2007, 04-10 Regular Meeting .ac:t:Nua SPOkANF VALL.F.Y CITY COUNCIi. RrGULAR NfE ETiNG Council Mceting #113 Tnesdsy, ,tpril 10, 2007 6:00 p.m. CTIY II:iI_I. AT RFDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Spraguc Avenue, First Floor Cuuncii Rcqarsts A11 Elrctrc►aic Uevices be't'uraetl OflDurina Cauncil Meetink CriLL TO ORDER: [lr'VUCA'I10N: Pastnr Stevc «`illcim~. \ccti i_ifc :Ii;embiv PlsEllGE OF ALI.F.CIANCF:: ROL[. CAI.i.: APPROVAL OF AGFNDA: 11'I'R()[)UC'C1CJti (?F Spk:CI_ai, GUF:ti'I'ti AtiQ PRFSE\"CATlOtiS: CQMM1ii'iTEE. BUARD. LIAISON SUMM;\I2Y REPQRTS: N1AYUR'S liF,PORT: !'r<,,-lu„;:;tir,rr ( i~~ll.ahi~sr./'rti~wrr„rr :lfc~u~lr P[tEiLiC C'ONnlrti'Tti: FNccPt hrrc indicatccl hrl+« fur ..public commrat" this is an ,,Etipmtuiiii~. fur the public to spi:ak on an), tapic. 14'hen you come to the pcxlium. plr:su state your name nnd sddres; tor tLe rocorc] und timii remarks to three minutes. 1. Pt.fKWC HEARINC: Prnpr,ud Amrncicd 13udkrt - Kc,n l hompson 2. CONSE'V'T ACENDr1: C onsists of itcnis considered routinc which un approveJ iu agmup. ,•1 Caunrilmcmbcr niay rcmuve nn item frvm the Conseilt Abenda to bc wnsidcred scparaccly. a. l:ailo-wing Claim Vuuchcrs: VOUCHL•R LIST DATE VUUCfil•R #s l"UT:1L YUUCI-It.lt ANUUNT ~ 03-23-07 11363-11416 $136,54535 . ! i,R11NDTOTAL - - 5136.b-1;.3; b. Pnymil fcn Pcrind F..nding Marrli 31. 2007: c. Apprtival of Student Advis<ary Council Amended E3yla«s cl. R.csulution 07-003 Setting Plnnning Cvmmission Public i iearing t0r ~rrrxt Vacatron snd r. ktinutes of hlnrch 24, 2007 Council Stcuiy Session Meetinl! t. tifinutcs ot hSnrch 27. 2007 Rcgular CouncilMeeting g. hlinntc; -,f :'tpnl .i. _'U!I? l'u1111cil StttciV SeSsi(qnk1eettns; NFw sus~iNFss 3. Sccond keadinb ['rupciieJ Urdinancc U7-004, f'urctiasing - Cnr}, Dris};c;ll ipublic commeati 4. ticeond Reading f'roposed Ordinance 07-()06, Puhlic Rzcc+rd Urdinance -Mike Connelly [puhlic comment] ' C1(SL IZCd.L11C iViIIUI.UI,~C Ui-t)1); Ali1C:[1diU8 _UU • 1jUtl~C1 -~1tt1 I Ilt!lllJ (pubtic cnmmentJ h. First Reading Prupwsad Ordinancc Aniending 07-008 Lago Provisions - Ctety Driskcll [public comwrnl] i. Pr.)r.),;cd Rcsolutian 07-004 Supporting Mcmorandum of Undcrsianclirig for Faundatiunnl Concopts ior ktanaged Pixn, Tatal Ntaximum Daily Load - C:ouncilmembcr Dcncnny [puhli. d,• n, r!, ~'al 8. Motion Consicferation: Snon• Plowing Level oF Strvice - Jahn 1 iohmunlNeil Ker,.' [pnblic rommentJ 1). tiiotion Consideration: .Authorizing Ncgotiation af Strect'Nnintenancc Contract - I iiuhlir commcn(i PL731_IC CUiNIAIEN"I'S L• Kci:pt Nvticre indicated abovc Cor "public cmmnie»t" thi; is nn c►pportunit} tbr the putalic to spc.tl+ on nny topie. Wlien you came tLi the pudium, pirase stnte your namc xnd nddress for thc rccor.) and li►riit :rmarks tt> thr« minulc". AD?1'[IYIS'1'ItA1IVE [tEI'OItTS: None ['VFOR,MATIONOVLti': n,lllnot.he,1t+, rrtis.,:lorr,,portedJ 10. E'ines N1runcfield anti ArP1ex~,a~ Yrajert titntu, RrPort EXFCIMVC. SESSIOV: l_unii A:.yui,,itiun .1DJC)IJRNMENT FtITI/RE SC'IIED U!. E Rrgulcrr Counci! Alertings arr genera!!;- IrdJ ?nd and I"* Taesdayx, beginning at 6: UO p.mi. ('nunril.srudy Ses:cinns rueghneraUy lreld 1". 3" urtJ S/h Tuesduy.r, bc~inning at 6:00 p.m. Otlrrr Tcnluii4•e airvmlng j1fr.etineyEreirt%: Wrdncsday, April 11, 2()l'17 . N+xon.%1ati--nr Willtiitc', titate nF thc C ih• Addrr;s: \1iraheau Ht,tcl ~t I~i~ fn:1s, 1uaL• p;~r.r.i;r: nttmtl the r.;cc;~u~ •.~ho :c.{airc sF±r=_~a: ~~.•~i~~t~r.:r t.~ a<cornrncnlu~c `'iti••ricul, h: iring. ,}r ~)t'i<r impaitmcnt% ~iri•c «,n;.xct tlic City C'le: k ui f SU!ai 92 I -f~ ~oU Lu- caon a5 pc?i~ehlt 1,3 tI13t li=gP(1S4lIlS R1RY f}C RWG. \Scrtln~ S CITY OF pokane' . . Valleym . Proclamutiori NA TIONAL C.IULD AB CIS.E .P.RE VENT. ION 1VIONTH City of Snnkriac Vtrlley, Washington WI-JF_.RFAS, approximately 3 million children are reported abused and neglected in this country each year and most physical abuse or neglect occair among children under the uge of iwa, dui-ing u critical period of brain development; and WNE'REA.S, Spvkane Valley is conceriied (iboul the iiimther vf child nbuse and neglect cases ftled each year crrtd evert ntore wltich ko u►anoticed or unlreuted; uncl WHEREAS, it is !he mvrul resportyibility af ull inclividuuls toprotecl the unalienable rigDtt to a sufe nttrtttring childhootl of each child they conte in contact ►vith and to report .su.spected act,r of abuse, neglect, and mallrealment to the appropriate authoritie.s; and ' WHEREAS, every chi1r1 is entitletl to he luvetl, ccired for, riurtured and sec7lrc and to be free , fi•om ver•hal abuse, ae.ruul ahuse, trntl plry.srcul abu.se and neglect; and ~ ~WHLXEAS, our community is stronger whe» all citizens becvme crware of child abuse and J neglect prevention und become involved in stipportingpurerits to raise their clzildren in a safe, rrurturing environment; and . WIIEREAS, Spokane Valley is celehruJing our childrert chaing the month of April with,the Caur Kids: Uur 13usirress initicltive. A11 our prganizutions and citizerts are encouraged to muke a commitment to ful.fill Spokrine's Frvmise to our yaurh'by tukirrg action toward one of the five gnals: Caring adaelt; Sufe places; Ilealthy sturt; tLlarketable skill tlrrough education; Opportunities tn give back NOW, THFRE.FORE, I, Dianu Wilhite, Mtryar of the Ciry of Spokane Valley, on behrllJ'vf the citizeris of Spokane Valley Councilmembers do hereby prvcl«im Ihe mvntti of Apri12007 a N:4 7'I pNA.C Ch. f I L.D A.B USE PRE YENTION MONTH' in the City ofSpukane Yalley, and irrvite all citizens to join in the vital task ofprotecting childhood rights and keepingyocith scrfe frnm harm therehy strengthening the communities in lvhich ive live. I, Diurra Wilhite, jVfayor of Ciry of Spokane Yadley, do hEreunto s t my htrnd and caaise th .~e jl o the Ciry of,Spokanc valley tv be affixed this/ 1iay of April in 2007 . F K.,A ti, ~ 1^ iy , Dianu YYilhite, Muyar ~ ' f. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ netiw business 0 public hearing ❑ information [I admin. report ❑pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing - Proposed Amendments to the 2007 Budget. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when the City expects to exceed appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: The City budget for 2007 was adopted in November of 2006. 7hese amendments were discussed at the April 3, 2007 council meeting and a Finance Committee meeting in late March. BACKGROUND: Budget adjustments are needed to: 1} transfer $1,746,000 to the Civic Facilities Reserve Fund; 2) transfer $161,000 to the Service Level Stabilization Fund to maintain operating service levels during reduced economic activity; 3) adjust revenue sources to anticipated levels; 4) update the budget for programs and projects carried over from prior years; 5) pay increased council salary/benefit costs; 6) pay copy/printing costs in excess of staffs prior estimates; 7) budget for toam center real estate consultants; 8) budget for Beverly Hills storm water project; 9) budget for development enginesring & surveying review; 10) the Appleway sVeet project (Tschirley to Hodges); and recognize the General Fund 15% reserve. A more detailed listing of the proposed budget amendments is attached as Exhibit A. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Hold Public Hearing as required by Statute BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of an amended 2007 budget ordinance at the April 24 council meeting will provide the authorization to move ahead with these programs. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Jason Faulkner, Accountant/Budget Analyst , AMENDMENTS TO 2007 BUDGET • Programs/projects carried over from 2006 • Trans. to Civic Facilities & Service Stabilization . : . • • Update Copy/printing costs • Council updated salaries/benefits • Recognize Gen. Fund operating resenie . • Town center consultant • Beverly hills storm water project • Development review - eng., & survey ~ 0 Appleway - Tschirley to Hodges ,'l City of Spokane Valley ' Exhibit A ~ - ' Amendments to 2007 Budget Apri I 2007 draft REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Expeanation 041 Unrestric#ed fund bal. $ 7,068,000 Carry over.rom 2006: 001 _032_000.532.20.41.65 $ 77,000 Pub.1^lksroadstds. JUB 139,000 - Inaease Qev, Fee estimate 74,000 2007 Devolopmon,eng rovicrn 65,000 2007 aevelopment survey review 35,000 Trans frm St 5md - SRTC 001.Q58.000.558.60.41.05 50,000 R.E_GonsuitanEs-.rnvncenter NCx EwJ»".iCrs: 1,746,000 Meet gosl for Cfvic Farllit3ss 001.090.000_597.19.D0.02 161,000 Moct goal Enr seeva.c Icwd siuCBizolian . Other. 00 10.00 31,000 Caunctlsolarie" 3,000 Counc(I eenefi#s • various gen iund copy/printing costs 35,000 Copy 8 pdnting cwi adjuatment Cash flo+v reserve 5,OD0,000 To meet 15% reserre goal 7otal Gen. Fund $ 7,242,00-0 $ 7,242,000 101 Street Fund Unresfricted fund bal. $ 238,000 Carry avar ira.-n 2006: 501.042.000.542.10.41.62 $ 44,000 TranspoAalion plrig, Century West $ 147,000 SErc-et master plan .lUs $ 38,000 raad stsndards JUS 901.042.000.542.10.41.05 $ 9,000. LoSanalysis DE1 Total Streei Fund $ 238,000 $ 238,000 303 Street Capital Projects SRTC S 277,000 'PIB & Developers 5 343,000 Pines/mansfield $ 620,000 Garry over2D06project REET2 S 243,000 Vera Terraoe (St2p) $ 133,000 Carty over 2006 project Veradale Heights (Sfep) S 110,000 Carry aver2006project 'i'otal Sireet Gapltal $ 863,000 $ 863,600 307 Capital Grant Projects Arterial St. $ 270,000 SR7C $ 1,730,000 Appleway - Tschirley to Hodges S 2,000,000 2007 prnase II prc4ect Total Capital Grant Fnd $ 2,000,000 $ 2,006,000 , Several ather 2006 projects wrried over but no adjustrnen4 neaded to 2007 budga: 442 Storm Water Fund Unrestricted fund bal. $ 340,000 402.402A00.597.00.55.03 s 340,000 Beverty hNls project ToEal Storm Water Fnd $ 340,000 S 340,000 GRAND TOTALS-a $ 10,683,000 $ 10,683,000 . I ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 04-10-07 City Manager Sign-off: item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. rzport ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: tlpproval of the 1'0llowing Vouchers: VOUCHER L1ST I.7 nTE VOUCI [ER #s TOTAI.. VOUCHF.R, A~ytOtNT 03-23-07 ~ 11363-11416 ~ . $136,645.35 ~ GRAND TOTAT S136,64535 ~ , RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Brad JohnsonlAmy Sienknecht ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists , l. . vChl;st VouChel';LiSt ' Page:'-< .ir 1 . , . . 03/2312007 1:51,:40PM . . . Spok;ne VaNey. Bank code : apbank . , Voucher ' Date Vendor. - Invoice • . PO # DescriptionlAccount • . Amount 11363' 3120/2007 000677 PLANNIPIG ASSOClATION, OF WASHINC 03082007 f'AW SPRING CONF. REGISTRATIC 250A0 , . : . • . • _ . . • , Total : 250.00 11384 3J2312007 001225 ACCOUN7EMPS, FILE 73484 18161246 TEMP. WORKER FOR FINANCE DE 162.54 18162819 , TEfYP. WORKER FOR FINANCE qE, 182.86 Total: - 345.40 11365 - 312312007 000150..ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY svc286690 . , REKEYING LOCKS IN WAREHOUSE 230.97 : . - . . , ' . ' 'Total : 230.97 11366 312312007 000234 ARLT, SHANE 03202007 TRAVEL REIMBURSE 1=0R ROAD B . 104.76 , . • Total: 104.76 11367 ' 3/23/2007 000212 ATfORNEY & NOTARY SUPPLY 03202007 • NOTARY LICENSE RENEWAL FOR _56.78 . ' , • . • - . . Total:. . 96.78 11368 3/23/2007 000030- AVISTA UTILf71ES 469086 AVISTA ROW PERMiT ftEFUND 105.00 ' , , . . Total: 105.00 11369 3/23/2007 a00173 BINGAMAN, GREG 03192007 QUARTERLY CELL PHONE ALLOVv 105.00 ' , . ' . . " . . _ - . Total : 105.00 11370 3J23J2007 000101 CDWG dsk6705 41561 MON170R FOR PLANNING DESK 263.25 . , . • Total : . . 263.25 11371 3123J2407 000571 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY 28027 . ELECTRONIC UPDATE ORDS. 07-01 182.78 ' , • - . • Total : 182.78 11372 3/2312007 000435. CORPORAl'~ EXPRESS 77542491 41569 CORP.ORAI`EEXPRESS . 127.87 . . , . . , _ . . . _ . • • . . . • Total : 127.87 11373 312312007 ;000284. CRUCIAL TECHNOLOGY INC. 241054437 41577 MEMEORY FOF2 CONST. INSP LAP16 108.59 . - . . . . . , . . . , . Total : 108.59 11374 3123/2007 0*01274 DAVIS, JEfVNIFER 03192007 REINiBURSEMENI' FOR WA STATE 364.00 . , . • , • . . Total : . 364.00 . . , ~ ' . , . , • ' vchlist ~ % - VOU~r~-.= LISt Pagc: ~ •2„ 031231200. 1:51:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor ' Invoice " PO # Description/Account Amount 11375 - 3/2312007 000060 DENENNY, RICWARD " 03192007 . ' QUARTERLY CELL PHbNE ALL'OW, , 105.00 " ' . ' - . . Total : 105.00 11376 3t23/20C7 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL 03192007 QUARTERLY CEL'L PHONE ALLOW, 105.00 • • . . ' - . , • : Tot31 : , 105.00 , 11377 312312007 040838 ENGiNEERING PROFESSIONAL PROGR, 03202007 41544 REGISTRATION FOR MENRYALLEI 385.00 ' = Total : 385.00 11378 3l2312007 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CENTER ' 41500225 STANDARD HOUSING INVOICE , 25,865.13 - • 41596233 ' 1=EBRUARY 2007 WORK CREW INV 786.65 . Total : 26,651.78 11379 3123/2007 001008 GOTHMAPIN, WILUAM H. . 03192007 QUARTERLY CELL PHONE AI.LOW, 105.00 Total: 105.00 11380 3123/2007 000007 GRAINGER 9316186809 41461 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 237.95 • ' • jota1 : 237.95 11381 312312007 000002 W& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1NC. 102712 PAPER FOR PLOTTER 62.14. Total : 62.14 11382 3/23/2007 000022 INLAIdD BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 54882 ID FOR P& R ADMIN. ASSISTANT 23.89 • Total: 23.89 1'1383 312312007 040117 JOURNAL NEWS PUeUSHING INC. 28771 ADVERTISING FOR PLANNING 110.60 , . 28775 _ ADVERTISING FOR C(7Y CLERK 25.00 28776 ' ADVERTISING FOR PLARINING 80.00 ' Total: 225.60 11384 3/2312007 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 6044637 41168 06-001 STREET*MASTER PLAN 27,988.42 ' . ' Total: 27,968.42 11385 3123l2007 000635 KUHTA, SCO'i"f , 03212007 ' TRAVEL REIMSURSEMENT FOR TS 174.43 • . ~ ' Total: 174.43 11366 312312007 000993 LES SCNWAB TIRE CENTER 275127 ' MAINTENACE ON 5-10 PICKUP; 32( 48.87 • • _ ' Total: 48.87 _ ' . . Page: 2 uhlist . VoUCher' Llst Page: 3 0312312007 1:51:40PM -~Spokane Valiey ' Bank code : apbank - - ' " Voucher, Date Vendor . ' ' • .Inv.oice . PO # ' DescriptionlAccount- • Amount 11387 3/2312007 004437 LIBERTY LAKE SPLASH 03202007 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 50.00' - • Total: 50.00 11388 312312007 001279. MCCONVILLE,-PATTI 03232007 DOL CONFERENCE REIMBURSEME 88.50 . . . . _ . , Total : 88.50 11389 3/23/2007 000069 .MERCIEf2, DAVID 03192007 ' AlJTO ALLOWANCE 400.00 . . - . . . . . 'r.~ • ~ • . . Total . 400:00 11390 3/23/2007 001278 MODERN HOMES CONSTRUCTI0N ' prjt. 07-004 41584 MIRABEAU SPRiNGS DECK PROJE 18,962.92 • • ' ' ' Total: 18,962.92 11391 312312007 004Q62 MUNSON, RICHARD 03192007 QUARTERLY CELL PHONE ALLOW, ' 105.00 . ~ ' - • • . Total : 105 00 11392 3f2312007 000662 NATIONAL BARRICADE & SIGN CO., OF 54404 41462 NATIONAL BARRICADE BIANKET F 34.75 ' 54405 41462 NATIONAL BARRICADE BLANKET F 54.30 . ' Total : 89.05 1111393 312312007 ' 001.035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 15140 " 'SYSTEMMAINTENANCE 780.00 ' - Total: 780.00 11394 3/23/2007 000193 ~NORTHWEST CMRISTIAN SCFi00L INC 03192007 APR1L 2007 RENT 27,182.58 . ' . . ' . Total : 27,182,58 •11395 312312007 001269 : NWSTRAFFIC ENGINEERING • 21998 41572 CONTRACT NO. 07-010 NWS TRAFI 2,112.27 . ' . , • 7`otal: 2,112.27 11396 3I2312007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. . 37816951a-001 41553 OFFICE SUPPLIES 291.80 • 378656932-001 41559 PALLET OF PAPER FOR GENERAL 1,229.88 ' • 378714858-001"' • 41560-• OFFICE DEPOT 112.32 379384386-001 41570 OFFICE SUPPLVES 97.45 . ' Total: 1,731.45 11397 3123/2007 001033 PFLIEGER, Ci-4ARLIE 03202047 TRAINING 7(2AVEL REIMBURSEPAE 174.29 , Total: 174.29 , • - - . • . 11398 3I23J2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330037189 NAME PLATE FOR DEVELOPMENT - 19.33 . . 3 VCflllSt VOUdncI' LISt P QB: 0312312007 1:51:40PM . . Spokane Vailey , . Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor , . . • . Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 11398 3123l2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. (Cantinued) - 1330037190 BUSINESS CARDS FOR DEVELONI 121.48 ' Total : 140.81 , 11399 3123/2007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 3008-0500014695 TEMP. WORKER FOR IT SUPPOR7 1,023.20 . Total : 1,023.20 11440 3/2312007 000358 REGOR, NINA 032020fl7 . NLC CONFERENCE REIMBURSEME81.07 Total : 81.07 11401 3l23l2007 000064 SCHIMMELS,.GARY 03192007 QUARTERLY CELL PHONE ALL'OW, 105.00 Total : 105.00 1.1442 312312007 000733 SOrIWARE HOUSE IPJTERNATIONAL 706CD 41552 . SYMAIJTEC.BACKUP IXEC SOFTIJI 434.22 ' . . Total: 434.22 11403 3/2312007 000779. SOUTMAF2D, BRAD 301307 . 41495 QUOTE NO. 0003.07 DEAD ANIMAL 680.00 ' ' ' - Total 680.00 11404 312312007 001174 SPACESAVER.NORTHWEST 502789 41523 CLASSIFICATION FOI.DERS 915.50 • . , • Total: 915.50 11405 3123l2007 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS 37739 41464 . QUOTE NO._0001.07-P07HOLE COL 703.73 • 37741 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COL 703.73 - 37743 41464 QUOTE NO. 41301.07 POTHOLE COl 703.73 - 37744 ' 41464, QUOTE NO: 0001.07•POTHOLE COl .703.73 • 37745 . 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOLE COl 703.73 37751 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOIE COL 703.73 . . . , • . - - . Total 4,222.38 11406 3f2312007, 000001 SPOKANE COUNN TREASURER.- . 40100010 SPOKANE COUMY UTILITIES O & I 118.84 Total: 118.84 11407 3/23/2007 000324 SPOKANE COUNTI' WATER DIST. #3 475-1495-00 SERVICE ADDRESS: 1548 S. WOO[ 6.75 . . " • . . Total•: 6.75 11408 3l23/2007 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 2128107 contract - TOURISM MARKETING CONTRACT 16,178.67 . . . . . ' ' ' Page: 4 v,r.hlist , VouCherlist , . Pagg: - S 0312312007 1:51:40PM • - - - •~`-Spokane Valley - • . , ' • eank*code apb8nk _ . , . . . . . . . . . = . . . . - . , • . , . Voucher Date Vendor. , - . Invoice. . . PO # Description/Account ' ~ . Ariiount 11408 3123/2007 000406 OOQ406 Si'OKANE REGIONAL CVB .(Continued) - ~ ' Total : -16,178.67 11409 3/2312007 000011 SPOKANE VALLEY CHAMBER, OF COMI 107088 • REGISTRATION FOR BILL GOTHMP 25.00 Total : 25.00 11410 ' 3/2312007 •000311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0602678198-7 , DATA CONNECTION CARD B{LLfNG 420.32 ' • Total: 420.32 11411 3/23/2007 000211 STATE TREASURER ' 03202007 NOTARY PUBLIC RENEWAL FOR C . 30.00 ~ . , Total: 30.00 11412 3f2312047 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUS' • 33277 ACTIVC'IY THROUGH 2/28/2007 242.00 • . . ' ' Total: 242.00 11413 . 3J2312007 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE 03192007 QUARTERLY CELL PHONE ALLOW, , 105.40 03222007 NLC D.C. TRIP REIMBURSEMENT _ 5U.67 Total : 155.67 ' 11414 . 312312007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0007-017753.01 SERVICE ADDRESS: UNKNOV'VN 19.69 0008-010790.01 . . ' SERVICE ADDRESS: 8T6-1 & SULLIV, . 52.71 • 0010-003488.01 SERVICE ADDRESS: UfVKNOWN 109.87. 0011-010826.01 ' SERVICEADDRESS: UNKNOWN 39.95 ' 0012-004137.02 SERVICE ADDRESS UNKNOWN 59.61 . • Total: 281.83 . , 11415 3l2312007 000061 W1LNITE, DtANA 03192007 QUARTERLY CELL PHONE ALLOW, 105.00 ' • • Total: 105.00 . . . . . . ' ' _ . • 11416 . 3/2312007 009074 ZEE MEDICAL -161220784 ' ;SAFE7,Y,eEQUIP,MENT FOR.,C,ENTEF. 832.32 161242045 . : EME~RGENCY GABINE1'S_FOR CITYf, 593:23 ' - . . .•t.-, . Total 1,425.55 54 Vouchcrs for bank code : apbank ' . . ' • Sanktotal : 136,645.35 54 Vouchers in this report - - , Total vouchcrs 136,645.35 • , , r ' ' . • S, ~0: . L ~ .rJ vchlist P~ 6 . .~~ley ~ - . . . 0312312007 : 4dPM - ~ . ;.Spokar~ . ~ , . . . . . Bank code : , apbank ~ ' . ' ' ' , ~ . . • ~ . ~ i. Voucher Date Vondor. . Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount• Amount ~ . . . . . ~ ' . ' . . • ' . . ' .r , , t' . • , . . , - , . • ' " ~ • - • l1E S ~OVL.dI': • . ~ . ' ~ • • ~ ~ ~v ~J~~_ nS-~^- . ~ ' ~ . , 'I, the undersigned, do ceitify under pEnalty of'perjury, "V ~ - °C ~ • ~ • • • ~ • : thst the•ma#edals,haVe been fi~mished; tFie'servioes . I~CiI T~.10[Y1p50A~ F111aIICC DIxCCfOX ~ DAtB • ~a~ ~ ~ .;R _ rendered, ~or the:labor per46Rned a's'descrfb'ed herein ~ • ' ~ . • - • ' • , , I y, • ' and thatttie c{@irr ls just, duo and an unpaid~oDlEgatian , . • ' • ~ , ' ~ . • . ~ ~ . ' ~ , egainat 4he.G'tty of Spokane Valley, and that• I am ' , • ~ ' . ~ ' • ~ ~ • . : , ~ • • authorized to~aythenttcate and certify to said clalm. - ~ . " ~ • w• • . M;iyur Wilhutc . • . ~ . . ' " • . , . ' ' Finance D9rector , Date , • • c!,%/~ . ~ J ~ • ~ ~ . - t;aunClmelnber ~ . Page: 6 ;~•trgr-•. ~4 • ' • • - ' - ` -;.a i ` • . " . _ . . . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY i, Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 04-10-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislafion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending March 31, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ; OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Grass: $ 163,108.91 8enefits: $ 84.051.33 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 247,160.24 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS , , ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 207 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: [9 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of Student Advisory Council Amended By laws GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 04-007, 04-018, Q4-026, 05-015 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Spokane Valley Resolution 04-407 created the Student Advisory Council for the City of Spokane Valley. Resolution 04-018 amended that resolution and included a section stating that °prior to implementation, all such rules and regulations, including any proposed by-laws, shall be approved by the Spokane Valley City Council." The proposed changes include adding the officer position of Treasurer, changing the SAC Meeting place from Council Chambers to CenterPlace, and adding the last approved date on _ the bylaws. This item was included as an information only item on the March 27, 2007 Council agenda; at which time Council concurred this should be placed on the next Council consent agenda. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the amendEd bylaws as stated abovo, and as drafted. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Councilmember DeVleming ATTACHMENTS: SAC Bylaws, red-line version : . llRAFT S I p6kane r , SPOKANE VALLEY . ,,;oOValley~ STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL BY-LAWS Intent The by-laws are the rules that govern the Student Advisory Council for the City of Spokane Valley. Scope The by-laws should direct all student council activity during meetings. , Definitions Council Student Advisory Council Term 1 year (September t'hru June) unless otherwise noted 10.00 MEETING SCHEDULE & LOCATION 10.10 Council meetings will start in September and end the following June. 10.20 Nleeiings will be held on the first and third Thursday unless otheNvise noted ~ 10.30 It is the infient that on the first meeting in June, the council will finalize its recommendation for the next slate of Student Advisory Council Members to the Spokane Valley City Council for approvaL 10.40 Council meetings will be held i,n t trm-H-Cllar~t-tbei°s at the Cent'erPlace event center unless otherwise noted. 10.50 Council Meetings will start at 6:30 and will adjourn no lat'er ihan 8:00 unless a motion and second to extend the meet'ing receives a majority vote. 20.00 AT7ENDANC E 20.10 Council members will at'tend all council meetings. 20.20 Absences (other than illness) must be approved by couhcil. 20.30 Two (2) Unexcused absences will be grounds for removal from council. SAC 13ylriws, T asC Annroved: 04-10-2007 1'age 1 oC4 nRAFT 30.00 EL1G161LlTY & MAKEUP ~ . - 30.10 Council wili consist of: (1) Representative from Valley Christian School. (2) Represenfiatives from East Valley High School. (2) Representatives from West Valley High School. (3) Representatives from Central Valley High School. (3) Representatives from University High School. (1) Student At Large. (1) Spokane Valley Mayor, or their designated representative. (1) Spokane Valley City Manager or their designated representative. (1) Representative of the business community. 30.11 All appointments to the council will be made by Mayor and confirmed by City Council 30.12 length of Terms 30.12.01 High School representatives will serve two (2) years, with an optional third year under listed circumstances: a. Representative is stiU attending High School. b. Council votes to keep member for the additional year. 30.12.02 The terms of the high school representatives will be staggerecl so that afi leasfi fiour (4) S.A.C. will be returning. 30.12.03 Student at Large will serve one (1) year. 30.12.04 Mayor (or representative), City Manager (or representative) and Business represenfiative v✓ill serve consecutive one year terms. 30.12.05 S.A.C. applications for high school representatives will be - advertised in April and recommendafiions from the S.A.C. will be made in June to the CiCy Council. 40.00 OFFICERS 40.01 The selection of officers will be performed during the first S.A.C. meeting in September. . 40.10 Officers will consist of (1) Council Chairperson SAC Bylaws, I.,asC Annroved: 04-10-2007 Page 2 of4 nRaFrr 40.10.01 Council Chairperson will be elected by a simpie vote of the S.A.C. and will serve a one year term. 40.10.02 Council Chairperson will be responsible for presiding over council meerings and seriing agendas. 40.10.03 Appoint chairman of all sub committees. 40.20 Officers will consist of (1) Council Vice Chairperson 40.20.01 Council Vice Chairperson will be elected by a simple vote of the S.A.C. and will serve a one year term (September thru June). 40.20.02 Council Vice Chairperson will assume the Chairmanship in the second year of their term (September thru June). 40.20.03 Preside over meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. 40.30 Officers will consist of (1) Council Historian 40.30.01 Council Historian will be elected by a simple vote of the = S.A.C. and will serve a one year term (September thru lune). 40.30.02 Council Historian will be responsible for the recording of all minutes taken during the S.A.C. meetings. 40.30.03 Preside over meetings in the absence of both Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. . 40.30.04 Responsible for advanced agenda scheduling. 40.40 Officers will consist of (1) Treasurer 40.40.01 Council Treasurer will be elected bv a simple vote of the SAC and will serve a one vear term (September thru June). 40.40.02 Council Treasurer will be resDonsible for retaining a ledver of the council financial reDort. 40.40.03 Preside over meetinjzs in the absence of the ChairDerson, Vice Chairperson and Historian. SAC Bylaws, T...ast Anproved: 04-10-2007 Pzge 3 or4 ' DRAFT . ; . 60.00 SUB COMMITTEES 60.20 Committees will be created, as necessary by the S.A.C. with a specific task. 60.22 Committees will dissoive once the specific task has been accomplished. 60.24 Commititees can consist of other citizens (fellow students, business people community members, and other citizens). 70.00 GENERAL 70.10 The S.A.C. is an advisory council to the City Council. 70.20 All recommendations to the City Council are suggestions only. 70.30 S.A.C. by-laws will be designed and written by S.A.C. and will require City Council approval to ratifiy. 70.40 All S.A.C. meefiings are public and open. . . , . ~ Sr1C Bylaws, Last ADUrOVed: 04-10-2007 Pa-e 4 of 4 CITY OF SPnKANF. VALLEI' ltequest tor Council Actiun Meetiag Date: Apri) 10, 2007 City hisinager Sign-off: Ilem: Check all tltAt apply: (Q coasent ❑ old business Z new business ❑ public hcaring, ❑ infarmetion ❑ admin. repart ❑ pending le6islutiun AGFhDA ITFM TITLF: Proposed Rosolution 07-003, settiap a date for A Public Hearing hefore the Ylanning Cammissioa - Street Vacaiion Request (STV-0 1-07) locuted south of Sprague Avenue and narth of 11° Avenue west of Yincs Road (SR-27) for the vacetion of a portion of an alky and concurrently dedicating right-o t=way f'Or thc purpx):e of realigning thc allev approximaiely ZG frct si±uth of thr cxistiug Iocttticm. BACKGROUND: I'he applicant's re;presentntive I)avid Pruin, Gramor Dcvclopment WA. LLC on bchalf of the awncrs Thomas Hamiltun and David Thompson raqucsts a vacation of a portion of an tiUcy (15 fret wide by 300 feet deep) and concurnently dc:cficating riglit-of-way for thc purpasc of rcaligning the nlley appro:cimste:ly 26 fect Soudi of ilte existing location. The alley is located south of Spraguc Avcnur, north of 1' Aveoae and west of Pines Road (SR-27) 6etween pfucels 45211.0101, 45211.0102. 45211.0103, 45211.0104, 45211.0105 (notth) and 452 t 1.0119, 45211.0120, 45211.0125 (south). Please reference map below. ! i ~ • . ~ ~ • L ~ ~ : . . _ ~ c , Robie Road • Yines Roaci `_T" ~ 1 ~ ? S (SR-27) . ; ' ~ i. - - - ~ ' - - , - ~ ~ • - ~ e. ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' , 1 I.I I ~11) ~ n,ts to bc v.catea ~ - ~ ~ rw=ls +buu;ng xow~~vwmea Moa prvposoa ornew idley ►acaon • . i i" Avenuc OI'TIONS: Set a date for u Aublic Hearing on the pmposcd strect v<<cation or take nc) ::ction. ~ RFCOM:4IElWEll MU1"ION: "More tv Approve Rrsnlruiot 07-003, .crltiaK May IU, 2007 as tlie dale jor a Pub1lc Hearrng to be hrld befnre the Planning Cummissian on !he prupo.rCd stitrt voralirin ujan a!lct, lvrmed sowh ojSprague Avenur nncl north of 1": f verlue »,e+t uj Piirpc Rnnd (.S'R-2 7). " S'!'AFH' C()NTAC7': Karen Kendall, :1,sitit.uit ('1i3rutcr 1're~.;ktzd .ni rlpril ~O~;i7 21 nR.AFr C'17'Y nF SPOKf1h'F. VAI.L-EY SPOKANE COLTiT'Y, WASNIIVGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-003 A ItESOT.UTIUN OF TfIE Cl'1'Y OF SPOKANE VALL,EY, SPOKANF. C4UN'C1 WASHINGTON, SE'CTINC T1iE PUALIC 1IEARING DATE AND M 'tE FOR Ti i PLANN[NG C0MM1tISSION T() CONSII)F.R STItEET V ACATION RF.QUF.ST STV-0 i 07 PllRSUANf TO RCW 35.79.010. VvHEREAS, the vpplicant's represrntative David Pruin, Gr.unur llevclopmcnt WA, LI..L on behalf of thc owners Thomas Hamitton nnd D3vid Thompson rrqursts a vacation of a portion of an a1lCy (15 feet wicic by 300 fect derp) and concumntiy dedicuting right-af-way for the purpase of realigning thc alEey approximutely 26 feet south at'the existing location. The alley is located south of Sprague Avenue, nocth of I" Avenuz and west of Aines Rund (SR-27) bcnvcen E'arcels 45211.0101, 4521I.0102, •t5' 1 I.0103, 45? 1 1.O10a, 45211.0105 (north) and J-5211.0119, 45211 Ai20. 45211.0125 (5outh), V1+11EREAS, RCV4' 35.79.010 specifies thnt thc legislativc nuthority shall estabtish bv resolution the time when a Street Vacalion applicntion shall bc considered by the legislative authority or a comn►ittee thereof and. "'l1ERr-AS, clte Spokanr VAllcy Municipal Code I0.05.220 cstnblishing regulations and I Inucedures for thr prcxessing oC vacatians of publir stree;ts (hereafter referred to ss "Sveet Vacc►tion"); and, \k'HEKEAS. Spokatir Vailc\ Nlunicipal C'odc 1U,03,3 10 specifies that thr Plani►inp- ('ommissit, .hall conduct the public hearing requirtiJ pwsuant tu RCW 35.79'1' 1~ ~ ' n;commendntion for a requested Street Vacation to the City Cuunc i NUW "I1EEREFORI:, bc it resolved by the City Council ki t i i,~ i. Crunty. Wrishington, as folluws: Srction 1. Establishment of Pubiic Hearina Date and Time for SN-0I-07, l-he reywrL puhlic hcaring for Street Vacatiun Request STV-01-07 shall be conducted hefnrc the Spokane Vallc, Planning Commission, May 14, 2007 bcginning at 6:00 p.m. in thc Cit}• Council Chambers at thc Ci; !(nll ef thc City of Spokane Vallev, 11707 r'ast Sprngue Avcnue. Suite 141, Spokanc VaIlcv, WaShingt~ 99206. tiection 2. Effective DAte. 1-his ltesolutiom hall in in fii[I loccc and cffcct upr,n tidciption. :Xdopted t.his lOth d:►y of April, 2007. A I"1 L51: Uiana Wilhitc, Mayor Christine Fiainbridge, City Clrrk Appruvcd as to form: c7fGcc tif thc ( itv :lttornev Rc,ulutiun \o 07-003 L;mhksltimrnt oi Fubiic 1laYnnti [?.stc wid l imc fnr 51 V-01-07 DRAI"I' ntiN`UTES C.l CY UF SPOKANE VALLEY C.C"CY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION . 1 «esday, s1'lst•ch 20, 2007 vlayor Wil.hite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meering. Present: Councilmembers: Slaff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy vlayor Nina L2egor, Deputy City iVlanager Dick llenenny, Cotuicilmember Marina Sul:up, Community Development Dir Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney IIil] Gothmann, Councilmernber Mike Jackson, Parks & RecreaCion llirec;tor ltich Munson, Councilinember Neil Kersten, Fublic Works Director Gary Schimmels, Couricilmember Ken Thompson, Finanee D'uector Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorncy Chris Berg, Code Cnmpliimce Officer Greg McCormick, Planning Maaager Carolbelle I3ranch, 1'ublic Information Ofticer Rick Vani eiivera, Police Chief Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Ctu•is Bainbridge, City Clcrk ~ Ma}°or \'Vilhite acknpwledged the pre,,sence of and wclcomed Spokane Poliee Chief Anne Kirkpatrick; and lhen asked for a feNv minutes of silence in reniembrance of Valley 'News f-Ierald reporter Charlie Plurnb. Emplo<<ec Cntroductions: Public Works lairector Kersten introducecl new employees Rod Pegram, Construction Inspector for De<<elopment, aud Hal 1Vest, Assist-int Engineer Stormwater. Planning Manager MeCormick t.hen introduced Assistant Planner Tavis Schmidt; followed by an introductinn of new CenterPlace Administrative Assistant Angie Narley by Ptirks antl -Recreation L7irector Jackson. Counci) dien welcomecl ancl gree[ed the new employees. 