2007, 04-24 Regular Meeting ~ AcE;vnA SPOKAIVE VALLI;Y CITI' CUUNCIL ltEGULaR LNiEETIti(: Council Nlcetiag #1I4 Tacsdny, Aprll 24,2007 6:00 p.m. CI'i'Y HALL AT RED1VOOll PL.A?.A 11707 F-w4t Sprngue Avenuc, First Floor Council Requc9ts All Flrctronic lleviccs Uc Turned Off nuring C.nuncil McttIng CALL Tn ORDER: INVQCATION: Pa.titor Qa-,v lohmon. Valley L'nited Methodist YLEDGL ON ALLEGIANCE: ROI.[. CAL[..: APPRQVAi. OF ?1GENDA: I?V7'RODUC"C1UN OP SPECIAI. C,UF.STS AND PRF.SENTATi()tiS: CONLNIITTEF, 130AEtU. L1:11ti()N SUND1ARY RFPORT5: NCAYOR'S ItEPOR'1': Prcx•lanuutnn: ,Alunicipul Clark's Wt-ek AUBL.IC COMP,1iF..hTS: Except wficrc indicaEcd bclow fot "pablic camment" this is an oppamcnity for the public to speak on uny [apic. Whcn yau comc to i}ic rodium, plesse statL,,aur namc and address for the rccorcf mid limit rcmnrks to thrce minute-s. l. CUNSEN'i' AC,Eh'D!1: Ccrosiss of item5 considered routine vdhich nrc appruved a,9 a gnoup. A Cc>imcilmcmber mny remove an item from the ConSent Agend;t to Ix cansidcrcd sepnrntcty. a. FoIlowing Claim Voucfiers: ~ VOUCIlER LIS7' DATE VOUCFIL•R #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMUIINT li.~-06-3UU7 1 142& 11 3 52,080,334.0 fi 04-I3-2UU7 115 14-11>53 $131,152.83 I GRIAND TOT:~L S2," 11,-18fi.2~9 b. Pnvrc,Il for PcxicxlEnding Aprii 15.2007: 5176.585.09- c. Ntin+jtc; af ApriI 10, 2007 Regzflnr Courxil Nlectim; NFAV Bt!tiltiEtiS Sacond Rinding Propuscd Utdinsncc: 07-007 Anicnding 2007 I3udLrt - Krn T7iQmpson (public commcntl 3. Sa:ons! Rcading Pmposcd Orciinance 07-008 amcnding Wgo Pravisians -Cary Drislcrll (pabiic commentj 1. Madnn ('onsiclcrntion: ContraLt flpprovat for Street and Storntwater I4faintcnancc arid Rcpuir -\ctl 1Ceryien (public cammeatj 4'LTBLIC CUMMENTS Exregt where indicnted above fiir "publie romment" this is en opparcunity for the public to spcak on any topic_ NVhcn you comc to the podium, (SIC3SC ;t;Ite your name arid addre~s for thc rrcord:Sl1lJ IIfT31l 1'c'iild["- to [l1CCC J111IlUit5. CUlRlld -i!!::itiICA 04'-' :-11' RL;: I I)I 2 .WNIIMSTRATIVC REFORTti: INFOEtMAT10N ON LY: ()vlll nn_t h_ e drsi trssed ar rq)(.1rter!_'~ 5. Spokene Counry Lihrary Distric.-t 2407 First Quarter f? ej)(-,n 6. Spol•ane Vrillry Fire Degartmcnt Qunrtoriy Iteport 7. Ucparimcnt Rcparts 8. Rcport on Pubiic tnfacmation Activiucs fvr tlpcrymn: titrc.c pj.jc, 9. CenterPlace CusiumeT Servicc Impmvemcrt Pl:in lU. Applicatiun Funding far Shi?rziinc Ma:;:crPlan 11. Rcsponu to Fublir Conttnfmts f:xLC'li'C[w `F:.1cIl1\ Al)-J( )1-IZ;V NiT"NT lC.~Tt'RL•' SCIfED[ L R!.'.-Ifhll Cl)f11fC'il.4ll'c'!lil,% N/•' t.-c/N'lilfll' lfr'hl _ltd ilJ1(1 -l~ 1lli.lii(Jl't. 1"'tillllll!!~fl t11 4:111)~~.111. l'~,t~ir~ if .SlurlE.1'~•s ~i«u.~ ~tr~• ~~~ir~'~ulll' lr~'!d 1". ,rft~/ ?!h Ir<<•~~lu► c. h~•,~~iri~rr~{, nl G:lIN ~r.nr. lJNrcr Trnfative (%t~~<~mit►~> ,1.tee~i~t~~si~~c~ltc: i tiUI JLF:: lndiwduals pluruin u,; tu nttauf tlic inecuii g wlio require spec-sal as;i~tance tu u-,.:ummadnte pE;; swul. hwrittg, ur othc; ~ impnimxnta, plmc runtnct lhc Citti Cicrk al (509) 021_1000 ns so<?n ns pomiblc w dint urrangcmcnu muy tx mn,ic. .::,:'~I :1ir.en.:cd ::~cr::l~ U!-Z•t•~J; :ltg::lai ' - ` `CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 04-24-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ED consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ infarmation ❑ admin. reporf ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Votithers: VOUCHER LIS'1' DA7'E VOUCHER #s TOTAT VOUCHER AN4oUN•r 0i1-06-2007 1 1428- l I S 13 ~ $2,080,334.06 04-13-2007 ~ 11514-11553 ~ $131,152.83 ~ GRANn TOTAT ~ I $2,211,486.89 ~ ~ ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: S.TAFF CONTACT: Brad Johnson ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ~ . , ~ -.l . j • , ` j vchtist - • Voucher List . Pagc: 1 04l06121107 ' 2:44:02PM - . • Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher. Date Vendor Invoice - PO # • DescriptionlAccount Amount 11428 ' 4/2/2007 400102 TRA.NSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CO 20294995-541 PARK PROPERTY PIfRCHASE 251,34823 Total : 251,348.23 11429 402007 000028 FARMERS 8~MERCHANT5 BANK 04022007 CREDIT CARD PAYMEN7 7,08126 " • Total: 7,081.26 11430 4l6/2007 000120 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Addl benefits check ADDI710NAL BENEFIT.S PER ATTA( 786.09 Total: 786.09 11431 4l6/2007 001225 ACCOUNTEMPS, FILE 73484 18224708 • 7EMP. WORKER FOR FINANCE 325A8 ' Total: ' 325.08 11432 416/2007 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY lVC20072476 DUPLICATE KEYS 17.38 SVC287480 4UARTERLY $lLL1NG 111.00 . . , Total: 128.38 11433 416/2007 001081'ALSCO {spo180785 MATS FOR VALLEY PRECINCT 10.74 ' • lspo180786 MATS FOR PRECINCTNALLEY SHC 13.30 ' lspo184846 MA7S FOR CITY HALL 59.01 . Total: 83.05 11434 4/6/2007 000335 ALTON'S 71RE INC. 6-23834 MA{NTENANCE OPJ 03 MAUBU; 328 141.79 6-24272 , MA4NTENANCE ON 03 S-10; 402031 66.54 . Total : 208.33 11435 402007 001289 AMERICAN WEST ROOFING 04052007 MAINTENANCE AT VALLEY PRECIn 732.38 . • Tota1 : 732.38 11436 41612007 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. 14172 . JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR VALLE 2,082.17 • . ' Total : 2,082.17 11437 4I6/2007 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS -137989 MONTHLY COPY BILLING; MAILROt 1,116.18 ' Total: • 1,116.18 11438 416/2007 000212 ATTORNEY & NOTARY SUPPLY 04042007 NOTARY STAMP FOR PATTI 89.75 ' • Total : 89.75 Page: 1 vchiist Voucher List pago: , 2. 04106/2007 2:44:02PM Spokane Valley • Bank code : apbenk - ' ' Voucher, Date • Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amourit 11439 4/6l2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES . 090091047 2426 N. DISCOVERY-PL. 5,844.95 - Total: 5,844.95 11440 418J2007 000944 BENTLEY, NIK 04042007 SEMINAR MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 27.83 Total: 27.83 11441 4l6/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8802083 LINEN SERVICE FOR CENTERPLAC 380.22 - 8804017 LINEN SERVICE FOR CENTERPLAC 382.66 8805983 LINEN SERVICE FOFt CENTERPLAC 383.58 Total : 1,146.46 11442 41612007 001122 CAMERON-REILLY, LLC 1129. , CONTRACT 2006-0169 E. ALKI 1,570.48 . 1140 41401 QUOTE # 0030-06 CAMERON-REILL . 3,87120 . . . . Total: 5,441.68 11443 4l812007 000101 CDWG . dvb9091 41576 LAPTOP SET UP FOR CONST. INSF 1,980.50 dvs1364 41576 LAPTOP SET UP FOR COIVST. INSF 61.62 dwb9502 41576 LAPTOP SEf UP FOR CONST. INSF 187.75 = . Total: 2,229.87 11444 ' 4/612007 000835 CERIUM NETWORKS LLC 004173 - 41568 ASSESMENT OF CCA 8 ACS CONF 1,563.54 Total : 1,563.84 11445 41612007 .000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3590954 40561. CH2M HILL BARKER ROAD P.E. & F 25,508.96 3592590 ' 41025 0003-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 85,249.30 ' Total : 110,75826 11446 4/612007 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 00104458 S7REE7 SWEEPING SERVICES 14.42 . Total : 14.42 11447 41612007 ' U00149 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 48365 - COFFEE SUPPLY ORDER FOR CEP 26.01 ' 48669 ' COFFEE ORDER FOR CITY HALL 139.68 48697 COFFEE.ORDER FOR CENTERPLA 133.15 Total: 298.84 11448 41612007 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725703 , GAS CHARGES 7H120UCH 3/26/07 1,823.21 - Total: 1,823.21 , • • ' . . 2 , . , . ♦ /1~ • ~ ~ • / . ~ J vchlist Vo` ;,,'~,r List ' Page: 3 0410612007 2:44:02PM ' Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . ' • Voucher Date - Vendor Invoice . PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 11449 4/612007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 05859.0 DISCOVERY PL SP N. 37,50 06377.0 DISCOVERY PL SP N 2426 1.20 - Total: 38J0 11450 4/6/2007 000683 DAVID EVANS &ASSOCIATES 218649 41315 0016 - APPLEWAY - QAVID EVANS • 9,019.51 Total : 9,019.51 11451 416/2007 000686 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 04042407 DOL CASH TRANSMITTAL . 69:00 Total : 69.00 11452 .4/6/2007 001286 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING 00000249 Oct_ 2006 MLS Credit Card Fees 13422 Total : 134.22 11453 41612007 001290 DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL 50931 TRAINING FOR CAROLINE MCROeI 135.00 ' Total : 135.00 11454 4l6/2007 000152 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION re-313-atb70313077 TRAFFIC SERVICE MAINTENANCE 1,820.13 . re313atb70313078 • ROAOWAY MAINTENANCE 7,293.50 Total : 9,113.63 11455 4162007 •000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL 04022007' MEAL & MILEAGE REIMBURSEMEN 55.80 04022007 • ' MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 111.81 - Total : 167.41 11456 4f6/2007 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 308988825 AL7VERTISING FOR CEM'ERPLACE 9627 • • • Totai : 96.27 11457 4/6/2007 001249 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY ' p17017890001 41565 RECREATION SUPPLIES 628.97 Total : 628.97 11458 4!6l2007 000278 DRISKELL, CARY 04042007 MILEAGE 8RECORDS REIMBURSf 65.06 . Total : 65.06 11459 4f6f2007 001283 E& S LLC bsp-01-U6 . ' REQUEST FOR REFUND-PLANNINC 15.00 . ' Total: 15.00 11460 4/6l2007 000246 EAST-SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 09026100 • SERVICE ADDRESS: 8300 E. SPRAi 74.58 09066100 SERVICE ADDRESS: 8325 E. SPRA, 74.58 . , Page: 3 vchlist • • Voucher. List Page: 4,. 0410612007 2:44:02PM . Spokane Valiey . . • Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor . Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 11460 ' 416/2007 000246 EAS7 SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 • (Continued) - 09078100 ' SERVICE ADDi2ESS: 7711 E. SPRA, 88.74 Total : 247.90 11461 4l612007 000042 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEPAS 1NC. 153401 41445 RICOH 3540 Sf'F DIGITIAL COLOR i 8,199.30 156723 P 8 R COPIER; COLOR GOPIES 2,023.63 156724 P 8 R MACHINE; B & W COPIES 1,104.01 156940 EXCESS COPIES.ON•:PUBLIC WORI . 42.99 Total: 11,369.93 11462 4/6/2007 000078 HARNOIS, MICKI 04042007 CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIfYBUF 19327 Total : 193.27 11463 41612007 000393 INLAND AUDIO ViSUAL 8288 . EQUIPMENT FOR CENTERPLACE E 309.51 Total : 309.51 11464 41fJ'2007 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 54877 EMPLOYEE ID CARD • 23.89 . ' Total : 23.89 11465 4!6/2007 000070 INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO 94202-402 SG737R FLORA RD 8 TREN7 38.38 ' 94202-003 TRN SIG.@ OISHMAN MICA & BOW 60.63 94202-005 D1SHM,AN MICA & SCHAFER 128.18 94202-006 UNKNOWN 201.60 ' Total : 428.79 11466 41612007 000288 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 0282083-in REGISTRATION FOR BILL SCHULT, 59.00 5273070 ' CIASSES FOR BILL SCHULI2 118.00 • Total : 177.00 11467 . 4I612007 001288 f'rC TECHNICAL INS717U7E 04052007 GREAT ROOM RENTAL REFUND R( 81.75 • . ' Tota l : 81.75 11468 4!612007 001264 JIFFY LUBE • 2327569634 SERVICE ON 03 S-10; 40203D 27.14 . • - Total: 27.14 11469 4/6/2007 000117 JOURNAL NEWS I'UBLISHING INC. 28820 ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC WORK: 79.85 28847 . ADVERTISING 88.50 4 ` . 1 ~ ' r ~ vchlist Vo~~.~er List ge; 5 0410612007 2:44:02PM SRokane Valley - Bank code: apb8tlk Vouchgr Date' Vendor (nvoice PO # Description/Account . Amount 11469 416/2007 000117 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. (Continued) Total : 168.45 11470 4J6/2007 001291 LEASON, SARAH 04052007 ' LOUNGE RENTAL REFUND REQUE 1,185.00 Total : 1,185.00 11.471 4!612007 000893. LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 275737 71RE MAINTENANCE ON S-10; 0676 48.87 276913 MAINTENANCE ON 03 VAN/40204D 195.28 . " Total 244.16 ' 11472 41'61'2007 001286 LIFE LINE SCRF-ENING 04052007 ROOM 109 RENTAL REFUND REQI 50.00 • • Total: 50.00 - 11473 4/6f2007 000931 MADSEN MItCHELL EVENSON, & CONR P3983 FINAL PAYMENT 7,522,70 ' Total: 7,522.70 11474 4/612007 000068 MERCIER, DAVID 04042007 . WA CITY MGRS MEETING EXPENS 798.10 . Total : 798.10 11475 41612007 0012$4 MILLWOOD LIQUOR STORE 0.4042007 . BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 13.00 , • Tohl: 13.00 11476 41642007 000132' MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 44500-01 . 721 PINES & BROADWAY 70.40 ' 04515-02 • ' 13313 BROADWAY & MCDONALD 32.40 . 04553-01 2303 16TM & PINES 59.35 • 04556-01 PINES 8 MISSION 73.95 ' 04605-02 ' E. 9118 MISSION (UTES) 37.95 . 04639-02 E. 9122 BROADWAY 39.35 ' . 04669-02 . N. 800 UNIVERSITY (LITES) 4220 ' 04691=02 N. 800 BOWDISH (LaTES) 37.80 . 04745-02 . 9707 SPRAGUE & FARR 48.10 • 04792-02 E. 11600 SPRAGUE (LI7ES) 46.55 ' 04836-02 _ 9105 SPRAGUE & MULLAN 7023 04966-02 E. 12112 SPRAGUE 5,546.10 . 04971-U1 • SPRAGUE AND PINES . 120.10 • . . , 06811-02 9211 ARGONNE & MONTGOMERY ' 47.25 07099-02 E. 10701 SPRAGUE (LI'fES) 59.88 . 07247-02 E. 9207 MONTGOMERY TRAFFIC LI 57.63 _ 07750-02 E. 1291 O,SPRAGUE PUMP FACILITl 35.18 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List page; - g 0410612007 2:44:02PM Spokane.Valley . , Bank code : apbank , • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice _ PO # DescriptionlAccount ' Amount 11476 4/612007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY (Continued) . ~ 07850-02 E. 10920 SPRAGUE (LI7ES) 60.36 07861-02 N. 1640 MULLAN ' 40.00 08297-02 E. 13001 SPRAGUE ' 59.31 08343-02 . E. 10700 4TH (TRAFFIC LITES) 79.20 09779-01 10618 LfTES SR27 SG,862 224.00 09909-02 • 9614 2ND & FARR 63.50 09910-02 114 2ND & BOWDISH 14.55 09911-02 213 2ND & UNIVERSITY 58.80 09963-a2 E. 11123.5 MISSION XWALK - 32.11 10031-02 108 API'LEWAY & WILLOW 1120 10038.01 10001 HERALD & SPRAGUE 46.50 10439-01 9405 WILLOW & SPRAGUE 28.30 10044-01 9614 FARR & SPRAGUE 28.30 10041-01 10112 DARTMOUTH 8 SPRAGUE 28.30 10042-01 1402 16TH & SALTESE 21.65 10046-02 13102 MISSION & MGDONALD 31.30 10049-02 XWALK BROADWAY SCHOOL 37.77 - 10176-01 S. 1607 PINES 21.65 Total : 7,311.32 11477 41612007 001287 NATALYA, LAUROVA 04052007 GREAT ROOM RENTAL REFUND RI 75.00 - - Total: 75.00 11478 416/2007 001035 NETWORK DESIGN 8 MAPdAGEMENT 15178 ' SERVER MAIN7ENANCE 2,340.00 . Total : 2,340.00 11479 4/6/2007 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC 04042007 BILLING DISCREPANCIES EXTRA F 2,263.11 . , • Totai : 2,263.11 11480 4/612007 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING, INC 45292 ' POSTAGE MACHINE SUPPLIES 100.29 45489 P057AGE MACHING SUPPLIES 325.15 . Total ' 425.44 11481 4/612007 000911 NOTE, INGA 04042007 " REIMBURSEMENT FOR PUBLICA71, • 164.40 • Tota ( : 164.40 11482 416J2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 379568504-001 41573 OFFICE DEPOT SUP{'LY ORDER 264.14 ' . , • ' ' F;~ 6 • _ . VChIiSt . r-- • ' V_:j~tr'List I` P ge: 7 04I06I2007 2:44:02PM • ' Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' . Voucher Date Vendoi . ' Invoice 'PO # Description/Account Amount 11482 4f612007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT ING (Cantinued) • 41573 - 379568580-001 41573 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLY ORDER 87.64 ' • • 380001371-401 41578 HP,INK JET CARTRIDGES 89.00 ' 380464845-009 41583 MANILA F1LE F61_DERS' 9.41 ' • . 380643565-001' SUPPLIES FOR SUE ' 32.04 ' 381120697-4Q1 41585 HR SUPPLIES 113.14 Total : 595.37 11483 4/612007 000512, OFFICETEAFJI 18156491 • T"EMP. WORKER FOR'COMM. DEVE 561.00 ' 18177810 7EMP. WORtCER FOR COM►U1. DE1/E 165.00 18250768 TEMP_ WORKER FOR COMM. DEVE 429.00 . ' • Total: 1,155.00 19484 4/6/2007 000899 ONEEIGNTY NETWORKS 563372 ~ CENTERPLACE 8 GTY HAi.L-T1 LiD 828.18 ' • Total : 828.18 11485 41612007 0o4f19 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330037161 TREASURER'S RECEIPT BOOKLET 965.48 ' 1330037221 BUSfNESS CARDS FOR CHIEF VAN 354.22 ' 1330037431 NAME PLATE ORDER FOR PW 8 LF 78.01 . , ' . • Total : 1,397.71 11486 ,4l6/2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFIIVG SERV INC. . 20,917 TEMP. WORKERS FOR CENTERPU 1,026.23 . 21,139 ' • TEMP. WORKERS FOR CENTERPL 1,095.24 ' • . 21,225 - TEMP. WORKERS FOR CENTERPV 1,050.32 - • Total : 3,171.79 11487 416/2007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 3008-0500014746 TEMP WORKER FOR IT SUPPORT 1,023.20 - • 3008-0500014801 • TEMP. WORKER FOR IT SUPPORT 1,023.20 . , Total : 2,046.40 11488 4!6/2007 000322 QWEST 503-228-0669 0158 ' INTERNET ACCESS 160.15 509-921-6787 511 B SECURfTY FOR SPRINKLER SYSTE 42.87 ' Total : 203.02 11489 41612007 000358 REGOR, NINA 04042007 , MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 93.67 Totai : 93.67 Page: 7 vchlist ; =Vouche.r List Pa9c: • 8 0410612007 2:44:02PM Spokane:Valley • • Bank code : apbsnk Voucher . Date Vendor • Involce PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11490 4/6/2007 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 623497 SUPPLIES FOR-P.& R. 14.97 625554 SUPLIES FOR P 8 R 4.99 , . Total: 19.96 11491 4l612007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & 7REE CARE INC. ti63432$ LAWN CARE MAINTENANCE 49,789.38 1634329 _ LAWN CARE MAINTENANCE 1,938.51 1917608 • LAWN CARE AT CITY HALL 122.64 .2627833 ' LAWN CARE MAINTEHANCE 3,043.43 Total : 54,903.96 11492 4/61'2007 001156 SIENKNECHT, AMY 04042007 • NiILEAGE & SEMINAR MEAL REIMB 48.93 Total : 48.93 11493 41612007 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS 37810 . 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07 POTHOtE COL 703.73 • 37811 41464 QUOTE NO. 0001.07,POTHOLE COL 703.73 . . Total: 1,407.46 11494 4!6/2407 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER v1y0702 40937 SPOKANE COUNTY MONTMLY INV( 28,711.31 . vIy0702 SPOKANE COUNTY MONTHLY INV( 156,517.98 " Total : 185,229.29 11495 4/6/2007 000001 SPOKANE COUN7YTREASURER 03162007 SUMMARY INVOICE FOR MARCH 2- 1,361,752_72 Total : 1,361,752.72 11496 4I6/2007 000324 SPOKANE COUNIY WATER DIS7. #3 170-0040-03 SERVICE ADDRESS: 906 N. PARK F 25.52 . Total: 25.52 19497 41612007 000374 SPOKANE REGIONAL, ChiAM6ER OF CC 54813 80ARD OF TRUSTEES MTING REG 10.00 ' Total : 10.00 11498 4/6/2007 001281 SPOKANE VALLEY ARTS COUNCIL, 04022007 1ST HALF OF BUDGET ALLOCATIO 2,500_00 ' Total: 2,500.00 11499 416/2007 000939 SPRAGUE 8 SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 22487 STORAGE RENTAL FOR CENTERPI 119.00 Total : 119.00 11500 4!6/2007 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0141276664-3. CELL PHONE CHAf2GES- 976.50 % , , 8 vchlist Vx• .Pher List ~ . Page: 9 04106/2007 2:44:02PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank • Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # Qescription/Account Amount 11500 4I612007 000311 .000311 SPRINTSPECTRUM, L.P. (ConUinued) 7atal : 976.50 11501 41612067, 001083 STANDARD PLUMBING HEATING, CONT 23197 . 'MON'f"HLY MAINTENANCE • 477.10 - . . . , _ . Total 477.10 11502 41612007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, 1NC. 1171 PLANNING SERVICES THROUGH a 3,135.00 Total : 3,135.00 11503 4/6/2007 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 1068315 ADVERTISING 1,032.50 ' . Total: 1,032.50 ' 11504 416/2007 000014 7YLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 106218 41453 EdenlTyier Technofogies- , 816.16 . inv0105956 41453 Eden!'I'yler Technologies- 4,787.30 Total : 5,603.46 11505 416/2007 001285 UNITED PLUM9ING INC. 0007822-in EJECTOR PUMP REPLACEMEN7 682.22 Total : 682.22 11506 416/2007 000167 VERA WATER 8 POWER 0013-032589.01 - ELECTRICITY & WATER CHARGES 69.17 • 001"04275.01 ELECTRICITY & WATER CHARGES 25.41 • , ' 0014-032971.00. ELECTRICITY CHARGES 42.59 0018-031941-01 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 5125 0018-032752_40 ' ELECTRICITY CHARGES 20.71 ' 0030-031942.01 ELECTRICITY CHARGES 50.60 0089-000005.00 • ELECTRICITY CHARGES 1,714.40 • . ' Total : 1,97413 11547 416/2007 000100 WABO 1NC. 12385 REGISTRATION FOR NIK 8EPITLEY 40.00 Total : 40.00 11508 416/2007 001271 WALLACE, SCOTf 04452007 PARKING REIMBUFtSEfNEIdT FOR 1 6.00 . . • " - Total: 6.00 11509 4/612007 000038 WASTE MANAGERAENT OF SPOKANE 0035723-26$1-1 ' V'VASTE SERVICES AT CENTERPLA 61.55 1911319-2681-5 WASTE SERVICE AT VALLEY RREC 260.17 • ' Total: 321.72 11510 4/6f2007 000061 WiL.HITE, DIANA 04022007 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 224.56 Page: 9 • °~S: i~tu~:'~..:~_-at..-?~" ~ ~ • - vchlist , . VouCher List . Page: 10 . 0410612007 2:44:02PM . ' Spokane Valley . Bank codc : apbank - ' • • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice ' PO # QescriptioNAccount ' Amount 11510 4/6/2007 000061. 000061 WILHITE, DIANA (Cantinued) Total 224.56 11511 4!612007 001034 WSASC - CIIVDY W}il't'MAN, AUBURN SE 04052007 REGISTRATION FOR KAREN PARS• 355.00 ' . . _ ' . Total: 355.00 , 11512 . 4/6/2007 000089 XO COMMUNICA'iIONS, INC_ 0214389599 INTERtdET CONNECTIOtdS 1,568.99 . - ' Total: 1,568.99 11593 416/2007 001074 ZEE NEDICAL 161242105 SAFETY SUPPLIES 346.01 . ' 7otal : 396.01 86 Vouchers for bank code : 8pb8nk . . Bank total : 2,080,334.06 86 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 2,080,334.06 APP.ROVE1D: . I, the unders6gned, do certify under penalty of perjury, I-o7 that the materials have been tumished, the scroices Ken Thompson, Vinance Direetor ' Date , rcndered, or the labar performsd as described herein . ' and thatthe claim is just, due and an unpaid obliga#ion against the City of Spoksne Valley, and that I am authorized to autherrticate and cert(ty to said claim. . . • . . Mayor i~'~'' ' . ~ Finance Director Date ' • ,1 c • . _ ~ . . - . • ~'i~unc~~m~.[~i~ ~ . :-a9e: 10 , . ' . ' _ . • ' r~~ J vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 04/13/2007 9:23:13AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apb8nk , . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 11514 4l10/2007 000081 STA7E OF WASHINGTON 1st qtr use tax 1ST QUARTER 2007 SALES ANq U: 1,043.04 . Total : 1,043.04 11515 • 4/10/2407 000449 WASMINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT, Of 1st qtr lessehold 1ST QTR 2007 LEASEHOLD TAX 192.60 Total : 192.60 11516 4/13/2007 000197 AIR INC. 971 BACKGROUNq CHECKS FOR NEW 275.00 • Total : 275.00 11517 4l13/2007 001081 ALSCO LSP0188837 , MATS FOR VALLEY PRECINC7 10.74 Isp0188838 MA7S FOR VALLEY PRECINCT SHC 13.30 • Total : 24.04 11518 4l13/2007 000907 BUILDING MAIN'i`ENANCE SUI'PLY 44303 41567 PRECINCT JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 303.65 Total : 303.65 11519 4/13/2007 001022 CARR SAIES CO. 840827 41590 PRECINCT MAINTENANCE SUPPLII 170.77 Total : 110.77 11520 4/13l2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 48888 COFFEE AND SUPPLIES FOR CfTY 140.74 Total : 140.74 11521 4/13l2007 000646 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 626 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.06 Total : 228.06 ' 11522 4/1312007 040035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 77993483 41594 CORPORATE EXPRESS . 114.35 Total : 114.35 11523 4/13/2007 0010$4 CUSICK, JENNIFER • 3130/07 reimb _ REIMBURSE AIR FARE FOR 4/167( 134.80 Total: 134.80 11524 4113I2007 000235 DATA BASE RECORDS DESTRUCTION 16931 2 MONI'HLY SERVICES 60.00 Tota I : 60.00 11525 4/1312007 000136 DEPARTMENT OF INFO SERVICES; STA 2007030234 • COMPUTER SERVICES FOR MARC 31.18 . Total : 31.18 . ' , Page: 1 vchlist VouCher List . Page: 2 04113l2007 9:23:13AM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher . Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 11526 4l13l2007 000686 DEPARTNiENT OF LICENSIPJG D0L cash transmittal pOL CASH TRANSMITTAL 112.00 • Total : 112.00 11527 4J1312007 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 3442 41525 LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,354.51 - Total : 2,354.51 11528 4113/2007 000222 ICMA RE71REMENT CORP. 36380 ANNUAL PLAN FEE-PLAN #108382 125.00 Total : 125.00 11529 4/13l2007 000353 INTERiVATIONAL TRADE ALLIANCE spv2047 FIRST QUARTER PAYMENT 5,000.40 ' Total : 5,000.00 11530 4113J2007 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING INC. 288$1 AD PROPOSED AMENDED BUDGE 40.60 28882 NO71CE OF ORDINANCE PASSED-( 25.00 28883 ' dETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFI( 57.00 Total : 122.60 11531 4/13/2007 001293 KEVIN MADDEN WOMES, LLC refund proj 06-3781 REFUND ON PROJCET NUMBER OE 162.40 ' Total : 162.44 • 11532 4/1312007 000073 MC CORMICK, GREG 4/9l07 request TRAVEL REIMB. FOR PLANNING DI 1,106.41 ' . • Total : 1,106.41 11533 4113/2007 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00016985 ' TAXTOOLS SOFTWARE RENTAL-M 341.95 ' . Total : 341.95 11534 4/13f2007 001295 N.I.C.E. April 27 conference 3 ATENDEED FOR THE WALL BRA( 45.00 ' Total : 45.00 1'1535 4/1312007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 381208584-001 41586 OFFICE SUPPIES-BUILDING DEPAF 146.24 • • Tota I : 146.24 11536 411312007 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE'rREASURER March 2047 iv1ARCH STATE REMITTANCES 63,888.02 Total : 63,888.02 11537 411312007 000512 OFFICETEAM 18307289 JOYCE FONTAINE FOR THE WK EN 495.00 Total : 495.00 ' ~ge: 2 ~ ~ . • ! . , J r vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0411312007 9:23:13AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank • ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 11538 '4l13/2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SEf2V INC. 21,512 TEMP WORKERS FOR WK ENDED 995.04 Total : 995.04 11539 411312007 041161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 3008-0500014851 MATf KUSHNER SERVICES FOR V1 1,023.20 . Total : 1,023.20 . 