2007, 06-26 Special Regular Meeting !i A(:EtiUA SPC)K:1YE V~I.IfY C"ITY COUtiCIt. SCECI:1L ]1'IFi',7'!NG Council Ntecting # 118 Tucsda~. Junr 26, 21107 ti:UO p.m. CI'CY 11:tI.L AT ItEDR'nOn PLA"LA 11707 Last Sprugue Avrnuc. Fir-0 Fluar Couuril Rcyuc-sts All F;letironic Ue%•ices be'1'nrnetl llff I)uring l'ouocil NMeeting CAT.t. I'O ORDFK: INV"IICA'!'IUN: Px,t,,c liarn Fo,(cr, \'aUe~ t'-int :it F'iiir, l'hiyrch PUUGF OF:ILLEGIAYC'E: ROi.L CALL: APPROVAL OF AGEtiDA: LtiTROpUcTION OF S!'ECLAL GtTf'.STS 1Nll PRfiSEti"C:1TiU\S: CQALNII'CME, BnARi). L1A15()ti SCjNI1tiiARY REYORTS: AfAYOIt'S RFPORl': P[JI3IJC C0-N1\IEr-I'S: Crcept "tirrc indi::ateci tx:low tur "public cummeni" this ►s an oppurtunit} fiar tiir Put,li: tt, >j4a1, on Any topic Vl hcn yac, come tc, tltc pkNtiuni, pleasr ,tntr vnur namc nnd address fc-r tlir r«vrd iiiid iinut sr►ii:iik,, to thrcr min►rtc; i. Ct);Vtil:tiT :~GENll:~: t_',n~i;i, _f itcm~ c>r.;il~rrd ruutin~ «lii~lt arr .srE~rn r,1 ,i; 3 4:l1ti~). c'uunciltucmber may rrtnuve uti itcm fmm thc C:omsCnt Agenda to bc wnsiditui separatel}. u. FuUuwing Clairn Vauche~~ ; V()[1CHER L151' DATF VOUC'HER #s TUTAL VOUC14ER AMnI.INT^ 6ti-0I-07 11835 - 1187a SZ7G,Fr47??-~ ( 06-07-07 11875 - 1193 ' S201.I88.43 , . 06-I3-07 l {938- 12006 S1,579,023.'v LG RfVtiUTU1'AI. $1,876 .858_94_1 h. Payroll for Ncriod Ending Junc 17. 2007: 5183,371.87 c. Minutrs of hiay 24, 2007 Spccwl Study Sr,stiian Ccxutcil tiirciing J. Nlinutcs of lunc 2. 2007 Simcial l«uniillStnff Rrire~it c. iNtinulrs of Junr S. 2007 Slwiul t ouncil Mrcting tAciditinns tn I"inanrrat Manncemcnt f'olicics Nk:«' f3US1NE55 2. First Rcacling PrLpvticd Finntkr Ordirinncr T 07-0 11 Ame-nding t'redit l'ard L.irnits - ken 'iiiurnpsom Ipublic rummi:nt) 3. prcip:vwl Re-,ulutiun 07- 008 Adopting 2(?Q&4'413 '1'ranspottatiLm Im}srovement Plan -S'tcve VVarlry [public comment) 4. MotiUa Considcnfiiun: Pou1 Cunccpts- Ntike Jucksan I pnblic commrntJ 5. N4ution Consldr•rutiLmi: Austin Appea) Findings c►f F.4ct and Decision - htikc ('onneli\ Iqna.si-judiciul matter. no pabllc ronimcnt) i'nirh'il _ :c: _I.. u, f? i:,_.•i.l ~ Iir~ ~ 2 11l lil_IC: t:(»lN tF_\T!,~ I..~~~I v,I i::r,: inLi;k::itCkj a!,,~~ I; 'p uh lii ~•~~~tu~tcnl" Ifii~ ~,s c;M iii'. f. tlic puhlic to spenl: on nny topic. When ynu come to the podium, plctsc staGs yuur name and adcirass tor lltC I'C~:,iif[i 3tld litlltl S.:Itili'ki ll' IlIfCC I]illlUlC'. :~~-NIrrrtSTx.ATtVr•. EZE:NORI S: t;. ltegionyl TranspcTrtntirni Cc,ncurrcni:} i 71,--nn Mi1e; L•tiF'()RMAl'IUti ONL1': 7. l'omci,-tC:ahle Franchi.r l'~twinu;iti,m R. nepartment Rep.+rts N'XECUTINTSFSStON: n~s %1111()f It\Nil \ I ! ( T( KF.ti'( I1LUtL1= Rcarrlur ('r>iutril.lterlings are•grirrrull~- held :trd und 1' frtecdu}:ti, hegilritfng ei1 d:UO p.nn. ('ouncil.StuJi' Sesseoia ure generallt• /leld 1~ 3" arrd Srh Tnesday,s. hegrirninr ut 6:I10 p.nr. (1/hc i rerrlulive IOi UI1111tg ,tleeli~r~,~%, l: e~en/.s: ~ i►! ic~.'F li;di% iuuuls jil:u:s~uti~ ta attu>>: tt:c incca:i4 .vhu ra{wrc :pcz,jAl physai:.Il, hcanr& ar `U~~: il' m~sirtnr.r,t3, plc~~r c+artwrt tlu Llt~~ Clcrk nt I 5()919'_' 1• 1 f1fK► tti ,cvfn ~c pnsc~htc ,o that arrnngcmcvm rttn~• hc m~clr - - - - - - - 1 ,u:,,_:I i; : m! i ir CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ~ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the FoIlovving, Vuuchers: BACKGROUND: • VO[.1CF[ER LIST VOUCHER. #s TQTAL VOUC1-1LR I\I~![OUNT UATF . ~ 06-01-07 ~ 11835 - 1 1374 I $276,647.22 ~ ~ 06-07-07 I 11875 -11937 I S?a 1,1ss.a3 ~ 06-13-07 I 11938 - 120U6 I $1,579,023.29 ~ GR,,VND TOTAL I . ~ $1;876,858.94 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: . STAFF CONTACT: Brad Johnson ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists r ; ~ ~ . . vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 1 06l0112007 3:37:40PM Spokane Valley , Bank codc : apbank Voucher ' Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescripdoNAccount Amount 11835 5l2112007 000497 TWE BANK OF NEVJ YORK 6!1107 ciebt service JUNE 20D7 DE6T SERVICE-2003 l.l' 205,517.50 . Total : 205, 57 7.50 11836 5l2212007 000724 FAULKNER, JASON 5121 reimb REIMBURSE TRAVEL f2Ei.ATED TO 17.57 , Total : 77.57 11837 5122L2007 000658 SPOICANE COUMY SUPERlOF2 COURT 5/22l07 request FILINC FEES-ABA'fF-MENT OF NUIE 200.00 . . - Totat : 200.00 11847 6/1/2007 001081 ALSC0 Isp4204978 PRECINCT MA7S 13.30 LSP0209035 MATS FOR CITY HALL 60.22 ' Isp0217074 MATS 11707 SPRAGUE 60.54 ' Total : 134.06 11848 61112007 000444 ARCTIC LIGNT1NG 8ELECTRIC 8498 400 WAIT HALIDE 317.66 • - Total : 317.66 11849 6J1/2007 001017 AVTECH SOFTWARE 2007031529PJI 41871 AVTECM SOFfWARE MAINTENANC 255.00 , Total : 255.00 11850 611f2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPI'LY, INC. 8817673 LINENS 385.26 Total : 385.26 11851 61112007 000571 CODE PUBLISHING COMPAPlY 28350 MUNICIPAL CODE ELEC'fRONtC UF 205.82 To41 : 205.82 11852 611/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 06-08-07 GOLMAN MC 1,152.45 7otal: 1,152.45 • 11653 611/2007 000556 GEORGE, CAROLYRi 051707 REIMSURSEMENT FOR CLASS 353.74 • Total : 353.74 11854 , 611/2007 000071 GOLMAN, SUE exp reimb report . FJCPENSE REIMBURSEMEIVT 7.76 Total : . 7.76 11855 6I112007 001328 INLAND NORTHWEST HEAL'fH, SERVICI TC-12127 41667 FIRST AID CARD & POCKE7 MASK 109.50 ' . I'age: 1 vchlist VoucheP List Page: 2 0610112007 3:37:40PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 3pbank , Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount • 11855 6/1/2007 001326 001326 INLAND NORTHWEST HEALTH, SEF (Continued) Total : 109.50 11856 6/1/2047 000033 MCPC, INC. 5113286 41664 FILE CENTER 25.95 • Total : 25.95 11857 6l1/2007 001058 MCROS3ERTS, CAROLINE 051807 TRAINlNG & MEETINGS . . 41.37 - Total : 41.37 11858 611/2007 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 060107 AUTO ALLOWANCE 400.00 ' Total: 400.00 11859 6l1/2007 000062 MUNSON, RiCi-IAI2D 052907 GMA S7EERING COMM 8 LUNCH V~ 20•94 . Total : 20.44 11860 6/112007 000239 NORTHWEST BUSIfVESS STAMP INC. 59827 S7AMPS 219•37 ' Total : 219.37 11861 611I2007 000193 NORTHWEST CWRISTIAN SCW00L INC 0$0107 CITY HALL RENTAL 29,433.09 . Total : 29,433.09 11862 6I112007 000512 OFFICETEAM 18638212 JOYCE FONTAtNE ' 478.50 Total : 478.50 11863 6l112007 001338 I'laSSMORE, SUSAN 060107 • REIMBUR SUPPLIES FOF2 COUNCII 33.00 Total : 33.00 11864 6/1/2407 401337 PItdG, FRANK 051407 • CANCELLATION 1,185.00 • Total : 1,185.00 11865 611l2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. • 1330037756 Building Division form 1,137.35 1330037958 BUSINESS CARDS 8 NAME PLATE, 171.66 • , Total : 1,309.01 11866 6J1l2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE'STd1FFING SERV INC. 22419 Brett Johnson SP- Maintenance 563.20 Total : 563.20 11867 611/2007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFIPJG SERVICES 3008-0500015173 MATf KUSHNER WACES 1,02320 . ' . Total: 1,023.20 ' ' . • Page: 2 , . - ~ . - ' ` vchlist • . • , -VouCher L'ISt Pagc: 3 . 0610112007 3:37:40PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11868 611/2007 001336 RIVERSIDE HIGH SCHOOL 050707 , REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 260.50 " • Total : 260.50 11869 6/112007 001335 SERVATRON, INC 051507 ' REFUPID DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 11870 . 6J7/2007 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 1860 ELECTRIC LINE PERMI7 & CONS7F 158.96 • Total : 158.96 11871 61112007 000090 SPOKANE COUNIY INFORMATIOM, SYS 50300888 COUNTY IT SUPPORT 15,270.56 50301037 COUNTY IT SUPPORT 13,905.42 Total : 29,175.98 11872 6l112007 000001 SPOKANE COUN7Y TREASURER 55182.1621g PROP TEVC - 1,115.10 Total : 1,115.10 11873 6/9/2007 000404 SI'OiCANE VALLEY HERITAGE MUSEUM 07-118 . MARKETING & PROMO BROCWURE 2,392.00 • . Total : 2,392.00 11874 6/1t2007 000061 WILHITE, DIANA • 040107 , , - MILEAGE 105.73 _ - Total : 105.73 31 Vouchers for bank code : 8pbank . Bank total : 276,647.22 31 Vouchers in this report APj'RO1E D: Total vouchers : 276,647.22 ' . ~ 4,_1r~~ ~-7 I, thc undersigned, do ccrtify under penatty of perjury, Ken Thompson, Tinance Director Date that the matorfals have been fumished, the serviccs - rendered, or the labvr performed as described hereln and that the claim Is Jusf, due and an unpaid obligation against the Gity of Spokane Vafley, and that I am authorizsd to authenticafe and certify to said claim. MaypII' W6l1]IItC ! Finance Dfrec#or Date fAFw711f1rYIeQr ~i • ' r Page: 3 • vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0610712007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley Bank eode : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11875 614/2047 000958 AAA SWCEPINC, LLC 38019-A 41579 CITY CON7RACT NO. 07-001 SWEE 67,222.04 Total : 67,222.04 11877 617/2007 004921 A 70 z RENTALS 99152 41662 REtdTAL OF 6 SANQUET TABLES 62.03 Total : 62.03 11878 61712007 001324 A.S.E_ KIDS, LLC Spring Session 41668 SPRING S'1'RETCH-rl-GROW SESSI 198.00 Total : 198.00 11879 61712007 041181 ACOSTA, CARRIE Expense Form C ACOSTA RCIPI113URSEMENT 8.29 • ' Total: 8.29 11880 617/2007 000335 ALl'ON'S T1RE INC. 6-25515 OIL CHANGE - 2004 TAURUS 22.33 6-25770 SERVICE ON F250 5025 Total : 72.58 11881 6/712007 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINCSS SYSTEMS 146066 MONTHLY BILLING ON MAILF200M 1,03526 Total : 1,035.26 11882 617/2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 090091047 MONTIiLY ELECTRIC BILL - CENTE 5,535.43 410102'159 • BARKER 8 MISSION SIGNAL 40.66 410102159 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ELEC7(21CITY 38.54 Total : 5,614.63 11883 6/712007 000918 BLUE RIBBON I.INEN SUPPLY, INC. 8819598 SERVICES FOR CEPITER PIACE 406.98 8821546 • VARIOUS SUPPLIES AT CENTER PI 386.74 Total : 793.72 11884 6/7l2007 040904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE Expense Form MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 40.84 Total: 40.84 11885 6R12007 001048 CITY I'ARCEL DELIVERY, INC. 1010127-IN • CARRIER SERVICE 1=0R PW 5.80 Total : 5.80 11886 6/7f2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 50192 COFFEE SUt'f'LIES 136.48 Total : 138.48 page: 1 vchiist Voucher List Page: 2 06107/2007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouctier Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11887 61712007 000606 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 776 FIBER LEASE 228.06 Total : 228.06 11888 617l2007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATIOPI DIST, #19 05859.0 DISCOVERY PIACE WATER USAGI 148.37 . 06377.0 . CEN'PER PLACE WA7ER USE 55.60 06377.2 CEN7ERPLACE WATER USE 232.97 11534.2 PARKS & RECS WATER USE 18.67 11962.2 BARKER RD GR N 15.98 11983.2 SARKER RD GR N 27.68 11984.2 BARKER RD GR N 18.15 . Total : 517.42 11889 61712007 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 79085469 41669 - CUPS/PLATESJBOWLS FOR OPS & 384.34 Total : 384.34 11890 6I712007 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 223127 40448 DAVID EVANS LOS ANALYSIS ' 287.50 Total : 287.50 11891 61712007 000537 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, IN 222647 41286 CONTRACT #f06-020 DEA DEV_ PLA 11,764.00 ' Total : 11,764.00 11692 6R/2007 000904 DEPT. OF LABOR 8 INDUS7RIGS, ELEVF 0081710 ELEVATOR OPERATING PERR4IT - f 105.90 Total : 105.90 , 11893 6I7f2007 000059 DEVLEMItdG, A4ICFIAEL Expense Form 1141LEAGE REIh1113URSEMrNT 175.98 . Total : 175.98 11894 6/7I2007 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 343953310 ONGOING ADVERTISINC 144.75 . Total : 144.75 11895 6I7/2007 001311 DICKERSON PUMP & IRRIGATIOtd 6639 SHAFT SEAL FOR MYERS PUMP 1,195.90 Total : 1,195.90 11896 617/2007 000278 DRISKELL, CARY Facpense Forrn MISC MEEi'ING TRAVEL REIMBUR: 80.99 Total : 80.99 11897 6/7/2007 400246 EAST SPO}CANE WATER DIST #1 02051000 WA7ER USAGG: 4l09-5117 587.37 09006100 WATER USAGE 4f20-5/18 211.52 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 06107/2007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8pb2t1k Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11897 617/2007 000246 EAST SpOKANE WATER DISTtt1 (Continued) 09026100 WATER USAGE 4/20-5118 98.21 09066100 WAT[R USAGE: 4/20-5l18 142.01 09078100 7711 F_ SPRAGUE 69:58 • Total : 1,108.69 11898 6/7/2007 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 5042 41525 LOBDYIST SERVICES 2,192.94 Total : 2,192.94 11899 6l7/2007 001316 GRUNDFOS CBS, INC. 41634 • 41634 REPLACEMENT WiO70R 1,563.84 Total : 1,563.84 11900 617/2007 000009 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 42382110 41640 COMPUTERS 4,865.2$ 1 • Total : 4,865.28 11901 •61712007 Q00741 HONEY BUCKETS 0478226 DELIVERY CHARGE FOR SPECIAL 85.00 Total : 85.00 11902 617/2007 000313 INLAND ASPH,ALT COMPANY INC. DISf'OSAL SERVICES SWEEPING DISPOSAL SERVICES 2,288.00 7otal : 2,288.00 11903 6/712007 000022 INIAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC_ 55058 EMPLOYEE ID CARDS 39.10 Totai : 39.10 11904 61712007 000070 INLAND POWER AND L1GWT CO 94202-002 APR-MAY USAGE (FLORA 8 TRENT 40.14 94202-003 ' APf2-MAY USAGE (DISWMAN NiICA - 66.66 94202-005 APR-MAY USAGE (DISHMAN MICA, 138.17 . 94202-006 APR-MAY STREET LIGHTING ' 201.60 ' Total : 446.57 11905 617/2007 001051 KOUDELKA, MORGAN Expense Form • M KOUDELKA REIMBURSEMENT 11.15 Total : 11.15 11906. 6/7l2007 000993 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 276892 WINTER CHANGEOVER 97.74 ' Total : 97.74 11947 6/7l2007 000073 MC CORMICK, GREG Cxnensc Form GREG MC CORMICK 178.01 !'age: 3 Vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0610712007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11907 61712007 000473 000073 MC CORiu11CK, GREG (Continued) • Total : 178.01 11908 617/2007 040Q69 PAERCIER, DAVID Expense Form TRAVEL TO AWC ANNUAL ArTG 152.80 Expense Form 7RAN5POFZTA710N TO ICMA CONF 478.00 Total : 630.80 11909 617/2007 000132 MODERWEI.ECTRIC WATER COA4PANY 04500-01 5134l07 MONTI-iLY [LECTI2IC & WAl`ER 611. 8,164.95 Total : 8,164.95 11910 617/2007 004013 NEOPOS7, INC. 43264517 POSTAGC METF-R RENTAI 469.80 Total : 469.80 11911 6/7/2007 001035 NENVORK DESIGN & hAANAGEMENT 15294 41672 KAPERSKY ANTI-VIRUS 1 YR SUBE 1,251.07 Total : 1,251.07 .11912 617/2007 001269 NWS TRAFFIC GNGINEERING 22144 41572 ANALYSIS 01= CIIY POLES 1,227.31 Total : 1,227.31 11913 61712007 000058 OCCUPATIONAL PAEDICINE ASSOC. A500163 PHYSICAL EXAMS - VARIOUS PE01 520.40 . • Total : 520.00 11914 617/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 382733806-003 41605 OFFICE SUPPLIES = LEGAL DEPT 4.49 386305697-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.68 386431334-001 41641 OFFICE SUPPLIES - LEGISLATIVE I. 32.38 386611643-001 41660 OFFICE SUPnLIES - OPS & ADh41N : 70.30 386717542-001 41663 OFFICE SUC'PLIk"S - LECAL DEPT 17.42 Total : 129.27 •11915 6/7l'2407 000899 ONEEIGH'fY NETWORKS 570439 T1 LINES 828.18 • Total : 628.18 11916 6l7/2007 001338 PASSMORE, SUSAN Expense Form COUNCIL & MGT RETREAT PROVIc, 208.77 Total : 208.77 11917 6/7/2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330037855 SET UP CHARGES 148.08 Total : 148.08 11918 6/7f2007 000494 PRO nEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 22601 TEMPORARY WORKEI2 - 13RETf JC 698.33 Page: 4 vChlist VOUCher List Page: 5 06/07/2007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank ' . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 11918 6R/20a7 000494 PRO PEOPI.E STAFFING SERV INC. (Continued) . 22781 TEMPORARY WORKER - BRETT JC 552.80 • • Total : 1,251.13 11919 617/2007 000419 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 18078 41623 POLO SHIRTS - CENTER PLACE LC 70.59 18780 EMBROIDERED LOGO SMIFZTS 35.30 18947 41698 MAGNEI'IC SICNS 43.44 Tota I : 149.33 11920 6/7/2407 400322 QWEST 549-921-6787 511 B SERVICE AT MIRAC3EAU IwiEAl70W: 43.07 Tota I : 43.07 11921 617/2007 000341 RICOH CORPORA710N 07063280165 REGUTAR PAYMENT 246.53 07063280388 REGULAR PAYNIENT 412.68 07063290952 REGULAR C'AYMENT 236.92 Total : 898.13 11922 6R12047 000709 SENSKE IAWN & 7REE CARE INC. 1709814 DISCOVERY PLACE LAWN MAINTE 1,938.51 1709815 DISCOVERY PL.ACE LAWN MAIfd7E 49,799.38 Tota I : 51,737.89 11923 617/2007 000726 SHUR KLEEN SERVICES, INC. • 66468 41681 JANITORIAL SERVICES 312.00 Total : 312.00 11924 6/712007 000230 SPOKANE CNTY AUf71TORS OFC, RECO 05042007 FILING & RECORDING FEES (ST. D. 664.00 Tot31 : 664.00 11925 617/2007 000324 SPOKANE COUNTY WATER DIST. #3 170-0040-03 906 N PARK Ri7 (pOOL) 57.50 475-1495-00 1508 S WOODRUFF RD 28.75 Total : 86.25 11926 617f2007 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE ' 160741 41593 EARLY.SPRING LAWN APPLICATIO 77.11 160742 41593 DORMANT OIL SPRAY 78.19 Total : 155.30 11927 6/7J2007 04Q411 SPOKANE V/1LLEY NEWS MERALD 29020 DETERMINATION OF PJON-SICfdIFI( 64.50 .29045 NOTICE 01= PUF3LIC HEARIPIG 67.50 29046 DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFI( 60.75 _Page: - 5 . ~ . . \,f vchlist VoUCher List Page: 6 06107/2007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8pbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tt DescriptionlAccount Amount 11927 6/7/2007 000411 SPOK//1P1E VALLEY NENlS HERAL[7 (Continued) . 29060 LEGAL AD • 119.00 29064 LEGAL AD 63.75 29065 I_FGAL AD 25.00 29082 LGGAL AD 49.20 29084 LEGAL AD 35.00 29U85 LEGAL AD 25.00 29086 LEGAL AD 50.25 29087 LEGAL AD 4725 • Total : 607.20 11928 6l7/2007 000939 SPRAGUF_ & SULLIVAM MINISTORAGE 24433 MONTIAI_Y PORTABLE STORAGE R 119.00 Totai : 119.00 11929 6/7/2007 040311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. Apr 15-May 14 CELL PHONE MONTF,iLY BILLING 832.45 Total : 832.45 11930 6/7/2007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1210 PLANiJING SERVICES 4,345.00 Total : 4,345.00 11931 6/712007 001254 SYf`EE NET SERVICES 5724 41673 INSTALL CABLE TRAY 622.28 Total : 622.28 11932 617/2007 040093 TME SPOKESMAN-REVIEIN INC. 1069315 EMPLOYMENT ADS 1,694.55 50869' EMPLOYMENT ADS 1,433.47 , . Total: 3,128.02 11933 617/2407 000167 VEf2A WATER & POWER 0001-431971.02 TRAFFIC SIGNAL (EVERGREENIiViI: 78.80 0007-017753-01 W/17EI2 USAGE (2ND & EVERCREE 17.17 0008-010790-01 7RAFFIC LIGHT (8TM & SULLIVAN) 52.65 0010-003488-01 TRAFFICE LIGHT (SPRAGUEJSULLI 111.56 001-032805.0 ME"I'ER PEDESTAL 21.63 0011-010826-01 IRRIGATION CHARGES 39.95 0012-004137-42 SNPi'IC & WATER CHARCES 59.67 0013-032589-01 ELrC7RIC AND WATEI2 CHARGES 65.66 0014-004275-01 SALTESE/MCDONALD ELECTRIC B 25.29 0014-032971-00 TRAFFIC LIGMT PEDESTAL 44.93 . 0018-431541-01 ELECTRIC ME7CR 53.00 • Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 0610712007 4:56:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apb2nk , Voucher Date Vendor _ • ' Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 'i 1933 6J7/2007 000167 VERA WATER & PONlER (Continued) ' 0418-432752-00 MON7HLY WA7ER CHARGE 20.71 0034-031842-01 ELECTRIC BILL 48.73 ' 0099-00005-00 STREET & HWY LIGHTS 1,714.40 . Total : 2,354.15 11934 6/7/2007 001315 WASHIfdGTON ENVIORNMENTAL, 1'RAII CLASS #2942 41637 CLASS #2942 550.00 Tota I : 550.00 11935 617/2007 00003$ VVASTE MANAGEPAENT OF SPOKANE 0036317-2681-1 CENTER PIACE WEEKLY TRASH R 61.89 1939776-2681-4 PARKS & RECS WEEKLY 7RASH RI 327.28 1939777-2681-2 • CITY HALL TRASH SERVICE 260.17 _ . Total : 649.34 11936 617l2007 000734 WSDOT CASHIERS aFFICE RE-313-AT870515068 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAINTEN. 12,266.27 . • RE-313-A7D70515469 STATE ROUT'E ROADWAY MAINTEI 3,345.08 ' Total : 15,611.35 11937 6/7/2007 001074 ZEE MEDICAL 161242251 1STAID SUP('LIGS 340.91 161242295 - 1 ST AID KIT SUPPLIES 200.57 - • Total : 541.48 62 Vouchcrs for bank code : apbank • Bank total : 201,186.43 62 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 201,188.43 ~~~OVED: - 1, the undersigned, do ceftify undcr penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, tiie servioes render~.*d, or thc labor performed as described herein and that the claim is jusi, duo and an unpa6d obligation , ~E~ ~~~~'~~OD, Finance Diz-ector Date against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am author¢ed to authenticate and certify to s8id Claim. ~ Maym~ ~~iffiate Finance Director Date • • 7 C/ ~ Pa e: 7 . / 9 . C(DEDnCllme; ' ~ 0 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO 0 " Description/Account Amount 11938 6/8/2007 000001 SPOK/1NE COUNTY TREASURER file REZ-1&06 API'-01-07 OF FILE REZ-16-06/SU13 300.00 Total : 300.00 11939 6/8/2007 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIOtdS CErlTER 41500277 WORK CREW APR 07 22,929.00 Total : 22,929.00 11940 6/11/2007 000658 SPOKANE COUtJTY SUPERIOR COUt27 FILING FEES SPOKnNE VALLEY VS. IIASSE 200.00 Total : 200.00 11941 , 6/1312007 000197 nIR INC. - 126165 F'RE-EMI'LOYAIIENT SCREENING 75.00 ' 3451 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 400.00 Totat : 475.00 11942 611312007 001081 ALSCO ' LSP0221025 MATS FOR VALLEY P12ECINC7 10.74 . LSP0225019 MnTS F012 CI'lY I-IALL 64.20 . Total: 74.94 11943 G113l2007 001339 ANISHCWENKO, YURIY ' 5l20 12efund REFUND DAM/aCE pF_POSI7• 48.50 • Total : 48.50 11944 6/13J2007 001012 ASSOCIA7Ea BUSINESS SYSTEMS 55901A MON7MLY BILLING ON MAILROOM 108.98 Total : 108.98 11945 6/13J2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES iVlay 25, 2007 STREET UGHTING/SIGNAL POWJEF 20,893.63 Total : 20,893.63 11946 6113/2007 001344 BENTLEY SYSTEMS INC. 47075366 REPLACEMENT SUt3SCRIPTIONS 1,824.48 47075875 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,824.48 Total : 3,648.96 11947 6/13/2007 001341 CAI2LSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL 5118 Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total: 50.00 11948 611312007 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 00104058 REFUSE-VALLEY TRANSFER STAT 8223 Total : 82.23 11949 6/13/2007 000571 CODE PU$LISHING COMPANY 28490 ELEC7RONIC UI'nA7C 114.35 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO t1 Description/Account Amount 11949 6/13/2007 000571 000571 CODE PUBLISNING COMPANY (Confinued) Total : 114.35 11950 6/1312007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 50544 COFFEE 0(2DEF2 150.67 Total : 150.67 11951 6l1312007 001148 COLUMBIr1 PAINT 8 COA7INGS 8199491F 41650 PAIPlTINC SUPPUES - CENTER PU 254.02 Total : 254.02 11952 6J13l2007 00050$ CONOCOPHII_l_IPS FLEET 87016-6725 1=UEL CHARGES FOR CITY VEHICL 2,892.61 Total : 2,892.61 11953 6/1312007 001246 CORNERS70NE COPISTRUCTIOPI GROI 042007 41501 71 pROGRESS BILL @ CENTER PT 5,200.00 Total : 5,200.00 11954 6/13/2007 060035 CORPORATE EXPRrSS 79334996 41702 COPY PAPCF2 - LEGISL.IITIVE 22.65 Tota I : 22.65 11955 611312007 000235 DATA BASE RECORDS pESTRUC710N 19225 DOCUMEPIT DESTRUCTION 30.00 Total : 30.00 11956 6/13/2007 000136 DEPARTMENT OF INFO SERVICES, S'f'A' 2007050227 ' COMpU7ER BILLING-MASTER LICE 30.30 Total : 30.30 11 957 611312007 001280 DEPARTMENT OF UCENSING EZ3213 1 ST QTR CREDIT CARD FEES 150.92 , Total : 150.92 11958 6/13/2007 000999 [ASTF_RN VWASh11NGTOM ATTORNCY, SE 00020813 /1TfORNEY SERVICrS 79.00 Total : 79.00 11959 6/13/2007 000645 ECONORTHWEST 9029 41207 PROJECT # 7005 16,611.00 Total : 16,611.00 11960 611312007 001340 EGGLESTON, DEBBIE 5f?_2 Reiund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSfl" 97.75 Total : 97.75 11961 6/1312007 001343 ELEMEN7ARY SPICE, SETW WOODVIIAR 5123 f2efund bAMAGE REFUND 50.00 Total : 50.00 11982 6/13/2007 001346 ELLIS, DAVE Refund Damage Dep pAMAGE DEPOSIl' f2GFUNn 50.00 Page: 2 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11962 511312407 001346 001346 ELLIS, DAVL= (Continued) Total : 50.00 11963 6/1312007 000106 FEDEX 2-a6U-61349 SHIPPING CMARGES 99.73 • Total : 99.73 11964 6/13/2007 000171 GEIGEf2 CORRECTIONS CENTER 41500290 WORK CREW INVOICE 735.15 41500300 MAY 2007 S'I'ANDA12n HOUSING 22,929.00 . Total : 23,664.15 11965 6/13/2007 001345 GIBBS PLANNItJG GROUP 07-55 SPRAGUE/APPLEWAY CORRIDOR 7,250.00 Tota I : 7,250.00 ' 11966 6I13/2007 000007 GRAINGER 9366672625 41461 GRAINGER BLANKEf PURCHASE C 14.90 9373088757 41461 GRAINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 2.72 Total : 17.62 11967 6/13/2007 001350 GRAPWIC BUSItJESS SYSTENiS 12514 SPOICnNE VALLEY CHAMBER qIRE 63.25 Total : 63.25 11968 6/13/2007 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYS7EM5 INC. 1367 LEASE PM"f WES'f WING COf'IER 233.49 1368 LEASE PP/IT PARK&RECS COPIER 307.34 1369 LEASE PMT ON PUBLIC WORKS C( 412.68 Total : 953.51 11969 611312007 000250 HARLEY DOUGLAS, INC Swale Bonds SWALE SECURITY BONp RELEASE 9,000.00 Totai : 9,000.00 , 11970 6/1312007 001349 HARRINGTON, CMERIE Project 07000412 , REFUND ADMIN EXCEPTION 300.00 Total : 300.00 11971 6113/2007 000441 HOME DEPOT COMMEI2CIAL CREDIT 2071405 MISC SUPPLIES FOR AAROPI CIAY 73.66 4049768 MISC SUPPLIES - CENTER PLACE 133.21 4071224 . JANfTQRIAL SUPPLIF_S 434A7 . Total : 640.94 11 972 6113f2007 000313 INLAND ASPHALT CONiPANY INC. 5/30 Statement STREEi' CLEANING INVOICE -(71SF 1,488.00 Total : 1,488.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11973 6/13/2007 000022 INLAND BUSIMESS pRODUCTS, INC. 55082 EPJIPLOYEE ID CARD 54.30 55100 EIUIPLOYEE ID CARDS 23.89 Total : 78_19 11974 611312007 001348 ISAACS, TONY Refund Damage Dep pAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND 250.00 Total : 250.00 11975 6113/2007 001150 KNIGHTS OF SAN71AG0, C10 JOLE BIRC Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSI7 5l27/0' 50.00 Total : 50.00 11976 6I1312007 000755 IEAGUE OF o12EGON CITIES 5653 wEB AD-COMM DEV DIRECTOR 45.00 Total : 45.00 11977 6/13/2007 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00017094 TAXTOOLS SOFI'WARE RENTAL 341,95 Total : 341.95 11978 6113J2007 001079 MILLIMAN 351 2067 PU13LIC EAAPLOYERS SALARY 195.00 Total : 195.00 11979 6/13f2007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMNAPiY 0978402 SERVICE ADDRESS: 12710 E SI'RA 1,256.94 Total : 1,256.94 11980 6/13J2007 000013 NEOPOST, INC. 11977775 41617 RATE CHANGE CHIP FOR POSTAG 256.07 42870622 IJ -65 METER REN7AL (MAY 06-Id0` 456.12 Total : 722.19 11981 GI13/2007 001035 NETWOF7K DF_SIGN & hAANAGF_MENT 15292 NET1+1lORK CONVFRSIQN 2,145.00 15306 IN7ERPIET CONVERSION 1,047.00 Tot31 : 3,192.00 11982 6J13/2007 001347 NILCS, MELANIE Refund Damage Dcp DAA/IAGE DEpOSIT RCFUND 150.00 Total : 150.00 11983 6/13J2007 000239 NORTHWES7 BUSINESS STAPAP INC. 64114 IDEAL DATER S'fAMP-PERMIT CTR 75.42 Total : 75.42 11984 6/13r2007 000121 NORTHWES7 hAAIL1NG, INC 46682 41596 DYNAMIC SCALE FOR POS7AGE M 4,449.65 Tota I : 4,449.65 Page: 4 0 - u 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley Bank codc: 3pbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 11985 6l13/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT IP1C. 385368920-002 41629 CALCULATOR 320 3880280741-001 41674 COPY PAPER - FINANCE 1,310.28 388270543-001 41683 70NER - OPS & ADMIN 98.47 388276903-001 41680 OFFICE SUPPLIES - I'Af2KS & REC 347.64 41680 388277703-001 411680 OFFICE SUPI'UCS - OPS & AbiUIIN 12.95 388611726-001 41688 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COMM DEV & I 325.95 388611726-002 41688 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COMM DEV & I 54.34 368680378-001 41693 OFFICE SUPPLIES - OPS & ADMIN 160.93 386680762-001 41693 OFFICE SUPPLIES - OPS & nDMIN 28.37 388717339-001 41694 OFFICE SUPPLIES - FINnNCE 544.49 3887174034)01 OFFICE SUI'PLIES - FINANCE 380.37 41694 389181323-001 41700 OFFICE SUPPLIES - BUILDING DEF 6.55 3891999aQ-001 41701 OFFICE SUPPLIES - LEGISLATIVE I 26.92 389382272-001 41703 OFFICE SUPI'LIES - COPlIMUNI7Y I: 23.95 389382590-001 47703 OFFICE SUPPLIES - COMMUNITY C 40.39 Total : 3,364.81 11986 611312007 000512 OFFICETEAhA 18750462 SERVICES FOR JOYCE FONTAINE 445.50 • Total: 445.50 11987 611312007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 300E3-0500015229 SERVICES FOR MI\TT KUSHNER 1,023.20 3008-0500015281 SERVICES FOR M/1TT KUSHNER 818.56 Total : 1,841.76 11988 611312007 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 18871 41661 ALUNiINUM SIGNS FOR PARKING F 380.10 Total : 380.10 11989 • 6113J2007 000322 QWEST 5128 228-0669 INTERNET ACCESS FOR CCiY hlALl 160.15 Total : 160.15 11990 6/1312007 000341 RICOH CORPORATION 07073562326 • FINnL PMT ON FINANCE COPIER 246.53 • Total : 246.53 11991 611312007 001298 SAVEMORE 2071750 41615 MISC POST/FENCE SUPPLIES .ri28.66 41615 2071809 41615 RETURN OF EXTRA ITEMS -7.17 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List . Page: 6 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley [3ank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 11991 6l1312047 001298 001298 SAVEMORE (Continued) Total: 521.49 11992 6l13/2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COiVIPANY • 30400817 41622 TRASH CAN LINERS 283.49 Total : 283.49 11993 6/1312007 000726 SMUR KLEEN SERVICES, INC. 66380 41653 JANITORIAL SERVICES 185.00 66539 41653 JANITORIAL SEf2VICES 335.00 Total : 520.00 11994 6/1312007 (}01140 SPECIAI_ ASPHALT PRODUCTS INVC038235 41658 Ez STREET P/1TCH 41AIX 703.73 Total : 703.73 11995 6113/2007 000656 SPOKANE COUN7Y ENCINEERS VLY0704 ENGINEERING INVOICE 48,386.72 Total : 46,386.72 11998 6113J2007 000041 SPOKANE COUPVTYTREASURER May 2007 SPOKANE COUN'I'Y SERVICES PAl 1,358,744.02 Total : 1,358,744.02 11997 6l1312007 001211 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURCF2, A1TN: 06012007 1 ST QUARTER LIQUOR TAXES & PI 4,708.82 Total : 4,708.82 11998 6/13/2007 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE MAY 2007 41575 LANDSCAh'IMG SERVICES 5/2007 5,049.00 Total : 5,049.00 11999 6/13/2007 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 512008 Ladging Tax MAY 2007 TOURISM MARKE7ING C 14,583.33 , Total : 14,583.33 12040 6/13/2007 000411 SPOKANE VALLEY NEVJS HERALD 29081 LEGAL AD 63.55 29111 LEGAL AD-PLANNING 225.50 29115 LEGAL AD-PLANNING 70.50 29116 LEGAL !1D-PLAN N I NG 81.75 29117 LEGAI_ AD-PIANNING 70.50 Total : 511.80 12001 6113/2007 000885 STAGERIGH7 CORP. 112824 SALES 1'AX FROM INVOICE 100658 18.15 Total : 18.15 12002 6J13/2007 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 42365 LCGAL ADS 44.30 Page: 6 . _ _ 0.". 