1. Paperless Aeenda.slNotebpok C'omnutcrs - Chris BerelChris BainbridLye City CIGrk I3ainbridge CXplained thzit almost since the City's Ueginning, staff has made approxi.rnalely 27 full council packets available for Councilmembers, staff, the press, and a paclcet for memUers of the public to vie4v al the rcceplion are<i; and she said that with the March 6 council packet, the full paekel will appe,ar on the City's website. Nis. Rainbrictge mentioiied that also during the first year years of this City's hislory, Council voiced the idea of eventtially having paperless agenclas; and she etplained some of the positive reasons to switch to paperless agendas, i.ncluding less staff time, saving on copier papcr, toner, and machine wear anc! tear; and less materials for councilmembers to carry back and forth to meetings. She also stated that Council previAUSly voiced a concern thal paperless agendas would mean giving up the ability to mAkc notes ori their paper copies. Nls. Bainbridge said with the use of a eomputer tablet, that problem is solved as it has the capability of allowing the uscr to highLighC areas and make notes right on the documents on the computer. She t:hen curned the pre_sentation over to Code Compliance Offcer Chris ]3erg, ancl I'C Specialist Greg Bingaman; to give Council a demonstration of tlie capabilities of the computer tablet. Code Cornpliance Ollicer ]3erg explained the computer tablet and of its ease to use, and he demonsrrated several options connected tivitb the Mierosoft SoRtivare 4vhich allotu5 the use:r io write on the actual document, make annotations, highlights, ecc., and that it also has the ability to erase those notes Meeting Minutes; 03-20-07 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Council: DRriFT and change the nota[ion. Nir. Bingaman mentioned diat this does not ta.ke a lot Qf extra preparalion to - have these document,s in this format; and he showed that users have the option of folding down the computer and using it as a tablet, or having the screen up and using it as a normal laptop, and using either the standard keyboarc3, rnouse, or stylus. In respOnse to council questions, iMr. Berg said this computer has ample memoiy to handle numerqus council packets, is faster than some laptops, arid that depending on the confguration, Mr. Bingama.n said stprage capacity is nol: an issue with these tablets; that it would Fianction as a standard laptop, with the addecl funetion of becoming a PC for handwriting an.notation and caption. Ms.l3ainbridge said t.htjt ehis would enlUle coiuicil Co ciow►11oad the fiill council paekct from t1te City's website onto sact► Councilmember*s computer tAUlet, and a.5 the c:ouncilrnember reads th.rough the material, they would be able to make notes and highlights, etc right on cach document; and councilmembers tivould have the option of keeping iheir noCes or deleting some_ or all; ancl t:hat the City Clerk's office would continue to i-etain a fiill £le hard copy of every counei] packet. Ms. Bainbriclge said not all dEuiils have been worked out:; buC she could either e-mail councilmembers that the council packet is now on the website, nr mail the council packet to eouncilmembers; or bnth; and that there are some techniques Ca reducc or compress photos, maps, and other large documents to have them includecl in the wehsite packet. AC present: on the website, Ms. Bainbridge said the Council packct is one document, thereby eliminating the need for counc'►I to clownlc~ad multiple dcreuments. Ivtr. Bingaman also mentioned that tonight's 47 pabe council packet was less than 400 k.; so PIaP has extreme Gapabilitie,S of making document.s portable 1nd small; a.nd the use of hyperlinks is also possible; and that tonight's presentaCion is tlle beginning of the exploration of what is available. Mr. 13ingaman also mentianetl thal Sprint and Verizon offer awireless cellular eonncetion, which at times surpass the DSL speeds; illat our Sprini averages about 1.1 mcgabytes, which is equivalenl Co T)Si.. service in the field; and anywhcre that there is Sprint phone service which has the upgraded service, high speecl connectivit_y would be available, and he mentioned that is available throughnut most of the counhy; and he acicled cbat he would be available to train CouncilmEmbers on this computer tablet; and would be available to answer Councilmernbers inciividual questions as they arise. . Ln responsc to. question, City Clerk Bainbridge said that although she mal:es approximately 28 council paclcets, that 'vOuld not mean having tn purchase 28 computer tablets; tliat she envisions purchasitig a computer tablet for each councilmernber; qne for the 1T speci<<list anc1 Ciry Clerk, one f''or L.egal and the City Nl,mager, 3nd that each staff inember cbulcl simply download and print their incliviclual council agenda itcm and bring that to the meeting, ratlier than the entire council packet. ~!ir. T3ingaman mentioned that I:he current model used i.n tonigllt's demonstrstion cost approximately $1700 each. vls. Baiiibridge reminded Counc.il ihat there would also be savings of'Nvear and tear on the copier machines, papcr, corier, notebooks, tabs, and staff tirne to prepare each packet; and khat an average packet takes abotrt four hours from start to finish; wfiereas placing the dqcuments on the website as shown tonight, takes about 10 I11111Ut0S. Deputy tiiayar Taylor said he feels this -,vrould be a practical and positive move and he supports the idea; and Cnuncilmember ~Vlunsou saic3 this rnakes good sense also &om an environrnental viewpoint. Couneilrrierribc.r DeVleming said he has a harder tirne justifying this purchase for Council's needs of a i~ew hours a day, versus wh.:►t the Cocle Compliance officers do all day long, every day; but he would like rnore infoi•maYion on cost comparitons. Mr. Ivlercier said ihat we should also focus nn the incremental cost di fference; and as the current laptops come to the end oF their li.fe cycle, there would be a i-eplacement cast of those; so we need to look at the margin behween that base replacement cost and the step up to the current technology. There was further discussion on some of the fncr point,s ofi this process, like changing wha1: was alreacly on t}ie website, or replEiGllla budgct pages, and staff said dhose refinemenls can be considered and worked out. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that tonight's presenttjtion is the First to gct Council's response on the issues, and that staff will acciunulate other corriparativc information and cost analysis for later council meetings. R4ceting A4inutrs: 03-20-07 Papc 2 of 7 .ApprUved by Gouncil: DItAFT 2. Countv's Hazard MitiLzation Plan - Nfarina Sukuo Community laevelopment Director Sukup introduced Darrell Ruby of the Division of Emergenc}° iVlanagement, eYpert on the N1ulti-Jurisdiction AII-Hararcl Mitigation Plan. Mr. Ruby saicl he is aware thaC v1s. Sukup went thrnugh the preseiitation previously and that she highli~hted action sGitements specifie to Spokane Vallcy, and he said he Nua.s open to questions; arid at last August's hriefing to Council, it was the Committee's goal at that time to have all the cities and lawns of Spokane County atlop[ the Plan, but due to some involvement they did not have with some smaller cities anci towris, they decided to go with just Spokane CoLmty, City of Spokane Valley, and the City of Spokane; and that they havE an adoptipn from the Count}', and he is currendy N+orking with the Cily of Spoknne and our city to get the resoluUOns aclopted. Ms. Sukup clari.fied that the check marks or1 her Nlarch 20, 2007 Request for Council Action (RCA) form were-indications that Chis is something we tu-e already doing arid which our regulations already promote. Councilmembcr Cothmaiin asked about Wr6 on page 3 0f the EZCA . [Require Ihat new developmenL' in wildland urban interface areas to provide aC ]east rivo means of ingresslegress.] and whetlier that would depencl upori the size of the devclopment; and Nlr. 12.uby said yes but thal t:hcy also tried to stay away frorTi mandating; but: t.hat the goal of this .Plan is to Nvork with planning departments and code ehfcrcement and urban development to meet the recommended mitigation efforts tlu-nughout this plan; adding that ehese are reconunendalions to help mitigate hazards the County faces. Ntr. Ruby said chis Pla.n is modeled after a FEVfA checklist, and adopting the Plan via resolution will make the City eligible for pre-disaste.r mitigation granls. Ms. Sulcup added tliat the resolution is scheduled for next week's council agenda. Maynr tiVilhitc said the figures on page 18 need to he updatecl; and Ms. Sukup said they have requestec! ttiose changes. 3. Simi Cade iJndate - vlarina Sukun Community Develapment Director Sukup wenl' through her I'owerYoin[ presentation on the sigum reguilalions, includirlg the backgound of f.'orrning the Ad Hoe Committee, die Committee's charge; and the Committee recammerutations. M5. Sul.-Lip also menlioued that the Yublic Hearuig on this issue before the Flanning Comrnission lias been cnntinuetl, so tonight's presentation is strictly information oFwhtit ttic committee recommend5; and 1:11AC CIISCUSSIOR of the issue will be delayed until Council obtains the f'lannin~ Commission recommended version of [t~is document. Ibiayor Wilhite called fnr a short recess at 725 p.m. iind reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. 4. Vacstion of Streets. I'avn•ient: of Value - viike ConneLl,,Miarina Sukuu CiCy rVlorney Connelly explainecl t.tiat questions have arisen eonccrninc, die options the City h.i-s when properties are to be vacated, and of options for eharging or not; 1nd that the City currently has no guidelines nr wricten critcria for detennining whetller to charge. After explaining the highlights of his iVTarch 15, 2007 "Street Vacation5" rnemorandum; Mr. Connelly said Council could explore tlie options conccrnitlg charging for vacaCecf property. Suggestions for criteria to use iricluded appraised value, Iand value of ac3jacent lots, assessor's value; size, type of zone, the $1300 adminisCrativc fee in addition to other criCeria, the $1300 adminislracive Ice only, die ]and by itself versus the land and its surroundings, ' only have A fee if dle land is over a ccrtain app►-aised value, sueh as anyt}iing over $10,000; the value of the land per squa_t-e fooC; whether the land is improved; some trigger over dhe administrative fee for cost recovery; or a percentage over the adminiscrative fee. There was some council consensus to look at the square fiootage of assessed value, and «<hcn t}iat is $1300 or less, then the administrative fee is awash; . an<t ataything over that xoulcl be 50% of cost. Attorney Con.nelly saicl he will draft a suggestecl policy ancl bring that back far furthcr council considerarion, anct Council aan tlien decide on the exact perce3itage. Mecting Minutes: 03-20-07 Page 3 of 7 Approved Uy Councik DRANT 5. Public Recorcls Ordinance - lbtike Connellv Afl:er Ciry Attorney Conneily e.xplained the issues to bc included in an ordinance; and said that the Statc , leoislature adoptecl the Model Public Records Ordinance a.nd that our ordinanee will be draftecl to be consistent with that model ordinance; and that the attacheci draft policy is for i.nformation purposes and would be aclopted adminiscratively. M:r. Coniieil_y also mencioned that he would schedule crainino for everyone concernina records management, including what types of reeords to keep anci what can be ' archived or discarded. Council concurrecl to bring this ordinance back for a firs[ reading. 6. PurchasinE 1'olicv Revisions - Carv Driskell Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained t:hat staff has undertaken a comprehensive review of the purchasing policies and currenl: eode provisions. He explained t.6at staff will first recommend sorne code chaiiges, followecl by a drafting and pre.,Sentation of a eomprehensive purchasing manual, which Council will later bc asked to adopt hy resolution; but toni ;ht's issue is eocje revision. Nir. llriskell said that he previously received Counc.il guidance Co remove the City ManaDer's contract dollar amount authority frorn resolution to the lviunicipal Code and that is included in thesc deaft provisions; but still to be decided is if Cauneil desires to chculge any of the levels nf ziuchority for the City Manager; that currently the Ciey V(anager has authority up to a total oF $200,000 for some contraet's, and $50,000 for others, including change orclers; and the proposed'ehange would be to brino the authority on all types of contracts, eacept for real estate and interlQCal agreements, l'o $200,000. Mr. 17riskc:ll said that amount is includecl in eode seccion 3.35. Council discussed this part of the proposal, with Councilmember Munson statino he has no problem witn the change; Councilmember lleneriny mentioned the public's perceptiQn of difference en projects, in that capiial projects seem to be already covered in the budget, but concerning gootts and services such as purchase of vehic;les, ie scerns different althnugh he realizes provisions for the purehases or contr►cts have been eovered, or would be eovered in the budget, that the Finance Comtnittee reviews the items, a»d he ~ would be agreeable with the $200,000 for all typss of e.ontracts. Councihnember Gothmann aQreed as did M3yor Wilhitc as the expenditure would be on budgeted ilems, which is also included in the mont:hly expenditures and whicF► have previously been reviewed by the Ninance Committce. Councilmember Scliimmcls said tliai he would be agreeable to keeping the amounts as they are now and rather t:han having the items eorne before council three t.imcs, to have jast one touch befo're council, as he would rather see the ikcm out in the npen rather i:han hid in the Consent Agenda. vlr. Nie•rcier rem'tndec) Council that all expenditure,s made are enumerated plainly and easy to rcld in the manthly submittttl of the claims voucher, and wlien items 3ppear in the Gonsent a-enda they are no less inforrnative then «fien brought forward in viother manner. It ivcis Counci1 coruerisus for .rYfi-. Driskell to proceed with changing the draft urdinarrce to hrirrg IJae uidT7orify of the Ciiy Alarrager la $200, 000 nn ull rypes of coruracts us mentioned ahove. Attorney Driskell explained that the second part of he codcJordinance deals witli contraees (arger than ge order level in iliose $200,000; amd the issue is, what shoul<1 be identified as the appropritit:e chano circumstances; with tlle eap again at $200,000 for most contracts; and he showed some e»mples as outlinect in his Request for Council Action form; and mentionecl that even with a$10,000,000 eontract, the cap would still be S200,000 regardle,ss of the percentage. Councilmember Denenny suggested going up to a$l.5 millinn dollar original conti-act widl 15% Change 3uthority. 'I`o further elarify, Public Works Uirec;tor Kersten explained that it is a cumulative amount; as an eximple, when CenterPlace wa,s cnnstructed, if there were ten change orders tliat cumulatively went co $50,000, then we carile back; but the issue lic deals with is with construclion projects of four to five million, which he explained, could easily have a several hundred thousand dollar change order in the feld where a dccision needs to be made on t.he spot; where the contraecor has to stop work a.nd wait for a eouneil decision; and that we need a , level thAt would typically take care of those issues; and thal perhaps we would need some itlinimum level cap; dhat the $200,000 works well for him and he feels t.hey would rarely have an individual item which -Iv9eerin- Minutcs: 03-20-07 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Council: T)RA_F.1' Nvould e.xceecl several huridred thousand 4n those projects. Councilmember Denenny agreed and said that ~ he feels siricr 15% is large, 20% would be too large; and 10% would be too smaU; hence his suggestion of 15%. Vlx. Kersten said an example of a sittiation which would need an immediate dccision to keep a project moving, Would be Appleway project where we Icnow there are some bad soils, but as we move into t}te project if we hit a spot that needs several feet more taken out in one spot and the work neects to proceed; the contractnrs ~veulcl stop Nvorking until a deeision is made on the change order; adding that thosc issucs surface occasionally; and that the one touch change order would work well versus going through the three touch process. Mr. Mercier said staff also mighC tjsk Council to tolerate occa,,Sional spe.cial c:cceptions; as tl7erc are cimes w}ien a clecision needs to be made to either proceed or cease ' constniction; with such etcsptions being allowed to eaceeci whalever is the typieal percentage and cap; and have the requirement that we report the use of that exceptinn within 48 hours to the City Council; with the gotil of not costinD t:rie city additional money in delays due to unforeseen circumstances. Councilmember Munson suggested having the finance committee a.s the entily to considcr sucll excepiioiial circumstane.es. Councilmember DeVleming voiced his concern in creating a siCUation for a future council and a fiiture stafF to have to get biick control if the trust level is not as higli as it is now; and he wot,lcl be agre.e.able wlith a"onc t.ouch" for council review. Councilmember Denenny added that another f'actor to consider is that $200,000 becQrnes less every year. vIayor Wilhite remarked that if any council Felt it was ac any tune wlcomfortable with the poliey, eoumc;il has the option to ehange policy. To recan, Ivfr. Mercier said that therc are three to four phase,s of consideration: what is the base authority for de_legated purchasing, which council concurs is $200,000; and moving into the ehitnge orclers, that 15% or $200;000, wliichever is less, is acceptable to the majority of council; we know that this is a policy matt:er wnieh would require Couneil vot:e on an ordinanee; ancl if Council evcr wants to c,hange policy, t:hey h~ive thzjC option; zjnct tL1aC lhere rr«y be vEry trouSUal eirCUmSt;-anCeS which require a ready responsc froiTi t}Ie City, and in those ca,ses, -%ve would inv4ke the services pf the tinance committee to hear that and then give some direction to nperating departments from there; and then report the matter to the entire CounciL In addition, iC change orclers were reyuired to come before the Couneil in eYCess oF that 15% or $200,000, we would operate pn dhe qne-touch rule f'or expediency purposes. Council coaczirred. M.r. Driskell explsiried ttie other poliey choice woulcl be a revisiori to section 3.40.050, which 'would remove the dollar amoumts in the code and put them in the man«al (For nnn-public works purchasi.ng) to be adopted by resolutioil. Cocmcil corrcurred. pn the third itern, Mr. Driskell cxplained that in arcF►itectural and engineering coneracts, I:he policy to consider is whether to chanae die requirenient from having to use the consultant mster and adve.rtise for esch architectural and engineering contract, to the bifurcated system ihat would allow flexibility for those contracts o:C $100,000 and below; that the current requirement is any time we need to use the consultant roster for architectural and engineering services; we advertise to inform companies they may apply to be incliided on the roster and when we hflve a specific project, we adveriise it and take the results from the iidvertising and £rom the roster to malce a determination on who is most qualified; and then attempt price negotiations. Rather then having to do the roster and the advertising each time, wc arc proposing we ehoose eicher or, which is accnrding to state law, but we Would bifurcate that; so for a coniract that is aneicipateci to be $100,000 or less, we woiild have the option of using the roster or the roster and advertisina; and for projects over the $100,000, «re would use both the roster and aclvertising. Council concurred. Mr. Driskell said that the last change to consider is for the small works roster; to change thc noti.f►cation process [o allow notifcaeion by e-mail; iu1d dlat instead of pulling diree names off on a rotating basis for . consideration; we would notiFy every business an the roster every time there is a project. ; Meeting Minutes: 03-20-07 • P,ge 5 of 7 Approvcxl by Council: nRAFT There was some discussion about adciing a second e-mail address; or having a process to verify that the e- mail was received; and M_-. KeiSten said staff is doing a tesiin;; process to eonFirm everyone's e-mail; and l that the law allows that we clo this without requiring receipt of e-mail, and that il could be a comples pracess to U-ack the receipt of 40 to 60 e-mails, ti1r. Connelly added that there is no guaranteed process for e-mail receipt as the recipient could always iurn off that funetion wil:hout the knowledge of staff. If tivns rrioved by Def~utii M. tryor Tuylor, secondetl artd urinnimoarsly agreed tn extend !he meetitrg tv 9:15 P-nt. Couneil concurred with t:he fourth change; and staff said an ordinanee showing [he changes will be brough[ back for council approval consideration. 7. Aclvance Afzenda Additions - Ivlavor Wilhite Deputy MAyor Taylor rncntioned the proposed closure of Pratt Elementary School, anct thi3t ailthough Council is not involved in that closure decision; lie woulcl li.ke to ask Dr. Benzel or anodier representative to come to the next meeting so Council can ask questions about issue. 1bTayor Wil.hite sttid Councilmember Gothmann Nvill be attending their public heariiig, ancl she has asked him tn speak- with the Superintendent nr the School Board members to voice our concerns, and see if there is any informat:ion - which could be sent to Couricil in that regard. Councilniember Gothmann said that Maynr 1Vilhite asked him to ask t.he School Board if someo►ie could corne beCore Council nest week to discuss this issue and share information. Mayor Wilhitc also rnent:ionecl that }3ruce lkawls would like to give a report on wastewater treatment and we are looking at May 1g` as a potential date; and Mr. iyiercier mentioned that the Cotr►missioners i.nlend to attend that rneeOng as well. Councilmember Denenny said that a memorandiun of understanding has . been signed, and he would like to ?et a resolut.ion from Chis Council in support of t}iat; and that Councilmember Taenenny coulcf give a presentation at the Anril 3 meetin;, lhen bring the resolution up for adoption consideration at the April 10 i:nseting. Mayor Wilhite also mentionccl thal the County Commissioners wpu1d likc t:o have a joint meeting to discuss contracts ancl oCher issues, and staff is workina on possible dates; and vlayor ~~Vifhite ~~ill discuss this „~ith Conunissioner Richard to get more details on the topics of ihe meeting. It vvas movccl by Deputy ll.9tryor Taylor arrd SBC017CIBLI, 1o extend tdre n:eeting to 9: j0. Vote hy Acclurnatio,a: Tn fcn-or: Alayor {~Y'illrite, Deparry Mtryor Ti;ijlor, and Councihnember:s ..Schiirumels, Gothrnann, M2177S0)7 ClIlCI DCPleIlfly. OfJf70.SC'CI: CUZq2CdI!)7eT)1b8Y DE VIBI71A1g_ AFJSIBTIIlUT2S: NOIIe. :lqotion passed. Councilmember IaeVlerni.rig asked about the side-walk issue, especially concerning ADA issues; and the Poncterosa pathway/sidewalk and «fio maintains it, as it is not on the upcoming agenda. Mr. Connelly said a council infqrrr►aLion mernorandtim was previously issued qn the mainlenance duties; and die ADA issues will be adclressecl Wichin the next few weel:s. Counci(member Denenny ►nentioned animal cantrnl, as there are several issues occurring in the region anct perllaps Council should re-address that issue. Mr. IVlercier said t}iat staf.f is collecting informatinn about definitions for in-service training and work force devc.lopmcnt; antl will bring that to council to detzrmine specific clefnitions; and he added that Commttnity Developrnent i3lock Grtint (G17BG) review is listed under "pcndinb i3sues" on the advaticc agenda, widi the idea of completing the Uniform L7evelop►nent Codc (UTaC) matters first. , Mceting Minutes: 03-20-07 PAge 6 nf 7 Approved by CounciL DRA.TT S. Couneil Check-in - Mavor Williite. iNo comments were offered. J 9. Citv Msnaeer Comments - Dave vlercier V1r. Viercier mentioned the release of the House capital budget and the fiinding of the Mirabeau Point Children's Universal Park in the amount of $800,000; and the Greenacres Neighborhond Park in the amount of $306,175; addin3 that the budget:ing is not yet final as it must go through the Senate's capital budget, then have the Governor's office approvaL Mr. Nlercier added thae he also received a Ietter from Debra Howarci, Assiscanl Supcri.ntendent Cor Operat:ions at the Fast Valley Sehool District, in which she indicated the interest of the School 17istrict in becoming the Lociil Recleveloprnenl Authority (T.RA) for purposes of going through the process witli the decommissioniug ot the VJa.lker Army Reserve Center; lhat tic spokc Nvith T)ebra sevcrsl weeks aggo; and he ha.s a call in to Amanda Leiker Fagon, and that he has asked for written clarification of whaC diseretion the CiCy has in allocating thai responsibility to an interest in the commutiity that is not city-sponsored; arid what obligations it any would attach to the City for the work of suell LRA; and once the answers are received, staff will ma1cE a presentalion to Council. There being no furi.her busincss, the ineetinD actjourned at 9:20 p.m. Diana \lrilhite, Mayor nTrEST: Chriscine E3ainhriclge, City Clerk Meetine Minutes; 03-24-07 PHge 7 of 7 Approved by Council: DRAF"1" ~~iINUTES . City of Spokaiie Valley City Couneil Special Meetinti Tuesday,March 27, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeling to order at 6:05 p.m., and welcomec3 everyone to the 111"' meeting. Atteirduitce: Ciry Staff.• Taiana Wilhite, Vtayor Nina Regor, Taeputy City Manager Dick.taenenny, Councilmembcr Cary Ui-iskell, Deputy City Attorney . Mike lleVlemino., Cotmcilmember Neil tCersten, Public Works Dircctor Steve Taylor, Deputy iMayor Sieve NVorley; SeniorEngineer IZich Munson, CoinlciLnember Rick VanLe;uven, ['olice Chief Gary Schimmels, Cauncilrriember Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Vltu-ina Sukup, CommuniCy 17evelopment Dir. Absent: Chris I3ainbridge, City Clerk i3ill Gothmann. Cquncilmemher L1N70CA 1 ION: PasCar Al Hulten from the Valley Assembly of God giive the invocati4n. . Yi,EDGE QF AT.,L,FG:I:ANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allebiiince. ItULL CALL: Cicy Clerlc Bainhridge called roll; all Couneilmembers were, present except Councilmember Gothmann, Il was moved $y Deputy Mayor 7'crylnr, ,recvncled a3id anianitrtously ubJreed to excuse Councilmenaber GoFhnnartrl fro,n raniglrr's rneetirrQ. AFPRpVAL OF AGGNDA: It was rrloved by Cotatcibr:entber Denerlny, secanded mzd unarrimously nQ eed to Upp,•ove 1lre ngefadu as presented. ENTRQDUCIYO~Y UF Sl'T'CT.AL GiT~STS A\°n FRFSEN7:a1'YUNS: (See Mayor's ?,epoit) COM11'LIT'TLL, I3QAR.1). C,YA[SON SiJ1VTVTAl2Y 1ZEPU12TS: Councilmembcr Schimmels: no report Councilmernber 17enennv: rner~iionect that the E•Tealth T3oard met on the 22"d and liad no specific issues, buC tiid a reiteraiion of t:he ad hoc coinmittee and the search i-br the potential new fldministrator and new health officer; dhat they will meet on the 29`h for a public question anc1 answer session; and that they will have someoiae fi-om the State t:le,alth Dish-ict to discuss the pros and cons of the different forins of organizacion. Detiutv Mavor Tavlor: reported that he attended. the National J cague of Cities Congress of Cities meetinb in Was}tington ll.C.; and t.hat he met widl the rncr,,,j, Environment and \'a[ural Resources .Commitiee, of which he is a member; and he i-epor[ed that he also attenclecl his second meetins of the County's Solid Waste tldvisor}+ CorrimiCCee, which group is goi.nb tlu-ough their draft- plan. Councilmember 1lleVleminQ: said he had rto reporl, but mentioned he had a wonderful time at the Mayor's ball lasC weekend. Deputy tilaynr °C'aylor coneurred and Mayor Wiltiite and 12ick Wilhite were given a round of applause to thank them For their hard work. Councilmember Munson: explained that he attended a Growth Management tlssociation Ad Hoc Committee mectinb yesterday where they cliscussed some of the cansequences about not getting work submitted in r.ime to gec this update completed; and he gave a brief report on funding issues concerning STA and Slt'CC; including a call for projects Por 5307 tunding, and that the STA will develop a new vlemorandum of Unclei~landing to rnore aceuiately state how those funds will bc handled; and that the Counei] IyTeeting: 03-27-07 Page 1 oC6 APProved by Council: :1712AFT - , issue will be furtlier discussed this summer and as it progresses, he will look for guidance from the ~ Council on preferred options. • _ i~7AYOR'S 1tEYO:ItT: Mayor Wilhite reported dhat she also atiended the Congress of Cities in Washington D.C. where she had the oppnrtunity to discuss issues widi federal legislators, such issues as funding for highways like the widenina of J90; and the problcros associated wit:h Community Development Bloek Grtnl funding. Mayor WVilhite also reported that she aitended the first board meeting yesterday Qf the newly nierged Spokane Region Chamtaer of Commerce and the rconornic Dcvelopment Commission; and said that group is wnrkinb to prioritize thei.r E17C concerns. IVta}'or Wilhice also toolc a few minules to recognize and congratulate the Greenacres Neighborhood on eeceiving one of three "Ouistanding Neiphborhood" awards for 2006 from the Neighborhood Alliance of Spokime; and said that tlhe awai-d was far the North Greenacres Neighborhood's i.nvolvcment and eollaboratic,n in develapment of Spokarie Valley's comprehensive plan, zoning ordinances and building practices. Mayor Wilhite invited iN!fary Pull3rd to eome I'orward Ce yccept the award; and she asketi that the City keep the award and hang it in an appeopriate place. PU- BLI'C C-UMiVIrNTS: Rov T3asler, 12904 r Ivtaxtivell: said Ihat he jusl found out abouY 200 bed drug rehab ward within a block oP h.is hause and that he is concerned about the type of people who will he houseci tFiere; and whether the, tacility will be a lock-clo'kvil faci]it:y; t.htic he is eoncerned with the safety of the neighborhood, and he witnts to know how it got approved without the neighbors knowing it; lhat he spoke wich eity Planner Karen Kcndall who s<iici nolifcation is mandated only within 400 feet; but it appears construction has . begun and tliat it is a"ctone. dcal." ~ .1oAnn 7inkL-,-af. 12912 E Vf.~xwell: explained that she too wants to know if this faeility will be 3 loek down facility; if it will be fenced; and if'people will be coming in on a daily basis; she said she also spoke with ICaren Kendall who saicl it: is not a clone deal; but they are working on it. She explained that she also talked to Central Valley School District who will see about movinj thei.r bus stops because of it; that she is concerned fbr the neighbcarhoods, and angered she wzis not told aboirt it; adding that she is sure property va.lues will 3o clown and she wants answers. Deputy Ma}ror Taylor explained that ihis facilil:y came through as an essential facility procedure through the Cnunty, aid that all jurisdictions are obligated under state lavv to be ahle to provide certain facilities. Deputy Ciry Manager Regor 11so exptainecl that wu will provicle more detailed responses to eitizens as we follow througll with the process; that it is a citing process at the County Icvcl; ancl our muaicipality cfiscusses conditions and dlat the issue is under the Hcaring Exarniner proeedure, which matter has not yet come up foe hearing. \!iayor Wilhite adclecl CFiat a hea.ring annowicement will be noste,cl at the eite once the hearing date is deteriliined, in addition t:o having it posted in the newapaper. Counc.ilmcmber vlunson mentioned that this i5sue has had Scveral arCiCleS in the Spokesma-ri 12eview, the VaUey\Tews Herald, and the Journal of k3usiness, and that there is only so much one can do to get the word out. Mayor Wilhite invited fiirther public comment. Marv Pollitrd. 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: said she has been follo«<ing this and has conccrns about iC; and she feels Nve cai1 do more to ensure thae the community is infonned, and we dori't havc to tal:e the minimum state law requirements; that slic lookecl on the zoning 1nd that this doesn't belont in a resider►tial plaee; that Nve need to decide where wc want khem and zone it appropriatel_y. Gouncil Mecting: 03-27-07 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: • DRAFI' . . Ed Weileu. 7216 r J Q`4 Avenue: said dlat lie put a suivey in the newspaper aboul puli:inb the issue on the ballot, of whether A.ppleway and Sprague should be onc way or not; that he received 20 responses (which he hand delivered to the Clerk); that most wanted us lo stop the studies and spend the moiiey on construction; ancl all those responded wanted to have the issue put on the ballot. Mayor Wilhite remarked that the study wasn't jusC abaut t.ransportatinn, but it included land use as well • and 31so whether to have a city center. Uick Behm, 3626 S t7idgeview Drive: said that hc noticed ihat Schafcr R.oacl will be closed rlpril3 an(f 4; so for nwo days everyoiie iri the Ponderosa will have to use 13owdish; that parents will be bringing their kicls to and from school; and he is concerned about the extra time (faur minutes extra in going around) that e►rergcncy response.units will utke; and that he thinks two days is too long. Councilmeinber DeVleming mentioned that diere «<ill be no schoQl traffic on those days as that is durinD Spring Bre1k. Marv 1'olla-d. 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: spoke of her concern wit}i construction and the ineonvenicnccs it hrings; thxl when conscruction was done in her neighborhood, there was a mass af dirt blocking her drive-,va}; that some.times when things go beyond the norm, you have to do something tn mitigate the issues; and she feels the City sbould have a policy to address this; that she also recognizes that the staff worl:s hard and there are not enough staff'to do what is needcd for a cil'y of this Si2e; a-ncl she saici the City needs ta ]iire a►lother full tirne planner. r-. Mayor Wilhile iuviCecl further public: com.ment; and no further conunents were offered. 1.1'CTBT.,TC lil± AlZ1NC: Prouosed A►nended 2007 Transnortation Imnrovement Proaram - Sceve Worlev Ma}!or Williife openetl the public hearing at 6:34 p.m. and invited Nir. 14'orley to explain the proposal. Fngineer Wqeley e,cplaincd khak this publie hearing is iin opporcunity For the public to comment on die praposal to amend the 2007 Transportation ImprOVemGnt Proarra-m (TLP); anc1 he expli►ined the rccomrncndecl projects as listecl iil llis Request fLir Cowicil Action (RCA) form. Fle also mentioned that a memorandum which was previously distritauted to Counci) hacl the Rroadxe-ay tAvenue 1'rojeet 190 ramps, but that project Should not have been included as that is not scheduled to start until next year. vlayor VVilhile invited public comment. Fd Weilep. 