2007, 07-17 Study Session AGENDA CI1`1' OF SPnKAtiI: VAL1.E1' C'ITN CUUNCfL WORKSHCET 5TUDY SESSION 'Tucsdap, Jnly 17. 2007 6:00 p.m. CITY RAi.L COUNCLL CHAhiBERS 11707 East Spnguc Avenne, Ffrst Floor (Flrsur Turn ORAII Flrctronic Ucviccs Ilurieg the Mccting) D1SCUSSIO,N LFAUEI2 SURJF.C"1'lACTn'TTY GOAL F'mrluwy lntrYxfiicJion.t: Becky Gilhrrth, Administrative Assistm,t CenterPlace: by 11fEc Jaclaan, Pcrnkac & Rec Direcrur Purkt and R,erreatiun Srasanul F.nployves: 6y hlike Juwksan. Parb cCc Rec nfmclor Bonnie Cow, E»gin¢tring Tcclutician: byJaltn Nnfrnum, F'rrglnerr !i'ayne h!c(iavrtm, F.rtgineering Teclrnlciun: 6y.lohn floirmcm, Erigineer t. Stevc Worlcy/J.U.B. Rcprascntn- Drafl Strcvt Mastcr Plan I'rrsentation DiscuSaiorL/lnforniation tivcs (60 miuutes) (irriL Mclcirmick (90 minutcs) Unitorm Devclapment Codc Delihctatian Uiscustinnr'Ly('urnlation Titic 19 3. Nte}•or Withice Advarkc Agrnda Additioni UiscussionMforrnation •f_ Ii,rurnrutivn Onlv.' {'Ti'il/ nat be discussed or presanted): 't DevelnJerAgreeme»t f.nrKellFr Rnad Shap•t Phjt,tiNY 04-fi' .IrilnJ HnJtntint lr. Prr.cilr(j►r h'f•rlixcsifi,°;rtrc»ic - Trish Rrmis-Hurt 5. Mayor Wilhiie Counci! Chsck in Uikussion/tnfomtutiun fi. Davc Mcn.irr ( iri N18nager Cotnrnent; [liscic,sionRnfortnAiion :1 D.inURN No1r. Unlas attuns-ise aatcd above, then w111 be ao pablic cnmmenh ut Council Stady SeseionL Flawever, Counrfl alwr)s re4en•n the rigbt to reqaest iafurnucba trom the publle tad stxRm apprapriatG 1)uring meciings hrld h}, the Cit► uf Spoknns V.lle}- Council, the Cowr.(1 racnvs the : igtit to taicc "aCtian" utt any itrm listul ar subscqucmly addcd ta the agcctrla Ihc !cnn "acticm" mc,n; ~o dclit►crnrc, cliscuss, nwicw. considcr. evaJunte, or mnke n anllective po-Nitivo or ttegative decisinn. 23UTlCE ladAiluab z+launing m auend the meeting Mho eortuira speeial msestante k+ acu.mmalats physicnl, homng ar attKr unpaurrsttrok p1e+sc consssct Ihe Cny C7erk ai {5+14) 91-1-I000 ts wnn at pasible fa tfitt ntinnft-nrrntn mav he mnde CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 17, 2007 City Manager Sign-offItem: Check all that appiy: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ publlc hearing ❑ informatian Z admin. report ❑ pending Feylslabon AGENDA ITEM TiTLE: Draft Street Master Plan Presentation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adopted 'the drafting of a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding optians», as a principal 2006 budget goal. Reviewed a draft scope of woric at the December 20, 2005 Cauncil Study Session and authonzed staff to issue an RFP for the selection of a consuttant. Reviewed final scope and fee for J-U-B Engineers' at the May 2, 2006 Study Session and appraved them on May 9, 2046. JUB Engineers presented a status of the project on December 19, 2006. The draft report was included as an Informational item in Council's July 10, 2007 packet. BACKGROUND: Council expressed their des;re to develop a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options, that Idendfies the cument condition of the city streets and recommends appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. J-U-B Englneers was selec#ed as the mast highly qualified consultant for this projeci. The scope for this worlc is divided into three phases. Phase one is the development of I pavement management system that will evaluate the current canditions of the city streets and deternnine what steps are needed to maintain them at their cuReni level. Phase two is to assist in the development of a Six Year Transportation Improvament Plan incorporating tfie results of phase one and the other transportation needs of the city. Phase three combines the first two phases into a singie Strest Master Plan report. The Draft Stree! Master Plan report was ircluded in Ceuncil's July 10 packets OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Direction ta staff on further development and/or implementation of the Street Master Plan options BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Budget impacts depend on the approach chosen to meintafn the ciry's street infrastructure STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Dfrector Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS Draft Street Mastet Plan PowerPoint Presentation, ASTM D 6433-03, Strest Fund and Capital Improvement Program Funding Spreadsheets (3) ~ *60 . stmt master Plan ,;ooVafle~ Pf . • f f / • . P I I I yy~J L~41NtG~~ ♦v_ .uw.r•r.~....o•. Sp6k,,StrNt MUber Plln nc~ PctrFrttent Aianaqetrtcrtt F'roqram P 1 I ' _ • _ • - City • pavement management • • • • well- maintained, • quality _t oti - lowest reasonable • s ' levels • - • - carefully Mo : • vvith . f • . o • ' p• • ' • • . - . . ~ • ...ti:-cr.rc : - 1 ~.~~1~ Strw Mttw Plan Pcn•e»:ent .1lunuqernent F'roqrarn 1 i o • ofa 'utlement Alg PlWram o . • Inventory / . . • . D" • • ' • d • Analysis . • R. 1 g i dg' Analysis o vSix " . . • . Improvement P . . • p • Interface Stmt Msster Plan IS p 0 Yavernent.M1fnnayement F'royi•am Pavement ond I 00 ~ VAIW , - O c - ' M 1 92 55 .0 , 2 i ,~Wnet Mtter Plan PCt7'c'7T~E'T17 `ICiTTf:f7OTtle'Tll I'f-ntlT'ci►7t P ' • / / a 4' 1'v"M ..l1.m"°1-r: ,di:cl 2I 1 dollars) 1 mM • og :r 1'{'1 • g Sea] Yewil •1 C: d •g - .:i !11 o• :r. • 1 . * SeW - • r g :r { 1 W • g M 1 od o!.1!1admBLmkW M1 ~ ~ oOmL Year t • •1 • • .~~~rr 1 1_( . . Stw Matter PIN Pavrmrnt .'1lanuqeir:ent I'rc>_qraTri I , ' mme Selectio CartfiGraph PAVEMBffview PAVEMENTview Plus Powofti -,o r.r . :,g. t o oftware Supo• =~i=;~, - . . _ - - - _ - 3 10101'\~ Strett Mastet P~Ibn kn' Paz!ement S1ns2ngemcrit f'riqlrcim Street 5054 individual . t :...I,. 0 _ . % . .W,.....-.: ft& - ft Surface :P : N ~1~~~ Stmt Mattet Plen YcnvPnienl .M1latta_qernent f'ro_yram o / I r y Cla' a 1 . I ~ - l, !I 4 Sp-&a~ne~ Slre~t I~uter Plan neTT~-nr~ »t 1I'e1t7i!!I('T7lPT1t PT'(1lji'C7171 Currmt 1 i / e ~.1 Fund Annual Street • P abon $ 1.0 1 00 • • {e . ' 1,300,000 STEP 900,000 ' Capital Projects $2,250,000 . . • . 111 . . • Stroet IAstbf P!an nc Pat-entent i-fattngerrzc:►tt Pro(jrnm . 1 ~ r - =eO..dJ ~ W-7 !1 1 . ' - - - ~ . ►~•I ~ II v Pian Yeu ~ ~ ..uti 1. . ir ~ . , . . 5 Sre*t Matter Pbn s ~ ~k~' P(I1`E'T71fT2t 1TQTll2i]t'771~^iF f'T•lilJl'clliI a'e-p-tic ank Eliminatio ' ogra ' Capital : • 911 111 p year : • s - - • • s l • 1 • of newly semre• o.~ Actual budg _ I o •-d . . d maintenance • • ' ' • • affect ~pti~:arx~~ Stmt Mttter PIan Ycivernent Ala►tnge►neni Pro_qram Spectflc ' oad• - o • a . on R. : .s t, . . . . . . . ! t. Univereity V RQ.. d, 4th Ave to • Dishman-Wica '•_d. 160 Ave to 0 ON - PavernentMucture AdwWate Inadequift ! •!,N{ • 1 1 . I 'on ' i-qLr. NbnO.. ffinf I I re! l; I 6 ~ Street Iiii Plan Pavement Al(titctqe»teTtt f'rnc~runt ; ' atment 7)1p, P-mv-aritive Maintenance ':b • W• .r g Asphalt Ovedays •g Sealing o•. • . • Asphalt / _ .,d • ~ ' - • t ri • • R • dl. • • / Sealing Street I,uttr Plan 1 Paii•<•yttFnt 11(irtttc/eTltritfPrciorn;rt R' / I' Maintenance I • 1 ' • • o• Seal a a- ccm ft_ . c; ' r Ordy Y h- ' t: • - • • t •n - E)ft - - o .m ~ t-+ .i q ~ . , 7 ~ S~t I~ttet Pl~n j~;~]j~y~ Pat~ement .nfnrtaqemertt I'rvqram ommend• d Maintenance Strategy AM M • %aYTMn 1 Owrlay r - - oft - - 0 :i d 1 - J 1_ 1 : :.l pw fr- ds SU41-pp ! . l' pr* r: b._ i• r stc. . o.. o_ "f E a .-yyj a~•,La ,rL13'.l ~JI:~S\~^.I IJ~~~! ,.jt~~~' i dr• r o• r a• d • MaintWn s•D . a + g -w o • • • Maintain 0000[r +:,i v R 61 cn.: : mffred i i ' bu► gc; iti ' 1 1 1 .r 'I : thrm YMM ~ fin-Osd bc g ft • i OPTM :i ft r,t • " 111 ~a~~ 3trw Muter Plgn j`^d1kn I'arF'7T?l'7Zt IiC27IC!(jf'IT1er1t l'rrrilrct~~t Optio t r / I Pftoenmdon au _1 n ~21? TOTAL Annual . 73r► M Wt 1 a 1 _ 1 1 1 40 : m1 w U m mme M 1 0a AM Uldeffividarl M1 1'1 $2 01 ! W 1 351 1 1 . ~ . r . ~ . Street Mttter Plan j~~i~k'~ f'rtt•~ntertl 1tlant~yE~rttt~~lt 1'~-v,yrRr~t f ptioni - Mainta I I Y4NIr nf o - •11 Y M /11 . f 1 {11 '3111 111 ' G 1 W L AD . L 1 m 1 . 01 1 1 1 'S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r - 1 1 I 'I 0 m Y u 1 w T . 1 1 I 1 1 'k1 m1 1 t 1 I 1 1) ' 1 I 11 7m 7 7 111 rt. 111 AM 11+ tw t = 00 't m •t upi im 9 ~~d Sttw:t I~Aa3ttsr FIB;; ~`~~]k%- Pnrement 91ano<,t-,.rz• rtr IptiOn 2 - Mainta 1 6o s-_ -:u g •.i -l _ ~_i uft.i am . .w .ti A 11 1 .Y ' 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 f Y1 t - 1 1 W 0k W190 giindw $Y : P= 1 1,1 d: wXbd 01 1 1 1 :51 6 1 00 u wf 1 e m e e 0 = 0.rJ ~c:?um " mm 1uI.t m1i1i1 m/ 1 111 4,W5.lDf)G Street Mathr Plart ~ e / ption 2 - Ma . / . o RL-commoWed 6-Yow MaMtmnm & RehabUft.M. Yeer . • ga,., ow mm ~ = Sm = :M.W m W = ~~D.= SX4MM = t : i i W 50 i w ♦"%m imi i r W am 7M f1r 7=.= sm.0m :t;. 11r w.l 111 'Y . I I 111 m7! i ./1 ~I ~ :'l l 11 i . 10 ~ 0-0 She~t I~stor Plan ~s`:jik~ 1'~7t'~'nte•rrt 'tlartcr<jcyrtFnt F'rirtTrnm I JDV7177#7771.77~7-' 1 M i u. . . . I ~ - - - 1 • ~ - - - - - - - y • aT I _ ~ I • I . [rr f • - y . . ~ ~ • ' r Ptan Yyr . , - a~, . r...~ ~•,~~pe~ StrNt Mut*r Plo Pui•ementMcrnagement 1'rogram _ - - ~ - City oi Spokane VaUey Croel 1~d ~ 7D0~ ~ ~ ,a~~ n 7 , - I I I i t1 Street Muter Plan jVdjjey Pavement M1tanagement Prograrn City ot Spokone Vatley ~ '~tl' Muy ~s~ Lu :LMI ' ~e StrW Matter Ptan ~t~l~k'tiY~tt'rtrtc'Ttl '~luttt!~lc~trt~~tt! f'~•~,i~r~i!~t - . , ni ~ ~ . ' 12 ~;a~ Str~t MutK Ptan jVAjey Pauerrernt 117anagement Program City at lpokane Ya11cy . n ueu tf+~i. ~ r40. C.u.cw. fw+4a t . ....1 s~~_ . • s-`1`~`~••~~'r=,~~ -j_ ' - ; -~~;'-~i~ 1~~~4+~ ~ ' `rh ~-i'1 ~ • ^ C -s + ' • ~ . • i : - c~ . - , • _ .l I ~`r+_~~r.l I SMt Mubr Ptan ~ j`;j~k~• Pavement37ccnaycnte►if 1'rugrctnt , o , d , a , ogram Maintenance bw._ ~ tb • ~ ro.. OOi : Oir 01'~ on' "t : 1 1 11 _ti-s 1'l l Tooft Iw, 1{ !61 SW.000 • , 900 • ' ' t hours 13 6 Street I~ute~ Plan j`aIk'% Pnrenteiit3faricccje►neitt t'ruqrarn i Council `-ro •.I• • AnnuW 1 _ -e D Pavement Managemertt Plan R • ovement Projects P - Management Program • • tre' • • • d i d{ I !~y ~e • J t'i [~l'-l~ [LL.:~! Spg~~~~ Slreet Matbr Plan j~Z]~• Pa~~errtcrit .~tcu~~uTci~ie~tf I'royrarrt / ons and Comments? . , 1.~ s . Sft"t ftter Plan a 1 I I ! P 1 f Six-Year /1 I I / I I I ' ' P 1 1 1 ~J•UB ~ ~ Stnet Mutar Pian Ircrospartatiort Plartiiiytg - .Six-I 'ear 77Y P~rqject Overvieto • Review D - - . Analysis :Medwdologift Development • _ po W . • - - Program d= tI r ffi • - - ti i .✓N. ~ . t ~ i 5tteet Mattet PIan Tram"or[crfion I'!u<<:tiriq - .tiix-1<,cir 171' ' I ms• d: * o . . g . : ~ds . :ssen t 1 : _ p• tc* system - t p • Y[- p t =c1. p • 1 . I' ' fo ag' p : 1 • ' 1 f d_ ' ffiore effirient - d b=ft ft _.d I decision-nmdft • ♦ ♦ e_ ' ett:' manap '='o r_" V 1: t: 1•~; pro ti de 1 1 g sWfip • roseds o makftin p" • : io i or' . _ •a~ Sthet µtahr Piar: 7'rartsportatiu; - Review Ia i r d Analysis Methodologies Interviews 1' • d:. (e ' .m' ' concems, d_ g dr:iY. p 0 ' ' • de.. 1 ' etc. Other jufisd M ♦ . 0 1D \ e- in ' inlomkVion, • ' I . • 2 .r. ght~t Mabr P~n j`,•a(jCy 7'ranspvrtation Ptmening - Six-} ear TTP ► Iuta i d r idi ogie: • • milm ~ fuftcOmaNy M''s; ' d • sysftm t . g 1 1 _ .Mi: m ate d bI M' m .il"• ' o : M - 177 - ' ' o ♦ M b * M .ti1. ed madwap 126 qoj• I 1"' _.c11 • _ II Ol M • I dW' o _ g " • • I - 1• obtti-n ftafft r• • N1 0 ' ' 1 ( O : MM d: N' o : pecific PmJ:. M analPft Sh!!t Mulrf PUn ~`~~I k.N, Trcinsporla[ion I'Ianniny - Six-1'eur TlP ! Dr a a r Anaksis 1 d1 I 1 - non1 - t :lII• ' t: bi- eg - program •obt: I t: ►ounts • BWi : MI o " :o: Dr. _ ' MI'• o • ' - • lu ' D ~:pby madway ' d I lis Bon • : '"wm g: Ov* * D.. p- : r d: ft g: p r- ..•.1-.- • ; l r ~ I J ,te5treet Maiter Plan Ylanning - Six-1"eur'1-IP I• r, ent o Ia r Analysis or Geographic •v : h. Systeffs Syshm p_ o a :i : - ! c. . • r - • : • . « ' • s * :tt o s a• • ' s.c d- • r W = I Raft Street Master Pian ,,;,O%r uljpy Trcinsporiation Ylunriiicy - Si.z-I ectr TIP If Spoxane VnilaY ..vi~m~ ~e C~Prr~•'r ~abc~ ~j - - _r r~-----.--~ _ - 7- . ; ~ _ - ~ - ~61.an-~ a ikw• , ~ ~t Ma1~~ Pl~n Trcucsporta#ion Picvtneng - Six-S ear 77P :..w d • i . ~7- l ~ • • ~ ♦ ~ ! ` ~ ►-l- . -1-- • - ~ i•-~-~'r . . . . . . .r..~.. ~!',tlky Street Mubr Plan TraWurtation Plurutiriy - Six-S ear TIP ~ Cr, ol Spoka" Yalley ' ~ ~ • . . _ _ _ ~ .._.r • • ~ ~ 1 - ~ _ ~ . . . • f _1 f ~ ~ ~ ~O~eIW _ ~s~±.►=~~ ~ • ':.J~Ir'~ • I ( 1• 5 Street Mastbr Pto ~~a]]Ey Trarssportaiian Ptanning - Six-1'ear TTP . , S.-~.. vz!m, ~ ~...s. - - ~ - - •i- - / ~ ~ V` . Street Master Plan jVaI jLvy 1'runsportafivn Planniny - Six-l'ear I7Y ~ . • -1_. -tvr• f nw ~r ~ ♦ • ~ . . • . . • • ' , ' • , ~ , ' _3 ~ ~ ' . •~t ~ 1 • - . 1~-~► • '_r". ~ ; - ~ ~'w'7 ' ~ ~ M . ~ Y . ~-s P~--~" . • r , _ . . • .L 1 •L• • • ~ ~ 1 ` _•.t.!T • ~ 1 • ~f'~~~- \'4• ~ ~T ~ ~ . • _ ~ ` •.a • •~l ~f ` . ~ ~ - ~ ~ ' ~w~+ tV~~ G gtW Mubr Plin jtall('1 I'rrrrzs~,nrta.*i07i F'lcirT~*inn - .Six-Ycar TTP opment o ) r a Analysis To► tjo" m 1=' :s7' a prt• M4: d• 1 ' r 34 p • e«s ,«Wd_. 11 1': 2013 ' b: :..d o t_ r w. s! I Stnet bAahr PM Transportatioyt Plamrin4 - Six-S"ear TIP 77P , . , o 2008 2013 ► _ P. . - _ PMram M.. i - d.,:,.:..: h.ft M ►otb pdaW 1 0 soI f d BW :b.: Summly o " FM 1- md esflmtes o emily ~ daW r po 1 funding d:t: ding sumnrodes by year b ■ . g source : «tive11P Pw - M - p ~r.tY/..- r~ " 1 • 7 ~a~mStrwmater Plan SO& ~`aI k-y Trancportation Planttinq - .5is-l'FCrr TTP aj g Requh-ements .I- ft ft (AD : cc. : ec. V d_►: .d. . . - c..:s W . receent . d_ _ : ~ . I Stnet Muter Plan ;OV`afley Transportaiivn Playtniiiy - Six-}'eur TIP i j g Requirements r Opb• - W - . - r :d b s t- • 1 : H 1 ' q - m - o' Cky _ Y. Do- - t d_ cuffwd - ' • t _ b i • c• • : new p • t: • . : • _ i d- • W: gmnt : .ai m B i ~ Street 1Autor Plen j j~ Transpartation Plmzntng - Six-l"enr TIP qj r'•q u ainta • d ° • r. - ConsWency . Da r . ec1 w ip sf 1 D_ Y. ' - t 1 •M o* Ico Addifional 1" R_.q =.i Strelt Muttf Phn Transportafion 1'(unniny - Six-I ear TIP t( j I I r :1 W.. w _ qukeawnft ~"~&A-MFV i V 1 0 1 m 1 3 O I ..~.i.. :'r , 9 ~x 4 ;sr~e~ St~t IAute~' PIan V1Jk'N T'rartsp<-,r•fciHnn I'Icrnnirtg - Six-l'earTlP ' qI g Requiresnenft - Ckmsulta a , :.d . - d : . . s - e. e. s are ble D- . . g M CiVs W ~ - ft ft e•; Sb - - I :d :..d . D_r .ft ,o tc f I ' • . : Training, A . o • g ~ ' • di'~ os - .d TWm i• - ' _ Pro Management Street Matter Plan 7'rcrnsportcitiort Planniny - SIar TIl' / f g Requiremenft . . • - ~ Cbdm .,ff - 2 1 40 li~ Street MutK Ptan ~~:ll{~'~ 't'rrrr:~,~;~rt;rtic~n l,l,~rtrttrtu tii I F c"; "T-II' Requirements TIP tMaintermnce Makdaimd n- , „ . M comunam r*S •0 Tool IR-. *.7 Designation: D 6433 - 03 1 Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots Pavement Condition Index Surveys' ?Iris s+.amlaA ix iS,uat tmde tbe fized desianavun D 6411; tbe n=ber immed:ate9v (oHlmring the dsignazian in3ica[es the }'ear oP aQigina] adqFtion or. in the case of rwision, elac vear oi lui Tetizsicm. A vumbu in pwentiieses indiesLss [he yexr u5last reappmv~l. A supcavsipi spsilon tc) indicaces an eiicorial cit::ingc sznix Ar_ I:u1 i6VL467 M ECflIYC?8\'8L. 1. Scope 2.1.3 pm-en:eirt bra,rr.h-a braneh is an idtai[ifiable part of 1.1 This practioe covers clie determinsuon of roads and the Ua<<ement necwork Ehst is a sin-21e entity aiid has a distinct park:int lots pavement conclition through vi;ual surveys using fu»ction. For examplc, cach roadw•ay or parking area i.s a the Psvement Coudicion Index (F'Cn metbod of quantifyiug scparatc branch. pavcment oondition. 2.1.4 putifemei:t conrlitirin u7dax (PC.1)-a numericzl lati.ng • 1.2 Tlie F'C] foc roads ancl parking lots was developed by the of the pavement coudition that ranges frorn Q co 100 with 0 U.S. Arny Corps of Engineers (1, 2).1 Tt is furtber verified and being the worst possible condition and 100 beipg the best adopted by 1af)D and APWA. possible conditioiz. • 1.3 "rbe values s[accd in uich-pound units are to be regarded 2.1.5 pavement condifiorr ratinJ 3vcrbal dcscription of as the siandard. Thc SI units aive.n in parentlieses are for pdvernent condition as a function of the PCI Nralue that varies in,`ormaUon only. from "faiied" to "cxcellent" as shown in Fig. l. 1.4 •Thic strznclard doe.c no1 purport 1o adch•e.rs all oj the 11,6 pavemeitt dbcrre.cc-exiental indicatOrs of pavemenc .rcrjery caMCer,ts, if a»i: a.;saciaved tivtrh its tLce. Ir ic rhe detsrioration caus-ed by load'uig, environmejytxl fsators, con- rrspor:sibility ojthe user oJthir stmrdard to escablish appro- struetioa cleficic:ncies, nr a u.~mbination thcreof. Typica] dis- pi7Q1e .rcferv and health practrc2s uixl determine tlae crpplica- tresscs are cracks; rutting, and weathering of the pa<<ement hilim af i-2gtelalory limicalions pria- fo use. Spec.ific precau- Surface. Distress types 2tid severity levels detai]ed in Appenctix tiona.ry statemeols zre gi~~en in Section 6. X 1 for AC, and Appendix a2 for PCC ~vernents must b-c used to obtaan a.n accuratc PCI value. 2. 1'erminolagy 2.1.7 puvement sample u,tit-a subdivisien oi a pavcment 2.1 laefvrltions o(Ternke Specific to Thi.r Slandard: section tbzt has a standard 5i7e range: 20 canEiguous slabs (±8 2.1.I addilional scmple-a sanrAle unit inSpe+,ted in acldi- Slabs if the 6oLal nuniber of slabs in the sect.ion is iiot evenly uon to the raiidom sample wiits to include riortrepresenc:itivc divided by 20 or ccj accommodate specific iield condition) for sarnple units in the deEe.rniination of tlie paveinem eondit.ion. 1'CC pavcrncnt, and 2500 contiguous square fcct, = 1060 fl' This ieiciudes very poor u,- extellent s::mplcs that are iiot (225 90 m")> >f the pavement is not e<<eaily divided hy 2500 typical of the SmLion and sample units, wfiich concain au nr to.accommociate specifiG field cntidition, for AC pavemeuc. uuusual d.istress such as a utility cut. Tf a satuple unit 2-1-5 IWve++ient secrion-a cc+nagirous pavewent area hav- containing an unusual distress is cboseii at raudom it should bc ~g uniform construction, maintcnaacc, usage history, and counied as an additional sample unit arid ano*her iaor]orn condition. A seccion sheuld ha<<e che same a-afYic voluine and sarrple unii sliould be ehosen. If every samplc unit is surve}'ed, load iniensity. tben tfiere are no sdditional sample wiits. . 2. 1•9 pnrtland cemn.nt concretN (PCC) paveme►tt- 2, l.2 a.sphcrll cancrete (4C) srrrface-a;gre-ate mixttire aFgregate rnixwre witli portland cement bindtr incluti.ina wirh an dsplialt ccment binder_ This ?ernn also refers to surfaces iionreinforced and reinforeed jointed pavemcnt. colistructed of coal tars and natural tat•s for puiposes of this 2A.10 +-a+ulom san:ple-a sample unit of the pavcanent practicc. section selcatxd for ivspraction by raudom ssmpling techniques, suc:h as a random numbcr tabfe or systematic random prqce- durc. ' Ths _nructicc is mdcr chc j=isdietim► nf ,aSTh1 Cnmmitta D04 on Road and Ps~ving Nfazcial; and is the dirccl ruapo7sibility of $ubcrnnmittx D4134 on 3. Summary uf Pr.ictice Nondeswctive Temno of Yavcrncnt Saructut-e. Cunciit edirion upprovcd Doc. I, _003. Y~bliehexl 7urzu~-y lIKW, Ori~ir.ally ~•1 The ~a~>ement is divided into Uranches diat are divicled approvck in 1999. La-- prcvioais cdivon approved in 1999 ms D c,~33 -99. into sections. Each seccion is divided ioto sanzplc units. Tlie = The boldfact nembetx in paK:atlsesee refer to the list at roPercom nt the eod of (ype wid severiry of pavemeitt distress is assessed by visual Yy115 Rf81f~37'd. Co:syt5ghl O kS7N, LiIe;naGmA 140 &ar. Harbor Drivr., PC Bnx r700, 1Ycc; COmnhofioc.'!DBn, FA 18428-2359. Uni!ec: S.nle.. 1 Copyright by ASTM Int'I (afl righu reserved); . Reprudaction authorirxc"s per License Ay*rsement with T.,L~Tf)A S "'\IGItELL (1-U-13 ErGlNtER5, fIv`C.); Wed Feb 15 I 1'S2:44 L-ST 2006 D 6433 - 03 FCI ""T"'O branch, seetion, s•rsuple uniE si'rx, slab number and size, distress , cypes, se<<eriry levels, yuantities, and names of surveyors. , . ~ l~]tCElLE11T Fx.anple data shee.ts for AC and PCC pavcmenes are sUown in 1=igs. 2 and 3. 5.2 1•land Odon.erer T3'heel; iliat re.ads co rhe nearest 0-1 fl vERi 6UOD (30 mm). 5.3 Sn-Glghted,;e or aSmiifg Lirre, (AC only), 10 fr(3 m). 5.4 Scvle, 12 v2. (300 mrn) cbaR rcads to 'ia in. (3 rnrn) or 70 better. Additiona! 12-in. (300 mm) niler or s'traiahtcdge is G,,, neecled co rneasure fautting ui PrC pavements. ~ 5.5 l.ciyout Plan; for nem.,orj to be insrected. aa sr: h. Hacarcis 6.1 TraSc is a hazard a..z insp;ctors may wa1Z: on the p'avemCnt 'o perforni the condiuon sunrey. 7. Sampling and Sample Units 'i~~.~.:,, ~3'~ti 7.1 Identify branches of the pavement Mth diffcreat uses ~T.~ such •r.s roadv.T.ys and parking nn the nctwork layout plan. /'v' i~i}<2>Y'.~ 72 Divide each branc.li inw sections bascd on the pave- YENY PO0OI ments desiRn, constnictian histerya ttafi~ic, and concii6on. 73 nividc ihc pavenieiit scctions into sample wiiLs. lf the ti s;~ ~ +CS..•y..:i'r `~-;.,~~.-`~l~ navc.ment slabs in PCC ltave joine snacing greater clian 25 `t (S ~•~~iK. nr_'J: [AIlCD m) suUcEivide each slab inw imaginary slabs. lhe imaginary o slabs a!1 sliould be less than or equal to 25 ft(8 m) in len-gdb, FIG. 1 Pavemcnt Condidon Index (PCI) aRd RaL'ng Scale and the imaainary joints dividing, the slabs are assumed to bc in perfcct couditiAn. Tt►is is needzd because the dedtect values inspc.cUOn of the pavement sam.ple uniu. 'Clie quan?ity of LUe developed ror jointed coecrete slabs are less EllpT1 or equal ta 25 distress is mcxsured as desc,ritrctl in Aprendix Xl and Appen- CILC X2, 'I'l)e distre.ss data are used to calculate the PCI for escb 7.4 lndi,4dual sssmple units to be inspected slieuld bt: sample unit, 'I"be T'CI of thz pvement sc.rtinu is determincd ii»1:ecl or icientified in a manner co allow illspectors and ba.sed on the 1'CI of the u7speccead sample miits within thc quality control personnel to easily locate chcm on Lbe pavevnent ceccion. surface. Paint mark-s along thc edge ajid skPtclies wiLh locations conneeted to pliysicdl pavement f'ca[urrs are acceptable. It is 4. Sibnifir.inee 3r~d Use neccssary to be ablc lo aucurately relocatc Che Swliple units io 4.1 'llie PC1 is a uumerical indicator tbat rates the swfice allow veriiicatiou of cunrnt distrzss data, to cxsmine cbanges condi[iou of tfic pavement. ne PC1 provides a 3ne3surc of the in candiciou arieh time nf a paeticular s9mplc unit, and to euable prrscnt conditipn o€ the pavenieitt based on F.lje distress fuhue inspections of tbe sarne sample unit if desired. ubserved on the sur!'ace of the p3vement, ubicli also indicates 7.5 Select the sample wLts ta Ue inspex:ted. The nuiriber of die savctura] integity ajid surface operational condition (lo- sample units to be inspected may vary from the following: al9 ca[ized roughness and safety). TJte PCI c2unot msasure slsttc- of the Sample units in the SmLion, a nuniber nf Sintple ualits [liai turai Capacity nor dnes it proVidc direct nieasurement of sk.id pravidcs x 95 % con5dence level, or a Icsser number. resist2rice or roughness. It provides an objec[ive and rational 7.5.1 Ai1 SSmple wni4s in the Section may be inspeeLed tp hasis ibr de?erniinina maintenance anci repair needs and determine dic averabe PCI of the section. Tliis is ustully prioritics. Continuous monitoring of qhe PCI is used to estab- pree]uded for routine m8nagement purposes by available lish the i-ate oF pavement detcriora?ion, which perniits early inaopower, fund_=., auc1 tuile. Total sauiFliug, bn:vever, is ideutifieation of major rehabilitation needs. The PCI prnvides desiraUle for project analysis to help eseimaie inaineeaanee ind fee4dback on Uavement perfanciance for validition or iinprovc- repair quantities. menl of current pavernent design and rnaintenance procedure5. 