2007, 07-24 Regular Meeting AGt;NllA tiFnK.4NF. VAE.1aF:1' C1T1' CU["NCtL RECLiL:1R r'TEETING Cuuncil ?licrting #120 Tucsduv. Juiy 24. 20077 6:00 p.tn. (-[Tl' HAi.,L A'1' ItEDWUOD PLAZA 11707 East Spragnc Avcauc. Fint Floar Cuuncil Rrclursts Al! F.icrirnnir i)cvires be'Curard Of'f Daring Canncil .Niccttng. CAI.1. "Tl) nRI)}'R: INVOCATION: PLEDGE nF AL.LEGIAtiCE: ROLL CAI.L: APPROYAL UF AGENDA: [;YTRUDCfCT10N nF Si'FCIAI. G[;ES'1'S ANU PRESENTATIOtiS: CnhiMMF.E, BO-kI2D. LIALS0N SiJA01AR1' RII'ORTS: riiAYOR'S ItEPUk'I': PURI.iC COM~iF-N'i5: L:scept wherr indicateci hrlotiv fur "public camment" thi5 is an orpunuuity f"or thr putilic tLi sprak on ariy tupic. Whcn you come to thc pudium, plca.sc statc your natnc and nddress fiir thr rccosd an1 lialiit remark., tu threc ruirnitrti. 1. YUBLIC IIEAFUNG: '(►!iK ftevenues~ i'rnJ.ierty l'ixe: - Ken Th„rnpum 2. CON5ENT AGENDA: Cansists of itcros considered routinc wliicti cur nppiuvcd as a group C'uujYCilcncmber mny remuva an item from thc Cunsrtit Agenda to tx- con%idcrrd srparatcl%. a. Falla«•ing Claim Vouchcrs: VOUCHF1t L!S'1' UA`i'E VOUCHER #s TO'CAL VOUCHI:R A%10I.;ti 1 07-49-07 - 1214?-I2225 5-151,041.I8 I b. Pnyrvll far Fexiod Cndiug JuIy 15. 2007: $187.047,63 c. Minutes fmm Marr.h 1. 2007 Special loint CounciUf'lanning c_ ommission Meetink d. Mimites from July 10, 2007 Rcglilar Council Mreting e. Etesolution 07-015 Setting Plnnning i'nmmis,ion E'ublic }iearinr, for titrcct \'acaiion llcquc>t STV 03-Q7 f, Keilrr 1?eve(opment Agreement yEW Bi1SIN1:SS 3, Seccsrtd Kcading Propuscd Urdinnncc 07-() I', Shannun Avcnuc Strret Vncation (S'tV-020 7) - Karen Keodl►t) ipabllc cammentj 4. Proposat Resotuti«n 07-012 Rcclassifying Public R'urks Maintenancc Superintcndcnt Pc-sitioii - Trish f3urns-i-Inrt (public commentl 5. Prt►pcKrd Resoluticm 074)13 Eteela.SSifying E'arks and Recrontian Uirector 1'ositinn - Trish Riirns-Hnrt [puhlic camment] '1'ropased 4Zcs-Aution q7-UH Rectassifying Seriior Adtniciistrativc Analyst !'osition -Irish [3us-S-1 h ss liublic commrntj Mr?!InTt C1'il5iij;("Itln►1' (iRCn:1CftCNt'IL'ItI1of}u.,tv_1 PiTk- ~tcqi!j~zftion - f -7!rv Pr;d;i'lI l(111IIIEf roiTlitlf'ir1'l I ;;c pcrhlic to spr:ik urt 3nv topic. When vc>u cOme fo the r0riivm, rfe:11:e rt,!t. V0111' n7171r In,r .~~itirr•; ttE POFt l C'IT:D Culiukx3rative Cinint rit2al f:cp„rt _ 10. Certmutc Trip Reduction Aercctticnt - yinr,. ;n K,,~,ri:_;{;., . ! ?l.~Il ~ ;i..;1ii.~-. 1'i ! i+i~r ;ci1 t. iN FOkN 1A 1(O\ N L,1 : 12. Fim Department, rirs( ~?.5poltxnrCouniyl.,ltr.v+, ; '~)117 t~•1t,~~::~-_. ;t \I1J( il it\ ~11."N i / 1 F1 h'f .ti'(411 W l.f RegpI!!t Co1//lCII MecYings inN genero/b' hrld 2nd arrd d`', !~.•~~rn,rrrf,, ,r t,i) ('ounc11 Slrrd~• .5evvinrtc ur.• -e•nc°raII4' he!d 1', ?`s nnd i1/r hws;1:ri N. iw.,;irrrriir:; :rt ~ ti~~ tl~ f: lr .lt~ iuu_!s pl.uiiune t,~ aittt~;l tiie teuet;~i~ whu re.~uire ~pc~inl asat,~,t.~nce tu xcornttwdutc phzsipl, hennng, ur 4tt~at ~ smr~~~^i:nt•; nt,.aq^ :nr,t:~ct ~hc C'~r. r'Ir.k i4(1)~ ~.~~I~~I~ -~t?+!n _i. ~~r~;-ih'^_ ,i It~~~' -.ir,r..r.rr-. r,.i, 5.. , . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business X public hearing . information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Public Hearing - Proposed 2008 Revenues and Expenditures GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: State law requires a public hearing on our revenues and expenditures as we begin the budget process. The attached worksheet provides an overview of our expected revenue and expenditures for 2008. Special mention is required of significant revenues including property taxes. The property tax rate is expected to remain near the state authorized, $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed _ value. A comparison of property tax revenue for the years 2005 through 2008 is shown below: ~ 2005 2006 2007 2008 $9,545,050 $8,056,000 $9,595,506 $10,350,000 The 2008 property tax levy is expected to be $754,000 (7.85%) greater than 2007. The City's actual property tax levy may be more/less than the amount shown. OPTIONS: No action is required at this time. The public hearing is required by budget law to allow citizens an opportunity to provide input on budget content/process. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action is recommended at this time. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director - : Rca-2008-proj-revenues ~ • Zq I''ro~'ose . gz vte`~ enues s en+~itu~ ~ • I i council Meetin9 , ~ ~ vaNey . Spov a~ July 24 2a07 ' 5 ~ 1~ {;...i ~ . „ . ` 0*+""`' • B i~- ~ udg,et ~f x g7 t d t . it gud9e nded bu ge Total G y m e ' g~ ~Ilillion ()073 nter rnillionfea E,S for ~~ty ce ty bldgs 6n +p, ement reserve - 2~Q8 ~o Y..~~,. lac7 i R e p Capital frar'n t2~~ plans~ + arks _ gUSineSS ' P new pos►tians 'F'7 J ~ - ~ L " \ General Fund , . , , REVENUES: ■ Sales Tax up $660,000 (2.8%) ■ Property Tax up $754,000 (7.8%) $1.60 authorized by state law ■ Planning/Building fees, State shared fees, Fines/Forfeitures - very close to 2007 EXPENSES: . ■ Civic Facilities $2,000,000 ■ Records Management $500,000 ■ Bldg Replacement Reserve $397,000 ■ Area EIS - City Center $150,000 7l1L1I00T • S ( General Fund . . . continued ■ Seven new positions - (Business Plans) *Deputy City Clerk .5 *HRAsst. .5 . *Parks mntnce 2.0 *Adm. Analyst 1.0 *Acct./Analyst 1.0 * Cap. Prj Eng. 1.0 *Adm. Asst. - PW 1.0 ■ Expenses about 2% above multiyear financial projections 711MR77 ~ • 2 % Other highlights ■ Deleted Street fund trans. from Gen. Fnd, ' ($900,000) . ■ Expect numbers to change as we fine-tune ~ j ■ Next public hearing scheduled for Sept. 11 ■ Expect usual prop. tax ord. to capture 1% F,:~ Mr ` 7ne,zaay s % 3 2007 2008 2006 Amended Proposed Actuals Budqet Budqet 101 - Street Fund Begtnning Fund Balance 3,908,002 4,658,000 3,630,972 Street Fund Revenues Prowy 7axes 115,589 - 10,000 Maor Fud (Gas) Tax 1,975,987 2,OOD,000 2,150,000 Intodund Interost 1,475 - - Investmert Interost 210,918 _ 100,000 85.000 Intertuiid 7ransfers 2,000,000 900,000 - InSUrnrtte Premiums S Re+xiverles 3,958 - - , Mimocllanccu:. Rovcnsro 56.398 - - Total Struet Fund Rovonuos S 4,364,303 5 3,000,000 $ 2,245,000 Street Fund Expenditures SaWA°s,1Nages, & Beneffts 181,641 348,534 379,792 Supplie. 59,029 16.950 51,400 Sorvicos & Chatgas 974,759 871,aB0 2,204,339 Intergovemmental Payments 2,253,943 3,006,191 5,385,46E • Inicrfund Yrarssfcrs 59,300 83,677 70,307 Capital Oulfay 66.487 . . Tobl Stroot Fund ExponditurCS 3,55S.159 4,326,372 4.085.304 SVeat Fund Estimntod Fund Balanco $ 4.717.148 $ 3,331,628 S 1.700,668 2007 2008 2006 Amended Praposed Achials Budpet Budget 702 - Arterial Streot Fund Baginning FunA OalascQ E57,689 9"JD,000 - ~ Arteria! Street Fund Rovenues Idotor Fue! (Gas) Tax - • ' Invcr:rnert Interest 45,135 32,000 - Transior from CDBG Fund - - ' Total Artorial Stroat Rovonua. 5 45,135 5 32,000 S - Arterial StreetFund Expondituros Capital Outlay Intertund Translers 126.422 912,000 - Total Artorfal SV+oat Fund EXpertditures 126.422 912,000 - Arterlal Street Estimated Fund Balanco S 776,843 $ - $ - l- 1 • 7i1°J2007 4:32 PA{ 2007 2008 - 2006 AmandcA Proposed Actuats Budqot Budqet 103 - Trails b Path:e Beglnning Fund Balancc 15,658 16,000 25,000 Trails & Peths Rovenues Molot Fuc1(Gas) Tax - Streel7ranstcr 8,111 5,000 5,000 Invesiment tntetest 595 - - Total Trails 8 Paths Revonucs S 6,705 S 5,004 $ 5,000 Trails 8 Patfis Expendltures Capital Qvtlay - 21.000 10,OD0 ' Total Trails 8 Paths Ezpenditures - 21.000 30,000 Trails S Paths EsUmated Fund Balanco $ 22.354 S - _5 = 2007 2008 2006 Amendod Prapasod AcWals Budqet Budgot 105 • MotefflAatol Bcgfnning Fund Balance 252,271 250,400 250,000 NotcJlMotel Revonucs Iip1eU.MaeafTax aS7,064 400,000 400.000 Imcstment Intersst 15.791 3.090 8,000 Tota1 Hote67dotcl Revenuos S 432,876 $ 408,000 $ 400,000 HotclltAotel Ecpcndtwres Interfund Transiers - 40,000 90,000 Tourutn Rramation 296,912 618,000 578,000 Total WoteUMotel Expenditures 29E,912 858,000 666,000 HateUMOteI Estlmatad Fund Balanco S 338,234 J 5 _ S 2007 2008 2006 Amandod Proposcd Attuals Budqet eudqot 120 -CerrtorP'Iaeo Operating Reserve Bog Fund Balanca 348,291 315,000 325,OGD CentorPlace Operating Reserve Revcnues Invcsiment Intarest 15,006 10,000 10,000 ' IrteriurW Ttansfer ' Total CcnterPtate Opcrattng Resorvc Rovenues $ 15,000 5 50,000 S 10,000 ConUerPlace Opornting Resorvo Expendituros Rcserve tor CentcrPloce OFerations - 326A00 335.000 7otal CantCrPlace Oporating ReServo Expend[tures - 325,000 335,000 CentcrPlnea Operatlng Reserve EStlmated Fund Balance `S 321,297 5 5 - 711812007 4:32 PM+ 2007 2008 2008 Amended Proposed - A,ctuals 8udnet Budqet 121 - Scrvitp Level Stabilization Rcserve Beg Fund BatantU y335,706 5,000,000 5,200,000 Servlce Level Stabiiizatlon Reserve Ravonuns Investmenllntarest • 179,318.35 200,000 200,000 MtoAvndTrartsfer 2,105,900 - - Tofhl Servlce Level Stabilizatbon Reserve Rovanuas S 2,284,316 $ 209,000 $ 200,000 Sorvice level Stab[I'aation Reserve Expendituros Reserve (or Ssrvicc I.cvcl Stahlltza.bn 5.200,000 5.400.000 Total Sarvico Lovcl Stsbllization Raacrvo Expenditures - 5,200,000 5,400,000 Service Lovol SWbptzatlon Resorvo Est Fund Balance S 4,620,022 S - 5 - 2007 2008 2006 Amended Proposed Actuals Budqct Budriot 122 -YYinter Woathcr Reserve Beg Fund 8aiunce 507,909 520,000 540,000 NJintcr YJeathot Roscrvc Rcvenues l»veslmenf Intaresi 24,883.58 20,000 20.000 tMcAa»d Trensier - - - Total Winter Wuather Reserve Rovenues S 24,884 $ 20,080 5 20,000 Wlnter Woathcr Reserve F.xpsnditures J F2eservs Eor Wn1er Weathe.r 540.000 560,000 TotsllVlntiarYJoathcrReserveEzponditures - 540.000 550.000 YJinlcr YJeather Reservo EaUmated Fund Balanto $ 532.793 S • $ 2007 2008 2006 , Amended Proposed Attual5 8udqot Budqot ZOd - e8bt Sotvicc Beginning Fund Batanco - - - Debt Sorvico Rovenues Fac&jos Di,friC Payment 405,245 416,000 414,000 InterfundTronsiers 583,290 180,000 166.000 Total Debt Sarvico Rcvenues S 509,535 5 600,000 a 600,000 Debi Sarvico Expandldires 4ebt Scr+'roe Peyments 589,535 600,000 600,000 ToLaI Debi Servico ExpendiW res 598.515 600,001) 640,000 Dobt Servfce Estimatod Fund Balanco $ - S - S - 7118f2007 632 RL1 2007 2008 2006 Amendad Proposed Acwals Bud4et Budact 101 • Capital Pro(ects 9cginning Pund Baianco 2.266,698 3,000,000 3,100,000 Capital Projotts Revenues REETS - Taxes 1,237,078 1,000,040 - 1,000,000 IarveslmontL-.tcre.a - 128.989 120,000 120,000 Tatat Capital Projects Rovanucs S 1,356,087 S S,120,000 S 1,120,000 Capital Projeets Expenditures InEergavemmental Scrvices Capital0utmy • - - IntertundTrans(er3 144,254 4,120,040 4,420,061) Total Capitol ProJeets ExpendiWrca 144.254 4,120,000 4.420,000 Capital Projccts EsUmamd Fund Batanco S 3.488,451 S - S - 2007 2008 2006 Amondod Proµosed Actuals Budaet 8udqet 302 - Spoc Capital ProJects Boflinning Fund Balance 2,446,1 .7 3,30D,OOD 3,000,000 Spec Capitil ProjCtt+t Rovenues F2EET2-Taxas 1,224,269 1,000,000 1,060,000 lnvcalment tnteres! 135,515 120.000 120,000 Total Spce Capital Projeets Rcvenues $ 1,359,782 $ 1,120,000 $ 1,520,000 Spcc Cap7tal Projects Exponditures ; Capital Oullays - IntartundTnnsfers 91,665_ 4.420.040 4,120,000 Totzil Spce Capital Projacts Expenditures 91,645 4,420,000 4.120.000 Spac Capital ProJecls Esfimatod Fund Balnnce S 3,714,285 S. - $ - 7IS8f2007 4:32 PN 2007 2006 2006 Amonded Proposod ACWaIS Bud4Ct BudqCt 103 • Straot Capital Projects Boginntng Fund Balanco 5,013 - - Street Capital Projects Revenues Imre.°.tment Interest - - - Dcvclopcr Contribu:ion - • ' Contnbutions - Gra,nts 135,518 3.927.091 3,659,691 In?erfundTranstor 795,492 3.875,152 9.289.152 Total Stroat Capttal Projects Rovonuas $ 931,010 S 7.802,843 $ 8,939,843 SUootCapiWl Projocts Expcnditurca Servia=s & Chargss , 123,436 - • - FugPneeringendArchitect¢ia1 497 - Sataric58 Woge3 15,e67 - Employee Benefits 5,456 - tmcrgovemmental Pnyments - - - GapitalOuQays 962,364 7,802,843 6,939,643 Total Strcet Capital Projects Ezpendftures 1, 107.660 7.802,843 6.939.643 Street Capkal FmJocts Estimatcd Fund Balanca S (177,637) 5 - S - 2007 2008 2006 Amended Proposed Actuals 8udget Budqet 304 - IAiraboau ProJoCts Bcginning Fund Balaneo 449,689 425,000 441,000 Mirabeau ProJoets Rovonucs ~ Donetions Proceeds from L7 Debt tn,urance RetaveAes - Other KU"ancous Rcvcruc 13,526 - Gweslment Inleresl 19.525 18,000 40,000 Total Mlraboau Prtr3otts Rovenucs $ 33,051 S 16.000 E 40,040 Mirahenu Projects Expendttures Scrviccs & Charges - - ' Intorfund Tranwcr - - ' Salafles & Wages • Empmoycc BeneEls - CapitelOultsys 99.809 441,000 481,060 Total 1Airaboau Projccts ExpendiWrcs 99.609 441,000 481,000 Mfrabeau Projects Estimatod Fund Balanco S 362,849 S - $ - _ 7l1812007 4:92 PdA 2007 zoaa 2006 Amcnded Propaaod Actuals BudqCt 13ud9et . 305 • Street Borvd Fund Boginning Fund Balance 1,017 .53 800,000 - Street 8ond Fund Rcvenucs Procaods From LT Qebt - - - Investmeai Intcrest 41,571 118,040 - Interfsrrxl Trsnsier - - - Total Strcot Bohd Fufld Revenues S 41,571 $ 16,01)0 5 - Streat Bond Fund Expenditures SeMCes 8 Charges 495 - - tnterEund Transict 5,053.330 816,000 - Total Streot Bond Fund Expenditures 1,059,025 816.000 - Sveet Bond Fund EstimaUCQ Fund Balance S (0) $ - $ - 2007 2008 2006 Amended Proposed Actuals Bud4et Budpet 308 -CDBG Fund Beginnfnfl Fund Balanto - - - CDBG Fund Revenues Grant Proceeds hliscellenaous RcvcrwC - - - Interfvnd TransSer 1,475 Inveslment Entp-rest - Total CDBG Fund Revenues S 1,475 S - $ - CDBG Fund Expenditures Scrvioes S Charges 1,475 - - CepitalOutlay • - - Total CDBG Fund Expenditures 1,475 CDBG Fund Estlmahtd Fund eLilaneo 5 - S - $ - 2007 2008 2008 Amended Proposad Actuals Bud4Ct Budpet 307 - Capital Grants Fund Boginning Fund Balance 0 0 - Capital Gmnts Furtd Revenues Grant Proceeds 3,015.270 7,6 :0,000 5,900.000 Intcrfur+d Trans:cr 566.&32 1,670,000 1,400.000 Total Capftal Grents Fund Rovenucs S 3,6D4,103 S 9,300,600 5 7,300,000 Capital Granb Fund Expenditures Salartcs 8 VJages 39,260 Emplayee Eenefris 12,961 £ngineering 8 Architeclunl 150.911 ScnriCCS d CttDtge3 163,757 - - • InleAund Transfer - CapitalOuUay 3.237,254 8,300,600 7,100.000 Total Capital Gran4s Fund Expenditures 3.604,103 9.300,000 7.300.004 Capftal Grants Fund Estlmated Fund Balanco $ 0 S 0 $ - ~ 711812007 4:32 PM ~ 2007 2008 ~ 2008 Amended Proposed Actuala Budqet Budpoi JQB - Barker Bridge Fund Beglnning Fund 8alance (53) (1) - • Barlcer Bridfle Fund Revenues Grent Proceeds 360,318 700,000 5,382.800 Investrricnt Interest - - - Total BaHcor Bridge Fund Revenues ' $ 380,316 $ 700,000 5 5,362,e00 earlccr Bridgo Fund Exponditures salarscs s waV5 - 4124.94 Emplayee Benefi?s 1210.93 Servfces A Ctarges 13,737 - - Copital0utlay 361,190 700,000 5.3S2,E00 Totnl Barkcr Bridgo Fund Exponditures 380.263 700.000 5,362,800 BarkerBridge Fund EsUmatcd Fund Batanco S (1) S (1) 5 - 2007 2008 2006 AmendCd Proposod Nctunls Budqot Budpet 309 • Parks CpptLhl Projocis Fund Beplnnfng Fund Balaneo 555,537 BSO,UOO 3,000,000 Parks Capltat Projeets Fund Rcvooua. Pnrks Gront - 200,000 100,000 Coestribution fmm Spakeire Gounry - i,640,000 - Interfvnd Trsnsders 750,000 880,000 20,000 ~ InvCStmcnt Intccost 41,334 40,000 40,000 Total Parks Capital Projects fund RQVenues $ 791,330 S 2,700,000 $ 160,000 Parks Capital Projects fund Expanditures SBNIDC3 $ ChbfgCS • - - • Cap3alOutlay - 3,559,O00 3.020,000 Totsl PaAcs CapiWl Prejocts Fund Expenditures - 3.550,000 3,020,000 Parks Capital Projccts Fund EsUmstod Fund Balance 3 1.94E3.866 $ - $ 140,000 2007 2008 2006 Amendcd ProposOtl Acwars eudila: Budget 310 • Civit FacilitEas Capital Projects Fund Beglnning 8dlantc 507,809 830,000 5,055.000 Civic Buildfngs Capital Prolocls Fund Revenues I»iufund Trarrsfars 2,600,000 600,000 2,000,000 Imastmenl trt?erest 38,277 30,000 30.000 Total CiviC 8uilclings Capital Projects Fund Revenaes S 2,638,277 $ 630,000 S 2,030,000 Civic Bulldings Capltal Projects Futtd Exponditurns Svrvicos & Ch,vges - - - GapitalOutGay 503.337 1.460,000 7,085.000 Total Civic Buildi»gs Capital Projects Fund Expendltures 503.337 1.460,000 7,0E5.000 Clvic Baildiaga Capftat Projects Estimated Fund Batance 5 2,642.849 S - $ - i 71118f2007 432PNI 2007 2008 2006 Amonded Proposod Actuals Budqet Budpot 442 - Stortnwater Fund Beginning Balance 1,277,396 1,635,762 1,500,000 Starmwater Fund Rcvcnues &rortnwater Manegcmenf Fees 5,557,208 1,600,600 1,600,004 Invcstrnent Inserest 57.460 00,000 69,000 Grent Pmcee6s 904 - - Idiscellaneoua Revenue 355 - - Total Stormwater Fund Revonucs $ 1,695,326 $ 1,660,000 $ 1.660,000 Stortmvaler Fund 6cpendituras Sa'ancs P. i:ene(Ls 184,715 336,338 347,079 Supplios 12,878 19,590 59,380 Servkes 8 Chargcs 172,853 153,691 980,962 Intergovemmertel Paymcrtts 750,980 867.011 44,W0 CapAalOut^sys - - 70,825 InlcdundYmnsfers 156,128 863,479 515.084 • Total SWmnvater Fund Exscnditures 1.279.559 2.240,309 1.977.330 Stom+wmter Estlrnaced Fund 8alanco 5 1,613,185 S 955,453 $ 1,182,070 2007 2008 2006 Aniended Proposcd Attuals Budqet Budget 501 - ER&R Fund Beginninp Balante (61,479) 800,000 600,000 ER&R Fund Revenues IntcrfundTmnslers - 192,100 40,000 tnveslmen! tntcrast 36.070 - 30,OOU Tohl ER&R Fund Revonucs S 38.070 S 192.100 S 70,0e70 ER&R Fund F.xponAitures Supplles - 7.500 - Services & Chargas - - - Deprecia5cn Expense - • - Cepit810uL'ay - 936,87S 070,000 7otal ER&R Fund Expendltures - 944.375 970,000 ER&R Estimatocl Fund Balanee $ f25,4091 5 47725 5 - 2007 2008 2006 Amended Proposed Actuals Budqet Budqot 502 - Risk M1ianagement fund Beginning Balunce 25,458 25,000 15,000 REsk Manapernent Fund RQVOnues Itweslment Intomst 999 - - InlcrfundTransler 161,523 192.500 207,100 Total R(sk Management Fund Revenues $ 162,522 S 192,100 S 207,160 Risk lAanagement Fund Expcnditurcs ServiccsBCharges 169,034 217,100 222,900 Total Risk Management Fund Exponditures 169,034 217,100 222,100 - RFsk Management Estimatod Fund Bulance 5 18,947 S - $ ' - 711812067 4:32 Fb1 1 City of Spokane Valley Proposed Budget - Draft 2008 Amended 2008 2006 2007 Proposed Actuals Budget Budget 001 - General Fund General Fund Resources: Beginning Fund Balance $ 7,047,500 $ 12,118,000 $ 5,000,000 Property Taxes 7,899,666 9,520,000 10,350,000 Property Taxes - Delinquent 144,206 225,000 146,500 Sales Tax 18,631,509 17,686,800 19,165,800 Gambling Tax 889,795 910,000 880,000 Franchise FeesJBusiness Registration 845,745 724,170 853,450 State Shared Revenues 1,141,723 1,121,000 1,170,550 Service Revenues 1,957,385 1,867,000 1,965,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,315,201 1,250,000 1,300,000 Recreation Program Revenues 149,066 137,700 152,000 CenterPlace Rental Revenue 434,982 270,000 355,000 Miscellaneousllnvestment Interest 534,857 302,800 414,100 Interfund Transfers 74,300 115,000 165,000 Total General Fund Resources ~ 41,065,936 $ 46,247,470 $41,917,400 General Fund Expenditures Legislative Branch 206,202 296,393 319,991 Executive and Legislative Support 664,811 892,854 997,076 Public Safety 17,037,774 18,256,400 19,217,300 Deputy City Manager 430,420 522,012 627,178 Finance 465,914 782,652 824,249 Human Resources 135,908 165,944 204,280 Public Wortcs 900,682 1,391,887 969,386 Planning 1,147,127 1,114,967 1,978,109 Building 844,908 1,296,309 1,418,385 Library 70,887 20,000 20,000 Parks Admin 884,871 905,309 929,535 Recreation 104,247 242,947 211,549 Aquatics 214,772 259,450 351,150 Senior Center 70,753 76,201 90,955 CenterPlace 378,840 603,179 744,231 General Government 8,673,869 12,063,000 8,018,888 Total General Fund Expenditures 32,231,986 38,889,504 36,922,262 General Fund Estimated Fund Balance S 8,833,950 $ 7,357,966 $ 4,995,138 7l1912007 9:01 PM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 07-24-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Elpproval of the Follewing Vouchers: VQUCI•I:FR [:T.ST DATE ~ VO[JCl-IElt #s TOTAL VOUCHEft AMOUT'T ~ I 07-09-07 I 12142-12225 $451,041.18 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: ' Approve clairns for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 07/09/2007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice RO # Descryption/Account Amount 12142 6/29/2007 000117 FF2EE P{2ESS PUBLISMING, INC 54321 ROAD C.ONSTRUCTION ADS '110.00 Total : 110.00 12143 6/29/2007 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0704 . 40337 PINES/MANSFIELD PROJECT 21,975.89 Total : 21,975.89 12144 6/2912007 000656 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEERS VLY0704 B120ADWAY OVERLAY 6,375.16 Total : 6,375.16 12145 7/2l2007 001055 KIDS COSh40S Presenter 7/10107 41679 SUMMER DAY CAMP GUES7 SPEAI 200.00 Total : 200.00 12146 7f212007 001278 MODERN MOMES CONS7RUCTION Sullivan Park Proj ' .41735 SULLIVAN PARK FIREPLACE DEMC 10,805.70 Total: 10,805.70 ' 12147 7/2I2007 000152 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB70213115 PINESlMANSFIELD PRQJECT#(IOQ: 6,090.77 Total : 6,090.77 12148 7/3/2007 001377 COMBS, LISA Expense Form MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 10.19 Total : 10.19 12149 713/2007 001385 TERRI A COCHRAN Transcripts CITY OF SPOK VALL V SPOKANE C 18_00 Total : 18.00 12150 71312007 000120 AWC-EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Sen1G314 DENTAL PLAN: PAYMENT 62,101.92 Total: 62,101.92 12151 7J9t2007 001081 ALSCO LSP0228965 AAATS FOR PRECINCT 10.74 LSP0236858 , MATS FOR PRECINCT 10.74 LSP0240783 • MAT5 FOR CIIY FIALL 64.20 Total : 85.68 12152 7l9I2007 000335 ALl'ON'S'I'1RE INC. ' 6-26218 ' 00 JEEP CHEROKEE SERVICE 545.17 Total : 585.17 12153 71912007 000135 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIA710N 124840-070603 APA MEMBERSWIP-M WARIdOIS 220.00 195827-070603 APA PAEMBERSHIP-C JANSSEN 180.00 PanP: ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0710912007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor • Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12153 7/9l2007 000135 000135 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIA710 (Continued) Total : 400.00 12154 719I2007 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. IVC000075 JANI70RIAL SERVICES FOR VAI.LE 2,082.17 - Total : 2,082.17 12155 719l2007 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSTEAhS 151572 COPIES RC326 1,191.41 Total : 1,191.41 12156 7/9I2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 410102159 BARKER 8 MISSION SGNL 39.69 Total : 39.69 12157 7/912007 000168 8 $ C TELEPI-IOMr INC. 134590 CENTERPLACE PHONE LINE 1JVOF21 145:52 . ' Tota I : 145.52 •12158 7l9/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LIPIEN SUPPLY, INC. 8825405 SERVICES AT CENTERPLACE 380.68 8829257 SERVICE FOR CENTERPLACE 415.69 8831184 SERVICE FOR CENTERPLACE 381.90' • Total : 1,178.27 12159 7/9/2007 001386 BROWN, STEPHANIE Aquatics Refund SWIMMWG LESSONS REFUND 45.00 Total : 45.00 12760 7/9/2007 000101 CDN1G FWJ1010 41723 MONITOR FOR PARKS ' 531.64 Total : 531.64 12161. 7!912007 000729 C112MHILL INC. 3607451 41025 0003-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE , 35,795.09 Totai : 35,795.09 12162 7/9/2007 001383 CHANDLER, CHRIS Ecpensc Form PARK PROGf2APl1 SUPPLIES 21.97 • Total: 21.97 12163 7/9/2007 000109 COFFEE SYS"1'E(v1S INC 51263 COFFEE SUPPLIES-CITY HALL 13122 . Total : 131.22 12164 7/9/2007 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEEf 87016-6725 MONTh1LY FLEEf FUEL BILL 2,284.92 • Total : 2,284.92 12165 7l9/2007 000326 CONSOUDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 05859.0 • DISCOVERY PL SP N 193.57 06377.0 DISCOVERY PL SI' N 2426 55.00 Page: 2 vCFllist VOUCheI' L'ISt Page: 3 07/09/2007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank VoucNer Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12165 7l912007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 (Cantinued) 063772 DISCOVERY PL SP N 359.67 11534.2 DISCOVERY PL SP Pl 19,57 11982•2 BARKER RD GR N 13.66 11983:2 BARKER RD GR td 26,64 , 11984.2 - BARKER RD GR N 18.14 Total : 636.25 12166 71912007 001246 CORNERS70P1E CONSTRUCTION GROI 061107 FINAL PAYMEP1T ON PO 41501 1,698.00 Total : 1,698.00 12167 7/912007 000284 CRUCIAL TECHNOLOGY INC. 20898185 41713 MEMORY FOR CAROLBELLE'S COQ 78.18 • • ' Total: 78.18 12168 , 7/9/2007 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 224712 41315 0016 - APPLEUVAY - DAVID EVANS 8,285.46 ' - Total : 8,285.46 12169 7/912007 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD Expense Form MISC TRAVEL 11/06-6/07 834.37 Total : 834.37 12170 7/9/2007 001193 DESAU7EL HEGE COMMUNICATIONS 05-07-06 41651 MARKETING 1,677.00 ' Total : 1,677.00 12171 7/912007 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 310382205 ADVERTISINC7-CENTERPLACE 144.75 Total : 144.75 12172 7!9/2007 000246 EAS7 SPOKANE VVATER DIST #1 09006100 7814 E SPRAGUE - WA7ER 289.13 09026100 8300 E SPRAGUE - WATER 119.17 09066100 8325 E SPRAC7UE - WATER 187.35 09078100 7711 E SPRAGUE - WA7EI2 73.48 Total : 669.13 12173 7l912007 001384 FEAAMESAFElY,INC Staffl'raining CORI'012ATETIRAINING-GROUP 105A0 Total : 105.00 12174 7/9I2007 001113 FLOORMART 002176 REPAIR CAkPE7 - CENTERPLACE 320.37 Tota I : 320.37 • Paae: 3 ~ • - ~ . . vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 4 0710912007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucfier Datc Vendor Invoicc PO # Descripfion/Account Amount 12175 7/9/2007 000917 GRAYBAR 926172917 CENTERPLACE FIBER INSTALL 242J8 Total : 242.78 12176 7/9/2007 000008 NEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 42453218 41709 CABLE MtANAGEMENT FOR SERVE 21.72 42460625 CABL'E MANAGEMEN7 FOR SERVE 86.88 41708 . 42472936 ' 41706 COMPUTER RACK AND PERIPHEFL 64.07 42484179 41714 UPS FOR NEW SERVER RACK 1,282.57 . Total : 1,455.24 12177 719/2007 001379 ICON CORPORATION Refund Damage Dep REFUND DAMAGE qEPOSIT 198.50 • Total : 198.50 12178 719/2007 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 55130 EMPLOYEE ID CARDS ' 23.89 55149 . EMPLOYEE ID CARDS 23.89 55158 EMPLOYEE ID CARQS 21.72 ' Total : 69.50 12179 7/912007 001326 INI.AND NOR7WWEST HFJILTH, SERVICI TC-12295 POCKET MASK POLY BAG 29.32 TC-12303 1 ST AID PEDIATRIC CARDS 15.00 Total : 44.32 12180 7/9I2007 000353 INTERNATIONAI,. 7RADE ALLIANCE SpV2007 2ND QUAR7ER PAYMENT 5,000.00 , 7otal : 5,000.00 12181 7/9/2007 001264 JIFFY LUBE 07062800630542 40203D OIL CHANGE 135.73 Total : 135.73 12182 719I2007 001277 L& L CARGILE payment #2 41581 BEVERLY HILLS STORMWATEf2 PF 106,218.67 Total : 106,218.67 12183 71912007 Oa0132 MODERM ELECTRIC WATER COh4PANY 04559-01 11123 EMISSION AVL= 1,768.45 04562-11 . 11423 E MISSION AVE 101.94 04732-01 100 N BALFOUR 292.79 Total : 2,163.18 12184 7/9/2007 001130 MOTION PICTURE LICENSING CORP 12437130 MPLC - CENTERPLACE 460.00 Pgge: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0710912007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12184 7f9/2007 001130 001134 MOTION PICTURE LICENSING C0121 (Continued) Total : 460.00 12185 7/9f2007 000662 NATIONAL BARRICADE & SIGN CO., OF 55894 41462 NATIONAL BARRICADE BLAPIKET F 50.82 Total : 50.82 12186 7/9/2007 001035 NEPNORK DESIGN & MANAGEPAEN7 15346 41686 WA7CMGUARD FIREBOX X1250E F 7,134.53 15356 CONVERS 10 N 2,700.00 15357 JUNE SERVER MAINTEPIANCE 2,080.00 15358 CONVERSION 937.50 Total : 12,852.03 12187 7/912007 000058 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE ASSOC. A500163 NEW HIRE PHYSICALS 810.00 ' Total : . 910.00 12188 719/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 390370558-001 41711 OFFICE DEPOT 151.04 390533827-001 41712 (]GOFFICE SUPPUES 224.98 390549586-001 41715 [3A`f-I"CRY Ch1A12GER AN17 BATfCRI 2926 390549688-001 41716 SUPPUES - OPS & ADMIN 248.09 41716 390773978-001 41717 DG OFI=ICE SUPPLIES 365.18 390925144-401 41717 DG OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.80 Total : 1,020.35 ' 12189 7/9l2007 000512 OFFICETEAM 18697100 SERVICES FOR JOYCE FONTAINE 577.50 • 18919928 SERVICES FOR JOYCE FONTAINE 684.75 18968514 SERVICES FOR JOYCE FONTAINE 618.75 Total : 1,881.00 12190 719/2007 001258 ORB ARCHI'T'ECTS ING 2 . 41599 DESIGN OF POOL - PARK ROAD 5,887.89 • 2 41600 DESIGN OF POOL- TERRACE VEIV 5,887.89 41600 . 