2007, 07-23 Special Joint BOCC MeetingFILE COPY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ADEN-DA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING/STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Council/Spokane County Commissioners Monday, July 23, 2007 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Council Chambers, Spokane Valley City Hall 11707 E Sprague Avenue DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEMS INCLUDE (but are not limited to): 1) Joint Planning Agreements 2) Potential Regional Ballot Issues 3) Wastewater Treatment Facility Governance 4) Regional Animal Control 5) Other Topics Note: Unless otherwise noted above, no public comments will be taken at this meeting. However, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take "action* on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. July 23, 2007 Joint Meeting, Council & Board of County Commissioners r GENDA ITEM i71 Sp6koane A Valley ° 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org MEMORANDUM TO: Spokane Valley City Council FROM: -Dave Mercier Gity-Manager DATE: July :19, 2007 RE: INTERLOCAL PL,ANITWNG AGREEMENT A draft of the new interlocal joint planning agreement between Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley is attached for your review. Enc. Jnl\' 12. 2007 DFLaFT iI~sTER1 OCAL AGREEi\fE✓NT RFG A.RDI., G JOINT PLA.NNI NIG BET\\t7EBN SPOKANE COL~iTY Al\'D THE CITY OF SPOKANE This 1.areement is entered 4t , by.Spokanc Count;, hereinafter reterr~-d to as "County-"and the City, of ~o1ane , hereinafter referred to "Ciro'. io rt ht referred to along, with ±L:• : unto as the'Tartles°. Whereas, a Goal of the State Growth Management Act is to ensure coordination between communities and jurisdictions, including special purpose districts to reconcile conflicts, v T . and Whereas, RCW 36.70A110 sets forth certain requirements for County-widgp. lIm ring .olicies, including that county-xvide planning policies shall address policies for joint county and city planning within urban growth areas, and Where:Is The Coun ryvide Manning ~7oiicies.for Spokane County adopted pursuant to z RCW 36.70A.210 contain policies for a joint planning process intended to resolve issues regarding bow zoning, subdivision and outer land use approvals in designated joint planning areas will be coordinated, and that such joint planning may be accomplished pursuant to an interlocal agreement entered into betsxen and/or among jurisdictions Formatted: Font- Mm7 es New Raman Deleted: Exhibit " CII t Deleted: DRAIr r LNTERLOCAI. AGREUlL\'r j Delcbed: e Deleted: Lit, F leted: on the _ day of 06 Deleted: iTowa Deleted: to Deleted: as Deleted: special Deleted: Deleted: P Dc{eted: P Deleted: P _ and/or special pu pose districts, and Whereas, the Parties are desirous of resolving how zoning. subdivision and other land use approvals in the Moran/Glenrose UGA/JPA and adjoining orooem- within the City of Snokane will be coordinated, and Whereas, the Parties Arish to separate; without prejudice to either Party, the issue of potential annexation,of the Moran/Ue.nrose (JGAiJPA and the legal authoriand right to pursue or oppose such annexation, from tlti greement Now, therefore be it Resolved, towards addressing how zoning; subdivision and other land use approvals for joint planning ,i41 be coordinated, to ensure that transportation capacity for development meets concurrency requirements and that consistent development standards are used, the Parties agree to cooperative joint planning in time Moran/Glenrose UGA/JPA and adjoining property located within the City of Spokane, pursuant to the follov6ng terms and conditions: 1. Legal basis: This ,geement is entered into pursuant to RCW 36.7011.010; a20(3); 210 (3) (a), (b), (d), and (f); RCW 39..4; Countywide Planning Policies For Spokane County (Planning Policies) Topic 2, Overview of Growth ;Management Act (GIvf.A) Requirements; Topic 2, Policies (1) and (2); Topic S Transportation, Overview of Growth Management (GAliA) Requirements; and Glossary Courityxvide Planning Policy Terms, Joint Planning Areas;, Deleted: dtsipw:r; jozm plaguing Wzas Deleted: s Deleted: : Deleted: Deleted: and d= r.