75.2 'IVe ttiinimurn aumber of sample w-iits (n) ahat must be surveyacl within a given secsioii [o obtain 3 Sl3ll511C811Y 5. Apparatus adcqu3tr es[iiziaie (95 % confidence) of the PCt of die sectiou l Dat!r S)aeetc, or othcr field recording instntmenu that is calculated using t#ie following Cotml1l8 ltid rOUnding n t0 CbQ rr.card at a minimum the followingMorsnation: dace, lor.ation, next higlrst tvhole number (see Fq- 1). . 2 CnPY'rif;ht bY AS`L"M Tnt9 (all rie.,lju ressrvcd~; Rraroduction authorizx.d pea• Liccnsc Agreement with L[N17A SI.ANGRELL (1-U-B TT'GINEERS, l NIC.); Wec! Feb 15 I 1:52:QQ F 5'1' 2131)b ASPHALT SURFACED ROADS AND PARKING LOTS SKETCH: CONDITION SURVEY DATA SHEET FOR SAMpLE UNIT ~b o,~• BRIINCN SECTION SAMPLE UMI7 ' SURVEYfD BY DATE SAMPLE AREA y 1. Alligator Craekinq 6. Deprosslon 11, Patchfng & Util Gut Patching 18. Shoving ~ 2. Bloading 7. Edgo Cracking 12. Polished Apgregate 17. Sllppage Cracking 3. Block Cracking 8. Jt. Rotlectton Cracking 13. Potholos 18. Svroll n,~r h. Burnps ond SngS 9, LanelShouldor Drop Oif 14. Railroad Crossing 19. WoatheringlRav011ng CL - • S. Corrugation 10. lonfl 8 Trans Crackfng 15. Rutllnq DfS7pE55 DENSI7Y DEDUCT ~ SEVERITY QUANTITV TOTAL % VAl_UE n I I I I I I ~ I ~ II I I y' I I 1 I I I I I ~ I I I E I I I I I ~ I i I I I I ~ I I I i I I I I I II I I ~ l I I i i I I i I II I I > w I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I l I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I II f I m I I~ I I I I I I I !I I I W ~ ~ 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I CJ z I I I I I I I I ! ! I 1 ~ ! ~ I I I I 1 I f I I I ~ I ! I I I I I ! I II I I ~ ~ ~ FIG. 2 Flexible Pavement Condition SGirvoy Data ShOet for Sample Unit n ~ r n G. `1l n c . in N ' ? A [r'i ~ N O O QN D 6433 - 03 CONCR=_7e SURFACED ROADS AND PlaRKIMG LOTS ' CONDITION SURVEY DATA SHEET FOR SAMPLE UNIT • BRA)JCN ScCSiON SAAMPLE WfC SU: cVEYED 3Y DATE Sr1PAPLE AREA Oistress Yvices SKETCH: 21. 61ow vplBuckfinp 3:. ?otished Aggroqnto 22. Cnmer Bteak 32. acpouts 23. Dlvidod Stnb 37. Pumpinp • • • • • 24. Durebillty Cratk 34. Punthout 25. Feult7ng 35. Reiiroed Gocsinp i0 26. Jolnt SeaI 36. ScaGnp ' 27. LaneiShoulder 37.Shrinkngo 0 0 0 0 0 28, l.inear CracWr.p 39. Spalllnp Wmor 29. Patthinp (Lerps) 33. Speliinp Jotnt 9 30. Palch:np (Smoi1) TM£ sEV I SN~O~ I DE%ITY ~ DE~D~U e e • • • • 8. DIST 1 I ~ ~ a • • e • ~ I I I 7 I I I o • • • • I I s ( I I . . . , o i I 5 I o . a o . I 4 . . . . . . 3 I I I ~ I . . . • . . . I I I I 2 I I 1 I . • o o • I I 1 I . e • . . I I I 7 2 3 4 c ! ~ FIG. 3 Joint Rigid Pavement Condition Survey Data Sheet for Samplc Unit n=,Vs=1((e2I4)(A'- 1) = sZ) (1) confirmed, 'I`!ie numbcr of Saiilple uniis wss estimated bascd on an assumcd standard deviation. C:alculaLc the ac:ual standarc3 where: devi, tion (s) as follows (see Lq 2): e= ac.c.epfable error iu estimating Llie section PCI; wtv- ivonly, e=-!-5 PCI points; s=(2,r-. (F'G;-1'Cl,)'I(n_ i))'.a (2) s= standard deviation of the PCI f.rom Uve sample unit to auodier,xithin the secrion. "tben perfoiming die initial whc.rc: inspeccian the standa:d devia[ien is assurncd to be t.en 1'C'(, = PCI of surveyed sauipie units i: for AC pavrementss and 15 for PCC pavemenLG. 1his PC1s ~ i'C1 of seeiion (mean PCI of sutveyed sample assurnption sLould be cliecked as described below a3ier units), and , PCI valiies are dctcrmined. Forsubseyueiu inspections, 11 = ioi:il numUer of sample unics surveyed. the standard deviation Grorn r]he preceding ii.tspection Calculaee the revised minimum number of sample slioulci be uscd w determine n; auc1, units (Ly 1) to bc suiveyeci usiug the ealeulated stsndt►rd IV = total number of sample units in the sr.ction. deviation (Eq 2). T.f the rcvisuJ nilmber of sample unks to be i' • If obtaitting the 93 % confidcncc Ievel is cricical, lbe suivcyecl is g e3ter than tlie number nC sample unii.s already ~ adequacy of the number of sainple units surveyed must be siuveyed, select aod survey additional i-aiadorn sainple units. , 4 Copyri,a~t by ASTM InPI (all rights rescrveci); Rcgmductioxi aud)arized per Licensc Agreement with J.LNrf)A S LAINCiRl:i T„ (1-1-1-B ENGIIVFrRS, INC.); Wed Feb 15 I 1:52:44 EST 2QQt D 6433 - 03 1 Tbese sKmple units should be spaced evenly across tbe section. sawple wiic co be inspected. A cnpy of a Blault Flexible Repeat the process of checking the revised number of sample P3VeT11zfli C4i1dIEICIp SurvPy D2ta Sh-,ct fc+r Saniple. Ujiit is wiitS'and stiirveyutg addiliona] random sample wiits Lmti1 dbe inclusicd in Fig. 2. total number of samplc units surveyed equa3s or etceeds rbe 8.3 PCC Pm,ements-Individually inspect eath samplc wtit minimum required sainp]e uni;s (n) in L-ci 1; using the actual chosen. Sketcii dle sample unit showing die iocacion of tlie ?otal sample standard clcviation. slibs. Record [6c sample wiit size, brancb and seccion nuniber, 7.5.3 Ottce [he number of samplr. uniLs to be inspected has and number and type of the sample uniE (random or additional), betn determinecl, cowputs. the spaciog inten°;d of the units dae nurrber of slabs in tLe sample unit aud the slab size usinn sysiematic random satripling. Samples a,-e spaccd cquatly meaeurcd ,.R1b the hand odoniete=. Perfomi rhe inspection by tlirouL,hout the sxtion wieh the first saitiple se]ected at random. waikinc, over die sidewal}:lsbouLder of the sau7ple unit beivg The spacing incerval (r) of the uniES to he sampled is calculated surveyed and recoreling all distress existing in the slab along by the following forrnula rounded to the ncxt lo-west -who9c with ehcir scverity levcl. Each distrcass rype apd severity ntust number: correspond with that clcscribccl in Appendix X2. SuanralarizQ the distrcss types, rheir severity levels and the number oi slabs in clie sample unit contFining each rype and severi?y level. where: l2epeat this procedure for each sarnpie uiut. to be inspcctal, A Al = total number o; sample units in d3e section, and copy of a Blank Jninied Rigid Pave.mc.nt CondiUOn Survcy rr = nuu,ber of saeuple uuiu co be nispected. llata S6eet Cnr Sample Uiut is inc.ludcd in Fio. 3. . 77ie first sample «nit co be inspec3ed is selected at random - froni samplc,units 1 through i. The samnle unics •a~ithin a y• Caletilation uf PCI furAsphalc Cunr-rete (AC) sectioti that ar-, successive incre»ients of the iuterval i after die Pavement first randomly selected uiiic also are uispected. 9.1 .Add up the tatal quantity of each destres; t;pe at each 7,6 A lessar sainpling rate than the above inentioned 95 % severity level, and record diern in the "Total St.vGrities" confidence ICVCI CilII be USGd bASC(I Oll [lie conditinn survcy sectinn. For examplt, Fig. 4 sbows 6ve evtries for thc Disarss objective. As aai example, onc agaency uses the follouing table Type l, "Alligator Crackin?": tiL, 4L, 4L, 8H, and 6H. The for selccting the nunibcr of sarnple units to be inspectcd for dish-ess ac eac.li severity level is summed and entered in the other thaii pmject analysis: "Total Severity" sec.tion as 13 ft3 (12 m=) of low sevcriry and j~ Given suNey 14 fi` (1.3 m~ of inediliin ;everiry. The units for the qtranticies ~ ; to ssar,pic u,lcS 1 samaio ordi map be either in square feei (square iiieters), linear feet . E te io sernpie unics z sarnpie untis (mecers), or ifumber of occurrcnces, depending on thc distress S~ l0 15 satnpse unit ~ 3 samPIC Lmi1s 56 m 40 semple units 4 sartple units type- ova ao •,:,7mple unitt, io % 4.2 pitiide die total quaaitity of eac6 distress rype at each 7.7 Addi2ienal s4niple wiiLS only zre ta be inspecced when s,.vcrity level from 9.1 by tEie total srea oP the sainplc unit and non,-epresentative distresses are observed as defined iu 2,1,1, inultiply bY 100 to obtain the percent density of e<:ch distress These sarnple unirs are selecced by the user. iype and severity. 93 Dettmiine the deduet value (DV) for each ctis[ress t}'Fe 8. Inspecciun Prueeciure anci severity levcl e.ombiuadon Gom the distress deduct valuc currvcs in Appendis X3. S. l'nie definitions and guidelines for quanrif~,ing distresses 9.4 peLermine die maaimuin corrected deduct vahle (CD\'). for PCI determ~iatlou are given in Appendix X1 for AC 'pje procudtire far deterniinuig niaximum CDV from indi- pave.rncnt:s. Using [his Iest ijieLhod; inspec►ors should ide.ntify vidua] DVs is icieotical (or bo~~ .aC aiFd PCC paveme.ni types. distress types accurately 95 % of the time. Linear measure- 9.5 Thc following procedttrc must bc used to de4crniinc the meuts should be considered accurate w6e.u the.y are u°itliin ni9,imum CDV. 10 °/n if remeasureci, and area measurernents should be ccansid- 9.5.1 If none or only one individual deduct value is gr'eater erecl accurate whe.n diey are -Mthin 20 % if remeasured_ that] rivo, the tocal value is used in place of the niaximltm CDV Dis[ress severities diat one deterrniiies based on ride quality are in deterniining the P(;I; otherwise, rnaximurn CDV rnusE Ere cnusidereci subjective. determined using rhe proeedure deseribed in 9.5.2-9.5.5. 8.2 A.cphUlt Concrele (AC) suplQced Paven:ent- 9,5,2 List [lie individual deduet values in clesccnding ordc.r. Inclividually inspect each sample wzit choseri. S1:etch the For exarnple, in Fiu. 4 this will bc 25.1, 23.4, 17.9, 11.2, 7.9; sample unit, including orientation. Iteeord the brxnch and 7.5, 6.9, and 5.3. v section namber and the. number aaid type of tlie sample unit 9,5.3 L?eterlriine tbe allowable uurnber of deducts, m, from (random or addicional). Record che sainple unic size measured Fig. S. or using the following fonnula (see Eq 4): with the liand odomctcc Concluct the dist;css inspcction by = 1+(419S.F(100-HDV) s 10 . (4) walking over the sidewalkl;houlder of the ;arnpEe unit being surveyed; measuring the quantity of each severiry level oF %vhere: e<<ery distre;s t}pe Present, and recording the data. Facli nr = slluwable iiumber of deducts including fiscLioos distress must correspoud iu rype and se<<erity to that deseribed (muSE be le.t; thzn or equal to ten), aiid • in AppendiK Xl. The uitthod of measuremeot is inctuded with [I7) V = higltest individual deduct. vahie, each diatress description. Repeat this procedura for each (For ilie. example in Fig. 4; nr = 1+(91'98)(1Q0-2j.1) = 7.9). . 5 (;opyright by ASTb41nt'l (all rights rescrvcd); Reproduciion authoiized per Liccnsc Agrscmcnt widi L1NDA 3 L'1.NGRELL (J-U-B E; Gln'EEHS, INC.); 1Ved Feb 25 1 I:52:44 E.ST 2006 A ~.OTS SKE~i~CH: ~oo• . ASPHALT SURFACED ROADS AND PARKING 3a CONDiTlON SURVEY DATA SNEET ~ FOFi SAMPI.E UNIT . SAh1PLE UNIT l 0'° nr'' v,.e~t,.•- ~ s~'~s~, _--r 9AANCH 9 ~ ~'"JELQSEC~ON SA~iPLE AREA, z5oc~4 16. Shoving DATE g Utll Cut Patching 17. Slippa9o C1acking a~ SURVEYED BY_,~f9.K II, patching ate 6. poPresslan 12. P411shed Ag9fo9 18. Swel1 lRoVefing t, Allig3tor Cracking 7 Edge Cracking 13, poihotes 19 , Weathartnp c~ p, Jt. ReftocUon Crack ng 14, RaUroad Crosslrsp 9~U~ ~ 2. gloodEng ~ 3. BloCk Crocking 9~ne~ghaWder Drop att 15 ~tting pEN51'1'Y VALUE a- q gumps and Saqs y0 Lang & Trans Cracktng YOTAL % ' Corrugation c~-. - (lUANT1T'f ' I 13 . 0.52 , ~ p1STRESS G Z3_y sEvEamr 056 . t . I L I, 5 4 I ~ 130 ~ 5..20 1.s t 1.6 143 ~ a~ i ~ l 1s ~ z~ Ki 32, ` io 22 ` o.BB v ro ~ L i 3 e p' 1 zo 15 35 (J. o,i u. z . IM 250 ~ ►0. 0 zso ~ l ~ { ~ l I f r ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ► ~ ~ ! ~ Pavemeht Cundition 5urvuy O:~tn Sheal FIG. 4 CxIMp10 of a Flaxiblo ~ 7 Y ~ ~ . m 7' vv' N I+ ta • ' ~ ~ O - a D 6433 - 03 Adjustment of Number of Deduct Values ,z - ; - ,o - ~ . > ~ : m = 1 + (9 / 98) * (100 - MaxDV) ~ 6 - • ~ O O 4- , _ ~ Z 2 - p : ; . . . , 0 20 40 60 80 140 120 ' - ' Highest Deduct Value ent of Nurnbcr of Dcduct Values FIG. 5 Ad]ustrn 9.5.4 The nurnber of individua] deduct v3lues is rcducc.d to 10. Calculation of PCI for PorHand Cement Concrete 4h£ m largest deduct valucs; incluciing the fi^actional part_ For (PCC) Pavement the exampte in Fig. 6, the values are 25.1, 23.4, 17.4, 11.2, 7.9, 10,1 For each unique combination oi distress :ype and 7.5, 6.9; snd 4.8 (tlie 4.1S is ob4lineci by miiltiplying 5.3 by (7.9 severicy level, add up the cota.l limsiber or slabs in whieb Lbey - 7= 0.9)). Lf less than m deduct vahies nre m-ailable, all of liie occur. For the exarnple in 1=ig. 7, Ihere xre twa slHbs aontaining deduct values are used. low-severity corner breal: (Distress 22L). 4.5.5 Deferwwe maaiiuum CI7v iterxtively, as sliown in 10.2 Divide the uumber of slabs from 10.1 Uy the 4ota1 Fig. 6. number of ;labs in the sainple unit aacE muitiply by 100 to Dcicrniinc tolzl dcduct valucby summing individual obtaio t1he peccetit densit_y OC CwL'h LI151,i:.SS FypC Nild SCVerity deduci vaiues. The total dcducl valuc is obiaiucd by addiug die cornbiitiarion, individual deduct values i❑ 9.5.4, ffiat is, 104.7. 10.3 Detennine ibe decfucr values for eacb disLress rype 4.5,5.2 i7elennine q as the nurnber of deducts with avalue severity lcvr.[ r.ombination using the conespondinj deduct g-talcr than 2.0. For exarnple, in Fig. 6, y ~ S. curvc in Appcndie X4. 9.5.5_3 Deterniine the CDV from total deduct vatue and q 10.4 Deterniine PCT hy follawing ~lie prqcedures in 9.5 and by lqpkina up the appropriate corrcctiou curve foa AC pa~~e- 9.6, using 4he ec~7Tection c.un~e for PCC pavemenrs (see Fi;. mevts in fi2. X4.15 i[i Appeaclix X3. X4•20 in Appeodix X4) in place of the cosectioa cun,e for AC 9,5,5.4 Reduce the smallest individual deduct value ;reater PavcmenL,. than 2.0 to 2.0 aud repest until cf = i. 10-5 Fi¢. 7 sliows a surnmary of PCI calailation for the exainple PCC pavemenc distress data in Fig. S. 9,SS,5 Aqs.wn CDV is the largest of the CDVs. 9.6 Calcula-e PCT hy subtracting die rnaximum CWtirom 1.L Detcrmin,+tiun uf Sectiun PCI 100: FCI = 100-m~ix CllV 11.1 1f all sunneyed sample units are selected randomfy, dien ~ 9.7 Fig. 6 sbows a stinuuary of PCl calculation for the the PCf oC rLe section (PCiJ is calculstcd as the area wei};hted ~ cxample AC pavcmcnt datu in Fig. 4. A blank PCI cslculation PCI of the randomly surveycd sample units (PCI, ) using ferm is ineluded i.n Fig. 2. eqlaatio❑ 5: 7 CQpyright by A57M Int7 (all rights rescrvcd); Reproductioci authorizcd per Liccnsc Agrccmrnt with LL\DA S LANGRELL (J-U-B E\'GLT`EERS, I\C.); Wed Fcb 15 11:52:44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 m=1 K(9J98)( 100-25.1 )=7.9 <8 ~ Use highest i dcduets rind 0.9 of eighth drduct. 0.9x5_3- 4.8 "J # Deduct Velues / Total q CDV 1 25.r 23.Lr 17.9 11.Z 7.9 7.5 6.3 "i•F ,04.17 g 51.0 2 25, I 23.4 I'M • u.2 e.5 7.5 6. 3 2 Joi.S 'F 50.0 3 t5, I 23.4 1,1.3 11.7 7.9 7 S 2 2 56.0 6 46.0 4 25.1 23.4 17.3 11.Z 7•9 z. 2 2 90.5 5 47.0 5 25,1 23.4 17.~ 1i.2 z 2 2 2 $4.b '1 Lf8.0 6 25.1 23.4 17.9 z z 2 2 2 75.11 3 48.0 7 z5.1 23,~f 2 Z 2 2 2, 2 55.5 Z 44.0 8 25.1 Z Z z z 2 2 2, gg, ~ ~ 3g.o 9 .i' 10 Max CDV = ri i FCI=IQQ - MaxCnV = Lf9 Rating = F-AIR FIG. 6 Caltulation of Correctecl PCI Value-Flezible PavsmCnt ~ 2. (PCI,; ' A,;1 S. (PCi~ • .9,~) FCIS ' ¢ ~ (6) S A S` .9 ar i-i J tVbeCZ: m pci-l = area weiglited PCl of raiidomly surveysd sample PCI,.V -jAa,) , A,,,1 units, PCI,- A f11 PCI, = PCI of naidom sairple unit i, . .q,.; = area of random sample unit i, n = iiumber of random samplc units surveycci. IEadditional sampic units, as dcfned in 2.1.1, arr. su.i-veVed, • , tlie area wei;ehteci PCI nf 1he surveycd additional units ( PCT,, ) is caleulated u.5ing equation 6. The ]'CI of the pavemenC secCioti is calculated using equatiov 7. 3 Copyright by ASTM lnc'I (all rights rescrvca); Rcprnductinn tiuthorized per Licensc Agrcement with LINT)A S LANIGREI,T. (I-U-B ET~GTNTLL•'RS, I\C.); 1Vsd Feb 15 11:52:44 ES"L" 2406 D 6433 - 03 ~ . CONCRfiTE SURFACED ROADS AND PARiCING LOTS CONDi710N SUAVEY DATA 5}IEET FOR SAMRLE UNfT 3RANCH SEcOH9 5cCT10N ooi SAMPLE UtAT i SUAVEYED @Y KA K DATE 10 T. I 93 SAMPLE AAZ-A 20 cluLc Distress Tvoes SKETCH: 21. Btow uplBvcidina Jt. PolitMO Apprrgato ' 22. Gamar Braek 32. Popouts 23. Dlvldes S4nb 31. Pumainp ~ ~ _ ~ • 24. Durab3ttty Gnck 31. Punchaut 23 H 25. Feuftlnp 33. RaFlrood Crots(ap 10 2S. Joinl Soel 3$. Scallnp 27. LanslSAOVldar 31. SArin4iapa o r . o 2s. unou Cnckinp 38. SQalliny Coma ;OL 30L 29. Patchinq (lsrgo) 3II. Sps1My .1olnt 3$ L 38 L 9 30. Patc9~inp (Sm~U) o a • C-IST TYPE ISW ( SLANO. 85 I D %stry ( YDEDUCT AIUE ZzL s~ L g z6 I tit I-, 100 I 8.0 s c . • z~ I~ ~ 3 I tS I iz.6 . 22L 22L 7 22. ~ M I 1 I S ' 7•7 o _ ~ o 23 I H I 3 15 I 30.5 38 t 6 30 M ~ 4 20 ~ y, ti . . 1 . i`I H ~ 2 ( io I 25.1 34 ►1 5 38 ~ L ~ 6 I?o ~ 5.8 . . , , 39 I H ~ i ~ 5 I g. p 3%4 n ~ a { ~ I I • 30L _ ~ • l I ~ I I 3 • I ~ I ~ . 23 n 30L ' • 2 I 1 I • . , • 38 L 13M 39 N 38 L ~ I I I I o : ~ . I l I 1 2 3 4 1 I I I I I I FIG. 7 Ezsmple of a Jointed Rigid Pavement Conditian Survey Data Sheet 12. Report PT7-.= are2 weightecl PC:[ of additional sample unics, 12.1 Devclop a summary rcport for e4ch section. Thc PCIaj = PCl of addition2l sarnple unit. i, sunmiary lists secuon locatinn, siu, tota] numbcr of samplc. 11, = 3TC8 Of dtId1110118i S9RIFIIC Llf11C f, LItl11S, ilie sample units iaspecied, Lbe PC:Is obtained, tiie A = area of scc.uon, m = nuinber of addiunmi sample units ;urveyed; and average PCf for tfie seciion, and the secdon cundicion raiijig. PGJr = area weigbtecl PCi c+f the pavemenE section. 1 i.2 beteririne the overall condition ratinj of tlie section by using the sectian PCI aud che condii.iou rativg seale in Fig. 1. ~ ~ 9 Copyrighi by AS'fb4 (ni'1 (aU rights reserved); Reprvducuan authorized per License Agreernent with L1NDA S LANGRELL (J-U-B ENGiIVE.ERS, [h'C.); 1Ved Fe.b 15 l l:52:44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 m=1 T{9Ai8)(l00-30,5)=7.4<8 i Use highcst 7 deducax and 0.4 of cigh+h deduct 6.4x4.4=1.76 / # Deduct Values f-Z Total q CDV 1 30.5 25.1 12- r. 9.0 &0 7.q 5.8 100.5 17 50.0 2 30.5 zs.1 1z.b 9.0 3.0 77 z 96.7 6q9.5 3 30.5 25,1 l2• e 5:0 8.0 2 2. 1•76 51.0 5 5 r.o 4 3a.5 25.1 t2.6 3.0 2 2 Z 1.76 S5.0 y 'i'4.0 5 30.5 25.1 Iz.6 Z 2 2 2, i.76 48.0 3 50.0 6 30.5 25.1 z z 2 2. z. ►.16 67.L1 2 50.0 7 30.5 2. 2 2 2 2 2, 1.-16 4q. 3 I 94• 3 8 9 . ~ 10 Max cDV - ~ PC[ = I00 - A4ax CDV = L49 Rasing = F-AlQ FIG. 8 Caiculstion of Cnrrccted PCI Valuo-Jainted Rigid Pavement APPENDIXF:S (nonmanda[ur'y Informution) \1. Discress in Asphalt Favements XI.I Duriug tfie field conditiou sun~eys and validation of X1.1.2 If blceduig is counted; polislted ar.,greoalc is no4 the I'Cl, several questipns are cornntonly asked about. the counted in Ehe same area. identificat.ion and measurement of some of tbe discresses. The X1.1.3 Spallinb as uscd hecein is tfie fuithcr breakirjg of answers to these questions for eacb discress are included under Pavement or loss of material; around crae(;s or joints. tFieheadinl; "How [o Measure." Forconvenience, liowcver, t.he X1.1,4 If a crack does not. have dic saitiie st<<eriEy levc1 mOst frequcntly raised is,;ucs are add;essed below: aloiig its entire leugdi, eacU prrtiov of the crack haviug a X1.1.1 if alligator ar-ackina and nittioK oceilr in thc sarne different severitV leve] should be cecardr..cl sepai-ately. 1f, area, each is recorded se.paratr.ly at its respectivc severity level. vowever, the diQerent lavels of scve.rity in a portion of a crEek % 10 Cop}Tigh[ by A51'M 1nt'I (all ribhts rescrvcd); . Raprnduc.tion authori7xc3 per T_icense Agrcrment with 1,INIDA S LAT`CkrI.L (J-13-13 FNC.i1NEERS, ]NC.); 11'eri Feb 15 ! 1:52'44 65"C 2006 4PY D 6433 - 03 ~ ~ ct cannot be :aasi]Y clividei, dhst pertion sliould be rated ac che parillel longitudinal cracks. rAfter repesst~ct t.raffifi loading, the J Wghese severi~~ le~~el present, craeks eennc;ce, fonning m~iy sided, charp-angiecl pieces that ;Y1.1.5 I: aiiy distress, includinag, cracking and potholcs, is dcvelop a pattern resembling chickcn wire or the sljn oi an found in a patched 3rea, iE is not rccorded; its effect on the aHligator.'I"he pieacs am Unerally less tlian QS rn(i.5 ft) un (be patch, howcvcr, i5 considered in deterntitiins the severity level longcst side. Alli-ator crack.ing occurs only in areas subjcctacl o; the patch. to repeated tsar"Tic loadin~,~, suc6 as wheel paths_ Pattern-t)rpe )ti.1.6 .A significajit amount of polislied aggregate should cmcking [hat occur over an en?ire area not stilbjected ta be present before i4 is counted. loadin3 is calied "block cract;.ing," whieh is not a losd- X1.1.7 .4 discress is said to be ravelcd if the area surr4und- associated ciistress. inj die distress is broken (sometimes w the exeent that piix;YS yI.y.] Severitv Le>>els: are remaved). X T-Fine, longittjdiuai hairiinc cracks running par- itcros above arc aliel tr~ eath t~tb~r wirh no, c~r only a fe~v inEerconnecfing X 1.2 'I'lie reader sliould note chat the c'acks gtneral issues and do noc stand alone as uispcceion crite.ria. To . The cr.~cks are no~ sgallcd (Fig. k l.l). properEy measure each disUess ~e, the ins~►ector mmst be alS.l.2 n9-Fur~er dcvclopmcnt of li~bt atli~ator cracks familiar with its individual measurement ciiteria. into a pattcrn or nenvot~: of cracks diat may be Eightly spallad (Fis. X l.2). Xi.3 Nine.teen disness types For asphalt-surfaced nave- Xl.