0 0 vchlist ' VOUChEr LiSt wage. 7 0611312007 2:59:32PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #1 Description/Account Amount 12002 6/1312007 400093 U00093 TNE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. (Continued) Total : 44.30 12003 6/1312007 000676 THOPASON 1A1EST 0813261 LEGAL I'UBl_IGATION 494.64 813450215 LEGAL PUBLICA710N 454.64 813644526 LEGAL PUt3LICA'i'ION 494.64 813832929 LEC7AL PUBLICA710N 494.64 . Tota I : 1,978.56 12004 6113/2007 001024 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWES7 64685451-001 41466 BLANKET PO 151.86 65336342-001 41466 MCASURE TAPE 10.86 85344081-001 41466 i3LANKET PO 42.17 65403815-001 41466 TShIIR7S FOR STREET DEP7 444.62 Tota I : 649.51 12005 6J13J2007 000005 VNiI, 1NC 194561 41595 AUDIO EQUIPMENT 8,712-75 '194562 41595 AUDIO EQUIPMENT 90.72 Total : 8,803.47 12006 6113l2007 001342 VdASWING70N BASSEl' RESCUE 5121 Refund REFUPJD DAMl1GE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 69 Vouchers for bank code : apb8nk Bank total : 1,579,023.29 69 Vouchcrs in this report AlD~~~VED: Total vouchers : 1,579,023.29 . ~ KenThompsou, I'inmcc Dxrector Dato 1, the tindersigned, do oertify undcr penalty of perjury, . • that the rnatorials have been fumished, !he servioe~ rerufored, or the labor performed as describocl herein _ • . and that the clalrn is just, due and an unpaid obligation ~ . . . • againSt the City~ bf Sppkane VaUey, and that I arn 1~.4:~yOIl' WFilhftG ' authorized to authent3catc and certify to said claim. . . ' ~ ~ / . . Finanae Director Date C 6~bnkmember ~ ~ . Page: 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 _City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ -pending legislation AGENDA ITENi TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending June 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: . BACKGROUND: O OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $161,455.59 Benefits: $ 21.916.28 TOTAL PAYROLL: $183,371.87 STAFF CONTACT: Brad Johnson ATTACHMENTS ~ i DRAFT ~ AAN[JTES . Spccial Study Sessian Mecting City Cnuncil Tuesday, May 29,2607 6:00 p.rn. Spokane Vu [ley City Hall C'noucil Chambers 11707 E. Sprague Avenae, Spakane Vailey, WA. Ationdance,• Citv of Spokane Vslle}+ Cttv StafF Mayar Wilhitie City Y1+lanager Dave Mercier L]eputy Mayor Taylor Deputy City Manager Nina Regor Counci lme mber 17eV leming City Attarney Mike Cannelly , . Councilmember Goi.hmann Police C hief Rick VanLeuven Councilmernber I1+funson Parks Rec i3isector EViike Jackson Councilmcrrtber 8 chimmels S enior Planner ScottKuhta Senior T:ngi neer Skcvc Worlcy . Ylanning Manager Czreg McCnrni ick . Absent: , Public Irrformation OfI'ic er C arolbel le Branch Councilmember Denenny Pul>]ic Works Director Neil Kcrstea Finance Direutor Ken'Fhornpsan . Clly Clerk ChriS BairtbndgB Mayor Wilhi#e calied the rneeting to order at 6p_m_ , ~ ROLL CA-LL: City Clerk Bainbridge called rol1. A1l Cnuncilmeinhers w~,rc present excepl. Cauncilmember Denenny_ .7i was rrtovec! by Deputy Mayor Tuylor, secorrded arrd unani mously agreer2 ro excuse C"ouncdrrrvm~er Derrennyfrarrx 1onight's rrreerirrg. - Agcnda Item: L. Snraauc~-Arn lewav Re vicalization 1'lan Senior Planner Kulita gave an OvCnr;Cw 0f diSC115510tt pOlritS of the RCVI#&1i7.atiOTi Plan, including the P1an adoption schedule; public hearing iiifoemation; City Center options and constOtants; City Hall space necds, timing, cost, and the idta o£shared use ►vith the Library andlor Fire Dktrict; possiblc development incentives such as tax incrernent fnancing, muiti-farrkily iax abatemenl zones, oe SEPA1E1S planncd . action ordinance, which is a taat for communities to attract development at a spccif c area by enacting devclopmcnk incentives; extra consultaut services wid associated cost estimates, and aula raw issues sucli as implementation of t~e plari with the dcalcrs' pariECipation; and hu rraentioned that he presents this ' inFormation now eo providu thc sc:tting for Coii ncil's upcaniing retTeat this S aturday where mnre detm iled . discussion can ts4Ece plz►c:e, Mr. Kuhta said that Freedman, Tung and Bottamlcy (FT$) are working on getting the p!t•tn ready for d istribution, that thc plan will i~ome to us in an administrative draft fnrin whioh staff wil] review to cnsurc correct nomenclature, and that staff wi1t schedule the PIan fo.r public revieirv and heanngs, includEng orientation scssions f.rorn FT"B w; they txke slaFF and the pubiic through lhe documcnt_ 1#ftenvartls, Nli. Kuiita explained, Council will necd to dccidc how lo move Forwaed with thc praject. M r_ .Kuhta said that the public hearings ►vi11 likely be held be#`ore thc Plantting Commissian -;ome time durii}g fatc summer; ehen the 1'lan wil3 get to Council with tftic intcttt of adopting the P lan by thc e-nd of the year, and that FTB normally wan°t merely drap nff the, Plan, but khcy wil] propose same optional plans for considcration depending an irvhat we need; that FTB could also makc furl:her presentations tn Counuii and if changes were mado, FT73 would edit the changes per Council directinn_ Mr,.Kuhta ~iaid he feels that wouZd bc an invaluable service and worthy af Cauncil consideration; and that he estimatcs t]te ~ . , Spccial Caunoi] Study Session Mee6ng Muy 29, 2007 Pagc 1 of 4 Apprpued by Ci4y Council= llRAFT cost of such would be between $35,000 and $45,000; but any changes could be tailored a,s Council ~ directs. Cnuncilmember Munson said that hc would like to find out what it woulcf cosc to develop a two-page insert in the local newspapers, of what the City could look like. Mr. Kuhta responded that N 1 B has all the graphics, and he would find out what r I°B would charge and if Council deemed appropriate, he feels inserts in the newspaper woulcl be very effective. Councilmember Gothmann added that it might bc goocf for FT}3 to sce what media mcthod would be most cffective as we work to keep the public informed. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned that Studio Cascade would also be a good source of assistancc in such endeavor. Additional issues were discussed including travel costs for H I'B to do presentations, change.s in text and graphics; whether to have FTB ar a locnl group such as Studio Cascadc do such presentdtinn; that the idea of having a newspaper insert shnuld be explored; perhaps Studio Cascade could do some work, FTB could clo some, and staff could do some; that this project is now the rF;sponsibility of Council to promote to the public. ivlr. Kuhta said that la.st qctober when the PlanninS Consultttnl made a presentation, we were given three npfinns: (1) identify the site, zone for a city center; or (2) zone it then clo somE public improvements like s[reet scapes, parks ziniJ wait.for the market to react; or (3) the home ruri approac;h to do all diat, attempt to assemble the land, then issuc a dcvcloper request for propnsal (RFP) wid gct a developer capable of doing a new town center all at once; and M.r.-Kuhta said that when Freedman asked Council which direction they preferred, they tivere directed to explore option 3; and thereCore we hired ClearPath as rea) estate advisor. Mr. Kuhta also said that Mr. rrecman subgested «<e hire a secand consuluin/ so staff conUacted Bob Gibbs, a town center planning consuhant who will help dctermine the viability of developing a mi.ced-use City center; that Mr. Cibbs is rcvicwing reports prepared by FCONorthwest, including a pro-f'orma for the Ciry CcnCcr, whieh was included widl this courncil packet information. Mr. Kuhta said that report should be completed aftcr this week; and in talking with ClcarPath, khcy believe we need to get "in-step" with the Librflry District. Sevcral Councilmembers expressed a desire not tn Iosc the T.,ibrary T)istrict anct to do what we can to ensure that district is a part of the City Center; but it was mentioned that the I.,ibrary DistricC needs a site, and thereforc, wc must detenninc how to get thcm a site by September. V'(r. KuMta mcnlioned lhat Fire Chief Thompsnn has expressed some interest in the pnssibility of locating their administrative oftices in the City Center; but that the Fire .L7istrict Board has nat dccictcd on that issue. ivlr. Kuhta stated that when the peoject moves fqnvard, there will be a signiticant impact on st3ff and he wants cotulcil to be aware it will take one or lwo dedieated staff for such an endcavor. Mr. Mercier sdclc:d lhat a seclion of next Sitturday's agenda deals with the busines5 plan, which is an ideas list hut cloesn't include any legislative decisions as we don't know what expense might be assuciatact with that yet. rurther discussion included issue:s associated with capital improvemcnts, such as city parks, public spac;c;s; the neecl to understand the retail environment; market study nn shopping habits; thal we don't want just a retail upcration and cion't want another mall; the idea ofi having regional retail to draw in local people such as local coffce shops; that it is not Council's role to determine which stores to iticlucle in the Center; the idea of inclucling residcntial; to include the historical andlor arCistic community, perhaps a perfoeming arts center; how to structure such a center for a developer, Financing, b4nding, anci other financial commitments to consicicr such as twx increment financing; the City putting in the infrastructure; development costs; civic goals; and the mention lhat development along thc corridor cnmply with existing regulations. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:05 p.m., and reconvenccl the meeting at 7:14 p.m. , Special Cuuilcil Study,Session Mecting May 29, 2007 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Ciry Council: ll1Y"r' ~ T'ngincer Worley then brought Council attention to Mr. Worley's May 25, 2007 lnfnrmational Memo as ~ an aid to explain some of the trtuisporlxlion issues to consider in conjunction wilh this projeet. After going nver his memorandum, further discussinn was held concerning conversion of the existing one-way couplet behveen Argonnc R.oad/Dishman-Mica ftoad and University Road to hvo, two-way streets; the extensinn of Applcway Avenue from University Road ta beyond Sullivan as a lwo-lane, two-way residential boulevard; reducing Sprague Avenue from seven lanes to fivc lanes east of University Itoad and the timing of each aspect Mr. Worley said lhat the request on the M`t P is the enCire eorridor; and construction can be done in phases. Mr. Worlcy also mentioned that if Council clesires to changc tiie propasal as noted in the memorandum, staff would need that decision by June 15 to give SRTC time to do an air quality analysis on the proposal and have the results ready Co be included iri that Board's packets by July 2. . 7'he regional triffic model was also discussed, and Mr. Worlcy said that the transportation modeling fnr thc Plan was based on the "interim" regional traffic model completecl in late 2005. The issue of intersections and capacity was also discussed, as well as projected growth, bike lanes, sidewalks; speed limits to gain the highest numbcr of traffic passing through and/or slowinb lralTie lhrough the City Ccnter; rapid transit nr light rail potential; acquiring additinnal right-of way on Applcway; whethcr t}icre has been ample public input or if there is need for further public input, and if further public hearings should be schcduled, and if so, when those should take pl3ee. Thc idea of further presentations to Council was also brought up; and it was suggestecl that Council should have a list of the prns and cons af keeping the road as is, or reversing back to two-ways. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that if further public hearings will be held, he . suggests educating the public prior to such hcarings, to unveil the Plan and go out to the community to explain whal it means; then schedule any public hearing. ~ The motion madc at the Council's previous meeting concerning lhe Spokanc Rcgional Mctropolitan Transportation I'lan, was diseussed and thcre was some disagreement on what exactly that motion was. Stttff will research that and have the answer by the next Council meeting. Mr. Wnrley recnmmended that Gladding Jackson perform another analysis, and as soon as we get the rebional model, to give them the results, then they can go through and re-evaluate and comptire that co what we are recammending nnw; but that no scopc has becn dcvcloped for that work yet, but such could be done beriveen now and lime lhe mode) is received. Council cancurred and said they want to know cnsls. Mayor Wilhitc rccomrnend maving forward with the three bulleted items in the proposal for the M'1'I' and the TIB .vhile we wait td scc how long it tal:es for SRTC to come up with the netiv model, and to have staff rcport back as to what progress has been made. . 2. Executive Session: Peodina T_,itiuation - T.,ancf Acauisition It wtcs moved hy Depuly Mayor Taylor cmd secorided to adjourn into Executive Session for forty minutes regarding pending liligalivn trnd lund ucquisition, and thnt there may be a decisiori made regarding land ucquisition upon refurn to regzilar ope» sessron. Mayor Wilhite announced that Council will take a five- minute break prior to convening the Fxecul:ive Scssion; and Council Icft qpen session at 8:15 p.m. Mayor lyilhite declared Council out of Fxecutivc Scssion at I3:39 p.m. It was moved by Deputy Muyor Tuylor, secande% and uncuzimausly agreed to tttethorize the Crty et9anager or designee to continue negotialions and make cm offer la purchcrse for purk purposes, property located ut 17721 I:ast ./3oone, Spokune va!ley, as is set forth in the attnched offer daled Mcry 29, 2007; subject to !he upprovul uJfinul docun:enJs by 1{ze City Council. ~ . Special Council Swdy Session Meeting May 29, 2007 F'age 3 of h Appmved by City Council: nRArT It wus then nroved by Dep:uy Muyor Taylor, seconded, and :inanimotisly ubrreed lo adjourn. The mceting ~ adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Ch.ristine Bainbridge, City Cleek i f~ Special C;owlcil Study 5ession Meeting May 29, 2007 Page 4 of 4 Approvcci by C:ity CounciL• nR-AFr ~ nzriNuTrs SPECIAL n11EETING /RETREAT SPOKANE VAI..1.:E1.' C.I.'CY C()UNCIL .Junc 2, 2007 - 9:00 a.rn. - 3:00 p.m. Attendarlce: Councilmcmbcrs Staff Diana VVilhite, Mayor laave Mercier, City Manager Steve 'I'ayl4r; Deput}r iMayor Nina Regor, Deput}' C=ih' y1gr Dick llenenny, Councilmember Neil Kersten, I'ublic 1Vorks I7irector V1ikc lacVlcming, Councilmember Ken Tliompson, Finarice Dimctor Bill Gothmaln, Cauncilmember i'vlike Carunelly, Cily A[torney Rich Munson, Councilcnemlaer Cary Drisl:ell; Deputy City Attorney Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ivlil:e Jackson, Parks & Reereation Director Mary K3LB M3Ytl[l; Builditig Official Kiek VanLeuvcn, Polie:e Chief Gre•g McConnick; Planning Manager Cardlbelle F3ranch, Fublic Information Ofrcer Cliris Bainbridge, City Clerk MAyor Wilhitc opencd the wnrkshnp at approximately 9:15 a.m., and thanked Dick and K9thy Taenenny for allowing use of their cabin for the retrcat. , 1. Council Rudeet Goals for 2008 o~ City Manager Mercier explained lhat lhis Iisl is staff'.s attcmpt to idcntify major work prnducts to bring forwa.rd for Council's consideration. Proposed Goal # 1: Corltinare nioivitoYiirg ivastetivater issues, ittcludiilg goverirance of ►vasteivater fucilities, urld pursziit of 1Fre nrost eJficicrrt curcl ecaramlcal methods ro ei7sure the continurrliwi of tivaste►vater dischar,ge licerrses. . vir. Mercier explained that last 1'htirsday he met with t3ruce fZawls who explained that the Spokane Ci[y( $eard of Cnuney Commissieners joint meeling was unse[tling as conversalions with the Department of Lcology (DQE-) included discussion about recalibrating the model upon which the TMMT. (total m9ximum daily loact) stlidies were foundetl: vfr. vlercier adcfed thaC Mr. Rawls had concerns about this as it could affect the proposed timetable to Iiave the plant operational by late 2011; that the "i'undamental . concepts'we signeti mighc be active enough to providc Cor the First cen years of agreement, but all bets might be off for handling phosphorus control; that the Boa.rd of Counfy Commissioners has ciise►►ssed witli the owner of the Saltese Plats the opportunity to recharge the aquifer wil.houC direct discharge in the Itiver. Yublic Works Uirector Kerst:en said thtjC he aetencied ot:her meetings concernina, DQE; but the meeting discussions were very vague; that the 'I`MDL has not been finalized, there, is no dr.3ft, there is it rtew person run.ning the TMI_)L process for ecology +Yho is worl:ing to tet rnore familiar widi the process; and that another meeting is planned for the week of June 11. Mr. Mercier also mentioned thac V1r. Rawls said that the EI'A (Environmental 1'rotection Agency) said there will bs no discharge pcrrnit until EPA . sigms off on ilie TM17L; so anything that af-fects the data could result in additional delays. Couneilmember Denenny said thal with the signed abreemenl, the dischargers have a right to immediately go to a UAA (Use Atlaiiiability Analysis) if they chaose; but ie NVould slo4v the process. Mr. Ke:isten said that he f.eels the chances of somcthing not slowir►}; dowty the prat;ess are slim; that re-moclclinG is a lengthy process and we Nvon't laiow what we have until it's complated. >.._i Spe.c.ial Meeting, R.etreai 06-02-2007 Page 1 of 10 Approved hy Council: ' DRAI+°T Mr. Mercier said that another element of discussion is governanee issues; that an init.istivre was Q,13 implemented abnut hvo years ago, and Spokane City Councilmember .41 Frencli suggested «~e return to that initiative, that the reason ~ve stopped was to get evcrything done to get the discharge permit; but that noNv other jurisdictians Nvant to refocus on that nlan and bring thE notion of regional governance off the back burner and onta the forefront. There was no nbjection to including this item as a 2008 goal. Prooosed Goal #2: Refitie initial departmenlcil siz-year bu.ciness plans in order to identify urrd irrcorpvrate fscul inrpacls into a str•ategic frnautcinl plun. Mr. Mercier sIIid he refers to lhis initia.l business plan a,5 the business plan "li~ht" as there ~vill be a need to continue refne►nent of the Ylan; that the Finance Committee and Cotmcil expressed interest in the long-term additional personnel needs, and in an attempt not to have khose personnel issues feel "episodic," this topic ha.s been included into the strategic Enancial plan, which is goal 43. Proaosetl Goal A3: Farmulate u:Six-Yecrr Strategic F inarrcial l'lari by.Iuly 2008 thnt forecasts expected revenues urtd expenses; irttUrporaies Jhe cost elements of depar•unental busirtess plans; identrfiesfiscal caut,-aints; arrcl proposes fornrulas for Co:orcil carsideration tlzat ifrstitute sustarnable budget-balancfng trpproac{ies und itemizes f2ecessary service reductioru or revenue increases or cainbinations lhei-eof. NIr. vlercicr said it is very• important to develop a striitegic plan to idecltify trencfs both pro ancl con conecrning the financial forecast; to develop the business plan that includes the city's demands; wid ta • c.ome up with a strategy to close the identified budget gaps. Mr. 'Mercier continued by explaining that ttie Governance Finance O£fice Associalion identifies four stages to a strategie plan: (1) mobilization; (2) crather arid analyze data; (3) make decisioiis about what to do about the information received; and (4) develop and execute a plan. Mr. Mcrcier said the purpose is lo get to the last hti~o elements of that plan; _ and in getting there, tliat will eall into question dhe topic oF revenue options, or program curtailmcnts, or some c9mbination. Mr. Mercier said he is aware this is politically sensitive, and that July of next year will be a nrime window of opport:unity to get some•t1ling accomplished; and that as we cxa«line the data for four ?rears from now; this Nvill provide oppnrttmity to move otl to avoid iurther diFlir:ulties in the future; and that Finance Director Tliompson will go into details later today about the projects Af dhe plan; . and that Council can later make a commitment to figurc out ho-,v to close that gap and initixt:e the nccessary steps to accomplish that goal. Proposed Coal #4: britiate implemer:tntiopt ajthe Sprague/Appleivav Revitalizaliopi Plan. Ivir. Ivlerc.ier explained diat elemeaits of the Six-Year Stra[egic Finaneial Plan includes the subarea plan %vrork procluct from Freedman, Tuna R I3ottomley (rTB). Councilinember DcVlerning saitl that widIout the Appleway piece; how much public clollars do we invest wiChout total conlrol; and vlr. Mereier responded that its a result of last Thursday`s litigation decision, Council will hold an exccutive session cpncerning this topic. I'urtller discussion included the eommenl that even without t}iat piece, we can stiU have a city center and the accompanying components; that olhcr options need tq be explored, including the idca of shiftina from the east to the west sidc where we liave Appleway huilt as it may be e.asier to go Nvfierewe have eontrol; ancl the need to keep t:hc [.:ibrary's timeframe in mind. Mr. Mercicr said that Bob Cibbs (principal with Gibbs Planning Group, Inc.) w<<s in tawn and is working ro complete his report, and . that 1Vlr. Gibbs eapressed confidenee we can get a national developer to eome in and do the project. Attorney Connelly remarked that wc need to draft a short list of decisions whicli must be made before we determine the site. Special Meetin Retrcat 06-02-2007 Pd~e 2 of 10 Appruved by Council: lliz."wr ~ Pronosed Goal tt5: Adapt area-wir.lE r-ezoning proposals cotzsislen! with 1he Coinprelrensilie I'lari tlaat reflect appropriate adJushnents in zoning designutrorrs. Mr. Alercier esplained that as we work through the process to update our comp plan, we will have other proposals come forward ccmcerning rezon.ing, proposais, and this is ro have awareness Fhat these issues will involve staff and council time. ProAASed Goal #b: I'etfoi•nt un anvlysis oJa lando»vrer-iriitiuted .►-equest for arrnexation. Mr. Mercier mentioned the idea of perFormi.ng an analysis for an.neYation as there will be a need to have our annexation operat.ipnal policies sharpened as some potential areas arc developing on our peripherals. Attorney Connell_y added that prior to annexation policies, the Comp Plan must be amendecl as the current Plan does not allnw for annexation, as it was decermined at the time that first Plan was adopted, that we would "live within our boundaries"; ancl he added that anything designated as a UGA (urban grawl:h are.a) is eligible for annexafion. Pronosed Goal 97: Uevelop u.S1roreline A16ster- PIui7 and drnft rnrplenienting YQgtlIQ110liS. Mr. Mereier said that -vve «<ill nec(l to address the sequencin- of etrents for the shoreline rnaste.rplan as part of the U17G (l.TnifOnn T)evelopment COde); that there have been somc rule changes o❑ shoreline regulations, biit we wartt tq ba prepared to move foRvard nn this goal ne?:t year. The yuestior► arosc of whether there is a nced foi- this goal since we have such a limited amount of shoreline, e.g. Spokane River and Shellcy I...ake, 3nd that whatever we do will have t:u be done according t:o State Stacute any-svay; but Mr. Vlercier said he wanted dhis item recogmi-r.ed as aworkforce item and that goals are also useci to measure pcrforrnance; hence why a"no-choice item" is a goal, adding that a series of "no-choice" items command a great deal of [ime and attention. Mr. V1eCormick added that we are operating under a current ~ shoreline plari that is over thirty years old which is not funct:ional nar easy to adminisler, ivfr. Mcrcier also mentioned thal lhere are residents wifh (anct use interest alonb ehe River, so such an itetn %vill cate.h many stakeholder's interest; with Mr. McCormick aclding that this will alsv likely attract dhose user groups oF that resource (Nvater) who want to be involved; which include a diverse group; and I:hat tlie jr,ravel pits are in excess af the harenty-acre rrtinimum so 1:hcy wiU haWe to be adcjecl to the inventpry. There was council cOnsensus to leave this as a 2008 Soal. Bi-ief discussion fnllowed concernin9 «<hedier ta adcj any other goals; impticC fees, the street masterplan, and fintineial obligations relative to the eity centcr were mentioned; at which point Mr. Mercier responded chal impact tees and the street masterplan will be part of the January 200$ retreat conversation; and that a schedule for the city c;enter plan will tikely occur in November, including whether Council would lik:e any ballot issucs c4nsidered; but that thosc arc 2008 issues and nothinj is rcady for any of those topics to commence in 2007. 2. Rcvicw 2007 Cr.►uncil Budact Goals In reviewing the 2007 CQUncil goals, NIr. Mereier said dhere remains some question about 3oa1 #2 (rxplore the available telecommunic.ations infrastructure that may be accessed by public instilutions, residencs, itnd busincsses within Spokane Valley), as there were a variety of tasks we thought finance might undertalce, but due to limitecl resources and time; have not undertaken; that we are still getting some resistance fi-om some franchisees who voiced concern about heing placed 1t a competitive disadvantage if the_y were to divul};e where all the telecommunications infrastructure is locaced; that there are a fcw legal issues to researeh; and Mr. Mercier askect Cotancil Iiow important is ihis goai eotnpared ta other items. Council«lember 'Munson said lic fecls Nve need to gei serious about the City Center fllld Sp1'ilg!!E; redevelopment and the timing of'such plan; but that infrastn►cture is also extremely important as we bring businesses into a cit'y centcr, inf.'rasbvctui-e tivould be important to fhose potential businesses. Mr. Ivfercier ° sait! \ve might Nvant tp narrotiv the goal ta talk about the SpraguelAppleway corriclor, in orcler to make die " Specia] Ivfeeting, Retreat 06-02-2007 Page 3 of 10 Approved by Councii: ' DRAFT goal more manageable as it stands now, it is not very specific. Mayor Wilhite and Councilmembcr DeVleming said they feel it would be good to narrow diat goal. DepuCy Mayor "1 aylor said he would like to havc a report by the end of the year detailing ~vhat we kno«< about telec•ommunications infrastructure, such as the areas where we know it exists. Deputy City Attorney Driskell said t:hey have maps that show the infrastructure for Columbia t"iber; that we are in the process oP negotiations with (:omcasl and in.f.rastructure loc.ation is one of the issues, but they are reluctant to divulge that information. Deputy viayor Taylor asked if it is possible to have a public meeting or summit before the encj of the year, to . discuss how to put together a"hot zone" ajid how to tie dhaC in widi Spranue Appleway; and that perhaps the Site Selector coulcl be usetl in terms of trying to creatc an economic toolbox. Mr. Mercier said he will recempose that goa] and bririg back to Council for review; and can schedule for a futtlre council meel.ing, an agencja item on hot zones. T.n wrap-up cliscussion of [his agenda itein, lv1r. larisl:ell siicf that the franchisees may be amicable to a route map showing where they have fiber witliout givinb away c.apacicy. It was suggestcd asking them to perhaps state the percentage of capaciry currently being used; or currently not bcing used. 3. Finaneial Forccast Beginning with the first page under Tab 9 1: Problem Statetnent 4 1, Finance Director Thompson saici that the good news is the deficit has been reduced in 2012 from what it was, ancf lhat will be the general trenci except for the street fiind; that now is the time to take action to build for the future as Nve have been surviving mostly on sales and property tf►xes, even though sales taxes are way up fi-om previous years. Discussion ensued regarding property tax assessmesit rate and tax rate increases from us and the County; serviec level stiibilization reserves; and that the law EILf01'C@I170l1t Si1IGS t8X ends after 2009. He also mentioned dhat the frst: page does not l'et include the 13usiness Plan. Me. Mercier rnentionecl t}iat Problem Statement 42 includes budgeting appro;cimately four million dollars annually for snow rer»oval and other street mainteiiance; and that is separate from what might be a major investment in arder to maintain the deterioration curve; and he empha.sized that ihis fund is for operat,ions only and not buildiiig of new streets. Mr. Kersten said that the street maintenance has been shnrt approximately tvvo million every year; and that Nve have not factored in the preservation of repaving streets, which would mcan another six or seven million dollzir shortage. NIr. Mcrcier also menlioned that after this year's eransfer of $900,000 fi-om the general fund to the street Cund, that subsidy Nvill no longer ttikc place. Couneilmembers Munson and Dcrienny expresscd iheir view that they want assurance that in our attempt to enhance revenue sources, ~ve will not urlder fiincl chis eategoiy and look at cutCing other seivieeS; e.o. thcy do not want to cut basic services for roads. Closing tiie deficit gap was disctissed includirig councii ❑liilllC BUIllOC1ty; othcr bond issue and boncl issuc voting hist.ory; and the need for a pubiic educational process to show how t:riese issues affect the entire community. Mr. Niercier commented that wheri we idenCified lhese problem statements, lop priorities for scabilizing funds were identifed, along wilh a focusing clevice to see when problems happen in which timc frame; that we don't have to do anything overly heroic; next year; but the looming problern is the sU-eet fund. He also mentioned wc will have the .I-U-B Street Masterf''lan 6nal presentation mid-.Iuly; that Nve will have opportunities to focus community attention on the problem of maintaining the stre;et system, which will all help in the community cducation proccss. vir. Thompson statecl that the streel Cund does not yet include the sireet masterpla», and that there will be a ycarly amntmt nceded to maintain thas pl3n. In reviewing Problem StaCement #3, page 3, VIr. 