad 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its budgetary . process a5 prescribed bp the 13AR.S manual aciopted by the Staze of. Washingtan under chapter 43.88 RCW so long as such expenditures are directly attrihulable and proportionate to services rcndered to CiTY undcr thc teruLS o£this Agreement. (c) Services: "Scrvices" meaais those services idEntified i.n Fxhibit 1. (f) Comnensation: "Compensation" means that methodology set .f.nrth in Exhibit 2 - uscd to establisll the amount of money Arliich lhe CITY will pay the COUNTY for providi.n; Services. (g) Canita] Tmnrovernent: "Capital Jmprovement" shall mean any exnenditurc in . excess of $1999.99 or such lugher figure as set by the COLN'I'Y as the capitalization tltresliold during the terln of the Ag-eement 1"hc COUNTY shall give the Cl 1 Y advanr•e notice of any increase in Lhe capitalization threshold. The PtLRT1FS agree to ineet and tliscuss the iinpacts of ajiy change in lhe capitalization tlireshold whieh wrill cause an increase of eosfs to the CTTY in EYCess of $50,000.00. F1ny such expenditure will be coded as provided for in the BARS-manual adopted by the State of'PVashington under RLW 43.88. (h) Uncontrollable Circumstances: "Uncontrollable Circuunstances" means the folloAring events: riats, wars, civil disturbances, insunections, acts of ten•prism; extemal fires and floods; volcauic eruptions, lightning or earthquak.es at or near whcre the Services are performcd andlor that dicecfly affect providing of such Services. (i) Court: "Court" mcans the Spoka.ne Caunty District Court established undcr chapter 3.38 RCW. (j) Repnrt: "Report" me,"s the District Court Filing/Rcvcnue Report. ~ Yagc 2 of 17 . ~ S.I~C'1'1C~N ~`O. 3: 1'U1ZE'U~E The purpose o:k i.liis A.greement is to r.ecluc;e to ATitung thc Pr-1.RT.TES' understanding as to the ter.ms and conclitions Uuider which the COURT ~-vrill provide Services on behalf of the C1TY. Ii is the intenE of the YARTMS lliat Services to bc provided by the COURT vvill be consistent ~,«tli the CITY'S CotiticiVAl,-vlager timn of goveituncnt providetl for ut chapter 35A.13 RCW subject to applicable Couri R.ules. - STCT[ON NU. 4: DURATTOIY/WiTl1llRAVVAL This A.geemcnt shall c;aniiuence ou January 1, 2005, anci nui through December 31, 2005. At the conclusiou of the initial term, this Agreement shall autUmatically be rcnewed frOni year to yeac ttierea(fier ei:t'ective January 1' to December. 315`, All renewals shall be subject to all terrn5 and cnnditions sct farih herein except for Eshibic 2_ The PAW111:5 recogniie it )u;lily unlikely tha~Fx.hibit 2 settiug forth the neNv billing rates for cach pear's Serv~ices will be available at the start of any renewal time fraiue. Accordingly; wi[il a new Fx.hibit 2 has bee.n prepared and agreed lo beh-veen the Yt1R`l"iES; the PAR.TiFS agree that the CQIJNTY wi1L hill the CITY -alid the C:ITY 'Mll pay the COT_NTY at the same billing nates paid 'ui . the prEVious year. Upon the Pt-1RTTFS agreemetit on 1 ncw Exhibi[ [lie CI1 Y and COi.TiNTY will reconcile payments io date under the previous years billing rates vN7th the new billing ratcs. An.y underpayment i'or any Serviccs will be tlue iik the first pzymcnt due folloNNrang recoiiciliation. ~ Any overpaynicnt for any Services ~Nill be erediteci le tlie first monttily payment due fbll.ow-i.ng the reconciliation. The T'AKTLES agre.e that na interest skall be o,~vino by eitfier P~.rty to t~ic other Party for any overpaynlenc or u,nderpayiueut dctcrn•iinecl a5 a result of the rcconciliaticm. . Ariy 1'al-ty may writhdra«+ at any time frorn qhis Aa~-eement for any reascm whatsoever upon a nunimLun Of 180 days writtcn notice as provided for in ScctiAn 7 lo the other Parfy. • SECTIOV Np. S: COST OF SL1tV1CES A.ND PAYMEi iV'I S The CITY shall pay t:he COLTNqY the aceual costs for Scrvices provided under flus Agreement. Tlie estunated cost ibr 2005 Services tuldcr ihis Agreeiuent sliall be as sct :foreh in Exlubit 2, attached herelo and iucorporated herein by reference. Thc rneChodolo;y Li.ses tlte liLst sir (6) months of R.eport numbers for 2003 and first six (6) ntonths oFRcport numbei-s • fvr 2004 anc3 averages theui for a twelve (12) nionth time fracne. '1'he resulting number is used as a basis to estimate die 2005 cost ot'5ervices. The COI,TiNTY Cr0 shall advise thc CI"t'Y Man.ager as soon a.s possible o:f: any arrticipated or unanticipated capital izrtpzovement costs that arise duziiig the contract period. ThE Cit_y shall pay capitxl unprovemenl eosts eitlier (1) undcr the Cost Allocation 1'lan as an indirECt cnst amor1iced over the uscful l.if.e o:C Clle improvement utiliiing sLraig it-luie deprcciation. arld ineorporating the eYpectcd salvage value of the iinprovcment at lhe end of its useful life or (2) as a direct cost in the form oF a contributioii madc to the Fquipment Rental and R.evolvin; Funci. The CITY shall be responsible only for capital improvement costs iucurred after Vtarch Page 3 of 17 ' ' 31, 2003. Any portion of a capital impr.ovement that was paid for or acquired throug separate ' ageenienl or Nuith grant proceeds, bonci proceeds, user fees, donations, or auy other acquisition methoti that reflects a contribuiion on bchalf of CTTY shall nofi be included 'ui the dcpreciation schedulc applied to the CI'fY. Any capital improvement for wluch the COITNTY seeks reunburseinent frorn the C1TY rnust be nece,"ary to fitlfill the requirements of tus A~.~reement. At the end of the ralendar year, using the methadology set forth in Exhibil 2 the PAt'1IC-8 shal.l apply the acrual expcndinue.s and the accual usagc pcrceutage to determinc the fuial cos-t. Ti is the PARTT_FS intent that any adjustment tak-e placc as soon as passible and accordingl.y will usc tiicir respective best efforts to kimely prcparc, dissenunate anci revicw all espenditure docucnentation. Thc Cl'1`Y wrill have sixty (60) calendar days :from its rcccipt of the expencliture docuuientation to provide the COiJNTY with any w.citten objections(s) to such documcntation. Tlie written objection(s) must specifically identify the cYpenditur.e(s) in question. '1"he COtJNTY agrees to consider all uritten objections received from the CITY withui tliu-ty (30) c:alendar days of receipl• of•' the ohjeclions(s). ln the event thal the PARI1L5 cannnt mutually resolve airy wTitien objection(s) subiuitted by the CITY within the thi.rty (30) calentlar days tine fraine, Ur such othcr ti.me fiame as the PA.RTIE.S may muttially agree, the objcctiolls shall be reSOlved pursuaut to the Dispute Rcsoliition provisions see i'orth in Section No. 17. Pencling resolution of the abjcctions(s), the YATZTIES agree lhat the Cl"1 Y shall pay that portion of the bill thai is undisputed. To the eatent that the C1TY was aver billcd iu any year. ancl the Agrcetnent is still in effect, the COLJNTY shall credit the CITY for such overpayment in the nEx-t uiontl.ily payment owning by the CITX. PrUvided, howcver, in tlie evenf the Agrccment is te.rminated at such time khat the averpayment is determined, the CC7UN'1`Y shall rei.mburse the Cl'T`Y for any overp•a,vment within , thirfy (30) calendar clays. To the extent thal• the Cl'1'Y was under billed in any year and the Agreement is still in effect, the CITY sha11 reimburse the COUN1`Y for any wider payment ui the ncxt monthly payment oNving by the C.ITY. Providcd, however, in the event the Ageement is terminated at such time that the underpayrnent is determined, the C;1TY shal.l reimbursc the . CpU'N 1"Y for any underpaynlent ~vithin t}urty (30) calendar days. Eilher Farty may at its sole option charge interest on any overpa}Tment or unclerpayment based on lost interest earning had the . amoun.t determined duc been invested in the respcctive PARTLES i.nvcstrnEnt pool at lhe end of the . thirty (30) day tinie frame provided for hereinabove la the datc of pa}Tment. Any resolution pf a ciis'puted amount through use of the arbitration prpcess identificd in Section 17 ' shall inclucle at the request oI' cither .E'arty, a detemiination of whedher interest is appropriate, i.ncluding the amount. ThE COU'NTY will hill the CI'I'Y for the cost of ser.vices as outlined, monl:h.ly, by the 15ffi of the month. Monthly paymienLs for Services ,vill be calculatcd by dividing those annual costs set forth in Exhibit 2 by twelve (12). Payrients by the CITX will be dtie by the 5`i' day af the folloAing , mqnth. "'1"hc COLNTY, at its sole option, may cbarge interest on 'any late payment cdlciilatcd ou auy losl i.nterest earuing, had the amount duc been invested since the datc due to che ciate of pa}Tmcnt in the CO"LTNTY's i.nvestmcnt pool. • Page 4 of 17 SECI'iQN NQ. 6: RELATED RFST'QrTSYTi1L11 l-ES 1'N CONJiTNC`TTQV «17l'N }?ROV1llING SERVTCrS The COUll'1' or its clesignee agn-ee to attend staff ineetings as requested by the C1TY Managcr. Tlte COURT or its ciesignee agr.ce to meet upon request by the GT'1"Y A1ana;er or hisfher'designee ta ciiyt;uss any Service provicied under klie teniis of ttus Agrecment. . The CTTY agrees the COiJRT may usc the CUURT'S statianery in conju.nction with providing Services uuder the tcrms of this Agreei-tient. SEC`fIQN NQ. 7: N0171CE A11 notices nr ot.her conuniuucations given hereunder shall be dcemcd given on: (1) the day such notices or othcr communicat7nns are receivcd when senc by Personal delivery; or (ii) the third day - follo~~7nk tbe day on wluch the sanie have been IIiailed- by first class clelivery, posta;e prepaid addressed to the CQirITY or the Cl l'Y at the address set .f.arkll below for siich Yarty, or at such nther address as cithEr 1'arty shall f.roiii tiiue-to-tune design~~te by notir.e in ~vriting to the otticr Yarty: ~ COUNTY: Spokane County Cluef Lxccutive Of•icE.r , ar hislher authorized representalive 1.116 Wcst Broadway Avenue Spok-ane, `Vasliiagton 99260 CnUl2'l : Presiding Jud;e, Spokanc County Dislriel Court 1100 West Mallon Avenue Spakane, Washington 99260 C1TY: City of Spokane Valley C'ity Maela;er or lus/hcr authorired represent:ative Redwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokaue Vallcy; Washington 99206 SECT10N N4..8: RTi'Qlt`I'ING Reports - The COURI' shall provide the CiTY with reports clocumenting act:ual usage tuidcr this Agreement: The Farties aeree ttiat the tcrmiriology "reports doctmientulg achial usage" means fliat typc of infQrmation provided by flic COUW1" to the C.ITY in the 2004 agrecment for Services. An updated report shall be subiiutteci quartErly unle,s odlenvise mutually agrecci by the Par1Ye5. Such - reporfs shall be iu a foniiat as mutually agreeci to betNveen the Partics. '1'he contenl avcllor foruiat for such zeports uiay be changed from time-to-time by written agreement betNveen CITY and , COURT staft: Page 5 of 17 ' Records ReNiew - The CITY shall be allowed to conduct ranclom rcviews of the records generated by the COURT in performance of this A.greement. l he CITY -Mll provide the CO'URT with rea..~onable advancc notice of the reccarcis revicws. "1"he Parties agree that thcy -Arill make best efforts to achieve a r.esolutinn of any potential records confidcntiality issues, inclucling enterina iiita con:ficienfiialify agreeinents or other similar mechanisins that v.ill allow disclosure of the necessary information to acctuately conduct a records review. Ifi the CITY will be a1lowed lo view only those records ciirectly relating to Services provideci ,a7thin Cl'1'Y's corporale hoiuidaries, then the COURT mu.st kcep a log of origi.nal documents used to cliar.ge the CITY, mid those documcnts must have idEntifyin; numbers or letters so tie origi.na.l source documcnts can be easily retrievcd. SECTIUN 1V0. 9: CnTJiNTEFtPARTS 1'his Ageement inay be cxecutcd in anynumber of couultcrparts, each of which, when so executed and delivercd, shall be aii original, but such counterparts shall together coustitute but pne and lhc same. SECTION n'O. 10: ASSIGNMFNT No Paxcy may assign ui whole or parl its interest in dus Agreemenl N,%rithout the written approval of . the other PAR`l"Y. SFCTTON NO. 11: COUiNTY T+: vi.PLQYEES The COUR1' shaLl hire, assign, retain and discip]_ine a11 employees pcrfornuug Services undcr ttus Aereement according to applicable collective bargauung ageements and applicable state anci f-bderal lavvs and court rules i.ncluding but not liinitedto GR 29. The COUR.T agrees to rneet and can..Cer with the Cl'L'I' v-rith respect to staff that is a,ssigneti to provicie Serviccs. Issues of iiiscipline or perforraiance ~vill be specifically hanclled accordiiig to COURT policies. SI-KGTIOV N0. 12: LCAB.CT..TTY hor tbe pwpose of tYus Section, the ternlinology "CUUN°l X" shall alsa inclucic the "CGUfZ.T." (a) The COUNTY shall bidemnify and hold hatm.less the CITY and its officers, agents, and employees, from any and aU claims, action.s, suits, liability, loss; eosts, expenses, and damagcs of any nature whatsoever, by any reason of or az-isi.ng out of any uegligent act or omission of the COL7NTY, its officers, agents and employees, relating to or arising out of perforrrming Scrvices - pur'suanl to this Agreement. In the event that any suit based upon such claim, act.ion, loss, or ' damages is brought against the CITY, thc COLNTY shall defend the same at ii:s sole cost and expenSe; provided that lhe CITY rescrves the righk to participate in said suit if any principle of govcrnmental or public law is involved; and if final judgtnent in said suit be reudered aba.insl the f'age 6 of 17 . CITY, and its oFficers, agznts, and employecs, or jqinlly aDainst the C:ITY a[id thC C;OUiNTY and tkeir respective officers; agents, and employees, the COUNTY shall satisfy the same. (b) The CITl' shall inciemnif~ and hold harmless fihe CdWi TY and its oflicers, agents, and euiployces, fram any and a.ll claims; aeiions, suits, liability, loss, costs, cxpcnses, anci damaDes of any natu.re Nuhltsocver; by sny reason of or arising out oPauly negligent act or onussion of thc CI l'Y, its ofticers, agents~ ancl cinployees, relating tn or arisiug out of pcrforming Services pursuant to tlus Aereemcnt. l.n the event that any siut baSeti upon sucli claiul, actioii, loss, or damages is broug-ht - against tlle COUNTY, the CT'["Y shall defend the sarne al it's solE cost arid'eYpense; provided that the COUiNTY rescrvcs the right lo participate in said siut if any principle o.f goventmental or public law is i.nvalved; and if final judgrnenl in said stut be rcndcred againsl the COTJtNTX, and its officcrs, agents, and employees, or joinily agai.nst the CGlN1`1' and the CI'I`Y and their respective officers, agenis, and employees, tEle Cl`l"Y shall satisfy rhe sanie. (c) lf the c;omparative negligeuce of the Parcies and klieir o:fficers and employccs is a cause o.i.' such darnage or injury, the liability, lnss, cost, or eYpensc shall he shared behveen the Parties in proportion to their relative degreE of negligence and the ri;lit of uidemnity shall apply to suc.h proportion. (d) Whcrc an oiTicer or employee of a Party is accing under the direction a.nd control Ut' the other. Party, the Party direrting'a.nd conteolling the officer pr emPloyee iu the activity ancllor ornission givi.ng rise to liability shall accept all liability for the olher Party's o£['icer or ' euiploycc's neglioence. (c) Eaeh Party's duty to indcnuufy shall survive the terUUUation or cxpualion of che AgreemeTlt. (fl The •foregoinD,indeuuniry is specilically intended to constihitc a waiver of each Party's im.munit}r utider 1'Vashingtpn'S i.ndustcial Lisurancc Act, chapter SI R:C`V, i-especting the other parly only, and only to ttie cx-terit necesstuy lo provide the indcmnified ParCy u7th a full Fuid complete indemnity of clairns made by thc indemnitor's eniployees. The Pt1TZ`1`MS acknowledge that tliesc provisiocLS were specif_ical.ly negotiated wid agreed upon by tbenl. (g) The C;UUNTY and thc CIT1' aa ee to eitller self insure or purchase policies of insurance coverulg the matters contai.ned i.n tltiis Agrcemcnc with coverages of not less thaui $5,000,000 pez occurrcncE; wieh $5,000,000 aggregatc limiis' includi.ng professional liabiliry and autv liability cOVerages. SFC"I"I.ON n'U. 13: RELATTQNSNI=F:' Ol± ML PARTIES '1'he E'ART[.FS i.aleud tliat an uidepcndcnt cantractor relationslup will be crcatcd by this. ta.greemeut. "1°he COUR.T Shall be an uidepcndent contraclor and not the agent ar employe.e of tlie CITI', that the CTTX is iaterested only in the rFSulLS to be achieved and that the right lo coiitrol the particular manner, metlind and means ui which the services are perforuied is solely ~Nrithi.n the discretion of _ lhe COIJR.T. Any and aLl euiployces who provide Services to the Cl'1'Y Luider this Agreement shall l'agc 7 of 17 ' be deemed employees solcly of the COCJR.T. 'fhe COUTZl shall be solely responsible fnr the . conduct and actions of all emplnyees under this Agreement and any liabiliiy that may atkach [hereto. = Likewise, no agent, employeE, scrvant or representative of the CiTY shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servaut or representative of the COUiZ'7 or (:OUNTX For any ptirpose. SFCTION N(7.14: NIODIFTCATiQN This Agreement may be inodified iu writi.ng by mutual written agreement oF the PtllZ1IE, S. SFC°TiQN NU. 15: Y1tOPERTY AiNTD EQUIPVLEN1' The oumership of all property and equipment utilized in conjunction Arith providing the Services shall remain wiih the original owner, uiiless otherArise specifically and m.utually agrecd to by the PARTIES to this Ageeiuent. For the purpose of ttus seciion, the terminology "ovvner" means that Party wbi.ch paici the full piirchase price for the prpperty or equipment. SFCTTON NU. 16: ALL NNTR-ITINGS CUn'TAINED IEEREMBIIYUING E1+FLCT TlZis Agreement contauis terms aiid condicions agreed upon by the ]?ARTf.FS. The YAl2"1'ICS aD e that therc are no other unclersiandings; oral or othenvise, regard'uig the subject malier of- this AgeemenC. Nlo changes or adciitions to this Agreement shaLl be valid ar binduig upon the PART11,S utiless such cbaaige hr aciclilion is in ~NTitiag, executed by the PA1Z'1'iES. This Agrccment shall be binding uPon the Pt1R1'iES hereto, their successors and assigns. ~ SECTION NO. 17: DISPUTE RESOLUTI0N Any dispute beriween the COUIVTY and C1fiY i.ncluding but not'liuuted to cosl at' Serviccs which cannot he rescalvecl betwecn the COUN9X and C1TY shall be subject to arbitration. Ercept as provided for to the contrary hEreui, sueh dispute shall f rst be reducecl to wr.iting. If the COUNTY _ CEO azid the CITY vlanager cannot resolvE the dispute it vryll bE submitted to arbilration. T'he prpvisions oFchaptcr 7.(}4 R.CW shall he applicablc to any arbitratian proceeding. Thc CO'CTN7Y and the CITY shall have the right t4 ciesignatc oue pecson each to act as an arbitralor. Thc rivo selected arhia-atUrs shall then jouitly select a third arbitrator. The decision of the arbitration panel shall bc biuding on the PAR'TIES and shall be subject to juclicial revieA, as provided :for i.n chapter 7.04 KCW. - 17he costs of the arbitxation panel shall be equally spl.it berivicen the PAR'IIES. l~e PAR'ITFS acknowlcdge diat the pravisions of this section are not applicable to the COURT. GR 29 preclucie,s the COURT from dele;ati.ng any of its adnunistratave duties addressed 'ui that rule ta the legislativc or esecutive br.anches of govermiient. The COURT agrecs, ho-wever, in the event ot'a dispute with the C.ITY tp meet and in good faitli attempt lci resolvc the dispute. This parajraph . Pagc 8 of.17 would not preclude the 1'tlEZl"iES from using this Section to resolve disputes over the calculation of costs of Service5 provided uode.r tltis Agreement. SEC'TiON NU.18: V EN'IJE STIYULATiQN This A;reement has becn and shall be construed as having been made and deliverzd Mkhin the State of Washi.ngton aud it is muhially undcrstood and agreed by each party chat ihis Agreement shall bc governed by the laws of tlle State of Washington both as to intcrprctation ancl performancE. Any action at law, suit i.n equity or judici.al proceeding f'or the evforcement of tlus Agreeinent, or fuiy provision hereto, shall be instituteci only in courts of c;ompetent jurisdiction %vilhin Spokane Cotinty, `Vashuigton. tiL(.Yl'1UN NO. 19: SFW1,11ZABTi.,TTY The 1'tll2'1"MS aSrcc that if an_y parts, ternis or pravisions df. this Agreenient are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the rema.inuige portions or provisions shall not be affectecl and the righCs arid obligations of the PARTTES shall not be a,ffect:ed in regar.d to the .reiuauider of the A;reement. Tf it should appear that airy part, tcrm ar provisian ot' this Agreemenl is in conl']iet ~N-ith any staiuta ry provision of the State of 'Washuibton; tticu ttiE part; tcrin or provision thcreof that may be in conflict shall be deemed iiioperaxive and null and voici insofar as it may be ui conflict tlicrewith and this Agrecmcnt shall be cleemecl to modify to confvrni to such. statutory prOVi5i0II. . ~ ~ J ST010N NU. 20: RECUltUS A11 public records prePared, omied, used or retaiued by the COUK`l' in conjunction with provicling Serv.ices under ttic tcrms of this Agreernent shall be cleemed COiJRT property and shall be niacle available le the CITY upon request by the Cl°L Y Ivtmiager subjcct to the attorney client and attorney work producl privi]eges sel -forih in statute, coutl: nile or case law. T'he COiJTZT will notify the CITY o.f auy public disclosiire rcquest under chapter 42.17 RCW fbr c4pies or vieNuing of such recorcLS as well as the COUR.T'S response tliereto. _ sIXT.IC)N NC_). zx: i{CAnIavcs `l"he section headinES appcaring in [his Agreement have been inserted solely for tkle purpose of convcnience anci ready re1'erenc;e. Tn no way do they purport to, a.nd shall not be dccmcd to define, li_nut or extend the scope or intcnt of the sections to which they pertain. SLCTI:ON NU. 22: I'iNlF, OF ESSE1`CE OF A(.;FtEEV1TNT Tirne is of the essence of khis Agreeinent and in case any Pa-rty fails to perform the obligations on iis par1: to be perfnnued at the tiiiie fiaed for tlie pcrforcuancc of the respcctive obligalion by the ierms oF lhis Agreement, t}.ie other Party.iuay, at its election, hold the othcr Yarty liable for all cost,S and clamages caused by such delay. . t'agc 9 of 17 ' SrCTIQN NU. 23: iJNCOiNTR.4I..LA]3LE 0l7ClTiSTA\jCES/TMPUSMYI.ITY . A delay or intenliption. in car Failure of performance of all or any part of ttus Apreement resultuig from Uncontrollable Circiunstances shall be deemed not a dcfatilt under this Agrcemcnt. . A cielay or interniption in nr tailure of performance of aU. or any part of t1us Agreement resulting fTom atry cha.uge ui or »ew ]aw, ordcr; nile or regulation of any nature whicli renders providing of Services in ac;cordance 'with the temis of 1.his Agreement legally impossible, and any ot.her circumstances beyond the control of the COUNITY/COUkT which render legally unpossible the ' performance by the COUNTY/COURT of its obligations under this A3rcetuent, sliall be deerned not a deiault under this Agrccrnent. SECTION iN0. 24: FQ.~TG T'his Agreement sball be filed by the COUiNTY -Mth suc:h offices or agencies a,s required by chapter 39.34 RCW. SF;CT.I()N N0. 25: EXECIT'1'ION A.ND AP.PRQVAL The PARTIES warrant that tlle officers executing bclow have been duly authorizcd to act for and on bEhalf of the Party fvr purposes of confinnuig tlus Agreement. SECTION NO. 26: 1Nl7"l_ATNTS The PARI'1ES recognize that revenue reducing iuitiative(s) pa.ssed by the voters of Wa..