2007, 05-01 Study SessionCITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AGENDA JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ SPOKANE COUNTY CONE IISSIONERS MEETING S 111DY SESSION Cuesday, htay 1, 2007 6:00 p.m CITY BALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue (Please Turn Off All Electronic Devices During the Meeting) ,[Dint ~uncL~Cotnmic~ioners Agendu Its; I . Discussion/Presentation: Wastewater Treatment Financial Planning. Rates Study - Bruce Rawls, Spokane County Utilities Director Break Regular Spokane Valley City Council Action/'S'tudv Session Issues: Action Ifemu 2. Proposed Resolution 07-005 Repealing Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012, Contract Limits - Cat) Driskcll (public comment] 3. Motion Consideration: CenterPlace Customer Service Improvement Plan - Nine Regor (public comment) i u1ar.5iu9>tgitems: 4. DiscussionlPresentation: City Indicators - Patrick Jones 5. Discvssionll'resentation: Pruposcd 2008-2013 Transportation Improvement Program -Steve Worley 6. Discussion: Advance Agenda Changes - Nlayor Wilhite 7. information Only (will not be discussed or reported) a. Grant School "Lone Flashing Signs b. Customer Service Improvement Plan Administrative Support 8. Discussion: Council Check-in - Mayor Wilhite 9. Comments: City Manager Comments - Dave Mercier 4olr. tiniest otherwise noted, there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. lirrntww, Council always reserves the right to request information fron► the public and staff ad appropriate. Na•t•IM, Individuals plaruatrg to ancnd the meeting who requite specud assaumce to xccmurwxU= physical, bearingr at other unpairmmts, please cones the City Clcrk at (509) 921-1000 as soon n poaubie so that wranacments maybe made StWy ticstim Agenda, 05-01-07 Pape I of 1 "Y $i'CKAfgCL~W"t %V WMVATER. •FLVANCIAL PLAN-'': • . MTE STL-DY SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF UTILITIES Wastewater Financial Plan and Rate Study Preliminary Results Joint Meeting Spokane County Board of County Commissioners & City of Spokane Valley City Council May 1, 2007 0 w i Why a Rate Study Now? Last comprehensive rate study in 2001 ::FI .NCL1L'PIAN,'; ■ Faced with significant capital costs related • •ANDr , - to: • Septic elimination system • water quality improvements at RPWRF Constructing treatment plant capacity for county . Regulatory dissolved oxygen TMDL costs Replacement of collection.system ■ Rate study will evaluate sufficiency of funding required to meet wastewater financial obligations Fags 2 R-1T-W How are Wastewater Costs Funded? Capital Program Operation Debt Capital + WNW, CoCodon, Maintenance, Repaymont' Replacement tl:ewnter n~r~ ConstLZrnn r'rogram Costs - - - 1- - - - .I I Loans, Grants, Pdathad Aquifer Protection Area Fee (APA) Funt ng Source Outside Souroe • General Facility Charge • W%al Fatties Ra- to Nuoi Custonu3r Swu Service Charge Waste eater Treatment Plant Charge Existing Ratepayer rape 3 4-17-07 n°X Overview of Financial Plan/ Rate Study Process ,s;E,..;~n ■ Develop multi-year financial plan that ' FIN INCUL PLAN. evaluates sufficiency of current rates • Operating costs ' • Capital costs • Alternative funding methods • Rate implementation strategy 7 4 ■ Cost of Service Equitable allocation of costs based on customer ( demands placed on the system _'`f~ fib, ~iS • Cost,based user rates Page 4 4-17-07 2 . , %V S=NVATER , • ,-FI~A."CNL PUN • - RATE STUDY . Financial Planning Assumptions ■ Growth: • STEP Program: Additional 9,700 ERUs (2007 -2011) • New development ERUs assumed at 1.1% per year over 20 years ■ Inflation 3% per year ■ City treatment costs account for adjustment of excise (utility) tax • County treatment costs begin in 2012 ■ GFC Increases to full cost in 2008, held until 2012, annual inflation added thereafter ■ CFR held at existing level + annual inflation Pago5 A-rib7 'RA'fL51t]I]Y Operating and Maintenance ■ Supported by ongoing monthly sewer service charge - currently $21.00/month ■ • Supports • On-going operations & maintenance of the collection system • Treatment capacity payments to the city • O&M of county treatment facility in 2012 • TMUL oversight committee participation • Replacement projects - collection system • Water conservationlbio-solids mgmt plan/water reclamation study • Operating reserve =10%of annual operating °e6 expenses t-t7-07 3 Projected Operating Fund 2007 2008 2009 2010: 2012ir- 2015 Revenues t " Operating Revanuos (currcnl rate.) 510,726,380 $11,119,65.9 S11,561,342 S11,003,389j'$12,888;574, 513,981;243 Intaml L Aliscella=us Revenue 951,100 1,048,873 1.039.070 1.043,982! 1.066s.7. 5. 1•:tXl8.8I4 Total Operating Revenues $11,677,480 $12,108.562 $12,800,412 $13,037,371 S13,90.3S9 $14,1380.057 Expenses City'I'rearmantCost - $4,947,923 $5,271,622 $5,645,437 30,032,0931,.$1,655,5301 'S2,533,$ 2 County Troa:mcnt Cost. 0 0 0 0" 5,7 59,9171 9294,0;7 0 Operaliom d Maintenance 6,550.968 7,103,847 7,707,895 8,237,62 0'37s.295 I t,i?8,7!19 TIADtIBlosofds/ConservlRodamation 600.000 1,325,000 1,450,000 1,250,000•' 150;000; lvoc0 Replacement Reserve 0 0 0 300,000] 1,703.000+_ 1.750.0" . Total Operating Exponsos $12,098.891 $59,780,489 514,600,327 $15,619,7131 $18,050,742! $21.8S3,8a21 Shortla7 ($421,411) ($;,611,907) ($"2,202,915) ($2,782,342 44-093,383) '(56.871,84:) Required Rate Adjustmcnt ) 3.93% 14.50% 19.0.5% 23.20% 49.52% Fund Uhnce to I-verve Rate Inn. s0 S700,000 $225.000 $0 SO 50 RcvAsedShortlall (5421,411) (S9it,907)($1,977,915) (S2,782,342)~ ($4,093,383)1 .*,873.64i) Required Rate Adjustment 3,93% 8.20% 17.11% 23-LO'l5 31,70%L 49,52% Qropo of Ratn-Adiuslrn~,it 0:00 4} 6 2096 r ..6.2J'6 _ 5:2015 3.55% 4A7% 'Prooosed Rates, , - • - - <S2t:06 S22-72 ' 524-59- 525.87, - S21.67 , 531.40 • City Treatment Costs 2007 $1,517 rrgal increased by inflation (3%) and ad)usted for excise (utility) tax • County Treatrmer'd Casts 2012 $1.9731T18al increased by inflation (345) • Rep!aoement mseve delayed short tenn to fund Bfosolids,tcamelvationheclamation, phased back to dun 2010 • Fund balance used t0 ease rate transition in 2008 and 2009 -177--077 "a cow. Y R.1•I-E STUDY Capital Program - Revenue Sources ■ VVWTP monthly charge - Currently $6.68 • State Grant of $3.75 million per year, ending in 2014 ■ APA funding ending in 2025 - assumed at $2.5 million 2008-2011 (reserves spend down) and reduced to $1 million thereafter ■ Bond/loan proceeds ■ GFC revenue (new development) ■ CFR revenue (septic elimination program) - Page 8 4.17-07 4 - Capital Program - Debt Funding STEP costs require an additional $24.5 million in G.0 bond debt through 2011 }vtisit.An~t _ SCWRF and RPWRF borrowings total $138.9 million through 2013 • $65.5 million G.0 Bond (5% interest) ' St • $73.4 million SRF ($8 million 1.5% interest, all other at 3%) Program 2009 2008 2009 2010 2411 2012 2013 Tatnl O.O. Wild $9,918 . £5;193 $9,141 $4,893_ $2,419 SD £0 224,5& -Treatment - G.O.03 nd • 59,160 w So 5312,052 $24,910 SO SO $55,52: SRr• . $1.906 :6.50.'1 512.990 •St 980 £12.9160' 512930. 512.960 $7340( T&31 TiWjnt , 3$ I.CCa. £0.000 512,980. 545,032: 537.29J• 512,Q30 512.800 $13x,02: T661 MI $19,977 511,793 516,121 549.915 $39.710 $12,990 312.900 $163,47E Page 9 4.17.77 f L i ±lf Capital Program - GFC Funding Billed to each new customer connecting to the W.~S~~INIKYftll sewer system - Currently $2,5101ERU ::-~FiA?ut,Ui Yi.N ~ y °'`D"' ` ■ Calculation in.cludes both existing and new 'RATE SI'UDl"' infrastructure capacity available to serve growth ■ 90,000 ERUs supported by'capacity (18mgd at 200gpd per ERU) Growth ERUs applicable to GFC 45,326 Calculated GFC $3,632/ERU STEP GFC capped at $1,885 -($2,510 less 25% subsidy) ■ 10 year average of $2.1 million per year Pa,e 10 t' g 4-17-07 5 = 1A CFR Program - STEP 5`Q1 ■ Billed to each new customer inside a .;FIVA4C 1L P1AN_.', program area RATi§f[ DY • Includes program cost + GFC • Current charge $5,395 ($3,510 CFR +$1,885 GFC) . ■ Fixed CFR at existing level plus inflation r~ for remainder of program (2011) plus Capped GFC xri4~' c,µ Capping GFC @ $1,885 results in additional $0.75 on :3Itl WWTP Charge Page t1 4-17-07 .1~aST'ERGTER FINAIiCNb PL1K Y , IiA'~'1'$Y1fIfYV a] Page 12 4.17-07 Summary of Capital Costs Estimated Capital Costs 2007 - 2016 CFR Program Costs $87,871,000 Riverside Part Water Reclamation Facility Projects $47,170,000 Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility $108,135,000 Inlluo- nt Purnping Station and Force Mains, and Outiall Projects $27,542,000 tMOL Cornplianco; Water Conservation, and Water Reclarnatiost P $10,000,000 Saltese Flats Wetlands Projects $1,700,000 Treatment Plant-O6 reciatian $8,402,198 Total S288 820 198 Total Debt Service S98,411.011 Total Capital + Debt Service $387,231,209 (a) Program ends in 2011 6 Summary of Capital Funding Sources . C:rze,.h f rzxty wnr`nwA•rlyl FINAIMAI, PU N•_, •.RArteSrinv Estimated Ca (tal Fundin 2007 - 2016 State Giants (ends 2014) $30,000,000 Aquifer PrcteWon Area (ends 2025) $16,560,000 Bond/Loan Proceeds' $1611,709,123 VAVFP Charge $63,210,853 Capital Fatalities Raie (CFR - Program) $91,104,653 General Facilities Rate (GFC - new development) $20,710,771 InteresW 4&. S5,1130,443 Total $388,4115,853 Less Capital,Costs (previous page) $387,231,209 Difference minimum funding $1.0 million $1,184,644 Page 13 4-17-07 Summary Proposed Rates/Charges* _ 2007 2008' 2009 2010 - .2011 2012 2013 Morthty Ratcs SemerSeMoe Charge $21.00 S22.72 $24,59 $15,87 S26.72 $27.67 828.73 VNNTPCharge $6.66 $10.75 $10,75 S10,75 510.75 SM75 $10.75 Total Motoly Charge $27,66 533.47 $39,30 530.42 537.47 $31142 $39.48 MorYhJy Difference $5.79 $1.67 $1,7.3 $Qa5 M95 51.04 C,ipltal Facilities Rate (CFR) Local CcnsUucdon $3,510 $3,610 $3.724 S3,8M $3,951 GFG Program $1eas $1885 $1.085 5:.885 51,885 - Total CFR $5,395 $5,601 $5,609 S5,721 55,838 CFRAtorch $39.10 539.41 $40.19 540.99 $41.81 - Gaaeral Facilities Charga (GFC) New Development $2,510 $3,632 $3,632 $3,632 $3,632 $3,632 53,740 ' Rates listed are vAlhout the seniorhow income disoount rate Page 14 4-17-07 7 2008 Proposed Rates Options for Consideration Cu nt 3k, P osad Raton Atar.1,4l7 WAT Cturpe S6.159 510.76 General Fadlit'aa Charge (Wcl Y2.510 $9.632 CVhal Fxlidets Rate (CFR) 55,365 $5,60t Option i - CFC Option 3 • GFC Norw Cption 4 - CFC Now Ratnoin. at Current Option 2 -CFC Now Ccv. at 33,100 and Or _ At $3,G32 and Option 5 - Only 50% "10; CFR Hold at Day, at $1,100; CFR CFR at 25% GFC CFR at 25% CFC Growth Occurs; CFR i.lin MMI jjgj~ aval 5 _f Suenttl +i Zia Laval Stor.fty "IMP Charlie $12.00 311.25 $11.00 $10.00 512.75 General Facili£e.1 Ghtw9a (GFC) Y2.510 $1,100 S3,100 $3,632 33,632 CapESa1 Facifdea Rate (CFR) 35,501 $5,501 $5,543 W,342 S5,:A1 FINn.'jCIAI; Pl.W. s. Non-Point Source Funding ■ Not included in the analysis ■ Assumed other regional funding sources ■ One year of Funding @ $500K from Sewer Fund = additional $0.98/ERU/month on 2008 rates Pace 16 4-17-07 0 i i Cost of Service What is the equitable share of costs to collect from different customer classes? W'.IfRRN'ATlpl County statistics of usage and demand H"'"`s'~;"Y ° Planning, engineering and design criteria • 200 gpd /ERU used to design SCRWRF ' Current volumetric rate based on 225 gpd/ERU or 900 cubic feet (cf) s: Change to 200 gpd would trigger billed volume sooner ' (above 800 c ' Shift would decrease residential allocated costs and increase rates based on volume (mobile parks/commercialftndustrial) r mss. _ Page 17 4-17-07 Summary - Cost of Service Results ' Currenl Rale Sirtwit re - 2008 Cost of SeMce Di laicnco Difiorcnco Class . . Revenue Revenue . Single Family ' -35,827,7,40 . $7,340908 SS13,168 7.S20A Duplex 8574,391 $617,562 . $43,171' 7.52% Midi-Family $1,531,779 51.615,791 $64,012 5.4895 Mobile Pask ' S 18,343 . 5211349 ' $3,000 10.39% Commerdel and Industry $2,167,436 S2,435,087 1 $268 SS1 12.30% Total 511,11909 $12,031,596 5911 907 8.20% • 2008 cost of service assumes 800 cubic feet of water per equivalent residential unit (ERU) • Actual a my pray ed for Mobile PaNCommAnd Glasses • 8% of tolal costs related to customer bfllingooliection - allocated based on number of aooounts • Remainder of costs allocated based on fi(ya oontribution Page 18 4.17-07 9 '$sc Proposed 2008 Rates ' .IiA'fR $I11D4" ' .jd ti> _ - Multi4amily rate based on number of units in complex and charged @.70 of single ' family rate. Base charge includes an account charger.! bi lled once for each account. • t . Page S9 4.17-07 Low Income Senior/Disabled Discount County considering discount to monthly sewer service charges for specific customer group :"•,;;<`°^TER Eligibility tied to city property tax exemption ' Y T Income <=$35K, property ownership, age 62 or R A tYt S UD disability ■ Discount funded by existing rate payers ■ 30% discount recommended Rate decrease from $33.47 to $23.83 2,530 customers estimated to be eligible for participation s 4 Results in $0.56 increase in Single Family Rate 1.7% increase in all other rates Pago ZO 4-17-07 Current Rate COSA . Base Volume Base Volume Single Family $27.68 - $33.08 - Duplex $55.36 - $66.15 - Multifamily/Unit` $20.04 - $23.99 - Mobile Home Parks $27.68 $2.84 $33.08 $3.78 Commercial $27.68 $2.84 $33.08 $3.78 10 = Summary of Neighboring Utility Rates '~":"T Single Family GFC/ • ; FINANCIAL PLtiY-•' • 4Np.-L Monthly Rato ERU • n^rESrimv.. Airway Heights $41.56 $5,132 Deer Park, City of $39.03 $3,080 Spokane, City of $34.92 $2,400 Liberty Lake $23.00 $4,552 Spokane County -Current $27.68 $2,510 s Spokane County - 2008 $33.47 $3,632 pno 21 4-17-07 1 r? Policy Decisions aSc~..r~v~Ca~1r ■ Move forward with proposed sewer service charge and WWTP Charge? 'FIN.1•NCIAL PL1N's' .'atAND's~'72.~ Li,11'P ,NDY: ` Implement new discount rate for senior/ low income? ■ GFC at full cost for new development? ■ Continue current practice to set CFR rates for balance of STEP program? Page 22 4-17.07 if4t'+~~•+[>* ~lrltiZ I Y ~ . Next Steps ■ Public Meetings May 16 & 17 ; W A,CffiWATi'.Fl F1N.+~~.WF'UV:'. Rate Study Report Early July -R.1TE SWDY ■ Public Hearing August 14 ■ Rate Implementation January 1, 2008 Page 23 4-17-07 Fy, aSGK,' GJ.NPY TI1WAYTA y ' Question and Answer . RATE S-mmv- Session a • 1! P~ ~ r y' Pago 24 4-F7-07 WV 12 CITY OF SPOK,A:N Ei VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May I, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 07-005 Repealing Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012, Contract Limits GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SNTNIC 3.35, Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council adoption of Ordinance 07-004 April 10, 2007. BACKGfZOUND: The Council recently adopted Ordinance 07-004, which contained numerous amendments changing and cleaning up the City's regulations pertaining to contracting and purchasing. One of the changes was to insert the substance contained in Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012 into SVMC 3.35.010. Asa result, Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012 should be repealed as they are no longer necessary. OPTIONS: Direct staff to make changes to the proposed Resolution 07-005; adopt as drafted. R_E COi1'i1 14 LADED ACTION OR MOTION: T move that we approve Resolution 07-005. BUDGETIFINANCTAT., .IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACMj1.Fti'TS: Proposed Resolution 07-005. 1)RAFr CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANNE COUNTY, WAS.H_iNGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, REPEALING RESOLUTIONS 03-041 RELATING TO PURCHASING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MANAGER, AI\'i) RESOLUTION 04-012 R_rLATTNG TO CHANGE ORDER AUTHORITY OF '171_11, CITY 'NIANAGER, AND MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Resolution 03-041 providing authority for the City Manager to make purchases on behalf of the City up to certain dollar amounts without seeking additional authorization from the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Resolution 04-012 providing authority for the City Manager to sign for change orders on behalf of the City up to $50,000 without seeking additional authorization from the Cite Council; and Wl-l REAS, the Council recently adopted Ordinance 07-004, which codified the City Manager's contracting authority and changed certain of the amounts to provide for more uniformity; and WEIEREAS, it is necessary to repeal Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012 because the authority specified in those Resolutions is now contained in Spokane Valley Municipal Code 3.35.010. SNOW THEM RA be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. On Rily S, 2003, the City Council adopted Resolution 03-041; establishing signature limits for contracts. Section 2. On April 27, 2004, the City Council adopted Resolution 04-012, authorizing the issuance of change orders or extra work in contracts with the City. Section 3. The Council hereby repuds Resolutions 03-041 and 04-012 in their entirety because the authority provided therein has been placed in SVMC 3.35.010. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effective on May 20, 2007. Adopted this day of April, 2007. ATTEST: City of Spokane Valley Liana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge; City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 07-005 Repealing 03-041 and 04-012 Re Contracts, Change Orders Page l of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - S>PO.K7~~AI/T TCgrOU/~NT"Y, NVASHTNGTON RFSI,J.I.TJ.ION NO. 03-01 A RESOLUTION OF TIM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKA.NI E COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ESTABI.,TSRLNG SIGNATUl - L&IITS ~VJTl3 RESPECT TO AGREMVIENTS i<7.ADE ON BEH,A.LF OF THE CITY. «'HFREAS, pursuant to Ordinance, the City has established procedures for the purchase of goods, supplies, materials and equipment, architectural and engineering services and the procurement of public works from the small works roster; WHEREAS, to facilitate the business of the City and provide for the convenience of persons and entities who provide goods or services to the City, the City has approved certain, form agreements by Resolution; WHEREAS, the City Manager, as the Chief Executive Officer of the City, is authorized pursuant to State law to conduct and manage the administrative affairs of the City which include entering into contracts on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, to facilitate the administrative operations of the City, the Council. establishes the following limits with respect to the signatw-e authority of the City Manager. NOW T1 E,1ZL;FOR.E, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: On behalf of the City of Spokane Valley, the City Manager pursuant to Ordinance and State law is authorized to execute contracts in the following amounts. Description. Amount I . Public Works - S-mall NNTorks Roster $200.000.00 2. Architecturc-d and Engineering Services $100,000.00 3. General Services $100,000.00 4: Acquisition of Supplies, Materials, Goods and Equipment $50,000.00 The above amounts shall not be exceeded without City Council approval. Adopted this ~ day of , 2003. City of Spok e Vall } ~ Mayor Nfichael UeVleming CADocuments and S adngskbainbridgeUcal SettingslTempoeary Intemct FilcslContent.IE5\GDEI WYQB1'Resolution03{05-27-03)[1].DOC l 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKAtNTE COUNTY, WASM. GTON RESOLUTION NO. 04-012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPO1KANTE COUNTY WASHINGTON AUxHO.RIZING'1'H ISSUANCE OF CTIANGD ORDERS AND/OR EXTRA WORK Rq CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has established procedures for the purchase of goods, supplies, materials and equipment, architectural and engineering services and the procurement of public works pursuant to the general law of the State; WI-TCRrAS; to