2 41601 DESIGN OF POOL - VALLEY MISSIC 5,887.89 41601 Total : 17,663.67 12191 7/912007 000494 PRO PCOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 23,070 SERVICES FOR SRETf JOHNSON 414.60 23,334 SERVICES FOR BRETT JOHNSON 599.58 23.431 SERVICES FOR BREfT JOHNSON 552.80 a', rj ' • Pant_ . , , • ' - ~ / ~ / % vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 07109l2007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valtey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12191 7/9I2007 000494 000494 PRO PEOPLE S7A.FFING SERV INC. (Continued) Total : 1,566.98 12192 71912007 000291 PROJECT ACCESS, INC. 6 2ND QUARTER SERVICES 7,500.00 Total : 7,500.00 12193 7/912007 000041 PROTMMAN COMPANY • 2007-1141 RECRUI'I' COMM DEV DIRECTOR P 6,666.67 2007-1164 COMM DEV DIRECTOR- JOB ADVEI 979.00 • Total : 7,645.67 12194 7/9/2007 001161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 30Q8-4500015414 SERVICES FOR MATf KUSHNER 1,023.20 3408-0500015475 SERVICES FOR MATT KUSHNER 1,023.20 Total : 2,046.40 12195 719/2007 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 18938 41690 ADVERTISING 149.87 Total : 149.87 • 12196 7/9/2007 000322 QWES7 ' 509-922-7091 0606 SERVICE AT MISSION POOL 31120 Total : 311.20 12197 7/9/2007 000256 RAINBOW ELECTRIC INC ' 121836 UPGRADES IN SERVER I200M 3,003.82 Total : 3,003.82 12198 7/912007 001317 RICOH AMERICAS CORP 50Q649932 41639 PURCh1ASE OF AFICIO MP C3500 8,011.42 500620674 FAX OPTION 1,345.55 . Total : ' 9,356.97 • 12199 7!9/2007 000191 IRIVERFRONT P/1RK, GROUP SALES 4783 41646 46 DAY PASSES 358_72 ' Total : 358.72 12200 7/9/2007 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY ItdC. 580752 SUMhAER DAY CAMP SUPf'LIES 10.74 Total: 10.74 • 12201 7l9/2007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 2753417 • SERVICE @ 17800 E BOONE AVE ' 97.74 Total : 97.74 12202 7!9/2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30400830 41622 CONVER7AMATIC 6,307.61 30401288 CLEANING SUPPLILS 108.93 3U441505 F2ESTROOM SUPI'LIES 53.49 - Page: 6 vcnlist Voucher List Page: 7 0710912007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12202 7/912407 000935 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY (Continued) Total : 6,470.03 12203 7/9/2007 001380 SEFtVPFt Refund Damage Dep REFUPID nAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12204 7/9/2007 000184 SPLASH qOWN, INC. 3570-25 41656 45 KIDS TO ATTEND 6/27107 464.40 - Total : 464.40 12205 719/2007 001260 SPOKANE CASH REGISTER INC. 19157 41554 CASM REGISTER SYSTEM FOR PAI 8,996.96 _ Total : 8,996.96 12206 . 7/912007 0001•72 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0705 40837 PINES/MANSFIELD PROJECT 46,995.62 VLY0705. REES RD R OL1VE AVE 812.45 Totat : 47,808.07 12207 71912007 001387 Sf'OICANE CO. FACILITIES Alsco f2eimbursement RGIM[iURSE SPOKANE CO FOR PF 21.48 Total: 21.48 12208 7l9/2007 000090 SPOKAMlE CO. INFORMATION, SYSTEM: 50301154 COUNTY IT SUPPOR7 16,662.41 Total : 16,662.41 12209 719/2007 000668 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER, D.E. "SKIP" 55182.1621G - 2007 TAXES-1 405 N LONG Rp 599.E35 Total : 599.85 12210 7/9/2007 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0153641065364 13525 E 24TH - SEWER 167.77 . 0166311066631 1901 N SULLIVAN RD-SEV1fEf2 27,68 0271291077129 12710 E SPRAGUE-SF_WER 44.23 0345341106428 606 S PARK RD -SEWER 62.68 037059/109325 13504 E MIRABEAU PKT-SEWER 62.68 . , 042233/074433 906 N PARK RD-SEWER 78.80 Total : 443.84 12211 7/912007 000324 SPOKANE CO. LVATER DIST. #3 170-0044-03 906 fd PARK Rn • 306.00 Total : 306.00 12212 7/9/2007 000011 SPOiCANE VALLEY CHAMBER, OF COMA 107559 . ADVERTISING 350.00 , Total : 350.00 Paqe: 7 _ vcFilist , Voucher List Page: 8 0710912007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley . Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12213 719/2007 000896 SPOKAPIE VALLEY MEALS ON WIiE[LS 2007 Allocation MEALS ON WI-IEELS 2,500.00 , Total : 2,500.00 12214 719I2007 Od0411 SPOKANE VALLEY NEWS HERALD 29119 LEGAL AD - PLANPIING 75.60 • 20138 LEGAL AD-CI7Y CLERK 29.40 29140 LEGAL AD - CITY CLERK 27.00 _ 29141 LEGAL AD - PLANNING 87.75 ' 29142 LEGAL AD - F'LAfdNING 85,50 29143 LEGAL AD - PLANNING 88.50 29165 LEGAL AD - PLANNING 48.75 29166 LEGAL AD - PLANNIPIG 58.50 29190 LEGAL AD-PLANNING 25.00 29191 LEGAL AD-PLAPINING 81.75 29192 LEGAL AD-PLANNING 78.00 29193 LEGAL /1D-PIANNING 85.50 Total : 771.25 12215 7/9/2007 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN h/IINISTORAGE 45430 PORTABLE STORACE-:JULY RENT 123.00 • Total : 123.00 12216 7I9/2007 000065 STApLES CREDI7 PLAP1 3086398847 41692 TABLES 1,031.59 . Total : 1,031.59 12217 71912007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1228 ' PLANNING SVC THRU 5131107 1,930.00 Total : 1,930.00 12218 7/9/2007 001085 7HE AC71VE NETWORK, INC INCO04555 SAFARI MAINTENANCE FEE 3,391.58 ' 7otal : 3,391.58 12219 719f2007 01)0d93 TIiE SPOKESMAN-R.EVIEW INC. 42801 41691 ADVERTISINC 94.38 54869 JUNE 2007 EMPLOYMENT ADVERT 800.24 • Total: • 894.58 12220 7/9/2007 001248 USKH, INC. 1008700-002 41624 CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN75 2,800.00 , Total : 2,800.00 12221 71912007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0012-004137.02 ELECTRICNVATER CHG ' 59.67 0013-032589.01 SWALE SPRINKLERS 71.68 ' Pape: 8 vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 9 07/09/2007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank - Voucher Date Vendor Invoice • PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12221 719/2007 000167 VERA WATER & PONlER (Continued) . 0014-004275.01 SNlALE IRRIGATIONlSIGNALS 25.93 0014032971.00 . SIGNAL - 16TW & EVERGREEN 49.03 ' 0016-007780.00 TERRACE VIEW MONTHLY WA7ER 22.98 001S-031941.00 ELEC CMGS ON PERPA SW CORNEI 61.60 0018-032752-00 1604 S ST CHARLES 20.71 0030-031942.01 ELECTRIC CIIG: PERM S1N CORNr 56.22 0099-000005.00 STRECI' & HIGWWAY LIGHTS 1,714.40 ' Totai : 2,082.22 12222 7/9/2007 001378 WA CHAPTER PRIMA 36 RISK MGT CO►dF - CARY DRISKELL 325.00 , Total : 325.00 12223 71912007 00003$ WAS7r iV1ANAGEMGNT OF SPOKANE 4036623-2681-2 . CEiVTERPLAC[ WEEKLY TRASM SI 61.89 _ 19573542681-1 CEtJTERPLACE WEEKLYTRASW SI 527.68 Tota I : 589.57 12224 719/2007 000601 WILDROSE GRAPHICS 0720654 SUMMER CAMP SHIR7S 1,280.67 0720$55 STAFF SUMMER CAMP SHIRTS 160.84 072U656 ' S'I'AI=F SHIRTS 160.84 0720680 CIT SHIRTS 151.23 Total : 1,753.58 12225 7!9/2007 000089 XO COIv1MUNICATIONS, IP1C. 0216645821 INTERNET VOICE ACCESS 1,607.98 Total : 1,607.98 84 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total • 451,041.18 84 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 451,041.18 Pane: 9 ' - , • . . . ~ ~ <<chlist VouCher List Page: 10 0710912007 4:59:30PM Spokane Valley - Bank code : . apbank . Voucher Oate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount . Amount I, the undersignod, cto certify undor penatty of pequry, that the materials have been fumishetl, tfie services rendered, or the labor performed as descn'bed herein and that Ute claim is jusl, due and an unpaid abligation against tho City of Spokano Valley, and thaE I am authorized to authenticato and certity to safd claim. . Approved: FinancQ Director Dste ' ~ . 1 11-07 < Ken'I'hompson, Finance Director Date ' Mayor ' o , r ~ ouncilmsmt 5e r.~ ~ ~ . Page: 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 07-24-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: []X consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending July 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: • OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 164,484.60 Benefits: S 22.563.01 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 187,047.63 STAFF CONTACT: Brad Johnson ATTACHMENTS / 1 llKAF'I' v1INUTCS SPrCIr1L JOla~1T ~VORKSHQP I~~LBETING SPOKANE VALT..FY C.l'.l'Y COU\C1L A\TD SPOKANE VALLEY PLANN[IVG COM.MTSSION CEN'I`ERPLACE GREAT R00u1 v1itrch 1, 2007 5:00 p.m. AllEtzdance: Councilmcmbers Staff Plannin! Commissioners Diana Wilhite, Mayor L7ave Mercier, City vJanage-r Gail Kogle, Chair Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Mgr Frecl Beaulac Rich Vlunson, Councilmcmber Greg McCorrnick, Planning Manager Marcia Sands laick T)enen.ny, Councilmember Scoil ICulita, Long Range Plariner John Carroll Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Basingcr, ASSOCiaCe I'lanner Ian Robert..son Gary Schimmels, Councilmernber Micki 1-Iarnois, Associatc Planner 17avid Crosby Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Carolbelle Branch, Public Info. Officer Bob Blum 7'avis Schrnidt, .P13n.n.ing Teeh.nician Vfarina Sukup, Comnlunity nev Tairector inga Note, Traffic rn~ineer K.en Thompson, Finance Director Carrie Acosta, Deputy Cit:y Clerk Steve Warley, Senior Engineer Deanna Griffith, Adminislralive Assistant Others in attendance: Troy Russ, Michael Freedrnan, Dill Grimes Mayor Wilhite openecl the meeting at approx.imately 5:14 p.m., welcomed everyone, and Curned the meeting over to «ichael T're.edman, wha also welcomed everyone to the meeting, and then went tlarough his PowerPoint presentation of the "Corridor Revit-tlization Nramework." Michael Freedman began by explaining that lhe objective of tonighYs study session is to present recommenclat:ians to retrofit the Sprague/tlppleway CoITidor for success; CU report: on the input arid . feedback received at the CAmmunity NVorkshops; to discuss and clarify these reconunendations; ancl to receive informal direction from City Council to either move fonward tvikh tltc implementation of these recomrnends[ions in 3 st►barea plan; or move forward with the implementation of a moditied set of plan contents; or to bring back further information and mocfi6cations in subsequent study session(s). Mr. Freedman explained that "corridor" means all new development defincd by the single-family transition line, and it includes thc land aeross the street. We said that lhe corridor has been caught in a change which resulted in a Cremendous amount of clustered retail development; that cuslomers left the corridor and moved to other freeway iriterchanges and major crossroad areas; and that such exodus was no one's fitult. He said existing conditinns drained a huge amount from the corridor and that the corridnr suffers from disinvestment. The question he said, is how to bring it bacF: and make it viable. He explained that one way to deterniine wltat the community would aspire to have; is through a comniunity survey. He said the survey demonstratcd overNyhelming community consensus on the importance of a city center; respondents understand there is a lack of designatcd funds; and community mernbers had several comments regardino Appleway's extenSiAn. As a resuli o1'several community workshops, he said they deternlined wnat were or are the barriers from the various aspects of the corrtmunity; tind what are those entities' or individuaPs clesirable changes, including comment of what they do not want. Joint Meeting Council d. Planning Com.mission 03-01-07 I'age 1 of 4 Approved by Couneil: ntza P-r I-Ie said they learned that potential developers of the corridor said it needs an icicntity, that we nced a city center, ancl we also need aCfordable housing. Vlr. Freedman then went over the lisCCtl opportunities such . ~ as underground parking; slowing the traffic flow; having a city design eenter, and die opporttmity to ~ create a city center with identity that will draw developers. He also mentioned what pmperty owners' concerns are including barriers sueh as failure to extcnd Appleway; whether to keep the couplet the way it is or change it; and .tirhat they want in a city center sueh as gefting rid of all vactznt buildings. Mr. H'reedrnan shid that rEgarding the state of the cbrridor, mnst workshap par[icipants confirmed dhat dle corridor needs revitalization, but a minoeity disagreed and saicl business is eomino back and t.here is no need to rnake any change. Me said that major community aspirations included beatification (the corridor is ugly and a detriment); eeonomic revitalization; maintained mobility; enhanced access; and aulhcntic and iclentify t,bc corricior. IVir. Freedman went over the hijhlights of key community meetings and workshops and explained what works or doesn'l work today, and said that rivo-Nvay tratfic provicles better visibilil:y and access and is generally better for business; and that one-way traffic accommodates through trafFc. 1-ie eontinued by explaining that the one-way traffic transition is confusing, the l'urn arouncl tirzie is nol g4od; business access and visibiliry is not good; and there are not enough norch-south cross sireets. Concerning future circulation results, N1r. Freedman said that in the worlshop with fnurteen tables of cammunity members, only one table wantecf to see onc-way traf'fic; that thirteen wanted primarily hvo- way on bat1i Sprague and Appleway; and of those, seven wanted two way nn the whole area., while six wantecl some combination. He saici they camc up with a series of ret;ommendations based on ihose workshops; that wrorkshop participants envision Sprague with bike lanes, wider sidewalks and plant:cr strips, more pedeskrian frienctly and lo have morc and safer crpsswalks. Troy Russ then exnlained sorne of the existing conditions. By using select link analysis, VIr. Russ said they determined where pcapte are coming frorn who arc on the corridor; and that the goal is to make sure peopte cari get Chrough the entire corridor as Fast as possible; that 1-90 is a regional main streel: arid Sprague is our main street. He also explained that of the 1,945 getting off onto .tlppleway cluring peak hours, otily SO are eoing complelely throuth the corridor anc! getting out, and that is a very small percenuige. lvloving west bound, he said that of those 27,600 pF7SS1tlg LIU'OUg}1, only 110 are actually caming to the end of Sprague; so therefore it is not the throush street inany diink it is, but it is more of a "main" street. Hc said that monling rush hour on Sprague west bound at lvluUan has about 553 vehicles; • antl Appleway during evening peak is about 1750; and that the level of scrvice between Evergraen and McDonald is a"C" (on a grading scale of A-F); bul some interseetions are "D" which some cities consider acceptable. VIr. Russ fuRher cxplained that the corriclor circulation options to serve the ltuid use vision of a city center inciude: no cliange; extend Appleway one-way or the whole corrid4r into a one- way couplet; or not complete the one-way couplet hut convert Sprague t:o nvo-way and Appletivay to hv0- w<i}f even when extendeci and at the hvo wa.y street switch it to one way - so half riwo ways and half one way; or complele the conversion of the entire area from 1-90 atl the way down. He said that I.heir conclusion is that the best lransportatian strntegy is a one way couplet or hvo way and not a hybrid, and that their sCudy showecl that the clifference in travel time cvas significant when a hybrid was involvect. Tie added that this study is not tqday's traffic but is future traffic, about 20 years out. Thcre was somc discussion on Spokane Regional Transportation Commission's trafFic model ancl the changes made over time; ajid it was mentianed that Mr. R.u$s's figures are the figures frorn the highest traffic model. Recommendations, statcd N1r. Russ, are in the long run, builcling a ttivo-way system is warth the ' additional 60 seconds cielay; ie will strengthcn businesses along the entire corridor; eliminate uncertainty nver the uleimate configuration of auto row. He [hcn explained the fve stages to implement the recommendations, tind concluded that the ttivo-way conversion done in phases ineans that (l) rivo-way Spragae to Argonne-Mullan can be done notiv; (2) two-way Sprague io I-90 and tNvo-way Appleway to 1`hierniaii can bs: done now; and the (3) roundabaut at I-90 won't be needed until after 2021. . Joint Meeting Council &}'ltumiing C4mriiission 03-01-07 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAl4-1' Cduncilniernber Gothmaiui brought up the survey done quite somc time ago, wherein ic was showm that 65% preFerred the one-way. Mr. Gothman.n said to change that perception there should be significant rcaSOns for uS t0 g0 againSt t11at; that it couild bc justifiea by direct access from botli Appleway and Sprague, but he askcd if purtina the rounclabAUt up front woufd that be more efficient. Mr. Russ said that the roundabout won't be needed until about 2030 and that perhaps Washington State Departnlent of Transportation (V1rSDOT) could be engaged to assist. vir. Freernan added that surveys tend to be interpretEd differently; when he came here he heard that 65% preFerred the one-way; but answers can change based an how the questions were posecl; and in the workshops, there was ovenvhelming response to two-way at this point, which tells him that at some point some large percentage of ttic community says lhinas have changed since dhat older survey was done; that he is not clear about tvhat the survey said about any strong prefcrence nnc way or the odier, iind it is highly utilikely Ihat diat large percentage would acttially favor the one-wtiy. Mr. Russ said that when this survey was eonductecl, lhcre was no conversation about having a tawn center or city center, so lots of things have changed and the assumption going into this is diff'erent riow. 17iscussion ensued regarding traffic issues, including mention that f'ines has the %vorst intersection; brief discussion of one-cvay versus ttvo ways; what to do first to get the most "bang far the buck"; tirr►ing issuc.s; chimging the number of lanes; the use of the corridor for through Lraffic; multi-modal transpartation which i.ncludes automobiles, bihes (bike lanes), pedestrians, light rail or other rapid transit; the desire tn have nn appealing city center; and the mention by Mr. Freeclman that the businesses and city center would be belter served by tNvo-way streets. AZr. T'reedman added that so far he has not heard anyone way they don't witnt this; and that diey are bearing a level of comfort sufficient to suit thern dhey are on the right path. rWcryor Wilhite askecl iJtlrere is a cvrrsenstrs !o eontinate with this; anclseveral Cauncibnenrbers nndded ir1 agreement, ancl Deputy Mayvr Tcrylor voiced his agreemerat. Cntaicilnteniber DeVleinnrg, lrativEVer, . sluted tliat he feels tirts is a step baclcwurd,s, btd he reulizes he is only orre coioicilntenrber. Depirty A9rryor Tarylor suid that it appear.S lf 1S Slx 10 4T1G 1IT fUVOY Of CU1TIln1l1)tg. Maynr Wilhite said we will tlreYejore procce. She thanked Mr. Freednian and Mr. Russ fnr the presentation, and called for a recess at 6:51 p.m_ She resumed the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Freeman continued the presEntation by movirig to lanct use dewelopment witliin the circulaCion of the corricior. 1-le gave arl overvie.w ot previaus meetings whcre the city eenter core was discussed, including all that the r.ore migltt enfail such as mixed used buildings to include shop fronts, elear glass, a eivic building; and housing facing the raad. kIe then moved to the question of where to start to in ocder to allow growth to tfle area; and he diseussed new dcvelopment on Main Sereet, the possible locai:ion at U-cih; retail passibilities, and shorter wall:ing distances. He expla+ned the cancept of usina both sicles of Universiry in order Co get equal cntitlecnents and to have the core area not look coo long, but have it so it invites walking; and that he recocnmencls no on-surface parl:ing. Things to consider, he explained, wquld include which types of colors and materials to use; streetscapes; improved infrastructure; building to the front; parking in the rear; actd the r;oncept of what the outside city center would be comprisecl of as opposed to the core; and he said to keep in mind zaning by use and density; and to prohibit anything in the City CenCer that would not Promote the center; ttnd t4 also focus on not having the area too congested. He tnentioned tl.1e need to liave good Iighting and turn lanes, outdoor seating, and slreet parking offtp the side of the road. I-(e explained the concept of "neighbnrhood center retail: and ctefined "neighborhoad centers" (community commercial) as servino, retail and services feafuring contiguous small scale shop fronts. He continuecl through the remaincler of the slide preseniation. IF Further aiscussionlcomments ensued and included haw to pay for everything; business offices along the corridor, some on Appleway but nlost on Sprague; keepiiig ancl marketing auto row with other uses such Joint Mcetuig Council & Plannin; Commission 03-01-07 Page 3 of 4 Approvcd by Council: DItAFT as restauran[s; uaderground parl:ing in the city core and whedler the private sector would support that or the City would provicje it; more green space; future light rail; and a"gateway" to the city. Ivtr. T'reedman asked if is enough consensus to allow marketing af an auto row, but Co keep in mind that the "gateway" entrance lo the City would be different from the actual physieal entrance of auto row. Councilmember Dcnenny said tonight's meeting oave him much lo di?est as Mr. Freedman consoliclated all the information he's heard over the last several months; and that all along he agrees with the way Nlr. Freedman Fia.s set up the city center. Rebarding -auto row, Councilrnember Uenenny said we are alread_y seeing development in communities where they are drawing dealers away ar►d if we do not react apprapriately, we are likely going to lose lhat tax revenue. CouncilmemUer Munson respondecl Chat he'd like to move fonvard but would like more detailed iiiformation about the cross streets at nor[Ii/south; and Deputy Mayor Taylor stated Chai he would agree witli those comments, but if we move to a two-way system on the couplet, that would negate the need for mandatory through cross streets; that if you're • st:icking with one ways on the couplet, you have to have more turn streets; in this case ynu ean just put in the additional blocks, and yau'll still going have the hvo-way trtiffc on Sprague. ulr. Freedman asked if there is a enough level of cornfoirt with the key ideas in terms of the land use development paU:crns they are recommending, to implement dheiii in a serics of detailed standards and guidelines in the sub-area plan, «<ith a lisC of cvery one with the traffic patterns as wcll as bring it back in its usual fonn fnr the putalic hearing process through ehe Planning Commission. Maypr VJilhite asked for consensus, and Deputy Mayror Taylor responded in the affirntative. Councilmember Vlunson responded that there is still nne sticking point, which is do we hire a consultant to look at the best way to buy the land or noC buy the land; 1nd would tliat delay the overall plan. NIr. Freetlman responded that that will not changc the plan; that we have to deternline the desired outcome, bccause if we don't know what we want, we might as well faroct it. lle staled that the sub-area plan's main job is to entitle the propeily, but it doesn'l lell where to entitle the property, or on which side of the strEet Co build the city center. The plan , makes its own prnvision, he explainecl, so the sub-area plan allows yau to get the plan incrementally or all at once; as long as you know you want it, the kinct atid place, you're rcady to act; he recommended talking with property owners and ultimately pursue t1le properly. Councilmember ivlunson said to Mayor Wil}lite that he feels we should move farward; and Mayor Wilhite and 17epuCy uayor Taylor vocally concurred. Mayor Wilhite said that we like this concepC absolutely. Mr. Frecdman said he will work with the core keam co draft aplan with all these parts for a hearing, anc1 bring it back in roughly a couple of months. Mayor WilhiCe agrced. Maypr Wilhite and council thanked NIr. Freedmsn And his assistants, and thanked everyone for attendin€. The rneeting ariended at approximately 8:30 p.m. AT7'FS'[": . Taiana Wilhite, Niayor Christine BainUridge, City Clerk Joint A4eeting Council & Ylanni.ng Comrnission 03-0 l-07 ' Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting . Tuesday, July 10, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the mecting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 1 l9`h meeting. Atlendruice: City SIaI'f 17iana \Wilhite, Mayor Taave Mercier, City Mana„Ter SCeve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy CityManager Dick Denenny, CounciUnember \![ike Connelly, City Attorney Mike DeVleming, Colincilmember Ken 77iomNson, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Couiicilmembe.r Greg McCormick, l'lanning Manager Rich Munson, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven, Police Chiefi Gary Schimmels, Councilmcmber ' Carolbelle Branch, I'ublic Information Officer Karcn Kcndall, rlssistant Planner Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk IlWOCAT'TOiV: 1'astor 17arrell Cole of Spokane Valley Wesleyan Churc}i gave the invoaation. ' PLEDGE OF ALLEGTAJVCE: Mayor Wilhite led die Pledge of Allegiance. RQLL CA.LL: City Clcrk Bainbrid~e called the roll; all eouneilmembers ~vere present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was ntoved by Uej)tity Mayor Ttrylor, secarded uncl urrur:iniuca!y agreed to tipprove the umencled ubenda. TNTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GiTES'1'S ANll 1'1tE5Ei iNTATIpNS: n/a COf'41'L11TEE, BOA1tD, L[AIS()\` SiJNiMARX RFPORTS: Councilmeiiiber Schimmels: said he had no report . ' Councilmember Denennv: said he at:tended a Healih I7istrict Board meeting where ttiey havc agreed on a "headhunting" firm to begin a search for a director; and thal they assume a position wil) be filled in approximately 120 days Dcuutv Mavor Tavlor: said ather than _just becoming a fathcr, he had no report. Councilmember Gothmann: reported that he attended a receut Charnber of Commerce meeting where tliey ciiscussed marketing and also aproposal frum 13rac3 Pring; 'that he attended the Wealth T)istriet :13oarcl meetino; and tritveled to the small city of Sisters Oregon where he saicl that they have done an outstandino, job of marketing the srea around them, and l:hat he feels this is something we could also do to promote our area. Councilmember Munson: said that yestcrday he atCended a Giv1A Ad Moc Committee where they had the task to ee-write some of the County `Vide Plannuig Policies. Councilmember DeVleminLy: said he Iiad uo repoM. bfAYQR'S REPORT: vlayor Wilhite mentioned she attendecl a Seeretary of 7'ransportation mecting wherc they gave an overview oF what the Seci-etary accomplished, and talked about some of the transpoi-tation challenges we face. 1'URI.,1.C COt'.IIN'LENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited general Public comments. Council Mecting: 07-10-07 Page 1 of4 Approved by Council: DRAF'T Gail Stilmer: she thanked the Couricil for dheir efforts in representing the City; and said she hopes there - will come a time whcn m4re members of the publie will take advantage of those neighborhood meetings. ; S6e aIso said slae wanted to credit Couneil for kecping the meetings professional and showing mutual respect to all; she thanked Couneil for their attentiveness to neighborhaods, ancl said she hopes that will continue so resiclenis will feel they have a meaningfiil voice. 1. CONSFNT AGE\MA: Consists of items eonsidered routine «fiich are approved as agroup. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be eonsiciered separately. a. Following Clai►ii Vouchers: VOUCf-LEk T.IST TaATE I VOUCHEK #s TOTAT,, VOiJC14C•R AMOUNI' ~ 06-22-07 112007 - 12092 $346,127.95 ~ 06-29-07 ~ 12095 - 12140 ~$1,650,761.57 ~ GRAND TOTAT. ~ ~$1,996,889.52 ~ b. I'ayroll for Period EndinD June 30, 2007: $250;695,93 c. Rcsolution 07-011 Extending Cable Franchise d. Vlinutes ofJune 26, 2007 Regular Council Meeting e. Minutes of June 19, 2007 Council Stucly Session Meeli.ng f. Minutes of June 1$, 2007 Spccial Joint CounciUCounty Commissioner's iVleeling It was moved by De1rarty 111cryor 1 aylor, secvnder.l r.uirl ttnUrrintotrsly agreed tn apl-irove tlre Corrsent ' Agenda. NFR' 13USINESS 2. Second ReadinQ Prouosed Finance Ordin.ince # 07-011 AmendinQ Credit Card Limits - Ken T}iomason After Cily Clerk $ainhridge read the ordinance title, it wus movecl by DeputylLlayor Tuylor arid seconded to upprove ordrnance 07-011 aniending crEdit curd li»rits. Finance Director l'hompson explained the proposed amendmc-nts to the ordinance, and said that there have been no changes siriee the first rcading, Mayor Wilhite invileci public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamatioti: In Fuvor: Ununimous. Opposed.