> =Sw of the & l Deleted: d-sgeted mars Deleted: a Deleted: tae Sag =t C= q2frhansjva Plan. and tha Compr_hens:ve Alan pf the Cityf wwn of 2. Intent: It is the intent of the Parties: #o nroNzde for cooed n„a,?ed pl ni►ino for transportation and development standards in tho-,;,c consisting tfthe (1) h4oran/Glenrose UGa/JPA to "I~G~IJPA"1 and (2) that area located in the City of SDokane adjacent to the UGAQPA (the "Cit.! Prop°1-tv"1 lointl~, referred to as the Joint Planning Areas as defined in this N ~EerRent, to ensure that ti- nsportation improvements necessary._to.,Mitigate, transportation impacts resulting from development in the Joint Planning Areas are identified and constructed concurrent with the development and/or that adequate funding is secured to finance constnlction of such transportation improvements concurrent with development, as required by RCW, 6.70A.070(6)tbl, and o ensure that development standards applied within the, Joint Pla -ninas relating , f3) t to allowable land uses; densities, streets, sidewalks; curbing. drainage and utilities are compatible„ The Parties desire to jointly develop and implement development regulations, procedures and standards related to the review and approval of projects 'xithin the Joipt Planning Areas The Parties also desire to jointly establish and implement consistent development lea lations and procedures governing the provision of all public facilities within said joint Planning Areas. 7'he Parties agree to commit sufficient staff to draft and finalize these specific agreements in a timely manner. , Deleted: ! Deleted: for towdimwrod Deleted: tbt Deleted: 1UGA, Deleted: a Deleted: 2 Deleted: 36.70A. H D.D70(6)(b) Deleted: Deleted: UGA Deleted: Deleted: and c=sistmn with tbt Ci:y's cannrh:rawe plan and deveto, na;tt standards Deleted: UCA rs dcfm.-d in t:-:s 8W.-=e¢t Deleted: UGA Deleted: (M=tiom.x th- CTED a-Cwth 1✓,ac=ag-neat S.-Mets QM'd coi6d be inserted hue.) Deleted: a i. Applicability: The cement shall apply to de~,elopment proposals within &C Moran/G)enrose UGA/JPA, as identified in Exhibit _ `A" hereto ?e "UG AIJPA:', a~ well as that area located within the Cin; of Spokane identified in Exhibit '-A" ?s_ iiv Property' jointly referred to within this Agreement as the "Joint Planning Areas". Deleted: urbmt gowtb mm= aai_b a e oo=*guous to the CLy's :orpomc bottodmies, DeFcted:( Deleted: ) Deleted: a 4. Projects affected: This Bement applies to new deveH . ...t proposals in the~lo t Deleted: UGA Planning Areas that are subject to the Notice of Application requirements of RCW 36.7013 as adopted by the County for prODeriv in the UGA/JP.A Or Cite for property in' the City Pro elm,. incluain proposals subject to the State Environmental Policy Act (the "Development Proposal(sY-*). Notice of Application, Notice of Hearing and Notice of Decision required by RCW 36.70B and any environmental checklist, EIS or other environmental document required pursuant to RCW 43.21C E pr Development Pro Sa s in the Joint Pl 113 ,Areas shall be provided to each party by the other Da ' in a timely manner and in accordance with applicable regulations. The Parties further agree they shall provide each outer at least 7 days notice of any technical review meeting(s) ~vi*h reUard to a Develo ment Proposai-and are allowed and encoured to attend any buildin- Dermit M nreconstruction conference and/or technical review n;eetines. Such notice shall be in the form of standard notice for such technical review ineeting given. by the either paTe`~! . 