-5.1.3 H-\etwork or pancn.i crackin~ has progrc.ssed so ments yre Listecl alphabetieally in +his manual. th3t the piec:es are well ricfined and spailed at the edges. Some of the picces may rock undcr traffic (Fi~. X13). R.LUE QUALI`I'Y X1.5.2 Hoo+, to :tlea.rure-.Allig9Lc+r cracking is measured in square rne[ers (syuare feet) of surfacc area. 7'lie major difficulty ?il .4 Rid-- quality must be evaluatetl in order w rstablLh a in measuring this type of distress is dhat two or duree levels of seveiity level fer the fo]IoRRng distress types: severiry often exist within one discressed area. If diese portions X1.4.1 13umps. can be easi(y disEinguisbed froiji eaeh orber, they sbotild be X1.4.2 Coitveation. measured and recorded separately; ho-wever, if the ciiffierc;nt X 1.4.3 R3i[t'Q8d CrOSSiitaS, icvclz of sevcrity cannot bc divided easily, the entire area X1.4.4 Shoving. sbould be istetl ac the higUes4 severiry presene. 1f allio tor X1.4.5 Swells. cracking and tviting occur in the same area, eaGM is recorderi \ X1.4.5 To dete:rnine the ef€ect these distresses have on side separately as its respec:ive seve~-iry levet. quality, rbe inspector should drive at 8ie riomial operazing spccd and use the follo•a~ing se~~crity-level definitious of ride H1~1:E[)I\'G qualic_y: a1.6 De4cripliar=l3leeding is a fEm of bitunuious mxte- X1.4.6.1 Is-Low. Vehicle vibrations, for example, ~-vm rial on thc pavement surface r.hat ccea_es a shiny, glasslike, cornigarion, are noticeahlc, but no reduction in spccd is reflec:ing surface tha4 usually becotnes qltite sticky. $leed'utg is necessary ior comfort or safety. 1ndividua.] hwnp, or settle- caiised by exUessive ar7ounts of asphaitic cement or tars, ia the inents, or both, cause the vehicle to bounce sli;hd_y, but creaEe miY, excess 3pplic:aUOn of a bitumvious sealant, or low air void Ii[tle discomfor[. contcnE, er a combination thereof. It occurs when asphal1 fills X1.4.62 \7-Medimn. Vehicle vibrations are. sio ificaril tl,e voids of!he rnix during hot weadier and then expands or►co aild sorne reduction in speed is neccssary for safety and the paverneut surface. Since the 6leedinY p;ncess jn not comforc. Inr4i%~idual bunops or settlemenLs, or both, caii-se tbc reversible duriiyg cold weather, asphalt or qar will accumulate vehicle to bouuce sigiuficantly, crestivg sorrie discoinSort. on the surfacc. X1.4.6.3 l1-1-ligh. Vehicle vibrations are so excessive rhac speed mus[ be raciuced considerably for ssfety and comfr>r1. Tndit,riduai bumps er settlcments, or botii, cause the vehiclc 10 ~ bouncc cxccssivcly, crcaUng substuntial discomforc, safcty ]tazard, or high pofcntiai vchiclc damage. . ~~~:rt'•'%iy~ i:r=-~ a .s~>.~la-► ~ \ 1.4.7 The inspector should drive at the posted spee.d in a . sedan rbat is representati<<e of cars ?~,pically seen in local s traffic. Pavr.rncnt seecic~ns nur stop signs shou.ld be r.ited ai. a deceleration sP i eed a{~n•oAriate for the intersectian. .ALT..IGATOR CRACKfI\G (BATIGUE) ~C~ • •';~~.~~;;s.'.-'-~t' - ta'':~,~~ s 4 ~ •ay .~r^,,t~.~ ~ ~ ~4'•;p., 5 c'• 6.~~ f,,~ ` 33'~~~r~ t X1.5 17esrription-ALligator or fatiU ie cmc4aoF is a series `s?~`-- .,P,`,; ~~,~.~'t _ ~'J`~. • G ~ y`' . of in[err_.onncctino cracks usused by Latigue failure oF dic Ps 11a1B Coucfete surface under repeated traffc lAadint~. Gt~ck- iug bcD ns at che boftUm of the aspha(t surEace, ar stabili'rxd T`a ~ • ii! under a«~hcel t~~;c, wherc tcnsilc slress and strdin are highest S" Ioaci. Tlie cracks propaollite to Qie surface ii►itially as a series of FIG. X1.1 Lo+y-Severity Alligator Craeking 11 Copyright by AS7A41nt'I (atl rieliis rescrved); Reprnducaioo ,uthorized per LiceiLse Agreeroerit with LINDA S L.uGRfiLL (J-U-B ENGtNEL-RS, NC.); R'eri Fcb 15 11:52:44 r5T 2000 D 6433 - 03 - _ / cf's A~ FIG. X1.2 Nfedium-Sevcrity Alfigator Cracking FIG. X1.5 Medium-Scvcrity 6leeding "5~ ' ` " ~~-y:r ~ ' X1.G.13 H-Bleeding has occ.u-red exzensivelyand crnisid- t . y ' ^'y ,R ""►~'r\ crablc aspbalt sticks to sboes and vehicles during at least • , .k* : sevcrai weeks of the ycar (Fip. 3<1.6). ~ z. X1.6.2 1-low tca Ueasure-BleecJing is measured in square ~ti meters (squtsc fert) of surface arcz. !f bleeclioL-1 is cocmted, polished aj,,,`*regate should trot be cowited_ BLOCti CRACKii\`G _ •'r Xi.7 De.scription-$lock cracks are iuterconnec.ted cracks 4~' t_ ' •:'i' that clividc the pavernent inco approximatelV rectan-ular picres. T1ie blocks may range in size froni approximately 0.3 by 03 m(1 by 1 ft) to .i by 3 m(10 by 10 A). Block crackiiig is caused rrizirily by shrinktige of the asphalt concrece and daily temE,erature cycling, %;,hicb resuls in daily stresslstrain ey- FIG. X1.3 MiqhSeveri4y Alligator Cr:jcking cliiig. 1t is not load-assoc.iated. Black crac'r:in~ usuajly indi- cates chat the asphalt has liardened siganiE'icantly. Block crack- \ 1.6.1 =Sn~eritv Les:els: ing norun9lty occurs over a large portion of the pavemcnt area, X1.6.1.1 I.-61eedina unly has ocrwrecl ta s very slight , degree and is not.iceable only during a few days of cbc yr.:►r. f~;'~~ ~►~7P~~,~~, ~;?"g^~ ~ Asphalt does not. stick to slioes or vehicles (t=ig. tl.-0). \ ~~f-Blcedi~ig has occuLTed w the estevt tlyat ,~9.~'~° asphaJt st.icks co shocs and vehicles ciurinb oniy afew wecks of ;r, >;~r.`.►~,ti''~ ';~'F,~',~ •:~~.j~^-~4 thc year (l-ig. Y1.5)• , J.r" a~.~'r 1` Ky--~•a:, 1. 1ki1 1' ~yW~al}'-lP . ~y• ~ qt!::. G' j ~ ~j:' ; ',7/~ ~~~:M~,~•t v ~C I • ~ ~j~ ~ y' rh~ t -1 `i. ti:r~ • ~ t t~~~r~~ ~ r.~^. ' ~ i ':r ,ca'~• f~ •'~~r` tt~ 5~: ~ ",~i' • ~ ~ I~' t~,r.~~'3_9 ` ih _ ~ ~ ~ ~,':~t ' .e,~' ' w ~]d• y ~M ~~nl ` ' ~ •?q3 • yi•J~,S. ~i~~ r / . ~ - FIG. X1.4 I.owSevertty Blceding FIG. X1.6 High-Severiry Bleeding 12 Copyright by ASTT4 Icit'l (all righLs re.served); Reproductiuri authorizcd pcr I,.icense Agrccment with f.INTDA S LAIvGR1:I:L. (1-i,J-F3 ENGI:r`}-:~k5, !N'C.); NVed Feb 15 11:52;44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 buc sometimes will occur enty in noutra8ie areas. This type of diSEress differs from alligato.- crac},'ing in ibat al[igater caacl:s form smaller, many-sided picces cvith sharr angles. Also; unlii-e block; alligator cracks are caused by repeated traffic loadings, and thereTOre, are iotuid anly in traffic areas, That is, wheel patbs. X 1.7.1 Sr►~erity 1 eveLc: X1.7_1.1 L-}31ocks are defined by lew-severity3 cracks -i' i~' a. (Fig. X1.7). ° ~ _ _ _ . X1.7.1.2 Ai-Slacks are defioed by mcdium-Seventy3 cracks (Fig. Xi.B). c k;,,. . • ' _ - bV high-severity3 CTflCkS ?i H-Blocks are defined • t,,- . , . .ra (Fig. ~C1.91. ~s+tt X1.7.2 HoNv to Ueacure-F31oek crackine is me2sured in m2 (ft=) of sur;acp area. 1; usual]Y ocew-s at ovc scvcrity IeveE in a ` • given pavement secuen. ho•a,cvcr, if areas of diiTereni Severity FIG. Xt.B Medium-severity Block Crackino lcvels can bc distinguished easily irom one another, thcy should be iiieasured and reonrded separatelv. , BUiNTPS A\D SAGS %;~i=.icy~~~y• { " '~iyY,~r '~'~1,'a• , ' 'S~: k~" ro~ I ~~i 7: :~•'I V • h~ i~ 7C 1.8 Descriptiorr: ~r~.•~ " , s~ ~ ' X1.5.1 33limps are stnall, locqli2ed, upward displacc;ments of die paveinent surface. "I1ey are difierenr frc~m shnvcs in that shoves ire caused bV unstable p3vcmcnl. Bl.imps, on thc other S~~ i hanci, caii be causcd by scvcral factors, fncluding: X I.S. L l Buckling or bul-ing of underlying PCC slabs in AC overlay over 1'CC: pavzrtjent, r.{ X1.$.1.2 Frcast laeave (~ce1 ` I~s 4Q~bwth). ` tl=~. • l• Lc4;~~2•}' ~ X1.8.1.:3 li~iltratioc~ sud buildup of material in a crack i~i i.. dR`~,~9~:%: eombinstaon willi lraffic loading (sometimes called "tendn." ) • ~ ' E • Y1.8.1.4 Saas are small, abnipt, dowuward displacemtnts of the pavement surfaee. If bumps appear in a pattem perpen- F1G. X1.9 HighSsvariry Block cracking dicular lo [r3ffic flotu and arc Taccd at iess than 3 ni (10 ft), die disLress is called corrugation_ Distortio3i and displacement that X1.3.2 Severitv Level.s: occua• over large areas oi ?he pavement surface, causing l, rge or X I-1iump or sag calises low-se<<eriry ride quzlity lonb dips, or borli, in the pavemtnt shuuid bc rcz.orded as" (Fia X1,10). swcllina." ,\1,5.2,2 P1-Bump ar san causcs mcdium-severiry ride yuality (Pia. X 1.l 1). Y 1_8.2.3 H-F3ump or sa;-, c'r.uses bigh-scverity ridc quality ~ Sce !ldinitiun~ uf Irn~gitwSinal t-arzvc:se crudiny within Appemdix a2.10. (FiS'• X 1• 12~- f w'" '~T~ - aJ ;rG ~ ~'~E ~ ; _ _ _ e.: :~~-,rr-' ~ 3rS°' _ ~ ~ , I Sa- iX"~ . R.'~.,_ J.`~~ • y/ ~c 'd.1i:._'.- - ' . r , j' • ~ ~ = . a, , b~~ ' • e, j~ i'Y.'~'',,~..•:F- 5J~ a, r -~h'. t'' ~ T•• -~t y• r,~l 1..w.r f~'g.~J'~ ~ ~~1~,~.,!ry y. c • -t ,IL , a ~ f -n _ i ~'i"~-~`~~"r~ ~ "s~~__~s '.fIr"",,;.~ '~•t.~,~,~t~„ +P. gv ~0~' ' ' ' • `i'~`~ _ . ; _ FIG. X1.7 I.ow-Scvcrity Block Cracking FIG_ X1.10 Low-Severity Bumps and Sags 13 Copyright by ASTP41nt'1(all rights rsserved); kepmdjuctian authori•r~ed Per T.icense Agrecment with 1_INDA S L.INGRELL (J-U-II E\TGINL-ERS; TNIC.); NVcd Feb, 15 t t:52:44 HS'C 2006 D 6433 - 03 . . d~ i _ y ~ r ~~s. e~-_! , • . .-r„i -~•r,rrC~s~,r~:^- :I Ir• iY ~'`~~`•~+i .'J~~~ ~ ' - - . ~...t•. ~iv O. )?°c► ' -.~.i~i~'~~ ti!~ . ' - ~ra~ ~a..7- " ~~g~. Lz. t4✓~.'+._. • _ _ _ `^7„Y-r~~~ ~ +~•ti ' ~`I. rF 'j'* ' • ~ - - ' - - . • . ~ , . _ ~~r..~- r~}ti- ~y ` •+~~g~~6~J~:~ i'' L. - - . : = .P. f" • 1'1~'`S`.:~~'.' Ni . . ' « ~n.. ` . c r r-e°i!' ~ N • , ' - ' a ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ "1 ' 'ci: r . r~ ~ F . - - r • - ,w,~+~ C f~a~ ~ , rp~ ~ ~ _ r ,1-, r ~ fr~+3 ~::''~t~►~sR~~cT~f.r K ~ '"'g FIG. X1.11 Medium-Severity Bumps and SaSs FIG. X1.13 Low-Severity GorrugaEion - - - - _ - ya~ - - - - - _ _ _ , . ► ~ - _ _ - - - - ~ ~ ...o~ - ~ . : ~~~-~~+x~t+ ~ '~`~~.y~ ' ' : ~f' ~I~4 i j;~ , ' ' tiy . ~ ~t { „Y ' ~ ~ ~.rl ~ ~ `t` +oc e •7 ' . ^ : L2 ~ y->.~,£"~" ~,;;•h,~i°,ti. f P 1 t+= y f ~.w S~.t,~J _ w - , . 1~ Gl ! I+ _ -'~~^1~1 '~'-'!A~ i6• ~::Yr~ i.~~C; . ~ ~ ~ FIG. X1.12 High-Sever'tty Bumps and Sags FIG. X1.14 MediumSeveriry Cotrvgation XI,.8.3 Now to A9ecrsure-Buwps c+r sa-s are mr,xstired i❑ ' , - - Eine.ar meters (fezt). Lf the bumn occurs in cornbinaLion witb a . er3ck, che crac~: also is recorde~l. _ , 3 ~1l~:,, , " CQRRiJCATt0N X j 9 Daccription-Comigatiqn, also known as "u,asb- b0ardina,,, is a series of dosety spacecl iidgas and Vy1lCY5 ;Y~ ~ ^ • - ` , . (ripples) occurring at fairly regular inicrvals, usually less than _ ~ ' ` ~ • = . . , ; 3 m(10 ft) aiong t#te pavemenl.l'Le ridges are perpeitdicular to t6e tr-affic directioo. 7']iis type of distsess usu::lly is caused by traffc act.ion combinccl witti an unsedble pavemcnt surfoce nr base. X 1.9.1 .S~~erity Level,s: ~a X I.,-C'orrugation produces luw-se<<erity ride ctual- iry (Fi;;. X 1 _ I 3). X1.9.1.2 A1-Corrugation prAduces medium-scve.riy ride FIG. X1.15 High-Severity Cortugation quality (Fig. X 1.14). , X H-Coirugation produces Liglt-seeventy ride qual- , ity (Fia. X1.1 j). ' surface 3iCSS WICI] CIev3t10115 5llgllily IONt'er than thosc of rhe 11.9.2 N.ou, tu Adeuscrre-C:orrugaiion is loeasured ui stirroundina pxveulent. Tn mvny insttuces, liglij depressioeis are square mcters (square fcr.t) of surface area, not nolieeable until aher a raiv, whe.n pondino water creates a DEPl2F SSTO\ "birdbath" arca; on dry pavement, sfepressions can be spotted ' by lool:ing for stiins causctl by pnuduin watc.r. llepressions are Xl .10 Ppscriprian-Uepressions are localiz,ed pavement createrci by scttlement ofi the fowidation soil or are a result of 14 Copyright by ASTNi lnt`I (all ri~hcs resen,al); Rcproduceion authori7ed prr Licensc.Agreeine.tit with 1:,NTDA 5 LrUNGlt.tii L(J-IJ-B E\G1NEERS, TNC.); «`ed Feb 15 1 1:52:44 rST 2006 _ 0 D 6433 - 03 imptnper constructiou. Uepressions cause saUie roughness, and wiien deep enough or filled v.7th watc;, can cause hydroplan- r ing. X 1. ! 0.1 Severiry• l.evel.c (A4axin:urrr DeptJi of Depmrsioq): r~"~ `~~.`_~~''•~s~;.~: - 't41~ ~ . r ?X1_10.1.1 L-13 lo 25 mm ('h w ] in.) (Fin. XE.16). XI.I0.t.2 A-i-Z$ to 50 mm (i to 2 in.) (Fig. X1.17). XI.10.1.3 H-More than 50 mm (2 in.) (Feg. X 1. I$). X1102 N.ow to i-feQSan•e-DePressions are maasured in ' - squxre meters (square feet) of s►u-face area. ` . EI7GE CTZ.4CKJNG < i,°:'~ . X1.11 De.cerlprio»-Edge c.racks are parallel to arid usually - ' • -w, , widiin 0.3 to 0.5 nn (1 to 1.5 R) of the outer edgae of the pavemeut. Tttis distress is accr_lerajed by traffic load'uin, and cati ,.i bC C34LSCd bV fCOS1-wCSf:GOC[I fSBSC OT SUbg'dtjC riCBt lI1C CdgC UI FlG. X1.17 MediumSovarity Depression ~ the pavernent Tbe area between the crack and pavenient ed'e ' is elassified as raveled if it is broken up f,s4riiet_imes co iile - cx(cist that pieccs sre rcmoved). X 1. 11. l Severrtv L.evels: X1.11.1.1 L-Low or medium cracking widino Urea},-iip or ~'i%•'-==~;~ ravelin; (Fig. X1.19)- , a l.l 1.1.2 N•1-s4edium cracks wiEh sorne brcakun and rav- tliug (1 ig. X1.20). ;C1.11.1.3 _til--Considerable breakup or raveling aloligo the edgc (Fig. .l' i .21). X 1.11.2 ~`-yt_ ~ - ` , ~ Noiv !o A9ensure,-Ld ge - erackiug is measure io 1 , liiiear rneters (fe:et). ~ ' _ - 301N"I' ItFPLFCTT4N CFtACK.T,\~'. :~5.~~~ ~ ~ r-~--- (Frum Lungitudinal 9nd 7'raijsverse PCC Slabs) ';j'•- ^'~~~i~ > , 1,'~ , ~i~~ • ..5. _ r.~~ . X1.12 De.ccriptiort-'1hiS dLCrCSS OCCitt'S OnIV Oll 8SpI1aIL- F1G. X1.18 High-Seve+ity dlepression surfaced pavemc.nts that have bcen laicf ovrs a PC:C slab. It does uot include reflection cracks from any other t},pe of base, that is, eement- ur iin.ie-stabili7ed; these cracks are caused . c~1 maiiily b}, chcrma!- dr moisture-'viduced moverneiit of the I'CC . slab beneadi Ebe. AC surfacc.. This dislrc;ss is nc.~t lnsd-related: •,r a~,~. ho,wever, traffic loading may cause a breakdown of the AC ' ~2 surfscc nesr the crack, lf the pavement is fra-mencerl alonc, a " ~ - ►~y~ N~y ty ~ fl'.~` , cjy~l~'~' ; .6 ~i i•i't~e "7 •~!~`~a ~~'1,7 ~t. . ~ Z L~. , _ • . ~l~ i~..t`!Y,~ r .~`„Y r, ~ ~x~ ^-~-{~''r ~f ~ ='l.°,"c.. ~.roltl~~"~rv?`&~ r, • ,g~-.,~L~"i' • ~ . ~ ~-S ys~ ---:~i~•. : ~1- , ~ _ • FIG. X1.19 LowSeverfry Edgc Crackfng - crack, the crack is said to be spalled. A]mowledoe of s1aU diunension beueath the AC surface will help to identi€y :hese F:, i • " A.«.~ - distresscs. ; `,:r-~ X1.12.1 Severr~yLeveLc: Xl.12.1.1 L--Onc of Ubc following condi[ions exists (Fi.( t " . X1.22): 'Nonfilled crack widt?i is less than 10 mm ('/s in.), or FiG. X1.16 Low-Severity Depression fiIICd Ci'aCIC OL 8fly R'idLll (f1IIeY Itl Sat1SfaCtAi'y COt1dIG011). li Copyrigbt by ASTM int'i (all righcs ressn,ed); Reproductioo quthorized Per T.icensc Abreement with LITD.4 S LAiNGRL•.LL (J-[7-13 rNIG1NEE-RS, [N'C.); \<<ec! Feb 15 1]:S2:44 E57 2006 D 6433 - 03 ui ~ rYx ~ C~ i'~'~~jY2+~~~. o ~ A LJS._I~LJK~ rqs 1` .,.~U'r~~Yy:f~4j~y'!ar[.fCl!^••f ~.~,t;C{. ~~`-r3.• 2 A... 5 ~KV+ E' ti La ~1 "~r . ~d,~~..r •t d•'-= • A~~~!'e J'j- ~f"?~'`S /~~.p ``4~ r ~S"v}' ~ . ~.1 ~•t ' ~ Fi ',,T`~~ ~J~ iT: - • _~j?"~~x''.= : S?T.. k~~~.►. ,~',dl. •-~1•:- j'•~T.'v. ~'hr•~•y? •S<: .s ~ .c ~!r~Y~ `.~t+gj.~`~~i: +Y~L-: - a C '"f 11` }~ly. r~°: ♦ ~ . T. 4<f~t~}a:L~Y~b! =~Lr:-Ik.~dsr S~+ r.i. F1G. X110 Meciium-S¢vcrity Edge Cracking ~'Y~.~k.~?~k ~n'^~'- •:f"'R~~~~ 'T ..vy' ' ~ •~'Z i' ~ ' , ~ ~ r~aa-Y: ; ~A=r~C- : . L~~~~~~.~'F:d~ ' F1G. X1.23 MediumSeverity Joint Reflcction Cracking •--+r 1' t ~ _.1' s xl.l2.1.3 R-One ofthe €ollowine c.ondiaons e.Yists (tig. X 1.24): Any ci'ack fillcd or nonfilled suirounded by mcdiutzi- or L~iglrseveriry secondary crack.ina; noufilled Ct'acks greacer ;'M~ , : tiian ?S mm (s in.); or, a crack of any `vidib •where approxi- ~ ~ . matcly 100 mm (Q in.) of navernent. 3round tlie craek are ' sevei•ely raveled or brokcn. ~ - - ~ 3t1.I2.2 Now ta A4eczane-]oint reflection cracking is mea- sured in linear metcrs (Ceet). The lengtb and severiry Ic-%,ci of FIG. X1.21 High-Severity Edge Cracking :ac11 crack slloulci be identified and recorded separaie.ty. For , exariple, a crxe's' cltat is 15 m(5O fl) lonc., may have 3 m(10 it) i`" s-'•~% , - - ° • J, p-~ 'z 1 '~~~~C: ;4~r~~-~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ • :Q~.I~ ' j~ ` n~., ~f. • , ; ; -s..• `P • . p'~~ ' r{-'-';'. ' = ft: - . ' . r,"'~; L: _ ~V ~ yy~ ~~-j ~ j ~ _ .`~~`I~., y- wo ' il~ . • . . ~ ` _ j.r~✓~~ T♦-T ~~t~' t i-: • ~-sj . - - . , Iq~i _ r~,i4 y~-~~.L~ie.« :i" . _ • S~'~ - - . 4'~ o . ; ~ ,G~'~(r~~ wv~, ~ . ~ S FS..ty~'~~-`ti~ 1. ' K.- . ~ ~ yr~ ~ ~ , .a~,w` t-.~#~S.a-.?e' ~_:f'',i: r ~ tF'II ~1~~~~ ~,'^P~ ~ ' t,.; , _ .;t.1 . ~ .•;t.. ~~~~~l~~~^~ dzT«'+'' h~a .t ~ 7~~ ~ •li• .r~j{ Ff 4. ~ J'.~ « Tu'~l.~~~,i r •r ~~y •'~t u 1~~ i . s I . a : _ ~1`'s'~ i r~ i~_~': • ~K=.Ki~~~':YrT°''C1ilY""-!.s~ .ti ^7 FIG, X1.22 Low-Severity Joint Reflection Cracking •-~,~L;,i'~; X 1.1 Z.l .2 A'[-Ooc nf tbe followiue couditions cxisis (Fi.-. r• . ;C1.23): Nonfilled crack ~,vidtli is greatcr tb3n or equa.l So 10 : ~ k'~~=' r~c;~•": ~i 3~y;.~; mn (3%s in.) and less tban 75 inm (3 in.); noinfilled crack lcss tltan or e ual tU 75 mm 3 in. sui•roundcd bv tiglit se.couc~ q ~ ) KC}' crackin;; or, f~lled crack oI any wicitb surraunc~ed by ligljt „ K.-x_ ~-~a~'«: ~--'e¢ti~~ . G_•, _ SzCOnd3ry CreCk-uta. F1G. X1.24 High-Severity Joint ReflecNon Cracking 16 Copyri;ht by ASTT4 1nt'I (all righLs reseaved); ' Reproduction authorized pcr I,icense Agi=ment with LINDrl S T,.ANf R.ELL (J-i.]-B E\'GL\'EERS, INC.); Wed Fcb 15 11:52:44 LST 2006 D 6433 - 03 of high severiry craclcs, which zre al] recorded separately. lf a • - hump occurs at tlie reflec4ion crack, it is recaorded als4. LA\'E/SHOUL•DER DRQP-nFR _~,;~r;;~:.~r : N Yl_13Descriprion-I~~aneJshc►ulder drop-off is a difference ' T .3~►.~ .Y?~~ _ A iu elevation beiween the pavement edgc ajid tht! schoujder. T7ti5 ~.Y distress is caused by shoulder erosion, shoulder setdernent, or by buitding up ttie roxdway wirhout adjuscing the shoulder X 1.13.1 :F2ve1'!o, Uvelf: X1.13.1.1 IrT~h~ differenee u~ elevation hetwetn the pa~~c- y~c-~-.:.-,: ~ _ ^ ment edge ajid shou9der is > 25 mm (1 in.) and< 50 rnni (2 in.) (Fig. X1.25). i • a ~ r`~~ o , Xl.l 3.i.2 Ai-The difference in elevation is > 50 mrn (2 r;,;; ' _ iII.) anl~ <]00 illm (4 in.) (Fiy,. al .2G). ` F1G. X126 MediumSeverity LanelShoulder Drop~Oif X1.13.1.3 H-The cliffe.rence in de.vs[ion is > 100 nutii (4 in.) (Fig. Y1.27). . 711.13.2 Flotiv ta Measure-Lane/slioulder cirop-off is mea- sured in linear mcte.r.; (fect). l,0n`GI'I"T)1)1N.41,An'U TRATVSVERSE CRACKfNG (Noo-PCC Slab Joint Rcfleetive) f'-~ • ~ • X 1.14 Dp_sci•iptiaz: :\1.14,1 Loiigitudina] crzcl:s are p<:rallel to thc pavemeut's ceoterline or laydoam direction. 'i'bey may be causcd by: - y . Xl.i4.1.1 A poarly constructed paving lane. joint ' X Shrinkagc of the AC surface due to low :ampera- i i tures or hardening af the aspfialt, nr daily temperattu-e eycLing, _ . or bodi. . a 1.14,1.3 .4 refleccive crack caused by crackina beoe3tb the surfacc coursc, includina eracks in PCC slabs, but not PGC j0ints. FIG. Xt_27 High-SeveriYy LanelShoulder Drop-0ff X 1.14,1.4 Transverse craclcs extend across the pavement at ' approximately ri;ht augtes to the pavemene ceu4erline or di3•ection of laydmvil. These types of ci3c:+s are nbt usually load-associated. X1.14.2 Seyte,-frv J.evels: X1.14.2.1 L-Onc of cbe following conditions exists (Fia. a 1.2$): nonfillud crack widdh is less than 10 mm (%s in.), or filled crack. of aitiy ~viddi (filler in satisfactory condiiion). fM~r .'y~'~.y•~r''ZS'r~ ~ ` • l : ~S, _ • e-, r ~ ~ ~ ' .Q ,~•v~,r; _ . F1G. X1.28 Low-Severity Longih+dinal and zransverse Cracking fX" ~ 1 ~ , •~~~~6~ ~.t•,~-':~l'1.'! ;\i.14.2.2 A1-Oue oftlie following cavditions exists (Fig. X 1.29): nonfilled crack width is greater [han or equal to 10 mm ~ f'.• ~ ` !and less thsv 75 mrn ca 3 i.n.); nnnf]!cd crack is lcss than , fr ,T~' t'~ or equal w 75 rnni (3 in.) suirouvcled bv light and random c;r.iCking; or, filled crack is oCany width surroundcd by ligh[ FIG. X1.25 l.ovtiSeverity LsnelShoulder Drop-Offi raridom crackin-. 17 Cnpyri3ht by ASTNt Iyt'I (all righis rescnvcd); RtpmducGiqn avihorized per License Agrsctucnc wit}i Ll`TDA S LAN'GItELI. (J-U-B ENG1NEEItS; INC.); NVed Feb 15 11:52:44 LST 2006 D 6433 - 03 ~ , j - _ _ .:`Aj`f~~. r '.1, r~.z+~R C ~ . i' `Sj►'!~ ~ . t~~:""~:~ ~ , • ~ e~ }Pei~~ P _ +j ~~Z~~ !z' , sS~R' .•~'1 , C `r~:~' y ~ ~ _ ;Yt ~ . . .J _c ~ • ~^.~i~1~~ ".,:ac~ °-~n~`L',~ y~ VLP~ n~.r / it• i ~ 1~~}~-} ~~sL'~ ~,?.±d~s- FIG. X1.29 Mettium-Severity Longitudinal and Transvorse FIG. X1.31 Low-Soverity Patching and Utility Cut Patching Cracking X1.14.23 H-4ne of the followi~ng conditinns exist.s (Fio. X1_15.1.2 N9-Pacch is moderately deteriorated, or ridc X 1.30): any r.rack filled or nonftlled surroundr.ci by mediuizi- er yualiry_ is rtcd as rnediuni s.vcrity, or both (Fi?. X1.32). hi b-se~~erirandom crackin nonflled crack Qr~eatcr tlian 75 X 1'15'1 '3 A-Patcv is hadly dcterioratzc~, ar ride qualiry is ~ ry ~ rn (3 in.); or, a crack of any width where approxiina[cly 100 rated as high severity, or botli; needs rcplsscetuetit soon (Fi3. X1 .33) rnm (4 in.) of pavcmert around tlie c.rack is severely brokcn. ~ X]_14.3 How to rLleasur~-Lot~gitut~inal and trans~~ersc '~I-15'2 tiO1v to ,tseasure-P9tchiug is rated in f1 of cracks are measured in linear cuetet's (feet). T'he length and su;face are<:; however, if a single pauh has arcas of differin- L severity of e.ach craek sbould be. recrrded. If;he crack dees noc scverity, these arcas sbould be mcasured arid recorded sepa- ratcly. For ezample, a 2.5 m' (27.0 ft) patch may have 1 m have tbe stune severitv level aloug its entire length, each Iftof inediuivi severity and 1.5 m' (16 fr') of ]ow severity. nortion of the crack hming a different severity level should be 1-+~ese areas w~ouid be recorded separately. Any distress found ~ recorded separat~ly. in a patebad area will not be recordecI; huwever, its effect on ~ PATCIiIi\'G AN-D UTILITY (:IJT PATCHin'G the patch vvill be cotisidered wbeu detemiining the patch's scveriry levei. \°o other disu•es,ES, fnr etainple, are recorded X!.15 Descriprian-A patch is an area of pavement tha4 has within a patcli. Fven if 12ie pajch maicrial is shoving or beeu repiaced wirli new matcrisl to repair the cxisting pave.- erac}.-ing, thc area is rated only as a patc.h. If a large ariowit of rneu[. r\ patch is cansidered a defect vo ttiatter liow well it is pavement has been replaced, il sUOUId itoL bc recorded as a perforn3ing (a patchet{ area or adjacent area usiially does nnl pacch but considcred as new pavcmen[, for examplc, replace- pcrform 3s well as an origina] pavement scction)_ Gene,rall_y, ment of s complete inlersectipn. some roughness is associated with [his distress. POT~ISFt~.U AGGRF.:C:A'I'L ~~er•ity (.evelr: X 1. 9 S. 1 Se X1.75.1.1 I.~Patcli is in aoo[1 oorditio» aitd svtisEaetary. X1.16 Deccriptron-"1'his dislrGis is eaused by repcated Ride quality is rated as low severity or better.