7216 E 10"' Avenue said that there is a fueling station on Valleyvay from the Park Road eas1, wid trueks are breaking up the road, and there is no curbing, and that he tltinks it should bc lookccl at. Mayor Wilhite informed ,Vlr. Weilep dlat that project is not on this list of proposals. vIayor Wilhite invited further public comtttents; no furttier publie commencs were nffered and Mayor Wilhice closecl the public hearing at 6:40 p.m. 2. CQNSTY.1' AGN;NI)A: Consists of items considered routine which are approved a,.s a group. A Councilmember may remove an item fi•om the Consent Agenda to be consiciered separalely. a. C'oIlowin? Clairn Vouc.hers: IVpIJCFl:13lt. [,IST DA7'E VOUCHER 4s ~ TOTAL, VOUCHER AsV10UNT ~ 03-02-07 11186-11233 $376,970.63 ~ 03-09-07 i 1234-11292 ' $1,590,006..86 ~ ~ 03-19-07 11299-11362 ~ $268,243.65 ~ ~ C,RAIN.D TOTAL. I $2,235,221.14 ~ b. Payroll for Perioc! Ending March 15; 2007: $175,923.21 c. Minutes of Fcbruary 27, 2007 Regular Council Meeting d. Nlinutes of March 6, 2007 [tegular Couricil Iviceting C4uncil Meeting: 03-27-07 Fage 3 of 6 Approved by Council: DRA1 T It wcrs tiioved by DepurylWuYor, ..Toylor, secondetl unt.l unarrinaously <.rpproved t.n approve the Con.sent , Agendu. ' ~\rEVV BUSiNESS 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-004 Amending 1'ttrchasins Code - Carv I7riskell After City Clerk Bainbridne read the ordinance title, ir was mvvecl by.DeputyMayor Tc;vlor und seconded, to advance ordiriarzce 07-004 to a secorrd reading at a subsequerat meeting. L7eputy City N1t[orney Tariskell cxplained that: this item is bcforc counc.il tonighi a.s a reflection of policy choice,s indicated previously; and in an attempt to clarify those issues in terms of what is the siwing dollar authnrity of the City Nianger; and Ottier ilian a few minor grarnmat:ical changes, thcre are no substantive changes from what council choices were indicated earlier. Mayor Wilhite invited public conmlent; no comments were ofifErect. COuncilmember UeVleming voieed liis concern abouC biving tiway it responsibility this Council has and mentioned that he still struggles wiih that, not with this council and this stafif, but futurc councils and fiiture adminish-ations; and lie does not want to create a t-urf battle in the fiitw-e; that he stiliggles widi the overall pMilosophy of the change. Counciknember Sehimmels said he would not lend suppnrt to this because ni the dollar i-igure; that he believes the Finance Committee is good, f)llt iIIIS SIIOUICI bC & Gnllt1Cll function and staff shpuld prescnt these mat:ter to the full couneil. DepuCy Maynr Taylor said that these issues were all discussed lasi week in depdi and his concerns have beeii taken care of by this proposed approacFr keepi.nn in mind Co~ancil annually approves a budget, the Finance Gonunittee is involved, and Council signs off oii the vouchers presentcd on the consent aDencla, he feels Chere is no lessening of , oversight, but is a matter of being able to administer these issues more efficiently. Yole by Acclanzrrtion: In 1;'mjor.- ?lfivor kYilhite, Deputy Maynr Tcnilpr, rntd Cr~zu7cilmenrbers Iaetrenny , und jVienson. Opposecl: Cotu7cibnembers Scliimmels atul DeVlemitrg. Abstentions: None. Motion _ curried. 4. rirst Rendiniz Pronosed prdinarice 07-005 kenumberinL TiCle 7.35 Molori-r.ed Transnortatinn llevises - Carv 17risk:ell .4fter City Clerk 13ainbridge read the ordi.nancc tit:le, i! +vus nrovecl by Deputv MtnlaY 7'uylor and se.conded, 1v suspei7tl the t•ules and approve Ordinarrce 07-005. Deputy City Attoi-iiey Driskell explained that this is a housekecping icem only; and chat the only change is renumberuig this item in the Municipal CQde from 7.35 to 9.20. Mayor Wilhite uivited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote hy Acclamu[ion: In T'crvor: uni::brirnouc. OppUSecl: Aroiie. .Abstentions: NvrrE. M. otion ctrrried. 5. Firsl.ReadinL Yrooosect Or<iinttnc:e 07-006 AmendinLy 1'ublic Record Ordinance - Mike Connellv After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it wus movecl by Depucy Ma}%or 1 rrylor cozdseconded, to trclvcmee orclinarrce 07-006 to a-secorul readirig on the April 10, 2007 Cozntcil ngetrda. Deputy City Attomey Driskell explained dhat this propose.d ordinancc is a resulC of the State legislature during the 2006 session adopting the model public records Ordinance farepared hy the Attorney General's Ofliee, and Chis ordiniulce Would make our regulations consistent with that model ordinance. Couneilrnember vlunson asl:ecl if ihere Nmere any Further changes as a result of fiu-ther legislative action; and vlr. Tariskell said he will chcck to makc sure we are noc adopting someching which would be immediately out dated. Niayor Wilhite invitccl public commenC. . Richarc[ Harmon. 1760 EMission: said he is at a loss here Uecause he daesn't have a copy of the ordinance and thercforc, can't inake any public comment without tmderstanding what it is we are doing; although he understands this deals widl public records, and he urges Council not to pass any ordinance . that would make it hard for peoplc to get public records they should have. Councilmember Munson explained that this makes getting nublic recorcJs getti.ng easier by Sftite Statute; and he added that the Council Meetin-; 03-27-07 Page 4 of 6 .Approved by Cauncil: ' DRA.FT informatioii is generally available co the public on our w•ebsite. Vote by ,4cclamation: In Favor: ) Unanimpus. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: None. Alotiari carried. 6. Yrooosed Rcsolution 07-002 Adontina- the Sookanc Countv All-Hazard Mitieation Plan - Marina Sukun ' It was nrovecl by Deputv Muyor Taylor and .secontled, !o adopt IZesolution 07-002. Community Taevelbpment Directnr Sukup slid this resoluCion would adopt the multi jurisdiction all-hazard plzin, developed by the L7ivision of rmergency Nlanagement, which plztn has a series qf action ilems which address threats or possible threaes of hazards; diat it is a eounty-wide effort; and will alloW us to apply for mitigation fundin5 from the i7ivision of Emergency Managerncnt, anc3 is approved by T'rViA. She also meotioned" that they will correc:l the infonnation concerning our city, including correcting the incorporation date. ylayor Wilhite invited publie c;omment. Dick IIchm. 3626 S Ridaeview Drivc: said this was a one and a half year endeavor, witll a inultitucle of agencies involvcd, including the Meatth L7epam»ent flnd othEr emergency services. Yute byAcclanmtion: In Favar; Zlitayiimous. 4pposed: tVane. Abstentions.• 1\rone. ll9otian carried. YUBL[C CON11kLENTS Mayor Wilhite invited general public comtnents. Steven Potlei. S 212 iVicl7onald: said he sent out an e-mail about the internet and about puttina a;enclas and minutes on the intern~C; and that many people scill have dial-up and that he recammendations splitting up some of the 1'Dr' docwnents to cnable more people to get those documents. Marv I'oilard. 17216 E- Balclwin Avenue: saici she heard from a friend in Colnrado where they are puti:ing al1 their forms on line 3s a further aiCl to the public. A_l)M1i\TISTRATIVT R:N,F'OFtl'S: 7. se-llEit)IDiSt6 1, n-'°*• rl^.iletttm-y-S ~r•ioUSlv 8. Sullivan ltoad Concrete Pruiect - Robcrt BleEen. W.tshineton State Department of Trausportatiun Robert Glegen of the Washington State 17ep1rtment of Transporl;atinn gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Sullivaii Road Concret:e 1'rnject, includina acneral inforniation, goals of the project, and detour plans. in other busincss. Councilmernber l7eVleming said reaarding the informstion only item of die Studeiit Advisoi-3r Couricil Bylaws; that the changes include adding a Treasurer, changing the mcct:'►ng plaee from Council Chsmbers to CenterPlace; and addina an approved clate. IL was Cotincil consensus to plaee that issue, an the nest Council Consent Agenda for approval c:onsideration. EXTC'U'O~VE" SESSION: Land A.cquisieion It wcrs moved by Deputy AWayor 7'erylor urrd seconded, to adjozu-n inlo Ea-ecuti>>e Session for u perivd of tipprpxiniately 15 ininnstes Ip cliscuss Ittnd acquisitioi7; thUi Council tiaould tnke u I5-»7inute bf•eak prior to beginrrang tFre F.axecartive ,SessioPi; and that (jter• the txecutive Sessiorr; they irray take action back in regu(ar ses.cion. A.C 7:35 p.m.; Council adjourned for a 15-minute brcak ancl lhen retreated into rxccut.ive Session. Mayor WilNiice declared Council out of Executive Session at 7:59 p.m. !t wa,s irioved by Cowicilmember Ueireniry urrd secorided, to aidhor•ize the City Manager or desigriee to conrplete ilegotiutions and si„orr all necessary tlocinnents to purclruse for park purposes, the property lucaled nt 1905 rVorth Lang koad, Spnkane Valfey, ivithiii tjze limit of the crpprursed value. Mayor Wilhite invited publie cornment; tifary I'ollard commented thac she is excited about the vision tn enhance the community by adciing the park. Vo te b;r Acclanrutron: bi Fmnr.• Unanimoacs. Opposed.- 1lrone. Abstentions: 1Vane. ~ tlrfotion carr•ied. Council ,~teeiing: 03-27-07 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT It was tlaPrr iraoved by Councilmenrher Uenettny arrd secondecl, tv uullwruE the Ciry 11lunager a• designee IO C07Y1p1L'IB PJG'gOl1C1110YJS C2JTCI Slgn all rrecesstrry documerrts to purcha.re far park purposes, flre property located u1 17721 T'ust 13oorle Averiue, Spokane Valley, wiilain the lirnit of Fjre appraised value. Mtiyor Wilhite invited public comment: Mary Pollard ext.endetl her Chanl:s. Vo1e by Acclainution: In Favor: Ununimous. Opposed: 1Vone. Abstentions: Afone. Motiorr carried. "1"here being no further business, if ivtrs moijed by DEputy lti9cryor Tuylvr, .seconded and unanirnnusly agreed to adjourrr. 1'he meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. al-,EsT: Diana VJilhite, Mayor Christine $ainbriclge, City Clerk Couneil Ivleecing: 03-27-07 Page 6 af6 Approved by Council: DRAF.T ~ ~iT.NUTF S J CiTY OF SYOK4NE VALLEY C:I'CY COUNCII., STiTi)Y SFSSCUi\' Tuesclay, April 3, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to tllc meeting. Pre.sent: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite; Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Stcve Taylor, Deputy Nlayor Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmemhcr Ken Thompson, rinance Taireetor . Bill Gothmtinn, Councilmember Riek VanLettven; 1'olice Chief Mike Jackson, Parks Recreation Director Absent: Carolbelle Branch, Public [nforniation Officcr Mikc DcVleming, Councilmember Greg J3ingamLui, IT Specialist Rich vlunson, Councilmember Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Gary Schimmels, Councilmember City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; al) Councilmembers ~vere present.except Councilmeinbers T)eVleming, vlunsou, antl Schimmels. It tiaas rrtoved hy Depzity Mayor Tciylor, secofrcled, and cnturrimously approved to eticccse Cotoacrlnrembers DeVlen7ing, JWunson arid Schinaniels frorn tonight's meetrrl,g. 1. Pronosal to Close Pratt Elementarv School - lar. T3rian Benzel. Suoerintendent Superi.ntendent Benzel prefaced his Powerpoint prescntation by explaining that school funding in this state is very complex, arid that schools in general have difficulty with unfunded mandates. Dr. Benzel stjid 111at dhere is a.tendency of the state legislal:ure io require expenditures of fundin2, yet prior laws don't address fUt1d1I1g associated with thnse requirel expenditures, that their awm situation is more cemplieated with enrollment decline whicti lae feels is mostly driven by changing birthrates in oue region, along wilh our region's chauiging housing habits. Dr. Bcnzel saicl they lost an estimated average of 225 students every year since 1998; and the projected decline for the 2007-2008 year of 350 seudents represents a 51.6 million revenue loss. Dr. Benzel also remarked thaC tllere zire ahways fixed operating eosts regardless of the number of stuclents or sCttce funding; such as custodial eosts, heating, lights, maintenance, and st1ff; tMat they can reduce teaching staff; but they are still loosing $1.6 million in revenue; and he mentioned that pattern ti3s been gding on f'or several years. We explainccl that they tried tn be creative in maintaining programs,- bu[ unfundEd programs and population decline rnakes Chat difficult; and the loss of st:uclEnis creates an over-abunda►1ce of squarE: Cootaoe lor the number of shidents. T.}r. Anclerson then went through the Powerpoint preseouilion; and mentioned dist the overhead cost: to run a school is approximately $400,000 to $500,000 annually; atad that the Board had the difficult decision of what to close, and/or what programs to eliminate. Mayor Wil}Iite commeijtecl that she realizes how ditticult this decision is, itnd Council appreciates hearing this baekn ound information. Councilmember Gpthmann also thanl:ed 17r Benzel snd Dr. Anderson for coming; and said that he realizes whatever decision thcy make will be an agonizing decisiori; ancl that he understands the issue of unfunded mandates; then mentioned the school closure report on page 1 l., concerning the da[a fnr ilie total • cost divided by total number of students to get totil cost per students; that he suggested tliat the numerator ,%vould be betler if they used standard costs rather t}ian actual costs; that if expensive teAChers and the principal number is larger; then the number of studcnts in the denominator would be less; and . r-~ Councilmember Gothmann suggested using a standard costs divided by capacity, which would givre a better control over all data. Dr. A.nclerson saicl he ran an analysis of average eosts and it all turned out the same. Mr. Gothrntinn also mentioned that sctiools can be placed in a residential area while offices Meeting Minutes: 04-03-07 Pagc I of 4 Appeoved by Council: DRAFT generally cannot; and his opinioil of placing an office use in the middle of a neigliborhoad is taking undue advantage of a privilege and he feels that is wrong; and he added that it is difficult in inclucte in the , accountinb data the cost assnciated Nvitih higher crime; And he suggested that the Police Ueparl:ment and Weed and Seed CnmmitCee might assist the schools in that regard; and also that perhaps West Valley Schonl Uislriet might be interested in conducting a school at Pratt. Tar. I3enzel responded that the process for legal botmdaries are };overncd by s separate set of laws, whiah are complicated and make it cumbersome to move the territory fi-om one school district to another; and the bonded indebtedness to clistricts also is a factor to consicler; tNiat this very rai•ely happens and when iC does, it usually is a rnulti- year process, which can't be esamined in the cime frame in which they need to make decisions. Council thanked 17r. 13enzel and Dr. Arxlerson for dheir time and informatinn. 2. I'resentatian and Uoclate on TTA - RoQer Johnson. lnternational Trade Alliance Executive Director ulayor \4'ilhice announced that Rqger Johnson was unable to attend tonight, so tihis item will bc rescheduled for a later date. 3. Undate on Snoknne Counh, Jail - Jerrv Bradv, 7ai1 Cnmmancler Jail Commander Jerry Britdy gave a report and history of tlle jail accommodation problem they face, and . said thcy had to retrofit the jail to accommodate more; that they still have Geiter feld, which is a couple oC barracks Nvhere they kecp about 500 official prisoners; that there are behveen I 100 and 1300 prisoners in a facility incltiding some federal prisaners; .md that: chey are• "Oulgrowinj t}le bnx." Mr. 13rady explained that the Sheriff's Ot~ice, Commissioner Richard, and others inel«ding an architect in Denver sp4ke with them at the \TIC (National Institute of Crime) as to whaC is rcquirecl to build a ncw jail, and whaC Yype of jail to builct. IVir. Rrady alsa mcntioned there are approximately 40,000-►- outstanding warrants. vtr. Brad}' S31Cj Lfl1f 1liOllt twO years agn to help a1levial:E some- crowding, they wenl w the Disti-ict Court and ialked to ttiem abou[ (loing a"catch and release" which is based qn the premise of tak.ina people Io jail but releasino them on the promise to appear at court. He said of course, one can imagine that not eveiyone complied. ivlr. Brady also mentioned that about 25% of lheir jail population is gang relatecf; th.it: Gsicer has about a 13% gano related population; 1lld $311g5 raise several issues including the need to keep the "red" and "blue" sepa-atec1. Mr. Rrady also mcntioned that thcy }iave the third largest mental institute in dle state; and half of the diird floor is allocated to those wieh serious mental issues; and that he fecls j3i) is the wrong place to hold people with those serious mental cliffic;ulties. T.n respon5e to Deputy Niayor Ta}°lor's question about help from state fiuiding, Mr. Brady menl:iancd there have no scate sssistance, ancl are bearing the fiill cost. In response to Counciliuember Denenny's nuestion about meciical cpsts, Mr. Bracty Saicl lhcy have coti[rac[ed with Premera Insurarice Comp3ny whicli has assisted in an approtimate 25-30% savings; but they are beginning to see long term problems associtjCecl wil,h meth, like t.lte need fUr dialysis which cost appmximatcly S30,000 per patient per mqnth; that tliere are also some in►iiates with cancer and those medicine are also expensive. Mr. 13rady said ehat l•hey are now workin- wiCh IaSHS tU aet: the paper work starced early to 11e1p those who will be leavi.ng tlie faciJiCy, btat who have no place Cn ?10 ; as .I)SHS beneFcs aenerally eake abouk 60 to 90 days to begin, so b_y stli-ting the process early, they have been able to help some people. Mr. Brady said that the Cammissioners askecl for a s[udy on jail popiilation and projec[ion, and the stucly revealcd t.hcre will bE a nee.d for an additional 65 beds annually fior the next ten years; adding kllat Geiger's contract expires in 2013, and General Reed told Mr. Brady they are not willinj to extend the Geioer lease at all; and Mr. Brady stated that it is oeiierally not practical to ask voters to build a facility [hat Nvc ktio~~~ %ve will outgrow in ten to fifteen ye.ars, and there is a need oow as they now have people sleeping on floors. Pepury Mayor Taylor said this is an issue to fiirther discuss wit:h the lebislator; and Mayor Wilhite added that the problem of how best t4 deal with those inmates with mentnl And medical problems also needs to be addressed. CoLulcil thanlced Mr. Brady for his report; and Deputy Mayor laylor said chae the issue of fiiture jail caUacity might be something to add to the upcotning joint CouneiUCounty Commissioner's meeCing this Jtule. -A4eeting Minittes: 04-03-07 Page 2 of 4 ' rlpproved by Council: nttAFr 4. 1'ronosed Amended 2007 BudQet - Ken Thomnson Finance Director Thompson explained ehat the budget generally gets amended hvice, usually once in tlie spring wid once 'tn the fall; aiid tonight those smendmcnts include programs/projects carried over from 2006, transfer to civic facilities, transfer [o serviee level sCabilicalion, eopy/printing costs, council updated salaries/benefits, town center consultant, Beverly .Hills stonnwatcr project, the general fund eperating resecve, and the increase in development review/engineering survey. Concerninj the $35,000 copyiitg cosl:s, Mr. Thompson explained thaC stafi' is trying to update those figures in order to give the best estimates for the upcoming 2008 buclnel; anil that lhey did buy some copy machines; that color copies cost more; and they try to convey to staff to keep those color copies to a minimum when possible. Uir. Thompson said the public hearing and :firsl reacting of the orclinance to amencl the bucfget is schedulecl tor next week's council meeting. Deputy evlayor Taytor remarked that there is the possibility of eliminating much of the c.opying cosLs by the usc of the tec.hnology antl paperless agcnda packets. 5. Arnendment fo AnitTial Control Qrdinance - CarvDriskell peputy City flttorney Driskell explained that staff brought forward some proposed changes regarding animal control; that there has been a change in state law which requires us to have a•different appu►l procedLu-e; and that it makes sense Por us and the County to amentl codes simiiltttneously; chat we have an interlocal aareement with SCRAPS f'or provision ofi anirnal control services; a»d that rather thaii adopt the County's code by reference, we are ineaporating those ternis in our own cocte; ancl thax the Cees have been remdvecl a.nd suifl is in the pracess of moving those fees info our mastcr fec schEdule. ,Attorney iariskell said he has been working with.County who is also updating their provisions; and that both entities want to make sure all changes v-e in harmony with eac:h other and not conflicl.ing. Mr. Driskell said he can discuss fees with SCIZAl'S if council has concerns about le<<el of fees, and fees such as licensing, housing, cte Nvill be included the f.'ec resolution, and }he will liave dhose ready for discussion next week. ~ 6. Revised LoLa Ordinance - Carv Driskell Deputy Attorney Driskell explained that staff freque.ntly reviews the Cit}''s Code, and in revietiving the Ingo provisions, they telt il would be best not ta include any speaiic business aukhorized to pmciuce lhe looo on clothing and other mcrchandisc; so t.herefore, that section will change to read "use of log4 by an entity approved by the City Manager for appuel purchased. ivlr. 17riskell said it was also broug t to his attc►itian dhat the Spokane Ai-ea Cconocnic Development Council's name is now Greater Spokane, Inc.; anc1 uncfer sect:ion Ta, they will change thaC f.irst sentenee so as not to conflict with oiher provisions which state that the mayor (or desigilee) in consultation with the City vlanager (or designee) shall decide whether the request shall be approved. lt was Cnuncil consensus tn bring this for a fist reading at the next ' coimcil meeting. 7. F'oundatinnal ConceoL,;. NianaLed lmolementation Plan. :17issolved Oxvgen T'Nif~L for the Snokane River - Councilmember Denennv • CouncilmemUer Denenny said that he hopes diis a closing chapter in the ongoing discussion of the Tota! Maximurn Daily L,oad (TNTiai.,) relatino io oiygen Icvcls in the River; and that over an eicgrliteen-rnonth period, he has represented Council in diseussions witt1 the 17epartment nf Ecology and otlier entities, such 3s Liberty L.al:e and Spokane Counry; «fiich entities have come to an agreement that would allow the continued operation of the Spokane County Nlant and the ability for the county and City of Spokane to build anather treafiient plant. Councilmember Denenny said that the group met March 7 and agreed to the Memorandum of Understanding (M0(J) regarding fotmdational concepts, m3naged implementatiqn plan, imd dissolved o.xygen TMIDL For the Spokane River. After reviewing several of the accompanying documenfs in Council's paeket, including the task and purpose of the Oversi?ht Cnmmitcee, ~ Councilmember Denenny said he hapes to have a resolution come fonward soon for Council approva) consideration, to voice this Council's support of the NiOU mentioned above. Deputy Mayor 7'ayla• said he will supporC the resolution, but uncler duress, becailse there was na real alternatives anci he fears this N-tcc4ing Minutcs: 04-03-07 Page 3 of 4 ApprUvcxl by Cuuncil: ' DRA-F7' rebion wiil have to be supporting a program that has very rninor benefits, but he reconnizes the need to have this investrnent in order to assure our water quality. 8. Advance Aizencla Additinns - Mavor 4Vilhite Mayor Wilhite mentioned that staff is working to schedule wfien the Planning Commission will be ready to pass the LTUC (Uniforni laevelopment Code) Chapters to Council; and she menlioncd the vlay i meetina with presentation by Bruce Rawls wnceniing die wastewater treacmcni issue. lleputy Mayor Taylor said he would like to have a law enforcement update from the new policc chief ancl Counc;ilrnember Gof.hmann asked about including an expectation that the police clepartment will analy7x thc: crime in our area and make rec•QCiunendations regarding a plan to servic:e our Area; and that there are expectatiqns of Council f'Qr a recornmendation far future policing in ihe Valley, and suggests perhaps a strateaic plan for the City. Mayor Wilhite also reminded Councilmembers to let us know of upcoming vacation plans sQ we ci3n plati agendas tiGCOrdinply. Councilmember Dcnenny asked about having a cnnversation concerning p3nhandlers; that he is a%vare of other jurisdictions that ]tave placed sitns up mentioning the al[ernative to dqnate to cE:rl:ain charities instead of givin5 mone_y directl}' to the panhandler. Mr. Driskcll said they e~xamined the panhandling issue earlier c4ncernin„ impact on traff'ic, arul that he can go back and Iook at khat research to see if they can upclate the information, and if there are any new fetleral or state clecisiqns which wotald impact fh.is City. Deputy Mayor Taylor saitl that panhandling at die 190 interchange ~iC 5 p.m. has a detrimental affect nn traf-fic safety as ~~~ell. 9. Infortnation Onlv: 44"' Avenue Pa[hwav Froiect This was for information only anci was not discussecl. 10. Council Check in - Mavor Wilhite See cornments inclucled under Adwince r'lgenda Additions. 11. Cih'vlanap-erComments -NinaReg-nr Ms. Regor had no comrncnts. Therc being no further business, the mee:ting adjourned a[ 7:46 p.m. Divna Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Chrisline 13ainbridge, City Clerk tifer-ting Ntiituces: 04-03•07 Page 4 of'4 Approvcd by C'ouncil: CITY OF SPOK.ANE VALLEY Request for Council Action `7eeting Date: Elpril 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-uff: ltenr. Check all that apply: ~ consent 0 old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ inFormation ❑ admin. report ❑ pen(ling legislation AC.:rYDA TTF.N'I 7TT.'T.,E: Seconcl Tteading l'roposed Urdinance 07-004 Amcncling I'urchasinp Code GOVERiNLVG LEC:ISLATIQN: SVMC 335, 3.40, 3.45, 3.50, RCW Titlc 39 PREVIQUS COiJ~`Ci.T.. ACTiON TAIMN: Study session February 6, 2007; sl'udy session A9air.h 20, 2007; first reading March 27, 2007. i3ACKGROTJND: As the CoLmcil is aware, staff has been reviewing the City purchasing provisions in the City Code to makc several correctinns, and to make thern casicr to use for staff in the day-to-day operation of Che City. "1"hese code revisions will then be Followed up through the creation and adoption of a comprehensive purchasing policy manual on how to implemcnt the code provisions. Additionally, there were iwmerous chsnge•s to definitions thac cliirify duties and oUligations for the City and those with whom ~ the Cily contracts. . `~---J 'L'he di-aft is unchanged fronl first reading. Pleasc note a provision ehat would be removect from cxistuig Code under this Ordinance that has been there tYAi11 the beginnino of t:he discussions with Council, but Nvhich has not been discussed. 3.4030 eurrent.ly states that preference will be aiven to local vendors when reasonable. This provision is unnecessary because state law provides for the only instances where local preference is allowed. An exarnplc Wrould be where application of our state sales ttLx resulted in a savinas over what would bc aehieved Lulder application of.' the sales tax rate of a vendor firom a sttile having a higher si11tS Li1X. Ill short, this neecl not be in our Code. OPTTQiNS: l)irect staff to mal:e ehanges to the proposed code amenclments; or adopt as drafted. . Tt:E(.Ui&IMENDED AGTTO\T OTZ MUTIO\`: I move that we adopt Ordinance 07-004 as drafted. BUDCET/F7NANCTAL r1VlYACTS: NA 'STAFI+ CCJNTA_CT: Cw-y L7riskell, Deput}' City Attomey ATTACHIVIL+"N'CS: Proposecl Ortlinance 07-004 i , ~ ; 1)RAFi' CITY OF SPOKANF VALLEI' SPOKAI'E COiTNTY WASHTNGTON ORnuvA.NcE NO. 07-004 :A:'V ORDINANCE OF THE C17Y OF SPUK.INE VAt.I.E1'. WASHl:VG'CUti, AMF.iYDING C:FRTAIN REGULATIOtiS PFRTAiNI1G TU PURCNASII\G FOR TTIF. CITI' OF SPOKANE VAI.I.FY PUR.SUA,V1' TU SPOlCANE VALI_EY :N[JN1C(PAL CODE CHAPTERS 335, 3.40, 3.45. AND 3.50, A_tiD PRnVIDIN[: I;()R O"C!!E!t !4[ATTF.R.S PRQPFRLY ItELATEU THF.RF.TO. ~ Wf Ii:REAS, ltCW I itlc 31) authorizes ;t city to ndopt pt~licics anJ pn}ccdures Ns-ithin it; .jurisdiction for c;ontmcting and purchasing; and WHEIt1:AS, the City of Spokane Valley prviotysly r:doptcd C'ude pruvisians tu pruvitlc tior contracting and purzhnsing on behalf of the City; and WHWRrAS, the City hgs detcrmincd that it is ap(iroprsatc and ncu:s,,ur} trom timc to timc til ~es itt statt law, and to attempt toincrc:ise etficicncy: revie« aneJ revi,c: Cu.1r provi;ious to re(let;t chant and WIII;Rt~.AS, it will turlhrr thc ('ity's healtii. ;afet}' and .~clfsrr tu inukc rc,.i5ions thc ('ity',; contracting and pun:hasing Caic pnvisiOns \O11V 'I'I1LREfC)RF, thc ('it. C'ouncil uf tllc C'ity k,1 Spukanc Vallc:y. Wa;li:ngtoii, urdaiiis as tiollows: Sectioo 1. Inie ' nt. l he City ot'5pokune V:tlley declares lhat thc intrnt oi thi; Urdinaiice is tu airicnd Spukane VaIlcy Municipa) Codc Chapters 3.35, 3.40, 3.45, and 3.50 to camply with siate law. tiection 2. SV14C 3.35 tu lxx ameitidcd. Speikritic Valley MunicipaI Codc ( liiptr.r 3.35 shall hc amendcd as fnllrnw.: - Secdons: 35.[105 i~. :1:t,, 11; ? ~~.U10 Contract . . • . _ , _ ~ :.~~~ttftii►~-E~-~t~l~es: ~t~e~i-'~~- _ - , ' • a_ . _ . . _ - 3.35.050 Rulcs an<I puli4y. i_ h;inQe ordcrs and nu_e _~Js lor additicinal N<Kk" nicans a rrqucst fot eddition4l % tErre are chan~sed canditions, a t~quiremrrrt th~t e-Ytra «'orlc or se vicr .rmed. ~uch otltec eirzum~Wnces that necessitate a modifcation to the contrACt. The scoF.e Qf the _,rcx;urcmertt or scrvice mny he modifird to ~cc the best iutcrcst at the i•. Extra Nkori: m:,_ ' „ t , .jL- , _ ,-,n!i,lt -,•;rrc_ ;r~ ±I1,1I i~ ~.i1 ....1 i: ;1"`:, . ( )rllifi3I1CC o7-011-1 Ali,tndinj; Purc1;:5c l'odr I'a;.r Iol 12 uRAYr ~ 3.35.010 Contract.% r; ~ r-~ t , ,t•, ~ . . - _.._:i ,4 ~_Y r, A?. - cf-^ 4-tite%?li4e-eaRtFae:6 ~r - rIdls.elutier+A._The citN mnn cr is authnrized to entrr intu CantracM cantract mndifications co, : iianee or&rs Hithout Citv_ Counci) sppravai whcn thr aQirresr,atc nmo~nt of the contrar~ _tiIlirLi. l , tli . . oritv shsil reguire pri( - On contracfs for %N !f£Pr ShAIJ ~iQ%`C aLihOfli. C\C~U[C 311'.' 3;i1cItdI11CiiiN uT LIlaii►;C ~~Cut('i «flll}I. ~.i:iCSdICI~~ $iL 1}1::.'1 t'11:c'.1 !~_?~_CIl'. ,~t-•~'i` •.'ll'~1"!~ ~~"~r~l~ lllli~il'1~. ~`1"!r A hichever i5 Ic-, - L). Thc Fiii. nOliCG tFldt ii[C !(1 C1%xti5 GI tLIC dfitQLliC3 JUllliifiLCJ I11 ;uax"tion 'A iiere surh a:hanU onder is ncce~san• to at•uid n subsinrtial risk o('hann to the City. In -,i=- cnt, the Cih• Nianagcr shull PJqNid:•_;rr,r~-~rt'iatr iiifomi:ititrn tr, t}?t Civ. ~ (,~~uncil_at_itt i~~. °lar mreting settinq fortt~ the facr,_ - - - - z.- _ Areb +tn!-ettg+aee+i+~~ ~ ~ : h , ~F*4:"-~-- •_~'F-i':}?t; ri(+d Eftl~ff3t'i'rt=..: lkh.ii (a; etmer$kSt'fN3LC:;-i'lt'-c'lii- iiiitfiii-Cf-il?ifiN~if~ ~~-t • ' ..1 tt -::••--rriiT. i~ri1~E i ~ . ~,~,~~~~~$~~~ti-`, f=er--c-i-qu►siiielte1-5upplie~j 9~ials,•g•- '~-~-.~c~tt;i -ezii, . _ _ c:'tdi i'@dum-iafex{7qf{{()f{.{(:7^}he £aij}pel"tll%t 6;.!_!:,>.s~:~~T.-,., _~i}}r~F}fEsc~ if+Cf-+."£i 335.050 ltules aad policy. I'he city mxnager may develup cules, puliciCy, and procedures to imp!cm4nt Ihis cIiuptcr. ~ :-{-A --j1tK. ,i;::'!--_6z--it4"! w::111 41r-~-;~,-:k~'. SeclIon 3. SVMC 3-411 tu l?c amCnkIe:cl. ~p+,k':Ifle Lal!c} Municipal t_'okIe t'li:ij,ter ~.-lU -~hall ~tti•,: hc .unmiricd li-ti 1;011 Sectious: 1.40.010 Delitiiticiiis. iA0.0 0 AdmtniSUation 3.40.03U l.cx:til vendurti. ~ 3.40.040 Competitivc hit?tfinL ; ;..;p 040 {Ac1n1,t4)n.-~ ti, Cunip'-l!tI~e i,i~lciinL ()a'JiudniO (I,' 004 ;11ili:llLilllky I'urchase Co,c 1' 1 , uKArT ? 4 11.0~i► Prr,itibiteci practices. ,.40.97 Uispositian ofpuhlir pn,pem•. 3.40.010 Definitions. l!nless the contexi ttiquires othenvise, the terms used in this chapter shall have the follawing mr<in ings: "Adequate appropriation balance" menns huduetcd fvncis ar,Lstill a%ailable in thc !'und -:~i_ Li a-+. tle-r4+~-~. _ •.'s:~'r i:Tc~r'liaccv: + ~ "liid" mc.ans an offec submittcd by a bidder tu furnish cn iccs. faiitm supplics, mxtcrials, gLx-As, equipmcnt and other propetty in conformity with thc specificatiuns, dclivery tenns and conditions, aod othec requircmenis included in the invilation for bids or othenvise required by thc l,ity. _i3iil ExinJ" mrans a txmd or nther ap propriatc securit% as a.nru% ed in ad~ancc ht thc Cit~~. "Bidder" mrans a firm or individual who regulurly maintnins a place of business, transacts businc9s, solicits business or mHintains an inventocy uf inen;handi:sc foc sale in, and is registcmd ~ or licensed by, the Ciry+P€-5+pt~k&tr-L'aVty. "Bidding" means tho proccdum usod tu solicit quotntiuns on price and delivery fmm prospective supptiets of contrartual Ser~'rces. tnaterials, goods, equipmcnt, and othcx City prapcrty. hich ~s~~ hr through eitlirr a f-L,rmal or_ ;rifoiRiill ct'T7ipc14i1% 1' hid Fr~x:t•±. "Capital equipment" means any equipment ofthe City having an initinl vatue of S5000.00 or more and an cstimated usc:ful liCe uf threc or morr %ears_ ~ •,,•._i: . l. -t 'Citti pmt7crt% ';nc~=n> an-% itcm iri 2al or j}cr,~~na1vrn~rtN ~~%tintd L~• ihe ~~it"_ "Cutwaciual scrviu,~s" mcans professional and gcneral scrvice contrncts tn accomplisfi a I p+►rtic:ular pi-oject or servicc. . , Turchase" mrans the acgpisition of supplies, mste~i4lsigoods or cauipment.an~ ~ ~z rtv. "Purchnse order" means a document used to auihurizc the encumbcnnce of City funds toward ~ ehc purchese of supplies, mnteeials, go:,<I., cquipnient and other prupcrty. °Purchasing agent" means the Finance diroctor or de>i~Ee who Aill vurchase ,upplic.ti, -..:ttriali, a~.