7"he Parties shall oo fer on Develo merit Proposals outlined above prior to Deleted: jmisd aion Deleted: Parties Deleted: , Deleted: , building permit ;retwsrucvon canfut-re andfor land us_ predeve]opmenr m tctly Czl rn~iew aixigz^5. Deleted: caafareacerlm=66V Deleted: jw-isdietien Deleted: a 'ilx Deleted: tamult (nIwify) Delete!: p issuance of any final INNS, 1viDNS or staff report to the Hearing Examiner in an auempt to reach a consensus positionlrecormnendation. for SEPA document;, the jurisdiction having lead agency status sball include the consensuslcollective recommendation and any mitigating conditions, or their individual recommendations and any midgating conditions if unable to reach consensus, as applicable; for projects proceeding to public hearing, both -Parties shall include the consensus recommendation in their respective staff report/recommended conditions of approval to the Hearing Examiner or other appropriate hearing body, or, if unable to agree, their respective recommendations. d. Transportation: The Parties recogni7x that development activity within their Deleted: will respective jurisdictions _ may cause a7rtsportation impacts and may impact Deleted: aeig6bcrzng transportation levels of service in neighboring iurisdictions. To ensure proper identification and mitigation of development related transportation impacts, the Parties agree that: Deleted: rcTtire J a. Unless otherwise inconsistent with law, either of the Parties may reouest_ Deleted: A Alysis preparation of a Traffic Impact 5.--'d,X ('T1S~ quantifying the impact, of any„_..• Deleted:A . DCk,` .new dcvcicpCrciii Development Zroao§al within the Joint Planning Areas, The~eriningloev TlS is Deleted: ,,;t;n Deleted: UGA defined in Section 1.30 f the Spokane County Road and Drainage Standards. a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B." The Parties understand flat the termirlQlogv TIS may range fi in an in delzh analvsis of the site (Development Proposal) generated levels-of-service to a cursory review of safety issues. In the e. ent d-,e Party Arithin whose iurisdiction dhe DeyeloRn'ent Proposal is DTOt22se determines to prepare a TIL the other Dai y shall have an opportunity. to paricim.te i;i_rl,e,sco inQ used to determine the depth of analysis , b. In approving and/or making recommendations regardingevelopn;ent Zroposals, each of the Parties shall require (or rccolnmend, as the case may be.~ construction of the transportation improvements necessary to mitigate transportation impact identified in the T15 concurrent with development as required by RCW 36.70A.070(6 and~or the dedication of such land or payment of money in lieu thereof that is necessary to mitigate such impacts to the jurisdiction whose transportation system is thereby impacted. Any such fees shall be held and encumbered as provided in RCW 82.02.020. Deleted: d c. For pevelopment Y'Toposis in the Joint Planning as where construction of Deleted: luojxs I Deleted: UGA improvements necessary to mitigate identified direct transportation impacts does Deleted: projrt ~'ncxa;:ncw not take place concurrent with the Development Proposal, the Parties shall jointly. . establish a uniform method for quantifying appropriate financial contributions anionsz the City. County and sponsor/develape.r of the Development Proposal for Deleted: 1cojcct improvements to be made within 6 years of, th- approy ! of the Developent Pro ca for identified direct transportation impacts. The Parties recognize that Deleted: a to implement this AareFl nt some modification of existing relations may be , required and agree to make such modifications in a timely manner consi~ any aoolicable late after establishment of a unifonn and mutually agreed upon 1 Deleted: 10:.ach such Casa, both Panics method for quantifying appropriate financial contributions. Deleted: reta:amsnd d. The Parties fouler agree to jointly identify e~ elopment proposals that Deleted: denial of w-,yd fail to comply with the concurrency stanndards of -either party. _ Deleted: r d e. Th[- Parties further agree to consider incorporati g the findings an recommendations on concurrency being prepared by the Spokane Regional Deleted: ME= PL-ming Transportation Council (SRTC) into this -Agreement, to the extent agreed to . Deleted: the proj:.