(Fig_ X1.31), tMffic appiications_ PolisLed agn egatc is presenc -when c.Iosc Ir ~.,►-Y1'es. - - . ~ . _ i4y= ~~~~--}IL _ ' ~ . r . . . y~^ ~ ~ ~ ~SY` f i~ . o~ ` - l..: , i F ' ~ I . . ' - . ` 5\ ' ' • ul_ il Y~ 1 . - - _ " ' 2I , ~'~+ir"__ 1 _ - • ' • , , . , ` ' v,^aa,fY: 1' . ' A_ - ; • . . ` ~ ' . D` . . ~ . ~r. i~ ` ~ ' _ _,.,r~_ . . T • , _ , . c ~ 1 'rC . r "'`--+~•.J~~+..,~ . - ~ ~ , ~ P~ $ ts 4~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ i~.r~, ~L 1~M ,~4~ ~ • • ' FIG. X1.30 High-Sevoriry Longitudlnal and Transverse Cracking FIG. X1.32 Medium-5evcriry Patrhing and Utfllty Cut Patching 1$ CopYright by ASTb9 InPI (all righu reseivcd); Rep.oduction autltorizui per License Agrecment u7th LINDA 5 I-A.1`'GRELL (J-U-N FNGINTELRS, L\'C.); Weci Feb 15 1 I:52'44 NS7 2006 D 6433 - 03 750 nim (30 in.) in diamctar-bow]-shapeci depressions in the paver.ient Sl!IfACC. Ttlcy generally have sharp edges and vertic4l sides neac die [op of che bole. VJhen holes are crr:atcci by high-seve;iry alligator craaking, they shotsld be idcntificd as F y. ' pothc.~les, ❑ot as wcatherinc. X I.17_ ] Severitv I..evels: tholes less iban 750 X I .17.1.1 The levcls of se4eriry_ for .,uuv (30 in.) in diametcr are hased on both the diwnetcr and the depth of the podiAle, according w Tablc kI.1. ~.lt.~l T' i ~ T ;s~ • X1.17.1.2 lf the pnibolc is niore thaii 750 rnr7 (30 in.) in diameter, the arez should tye cfetenniued in syuare feet and .c•.~c',. : r ~ ~ ~ • dividcd by OS ni2 (S.a ft) find the squivalent number of holes. Tf tbe de.pth is 25 mm (1 in.) or lesy, [he holcs are considere.d mediurn-severiry. If t]ie deptb is morc ih-an 25 mm (1 in.), dhey ~•c'_' ; ~~,~'y~-~= are considered liigh-severiry (Figs. X1.35-Xl37). FIG. X1.33 High-Severity Patching and Utility Cut Patthing Xl.j 7.2 I'/otv fo MeOSttre-Potholes are measured by CoLtnf- ing the numbc.r that are !ow-, medium-, and lugh-scvcity aud cxamijiation of a pavement reveals tbat the portion of aWe- recording ttiean separa4etv. gate extending aUove the asphalc is either vcry small, or wcrc kA17,ROAp CROSSL\•G are no rcrugL or aaigular sgggregatc particles to pravide good skid resist2nce. When the aggegate in the siirface becomes X1,1$ DesCriplion-R:.ilroad c:rossing defects are depres- saioocb to Ebe toueL, adhesion with vehicle tirr:s is considcrably sions or bumps aro~nd, or bet~~een tracks, or bodh. rcdue.eci. W'hen the {aortion oE aggegate exEending above the x].1 S. ! Sev2rin, Level.c: sur#ace is srnall, the pavernent tetitLise does not siguificant.ly X 7.1 i. i I-Railmsd crossing causes ]ow-severiry ride contribute tu reciucing veli.icle speed. Poiished aggrcgate Gualiry (Fig. X1.38) sliould be counted whcai closc c.xamination rcveals that the X1.15.1.2 A4-RaiEroad crossing caases meriium-severity 8~~~i'Czfl(C CXCCIICLI7a abovc €l~c ~ ha]t is ne~liQible and the a- ~ ' ridc quality (Fig. X1.39). r 1 surfacc aga oate is sinootfi to the toucli. Tliis type ofdistress XI-181.3 H-Railroad crossing causcs hig~-scverity ride is indicated when the number on a skid resisnance tESt is low or ~1,40). ha; dmpped sigii.i.ficantly from i pcevit~tLs iw[ivg. qualitV (]'ig. , ~I. i 8.2 How to Meastav--Tlie area of the crcrssing is X1.16.1 Severity Le»e!s-Nn dcgrccs o[ severity are de- mcasurcd in square meters (square feei) ofsurface arc3_ If the fuic:d; howcver, the dcgree of palishiit-, should be clearly crosSin~ clc~es tiot ar"~ect ride quzliry, it s6ould not be cou~ited. evidant in the sample u~iit in tbat the aggregate surEace shut~ld p„y targe bump crea[ed by thc. uzcks sbould Ue counied as part be smooth to the iouch (Fig. X134). of the crossing. X 1.16.2 I°foti+~ fo l~~ec.sure-Polishc.cl a~~regace is mea.sured in squarc mcters (square feet) of surface area. (f bleedin; is RUf'I`ri\'C: coun[ed, polished aggregate sbould noi be eounLecl. X1.19 DAccription-A rut. is surEace dcpression in the POTHOLE5 wheel pachs. Pavement uplift may occur alon; dhe sides of the nu, but, in many instance,, ruLs are aoticeable only aftcr a X1.17 17escriptio+L--Potholes are small-ttsually icss thaii rainfall wE7e71 The padis are filled witti watcr. Ruttine stenu arom a perinanent defornvitiqn in any oCehc pavewent layei5 er sub~rades, usually cause~J by CC~nsolicl:~4ed or lateral mo~~emenf ` ~ of aie materials due to traffic load. , ~ ~ ~ „ a=• . X l .19.1 .Sever•ttti, Lev-r.T,c (Msar7 Ru! Deptil): a ~ :u ' - X!.19.1.1 I.r-6 w 13 mm ('/a to '/5 in.) (Fig. X I.41). X1.19.1.2 A1->13 to 25 mm (>'h to 1 in.) (Fig. X 1.42). . TABLE X1.1 Levels of Severity ior PotNoles Averag_ D(nmeter {mrn I (fn.) tAabmirm Dep:h w 100 to 200 rtirri 200 to 450 mm 450 to 75U rnm ~ - •y r' - . r~ 1 PQIhzlIB (4 t0 8 I71.) (810 fg Ifl.) ('la i0 30 Ii1.) 13 to s25 rmn L L M. (14 to 1 In.) f- ~ >25 and :50 mm L fd M (1 tn 2 fnJ l i - ~50 mm ~d td H . ' ~ . - . _ [ W . (2111.) FIG. X1.34 Pofished Aggregate 19 Cop}'right by ASTA9 IuPI (a!l rights rese.rved); Reproducuon authorizecl per License Agreenient with LINbA S Lr1NIGRGL1_ (1-U-B L•"NCiTNMrRS, l'C.); 1Vrd Fcb 15 11:52:44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 ; *r~;2►.~.x - ~ t~~ ,rp,i; . . w - - -~'.:..~s• . 3w~ ' ~P ~ "'"~r. ~ _ ~ r •G ~ . _ . . ~ ~.a r e . . ' , FIG. X1.35 Low-Sevcrity Pothole FIG. X1.38 Low-Sevcrity Railroad Crossing . } 7M+a,~ ~ ~4 ~ . • ' . ~y~- . ~ - ~''t - . j E ' • L ' ra'} SJ n~' ' ~ _ ~ t•~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ p : ~y~.~ b : _ ~~i•; "`r - _ - !a ~ i } "''--e." _ . - ,r, - ~ . ~c _ • . «rt- i • ~4~1 .I1~~ ~ / . t M1 • . S{, ~`~~"~i~`,.:~~ • ~~i,~r'. ~„Z,. FIG. X1.36 MediumSeverity Pothole FIG. X1.39 MediumSeverity Railroad Crossing ;f~~ ~d~~. 'd ~ rJ ~ ■ '_"!~nr6:(#~~ `H ~ .r!. ~ '<'1~ 1 ~G►-'~ ~ F~~1fr ~ t .1 C ; 1 b~` . . . T Ir~ . i~M~ ' ~ 1 ' ' ~ 17 . ,t ~.1~~~ T, a•,~ t Y~ t 7i' . , ` ~ - ~ a; _ _ .~wr' y . ~ w- • - T~ i_, . ~ ~ 7 ..r. r. . _ ~ ' Ki • . r~fl V+ 4~~~~~ a ~ r '7 F v` ~tie~~ ~2 ? ~k ~ • ~ . ~ '~"'''~1~„~~ a ~ ~ ~ O yS ~q- .ac=` r' c , i_ C4 , ~ 4p ~ . wer~" .r V ia~ ' • b . r ty,'k+~ t ' ! ~i a,,. .l..~y ♦ -s-.~r,,•-"t T..,~: N'a"~4 !a I~:S~~7~'e~ii ✓ R... J+-5l~: .._....}.'Ig..~ i ~ : S . ~ ~1,;r ' a~..•'%i , - . • 'r, =1~~`qs:... FIG. X1.37 High-Severity Pothole FIG. X1.40 High-Savcrity Railroad Crassing X1.19.i.3 k1-~25 nun (>i in.) (Fig. Xi.43). n~easureiuents ta}ceci alono the lengdh of 4he rut to cotnpute itis X1.19.2 Now tL 1t9eastere-Ru[tinw is measured iu squarc iyiean deptb in miliimeiec's. ineters (syusre feet) of surface arca, and its sevcriry is . t9ettnnil1ed by the tneail deptli of the iut (sr:c X1.19.1.1- SHIQv[NG X1.19.1.3). 'lbe tne.n rut deptli is calculated by layung a _ straigbt edge acmss the iuL; measuriitj iL depdb, tlien using X 1.20 Deseription: 20 Copyribht by AS'1'M Int'1 (all righis reservul); Rcproauction auchorized per Liccn;c A~.~..,.~eut witli J INTDA S L!u\~GftFLL (J-U•}3 ENGILNE.EItS, 11\1C.); Wed Feb 15 j t:52:A4 FST 2006 D 6433 - 03 X1.20.2 ShAves also occur wbere aspbalt p,avemcnLs abut PCC pave.ments. "Che I'CC pavenents incrc+ssc in Icneth and • push rl~c asphalt pavement, causing die shoving. ~ X]_20.3 3everi,-y X1?0.3.1 1.-Sliove causes loa-severiry ride quality (Fi?. X 1.4:). X1.20.3.2 1►4-Shove cauces medium-se<<eriry ride quality (Fig. X1.45). ai.20.3.3 H-Shovc causes high-severity ride quality (Fig. X 1.46). Xi.20.4 HuK, ro ,1lecrsure-Shoves are measu-ccl in squl-rre metei5 (fcct) of surf-aec area. Slio<<cs occurring in patchc; are considcrcd io raling the galch, not as a scparacc distress. SLiPPAC:E CEZACICLN'C FIG. X1.41 LowSevcrity Rutting Y1.21 Descrzpriorr-Slippage. rracks are CTCSCelli Oi I73lf- moon sbaped eraclcs; usa3lly transverse u> the direction nf craveL They are produced urlien brakint or turnin; aveels causc Lhe paveanent surfaee to slide or dvform. lLis distress tisuall_y accurs in overlaps wheo dicrc is a poor bond betwecn the surfar.c and the next layer of the paven}eni suiichare. X1.21.1 Severitv Level: X1.21.1.1 I.T-Averagc craek •ariclth is < 10 m.m ('-Ain.) (Fig. ]i1.47). X1.21.1.2 I t-Que of the #'ollowing conditions exiss (Fig_ X1.45): avcrage crack ~x7dtL is ? 10 aocl < 40 mm f, and< 1Jh_ in.); or the area zrownd the crack is mndera[tly spalleci, or sunounded wieh scconciary cracks. X E,21.1.3 H-One of thz following conditions exists (Fig. X1.49): the averase crack widdi is > 40 nim (I-1i2 in.) or the area around the c.nack is broken inio easily removed pieces. - a I.21:2 lam+f to 14LILmI-L-The area asseciated widi a given ~ FIG. X1.42 PAcdium-Sevcrity i2utting slippage srack is meastired in square rneters (sqteare feet) ziid rated accnrding tn the highest level of severity in the area. d ~ t, ~ ~'r~wr4 Wci'id X1:22 Dcccriprion-S,,vell is chara.ccerized by zn upward l:ulge ui rhe pavemcnt.'s surfncc, a lons, gadua] tvavc morc . , Y, ~ ! . ~ Ya ' ~ . • t . _ - • , ~ 'o- i~ FIG. X1.43 Migh-Severity Rutting Y1.20.1 Slioving is apcrnianen[, lon~~iruciinal di~placement . ~`,::~',.,Y t',, af s ]ocalized area of the pavement surface caused by traffic Eoading. Wlicn traffic pushes sgainsc the pavemenr.i ii pr•oduces 7 $~IQIY, 8~)lUpt R'a\~C lEl the pa~~er~cnl Slll'fHCC. T~11S C~.IS~CSS ~~C,?~'~=xl~' ~~~+~1-t rra~`-~I ~ f ~'~'+p .~i; ~j ~norr7ially occurs only in unstable liquid asnhaEt mix (cutbaak nr ~t? • - = r : uti emulSion) pavements. FIG. X1.~',4 Low-Sevcrity Shoving 21 Copyrighc bJ ASMf Tnt'l (all rig6ts re.ceived); Rcproduction nuthorized per L.icrnse rlg;eemetrt ,vitli LCN°DA S LANGfLEI.L (J-l.z-$ U,'GTM'.rR$, INIC.); Wed Feb 15 I 1:52:44 FST 2006 D 6433 - 03 ~ • FIG. X1.45 Medium-Sevcrity 5hoving FIG. X1.48 Madfum-Severity Slippage Cracking 9 I ~ Cy ~ I _ 1~'•. ~ ~ • ~ - ~ II % . ~ Y . FIG. X1.46 High-Severity Shoving FIG. X1.49 High-Sevarity Slippage Cracking . ~ 'F ~~y c.v _ y ~ ,:~,,~A, - - 1 ■ ~ 'k ~ 1 i i ♦ , . l . ' ■ ',l. . - , . t . - ' ' • ' y , i' - FIG. X1.47 Low-Severity Slippage Cracking FIG. X1.59 Example Swell. Severity level is basod on ricie quality crtteria. . than 3 m(10 ft) long (Fig. XI.50). Swelling can be accornpa- • iutd by surlhce cracking. 1"bis disn-css usually is causcd by fmst action in tlX subgradc or by swelling soil. by driving at the spced limit over the pavcme.n[ secLion. Aii a1,22.1 .Severity Le1,el: Wpward m+?tion ,01l occur at the sxx~ell if it is preseait. ;\'1_?2.l.1 L-Swell c.uses lo-a,-severity ride qualiry. Low- X 1.22•E.2 M-Swell causes me{iium-severity iide quality~ , severiiy swe[Is arc nat a1N-ays easV to see but can be dceccted X H-Swell causes tulAl-severity ride quality. 22 Copyriyht b}' ASl'M lot'I (AII 7'i0gh[S CESmcd); Repruduccion authorizccl pcr T iLerise.Agrcement vvith LNDA 5 LM'GR:I:T.T (I-U-B ENGINFETtS, [NC.); VJeZ Feb IS 11:52:14 rST 2006 D 6433 - 03 Xi22.2 ,Yn++, lo MeasurF-7be slirface urr,a ofthe swcil is =t "g'=-t -r---. - =io i . - - • - - measured i ri squar•e meEers (sqiiare feet). L ~ f `'r~,~ ~ - ~ ~ - . k`- ~ t~,.~~.r~!:T~ ,f :~y:.'~~,~~` 3" a i'.1.• a. a-. WHATHERrNC an'D RANrEG(\G ~ ~ ~ z • . r ~ ;_.a;... )C1.23 De.scrrptiara-Wezt7oering and raveling arc the wear- 4 r - Il-~v , ~:•'iK"~y . wi. '~~~~17J ing away of the pavement surface due to a]oss of zsphalt or tar ~_~.~~yr f,~.~,.?~3;~.~~`~'~"~e-=~~T c. ►r~ - t~.cc=--- binder ajid dislodeed aegregat.e parcicles. These distsesses indieate chat either the ssphalt binder bas bardencd apprcciably or thaE a poor-quality mixture is presen4. 1.n addition, rave]ins ~.v+rry~~ v ~ ~'TY~ .^E".~ - may be caused by c:ertain rypes of tra8ie, fcar exanple; t~-acLed P~'s;~j :~.:*••r~~'~1%--~`• ~~~=_.`'~q~ vehicle.s. Softening af die surface and dislodging of tihe. aggregates ciue co oii spiliage also are incitlcieci under raveli.yg. ,v~,__'~~r• * ~r;-~'~;~~r~~"'4r-~'~; ,~~-:~~'~.~=y? X1.23A :JC'1'el-1ty ~c1~.~.~: „~ia~'''}`~~ ~.5._,l~~7'r~,'~'~'~•~ ~Sf-~,y,p X L--Ag;,~reaate or binderbas started t~~ wear away. in somc areas, tlic surfa,oc is starting to pit (Fig. X1.31). in thc `~~"-~~'~~`b`~ =-->'*~~~=~~•A caSe Of oil Spillage, the oil s4ain cau be seen, but lhe surfacc is FIG. X1.52 Mcdium-Soverfty Weathering and Rav¢ling hard and cannot be penetrated wich a coin. \ i1I-Aggregate or bindrr has uoni away. T'be 8nd less Than 13 uwi ui.) deep (Fi ~9.53 ; icted areas surfacc tcxturc is moderatcly rt~ugl~ 3nd pi!ted (1=iv. a1.52). ln g' ` ~ n the case of oil spillage, the surfacE is soft and can be pcnetrated ~~~er tban ibi~ are counted as potboles. (n t3~e case of oi! spillagc, thc asphalt buidcr las lost its binding effoct and the ~ ~oin' ~n~egate has become lc~ose. X1.23.1.3 H-.ago r.gate or binder has been worn atvay ag X1 23.2 How to 44errcure-Weathering and raveling are considerably. 7'he stirface teature is very rough aiid scucrely mcasurcd in squarc mr.tcrs (squgre feet) of sirfioe ar'r,a. pitted. "Ilie pit[ed areas are less dian 10 rnm (4 in.) in diwtieter _ _ ~ ,;r:r~ ~Y: a1 ^ tC•L-'ti°.-... ~i ' . ~~1 x'!'~ ~ F , • ~1'r ~ .r ' • - ' f..` l;•~~i 4,g>>.`e-> _ ~ ~ .p7.. _ j ~ . • - FIG. X1.51 I.ow-Severtty Weathering and Raveling F1G. X1.53 High-Sevcrity Weathering and itavcling X2. DIS7RE5S fi' JOI\"f'ED CONCRE'f'E 1'AVN,N7:Ei\"i'S X2.1 This Appendix lisu alphabeticalJy 19 distress ryp°c Count." For convenie.ncc, howcver, the inost iizquenUy raised for join4ed concrete pavcments. DisLrrss tSeftnitions apnly to issues are. addressed bc[ow. both plain and reinforced join?ed concrctc paver,zents, wit}i the X2.1_1.1 paWting is counced onty at joints. Faulting associ- cxccpiion of linear cracking disiress, ~vbicb is definect sepa- atcd ti~~ith crac~:s is not couiited separately since ;t is incorpo- rately for plain and reinforoed jointed concre[c. ra[ed inCo the scvcri[y-level definitions of cracks. Crack defi- X2.1.1 During tbe fielcl coiidition surveys and validation of »itions arc also used in definios comer brea}:s and divided the PCT, sevcral que:stions oftr.n sre ssked abouG the identi~i- ';labs. ' c:c+tion and counted method of some oi the distress£a. An;wers eo dzcse questioos are iocluded under Elle Ite:t&g "How to ~ 23 Cop}'right by ASUM [nPt (all iights rescn,cd); Reproduction anthorized per Liccnse Agrccment ~tirith T.QNT)A S t.ANCiRL•LL (7-U-B ENG[NEERS, h'C.); R'ed Feb 15 l 1:52:44 6ST 2006 D 6433 - 03 X2.1.1,2 Joint seal damage is noi caunted on a siab-by-slzb basis. instead, a severity 3eve] is 2ssigiied bascd on the overall condition of the joim seal in thc area. X2.1.1.3 Cracks in reinlorc.vd concrete slabS dhai zrc less tban ~k in. wride are counccd as shrinkagc cracks. Shrinkagc cracks should not be eounted to deterniine i; the slab is broken inco four or more picces. g, tvai is, crazing, sbotield alily g = z~~~ ~'~i~.~~.~r'K•~~'~?~ X2.1.1.4 L.ow-seve-ity scalin ~s • ~ be cotmteti if Lhcrc is evidence tliat fiiCtlre Gealeng is lil:cly tA OGCIIr. }l2. l.2 The user should note ahat the items Hhove are gencral issucs and clo not staud a.lone as inspec•4ion critcria.'Co nteasurc Z:~:1 T~,ry•~.~~„~}•~~ y: ~ each distress type propcrly, che inspector must bc faniil.iar arith t~+?~=. ~..•.~~~-,,~5 ~ 3, tbe individua] distress criteria. ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ X22 Rade 4uulio- FIG. X2.1 Low Severiry Blowup[8uckling }:2.2.1 Ridc quality rnust be evaluxLed in order co estabiish a severity levei for the. ColJowing distress c}pes: _ X2.2.1.1 Blowuplbuckliag. Y22.1.2 Ri3i1r0a[1 orOSSin?.z. - - - s~'-= ~ X2.2.2 To dcterniine die effect thcse discresses have on ridc qu2lity , the iiispecwr sbould drive at Lbe nonnal operz4eng A ~ . spced and use die followin« severis.y-]evel definitions of ride ` - _ . ~s: . quality: ~ . , ~ . _ . - ~s r elf- . X2.2_2.1 L-LOw. Nleliicle ~~ibrations, "or examplc, frt.~m . ,a;-a`' - • ~'L ~ ~~y~ • • . , r~+.-- % '~f ~ . eorruga'iojt, are noticeaMle, but no rcductit+ti in specd is ~ r. ~~•j ,.l ~ necessaiy for comfori or saie:y, or individu;il bumps or r.7a r~ y"' ~ 'Z•~ • , . , settlements, or both, cause tlie vetiicle to bbunce sli tl) but 1'~., ' create litde discomfort X2.2.2.2 At-`4eciium. Vehicle vibraLions are sigmificant and somt reduction in 5pC'•Cd is uecessary for safety mid cojnfon, or ;ndividtaal bumps or setdemenis cause the vclucle to bowice sirnifi+:aiit]y, or bnth, creatin~ Sujtte discomfori. FIG. X2.2 NJedium Severity Blowu~al6uckling X2.2.2.3 A-I-ii~. Vel~icle vihrations are so excessir•e dhat speed must be reduce.d considerably for safe.t~, aiid camiort, or individu4t bumps or sen.leane.nts, or bnilt, cau5e tlie vehit.ic to X2 3.1.3 ft-BucklinE or sliatterina causes lii;L-stiverity bounce cxccssivcty, creacing substanaal discomfort, a saffery ridc quslity (Fin. X23). ~ hazard, or high natential vchicle dama,ge, or a eombi7ation X23.2 Nc,v rr~ C:ur:,rt-At a crzck, A blc~wvP is counted as rhereof bein~ in ooe slab; how~ever, if dte Ulo~vup occurs at a}oint and X2.2.3 T~e inspector sl~ould drive at dae postcd speed in a atTecLs nvo slabs, the disLress should be reeorded as occumna sedan that is representative of r,ars i}^pically sccn ui loc;al tsaffic. Pavemcnt setpons near stop signs sliould be ratcd at v deceleration specxl Hppropriate for Ihe inLersection. ~ ftt,QR'[JPlBUCKLI X2.3 Descrrpriwn-Blounips or buckles occur in hoc weather, usually at a iransverse eraek or joint chat is uat wicie cnough ta pe.mtit slab expansion. Thc insuffieient width usually i; caused by infiitration of incompre;siblc materials inEO the ' joinc space. W1ien expansion cannot relieve enough presstcre, a ~ - locali2ed tapu,aa'd movemeni. of the slab ccfoes (buck.ling) or shacterinc, will oecur in the vicinity of the joint. Blowups also -1' . 1.- . ccli oecur at utility cuts and drainape inlcLs. X2_3. i Severiry I.eve1s: X2.3.1.1 Lf-Buckling or shattering causes ]ow-scvcrity i1de qual.ity (Fig. X2.1). X2.3.1.2 M-Buckling or shattering causes medium- % severicy ride quality (Fig. X2.2). FIG. X2.3 High-Severity BlowupfBuckling Cop}ri~Jhi by AS"I'b~I Int'1(all rights resrneeci); Reproduction auihurszed per Liccnse Abretment widi L1N1JA S[.ANGRELL (1-U-13 L"NIG1iWFfRS, TTviC.); Wed Fcb 15 11:52:44 F_ST 20116 D 6433 - 03 in ta~o slaas. Whcn a blo,.%,up reiiders tbc pavemcn4 impassable, it sliou]d be repaired immediately. CORRiER BRE:1i: X2.4 Description--A cotroer break is z crack that intersects the joints ae a disraiice less iL3n or cqual to one-6alf ?he slab E~~ u~'{~ ~ , len[.~[h on both sidcs. mea~ured irom the co;ner of the slab. For cxamplc, a slab measuring 3.5 bV 6.0 m(11.5 by 20.0 ft) tfia4 = _ ; - - .tt• • = - has a crack 1.5 m(5 fi) on onc side ajid 3.5 m(I i.5 fc) oiy rle it _61-- o~er sidc is noi cc~nsidered a co;ner break; it is a diavona] o 4 crack. However, a crack r]iat uitersects 0.5 m(4 ft) on one side ~"~...~~~y~ y1r, f~• 2. and 2.5 m(b 8) on chc othcr is considered a comer break.. A ~ f ~ oorver break diffcrs from a corner spall in tlzat the crack ~ ~ ~Y' ~ ~ ' ~=p 'C'~ ~ CXICDCIS ~'C]t7.^dl~y t~ll0ll~h the enrire slats diick~~ess, ~ereas a t r1'.` *"T' ~s _ ~~y . ~t "y;~L 'L ~ +y - " { cerner spall intersects the }oint at. an xngle. Load repecition FIG. X2.5 Medium-SeverSCy Comer Break combined with loss of support and curling strcsscs usually catisc comcr breaks. X2_4.1 Severin~ I..env-L~-- X2.4• 1•3 A-Break is defined by a higtt-severiiy' crick, c.~r X2.4,1.1 I_,-lireak is defined by a law-severity° crack. A Lhc area between tbe break and dhe joints, or botb, is highly craCked low severit), crack i< < 13 rnm (1f in.), craaks oF an}~ u~iddi a*ith . .A tti~t~ sevsrity crack is a nonfillcd crack >>0 mm (2 . The area betvveen the break and iji') ~~~Y(IL', or any fiUcd or nonfilled crack ~t~idi faulEing > 10 iiim satisfactory filler; no faul*.ing (the joinu is vot crackcd er may bc [iohtty cracked (Fig l~. X2.4). ' c3-ack X2.4.2 Now !o Coirnt-Distresscd slab is recor3ed as one X2.4.1.2 AI-Break is defined l~y a rnediurn-severit '~fi ~n. j {Fig. X2.G). , or che area between clie Mreak- and die joints, or botli, vas a slab if iL triec~itim crwe~. A mr~ium se~~erity crack is a nnnfilled crack > ~•Q•2•1 A single comcr break. 13 mr►7 and < 50 mm (>'i`_ ui. snd <2 in.), x noufilled crack- = Y2•4-2•2 More than orae Urea1: qf a particulzr severicy. 50 mni (2 in.) wieh ffiuiune <]0 mm ('/b in.), or a any fille.d X2•4.2.3 'Cwo or more break-s ofdiffercnt severitics. For two ` crack widi faulting < 10 rnm (3/s in.) (Fi;. X2.~). or mure breaks, lL7e high:st lcvcl of sevcrity should be rewrded. For examplc, a slab containuig both low- ancf medium-scvcrity corncr brc<:ks should be counted as one slab widi a mediuni corner break, , ''fhc abuve crack sr_vcrit} definitiais arc fw nnnrernfarcad::labx. Ferr r•-:nfnretCl I)1 V I p F n S LA F3 slabs, !:cc Ifnear crvckf.n. ?X2.5 Descriprron-Slab is divided bV cracks inio faur nr rnore pieces due +o overloading, or inadeyuate supporl, or both. Lf all pieees or cracl:s arV contxuied wiihin a comer break, the distress is categorized as a severe cc,rner break. X2.5.1 Serer•iryLe+~eLs--l'able X2.1 lists severity levels fcIr divided slsbs. Examples ars: showu in Fig=. Y2.7-X2.4. 11 ~ ~ .~7~ . • t r . s, t"'F 1 • ' '"'.~n." / ~N~ . C _ y, t` tti`~~ ~ g~~~ ~ ~ I ~ ,j~~. . ~ . , FMNI~ 1 • ~ ' ='~t. - ¢ .1 • i.r:•w.tiz • . . ~k,. ~ `Z~ • a, e;~ ^7" , w. ~ N~~ 't`~Ll ~ ~ ~ c r ~ L~ ~ ~ r A, ~~-K.4f-. ~ • 3 • ~t~ . 2Zi''~ ,C ~ A~ . . . ~J I. I . ~r. -`''.,w,~~ •'M.~ r"i1•''i. N•ti_ ct , .~~c,~"r G 3 f ~ l,f~ y,~ s> i'~ ♦ ..t ~ '+c ~Y.tL. w4 ` . o."g~~~ • ~ `tr ~k-Rt} L . . , f . a.'J... v< ,~!~•~`il r}~ ~ "y~2~'Yi'f'►r• ~ ~ ~ 4 ~a ; ~i '•s,vrd?~'..E'` •l ~ ':2v.~ ~t' I.~td_. 4 yr - i a~a__ . ~jy~'r" r.1 ,ai \ ~ , :Q~a;'.',~-f•~~y •~RrT-~ 'J}'".~' Z7-' ~"`'•1~ N~-,RS`' • ~''7,ti~`.~ri~:s'~ 1a~ ,:1. `t~ ~~']:.r~.,,~: Y V~-^ FIG. X2.4 Low-Sevcrity Carncr Brcak FIG. X2.6 High-Severity Comer Break 25 Copyright bY AS'I`M InPt (311 rig6ts rescn•cd); Fttproduction 9utliorizc.d per License Agrcemcnc wieli LWbA S LANIG]tELL (i-U-B ENGINIEER5, 17TC_); Wed Feb 15 I I:52:44 P..ST 2006 I AP D 6433 - 03 TABLE X2.1 Levck, of Sever9iy for Faulting r.-.i~ = ~--~:a.;~-',~_ : . - - io ~?Sc+~c~?y L_wa+ Ditier~ce of Elevalion ~L >3 tnd <1 0 mm (>Y6 end <'~b in.) M ~t0 end <20 mrn a'~1d <V, in.) x 1►1~y; ,:,Y~1 . ?~'1°,f H >20 mm (,>Y. in.) . ~ ~u;,;.=`_ •f•' . ~ a y~ _ _l_ - ,M 1 ~ ~ 1[~, f~~t'fi~S~ • ~ +j~'~*'~a . "'9~m ~ '-"'-f" r~ ' •'~4~ ~~,~"ya~~. ~ . _ s~ ~ ~ •,~.-r-~ -~:•,~"`rL. F''., ti~ 7 54"~ . :-~-rr ~v • ~ , -s ti° .-1-~.. • A~- c_,. / ~ 7,a..~~ 3 E` ~ s^:~'.~.rar?~;, ~ . ~ .y-':._ - ~r.1.~:, .J" FIG. X2.9 High-Scvcrity Divided Slab • ~-~.