~hingEon may substantial.ly reduce local opcratuig revenue for ihe CI'I'Y; C0LT1NIY or bokh PARTILS. T'he PARTTFS agree that it is necessary to have flexibility to reduce the contracted amount(s) in tbis Agreement iu response ta budget constraints resulting i'rom the passaee of revenue-rECiucing iiutiative(s). If such an event occius, the PAR.TJFS agree to ncgotiate in gaod faith to actueve a muhially agreeable resolution in a tiinely fashion. - SECT70N NO. 27: CON1PY,lANCE`VTI'I-~-LAWS The PARTCF-S shall observe all federal, slate and local laws, ordi.nanees and regtilations, to tlie eYteut thAt they may be applicablc to the terms of this Agreemcnt. SFCfiION YO. 28: DISCLAJ:NT_F.R Fxcept as othenNrise provided, this Agreement shall not be cc>nstrued in any inamier thal would limit eitlier Party's authority or powers tuidcr laws. ' Page 10 of 17 , SEC'I'I()N vO. 29: ASSUI2A.IVCE" The CITY shall pay the COUNTY thc truc and full cost of all Services proviclcd tuldcr this Agreement. The intent of the Partics is that neithe.r F'arty ~~rill yubsidizc the other and ttiat the CITY Nvill not subsidizc any otlier jurisdiction tbat is receiving similar senrices. IN WITV'L+"SS WFLE1ZL`'OT, the PARTIES have causeci this rlgrecment to be executed on clate and year opposite theu respective si~~iatures. llA'1'Lll: QQA17.17 OF COUNTY CONWSS10NERS . Ul' SYOKANE COiINTY, `VASHINGI"OhT 'I UD17 Iv1iELKE, Chairman - ATTEST: N1A12K RICIIARD, Viee-Chairman Clerk of the Roard D~n.iel.a Fricksorl PH1LLlI' D. IIARRTS, Commissioncr DATFD: S.POT{ANF COLJNTY DISTRIC"1" CUCTRT . By: Its: 1)ATT.D: CTTY OF SPQKANiE. VAI.LF--`Y Arl'L° S I': . Uavid viercic:r, Ci"ry Mfuiager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk FIPPROVFD AS TO FOR,M ONLY: Office a:f the City Attorney Pabe 11 of 17 ~ourt S e.rvices shA inelude the adjudi cati on and sentencing by the Spolcane County Dist'd ct Court of mat#ers which occur within thc C;ity of Spokanc 'VaJ1ey and arc refcrrcd to the Spokanc County District Cou.rt where the charge is (i) an infraction auidlor (ii) a misdcme.anor ar gross iriisdeinimnor offense c:omnut#i~d by au aclult, andlar (iii) ~%Uation of the C'ity of Spokauie Valley ordinances which con.0tuLeS a misdeme.miOx, unless .filed with a£elony: - t ; 7'age 12 of 17 . Ex6i6it 2 Spokune County . Spokane Valley District Coart 2005 Conlract ComnonentA CoitiUOnent B Comnonent C Iiudget Allocable to Percentage l'Iisdetncanor Services * City of Spokane Valley , Coiitract Arnount Salary 2,818,555 20.67% 582,491 R4 & O 173,315 20.670/c 35,818 Indirect Costs 596,970 20_670/c 123,372 3,588,8401 ~ 741,681 L. ~ Nute.c iComponettt A repre5enis Iaistrict CourYs budget, less civil, felony Spokane C;ily Tnterlocal. See Atiachrnent A *'Component A miiltiplied [he Cumponent 13 cyuates the contract amoumt. See tlttaclunent A. - '**Tiie Itid'u•ect (Overtiedd) ratc of 21.1!',% is only applied to szlaries. The indircct ratc is b.isecl un Spok,ine County's OAIB A-87 Cost i'lan Eseala[ed 2003 for 2005, tuljustecl lo onty include . depreciation of capital iuipravements acquircxi ;ifler thc City's ot~ciul date of incorpoeation, pr+epared by PTtM Group, an independent pian prepaner. . . . Page 13 of 17 . . • , . a r; n . ~ o $ 3 A ~ e Ro i. P ~ ~ a ~ . vt ~ o° r1 U ~QS y~F ~a~.~n~~~BN n.,K1 3A~~4g 18-74 g t o» ~ m~A` rya~ y~4 Qma~aw~~~xn n~ af' C C 3ti~°$,NYQ . 4 g<4 12 1?'^-nx-'~y . OW° E F..rYgx-Ar•. E ~a' Sq'J~ m"9 amkgal1p^xp~ h ~ 27~/~ ~~ro~ ~ 4 ~it ~ . _ ~ S . W ti s= ~ s Pagc 16 of 17 . - ' SPOK.ANE COIJN'[`Y SPQK.ANE VAIaI..FY UISTR[CT COORT . FELQNl'/CCVILSTAFFING 2005 COYTF2r1CT Attachment D SPUKAIVE vALLEY rELONY STAFFING COST Salar}' at %I+TE uf l3cnefits at %1TL of Totfll Salary S • Position % FTF: Aver~ge Pnsition tlve.rage Position 13ciicGts at %1,-1L Couimissioner 02 20,138.14 3,727.49 23,865.63 . BailifE 0.2 5,478.77 2,780.42 8,259.19 OAR 0.6 153595.61 6,716.94 22,312.55 Cowi Clerl:. 0.3 8,539.37 3,581.71 12,121.08 66,558.45 SYO.lCr1NE' VAI:.I:X Y C.I-Vf.f,/SM:A]:T.. CT..ATM STAFFING COST Salary at %,F'TF, of Benetits at'%FTG of 'I'otAl S91nry & Positioii "/o I"1L Average Position Average Pusition Benerts st %l+°'I'E Judge 1.0 -118,453.00 ' 21,083.98 139,541.98 Comrnissioncr 0.2 20,138.14 3,727.49 23,865.63 Bsiliff 1.2 331246.52 16,308.63 49,555.15 CiviUSC Staff 7.0 206,234.92 95,120.84 301,355.76 514,318.52, CALCUIaAT[nN C)F SP(atiANE VALL,EY h N;LOiW AND C:~V.[_T.. STA.iT1.1`G % , Budgclcd Salary S Btnefifs H'elony % 4,493,138 66,558.45 1.48% Civil % 4;493,134 514,318.52 1.1.45% Page 17 uf 17 i I Rcturn to: Dark iela Triclcson, C lerli pf che 13oarcl Boarrl nf Coutiiy Commissioners ; . rt7.1.G W. B roarlway . Spolxane, Washington 99260 - - I IPIT.GFtLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR Ii:CARING Ei XAIY]]NEI~ SE' RN'ICL' S IN ME, CYCY OF L?r 1,lK#?-l1E Y HLLEY I , (J'anUdry l# 2EIU5DeCCEtibCr 3X, 2005) i TMS ACR-EEMEN'T, macle arrd entered iuto by and betwee.n Spokane CouTityF, a poliL'icttl stibdivision at- tlie. Sfate of Washuigton, having offices for ('he transaction oI` . b«sin ags at 11. 1.6 Wc.sf B roadway Avcnue; Spokane, Wash i nglon 9 9260, hereinatrer relerred to as iiCO lJNTY" iLnd the City of Spoka ne VaRey, a municip al corpontion of the Si:ate of Washinginn, having nffices for the isansaction nf husiness at Ihe. Redwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spolcane Valley, Wasbin.g#on 99206, bercinafte.~ ~-cfe.rr.ed ic) as "CJTY," jointly hereinafter refeered to {i-s the "PART'IE;S.'" Th~ COUNTY and C11'Y agree as follows, SEM~N iNO. 1: RECIT.A._-LS ,AND F.M11NGS . (a) "Me Board af Couzi.ty Cotxxtxxissionm, a.f Spokaklc Coun.ty has the carc o.f County praperty and the rnmagement o£ County fuLids ati.d busincss uixdc.r R.CW 36.3112{}(6). . , . (b) Cnuntic-9 and cities may contrar-t wit]i each odier to perform c~rtain functions wh.ic1i each rnay l~gally.pcxlform utide.r clxaptcr 3 9 3 4.RCW(fnterloca[ Cooperafi on A ct). (c) Pursiiai-it fo tlie provisians of RCW 36,7{}.970 i'he Board of Couniy Coiiulo-iss2oners of Spokane has atiopted a Hearing- Examiner System and Qodified t}.ie same , uncler Spokane Counly Code chapter 1.46, ~ " I (d) The City of Spokane Va.iley has adapted aa ordina.nce praviding for the , cstabi.ishmcnt of a Hcaring Fxarrmi.ticr s}+stem to bear land use, adnli.zlisirative aiid ofher xnatters over whi cb flie City hag juri sdicfion. 'Ysgc 1 of 15 . (e) Tkie City of Spoka.nc Valley dcsixcs to utilize the services Uk Spokane CoiMty's . Heau-ing F-xanuner for the purpose of he-ming land use, aciministrative and ot}ier rnatters over which the City has jurisdicCion pursuanl Co SVMC chapter 10.35. SECTION NO. 2: UEFINITIOVS (a) Aereement: "Agreement" means this Interlocal Agreement beriveen the CTl Y ancl COUNTY regardi.ng hcari.ng c,ramincr services. (b) Citv: "Cl"[ Y" means the City o.f. SpokanE VaIIEy. (c) Caunfv: "COUN'I'Y" means Spokane Coiulty. (d) Maintenance and Onerations: "Maintenance and Operations" and "M&O" shall mcan. (l) thosc class codcs (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane Cnunly in its budgetary process as prescribed by the BARS manual adopted by the State of tiVashington under. chapter 43.8$ RCW so long as such expenditures are directly attributable and proportionate to services renclered to C:[ 1'Y under the terms of th.is Agrccment. (e) Scrvices: "Services" means those services identified in Exhibit 1. , (f) Compensation: "Compensatian" means thal methodology set forth in Exhibit 2 used to establish the amount of money which the CITY will pay the COUN'1 Y for providing Serviccs. (g) - Canital Ittidrovement: "Capital. Tmprovement" shall mean any expenditure in eYCess of $1999.99 or such higher f gure as set by the COUN7"X a,s the capitalization . thresllold during the terni oI' the Agreement. The COLTNTY shall give the Ci 1`Y adva.nce . notice of any increase in the capitalizalion l'hreshold. The YARTiES a.gree to meet and discuss the unpacts ol any change in the capitaliza.tion th.reshold which will cause an increase ol costs to the CITY in eacess of $50,000.00. Any such ex-penditurc «Till bE coded as pravided for in the BARS-maiual adopted by the State of VVashington unde.r. RCW 43.88. (h) 'Uncontrollable Circumstances: "YJncontrollable Circumsta.nces" mea.us the following events: riots, wars, civil disturbances, insurrections, acts of terroristn, ex-ternal fires ancl floods, volcariic cruptions, lightning Or carthquakes at or near where the Services are perlormed iind/ar th<<C direcCly affect provicling of such Serviccs. 1'agc 2 of 15 , (i) UToarina Exaininer: "Ilearing Examiner" means that person appointed by tb.c B 4aCd of COIIClty CCjE'f7m 1551pI1tC5 IJLIi'5Lltlilt tO S130ICaI1e C-al1TXE)' COdE Sectioii 1.46.030 ' to include any-Hearin.g Fx.ami.Ex~r pro-fem, Provided, however, the COT_TN':f`Y agrees. to ~ consi€ier the recommendation(s) af lhe C1TY in conjunctio.n with de.~i~naling any Hea.ring I Exami.ner pro-ter-ns to licar CiTY matters. i SEC'ITON NO. 3: PLIRPOSE 'Th.c purpose of th.is Agxeement is fo reduce -to writing i;he PAR7TES' underst~mduig as to 1he tenizs wid conditions uncler wbic.h tM COUiNTY will provide Services on beha1f ot fllc a CJTY_ It i,s th~ i.ntent of fhe PARTLE.S fhat Services ta be pxavided by the COUNTY'wii1 be consisienfi wiL'h L'he CI'lY"S CounciManager fon» of govemment pxovided f.or in ~ chapfer 3 SA _ X~~CW. SECT'ION NO. 4: ll'IJIUTIONlMTHURAWAL - Ttlis_Agreeineni shall cornrnence on .fanuary 1, 2{}05, w-icl run thraugh D coernbcr 31, 2005, unless one of the P.4RTiES provicies noticA-, as sct.forth in S tction 7. !1t Ehe c;c}nclu'sion (yI' Ihc initial term, th.is Agr.ezEnent shall a ufiomatically be rct) ~Nved fro.m }f~ar to ~~ear thereafter ef~'ective Jt~nuary 1~` to Deccnribc.r 3 0- ~111 rene~~+a Is shall 6e s~xbject . to all terrns and coo d i tioii s qet f;orth herein except for Exhfbit 2_ , The PARTiTS -reca,~plize it highly xinlikely that T`x}a.ibif 2 setting -For(h the new bil[in.g .rates f.or each year's Services ~vi11 be available at fi~:r~ sfart of ~uiy renewal time framc. A.cc.o rdiiigly, unfi j a new Lxhibit 2 1ias been prepared an d agreed to b etween the PARTlES, , lhe PAkI`ffiS a.gree that ttxe CC}UtNTY will bill L'he C1'1'Y an.d thc C.IT,Y w-ill pay Lhe j COLJNTY at the same billing rates paid in tkxc pre.vious year. CJpon the 1'ARTIES agreement on a ne~~ Exhibit 2, tiie CITY an.d COTJ:NT'Y will reconcile, payiiten.ts to ciate un&r t~e prcvious ycars bilffiig rd.tes with the ncw F,ilIing ratcs. An}+ tinderpay.mezxt. #'or any . Se..r6ce~ -)A ll br- duc in the iirst paymenL ciut~ .[`o1Jowing reconcil iation. Any ovei~ayment for any Scrviccs will be -credited to i;he first tx4ozithly payrnent dtie fOllObti'll3g I:IIe xer~o nci liation, '1'lle, PAR=- S cigee tJ1€4t n0 ]J].terCSi $h 8I 1 be OWllSg by eiCher Pa.rty to #Xac othc.r Party for any oveipayment or undcr.paymcnt deteiTnined as a, result o.f the reconci liati.on_ Any Parky r.may wifYrd~aw cifi any iyrrie frorn ttii.s Agrcek-cent for ttny reason whatsoevex upoLi. arn.in.ii.n.um of ] 80 days w7itten noticc as pxov.i.ded for in Seclion 7 to the other Pau-ty, Page 3 0# 15 . . - I SECTION NO. 5: G`OST OF SURVTCF~ AND PAY747FEJVTS - . ~ . 'F'h e CI'.T,Y sb aI ! pay the C OUN'f'Y the costs fo.r S ervices provided undcr thi.s Agxeeme nt as s cfforth in :Exhi b it 2, attachcd hexeto and iuxcotparated b.exeua b-y rcf.erence- The COL]N'IY, CEO sliall advisc thc CITY Ma.9agcr as soon a-9 possible of any an.ticzpated ox una.nticipateri capital irnprovement costs ihat i.rise duriug 6e contract penod. Tiie C ily shall pay capital improvement costs either (1) iznder the'Cast Allocativn ~laa as an indirect cost aGmortized over #.he useful life of the improvement utilizing siraiglzL`-line ciepreciation and incorporating the exper-ted salvage value of the i.mprnverr-rent at the cnd of its uscful lifc or (2) as a dircct cost in the #'oon o.f a contrihution madc to the E'quip.m.ent Rcntal and Revolving Fund, "i'he Cf1'Y sha11 be responsibte on1y for ca.pital improvement costs inciirred afi-er Marc-h 31, 2003. Any porfiion of a capil'al improvement that was paid f.or or acquired through separate . agreernent nr with gi•ant proceeds, bond ptocccds, uscr fecs, donatioiis, or any ofher ac,quisitioa m.ethod tkxat .roflects a contri6ution on behalf of CTI'Y shall nat be included in the depreciation schedule dpplied Yo -the CITY. Any capil'dl iniprovemenl' Cor v,+hich the ~OLTNTTY secks reimbursc.ment frorn t4c CITY toust be ncoessary- to fulfill tb.e . r.cquJ.remcnts o.fthis A.greemolot. _ The C;OUNTY wi11 bi11 Lhe CITY far ihe cosf of Services manfhl}+, by tlie 15 `h af tiie morrtli . --'for the previous in onth. Paymcrrts by 03 e CITY w ilJ. bc duc hy the S"i day o.fthc .folloNvi-ng .motYth. At the solc opttan of th c COUN,I,Y, a penalty m ay b o assessed on any late payrnent by th.e CrfY bascd on lost .ixft.rest ear,nings had tb.e payment been timely paid and irivested in ihe Spokane CoiinYy Treasurer's Investrnent Pool. The CTT'Y may dispute any inonthjy . billiiig. Pendi,ng reso3ufion of atay dispute, t4c PARTEES agxee ttaat thc Cli'Y shall pa}' time.ly that port.ion of thc bi11 that is undisputcd. In lhe ~vent the CITY dispufi"s any nioiithly billinZ it shail viclude iii coiiju-YCtion uFith thc rrtoiYttily paymotit a Ictt(~,r stati ng -M th specificity the basis fa r the dispute. 'f "he PAR,'I`II:;8 agrcc to m.eet withi.n thirEy (30) cale.ridar . days of the COXJNTY's receipt o#.' tht docutacntation. 1ettcr stating the basis fo.r thc ClYT'Y disptitin,,,; ruiy nionfhl}f billing to resolve the matter. In the evcnt the PA.RTMS cannot niuCually resplve ihe matter within the thirfy (30) calendar day timc framc, unlcss ofherwise agreed by the PARTIES, the matter shall be re.wlvcd pursuant to t}.ic Disputc Rcsolution . Provisior3s set .forkh. in Sectiotx No. 17. The selection af arbitrators as providecl for ui SeciYOn N0._17. sha11 commence %-ithin thirty (30) calendar days of the rrimling o.f tb.c thirty (30) calendar clay ti.me frnne. ~ Any resalution o.f a disputtd am.ourxt #hrough usc o#' the arbitration process identifiec# in Section 17 shall include, at #he request oI'either Party, a ciefernlination of vvbetier Fnterest is appropriate, incltiding the ai-nourtt_ . . Page 4 aF XS - - I ~ . T`f~~ P~41~'~T~tiS ~eco~rri~e fhat it is not ~►l~wa~}~s .possiblc ~`or citlier P€~-fy to disco~vex exxoxs it~ bill'tug. The k'AR.nE5 .~`iirther recngmize 1hat ihere must be so.tnc f.nality fo addressing such en-ors. Accordi.rtglythe PARTIC',S agree fihat both YAR-'TIES arr~" toreclosed frorn c.haJ.lc.nging any errous in bilIings if 1he rn.a.tter is not d raivEi. in wf-iting to the or.tYer PAR7'Y' S al.tention wztbin thi.rCY (30) calendar days of the last invoice o#'the ca]endar y&ar. Errors ' raised vriihin lhis time frame that are iiof mu~tu~ally resolvecl shall bc sub1ect to the Dispute Rcsolution pravi .9 ions -el foA in Section No. 17. SEC1'YON J.VO: 6: RFLATED .REsPoNsomY'1'Es TN COWUNCTYO1V W1D4 PROVIDING SEItVlCES rhe COUNTY or designees agree to ai.tend staff r,nectings as requested b-y the CI'iY Manager. . . . TEie COLTNTY oi• []esignees aggree to mccf upoii request b}+ L'he C1T*Y Managcr or hisllier desigiiec to discuss aitiy S ervice prov ided utxder #he terixi s ot thi-s Agreement. - , ~ 11ze C1!`Y agrees the ~OUNTY rnay use the COUN"1'Y'S stationery in conjiLnciion with p.roviding S crxfi ces wn der ili e lenns af t.his A.greem ent_ - ~ . Sk,CTION NO. 7: NOTICE All notices o.r ot}aer communications given hereunder sbal I be deemed given on: (1) thc day- sucli nodces or othe~.r communica#ions are received when sent by pcrsnnal delivery; or (ii) the tliirci day f6llow2ng th.e day otY w-hich tlie sanie have beetx wailcd by tIrst class clelivery, .postage prepaid adcii-essed to the CC}L]`iNT*.Y. or the CITY irt Ilie adciress set forth klaw ior such Party, ox at sucli othe~ adciress as either Pa.rty s.ball f,roi-n time4o-time design.ato by ilotice in A7iiing l'o the other Party: . ~ ~OUNT~.': Spnlcane Cotuily Chief Executive Officer or hisffies authoxized repr.esentativc .1116 NVesf Broadwa}f.Aven-ue . SpoLme, Washington 99260 . . ~ C1TY: City of ~po.kauc Valley Cifiy Manager or hislher autho.rized representative Redwoad F.laza 11707 L',ag t Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spo.lcane Valley, 'VVashington 99206 Page5 afl5 ' SFCTION NO. 8: REPORTING . ReDorts - 11ie COUN I"Y shiill provide the CITY with reports documenting actual usage under this Agreement at the same Nme each invoice requesting payment is made, unless ot}lerwisc mutually agrecd by the 1'arties. 1 he l'arties agree th3t the terminology "reports documenting usage" means that fype pf in.formation prpvided by the CUUNTY tp the CITY i.n the 2004 agcccment for Scrviccs. Such reports sha.ll be in a format as mutually agrECd to between the Farl'ies. I'he content dnrUor Fannat for such reparts may be changed from l'ime- to-ti.mc by writtEn agrcement beriveen CITY and COUNTY staff.. Records Review - The CITY shall be allowed to conduct random reviews of the records generated by the COUNTY in perForrnancc of this Agr.cernEnt. T}ic CTTX will providE diE COUN'1'Y w.ith r.eason.able advance notice of the records reviews. "1'he 1'arties agree that they will make best efforts to achieve a resalulion of a.ny palential records confidentiality issues, including enCering into confidentiality agreements ar olher similar mechanisms I:haC will allow disclosure of tlle necessary irifonTiation to accurately canduct a record.s revietiv. lf the Cl I Ywill be allowed to view only lhose records clirectly relating to Services pravided within CITY's corporate houndarie.s, then the COiJN1'Y must keep a log of original documents usEd to chargc thc C.l"I"Y, and thosc documcnts must have identifying numbe.rs or letters so 1:he original source clocuments can be easily retrieved. SEC'I'YQN N4. 9: CWIV'l:'ERPARTS . This tlgrccment may bc cxccutcd in azly number of countcrpart..~, each of which, when so executed and deliverecl, sha11 be an ariginal, bul such caLmterp'dfts shall tobether constitute but one and the same. SECTION NQ. 10: ASSTC'TNMFNT No Par1:y may assign in whale or part ils interest ui tlus Agreeinen[ without the -vvritl'en approval of the other PARTY. SECTIO\T NO. 11: COUNTY EMPLQXEES Tlic COUN7.'Y shall appoint, hire, assign, retain and discipluie all employees performing Ser.vices under this A.gTccmcnt accordiug to applicablE collcctivc bargauiuig agreements and applicable state and federal laws. The CQiJNTY ageees to meet and confcr -svith thE CITY with respect to staff that is assigned to provide Services. issues of cliscipline or performance will be specif cally handled according tp COUNTY policies. YAgc 6 of 15 I S/'y F'~ .1 TY . ~.i~~Vl 1 ~il_F. ~.L. ~~~,LJlEL,I .R (a) The CO'IJNI'`f shall inclemni.fy and hold b.aracss t2ic CJTY and i-ts offiwrs, agents, and ernplayees, fiom any trnd alI clairris, actions, suits, iiab.ility, 1oss, costs, cxpenses, aiid dani ages of -:Lny n atu•-, whafsoever; by ruiy reason of or arising out of any negligent act or otrYission of the C:OIJ~1TY, its o£ficers, agctits and mployeeq, relating to or arisinr, out of perf6izrung S ervices pursu~rnt ta L'liis Agreenient. ln.ttie event that any sui t b ased upon such claiiii, action, Iess, ne dai-nages is brniEght againsL' Lhe CiTY, L'he ~OUN1`Y sha1l defend Che sarne at its sole cast and expense; provided that the CXTY.reservcs tbt righf to participate M . s a i d suif if any pE•inP-iple of goverrrniental or public law is involve.d; and i[`fintd juclgment in said sait be rende.red aninst the Cf1-Y', aad i ts a.ffio~,, rs, agcnts; aiid emplnyees, or jointl}+ . a#ainst the C1TY and 1:1re CO UNTY and their respect-i.ve of.f ce rs, agtnts, and emptnyees, the COLTNTY shall satisfy L'he saine. (b) The C;ff Y' s.haJl indemaify at) d hol d harm lcss the COUN.1'Y and its oEiicei•s, agents, ancl ernpioyees, f-iona any a.ncl all clainn.s, actions, suits, iiabiJity, loss; costs; expense,,;, and damages of any iiatire whatgoever, by ally I'te1SOil {]I` or arisino- out of any negligent act or omission of Ihe C11Y, its officers, a.gents and cmployees, re.lafing fo or arising- aut of pctfo rin iiig 8 ervices pursuant tn fhis A gicernent. In ffie eveiit fha L' any suit based upo.n suc.h C claim, actio.n, lass, or daxxiages i,~ brougf~t against tl~e COTJ11]'T'~, the CITY sht~ll ~lefend the sai-iie at its sole cast and expe.nse; provided that the C(]UN'.i'Y rcscrveg the iight fo . participate in said suit i.f any principle o1 rg .,overnmenial or pablic Iaw xs i.0voJvcd; at3d A Flflal jlldgi7'lEi7t IIl Sald SLllf bt F'eri&,PeLi a~cllll5~: {Ile COUI~TY, aud its ofifi.cezs, age.r)ts, ar~d cmployecs, or jointly agai.nsf the COZYNTY and Iht CITY tuid 1heir respeti:ive officers, agents, and e.rnployees, tbe ClTY sb all satisfy the sarne_ (c) T#,' the cnmparatEVe negligeiice of -fhe Pariies and theii officers and ernployees xs a - . ca:Eise of such da,n-iage or. injury, the lJ3b1.l1ty; .]os-s, cost, or cxpense shall be shared between thc Parties iia proporti.on to thci.r relative degree o-F negl2gen~~-ancl tfie right of ind eiai.n.ity sba app ly 1:o such. propnrti nn_ . 4 ' (d) - '4'Vherc an o£fi cer nr employee nf. a. Farty is acting under the (lirec6 on aad control of the otkxer }'atty, tbc }?atty dErccting and control iing -fhe olYtcer or employee in the activicy andlor oro.ission g1V1.[7g l'kSC to [iability shall accept all liabilily for the oLher Party's officer or ernployee's negligcnce, (e) .Cach Party's duty to iudeanuif.y shall survive lhe ternYinatian or expiration of the A.grecrncLxt_ . . . . . _ Pagc7of X5' . (fl "1`he foregoing i.ndemnity is spccifically intended to cQnstitute a waiver of e.~~ch , Party's immu.nity under Washington's lndustrial hisurance A.ct, ckiapter 51 RCW, respecting the other parly only, and only ta Che extent necessary to p.rovide the i.ndemri.ifed Fau-ty with ti full wld complete indenuuty ol claims m7de by the indemnitor's employees. Thc PAR.T]TS ac.k.nowlcdge that thcsc provisiotls wEre spcc't.fcaUy negotiated and agreed upon by them. (g) The COUNl'Y and the Cl"1'Y agree to either self iiisurE or purchasc policies o.f. . insurance covering Uhe matlers contained in this Agreement with coverages of not less ihZn :$5,000,000 pcr occurrcnce with $5,000,000 aggregate l.i.r.Tiits including professional liability and auto liability coverages. SEC':I"I:ON NO. 13: :kZH::IJA'X'1:01\7S:H=LP OF T.ffE PAT2.'l':f_~S Thc PARTIFS i.ntend that an indepcndEnt contractor rclationship will bc created by this Agreernenl. The COUNTY shall be an independent contractor and not the a.gent or cmployce o.f the CITY, that the CITY is interested only in tfie result.s to bc achieved and that the right to contral the particular manner, methoc~ iind mea.ns in which the services are perfbrmed is solely within the discretion of the COi.JN rY. Any auid a11 employees who pravide Services to the CITY under this AgrECmEnt shall be deemed employees solely of thc COUNTY. The COl)N'l:-X shall be solely responsiblE for thE conduct arld actions of all employees uncier tbis E1.greement and any liabiJ_it), that may attach thcreto. i.,ik.cwisc, no agent, employee, servant or representative of the CI I`Y shiill be deemed to be au employee, abent, serva.nt or representative af the COi.TNTY tor any purpose. SECTION 1Y0. 