• A'vne. 1Vfotion carriecl. 3. First Reading Prouosed Ordin<<nce 07-012, Shanrion Avenue Street Vacation S 1'V-0207 - Karen Kendall After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, ir ►va.s maved by Deputy 1tluyor Taylor and secorrded to udvance Ordirrance 07-012 ta u seconcl rerltling. Planner K.endall went through the f'owerPoint presenlation explaining the pruposal, and that the recommendat'ion from the Planning Conunission is to approvc t}ie street vacation subject to conditions as notecl in the staff rcport. Mayor Wilhite invited public commeot, anci no eomments werc offered. Mayor Wilhite asked if the City received any monetary ualue from a previous Shannon Avenue vaeation, anci 1!(s. Kendall replied that we did not. Vote by acc(rnrration: Li Ftrvor.• Uirarlrmous. Upposerl.• None. Alotion carried. 4. Proooscd Resolutian 07-009 Street Vacation Lomnensation Policv - Mike Con.nellv It wtrs moved hy Uejnrly Mcryor 7aylor artd secanded, 1o upprove resolution 07-009 adopting a street vucntion compensation policv. City tlltomey Connelly csplained that he drafted the policy consistent widl council discussions at the last meeti.n anci i.f Council «<ishes to deviate from the policy, Counci) can adopt Findings oF Fact as stated in the resolution policy. Attomey Connelly also suggested that Section 1 verbiage be changed to read: "1'he cost for property received as a result oja vacation initiated by an adjacent property owner shall equal 50% of the appraised value of the vacnted property received " It wns then movecl by Deputy Muyor Taylor arid seconded to airrerrd Iris motiori to approve Resohrtion 07-009 as amendecl. Viayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were ofPered. Vule by ucclumation to : Cvuncil Mceting: 07-10-07 Page 2 of 4 Apprqved by Council: DRAFT amerzd the mation: Irt Fcrvor: Z1i2uninrous. Dppnsed: None. tl7otion carried. Yute by acclrnnatio» on the umended rnoFian: Li Fuvor.• Unanimous. Opposed.• None. Motion curried. PUBIdC COINiMTNT5. sVlayor Wilhite invited general public comments; no comments were offered. . AnMIN1STRATIVF RrPOUTS: 5. Advisorv Vote Reauirements -Chris Bainbriclize City Clerk E3ainbriclne explained thaC at the June retreat, Council discussed the possibility of Ulacing a non-bindi.ng advisoiy vote on the November ballot conccrning the Sprague Appleway Revitalizalion Plan, ancl asked staff to determine what steps woulcl be necessary to do so. Ms. Bainbridge cxplained the neeci to appoint two cornmittees to prepare arguments for and against the matter, and that to meet the County's deadline for the November ballot, Council would need to consicler a resolution no later than July 24. Cnuncilmember Gothcnann suggestecl khat perhaps conducting a scientific survey would serve Council's purpose beltcr than an advisory vote. City Attomey Corinelly added that otber factors tn considcr would be that wc'cl be asking the public to approve sometltiog when we don't have all the answers, nor would «<e have ihern to meet the deadline; and that we would have to have a resolution wilh no specificity. Councilmembers agreed meeting the short tirneline would be difficult, and eYpressed interested in the scien[ific survey, and remarked that an updated community sunrey specifically focused on the coupledcity eentcr issue wnuld help council better ref.ne what items of education are needed to better inforni the qublic; that a survey can be more strictly focused iind not so open tn reader intei-pretation; a.nc1 tbat Council's intention is eo gct dlis project completed within the library's timeframe. Councilmember Munson mentioned that Ivlarch might be a more likely date for a vote. Thcrc was Council conscnsus to defer from doing sornediing for the November ballot; anct to thcrefore remove thosc ballot-related agenda items from the advance agencla. 6. Tnitial Leizislat.ive 2008 Agenda - Dave Mercier . City Manager iMercier explai.ned that in Furticipation oF the short state legislation session in January, on Jime 14 hc and Mayor Wilhitc, Councilmember Gotlunann and Councilrnetnber Munson met with our lnbbyist to outline a"bareboraes" approach for the upcoming session; that their focus was on land use issues, the State Capital Budget, transportation, and criminal justice, as shown on the June 22 memorandum from Tim Schellberg. Councilmember DeVleming e.cpressed interest in perhaps having more background on criminal justice in ternis of the possibility of forniing nur owm police departmenl; and while Councilmembcr Gothmann mentioncd he feels we have a good system now and stated his preference ta have that item struek; Deputy iMayor Taylor and Councilmember Munson expresseel agreement «<idl Councilmember IaeV leming in keeping tliat item as an option in case there is a need or desire to pursue that; 1nd adcicd that this is strictJy an inforination gathering praccss. City ivlanager Mercier adciEd that otie is always mdre likely to receive funding assistance if such assistanee is requested, and that no assistance wiLl be givcn if we don't ask. Ibtayor 1,Vilhite added that khese are issues to keep in • rnind and as fiirther ideas emerge, we will have plenty of time to senci them to our legislative lobbyist for discussion with the legislat:ors. INFU1tNL4,TTON QNLY: ltem 7, Commute Trip Reduct;ion (CTR) Intergovernmental Agreement, and Ilem 8, Street Master Plan cvere for information only a.nd were not reported or discussed. EXECU7'IVE SESSION: ~en~diii;Uii'&Itti71 It }vus moved by Coirncilmember 11~1'rorsoii, seconded cmd unanimausly agreed to adjocrrn into executive SeSSiOlt,fOr not niore t6talt 20 miriutes, ta discuss pending litigation. Council adjourned ir►to cxecutive session at 7:00 p.m. Cauncil A4eeting: 07-10-07 Page 3 of 4 Approvecl by Cotuicil: I)XAII-T Mayor Wilhite declared Council nut nf execulive sessinn at 7:20. p.m. It ivas tlieri nzoved hy , Cauncilmember Denenny, seconded uncl unanimously ugreetl to udjourn. The meeti.ng adjourned at 7:21 , p.m. Diana Wilhitc, Mayror ATTT ST: Christine Bainbridae, City Clerk . Council iMeetino: 07-10-07 Pa~c 4 of4 Approved by Council: . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Cfty Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply. Z consent ❑ ad business Z new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisladon AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 07-015 setting a date for a Pubiic Hearing before the Planning Commisston - Request to vacate approximately 750 feet in tength of First Avenue and 265 feet of Sipple Avenue BACKGRUUhD: The applicniit Appleway Chevro{et, clo F.J. nullanty, Jr., 422 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 11011, Spokane, WA 99201 reqaests thc vncation of tiipple Aveniie from Sprague to 1=irsi Avenue, and 1-ir:5t Avenuc i'rom Sirple to Sargent Rond Applcw3y Chcvralct.'foyoti sjuup ~roulc1 like n:develop the entire site facinfi hoth tiprZguc :1venuc and :lpple-wa} Avenue. ~ ~T ~ `F ' _ . r- r~` y ~ qT~~• - ri j ~i ► r s ? R I~ ~t 1 . ~1r ~ ' - ~ = ~ , , Q. n ~ - • • ~ .~/~1.~ e ~ . :i ` . C•S ~ ~l~I ! ~F t~i f!- - i-i!.fi IF - ,.T .1 - - _ . . • I`~- : ~ . s -.1 ,Jr- ~~r ' ~ , ~"r~ ~.y - .a(~ ~IyiL~ l~;,; T~ ~ '/f ~T - ~1 ~ .MI~•~~"' r - I f I t J t•►.S 1 ~ . r... ~ o~, ~r- , , _ Ft~ PfF . . - ~ - - ~ 1 , ~ n ~ ~ ~ f'~ ,r~rrr~ . • ~ ; ~ ' _ _ k 1 ~ F r. t t1 J - : . ~ v~' i~ : - i - j ~ . - . o r t%. - ! , - T.r '~r,. - TpUF~~_¢~f- - -r~r - - OPTIONS: Set a date for a F'ublic Hraring on the proposed vacat,on ur take no action RECOMMENDED MOTION: Mnve to appmve Resolutlon 07-015 setting August 23, 2007 as the date for a Pub!!c Hearing to be held before the Planning Commissian on ihe proposed vacatlon of Sipple Averrue frorri Sprague to Flrst Avenue, and First Avenue from Sipple to Sargent Road. STAFF CONTACT Mike Basinger, AICP, Assaciate Planner , i . . . I CIT1' OF tiP(.)kANH: VALLE1' SPOKANE COUNTY, WASEILtiGTON RFSOLUTION Nn. 7-015 A RESOLUTInti OF 'I'HE CITI' ()F SI'OkANE YAI_LF.Y, SPOKANF CnUNTY. WASHINGTnN. SE1`1"GtiG TITE PUBLIC HE:ARTtiG DATE A.tii) TIniF FOR TtiE; PL'INNIING CONLNllSS10\ TO CONSIDER STREET VACA'I'!ON RFQUEST S`fV-03- 07 PURSUANT TU RCW 35.79.010. WHFRF;AS, the City of Spokane Vnllcy has reccivcd a Sveet Vacatian rcquest (City Ref'crencc ~ 1. ti1 V-03-07) f'rom Appleway Chcvrolet, cJo 1~.J. Dullnnty, Jr., 422 W. Rivcrsidc Avcnue, Suitc 1100. Spakanc, WA 99201 requesting thc vacation of 5ipple Avenuc frum Sprngue to First Avenuc, and First Avenue from Sipple to Sargent Road, a public right-of-way; and, I W'HEREAS, RCW 35.79A10 speeifies that the Icgislati~'c autlwritv shall establish bv resi>lution the time wtten a Street Vacation applicatian shnll be cunsidered by the legis{ative autharity Qr a cammittee thereof; and, Vl-'HEREAS, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.05.2?0 estnblishcs regulntions nnd Prcxcdures for the prc+ccssing of vacfltion: of rublic strrets (hereafler rcferred to as "Strret Vncatiun"): ynd, WFIERE:IS, Spokane Vnllty Mt►tticipal Codi 10.05.310 apecifici that the 1'lanning C'ommi5sicm shalf conduct the public hearing required purauant tu RCW 35.79.010; nnd shall develop nnd forward a n:cammendatinn for a requested Stteei VacAtion to the City Council. NUW 1'HERFI=ORE, be it resolvcd by the Cit}• Council of ilic City of Spokane Valley, 5pokana County, Washington, u.a follavvs: Srctian l_ EstablishmCnt of Public llearin¢ Uate and Time for STV-03-07. The required public Itcaring for Street Vacation RequGSt SN-03-47 shall be conducted bcfore the Spukune Valley Planning Commission, August 23, 2007 bcginning at 6:00 p.m. in thc City Councii Chambers ut thc City Hall of the City of Spokane Yalley, 11707 Cayt Sprague Avenue, Suitc 101, Spul:ane Valiey, Washington 99206. Section 2. E17ccUvc Date. This Rcsolulion sli:ill h< in full 1'orcc and cffcct ~~pon ad+)ptir>n. AdoFited this 2-1`h itay cif July. ?f)ll"l. c'ITY nF SPOKANE VALLEY :1 I 1I~5 i: Cliristine L;ainbridgc. 11 i1pprnved asto fimr, Ofticc (,f'the Cih ,lttun~c~ 7f'Gl'.]h~15~171~C1 n! ~il~i~'C ~~:itllll' i)::C:~:~ ~Iliii !tf 1(~-li•IT f'iii'C ~ i~i -lo:illiiffl No. f17-0 1 ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: . ftem: Check al( that apply: 0 consent ~ old business [j new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Developer Agreement for Keller Road Short Plat SHP-04-07 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: July 17, 2007 Council Meeting Information Item BACKGROUND: The Keller Road Short Plat is a project being developed by Mr. Jerry Stroh. This project will contribute increased traffic volumes to Keller Road. The project has been conditioned to mitigate the impacts of the increased traffic volumes by constructing frontage improvements to Keller Road. These improvements consist of pavement widening, curb, swales; and sidewalk. The developer would normally construct the frontage improvements with oversight provided by City staff. However, the area is not currently sewered. This would mean that Mr. Stroh's improvements would be removed or damaged during sewer installation. The preferred course of action is to include these improvements into the West Farms Sewer Project currently scheduled for 2010. This can be accomplished through the execution of a developer agreement with Mr. Stroh and worlcing with Spokane County to include this work during the design of the sewer project. The agreement specifies the details of payment which would occur prior to the construction of the sewer project. The contribution amount is $55, 177. OPTIONS: . Accept or not accept the proportionate contribution towards a future improvement. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to execute the developer , agreement with Mr. Jerry Stroh BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman ATTACHMENTS: 1. Voluntary Mitigation Agreement. ` . DRAFT . VO:f1TJNTARY M:1T.CtTATI0N AG12:cEvi.F: NT ' ; Keller L7oad Shor-E Plat S:E3t' -04-07 This Mitigacion Agreeruent ("Agreement"). is entered into by and betwecn Jerry Stroh ("Developer"), a Washington resident, residing at 5120 N. Keller Road, and the City of Spokane Valley ("City'~, a polit.ical subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinaftcr jointly referred-to as "Parties": RE CX':f. A L S 1. Th,is dgrecmeut is entered i.nto by the Parties pursuan.t to RCW 82.02.020 to mitigate a direct ii-npact idcntified as a consequence of the development of the property. 2. The Developer is thc oNvner.ldevelopcr of ceztain real property o:f: aPproximately 5.21 acres and generally locatcd a1ong Keller Road; and is situated in Section 34, Toivnslup 26 7Vorth,~ R.ange A4 EWM, in Spokane Cotuify, Wash.i.ngton. Said property is more specifically describeti i.n Exhibit A attachecl hereto a.nd by this rcference intorporated here ui. e'ebitt:i'i n i, =r~ayjlo'r';;Lii`~'inee n~ _ ~ - ~:.,..:..~~:.d§); 3. The Developer has .r.eceived approval of the preluv.inar.y short plat identified as SHP- (}4-07 Keller Road Short Plat a residential dcvelopine_nt which Nvill create eight l- residential lots. Frontage- improvements to Keller Roacl have be.en reqitired as part of the • approva.l- process 'for ihc fuial plat ptirsuaut to the Staff }.Zeport and Nlotice of Decisipn dated thc *1`; day of May, 2007. The votiee of Decision conta.ins tlle £ollo"ring condition of approval: CITY OF S.['4KA1E VA]:.LEY ENGINE:ERTNG • l. Frontage improvemenl:s arc requireci on Kellcr Road. , Half street improvenients arc required for Keller Road as pex Section 1.13 of the Spokane Couniy Sta.ndards, in addition to the frontage improvemcnts. . Kcllcr Road is designated as a Y.ocal Access strcct. Frontage improveinents include 15 feet.of asphalt width fro.m road ceuterline, Type 13 curb and gutter (2 fect), 10 .foot roadside swale,.and a 5 foot sicieivalk. The tatal widtli of improvements is 32 :feet. Current right-of-way is 30 feet; of the right-d-way , being 15 feet. The minimum %a r.ight-of-way width, which is to 2£eet behind the curb, is 19 fcet. A right of way dedication of 4' and a borcler easement, rvhich extends froui the right-of-way to back of sidewal1C, o.f 13'feet is required. "1°his shall be designated on the fnal nlat language and map. The righl of way ~ Page 2 dedicatian and border easeiiient ARdth was determined assumi.jig that the center of the road coincides with the center of the right-of-way. Applicant to confi.rm right- of-way location and width(s). Note - the buiJding setback begins at the edge of tlie border easement. 4. The Parties are dcsirous of enteriiig into an Agxeeinent wfuch provides for the paymeiit of a proportionate share of; frnntage improveinents associated with the L7evelopment. The DEVCloper desires ro 11ave the frontage iuiprovements constructed during the extension of sewer intca the area «rluch is plazuied to oeeur in 2010 anci is designated as the Wcst Farms Sewer Project. 5. The Developer's contribution to the sewer projcct shall be based on the cpnstr.uction estim.ate as set forth iri 'Exhibit B attacheci hereto and by this reference incorpprated herein. AGREEMFNT NO«', THER.EFORE, in cousicieration of the mutual covenants aiid conditions hereafter set forth, the Developer aud the City hereto agree as fcallows: 1. Voluntarv Aereement. Th.is Agreement, i.ncluding all attached doctunents, is a , voluntary agreement a,s ihat term is useci ui RC~~V 1 he contribution offered is proportional to the fronEage i.mprovements required by the Developmcnt In the event this mitigation agree.ment is breached by the l7eveloper, all of the City's obligaCions under this agreement shall termuiate. ln the event this mitigation agreement is deteriniued by a court to be invalid, the City shall refund the unexpended portion o£ ttle coutribution, and the Ci.ty's obligatiorls under ttus agreement sha111erniinate. 2. Proiect. 'rhe projcct shall consist of the installation f.rontage improvements to Keller Road. `lhe mitigation fec shall be baseci upon the cost vf the pavenient, curbing, sidewalk , and base materials for brin-ing Keller Road into compliancc with the Cily's Street Design Standards. 3. Cnntribudnn. The Developer shall pay $55,177, which has bccn determined ta be the Developer's proportiouate contribution to the 2010 West Farnis Sewer Praject (See Exhibit 8). In the event that the City adopts revised strect standards prior to the design of the 2010 West Fai-ms Sewer Project by Spoka,uc County, the City will review the amowit of contribution for consistencywith the ne,,vly adoptccl standards. The amount of contribution may be modificd by the City to ref.lect changes in street width, section thick.ness, drai.nage, or sidewalk requireinents. 4. Pavment Thc Developer agrees to pay all of the above identified contribution at such titnc the City dccros necessary. Payment shall be made wilhin 30 days after receiving notice from the City. If payment is not timely receiveci the City may ~ immediately access the fiunds secured by the letter of credit described helow. A letter of Page 3 , credit, xhich gives, the City a unilateral right to access the funds pursuant to this agreemcnt from a financial institution, shall be provided to the City upon execution of tiiis agreement and prior to acceptance of this agreement by the City. 5. Comnl.iance with RCW 82.02.020. Payment callected by the City will be lield in a mitigaiion fee reserve ac;eoimt and may on.ly bc expended to funcl the design, right-of- way acquisition, and construction vF the Project. PaymenLs shall be eYpended wifi,hin {'ive years of collectian. "Ihe City slial.l be cntitle.d to reunbursetnent from the mitigation fee reserve accounl for a.ny Punds it inay eYpend for the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of the Yroject prior to the collection of the fce. Any fiuids in the nutigation fce reservc account not expcnded within five ycars shall be ref'~cnded by the City with interest a.s provided in RCW 82.02.020. 6. \otice: All contmunications, notices or demands of auy k.ind which a party under this AD eeme.nt is reqtured or desires to give to any other Party shal.l be in -writing and be either (1) delivered personally, (2) sent by facsimile trazismission with an adclirional copy mailed frst class, or (3) depositcd in the U.S. mail, ccrtified mail postage prepaid, rehu'n • rcceipt requested and addresscd as£nllows: If to the Gity: City of Spokane Valley 11707 L. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 , Spnkanc Valley, WA 99206 Fa:c: (509) 921-1008 Attii: City Maiiager •t, J If to the Taeveloper: Jerzy Stroh 5120 N. Keller Road , Spokane Valley, WA 99216 7. Successors. This Agreeinent shall be binding on and inure ta the bene.fit of the successors and the assigns of the Parties. 8. Governing Law. This Agreemcnt sball be construed in accardance with the laws of the State qf Washington. Any action for enforcement of chis Agreement shall be braught in a court of competent jtirisdictiori in Spokatie County, Washington or as otlienwisc prnvicied by 5tatute. 9. Modifications. No rnodification or asnendrnent of this Agreemcnt shaU bc valid until the same is reduced to w-riting and executed with the same fonilalities as the present Agreement. , 10. Waiver. 1jo office.r, cmplnyee, agelrt or othe_rwise of the City has the power, • right or a«thority ta 4vaive any of the cpnditions or provisi.ons to tfli.s Agrecment. T~~o waiver or any breach of lhis Agreement sliall be held to be awaiver of any other or . i. . subsequentbreach. > . Pace 4 ' 11. Renre,centation. This Elgrccment.fonns a fully incegrated agreement behueen tlle , Parties. No other understandings, oral or oeherwise, regarding the subject malter of this Agreement shall bc deemed to exist or to bind anp of the Parties hereto All Faa-ties have read and understaud all of the Atreement, and now state lhat no representation, pronuse or agrreement not expressed in the Agreenzent has, been madc to induce aaly Pare•y to cxccute the sazne. 12. Authoritv. ]3oth Parties to this AEreement represent and certify tliat they have full authority and power to enter into and carry out tlus Agreement. `I'he persons signing th.is Agreement represent that they have authority to act for and bind their respective principals. 1N WITNFSS tiVHERE0F, the Parkies have excctrtecl tEus Agreement this _ day of . .2007. TaF VELQPER: $Y: Its: Nacne: , -l'STA iti OF WASHINGTON i. ) ) ss. Counfy of Spokane } On chis day of 2007 before me, the undeisigneci, aNotarp Public ui and Cpr the State of Wa.sltingtori, chily cominissioned ancl svvorn, personally appeared to me Icno'wn to be the of , the corporation that executed the fore„oing instiument, and acknowledged the instrtunent to be the rY-ce; axid volwitary act a.nd deed of the corporci[ion, Eor the uses aiid purposes therein mentioned, and on oath staEeci ihat he is autharized to execute the i.nstrument. W`lfNrF,SS my hand and o..t~icial seal hereto affixed the c3ay and ycar i.n this certificate above v*7iiten. N0TARY PU}3T.,ICj in and for the State of Wa.shington, residing at My commission expires: Priuted iName . CITY CaF SYOKAi~1Br' VALLEY: Pa;c 5 i 17avid Mercier, City Manager A1TEST: APPROVFD AS TO FOR.M: Christine Baiubridge, City Clerk Office of the Ciey Attorney . ` . S U REIY E STI AAATE- ~ ~ ' ' • ~ ' Projeet tdamc_ S+-~P-04-07 KellE►' Rofld S City . Proyed MumbPr. • _ ouce: June 12, 2007 Prcparecf by: W. McGavran . . : . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . Item Desctiption 96 Remaining QuanUty Unit Unit Prioe Total Drsjinage Items 1 Dryrvcli. Type A(inG. backfill, filter fabric. lramc &grate) 100% 2 EA $ 2,700.00 $ 5,400.00 2 Quywell, 7ype 6(ind. backfill. Glter fabric, frame & gra`:e) EA $ 3,200.00 $ - 3 Carucrcte Inlct, Type i EA $ 600.00 $ _ 4 Concreie Inlet, iype 2 EA $ 600.00 $ - 5 NJSOOT tnE=t and Giate rA $ 1,300.00 $ - 8 C.atchbasin, Typo f EA $ 750.00 $ - 7 Ourb Inlet, TyFw i EA $ 75.00 $ - 8 Cu1b 6ilet, Type 2 tA $ 600.00 $ _ ' 9 Mefial Frame and Grate EA $ 300.00 $ _ 10 Pipe, 4-L-1ch PVC. perforateci LF $ 12.00 $ . {1 Pipe, 4inch PVC . LF $ f2.00 a _ 12 Pipe, 124nnh PVC LF $ 18.00 $ . . • 13 Pipe, &inch CAIP LF $ 15.00 5 _ 14 Pipe, 8•inch CASP !F $ 18.00 $ - 15 Pipe, 10-inch CMP LF $ 18.00 s _ 18 Pipc;: 124ruh CMP LF $ 20.00 $ . 17 Pipe, 15411ch CMP LF $ 25A0 $ ~ J IB Pipe. 18-inch CMP LF $ 28.00 S 19 Pip9. 24-inc1h CA9P LF $ 38.00 s . 20 Pipe, 10-inch CPEP or HDPE LP $ 18.00 $ - 21 Pip=. 12-inrh CPEP or HDPE LF S 21.00 S . • 23 Pipe, 18-inch CPEP ar HDPE 4F S 25.00 S - 24 Pipe. 24-inr.h CPEP ar HDPE LF S 4D.00 S . 25 Ripc, 30-irreh CPEP or HDPE LF S 45,00 S - 26 P+pe. 364nch CPEP or HDPE LF S 55.U0 $ - 27 Manhole, Prea3st Type I-48 EA $ 2.106.00 S - 28 Manhole, Precast Typc III - 48 EA S 1,70o.00 $ _ 29 Manhole, F'recast Type 1- 60 EA $ 2,500.00 $ _ 30 Manhole, Precas! Type IR -.54 . EA S 2,500.00 $ . 31 SoFid Mttnhole Lid EA $ 325,00 $ _ 32 Conrreto tnlet Pad EA $ 200.OQ $ . 33 Cionaete Statted Covsr wf Ring Eq g _ 34 PandOuUctSttuctxire , I„S $ 1,600,00 $ _ 35 Roaid Access Fwad + Temp Cul-cfe-sac CY $ 17.00 $ _ 36 6-R. Chain Lir,k Fence LF $ 15.00 $ - 37 32-ft wide Lacking Gats E61 $ 500.00 $ - 38 Rond Excavatmn Ind. Haul 100°e 200 CY $ 10.00 $ 2,000.00 39 Ditch Excavation I-icl. Haul CY y 8.00 $ - 40 Sad . SF $ 0.80 s _ 41 Se:od, Fertilizs and Mulch SF $ 0,05 s - 42 IrrigaUon System (pubGc drainage faciliUcs) LS $ 1,000.00 S - ~1 43 6entorsita Cl;sy Evapora*e Pond Liner Cy $ 12,00 g _ 44 Membrane Une,r SF $ 0,75 S - 45 Topsatl CY $ 18.00 S - 48 'Nashesl Drainrock CY $ 31.00 S - 47 deariny and Gnrbbing (under onc aac) AC $ 3,000.00 S - rmnsed 2NG7 , Item Description % Remainlng QuanUty Unit Unit Price T°U 48 Clea;ing and Grubbing (1-5 acres) _ AC $ Z.ODD.00 $ - 49 qe.aring and Grub6ing (over 5 acres) AC $ 1,500.00 S - 50 Non-L'Javen Gentextile Fabric (embenkment drafiw) SY $ 4,00 $ - 51 Fittcr Fabric (under ripr-ap in ditchesloutfafl pads) SY $ 3.00 $ - 52 Riprap tor Ditch (3 inch mfnus) CY $ 20.00 $ - - 53 Fiprap for Ditcfi (6 in;.h minus) CY $ 25.00 $ 54 Riprap for DNrh (12 inch minus) CY $ 32A0 S - 55 Riprap Outiall Pad (hand ptaeed) CY $ 59.0Q $ - 56 Energy Dissipatflr (DOl) LS. S - $ - Orn.i/u-ge/fsmsSuls-Tov 5 7,40a.00 Fioadway Items 57 Rough Grade and Exeavation (sub-gtads preparatirrn) 106% 0 CY $ 10.OQ $ - 58 AMOdO 2Q02 Filter Fabric (ar erytiiivalent) SY $ 3.00 $ - 59 Pit Run Ballast AAatcrial CY S 92_00 S - 60 9ase Course • CY $ 25.00 S - 61 TI7P CDUfSL` 100% 165 CY 5 26,04 $ 4,290.00 62 Asphatt Gpncrete Puwement TN S SS.QD $ - 63 A.sphalt Coticxete Pavemcrit (2 in) 100°v6 2,165 SY $ 6.75 $ 14,613.75 E4 Asphalt Concselr PavemQnt (3 in) SY $ i0.00 $ - 65 Sawcut EdSting Aspha.lt ($1.50hin of ci.apthftf) (<1600 IE _$5110 !.F $ 5.00 S - 66 G1irb. Type S 100% 812 l..F $ 9.00 $ 7,308.00 67 {:urb and Gutter. Type 8 LF $ 1 0.00 $ - 68 Qrrb and Gutter, Type C . LF $ 2.75 $ - 69 Ctrrb and Gu#er, Typa R LF $ 10.00 S - 70 Ci.irb and Gutter, Typ-- R(runtorced with rubar) LF $ 12,00 $ 71 Sidewalk 100% 451 SY $ 30.00 $ 13,530.0U . 72 Driveway Approach 5Y $ 35.00 $ 73 WheeEcMair R,amp EA $ 300.00 S - - 74 WSDOT Type III Bamr.ade EA $ 250.00 $ 75 1"/SDOT Fi-1 Flsxible Guidc Posts EA $ 25.00 $ - 76 4V5DaT H3 Pipe SoUsrdc EA $ 250.00 $ - 77 Straet Signs EA $ 175_00 S - 76 Stripdng LF $ 1,50 S - 79 Tubu{ar Fefleckive 7ra4fc Delineators (flcdble) F-A $ 30•00 $ - 30 Earrcl-slyle fteftective Trefftc s7elinoators EA S 50.00 $ - 81 Barrel-s;yla Rellcctive TraffiG Deliru:ator3 tivlbasc - EA $ 90.00 $ - 62 Temparary Traific Contral LS S 1,000.00 S - 83 h9onumenEs (1 apprax. every 300 ft) EA $ 200.00 S - ' - 64 Cross-gut#ers, Typc i SY $ 30.00 $ eS Cf095•9UNEfS. TypP. z SY S 25A0 $ - . .%'Orfirayf,ems.Sub-Tuts/ $ 39.741.75 Erasian COntrol Items 86 Sift Fence LF $ 4.00 S - 87 Straw BafQS EA $ 7.00 s ' 66 Permanent Seeding arid Pfanting SF S 4.05 $ - 69 Inlet Protection 100% 2 EA S 70.00 $ 140.00 80 Sxk Cunstructpan Entcy SY $ 16.00 $ - 91 FrosiarI Control @lanket SY $ 3.00 s - ,FMs,ron Gb,r1bo/%ems 5u5-Tv1a/ S 140.00 S41dTOT,4L o/ALL /TEXAS $ 47.261.75 3°n iriflation from ycnr 2003 io 2010 $ 2,879.48 Su6-Ta&indudrrtgio;,a,hbn $ 50,16121 rovisad 7,(Z/07 Item Oescription "o Rcmaininq Cuantiiy Unit llnit Price Total / 92 Mo6il"izatian af 096 Ca1c $ SUBTO7,44 50.161.21 . OONSTRUCTION TOTAI (ncludes muttiplier of 1.10) $ 55,177.33 Insp$ctioiti 92 Irispectia,n of Drainago FacilitksC.J2.5% Calc •S - 93 tnspection of Roncfs@2_5% Calc $ - lrrs,-ecV=7 nzs Sub~ iote/ $ . SUBTOTsiL ot.4LL /TcMS $ - 3% inflaiisrn from year 2008 to 2010 $ - Sub-Tafa/indudingu~h'd~n S - INSPCC710N 70761L (indudea m+iltiplier of 1.10) a - GRAAPJD TOTAL (includes muftiplier of 1.10) $ 55.177.33 ~ ~ ~ . ~~od 2~~07 I OF iALLEli IZeyuest for Couotit Actiun N1«tiu;; U:atr: jul~ _-r. .'+1u City Manuger Sign-off: ltc-m: C'heck aII that 3ppt%: - conscnt ❑ oldbusiness ❑ aewbu9incss information ❑ admin. repon ZPending legislatic,n A(:F`UA ITEM TL1LL: _sccond Rcading of propus,ed Ordinance n7-f)~''.. n~l~; ~,j •,~c~ci~_n rtAi,yest (STV-0-1-07) fot approacimately 750 linear feet of Shannon Avenue. PltLV[OUS COLiNCIIJCOM1tiTISSIOti ACIIOti T:UCEN: CityCounC1l ltt:,.rlutw:i N,, 0' 00-5 on N4ay S, 2007, setting tho datz f'or a p►ihlic hearing held on June 14, 2007. 'i'he AlanninF_' - irnrnission vcited 6-1 to apgrove the aifac:tied findinsts attd to recommond eonditic,nal appr~-~kal ih~ ~.