2006, 01-31 Study SessionAGENDA CITY OF SPOICANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL NVORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Tuesday, January 31, 2006 SPOKANE. VALLEY CITY HALL 11707 Ea9t Sprague Avenue, Suite 101 (Please Turn Off All Electronic Devices During the Meeting) 41~~ 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order by Mayor Diann Wilhite 2. Employ,ee Intrvdw.tions: Permit,S}wxlalirt Anita Blake - by Tom Scholtens Building Inspector 11 Doug Powell - by Tom Scholtent Legal Intern Ryan.lun•akainen - by Arke Connelly Planning httern Carl DeSitnrir- by Greg.WcCormick 3. Council Deliberation on Draft Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Maps and Land Use Chapter (LUP 14.8) Utilities Chapter Economic Development 4. Adjournment Note: Unless otherwise noted above, there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. However, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and stuff as appropriate. N0"11CF- lndmiduala planning to attend the meeting a9to require special assiatnnoc to accommodfile ph}xin1, hearing. of other impalrmcim, plcast contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as boon as possible ho that armagemrnts may be made Snriy Session Agenda, 01-31-06 PARe 1 of 1 DRAFT lIli~`UTGS CITY OF SPOKAINE VALLEY DRP'S CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmernbers: Staff: Diann: Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Scnior Planner Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir. Rich Munson, Council member Greg `'Bing' Bingaman, IT Specialist Rob Lafontaine, Intern Absent: Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all C'ouncilrnembers present except Councilntentber,5chim»sels. It was moved by-Councilmember Munson, seconded by Deputy Mayor ,Taylor, and unanimously approved to excuse Councilmember S'chimmels from tonight's meeting. Prior to deliberation on the draft Comprehensive Plan, it was Council consensus to add to the City's Legislative Agenda, Senate Bill 6459, concerning the community health care collaborative grant program. Mayor Wilhite indicated she would add that item to the final letter. D LMEItATION: Council began deliberation by continuing the tabled discussion of the list of aesthetic corridors (LUP-14.2), in particular the Indiana from SR27 to Flora Road, as previously three councilrnembers wanted to leave this in, and three wanted to delete this from the list. At that time, Mayor Wilhite indicated she wanted to take another drive to the area in question before she decided. Mayor Wilhite reported that she drove the area twice, and after brief council discUSSlon, she voted to Like. that designation off the aesthetic corridor list. Prior to the discussion of the Land Use Maps, Councilmember Munson said he wanted the "cap and replace" for billboards discussed further; lie stated that he voted for that re-wording, but did not realize the would mean that billboards could be replaced at any legal location rather than be replaced in the current location; and as such, he changed his vote to vote in opposition to that re-wording. Councilmember Gothmann suggested further revision of LUP 14.5 to "cap and replace on site." After discussion of the issue, including the need to define "cap and replace, " it was determined that .Policy L UP44.8 tivill be brought back for further consideration when all councilmembers are present. Prior to map deliberation, Councilmember Denenny explained that he would like to review some comments made concerning the snaps, and Senior Planner Kuhta made copies of the comment spreadsheet for councihnembers' review. Councilrnembers were reminded the comment book is available for council review in the City Clerk's office. Following Senior Planner Kuhta's explanation of the Lund Use Map, Council discussion followed concerning definitions of the land use. designations and the actual designed areas on the map; the need for future establishment of zones; what current zoning means concerning densities; changing the current labeled designations of UR 3.5 etc to R1, R2, .R3, etc.; rezoning issues that could be addressed during the annual comprehensive plan change; current residential zones which contain other community facilities; Minutes Study Scssion 01-17-06 Page 1 of') Approved by Council: DRAFT flexibility in process of changing zones including policy for such changes; and underlying zones, changes and alternatives. Couneilmembers then reviewed and discussed the designations as shown on the map. It was Council consensus to keep the low, medium, and high density designations cis shown. Mayor Wilhite called for a short. recess at 7:30 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Other discussion included the "neighborhood commercial" designation and goals for neighborhoods, including the pros and cons of having some commercial in neighborhoods (walking proximity to small stores versus maintaining the character of current neighborhoods); adding light industrial in community commercial; the city center concept and. keeping it as shown on the map or moving it elsewhere, or determining strategies and options for the concept of a city center without pinpointing its exact location; the upcoming study of the corridor and the idea of purchasing land from private sources for a city center. Further discussion included the Rosewood area; non-conforming uses; densities of trailer courts; and houses currently used for commercial purposes. It hvos Council consensus to include the city center designation on the neap. It was determined that discussion of received public comments concerning the map will be delayed until staff has the opportunity to link the comment with the map designation and bring that information back for council discussion, including commentary from staff on the appropriateness of the public's comments/proposed changes. The followint, specific changes were agreed anon: Page 5, 2.2 Land Use Plan: 2„d paragraph, change to read: "As shown in Figure 2.1 below, the majority of land is designated residential (57%) under the-Gity-Genter- this plan." Page 6; 2.2. 1 City Center flan lll: "Create an identifiable city center that is a social and economic focus of the City of Spokane Valley." Page 7 middle of page: "The following welt] could be components of the City Center:" 3. Change "would" to "could." 8. Connect second, sentence to first so it reads: Multi family housing that is safe and secure and located in such a way that it is buffered Page 11; second paragraph from the bottom; change to read: "This process resulted in a population ,rmvth allocation.of39,431 Page 13, Table 2. l; Change the title to read: "Spokane Valley UGA Land Capacity Analysis (July 2004)" Page 16; top: after discussion of what the area covers, it was determined that Mr. Kuhta will clean up that paragraph to make it clear and correct. Page 24, 2.7.1 Aesthetic Corridors; last line 2"d paragraph: "Design elements and landscaping treatments should denote a sense of arrival into the City or a neighborhood or special area such as city center." Page 26; 2.9.1 Street Connectivity. Delete the figure and change the section to read as follows: "Street design can have a significant impact on community development. It is important that neighborhoods be connected in such a manner that cars, bicycles, and pedestrians can pass with ease from Minutes Study Session 01-17-06 DRAFT Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DR.AF.r one neigliba•hood to an adjacent neighborhood via collectors and arterials. Such a pattern promotes a serise of community. All new developments should give special consideration to emergency access routes. As a reminder for the next comp plan deliberation, staff will bring the map with linked comments, and council will again discuss LUP 14.8 "There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. `rhe meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. ATTES`I°: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ti -Ift D it ite, Mayor Minutes Study Session 01-17-06 Page 3 of') Approved by Council: