2006, 01-17 Study SessionAGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL NVORKSHE ET STUD1' SESSION Tuesday. January 17, 2006 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY HALL 11707 East Sprague Avenue. Suite 101 6:00 p.m. (Please Turn OR All Electronic Devices During the :Ntetting) Call to Order by Mayor Diana Wilhite ROLL CALL: Agenda Tonic: 1. Council Deliberation on Draft Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Maps and/or othcr aspects of the Draft Comprehcnsive Plan 2. Adjournment Note: Unless othenvise noted above, there will be no public comments at Council Study Seniow. Nowavcr, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attcnd the meeting mim mquim spocial assistance to accommodate pbysical, hearing, or other impairmcnts, pteaw contact the City Clcrk at (309) 921.1000 as won as possible so that arrangements may be made. Stwty Smion ASmda, 01-17-06 Pap 1 of 1