'Chompson pointed out the added fund for the Universal Park, mentioned lhat the parks line item tracks with the comprehensive plan; mentionecl that we aan't hire cngineers fast enou~ll tn get the projects done on the list and privatc consultants don't have enough engineers eilher; rand d1at there's not enouoh time to bet all the projects completed so public works has ~ Q Special Ivleeting, Retrcat 06-02-2007 Pagc 4 of 10 Approvecl by (;ouncil: DIZAFT o~ backed off the list and tliat has helped on the funding in the early years. There was some discussion ori the KEET (Real Estate Excise Tax) fiind; and Mr. Thompson mentioned that these funds are placed into the street projects primarily, and occasionally i.nto the par}:s fiuid. Deputy Mayor Taylor asked for a breakdown of wfiat goes into eacli fimd, and Mr. Thompson said he will gxcher that infnrmation. Mr. Mercier added that there are many non-developecf associaced transaetions thal bring in money nnt just the sales of new homes but existing homes as and dhat staff can look at tllat aud give a better breacdo-wn. - Page four of the financial handouts, Mr. Tljompson explained, is a summarv showing what year the deficits oceur; ancl the follovvins page states some assumptions used in putting these figures together; and if he were to highlight just one area, it would be the streec operation fund sho,,ving the deficit in 2009 or 2010, which he cstimatcs to be the most pressing need. Mr. Mercier stated that with 2009 a deficit }'ear for the street fund, Council could assist staff by providing feedbaek durina the August budoet process, and whether Council prefers to push the deficit back another year; or prefers to see a plan for the 2003 budoet that preserves some dollars into the following year, whieh would mean a need to dowmsealc some. services. Cauncilmembcr DeVle,rning said that public safety and roads are the two primary respnnsibilities of this govercuuent, and he*d rather see the servicc level clrop elsewhere then roads or - public safety. Further dise.ussion on this topic continued including possible cirop in dcve.lopmenl; that we could, as a worst case scenario, emimine; the stitutes to See what is mandatory or discretionvy services; the idea of not scaling do,.vn parhs and rec.reation but not propose any new expendihire items; being caucious on any new facility commitment; other saurces of funcling such as grants or E-Ii1D funds; dhat the depreciation fiuld accOLmt for Ce:nterPlace will likely have less carryover next budget cycle which Nvill ncccssitate proposing an annualized depreciation funtl; and the idea that there may be ample revenues to fimd the cleprecia[ion fund through food and beverage services. ~ 4. Draft Business Plan Deputy City Alanager Regnr explaincd that ihis proce,5s invAlved all employees and that diey participated in a SWQT (Strengths, 1Ve•aknesses, Opportunitie_s &'1'hreats) analysis specific to their department; except law enForcement was not included as that department comes from an established organizatinn and they have moro items in place, although the}r will be included in fueure updaces start.ing next: ye.ar. Ms. Regor further explained that the clepart.ment err►ployees used the SWOT analysis and Council goals as the basis for cfevelopmcnt of the six-year plAn; «fiile keeping in mind the City's finaneial sit'uation, stafP strove to be prudent in what they put forward; and that some proposals have not }rct rise.n to legislative consideratinn. 'l'he proposals arc clivided into nvo piece:s, Ms. Regor explained; dlings which went in like capacity work loads or.vhere they had enough legislative dirECtion to put sornething in the proposal; and other ideas \vcre inclucted in a pencling ideas list. She said the initial proposal includes thirteen positions over six years; but some fina.ncial considerations yet to be included are any community surveys, eelebrations for perhaps a fifth and/or tenth year City anniversary; it assumes new positions will be hired at the middle of the position salary range, and COLAs (cost of living adjustments) are also factored in, which could change over time. ~s. .R.ccor added that step inereases ai-e ge,nerally 4%; and that the proposed FTE increases is staff's best estimzite toward the minimum. Discussion on the business p1N11 ensued concerning 11eYibilicy of the plan and that things cati cllangc depending on various faetors, uiclucling sorne decisions the County might make concerning contract services; work load incrcascs; how aQgressive the City wants to pursue and be involved with the SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan; that dle nti•o prnposed in-house janicors arc not new costs as we have been paying for tw•o temporary posilions; and mention.that the pendinc, iclcas list is not far enough along to address cost recovery. Ut. vtr. ~9ercier brought attention to the ineludecl blue sheet, whicll is thc multiyear f.inancial plan gcncral fiinci (I'rnblem Statcment t'll1) co►nbined with the added line showing the initial business plans. Ms. Regor Special Meetins, Retreat 06-02-2007 Pa?e 5 of 10 Approved by Council: DRAI+ T said this carries forward the numbers carlier in the proposal; tllac th~. point or cleficit is still 2012; but it jumps to $5.2 million; and that the initial proposals have a net impact of $353,000 in 2008; and if till ~ pending ideas were included, that figure wnuld jwnp to $1.3 millinn in 2005; wich the added result of moving into the deficit in 2011 iusteacl of 2012. Ms. Regor added that a city hall facility has not been f'actored into any of thcse figures. Mr. Mercicr said that the reason for t:he pending idcas list; is that staff wants to be responsive to Ihe Finance Comrnittee's desire that staff research things that one mig]1t find in communities of similar size, aaid to put those items on a list; that we start from that sense of Iooking at the whole picture, and can refine the list and make legislative decisioiis later; and that he has a high degree of confidencs in the trend lines but not the exact figiues; and if the desire is to protect roads and the general fund, we need to have a scnse of what is expected of the generiil fund. vlayor Wilhitc asked if staff will Sive them a sense of what is considered important, or what not to consiclcr; and Mr. Mercier responded that that will be dealt with next January when we come back; as some nf the decisions may have already been made, like t.hose associatecl wit}i the C;ommunity Uevclopment Block Grant (CDF3Ca); and lie suggested Cnuncil not focus on the pending ideas list as that will be a t.opic at the January retreat, but he asks Council to instead fqcus on the initial list as it will impaeC lhe 2008 budget. Afrer brief discussion on the CDBG process and S'IEP (septic tank elimination program), Councilmember Munson brought up the topic of public inforniation dissemination. Mr. Mcrcier mentioncd that staff sceks the most effective way Co get the wrord out to the publiC ahout what we are cloing, and that one idea is to fnd an intern to come in and cfo sorne of the PIO (public information officer) work; but that there is more ground ta gain before having an addicional PIO assistvnt. Further discussion included the topie of working on revenue enhancement measures such as bonding issues fnr a new city hall and that we would be compeling witll funds for STA (Spokane Transit Authorit,y) andlnr for the wastewater treatment plant; and issues associated with any bond such as dealing with the media for information dissemination. The pending icleas list was diseussed fiarther, with iV1s. Regor expl£f111111a the rationale for some nf t.he proposed FTrs; and of the neecl to have some cross- training in areas such as lhc Pina►ICe 17epa-tment. Getting pertinent information on the City's website wa..t also mentioned, ineluding the idea of inembers nf the public llaving the abilit}, to Uack cleve.lopme•nts and chcek projecY status; which also touched off a discussion nf customer service iind timely return of phane calls, and Mr. Mercier mentioned that many o£ those concerns will be addressed as the recently approved pErsonnel positions are filled; that he is pleased N+,ilai the Nvork staff hd.s done, and dhat he is only aware of onc other commwtity in Washington that has z five-year Fnattcizl forecssC, and is not aware of any community in Washington tliat has a multi-year business plan. Council eYpressed that they are pleased wikh this initial start of the business plan. As it Nvas noon, Mayor VVilhite suggested the group break for lunch. The meeting resumed at 12:50 p.rn. 5. Snraguc/Applewav Revitalization Plan F'lanning Manager McCormick said that the I.nland APA Association held a conferencc and BoU Gibbs and representatives Crom ClearE'ath Nvere presenters there; that v1r. Gibbs gave a great deal of inForrnation on why retail centers work or don'l worlc; and he mentioned several projec~~ he is invohred wich; that aftenwards Scott Kuhta shoNaect Vfr. Gibbs our area at «fiich time M.r. Gibbs expressed a high level of canfidenee that he can get a developer who would he interesteci in participating in ihis project. Mr. McCormick said that retail is more se_ienee-based dian he t.liought especially for the larger retail establishments; and that Mr. Gibbs knows the details on how to tnake a project suecessful; that Mr. Gibbs formerly worked for the largest shoppinb mall in the cotmtry before opening his owm bus'►ness; and that he has a very speeifie recipe for succ;ess, which he feels can be applied to our sit:uation. Mr. vlcCormick said that the two of thcm did not get ittto options, but it was more generally what mal:es a center successful; and that we sMoulcl have his report next weelc, whieh will likely be more of an expanded pro forma or analysis of thc retail withauLt:he specifics; just Nvhat is necessary to build a successful site. Special 1%9eeting, ken•eat 06-02-2007 f'age 6 of 10 . Approved by Cowtcil: nRA_FT ~ v1r. Kersten added that his observations of construction of rnalls is that fiifteen to tNventv years a o; the ~ Y ~vere all beinQ built similar to the Valley Mall; but t:hat is changing and the trend is moving [o a city center or dotivnlown shoppiiig center. Mr. MeCormick said that during Mr. Gihbs' presetitatioii, Gibbs said he is only aware of one new mxil being pronosed in the entire counhy in 2008 cvhich is similar to our mali; and that all new malls are focused in a town center/city centcr; thai Gihbs looked at lvtichael Freeciman's cvncept and was very complimcritar)r and fel[ he is "right on" tivith the design; and said that if we are going to have on-street rctnil, we should also have on-street parking. Mr. McCormick said he asked about ;etting a copy of Mr. Gibbs' PowerPaint, but as Gibbs is publishing a boolc, everything is copyrighted; and he added that ClearPaxh is looking at Gibb's repor[ for whac w cake into consideratiotl when looking at the kind of real estate we have. Further discussion ensued regarding tiir. Gibbs, and whet.her to hire him to be the rloser on the assembly of land phase, or f'ocus on him bringitig in the developer and coordinate with Clearpath; t.ha[ cost5 are uttknown Uut staff will pursue that question; and Attorney Connelly'meutioned that our acquisition of property might be an introduction of a propert}' owner Yo a developer, but that we need ta ic{entify the alternatives. Mr. McCormiek men(ionecl that wlien a developer does come in, there will be eapectations and the developer will want to know what the Cit}, is wiliing to p«t into the rnix. Mr. iMercier siti<i that the ehallenge question is if Mr. Gibbs says t:hcre is ]iigh confctence iti the project, aiid the library wants to make a stratcgic investment by September, Mr. Gibbs will need to lunow if the City will be the other anchor with a City Hall. Althouah several Councilmembers expresseti t6ey Nvould be wiliing to have the Cily Hall a,s the anchor, the questions remained concerning timinc, and financing, including t-he question Af use of council manie boncls, what we have in reserve, what we will be saving by not paying the cun-ent renC, how soon thc irifvrmation can be supple►nented to determinc what is needed to wrap fnancial issues into a possibly larger bonci issuc; and of the need to see it the public is willing to invest in this vision. ~ Edueacing the public on the issues and options xvas discussed, including the riiention that television is a ~ good tivay to get the plan befare the public; that perhaps the Convention Wisitor's Bureau can assist, and that a communication plan is neeclecl to get die word our efticiendy tu maximize the communication effort prior to placing a boncl on the ballot. "1'his ]eiid to furdier discussion on public nutreach concerning the corridor plan; whether to map otic a schcciulc; hqw to pay off a bond issue; to tcll taxpaye.rs that a bond will cost a certai.n amount: of tax doUars (x a.mCUnt per $1000 assessed valuation), or have a range rat:hcr than speei6c clollar amount, ballot hislory, ballot ]e•gal constraints for CoLmcil regarding promoting issues; and the idea of inclucling a rion-binding advisory vote and to include specific language on the ballot t:ha[ - Nve know we'rc ooing to build city hall; that we need an advisory vote on a ciry c.e.nter; and what infarmation is needed to clisseminate prior to the ballot and what to put on a ballot. '1'he idea of invrolving auto row was also mrncioned, atong witli the possibility that the Ghamber of Comrnerce rziight assist xvith informstion dissetnination, and tha[ [his tnay be a goocl topic to bring before the business district. Me. Mercier summarircc] that concerning the city center, there is building consensus that a developer will want a quick response and a nlan of aetion; that to have the public apprpve qf'this concept, it is important the City weigh in on the questinn; t.hat. an advisory vote is an initial sCep w collect that response; that a ' non-bindinb a(lvisory question be placed nn the \Tovcmher ballot; Council lilces the notion of a plan B that states we have a capital facilit), plan that identifies the need for a City I-Iall -we know this so what does the public think of moving beyond that so we can tell a deveioper Nve can do Cnumcil manic bonds for ciry hall and thereby get aai answer to the Library District. (;ouncil concun-ed khat [hey want to ask the public on the advisory question to inciude the visioif nlus a range oF costs Por plan A, ancl staff stiould begin working on detreloping the range ancl a caleridar for how to get-somethiiig oti the ballot. Mr. fvlercier said that wc will come to Council in July with a presentalion on the i.nitial plA»ning for aCit}, l-IaU, and that ~ staff tvill create this as rt wrorking elcrnent for the city regardlcss of wfiat n vote outcome may be; adding that staff is alreacly cxperiencing cramped space. Attorney Connelly cautioneti dhac we neect to carefully objectify and analyze every sccp to mal.e suie it will Nvrork; and tilr. tilercier added that alihough there is Speciallvleeting, Retreat 06-02-2007 Page 7 of 10 Approved bY Council: DRAk'l' exeitement attached to N1r. Gibb's reference, if that doesn't work, Chen in all praeticality the ontion would be option 3: zone it tind hope they will come. Mr. Kersten suggested [he need to explore the possibility of ~ doinb a site layout and design for both scenarios: whether the developer option or the built it and let diem come alter option. Councilmember Munson said that there are revenue enhancement measures to consider, and asked how that aaid a Ciey Hall civic eenter woulcl work toge[her; which lead to the next ap ,enda itcm. 6. Funding OptiOns/Bond TSSUGs Mr. VTercier said t.here are a series of financial challenges coming our way, so we look at options for additional finaiicial revenue and/or prngram cureailment. Finance Director Thompson displayed and explained some charts showing the financial neecls for opEi-ations and capital; and possible funding sources, such as utility tax, propcrty tax levy lift, solid wastc fees, veliicle registratiori, bond sale wi41y vater apprnval; council manic bonds; impact fees for transportaiien andlor parks; and of the assoc.iated issues such as cost to citizens, vote approval, priority of programs ancl projects; and ehen moved into election c{at:es for 2008, and mentioneti the idea of an election continitxce. Concerning impact fees, the:re was discussion on the inability ko inctude Vera and therefore not wajiting to segment out a portion of the population; and that other choices are electric.ity, natural aas, sewers, telephones, nr cable; arid wfiether co cap ehe rates. vlr. Thompson mencioned the 1% t.ax limit and whether the fire or library district ca.ke their share now or dceide to go highcr than current rates; ajid he mentioned that Waste Managemcnt would like mandatory collection fccs, but if we cfo that, perhaps we would tell them we want an extra tax on that fee to keep our slreets working properly a.s their trucks create wear and tear on our streets. Another idea was that vehicle registration fees could increase up to S20.00 for vehicles registercd in our city limits. Mr. `Zereier mentioneci that the 1110 of i°/4 tsx could go up to 3/10 but that decision filters dvough the i3oard of Courity Commissioncrs (BOCC), and it might be prudent to plan collaboratively with dhe BOCC and sister juristlictions to determinc what percentage amount to consider as it would bc a voter approval issue. DeputV lbtayor 7aylor said he feels we already have a high sales tax and he prefers _J researching Ather options such as anifcimissions tax for thcaters or ftjircrounds; but iVlr. Thompson said lhat generally doesn't generate a lot of funds. Mr. Vlercier said there is a range of options and part of thc strategic Financial plan will include those options as a means to close the gap; but that discussion will be held at a later date. Further discussion included other financill impacts the coinmunity could experience, such as funding for a new jail, anci thc possible regional impact fee impose_tl by Spnkane Regional `Criinspartation Commission. Mr. Viercier said ehe details will get worked nut, that we're Iool:ing ahead to 2013, ancl a trflnspertation impacti fee won't be usecl to cure any current deficit; that it takes a number of years for a traftic impact fee to accumulate toward projects; and if a Cee Nvere imposed in 2009, there mibht be fimds in 2012 to address some fonyard moving costs. ConcuITency problems were tilsu diSCUSSed and it was mentioned we covld reach a point where we eidier htive a new level of service analysis; Or not allow some projects due to concurrency problems. Concerning R.CET funds, Mr. Nlercier mentioned that if Cnuncil is Iook:ing for ways to gain RrF'T money, otie offset is impact tees; that Nve could collect them f.'or parks but have tn spcnd them within six years; iind he added that we have not yet answerecl Ceneral Valley School 17islrict's requesC for irnpact fees. He suggesteci since there is money in the budget., that we cansider going aliead or re.-allocate for next year ancl hire a consultant and determine what an impact fee Nvoulci bc for parks; and to examinc this agaiu the nc.xt time we update our capittil f.'acilities part oF the comp plan; adding that he is noc secking a cnuncil vote, but subgests we tllink about fliis impact fee stutly or look at it next ycar. Councilmembei• Munson said he is only interested in looking at the lransportation side, to which vlr. Mereier replied that he could niake a budaet proposal l0 put this back on next year as funding Cor an impact fee is an `08 budget issue; and it mioht be prudent to conduct a transportation impaet fec study; andlor re-appropriate parks impact fee study funds. Speciai Mceting, Retreat 06-02-2007 Page 3 of 10 Approve.cl by Council: ARAF'I' 7. BuAnvsroRtiitlvG: Taepuh' City Mayor `I'aylor brnughl up the recentiv approved customer service plan, and he asked where we are in fillirig thosc positions. Deputy City A!Lana=er Regqr responded that we are in the middle of recruirinent for several of the positions; that they hnpe to schedulc interviews next week for the engineer t:cch and building inspector, and thal lllc hwo a.ssistant planner positions have closed, staFf is reviewing the applications, and we hope to set up interviews quickly. vls. Regor also mentioned that she, (ireg McCarmick; MaryKaCe A![artin, and John I-Iohman are working on the re-application coriference process; and that il also appears we may be mnving forward to amend our grading ordinance. Ms. Regor also mentipned that there zjppears to bc some inconsistency of eocle interpretation which staff is addressing; that staff cont'►nues lu work on tinlely return of phone calls or questions, and that having additional staff will be a natural way to address somc of tliat; and that sorrie of the delay issucs are as a re,sult of the applicant not completing 1;heir work prior to coming into the Cih' Hall. VT.r. Taylor suggested having a public forum to give all an opportunity ta discuss these issues; and `qr. Mercier saicf that he has had discussions about Viaving a stakeholder meetina for all involved parties; and Mr. Taylor suggeste(f following up with that with a more etclusive group that can comment on the process; as Me wants to ensure we have follow-through on this issue. Rather than have an exclusive grouJ), Mr. iMercier meneioned the idea of maintaining an interested party list, thereby not cre.aCing a percept.ion of Cavoritism. 13uilding Official Martin rnentioned dhat it will be most useful for the City to hear from people who Nvnrk regulariy in the City, while keeping in mind that bringing in ideas from other jurisdictions would also be beneficial; and it would be hest to look at the process ratlier than point out speeific ine+dences fi•om the past. However, Councilmember Munson added that lookitlg at specific problems tends to help rectifiy the process. Ms. Mart'►n aclded that having key staff identified who will be responsible Nvithin the process will be of great benetit. A9r. 1 aylor stated that Nve caai leani from doing _this ori a regular basis, as there are Those who are not cnmfortable poing to staff as some feel it mi;;hC have ~ . a detriment.al afifect on their prnjects if they complain about staff; b'ut: there is also a need for ongoing discussions to build relationships so the public will fcel comforEable dealing NviCll these issues Nvith stafi'. Mr. Merc.ier mentioned haviug a comhination of ineetings, wit.h a frst rneeting for everyone; and dhen go from there, and that in developing a cont<jct person, these efforts should proctuce good resulis. The move pf clevcloprnent engineeri.ng into t.he Cornmunity Developmeni was ►nentioned, and vls. Etegor said the IllOVe has noC been fnalized. Public percepcion is important as Ivlayor V►'ilhite mentinned she received a phone call Crom a eitirx.n who cliseovered that we had the po[cntial to kcep a business here, but was tolcl by the real estate community it would take too long co buitcl in the Spokane Valley; and slie would like to examine a process whereby sotne projects which meet a seY eriteria could be processed in an cxpedited manner. Mr. Mercier adcfed that wc would need rational criteria for when an expedit4d process wpuld bc warranted, and if we moved in t:hat direc:tion; we would also need a nrocess to infoem the public. Mr. Mere.ier also meritiqneci tliai it is important to have a plan by Council for these "spot' ealls, because if the call were not answered, it. coulci give the perception we don'l care. lvir. Taylor and Mr. Ivtunson suagested we have an elected official and it staff rncmber and that A1r. Ivlercier shquld designate who can go or Nvho is availabla After brief discussion nn Chis idu, t-here was consensus ch<<C t.he Mayqr or Deputy Vlayor should be first, then .jnother cotuicilmember if the Mayor and Deputy vlayor are nUt availahle; but the first point of contact shotlld be the Maynr. Cocle Enfbrcement was mentioned, iind M..r. Mercier said we take grcat pride in our Code Fnforcement Group and that they have had terriEic results in tlle community; but that they are operating under a re- active pr4gram and that v1r. Mcrcier can foresee a time when we may want to be more proactive so that as these C:ode Cnmplianec Officers see somethin;;, they can take appropriate action. Cnuncilmembers Schimmels t►nc1 Munson agree•d it is time tn rnove forward, and Couneilmember Denenny addetl ta c!o so , if the staff" has time. Ntn-Cher tfiseussion qn this topic inelucled aciding another Compliance Officer in the Spceial Mceting, Reti-eat 06-02-2007 T'age 9 of 10 npprove.d by Council: ' DRAFT future; the idea of allowing them to use their best judgment and discretion; that sight triangles are an issue; and that our staff takes the ►nore gentle approach aboul noticint problems to property owners in thal they engage peoNle in cAnversittion as they look for voluntary cpmplianee. It was detcnnined that Council has np objeetion for thc pro-active stance of our code enforcement officers; but that they will do so untler tlie guidance of Building Official Martin. `I herc being no furdier bu5iness, Mayor Wilhile thankeci everyone for attending, and again thanked Diek and Kathy T)enenny for the use of their cabin. T7ie meeting ended at 3:20 p.m. laiana `Villiite, `layor A'["TEST: Christine F3ainUridge, City Clerk Special Meeting, Retreat 06-02-2007 k'age 10 of 10 . Approvcd by Council: DRAFT `TfNO`C' S City nf 5pol:anc Valley • Cih, Coancil Special Meeting Tuesday,,June 5, 2007 Mayror Wilhite callecl the meet:ing fo order at 6:00 p.m.; and welcAmed everyone to the 117'b meeting. Attendance: Cirv Stu/'1: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve `I"aylor; Deputy vlayor Mike Connelly, Cit:y Attorney Diek Denenny, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finaiice Director Mike laeVleming, Councilmembe•r Greg McCormick, Planning Alanager Bill Gotlimann, Councilmember Steve Worley, Scnior Engineer Rich Munsnn, Councilmember [arrivecl 7:49] Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief N1ike Jackson.l'arks & Rec Director Neil Kersten, Public `Vorks laireclor vlary Kate Martin, }3uilding Official Absent: Carolbelle IIranch, Public Iilformation Officer Gary Scliiimnels Grcg Ringaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainhridge, Cify Clerk llNTVOCATlON: Pastor Dave Johnson, UniCed ivlethodist Church gave the invpcation. FLEDGE OF ALLEGLAr\`CE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge ofAlle.giancc. ROi.,i., CALL: City Clerk Bainbridgc callcd roll; all Councilmembers were present except ° Councilmembers Schimmels and Munson. Mayor Wilhite said they may be arriving late and Council will ~ wait until later in the meeting ta detei•mine if diere is a necd to e.ccuse either or bnth Councilmemhers. AFPROVAL Ofi AGLNDA: It wa.r nrnlped by Deputy elqcryor Taylvr, seconded crrrd :nraitrmotlsly crgreetl tU approve the ubEndu crs preserrtecl. L1ITRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GCTL"Sl'S A1Vll 1'RESEY1'ATIQNS: n/a CQiV1ANTiTTFF, i30AR1), .T.,TATSON STJNftiIA12Y 12EY0lt'1 S: Councilmember 17eVlemins:: reporled that he attended last Saturday's retrcal; and again thanked Councilmember Denenny E'or hosting the mecting. Councilinember Gothmailn: slid he also sttendecf the retrc.at; attended a celeUration at the Chambcr oi Commerce; a Pool upgrade meeting; a Community Trade tiid Ecor►omic Devclopment meetuig; the IIoard of Health meeting; and announced that the new Weed & Seed Direccor is Gail Kngle. FIe also mentioned . that the Chamber of Commerce is tivorking on review of tlie Ccnterl?lace i~tlarketing plan so that they can communicatc their comments ta us about lhe Plan. Den11tv Mavor "I'avlor: saicl he had no report but enjoyed the retreat last %veekencl. Councilrnember Denennv: said he at[endecl the Health llistrict meeting where thcy workeci tn refine the job clescription. A7AXOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that last Saturday's retreat was very informative; and that the weacher was good too. She mentioned a conference she attended in Spokane; ttnd she then asked Couneilmember Gothmann to react the "Niational Hunger tlwareness Day" proclamation; which proclamatian he read. ~ Council Meetine: 06-05-07 Page I of 4 Approved by Couneil: D12AFT 1'UCiLiC COMWNTS: Mayor Wilhite invi[ed general pt►blic comments. Randw Kemvorthv. 3021 S Collins, 927-0638, cell 868-8906: said hc lives just soudi of University High School, and the park-ing problem has become a major issuc on their street; not so much because of pa.rking, he explainEd, but because of the loitering and the trash; and he said there is now no parking on school das betwcen 32"`~ and 31~` on Collins; and he ~~~ould likc tA kno~v hotiv to get thiit ext.encled from 3 1' to 30` so that they don't have all the cars, loitering and trash going on in front on his liouse. Me said he realizes the parking is public, but at fhis point the parking is bumper-to-burnper, and averages about 20 cars daily on his street behveen 3151 and 29'h, that it has become the "designated smoking" area for the smoking crowd; and that extending d1e nn parking in front of their house will help ea,.se the problem. Mayor Wilhite said that skaff will follow-up on ttiis aiid get back to him to adclress his concerns; and that normally he will hear from staff via writtcn correspondence. 1. PiJ73LIC IiE:ARTNG: Froposcd 20023-2013 Transnortation lmnrovemenl• Plan - Steve Worlev Mayor VJilhite openecl the public hearing nc 6:11 p.m. and invited Engineer Worlcy to explain the proposaL Mr. Worley eaplained that this is this year's update to the Transportation Improvement Plan ('C'LE'); that tlie plan contains ri list of projects recommencled; and many projects are from last year's plan which were not completed duc to funding issues. iMr. Worlcy also mentioned that we are still waiting to learn if the FTA 5307 grant applieaCions will be funded through the Spokanc Rejional Transportation Commission's Call for Projects; and depending on thnse results, our TIP may change again; that this draft should be consiclcred a work in progress; and that morc details will emerge when the consultant givcs the final prCSCntation on the strect masterplan. The list of projects included in khe council packet was also bricfly discussed. vlayor Wilhite invited public conunents. Marv Pollau-d, 17216 F Baldwin Avenue: she mentioned comin~ and going from Sprague to Mission that traffic is a problem, and as Liberty Lake trafFe gets funneled down, she suggesCS we make sure there is a pat.h to allow pe-destrians and bicyclists safe negotiation aeross those strcets. Sue Rracken, 18508 E Riverwav Avenue: asked if there is a wtiy to see a list of the rAads ~NIien diey have been completect; and M.r. Worley responded that tihe in.fortttation will be on the City's website. Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment and none was offered. Iviayor Wilhite closed the public hearing at 6:22 p.m. 2. QIJASI-.JiFl)ICTAL Ci.:QSFD RECORD HEARING: Austin Ffearint► .F..xsiminer Anneal - Mike Conncllv Mayor Wilhitc opened the public hearing at 6:23 p.m. and invited City Attorney Connelly to Explain the procedures. City Attorney Connelly explained thc procedures and his memorandum of June 5, 2007; appellant Ivfary Pollard, speaking for Janice Auscin, began her remarks at 6:50 p.m. After hearing argumerats and rebuttat, Mayor Wilhite closed the hearing poriian at 7:15 p.m. It was moved by laepury Mcryor• Taylar, seconded and urraniniously agreed !o sche~lule the delrberations artd decisionfor tlie Juire 19 ineetii7g. A complet:c transcript of the hearing is attached. Mayor Williite called for a recess nt 7:16 p.m. and recomrened the meeting at 7:29 p.m. 3. CONSENT AGEn`llA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. F1 Cuuncilmember may rernave an itcm from the Consent Agenda to be eansiclered separately. a. FolloNving Claim Vouchers: VpUCMEIt LIST DATE I VOUCHFR #s ~'I'O"1"AL VOUChIER AA40UNT ~ 05-07-2007 1 11653-11726 $1,462,873.65 ~ ~ 05-18-2007 ~ 11772-11834 $249,993.05 ~ GRANIa "I'U"I'AL I I $1,712,866.60 ~c Council Meeting: 06-05-07 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: ARAFT ~ b. Payroll for Pcriod F_.nding May 31, 2007: $256,229.39 c. Minutes of May 15, 2007 Council Study Session Meeting d. Minutes of May 22, 2007 Regular Council Meeting It ivas moved by Deputy kfayor Taylor, secotrded uird wzUi7inrousJv ugreed 1o upprvve the Consent ugen(la c1s presented. N'EVV BiJSINLSS 4. Seeond Rcaciine Pronosec! Ordinance 07-010 Aclontinc-, Uniform Develnpment Code (Ui7C) `Citle 24 - Vlaiv Kate Martin :tfter City Clerk Bai.nbridge read the ordinance title, it was nroved by Depufy Mayor 7aylor and secoraded to upJ)rove ordinance 07-010 as suGmitted. Ms. Martin commented that as requested by Couneil, the appendix has been added, and that under section 24.40.020, there was a clause added that the codes as meneionett are acioptecl "as present:ly eonst.ituted or subsequenUy a.mended by i.he Stitte of Washin€ton." Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments Nvere offered. Deputy Mayor Taylor expressed a sense of urgency to get the rernainder of'the UlaC titles as soon as possible in qrclcr fQr Counei) to htive iunple time to review the material and deliberate on each title: Mayor Wilhite mentionetl that the Plannino Commission is aware of the need to mcct the deadline, and they liavc an a-gressive meetins schedule to accnmplish that goaL Alayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered. Volc byACClamulion: Irr Favur: Unanintous. Opposed.- tVurle. jlvfvlian carrred 5. vlotion Consideration: Lodiinv Tax Committee Grant Allocations -17enutv Mavor 'I avlor Tacputy M.ayor Taylor explained that the attachecl materials contain t11e final recommendation nf the Committee. It was ntoved by Councilmenrber Denenny mrd seconded, to approve the Iadging tax udvisoty conunitiee's grun[ c,llocatiors us r•ecununencled in the attaclter.l corrECted slteel. "1 here was ~ some discL►ssion about a surplus of funds, and Finance Director Thompson said he estimates a reserve bchvcen S 100,000 aiid S200,000; ancl that another round of applications wil] be revie«ed in the fall at which time we anticipate having approximately $350;000 in funds. 1t was ►nentioned that beeause of the state laws regulating ho%N, these funds are to be usecl, suggestions for acivertising to a larger group or other ideas on re-defining how the money can be spent is limited. Deputy Mayor Taylor said lie would like to see a full accountino of how eff.cctivc tliese applieant's wcre in increasing courism; and he asked for accountability guidelines for the lai•ger recipie.nLs. Councilmember Gotlirnann su ggestecl in the future, t.hal Councilmembers are prdvided witii more detail of what funding is being sought from each applicant. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Ham Sladich. Spokane ReRional Convention & Visitor's l3ureau: said he initially came to say thanks to the advisory bpard; and to thank Council fQr the considerltion; aod st,ated that they clon't take Chc Cunds for ~;ranted nor ask for more than is needed; and again that he is appreciative of the funding. Uick 13ehm_ 3626 S ltidp-eview: spoke conccrning the Valley float tind gave a little history of the use of floats; and suggested if there arc excra fLmds, to help get the float process started. [Councilmembcr Munson arrived at 7:49 p.m.J Councilmember llenenny added that thess funds come fro►n the hotelie►s, who asked to be tased so there would be fiands to promote tourism; that this is not a taY like sales nr property tax; but a very specific tax brought about at the request of the hoteliers. Vote by Acc.lamation: 1n Frrvor: Unanimous. OpposEd: Alone. Mvtiorr curried 6. Motion Consideration: Memorandum ofi Understandino fior the Jutlicially Inteuated vlental ]-Iealth Solutians ProLmtm - Nlavror Wilhite Mayor Wilhife explaincd [haC recently a judge was addressing problems with the nuntbcr oF people ~ booked into jail snd prison, and fclt there might be some alternative ways to take care of problems they are experiencing'in the jails; and diat a proup pot iq;ether including our Police Chief, who are wrorking to come up wilh seme solutions; and that dhis document is an inforrnal documenC and not a binding Council Meeting: 06-05-07 Page 3 of 4 Approvcd Uy Council: llRAFT agreement ancl does not comrnit any individual agency funds, but is An understa.nding to work to increase public safety through colla ' boration designecl to improve outcomes for individuals with mental illness who come in contact with the criminal justice system. It ►vas »zoved by DeputyAluyor Trrylor and secondecl, to uuthorize the e'Vlayor to sign t{re 1Vemvrundtm? of Understrntding for the Jtidicially lirtegrated Men1u1 Flealtlt Solutiotrs (JIMff.TS) Program. Chief VanT euvren reiterated that this is an informal agreement to ~ seek alternatives to incarcerating those with mental he<tlth issues; and to help those individuals who are incarcerated, to contact oUier agencies upon the release from jaiL Mayor WilhiCe invited public comment; no commcnts were offerecl. Vate by Accla»ration: br favor: Unanimor'is. OpJ)asecl• IValre. Moiion curried. YURLiC COMIVIFNTS: Mayor `Vilhite invited general public comments. Sue Bracken, 18508 E Riverwav Avcnue:, concerning the park that has been apProved in the \To►i.h Greenacres neighborhopd, she Nvanted to espress her gratitudc for tliat park and said dhat this park means a lot to those who live t:here. ADNIINISTRATIVE 111+,"PQRTS: 7. Street Vacations Gamnensalion - Mike Conncllv City Attorney Connelly ex.plained thaC this topic was discussed in N1are.h, at which time he presented a memorandum outliniiig sAme legal oblioations regarding chargi.ng for street vacatians; and that there was some eouncil consensus to look at drafting a policy; and that a draft policy is attached as part of this council packet:; and said thac Council can review and change, and that this can bc brought back to Council as a resolution enacting the policy. Deputy Mayor Taylor said he likes the 50% option as it seems most equitable and allows for some compensation for land we arc vacating whicti in dle past, Nve were giving away. There was sornE que.5tion on appraisals and the method used by the Counly Assessor to arrive at the figure; and V1r. Connelly said lie can write the policy in mQre detail if Council desires; but he sugsesleti using the County auditor's appraisal as the asscssed value; but to include a elause that council reserve.s the right to deviate from this policy upon adoption of writt:en findings. N1r. Connelly saicl lie w•ill further identify the 50% as mentioned in item 1 on the draft policy. Council concurred that NIr. Connelly write this policy as a resolution for further Council consicleration. - It was nrnved by Deput}i M'ayvr Ttrylor, secatided and urranimously agreed to excuse Cotnrcibnenaber Schinrmels from tonight's irieeling. EXECi.)TIV E S1;SSION: li }nas naoved by Depray Muya• Tcrylor, sECOnded and unanimou,sJy n,greed !o udjourn to Executive Sessiori nol to exceed thirty mir2ules, for peiiding liligation, aird tjurt no decision is anliciputed upon return to operr sessron. Council adjowned into rxecutive Session at 8:05 p.m. Mayor Withite declared Council out of Exccutive Session at 8:40 p.in. It ►vas moved by Cvta1[ilmenaber Denenray, seconded arrd unanimvusly agreecl to rrdjourn. 'Che meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. A1"'I'EST: laiana Wilhite, Ivlayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ J Council Me.cting: 06-05-07 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 1 Junc 05, 2UU7 Council iVleetinu: puasi-Judicial Closed Recnrd Tiearinp: ~ 2 Aastin Hcarinu .Naxaminer Appe.al 3 . . 4 Mavur R'ilhite: Next on our agenda is a yuasi judicial elosed record hearino. We have to get our books S out, we have boo}:s for this. Ok. We off icially rteed to open up oar closed hearing recflrd at 6:23. iV1r. 6 Connelly, would you please explai.n the prqcedures we're to follow for this hearinlo. 7 8 Cih Attornev Cunnellv: Y.es, Madam Mayor, members of the Council. Tbis is a little different thing 9 fdr the council to do then your ordinary coursc of business. `nlis is a quasi judicial hearing and it's a IU closetl record hearing. The first pa-t of that means that you're sitting as judges noi aS lenislators; so you 11 need to put your judge's hats oa. The second part; the etosed record hearina, means that you will hear ' 12 argumen[ frorn t1le appellant and from any party uf record that's opposed to the appeal; and then you 13 make your decision bascd upqn the transcript that's befom you and the argument that you have hcard. 14 The proceSS is i•elatively straight-furward: you have received the official transcript; dhose are the bi„ 15 books that are before you; and this is etactly what the Hearinb Fxaminer receired when he heard t.his 16 malter in a tull; open public hearing several rnonths aga Arer you hU3r the argument by the appeUant: 17 and ar►y parry of record tliat's opposed to the appeal, you then deeerrninc whether or not the Hearing ]8 Examiner decision sbould be affirmed: should bc reversed, or the matter shoulci be remanded to the 19 1[earing Lxaminer for furkher study. 'C'11ose are your th.ree: option5. Thei-e's a couplE ocher rules that you 20 ne.ed to keep in mind. The first; and this is cAntained in the RCA: the decision is presumed to be cnrrect 21 and supported by the 1aw. 7'here is a presumpCian tbai the Hearing Ex3miner l:new what he was cloing; so 22 Co overcome t6at presumpCion, thcre ha.s to be clear evidence in the record, yaur transcripts, that le<id you 23 tn lhat conc.lusion. To reverse a decision of the I-[earing Examiner, you have to fiiid one of several things: 24 You have to Fnd Lhst the EZaminer engaged in unlawFul procedures; fintl thlt the de.cision was an 25 erroneous interpretation of the taw; that the decision is not supported by subsian[i1l evidence; that it:'s .x 26 clearly erroneous applict;tion of the law tn the Facts; or tbat the decision is outside of tl►e Hearing 27 Fxaminer's authority. Those arc the only basses you have for revcr5ing a decision. `1'o remarid the mat.ter 2$ bitck to the Plearing Examiuer for furthcr consideration, you have to f-ind diai tllere was newl}r d15(:U4'G'rE(.3 29 eviclence, evidence which was not available at the time of the hearing; which would reasonably hzive 30 affccted the decision. In o[Ler lvurds, in your mind; you feel that evidence Would have resulfcd in a 31 diff'erent decision by the Hearing Examiner if the Heari.ng Examiner had heard that informalion. So those 32 are the grnund i-ules. 'lhe pracess we'll tollow is agai.n pretiy simple. The appellant, and 1 believe the 33 appellant is being represented by Mary T'ollard tonight; will have a chance to speak for tweiity minutes; ~ 34. up to hwenty miriuics, and I'I1 be die timer; the:n if t}icre are any parties of reLOrcl lhat:arc; opposed to the 1'rariscript Appea] Hearing 06-05-07 Austin Pagc 1 of 22 35 appeal, then they would have twcnty ►ninutes to make thcir case. 1"he argument by both the appcllant and 36 ptirt.ies Qpposed to the appeal are not new facts. No one can present new fact5, evidence, or documenLS to 37 you. 'Che transcript are the faets unless this Council rules that supplemental information should lye 38 allowed. And that brings us to the last thinc,, then T'll sit down ancl we can get started. °I'here ba.s been a 39 request tio supplement the record by the appellant Mary 1'ollard, and I put together a short memo which 40 lays out the rules and identifies the subscance of what Ms. Pollarci wishes to suppleinent the record with, 41 for your review, and I'll just summarize it very quickly. A;ain; the ordinaiice that governs diese 42 proceedings indicates lhat }'ou may supplement a record, or }rou may allow the mcArd to be opened up, if 43 il concenns disqualification af the Wearing Examiner far whatever reason; if there are inatters that peoplc 44 5ought to put in front of the Wearing Examiner ancf tie en•oneously excluded those matters; or iCthere are 45 matters outside the jurisdiction of the Hearino rxaminer, such as Constitutional issties, issues of bitts 46 against you as Couneilmembers, er facts or testimoriy regarding the intent of ordinances that you pa5sed; 47 things that are outside the scope of dle Hearing I:.taminer. You have lo fnd one of [hese three items or 48 the record cwinot be supplemenCed. There are lwro documents t:hat Ms. Pollrird has submittecl ii-nd asked tn 49 be made a part of the rceord_ The firsl is a►nemortndurn dated May 14 and it's refercnced under bin letter 50 A on page twro ot my memorandum. flncl, t.his is essen[ially an v-gument that ns. Yollard makes and it 51 relies upon the record that's before you, the transceipt, there's a number of references to i:hings for wliic6 ~ 52 there tire findings in the record. And I think this memorantlum could approprifltely be considered a ~ J 53 memorajidum in support of the appeal pursuant to youur rules tbat allows such a memorandum to be filed; 54 and it was filed timely 1:a confornl witri t}lose rules. So my reeommendation Nvould be that the May 14 SS inemorandum be allowed to be submitted a.e a memorandum in support of her appeal. And it doesn't SE really contain new f'sets or evidenc:e; it's purely argument whieh is appropriate. 'Che seeoncl one, lv-ge. 57 letter R on page hvo, i5 a memoraocium that contains all l:inds of new facts 1od documents, which she h:is 58 asked to be submitted a.ncl inade a part ofthe recard; and I've listed those doLUrnents and have given you I 5,9 think suEficierit detail tn identify what typc of documents are being discussed. Tlie documents concern aGO clecision wit.h respect to the T'lora Estates development; which is not before you today; and whicll was not 61 bcfore the Hearing rxaminer at the time of the original hearing; and all of the documents turn on the issue 62 on the manner in which a private rotid was changed to apublie roacl prior to the final plat process. The 63 record beforc you diseusses this; sels fOrth the facts dhat t~i~ere in eristence at the ti►ne of the hearung. All 64 of the supplementing documents that 1re being suggestEd deal with a clevclopment and a decision whieh 65 was nne before the Hearing Examiner and «fiich I do not believe is appropriately before you coclay. And 66 if you look at those lhree criteria, disqualification of a 1-learing Fxaminer, inf.'ormation that was offered 67 and rejected by the E•learing Fxaminer, or matters outside lbc jurisdiction of the I-iearing T'xsminer, nnne 68 of thnse eriteria are met by these documents. The fuial applicable provisinn of the,se rules, which may ~ Transcript Appeal Hearing 06-05-07 Auscin Yage2 of22 69 come up in hearing or be a part of your final decision, duils with newly of'ercd evicjenee that reasonably 70 could have affected the outcome if the Hearin * EYiuniner had seen it; ancl for it. to have affected the ~ 71 outcome, I think it has to be evidence that was contrary to t:he Findings of Fact that the Nearing rxaminer 72 entered *and was truly neAvly discovered evide•nce that was not available at the time of the hearing, and 73 yrou'd have to mal:e a finding that bnth those cancJifions existect bcfore you would remand the niatter back 74 ta the Hearing Exaniner for furtiher consideration. 1 found nothing in the mate.rials suggested to date that 75 would meet that criteria; the Findings of Fact aren't challenged it's simpiy quesiions raised about the 76 miinner in which a road chanbed from privatc to public in a separate development; which really isn't 77 betore you today. Ok. 1'hat's the preliminary remzirks. I ihink it wnuld be appropriate to allow the 78 applicant three minutes to explain wliy she feels the recorcl should be supplemented; and then once you 79. mal:e a clecisiori on that, then we c.an rnove to the hearing itself. Any quest.ions about proccdure or 80 process? . 81 82 Councilmember Gothmann: Ycs, Mr. Connelly, I have hvo questions. One of tJtcrn, s}tould the, or, is 83 1he Couneil allowed to ask questions or should the C;ouncil ask quest:ions of citlier party. 84 $5 C:it~ Att~~rneV Connellv: The Council can certainly ask questions lc~ clarify statemer~ts made by tl~e =$6 parties; what the Council can't do is inquire into faciual cvidence outside of the record. 87 88 Cutmcilmember Gothmann: OK Very Good. 89 40 Citv AEtornev Connellv: So if you don't understand what they're saying and ask tttciti to clari.fy tliat, 91 thaYs perfect:ly appropriate. 92 93 C.'ouncilmember Gothmann: OK. 94 95 Citv Attornev Connellv: If yau're saying, well, what abotrt this, coulcl you look this up for me; that's 96 ndC appropria[e, the answer would be tq look at the record. 97 93 Cuuncilmemher Gothmann: UK. Very Good. Now the second question, l.'rn asking it for my 99 iilfonnation, not that ['m biased one way or the o[ber. How are deliberatipns to take place? Are they 100 public deliberalions, are t.hcy private? I'm asking for my curiosity. - - .101 ~ Trdnscript Appeal 1•Iearing 06-05-07 Austin Pa„e 3 nP22 102 Citv Attornev Cunnellw 1'he normal couise nf clcliberating when yuu have an ext.ensive record such as _ 103 you do now, is to after you've heard argument and the appellant or parties opposed to the apPeal have ~ 104 said, loflk; look at exhibit #77; or look at page #296; this eontains very important information that 105 supports my argument. After yoii hear that argurnent; you close the hearing, tlien you set a timc for 106 . deliberaiion and dec;ision, you I:now, a week or two in the future to givG you a chance ta go back over the ] 07 books in light of w}iat you've hea.rd; and look al that evidence. At that point in tune, you can deliberatc 108 openly, ,just as you're Sili:inp, there, and <liscuss the mal[er without any input f.'rqm the public; or you can 1 09 go into deliberations private:ly in E?:ecutive Session with your attorney, iinei you can deliberate but riot 110 decide in Executive Session, and then come back out and fmalize your deliberalions and decision. tlricl 111 [hitt's the choice ?rou can mal:e at the time that deliberations are scheduled. 112 113 Councilmember Gothmann: OK.. Very good. Thank you. 114 115 I1flaYor VVilhite= Mr. DeVlemina? 116 117 Courncilmembcr 1)eVlernina: Mr. Connelly 118 119 Mavor Wilhite: Mr. Coiulelly, we havc another yuestion. 120 121 Citv Attornev CtmnellY: Yes. , 122 123 Councilmember lleVleminu: One quick question, I don't know iS'you have the answer fpr this, but on 124 page seven iti this section one group, there's a series of Pictures; evas the Hearing Examiner given color 125 picCures or these stttne lalack and white pictures? 126 127 Citv Altorriev Connellv: The pictures, I've checked are contained in your txanscript already in }'our 128 official cranscript; and they'rc color in your bfficial transcript. S0, if you go to the back of your book 129 you'll find thnse satne pictures. 1,30 131 Ni9vor Wilhite: 'I'hey're in the back. 132 133 Citv Attornev Connellv: So, ycah, I w3s concenied about that bei.n;; additional, new evidence attached • 134 to the appe.al, but they're also contained in the transcript. 135 - '1'rinscript APpeal Hcaring 06-05-07 Austin Page 4 of 22 ~136 Councilmembcr 1)eVlemine• Color photos, nK. Got it. 137 ~ 138 M:ivnr R'ilhite: CJK. 17aes that answer e.verybody's question? Ok. 1'hank you Mr. Connelly. Ms. 139 Pollard, acting on behal.f of Janice Austin, would ynu, you have th.roe minutes to explain why you wish to 140 supplement the rccorcl. 141 142 Citv Attorncv Connellr: lf I can havejust one minute to answer a question. 143 144 Mavor Wilhite: OK. 145 146 A"Iarv I'ollard: 1'm Mary P~.~Ilard, and am represencing Nfs. .lanice Austin at her request due ta severe 147 health, problems. Ms. Austin has brOught forkh the appeal to protect bcr investment of 41 years. Iarn 148 offering proof that supple►neiiting the record provides ample proof that lhere is lcgal authoriry to escencf 149 Maxwell Avenue east from Flora Estates. There~s no legttl aul:hority to do this. VJe're startding in the 154 d;irk begging you tU t'tirn thc light on. ?he abiliCy t0 supplement a record is providcd for the sake of 151 just.ice. Justice demands fhat we don't shut our eyes to things that bring oppression, a tyraiany of silence. . ~ 152 Va(ley Coach supporLs the exposurc of the documenis we'cl like to bring before yrou. All narties are 153 served by this requcst. Our first charge is fo lave our neighbor as ourselves. These are not mere words 154 hut are with actinn and in truth. Unless we passinnately care about the people we serve, ]lo«< can Nve 155 represent their interest? Hopefully kliis pa.ssion and love for those tivho have plaeed their Iivcs in your care 156 tivill drive yoiir decision, and will resound over Uie tone of Mike Connelly's voice who seems to Chink J 157 shouldn't supplemenC lhe record. We cannot consictcr life in a diy test tube of leaality. It is unjust to rob 158 one penny of Ms. Austin's last source of savings due to adrninistrative fiat. Iiim plcading with our City 159 Cauncil to remernber t1iat you are charged as our clected peers to represent the people. "1 be Ci'ry tlltorney 160 }13S tilaq}' times told me hc represents the City. 1-{.is interest is ❑ot justice ahwxys but ro rnske sure that 161 there's not legal consEquences. While that may bc a reality and a very litigious environment, it is not 162 apprqpriate dlat he be t:he aatckeeper of whar yot, are anie ro see. 1Who's representing the citizen7 Your 163 job is t:o fairly represent your constituents, Janice Ausfin, as her e.lected officials. T-Tis very job as City 164 Attoniey rcnders hun as not being yuite impai-tial. Her lancl is lier last nest ebg, Ms. Austin sold part of 165 her land in late 2005. Thc buyer provided plans hased on oral recommcndation she received from 166 Spok:ane Valley to include a road stub to the south portinn of Ms. Austin's remaining propcrty as a 167 condition of the sale. The conditions of Hlora Estale;s, adjacent to her I<<nd, as approved by the 1-Iearing 168 J:xaminer in 2004, dctermined the decision iv1s. Austin made as to the ainount of land she sold; plitcerrient ~ 169 of sewer stubs Fuid a road to serve the eri[ire acreage includinfl the portion she sold. Thosc plans were o Trauscript tlppcal Hcaruag 06-05-07 Austin Page 5 of 22 170 adversely changed due ta an espansion of autliority not a.llowed by the City Council or by t:he City Code 1.71 thereby depriving N1s. Austin of her Constitutional rights to due process and ta appeal. 'I"he 3uprcme ~ 172 Court permits StipplementatiUn of eecord whcn someone's Constitutional rights have been violated 173 according to RCA 36.70C.120. '1'his is a useful standard to apply in your dccision. We eritreat the City 174 Couticil to step up to the plale and allow the full story to be divulgcd. Inaccurite st:aternents by Ci[y s[aff 175 damaged both Ms. Austin and Valley Cuach Gstates, saddling them with the cost of builcling A!laxwell 176 Avenue, ettending east from Flura Estates. This raad is unneeessary. Changes to T'lora Estates harmecl 177 both Ms. Auslin and Valley Coac.h. Errors that cause damage c.annot be overlaoked. Therefore, we , 178 subrnit that this supplernent must be considered. There is not a desire to sue the City o1' Spokane Valley, 179. but a desire to have.justice served. The evidence we'd like to provide would ensure that a fair decision is 180 reached. Ms. Austiri rizks net loss of properfy and her potential resale ineUme as her lifetime relirement is 181 proportionately reduced. It places a cloutl on her pmperty. Our legal counsel, Dr. rrank Conklin has 1$2 nrovided a letter on VTs. Austin's behalf, at my request, aclvising 5pokane Valley of the breach of justice 183 and a trail of arbitrary and capricious tlecision making that exceeds all IawS tI131 llRllf and shape the 1$4 planning process. 1)r. Conklin has advised that thc miscondued: we hope to expase ha.s violated federal 135 and state Constitutional rights of V1s. Austin, particularly both substantive and pracedural duc process, as 186 wel) as the f3IC1.OgS clause of the Fi~:h Amendment. This resulted in the Hearing E:xaminer ncing _ 187 prejudiced to rna}:e a decision that was harrnful tA Ms. Austin. Ms. Janice rlust:in and Valley Caaeh ~ 188 Estales have a clei.rly established and vcsted right to rely upon the finality of a land use decision of Flora 1$9 Lstates in 2004. Clielan Count:v vs. NTvlviem T cited in 2002, we c.an prove the planning director was time 190 barred from substairtial changes since they were heyond the txventy-one day deacfline 1'or appsal under 191 I.:[JPA. 192 193 Citv Altornev Connellv: Ms. Pollard; you're at three minutes. 194 . 195 NTarv I'ollard: Oii. Is that it'? Ok. Please. 196 197 Mavor `Vilhite: 'I°hank yrou Ms. Pollard. Ok. ls there a reprESentative FrUm Vallcy Coach who would 198 like to re.srond to Ms. Pollfu'd's request to supplement the record7 You have t:o decide, which one's noing 199 to speak. Ok. Plea,,se give your name, address and spcll }'our last nz3rne for the recorcl pleasc. 200 201 .iames McGuffin, 5528 North Mavhen. Spokane Washin0on: Um, Ms. Pollard's e_bncern about 202 extending Maxwell Road, um; t~~.st fi•om Valley Coach, trom Flora L'States to Valley Coach into Valley 203 Coach estates, 1 testifed in favor of deleting that to the He;tri.ug Fxaminer. He clid tiot ivle in that favor. Transcript Appeal Hssring 06-05-07 Austin Yage 6 of 22 ~i 04 But 1 don't think, 1 agree with her that 1 dnn't diink it was done properly by the City of Spokane Valley. .ZOS I thial: there was somc impropricties there, that are in her documentation. And I agee with her on that: 206 point and that's her main poinC on her appeal, is that cxtension of Max-vvell east from Flora Estates. So I 207 think she's done her homework, and from what I've seen, I tjgree Nvit:h what she's found out and w•ould 203 appe<tr to be some irnproprieties. ?Q9 210 Nfavor Wilhite: Thank you. Mr. Connelly. 211 212 Citv Ati:ornev Connellv: Qk, your decision then, is to determine i.f the argument presented convinces 213 you that there are grounds for disyualificittion ot the 14earing Examiner; or evidenc;e relaled to t.}iat; 214 evidence that was improperly excluded by the Hearing Examiner afier being off'ered; or evidence that was 215 outside the jurisdiction of the Hcarinc., T'xaminer. And again the improprieties and the problems with 216 pr4cess dealt with the change Crom ii private road to a publie road witliin a separaCe devcloprnent, Flora 217 FsCaces, which was not Uefore the Hearing Examiner anci which is not before you today. 218 219 Mavor Wilhitc : 7'hanl: you. ' ~20 -2-21 C.'ouncilmembcr llcncnnv: Madam iUl.ayar. M:iy T ask a question? 222 223 Mavor Wilhite: Cer[ainly, ulr. Denenny. 224 225 Councilniember llenennv: Mr. Connelly, if you go back on the record, are we ooing by the record of 226 February R or da we go by the date of iVlarch 8iLs far as the Hcaring L-xaminer's findings? 227 228 Citv Att(irnev Connellv: The record is a record of the hrarinD of February 8 which resulted in the 229 decisinn of Narch 8. 230 231 C'oirncilmemMer Denennv: Uk, hearing february 8, ok. And the rea.son I ask is that obvinusly many oC 232 the things in here are after that. 233 234 Citv Attornev Conoellv: YcS. _ 235 236 Mayor Wilhite: Ycs. Mr. IaeVleminp; question? _)237 Trauscript Appeal Hearing 06-05-07 AListin Page 7 of 22 233 Gouncilmember DeVleming: Yeah; I just waot to he clear; right now the decision is whether we're ~ 239 going t.o allow this May 14 memorandum. 240 241 Citv Attornev Conoeliv: No; you have two decisinns. Qne, are you going to allow the May 14 . 242 metnorandum, and I thinl: this cletirl,y falls within the scope of the ►nemorandum in supporl of the appeal 243 that Ms. 1'ollard has provicled. The second question is are you going to allow a supplemcntation of the 244 record whicli includes all of die items listecl uncier $ die May 215t memorandum. 245 246 Councilmember DeNrle.ming: Ok; but the A itern is tlie first one we're diseussi.ng, correct? 247 248 Cih' Attorncv Conneliv: l3otli tliosc are before you right now. 249 250 Mavor Wilbite: Mr. Taylor? 251 ' 252 neputv 'Mavor Txvlur: Mad3rn `!layor, I move that the correspondence of May 14; 2007. be admitte<l as 253 a memorandum submitted in support of [he appeals as allowed by section (I)(3)(c) of ordinance 05-021. 254 ~ 255 Councilmember UeVlemine: I second that. 256 257 Nlavor Wilhite: Ok. It's been moved and seconded; is there any discussion f'rom the Cpuncil. Ok. 258 Wearing none; Ms. Bainbridge do you want to read the motion please7 - 259 260 Citv Clerlc Bainbridee: ':1'ha»k you ypur honor. I`he motion is t.hat the correspondence of M1y 14, 2007 261 be adrnittecl as a memorandum submitYed in support of the appeals as allrnved by (1)(3)(c). 262 263 Nlavor Wilhite: Ok. All thUSe in favor signify by saying "ay" [voice vote was unanimous]; opposed 264 "n.ry." [no voice votes] MoCion carries. Ok. With regarc1 lo it:cm II in dhe memorandum we receivetl 265 from Mr. Coimelly. 266 267 Cuuncilmember (.:othmann: vlac3am Mayor. 268 269 Mavor Wilhitc: Mi-. C7nl:hmann. 270 271 Councilmcmber Gothmann: May I speak, and then I'll makc the m4tion? ~ `l'raciscript Appea1 Hearina 06-05-07 Aiistui Page 8 of 22 272 ~ 273 Mavor Wilhite: OK.. ~-7 274 275 Councilnieinber Gothmann: We are Uound by the law, and the law says this is a closed record appeal; 276 ancl elc,sect record appeal rneans exactly what it says; and it just seerns to me that we have no chqiee but to 277 deny the memorandum of Nlay 21, so therefore, 1will move that we deny the ti9emorandum of iMay 21-", 278 2007, the reyuest of the appellant t4 supplement the re.cord in that the criteria set forth in Ordinance 05- 279 q2l is not met. Zso 2331 Councilmeniber DeVleming: EXcuse me, just a clarsc<ttion. 282 283 Mavor WilhiCe: Sccond? 284 285 Councilmember lleVlemins!: We don'l neecl to make a negative mot.ion, correct? _ 286 287 Cih° Attorncv Connellv: Well, t.he reyuest hacJ been madc t.o supplement, you need to take some action. 1 2$8 You can eithcr take that action by having a motion to supplement die, or by ma}:ing no mot:i0n, or by 289 niaking a motion to not grant that rcquest. $ecausc this is a record 1iearing, and is subject to appeal, it's 290 sornetimes cleaner if you malce a spec:iFc motion ancJ vote on it so therc's no question as to what your 291 intcni was. 232 293 Councilmember.l:)eVlemine: Right, we just traditionally don't make a negative motion. 294 295 M3vor ~Vilhite: T l:now; and thac's true. Ok. Do I hear a seeQUd? 296 , 297 Councilmernber Denennv: Second. 294 299 Mavor Wilhitc: Uk. 17iscussion &om lhe Council? 