14: MODIFICATION Al'his Agreeme.nt naay be modifiecl in wri.ling by mutual written agreement o:f the PA:k2.TT}-~S. SECTIOIY NO. 15: PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT . T. he ownership of, all property and equipmcnt utilized in cQnjunctiQn with providing the Services shall rernain with thc original owncr, unlcss othEnvisc specifically and mutually agrccd to by thc PARTIES to tktis A.grccment. For ttic pueposc of this scction, thc terniinology "owner" means that Part}° which paid the f.ull purchase price fqr the property pr equipment. SEC 1:CON N0.16: ALL «12]:TINCS CONTAllVE1) ffERE11qBWl)1NC LFFLC`I' This Agreement contains terms and conditions agTeed upon by the PARTITS. The PAlZ1IES agrec that there are no other uncierst<3ndi.ngs, or31 or othenvise, regarding the Page 8 of 15 subjcct mattcr of tl~is ngreemen[. No cl~3ngcs or additions to this AgreEmcnt shall be valid or binding upon the YAE21fF-S iirtlcss such c:hange or acldition is in writuY~ executed by the F'A.R.TIFS. ' `l"his Agreemetit shall be binding upan the 1'ARTLTS 1ieretp, l'heir successors and assigns. SECTION N(). 17: DI:SPUTT RESOLUTl(71Y • Any dispute between the PAtZ.TIES which cannot be resohrcd bEriween the ]'AKliES sball be subjecl to arbitration. r~celat as providect for to tbe conli•ary herein, such dispute shall frst be reduced fo N«-iting and considercd by the CQUN'1`Y CEO and the CITY Manager. It the COUN"l`Y CEO and the CITY M:an.agEr cannot resolve the disputc it v'%ill be submiited lo arbitration. "l hc provisions of chapter 7.04 R.CViT shall be applicable to any arbitration proceeding. The COUN'r'Y and the CITY shall have the right to desi~iate one person each to act as arbitrator. The two selected ar.bitrators shall then jointly sclECt a third arbitrator. Thc • deeision of the arbitration panel shall be bindi.ng on the PARTiES a.ncl shall be subject to judicial review as provided.foz i.n chapter 7.04 RCW. The costs of the arbitration panel shall be equally split behveen the PAK1"LES.. SECT.IUlY lY(7. 18: VEN[TC STII'ULATI.QN . 1 his A.grcetncnt has Ueen and sha.ll bc construecl as hZVing becn made 'and delivered . within the State o.f 1~,11ashington and il is mutually undei-stood ancl agreed by cach party that this ilgreenlenl shall be govcrned by the laws of the State of Wasllinglon both a.s to interprGtltiOn a.t1d perfonnanCe. Any action. at law, suit in equity or_judicial proceeding for the en1'orcemcnt of this A.greement, or any prnvision h.er.eto, shall be inslituted only i.n courls of campeterit jurisdiction within Spokane County, WaShingfon. SECTIOV N0. 19: S.EV:H;:17Al3rLITY The PA.K°l'.LES agree that ii' any piirts, tenns or proNisians oFthis A.greement 1re held by the caurts to be illcoal, the validity of the remaining porticins or provisions shaU not be aIfected and the rights wid obligations oF the 1'ARTIES shall npt be affECtcci in a°egard l'o trle remainder of ttic Agr.eement. I f it should appeac thaC any part, term or provision of this Agreement is in. con.f.lict with iuYy statutory provision of the Statc of Washington, then the p3rt, tcrrn or provision thereof tElat rTiay be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative arid nul] and void insofar as it may be in conflict thercxvith and this Agreement shall be deemed to %mocliCy to conforiTl to such slatutary provisioai. Page 9 af 15 sEcTrorr No. zo: uEcoRns A.ll public records prepared, owncd, usEd or retained by the COUiNTY in conjunction with providing Serviccs under the terms of this Agreement shall bc dcemed CITY properly wd shall be made available ta the CIT'Y upon r.cqucst by the CITY Manager subject to thE attomey client and attorney work product privileges set forth in statute, court rule or case law. T`hc COUNI Y will notify the CI'TY of any public ciisclosure requesl under chapter 42.17 RCW for copies or viEwing of such records as well as the COUN'~I'Y'S response thereto. ` . SECTION NO. 21: AYKADliVGS The sectioii headings appearinb - in this ngrecmcnt have been inserted solely for the purposc of convenience and ready referencc. (n no way do lhey purport to, and shall not be deemed lo define, limit or exkend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain. - SECTiQN NO. 22: TIN1E OF ESSENCE QF AGRx'E:MENT Time is of the essence ol this Agreement and in casc either ParCy lails to perform the obligations on its part to be performcd at the time 1'`uceti ler the perforinance -of the ,-respcctivE obligation by the terms of tttis Agreemenl;; the aiher Party may, at i.ts election,. hold the other Party liable for all costs a-id daunabes caused by such delay. SECTION N4. 23: UNCON'Tl20LLABLE CTRCUMSX'ANCES/1MYOSSIBIL[TY t1 dElay or interruPl•ion in or failure of pcrformance of all or. an.y part of ttiis Agrccment resulting from Uncontrollable Circ;umstances shall bc deemed not a default under this Agreemenl. . ~-1 delay or interruptian in or fail.ur.c of performance ot all or any part of ttais Agreement resulting &om any changE in or new law, arder, rule or regulation of any nature which . r.enders praviding af Senjices in accorcia.nce wilh the terms of this Agreement legally ilnpossible, and atry other circunzstances beyond the control of the COUNTY which. render legally impossible ttie performanee by the COLTNTY of its obligations under this Agreement, shall be deemed not a ciefault umcler this Agi-eement. SEC'TiQN NO. 24: F1L1NC; . rhis Agreemenl shall be iiled by the Coimty wilh such affices or agericies as•required by chapter 39.34 RCW. ' 1'age 10 uf 15 , I' - SFGTION ]YO. 25: EXI:CIJTIQN ANll A:PPROVAL The PAR7?IES warra.nt that the aflicers exccuting below havE been duly authorized to act for and on behalFof the Part}, for purpases of confirming this Agreeulent. SECTlOV 1.\TO. 26: INITCATIVES The PARTIES recognize that revenue rcducing initiative(s) passecl by the vOterS -Uf W.ashington may substwitially reducc Jocal aperating rcvcnue Cor the C1TX, CQiJN"1"Y or both PARTIES. lhe I?A:fZ.T1TS agree that i.t is necessmy to havc f:lexibility to rcduce'the . , contr.acted amnunt(s) in this .Agreement in responsc to budget constraints result'ing from the p<<ssa,ge uf rcvenue reducinc, initi.ativc(s). If such an evenl occurs, the :k'ARTIFS agrree to negotiat'e in good faith to achieve ti mutual.ly agree<<ble resolution in a timely fashion. SEC1".[O.IY NO. 27. CON1P11.IANCF `VITH LAWS • Thc :Parties shall nbserve all .f.cderal, stal'e and local laws, ordiniinccs and regulaCions, to the exEent Ihat they tnay be applicable to the terms el''t'his A.grccment. SECT[ON VO. 28: nTSCLAl'M-Ell F,acept as ol'herwise provided, this AgreemEnt shall not bc construed in a.ny manner that would limit eilher Party's authority or powers under laws. SEC'1`':f.QN NO. 29: SU:NEl2SEDE 1'his Agreement shall superscde and tenrunatc that agreement bettiveen the Piarties cntitlcd ".lNTERLOCAI, COQPFRATION AGRFFVI:ENT BETWE:CN CITY OF SFOKE1NE VA.LLTY ANll SPOKANE CUITI\iTX FO:R IiEARCNG FXAMINI+".R SFRVI:CES" eYecutecl under Spakane County :flesolution No. 03-031.1 and eaecuted by the C.I.`l"Y on March 26, 2003. SECTiON NO. 30: ASSUItA.NCE "I hc CITY shall pay the COT.JN'T'Y the true and t'ull cosC of all Scrvices provided undcr this Agr.cement. "1"he inten.t of the Parties is that neither I'arty will subsidize the otlicr. and that the CI'TY will not subsidire any other jurisdiction that i.s r-eceiving 5imilar scrvices. Page 11 os 15 T.N N'VITNFSS WTTFRFnF, the 1'AR"ClES have caused this Agreement to be ex.ecuted on date and year opposite their respeclive signatures. DATED: $OARTa OF COTNTX COM.M.TSSTONERS Or SPOKANE COUN"1"Y, GVASHINGI'dv , 1'OD17 :M1ELKE, Chairma.n ATTEST: NlA.L7:K 1tI:CHA}2]a, Vicc-Chairm.an Clcrk of the :Board 17aniela Erickson FI-IILLIP D. FIARRIS, Commissioner DA'I'ED: C1TY OF Sl'O:KANl-? VA.Y,:L.EY A7:.CEST: , . Taavid Mercier, City Managcr ChristinE Bainbridge, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: OfCce of the Cily Attoniey . Page 12 of 15 F Y H:I t31T 1 Hexu-ing Examiner Servick:s shall uiclude all time spent by the Hcaruig :hxaminer ixi Inalc.uig sice visits, prepaiing (br and conducting lhe public hearing, revicwiug t11e recard, drafl~i~ a written decision and rulings om motinns, orgauzing and mailing a decision or recouuuen.dation, dra:ftuig necESaary correspondence, and conducting olher duties unde.r the Cll Y ITearing Examiner Ordina.uce on item5 referrcd to the :E=[eaiing Examiner by the City Manager or his/her dcsigiiee. IIearing Examiner Services shall also uiclude the lirne spent Uy the Hearing Esanuner in rncctuig ~N--ith C1TY staff to discuss improwcments to CITY Heari.n; Examiner system, i.f;' specifically requesled by the City ManagEr or lusllier desigmee; prescribuig rules for the sclieduling and conduct of liearuigs anti oiher procedural mat(ers related ta che duties of the Hearing Lxaziiiner, dnd repor.ti.ng to and meeting «rikh ehe C1'CY Council ancUor 1'latuwig Cnmmission. "T'he rleari.ng Fxaminer shall chaa-ge ;:uid retaiu tlte cos1:5 of prepariiig and certii}Tin; records ancl tr.aaiscripts for appeals of CITY Hearing Examiner decisions i'-rom the appellant ~Ls provided by statute or C1TY ordi.nance. Cil'Y sha.ll be re,spomsible for pro<<i.ding lcgal adAce to the Hcaruig Ea:uniner in conjuuciion wilh !um per.f.'orming Hcaruic Examiner Serviees uncier the terms of th.is Agreement. HE:aruigs shall be held in that location clesignateci by ttie CITY. % . . . Page 13 bt' 15 EXH:IBIT 2 - , SPOKANL C()UIVTY SPOKANE Vf1LLEY HFARi~i 1G LXAMINER HOiJRT..Y RATE 2005 CONTRACT 2005 Direct NC&O Cost Adopted Labor Cost Indircct Per Per Per Yosition lYu. Budgct perHour Hour Hour Hour FTcaring Examiner 1 100,339.00 51.46 4.53 3.47 59.45 Staf_f Assistant 1 1 51,842.0026.59 2.34 28.93 2 152,181.00 78.04 . 6.87 3.47 88.38 Note: Rate based on inciirecE wsts per 01vI13 A-$7 Cosl Plan. Fscalated 2003 for 2005, adjwsteci to only include deprcciation of capital irnproveznents acquired aftcr the CITY's offi.cial date of incorporation, prepared by PRM Group; a.n indcpendent plan . preparer applied to salary aud benciits 8.80% Maintenance & Operation , 2005 Adnpted M & O 10,771 Lcss: Lxpenditures Not Rclatcd to Spokane Valley - 4170 Le;al - Usc Spakane ValJey Legal ServicES for . (500) _ 511 Q.Interaovernmental - Spokane V1Uey wil) h.i.re sepaxa.tc eounsel ( l;000 9110 [ttterftmd Professional - will (200) 9502 Interfwid Motor Yool - Nvill not use for Va11ey (150) .Less: .N:spenditure Reductians 3111 OLTice Supplies - retlects eYpcctcd cost for 2005 (SQQ) 41.90 Utlier Professional - Lexis resear.ch only (400) 4940 Printing - reiinbiused for (1,260 Aciausted ibI & O 6.761. Annual l=Yours Annual Hours V1WOZkeci 1,950 • Note: Spokane Coiuity employees work 7.5 hours per day, 37.5 hours per week, and 1,950 hours annually. Yagc 14 of 15 REt-urn t0: ~l)aniela Erickson, Clerk of the Boarcl Board of County Cummissioncrs 1116 W. 13roadway Spokaue, Washingt'on 99260 1N7TRLQCf11, AG1tLLMT-NT FpR JUKY iV1ANAGEMEiv`[ SFRViCES ]N'I'HF CITY UF Sl'OKAi~+.,' VALLLY - (J'anuary 2005 -December 31, 2005) TFIIS ACrR.E.EMEN'1", made and entereci into by and amang Spokvie County, a politica.l subdivisian of the Statc of Washington, having offices {'or the traiisaction ot' busincss at 1116 `Vest BroaclNvay, Spokane, tiVashinglon 99260, her.ei.naf'ter referred to as "COiJN'1'Y," the City o1' Spokanc Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washingtqn, havuig offices 1'or the transaction of business at ttic Kcdwood Plara, 11707 East Spr.aguc Flvcnue; Suile 106, Spokane Valley, Wash.i.nglcm 99206, hereina,fter. referred to as "CiTY" and Spokane County Superior ~ Ceurl, having oftices for the h~ansactiou of busi.ness at 1116 R'est F3roadway, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinaftcr referred to a.s the "COU1Z'1'," jointly hcrcuiafter referrecl to as the "PARTTES." 'I'hc C(UUNFTY, CTTY and COUKT agree as Eollows. SFCTIUN vU. 1: ltl!,CiTALS AND l+liVll1.1VGS (a) Thc 13oarci of County Corninissioners nf SPokanc County has the care of Coun.ty pr.operty -ancl the managenleni of'County fiuids aud busi.ness undcr K.CW 36.32.120(6). ' (b) Counties and cities rnay contract ~~-ilh each other to per.Corm certain fiuictians which , cacll may legally pertorm tuider chapter 39.34 ..R.C'W (Interloc:al Caoperation Act). (c) The Spol:ane Catmty Superior Caurl maintains a Jury Management System tbat is used to Summon, qualify, oro~.nize, track and provide coiiipensation to jury p~lels For the Spokvie County Superior Gpurt; Spoka.ne Couii.ty District Colu-t aud Iviunic;ipal Courts. • ,(d) '1"he City of SPokane Valley desires tO utilizc the services UF Spokanc County Superior C:oiu-t for the purpose of sunimoning, qualif~,ing, or;aaliring, tracking and pr.ovitiing compensation to jury Panels in conjtuiction Nuith City of Spokane Valley misdcmeanor court ca.ses requiring jurics. STCTiQN NU. 2: llEFLYITT(aNS ~ (a) A~jreement: "Agreement" meFUis this Tnterlocal Agreement between the CTTY, - COUN"I"Y anci COURT regarding jury management servicES. _ (b) Citv: "CTTY" uieans the City of Spokane Valley. . (c) Countv: "COUN'Y"X" means Spokane County. (d) Mai.ntenance fuid OaeratiQns: "Maintenance and Uperations" anci "M&O" shall mean (1) those class cocies (3000-5999 aud 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its budgetary process as prescribcd by the BARS manual adopted by the Siale of `Vashuigton under chaptcr 43.8$ KCW so long as such eYpcndinzres are direcely attributflble and proportionale lo services renclered to CITY under the terrns of this A,greem.eat. • ' (e) Services: "Scrvices" means those services idcntified in Fxhibit 1. (f) CUmpensation: "Compensation" means that mcthodology set forth i.n Exlubit 2 used to cstablish the -aniount of moncy which the CITY A411 pay the COUNTY 1or providi.ng Services. . (g) Capital imarovernent: "Capi.tal Lnprovcment" shall mean aj-iy expeuditurc in excess of S1999.99 or such hi;lier figiirc as set by the COUNTY as the capitalization threshold during the term of the Agreement. 11ie COLTNTY shall give the CITY advance uoticc of-any , increase in the capitalization threshold. The PARTICS agrcc to meet and discuss the impacts of airy changc in the capitalization threshold which will c;ause aai increase of costs to the CTTY in excess o:f $50,000.00. Any such expenditure vvill bc coded as provided for in the BA1ZS-manual adoptcd by the State of Waslungton under R.CW 43.88. (h) Unecmtrollable Circiunstances: - "iJn.controllable Circiunstances" means the follnvving events: riots, wars, ciNil disturbances, i.nsurrectinns, acts of terrorism, extcrnal Cres and f.loods, volcanic eruptions, lighlning or carthquakes at Ui• near where tkic Services are performed andlor that directly affect providing of such Services. SEC.°l'.I.UIY NO. 3: PiJFtPOSlr The purpose of this Ageemcnt is to recluce to writiug the PART'IES' understandi.ng as to diE tcrms arid conditions under .iih.ich the C:OURT will provide Services on behalf of the CITX. It is the intent of the PARTIE•S that Services to be provided by the COURT will be consistent vvith the CITY'S CoiuiciUiManager form ofgovernmeut provided for i.n chapter 35A.13 TZCW. - SEC1'IUN \`Q. 4: AITI2.AT`10N/W1TI1DRAWAL '1'his Agreement shall couuncncc on January 1, 2005, and run through December. 3 ) 1, 2005. At the conclusion o.f the initial term, this Agz-eement shall automaticalfy be zenewed tiom year to year thereafter effective January 1" to 17ccember 31'L All renewals shall be subject to all tenns and " conditions set forth herein to include the mcthodology :for billings set forth in Exhibit 2. - \ • A.ny Party may Arithdraw at any time from tliis Agreement for any reason Nvhatsoever upon a rriininnun of 180 days ~v7itten notice as p.rovided for in Secddn 7 to the other Parly. SEC,~'1'.l(U\T NQ. 5: COST U:k~~' ST-RVTCES ANI) PAZ'iYTFYTS The Cl`1'Y sha.ll pay the CUUNI Y the costs for Scrvices provided-uuder tliis Ag'ecment 7s set forth in E-clubit 2, attached hcreto aud incorporatEd hereiu by ref'erencc. Tlie COLJN'I'Y CEO shall advise the Cl'11' Mana~er a.s soon as possible of any anticip:~ted or unanlicipated capital impzovement costs that arise during the conlract period. T1ie Cifiy shall pay capital 'unproveaient eosts eithcr (1) u.nder the Cost Allocation Plan as aci uidirecC cost acnortized over the useful life of the iuiprovement utilizine'straight-line depreciataon and incorporating the expected salvage va1ue of the improvement at the end of its useful life or (2) as a direct cost ui the form of z contribution made to tlie Fquipment Rental and Revolving Fimd. The CTTY shall be responsible only for capital iuiprovement costs incurred affier March 31, 2003. Any portion oF a czpital i.mprovement tliat was paid for or acquued t;lirough scpa.rate agreement or witti grant proceeds, bond proceeds, user fees, doiiations, or any other acquisition rnethod that rei•lects a ctmiribution on behalf of CI'I'Y shall not be included in the depreciaeion schcdule apPlieci lo the C1 I'Y. Aiiy capital i.mprnvemc►it for w-luch the COUiv'1 Y seeks reimburseuient fram the CI'T'Y - must be necessary to fulfill the requirements of tLiis Agneement. ~ J The COiJNTY will bill the CITY for the cost of Services annuaLly after January 15ih for the use o.t." the System in die preceding yEar. Yayuien.ts by dle CI1'Y Nvill be due by ttlc 5`h dzy o f the followiug month. Al the sole option of the COUNTY, a penally may bc assessed on any latc pay-iiienC hy the CI"I'Y based on lnst intcrest earniugs had the payiuen.t been timely paid a.nd invEStecl in ttic Spokane County 'freasurer's i.nveslment Pool. ThE CITY ,iiay dispute any monthly annual billing. Penciing resolution o:f any dispute, the PAR.TIH_S agrec t}iat tlie CITY shall pay tuuely thal portion of the bill. that is undisputed. Tu the event the CITX disputes any rnontlily a1nual billing it shal.l include in conjunction wikh the monthly pa}rment a letter statirtg with. specificity the basis.for the disputc. The PARTIES agrec to meet with.i.n thirt}, (30) calenciar clays of the COUiv"1"Y's receipt of the docunientation letter stating the basis for tlie C1l`Y disputinb any monthly atunual billing to resolve the macter. In the event the PARTICS cannot mutually revolve the matter xvitlwi the thirl•y (30) calendar day time frame, unless otherkvise agreed by the YAR1'[FS, che rnattcr shall be resolved plu•su-cnt to the Dispute Kesolution provisions set forth in Section No. 17. The selection of arbitralors as pc'ovided f.or in Section No. 17 shall commencc Nvidun thirty (30) caleudar days of the running of the thirty (30) calcnda.r day . tirne frasve. Any resolukion of a disputed am.ount through use of the arbitration process identif ed in Section 17 shall include, at the request of eilher Party, a deternii.nation of whether int:er.e,sl is appropriate; uicludina ilie amount. • The PA.R TlES recogtuze fbat it is not always possihle for eittier Pariy lo discovcr errors i.n bil_linb. - T'he PARTiLS fiirtlier recognizc that t}iere must bc some fulality lo aciciressing such error5. Accorciingly, the PA.R.T..TFS agree ttiat both PART'IES arc foreclosed frnm challenging any errors ui billings i.f the matter is not d.ra-vvn in writing to the other YAR'I'Y'S attention wnthiu t}urty (30) calendar days of the annual billing. Errors raiscd within this time frame that are not muhially resolved shall be subject to the Dispute R.esolution provisinns set f"orth in Section ivo. 17. SEi C'1'lOV N0. 6: RELATFn REi Sl'OYSII3TLTTTFS .'~i 1 COr'J'UNCTTON `VI'1'II PROVYJDING SERVTCFS The COU'RI' or its designee agrEes to attend staffmectings as requested by the C1TY Manager. The COUR,T or its dcsignee agrees to mect upon request by the Cl°T'Y Mattager or histher designec to di.scuss any Serv7ce providcd under the ternls of this Agreement. The CTTY agrees the COUfZT may use the COtNTY'S stationery in c:onjunction with providing Services uuder the tcrms af'this Agreemcnt. . SEG"i'IQN NO. 7: iYUTICF All noeic:es or other comrttunications giveu hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) die day such notices or other communacations are received when sent by personal cielivery; or (u) tlic tturd day follawi.ng the day on which the same havc been mailed' by first class delivery, postage prepaid addrESSed to the COUNTY or the CITX at the address set Forth below for such Yarry, or at such other address as either Party shall from time-to-time designate by notyc:e in vvrituig to the other : Party: COUNTY: Spohane Coimty Chief raecutivc Ot3ic;f;r • or hi-s/her autliorized representitive ' 1116 Nest Rroadway Avenue Spokane, 1Vashington 99260 , CITY: City of Spokane Valley City'Manager or his/her authori`r,ed representative Redwood Plari _ 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suitc 106 Spvkane Valley, V1lashington 99206 COU12T: Spokwc Supe.rinr Court Presiding Judgc Spokane County Courthouse 1116 We,st Broadway Avenue Spokaiie, Washington 99260_ SECTT.0N N0. 8: I2EPQRfiINC Reports - The GOURT sha11 provide the CIT'Y ,N.it1i reports documenting achial usagc unciez this Agreement at the same ti.me each uivoicc requesti.ng payinent is made, uo.less otlierwise mutually agreeci by the Paeties. The Parties agree that the termi.nology "reports documenting usagE" means that type of in_formation provided by the COUR'I" to the C.iTY i.n the 2004 agreement for Services. " Such raParts shall be in a fonnat as mutually agreed to bettween the Parties. The coutent anrllor -format for suc}i r.eports may bc changed f.rUm time-to-time by written agreemcnt betvveen C[1'Y and COURT staff. Recor.ds Review - Thc Cl'fY shall be allowecl to conduct random reviews of tlle r.ecords gencrated by the COUR1` in perfortuance of this Agreement as authorized under GR D. The CITY ~M_ll provide the COUR1° Nvitti reasonable advance notice of the records reviews. The Parties agree that . they will make best efforts la achievc a i~esolulion of any potenlial records con.fidentiality issues, i.ncluding cirtering into confidEntiality agreements or other similar uiecbanisms that wi]1 al.low disclosure of the n.eeessary itifonnation to acetumtely conduct a rccords review consistent w7lh GR 31. Tf the CTTX will bc allowed to view only those r.ecorcLs dit•ectly relaking to Ser%ices providcd 'wittiin CiTY's corporate bounclaries, then the COi.JN'I"Y uiust keep a log of orional doclunents used to charge the CITY, ,uid those doeumcnts iuust bave idcntifyiug numbers or letters so che original sourcc cloctunents can be easily retrieved. SECTiQN N(). 9: COUiNTERPAKTS This Agreemcnt may be executeci in any number of coUmterparts, each of which, xhen sci executcd and delivcred; shall be an original, but sucl.i counlerparts shall together constitute but one and the sacnc. SECTION NO. 10: ASSIGNIVIEVT No T'arty may assigti ui ,~vliole nr parl: its iuterest in eliis tAgrceme».t without the writteLi approval of the -other PAlt'1'Y. ' SFCTION NO.1.1.: COiJRT MKk'LOXTrS The COURT shall hi.ee, assign, retain a.ud discipline all employees perFornluig ServiceS under this Agrt-ement accc>rding to applicable collectivc bargaining agreements and apPlicable state and federal laws. The COCYRT ag[ees to meet and c;onfer witli the Cl"I"Y vvith respect to scaFf that is assigned tq provide Services. Issues of discipline or perEorrnaiice AZll be speciYically handled accordin; to COURT poticies. SECTI0N N0. 