facilitate the business of the City and provide for the convenience of persons and entities who provide goods or services to the City, the City has authorized the City 'Manager to execute contracts for the above matters in such amounts as established by Resolution; Vfl-IEREAS, the City Manager, as the Chief Executive Officer of the City, is authorized by state law to manage the administrative affairs of the City including the proper execution of work performed pursuant to contract*with the City; WHBREAS; it is often necessary as a result of unforeseen, emergency or changed conditions to modify the scope of work performed tinder contract with the City in a prompt and timely matter to protect the best interest of the City; `VHFREAS, it is a common business practice to execute change orders and/or requests for extra work during the coarse of a project; and WHEREAS, through this Resolution the City Council authorizes and grants authority to the City Manager to issue change orders and/or requests for extra work as set forth herein. NO1V, TFIERE>~ORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Change Orders/Extra Work. Where the City has entered into a contract that relates to the purchase of goods, supplies, materials or equipment, architectural and/or engineering services, or the procurement of a public work pursuant to state law, the City Manager may issue a change order or request for extra work. The City Manager may authorize changes in the work or services set forth in the contract documents where there are changed conditions, a requirement that extra work or service be performed or such other circumstances that necessitate a modification to the contract. Changed conditions shall for purposes of this Resolution be defined as the presence of unforeseeable conditions which could not have reasonably been anticipated by either party to the contract. The determination of changed conditions shall be made pursuant to the reasonable discretion of the City Manager. Where there are changed conditions, the scope of the work, procurement or service may be modified to serve the best interest of the City. In addition, extra work, regardless of a changed condition, may be ordered by the City Manager in order to accomplish the purpose and intent of the Contract with the City. Any finding of a changed condition, authorization for extra work or other matter relating to the authority in this Resolution shall not exceed the budgeted amount (or appropriation) for the contract, Resolution 04-012 Designating Change Order Authority Page t of 2 rr• work, procurement or services to be performed for the benefit of the City. Any chan;e order or increase in the scope of work or seiice that exceeds $50,000.00 per project, service or purchase shall require the approval of the City Council. 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on the date it is adopted. Adopted this 27a' day of April, 2004. Attest: City of Spokane Valley / 51 Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael Devleming, M yor Approved as to form: arts, Inter rrt City Attorney to cy I R- Resolution 04-012 Designating Change Order Authority Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: - May 1, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 9 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ' AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Customer Service Improvement Plan - CenterPlace GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information Memo 4/24/07 BACKGROUND: The CenterPlace regional events center opened for business in September 2005. The City had analyzed a multi-year pro forma in order to decide - whether or not to move forward with the facility. It had estimated a $319,000 deficit between direct revenues and expenditures for 2007. By the end of 2006, direct revenues and expenditures were essentially equal, and that trend looks to be continued in 2007. The City evaluates staffing levels on an ongoing basis to ensure services are provided in the most effective way possible. CenterPlace is unique in the City's operations, because it does not keep standard business hours: it is- open roughly 7:00 a.m. until midnight, seven days.a week. The Customer Service Improvement Plan proposes an alternative staffing model for CenterPlace. OPTIONS: 1) Accept the proposal as-is or with modifications; 2) maintain the status quo staffing model; 3) provide additional feedback to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the CenterPlace Customer Service Improvement Plan. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This proposal results in an estimated $14,000 annual savings in personnel costs. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Mike Jackson, Parks and Recreation Director ATTACHMENTS: Powerpoint presentation; 4/18/07 background memo ~ 1 Customer Service Improvement Plan: Centel-Place Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager May 1, 2007 Introduction ❑ CenterPlace is: ■ 54,000 SF regional events center, available 7:00 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week ■ One of three regional projects approved by voters in May 2002 ❑ In addition to regional events, it also: ■ Houses the Senior Center ■ Leases space to the Community Colleges of Spokane'(CCS) . 1 By the Numbers: Annual 2006 YTD 2007 Revenues $374,246 $180,721 Expenditures 378,839 - 150,795 Difference $(41593) $29,926 First Quarter Events 76 145 Proposal Staffing Current Proposed CenterPlace Coordinator 1.00 0 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator 0 1.00 Administrative Assistant 2.00 2.00 Maintenance Worker 2.00 2.00 Total 5.00 5.00 0 Financial Impact: $14;000 estimated annual savings Customer Rel/Facilities Coordinator ❑ Work closely with event presenters and user groups re event needs ❑ Lead worker over two Admin Assistants ❑ Inform users re rules, safety, precautions, and policies during events ❑ Account for event billings and receipts, and maintain accounting and statistical records Proposed Organization Chart Spokane Valley CenterPlace Proposed Organization Chart 4178/07 }pka Jsckson Pcikc R R.o-Hon Dke , AlnSnl~ Cu+L BvGJFn~, ~V vkc (2.O 6 Coort1, (1.0 FTE) Armin AAsluant (2.0 "11) 3 S#6kane jUalley. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhalt@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager CC: Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Date: April 18, 2007 Re: Customer Service Improvement Plan: CenterPlace CenterPlace is Spokane Valley's 54,000 SF regional events center at Mirabeau Point. One wing houses the Senior Center, and the Community Colleges of Spokane also leases a portion of one wing to house community and regional education classes. The Parks R Recreation Department staffs CenterPlace. It is also responsible for parks development and maintenance; recreation and aquatics; and Senior Center services. This memo does not address those areas of responsibility, including the staff. History CenterPlace was one of the three public facilities approved by voters in Spokane County in May 2002, the same election in which voters approved the incorporation of Spokane Valley. The CenterPlace concept had been the result of a lot of hard work over the years by many volunteers. The new City assumed responsibility for the ownership of CenterPlace, including construction and management. The facility opened in September 2005. The Issue There are many expectations of CenterPlace, some of which may conflict: It is intended to service the immediate community, but it's also intended to actively attract use from the broader region (as far east as western Montana); • It is intended to support itself through fees to the greatest degree possible, but it's also intended to be as cost effective as possible for community users. Ili the eighteen months since the facility opened, the City has monitored its fee structure, F` policies, and procedures in an effort to balance the disparate needs. Customer Service Improvement Plan: CenterPlace, continued April 18, 2007 Page 2 of 4 Revenue and Expenditure Projections The City analyzed a multi-year pro forma in order to decide whether or not to move , forward with CenterPlace. That pro forma estimated a $319,000 deficit between direct revenues and expenditures for 2007. The pro forma used conservative estimations. The appeal of CenterPlace has created a reality that has far outpaced those projections: 2006 Annual 2007 ,J.Y' Qtr) Revenues Expenditures $374,246* (378,839) $180,721 (150,795)** Difference (4,593) 29,926 *2006 events only; **Budget CenterPlace Staffing events may be scheduled from 7:00 a.m. until midnight, seven days a week. CenterPlace is enjoying a surge in demand - its reservations are significantly higher than projected in CD 0 the pro forma, and this is an upward trend. The events held for the first quarter of 2006 came to 76; for the same period in 2007 there were 145 events. This upward trend is expected to escalate. The City is evaluating a marketing plan to help target certain types of use. Upon formal adoption, the marketing plan may recommend additional resources which are not considered in this memo. When CenterPlace opened, there was a small crew in place; the City planned to augment the staff with volunteer and/or temporary hosts/hostesses. This model was adopted because the City was unsure how great an initial demand there would be for CenterPlace until marketing and word-of-mouth could build for the facility. As a result, the City's initial staffing model is not sufficient to meet the service expectations of Centerl:'lace's customers in the long-tens. This customer service. improvement plan proposes an alternative staffing model for the facility. As part of the 2007 budget process, staff proposed adding a second Administrative. Assistant to focus on reservations and direct event assistance. As part of that proposal, staff committed not to .fill the