300 301 Councilmember nenennv: And to concur with Mr. Gothmann, I note that of the eleven questions in 302 there, five of them are after the hearing. 303 - 304 s1'iavor V~'ilhite: Uk. Hearing nothing; Iv1s. $ainbridge ~voulcl you rezic~ the motion please? ~305 Transcript Appeal Hearing 06-05-07 Austui Pagc 9 of 22 306 Citv Clerk Bainhridae: Thank you your honor. ?he motion is to deny the May 2151; 2007 memo, the 307 requesl by the applicant to supplemenl the record, in thtit the criteria set forth in Ord'►nance 05-021 is noC ~ 308 met. 309 310 1lavor Wilhite: Ok. All t:hose in favnr signi.fy by saying "ay" Cvoice votc was unanimOUS]; opposed? 311 [no voice vates] Motion carries. V1r. Connelly, WOulcl you like to go over*once again the rules for this 312 hearing'7 313 314 City Attornev Connellv: YeS. At this point, wc gq into the mcat of the hettring. The appellimt will set 3] 5 f'Qrth the basis of her appeal and specify what relief she feels that ct►e City Council should grant her. 'lfie 316 ordirlance says that the Council may a1'tirm or reverse the Examincr's cjecision; and I chink tive need to 317 read t:hat as meanin}; in %vhole or in parl. So if there is a portion oF the clecision you ciisagree with, a 318 condition or whatever; then you can respond to that specific one; you don't simply have to deny the 319 project or approve the project. So T think you do have r► liti.le discretion tbere and the appellarit rnay direct 320 you to a specif.ic issue that they wantyou to look <<t. 321 322 Mavor Wilhite: Ok. 323 ~ 324 Gitv rlttornev Gonnellv: The appellant has riventy mintjte:s. 1'l] be the [ime•keeper; and ['ll give you five 325 minule'S warning. Lf the appellant wishes to reserve - v1ary? - if ynu wish to reserve any t:imc tor 326 rebuttal, dhen yuu need to tell us ahcad of time. 327 328 Marv Pollard: Can they get up aud use their twenty minutes and then use 1an Austin's twenky minutes? 329 330 Cit~v Attornev Connellv: The rules conlernplAte that the anpcllant, which is you I th.ink or Jan .Austin, 331 havc tiwenty minutes. 332 . 333 i's9ary Yollard: So they may speak on anything they want on cheir hventy minutes. 334 335 City Attornev Connellv; 1.n their hventy rninute,s, they can express their perspective or opin_ ions, but 336 again they can't introduee new facts. 337 338 Marv Pollard. Perfect. 339 C1 'Cranscript Appesl Hcariiig 06-05-07 Austui Page 10 of 22 a 340 A-1avor Wilhite: Ok. Alrighi. M5. Pollard, as the appellant yau may begin, and Vtr. Connelly will keep ~-~341 track of it. 342 - 343 A'larv Pollard: One more qtjestioti. . 344 345 i1'Cavcrr Wilhite: Remernber if you Nvant to save any time for rebutlal, you neecl to Cell him, and so you - 346 can't use your whole twenty minutes in this argument. 347 348 Marv Pollard: Kight. 349 350 Citv Attornev Ciinneliv: Just so it's clear. 1"he appellanCS get hwency rninutes, the opp4nenis get a total 351 of hwenty minutes. So iC mc>re than one opponent is speaking, the total is lNventy minutes. Okay? 13oth 352 sides get t%ve•nty minutes. That's iC. Now, do yqu wwrt to reserve time for rebuttal? 353 354 19arv Pollard: INVoulcl ifyou'd k.ind of give me an idea when 355 356 Citv Attornev Connellv: HQw much time? J3 5 7 35$ Marv Pollard: Five minutes; at least if I'm close I'll try to wrap it up. I have one more yuestion. The 359 memorandum chat was added, they can read that in their deliberaiions, coreect? 360 361 City Attornev Connellv: Ycs. 362 363 Marv Pollard: OK. That's <<cry }ielpftil. Thank you very much. Qk_ Don't start [he clock yef. I w3tit 364 to breatkic. (audible exhale). OK. Bing. Hanorable Nfayur Wilhite and City Councilmen. Ms. Janice 365 Austin is liaving mc stand in on her behalf. The appeal regarcjs a tailure of due process that made changes 366 to conclitiqns in Valley Coach FstFiieS. WG arC SSkii1g you to make a portion of this c6ange. GVe are not 367 against the entire development. We arc refutina that we want the road, MzLxwell Avenue, to nol bc 3613 extendcd; and so that is the point thal needs to be made tonight. Uh. That's the relief tllat we are Iboking 369 for. Ms. Austin proccsted in her apPeal the location the t;ondo dupleses located on I3ell; and objects to a 370 planning proeess Lltat was taq na»-ow. She wasn't appraised of changes so her interests would be 371 considered; so we need to have a more balEtneed system before final enDineering unveils the plan. The ~ 372 future aetion of Council is we thnughC Council sh4uld make a comprehensive plan anenclment I,hat ~373 pmvides opportunities for acljacent properties to be involved in all phases of the planning pmcess. 'I11is Trariscript Appeal Hcaring 06-05-07 Austin F'age l I of 22 374 should reduce appeals and give time for solutions avoiding cc,stly delays. Nnw the primary purpose of 375 die appeal tbat we're asl:ing you to make a motiun, you know, deeision on: rescind the dec.ision of Cl 376 extending ~VltLxwell Ave.nue east from Flora Estates as a public road. Valley Coach Estates supports khe 377 road decision to be rescinc3cd. Vtaxwell Avenuc is npt needed to mect traffic needs of t:his development. 378 The City clicl not make a cle<ir neYUS of need to justify the cost of Valley Coach Estates to extend 379 `qaxwell. `I'he half rcaad Maxwell Avenue hitrrr►s Ivis. Austui encumbering her with an adclitional half road 380 needed for their parcels. Unneeded for their parcels. It dcprives her of ber 41-year investmen[ in her 381 land. T'lora Estates Maxwcll Avenue was approvcd as a private road in 2004. Cha.nge of V1axwel1 382 Avenue was made without: legal ,justitic3tion or process to chaoge a private road to publie. 333 Administrative changes to 1=lora Estates violated N9s. Austin's right to due process, causing harni. Acfion 384 capricious and arbitrary. rlora estates decision was final in 2004. \zo substantial ehangcs can be made 3$5 wi1:h4ut a public heari.ng. Hearing Examiner clid not. c.qnsider the unlawful changes to NltLxwell rlvenue 386 wit'.hin Flora Estates in his clecision. Trrors in stafl'report and testimony. T.ecal sssistance provided by 337 Tar. Frank Cnnl:lin cautions that these changes were a violation of Ms. A.ustin's Constitutional rights both 3$3 substantive and I?rocedural. Due process has two components: Procedural. NArhieh says a rule or action 38y was properly adopted aflcr proper notice ~~ncl opportunity to be he~jrd. r~nd substantive, th~~[ means the 390 rule or action gives adeyuale aotice of ~vhat is intcnducl and is reasonabl}' related to a matter appropriatc f 391 for government i-egulation. Pivrotal rac.t: Valley Coach Estates drafted half of'MaYwell Avenue days 392, before hearing due to changes macie to Flora Estates. 2004 Flora as it was apprnved, it is nqt, it is not to 393 lae appealed. It's finfll and binding. 1 ac.l: Substantial changes reyuire a public hev-i.ng. Adrninistrative 394 changes comes under due process if they pose liarm. SiapE,orted by SuprEme Court rulings and case ]aw. 395 Changes caused harrn to Ms. Austin resulting in this half road, creating a net loss of property. Fac•t: this 396 ctleets, the defnition of violation of Ms. Austin's Constitutional rights and due process wa_s denied causi.ng 397 her harm. Aetion: Revoke extension of i1~Tazwell Avrenue east frorr► Plora Lstates. Kecorcl of facts: Ms 398 Austin solcl thc section of Vzlley Coach Estates that contains T3ell Road. Changes to the preliminary plat 399 are made three days before the public tlearing due to chanr;ing Maxwell tn a public rqad_ City demands 400 changes lo both F'lora Estates and Valley Coach Estates heari.n- is delayed from January 25 to February 8. 401 Sup~~orting Evidencu: page 309 of rueorei; \Telson Ogren is the engincer of Uoth t°lora Estates and Valley 402 Coach L-"states. Ms. 1-lannois states Plora Estates has lnt frontage changes as well as.tbc extension of 403 Maxwell Avenuc from the adjacenC Flora Estates plat. Washungton State law demands that final plat 404 approval rriust be given if they rneet the decision of the Hearinj rxaminer. Final plat appmval cannot be 405 iafilized as a bargaining c}lip by City staff to obtaiii ncw conditions or lo require public gifting oi'ti roact 406 outside of a Hearing examiner's decision. This t<<ould be exploi[atioii at best or e::tortian as defiined by 407 Webst:er's dictionary "to wrest from a person by force or any undue or illegal power." Page 312 Valley Transcript AUpeal Nearing 06-05-07 Austui Page 12 of 22 ``408 Coach Preliminary plat map E?rior to January 22°a; shows Mwxwell Aventle going wesl ending at Bell. 1 09 Page 307, January 24th, the Heari.ng Fxaminer e-mails; he cannot ta:e action on the land use application 410 for changes that are not substanlial unfil reviewino agciicies hav-e an opportunity to give cnmments. 411 Changes extend the }iearing to FeUrvary 8t°. Why wasn't: :i public riearing scheduled foe substantial 412 cbanges to Flori Estates road? i-Ie states Valley Coach Estates has ex-tended Sinto, now knoNvii as 413 Maxv.rcll Avenue, within dhe final plac west of Valley Coach rstates. The 1iearing Examiner det;ision did 414 nnt examine how c.hanges to Flora rstateS were made. `I'he narrov,, scope of Vallcy Coacli rstates caused 415 errors. Tt was a matter that was outside his focus at this hearing; and the staff hurries to ennnect roads by 416 changing Maxwell Avenue for a public road in time for the hettring without a ne'%v hearing for Flora 417 Estates. The Hearing F,raminer knew Maxwell Nvas a priwatc road and was in the process of becom.inb 41$ public. He erred in allowinD cxtending Maxivell tn Vallcy Coaeh aS a result af a substantial change to the ' 419 Minding 2004 decision of Flora Estates. Point of law requires that signifieant ctiariges trioger a new public 420 hearing. T1iey could not merely circulate lhe change to agencies. Nlr. i7empsey demonstrates t-his point 421 nn record s[ating, a subdivision could not be changecl to a PUD widlout a new hea.ring before him. His 422 clecision is conclusive and bindirig unless appealed and is relied upon for complianec by all parties; yet he 423 disregarded NIs. A.ust:in's right to due process. Changes tn T'lora Estates road appear ~~rbitrary and 424 c.apricious since they ignore elerir principles the Supreme Court has repcaccdly stated noting Deschenes v. 425 Kin~, Countv, Skamania Countv v, Coliimbia River Gorge Commission. Chelan Counkv v. \zvkriem; 426 Samuel Nurniturc v. DQF; and Nobel Nlannr Comnanv v. Pie.rce Countv. Iack of public process. ~To 427 predictable anc3 eonsistent prqcess used to change condit.ions of a road, denying Ms. Austin eyual 428 protection of the law. Changes to a road designatinn could be made through only three possible processes: ' 429 lhrough appmval of the Mearing Exatr►.iner, approval of City Council, or tluOugh provisions provided hy 430 ordinance. i\Tene oC thesu were utilized. City Ordinanee cjocs noi provide. a separate mechanism to 431 dedicate fl private road to public. A uniform policy ir►ust be followed so the City's acLS are not arbilrary 432 and capricious. The Streel Vacation ordinance is d1e only pracess t.he C,icy h3s provided by ordinance to 433 ehange 1 road, City Code 10A5.230. This ordinance guides a proeess f.'or changes in public roadways; 434 setting a prECedenk qf how procedures should be followcd for road chan€es. it includes a staff reporl, 435 public input; nol:ification, review by planning commission, recornmendation from them and a clecisian by 435 the Gity CoLmcil. This is ihe only fair and uniform policy to ai'fcct road change tivithin die City code. 437 When eould Vla.swell Avenue be considerccl apublic road7 °1'he Cou.nly tluditor must reeorcl tlie final 438 plat before chanees are IegaL Flora I:states was not recorded by the hearivg date of .February 8`"; the 439 Hearing l:xamine.r error in treatin3 Ivianvcll as apublic road by mere i.nference. rvidence at the time of 440 public hearing, legally \!Iaxwell was not a public roacl, yet deseribed as such. Examine the record. Ninal ~441 plat map of Flora Estates reveals absence of: fnal recording date. Finding of Fact tt35: wike Deinpsey Transcript Appea] Idearin ; 06-05-07 Austin F'age 13 of 22 442 sta[es Flor3 Estates preliminary plat was recently revised to extend Maxwell Avenue to the site &om Plora 443 Road; and is espected to become final in the ncar future. On page 74 Alyssa Wiyrieh of Ptiblic Works in 444 testimony to the Hearing rxaminer, states that. Maxwell Avenue e;ctends, indicating 1"lora Estates, tq the 445 boundary and is a public road. We are making a connection beriveen the cwo plats. She aoncludes that 446 this requirement is a nai:ural thing Public Works requires when }rou have the stub of one praperty linc nf a 447 public roactway. Page 364 requests the road remain private ancl also questions due process by stating that 448 the City rnay not deny any person within illeir juristliction equal protec:cion ofi the laws. Page 67 Ms. 449 Nanrnois told the Heari.ng rxaminer that Flora. Fstates was mistakenly Ihoubht to be a PUU ralher [han a 450 subdivision. The Hearing Fxaminer w•ould assume our aGSertion Maxwell remain private was part of this • 451 mistiike. Currently subdivisians arc built with local access puhlic roads, not private, cont.rihuting to the 452 T-Tearing Examiner's missing the irregularit:ii;s of Maacwell Avenue. Page 67 vlicki Hamois tells the 453 Hcaring Eaaminer that J'lora estates was approvecf as a subdivision and a rerone. Page 38 of the Hearing 454 Exarniner decision, Spol:ane Vttlley Municipal (:ode: the clccision of the Heiu-ing Exarniner is final and 455 conclusive tmless cippcaled within fourteen (14) clays of the Exaininer's Nvrit:tcn decisi4n. Public 4Vorks 456 erred in stali.ng the}, were merely eantinuing a public road lhat stubs into the next developtrient. There 457 wasn't any legal justification since it was noi rcc4rded. 'I°he Hetiring l:xaminer's decision for Flora 458 Estat:es cannot be changecl. Substantial changes were rnade that did not follow a putalic process for 459 change. No legal evidence of change; it is merely a conceptual iTiark on a map. Under Administrative ~ 460 Exception, roacls c.annot be legally changed. That would he a substantial change. lyroblem: Can staff 461 redefine standards set by the City (:ouncil to furtlicr ettend vlaxwell Avenue at non-standard widths? 462 I-iearing Exuminer states all roads meet public road standards as adopted by Spokane Valley. \jumber 71 463 City Road Standards sPecifies a paved width nf 30 feet; stating public roads i.n the preliminary plat will 464 meet such standards. Fact: Liternal street :l3cll, Sharp, Maxwel l Avenue east of I3e11 are conditioned Co be 465 built at 30 feet oF pavemcnt a,s local access public rpads. Consistent wilh public i-oads standards. Page 466 312 Valley Coach Estates preliminzry map shows Maxvvell Avenue endina itito Bell as of Uct:ober 2006, 467 yet on 3 U the plat map shows changes to Maxwell Avenue as a half road connecting to a narrow road 468 within Flora Eslat:es. Valley Coach.EstaCes complied with road changes cleiiiands of staff on January 22'"~, 4O just clays befQre the hea.ring. Fact: Maxwell Avenue previously called Sinto Lar►e, was built within Flora 470 Estates as a private road. The extension of lvfaxwell Avenue east of Bell Lane will not have 30 feet of 471 pavemcnt. Physically; the roads don't match. M~Lr%vell at Arc begins with 30 fcct of asphalt, becomes 28 472 feet and narrow5 to 24 feet by the time it exits on Flora. 1'his does not tticet public road standards. This is 473 a public gifting of funds to aee.ept a road dedication of a non-standard road as publie. TJnlcss t.he Ciry 474 typically accepts upkeei) of private roads by iiny results, it violates due prncess. Hearing rxaminer's rnad 475 decision does not ag•ee with the facts. Maxwell Avenue exterision pnses eisks to public beiilch, sa.fely and ~ Transcript Appr.al rlearing 06-05-07 Austin Page 14 of 22 i76 welfare. Froblem with staff report and staff testimony. The City has the po-vver to condition a ~ 177 devclopment vvith adequate access; but the Cit), must demonstrate the need is directly related to the traffic 478 generaled by that dcvelopmcnt. The i.nterrial street~s of Valley Coach I:siate5 satisfied necessary raad 479 improvements. "1"he City has not established a clear nexus for neecling t:his road as reyuired by law. Cost 480 of the improvement cannot be justified; it places a dispropor[ionaLe burclen on Ms. Auslin. This is 481 stealing from t}iose wlio ]tavc the lease by aclr.ninistrative fiat. This eobs her nf her rightful use of her 482 properly, encumbering her land in all future plans. "1`his road poses future triffic problerns as they merge 483 into heavy Gra(Lic expcctcd on T'lqra. Pagc SS through 58; the 1•Iearing Examiner relies on the staff' as 484 expert witnesses. Staff erred and did not represent Liberty Lake trai'Iic impaets, especially on Flora, orie 485 of die only two roads south, despite public conccrns af ~~4r. McGuffin and others, creating tnore cut 486 tlirough traffic exiting on Flori is i.rre.sponsible. Page 20; the 2001 Ciry Standards for Road and SeNver 487 Construction recommend minimizint trafYic movements lhat are through movernents Nvhile providina 483 aecess to aU parcels. Page 56; the staff denied future connection to Mission trorri Iucliana Wesi eomi.ng 489 e<ist from Sullivan, sirice it's not on the six-year plan. However iiTesponsible tb deny fiif«rt irnpacts. The 490 coilnection to lndiana is on the City's C:omprehensive Plan's Arterial Road Flan. Any development built 491 would recluire connecti.ng these road,s. T'his was a serious omission. Washingtnn Courts have riilect - 1.92 planning should look beyond their jurisdietion for impacts on roads. While connectivity of roads is also t93 encouraged, it is not ahvays appropriate, and the City allows for cul-de,-Sacs. 1Ve eontc.nd the cxpansion 494 of this road c:loes not: substantially advance legitimate stste interest and as such is a ta}cings. It is not 495 needed to serve eilher devcloprncrit. Raads werc adequate as plaiuied without this narrow raad extended. 496 '['he Appeals court in Miller v. T'ort: Annle.s Suated the costs of these measures are to be borne by those 497 who create the need_ 'Neither Janice Austin nor Valley Ceaeh nee(is tFiis roaci. She sliould not bcar the 498 cost; she h£i5 aCCCSS to NTission; public health safet), and welfare are better served without it. J.llegal 499 expansion of zdministrative atithority. Shoulcln't the City Council clecicle aeccpiancc uf iionstandard 500 roads prior to assuming eu5t of t:heir maiiitenanee since RC`V 35.43.070 mandates tliat improvements can 501 only be decided by a vote of the City Couneil? Valley Coach Engineer states Maxwell caronot be 502 constnicted co standard, especially since condos are to house RV's and RV's will be using the road. City 503 Code stwes roads rnust be sate for their intended use. Staff erred in accepting as a public gitfi•a road tbat 504 does not mect public road standards in order to continue hiaher traffic volumes on the same nnn-standarcJ 505 si7c road. The C:ity • Gouncil is charged with ensuring ruacl dcveloprnent promotes orderly development af 506 the City and serves the best interest oF the residents. Tt is an arbitraiy use of public funds to accept a 507 private road widlout due protess. The (;ity must follow the rule of law. Administrative exception is to .508 serve the praperty owners to allow fior potcntial rnistakes. It is not intended to be utilized by the sta.ff for ~509 expansion of adminish-at~ive po~ver. Nnte Chelan Coi,in[v v~tvkrcim~2002, an administrative decision Traiiscript Appeal Hearing 06-05-07 Austin Pa;e 15 of'22 510 that pases damage would require public notiae to affected parties so they could appeal, but no such notice ~ - 511 was otfered. I submit that the applicable laws and regulations do not support the cleeision. In summary, ~ 512. the decision Ms. Austin seeks is that the council reverse the Hearing Examiner's decisian requiring 513 extending Maxwe11 Avenue ea.st of 171ora Estates as a half road. The clecision is not supported by 514 substantial evicience viewecl in light of the entire record. This cJecision will remedy al1 violations of due 515 process and her Constitutitinal riahts. Flora Estates c3ecision was final and concltlsivc. iNla~-Nvell Avenue • 516 being made public is a violation of Spokane Valley Municipal Code. The I-Iearing Examiner could uot 5] 7 ehange dhis plat without maki.ng another hearing and igmored substantial changes to Flora Fstates in 518 makinb his decision. Staff improperly influenced the Hearing Fxarniner's decision governiog Vallcy 519 Coach Estat:es. Staffi's administrative deeision ws harmful and dic3 not follow a lavvful process for raacl 520 change and inf7uencetj decisions in Valley Coaeh l:states. 521 522 Citv Attornev Conuellv: You're at ffteen rninutes Ivlary. 523 524 NIarv 1'ollard : I'm just allout there. The Hearing E-xaminer's decision was prejudiced by omissions and 525 inac.curate statements Cbat lcad to approving the eont.inuance of Maxwell Avenue. Thc roaci's deciSion 526 shoulcl be rescinded. 'Che llirector acted nutside of the 1aws sinee the time frame had expued to appeal 527 changes to the Flora T'states in the Hearing J:xaminer's decision of 2004_ City Fublic Works describes 52$ Maxwell Avenue inaccurately since there were no force of law to jusCify CbangcS fA the plat diat created 529 Maawell Ave-nue as a public road. The Hea.ri.nb E:raiTiiner states the engineer may have broad 530 discretionary powers, but diis does not equate tp unlawful authority lhat prealudes due process. llue 531 proc.ess is a Constitutional right, takes precedent and should guide all legal proceecliiigs, codes and 532 ordinF►nces of the Cily. T11csc cacuiot be abridged. This violates :CtCW 5$.17 and RCW 64 and the due 533 proces5 provisions of the Statc and Federal Conscitution. Please consider the gravicy oE' cnsuri.ng the right 534 to due process that: wa.s denied Ms. r'lustin. -Review the facts aiid reverse the clecision tn extend «axwell 535 Avenue and its inf.ringement on her property and her future. We would ;Lqk for a slaeedy opinio❑ so tllat 536 y4u would not hold up Valley Coach Estates as I think they have suffered in I:his a.s well. Thank you. 537 538 Mavor Wilhitc: `1`hank you. 539 540 Citv Attornev Coonellv: You have three minutes and 40 seconds remaining Por rebut[al. 541 542 Marv Pollard: llo you give oxygcn? 543 ~ ' Tnnscript nppexl Hcxrino 06-05-07 Austin Yage 16 of 22 544 Mayor Williite: Is ti7ere a representative from Valley Coach who wishes to respond7 - 545 546 James NcGuflin: Niayor Wilhite and C'ouncilrnembers. 1'rn goina to reiterate what 11o1d in t.he original 547 hearing, a concern 1 have fnr my heart. Inclianajust easc of Haoters Restauranl is gaing to be connecteci in 54$ the next few years, to Nlission and I'lora. lt's; Iwent over there, 1 drove over there. 1 stopped at Indiana. 549 [ looked and it's almost lined up rig il now. Md, it's not in the f ve or sia yeitr plan wnd so the Cicy oP 550 SpUkane Valley said since it's not in our five or six year plan; we don't even look at that. Persanally, I . 551 don't thinJ: that's baacl planninn. It's definitely riot lon;-range planning. NVhere viaxwell Avenuc cornes 552 into Flora, is a very very short block froiii that intersection whic.h in a few short years, I guarantee that 553 property's going to be developecl jusl there to the west or lhat intersection; and that's goirig to bc a major 554 major four-lane road every direclion going inlo Valley Mall from T ibercy T..akc, f.rom Grccnacres, you 555 know, going straight through_ I•lavinor this intarsection and cars coming out on iVlaswell Avenue very 556 close to thal major intersection, 11] S fCR' year5 is not going ta tivork. That road's going to be built and 557 they're going to put up a stop sig tlia[ says oh you ciGn't turn lefi. here because thcre's goina to be too 558 many wrecks or people htirt terribly ilierc trvirig 1:o c1,3rt out t?etween traltic. Sn fri~m my he.ar[, I doii't 559 think this is good. ln most cases, having the roads you know, go &om one subc3ivision to the nest, in 560 most czises is a areat wa}` t9 gQ; and f understand the dioughts of the City of Spokane Valley. But it's not 1 561 good in this situacion. So Iwholehearl:edly at'rcc wit:h Mary and with; it's just m_y cqncern that it's not 562 good planning; it's just not boing lo be gofxl in a very short. time peri4cl. Thc othcr thing 1wcauld 563 enc4urage is, «<e've been delayed and delayed and clclayecl on lhi5 projeci as the praponEnls. Please rnake 564 a timely decision. Please. 565 566 1'Iayor Williitc: Thankyou.' Uk. 567 568 1)an WoIfe, 840 East Briarwoud -Lsnc: INvould like 569 570 Citv Attorncv Connellv: Ok, befUre you 51<irt; sir, lhe 57l 572 A'fayor VVilhite: Fie's part of Valley Coach rebuttal. . 573 574 Citv Attornev Connellv: Ok, ?rou just neecl to identify yoursel.f as aparty of record 575 . • 576 Dan R'nlfe: ~~~ould actually like fo speak on behalf of the appellamt in her remau~in,~; minuCe. ~577 t Trauscript Appeal Hearing 06-45-07 Austin Page 1.7 of 22 57$ Citv Attornev Connellv: She has three minutes in rebuttal. You ean speak in the rebuttal. 579 ~ 580 Dan `Z'olfe: What I'd like to do, and maybe you c<in help me out qn the correct procedure; is I'd like to Sbl offer to the Cnuncil newly discovcrcci evidence that wasn't included in the Hearing Examiner's hearing. 5 82 583 Vlavor V1'ilhite: You earuiot. 584 585 Citv rlttorncv Conncllv: ThaC hiis to be submittecl fourteen days prior to the hearing, and it hasn't been 5$6 so, it would not be allowed. 587 588 D9n Wolf'c: Ok. 589 590 A'lavor Wilhite: Ok. Ivliss Pollarcl? Yoti have t.ime for rebuttaL 17o you wish to use it? 591 592 N1arv.Pollard: ln c:losi.ng, what: TNvoulcl like to say is that; he was afraid of saying it, bUt wI18t ]t 1S IS t11t 593 Valley Coach Estates, when they build out their half of a roaci, tlie.re's prqblems. 1t's not going to be 594 eonducive to their RV's, the coaches that are coming throug,h there; thaC Chere are clesi~;n problems cvith it. 595 And so, t:his, I.here's really a reason to reconsidee all of this, and ynu l:now, obviously he did more f nitc ~ 596 planning and chat's what Le's trying to say, but it's still pe.rtinent in all of dhis 1 believe. So and the other 597 tti.ina is is iliat nob4dy should; when you go to the bank with yaur deeision from the Hearing Fxamincr, 598 that's how properties make [heir decisions. That's hqw you buy more land. '1'hat's how you know where 599 the mads are going to run. `I'his was clearly violated, and everyone here is a victim. 1 mean, we'll all on 600 the same side of the fence here, and so T would really ask the City ih3L you would make a renlly quick 601 decision on this, and just gec rid of that road. Tt cloresn't serve an}rbody. It's causing dangers to the 602 community; it's a very ill-plannetl site io bring extra traffiic. We only have a couple ways ui and out; and 603 so, this; just base, besides the Fecleral problcros of your Constitutional and the state C;onstitutional rights; 604 and due process; it's flir more than thziC. You know, this isn't a matter of 1 want IIl}' w3y r111d y0U 605 shoulcl've given inc a chance, but everything that law is predieated on tivcs an open public process. You 606 guys kill }'ourselves cloing it every single week; and we're saying do the same liere. It's vcry likely an 607 error bccause of so much stuff and he did not look outside. IC really was a inattcr outside of T'lora rstatcs; 60$ and that's why this record should have becn supplertterited. But nonetheless, you have enough before ynu 609 t:o rule io not extend this rqad. Thanl: you. 610 611 Mavor Wilhite: vtr. Connelly. Can we a.sk questions of the, of Ms. Pollard? ~ 7"ranscript Appeal Hearing 06-05-07 Ausiin F'age 18 of 22 612 ~613 Citv Attornev C:onneliv: ~'ou can a.sk fpr her to clarify Iier StatemeniS, yes. 614 6] 5 Nlavor VI'ilbite: Ok. Ms. T'ollard. I'd like to ask it clarifying question: we receivecl }'our Hppeal decision 616 ancl yrou hacl hvo poinis, one wa,s the location of the duplex, and I did not hear you give any inforniation 617 vvith regard to that and the other one had to be with the situation with A7a~xwell; so I just wanted to clarify 618 your f'ust major point thaf was issuecl to us. - 619 620 Marv :Pollard: Well bccausc T'm representing Jan Austin, when she NA-TOte her appeal; she wrote riwo 621 things down; but actually the relief tliat: she w~3s seel:in- is irutli.i'ully too f'ar in the ballgame to reverse 622 those roads; I mean; tivth, «<hen I got down to the bottnm of it, because she Nvas really very tearPul xboul 623 the whole thina, is that it'S realiy the principle of the tliing that the process didn't allow her to be able to 624 speak to anything. So what, and cried to <<sk hcr what do you wan[ as the outcornc, yuu don't; surely you 625 cton't expect them to switc.h the houses fmm one side to the odier. And what it rzally was was about 626 process. So I sugaested that what we should ask of Council is in the future, you l:now, rnake note of this, 627 tlial in the Comprehensive Plan; that there provides vnple oppnrtunicy for people to be advised of changes 628 alon- the way; which you've noted you knoNv, througjhout the }rears, or, probably been a year now; buC 1529 anyway, that was, seemed likc ihat would provide i-elief, and that was more of an appeal to the City 630 Gouncil for a fiiture iliing; because we are not asking y'ou io change the decision ot the 1-learing Lxaminer 631 based on that. 632 633 Mavor Wilhite: Qk. So what wfiat you're asking for is reGef f'or, of Maxwell Avenue. 634 635 Marv Pollard: Yes, because that woulcl solve ?rou know, the Consiit:ui.ional problems of her not beint, 636 given clue process you luiow, all of those ihings tbat Nve stated, and it actually mal:es restitution to 637 e-stei}'body that «<as involved. "l'hat's a very easy ching to c1o. 638 639 Mavnr Wilhite: Qk. Ts there anyone else that has any questinns? 640 641 Councilmemher Gothniann: 'ot oFMs. Pollard, I might have a (lueseion of our Atlorney. 642 , . 643 Citv Attornev Conrietly: Uk. Once the presentatinn is done; you might wtint to elose the hearinS -..144 portion. )64 5 '1 ranscript Appeal Hearing 06-05-07 Austin Paee 19 of 22. 646 CounciLnembcr Gothmann: Ok 647 648 Mavor Wilhite: Qk. Qk. So then we wil) close this hearing at 7:15. 649 650 Cit:v Attornev Connelty: Qk. The plia.se }°ou're in now is the delil?eration phase. YQU can deliberate 651 now on dhe dais; you can go into Executive Session now, or you can set a time for deliberation and 652 decision at a Pulure dat:e;. 653 654 Mavor Wiltiite: C)k. 655 656 Dcpuh° Mavor Tsylor: vladam Mavor. 