12: T..i.A.BI'Ll`1'Y For the pucpose of this Section, tlie tenui.nology COUNTY shall also uiclude COU'R`I'. (a) `I"hc COUNTY shall 'uidenuffy and hold harmless the CITY and its o.ffic;ers, agcnts, aad employees, from. any and all clauns, actions, suits, liabi.l.ily, loss; costs, expenses, 1nd dauages of any nature wbatsoevcr, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent aet or ouussion of the CQU~ITY, its o:fl:icers, ageuts and emplpyces; relating to or arising ou[ of performing Services ptusuant to this Agrecment. Tn the event tliat any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, qr dainagcs is brou;ht against the CI'TY, tfic CQiJNTX shall defcnd the same at its solc cost and .-expense; providec:i that the CITY reserves the rigtit to participate in said suit if any principle of ~govetnmental or public law is involvEd; and if fui-cil judgment in said siut be rendcred agai.nst the CITX, and its officers, agents, and Employe.es, or jouitly against the CI'TY annd the COL)NTY and thei.r respectivc ofiicers, agents, and employees, the COUrITY shall s,atisfy the samc. (b) The CITY shall inciemn.i=f.y aud hold harmless the COUNI`Y and iLS officers, agents, and einployee.s, f.YOm any and all clai_ms, actions, stuts, liabili.ty, loss, costs, eapenses, and damages of any nature whaLSOever, by any reason of or arising out of any negliaent act or omi-ssion of the CJ'[fY, its of:fi.cers, agents and employees, relating to or arisin; out of p£rfarming Services pursuant to this Ageemcnt. In the event that any suit based upon such clai.m, action, loss, or damages is br.ouglit against the CUl.1iNTY, the CITY sYiall defend the saiile at its sole cost aiid espensc; provided that the COUNTY rescrves the right to participate in said suit if any principle of govenimental or public law is involved; and if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the COLTNTY, and its . officers, agents, anci einployecs, or jointly agaaist the COUT~'TY anci the CITY and their respecEive oiTieers, agents, and employees, the CI"I'Y shall satisf}, the same. (c) If the comparativc negligence of the Yarties and their officers and cmployees is a cause of sueh damage or inj ury, the liability; loss; c;ost, ar expense shall be shared behween the Yartics in proportion la their relativc degree n:E negligeuce and the right of iudenuuty shall apply to such proportion. (d) Where an ofticer or cmployee of a 1'arty is acting under the direction-and control of the , other Yarty, the .Party directing and controlliug the afficer or emplo}°ee ui the activity and/or om.ission giving rise to liability shall accept all liability for the odier Party's officer or employee's ncgligence. (e) l:ach Pai-fy's duty to indemnify shall survive the tcrminat7on or expiration of the Agreement. . (fl The foregoing i.ndemnity is specifically inteiided to constilufe awaiver. of each Party's immunity u.nder Washingrton's Industrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the olher party only, and only tq the extent necessary to pmvidc the indenuufied Party with a full and complete indemni'ty of claims maiie by the iademnitor's employees. The PART'IES acknowledDe that these provisions were specifically ncgotialed wid agreed upon by them. (g) 1 he COi.)NTY and the CI'1'Y agree to either sclf insure or purcha.se policics of insurance cavering the matters contained in this Agreement with coverages df not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence ,vith $5,000,000 aggrcgate limits iucluciing professional liability and auto liability covei-ages. SFCTION N0.13: RFI.,ATIONSHiP C)F"I`BE PAR1'1ES The PAR'1`IES intend tbat au iudcpendent contractor relationship A7ll be created by this Agreement. --Tlie C;OLTlZ'1' shall be an i.ndepcndent confractor aud not the agent or employee of the C1TY, that the CITY is intcresteci only in the results to be ac;hicved and that i:hc riglit to umtrol the paa-tieular - manner, method and means in which the services are perf:ormed is solely "7thin the discreiion af the COLTIZT. Any and all euiplo}°ees who provide Se•rviees to the C.ITY under ttti.s Agreement shall be deemetl employccs solely of the CUU'KT. Thc COUIZT shall be solely responsiblc for the conducl and actious of All emplQyces Lu7der tti.is Agreemcnt and any liability diat may attach thereto. Likewise, no agent, empioyee, scrva.nt or representative of the C1T'Y shall be cieemed to be an employee, agent, servant or representative oi'thc COITNrTY or COUlZT for any pLU-pose. SFCTiON vU.14: iV1ODi.FTCATI(7n` 1'his Aa e.ement may be mvdified in writing by niuCual writtcn agreement of the PAR.TIES. SECTIOY vU.15: P.ROPEI2TY ANTD EQTIIPViL+"N'1' The owmership c►f all property and equipmeut utilired in conjiuictinn with providuig the Serviccs shall remain witli the nriginal owncr, u.uless oeherwise specifically and inutually agreed to by the YA12T1_FS to lhis Agrcement. For. the piupose o.f tliis section, the terniinology'bNvner" means that Party which paid the full purchasc price :for the property or equipment. SE(:"I'TON N0.1.6: ALL 1'1Tk11'ltCS CnNTAINLll HTREIT`/131Nll]:NC FFFECT This tlgreement contains tcrms and conditions agreed uponby the YATZi1:ES. The PAR"1"ICS agree that there are no other undcrstandinDs, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of tlus Agi-eeuienl. No changcs or acidikions to tlus Agreement shall be va.liti or binduig upnn the , PAR.TTES unless such change or addition is i.n wriCing, executed by the PARTiC:S. Tlus Ag-eement shall be b'vld'uig upcm the PAWTICS hereta, their suoc.essors and assip-ns. SECi'1(=)N N0. 17: DISPUTE:illfSnLU-'TION Any dispute belween the Yt1RTIES as lo cost of services only wluch cwnol bL resolved Uetween the PAIZ'1'IE;S shall be subject to arbilr`aCion. Except as provicicd for to the contrary herei.n, sucli dispule shall tirst be reduced tq ~.>>riting mnd considered by the CO[JNTY CEO aiid the CITY Manager. If the COUN'I'Y CEO and the C11 Y Ivlanager cannot resolve the disputc it will be submitted lh arbitration. 11ie proviSions of chapter 7.04 RCW shall be applicable to aay arbitrakion procc;eding. Thc COT.NTY and the CI"I."Y shall have the rigLit to designatc one perscm each to act as an arbilrat4r. '1'he nwo selected arbitratois shall tlien jointly select a chird arbitrator. The decisiou of tlie arbitration pa.nel shaU be bind'uiS on the PAEZ1"iES and shal.l be subjcct to judicial revicw as provicted for in chapter 7.04 RCW. The costs of the arbitration panel shall be eyually split beriween the PAK"I 1k;S.. SECT"lON N4. 18: VENUL STT_PIJLATIUN . I. This Agreeuient has been and shall bc construed as having been made and delivercd wikhin the State of Washington and it is mutually understooc3 and agrced by each party tliat this Agreement shall be goveined by the laws of the State oF Washington both as to interpretation and performance. Any action at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of tlus Agreement, or any provision hereto, shall be instituted oiily in courts of competent jtirisdiction w-ithin Spokane County, WashingEOn. SECITION NQ. 19: SLVERAliiLiTY T'he PARTIES agree that if any parts, terms or provisions of this Agreement arc helcl by the courts to be illcgal, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affcctcd and the rights and nbligations of the PARTICS shall n4t be a.ffected in rcgard to the remainder of the Agreement. if it should appear that any part, temi or provision of this Agreement is in conflicl Nvith any statutory provision of the State of Wasliington, then the part, tenn or provision tliereof that rnay be in conflict shall be deemed inoperalive and null and voicl inso.f.'ar as it may be in ecmflict therewrith and ihis Agreement shall be decmed to modi.fy to coiiform to such statutory provision. SF..CTIOiv NU. 20: RrCORllS All public records preparEd, owned, used or retauied by the COiJNTY or COURT in conjunction NNitii providing Servic;es under the tcrm5 o[' this Agrecmcnt shall be deemed Cl1 Y property and shall be r.uade available to the CiTY upon request by the CITY Manager'subject to the attorncy . client and attomey work product privileges set forth in slalute, court rule or case law. The COUNTY 'will natitjr the CITY of any public disclosui-e requcst under chapter 42.17 RCW for . copies or vie"7ng of such rccords a..~ well as the COUNTY'S response thereto: I'he COLTR.T will notif'y the Cl.TY of any request for court rccords uncler GR 31. SEG'1'lON NQ. 21: IIEAULYGS The seckion headings appearing i.n tliis Agreement have been uiscrted solely fOr the purposc of conveniEnce and ready reference. In na way do they purport tU, and sliall not bc deemed to define, limit or estend the scope or intent of the secCi4ns to whiclt thEy pertain. SECTION NO. 22: TIlqE OF TSS'ENCE OF ACREEiVI.E.nT C Tune is of the essence of this Agreement and iu "case cithEr Party.f.ails to perform the obl.igations on its part tn be performed at the time fxed for dic perforrnance of the respective obligation by the terms of this Ao eement, the other Party may, at its clection, hnld the other Party liable fnr all , costs iud damages caused by such delay. . SFC'TIO\7 NO. 23: UNCONTROLI,Alii:E CjRCU1ViSTANGES/IMPOSSIBILII'Y . . A deJay or intemiption i.n, or faihue of perForrnatice of all or any part of this Agreement resulting ' froi-n i.Jncontrollable Circumstances shall be deeuied nat a dcfault uncier this Agreement. t1 delay dr inlerruption in or failurc of performance of all or any paa-t of this Agreement resultiug from any change in o.r new law, orcler, 'lule or regulation af any nature which renders providiug of ServicES in accordance with ttie terms of ttus A~,~reemcnt legally impossible, and any alher circumstances beyond tlie contr4l of ttie COLTNI'TY or COURT which r.encier lcgall.y impossible the performance by the COU'N`l°Y or CQUR1' of its obligatious under ttus Agreement, shaU be deemed uot a cle(:'aull undcr tlus A.aneement. SECTION NO. 24: FILIiNC Tlus Agreemcnt shall be filed by the County with such of_ticcs or agencics as reyuir.ed by chapter 39.34 R.M. SECTION NO. 25: EX.ECUTTON AIVll AXPRnVAL . '1`hc 1'ARTIFS warrant tha.t th.e officers eYecuti.ng below have been duly autliorized to act for anci on behalFof the Partyi.'or purposes of con.f:irrning ttus Agreernent. SI:CTI0N n70. 26: 1NITIATTVES , , . Thc PARlIFS recognizc tliat revenue reduciug initialivE(s) passed by the voters of Washiugton inay substantially reciuce loeal operatine .revenue for the CI"CY, COUivTY or both PARTIES. The PARTTES agree t]iat it i5 necessary to have fli;xibility ta reduce the contracted a,tnounl(s) in this AgrcEment in responsc to budget constrauits resulting froin the passage of revenue-reducii-ig i.nitiative(s). If sucl.i an event occurs, tlie PARTCE:S aa ee to negoti.ate in gaad faith to achieve a mutually aareeable resolution in a limely fasWon. SFCTIUN N0. 27: C(')NLl'LIANCE WI1'H L.AWS The Parties slial.l ohserve all federal, slaie and l.ocal laws, ordinajices and regulati4ns, to the extent that they may be applicable lo the tercns o.f: this AgrcemenL SECTIUrT N0. 28: ll15C:GA_T11~iF.~R Eacept as othenvise provided, this Agreement shall not bo constnied i.n 3ny manner that would liuut either Party's authority or poNvers under laws. . SLC'1'IOT7 NQ. 29: ASSURAn7CE 'T'hc CITY shall pay the COUN`l'Y the true and full cosl' of all Services provided under this Agreement. The intent of die F'artics is that neither Yarty wi.ll subsidize t;he other anc3 tbat the CI'fY ,trill nqC subsidize a.n}° other jiu-isdiction. thal is receivi.ng similar service5. TN `Vl'1'NRSS WHFRFOF, the PAR7IES have caused ihis Agreemeut to be executecl on datc and year opposite their respective sipatures. DATFI): BOARD OF COLNTY COMIVIISSIONERS OF SPOKANB COUNTX, WASI-IING1 ON T0DD iVLM-LKE, Chairrnan ATTES"r: Clerk of the 13oard viARK RTCH11KL7, Vice-Chairman 17anicla Erickson PHf.T,T T_P D. I4ARlZ1S, Commissioner . llATED: SPO.KANE COCJhi1'Y Si1PERIOR COiJR,T: By: , Its: llATLll: CITX OF SPOKAI~TE VAL,LLY: • A7 1°ES 1': David Mercier, City Viana;er Chrisline Bainbrid;e, City Clerk APPROVEI7 AS TO FpR.M ONLY: Office of the City Attorney - ' FYE-I[l31T J. T1ie COU'K"C' shall opeiate and provide t:he Services ta CI'CY. The Serviccs ares generally describEd . as sui7unoning, qualiCying, organiring, traclcuig, Provicling and compensating, jluy panels for CI"1`Y'S cases consistcnt uzth applicable laNvs and court rules . EYHTBIT 2 , CITY shall pay COIJNTY the actual costs for its use of the system i.n 2005 aud future ycars as follows: . Costs of ttie Scrvices shall be comprised only af admi.n.istrative costs for management Uf the System. (C;osts for each j ury panel requEStcd shall be tbe actual costs to include j ury Fee, mileage aud all other costs directly attribut.able to thc spccifiic jury r.equested. '1"hesE costs shall be the responsibility o.f. CITY once a jury is requested re;ardless of whether it is ever emPanell.ecl. These fees are not included in this Agreement. 'T'hey are included i_n the INI'TERLOCA'L AGREEVfE7T. FC)R COSTS INC1T)ENT TQ A.TaJUDICA'1"ION (7F NI,ISDF.v(EANOR AND GT20SS MIS17EMEANOR COPFENSES.) . tldministrative costs of the Scrvices shal.l include a.ll costs incurred by COLJRT in operating/providing the System for fuiy calendar ye,ar to include: item (1) persoiuiel, compuler equipmendprinter and supply ccasts, Item (2) printing and postagc costs, and Itcm (3) State Tndusli-ial Tilsurance costs. Item (l) coska Nvill include salarics/bcncfits plus (i) all cost of livi.ag (COLA) adjus[mcnts a5 authorized by COUN"I Y for Persons provid'uig the Serviecs anrUor (ii) salary i.ncreases and (iii) ind.irc:ec rate applied only to salariesJbenefits based on Spokane Counly's QMB A-87 Cost Plw Escalatcd 2003 f'or 2005, adjtisted to only include deprcciation af capital irnprovements purchased after the date of ttie CITY's official date of iucorporation; prepared by PRM Group, an independent plan preparer. Ai.ry incre;ise in xny ad.minisiraiive costs will bc reflec[ed in the current years costs. CITY'S share of the adtninistrative eos-ts wider Ttem (l.) above ,vrill be calc;ulated by takino thc total costs :f.or Item (1) for any calenciar year and dividing it by the total number of jury pauels requested in Superinr, District or Mutucipal Court by all users of the Systcin. 1'his will provide a per jury panel administralive cosl ior Item (1). C.l'T'Y will fhen pay Chis.per jury adlni.r.iistrati-ve cost for Ttem (1) far each jury panel it }ias requested. Item (2) cost shall be cletermined by using the percentage of juror days served by Superior, District, and Municipal Caurts in any calendar ycar. CITY shall pay its proportionate share of such cost based on die number. o:f juri.es requested. item (3) costs shall be determined by taking the per hour juror rate which COiTRT pays for State Iudustrial Liairance ancl mulliplying it by the total number of juror hours for persons who served as.jurors for CI'I'Y. . Returu to: llaniela.F,.-ricl:son, Clcrk of the Board . Board of County Commissioners . 1116 W. }3roadway ' Spokanc, Washington 99260 IiVTi:12LnCAL AG1ZLEMTNT FU17 PRrTR.I.AL SERVICES iN Y.['TW CTTY OF SPQKAV`E VAT..LEY , • (January :l, 2005 -Dccember 31, 2005) THIS AGRFF.MEVT, madc ajid enlered 'uito by anc] benwcen Spokane County, a politicat subdivision of ttte State of Washiqgtqn, having offices for tlle transactioti of business at 1.11 6 We.st }3roadNvay Avenue, Spokarie, Washington 99260, riereiaafter referrecl to as "CQUN:l'"Y" and the City of Spokane Valley, a. municipa1 corpor.ation of llYe State of Washington, having offices for t1le i-ransaction of husiness at the Redwood Plaz,a, 11707 r,ast Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokaric Vtilley, Was}iingtan 99206, hcreinaffier re.f.er.rud 1o as "C["t''S'," jQincly hereinafter rei':eiz-eci to as the "PAR1'LFS." T'he COUN'I'Y and CI1 Y ~agree as rollotivs. SEC°TlON NC). 1.: RECI'TA-1:.5 AIYI) FIYDIl\`GS (a) hE Board of County CQinmissioners of Spokane County has the carc of COTJNTY property arid the malagement of COUN 1 Y funds and business under KCW 36.32.120(E). _ (b) Counties and ciCies rnay contract with •cach otlter to perlorrn certain runclions which each mtiy legally perfonil umder chapter 39.34 R.CW (I:tlterloeal Cooperatian Ac;t). (c) Pursuant Co the provisions of 39.34.1$0, the City of Spokane Valley is . responsible .f.or the cost's incidcnt to prasecut:i.oa of misdemeanor and grass inisdcrTieajinr oil'enses that oecur widun its jur.isdicti4n and that are conuriitted by adulfs. ' (cl) The County has establishecl thc Otfice of Pretrial Services. The Qffice of Pretri.al Services perfonlis variUUS 'services including the processing of Public llcfcridEr appli.catians in order to iiiake a detertll.inalion of iudigency for botlt Spakane County Jaish'ict COurt. ~ r rage a of 15 _ (e) The CiEy of Spokan.c Valley desires to utilize the scrviccs of the Spokane C;ounty , Qffice of Pretrial Services tdr the purposE of processing Fublic Defender applicatior~s in - ordEr to make a determination of i.ndigency where the charge is far a violation of a state statute punishable as a.m.isdcmeanar or goss misdemeanor oftcnsc committed by an atlull within the jurisdiction of the City of Spokane Val.lcy ancUor 1:he chiirge is for aviolation of a City of Spokane Valley ordinancc punishable as a misdemeanor or gross misdcmEanor. SECTiQN NO. 2: DEFiNITIONS - (a) np-recmcnt: "AgreemenC" ineans this Tntcrlocal Agreement between the CITY and CQT.JitirCY regardin; pretrial services. (b) Citv: "CI'1"Y" means die City of Spokane Valley. (c) Countv: "GC>11N"I`Y" means Spokane County. . (d) 1Vlaintenance au1d Onerations: "]vlai.ntcnance and Operalions" anci "M&O" shall mean (1) lhase class c4des (3000-5999 ancl 7000-9999) used by Spokane County-in its budgetary process as prescribcd by the BARS manual adopted by the State of Wastungton under chapte.r. 43.$$ RCW so lanb as such cxpeciditures are directly attributable arid proportionate to services rendered to CITY undcr the terms of this Agreement. (e) Scrvices: "Services" means thhse services idcntif cd i.n :EMiibit 1. (f) • Comacnsation: "Compensatian" means that rnetflodology set forth in Exhibit 2 usEd to establish the amount of moncy which the C1TY will pay lhe COi.TNTY for providi.ng Serviccs. (g) - Capital Improvemcnt: "Capit:al :I:mpr.ovenient" shall mewi any elpendiiurE in excess o.f. $1999.99 cir such higher figurc as set hy the COUNTY -as the capitllization th.r.eshold duri.ng ihe term of the tlgreemcnt. °C'hc COUNTY shidl give lhe CITY advancc notice of any increase in the capitalization thresholti. The PARTIES agree to meet and discuss the impacts of any changc in the capitaliz"ation thresliold which will cause an - increase of costs to the CT 1`Y in excess pt $50,000.00. Any such expenditure will be coded as provided tor i.n thE BAIZS-manual adopted hy the State of Washuigton uncler IZC:W 43.8$. (h) Uncontzollable Circumstanccs: `Uncontrolla.ble Circumstances" means the folloNving events: rints, war.s, civil disturbances, insurrections, acts of terrorism, cxternal Page 2 of 15 ' fres and floocls, volcanic eruptions, lightnirig or earthquakcs at or near where lhe Scrvices are performcd ancUor that dircctly a£Fect providing of such Services. (i) l~.eport: "Report" means the District Courr's recor.d management system com..monly rel'erreci to as Misdeinea.nor Yublic Defendcr. TaC Cases by T.,ocation. (j) OPT'S: "OFTS" mea.ns the Qffice of Yrctria1 Serviccs cri;ated by Spokane County. SEC'I"lON N0. 3: PLJI7YOSE Thc purpnse of this Agreemenl is to reduce tc~ -,vriting the PAR1"1E5' undersl'anding as to the tEnn-, and wnditions under which the COUNTY will provide Serviccs on behalf of thc Cl"rY. It is thc intenl of the PARTT,ES that Services to be provided by the COUNTY will be consistent -vvith the CIT'Y'S GouncillMtinager form ol gover_n.ment provided for in chapter 35t-1.131ZCtiV. SECT'TON NQ. 4: llU1U7':fON/WITlill:EZAWA:G This Agreement shall conunence oti January 1, 2005, and run flirougti Iaeceniber 31, 2005. , , Al I:he conclusion af the i.n.itia) term, Chis Agreerticnt shall autornatically be-reneNved fram year to year thereafter efl-ecrive January 1" to Decembcr 31sL All rencwals shall be subject to all teniLS anci conditions set farth berein except lorExhibit 2. "1`Yie :I:'ARTTCS ret;ognizc it highly unlikely 1:hat r.tihibit 2 setting forth the cstimafed cost's for each yuar's Services will be availttble at the starC oi ariy renewtil t.imE frame. -Accordinc.lyly, until a new Eahibit 2 has been preparecl and agreed to behveen the PAR."1"I FS, the PARTIES agree thatthc COUNT'Y will bill the Cl'lY and the C11Y will pay the COUNTY at ffie same montlily pa}laient rate Ltsed for thc previous yea,r.. ilpon the PA.FZ l'CFS agreemenC on a ncNv E~ubit 2, the CTTY and COIJNTY will reconcilc payment's to tlate iuider the previou.s year's payn7enl schcdule widi the neNv paym.ent schedule. A.ny undcrpayment for a.ny Services will be due ui tlic first payuYent 'due following recon.ciliation. Any ovcrpayment for any Services will bc credited to the frst monthly payinent due fnlloNving ttic r.econciliation. °l'he PARTiES agree thac no intcr.est shall. be owing by either Party to the othEr Party for a.ny ovcrpayment or underpayment detcr.mined . as a resul.t o('the reconciliation. Any Parfy may withdraw. at any time from this Agreeincnt for any reason whaC,soever upoli a minimum of 180 days Nvritten notice tLS provided for in Section 7 to the calher Party. Page 3 of 15 SECT;f.QN NO. 5: COST Q;F SERVICCS A1VD PAYlViENTS The C1717Y shall pay the CO'UN 1 Y the actual costs for Services providcci uncier chis A.gr.eEment. The estim.ateci cosl for 2005 Services undei• this A.gr.ccment shall be as sct forth in Exhibit 2, attached hereto and incorporated hercin by reference: Tlus rnethodolagy uscs the last six (G) monttis of 12eporC numUerS f.or 2003 and rirst si:r (6) mUnths of Report nwnbers #or 2004 and averages thEru for a hvelve (12) mont}i ti.[ne frame. The resulting number is used as a basis to estunate the 2005 cost of Services. Ttlc CQIJNTY C.EO shall advisE the Cl l Y Manager as soon as possible of wly anticipated -or unanti.cipated capital improvement costs that arisc during the contract pcriod. l:b.e (:ity shall pay capital improvement costs eithcr (1) under the Cost A11ocation Ylan as an indirect cost amorti7cd over the useful lifc of the i.mprovement utilizing straigYit-line depreciation -uid incorporating the eYpected salvage value of the improvcmEnt at the encl oFits useful lif.e or (2) as a dir.ect cast in the form of a conlribution rnade to t:he Equipmenr Rental and R_EVOlving Nund. ThE CITY shall be responsible only for t;apital improvem.cnt costs incurred after March 31; 2003. Any portion oP a capital improvcrncnt that was paid for or acquircd through separate agrECment or wi[h grant proceeds, bond proceeds, usEr f.ees, donations; or any other acquisition melhod that rcf.lECts a contribufion Qn bEhalf of Ci'1 Y shall not he irtcludeci in the -depreciation schedule applied to thc CITY. .4ny capital iinprovemcnt for kvhich the COUN'I°Y seek:5 reirnUursemcnt from the CITY must bc . necessary to fu1f-i11 the requiremcnts of trus Agreement At the enti of the calEnciar year, USIIIg the IT7EtIlQClOIOgy set forth in L;xhibit 2, the PARTIES shall apply the ach.ial expenclitures arid the actual usage percentagc to deternune the i:inal cast. I.t is the PARTICS intent that any adjustment takc place as soon -t.s possiblc and acecardingly will use their respecEive best efforts to timely prepare, disseminate and review aU expenditure doctuncntatinn. "C'he CITY will havc sirly (GO) calendar days f.rom its rcceipt o:f the expenditw-e documEntation to providc the COUNTY with acly cvritten objectiuns(s) to such docwnentation. The Nvritten objection(s) must specifcally identiiy the expenditure(s) in question. The COUNTY agrees to consider all wrilten objections reccivcd from the CITY wittiin thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the pbjections(s). In the cvent thal the PARTTI:.S c,annot mutually resolvc any Nvritten objection(s) submitted by . the C;T 1`Y within the th_ir.ty (30) calendar days time frame, or such other time frune as the PA.RTIC-S may mulually agrec, the objectionS shal.l bc resolved pursuant ta the Dispnte Re:soluti.on provisions set forkh in Sectaon No. 17. Pendi.ng resolution Qf the objections(s), the PARTT.FS agree that the CITY shal.l pay that portian pf thE bill that is undisputed. To the c1tEiit that the C;ITY «as over billed in any year and the Agreement is still in effect, the COIJNTY shall crcdit the C17 Y fpr such overpayment in the next monthly pa}-ment owning by tli.c C1TY. Provided, however, in the event t11c Agreement is cerminated at such yngc 4 of 15 iime tb.at the overpaymcnt is detenni.ned, the COLTNTTY shall reimbiWse the CITY for any - overpayment withi.n thirly (30) calendar days. To the ea~tcnt thzt the CTTY was under billed ui an}P year and the Agreement is still in eFfect, tiie CITY shaLl 1-eimburse the CUTJNTY for amy undEr.payment in the riext manthly payment owing by the C.["1TY. Provicled, hawever, i.ut the event the Agreemenl is tenninated at sudi time lhat dic widerpayment is deterrliineci; the C:CTY shall reunbursc the COUNTY fbr any undcrpaymerit within chirty (30) calendar days. Either Yarty may at itS SOIE Ophan C11a,r.ge interest on any overpaynient or undcrpayment taased on lost interest eaming had the amount determined due becn invested i.n the rr;spective Pta.it`l".LES inveslment pool at the enci of the thirty (30) day tune f.ra,ne provided . for hereinabovc to the date of payment. Any resoJution of a disputcd amaunt through use of the arUitraCion prncess identifed in ' Section 17 shall incliide at thc'r.equesl of eithcr. Party, ii cletermination ofwhether inter.cst is appropriate, includi.ng the aunount. The CO~~INTY will bill the CiTY lor the cost of services as outlined, monthly, by the 15°i of the montYi. .M.orithly payments will be c;alculated by dividing those ,:uinual costs set fo_rth herein above by tNvelvE (12). Faymeirts b}° the C11Y will be cluc by the 5'" day oE the . i'oIlowing mo.nth. The CO ~UiVTY, ~lt its solE o~~tion, may charge interest cm any latc payment calcLilatecl on any lost interest earning had the amount duc been investeci since che date due to the date afpaymen.t in the COUN7.'X's investment pool. SECTI:C):nT NO. 6: RL.I.,ATE-D R.ESI'ONSTBILITL~'~S T.N CON:)TJITCTION `'V:["[:T:I PRUV.1DY:nTG SERVIC.H:S The COUNI.'Y or its designce agrec: to attEnd staI=F meetings as requestcd by the C.1.1'Y Maii<<cer. '1he COUNTY or its designee agrce to rneei upon request by the cI''rY Ivla.nager or his/her designee to discuss t,.ny Servicc proviciecl undEr the terms of this Agreemcnt. The C1TY agrees ltie CG[JNTY may usc tile COUN"1`Y'S stationery in conjunction with providing Services under t}ie telzm o:Ctb.is Agreement. SECTI01V NO. 7: NOTICF All noti.ce.s or other cor11.111unications given liereuncicr shall be deemEd given on: (l.) the day such notices or othcr communiGations are receivcd when sent by personal delivcry; or (ii) the third day following the day on which the sarne have beer_1 mailed by first class clelivery, - _ pastage prcpaid adclressed to the COUNTY ar the CTT'Y at the address set forth below f.oe Page 5 of 15 such 1'arty, or at such other address as either E'arty shall from time-to-time designatE by notice i.n Nvriting to the other Parry: - CQUN'f Y: Spokanc County Cluef Exccutive Officer or his/her authori.zeci representative - 1116 NVest Broadway Avenue Spokanc, 'Washingtan 99260 CITY: City af Spokane Valley City Manager . or his/her authorized representative R.edwood Plaza 11707 Easl Sprague Avenue; Suile 106 • Spokane Vallcy, Washington 99206 . SECTION Nn. 8: ItLPORTI.YG Renorts - The COCTNTY sball provide lhe CIT'Y wit1i r.cports documenting actual usagc unrier U-iis Agreernent. 1 he Parties agree that thc temiinolagy "reports documenti.ng actual u.sagE" means that type of infonnation provided by the CQTJNTX to the Cl'1'Y in the 2004 agreemenY for Serviccs. A.n. upclaled report shall bc submittecl quarterly ui-dess athervvise rnut'ually agreed by the Yarties. Such reports sh.all be in a rornlat as mutually agreecl to : between the Partics. The content and/or fonnat for such reports may be changed from time- to-timc by tvriLCen agreement behwccn Cl"I Y anci COiJNTX staff. , Recortls Review - The CI"L Y shall be allowed to conduct random reviews of thc c-ECOrds generated by the COUNTY in performance of tYus Agreement. The CTTY will provide the CQC.7'tNTY «Tith rc~.~sonable advance notice of the rccords revieNvs. The Farties agree tha.t they will make Uest efforts to achicve aresolution of any potEntial rccorcis c:enlidentiality issucs, inclucii.ng enteruig urto confidenliality agreements or other similar rriechanisms that wili allow disclosure of the necessary inforination to accLu-ately conduct a records review. If the C.[7^Y will be tillowed to vicw only lhose records dircctly rcla.ting to Services pmvidcd withinn CITY's cnrporatc boundaries, Yhen the CQiJNI'Y' must keep a log of original documents used to chargc the CITY, and those docwnents must have icientifyulg numbers or lellern so the origi.nal source docLunents cmi bc casil.y retrieved. SFCTION NO. 9: CQUN'T.ERPARIRS 'I'his Agreelncnt may be executed in any number of counteTparts, eacli of Nvfuch, when Sq executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall tpgetheT• constitute but one and the same. . Page 6 of 15 . SECTION NU. 10: ASSIGNMEN"[ No F'ar.ty may assigil in whole or part its interest in tliis AgreemEnt «FithUUt thE tivritten approval of the other 1'AR.TY. S EC'['1:C)N NO. i l: CUUN°l,X FNiPLOYE:H.S The COUM'X shall 11ire, assign, retain ancl'discipline all emp.loyees perform.i.ng Services undcr this Agreemciit according to applicable collcctive bargai.ciing agneements and applicable statc and Fecieral laws. The CUUN'1'Y agrees to mect and canfer tivith the CI1 YNtiTith respect to staf-E:' that is assibrned to providc Services. lssucs of.' ciiscipline or pertormancc will be spccif cally , hattdlcd according to COUNTY Policies. SECTIOIY NC). 12: LTABILITY (a) The COUN1`Y'shall indejiuiify iuncl hold harniless thc CITY w-ici its of..icers, agents, and employECS, tr4m any wd all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs; expenscs, and damages c~F a.ny natur.~. «~ht~tsoe~~er, by any reason of o.r. arising Out o.f any negligent act or t ` ornission of the COUN 1`Y, it~s c~f.~:icers, agents and e►nployees, r.clating ta or arisi.n~ out of perfom-iing Ser.vices pursuant to this 1lgreemenC. Ln thc evenf l'hat any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or dacnages is brought against the CI"ITY, the CC7UN 1TY sliall deEend the same at its sole cost and expense; providcd that the CITY r.cserves E1ie right to participate iu saict suit if any principle of govenimenlal or public law is involvEd; and if final _judgment in said suit bc r.cndered againsl Lhe Gl.TY, aiid it:s of.f ccrs, abents, and citiployees, ar _jointly against the CITY and the COUN1 Y and their respecti.vc officers, tigents, and eniployees, the CO'UNTY shall satisf~, the saine. (b) °I°he CITY shall indemni~ and hold -harrnless the CQlJNTY aid its nfFcers, agents, and empIhyeeS, from any and all clairns; actaons, suits, liability,, loss, c4sfs, eapenses, and diunages of any nature Nvhatsocvcr, by any reason of or zrisuig out of aiiy negligent act or omissiori of the CITY, its offcers, agenls auicl employees, relating to or arising out pf perl'orrrung Services pursuarit tottvs Abreement. lii the event Chat any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, Qr darnages is broughl abainst thc COUiNTY, t}ic CITY shall def.ctid the samc at its sole cost and expense; provided that thc CO[)N17Y resci-ves the right to pai-ticipate in sud suit if any principlc of bavernrnen.tal or public law is invQlvecl; and if final jurlgrrient i.n said suit be rendered against ttlc COLJNTY; aud its o1:i:icers, agEnts, and enlployees, or jointly against the COUN"1'Y. and the CITY and kheir respectivc oificers, - agents, a.nd employees, the CI'TY shc111 S3f1Sf.y the s.-:irne. F'a;e7of15 (c) TF the comparadve negligence ot' the Parties c-ind their officers and crnployees is a cause af such danage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or Expcnse shall be shared ~ betwecn the Parties in propor.tion to their rzlative degrEe of negligence and the right of indemnity shall app(y to such proportiqn. (d) Where an off:icer oz employee of a Party is acting under the ciirection and.control of the other Party, the T'arly dir.ecki_ag atld conirollinb the otf,icer or e.mployee in the activity ancU4r omissi.on giving rise t4 liability shall accept all liability for thc other Party's of.f cer or employee's neg! igeuce. (e) Each Party's duty to indeinnify shaU survive the lernunation Qr expiration of the /lgrccment. (f) The foregaing i.adcmnity is specitically intcndEd to constitute a waiver of each Party's ir.nrnunity uncler Washington's Tndustrial lnsuranc:e Act, chapter. 51. TtCGV, respccting the o1her party only, anct only lo the eYtent necessary to provicie tYie indemnified Pa.rty with a f.ull and complete indenuiity of clairns made by the inclemnitor's employccs. The PAR"[EF-S acknowledge that these pr.ovisions were specifically negotiatcd and agreed upon by t:hem. (g) Thc C4UN TY and the CITY agrcc to either se1F insure nr p«rchase policics of insurancc covering the matters contained i.n this Agreement with caverages of rtot lcss than -'$5;000,000 per occurrencc -vvith $5,000,000 aggregate limits i.nclud.ing professional liability ,,md auto liahility covErages. SECT.ION N0. 1.3: TtELATlUNSHTP OF Ti3T PAR1"ICS '1'he PA:RTICS intcnd thal an inciependent contractor rclationsriip will be created by tlus Agreernent. The COUN 1 Y shall be aa. independent contractor and not the agcnt or criiployce of ttie CITY; that the Cl:°l"Y is intcrested only in the results to be achieved and that t}ic right to control the particular manner, method and means in wh.ich the services are performe(l is solely within .thE discretion oE the COUNTY. ilny and all employees kvho pmvi.de Services Co the CITY under this Agreement shall be deemcd employees solely 'oF the C'OUNTY. Thc COTJNl Y shall be solely responsible for the canducfi auld actions of all employees under this AgrECinent and an}° liabilit), khat aiay attach thereto. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or representative of the CI"I`Y Shall be deeincci to be a.n employee, agent, servant or representaCive of the COUNTY for any purpose. SLCTiON I\O. 14: MQDTFiCA'1'IOIY 1'his Agreement may be mociified in NNtriting by mutual written agreemenfi of the 1'ART.IES. Page 8 of 15 . SEC'I'I:QN N0. 15: PI2.QPER'I'Y AND EQU1PiVff\TT "1'he o«<nership of all pr.operty and Equipment uti(ized in conjunction wit1i praviduig the Services shall remai.n with the original oNtiTncr, iznless otlienvite spccilically and MUtually agreed to by the PAK:I`CFS to this Agreenlent. roc the purpose of this sec[ion, the tErrliinology "own.cr" means that Party which paid the Eiill purchase price f.'nr the proncrty or equiprnent. SEC'1':1:QN NO. 16: A_L1.. VVRITINGS CONTA1NIaD HEI2~'~IN/I31NDI1VG H:FFECT µC'his .Agreemenf contai.ns terms and conditions agreed cipon by the PA1Z.TITS. 1`he PARTIES agrcc that there arc no other undcrstandings, or.al ar othenvise, regarding the subjcct matter of this Agreement. No changes or a.dditions to this Agneemcut shall be va.lid ar binclin.g upon Ule PAIZ:RFS unless such change or addition is in «riting, executcd by the PARTICS. This Agrcernent slizll be binding upon the .l?nRTIES hcrcto, their SuCCesSOrs auicl assigns. SECT. Tn1Vr nTO. 17: :i7T$FUfiE TtE-SOLUTION Any dispute between the YARTIES which cannol be rESOlved beh-veen the PAtZl:lw S shall be subject to arbitration. Exccpt as provicled f.or ta the contraiy herein, such dispute shall I`irst bc r.Educed lo Nvriti.ag. If the COLJNTY CEO and the Cll X Manager caitnot resolve the dispule it wil.l be subnutted to arbitrafion. rl.'he provisions of chapter 7.04 RCW shall bc applicable to any arbitration proceedi.ng. The CO'ITN'l'Y and the C.f'I'Y shall have the righl l'o .designate one pcr.son each fio act as an arbitrator. Thc nwo selected ar.bitratnrs shall tlien jointly seJecl a third arbitralor. Thc decision of t}ie arbitration panel shall bc binding on the PA,RilES and shall bc subjecl to .judicial revicw as pcovided fnr in chapter 7.04 RCW. 1'he cosls of ttie arbitriation pancl shall be equally split bet:wcen die PAI:Z ITl ;S. SEC"rI:QN NO. 18: VI:N[JE STL'PUI:.ATTOni Tliis Agreement has been a.nd shall be construed as having been rriade and delivercd withi». the Stat'e o:f Washing[on and it is mutuitlly underslood and agreed by cach I»rty that this, Agrccrnent shall be governeci by the laws of the State of Wasliingtan both as to interpretation and performance. Any 3ction at la~v, suit i.n equity or_judicial procECdiag fpr ; Page9of]5 ' thE enforcemenl of this Agr.ecment, or any provisipn hereto, stial_l be instituted only in coiirCs of compEtcnt jurisdiction wilhin Spokane County, Washington. SECfilON NO. 19: SEVFRABIL,11 Y "1"he PARTTES agr.ce that if any parts, terms or provisions of t}iis Agreement are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the rer.nain.iaag porkions or provisions shall not be affectcd and the rights <<nd abligations of the I'AW1`IES shall not be affected in rcgard to the renlainder of the /Agrcemcnt. ]:f it should appeau that any part; tertn or provision of this Agreement is in conflict with any stt7tutoiy provision of the State of Washington, then the part, term or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null -uid void insaf.'ar as it may be in conflicl therewith and this Agrccmcnt shall be deernecl to modif.y to conform to such statutory provision. SrCTloN No. Zo: REcouns All public records prepared, owned; usecl or retained by the GQUNTY in conjunction with providi.ng Services under the Yenns of this /1greetTicnt shall be cleemed Cl l"Y properCy and shall be made available to the CTTX upon request by the CITY Manager subject to the - aCtorney client and attorncy work procluc;t privileges set 1'orth in statute, court rulc or case law. Thc COlTNT'Y will nolify the CITY of any public disclosure request under chapter 42.17 RCW fqr copies or viewi.ng of such records as well as the COiJNTY'S response - thereto. . SECTION N0. 21.: HEADl:[YGS 1'he section hcadings appeari.ng i.n 1:h_is Aan'eenlent havc becn inscrtcd solely for the purpose of convenience and ready rcference. Tn no way do they put-nort Co, a.nd shall not be deemed tA clef:ine, 1_imit or extend the scopc or intent of Che secl•ions to wbich they pertaati. ' SEC'TION NQ. 22: TT_M7+10F ESSENCE OF AGREEMENT "f'ime is of the Essence of this Agreemenf amd in case either Party fails to perform the obligations on its part to be performed at tttc time fixed for the performance qf thE- respective obligation by the terms of tlus f1greement, the Qther Parly cnay, at its election, hold ttiE other Party liable foi• all costs and darnagES causeci by strch delay. . . Pagel0ofl5 . SEC'I,:I:QN NO. 23: IJ~jCONT~ZO:[.,:l;.ABLE C1FtCiJ1'ISTA~TCES/llVLPOSSIBLLf1'l"Y A. delay or interruption in or failure of'perfonnance of all or any part of this AgreemEnt resulting from Uncontrollable Circumstances shall be deemed not a default undeT- this Agrccnient. A. delay or interrurtion in or failure of'perfonnance of a11 or any part of this Agreement resulti.ng f.rom any change in or new laNv, order, rule Qr regulati.on of any nature which renders providing of Serviccs in accordance wiih thE term5 of this Agreement legally impossible, and any olher cir.cumstances beyond ihe corttrol of the COIJNTY xvhich r.cnder le~~tlly unpossible the perf.oriliance by the COU-IN1:`l.' of its obligations tmder this Agreet7icni, shall be deerncd not a clefault under this tlgreement. SEC'T.[ON NO. 24: FiL:11TG This Agreement shall be iiled by the County with such officcs or agencies as required by chaptcr 39.34 RCW. SECTION NC7. 25: EXECUTiO.IY AND APP:ROVAL `l'hc PARTIES warrant that lhe officcrs executing bclo«, have bcen duly authorizEd to act for a.nd on behalf of t11e Narty for purposcs of conlirming this Agreemcnt. SECTlf)N 1`TO. 26: IN'IT:CATTVES Tlle PARTMS rec:ognize that revenue reducing initiative(s) passed by the voter.s of. Washingtort t1iay substa.utially reduce local operating revenue f.pr fhe Cll Y, GQiJNTY or hoth PAIZTIES. "1'he PARTiES agrce thal iC is nece.ssar}° to havc flexibility to rcduce the contractcd amount(s) in t}lis Agreement in resPonse to budgel constrlints resul[ing frotn the . passa;e of revenuc reducing initiative(s). rf such an event occurs, the PAMF.S agree to negotinie in good faith to achieve a mutually agreEable resolution in a timely fashion. SECT1(7.N N4. 27: com_NLrANcE wi144 LA`VS The Parties shall observe a11 f.cderal, state and local laws, ordinances aid regulations, to the e~.~tcnt that they may be applicablc to the ferms of ttvs ngreement. SECT..I:QN NO. 28: D.ISCLAIlVIElY Except as otherwise provided; this Agreement shall not be construcd in any maruier that tvould limit either. Party's authority or powers uncier ltlw. . Page 11 of 15 _ i SECT[QN N4. 29: ASS'UIZAIYCE - '1'he. CrTY shall pay the COUNTY' the lrue and full cost of all Services provided umder this Agreement. The intent of lhe Parties is that n.cither Pa.rty will subsiciize the other and that the C1TY will not subsidize any other jurisdiction fhat is receiving similar services. IN Wl:'I,NESS WHEItEOF, the PnRTTFS have. caused this Agreement to Ue executed on ciate and year opposite their respective signatures. 17A.TED: ]30AY2.L7 Or COUNTY C(aMt.I:SSIONERS Qr SPOK.ANT', COUN'1'1', WASHINGTC)N TOD:L7 iV]MLKE, Ch3irperson A7:1 ES 1": Clerk of the ]3oard Mt1RK RICKARD, Vice-chai.rrnan Daniela Erickson . FHILLII-' D. HAR,RIS, Com.rnissioncr ~ DATED: CITY OI` SPOKANI-7, VALLEY AT"1"EST: - David Mercicr, City Manager - Christine Bai.nbridge, City Clerk . AFPROVED AS TO F'OR,M QNL,Y: Office of the City Al-torney Page 12 of I5 • ' .'Jl~ ~..I.~,I~ 1. 1 1' ; RCW 10.101.020(1) provides that a detennination oi uidigen.cy sh-all bc made for all pcrsons Nvishing i;he appaintment of counsel in crunuial cases where tLie tight to counsel attACbes and that tlie Court shall dctcrnune whelher thc pcrsou is i.ndigent puisuant to the standards set forth in chapter 10.101 1ZCW. COLJNI`Y through the Officc of 1'retrial Services ("Ol'TS") x-N7U process iudigency applications for C:I"['Y in instances where the charge is for a violation ofa statc stahite puiiishable as a uusdemeanor or gross misdemeanqr o[Tense comuutted by -an ad«.lt NVittuti the jurisdiction of the CTTY and/or ' whEre the cliarge is for aviolation of a City of Spok.ane Valley ordinazice Punishable as a uiisdemean.or or gross inisdemean.or.. Pretrial Scrvices shall be providcd in tlie OFTS ofcc, Spokane County .lail, or iu fhe cow-troom at the requESt of a Spokane County 17istrict Caw-t Judgc. ]ii die evenl the PAEtTLLS request Services be pruvided at a localion other tEian those provided for herei.n, lhe PAK1`1LS agree lo mcct aud iuutually negntiale anyand all increasecUdecreased costs t:o GOUN 1'Y iu providi.ng such Scrvices at such additional locaiion(s). CITY fiuttier recogiiires tlhat a change in working location is a change in "working canditions." COCJN"CX Mll necd to uegotiate c;hangES iu working locations v6tLi a.ff'ected bnaining units. , 1'agc 13 of 15 EXHIBI.T 2 , Comnonent A CoaiDonent B ~ Comnuneot C f Component D Perccntagc of 13udget 2005 Pre-Trial Dedicatecl to . Percentagc Secti~icc Adopted Rudget * Misdemeannr Spokxne Contract $ervices _ N7alley A.mount Salary 317,774.00 103,819.42 28.37% 29,449.80 M& U 10,444.00 3,412.14 2837% 967.90 Capital - - - Indirect - - 11,291.05 Costs 328,218.0011 107,231.561 41,708.75 u L ~ Kotes *Component A represents Prc-Trial Services' 2005 aclopted budget. **The Yercentage of Pre-Trial Services budget \ deciicaled ta Misdemeanor Services is 32.67% for salary and Ivl & O. *x*The pereentage of Pre Trial Service Vfisdemeanor Cases attributable to the Spokane Valley is 28.37% based upon the eesults of Pre- 'lrial statistics (April - Dec 2004). ****The Indirect (Overliead) rate of 38.34% is ba,scd on Spokane C;ounty's 0M.13 A-87 Cost Flan Escalated 2003 for 2005, adjusted to only inclucle depreciation ot'capital improvements acquired ' aller che City's ofticial date of incorporation, prepared by PRM GrouEa, an independent plan preparer. . Page 14 of 15 • ' . / Spokane Couuty Pre=i'rial Set°vices «'orkload Percenta ;es Felony Feluity i'Vlisdcrnennor . Spokane ViIley 2004 ApUlications * QR Cases 'Cotal . Misdemeanor Cases April 455 539 634 1,628 187 . rlay 454 558 638 1,650 184 June 419 502 492 1,413 l34 ,Iuly 420 512 457 1,389 143 Augusl 470 546 514 1,530 168 Scptcmbcr 447 556 405 1,403 105. Octobcr 459 536 428 1,473 = 110 Novcnjbcr 471 553 410 1,434 118 1)ecemher 496 . 602 411 1,509 96 Tuta I 4,091 4,954 4,389 13,434 1,245 1'erccofage of Cases Attributed to Felnny (applor) and atilisdcmeanor (based on 9 moriths acfivity ) Felony 6733% ~ Misde►neanor 32.67% ~ 1.00.00% Percentage of 117isdemcanor C:lses Attrinuted to Spokane Valley (based ou 9 months activity ) ~ Spokane Valley 28.37% ~ Ullter 71.63°/u l U0.00'% Note In order to cletermine the percentage of 1're-"1 rial Service's buciget applicable to N'elonies and iviisden,eanan, statistics for r-eloily applications, Felony OR.'s and Misdcitiewor cases will be used. ' Once a Felony application is taketi Superior Court has 72 hours to 6lc a cotnplauit. If 1 complaint is nat f leci, die case is closed_ Once die case is clnsed Superior Court can file a complaint any tinie within the next 3 years. 'I`herefore, dhe use of applications, not cases, is more reflective uf the time and effort involved in tlie processing of a potential felony case. A Felony OR ev:iluation is performed xttcr the eompfaint is filed. 