~odS. eguir.mrnt and c•thrr_prti~crt-s on bchalFafthc Cit%eny Q "Reyuisition" means tt standnrd form providing detaited information as to yuantity, clescription, estimated price, passibte vendors, ftmd nccount, signasure and othrr intormation ~ nececsary to tt►ukc purchasing dccisiom. Orclinajicc 07-004 ,1~nL;jLiirt,;' i'urr.hasc Codc P:{~~ ; nt 1? !)It.1F i .,Ilcspunsi blc U►dder" R1C:f115 u bidticr t~ho ha; pr>>tcn hy utpcrirn4e c,r mtr>rmatiw, ~ tu the satisfactiun of Qte: city maiiager tliat current financiul resuunc:,s, praducuO:: or SCfY1CC f8C1I1L1CS, service repuiation and experience ;tr,' ;l+lCC!ll:i;c 4o ttt:1)~ r 3tI;f1CTt?ft' ()c1lt'ct". uf'supplies of acrcptahlr c~t~alitv. e~~ti+nmenl. t,r ' .ittemptc:d to vic, 3.40.020Admiiu t;.::;-,, Undcr directil.ll ~_il lflC I lil.illk~l: JtlC-lvl, iliC Pllltii:Llll` l.:I+tCLJii[;: i1111i bc 1Ufiiiiil',M,.d ! ac.~~r~:~nce itt~ thi, chxi~t~ r ancl ~~ther aprlic:~hle la+cti Tfi~ finanre dircrctor or deci~.mec(s) ~1 : c,tablishcd ur autliurii-c:d b} appli,~sble urdici,11iLcS and tiiAlu[c;y. 13. Coordinatc the ncgotiatiun, pwti:hasc: and dispusition of all City supplics. matrrial'; 1!;, I «luipmcnt in consultation with City staff. C. Seek to obtain eompctiticm by bidding or negotiation vn all City purcha,, D. Prescribe and maintain such administrative policies, procedures nnd fon - reasonably necessary tn implcment this chuptcr. E. Coordinate dle inspection of all City-purchnscd cyuipmcnt to a.ssure conformnn%~4 i i I tipeciricstians. F. Ensure that bidcirrs' lists, vendors' cataI, uperation of the purchasing system ure rTtAintxil. G. Maintain the prapeny inventory and fix.- ' I1. Deterniine with appropriate City stss(Ttlic ncc:Li 261 3iiN routiue pi-c~ unelvc riu>>iteuanu: c(intracts on various pieu5 of equipmrnt, arid to establish and maintain said maintenance coiitracLs. l. Periodicully prepare a comprehrnsive list of 4urpltis, wom aut ar obsalete City-nwnecf cquipment. ltems which cannot bc: used or i:,, ,,T:, . r recommcndedfordisposnl.+t .1 1,,1, I:._ .4(P zc, 3.40.040 lunupttitive IjidLiiug :,uui:- oublic t.%._ rk con Erart,;pf~:- r-~+k?!t:4cci ~1111II follo-wing competilive bid process shall be ~sed A. I'ublicxtion aFNotice. '-,c~led hids -;l»ii . --ulation at le:st fifie-eri da% s hefi,re tfie date acd timc set for,:. ,i~all iiiLiu.:(: :in estimate «f tlic nmhahic ccist. tueet]ier %vith a description of the worl:.F44wto-lie . . ~ - ' . _ 1-ef!f1~t! Made: W .Jtd~ ~~=#.1~F-}--U-;st~l~:i~ . i-e .t ~-~ri~'~-?; and ~Iiall statt: Ihat planslspecifcaiiuns may bc obtflinrd fr~~rn th-~ C'i? acid inr.fude thc manner, place, date and time for submitting a bid to ttte Cit, i1CIIfLC O1 Tl1C' fei7l':t3T !fl 3pllblli 1i,14L. B. Rcjection of [3ids. The finance directar may rejeci, w•ithout cuusc, :+i 0 i , , r-_ ' ' DRAYi' ~ ticlance dircclor, ~•-v':=-~: ITill)' (1CgUtlal- the purchasc with a vcndor at the lowest cast possiblC to the City. ~ C. Performancr Bands. Bcfore entering into a contrnct, the _ic~~n~c ~iircctur mey rrquire a performance bnnd in such amount as is reasonably necessary to prntect the best intrrcsts of the City and to ensure complete, propcr, and full performance of the contract. A performance bond shall be reyuired on all public works construction projects_ aS set :u:tii in ~9 0~,, I i:~ i- i I :11. 3:i 1,oplClj oP 3IUC?113C~-. D. Bid Bonds. 'lhc i'insncc dircx,tor may requira as a candition of bidding a bid bcmd,ri --eheek4R4ie~~hc,-et€-in the xmount uf five prrcent of the hi:i amount-in-#. Such bid twnd 5hall be mquired on all formally bid public works conswction projects, rrd ~hail he cfue at such tN the bid is sub.iust-r,i tt-) the Cin. Whrn the cantract is leL all bid bonds shall be netuined to the bidders cxcept thai of the succc,~sFul bidder, which shall be retained until n cc►ntract is entercci into and a bond to perform the wur{: furnishcd as providtd abnvc. If the sur,cGSSt'ul biddcr fails to ~ enter into the contrnct in accocdance with the bid an&~imi4t-~~:~-within 10 d.tiys from thc date nt which the biddcr is notitted af bid award, the bid bond shnll bc Fi►rFeited. E. Award of i3id. F.xcept as othrrwwise; provided herein, the City will accept the bid af the IuwcsY n:sponsible biddcr. 1-. AWard ta Othcr lrtuin Law Biddcr. Whcn the bici award is not given to the lowest ~ rc. ~p~nsihlK bidder, s full and camp)etc statcmcnt of the rca.sons shall be prepared by the finanrc ciirectvr and plACecl in the City file rclating to the transacron. 3.40.050 EYemptions to compctitive bidding requirements. 1"tie folinwing typcq uf pun:hases nrc c.xcmpt Fmm competitive bidding requin;ment;: A. Soic Stiure. Purchases which hy thcir nature are not adnpted to cumpetitive bidding, such ;u purcha.ce.s which aro c.learly and legitimntely fimitcd to n single saume, und cnntrnLts to repair cquipmcnt owned by the City which may be more efficiently uccomplished by a certain person or finn withpreviotucxprricnccantheaquipment n,c : it% manseer s1,311 hj•,e Dre% ioush j . ~i;~~~r~~►licihi~li ;rquirr s~ttin~ ;;•~tli tiic c~~ntrart und factuni basi o iie.x~ ~ticll m-t then he rceortlcd njth.the :itv clc-ri: and ~~n ,•ul,li~ it~sprction, B. Spe;cinl racilities or Mntket Conditions. Purzhases involving spccial facilitics or market conditions that genetally rclate to acquisition Uf unique fscilities thnt mfry be specialty manufuctured Ur nat ottienvise generalty availahle_ 5pecial market conditions may rcrquiri: immrdiate acquisition based upon a Cnvornble uficr, including, but not limited to, liquidatiuii ~ales, public or private party ofFcrs and similar circumstances where the acquisition can bc abtained ai below market vnlue.-kk'her-e-=.hlt~{4 _ i't+='4-w"z .-:•~-tia~.-~ac.~' ~ri;- . - Hs~T-• tUtil - . . lltz city manaeer shall hu%c previouslY Ad4pted written POlicics. which uire settine faRh the contr3ct aitd fnctual basis for this er~g+ti.:;. ihc rLcordccl nnd ajkp ti, puhlic iw=, r.AiOr~ C. Auction. Closeaut, Bankru}stcy Sales. lf it is eklectnineci ihai supplies, materinls, or equipmcnt cnn be purchaseci thmugh public auction, closeout salc, hankruptcy sale or other similar sale ut n cost below the markrt cost, the finanrx director may authorir.e said purchase(s) _P to S2OC1.f10i) OQ. D. Gxchanges. `Che City may by agreement excliange supplics, maierials ur rquipment w idi other public xgencies. I E. I[tierlocnl Agreemrnts in Leuing of Cantra4ls far Commodities, i~i1mcnt or Servicr;. Ttte city mnneger rnay enter into joint punhsisse agreements with any and al) othcr public a~encies within tlie staie for the purchnsc of sury commodity._ cgu irr::cnt ot service as prermitted by:t:+tc 1av4, whcn it is detcrmined by the c,itz~ manager tu tx: in tbc tx;t inte.rest of the Citv. l)rdinuticc 074)UH ,1mrnsir(-1 E'urchase Caeic 5 of I' [lR 11 1 F. I.mergeni:y Purctixses. ln the e%ent thut un emergenc) 3houla Lu Ise alicr utlicc iI which cmergency requites immcdiate action on the prirt of the City deparnnent involvcd ioc prolection of the bcst interests of the Cily, or should such a situation arise on a Saturday, Sun,!.::. or holiday and where it is not possible or convenicnt tu reach the city manager, any neecssary purchase shal) be mado by the City department for which the purchase is nec;essary. The purchau: >hall bc reportcd to the financc director tst z4°roT=the ncxt business day. Publ'tcatioa notic,. rnay be waived For cmergency purchases as provided by . ftt3:+~4tat-le-C`~rf?-:•~-iLfi?t~-~-~~+i-f-flt Fe +CFldt.•Fi--f:,4f-PF{eei4tH+-:a=t±ii4~- G. Petty Cash. The finance dCpartment may maintain a petiy cash:'chacwc fund of up to S 1,0500 to help eliminate the issuance of purcha5e otdCrs and claims vouche.rs far sm;: needed immediately from vendocs not having open purchuse orders. No single petty c. - ~ purcluase shall excecd $ti 1 c'mtr?Y?!vtt AII fPqLLt:SLS fOC F?ftty C85f1 fll~ ! reimhursemc:nt of petty expenditures shall be reconcited by a reccipt or paid invoice. .-=O► a eompletecl petty Qrtsh torni. Reimbursemcnt-; .amd recrncilin►ic,rr; , ~f ~)cttx, ca;~h fun" i i he made within 30 duyS of the transaction. No .;&-th f'und. H. Real Property. Acquisitiun ofreal propc: rr.yuirements sei forth in this chapter. Lfpon appru%-ul ul ihe city council, ihe: ui►y managct =-,i-,~ati;ry proccLY1 to acyuire real prupcrty thraugh negotiatian. Sucli negotiutions sh:il I i based upon a fair market value appr~isAl of'the property. The City shall not pay morc lhan f;ai marke[ value for utiy teal pmperty, ercept with prior city cauncil approval, ar exeept as maN ' approved by the Washingion Stute Dcpartment of Tmnsportation an behalf of thc City for rt, ! construction projccts. 1. y-fi~t3f1 p!ifi-~t16e~- ii-he PfOk'!lfefiit4lf-t•f-iappi}Ct'r,-E{18?lYiar.~-fi.~i~t2tk~t't~4ff~fa'Crif-~ff?ti~i -t}iair-b!` _ -f. . -•_'c-ti?~ ii•- :??fls{-effi(, . Mi~'E`~?t'sfc~hnc'--it_~!-t~`~-►ii`- ~ • ' '2- - ethe.- kHd afEhiteetwel - - H4hFt. , , • fO'k PFOEUFed-thf%AW~t{C4~rH~-t!~i4 IHOWN699. I5~~f bidF, 4aH-rt?fmf9 111-11 . . . -'ti}f~c)4~Cie'Fi~:: • t`~-~t7f . ~~,r . Nr►n-oublic %~ork i urchases or cantrucu Cur srr-vices. und vublie %+orf: tiurchases Iess than S50.000. Ni-in-nubi. ,Eork Durrhast-s c}r contracts i'or scrviccs, :uid public +t4,-)rk nurchasr5 uf less than S~;n,D()Q ar. "tibiect to a t'amtal camaetitive biddinu nraccss. At feit h% ice pcr N cur, tlie Cih• shnl) publ : iie%rsnstacr of crnctal rirculation a notict of the rxistcncc of %rndor lists tcu nurchases ,Alolies. mnterials. eoocis or cauiemrnL and colicit the names of %rndc►rs for the lists. The ~ >hai) estublisit bv rc-wiution a oro-crdurc to ensure that a com~.+etiti% r nrice is estahiished an, ~ .:~%urdin¢ the camra4t5 lor the ourchases io the lowe;t re,oonsible biddcr ns defined in SV,%' i(l.p-l01"C1. Immediutrh, ttCtcr the axNard is madc. thc bid auotationsobtaincd .hall bi; r_ :xn to public inspcction. and shall br a%ailul l•, i . ~ • . _ , , ~ . , . . , , . , 1 iic ~ullu~~~nb typc±+~I ~~ur~I~~~n~ pt~~,4i~cs ajc hciiby pr.,kmbit%~daji.l may ie~,uit iti disqunlification of the bid: A. CalIusion Among [3idders. Any agrccment pr collusion amang biddcrs ix prospective hiddcrti ti) cillicr huy kir setl or tix pricc` in rctitraint ui G4°c; compctitiom. Sucii bidders ►nay bc Ot dinancc 07 0ill Amcnklini; f'urcFt:Lic Codc f'::, DRAFT subject to exclusion from (utun: bidding with the City when dctermincd by ths financc dirrctor to hc; in the bcs-t inttrest of the City. B. OisclasurC of Forrnal Hid Contents. Any disclosure of infurmetiun cantaincd sn thc scAlod hid prior tn bid opening. Notwithstnnding anything hcrtin to the contrary, all bids submittecf by bidders taking advuntagc of nny infarmetion revealed contrary to this soctinn shall bccamc null and void. C. Gratuitics. In accordance with high stnndnrds uf bchaviot. dic ncccptancc of any gift or I bra tuity in the fortn of cash, mecchnndise or uny other thing of -~i-:"+fteat+value tiy an official or employee of the City fn)m any vendar ar contractor, ar pmsprctive vendur ar ccmtra,;tor. D. L-'mployee-Owned Businesses. Obtaining City goods or services fmm businesses in which City officials, empbyees or lheir immediatc family members tuave n majnrity owner5hip interest I or titlierwise cxcecd the "inierests" described in t_-'l~ptt-r!2C\N' 42.23 L. Salc of Matcrials and Supplics. Tbc City acquiring gouds or smices far any privatc party. ~~r wlling its tnaierials or supplies to City afficials, employres, or the public e?cccpt wfien said mutcriuls have heen decltired surplus And dispotied ofas pmvidetl herein. 3.40.070 Disposition ot pttblie i v property. Pl:l,k+~~C_itv pmperty shall be disposed of in the fnllowing manncr. ~ A. [7efiniticm. "Pt44+ee'it" propeny" ati dcfined herein means any propcrty or c:quity intertsi in real or persanul progcrty hrld ar ownerJ by the Ciry. B. Surplus Yroperty. nie decision tt) dc:: iare prorcrlv survlii~ -;hall re;t ~t-~l~ly e eitv ,:,.iriril_Upon rriommeadaLion of athe "Pea , finance dirtictor, the Citv Council may dcctare property surplus upon ane ar mure of the following criteria: 1. The City has ur anticipntes no practical, efficicnt, ar appcopriatc use for the property. The purpose scrved by the propetty can be accomplished by ase of A hettrr, Icss costly, ur inure efficicnt ahernativc. 3. The putposc servccl by the propcrty no lunger exists as detrrmined by n changc uf p„►►cy or praccicc. 4. The propecty is damagecl, innperable or obsolete and the cast of repairing the same is uneconomical or imprnctical. C. 5ale of I'rope[ty. f'ullowin~ j~~s~~C of ~ r~si•(uti~~r~ hv tlic citv c.,uncil decla~inL ¢~~ertv =;he finanr,c director is autharit.od ta scll surplus prupcrty in the fallawing manner_ 1. i.Jpon n finding by a dep3rnncnt dira;tcx thgt the prvperty is surptus w City usc, the f inance directur s6all provide natice of potential disposition to othrr City ciepartmnnts. [f any dcpartment dir~.-tor desires to scquire nnd usc tlie proposed surplus pmperty, the property may be trnn;fem:d lo the tequcsting dcpartmcnt dircctor, uc other authorixccf rcprescntaiive. 2. lf nb requcst for use uf propuscd surplus pmpetty is received, the finaiicc dinctor ma}• prcxecd to dis" of the samc by public nuctitan, bid, (ir othcr methoxi af sale on terms deemed tu be in the bcst interest of the Ciry. 3. 5urplus personol property which is unscllablc because of absolescence, wear and tear, ur ather reasons msy be dismantled, if ctec:essary, and sold as scrap. Surplus personal Rroperty which has no marketablc valuo or use may be discnrdcd as retusc. 4. If the proposcd surplus prupc:rty is rcat propcrty, notice of die pmposal to dcclan the same surplus shxll be given to the city council. ~ S. ~►e-~n iz~~ee~xe-Ytt~:a~, f.t3l;lf: pe~ i#1e?T-fe-iF ;•►~lr ";,it#i Il1C 41I'y' council dcTlstrea the ceal property as surplus, the finance director shall secure a markef } 4)I'dl[IitPCC 07•00-1 Altti'mjIfiL' I'urrii:is_. (•oc!,_- l': p. 1 14 1 I I ►t k I-T ,6alut; apprasal ot the prupcrt} and pracerJ tu,c:ll U~~ NMue tsy pUbIl.- :111iIIon ur duk,il_' fonnal bidding procrdures the city manager decrns to be in the best interest of the Cit:. U. Fnadt of' k;al l'rupc,•rt}•. Real propcrty may bc tmded under the following cnndi; 1. 11- IEiI; tl►13i11't director clctcrminea tbnt the disposal of reul property declared surpli: • unJer Lhis section could tiealize greater bencfit to the City thmugh consideratian odier than r.: the finance director may invite prospective purchnsers to tender cansideration of cash and property. Upon receipl of a bid tendering cunsideratiott in kind, and ptiur ta accepting such 1- the finanCe director shall make a rcport setting farth the benefiLs of such a transaction. T1 i shall be madc tu the city council at a rcgulsr cauncil meeting and the report shall he operi public inspoction. 2. Refare accepting uny hid containing in-kind consideraiion, nn adequate apgrni,, 'have been madc by a yualified indcpendent apprc►iser. 3. tf the city cauncil finde that the hid contninint-, the in-kind ronsidcratian has m~ value or benefit to the City th., • contuining in-kind consiclerati E. j.ease af Yublic Propert). 1.1114:LiL:d Itri lil lill L!l} illlii_,C1, 1i1L: manager of 1e,:+g*~may authorize the lease or sublca.se af riny properiy, including rr.ul 1;. ~1. under such tcrms and conditions as the city manager moy deem desirabie, fair and appropria,. cither by usc ofnegotintions or bidding in the best intcrest ofthe City. I.ea%cs of rral propeil. titlQll r, i I . . j i ~ - • , t . ,r .t~ i,t,, I 1 , 'Ic CQUIIi. ticCtion At~hitc~tural .~~~~I Ci1~lIItUCIIIp .~l'i i i~: • ~.45.010 I.45,0'0 Procurement ofanhitccturfll and en!=!l,.: 3.45.034 f;mer~~ _ . . i . t.45.005 Drfiii i :-:,,n. other ihan as an emu l►~~~-o uf titr cis~~. cor~lract»>e to perli~rm acti.itjrs ~f tlie cenerAl dcfinition of nnfessional aractit ~v Msna~r' mcans the cit~~ manacer nr desic Insultant" mcans anv persrn pro% idine proie, ri,_ uencv fer whirh the sen ires arr nrovidcd. rson" means am• individual. oreanization emuo. assa;iati«n. Dartnersh;n, tinn. :eint _ , corroration, vr an% cc,mbinatson dicrzof. 3.45.010 Anhitccturul aad cnginccring services. ~ Ann"ly, ~•r:~ in rcsrxmse to specilic pruject3 or work as 4et torli bclo«, the City sh;,i cncourage, through noticc puhlislied in a newspaper of general circulatiun, an:hittcturnl atiLl Diz.A Fr engineering tirmc tt, ,ubmit astutemcne c,f ipualitication; :jncl per►ionnance dt+tn which can bc u.seJ to select firnis that provide services to the City. I'he qualilications ancl datn shnll lx maintaincd in the afTico uf the city clcrk nnd be available for public inspectioci. 3.45.020 Procuremcnt of architectvrul aaJ eogineering services. I or c:•i.trn~r~ up z109.000 the (-itv ,ax Lhoo~-e nnl" ~ . . ~ ~ -t_ undcr 3.45.010 ab.i~e. based an ihe igf4Tmatian ~hpt ha;_t+ecr~.;unmittcd in re~pnn~e ~~~:c .:.:~wal °ublication_ B. For contracts u%cr S1 0O.OUO thr Citv shali. Aat leasi 150 days prior to cnntracting frr architei-tmal or sngineering serviccs, the C+ty shall-publish a notice stating the spccific projrct or ticape of wesrk ar annauncc gcnrrally the caie&ory or type of professiannl services required. "Ihc notice shall cantain the nume and addregs of a City rCpresrntativc wha can provide infarmatian and details on the requcst for qunlificstions or r+equest for proposal. BC. ~Atf4---Pot4--,*--4The City shall review the current statements ofqusilificalions on file wilh the city clerk, andrar as wt:;-W, thc statemcnts submiticd in respan:;e to the notic;e,as bv >Ly_tians A and B. and sliaIl conduct diseussions with one or mone firtns ngarding anticipated conetpts and the retative utility of alternntive methods for turnishing the cryuested services. The City may request intcrviews and presentations fram firms. ~ GD. Thc Ciry shall sclcct the most highly qualif cd firm tn prnvide the serviccs based upun the criteria set forth below anci in the rcqur.st. Thc: evnluatian criteria inclades: ~ 1. The abitity of the Frm to provide the rzquested services; 2. 'Ihe scupe of work or methcxis to furnish the services; 3. Qunlifications, experience and referenCes; •a. Pcrf'armunce undcr prcvious contracLs with the City; xnd 5. Such othcr information ns decmed relCVUnt. :1Rer identitication uFthe most highly qualified firm, the City sh.ill reLJucst a icc pruposal trOm the firm and thereafter proceed to negotiate n contract at a price which is determined by the City tu bc fair and rC.gsonable. (n making this dctcrmination the City shall evaluate the cstimated vuluc uf the services, the srope, complcxity nnd nature of the request. If the City is unablc to ncgotiutc a 1'air anJ rcasonable price for serviccs, ncgatiutions ahall Uc trrtninatetl and anuiher firm shall Lk- selected in ar,cordltnce with the above process. DE. Whcn the parties have reached a fair and reasonablc price, :+nd deVeJydine 1_:~~ amount ot te the ciry council in mana:cr shall review the contract for .r-pftweisuthorit.atiin. Uuring the npgotintion process the sclcctcd itrm shal) not contact anv inembct of the city council to discuss thc f'cc: l'or sc;rviccs unlcss othcrwise iiuthurizxd. TEte C:ity rescrves tlie cight to caiicel any cequest far yu7liticatiuns or pmposAls. 'Che mqucst ,,hall nat be deemed an oPFer of contract nor,.li:+fl any tirrii hc crktitlcd to rcro% rr a<<y cost assncintod with prrparing a response. 3.45.030 Fmcrgeacy and Limitatiun. Notfiing contained hrrein shall limit or prevent the City from pracuring architectural or cngineering semir.es in die event of an emergency. This chupter shall be expressly limited to the professional servicrs identiGed hcrein. Section 5. SVMC 3.50 to be amended. Spakune Valley Municipsl Code Chapter 3.50 shall lie arilcneledas follu+vs: scctiun:: 3.~0.01(1 Small w,-irk; rw;tcr. OC:iIioII ot `.lpal"3fC CQsItn'~. l?SdlI:1JlLC u?-tll).! AtnendinL! I'urrhav,c Codc Pa-ic 9 ui 12 DRAFT ~.50.030 Ntaintenancc o!'roster. 3.50.040 Use of rostcr. 3.50.0I0 Small works ruster. ihc city clcrk -411.i:I_criainLiin u sntall warks roster compriscd of'contractors wha (1) ltavc; requcstcci to be on the rostcr, snd (2) ure properly liccnscd or registered to perfarm contracting work in the stnie of Wastiington. Ttte small works roster may tx; used in lieu of formal sealed competitivc bid procedures to award contracts for public work where the estirrsated cost of the work is $200,000 or less. C-~ - - _ tuis-.4+1►~1--.f~et;-.;~ offie-e fination-aFid , g :rtA: 41,i+mter5-&+ii,2 heiftg-c,,f+54efed-(,Ar-;he _..1'he small works roster is creatcxi aod mniniained pursuant to the tuws of the state of Washington as now enactcd on ccrcafter nmended. 3.50.020 Crcation of sepurute rastcrs. ~ The City ~~;-s~ti' tnay elect to eslablish small works rusters fur differenl specialties or categaries of IInticipated wurk with such rosters melcing ciistinctions hchvicen contractars bassed upon such cpecialties or w~•rk. 3.50.030 blyioleoaece of rostec. "1'he smaU work, roster shall be mciintnined as fallums: ~ A. At least once per year, thc City A C~4.iiie Vail-c-shall publish iu a nuwspapcr of gciieral circulation a notiee of'the existence oPdie small wurks ms-ter(s) soliciting the nrunes of i contractars f'or such roster(s). Thc V*14Y slial) plrice on tha small works mster(s) the narnes of yuulified contractors who respond to the published notice with a request to be ~ included ou tlie roster(s). l'hcreaflcr, the City L=-Va,'irv shafl add to the ruster(s) the nanes of cuntractors who submit a writton tequcst and appropriate records. B. In order to be includcd on the roster, tbe contractor shall supply infartnatinn on a contractur yuxlification form developed by the City-,4-_ _•-,-;ane Valli-%. The contraetnr yualificatinn form shall include, at a minimum, tfie name, address. e-mail aat'r_„ and phone number of thc cuntractor, the contractor's VVashington registration number, the contractor's irtisumnce company, the cantnu:tor's bonding company and the contractor's aresi or arcaS of worfc. 3.50.040 i1se of raster. ~ A. Thc City,,E-u"•~:: ~~T'-~ ?cv,may utilii.c die small wortcs mster when scekinb tti ccrostruct any public work or improvement with an estimnted eost including labor, material, supplies and equipment of $200,000 or Icss. _11011r. %%TittCn_ or ticc:rr•nf~ ~71:Ci13li~'il5 B. Procc'dUiiS ~ftilll f)c L'tit3bE15hed tOI' xiurin: telcn _Ill :.4iUdC1C1CS oII(1 It 8ppi1l6f1a1e si11alI t%oCky t0$I2T 10 tRSUFe tt}3[ 3 CURl~t(;illl%'C Df1cC IS tP bli~hed and ta a%varcl contrac:ts to the fo+%tst resnonsihlr biddc;r, as defined in SVMC ~.50.44(?t C)1. Inr itatima tar Quatations shall includc an estimate of the scn cand naturc of jhc ~ ork to he ncrtormed as wcll ns roaterinls Agd eauipment to be furnished. Nowr% er. detailed !,.1ans and sLvcifi • ions need not t►c included in ehe imitatio». Ououitions shall he invitcd from - I I appropriate contractors on thc a~rpriate small u'oCl~i rostcr.T-e _ _ ..~lF; . - - e~-ia-be-leis thami . - -t . . . , ec{*+tab4Y ~?!S~il , 444-c4v . 4-i,}f4e?id-f8%rOFil +;}i}ie~ ~Y'. iC ~~'s t t rtz 74 41 ()tdinanic1t? 60 1 r\Rirr.,fiIis! !'urchx=:r.~'~~~Ic Pas,c 10 ,,t I' URAFI' ~_f':r'r:~~.-i-i.'~l3-r~.-;.~.:.-:C: :.-f. . .t:.:t:l ..'.Y_' _ . jl~. '~t'...!•..., ~._'t[:\ i . _ . tiii! • =V . i4-9 . . . ~-When awarding a contract far worfc from the small works roster, the Ciry ,4-S~Aaffe ~-allei--shnll awani the conuact to the Iowe.St responsible biddar; providrd, howevcr, the Citv=-€ reserves the cight undcr npplic.Ablc lAw to rcje;ct any nr all bids and to waivc prc►cedurai irregularities in the bid or bidding pra:ess. ~ in acldition to price, the City <4=3-t-. L. an r-Valky shall take into account the following when determining the "tawest responsible biddet": 1. The ability, capucity and si:il) oi' che bidder to perform the eontract c+r prv% idr tYic ~cn irr rr4u---d, irr-~ Pir ~:h:iraLtcrs iritrerit~, Trputation. iudLm.«t. %~\Dcrirnrc. arzd rtliiencv ,"t the hiddcr: Whether the contractor can Perform die required work wiehin the time specified by the City4.k~kat+t--Vf0 #tw; 34. (Zunlity of die contractor's pcrformance under previous cuntracts with the City 4 "o Vellvi-or other gavernmental entity; flnd Thc previaus and existing conip{iance by the contractor with laws mlating te) contrncts #'~~c w~~r services with the City-e€3pekene Vetk-y. i r,.,,._ _ _ ha.-t.t~-~-at ~r tW41 appn3prteie 49f5-tmt ~ -qtib-ni . •z3-134&rd4f _ ; . . +~-•~~#s~t: ~t~_ - - - ; F-U. The City receive bids telephanically, in writing or clcxtronically. nc time and date of reccipt shnll be recotded to ensure all bicis are presented in a timely fasiiion t"or review nad considcration. Aftcr expiration oCthe cimc and date for suhmission ofall hids or yuotatians, the city manager ~r,-his itsiree-sliall review the snme and either offer a cnntmct to perfarm the public work or submit the same to the city c:nuncil far sppf~ek alxuihurizati.1n. Gr. . . , - _ , . L-, . - . g . ~'-eseripti-3n-tha-++~~ , _ _ ,.;-iH34+ The Citv shall pO5t a list of tlie .~ortttacts d~xarcleEd under Sti'MC 3_4 at 4Cast once rvcrv -tear. Tlse list shnll cuntain the nnme -t r?te contractor ar ~endot a«ar~ed The eontract. the amr.unt of the contraet. a brief descrilgiqn ~t i;ic tvM of wQr}= pcrf'ormed or itzms aurthnsetii under the contract. and e date it was awasdcd. i-}ie list sh.111 also state the Iocation Mhrre dic bid quatations for thesr cUntracts arr mailabk f,,r I ublic insttcttiun H. A contrsct awardcd from a small works r«stcr undcr this cliapter need not bc udvertised in a legal newspttprr uf gcneral circulation. Stction 6. Severability. If any secticin, subsection, sentence or clnuse of this chapter is for aiiy reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not utTect thc villidiry oFthc mmnining provisinns of this chapl~r. 5ectiaa 7. EfFectivc date. 'Tfiiis Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) dayti after publication of this Ordinancc: or a summary tliereof occucs in ihe otfiicial newspaper of the ('ity a.ti pru% iclrd hy Ia«. (►rdinantc 011-00-1 ;1iut~idin~ Pun:hasc Codc P:Lgc l I uC 1-2 1112 1 f t i'.1:~..J lt;~~. ~i.~', ~~t :'~,~nL •-1~~_i; _ . ~ i ApProNet1 ~v Tn Fiorni: l)ate of Publicati~ r- tt'ecc;ve n:tr u i u,:u_•',',-_~ : rj~i t~1 i„ ,iiui:. i'.,.._I~~:~_ ~'~~r I_ ~~11- ; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: (tem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-006, Public Records Ordinance ' GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.56; SVMC 2.75 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City has an existing Public Record Ordinance c4dified as SVMC 2.75 Public Records. . BACKGROUND: The State legislature during the 2006 session adopted the Model Public Records Ordinance prepared by the Attorney General's Office. The ordinance attached would replace our existing ordinance and is consistent vtirith that model ordinance. ~ OPTIONS: Move to approve the ordinance; make changes; or take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 07-406, BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Responding to public records requests has a significant budget impact in that substantial staff time is required. Compliance is required by state law. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly, Chris Bainbridge. ATTACHMENTS : . Ordinance 07-006 ~ ~ ; llRAY'I' CTTY OF SYOKt1NE VALLE,Y SFOItr1NE VA1:,LrqY, WA:SH:ING`I:pN ' ORDI1`_As\7CE \'O. 07-006 ' AN ORL7INt1NCE, OF"I1-i}: CTTY pF Sl'OKA-NTF VALLEY, SPO.KnNE COUN'1'Y, WASHINGTQN, REPrAI..1NG EXISTTNG SF'C)KANE VALLEY I4UNICLPr1L, CauE (sviviC) srcr° 2.75 f1ND REPLAC1NG IT NVl'1H A\sFWi..Y Al70PTED SrCT[04V 2.75 IN A MANNER CONSISTENT W17`I-I VVASHINGTONj ADNi1NISI'FtA'1TVE COTJr CMAP'I'ETt 44-14 AND RCW 42.56. WHERFAS the Ciry oFSpokane Valley aclopted SVMC 2.75 pursuant to ordinance 21 in 2003; and NY.AFREAS the Stttte of Washington, pursuant tp RC1V 42.56 and WAC 44-14 has aclopted model rules for Public Reeords; and WHIiEREAS t.lie city of Spokane Valle}r «<ishes to adopt ivles rebardinb Puhlic Recards that are consistent with those model rules. NQW, THE1tEFORF, the City Counc;il of the City of Spokane Valley; Spokane County, Washingto❑ ordains as follows: ' Section l. Spokane Valley Municipal C,odes sections 2.75.010, 020; 030 040, OSO, 060, 070, OSO, 090, 100, 110, 120, ancl 130 adopted by Ordinance 21 in 2003, are hereby rcpcaled in t}leir entirety. Section 2. New Spokane Valley Municipal Codc Section is as set forlh below: 2.75 YUBLIC RECO12llS 2.75.010 Authoritv and purpnsc- compliance with 1'ublic Records Act KCV1' 42.56. - f 1. RCW 42.56.070. (1) reauires each CiCV to rnake available for insnection and conving,, tionexempt °public records" in accardance with nublished rules. Thc act defines "aublic reLord" to include anv "writinR conl'ainin2 irLtormation relatine to the conduct of Rovremment or the perfnrmance of anv governmental or nrourietarv functiori prepared, nwned, usecj, or retained" bv the Citv. {tCW 42.56.070 (2) reauires eac.h Citv to set forth "fqr infonnational nurnoses" everv law. in adclit:ion to the Public Reeords Act that exemnts or nrQhibits the disclosure of nublie records held bv t.hat Citv. 2. The nurpqse of this title is co establish the aroceciures t11e City Will tOIIOw in Orcler to nrAVide fiill access lo public records. ':l`hese rules provide information to persons wishing to request: access to public records of the Citv. ancf establish urocesses for requestors and Citv staff that are desi2ned to best assist mcmbers of the aublic in obtaininE such access. 3. The nurnose of the Public Records Act is Yo orovide the public fiill access t.o intonnation concerning the condtict of izovernment, miridful of individual's orivacv rip-hts and the ctesirabilitv of the effieient adniinistration of Qovernment. The act anci t.his title will be interoreted in favor of disclosure. In carrvine out its respnnsibilities under the act. the Citv will be Quided by the qrovisions of the act clescribittQ its purposes and intcrnretation. 2.75.020 Citv description--Gontsct informatio n--Fublic rccords officer. 1. `1 he Citv is a non charter code Citv governed bv the nrovisions of RC1V 35A.13. The Citv's cent:ral office is loeatecl at 11.707 E. Soravzue Ave., Snokane Vallev, WA 99206. `I'he Citv also has offices aY CenterPlace Iocatecl at 2426 \f. .Taiscoverv Plaee, SI)okane Vallew. WF199216 ar►d the Snokane Vallev Precinct located at 12710 .E. Soraizue Ave.. Spokane Vallev, WA 99216. ' prdinance 07-006 Public Records Page I of 5 1)RA.N' 1' 2. Anv nersori wishine to reciuest access to oublic records of the Citv or seeking assistance in ~ makinf; sueh a request should eontaet the oublic rezorcfs offieer of the Citv: , Citv Clerk Citv of Sookane Vallev 11707 E. Snrague Ave. Suite 106. • Svakane Viillev. WA 99206 Phone: 688-0177 Fax: 688-0194 nublicrecordsreuuest(@snokanevallev.or^ Information i5 also available ai the Citv's web site ilC l1C1D:IIWWW.Sll01Canevallev.ort~, 3. Thc oublic records officer will oversee comnliance with dle Act but another Citv staff member mav nrocess the reauest. Therefore. these rules will refer tn the oublic records officer "or designee." The aublic recorcls offieer or clesi4nec and the Citv tivill provide the "f'ulle5t assistanee" as set forth in Section 2.75.030 below to reouestors; ensure that oublic records are* . proteeted from darnaae or clisorazaniz.ation: and nrevent fulfilline oublic records renuests trom causinQ excessive interferenca with essential funcCiens of Che Citv. 2.75.030 Availabilitv of nublic records. 1. Mours for insnection of records. 1'ublic records are 3vailable for insnection and eonvinR durina nonnal business hours af the Citv. Mondav throuQh Fridav, $:00 a.m. to 5:00 u.m. (excluding holidavs a.s defined in SVVIC 2.60). Records must be insaeeterl aC Citv oI'fic;es bv anminement. . ~ 2. Reeorcls Tndex. The Citv finds that maintainine an index is undulv burdensome and would interfere with Cih+ ooerations due tn the diversitv of Cit:v ctenartment,s and inforination s~,stcins, budect restraints and the unavailabilitv of staff. 3. Oreanization of records. The Citv will maintain its records in a reasonablv oreanized manner. 1'he Citv wilt tal:e reasonable actions to orotect records fi•om damage and disorganization. A repue,.~tor shall not take orieinal Citv records from Citv nffiees. A variecv o.f recorcls is available on the Citv web site htto://www.snokancvallev.orQ. Requestors are encouraeed to view the documents available on the web site orior to submitting a records reuuest. 4. Makind a ra4ucse 1or nublic records. (a) Anv taerson wishing to insnect or have cnpies of oublic records of the Cicv shoulcl make the request in writinr-, on the Citv's nublic record reque,st form, or by letter, fax. qr e-mail addressed to the nublic records officer. or bv t:elenhone or in nerson. The reuuest sljould inclucle thc following intormation: 'Name of reouestor: cnmolece mailing address of renuestor: other contact information. includine telenhone nwtiber and anv e-mail address:, identification of the oublic records adeauate for the Dublic rccords officer or desizmee to local:e t.he rcc;ords: and the date and time of dav of the reauest. Within five davs of receipt, the oublic records off-icer or desiLqiee sliall confirm t}ie substancc and thc reccint of requests fnr public records bv telephonc or in-nerson or in writine. . (b) If ehe reciuestar cvishes to have conies of the records instead of simplv insUecting the•m, he . or she sliould so indicate and make a»-angements to nav for conies of the records or a denosit nursuairt to SVN4C section 2.75.070. ; (c) A fnrm is availablc for use bv re4uestors at all Cilv nffices and on-line at ~ http:lh~~~~;~.spokanevalley.or¢. Ordinance 07-006 Yublic Itecords F'aoe 2 pr 5 D12AFT 2.75.040 Processinu of nuhlic records-Leneral. 1. Providi»ia "fullest assistance." 1'he Cit-N, is charaed by statute with adontinv rules which descrive , how it will "qrovide . fiill access ta public records." "protect records from darnaQe or disorp-anization," "prevent excessive interference with other essc.ntial functions of the Citv." provide "fullest assistance" t:o requestors, and orovide the "most timeiv nossible action" on oublic records requests. The puUlic recorcts officer or desi~*nee will arocess renuests in the order allowinfa t:he rnost requests t:o be qrocessed in the most efficient manner. 