657 658 Mavor Wilhitc: vlr. Taylor. 659 660 :I)eDutv Mavor 1'avlor: 1would move to sc:hedule eime for cleliberation and clecision al aur nexc regular 661 council meeting, which 1 believe is June 26 662 663 Mavor Wilhite: 19'i'I believe ~ 664 . 665 Dcauhr Mavor'1'avloe: 7ime 19'1', sorry. 666 667 Cuuncilmember DeVleminz: Is it June 19`h? 668 669 Deputv Mxvor T:ir•lor: I thought is was the 26"'. 670 671 Mavor Wilhite: Is it the 26"? Ms. Bainbridge? 672 673 City Clcrk Bainbridgc: 1wanted to ask NIr. Connelly a question. 674 675 Citv Attornev Connellv: Sure. 676 . 677 Citv Clerk Bainbridue: ICtliey go the 26°h is that going lo meet the 60 days? 678 679 Citv Attornev Conncllv: I think dhe matter had to be scheduled within diirty days and it was for hearing ~ Trauscript Appeal I-iearing 06-05-07 Austun Paee 20 of 22 680 -,-~681 Citv Cle.rk 13ainbridee: No; I mcan the, if }rou look at ttic last pagc of the City Ordinance, number Q 682 683 Citv Attornev Conuellv: Ok. Let me titlce a laok. 684 6$5 Cit-v Clerl: Bainbridge: I don't know if that [ just want to make sure that that doesn't mean that 686 deliberatinn, it just means the closed record appea] hearinlo? 687 688 Citv At#ornev Connellv: I think that refers to tJic hcaring bcinj concluded 3s of ri ;ht now. 689 690 Citv Clerk l3ainbridac: Ok. 691 692 Cih= Attornev Conncllv: But 1 also (hink the deliberation decision could occur at a rcgularly scheduled 693 meeting, ur it: coi.ild bc seheduled to oecur at a study session, that's your choice. 694 695 1)epuYV Mavor Taplor: Yea. ActuaUy, that'd be the next regular meeting, I'm sorry the next, we1L Che i696 next scheduled meeling, be it a shldy session or regular meeting; so dle 19'~. Yeah. June 19'~'. 697 698 Citv Attornev Conncllv: 'I'he lyd7 699 700 Denuty Nlavor TaVlor: Yeah. 701 702 Mavor Wilhile: Ok. 703 704 Citv Clerlc 13ainhrictae: Was fhcrc a scconcl? 705 706 A'favor `Vilhite: f.s [herc a second? 707 708 Councilmembcr 1)cnenav: Seconcl. 709 710 Mavor Wilhite: Ok, so we have a mntion on the 11oor to scheduile tor deliberation ancl clecision on June 711 19"~. Okay? FTearing rio discussion; looks like diat'll go for it. Ms. I3ainbridge would you just read the ~712 rnotion please? -713 "l'ranscript Appeal I•{earins 06-05-07 Austin Pagc 21 of 22 714 Cih' Clerk BainbridLe: 1`he motion is to scheclulc the deliberation and decision at the June 19" meeting. 715 716 Nlavor Wilhite: Ok. All those in favor sigiii.fy by saying "ayc." I*voice vote unanimous.] Opposed 717 \'ay? [none]. Motion carries. Thank }rou. We're going to take about a seven minute brea.k, f ve ta seven 718 minu[cs, and we'il, so we're adjourned for a rest, or a recess. - . Transcript A.ppeal Hearing 06-05-07 Austin Page 22 af 22 CITY OF SPOFCANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Additions to Financial Management Policies GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None, but a prefeRed business practice. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: In October of 2005, the City Council approved financial management policies for use in city operations. The Finance Committee has reviewed the'se additional policies and recommended they be incorporated into our policies. BACKGROUND: Additional financial operating policies are needed to guide staff in our operations. Proposed new policies include: 1. Review and approval of accounts payable and payroll processing 2. Small and attractive assets 3. Write-off of uncollectible accounts OPTIONS: 1) Adopt all of the policies; 2) Adopt some of the policies; 3) Do not adopt the policies; RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to adopt the attached financial management policies is recommended. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There is no significant financial impact on the city budget. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director . Additions to- City of Spokane Valley Financial Management Policies at June 26, 2007: ~ YURCHASINC AND EXPENUlTURE CC)NTRQ.I..: D-7 Each accounts payable and payroll batch will be approveci hy the Finance Director -ind the Mayor. in the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor or a Fi.nance Committce member is authorized to approve thcse transactions. Ifthe Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Finance Committee inembers are unavailable, any remainilig councilor can approve these transactions. GEn°EItAL Lk.DGFR ACCOUNTS: F-2 Small and attractive assets arc defineci as an item or equipment with: 1) a value of:' over $750 but less than five thousand dollars; 2) a useful life of one or more years; and 3) consideeed attractive and requiring property control. Such itcros musc*bc ddded to a Finance Departinent database. AtlTactive assets mav include such ilems as: electronic devices; cellular telephcmes; chain sAws; computcrs; compuler Peripherals; printers; and any other piece o(•' equipment defined by the Finanee .lairector to be at risk. The Financc llepartmcnt databa.se shall be maintaincci in departmenial order and verified periodically by the Finance Taepartment on a sampleci basis. Small and attractive assets cannot be traded, sold, auctioned, gifted, cleclared surplus, or junked vvitliout auttiorization from the Finance Departmcnt as outlined in SpUkwie Valley Municipal C:ode 3.40.070. F-3 Once there is adequate irtformation indicating the City is unlikely to collect an accoLmts receivable, the follovving positions are authori-r,ed to "«ite tliem otT- . Amount I'osition Authorized I.,ess than $5,000 Finaiice Direetor $5,000 - $10,000 City Manager Greater than $10,000 City Council ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislafion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Finance changes to credit card ordinance GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City Code (an ordinance) regarding credit card use. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City Council passed an ordinance in 2003 regarding credit card use. After four years of using the ordinance, several changes are suggested. The Finance Committee reviewed these changes earlier this year. BACKGROUND: Two changes are proposed for the city credit card ordinance: 1. Change the name of the form used to report charges to the credit card. The form remains the same but the ordinance will reference the "Expense Reimbursement Form" rather than a form that does not exist. 2. Increase the limit on the cards to $5,000 from $3,000. This will allow more streamlined use of the cards without bumping up against the lower limit which then restncts the use of the cards. Staff is often generating two checks to the bank each month to stay within the current limit of $3,000 on several credit cards. OPTIONS: 1.) Direct staff to proceed with the ordinance changes. 2) Proceed with some of the ordinance changes; 3) Do not make any changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to advance Ordinance 07-011 amending the Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 2.65.020(A)(3) to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: No significant budget/financial impact is expected. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CiTY OF SPUKANE VALLEY ~ SPOKANE COUiNTY, VVASHIYC:T(;)N ()RDINAVCE NO. 07-011 AN ORDINANCF 4F THE CITY QF SYUKAIVE VALLEY, WASH.INGTQN, A►v1H;ntll1NG SPOKA\TF VAI.,I.,FY vIUNICIPAL CUDE. SEC'1'lON 2.65.020(A)(3) TU INC17L"ASL l I31: CRFDTT I.TMTT FC)R CREDIT CARDS 1SSUl;D TO THF CITY, t1Nll YRUVCll1NC FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPE1tLY .LtEt..AT.F_,D THERETO. WHEItEAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopteti SVMC 2.65, provid'uib authorization for use caf credit cards by City Council members and certain staft' members to facilitatc efficicnt operatiou of City functions, and to provide limitations thereon; and `VHTRFAS; credit cards are used by staff for purcliasing goods, supPlies anci • other items from vendors, or incurring regis[ration, training or travel expenses in conncetion with the performance of their dulies on behalf'af the City by the City Council and staff; and WHFR~'.AS, the original credit limit for such credit cards :For the Cily was established at $3,000.00, wilh a limited number of credit cards having been obtained by the City; and ~ `VHFREAS, duC to the low crcdit limit and liiniteci number of c;redil cards assigned to the City, the City Council and staff have e:cpcrienccd difficulties usuig the City credit cards from tune to time; and WHEREAS, credit card 14nits may be greater at retailers when the dollar amounl of purchases and/or the frequency of purchases warraiits a greater credit limit; and Wkil:Rl;•A5, staFt recommends incrEasing the credil limit from $3,000 to $5,000 per card; and WHEREAS, the followuig changes are necessary for a more eI'ficient operalican of clay-to-day functions. . NOW, TI-IEREFORE, the City Council of the Cily of Spokane Valley; Washingcon ordains as follows: Seetion 1. Spokane Valley Mtinicipal Code Chapter 2.65.020 is hereby amended as set forth below. SVMC 2.65.0201ssuance, use and cnntrol of credit cards. Thc City adopts the folloAring system for the issuance, use and corrtrol of cretlic ~ cards by City officials and employees. ~ A. The finance director is authorized to obtain City credit cards under the following syseem, which provicies f"or the ciistribution; aulhorization, control, credit limits ancl payment oPbills lhraugh the use of the credil cards by City officials and emplnyees, 1. Issudnce and Use. Credik 4ards may be issued to the City of Spokanc Valley and used by City officials and authorized employees fnr purchasing goods, supplies anci other items from vendors or incurrinb registration, training or kravel expenses in connection wilh the performance of their duties on behalf of the City: ' 2. Authorization and Control. Upon auttiorization from the city manager ar designee, City employees may obtain credit cards from the financ:e director who shall maintai.n a leciger of the individual receiving the credit card; including the ciate the card was received. City council members may obtain credit cards frorn the finance director. 'Che finance direcior shall imPlement accnunting controls lo ensure the proper use of credit cards and credit card funds. 3. Credit Limits. The credit limit shall not eYCeed $5,000 per carcl. 4. Payment oFRillS. The finance direclor shall establish a procedure for the prompt payment of all credit card bills on nr before the due datc. 5. L.Jnauthoriied Charges. No cafficial or employce shall use the City-issued credit card for non-Gity business purposes. No charge(s) shall excced amounts establishcd and available in the City budget. 6. Cash Advances. CiLsh advances cm credit cards are prohibited. B. Expenses incident to authorired travel may be eharged to a City-issued creclit card provided the offcial or employee returns to the City with credit card receipLs in accordance with eity travel palicies and proceclures. An expense reimbursement form is also desired. iC certain credit charges are disallowed as a result of audit or City policy, Such charge mutt be repaicl ta the City with the City havuig the righl to witliliold fiuids payable to the official or emplUyee up lo the amount of the disallowcd chftrge including interest at the rate charged by the credit carci company. C. The city manager is authorized lo revoke the use of any charge card issued and immcdiately require the surrender of the credit card. The city manager may deliver a revocation orcler ta the charge card company with the City not being liable for aiiy future costs incurred after the date nf revocalion. ~ D. The city manager is authorizecl to adopt any additional rules or policies necessary ~ to impTemenl the provisions ot'the ordinance eodified in this scction. Section 2. Kemaindcr UnchanQed. "I"hc remaining portioiis of SVMC 2.65 are unchanged by this legislative aclion. Scction 3. Severabilitv. Tt' any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstilutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such uivalidity or unconstitutionality shall not aFT'ect the valiciity or constitutional it}, of any other sectioci, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance.- Secdon 4. Efteckive Date. This Ordinance shall be in full fprce and effect thirty (30) days after publication of the Orclinance, or a sLunmary thercof, occurs in the official newspaper of' the City as provided by law. PASSEll by the City Council ttus day of July, 2007. vlayor, T)iana Wilhi/e ATTES'1': (:ity Clerk, Clv-is Bainbriclge , . ~ Approvcd as to Form: Otricc of the City Attorney Date of Yublication: Effeetive 17ate: u~~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Oold business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information ❑ admin. repart ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2008 - 2013 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 2007-2012 Six Year TIP last yzar on June 13, 2006, Resolution #06-013. Adopted Amended 2007-2012 Six Year TIP on May 22, 2007, Resolution #07-007. Presentation of draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP at Council's May 1: 2007 Study Session. Public Hearing on draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP on June 5, 2007. BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for tne ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Secretary af Transportation before July 15t of each year. Staff presented to Council a draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP at the May 1, 2007 and June 5, 2007 Council rneetings. The prapased 2008 - 2013 Six Year TIP represents an update to the 2007- 2012 adopted Six Year TIP adopted last year. The iollawing changes have been made to the Proposed TIP previously presented to Council at the June 5 Public Hearing based upon comments from the Council, citizens and funding changes: • Appleway - University to Evergreen: corrected "Secured funds" from "TIB" to "STP(U)" • Pines/Sprague Intersection PCC: rescheduled from 2008 to 2009 • 8"" Avenue Phase 1: corrected total project cost • 44`" Avenue Pathway: revised funding status from "secured" to "planned" and increase construction costs based on current estimate a Sullivan Road West Bridge: Corrected funding stafus frorn "secured" to "planned' • Evergreen/32td: rescheduled from 2013 to 2412; changed funding source from "Other- FTA" to "STP(U)" • Bowdish/Sprague Intersection PCC: rescheduled from 2013 to 2008; changed funding source from "UAP" to "STA" - • Revised all previous "Other-FTA" funding to °STA" funding - OPTIONS: Accept or revise project list and/or project schedule _ ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Adopt the 2008-2013 Six Year TIP as presented. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City`s share of the proposed projects will be budgeted within the Street Capital Projects Fund which has the revenue resources to accommodate the proposed TIP. ~ STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Steve Worley ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution 07-008 2) List of Final Draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP projects; 3) Final Draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP 4) Map of Final Qraft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP ~ . ~ ~ CITY UN SPOKANE VALI,FY SFUKAVE COUNTY, Wt1SHINC:TON RESOLUTIC7N n`Q. 07-008 A RESOLiaTION ADOPT'lN(:U I°HE 2008-2013 S1Ji-1'H AR TRAnSPORTA`I'ION IMI'ROVENTEVT PROC:RAA9 FCaR TI4E C[TY OE $POKANE V.a1,LFl'. WHEREAS, to providc for the proper and ne.Gessary development of the street system within the City o1' Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, tlevelop and adopt anntiall_v a Six-Year Transporiation [mprovement Prograin ("'TIP") with sueh progi-am acting as a guide for the coorciinatod development of the City's transportation sysiem; WHk°.F2FAS; the T]F' of the City shall specifically set forth [hose projects antl pro6zrams of both Ciry and regional significanee lhat benefii the tn»sportation system and promote public s.afery and efficient vchicle movements; WHF..Rk,r1S, ttic TIP shall be consisterit with the City Comprehensive Plan iind bc adopted following one or more public hearines before the City Council; WNEItFAS, the City Council conducteci a public hearine on June S; 2007 for the purposc of invi[itig and receiving public commene on the proposed 'CIP; and n`C)W`I'!-I ERCFORE; be it resolved by the City Couneil of thc City of Spokane Valley; Spolcane County, Wa-qhingtori, as follows: 7'he City Council hereby adopts the atiached TTP for the Ci1y Uf Spokane Valle}' fc~r the purFose of guiding the design; dzvelnprnent aiid coiistruciion Of IOCaI and regional transpartation improvemeats L'or the years 2008 through 200. The City Clerk is direceed to filc the 2008-2013 Sia-Yea.r Trans{?orcation Improvement Nrogram Nvith the Washington State Secre.tary of 1'ransportation not later LIian June 30. 'rhe 1"IP shall be reviewEd at least annually for the purpose of dete.rrrtiining the work to be accoinplished ►mder the prograin and the City lranspqrtation requirements. Aclopted this 266 clfiy ofJune, 2007. City of Spokane Valley ' Diana 1'Vilhite, Mayror .ATTEST; Cllristinc Bainbridge., City Clerk nppruved 35 to farm: ' Office of the City Accorney Resoluiinn adopting 2005-2013 TIP Page 1 of 1 i L~ oII' Val ~ . City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works FINAL DRAFT 2008 - 2013 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program . GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Functional Classification: Funding Sources: Rural: 7 Major Collector Federal assistance: These funds are authorized under the Safe, . 8 Minor Collector Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy 9 Access for Users (SAFETEA-LU) and are administered by'the Federal Urban: Highway Administration through the Washington State Department of 14 Principal Transpartation and the Spokane Regional Transportation Council 16 Minor (SRTC). ' 17 Collector ' 19 Local Access BR Bridge Rsplacement projects CMAQ Congestion ManagemenfiJAir Quality FTA Federal Transit Authority (5307 funds) 04her Fed Other federal funds. STP SurFace Transportation Program. Individual funds are designated by the Iet4ers in parenthesis that follovi the initials 'STP': STP(U) Urban improvements STP(R) Rural improvements STP(C) Competitive funding STP(E) Enhancement improvement STP(S) Safety improvements State assistance: UCP, UAP, and SP are administered by the state Transportation Improvement Board (718). UCP - Urban Corridor Program (Formeriy Transportation Partnership Program (TPP)) UAP - Urban Ar#erial Program (Formerly Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) SP - Sidewalk Program (Formerly Pedestrian Safety Mobility Program (PSMP) CERB - Cammunity Economic Reviialization Board - Other State- Other state funds Local AssistancQ: CDBG - Community Development Block Grant CD ~ Draft 2008 - 2013 SpanE Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~Wley Dollars in Thausdnds Funding Project! Description J Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 3 Barker Road Bridge 0.1 . 0 o 8,938 8,938 BR 5,083 3,375 8,438 City 300 200 500 Replace bridge #5503 Q Spokane River Funding Secured - City funding for Coitilingency Project Total 5,363 3,575 8,938 6 STEP Paveback o 0 0 4,400 4,400 cicy eaa eoo 900 eoD 3,600 sw zoQ 290 zaa zoD eoo Full-widlh paviny and drainage associated Kith SpoEcane Cauntys STEP Project Totai 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 4,400 7 Street Preservation Project - Various Street 0 649 0 6,959 7,600 Clty 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,140 7,600 Annual street pres.ervation projecis Project Total 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,292 1,140 7,600 8 Appleway - University to Evergreen 2.42 682 3,318 7,734 19,734 Cly 64 184 231 359 837 STP 138 547 1,428 2.101 4,214 WSDOT 3 7 92 38B 470 GcECnd Appleovay Blvd. hith a mufti-lane tacility indLrcfirrog curDs arsd sldewalks. UCP 844 3,360 4,200 Othor 443 9,670 2,013 Secured S't'P(U) (54.2 mfl), wsooT Project Total 206 1,141 4,201 6,187 11,734 ? ectsi~Tn t' a idcntificd in tht TI arc ro M eonsidered estlma0es onl het may ohenga duo to o variery of cirtiurrwtanCes, aru ~ h`~''~ > rr~~9 ~ +~n~n ~~i n~ m~mtf~ ~n ~r Rwnm~n ~i ~m~,;~ ao►r~nnm+,~ ~ yn~ . I~ ~~d~ Draft 2008 - 2013 S~D~e . Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program I~ ~1e-y Dollara in Thousnnds • Funding Project 1 Description ! Current Status Length PE RW CN Totsl Sources 2008 2009 2010. 2011 2012 2013 Total 9 Broadway Avenue - Pines(SR-27) to Park 3 74 25 834 e33 city 187 187 UAP 746 746 ADA 8 Siripirvg Improvements to reduce accidents alang Sroadway Corriftr Furxiing Secured (TIB 8-3-2008(003)-1) . Project Totat 933 933 10 Broadway-FanCher Intersection PCC 0 56 0 525 581 Ciry 79 79 STP(U) 502 602 Replace acpha lt pavement v4th portlarxi cemeni concrete pEVernent. Funding 5ecured (SRTC 06-8) . Project Total 581 581 11 PineslSprague Intersection PCC a 75 o 667 742 ctcy tisz 152 STA 590 590 Replaee asphalf pavemern wifh portland cement ooncrete pavement. Project Total 742 742 12 Park Road - Bridging the Valley! BNSF Grade 0,2 soo 2.000 13,620 16,51e city 31 so 285 286 693 Separation FMSIB 227 651 2,061 2,051 51000 Other 364 1,045 3,308 3,308 8,025 Fod ReconsWct Park Road to separate the grades of i'ark Road and the BNSF railroad tracks. Other- 37 104 330 330 801 RR UCP 91 260 824 824 1,999 "OtheP Funding from BNSF RR Project Total 750 2,150 6,809 6,809 16,518 Projcc6:. and 6mckames Identlfied in the TIP ere ro be cohs(derc;d eeifmates only that mciy change due !o o vaiiery of clrcumsiences, ev aru »ot intenc(ed by llte City to be r_lied vpon by properly owners or developeis in maki»8 dovclDpaneat dr,Cislons. 6r2012007 o Pagg ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ,w: Draft 200b - z013 Spokanc Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program -~~Valley DoCars (n 7hausoncl, Funding ProJect / Descrlption 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources ZOOB 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 13 Sth Avenue Phase 1- Carnahan to Havana 0.5 222 375 2,018 2,866 city ito 271 207 sse STA 425 7,051 802 2,278 Recvrutnrct 8th Ave. to a three-lane sectEon tivith curb, guttcr, sidcwatks and b6ke lanes. Apptication submitted for F7A 5307 tuntfing - awaiting results Project Total 535 1,322 1,009 2,866 14 44th Ave Pathway: Sands to Woodruff 1.08 10 a 340 330 ctty a as so STP(E) s zsa soo Asphatl Path%vay vd bike lanes along road I'E Funding Secured - Delay to 2008 to cocrdinale vrt sewer prc,ject Project Total 10 340 350 15 Broadway Avanue #2: Fancher to Thierman 0.34 61 0 547 608 City 82 82 STP(U) 526 626 Grind and inlay vrtth 2 inches of asphatt concrete pavemenl Fundir-Q Secured {SRTC 06-7} Project Total 608 608 16 Broadw3y Avenue #1: 190 to Park Rd. 0.34 74. 0 667 741 cicy ioo 100 ' STP(U) 641 641 Grind and inl9y with 2 incnes of asphelt ooncrete pavement ' Fundin9 Secured (SRTC Q6-9) Project Total 741 741 Proya.-ts and fimaimmes identilic4 in Uio Tlr nro to De consitlered es7imstes only that mey change due to a vsro-ty ot circumstances, ero ara nct in!encfe! Dy tbe Clty to Ce relietl upon by ptoperty oHnere ar deve7opers In rrak[nA dev+elopmont docisians. 5/2Q!"10(17 Page 3 Draft 2008 - 2013 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40;iiiiiiiiillOwley DOUrs [n 7hcusands Funding Project / Description ! Curront Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 17 Park Road 2(PE Only)- Broadway to Indiana 0.73 352 o a 352 city ae as 5TP(U) 304 304 Proj. 02 - Recanstruct antl widan to 3 lanes ►vith bike lenes and sidewalks. Fundirg Secured (SRYi, 06-11) . Projoct Total 352 352 18 Flora Road - Sprague to Mission ' 1 297 300 2,673 3,271 Ciry B9 208 269 655 UAP 358 1.589 9,069 2,616 ReCOnstruct to a three-lane arterial. Project Total 447 1,487 1,337 3,271 19 Sullivan/Sprague Intersection PCC 0.1 83 0 778 861 city 916 116 STPIU) 745 746 Replacc nrited asphalt pavemen4 wi4h portland concrete cement. Funding Secured (SRTC 06-6) Projoct Total 661 861 Zo Argonne Road -190 to Trent 0.38 76 501) 713 1.289 C1ry 77 ss 173 CMAQ 499 617 1,116 tZevlse Siynal Phasing, Add NB Right Tum Lane at hAontgomery, Intetsecfions Improvements at lCnox Fundirty SeCUred (SRTC 06-31) Project Total 576 713 1,289 Pmjects and Fimefnmea 6eiontified in tho TIP oro to be ccruidCred estamatCS anty thot may Uwnye dle to e variery of dreumstances, an arc nct in;onded by the Cfry m be reGed vpoa Dy property nwners or devebperx in mnk(ng development decisions. Ff2012007 Pagry ~ o ° ~ ~ • Draft 200b = c013 SpoICane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ,;oOValley Dollars in Tiwusands Fundinp P- roject I Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 21 Sullivan Road North Extension (Bigelow Gulch) 0.25 o S 54 55 cfry 55 55 Recortistnict end vr:den the Sulfivan Road extension north also knovm es Bigetotiv GuEch Road to a 44f+ne roAdway vAth . 84oot shoukiers and a 12-foat tvro way leit turn lane. Project Total 66 55 22 Sullivan Road (PE only)- Euclid to Wellesley 1 595 0 0 598 city ao ao ao STP(U) 258 258 516 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial_ Furtding Secured (SRTC 06-92) ProjectYotal 290 298 596 23 Sullivan Road West Bridge 0.08 1,370 100 8,112 9,582 BR 735 735 4,056 4,05G 9,562 RecorwWct and widan west bridge Pro]ect Total 736 736 4,056 4,066 9,582 24 McDonaldlSprague Intersection PCC a I02 a 967 1,U9 ciry 219 219 STA 850 850 Replace asphall pavement wilh portland cement concrete pavemsnt. Project Total 1,069 1,069 Projens entl dmetrsrtses Identified in tho TIP oro to be considercd cstimades only !het may ctange due to e varleh/ of drsvmstances, ern are not intendad by thc City to 9c relie.f upon by property owners or devebpers in making do:+elopmc+nt docisrons. 6120l2007 Page 5 S t3k,,,,,,~ Draft 2008 - 2013 phIle Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ,,;~Va11ey pollars in YMusands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sourcos 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 25 BroadwaylSullivan Intersection PCC Q 120 0 1,110 1,230 ctty 253 253 STA 977 977 Replace asphalt pevemeni wi4h por8and cement cortcrete pavement. Project Total 1,230 1,230 Zs Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent 2.26 222 250 1,609 2,089 ciey 280 zeo cnIAQ 1.801 1,801 Traffic Signal Con?rol System for Corridor Funding Seeured (SFZTC 06-26) " Projsct Total 2,081 2,081 27 Saltese/Sullivan Signal 38 • 15 364 494 City 904 104 Other 42 42 Other 268 268 Impravements to In4ersection In Coordination w! Spokane County • ProJoct Total 414 414 29 Park Road -#2 (CN Only)- Broadway to Indiana 0•75 0 2,000 2.326 4.326 ciry 270 ssa 584 STP(U) 1,730 2,012 3,742 Proj. 42 - Reconstrucl end voiden to 3 lanes wilh 9ike lanes and sEdea%talks. Project ToWI 2,000 2,326 4,326 PrajExts and 8mdrames tdentl(led in the TIF ereto tre considereti es5lmates enly that msy citange due to e variery oF circumstancos, um nte nOt intandcd by ihe Ciry to be relied upon Ny pronerty owners or deve0op_rs in maktng development decisions. 612012007 Pag~ ~ ;v~,.,sf ~ ~ Oraft 200b - c )13 S~okane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Va1,1ey. Dollers ln Thcusantls Funding Project ! DQSCription I Current Status Length PE RW CN Totai Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 30 Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flora 0.73 225 30D D 525 City 57 48 105 UAP 228 192 420 Reconstruct 8, tividen Broadway to 3-lane section, 184 NE. o( Moore to Ftora Project Total 285 240 526 31 32nd Avenue - Evergreen to Best 0_25 79 250 0 328 Cicy 21 24 ab ' . STP(U) 132 151 283 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes vRth curbs and sidewalks. Project Total 153 175' 328 32 Barker*Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue 0.26 274 1,6110 924 2,223 ciry 156 289 445 UAP 622 1,156 1,778 Reconstruct tn a flve-bre arterial Wlh aenter turri lane froro Apphe%vay 1o Broadway Ave.; realign 8roadway east ai Baiker - Project Total 778 1,445 2,223 33 Sprague Ave. - University to Evergreen 2.02 231 0 2,625 2,856 Ciry 46 525 571 STP(P) 185 2.100 2,285 F?esuriace 5prague Ave from Universiry Rd. to Evcrgreen Rd. • ' Project 7otal L 231 2,625 2,856 Projects entl !imee(remes identi}ied in the YIP are Sn he considere4 esEimales onFy tRa1 rruiy Change tfue to o variery Of circumslanees, aro are not Interuded by the C[Pf tn be retled upan by property otivners or developera in making development tleclslons. 612012007 Page 7 S „T,,,r Draft 2008 - 2013 ]~Ok1rie Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ..~vd,ley Dollars in TNOusands Funding Project / Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total 34 Evergreenf32nd -16th to 32nd, Evergreen to 1.25 406 120 3.681 4,207 ciry 108 755 ass SR-27 STP(U) 418 2,926 3,344 ReConstrtict snd vriden to three Isnes Project Total 526 3,681 4,207 35 groadway Ave - Flora to Barker 1 314 0 4 314 Ciry 63 63 . STP(U) 251 251 f2econstrttct to 3-lanes. Flora to Barker Project Total 314 314 36 Sullivan Raad (RW/CN only) - Euclid to Wellesley 1 0 800 0 soo city 160 160 STP(U) 640 640 Reconsirtrcf to s sevenaans urban ar4ierial. ' ProJectTotal 800 B00 37 BowdishlSprague Intersection PCC o so o 802 892 Ciry 182 ' 182 UAP 710 710 Replace asphal', pavement evith norllancJ cement conceete pavement. _ Projoct Total 892 892 °rojeds and timefromes bJentdied in tRe T'IP ore to be consoQered estimates ortTy tnat moy change due to a varlety ot ctrcumstancps, em are not in!ended by Ihe Cfry !u be relled ugon by properhi aNners ar developers In maktng tleveDoprrient dedslons. BJ2(J2007 Page s ~ C) DraIL 2006 * f1113 Srn~~~r. ~~ne S6x-lfear Transportation Improvement Program -a Val ley daUare In 7hvusenus Funding Projertf Uescription I Current5tatus Leng#h PE R1N CN Takal Sources 200B 2009 2070 Z011 2012 2013 To#al N Universityl3prague Intersection PCC 0 95 0 M. 997 city 204 zaa . l1CP 793 7$9 Reptne aspha[i pavemeni woth paMland ceme n9 concraie paWemen;_ . PfoJoct Total 997 E[97 39 Pines Corridor ITS: S prague to 1 6th 9 95 0 690 785 City 106 106 cmAQ 679 srs Traffic Signal Control S,rstem For Corridor ProfoctTo#al 765 785 TO#a15: 7,1366 11,954 75.570 93,390 91,669 13.610 20.722 24,966 9.321 W694 95,064 PfqjeCk3 3w lintiatrnmes EtlenlL'led in ihe 71 P sre io be cansltleretl estlma?es only 9ho1 rr.ay chenge due ia o varioty of circarrnzik.inccs, an' V.re qsk InLe n9etl hy ihe C.iFy io he relied upa-a uy properly o-xnsra ar developera in making dauaVaprnent d4cisions. 