11540 4J13/2007 000341 RICOH CORPORATIOtJ 07053004918 MONTHLY PAYMENl' ON FINANCE 246.53 07053005156 MON7HLY PAYMENT ON PERMIT C 412.68 07053416249 MONTHLY PAYMENT ON HR SUITE 238.92 • Tota l : 898.13 11541 4/1312007 004415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 625562 ITEMS FOR POOL MEEI"ING 6.65 Total: 6.65 , 11542 4/1312007 000202 SCAPCA 4134 2ND QTR 2007-APJPJUAL ASSESSME 29,546.75 Total : 29,546.75 11543 4113J2007 001075 SOLACE, INC. 114 MAY ADVERTISING IN KIDS' DIREC 275.00 ' Total : 275.00 11544 4/1312007 000230 SPOKANE CNTY AUI7ITORS OFC, RECO 4I3/07 stmt RECORDING FEES PLANNING DIVI 1,353.00 Tota I : 1,353.00 17545 4/13/2007 000308 SP0ICANE COUtJTY PROSECU7ING, Al"l March payment MARCH CRIME VICTIMS COMPENS 1,025.81 Total : 1,025.81 11546 4/13I2007 000731 SPOKANE RESTAURAM' EQUIP., INC tJlarch 22 memo PARI'IAL f2ETA1NAGE RELEASE PE • 11,298.80 Total : 11,298.80 11547 4/13/2007 004011 SPOKANE VALLEY CHAh4BER, OF COMA 107215 2007 S7A7E OF THE CITY ADDRES 375.00 107216 2007 STATE OF TFIE CI7Y ADDRES 125.00 ' 107224 GARY SCHIMPAELS-2007 STATE OF 25.00 Tota I : 525.00 11548 4113l2007 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIS7. #1 1s1 qtr 2007 fees FIRE PLAN CHECK FEES-1 ST QTR 2,871.33 ' Total: 2,871.33 11549. 4/13J2007 001083 STANDARD PLUMBING HEATING, CONT 23180 FIX MEATING UNIT . 335.85 . Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0411312007 9:23:13AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank • • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescripGon/Account Amount 11549 4/1312007 001Q83 001083 STANDARQ PLUYVIBING HEATIldG, C(Continued) ' Total : 335.85 11550 4/1312007 000093 THE SPOKES MAN-REVI EW INC. 297778 , 41558 . AQUATICS ADVERTISING 94.38 . 560104, 31307 41557 RECREATION ADVER7lSIP1G 2,909.70 Total: 3,004.08 11551 4/1312007 000501 THOMI'SON RUBUSHING GROUP, SUBE acct#5718419 FAIR LABOR STANDARDS MANDBC 423.50 • • Total: 423.50 11552 4/13/2007 00 OD14 T.YI.ER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1NV0106628 41453 PROJEC7' MANAGEMENT (50% @ 1 700.00 . • 1'otal: 700.00 11553 4/13/2007 000038 WASTE MANAGEMEN7 OF SPOKANE 4l1I07 Invoice MARCW 2007 WASTE REMOVAL 313.33 . ' . Total : 313.33 40 Vouchers for bank code : apaank . Bank total : 131,152.83 40 Vouchcrs in this report Total vouchers : 131,152.83 . . ' ' -_.,.~__..,._.,...e......_~.....-..- ' t ' , . ~ • . . t • ~ • API'RONrED: I, the undersigned, do oertify under penalty of pery'ury, thaf the materials h3ve been furnished, the services - rendered, or the labor pettormed as described herein- ~ Ken 'I`hompson, Finan.ce Director Date and that the claim.is just, due and an unpaid abligationj . against the Ciry of Spokane Valley, and that I am ,4 authorizod to authenGcatE and cortiiy to said claim. .F . M ~U t.l.hrite ' . Finance Direcior Date ; t . • ; ~ ~ Cciencu., . ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 04-24-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending April 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: . OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: . BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 155,230.24 Benefits: 1 21.354.85 . TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 176,585.09 STAFF CONTACT: Jason Faulkner ATTACHMENTS . ; DRAFT 'IVIINUTES City of Spokane Valley ~ Cil`y CUuneil Regular Nfeeling `l'uesday, April 10, 2007 , viayor 1Vilhite ctilled CF►e tneeting to order at 6:00 p.m., anci welcomecl everyone to the 113`h mceting, Attendnnce: Citil s<<,ff. • Diana V1'ilhite, Mayor I7ave,ulercier City Mana3er. _ Ste<<e'Caylor, iaeputy VTayor Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attoniey I7ick llenF;nny, Councilmember Nina Regor, Depury City Manager Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Publie Works Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmembcr Mary Kate Martin, Building Official Ricli Munson, Councilmember Ken '1'hompson, Finance Uirector Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Mike Jaekson, Parks & Recretition Director Rick Vanl_euven. F'alice Chief Karen Kendall, Assistant I'lanner Chris Bainbridgc, Ciry Clcrk 11VVOCA'I'I.ON: Deputy viayor Taylor gave the invocation. FLCDGF. CaT' AI:LL(::IANCE: vlayor Wilhite led the Pledge oPAllebiance. . ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridne called roll; all Councilmembers were present. _ . AFPI2UVAL UF ACL\`llA: It ivas irioved by Ueputy llfayar Taylar, secarrded arrd unanintously agreed tu apprvve !he unrEntlEil ugenclu crs preserrted. L\°TRODUCTiON O.F SI'EC:lAT, GUFSTS A\'n PRESENTATTQNS: Nonc. COMI1'llr'TEE, BOAI:t_I.), I:,:IACSOi\T SIJMiVTA:17Y Rl+l?012TS: ' Councilmember Schimmels reported that he attended a fundraiser hosted by SCRAl'S; Councilmember Gothmann report:ed t:hat he is maintninino cood community contact conccrnino the nroposed clasing of 1'ratt Elementary; itnd Councilmember DeVleming mentionetl that he met with the SCtU'CA Board where board tnembers are putting plans t4gether fqr a re.treat next week where they will work on draft.ing bylaws. vAYOit'S f2.EYU.It`C: - Mayor 1'Vilhite rEporced t.lial she also at.cencfed the SCI'tA:PS auctidn funclraiser; she attended a Japanese American citizen group lunchenn; and attended a dinosaur presentation. Mayor Wilhite then read the proclarnation 'on "Child Abuse Preventian Month." Mayor Wilhite invited Ms. Murphy to speak concerning the proelamation. Mary A.nn Murpby, Chair of the bVasliingnon Council oFAbuse and Neglect, thanked Council for the opportunity to make this commiYment to call eveiyone into action to make the community safer and healthier for cliildren, and cxplaincd that the pinwheel chey are using; is a symbol oF the joy antl innoceoce of the childre.n. I'UBLIC COA71qENTS: ' Pat Breithaunt. 2002 S 1-ti2h ]arive, Snokane. 99203: explained lier problern in trying to relocale a tauilding through Milhuood and down "1'rent in the Valley, and said that she came in January to detcri-nine ~ the procedLu•e needed and feels the City oP Spokane Valley does not have a clear cut plan to follow; and ~ Council Meeting: 04-10-U7 Page l, of 5 Approved by Cotlncil: DRAFT slie gave the City Clerk a handout frorn the Spokane County Air Pollucion Control r'1utliority, and also a _ handout from N1illwood. Shc further expla'vicd that this pracess her been very expensive; and that shc ' wound up waiting a month for a pre-development hearing. She said that she doesn't wailt to lose e.verything for not moving the building, and feels there should be a way to handle this more expeclitiously; that t.hey paid S50,000 to have the building loaded and ready to move, paid $9,000 for cngineering services, and over $100,000 for tfie builtling. 1n response to Council questions, she said dhat her engineer was slow in working toward her' goal; but that she still has not heard from all departments, such as fire. ' She also saia that the owner of a tavern which has a large clouble parking lot, saicl shc could "park" the building there while finishing this process. She also mentioned thil her husband was tolcf by our staff that they coulc! move fonvarci if the plans were 95`Yo complete, but no one could cell him what 95% completion was. Councilmember Munsnn said he is aware that staff are wnrkinc; on this issue, and Mayor Wilhite said she is also confident that they will hear something soon concerning this prnblem. 1. 1'UBLiC WEA1t1NG: Pronosed Amended IIudRet - Ken Thomnson Mayor VVilhite opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. and invited Finance Director Thompson to explain the proposed budget. V[r. Thompson reporled on the necessary budgei adjusbnents; as shown on his Request for Council Action form, and in his PowerPoint slide, and staced that a first reading of the ordinance is also scheduled later cfuring tonight's meet.ing. vir. Thompson mentioned that the figures do noC include $30,000 for additional review of nrojects, and that linure will be shown when the ordinance comes back for a second reaciinn. City Manager Mercier also stated that staff will be substituting 1n attempted recruitment of a Professional Engineer (PE) rather than an assistant engineer, and attempting to capture twenty hours of 1'E I.ime to a.ssist in review of capital projects; so this changes the designation of sameone we were hirino, and inclucles the half-time positinn, all ofi which would be fundecl frorn the genei•al funcl. Director '1''hompson said the rinance Committee also considered tihese additions. Mayor . Wilhite invitecl public comment; no comments were offered and Nlayor Wilhile closecl the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGEIVDA: Consists of iCems considereci routine which arc anprAVed as a group. A . Couneilmernber may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following Clai►n Vouchers; VOiJCI-IER L,IST IaATC ~VUUC;I-E-R -tqs ~ TO`I'AL VOUCT-I1:R AlvipLrFT ~ 03-23-07 ~ 11363-11416 ~ $136,645.353 • ~ GRANf7 TOTAL $136,645.353 b. Payroll for Period Enc:ling IvTarch 31, 2007: $247,160.24 c. .qpproval of Stude.nt Advisory Council ,Amended Bylaws d. Resolution 07-003 Setting Planning Commission Public Hearing for Sh-eet Vacation and righi- oC'-way dedication e. Minutes of Marc:h 20, 2007 Council Study Sessiori Meeting £ Minutes of March 27, 2007 Etegular Counci) Vleeting Minutes nf April 3, 2007 Couneil Stuclv Session Nieeting Deputy Mayor Taylor asked thac Consent Agenda item ,#d he removcd to discuss separately. It ivcrs thei7 moved by Couticilnteri7ber _44'iolsori, secantled and anranimously agreed to upprove the Cotuerrt flgerrdu xiith the exceplion of item d Deputy Maynr '["aylor then asked about the existing alley behind the museum and of the intent of the vacation. Assistant F'lanner Kendall explained that this is an application for a street vacation located south of Sprague Ave•nue, nor[h of First Avcnuc, and west of Pines Road for , the vaeation of a portion of the alley and concw-rently, to dedicate thc right-of=way for the purpose o1' realigning the alley approximately 26 f'cct south of its existing location; and that the applicant proposes to build a Rite Aid there, and tear down the esisting.building on the corner Af Pines and Sprague.all the way . to llave's $ar. Councilmember Munson asked if there is a pending appliCition [o acld those buildings on Council Nieetin~: 04-10-07 Page 2 nf 5 Approved hy Council: ' DRAF't the historic roster, and Ms. Kendall said she is not aware of vly pending application, but tliat the Museum is registered. Ms. Kenclall stated that she contacted the state authorities to gather information, and it appears that the applicant has only apPliecl Cor a strect vacation at this time, and has not applie.d f'or a demolition pcrmit. It was m.n>>ed by Coufrcilmember Gothnrunn, secatded, uncl untlninrously ugrrEetl to upprove Consent Itenr gcl. NFVV RUSiNESS 3. Second Readine, Pranosed Ordinance 07-004 Amendina Purcha.eine Code - Carv Tariskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the orciinanee title, it wcrs rnoved by Uepuly 111cryof• 7"aylor rnrd secorrded, to adopt ordinance 07-009 ar drafted. Deputy City Flttorney Driskell cxplained that this ordinancc has not been changed since the first re.adina. Councilmember Gothmann sisi<I that this is one nf the most difficult ordinances he has seen in terms of trying to find anything; that it is very important as it provides the basis for the public dcterminiiig if Nve are fair with vendors; thi3t hc has lrouble with the orga»ization and the sLibjects covered by the ordinance; that one cannot go to any seetion to find out what to do iFyou sell things; and that it is poorly organizcd, and he suggested it be re-organized in three eatecorics: Architecture a& Frigineering, Public 1Vorks; and \TOn-Public Worf:s. Mr. Driskell pointed to the sections . which state the rules and policies, clefinitions, and purpose and use of the small wdrks roster. Councilmember Denenny said hc has no problem with the organization of thc ordinance and feels it is well organizec1. Mr. Driskell also nlentioned thizt several scctions include language taken directly from the state statutes. Deputy Nlayor `laylor also voiced his opinion that he feels the changes are good, and he supports tlie ordinance as is. Mayor Wilhite inviced public cominent. Tonv Lazanis. 1626 fi Emnire: said wc need ta make it simple so citizens don't have to hire an attnrney to get the bid or use thc process. Mayor Wilhi[e invit:ed fur[her public commenf, ancl no further comments were offered. Councilmember - Schiminels also voiced his'opinion t:hat he does nat see a need for a chanbe ancl thcri;fore won't support the ordinance. Vote Ly Acclarnation: L: Favor: Mcryor Wilhite, Depitty ltlayor T'aylor, antl ~ Cowrciln7embers 1Iq11l7SOri, 1aenerriry and DeVleming. Opposed: Councilmenibers Gnt/tntantr and Schimmela•. ilbstetttions.' Afone. Motiorr carried Mayar \Vilhite callcd for a recess at 7:00 p.m.; rmd reconvened the me.eting at 7:09 p.m. 4. Second Readina Proposed Ordinance 07-006 A.mendinQ Public Record Ordinance - Nlike Connell,, After City Clerk Bainbridge reacl the ordinance title, it tivas nzoved by DEputy llluyor Tuylor und secoaded, to approve urclinmrce 07-006. Deputy Gity AtCOniey Driskcll said that recent changes in state law last year prompted this ordinanec, wliich will replace that whic;h is currently in our code; and that this arclinance is adopte,d after the. Model Public Records Ordinance prepared by the Attorney Generiil's Offiee. Iie added that if the state legislature rnakes further changes, this ordinance can always be brought back Uefore Council for further revision. Vlayor Wilhite invited public comment. Steven Yollei, 212 S McUonald, said that he Sent staff and council an e-mail discussino ihis topie, inclucling the rules f'or civil proceclures and state statutes. M.jyor Wilhite invited fiirther public comment; no fin-ther comments were offered. Yate by Acclrurratinn: In Favor.• Uiianimous. Opposetl: Alorre. Absrentiv►rs: Nnt1e. Motion carried 5. First kcadinp- Proposed Ordinvice 07-007 Amendina 2007 Budp-et = Ken Thom>>son After City Clerk Bainbridge reacl t.he ordinance title, it was ntavecl byDepr.rtyM. ciyur Tcrylvf• cutd seeortdetl, to advurrce ordinarlce 07-007 to a second rEUding on the April 24, 2007 Cotolcil agenda. finance Dircctor Thompson explained that this is tltc ordinance which adopts the budget with the changes as he previously mentioned, and that the additional S30,000 for engineerinj review will be included on the ordinanee when it cornes before Council for a seeond reacEing. M.ayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments «<Ere ollerecl. Vote Gy ffcclrnnation: I1i Favar: Ur7cmintous. Opposed: None. Abstentinns: Notte. tLfotiorz carrietl. i Council fvicccing: 04-10-07 Page 3 of 5 AUproved by Council: D12AFT 6. Pirst Readina ProUOSed Ordinance 07-008 Amending Logn PrQVisions - Carv Driski;ll After City Clerk Bainbricloe read the ordinance title, it ►vus »ioved by Counc•ilmemher Gothrrrarrn arar.l seconcled, ro adva3ice ordinarrce 07-008 to a secancl rerrdin~g. Deputy Attorney 17riskell explained the proposed changes as not.ed in the strike-t:hrough, underli.ned eopy, and added Chac staff'wiU make a fiu-ther . change to omit the words "or designee" in section Afi, as the Cocfe Nvill be further revised later to include jeneral definitions. Couneilmember DeVle►ning voiced his concern with the rempval of the business narne Purrfecl Logos, and iVir. Mercier respondcd that this is st.rictly for apparel, and if other businesses approacFi the Cit}, we want to make the use of the Iogo nonexclusive; and that the logo apparel is only for sale to CiCy employees or City re•presentativcs, tlierefore we are not removing PtirrPect Logo's ability to provicle that service, ancl t.hat the primary purpose is to protcct the application of the lo;o. V9ayor Wilhite invited public cornment; no comments were offered. Vo1e by Acclainutian: ha Fcrvor: Mayar TVilhite, Deputy Afuyor Taylor, antl Cotmcilmembers Schinanlels, Deneizny, Cpthmarrit and A'ful2solz. Opposed.• Courzcilmember DeVleirting. .Absteyrt.ions: None. ltlotiol: car-ried. 7. PrUQOSed Resolutinn 07-004 Support:ine ylemorandum of Understanding for Faunclational Canceuts for vlanai!ed 1'lan, Tota] Maximum Taailv Load - Councilmember llenennv If wcrs moved by Coinicibrzcmher jWtnnsori ancl seconded, to approve Resalution 07-004 .Councilmember Denenny explained that this resolution supPorts the vlemorandum of Understanding (V90U) for the foundational concepts for managed plaii and total ma.rimum daily load (T►VIDL); and in response to quesCions, thi5 does noc I.ie this City to any future negotiations for ralcs, but qnly supports the VIOU. Mayoe Wilhite invited public commenL T)ick Behm, 3626 S R.ideeview Drive: said he has been involved with this project since the mid-eirhties, and he extcncled con;rattilations to the Couneil ancl in particular Couiici]memUer llEnenny for all the harcl work. Vlayor Wilhite invited i=urther public comments; nu further camrrtents were oflercd. Vote by Acclumutiott' hr Favor: Unur7imaus. Opposed: Alorre. Abslenlior7s: A'one. 1llotivrT carried. 8. ~v'lntion Consicleration: Snow Plowino Level of Service - John f-lohman/Neil K.ersten _ It was inoved by Deputy e~ayor Tcryloi• and secoraded, to approve the level of service for snvia plowlng rnrd cleicing as stated in the preserrtatiorz that is ubout to he given. Publie Works Director Kersten Nvent through his 1'owerPoint presentation whieh shawed the snnwplowing priorities and staff, equipment and hours necessary to complete each.are.3 of priority. He explained that the level oFserviee for priorities l, 2, ancf 3wquld be limited operations for snnw eventS ranging from onE lo threu inches; plutiving performed as condilions warrlnt with focus on problem areas and hillsides; coordination with Palice Department on accident and prqblem areas, and full plowing for snow events exceeding a depth o1' four inches. l"or prinrily 4, Vlr. Kersten saicl that residential streets on the valley floor will only be considered for plowing when funcl.ional traftic flow is substfui[ially inhibiced. ror ice cflntrol priorities 1, 2, ancl 3, there will be limited liquid deicing giving priority t.o sn4w events on bridges and pri►nary intersections; solid granular deiccr wiU be the primary dcicing method for streets and intersecCions ancl will 13egin as soon a., there is snow accumulation on the rnadway, and there will be lirnited sanding and liquid deicing cturinb snow evcnt-s, usually limited to intersections, hills, and corners. For ice cnntrol priority 4, Mr. Kcrsten said that deicing ancl sarlcling wiU not be condueted on residential strects on the valley floor except at cor►trollecl incersections and selected problerTi areas. Mr. Kersten also said,those proceclures will also be used depending on the weather f.'orecast. tilayor Wilhite invited public comment. E.cl Weioel_ 716 E 10'h A.vcrlue: said wfiere he lives, sanding his strcet is a waste qf money as it only spceds up traffic. Tonv Lazanis: said he wants to know how much money was appropriated f'or the ye,ar and how much was spent; arid do we share maintcnance of the equipmcnt. ivir. Kersten saicl we share the equipment, and pay for the equipment biised on a hourly raee Nvhich includes maincenance and fiael; and that the tatal annual budget was in the range of $600,000 to $700;000; that that we spent about $300;000 this year. Council Wetir►g: 04-10-07 Page 4 of 5 Approved by CounciL• iaRAFT Nlayor Wilhite invited filrthEr public cpmments; no fiirther comments wcrc offered. Vote by Acclanration: In Fnvor.• Unarrinlous. Oppvsed: Nune. Abstentioirs: Notie. A161iun curried. . 9. Vlotion Consideration: Authorizin4 \'eaotiation of Street Maintenance Cuntract - Nleil Kersten It ivas moved by Deptrty Alayvr Ttrylor ciird secoicded to aidhorize staff to proceed lvitli rregvtiutions ivitlr I'oe Asplurll Puvirrg fnr sh-eet nrrd stor»iwaler inuinteirairc.e nnd repair. Public Works Director Kersten esplaincd the proposal as noted in his Request for Couneil Action form, and saicl lhat %+,e received rivo responses to the Request for Proposals, and after conducting intervieNvs, both companies are verv strong, but the selection committee unanimously agrecd that Poe provided the most responsive proposal anet interview. In response to Council questions concerning cost and what we paicf the Caunty; vlr. Kersten said this is what we had budgeted and would like to have paid the County, but they no longer provide these services. vlayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. After discussing the differenees in companies, ancl that Pae doesn't run overtime, Council voted by Aeclamation: In Favor: Cirraiiimous. Opposed: R'aaE. .Abstentions: t1'osre. Motioi7 ccrrried. 9a. Mavoral Anpointment: Public Transoortatinn Imnrovcment Conference (I'TIC) - Mavor Wilhite . viayor Wilhite cxnlained that the Spokane Transit Authority is asking for. an appointment far tliis year's 1'ublic Transportation Improvement Conference, and that she wotild like to appoint herself ro attend that: meeting. It was movetl by Depufy Mayur Tcrylor, seconded, arrd uncurhrrnusly agreed lhat IVlayor 6Vilhite - be appointeri to as the rEpr•esenuarive to this year's 1'ublic Trcrnsportatian Inaprovemerrt Corrfereirce. PiIfiLIC CONIlVi.F\'TS Mayor Williite invited general public eomments. . Dick Behrn. 3626 S KidLeview larive: spoke cloncerning the condition of the roads, and he commended ivlr. Keisten and his staff for the road maintenancc they have accomplished. . , - - ~ ADMINIST12A`.l'TVF REPORTS:.None EXECUTIVE SFSSIQN: L,and Acquisition It ivas moved Gy Deputy Muyor Taylor, secoaided u►ril iuaaninrously agreetl to udjnurn rnto executive sessiwr, afler a fi+>e rnr►rute break, far che purpnse vf discussing partial larrd acquisitiori,- that Council wil! reconveiie Mot niore tlzan thirty minartes; cmcl.thnt they anricipate some actirrn wi11 be taken wltefi Coulicil reconveizes. CQUncil adjournecf into executive session at 8:00 p.m. after takin„ a five-minute break. iviayor Vl'ilhite declared Council out of exeeutive session at 8:26 p.m. There was no action proposed and it was moved by Courtcilnaenzber Denenny, secorrded, arid ununirnously agreed du ac jourtr. The meetin~; adjourned st 8:27. p.m. ATTEFS'1': laiana Wilhite, Mayor Cliristine Bainbridae; City Clerk ~ ~ \1 . Council Ivteetina: 01-10-07 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ; Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business [ new business ❑ public hearing . [M information ❑ admin. repor# ❑pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when the City expects to exceed appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: The City budget for 2007 was adopted in November of 2006. These amendments were discussed at the April 3'd and April 10th council meetings. The Finance committee considered them in late March. BACKGROUND: Budget adjustments are needed to: ' . ' 1) transfer $1,746,000 to the Civic Facilities Reserve Fund; . 2) transfer $161,000 to the Service Level Stabilization Fund to maintain operating service levels i during reduced economic activity; ~ 3) adjust revenue sources to anticipated levels; . 4) update the budget for programs and projects carriedover.from prior years; ' . 5) pay increased council salary/benefit costs; . 6) pay copy/printing costs in excess of staffi's prior estimates; 7) budg.et for town center real estate consultants; 8) budget for Beverly Hills storm water project; 9) budget. for .development engineering - & surveying review; and r@cognize the General Fund 15% reserve. . A more detailed lisfing of the proposed budget amendments is attached as Ordinance Exhibit A. OPTIONS: Options include amending the budget, amending the budget for some of the changes or making no amendments. The budget should be amended to comply with Washington State law, RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance 07-407 amending the 2007 Budget, BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of the amended budget ordinance will provide the ~ authorization to move ahead with these programs. ' STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Jason Faullcner, AccountantlBudget Analyst ' ! J ♦ ~c AMENDMENTS TO 2007 BUDGET . i~ ~ . APRIL 24, 2007 KEN THOMPSON JASON FAULKNER ` .J , ; ~,M - z' ♦ F+', • AMENDMENTS TO 2007 BUDGET, Continued '.~`~::w • Programs/projects carried over from 2006 ~ • Trans. to Civic Facilities • Trans. to Service Level Stabilization . Copy/printing costs ~ ~ • Council updated salarieslbenefits • Town center consultant ;;Y • Beverly Hills storm water project Recognize Gen. Fund operating reserve . ~ • Increase development review-eng., survey ~ ;i 1 DRAFT . C1TY OF SPUlCAPIE V.ALLEY 1 ' SPOKANF COUNTY, WASI•]INGTp1` - OltUlivANCE NO. 07-007 . AN ORAINANCF A`~iFNDING OItDINANCE NO. 06-024 PASSED RY THF CiTY COijNCIL UN NOVLNiBLR 14, 2006 ANU ENTITLED "AN ORn1.1iANCr OE' T13E C1TY OF Sl'Ul{.AN-E • VA.T.:LFY, SPQK.ANF CQUNTY, WASH:LNGTUN, All01'TLNG A BIITaGET FOR TT-11?. FE, RIOD QF JANUARY 1, 2007 THIZOiJCUH UECEN173FR 31, 2007 AFPRQPRIATLNC FU'NDS :1Nll ESTART,TSHIITG SALARY $CFCEDULES FOR ESTAI3LISH1",lll POSVTTONS." ti'VEIEREAS, subsequent tn the adop[ian of the attnual budget, it has become iiecessa.ry to make chtinges b}' atlclin5 new revenue, a►nendments, appropriations and lransferring funds in order to properly pcrforrn various City functions, services and activities; NVHE}2EAS, the budget changes set fotth in this Ordinance could not 11ave been reasonably ant:icipated or kriowm when the annual budget was passetl by the City Council; and . N'VkfEFZEAS, the Cir.y Council has determined thal' the best interests of the City are served by amending the adopted budget to reflect antieipatecl revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriating same as set forth herein. - \`QW TIFIEREFOIZC, 'I lie City Cotmcil of the Ciry of Spokane VaUey, Washington clo orciain as follnws: Section l.. Amcndcd Revenues. Qrdinance No. 06-024, as adopCecl or amended, adopted a budget for the • ~ nvelve mondis ending 17ecember 31, 2007. Fach item, revenue; appropriation; and fund is hcrcby amended as follows. . A: General 1'und of the 2007 budgeC is imcndecl to provide for additional revenue in the amour►t . of $7,068,000 i'rom unrestricted fund balance, additional development fees of $237,000 atld 3 transfer from the Street fund in the amount of $35,000. B. Street 1"und of the 2007 budgel is amcncied to provide for additional revenue in the amoune of S235,000 f.ro►n unre.stricted fund balance. - C. StTeet Capital Arojeets rund revenues of the 2007 budget are ainendecl by $563,000 to provide for an additional $620,000 funde;d thrAUgh grant proceeds and developer contributions along with an inter-fund transfer of $243,000 from the Special Capital Projects Fund. , D. Capital Grants 1'rojeeCS Funcl revenues arE incressed by $1,730,000 from grant proceeds and an inter-fund transfer of $270,000 from the Arterial Street Funcl for the Appleway - Tschirley Co Hoti~es projcct. ' E. Stormwater T'und re<<enues are increased by $340,000 funded ihrouah carried over unrestricted fiind bafance. For purposcs of these budget amendments, Exhibic "A" is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as set forth in fuU. . Ordinance 07-007 Amcnding 2007 Budget Page I of 3 1)12AFT REVFVUES: REVEN'UES: FUND FUND ' ORIGINAL BUDGETED ENDING - NUiNBER NAPAE REV. & FUND BAL. AMEND►ViEN7S REVENUES 001 GENERAL $ 38,907,470 $ 7,344,000 $ 46,247,470 101 STREET $ 7,420,000 $ 238,000 S 7,658,060 102 ARTERIAL ST. S 912,a00 $ - $ 912,000 103 TRAILSlPA7HS S 21,000 $ - S 21,000 105 HOTEIJMOTEL S 656,000 $ - $ 656,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJECTS $ , 4,120,000 $ - $ 4,1120,Q00 302 SPECIAL CAP. PRJ $ 4,420,000 $ - $ 4,420,000 303 STREET CAP pRJ $ 6,939,843 $ 883,000 $ 7,802,843 304 MIRA8EAU PT $ 441,000 $ - a 441,006 345 STREET BOND PRJ S 816,0()0 S - S 816,000 346 COFfI DEV 8LK G12NT S - $ - S - 307 CAPITAI. GRAHTS $ 7,300,000 $ 2,000,090 $ 9,300,000 308 B,ARKER BRDGE FED $ 700,000 $ - $ 700,Q00 309 PAI2KS CAPITAL PRJ $ 3,550,000 $ - $ 3,550,000 . 