2. Acknowlede:ing reeeint of reQuest. Within fivc (5) business davs of reccipt af the reauest, the uublic reeords officer will do one or more of the followinQ: (a) M.ake the records available fqr insoection or eonvinQ; (b) i.f copies are reGuestcd arid pavment nf a deposit f'or the copies. if anv. is made or te.rrns of oavnncnt are aereed uoan. send the copies to the reaueslor; . (c) Provide a reasonable estimate of when records will be available; (d) If the re4uest is unclear or cloes not sufficientlv idenlifv the reauested records, reQUest clarification from the requestor. Such cJarification mav be requested aild prnvided bv telephone. The publie recorcls officer or desimee mav revise the estimate of «fien records will be available: or (e) Denv the requcst. 3. Consequenees of fiailut-e to responci. lf the Citv does not resvond in writini~, ~vithin fve (5) business davs of receipt of the reUUesi for disclosure. the requestor should consider contactina the oublic reca•ds officer to determine the reason for the failurc to resnond. ' 4. F'rotect.ine rip-hts of others. In the cveilt that the reetuested records contain inf'ormation that mav affect riahts of nthers rind may Ue exempt fi-om diselosure, the public records oftieer mav, nrior to - ~ nrnviciine the records, give nolice to such others whose riE:hts mav be a'ffected bv the disclosure. ' Such notice shoul(l bc aiven so as to malce it possihlc for those other nersons to eontact the re_auestor and ask llim or her to revise the request_ or, if neCesSarv, seck an qrder fi-om a court to nrevent or limit the ciisclosure. The notice tn the affceted nersons will include a conv at' the reauESC. ' 5. Recorcls cxempt from disclosure. Some records are eYemvt f'rom discloSUre_ in whole or in narL If the City believes that a record is exempt fram disclosure and should be withheld. the aublic reaords officer will state the snecific eYemqtion and nrovide a brief exolanation oC whv the mcard or a oorcion of the record is beina withheld. If onlv a aortion of a record is exemUt from disclosure, but the remainder is not exemnt. the public records oificer will reclact the exemnt port:ions, nrovide the non-exe►npt portions, and inclic:itc to the requestor whv uortions of the record are beinf-, redacted. 6. Insnection of records. (a) Cousistent with otller denlands, the Citv shall pl'O177ptIy provicle snace to insnect puhlic records. No menlber of the nublic mav remove a doeument from the viewing area or disassemble or alter anv document `I'he reauestor shall indicate which documents he or she wishes the Citv [o copv. (b) The rEquestor must claim or review the assembled records within thirtv (30) dtivs of the Citv's noTifcation tQ him or her that the records are available for insuec;tion or copviniz. Thc Citv will notifv the requestor in writinQ of this reauirement and inform the re4uestor lhat he or she should contact the City to make an•anp-ements to claim or review the records. [f the requestor or a reneesentative of the reciuestor Cails to claim or revieNv the recnrds wit:hin the thirty-dav (30) ueriod or make other aii•ang ements, the Citv mav ' close the rea«est and re-file t11e assembled records. Ordinajice 07-006 Public Rcc.orcls Page 3 of 5 llRAFT 7. 1'rovidina conies of records. tlftcr insnection is comolete. the aublic records officer or desiQnee .1 shall make the requested copies or ari-anp-e for eonvinp. ' 8. ProvidinQ records in installments. Wllen the reque.st is for a lar^e nurnbcr of recorcls. the oublic records officer or desienee will nrovidc acce,ss for insoeetion and convinu_ in installments, if he or she reasonablv determines that it would be oractical to provide the records in that wav. 1f, within thirtv (30) davs. the reauestor fails to insaect the entire set of rec.ords or one or more of the • installments, the public records offcer or clesiLmee mLtv slop settrchini: for the rcmaininu records and close the reauest. 9. Comoletion of insoection. NVhen the insQection of the reauested records is comolete and all reauested copies are provided, the nublic records officer or desitinee will indicate t.h3t the Citv has comnleted a diligent search for the reQUested records and made anv located non-exemut records available i'or insneecion. 10. Closuns-withdrawn ar abandoned renuest. If the reauestor either withdraws the reouest or fails to fulfill his or her oblie,ations to insnect the records or nav the deposit or final oflvment f'or the reauested conies. the oublic records officer will close the reauest and indicate to the reauestor that the Citv has closed the reauest. I 1. Latcr discovercd docu►ncnts. Tf, aftcr the Cit:v ha.s informed the rcouestor tliat it has nrovidcd all available recnrds, the Citv becomes aware of additianal resoonsive dOeLmtencs existina at che cime of the request, it will nmmptlv inform the reauestor of the additional documents and nrovide them on an expedited basis. 2.75.050 fReseiti,ed1. 2.75.060 Exemations. l. The Public Records Act oeovides that a numher af tvnes of documents are exemUt from aublic insoection and cooving. ln addition. documents are exemot fram clisclosure iP anv "other sfiilute" esemots or nrohibits (jisclosure. A list of the laws and re,ulations, ouiside the Public Records Act that restrict the availabilitv of some dncuments held bv Citv for insQeetion and copvina. is hept bv the Public Records Offcer. 2. The Citv is prohibiked bv statute f'rom disclosin lists of individuals for commercial ourposes. 2.75.070 Costs for vruvidine cunies of public records. 1. Costs for t?ar)er copies. 'fhere is no fee for insoectinR uublic i-ecords or for urovidint! documents bv e-maiL A reauestor mav obtain standard black and Nvhite nhotoconies for 15 cents ncr naee, and $3_00 ner paee for larize maos. and the actual cnst ner clisk for CD's or other electronic storage device. There will be no charf2e ior documents orovided electronicaltv. Doe.urnent cooies mailed to the reauestor will not be mailed until the fee. olus nosfase, has hcen received. There shall be no chai•ee for doe.ument cooies faxed locallv orovided there are ten (101 or fewer pages: and the 15 cenCs ner naqe fee will not be characcl tor less ihan seven (7) t)aQe:s ner rc.quest. unless the documents are mailed, in which case, the fee 1nd oostage will be charged. F3efore bezinnina to make the conics, the nuhlic records officer or desitnee mav reauire a denosit dC ian t:o ten oercenc (l0%1 of the estimate.d costs of coavine all the records selected bv the reauestor. `f'he aub(ic records officer or desigr►ee mav also reauire the pavment of the remainder of the cooving costs before nrovidinQ all the recorcls. or the navment of the costs of convine an installment befoce aroviding: that installment. The Citv will not charQe sales tax when it makes conies of uublic records. 2. Cnsts of mailinL~. The Citv mav also charp-e actual costs of mailinii, includinQ the cost of the ship~ing conCainer. 3. Pavment. Pavment mav be made bv cash, check. or monev order navable to the Citv of Sookane Vallev. Ordinance 07-906 Public Rccords Page 4 of 5 DRAFT 2.75,0811 Review of ;Dcnials of nublic records. 1. Petitiqn for internal administrative review of denial of access. Anv nerson who obiects to ihe initial cienial dr oartial clcnial of a records request mav petition in writing, lincludine e-rnaill to , the nublic records ofFicer far a review of that tlecision. The petition shall include a coov of or reasonablv identifv the written statement bv the publie records officer or desiQnee denvinQ the rep uest. 2. Considcration of neticion f'or review. '1'he public rccords offieer shall oromntlv orovicle the net.ition ancl anv other relevant information to t'he oublic records nfTicces supervisor or other Citv orficial desiQnateti bv the Citv to conduct the review. That oerson will immecliatelv consider the netition and either affirnl or reverse dhe denial within ltivo (2) business davs followinp- the Citv's receinl of'the netition. or Nvithin such otlier time 3s Citv and the renuestor mutuallv aiEree. 3. Judicial review. Anv oerson mav obtain eourt review of denials of aublic records reOuest nursuant to RCW 42.56.550 at the conclusioii of two (2) business davs after the initial denial. Sertion 3. Severabilitv. lf any portion n£ tJiis ordinance or its application to any person nr circumstanc.es is held invalict, t:he remainder of the Ordinance or the application or the provision to other persons or circumstances sMall not be aff'ected. SeeHon 4. Effec:tive Date. The Ordintince shall be in full foree and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary lliereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSE17 by die City Council this day of ,qpril, 2007. Mayor, [7iana Wilhite A'I'TEST: City Clerk, Clu-ist.ine Bainbridgc Appro<<ed as to Form: Office of the City At#on1ey Date of Publication: C'ffective Taate: Ordinance 07-006 Puhlic Records ' P3ge 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information F] admin. report JOpending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when the City expects to exceed appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: The City budget for 2007 was adopted in November of 2006. These amendrnents were discussed at the April 3, 2007 council meeting and a Finance Committee meeting in late March. BACKGROUND: Budget adjustments are needed to: 1) transfer $1,746,000 to the Civic Facilities Reserve Fund; - 2) transfer $161,000 to the Service Level Stabilization Fund to maintain operating service levels during reduced economic activity; 3) adjust revenue sources to anticipated levels; 4) update the budget for programs and projects carried over from prior years; 5) pay increased council salary/benefit costs; 6) pay copy/printing costs in excess of staff's prior estimates; 7) budget for town center real estate consultants; 8) budget for Beverly Hills storm water project; 9) budget for development engineering & surveying review; 10) the Appleway street project (Tschiriey to Hodges); and recognize the General Fund 15% reserve. A more detailed listing of the proposed budget amendments is attached as Exhibit A. OPTIONS: Options include amending the budget, amending the budget for some of the changes or making no amendments. The budget should be amended to comply with Washington State law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance ordinance 07-007 to a second reading at the April 24'h council meeting. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of an amended 2007 budget ordinance at the April 24 council meeting will provide the authorization to move ahead with these programs. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ~ Jason Faulkner, Accountant/Budget Analyst J nRaF-r C1TY QF SPOKANF VALi,TX , SI'OKr~YE COU~ITY, WASIIING'C'Or1 - ' (717DINANCE N(). 07-007 AN O1tDINANCE AIVIEND TVC; URDINANCF \TO. 06-024 PASSFn BY TFCF CI'CY COUNCI:I:1 ON NOV.I~;NCI3EK 14, 2006 ANll ENTlI1fLll "AN (U17DINANCF, UF T13E CITY dF SPC7K..ANE VALLEY, SP41CANE CQUNiTY, WASHT.NGTQN, ADOPTI\7G A T3TJDGFT FOR TU~• PF:RTQn JAi\TUARY 1, 2007 1'li1tOUGH DE, CEM13E17 31, 2007 r1I'P120P1ZIATlIYC FUNbS AND FSTAI3LTSA.T.NG SAi.,ARY SC.NFnUT :F..-S FOR APPROVEn POS.I.TTC)NS." WHTMAS, subsequent to the adoption of the annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding neNv revenue, amendments, appropriations and b•ansferring funds in order to properly perform vv-ious City functions, services and activities; WI3:CREAS, the budget changes set foith in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or knnwn when the an.nual budget was passed by the City Coumcil; and WliEIZEAS, the City Counci( has determined that the best interests of the City are ser<<ed by amendin? 2he adopted budget to reflect anticipated revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriatinb same as set fnrth herein. NOW THERFTORF, The Ciiy Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follQws: Seetiun 1. Amended Revenues. Orclinanee No. 06-024, as adopteci or amenciecl, adopted a budgct for the itNvelve months ending December 31, 2007. Each itern, revenue, appropriation, and fund is hereby 1- - ' amended as follo~vs. A. General Funcl of the 2007 bud~el is amendetl to provicle for aclcliCion~il revenue in the amOunt of $7;068,000 from unresb-icted fund balance, additional development fees of $139;000 and a [ransfer from the Streel Fund in the amount of $35,000. B. Street Fund of the 2007 budget is amended to provide For additional revenue in the 3mowlt of $234,000 fi•orn unre.stricted tund balance. C. Strcet Capital Prnjects Fund revenues of the 2007 budget are amended by $863,000 to provide for an adclitional $620,000 funded through grant proceeds and developer contributions along with an inter-fund transfee of $243,000 from The Spccial Capir.al Projects • C'und. D. Capital Grants Projects Fund reve•nucs are ine•reased by $1,730,000 from gntnt proceeds and an inter-fund transfer of $270,000 from the Arterial Street 1'und for the Appleway - Tschirley to Hodges project. E. Stormwater Fund revenues are incrcased by $340,000 funded through carried over unrestricted fund balance. For purposes of these budget amendments; E-xhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated b_y this ref'erence as set forth in full. Orclinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget Page 1 of 3 nnAFr REVLNUES: ' FUND FUiVD ORIGINAL BUDGF_TED ENDING NUiMBER NAME REV. & FUND BAL_ AMENDMENTS REVENUES 001 GENERAL $ 38,907,470 $ 7,242,000 $ 46,149,470 101 STREET $ . 7,420,000 $ 238,000 $ 7,658,000 102 ARTERIAL ST, $ 912,000 $ 912,000 103 TRAILSlPATHS $ 21,000 $ - $ 21,000 105 HOTEUMO7EL $ 658,000 $ - $ 658,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJEC7S $ 4,120,006 $ - $ 4,120,000 302 SPECIAL CAP, PRJ $ 4,420,000 $ - $ 4,420,Q00 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 6,939,843 $ 853,000 $ 7,802,S43 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 441,000 $ - $ 441,000 305 STREET BOND PRJ $ 816,000 $ - $ 816,000 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ - $ - S - 307. GAPITAL GRAIdTS s 7,300,000 $ 2,000,000 S 9,390,009 • 308 BARKER BRDGE FE17 s 700,000 $ - S 700,000 309 PARKS CAPITAL PRJ $ 3,550,000 $ - S 3,550,000 310 CIVIC BUILDWG S 1,460,000 $ - $ 1,460,000 120 CEN7ERpl.ACE OP. S . 325,000 $ - $ 325,000 121 SERVICE lEV, S7AB $ 5,200,000 ; - S 5,200,000 122 WINTER WEATHEF2 $ 540,000 $ - S 540,000 402 STORh11WNTER S 2,855,762 $ 340,000 $ 3,195,762 501 EC1UIP REPL & RES $ 944,375 S - $ 944,375 502 RISK NiGM7 S 217,100 S - $ 217,100 707ALS . S 88,347.550 S 10,683,000 $ 99.030,550 } i Section 2. Expenditures Appropriated. To appropriat:e the arncridments fi•om the above estimated revenues and beginriing unrestrictcd fund balaiices for each separate fund, the expenditure appropriations for the period January 1 through December 31, 2007 are amended as set forth belo-,v. BXPFNDITU .R.C'SIAPPRC7PR,[A"1`[ONS: FUND FUND 2007 ORIGINl1L • i'O'f AL NUi1hBER NAME APPROPRIATIOPlS AMEPIDMENTS APPE201'FZIA'fIONS 001 GENEF2A1_ $ 31,549,504 S 7,242,000 $ 38,791,504 101 STREET $ 4,088,372 $ 238,000 $ 4,326,372 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 912,000 $ - $ 912,400 103 TRAILS/PATHS s 21,006 S - $ 21,000 105 t-tOTC-LfMOTEL S 658,000 S - $ 658,000 204 DE13T S[RVICE S 600.000 S - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJ. S 4,120,000 S - $ 4,120,000 302 SPeC. CAP. PF2J S 4,420,000 S - $ 4,420,000 303 S7REE7 CAf' PRJ S 8,939,843 S 863,006 $ 7,802,843 304 MIRABEAU PT S 441,000 S - $ 441,000 305 STREET BOPdD PRJ s 816,000 S - $ 818;000 306 COh/l DEV 3LK CRfV'i' S - $ - $ - 307 CAPITAL GRANTS S 7.300,000 S 2,000,000 $ 9,300,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED S 700,000 S - $ 700,000 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ $ 3,550,000 S - $ 3,550,000 310 CIVIC FACIIITIES S 1,460,000 S - $ 1,4E0,000 120. CEN'i'ERPI.AGE QP. S 325,000 $ - $ 325,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB S 5,200,000 S - $ 5,200,000 122 WINTER WEATMER S 540,000 S - $ 540,000 402 STORMWATER S 1,900,309 S 340,000 $ 2,240,309 501 EQUIP REPL & RES S 944,375 S - $ 944,375 i 502 f215KMGPA7 S 217,100 S - $ 217.100 70l'ALS $ 76,762.503 $ 10,683,000 $ 87,385,503 Orclinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Buslget Page 2 of 3 D RA FT These amendments include a transFer from the General Fund to the Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund and Service Level Stabilization Fund of $1,746,000 and $161,000, respectively; an increase duc to cre<iting road st-uidards, development plan review for Public Works, development serviees assistance for Community Development of $77,000, $74;000, and $65,000, respectively; S50,000 inerease for eoiisultani fees regarding the design of the proposed Town Center; $35,000 for the increase of copy and printing eosts; an increase of $34,000 for Council salaries and benefits; sn increase of $5,000,000 to establish a 15% operating reserve; an increase of professional services by $238,000 for Street T'und projects which includcs crcating a street master and transportacion plim, road standards and a level of service analysis; an increase in the Sh-eet Capital Projects Fund of $$63,000 which includes the 2006 carry over costs of $620,000 f'rom the Pine,sNf3nsfield Pmject and septic tank elimination proarams of $243,000; an increase oF $2,000,000 in the Capital Grants Fund for construction costs of Appleway &om Tschirley to Hodges; and $340,000 in the Stor►nwater Punci for the .i3everly Hills clrainage project. Sec/ion 3. Posikions. Thc Ciry of Spokanc Valley's {'ull time equivalent posit:ions are 71.15. Section 4. Severabililv. lf any section, seiatenee, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconsCitutional by a cnurt of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or p}irasc of this Ordinance. Section 5. 13ffective Date. 'l'his Ordinance shall be in full force and efCect five (5) days after publieation of this Ordinancc or a summary tMercof in khc official netivspaper of the City as provided by law. Approved by the City Council of the City of Spokaiie Valley this _ day of . 2007. ATTEST: T)iana Wilhitc, NTayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Al'1'ftO VE~ll AS '1"O N OTtivl: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: . Effective Date: ~ J Ordinsnce 07-007 Amcnding 2007 Budget Ptige 3 crf 3 City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A Amendments to 2007 Budget April 2007 draft REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation 001 Unrastricted fund bal. $ 7,fl68,000 Carry over fram 2006: 001.032.000_532.20.41.05 a 77,000 F'eib. 1Nks road stda JUB 139,000 - Incresse dev. Fee esiirra;o 001.032A00.532.20.41.02 74,000 2007 t?evelapment erug rwriew 65,000 2007Dovclcpmentsunr`yre,fwr 35,0ao Tra:ns frm St fUrd - SRTC 54,000 R.E. Consultanis - taim ccntcr New Uansfers: 001.090.000597.19.00.01 1,746,000 hteel gaat ror C7vic Fadlfttes 161,000 I.tect goal for service Ieve1 stabY's.r aeon Other. 31,000 Councilsalaries 3,000 Council bcncfits various gen fiand oopylprinting oosts 35,000 Copy & printing cast ad;~uslrr4rN Cash flow reserve 5,000,000 7o m°et 1596 reserve goal Total Gen. Fund $ 7,242,000 $ 7,242,000 101 Street Fund UnrestricketS fund bal. $ 238,000 Carry over trom 2006: 101,042.000.542.10.41.02 $ 44,000 TranspoAStion pG)g. Gemury Wpst 101.042.0-00.542.10.41_05 $ 147,000 StrcaotmastcrpCan JU6 S 38,000 roed siendards JUr7 101.042_000.542.10.41.05 S 9,000 l.OS anslysls DFr4 Total Street Fund $ 238,000 S 238,000 303 Street Capital Projects SftTC S 277,000 TIB & L?evelopers 5 343,000 Plnes/ma nsfield $ 620,000 Csrry aver 2008 proJed REET2 $ 243,000 Vera Terrace (5fep) $ 133,000 carry over zooe project Veradale Heoghts (Siep) $ 110,004 CAiry oves 2006 project . Total Street Capifal $ 863,600 $ 853,000 307 Capital Grant Projects Arterial St. $ 270,000 SRTC $ 1,730,000 Appleway - Tschirley to Hndges $ 2,000,000 2007 phare II pro{ect TQtal Capital Grant Fnd $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 SevCral olRet 2006 pro(ecls car&d over but rto 4-estmant nccdcd to 2007 budgef 402 Storm Water Fund Unrestric9ed fund bal. $ 340,000 - 402.402.000.597.60.55.03 S 340,000 Bovarly hns projcct Total Storm Waier Fnd $ 340,000 S 340,000 GRAND TOTALS--> S 10,683,080 5 10,683,000 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent • El old business 0 new busines.s ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ panding legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-008, Logo Provisions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVVIC 1.06.030(A)(6) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of Spokane Valley Ordinance 06-013. BACKGROUND: The City adopted provisions relating to City logo usage in 2006. In doing so, the Code identifies at SVMC 1.06,030(A)(6) that PurrFect Logos is approved by Council for producing logo wear clothing at the request of the City. Staff now recommends removing any reference to a specific business that is authorized to produce such merchandise. Instead, staff recommends that SVMC 1.06.030(A)(6) be amended to identify that the City Manager has authority to choose an entity to produce such merchandise. OPTIONS: Leave the code provision as is; make additional changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move that we advance Ordinance 07-008 to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 07-408 Amending Logo Ordinance. ~ r ~ . DI2AFT CITY OF SP(JKAiNE VALLEY ' _ . SPOKANC' COUIITY, `VASH:fiNGTON ' . 0_RDINANCE N0. 07-008 AN ORDINANCN 0F I'HE CITY QF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKA[YE COUNTY, WASHINGTQN, AMF\']aING SPOKANE Vr1T,I,EY i~'IUNICQ'AL CODE C.EiAY'I'Elt 1.06.030 PE12TAINL\7C,: TQ CFRTAli\' REGULATIONS ()N THE USE OR TFIE QFBICiAI4 CITY LQGO Oh THE CITY OF SPQKANk; VALLEY, WASI-iING'1"ON. Wi-TI?RFAS, the City• Council established by Traclemark; the City of Spokane Valley Logo, which depicts a mountain and river with the name of the City of Spokane Valley. The Trademark was f led with the Secretary of State for the State of VJashington on Jwie 23, 2003; ancl W-H:EREAS, dhe City established provisians in the City Code for those uses of [he Iego that are allowed ; aud 'WT-irRFAS, it is necess-uy from time-to-timc t0 amend Code provisions; and WI•i:EREAS, it is the desire of t11e City Council to amencl Spokane Vllley Mwiicipa] Cocle cFi.ipter 1.06.030(A)(3) relsting to use of lhe Iegn by Greater Spokane, Tnc., Co reflect the changed name of tllat organi'r.atinn from the Spokane rl.rea Economic 17evelopment Council; and NVE:R-Er1S, it is the desire of the City Council ta anlend Spokane Valley vlun.icipal Code chapter 1.06.030(r1)(6) relating to authorized uses for usc of the 1ogo ior apparel; and _ 'VorHEREAS, it is the desiee of thc City Council to anend Spokane Valley Municipal Code chapter 1.06.030(D) . relat:ing to autlinrity to approve other uses of t:he logn. NOW, THE.REFpR.1-7, the City Couneil of the City of Spokane Valley ordai.ns as fallows: Section 1. hitent It is the intent of the City Council to amend SVMC 1.06.030A to rellecl t;he name change froin Spokane Area Economic Development Council co Greater Spol:<<uie, Inc., to amend SVMC 1.06.030(A)(6) to rzmove refercnce t:o any specific private business entiry for procluction of apparel featuring the City logo, and to amend SVMC 1.06.030ll to harmonize that seetion with SV1vIC 1.06.050. Section 2. rlmenclment. Title l, Section 06, Subsection 030, is hereby amended as follows: Offc.ial lJse. Use oi'the City logo shall be far ofFcial purpoves as specifically set fort}i below. A. The following uses have Ueen explicitly ancl expressly approved without the nced for further City consent: ' 1. Usc of logo on any off'icial City of Spokaiie VaUe_y documenl, including but not limited to stationery; letter}iead, report ancf reporC covers; envelopes, me►norandums, faxes, employee and elected . officials' busi.ness cards, riur►e tags, and name plates; 2. Use of Ingo on student advisory council (SAC) stationery and items of recogttition; I 3. Use of logo by GreztEr Snokane. lnc..the3p - for tlleir tnarketutg materials, on their website, and in their printecl materials tliat are used in recruitment, expansinn and retention efforts for marketing for business attraction and development; =1. Use of logo by the Ceeater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce for Citv of Spokane Valley promotian of the mayor's State of the City Address; and for the City's general promoCion thraugh the Chamber's map; C>rdina.nce 07-008, Logo Provisions Page i of 2 DRAFT 5. Use of logo by those officially involvecl with and for the planning, promoting ajid deeorati.ng connected with the Mayor's 13a11, including but noY limitcd to cvent «<ine glasses, napkins, ~ tickets, invitations, itncf other rrpmotional materials and decorations for the ball• ~ 6. Use of Pw4eo~eges-bv ;as-bv an entitv apuroved bv the cilv manazer or desienee for apparel purchased Uy City employeES and elected officials, provided those purchases are transacted while those employees and elected officials are still serving in dieie City capacities; ancl 7. Use of logo by those offeially involved widi and for the planninb of Valle_yfest and ' ttec4mpanying parade, ineluding but not limited to event decorations, promotional materials, advertisements, posters, iund temporary signs. . B. The logo may, with City approval, be used for other speei.fic evcnts that benefit the City ofSpokane Valley community and are not prohibited by subsection C of ths section. C. Approved use of the City logo shall also be in accordance wieh the City of Spokane Valley Logo Style anci Scanclards Guide; «fiich shall be approveci by separate resolution. D. The City logo shall not be used on or in connection with any ailvcrtising or promotion f'or any product; business, organiuition, service, or article, whether offered for sale for profit or o.ffered widiput charge, I without the express consent of the eCitv. pursuant to SVMC 1 A6/OSO-eeurc-i-{. TMc looro shall not be used in connection with any election issue, or calnpaign related therefo. E. It is a violation ofthis chapter to use any symbol that imitates the loga or that is deceptively SimilN in appearance ofthe logo; or in an}' manner t:hat woulcl be an improper use of the logo itself F. Nothing in tllis chapter shall prohibit the reproduction of the City logo for illustrative purposes by the news media if the reproduclian by the news media is incidental to die publication or the broacleasf. Nothing in diis chapter shall prohibit a cMaracterizmtion of the City logo from being usetl in politieal cartocans. % Sec;tion 3. RciTiainder of SVMC 1.06 Unchane-ecl. The remaining provisiqns of SVVIC 1.06 are unchanged by this amcndment. Section 4. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, elause or phrase of this ordinailce shall be held to be invalid or unconstituiional by a court of cqmpetent jurisdieciqn, such invalidity or uiiconstitutionality• shall not affec:t the validiry or constitutionality of any other secfion, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. . Seetion 5. Effective Dare. This Ordinance shall be in full force and ef'fect thirey (30) ctays .iftcr publication of this Orclinance or a summary thereof in dhe official newspaper o1't:he City. _ PASSED by the City Council this day of , 2007. AI"TEST: . . lliana Wilhite, A-Iayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ApFiror•ed as to Form: Office of the City Attorney T)ate of Publication: ; Effective Date: - Ordimince 07-008, [..ogo Provisions Page 2 of 2 ; - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . : Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (D new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 07-004 SLippnrtinb Memorandum ofUnderstanding for Fuundational Concepts for Managed Plan, Total Maximum Daily I..oad GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Briefing to Council on April 3, 2007 BACKGROUND: At the April 3, 2007 Council Study Session, and in previous council meetings, Councilmember Denenny expressed his desire to approve a Resolution in support of the PNemorandum of Understanding for Foundational Concepts for PVlanaged Plan, Total Maximum ~Daily Load. The attached resolution states the Council's support of the MOU, and includes a copy of the MOU as well. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Dick Denenny, Neil Kersten - ATTACHMENTS Proposed Resolution and MOU with Attachments - , , nRnFT CTTI' OF SP(71CAi\'T VALLFY SPOK.ANT COUN'1 Y, WASHINGTQ\ RFSOLUTIUN NO. 07-004 A RESOLITTIUN OF TFIE C1TY UF SPO.K.A.NE VALLEY, Sl'UKANE CUCTNIY, Wr1SI'IINGT(7N, STJPPQRTINC 'I`fiE "MFMnRANDUM OI+" AG1ZL+"Ei~'IF,NI' REGAR.A1i1tC; FOUNDATIONAL CUNCEPTS, MAi\TAGED IMPI.,ENfG\`TATION YLAN, AiNT DISSULV-Ell OYYGEN TOTAL A9AXiMlJM DAILY LOAD (TAIEDI,) FOR THE SPOKANF RIVE17." WIiCItEAS, thc City of Spokane Vtilley, along with other entities; recognizes that the State of 1Nashington's Department of Ecoloa, Spokane County Convnissioners; Liberty Lake Sewer and Water llislrict, City of Spokane, Ktiiser Aluminum Fabricated Products, LLC, and lnland F.mpire Paper Company, have reached an agreerrient in principle with regard to the Spnkane River Dissolvetl Oxygen TMCaT.:; and WIREREAS, the City of Spokane Valley also recogni'r.es that the above-named entities have agreed to eXecute the "Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Founciational Coneepts, Managec~ implementation Plan, and Dissolved Oxy3cn TMDL for the Spokane Itiver;" and VVIiEI2EAS, implementation of water conservation and water re-use prograns as well as olher elements of the Alanaged Implementation Plan have a direct impact nn the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley and the development of property within the b4undaries of the City of Spokane Valley. . NO`V TFTER,EFORE, be it resolved by the Cicy Council of the City of Spokanc Valley, Spokanc County, `Vaslii_ngton, that the City of Spokane Valley supports execution rmd implemenlation of the "Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Foundation Concepts, Managed Implementation Plan, and laissolved Oxygen TVIDL for t11e Spokane R.iver," and expresses gratitude fpr the ma3nitude of work accomplished thus far which e.nabled tllc drafiing and finalization of said Memorandum of Agreement. ~ rffcctive Date. This Resolution shall be in fiill foree and efi'ect upon adoption. Adopted this 10°i day of April; 2007. City of Spokane Valley Al"1 F-S'1: City Clerk Christine Bainbridge Ma}ror Jaiana Williite Approved as to Form: OEficc of thc City Attorney _ Resolution 07-004 $upporiing MOU for'!'A91X. Pagc 1 of 1 ~{iTY` _ S77 -~o ~ : 'a ' ~ ~ • ' :,:-nt , t ~,'~y,- ij~~~, ~ , L t +1•. SPC}KANE` r~- ~~,~~1 ~ ---GOUNTY ~ WATE~ O l'1i/11 J~ • L1`LAAD~E-IiPIRB PltC6 CO111A.4Y : {cc:Jttiar t.'J,L EM0RANDUM OF AGR.E,:E1~ENT REGAXZDING F4U'NDATIONAL COh`CE1'TS, MANAGED:[MPT..rMEN''ATION PLA.N, AND DI:SSOLVED OXYGEN'`1'IDL FOlt ' 'l.,k[E SPOKANE 1tCVER T1iiS M.EMOTtAND1.FIV[ C»' q,GREENMNT is entered iuto anfl effective this day of , 2007, by and between the tiVashiugtoil State Deparfiieilt of Ecology, Spokaae Cow-ity, the City of'Spokane, the Libecty Lake Sewer and Wa.tcr District, Kaiser Aiuminum Fabricated Produets, .L.LC, and lWaud Empire Paper Compauy, collectively referred to as "the parties." , - I2.T~C'ITALS f . VdHEREAS, die parEies ]ave reached an agreement in principle with regard ta the Spolcane River Dissolved Oxygen TiMDL, as set forkh iu the documeut eittitled, "FoundatioDal Coizcepis for the Spokaue River TMDl Ivfana.ged Lnplementatiou Plan" ("Foundational Concepts dflctime»Y'), wlucli is attachcd lierefa as "Exbibit A," and . WH -L7YZEAS, the parties desire to eutec into a 1Vieinot-andum of Agreement to mone formally niemorialue the rounclational Conccpts dacumeiit. AGREE:MEN'I' NUW, THEREFOR]?, the partics agree that the fouilciatinnal concepts deseribed in the kowzdational Concepts document are liereby accepted by the parties and will begin guiding TMDG implementation as of the effective dafe of rlus AgreernenL The parties furtllsr agreE t.hat the Maniged Iuiplementa.tion L'lan for the Spakaiie River - Jaissohted Oxygcn TM1aL and the Spolcane River Dissolved Oxygen ']'iUIDL Nvill be drafted . caiisisteut with the Faundatioual Concepts clocument. • SIGNETa on STA.'l"F OF WASP_ChTGTON, DFPARTM.crrr QF Ecor,oGY By . Title: Director ~+J754Q55.6 ~ ADOPTED by the Board of County Cornmissioners af Spokane Couuty, Washuigton this day of , 2007. Mark Richard, Chair ATTEST: Bonnie Mager, Vice-Chair Da.uiela Ericlcson Todd lviielke, Conumissioner Clerlc of the Boarci SIGNED on ' LIBFLZ.TY LAKE S.EWER & WATER DISTRICT Toiu Agnew, Presidenti . ~ Franl:.L. Boylc, Commissiouer • S7:G'I1ED on CTTY OI' SPOKANr-, By Deputy Mayor Attest: Approved as to form: City Cleric Assistant City Attorney . 