'I'herefore, the OR cvaluations also should he included in the calculacion dctermini.ng dhe'percentage of.Felony hucloct and Misdeniewor budget Witli niisdemeajiors every case is a fileci easa ' f \ T'agc 15 of 15 - Iteturn to: naniela [!:-ricl:son, Clerk of the ]:ioarcl 13uard of County Commissioners 11.1.6 W. .Broadway Spokane, Washingtou 99260 11NTLIZLOCt1.T_. t1C•RFFNIENT 1+'OK P.ROSrCUTL\`G A'l'TORVFY SERVICLS' IiN TllF, C1TY OF SPOKA,vE VALLEY (J:lnuary l., 2005 -December.31, 200' _ 1111S AGltEl??vi.FNT, madc and entered i.nto by and among khe Spc,kane Comnty Prosecuting Attorney, having ofticcs for the transaction of business as 1100 West Niallon, , Spokan.e `Vashington 99260-0270, hereinaf:ier referred to zs "I'ROSECU"I`livG ATCOR.IKFY," Spokane County, a political subdi.,%4sipn 4f thE State of Wafihing[an; hAVitlg oflices f-br lhe . transaction of business at West 1116 Broadway Avenue, Spolcanc, VVasliington 99260; licreinafter rcferred to as "COirITY," together sometimes, referrcd to along ,vrith thc YKUSLCIJTTNIG A"I'1'OIZNLY as "COTJN'I'Y," and thc City of Srokane Valley, a niunicipal wrporation af the S[atc of Wasltington, having afficcs for the transaction of busiuess at 1:he Redwood 1'laza, 1.1707 Last Spra;ue Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley; Washuigton 99206; hereuiafter refen•ed lo a.S "CJTY," jointly hereinafter refzrred to a.,5 the "YAK'1`LLS." The PROSEC:U17NC'T ATTQIZNEY, COiJNTY and Cl'1 Ycigr.ee as f:ollows: . SEC1':[UN NO. - l : RECITALS AN1) F:IMitiTGS (a) - The Boarci of Cotulty Comm_issioners of Spokane County has tlie care of COU-NYTY property a.nd khe managEment of COLTNT'Y !'uncis and busiuess under RCW 3632:120(6). (b) Counties and cities niay conlract wittl each other lo nti.rfarm ceitaiu iianclinns which each may lcgall_y perfoml uncler cbapter 39.341'ZC«' (Inler.local Coopei-ation Acl). (c) The City of Spokaa-ie Valley purstiant to the pravisions RCW 39.34.180 is responsible .f.or tlie costs incident to (1) prbsecudon of misdem.eanqr and gross nusdeineanor . of~'enses which arc violations of state stattites t.hat ac;c;ur wit:hiu its jurisdiction and ttiat are coinrilitted . by adults, (2) trA.ffic of-f'enses conunittecl by juverules piirsi.iaiit ta RC`V 0.04.030(l)(e)(iii), and (3) inisdemeanar or gruss tn.isdemeanor offenscs which dr.e a violation of City of Spokane Valley orduiances anci eornmitted by adul ls. (d) ' The City of Spokacie Valley clesires to utilize the services of the Spol:ane COunty I'R,()SKUT1NG ATTO.R.NEY for tlie purpose of prosccuting cases where the charge is (i) an i_nfraction; and/or (ii) aviolation of a state statute punishablc as a misdemeanor or gross . k'sgc 1 of 20 ' misdemcanor o.ff.ense cnmmitted by an adult; and/or (iii) a violation of a City of Spokanc Vallcy zoiung ordinance punishable as a uusdemear►or, all 4f wh.ich occur ,«thui the jw-isdiction of the _ City of 5pokane Valley and wluch are foi-warded to the PROSFCUTI~jG A.TTORNEY, hereuiafter rei'erred to as "Yrosecution Services." SECTIQV vn. 2: nEFL1]1'1'IONS (a) A ereement: "A.greement" meaiis this lnterlacal Agreenient betNveen the CITY and COUNTY regarding public defender legal services. (h) CifY: "CITY" meanns t:he City of Spokanc Valley. . (e) Cotl.ntv: "COUNTY" means Spokane County. (d) Ulaintenance and Oneratioiis: "Maintenance and pperations" aai.d "M&O" shall mean (1.) thnse class codcs (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane CoLmty in its budgetar,y proccss as pre.scribed by the BARS iuatiual adopted by the State o.f:'tiVashi.ngton under chapter 43.8$ R.CW so long as such expenditures are d'uectly attributablc and proportionate to services rendered to CITY under the terms of this Agreement. (e) Services: "Scrvices" means [hose services identificd in Exhibit l. ComUensation: "Compensalion" means illat methodology sct forth in Exhibit 2A, 2l3 and 2C used to establish the auiount of moncy which the CTTY NQ.l pay the CUIJN 1 Y for providing Services. (g) Capital TmArovement: "Capital Improvement" shall mean aiiy eYpenditure in excess of $1999.99 or such higher figure as set by the COU'N I'Y as the capitaliialion tlixeshold during the ter.ni of the Agreement. 11ie COiJNTY shall gi.ve the Ci 1'Y advance notice of any increase in the capitalization tlireshold. '1"he F'A.RTTFS agree to mcct and discuss the impacts of auy changc in the capitaliiation threshold' wtuch will cause an inerease of costs to the CITY in exeess.of.' $50,000.00. Any such expenditure ~Nri11 be coded as providcd for in the BARS-manual adopted by the Statu of Washingtan under I2,CW 43.88. (h) Uncontrollable Cireumstances: "Uiicoutrollable CirCLunStanCeS" means the folloNving events: rinis, wars, civil disturbanecs, insurreeticans, acts of terrorisin, esterual fires aiid floods, volcanic e.ruptions, lightning or earthquakcs at or near Nvhere the Seivices arc . performed and/or that directly afCect provicling of sucli Scrvices. (i) Renort: "Report" mcans the Prosecutor's record inanakement system common.lv referred lo ~is Casemaii. . . Page 2 of 20 ' 1'rosecutuia Attornev: "ProsECUting Attoine}r' means that person appointed as a ~f prosecuting a#orney under chapter 36.27 RCW and hislher deputieslassistants appointed under RC`V 36.27.040 and RCW 36.16.070. S1;CTiQN NQ. 3: PiTFtI'USL "I`lie purpose of chis Agrecmcnt is to reduce to wciCing lhe I'A:K7"1LS' understazidi.ng as to the tciYns and conditions Luidcr wfuch the PROSECUTINI(~, A'I I"012rY w-ill provide Senrices on behalf of the Cl l Y. It is the intent of the PARTIES that Services to be provided b_y the YROSFCUTTNG ATTORIVEY Nvill be consisient witti ttie CITY'S Council/Manager form of government Provided for in chapter 35A.13 R.CW. Sl?CTION N0. 4: DiJRA'[`IUVAYl'1'HUWkNVA.L This Agreement shaU commcncc on Jwuary 1, 2005; anci run through December. 31, 2005. At the eocichision of the initial terrn, this Ag;rceinent shall automatieall_y be rcnewed fiarii yeau- to yeai klier.ea[ier eff'ective January 1"to 17eceinber 3J.SL All rcnewals slifill be subject to all terms and c:oncliiiQns set forth herc;ui eYCept i'nr F_..xhibit 2A; 2B and 2C. T'he 1'tllZTIES recogni-r.e it highiy unlikely ttiat Ltilubit 2ta., 28 and 2C sctting forth the esli.mated costs for each year's Services will bc a~~ailable at the start 4f ~uly rcne~~~al tune franie. Accc~rdingly; until new FxhibiLs 2A, 2B wid 2C have been prepared and agreed to bet,.veen the Pt1R'17LS, the PAR'C1ES agrec that the COUNTY,,vrill bill the CI'1'Y and the CITY vvill pay the COUN"1'Y at the saue montlily payment rale used for the previous year. ijpc>n the YAEZIECS agreement on new rxhibi~s 2A, 2B ar►ct 2C, tlie CITY and COUIVTY will reconcile pa}menf5 io datc under the . previous year's pa}ment scheci«le with ttie nelv pa}ment scheclule. Any underpa}liient fqr any Services N4i11 be due in tlic fust pa}uient due following rccouc:iliation. Any averpaymcnt for any Services will be credited to the first rnontrily payment due f:'nllo,,i7ng the reconciliation. The Y111Z11LS a;rze khat no interest shall be oxvizig by either Party to the otlier Party for any overpayment or underpayment determuied as a re,sul.t o F the reconciliation. Any Party may Nvittidraw at any t.inie i'rnm this Agreeineut ror any reason whatsoever upon a minimum of 180 days written notice as proAded :f:or in Seclion 7 to the other 1'arty. T.n the event of'terrnination, at CITX'S oplion, PROSE'CU11~~1CT ATTORNEY shall contuiue to providc Sei-vices to cpmple[ion for those clses filed prior to the efiECtivc date of die terniination. SFCTI()N YU. 5: COS1' OF ST+: .RV:I.CC$ ANU YAYl9E, NTS "['he (;1TY shall pay the COU:N"f'Y the actual cosfs for Services providcd tuider tlus Ageement. The estimatcd cost for 2005 Services undcr ttus Agreemenf shall be as set fortli ui Exlubi.ts 2A, 2R and 2(;, attached heretn and incorporated hcrcin by reference. ~ . ' - Fagc 3 of 20 Tlie methodology used to amve at fees for misdemeanor services in Eachibit 2A uses the last six (6) months of Report numbers for 2003 and first six (6) mondis of Report tiumbers for 2004 and averaoes thcm for a twelve (12) montti time frame. 'lfie resultuig number is used as a basis to estimate the 2005 cost of service for m.isdemeanor wrvices in Ea;hhibit 2A. Ilic COUN1'Y C130 shall advise the C1TY Vianager as soon as possible of any antieipated or unanticipated capital improvement costs that arisc during the contraet period. 1"hc City shall Pay capital impr.ovem.ent costs either (1) under the Cost Alloclrion Plan as fui ind'uect cost amortized ovcr the useFul life Uf the improvement ukilizing straiglit-line depreciation an.d incorporating the expected salvagc value of the improvement at the end of its usEful life or (2) as a di.rec,t cost ui the farru nf a coutriUution made to the EquipmEnt 'Rcntal and 1'Zevolving Fund. The C:ITY shall be respansible only for capital 'unprovement costs incturcd aftcr March 31, 2003. Any portion of a capital i.mprovement t,hat was paid for or acquired throu;}i sepa.rate agreement or lArith graiit proceeds, bond proceeds, user fees, cionalions, or any other acquisition mekhod that re.f.lects a contribulion on behalf of C1TY shall not be included in the dcpreciation schEdule applied to the CITY. Any caPiial i.mpr.ovemevt for which the COLNTY seeks i-eimburseinent froin the CT'1"Yintist bE nccessary to fulfill the requirements, o('this Agreement. At the end of the calenciar year, using the methodolo& set fn.rth i.n Exhibit 2A for uiisdemeanor serviccs and Lxhibit 213 for civil intraction services, the PART7FS shall apply the actual expenditures and the acnial usagc pcrccntage, Nvfiere applic.able, to cletemiine the fy.nal cost. There is no adjustmeTit for Exubit 2C for Civil 17epartmcnt iiusdcmcanor zoning ordinance serviccs in as much as lhey are billed c>ut on an hourly rate. It is the PAR1IES intent that any adjustuieut tak-e p11ce as soon as possiblE and accordingly. Nvill use their respectyve best effbrts co ti.mely prepare, disseminate and re'%de«r all expenditure dociunentatiou. 'Ihc Cl"I'Y -,vill have sixty (60) calendar - days from its receipt of the expenditwe documentation t4 provide the COUNTY «itb. any Nv-ritten objections(s) to such docuineutation. Thc written objcction(s) must specifically identify the cxpcncliture(s) in question. The COiNTY agrees to consider all vveitten objections received froui the CITY Nvitfun tliirty (30) calendar days ot' receipt of the objeclions(s). In the event that the PART[FS cann.ot inutually resolve auy written objection(s) subinitted by the CITY withui the thirty (30) calendar ciays tyme 1'Ta.me, or such otlier ti.nie iiame as the PARTIES inay mutually a;ree, the objections shall Ue resolved puisuait to the Dispute Resalution provisiun s'set foctli in Section No. 17. Penduig resolution of the objcctions(s), the PARTIES agree that the CTTY shall pay that portion pf the bill ehat is undisputed. To the extent that ttie CITY was over billed in any year ancl the Agreement is still in ef:C'ecl, the CQiNTY shall credit Elie CiTY :f:or such overpa}ZUent in the nest monthly payinent o«inb by the - CITY. Provided, however, in tlic evcnt the t-lgrcement is ternunated al such_ time thal the overpayrnent is determined, the COUNTY shall reiuiburse the CITY for any overpayment ~Nithui thirty (30) ealendar clays. To the extent that t:he CiTY was under billed in any year and the Agreement is still in eFfect, the C.ITY shall reimburse the COUNTY for any underpaynient ui the next monlh.ly pa}?nenl cnving by the CITY. Provided, however, ui the event the Agreement is . termi.naled al' such time [liat the u.ncleipa}ment is detennined, the CI1"Y shall reiIIibtuse the COUNfY for any underpaynient tltiriy (30) calendar clays. Either Party may at its sole option charge interesfi on any overpa}7nent or underpayment ba.sed on last interest eanii.ng had the _ anou.nt dctcrmincd due bEen investcd in the respective PARTIES investment pool at the end of the tlurt}, (30) day time frwiie providcd fon cereinabove to the datE of pa}Tmcnt. I'agc 4 of 20 . Aiiy resolution of a. disputed amounl lhrough use of the arbitration process identified vi Secti.on 17 shall inelucie at the requcst of eittier Party, a deternunation of whether interE.st is appropria.te, including the aiuount. The CpiJNTY will bill the CT1Y for the cost of services as outliued, itionchly; by the 15 th of the , rnonth. Monthly payments for (1) misdemeanor scrvices aiid (2) civil in1'raction services «Til.l be calctilated by di'viding lliose annual cosfs sct fortti iu Lxli.ibits 2A and 2B by rivelve (12). Paynients by the CITY ~Nri11 be due by the 5h day of the follovving month. 1'hc COIJINTTI', at iLs sole oplion, may charge interesr on any late payment calculated on any lost interest earnin; had the amount due been i nvesteci since the datE duc to the date of pa}inenc in the COUV 1 Y's uivesanent pool. S:I;CTTON NQ. 6: 12ELA1'E1) :12.1!SF'nNSTBILITIE,S 1N C0NJTJNCTION NV1T1-I PRC)VIDING SE1tV1C:LS The COUN`1'Y and PR05:MCU'['NG ATTORNEY or tticir desigLiees ag-ee to aitend staffmeetings as rcquested by the CITY Manager. The COUN'1`Y and PROSECUTNG ATTORNEY or their designee agree to meet upon request by the CI"17Y Manager or lus/her designee to disciLss any Service pmvided undcr the terms nf this Agreement. - ' The CI'I'Y agrcus the P120SECUTING ATTC)RNLY cnay use the COUN'1'Y'S stationery in . conjtuiction Arith providing Senlices undcr the teruis of this Agreement. SF..C'T..TON n`O. 7: NU I'1CL All n.ot:iees or c>ther corrantuucations givzn. hereLmcler shall be deemed given Un: (I) the day such notices or other cotruniuucations are received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the tlurd d'ay Following the day on ,vhich the sane have beeu mailed by first class dclivery, postage pregaid acldressed to the COiJNTY or the Cl']"Y at the addm.ss sel lorth bElow for such Party, or at such attier adctress as either I'ariy shall from time-to-titlae designaee by notice in 'wriXi.ng to the other k'w-ty: . C'nU,\''TY: Spokane County Ctvef EYecutive Off:icer . or lus/ber authorized representative 1116 VVest Broadway Avenue Spokane; Washingcon 99260 CITY: City af Spokanc Vallcy City M<rnaaer or hislher authorized i-epresentative Reciwdod Plara 1 ].707 Fast Spraguc Avenue, Suire 106 Spokane Valley, «'ashuibton 99206 J . Page 5 of 20 • PKUSECU7'I;NC: A'TT()R.NFY: Spokane County Prosecutui-a Attoniey , 1100 WESt Mallpn . ' Spokane, Waslungton 99260-0270 SECTIQN NO. R: RFPORTTNC ' Renoris - The PROSECUTING ATTOf2NLY shall providc the CITY with repnrts documenting actual usage under Lhis Agreement. '1'fic 1'artiES agrcc that the tErminolqgy "rcports documenting aclual usage" rneans that type of uZf'ormation provided by the 1'RUSk:CU I'hNG A"1'"T'ORI\Ik:Y to the CITY in the 2004 ;greement fi>r Servi.ces. An updateci report shall be subnutted quarterly unlcss othervvise mutually agrecd by the Parties. Such reporLS shall be in a forniak as mutually agreed to between the Farties. The content ancVor forinat for such reports may be changetl From time-to-time by written agreement between CITY and COUNTY/PROSECIT'1"1NG Al I OIZNLY staff.. Records Revietiv - The C]TY sha11 be allowed to conduct random rcviews of the records gEncrated by the C(7UN"1"Y/PRC)SFC[JTNG ATTO.RNrFY in perfonnance of this A.greement The Clfil' will provide the COUN"I'Y/PROSFCUTTNG ATTQFL.NFX reasonable advance notice of the ' records reviews. 'lhe 1'arties agree that thcy Arill rnake best ef-fprts t4 achieve a retolut7on of any potentia] recorci.s confidentiality issues, iucluduig eutering into confidentiality agreements or other similar mechanisms lhat will allow disclosure df the necessa.ry ulfonnation to accui-ately conduct a records.review. If the C1TY Nvill bc allowed to view only thase records clirectly relating eo Services prpvided ~%ri[hin CTTY's corpar.ate bou.nclai-ies, then the CUlTN1"Y/Yl'ZUSECU 1`liNG A171 ORTiEY inust keep a log of orig,inal docLunents used ln c,hsrge the CTTY, zuid tbose docurnelits must liave identi(ying n.umbers or letteis so the origuial soiuce docurncnts car► be easily rctrieved. SEC°TION NQ. 9: COTJNTFRPA.R7'S • This Agreement may be executed ui any niunbEr of counterparts, each of whi,ch, when so execuled and delivered, sha.ll be an ori.gi.cia.l, but such counterparis shall together constitute but one ai-id the Same_ SEC'I'ION NO. 10: ASSIGNMENT No Party may assign in wtiole or part its interest in t}us tlgreement evithout the ,vritten approval of the otlier PARTY. SECTI0N NO: 11: CO-CTNT1' LAIYLqYEES , PROSFCUTTNG A.TTORNEY sha11 hu-e, assipi, retaui acid discipl'uic all cmployees perfarming Services under this t?+greement accorcluig to applicable collcctivc bargaining agrecments and applicable state and Cederal laws. Page 6 of 20 PROSF.,CUTI~IG~A"["'0.1.'Ll~]FY agrecs to meet and confer ~~itli the CITY ~itii respec[ lo stafftliat is zissigned to provide Services. lssues 4f discipluie or performfuice vMl be specifically handleci -iccocding lo PROSLCUT1,11G ATTOIZN1~'.Y palicies. SFCT1QN N0.12: LfABTIdTY . Por the purpose o1' this Seciaoia, lhE tcrminology "CO'[.TiNTY" shall also include the "PROSECUTI1iC A I'"l OIZNEX." (a) 'fhc COLTNTY shall uideuwify and hold hannle~.s the CTTY and its officers, agents, atid employees, from any and till claims, actions, suitti, liability, loss, C()$CS, expenses, -and clarnlges of any naiure whatsoever, by any rcason ofi or arising out of any ncgligeni ar,l or ocnission o!' the COUN1 Y, its of-ficers, agents and errmployccs, relating to or arisi.ng out of perForming Services pui•suant co this Abreeni.ent. In the event khat any suit based upon such claim, action, loss, or d,:viiages is brought against the CTTY, aie COLTN"f'Y shall defcnd the same at its sole cost and expense; provided chat the Cl'TY reserves the riglit ta participate in said suit if any Prineiplc of goveniulental or public law is i.nvolved; and if final judgmeut in said suut be rzndered agauist the CITY, anci its officers, agents, and eiuployees, or jouitly zgainst the C11Y ancl the CUUNTY anci their respcctive ofiicers, agents, and eaiplnyees, the COiJN7Y shall satisfy the same. (b) The CI`l'Y shall indemnify wd hold h-a-mlcss the COi.TNTY aud its oi,Fcers, agents, and • cmployees, fr.om any and all clainis, ac;tions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expcnses, and damages of ~ any nature whatsocvcr, by any reason of or lrising out of any negl.iaent act or ojii.ission af the CI"I"Y, its a:f_cers, agcnts and emPloyees, t'elatulg tU br arisitlg out a:f'perfornuug Services pursuant to thi} Ag►-e.ement. Iti the event that any suit ba.Sed upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought • agaui,st the COi.NTY, ttie CCTY shLill dcfend the same at its sole coSt and expense, provided that die COUNTY reservcs the right lo participate in said suit if any piineiplc of govennmental or public - law is involved; and if i'inal judgaient i.n said siut be renciereci agaiust the COUN"i Y, and its officers, a;ents, and ernployees, or joincly aeainst the C;OWi T'Y and die CITY and their re.Spective officers, agerits, aud employms, the Cl'.L"`( shall satisfy the same. (c) Ii.'the comparative uegligence of the Parties anci cheir officers and empla}rees is a cause oC sueh damage or injury, the liability, loss, cast, or expense shall bc shared beriveen the Parties in proportion to lrieir relative degi-ee ot negligence and the right of indenuuty sliall apply Co stich proportion. (d) \Vhere an of.ficer or employee of a Parly is actulg under the direction and control of the olhcr Ya.rty, the ParCy cLirECting and eantrolling the offieer or eniployee in the activity and/or oiuission. giving risc to liability shall accept all liability for the other Party's officer or einployee's negligcnce. (e) Fach 1'arty's duly to indciruufy shallsU-vive the ten-nination or etpirat7on of ttie Agreemenl. P:age 7 of 20 (f) The fnregoing indemnity is speciticxlly urtended to constitute a waiver of each Party's •-immunity under Washulgton's I.ndustrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 IZCW, respecting the other party oiAy, and on.ly ta the extent neccssary to provide the iudenuufied 1'arry wifih a full anci complete indcmnity o:Fclaims inade by tlzc inclemnitor's emplayees. The PAR11E5 acknowledge that these provisions were speciiically negotiatcd and agreed upon by them. (g) The COLfNI`Y and the C1TY agree to eit}ier self insure or purchase Policies of insurancc _ covcring the malters conta,ined in this Agreemenc with coverages of not lcss than $5,000,000 per occuri~ence with $5,000,000 aggregAte liinits including profes5ihnal l.iability and auto liability coverages. SEC°C'ION YO. 13: RFT..ATTUNSELCE' OF"THE PARTTES ihc YARTIE.S intend that au indcpendent contractor relationship Nui11 be crcatcd by this Agreement. • Tlie COUN1"Y/PROSFCL7TING ATTORNEY shall be an independent contractor and not the agent or employee of the Cl'1"Y, that the CTTY is i.nterested oi-dy in the results lo be achieved ancl that the right to ccmlral the particular manner, rnefhod anci means in which ttic scrvices are perf4rnied is 5olely Within the ciiscre.tian o.f the C;(UUN'1'Y/PROSECi.TTING A.TT012I~E-Y. A.ny and all employees who provide Services to the CITY under this Agreemcnt shall be deemed employees solely of the (;QU~NI'I'Y/PR.OSECU'ITI\TG A 11"OFjNEY. The COUNTX shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of a11 employees under ttus Agrccment and any liability tliat may attach thereto. Li.k.e~vise, no agent; cmployee; servant or representative of ttic CI'T`Y shall be cieemed to be an cmployee, agent, Servaut or represcntativc oFthe COUNTY.for auy purpose. SLC 1'rON N0.14: MOnWiCATIOn' This Agreemcnt may be modiiied i.n writuiLy by mutual written agreement of tlhe PAIZIILS. SEC'I'IOn7 NQ. 15: PROPLRTY ANll EQU'IPIViEN'T • °l'hc ownership of all property mid equipment utilized in cbnjunction with providing the Services shall remain with thc original owmer, unless otherurise specifcally and mutually agreed to by the PARTMS ta this Agreement. For tlie purposc of this seetion, the ten»i»ology "owncr" means that Party which paid the fiill piu-ehase price f.'or the propecty or equipment. SEC`CI()N NQ. 1.6: AT1L Wiu'1'1NGS CONTA,TNFn FIT,RT,11TlRLYllING EFFECT This Ap-eeuient contains terms and conditions agreed upon by the PAR,Tf.F..S. The FARTICS a€;rcc thal there are no other undcrstandings, oral or otheiivise, regarding the subjecl mat-ler of tlus Agreemenl. No changes or additions to this Agreement shall be valid ar binding upon the PAR'X'l:}-: S unJess such change or addition is in writi.ng, executed by ttie PAIZTI'ES. . This Agrecment shal l be binding upon the YF1Et"1'M hereto, lheir successors aiid assigns. - Page 8 of 20 ' S:F?C"I"I:C)nx N(_). 1.7: :I)1Sk'U''L KE'-SULU'J'TQN . f . Any dispute behveen the PATLTTFS which cannot be resolved beNveen the PARI'1LS shall be subject io arbitration. Etcept as provided for to the contrary hcrcin; such dispute sha11 fi.rst be reduced to writing. If the CUUN1'Y CLO or 1'ROSECITTl~\TG ATTORNTEY respecki.vely and the Cl1"1' Ivlaiiager caulot resolve the disputc it -will bc subuutted to arbiti•atioii. Tlie pr.ovisions of chapter 7.