CenterPlace Coordinator position at the same time while we assessed that approach to satisfying customer service. An evaluation of the activity level has led to the conclusion that the second Administrative Assistant is needed in addition to an overarching coordination. Staff proposes refocusing attention on direct customer needs by replacing the CenterPlace Coordinator position with a Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator. Customer Service Improvement Plan: CenterPlace, continued April 18, 2007 Page 3 of 4 J The purpose of the Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator position would be to facilitate the smooth operations necessary for successful events, as well as transitions between events. He or she would have the following major responsibilities: • Work closely with event presenters and user groups to ensure mutual understanding of event needs and facility capabilities; • Act-as a lead worker over the two CenterPlace Administrative Assistants, who accept and process reservations; • Assure readiness of items needed for events in the facility; • Cnform groups utilizing the facility as to the rules, safety precautions, and policies required during the event; and • Account for event billings and receipts, and maintain accounting and statistical records as required. The following organization chart shows the effect of this proposal. Spokane Valley Centel-Place Proposed Organization Chart 4/18107 Mica Jackson Parks 6. Recreation Director i Maintenance Cust. Svc.lFac. Worker (2.0 FTE) Goord. (1.0 FTE) I Admin Assistant (2.0 FTE) ~ 1 Customer Service Improvement Plan: CenterPlace, continued April 18, 2007 Page4of4 Cost and Fundinfz of Proposal The proposal does not change the FTE count for CenterPlace staffing. This proposal can be ffinded within current budget allocations, and would actually result in a budgetary savings of $14,000 while increasing customer service. Position FTF Annnal Cost Customer Svc-/Facilities Coordinator 1.00 - 59,843 CenterPlace Coordinator (1.00) (73,856) Total 0 (14,013) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 05-01-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : City Indicators BACKGROUND: Patrick Jones will give a presentation on "Measuring Cominluuty," which includes a list of indicators for our city that will parallel the work done at the County-wide level. 0 . A copy of the handout from the April 13 conference is attached for reference. ~J Measuring Community - Regional Conference on Community Indicators Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Spokane, Washington Conference Logistics This one day conference will be held at the Spokane Center in downtown Spokane, overlooking the Spokane River. There will be breakfast and lunch keynote addresses and seven panels will feature national, regional and local speakers. A wrap-up, plenary session will be held with elected officials and grassroots advocacy groups. Finally, an informal reception will conclude the day. Conference Goals The goals of the conference are to: Demonstrate how data can elevate local, individual, association, private sector, and government decision-making Provide examples of communities and groups using indicators for positive change Engage regional leadership and community groups in a dialogue about information-based decision- making Who will attend the conference? Participants will come from Eastern Washington and North Idaho and will represent government, non-profits, neighborhood and advocacy groups, business, academic institutions, funders, grant writers, data users, and concerned citizens. How many people will attend the conference? 250 - 300 people What is the registration fee? $59 includes all sessions plus food (breakfast, lunch, and an appetizer no-host bar reception). Who arc the conference organizers? The Community Indicators Initiative (CII) is planning the event, The Initiative is a led by the Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis at Eastern Washington University. The current list of conference sponsors includes: the City of Spokane, the Henry .M. Jackson Foundation, Inland Northwest Community Foundation, The Journal of Business, The Lands Council, New Priorities Foundation, Spokane County United Way, Spokane Regional Health District, and the Spokane Teachers Credit Union. Now is the conference funded? Funding comes from the inland Northwest Community Foundation, registration fees, and sponsorships. Now will sponsors be acknowledged? Sponsors will be acknowledged individually in printed materials including "save the date" e-posteards, tile conference website, brochures, and registration packets. On the day of the event, sponsors will be acknowledged in opening and closing remarks. Sponsoring organizations also have the option to sponsor a specific element of the conference (see below). Sponsorship .Levels: Session Sponsor Up to $1,000 Meal Sponsor (Breakfast or Lunch) $1,000 - 2,000 Reception Sponsor $2,000 - 4,000 tMaJor Sponsor Over $4,000 For more information contact: Lisa Capoccia, Project Coordinator-(509)358-2221, Icapoccia{n?mail.ewu,cdu CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: May 1, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft 2008 - 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 2007-2012 Six Year TIP last year on June 13, 2006, Resolution #06-013. Public Hearing on proposed Amended 2007 TIP on March 27, 2007. BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Secretary of Transportation before July 1" of each year. The attached draft 2008 - 2013 Six Year TIP represents 'a preliminary update to the 2007-2012 adopted Six Year TIP. This updated TIP is preliminary because we are currently waiting to learn if several of our FTA 5307 grant applications will get funded. Therefore, this first draft should be considered a 'work in progress' and will be updated again prior to the Public Hearing scheduled for May 22, 2007. OPTIONS: Discuss revised project list and/or project schedules RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback and direction to staff. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: As more information becomes available on the status of the FTA 5307 project grant applications and as the proposed 2008-2013 TIP continues to evolve staff will coordinate with the Finance Department to ensure the proposed 2008-2013 TIP projects are budgeted within the Street Capital Projects Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS: 1) Draft 2008-2013 Transportation Improvement Program 2) List of Draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP projects C T~6rane iz!)p 1-Y 4;000 City of Spokane-Valley :-De artment,..of•.Pu,bli.c Works. l ' t.- DRAFT:. 200.8. - 201.3 Six - bar ; Transpor~at;ion:I:rnprove rnent Program Draft 2008- 2013 rsn ~ n S 41K Sne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars In Thousands Funding Project 1 Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 .2011 2012 2013 Total 1 Barker Road Bridge Replace bridge #5503 Q Spokane River Funding Secured - City funding tar Contingency 8438 50o Project Total 5362.8 3575.2 8938 2 44th Ave Pathway: Sands to Woodruff 1.08 0 0 209 209 city 28 28 STP(E) 181 181 Asphail Pathway PE Funding Secured - Delay to 2009 to coordinate w/ sewer project Project Total 209 209 4 Broadway Avenue - Pines(SR-27) to Park 3 74 25 634 933 city 187 187 UAP 746 746 ADA & Striping Improvements to reduce accidents along Broadway Conldar Funding Secured (TIB 8-3-2008(003)-1) Project Total 933 933 5 Broadway Avenue #1: 190 to Park Rd. 0.34 74 0 667 741 city 100 100 STP(U) 641 '641 Grind and inlay with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement Funding Secured (SRTC OS-9) Project Total .741 741 Projects and 5mc`rumes identified in tho TIP are to be considered estimates ordythat may change due to a variety of circumsteinces, am aro not intcndcd by the City to be retied upon by property awaors or developers in ma:dng deve".opmcat decisions. 4124=07 Page. t 0.1 0 0 8938 8938 BR 5062.8 3375.2 city 300 200 Draft 2008--z'-013 x'-013 Qr,~ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 6 Street Preservation Project - Various Street 0 649 0 6950 7599 City 1291.8 1291.8 1291.8 1291.8 1291.8 1139.8 7599 3 3 3 3 3 5 Annual street preservation projects Project Total 1291.8 3 1291.8 3 1291.8 3 1291.8 1291.8 1139.8 3 3 5 7599 7 STEP Paveback 0 0 0 4400 4400 City 900 900 900 900 3600 Sw 200 200 200 200 800 Full-width paving and drainage associated vrrth Spokane County's STEP Project Total 1100 1100 1100 1100 4400 8 8th Avenue Phase 1- Carnahan to Havana 0.5 222 375 2017 2340 City 110 217 153 480 Other- 425 842 593 1860 FTA Reconstruct 8th Ave. to a lhree4ane section vrith curb, gutter, sidevralks and bike lanes. Project Total 535 1059 746 2340 Project. and Wrteframoe idengied in the TIP am to bo considered es2mates only that mny change due to a variety of circumstances, an- are not intended by the City to be relied upon by pro;erty ovmers or dovclopors in making development dccisions- 412412007 Page 2 SifiD raft 2008- 2013 Mane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ..;00V.- ley DoO=InThousands Funding Project / Description /Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 9 Bowdish/Sprague Intersection PCC Replace asphalt pavement with ponland cement concrete paverent. 0 90 0 802 892 City 182 Other- 710 FTA 182 710 Project Total 892 892 10 Pines/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 75 0 667 742 city 152 152 Other- 590 590 FTA Replace asphalt pavement Wth portland cement concrete pavement. Project Total 742 742 11 Sprague Avenue - University to Sullivan 3 218 0 1868 2106 City 45 387 432 1674 Other- 173 1501 FTA Grind and overlay 3" of asphalt in bus lanes, Upgrada1construct sidewalkskamps to ADA standards Project Total 218 1888 2106 12 Barker Road Reconstruction, 32nd to 8th ao 0 0 40 city Spokane County Project, Reconstruct Barker to 3-Lane Section. City Partner match City Match to Spokane County Project Project Total Projects and ilmelrames identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, an- arc not intended by the City to be relied upon try property aolncrs or developers in ='',ing devc.'opmenl decisions. 