^t is on:aplet:c by the Parries, by formal amendment at sucb time that SRTC's concurrence re.eulations are finalized. Deleted: UOA Development Standards: The Parties recognize that development in the J oult Planning.Ar errs without common development resulations could frustrate the purpose Deleted: a and intent of this Agreement;, Deleted: w6 a:- prmzdu= . . es ahGsha9 a. The Parties agree to assign the necessary staff to review applicable development reguiations, including but not limited to zoning designations, PUD standards, landscaping, signage, subdivision, road and street standards, bicycle. paths, jogging lanes, trail systems application review procedures and stomi-water drainage requirements. Differences shall be identified and a consensus or eompa_tible standard recommended, after which mutual recommendations will be processed as an amendment to each Parties' development regulations in a lawful manner towards the end of developing uniformity in said development standards. Such review should include representatives from the private sector who may be impacted by any such amendments. The process to identify individual Deleted: a jurisdiction differences shall commence upon signing of this Agr,eement, with a goal of completing the identification of differences within six 6I months of Deleted: true CFED 07rmx A'Ea-j..=m serwa:s Groat =06 be signing. Recommendation for consensus standards shall follow. b_ T}ie Parties m..avoaedh=r-)J agree to confer on the necessity for and/or the location of any connector l Deleted: propos:d . drvdopaa~; streets and/or the classification of any streets -vtnthin or adjacent to a, Deleted: os ncja=- m :>ir bard= - - ]riw[E71 *3C ~a Deve.loprnent ProDOSa](SI.l.f ao eement is not reached, both Parties shall Deleted: s:,aa present„tbeir respective positions to the Hearing Eaami er,~ppropriate Deleted: pr_mr a.. Deleted: ar otbrr hearing body. or administrative official.. c. The Parties agree to consult on Comprehensive PlaeZoning categories, Deleted:'JGA allo.z'ablc ]and uses and densities in the omit Planning Areas. Such consultation shall include consultation on ti-ie classification of streets and roadways on the common borders. Deleted: n 7. Other Regulations: \rothing in this gee ement shall supersede or negate any existing land use or development regulation of the Parties. 3. Additional Agreements: The Parties contemplate firt ire joint planning agreements Deteted: tog UGA a oth¢ portions of - o•.ta:y e~Llar that may relate to other UGA/JPA's or Joint planning Areas Spoknae C Deleted: tfte (-*tv(rouzi of \jothina in this 4ereement is intended to prolvUit the Deleted: a development of fIAUre agreements relating to either the impacts identified above or other impacts that may now or in the future exist. Deleted: a 9. Rights -Reserved: Nothing in this ~m£_mPni is intended to waiVe or li_rnit the rights of the Parties to require mitigation for any impact as allowed by federal, state or local laws or ordinances including but not limited to environmental impacts governed by chapter 43.2 i C 1ZCW or mitigation fees Governed by RON 82.02.060 10. Change in Standards or Ordinances: Any change in the Parties respective M development regulations (ii) comprehensive plans, or (iii) official controls, reeardless of -avhether they affect the Joint Planning Areas shall be forwarded to the other party wihin? l days of passage IL . Mediation of Disputes: Any disputes arising from this agreement tray bs set for mediation by either party within 30 days of notification of a dispute. Prior to mediation, the Parties, represented by their elected officials, shall first meet informally in an attempt to reach resolution. If a mediator cannot be agreed upon by the Parties, each party shall select one mediator who in turn shall select a third mediator to conduct the mediation. The decision of the mediation panel shall not be 1Uinding on either Rarty Provided. however. the Parties a-rep to consider in 200d faith the decision of the mediation panel. 12. Indemnification and Liability: a. Spokane County shall protect, save harmless, indemnify and defend, at its own expense, (City,. its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents, from any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of Spokane County's performance of this agreement, including claims by the Spokane County employee's or third parties, except for those damages Deleted: e; seq. Deleted: smaru9ards or ard.