310 CIVIC BUILDING $ 1,460,060 $ - $ 1,460,000 120 CENTERPIACE OP. $ 325,000 $ - $ 325,000 • 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,200,000 S - S 5,200,000 522 WINTER 1NEATHEf2 $ 540,000 S - 5 540,000 402 STORMWATER S 2,855,762 S 340,000 $ 3,195,762 501 EQUIP REPL & RES S 944,375 $ - $ 944,375 502 RISKhAGMT s 217,100 $ - $ 217,100 TOTAIS $ 88.347,550 $ 10,781,000 $ 99,128,550 Section 2. ExpEnditures Appropriat:ed. To appropriate tlic amendments from the al~ove estimated revenues and beginnino unrestricted fiind balances f'or each separaCe fiand, the expenditure appr0priations for the period January l througli December 31, 2007 are amended as set forth below. EXl'Er9)iT[JR.F-,S/APPROYRTATIONS: FUND FUND 2007 ORIGINAI. 'POTAL NUMBER PlAME APPRQpF21ATIONS AMENIJMEN'I"S APPROPRIATIOPIS 001 GEtdERAL S 31,549,504 7.340,000 $ 38,889,504 101 STREE7 S 4,088,372 $ 238,000 $ 4.326,372 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 912,000 $ - $ 912,000 . 103 7FtAILSJPATHS $ 211,000 $ - ' S 21,000 105 WO'1'EUMOTEL $ 658,000 $ - S 658,000 204 faEB'I' SERVICE $ 600,000 S 600,000 301 CAPI7Al. Pf20J. $ 4,120,000 S - S 4,520,000 302 SPEC. CAP. PI2J $ 4,420,000 S - $ 4,420,0(}0 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ • 6,939,843 S 863,000 $ 7,802,843 304 h41RABEAU PT $ 441,000 $ - $ 441,000 305 STREET (30ND PRJ S 616,000 $ - $ 816,000 306 COM DEV 61.K GRNT S - $ - $ - 307 CAPII'AL GRANTS 5 7,300,000 $ 2,000,000 S 9,300,000 3a6 BARKER BRDCyE FED S 700,000 $ - S 7U0,000 309 PldRKS CAP. PRJ $ 3,550,000 $ - $ 3,550,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 1,460,000 5 - S 1,460,000 120 CENT[RPLACE OP. $ 325,000 5 - $ 325,000 121 SEf2VIGE LEV. STAB $ 5,200,000 S - $ 5,200,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 540,000 5 - $ 540,000 402 S70f2MWATER $ 1,900,3d9 $ 340,000 $ 2,240,309 501 kC)UIP REPL & RES $ 944,375 $ - $ 944,375 502 RISK fvlCyh97 $ 217,100 $ - $ 217,500 TOTFILS 5 76,702,503 $ 10.781,000 S 87,483,503 Ordinance 07-007 Am£nding 2007 Butlget P;ege 2 of 3 nRA F'r r'`1 These amendments inclucle a transfer from the General Fund to the Civie T3uilding,s Gapital Projects Fund and Service Level Stabilizatidn Func1 of $1,746,000 and $161,000, respectively; an increase due to . creating road standards and developmenl: plan revicw of $77,000, and $237,000, respectivcly; $50,000 increase For consultant fees regarding the design of the proposed Town Center, $35,000 for the incre.ase of copy a»d printing casts; a-n increase of .~'u34,00U for Council stilaries and henefits; an increase of $5,000,000 to establish a 15"/0 operating reserve; aii increase of professional serviees by $238,000 for Sh-eet Nund projects which includes creating a street master and transportation plan, road standaeds aiid a level of service tinalysis; an increase in the Street Capital Projects Fund of $863,000 which includes the 2006 carry over costs of $620,000 from the Pines/Nllnsfeld Projeet and septic tank elimination programs of $243,000; an increase of $2,000,000 in the Capital Grants Funcl for eqnsteuction costs af Applcway fi-om Tschirley to I-Iodges; and $340,000 in the Stormwater Nund for the Beverly Nills drainage project. Section 3. F'ositions. The City qf Spokane Valley's Piill time equivalent positions are 76.15. Section 4. Severabilitv. If any section, senCence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitu[ional by a court of competent jurisdiction; such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall n0i a.ffect die validity or constitutionality of any other sec;lion, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis Ordinance. Sectiun 5. .F.ffective Date. '1"his Ordin3nce shall be in fiill fnrce <<nd effect fi<<e (5) days after punlication of this Or<linancc or a sununaiy therenf in the official newspaper of ihe City as provided by law. Passed by the City Gouncil of the City of Spokane Valley this _ day of 12007. nT1TST: Taiana Wilhite, Mayer . ' Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk APYROVED r1S TO FORtiI: C7f'fice of the City tlttorney Datc of Publication: Effective Date: , Orclinancc 07-007 An-sending 2007 13ucl3ct Pagc 3 of 3 City of Spokanc VaIley Exhibit A Amendments to 2007 Budget ~ ' Apri1 2007 4119I200T , REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanatian oot Unrestricted fund bal. $ 7,068,000 Carry over from 2006: $ 77,000 Pub. Wks road stds. JUB 237,000 Increase dev, Fee estimate 001.032,000.532.20.41.62 104,000 2007flevalopmenEengroviow 001.058.600.558.80_41.05 65,000 2007 Dcvclopment survej review 35,000 Trans frm SI fund - SRTC 50,000 R.E. Consultents - tavm center Nenv ,ransfsrs:,19A0.01 ' 1,746,000 aeeet goal ror Givfc Facliities 161,000 Meea gaal for sorviers lavol stetbilizotion Cor'n. Dev. & PV11 Dev Review 68,000 qev revie.v sero, tmpravemente Other: 31,000 Councll salaries 001_011.000.511.60.20.00 3,000 Gouncil bonofris various gen fund copylprinting costs 35,000 Gopy 8 pdnting oost ed}testment Cash flaw reserve 5,000,000 To moet 5596 rosarvo goa1 Total Gen. Fund $ 7,340,000 S 7,340,000 101 Street Fund Unrestricted fund bal. $ 238,000 Carry over trom zooa: $ 44,000 Trensportaeon ping, Century bvest • $ 147,000 Stree, mas;er plan dUB ,,05 $ 3$,000 roactstardards JUB - 101,042.000.542_10.41.05 $ 9,000 LOS aneysfa CEA Total Streei Fund $ 238,000 $ 236,000 303 Street Capital Projects • SRTC $ 277,000 71B & C)evelapers $ 343,000 Pineslrnansfield $ 826,000 Carry ovor 2006 progect REET2 $ 243,090 Vera Terrace (Step) $ • 133,040 Cprry over 200e proJect Veradale Heights (Step) $ 110,000 Carryover2005project Total Street Capital s 863,000 $ 863,000 307 Capital Grant Projects Arterial St. S 270,000 SRTC S 1,730,000 . Appletivay -'Tschirley to Hodges s 2,000,000 2007 phaso II projccl Total Capital Grant Fnd S 2,000,000 5 2,000,000 Severa! other 2008 projects carR=_d over Out no adjuslmPnt needed ¢0 2007 budget 402 Storm Water Fund Unresfricted fund bal. _ s 340,000 402.402.000.597.Q0.55.03 . S 340,000 eeverty hlSls project Total Storm Water Fnd $ 340,000 5 340,000 GRAND TOTALS---> $ 10,781,000 S 10.781,000 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislatian AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Ordinance 07-008, amending logo provisions. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 1.06.030 and SVNiC 1.06.050 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of Spokane Valley Ordinance 06-013. BACKGROUND: The City adopted provisions relating to City logo usage in 2006. In doing so, the -Code identifies at SVMC 1.06.030(A)(6) that Purrfect Logos is. approved by Council for producing logo wear clothing at the request of the City. Sfaff now recommends removing any reference to a specific business that is authorized to produce such rnerchandise. Instead, staff . . recommends that SVMC 1.06.030(A)(6) be amended to identify that the City. Manager has , authority to choose an entity to produce such merchandise. - Additionally., as discussed at the study session 4-30-07, a change.would be made to reflect the consolidation and renaming of the Economic Development Council to Greater Spokane, Inc. • Lastly, a change to 1.06.030D would be made to remove any ambiguity between that section and 1.06.050. The onl}i change from first reading was to remove the words "or designee" afiter.city manager in the proposed revision relating'to approval to produce logo wear. OPTIONS: Leave the code provision as is; make additional changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move that we approve Ordinance 07-008. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 07-008 Amending Logo Ordinance. DRAFT CITX Ol+ >SPOKANL VALl:LY SPOKAT'E COUNTY, VVASHINGT0N nRIaiNANCE NO. 07-00$ AN ORATNANCE OF TFIE CTTY QF SPOKANE VALLFY, SPOK.ANF COUNTY, WASHTNGTQN, ANIENDING SPQKAiNE Vr1LLEY NIi7NICIF'AL CQDE CHAPTER 1.06.030 PCRTAItNING TO CERTAIN RE, GULATIONS ON THE USE OF THE OFFICIAL CITY LOGO OF THE CI I'Y OF SPC7KA\°E VALLEY, WASH:liNCTON. Wf-IER.CAS, the Cify Cou[tcil establishett by Traderoark, the Cif}, ofSpokane Valley Logo, w'hich depicts a mountain and river witii the name of the City of Spokane Valley. The Trademark was filed with the Seeretary of State for die State of Washington on June 23, 2003; and 1,VHEREAS, the City established provisions in the City Code for ehose uses of the logo that are allowed ; and WHEItEAS, ic is necessary from time-to-time to amend Code provisions; and WHEREAS, it i5 the desire of the City Cauncil to amcnd Spokarie Valley vlunicipal Code chapter . 1.06.030(A)(3) relating ta use of the loga by Gre_ater Spokane, Tnc., to reflect the changed name of that organiza[ion from the Spokane Arca Fcon.omic i.7evelopment Council; and ' .WHEREA3, it is t:hc desire of the City Council to amend Spokane Valley Municipal Code chapter 1.06.030(rk)(6) relating to authorized uses for use of the logo for apparel; and . --4VHEREAS, it is the dcsire ofthe City Council to ainend Spokane Valley Municipal Code chapter 1.06.030(D) - relatiiig to authority to approve other uses of the logo. -.NOW, THERFFORF, thc Cit_y Council of the City"of Spokane Valley ordains as folloNvs: Section 1. Intent. Jt is the incent: of t:he City Council io amend SVMC 1.06.030A to reflect the name eh.inge from Spokanc Axea Fconomic Develolirne.nt Council ta Greater Spokane, Inc., to amend SVMC I.06.030(A)(6) to remove reference to any specific private business enlity for production of apparel featuring the City logo; and to amend SVV1C 1.06.030D tn harmonize that seetion with SVM:C 1.06.050. Section 2. Amendment. Title 1, Sect:ion 06, Subsection 030; is hereby amended as follows: Official Use. Use of [he Cicy logo shall be For oi'fcial purposes as specifically set fortli below. A. The following uses have been explicitly tind expressly approved without the need for hirtlier City consent:1. Use of loto on any official City oFSpok.ane Vallcy document, including but not limited to stationery, Ietcencead, report and renort covers, envelopes, memorwldums, faxes, employee aiid elected officials' business cards, name tags, and name plates; 2. Use of l040 on student advisory council (SAC) staCionery and items of recognition; I 3. Use of logo by GreAter Suokane, hie..Ove-Spek for the.ir marketing marerials, on their website, and in rheir printcci matcrials that arc usecl in recruitment, expansion and retention efforts for marketing for business attraction and development; 4. Use of logo by the Greater Spokane Valley ChaJnber of Commerce for City of Spokane. . Vallcy promotion of the mayor-'s State of the City Address; and for the City's general pramocion through ihe Chamber's map; . Ordinance 07-008, Logo Provisions Pagc 1 of 2 DRrIFT S. Use of logn by thase offici<<Ily involved with and for the planning, promoting and deeoracin ; connected with the Mayor's Ball, inc.luding but not limited to evenc wine glasse.s, napkins, . tickets, invitations, and othcr promotional materials and deeorations for the ball; ~ 6. Use of logo by Pus'~ bvs-bv an entitv anorotired bv the citv manao-rer ei- desieznee for apparel purchasecl by City employees and elected officials, provided those purehases are trwisacted while those employees and eleeced officials are still serving in their City c;apacities; and 7. Usc of logo by those officially involved with and for the planning of Valleyfest and aecempanying pariide, ir►cluding but nol limited to evenC decOrations, promotional materials, advertisements, posters, and temporary signs. B. Thc logo may, with City approval, be uscd for other speeif'te events that benefit the City of Spokan-, Valley eornmunity and are not prohibited by subsection C of this section. C. .qpproved use of ihe City lobo shall also be in accordhince with the City of Spokane Valley Logo SC}'Ic and Standards Guicle, which shall be approved by separate resolution. D. The City logo shall not be used on or in connec:tion with sny advertising or promotion for any produet; business, organization, scrvice, or article; whether offered for sale for profit or offered without charge, ~ without the express consent of the FCity, nursuant to SVMC 1.06.050-cfttte4. The logo shall not be used in connection with any election issue, or campaign related thereto. E. It is a violation of this chapter Co use any symbol that imitates lhe lo;;o or that is deceptively similar - in appearance of Che Iogo, or in any-manner t:hat would be an improper usE of the logo itsetf. F. Nothutg in this chapter shall prohibit the reprocluction ofthe City logo for illustrative purposes by the news media if the reproduceion by the news media is ineidental tca die publication or the broactcast. Nothing ❑1 IFII$ CI13pt8f SI11II (]rOIIIbIt ii CM3YaCtZCIZltlOll Of tlle CIfy lqgo from being used in political cartoons. Section 3. Rcmainder of SVNIC 1.06 Unchanoed. The rem3ining provisions of SVMC 1.06 are unchanged by this amendment. Section 4. Severabilitv. If any section; sentence, clause or phra,.se of this ordinance shiill be held to be invalicl or unconstihitional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invslidity or uncnnsCitucionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionaliCy of any otlier se.ction, senYence, clause or phrase of this orclinance. Sectiun 5. Fffective Date. 'lhis Ordinance shall be in fiill force and effect thirty (30) days aftcr publicatiqn of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the o(ricial newspaper of the City. E'ASSED by tltc City Council this day of , 2007. AT°rEsT: Diana Wilhite, Niayor Christi.ne F3ainbridge, City• Clerk rlpproved as to Norm: Office of the City Atrornzy Date afPublication: Effective llate: Qrdinajice 07-408, Logo PrOvisic,ns Nagc 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: CheCk all that apply: ❑ consent ~ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report pending legislalion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Contract Approval for Street and Stormwater . Maintenance and Repair GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interlocal Agreement 06-0172 with Spokane County Regarding Road Mainkenance. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Agreement 06-0172 approved February 16, 2006, October 17, 2006 Council Meeting (first touch), April 10, 2007 Cauncil Meeting (second touch) BACKGROUND: 'The County has provided street and stormvrater maintenance and repair services.for the City since incorporation. Over the past year vre have been implementing contracts with private service providers in accordance with the transition plan included as part of the interlocal agreement wiih Spokane County. In 2006, eve contracted with many different providers fo conduct tasks such as asphalt . patching, roadway shoulder repair, gravel road grading, dryvvell repair, and curb, gutter, and inlet repair. For 2007, staff proposed cambining many maintenance and repair activities into one Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to consolidate the City stafi administration and avcrsight of these services. This approach was disttissed vrith council on Qctober 17, 2006. The RFP document was advertised on February 23, 2007. A pre-proposal conference was held on March 8, 2007 and proposals were due on March 22, 2007. Two contractors submitted proposals: Spokane Rock Products and Poe Asphalt Paving. Interviews with both companies were'held on March 28, 2007. Both firms presented strong project teams and well developed proposals. At the conclusion of #he review process, the selection committee unanimously agreed that Poe Asphalt Paving provided the most responsive proposal and interview. On April 10, 2007 council authorized staff to negotiate the contract terms with poe Asphalt Paving. The negotiations were held on April 13 and April 16. A draft contract is attached. 7he stormwater and street funds have reserved $1,175,119 for these maintenance and repair services for the 2007 calendar year. OPTIONS: ANvard the c4ntract not fo exceed $1,175,119, or not avrard the contract RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the contract to Poe Asphalt Paving in an amount not to exceed $1,175,119, and authorize the City Manager or designee 1o sign the c4ntract and future seven year renewable options as provicled in the RFP documents. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract vrill be funded by the current 2007 approved budget. . . STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS Draft Agreement with Poe Asphalt Paving r1(;I2_F;:F:11'I:k:N'I'FQR SERVICES Yoe Asphalt 1'aving, Znc. - ' THiS AGRELM2I`jT is mad6 by and befwecii the City of Spokane VAlley, a code City of the . State of Wa.,rhiugtou, liereinnfter "City" and Yoe Asnhalt Paving, Ine. hcrcinafter "ContracEor," jointly referred to as "parties." • lN' CONSIDERAT10N of ilie terms and conclilions eontained herein the parties agree as follows: ' 1. Work tu }3s Performed. ihe Contnctor shall do all wor1: and furnish all labor, tonls, materi4ils, supplies and equipment fbr the Street and Stonnwaler Maintenaiice and Repair Services (hereinafter "work") in accordance with R,FP NU. 07-008 -Street and Stormwster A4flintenance and lt.epai.r (Fxhibit I), Poe Elsphalt I'aving - Stxeet and Storrnwater Maintenance and Repair Services Proposal -(Ex.h'tbit 2) and 2006 Standarcl Speeifteations fbr Road, Bridge and Munieipal Constructioti of the Washington Sfate Depfutme»t of Tr,insportxtion, which are by this reference incorporated herain ancl . made part hereof ("ContTact Dacuments"), arid shall perfortzi any changes in the work in ;iceord.with the • Contract Documents_ . • The CON7 R1\CTOR s6aI1, for the amount set forth in the Contractor's bid prcaposal aetached l;eretp, assume and -be responsiblo for the eost aiicl expense of all Hrork required for constructing ancl completinD ffie work and relatcd activities provided foc in the Contract .plans and Contract . Docurnents, except those items mentioned t]iercin to be furnislted by the Cify of Spokane Valley. The City iManager, or designee, shall adininister and be the primary cuntact for Contractor. Prior . to commencement oP work, Contractor shall exerc;ise best effei-Ls to eo»taet the City Mrinager or designee to revietv tlic scope of.' work, schedule, and dme: of eampJetion. Upon caoxice f.rotn the'City,'Contractor ' shall prUmptly coriimerice work, complete the s<ime in a i•im.ely maiine.r, snd cure Fu.iy failure in performancc under this agreement. . . , . Unless' otherwise dircctcd by the Ci .ty, all work shal,l be performeci in confonnance with the ' Contrflct Pluis, Cantract Dacuunents, City and Stpte standaeds. Contractor iiCIUtOwledges revietv of the Cout:ract Plans and Conlract Documenis and accepts klie samc. Contractor shall exercise best efforls, inc3udino the se]ection of'1Nte hi,R,hest quality materials, so that all work performed shall be in compliance with ciirrent related industry standards. 2. Term of Contr9ct. This aarecmeiet shall be iu fiill force and effect upon exeeution 3nd shat) remiiin in cffcct unlil December 31. 2007. The City may terminate this agrccment by ten (10) days' written notice.to the oiher party. Iu the , c;vent of SucEi ternunation, the City shall nay the Con#ractor for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily perfonned prior kn the tierrninal'ion date. 3. Comueass+tion. 7"hc Cily agrce;s to pay thc Contrlctoe focthc Cost ofthc Work plus the Conb•actor's fee for overhead and profit as defiued iu Schedulc A(E.chibit 3). . A. Thc; Contracior's Pee for Costs of the Work as defined iu Scvedule A SecCion 2.1 ' Direct Costs wi ll be a pcacen#age of the Lost of the \Work and shall be 22% . • B. The Contractor's Fes far G`osfs ef the Work as defitiad ia Schecfule A Section 2.2 • . Sul>contractor Costs will be a percentage ofthe Cost of the Woric plus the Overhead Kate and shall be 8% C. The sum of the Cost of the Work plus the Contractor's Fee shall not excecd one million one hundred seventy five thousand one bundred ninetesn Dollar5 ($1,175,119), subject to additinns and deductions by Change Ortler. • 4. Pavment. Tlte Confiractar may elect to be paid im monthly inslaUmenLs, upqn presentation o.f an invoice to the City, or in a lump sum, upon completion of the work. Applications for payinent shall be sent to the City CIer4c at the below-stateti iidclress. ' "I'he City reserves the right to withhold payment under this ngreement which is determined, in the rcasonable judgRnent af tlic City Manager, to be noucompliant „7t6 the C,ontract Plans, Contract 17ncuments, or rity or State standards. 5. Notice. Notiee shall be given in writing as folloNvs: TO THE Ci1"Y. TO T1iE CON'I'ltAC.l'UR: Name: Cliristine Bainbridge, City Cler1: IrTaine: Br;u! Griffin Phone Nwnber: (509) 921-1000 .Phone Number: (208) 777-0498 . • Address: 11707 East Spr9gue Ave, Suite 106 'Address: 2732 N Beck 1Zoad ' Spokane V:illey, Wt1. 99206 Post Va11s,.I.PJ 83854 6. Annlicablc Laws aad Standards. 7lle parties, in the performanee of chis aorcernent, . agrE:e to camply with sll applicable Federat, State wd local laws, and City ordinances and regulations. 7. Prevailing `Vages on 1?uhlic Worics. lJnless otherwise required by ]aw, if this contract . is foi- x"puhlic work" which -is dafined as "work, construeli0n, altcratiqn, repair or improvement other than ordinacy rnaiiitenance esecuted aE the eost Af the City," the fol lowing provisinn applic:,ti: This agresment provides for the' construclYOn of a puhlie work and a paynient of ' pesvailing wages according to \Vashington law. All woricers, laborers or mechanias shall Ue paid 1 prcvailinp ratc of wagc diat is set fbrth in an Cahibit to this agreemenk . Before any payment may bs macle: to Contractor a"StatecTlent of infent to 1'ay 1'revailin, \'Jages" must bo submittecl to the City. Follotiving final acceptauce of the Publie warks project, tlyc; Concractor and cach suUconti-actor s6afl submit an "A.ffdavit of R'ages Paici" before rctained funds will be released to tlie Cnntractor. '1'he aff-idavit niust Ue ceitified . by the irtdustrial stakistic,ian of the Dcparhment of L,aUor and lndush-ies. 8. Re[xtionshin (if the Partiiis. it is hereby understofld, agreed and dec[ared that the . Contractor shall be an independent Contractor and not the a;ent or employoe o.f the City, thst the Ciry is interesfed in only the results to be achievecl, and that the right to control tha particular manncr, mcthod and me:i,us uf Lhe wurk is sulely within the discretion of thv Carrtractor. Any and all employees who provide secvices Co tlic City uridcr this agreemeut shall be deemed emplnyeES of the Coti4•actor. The ' Contractor sha bc; solely respaFisible for the conduct and acrions of all employccs under thi.s agreement and any liability t6at may att'ach tihersto. 9, Ownei:vhip of Di)cumeiits. AII drawings,-plans, specificatians, and other related documenfs preparzd by the Gontractor under this agreement arc and shall be the properEy of the City, and may be suUject to disctosure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or other aPplicable public reeord laws. 10. Reeords. The Ciry or State Auditor or any oFtheir regrescniatives shall bavc full access to and the right tn exarnine durino normal business hours all of4he Contractor's records with respect to al! ' matteis coWerecl in this contracC. Such repre,sentatives shall be perinitted to a+idit, sxvnine ar►ci make excerpts or tranuripts from such records and to ma1:e audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payroils and recorci o.f matters coverecl by this contract for a period oE three years fi-om the da+.e final payment is niade hereunder. 11. «'arrnntv. Unless provided otllerwhse in the Crint:ract Plans or Contract Docurnents, Gontractor warrants all work and rriaterials performed or insttled under this contract are free from cfefect or failure f.c:)r a psriod of orie year following tinal acceptanoc by the City, unless a supplier pr manu.faG:urer has awarranty for a greatcr pcriod, which «Narranty shall be assig7ied to the City. In tlis event a defect ar failure occurn in cvork or materi,tls, the Contractor shall withiu the wananty period reniedy the same at no cost or expctise to the City_ 12. ContrActor tn Be Licensect And Bonded. 