412412007 Page. 40 40 40 40 Spokane Valley ,,,;,p0 Project I Description ! Current Status Draft 2008 1013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 13 Evergreen132nd - 16th to 32nd, Evergreen to . SR-27 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 14 Montgomery Avenue - Argonne to University Grind and repave with 2" of asphalt concrete 0avement 1.25 406 400 3681 4487 City 107.6 57.4 755• Othor- 4184 222.6 2926 FTA ProjectTotal 526 280 3681 1.05 54 0 486 540 CDBG 540 920 3567 4487 S40 Project Total 540 540 15 Park Road - Bridging the Valley/ BNSF Grade 0.2 90,0 20DO 13620 16520 city 31.1 8919 286.5 286.5 694 FMSIB 227.25 650.75 2061 2061 5000 Separation Other 364.3 1044.7 3308 3308 8025 Fed Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad tracks. Other- 36.55 104.45 330 330 801 RR UCP 90.8 260.2 824.5 824.5 2000 "Other" Funding from BNSF RR 16 Barker Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue 0.26 rrojecl (vial !DV 417V go.. 274 16,00 1848 3165 City 155.5 289 188.5 UAP 621.5 1156.5 754 Reconstruct to a five4ane arterial with center turn lane from Apple,.ay to Broadway Ave.; realign Broadway east of Barker Funding Secured 16520 633 2532 Project Total 777 1445.5 942.5 3165 Prejocts and timeframes idondfiad in the TIP arc to be considered essimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. aro are not intended by tttio City to be retried upon by property owners or developors in making devclopmeni decisions. 4/2412007 Page 4 Draft 2008- 2013 P Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ;OoW- ey Dollars in Thousands Funding , Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 17 Broadway Avenue #2: Fancher to Thierman 0.34 61 0 547 608 city 82 82 STP(U) 526 526 Grind and inlay with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement Funding Secured (SRTC 06-7) Project Total 608 608 18 Broadway-Fancher Intersection PCC 0 56 0 525 581 City 79 79 STP(U) 502 502 Replace asphalt pavement Alth portland cement concrete pavement. Funding Secured (SRTC 068) Project Total 581 581 19 Park Road - # 2 (PE Only)- Broadway to Indiana 0.75 352 0 0 352 city 48 48 STP(U) 304 304 Proj. 92 - Reconstruct and W den to 3 lanes veith bike lanes and sidewalks. Funding Secured (SRTC 013-11) Project Total 352 352 20 Sullivan/Sprague Intersection PCC 0.1 83 0 778 861 City 116 116 745 STP(U) 745 Replace rutted asphalt pavement vAth portland concrete cement- Funding Secured (SRTC 06-6) Project Total 861 861 Projects and timslnmes Identified in the TIP are to be conside ed estimates only that may change due to a variety of cimumStancos, on- are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in mating development decisions- 4124l2007 page 5_ . Draft 2008 -013 arv er SpaaYle Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ,;j.Valley Dollars in Tho.rsands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 21 Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC Replace asphalt pavement vrth portland cement concrete pavement. 0 120 0 1110 1230 City Other Fed 253 253 977. 9T7 Project Total 1230 1230 22 Dishman-Mica Road - Appleway to 8th 0.45 15 0 134 149 City 149 149 Grind and Inlay northbound lanes Wth 2" of asphalt pavement Project Total 149 149 23 Indiana/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 126 0 1216 1342 City 275 275 Other- 1067 1067 FTA Replace asphalt pavement vAth portland cement concrete pavement. Project Total 1342 1342 24 8th Avenue Phase 2 - Park to Dickey 0.88 369 626 2161 3156 city 140 285.5 221.5 647 Other- 542 1108 859 2509 FTA Reconstruct 8th Ave. to a three-lane section with curb, gu:rer, sidewalks and bike lanes. Project Total Projects rind tlmetrames idontifiod in the TIP are to be considered estimates 0* that may change due to a variety of circumstances, ere are not Intended by the City to be relied upon by pmporty owners or developers in making development decisions. 02412007 Page 6 682 1393.5 1080.5 3156 Draft 2008- 2013 $PiR&.ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 4;000vaney Dollar in Thousands Funding Project ! Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 25 Valley Corridor - Project.2: University to 2.02 878 3318 9896 14092 City 122.7 321.7 664 2069.6 3198 Evergreen STP 137.7 546.9 1427.2 2099.2 4211 WS0OT 3 7 92 368 470 Extend Appleway Blvd. with a multilane facility including curbs and sidewalks. Resurface Sprague Avenue and UCP 840 3360 4200 restripe. Other 402.6 1610.4 2013 Project Total 263.4 1278.2 4633.6 7916.8 14092 26 Argonne Road - 190 to Trent 0.38 76 500 713 1289 City 77 95 173 CMAQ 499 617 1116 Revise Signal Phasing, Add NS Right Turn Lane at Montgomery, Intersections Improvements at Knox Funding Secured (SRTC 06-31) Project Total 576 713 1289 27 Sullivan Road (PE only)- Euclid to Wellesley 1 595 0 0 595 City 40 40 80 STP(U) 257.5 257.5 515 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial. Funding Secured (SRTC 06-12) Project Total 297.5 297.5 595 28 Sullivan Road West Bridge 0.08 1370 100 8192 9582 BR 735 735 4056 4056 9582 Reconstruct and vdden west bridge Project Total 735 735 4056 4056 9582 Projects and'dmeframes Wnfi ied in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, am are not intended by the City to be retied upon by property owners or developers in ma i ig development decisions, 4/24/2007 Page 7 r Draft 2008~'z013 ~l SikWa- ne . six-Year Transportation Improvement Program LLi1ey Dollars in Thousands Fundin,;00w g Project! Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 29 Evergreen/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 110 0 1023 1133 city 233 233 Other- 900 900 FTA Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement Project Total 1133 1133 30 McDonald/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 102 0 967 1069 City 219 219 Other - 850 850 FTA - Replace asphalt pavement with porttand cement concrete pavement. Project Total 1069 1069 31 University/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 95 0 902 997 city 204. 204 Other- 793 793 FTA Replace asphalt pavement "Ith portland cement concrete pavement. Project Total 997 997 32 32nd Avenue - Evergreen to Best 0.25 78 250 703 1031 City 21.2 23.8 95 140 STP(U) 131.8 151.2 608 891 Reconstruct and rriden to three lanes v4th curbs and sidewalks. Project Total 153 175 703 1031 Prvjccts and timelrsmes Identified In the Wore to be considered estimates only that rnay change due to a variety of ctrcumstanees. an, are net Intended by the City to be rclicd upon by property anners or devolopers in maiing development decisions. 412412007 Page 8 Draft 2008- 2013 Se"oKa'-ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ;Wley DolEars in Thousands Funding Project / Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 33 8th Avenue Phase 3 - Dickey to Carnahan 0.62 369 626 2816 3811 City 140 352.5 288.5 781 Other- 542 1368.5 1119.5 3030 FTA Reconstruct Bth Ave. to a three4ane section with curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike Lanes. 34 Barker Road - 8th to Appleway 0.75 272 504 2449 Reconstruct to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Apploway. Project Total 3220 City UCP Other Project Total 682 74 223 74 371 1721 BD 240 80 400 1408 490 1469 490 2449 3811 644 1932 644 3220 1 297 300 2673 35 Flora Road -Sprague to Mission 3270 City 89 297,5 267.5 654 1 UAP 358 1189 106.9 26 6 Reconstruct to a three-lane arlerial. Project Total 447 1486.5 1336.5 3270 36 Park Road - #2 (CN Only)- Broadway to Indiana 0.75 0 2000 2326 4326 City 270 314 584 STP(U) 1730 2012 3742 Proj. #2 - Reconstruct and widen to 3 lartes with bike lanes and sidewalks. Project Total 2000 2326 4326 Project: and Urnerrames identified in the TIP are to be oonsidercd estimates only that may change due to a vadety oG circumstances, aeo arc not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property aaners or developers in rna3ing de-mlopment docisilons. , 4/2412007 Page a - Draft 2008- 1013 S06'Ka- ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Va11ey Dollars in Thousands Funding 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total ProjectI Description /.Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 37 Park Road - #3 - Sprague to Broadway 0.5 283 501 2671 3455 City STP(U) Other Reconstruct and widen to a standard three-lane arterial street v4th curbs and sidewalks, PCC on Broadway. UCP 38 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent Tiafic Signal Control System for Corridor Funding Secured (SRTC 06-26) 39 Sullivan Road (RW/CN only) - Euclid to Wellesley kecwnstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial. Project Total 2.26 222 250 1609 2081 city CMAQ 12 12 34.4 235.6 294 122.5 122.5 196.8 1361.7 1803.5 7 7 20 • 138.5 172.5 149.6 1035.4 1185 141.5 141.5 400.8 2771.2 3455 2110 280 1801 1801 Project Total 1 0 1000 5049 6049 City STP(U) 2081 2081 160 545 505 1210 640 2179.5 2019.5 4839 P roject Total 40 Euclid Avenue - Sullivan Rd to Flora Rd. 1.06 64 0 751 835 city STP(P) Grind and inlay with 2" of asphalt pavement. 800 2724.5 2524.5 6049 112 112 723 723 Project Total 835 835 projects and time.1mmes Identified in the TIP aro to be emsidered ostunates only that may change duo to a vahety of circumstances, erv are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property armors or developers in making development decisions. 