507s9oss-6 2 . f / SIGNED*on K.A:ISER A.LUn42\TM4 FABRICA']'.hD • PRODUCT'S, LLC Bv Mike Zerga Kaiser Trentwovd Plant Manager SIGNED on h zL.A.iND EMPIF2];, PAPER COIvPAtNY . BY • Wayue D. Anclresen President aud Ger.teral Manager ' 1 5ms9uss.s 3 Foundational Concepts for the Spokane River TMDL iVfanaged Implernentation Plan . • June 30, 2006 The Spokane River dozs not have enough dissolved oxygen (DO) during fhe months of April through October to meet current INater Quality Standards. The best availabie science shov,rs that excess phosphorus is the main cause of this problem. There is agreement among those wl-io petitioned Ecology in 2004, ather interested parties and Ecolagy that actions are needed as soon as possible to improve the River's condition, and, by assuring treatment capacily for septic tank discharges, further profect the quality of the Spoltane Valley - Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Law dissolved oxygen also results from carbonaceous biachemical oycygen demand (CBOD) and ammonia. For the purpose of implementing the Spokane River Dissofvecl Oxygen TMDL, it is assumed that efforts to control phosphorus will also serie to control CBOD and ammonia. Reducing significant amounts of phosphorus in the River during the April-October seasQn and achieving Water Quelity Standards for dissalved oxygen arE the goals of the Spokane River aissolved Oxygen TMDL Managed Implementation Plan (MIP). In the October 2004 Draft Total !l46ximum Daily Load to Restore and Maintain Dissofved Oxygen in the Spokane Riverand Lake Spoksne (Long Lake), Ecology estimated a reduction target of approximately 208 pounds/day of phosphorus from point sources, non-paint sources and other controllable sources. Most of tnis reduction is anticipated . to come from improvements in point source wastewater freatment techno{ogy located between the Idaho state line and the Lake Spokane Dam. ' The best available science conclusively demonstrates significant phosphorus reductions will improve DO in the River and Lake Spokane. How the River will responcl ta significant phosphorus reductions, the ful( extent of the reductions necessary to alleviate DO deficiencies, and the phosphorus reductions passible over the next 20 years are not precisely clear at this time. Henae, an aggressive, managed approach that removes phosphorus from a variety af saurces through a variety of inethods and monitors and assesses the impacts on DO over the next 20 years is a reasonable tvay to maximize the effectiveness of the sizaiale irivestments necessary to improve the River. , Capsule Summapy of Approach . Currently tiiere is not ovell-established techiiology that can reliably treat a variety of wastewater discharges and achieve the Riwer phosphorus levels required to improve DO sufficiently to meet Water Quality Standards. There is, however, technology that significantly reduces phospharus from effluent and that can bring currenf discharges much closcr to the levels required by Water Quality Standards. The Spokane River Coliaboration refers to the difference between what technology.improvements can achieve and the TMDL levels to meet Water Quality Standards as "the Delta." . . . v21 ~ The MIP provides reasonable assurance that Water Quality Standards can be achieved during the first ten years of MIP effort by installing the most effective fzasibls phosphorus removal treatment technology and compieting a planned and scheduled group of actions aimed at eliminating Uie Delta. The foundational oancepfs described here will begin guidiiig TMDL implementation vrfien accepted by Ecology and affected National Pallutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit holders. While phosphorus reductions from technology improvements and other actions can be estimated, their true impact on DO requires actual implementation experrence and resultant measurement of DO levels in the River and Lake Spokane. The first ten years of MIP efforts need to be in place and operafional prior to their consequences being fully assessed. A thorough assessment after the 10`" year of the MIP will provide the information necessary to guide actions for a second ten year MIP period. These second period actions will include continuation of successful actions conducted in the first 10 years, such as operation of the treatment technology and other permanent phosphorous reduction efforts, and they coufd include new actions such as consideration of river oxygenation and/or reconsideration of Water Quality Standards applied to the River and Lake Spokane. The MIP's actions necessary to eliminate an NPDES penmit holder's Delta will be enforceable over the 20 yea'r Iife of the M1P and the TMDL phosphorous waste load allocation tvill bECOme enforceable requirements at the end of the 20 years covered by the MIP. During the MIP term, the NPDESpermits applicable to individual dischargers Udill include interim limits and.other requirements as described below in the section 6tled "NPDES Permit Cycle." . Ecology Will Complete the Dissolved Oxygen TMDL. Consisgeng with the Foundational Concepts • . The foundational concepts in this document are the result of substantial deliberation by the SpoEc.ane River Collaboration. This effoit placed completion of the Draft TMDL "on hald" prior to its-being made final and submitted to the Environmental ProtectiorrAgency for review. Ecology vdill re-draft the Draft Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL to include a MIP consistent with the principles described here. The re-draft will be subject tn the same public review process and administrative procedures used for the earlier Draft TMDL. As vJell, Ecology will continue to vJnrk on a government-to-gavernment , foasis with the Spokane Tribe of Indians to ensur2 compliance with dotsmstream Tribal vvater quality'standards, ' Waste Load Allocafion T'argets A TMDL 'requires waste load allacafions (WtA) fior the affected NPDES permit holders. These targets, expressed in concentrations,in the draft YMDL, will be slightly revised in the re-drafted TMDL to reflect upstream.permifting in Idaho and an April-October rather than June-Octaber critical period (see the boxed tabfe on page 24, Draft Total Maximum Dailv Load to Restore and Maintain Dissolved Oxu4en in the Spokane River and Lake Snokane, Octoher 2004). The total phosphorus concentrations, as allocations in the J TMDL rounded to the nearest microgram will remain 10pg1l.- v21 2 In the MIP, however, the 10 Ng/l totaf phosphorus targets will 6e expressed as pounds of phosphorus discharge in the River based on the discharge vofume estimates - established through the Collaboration. The translation from concentration to pounds of phosphorus forms ihe basis for measuring success in meeting each phosphorus waste load ailocation farget under the MIP. Success in meeting the pounds of phosphorus target will be achicved by the instaNation af the most effective feasible phosphorus removal treatment technology and implernen'Lation of other phosphorus reduction ' actions that toaether result in the net pounds af phosphorus discharged to the River by the dischargers being equal to or less than the target pounds. The following table shows the pounds per day phosphorus targeis for each Washington State NPDES permit holder as they will be expressed in the MIP based on projected flows for 2017 and 2027 using estimates produccd through the Spolcane River TMDL Collaboration. • e~ • . - ~ 10-17 . D i D - g- . p . . o'fioirus~ rui;--'.---,- I In-ffudnt- . lnflueivt I '11661dayy' . . ` Liberty Lake 1.41 0.12. 1.51 0.13 I Kaiser Alurninum 15.4 I 1.29 15.4 , 1.29 I fn(and Empire Paper 4.1 ~ 0.34 ~ 4.1 0,34 City of Spokane: - fram City of Spokane only 36 41.77 . - from Spokane Counp/ 5.76 9 , - From Ainvay Heights 0 I 0 I _ I Total City of Spokans 41.76 3.49 I 50.77 4.24 Spokane Caunty (new g 0.67 6 0,67 plant) • NOTES: a Influent Plow projections based upon data 1'rom Ffova & Loading Work Group and dischargErs b lbslday for point sources = Influent MGD x 10 NglL P x 0.0083454 `MlP achieves Waste load Allocation by 2027 The "(Ibs/day)" numbers listed above vrill be used a's the target pounds to determine each NPDES perniif liolder's Delta.: An NPDES permit holdeCs Delta is the actual pounds of phosphorus discharged per day minus the target pounds. NPDES permit limits will he based on a seasonal average witfn appronriate daily, weekly, and monthly limifs that recognize the uncertainties and start-up complexities of new treatment • technqlogy. . ThE 2017 phcsphorus targets are goals during the first fien years Qf 'the MIP. Yhese phosphorus targets will not be binding during the first ten years so as to alloWv assessment of the beneficial impact on DO from a(I MIP-retated fechnology improvements and phosphorus reducfion acfions initiated during this time, and to allow : ,v2i 3 measurement of the actual Delta reduction by the dischargers based on experience. By the end af the 20t' year, NPDES permit holders are rzquired to be in compliance vrith the phosphorus WLA in #he right hand column of the Ghart above. Once an NPDES permit holder demonsfrates reliable ability to continually mzet its target, either by treatment technolagy or technology combined with actions to eliminate the Delta, that permit holder will hava met its responsibilities for meeting waste load allocations as expressed in either the MIP or the TMDL. Aggressive efforts, initiated as quickly as possible, to reach the targets during the first ten year period of the MIP are required. These efforts will inc(ude both phosphorous. removing treatment technology upgrades and a suite of other phosphorus reducing actions from the list of "target pursuit actions" described below. Some aggressive programs to meet phosphorus targefs may be conducted jointly by . several dischargers. These efforts need to result in assignment of reduced pounds of phosphorus to individual dischargers because dischargers must meet individual targets. A trading program of dischargers' demonstrated surplus phosphorus may be ' implemented consistent with EPA guidelines pending Ecology's verification of any surpfus phosphorus offset pounds. As part of the implementation af the MIP, each National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit holder in N/ashington State covered by the Spokane River Dissolved ' Oxygen TMDL,will, in accord with the sectian titled "Schedule ofAcfivities," prepare a technolagy selecbon protocol and an Engineering Report with construction schedule far the treatment technology improvements the permit holder intends to instal{. The permit liolder will also prepare a Delta elimination plan with a schedule of target pursuit actions (see details below) that, in combination with the technology improvements, provide reasonable assurance the April-October phosphorus target will be achieved in the first 10 years of the MIP. The vvays these fargets and associated requirements will be reflected in each NPDES permit is explained in the section below titled °NPDES Permif Cycle." Targ1et Pursuit Actions Target pursuit actions are tlie steps that are either required or available for NPDES permit holders to both upgrade their technology and eliminate their DeIta wifhin the first 10 years of the MIP in orde"r to provide reasonable assurance of ineeting targets. The target pursuit actions may be modified as a result of the 10th Year Assessment. Dischargers without a Delta do not need to perform target pursuit acfions for Delta elimination. Technology selection protocols and Delta-eliminating target pursuit actions will botti be initiated as soon as possible, and Delf-a-elimiiiating acfions will not be deferred until technology improvements are actually selected and installed. ~ . . . V2 1 4 Enforceable terms of each NPDES permit will include the o6ligation to meet the interim or fina( effluent limit and the obligation to complete implementation of the target pursuit actions, alihaugh the details of the target pursuit actions may be set forth in a separate administrative order. After thz 10th year of implementation, a thorough review (see the section titled °Tenth Year A ssessmen f') will be conducted to determine what, if any, additional phosphorus reduction actions are necessary, what actions should be continued or discontinued, andlor whether any changes to the phosphorus reduction goal in the TMDL or the 1JVater Quality Standards for DO in the River and Lake Spokane are Udarranted. By the end of the 20" year of the MIP, NPDES permit holders are required to be in compliance with the then current TMDL phosphorus waste load allocations (tfie fargets may have been modified as a resuit ef the Tenth Year Assessment) to assure applicable Water Quality Standards are being met. - Reauired Actions: Reauired taraet aursuit actions for each NPDES Dermit holder witfi a Delta are as follows: - o Technology.Selection Protocol: NPDES permit holders will prepare, and submit to Ecology for approval, a comprehensive technology selectian protocol for choosing the most effective feasible technology for seasonaily , removing phosphorus from tlieir effluent with an objective of achieving a discharge with seasonal average 50pg11 phosphorus or Iower. If pilot testing , . is a part of the protocol, there will be appropriate provisions for quality assurance and control. The protocol will include a preliminary schedule for construction of the treatment technology. o Delta Efiminafion Plan: In addition fo the teciinolagy selection protocol, NPDES permit holders will also prepare and submit for Ecology's approval a Delta elimination plan and schedule for other phosphorus removal actions such as conservation, effluent re-use, source control through support of regional phosphorus reduction effarts (such as limiting use of fertilizers and dishwasher detergents), and supparting regional non-point source control efforts to be established. The plan, in combination vJith the phosphorus reduction from technology, will provide reasonable assurance of ineeting the permit holder's target in ten years. • Expeditious Decision: Ecalogy will expeditiously review and decide on the proposed technology selection protocol, preliminary construction schedu(e . and Delta elimination actions. • Engineering Report: After a permit holder imPlements the technology selection protocol, the permif*hofder wil( prepare, and submit to Ecology for apnraval, an Engineering Report concerning the chosen technology, including any updates to the constructian schedule. The Enyineering Report vJill (if . necessary) be accompanied by amendments to the schedule and substance of fhe target pursuit actions so thaf in coilibinafion with the Engineering , v71 5 Report on expected, technofagy performance, there is reasonable assurance oT meeting the target in ten years. Ecology will expeditiousfy review and decide on these submittals. . o Interim Limits: When new treatment technology is installed, Ecology will set interim phosphorus permit limits based on the engineering reports. It is recognized that, because modern phosphorus removal tschnology is challenging, achieving normal, and routine operation may require t'r,vo years, assuming average seasonal conditions (temperature and flow) during both years. Quring this period, Ecology will recognize these conditions and their effects on compliancs with interim discharge limits. o Final Limits:* Final limits applicabls during the remaining term of #ha MIP tivill be set based on the actual perFormancs of the technology installed and operated at optimum reliable efficiency (see the sec#ion titled °NPDES Permit Cycle°). o lnvestment Stability: The• investment in phosphorus removal technology is recognized by Ecology as having a 20-year life, and no significaht modificafions or replacements of phosphorus removal facilities will be required during the term of the MIP. Modifications to installed technology that best available data indicate wrould enhance phosphorus removal perfoRnance and are efficient and cost-effective may be required. . , ~ o Conservafion: Public NPDES permit holders, in cooperation with water punteyors, will as saon as possible develop individual and regional programs that reduce flows by funding "LOTT'-style" indoor conservation efforts that targzt 20% water conservation per tiousehold in older urban areas and 10% . water conservation per household in ne4ver (post 1992) urban areas. These programs will have local ordinances, avoided cost invesfinent principles and per connection expenditures similar to the LQTT program. To the extent these actions are demonstrated as reducing phosphorus loading to the river, they will be recognized as contributing toward achieving phosphorus waste load targets. o C/ass A Eff7uent: Each publicly owned treatment plant covered by the Spokane DO TMDL will, through fheir technology updates, produce effluent meeting the State of 1Nashington Class A reclaimed water quality standards in place when the MIP takes effect. Available Actions: The follotneina taraet pursuit actions are not reauired of eveni NPDES permit holder with a Delta. The non-ooint source proaram, however, needs to have sufficient r)articipation-to achieve the TMDL-reauired phosahorus reduction. ~ . V21 6 o Rec/aimeaf Wafer: Pubiicly owned dischargers rnay seek to re-use the . Cfass A reclaimed water fhey produce as rzsult of technology improvements. All reasonable efforts to re-use andlor recharge the aquifer rather than directly discharging it fo the River, particularly in the April-October timeframe, are strangfy sncouraged consistent with circumsfances and opportunities. Ecotogy wiil v,rork with each NPDES permit holder and the Washington State Department of Health to prepare anprovable permits that enable timely and successful implementation of these opportunities, Specirically, Ecology commits to the following: . • Ecology will assist in permifting re-use efforts by actively coordinating state permitting with the Washington State Department of Heafth. • Ecology will assist dischergers proposing re-use target pursuit actions in assessing whether any water rightslquali#y impairments might occur and fipw any impairment might be addressed. • Any revisions of Washingtan State in Class A reclaimed water guidelines or standards in place when the MIP takes efFect will serve as abasis for requesting Ecology's reconsideration of an NPDES permit holder's approved target pursuit action plan that relies on re-use target pUrsuit actions envisioned prior to the revisions. El To the exfeht these wafer re-use actions are demonstrated as reducing phosphorus ioading to the river, they tvill bc recognized as contributing toward achieving phosphorus waste load targets. o Regiona! Phosphorus Reduction Programs: Privately owned treatment _ plants may participate with other NPDES permit ho(ders in regional phosphorus reduction programs, such as conservatian (see above) and non- point saurce control (see below). To theextent these actions are demonstrated as reducing phosphorus loading to the river, they will be recognized as contributing toward achieving phosphorus waste laad targets. a Bia-available PFrosphorus: NPDES permit holders may seek to prove to - Ecology that a certain stab(e fraetion of #heir phosphorus discharge is not bio- available in the River environment for a time sufficient to consider it not reactive and not a nutrient source. If Ecology agrees, the pounds of phosphorus that are not bio-available vdill be recngnized as contributing fovJard achieving the total phosphorus waste load target. * Source Control Frograms: To the extent that soiarce control actians to limit phosphorus inputs through regulation of phosphorus-containing praducts and through enforced phosphorus-limiting pre-treatment ordinances are • . demonstrated as reducing phosphorus laadirig ta the river, they will be ' recognized as contributing toward achieving dischargers' phasphorus wasfe . load targets. . , V21 7 • . ~ , Regiona! Mon-Point Source Reduction Program: Participating NPDES . permit holders and Ecofogy will jointly fund and implement a regional non- point source (NPS) phosphorus reduction program at $2 million/year. The program will begin in the second year of the MIP following completion of an initial study (60% funded by Ecology) to determine the best.opportunities for , non-point phosphorus reductions. The regional non-poinf source program will be designed to achieve the NPS phosphorus reduction identified in the TMDL and to contribufe ta the Delta reduction efforEs of Oie participants, as necessary. If sufficient reduction in NPS phasphorus as determined by the 10"Year Assessment has not yet been achieved, the jointly funded and implemented regional NPS program will continue for the second 10 years of the MIP. The program vrill be closely managed by the oversight and coordination group described below, and it will be monitored to routinely identi'lly cost-effective strategies and verify actual phospharus reductions. Resources could be shifted ta other more effective actions for phospharus reduction by mutual agreement vrith Ecology. Successful phosphorus-reducing actions fiunded by the NPDES perrnit holders through the NPS program will be recagnized as contributing toward achisving dischargers' phosphorus waste load targets. ` 0 Septic Tank Elimination Program: Spokane County may submit to Ecology information and calculations demonstrating the phosphorus removal impact " an the Spokane River and Lake Spokane of its Septic Tank Elimination Program. Pending Ecology's expeditious review and decision regarding the information and calculations, the, County may, if Ecology approves, use the pounds of phosphorus prevented from reaching the River and Lake Spokane' through septic tank elimination as part of any neecied offset's for the County's new treatment plant (see the section titled "New County Treatment P1ant"). Oversiqht and Coordination: The above taraet pursuit actions reauire careful monitorinq and accountinq to assure aenuine phospho►-us reductions and uroper DeIta reducfion recoanition. The follawino tvill occur: . o Ecology and the discharger's vJill immediately collabarate to develap an oversight and coordination group. "('he intent is ta form a collaborative group to oversee artd.coordinate the required regional actions including, but nat ' limited to, the NPS, monitoring, modeling, reparting and public outreach programs, however the participating entities retain fheir individual authorities. Ecology and the dischargers will share in the administrative cost of this group. , o The oversight and coordination group, in cooperation with Ecology, will manage the non-point saurce program described above. ~ ~ . . . L.. ~ vz1 8 o The oversight and coardination group will implement a monitoring and -research program fior the River to routinaly track and evaluate the amount ofi phosphorus removal, the impact of phosphorus reductions and associated improvements on dissolved oxygen levels. Also, there will be additional studies such as those concerning sediment oxygen demand, the efficacy of river aerationloxyge nation, and bio-availa6ility of phasphorus in discharges and other areas that advance the undersianding of and refine the science concerning the Rivees heaith. Modeling capabilities for tha River will also he enhanced by gathering and including sediment oxygen demand data, noting and examining episodic events that contribute to increased phosphorus Ioading, and other relevant data and by considering current measurement of minimum river flow as adjusted by regulation. Ecology and the dischargers will share in the cost of implementing and operating this monitoring and research program. o Dischargzrs will prepare and submit annual reports to Ecology, describing each discharger's performance of the target pursuit actions and any measurable successes. For joint actions (such as the NPS Program), the dischargers may provide a joint report. o Ecofogy will prepare annual perforniance reviews concerning the status of agreed-upon, cAmmitted target pursuit actions described above. Every tvio years Ecology, using monitoring information, will prepare and present a report and, in collaboration with the oversight and coordination group, conduct other . public engagement efforts regarding the River's heaith anci fhe performance and effects of the #arget pursuit actions described in the MIP. o Ecology vrill actdress Avista Corparation`s DO responsibilities through the 401 Certification process. iilew Spokane Counfy Treatment Planf . A new Spol<ane County treatment pEant vaill be constructed to meet its phosphorus allocation target through a combination of advanced treatment and other offsets that are . in place and accepted by Ecology as effective as the plant begins routine, normal (i.e., beyond siiakedown or start up) operations. As with the engineering repoits and target pursuit action plans and scfiedules for NPDES permit holders, the County will submit to _ Ecology for approval #he County°s engineering report for the plant showing how the most effective, feasible phosphorus removal technology has been selected, anci how the offsets will be timely developed. At the time the plant begins normal, routine operations, it is expected the combination of offset actions and the plant's treatment of water to be discharged in the River will tagether achieve compliance with 10pg/1 _ phosphorus. Consistent tvith PVPDES requirements, the plant will be permitted by Ecology in order to enablE rapid conversion of septic systems ta sewers consistent with the approved septic tanlc elimination program priar to the completion of the County plant. The County will vzi 9 . construct the plant within the first 6 years of the MIP as the County's offsets firom tl;e target pursuit actions are being developed and made operative. It is recognized that any phosphorous reducdon actions selected by the County that rely on the plant achieving normal, routine operetion for their full implementation (such as completing septic tank hookups and/ar water re-use) can stjll contnbute to tfis County's affsets. It is further recognized that, 6ecause modem phosphorus removal technalogy is challenging, achieving normal, and routine operation may require two years, assuming average seasonal conditions (tempereture and flow) during bofh years. During this period, Ecology will recognize these conditions and their effects on compliance with interim discharge Ilmits. The County will also develop a compr+ehensive program for reclaimed water production, re-use and aquifer recharge of effluent This re-use pragram will be subject to the same conditians described for other re-use target pursuit action plans described above. 10th Year Assessment Following the 10t' year of the MIP there will be a major assessment of the plan's impact. A collaborative pracess will be used to make determfnations about the re{evant actions appropriate for the second 10 years of the MIP. The assessment will be a data-based, objective review designed to assess: o Tha amount of phosphorous recnoved from the River by ihe actions taken to date compared to phosphorus reduction targets. o The River response to those redudions and associated changes In DO • The necessity, if any, for furtfier reductions in phosphorous, CBOD and ammonia in order to achieve Water Quality Standards for DO. • TI1e likelihood of further phosphorous reductions occurring in the next 10 yearB of the MIP if the actions begun in the first 10 years were continued. • The set of actions that could be initfated (n tlze next 10 years of the MIP that would more likely than not result in further phosphorous rsduc6ons, if necessary, !o achieve 00 Water Quality Standards for Lake Spokane. • The reasonableness of pursuing these actions and/or the reasonableness rf pursuing other strategies such as Lake Spokene oxygenation andlar the appropriateness of modifying DO Wator Qualit,r Standards if conanuing existing or Implemenfing additional phosphorous removal strategies wfll more Hkely than not fail fo improve DO suffiiciently to meet existing DO Water Quality St3ndards. Particular attention will be given to Lake Spokane's hypolimnion (lowest) layer where DO levels may be least like(y to be s±gnrflcantly improved by upsiream phosFhorus reduction. vzi 10 • Data and actions will be carefuily reviewud tc) dcti:rmine whether technaiayy impravemenis and target pursuit actions can result in the hyRolimnian meeting DO Water Quality Standards, whether lake oxygenation or other techniques m,:-,., be effective in improving DO for this layer are appropria' ~ Att New, DO trtrP~vafl\ ~ Caetlrwed ar OC . / DuM tnAQP7 DltsoMd ~ Oaryyen ~ SL~tun ! Denne r' ~ Rlrer at or ~ eetlet tl7an WO p'~"~ew ,StanludAT ~ DONrtnM N!-' yTan Yrare d t. M~ Hwr, - ' ConlinUa] Oo Plhnr lra-s/1pr,,. . Cu... Q5('w 1! I i COfT7fy u Alfpl~i : DJCllfitOttl hPOtt i rn Yean d MIP v ~ SumY" Ptvpf mm. ~ bloQitr tttundams lrbdqy 3tsnda~y 414 00GfM0 f'e:ADfrtlAdkln~ i (UAA) V1: 1 i l ~ . This assessment will occur following the 10th year of the MIP. The.assessment may need to be extended if the timing of the installation of treatment technology has not resulted in operation fQr a long enough tirne to produce sufficient data about river condifions and DO response. ff this occurs, the assessment would not be completed until there has been at least 3 years of operation of all treatment technology upgrades by all dischargers. NPDES Permit Cycle Four 5-year NPDES permit cycles are expected to be covered under the MIP. Currently, all four existing NPDES permits arz und2r administrative extensions. Each of . the ex(sting NPDES permits will be handled sometivhat differeiitly due to varying condi4ons associated with eacli discharge. In general, the NPDES permits will follaw this sequence: . Tkm, The pemiit is issued vdith Efifluent limits adjusted based an perFormance history. The permit will stafe the goal • of achieving an equivalent ofi an effluent phosphorus concentration af iONgll phosphorus by ihe end of the following permit cycle (i.e., in 10 years) lhrough a combination of phosphorus traatment technology and target pursuit actfons. Enforceable terrns of each f~ NPDES permit vyill include the obligation to meet the I 2007 - 2011 effluent limit and the obligation ta start, continue, andlor complete fihe target pursuit actions. The details of ttie targef pursuit actians may be set forth in a separafe administrative order. The permit, depending on date of issue, rnay also specify dates for submitting atechnology selection protocol and an Engineering Repoit with an estimaied construction schedule, all as . described in the section titled "7arget PursLiit Acfions." v21 12 The permit is issued with interim effluent limits taking - efiect with the completion of fechnology upgrades. Implemen#ation of the phosphorus target pursuit actians to reduce the Delta is continued during this permit cycle. The permit will state the goal of achieving an equivalent of an effluent phosphorus concentration of 10pglI . phosphorus by the end of the pemiit cycle (i.e., in 5 years) through a combination of phosphorus trzatment technology and target pursuit actions. As in the first Permit Cycle, enforceable terms of the NPDES pennit will include the obligation to meet the effluent limit and the obligation to con#inue and/or complete the target pursuit actions. The details af the target pursuit action5 • 11 2012 -2016 may be set forth in a separate administrative arder. The interim limits will be based on the Engineering Report that provicfes Ecology with reasonable assurance that . an equivalent of an effluent phasphonas concentration of 10pglI phosphorus will be achieved hy the end of the permit cycla. It is recognized that, because modern phosphorus removal technology is challenging, achiaving normal and routine operation may rzquirQ hedo year, assuming average seasonal conditions (temperature and flow) during botn years. During this period, Ecology will recognize these cond'Itions and their : effects on compliance with interim discharge limits. Operational characteristics far the newly installed technology will be assessed so that final limits can be established. The permit is issued wifh final effluent limits hased on observed operational characterisfics. The permit wiill refiect results of the 10'" Year Assessment. The permit ' Urill state the goal of achieving an equivalent of an effluent phosptiorus concentratian of 10pg/l phosphorus 111 2017 - 2021 through a combination of phosphorus treatment technology and target pursuit activns. As in the first Permit Cycle, enforceable terms of the NPDES permit , will include the obligation to meet the eftluent limit and the obligation to continue aiidlor complete the target _ pursuit actions. The details of the target pursuit actiQns . rray be set forth in a sebarate administrative order. The permit is issued avith established final effluent limits that, in combination vaith completed and continuing IV 2022 - 2026 target pursuit actions, meet the final veaste load allocations since they will be enforceable at the end of ' . . the AIfIP. . A Gantt chart versinn of the anticipated pen-nit cycles for each existing NPDES permit . holder plus the permit cycle for Spokane County is included for illustrative purpnses as Atfachnient A. - ' . ' va 1 13 Schedule of Acdvitles to lnitiate the M/P Based on and consistent with the princlples and foundational concepts In this Agreement, several tasks need to be completed as the Spokane River TMDL and accompanying MIP are made final. These actions include the following: * Re-drafting of the TMDL, completion of the MIP by Eco(ogy, and submittal of the final TMDL to EPA - target date 1/1/2007 o Submittal to Ecology of technology seleciion pfotocols, Delta elimination plans and heatment technology implementation schedule by each discharger - target date 1 /1 /2007 • Creaton of the overslght and coordination structure necessary to implement the actians that wip be conducted an a regianai scafe such as the operaUon of the NPS and monitoring programs - target date 1/112007 Assuming the Foundational Concepts In this paper become an Agreement In Principle that is endorsed by Ecolagy and the dischargers this summer, and ttie TMDL is completed by Ecology and approved by EPA, it appears likely the first permiiting soquence and the start af the MIP's first ten year period could begin in early 2007. Ecology and the dfschargers agree that local elected officials in the Spokane area shauld share the lead with Ecology in developing the appropriate oversight and caordination structure for overseeing the implementaiion of tfie MIP and securing the necessary inter-agency agreements and funding commitments sufficient to support it. Applyir,g the Foundabonal Concepts, the Agresment in Principle does not requfre any party to engage In any future action or make any subsequent decision In violatlon of established rules and procedures for engagirig in such actions or making such decisions. Noihing in thls document changes any party's autharities or respansibilitles under law or regulation. The parties embracing this Agreement recognize and support that thfs path forward is the appropriate way to establish the legally sufticient frameworic for compteting the Spokane River DO TMDL and to quickly begin the important work of improving the health of the Spokane Rtver. All parties agree to conduct themselves ovQr the next months and years consistent with ihese Foundational Concepts and resultPng Agreement In Pdnciple so that this can be successfully and efficiently accomplished. v; i 14 , Attachment A: Draft Wastewater Treatment Facility Permftting Schedule - OW;LUnta i-cx: rcLUSFRa ; rvF vuRPasEs oNi r - ~ ~ - I ~ ~ R ~ ~ _i - t ~ I ~ - ~ _ - -I ~ I ~ w ~ I I I. ~ I I I i I JLL 1 ~ ~1' - - ' - - - W ^ ~ IC r ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ f I A - - I - - - i ~ - ~ - ~ ii - 1-1 - ~ . =~I .:,.