~F"6;.4 . - ' •-j~1.~•lit4_%~ _-~n ?~.,1~ X2.6.1.1 L-"D" cracl:s cover les; than 1~% of ;lab area. Most o[ the crack, are tight, but a few pieces niay bc loose and ~ or missing (Fig. ;~_.10)- ~~,'v~'.'ei~~dq~,=~~ • : Jt2.6.1.2 Al--Qne of the follnwing conditions e.xists (Fio. X2.11): "17" cracks cuver less tl~an 15 % of thc sre:~ and most , ` t ; , . • ~ - , ' ~1s~: of thc pieces e loosc and Qr missuig, or "D" cracks cover , ~ more chan 15 /o of the srca. MosL of Lbc aracks are tight, but a F1G. X2.7 Low•Severi[y Divided Slab [ew pieaes may be loose and or missing. ,l' N-"D" tracks covcr more dtan 15 % nf tbe area and most of the pieces have come out or cou]cl be removed esily (Fig. 12.12). X2.6.2 Ho,v to (rnunf-Wben die distress is located and i •.~-1.~L . rted at one severity, it is cowi4ed as one slab. if mon: than one severi*}° levcl cxists, the slab is counted as having the higher " - - severity distress. For exsmple, if !ow snd medium °D" z ~`y , - ° • ' cracking are on ttie sarne slab, the slab is countcd as inedium- Se<<erily crdCking only. FAUI.;MG ~y . X7.7 De_SG'Ip(7071; - . . _ _ -,'_A Y2.7.1 F'aultin, is ►.hc (7iffzKDCe in ejevzLiOn aGTOSS a jUinC. Soaiee conimoo eauses of fsulthig are as Collows: 3 X2.7.1.1 Seiticrnent becausc of soft foundalion. ' FIG. X2.8 Medium-Soverity Divided Slab ' 3~^~-.~ a. ~ t' ~ ~ X2,5.2 Now to Caunt-!f the divided slab is medium- or kugh-severity, no otber distress is coun[ed for 1Jiat slab. • ! ~~,M,~, ~ 1)UF2ABiLI°('Y (,:D") CR4C_'KT1\iG <'y~r'~~`~;'-. • `=a _,~,r - . a H- i. C ~.Yi -L 1 u X2.6 Descrr1,riar-`:D:> crackang is caiisecl bY frecze-1hew f'~-,r~-~r ' s,,,, expausion of che ta;ge aYgregate, which, aver time, gradually breaks down the concrctc. This distress usu311V a]?pcars &S a pattern of crac3cs runring paraUel and close Lo a joint or linear L- ~;E"{c~ -a~k ~.«i crack Since die concrcte becomes saturated near joinis and . z~„~i^ . ` • ~ ~ cracks, a dsrl:-colored dcposit can usually be found arotmd fiiie" D,: t;i-acZ,s. T[his tvpe of dish-ess iiiay evencually lead to ~~~'i3,'€~ ; • ~ r,c. : . ~ disintegra4aon of the entire slab. =.t - ~ ~ X2.6.1 Seti-eriN Levelr FIG. X2.10 low-5everiry Durability C►acking • 26 c:npyright by ASTA4 Irtit'l (all rights reserved); . Reproduction autl;orizsd pcr i ice.nse Agrccmenc w•ith LINDA S LAT°GRL'LL (J-U-R ENGINEEKS, I\'C.); Wed Ncb 15 1 1:52:44 EST 201)6 d9~3' o sass - 03 / ~ e 3~,°.,,..~~ ' ~ ~ea.~+i{ t 7 ) ..a "K ? C rf~r~ =rS_ -1~~ y4,y r 4~ .t t r~ ~ l~ . ~ . y t~,, i~ l '~'~~1 i ,j~ , ; ~ . h ,~.-,^~<,..r.~-- ~ 4 ":t:' ~Q . i f ~ hr-=~~'~!( ,~,1 ` ~q,,.~~,~ i • ` _ . , ~.~.-~s. i'' tf ~ _ Q~f .1~ ~ ♦ L ~7~r~~'n ~ ~'r . r` ~ ~~~r.~ -~~a'~~ }'}y ~ ~ ~'S'~ 'd2> •l l ~1 7 hY'V''R' •~„s_ ~ ..~y,r.ae- ~ ~ ri~• -+w d T. . ~ : •r~n ~ `'k'' ' ^ r Y~r's.r~ r a _ ~ „~"r• ~ r.s ~.Z~ l ;y';~.. ~ - ~"~ti w .-•12~.``+ ' p r' `~i n a- r~'~~~ ~ ~w~`~"h. ~y, . ~s Y~~{~ 'r 'tl..•, ~ la tii ,c•F ~ ~ a~~Yy~'-»5-•,~~~ .'s yi .~3'~!r..~r1;! l~o'~ .''j!1~.- '~C~~ ~~.c- N~_ , :F~_.~'...5~1r..,.~~"'~ ~~~5'_'t~•~r• i ' v_ YI:~ .v...:sL F1G. X2.11 Pdcdium-Scvcrity Durability Cracking FIG. X2.13 Low-Scvcrfty Faulting ~A t . ~ 2cw._r. ~.v%~ _ _ '•~'h [}~~V r ~ ~ _ .►sa~_ . ~ . N ' - ' ~ . ~ ^ • ~ i r~ar ~ ' r? 4'`4:. .x~:.;~ . , •~.b - ~`r•js~4 . - ~ ~ _ ~ - a~',.. - ~~,yw,+• ~V s•q"~xL~E . , . - ~t11~~ ` ~r . ."~~.~~w~i 1~,'•~e.~.r~rt~ ~ Ta"7i, - ' ,y,.~,_ ~~?i-.''%r;:~~ `„cs ~."t'~-=`'-~~.'-i~ ► .c?:-'.~ '~r.•:',. Nt~~iri•'~~' . • - ` - LS • _ _ - . _ ` t ~ , ~ ~M~ • ' . ~..'t.!~!± ~ ~_r • a'~';,, 4 ~-s~ • ,e. ~ .e T •1 • ..~r ~~-x° 'z~,i~ a1 ~ ~Ct . " - . . - ~ • • ~ =i-~J`'~ ~ :T.; b a 'T•''' ' •~~i'f - ~ = -iy~-~'~~~ ~i,~~r ~ - ~ °.r.~ . ~ ` - •~'-'t~_-~ a _~.'~,.3 ~W, ~ ~i•S `d i +"ti'G`;+~~,~r~~~~~~, '•c`_ . . _ ~ ' ' . r.. ~i~~-E-~f~i~`.-~'~~.El "~~,J'..S~I-f~•g ~~1.~ - i_ _ - - • . _ . . . _ • - : . . tT'-1~d' ~.°.~a~:$~ a r:n ~ 'v_ - • FIG. X2.12 Nigli•SevoNry Durabflih Cracking ' FIG. X2.14 PAccliumSeveriry Faulting X2.7.1.2 Puanpiiig or eradina of mateii:al fi•om wnder the 5i ab. •;~w~ ~j,,T~ +x ~ .ay . ~ r •~K:' , .°T- y J{2.7.j.3 Curling of che slab sdges due ia tempernure arid ~''h moisturc changcs. Y2,7.2 $rnwrtry 1..P+,e1c-Scvcrity Icvcls rsc cicfined by the •'~;:a. " difference in elevation acros_ lhe joint as indicaLed in Tablc . X2.Z. Figs, X2.113-X2.15 show examples of cbe ditTerent ~ severit} levels. . ~ ~ F; °~s X2.7.3 laoiv !u (:r~unt-Faujting across 3}oint is eni.rnted a.S L.-~ pt~;~~r='~r~•ti°` ~ one slab. Oitly affe:ted slabs are counicd. Faults across a crack F~' ~?p~b';'►►ys r~r ~~-`3',~c t~'' ~ '+.;F F= are not coun[ed as distress but ai•e considered when defining crackseverity. ~ st`I J41\"I° SL+AL UAe~•1AGE ~f .a~:a..a..~Z.?i,.~ FIG. X2.15 High-Severity Faulting X2.$ De.scription: TABLE X2.2 Levels of Sevarity for Punchoucs X2.$-1 loin[ seal damage is any coiidition diat. enables soil 5everity af the najo,tcy of Number of Piecos or rOekS l4 aCGlliriLABIC 111 tflt: JolOtS UI' iillOw5 S18tufiCdnl ivater cracrs 210s a to 5 . >5 infiltrarion. Ac.cumulation of incompressible materials prevents L L L M the slab from expandingsnd may result in buckling, shattering, L 14 H H H w or sP alling• A Pliable Joint fillcr bondcd to the edges of the ~ ra slabs protecu ►ie j4inu fronn ma_terial accLnnulalion and 27 Copyright by ASTM Int'1 (all riah[s reserti~ed); F{eproductiqn ae!thorizxd per T.icense Agreeairent with LINDA 5 L.NNIGRELL (J-L3-13 ENGINEERS,1NC.); Wed Feb 15 11:52:44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 prevents •aater from Seepin~ down and sottening the founda- tion supponing the slab. Typical typcs of joint seal dmnage arc --s fnllows: a2.8.1.1 StTipping of joint sealant. a2.$.1.2 Ex+rusion of joir~c sealant_ X2.8.1.3 Weed .n-otvth. ~ ''~~a.-_~~,•n~ ty. . ~r'.1~- . L Y~_~F'o. .7~ r+.rw X2.8.1.4 Hardcning o, L~e filltr (o?tidation). a2,8.1.5 Loss of bond to the slab cdees. ~ X1.8.1.6 Lack or absencP of sea12nt in tl2c joiut_ ; ~ }:2.8.2 SE7=erity Levels: X2.8.2.1 [rloin[ sealan? iS in gcnenllY aood COIidIF1011 ikr._a'.~~ ch;ou_hout section (Fij. a2.16). Sealant is performing wel.l, i•-_ R-'-':' "'°~'-f'~ with only minor damage (see X,18.i.l-X2.8.1.6). Joint seai . f.-.,• ; . , . damage is at low scve.rily if a fe.v of the joiiits havc sealer, _ ' ,whicb t►as dcbonded from, but is still in contact wit#i, the joint FIG. X2.17 Medium-Severity Joint Seal Damage cdge. 'ntis canditiou exiats if alwi.fe Uladc cau be inscrccd betwten Se.ler and joint face %%itlioul resistancc. r~n, ~:,,,.;,~~~~;-r,, z,~-=-~- y,;,;,;. a2.8.2.2 1-1-Joint sealant is in jenerally fair condition r over the en[ire section, with one or more of die ahove types of llaRlagc OCCLIYPiiIg to a mOde;'ate degrce. SCAl?lt]i need5 iepIBCC- pY 1~!. }.,.N'.,.U~ rrient tivithin two years (Fig. X2.17). Joint seal darnagc is a[ ~'i.'• _~~~."~r _ ~~-~r.+ ~~'~'~'•~~.'=~R-`-_=' Ff'~":..-- mediurn scverity 'tf a few ofthe1oinu have anY of the follovr~i~'a 4r,1 ~ e ~~:s ~-..~Jfi,-- ~~;,-'=ri. conditiotis: joint sealer is in piace, but water access is possible '~~~`~•~'%-E'`"-~-~`~`~`• ' r.~~ throuc-,li visible openirigs no more than 3 mm (1/8 ui.) wide. if -T:~a.~: `~-'.~i~'~~ci.r',°•'~:r''-,.t~:~.~r`L+~ p laiifc blade caainot bc inserted easilY ~ ben~~een saaler and 'oint faee, this condition does not exist, • pumPing debris are evident c^~ '•,.~~~r =r~-`,?=-.'+ ~ • :x.t.-..,~: ~-t :S~`'','Y•;,,:r~ at the joint; joinl sealer is oxicli2ed and "lifcless° but pliable W Y (like a rope), and geaerally fills the joiut opening; or, vegeca- iiou in the joint is obvious but does net obsctn•e the }oint openiniz. ~ a2.$.23 H-Joirit sealant is in aencrally poor condition d,. , . ovcr t}le enUrc Set:GiUri, witli onc or more of thc aborve t_yjaes of FIG. X2.18 High-Severity Joint Scal Damage dam•ave occurring to a severe degree. Sealant necds imutediate replacemcisi (Fig. X2_18). Joiu4 seal dam3ge is a4 high severity if lU% or mnre of die joiut sealer exceeds limicille critcria LAKIaIaHOULDN.R UROP-OFF listcd above or if 10 % or more of scaler is niissing. X 2.9 Descriplion-Lanelshoulder drop-off is tlie differencc X2.8.3 Hox, to Cownt-loint seal dairisDe is uei counc=d nn beCVVeen the scttlement or crosiov of the shouldcr anc! LUe u slab-by-slab basis but is rated bwed on the ove.rall covclition pdvemem tsavc!-lane eclge. Thc clevat.inn diffcrencc can he a of the sealaut over die entire Yraa. safety bazard; and it also ean cause iucrcased water infilLrqtioii. X2.9.1 Seve,•ih, Levels: X2.9.1.1 L-'1"he diffcrence bet-wee.n tbe pavement cdge • ~ xnd shoulder is >2r• arid {50 mm (?i and -2 izt.) (Fig. Y2_ 19). t° '-i~:;..='"r"L4~ • ~ a2.9.1.2 11'[-1-he dif;erencc in elevatiqn is »0 sud 5100 mm (>2 and :54 in.) (Fig. ,l'2.20). • _ _ _ _ - . ` ; X2.9.1.3 H-11e diflfesenee in elevation is >100 rnm (>4 in.) (Fi3. X2.21). X2.9.2 Novv 1o Corlnt-The mean lanelslieuldc:r drop-ofF is 1 . - - computed by avcrx&e the maximum and muumiu.-l drop `"'-~''s'" -~~~;:--.'=.r,= _ _ _ _ . J". ' • ; a1on- the slab. Fach slab e?:I11h3LiLla clistress i; mcasured r~.,~";T'`~'=~~""~='~•n:~^,:a. se ~rate! and r.ounted as one s12b wit3i the sp{~ropriaCe y.'-- P Y severity ]cvel. . ~ • 3 ~`i^.' . ~"rit r T ~ 1 p lF ~"7 1~~z , ~'~t.o Ll.l~F AR CRACKL\G (Longitudinal, Trinsvcrse, and Diagonal Cracl:s) '2.10 Uescrrprion-These ci-acks, wltich dixide lhe slab FIG. X2.16 Low-Severity Joint Seal Darnage into ttivo or three pie.ces, usually are cau.sed by a combination 2$ C;opyriF;tit Uy ASTA4 Int'1 (all iight; rcserved); Fteprnduction auihorized per Liccnsc Agreement with T„iNTDA S LM'G3ZET.i, (1-i3-]3 ET'(331M1'RS, 1NC.);1Ved Feb 15 t t:52:44 1:ST 2006 D 6433 - 03 ~ - - . ~ : Y . FIG. X2.19 low-Sevcrity LanefShoulder Drop-Off . • , - ~1fi~ _ _ r,'~T--' . WM ~ J •{~~"A: . • _ - ~ ^ •.i.^... ' fi' FIG. X2.21 High-Severity LanelShoulder Drop-Off _ f r `o D'y J ~ryyY'~ ' i;' ' Z : " ~ • , ~ ; ;::~,.i, , •a,;,~'n"~~~,.-t~~ . S~ ♦ A ..i u ~ 1~✓L. ~if~,i.+`~ = i _..I.. VJ ~ 1 ~-J1Ri \ J ~r -i'~ l~'•J:tt ►1' `Y 3-?ti_,,~,~= . : y , r - ! • . ~i-. 'y. ~1~ q~j ' 1 '`.-`~'~~i';- S.. ::a`.~ . 1 :..I, ' ~ y o; ~n;= ~g~~ r ` . ' f~ i~~ r r f • ',r}'~ `y.. % ► 4': J: ryti _ ~r ~~~T~•, i :~'~y,i~r_' ~:~':7"'' 4,L_ - .+1 G~~ j,::~'-.=•`Lir _ . : Cd, _ , ~ - > ; ~ q ~ :e t. . ~.L•`~' - '-.r:y • ~•~~_,~~w ;~:•r~ FlG. X2.20 Medium-Severity LsnelShoulder Drop-0ft p:` ,~h ~ i:,,r:,'i•a~~+-~.~r~ , ~ of repeated traflic loadiiig, thermal gradient curiinE, and repeated rnoisture lqading. (Slabs divided intu iour or mot'e pieccs are counted as divided slabs.) Hairline crac}:s ehat. are Only A fetiv f=l lUng aud do nnl extend across ide enUre slab; FIG. X2.22 Low-Severlty Linaar Cracking are cc►tinted 9s sbiiiikage erucks. X2.10.1 Severiry LetiieLs (1'oiareipjoreed Slabs)' X2.10.1.3 fl-Qne of the following coeidiiions exists: nnn- X2.10.1.1 frNunfilled° cr:icl+s = 13 mm (:5 '/4 iei.) or SLled crack. tvir.h s width >>U mm (2 in.), or filled or nonfilled filled craeks of an}' w'idth tvitb the filler in satisfaetory crack of any widtU with faulEing>10 mm (3/s in.) (Fig. \2.24). condition. No faulting exists (Fia. X2•22)• Y2,10.2 Re1nfor•r.cz;l.Slabs: , • X2.10.1.2 1-11-4)ne of die folloning covditions exists: nov- az. i 0.2.1 L-n'onfilled crdcks ? 3 and < 25 ninl (a: A co - filled crack wicb a width >13 and {50 rnm (>'h_ and :5 2 in.); < 1 in.) tivide; filled crack o[ any widtkt widz the fillcr in nonfilled ctnck of ariy wift 50 muu (2 in.) with faulting oP satisfaeto;y canditinn. No fauliing exists. ~i 0 mm (3f3 in.), or filled crack of xiiy widEh with FaultinU <I O X2.10.2.2 ]1T-Qne of ihe foUowing conditious exists: non- mm (:/u in.) (Fig. X223). Y filled crack:s witii a v.-idGh - 25 and < 75 nvm 1 and < 3 in.) 29 t:opyright by ASTivt !nf 1(all rinhts resened); Re.productioo aut}iorized per License. Agreeaiient with L111DA S Le'1s\iGRL-I.L (J-U-B EtNG1T`FERS, INC.): Wect Feh 15 i 1:52:4h ES 1' 2006 D 6433 - 03 same criteria ys large patchine. X2.11.1 Severitv L..~>eLr: f - ~ X2.11.1.1 1,Pawh is fwictioning well, with litzie or no r. . . •.s,~•i7~'= dPiCC10T3i1011 (Fla. X2.25). 't • ~I X2.11.1.2 M-Patch i; moder3te1V de.teriorated, or modt,- p L.• xr 'FS. ~~r:'~'~:~._ ate spalling can be seui amund Lhe edges, or borh. Patch maceria9 can be disloducd with cansiderable effort (Pie. X 2.26). ;,p~--.'h~.•t:~;~T ~ ~ c~='~ a2.11.1.3 H-f'a[cb is badl}' dete;iorated. The ex-tent of tbc detcrioration warranLs replaceme.nt (Fig• X2.27 r tiG~:. .P*cti` aj~.;•; - t ..•:Xi'. v~ t .14~ -~L: , • ~ "r: N ~r X2.1I.2 Hoiv to Cou►al-If a suiale slab ha.s ene or more patches with the sanie sevcriry level, it is counted as one sEab containinp ihat clistress. 1f a sunale sl2b has mnre tban one 4~.•., ' sevcrity level, it is counted as one sEab wit:b the higher severity 1 eveE. FIG. X2.23 Medium-Severity Lincar Cracking PATC_NI\'G, SMAL1. (IdESS TH11_N 0.i Nt= 15.5 FT21) ~ . , ~•;~`:~•~„4,.. .,r X2.12 Descviption-A patcb is an area where Llie originfl! 11°1 ~K pavtment has becn rcmoved and repluced by a filler material. 3i2. 12.1 Sereritv Leuels: "k., X2.12.1.1 1.,-Palch is fi:nctipning wcll witli licde or no 1. ~ ,,.'t~ , ~ deieriorauon l~i«• X2.28). L~,~r'~'x:~'~'~ ~~^..f.b ~ ~ ~ E. .`".»°.4_~r ~r,_` .r~ 7~~~~•~~;,L ~ X2,12.1.2 iN4-Patc3i is nioderat.cly deterionted. Patc•h ma- ~=r•~+lu _9). t. tcrisl i:an be dislodged wi~li considerable effort (Fig. X2.~ ~~"1~~=: •`~r ;'7: X2,12,1,3 A-Patch is badJy dcteridrdczd. Tlte extcnt of ~S 0t ~ r ~1~,4`y •4', sdeterieration wan•ants replacemet]f (Fio. X2.30). ~ ~ ~ : • 1 • ' ~e+'r~ ~~.{t~ X2.12.2 Hoiv !o CUUnt-Tf a single slab has onc or more _ ~~.~t patches wieh the same severiry level, it is eounced as one slab l containing Cbax distress. If a sin ;le slab has more chan onc - severiry levc.L it is counted as one slab with rlie liioer severiry kvel. .L . ~ _ - -•~3 ~ . . . ~Cr FIG. X224 High-Sevcrity Linear Creckfng POL(SHFD ACGREGATE and no faulting; nonfilled crack of any widtlh s 75 nnn (3 in.) a2•13 Descripfion--Tliis distrrss is ;;ansed hy repezt.ecl wititi s 10 aun (3le in.) of faultiog, or filled crack of any width Lrai'fic applications. Polished aWcgace is prese.nt whcn elose wiuh :5 i Qinni (3/a in.) faulting. exprninztion of a}.~avemcnt reveals that die poriion of aggre- X2.10.2.3 H-bnee of die foltowing conditions e~:is?s: oat.e extenciing abo~~e t'~e aspbalt is eicher ~~ery small, or ti~ere nonfilled crack >75 mm (3 in. ) widc, or filleci or iionfilled craek, are no rough or angular a~,°regatc parcicles co nrovidc gooci of any widtb wiili faulcing > 14 mm ('!s in.). skid rrsistance.. X2.10.3 I-loiv tp Count-One tfie severity hsis been idenli- fiect, the distcess is recerdcd as one slab. 1f tvdo rnedium scverity cracks are widlin oue slab, the slab is ootinted as ' . . - . having one hi?h-severity crack. Slabs divided into four ur more pieces sre counted zs dividad slabs. lu revlfore.ed slab3, c;rae}:s <3 iatm ('A in.) wide are counted as slisinkaee cracks. Slabs louger tban 9 rn (29.5 ft) are dividecl iu4o appraximxtely equal x lengph" slabs" having irnagiriaryjoin[s acsumed w bc in perfect candieion. =~.4, P,aTCFiTNG, LAltGE (NiORE 'I'H.aN 0.5 n42 15.5 FT']) • A.ND U'f TI.,iTY C U'C ti • - - . r~ . X2.1 I Dascriptrorf-A Patch is an area whcre the orig[na] ti • , pavernent has beeii remnved and replaccd by filler mateiial. A utility cui +s a paccli that has replxced ibe original pavement ta allow t1~c inst.qllation or mainfenance of untietLTOUnd utilities. ~.'~;t~~t 'I'he severity levels oi z utility tut. flre assessed xccordiug to thc FIG. X215 Low-Severity Patcfiing, l.aroe and Utility Cuts 30 Cop}'righe by ASTT4 Ini'I (zll rights er.cerved); Reproduction Authorizeci per Licen.se Ayrement wich J 1T`DA S LANGILFT T. (]-13-13 E\'GINEEFiS, I1r1C.); Wed Feb 15 11:52:44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 r .."...L~_ • i _ tr~k. Fd~-r .'ti1 . ' - r,i~1-. 4~~L_.. ~~7^~, k~l'' fil "~K~x, ~~w~: y ~ } 1'~ •Y tY° ST . ~t`3':~"j-R::. - r~ .r't„~ µ ` ~ ~ . ' ; .~'~~.r _ ~s, ~a., • , . ~ ` ~ , Y--~,~,~~'~''~ _ _ri',•">'~a ~6 `.n•w~t,c" ` =.~'e~~ ' r s `t ' `J ; ~M~ ' d ' •~'+4 f ~ i ` . ~ ~ ~r UII`.~r,F,.: '~'•a'• *G~~ , • pr.'r'~' ~ -?~~-V~,~j" L - - r --1-~ r-a,_'y;•~ T~ ~ -~I::.•. - ~ . FIG. X2.26 Med(um-Severity Patching, Large and Utility Cuts FIG. X2.29 MetiiumScvcrity Fatching, 5ma11 ~ • ~~e► ir- ' ~ . "a+ e 9^ M " ' . ~ . „ ' . ~ . ' . .N . :~a i.~. jTM'~~"'+,~.+' ~ y 1 . ~ ' a L ~ ' ~ ~ V ~ f ~ ^ ~ '+0-4'v. D•7:' t¢_ . 'z.* ' ~~l..z+. s~ ^ 1 ~ f 1}• ' ~'~4 i~ _~►i p~~ r`~-`J' ~ 7 - • ~ . r . ^ ' j+' ~ ~ • y 3 ~~d . s, y' . ' . _ • ~~j . 3 _ .r • • y ~ ~ ~ i : T °!'~~••y_sC_~, •7~w ~ 1 , t . L t 'i ~`e~i.''-!r~'' ' _ FIG. X2.27 High-Severity Patchinq, Lsrge anc! Utflity Cuts FIG. X2_30 High-Severity Patching, Small L ' - Ci►t ~ i ~ y~~ ;~Gr_. in ~ s1 ~'~r ...y~ - l ~~~~~J~4P~KG~• • _ ~ , ~ , . 4 4 - f ~ . . , .l1 w .P~li FFi~ij;`R}[jll►i7ttf3f 1}Stll,I~J~~i/e ~~IF,Ii%~~, i'~.i~i. -M.r~.b . 1 2wrtJ....:i~ ~ . <U .TI• ~M_. l~ ~i -°'f=l~~~~ f ~~rJ''~'~r"~~~•"~~ ~r . - ~ - • ~~~G~~~'~ ! • }t . -r s- ^ r • , ~ . 5 ~ ~'y • ~S ~ . . ` ftir , i~ .'.r n: ~ ,.i, ~ • ~ ~ i.t e Yv t Lr, ` . t~.- ~l` l~ ' ~rl?5-a fi '~~+~yc• 4~1 ~.4`~,~~ c~ ~ ~ o r < ~ ''-4 ~ F,~±`~ • t~ Y u ~ P r. ~~'s~l 1' y i J v7.ri ~''G~~'~ ;w~$S ~ ' r i~ ~ .~~,e~ : ~ , : i;'.o;. .,•:~~_rd..r}i~ ti~~j~,~ s~~`~n~~ "•a•sF'~ 'tt ~ • FIG. X2.28 Low-Scvcrity Patching, Small FIG. X2.31 Polished Aggregatc - POPOUTS X2.13.1 Sdvei-itv Ceuels-'No degrecs of severity are de- fiued; however; the dea ee of polisltivg sLould be significmit X2.14 Descripxia:-A porout is a scuall piecc of pavernent ~ beforz it is ivcluded in the cooctition survey and raced as a that bresks loose from lhe surfacc due to frem-thav.' act,ion, ~ defect (Fio. 7i231). combincd with expansive a^septes. Popouts usually range en X2.13.2 I-loiv 1o Corrnr-A slab wieh polishect ag~~regatc is diamecer fr'om approx.iuiatety 25 to 100 mm (1 to 4 in.) aiid in counEed as one slab. depth fivm 13 to 50 mm (~h to 2 in.). 31 Copyright by AST,4 Int'1(all rights rescrvcci); Reproduction authorizeri pecr I..iccns+~ Agrecmcnt widh Ll~\'DA S Lr1'GRT-_Li. (I-U-13 FNIGTi1ErRS, L~TC.);'1Ved Feb 15 l 1:52::4 rST 2006 D 6433-03 X2.i4.1 .,Se>>a;rilv Inaels No degrees of sevvriN are de- fined far }opouts; however, popouts must be e~-tensive bpfore M~~~~~!^,~• ' chey are count.ed as a disvess. Averagge popout density must 7 _4 exceed approximately ihree popoutslm:2 over the entire slab 1~ " area (Fig. X2.32)- X2.14.2 How co C:ounr-Thc density of the distre,s musi be measured. Ifthere is anY ~ daubi chat t:Ue avera6e is greater than . three Popoucs Prs s9uare yard, ai least tlyree ranciom 1 m, (11 ~ •x~ #c') a-eas sla4uld be checked. WWhev the avemge is greatcr rlian this density, tbe slab should bc counted. • _ , PUU7N7PLNC ~ X2.15 Descriplio»-Pumpine is the ejection of material „ from ihe slab fowidation throu~b joints or crackc. T'his is caused by deflection of the slab witti passing loads. As a load ~ a tr•~ ~ noves across tbe joint bemeen the slabs, watcr is first forccd widcr tbe leadine slab, and clieu fcreed bsc;k tinder the irai]ing slab. This action erodes and evcntually remores soil particles r;sulti»g in Frogressivc lass uf pavcmeut suppoit. Ptunping can be icleniificd by surface stains and cvidence of basc or subgr'adc mtterial on the paverne3ll close to joinls or crac}:s. Pumping ncar joittcs is caused by poor joinl sealcr and indiCZiCS lOSS Of ' FIG. X2.33 Pumping support; repealed laading cvennaaliy wili produce crzcks. !'Umpino also can occur alorag the slab edgc causin- loss of supnort. \2.15.1 Severin, Levels-No degrees o; severity are de- gh to indicatc that pumping ex.isk; (Fig. A2.33 finecl. It is enoug and Fig. 12.34). X2.k5.2 Hazv tn Cau+Ft-()ne pumpina joint bettveen M,o j slabs is counted as s-,~~o slabs; ho«~e~~er, if the remaininp joints around the slab aro also pumping, one slab is added pec additional pumpins jeint. PUNCHOIJT X2.15 Ue.rcriprion-This dislress +s a loc;alized area nf the slab thai is broken inw pieces. Ttie puricbout can cake many •~MWC;~ diff*erent shapes and fomtis, but i4 is usually defincd by a crack , and a joint_ The distance between die join and tjie crack or Mro closcly spacQd cracks is S 1.5 m(S ft) wide. Tliis distress is causcxl by heavry repea?ed loads, inidequate slab thickness, loss y.t - tic _ fy. o ^ ' - FIG. X2.34 Pumplnfl of foundacior support, or a localized conc;ete constructiou dcf eiencY, for c,xample, honcycombing. ~ Y2.16.1 Sinterrty Le»els-Table X2.2 lists the scr•criry le<<- y~ cls for nunchoutss, ancl Figs. X235-X2.37 show examples. "'~N . + X2.16.2 Ilo»> ro Coun1-lf a slab contaius more Fhmi oue ~w~'.~:~• ti'~^ ~ r~~~ tt• ~ Puneliout or a Puncbout aiid a crack, it is countcd as shattsre.d. _ ` S• ~ z : y~, ~ .~~*.r~~`'~°i= ~ ~ .~!,,_b ~t~~ '~M~-..rj F2AfI.:ROe1D CF20S:SING _ ~a -'i _~~1 i a2.17 De.sc+-iptio~:-Railrc~ad crnssing distress is character- FIG. X2.32 Popouts izctl bV depressions Or buatips around the tracks. 32 Copyright by ASTIbt In['I (all rights rescrvccl); Rcproduction auchorized pcr f icense Agrccment with L.INIDA S I_ANGIt.E1.L (J-U-13 ENGINTEERS, NC.); Wed Fcb 15 1 I:52:44 E.ST 200fi A' D 6433 - 03 ui -~+-y'o""'~-~ - L~'.y+►-"~ ' .1 r~ oti- ~ <r J•','+wFf'!4'~~e r- t~ ~ ~ ~r'~• -•:~4 t,~ a.'~ .X,°i-Ti'-p"~•'`''~ s f :p } ~ FIG. X2.35 LowSeverity Punchout FIG. X2.38 Lnw-Severity Railroad Cross(ng • . - , - _ ~~.a:2,F= _ - - .o-... . . _ ~`r✓--# -~yf ~w.' ' , `1. . c'~~-,. _ ..o ~E ~o . ~K L' ^ ~ , Y, ' • 2'1,, ° . t ~,cl' ~ '✓1~ ~ ~ G' - - _ ~'._i -r . ;A~,~., eu, _ „t. ,L. ~ ~ • C- . ~ ri ~ ~ ' Z ~r > "-~`-~Lrr:✓ ~4~ -~"~P ' - _"L T ~ t~ 7 c Yl ' . ~Cf.. ~ ~ S• .-=z ~ I ~ . - ~ L y - . .t°'' ' ~ l` a by6'k'~`I ~~j.~'~ ~ ~ t 1{i~~•z~ i '~''"P' ~T~ ~ n r'~~~~ C _'I~y1 iri~ aG!' • 1d,' n, p • . 4..z - FIG. X2.36 MediumSeveriry Punchout FIG. X2_39 Medium•Severity Railroad Crossing M .211 " _r, • ~~.}~1~ . °'Yti~.. - ~as~ 1 - ti .