41202OD7 Page 10 Draft 2008- 2013 Sang a `L p Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program . oiiliIiI10w1ey Dollars in Thousands Funding .Ill• Project I Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 41 Euclid Ave/ Flora Rd - Flora Euclid to Euclid, 111 379 500 3414 4293 City 51 68 461 580 Euclid Flora to Barker STP(U) 328 432 2953 3713 Reconstruct to provide a three lane. shouldered arterial Project Total 379 500 3414 4293 42 Mission Ave - Flora to Barker 0.99 345 300 3103 3748 City 99 340.5 310.5 750 UAP 396 1361 1241 2998 New 3-lane section Flora to Barker Project Total 495 1701.5 1551.5 3748 43 SalteselSullivan Signal 38 15 364 414 City 104 104 Other 42 42 Other 268 268 Improvements to Intersection In Coordination vd Spokane County Project Total 414 414 44 Barker Road - Spokane River to Trent 1.4 433 150 0 583 City 40.6 37.4 78 STP(U) 262.5 242.5 505 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial In Coordination vrl BTV Project Total 303.1 279.9 583 Projects and Urneframos identified in the TIP ore to be eonsidored osiimates only that may change duo to n variety of circumstances, am are not intended by the City to be reliod upon by property mmcrs orde-mlopers in making development decisions. 4/24/2007 Page CtT p'tlG' ok-ne ,;oOValley Project / Description / Current Status '13 Draft 2008- 2013 - Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 45 Bowdish Road - 32nd to 8th 1.52 279 300 0 579 City STP(U) 95.1 97.9 193 190.2 195.8 386 Reconstruct and %-Aden roadway to three lanes- Project Total 285.3 "193.7 579 63 50 113 46 Broadway Ave - Flora to Barker 1 314 250 0 564 City STP(U) 251 200 451 Reconstruct to 3-12nes, Flora to Barker Project Total 314 l5u sue 47 Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flora 0.73 225 300 0 525 city 57 -48 105 UAP 228 192 420 Reconstruct & Widen Broadway to 3-lane section, 180 it E. of Moore to Flora Project Total 285 240 525 48 Mansfield Extension - SR27 to Mirabeau 0.51 161 875 0 1036 City 60.6 146.4 207 UAP 243.2 585.8 829 Parkway Construct 3-lane arterial from Pines to Mirabeau Parkway Project Total 303.8 732.2 1036 Projects and 6rneframos identified In the TIP are to be oonsiderod estimates only that may change due !o a variety of cirurmstances, am are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property ovmcrs or developers in making development decisions. 4/24/2007 Page 12 Draft 2008- 2013 Spo°~kane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ,;,11111111100Whey Dollars in Thousands Funding Project ! Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 49 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to 16th 1 95 0 690 7115 city 106 106 CMAQ 679 679 Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor Project Total 785 785 50 Valley Corridor - Project 3 - Evergreen to 2.27 834 15M 0 2334 City 113 202.5 315.5 Tshirley STP 721 1297.5 2018.5 Other State Extend Appleway Blvd. v6th a multi-lane facility including curbs and sidewalks. Resurface Sprague Avenue and UCP restripe. Project Total 834 1500 2334 51 Appleway-Thierman EB Lane 0.06 16 10 0 26 City 3 3 CPAAQ 23 2.3 Add ES right turn lane to Appleway Q Thierman. Project Total 26 26 52 Carnahan Truck Lane - 8th to City Limits 0.5 234 0 0 234 City 32 32 STP(U) 202 202 Auld SIB truck lane to road Project Total 234 234 Projects and Urneframes Identified in the TIP are to be oonsidered estimates only that may change due to a variely of circumstances, am are not intonded by the City to be retied upon by property vimers or developers in making dov~uopment decisbons, 4/2412007 Page 13 an« Draft 2008 - 2013 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands ~ ~ Funding Project! Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 53 University Road Inlay 1: Dishman-Mica Rd to 15th Ave Grind and pave with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. 1.29 99 0 0 99 city 20 20 Other 79 79 Fed Project Total 99 99 Totals: 12541 18571 103709 134821 13781 16198 27209 30088 27598 19112 133986 Projects and timoframcs identified in the TIP are to be considered est1mates only that may change due to a variety o: circumstances, an- aro not intoaufed by the City to be relied upon by property owners or derelopors in making development decisions. 412412007 Page 14 Draft 2008- 2013 $jlO~alle Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ,;wO-Valley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal state Other City Year Federal State Other City Year Federal State Other City 2008 5703.8 746 0 1878.83 2008 3220.7 518.05 3655 1676.7 2008 8924.5 1264.05 36.55 3555.53 2009 4888.2 0 0 1728.83 2009 5357 1735.45 104.45 2384.5 2009 10245.2 1735.45 104.45 4113.33 2010 2236.5 0 0 1524.83 2010 13551.2 4830 813.6 4252.9 2010 15787.7 4830 813.6 5777.73 2011 3410.5 0 0 1707.83 2011 11916.4 6596.5 2337.4 4119.3 2011 15326.9 6596.5 2337.4 5827.13 2012 4056 0 0 1291.83 2012 8738.7 8247.8 510 4753.6 2012 12794.7 8247.8 510 5045.63 2013 4056 0 0 1139.85 2013 8574 3054.2 138.5 2149.3 2013 12630 30542 138.5 3299.15 Projects and timelmmes identMod in She TIP are !o be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, ano are not intended by the City to by relied upon by property comers or developers in making development decisions. 4124120,-a' City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works D RAFT Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan 2119 - 2115 Davis in Thousands 2M Mm # Pt; O 9111me Pi Mm V ftm qty Amid TOW Alet>r M 1 Barker Road Bnoge BR 200 6382.8 4 Broadway Avenue - Pintes(SR-27) to PaAc UAP 187 933 5 Broady Avenue N1 190 to Para Rd STP(U) 100 741 6 Street Preservation Project - Various street city 1291.83 1291.83 7 STEP Paveback city 900 1100 8 8th Avenue Phase 1- Carnahan to Havana Other - FTA 110 535 9 Bowdish/Sprague Intersection PCC Other - FTA 182 892 10 PmesrSpmgue Intersection PCC Other - FTA 152 742 11 Sprague Averse - University to SulMn Other - FTA 45 218 13 E.vv . : 511n ro t-- " . - Other - FTA 107.6 526 14 blontg~~ a :uR - :._-g0nre t0 Unive'-st:y CDBG 540 15 hark F.ay _ :+alley, SN FGr3oe Other Fed 31.1 750 22 Dishman-Mica Road - Appleway to 8th C y 149 149 2008 Tot2ls: 3466 13781 1489 Item # P1'w Ileac Pi k= v Sum Gty Aett®t Tet>li Amtmt 1 8a ver Rz)a; Bnoge BR 200 35752 2 44tH Ave Patnway. Sands to Woodruff STP(E) 28 209 6 Street Pmservabon Project - Vanous Streat Cty 1291.83 1291.83 7 STEP Paveback CRY 900 1100 8 8th Avenue Phase 1- Carnahan to Havana Other - FTA 217 1059 11 Sprague Avenue - University to Suillvan Other - FTA 387 1888 12 EsliF Rea: Recars.toamn ?:--o t-, -4,,1 City 40 40 13 Err r.!32rr3 - 16th to 32nd. Everg7een in <-F- Other- FTA 57.4 280 27 16 Pars Road - Br4gmg fie Valley/ BNSF Grn i= Other Fed 89.9 2150 Seoara~~on UAP 155.5 777 17 Broadway Avenue 0Z Fancher to Therman STP(U) 82 608 18 Bmaoway-Fancher Intersection PCC STP(U) 79 581 19 Park Road - 4 2 (PE Only)- Broadway to Indiana ST-P(U) 48 352 23 Indlara/Sultivvan Intersection PCC Other - FTA 275 1342 24 F nose . s x c D ct e v Other - FTA 140 682 26 V ,iey Corridor - Pmtw 2 Umyer6". STP 122.7 263.4 2009 Totals: 4113 16198 Projects and bnertranle ideniifed in Ina TIP are b be aonatdered esOmebm only MM msY dmge din to a varbty d cat+snstenms. and era not Intinded by the City to be reW upon by property owners or divebpsn in M&J9 a dftskpmert decisions- Pm*b shown In 8►ue we Funded ?n'i° 4• V A"ire shown In Green and Raedteduld Propels shown In Qrergs Pap 1 o14 no =DRAFT Rem * PrWNano P ft" hm My ANN Totes AWN 6 Slraet P es~'va: o- P:,Dje-,t • ver.uCS Strew~i city 1291 83 1291 83 7 STEP Pavetack City 900 1100 8 8th Avenue Phase i- Carnahan to Havana Other - FTA 153 746 13 _ - ' - Other - FTA 755 3681 15 'a k Rcad - S-6gin re Vat,er, BNSF G+:: I : Other Fed 286.5 6810 ~var?:•c^ 18 UAP 289 1445.5 20 SulUvantSprague, Irlterseodon PCC STP(U) 118 861 24 - • _ - _ - . _ ° , - Other - FTA 285.5 1393.5 25 - - STP 3217 1278.2 26 Argonne Road - 190 to Tree CMAO 77 578 27 SuAivan Road (PE ally)- Eudid to Wc4lesiey STP(U) 40 297.5 28 Sulllvan Road West Bridge BR 735 29 Evergree%VSprague Intersection ?CC Other - FTA 233 113:3 30 McDonald/Sprague IntersecUon PCC Other - FTA 219 1069 31 University/Sprague Intersection PCC Other - FTA 204 997 32 ?2•ic Avenk? . Eve•greez F STP(U) 21 2 153 33 to AYet- ue Pt`,aae 3 - llicxey Other - FTA 140 682 34 ' a*.er Faad - eth to ARC ri UCP 74 371 35 -,Iwa Read - S"gue to lkss,• • UAP 89 447 36 err R~ia4 -a2 (CN Orly. E STP(U) 270 2000 37 - _ - c = _ - _ . STP(U) 12 1415 2010 Totals: 5778 27209 Projeeu and tlmehamea identified in the 'f 1 P am to be considered ashmates only that mar change due to a vier" of dreumstsnces, and are not Intended by the Cty to be relied upon by prgmmy owners or developers in mWdrq devobpn»nt decivona Projects shown in Blue are Funded S9A P4roltfm shown in Groan and Readvduled Prate shown in Orange Page 2 of 4 4= OV, DRAFT be # PI'od Nm Nm, l~ CRY AM! TOW AMM 8 Strr?et P;eServa: er, Proiect - Various Street city 1291.83 1291.83 7 STEP Paveback city 900 1100 15 hark P .Gan- - Briog , =tie al r. 3NSF G3:ie Other Fed 286.5 6810 ~acara_ron 16 :E3•ve* =L3d • 3roace.3i UAP 188.5 442.5 21 BroadwaylSulhran Intersection PCC Other Fed 253 1230 24 fit- t,':e-_i? r ~s.. Pa•► ~crr Other- FTA 221.5 1080.5 25 Other 61x4 4633.6 E ,-ero-a -n 26 Argonne Road -190 to Trent CMAQ 98 713 27 Sullivan Road (PE only)- Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 40 297.5 28 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 735 32 t A:~r, • E!gt=~ri t:: STP(U) 23.8 175 33 .,in Av" Pt ase 3 - Dickey I.-- Other - FTA 352.5 1721 34 :ante- Road - Stn to App;ew'ay UCP 80 400 35 Flora Raad - Sprague to Miss,.:,, UAP 297.5 1486.5 36 ?ark Road - 02 (CN Onty)- STP(U) 314 2326 37 Park Read -g3 - ;rajue to S-oa:7.