~f o~~~ ~ - '~f., _ i ' ' rL }v• ~ -i:~ ~ _ . _ L~•: _ _ _ ~ t = i r " :i i ~ _I~ ^ ~ - - - l C- r'~ I: ~ I: ~i • M rF ~ c s>~~!~c~ y `~C td~i r i: , _ . . .f.l ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Apnl 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent 0 old business ❑ new business L] puGlfc hearing ❑ Infonnation ❑ edmin report ❑ pending legfsladon AGENDA tTEM TITLE: Motion Conalderation: Snow Plowing Level of Service GOVERNING LEGiSLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCiL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Councli discussed the levei of service for snow plowing and sVeet sweeping on November 14, 2006. As a resuft of discvssions with the City Manager, we have made changes in the snow plowing level of service for priority 4 roads to cleariy indicate that the valley floor residential streets will not be plawed until functianal traffic tiow is substantially inhibited. We have also reviewed the attached level of service with the County. They could only remember plowing all the residential streets in the winEer of 03/04 when we had signfficantly more than 4 inches of snow and with more snow in the forecast. Council requested that the level of service for snow plowing be placed on a future agenda for a motion consideration. Attached is a presentation for consideration an the level of service for snow plowing. OPTIONS: Approve, amend or not approve the level of service. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the level af senrice for snow plowing and deicing as stated in the presentation. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT& STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS Presentetion ~ ..jii - •.~~I - 1 r _ ' . . C I~ ~ rl ' ~ • . • . . " _ ` ' ' ~ - ~ ^ . ~ y ~;s. • F ~~~i~'~ 'x,. i'~ ~ . 4 • ~ ~ Snow P owang & Deic ncl eve of Serv"ce ~ ~J 1 /~'1, h._ 1 ~ Neil Kersten, Public Works Director John Hohman, Senior Engineer Tim Klein, Street Maintenance SUpr\21rintcndeni Apri I 10, 2007 Poge 1 Snow Level of Service ~ i ~ , Snow - Levels of Service r • City"s Superintendent monitors weather reports & directs County activities •-Crews avai ab e in shifts for 24 hour coverage SNOWPLOWING NUMBER OF DEICERS GRADERS TRUCK TRUCK TRUCKS HOURS TO PRIORITIES EMPLOYEES PLOWS SANDERS PlowslSandera COMPLETE 1 Main Artenals 14 2 7 2 3 12 2 Secondary Artenals 8 2 Z 1~ 3 Fiillside Residentta;s 12 2 $ 2 16 4 Va1!ey Flc)-or Rtsiclent;als 15 9 4 2 60 i i page Snow Level of Service ~ - - - _ - Plowing Priorities Snow 1, 2& • Limited operations for snow events ra ng i ng from 1 to 3 inches • P owi ng performed as cond itions wa rra nt, focuses on prob em areas and hi sides • Coordination occurs with Po ice Department on accident & prob em areas • Fu p owi ng activities for snow events exceeding a depth of 4 inches Page 3 Snow Leve) of Servic~ Snow Plowing Priority ; • Residentia streets on the Va ey f aor wi be considered for p.owing when functiona traffic f ow is substantia y inhibited. Pnge 4 Snow Level of Service , _ - - - . , 2 & 3 Ice Control - Priorities • Limited iquid deicing activities begin prior to snow events on bridges and primary intersections • So id granu ar deicer is the primary deicing method for streets and intersections and begins as soon as there is snow accumu ation on the roadway * Limited sanding and iquid deicing occurs during snow events - usua y imited to intersections, hi s, and corners : Page. 5 Snow Level of Service Ice Control Priority • Deicing and sandin9 wi not be conducted on residentia streets on the Val eY f oo r except at co ntro ed intersections & se ected prob em a reas Page 6 5now Level of Service I ij no X ~ 1- i!1 . ,~1~~ - f ~i ~ ~ ~ ••tt .j.0t .i M . k`~7 '`r~. iy ~ . tNX~~~ ~ t ~..t ~ ~ ~ ~ i . u1 ~ r I W rttfCQ►+ __y,qMpk:ef,y?~?" ~TA ..r' ~ 1N - {a • ~v~Y ,~f r~# ~ ~ ~ ~•w " ~'~V~~~~„~. ~ i ' ~ s ~ J . _ . uM~ 51~f~y,~~~ ~ y • ~ ' ~ ~ t ~ I~ tittsl / . ~r~ • 'C' Sn - ~ ' . M,q1 nin ~ • • ti~~ ~ ti ?+x ~ ~lrK ! : ~ ~ r~. a,. r t~,.J..~. ' ~ i , - ~ ~ .1~~ , ~ 1• _ 1~` ~ . b,}~~n .y, ' ~ ~ •y . Y~`..f. ~ ..Si.~ft1~ C , rr ~ ~ ~t . ~ tr~~ . b Vb~ ~.~y t)P~ ~ tia~ ~ i G' •.tl~ l p t~ ~ .,.3Nh . 1~' y _ ovy Rer~~V ~ . a,a_ ~'J' n M~1f: Ui'1rr~? f- c , ~ ;,o M1•,~. - ' PRtipRt „w ,,,w% 5 ; ~ ; R1ORfC`f ~ ~ ~ , "f~.!, ► p ~„W,~ .,+~'=`,"1' RiOR1-N P 4 ~ x~"' . 4~~ - - , ~ ~ ` . ~ ► r,..- . Al ~ ~ ~ ~ . . 'ti ' - . - . . . I-N6 PFPPI" ppp wpppp" y ~ , { ~ ~F .a . t . . _ . . - . Pa9e 8 ~ Snow Leve( of Service. ' ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ED new business f] public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Authorizing Negotiation of Street and Starmwater Maintenance and Repair Request for Proposals GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interlocal Agreement 06-0172 with Spokane County Regarding Road Maintenance. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Agreement 06-0172 approved February 16, 2006, October 17, 2006 Council Meeting (first touch) BACKGROUND: The County has provided street and stormwater maintenance and repair services for the City since incorporation. Over the past year we have been implementing contracts with private service providers in accordance with the transition plan included as part of the interlocal agreement with Spokane County. In 2006, we contracted vvith many different providers to conduct tasks such as asphalt patching, roadway shoulder repair, gravel road grading, drywell repair, and curb, gutter, and inlet repair. For 2007, staff proposed combining many maintenance and repair ac#ivities into one Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to consolidate the City staff administration and oversight of these services. This approach was discussed with council on October 17, 2006. The RFP document was advertised on February 23, 2007. A pre-proposal conference was held on March 8, 2007 and proposals were due on March 22, 2007. Two contractors submitted proposals: Spokane Rock Products and Poe Asphalt Paving. Interviews with both companies were held on March 28, 2007. Both firms presented strong project teams and well developed proposals. At the conclusion of the review process, the selection committee unanimously agreed that Poe Asphalt Paving provided the most responsive proposal and interview. Both proposals are attached for review. The stormwater and street funds have reserved $1,175,119 for these maintenance and repair services for the 2007 calendar year. OPTIONS: Staff negotiates a contract with Poe Asphalt Paving based on their proposal and brings a proposed contract back to Council for their consideration, or other direction as directed by Council. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize staff to proceed with negotiations with Poe Asphalt Paving. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the current 2007 approved budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, John Hohman ATTACHMENTS Poe Asphalt Paving and Spokane Rock Products Proposals • RFP PACKET . Caty of - . , Spokane Va11e f Street and Stormwater Maintenance and- Repair Services • Proposal No. O?=008 We appreciate the opportuniry to give you this proposal and look forward to a posi.tive relationship. - Thank You, • . Brad-Griffith PASPO PY A~tZG ITIG Sorving Washington & ldaho slnce 1953 /00 . ~ ; , . Table Qf CQntenfs • Attachment R- Parts 1& 2 • Attachment B - Company Experience, References, Work Plan, Equipment List and Daily Report • Attachment C - Cost Proposal ' • Attachment D = Bid Bond - ' • Attachment E - Signature Page • . ATTACHMIRANI` A - PA.xr i OENMkL 1I\1FORM.ATION ` A. Legsl Name of AppLic,ant Company, I P(}F,, j44PAAT.T FRI77NG{ Yr . 73.Nlame of Confact Person ' . HRBD 01= . • - . Tide vIC6 P12E5~r Teleghonc iNumber includiag area code 208-777-0498 e-mail address bradPooeasoh_alt.!rD • ' C.17id ouLide individuaLsJagencies Assist wifh preparation of this program? YES x h~0 • If "Yes", plea ,e dcscribe: _ D. RECEIPT OF tt17]71fi~A: Fum aclmowledgcs rc;ceipt of the following addenda if any: AddendumNa i Addandurn hTO. Addcnclum No. ` Addendum No. Dated 3/.1 6/ 2 0 0 7 17ated Datcxl . Dateti I. ccrtiiq tbat to the bcst of my knowledge the information containetl in [his it.rQ for qualifications is acciuafe and complete and thst I hsve the legal authoriiy to commit this agency ~ to a contractual agrecmcnt I rcalize the final fuuding for anv scrvic,e is based upon funding levels and ttre xpproval of fhe Spokane Valley City Council. ' ! o(i C r]-1T14~ • V. Print Nane ~ Title ' ` V 3--l~-G-7 ~ , Sigraal e; ~ w:,~~trxlcn, a~Applieaait Agency 17ate . / A 1"I'ACHM~►,1'I' A- rA.ttT 2~ AD?vENIS'C1tATNE INFO1tMATION . . A. t"IIt,Vt: . 1. Name of firm: PpE AspHAg,T PAVIm ~1~1C 2. Busincss adcfaess including zip code: 2732 A3 gEM Rp, pQST EM,r S ID 83854 ' 3. Telephane ntamber including " codc: 208-777-0948 ' 4. Fax number including ctrea code: 208-777-0499 • 5. 'rederFil THx IdcntificatiunN*umbcr: 82-0263719 6. Washington Statc UBI Nuniber if issued: 909-018-663 7. Sfflte Tndustrial Account Tden[ificabna NuanUh.r if issucd: 191, 377-00.1 . 8. Followuig is-a listing of n!1 engFigtments the compmry 6as undcrtakcn in the last five . ye2r,t thiil havc resultad ia: (a) Arbitration or litigation xnd the dispositioci of the rascs. - '~0?,i J' • , (b) Claims being filed by thz Tederal Goveranient or the NashingiaQ State • Deparfmcats of L& I, l;mploymcnt Socurity or Reventle. (c) I.iens or claims recorded with thc Spokane County Auditor by supglie:rs or suboontractors_ List with whom, for what, and amounL NONE . B. rNsLntn.rrcF: coNVANY: _ - . ' . 1. Nsune of lnsuiance Company ~-mlEgRAxER_t.c~y INS,p,C, ' 2. Name o£ Insurance AgcnC jT14 HEti,= . 3. Address including zsp codo: p o aox 9, CCARxs'tCN wP 99903-0009 4. Tele~hone numbcr including area arrde: 549-758-5529 • . Attaehment B - Ccnugany Expexiextce . Poe Asghalt Paving, Fnc, haa boen in bu.^,tans.^, :inoe 1993. We pride oursc3lvca in delivezing quality pzojeM on time, aazd tmder budgeL Our projcct3 zango in ui2e Eram private ' cFziver• aqs to Stato / FcBcrat HIg2ivmya in VJttshftgbon and Idaho. Poe Asphalt has oamploted ootttraets wtth varios municroalities over thC yCaa's. We hace p[+ztnezed v.-fth such agancies as: . • Ci#y of Spokano Valley . City of Ubarty Lalto ~ • City of Caour d'AEene . Ci:y of Rathdtuttt . • ciry of Pullman ' . City oiPRosoow . • • City of Clazkston . . • City of Iuo wi::tcrt • ' • WashixuJton Stnto Univorsity ' See altached sheets for refezencea. All of our Emnloyeas have ths appropriate license, and ceztlilcatioas to operate the equigment necesaary to ozecuto tho tivork needed to complete ftva contraet. Tho ueansgecerent team htss substantial exaezience and t3as attendea various leaderahip eeminars, quality • ' control cl=es, .afety c8ttsre., eaid coanputer sofhvaro classo3. Helow, fo n]i; t of the key pezsonnel that cvill bo iavals-ed in axectitiug ttits, eondract: • •Rrad Griffith Vico Presidcni - 30 }reaza of experienee , • Ivis.-~ce Johr,son ~ Supezi.ntendnnt - --19 pears of eaperience • Taj Findezsan - Project?1lansger -S years esperionco , • Jody Todhunter • - Contract Ac3mfnFstratiolt - 10 yeaas eapesience • John Fiines - Pacing Foreman , 30 years eapezien;ce • Dana Haugen ~ Paep Forsman - 25 yeas eupnrlanee - . Attachment B ~ References • City of Spckane Valley Hsphalt Repairs 2006 $800,000 • TIm Slofn - 806 688-0182 ' Street averlays, aggzogaio base, pa2ch[ng, utllity adjastrsients, taaSic ebntiol_. • • City af Coeur d'Alena Ovezlays 2004 . $6q0,000 Diclc Sucbocki - 208 769-2238 • Asnhalt removal, fabric, oveziays, utatty adjustmont,, patching, Uaf~t c control. • City of Cocur d'Alono ovorlays 2005 $530,000 Dic'_t Suchac3i - 206 769-2295 Streot ovezlays, Essphalt rem.oval, f3baio, azEility adjustnents, gaQching, trafi'ic coaGOl. , • FYliaor Street Resurfacing . City of Pullraan , • $400,000 - • Sam Nasrallu-509 338-3343 O-✓erlays, patching, utRiry adju:;tment,, traitic control. ~ ficcolcntcd Street Resurlaciag . City of Pu22nean $420.oao Saitt NaarnFPa - 509 338-3303 , Grinding, rredge mMing, e^phatt paving, tttility adjustrneats, curb tonluoemeat, txafEc control. • WSII Parlsinq Sezvices Ropair 2005 , $48,300 F.ci Fish,er - 5ag 33M080 ' a. otion, aaphalt naving, poAett[ng, ulility acijustments. ' • WSIJ Rcsurfacc & Repair 2006 $185,000 Clydc 4VIlhelin - 549 335-8000 , Grinding, P4vin9, Faich[ttg, utadty adjustnents. • FY06 Pavement Oveilay City af Mosoow . • 5320,000 • Joo Schnachcr - 2W 788-4233 Grin'tiing, asnhaFt averlays, fabric. W3lity adjustrxtents, tsaiic c4nirol. . CityStroct34Iaiatca;u►cc 1997,2001, aad 2005 City of Lc;tviston g622,0DU, $337,000,'and S347,000 Mexritt Aoaon - 203 746-3671 Fat 2$0 . Quality patching, utliry adjustatents, asuhalt pze-levei, paring fabrte, overlups, chin . soal, traSLie control. , - You cftn caBl these Ftsuaicipalities for additlonal re[ezences; • City of Lc"bmrty Irs3cr,. ' • Doug &mith 549 755-6306 • City of Claz-kston Jim raartin • sos •rsa-isea - . ' - Attachment 8 - Work P'lan . Proliminaxy Schedule: ' 't]i3s schedule is a g,annral autline oi available tirmo to be s»ent on the prajecL April thrn june: 5-10 traFking days ensite S - ? vroridng dsys oifsi!e July thrn Octohez: 3- 5 wozldng days onsito 7 -12 vrozldng days o4fsIto '1`!te tentati.e dafo for our a^Ahalt nlant to open is RorII V. The pla3t typically atays open • through ATovembet. 4Yazk requix~ments vrill be accomplishad by the SupE.rinEendent co:nmunicating vdth TIm E{lein on a zegular ba.-;n to echedule ;vork to bo tioue. The SupCti+tendent cvill then sot up tho work by notifyirig the ProjeCt PrLanager of ehe schcdulo,, aFlo -.ving 2tim to orclsz anateriala if neodod. Tite Supezizqt.er.dent will t3ten .^.et u~a d31e mobilizacion of Ehe cqutpment ar.d nezso;uzal ncoded to ezecute the crork.'Phe Project Masitger vnF tack the v-ozk viu the D:iily Report9. He rrill al.^,o Cornmunicate fhe scono ot ,vork to the Contracts Adiasmistration person w3eo vn71 then invoico woxk done on a manthly ba..~is. ' . Oux equipment mcets ull fedeza2, atate, and local reg'ulations. We prido outsaives fn maintnining clean, un ?o dato Qqufpiucnt In good rrorlang conditfan. We have an extenuivo prevantailve ttiaintenaace program tivhich keops alt of aur equipmont up to slzinda*ds. See attached Equfpment list: The Sucerintendent tirill bo in toach with Tim ffiafa on a reyular basis and He cau bc rcached by ca11 phone behveen Ehe hours of 5:30 am - 6:30 pm ?1londay - FYtday. Messzges can be left on his cel! plione afinr houts. He saill seturn aitdr hour messages at the begiiu3Mg of the next work day. NSessages leE# dauing tvork hours criil be retuuzad vrtthln 2 hours. ff the SuAarintcutdent canxtoi be reacteed duo to L^5ues beyond our ooritrol, tho F°rojec! Pdanager can be reacEtod tltzough the office and / az his cc;ll »ttone. - Poo Rsphztlt vnfll analyze the v.-orlc aetiMty to be done and sunply lIIbor and equipment fo ' compleEo the vrork in asafe mannez with ttto leu.^.t amoant oi impacl on the public es possib2e. . . , . Poe ILsphalt gusrantees our workman52tip aztcl materiai9 used to ba En uveorda-ce caith epeci@cations. Vle svi11 mpati or realace any of oizr.wazk thaE may prave to be defecdve in ifs . trorlem8zshin fQZ ane (1) yoas from data of ecceptanco. Thc :.afety of our personnQl and the public ie aur biggest coacern. 49e in_tend to be very detailed in our tt-affic contraF prooeduras. PreCautionary measuros uzc part o: our daly opentio:as to assure pubifc safety i.e.: temporary ra:aps for access, uaeJen edgoa, otC. The Foreman wiU fill out tho DtsRy Repaitg, turn thegx shto the Superintendent far rcview / . anpzoval, the Pro/ect Maaagar vri71 rece5ve daily'reports from the Superfntendent aftar approval and then organiza the Daily Ltepozts duto weekly ropottf; faz delivery to the City of Spokano Vailey. ' • Seo attached dailp zeport: ' We appaeciato tho oppaztunity the Ciry af Spolcune Valley hae givan as -in pzoviding this proaosa9. Througi► tho eoIiabozatian of our staEE cvo vtere abte ta challenqo ourmlves in our commuxtifcations, vrork Qrnw, catety, equipment atiliz.atian, and zegczdng. This praposal , includcs ne,:a fdetu on hovr we may befter serre fho City of Suokauto VaUey tvith higher quaiity, value, and on timu do2Pvcry. We ioo& iorward to a positive pancnprshtp. If pou have any qnes;iona regardinq thts prop*--sl, pleaEe cohtact Bma crissn zaa 6ao-3092, Jady Todhtutter 208 737-0488, NEUce Johnsan 208 660-1887, or I`aj Anderscn 208 660-1248. . EQUIPMENT I,IST . ' page 1 UMIT# DESCRIr ION OONDITIO,b ' GOOD 38 1993 KENWORTFI TBDo TRAC70R QOOD 224 1985 FQRD F600 DU19P TRUCK GOOD 225 2000 FORD F600 DU14P 7RUGK EXCELLENT • 22,1999 KENWORTH T800 END DUMP EXCELLENT 28 1999 KENbWORTFt T800 END DUh6P EXCELLENT . 40 1999 KENbYOFiTFi 7800 END DUMP EXCELLENT , 56 1993 PETERBILT 357 END DUPAP GOOD , 60 1998 KEM4VORTN 7800 END DL1h6P , GOOD 23 2007 PETERBILT 357 SUI'ER DUhAP EXCELLENi' ' ^c4 2007 PET[RBILT 357 SUPER DUt-AP EXCELLENT • 25 2007 FETERBILT 3$7 SUPk"Fi C}UM9P EXC£L!_FMl" 27 2007 PETERBILT 357 SUI'ER aUPAP EXCELLENT 28 2007 PETER91lT 357 SUPER OUMP EXGEI.IEtdl' . • 251 2004 FORD LBOUO WATER TRUCK 2000 GAILON EXCELLENT 257 1979 FOFID LB000 4NATER TRUCK 2000 QALLOPJ QOdD •250 1998 6CEN'NORTH T800 WAl"ER TRUCK aGOO QALLOPJ GOOD 284 1974 KENWC)RTM C5U01^lATER 7RUCK GOOD 205 2004 FORD F550 TACK TRUCK , EXCELLENT 273 193J FORD F450 SEfiVICE TRUCK EXCELLENT 219 1997 FORD RrWQER GOOD • 221 2003 CHEVY Ci 0 2000 FORQ F250 EXCELLENT 230 2000 FORD F250 EXCELLENT 300 2007 FORD F150 EXCELLENT 303 2000 CN kV Y Ci 0 EXCELI.F-NT • 304 2006 CNE/Y COLORADO EXCELLENT . 908 2004 GMC 150U EXCELLF-TlT 202 2004 FORf7 F450 EXCELLENT • 208 2006 FOFtD F450 ' EXCELLFrV'C ' • 247 2003 FORD F550 • EXCELLENT 75 2007 TRAIIXINQ L01^l8EI7 ' EXGELLEidT' . ' 102 2001 WILLIAMSF➢`14 A,)Q_E I'UP ' EXCELLENT - 103 2001 4VILLIAM8EPd 4 AXI.E PiJP EXCELLEtd'C - • 187 1989 WIILIAMSFad 4 AXLE FUP EXCELLENT 188 1999 WIILIAMSEPd 4 AXLE PY1P EXCELLENT 189 1999 VJILLIAhASEiid 4 A)Q_E PUP EXCELLUff 197 1997 NUNWAY BEI1Y dUA-1P TRAILER GO00 . 144 2003 OLYM I'IC 3 AXLE TtLT TRAILER EXCELI.ENT• • 131 1996 TRAI LMAX Ti 2UT TRAILER GOOD ' ' 132 1998 TRAIL.iv1AX T12UT TRAILER , GOOD ' 149 2008 TqAILiv1AX T12UT TRAILER EXCELLENT 87 1977 SA1V TFAILER GOOD . ' 70 2004 FOX UTll.l'fY 7RAILER . , EXCELLENT 127 FREUHAUF 7ACK TRAILER GOOD . 461 1996 CAT CSo63C GRADE ROLLEN GOOU "406 2004 IFi DD34HF ROLLER EXCELLENT . ' 411 2004 DYNAPAC GC102 ROLLER EXGEI.I.EPFi' EQUIPMENT LIST page 2 UNff K - DESCRIPTION CONDITION 413 2006 lR DD70HF ROLLER EXCELLENT ' 418 2000 1RDD1101-IF ROLLER EXCELLENT - 505 2005 BOD.9AG PAVER EXCELLENT 524 2000 BLA'!J KPdOX PF5510 PAVER EXCELLENT . 607 2002 CA7 972G11 LOADER IXCELLENT 722 2005 JOHN DEERE 21oLE SKIPLOADER EXCELLENT 718 1974 HUBEH k1750 GRADER • GOOD • J11 5898 CAT 180H GRADER GOOD ' 828 2006 BROCE BR00M EXCELLENT 928 1 J36 TACK TRAILER Q40D 945 6tiULTIQUIP SAbV - EXCELLENT 421 PLATE INACKERS ' • QOOD ' , I POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. th`"'AeaW Fap'`rwnr"" T*s`.Taxew. CREW CARD ~ h1`'fF:1i RE/1DlMC DATE: EtrD UslSubcanboctnis: JO13 NO. NAME: STA4iT ' ~AY I'~p~t0t«~~`' ~ WEA7HER FOREA4AN'3 ' APA: P.M. SHIFT: APPROVAL . VEKa MATERIALS NAME I EAIPU)YEE I SGRf I FLYI;d I I PHASE I CLASS I IEQUIP, AC Prelevel 4%rylonnim NU.V.@cR SINE LN iLYE 3T OT CODE COD'e HRS. 0.C MsfitMe "^tl~itortna~ I I I ~ ava~o~ ~ I I ' I I +1 I Concretn cl I I I I I 1 I CgF+r ' laltOm= ~ I I ~ I I CsTr 1aAROM89 Scraietltati Im& I I ~ ~ ~ I pedifiv y I I I I I C^t- ~•,n~~ I ~ I I I Emul3on LaMoaumn Stnrtn ' F. i I I^ i I I I ! I I I YMer ~ F. Sanar asTmra- LF. I I ~ I I I I cosi wue ~ dcnrxee -rrv= . ( I i I { . ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I I I I I I I rrmi ~xcorr.rILere~ JOB DIARY . I I, I I ` .....NF I TYPF ~ OKMER 1 OrM I ii0ltrl8 ~ I I I I I ~ f ~ I I I I BATCN: PAGE OF TOTALHOURS: TOTALPRODUCTION: CHECKQD BY: ' PFCf~"-'NCAAD 2PT = j•': ~}V 1C:154I CfTY SPOIANE VALLEY A0.302 P. 5;'9 A.T1Aiu HMLI.tNT C - Cl ~:J A ROPV SAJ.,! • . ~ ~ . - - Coniractaxs nvcrLead and Profit , A'1 i'ACHIi ZE,N'Z' C- PAlt l' i Ttmn Drsciiption ' Overhead ' . and Profic . • (°io) i Conk-acoors Fee i n• Ovcnccad and pcofit for Project Cosis ' 22$ 2 Contwiors Rc f:)r Qverhead and k'rofit for SubcQngaciar Costis 88 ' ~ ~ . . ~ • I . ~ . w. . . _ . . , . fb:~ I(. 1007 11;:26AM CiTI S?01 kt1E VdIIEY _ tit?. 302 P. bi 4 ~ ATTA.CI [ME, NT C - COS'Z' PROPOSA,L ~ ~ . . . I :antrnctor's P:+y►•oil Cost - ,A7 TACOMMT C - PART 2 ~ Cuufra+:for•tu lisf aII nersoi tiiel esPected taworYcsvifhi,i tEiO CitY - - PiTSanne: Classificatior► end Desc ri.ption ' I-lourly RLte . ' . ~ • • - uFr, HRS~,~'L$'1'.T.t's • . Supc:rinfeadent - Ptimary Cit- oontect, arganlzas, scbcdulc.3, end ;t. 3nagts •:nntractors work ' • ' ~ • • ' ~.~...0..~ S. 7---~ 04 FOREPIAN 4_1 OO 55. Q¢ i oecRa`LOR . r$.41 . OA $.ss. o_a 1 'P +31 .,Ofl.' Is 55.00 . _ _LAAORF.R • 1-41~; 00 ~ ~ 55. 00 ~ . t . . _ . ' , . . ' . ' ' . . - . . ~ . . . . . • . ~ ~ ; . - . ; ~ . . ~ ~ ~ . I . . . . . . ~4 . ATTACHMENT C - COST PROPOSAL Contractoes EquipmentCost f ' . ATTACHMENT C- PART 3 Cantractor tn list all equipment expected fo work witbin the City F,quipment Acscriptian - Honrly RaEe 938 1993 !CW T800 Tractar - ' 1155•00 #224 1985 Ford F600 Dump '[Yucl: - , . ~540.00 922 1499 ER'J T'BOD End Dump ~S55.00 #29 1999 KW T800 Aad Iharnp ~S55.00 ' ia40 1999 KW n00 Eutll3wttp ~$55.00 ~SSSAb 956 1993 Pete 357 End Dump n60 1998 ICN T800 £nd Dump , 1$35.06 m23 2007 Yet-- 357 Super Dump I$75.00 • tr24 2007 PctA 357 Sapcr Damp - IS75.00 925 2007 Pctc357 SupcrIIitntp ' Ius75.00 ~}27 2007 PaOe 357 Suger Dcmp I575.00 028 2007 Pcte 357 Super Bwnp I573.00 , . H257 1979 Focd L8U00 V4sicr Tiuak, 2000 Gallon ~S40.00 ~.i259 1988 KW TSUO Wa[er ltuck, 4000 Gailon ISSS.OU 9284 1974 KW C500 WaEer Trucl: 1~5 5.00 . R205 2004 FmdF550'tmckTnock I$40.00 1273 1999 Fotd F451D Scrvioc 7'nec& ~$35.00 R219 1947 Ford Ranoer ~$10.00 11221 2003 Chevy C10 1$15.00 5230 2000 Fa;d FlSO 1S15.00 #300 2007 Ford F150 ~$15.00 L1303 2000 Clravy C10 1$15.00 , 9304 2006 Chevy Colorado . ~$10.00 ft30620044N4C1500 . 1$15.00• . '_-P202 2004 Foid F450 1$25.00 4208 2006 Ford F450 I525.00 4247 2003 Pard F550 ' 1525.00 ' #75 2007 Tr•.ilgdny Low•bed ' 1$35.00 ' #102 2001 Vlilliamsen 4 Axlo Pup I520.00 !j103 2001 Willi=w:;en 4 Ax1e Pup ' V20.00 ; ' I~:quipment DescripHon ConE'd Hourly Rate #187 1999 Williamscn 4 Axlc Pup I520.00 . RI88 1999 WiAiam^ea 4 Az?o Pup ~520.00 #1 A9 1999 Willinmsm 4 A31a Pap 520.00 . , 9197 1997 Ra-ay Bally Damp Tiailes $20.00 . , 9144 2003 Olympic 3 Axlc'1'ilt'Lruiler ~$25.00 NU1 1998 Tnulm-dx T12TFl' Tmilcr `$15.00 ~ # 132 1938 Trailmax T12Ut"tiaiter 1$I5.00 9149 2006 Trailmvc T12UC Traikr ' I$15.00 - #67 1977 Shop BIIih Sew Trailer 1 $15.00 470 2004 Fox lftflliry'rrdler IS15.00 S12] Fl°eu6au#'TsckTreiLer ' 1$15.00 • .`'s.461 1998 G.q C5563C OMtle Rellcr " ~$50.00 . A405 2004IR AD3+tHF Roller I$40.00 IM l l 200417ynapac CC 102 Raller , ~$40.00 #418 2006 Ibt DD'70HF Kuller ~$55.00 4416 20001ItllDIlOHFRoIles 1$70.00. SSOS 2005 Damas - 1a75.00 . "524 2000 H1urwlCnos YF5510 150.00 9607 2002 Cat 972GII ' ~$75A0 ' ' #722 2005 John YTeer: 210LB ~$45.00 U? 18 1974 FIuber M750 ' ~S45.00 #711 1998 Cei 160Ii' ~$80.00 , #828 2006 Srocc Beronm ~$50.00 - ' 9926 1998 Tack Tr,vlc.r 1$I5.00 ' #94C+ Mulaqnin Saw li25.00 `t,411 Plata Wnckers 1$5.00 ~ Broam - pick up MA ~$150.00 Backha^_ 310 - Rantal ~$50.00 V'.,t. If.i001 10:26AM CITY SPQIANE VAIEY _W 342 P. 8;'9 . ArTAcF-M~NT c - cosT Przoros.ar, . . ` ; . Mqtcri.3lg Costs - A17A.G1~1`V~,EN'' C- PAR`' 4 ' I : f T~:er~ I pcscrfpflon ' Unit I Unit Cosct . 1 ' .H41A • . Tan ' I - • I $ 43_00 . 12 GSBS Ton $ 6.00 ~ 3 I Quarr~, Spalls Taa . . - • S -i4_oo I 4 I Ctack Sealont Powid I Is' 4.00 5 I?CC Cubic Yud ~'t 42. o o I b ' Guurdrail LF : s 12.80 . ~ 7 b 'Ghain link Feu :ing LF I$ 12.00 ~ 8 , I 8`ctiata iink Fan ;]'M- g L.r• I I I$ 14.25 - 19 ~`lypo A Drysvell 1a Rond Prism _ I EA 19620.00 10 I Typc 13 Dtywell : n 12nad Px•ism l BA I $aso.oo 11 I Type A. Arywell I i Swale ~EA 1s62o. o o ~ 1.; J TyPe 131Jrywell ~ n Swele . I FA I , $850.00 • ~ . 1= Catchbasin Type ' I EA I$490.00 • .14. . ( Catchbasin 'Iypa : w/ Qil alater Se7aaraior FA, I ' _ • I IS82'0.Op ~ •1` I Yipe•Suznps ' EA, I 1E. 10°SOR„S PVC R,?e LF 19 5_70 117 ~ ir snx-35 P'VC Pipc LF . . 1a 8.20 ; • 18 . 1 12" L~ LF ' . . • IS 14.03. 19 I• 1T'RCP Lr 1g 2 0. o o° . I20 ' • I DcsPa Rock ICubic Ycls 10.83 . Filtcc Febric . I Sq Yas ~ - .84 . 22 I Seeding, Mulchinf• & Feffilizing I Sq Ft ~ . ~ .10 . 23 ~I soa . • I sq rc .40 - - . - . - . - : ( ~ . ~ l~R. lf. iJ~}7 iC:'76AM CiTY SPO1 Al1E YAIIEY h4. 342 P. 9/1 ATX'A.(M1vENT C - COST PRQPOSA.L . ~ . SUBCClN-rRr1,Cx01.2 TYS7.' - Al.°TACJ311UNT C- PA.RT 5 f'omhnetor to List all snbcn n[ractaKS expected to work with➢.,n thc Cifv " 'rTdODY`8 A5PHA.LT 5EAI,COATIi1G, TI3C. FRANK GOFLNEY. INC. • ' _ MDtd rpNS. U PFORTHGTE;ST 1"E[aCE NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE S-.ebLOatcactors - Coati-actor provitle a list of all suhconuactois anticiPatecl to be u:;ed fbi perfot.uuirag tho de, ctibed services. ContrwEoF tp list Lhe overhead and , pintit o'. subcontractors in It, un 2, part 1 af Attachment C. . , . . ~~(j~~~ • BO;WI:O: ^''~,rV N / A m k ~ y . . . . . BWATi!'OS1T SURE'i'Y BONID FOR.I~i - ?r*A.1IE OF PR07EGT: 5frmt and fimimvra+,er T4aiateaznco end Rcyair Scrvicea PROJEC7BIDNiT1R'IB110:07-008 . . NA4,4E OF PIRItiS: - . We, Poe AsDhait Pviing, Ino, as Riacipl, nad Safeco Insursnce GomAanv of AmariSa . ns Sutetg, e.ie bcld aud fumly bound o t13e.C11Y 0F SPOKANF VALLEY, a WashingtOn 5tnta • . • A4uaiipality, in the pennl sam of F~PEiCkNT (5%) QF TT•TH TOTAI. AM0UN7 HID, for $a psyeneat of R•bicb we joiildy and scvcrully bind auraelvr.s, and ow legal represeninfhcs r3and :acoessais. THE COISDIT[ONS 6F IM OF32.1 A1'ION are tfia 'rf fho City of Spo1ano Valley shall meh timely . • awatd to t6c Principal aofordiag to t6o t =us af fho bid da;vments; end tb,o rrir,cipai shait, wilWn ten (la) dsys eftc not'sw of th'e uw,ad, exctusi of tha day of nohoc, cnter f-Ao thfl cantsact cvith dLe City of Spoksuc N'eilcy sad fvtnishcs ihfl c trnoto6a bond (perfirmalCC and ptt}ment bond) with Sure1y sotisfsatory co thc City Cf Spolasne V ltey iq an amotmt equal to oae hund:ed perceat.(1mf,) of f6B . amount of the bid propoted 'mcludfas eshington State Sales Tos tlua tDJs oblip,ptian shall bc null amd wid; othenvlse if t}:o As'hcipa] fail9 ta nter into thc contrnci end £omish thc cantmatot's boud R•itlun ten (10) daya n8er notica of the :avmi, ewc wEva vf Ehe day of notice, th9 auwunt of tho bid deposit sha11 ba 6exfeibed to titro Cttr, but La no evmt w~.l tiw Su~ liabifity exceed thiie boud's facc mmGvut STGNED AINM SEAL.FD THIS 28lh DAX OF February YE,t1R 2C 07 - Safeco Insurance Comparn/ of Hrtzer9ca Poe Asphal't PcpAng, Inc. . . 5i7Rfil'Y ~ . ~ 2s~ - Q.. Ce n n. ' :y Del1a J. Allcn . . BRAD. GRT'',''TTH Typed Namc • (Typed Nsme • AEtamey In Fact • / , Y• ' Titio Title . (CFAQ . , \ i ~ . PO:'JER - o~mr 3L= 9 • , e OFATfORNEY ,~~vtasaa4-1sass K?tOVJ AE.L OY Tt1ESE PRES6t(TS: . No, 323 T1ut SAFECO INSUH11NC6 COMPANY Or A1.1Ei21CA mtd GkMH2AL MSURANCE C6SIPANY OF AMFRICJI, euich a• Wazhing.an mtpovattaR decs emc3t heceby 3ppoinl . '0El.LA J. ALLER CHERYI A. ASHBY; JAAtES AL HE1'RiT; DON htCQU:L'iY; PHIlSTON€3R/1KM QarkstonlVashingtr- ~•.Fe.••,'•••••••••••+a,..r.........raa.+,.,,,... .....u.. Ib iRlO .1nd E5lYtAll 8L76iI'.Cy(S)-iRfaCf. WtIh fldl au"J70(iP) f0 ¢XMJo0 Oi11ls @Ch21r 11d81* 411d J3iClY 8071e0 Qr ulldCfBKYI,~'i PnC O:hCf doaum.snn at a surs3ar Gw.ubri i^.ued in Ihe oaurc c[ tz b.t~e:s, and ;n heid 1he nespecGve carrv..ny ttietebY. Iti 1YrT~".'= WHEtYEOF, SAFECO UISUii11hCE GOM?ANY OF AMEWCA and GENERAL 1FSSU nCE CQMPANY OF M:ET'cICA have eaefi exocuted and ettc:ted these prosonts . 27th • Octc,bcv ' iDa5 . . • this daY af ' • . ~w ~~I~~f-~~~ • , . . " ~~'j,~P~ah'IE DAIEY-WAT'5.14.SECREiARV Mij~ pETER3. PRE510~{,7 ~IIRF7Y CEIiTIFtCATE Fxtract fiarn Ne Bpla.vF of SAF6C0 WSlJrTANGE C0MPi1NY OF AhSr=WCA . aad c! GFllERA1INSURANCL• CON,PFNY OF AMERICA: 'psHcla V. $e_Sitrn 93, - FZ[7Q.ITY ANO SURETY EQItDS thc Presidem, any VLx PresiderA, Me 5.,.......1. arnl eny, R;wl.tant Vtu Rcsiderd appainted,tor Uiat Wryc~ se bY Qw officrr in tlmrfla oi :.rtety apa[stier, shQE ca,h k.•m aul~arlry tn nppa'vn hiCi~RCua;: o: r+tta.,. ...-Qfd nr under CJfer m, proprfa7o C~.. wJh ~.i1t~aSry to axoe,ee an CetiaGT o( Itw camF~~ry' WeSIY e~ ~~'Y bnnds end . otlier doamcrfts ot slmllar c1:;amdcr issued by Ifie caapzur/ Li tie eowsa ol b bv.sire.s2_ On arey tru:nxmenS trpking w cr.drndng avdi r.ppoEntmer.t, lhe dgisl6rea may be aCinced 6y ttlcmilu. On arry fis7umerd oonfer.icA suffi autTnriDj cv en rny hond ar un.~...:W.,, o! Ihe m~ryi:~M. It~s soel. w a Lic.irr~n Ihecebf~.rtvY bo impfessed tr stttx(xt ar in ~y o0~~ mannm oeproduCe~ pravidai, hoxirror, th.il Ihc acol rshsli rxt Oe noca*sary'a r7,e %alidiry oi eny :.uch tnslrwneN cr iridcrtakir.0.• 6and fiam a ResotWbn at tho R_aad cl0it eCAie a[ SAFLCO IYSURAtCGE CC'm7PANY OF Atl.E WGA • and a1 GENER,AL INSURAAICE COSiiPANY OP AACFR[CA adople.d July 2d. t370. , .~y exemiod trf ihe Seaelary w an asi-tint xuetsry d Iho Cemp;3rr/ s&l;ng cul. 'On anY cer'' , 10 Tlig pryvt9pr af.UGde V. Sadion 73 of Ihc Bplm", an0 • - ' (~1 A eapy ot Cio,...,..,... _Saliamcy appnii6nant. qccu!'.ed pufFatarsl Ihareta and • - . CeiUfying tlnt xYa powe.*-aA-ettomay apy atimivent 1s In ftO Ccrrx, wnct eRea. cho ziynahue ar a,c mrtity:nq otfiar moy be Oy G,cttrfis. arxl Iho ssal at nr_ c..._,• may oo a f-.cfim'1a Iherocr: . 1.:51e~tr,~.tia QiMy~lh'a~as , 6acot:cy ot SAFECO L*13URleNCE COYpANY OF AMEWGA crud af GENERAI INSURFWC'B , eoecaaanr or araEMcA un Mrcey ccnty ttzd u~ fo~ extr: : cf L1o By-Larta nM of a fE~.:h~'.ron a Siw P.wrJ cf D3[ec0ora of th=e axporation.%. ard d a Pawct ot AC.arnoy i: :ued puru.,-roM Vuycta. arc Cme aul mnect eM 2vt boU: 7ro eyam.l tte Resa4ttlnn ' erw thc Pcuerdik'tortcy --e sU7 it NO fdrCe end c1`fecL • IN W[TA'E55 WKEREOF, I havc hcrcunW .-ct my h-itW rnd affmed tNe Wts4ir.ilo .c :10! said totporatlon _ this a ~ day of' ru..~. _ ✓~w • ~O 7, ' ' • . J : ~ c~ ~,f coaA,~, . ~ ~F ~ SEAL ~ ~ SEAL . i SiFPNNILLtlAWY=NAT5071.5EdifTAflY or NeH POP - S~O9TdlDS4A6 ' Biddes Peskct Street aad SOoanwatar Repnfr itFF l . ; . ATTACffiVIENT E - SICNATIJRE PAGE DEtte: lriARCEI 16. 2007 1$e undecsi gceed bidder hareby proposes and agreey ta deliver the aquipment and/or sccvices - piusuant to the 2007 Strm and Siocmwater Main#enance aad Rcpair Services and aIl other fens ' and eonditions of #his Request for Bids -,r-ithin fhuty days of f,ull execution of such Agreem= No bidder may Arithcfraw lus bid for a per6od of nincty (90) clays after tlie day of bid opening. -17he reqirired bid syeuriry consisting of a cetti£ed checs, bid bond, or cashier's check in an snount of not less than five percent (5%) of thc total amontit nill be delivered to the City. '1le imdcrsigned individual represeAts and warrants that ht ar she is duly aurhorized to , exeeute the bid on bchalf of any parinerstaip, joint vea#ure ar corparation. EOE ASRIiALT PAVING, IIdC. • CoZj]oI8i1011fflX'f~ftPXffWM= C0731paily ~'.~I / • ~`i ~ (Delete T1'vo) . ' (SignatuCe_V (13P.Pf6 GRTFPZTH) . \j ~ - . (Tiue) 2732 N. BEcx xoAn POST FAI.I.S. TDAHQ 3385.4 (Address) (208) 777-0498 • • . . (Telephone Nuimbcr) . • . \ . ' . ' . • . . " ' f: _ . . _ . ' . . . , , } ' • , ~t. ' • . ' • ` • . ^ " . • ` ,e"• • t i~ IY . l ` ' " Y . . - . . . . ~ ••~i~. ` . • .4 ' . • ' , ' - , '~.1_~t - 'f ~ . . • ' .4- ~ ~ , . . . . . , ! • • . . . . . . ,`.L' . ti . : r, ` s1 jj~~jjjj~~~: • ' " ,.Y•• 'i.l.~~'• f . . •l . ~ ' - 't' ' v . i. . 'i::I, ~i - . • . . . 1'~ - . . I . . r J .i ^,J7 ~t~ ~ .t• . . . , _ ~ ' ,L - . 1 _ , ~ :l•' 7 - . , . . . . , , i . . - . . Ol~t. . . . . . ~ I y~ . • . U I `t~ .•t . . _f ' . ' . . ' 1- . r,, • - ~p /~~i~. .J ' ~~i, . , • D. ~ :l~ ''I::•4' . . ,:~•'!i ~7.• CS%,~i j vi.`.:. ~1♦' _ ' '.i' .iiG. ~F:~' A .d'.'.~ " ' i4 " :.i2i`ii:e' ' 1. tr `'t41. ~.+1`-~ •r .li'i~~~ ~ t5.'.:•., ~r . '.Y. ~ii~ : •~.~i~ ..l~ . ..r.~a"'r~. .,t: ;.i+a.^ til:'%',j• ~:o.' t n`~'r:~~, .yha° ~'n4a.~:_:' .:itir~. ^5. 5.::. : %.~~='fs:e:: 'ri: ;:3':y;~.;s;Ci. _ . . , . . , , . >a~.; '.%7LJa..>Lp...... 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' . er , i__ , _ • - - • ~ 'v,. . . 1 . -ND~ G ~~:1:' , ,y.~ . ✓.t. S%1NC1';At ~RAVIEL:: ,n . ~ ETE• - . , TH;CONCR ~ `NORTHW~ST:.WI . . - • • . , • . . . . . ~ :S~F3VIN:G~ TNf~.INLAND.. . - r' . - . . . , „ • : ' _ . . - - . . . . . . ~ ~ . • ~ ~ . . ATTACHIVIENT A - PART 2 s . ADMIN'YSTR.A.TNE IINFORMATTON A. FIRM: . 1.Nameoffirm: Spokane Rock Products, Inc. . 2. Business address i.ncluding zip code: P. O, Box 3808, S pokane , 6JA 99220 3. TelephoAe number inclu ding area eo de: (509) 2 4 4- 5 4 21 4. Fax numbez i.n.cludin.g area code: (509) 2 9 4- 21 5 5 5. Federal Tax Identi£ cation Number: 'g 1- 2 0 7 6 3 0 5 6. Washington Statc LTBI iNumber if issued: 602 082 495 . 7. State xndu,sWal Account Tdeuti.ficaiian Numbar if, issued: 133, 4 4 6- U 7 8. Fallowing is a listing o£ al.l eD.gagements the campany has undertaken in the last five years that have resulted in: (a) A.rhihation or litigatian and the disposition of the cases. Nonc . (b) Clainas being fi].etl by the Federal Government or fihe Washingtan 5tate Deparfinents of L & I, Employm.ent Security or REVenue. NonC . • (c) Tdiens or claims recorded with tiae Spnk.aiae County Auclitor by supPla.ers or subcontrrit,tors. T i.st witb. whom, for what, ancl amAUnt. ' None . B. INSURAiNCE COMPANY: 1. Name of Insurancc Company Conover Znsurance • 2-. I~jame of insurance Agent: Jackie Hernandez • • 3. Address including zip code: PO Box 2528, Tri-Cities, WA 99301 4. TelePhone number including area code: (509) 543- 6 4 7 5 . , . ' ' • . " ATTACI1A:i+ai11'[.' A - PART 1 ' . GENERAL INFORMATIUN , . A. Lcgal Name of Applicanfi Company Spakane Rock Products;- Tnc. _ B. Name of Coti.tact Person Paul Hatfield Title Asphalt Division t-Sanager Telephone Number i.ncluding area code (509) 7 8 9-10 76 e-znailaddress Ahatfield@spokanerock.com C. Did putside inclividuaLslagencies assist with greparafion of tbis program?. YE5 x NQ Tf "Yes", please describe: - D. RE-CEIPT OF ADDENDA: Firna aclnowLeciges zeceapt o£th.e fallowi,ng addenda if any: Addendunn NTO. ~ Addcndum No. Addenduzn 1\fo. Addendum No. Dated O`7 Dated Aated Dated , X certify that to the best o£ my knowledge the information contained in this 'R.FQ for qualif cati.ons is accurate pnd complete and that I have the legal auYhority to commif.this agency to a. contractual agreement. I realize- fih.e B.nal. fiandiaag £az' any service is based upon £unding 1'evels and the approval nf the Spokanc Valley Ciiy Council. iASQha~,-~G~cuts ta~ rvXrtP aSA" Tit1c ~ • 3 I ~-Z (Q-1 Signaxure, A.dzninisfrator, or Applicant Ageincy Iaate , % ~ CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLE•Y Street and Storinwater Maintena.nce and Repa.ir Services . Cost Proposal ' March 22, 2007 A'ITACE GMEtW B-EVAI,UATION I'ORTION 1. .