'l'he Contractor shall be duly lice,nse:ci and bonded by the SU3te Af Wasltillgton fiC all times dhis agrccment is in effevl. . 13. :Insurance. The ContracEor shall 'procure and maint-Lin for I:hc duratiou of Hie . Agreement, insurance against clauus for injuries to peesons or ctanage to properky wbich may arise from or in connection with the performance oP tlic Nvork hereundcr by the Contrxctor, their agents, _ representafives, employees or subcontracL'ors. No Limication. Contrrictor's mainecnance of insursnce as reqiaired by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liaUility nf the Co.ntractor to the coverage provic3cd by such iu§uranee, or othertivise limit the Gity's recourse to any rernedy avai lab(e at law or in equity. . A. Minimum Scope af Lrsurcmce. Gnr.trfletor shall dbtain insuecmce of tbe types described below: 1. Autamabile Liabilitv insus•ance c;a>>eriug all qNvned, noti-uwned, b.ired and . leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Cnsuranee Services Office (ISO) from CA 00 0 1 or a subsiitute form pravicling equivalent liability covet-age. If neeessary, the pnlicy shall be endorsed to peovide contractual liability coveiage. 2. Cammercial Cenerul T_•iabilitv insuruice shall bs written on ISO occurrence fonn CG 00 01 and slialt cover liability arising from premises; operaiions, indepeudeni contractors, prcaduct~s-campleteci opcrations, stop gap Iiability, personal injury and adveriising injuiy, and liability assumed uncSer an insured . conhacY. The Commercial Ueneral f iability insurance shall be enclorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There 5hall ae no endorsen;ent or modification of the Commeicial General Liabilit}' insur-ance :for liabiiity arising from exglosion, eollapse or uncierground • propt~rty-damage. "L"he City shall be narr,ed as an insurecl under dle Contractor's Cornmerci2l General Liability i»suranec policy witfi respec# to the work perEormed far tlic City using ISO Ac3ditional Insurecl endorsement CG 20 10 10 . 01 and Acldiiional ]nsured-Complctetl 4pera6ons enddrsement CG 20 37 10 Ol " or substitute endorscinents providing cquivalent coverage. . 3. Workers' Comoensation coveraa as required by the Judustrial Insurance Iaws of the State of Wasbington. B. !lfinimum Amounts of Insurarice. Contractor sliall maintriin the follbwing insuranca limits: ' 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance with a minirnum colubined single limit for bndily injury an(i propr•rty damage of $1,000,004 per accident. ' 2. Commercial C:Taneral Liahilitv insurance shall be wriifien with limits no less khat $1,000,000 each occuirence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a$2,000,000 • products-c:pmpletea onerations aggrepate lunit. . ' C. Other .brsururrce Provisions. The insuranw policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contF►in, the follnwing provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability inslir,3nce: . " l.. T}io Contractoe's insurance coverage sball be primAry insurance as respect the City_ Aaiy Tnsurance, self-insui-ance, or insurance poo) coverage maiplUtinetl by flie City shall be excess of the Contrsetor's uisorance and shall not contributc «<ith it. ' 2. 1'he Contractor's 'tnsurance shall be encifirsec,i tc) state ttiat coverage shall not be cnncellecl by eit}ier party, cxcept after thirty (30) clays prior written notice by , certified mai), return reccipt requested, has been given to the Ciry. ' b. Auceptability af Irrreers. Iosurance is to be nlaced with insurers Nvith a currenY A_vi. Aesfi ratirig of not less thaui A:V11. . E. Yerrficatiuia of CUverU,ge. Contrflctor shall fiarnish ltie City with original cerlificates m«f a copy of the amendato'ry endorsements, includiiig but not ueccssarily ' liruited to #lie adclif.ioiial insured endorseme:nt, cvidencing the insurance reyuirements of ' • ttie Contrzator before commcncemant of the work. • 14. Yndemnification and Ftc►ld Iffarniless. 'I'he Contractor shall def.end, intiemniFy and hold the City, ifis officers, officisls, employees and voluntEers hsnnless fxom any and aII claims, iiijuries, darnage,s, losses or suii.s including attomey fees, arising'ouC of or in connection wiYU thc perFormauee uF this ugreement, cc<eept fclr iiijuries ajid damaees caused by the soIe negligence of tlie City. ShouId a coui-t of compatent. jurisdiehion determine t.hat this Agre:oanent is subject to RCW 4.24.115, th.cn, iu thc cvc:nl• of liability for damages arising out oF badity injury to persous or damages to praperty esused by or resultnig from the concurrent negligence of the Contraclor and the City, its officers, officiaIs, employees, a.nd volun[ecrs, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be ouly to the ea.~tent of the ContractQi's negligt:nce. It is fiuilier specifica11y anci expressty understood rllat the inciemniicaCion , provided hereun constihites the ContraGEOr`5 waiVer oF invnuuity under Mtiustrial Irisurance. Title 51 RGW. ;olety far the purposes nf lliis indemuification, This waiver has bs:cu mutually negotiated by tihe - parties. The provisions of tiis section shall survive the cxpiration or termination oFthe agrcemcttt. 15. `Vaiver. No of:f ccr, cmployee, agent, or other individual acting on behalf of either party, has lhe powc;r, rigt7t, or autliurity ta waive auy of tlic conditions or provisions of this aaraetncnt No . waiver in nnc inscanct: shall be lield to ba waiver of any othcr subsequent breach or nanperforalance. All remedies idforcied iu [Ztis, Agrecntent, or by law, sliall be iakc« and construeti as cumulal:ive, ancl in addition to every other rcrncdy provided berein or by Iaw. Failure of cither party Co enforec-, at any time, any of the provisinns of this agreement, or to require, at auy time, perfonnauc:e by the other party of any provision hereof, shall in ito way be construed tn he aNvaiver of such provisions, ndr sball ic affect the validity nf Ehis ageement, or any part thereof. ' 16_ AssignmQnt and Delcgatinn. Neither party shall assijn, traasfer, or delegate any or all _ of the responsibilities of this agreemcnt, or the benefits re;,eived }tereunder, without first obtai.ning the Nvritien consent of the other parEy. . ' 17. Jnrisiiiction and Venue. '1"his agreement is entered into - in Spokane County, Washington. Venue sh111 be in Spokaue Coiinry, State of Washington. 18. A.rbitration. All disputes xrising uneier tltis agreemcnt shall be reSalved througtt arbitration PUiSllflilt LO SraCe law. Rules for arbiti-ation sh3ll bs thase presc_riUed by the American . Association of Arbitration. 19. Putire Agreement. This written agccment constitutes the entire and coniplete nSTeement between the parties, aiid superiedes a»y prior oral or «~rictcn agreements. 'Tbis a4reeq~evt may . not he changed, mOdified, or altered, exccpt in writing and signed by tlhe pa►-ties heretc). 20. Anti-I:iekback. iN0 officer or cmployee of the City, havinn the poiver or duty to perfonn an ofificial act or acfion related to this agreemeiit, shall have, or itcquire, any iu[erest i.n this agreemenE, or have soficited, aceepted, or grantGCl, a present or future gift, favor, service, or oCher thing of value &om any person with a.n interest in this agrccment. ' . 21. Busiuess Ret-istr-ation. 1'rior to commenr.cment af wrork, Con[ractor sLa.ll register with the Ciry as a busincss. 22. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrasc of diis agreement should Ue heid to be invalict for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, sucti uivfllidity shall not affect the validity of any other seetion, sentence, clause or phrase oFfhis agreemertt. 23. :Exhibits. Exbibits attochf;tl a»d incorporated into this a{reement are: - 1. Request for Yroposals for Strect and Storntwater IViainten3nce and Repair Servicss . R,FP 07-008 ' , 2. Poe Asphalt Paviug Tnc PropoSal fqr Street and Stormwater Mainteaance autl lZepair Serviee,s 3. Scheduie A • 4. Insiunnce Certifcates I'N' VJ7"I'NESS WH.ER:I;Or, the parties have esecuted this agreemenk lhis day of . 2007, C17Y OF SPOKANE VA1,,i..PY: COVIR.ACTOR: . City Manager . Owner . Tax I.D. Nu.. A'1"1 EST: - t11'PROVED AS TO PORM: . City Clerk117eputy City Clerk C)ffice of the City Aftornay r, 9 . - ' RFP PACKET - - . . . ' C1ty Qf . SpOkane Valley StYeet and Stormwater'Maintenance and Repaix Services proposal IVo. 07-008 . VtTe appreciate the.opportunity to givo you this pxoposal and look ' farward to a positive relationship. Thank You, Bxad Griff'ith /001 PAVIServing Washington & ldaho sinca 1953 FiASPHALT MIC - - Tab.le: o.fCantents~ - • Attachment A - Parts 1& Z • Attachment -B , Com.pany ExpPrience, Refereinces,. Work Plan; Equipment List and Daily Report . • Attachment C - Cost Froposal • ,Attachment D - Bid Bond . , • • Attachment E - Signaitiire Page . , ~ . A''TACL311!IENT A - P_Alt'T 1 , • GENEI2AL .'~i [FOKMA fION A. L;,gal Name af tLpplicaut Comgany __MF,_ASMr T P~iV.~t~1S~ rrQTr . B. Name of Cantact Peison BRAn t,RrrFrrif . . . • •ritle VrrcE pRESzoE-Lqr Tclerhoner?tsmber including aareea code 208-777-0498 ' e-mail address bra8faooeasnh Flt.com ' . C. Di.d outside aodividuals/agencie$ assisi: with preparation of this pmgzam? ' YES X TO . If "Yes", please describe: D. RECFrnT Or ADvENUA: Fii-cn acknawledges receipt of the folloWitig addenda if any: Addendum No. -Acldandum Na. Addendum Nn. Addendum No. D alcd 3/ 1 G/ 2 0 0 7 Dated Dated ' ]7ated I certify that to the bast of my k.n.owledge the infarmation contained in this UQ for qualifications is accurate and eoiztplete and that I have the legal auxhority to commit tl-,is agency to a conh-actual agrecmcnC. X rcalize the final funding for Fwy servicd is btised upon Bunding levels and the approval o£ the Srolane Valley Gi'ty Council. ' rcx) \f . 1) , . ' Print N€urie 1 ` . Title • . . _ ` ~ - . . ~ ✓ Siguab 't~~'rr►ini '#ratar, o/ Applicant Agency Date • . ~ • ATTA.CHM~i7' A - PA,RT 2 - r1.UIvfNIISTRATRrE INFORTvftL1'ION - A. Z'1'RM: 1. Name of ficxn. pp~ ASPr-IALT PAVING 2NC 2. T3usiness address iticluding zip code: 2732 NBDCK RD, PQST FA,LrS 717 83854 . 3. Telephone number including area code: Zpg_ 777-Q498 4. h~-.Y numher includiqg axea eode: 208-777-0499 • . S, )Pederal'T'ax TdentificationNurnt)er: 82-02 63 71 9 6. Washingtou State UBI Number if issue,d: 409_018-683 - 7. State Tnclub-trial AccounC Identification NUmber if issuccl:191, 377-00-1 g. Folfowing is a listing of aU engagemEnts the company has -udidcrtaken in the last five ' years that have resultecl in: (a) ArUitra#ion or lit.igation and thc dispasition of tlie cases. NONE • . (b) Claims bcing :filed hy the Federal Government ar the Washingyton- Stai:c . Degarfsuents of G Fi Y, ELUployrnent Securify or 1Zevenue_ idONE ' (c) Li.eus or clairns recorded Nvilh the Spokane Goua►ty Auditor by suppliers or subcnntractors. r,,ist wittz wtiorn, #'or whflt, atid Amoiant • - NQNE ' B. NSURANCE, COWANY: ' . • . l. Naunc af l:nsurance Comnajiy STONFBRAIM-W*UARY TN5. AG 2. Name of Insurdnce Agent: aM avtM 3. AdCI1-e55 lI3Cllldlllg Zlp CbdG; p p rpX g, Ci',h}lK,TOy 114a 99403--0009 ,4. Telephonc num.bea uicludi.ng area ct>de: 509-758-5529 . Rt-~~chment- R^e Contpany Experience Poo Asnhalt PavFng, F-rta. has been fn bustness slttaa 1983. We px:dE our3elves in ftli•;ering quality projects, on ti,*ne, and under hudget. Our pro}ects range izt size iaom privafo . ' drivQways to Siate /Fedor-l Highvays in Washington and Idaho. Poe Rsphait has crompleted contracts with varioua munfcipalities over fhe years. VJe havo partnered,Mth such agencies as:. . , • Citp of Spokane Valley • City of IAbexiy Lakc ' I • • City Of Coeux d'Alenm • City o[ Rathdruttt ; • City of Pullman • • C[ty of Niaseaw . • City of Clarkston • cary orzewiston • GVashington StatQ Urdversiry ' . Soo attacbed sheets for referenaes, . All of ouz Employefla havo fbie appropriate iicenses and cert3fications to operate the . equipmeni necessary ho execuEe tho rrork needed ta complete tllis contraot, Tho managentent . tearn h,as substantEal exuerience and has attendecl various leadership seminars, quati'ty control c1asses; eaEety cla-qses, and c;ompti±ex softv; ere classes. $elovr is a list of the tcey " personnel thaE `+rill be involved in execu,iZig this contrc4: _ • BYad Gzitfith - Vice Presideztt 30 yEars of experie-Tice • •Milce Johnsen - SupQZintend,ent , -16 years of experience • Taj Anderson Project 1`nanager --9 years easperiencQ • jody Todhunter - Contract Admi.cuiitration - 10 yEars expexier;ca john Eiines - Paving Foreman - 30 S ears exnerience ' . Dana Haugen - Prep Foreinan - 25"yea=s eynertence ' Attachment B - Re£erences ~ Citp of SpoIcane VaUeyHsphalt Repairs 2006 $200,000 Ztim Klebn - 508 8$8-0192 . Street oveilaya, agqregato base, patching, u#iliEy gdaustmer.ta, taaf;fc confro2.. • City of Coeuz d'Alenu Ovexlays 2009 $600,000 • ' . • Dick Su.chocki - `LOS 769-2?$S ' Asphalt removal, bbrie, averlays, ufility adjustiients, patchir,g, trafftc control. • City o£Cqeur d'Zilene orexlays 2006 . S660,000 ' •nick Suclloc2ci - Z08 768-2285 . Street overleys, Qaphalt rarnoval, fabric, utility adjtz,tntenfs, patohing, tra~ic cqnEardl. • Minox StreeE Resurfacing City of Pul]man ' . • $400,000 - SamIV'asraila-5Oe 338-3303 • Overlays, pafchsnq, utility adjus#menis, txaiiic control. • &ecalorated StreQt Resurfacing . City o£Pullman . ' $420,000. Sam Nasral].a - 609 338-3303 • Grincii;g, wedge rculling, aspktalf paviug, utili€y ad}usf3ttQnts, cuzb replaceir.ent, t2'affic control. . • WSU ParIzizeg Services Regair 2005 ~4~,soQ Ed Fisher - 569 338-9060 • Excavatiaa, a,phaltpavmg, patchirg, utility adjuslmonfs. - • WSU ResurfaaQ & Repair 2008 ' $153,400 ' Ciytlo WElhe?rn-608 334-9000 Grinc{ing, paving, Pasching, utility aclj:istments. . . • FYO& Pavesneat Overlay : City af IMoscoQv $820,000 joe Schnacher - 208 799-4233 , Grinding, ssphalt overlays, fabria, uality adjustments, traffic control. ~ C3ty Stxeet ryIaintenanco 1997, 2001, and 2005 . City of Leyviston ' g622,000, $537,000, and $347,000 - A'iexritt Donlozi - 248 745-3671 Ext 260 • Quality patching, utility adjustcnenfs, ssphalE pre-level, paving fabric, over3ays, cMp sQaF, tra#eic control. . , You can ca11 Ehese R2unicii0ities for aciditional refezenees; , • City of Libertp Lake Aoug 5mititi ' 649 788-6708 • • . • City of Clazksfon " Ji.m Mariin 809 758-1862 , • - - A ktaGha~~~ ~ - Wark Plan . HzeYiminary Schedule: . • 4`hig sahednle is a goneral nut?ine of availabIe time to bo spent on the praject. Apri1 tIuu juna: 3- 10 v;rorking days onsitQ 8--7 vaorking daps ofisite july thzu October: 3- 8'woxking days onsite 7 -12 workiag days offsita . The fenfafivc data for our asphalt plant to open ia April 2"". The plant rypically stays apan thm.ugh T+7ovember. VVarkrequiroments wi11 bei accomplished by the Sunerintendent communicating vrith Tim ffioin on a regular hasis to schedule RroFk to ba dnne. `I`he Su'oezintendent v,rill tLen set up tite vaoxk by notifying the Project Prianag'er of the schedule, . aJlowi.,~tg Itim to oY$er in.ltozia4v if needed. The Supexin'tQUd3nE vrill thAn set up tho , mobi!lzat2on of the equipment and bsrsonnsl needed ta executo the work. The Pzoject • Manager will trac?c the work via the Aaily Itopazts. Ho wil2 also commun,icase the scope oF . work to the Contracts Adm,inistratton pexson Nvho will then fnvoice Work done an a manth2y , . baWs. . Our equipnient meets all fedezal, state, and?acal segulations. Vifa nricie ourselves in . maintaiiting clean, up to data equiprcent izi good vrorking eondition. We havo an extensive , preventativc maintenance p!'ogram tivhich keeps all of avr oquipmen4 up to standards. ' See aEtsched Equ.ipment lisE: , . 7`he Supexintend.ent wil1 bo in touc,h vaith Tim ffiein on a zegular bas:s : nd Ho can be :eae2►cd by ce,l phone bstuteen 11to hours of 8:30 ani - 6:30 pm Monday - Friday. Measage3 can be lcft on his cell phone affer hous. He tiviil zefuzn aftsr hour messages at the bcginning of the ne:ct - work day.lYcessaqey. 2e€'r during tarorlc houxs will be sefurnad wisli,u 2 ho•sus. Ifi the Superintandent caitnot be reached ci.ue to issuos beyond our control, Uio Project Manager can . ba reac2ted thxough the offace and 1 or his cell phone. , Poo Aspha!t vrill aclstyze the %tiozk activily ta ba dana and supgly labor and equigment to complete the v+ork in a safa manner wikh the least aniount of impact on the public as possible. Poe Asphatt guarantees oi:r vvoxkmanshtp and materiais usod to be in aocordance with speeifications. Y-le vrill repair ax raglaeo any of ous wrork thaE may grove to bo clefective in its ' worknisns,hilp for oa~4 (1) qear from ciate oi aeceptanco. ' Tho eafety of aux peisbnnel aud tha public is our bigqest concern We fntend ta be verf dettiiled itt otu traffio control pracedu..ros. Frecaaitionary cnaaswes are part o# our daity opera?ions to 6ssure publio'safety 1,e.: [emporary aetmps Eor accesy, unaven edges, etc. The- Forenoan vrill fill ouE the Daily 17CpOTt9, turn the-n into tho Su-porintcndent for ;ev~ew epproval, the Pzoject MGnager will receivo daily repuxts irom the Superinfendent after approval and then organizo the Daily Repoits into weekly zeports fox deZivcry to the Citgr of 5polcane Valley. • . See attached daily reporE: We ap»zQCiate the opportur,tt+j the Giiy of Sgolcaue Valley has given us in prnvidir:g tb,is . psoposal. Through the collaborat'son of our sfaSf we were ab3e•to challc3nge ourselves i.*t oar communications, wroi•k flovi, safety, ecquiprnent atili7afion, and reporting. mhis proposal , includes nevr ideas on hovJ we rnay bet'Ler servo the C€ti of Spokana VaPley mith 3ughPr quality, v a1ue, and on time deltvary. We look fonward to a pasitive partne•rship. if you havo any qaes.ions rogarding khis proposal, p1euE contac! Brad Grifiith 2Q8 660-3092, jody Todhuntet 208 777-0498, Mi:te johnson 208 660-1887, or'Paj Andaisnri 208 660-1248. , EQUIPMENT LIST ' . page 1 UNIT# DESCRIPTION CONDITION GOOD . . 38 5993 KENWOfITH `I'600 TRACTOR ' GOOD 224 19$5 FORD F000 DUP+7P TRUCK GOOD 225 2000 FORl7 F600 DUMP TRUCK ' EXCELLENT . 22 1999 KEN4'dORTH T800 ENp DUMP EXCELLENT '29 1999 KENWORTM T800 END RUMP EXCELLENT 44 1999 KENWORTN T8O0 END-DUMP , EXCELLENT 56 1993 PETERBILT 357 END DUMP . OOOD 60 1998 KENWORTH TE3a0 END GUPtiP GaOQ 23 2007 PETERBILT357 SUPER nUMf - ~~CGELLENT 24 2007 PETERBILT 357 sUPER DuMP EXCELk.EtdY • 26 2007 PETFRB1LT 357 SUPER DUMP ' EXCELLENT ' . 27 2007 FETERBILT 357 SUPER DUNIP • EXCELLENT ' ' ZS 2007 I'E'i'ERBILT 357 SUPER 17UMP EXCELLENT 251 2000 FORD L8000 Wfa7EFi TRUCK 2000 QALLON EXCFRLENT . 257 1979 FORD LaaaO WATER `I'RUCK 2000 GA1IoN QOOD 259 1938 KENWC}RTH Ta60 WA7ER rRUCK 4000 GALLdN G001] 284 1974 KENWdATH C500 4VATER TRUCK QOOD ' ' 205 2004 FORC3 F550 TACfC TRUCK EXCELLENT 273 1299 FORD F450 SERViCF' 7RUCK EXGELLENT 219 1997 FORD RANGER GOOD ' . 221 2003 C#-IEVY C1Q 2000 FORD F250 EXCELLENT 230 2000 FORD F250 EXCELLENT 300 2007 FORf7 F15Q . EXCELLENT 303 2000 CHEVY C10 EXCELLENT 304 2006 CI-IEVY GOLORr1Q0 EXGELLENT 308 2004 QMC 1500 ' EXCELLENT 202 2004 FORD F450 EXCELLENT - . 206 2008 FORD F460 EXCELLEfVT - ' 247 2003 FORD F550 . EXCELLENT 75 2007 TRAILKINQ LeWf3ED EXCELLENT 102 2001 WILUAW15EN 4AXLE PlJP EXCELLENT 1032001 INILLIAfv1SEN 4 AXLC I''UP . EXCELLENT - ' 187 19J91A11LUA{UiSEN 4 ACLE PUP EXCELLENT ° tee 1998 LVlLLIAMSEN 4AXLE PUP EXCELLENT 189 1999 WILUAMSEN 4 r1XLE PUP ' EXCELLENT • . 197 1997 RUPlV1JAY 6FLLY DUMP TRA1LER GOOD 144 2003 OLYMIPIG 3 AXLE TIL7 TRAILER EXCELLEM" • 131 1998 TFiAILNIAX T1211T TRAILER COOD 132 1998 TRA.ILMA}C T12UT TRAlLER . GOOL7 . 143 2006 TMLMHVC T12UT TRAiE.ER EXCELLENT ' 67 1977 SAV%j TRAILER Ci00D 70 2004 FOX UTlLI7Y TRAILER EXCELI.ENl". 127 FRCUHAUF TACK TRAILEF{ GOOp 481 1998 CAT' CS563C GRADE ROLLER GOOp 408 2004 IR [7034HF ROLI.ER EXCELLL'N"I' 411 2004 DYNAPAC CC102 ROLLER EXCELLENT EQUTPMENT LISZ' . . . page 2 UN1T ft DESCRIPTION CGND1TIOV . 418 2003 lR DD70HF ROLLER EXGELLENT 416 20001RDi]11OHF ROLLER EXGELLENT 505 2005 BOMAC PAVER EXCELLENI' 624 2000 BLALV KNOX PF5510 PAVEFI EXCELLENT 607 2002 C,4T 972G11 LOf1DER EXCELLENT . . . 722 2005 JOHN DEEFiE 21 aLE BKIPLOADER CXiELLEN'f . 718 1974 HUBER N750 GRADER GOqD . 711 10,98 CAT160H GFEADER ' 0000 828 2006 BROCE 3,900M EXCELLENT 926 1998 TACK TRAILER ' GOOD • 946 PviULTIQUIF' SAW EXGELLEINT 421 PLATE 4'VACKERS GQOD . . POE ASPN'ii NLY PAYI ING~ Il V C■ u.i w Rsraf Eautjm=r lWn Ttnen: CREVV CkRD rnETEsta=irc f?ATE: EvD u::t sLrbcu=m= ~ S7AR7 • . , . JaB No. NAME: rooAY W«lliEH rORZ-A4AN'S ADA: P.M. StiI=T: AP?FpvAi VER # . . ~ idATEl'tIAW" , EIApLryyrE Sfqpf ~ko"!l PMASE GLA53 [ONIP• Af.F~r^' 9ory'.cm^_~ W~r~E ~ P!t!!l.~ER ~ Rkf. I~ LN i6iE bY bT I GUtiE ti(iUE HHS. . I AC UL&iha "7lomw^. n1pmaKtic • i I I I I I e;,~~ 1 I I I - ! ~ N&Nm -r • ' 1 . t ~ I I QHR° ^Yibtuya • . I 1 I I . ~ ~ , - I l I I ti,r,;~ LA ~W'y • • 1 ~ ~ I ~ . Ulu`T Cua,: T"r , TLetR'Lrjw9 ~ I { I ~ 1 I ~ • rrera ~xCCTtP6t'iTGI JOBDIAiiY E tc~fT ~pG~j;,,.~1 ans~cuc ~ II i I I I~ . ~ 1 - i I BATCH: PAGE OF _ T07ALHOUR3: • . TCITALPRODUC7IQN: CHECKED ISY: • . Pr CReKCMD 2 Pi ATJrACT-.MENT C - COST PRUP(aSAL I Gontrac:fors Overhead and Froiit ` ATTAC EW,4NT C - PART 1 . Ifcm Dcscriplian Overheaci , and Profi.t , N . . ~1 Contractors Fee for Overhcad and Profit fbr Project Costs 22°/4 ' • 2 Contraetors Fce for Qverhead and I?rafit for Subcontractor Costs XrTACgtVIENI` C - CV Sr.r rRoPosaL . , Contractor's YayrolI Cost ` A'1'I`ACk1:1V.ENT C PA121., 2 Contracfor Eo list all pcrsonnel espected to ivork jvifhin thc Citv _ Personnel Classi.fication fuid Description Hourly Rate ' Reg. O: T. • . Superinte.radent - Primary City cuntact, orgahizes, schedules, and $52.00 / $65.00 maaages conhAC?ors wark i $38.00 i S5J..00 , Fureman . $37.00 / $50.00 ~ Opera#or . $37.40 ! $50.00 Teamster . . , $34.00 / $46.00 - Labarer i ! ATTA i + NT C - COST PROPOSAL ~ Contracturs 1'Iatcrials Costs - ATr.CACHMRIVT C- PA.W.(.' 4 ' rtem bescripfiriri lJnit ~ 'C1nit C'.ost 1 HLMA S43.00 . 2 LSBS Ton $6.00 ~ . ATTA,CHMENT C - CUST P:[ZOFOSAIa . - - _ ' SUBCQ.NT..RACTOR LIST -.AIT.ACHIVIE NT C-- P,ART S • Contractor to list a11 subcontractors expected to warkwitlun tlze Citv WOODY'S ASPHALT SEALCOATING,.INC. FRANK GURNEY, INC. tiLDA2 CONSTRUc'1'10'Nr, INC. I ! NORTHtV.FST N'ENIC:L~ i ` vORTHWE,ST LANDSCAI'E - ~ . i Ct1N1ERON CONTRACTING, INC. ; ~ . . ' ECLIPSE TR4FFIC CONI'1ZOL & F[.AUf3TN, NG. ~ l ~ . • - • . • ~ . • I - , ~ SuUcontractors - Cqntractor fo provi.de fl]ist of aIl at.FbcontsacYors anticipated to be used for pErfoiining the de.sciibed services. Coi-iYr.actor to list the ovei'hP,ad flnCi p.rofit on subcoutractors in Ttem 2, Pgrt 1 of Attachznent C. . ATTA.C:H~.z17ENT C - COST PR0PUSAL Subcontractors Materials Costs - ATTAC~.HAf_ENT C- PAR'xf . ~ Ifeni Descriptinn - unit Uaif Cost* . I 1 • Quany Spalls Ton $14A0 I I 2 Csack Sealant ' Nound ' $4'00 13 1'CC Cubic Yard $92•00 1 4 Guarcirail LF $12.60 ~ S 6 `Chain link Fencing ]:,k' $12.00 6 8 `C:hain lirA.- Fencing LF . $14•25 I ' 7 'lype A Drywell In.Road Yrism .A $620.00 ' 18 T'ype :t3'Drywell ln Road Prism EA . $850.00 ~ g l'yp e A Drywtl.l Tza S4vale CA $620.00 1~ 1 U Type B Drywcll In Swale EA $850.00.1 - . , l, l C.atchbasin Typc l EA • $490.00 ~ 12 Catchba..~in Type 1 w/ Oil Water Separator EA $820.00 13 Pipe Sumps EA ' $145.00 14 10" SDR-35 PVC Pipe LP ' S5.70 • ~ . I S 12" 5171t-35 PVC Pipe I Lk $8.20 ~ 16 12" CNIP LF . $14.03 17 12" RCP LF $20.00 ' 18 Drain Rack Cubic Xtucl $10.83 I 19 rileer Fabr7c " Sq Yard 50.84 ; ~ 20 Seediiig, Mul.cliing & Fertiliziug Sq Ft $0.10 •21 SocI Sq Ft $0.40 Unit wsts i.nclur.le ovuehead and prof~g for the subcontractor. , ATTACHMENT C-= COST PROP4SAL _ Contractor's Equipmenfi Cost ATTACHMENT C - PART 3 Contractor to list all equipment expected fo work wifihin the City Eqiupmecit.Description . ffourty Rate #3A 1993 KW T80D TraclOa $55.00 #224 1985 Ford F600 bump'ltuck • $40.40 , #22 1999 KW T890 Tnc1 Dump • $55.00 • 429 1999 KN T800 End'bump $55.00 r40 1999 KV/ T800 FndDump S55.00 _ 956 1993 Pete 357 End Aump $55.00 . 960 1.998 XCVI T800 Fud lluuip $55.00 • #23 2007 Pete 357 5uperUump $75.00 -924 2007 Pete 357 Supee 17ump $75.00 i~25 20071'efe 357 SuperDump $75.00 i,{27 2007 Pete 357 Supcr i}ump $75.00 4128 2007 PeEe 357 Stipcx 13ump $75.00 - . #257 1979 Ford I.$000NVater'Crur,k, 2000 G:illon $40.00 k'259 1988 KW T800 Water'[Yuck, 4000 Gallon S55.00 #284 '1974 TCVd C500 Water Truck . , SS5.00 . 4205 2004 Ford F550 Tack'frucdc S40.00 9273 1999 Ford'V450 Servioe'lturk • S35A0 #219 1997 ForciRnnger 510.00 S 15.00 021 2003 Cha%y C10 ~'230 2000 Ford F25U S 15.00 ,1300. 2007 Ford 1?150 $15.00 - #303 2000 Chcvy C10 $15.00 #304 2006 CEievy Ca2oredn $10.00 ~ 006 2004 GMC 1500 . $15.00 ' • 4202 2004 Ford F450 $25.00 . f€203 2006 Ford F450 $25.00 . ' 9247 2003 Ford F550 W.00 • ' 475 2007 TrHilk3ng.C,owbed - $15.00 . 9102 2001 Willitunsen 4 A,xio Pup $20.00 4103 2001 Willismsen 4 Axte Pup EquipmentDescriptiun Cont'd . HouriyRafe '718'7 1999 WfIElaIll38fl 4 A.Cle Pup IS20.00 TLT 188 '1999 W illiamsan 4 Axle Pup . 1.$20•00 1,189 1499 Williarnsen 4 rlxle Pup , M$20.00 4 197 1997 RNvBy Belly Unmp Trailer ' MS20.00 . #144 2003 Olympic 3 Axle Tilt TrAcr . 1$25.00 4131 1995 Tru'tlmux.T12UT'C'eailer . 1$15.00 #1.32 1993 TrailmwtT12CFT'Iy*ailer 1$15.00 0149 2006 TrOmax T12u7' Traflcr ' $15.00 _ 9-67 1977 Shop Built Saw Tcailer $15.00 970 2004 Fox Utility Trailer ~S1S.00 ' 27 :Hreuhauf Teok Trnilcr 1S 15.00 446I 1998 Cai CS563C Gradc Rnller IS50.00 41406 2004 IEtDD34W.' 4toller I S40.00 . A1412 200A Dy7aapac CC 102 T'~oUes 1$40.00 . . 04I8 2006ITtDA7AHFRaIIcr 1 $55.00 9416 200011t'DD110FiF RnllGr 1$'70.00 n505 2405 ,13nlnag . $75.40 . . 9524 2000 Blaw-Knox PFSSlO - ' $150.00 t#60,7 2002 Cat 9720II . 