^_r~vair . _ _ ' • _ ~.C ~ ~ . - ' ,i^ ~ _ 1 ta . ~ ` ~ - ~ ~ . ~ 4 ~ ~ i ~ _ N . ` ~ ' " FIG. X2.37 High-Severity Punchout • FIG. X2.40 High-Severity Raiiroad Crossing X2.17.1 Se1=erity Lxevelr: X2.17.2 Now tn Cowrt-Tbe nwnber uf slabs crossed by X2_17.1.1 L-Railmad crossicig causes lotiti-stverity ridc tte railmad [racks is countc.tL Any large bump created bY [he qualiry (Fig. X2.38). tsacks sliould be cowited a.; part of the crossing. X2_17.1.2 17-Raih-oad crossinn causes rnediui-fl-stverity ride qualiry (Fig. X2.34). SCALfNG, A4AY 04ACKlNG, Ai\'D CRAZiNG X2. i 7.1.3 13-Railruad crossing causes high-severiry ride quality (Fig. X2.40). X2.13 Desci-iptiar-1v9al) cr;icEcijtg or c:razing refcrs to a 33 Copyrighc by ASTIN41nt'I (all righu rcserved); Reproduciion aathorized per License Atireement wiEh L1NTDA S f.ANGFtFLf (J-U-8 EN'Gli\EL'RS, lA'C.); R'sd Feb 15 ! l:52:44 FST 2006 & D 6433 - 03 network of shallow, fine, or hairluie craclcs that exsend only througb the upper sisface oi the cc>ncrete. °f'be eracks tend co intersece at angles of 120°. Map craoking or crazuig u..SUally is ' _ • caused by concrete over-finishing and m2y iead to svrface . scaling, which is the breakdoam of dhe slab surfave to a depth of approxima[Cly 6 w 13 mm (3/-• to VS, in.). Scalinq also may bc caused by dcicing salcs, irnproper coitstruc*io», freeze-thaw fi . t ~ ~ ~ , • cycles and poor aggrega,'s. The. type of scaling defined hcre is not r.aused by .`D•, crzcking_ lf scaling is causycl by •D„ , : cracl:ing, it should be counled under tha[ distress oiily. , t ' A?.1 8.1 Se%wriry l,evels= ~-0~+ , ' ?t2, l $.1.1 I.--Cra2ing or map crack.ing cxisis over most of the slab area; the surface is in eood condition; wiLb only minor Scalinc present (Fig. X2.4i). ~ ~Y, I ~ - .,,.r - X2.18.1.2 M-Slah is scaled vut icas chan 15 % of the slab ~ ' i` FIG. X2.42 N,edium-Savcrity Scaling, Nap Cracking, and Cnzing is affected (Fig. X2.42). X2.1 S.I.3 H-Slab is scale.d ovcr more dian 15 of its area .~c ~=•..',:`;-:e- l, • r_ (Fig_ X2.43). Cpr'~•g r2.18.2 Ilutv to Co;m.r-,4 scaled slab is countecl as one ,?~-t~"" , ' slsb. l.o~i~-sevcrity tr-azin- oniy svould bc eou»ted if cl~e otential for scalin a ears to bc imminent or a few small pieces cUtne out. ~ FP ~-._~~~~~~~,;r~%; - SFtC21NK1GE CRACKS _ L^--..~~" - _ ~X_. .N.,~; C~'°""'~~. ~ ~ ~ X2.19 De,ccr-iption-Shrink2ge crac}:s are hairline eraeks. thai usually are less thari 2-m lona and 4o not cxtend across the entire slab. They arc formed durin; ihe setting and curin.- of tlie cancrete and +isuaily do not extend tiu-ciuQh the depcl~ of the slab. ti T~•4,ay~.~~~~' r:i~F~ =~r_ ?t2.1 y.1 SeverBy Ln~els-xa dcgrees of sevcriry are de- ` `•y'-~ _ '~'"sq ~ - ' ~ ~ ;;;r S' . -+dfi - C y~ • ~ ; :e,:, ti fined. It is cnouo io indicate ihat shrinkage tracks arc present ~,~'~..~;-}~=:a~~ :i~y~~t~; _.,r~.'~'~~~~~ ; (Fig. X2.44). FIG. X2.43 High-Ssverity Scaling, 11ap Cracking, and Crazing X2.19.2 Now ro C:ourt-1f any shrinkage cracl;s eaist on a part-icular slab, the sfab is counted as one slab wi[li shrinkage r- cracks. , Y SPAIdIalilC, COR\ER X2.20 Deccriorion-Comer spalling is the brcakdcywn of w . 'ca:.r v -C,.e. .~sly,~~t~!'. ~r`... Li'✓~ ' y' ~ _ ~ ~ ~ i - «r 7c7R r „ i ~ ~'T f ',~'q~.~:t•1 I :a~~ -u" 's • ~ @ . LY ti y FIG. X2.44 Shrinkage Crecks _ ' Ry ^ ' " "i`P~ dic slab wichin approxiiiiatel_y 0.5 m(j.S fl) of thc, corner. A comcr spall diffe.rs L-cm a comer breal: in that the spall usteally anLles doNvnward to intersect the joint, whereas a break FIG X2.41 Low-Severity Scaling, Map Cracking, and Cnzing , . 34 Copyrie,Jhf by ASTM InYI (all righlc reservcd); Reprodnction aut7iorizcd per Liceusc Agreement widi LL\TpA S LANIGREL,L (1-U-fi ENIGliNEi:RS, INC.); Wcd Feb 15 11:52:44 ES'f 2006 D 6433 - 03 eFtends ver*acallV th;ough chc slab coroe.r. Spalis less rhan i30 - mm (5 in.) from the erack tn the eorner c+n bo[L sicles shautd not be counccd. X220. [ So,erFq- l:eve4c-7able X2.3 lisss thc lcvcls of severiry ior comer spallinL. Fi?s. X2.45-X2.47 sbow ex- _ amples. Corner spalling c,rith an area of less Lhan 650 cm (10 in.') frorn [he crack to the oomcr on boch sides should not be counted. X2.20.2 Hox, to Counl-Tf 4ne pr rnore coruer sp:l.ls wilh the same severity level are in a slab, the slab is coimtccl as onc. OZ t slab wit]i corner sP' ~ allin_. Lf more than onc scveri ie~~e! ~b ~`°~'~r.a.~ occurs, it is counted as onc slab with tlie higher severicy leveL SPALL[NG, JOUNri' ~ r X?? 1 D:SCrlplion: FIG. X2.45 Low-Severity Spalling, Comer X211.1 Joint spallinJ is tli° bre.akdown oi the slab edges within 0.5 m(1.5 ft) of the joiat. A joinc spa]i usually does not extend verticaily th-ougb the siab, but intersecL the jnuit at an .y~ ; ~ ~ anglc.. Spaltine resulis frem: X221.1.1 Excessive str'esses af the joint caused by trac7ic . loadiug or by uifiitration of incompressible materials. 'Q- X2.21.1.2 1Weak concrete at the joint eaused Uy ovenvork- X2.21.1.3 IVater accumula£ioii in the joint and freeze-tliaw action. ~~;1 { , ~ r•- E.-.: ' . s~..~ , X2.21.2 :.5ever-ity Geve1s=1'able X2.4 and 1=igs. X2.48- - : . ?C2.50 show the seve;ity levels of}eint spalluig. A frayed joint _ - - Where the cnncrete h-a.s been wqrn away alonn the entire join? ..~r.~ - `r a . ~ , ~ is ~ceci as low se~ rriF} X2.21.3 Iion, !o Courit-[f spail is alona the cdgc of enc ~ slab, it is counted az one slab witii jaint spalling. Tf spalling is ori more than one edge of the same slab, the edge havinb the FIG. X2.46 h:edium-Severity Spalling, comer highes[ severity is counted and recorded as one slab. Joint spallina also csn occur along the cdgcs of two adjaccnt L13bs. Tf thi-, is the casc, cach slab is cowitcd as having joint spalling_ TABLE X2_3 Levels of Severity for Comer Spalling • tJimcnsions af gides ot Spali 1M x 130 mrn to 300 x 300 mm 300 30D mm t7qth of Spall (a12 X Sz in.) (5 Y. S in.) tn (12 x 12 in.) c2$ min L L (7 in.) >25 to 50 mm L ~ (1 to 2 ln.) >50 tstnt Id H (2 in,) » Copyri;ht by ASTht Int'1(all rig'hts resen,ed); Repraductien authm•ized per Liceiise Agrcetncut witti L[N`DA S LANGRELL (J-U-II L-TGINEERS: I7r`G); Wed Feb 15 11,32:44 ES'1' 2006 D 6433 - 03 ~ FIG. X2.47 High-Severity 5palling, Comer TABLE X2.4 LcvCls of Severiry for Joint Spalling Lcngth oi Spa11 SQall Picc-..• Widih p1 5p311 `0'5 m >0.5 m (1.5 ft) (1.5 d) T1gfr--<annol 5e remnved easily <t09 mm L l (rnaybe s fgx picces mfssing. (c in.) >t00mm L L Loose-can be ramovcd and <100 mrn L M sums piccc5 rne mfssing; ii nwst or ell pieoes arC m12:Jng, speli is °haflow, less iham 25 mm (1 ir+.). >100 mm L M Missing-no-t or ali pieces have -ci00 mm L h1 5een removd. -,'IDD rnin M H t ~ a+. .:-j' ~ <V - f;?s-~ . - ~ . ~ • . . ..~i ~ , ~ - NF~ J ,~s~~ y~" S,.•a,d,•C,a , .y. _ ~ , ...t i•~,}~vs' h~! V~•~~C ~rr-;~,/.' »~i=- • ~ ' . , ~t~^.fN:r,r y- .«'3.•` :1." - P`Q{'~' .c.' ' -.y ' . ►F~:~- • • . r . . . ' . i ;+i-P FIG. X248 Low-Severiry Sp.alling, Joint . ~ 36 Cc,pyrigilt by AS'I14 InYI (all rights reseivcd); Reproiiuccion euthuriud per License Agrecaucnt wiih T_TN'DA 5 i.ANGRFT L(J-U-B FA1'GINTrRS, ITdC.); 11'sd Feb 15 11 :52:44 f.ST 2006 D 6433 - 03 ~ a- ~ ~-'•=~"~c=3~-~ . ♦ ~ y ~.•,~,~?t?. . + ► ~ ; •~y ' _ , a FIG. X2.49 Medium-Severiry Spalling, Joint . •~;4 ` r '`~-~r.'~_-;~-w~,t._ ~~~~i • .'~a_-_, ~-r4 ~t~`~ F!"- FIG. X2.50 High-Severity Spalling, Joint X3. DEDUCT VALUE CURNTFS FOR ASPFIALT Altigatcr Craci ing AS.halt 7 .~GI I d!lII~II ~ I I Il~ill I I!EIII@~~ Q° ~ I i J f I ffl! I I I I IlIII ~ t!~;~~il. Po ~ i I I~ I II I I i I I ii I,A~l !(1:r;i m ~ ~ol { ~ Iflllll ! I Illli~%I ~ ;~1~1lIL I I I! I IlliJ I J+~1ii %I ~~'r~iil S J° ~ i!I I fM u 30 ~ ~ e 2o~.~• ~„il%~ I I 1~E1!~ I i;!►111~ ~ - , 'o~`' ~ ~ ~~II I I ! I(Ilil mc p.> > 10 \ : ' Qls.tess ^er.altY ' Pcr_u~t FIG. X3.1 Alligator Crazking 37 Copyright by AS'IM Tnt'I (all ris,,,hLS reServed); Rcprodvcticin authorized per i.iccnSe Agrecment wiih T 1NDA S i ANTGRFLL (J-U-F3 Ei GINBEFtS, h'\'C.); Wed Feb 15 I 1:52:44 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 6dC:dinS Az0"zlt 2 BumDS d Sagd (lJ.elric Uaits) AsPhElt < iivi A /i D 801 I ~ 1 1 1 1lI ) I I I I 1 1111 1 1;1 1 Ilii H ~ EOi I I i(IfiU ~ i I IIII~~~ I/IAS Illlfl c 7C) ~;~i~~~i! i II;lAl I I i I i!i! i II!1< < 60 I j, I I 111! I I~i ( IIII /I I I I II I v`` „ 50 I I I I f I Illi ,l~i J I I I~l~/ f 1 I I II.I i IHill I I I I i~I i ) I ~~iil;il i i! ~~II1~ ~%?i►6! ol I I I/ I 1 liOf'i( l~1,Iilli1 e ~ I I ~ ~ IIII 1~ lil~l /i I i I I Ijl1 ` I I~ I I I II~i i i I'-;; I f! I I IIII Q 11 111J . . . . . . . . . . CJ t eD 100 Si:tra:a Ocr.sipY''rercent 0.1 7 10 704 O.~ire~a Dena31Y ' Por.cat FIG. X3.2 Bleeding FIG. X3.5 Bumps and Sags (MeLic units) Bioek Geckin~ /.sphat! 3 Go::u~aticn lwSPhalt S '~o l i J I I ~ IIII I I l i lllll I I f l l!!il I ~ I i! 91!fi I 1 i t l9ili i I I i i~M„~J, H 991 f!illilll l I llillll I I Illllly s°~ t I j!I~ilf i! ili~iii I i~:~~;11 I I I IlilE+ ( I I I'f~l! I ~ I(ill~.lw 60~ I I I ilfl~l I I 1 lillll ~ i i II~IUM ~ Rol I I iIfll~I I f IIIIflI ! I II~i'I~ a'°I ,5 I I 1 I Illil( ! I I I Illil I IXI I1 (i1II ~ Il v eo~ %1 11~m f I'I ml ` i 1 I I I I I1111 1 I!lI III/I I.rlI ) _ ' ! I I L'~ ! I i I i ilil( I ` ',o I ! 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Ilili!I 20i ! i lilllll ~ " o - e. . . . . . . 0.1 , w iao Ciat~eaa Dcnsfly - Pcrcent ~0 S00 D'wtroaa Denaity - Porceat FIG. X3.4 Burnps and 5ags FIG. X3.7 Depression ' Cop}right b}' ASTA4 [nt'1 (afl rin,,hts rescrvcd); 33 Rcprnductiua auttorked per License Agrccment with LITDA S I.ANGRELL (J-U-B ENGINErRS, hNC.); VI'cd Fcb 15 i i:52:44 EST 200( D 6433 - 03 Ecgc Crackin5 AsFhelt 7 .loEn, Relleclien Crzc'r.t-sp \ i00 11 I!fj I ~ I~~ fMctri: UniisJ f:sCY3it E 'Do i II!~Ill~ I I;IiO~!! I!~il~lii ~sol 1 II!'ill~ J( III!III~ I Ilfllfll D ~'°i i(!~'il~! I~ f Ill+ii I~' Il~I!i °70I I 1 i I~lfil ( I J flllll I I 1 III~!!!v ; 60I I! Il~iii( i'i I!!!~?i ~ I~Ii1ill a I I I(Ifllli I I II1!!II I I.'~I11li „ bfl i 1 I 1 IJlfll E ~ I I(I~il I/~ I illll! I I i~I!III I E I!EII~iiH; ~ Illiit ~ `'I I I I i IIIl~ a!! I';~i! 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I f I I lilll I I I IIIIII I I!lili v I I i I 119i1! ! I ~ a~.►II Hi~ I Illil I i i 1 IlIIIJ I i I i(I►'~' (!;;~~i~ ~,c I I I~ I;IIII ! I I(!III~ f I E l(lIIII c Z° ~ I J10 21. I I I I i I~! I I I~%'~ I i I I I I ~I ~ . o . . . . . , . . - - . ..-•;oo " I I ! i " ~~f ~`'~t~! I i J i C., o I II!!I ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dis9te23 Den3ity - Po+te: 7 O ;S tQ0 .i to 3 FIG. X3.9 Edge Cracking (metric units) Dia'tecs Denaitr - re.cent FIG. X3.12 LanelShoulder Drop-Off Jcint Rcflactipn Crackirtg As-w`•a!7 8 SaL ~ J ' I t 11111 1 1 1 i; Lane ! S?caulae: Orop O1t (Metric Uniis) ti:}p>> g I I ~ I!EII I!•I ~ I!t'll I I ~ I f IlII ( I! ! Ili►I I I~! I IIII i I I IlI,~~I I i~ IIlIIIi f I!!i~iil !_!~i►ldlil I I Illfll i I II~1J(I I! Illill~ 60 p e L'°i i:! fE;ii•, I! I ~lil~~f I i ~~~1!~ o a°f I I,1llil I I I II~IN f I lill~i~ I I I I~Ifii ~ I ~I I Ilill I~ 11UJr a'° I £o S7 ~`°I I I iiillli I I/(I~II:" i I!ii!li~ ' SO~ I I I1l~~II 1 I Ilil.l . I I,~',I111 e'° I i+! I III!{ Y~ tY?II ~L ; I i I I I II!) I I I I•IIIII I i/ I I~I I I I Ililli I I II~IIlI ,'/(%~"III zO f ► i i I I~ i i I I I I I i r!' I I I ~ 0.1 1 aD to0 'a I 1 I 1 I I~II! I I I~I~II . . . . . . . . . . . . Cis:ress Canyity - Percent FIG_ X3.10 Joirrt Reflection Cracking :o ;oo Diacrcaa Ocrtsl;y - Percent FIG. X3.13 LanClShoulder Drop-Off (rnctr(C tanits} 39 CopyriQht by ASTA9 Int'1 (all righis resenrsd); Reproduetian au[horized per Liceilsc Ae~. -eement wich LIN'D.A S L11~\GItELL (9-U-]3 LNGL\EEl2S, fNC_); Wed Feb 15 l 1-52:4A EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 ~ Lcnpi:uCinal/Tta-sversc CtataFng AsDha17 10 ralishod Aggregate nss.zit 12 ~ '°U 1. ! I I 1IlI I I! i I I Ill I I il.Cl ~ i i I i I111 ! I I~! I I II I I i I I 10 90I I i Illilil ~ I lill!il 1/~"ili!!1 90! I i 91lIlil i 1!1!II1; I 1 lIIIII! o;ol i 1 IIII!~I ! I I~IIIII /I ~ lilili~ o7o~ ~ i I~lIIII i I liillll I I llli! I I~ E I I1i11 I! 9 I illiv i i Illif a E I ~I~~~I I iillll i f I IIlI. j 50 I I i fl ! I A I wil S 601 i! i I I I I I9; IXl I Ili I.~^; 1 ~;lii 50 I I I I I I I II~ I I i I I lill ~ I I I I IIII f I i{ I III~I t,~i I iil!►/t ~ i Illffl f I; I f Illll I f I I I!Eil _ I I I I Illfl ~'~I E t iI!!IIlf I i~til L'illli~ a'°~ I; Ii~ii~l ! t ~~II{II I I Iili(II 20 I i: i I 11i1! I~ I lli I I 1!!; ~~I 4~1il!lill I i ~l~~111 :°I 0. . - . . . . - . . D. . . • . : .~rr-~. . . , 0.1 1 iC 100 611:res. 0 cnai7y - Pe:aent 0•1 Y ~ iG DPstress 9enaity - . ercent FIG. X3.14 Long{tudinal/Transverso Cracking FIG_ X3.17 Polished Aggregate Lonpitul`.inalJ7ra.vverse Grac'r.Sns Poihet>a 14 M :.sphal: 13 (N.ctric Units) AS?h2li 70 -~o L l I t I~~~!II ! i ~►if~tl I I " 30t il;Il~►il i Jyr~~~►I 80 0 I 1 I 1IIlI~; I I I IIfIU I!,~"Iill ~ ~ r I,iili ,~i `~'~IiI 1~ ~ I11;~1 a~o ~ I c 60 I I I I illl /i 9i!i I I I!! /i I; i 11I~I ~ E~~ 1/f ~ I 1flX IA 111~~~1 c t SQi I!! I IIIfI ! I ~ 11l111 I/1 11,1111 . Y 901 I~iflll /i I i`lilill i: l1.illfl v .ol f I IIIIIII ( f Iiifil! l I I~II~:-!~. J,~i~il!: ~%~,ll!!1 i I i!!III~ ° I I f Illlllf I I Ilflli;/ I f'~~IIII ~'al/j I I~II/I i!;l111! ~ I ilEII!I ' '°I I ! Il11111 I 1 1'Xil! L ,°I I I Iilllll %~Ii~:~:~ ' i fl~lli~ "~I;!~IlI I'i ~iillll ( i'i!(III `•01 0;01 . . ...o:, : . . ..1 . . .....iv ~ C_7 i 10 109 Diatreso ^enei~y - Percent Dia:reee 7onnl;y - Parcerr, F1G. X3.1$ PotholeS FIC's. X3.15 LongitudinallTransverso Cracking (metric units) Pc!noie5 (F,4e!rie Units) H M AsGhafi 13 Patching aod C)tiFiry Cut Patching Asphalt ;S 100 L 'yal I I ~ Ilii{i ill~ll i I I liill 8C I I I Ijllll I I~ji~'~ I I~,~IIII I I I I lilill. I! i~I~±II ! !`HIlI o 80 1 I! Illill I X! f!.EI~ I:rI I!IIII . o eO~ 1 I I I1lIII t►~ Ililll f~I II ! a'° I f I I ilf!!I~ i( I~IIIII ~ I I I IIII► c ' - ! ! ! 1'1i 1 1 1! I i I~~~~ I~ / I I?r+! 1 = eDj II(IIIY I.YIIII~ I I I So lillll ; I P I i 5° I I I I I,l~'(I I i~ !!..'~I ! I I I I I I f I I I! v Qq l { I! I! I l f i I I l i!,►~f ~ i l t f l!I I I%I f I I V l if'l I( I I N I( I~ I III ~ I i f I I!Il;f I li(illlVl I I~Ill u I.r! i f_~~I/~ I I I I1~11 I I I I; IEI ~ Z91 I f I I II11~ i~l I''~~II I Iflll 20 I` i►';;;1 I I!±IE~ I~+;illli I ~ ~~';:Ei~ I!~ ! I i 1~ iiN I I I~i! ~ Ilil► 1! I i iltll 10; . ~ ~ri ~ •~~IIEII I ~ I fllll~ a . , . . . . a ' ' ' o . .s i r. . ioo 0.1 7 10 t0a Dtatrees Denai;y - Porecnt oial=es: Ceaa9ty - r'ere¢nc FIG. X3.19 Potfiofes (matrle unlts) FIG. X3.16 Patching and Utility Cut Patching 40 Copyright by ASTM !nt'1(all rights rescrvcd); RepmducEion autttoriud per Lieecue AgrccmenE w•ith LLNDA S LANC'.rRL-LL (J-U-B ENGTNT--ERS, INC.); V1'cd heb 15 l l:52:44 E5'1' 2006 D 6433 - 03 Aa3lroad CrasslnQ A.phaJi ia SllpDsge Gracking Asphalt ti J ill~ I I I I I 1,ool 1 H 6G 9°I R! I IIII~I ~ I f!11111 I 1~~I~id ea 90! I f IIIIfP I I~1~lil! i!;'~i.ll c TOI 70I I f! I I~II~ ~ ~IIYf~~! ! 1 I__.ll~~ u 60 I:I1I1 ° S60 o l ~ I I f I Ilil~! ~ ~ . ~ v I 1 1 li l!! I I ! 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II~I1~! i Ilf!!; I E I iilfll ~~J 1! f IIlIPi 1'i..%~fiill ,-'~i I Ilflll ~`D e'° I ~ f I I!:~~ yl f~'.;~. I I I I i Ili ~'c I 1~ i I ~ IIP~ I 1.fillij ! IL! I I1i-E "°I i; i~!;~~; lli~J~l f i I I;III 20I I I IliE01~( i Illi~l~ lII~€II 'ofl~'::---~ ! I Iiilll~ I I I11Ifll `oI I I{Iilili ';~iill~ ~ I Illli.l ~ 0.1 100 ,o ,no i Dia;:ess Der.aity - Fercen4 IIiairoas Density -*:eent FIG. X3.21 Rutting FIG. X3.24 Swoll Shaving F.sphslt 1'rcathcrng and naveiir.g Asphelt ,°c~ I,I!III so00 f ~~i I! I~~ ~ i 1HjHIN Bo) I I I ilifi! i~ I Whl o I I I! 1 1011 1 1 1 IliJll 11111 o . To . e 70 I i v 6. I ~ I I!~II'! I1 1 11111 i?'I a P?1 M! ; I I I I I I.i;! I I 1 i~il~i J/' i•. f!III ; 80 ~ I i 11~~1 I I! ~l;i: / I't 1 ili!I 5C~ I I!!li!di I!; $0 1 1 ~ i1~f0;i I. I~"•!!;/ ~ I ~40! I 1 Ililil+ I li!f!!1.!{.' I~-;IiIPI i`°j u,o I I I 1 I Ilfl! ..~I ~~!iJll~ I F I~I~II ill I; Iltilll 20~ L ~o r-r r~~ J ! I I,IJiI d ! ~ ~lilll 10 o. . . . Ql to 1O9 0.: 10 700 01:':e.a CcnsRy • Percent Dia;rons aerei7y -?erent FIG. X3_22 Shoving FIG. X3.25 Weathering and R3veling ~ 41 Cop}Tiglii by ASTM Int'i (all righ[s reserved); ' lzcpf'oduction suthorized per License Agreemecst wiih LI1'DA S LANGFtELL (J•U-B ENGTNTrRS, TINC,); Vded Feb 15 I 1,52:44 rST 2006 D 6433 - 03 FLy= .WDPA,bCMO::TY7 *rAa&Ci . . A . a • , - 'a ~0 3_.e x u a Io •,e ro u.. m uc .r. ue ~~o sy my FIG. X3.26 Total Dedutt Value X4. DEDUCT VAI.TJE CURVF.S i'4R CQTCRETH Corner Broak Concrcto 22 "ol 1 I i i I ~ I i I I 81ow-Ups H Concrete 21 So I f I I ~ I I I ! ~ 70 60 p 9~~ d aaI i/~ I ! ~i" f f i I I ;4oI ~ 1/!i; i!-` • I I ° i fi I I/ ! i I ( I ~ ~ I I/! /i ► ~ ! I I I I e 2°~ ~ y( I I I ~ I I ~~~I I I I if I 1 I ~_I I ~L Q zv 1/ I/ I,►~1 I J I I 1 I jo.~ I ! I I I I I! I . ~ ~ I i I ~ I f I D 10 20 30 tJ 50 60 'D BO 90 100 ' ! I J I ! ~ I ~ f Dfstress Derssity - PercCni o • • • • • • ~ - - • ~ FIG. X4.2 Comcr 8reak o i'D 20 so ac 50 ec 713 er, 90 ioo DISiT°55 Der.sify - Fercen! FIG. X4.1 Bbwups Divided Sfab Cenc:ete 23 100I I I ~ ~ I I 1 I I.IH I I I I I 1 I_! ~I I ~;01 I I I I.i~f . a I ( I ~ I!ff I 1 I I,. ~I I~ ~ j I I ~ ;,0 ~11 i a I V I/" ! I I ! t I I ;Q I/I~I I I I I I I ( a I~/~ ~ I I I 1 I f I ~ O t4 20 30 40 50 bU 70 80 40 .00 Distre:s Der.Sity - ?erce nt FIG. X4.3 Divided Slab . • . ; • 42 Copymght by AS"fi~ Int'1 (all rights reservec;); Reprociuctina audiori7,cd per Lieense Agreement widi Lf, NDA S LANG12tI.L (J-U-B ENGINr.ERS, NC.); VGed Fsb 15 11:52:44 ES'C 2006 0 6433 - 03 u 9urabfJity CD') Crackir.g Ganc-ete 24 Lane/Shcvldcr Dr.p O.; Conerrte 27 ,~~I I I I I 1 ~ I I I I '°°I I i ~ I i d I I f I D s~l I ! I I i I I I I I 90f ~ I I I ( i I I I I I f I I I I( I I IH b f I I I I I 1 I ~ I f d 60l I I I! iJJ- ~ ~ I I a;~I ! I I 1 I I I i I I c i i i i► i i ~ I f ,/1 I I I I-! ~ M s° I f I i I 1 ( f I I I 1 I/~ I I~= iI ~ I I I v ~ I I f ! i I I f I 1~; , I S^ L u 30 d 30 e I' I_; ~ i I I I I Zt+~ ~M ,ol ~t Q 10 '1'J 3:r t~ 5•3 60 70 BO Jir t00 DI.S4m5s Dercsity - Fercen' 0 10 20 9C •0 SG 60 74 80 90 100 FIG. X4.4 Durabilfty ("D") Cracking Dlstress Density - Percznt . FIG. X4.7 LanelShoulder Drop-Offi FaulElna Cenc.ete 25 linear Crackin5 C.:nc:e:o 29 'or , I I I ~ 1 I f ( ~ ,oo I ~ ~ I, I I i ! I ! I .90 ea~ 50~ ~ ~ ~ i I I 1 I f ~ D' p d ~ ~ ~ I,/f ~ I l I d ~RS ~ 6 ,o ~ I I V i I~ I I ( ~ ! I~ I i~~-r" f! 1 I!~ v ' ! I I/I !/I I 1! I IL ~ I~ i I I! ' ~l+ ~ " 10 ~ Z° I.t' ,~-~T I~ 1 I, I I Z° ! r- `o a io zo 3 e •o ~so 50 To 80 so .oo o ia za 30 ao s o 60 70 e o o n , o o Qistres. Density - Fercent Distress Density - Percent FIG. X4.5 Faul#ing FIG. X4.8 Linear Crscking se.e1 naeaQ. Ca~er.e. SS Patching. Lzr4a. L lDtiJi;y Cu,s ConLre7e 25 I00 I I ~ ~ I ( I 1 ! ~ I '°I f i I 1 I j i i I I 6 ea I ! I I 1 I ! I !-J H :Le dls^.as ls ~.e~z-ain.~ th~ •ea:m:'rt o~e:.tl GnG::lae Lee e 70 ~ I I I I ~ I , ( z FA=:ia.•r sacDle miL. ° 80 ~ ; 6Q1 1 I I ~ a 1 I i tbe ded.e: .•Sw~ :ae t.`..-ae le.els c: .e~ezlq ara: V 40 ~I ~ t / ~ ~I ~1-' • U 30 L LoY = p=i=, e , a Poia:a jo'~lJ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I I I 0 10 30 30 40 50 e0 7r 80 90 100 Distress Der,sity - Percent F1G. X4.6 Rigid Pavement Deduct ValueS, Distress 26, joint seal FIG. X4.9 Palching, Large, and UUlity Cuts darnagc ~ 43 C:opyright by ASTM Inc'I (all righu rese.rvcd); ]teproductiori au[horized per License 4yrrtmrnt wieh 1.MA S f.A.NG}t.I;LL (J-U-8 E\G11vtEERS, INIC.); Wed Fcb 15 11:52:44 EST 200f D 6433 - 03 Fatrinc. Small Concrasa 30 Pumping Genucto S3 \ Ioo a l 1 1 I I I i i I I ! ~l I I i I I I I I 1 i Ep ,al ~ I I I ! i I 1 I I o, f ! I I I 1 1 I I I I D ~ Eol I I I I f I i I I I ; I ! ! I I 1 I I I I I ° ao I I I ( I I i i I I ` sc I ~ I I I I I I I I I v ~ ~ I I I I I I I I v ~ f 1 I I I I I! u 3 • I ~ I I 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ H 3C e I I I I ~ i~ • 1 1 ~ I ~ 70 20 I I ~ I ~ i j L 'oi/'' D lfi 20 30 40 .°.0 GO 7" 00 90 107 6 :0 :Q 90 40 GD OG TC 90 90 iL+O Dfs2ress Gensiiy - ?orcer,t Distress Densi;y - ?ercent FIG. X4.10 Patching, Small FIG. X4.13 Pumping Folished Aggrepatc Gon^_rete 31 punehovts Cor.crs:a 34 I I I ! I I I i I I f ~ ~ I I i f I f ~ i i eo so ~ I I ( 1 I I I I I} ~ I I 1 I i; I I ~ I~: , p ! I I I~! I I E 1 1 J ~;aj I I i I I I I I I ; g60 ol I I I I I 1 I I I I I I/ 1~ ~ ~ i ~ ! I i 40 ~ 30 30 ~ V/1 I I I I ! I 1 f I I a c 29 ?o I// "-f . , I ~ I I I ~ 10 . o I~ 1 I ! I f f ~ P ~ I ! 1 ` ~ , i f I I I . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . , ~ co 20 ae ILfl " so 6> >o so sc uo o 30 zo 30 .o sa co ;o ee eo ,eo . distress Density - Percent Distress Densi;y - f'erceni % FIG. X4.11 Polished Aggregate FIG. X4_114 Punchouts PoPOU:s Coacrotc 32 ,°°I I f 1 I I i I ( ! I '~I, l i I I I I I ~ I ~ F°I I ! I I I I P I I I 70 u 60 Sol I I 1 1 I I i I I ~ I I I 1 I I I I i I a`°I I ~ i ~ I ( I I I 1 u 20I I ! I I I I f I I ~ V. a. 'I I I I ~ I O 9. 20 30 ♦Q $C 60 70 60 90 100 Discress Densfty - Percent FIG. X4.12 Popouts ' 44 Cop}7'ight by ASTT4 Tnt'I (all rigtics rescr-vcd); 12eProductioit authorizec3 per Liceaisc Agrecmrnt with LINDA S LrLNIG]tEl.L (]-U-B ENGII3EERS, INC.); 1Vcd Fcb 15 11:52:44 LST 2006 D 6433 - 03 fiaEl:caQ Crossinp Goncrete 35 ~ao f 1 ~ ~ f ~i ~ I ! f I ! i J 1 ~ 1! I I 1 f ~ 80 (/I I I I 1 y I c &p ° I Y I I I f I►a I i I I ~ . $a~ T"° I/! I,,-%~ I I IL J I ~ I 1 I/"J I.~-: i I i I! I z~~r~r~ Q~G~I I I I. I I I I I i ~ 0 10 ZO JO ap BO 60 TO 80 90 w, Q Dfsires , Dor,si;y - Percent ~ FIG. X4.15 Rsilroad Crossing Scai7rtq/1A aID Cracking/Cra:ing Conc.ota 36 4`°I I I ! I ~ I I I I ieo I ( ( ~ ( f ~ ~ J + ~ ° I! i! I!! I! I I ~ 60 ;~I I I i I I f ~ i 1 ~ I i I I I~;-f`T 1 f ( i ~ 30 f ~ 1%" f I i f'I I I,~ '0 I~ ~"i I I 1 I I i~ ~ 'oV--l 0 70 20 30 40 50 60 '0 BO 86 :00 Distress Densitv - Rercent F1G. X4.16 ScalinglPAap CrackinglCrazing . SArintape Cracks Ccicrate 37 t tri I ` I ~ 1 ( I f I ~ ( ~ I 80i I I i ! I t I ~ I l a..I i I I I I( f d I i . ~ Eo( f I I I I J I j 1 I aI i I I ! I f I I ~ JI I 1 I J1 I I ~ I ` 30 1 ~ ~ I f I ~ ~ ~ ~?of I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ( ~ ( 1 1 1_ 1 I f 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TO 60 yC w0 t)istress t}er,sity - ?erccni FIG. X4.17 Shrinkage Cracks 45 Copyric,3hd by .4STR41nc'i (ali riah[s rescrved); ~ Reprc,ductioo 9tiFthorized pei• License AgTeemenf with I.[\'DA 5[.ANC;ltrLT„ (J-U-8 ~e\'G11vtEERS, INC.); 1Vcd Fcb 15 11:52:41 EST 2006 D 6433 - 03 SFalfing. Carr,er Gor.creto 38 , 90I I I f I ~ I I~ I i B°I I i ! I ! i I I I I a'° I I I i I I 1 I I I ! ; 5o1 i I i I ~ 1 ~ I I I I I i I I I I ~ 1 I ~ • ~;ol I I ~ I I I I I I iM ~ Zo L ! I I I I' ~ ~~!J~ ,a a. 0 10 20 30 •G 64 GO TO BL BO 1•70 Dis;esss 4ansity - Percent FIG. X4.18 Spalling, Comer Soalling, Joini Cane:etc 39 i 1 'eG D I I! i 1 I E I I I 1 a'°I I I ! 1 I I! I i I c 1 fi~ ~ v~Q~ I ~ I ! I I I ~ I I I~► I I I E f I " 30 e ~ . 20 ~ , !L . o. 0 iU 20 30 aC 5"v 60 70 BQ 90 109 Disiress 9ensity - PerCent ' FIG. X4.19 5palling, Joint RG~=S MD ~MKNO LQ:A CO~CAO7L @ ~ e- ~ r °i e 7s F .e s) c~ m ro ~o ic m a ~ r~ s.n ~ !T.