~cation. Thc City Council advanccd thc erdinrincc to a scck)nd reading on 1u1y 10, 20W ~ ~ . ~ ,ndia l" , Shaanon Avroue requestcd ~ ta be vacatcd. KtICKGK(.)Uh'D: f hc app[icaiit's reprcticneatiti-e Chad tti};gs, J.R. Banncri Enginrcring uii brunli ~ I homas HRmilton the owner of parcets 45103.0244, 45103.0245 snd 45103.0203 requests x vxc.ation . ~ tih:snnon Avenue appnoximately 750 feet in Iength and 30 feet in width cast nf previous(~ ',hannon Avenue in 2005. T}ie strret is la;ated north of Union Pacific Railroad and Indiana Avrn: I he Alanning Commission made the folluwing findings as part of their rccommertdatian tn City t i. 'i'he Plaiming Cammission held n public hesring on June 1•1, 2007 tu receive tcstimany canccrning thc vucation of a portion of right-of-way npproximatefy 750 iincfu feet and widc of 5hannon Avcnue east of pn;viausiy vacatcd Siuartnun Avenue (file no. SN-03-u_ i t+iNier located north cif Union t'acitic Railmad and (ndiana Avrnuc. The datc uf tfic hriiring was -wt by City Council on Muy 8,1007 by Spokane Vattey Resolutian No. 07-005. Notice (,f tfic hearing was publis}ted on Muy 18, 2007 in the VQiley Hcrald, the afficial newspapcr of the ('ir\. l\'3S Pftcjid 1!) 1hiCt l'oll,;rlct'o!1•: ~+)C~iTl1i4 \k'r0ilf1 ihC' CII1. tY:t:, T'To1OCd •:lI (11C Ot•~l~:l`(ll'C*:flSit • :1~lillllfll: }~Ci~1C71~ J~1I1zT'S. 3I1~~ .f ..!il 'ti :-~;!:_.j i I1 C i~:'.~:~'i1\ Ilfi'1 I•.jll!" ••il'. C ili '.C ~1C.!ilflc .ilsa completed un May 21, 200 2 1'hc Planning Cummission revicti...i ,hu rL!p;Iri J)«p:~~:d bN thr -pL4.:11-IL all::, ck'inl,;uli Devrlupmcnt Department in dctail. The vacatien of the streeGlallcy will permit full deve{opment of the property for brnefic,3, and pcrtnit appropriate levels of maintenance. 1. The Public Works Departmcnt submitted comments .vhict► analyzcd the porcions of 5hannon , Avenue for need and fuiurr use and responded by spccifj-ing Shnnnon Avcnue is not rec{uiresl for rublic accrss and is being replaced 6y the continuatiun of Manstield Avenue through a recommendcd condition. Cliven the present agC and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future tu provide a greater use ar nead tlian prescntly cxists. This portidn uf tbe ;treet ha.s no continuntion at either end_ It is iui uiaccessible landlcx:ked island af public right-of- way; and b. IVO Of7JCCIlO(15 f1AvC beeA CCCt'1vCd . (iti' F'T~)~~)•~~~ .:IC:ll;ill ifto?] llll' IIiUC~ ~!1 !1U2111:: a?3d:'ar routing t,, :t;ifl-,:nil ;igcncics. UI''fIU\S: 2. Deny the prnpc,sed str1=t v3Lati0fl; Or 3. Schedule a puhlic hearing that wiU be c.oni{uk.ted ~l:~~. :!(tL-r in tha° 1?l'SII. of]-Ile ::n(i posted three conspicuous places in the t'it% FZEC'OM1L'1'IEI'U!A) M(lTl(1\: 1 ~i..lin;:._:_ ,.t Yis:'Ii,.1;1 Avenue, S7V-02-11 ~ tiT:1FE COTi'C.11_' 1: Karcii hrn(luil. :1i,.t~[ant {'I:tnncr:vt'fACHNiFVTS: Stafl'Keport Plaiininv- Commission findinr< Sp~`~kan ' - ane ~ jUal.ley SrAj, F RFPORT PRUYOSN l:) VACATIO\ OF A YO.ti2'1':I:nN QF SI3ANIVON AVF-NT[TF: Prcpared by: Karen Keodall, Assista.nt Pltviner, Depiutment: of Cqmmunity llevelopment ll-ate: June 5, 2007 Find i ngs: 1. Ahuttinb Propertics - Applicant's property abuts the rigtlt-of-way on the north (Assessor Parcels Nos. 45103.0244, 45103.0245 and 45103A203) and the Union Pacific Railway Company atauts the property on the south (45 I 07.0001). NTO objeccion f.'rom abutting properl'y owners was received. 2. Utilities - Cbmments were received from Spokane County 17ivision of ihilities and Avista Utilities_ Division nf Utilities commented a recordecl public sailitary sewer casement is require(t for fuhue exten;ion in the portion of Shannon .Avenue propbsed for vacfttion. Avisut cornrnented on the need to require preservation of easements for tlieir services. The spcci.f.ic location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 3. Access - Shannon Aven»e is not required for public access due to it is bcing replaced by the continuation of lviansfield Avenue as a recornmended condi[ioii. Additionally rGmOVaI 9f the cYisting structure loeated on parcel number 45103.0204 or an ea5ement shall be created prior to Shannon Avenue beinp vacated for ac;r,ess to the existing residence. laevelopment all parce.ls will ta}ce acccss from the estension of Mansfield to be conskructed at a later date. 4. Goaing -Zonine surrounding the proposed vacation tn the north is Rural Residential 10 (R.R-10); ~ Conununit)' 13usincss (B-2) to the south, i.Trbari Residential (UR-22) to the west anci T ight Industrial (I-2) to the east. The three parcels abuttin~ the area to be vacatec~ is currendy zonecl Rural IZesidential (RR-10) however currently goirig through zone change to UR-22 and I-2. 5. Transporlatinn -'I'he proposed extension of Mansfield Road will provicle imnraved access and cire«laeion to these tracts and 'tmprovc overall U-affic mnbility in the ai-ea. ' 6. Condidon - The proposetl arcifs to bc vacated have nnt been irnproved or currently u5able for access. 'l'his poreion Qf the sti-eet has no continuation at either encl. Tt is an itiaccessible 1ancllocked islaiid of public right-of-way. 7. Assibnment of vacated porlions of right-af-way - Ahsent objections frorn abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned tq the petitioners, infLsmueh research indicates chat the area tq be vacated was part of che parent tract. Abutting property owners have rcceived notice nf the prqpased vacation. Collclusions: 1. The vacation of the street/alley will permi[ full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The 1'ublic `Varks Deparhnent submitted cornments which analy-r.ed the portions of Shannon Avenue for need and hihire use anci responded by spec.ifying 5han»on Avenue is not required tor public access and is beung rtplaceci by the contuiuation vf Mansfield Avenue through a recommended condition. 3. Given the present ijge and condition of adjtieent development, iC• is unlifcely that conditions wiil chacige in the future tn provide a greater use or need than presently eYis[s. This portion of the ~ streeC has no continuation at eilher end. 1t is an inaccessible landlocked island of public riQht-of _ way; and 4. 'Nlo objections havc been received to the proposed vacation &om the ►lotice of pliblic hearing andlor routing to stat'f aid agencies. UILAFT C17"Y OF SPOKAKE VAI.:T EY SPOKAi'VN, COUN"['1', vVASHUNGTON ORDINANCF NO. 07-012 • A.N nRDliNA1C.F: OF TiIE CI'I'Y Uk SPOKANE VAL:I:,F;Y, WASI3liNGTON, PROVIJA1AG FOR THk, VACA'Tioy or" APPRQXIVLATLEY 30 FEET `Vl'llE .F:iY 750 Lli1EA:11 FFET C7f SNANfi0N AVENUT. ABUTTli\G YAR(rFL N'WMER.S 45103.0244, and 451.03.0203 AiNrD PROV1J.):I\`G FQR OT1MEZ 1VfATTE.RS FRUPERI..Y RELATING T1IFP--RETU. VVHTREAS; the Cicy Couitcil ta_y Resolution 07-005 initiated vacation proceetiings for a portion of Shannon Avenue loc.it.ed nortli of L)nion Paci.fic Railroad and vicliana Avenue (STV-02-07) by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be held before the Planning Commission on the 14th day of June, 2007.; and \VF-iT~'REAS, the F'laruiing Commission helcl a public hearing on June 14, 2007; and WHEREAS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice and hearint, eequirements of Title 10 t'Lrticle TX Section of the Spokane Valley Municipal Cocfe have been met; Wl-IEIZEAS, the Planning Commission fndings and/or mi.nutcs have been filetl wi2h die Ciry Clerk as pa.rt of the public record supporting the vacation; and VVHEREAS; none of Lhc property owners abutting ttte property to be vacated filect awritten objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; and 1~1TNF.RrAS; through adnpted C'iht Code prnvisicros, the City shall provide dhat the vacated proper[y be transferred to the abutting properly owners; one-half to each, unless circumstances require a differenC division of property; thal the zoning district desig-nation of the prnperties adjoining citch sicle of the street shall aftac.h to the vacated property; that a recnrci of survey shail be submiited to tfie .L7irector of ~ Community Development; and that all direct and indirect costs of t.itle transfer to the vaaated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferrecl propertY; and WFILftEAS, the City Council desi.res t:o vacate d1e above street pursuant Co Spokane Valley Niunicipal Code Sections 10.05.220 -.380. NdW, THERFPQRE, the City Council of the City of Spol:ane Valley, Spokane C:ounl:y, Washington, do ordain a-s follows: Sectian 1. Finclinp-s of I'sct. `l"he City Council makes the followina findings of fact- (1) the City llepartrrient of Public Works has reviewec1 the right-of-way to be vacated snd determined that the property adjacent to the vacated propcrty is otllenvise served b?r public or private access; (2) a public hearing on the propused vacation has bEen held in accorc!<inec with State I.aw and City Code before the Planning Commission willl the record of such hearing and proceecii.n;;s filed with the Cit~y Clerk; (3) no written eomrnents were rec;eivec3 by an abutting properties; and the PIli71rili1P,, COR1I1115S1Uil made dle fQllowing recom.rnendations: , I. The vacation of the street/alley will pennit full development of the property for be.neficial uses ancl perrnit appropriate levels of rnaintenance. 2. The Pubiic 1k'orks llepartcnent submitled comrnents which analyzed tlie portions oF Shannon Avenue f'or need and future tise and responded by spec.ifying Shannon Avenue is not requircd for . public aecess and is being replaced b_y the continualion of Manslield Avenue thraugh a recommended condition. 3. Given the present age and eondition of adjacenl development, it is unlikely that conditions will ctiatige in the future to provide agreater use ar neeci than presen[ly exi5ts. 'I'his partion of the - Ordinance 07-0 12 Strcet Vacation STV-02-07 Fage 1 bf 4 DRAFI' street has no continuation at eithex end. Tt is an viaccessible landloeked island of publie right-of- ~ , , way; and . 4. \io objections have bcen received to dhe proposed vacation from the notice of p«blic hearing Fuidlor routing [o staff and agencies ' Section 2. Prnoertv to be Vacated. Bitsed upon the abAVe ftndings and in accordaiice with this Ordinance, t1le City Council does hereby vacate thc s2reet or alle_y described on the ailached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference, and defined as f'ollows: Tlrat portion of Shrnarron Avenue riglu of rvcry adjoining the Saurherly hoiuulczr}; of tlie fast l~af of TRA C.T 7 und TR.A.CTS 8, 9 mu110 ofAssessQr's Plut 1\lo.G, accordirlg to the Pla1 thereof recorded in Volum.e "P" of Flcrts, Page 14, records af Spokmne Countp, 1-Vushirrgton. Section 3. Taivision of Pronerhj to be Vacated. Puruant to 1ZCV1' 35.70.040 ajid SVNfC factual circumstances dictate a dif-ferent division and distribution of the sireet or alley to be vacated than one-hali' each to abulting ~i-operty owners, thus the propert}= ta be vacated shall be divided as recorded in ttie recorcl of survey which shall be created atid recorcled with the Caunty as requircd under SV.-MC Section 4. Zonina. `1'he Zqniiig designation for the vacated propert_y shail be the designation attached to the adjoining propertics as sef forth Nvithin the respecti<<e propcrty or lot lines. ']'he Director of CommuniCy .17evelopment is authorized to make this noUiCion on the official Zoning Map of the Cil:y. Section 5. Condiiions of Vacation. The followinb cdnditions shall be fully satisfied prior to the triinsfer of title by the City. . a) A record of survey ofthe area to be vacated, prepared by a resisterecj surveyor in the State of Wasbington and including an exact metes and bouncls legal description, and specifyi.ng if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair ancl maintenance of existing and future uciliCies and services, shall be 5ubmitted by the proponent to the Direc.tor. Tiie reeorcl of survey shall contain the prAfessional stamp and signature of the registered starvcyor 3nd filed upon completion with thc Spokane Cotmty Auditor. `I'he surve.yor shaLl provide the City of Spokane Valley widi a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the .Auditor's 17ocument iNumber and date of recorclaCion. b} "lhe suiveyor shall locate at 1mSC lwo monuments on the centerline oft}ie vacxle(l righe-of way with one loc.ated at the intersection Of the centerline of the vacated right-ofi Nvay witll each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spoknrre COZ(J71y ..S7cn7dard.r jor Road mzd Seiver Carsnucriun. c) Dedication of the right-of-way an(t border easements for the contiriuat:ion of Mansreld Avenue, which will cross the rnain parcels tllat front qnto this portion of Shannon Avenue. MansEield Avenue is to ibe constructed according to Collector Arterial standards, matching lhe section of the existing Mansfield to t'he eiLst. Mansfield is to be composed oF46 feet of asphalt width and on each side Type B curb and gutter (2 feet), 10 foot roadside swalc anc3 a 6 foot sidewalk. The cotal width of improvements is 82 feet. T}iis reyiiires 54 feet of right- of-way dedicaiion and 14 f'oot border easements on both sides. d) A r.ecorded public saiutary sEwer easement is required for fiitLire cxtension in tlle portion of Shannon Avenue prpposed for vacation plirsuant to the Spokane Count}= llivisiori oE'Utilities. - e) An easement shall be created to provide access from eurrently improved Mxnsficld Avenue (ahuttule the site to the east) prior to Shannon Avenuc being vacate.tl (nr Ordinance 07-012 Street Vacation STV-02-07 Page 2 of 4 DRA_h'T access to ttie eaisiing resideuce loeatcd oil parcel numbei• 45103.0204 or the structure shall be remdved. " f) AlJ necessary easemenLs requirecl by Avista shall be shoNvm on the record of survey and writ[en documentatiou from all ulility companies is required to be submiltecl to the Community Uevelopment Dieector, or designee verifyuio all easements havc been incficatzd. g.) Payment of all direct a.nd indirect cos~s 4f title lransfer of t:he vacatecl ttreet or alley frorn public Co private ownership including but not ]imited to tit.le company charges, copying fiees, and recordina fees are to be borne by the proponenL The City will not assucne any finaneial responsibiliry for any direct or indirect costs for Llie transfer of title. h) `I"he zoning district designation of the Froperties adjoinijig each side of the street or allcy to be vaeated shall he automatically extended to the center of such vacation; an(i all area shall includecl in the vacation shall then and }aenceforih be subject to all regulations of the extended distriets. The aciopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district desi~~iations. i) A certified copy of tbe ordinance vacatung a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the ci[y clerl: in die office of the Spokane Co«nty auditor, j) AIl conditions of city council authorization shall be fijlly satisfed prior to any transfcr of ticle by the Ciry. Sectiou 6. Closins. Following satisfaction of die above conditions, the City Clerk shatl record a cercified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and Ihe Gity Manager is authorizecl to execute all neceSSary clocuments, including a Quit Clairn Deed, in order lo cqmplete the transfcr of the property icleiitified herein. Section 7. Severabilitv. If any section, sentciice, clause or phrasc of this Ordinance shall be ~ hcld to be invalid or imeonstitutional b}r a cowt of cotnpetent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sente_nce; clau5e or phrase of this ordinance. Section S. Effec;tive Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after pitblicacion of this Ordinanec or z summary thercof in the official newspaper of dle City of Spokane Valluy as providetl by law. PASSED by the City Council this ciay of July, 2007. Mayor, Diana Williite ATTES'I': City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As '1 o Form: , Office of the City tltforney . pate of.Publicstion: Effective Date: Ordinance. 07-012 Sireet Vacation S`I'V-02-07 Page 3 of 4 t)kAF'I' Eihibit "A" Pruperty llescriprion ~ 1 g ~ ~ g 1(~ ~ Mansfirid A~ epur YA , I I I I I ~ •.~.a~r~ .c[ % i/i % % „i/ ~ ~ ~ z4' (widc) • "SO' Ilengthl -Ill • ~ 1Tt' -02 1)cpartmcnr of Communitti~ Dcvclopmcnt Plunning Divisiun STV-02-07 Street Vacation Reqtiest ' - ~r. ~ a'~ + !t'~~ ~1 •`f ~1 ~ . ~ .X., , , _ ~i ' , , ~ _ . • I ~ ~ ~ j • ; , ; ,s~ ~•~r . . , J ° I. 0' , V.~.. iq~' i:~ ' . t,_ - ' ~ ' • ~ ~ ` . rAT ~ _s' , f r - ,1- ~•a~ , - ;;,-ia~.a. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I ~R~~G ~ j . ~ ( ~ r '~•r,"- _ : ~ 44~ drpl~ ~ i . i~ ' ~ ' ~ i~~• t- , • , Y: ~ ~ , ~ _ ~ 4 ~ . ~ J• 1 I ~t~," ~rA,- ~ t „ ! . -s • : y~ r ~ ~ :,~.r~,i~~ - { ~1S , .r ,f~~ : ~ + . , ~ N . .cr.'. r ' ~ ; - ti ~ . - ; ~ •R~• ' 1 +~..~•.t~~~' L,'~ - : . - ~-..r. ~i!► y~~r' , . • , a _ - ti~ ~ ~ ~ - , ' * r -~+~rt - - . • 'r . ~ ~ "'~^l~i- . Rrn~ , i i ~ ~ ~ 1~^~ ,r-~, " ] , _,a!^-~ _ _r. ` --•v..,~- 'a+'~ ~ . ~'~~s~~~ ~,d ~'1'T~ ,.T~" r~' ~ ' ~ ~I t-2 ~ ^t _ G. _ L , i i ~,ti,~ ' . • ~YE~"'^-~ r'-._ ~ ~ ` I I ( - •l~~y f~l LL~►, 1 ~ ~ ".w~ M~ ~ 1 ~ , M I~ • - , ~ r s ! ' ` ~ ~ -i-9p - t)cpartmcnt of Communitv Uc~~elopment l l _ Pliinning Divisiun ~ E:: • Facing EAST onto Shannon Avenue . r, T ~ ~'.ild Uf' 1'1gi11-1lf- ~ i 4 . • . r ~ , ~ - q ~y r. . ~ . - , N ; ' i ♦ i ~ ~ .r ~ ` ► ' • Ir ~ ♦ X`:t~-' ~ - ~ la . ' ~ - ' . . ,,~„!f1: y,~ I ' _ ` " ~ . - ' yy , , - . . N~.~.L'1~ ~ t' vj!~1 1{ ;~i~flR~. ' ~ 'l'i ♦ ' ~ .+~1 ~ . . l.~t ~ 1 ~s~ ~~7 .i i~ S~~ - ~ . ,1 \ 1 . I • a~~ S. d:'~ . ~~`~r.~ r' +.~f~. i •,14~ _ ~ ~~i►sl ~ i`~!R • - 1' a • ~ ~ , ~ -T~ i: ~!I ~ ~f.~~"~,!"'.. 1 I . - . _ . , . ~.~i7~'+n~" i; ,)~A~11r ~ ' •~'7: 1~, . t 'y'~.~ . . ' . ~ , • 'I ~ ~ ~ t~ 4 1 ' _ 1, ' - - - q~ (°Z ti ~~i. '~'1►~1-:' '~KI'r~~:: '~a1,~~p~;,l h~ ~u v y~~~';lx .li +~.yi[ s{i 1' '.e~'! ~ :'~rl'a (1f t'1gi1t- ~ ~r rr 1;~ . ,c~. FIc~ f <<.. ~'~1jj C~J!v ~Y RJ,. T7(~~ ~ y" -'e~~, ~ '~~(a•~~, : ,~~1'•,r+ ~ j ~ ~,.,t,-~"~~`^,''~'' , ~ + uf=w.IV~'rt c :1li~►n ' ~ /f , ~I'': ~~~Y' Li ~ 1~ t. ~ { f • ~ ~ w ~ ~ . i ~ ,~A 1',r~5 '~h ~'.1' M . ~r ~ ~ ~ y .t Il r ~ r..~+~ ~ ~'!~~w ~vti: 1~ .1r ' . t. ~►t' . !t;l~ ',x 1f..' ,r:.~:? ~ .~~`+F,,•., ~j~; ~ . .2.'` ~ ~Yl ~ I" ~ ~ •~tw.y X~ „ r y , . .~t~, r- ~ - J • • w.iL~•r ,•1 • , t• ~ +Ir~1 , ~~'S 'A. ~ V' ~ 1 t /~f~~ ~ . .~•Lj.}.. ~_S%-~ ~ h- j~J,'~ ~I,_ ~ ~1=~~~. ~:J'~~a•~.l~1~ ~ 1)erurtmcnt u!' Community llevcfc~pment ~jVdl Planning Divisiun E- . Facing E'nc1 of right-of t:ll':11{~fil r W E ST o n to Shannon . , L . ' ~ rr,~~- ~!C~~ ~~4 : a ` • Avenue . , > r~ r ~ ~ ~ . ~ ♦ ♦~i t.~ ti t . , ,a~ . ~ . ~ ' ~ ~Yirr4 ' - +,,•,-r ft~ r~ :i ~~.`tfw' r- ~ •`~~11f'?' ~ rii4 i:~~ . ' i- • ~v 't. ! • ° -y ~ 1i'; 1 . J ~ ~"r~' ti -i~.' 1 x .,.~.t.p.. > ? ~ )-~j~l ~ ei' . . 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Y ib .-r I ,TU ~-i - 1 ✓ ,_~?J ~ ~ ti~;' ~w.~.L~~ f `Y- r~, • ~i ~ ~ ~ ' h ~Y~• ~ ~ , : ~.,,.a_~}~~- . ~ T ~ r •y ~ ~ wr 5,.~: ti~ r~'~ Y~.~~.I~irv:.3.e~ t' . a ~ v~'~ ~ • L + ti ~~.~+r~ y~~t~r [''~i-' ~.S i • tii ~ .'J ~~7~. . ~ 1• ~"~vJ ~~w~~~~~.~ rJ rrt=•- ~ ;~~c- «e~ . :w ,-~y~ t ~ t^ ~ ~ ♦ ~~~~j ~ N y ~~.1~.~ ~ ~ , ~ ♦ ~ ~ ~ l ~~•I .r ~ 1l~r~ o srit~ , i ~ _ : ' ~ . ,"y~~r~~y~ ~ Ri, !)cpartmcnt of Community t)evclopment _ j~~,11<<~ t'tanning 1)ivis1011 ~ , ; ~ I I i ~ a ( IY\~ 3 I . y~ - -y~- - - N . ~ . ~ - - _ ~ ,o.~ ~ I , . ~ ~ - ~ ~ • Djl.'qr Vr; - - -I 75l) fcct - - ~ - - - - ~ - _ r~ . Existiriu Conclitions - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informa4ion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION NO. 07-012 Reclassifying the Public Works Maintenance Superintendent position. - GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.50.070 states that position classifications shall be reviewed periodically to assure that they reasonably reflect the current duties and responsibilities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational memo dated July 17, 2007 BACKGROUND: The Public Works Superintendent job description was adopted at the City's inception in 2003 and is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of the City's streets, estimating costs on proposed projects and supenrision of all contractors, and their employees, completing work on City streets. The job description is reflective of anly some of the duties performed and does not currently reflect the scope of duties, including the broad supervisory duties performed by the Public Worics Maintenance Superintendent, including negotiation and implementation of contracts and oversight. The Finance Committee members expressed unanimous support for this proposal. OPTIONS: 1) Reclassify the Public Works Maintenance Superintendent position; 2) Maintain the position at its current grade; 3) Provide additional direction to staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve RESOLUTION NO. 07-012 Reclassifying the Public Works Maintenance Superintendent position. ' BUOGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Movement of the position from Grade 15 to Grade 16 would have a$5,400 to $6,900 annual impact on the budget. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Tricia Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst ATTAC H M E NTS 1. Resolution No. 07-012 ~ 2. Background Memo date July 17, 2007 3. Position Description 4. PowerPoint Presentation 1)RAFT CITY UF SPOKANE VALLE Y SFUKA\rE COUiNTY, WASHliNGI'ON RESnLU'CION NO. 07-012 A RFSpLUT10N RCCLASS _TFX[NG I'AE FUliLIC WORKS vL4INTFNA\jCE SUPFRTIVTEIVnENT PC7S1_IZON FOR THL" CiTY OF Sl'OKANC Vr1LLEY. WI-[EltEAS, from time to time, duties iind responsibilieies of city staff posi[ions are reviewed and cvaluated tn assure that the classification reasanably reflects the current duties and responsibilities of l}ie position; and WI-TFRCAS, the City Council thraugh Resolution \jo. 03-031 adopted job dGSCriptions for City positions; and WI-IE-ItEAS, since adoption of Spokane Valley tiiunicipal Code 2.50.070, the City Council h.ts created various new employee classireations. NOW Tt-IEfLEFORT', be it resolved by the City Council of khe City af Spokane Valley, Spokane County, 1Vashington, as follows: Section 1. Emnlovee Re-Classifcation of Public Works Maintenance Sunerintcndent I'osiCion. The City of Spokane Valley hereby re-elassities the employec classification of `Ptiblic VJorks Maintenance Superintendent" from pay gra<ie 15 to pay grade 16. Section 2. Reinaininiz Jdb Descrintions and ClassificatiQns Unchanued. The remainder of . the job descriptions contained in Resolution No. 03-031, along with their appropriate classification, as : addpted or ainended remain unchanged by this action. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. A.dopted this day of July, 2007. . City of Spokane Valley A171EST: Nfayor Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge . Approved as to fortn: Office of the Gity nttorney Resolution 07-012 Re-classify Publie Wor'ks Mainienance Superintendent Position CITY OF SPOk:ANF VA_LLEY POSI"1"ION UESCR.IPTION Class Title: Public Works Maintena.nce Superintendent Job Codc Number: 385 I7epartment: Public Works Grade Number: Division: Maintenance and Operatians FLSA Status: Ex.empt Date: June 16, 2007 Locadon: City Hall GENERAT. YiJRE'OSL PerForms a variety of supervisory, adnunistrative, technical, and skilled maintenance work in the planning, construction, operation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of City infiastructure, includ'uig street and storm drainage facilitics and systeins. SUPERVISION R.ECEIVED: Works under the general supcrvision of the Public `Vorks Tai.rector. SLTPERVISION EXE:RCISFD Exercises cl4se supcrvision and oversight over maintenance workers who perforni bargauiing r Lmit Nvork. ESSEN r1AL DUTIES ANT) RFSPONSIBILITIES Manages and monitors a variety of municipai infrastructure uiauitenance contracts with Spokane County and other service providers. Responds to complaints regarding municipal infrastructure and routes to appropriate party for resolution. Coordinates maintenance of thc city's uifrastructure and utilities v6th other public and private service providers such as various water, sewer, power, and transportation districts or agencies. Supervises the location of gas, telephone, power, television, watEr and sewer lines from the appropriate sources prior to excavation and informs appropriate parties of such locations. Plans; schedules and implements construction, maintenance, and operation and construction aclivities desigued to provide quality screet, drainage and otlier infrastructure service for the city; oversees maintenance work to dctcrmine acceptability and coniormanec to standards. Trains, superviscs and disciplines employees performing thc duties of maintenance, construclion and repair nf the municipal infrastnicture of the City. _ Responsible for mauitaining the inFrastructure of the City's strzefs. This includES approximately 425 miles of road, the storm water system composed of 6,000 drywells, 930 swales, 1,930 curb . ~ " inlets; 4 ptunp stations, 85 signals and 14,000 street signs. PW Maint. Supt. 1 Selects, tra.ius, evaluates and disciplines persoiuiel, resolves employee grievanees and participates in the employee tennination process. Provides supervision of all contraetvrs and their employees; County street maintenance personnel, and City of Spokanc Valley inaintenance personnel. Work dircctly with ' Superintendents of said agencies on all work performance issues. Assists supervisor in cstimating costs on proposed projects; maintaiiis records on material requircments, recouunendations, orders and use. Regularly supervises full-time employees providin; road maintenance services; ciirects work of subordinales and monitors perforniance and Praduction; asscsses performance and establishes training schedules. If necded, trains personnel in lhe propcr opcratioti, use and caze of a variety oP equipment; scheciules safety and othcr training sessions; inspecis job sites for safety issues aud proper practices. Supervises the control anci use o:f, and assumes responsibility for all materials, supplies and equipnlent used in the maintenancc, constniction and repair of City streets, storm drainagc systems and othEr dcpa.rtcnent facilities. . R.eyuisitions ncEdcd supplies for the department and maintains a variety of records relatuig to pcrsoiuiel, equipment, suPplies, consumption and reports. Advises Supcrvisor; Attorney, Engineer and other city officials in matters relatuig to department activities; provides uiforntation to various civic; school and public groups and individuals regarding street, traffic and clrainage problems a.nd services. Tnsures the proper maiiitenfu.lce of equipment anti c4ols by supcrvising and participatiug ui clcaning and checkin? ec~uipment and tools after use. Oversees the safety of assigned maintenance workers and cquipment operators by instcucting individuals in proper safety proccdures aud mon.itoring work in progress. Analyzes aiunial operatyng costs and makes reconunendations :Eor department budget. Helps analyze and project the needs of the city for equipment, bridges, raads, sidewalk and materials for complction of the same. Pravides operations guidancc for constniction of bridges, bll.llalllg3, sidewal.ks, drainpipe installations; culvert installation and road constniction. Provides recommendations regard'uig equipmenl purchases and requisitions all supplies and materials needed for effective department nperaiions. . ~ . PW Mai.nt. Supt. 2 , PF.RrnHErz.az. DuT-rEs May operate avariety of power cnnstruction and maintenance equipment used in street maineenance. Docs not actively perfornt bargaining unit work unless an cmcrgency exists or to aid a bargaining unit member in a task, not to displace or supplant a bargaining unit member. 