=::s retied tp= it *jr. agrctaiem or modiaed pars,:= to this Bg7L=ID~t.1, Deleted: Deleted:. If o. Pz ies caataat ag = to the implem--riwi r, of such sfaadards Mithm 30 days dL iseic may to s . far roes a lom In. delis parry. Deleted: a Deleted: , including the fa:7m: to AV- es to I&--W rm-ldards anMor applicable cr6nances as is so; forth in pa=-;pph 10 above, Deleted: Ffown) caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of (City/Town); its elected and appointed officials; officers, employees, or agents. b. (City shall protect, save harmless, indean-4 and defend, at its own expense, - Spokane County its elected and appointed officials; officers; employees and agents, from any loss or claim for damages of any natim whatsoever arising out of (City's/Town's) performance of this agreement, including claims by the (Cityfrown) employee's or third parties, except for those damages caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of Spokane Cot:nty, its elected and appointed officials, officers; employees; or agents. a In the event of liability for damages of any ma;.ure whatsoever arising out of the performance of this Agreement by Spokane County and (City; including claims by Spokane Count)'s or (City's, own officers, officials, emplo}gees, agents, volunteers, or third parties, caused by or resulting frorn the concurrent negligence of Spokane County and (City, each Parties liability hereunder shall only be to the extent of that party's negligence. d. No liability shall be attached to Spokane County or (City,by reason of entering into this agreement except as expressly provided herein. 13. Severability: If any provision of th;s tk rn cnt or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the provisions and/or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances shall nor be affected. In such case the Parties agree to meet and amend this Agreement as may be mutually deemed necbssary. Deleted: /Town) Ducted: /rewa) Deleted: /re-om':) Deleted: /Town) Deleted: F,--) Deleted: Dcictocl: p Deleted: e Deleted: a 14. Entire Agreement: This~een~etli constitutes the entire agree~en~ between th the . I Deleted: a Parics with respect to identified property. This ~eement may be amended in ;Tit:mg by mutual agreement of the Parties. 15. Designated Representative. 'Me Parties agree that the Ma or or his/her . Deleted: I'M desiLnee (position) shall be the designated representative of the Deleted: !!'aaa City}or coordination of this ,A-~greement and for receipt of any.com unications Deleted: . I Deleted: a related to thisAgreement and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or hia+'her deisnLee (position) shall be the designated representative of the County. Deleted: a 16. Effective Date and Duration. Ths,~greeinent shall become effective following the Deleted: a approval of the Agreement by the official governing bodies of each of the Panties . . . . Deleted: e hereto and the signing of the r°ement by.. the, duly authorized representative of each of the Parties hereto, and shall remain in effect unless terminated. 17. ermtttation. Eithea Party may terminate its obligation under this Agreement . upon one year advance written notice to the other Party. Following a termination, the County and City are responsible for fulfilling.. any out,tTd.ine obligations Deleted: under this eernent Or amendment thereto, incurred prior to the effective date of the termination. Deleted: 17. Formatted: B.diets and Humberi;P~ Formatted: FonC: Bold Deleted: a Deleted: e 18. Headings The paraaraph headings appearing in this Agreement have been Inserted solely for the pumgse 4f convenience and readv reference In nR wpa do thev mimose tp and shall n -qt be deemed to define. limit or extend tine scope Or intent of the naragraphs to wb-'.6 they , ertain. 19 C.ounterroarts This Agreement may be executed in anv number of counterparts. each of which when so executed and delivered. shall be an originaL but such counterparts stall together constitute but one and the same. 20 Property and Equipment The o'AmershiD of all DroDerty and equipment utilized by anv Paftty to meet its obligations under the terms of this Agreement shall remain with such Panty. 