~ uac'r •.u Pw~ Cvrr~ted CcGu~t v~uc~ (w. jviarC ~~c.me ~.a`er..ac:. FIG. X4.20 Corrected Deduct Values for 3ointsd Concreie Pave.ment RFFERE_\'CES (1) P.4VE.R.4.rphalt Dlsr,rss dlarn~r.l, US ArtuV COnstruction F~ngit2Cering (4) Saycrs, K4. IV., Gillcsri►, T. D.; and Claeirrrz_ C. A. V., "The Laboraturirs,'I'R 971109, hmc 1997. Internatioa.-) Ttoad Roughness Fxpecimen:: Es+zblishine Corrdr:tic,n (2) R91T-R Asphrilt Distress ,6frnua1, US Anny C;ons+.ruction Engincerin;; aatd 3 Galibraiion 54andard for yltasvrements," World Bank Tcchnical Laboratorics, TR 97/105, Iune 1997, Paper N'o. 45, the Inecmational Bank for Reconsuvction and (3) Care}', W,N., Jc a»d Irick, P.E., "The Pavement 5erviceabiliiy- Developmentkhe N1'orld Nsnk, Washirietun, DC, 1936. Pcrformarice Cancept," HRB Bulletire 250; 1960. ~ • 46 Copyrighi by ASTA7 lnt'I (sll cie,,}jts reswrved); Rrproduction authorizcd per I_iie.iisc Agrecmeyt with LIN`IaA S LAti'CiftELL (J-U-T3 ENIGINIET:RS, INC.);Wcd Feb 15 I 1:52_44 EST 2005 A~' D 6433 - 03 ASTb4 fi2sm-tinrtsO ,ak,S AO a05Ybn rasasc:ing die vaA'dr!y of a.my FatBrt! nghts asserted 6-1 arnnera'an kdrh any ffGr rwnE+onsd \ ir, thfs standarcL UsGS of fhs starxl3rd are expressy sdvised that tictamina:ia~ o7th= va!idiyo( 9ny s:a:h yatcnt ngh;s, and the ris.k of frtlrinp=m--xt o/ such riat!s, sr en*hey their own resprnTSiN7"aty. 7his standbrd is srbJec; ro reti ision o1 any time by inereswnsibfe retWct+l commtffx and must be raviw^.ved svery yars ttnd rnot revised, eiw').-er reavrovcd c~ v.stha.-.:un. Yt.ur aom.Tents are lnvJlcd ciL'fw Wrevision of this s;and.srd ot fa odokfonafsSancbrds and SAou.ld ae acidrsssed M ASTM f.otemnlh~~81 Nr,acl,uartors. Ywr crnnmens w0 reaeJve etirefuf tl~nsi~~crafiwi at s:rssGny^ of the resAonsiNke tecnnirat mmmtT~, w?iicA you m3y attand if yw fee1 Nwt yoW aHnments ; ravo rml rece+l~ed a faiv.Nearirgt yoer shovld make your view^, kna+m to ffla AS iril CommitFSe on StandsrCs, »t C~:^ aydrcrs shown bolow. Th~t sta:w'Dr,i is oopyvthtso byASTM Mfema?fortal, 700 dar. Narbo` Odve, r"'O Bflx C70'J, WesF Ca"Aohocken, PA 19428-2359, U.;Acd Statos. Jnd-Vdual rapin's (singfe or muQiwfo copias) o( 2his s?andsrd r,tsy As aa3a;nFIf by ctnnS=hg AS T'A4 at the above a:i..',- ot a1 610432-4535 (Jhone), 670-832-4555 (iaz). or servlre@astm.org (o-maff): or i~rraugh the ASTAA weAsi;a F..ww.asrn.org). ~ 47 Cop.a•i;h[ by ASTr4 In['I (all ribhts resrrvcd7, Reprodnc4ion authori'rxd ptr T icense Agreemcnt witlt LIIVDA S LANCiRfT,.T,. (J-U-F.i ENG1NEM,1uC.); We-d Feb 15 1 I:52:44 rST 2006 Street Fund 6-Year Plan Based on Projected Revenues 2007 20081 20091 20101 20111 20121 2013, Salaries, Wages 8 Benafits M $373,7521 $403.6521 $435,9441 $470,8201 $508.4851 S549.164' Supplies N $51.400 $55,512 $59,953 $64,749 $69.929 $75.523 Other Services and Charges ~ $656,400 $708,912 $765,625 $826,875 $893,025 $964.467 Irttergovemmental Servicss Street Maintenance Services M $2, ~62.405 $2,547,397 $2,751.189 $2,971,?$4 $3,20$,887 $3,465,706 WSDOT Street Mairrt. Services ~ $371,000, $400,680 $432,734 $467,3531 $564,741 $545,121 Capital dutfay M $01 $01 $01 $01 s01 p Interfund Payment for Services M 370,3071 $75.9321 $82,0061 $88.5671 $95.6521 $103,304 Intergovemmental Servlces N 301 $01 $01 $01 $01 $0 Total Expenditure M $4,085,264 54192.0851 $4,527,4521 $4,889,6481 $6,280,8201 S5,703,286 1 I I I I $o Revenue ~ $3.000.0001 $2.600.0001 32,600.01301 $2.500,0001 s2.500,0001 $2,500.000, M IFund Balance' $3.700.0001 $2,814,736 1 §1.022,651 1 (3904,801)1 ($3,294,449)1 ($6,075,268)1 ($9,278,555)1 '2007 Fund Balance Estimated on 7111107 2007-2012[Other Services: Delete updatiny o( street condition assessment and pavement management Plan work 2007-2012 ` Street Mairrt: Assume $100,000 reducGon with no servioe level impact and beginning in 2008 reduce snow rernoval $260,000 far priarity IV residenbal sVeets 2009-20121 Street Malnt:I Reduce $220,000 in street repair Notcs: 1. Revenue ks at 0% increase per year 2. Expenditures are at 8% increase per year City of Spokane Valiey - Capital Improvement Program Funding Problem Statement #3 11-Jul-07 ~ Yearl 2007' 1 2008 1 2009 ~ 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 RESOURCES: BEG_ BAL $ - $ 9,141,000 $ 6,727,000 $ 5,306,000 $ 2,803,000 $ 1,164,000 $ 1,048,000 ARTERIAL ST FND $ 882,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - CAP PRJECTS-REET 1 $ 4,460,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,040 $ 1,040,000 $ 1,000.040 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 SPEC. CAP PRJECTS-REET 2 $ 4,600,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100.000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000.000 $ 1,000,000 PARKS CAP. IMPRV. FUND $ 1,350.000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ ► - INVESTMENT EARNINGS $ 204,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - SPOKANE COUNTY $ 1,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - STATE - UNIV. PARK $ 800,000 PARKS GRANT $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - STORM WATER DRAINAGE $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,004 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 COUNTY STEP PROJ. - STORM DRN $ 70.040 $ 200,000 $ 240,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 GEN. FUND $ 410,000 $ 20.000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 TOTAL RESOURCES 314,072,000 $12,811.000 $ 9,747,000 $ 7,841,000 $ 5,373,000 $ 3,684,000 $ 3,568,000 EXPENDITURES: PARKS $ 3.550,000 5 900,000 $ 500,000 $ 580,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 100.000 UNIVERSAL PARK $ 800,000 OEBT SERVICE PYMNTS $ 187,000 $ 185,004 a 187,000 $ 184,000 $ 185,000 $ 186,000 $ 186,000 " CITY MATCH ON 6-YR TIP $ 810,000 STEP STORM ORAIN IMPROVMNTS $ 70,000 Included in T1P InduAexi in 1'IP Inc:ude0 in T1P Included in TIP Included m TIP Includnd in T1P PiNES/MANS & CORRIDOR #2 $ 14,000 2008-2013 Adoptetl TIP $ 3,149,000 $ 3,454,000 $ 3,974,000 $ 3.624.000 $ 1,950,004 $ 3,628,000 2007 Project Carryover (Pines 8 Appleway) $ 750,000 STORM DRAIN IMPROV $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300.000 5 300,000 $ 300.000 $ 300,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,931,004 a 6,084,000 $ 4,441,000 $ 6,038,000 $ 4,209,000 $ 2,636,000 a 4,214,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 9,141,000 $ 6,727,000 $ 5,306,000 $ 2,803,000 $ 1,164,000 $ 1,048,000 $ (646,000) • Beg Fund balance & 07 receipts "Waitinr -or.sultant's p)an City of Spokane Valley - Capitdi irriprovement Program Funding Problem Statement #3 'f iJul-o7 ~ Yearl 2007' 1 2008 N 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 RESOURCES: BEG. BAL $ - $ 9,141,000 $ 5,742,000 $ 3,336,000 $ (152,000) 5(6,126,000) $(10,577,000) ARTERIAL ST FNO $ 882,000 $ - $ - $ ' $ ' $ " $ ' GAP PRJECTS-REET 1 $ 4,460,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1.000,000 $ 1,000,000 SPEC. CAP PRJECTS-REET 2 $ 4,600,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 a 1,000,000 PARKS CAP. IMPRV. FUND $ 1,350,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - INVESTMENT EARNINGS $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - SPOKANE COUNTY $ 1,600,000 $ ► - $ - ffi - $ - $ - STATE - UNIV. PARK $ 800.000 PARKS GRANT $ 200,000 $ 200,004 $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - STORM WATER DRAINAGE $ 300,000 $ 300,000 a 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,040 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 COUNTY STEP PROJ. - STORM DRN $ 70,000 $ 200,040 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 a 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 ~ GEN. FUND $ 410,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20.000 $ 20.000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 TOTAL RESOURCES $14,072,000 $12,811,000 $ 8,762,000 $ 6,871.000 $ 2,416,000 $ (3,646,000) S(8,067,000) EXPENDITURES: PARKS $ 3,550,000 $ 900.000 $ 500,000 $ 580,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 UNIVERSAL PARK $ 800,000 DEBT SERVICE PYMNTS $ 187,000 $ 195,000 $ 187.000 $ 184,000 $ 185,000 $ 188,040 $ 186,000 " CITY MATCH ON 6-YR TIP $ 810,000 STEP STORM DRAIN IMPROVMNTS $ 70,000 Includad in TiP Induded In TIP Induded in T►P InGuded In TIP Induded In TIP IncJuded m TIP PINES/MANS 8 CORRlDOR #2 $ 14,000 2048-2013 Adopted TIP $ 3,149,000 $ 3,454,000 $ 3,974,000 $ 3,624,000 $ 1,954,000 $ 3,628,000 Pavemerrt ManagemeM - Option 2 $ 985.000 Z 985,000 $ 985,000 $4,335,000 $ 4,335,000 $ 4,335.000 2007 Project Carryover (Pines 8 Appfeway) $ 750,004 STORM DRAIN IMPROV $ 300.000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 4,931,000 $ 7,069,000 $ 6,426,000 $ 6,023,000 $ 8,544,000 $ 6,971,000 $ 6,549,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 9,141,000 $ 5,742,000 $ 3,336,000 i(152,000) $(6,126,000) $ (10,677,000) ;(16,606,000) • Beg, Fund balance & 07 receipts CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Jufy 17, 2007 City Manager 3ign-off; ~ ftem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑oId bu~iness 0 new business ❑ pLiblic hearing , ❑ infvema#ion (E) atfmin, report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Uniform Devefoprnent Co[ie Deliberatian, Ti#le 19 GO1fERNING L.EGISLATION; PRE1fI0US COUIVCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Council received 7itle 79 as an "informatron onlY" ca~y Febtuary 20, 2007; and during the February 27, 2007 Cauncil meeting, staff reporked that the Piannfng Commission had recei+red numerous ptiblic comments on this and ather titles, with the generaJ cornplaint of lack of review time, The Plann ing q ammission contirrued their public hearirrg on Title 19 to hAarch 8, which was further cantinued to N1arch 22. The Planning Commission continued ~ detibera#ion of Title 19 throughoLft Maech, April, and f1+12y, and frralized #heir cornmen#s June 21, 2007. The Planrtirrg Cammission aiso reviewed the use matrix May 24 and again June 7_ OpTlOh13: RECoMnnErvaEo ACTron,~ ~R MoTioN: BUDGETlFINANCIAL 1MPACTS- SYAr-F CONTACT; - ATTACHMENTS; Uniform Development Code Title 19, along with the "Schedule of Permit#ed Uses,was Previously Distributed to Cc u n c i I far early review, . I DRAFT . ADVAl~1CE AGENDA Fpr F'lanning Discussipn Purposes Only as of Tuly 11, 2007; 4:00 p.m. - Please note this is a work i.n progress; items are tentative To: Cquncil R Staf=f rrom: City Manager Re: 17raft Schedule fnr Upcnming Council Meetings Julv 23, 2007, J'oint BoCC/Council Mcetine, 2:00 p.m. (Cuiuici! Cfinnibers) July 24,2007, Reaular Mecfing, G:UO p.ai. [clue date Monday, July 161 1. PUBLIC FIEr1RINC: 2008 Revenues/I'roperiy Taxes - Ken `l'hompson [15 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, M.inutes; Resolution Setting Public F[earing St. Vacation CS minutes] 3. Second Reading Ordinance 07-012, Street Vacation of Shannon tlvenue - Karen Kendall [5 minutcs] 4. Mdtion Consideration: Position Rcclassifications [30 minutes] 5, Motion Consideration: Greenacres Neighborhood 1'ark Acquisition - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 6. Admin Report: CTED Collaborative Granl Final Report- Susan Winchell/[3ill Grimcs of 13R.B [15 minutes] 7. Admin Report: City Hall racilities Planning-Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 8. Admin Report: Commute Trip Rectuction Agreement-Nloroan Koudclka [1.0 minutes] 9. Admin Report ..K.eller Road Developer Agreement-John I-[ohman ( 15 minutesJ 10. Information Only: I7epartment Reports . [estimated meeting: 135 minutes] ~1![~ndav, .Jula• 3.0. 2.U.[?r7, 5::0.0 p.m.. Snccia[ Alcctin~.: ~xccuti~:c 5ession: .crsouncl lAttc .Iuly 31, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Specisl Study Session [duc datc Monday, July 23 J ~ 1. City vlanager Presents Peeliminary 2008 Budget - Dave Vlercier (45 minutes) 2. UDC 17eliberation (90 minutes) TOTAL MTNU'CFS: 135 minuees AuLyust 7, 2007: tVo iLleelirtt, (Nxtionial Night Out) Au2ust 14, 2007,12e2ular Meetin2, 6:00 n.m. [due date ylondsry, Aug 6] 1. Consent Agenda: I'ayroll, Claims, \linutes ' [5 minutes] 2. Macion Consideration: Commute Trip Reduecion Agreement - Morgan Koudelka [5 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: TIB Project Submittals - Neil Kersten [15 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: Council sets preliminary budget hearing for September 1 1- Ken Thompson (5 minutes) 5. Molion Consideracian: T<eflcr Roaci Dcvclopcr Agrcemcnt - John Hohman [10 minulcs] 6. Aclmin ReporC: Outside Agencies Prf;sentations -1Cen `l'hompson [60 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Panliandling - Erik Lamb [15 minutes] 8. Admin Repqrl: Solid Wa,ste Status Quo Contract - Cary lariskell [20 minutes] , [estimated meeting: 135 mi»ute.s] Aueust 21, 2007, 6:00 pan. $tudv Session (clue date Muncla}', Aug 131 UDC DeliberaEion [120 minutes] Auaust 28, 2007, ReLyular Meetine, 6:00 n.m. [due date Mundtiy, Aug 201 1. rusLic riEaWrrG: Unifomi L7evelopment Code (UDC) [60 minutes] 2. Gansent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes:l 3. L1otion Consicleriition: Outside Agency Allouitions-Ken Thompson [20 minutes) 4. ITA Update - Karen Cooncy [ 15 minutes] S. Admin Report: City Hall Pacilitics Planning Monthly Update - Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 6. Infarmatian Only: Department Reports [estimated meeting: 130 minutes] nraft Advancs Ageiida 7/11/2007 3:54:56 PM Pagc 1 of3 Septcmber 4. 2007. 6:00 p.m. Stutlv Session [due date Monday, Aug 27] UDC Deliberation C120 mi.nutesJ Scatember 11, 2007. Rceulur 1'IeeHna, 6:00 p.m. (due date Sept L41. 1. PUBLYC HEARiNG: Preliminary Budget - Ken Thompson [20 ininutes] 2. Consent Agenda: T'ayroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. First Cteading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Ul7C - vli.ke Connelly [20 minutes] . 4. Admin Report: f ee Itesolution - Ken Thompson [20 minutes] 5. Admin Report: Paperlcss Agendas, Cost Comparisons - Chris $ainbridgeJBing C20 minutes] 6. Admi.n Report: Sidewalks (tlL7A) - Mike Coruielly [15 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Chamber of Commerce CcnterPlace Nlarketing Proposal (tentative) [I S minutes.] [estimated mccting: 115 miiiutcs] Sentember 18. 2007. 6:00 n.m. Studv Sessian [due date Monday, Sept 10] 1. Depart:ment L3udget Highlights - Morgan Koudelka R Dept DirecCOrs (60 minutes) 2. UDC 17eliberation (90 mi.nules) TOTAL MINi3TE.S: 150 minutes Sentember 25. 2007. Repular Meedng, 6:00 q.m. [due date ZZunday, SePt 171 l. PUBL,TC HEARTNG: Froposed 2008 Budget - Ken Thompson 120 niinutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minuces [5 minutes] 3. Seconcl Rcading Proposed Ordinance Adopting UDC - VLike Connelly [20 minutes] 4. Admin 17eporl:: City Hall Facilities Planning vfonthly Upclate -Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 5.lnformation Only: Department Reports (estimated meeting: 75 minutesl SeDt 27-29. 2007: NLC Enerim F.nvironrrtent & Nnturul Resotirces SteerinQ Contntittee Full rMeetittQ• CenlerPlace nctober 2,2007. 6:00 q.m. Studv Session [due date s~'Ionday, Sept 241 1. General Budget Discussion - Dave Nlercier (30 minutes) 2. CDBG (Cnmmunity Development 131ock Crant) Project List for 2007/2oo8 - Greg McCormick (25 minute5) TCaTAI., iNfil'NUTES: minutcs Octoher 9.2007. Ref-rular Meetiisa, 6:00 n.m. [due date Manday, Oct 1] 1. PLTBLIC AFARING: Fina1 Yublic ffearing Proposecl 2008 Budget - Kcn Thompson [20 minutcs] 2. PU-BLiC HEAlt[NG: CDl3G Prajr.ct list [20 minutes] 3. Consent AgencJa: Payroll, Claims, iVlinutes [S minutcs] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Budget [10 minutesj 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying Property Tax-ICen Thompson [10 minutes] 6. Pirst Reading I'roposed Ordinance Confirmin5 Fxce.ss Property Tax -1{en Thompson [10 minutes] 7. Proposecf Fec Reso(ution Adoplion- Ken Tllompson [20 minutes] 2. v(otiAn Consideration: Adoption of CenterPlace Markcting Plan - Mil:e Jackson C10 minutes] lestimated mecting: 95 minutes] Octol,er 16, 2007, 6:00 n.m. Studv Session [due date Monday, Oct 8] 1. Aceident Statistics Along Broaclway - Neil Kersten (30 minutes) October 23, 2007. Reaulsr i'vlcetinEL. 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, Oct l] 1. Consent Agenda: Payrnll, Claims, viinutes [5 minutes] 2. Seeond Reading Prnposecl Ordinance Adopting Buclget 110 minutes] 3. Second Readin3 Proposed Ordinance Levying Properly Tax -Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 4. Second Iteading Proposcd Ordinance Confirmi.ng ]:xcess Froperty Ta.c - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. vlotion Consideration: CDBG Project List- Greg McCornlick [10 minutes] 6. Adrnin Report: City Hall Facilities Planni.ng-Ncil Kersten [30 minutes] 7. Infortnation Only: Department Reports [estiinated mceting: 75 minutes] Dralt Advance Agcnda 7/1U2007 3-54-56 i'M PRge 2 oC3 October 30. 2007. 6:00 a.m. Studv Session [due date iVlnnd.iy, Oct 22] November 6, 2007 - no meedniz (clection niizht) ~ Wcdnesdav: Nnvember 7. 2007 Snecixl Meetinu, 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, Oet 291 1. Gansent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Admin Report: City Nall Facilities Plannin?-Neil Kersten (30 minutesJ Npveinber 13, 2007 - pocsible no mcetina (NLC Confcrence) November 20 - Thanksp-ivine we.ek - no meeting November 27, 2007 - Speeial Meeting, 6:00 n.m. [due date 117onday, Nov 191 1. Consent Agenda: Payrnll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] Deccmber 4, 2007 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due dsite Monday, Nov 261 Dccembcr 11, 2007, Reizular Vlceting, 6:00 p.m. [due diite Mnnday, Dec 31 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] December 18, 2007, Studv Session. 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, Dec 101 1. Committee Appointments 2. SwGarina. in of Councilmembers 3. Admin Report: City Mall Facilities Planning - Neil Kersten [30 minutes] Deccmbcr 25 - Christmas VVcck - no mecting Januzirv 1, 2008 - HOLIDAY - no meeting Januarv 8, 2008, l.tegulxr 1Vleetinu [due date Nlnnday, Dec 31] Election of Council Officers ()TliEtt I'ENDll\`G AND/012 UI'COMING ISSCTES1,M]EETINGS: Auoust Special Meetina, Topic: City Center City Center Survey 2007 Budget Amendment Library Capital Fxcilitir.s Area Formarian Appraval (f le resolution in dme far March ballot) Adoption Street MasterE']an Spraguc Applcway Revitali-r.ation Plan - Scott Kuhta Approval of 1'ulesNlansfiPld Consmiction Gontract Award - Steve Worley Appleway Avenue Coastnictiou Contnct Award -Steve Worley Traffic v(ndel R.eview Comp Plan Amendments Work Porce Development, In-Service Definitions Naisc Urdinanee (Construction Activity) Cenkr3l Valley School District Impact Fee Request Sewer Collecrion Systems - Neil Kersten Animal Contro) Qrdinance - Gary 17riskell ~ _ . "Wot Zones" (telecommunications infrastruchue) - Rcncwal of Lobbyist Contract estimated; cloes not include time for public comments.J Draft Advence Agenda 7/11f2047 3:54:56 PM . Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKAfVE VALLEY . . _ ' Request for Council Actio n Meeting Date: July 17, 2007 City Manager SignYoff: _ Item: Check a11 that apply; ❑ consent 0iDId bLrsiness M neyv businiDss 0 public hearing ~ infarmation admin. report ❑ Qending legislation AGENDA ITEM T{TLE: Developer Agreemen# for Kelter Ftoad Shor# Plat SHP-04-07 GOIIEftNIIdG LEGISLATION: h1lA PREVIDUS COUNCIL ACTEON TAKEN: IVfA B1#CKGROIJfVD: . 7he Keller Road Shark Pla# is a project being developed by Mr. Jerry Stroh. This project will contrrbute increased traffic volumes to Keller Road. The project has been conditioned ta ' mitigate the impacts of the increased traffic volurnes by constructing frontage improvements to Keller Road. These impravements consist of pevement widening, curb, swales, and sidewalk, ~ The developer would norrnally cons#rLict the frontage irnprovements with oversight pravided bY . C ity staifi, Fioweve r, the aree is not currently sewered . This would m e a n th at Nir. Stroh's improvernents wo uld be removed or damag ed dud ng sewer insta llati on_ The preferrec! course of action is tc) include these improvements in#o the West farrns Sewer Project currently scheduled for 201 0. This can be accornplished through the exectition af a developer agreement with N1r_ ~ S#f-ch and warking u+ith Spokane County ta include this work during #he design of the sewer project. The agreeme nt specifies the deteiCs of p ayrnent which would occur p rior to tYre canstruction of the sewer project. The cantribution amoun# is $55, 177_ pPTlONS: ~ RECOMMEIVDED ACTION OR 1U1OTION: Forward agreemen# far adrninistrative fieport followed by mo#ion consideration dunng upcoming cauncil meetings, to accept iDr not accep# the agreernen# which includes proportionate contribution towards a future improvement_ BUDGETIFIAlAh1ClAL IMPACTS: tJone, STAFF COFJTACT, John Hohman ATTACHMEhfTS: 1. Va Eu ntary ll+tiatigation Agreement_ . ~ .D.R.A FT VOLUiNTARY NIITIGATI0N AGRE•E1VIH.NI'' Kcller Road Sht>rt Plat - ' . SHP -04-07 This Mitigation Agreement ("t~€rcement") is evtered into by and bet~veen Jerry Stroh ("Developer"), aWashington resideut, resid'uig at 5120 N. Keller Road, and the City of Spokane Valley ("City"); a political subdivision of the State of Washington; hereinaficr jointly referred to as "Parties": REC1'Y ALS 1. This agreement is entereci into by the Parties pursua.nt to RCW 82.02.020 to mitigatc a direct impact iclenti.fied as a consequence of the developtzient of the prope•rty. 2. The Developer is the ownerldcveloper of certain real proPerty Uf approximately 5.21 acres and gcnerally locatecl dlong Keller Road; aud is situated in Section 34, Towmship 26 14arth; Range 44 EWM, in Spokane County, Washuigton. Said proPerty is more ' speciCcally clcscribed in Exhibit A attached hereto aild by this reference incorporated herein. 0eed :exhibit,from Tayl:or tngineering) 3. The Developer has received approval of the preliminary shQrt plat identified as SHP- ' . 04-07 Kellcr Road Short Plat a residential development wfiich will create eight (8) residential lots. I{rontage improvements to Keller Road have been requireti as part of the approval process for the final plae pursuant to thc Staff Report and Notice of Taec-ision dated the lsl day of May, 2007. The Notice of Decision contauis the follo-wing condition of approval: CITY OF SNOKANE Vr1LL•EI' FNGIn;EERl'n°(J 1. Frontage improvements are required on Keller Road. Half street improvcments are required for Keller Road as per Section 1.1.3 of the Spokane County Standards, ul additipn to the frontage improvements. Keller Road is ciesignated as a Local Access street. Frontage itnprovements include 15 feet of asphall 4vidth from road centerline, Type B curb and guttcr (2 feet), 10 :foot roadside swale, and a5 Feot sidewalk. The total width of improvements is 32 Eeet. Current riglit-of-way is 30 tee.t; 1/2 of the right-of-way . being 15 i''eet. I'hc mitumum'/z right-of.