~+'~RM EXI'ERIIENCE WITH SI1IJ1GAR I'ROJECTS . Summarize relevant cxFcrience and qualification af your company - . Spokane Rock Products (SRP) has becn in the Spolcane markel: since 1998 anth its conc,~rete plants and gravel pits lor,ated in Spalsane Valley, Airway Heights, Elk, Chatteroy; and Post Falls. Tn 2003, an aspbalt plant was purchased. by SRP and . " asphalt production as well as road conshRZCtion such as e.arrhwork construction, gravel gradi.ng, and paving has taken place since. As a general contractor on many jobs, wc do supervise az►d dir.ect subcontractors to undertake guardrails, fencing, lanciseaping, traffe eontrol, signage anci signal lights. Examples o£our . completed projects are as Follows: • . WSDOT ' ~ - Ruby Division Resurfacing 2005 ~ - Farwell Road T.,owering 2005-Sub City of Spokane Valley - Dishman-Mica TZEsurfacing 2006 . - 8~' Avenae Reconstruction 2005 - r3rgonne Road Resurfacing 2006-2007 - Edgerton Sewer 2005-Sub , City of Spokane 'T'hor Freya Couplet 2005 - Freya Strect Reconstcuction 2006 - Haven Street Tteconstrucfion 2006 Spokane County - Palouse kligiiway-2006 Sub - Upriver Fredericks 2005 . - Fliat Road 2004 ' - County Iulays 2006 - Liberty Lalce Fathways 2005 ~ ~ . ~ . . l Discuss the -eYperience of yaur firm in perforrning street and storm-,vater r.nainteuance and cepaiz servic;e services. . Please review aboce relative experience list far our comparay. Spokane Rock Products has hdd a vcry good worki.ng relationship with the mvnicipalities. In dollar value, the majority of our public work experience has been wiih Spokane Couuty. Mr. Faul Lennemann, P.E. w-itli Spokane Caunty can give you a backgrounci and his expeziences with SRP. Concei in the underground piping for the stormwater constructian, SRP has either subcoratracted. this portion out or did same ourselves. It would depend on the size and complexiiy of thc job wbether SRP would subcontract it out ar not.- Address your availability of the team meanhers and the support staff to meet the requirements of this bid, adhering to proposed schedule, addressing emergencies in a timely matker. Most of.our employees live in Spolcane County and ruany in Spokane Valley. All supervisors have cell phones and arr: available 24/7 regard'uig emergeneies. This - ycar (2007) SRP wiil have an additional paving crew and a gradc crew. As well, our there will be hwo gentlemen in the Praduction Superrizi,fendent posifion vverseeing thc crews. The second pave crew will specialize in patching ancl small - paving jabs. . Provide comprehensive infocmation regarding the track record of your firms in providing street repair serviees. • The following are the nwnber af sfireet repair/removaVrebuild jobs complete by STZP by year: 2004 2005 2006 'Patching Jnbs 28 28 42 Driveways 18 22 32 City of Spokane 3 7 5 City ofi Spokane Valley 2 3 3 Spnkane Couniy 3 5 2 WSDOT 2 3 0 Commercial 36 35 51 I Frovide zeference of curreut or previous clientele for saiue or similar wor.k. vlr: Shane Arlt City of Spokane Valley ' Pho-ne Nuznber: 509-921-1000 Projects: Aagonne Rd, Dishman Mica, 8'b Avenue, Edgerton Sewer (2005-2006) . . Patches Mr. T'aul Lennemaun, P.E. Spokane County Engineers . Phone Number: 509-477-3600 1'rojects: Flinl• Rri, Uprivcr Frederick Yt.d, l'al.ouse HNvy, Liberty Lake Pathways (2004-2006) NIr. :Ken Bmwn, P.E. City of Spokane - Phone Number: 509-625-7722 Projects: Thor Freya Couplet, T'reya St, Haven SY, Wellesley-A St Mr. Ralpb, Roberison ' VJSDO'T I'hon.e Number: 509-324-6000 Projects: Spokane River to Euclid (Ruby/Divi.sion), Farvvell Rd _ Spokane Rock Products have been successful in completing projects on time and in a£nancially responsible maiui.ez. In the case of our largest WSDOT job (Ruby Division), tlus Nvns completeti one week eazly and approximately S% under bid price. What sepazatcs S1tP fmm our competitors is our willingness to schedule aur vvork :iround our clierrt schedules. This flExibility creates guad working , relations when our cfient's timeframes can be met. . Specify certifiaations, l.icenses, and tr-aining of SRP and/or employees. Provide a list o£ key positians a.nd key parsonnel that -%vould be directly in.volved in this contract S,RP takes pride in its good quality emplayees. Our employees cnme to SRP with a huge ariaount of work experieace and training. TherE aze very few • crewmembers Nvith less than 10 ycars of exper.ience in the asphaldconshruction field. Normal•yearly tmining consists of first aid, crane certificatiun, confinEd space certification, weekly tool bax safety meetings, random dxug testing, hearing . evaluations, and emission testing (aspbalt plant Grew). SRP office is within . Spokane Vatley. SRP has City, County, and State licenses to imdertake this coutract. ~ ~ . 1 : % " I A list of key personncl far this contract would be as follows (resumes attached): ' Paul HatEeld, Asphalt Division Manager Raitdy Waodard, Froject:Manager/SuPt. - Keith Graciin, Froductinn Superintendent l B. PROSE CT UNDERSTANI)I1VG AN]D WORK PI,AN Ynclude a prclimi.nary schedule v.f the r.najor work items: • Each job or task has different requirements and ii:immeframes. There is not enough informatian to evaluate and produce a schedule. SRP uses Microso£t Projects to pmduce schedules and we -vvill bE glad to pmduce a schedule for aay major project as part of this contract. • Diseuss hoNv work requircments will be accomplished. Depcnding on the scope of the job, SRP AZll dedicate the manPower and equigment to complete the jobs. For example a simple ovcrlay, SRP will scliedule the paving crew for that day. A rcpresentative fram Ciry of Spolrane Valley will call Mr. Randy Woodazd (998-4730) and tell him what they need to . acco.mplish. iMr..Woodard will check ttie schedule and inform the City representative on the date which it can be performed. The day prior to . undertalQqg the work, Mr. Woodard-will contact our plant and trucking boss and get everytbing ready to go for the neact day and put out a schedule for the crew. Describe equipment to be used £or this contract. ~ 512P has the newest equipment Uf any of the paving comPanies. We have one paver thaf was bwlt in 2400. Otherwise, the othcr thrEe pavers and associated . • support equipment was built in 2003 or newer. lvlany thousands of dollars are spent on regular tnai.ntenance vf the equipmeat Each year. A list of equipment is att:achecl. Communication/feedback processes witki tlze Ciiy. •iNIr. Randy Woodgrd is very good about receiving all phone calls and responding to messages. If hc is not available for whatever reason, Mr. Paul HatE'ield (99$- - 4720) or Mr. Keith Gradin (385-4134), can be contacted and results will happen. Tt is assumed that communacati.on wi11 tal:e place between SRP and the City o£ , Spokane Valley each day. . - Discuss how your firm will coordinate Nvith the City to provide tlie most cosC effective operation for each type of service activity. tiVith each and every job, SRP will work with the City to i.nvestigate each job and look dt every angle to help save Ci.ty .funds by a better mouse hap (if possible). Conceming patching, if the City couid put together a gzoup of gatches in the same location, only ane mobilization «rill be charged. Mobili7ation uztd traffic control Nvi11 be minimized by grouping jnbs together. . . ~ \1 A review of guarantees that your Company is willi.ng to offer in regard to ivork qualiiy, ' adherence to schedulc, budget, and customer service. 'lhe woric is guaranteed for t year as zs normal by Washingtan laws. Qutility of work and sehedule guarantees will be by indushy standarcis. SIZP will do . everything possible to meet realistic schedules. Quality of woric and product is constantly improving. It is our goal to become ' bctter and better each year. Otie issue different from last year (2006), is the importation of the hot znix asphalt aggregate from our Post Falls Pit to our asphalt plant located in the Havana Pit Post Falls aggregate wi]1 be the primary rock sourc:e witih a blend of aggregate from the Havana P.it an.d saad from SRP's Elk Fit. This will give SRP a bettcr, stronger, and more Rrorkable hot asphalt mix. This comes at additional cost to SRP, but wi11 zesult in better hot mix asphalt Discvss the challenges, problems, risks, concerns -tihai you might f.oresee if awarded this COIItraCf. • 'T'Tllie City aud SR.P necd great communication and good working relatianshiP and most issuES will not be challeiige, problem, concern, or risk. Scheduling jobs will be thc main challenge. There must be enough for tbrewarning. Smaller jobs can be squeezed in were possible and larger jubs put on the main schedule. As stated earlie.r, SRP is gcaring up another pave and grade crew for the expeetiecl additional . work this ycaz. Again, c;ommunicati_on is the key aud the willingness to worlc together. l7iscuss preventative measures dealing with essential work not included in the scope of work; both 1:emporary and angping. 'Z'lie bcst way to prevent problems is to do the job .right Thero are goingto be situations where there are "gray" areas. There may bc a situation where maybe we siaould have done somEthing differendy or saw in our crystal ball something coming do«m the pikc. SRP will work with the Cxty to share responsibility where it is a causc of both parties being partiall,y at fault SRP's Missiou Statemeut mandai:es the need to est-ablisb long tenn relatiousllips wiRh our clients. Responding to public concerns "complaints" will be a high prioriiy. Sometimes nothing can bc donc for some people, but their concerns must be addressed quickly to prevent small issues to bec;oming big publi.c issues. . I7iscuss how record keeping reyuirements. wifl be ac;cocnpl.ished. A,s described a.n your Request for Proposal, weekly billing will take place from SRP to the Ciiy. SRI' has a construction adm.inistrative person at our Havaaa office to send out the wcekly bil.iing. Daily work needs tn authorize by the City with a daily work form where both pariYes get copies. % COST 1'ROPOSAL :Hourly Rates . The hburly ra#e for secvices for eaeh worIc items is attached i.n Attaet►ment C. A three hour minimuzn for two crew members will c}arged foz any callaut (or at least $750 which ever is more). S'RP would like to woxk with the City on some«ay to come to a•fair solution to the issue ot' overtime. SI2.P is usually in overtime by noon on Wednesday. So what happens on a City jnb an Friday`1 Labor and Equipment costthat are not identified ' in the attachments wil.l be added when necessary. Material Cos# The materiai costs are listed nn the provided forrras ora Attacliuaent C. Material . cosis can change wildly. The City needs to work wZth the Gcneral Contractor, if - prices change. . Contractor's Percentagc oi" Overhead and Pxofit The contractor's overhGad and prof t is attacbeci on Attachment C. Aiscuss the discounts for eariy payment l ~ There isn't a discount far early payment. A.ll payments = expected i.n 30 days from bi7liug. Describe how the City will benefit &orsi cost savings by acceptin ; this proposal . As stated eArJaer, tl.ie biggest differcnce behveen Spokane Rock Products and our competitors is our willingness to place greater priority on tlie soheduIes of our clients tban our own work. We are willing to work with the City to uon out any unresolved or uuc.iear issucs with this bid. Subconfiractors List (4 Hour Minimum) - 1?ller Corp - Pipe and Undergrouncl . - Wm. Winkler Company-Concrete Finishing ($825 mini.mum) - Horizon Fence-Fencing - Arraw Construcdon.-Crack Sealing - Timberland Landscaping-Lanciscaping - Frank Gume}r Company-Guardrail ($2,750 mi.n.i.mum) - Nortvstar Enterprises-Flngging (S50 per znob, 2Hr. mi.nimum) - Thc subcontractors labor, equipment, and traaterials have ti.ieir margin included on the attached sheets. Spokane Rock Produc#s will place a 10% markup on their F~ work as well as our supervisor's time and pic-up. ; MAR. 16. 2067 10:3oAh1i CITY SPO;(AfaE YAlLEY NO• 3Q6 P. 5/9 . , ATTAcFfiffNT c - cosT PROPosAL ~ Cotitractors 4verhead and Prafit. ' . A'I'T 4C:lMIi'.NT C- PART 1 Item Description Ovezhead . - ' and Profit Coutactors Fee £pr Qvez,head. and Pnof t fox Project Costs I ` 20% .2 Contxactozs Fee for Overhead and Profit for Subcontractar Casts I 1Ob . ~ I • • a~*iv Luvr Iv.trn:n vI i # ve vnnts: rnttt. t . IVV. aUJ r, 0/ A.TTACHMYT C - COS7C PR.OPOSAL , Contracfox's Payrall Cost ' , t~~TACE[NENfi C - PAR-T 2 , Contmcfor to Iist all versonnel exrnrnected to work withia tiue Qtv Pezsouuyl Classificarion andDeseription CON`rRACTOR Hourlp Rate ' . , svps.fi=aenc - Primary eiry cantact, organizes, scheauless, ana manages caniractozs work, $ 4 3. 0 6 PAVIIdG FOREhIAN $39.32 . ~ , PAVIIdG OPERATOR/SCREEDMAN $38.32 . . PAVING RAKER , -$38.32 BACKHOE OPERATOR', . $38.59 BLADEKAIJ $38.59 . , ' . • LOADER OPERATOR (UIdDER 4 YDS) $37•$$ - . ' i ` . . ATHEX OPERATOR $ 3,$ - 59 , DUAL DRU14 PAVIP7G OEERATOR . . $38.04 1 DUAL DRUM GRADING OPERF,TOR • ,$3$ . 04 ~ • I ' ;PAvEMENT saW oQEt2AToR S37.88 ~ - i BOB CAT OPERATOR $37.72 . i ASPHALT '1'RCICK D.ItTVER :538.13 . • iGRAVEL DUMP DRIVER $38.13 QA/QC `rECH'IVYCTA-N $40.00 DISTRIBUTOR/TACK TRUCR DRIVER $38,13 . • , 'jaATER TRUCK ORIVER $38.13' ~ , . • aEnn. io. Z I,►I1! IV:LIri7t1 t,iii JfVAvtc VHILCI , (VU. 5Ui r, o/y ATTA..CHMMA N'T C - COST PROP05A,L Contractor=s Payroll Cost ' A'1:'T' 4CEM~I~TT C- PAR7C 2 ' Contrsietor to list all porsonnel expecEed to work-4it6'tn fhe City - Persounel Cl•assifiewion and Desctiption • Houziy Rate . Supcrinteadent - Prmary City contact, ora nizes, schedules, and _ manages contractozs work . SUBCONTRACTED PERSOPIA7EL • ~ TRAFFIC GONTROL FLAG PERSQN $38.50 ' , fiTtP.FF:CC CONTROL SUPERVISOR $40.00' - CRACK SEALTNG LABORER , $85..25 ~ . HOE EXCAVATOR OPEKATOR ~ SS ~(7 j TREYdCFI X,ABORER ~ 4$ vo ; TRUCIC DRIVER ~ ~ • 2- ~ I r I i 4 COPICRETE FINISHER • 1 $56.25 ~ + ' CONCRE'Z'E LABORER `.G 5 6.25 i ; CnUCRETE SUPERVISnR ' $75.00 v$ss, , ~4 eq au- . GUARD RAIL.LA80RER • $56.75 , L'ENCING LA80RER , $25.00 LANDSCAPING $52. 00 , ' ' GUARD RAIL FOREA'IAN $58 • 75 ~ - ~ : GUARD RAIL• OPERATOR $64.04 , • FENCE FOREMAN . $30.00 y-c> MAR, 16.-2007 14:36AM CITY SPOKArtE 1+ALLEY tid. 306 P. 1/9 ~ArTACHMNT c - cosT PROPasAL , _ . , . ! Cantractor's Eqtupment Cost • ATfiACffiVMNT C P.ART 3 Coatractox to Yist all equipmo4t expected to worlxwithin the Citv ' ; FquiPmentDesc.ription "COeVTRACTOR OWNED" HouuIy Raie PzCxUP $15.00 pavER (5510 oR 4410) . $145.00 ' PAVER ROLLER LARGE $55.00 I GRADE ROLLER , $55.00 ~ ' 95OF LOADER • $98.00 ~ • taTHEY OR RAYCO ' $57.00 140H BLADE $66.40 31dSG BACKHOE $48.00 ~ ~ JPAVER ROLLER Sc9ALL $45. 00 ~ . SL7PER DUZ4P TRUCKS (23 TON) $72.00 ! . DUMP .TRUCKS (15 T0N OR St•iALLER ) $67 . 00 ' DUC+IP & PUP ( 3Q TON) $72.00 ' ' 4000 GALLOPd WATER TRUCK ' $4.5.00 , QA/QC. "NUKE" MACHINE $5.00 ~ SMALL PAVER (875) . . $1 20 . 00 B1200M TRUCR $72.00 " DISTRZBUTOR-TACK Z'RUCK $78.00 • ~ ; AIR COAIFRESSO'12 - JACK HAM14El2 . $10.00 ~ TRUCK &LOFIBOX. FOR MOVING E4UIP (W/O DRIVER) $72.00 ~ . SAWCUTTTNG NfACHIPIF. $1 5 . QO ' ~ - . - . ~ tdRft, 16. 2007 10; 3bAM CtTY SPOKANC VfiLLcY A0. 306 P. 119 . ATTACEMNT C - COST PROPQSAL ~ Sv6 c.&J-t4A Cl\J r`~ . Cantractor's Eqnipment Cast A'TxAC;EMXEIV'r C-PART 3 Con,tmctor to Yist all equipment egpee#ed ta work within fhe Citv Equipmr.-nt Descrintion SUBCONTRACTOR EQU7PMENT ~oudy Rate PICRUP - EXCAVATt?R CONTRACTOR ~15.OQ EXCAVATOR .Qc) Z•RENCF3 BQX mRETFCH COr3PACTOR 50 BLAI]E ' ~ b~J _ WATER TRUCK 9 , 000 GAZ ) > (ol . (~O ~ . PZLE DRIDING MACHx.I3E FOR. POS`S'S ' %116.00 , - E'LATBED - HYDR'OSEED $85.00 HYDkOSEED MACHINE . $85 . 00 . • , CRACR SEAL TRLICK (CRAE'CO SUPERSAO'r) $$5.25 ; CRE4d TRUCIC - CRACit SEAT. $65.10 ' " GRA7,ER - B7;LLYGOAT - CRACK SEAL $23.25 . . ROUTER - CRACK SEAL . $38.75 - ; BOBGAT LAND5CAPE $85.00 ` CREW TRUCK -.TRAFFTC CONTRO'L $20 • 0Q I ' TO BE ; SIGNAGE - BASEl7 Ofd NEED DETERMYIdED . BOBCAT - k'ENCF ' $65.00. FLATBED - FENCE $65.00 , C.r!~s 9626 y,...~pru-l 1 .6. 2 0 0 7 10:36 MA ciTY SgoKANE vallEY rla. 306 P. 8/9 ATTACMIEN'T _C - COST PROPaSAJL _ . NYaterials Costs - A'1"xACI~.V~NT C - PART 4 ~ Item, Y}escrxpdoa , Uuit I Uaiit Cost IZ . fm& CLASS A 64-28 ~Ton $gp.00 1 F07'3 HAV~,kVA , ~2 ICSBS FOB POST FALLS FIT To" $6.00 !J3 QuaiTq Spalls FoB POST FALLs Ton $10.55 14 ~ CxacIc Sealaut ~ Paund 5 SK ('LDS ADDITIV~;S ) ~ic~ia:d ` 15 PCC I~7 MIXER DELIVERED $79.00 i , . I ~ 6 Guard.rait LP ~ $14.00 ~ 7 6`Chai.n lictt: Fenzing. EXCLUDE5 GATEkF ~$1 1. 0 5 j ~ 8 $°Chainli.nkFen.GiugEXCLUDES GATES LF $1 4.00 la. j 9 Type A I}iywell rn Road Frism JEA I lo T~~B DrywouIn Raad Pri= BA f~ 35~~.~ l , I1 I Tppe A Duywcll Yn sa►ale fEA, S 2,Zop, 00 i~ 12 Tyge B Drywell In S%-Jie EA 13 Cstchbasiu Type 1 EA - 14 1 Cfttchbasin'IypL-, 1 w/ Oil VJater Ssparator BA $~i ~ 5 C"~t Jt3 I , 15 Pipe sumps EA 1I( 1UA 5DR-35 PVC Pipe LF I U ~ Z 6 ° .Su 17 12" SDR-35 PVC Pipe LF 2~- xs O ~ 13 . + 12" C1vIP . ~ LF ~ 2b. 5 O ~ 19 12=' RCP • ~ LF 14q• 00 . 20 DTdn ROck FOB POST FALLS Cubic Yds $9.25 21 I Filter Fabzic Sq Yds $ 0. 8 0 - 22 5eeding, Mt2lchin„ & FetEilir.io; Sg Ft $0: 0 6 . ~ 23 Sad $ 0 . 4 0 , 24 ~ Tacx ToN $425:00 . . . .*ADJ SALES TAxES, zF aPPLICABLE , Iti9AR. 16. 2007 10:36kM CiTY SPOKANE 'IALIEY 110. 305 P. 4/9 .A.'TTAClEUMENT G - COST PR0POSA►L . ' - SUSCONTRACTOR LxST - ATx',ACFmwAT C- PAR'X' S Contract4r to list aD subcontractots expected to work within fhe Cnf.v , ~ ~ . f, EI,LER CORPORAT:GOI3 - UNDERGROUND UTZI,ITIES . i GT[YI WINKLER CUPdPANX - CQNCRE'T'E FIIdTSH ' t30RIZON FEI3CE COMPANX - FENCING ARROGJ CONSTRUCTION - CRACK SEALZNG . T7DfBERLAYdD LANDSCAPING - I,ANDSCaPING.. ' . ~ FTtFMK GURNEY CONIPANY - GUARDR•fiTLS NqRTHSTAR ENTERPRTSES - T12AFFIC CONTF.OL 7 _ Subwniradors - Contractor to provide a list of a11 subcontractars anticipated to be used for per£arming the described servxces. Contractor to list the overhead aud pxofrt an subcozztcactors in Item 2, Part 1 of Attachment C. l! ~ ~ I • ATTACEW,NT n - BOND F'ORIMS I'ORM Or BTD DLPOSZT - CFxI:CxC ONE: Plesse subm.it this sheet with the bid dePosit: CASH. Atfiach the deposit bchind this shect. xx SURLTY-BOND - A.itach bid houd •behin.d thi.s slaeet. 17 IS STRONGLY R.BCOIvIlNM'NDED THAT YOD USE THMATTACHED FORM , Sl~ J . 03l1g/200793:1a 5892442155 SPQKANE ROCC KAVANA PAGE 03/06 a SPOKarte BoND No: ,;w*%11ey N/A - }3id Bond BZp DEk'OSIT SURETY BOND FORM NAItZE OF PRO.TECT: StrOet and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services PROJECTBID NUMBER: 07-008 NAME . OF FIRM: Sook2ne RoCk Products, Inc. Travelers Casua].ty and Surety We, Spokatte Rock Prodncts, Inc. as Principal, and Company of AmeZica , as Sw+ecy, are he(d and fumly bound unto the C1TY OF 9J?OICANF.. VA.LLEY, a Washington State • Municipality, in the penal sum of PNE PERCE,TT (50/6) OF TPE TO'CAL AMOLNT BID, for the payment of which we jozntly and sr-verally bind ourselves, and our legal representstives and svccessots. . THE COTIDiTIONS OF THE OBLIGATIQN nro that if the City of Spokane Va21ey sha1.I make ti.mely ' au+ard ta the Principel according to the termc of the bid documents; and the Prineipa{ shall, wachin ten (10) _ days after notice of the award, exclusivc nf the day of notice, enter into the contcact with the City of Spokane Vailey and f.urnislies the cantractar's bond (perfnTmance and payment bond) with Surety satisfactozy to the City of Spokanc Valley in an amount equa) to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of 16c bid proposed itncluding Wasbington State Safes Tax thcn this obligation shall be nuJ.I and void; atherwise iS the Principal fui19 to enter into the coittrsct and furnish the corttra.ctoj's bond within ten (10) daya aftex notice af the award, cxclusive af the day of notice, the amount of the bid deposit sha0 be .fo.rfeited to the City; birt in no event wilI the Sutery`s liabili.ty exceed itus band's face amount. STGNED A►1~D SEAI.6D TIIlS 22nd DAX OF t4a•rch YEAR 20 07 _ Travelers Casua:l.Cy an.d Surety • ' CSmnauf-b,-f Aanez.iea. Spokane kock Pi.odncts, Inc. ' ICIPAL )Re s;gaacure~ sipaau~o P A ' TS?ed Name ' Typed Name . Attorney-In-Fact ~`n'a.l_T (Jl.00.~~""' n'V~6-43,t,.- Y Title Title (SEAL) . . - - . , ~ a. ' WARPFING: T.-ItS FOhVER OF ATi'ORNEY LS In'VAUD tiVI7MOU'f THE RcD BOAOIiR ~ , ~ TRAVELERS PowEx or ArrOMNrv . ~ "N Fanni»gwn Casaalty Cn»ipany SG Yuu.i Guardian Tnsitir<<ncc Company Fidc6ty and Guaranty Lnsijrnacc Company SG t'uu.l R4erniry lnsuranca Company Iridclity and Cuarnnty Insarancc Undersvriters, Tnc. Travelei^s Casualty ;md 5urety Comp3ny 5csiboa.rd Surnty Company 7tavclcrs Casunlty and Surety Compony of AmeriGa SL Paul Lirn and Mnrfne Iusar~~ncc Company Unitcd 5tates Pidelity and Guaranty Company I i . • ~ Attorrzcy-Tn i'act No, 21$249 Ce<<;ocat4 aNo. 001422349 I KINOW ALT, hiLe f BY THES13 F'Hl?SL\•i'S: 'flmt Scnticmrd Surery Company is a corporntion duly organiud undcr tho Faws of die Swte nf new Yosic, th4t SL Paul i ~ Fire nnd Mnrine Insuaance Com an , St. Pr.u! Guaidinn Insu~nce Com an nd St. Paul M • p y p y s raeury Insurancc Compsny are rnrparntions duly arganized under thc lsws ~ of tUe Stnu af hfennesotn, Ihat Fa7cniiig[an Casunlty Company, Trnveleis asualry and Surery Campany, nnd Travelers Casualty and Surczy Comppary o[ America are cormrotions du[y arganired under che lews of dec Srnse of Connecilcut, that iJnited S[cw..s Fitleiity arut Csur.canty Company is a eorporation duly orgenizrad imcf:s 1he latvs of thc 5tntc af Pdsryland, tl1at F1deUty und Guamnty In;uranoc Company is o corgaoratian duly orgnnizcd unyler Uie luws nf the StEte of Fowa, nnd tloat Ficlclity and j Guarnnty Insursnce LFei[Itwwritcrs, Ir,e. is a carparation duly atg4n'tud under the laws af tM 5tate of N'tsconsin (hactin oollectively cnllexl ttie. "Compan9es"), and ttiat ~ dhe Compviim do lrrcby rnnke, canstimte snd nppoint • ~ Pamela L Thurman, Glenda 5imonson, Jacque6ne F. Hernandez, Johanna E. Zerb, Charles E. Hudon, Neal Smiley, and Erin L. Repp ~ . ~ • i ~ of thc Cily of Pasco , St¢tc of Wg3ltinkCon , chcir true and (awful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, eac,h in thcir scpnra4c eapacicy if ruore dian one is named abovc, to sign, exeeate, seal and aeknawl-tdgo nny and uIl boncis, reeognixances, condi?ianal unclctrte}:lngs and other writings obligntory ic'the oat¢re thereof on hehatf af tbe Companies in their~,t~.u,si~as o~.gua~nnteeEng Ute 6doliry of persar,s, ~uranteeing ihe praSotmancc of contmcis ;uid exetuting or guarsntceing bqnds and anflertakings requiced or pcrtT ~tQc¢.~in eny-.~tuons c~~iapeedin~,v allawcd by Inw. sal .~.~3otn ~ i \ 1CeV Wl''NF~SuW'FTF.RiiOF, the Ccunhavc cnuscd this ins n~nt [c~be si ;no . 3nc! eh-i~-bor3ioratc seals to be hereto oft'ur,~i, this ~ 1 ~ •t ~/`Sl4'' day of rNl p ~1' Farm.i.nStun Ca.sualty Conif:ig~ i~ 5t Panl Guardian Insurancc Company Niclclity and GnaraijtyTiu l-dncc~'l:ompanj ~ St Puul Iviercury insurance Company Ffdelity :trtd Gunrsnty Insu~ne~TJndervtritInc. 'I'ravelers Casualty arul Surety Company Se:ibdard b`urety Compnny 1Yavelers Ctmuully nnd Surety Company oPAtcierica St-Paul Fire and Mariue Insurnncc Company UnitLl Slales Fidelity and G[mr.inty. Cotnp:iny i~A a,,u.lrw+i` y,idTl 0~;7 ~g.ppf\'~►.\ti.rr,,~ 5tnae of Connwicut By: Ciry uf Hanfocd ss. ~C3earE6i Thomyson, nia cc Prcnldent On this the 34tf1 ~y o f Jsnuary - 2007 , befine ina pemonally oppr,aRd Gcarg,e W. Tiwmpson, wlw uc3cnowledgad ttimself tu be the Senior V'Ecr- Presic9ent of Fnrroi►Lgtan CusuaJty Compnay, Fdeliry mid Quacanry Insuiancs Company, Fideliry mtd Guarunty Insurancr_ Und^.aNvriurs, 7nc., Sesiboard Surery Companv, SL Psul Fire and Nlerine Insurance Company, St. Paul Citmrd't;ui Insucance C,umpany, St. Paul Nioreury Insvrnnce Company, 7Yavelers Cnsuafty nnd 3ucety CompanV, 'Cra:eJers Casualry and Surety Coenpany of AmcricA, aiud lfnited States Fdelity and Gutvnnty Cvmpsny, nnd iliflt ite, as suoh, 6cing aUthoaiud so tn do, ezwaterl tlir foir,going instcvment Car tbo purposes therein eflnt;iinud by s7pting on bchalf of the cocpqrnti9ns by hirnself os a duly suthori2rd o[iicer. ~ coeozp~ l~Tn ~Vtness ~!'hereof, I hcreunio set my hand and ofilcia! sec~l. ~Iy Comtnisson c~cpirrs the 30th day of Junc, 2011. ,~,tn,ie C.'It~s~auit. Noca y P~bJic . 3 - 58440-8-OG Prfntecf tn U.S.A. . ~ - WAANING: T:i{S FY'i1'JER OF A'riOFV'EY IS [MIALID 4VITHOUT THE.flED BORD£R ' Bidders Packet Strep-t and Stormwater Rcpair RFP . • ' % ATTACHMENT E - SIGIVATU.RE PAGE DatE. NIARCH 22, 2007 Thc undersigned biddez hereby proposes and agrees to deliver the equipzuezit e.Dd/oz services pursuant to the 2007 Sfireet az►d Storznwater Maintenance and Repair Services and all.other temis an.d canclitiQns of this Request for Bids wiirhin tUiriy days of M execution oF such Agreement. No bidder ma.y wifihdravv his bid £oz a periad of na.nety (90) days after the day of bid opening. The required bid security c;onsisting of a cerrfificd check, bid bond, ot cashier`s cl.iec}G in an amowit of not less than. Fave percent (5%) of the tohal amount will bc delivercd to the City. 'The'under.signed iaadividual represenis and warrants that hc or shc is duly authorized to - , exwute fihe bid on behalf of any Partraerstup, joimt venture er cnrporaxian. SPOKIiNE ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. SPOKANE--26CK PRODDCTS, INC. Coz~oratic~n/p~14i~X~tl~~ Comp y~ . ' (Uelete 7,'tivn) , (sip~~ U . . ' ASPHALx DIVISZON riANAGER (Title) P.O. BOX 3808 - SPOKAiNE, WA' 99220 (Adriress) - (509) 244-5421 ('X'elephone Number) ROCY~ ~RODYCTS, l{VG~~ To Whom Xt vlay Concern; . I started in the Asphalt constcuction in 1978 Working as a heavy equipment mecharuc after completing two years at Spokaae Gommuniry Collage. After twn years I was macie shop £orman over six men and was responsible For ordering all part.s and shopping for new and used equipment. :Cn 1884 Acme Materials and Construction got into the Paving business and I moved into the construction side and started as a labor on apaving crew. From 1984 to 1987 1 worked as a Gabor, Paver Operator, itoller man, and Screed man. In 1987 1 was made Paving cretiv forman and remained in that positian for 14 years. I,n 2000 Acme Materials and Constniction was bought out. Ax this time Z had ihe chance - to go to work for Spokane Rock Products and help, them to gct into the Asphalt paving business. I was put in charge of setting up the sit with a Office, Czusher and Aspbalt Plaut. Z also bought a.l.l the Paving and G-rade equipment and hired the crews, rn - September of2003 we paved our first job and have become a major player in the ' Spokane uiarket. After we got uP and run.ni.nS m dutics consisted of scheduli Y vg- crews a.nd projects, managing projects and quoting work. EWPLO'i':EXtS: ' - 1978 to 2003. Acme Materia.ls aud Construction. 2001 tU Present: Spoka,ne Rock Products. . SNIA,L:C, OVERVIEW OF PROJEC'15 Fi20171987 TO P12E5E, NT. - DOT: Hary 2 reconstruction from Hawthorn to Day Mt. SpoItane. 3.phases of averlays on 190. 2 phases of widening and overlaying Division. , 1 phase of overlaying Division and Ruby. ' Hwy 395 reconstrucfion from Fanvel( to I3aIf Moon. . Francis Ave overlay from Aivision to 7 M'ile. ~ . i, CUUNTY: T3ruce Rd. Rambo Rd. Day Mt. Spokane ltd. Flint Rd. Argonne Rd. Farwell Rd. Perry Rd. Bmoks R.d. Deer Park IvTiilon Rd Country Homes Charles Rd. Yale rd. ti1'arket St • 3'I?hases of the Patouse Ifwy I) ishman Mica Rd. Barlcer Rd. Over 40 Housing Developments. flidiana Ave. ' Over 15 Sewer Projects ClTY: 2 Ahases of Wellesley , - 2;Phases afMonroe Foottulls Dr. T-Tamilton St. Indiana St Linco3.r1 St. Lyons Ave. ~edar Sti- Boone Av. ' 3 Pla.ses Af Freya St. Government V4ay , Ra~+ St. Fort C"reorge tiVright _ 29 Ave. Broadway , 37°i Ave Fancher Rd. Stevens St. Thar St. Washington St. Sullivan Rd. 3'. Ave Over 50 Housing Developments High Ar. Over 12 Sewer Fmjects And Many Others. ' C01DTElZCL43L: North Point Shopping Cen.tcr ' NTarth Town 2 Costco's . 2 Home Depots 2 Lowes 1V,ianito Shopping Center Faiiwond S}iopping Center Many Scbaols N%rith runuing tracks and teivnis courts. . : 14undreds of parking lots. Hundreds of Driveways. . Hundreds of Patches. _ • ~IAR 22,2007 09:02A 5099678150 page Z Keith D: Gradfn ' 15508 N. Eitcrest Circle Spokane. Wa 49208 Horrie Phone -(509) 467-5214 EMPL4YMEPlT 2007- Current Project Superinfendent Spokane Rvck Products Supervise grading and pQVing crews. Scheciule all phases af work to be compfeted. Meet ►vith city/counfy and sfate representatives and estimating of jobs. 2003-2007 Paving Superinfendent, Inland Asphalt Supervise 25 employees. Schedule Equipment and empfoyees for each job. Coardinated with asphalf plant operotor on mix designs ond oils 4nd for repairs that needed to be done. Worked with esfimators on job costfng and scheduling. Attended prn-construcfion meelings. ProjECis range from $500 to 3.5 million doilars 1992-2003 Owner, Piesident, All City F'aving, LLC fvlanage anci run afl aspects of the company, including, but not - limffed to; hiting, estimaiing, scheduling of employeES and ~,D equipment for each job, schedule daily jobs, meet with customers and agencies for bids and oversee paving ctaw. Projects range from $500 to $1 Mil. C1AS5ES AND CERTIFICATIOPJS Superpave HMS WAPA Asphalt Plant Produclian Sediment and Erosion Conlrvl cerf, Trafffc Confrof cert. First Aid cerf. . EDUCA1IpN • Graduated (rom Mary Walker High School in 1979 Attended Engineering Drawing and Auto Cad ! and II at Columbia Basin College - REFERENCES . References•ovailablE upon request. list of jobs completed avpiloble upon request. . . . , S ~ .;..0Va11ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokancvalley.org . . . . . . - - _ . . . - . Informational Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Lauis Graf, Engineer (CIP) 4e, 6- Thru: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (CIP) Date: March 30, 2007 Re: Project Status R@port - PineslMansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project and Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Projects - FIRST TOUCH The Pines/Mansfield and Appleway projects are currently under design and in the right of way acquisition phase. After all of the necessary parcels are acquired and. construction funds are released, the projects can be advertised for construction bids. Leading up to construction there will be various items that will need Council review and approvaL The following is a descnption of the items and a proposed schedule of when they will be brought before Council. PINES/MANSFIELD 1. WSDOT Construction Management and Inspection Services Agreement - WSDOT has committed to providing the construction management and inspection services for the Project. WSDOT will prepare the agreement for these services. A draft agreement will be presented at the May 1 Study Session. Request for approval will be presented at the May 22 Council Meeting. 2. Constructian Contract Award - After the bids have been opened, tabulated and an apparent low bidder identified, the construction contract will be presented to Council for consideration. An Administrative Report including updated budget and schedule will be presented at the June 19 Study Session. A request for approval will be presented at the June 26 Council Meeting. APPLEWAY AVENUE 1. Liberty Lake Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Approximately 400' of the ~ JJ east end of the Project lies outside of the Spokane Valley City Limits. It is our recommendation to extend the roadway improvements to complete a gap between Page 1 of 2 the City Limits and the recently completed improvements to the east. This improvement benefits the City of Liberty Lake, therefore we propose to enter into an agreement with Liberty Lake so they pay tfieir proportionate local share of this portion of the project. Their local-share is estimated to be approximately $26,463. A draft agreement will be presented at the April 17 Study Session. A request for approval will be presented at the May 8 Council Meeting. 2. Spokane County Sanitary Sewer MOU - The Appleway improvements lie within Spokane County Utilities' 2011 Greenhaven Sewer Project. As was done on the Barker Road Project last year, the County's sewer system improvements will be completed with the road project. The cost of this sewer construction will be paid by the County. An MOU is required with the County to coordinate this effort. A draft MOU will be presented at the April 17 Study Session. A request for approval will be presented at the May 8 Council Meeting. 3. David Evans & Associates Construction Management and Inspection Services Contract Supplement- David Evans & Associates (DEA) will provide the construction management and inspection services for the Project. Last year Council . approved up to $177,957 for these services. Based on increases in the consultanYs wage rates since their original estimate, the contract will increase to approximately - $193,000. A draft agreement will be presented at the April 17 Study Session. A request for-approval will be presented at the May 1 Study Session. 4. Construction Contract Award - After the bids have been opened, tabulated and an • apparent low bidder identified, the construetion contract will be presented to Council , for consideration. An Administrative Report including updated budget and schedule will be presented at the May 1 Study Session. A request for approval will be presented at the May 22 Council Meeting. The dates given above may be adjusted if the right of way acquisition phase takes longer fhan expected. Pagc 2 of 2