21. RCW 39.34 Required clauses 22. Venue Stipulation. .This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the Smtc of Washinston and it is mutually understood and agreed by each Pam that this Agreement shall be &ovemed by the laws of the State of Washington both as to interpretation and perfprmance. Any action at 1_aw_ sui[ in eouity or iudicial proceedings for the enforcement of this Aareymcat or any Drovions hereto. shall be instituted only in courts of competent iurisdiction within Spokane County. Washington. 23 Notices All notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on • M the day such notices or other communications re received when sent bbpe.rsonal delivery or !ii) the third day following the day on which the same have been mailed by certi5ed mail delivery, receipt requested and postage prepaid addressed the Parities at the addresses set forth below. or at such other address as the Pm-ties shaii from time-to-time designate by notice in writing to the other Parties. COl i '1'Y: Chairman of the Board of Cgunty Commissioners formatted: line spacing: single 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane. Washin Vton 99260 CITY City of Spokane Mayor orhislher atithorzed reDre;eiltative Citv Hall 803 West SDOkane Falls Boulevard Spokane. Washington 99201 Formatted: Line sung: single, M:mbwed + Level: 1 + Numbering 24. RC W 39.34 Required Clauses. stytC: 1, 2, 3, + Strz at 17 + Mignment Left + Alignea at: 0.25" + Tab after: 0.5" + indent at: 0.5" A. Purvose Formatted: Indent: Le f", 0.25", Line spacing: single Sec Paragrraph 2 above Formatted: VIumbered + Level: 2 + lumbering Style: F, 8, C, + Start a:. 1 + .A ignment: Left + Alignej at B. Duration 0.75" + Tati aRtw: 1" + Indent at: See Pamraoh 16 above. Formatted: 1,ldent: U ft: 0.75" Formatted: Nhimbered + Level: 2 + C Organization of separate entity and its powers Kumbering stye-: A, B, C, + 5--art at: I + Aligimnent: Left + ABgned at: 0.75" + Tab after: 1' + indent at: No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the- 1" provisions of this,ABreernent Formatted: Indent: IaR: 0.73 Formatted: Indent LeP; 0.75", D. Res nsibilities of the Parties. Uae adrw: single Sp Formatted: Line spacing: single, TOViSiOriS abOVe Se - Numbered + L.eve~: 1 + Numbering . ; - D Stele: A, B, C, + Sart at: 5 + Alignmeat: Left + ned at: 0.75" E. AETeement to be filed. + Tab after 1" + Indr•`. at 1' • Formatted: Indent Left: 0.75", The City shall file thi, rvpreerrient with its City Clerk. The Cor.lnly shall place Urespadng: single this Ageement on its web site. Formatted: Line spacing: single, Numbered + level: 1 + Numbering We: A, B,C,...+5'?rtat S+ Financing F Aligament Left. + A1"pned at: 0.75" ' . + Tab after: 1" + idant at: 1 Each Party shall be responsible for the financing of its contractual obligations Formatted: Indent: Leff' : 0.75", Une spadng: single wider its normal budgetary Drops. Formatted: Urie spacing: single, G. Termination. See Paiatrraph 17 above. Line spacing: singke Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, + Sir at: 5 + Allgruner~t Left + Al:gn~ at 0.75" + Tab after. 1" + Indent at 1" Formatted: indent: L--'t: 0.75', IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Par ies hn e caused this Ameement t he executed on tl&,e date and wear opposite their remactiye signatwe hlocl s. - Formatted: A'oiTnal BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY. WASHINGTON MARK RICHARD. Chaimn BO>U\iIE MAGER- Vice chair TODD N ELKE. Commissioner ATTEST: Danicla Erickson Clerk of the Board CITY OF SPOKANE B v: Tile; ATTEST: Approved as to form: City Clerk Assistant Cit-v Attgma Ballot And Potential Ballot Issues - Discussion Document July -2OD7 Nwmmbe -2007 Spring-2008 Full-2008 Sp&B-7O0g Fn11-2009 Fail 10 City of City Center Bond City Center Bonin ' Spokane Va9cy City of 1) l dtw Check X A Fire Pond Fire EP43 Lewy Spokarm salts Lax Irwr Propedy Tau Levy 211-avy ud LM PerksfAcqua6rs 3)PoiWAOpuu5m bond 4) Albs Sports Complax. $ % sllr_: tax levy ll Inidntkwe to VoW m Uwtn9 Wage Spokane Consen'a0m 1) Sbhs'agic InSaslnn ? 