1'rovides backuP to subordinate positions as ueeded. Scrves on various employee pr other committees as assigned. DES1RLll M[N1M[Jvf QUAT.,TFiCATIQNS u Fducation and Lrperience: (A) Graduation f'rom high school cducation or GED equivalent, supPlemenled by two years of post-secondary education in engineering, construction, business or public aciuiuustration, or a rclated fielcl; atid (B) Seven (7) ycars of experience relating te the construction, repair and cnauitenance of municipal 'uifrrastructure, including street and storm draiilage systems including the aperation of related niaintenance equipment; or (C) Any equivalent combination of education and eYperience. Necessary knowledge, Skills aud Abilities: (A) Thorough knowledge of equipment, facilities, materials, mcthods and procedures used in public storm diminage and street systems; thorough knowledge of road constructican and maititenance; (l3) Skill in operakion of the listed tools and equipment; and (C) Ability to guide, direct and motivatc employees; ability to oPerate and maintain various equipment used in infiastruchue maintenance and repair; ability to organize and supcrvise the activities of vv-ious crews performing maintena.n.ce work; (D) A key valuc of the City is customer service. This position requires consiclerable knowlcdge, ability and skill in the principles and practices of excellent customer service as practiced in both lhe private and public sectors. It requires the ability to effectively meet and deal with ttie public; the ability to handle stressful sihiations; the ability to greet and respond to customers in a fricndly, pleasant and prdFessional manner using appropriate inflection, grammar and syntax; t:he ability to establish aiid maintain effective working rclationships with employees, supervisors, and the general public; the ability to maintain a professional, courteous, and pleasant deIIieanor in di:fficult and stressful sihiations; and the ability to diplomatically deal with difficult PW Ivlaint. Supt. 3 peoPle. A willingness to cxpend extra effort ta help the pnblic fincl answers or iuformation rclative to their inquiry or complaint is e:cpected. ` SPFCIAL REQUIREMEN'1'S Valid SCate Driver's liceiise, or ability to obtain one. 1 OOLS ANID FQUII''i\9EN"1 USED As the city assumes more of its own maintenance activities, this position should 1aiow the operalion and usc of tnotorized vehicles and equipmcnt, includ'uig dunip truck, pi_cl:.up truck, utility truck, street sweeper, jettcr/inciuctor truck, str-eet roller, backhoe; manlift, tamper, plate compactor, saws, pumps, aeroil propane kettle, compressors, sanders, generacors, trencher, common hanci anci poNver tools, shovels, wrenches. Skill in use of detection devices, mobile radio, phone, personal cpmpu[er including Nvord processing and other software, copy and fa.Y machine. T'HYSTCA.I.. laF MAND S '1'he physical demands described here are representative of lhose that must be met by an employee to successfully perfornl the essential funetions of this job.l2easonable accommodations may be made to enable inclividuals with disabilities to peri'orm the essential funetions. . While perfoniung the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls and reach with hands and arms. '1'he employee frequently is required to stand and talk or hear. The employec is occasionally reyuired to walk; sil; climb or balance; stoop, l:neel, crouch, or craNvl; and smell. The einployee must frequently lift aiid/or move up to 25 pounds and occasionally lift andlor mave up to 100 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth per.ception, and the ability to adjust focus. WOKK ENVIR.OwIENT - The work environment characteristics described here are representative of tliose au exvployee encounters vvlule perforn.iing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable acc:ommodations may bE made to enable in.dividuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Whilc perfornung the duties of this job; the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The employee occasionally works near mnving mechanical parts and is occasionally eaposed to wet andJor humid Gonditions and vibration. T1ie employee occasionally works in high, precarious places and is occasionally exposed to fuines or airborne parlicles, toxic Qr caustic chemicals, and risk ot'electrical shock. PW Maint. Supt. 4 / ' . , The noise levcl in the Nvork environrnent is usually loud in field settings, and inoderately quiet in offce settings. SELECTION' GUIDELINES Formal applir,ation, rating of eciucation and experience; oral interview and reference check; job related tests may be required. The duties listed above arc intcnded only as illustrations of ttie various types of work thttt may be • performed. °l'he omission of specific statements of duties dnes not exclude them fTOm the - position if the work is sunilar, zelated or a legieal assignment to the position. 1"hc job description does nnt conslitute an employment agreement between the employer and emptoyee and is subject to change by the employez as the neecls of the employer and requirements of the jnb change. Approval : Approval: Human Resources Manager City Manager Effective Date: Revision History: ~ i PW Mairit. Supt. 5 Sp601°~kane ,;,oo*VaUey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org . . . . . . . . . , . _ . . . , _ - Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and member of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager & Tricia Burns-Hart, HR Analyst Date: July 17, 2007 Re: Reclassifications Consiscent with SVMC 2.50 and the City's commibnent to evaluate existing job descriptions with the compensation matrix, a review was conducted of three existing positions to ensure accuracy of the job descriptions and classifcation. These three reclassifications werc reviewed by the T'inance CommitCce on July 10, 2007. , Consistcnt with Administrative Policy & Procedure 1b. 200.240, if a position is reclassitied at a higher grade,l:he incumbent's salary is adjusted to the entry level of the new grade in which the posi[ion resides, or Co the next step in the new grade that most closely represents a four percent (4%) increasc. ' The City reviewed three position. The followi.ng table summarices the recommendakions of each review: , ~ urr E'ublic Works Maintenance Sup't Same 15 16 ' Parks & Recreation D irector Same 19 20 Administrative Analyst Sr. Administrative Analyst 14 16 Yublic Works Maintenance Superintendent 1`he 1'ublic Worl:s Superi.ntendent job description -was adoptecl at the City's inception in 2003 and is responsible Por rnaintaining the infrastructure oPChe Ciry's streets, eslimating costs on proposccl projects and supervision nf all eontractors, and I.heir employees, eomplcting work on City strcets. T'he F'ublic Works Vlaintenance Superintendent position is currently classified at Grade 15 with a salary rangc of $4,053 -$5,197. 'I"he job description is retlectivc of only snme of the duties performed and does not currently reflect the scope of duties, includino the broacl stipcrvisory duties perfornied by the Public Works Viaintenance Superintendent. Based on the above analysis a recommendation is made to change this position to Gritde 16. This would make the monthly salary range $4,503 - $5,774. Reclassifieations: PW Maintenance Superintendent, Parks and Recrestion Director, Aclministrative Analyst Page2of5 The City's plan is to transition its rnad service from solely county services to a baliince beriveen -couiity and private contracts, widi the City filling some of the duties in-house. "I'he Public Works Maintenance Superintendent positiAn is unique and carries a high dearee oFresponsibility when it comes to external agencies. Critica( decisions regarding the negotiation and implementation ofr agreements fall wiChin this position. The position is cnmpared with other similar jurisdictions that have similar job duties and responsibilities, but it shoulci be noted thc uniyue sittiation and duties the City of Spokane Valley Public Works Superinlendent position performs. Titw City of Spokane PW Maintenance Supcrintendent $5,197 Valley - current City of Spokane PW NIaintenaace Supcrinteiident $5,774 Valley - proposed Cicy of Federal Way Street Systems Manager $7,792 City of Kcnnewick Maintenance ttnd Operations $6,243 Manager City of Bellingham Maintenance Supervisor- street $6,600 Ciey of Yakima Street Maintenance Supervisnr $5,$81 1 City of Spokane Street Maintenance Supervisor $5,326 Some duties not cureently defiiiled in the job descripCion but that the Public Works Maintenance Supcrintendent performs include: • Responsible far inaintaining lhe infrastructurc of the City's streets. This includes approximately 425 miles of road, the storm water system composed of 6,000 drywclls, 930 swales, 1,930 ctirb inlets, 4 pump statipns, 85 signals and 14;000 street signs. . • Provides supervision of aU contractors and their emPl.oyees, County street maintenance personnel, and City of Spokane Valley mauitenance personnel. Work directly with Superintendents of said agencies on all work performance iSSUBS. • Cstimales costs on proposecl Projects; maintains records on material requirements, recommendations, orders and use. Parks and ltec.reation Direetor At the time of incorporation, the Parks anct Reereation bepartment ofTered a summer recreatinn proaram, opcrated the senior center ancl three pools, and iuaintained the parks transferred from Spokaiie County. Since incorporation, the Director has assumed significant new responsibilities, including, the management of CenterPlace, t:he 54,000 SF regional events facility which is open seven days aweek. Additionally, the Parks and Recreation Director hasan expanding role in ReclassificAtions: PW Maintenanee Superintenclent, Parks and Recrc9tion Director, Administrative Analyst Psgc 3 of S gencral adminisiration anci plays an active role in collective bargaining as a team member, is a back-up to the City Manager and Deputy City Manaeer and helps manage projects, such as the . Cit`y's business plan. The existing Parks & Recreatiai Director classification resides in Grade 19 of the. City's chassifieation matrix with a salary range of $6,177 -$7,920. r1 recommenclation is made to reclassify Parks and Recreation Director position Co a grade 20. Grade 20 provides the best approaimation of these , considerations, with a monthly salary range of S6,864 -$8;800. In determining this reclassifcation the Parks and Recreation Director position was eompared to similar positiAns. A similar posit.ion at the City of Spokane is tlie Parks/Reereation Director with a mont}ily salary oP $6,887 -$8,693. 'I'he naturc of the parks and recre.ation work between tlie hvo positions is virkually similar. Flowever, dhis does not compare the additional duties that the City of Spokane Valley Parks & Recreation Director performs due to the CenterPlace facility or thc duties of gcneral city administration. . , City of Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation $7;921 - currcnt Grade 19 Director City oiSpol:ane Valley Parks and Recreation $8,800 - propused Gradc 20 Director City of Kichland Parks and $9,228 H.ecrcation Director City of Executive Director $9,229 \ Kennewick of Community SeN1GGS City of Spokane Parks and $8,693 Recreation Director cicy ar Pitrks and $8,424 Bellingham Recreation Director City vFYakimfl Park.s and $6,810 Recreation Manager Adminislrativc Analvst The administrative analyst position was reviewed ta determine whether the job descript:ion Nvas accuritle. 'I'he analysis concluded the current incwnbent w3s performing duties above the Icvel of a normal administrative analysC. As such, lhe work of the current posilion should be properly classifiecl as a Senior Administrative Analyst. The Aclminisb'ati<<e Analyst classiFcatiori would be rnaintained at Griidc 14 to meet future needs. The current gade for Aclmictistrative Analyst is Gracle 14 at $3,648 -$4,677. The job de.sc,•iption is reflective of only some of'the duties performed anci cloes not currently reflect the seope of duties the Administri3tive Analyst perfornis. Based on the above analysis, a recommcndation is made to change the classiFeation of the Aclministi'ative rlnalyst to a Senior Administrative Analyst at Grade 16. This would make the monthly salary range $4,503 -$5,774. , Reclassiftcations: PW AZaintenance Superintendent, Parks and Recreation llirector, Administrative Analyst Page 4 nf 5 ln determining appropriate compensation classi.ficatYOn, staff generally lnoks to similar ' jurisdictions for comparison. There are no loeal ju.risdictions with which to campare but there are sever►I jurisdictions within the state wilh similar positions. . City of Spokane Valley - Administrative Analyst $4,677 current Grade 14 City of Spokane Valley Seoiur Administrative $5,774 - Proposecl Grxdc 16 Anatyst City of Bothell Senior Management $7,904 Analyst City of Vrincottver Analyst: Level 17 $7,406 City of Shoreline vfanagement Analyst $5,367 , City of R.ichland Management nnalyst $5,460 City of Olympia Management Analyst $5,160 E.r•anples of dutics the Senior tAdministrative Analyst will perform include: • Develops and facilitatcs the evolvement of the City business plan; conducts departmcntal nussiou statemEnt building and SWOT analysis eYercises; assists wittl devclopment of department objective.s and perforuiance measurement; cnordinates and oversees the annual update to the plan. • Advises management on adini.nistrative issues and prnvides lughly complex and responsible assistanee to ilie City Manaber and laepuly City Manager. • Conducts performance auciils of internal service areas and contract services as needed; monitors thc design, implementation, and fiuiciioning of internal processcs; ensures compliance Nvieh state-defined performance audii standards; conducts compliance audits atid investigatians as directed; serves as objective parly to resolve customer disputes. Employee Reclassifications Public Works Maintenance Superintendent Parks and Recreation Director Senior Administrative Analyst City of Spokane Valley Trish Burns-Hart, HR Analyst July 24, 2006 Public Works Maintenance • ~ Superintendent 1 l '1 • • ~ Recommendation Public works Mainoenance Grade Minimum Maximum Suaerintendent Existing 15 $4,053 $5,197 Proposed 16 4,504 5,773 3 er.pulea RedceNcatbrt~ U712U2DD7 r \ \ ~ • •0 Comparables City. I Title ~ Maximum City of Federal Way Street Systems Manager I $7,792 City of Kennewick h4aintenance and $6,243 OperaNons Manager City of Bellingham I Maintenance Supervisor I $6,600 City of Yakima Street Maintenanc@ S5,881 Supervisor • City of Spokane Street Maintenance $5,328 Superoisor , q alp7cfee Reaaesiicauom _ 07121lID67 ~ l ~ 2 General Responsibilities Currently Performed, but not in Job Description o Responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of the City's streets. This includes approximately • 425 miles of road, 6,000 drywells, 930 stivales, 1,930 curb inlets, 4 pump stations, 85 signals, 14,000 street signs. o Provides supervision of all contractors and their employees, County street . maintenance personnel, and City of Spokane Valley maintenance personnel. o Makes Critical decisions regarding the negotiation and implementation of agreements fall within this position 5 LnploSea Redanli'Garfom 67RG2CQ7 • ~ ~ Parks & Recreation Director 3 . % • ~ a Recommendation SV Parks & Recreation Grade Minimum Maxlmum Director Existing 19 $6,027 $7,727 Proposed ' 20 6,697 8,856 7 Emplmy" ReCaaRCa.lom Oll.'M= 0,00 Comparables City ~ Title ~ Maximum City of Richland Parks 8 Recreation $9,228 Director City of Kennewick Executive Director of $9,229 Gommunity Senrices City of Spokane Parks & Recreation $8,693 Director City of Bellingham Parks & Recreation $8,424 • Director City of Yakima Parks & Recreation $6,810 Manager 8 F's~tayq Rodasc:icrttuns aTnIt2C197 ~ ~ 4 \ l General Responsibilities Currently Performed, but not in Job Description o Overall general management of CenterPlace facility o General Administration • Collective Bargaining Team Member • Special Projects Manager • City Manager/Deputy City Manager back-up 9 Emycee ReHassTinOme OTR442007 Senior Administrative AnalYst 5 ~ . • ~ ~ Recommendation Title I Grade Maximum Proposea: 16 5,773 Sr. Administrative Analyst 1 1 FtiyN~Me (EeCa:s~LYa:lons 67RU7X1.7 ~ . • ~ ~ Comparables City I Title ~ Maximum Clty Of Bothell senior Management $7,904 Analyst City-of Vancouver IAnalyst Level: D $7,406 City of Shoreline I Management Anatyst $5,367 City of Richland Management Analyst I $5,406 City of Olympia ManagementAnalyst I $5,160 Empb~oeR¢aeu!IaUxs _ 12 J7R4r001 i ' 6 % General Responsibilities Currently Performed o Develops and facilitates the City business plan; assists with development of department objectives and perFormance measurement; coordinates and oversees the annual update to the plan. o Advises management on administrative issues and provides complex and responsible assistance to the City Manager and Deputy City Manager. o Conducts performance audits of internal service areas and contract services as needed; monitors the design, implementation, and functioning of internal processes; ensures compliance with state- defined pertormance audit standards 13 E~+a7ee Reds6r4mnns cnaarzW7 7 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Z new business ❑ public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION NO. 07-013 Reclassifying the Parks and Recreation Director GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2:50.070 states that position classifications shall be reviewed periodically to assure that they reasonably reflect the current duties and responsibilities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational Memo dated July 17, 2007 BACKGROUND: The Parks and Recreatian Director position has been in existence since the City's incorporation in 2003. It is classified at Grade 19. While the statements in the job description pertaining to the Parics area are accurate as far as they go, #hey are not complete in describing the scope and complexity of the position's responsibilities wifh regards to CenterPlace or general administration duties the Parks Recreation Director performs. As a result, the city reviewed the classification. The attached memo describes the analysis. Two of the three Finance Committee members expressed support for this proposal. OPTIONS: 1) Reclassify the Parks and Recreation Director position; 2) Maintain the position at its current grade; 3) Provide additional direction to staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve RESOLUTION NO. 07-013 Reclassifying the Parks and Recreation Director. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Movement of the position frorn Grade 19 to Grade 20 would have a$8,000 to $13,500 annual impact on the budget. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Tricia Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution No. 07-013 2. Background Memo date July 17, 2007 t ~ 3. Position Description ~ 4. PowerPoint Presentation vnAFr CITY OF SYQKA\IE VALLEX Sl'OK.A\TF CQlJ\TY, `VASTITNGTU\ - ' RESOLUTION NQ. 07-013 A RESOLUTION RECLASS1FYi1qG TI=LC PARKS AND RECREATION :I)TREC'1'OR PUSI'TION TOIt 7PF CITY OF SPQKANE V:ALLFY. VVHEREAS, from time to time; duties and responsibilities of ciry staff positions zire revi4wed and evaluated to assure that the classification reasonably reflects the eurrent duties and responsibilities of the position; and RI-IEREAS, the City Couneil through Itesolution No. 03-031 adoplcd job descriptions for City positions; and WHT:'RCAS; sinec adoption of Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.50.070, the City Council has createcf various new employee classifications. \(7W THTRL FORE, bc it resolved by the City Council nF the Giry of Spokane Valley, Spokane County; Washington, as foilows: Section 1. EmUlovee Re-Classificatio❑ af Parks and Recreation Director Position. '1"he City of Spo1:ane Valley hereby re-cl~wifies the emplnyee elassification of "1'arks and Recreation Director" from pay grade 19 to pay grade 20. Section 2. Remainin8 1ob Descriolions and Classificatidns Unchane,ed. The remaindcr qf thc.job descriplions containecl in Resolution \►o. 03-031, along with thcir appropriate classiFctiliori, as , adopted or amended rzmain ianchanged by this action. Secdon 4. Effective Taate. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this day of Tuly, 2007. City of Spokane Valley A"I°I'FST: Mayor Dianii 1'Jilhite ' City Clerk, Christine 13ainbridge Approved as io forni: Office of the City Attorney , J Resolucion 07-013 Ete-clsssify Ptirks and liec.restion Directur Position C.I."I"X Ur SPOKANE VALLEX • POSITION DFSCRIl''T'10hi Class Title: Parl:s and Recreation Director Job Code Ntunber: 130 Departaient: Parks azid IZecreation Gracle NTumbcr: Division: NA rLSA Status: Eaempt . Date: A1ay 13, 2003 Location: City Hall GL'NE-KAL 1'LTRI'OSL Perfprms avarie•ry of complex professional and administrative work in placuung; dcveloping, schedul'uig, directuig and implemeniing a year-round, city-Mde parks and recreaiion prUg-am. SUPERNIISION RECENFla: - VVorl:s under the broad policy guidancc and direction af the City Managcr. SUPFRVISION EXERCISED Exercises adinuustrative direction over thE Recreation Coordinator and Senior Ccnier Specialist and other suppore staff, part-time, contracted or seasonal personnel either direcdy or tkirough subardinate suparvisois. CSSENTCA.L ]7U"l IES NID RESPON'SIBT[.1TTFS Maiiages and supervises assigried opcrations ta achieve goals Mthin available resources; plans and orbanizcs workloads and staff assignments; trains, motivates and cvaluates assigned staff; reviews progress and directs changes as needed. Negotiates and achnuusters leascs with other gove.rn.menta.l and quasi-governmental agencies, private businesses and inciividuals Rcsponsible for the all ope.rations of CenterPlace; the aiuiual opcrating budget and the overaU aept budget; r.esponsible for developing policies and proceciures for operations as well a..~ overseeing hiii.ng, sugeivision, and training of staff'. T)eve]pPs and implemenis the parks, recreation and open space master plan; responsible for a plannuig area of 38.5 square iniles, including 163 acres, 9 city gazks, and various facilities. Vtonilors, oversees and evaluaces parks or recreation servicc contracts vvith Spokane County or other agencies or entities. Provides le.aderslup aiid direction in the develQpment of sliart and long rxnge plans; gathers, interprets, and prepares data Cer studies, repoi-ts and recommcndations; coorciinates depart.ment ~activities Ntizth other depamnents and agcncies as needed. . l . Parks and Recreatian L7irectQr ~ May perform dulics of general administration such as parlieipating in collective bargaining; may be bacl:-up to t.he Cih' Manager and Deputy City Manager and helps manage projects, such as the City's ' business plan. Frovides professional advice to supe.n~isors; makes presentations to supcrvisois; boards, conuiussions, civic groups and the gcneral public. _ Cnmmtuucates o£f'.~cial plans, policies and procedlues to staff and the general public. Applies f'or and adlninisters grants rclated to assigneci operations. Assizres that a.ssigled areas of responsibility are performed «ithin bucigct; performs cost control accivities; monitors revcnues and e.apenclitures in assigned area to assure sound fiscal cQntrol; prepm-es aiunua.l budget requests; assures et'~fective and efficient use nf bucigeted fimds, personnel; materials, f'acilities; and tune. Detemlines work procedures, prepares Work schedules, and expedites worlc(:low; st`uciies and staiidardizes procedlires to improve el=ficicncy and effe.cliveness of operations. lssues written and oral insti-uc;tions; a.ssigns duties aiid examines work for Exactness, neatiiess; and c.onformance to policies and procedures. Maintains harmony among wprkers and re.solves grievances; performs or assists subordinates in performing duties; adjusts errors anci complaints. Prcpares a variety of studies; rep~i-ts dnd related infoi-itiation f:or decision-making ptuposes. F'lans, coorduiates and directs a diversified year rotuld, city-wide parks and recreatiqn program includuig the management of the senior c;cnter; IIlUlllClpal svvimming pools, aiid various fields, parks and open spaces. Coorduiates the recreation prograan with thc parks program, other city departments; and outside organizations such as the school districts ancl various communily-based organizations. R.eviews program areas; implements clianges or new programs te meet recreational nceds of the conununiCy; develops, maintains and implements a cun-cnt parks aiid recreation master plan. Develops aiid implements policies, procedures aid standards fpr efTicient and effectivc opcratiou and maintenance of deparlment operations. Assures compliance .Nith established Policies and procedures. , Promotes interest in parks a.nd rec.reation progams th.rough publicity, .joint progam brochuues with various community groups, and public contacrs; speaks before citizens grnups, students :vld olher organizatioils. • Prepares and acLtnuusters buclget for all areas uncier the parks and recreation deparkmei}t; nrders all new aiid replacement cquipment. . Parks and Recreation Iairector 2 r . ' Prepares a variety of reports and maintains neccssary operating records. Monitors ihe mauitenance; r.onstruction and repair of City parks. Yrepares cost estunates to plan and provide for improveulents in the pazk facilities; ovcrsees conslruction projects and parl: improvements. Viauitains liaison witl1 other dcpanments as well as state, local, and otlier public officials. Ar►swers letters of inquiry and talks with vi5itors; addresses public and civic organizations which will 'uiforin the public of policics; procedures and the availability of facilitics for public usc. Supervises and manages the planning of new parks, playgounds and all of the a.meiuties lhat would bc necessary for the proper constniction and maintenance of these facilities. PFRT.PI-EBIZAL DUTTFS Servcs as a memUe.r of variou,s c.ity einployee couunittees, as assigned. Assists stafC in i.he performanc.e nf their duties as required. DFSIlLLll rtiYllT[.7IM QUALIFICATI0NS ' . Education and Fxperieiice: (A) Graduation from a college or universily Mth a Ciachelai's degree (Masters llegree prefcrred) in recreation, physical education nr a related field, includiu; coine work in organii_ation and adnvnistration; and (F3) Seven years o f progressively responsible experience in parks and recreation programs or related field, includi.ng at least twp yeais supcrvisory experience; car (C) An_y equcvali:nl: cninUination of education and experience. Necessary Knowledge, Skills; Abilities, and (ather "I'raits: (A) "1"horough knoxvledge of lhe piinciples and practices of modern parks and re.creation programs; thorough knpwledge of equipment and facilities required in a c.omprehensive gark and recreation program; extensive knawledge of the principlcs and practices of maintenance; construction, and use of public buildings and park facilities; considerable knowledge of communiry recreation necds and resources; Nvorl:ing lrnowledge of the principles and practices of office manageulcnt, wor}; arganization and supervision; (B) Sl:ill in operation oF listed iools and equipment; and f. . (C) Abilit}~ to plan, organi-.e, coordinate and 'unplcrnent a coiuprehensive cottununity park. Parks and Recreation llirector 3 aiid recreation prograin; ability tn coordinate, analy7.e, and utilize a variety af reports and recorcls, abiliey to communicate effectively; verbally and in writuig; ability to esiablish and mainta,in \effective work.ing relationships %v7th employees, supen6sors, other agcncies, and the public. (D) A key valuc of the Cit}, i5 ctLstoiner service. This position requires considerable k.nowledge, ability and skill in the principles aiid practices of eYCelleni customer service as practiced iu boih the private and public sectors. It requires the ability te effcctively meet aiid dcal with ihe public; ttie ability to handle stressfiil situations; the ability to greet and respond to customers in a friendly, plea.sant a.nd professional manner using appropriate utflection, graan.mar and syritaa; the ability co establish and maintain e..ffective working relationships wii.h employees, supervisors, and the general public; the ability to mainlain a prof-essional, courteous, ajid pleasant deineanor in di I:Tieult and sCressful situations; dnd the ability to diplomatically deal with difficult people. A willingness to expend extra effort to help the public find answers or infprmation relative to their inquiry or complaint is expected. SF'FCIAL RFQU112F_.MEN'1'S . Valid state driver's license or ability to obtain one. "I"OOLS A!V17 EQUIPMENT USE-D Personal cninputer, including word processing soffivarc; calculator; copy and fax machine; phone.; mobile or portable raclio; Stran control tuut for pool chemicals; automobile. PHYSTCAL DENIANDS - 1`he physical demands described herc aze representative of those that uiust be met by an employee to successfully perfarm the essential ilunctions oF this job. Rcasonable accoiiunadations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While perfomiing tt1e duties of lhis job, the cmployee is frequently required to %val.k, sit and talk or hear. "1"he employce is occasionally required to use hands to finger, lza.ndle, feel ar operate objects, toals, or cUntrols; aiid reach with hajids and anrs. 1`he employee is occasionally required to climb or balaiice; scoop; kileel, crouch; or craNvl. The employee must occasionally lift ancUor inove up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities requircd by this jnb include close visipn, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus. WORK ENVIROTMEN'f The work environment cliaracreristics clescribetl here are rcpresentative of those an emPloyce encounters while perforcnuig thc essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodalions may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the es5ential func[ions. While perfortlung the duties of tlus job, tlie employee occasionally works near movuig mechanical Parks and Recreation Directoi- ~ ~-~parts or ui outside weather conditions. The employee is accasionally cxposed to wet and/or huniid , - conditions, fumes, toxic or caustic chcmicals. The noise level ui the work env~irontnent is usually quiet while in the office, or moderately noisy wheii in the ficld. SELECT10N GLmDFL.TiNEs Fonnal application, rating of edueation and experience; oral intervicw and reference check; job related tests may be requixed. 