6f2012007 f'8ge 9 Draft 2008- 2013 i i45 [Y ~3~KaXe S ix-Year Transpor#ation Impravement Program Six-Year Transportation Imnrovernent Praaram Totals Secured Projects PIanned Prajects Tota1s Year Federal State Other City Yaar Federal Sta#e Dthee city Year Federal 9tate Other Ci#y 2046 $5,555 $746 s0 S1.1358 2409 $508 $1.231 $462 $9.291 2008 $6,073 59.977 $462 $3,149 Z449 S4,946 w 50 $1,722 2069 51,98~] $1,476 52,94E~ Sl,732 zoos 56,732 g1,476 $2.149 $3.454 2070 $1,502 $0 50 51.525 2070 55,471 55,206 54,569 5Z,449 21390 56,973 $5~2(1$ $4,569 $3.974 2477 $2,676 $0 u 51,709 2011 5$.144 rr,882 5640 51,916 2499 56,$20 $7,1~~Z S640 $3.624 2012 SO $0 $0 $1,292 2012 56,521 Wff 50 $559 2012 9~6,521 $155a SO 51,950 2013 SU ~0 $D $1,140 2013 $12,915 $2,141 SU $2,499 2013 U,i4t SU 53528 TOt31 $14.599 $745 $0 $5,245 Tatal $33.345 $78,7B5 $7,819 $10534 TOt21 $47,934 i18.532 57,9143 319.779 Prajacis and 9lmefrarnoa idcnkifie0 i:Y 1he TfP are 6a he consldorcd oslimakcs only U48L mey change due 9o a vaa~cly of Cirfiuni:tences, ern Dfe no1 In1e15ded by ihe City 6o bc rolicd upOn Gy pFCperty iA+'+Lers ordexulapcrs in m8kInQ developmeni decisions. 6~29~ ~ ~ . ~ JeparVnent oi Public Waics - ~ ransportation Improvement Program i:~cts w1 no Kientified Local Match wilhhln Ene 2408 Six Y-~af i IP Datlmn m FTrpuandn Il~o~psi strt rar iow tesc ~;-vorssbud 8fh Ave. to a 11xee-taac 2914 51, 15 F , r.lior► wAh ctixb. Qutler. vdevrelkc vJ hNsa Ianea_ 2"sfrud 6th Ave_ la e lhree Ianr . ,i • ~ ~ x ~ i omeh~ sec!!m wlth oub, Qutler, ddmat. s and bdkc Inrms. -~ui.!c.v:rJ IPii•atr,.riLLi(:eic f,ddEBtlghlhlfTllellelDAppiEVlay 1014 S'1F~ ~ j T1i6rh8f1 .-:aii". :1 - nll~ i ..~~~,i.-;:;;•. ,-'rcAR1GUUdbi111tRQ-lAf1Cln18f1 '014 c• „~t arterial hom 91h to Apoc•way. ~ arker Rood • Spakene River b TteM Recorntruct to a erae•lane ctu6ed c4 4714 wtntal _ i ! . • : ~ ' ' ~ i c:OflgR1GI 1fld Mlkidt (611dY11iry lQ 2014 I u p0 $1fies. ,,:3r ~ r,, ; ~ ~J SB trudc Lsne to mad 2014 ~ ,rnits Dishmsn-141ka Road - Applawrty to GrrM and irday northbound Isrres 2010 ritn wllh 2" oi asphoM RavetTert ! _udld Avrsl Flotr Rd - Flora Eudld W RcconstruC! ta prov~d~- 14 •.,s f udld. Eudid Flora b Barker shouidered aruerini f udid Awdwe - SuMivan Rd to Flore C.rfnd and irday wah :';r :is pr ~;o- .~~14 1: d pavennmt, F veryreenl9prsQue lnlerstalon Pcc Rep{aae asphall pava,ert uAU, 2014 S1.1 Porlland oernenf conaeln peverne►d. Ind4en615t1MVen In18r9eCllon PCC ReptBCE esphell peVOmem MAlh 4 ;1 portland cement toncrets psvomavit MensfieW EMentEon - SR27 to Constrtwi 34ane auierial from Pfncs : u' a 1,4irabeau ParkwW to Mlrabeau PaAcway fAssFnn Am - Flrra la Batkar New 3dane seciion Rari to 8arMr 2014 t3,74 Iaomipwnery Avesnue - Mpmne to Cxind and teQave vAlh 2' 01 aeplall 2020 $541 JrnversitY oortctele paveman/ ark Road -83 - 5pr+gcne to ftecortstrud and vNdnn to a stnnil ~ r • n ;.i, , R. r oaQway threc-tanc artarial slreet wlfh ci,t t : and a6ddewaMcs, f'CC on 9roadvr,,, `,pragJe Avenue - Uruversity tu Grlnd and pveHay 3' of espheft u; :,1 t a _:ulNvsn bus Iwet. Upyrafe{cottistruCl side+Nalkshamps to AGA tlsndards _;H27IPInes/18fh Inbmmqian lrt,Nrowxmmnts to iritersecfion t[7ual 2014 lene Rwndeboul9) I'rc,acta O+d Wrahsmn trisntTiad n M TiP ars b 0e aortrdrrod nswrtwtea air ltmt mpy tlwlpa due u,tr.ndod by Mw C1ti b be tdhd upon by P►oPwY oMnen a developefa k1 rtMklny devettprlwN dedsi_ Mrair;lay .lurM 118 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Pro)rxts wil nu identiFietl Local Match within the 200$ Six-Year TfP Jdlm in rncn,eana. n*d br eaQw. mi r■r i.Wost Univerolty Road Irday 1DisJYnan Grind end peve wilh 2 mchrs ol 2014 S993 MiCe f2d to 15th Ave d9,phall conddc pevenwnl UniveraKy Roed Irtlay T 15th to 41h Grtnd and pavc with 2 incJtiez o1 2014 55 t4 I nspheR tanareto pavernent. Va[lay Cortidor Prajcra Unlvcrsrty Entend Applewr►y Blvd wtth a rtwid- 2020 $14.092 to F: wrgrecn lune faoTdy Indudlnp wrtis and sidawalka_ Reaurface 5prague Ave Valfey Corridor - F'rclcn.-t 3 Extend IIQpkway BtvA vAlh a multi• 2014 $13,219 Evetgreen lo Tshuley tane taaYty Induding aubs and 6ldewdks. Resurtace Spraque Avenuc arwf restnpe Tatals: $76,741 I Piojects orio tunetrames idortGTiq6 n Ne TIP ore to be contldnroa es4miles unly ihol ir.ay :hahpe dUe W e vurlety d u,wmsLOnces. end uo nd tn4anded by the Cily to be rdad upat by pmperty wmers ar deraiopero in mskinp daveLopmmt deaflana ldflfldily..Iwk. lH. 200I i'age 2 af City of Spokane Valley DepaRment of PubJic Works Six Year Transportatian Impmvement Ptvgram 2N - tm aaftn In Thaisanda ~ ToW Asiod 3 Barkzr Road Bndge BR 300 5,363 8 STEP PaveDecik Ciry 900 1,100 7 Stree! Preswveban Prqect - Vanout Sbsat City 1,292 1,292 8 Applewey - Unrversffy t4 Ev"rean STP 64 205 9 &oadway Avenue • Ptnes(SR-27) tp perli UAP 187 933 10 Broarlwey-Fan&w Intemec0on PCC STA(U) 79 581 12 - 1•► "*_.a"t ~ , ,,r-• , - Other Fed 31 750 ~•,_~~r,_ - 13 9th Averwe Pfiasr t- Camahen ta Havana STA 110 535 14 44th Ave Pattywigy Sands to WbodnrH STP(F) 4 10 37 @owdi6h!$prague in'6rSeciiUn PrG t1AP 182 892 zooe romls: $3,149 s11.661 2218 Ita # h*at IIm !!'bo y 8~ Q" AnoW Tehl AMM 3 8artca RoBd Brbge BR 200 3,575 0 STEP Pavebedk CRy 900 1,100 7 Stree! Preservebpn Prpjsct - Var►ous Slratt City 1292 1.282 8 Appleway - Unrvwwty to Evergreen STP 154 1.141 11 Pmes/Sprague Intersed►m PCC STA 152 742 12 VYw red aY 2,1:70 5--P9y,?3n7n 13 Bth Avawe Phase i- Camehan to Havane S7A 271 1.322 14 44th Ave Pstfrway: Sands to Woodrul► STP(E) 46 340 15 Hroatlwar Avenue 02 Fanchw t0 Thierman STP(U) 82 608 16 Btoadway Avenus R1. 190 to Park RC STR(U) 100 741 17 Park Rosd - 0 ? lPF Only►- Brvadway to Indiana STP(U) 48 352 18 Ftora Raad • Spngua !n Mts;wn UAP 88 447 2009 Totsis: f3.451 613,8110 PT)e[ii and tirr_frwrt~ r.fentifiecf tn t+ln TIP arr. !o be cormade+s0 eitlmsles aiy tliat maY rt.anae 1u- w o:a•r-y rAl nrr.un :ta-cc-. a:;d yre not t::tanded Dy ft t:ity to ba relie0 upm b1 proP" owten w dewiopan n nuktnp derelopmertt deaeisni Aaeed Proiw, ue ~ in cit..n ~ . ~ . , ~ - . Fwta.o PeopaE ara enoomo Bke 1hii±Cnr_sdtty Jime :4. :(A:17 Page t ol 3 a ?6di Itm#!1lwNm N'kt'Y t■fu Oty l1Od TOW Aot 6 STEP Parcbac* Ctty 9UU 1.100 7 Street Preservaban Prqect - Vanous SVeet Crty 1.292 1.292 8 Applevr8y - Universiry to Evergreen Other 231 4,201 12 Olh9~Fed 286 5,809 , 13 Bth Avenue Phese 1 Camenan to Havana STA 207 1,009 18 Flora Road - 5{xegue to Missian UI1P 298 1,487 19 SullivaNSprague Intsrsecoon PCC STP(U) 116 861 20 Argonne Road - 190 to Trent CMAQ 77 576 21 ._i , • i . , , F., - Ciry 55 55 22 Sulirvan Road 1RE only)- Euclld to Weilesiey STP(U) 40 298 23 .=n i BR U 735 14 McUonakttSprague IntersacUon PCC 5TA 219 1,069 25 8roadway(Sutltvan Intensection PCC STA 253 1,230 2010 Totsls: $3,974 520,722 7Q11 th■i #!'I'a1Cl OM Rftsy ieU Qry AWIN Tod A~olt 6 STFP PaveCaci~ City 900 1,100 7 Siieet PreservaUon Project - Vanous 5trsat City 1,292 1,292 e Appteway • UnuversNy to Evergreen UCP 358 8,187 12 = - 3.i V, ,•i _ i _ Other Fed 286 6.809 18 Fbra Roed - Spragua to Mission IJAP 268 1,337 70 Argonne Road - 190 to Trent CMAO 96 713 :2 Sutlhran Road (PE ony)- EuGia to Weflesjey STP(U) 40 298 ~ :3 =,'nh.-n i=ria.i Ok-r BR 0 735 26 Pines Ccxrido+ fTS Sprague lo TrQnt CMAQ 280 2,081 77 = - • i . • Other 104 414 2011 Totals: i3.624 $20,966 ?1e t6m ~t N,*ct IIm pllmy iiiiiiiiiia o"AMW trhl Ast 7 Street Preservaaan Prqect - Vanous 5trwt City 1.292 1.292 23 ;iili ~ a^ Pcaj WeSI Hn 8R 0 4,056 79 Paik Rca.7 - x? ;CN Qnly;• 6:,_•':.,~ S7'P(U) 270 2.000 30 -tir;aadway Ave 150 h E of MGx;r, UAP 57 285 31 :'r.d a.•nue -E vel gi e-r+ E3.•_' STP(U) 21 153 32 UAP 156 778 33 Sprague Ave - Unlversiry to Everqreen STP(P) 46 231 34 STP(U) 106 526 2012 Totals: $1.950 $9,321 Projocta and dmefrsmas IderrtAled In Lto TIP n(e to ha cansidered aatimates aty Uiot rnay change due to n wrmty ol cur.umat3nrca nnd nrr nrn inknAm1 by ttie Cft lo he re6ed u{+on Dy ~ropertr -A Q Oevdopen um m041q de+rolopmertt dedelons addsd Prqec,ia sre shown in Gresn _ - , Funded Prn,rcts m s.lowi m 67ue VJednesday, Juna 20, 2007 Page 2 of 3 ?M NM!t R"NM 7 SueelPreservaUan Project - VanQUS Strset Crty 1.140 1,140 23 BR 0 4,056 29 ~ari. Roao • MZ iCN G^J. STP(U) 314 2,326 30 :ir.-,nQ"p Ave 16p R E at Mc+o- UAP 48 240 31 .'2 ncf 14venre •'Everqnen to STP(U) 24 175 32 ~3•w~ R7rrf .4~;•I-n,~7 ~ . . _ UAP 289 1,445 33 Sprague Ave • Univemry to EvergreEn STP(P) 525 2,625 34 ; C~- t ~ stp(U) 756 3,681 35 ~isa&T+av Aw - Flrna lo B.~, • STP(U) 63 314 36 " , _ . . . - - - STP(U) 180 B00 36 UrvvarsrtylSprague IMersecxbn PCC UCP 204 997 39 CMAD 108 785 2013 Tolals: 93,628 i18,581 P.ecin nnC 7unrfranir.s 1Aer,lied c-. J,n TiA ffe tu Ce oon~ldettd astlrto'IOf ONr tflit muy tRaniv O•r_+ fu n ~vnc^! t*f Grr not intendctl t-y ihe. l:i:y 4,, tm reliod upon bY AroP" o«nen or OareiOpan In maitiny dsve4oNrnc-! dtu~la~ AdOeA Projecb are slown in Caemn Fundod Prqecti are s►wwn u+ Shue Wednesd9y, Jtmr 20, 2D07 Paqe 3 ut 3 , City of Spokane Valley ~ Draft 2008-2013 Six Year TIP s ' • . . . ~ - l: ~ . a. , c-... wr.. I I , r•r~ r~l " ~r 1M`y~ ~ i _ ^ w~~(~w~f~+• • i 4.~wr M w-~ ` . r ~ tiw~r~~~ Y~w M a,n ~ . , 1~~.~,~.~.~ ~ ~ , I ~ ~ ~ . ~ -17 1:.. . . I I Legend , ` Project Year _ . ] - 2008 2011 2009 2012 2010~ 2013 00001~1 ~"'okane rp 5TEP Pevnhi:n f ~ :x~•, - •t c'~a~ 5 rt~.d.i ~alley ~ .IUf+p YJ. •(t(l;• CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ pubiic hearing 0 irtiormation ❑ admin. repat ❑ pending tegislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Pool Concepts GOVERNING LEGISLATiON: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACT10N TAKEN: Contrad awarded to ORB Architects to condud public input meetings, prepare design 8 consiruction doeuments and provide construction oversight for the renovation of the City's three outdoor pools. BACKGROUND: Staff has been woflcing with ORB architeds to develop recommendations for the renovation of the outdoor pools at Valley Mission, Terrace View and Parfc Road paols. The avaitable funds indude $1.6 milllon to be reimbursed to the City by Spokane County. There is also a contingency af $300,000 budgeted in 2007 Parks Capital Projects for addttional expenses I as may be approveci by City Councif. Three public meetings were conducted in March 2007 to discuss pool concepts end recerve feedbadc from the public. Each of the meetings was hekl in tfie vianity of the poois. A fourth public meeting was held on May 31, 2007 to present a summary of the draft concept plans as prepared by ORB. The CounGl has afso r8ceived direct citizen feedbadc. The pool concepts were presented to City Council by staff and OR8 at the June 19, 2007 City CounciE Meeting. As preserrted, each of the pools will receive improvements to the bathhouses such as improving accessibility and other basic upgrades to bring them into compliance with currertt codes. The existing mechanical and pool treatmerrt systems will be evaluated and additional systems added to facilitate the expanded operations. The concepts for approval at each of the three pools are as tollows: Par1c Road Pool - Addition af a Water S(ide Terrace View Pool - Addftion of a Lazy River. Valley Mission Pool - Addition of a Zero Depth Leisure and Training Pool OPTIONS: Acxept design concepts as presented. I Accept design concepts with changes Reject design concepts. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept the design concepts for Park Road, Temace View and Valley Mission swtmming pools as presented in the Outdaor Swimming Pool lmprc;vements Summary RpF-',-~rt BUDGE7/FINANCIAL IMPACTS t-unds ar~~ Dudqcttu ~oi tiiis pru}e:;t STAFF CONTACT Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS Excerpts of pool designs from the City of Spokane Valiey, Outdoor Swimming Pool Improvements. PP►ase 1A Summary Report, Pubhc Input and Recommendatians >tky- RECOMMENDATIONS Even though the three Spokane Valley Communfry Poois are nearly identical in their layout, each of the pool facilitates Is unique in terms of who it serves and how it relates to its immediate neighborhood. We are therefore recommending that the added features provided at each pool be dlfferent. Thfs will not only increase the overalt senrices the cfty offers at its facfllt{es but addresses the individual character of the facfllty location in the city. Park Road Pool The first of the public meetfngs was held to discuss the Paric Road Pool. ThIs pool facility is Ipcated at North 906 Park Road, behind the Park Junior Hlgh School. The site is surrounded by the schools playfields on two sides, wfth a large privately owned field to the sauth. In fact, the schools football team uses the locker roams for practice, iUiastrating the collaborative attitude betwaen thP ciiy ancl the sr.hool district. - - . . . ~ - • - ' e~~ , ' ~ y~Dti,sM /~csr • ~ii{ r^ - ~ , ~ • Y£, ~ ~ ~ • 0 • ~ i~- According to the comments raceived about this pool, there daes not seem to be as much attraction to this pool as a destination for familfes to spend the day. This is partly clua tn the fact that thero ore no other amenities at thls pool such as the plcnfcking areas that exfst at the ather sltes. The schools playfields are not readlly accessible to and fram the paol and theretore tfie shared activity does not seem to exist here either. Around the school are residential neighborhoods that have good access to the pool tacility. People can be oDserved walking across the playtields to get to the pool, however it does not seem that a family coming to play a baseball game. stays to enjoy the pool afterwards. One member of the pubUc suggested that the property to the sou#h of thls pool be purchased to expand the property. This Is not part of the scope and would ba autside of the estab(ished budget, but is an interesting idaa should the apportunity ever arlse. Our recommendatfon is that an attractive feature element be added to the Park Road Pool to increase the vfsibility and scope of users. A watersiide will be attractive to people using the nesrby ball fields. Wa also rcconirliond adcJitinnal df?C,k a+-en with ~ o•r•bar chitect~ ~ t I diT1 LI ~ ,;oo;w Matky . I tables and a shade structure to provido places to sit as a family; this would serve to attract aduft users to the pool that might otherurise not be attracted to the pool. Based I on its location adjacent to a Junior High Schaol, we also believe that a Water Slide feature is age appropriate at this locatian. Since this location is quite remote from the Splash Down Water Slide Park, we do not i bslievo that adding water slides at this site will adversely affect or compete with that ~ business. At the fourth public meeting where this conceQt was presented, there were no questions or commonts ralsed about this srheme. TetLST'N(►}'~l..! 4M~ a . .:A'i?t. 51-►1 . I ~ [Wtii lr~t JRfi ~ • ~ ~ ~J ~ . ~ - - - - ~ • I i . I ' ' I I ' i\ . I v'~d► ~ . - \ iRT~ 11s~Sg ~ J iG 1p Hn ~ ■ FN Schematic Plan of Park Road Pool with Water Slide o.r.bat- chi -te c ts . _ , SpriC'Tl ~7 ~ i:ane j~1 ka. Terrace Vie~y_pool The Terrace View Pool is located at North 13525 24ih Avenue surrounded by residantial neighborhoods. The park that the pool Is locateci withln incfudes a Iarge baseball fieid. piayground, restrooms and several picnic tables. The site has many trses and is a very attractive place to play and enJoy Yhe day. This park is obviously a location where a family can gather for an entira aftErnoon and enjoy a BBQ picnlc, a variety of play aRd exercises and gather with neighbors. Even 01) I a relatively cool spring aftemoon, this park was observed as having mufiiplo users In tne piayground area and elsewhere. : ~ SK - 1~± ~ '~i I~I.NI:I._c • ~ .it • 1 ~ w { ' ~ • J. LJ" ~ ' ~ . Tne proximity of this poal to sorne ot the neighbor's yards does raise some concerns about the nolse levels and adtied impact of additional users. There was a report that a swim meet went late tast year which generated some complalnts from the neighbors regarding noise. Our recommendatlon is that the Terrace Visw Pool is the best candldate for adding a Lazy Rfver feature as well as additional deck area, shade structure and tables for famlly use. The proximity of the neighboring homes and the demographic as reported at ai ,r meetings lndlcate that this woutd be wefl appreciated at the Tenace 11jew community. By adding some spray elements the teature would appeal to ari even wlder audierice and serve as an all day family destinatlon in the pa►k. At the fourth community meeting, the neighboring horrie owners at the fenco lire expressed further eoncern regarding the impact on any improvements to Terrace View Park Pool. The concems centered on the goal for Encreased activity, which they belleve will resuit in additional noise, traffic and parking problems. In addition, they expressed worry with the loss of any trees. Unrelated to the scope of work for the pools, they spoke of anxiery abaut trespassers and triose that access the. park a# the northeast comer through the fenct. In an effort to address the neighburs concerns, whiie preserving the city's goal oi achieving the greatest benefit for the system of pools as a whole, we have modifed our plan so that it does not encroanc closer to thc property fence lir7e. We do not advacate O•t'•~a r Ch I tCC- t iv jWle` ~ . eliminating the Lezy River entirely, as this is a very popular feature that the city witl gaW, beneiit from having. It is our opinion that by merely adding addltfonal deck space and ~ tables, (as suggested) the resulting crowds and noise would not be any less than with the inclusian of the Lazy Rlver as shown. Finally, we do not see a concern for the parking lssue at this park. The existii}g parking lot at the ponl has 100 spacas. There are also additfonal parking spaces at the west side of the park. The increased activlty may merefy result in encouraging more people to find other means than the autamobile on the busiest days of the year. Othervulse the parkin9 areas are yeneratly observed to have plenty of spaces. . . . . - . . , , : , ( t .ua, ♦ s+a~ r c. , . . - . . Tl~ ~ . . I ' ; - ~ ~ ~..z~ . ~ I , . ~ , , . E+H Schematic Plan of Terrace View Pool with Lazy River I Q•r ~ . ~Ip0 . ~W1ey ~ The Valley Mission Pool Is Iocated at East 11123 Misslon surrounded by park spaces, , ocreational uses and the Splash Down Water Slide Park. The recreationaJ uses on the sfte include a basketbali court, tennis courts and baseball diamond. Tho site is near esidential neighborhoods to the south and cut off by the fresway to the north. i~~ ~ • . • . . ~ , ~ . ti - - - - ~ ~..+r: y~~ _ _ ~ :•u': The proxlmiry to Splash Down Water Slide Park effscts the considerations for nc-• faatures at this location, since there is no des(re !o cornpete wtth or adversEly- that business. The paric itself appears to be poputar year round by residents Our recommendation for the Valley Mission Poot is to add a combination Leisure- <:r::i Training Pool with a Zero-Depth entry ciesigned so that it wiil increase the capacity c-~ the pool for tralning. Swim lessons are one of the blggest damands for the public po~''', and also ons of the best ways iar the Parks and Recreation department to serve iis mission. In additlon, swim lessons are a gaod source of income helpfng to support I ~ Iaquatics programs in general. 8y doubfing as a Zero-Depth Pool, the spectrum of people that can be served by this teature would be Increased considerably. The additlon of the Zero-Depih feature will increase the number af peaple whn can u~>- thfs pooi. Therefore, we also recommend that additional deck space wlth tables and beach umbrellas be added to provide a place for aduli members of the famil,; rP}., the facility while the children are in the paoi. At the fourth publ(c meetfnq where this concept was presontod, this concept '.:.i~,- ; . ~ C t'3 o•r•b Gi rC_- I i I 1_ r.'~ , I S'p~ikar~e ~ ' Fw~cxlt~ 5ucefcsti~ t ; t 1 ri: . ~ ' _ 41. K / \ tF~« f 1 h=~ ~ 1 I ~ • Ii ~ • ( - ~ L.-N - Schematic Plan of Valley Mission Pooi with Leisure/Training Pooi o.r•barch i -tectIs 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-26-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business 0 new business a public hearing ❑ informa~ion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution 07-010 Austin Appeal Findings of Fact and Decision GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-021, Guidelines for Appeals BACKGROUND: On Marcli 22, 2007, Janice Austin timely filed and paid for an appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision regarding Valley Coach Es#ates. The proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision are attached. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 07-010 adopting findings of fact, conclusions of law, and decision. ~ STAFF CONTACT: fviike Connelly . ATTACHMENTS: 1. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision ] CITX UF SYOKANF VALI.,I74-;Y CTl'Y GQUNCiid 12JE: Appeal of Hearing Examiner Findings ) RFSULUTIUN NO. . ) AnOPTTNG FIn'T)INC:S UF ) FACT, CUNCLUSIQNS QF of Fact, Conclusions oi'T.,aw, and 1)ccision ) LAW, AN'D nECISIOIY . ~ ) ) - WIILREAS, the Hearing Examiner conductecl a public hearing and on vtarch 8th, 2007, adopted Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and llecision in the iuatler of "Lar:e ReCIQSS f CQt1pT1 fram the UR-3.5 7one to the (IR-7$ 70ne, and Prelirrrinary Plat of Vulley Couclr Estures; flpplicunt; 1'ete Bttsler, 1%ile !~Fo. kE7-16-061SUB-03-06; and ~ Wi-E-REAS, on the 2211d day of March, 2007 an appeal of the tiecision was tirnely filed ~ hy Jane Austi.n; and W.l-IER,F_AS; pursuant to Spokane Valley Ordinancc 05-021 the IIearing L:caminer supplied a eomplete transcript and record of that hearing a.nd decision to thc City Cotincil; anci tiVHERFAS; the Cit), C;ouncil on the 8th day of May, 2007 set the matter for a qua.Si - judicial public heariiig for the 5th o1'June, 2007; and NV11CR,FAS; the City of Spokane Valley provided notice of saicl hcaring by m3i1 tu the appellant, the applic.aut; ancl all pa.rties of recorcl; and WHERFAS, a hearing was held pursuwit to Spokane Vallcy ordi_nance 05-021 on that date; and `VFILRFAS, the appellailt reyuested thal the Recorcl be supplemented with additionai • information, a copy of that recluest being tnacie a part of the Clerk's R.ecords; and WE-IE17.fiAS, the appellaiit subrriitted a memorandum 112 support of their posilion in a , timety rnatter, a eopy d that memorandum being made a part of the Clerk's Records and provided to the City Council; and ~ N~71-YLREAS, the Council received from the City Atcorney au wialysis of the rcquest to supplement the records, a copy of thar memprandum being made a part of the Clerl<'s Record anil providEd to the City Council for cheir consicleration; and - NN'T3ER_FAS; the City Cowlcil heard testiinony from tlle. APpe.llani; the Applicant; and the Cit}° Attorne), on bolh the request to supplcment the record and the appedl; NUW; '11-iLRE FORF, the City Council malces the following rindiugs of Fact, Concl«sions of Law aiid I)ecision. FINni\TGti OF FACT 1) The matcrials rcquested to supplement the record af the Hearing Eaajnincr did not relate to the disqualification of the Heariii; Examiner, were not matle.rs that were imprUperly excludecl I'rom the rccord aiter being oifered by a party to the heai-ing beCore the Hearing Examiner and did not relate to matters outside the jurisdiction af the Hearing Examiner. The docuinents identifiecl were prhnarily reJated to another developmcnt that had received prior appraval and had not been appealed. The itiaterials concerne.d appellant's opposirion th a contiitian requiring the constructioii of a public road within that prior de_velopmeut. 2) The .ApPeJlaiit arally limited the issue on appeal to the requirement contauied in th.e 1'reliminary Plat ajld Condit.ion 4 10 o.f:'the Cnnditivns of the Public Works 17Epar[ment- . Devclopmcnt Lneiueerine Division requiriug 14' of. improverne.nts %vith asphalt, type B ~ curb and guttcr and a 6 ft. side«Talk (i.e. a 24 foot ]2.OW dedication) be macle on the North side ot'the Plat and identified as iMaxwell ltoad, which road was to he barrie.acied until the remainder oi'the ROW could be acquired b}, the City. 3) 'lhe prnposed exle.nsion o1'NIax~vell is noi consistent with the boal of the Comprehensive l'lan Policies LUP-1.1 z~mci NP-2.1 wluch recommend that the charauter of the existin~ anci fiitLu-e residential neiEhborhoods be maintauied and protected through the deve.lopme.nt and enforcement of the Ciry's land use rcp-ulations and Joint Planning. 4) The eliminatian of the proposed MaxNvEII ROaCI i5 ROt lr1COnSiStent with Con-iprehensivc Plan Yolicies LUP-1.4 and LiJ1?-2.3 «rhic.h encourage flle de<<elopnten[ af the transportation routes and facilities to se.rve residential neighborhoods; with spccial attention given to pedestrian cir.culation; laiking and transil uses; Comprchcnsive Ylan Policy T 1.1P-16.1 which encourages new development to bc alTai7geci in a patterii of connecting streets and blcacks to allow pcople to gct arounci easily by f:oot, bicycle and car; aiid Policy "1"1' 02.1 «Jhich recommends thac street clesigns complcment adjacent development, in t.haC alternate rouies and acccss points are available within the proposed plat ancl adjacunt dcveloped properties. • 5) votice of the .Public ITearina on this pi-n~~osal was provided b_y the City of Spokane Valley Qn January lUth; 2007 throu& [11aL11I1g5 Al7d a Slgll pOS1:ed ()Il L}leSIIE.. Tlla[ C1QTICE: ntade no mention qf the proposed Maxwell Roac1 Ihat is in dispute. Information regard'uig the proposed roadway was only made public on Jaiitiary 22, 2007 NN~hen the City reccived the revised 1'reliminary Flat from the Applicant. 6) The public was not provicled suFf-ir.ient notice to adcquately responci to the addition af•' this roadway by the Public Hearing that was held on the 25t11 day of January; 2007. 7) The evidence presented at the Public Hearing was noe suHieient tn warrant the requireuient for the ProPosed Maxwell Road as designated in the approved Prelimuiary Plat aud sct forlh in Public Works 17cp-artmenl-Development Tocineer Division Condition oC Approval 410. CO\`CLi1SiOnS OF LAW . . 1) '1'hE request to suppleinent the record with adciiuooal in.fonnation did not meet the require.inent of Spokane Vallty Ordinaiice Nlo. 05-021 specifically Section 10.35.1 50 (1). 2) "L'he failure to include in the ]?ubLic Notice, the condition requiring the proposed Nlaxtvell Road eonstituted a.f.ail to follow the required proccsscs for noticc and as such consiitute a f.'ailurz to follow a prescribccl process; 3) The requiremeiit to conshuct the proposed Maxwell Road was not supported by sufficient evidence in the record. 4) The removal of the roaciway is question is consistent the Comprehensive Plaii. llEC15ION 1) The decision of the hearing Fxaminer is hereby affirmcd with the eYCCption ihat the Spokanc Valley Public Works l7epartuient-I7cvelopment Engincering Division Candition vumber 10 requiring the coListruction of the proposed Maxwell Avenue; located West of Bcll Street; along «ith iiiiprovements and siclewalks; is hereby deleted anci che 1'reliminary Flat Map shall be amended in a manner consistent vvith that reiiioval. DFITED chis day of Junc, 2007. Diana Wilhite, Mayor Richard N. Derienily, Cauncilme.mbea- Michae.l R.. DeVleminc, Colincilmember William N. Ctothmana, Cnuncilmember C * This deeision can bc appealed within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the datc thc decisiqn was issued by filino- a Land Use Petition with thc Superior Court as provicied in RCW Chapter 36_70(C) and ineetinb the ocher provisions of such chapter, and that the decision shal l act a,.s official noticc under RCNV 43.21(C)075. Affccted property o,~vners may request the Spokane Count;r Assessor for a cha.nge i.n valuacion for praperty, tax purposes nonvithstandinfz any prOgram of revaluation; pursuant. to RCW 36.70(B)130. _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 26, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Regional Transportation Concurrency Feasibility Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUPICIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Glenn Miles, Spokane Regional Transportation Council ATTACHMENTS: Regional Transportation Concurrency in Spokane: A Feasibility Study E ~ r-! ~ ~ n e~ C'oncurrency/ nS--,',po,,. a , b t'Y V'~a ' Study Presented to Spokane Va eY City Counci June 26, 2007 . Presented by ~ . Glenn F. Miles, Manager Spokane-Regional Transportation Council Transportation'Concurrency . • The Statutory requirement to ensure the necessary tran - sportation investments to maintain an acceptab e eve of service are constructed or imp emented a ong with growth . and deve opment • To deve op an eva uation of the advantages and disadvantages of imp ementing a regiona y based transportation concu rrencY system in a or a portion of S.pokane County . , . . , . J ~ Consultants • Bucher, Wi is & Rat iff Corporation Engineers, Planners and Architects, Seattle ' In association with • White & Smith,' LLC, Planning and Law Group Kansas City & Baltimore-Washington - Ruth L. Steiner, Transportation & Land Use COnsultirlg, University of Florida - Gainesville Tasks- Technical Memos Tech Memo #1 Tech Memo #2 Tech Mern~ ~3 Tech IViemo #4 Stakeholder - Concurrency Transportation Legal Agency Literature PerFormance Assessment - Workshop Survey Measures for Summary Concurrency Applications Tech Memo #5 Tech Memo #6 TeGh Me~o #7 LTech Memo #8 Political and Technical Criteria for Stakeholder Socio- Aspects of Identifying Interviews Economic Concurrency Regional Assessment Review Transportation Faci I ities I Tzech Memo. #1 & Tech Memo #2 Stakeho der - Agency Workshop Summary Concurrency -iterature Survey • Findings: = An overa interest in conducting an assessrnent of transportation needs that cross jurisdictiona boundaries to add ress reg iona needs - Many areas across the country refer to these as Adequate Pub ic Faci ities (APF) ordinances or agreements 7ach Memo #3 ~ransportation Performance Veasures for Concurrency App ications ~ Severa, Measures can be.used as indicators - Traditional volurne to capacity (V/C) or Level of Service (LOS) . o Requires adopting threshold for both -vehicles and public transportation usage - e Requires significant monitoring effort to maintain o Quickly becornes micro-scale analysis effort (Forest/Trees) Travel Time (TT) in regional corridors • Requires corridor to meet the standard recognizing some segments and intersections may operate poorly. • Travel time can be established for both auto and buses .ega Assessment • Wash,ington State statutes and regu ations provide sufficient bases for a reg iona concurrency system. . Would require Inter-local agreement.among jurisdictions and agencies since no joint regional authority is provided in statutes. - State law does not allow for exemptions of certain land uses from concurrency requirements (CBD areas) - Nexus and proportionality test would be essential to determine "fair share" in the implementation of a program of regionally significant projects crossing jurisdictional boundaries 7ach Memo #5 Po itica- and Socio-Economic Asse-ssment here is cautious optimism that it can work . in the Spokane Region. s Openness to the ity by comrnunit possibi Y :eaders and business • Deve opment com mu n itY perceives greater predictabi-.ity, consistency, and fficiency • Perceived as rnaking good economic r sense 'Tech Memo 96 ~ech n ica 'Aspects of Concurrency Review • Too s current y exist to imp ement a regiona transportation concurrency system trave. demand mode for identification • Regional of corridor deficiencies and testing a ternatives • Detai'ed capacity ana.ysis through sub-area studies and operationa mode s(Synchro, v-ss M). • Creating a two-tiered system that ooks at both regiona y significant faci ities and then those at the jurisdictiona eve . . . + eci l! jlatJ U tJ o 97 Criteri-a for dentifyi'ng Regiona ~ransportation Faci ities • Wransportation sYstems.or services that provide for the nter-state, ntra-state, . nter-regiona or ntra-regiona mobi ity of . peop-:e and goods . - State Highways - Loca' Princip'e and Minor Arteria s-.Pub ic Transportation - Bike and Pedestrian Faci ities Concurrency Framework Concurrcncy ~ Capit~l Improvement Plan capital iinprovement pro~ram iinancial resources scheduled i~nprovements T Land Use and ~.Cran~p~rtdtion Coordinal:ion Wcll 1)r~fted Ordinance Coinprehensi~~e Plans ~dopted performance standarc~s I grc~wll~ allac.