1) New Jsil Bond Mental iteailh CominRI.11moca County F1ltunes tenswwl brln .195 sales tax 2) Crhttbh31 Jusiloe 1% sa5as bx levy .17G Labs sax bvy 2) New Jail Bond 1 .1 % sales lax levy ,apt ino Transit 7 s Reauthart-o ratsmit; Reuuthorizo existing lurllxhrity 0.3% sales lax 0.3% Bales tax sugnuily nuihodly Spokane VaDey Levy Lid lie lire Dept. Spokane Coonry Bond Iumm for now Ubnry District Librarian Mahn 5dencea 6mbl'ng Le1$s. Sravtcos Authorily lakes effed - City eh lut ' C~Auhy ntey eaMIXish Spoknno 1)oAm Ftoplammonl Public Schools Lm-y 2) Coneivetlon 13nnr1 renewal 4 Stam of . nd VPasMngtan ly t ' ades - ' 0 Emit Eymn esses 'NOTES). Spokane County h as outhoritr to hold special crccllans In Feb., Mar.. Apr.• m May. Spokarhe Carty sales Lvc pulhmtmtlom who_ Juvenile Juslix Dec. 20011; htminl Iladdo 04ir. 20011; Cfthml Justice Dec. 2009 Spokano Tmnsit lwUndty sates tax a"rilmdon cypfres Juno 2009 Spokano Phbllc Schools property tax levy eY.plros Spring 2009 Gtr pf ; pokana 13MS bvd rcno of X*v 2010, 5WOct limd rarmawRl N&,. 2014. ['rl 9 H H trl N AGENDA ITEM #4 NeQUuntuefio ~Q 4a,/ SCd~P6 Pro Prove that you care. License t* your pet. PET LICENSE APPLICTION SPOKANE COUNTY REGIONAL ANIMAL PROTECTION SERVICE Cell Home OWNER'S NAME PHONE: Work ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PET: ❑ MALE CINEUTERED ❑ FEMALE E1SPAYED Breed Name Color DOG CAT FEES: NEUTERED/SPAYED $33.00 $18.00 UNNEIJTERED/UNSPAYED 548.00 $28.00 DISCOUNT (subtract amount if pet under 6 mos. of age -$20.00 -$10.00 or new pet - acquired in past 30 days). One Pet per application. Please make checks payable to S.C.R.A.P.S. 'This license is for residents in unincorporated areas of Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley. RAB I ES# . Exp. Date NEU/SPAY BY VET. S.C.R.A.P.S. YES, I want to help the animals. 2521 N FLORA RD Enclosed is my donation of $ SPOKANE WA 99216 -1824 Regional Animal Control - Summary July 19, 2007 Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service - SCRAPS has met the last two months with the city of Spokane regarding a regional animal control service. Recently we formed a Regional Research Team with Dave Steele - City of Spokane, Morgan Koudelka - City of Spokane Valley and Nancy Hill - SCRAPS. The team has developed a draft regional budget to include staffing and operating costs along with the capital expenditures. Capital expenditures will include an addition to the SCRAPS facility and start up costs such as upgraded computers, vehicles, equipment, utvfonns, etc. Additionally, the team has begun discussions with the small cities in Spokane County. Both Liberty Lake and Airway Heights have recently expressed an interest. SCRAPS already provides services for Cheney, Ainvay Heights and Fairchild Air force Base and of course Spokane Valley. Nancy Hill is in the process of talking to the other cities such as Deer Park, Spangle, Waverly, Rockford, Latah and 'Niedical Lake. The team is meeting tomorrow at 2:30 with Gerry Gemmill - Spokane County and John Pilcher - City of Spokane to discuss the results of the team's research to date. Prior to the regional discussion meetings SCRAPS had proposed a license and other fee increase as part of an ordinance revision. 1-he revision is almost complete and ready for public hearing. The revision raises the cost of a spay/neutered license by $5.00 and a non-spayed/neutered license by 58.00. It also increases the daily board rate from $6.00 to $10.00 and adds some additional fees such as trip costs. This revision has been put on a short term hold pending the results of the regional discussions. The city of Spokane has proposed an even higher license fee and we are looking for a middle ground. The goal is for the license fees to pay more of the cost of the service without making the cost so high that people will not purchase the tag. Additionally, the regional team is looking for some economy of scale with a regional program. My hope is that the city of Spokane will make a decision in the near future to join a regional program and we can move forward in developing this service. Nancy Hill SCRAPS Director