1lie ducies listed above are intended only as illustrations of the variotLs types of work that may be perfoniied. The omission of spec.ire statements of cluties does not exclude them from the position if the Nvork is similar; related or a logical a.ssignmEnt fo the positicm. The job description cloes not constitutc ati employment agreemcnt between the employer and cmployee and is subjcct to change by the employer as the iieecis of the cmploper and requirenients of the job chaiige, Approval: Approval: Human Resources Manager City Manager `Effcctive Date: Rcvision I4istory: ; Parks and Recreation Director 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply_ ❑ consent ❑ old business (D new business ❑ public hearing , ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION NO. 07-014 Classifying the Senior Administrative Analyst position. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.50.070 states that position classifications shall be reviewed periodically to assure that they reasonably reflect the current duties and responsibilities. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational memo dated July 17, 2007 BACKGROUND: The administrative analyst position was reviewed to determine whether the job description was accurate. The analysis concluded the job description is reflective of only some of the duties and does not reflect the scope of duties the current Administrative Analyst performs. The current incumbent was perForming duties substantially above the level of a ~ normal administrative analyst. As such, the work of the current position should be properly classified as a Senior Administrative Analyst. The FTE authorization for the administrative analyst would be moved into the senior administrative analyst position. However, the administrative analyst classification would be maintained for future use. The Finance Committee members expressed unanimous support for this proposal. OPTIONS: 1) Establish the Senior Administrative Anatyst position; 2) Maintain the status quo classification system 3) Provide additional direction to staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve RESOLUTION NO. 07-014 Classifying the Senior Administrative Analyst position_ BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Existing authorized FTE would be transferred into the positions, so costs would be incremental, reflecting Grade changes. Sufficient funds are included in the 2007 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Tricia Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution N0. 07-014 2. Background Memo date July 17, 2007 r 3. Position Description . 4. PowerPoint Presentation DRA.FT C1TY OF SPOEGINE VALLFl' ST'OKAINT COUN`CY, WASATNC.?ON 12ESOLUTIOY NO. 07-014 ARESQLUTIC7N CLASS1FYl1\G TH:E SENIC7R ADM11'IST12AT1VE , A\'ALYST 1'OSTI'TON FOR TAF CITY OFSPQKA\'E VALLEX. W1-IEREAS, firom time to time, duties and responsibilities of ciYy staff positions are reviewecl and evaluated to assure that the classif catioii reasonably reflects the current dutics and responsibilities of the position; and WI-IER-E.AS, the City Council chrough Resolution No. 03-031 adopted job dcscriptions for City positions; and V1rHFR,F.AS; since adoption of S-pokane Valley Municipal Code 2.50.070; the City Council has created various r1ew employee elassifications. NIOW THEREFOR]:, bc it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Secdon 1. Lmulovee Classifiication of Senior Administrative Analvst Position. The City of Spokanc Valley hereby crcates the emplnyee classification nf "Senior Administrative Analyst7' and places it at pay gTaCjG 16. Section 2. Remaininiz Job Desc.rintions and Classifi cations Unehaneecl. The remainder of the job descriptions eontained in Resalution No. 03-031, along widi their apprnpriate classificatipn, as adopted or amended remain unchanged by this action. Section 4. h ffective Date. '1'his Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this day of July; 2007. City of Spokane VaIley ATTEST: Mayor 17iana tiVilhite City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Apprnved as to f4i-in: . Office of the City tAttorney _ . . Rcsolution 07-014 (;lassify Scnior Administrative Analyst Position CITY OF SPOK:ANE VALLEY POS1''IOI~~ DESCRIf'1IOI~j ; C1RSS Title: Senior Administrative A.nalyst Job Code Nlumber: 400 I7epartment: Administrativc Services Gracie Tiumber: XX Division: 'NTA FLSA Status: Eaempt Date: July 24, 2007 Location; City Hall GENERAT PURPOSE Assists the City Manager aiid Deputy City Manager ui the pcrfomlance of comple.x, professional, multi-dimcnsional admuiistxarive a.nd operacinnal matixgcment f'unctions rcquiring indepenclent judgment; conducts mid/or ovcrsees studies on operational, ad.ininistrative, and legislative issues; perfarms aiialytical and technical -vork ui the management and analysis of programs, se.rvices, systems; policies and procedures to devise ehe most efficient ancl effective methocis of accomplishing the work of thc cih' governmetit. SUPERVISIQN R.FCEIVLI7: Works under the general supervision of the Dcputy Cily Manager. SUPE.12VISIO'N EXERCISE-D Supervises administrative aiialyst; May exercise supervision over clerical, temporary or other staff, ~ as assiDied. FSSL`N°l"It1L DUTTFS AND RESPONSIBII.,ITi.ES Advises management on administrative issues aiid provides highly coiliplca and respousible assistance to the City Manager ana Deputy Cit}r Manager. 1'rovidcs profe.ssional assistance to the City Manager aiid I7eputy Cily N1a.nager ~~~ith operational oversight of tlie organization td include policy development and disputc resolucion. Assist,.s management Nvith thc development, policy anal_ysis, and adiiuiustration o:f'lhe eollcctive bargaining agreement; provides professional policy-rclated recomiiiendatians in support of coUective bargaitiing ncgotiati4»s; provides analysis oF' financial and administrative impacts of propossd revisions; performs ciue-diligence review of propQSed contracts; parcicipates on negotiating teain as needed. 17evelops ancl facililates the evolvement of the City hUSll1.eSS plACl; conducts departmcntal mission statement building aiid SWOT analysis exercises; assists with developinent of deparlment objectivcs and perfonnaiice meastiremcnt; coordinaies aiid ovcrsees the aimual update to the plati. Conducts peiformmicc audits of i.nternal service area.s and contract services as needed; cnonitqrs lhe design, implementation, and functinning of internal processes; ensures compliance wiih state- ~defuied pcrformance audit staudazds; conducts contract compliailce audits and investigations as -directed; serves a.s objective party to resolve custUmer disputes. Administralive Analyst 1 Performs professional Pplicy and financiall analysis; assembles and manipulates large amounts of data in order to distill revenuc and expense trends; develops financial projections and forecasts models; develops, implements, and morutors organizational policies; facilitates project team meetings; evaluates and assesses impact ofintcmal and external policics on thc organization; Pulfills requcsts.for data. Conclucts legislative analySis, determining the potential impacts to the City as well as [qnnulating implementation proceciures. DeveloPs policies, proeedures, and programs to achieve deparmiental priorities; assists in the development of short and long rangc plaals; gather>; interPrets, and prepares data fnr studies, reports and recommendadons; coordinates activities with other departments and agencics as needed; provides prpfcssional advice to supervisor. Manages special projccts, analyzing the fiscal impacts of progracns anci cQnducting analysis of objectives. Ma[lageS C1ty's environmEntal stewarciship program; oversecs the state-required Comnnrte Trip Reduetion Proeram, coordinates organizational recycJing program. vlonitors and manages a variety of miuucipal servic;e contracts,"1th the county, other public entities, consultants, or private contractors; pre•pares, m4nitors, and amends budgees for servicc cotltraets. I?e.rfonns professional level maiiagement aiialysis of service eontracts and prvgrans fOr efficiency , aiid cost-efTectiveness; perf'arms cost-of-ser-v7cc analysis of various prngrains and scrvices; conducts operaCional effecriveness reviews to ensuu-c functional or project systeins are applied and Fiulctioning as ciesigiied. Ma.4:es presentations to supervisors, boards, commissions; civic groups and the general public as assigne.d. Develops or updates fiuictional or nperational manuals outlining established iliethods of perfornvng work in ace•ordatice with organizational policy. PFRIPIITRAI: DUTILS Searehes sources sueh as refcrence Nvorks, litcrature, documents, newspapers, and statistieal recnrds, to obtain data on assigned subject. Anal}rzes aild evaluaCes applicability of collectecl data; prcpares statistical tabulations on collected ciata; NNq-ites reports or presenl:s data in formats such as abstracts, bibliograplues, graphs, or maps. Interviews individuals ta obtain ciata or draft correspondence to answer uiquirics. Prepares drafts of specehes, presentations, resolutions, ordinances, contracts; administrative policies, - etc: as assipeci. Administrative Analyst 2 hivestigates and follows-up on citizen requests for service, complaints, and requests for infprmation; assists in the development of nntices; Ilyers, brochures, newslctters; media rcleascs, news articles; aiid other infomiational materials about prograrns and services. Provide economic development support and referral assistance. DESIRL-D MTNli\1UM QUAI.,IFICATIOVS Education aiid Experience: (A) Graduation fi•om a college or university with aMaster's clegree ui public or business adnurustration, pnlitical scicnce; busuiess mauagement, f nance, or a closely related fielci; and (B) Five (5) years of related eYperieuce; or (C) A.ny equivalent eombination of education aiid progressively responsiblc expcrienec, with aciditional educatian substiniting for the required experience on a year for year basis. \jecessary Knowlcdge, Skills and Abilities: (A) Worl:ing knowledge of ttie prulciples alld practic.es af modcrn ptiblic aclmuusri•ation; working knowledge of operations rescarch, statistical aaialysis, program analysis; contract managemcnt, collective bargaining negotiation; policy analysis, anci performance auditing. ~ - r , (B) Skill ui operation aflisted tools and equipuient. (C) Ability to dcliver oral and ~,%ritten presentations, (D) Ability to accurately record and maintain rccords; ability to establish and maintain . effective work.ing relaiionships uzth employees, supervisors, otlier departments, officials aiid the public; ability to communicate Effectively verbally and in tivriting. (E,) Considerable kiinwledge, ability and skill in the principles and practices oPexcellent customer service as practiccd 'ul bnth the private and public sectors; ability to efFectively meet and deal Nvith the public; ability tn ha,ndle stressful sittiations; ability to greet and responci to customers in a f'riendly, pleasant and professional manncr using appropriate inflection, granmmar fuid syntax; abiliCy to establish aiid iiiaintain eiTective workirig relationships with employees, supervisors, and ehe general public; ability co inaintain a professional, courteous, and ple.asant demeanor in diElicult and stressful situations; ability to diplomatically deal wilh diffcult people; Nvillingness to expend extra effort tp help the public find answers or informalion relaiive to their . iiiquiry or complaint is expccted. SP}ECIAL REQUIREMEN"['S: Nlnne ~ TOOLS ANl7 EQUl7'MENT USED Adnuiustrative Analyst ~ TypeNtiq-iter, personal computer, including word processing, spreadshcet, data base sof'twttre, 10- key calculator; phone, c4py machinc, and fax macliine. . : PHYSICA.T DE.M11NCDS The physical ciemands described here arc rcpresentative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perf.orm the cssential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may bc made ta enable individuals with disabilities to perfomi the essential f.unctions. While pcrforining the duties of tlus job, Che employec is frequently reyuircd to sit and talk or • hear, usE hands to finger, handlc; feel or operate pbjects, tools, or controls; and reach witli liands and anns. The employee is occasionally required tA walk. The employee must oceasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Spccific vision abilities required by this job includc close vision aiid the ability to adjust f.'oeus. WO.R.K E•NV]RONMFNT The work environment characteristics cie.scribed here are representativc of those an employee encounters while perfornling the cssential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to cnable uidividuals with disabilities to perform thc essential functipns. . "lhe iioise level in the work environmcnt is usually quiet. SFL,ECTTON GUI])ELINIES Formal applieation, rating nf education and experience; oral intcrview and reference check;.job relate.ci tests cna}r be required. '1°he cluties listed above arc intended only as illustrations of the various typcs ofwark tliat inay be pt;rformed. "C'he omission of speciEc stacements of duties dnes noc exelude them froili the position if• the work is similar, relaied or a logical assigiunent to the position. The job description does nnt constitute an employmeni agreement between the employer and employee ancl is subject tn change by the ernployer as the nccds of the employer and reqiureuients o f the j ob chavge. Approval: Approval : Hwnan lZesources Analyst City Manager Effective Date: XX R.evision I-Iistory: Aeiministrative Analyst 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X ofd business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Greenacres Neighborhood Paric Acquisition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Previously authorized staff to negotiate terms for a purchase of property from Kada Ruddach, located at 17721 East Boone Avenue. BACKGROUND: The property at issue is Assessor's parcel number 55182.1518, and is 4.26 acres of land in Greenacres, immediately adjacent to the property recently purchased from Ray Brown, near the intersection of Long Road and Boone Avenue. Staff and Ms. Ruddach tentatively agreed to terms for the purchase, subject to approval by the Council. Those terms are as follows: • 1. The sales price for the 4.26 acres would be $310,000, plus closing costs; 2. Ms. Ruddach would keep the manufactured home and pole barn currently located on the property, both of which shall be removed no later than June 1, 2009; 3. Ms. Ruddach would lease the south 135 feet of the property from the City for $100.00 per year, and her father, Mr. Ed Lehman, would continue to live on that portion of the property until no later than June 1, 2009. 4. Ms. Ruddach is required to maintain property liability insurance policy in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate minimum coverage while during the lease of the portion of the property subject to the lease; and 5. The City would complete a boundary line adjustment that would reduce the lot size from its current size of 4.50 acres to 4.26, with that portion being reduced being added to parcel number 55182.1520 (Ms. Ruddach's residence), bringing that property from .21 acres to .45 acres. This was necessary because the lot Ms. Ruddach is living on was originally segregated from this lot, and was too small to accommodate the structures on it. The boundary line adjustment was completed July 11. The lease agreement is drafted, and would be executed concurrent with the closing of the property. (See attached) OPTIONS: Approve motion. authorizing the purchase as negotiated; instruct staff to negotiate other or additional terms. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we authorize staff to execute the necessary documents, including the lease agreement for a portion of the property, to complete the purchase for parlcs purposes of Assessor's parcel number 55182.1518 under the terms identified in the request for Council action. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: As identified above. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director; Cary Dnskell, Deputy City Attorney . \ ATTACHMENTS: Draft lease agreement DRf1F'7' LFASE AGREEiMENT l3ETR'EEN CITY OF SPOKANE Vr1LLEY ANb KARLA RU'DI)ACI3 REGtLRDING A PORTIO\ OF SPOKANE COUNTY ' PARCEL NUMBFR 55182.1518, SPOKa\sE VALLF•Y, WASFIINGTON , This Lease Agreement is cntereti into by the City of Spokane Valley (refereed to as "City" or "Owner"), and Karla Ruddach (referred to as "Rucidach" or "7'enant"), and jointly referred tn hereinafter as the "Partics." WHEREA5, the City is the owner of certain premises located at ] 7721 East F3oone, Spokane Valley, Washington, 99016, which was recently purchased by the City f.rom Ruddach. WELFREAS, as a condition of the sale to die City, Kucfclach re:quired that she be ablc to lease a portion of the subject property until June 1, 2009. The Parties determined that a suitable portion for Ruddach'S use -would be the south 135 feet of the subject property. WHERT'.AS, no later khan the termination of the lease agreement on .lune l, 2009, Ruddach would be obli;atcd to have all improvements removcd from the real propcrty. NOW, THEREFORF, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the Parties do hereby agree as fnllows: - I. PURPQSL. '1 he purpose of this lease agreement is to set forih the Parties' understanding regarding the terms and conditions under which Ruddach may occupy a portion of die Premises, agreed by the par[ies as the south 135 feet of parccl nutnber 55132.15.18. The legal description of the Premises is as fiollows: Bacons Addition to Grcenacres \W '/a, 18-2545, Block 15, Except the South 135 feet of the WeSt 144 Feet'lhereof, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washingloii 99016. Assessor s paecel number 55182.1518. 2. USE OF TtIE PRIE~~IISES. The Cit}, agrees to allow Ruddach to use a portion of the Premises until lune 1, 2009. Ruddach currently uses the souch 135 feet of the Premises for resiclential purposes for a rclative, Ld Lelunan. The Parties anlicipatc that Ruddach will continue to use the south 135 feet of the Premises for these identified purposes until June 1, 2009. Ruddacli is the owner of the improvements located on the south 135 feet of the Premises, and is obligated to have all improvements removecl from the premises by the e;cpiration of this lease agrc:ement In the event Ruddach does not have all improvements and personal property removed by June 1, 2009, the City may remnve it: and charge all costs to Ruddach for such removal and disposal. 3. TFRA4 OF LEASF AGltEE1~1ENT. The term of this lcase agreement shall be in cffect upnn signing, and shall expire on June l, 2009. 4, PAYNIENT. Ruddach shall pay the Ciry a"usc f'ee" for its use of a portion of the Premises b}' paying $100 per year. 1'ayments shall be to the City Finance Departrneni, 11707 East Spraaue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, and shall be due and payable by August 30 for the fallo«<ing year. 5. 1'IAINTEiVANCE COSTS. Rucldach shall be responsible for any maintenance or ' repairs to any impravrements on the Premises. Lease Agreement Ruddach Property, Greenacres Page 1 of 3 ARA.FT ~ 6. MOUIFICATION. The Parties may modify any term contained in this lease agreement, ~ l,but only by inutual writteii agreement. 7. ALTERATlUN5, AllllYTtO\`S, OR 1MPROVEYlENT5. Ruddacll shal] nqt, witliout first obtaining the written consent of the City, mal:e any alterations, additions, or improvements in, to, or about the 1'remises. The City shall timely respond to any requests to mal:e alternations, additions or improvements in, to, or about the Premises. 8. P 1SURANCE. Ruddach shall procure and maintain for the duration of the lease agreement; insuraiice against claims for injuries to persons or dainage to Premises which may arise from or in connectinn with the Rudtlach's use of the Premises. Rudclach is reyuired to mxlintain property liability insurancc policy in the amount of $l million per oc.currence and $2 million agGreaatc minimum coverage from an insurer acceptable to the City. Ruddach shall furnish the City with a copy of the required insurance certificates and/Ar amendatory endorsements widiin 30 days of execution of this lease agreement. 9. IYDEA9]VCFICATI()N AN'D H()L-D H.A1Z1V1LESS. . A. City shall indemnify and hold harmless Ruddach from all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss; cnsts, e:cpenses, ancf clamage,s of any nalure, by any reason of or arising out nFany negligent act or omission of the City, its ofFicers agents; and employees relating to or arising out of its obligations imcfer t.he terms of lhis lease agrccment. Tn the cvent ihat any suit based upon such claim, aclion, loss, ar damages is brought against Ruddach; City shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided lhat Ruddach reserves the riaht to participatc in said suit; and if final judgrnent in said suit be renderetl against Ruddach, or jointly against Ruddach and City and/or their respective offiicers, agents and ~ emplo_yees, Cit_y shall satisfy the same to the exfent of City's appnrtioned liability. B. Ruddach shall indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers, agents, and employees from all claims, actaons, suies, liabiliCy, loss, costs, e,tpenses, and clamages of any nature, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or omission of die Ruddach relating to or arising out of its obligations under the terms of this lease agneement. 1n the event that any suit baseci upon such claim, action, loss, or damages is brought against City, Ruddach shall defend the same at her sole cost and expense; provided tha[ City reserves the right to participate in saicl suit; and if f7nal juclgment in said suit be rendered against City, and its offices, agents, and employees or jointly against Ruddach and City sndlar their respective ofticers, agents and employces, Ruddach shall satisfy the same to the extent of Ruddach's apportioned liability. 10. NO I'TCES. All natiees or other cammunie,ations given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or other communications are received when sent by personal delivery; or (ii) the thirci clay followinb che day on which the same have becn mailcd by first class dclivery, postage prep.iicl addressed to Ruddach or the City at the adclrc-SS sct forih below for such Party, or at such othcr aciclrE:ss as either Party shall from time-to-time ciesignate by nolice in writing to the other Party: Ruclc3ach: Karla Ruddach 17705 Easc Boone Avenue Spokane Valley, Washington 99016 . CITY: Mikc Jackson r`\ City of Spoknne Valley Parks and Recreation Depardnent ~ 11 107 Cast Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Lease Agreement Ruddach Property, Greenacres Page 2 of 3 DRA FT 11. COTJNTERPARTS. This lease agreement may bc executed in any number oF. counterpares, each af which, when so exeeuted and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparis shall together constihi[c but one and the same, ~ i 12. ASSTr\'WN'T. Neither Party may, assign in ,vhole or part its interest in this Lease Agretmenl without the written approval of the other 1'arty. ' 13. W1UTTIiNGS CO\7AINE17 AERETNl1iMiNG EFFFCT. The Parties agree that tilere are no otlier understandings, oral pr olherwisc; regarding the subject matter af this lease ag-eement. 7°his Icase agreement shall be binding upon die Parties hereto, dheir successors and assigns. 14. NO WAIVER. N0 officer, employee, or agcnt of the City or Ruddacb has the power, right, or authority to waive iiny of the conditions or provisions of this lease agreement. No waiver of any breat;h of this icase agreement shaJl be held to be a waiver of any olher or subseyuent breach. All reniedies aff'ordeci itt this lease agrE:ement at law shall be talcen and construed as cumulative, that is, iri addition to every other remedy providcd herein or by law. The failure of either Farty to enEorce, at any time, any of the provisions of this lease agreement or to require, at any time; performance by the other Party of any provisions shall not, in any way, affect the validity of this leF►se agreement or any part hereaf, or the right of cidier Yarty to hereafier enforce each and every such provision. 17ATED: DATED: GITY OF SPOKAiNE VALLFY Karia Ruddach David Mercier, City Manager AYP.RO VED AS TC) N O.RM O\TI.Y: ATTEST: Office of the Cit}, Atiorney Chrisrine Bainbridge, City Clerk STATL OF WASI-C1NG1'ON ) ) ss. County of Spokane ) On this _ day of . 2007, before me, the undersignecl, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned 3nd s«rarn, pet•sonally appeared Karla Ruddach, who execuced the within and foregoing instrument, anc~ acknowled~ed the saic~ instniment to be the free and voluntary act and deed of yaid political subciivisinn, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. 1N WITNESS `N'HF'RE01?, [ have hereunto set my hand and affxed my seal the day and ye<tr first written abovc. \°OTARY PUBT,.IC in and for the State of Washi.ngton, residing, at My commission e~pires: J.,ease Agreement Ruddach Property, Greenacres Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisla4ion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointment: i,ocal Redevelopment Eluthority (I,.Rt1) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Dr. Debra Howard of rasl: Valley School Disirict called stafP informing us thal there are h+ro seats available for city representation oii the LRA they aee forming to deal with the Walker Army Reserve Center that is being deactivated. ~J As custnmary, Council will consider approval of the Mayor's appoinkment of which CouncilmemUee, if any, to serve on the Authority. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACT'ION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier ATTAC H M ENTS: ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 Ci 'ty Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ oonsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ED admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CTED Collaborative Grant Final Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council previously received a copy of the CTED Collaborative Grant Draft Reaort. BACKGROUND: Scott Kuhta will introduce Bill Grimes of Studio Cascade, who will present Council with an administrative report of the Final Grant Report. OPTIONS: L~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: nla BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta . ATTACHMENTS: i . _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information [E admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Intergovernmental Agreement for Commute Trip Reduction GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 70.94 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Council previously approved interlocal agreement C03-69 on November 12, 2003 and interlocal agreement C05-103 on September 13, 2005. Those agreements allowed County CTR to retain the City's state CTR funds in return for administering CTR programs for all affected employers in Spokane Valley. BACKGROUND: The attached interlocal agreement is between Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley. The agreement allows the Spokane County Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) department to retain the City's state-issued CTR funds in retum for developing, implementing, ~ and administering CTR plans and ordinances for all affected employers within the City of SpokaneValley. This agreement replaces the previous agreement, C05-103, which expired on June 30, 2007. The agreement is for two years and this proposed agreement will expire on June 30, 2009. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends that the agreement be approved BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The County would retain the City's state funds of $34,184. If the agreement was not approved the City would have to dedicate these funds to the CTR program and administering the CTR programs of all affected employers in Spokane Valley (20). STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS 1. Intergovernmental Agreement - . SCITY °~kaa.ne ,;,oOValley 11707 E Sprague Avc Suitc 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevaUey.org . - • . , . . , , _ , . , . . . . . , , , , . . , er e.,.. , r. : a•_ _..r.r._,.......r-. Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager From: Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Date: July 10' 2007 Re: Intergovernmental Agreement for Commute Trip Reduction rntroduction Commute Trip Retluclion (CTR) is a progzam to reduce the number of veluclc milES traveled (VMT) and number ofsingle occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips by employees commuting ty work. The goal is to reduce trafific congestion, air pollutiou atid petroleum consumption through empl.oyer-based prograins. The State of Washington, under RCW 70.94, r.equires that counties contauung urban grovvth areas and cities with "major employers" located within major growth xreas implemcnt a commtite trip reduction plan for all major employers. Cities with affccteci _ cmployers (more than 99 empl4yees) must implement thei.r o,,A1i Cllt program. Employers mu.st mal:e a good Cailh eFforl la aehieve reductions ui Vv1T aud SOV trips. Interlocal Aueement "Che attached interlocal agreement is bettveen Spokane County and the City of Spokanc Valley. The agreement allows the Spokane County Commutc "1'rip Reduction (CTR) department to retain the City•'s state-issued CTR funds in return for devcloping; implementing, and administering C'7`R plans and ordinances i'ar all affected eniployers wittun the City of Spokane Valley. This agreement replaces the Previous agreement, C05-103, Nvhich cxpired on June 30, 2007. 11ie proposed agreement is for two yeai•s will expire on Jtule 30, 2009. There are two changcs to this proposed agreement fxom the previnus agreemcnt. 1.) Jtirisdictions located in rural counties are no longer required ta participate 2.) 'Fhe County's funding was increascd from $165,568 to $177,759 aud the City's portion was incrcasEd from S31,458 to $34,184. The nuinber of affected cmployers in Sgokane Valley i.s 20 and the number of affected employers in the Cotmfiy is 104. DRAFT i.NTERGOVERNM7+aNTALAGREEMFN'1" ~ ~ THIS AGREEiN'1ENT, made and entered into this day oF , 2007 by and between the City of Spokane Vallcy, a municipal corporation of the State of «'ashington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, `VA, 99206, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Spokane County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the teansaction of business at West 1026 Broailway Avenue, Spokane, Washiiigton, 99260, hereinafter eeferred to cis the "County," jointly herciiaafter referred to as the "Parties." W1TNT.SSETFI VVFIEIZL,A,S, the Was1lington Statc L,egislature has adopted legislation codi.fied in RCW 70.94.521 through 551, the purpose of wllich is to improve air quality, reducc traffic con};eslion and reduee the consu.mption of petroleum fiiels through employer-based' programs that encouragc the use of alternatives to the single occupzulC vehiclE foe commute tzips and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT); and WHLI7EAS, RCW 7094.527 requires counties conCaining urban growth areas and cities and towns with "major employers," that arc lacated within urban groNvth areas with a scatc highway segment exceeding the threshold of one hundred person liours of delay or jurisdictions that are located in contiguous urban gro«th areas, or arc within an urban groNAh area widi a populat:ion greater than seventy thousand people thaC adopted an ordinanee before the year 2000 or jurisdictions that are located in contiguous urban growth areas, or contain a majnr employment installation in an affected county to develop ordinances, plans and programs to reducc Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Single Occupant ~ Vehicle (SOV) commute trips, and diereby reduce vehiclc-related air pollution, traffic congesCion and energy use, and WHEREAS, the County and each affected city within Spokane County have adopted Commute Trip Reduction Ordinances ancl must implement a Commut:e Trip FZeduction (CTR) Plan for all major cmployers; and W1i:EREAS, the VVashington State Taepartment of Transportation has the statutory authority . under Section 2 oFRCW 70.94.541 to prnvide assistance to local governments serving the eqmmunities of the State for the purpose o£ implemeneing Comrnute Trip Iteduction Plans 1.nd Orciinances; and WREI R1;r1S, RCW 70.94.544 provides for distribution of funds for local CTR implementation efforts, and WI3E12EAS, Spokane County hiis entered into an agreement with the Washington State I7epiu-lment of Transportation under .4greement \TO. GCA5358, hereinafter referred to as "WSI)OT Aoreement," pursuant to which Spokane CnunCy is eligible to receivE a reimbursable aniount of funds which the County will distribute to itself and cities to implement and administer Commute Trip Reduction Plans and Ordinances; and Wf1'CI2LAS,'pursuant to the nrovisions of RCW Section 70.94.527 (5), countics and cities may enter into agrceinents through the Interlocal Caoperation Act to coordinate the development and implementation of Commule Trip Reduction Plans and Ordinances; and ~ . T.nterg,overnmental Agreement Commute Trip Rcduction (C'117) Page 1 of 9 DRAFT WHERFAS, Spokane County ha.s allocated $34,184.40 to the City from the grant Agreernent I`jo. GCA5358 which the City is now desiroiis of ma}:inS available to the County to perform those tasks «fiich are the responsibility of the City. NO`V, TtiERFFURE, for and in consideration of the mutual prQmises set forth hereinafter, and as authorized uncler chapter RCW 70.94.527 (5), the paities hereto do mutually agree as follows: Secdon 1: PTT121'OSF 'Ihe County has eiitered into a WSDOl AgreemenC Nvith the NVashington State T)epartme_nt of l'ransportation undcr which il Nvill receive $177,759 for year ane and year two to be based on rx}Iibit T "Funding Allocation MeChodology". This funding is to be allacated to the County ztnd cities within Spokane County for their use in the implementation and administration oft}ieir Commute Trip Reductian Plans aiid Ordinances. '1 he County, basesl upon an allocation formula established by the Washington State DepartmenC of Transportation; 11as cietertnined that the City shall receive $34,184.40 from the WSDOT Ageemerit fi•am which it shall perform cerCai.n tasks. The City agrees to its proporf:ionate share af the monies made available to the County in the WSDO`l' Agrcement and agrees to allow Spokane County to retain its praportionate share in eonsideration of the CounCy performing those tasks as morc particularly sct forth in Attachment "t\" attached hercto and incorporated herein by reference. In conjuncYion with allowing the County to retain its propartionate share of monies, the City will execute any and all neccssary documerits which rnay be required by the Washington State Departnient of Transportation. It is understood by the parties hereto, dhat in ordcr for the County to perforcn I:hose tasl:s as sct forth in Attachment "A" tor the City, the City must perform certain tas{:s. Atlached liereto as Attachment "B" and incorporated herein by reference, is a listing of tasks which the City agees to perform in - conjuncl.ion with the County performing those tasks sct forth in ACtachcnent "A." . Section 2: DUIYATInN 1 he County agrees to provide those tasks set PoM:h in Sectinn 1 and complete performing such tasks q►i or before June 30, 2009. Section 3: TERNLC1VATI0N The parties agree that t.his Agreement may be terminated by eiflier parly for rnaterial breaeh of any provision set forth hcrein, upon ninety (90) days advance N«itten notice to the other psrty at the address set forth hereinabove. Provided, however, the parties agrce that any not:i.fcation of termination shall set forth the specife provision(s) for which such notification is being provided and additionally, advise that if such ciefault is cured within such ninety (90) day eime frame, said termination notifcation . shall be of no force and effect. Tn the event of termination, the County agree5 to provicle to the City all written documentation which it has eompleted to the date of termination under the terms of this Agreement. Actditionally, the County agrees to return to the City that portion of the monies set forth in Scction 1 hereinabove, which has not been exjzended by the county, prior to the date of termination, on the City's behalf in provicling those Yasl:s as set forth in AttachmenC "A." Provided, furthcr, the parties recognize that the Washingcon State Department of Transportation in Agreement Nb. GCA5358, has retainec3 the right to unilaterally terminate all or a put of such contraet , if there is a reduction of fuiids from the fticiding source. Accordingly, in the event that the Wa.shington ~ State Departrnent of Transportation termiiiates all or part of the WSDOT Agreement with Spokane Intergovernmental Agreement Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Page 2 nf 9 DR.4FT County, ancl such aeCion affects the ~tllocation of funds by the County to the City heeein, andlor mc~difies ~ the tasks'tn be performed hereuncler, the pvties will immediately ineet to renc.gotiatc the provisions of this Agreement. Section 4: DESiGNATTON OF ADtiII1VIS112ATOR The County hereby designated Ms. Aurora J. Crooks, the Spakane County Transportation llemand Management Manager, as its designee for the purpose of administering and coordinating the County's responsibilit:ies under the terms of this Agreement. Section S: ACOiJISI'I7,QN/DISPnSTTTON OF PROP.F_.RTY `I'he parties hereto agree diat any real or persAnal property acquired by the County widi those monies made available to the Count'y by the City under Section 1 hereinabove, shall be and remain the sole property of the County upon acquisition and/dr termination of tliis Agreement. • Section 6: COMl'LIANCE VVITi•i LA`VS 7`he County agrees to observe all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and " regulations including, but no necessarily limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act and chapter 49.60 RCW, to the extent that they rnay have any bearino on performing ttiose tasks for the City as set forth in • Section 1 hereinabove. Additionally, the County agrees to comply with all applicable funding audit .,ton State Dcpartmenl of Transportat:ion in conjunetion with pcrforming those • requirements of the Washing tasks for the C ity. L ; Section 7: NQ'I'ICES • All notice,s called for or provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and must be served on any of the Parties either personally or by certified mail; return receipt requested, sent to the Parties at their respeclive addresses hereinabtive given. Notices sent by certified mail shall be deemed served when deposited in the United States inail, postage prepaid. Section 8: HEAU0`GS The section heaclings in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do Chey purpnrt tp, and shsll not be deemed tq define, limit or eatend the scope or intent of the sections to which they appertain. Secdon 9: A'IODIFICATIO\7 \TO modification or atnendment of tliis Agreement shall be valid until dle same is reduced to writing and executed with the same i'ormalities as this present Agreement. Section lU: ALI. W12ITINGS CONTA.INFD NERFI\* This Agreement contains all the terrns and conditions agrecd upon by the Parties. No other understandings, oral or othenvise, regardiiig t}le subjcct matter of this Agreement shall be cleemecl to eYist or to bind any of the Parties hereto. Thc City has read ancl understands all of this rigreement, and now statcs that no represcntation, promise or agrecment not eYpressed in this Agreement has been made to inciucc the City to exceute the same. Intergoverrimental Agreement Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Page 3 of 9 DRAFT IN WITi~TESS VVAT!,R,FQF, the parties hereto have hereunlo seC their han<Is aud seals the day and ycar first above written. . BOAItU OF C;OUNTY COivLVIISSiO\fTRS OF SPOKANF COUNTY, WASFIINGTON Viark R.ichard, Chair CITY OF SPOK.Ai\'E- VALLEY By: Bonnie Maaer, Vicc Chair David Mercier, City Manager • I'odd Niielke, Cammissioner A'CI"EST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk A f"['EST: By Danicla Frickson Cleek of the Roard . , ~ lntergovernmental Agreement Commute 'I"rip Eteduction (C'I'R) Pagc 4 of 9 DRAFT ; - ' Exhibit I Funding Alloeation rlethodology RCW 70.94.544 authorizes the CT.R board to determine the allocation of program funds made available for the purpose of implementing CTR plans. The fundinb allocated for local implementation of CTR aetivities in July 1, 2007 throuoh June 30, 2008 is based on the ciecision taken by the CTR board at its April 27, 2007 meeting. At that mecting, the CTR. botird decided to allacate funding for the period between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008 st the same level pcr county and city as the fiinding alloeated for the period berivecn July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007. For the period between July l, 2008 and June 30, 2009, funding will be allocated based on the decision of the CT.R boEird according to its funding palicy. .Tuly 1, 2007 - Junc 30, 2008 Alloca6on Total County Allocation Clark $80,000 . King S1,086,700 Kitsap $50,000 , Pierce $141,983 Snohomish $121;569 Spokane $177,759 '1"hurstort $109,439 • Whatcom $80,000 Yakima , $80,000 Total ~1,957,500 Intergovertunental Agreement Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Paoe 5 of 9 DRAFT \ ATTAC _JiMENT "A" STATEMENT pF WORK 7'he Count:y will: 1. Promote eonsistency wit:hin all affectecf loeal government jurisdictions wilhin Spokane. County, while serving the City's specific needs. 2. Maintai.n and administer the City's CTR Ordi.nances and I'lan. 3. Employ a full-time Transportation Demancl ManageiTient Manager to ad►ninister the County's and City's C'11Z Plans and Ordinances. 4. Take reasonable mcasures to identify ancl notify all affected employers within.the County. 5. Assist each affected employer within the City in preparing a program itncl promoting the principles of'1'r3nsportation Demand Management (TDM) wiCh the employer's employees. 6. Maintain im appeals. process conSisCent with RCW 70.94.537(2)(e) My which major employers, who as a result of special characteristics of their business or its locations would be unable to meet the requirements of a commute trip reductioii plan, may obtain awaiver or mndification Qf those requireinents and criteria for determining eligibility for waiver or modifiaation. Within 30 days from the date of approval, submit to VVSDOT thc name and employer idcntification code for any " worksiYe that has been granted an cxemption. lnclude information about the duraCion of all exemptions and information on the type nf moclification granted. 7. Submit to Washinglon State Deparhnent• of Transportation periodie progress reports summarizing the overall CTR implementat:ion costs incurred by the County a.nd shall be reported in a format provided by WSDOT. . 8. Provide WSDOT with a publia hearing notice and copies of any proposed amenclments to the CTR ordinance; plan, andlor administrative guidelines within the first week of the public review period ancl final copies of all actions within one (1) monCh of adoption. - 9. Coordinatc and administer baseline and measurement CTR employer surveys. Provide employer survey assistance, training ancl stritasupplied stirvey rorms. 10. \Totify Washington State Dcpardnent of '1'ransporlation prior to sending any surveys to Universily of 1Vashington for prQcessing. The natification must include I:he name of the worksite, employer identificakion code and type of survey for each survey beina submitted fer processing. "1'he notification shall be submitted as 3n electronic spreadshcet via electrnnic mail. The County agrees to wait for confirmation from WSDOT prior to sending or delivering the surveys for processing. l l. f'rovide WSDOT with updat:ed lists of affected wrorhsites and jurisdiction contacts on a periodic basis or as requested by WS.T)OT. "Chese updates will be submitted electronically in a formal spccifed by WSDOT. ~ Intcrgovenimental Agrecrnent Commute Trip Recluction (C'I'R) F'age 6 of 9 DRAFT 12. Continue to monitor the prograrns of eactl of the affected employers in lhe City to determine compliance with the CTR Ordinance ancf Pla.n. Complete aruiual review of employer CTR proo ams including a determination as to whether the employer is acting in good faith to meet die goals cstablished by the CTR Law. tiVithin 30 days from the date of approval, submit to WSDOT one electronic or hard copy of any approved employer alinual reports. . 13. Provide on-going support to all employer designated rmployee Transportation Coordinators (E1'Cs) and assist ETCs in facilitating regular employer networking opportunities and obtaining information necessary to per.form their duties including information materials that explaiii a range of ineasures and activities to encow-age employee use of conmwte alternatives. 14. Market available services to a.ffected employers to assist in accomplishing CTR goals. 15. Work collaboratively with and prnvide technieiil guidance and support t:o employers in developing succ,essful CTR programs. 16. Conduct at least one Basic i,:TC Trainirag Course per year, using WSDOT-provided ETC Handbook and other training materials reviewed and approved by VJS170'1". 17. Provide employers with written information on basic requirements of the C'CR ordinance, C"1'IZ zones and an explanation of how the plan is intended tn achieve its goals. 18. Attend trailsportation or health/henefits fairs at affected employer wnrksites to encourage high- occuparicy vehicle conimuting and promote the employer's C`Y'K program. 19. llesign, construct and distribute worlcsite Commuting Options Boards. Provide professional malerials suc;h as brochures, ilycrs, posters, newsletters, clip art and other tools to assist employer itnplementation of worksite CTR programs. 20. Provide all affcctcd employers wit}i t}ic WSnOT-approved "Program I7escription &Employer Annual Report" fonn. Ensure completed reports are submitted by affected employers to meet: ' applicable cieadlines. 21. Submit to Washington State Deparhnent of Truisportation periodic invoices alnng wilh prog-ess reports that accurately assess the progress made by County, on behalf of City, in irnplementing KCW 70.54.521-551. R.cport contcnts includc: a. lletailed summary of CTR events and projects, including implementation assistance providEd to affected employers withira the City; b. Actual total CTR expenditures used by the Caunty for all suite CTR funcls expendcd by thc County during the previous quarter for the purpose of CTR implementation using 1~~VSDOT pre-approvecl formal; c. iJpdated list of affected employers and worksites (electronic); d. Total number of worksites by jurisdiction; e. List of sites which have applied for etemplions ar modifieations; f. Hard copies of any employer annual repnrts approvect during quarter. 22. Establish and mainYain books, records, dacuments and other evidence ancl accounting procedures ~ i and practices sufFcient to reflect properly all direct ancl indirect costs of whatever naturc claimed ~ to have been incurred and anticipated to be incurred solely for dhe performance of this 1.ntergovernmental Agreement Commute "1"rip Reduction (CTR) Page 7 of 9, DRAFT Agreement. rstablish and mainti3in a separate "CTIZ Account" within Spokane County along with supporting documentation such as payroll and time records, invoices, contracts, vouchers or products proving in proper detail the nature and propriety of thc charges. 23. Participate i.n lacal implementation of state-,vide CTR public awareness and recagnition pro(g'ams developed by Wa.Shington St:al'e Department of Transport;ation. 24. Offer recommendations to the City for policies on parking and site design which will encourtige the use of alternative transportation rnodes. 25. F_nccaurage employers to develop site desigms and improwements to of-Ytce and industrial sites that promote the use of alternative trinsportation modes. 26. Assist Nashington Stale Department of Transportation with C"Clt evaluation. 27. Uffer and assist with the markeling of the statewide RideshareOnline.com., elec.h•onic ride.matching serviee. 28. Serve as liaison between Washington State Department of Transportation and cities, to-vvns, transil agencies and regional transportalion planning nrganizations fnr ihe purpose of RCW 7094.521-551. - 29. Continue applying for funding opportuni[ies to further encourage the use ofi commufe alternatives. ~ . lntergovernrnental Agreemcnt Commute Trip R.eduction (CTR) Page 8 of 9 oRaFr . ATTncFUUENr „R" i STATEIV.IE\'T OF WO1tIC The City will: 1. Provide Spokaile County with copies of any proposed anendments to the CTR Plan and Ordinancc. 2. Provide Spokane County with copies nf any CTR-related amendments to parking ordinances prior to public review. . • 3. Develop, implernent acid maintain its own CTR Program as an affected employer or as othenvise speciFecl in the CTR Board Guidelines or IZCW 70.94.521-551. 4. Reimburse the CoLmty for the services provided Uy this Agreernent in an amount equal to the City's share of the CTR funding as providecf in RC`V 70.94.544. . intergovernrnental Agreement Commute Trip Recluction (CTR) Page 9 of 9 ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ` Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 24, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ aonsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. repor# M pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hall Facilities Planning GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Council vras informed in an Information Memo on June 11, 2007 fhat the City would issue a RFP for development of a City Hall facility program and cost estimate and for the possibility of full architectural and engineering services in the future. A copy of the RFP was attached fo the memo. Ttie RFP is due to the City on July 26, 2007. We should have a recommendation for the consultant to Council in late August or early September. The City Manager requested thaf I prepare a rough cost estimate for budgeiing purposes for the - City Hall facility. Base on the cost of construction for the CenterPlace project and on the cost of - land at $10 per square foot (the ECONorthwest report indicated land in the Corridor ranges from $8 to $25 per square foot) I develnped the following cost estimate: o Center Place: 53,000 S.F. @ 5188.681S.F =$10,000,000 (based on low bid) • Construc#ion Cost Index (CCI) of 5.5% per year from 2004 (Center Place bid) to 2009 (City Hall bid) • S.F. cost for 2011: $188.68 x 5 years x 5.5% _$240.57 • City Hall: 60,000 S.F. @ $240.57 = $14,433,962 • Site area of 3_5 acres @$10/S.F. = $1,524,600 • Contingency @ 15% _ $2,393,784 • Total City Hall project estimafe: $18,352,346 If land costs were to come in on the high side ofi ECONnorthwests estimate, that would increase the above costs by $2.3 million. Additionally the CCI is based on an average since 1998. Individual years vary significantly as noted in the attached graph. SEATTLF, WA zcti ~ ' s g ► S Q!~ r ~ - a` a o ~ d S ~ _ ~5! 0% ! 0 . ~ lanvary o! 1Mr Yoor We would expect the programming and cost estimafe to be completed by the consuitant in eariy 2008. This will provide us with more refinsd numbers on the size of the facility and the site requirements and a more detail cost estimate. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS . oyAN E VAt4F~ FIRE DEPAR~-MEN~_ . ` . _ QUARTERLY- REPORT JANVARY-MARCH 2007 C) WINW.SPOKQNEVALLEYFIRE.COM ~ POMlV C vAL44~Page 2 oi 8 5 FIRE DEPARTMENT Mfke Thom pson, Fire Chief January-March 2007 LT- T ~ 1 Fj I , ~ ~ ~ E__ ~ , _ Edn ~ ~ ~ t ~ ' Spokane Yalley Fire DepartmenYs'Vision, NLission and Values i . Organizational vision is a short, succinct, and inspiring statement of what _ the organization intends to become and to achieve at some point in the fu- ture, ofteri stated in competitive terms. A vision will refer to the categoiry ( t of intentions that are broad, all-i.nclusive and fazward-thinlang. '1'he Spo- t kane Valley Fire Department's vision will prnvide us with a challenge and . take u.s out of our camfort zone. I can assure our constituents that this de- partment has been worldng towards this vision for some years with the prog"rams and services we provide. VVe will now focus on how we are go- Chlet Mlko Thompson ing to take it to the next level where we will be sEtting the standard for all fire depaztments to follow by establishing best lau.siness practacss for our profession Vision Statemeat The Spokane Valley Fire Department will strive for "excellence" in everything we do and will become recognized as the "pzemier" fire department in the state. Vision Statements descri_be the futuxe and where the organization is going while Mission State- ments describe today. An organization's mission "clarities their purpose" by provid.ing clear direction foi constituents, employees aiid othei orgaruzations about who we are and what we do. The Department's Mission Statement has been in place for several years. During our process we deliberated on whether it was still applicable considering our Vision and Values. We felt that it has served us well and is still valid considering what we are moving towards for the future. Mission Statement 'I'he Spokane Valley Fi.re Department is an all-risk emergency agency, protecting its citizens' lives, properiy and the environment through a cost effective and responsive people oriented service. Rll organizations operate according to overall values. These values are the personalify, or cul- ture, of the organiaation. Even though thE Spakane VallEy nre Department did not have their valiiPS written bn a. piece of pape.r, it has been n-ty observatioln. over the past a.lmost two years they havE been practicing all of thEm on a daily basis. Z1Ve have rECently gone through a proc- ess where they have been clearly identified and each of them defined by a statement for clar-~ _J 'ity as to what they really mean. These values will be incorporated into our hiring process, traiiung, and annual pcrsonnel evaluations. P QM` vE VALC~ Page 3 of 8 ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Mike Thompson, Fire Chief ' . January-March 2007 [,T- ~ , L-TEFDM'FR-u'QM-,.,- TRE cii-an t~~n~~Ja Valnes Hccountability . We shall accept ownership for our actions and decisions. Trnstworthiness We believe trustworthinESS is one of the most important ethical values and brings together such qualities as honesty, integrity, reliability and loyalty. Respect We believe in the basic dignity of every individual and value all members of 'the commui►ity and department. Excellence O'Ve consider it our duty to deliver friendly, beneficial quality service which promotes our mission. . Ca:ing VVe will be scnsitive to the needs of others-by being.compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, flexible, adaptable, willing to understand, and by being a good listener. Quality Customer Service We recogiuze that internal and egternal customer service is tlle busir►ess of our organization. We will uphold high standards of timeliness, quality and value. • 'Phe Spokane Valley ErE Department is committed to adhere to our Vision, Mission and Values making us a stronger arganization as we mAVE forward into the future. L..