% STP(U) 12 141.5 38 Pines Corridor ITS- Sprague to Trent CMAQ 280 2081 39 Sullivan Road (RVWCN only) - Eucid to Wellesley STP(U) 160 800 40 Euclid Avenue - Sulihran Rd to Flora Ra. STP(P) 112 835 41 EuCird A:a F Iola Rd • Flow Eucw :a Euuc', STP(U) 51 379 Eucira Fiona to Balrl(er 42 Mission Avg - Flora 1o Ba ~ UAP 99 495 43 Other 104 414 2011 Totals: 6827 30088 Projaft end hmsfrurnes rdentfied m Me TIP we to be considered emimfts onty that may change due to a vartafy of dmumefarms ad are not Intended by Ore Garr to 1Ut7be railed upon by property owners or developers to making develupna+f dedslons- Projech drown k>I Blue we Funded fr°reji.ndOPZ4, 7 1e shown in Green and Rsadreduied Prefects shown In Orange. Page 3 of 4 2912 DRAFT U1111111111 # h'aeet Nate Pttuat•y voQ{tlu City MUM lotal Amount 6 Street PreservaUon Project - Vanous Srert City 1291 83 12,91 25 UCP 2089.6 28 Sullnran Road West Bridge BR 32 STP(U) 95 7 - 33 = ; - .a i - a _ L t• r : _ _ _ Other - FTA 288.5 t - 34 .a tr?s' Rac - oin to A.PIe, - UCP 490 35 UAP 2675 37 ; • _ _ _ _ . - _ . STP(U) 34.4 400 39 Sullivan Road (RW/CN only) - Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 545 2724' 41 - ' _ _ - _ - STP(U) 68 500 JCJw Flora to _a-, _ 42 ss~on Ave - Fix . J = UAP 340.5 17CI 44 -2,0,er R.ad - P',.. STP(U) 40.6 303 1 45 aAtarsn RC30 - 32nd to k'• STP(U) 95.1 28~i s8 a :adway A,re - Flora :c 6= : STP(U) 63 47 7,.:~acwoy Ave 180 It E of rs•_ r - UAP 57 . 48 klar-s`eb E._ension - 5827 to M,; , - _ : - UAP 60.6 49 P;rsas Com70t ITS SpraoLA to 1~'r CMAO 106 50 ?'Fey t' ~rndC,r rr ctb~`t 3 - E v r✓ - STIR 113 2012 Totals: 6046 27596 200 ft= # A*Ct Nate P fin SMU C" AMW 19tel Amami 6 Street P-eservation Project - Vario-5 titre: City 1139.85 1139 05 28 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 405_, 37 STP(U) 235.6 2T71 39 Sullivan Road (RW/CN only) - Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 505 252,1 41 - _ ~ - - R FI_ _ E. STP(U) 461 341" r.iCHU -,a-o to dsr.,_• 42 V.iss-on Ave - Flora to Bs•--r UAP 310.5 1551 44 ;:;arkef Roil - Spokane STP(U) 37.4 279 i 45 ;;owa:sh Ro3a - 32nd to STP(U) 97.9 . 46 =+-oaav:ay Ave - Fl; ra J c3 ~ STP(U) 50 47 F~,'vadyr3y Ave 160 It E o! 102,- -e - - UAP 48 48 r•'> :`.te Extension - SP27 !o A4ir3tz: , UAP 146.4 - STP 202.5 51 -2-way•Tnierman E8 L_-- CMAO 3 52 , . 3h3n T-,.c* Lane - ct' ' - ; - - - STP(U) 32 53 --fly RaaO I^Jay 1, GishiTi:- Id•= , _ Other Fed 20 95 k.9 2013 Totals: 3289 19112 Projects and Umetnarres identified in am TIP ant, to be mmidared mmmates mVy that may change due to a variety or circurns4w aa, and are not kAandW by " City to be relied upon by property owners or developom In "taking devoloprnerd decisions. Prolacta shown in Blue aro Funded Pro Al)M Pro l1!)qdxs.se+t atrown in Green and Rdeheduhd Profects ywwn in Orange. i ~pr1l 2,4. / Page 4 0l DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only j as of April 26, 2007 9:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Mav 8, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, April 301 Proclamations: Older Americans Month; Goodwill Industries Week 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll; Claims; Minutes; Liberty Lake MOU; Spokane Co Sewer MOU; David Evans Contract Supplement; Resolution Setting Public Hearing for Street Vacation [5 minutes] 2. Motion Consideration: Local Redevelopment Authority - Dave Mercier [5 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Grants School Zone Flashing Signs - Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: Customer Service Improve Plan Admin Support-Nina Regor [10 minutes] 5. Site Selector Demonstration -Robin Toth [30 minutes] 6. Library Update: Mike Wirt [20 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Ordinance Definitions - Cary Driskell x,10 minutes] 8. Administration Report: Street Vacations Compensation - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 9. Admin Report: Sidewalks - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 10. Admin Report: Appleway Avenue - Project Update - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 11. Info Only: Lodging 'l'ax Report - Steve Taylor 12. Info Only: Appleway Extension, MTP Request- Steve Worley EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Litigation; Land Acquisition [estimated meeting: 130 minutes] May 15, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, May 7] i " 1. Discussion: Policy Issues in Planning Commission Recommended UDC Titles (90 minutes) Mav 22, 2007, Reaular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, May 141 1. PUBLIC I EAR NG: Proposed 2008-2013 TIP - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Solid Waste Franchise-Cary Driskell [20 minutes] 4. Proposed Resolution Amending 2007 TIP - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Applcway Extension, MTP Request - Steve Worley [10 minutes] 6. Admin Report: Lodging Tax Committee Recommendations - Steve Taylor [15 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Panhandling - Cary Driskell [20 minutes] 8. Admits Report: Sprague Appleway revitalization Plan - Scott Kuhta [20 minutes] 9. Admin Report: Draft 3, CenterPlace Marketing Plan - Mike Jackson [15 minutes] 10. Information Only: Departi-nent Reports [estimated meeting: 125 minutes] May 29, 2007 - DAY AFTER MEMORIA1, DAY - NO MEETING Saturday, June 2, 2007 - Council/Staff Retreat, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Councilmember Denennv's Cabin 29897 N. Isle View Road Spirit Lake. Idaho 83869 7'entalive Agenda Items: Funding Options, Bond issues, 2008 Goals (Valley CDBG Program); Council webcasts; Updated Financial Forecast; SpraguelAppleivay Revitalization Plan; Business Plan; Brainstorming June 5, 2007, Spec l'1~tect n 6:00 p.m. [due dat6~4;u646 May 29, 2007} 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Solid Waste Franchise - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] r" 3. First Reading Amendment to Animal Control Ordinance - Cary Driskell [10 minutes. 4. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Committee Grant Approvals - Steve Taylor [5 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Appleway Avenue Construction Contract Award -..Steve Worley [10 minutes] 6. Admin Report: MasterPlan Final Presentation - Steve Worley/ JUB Representative [60 minutes] 7. Administrative Report: UDC Titles - Marina Sukup [20 minutes] [estimated meeting: 120 minutes] Draft Advance Agendit 4/26!2007 9:30 AM Page I of 2 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - No iMeeting or Study Session (June 12-15: AWC Cities Conference, Tacoma) ttilonday,..Jiine.l.'8 1..34~n:nv JOINT MEETING W1 SPOKANE COUNTY COMIlfISSIONERS:.COft :meal: County's HR Training Room June 19, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, June 1.1] 1. Pines/Mansfield Construction Contract Schedule & Budget- Steve Worley (20 minutes) 2. Paperless Agendas, Cost Comparisons - Chris Bainbridge (20 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Jail 1.ssues - Cary Driskell/Rick VanLeuven (20 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Police Department. Update - Rick Vanl euven (20 minutes) 5. Report on Amending Code re General Definitions - Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 6. Presentation on Crone Reporting Options Mike DeVlcming (15 minutes) 7- , .r 'T-.rr-,-.^, r•-.-__•: s-•- r-~->'re~.•»---rc~v r`, i . 7.1'ctty cash POtlc,y K~r► Tl cpson s`: 4 . (^l ~.minutes,}, ~ni JTOTAL MINUTES: 130 minutes June 26, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, June 181 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Amendment to Animal Control Ordinance - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] x •t d r ~'-Y" r su ev- > ,a ~ r 1(] `Itl~lnute5; First Rcad~ng,rdiniirice ~Lrriundina,Pett} Cash K,~n Th}~sort 4. First Reading Ordinance re Definitions - Cary Driskelll [10 minutes] 5. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2008-2013 '1111- Steve Worley [10 minutes] 6. Motion Cons identtion: Approval of Pines/Mansfield Construction Contract Award - Steve Worley [ 10 minutes] 7. Motion Consideration: Adoption of CenterPlace Marketing Plan - Mike Jackson [10 minutes] 8. Information Only: Department Reports [estimated meeting: 65 minutes] July~~3, 2'U:0:7 T'°ll:A~]~ B~:EO~t~F;::4 "i ~1 IJl~Y noi~i:eetin July 10, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, July 2] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims; Minutes [5 minutes] 2 Second Reading Ordinance re Definitions Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 3 second R~~idino`Ordtnance ~lrntniri Petty:GaSh ~+Kxn'Thpclison [5ininute _ [estimated meeting:- minutes] July 17, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session July 24, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. July 31, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session (due date Monday, July 9] [due date Monday, July 161 [due date Monday, July 23 August 7, 2007: Possible No Meeting (Presumed National Night Out) OTHFR PENDING ANDIOR UPCOMING ISSi Work Force Development, In-Service Definitions CDBG Review Noise Ordinance (Construction Activity) Modified Crime Check/Crime Reporting Central Valley School District Impact Fee Request Sewer Collection Systems - Neil Kersten Sept 27-29, 2007: NIX, Fnergy, Enviromnent & Natural Resources Steering Cmmte Fall Meeting: CenterPlace Draft Advance Agenda 4/26/2007 9:30 AM Accident Statistics along Broadway - October 2007 Adoption of 2008 Budget - October 30, 2007 Solid Waste - WVUTC notice - Cary Driskell Outdoor Pool Concepts - Mike Jackson estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments.] Page 2 of 2 s%lwwwa Spokane ;0OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevaitey.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and City Council From: Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer and Neil Kersten, Public Works Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: 4124107 Re: 2007 Flashing Beacon Grants The-Washington Traffic Safety Commission has issued a Request for Proposals for School Zone Flashing Beacon projects. Applications are due May 14a` and speed studies must be completed prior to submitting the application. Last year we were awarded $22,500 to complete three school zones. These funds were used at Set] Woodard, Broadway, and Trentwood Elementary Schools. The Grant fiords cover the costs of all equipment. '17he Public Works Department plans to submit applications again this year for three school zones. We have selected the short-list of elementary schools below using the following criteria: School has frontage or major crosswalk on arterial street. • High volume of traffic on street. • High percentage of students walking or biking. • Sheriff's Department identified school as problem area. Functional Average Daily % Walkers School Location of Zone Classification Traffic Volume /Bikers Sum t McDonald - 51h to 7th Minor Arterial 5,800 veh/day 25%' Sc mol Seth Mission west of Park Collector 4,000 veh/day (high truck 30% Woodard South Pines Pines Road - crosswalk at Minor Arterial 5,500 veh/day 84% 24th Skyview Wellesley - Flora Minor Arterial 3,000 - 1,700 veh/day <15% Elementary hester Pines !toad - Eagle to Loretta Collector 2,900 veh/day 68% C ary ' No buses are provided. at Summit School. Many kids cross McDonald for parent pickup on the cast side of the road. Based on last years costs die grant pays for each pair of beacons which are about $8,000, installation labor ran / about $4,200 and survey was $5,300. The installation and survey costs will come from the 2007 street fund. okan~ SP j Ualley. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaitpspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: April 24, 2007 Re: Customer Service Improvement Plan: Administrative Support The City prefers to provide services under contract when feasible and cost effective. As a result, the City's in-house operations have evolved at a slower pace than what the growth in demand might warrant. This is especially the case for the administrative support of the City's various operations. This Customer Service Improvement Plan proposes adding an Office Assistant 1 in Community Development (CD) and in Public Works (PTV), and an Administrative Assistant in Legal. The estimated annual cost of this proposal is about $135,000. The Issue The City's programs and activities have grown over time. However, when new activities were brought partially or completely in-house, corresponding support needs were not addressed. To fill the gap, the City's few support staff have stepped up to provide what assistance they can. The City's technical staff has also pitched in by assuming support duties as partof their workload. An organization must determine at what point this becomes cost ineffective, and Spokane Valley has reached that point. Following are a few examples of how programs and activities have evolved: • The management of the stormwater program is now in-house; • Many road maintenance services are transitioning from the County; • Legal services are primarily in-house; • The projects in the capital program have accelerated as the City-initiated projects have replaced County-initiated projects; • The City has undertaken significant projects such as the Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan and a street master plan; to name a couple. Another significant impact on the City's support needs is the management of its current and archivable records. The County has transferred many land-based records to the City, which primarily affects CD and PTV. Customer Service Improvement Plan: Administrative Support, continued April 24, 2007 Page 2 of 4 Legal Services Support Upon incorporation, the City's legal services comprised one employee (Deputy City Attorney), and a City Attorney provided via contract with a legal, firm. All legal administrative support was provided by the law firm. The first couple of years were spent creating the legal infrastructure of a new city. By the end of 2004, Legal had prepared and Council had considered 227 ordinances and resolutions, and negotiated 143 contracts. The mission ofthese initial years was to quickly lay much of the groundwork; and the only way to do so was to take as many existing ordinances and policies as possible from other jurisdictions and other- sources. Much of the City's legal infrastructure, i.e., codes and standards, was adopted from Spokane County and Liberty Lake (as another recently incorporated city), and models developed by the Municipal Research and Services Council (MRSC). The next phase of the City's start-up then began, and we have been imprinting Spokane Valley's identity and policy preferences on our laws and regulations by systematically modifying them. As we have taken on projects such as the Comprehensive Plan, the Uniform Development Code, and the Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan, our demands of legal staff have evolved in the type of research, advice and counsel we seek. In addition, as the City has become established, external demands have grown. For instance, there axe currently 61 code compliance cases that have reached a stage requiring legal action. Nine of those cases have reached a level requiring court action, all of which the Legal department oversees. Over time, claims and lawsuits either against or initiated by the City will also grow. In 2005, the City added 1.0 FTE in order to bring the City Attorney in-house because of the growing need and to capitalize on greater economy and access. No administrative --support-vas-added.- Central Reception It is also important to note how the City's central reception function has evolved. When the floater Administrative Assistant was added, it was intended to form a two-person team in support of central reception, as well as to provide back-up support to other departments. The City dedicated half of this position's time in support of Public Works, such as management of the road maintenance work order system. The "Receptionist" position, i.e., the Office Assistant II, was dedicated half-time to legal support. These individuals are the primary back-up for each other. However, there are many day's that they cannot. The City calls on other Administrative Assistants for back-up at central reception. 1 This number includes change orders and contract amendments. Customer Service Improvement Plan: Administrative Support, continued April 24, 2007 Page 3 of 4 'fhe incoming call volume adds demand at central reception. As a result, the Cite is not always able to respond to, or even pick up all of the customer calls in a timely way. This adversely impacts both intenial and external customer service. Temporary Staffing For both 2006 and 2007, the City included $50,000 in the budget for general temporary staffing, and an additional $30,000 for CD administrative assistance"- while working on the Comprehensive Plan, the Uniform Development Code, the Sprague Applewa-y Revitalization Plan, and other projects. Since that time, the City has consistently made use of a temporary employee in both CD and PW on a full-time basis. They have helped to provide order to the records transferred from the County as well as City-initiated files. In addition; eve have relied upon them for general clerical duties such as mailings; and providing back-up support to the CD and PW Admin Assistants. The City's collective bargaining agreement (CBA) allows for seasonal or casual employees for up to six months or 1,040 hours in a calendar year. The intent of temporary staffing is to help the City address projects or other short term needs, not to address ongoing needs. The City first made use of the temporary office assistants in order to evaluate the long- term need. As described above, the need has been established and is anticipated to continue for the foreseeable future. Staffing Proposal Staff proposes replacing the two temporary positions being used on a full-time basis in - GI)-and-P-NV-,,vith-2.0-1?1=L-Office-Assistant I. However,_$50,000would-be_retained-in the budget for sporadic temporary assistance so that we have the ability to respond as necessary to new service demands. The positions would become permanent per the CB& and would perform routine clerical and administrative work, including: • Assisting in. the maintenance of official City documents and records; preparing and maintaining a variety of files; • Receiving the public and answering questions; responding to inquiries from employees, citizens, and others; • Answering in-coming calls and routing callers or providing information as required; • Addressing citizen service requests or complaints. 2'rhe total M assistance budget was $100:000 each year-S30,000 for administrative support, and $70,000 for planning assistance. Customer Service Improvement Plan: Administrative Support, continued April 24, 2007 Page 4 of 4 This would free up time for the current Administrative Assistants in PTV and CD to perform more of the administrative support functions requiring more independent judgment, such as tracking project costs and taking minutes at Planning Commission meetings. In addition, this proposal recommends adding an Administrative Assistant in the Legal office. Primary responsibilities would include: • Supporting the timely response to litigation demands by formatting pleadings and memoranda, copying, collating, and distributing the documents, including physical service and filing when necessary; • Coordinating court dates and interoffice court calendars to ensure deadlines are met; • Maintain-i.ng code compliance legal files; • Establishing and updating the law library; • Scheduling multi-party meetings in support of providing client advice; • Creating and maintaining both public and confidential records. Cost and Fundinix of Proposal Position Temporary FTE Annual Cost Office Assistant f (CD; P"O (2.00) 2.00 $87,221 Administrative Assistant (Legal) 1.00 48,454 Total (2.00) 3.00 $135,675 The annual cost of this proposal is about $135,000. For the remainder of 2007, the cost would be about $68,000: $44,000 could be absorbed via the City's temporary assistance allocation; $24,000 could be included in the City's second budget adjustment, which ypically Cakes place in TTo~ vembcr or .9e ember.