(}4 K.CW sha.ll be applicable to aay xrbitration proceecii.n;. . The CUWTY with regard t4 financia] maiters or PROSECU1'1NG A110RNCY for Service uiatters aiid the C1TY shall have the right to desigiate one person each to act as an arbitrator. The tvvo selected arbitrators shdll tlien joiiltly select a th.i.rd arbiirator. The decision oP the arbitration panel shall hE binding on the PtlRTIES and shall be subject to .judicial re-,dew as pibAded for iu chapter 7.04MV. Provided, the 1'AR1-IES agree that the PROSECUTIITG ATTQFt,NFY cannot submit to arbihation any item which concenis ]iis charaina decisions thraugh compleie disposition of the case, i.ncluding appeals [o Superior Court, `Vashington State Colu-t of Flppeals, or Washingtc>n Stale SuPreme Court. I hc costs of the arbitration panel shall be e,qually split between the FAR.T1_TS. Sl :CTiQN YQ. 18: VTNiIE S7'IPIILATiQN This Agreement has been and shall be conslrued as having bccn madc and delivered wit}un the ~ State of Washuigton and it is mutually luidcrstood and ap-reed by each party that kliis Agreenient shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington bath as to interpretation and performance. Any ac;rion al la%v, suil in equity ar juciicial proceeciing for the cnforcement of tEus Agreernent; or any provision hereto; shall be instiiutcd ocily in courts of competent'jurisdiction Nvitlun Spokane County; VJaslungton. SFC'TiON NQ. 19: SFVFRABITJTY The PA.R.TLES -agree lhat if any parts, temis or provisions qF this Agreement arc held by the courts ta be illE:gal, the validic}' af the remaining porcions or provisions shall not be affected aud the rigbts and oUligarions of the YAR`l°IES shall not be af_tecteci in regard to the remainder of the Agrecmenl. If it shotild appear that aliy part; term or provision of this Agreeiuent is ui conflict vvith any statutory provisian of the Sta[e of Wasbington, then the part, Cenri or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be cieemed inoperative anci null and void insofar as it may bE ul conflict diere-vvith and'tlus Agreement shall be deemed to modify to coufortu to such statuto ry Provision. SFCTI(.)N N(.). 20: RECC)RD$ All public records prepared, o'%;ned, used or r.etaa.ueci by the COi~jTY/PROSFCIJTTNIG ta.7'T'OTtNTFX in conjunction witll pzoviding Servic.es under the tenns of this Agreement shall be dee.iried CTTX preperiy and shall be made available to the CITY upon request by the Cl'CY Manager subject ro the attorney client and artamey work product privileges set forth in statute, court v Page 9 of 20 rule or case law. Ilie COUN I'Y/PROSLCUTli~VG A'1'T'0RNEY will notify the Cl'1'Y of any public disclosure request uiicler chapter 42.17 RCW for copies or vievvizig of such records as well as the C0UNTY'SlP.ROSECUT]NC'T ATTORNEY'S response thereto. SFC'ITnN NO. 21.: HTDIDINGS The section headings appeazing in tlus Agreement have been inserteci solely for the purpose of conveniencc and ready reference. In no way do they purPort to, ancl shall not be deemed to defule, lunit or extend the scopc or intcnt of the sections to which thcy pertain. SFCTiON NO. 22: TTA!f_E OF TSSENCE Or AGREETME NT Tune is of the essencc of this Agrccment and in easc cithcr Party fails to pcrform the obligations ou its part to be perfonned at the tune fiYed for the performalice of the respcctivc obligation by - the terms o:F lhis Agreement, t11e other Party m1y, at its election, hold the other Ptui.y liable for all costs and danages caused by such cielay. SFCTTnN Nn. 23: UYCON'1"1ZOL:LA]3CfL Cll'tClIiV1S'1'ANICL.S/1WUSS1131LY'1'Y A cielay or interruption in or :failure of performance of a.ll or any paa-t of Lh.is A.greement resul.ting froin Uncantrollablc Circtunstances shall be deemed not a default under this Agreement. A delay or interruption in or fiailure o:f per.formance of all or any pan of: this Agr.eenten:t resulking from any change in or new law, order, rule or regulati0n of any nai:ure ,vh.ich renders providi_n;; o:E Services in accordancc with the tcrms of this Agreement lcgally impossible, ancl dny other circunnstm»ces beyond the contr•ol of the COUivTY/PROSLCU'1"I:NG A'1"'1"OIZivLY wtuch rendcr legally impossible * the perCormance by the COUNTY/PROSECiJTING ATTORNEY af its obligations under ttus Agreeinent, shall be deemed not a default tuider tlus Agreement. SECTTON NO. 24: FILIl~TG This Agrecment shall be'filed by the COi3`N'1"Y with such offices or agencies as requireci by chapter 39.34 RCW. ' - SECTlON YU. 25: EXE4 CUTIUN AI\D APPROVAL The PAR1'IE S warrmit that the officers cxecuting bclow have been diily authorized to act for and on behalf of the Party for piirposes of confinning dus Agreetnent. SEC'TTON NO. 26: 1N1'1'IAI'1VES The PARTIES recogniz.e fhat revenue reduci.ng i.nitiakive(s) passed by the voters of Washi.nglo.n may substantially recluce local operating revenue for the CI.TY, COiJNTY or both PARTCFS. The PARTIES agirc that it is neccssary to have fleYibility to rcduce the contracted amotult(s) in this AgrcEment in responsc to budgct constraints resulting from the passagc of revcnuc redueing Page 10 of 20 , uutiati~~c(s). lf such an cvent occlu~s, thc i~ACZTILS a~ee to negoiial:e in gead faith to achieve a mutually agre:eable resnlution iai a limely f~ashicm. SLC'1:'lON NU. 27. C(UiVlT':L1ANCL Nrl'1l1: :GAZI'S The I'arties shall observe all fedei-cl, state xnd lncal laws, ordi.nances arid regulations, to thc extent _ that tliey may be applicable to the temis a('lhis Ab eement. SFCTiON NO. 28: DiSCi.,A.TVTFR Fxcept as othertitiise provided, chis Agreemenl shall not be construe,d ui atry manner tltat would lirnit cither Party's authority or powers iuider law. SEClIOn' nTU. 29: ASSU12ANCL+ The CITY shall pay thc COUivTY thc true and fiill cost of c-ll Sen6ces provided under lhis Agreemcnt. lhc uitcnt of the Parties is ttlat ueitlier Farty Mll subsidiie the other and that the GT.'('Y will n.ot subsidize any other jurisdiction that is receiving similar services. 1N WITNESS WHEltEOl+, the YAEZ.IILS have caused t)tis Agreement to be executed on dat:e and year opposite lheic respecl:ive Signalures. . \~'l)AT.l::n: ROAR.Ta QF CQUN']"Y C;UMM1SSIUNLRS (7F $PUKA1VL COU11"1''Y, `VASI-INGTON TODD MTFi,K.F, Chairperson ATTF..ST: Clerk of the 13oard . 'N4ARK RICI-IAEZf7, Vice-chairma.n Danicia EriC1CS6n PIIILLIl' D. IIARR.I.S, Corii.tnissioner llA'M): SYOKA.-NB COiJNTY PROSFCUTNG ATTORAfLY Ry: - Its: (Title) ~ Yage I I of20 llATEll: CITY Or SPOKf1i~TE VALLEY ATTEST: David Mercier, City Manager Chris-tuie Rauibrid;e, City Clerlc. t1PPROVEI) AS TO FO1tN1 ONLY: Ofice of the City Attoniey Pac-e 12 nf 20 EXMBIT 1 For the purpose of this Agreement, PR.OSFCUT111C ATTORNFY Servi.ces sha.il 'uiclude prosecution of violations of state siatutes t11a1 aa-e puni.sliable as misdemeaa-lor or g-oss nusdemeaa-ior offenses that occtir wit}iin CITY'S juriscliction and Chat are eamrnitted by adulLS aS x•vell aS any appeals to Stiperior Court, Washington Siacc Cowfi of Appeal, or Washington Stace SupretTie Courl. PRQSFCLtTivG ATTOFl.NEY i~eta.ins sole prosectrtorial discretion i.ui conjunction witti providuig Serviccs undcr thc terrr►s of this Agi-eenient fi•om cliar;ing decisions tlirough cnmplete dispositiori of the case, uicluding appcals to Superior CoLu-t, Washington Siate COitrt of Appeals, car «rashingtan State SuPrenie Court. Prov.icled, howevee, C1TY tuay take over prosecutio.n of a.ny _ nusdemea.ior casc upon written notif cacion to PRQSF.CiJ7'ING ATTQRiNEY. For Lhe purpase ni;' this paragraph, misdemeanors sha.ll include cruninal violatious of Cll'1T aruuial control ord'uianccs. PROSrCLITIINTG A'11 OKNE;Y agrces to represent CITY in contested trafl;ic infractions. YROSHCUTNG ATTORNFY also agnees, when requested by CIT'Y, to represent C17Y with respect to criminal violations oFits ioning ocdixiances at [1ie hourly rate set iorth i_n rxhibits 2A, 2R and 2C. PROVIDLU, such represcutation shall not include challcnges to the constitutionality oFany zoning orclinanee. The CITY sball retabi responsibility for defetidin; ally COIIStLCl1tlC1ll1I CII'aLIeIIge to any zoning orduiance or otticr Cl"I'Y ordinance Nvhieh may be involved in providing Services. Cl°I'Y agrees to take apprc~priate action to ensure pc~lice of_(:cer5 and CiTY staf_~ are avail.able ~t no cost to k'ROS]3CUlING Al 1'UKI~~EY for all trials or judicial proccedings where PROSECUTINIG ATTORNFY cletenni.nes tlieiz presence is necessary. All nusdemcanor, gross misdemean4r, and zoning Servic;es to be provicied by FR.nSFCUTING ATTORINEY i.n courts under ttle terrus of ttus Aerccmcnt shfill -bc provided in courts located within tliE Spokarie CounCy CaurthoiIse COmplex. All traffic inf':raction services to be prcavided by PR.OSFCTJTl.NC7 ATTQ .R.NFY wider ibe tenns of this Agreeiiient sha,ll be provided 'ui eithcr caurts located Nvithin thc Spol:ane Colinty CourthaUse Comple.c or courtroom(s) iu the Spokazie Vallcy precinct. Tn the cvent C1TY requesLs such court scrviecs be providecl at a loealion other Qhan chat Provicled ('or herein; ihe PA..R.TTF.S agree 1:o meet anrl mut:ua]ly negotaate. Nage 13 of 20 EX.HIB.I.T 2A MiSdemean()r SCrviCCS Comnonent A Comaonent 13 Comnonent C Frc►secutor i3udget Allocable F'ercentage ' to Misdemeanor - . Services * Spokane Valley . Contract Amount $alary 870,965 27.60% 240,429.71 iV1&O 65,653 27.60% ,18,123.45 Capit<il l:ndi.rf:cl Cost x'~* 61,142 27.60°/u 16,878.17 997,760; ~ 275,431.33 . Gompunent A represents the amoui.~t of Prosecutor budget ath•ibLited to Misciemeanor Services. See Misdemeanor Al.tttchment A. fOr meChoclolUgyallaaating l'rosecutor budget to 7Vlisdemeanor. The pereentage of Misdemeanor Services attributable to the City of Spakane Valley is 27.1$%. See Misderneanor Attachment 13'for misdemeanor statistics. '1'he indirect (Uverhead) rate of 7.02% is applied tn salaries only. The i.ndirect rate is bascd on Spokane County's,0i1B A-87 Cost l'lan Escalated 2003 for 2005, adjusted to only iuclude depreciation of capital improvements acquired after the City's offic:ial date oP incarporatian, prepared by PRM Group, an independent plan preparer. Pabe 14 of 20 EXHrB:1T 2A iVlisdemeanor Services County Suppcuied AttOmeys: Criminxl 39 G;vil , 5 Grondahcr Suppocted Attorneys: Crimina! 12.8 Civil Conunitmeat i Ckil F9mily f.aw I 1 Crund Totsl all atturneys 68.8 Misdcmcanor Sal .f• Ben ITF Adl Salarv , D 9v i s 56,822 1.00 56,822 R9smussen 66,587 1.0.0 66,587 Rio 58,533 1.00 58,533 , - Hughes 58,533 1.00 58,533 . Curdus 5$,533 1.00 58,533 Utgsyrd 62,$23 lAf) 62,823 Cirigoliunss 60,604 0.60 36,362 Obrien-Superv . 95.137 094 89,701 517,572 7.54 487,01 487,894 5upport Wilbur 31,293 1A0 31,293 Lams 43,662 1.00 43,662 • Lef}:o~vski 37,754 1.00 37,754 Nteyers 39,742 1.00 39,742 htisterek 34,750 1.00 34,750 Nictwlsun 28,577 1.00 2$,577 Burgnar 38,746 0.80 30,997 Qmec 36,6'S2 1.00 36,6$2 , Ramey 38,694 1,00 38,694 ~-'HtuiscnR 41.187 0.41 18.039 374,087 9.21 340,190 340,190 ChicfC:riminal 1)cp[ity-i Ilocation ratio D7isd 1,711's /7btal Criminal 1"1'F . Uriticol! 109,913 1.00 109,913 0.146 16,005 Coanri• F'rosceutor- allncution "flat" S5,000 plus bcncfits Tucker-S,lary 105,972 5,000 5,U00 'I'ucE:er-Brnefits 14,82$ 5,000" 0.140 700 • . 120,800 Adiuiu Slaff - ullocation ratiu D7isd I'I'C / 7'utal Atturney FfE Bowmari 59,747 1.00 59.747 KurbiCr. 62,898 1.00 62,89$ Luntlquist 46,290 0.$0 37,032 Renner 33;183 1.00 33.483 " 202,418 3.80 193,16p 0.110 21,177 Subtotal Saduy 870,965 Inc€iroct rn?c 7A2`Yo on totnl salary nnd bcncfit 0.070 61,142 '1vf R~, O- ullucutiun ratiol4lisc! F71: / Count}' Criminsd+Civil I"l'E 352.975 0.171 65,653 Alisilemeaniir Qudgel 997,760 ~ Page 15 of 20 EXWBIT 2A Misdemeanor Services - 2003 2004 ',tuly Aua $ept Oct Nov Deci I Jan Feb March Apr D-iav Jtmc ~ 12 AZonthsl Spokane Vallcy Cxses 237 239 222 258 197 248 275 226 338 292 270 192 3,044 (exc vallcy WSP cascs) ' - rVl County cascs 903 878 1038 938 755 1155 841 882 1096 941 895 705 11,027 , (includi.ng WSI' cases) . VaUcy %of all cases 31.7827.22 2139 27.51 26.09 21:17 32.70 25.62 30.84 31,03 30.17 27.23 27.6011/o 04 Total cases inctudioo WSP must be used as base total nwnber of cases in deterrninin,n, percentage serveti. Page 16 of 20 EXHMIT ZB lnfraction Services ]nfr:tction Contracl * Salary 24,042.83 v1 &O 687.99 Capital - indin.ct Cnsts 1,637.81 26,418.63 1Votes * The Frosecutor's Office changed the methodology usecl to ealculate the conh-act for ]ii&action Services. See Iri_Gaction Attachment C. **Thelncli.rect rate of 7.02% is applied to salaries only. '1'he ind'uceC ra[c is b3scd ori Spokane County's ONiB A-87 Cost Plan Esuilatect 2003 for 2005, adjusted t:o only include depreciation of capital improvemen[s itcquired £ifter [IiC CiCy's official date of incorporation, prepared by 1?RlVI Group, iin ir►dependerit plan preparer. I'age 17 of 20 ' :EX.klIBIT 2B . . Infraction Services Spul:uue Valley infruetion Dcptih• Depuly Averagz Annutil Salary& Ficnefit (Cordrs & Grigaliunss) 59,568.50 . Divide Uy ]aours V.'qrked per Yesr I,950 Equ91 [lcputy Cast per Hour ' 34.55 . I}sputy Time Spent at Spnksmn Vnlley; Days per Hft3: 1.5 A4ultiply hy hours pcr day 7.5 ' Equals hours per «+eak 11,25 L N4ultiply by wc~ks pcr ycar 52 Equtds houn per }'ear 585 lleputy `I'utal (.:ost to Sppkanc Valley ' 17,87055 Spol:nnt Coun[V IitCrucliun I)cpartment • Infeaction Itours per Week Walk-in Lifractions (330 to S:QO) _ 7.5 l7iscovery• 5 MotionsJ Appcals . 3 Infractian I•tours per Week 15.5 MTultipty b}' Spnl:ane Valley Perceatage of Lnfrnctioais • 19.76%a 1 ' Equflls Spoktine Valley 1•[aurs per Week 3.06 ' Muldpty by Weeks per Yrnr 52 Multiply by Deputy Cast per Iiour 34.55 Spqkmnc Counly Infraction Cost to Spokane Valley , 4,865.41 Suncrsisor • tiuPervisnr (O'Rricn) Annua] Salary nnd Pcncfit 95,137.00 Supcrvises.4 (nfracaipn Deruty rnjt of 7 h4isdcmcanor 17cpatics 0A6 Equa] Cost of LIfraction Supervisiun ' 5,436.40 A4ulliply by Sppkune Valley 1'racentsn.e of Infractipn,s 19.76°k 1 Supervisnr (;ovt to Spokanc Valley 1,074.28 Adminish•atiun Aciministrnlion :1.nnual Snlary u►d 13eiicfit 202,418 rldministcrs rl Infruction Dcputy ovt of 63.8 Total Ucputics • OAl Equ:d Cost uflnfrac:tian Administratinn 1,175.85 A4ultiply by $pwkene Valley Perccntnge of Infractians 19.760/o I AdministraNnn CosE to Spnkane Valley 232.56 SubtottJ Sulary and Benefils 24,0a2.83 Indirect rnle 7.02% (applied tu salury und bencfits only) . 1,687.81 iN9aintenance and Onem[iuns "I'otal m & O 13udgct 382,975.00 M&0 .4lnfeaetion Deputy out of44 Civil and Criminal DopuGes 0.01 Equal Cosi of Infracuori Ni&O 3,4$1.59 h4ultiply by Spa&une Valley Pcrcentage of Infrastions 19.760/o t Dlaintenancc Cost to 5pokaoe Valley • 6b7 JJ 'I'Q7"AL CnS"I' (.1F INI'K.1t'I10N C0114'17I2ACT 26,41$.63 Districi Court stat[stics last six months of 2003 Grst six momths of 2004, sce Infniction rlttachmcnt 17. Spcd:ane Ci,unly ernploy+rxs work 7.5 hrs/dy, S dysJ-.vk, 52 wkslyr- 1,950 hrs!}r-Administrative costs iiicludirig \4&O provid:d Spokare Valley Page 18 of 20 i . .l EXH.l.BIr1, 2B Infraction Services I I)istrict Court Casc Statistics* lpffense C'atexorv Spnkanc Vallcy Spokflue C;ounty Spokane Vnlley % 1 n fr3e.ei4ns 11,799 59,709 0.1976 DV - vlisdemeanor 400 927 0A315 OU f 178 2,793 0.0637 Crirnicial 1'ral7ic (ltss DU1) . 1,661 5,443 0.3052 Criminal NT (less misd llV) 769 - 2,776 0.2770 Subtutoi 14,807 71,648 StatisCics from last six months of 2003 xnci 6rsc six mcmths af 2004 ~ ~ Page 19 oi 20 E:aCHlBlr 2C - Zorung Serviccs 2005 Adoptcd Dircct Latrur Indirect Fer D9&O Pcr Cost Pcr 1'usition Co3ts Bud-,et Cast ncr Hour Hnur Ffuur Ilour $enicir.AUnrney-f:inn I ' 94,141.00 43.28 3.39 1.46 56.13 PardegaJ-Htn,sun 1 41,092.00 21.07 1.48 - 22,55 2 135,233.00 69.35 4.87 4.46 78.68 Indirect C,'ovts Direcl/Hour Indirccr Ratc IndiroctlHour $r.nior Atlomey 48,28 0.0702 3.389076 Nurale~afil 21.07 0.0702 1.479312 Vote: Rete based on indirect cosL; per A-87 Plan of 7.02% Dfaintenaiue & Operntion Costs _ 2005 Adoptcd IM & O 382,975.00 L)ivided by crim Rt civil sttys 5uPp6rted 44.00 . EquaLs N9/0 pcr ntty 8:703.98 . Uividcd by hflars wbrkcd pcrpcar 1950 rquals NVO hourty ratc 4.46 Annusl Huurs Ani1ua1 Hows "'mked 1950 hfote: Spokane G)unry emplqyees work 7.5 fiours per day, 37.5 liouis per week, mtd 1,950 hours amroaity. Spokxne Valley doe.s nat use aii eutire depury or pai-alcgal wiUi respect to the Civil Departmcnt, thcrciorc an haurty raYc is consistcnt with thc Coumty rccovering xctuul costs fur Civil Infnsctiuns. Ytige 20 or 20 REturn to: Daniela Erickson, Clcrk of the Tioard Roard of County Commissioncrs ll„if W.l3roadway , Spokane, Washin~c>n 99260 INTFRI,.nCATa AC1tLLiVlEVT FUR PUBLIC DEFEVDER STRVT.CT;S rnT THF, CrrY 0:F sPoKA:1vL vA~LLEY (J:tnuary l, 2005 -Decembcr 31, 21)05) - 77N1S ACi1tEEMENT, made and entered into by and anloug ttie Spokane Cuunly Public Defender, havi.nc o$ices for the tran4action of busin.ess as 1033 West Gardner, Cardner Court Builciing, Spokaue `'Vaslungton 99260-02$0; hereinaRer re!'erred to as "PUBT IC DEFLNIDLlZ," Spokane County, having o~'iccs for the transaetion of business at West 111613roadNvay tlvenue, Spokane, WaShington 99260, hercuiaftcr refcrred to as "BOARD," toge•ther someti.mes referTed to along Wieh the PtTBLIC; DICTLNI7ER as "COINTY," and the C'ity of SPokane Valley, a muiucipal corporation of the Stake of Washington, having officcs for the transaclian of business at the Redwood Ylaz,-, 11707 L:ast Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokaa-ie Valley, Washiiigton 99206, hereina:fter referrecl lo as "C.TTY," joiutlp liereinafter rcferrccl to as the "PARTTFS." The PURI IC DFF.E~Ii DLTZ, CUUV`IY and CI"I'Y agree as foll.owvs: . SECTiOiN NO. .l: RECIl'ALS AND FlNllINGS . (a). Tfic Board of Counly Commissioners of Spokaiie Coiuity has the care of CO[.JNTY property and the managemcnt of CCJUNTY f uncis and busi.ness under RCW 36.32.120(6). (ti) Couiities and citics may contract k,%rith each ot:her Co per.fonn cer[zin functions wluch - cach rnay lcgally peiform under chapter 39.34 RCW (I.ritcrlocal Cooperatian Act). (c) The City of Spol:anc Vallcy pursuant to the provisions RCW 39.34.180 is i~esponsible for the costs ineident to (l) prnsecutio.n of nusdeuieanor and gross misdemeanor offenses which are violati.ons of state stahites that occLir within its _jurisciiclion and ttiat are conim.ittetl by adults, (2) traffic Qffienses cnmmitted hy juven.iles pursufl.nt to RCW 13.04.030(1)(e)(iii), annd (3) iiiisdemeanor or gross misderrieanor offenses which are a-riolation of City of Spokane Valley prdi.nances and coiiunitted by adults. , (tI) The City of Spokanc Valley clesires to ueili~.e the senTices of Spokane Counry Public Defe.uder for the pui°pose of: (1) rcprESCnting indigents where the iniCial charge is a State misdemeancx or gross nusdemeanor offensc committed by an adult and occurri.ng Nvithin the City of . Spokane Valley, (2) representing juveuiles for trafflic offenses pursuant to RCW Yagc 1 of 13 13.04.030(1)(c)(iu) occturing witluri tlic City of Spokane Valley; and (3) representina i.ndigents - whe.re the i.nitial charge is a CITX misdemeanoz or gress misaemeanor occurring ~,A7thin the City of Sp4kane VaUey and referred to the Spokane County Fublic Defender. SEC'I`ION Y(). 2: llFFIn`ITI()n'S (a) AereemEnt: "AgeccncnY" means this hiterlocal Agreement behveen the CITY and COLTNTY reguding public defender legal servic;es. (b) Citv: "CITY" means the City of Spokane Valley. (c) Countv: "CUUN"1 Y" means Spokaae Counry. , (d) Lfai.ntenance and OAeratians: "Maintenance and Operalions" and "M&O" shall mean (1) those class wdes (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its budgetary process as prescribed by the BARS manual adoptcd by the Statc of Wastungton Luider chapter 43.88 1ZCW so long as such eYpendihu-es are ciirectly attribijtable aud proportionate to services render.ed . to CTTY under the ternis ofthis Agreement. . (e) Serc=ices: "Services" means those services identified 'ui Lxhibit 1. ComnenSatinn: "Compensatipn" metuns thal meYhodologry set fUrth in Exhibit 2 used to establish the amount of rnoncy which the CI"1'Y Nvill pay the COUNTY for proviclin; : Services. (g) Canital Tmorovement: "Capi.tal Tmprovement" shall mean any expendilure in excess aF $1.999.99 or such higher .f.igure a,,~ set by the COIINTY a.s the capitaliration thresholcl during the term oF the Agreernent. Thc COU'NT`Y shall givc the C1TY advancE notice of any inereasc in the capita.l_ization threshold. The PA.R.TI1:,S agree to meet and discuss the impacfs of any chan;c in the capitaliz~.~tion tlueshold wiuch will cause an i.ncrease nf costs to the CI`I'Y in excess of $50,000.00. Any such cxpenditurc will bc codcd as providcd £or i.n the T3A.R.S-manual adepteci by the State of Washington under RCW 43.88. . (h) Uncantrollable Circumstances: "Uncontrollable Circumstanccs" means the follow-ing events: riots, wars, civil ciisturbances, insuceections, acts of terrorism, external fires anci f:lAOCLS, volcanic eruplions, lighlning or carthqLiakes at or ncar where the Scrviccs are performed andlor lhat clirectly af1"ect providing of such SErvices. (i) Renort: "R.eDort" means the Public T)ef-ender's record manaeement system . commonlv referred to as PDman. (j) Public Taefender_ "T?ublic .Tae.f.'ender." means that person appointed as public defender under chapter 36.26 RCW and his/tiere assistant(s). . • l'age2 of 13 SECTiQN v0. 3: YURPOSE . 