~~tion & timinb mel'hodc7lc~~y . :I:nt~rgovernmental Caoperati~r~ Jointly establishcd pertormance s tand ard s/m ethod o 10 ~ y :~'rivate-1'ublic Cooper~~tion ~'ulitical Cominitment Pr~;dict~ibility Public Support Cc~uity Lega) Support Fl~~:ibiliry ~lcouirtability RFCOMMENDATIONS mRegional Visioning Process - County-wide Planning Policies (completed) • Regional Land Use Plan - Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plans (in process) - Land-use/Zoning change proposal reviews (Checklist Approach) ~ Regional Multi-Modal Transportation Network Plan - SRTC's Regional Demand Model for deficiencies and . alternatives - Discrete analysis of sub-areas for operational and proportionality e Regional Capital Improvernent Plan and Program - Coordinated with the MTP, TIP & local capital improvement programs - Revenue sharing through impact fees or other forms of infrastructure investment _ ; J RFCOMMFNDATIONS • Short Terrn Priorities - Interlocai Agreements - Regional Concurrency Committee . • Baseline (establishing the current problems) • PerFormance Methodology • Development Process Streamlining • Vesting 0 Trip Credits • SEPA & Concurrency • Two-tiered concurrency system . 0 Determination of Funding Mechanisms - Impact Fees - Revenue Sharing o r ■ o n~can Finding n order to make a regiona transportation concurrencY management sYstem work, it reauires each agencv to share some of their contro and authority in order to achieve something that has a greater good for the community. NEXT STEPS ~ Provide presentations to oca 'urisdictions . to determine the "Wi " to create a regiona transportation concurrency system - f the "wi. " is not there, the feasibi ity study is comp ete, and the status quo wi be rnaintained - f there is a co ective "wi " the SRTC Board has agreed move toward working on the short-term priorities with the oca jurisdictions Question s there an interest to support a regiona transportation concurrency svstem? . , ; ~ ~ . i ■ ~ s Questions S (I pim)ne V11707 E Sprague Ave Sulte 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fix: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallG~spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager From: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Date: June 26, 2007 Re: Comcast Cable Television Franchise Continuation The current cable franchise agreement with Comcast was originally due to expire on September 5, 2006. Council agreed to continue the franchise agreement, by resolution, to March 5, 2007 and again to June 5, 2007. City staff and representatives from Comcast have met several times to negotiate a new ~ %agreement. The next meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2007. Both parties are working to rnove forward in the negotiating process and progress continues to be made. Staff requests that Council approve the continuation of the current franchise until such time as the new franchise agreement takes effect or until such time as a franchise renewal is denied. Staff plans on presenting a resolution to approve this extension at the July 10th Council Nieeting. The Legal department has looked over this request and determined that there is no restriction to further continuing the agreement as long as both parties are in agreement. A representative from Comcast indicated that the company would not have a problem continuing the current agreement until negotiations could be concluded. A11 current obligations of the franchise agreement will remain intact. 0010000~ Sopoiime ~ ~ 4;00 Valley . 11707 E Sprague Ave SuiCe 106 ♦ Spolcane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cityhall@spokanevalley.org _ ..r._,.r.,,t 0• ■e:' ~..'~~~x, „ _ . . . . r....a,. r..,.. . ....r. r. Memorandum To: pave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: June 18, 2007 Re: May Report . 17uring May, financc cmployees worked in the followi.ng areas: f . 2008 Budizet vreparation A draft will be delivercd to the City Manager witlun a few days. A Finance Committee review ' caf significant issues is planried for thc middlc of Jtily. Towards the end nf July, a hearing will be held on our proposed revenue and expcnditures. . 13udeet variancelinvestment revort.s . 17cports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, co the 2007 budget, at May 31, 2007 ftre attached. Staff provides inforruation on selected aperating funds at monih end and a more cotnplete rcport quarterJy. - Sales tax rcccipts continue to exceed our estimates. Gambl_ing tax receipts are falling short of our esli.mates. Most other revenue and expenditures are witlun our expectations for this tirne of year. . The inveslment reporl is also attached for your revicw. ~ , 2006 Camprehensive annual finaneial renc>rt Prcparation of this repart has been delayed as we try to fill vacanl positions in the Finant;e L7ivision. We are seeking a qualified firm or individual to complete ttus report under a contract Nvith the city. This annual financial report is the document that is auditcd by the Statc Audito.r's Uffice each year. • VaCant pflsitiOns in Iainauce Lisa Comhs has bcen hired lo fill the vacant accounks payable pnsition. She comes to us fronl an F.,ciueatiou Serviee District with hands-on experieuce with accounts pdyable. Literviews were conduciecl with three applicants fUr the vac:ant AccountanUl3udget A.nalyst positioa. We arc checking references a.s wc uarrow the field in prcparation of an offer of employment to one of the cdndidates. City of Spokane Valley ~ Selected Operating Funds Budget Variance Report Year to Dato at May 31, 2007 Unaudited Amend ed (3udgel May YT4 UnreAlized Percent 2007 Revenues Revenues RevLortve Realized Gerteral Fund Ravonucs: Unreserved Fund 8alance $ 7,068,000 S - $ 7,066,000 S - 8 Property Tax 9,745,000 3.536,776 4,152,491 5,582,509 42_61 S Sales Tax 17,6E6,800 1,670,997 6,317,136 11,369,664 35.72 Gamb[ingTax 910,000 1118,760 145.951 764,849 15.95 7 . Franchise FeeslBusiness Lioensc* 724,970 5,667 244,385 479,782 33.75 2 State Shared Revenues 1,121,000 5,384 294,854 826,146 28,30 Planriing 8 Building Fees 1,867,040 225,548 822,204 5.044,786 44.84 F"ines and Fareeiiures 1,250,400 107,427 483,276 756,724 38.66 Recreation Program Fees 447,700 40,153 18$,315 259,385 42.06 Invesi. InG & Other 302,844 38,075 158,787 504,013 65.65 4 pporat(ng Transfsrs 75,oaa - 47,565 27,435 63.42 3 Ganeral Fund S 44,197,470 S 5,649,787 S 19,962.167 S 21,235,303 48.4596 8 ^ . Other Fund Revenues: Str2e1 Fund $ 7,658,000 S i94,707 $ 991,543 5 6,W,457 12.9596 9 HotelfhAotel Fund 658,000 39,808 526.200 531,800 19.18 Stomlwater Furtd 3,195,762 606.115 723,037 2,472.725 22.62 i ~ Other Funds S_ 11,511,762 $ 842,630 S 7,840,780 $9,670,882 15,88aib Amended $udge9 A9ay YTD Unresliz$d }'erCer►t 2007 ExDendihiLg.1, Exoenditures Exoe_ nd_ it~ires Reallzed , Goneral Fund Expendituras: Lc*gislative Branch 296,393 17,811 123,919 172,474 41.81 Exeaitive &[.egisiative Support 892,854 57,830 291,568 661,286 32.56 f'ublic Safery 18.256,400 1,415,910 5,768,i26 12,489,274 31_60 Operations 8 Administralive Svcs 1,470,603 90,729 450,405 1,020,203 30.63 PubliCl'Votks 1,391,887 84,132 408,975 982,912 29.38 Planrting 8 Cammunlty Dev. 2,411,276 166,222 814,313 1,596,363 33.77 Library Services 20,000 4,559 4,559 15,441 - Parks & Recreation 2,087,086 114,368 5$2,671 11,504,4115 27.92 General Gavernmeni 12,063,0!00 2,583,838 3,666,993 8,396,001 30.40 5 S 38,693,544 S 4,535,399 $ 12,111,535 S 26,777,969 31_14% Other Funtl Expanditures: Sireet Fund S 4,326,372 5 96,026 S 1,060,532 S 3,265,840 24.5196 FtoteUPAotel Fund 658,000 13,606 80,575 577,425 12.25 6 Stormwater Fund 2`240,309 243.958 433.138 1,807,171 19.33 $ 7,224,681 S 353.590 S 1.57Q,245 $ 5,650,435 21,79°,5 / . 812Q12007 E:00 AM City of Spokane Valley - Investment Report ` For the Month May 2007 - Total . LGIP' F&M MM, F&M CD Investments Beginning $ 31,306,517.79 $ 1,594,238.00 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 33,900,755,79 Deposits 1,900,070_08 - - 1,900,070.08 Withdrawls (1,200,000.00) - - (1,200,000.00) Interest 134,930.20 5,676.36 - 140,606.56 Ending S 32,141,518.07 S 1,599,914.36 $ 1,000,000.00 $34,741,432.43 . Balances bv Fund General Fund $ 6,111,614.27 Street Fund 4,655,954.52 Arterial Street 900,067.40 Paths & Trails 22,744.25 hotelJMoiel - 442,525.31 Center Place Op 328,063.70 Service Level Stab. 5,080,265.07 Winter Weather Res. 544;013.75 Capital Projecfs 3,927,180.02 Spec. Capital Proj. 4,104,349.26 ` Mirabeau Point Proj. 369,131.83 Parks Capital Proj. 1,128,956.39 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 5,055,661.93 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,251,633.27 Equiprnent Rental 804,154.63 Risk Management 15,116.83 S 34,741,432.43 *Local Government Investment Pool \ l FooTNOTEs Note: 1 Property tax & stormwater fees received in May & November 2 Received quarterly • 3 Internal transfer is made twice/year. 4 City estimate was too low 5 70% of this budget is reserves. Emergency use onfy 6 Requests for reimbursement are light in early months 7 One significant acct is delinquent 8 Error in beg. Fund. Bal. amended budget 9 Spring 07 budget adjmt contained an error. $7.068 million is correct ~ a M~. S pokane pUBLIC W RKS DEPA O RTMENT ~ - .Valley MONTHLY REPORT May 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA has currently completed all arterials is working in the Valley floor. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has started working on Shouldering projects • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - V1lSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contradwith CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review.. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for their Wastewater Facilities Plan and beginning their RRP process for a new treatment plant. CAPITAL PROJECTS: • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending outcome of the SpraguelAppleway Comdor Sub Area Plan. Staff participated in Sub Area Plan core team meetings with consultant, the third public worlcshop, and the joint City CounciUPlanning Commission meeting. ~ • Street Master Plan Consultant continued their work on finalizing both phase 1 and phase 2. • Sullivan Road PCC Continued coordination with WSDOT. Project scheduled for constn,iction in July 2007. . • PineslMansfield The County and State are preparing final designs of their respective areas of the project. The County Right of Way Dept. is working on appraisals and on the acquisition process. The project is scheduled to advertise for bids in the fall of 2007 wdh construction scheduled to begin in 2008. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges David Evans 8 Assoc. is working on the final design. David Evans 8 Assoc. continued their woric on appraisals and access agreements. This project will advertise in the summer of 2007 with partial construction scheduled to begin in 2007. • Barker Road Bridge Project Permitting, property acquisition and final design has continued. CH2M HILL finished the Environmental Classification Summary (ECS), SEPA and cultural resources study and beginning woric on the JARPA and other supporting studies. This project will advertise late fall or winter in 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2008. ~ ~ONSTRUCTION ~ • CenterPlace Project closed out. 0 Argonne Road Overlay Project Paving is complete. Permanent striping wil) be complete by June 15th. • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punchlist items remain. • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Punchlist items remain. • Vera Terrace Sanrtary Sewer Project Project complete. Punchlist items remain. • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled in July. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on June 5, 2007. • Trentwood San'rtary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction scheduled to begin June 25, 2007. TRAFFIC: a Continued working w'rth WSDOT and Spokane County on controller replacements and new signal timing for Sullivan Bridge Closure. • Spokane County placed order for energy efficient LEDs to replace incandescent signal bulbs. • Submitted flashing beacon grant applications for 3 schools. • 17 - Construction and util'rty work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 30 New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concems, streetlight outages, - requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parlcing issues. , . STORMWATER: • Construction of the stormwater improvements for Beverly Hills neighborhood was completed. • Continued inventory of UIC facilities and outfalls. • Broadway excavating and cleaning swales_ STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of May pnvate contracts have invoiced $117,334 and the County has invoiced $585,518, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $702,852. The County has invoiced $5,849 and private contracts have invoiced $153,097, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $158,946. The overall total is $861,798 or 30.3% of the budgeted funds. LAND DEVELOPMEPIT - May 2007 NEW APPLICATIONS . COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS • Boise Cascade outdoor storage yard COMMERCIAL PRE-APPLICATIONS White Truck Repair Shop/Lounge truck repair shop/lounge S.E.S. Equipment 7,000 sf building "C" Cedar Chateau Estates Carport 450 sf carport Gedar Chateau Estates Carport (2) 450 sf carport Evergreen Crossing/Fred's Appliance 20,000 sf retail sales Trent Sales LLC 9,720 sf storage bldg. Spokane Valley Fire Station 7,000 sf fire station Moco Engineering 2,880 sf pole building Woodruff Bsn. Park Phase 2 rough grading permit OF S Building 4,000 sf pole bldg. INAL PLAT APPLICATIONS BSP APPLICATIONS LAND USE PRE-APPLICATIONS • PRE-39-07 rezone UR-3.5 to UR-7 • PRE-44-07 3 lot short plat . COMBO (REZONE/SUBDIVISION) APPLICATIONS • PRE-40-07 rezone from UR-3.5 to UR-7 and preliminary plat for 22 single- family lots and 12 multi-family units SHORT PLAT APPLICATIONS • SHP-07-07 2 residential lots • SHP-12-07 3 lot short plat • SHP-14-07 4 lot short plat , - • SHP-15-07 9 lot short plat • SHP-10-07 . 3 lot sho►t plat REZONE APPLICATIONS ~ • REZ-06-07 rezone 4 parcels from UR-22, B-3 ~ J and UR-3.5 to I-2 • ZE-94A-84 amend planning conditions A-2 and A-10, and remove planning conditions A-1, A-4, A-5 and A-8 for file No. ZE-9484 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT • BLA-13-07 10402 and 10406 E. 4'" Ave. STREET VACATION • SN-02-07 a portion of Shannon Ave. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT • PRE-43-07 auto wrecking yard in the I-2 zoning district . ~ ~1 Sp6kane . VallvJ Capital Improvement Projects 2006 8 2007 PROJECTS Propoaed EsUmated DesEgn Gonstrue2ion 2006 (2007) Total Projact Goat Bid Date Complotlon Dato Gomptato Complebe Funding Funding Road Const►uction ProJccts Project LocaUon STP(U) Argonne Road Overlay Indiana Avenue to Montqomery Avenue Mar-08 611l07 106a6 95% $ 318,800 $ 318,600 Road Design Projects T18fCMAQ Pines/Mansfteld Projed Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd., Pines to I BG Sep-07 6J1108 90% 0% $ 1,032,015 $ 4,531,048 Sl'P(U) Applevay Avenuo Reoonstrudion Tschirley Rd. to Hodges Rd. Jul-07 611l08 90°,6 6% $ 608,D00 $ 6,099,568 BR Bartcer Road Bridge Replacement 8arker Rd. at Spokane River Dec-07 1211l89 90% 6% S 893,101 S 10,000,000 Sewer Projects City Veradale Heights - Paveback Vallerivay to Missian. Evorgreen to Adams Mar-06 6/1f07 100% 106a6 S 430,256 $ 430,258 Ciry Vera Terrace - Pavebadc 2nd to 7th, Evergreen to Burns May-06 511l07 10096 10696 S 341,264 $ 341,284 City Spaldings - Paveback Indiana West af PAontgomery May-07 1111107 90;b 0% $ - $ - City Grandvicw Aeres - Pavobaek Apr-07 11l1f07 10096 5% $ - $ - City TrenNrood - Pavcbaclc Apr-07 1111107 100% 0% $ - $ - Planning Projects STP(U) Vallcy CoMdor EnvlronmQntal Study University to Appleway n!a Jun-07 6% OSb $ - S - STP(U) Valley Couplet - Project 2 University to Evergreen 6% p% Total $ 3,626,236 $ 21,718,736 S7P(U) - Surface 7ransportation Program (Urban); 71B - Transpartatian Improvemem Board; BRAC - Bridge Repfacement Advisory Committee; COBG - CommuNty Devalopment Block Grant Program GMAQ - Congestion ManagemerrtfAir Quality Program; 5TA - Spokyne Transit AutharSty ' May 2007 ".uction Projects , • ~ M E vi Q TQ: Dave 1'Iercicr, City Manager FRQM: 12ick YanLeuven, Chicf of Police George Wigen, Administrative Sergeant llATF: June 18, 2U07 RE: Monthly Report Mny 2007 nurinF_ the morith of May 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAll) incidcnts for the Spokane Valle}• Police L7cpartmeni iotaled 4,565. These are self-initiated offcer contacts; as well as calls for servicc. Out c;>f those incidents, 1,474 actual reports Nvere calcen during the mont:h of May. Attached is the breakdo-m1 describine those incidents. Addiiic>nally; there were 1,544 traffic stops conducted tllat resulted in 321 traffic reports. Tncluded witll th.is report are hotspot maps for 'May residentizl burglaries, May commereial burglaries and May traffic collisions, along witll April and May stolen vchicles. ADN!ITNTSTI7A`l'1 VE: ♦ C}uef VanLeuven met with iiiembers of the Stiident Advisory Council at their regular ~ ineetingand discussed cun•enc crime trends in the Spokane Vallep with the group. ♦ The mulfi-agenc.y Ctang Liiforeculent Team (GET) is tlle 1•irst unit to combine full-time DUC personnel, ATF, 1 F31, prosecutors and other lacal laLV enforcement persoiuiel including officers from the Spokane Valley Police Depu-tment vid the Spokaiic County Sheriff's Office; and is considered exemplary by the Washington State Aliarney General's office. Members of the Attorncy General's staFF met. with Chief VanI,euven aiid othcrs Nvhn have been involved in the fbn-nation of GET, along witii uiembers oFthe team itself, to discuss gang issues. ♦ The Chief attended an executive session oi'the Board of County Commissioners far a jail update aud discussion of a cimcline for future jail needs. ♦ He attended the amiual Washington Sheriffs and :l'olice Ciuefs (WA5PC) confcrence in Wenatchee, wfiere he was able to network and share with many other heads of police . departme•nts arounei the state. ♦ Thc 201h annual 1...aw Enforcemcnt Mcmorial Service, along with rededication of the new monument, was held in the courtyard of the Public SaEety Building. The ncu= manurnent contaiiis the nameti o(' 290 officers wtio havc died in the line Af duty in Washinbton state. ChieF VattLeuven jouied Mayor Wilhite, Councilmember Munson and Councilmember Gotlwiaiui and many oiher commun~ity members in attcndance, along with iamily members f(/~ of fallen law enf.orcement officers to whom the meniorial %vas de•dicated. \~J! . Page 1 ♦ Chief VanT euvcn also attended the 10`h aiinual Law Lnforcemenc Appreciation breakfast sponsored by the Chaplaiilcy. ♦ Classes held at CencerYlace in Ma;r included the International Police Vlountain 13ike Association J?olice Cyclist class; ajid a hwo-ciay class entitled Criminal Strcet Gangs 1nvestigaiions. Chicf VanLcuven gave .velcoming remarks at bot}i thesc events. The Gangs class was i'ederally fluided thxough Homeland Security, witli 31 people froiii throughout the Nortliwest iu attendaiice. "1 he instnictors; «lilo travel ehroughhut the nation to present the classes, «Je•re from Detroit and Los tingeles. COvlINtUNl`1'Y ClI7:[l:N'TEll POLICING: ♦A Special Olympics filndraiser cvent was helcl at Krispy Kreme. Cluer VanL,euvcci pai-cicipatcd, along with SheriiF Knezovich and nwner.ous oi!'icErs ancl deputies from the Spokane Valley Aolice TJepartinent and Siaokane County Shcriff's Office. "1'he sueccssfu] event was well att.e.ndcd vid proceeds supported tlus woirthwhile pro}cct, NviL17 participation from Sheriff's Reservc deputies; Spokaile County Jail, Department of Emergency . Vlanagement, Marine Unit and others. The Stierift's helicopter was on display; along \vith other specialized equipment used by the T)e.partmenl. ♦ Tlie Lilac Festival Association honored Military Persons of the Ycar at its azmual A11-City Ci<<ic Vlilitar}, lLuncheon at the Davc:nport Hotcl. Chief VanL,euve.n,joined other collEagues and dignitaries in ho»oring persons choscti by the Ghamber of Comrnerce for this - , reCOgilltiOn. • The S.C.O.Y.L. Abaidonecl Veluc.le Unit processed a tc>tal of 123 abandoned vehicle reports in the Spokane Valley in the montli of May, resulting in 40 velucle.s taggecl; 14 citations issued and ] 3 velucles towed, ♦ Membcrs of S.C.O.P.E. pitrtnered with the Spukane Valley Wal-Nlart in May to host Safety Day at Wal-Nlari, a safety educalion event to raise money for the Cluldren's Nlicacle \etwork. "1'he evcnt featured a Bicycle Safety :lZodeo; with helmets aiven to ehildren who didii't have onc; parents of children recciving. heunets were asked to mace a $1 donation tliat ~vcnt direetly to the Children's Miracle Netv,.,ork. Prolits fiom food concessiUns also were given to the vliracle \jehwork. S.C.O.P.E. Opcration Facnil}, ID; a prugr:im that pravidcs parents with a disk that holds personal identifers and z digital photograph of tlieir e.hildren, wa,s also available. The disk can be provided to Iaw enForcement shauld the child ever go missinb and an Amber Alei-t or otlier search mechanism become ne.cessaiy. OPFRATIONS: . ♦ Aru ; Call Ends in Firc, Suspect Huspitalired _ One stispect died in a local hospical's Intensive Carc Unit and a second was on the run fOlIow1I1a a "druo ac.tiviiy" cotiiplaint that turned into a fight at a Spokane Valley residence. O.f.ficcrs responded to the 6400 block of l;iftli after a cocnplainant acivised that the.re was drug aCtivity unclerway a.»d a wanted felon was involved. "["!te residcnce was a Page 2 f~mobile lionie lAith a travel erailer i.o the backyard. Offieers conlacted persons inside the ~ J maitt residencc and learned that Trent A. Yohe, 37: was in the travel trailer witli a second man. When off.'iccrs wen[ to the back and anJiounecd Their presence, the second man popped out of a vent in the trailer's roof, jtuilped onto an adj4ining roof and fled the yard. nt the same time; flaiues appcared inside the lraveJ trailer. Officers forced entry anct saw Yohe 1}ring on a couch; sufTering from what appeared to bc a scizure. The officers recognized that Yohe needed to be rescucd from the fire aiid that he needed niedical help. He did not comply with thcir commands to ex.it the trailer, aiid they entercd to remove him froui ttie smoke-fille.d space. Yohe uninediately began punching at the officers and .flail'uig . tus legs. 'I'hey drauged him outside «<here he continued to fighi. A ta.ser was used to aaui control of the suspe.ct, anci he went unconscious. Firefighcers Nvere calted to extinguish the fire whic.ll appe.ared to havc been a pile af papers set ablaze on top of a computer. Paramedics responded to the scenc to treac Yplie. He ,vas transpoirted by ambulance to a local hospital where hc died. The Officer tnvaived Fatal Iticident Yrotocol was invoked and botli Spokatic Police and SherifT's QFfice nlajor crunes detectives began investigatino tlle event. The residence on Fi.fth was taped off and dctcctivcs obtained aNvarrant tn search the travel trailer where the incident initially began. Yohe had an outstandiug felony wari-mlt charging him with I'oreerv which carried a$20;000 bond. The uicident rcmains under investigation. ♦ Copper'I'hei'ts Continuc in Valley ta Spokane Vallcy business w;.►s sa-uck. b}r a burglac overivght, and coppE•r wire was ~ a.ppai-ently tlie primary iarget. A.n employee tolci offcers that the suspe•ct struck Hodges Supply on 'Montgome.ty in the early morning hours. The thief broke out the glass' in the fi-Ant ciaor, entered the tirm and removed several spanls Uf cnpper wire from a storeroom. The suspect also found a pair pC bolt cutters i.nside the business tliat hc used ta sever a padlock from a fenced area. Officers seized the bolt cuttcrs and padlock fc?r fingerprint examinaticm. The enlployee said the eompany's loss includec3 sixteen 50-pound spools of \1eh.rinD braaici #2 coppcr wirc and one spopl of Picard-brsnd bare copper wue. Total monetary loss was more than S;,200. ♦ Vallcy Nome Yiel(is Nlarijuana Gri»w Spokane Valley Police and sherifPs detectives removed a 50+ plant iiiarijuat1a gru-wing operatinn frpm the basement of a I1ome ai in the 18000 biock of E. 13ow. Officers deve[oped infonnation regardiiig tlic opcration fi•om pErsans familiar Nvitli the residence. Those sow-ces provided photos of the marijtiana plants taken on a cellulaT- phone. Spokwie Va11ey Police officers guarded the residence white a search wan-ant was nblained and theil assisted sherift's drug detectivcs in disrnantling dnd reinoving the dr-ug oper3tion. FiftY- seven plants tliat had bccn growing bE.neatll a sophisticated track lighting system were seized. The homc's resident arrived as the warrant was being eYecutcd. She ,vas arrested and bool:eci inte the Spokaiie C:ouiit}, Jail on a felony charge of Manufacturinb a Couaolled Substance: ♦ Valley Check Suspect Arrested A 39-ycar-ald Spol:ane Valle}° womui was arrested and bookcd into the Spokane Councy Jail on a dozen felony eharges of Forgery, identicy Thef't, Theft a,nd Possession of Gontrolled Substancc. 'Che female suspect was drivuig oile of her five children to school Pagc 3 w]ien 1'roperty Crimcs Task Force detectives raidecl her home at in the 11600 block of E. , 1 airview about 9:30 a.m. She is accused of creating and passinp- cornputex-p-eneratcd counterfeit checks- against financial accounts belon-ing to scveral Spokane-area busine.sscs. Deteetives also sa>> the Suspect stole che identity of several private individual5 and impe.rsonated t11em to cash checl:s. During the search wan-ant eaecution at her home; investigators scized counterfcit cheeks; pieccs of identification in various victims' nRme.s; credit eards and comPuter components. Tliey also found cirug scales and user quant.icies of methamphctamine. SCOOTEiZS NNI) RtICES: Tllere were no scooter or bike• collisic»ls in Ntay. • Pa;e 4 2Ut17 MAY GRIME RtPOR i ~ May-0T1 May-06 1107 to date 1 06 to date (i 06 Total 1 05 Total ( 04 Total FiUR "'LF~RY 1 411 69 2191 274 714 1 7441 997 FORERY 1 391 49 1821 137 ~ 334 1 4841 46r. h9ALIClG1US MISCHlEF + 1081 7711 5261 385 II 1,122 t 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAl. 1 761 7111 3291 325 11 Si 1 1 7491 91+; "ROPERTY Q7HER 1 721 7211 3751 400 1 9821 1,1541 1,665 RE60VEREDVEH,ICLES 171 331 1481 120 1 4031 3331 39: , STOLEN NENICLES 251 54 I 218. 234 11 711 J 6031 577 THEFT 1 1751 18511 783 74611 1,8881 2,2561 2,853 UIOBC ~ 1 I OiI 41 31I 11 I 81 1 r' vEHiCLE OTHER ~ 01 iII 11 2 11 31 51 an VEHICLE PAOWLtNG 561 7211 3021 382 If 937 1 9581 1,382 TOTAL PPbpERTYCR/MES 6101 66311 3.0861 3,008 11 7,9161 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT 1 911 8Q11 3521 350 II 8461 894 88t] 70A/SUICIDE 1 231 1711 981 74 11 167 1 1581 16-1 DOMESTICVIQLENCE 1 861 6811 3811 248 1 7361 7621 75 F fIoMiciaE ~ o oll ot 1 I 51 11 _ KIDNAP ~ 1 211 71 1011 221 351 24 tvtENTAL 1 351 3011 1481 169 I( 4251 4251 38~=, MP 1 51 811 241 3011 881 971 10h, PERSONS OTHER 1 1131 7611 5391 431 II 1,1591 1,2581 1,62-1 R068ERY 1 51 211 251 1811 581 56 5el TELEPHONE HfiRASSMENT 1 91 311 401 3011 83 1 92 19cl TOTAL MAJOR CRlMES 1 3681 2841 1,5921 1,36911 3,6891 3.7771 4,192 aDULT RAFE ~ 3 11 171 9 11 291 39+ 3 1 CHILD ASUSE ~ 93 411 551 3511 781 1011 12r (;U TODIAL INTE~ FERENCE) 71 1311 311 54 11 'f05 1 88l 2C~~ ?E~ REGfSTRAtION F ~ 0 1 Il 1 1 J) 31 61 , IND~CNT LIBERTIES ~ 2 011 10 1011 151 91 2' CF11Lb MOLESTATION , 8 511 191 2811 69 1 671 77 CNILD RAPE 5 1011 11' 31 11 621 351 3RUNAWAY 30+ 2411 1381 13311 3091 3111 43-. SEX OTHER 201 1711 661 7911 203 1 1811 16": STALKING + 21 1ll 71 8 II 171 271 3r ~~,USP CIOUS PER ON 1 151 1811 611 8211 1771 244 34 ; TCytA_ §EX CRr~~t 1 1051 9411 4361 470 11 1,0671 1,108 1 `475 nRUG 1 701 3711 388. 306 U 6651 8911 9:; ^ ISU OTHER ~ 01 OiI 1 0 I 0 01 TOTAL ISU 1 701 3711 3681 306 1 685 8811 1,00G T!3tAL TRAFFIC REPORTS ~ 3211 28111 1.544 1 1.291 11 3,345 1 2,4031 2,776 j ~ JF-~ii•n t I ta1'~ q . Sant;or I r wn 'c ~+rr,c _ , ~L,.-~ n ~ Nf~►1f1 ~I:iY f-J'~ I 1-, 7f , ~ _1a Kle~'1{ll~ N T I N l: m~ Bucx o F• Nnrr s4i p~~ j ~ Csracs l-~ M IEv ° 5 I ; ~ ~ 1)~` I i -r ~ • , , - - - - • ~ y~y,,~pr jJ, t~` . 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I~ ~l ' ~r/~a.~ _ ,`Ist ~ dOnn10' m 32ru1 25U, ~ 33rr ' xl A 1•yC.; 35th ".Elth I ~ I ~ :tt~t I" z ~ a•~ '~,~b.~ b'~ _ 39~ SIPrMn~ ~ ~r ~ . - ~ Balle THaI I ~ r TtsfflG .I - ?t. ~ ~ 7' 3 UO ~ Qiff, o C0111610R9 `1 QekOVIRfp Q 641h 48th ~ ♦ ~ PeliE Au~►►Ir, , • {I~~~ n ~ ~ M LOW ( ?1 f _ ~an~ L ~Medlum Low _ , . ` , • 1, ~ p, ' ~ =M4edi um ~ 1in, _..^i g I ~ sHigh , n. ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ - . - ~ ~ . . • - _ ~ ~ 2007 May Traffic Collision H otspots Milp Prodvice0 13 June 2007 ~ 7 GM~ I , L~w,n nej F` R~n I ~ r515 ~!ULk 4 9 a ti~ i~r5 • ~ Y I ~~~7~ ~ m~ d~ _ ° r •~'i5~x' I ~ F[I ~ - 5~ ~l-~"I ~I ~ r - I a .1 llh I 1~ ~ I ~ T ~ . ~ _ ~..J 'Z 74 T Ii ~ Catak-.~.. 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