1$'75.00 9722 2065 John I')ceru 2 JOLE • #718 1974 H'ubei• ibf750 ~a 15.00 ' . #711 1998 GaC 16014 • IS80.00 14828 2006•73roce Droom ' `-650.00 ~ ttH2S T,99K 'I'adk 1_railer . 1$ I 5.00 t#945 Multiqusp Saw S25_00 ' . #421 Plao Wackars ' $5.00 . B=m - pick up AAA ~S 150.t)Q : J3ackhoe 310 - Rctnlal ~S50.00 • ` ' F7plM1/ER fiafas~ las~~ma oomNn'.ces . • 10 • OF ATTORNEY M Box3as25 Sadilc, V!A a81241 MO . . • 323 KNOW ALL 8Y THESE PRESEli7-S: No' . Th3t SAFEC4 1NSURANCE.COMFANY OF AMER7CA and G-ENERAI 1NSURAIJCE CbfAPANY OF AMEI2IGA, esch e VJashingtan cnc~~tkR docs each hereby appoint - - '"•"'"*"""",.""°"'DEL1.A J. AE.IEN; UIERYL A. ASH8Y;1}L'AES Mt. HE'NI17; p0,y P.ICQUARY; PHIL Sl'OINEBr`tAKER; . CIaiICSi6f1,WdSt11it9tallsa+saw~r~ss-r....... r+«s+csisrM. _ -.srnt.:~.-.---.- -_.i.~t.~rs- ti►:s__.t....-._ne+rwtr.R iL^, truo aced tawiul attamey(s}isftact, with full auttior;ty in cxCCtrle qn t1s b:Thalf QdeRy snd sv:* bonds or undertatdngs nryd oihet ' dounttenls of 2 svr.ilar chan, ctar issueel in Iho ooutsa o[ Hs Duslne's, anr.! W bind the respectiv-c oompany lhczcby. IN IYrfNL•SS WHEREdF, SAFECO INSURANCE GOMPANY OF AMEtJCA arte! GENERAL lNSi1RANCE CQMPANY OF nMERlGA have each cacecuted smd 3ttestedlhess prwartit, 27th actoUer ' ~QS • d`.yo{ • ' 3TEPHAN1;t pA Lt1f_kVQT$Q_N_,,SEGF2aARV f.~(~ PEI'ER3. PRE_5ln~ejT. SUREEM . CERi7F[CliTc Exb-,w-t hmm tho IIyI.avr of WnxECO INSURANCE GOMPANY OF M1:.R1CA , and oC GENERAL M&UR.ViCE COkP11NY OF AIKERIGA: . . 'irrtlde V, Sectan 13_ - F1pEd,l'tY AND SURE'YY 80NOS the Pn: ;kient, any Vim Prestdent, ihe Seaetary, and siny Assislvnt Mce • Ptu.^iderat apgatnted tor that purpcse by 1he oflicer in charge of swety operutiens, stat e;ach Mvo authatry to appaird tr4v'rdu2iss as ' attacnc,..•in-faci er under aUser -<pptoprlale QUes HOth autlorRy 1o exetutc on Qeholf o{ Nio company 18deB.y and surs,y band9 and , . ' ather documeriln af siflv7ar charader issirad Esy ihe ceqmny in tht ccnFr-s of iLs bu°ine.s... On any lnstrimsnt maidng or evidocscirg ' ,uch appoinbnQnt, th"e sign:ilures may be affixad by ter-simde. Qn arrf in6trumocSt eon:erring such auqtaTfry or on any taiA nt urelcrt,<ing o1 tix; arr,pemy. Llio sesi, et a tzcsirrnle 8iereof, tmy ba impnis:ed cr aflirced ar h, arry attter mannet reptflduced; proviftd, havewr. tnat ftce saal sYsa11 ROl bC RCCfsSarJ lfl thE validity o.° any S;lCh lr.ytnlmeilt ai undctrtaicing.• Escft3ct Gum a E2asolu46on of the 13airt1 of Oirectora of SAFECO IMSU FtANCE COMPANY OF AtdERiCA ar,d of GENERAI INSUF2ANCE COMPANY OP AMERFCA adaptcx7 Jury 18, tBY4. "On any. erUFcafe excaete~d by the Ser.~,etary ar:sn assistsn4 sc~setary a( Uso GompAny sctEng ait, • . i~e proJetcns of A.-13c1e V, 5aC.7oa1 13 of the By-l.a+r-s, and . • A capy of Itw prnrer-qfLatlneney appotntrn.ent, executed pur:vaM theteEo, snd (iii} Cer:7yGig thal said pawcr-obaftnrney eppadnrrnent k in fu6 foreC and eFied. ' tha signature af Iho ceti"sling officnr may bc by fs.1mUe, unf ihe xal of lha Ccmpany may be a facsimilo the;eof.• 1. Slephanio Omfey-'NaLSarc , Sec.etery of SAFECQ TNS111tAL2CF CAMPNiY OF AAtERiCA and of GENERAL 1PlSURAf:CE COMPANY OF AMERiCA, do ner`b/ certiiy Ihat ihh^ fotegola'a uxicsc's cf tha [3y-L:.vts and of a Re~..olution cf Uno 8aaa1 of DircUCrs • of Ut--e r.arpara5anS, And of a Powsr o! AtlAmay issued purtmr2 mcraw, occ Uur and axscct, and thnt bow d;c 6yctm-., tno fioaotutial . ' aruf Qih Power of Atiemey are stig in fil0 Sarce an4 efioct. • lN 4Y1?'PtESS mskEOF, I have hareunto set ttsy hand and aFfaed thu tar-sfinile oe,.l of suid ccrporo4ion , Iti.:, • o~ ~ dayaf ~E.~r~ v-a .~.~,Y-` r~~vl ' • • co,~ . . / ' r~Q~ ~ ~Q. • - . SEAL SEAL . d'4~ tlZ%lic+~ , • Cf~ STEPFiANIE DAtEY-WAT59N„ SEtREI'ARY_ Safcc*x.d tt+o Sa°^.uo lago :uo rer. JsteteC t-aCcrtmrPa at S..'`eeo -N,.. iUoo. S-t674j0S 41b.i . V,rEB POF . BoNLv No: . Ni a ;0OValley BM AEPOSLT SIIRETY BONA FURM NaA9B 4F PR03EC7C: s6eet mid Swrmiwater Maitctenence aod R.paiz Serviass . . 1'ROJBG°T'BID NU1NMI3ft: 07-008 • NAME Op F~~ ' wc, Poe Asphalt paving, inc, - ay prinojpal, anrI Safeco Insurance Corrsoany cf Ameriga aa Sarety, sm beld Erad farmiy botu►d to tfi,a GI3Y C)fi,ST~OK.AN~ V,ALLEY, r~ 'Washingt~m 9tgto ' MufficiPst3Ey, ir~ tlie pentI sum of F~kF.yRC$NT (5%) OF TM 'I'OTAL AMdiFNT for tbe . payrnunt af whloh we joisitly and s:verully bind ours4ves, and au.r 19ga1 represmWEvey erxd sucwssars, T`4m CONDI'TIONS 0v TnE OBI.I )AT'IQN arc Ehat If vio City of Spakunis Vt+lley 9ha11 make ts-msly ' BWtiTd tQ tI2D P11AGIptil ACtOJditfB tq the tms af the bid-docum.ettts; and tte Principal.ehnli; witifn ten (10) ' • d3ys a8e.c notice of rho ktward, exalusa of tha dey of aotica, etiter Luto the oont~:ct witli the Cify of SpoksAe Valley nnd ftiinixhes the ctantor',s hand (perfontusnce au.d payznamt band) widb Sucery . aalisChoto.ry to the C;iEy of 6poksna Yley 1im nA amount cqual tv ozta hwads'ed parcenc. (1004/o) of fhe , smouttt of fhe bid propokcd inphtding as6ii,ngtiop Ststo Sates Tcui then th3s obtigatioi shatl ba aull nnd void; otheFwisa if theTnacipal ftli15 tn teec l,at4 the cotltrsct and fanish the eantrnetot's bomd with►n ten ' (10) daA aft mofice of t~e nwani, «sxc usiva of the day oP notices, Ote amount of the bid'depa4-it vJs1I tr, - faxfBited to tlso G`ity; buc i.n na evetxt wiL tihe Stsrety'A liability exceed t}uis bond's fECe'nznount. SIaNTM ANI3 SEALEU THIS 2etre DAY 0F February YEAR 20 07 Safaco Insurance Cornpar~y of Amerlca Poe,4sphait Paving, Inc. . g[TRBiY I' N- AL ~3 . (.u2.1! - ' Si~atu.*~ ~ • ' C✓ St~a~ue ~ • Delfa J. Aflen •BRAD G$TFYTTH ' - • • Type?1NsFne 'Iypad'Name . AtfQrney In Fact Titl: ~ Titta (s~AQ . Biddcis Yackst Street mid Stomxwaecr Repair R,tw? • ' AT"TACH1Vi11ENT F - SIGYA'X`URE PAGE Date: MaRCH 16. 2007 The undeisignetl baddcr hereby proposes and agi-ees to deliver the equipmeaa.t and/or sErvices pursuant to tha 2007 Street and Stormmater IVlaixiYeuancc and Repair Servzces zlncl all other tems . and conditions of tbas'Re.quest for Bids witlzin tlurfy days of full eaecution of such AgreemenY. . No bidder may withdraw his bid for aperiod of ninety (90) days after the day of bid opcning. 'fhe required bid security consisting of a certified cbec:t, bid bond, or cashier's check ui an EunuLmt of not Icss ttian fivc pcm,ant (5%) of tEiQ tatal am.aunt wili be de.i.ivered to the Ci#y. . 'fhe undersigned indiv.idual represents and wan-ants that he or she is d+.aly authorized to execute the bid on hehnlf of any partn'ersbip, jnint venture or corporation. POE ASPHALT PAVx'G, ZNC. • CorparationlVgffL'W'M9MiM4 C:ompany . (Delele Two) ' (Signatu(feV (BR~6 GRIFFTTH) ' . . . lJ P19, . ('ritle) . " 2732 N. BECK ROAD ' PQ.S,T TaLT,G. TDAHO 83854 ' (Address) ' . _ (208) 777-0496 • , (Telephone Number) . Scherlulc "r'1=" . 1. Cost uf the Wark. Cost of the Work means the sum of costs i.ncurred and pa.id b}T Coairactor in,the proper performance of the Work. Costs shall be in amounts no higher than _ those prcvail.ulp in the locality of the Project, and shall include only the following items: l .3 Direct Costs 1.1.1 i'ayroli Cosrs. Charges f.or.Payroll Costs will, be liWnited to actual costs of Contractor's construction personne] scationed in the f eld. Payroll costa Shall inciurie, but not be Iunitecl io, salarics and wages plus the cost of £ringe bcnefifs, which shall i.n.clude social security confi-ibutians, uneiuployment, excise, and . . Fayrall taxes, woxkers' campensation, health and retirement benef ts. Thc exiienses of perfornung Work Uul'sitl.e of regular working bours, An Saturday, Sunday, or legal heliclays, sliall be inclucled in the above to the cxtent authnriz,ed by Otivncr. 1'he labor rates shall be per Attacliment C- T'art 2 of Erchibit 2. , 1.1.2 F..quipment Costs. Charges for Equipment Costs usecl by tne contracE to completc . the '",ork in the field. The equiPnient raies are iucluded in Attachnient C- ParC 3 " of Extiibit 2. 11.3 Material Costs. Charges £or Material Costs furnishEd bp thc Contractar and incorpo.rated in-the Work. The Ciiy and Conisactor agree that maierials listed under F1ilachment C-1'art 4 of Exhibit 2 represent the maximwn authorized types of materials and unit rates whieh will be c;onsidered r6nhur.sable uncler the , ternis ofthe this cantract unless subseyuently changed for reasons approved by ' thc City by A f.ormai change arder to the Gonlract. 7vtate•rial rates shall be in . -accorda.ncE with the ni aterial fypcs shown in- Ailach.m ent C: -Part 4 of Ex}u`bit 2. 1.2 SubcQntractor Costs 1.2.1 Attaclunent C- Pact 5 has a list of a11 subconhactors erpccted to work for yau _ under this conl.ract. Tf: required by the C'ity, the Coutraetor shall obtain . eampetitive bids ftom subcontractors accEptable to tlie City tind Contractor and sha11 del.iver such bids to the City, who Nvill then detercnine which bids, if any, will be aecertaLate. 1.2.2 tilalerial Costs. Chai-ges for Material Casts furnished•by the SuGcontTactor and incorporated in the Work. The City and C:oni:rUctar agree t}iat materials listed under Attachment C: - Par1. 6 of Extvbif 2 represent tlie m axi,musn authorized types aFinaterials mid unit rates which vvill bc considered reiinbursable under thE ferrns o'f the this contract unless subsequcntly changetl for rcasons approved by the City by a for.mal. cliange order to the Contract. Material rates shall be in accordance with the material types s}.i.Qwn in Attachrnent C- Par1: b of Exhibit 2. The City and the Contractor agree that the rates listed in the Attachment iTiclude ove.rheitd and profit for the suhcontractor.s. 1.2.3 Payments made by the Con[ractor to SubcoiitTacts may be based on. a l.ump sum . . ' price fi-om the SuUcontractor. . 2 Over. head and Profit. Gontractar's fee uieans a percentage over the direct costs (Items 1.1 and 1.2 above) to accUUnt far the ee:ntractor's overhead and prafit. 2.1 Pee for overhead and Profit .f.or the Project cots is a percentage over the direct cost (Item 1.1 above) that includes the overhead and profit for the contractor over wark executed by ttie conb-actnr. Overheacl costs includes, but are not limitecl to, the cost of the contraetor's offices and office persanrjel, insuranee, bonds, and any other overhe.ad and operating expenses not specifically uicluded in the Cost of the VVozk a.s defined in Section 1.1 above. 2.2 Fee for overhead and profit for subcontractor's cost is a pcrcentAge over the cost ' c}aarged Uy flie subcontractor to the contractor (Item 1.2 abeve). The overhead and • profit for the operation of tlie subcontractor is alrcady iucluded in ihe subcontractor cost charged by the suhcontraecor lo the contractor.. $pakane Cou.nty T ibi-axy Dishict Spokane Va11Ey Library Services and Distxict Suppart REport to the.City oF Spokane Valley 15t Quarter 2007 GREATER • ;RARY SERVICES Customer vse measu_res f1t the enci qf the first quarter of 2007, 5pokane Valley Library showed salid increases uz materiaLs cirrtdation and door count compared tn last year at this time, but referenee inquiries eontinucd tY►eir downward hcnd as thcy havc system-wide. On March 31. there were 37,020 regisYered cardholders, docvn 1.4% from Iviarch 2006. f\rgonne Libra.ry haci higher increases, including a 17.1% jump in reCPrence, burking overall trend. All Ori,s Orchards measures droppeci. exeept for refcrence, which is up 19.196 year-to-date campared to last year. Sclccted 15t Quaxter 2007 Year.-to-l7al•e Statistics Circul.ahion Door count Reference Pragram Safhvare StaNon . Lnquiries Attendance 13uokinKs YTU YTD to Yl`D Y[`I) to YI'D 1'TT) to YTD YTD to YTD YTD to 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 SCLD I 512,4971 3.5`Yo I 308,1461 5.0%1 58,985 - 4.7 %I 10,6851 - 32.0% 1 54,1001 11.9% ' Spo Valley 134,603 3.2% 77,378 6.1% 19,547 - 9.49b 2,934 - 23.69b 17,572 9.3% Argonne I 331,9341 14.4 % I 20,881 I 11.0% 3,937 17.1 % 533 6.5% 4,161 I 10.0% Ot•is I 21,0171 - 0.8% I 14,0481 - 3.39b 2,0911 19.1 % 3371 -4.2.3`9o I 2,2961 9.9%u Subtotal I 189,5541 4.5 % 112,307 I 5.6% I 25,5751 - 42%I 3,8041 - 23.8~'0 24,0291 9.496 SCT D 37.0%I - 36.4%1 - I 43.9%I - I 35.6% I - 44•4%I Registered Customers by Branch of Registration 2007 % oE YTD Change °/u Adidt % Youth YTD SCLl7 from 2006 "1'otal 173,497 - 0.9% 75.29b 24.8% scr.n . I Spo Vallcy 37,0201 32.6% I -1.4% I77.0~'0 23.0`16 I I Argonne I 10,0111 8.3'Yo .I 0.196 I 77.7% I 22.3% ' Qtis I 5,4541 4.8% I - 5.4% 69.2% 1 30.8% Subtofal 52,95.51 46.2% I -15m - I - 15r quarter activity highlights at Greater Spakane Vallcy branches Spokane VaIley Librranj . Page 1 of 6 • On March "l, library hnurs incxeased for the second year in a row. tilTith the addition nf 'I'hursday evenin;s to the schcdule, Spokane Valley Librar.y is now open 64 hours per week avcr seven. days and is in the l'op five Eastem jNashington libraries for weekly open holus. • rirsl Gentlenlan Mike Gregoire spent aUoul• 45 minutes at Spokane Vatley Librar}° on N1arr_h 2, -touring the buildulg aiZd chatti.ng with staff. Hc also donaled hvo autographed children's books. • Chilcireri s prograr.ns durulg the quarter included 75 storyti.m.es (todcller, preschool, family, and baby lapsit); monthl}° AEter Scllool Specials ("Musical Nfysterv Paint," "I\jitty Grittv Sand Arr," and "ThC Wrighl StuCf"); and "Happy Birlhclay Cat uz the H-at." • Other programs were ttivice-nlonthly fa.mily and ad«lt mov:ies ancL manthly coinpuker - instruction classes. • Three neiv librarians and Lzvo new uifornlation specialists joinecl the sta[f. • Sevcral staF.f provided 'uzEormakion on SCLl7 services at the Greal•er Spokanc Valley Chamber 13iz 13uzz breakfast-to an enthusiastic response: i.ncreased open hou.rs; dotivnloadable audio books; eaxl ychildhood litcracy and teen programs; comnluniry based outreach serviees-and the lisl went oii based oii the conLnlents ancl quest7ons. • Tax Aide volunteers Uegan pxovid,ing tllree tuncs ptr week free incotne tax assistzutce with SCLD pravicling m.eeking room space ancl limited back up suppert. . • Spokane Valley Arts Cotulcil came this moiith for their quarterly ar.t hanging. Argvrirre LiLrnnj • • Hou.rs also ulcrEascd at Argonne, with earlier openings some days and thc: additian of Friday to the scheclule, u.ppiiig cu,stonier access to 54 ltours over six days. One customer coitimented that she had never voted for something and seen such quick results. • Progratnming nlcluded 15 sl-orytiimes, monthly tkftcr School5pecials, a coinputer ulstruetion . class, and "Happy Birt;hday Cat ni the Hat." . • Artwrork cvas provided by West Va.l1Py's Spokane Vallcy I iigh Sc.hool and it,s City School. • E1 group that uses the meel•u1g roonl nlonthly donaked $100 fio SCLD in appret7ation for its ava_ilahi.lily. , • Staff llleC W1tI1 il g.l'OUl.1 0f CLtStOllleTS 4V1'l0 aTC 1TltiG1'PSL'P.Cj lll 1'CV1Vlrig tl-ie ATgUTlRC FtlendS pf L'hP. LiUrary group. - Otis Orchards LiUrunj • Duc to cozlkinuino, declules in usc- that began wil•11 Liberty Lalce's cancellation of iYs SCLD service conh•act, Otis Orcharcls is the oiie Uranch withou.t in.creaszd hours. • In the coiltinuinb effort to malcc the libra..ry more user-friendly, Narnrk tontinued. wTilh rnaterials colfecl•ion weedulg and r.ear.rang-emenh, and bavk display huldel•s Gvere purchasEd. • Plans are beiiiU tnade for a 15-Year Birthday Party cvith 3 nionth-long celebral•ion in N~fay. • C'rize coupons thtit can be redeenled 'ui the liUrary for an SCI-D pen or pencil cvere added to tEie East Valley School District's geacache t•ub thars located on the proper.ry. • Programs inctuded 7.3 storytimes, the monthly After School Specials, and week-longVllentine Card inal<ing ac1.~vi.ty. Gxeater Spokane Val.ley Friends of the Library . Spnlcane Valley: The Fricnds of the C ibr.aiy finalized plans for aMay book sale and purchascd adcliHonal l•ables so thcy coulci save money instead of rcnting tabl.es. "Chey also donated to Spokane is Reading and paid fo.r the magz-tets that adverrise lhe new open hAUrs. Spolcane Va.Iley LiUraxy project . Spragire-Applezacay Cor•ridor I2evitczIizatiori Plati: Board Chair Ann Elpperson and directar i~,l.i.ke . 4Virt met with City of Spokane Valley officials, including IN~ayor Diana Wilhitc, on Jarniary 22 to F'agc 2 of 6 discuss our Spokane Valley Librar}° plans ax►cl, how lhey fir into tfleir city ccnter plans. 'I'he i-~ integration nf the liUrary irita the ciey center is pivotal to plaruling far the new ]_ibrar.y, and site corifirmation by early fall is crucial to inceting the project schedule. LibrarJ pre-clesigri: Building program requireulents were finalized ancl the pre-design report was conlpletEdwzd presented. to the Board oE Trustees at its March. 20 meering. '1'he construction cost estimate for bid ru.rpASes (2009 dollars), with a change order contingency u1d szles tax aci.ded, is $1.8,440,751 for the 58,600 squ.are foot building. The tohl project buclget, which inCludes estiniates far sitc acquisikion, fees, ful-cuture and equipment, add_il7onal library nlaterials, w1d acimi.niskrative cost:,s, is jusl• over $24 nullion. !'ublic irtfOP114.at1.OlI The pre-electi.on publiC itzEornlatian p11n for the pi-oject includes tlu-cc informational. open houses to be held at $pokane Valley: Thursd.ay, i~,ray 10 from noon to 3:00; Thursday, May 77 front 5:00 to . 8:00 p.in.; and Thursclay, May 24 froin 4:00 tU 7:00 p.m. They'Ll have a similar faimat to- the open hAUSes hcld during the i~~[oran Prairie Library ctesign process. A variety of informal-iona1 niaterials will alsa he prod.u.ced for distribution fi•om Spokane Valley area brarlches. Libr°ary Capitral Facility tlrera. I'he counly GIS department vvill be prepar•ing nzaps of tlu•ce LC.CA boundary models,.uneluding an "ideal" version that takes i.rito account current anci proposed Urban Grawth Area boundaries as wcll as home addresses oE currEnt Spakane Valley Library cardholders. This will also allow a r.elatively accuratc compilation of the ai•ea's assessed valuation. • 17'tlepnrfirrieitt relocat'ioii • Because the 1]' department will nEed to niove w}ien the current Spokane Valley Library facility i.s vaeated, opLions for relacating it ivith the adtninisti•adve officcs were reviewed. A prelin-Linary Feasibilif}, siuciy Showecl. the c.urrenily littlc-uscd garage and shop areas j•vould Ue able ta acconunadate needs. DISTRIcr-WID LI-BRARY SERVICES Service enhancemenl•s tifareh saw bolh the 67 hour per week uzcrease in bra.nch schedules and the rollout of clown.l.oadable audiobooks. Custamer use measures With the branch hvur:s' increases there were sonle in.itial increases in in-library custoui.er use tti.easures. The door cotult is u.p 1.6% from last March and cucul.at7o.n is up 3 Sofhvare station use, the level of which has eeached the pUint of being gover. ned pretty much by the number of open hours that worksratians are availaule, jumped 12%. On the other tiand, reference nzquiries continue to clecl.ine and tllere's a sigiiificant drap in progrlm atttndance ovcr the same titne Iast year. Far t1zc, first tinn.e i.n quite aivhile, databasc scarehes ciropped, no doubt because remote access to a popular geilealogy databasc was discontinued du.e l•o license restrictions. The number of registered borrowers at the end oF dze month was up 1°~'~, at 113,497. Adult services Progrcrms: January saw the start of the new, configuration far informaHon lite.racy class offerings at Nortr► Spoka.ne and SppkanE Valley: instead. of tiaro classes evcry ather monkh at eackl Iibrary, every month they'I.1 havc onE class eaGh. Spokane is I2eadulg met alzd confirmed iis decision to use Cttiz,en jlirice by Jess W'alter as the 2007 choiCe. Sunlnier Rcading for Ad.u.lts is in the wings, cvith a"Su.rrun.e.r. Sleuthing" theme that's hooked i.r1 widi youth scrvices' "Get a Clue." The Page 3 of 6 curriculu.m for a class to teach customers the use oE the Health anci Welltiess Resource Center database is under design. . hrforntatxon Seruices: InEarmation servic.PS is fully staffed systein-widc for the firsl• tirne in over six months. Ontreccch: The f.i.rst inlornlation literacy class in an outreach facilily --vas held. v1ore requeSl;s are being received for qLiarterly prograniinulg. On March 28t', tiu'ee staff participal'ed in the Spokane Valley Chanlbcr of Comanerce Business rair at the MiraUeau Park Hol-el. Corfrrfuuntity: jNc've of(ered continucd collaboration to SNAP (Spoka.ne NeighUorhond Action Progranl) .for pla.nned coLUlty ou.treaGh proz;rams, auzd will encaurage dleir usc of branch meel?ng TUbIT1S. Xauth Services Pragrrcmrning: Sl•orytimES started up again an f 1nuary 2nd a.f.ter a ltiva week Ureak. A total of 71.6 kids athended After School Specials during the quarl•er. DFtails werc ironed. out wil-h Spokane Public Library for continued collaUorakion in the sununcr reading'pro~;ram. All graphics requ.ests . for the summer reading programs werE conlpleted, wit11 all childrEn's and teen progralns schedul.ed.. Ortt'reaclt: 5taff visiteci 49 childcare faril.iliPS and alniost 1,500 children paericipated u1 the storyl:itties dlat were provid.ed. Cntnirturrity: Youdi services su.pervisors ahtended nvo Boi-n Learning I.nitiaMve/Spokanc Rcgianal Child Care Initiative pxogram meetulgs and two Spoka-ne's Proi-iuse to Youth breakfasts. In collaboration with the IvfAC, evcry chilcl fin.ishi.ng the sumnier rcading program will receive'a free ticket (tvirh a paying adult) to the"A lDinosaur Named Sue" exhibii- thll'll be helcl at the Mt,C , April through Scptember. DISTRicr AD t ON Board vf Txustees • Updates to the Purchasuig, ru.nd 13alance ManagemCnt, and. ConEidenrialiry of Customer Infornzation Policies werc approved. _ • Directian was giE-en l•o negotiate a North Urban Growth Area annexation mitigaYion agreement with the City of Spokane rather than. individual ag7•eemen.ts for each prpposal and to include angoing mi.ligation payments to SCLD. • An all-day rel-reah ulclud.cd wor.kshops An "Leadership and Sto.r.yte.l.ling" and "Ballofi Issue Dos and Don'ts." • A one-year cont-zct with foux potential one-year extensions vvas awarded to National Btulciing Maintenuuicc for custodial services. • Approval was given for one-timc payroll advance payments related to the plarunect paydap • tranSitiUn. Nor.th Division annexation pXOposal Board chair An?i Appersan testi.fied for SCT D at the FEbruary 28 Boundary Review Board hearing on thE Ciry of Spokane's proposeci \iorth Division anaiexatiUn. Her message: the Boaed hasn't taken a pasition o.n tlie anncxation but has on the a.n.nexation mitigation agreement-a_iid lhat pasiHon is tkiat there shauld be a single one for the entire \Torth Urban Growltl Area and n,odeled an the Vloran 1'.rairie area's. , 2006 per.formance measures The 2006 report on achievenlent of srrategic plan objectivps show that cve're battung about _500 with oux performance measure resull•s. OE the 24 objectives,l2 tivere inel or exceeded, one . Page 4 of 6 partially inet, and 11 not n1et. Por those not inet, thc rcasons vary and in some cases the targcts lhat were set in2003 appearecl uuu•ealistic. I~z c~thers cve'~~e measurin~; things ov€r ~vhich cve have a ~Iinuted abiJity to in.fluence. Tl-us experience with targets and mcasures will be he[pful as wc get into the Balanced Scorecarcl plan.ning. Balanced scor.ecard development The lQng-delayed un.plementation of Balanced Scorecard pllnning is abou.t to begin. 1`he fust training session tllat ulchides trustee plrticipants and the managernent teanz took pl.ace on March 27; the first nlec:ting is scheduled for April 3. 2007 Legi.slaNvc session March was the inonth o.f curofls and thc tall'on bi.l.ls was h.igh, with the Washinglon Libruy Association legisl.ative planzli.ng coirmil•l•ee's h•acking list clropping (rom alniast four pages to vne page. By nnonlli s end SB 5498 (I.,evy Lid Lifts) and SB 5882 (Sha te Heritage CEnter) -ttivo of LItL,A's priorit•ies-werc hangi.ng oji. DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES Coll.ection Services • 16,02.5 copics representing 4,211 titles were ordered;16,952 items were processcd and sent ro Uranches. The 206 CD-POMs add.ed to the collectian in January was a 36% increase in the size of the enl•ire collectian. ' • The OverDrivc sitc for downloldaUle autliobooks was launchcci witlt 982 tit•les (1,103 copies). The first full nlonth (March) ivas quitc successFul with customers ehecking out 762 items and. placing 170 holds. ' • SCLIa was one of the public librai7es naHonwict.e affecled by a decisi.on madP by lhe eciitors oE ~Sports II1ustraf.ed to nol send thc annu.al sv>>imsuih issue to libraries. We are working with the publisher to gel• l•his issuE for all ten of qur facilitics receiving this tit1E Comnlunicaiions - • Coordinaicd putici.paNon aild hiuldled set u.p for the vlarch 28 Spokane Valley Business Fair. • Contunicd to corork with staff on the onJine Gard registration projeCt with a goal to go live in latc Apri1. • Dra.fted. the Spokane Va]ley T_ibrary Project puUlic information p1a-i1 for the pre-election periacl. • In media relations/publ.icily, coordutatcd live KHQ-'RI i.nterview for the director on increased hours that aired March 1; 111d bVOXICeCj 4V(L'Il SpOjCCSI1111J1-Revie7u reporter Peter Barnes on the dowclloadaUle book arkicle that ru1 on the front page of all rEgional sections on Nlareh 16. ■ Canuinutical`i.ons specialist Beth Gi]lespie prESented at l'lte 4Vaslungton Stal'e Library's "Marketnlg: Partnerships" a-iZd "One Rook" workshnp in Moses Lake. Human Resources • h1cretised branch hours recluii'ed substantial sta.ff recruil•ment, hiring, and training, ivhieh beg1n last fall and conEinued tluoughout the quarter along vvith the norinal level of acl.YVily. hZherviewed a.nd Filled five cuculalion clerk-, four inforrnal•ion specialist, and h-velve pagE positions. Eight staff were proitioted and three wer.e h•ansfened. .'nhe process of a•ewritu1g all branch serviccs position descriptions and better aligiling them to the performance evaluation and perf.orniance standards began. • H.12 manager Paul E"ichenberg attended l•he Public Library Associati4n 2007 Spring SynlpbSitun in San Jose on I-]:R'I:'r.ends and Too1s and l'he Washuzgton Cou»des Insurance Fund/ L1Tashi,ngton Catulties lnsurance Pool board m.eeting in Riehland.. YnformatiQn Technology Page 5 af 6 • I.nstal[ed spam filtcr se.r.vex using Lintix and open source soft~vare ta help com.bat the growing spam problem. • New DIA, Wide-aiea-ekhernel and long distailce contract~s with Qwest were signed, with new , service to be in place July 'l. Work began `vith Qwest on the nercvoi'k upgrade, visiting five oE the six Uranr-hes with lhe loeal enginc-crs to d.elermine Nvhat is necdcd at each sile. - Daylight• savuzgs tinic issues were worked through, including installation of patchcs on server's desktaps, door cou.nters, and PDAs to get them to handle thulgs correctly. •\TEw LCD .m.onit•ars were installed an many stafE contputers, part of the second year of a three- year pr4ject to rEplace all srafF CRTs with LCDs. Finance, Facilities, Purchasing • The 2006 end of year supply inventioxy -vvas completed; the total of the extended line item prices, when coinpared to the f7.nancial records, werc well withi.n accephable tolerznces. ■ Sofhvare-related problems with the t,aro payroll system coinponents cantinucd, requiring eonsiderable correctian cfforks and payrolls were succcssfully proeessed. .A change u1 the payday seheciiile will. be implemented ta allow mare t-ime (or processulg. . ■ 2006 Financial Shatements were subm.ili:ed to the State Auditor's Offite on March I. Slill to Ue complcted ana sub .m.ithed are the yfor,-ul Prau-ie LCFA Pinancial Sl•at-ements. Thc statutory clue datP For subiiuttalg the arinual financia.l reporr is May 31. 