'I'he purpose ofithis Agreenlent is to reducc to wrici.ng the PA,TZTTFS' understaud'ui; as to the [erms ancl c;onditions iuider Which the P[JRLTC DEFLNDLK tivill provide Service.s pn behalf of the Cl l Y. It is the i.ntent of ttic YAIt'liES that Services to be provided by the PUBL[C DFFFVT)FR Nvill be consistent Nvith the CI"1'Y'S CotunciVManaoer f.'orni o.f governiuent providcd for in chapter 35A.13 RCW. sEcTIonj vO. a: ntMArrYOninVITHnR.4WAL I his Agreement sha11 couuuencc on January 1, 2005, and ruu tlirough 17eccmbcr 31, 2005. At the conclusion of the inilial term, this A_greemeut shfill automatically be renew•ed frnm year to year thereafier effective Ja.nua1y 1`t to llccernber 31 St A11 rene,,vals sha11 be subject to all terms and condikions set forth herein except foc Fxhibit 2. The Yt11ZTiES recognire it hi ;hly unlikely that Eahibit 2 setti.ng forth the estunated costs for each year's Serviccs will be available at the start of any rencwal time frame. Accor.dingly,.iuitil a new Fx.hi.bat 2 has been prepareci anci aan-eed to betureen the PtLRTILS, the PA.RTTFS ap-ee tliat the COi.JNTY w2ll b.ill tlie CIT'Y and the C1TY ~vil.l pay the COIJN'1'Y at the samc manihly pa}rnent ratc uscd for the previous year. Upon the PARTIES agreement on a new EY.liibit 2, the C1TY and COiTN`l'Y Nvill rcconcile pay-ments to date under the previous ycar's payment Schedule ,vith the new payinent schedule. Any underpayment ic)r aaiy Services will be duc in the iirst pa1-ment due ~following rcconeiliatiUn. Anyo uvei°paymcut fur any Serviees w711 he crediteci to the first monlhly paynieilt due folloNving the recQnciliation. The PAK1"ILS ae-rec that no interest shall be o«2ng by either Party to the other 1'ariy for any overpayment or underpayinent deterinined as a result of the reconciliation. . Any Party may withdi-aw at any time fTom this Agt-eement for any reason whaLSOever. upon a , minimLun of 1$0 days Nvritten uotice as provicled fpr in Sectinn 7 to the otlier 1'arty. In the evenC of temunation, at CITY's option, yUBLIC UEFENDEIZ shail continue to providc Serviccs lo completion for tf.iose cases filetl prior to the effective date o.f. the teruunation. SECTION NQ. S: COS'1 U.N, SEKVICES AIVD PAI'M.FNTS 17ie Cf1 Y shall pay the COT.NTY tlie achixl costs for Scrviccs provided unde.r this Agreement. The eseimated cost for 2005 Services uncler this Agneement shatl be as set forth in Fxhibit 2, attachcd heretn ancl incarporated herein by rcference. "1"his mcthodology uses the last six (6) months of Report numbers for 2003 and first six (6) months of Report nunibers for 2004 and avcrages them fnr a lwelve (12) montti timc frarne. The resulting number is used as a basis to estiuiate the 2005 cnsl of.Services. The COUN I'Y C1--.0 shall advise the C1TY Manager as soon as possible oF any antieipated or unanticipatcd capiial Page 3 of 13 unpr.ovement costq fhat arise during thc contract period. The City shall pay capital improvenient - costs either (1) under thc Cost Allocation Plan as an i»di.rect eost amortizcd over the useful life of the unprovernent utilizuig straight-l_ine depr.eciation and incorporating the expected salvaae value of the uuprovenlent at the end of its u,5eful lifc or (2) as a direct cost in the :f.orm oF a conij-ibuti.on nlade to lhe Fquipment Rental and llevolving Fund. The CI"TY shall be responsiblc only for capilal. i.mprovement costs incurred after March 31, 2003. Any portion of a capital . i.mprovement that was paid for or acquired throu;li separate apzeemenr or with grant proceeds, bond procceds, user fees, donations, or any other acquisition method that reflects a contribution. on beha]f of CITY sball nol be inc:ludeci in the deprcciation schedule applied to the CTTY. Any capital improvement for which the COUNTY seeks reimbursement fYOm thc Cl'r`Y must be ncccssary to fiilfill ihe requiremenfs of'this Agreement. At thc end of thc caleudar pear, usin; the methodalagy sel forth in Eahibit 2, thc PA1Z11LS sha11 apply the actual expendirures anci the actual usage perccntage to detennine the final c;asl. Ti is the PARTTES intenl that any adjustment takc place as soon as possible an(i acc;orclingly w711 use ttlcir respective best efforts to tunely prepare, dissenunate and review all expenditure documentation. _J The Cl'T'Y vvill have sixt), (60) calendar days &om its receipt of the eapenditurE documentation to provide the COUNTY Nvit.h any written objections(s) to such documentation. The wrilten objecticm(s) must specitically idcntify ttie e:cpenditure(s) in questi.on. The COi.JN`I'Y agrees to consider all ATitten objections received froni khe CiTY within thirty (30) calcndar days of receipt of -the objecki.ons(s). in lhe event that thc PARI'ILS cannot inutually resolve any written objection(s) submitted by thc Cll'Y vvithin the thu-ty (30) calendar.days time frame, or such other tune frasue as the PART1LS may mutually agree, the objeclions shall be resolved pursuant to the Dis-pute , Resolution provisiuns set forth in Section iNo. 17. Pending resolut:ion of the objeclions(s), thc PARTIES agree that thc Cl l Y shall pay that portinn of [he bill thaE is undisputEd. `l"o the extent that the C1TX was nver billed in any ycar and the Agreement is sti.ll in effiecl, the GOLJNTY shall credit tlic C1I'Y for such overp..3yiuent iii the nert monthly payment owning by the CI'1 Y. Yrovided, however, i.n the event khe Agreemenl is ternunatcd at stach time tbat tlie overpayuient is deternuuecl, the COUNTY shall reimbursc the C;l'1 Y for any overpayment 'Virikhin lhirty (30) calendar days. To the extent thaf the C1TY wa,s under billed in any year and tlle Agreement is still in effect, the CI1'Y shall reimburse the COiJNTY for :iny uncier payment in thc neat montlily payment o,.vi.nD by die CITY. Provicied, howevcr, in thc cvent the Agreement is terniinaled af such time that ttle uuderpayinent is detennined, the CITY shall rcimburse the ' COUNTY for any mnderpayrnent within thirty (30) calcnda.r days. Lither Party may at iCS sole oPtion charge interest on airy overpa}meut or underpayment based Un lost interest carnine had the an,aunt detcrmined due been invested ia the i~espective .PA.RT[ES inveslment pool at tlic end of the thirty (30) day timc frame provided for liereinabave to the clate ok payment. A.ny resolution of a disputed amount through use of the arbitration proccss identified in Section 17 shall include at the request of either Parly, a cietermination of whether interest is appropriate, including the amouni. Page 4 of 13 1`he CO[JNITY 4v71] bill the CTTY :for the cost of sei-vices as outlined, inont;b.ly, by the l5U' of tLie . Lt10lltL1. 1~10I1f~1l~~ paymcnts kvill be calculateci b}' dividing lh~ase annual costs set forrth hereiri abave by tweive (12). F'ayments by the G17.17Y «ill be due by the 5'h day of the follo~2ng nionth. I'he CUUN'rY, af its Sple UpliUn, may charge inierest on any lale payment calculated on any lost interest earnill; haci the acnoimt due been invested since the date due io the date of payment in the Gpi.JNTY's iiivestnient pool. SEC'1'lUN NO. 6: REL•ATED RESPQNSTF3TLTTIES IiN CON.TUNC'TION VVITH PRQVf_T)l1TC 5ERVICLS The COiJiNTY aud PUI3LIC llLFLIV17.K or their dcsigncE agree to attend staff meetings as requesteci by lhe C1.TY IVlanager. lfie COUN"1"Y and PiJBL[C DI-"-FI--.t*,TDFR c>r their designees agree lo meet upon request hy the CITY Mauager or }uslher desigtiee to disciiss any Scrvicc provided tuidcr the tErms of this Agreernent. The C1TY agrees the PiJRL,iC IaEFL-'NUER may use tlie COUNTY'S stationery ui conjuncti.on with providing Services under the terms of this Agreement. SEGTTQN NO. 7: NO'1rf.C.F_. All notices or other coiumunications given heretuidcr shtill be deeuied given on: (1) tfie day such notices or Ofher cUmmunicati0n5 are zeceived xvhen sent by personal deli.very; or (ii) the tlii.rd day followinc the day on which the same have been maileci by first class delivery, postage prepaid adarested to the COUN'CY or the CITY at the adclress set fortli below for such 1'arty, or az such ottier address as either Party shall fron7 tin7e-to-lime desigmate by notice in wricing ta the other Party: COUiYTY: Spokane Courity Chief Executive Officer . or lus/her authorized represeutative 1116 West IIroadway Avenue Spnkane, Vdashiugtnn 99260 . , CITY: City of-Spokanc Valley City Maiiager or his/her aulhoriied rePresentative . ' R.edwood Plaza 11707 Last Spraguc Avenue, Suitc 106 Spokane Valley, `Vashington 99206 , PUBI,IC° DEi FENDER: Spokaue County 1'ublic llefender 1033 W. Gardner, . Spakanc, Washington 99260-0280 . Pagc 5 of 13 SEC"1'I:OY iYO. 8: 1tET'ORTING Reports - Thc PUBL.IC DLFLNI7LR shall provide the CITY tivith reporfs documeutiug actual usabe tuider ttus Agreeinent. The Parties agree thar the lerminology "rcports documevti.ng acrual u.sage" means tbat tyPe of information providcd by the PUI3LIC DEF.F_NnFR to the CITY in the 2004 agrccment for Services. An upclated rego.rt shall be submittecl quartcrly unless othenvise mutually ageed by the Paa-cies. Such reports shall be in a format as mutually agreed to beriween the Partyes. The contenfi andlor format for such reports may Ue changed t:rom Cime-la-tirne by Writteu agrccment beriveeu Cl°FY and COUNTY/PUBLIC DEFFNDER staff. Records Review - The CTTY shall be allowed to conduct random reviews of the recc>rds generatecl hy the COL~jTY/PUBLIC DEMKDFER in pcrformauce of this Agreenient. The CITY wrill providc the C:OUN'I`Y/PUBT,TC 17LFLNMLTZ -Mth reasn.nable advance notice of the records m,Views. The Yazties agree khat they vN711 mal:e best eff-orts to acYucvc a resolution of any potential records confidcntialit), issucs, - includin; entering i.nto confidentiality agreE:menls or other siaiilar - mecha.ni5.ms tliat AriU allow disclUSure of the necessary information to accurately conduct a records review. Lf the CI"rY will be allowed to -view only tli.ose zecorci_S directly relating to Scrvices provided Aitluu CITY's cnrpnrate boundarie.s, lhen the COUN'I'Y/PU]3LLIC llEFEiNDER, must l:eep a log of original clocuments uscd to charge the C:CTY, and those dot;umenls must have . identiiying munbers or lcttcrs so the origuial source documents can he easily retrievcd. SLC'YION NO. 9: COUNTFRPA.RTS T1us A.greement may be executeci in any nLunber of countcrpai-ts, each of wh.ich, ~tifien sp executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constihitc but onc and the scinie. SECTION NU.10: ASSYGiviVrlfNT No Party may assigm i.n whole or part its interest in this Agrcement vvithout the ~,vritten approval of the other PAR 1 Y. SECTION NO. 11: COUiNTY EAILPr..0Y1+" E5 PUBT_,TC ]aF1~~NTaER shall hire, assign, retain and discipliue all einpl.oyees performing Servic;f;s tulder this Agceement accordi.ng ta applicable c:ollective bargaining agreements and applicable state and federal laws. PTJBLIC. DEFENDFR agrees to meet and confer uTith the CITY with respect to staff that is assigiied to pro-side Services. lssues o£ disciplinE or performauce will be specifical]y handled according to PUBLIC DEFENMFRJCOUNTY policies. Page 6 of 13 . - srciraN no. lz: LTAerrdrrx . , T'or t1ie purpasc of this Section, the terminology "COUN'1'Y" shall also include the "PUBLTC DFFENTDEli." . (a) '1`hc COUTINTY shall indeixui.i_f.y and holci hai7lilcss the Cll`Y and its off ccrs, agents, and em.pl.oyees, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liabil_ity,, loss, cosis, eYpenses, and dainages of ~tny nal'ure w~i~tsoever, by any rcason of or arising out• 01' any negligent act ni- umissi.on nf the COUNTY, it5 of.f.icers, aaents aud employces, relating to or arising Qut o('' perf"omiing Services pursuant to this Agreement. T.n the event tllat auy suit based upon such claim, action; loss; or damages is broughl against the CITX, the COUNTTY shall defend the same at its sole cost and expe.nse; providcd that the C[TY reserve,s the right to pariicipate in sa.id siiit if Fuiy principlc of govern.mental or public law is involvcd; and if final jucignenC in said suit be r.endered against the • Cl'1'Y, amd its offeers, aaents, and euiployees, or jointly against the Cl'I'Y and the COi.TNTY and tlieir respectivc officers; agents, and employees, die COiJNrFY sha11 satisfy the s.-Uue. (b) T'hc C1tY shLill inciemnit:y w1d hald }tantiless the COLTNI Yand its offiecrs, agents, ar►d employees, froLn any mid all claims, actions, suuts, liability, lass, cos1s; expe•nses, an.d damages of any nahu-e whaLs4ever, by any r.easou of or a.risuig out of any ne€ligent act or omission of the CITY, its officers, agents ar►d employees, relaling lo or arisi.ng out of perforuii.ng Sei-vices pursuxrnt to this Agreernent. Iu the event that any suit bascd upon such claim, actian, lass, or d;amages is broueht againsl• the CO UN'CY, the CI"1'Y shall defcnd the samc at its sole cose anci exPense; pro,,rided that the COUNTY retierves the rig it to participate ui sxid suit if any principle of governmental or public "laNv is uivolved; and if final judgmenl in said suit be rzndered against the C;OUNT Y, and its oflicers, ageuts, and employces, or.joinily against the CQIJiNTY and the CTTY and thei.r respectivc offiecrs, agcrits, anci emplc>yees, the CiTY sball satisfy the saene. (c) If the cpmpazalive negl_igence of the Parties and their officers anci employees is a cause of SUC}1 d8.[I18bG OI' lllJllI"y, the liabilily, lUss, c:ost, or expense shall be sharcd betu~cen the Parties in . proportion to their relative degrcc of ncgligence and the right of: i.ndemnity sball apply to such proportion. (d) Whete an OffiCGr br emplpyee of a 1:'art.y is actiilg under the directiou and control of the other T'arty, the 1'arty directuig and controlling the offeer pr employee i.n tb.e acCivity and/or omission giviug rise to liabilily shall aecept all liability for the other Party's offlccr or cmployee's negligence. (e) Each Party's duty lo indemnify shall survive the tennination or expiration of the Agreemenl. (i:) The foregoing uidcinruty is specificalty intended to constitute a Nvaiver of each Party's inimuiuty imder Washington's lndustrial Insurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respectuig ttic othcr party on.ly, and ouly to the extent necessary to provide klle indeiiuufied I'arty with a fiill and camplete uidemiuty of claims made by the i.ndeniniior's e.mployees. The PART1LS acl-nozvledge that these provisions Nvere spccifically negoliated and agreed upon by thein. Pagc 7 of 13 (g) T'he COUNTY xud the CITY agree tn either self insure or purchase policies of i.nsurance covcrin; the matters con.Cai.necl in this Agreement witi coverages of not less than $5,000,000 per occur.rence ~i7L}1 $5,000,000 aggrcgate liuuts uicluding pro.fessional liability and auto liabil_ity coverages. . SEC"1"IUnT r10.13: RELATIONSN. .TP QF THE PAItTIES The l?AR.TIFS intend that an i.udcpcndent contractor relationsh.iP N,% rill be creatcd by this Agreement. The C(7l.lN"1"Y/1'UI3L1C DEFEiNDER shall be an inciependent contractor and not the agent or employee of the CITY, khat the C1TY is intere.sted only in the results to be acbievecl and that the right to c.onlrol the particLilar manncr, metliod tincl meaais in which the services are performetl is solely within the discretion of the COLTNTY/PUI3LIC DEFENI7ER. Auy and all employees who proNide Services to the C1TY under this Agreement shall be deemed employees solcly of the CQLNTY/PUBLIC 17L1'ENUETZ. Tli.e COUINTY shall be solcly responsible for the cnnduct anci actions of a11 empl.oyees under this Agreemcnt and any liabilit}, that may attaeh thereto. Likewise, no agent, employee, servant or representative o£ tlae CTTY shall he deemcd to be an eiuployee, agent, servant or representative of the COUiNTY for any purpose. SLCTTON iY0.14: MODTFTCA'iIQN This Agreement may be modified in writing by mutual written agreement of the F'ARTIFS. , ST,CTTnN N0. 15: PROPERTY AND EQUIYNTr.NT The ownership of all propcrty aud cquipment utiliied in ecmjunetion with providiug the Services shall rEmaui witli ttie ori;u~al owmer, unless c~therwise spccifically and mutually agreed ta by the PARTrEeS to tltis Agreement. For the purpose of ttus section, the terminology "owner" means that Parfy which paid the full purchasc price for the property o.r equipment. STCTIQN N(). 16: AL1, WIt1T1'INGS CONTA.TNFD HFREIN/13I:NUL1tG EfiFECT This A.areement contains terms and conditions agrccd upon by the PARTIFS. The 1'ARTIE,S agrce that there are no ot6er understandings, pral or olhcrwise, regarding tlle subject mafter of this Agreement. 1jo changcs or additions to this Agreement shall be valid or bi_nding upon the . PAK":L1ES un.l.ess such change or aclciition is in writing, executed by the PAR'1EFS. This Agreement shall be bi.nding upon the YA1ZTlE-S hereto, thei.r suc.cessors and assigtLS. SFC°TCUN N0.17: DISFUTE, I2E SOLUTION tlny dispute beriveen the PARTI'ES which caruiot be resolved between the PAR'Cl'ES shall be subject to arbiiration. Exccpt as provided for to the ecmtrary herein, such dispute shall first be reduced to writing. Tf the COUNrTY Cfip and the CITY Manager canuot resolve the dispute it• will Page 8 of 13 ' be submitted to arbitration. The ~~rov-isions of chaptcr 7.04 RC~~ shall be app]icable to ~y %ar.bihation proceeding. The COU\iTY and the C1TY shall have the right 1:o desipate oue person eaeh ta aet as aii arbitrator. 'lhe two seleeted ar.bitra.tors shall then joinely select a third arbitrator. 1`hc decision of the arbitratiou pancl shall be bi.nding on the 1't1R1"iES and shal] be subject to judicial rcview as provided for. in chapter 7.04 RCW. The costs of the arhit-ration paael shall bc equally split belween tlie PAEZ'1`1LS. SECTT.QN NU.18: VElYiJE STTPUT..ATTON This Agreement has been and shall be const-ued as having been made and delivered «ithi_n the State of Washington and it is mutually tuidcrstaod and agreed by each party that tliis Agrcemene shaU be goverucd by the laws of the State of Washington both as to interpretation and perfomi;ince. Auy action at lavv; suit in e.qui.ty or judicial procecding for the en.forcement of this Agrcement, nr any provisiou hereto, shall be instituted only iu courts of competent jurisdicti.ou ,,vithin Spokanc C;ounty, Washi.ngtnn. SECTInN NCD. 19: SEVE17ABILITY lhe PARTIE•S.agree that if aiiy parts, tcrms or provisipns of this Agreement are hcld by the aowts lo be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall noc be a.f_~ected and the rights and obligations of. the PAWTILS shall not be af.~ected 'ui iegard to the remainder af'Che A( gree.ment. ~ If it sfiould apP ear that anY P r.t, tei~n or provision oF~ this Abureement is iu cor~tlict with anY stalulo . a ry provision of the Statc of `Va.shington, theu the part, terin or provision thereo.f tliat may be ui conflict shall be deenied inoperativc and nidl and void i.nsofar as it uiay bc in conf1icl there,,vitli and tlus Agreerncnt shall be deemed to niodify to eonforrn lo such statutory provision. . SECTI4N NQ. 20: :IZLCUKllS ALl public records prepared, ovmed, used or retained by tlie COTN1 Y in conjunction with providing Services under the terus of ttus t1greemenl Shall be deemeci CITY propcrty and shal.l be made available to the CITY upon request hy tlie Cl"iY lv.ianagcr stibject t4 the attorney client and cLttorney work product privileges set fortl1 in siatutu, courl' rule or case law. "1'he, COiJNTY will noeifiy the C1TY of atly public clisclosure request tmder chapter 42.17 RCW for e.opies or vie,,N-ing of such records as well as the COUiN1 Y'S responSe tllereto. SEC'I70v NQ. 21: a_lEADINGS The section heaciin;s appearing in this Agreement havc bcen inserlecl solely for the pueposc of convenieiice and i-eady rcfcrence. 1.n no way do tliey piuport to, ancl shall not be deemed to deCne, limir or extend dic scope or infent of'the sections to which they pertain. - i';ige 9 of 13 SEC fION NO. 22: .TIME O~+"~ ESSENCE OF ACxREE~~ENT , Time is of the csseuce of'this Agreement and in case eitber Party fails to perform the obligations on its part to be performeci at the tune fi:ced for the performatiee of the respeetivc obligakion by the tetYnls of this Agreemcnt, the other Party may, at its electinn, hold the other Yarty liable for all costs anci damagcs caused by such cielay. SEC'1':[ON NQ. 23: UNC()v 1'ROTaT..ARLE CIRCUMS`l'ANCES/IA'IE'OSSLLiII..ITY A delay or intcrniption in or failure of pcrforinance af all or any part of tbis Agreemcnt resultiub from Uncontrollable Circumstances shall be deemed not a default uncier this Agreement. A. delay or intemiption in or fai.lure oFperforinance of all or any part of this Agreement resi.iltuig . f:rom any change ui or new law, ordcr, nile or regulaEion of any nature which renders provicling o.f.' Scrvices ui accorcianee with the terms of ihis tlgrecment legal.ly impossible, and any- othEr circumsEances bcyond the contrc>l af the COUNTY which render legal_ly impossiblc the perfonnauce by the COUNTY of its obligations undcr ttus Agreemenl, shall be deemed not a default under this Agreement. SEC1"IOTi NO. 24: FILLING This Aereemen.t shall be filed by the Counly "rith such offices ar agencics as required by chaptcr 39.34 R.CW. SEC'I'ION NU. 25: TXE, CtJTIOlY ANl) AE'PRQVAL Thc PA12.TTES warrant that the officers execuling bclow have heen duly authorized to acl for and on behalf af the Party for purposes of confirrzung tli.is Agreement. SF.CT[ClN NO. 26: Pti TTTATIVES "I^hc '1'AR.T.[FS rec.ognize that revenue reciucing initiative(s) passed by the voters of Washington may substantially recluce local operating revenue for the CITY; COiJNITX or both PARTIES. The PARTMS agree lhat il is nccessary tn have flexibility to reduce the contracted amounl(s) in this Agreement in response tn budget constraints resulting from the passage of revenue reducing initiative(s). Tf such an evc,nt occurs, the PARTILS agree tn. negoliatc in good faith lo achievc a . umtual.ly agreeablc resolution in a tymely fashiou. SEC"TION N0. 27. CONIEPLTANCE NV1TII LAWS 17ie Parlies shall observe aU f'ederal, statc aiid local laws, ordinaiices and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of flus Agreement. I'age 10 of 13 SEC'TION NQ. 2$: :I)CS0:,tU.1NER ~ ' Except as othErwise provided, this Agreement sha.ll uot be construed in any manner that Woulcl liniit eitller Party's authority or pawers uitder law. SECTYON 1VU. 29: ASSUI2A.n7CF< lhc Cii`Y shall pay the COLJNTY tlie ti1ie and fiill cost of all Scrvices provided under thiS A.greement. lhc intcnt of the Parties is thai neitber Party will subsidize the other and tkiat the CITY will not subsidize any other jurisdiction that is receiving similar services. iN WITNESS VVH.F.:RT,OF, the PAIZTICS have causcd ttus AgrcEmcnt to be executed on date and year oppositc their respective signature.s. DATEll: RQA.TZTa .OF COUNTY COIvIIvIISSlONE-RS UF SPOKANF CniJiNTY, WASTTf.NGTC)N '1 UDll M_I.ELKE, Chairpersan - Al.LLSI: Clerk o(.'the Board MA12K ILICI4A:Et[7, Vice-chairuia.n ; , ~ . Daniela Frickson 1'H1LLIP D. H1IRRIS, Commissioner DATED: SI'O1Cf1►YL COU'N°l Y YiJ13LIC DEFENDER . L~Y: Its: (Title) I).A1:'k;ll: • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ATTE S'1': 17avid Mercier, City Manager Christine Bainbzidge, City Clerk _ APYRUVEll AS TQ FOR.Ni ONT.,Y: Office of the City Attorney Pabe 11 of 13 EIHI3Ti' 1. , For the purpdse of this rlgreement, PUBLIC TaEFF:N~L7ER Services sball include representation of indiDent persons as required by the Constitution or state statutes (chapter 36.26 RCVJ) in conjunction with violations of stale statutes tliat are punishablc as rnisdemeanor and gross misdEmeanor offense,s lhat occur within CITY'S juristiiction aud that are committed by adults, anci/or juveniles for traffic offenses pursuant to RCW 13.04.030 (l) (e) (iii) or County Policy, as well -as any appeals to SuPerior Caurt. tldditionally, PUF3T.,TC DEFENL7LR s11a1.1 represent indi-2ent persons as requi.reci by the Constihrtion or state statutes (chapter 36.26 R.C«O in coniunction ~Aei.kh. violatians of CIT"Y ordinances that are punishablc as misdemeanor offcnses except for any constitutional challen;es to the CITY ardinancc. It also i.nclucies representation of in.digent persons as requircd by the Consiixulion or state statutes (chapter 36.26 RCW) in conjunclion vvith violatious . of CiTY'S Traffac Cocle, as well as any appeals ta Superior Coiut. CITY agrecs for Cl1 Y staff, at nca cost to PUBLIC 17EFFNDFR, to mal:e best eff.orts to attend any T7istrict Court jutlicial procccdings w-iiere thei.r presence is requestecl by the PiJBLIC L71;FLNUER. All ser-,rices to be provicied by YUBL1C DEPFtNMFR in courts under the terms of this Ageemeni sliall he providcd in courts located writhin the Spokane County Cnurthousc Complex. In the event CI'1"Y requests such court services to be provided at a loealion witluu CITX, the PARTLLS agree to Lneet and mulually negotiatc auy aud a1l increased costs to PUBLIC DFFFNDER in providing such couzt services at CITY location. Y:age 12 of 13 : - , E 'MIT 2 Comnonent A Componcnt B C'ompanent C 2005 Public Defencler Percentage Adoptcd Rudget Spoknue Contract VaUcy f** Amount Salary - Misdemeanor 866,989.00 33.25% ~ • 288,275.39 ~ M & O- Misdemeanor 20,790.00 3325 % 6;912.71 ~ ' . S" Salary - lnvestigator 282,554.00 1.00% 2,825.54 Capital - - hidirect * ~ # * - 22,502.10 ' 1,170,333.00 . ~ 320,515.74 NOtCS $Tliese uuounts represent the Public Dcfeuder . ' misdemeanor Adopted 2005 budget (3050052). "Investigator Sallries are a coniPonenl 4f thc . Yublic 17efender legal servie.es budgct (3050047). ~ ***Tlie peccentage of 1'ublic 17cfcnder cases attTibutable lo the Spokane Valley is 3 )3.25%. . The percenlage of lnvcstigator salaries atlributahle to Spokanc Valley is 1%. C:omponent A multiplied by Component B equates • lhe cantract amount. ****The Jiidirect (Overheati) ratc of 7.73% is aplilied cmly lo salarics. Thc iudu•ect rate is b:ised on Spokanc County's OyfR A-87 Cost Plan Escalated 2003 fior 2005, adjustcd to only include depreciation of caPital improvemcnts acquired . after the Ciq,'s ofFicial date of incorporation, _ prepared by PRM Group, an independent plan . preparer. ` Fsgc 13 of 13 • ,