-way width, wluch is to 2 feet belund the curb, is 19 feet. A rinht of way dedication of 4' ~ld a border easement, Nvhich eatends froui the right-of-way to back ofsidewalk, of. 13 feet is required. This shall be designatEd on the final plat language and map. The right of way " Par 2 dcdication and border easernent width was dctcrmined assuming that the Center of f ' the road coincides with the center of tlie ri ght-o f- way. Appjioant to cottf'irm ri8bt- r~ . Q f-way location and w. idtb(s)_ Nate - the bul lding sctback be;ins at the edge 0 f - the bordcr easement. 4. The Partscs are desirous of enterii}g into an Agreemcnt w-Ech provide5 For the payinent ai- a proportionate sl7are of frc)ntage improvemcn#s assoiJated wiih the , Development. The Dcveloper desires to have the frontagc itnproveinfnts constructecl durbig the extension of sewer into the are.a which is planned ta occ-ur iii. 2 0 10 and is designated as #hc Wes#. Farns Sewer Project, 5, The Dcveloper`s contribution to thc scwer project sbal] be based an the construction cstimate as set forth 3-n 'Fxhibit B attachcd hereto and by this reFerence incorporated lierein. - A GREE1v1 EN T N 0W, THLR-EFORE, in consideraticin of the mutua] covcnauits a.nd conditians hereafter set forlh, the 17cveloper and the City ]7freto agree as; follaws: 1_ Voluntarv Aareement, "I'h.is Agrecment, including a!l attached documcnts, is a TT' v oluntary agceenient as that tcrm is used in RCW ~:~~':T:•-__ The contriblttion offered is groportional #o the frontage improvcmen#s rcqujred by tlie Development. In the evcnt tliis IIll[1gatlOn 8g1'LCt71tmt 15 breac]7ed by the Developer, all af the City°s abligations under #}]18 ag-t- eTnent sha1I tertTllriatt, In #ile ev eJi.C fliiS m ltygatioil BgCCCPt2erit 15 deterltlined by a CQUl'C to be ]llVaild, thc City shall refund tlle unexpencied portion of thc contribution, and ! the City's oUligalions undcr this a;reeinent sb0 ] tenninate. 2. Pxoiect. The project shali consist ofthe instailatian fron lage in-iproverncnts ta KiAier Road. Tlle i-nitigation fee sha11 be based upon the casl oF the pavement, curbui~, side~~alk . a31d base inate;rials for bringing Keiler Raad into complizincc wi.th tlZe C ity's Street Design Standards, 1 - C nntributkon. The Developcr shal! pay $5 5,1.77, which has been detcrmined ta be thc Developer°s proportionate contribu#ion ta the 20 10 West k'a.rms Sewer Projec# (S ee Fxhibit B), ln the evenl that the.C ity sdopts rcvised street standards prior to the design of t]Ze 2 010 W est rarms Sewer Froject by Spo kanc Couiity, tlie Ckty wtll review the arnount o f contrrbution for consislency ~,vith the ncwly adapted standards_ The antotLnt of contributiofi niay be modifed by the C'ity #o refl ect changes in streel width, section tluckness, drainage, or si~ewalk requirements, 4. Payment The Devcloper agees to pay all ofi the above identified con-tribution A . sucli tune the City deenis necessaary, .Payment shall be inade wiEi.in 30 days aftcr rec:eiving natice fi-ain the City. Tf payment is atot t3me1y received tlie City may inunediately access the fuia.ds secuTed by the lettcr of credit desc.ribed below_ A letter of Page 3 credit, which gives the City a unilaieral right to a.ccess the funds pursuant to this agreeinent .f'rom a finanriati ins#itution, shall be provided to the City upon execution of ._.~this agreenient and prior to accep#ance of this agreement by tl,e C ity. 5, C omiDliap cc with RC:'W 82.0 2.E12 U. 1~ayIlleni CO11 Cc#ed C1y tl1e C liy V4']I 1 bL he ld lll a rnitigation fee reserve account a31d may on1y be expendcd to fund thi-, deogn; right-o#= w-ay acquisi#ion, and construction of the Project, Paymen#s shall be expemded within five years of ca1lec-tion, Thc City 5hal1 be cntitled to reiniburscment .frvni the miiigation £ee rescrve account for any #`unds it may expend for the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of #he Yrojfct prior to the coll~ction ofthe fre_ Any fitnds in the ;nitiganon Fee resene accoxutt not expended witlun five ycsrs shali be refunded by the City Nvith interost as provided in RC:W 82.02.020, C-, Notice: Ail coinmunications; nataces or dcmands of any ltind which a part}F under this Agreement is required or des ires to give to any othcr party shall be in writing and be eit]ier (1) dclivered personally, sent by facsimile ti-awsmission wid7 aa1 additionai cop}+ nlailed irst c-lass, ar (3) cicposited in lhe U,S. Mail, certifiied rnail postage pTepaid, return receipt rcquested and addressed a~; follows; Ifto the City: City of Spolcane V€illey 11707 E_ Sprague Ave,, Suite 106 Spokane Va1iey; WA 99206 - - Fax; (509)921-1008 . Atln ; City Maiiager • IC totheD evelopcr; Jf-reyStroh 512{] 19. Kellcr Road Spokana Vallcy, WA. 992] 5 . 7. Successors_ This Agreeinent sha11 be binding on and inure ta the benefit of #hc succi-,ssars and the assigns ofthe I'arties. Gnvcrninu Law.. Thi.-, Agrecment shall be construed in accordance with the laws ~ of the State of Washingtoati_ Any actioix .for enforccment af, chls Agreemcnt sktall be . brought in a court of coinpetent .jurisclictiol3 trt Spokani-, County, Washington or a~ otherwisc provideci by statute_ 9_ Modifiuitions, Na modificatian or amendmcnt of this Agrcemcn# sha11 be valid until the samc is reduced to wrktina and exccuted wztb the same €arrnaliiI e s as #he present Agree mcnt. 10. W aiver. No o.ffi cer, employee, agcnt or otl7erwise ofthe C'ity bas the power; right or autbority to waiw~ any of thc conditic»is or provisions tv this Agrccment. No waiver or any breach oFthis Ageeinent shall be held to be a waivei• of a.ny crther 0 r subsequent breacli_ • Page 4 11, R_ epresentatino. This Agreenlent forms a.fully tntegrafed agreemerit beMei~31 the ' P arties. N' o otli er unders#an.d 3ngs, oral or otherwise, regardialg the subject matter af ihis Aareemen# sha11 be deemed to cx.ist or ta bind any of the Parties bereto All Parties have read and understand a11 of tlie Agreemcnt, aud nokv statc that no rcpresen.tati on, proinise or agreement not expressed an the Agreeme-nt has b een matle to induce a+iy Party to execute #hc same. 12_ Autbaritv_ Both Paaites to this AgreeinenE rcpresent aitid certify that they hav~.' ful.l autharity au d powes to enter into at'id caury oui this Agreenlent, 'Fhe persons signing th.ks Agreement represcn# that they havc authoriiy to act for and bind their respedive prxilcipals. IN 1~~ViTNE~S WFiE REOF, #hc P arties have executed ihi s Agreement thi s J day of . 2007_ DE; VE, LOPUR: By; iE'S' ~ Name; S'1"ATE OF WAS1-RNGTON ~ ~ ) ss, Caunty of Spokane ~ . Os7 this day of 2007 heforc nie, the, undersigned, a Nlotary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly can,missioncd anrl sworn, personaf ly appeared to me laiawn to be the of , the corporation diat executed the foregoing uistrturren~ and aclm.awledged tlie instrwrient to be the free and voltu-itary act and deed of t1'ie corporation, for the uses attd pM)oses therein nientioned, and on oath ~Mted that hi~~ 19 authorizcd to exe.ciate the uisturnent_ - ~ WTTiN,SS iny liand and official scal hereto affixcd the day attd year in this ~ ccrtificate abo,re written. I~~OTARY PUBLIC, in and for tlxe Slate of 1Alaslunb on, residing at My commission expires: Prinled Namc 1 CITY 0 T.SP OKAI'E VALLE Y: ~ Page 5 David Nlercier, City Vlanagcr AT"I'LST: Al'PROVED AS TO FORM: Christine Bauibridge, Cit?r Clerk Office of the City Attdrney SURETY ESTIAAATE- C9T}.~ . . ~ Projcct Name: SHP-09-07 Keller Road SpoKane., : : : : : _ : : Giy Project Number: ' Vi: oa tc: June 12, 2007 ti Prepared by: W. MCGevfflfl . . . . . : . ltem Dascrip$on % Rcmaining Ouanti►y Unit Unit Pricr: Total Drainage Items 1 Dryvrell, Type A(ind. backfi[I. fifter fa6ric, frtime 8 grate) 100°ie 2 F-A $ 2,700.00 $ 5,400_00 2 Drywell. 7ype B(irvcl. backfil1, fittsc fabric, framc A grate) EA $ 3.200.00 $ . 3 Ooncrete Inl£L Type 1 EA S 800.00 $ - 4 Corrcrete Inlet, Typc 2 EA $ 600.00 S - 5 W5D07 In1ct tuid Gta#e EA $ 1,300.00 $ - 6 Catdibasiiti, Tyr,ie 1 EA $ 750.00 $ - 7 Curb In1et, Type 1 EA $ 75.00 $ - 8 Rirb Inlet, Typc 2 EA S 600.00 $ - 9 Metal Fr :me and OratQ EA $ 300.00 S - 10 Pipe. 4anch PVC, pcrforAied LF $ 12.00 $ _ i f Pipc. 4-inch PVC LF $ 12,00 $ - 12 Pipe, 12•incfi PVC LF S 18.00 $ - 13 Pipe, 6-inch CMP LF $ 15.00 a . 14 Pipe. e•incfi CASP LF $ 16.00 $ - 15 Pipe. 10-inch CMP LF $ 18.00 S - 16 Pipe. 12-inch CMP !,F $ 20.00 $ - ~ 17 Pipe. 154ndi OAP LF S 25.00 $ - 18 Pipe. 18-inch GMP LF $ 28.00 $ . 19 Pipe. 24-indi QWP LF $ 38.00 $ - 20 Pipc. 104rtch CPEP or HDr^E LF $ 18,00 $ - 21 Pipe. 12-inch CPEP or FiDPE 1.F $ 21.00 $ . 23 Pipe. 18•inch CPEP or HPPE LF S 25.00 $ - 24 Fipe, 24-incfi CPER ar HDRE LF S 40.00 $ 25 Pipe, 30•inch CPEP or Hi)PE LF $ 45.00 $ - 26 Pipc. 36-inch CPEP or h1DPE LF $ 55.00 s - 27 Maiihole, Precast Type I- 48 EA $ 2,100.00 $ - 28 Manhole, Preca,^.t Type III - 48 EA S 1,70U,9 D $ - 29 Manhole. Precast Type I- 60 EA $ 2,500.00 $ - 30 ManhoNe, Precast Type III • 54 EA $ 2.500.00 $ - 31 Solid Marohole Lid [A $ 325.00 $ - 32 Cnnrxeie Inlet Pad EA S 200,00 $ . 33 Concrete Slotted CcJVer wf Ring Eq $ _ 34 Pand Outlet Struchire LS $ 1,000.00 S - 35 Poiui Amess Road + Temp Cu4de-s:sr CY $ 17.00 S - 36 641. Chain link Fence LF $ 15.00 $ - 37 12-ft wiHo Lodcing Gate EA S 500.00 $ - 38 Pond Excsvation Ind. Maul 1009y 200 CY $ 10.00 $ 2.000.00 39 Ditcti Excavafion Irucl. Naul GY $ 8.00 s . 40 Scxl SF $ 0.80 S - 41 Seed. FertiEize ansf Mutch • SF $ 0.05 S - 42 Irrigation System (public drainage faalifiies) LS S 1,000.00 $ - 43 8entonite Ctay Evaporafive Pond Ilncr CY S 12.09 $ - ~ 44 Menibrane Linar SF $ OJ5 $ - i 45 Top:,nil CY $ 18.00 $ - 46 Washed Draimock CY $ 31.00 $ . 47 Clearing anFJ Grubbinfl (under one acre) AC S 3,000,00 $ _ revisad ~/2}D7 item Description % Remaining QuAntity Unit Unit Price Total 48 poaring :.uu1 Givblzing (1-5 anes) AC $ 2.000.00 5 - 49 GePring fuui Gnr66ing (ovcr 5aa'es) AC $ 1,500.00 S - ' 50 Non•Woven Gcotexiile Fahric (emhankment drains) SY S 4.00 S - 51 Flter Fabric (under riprap in ditdieGloutfall pads) SY S 3.0D $ - 52 Aiprap tw Ditclti (3 ii-ich minus) CY S 20.00 3 - 53 Aiprap for Ditch (6 indh minus) CY $ 25.00 $ - 54 Riprap for Ditch (12 incli minus) CY $ 32.00 $ - 55 Riprap Outtafl Pad (hand plam- d) CY $ 50.00 $ - 56 Energy Dissipator (DOT) L.S. $ • 5 - Dlatirayc /ferm Sub-Tota/ $ 7,400.00 Roadway ttems 57 Rflttgh Grade and Exiavation (sub-grade preparation) 100% 0 CY $ i0.00 $ - - 58 AMOCO 2002 FiRer Fabric (or equhalen!) SY $ 3.00 $ 59 Pit Run 8aflast Material CY $ 12.00 S - 60 EeSe Caurso • CY $ 25.00 S - 61 Top Cource 100l0 165 CY S 26.00 $ 4.290.00 62 Asphall ConQetc Pavement TN $ 55.00 $ - 63 Asph9li Concrete Pavemcnt (2 in) 1009E 2,165 SY $ 6.75 $ 14,613.75 84 Asphalt Conu'cte Pavement (3 in) SY $ 90.00 S - 65 Sawetrf Eicisting AsphalR {$1.5Ofin oi depll-lln (<1 U00 If = S5RfJ LF $ 5.00 S - BS Qurb, TypC S 10090 812 l..F S 9.00 $ 7,30$.00 67 Qirb and Gutter, Type B LF $ 10,00 $ - 68 C+.rrb and Guttcr, Type C LF $ 2.75 $ - 69 Curb and Guder, Type R LF $ 50.00 $ - 70 Curb:utd Gutter, Type R(reinfaroed wilh iebar) LF $ 12.00 S - 79 S'tdewalk 100% 451 SY $ 30.00 S 13,530.00 72 Driveway Approadi SY S 35,00 $ - 73 Wheelchaii' Ratnp EA $ 300.00 $ - 74 \NSOOT Type III 8arricado EA $ 250.00 $ - 75 WSDOT H-1 Flexible Guide Posts EA $ 25.00 s - 76 WSDOT ti-3 Pipe Bollards EA $ 250.00 5 - • 77 Street Soyns EA $ 175•00 $ 78 SUiping LF $ 1.50 $ - 79 Tubu{ar Rr(lective Traffic Delinaators (flcotible) EA $ 30.00 $ - 6U 6artelsiyle Reftesetivo 7ratfic Delirisatnrs GA $ 50.00 $ - 81 Barrel-siyte Rcfle~.-tive Traffic Qelineators vrlbase EA $ 90.00 S - 82 Tempor8ry Traffic Control LS $ 1,000,00 S - 83 Monumantc (i upprox, every 300 it) EA S 200.00 S - 84 Qoss-gutters. Type 1 SY $ 30.D0 $ - 85 GYoss•guttere. Typc 2 SY $ 25.00 $ - RasrAyay/femsSub•Tota/ $ 39,741J5 Erosion CanUol ttismr, 86 Silt Fcnu: LF S 4,00 S - 87 Siraw 6alec EA $ 7.00 S - 89 Pcrrnanent Seeding and Planting SF $ 0.05 $ - 89 Inlct Proiection 100% 2 EA $ 70,00 $ 140.00 80 Rodc Coilstruction Entry SY $ 16.00 $ - 91 Erasion Control @Janket SY s 3.00 $ - En-evioi? Conlro/!{:ms Su6-Tofa/ 5 140.00 S41477'07s7L oJ,4LL /rjFmS $ 47.261.75 3% inflation trom year 2008 to 2410 $ 2,879.46 ' Su.S-Tofa/urdud'r;r~ ml',atibn $ 50,161.21 re0sed 2!2/07 ]icm DetnC71p4417 96 Ixemaining Quantiiy Llnit lfnit Pricc To#al °P Mabilittitlbn 8t O% Calc ~ - ~ ~ ,SClBTDTAL Ir,a'udir~7 ~[aG~~rkzsdu~n ~ ~0.1 b 1.2 ~ ~ CONSTRVCTION 7OYAL (include : mul#iplier ot 1.10) $ 5~,177_3~ Inapcctian 92 InsppLkion oi brainagc Faalikieoo2,5Y~ Ga]c $ - 93 InapcL#ion of P,nadq-4U~2.5',G Calc ~ . ln~ecfion lfe/m Srlh-Ta~l $ - SUt7TC7T.fTL ayr.4L1 }rZ-MS ~ - 3% inilatian fram ycar 2008 l0 201U $ _ SMfi- Tw~M(rhdc&h7q mr9alra+r ~ - [hlSP ECTION'S'OTAL Ci[5rt.rude^ mUlE1Plier of 1_14) y~ - GR,4ND TOTAL (includes mulkiplier of 1.10) ~ 55,177,33 i . i i I i ci rawieed 2R57 ~ _ S#a"ne ,,;~VaUey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 108 } Spakane Valley WA 99206 509,921,5000 # Fax= 509,921.100$ ♦ cityhall@sp4kanevalley,org ..,.u._--.--°-.~.,,~..~.._~~~•~ .i..,,. Memorandum Ta: City Manager David Mercier and mernber of Cauncil Frorn: Nina Regor, Depu#y City M2tnager & Tricia Burns-Hart, FER Analyst Date: July 17, 2007 Re: Recfassificatians: PW Maintenance Superintender7t; Parks & Recreation Director, and Administrat#ve Analyst ~ Con siskent witli SVMC 2.50 and di e City's comm ittnent #o evaluate exis(ing job descriptioiis with the compensa tion matrix, a review was condiicted oftlircc ex.ist'ing positions to ensufi~ accuracy of the job descriptioii s and cWsifcation, TMese l;hree recI ass i#icztii) ns wer~; revtewed by the Ftnanc~e Committee on July 10, 2007. Caii sistent with Aclmioistra#ive Folicy 8c' Peocedure Alo. 200_240, i fa positian is reclassifi Qd at a higheT grade; the incumbent's salary is adjust'ed ko the eniry level oftii e new grade in wli ich the pasEti()ry rcsides, or ka tile ne?€t step in [he new grade that rnost c losely represents a four percent . (4°fo) increasc, ' Thc C ity reviewed three positions, The tallowing table surnmxric.es #he recomrttendations of each review; , . 1'Liblic V4'orks Main tent•tnce S u p't Same 15 16 Parks 8c Ftecreation Director Same 19 20 ' Adiii in istrati ve Analyst Sr. A{{illilll5t`RtiVC Analyst 14 16 Pul) lic Warks iMaui teri ari ce Sunerintcndent . Tli e Fuhlic Works S 4Rperintende ntjob descrigtion was adopte[~ at khe C i#y's inception in 20{}3 and is responsible for rnaiiitaining the infrastructure of l:he C ity's streets, estimating costs ori proposed . projects and 5upcrv ision ofall contractors, and their emplo}'ces, coropleting work on City streets. `I-h e PttbGc~ Works lvfaintenanc~ S uperintendent posi#ion is currentCy classified at C~rade 15 Nvi th a salary rana of 34,0 53 -S 5,19 7. The j o b description is reflective of only sc+me of f]i e duties pe-rformed and does nnt currontlyrellect the scopc~ of du ties, includin' - the braad supervisory duties performed by the Publ ic, Works Maintenancc 8 up erintendent. Some of thase duties are describcd belnw. Based on this analysis, a recoiumendation is made to change th is positEOn to C`xradc 16, This would niake the rnonth[y salary range $4,503 -$5,774. - ~ Reclassifc.ations: l'W vIaintenance Su perintendent, Parks and Recreatiqn Director, Administrstive Analyst Page 2 of 4 The City's plan is to transition its road service fi•om solely cnunty services to a balance between county and private contraets, with the City f Iling some of the clutie•s in-house. The Public Works Mai.ntienance Superiiitendent position is unique and can-ies a high degree of responsibility when it comes to ex-ternal agencies. Critical decisions regarding the negotiatinn a-id implementation of agreements fall within this position. 'The position is compared with othcr similar jurisdictions that have similar_job duties and responsibilities, but it should be noted the wiique situation and duties the City of Spokane Valley f'ublic Works Superinlenclent posiCion performs. City of Spokanc Valley- PW iMaintenance $uperintendent $5,197 currcnt City of Spakane Valley - PW vl9intcnancc Superintendent $5,774 proposecl City of Federal Way Screet Systems Manager $7,792 City of Kennewick Ivlaintenance and Optirations $6,243 Manager City of Bellingham Ivli3intenance Supervisor- $6,600 street City of Yal:ima Street Maintenance $5,881 Supervisor Cit:y of Spokane Street Maintenance $5,326 Supervisnr Some duties not currently detailed in the job desci•iption but that the PuUlic Works vlaintenance Superintendent perfqrnis include: • Responsible for mainlaining the unfrautrueture of the City's streets. This includes approximatcly 425 milcs of road, the storm watcr systcrn composed of 6,000 drywells, 9a0 swales, 1,9330 curb inlets, 4 pump stations, $a signals and 14,000 Streel 5 i gnS. • Provides supervision oFall contractQrs and their employees, Counly street maintenance personnel, and City of Spnkane Valley mai.ntenance persomiel. `Vork directly with Superintendents of said agencies on all work perforinance issues. •Estimates costs on proposed projects; maintauis records ou uiaterial requirements, recommendations, ordcrs and use. The Finance Committee members expressed unanimous suppolrt for this proposal. Parks anci Reereation Director At the time of incorporation, the Parks and Itecreation I7epartrnent offered a surnmer recreation program, operaced the senior center and three pools, and maintained the parks Reclassiri cations: P«' iYlaintenance Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Director, Administrative Analyst Page 3 af 4 which were transferred from Spokane County. Sinee incorporation, the Tairector Nas assumed significant new responsibilities, i.ncluding the rnanagement of CenterPtace, the 54,000 SF reoional events facility which is open seven days a week and has a market area which stretches beyond the immecliate Spokane region into idaho, Montana vid southwestern Canada. tldditionally, the Parks and Reereation I7ireetor has an expanciing role in geneeal administration a.nd plays an active role in collective bargaining as a team member; is a back-up to the City htauager a.nd lleputy City vlanagcr; and helps mviage projects, such as ihe City's business plan. °1"he existing Parks & Rccreacion llirector classi fi cation resides in Grade 19 of the City's classification matrix wi2h a salary range of $6;177 -$7,920. A recommendation is made to reclassify Parks and Recreation Dieector position to a grade 20. Grade 20 provicles the best approximation of these considerations, with a monlhly salvy range of $6,864 -$8,800. 1n dctermining this reclassification, the Parks ancl Recreation Director position was comparcd Co similar positions from other R'ashingtan cities of our si7e, as descrihed in the chart below. In adclition, there are siinilaritics t:o the Cily of Spol:ane's Parks and Kecreation Director, which has a monthly salary of $6,587 -$8,693. City of Spokane Valley - Parks and Receeation Director $7,921 ' current Grade 19 City af Spokane Valley - Parks and Recreaticrn Director $8,800 1\ proposed Grade 20 City of Richland Parks and Recreation Director $9,228 City of Kennewick Executive Dircctor oF $9,229 Community Services City of Spol:ane Parks and Kecreation Director $8,693 Ciry of Bellinuhaun Parks and Recreation llirector $8,424 City of Yakima Parks and Recreation $6,810 Manager Two oPthe tfiree Finance Comniittcc members expressed suppArt for this propasal. Aclministradve ttnalvst The aciministrativre analyst position was reviewed to detennine whetMcr the job description was accuratc. The analysis concluded the current incumbent was perfonning duties above the level of a normal admini.strative analyst. As such, the work of the current position should be properly elassified as a Senior Administrative Analyst. The Administrative AnalysC classification would be maintai.ned at Grade 14 to meet future nceds. The current grade for Administrative Analyst is Grade 14 at $3,648 -$4,677. The job clescription is reflective of only somc of the duties perfnrmed and does not reflect the scope of duties the current Administ.rativre Analyst performs. Some of those duties are described below. ' . ~ Iteclassitications: FW Maintenance Superintendent, Parks and Recreation llirector, Administrative Analyst Page 4 of 4 Based on this analysis, a recommendation is made to add the elassifeation of Senior Administrativc Analyst al Crrade 16. This classification Nvould have a monChly salary range of $4,503 - $5,774. 1n deterntining appropriaCe compensation classification, staff generally looks to similar jurisdictions for comparison. Several jurisctictions Wichin the state have similar positions: , City of Spokane Valley - Administrative rlnalyst $1,677 current Grsde l4 City of SpoItane Valle}' - Senior Administrative Analyst S5,774 proposed Gracle 16 City of k3okhc1l Senior Management Analyst $7,904 City of Vancouver Analyst: Level ]7 S7,406 City of Shoreline Managemenl Analyst $5,367 City of Richland Ivlanagement Analyst $5,460 City of Olympia Management Analyst $5,160 Examples of duties the Senior Aclministrative Analyst will perfonn inelude: • Taevelops and facilitates the evplvement of die City business plan; conducts deparhnental uussion statemenl buildi.ng ancl SWO I analysis exezcises; assists with development of department objectives and performance measua•enient; coordinates and oversees thc annual update to ttle plan. • Advises management en administrative issues and provides lughly complex and responsible assistance to the City Manager and Deputy City Manager. • Conducts performance auciits of intemal senTice arcas and contract services as needed; moiutors thE design, impleinentation, and functioning af internal proccsses; ensures coiiipliance with state-de :fined perfomlance audit standards; conducts compliance audits and investigations as directed; servcs as objective pcuty to resolve custouier disputcs. The Finance Couunittee mcmbers expressed unanimous support far this pr.oposal.