0-1/12/07 mjtv PagE6of6 V 90yANE a t4F ~ 5 FIRE DEPARTMENT : QUARTERLY REPORT JANUARY-MARCH 2007 rrvww.sP orcaNEvaLLEvFiRE.co~n AO~ `NE ~/~C~ Page 2 cf t1 5~ FI RE DEPARTMENT Mlkc Thom pson, Fire Chlof ~ January-March 2007 L IdT- TE~ I F ,Q ~ THEr~'C ~ ~F, 3pokane Valley Fire DepartMeat's Qision, Mission and Values . (Drganizational vision is a short, succinct, and inspiring statement of what - t i1Q organization intends to become and to achieve at same point in the fu- vsre, aften stated in competitive terms. A vision will refer to the category -•f intentions that are broad, all-inclusive and foiward-thinlnnq. 'I'he Spo- '4.ana Valley EirQ Depaztment's vision will provide us with a chxUenge and ~ ake us out of ouz comtort zone. I can assure our con5tituents that this de- partment has been worldng tawards this vision for some years with the programs and services we provide. We wiU now [ocus on how we are go- CI~1~/ Mlko Thompso~ ing to taka it ta the next level where we will be setting the standard for all fire departments to follow by establishing best business practicea for our profession Vision Statement The Spoitane Valley Fue Department will strive for "excellence" in everyihing we do and will become zecognized as the "premier" 5re department in the state. Vision Statemenis describo the futuro and where the organization is going while Mission State- ntents describo todap. An orqanization's mission "clarifies their purpose" by pravidinq cl.oar direction for c.~nstituents, employces and othor organizations about who we are and whet we do. The Depariment's Mission Statement has besn in place for several yeara. During our process we deliberated on whether it was still applicable considering our Vision and Values. We felt that it has served us well and is still valid consudering what we are moving towards for the future. Mission Statement The Spokane Valley Pire Uepartment is an all-risk emergenc}r agency, protecting its cztlwns' hves, pTOperty and the environment through a cost e8ective and responsive people oriented service. All organizations operate according to avorall valuos. These values are tlio parsonality, vr cul- ture, of the organization. Evan though the Spokano Valley Fira Department did not have their valuea written on a piece of paper, it has been my observation over the past almost two years they have been practicing all of them on a daily basis. We have recently gone through a proc- ess where they have been clearly identified and each oi them defined by a statement for clar- ity as to what ihey really mean. These values will be iricorporated into our hiring process, training, and annual personnel evaluations. QO~N E VqPage 3 a! 8 ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Mlkc Thom pson, Flre Chlet ~ January-March 2007 ~ ~ F T r 1O1 THE~' j J~ JI L IdTv J 1 _ Gen_1fl n~~UiJa Values Acconntability We shall acc.eFt o:anerstup for our actions and ciec.:stons. ?rastworthiness We believe trustworthiness Fs one of the most important ethical values and brings together such qualilies as honesty, iniegrity, reliability and loyalty. Aespect We believe ut the basic dignity oi every indiviciual and value all members ot the community and department. Excellence We corLsider it our dury to deliver fnendly, bene5cial quality service which promotes our mission. Casing Vt/c- w►U be sensitive to the needs of others by beutg compassionate, lhonghtful, open-minded, flexible, adaotable, :villing to understand, and by being a good listener. Quality Customes 8ezvicc We recogiu.e that iniernal and external customer service is the business of owr orgartiaation. We will uphold high standards of timsliness, qualiry and value. The Spokane Valley flre Department is committed to adhere to our Vision, Mission and Values making us a sironger organiaation aa we move forward into the future. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,r ~ A I_ 7 i;•'~ : ~ ~1 i, i . AQfAN"~ YALC4Page 4 oi 9 ~ ~R 5 FE ~ DEPARTMENT Mike Thompsort, Firn Chlef ' January-March 2007 Tr~i~~in ~ . . . - R-.. ~ Trairing _ wfth bm._ Rescue' • Wpmc - • i • c • s n . . : 1 U • a • n . • c • 1 • 1 vm - 1 • a. with hG three • r1 n• • r - n IC 1 re n .m . Trammg ••k r the 1 = n • ' " cram • t a:.• f • 1 1 • 1 M l - 1 h= • s_ • • y _ TechrAcal Rescm eam m= 1 • e • e• : • r ' 4 1 • • 1 = ' t - M • : ile vebdcle • • n • - Rumso/WeUness prograrn 'd c • s i h introductory trcun- ing. The : o - 1 e • : • driU ! 1 A: • i = f • c! s«ue' : • bf.t t u• • t,: _ s - firefqhter ' t• has • c • mc•:•• c.• .u• 0 1 o e - ftaint s m •a.• e - • 1• •ew t: matenals, .1• t ct•h - -_i•. O e 1 s a : ♦ u1 - h1 G • • c • : • : • 11 : • i o ft. 1i • owder. ' I s • 1 • / • _ '.s • e • c ■ • : .It • • - i . 1m • ':7 • ' o _ • 1 e - • be ' ie : • :11 C 1 ' • = ~ wp• 1 ' h - If It.g ' i • 1 s1 = e ~ i.11 • 11~ • • II - • =Jt • ' : QI N: , 'dI _ : 1 ■ _ { O • ' 1 • - • • = I ' ' • Ilt • 1 • hydraulics, • velticle le'sm 1 • x1 : tis 1 S'= - • Il ' Fire De• . _ _ i n■ • h «a -il: • Hammat D S y• x. . i • ' 11t • i1 • _ 1 g It g t c.: _ • W i = - un- - E~M sqil Di ~ ~ Spokane Valley Rre Department paramedics are cur- rently being trairted 'm tho use of a new device called CPAP (Continuous Positive A.irway Pressure), foz pa tients suffering fzom severe respiratory distress or hy- poxia in the setting af Chronic Obstn.ictive Pulmonary ~ . Di.sease (COPD). pulmonary edema, asthma or pneu monia. This device wiil potentially reduce the need to ' intubate (irtsertion of a tube into tha pauent's a.irway) patients which could hav@ a dramatic effect in shorten. ing the hospital stay of a patienl. We anticipate th: CPAP devica to be available on all oi our paramod:c uppartus by the end of Apri12007. Randy Olson-EMS Chief QOKp,N E VqQ,~Page 5 af 6 ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Mlko Thompson, Flre Chler ' January-March 2007 YEAR t DATE RESPONSE TOTALS . . , , 209T 3VF0 2A08 SVFD MR VALUV OW LMM ' ^ .lnn. - Mar. J~n. -Mar. Chanpe 7 u~ AR!. ll! Ym ~ - irm - e ' 1}1 86 306 + 0 0 13333 6 ~0 2a -1887 0 0 6 t1 12 -8.33 6 9 A 125.00 I - 158 t49 4.70 57 903 732 23.36 EAM 2 35 08 8 9_12 , . agero m_ _ , 6 0 p 0 0 3 W . " 0 0 ~ 3 -33.33 1 - - 0 .s o 0 a , a ~ o 0 0 , i ei ez - 00 - 0 0 3 o O '~:159 22.64 . • . 0 0 0 3 ~ 2 -25 00 43 3 „1 4 r 6 51 I 2 3 YEMTO DATE o - 2116 49 93 •2D41 : 21 :5 1-1611 Fft Db PREVEIVTI021i STATISTICS - = - - = t ~ jannary ~Iarch of 2007 PERMITS BUILDING INSPECTIONS gg p1,;A'L`5 1 HHZHRD COMPI,gINT5 19 SUPPRESSION SYSTEM5 910 BII3INESSES 6 ALARM SY5TEM5 0 RECALLED SPRINKLER Mr-ADS 44 HUILDING PLAN REDIEWS 8 FIRE WBZ'CH 1 CHANGE OF USE fi FIRE ALARM SCCEPTg1VCE 0 FIREWORKS 33 HUII.DING ACCEPTANCE 28 TENANT IMPROVEMENT 3 HOOD SYSTEM B.CCEPT.ANCE 0 TEMPORARY STRUCTURE 7 SUPPRESSION HCCEPTaNCE TOTAL PERMITS TOTAL INSPECTIONS 154 968 , QQ~" `E ~/~t4P~ s or e 5 FI RE DEPARTMENT Mlke Thom pson, Flre Chlei ~ January-Maroh 2007 ~ Spzing Remindes; Chanqe Yoar Clocks-Chanqe Yoar Battesies in p Yoas Sntoke Detectors! It your smoka detector haa a lithium type battery plcaae follaw the manufactarcr's reccmmanda- tions. These batterics have a tan yeu battery life and should ba replaced u Snatructed. R The Pravention Bureau set up a booth at the S`' annual 2007 Valley Chamber of Commerce Busi- ness Fair along with appro=imatety ninety other businesses. We answered questiona from tha publlc and businessea pertaining to the Department and buainess inspectlons whlch reaulted in great feedback. E Duting the !st quarter o2 2007we have inatructed 300 citizens and employoes in Qre safery to in- clude the use af tire eztinguishers, Sre safary in the home and busineas and career fairs. The Spokane VaIley F'ire Department has received a 2007 Kawasald Mule Utility Vehic?e irom Roundys Kawasald on a Utiliry User Relations Loan Agreement. This fs a 338 day agreement and V can be renewed et that time for an addltlonal 335 days. The need for this type oi vehfcle will be usetlil in rough tenun reacues, tha County Fair. HoopFast, Va1leyFest, 5earch and Rescue, train- ing and education. The cost to the department will be a maintanutct agreement in the ainount of $300 per year. F'ueIIqhters will be trained in the operations of otf road vehicle safety. Bill Cllfford-PIO! Spring Safety Tips OIItdoorBnrniaq Recstiatloaal E'ises are sma-11 f::es. tio 13r7er than 3 feet in diameter and 2 teet in heiqht. such We respond a tew times every week to outdoor ~~p~~ ~d oooking Sr@s, using or~y these burninq issuas most resulting drom lagal or ille- eppraved fuels: seasoned (clean and dry) lire- gal rscreatianai fires_ Citizens should call their charcoal brirniettes, rlatt.ral gas and pra- local flre department with question~ prtor to T havinq an autside fire. p Flras useci fuc drbiu: dispcsal.ev_ii ;i :t's nat.: luegai Burnin9 tal debris iram your yard an A yLt r d _ m 3I t::;-~ t Burninq garbaqe haa been pcohibited in Spo- considered reaeetional fire:~_ kane since the 1970s. '1'!ie enly material that may be burned legally in Wuhinqtan (under spe- Backyud barbecues, chimr,e~; ajici otn~r ' cific guidelinos and depanding upon whorc you pstio/deck warmers, are conaidesed reares- live) is unproae9sed natural veqetation. In 3000, ~onal llrea~ and are alao allowed year-round, the state legislature banned burn barrels state- ex~ept durtng a burn ban. ' wide. Therelore, even nstural veqetsdon may RecreQtional fires musi be attcnded at all tir-; not be burned fri a bum barrnl. Smoke from and a method fos eztinquishing them availalb:,_ I burn barreL is rioxious because tha Srea burn at at all fues (Buckets, shovels, qarden hoses or a law temperatures, receiving vcry little oxygan g~ eirdriguisher) SCAPCA may issue a burn and producinq excenive amoke and other 103cic b8n based en air qualiry condidone. Gtinent aubstances. bans iasued by SCAPCli can be accessad by eallinq 477-4737 or www.scapca.orq. 4ther en- BiII CllffOrd-PIO tities may issue bum bans based on bre danqer. - - nQ~" `E YAC~ Page 7 af 8 5C ~I RE DEPARTMENT Mlke Thompson, Fire Chlef ~ January-aMarch 2007 ist QUARTER FIRE INVESTIGATIONS 11 A ) 2: .1- S P - g lipPICAMatelY $:50li0 In pto.. - : p . 12 m r :i - o M c = 1: W 5io " , m_ db I' . t { : I pi ' . ' coased • . o ' I j ures, wW 1 cr; ' d 1' o/ : fa d i m fro ' 1 g appliames. . 00 :1 : / 1 1 • 1 : { _ -f Na • ='I = 1 =g■ o remove ' ' 11 I' " W 'I M • 1 mm&, 3 ♦ wfft l \ 0 • - t . ~ ~ s . . D_ f . _ D _ 1 / d [ f! - - _ I , ~ - M _ M= n -#L '..d • i 1' • f ' ~ V'Cie1 . _ Theft _ I~ D~~1: . . O ~ e : ♦ : 12006 EM - _ii- 1.11 W`Y. InvmgOons causbV opM1 ' pmpetty s_ . s 1 " N 1 .L " ' - i .r 1 W pmc ; . I e 39'UM . W. V In: 1 L 1 1 • o■ - •!:t . • . Hwft . ppIr, ,m d chkmop - Uie #1 ca0se of fk"V"In *ok~oI - invwVons _.d cousm usm und"Min6d. I . I p: aa h T-he spokme Vaki: l:,W A= _i_ of o - r:::~ m t t _ [!~1 . NOM'W a ' :'r :r- o - - i O&W-e Vidley Fire D: p: JI.~' • wmst :1 ' was ~.a p_ _ d i0 1 .~~1 ' Uw iwMt - o FHl~ ~ Mehafty-Deputy We sunrived anather, primarily uneventful, winter in the area of disaster preparednesa. But don't let that lull you into complacency as not all dis- i 'r ~ aster situations can be tracked with a warning of the upcoming ailuation. We need to tearn and practice disaster preparedneas, aa statistics show • ` that our area will have some type of disaster situation, not if but when. ~ Our Spring clasaes are moving along; the initial class will hold it's final night on Hpril 23", comploting the severi week program. The continuing education training ' witl hold it's last class for Spring on May 8'h, along with the annual CERT disaster drill on May 12t1'. If you are interested in attending one of our futuzo CERT classes, please call the Spokane Valley F'ire Department at 928-1700. Bruce Hamner-CERT Program Director , A Q[v "'I YA(Page 8 oi 8 F I RE ~ DEPARTMENT Mlfce Thompson, Flre Chlef ' January-March 2407 Interesting Responses--ist Quarter The Spokana Valley FTre Department responded to seventeen separate incidances in the I" Quarter invohr- ing children locked inside vehicles. VQ'ith tha increase we havo informed the public to stay calm, check all doors to aec if one is open or to see ii a windaw ia down prior to calling 9-1-1 VYe have responded to 2 water rescues already in the Spakane River.rrvo persona were canoeing east oi Barker Road when their canoe had overturned; neither one was wearing a life vest but manaqed to make it to the shore. in a separate incident at Mirabeau Park a person was raiting dcwn the river when the raft flipped and the penon waa atuck an debiis appTOximatoty 100 feet trom shore. The Sheritfs Dive Team was on acene to assist vvith the rescue. The patient was tranaported to a local hospital for hypothermia. Where Thars's Firo, Thare's 5iuoke and Evea Eshes It r►ever faiLs haw far common sense will go. Ashes wlll insulate the hot coals and keep them buming for hours and even daye. We responded to a fire in the 3300 block oi South Glenn Road with a report of a shed fire. The homeowners cleanod out their fireplace, put the a:hes in a cambustible cantainer and placed it nezt to a ahtd and wood pile. A ahort time later calling for the BRTa, Big Red Trurks! we respond up to a dozen times each year ior these types of fires that are preveniable. Wa R,espond To all Ernergendes, Erra bdnlts Locked !n Glosets Valley Engine 7 responded to an adult locked in a ldtchen closet in the 300 biock of South Evergreen Raad. 7'he bre crew removed the lock set from the door to iree Ute person so they could get back to work. No inju- ries noted! Surqlar Stack Ia Dnc1 System Vall3y Engine 8 responded to the 1 100 btock of Narth Fines Road to assist the 5herit'i's depariment with ra- moving a passible burglar stuck in the furnace dud system while trying to brnak in. After invesdqating. it was deternuned that it was a malfunctlon in the heating and ventilacion sqstem on the rooi. There was a natu- I ral gas leak and when the rooftop unit vvas trying to ignite it vvould ignite the (umes in the duct maldnq a bang (small eaplesion). The bueiness ownem had thouqht someane had tned to breal: in and got atuck. No itnests were made! ~e~iz~me~XAs Promo~ion~ Terry Sodcrbcrg 10riun Trcffrv 1 S'a ieRry ~~f N~r~irfI.i~ut~•n~i~ Larry MrGnire Tsg liuagli 20 r•eArs of kers-ice F n~ir~e~•r 1 CCfY 0 ~ pokane ~ Valleye 11707 E Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.10a0 • Fax: 509.921.1~008 • cityhall a()spokanevalley.orq . Memorandum - ~ To: David vlercier, City Manager, aiid Mcmbers of Council, From: iNina Rcgor, Depuly City Manager Date: April 24, 2007 Re: Quarterly R.epart - Summary of January - March 2007 Aclivities Human Rcsourccs Recruiting/Employment . • There are a number of neNvly filled positions and recent position openingsFollowing is the reeruitn,ent Slatus oF each position. 1'osilinlt Strr/t~s - . Administrative ta.ssistant - CenterPlace Filled Angie Harley: Sta.rt Date 3/12I2007 ~ .°~ssistali.t Fillee~ I~TaI \<<est (storater): start- dale 1119/2{l0?: ScOcniivat(Sr, Sfreets ' , . Street Position still.rccruicing- `3 , N ~I7cvclopmcnt CansCruction lnspector l;illcd Roclney Pegram: start date 2l28/2006 _ ,llt;vi:lc~prrieni Fngineer. ' . r. Positii~n Open and r'~d~~ertised - 1'acilities Worker- CenterPlace Filled Greg Smith: Start date 04/02/2006 ~ ';)?.(aiis Ltauiiuer (.7~) • _ . ~ ' . : .:Fillecl '1 otli Nli•lbourn: sCare clace 04i 1G/200G Limited Tercn Assistant Planner Filled Tavis Schmidt: start date 2/23/2006 ~ . = Cent6rP1acc Coordiiiator ' Considerinf, option5, T.nlervie~t~:s coiiduatccl ~Y....,.. r . s,....a..:; . CenterPlace HostllIostess-On-Call Positions are open and advertisecl. A pool of available • applicants is bei.ng s'ought for thcsc on-call positions; _ flccounking 1.'6cian : . ` ' ' ; - ` . • Pasition opeil aiy~ adv~rtiseti- ' . ' ~ OrGee Assistant II ermit Centcr) Pasition opea a.ucl ldvertisccl - .-~--~^x--'-~.a,...~ , „ .,...fa. ^.z h.^' .r^„~~yry~,,. _R~creti~~on .Assistants- te►.nporar.y : ' . . Pos. itions'opeii antl` aclvertis.cd " : : r._-. fi ,t~,.. Fldminiscracive Assistant Cansiclering candidates, .Replace Golman .CeciterPlace iempiarary posi[io»s: ~custodial 1 . ' , . Currzntly filled by teinporar>> agenc.ies: - - , ~ .(...~.-i_.a..__._.. - " « ' ' .-.._r..~...._.,.s~L......, Training • I4cld LDEN training Huinan Resources and Finance " lministration ~ • Researched and edited draft fldininistrative Policies and Procedures 1)cputy Cit}' Manager Quarterly Report - continued April 24, 2007 -2- Rusincss Plan • Held employee business plan orientation sessions • Canducted inission statement and SWOT exercises for eacll depa,rtment • Taiscussed com.mou themes at scnior stafF recreat Public Tuformation • • Coordination of community information for • F3everly Hills Stonnwater Improvcment pr4jec[ • 2007 major road construction projects including 1'incs-Mansfield, Appleway Tschirley to ' Flodgcs, and S,Lillivan I-90 overpass 0 Proposed 44"' Avenue path,,vay in Ponderosa neighborhood • Coordination of aiuiounecmcnt & introductinn of iiew police chicf , • Nledia rclations . • Media contacts - 89 • Media releases - 16 (does noi include holiday closures, traffic alerts, or cominunity calendar requests) •Earneci media - 45 (Ea.nied inedia are stories resulting &om media releaseslannounceinentskalendar rcquests) Business Rceistrstion . , ~ • 432 - New rcgistrations ~$22 - Annual renewals (Due a.n.nually in December) Web Site Web Site Summary ].st Quarter 2007 - I Januar_y ~ February ~ 1Vl.irch Year to llate I I I Unique User Sessions ~ 29,034 30,736 ~ 35,939 ~95,709 Tnp Five Pages Viewed Employmcnt ~ 4,935 ~ 5,436 ~ 6,1$2 ~ 16,653 . GIS/Maps ~ 726 ~ 887 938 ~ 2,551 ~ Communily Deve.lopment ~ 545 ~ 648 806 ~ 1,999 ~ Yolice ~ 631 ~ 655 626 1,912 ~ Publie Notices/RPI' I 528 ~ 559 ~ 498 1,585 Ton Five "Referrer" Web Sites Spokane Cotuity - Jobs 550 398 491 ~ 1,439 ~ Spokane County - Gov't Employment 384 364 3$0 ~ 1,12$ ' Municipal Research (MRSC) 212 ~ 150 ~ 192 ~ 554 voogle . 141 ~ 121 ~ 162 424 Spokanc Valley Online ~ 63 ~ 41 ~ 98 202 ~ S~i~ol~ane V 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VVA 99206 509.921.5000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org - rr-. - - - - .-r~_ _•r~ - r :c_~»: - ° - - ' : - : , . , Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, Ciry Manager From: - Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: April 10, 2007 ' Re: March Report - During March, finw-ice employees worked in the follpwing areas: T odainfz tax allocations - round hvo Fiuance staff revised the application for lodging tax D ants at thc lodging committ.ee's requcst. - Round two applicaiions will be duc to the City nn May 11. , . Budae.t variancelinvcstmenC reubrts R.eports sliowing a coniparison of rcvenues and expenditures; to our 2007 budget, at March 31, 2007 are attacheci. Staffprovides infonnacion on all fiinds quarterly. General Fund; Beginning Fund T3alance is in excess of oiir estimates. We have incorporated transfers to Ihe Service .T.:evel Stabilizatian and Civic .l aci(ities Ftinds into our 2007 aunended budget to set these ciollars aside for future use. ' 'Che investment rcport is also -attached for youur review. 2006 Comnrehensive annual financizl report This report is being prepaced for distribulion- to baiil:s, bondhplders, insurance cornpanies and others that have an iiiterest in our financial status. 2007 Amendments lo our budget `1'he cquncil has set a public hearing in April to consicier tiese uncndnients. ' Auclit of 2006 fiziancial statements The state auditor's office will rettirn in late June to begin the audit for 2006. , ; City of Spokane Valley General Fund % . Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended March 31, 2007 Seg. Bal. & Revenue hAarch YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: . Beg. Ftmd Balance $ 5,050,000 $ - $ 7,200,000 (2,150,000) 142,57% est. Property7ax 9,745,000 157,727 186,280 9,558,720 1.91°/a Sales Tax 17,686,800 1,311;'i90 3,300,443 14,386,397 18.66 Gambling Tax 910,000 26,084 26,084 883,916 2.87 1 Leasehold Excise Tax - 64 374 (374) - Franchiss Feesll3usine55 Licenses 724,170 '8,101 20,089' 704,081 2.77 1 Stafe Shared Revenues 1,121,000 134,687 134,687 986,313 12.01 Planning &l3uilding Fess 1,630,000 142,892 394,662 1,235,338 24.21 2 Fines and Forfeitures - 1,250,000 132,025 248,164 1,001,836 19.85 RECreation Program Fees 407,700 37,097 98,360 309,340 24.13 Investment Interast 302,800 53,326 120,951 181,849 39.94 Operating 7ransiers 80,Oa0 47,565 47,565 32,435 59.46 3 5 38,907,470 5 2,050,758 $ 11,777,619 S 27,129,851 30.27 Expenditure . Budget tvtarch Y7D Unrealized Percent 2007 E.xoenditures Exqenditures Expenditures RPalizeci General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 242,393 13,360 93,421 148,972 38.54 4 . Exec. & Leg. Support 881,554 64,097 178,021 703,533 20.19 pLlblic Safety 18,256,400 1,473,915 2,900,812 15,355,588 15.89 Operations/Admin. 1,467,808 89,760 265,325 1,202,483 18.08 PublicWorfcs 1,142,887 88,925 237,381 905,506 20.77 PlanninglCom Dev. 2,296,276 215,921 475,891 1,820,385 20.72 Library Senvices 20,000 - - , 20,000 - Parks & Rec. 2,085,186 121,235 343,483 1,742,703 16.46 General Government 5.156,000 475,316 892,931 4,263,019 17.32 $ 31,549,504 $ 2,542,529 $ 5,387,315 $ 26,162,189 17,08% 411912007 10:2aatvi SpQ~kane pUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ;,olOValley MONTHLY REPORT l March 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal Awarded the AAA sweeping contract and currently negotiating Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract. • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for their Wastewater Facilities Plan and beginning their RRP process for a new treatment plant. CAPITAL PROJECTS: • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending outcome of the SpraguelAppleway Corridor Sub Area P1an. Staff participated in Sub Area Plan c4re team meetings with consultant, the third public workshop, and the joint City ~ Council/Planning Commission meeting. • Street Master Plan Consultant continued their work on finalizing both phase 1 and phase 2. • Sullivan Road PCC Continued coordination with WSDOT. Project scheduled for construction in July, 2007. . • PinesJMansfield The County and State are preparing final designs of their respective areas of the project. The Gounty Right of Way Dept. is working on appraisals and on the acquisition process. The project is scheduled to advertise for bids in the spring of 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2007. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges David Evans & Assoc. is working on the final design. David Evans & Assoc. continued their work on appraisals and access agreements. This project will advertise in the spring of 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2007. • Barker Road Bridge Project Permitting, property acquisition and final design has continued. CH2M HILL is preparing the Environmental Classification Summary (ECS), SEPA and cultural resources study and other supporting studies. This project will advertise late in 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2008. CONSTRUCTION • CenterPlace Working on final project closeout. • Argonne Road Overlay Project Paving is complete. Permanent striping will be completed in the Spring. • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punchlist items remain. ' • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Approximately 15°k of the project will be carried over to the 2007 construction season. Construction began on Monday March 5`". Mainline sewer complete. Beginning placernent of crushed surfacing and Asphalt • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Mainline sewer construc#ion is complete. Paving is complete. A required sewer connection at the intersection of 4~' and Evergreen will be constructed the week of Ap►il 9'h. • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled in May. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The design is 100% complete. The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Awaiting a pre- construction conference. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The design is 100% complete. The bid opening is scheduled for April 18I'_ • Mirabeau Springs Deck Renovation Project The project was awarded to Modern Homes Construction. Construction is complete. ~ TRAFFIC: - • Began development of a signal pole inspection program with Spokane County. • Continued working with county on purchase of energy efficient LEDs to replace incandescent signal bulbs. • Flashing Beacon Grants for 2007 are due in May. Began preliminary screening of schools. • 18 - Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 25 - New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concems, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues_ STORMWATER: • Requested bids for stormwater improvements for the Beverly Hills neighborhood. Design was completed by Adams & Clark. Five bids were received on February 22, 2007. L&L Cargile was the low bidder. Construction began March 21, 2007. • Hired Assistant Stormwater Engineer. • Installed hour meters and troubleshot pump stations. • Continued inventory of UIC facilities and outfalls. STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fund):- - Through the end of March private contracts have invoiced $26,369 and the County has invoiced $547,096, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $573,465. The County has invoiced $2,434 and private contracts have invoiced $1,117, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $3,551. The overall total is $577,016 or 16.4% of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMENT New applications for March COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS • National Food Corp Addition • Avista's Gas Service Yard • Wttkopf Retail & Storage Bldg • Phoenix Qevelopment • Tracy Jewelers . • Petretee Self-Storage • Mega Wash Addition COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS • Spokane Water Dist. 174 sf pump house • Spalding Auto Imports 11,200 sf addition • Inland Empire Distribution Systerns 169,200 sf gravel yard • Townhouse Apartments 9600 sf townhouselapts • Redlin Storage Bldg. 3600 sf general storage bldg. • Bob's Transmission Storage Bldg. 2400 sf storage bldg. • Piano Store piano store • Aspen Village Addition 14 new car parks & 26 tenant stg Units • Rezin Childc,are Center 4,272 sf childcare center • Gray Homes LLC 4PIex Units 0 Grandview Pump Station Pump station and 420 sf bldg. • Wild Horse Saloon 49,200 sf restaurant • Argonne Rd Restaurants 4,200 sf for two restaurants FINAL PLAT APPLICATIONS • Inverary 31 duplex lots • McGuire SHP-21-06 3 lot short plat • Highmark SHP-II-OS 6 lot short plat • Klein SHP-1406 3 lot short plat BSP APPLICATIONS • Lowe's BSP-01-07 3 lot BSP LAND USE PRE-APPLICATIONS • PRE-14-07 4 lot short plat • PRE-22-07 5 lot short plat • PRE-19-07 4 lot short plat rr ~ . CITS ! po"kane ~Valley Capital Imprcivement Projects 2006 8 2007 PROJECTS Proposed EsUmated Design Constructlon 2006 (2007) Total Project Funding Road Construetlon ProJacts Project Location Bid Dala Completion Oate Complate Comploto Fundinp Cast 5TP(U) Argonne Roatf Overlay Indiana Avenue to Mantgomery Aveizue Mar-03 611f07 10096 9096 S 318,600 $ 31 G,6U0 Road Doslgn Proiocts l'IE3JCMAQ PineslMarisfieJd Project Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd., Pines tq 190 May-07 12l15107 9096 096 $ 1,032,015 $ 4,531,048 STP(U) Appleway Avenue ReconstruGion Tschirtey Rd. to liodges Rd. May-07 11115107 909U 0°➢6 $ 609,000 $ 6,099,568 E3R Barker RDad Bridge Replace+nenl f3arker Rd. at SUOkane River Dec-07 1211109 90'YO 096 $ 896,101 $ 10,000,000 Sewer Prolocts City Veradale He~qhts - Paveback Valleyway to PAIsslon, [verpreen to Adams Mar-OS 811f07 100% 9096 S 430,258 S 430,258 City Vera Tercace - Paveback 2nd to 71h, Ever,qreen io Bums May-US 511/07 10096 98°Yo $ 341,264 S 345,264 City Spaldfngs - PaveUack Indiana West oi Mnnt.ycmiary h7ay-07 11l1107 9096 0% $ - $ - Gty Grandview Acres - Paveback Apr-07 1111107 100% 096 $ - $ - City Ttenhvood - Pavoback Apr-07 1111l07 106% 096 $ - $ - . Planninp Prolects - STP(U) Vslley Corridor Environmental Study Universiry ta Apptevray Na Jun-07 0% 096 S - $ STP(U) Vapey Couplei - Project 2 Universlty to [vergreen Ogfi 0% Total $ 3,628,236 $ 21,718,736 STP(U) - Surfaee Transportation Program (Urban); 718 - Transportation Improvernertit Board; BRAC -Brodye Replacament Advisory Committee; CDBG - Cvmmunity Qevelnprlient Block Grant Proyram CMlLQ - Conge5Linn PAanagemenUAEr auality Program; S7A - Spokane Transii Aulhority Mar20C;•' ~trvction Rrojects i , CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2007 MONTHLY REP4RT LONG RANGE PLANNlNG: Planning Commtssion The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met tfiree Umes dunng the month of March end held public hearings on proposed Title 19, 21, 22 and 24. Sprague/Appieway Revitaltzation Plan Senior Planner Kuhta made presentations to the following groups this month - Washington State Depertment of Transportation; Spokane Valley Chamber of Gommerce Governance I Committee; Friday moming Republican breakfast meetlng. Scott Kuhta also prepared and negotiated a contract and scope of woric with ClearPath USA tor real estate advisory services CTED Collaboration Grant Scott Kuhta atteRrJed 2 meetings with area plannets to review and direct work on the collaboration grant. Studfo Cascade is contracted to prepare a repart that compares and ~ contrasts the metro area jurisdictians' development regulations. The report will be used ta asslst local jurfsdictions to negotiate interfocal agreements with Spokane Counry. Urban Growth Area Update Long Range Staffi continued to partlcipate in the update of Spokane County's UGAs by attending 3°Planning Oirectors' meetings during the month of March_ Area Planning Directars and technical planning staff are meeting regulariy in order to move the update through tte regional planning process. Staff also supported a regular meeting of the Stesring Committee of Elected Officials and a subcommittee meeting of the Steering Committee. CURRENT PLANNING: 2007 licenses 8 Permlts Issued „ - - - - - ~a - - - - _ _ - - - , / - - - - 5 ~ I 1 .im Feb I AAa• Apr htoy ~ Jun ~ !ig Avq I Sep I Oci ~ Mw Dea Z=1007 57 13 I 18 I aa ~ ae I 34 sa ( zs I32 35 24 ~21 I i9 so d! ?i~ !•1 3f :1 = _ :12 r? 45 "19 _P, " Monthly reveniie for the Planning Division totaled $25,830 in Marcfi Page 1 oi 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development March 2007 Monthly Report 2007 Planning Revenues i50.000 'a $40,000 $}0,000 SZQ,OOD 6 - ~ stonoo sa - ;an Feh Miv ADt11 1.1my ,luae July Aup 5a~t Qr.: Nov Qec p f7nwnue 2007 s ae+enye s^DU8 Rsrwnus 2005 Revenues generated by tho Planning Division are compared wtth the 2007 Budget appropriation in tfie table below. 2007 Planning Revenues Compared wlth Budget ~ I =r.~uef S7 I?7 l;"7 34•: 003 f63 uJi b94.UUJ S'OO.D}] 112U.:.'i; " p Actal'+'D Remne GAnnuel 8 udpe1 Ea1:- During the month of March Planning Division staff conductz.~ i u id ,,d I applicafion meetings and processed 11 home profession permits, 1 temporar; permit, 7 temporary sign permits and accepted applications for rezones, street vac:: preliminary short plats, final short plats and final subdivisions. Five public hearings were held in front of the hearing examiner in March. 2007 New Land Use Actfons 4i,1 - - - - - - ~ ~ . ~ _ - - 20 - - - _ _ ~ .len ~ Fzb Mar A:~r May Jun I Jul ~ nuy SLp Oct kou Dec ~ I I I ~ q«OQ7 ~ 16 27 I 17 c3EN200g 2n 18 ~ 30 i 41 21 1S 25 79 1~ 19 B ~ 8 I r 20 ~ 21 I t9 33 ~ 29 17 i 118 Pago 2 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development March 2007 Monthly Report BU/LDING OIVIS/ON: The Building Civision issued 344 permits in March 2007, compared with 353 for the same period last ysar. 2007 COMSTRUCTIOM PERYTi3 F.0 • s , y w ~w ur ~ ~w ~~ne ar e. ~ I 1 I I 1 I T77 ~ 1» 2x . Nt ~ 343 ' tq I t'J . :t7 n. 47: u: I 7n .o ~ u~ .r. 2047 New Structures/Unfts Permftted eu so ~ - 40 I 30 20 I 10 f- - I 0 Jon Feb I.Vr Apr Lfty June Juty Aup SeDt Ocl Nov Oec p New 1 d ZDwzlllna Units 26 32 53 ~ ■ Muttl-fami}y URitl I 1 D 0 Ch!:w Ce~ mcr--lal5lruefxc5 1 > ~ The Permit Center collected a lotal of $107,574 !n Permit and Plan Review Fees in March 2007 comparer.l with $131,893 tor the sarne period In 2006. 2007 BuYding Rnvenue3 I t::0:0 - - - - p2➢'u74erenutl crtO.OeE - i • :e.xa - - - _ . - - - - - - - ~ 2006 ~wens~ - - -+-mRS Rew+ue t~ L4~wi .I.:n :_Y +:1 =ett -'.t r.;:N: 1 he raported vaiue of canstruction, including iiow structures and additfons/afteration is shown in the (ollawing chart, camparing these values with 2006. New value for Macch 2007 totals .z,6,869,718. Pago 3 of 7 City of Spokane Vatley Department of Community Devetopmer<< March 2007 Monthly R :.n Dx ry rM.,- : ~0 oao :o: i: ~ OOO.Lt,: _ i:..---.~, i - • -,~~p7'Jduabcn S::r~GI.K•, - - ~ i . :+s ~OO~C,o: 0 20~]Q Vslu~Wtn i e aoasv.k,a!Ion; IS.OO0.0W a ~ .o, reD Yr Apr ►hy Anv J.iy Au0 Eept Oct Nor Ooc O A-nu31 P.r.vnnue Pro}c-,:nn , . _ E - . . - . _ 200,000 400,0G0 £GD,uOu 600,000 I,OOO,OL 1,200,001,400,00 1,64, n n n SrUP,CE 5pakanf. Velky Fkwoe Department In March 2007, building inspectors performed 1114 inspections in 23 days. This averar; 48_43 inspections per day. The P(ans Examiners revlewed 127 projects in March 2007. At + end of March, there were 13 projects awaiting revisw_ 2007 8uI1dIn3 Inspetllor.: r. , Ar wT ti. M : •N~ 1 L~~ ' s. c. ;~..:•.=:._a,.~ a- ~ .u ~•u i ~ C__~T~lspas.~ L•: 114 t7~ ! •an ,71 •~L I 1771 'JFS I ~,11 `7F. ~ _ t Y 6 n~ iii7+ Tharp v:Pr? ?8G riqht-ni-way inspections w?rf- pPrformed ci!jrinq the month of FJlarrh 2C - City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development March 2007 Monthly Report COOE COMPLIANCE: 7he number of "Violations Reported" on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code viotations, plus complaints received which were not violabons. The compiaints received are added to the total because they reftect Gme officers spent in the field conducting investigations. In addition, the "Investigated" and "Pending' columns accurately reflect Cocie Compliance's cuRent ability to process and invesifgate backlog cases. The following chart provides a monthty camparison of the types of Spakane Valley Code violations reparted. Violations ara reported based on the primary complaint received, rather than the number of additional vialations identified on any individual premises. The investigatian of a camp{aint of junk vehicles, for example, might also result fn identification of additional violations such as tiie accumulatlon of trash or harboring of Ilvestock. 1'hese are not inGuded in the summary. A total of 61 complalnts were processed in March. - - I - - - - - • I . _ _ . _ ' ' _ . _ ' , M1 ,•1.C} •I t i , I I ~ 1 I ! t I~~ _.I__!J'r~ . i_' - '.I . . ~ .lc, :u I; ct. Ns: U' i ■Vulal:nr: Re.u~:c:! 134 I 143 I 67 66 74 i 07 51 I 54 1 60 31 I 30 I bE I 7E ■Abeteme„t, ,oe es 13e ',ie 42 se 4e ~4s ~ as ao ~14 1e j e2 p File Tnrofera 0 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 I a 0 I 7 I 0 2 0 ePendingFilts 49 51 54 50 I 66 ~ 53 I47 ~ 41 ♦1 ~ 36 I 45 j 80 61 /1Aatebons Repocfed a Rbatements ❑FilaTrensien 0 Per.dlrp fdes ~ The Spokane Valley Pollce DepartmQnt, in conjuncuon with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned within ths right-of-way. SCOPE volunteets tag the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Activity is consolidated into the following six categories: Environmental (sewer/septic, critical areas, animal and nuisancc3 violations); Properry (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, [andlordltenant, illegal business and signage viofations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and househo(d waste vioiations); Clearview Triangle and Complaint - No Vialation. Page 5 oi 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development March 2007 Monthly Report 2007 Code Violations by Category SGU 80 60 40 - 20 o - - - - Jan-C- etj-C, Llru u' I,?yy-j- -J7 JuI C7 AUq•J7 c7 lic!-fi7IN0Y•07 DnG-07 I I ~ o c:omplalnt • Pb Vbla:iun I 11 5 I 7 I I I ~ I I ~ ■ Soid Weata ~i 7 11 ~ 16 n Junk A ucu I 6 5 I 8 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I ■(7ear Vlew Trianqle I t t 3 I I_ I I ~s Raparry 36 41 ~!7 Envhonmental I d I 0 3 i CUSTOMER SERVlCE Planning The Hearing Exarnt'ner hNld 5lanci use hearinys dunr,g M3rch. Ass~7stad 531 vraik in i:ustomer5 at the cnunter and handled with 454 customer inquires by phane in the permit center. Building: Pertnits Tho foliowing table summarizes the performance of the Permit Center for thase perrnits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that the application is deemed "counter-compiete" to the time that a permit is issued. Values shown are those on wfilch Plan Check and Building Permit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times. - ~ Mar-07 w m ~ Valua ~ q o a o 0 o NEW CONSTRUCTIQN M«eauue i1 I 44.00e.00 I18 1 15 I18 i REMODEL HasacaLAnsutuucx, I> >ao.ooo.oo I1 f 1 I 1 irdLncr+ai euudinxa I1 8,000.00 Iia Iia Iie Mcrcantile ~ 3 1 88.000.00 ~ 33 ~ 23 ~42 , CiffcPJProfessirn3l ~ 1 1 3.000.00 1 31 ~ 31 ~ 91 Pago 6 oi 7 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development March 2007 Monthly Report ~ The PeRnit Center has been tracking turnaround for Right of Way Permit Applicatians and the faxed Mechanicai and Plumbfng Permit Applications. At present ttte City responds to applicatiorts within 24 haurs, typically by naon on the follouring day. Permits for those application types are generalfy issued within two days. Building: Inspections (nspections are conducted the day folinwiny the inspeciion request except for weekends and holidays. Code Compliance Ail preliminary investigations ere conducied within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Permit Center T'here were no surveys retumed during the month of March. Pago 7 of 7 MFMO . ~ i TO: 1)ave Mercier, City Mana;er FROM: R.ick VanLeuven, Chief of Police George Wigen, Administrative Sergeant llATE: April 16, 2007 ' RC: Nionthly Rcport March 2007 Duruig the iiiontli of ZRarch 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) ulcidents for the Spokane Valley Police I7epartment totaleei 4,931. These are sel.f-uutiated officer contacts, as wcll as calls for service. Out of those iiicidents, 1,461 actual reports were takerl during the montli of 'March. Attached is the bre.akdown desci•ibing ttlose uicidents. A.dditionally, ttiere were 1,559 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 337 traffic reports. Licluded with this report are hotspot maps for March residential btirglaries, March commercial burglaries and March traffic collisions, along ' with February and March siolen vehicles. ADNllIN1S I'17A`1' BIE: ♦ R.ick Va»T euven was named as Chiei' of Police oF the Spokane Valley Police laepartment. I-Ie officially begaii his duties M~~rch 16 and on March 20 he participated in a"Meet and GreEt" session, prior td his Eirst oClicial altendance at the regular meeting of tlle City of SV , Council. "I fULuid the `Meet and Greet' session ta be a very gUOCI pragram to meet mid " make new contacts that will be very bene.Ficial in establishing community relationslups;'' said the new Cluef. ♦ Chief VanT e.uven and Sheriff Knerovich attended a l:ormal publ.ic he_aring on the possible closure of Pratt Elementary Schonl. Having bee.n involved for many years with E-dgecliff alid the Drug Endangered Cluldren (DEC) program tliere, Ctuef Vaiil,euven has a dcep interest and concern for tlus conunuiuty. ♦ On March 22 he attendeci a% day Senior Staif Retre<<c al C:enterPlace and found this to be very unformative. That afternoon he attended a program presented by the Gang Enforcement Tcam (GET) to command staff of the Shcriff's Office f'or the purpose of updating the staff on GL"1" goals, objectives tuld policies. 'I'he graffiti management policy has been revitalized and streamlincd to meet the needs of our community (see paragraph uncler "Operaticans"). "As the past supervit4r of the GFT, T. take a personal ownership interest in that group and Support the good work and investigat,ions they currently do in the Spokane Valley," conunented the Chief. ♦ I-[c met with the Judicially IntegratEd Ivlental Hcalth Solutions (J[MHS) ancl was aPpninted to represent.the Spokane Valley as a member of the T..aw and Justiee subcomnuttee. ~ ♦ 1-Ie also atlencleci a Conimunieations Jn.frastruetwre meeling, where he was briefed on this ongouig long-teinl project planued for the regiou. Page 1 ♦ 1-Ie has attended several rpll call sessions, where he has cammunicated with patrol and traffic deputics, expressiiig not oiily his own coniidcnce ai1d appreciation for their 4lltStAI1CI117u professionalism in providing 1aw cnforcement services tU the Spokane Valley, hut also pnsitive com.ments he has hcard from the Council and Management Team. ♦ Awards: Was recognized for past service by the Spokane County Drug Court Team. Chief Vaii(.euven has been very active in Drug Court activities and has been a frequent partieipant ui drug court graciuations. Was given a plaque in honor of his "coinmitment and dedicated service to the Spok.ane County Sheritfs Office Invcstigative Scrvices Unit (ISC.J), Gang Enforcement Team and as Commailder of the Spokane Regional Drug Task Force." COi4'1~~'1CTiViTY ORCNINTED POLiCING: ♦Neighborhnad Watch CQOrdinator Diana Somerville reports that the 2"d annual Crime Prevention Conference was held at Centcrl'lace March 6 and 7, with appro:cimalely 150 in attendance. Ten different non-proEit and rivo for-profit booths were set up to provide additional in{ormation on area volwlteer opporltmitics and services. 'lwelve diffiereni training classes were held an cach of the hvo days. During the lunch break, a new prUgram callcd MapYour Neighborhood (MXN) was introciueccl that will be starting in SpUkane County in the Cuture. Plans are in the works tor a lhird conference next year on the 4"' and S`" of Nlarch, and Cente.rPlace personnel has Agre.ed to having the conference at that , lpcation. Ms. Somer<<ille anci Crinie Prevention Officers will be revainping the classes and extendinD the way the conferencc is proinoted in the 1lopes of getiing a largcr community / busincss attendancc. ♦ Itick Seott was named in Nlarch as the new civilian SCOPF Taireeiur by the SCOPE Board of Directars. Scott began liis new position on April 16 and will bc working closely with the Sheriff's Office and the Spokuie Vallcy Police Dcpartmenl. Rick served as the Edgecliff Weeci and Seed Coordinator for five years, where he was active in community crime prevention awareness in the F'dgecliff ueighborhood. ♦ S9t. George Wigen provicied tours oP the police tacility to t~~vo groups of Cub ! Boy Scouts during the month of Iviarch. ♦ I'arents had the opportunity to ;et a digital phc~tograph of their children at hvo Operation Family TTa events held in March. Operation Family ID involves a ciigital photo;rapb and otller identifying information bcing placed on a disk that parcnts keep. 1.f the child ever ;aes missing, the dislc provides a current description of the child to law en.forcement iiivestigalors atld for an Amber Alert; should one become appropriate. Operation Family Il7 is a cliild safety program conducleci by volunleers involved in SCOI'E, the Sherii:7's Ca►nmuiuty Oriented Policing Lffor[. Thcre is na cost to parents who wish to take advantage of the program. Page 2 OPEItATTONS: •4 ♦ Equipment ViolatiUn Ends WiHi Arrest of Fargery Suspects For want of a cail lamp, two for;ery suspects' freedom was lost. Dcputy Je:ff Shover was patrollung the area of. Mission and Argonne w6en hc noted the tightin ; violation on a 2000 . Nlissau Alfima. He stoppcd the car ancl identified the two Gceupants as owncr rteidi M. Sander, 22, and Chadwick J.D. King, 31. Aware that Sander was a forgery suspect, Shove.r called Property Criiiies Task rorce Sergeairt Steve Barbieri to sce if she was currenily wantecl. 13arbie.ri advised ]Zim that he hacl probable cause to boak both Sander ancl King for Fnrgery. Subsequent to their arrest, Shover found Sander in possession of tv'=o small containcrs that held schedule 3 and 4 prescription drugs. Kuig posscssed a checkbook t11aC contained a small baggie of inethainphetamine. '1"he cieputy drove both suspects to the Spokaue Cpunty Jail and bookeci them on felUny counts of Forgery and Possession of Controlled Substance. He haci Sauder's car towed to the sheriWs vehicle processing station ttntil k3arbieri could obtain and execute a search wanant for the car. ♦ Barbieri said Thtu-sday tliat Sander is an aelive check fi-aud suspect who in January Forged alid cashed two checks, one for $735 and the other ior $190. Ne said he has nunzerous otlier forgeci and cashed checks tiat he will fonvard ta the prosecutor's office for charguig in the future. ♦ Task Force Nabs Third Murder Suspect Members of the Fastcrn Washington Joint Fugitive Task Force hxve arrested a chirci suspect in the Jtuie 2006 murder oC Se6astian L. Esquibel. Carlton J. Hritsco, 26, was ' taken uito custody and bookcd 'uito the Spokasie County Jail an felony counts of Aggravated Fixst Dcgree iMurcier and First Degree Kidnappule. Hritsco joins eo- detendatlts Levay Goff Iiurnham, 37, and Theoclore M. Kosewicz, 3$, who were boakecl into the jail on identical chargcs February 231d a.►}d March lsc, respectivcly. All three suspccts are being held on one million dollar bonds. Tnvestigators assigned to the FWJFTF developed ati adciress for I-Tricsco aftcr Homicide Dctective Jim Dresbacl: abtained an arrest wanant for the suspect. Task force members began surveillance on the liome and followed Tlriesco when be drovc away i.n his hrother's pickup. Spokane Vallcy Police Officer R}=an Sruith scopped the truek and made the arrest. Esytiibel's iarge.ly-decompused botiy was discove;red beneatli a pile of timLer slash by woodcutters in January 2006. The victim had becn shot in the liead and his feet were bounci by jumper cables. Dresback said the murder Occurred over a$700 to $500 drug clebt that was awed to i-Tc-itsco. '1 tie pistol used in the homicide was providccl b}o 'FTritsco as well. ' 0 New 477-GANG Ntimber `1'argets Graffiti "l he sherifPs office has rcvitalized the way it takes graffiti reports ancl has trained nearly 40 SCOPL volunteers to ciocument incidents of graffiti that occtir throughout Spokwie Caunty and the City of Spokane Vallcy. Resiclents can now call 477-CTANIC; (477-4264) to report graffiti; whether or not they feel it is gang-related. Callers shonld leave their namc; phonc nunlber, the location of the dfunage and best time kor contact by a SCOYL volunteer. The message line will be checkeci daily and the SCOPE Station nearest to the graffiti wrill be assigned to document and phoCograpll it. Voluntecrs will contact coinPlainants as quickly as thcy are able, in order to schcdule a time to respond to the complaint. In Page 3 addition to c4ocumenting the grafFiti, SCOI'E volunteers vvill offer suggestions about how to clean up the graf'fiti. Lxper.ience shows that leaving graffici in place promates ics sprcad. _ After documentation is complete, SCOPL volunteers will fonward the- iaf.orniatipn to the . !Spokane Gang Fnforeemetit Team (GL"1' for Proecssing. The new procedure shOuld better serve residents of Spokane Valley; allow SCOPL volunteers to be tnore active in addressing graffti as a neighborhood envirotunental issue, and free up patrol officers to ieSpqnd t0 tilore serious incidents that arc in-progress. - Graftiti repprts can also provide GET vvith informatian about growing gang issues as well. The 477-GANG number is a 24-hour servicc. SCUOTT,RS AND BIKFS: There were no scooter or bike collisions in Marcli. Yage 4 2007 MARCH CRIME REPORT I Mar-07 1 Mar-06 1107 to date 1 06 to date ( 06 Total 1 Ob Total 1 04 Totei BURGLARY '1 411 4611 1371 153 1 714 1 7441 997 FORGERY I, 33 281 1051 73 1 334 I 4641 485 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 1 98 691 2921 241 11 1,122 1 9041 1.224 NON-CRlMINAL I 671 8311 173 197 11 811 1 7491 916 PROPERTY bTHER 1 821 8011 222 241 11 982 1 1.1541 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES N 351 2911 821 6911 403 1 3331 390 STOLEN VEHICLES M 521 53 1421 131 711 1 8031 577 THEFT 1 177 136 4731 437 ~ 1,8881 2,2581 2.853 uiotc 1 1 zl 21 311 11 I 81 10 VEHICLE OTHER ~ 1 I 0ll 1 1 0 1 31 51 40 VEHICLE PROINLING 1 481 6611 1931 229 1 9371 8581 1,382 T6TAL PROPERTY CRIMES l 6331 69211 1,8321 1,77411 7,9161 8,1781 10,619 ASSAULT N 731 8711 1911 2101 8461 8941 880 DOAlSUICIDE 181 11 Ml 521 48 M' 1571 1591 184 DOMES7IC VIOLENCE 671 5311 2051 12211 7381 7621 755 HOMICIDE M 01 OiI 01 0 1 5 11 5 KIDNAP ~ 31 1 ll 51 6 1 22 351 24 MENTAL 1 381 3011 871 111 II 4251 4251 386 Mo M 21 91 131 2211 88 1 971 106 PERSONS OTHER I 106l 77 3081 2551 1,1591 1,2561 1.624 ROBBERY I 8l 31 141 101 581 561 58 T5-LEPNONE HARASSMENT 1 41 511 221 20 11 831 921 190 ' TOTAL MAJOR CR/MES N 3171 27611 895 802 11 3,589 1 3,7771 4,192 ADULT RAPE M 51 211 12 8 Il 291 391 37 CMLD ABUSE ~ 71 711291 24 11 78 N 101 l 128 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCEI 61 811 171 27 11 1051 881 205 SEX ktGISTRATION F 01 0ll 11 0 il 31 61 4 iNDECENT LIBERTIES 41 1 ll 8l 8 11 151 91 21 CHILO MOLESTATION N 41 711 91 18 II 691 671 77 CHILD RAPE M 01 91L 41 17 621 351 30 RUNAWAY N 281 35 641 83 309 1 3111 437 SEX OTHER 1 191 15 50l 43 11 203 1 1S1 l 182 STALKING 1 2 511 51 511 171 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON N 13 11 ll 32 45 11 1771 244 341 TOT §EX CRIMES 861 10011 251 278 II 1.0671 1.1081 1.475 DRU~L 871 581 212 217 11 685 M 8911 999 ISU OTHER N 1 I 0i' 1 0 il 0 l 01 1 TOTAL 1SU I d8l 5611 2131 217 11 6661 9911 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 1 3371 268 9011 732 3,345 1 2,4031 2,776 tOTAL REPbRTS RECEIVELI 1,4611 1,282 4,0921 3,803 16,582 1 16,3571 19,962 1 ~ ' - i~rh _7_ I . ; Ctars~n >~1 ~ ~ Farho~ AR ~t - JOS6 'G.~ ( ~ T Si f,~:• - 1~'-- i ~ -12 / Q n . r i-~ t sley _ Q ~ `~o! _ ~ ~ - ~1 ~ ~ •~I? 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T 1 , ~ • ~t,,. ~y~~D ~ ~ ~I i PP!(Q d \ 2151 q - ~ ~ ~-~a ' ~ ~ - 5 ~ t 31 el Tu ~ 0 Be1ie ~ rn G) 1~ ► r;~ S 44tn Stolvrt VaAlcle i~ ~ ~ LP th ~ 0 ` ! 441h ~ r n n nntc n Ol Lvw e'' ~Medlum 9 i~~esr J ~~o I~aha~~~ 1 s ~ OlH ►9h 10 2007 Februacy & Mareh Stolen Vehiele FIotspots Mep f'roclucxKt 11 Apnt 2007 , << ~ sle ~ fcx`~t ~oAT n ~;u;~ ~ C) 1 Gea,u:r~ ~ -~`j~~y'~~1~.~ j~ qc r ~~?1 _~-~oyE ~m~' E~ryd 1 ~ ~ t ~ ' -n ~ 1.^~ - i► 3 ~ - u i?^. '~`cp ~ a~ xo - = - ~t~g ~ ~.L`v' n °••a - ~ - ~ ~ tt~'~ + D~*ahaa~ o ~ ~i-r _ ~ ~n ~ T~ i. ;i r+ ' . - /s~ i'K, ~~~.C~ i~! , ~~71 t 4+ 5 s 1 ~}-~r ~ $ ~sr~' 111d~ . ~ k 'ZF • _ ~ ~\t !7 a=' ~ Y 41 . , Shink v lmw '~u ~ , ~1 . , . _ . ~ e~ < E319~d ~ - n ' ~ t. ` 11 li . a l lx~~,i• , r' ` c: - - - a 1 ~ ~ _ r=;_ ~a • , ~ ~ 1-• _ _ Y►'~ra,,, - s sz~ EZ 'LJUI ~ j ~ Tm~ q~~t f? ~~'s: i~~ ~ ° ste ~ 1~25121 t ~~r t GZ _t[-~ 31bi -n tV OBLOW loPAedium ':a,~ - - OHi9h ,aM pmduced: 11 AWtg 2607 , . 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Catnir n ~tOACw r~ ~ I,~ l 1 I ~Z'-' _ S~i; / ~ r_~kA - ~ c Lt c r rCe j _ E-1 • •.L~t'.klh - 7-~ _ _ m` . r ~ ~ ! m td ~ J~~ ~r dtlj s ~ ,~-_,.~qttt~ 11.' 8Ut h ~ r - ~ ~ ~ ~ e fr'~~ % f~', 8 ~ TJ 3 r, t- rn-T:71T 78lh m ~ ifi,_~q- ~tst Cj + ,'.,,~21 at ~ j 4r j-4 ~ ~ 25lk1 U~1 -th 1~ LA ~ ~ ? ; ~►E~ ; . ; F-f 4.2 t 3~= scsfrn,, cli T eatle T004 m, _ 4t ; N dam Cammor,cie► ButplBfy Q^ o J ?q~ MLaw ~ =Medium 2007 March Commercial Bu ~'High rglary Hotspots 140P >>rod,cev_ »APM 2007 , ~ ~ 7 o Z I ~ 7 • ~~~-~I 1 ~ S,uti ~C~ kU ~ o~'us i ~ : ~ _ ~ ' ~•n " ~ ~ . a ~ 1! Prn, z o a , ~s,ey a r I L a • ~ ~ t a ~ ..i,.:zr,n~ K, q c. ~ --4 j~I, r d EutkO ` tiu g _ CY0 ~ l_'J•' t;. D d~ ~ ~y~~~~.~ -:~-~'T ~ ..~iil. -ir~it ~ {ndlt1 ~ ~ - . ~ • f ' aaamp NItLa'r0 ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ I f~ Sha m Jk - 4 ~ r ~ ' S~ V C R i-~ ' ' ~ .Zi ~ . •1 i ~ _ 4 i _ ~ . _ '~t.~` ~Cuin A!k AUiu ~1f r _ 7 i7 9T ~ ~ • rd ~ ch0 ;U~ I~ Uf ~ tlUl~- N 'T~{ 1 i .~~:C~:I ~ ' - ~ ~ I ~ AU~T „ ~ ~ y~ ~1f1 ~7 ' ~ 1► r~ a : 3 r m r~..__. ~ T-~ ~ -•d I t' ` . c-: ~ • ~ . l• ltftn E •~~~j ~ f ~Z1a1 - ~ ~ ~ ~:y~/ J«-i Ap~ C7~`-~ ~ .1QRri ~ - ~ - - 25th m 'y$ rol 31s2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -j~~~ •:lj+~ ; 40 $Eutt . , ~~i-~--{ ,J : ~ `~J~ ~ ~ L~e 7 ~ -~~7ls,vi,~!_'~43r y 8at ►..~ar „B ~~aau, ^ N t~~ o tn ~xts~ .4au,__ cat~«n q bt n ` r"t ' 9 ~G o low Ir =Medrum Low MModium 2007 March Traffi • =Hi9h c ColLsion Hotspots Mk2P PrOduced.,,,,oi 2007 . S06kane jWIey- 11707 E Sprague Ave Sutte tAb ♦ Spokane Valtey WA 99206 509.92 1. 1000 ♦ fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhall@sWkanevaUey.ofg Memorandum To: Dave Mercler, Nina Regar, Members of Cdy Council From: Mike Jaccson Date: Apnl 19, 2007 Re: Parks and Recreation First Quartef 2007 Admin[stretlon xnd Paritr: •Mirabeau 5prings Deck renovation is complete. The dock and bridge has been repinced and new metnl railing was installcd. • Negotiauuns to purchase the Greenacres park property is in process. • lhe City's aquatics consultant nnd the Director participated in thres outdoor pool meeting wi1h tlie pubtic to g,ain inf'ortnation on future pool design. 7be anchitect will now go bACk and c:omplete conccpts based nn the discussians for tlic City to cvaiuate. •'Me City installed a peace pole at hiirataeau Springs which was purahased and donated by the Girl Scouts. The pole has words of pcace in severa) different languages. • Ncgutiatians are in process widi an architect for the re.~novntion of Va11ey Mission Park. • llie maintenance cenirnct far the parks was rcnewrd with Seaska for the third year. There wns a incnea.ce in fees for 2007 which wns the first cost incrra_5e since the contract began. • 85 park rescrvations havc bcrn tal►cn the fust qunrter uf this year which compares to 104 from 1~ yuarier 2006. A major reu.son 1'or the declinc in reservation is that Vallcy Mission is not bcing reserved this year duc ta park rcnovation oceurring this summer. T«•o ncw largc shclten will ; eplace the small shelter cumentty at the purk. The plnyground equipment is ttlso sc:heduled to be rrplac,ed. 2008 Parlc Reservatlons 2007 Partc Raservatlons 6t7 50 50 I- - 40 - - - ~ ao , 1 30 t~t- 9h 3~~ m fsl Qtr = 104, ~ V4r 20 - - ~ ip ? _[La.-~ o, ~ ~ a~ • I'urchased ctew clectronic cash ncgiswrs far the outdoor pools and in the pracess uf devcloping new cash hAndling procedures. • Rencwed Operution andMaintenancc for outdoor pool eontract witli Valley YMCA for 2007 ~eation. "I'he cr►ntrFSCi cctist was incrcased ty $1000. J CcntcrPWcc: • A draft uf the Centerl'lucr Marketing Plcin is complete. lt was presented to Council an April 17, 2007. Revisions will bc made based on Couneil inpui. • One CenterPluce Administrative Assistant vticancy tuid Mnintenance Wc}rker vacancy were fiUed. • Staff proc~esscd 167 CenterPlare reserv:nions in dic first yuarter 2007; 1 .1 of thcsc were for 2008. 39`0 5o6 89b ~ 0 88nque# I I 20g6 - ti `Yfl ■ ComrLnihr Event 2~ ❑ Fundra'sar 1 a, n ❑ G(BdUabOd1 TA_ 0 WnCe ■ Rrlvate Pdrty p Semrsar zw- ae70 ■ weddir,WFeception I I I 0 WorshQ Rccreatiuo: • 1'hc Rccreation Uivision developed and distributed the Rar.reatinn Spring rind Summcr Proe;i. Ciuide in the V311rN V,licc. • 1-hc 1;~ , , I , I :1war. • Chc 1; suttuncrs Meal k'rugrmn • Advertising began for Summer Recreation Assistant position. Senior Centcr: •'I'he Senior Center Spccialist attended the WSASC Cuntercnce commitiee meeting and board ineeting ia Sumner on February 12ie nnd I 3"'. • fn conjunction with Homc lnstcad Scnicx Care and Broadway Court Estatcs, the Seniar Ccnter SFrrcialist assistcd in the planning of'the Spoknnc VaUcy Rad [fat Lt►dies Itendczvots Evcnt hcld in March. Over 300 participunts attended fmm Missoula Montgiia to 5eatile and Culville, Uccr Park, Past Fnlls und Cocur d'Alcne. • I-he Senior Center Association is busily utiliring the greenhouse to prepare far tlle plant salc the tirst week of 1dny. Lnst year's sale was a great success with [hem selling out within a we-ek_ Procecds go towurds activitics st tho Spokane Vailey Senior Gtntcr. •The Association is also opening a cnfe in the lounge MondAy-Wednesday mornings starting in early ApriL They will be selling hreakfast items purchased from Rocket Iiakery and caffee. All procrxds will be used to sponsor Associutiun activitics at che Spokane Vallcy Senior Centcr (CcnterPlace). • ('nnt.racted%vith Thom.is, Dran ! Ioskin; t~) prrforrn a stahility ;tudy nn the n(d Srni(ir C'enter. f'1TS tlF PoRane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.100$ ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org f' 4.L i!.~9►" Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and members of the City Council From: CarolbElle Branch, Public Information Officer CC: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Date: Apri113,.2007 • Re: Public Information Activities for Upcoming Street Construction Projects Tltree major road construction projects will have an impact on community members this construction season, including Pines-Mansfielcl, Appleway Tschirley to Hodges, and Sullivan/I- 90. Assisttulce in gctting the information out into the community is being provided to the Public Works I7cpartmcnt. Below are outlined the activilies to dace and those that. are planned. As WSDQT is the lead agency f'or the public inforiuation efforts on the Sullivan/I-90 project, r havc hcen coordinating with their Public Infnrmation Offc;er A.l Gilson on sotne jouit inforrnation e.vents on all three projects. Al is coord'uiating all other Sullivan public info efforts. Important to note is that our eciginecrs have been coordinating with WSllOT tO ensw•e that lane restrictions/closiires for the i'incs-Mansficld project will be timed so that lhey'do nol pceur duiuig the July 9-31 closure of Sullivan Road. Date• Activity Sullivan F'incs- Applcway Mansficld 9/26/06 Meclia releasc sent on Ueeober 5, 2006 OPen x House on Pines-Mansfeld project 10/5/06 Opcn Hause on Pines-Mailsfielcl projecC at X CenterPlace 01/01I07 Jatiuary - l3egan inentioning thcse thrcc X X X prQjects e.ach time tal(c to meclia to let them kiww we'll be needing all the help they can offet to get the woi-d nut to the cmmniunity 2114f07 Met witli PIO A1 Gilson nf WSDOT to discuss x ' X x joint public information efforts for Sullivan, _ Pines-Mansfield, Apnleway p.rojects 2J14/07 Pr.ovided location maps and prnject sum.macy X X itiforination for incltision iu the Spokane Regional Coiistruction Map . Page 1 of 3 Datc Ac.tivity...continued Sullivan Pines- Appleway Mansfield March 07 Posted link to WSIaQT Sullivan project X descriptiou on tnain page of Spokane Valley websile 3/29/07 Request sent to media asking that chey inclucie X X x the 5/16/07 Open kTouse in their community calcndars 4/5/07 Arranged Comcast Local Fdicion interview of X Louis Craf on Piues-Mans:field project. 4/11!07 Madc presentatiou to Spokaile Valley Business X X x Association witli Engineers Louis Graf anci Steve Worley, and WS170"1' Lngineer Robert ]31ege.n - 4/12/07 Spokanc REgional Coustruction ma.p released. X X X Copies will bc available at City I-Iall, Library & . CenterPlace (limited supply For Spokaiie 'Valley of. 200) 4/12/07 Participated 'ui inedia conference on R.oad X X X Constnictiou Ntap Release with SV Fngine.er L,ouis Craf.and representatives from City nf Spokane, Spolcanc County, 1WSD01 aiid City nf. Spokane Valley alerting cilire.ns to major pr.ojects, dates & suggested delaLu-s. ' 4/19107 Steve Worley interview on Comcast Local X Edition on A.pplev<<ay Tscliirley to Hocige:s. 4/26/07 Neil .K.e.rsten making presentatipn [o Greater X X X Spokane Valley Charnber of Conime.rce TransPortalion Commiitee meeiing to provide a , brie~ing on the projects 4/26107 Story on Sullivan, Pines-Mansfeld; Appleway X X X for Greater Spolcane Vallcy Chainber of CommErce newsletter 4/31/07 Web pages on Fines-Mans:Eield, Appleway go X X onto ,N-ebsite with projects iiotice & liiil:s on Homc YagE throughout construction period 4/31l07 Mediz release remindiue of projects aud X XX announcing wcbpagc postings for project updates 4/31/07 Finalize brochiires on Pines-Mansfield & X X Appleway projects 4/31/07 Provic.ie SVBA wilh summary Of Pi.nes- X !Y . Nlansfield & Applcway projects for distribution to their email list 4/31/07 Public Works will install project signs at ihe Y X ; ends of each project area alerting the public to . the upcoming construction Page 2 of 3 ll:tte Activify...continued Sullivan 1'ittes- Appleway Mansficld 4/3I/07 Hot Topic Commtuzil'y Newsletter focus an X X X road construction. Copics distributed through City Hall, Library, CenlerPlace and link frqm webpage 5/4/07 Distribute copics of Yines-Mansfield & X X Appleway brochlLres to Library; City Hall; Chamber, and Center,Place 5/16/07 Qpen House scheriuleci on Appleway, Pines- x X X Mans(lield, aiicl Sullivan Scheduleti f'rqm 4:00pm ta 7:00prn at CenferPlace in Room 107/I09. WSDOT will also be on hand. S/l 6/47 Roundabou[ driving info on website with link ri-Uin f.'rpnt page 5/16107 Media releasc on x Montgon•iery/Wilbl►rl'i\,tansfield roundabout and uiformation on drivuig in roundabouts 2 .veeks I'ublic Works vvill be uistalling variable . X X before message signs ale_rtuig motorists to start dates & project start to cxpcct delays 2 weeks Joint clisplay ad in Spokesmail Valley Voice, Y x X ~ before Liberty :C,ake Splash & Valley News rIerald to prqject start alert tq pro.jects. (City cpvering cost) 1 wcck Includc updatcd information & traffic x X before delay/detotir information in wceldy traffic alert project siart t4 meciia 2weeks Send meclia release reminder about restricticros Z before R reeommended detnurs critical closures of Pines- Mansfield Week n.E Cui-rently discussuig possibilities of live remote 7i ' critical lane television Uroadcasts with ICEZCIv1, KaTY.Y & restrictions hl-1Q alcrting to lanc Tliroughout Post upda.tes on project to website X X projects '1"tiroughout Continuc including traft~c delay/detour in . 1C 1 projects Nueekly lraffic updaCes , ~ _ Page 3 of 3 - S~'~okane . p ,;OOOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cityhall@spokanevalley.org - . . . . _ . , , . ..:01 „ • . ~ : Memorandum - To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager CC: Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Date: April 18, 2007 Re: Customer Service Improvement Plan: CenterPlace CenterPlace is Spokane Valley's 54,000 SF regional events center 1t Mirabeau Pouit. Une wing houses the Senior Center, and the Commiunity Collegcs of Spokane also leases a portion of one «+ing to ]louse community and regianal eciucation classcs. 1"he Parks &Recreatiou Department sta .ffs CenterPlace. It is also responsiblc for parks • developnlent and iiiaintenance; recreation and aquatics; and Senior Center services. `l"his - tliemo does ilot address thpse area.s pf responsibility; including the staff. ` LCistorv ' CenterPlace was one of the ch.ree public facilities approved by voters in Spokane County in May 2002, the same election in which volers approved thc incorporation of Spolcanc Vallcy. 'I'he CenterYlace concept liad beeu the result of a lot ot hard work over the y=s by many voluntccrs. The new City assiuned responsibility for the oN&qierstup of CenterPlace, including construction and management. The fsciliry opened in September 2005. , Thc issuc Therc are maiiy e:cpectations of CenterPlace, some of which may conflict: • • lt is intended to service the iuunediate community, but it's also intended to actively attract use frotn the broader region (as far east as weslem Montana); • It is intended to support itself tlirough fees lo the greatest degree possible, but it's also uitencied to be as cost effective as passible f6i- cpmmunily users. In the eighteen months since lhe faciliry opened, the City has monitored its fee stnichire, _ policies, and procedures in an effort to balance the disparate needs. _ ~I Customcr Service Improvement Plan: CcnterPiace, continued April 18, 2007 Page 2 of 4 . Kevenue and Lxpenditure Prolections ' The City arialyzed a multi-year pr.o F4rma in order tA decide whether or not to move fonvard with CenterPlace. "1'hat pro forma estimated a$319,000 deficit between direct revenues and expenditures for 2007. The pro forma used conservative estimations. Thc appeal of CenterPlace has created a reality that has far outpaced those projections: . 2006 (Annual) ~ 2007 (1S` Qtr) Revenues $374,246* $1$0,721 Expenditw•es (378,839) (1 50,795)** Difference ~ (4,593) ~ 29,926 *2006 events only; **Budgct • CentcrPlace Stafting - Fvents may be scheduleci from 7:00 a.m. until midnight, seven clays aweek. Cente.rPlace is enjoying a surge in ciemand - its reservations are significdntly higher than projected in the pro forma, and this is an upward trend. The eveiits held f-or thc first quarter of 2006 camc to 76; for the same period in 2007 there were 145 events. This upward trend is, expcctcd to escalate. T}ie City is evaluaiing a marketing plan ta help target certain types of use. Upon f.ormal adoption; the marketing plan may recommend additional resources which are not considcrcd in tlus memn. When CenterPlace opened, there was a small crew in place; the City planned to augment the staffwith volunteer andlor temporary hosts/liostesses. This model was adnpted because the City was unstve how great an iniiial demaald there would be for Centerl?lac;e until marketing ancl ward-of-mouth eould build for t,he facility. As a restdt, the City's initial stxffing model is not sufricient to meet the service expectations o.f CenterPlace's customers in the lorig-tenn. '1'his custamer service improvetnent Plan praposcs aii alternative staffing inodel for the i•'acility. As part of ihe 2007 budget process, stafl' proposed adding a sceond tldmulistrative - Assistant to foc:us on reservations and direct event assistancc. As part of that proPosal, staff coiiunitted not to fill the CenterPlace Coordinator p4sition at the same time while we assessed that approach to satisfying custqmcr service. An evaluation of the activity level ha,S led to the covclusion that the second Administrative Assislant is needccl in addition to an overarching coorclination. Staff proposes refocusing attention on direct custocner needs by rcplacing the CenterPlac.e Cpordinator position vvich a Lustomer Relations/Pacilities Coorciinator. . Customer Service Impruvement Plan: CentcrPlace, eontinucd ' April 18, 2007 • Pagc 3 of 4 r _ . P 6& 'os CenterPlace Coorrlinalor 1.00 . 0 Custonter Relution.c/Fucilities Cnnrdinrrtor 0 1.00 ni rtiist'iatNe, _Flssist'hnt_~- 2;00'_ Tutal 5.00 5.00 Thc purpose of the Customer Relationsil=acilities Conrdinator position would be to facilitate the smooth operations necessary for success[•'ul events; as well as transitivns between events. He or shc would liave t)le fallowing major responsibilities: •Work closely with cvent presenters and user groups to enstu-e mutual understanding ofevent needs and facilit}r capabilities; . • Act as a lead worker over the hvo CenterPlace Administrative Assistants, who accept and process reservations; • Assure readi_ness of' items needed for events iu the facilily; • Inforcn groups utilizing the facility as to thc niles, safety precautions, anci policies required during the event; and •Account for event billings and receipts, and maintaul accounting and statistical records a.s requireci. The folloNving organization chart sl1ows the cffect of tlus proposal. Spokane Valley CenterPlace . Proposed Organization Chart 4/18107 M(ke Jackson - Parks 8 Recreation uireGtor f ~ I I Ir Maintenance Cust. Svc./Fac. , Worker (2.0 FTE) Coord. (1.0 FTE) I i Admin Assistant (2.0 F"fE) ' 1 J Customer Service Improvement Plan: CenterPlace, cuntinued • April 18, 2007 F'age 4 of 4 Cnst and l+undinp- of Propos.il The proposal cloes not change the rTE count for CenterPlace st.affing. This proposal can be funded within current budget allocations; and would actually result in a budgetary savings of 4,000 wlule increasing customer service. Yosition FTE Annual Cost Custorner Svc/Facilitics Coordinatdr 1.00 59,843 C.enterPlacc Coordinator (1.00) (73,856) Total 0 ( l4,(l 13} S cury p6lZa-ne ~ Valley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spolcane Valley WA 99206 509:921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org - - - . . _ • . . , • . V. Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager, and Members of City Council From: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; CC: Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Date: April 24, 2007 . Re: Shoreline Master Program Grant Application °l he Council adopted the Comprehensive 1'lan Apri1 25, 2007. Part of Cliapter b, Environmental Controls is the Shoreline Master 1''rogram. Cun-ently the City has adoptcd an Interim Shoreline Prpgram fxom Spokatie County. . ThiS pIan is 30 years old and in desperaee need of updatuig, wluch the County is'cun•ently ui the process of doing. Jauruig the ~"vriting of our Un. iforni Developmcnt Code; a draft of a new Shoreline Master Prograui was submitied fdr review. At tliat tiiue, based on commenLS f.'rom the I)epartmcnt of Ecology, Planiung Coinmission anci StafY it was decicled to hold the proposed draft for further developnzent. Staff recently received noticc from the Departnient of Lcology (D0E) of a Competitive Funcling Crant for the Shoreline Ma.ster Progain. A grant fram the DOE would allow the hiring of a consultant to assist in a mare detailed inventory of our shoreluies. The City will be able to collaborate with the County in t11c worl: that they have already done in cllis process and to expand its public piu-ticipation process. ' Tbc following is frotn the IaOr cvebsice regarding the Grant: °In December, 2003, the DeparG112nt of Ecology adopted new 5horellne MastPr Prooram Guldellnes. Over the next decade, clties and counties across tlie state (about 250 in all) must update Cheir shoreline master programs to be consistent +vith the new guidelines. Local master programs regulaYe new development ancl use of shoTelines along rlvers and larger streams, lakes over 20 acres and marine waterfrarits wllhln their jurisdictions. To date, 48 iurisdirtlons have •received stake anci/or federal funding for comprehensive shoreline master program up[lates. 7he 2067-2009 grants program w(II Pund shoreline master program updates for local governments throughout VJashington State. The grants will provide 100% funding (ma[ch encouraged, but not requfred). Only projects that result in a comprenensive shoreline master prograni update will be considered. Project appllratlons will be evaluei.ed by a team wlth expertise in shoreline planning. The evaluaCion team will score applications based on sev=rel evaluation c_ritPria, The total available funding is yet to be determfned and tivill be dependent on the outcome of the state ~ budgeting process for me 2007-2009 biennium. 4+Jc anticipate that $4.5 million will be ava(lable For grants in , this funding round. ~ Sharcline Masfer F'rogram Grant Application, continued April 24, 2007 F'age 2 of 3 ' Some oP thes2 Funds will be directeci to jurisdictfons that were unable to complete ttieir updates cJuring the previous biennium.'Additionally, jurisdictions required'l'o update in 2004 {King County and aII Cities in the County with populations over ]0,000) %vill receive funding. The remaining funds will be awardpd on a competitive Uasis to other jurisdictions volunteerino to update their SMPs ahead al schedule. VJhite we arE unsure exactly haw much funding vaill be available Por the competitive funding round, vre anticlpate that it will be behveen $1 antf $2 roIllion. Ecology has prepared a overvietv documenl' tttat provides more informatioit about these and other facl'ars thal are drfving our grant Punding allocation and timing decisions. As the documarit indlcates, Ecology anticipates that each local Shoreline P9aster Pragram update avill require three years to comple'e. GranCs currently available in the 2007-2009 grants program will therefore fund the first tvro years of vaork, t•rith the Fnal year to b= Euncletl in the subsequent biennium.° Staff is working closely ~uith the T~epartmcnt of Ecology coiitact i~or shorelines, Dou~ Pineo, to get this grasit vvrilten with all the required lan~uagc and submitcecl beforc the deadl'uie of April 27, 2007 in order to compeie for wtiatever ninnies might bc available ari.er the requircd Shoreline Master Prograrri issues have been taken care of. s"lrY`okane ~ 490;000 Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cftyhall@spokanevatley.org - , . . - . - m Memorandum . To: David Mercier, City Manager and members of the City Council From: Mary Kate Martin, Building Official Cc: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Date: 04-13-2007 Re: Building Move to 7721 E Trent-Permit Application #07000066 , T)urii-ig the public comment period of the Apri_l 10, 2007 City Couneil meeting; Pat Breithaupt represeutuig Phoenix T)evelopmcnt addressed the Council regar.ding thc ahove ref-erenced project. 11ie application has beeu revicwed twice by staff and Public VVnrks cievelopment review staff are awaiting site plan corrections from the applicaut. Planning and Building division review staff havc approved the plan.s.' 1'he chronology for ttus project is as follows: Jan,30, 2007: Pre-application uiecting - Feb 15, 07: Supplem.ental meLting to clai-ify applicants questionslconccrns March 23, 07: Perinit applicatiAn received latc PM March 26; 07: Pennit application to all reviewing staff April 2, 07: Various phone and in-person contacts wilh project representatives Apri13, 07: ROtiV perinit application received April 4, 07: Building plan review completed (}?latis notated extensively and pern-iit conditions identitied) R.eceived Spokane Valley Fire Departmenl approval via email Planning cominEnts to aPplicant Request for rcvisecUadditional information liom public works developincnt reviewer for devclopment permit 'wid from traffic enbineer fbr iZ0 W permit :lpril S, 07: Public Works camments to applicant ' Additional contact from traffic engineer for approvable traffic plans Verification that plans are not sufficicndy complete to meet 95% approval level$** forfaundationpermil flpril6, 07: Phone contact with applicant by senior cngineer, building official, lraffic engincer; coordination wittl ll0"r ~ . Apri19-13, 07:Multiple daily contlcts between applicwt, applican['s enginccr aud . various City staff including senior permit specialist, planning and - public works plan reviewers, traftic enginecr; building off cial ' April 10, 07: Received revised pl.ans from applicant at 4:58 PM April 11, 07: Seeonci revicw by placuung anci public works reviewers April 12, 07: Planning approves construction application Traffic engineer approves traffic plan for CZOW pe.rnlit Public VVorks plan review provictes second round cpinments April 13, 07: ROW permit issued aftec verification of uiove scliedule by applica.ut Apr.il 15, 07: Builcling is successf.ully moved to 7721 E Trent. ***95% a.pproval signifies that the plan details adcquately demnnstrate that all code requirements cau be inet on the lof with no sigtuficant relocatians or changes to the builcling footprint, lol access, strcet unprovements, parking, drainage structures etc. The plans may not yet contain sufficient dctail to deternline if specifc criteria have been satisfied, for eYample: plaiitings, minor site details for pazking and circulation, scnall adjushnents to drainage facilities, ctc. At 95°/u approval level, staff has deteriui.ned that t•he site is approvable and conEident thc remaining iteins can be setcled with rninor adjustitients to lhe site plan inforitiation.