~.,,i~7y~~y' -st+.rc•.•~,~,<<»-~~~~ , _.t N~,. _1~~?(.KSi.."'R•)~~i`., - \ r 7?~.. RE STA.I I t ~ . .Y~ . . , . . . ; t• _ , .t . - U Jmuuy iuub t: d 'll 8 ;ii n ci• ~ - o VM wfth , i i i I, r ini i,I-: n i ~MI I i& F~e - ~ ~~a•z~~ hEo I 1 I ' . I ' 'i ' eII ' 1 I IGI II the. ' il si, I n I (500) ' i IBI AOM`v E VAL4~ Page 4 ofi 8 ciF FI RE ~ DEPARTMENT h91ke Thompson, Flre Ch(ef January-March 2007 Tr ~ ining Division . _ New _ _..w _ _ training _ . . . . . . 90 . - . . 0 w- • e• with - three • • O • • Training • _ - trairting center, - - crews • fi• ti • simulafion fi - - Technical - - - •-g. • - • • - - " • - vehicle • • into service. ' n'ew Fitness/Wellness program d - • • ff with • • • ing. ' February ! • • . driU • ' • 1 ^ f • ' - ' • training • - - Air 'kit (Rfirefighter uhas sed to re-supply a firefighter who has become trapp-• • • • • - • 'kit • included emergency • • power t • • materials, • firefighter O - - recruits t- - e• • e •a • ecruit A . •e ~i J • • ente - • • through en weelcs • • • e• • ^ • d • • ^ • ~ " • . • • • • e • assigned • . emergency - • • e vel-dcle. e training w consist • h ' f • t • skills, emergency medical sIdUs, emergency cal smaterials, dUs, emvehicle rgency drest riFire D-p_ - trairdng • consists • D • Hydrauhcs • ' • • - f • • Tactics, • - - 1 ~ ~ _ - - sp Er---1 D ~ t v Io J n Spokane Valley F`ire Depariment paramedics are cur- rently being trained in the use of a new device called CP.AP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), for pa- tients sutfering from severe respiratory distress or hy- poxia in the setting af Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pulmonary Edema, asth.ma or pneu- monia. This device ivill potenhally reduce the need to a intubate (insertion of a tube into the patient's airway) t patients which could have a diramatic eifect iri shorten- ~ ing ihe hospital stay of a patient. VSTe anticipate the CPAP device to be available on all of our pazamedic apparafus by the end of Apri1200?. Randy O1son-EM5 Chief Q OMN E VqL4~ Page 5 oi 8 ~ F I RE . . DEPARTfViENT ' Mike Thompson, Fire Chief ' January-March 2007 YEAR ' D, RESPONSE TOTALS ' • ' 2007 SVFD 2008 SVFD % VALLEY O• D LAKE D Jan. - Mar. Jan. - fv0ar. Change INCIDENT TYPE YTO YTO YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD - Fire Single - - - 91 0 0 10 1101 88 3.05 • • Fire 0 0 7 3 133.33 ' 20 24 -16.n7 ' • 0 0 i 11 12 -8_33 - 0 0 9 4 125.00 - • - p• - 134 3 12 7 156 149 4.70 903 732 23.36 31 D ' - • 969 aaa 9.12 . 0 i 0 0 Q Q 0 - • 0 0 2 3 -33.33 • 0 4 0 0 0 .0 0 D 0 0 0 - t•.t• 20 11 81_82 40 _spo ' 0 a 3 3 0 - • • Acci • - • - 6 37 195 159 22.64 • . D Auto Accident-Life Threats • 0 0 0 g 12 -25.04 • - 59 47 8.51 ' ' O D' • ' ' 2460 2145 14.69 Fire D responses . . and PRE`TENTE0N STATISTICS ~ " - _ january March of 2007 ~r... . PERNIIT$ BUILDING INSPECTI4NS 56 PLATS 1 HAZARD COMPLAINTS 19 SUPPRESSIQN SYSTEMS 910 BUSINESSES 6 ALARM SYSTENlS 0 RECALLED SPRINKLER HEADS 44 BUILDING PLAN REVIEWS 8 FIRE WATCH 1 CHANGE OF USE, 6 FIRE ALARM ACCEPTANCE 0 FIREWORKS 33 BUILDING ACCEP'i'ANCE 28 TENANT IMPROVEMENT 3 HOOD SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE 0 TEMPOR.ARY STRUCTURE 7 SUPPRESSION ACCEPTANCE TOTAL PERMITS TOTAL INSPECTIONS 154 968 OMNE "AC Page 6 of 8 5Q FIRE F_ DEPARTMENT Mike Thompson, Fire Chlef . ~ January-March 2007 SpYiug Reminder; Change YonY Clocks-Change Yonr Batteries In , ~ YouY Smoke Detectors! If your smoke detector has a lithium type battery please follow the manutachuer's recommenda- tions. These battcries have a ten year battery life and should be•replaced as instructcd. R The Prevention Bureau set up a booth at the 5fi annua12007 Valley Chamber of Commerce Husi- . ness Fair along with approximately ninety other businesses. We answered questions from the public and businesses pertaining to the Department and business inspections which resulted in great feedback. E During the l st. quarter of 2007 we have instructed 300 citizens and employees in fire safety to in- clude the use of fire exringuishers, fire safety in 1he home and business and career fau-s. The Spokane Valley F°ire Department has received a 2007 Kawasald Mule Utility Vehicle from Roundy's Kawasaki on a Utiiity User Relarions Loan Agreement. This is a 333 day agreement and can be renewed at that time for an additional 333 days: The need for this type of vehicle will be useful in rough terrain rescues, the County Faii, HoopFest, ValleyFest, Search and Rescue, train- ing and eclucation. The cost to the departrnent will lie a rnaintenance agreement in the amount of E $340 per year. f~efighters will be trained in the operations of off road vehicle safety. ~Bill C1lfford-PIO' . Spring Safety Tips Ontdoor Busning Recreafional Fires are snall fires, no larger #han 3 feet in diarneter and 2 feet in height, such We respond a few ti.mes everyweek io outdoor as eampfires and cooking fires, using only these burning issues most resu?ting from legal or il?e- approved fuels: seasoned (clean and dry) fire- gal recrearlonal fires. Citizens shau]d cail their wood, charcoal briquettes, natural gas and pro- loca.l fire department with questions prior to pane. haviZg an outside fire. Fires used for debris disposal (even if it's natu- Illegal Bnrning ral debris from your yard and garden) are not Burning garbage Ihas been prohibited in Spo- considered zecreational fires_ kane since the 1970s. The only material that may be burned legally in Washington (under sp~e- Baclryard barbecues, chimneas ar►d other cif'ic guidclines and depending upon where you patio/deck warmers, are considered recrea- live) is unprocessed natural vegctation. In 2000, honal fires, and are also allowed year-round, the state legislature banrted burn barrels state- except during a burn ban. ~ wide. Therefore, even natural vegetation may Recrestional fires must be attended at.all tunes - not be burned in a burn barrel. Srnoke from and a method for extinguishing them available burn barrels is noxious because the fires burn at at all fires (Buckats, shovels, garden hoses oz a low temperatures, receiving very littHe oxygen fire extinguisher). SCAPCA may issue a burn and producing excessive smoke and oither toxic ban based on air quality conditions. Current j substances. bans issued by SCAPCA can be accessed by ~ ~ calling 477-4727 or www.scapca.org. Other en- BiU Cliffard-PIO tities may issue bum bans based on ftre danger. . . a AO[ `NC"' ~L~~ Page 7 of 8 5~ FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT Mike Thom pson, Fire Chlef ' January-March 2007 lst QUARTER FIRE INVESTIGATIONS 12007 • . D • o _ w - - g. o - .ppro _ - I 110 in property d. .g- ~ 12 o - 12 o unintentional/accidental - • - - _ -d b means • • .pp - I caused b - - d - b impropeF • _ d o _ • • .pp - O I tl -d a b - Spokane lndustdal • • - several of copp- subsequently • -d - wire - • o - o - 'i `o increase • - wire - • • business. Due to the • b - • o - - • • • business. s• - Valley P• - D-p. - D-puties and Sp• _ - Valley - D-p_ ' - • - -d . g- • De• - C glary, 2rd D-• • 24 D-• - Arson. ^y 2006 Final - d ~ i 111 o . estig. ons causing appro property •amag' • intentionallcriminal " " • • arrests • 000 property • . . g' • unintentionaUaccidental - - g S970,000 property d. .g- - a pp . - d chinineys _ - • - - jurisdiction 11 - investioations - - -d The - Valley - Department's I06 rate • offenses - -d • • - 11 onal o - - -d rate • -Na J - p• Depariment's 016 arrest - was ' • p_ -d r the It . . Clifton Dep 4 We surviv@d another, primarily unevEntful, winter in the area of disaster D preparedness. But don't let that lull you into complacency as not all dis- 1' ~ aster situations can be tracked with a warning of the upcoming situation. We need to learn and practice disaster preparedness, as statistics show • that our area will have some type of disaster situation, not if but when. ~ Our Spring classes are moving along; the initial class will hold it's final night on April 23Td , completing the seven wcek program. The continuing education training ~ will hold it's last class for Spring on May 81h, along with the annual CERT disaster drill on May 12`h. If you are interested in attending one of our future CERT classes, please call the Spokane Valley Fire Department at 928-1700. Bruce liamner-CERT Program Director . ~j OM'v E YAQ~Page 8 oi 8 FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT Mlke Thompson, Flre Chief ~ January-March 2007 Interesting Responses--ist Quarter Thc Spokane Valley flre Department responded to seventeen separatc incidences in the 1" Quarter invotv- ing children locked inside vehicles. VVith the increase we have iriformed ihe public to stay ca1m, check all doors to see if one is open or to see if a window is down prior to calling 9-1-1. 9Pe have responded to 2 water rescues already in the Spokane River. 'IWo persons were canoeing east of Barker Road when their canoe had overturned; neither one was wearing a life vest but managed to make it to the shore. In a separate incident at Mirabeau Park a person was rafting down the river when the raft flippcd and the person was stuck on debns ap'proximately 100 feet from shorc. The 5heriff's Dive Tcam was on scene fo assist with the rescue. The patient was•transported to a local hospital for hypothernua.. Where There's Fire, There's Smoke and Even Ashea • It never fails how faz common sense will go. Ashes will insulate the hot caals and keep them buming for hours and even days. We responded to a fire in the 3300 block of South Glenn Road with a report of a shed . -fire. The homeowners cleaned out their fireplace, put the ashes in a combustible container and placed it next to a shed and wood pile. A sY►ort time later call.ing for the BRTs, Big Red Trucks! We respond up to a dozen times each ycar for these types of fires that are preventable. We Respond g'o All Emeigendea, Even Adnlts Loc,ked in Closets Valley Engine 7,responded to an adult locked"in a.lcitchen closet in the 200 block of South EWergreen Road. The fire crev►► removcd the lock set from the door to free the person so ttiey could get back to work_ No inju= ries noted! Burglaz Stnck ln• Dnct Systein Valley Engine 8 responded to the 1100 block of North Pines Road tn assist the Sheriff s departrnent with re- moving a possible burglar stuck in the furnace duct system while trying io break in. After investi'garing. it was determined that it was a malittnction in the heating and ventilation system on the roof. There was a natu- ral gas leak and when the rooftop unit was trying to ignite it vrould ignite the furnes in the duct malring a bang (small' esplosion). The business owners had thought someone had tried to break in and got stuck. No arrests were made! ~4w . . 'i'crry 5odcrberg 'firialit Trcffrf. 15'/.2 ycRrsof der,"'ce Lieufenant ' -~Larry t1cGnarc ' - rl:lig 13ailgL 20 yeArs of serFicc T~,ngintc-r ..._-U i _r 1~:ANE VAt4 Qo ~ ~ ~ F.IRE DEPAR~MENT ~ I . . ~ ~ QUARTERLY REPORT APRIL.-.lUNE 2007 WWW.SPOKANEVALLEYFIRE.COM ~OM`V E VAL4~Page 2 of 12 5 FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT ; Mike Thompson, Fire Chief Aprll-June 2007 L UdITT ~ D FiRIO T ~ Edd QH~ ~ r~ J ~ Planning for Future Fire Stations arid Administratiori Buildirig ~ , ; The Spokane Valley Fire Department has started t,he planning pracess > to determine the future needs for fire stations and an administration building. The need for a new administration build.ing d.id not require an in-depth analysis because we have maximized all of our existing - available space ~,ti*ith no room to grow. Analyzing the need for relocat- ing exisfing stations or adding new fire stations was a more complex ° process. This process started by looldng at the lacation of e~dsting fire Chiaf PAeXe Thottepson stations, analyzing response data, looking at natural and man-made~ ~ barriers (i.e. river, freeway), and looldng at current and future growth an our service area. 1 From the information vve gathered, we will be relocating, rebuilding or adding the f.ollowing fire stations at some point in the future: • Fire Station 9 at 11514 E. 16`h Avenue will need to be relocated • Fire Station 3 at 2218 N. Hatvard will need to be relocated • Fire Station 10 at 17217 E. Sprague Avenue will need to be built (existing facility is a prefabricated home) . • • Fire Station 6 at 6306 E. Sprague Avenue needs to be rebuilt (built in 1961) • Future Fire Station 11 shauld be located 1Vorth of Spokane River around Barker Road area The apprnximate costs for the relocation and rebuilding of the identified fire stations plus a new administration building are in the $10 to $12 million range. The challenge the Department now faces is how to fund this major capital facilities project. The Spokane Valley Fire Department has always taken a posture of "pay as you go" and has not incurred any long term debt. The , Fire Commissioners will be evaluating various funding options r over the next couple of months with a continued emphasis on trying not to have any long term debt. Their discussion on fund- ing options will begin with a strategic budget planning retreat ,J the end of July 2007. More information vrill be available in the October 2007 quarterly newsletter. ' Pa9e 3 ofi 12 VALt4j~-~- C.q ° FIR~ T ~ DEpp,RT~IEN_,tine 2~7 APrt1 mike Thompson, Fire Chie~ F• = s- :i -i",S:" ..•z, ~ ' ` ` ' ; v -r ti _ • ~ ~`.+r"" , 1 F . .i :4~'. Su-:f, ` ~ ~ i~~ _ , • _ r _ ~ • ~ _ t . c " • ~ tas~t ~ ~ ~ . ~ s ' ► 1 ~ I ~~i~ r'.'~ ri.,~ i' ~ ;~.i~•rfM-,~ ~ 1 ~ ~ li~ 1~1~ nl , . . ~ + ~ . y • ti4 , ~ ~ 1' rM1 1 1 ~OM~ ~ YAL`~ Page 4 of 12 5 FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT _ Mike Thompson, Fire Chief Aprl{--1une 2007 ~ Znd Quarter . H I n Dim sin on Durfng the month of Aprp we ran our crews through a drill where ~+~,~171 • . they were requfred to rescue an occupant through a 2ed storyrrin- . dow while other crews kept a 1=t floor fire from spreading to the stalrway and 2nd floor. Tralning on our 5 new fire trucks was also offered. Ths Recruit Academy delivered training to the new re- - cru(ts on subjects such as flre pumps and hydraulics, ventilatlon, harardous materiats, fire prevention cause and origfn, and Wild- land-urban (ntefface tralning. The recruits were also tested to IF- ~ SAC (Internatlonal Flre Standards' Accred(tatton and Certlflca- a tion) Frefighter i level. All recruits passed bath the written and practica) port[ons ofthetest. May's training consisted of the annual Wlldland trafning to prepare for the upcflming fire season. V1re sent every flreflghter through - ` tra(ning on the new flreflgfiter self rescue rope rappel betts. Annual treRCh rescue and conflned space tralning was conducted at Sta- ~*L t#on 8. The recrufts contlnued thelr hands on traintng, developing the skllls needed to work on the fire trucks. They atso recetred trafn- ing for vehfcle accidents, using pawer equipment to remove injured occupants. The Academy traveled to the Washington State Fire Academy in Nortfi Bend, where they received tralning In flammable I(quEds and propane ftres, search and rescue, and fire attack. May 18m the Recruft Class of 2007-1 graduated from the academy. The new firefighters received their station and truck assignments and were moved to shifl woric on the trucks starting A7ay 21. In lune the Department participated In the 3rd An- ` ~nual Intematlonal Ftreflghter Safety Stand Dovm to bring awareness of Itne of duty deaths and reduc- ing them each year. Each shift parttc(pated for a L-,,,,;,t;-~.. . : 1:::~.::;. full day. All routine actfvities were suspended so . crews cauld spend the day studying safety artd sur- j,. vival issues. At the end of the month joint training with the Spokane Fire Department started and will run through 1uly. This training ts called ROAM (Rule Of A(r Rrlanagement). The tralning teaches~ -l4 flreflghters the need t4 and how to manage thetr, air In a hazardous environment to avold runill low and needing to be rescued. Wayne Howerton-Traii►Yng Chief POMNE Page 5 of 12 ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Nlike Thompson, Fire Chief April-June 2007 Er_J,Mjns~ ~ O'H' 2nd B.,= ~Quarter The Spokane Valley Fire Department currently has 3 employees enrolled in the paramedic program at Spokane Community College. These 3 employees have finishEd their classroorrl training and have just begun their field internship. The field internship portion of their ti-ain- ing requires each student to complete a minirnuin or 460 clock hours of patient contact, as vJell as a minimum of 130 patient contacts in specific categories such as pediatrics, geriatrics, trauma, and• obstetrics. After completion of their field internship, the studenfs are then re- quired to successfully complete the practical and written portions of ehe National Registry Paramedic Exam. If ihe y are success;ul, then the Wash- ington State Department of Health, Ofnce of EMS and Trauma Systern Li- a~~ 1. ~ censing and Certification Section %xrill certify the emp9oyees and they can , ~ btheir acquired skills. The entire process from beginning ` ~ es from 18 to 24 months. Randy Olson-EMS Chief ` Bear `eke Annuol ~ 'Currently - " ~ ~ ~ J_:Valley - Department' : fiihing Ttip has . - . - . - . . _ . This year was the 24th year ',~a ` ' ~ 1 ; forces- • - • ' for firefighters takiny kids - ' oUrrently • ' • • ' • in, from the Central Valley ' s - - " others' School District's special ~ - ' - • state • = education program fishing. The event - • will. • • b' • ' was started in 1984 by retired fire- o-• fighter George 4rr while serving on the CV ,school board. This year approximately 40 kids O' D rire•' had the opportunity to go fishing at Bear Lake -with " County Park. The fishers were assisted by 9 fire- SpokainO-Valley ' B" fighters and their family members from the Spo- ' ` o - • arid'Will • -a kane Valley Fire Department, and 6 members of e tb • • • - • • • • ,the United States Air Force Nom Fairchild - • ! 'care. • - - • - - ~ • ~AFB. After a few hours of fshing, with several fish 0~~ caught, tne kids enjoyed a sack lunch, before re- -turning to school. . Than'k • - - - • • Tag Baugh service! Q 0Kp,N E VqLt,~Page 6 oi 12 5 FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT tJiike Thompson, Fire Chief Aprll-June 2007 YEAR 1 DATE RESPONSE TOTALS ' • ' 2007 5VFD 2006 SVFD % VALLEY • LAKE ' Jan. -Jun. Jan. -Jun. Change INCIDENT TYPE YTD ' YTI) YTI) YTD YTD YTD Fire - • - - • • - 199 217 -8.29 • • Fire • 0 0 itl 8 25.00 - Fire ' 3: 59 -40.68 = ' 40 1 D 49 39 25.64 - • ' 20 15 33.33 • - - - 252 4 25 18 . 299 281 6.41 1705 26 • ' 124 1918 568 22.39 D • 00 40 • ' 143 1947 1855 4.79 ' - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - • • 0 0 S 4 100.00 • " 0 7 4 75.00 0 a 0 1 1 0 • - ' • . • • 39 44 -2.5 - • 0 2 9 9 Q • ` Auto Accident-Unknovm Injurie5 281 9 11 56 357 373 -4.29 • D Auto A - 0 vV i. , 41 -'i9.51 I ; - - Call 0 3 5 " 87 74 17.57 r-.. ' • O D` O ' 90 173 403 5019 4591 8.32 "Fire D . - . . - . . - Valley, . . . Uberty - . _ - • - - . _ PREVENTION STATISTICS gpn7 june of 2007 PERMITS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 78 PLATS 5 HAZARD CONTPLA]NTS 10 FIRE 5PRINKLER SYSTEM 1320 BUSINESSES ; 5 ALARM SYSTEMS 4 FIRE WATCH ~ . ~ 48 BUILDIIVG PLAIV REVIEWS 8 FIRE ALARM ACCEPTANCE . ~ 1 CHANGE OF U5E 47 BUILDING ACCEP'I'ANCE 6 FIREWORKS 2 HOOD SYS'TEM ACCEPTANCE 33 TENANT IMPROVEMENT 2 SUPPRESSIOIV ACCEPTANCE " 3 TEMPOR.ARY STRUCTURE ~ TOTAL PERMITS 184 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 19388 OMNE "Aj Page7 of 12 5Q FIRE CF~- ~ DEPARTMENT Mike Thompson, Fire Chief April-lune 2007 Safety T1*PS Summer Fi*re b- - Safety... Keeping Children Safe In, On, and Around the Water... - sure t_ . _ - - t - o • ♦ AAaintain constant svpenrision. Watch children ' around any water eevironment (pool, stream, Only op_ _ prop. , q lake, tub, toilet, bucket of water), no matter ter to o_ _ whnt skills your ihild has acquired and no mat- g. _ b_ b- - - - , . . , - . ter bow shallow the water. For yonnger chil- _ . . encounter _ . - dren, practite "Reacb Supe►•visiod' br staying much . off. w'rthin an arm's length reach. R fir' . p- - b_ • - - • b- • - ♦ Don't rely on substitvtes. The use of flotation • • • b- • - - • • - • derices and inflaroble toYs cannot replace pa- s p the first U=• rentol supervision. Such devices could suddenly try " shih position, lose air, or slip out from under- . o _ time neath, leaving the child in e dangerous situa- first _ . _ . - - fi . . tion. E " cooking Accidents happeM ♦ Enroll children in a water safety course or - . . - unat-Mi - leorn-to-Swim closses. Your decision to provide - your child with an earfy aquatic experience is a N • - • - • - - • - giff thot will hnre infinite rewcrds. These • o • ' courses encourage safe practices. - it. ♦ Parents should take a CPR course. Knowing - • • ' " ' " ' these skills tan be important around the water shut • - and you tivill expand your capabilities in pro- e barbecue. viding care for your child. Bill ' ' PIO Bill Cli#ford-PIO IPREVENTION i ' P' I TBFI, I' I This q - - ' - - • : - - • 360 citizens ~ Fire Safety, _ Extinguisher . • • Safety Planning ' o - • . Fire Pre - • b• o . e - _ • • P . . . • e • Millwood D. ' N Q0KANE VqL4F PageB o;,2 5 FIRE ~ . DEPARTMENT Mike Thompson, Fire Chief Aprfl-lune 2007 !N 1`I~GI~1't~~1iS N zm Quarter. Total Quarter Imr~st~atglans of l ncfder~is that resulted In apAmx~rta ly ~85, in prope ~ da age 15 tnmnt~al/Crim r~al ~Ires" 7 Un1M~e al Aoc~de I Fl , 4 afwhlch were causetl bp means,of heating appttances and ~ cooking, ~ byelect~ cal firtu ~ and i~~ntaneous_combustian,nfoit soakecl clath. Flres were e~med u fffmd e ined. . Two of he ~ i tlgated sufted n the arr~st of two (2~) adults; i.felorry' and:1 gross;misde- ~ mear~ . E?th t res~ e e ca[rsed 5 separate juvenile offenders who were not ar- ested eir cas w~ I . . - ~ " - c ose~ wi exception Idearance. ~ f: . " S7 Tota res:yearto datie at: ultesi [n approximately 51,236,000 in~pro~p~e~rtir~ R~ge T ~t 7 1 nE~ona rim~n~ai : l+es E 19 Unirrtentio~alyAccidentaI Fires ~ Flres Deemec! U termin ~ ~ Ciff~on Mehaffey--Dep Fire Marshal The Spokane VaJiey Frre Department CER7 program compfeted our spring ini- tjaf classes wl;tn i 1 cit'rzens trained along with our continuing *education train- I Rg. In Mray, we afso held our annuai CER7 drill. Although attendance was low, it was well received by those who participated. We have moved forward with our reorganization, empowering each team to be more invoPved in training and the direction of our orogram. Out of 1 1 teams in tne Spokane Valley Fire Department boundaries, 7 havc (ndividuals wno have stepped forward to bc the point of contact for tMose teams. 7hese individuafs have also given informat;on in the direction our program is taking. The frst weekend of June, LL Mark HiH and Capt. Bruce Namner attended the annuaf Region 10 Gtizen Corp ConferenCe in PorVand, OR. They attended seminars in areas such as the weffare of . tne CERT program r-iationalty, Teen CERT, Map Your Neighborhood and wcre ir7volved in a tabfe ' zop exercise. We are currently planning for the falt rnitial clzsses and our continufng education training. If you , or your organization are interested in (earning to be better prepared in c2se of disasters, contact ; our administration office at 928-1700. ` Bruce Hamner-CEIiT Prograan Director PQMN E "kPage9of12 5 FIRE ~ ~ DEPARTMENT fViike Thcmpson, Fire Chief April-Jurse 2007 f ; RESPONSE STANDA.RDS {T6e Spokane Yallty Fire Deparhnent is proud to provide al-risk respanse to onr atizens. Onr response tppes mcbde: r •Fire SuRpiession , •F.mergency medica) Strcice -hasic ffe sopport and paramedic servtces ~ •Tecbnical Rescue.i, whxch indndes oTrench Rescue j oCoufined'Space Rescue ' oHigh Ang1e (rope) Rescue ( olce Reswe ' oUrban Seuch-and Resaue •Hxtardens Materials Response ~ •F~ire Prevention , .Pablic Edncation Our adopted standards for Fmergencq.Responses ioclude a"tumout time" of 2 minutes . This indnde.s the time for receir•inq call information, gemng appropriatelF dressed (for iastaace donning fire turnout gear) and getting'seat belted in the apparatus.'0ur travel fime standard is to have ffie firsk crew on the scene of a fire inudent within 6~4 minutes and a full complement response within 13 minutes. T6e full complement iviq vaty with the tFpe of 6re, but for a structure fire it has 6een esttablished as 4 engines, l air supply/rescue truck,l safet} officer, and 1 response chief. Addiaonal units will he ca.Iled as needed. Our wiidlaad fire response time standard is 8 minutes fur the arriral of l6e 6rst unit as aar wildland areas are at the outside edges vf the district ; On aner;ency media.l calls onr response s#nndard is also 6%2 minutes for tfie first arriving unit and technir.al rescue rdlls hase a respoase stan- ~ dard of 10 minutes for t6e arrivai of the first unit arrying t6at capabifiq. , In all categories we hage taken IDto accuuntthat there will be r-ariable oonditions from time to time such as weatfier, extremety congested tra.ffc,. road construction and so farth. We afways focus an the safetp of oursetves and the pabbc that we serve so Ke haFe set a standard of ineeetiag the prescribed 6mes 90°,b of the bme. The traffic Gght preemption system helps at cantroUed intersections but it is alwaFs important to hace other yehides qield during emergency responses. Remember, w6en foU see an emergency Pefiiele approachrng wi~h llas6ing ~ig6fs and~ens p/ease prd/to 16e ri;bl and slap ifJori can. We oetd ro have a clear path in the left lane to reach ffie emergencp as quicldy and safely as possible. l ; Thank yoa all for qonr assistance in helping us achiere our response time standards. Asbist.ant Chi.ef -Dave I.obdell Q oMN E VqL t~ Flage 'i 0 of 12 5 FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT - (Uiike Thompson, Fire Chicf Apr1{--Junc 2007 Interesting Responses--zncl Quarter ♦ Spokane Va11ep Flre has responded to several calls to the Spakane River to loeate and re.scue reported per- sons in the water. In a eouple of emergencfes we have seen ajet ski fload.ng uncontrollably dawn the riaer with the o9vner shivering on the shore and the other was a stranded baskatball which we named WiLson Il from the movie Cast Awap. • ♦ On May 319, a man had stopped on lldullan Rd to assist a stranded motorist with a flat tSre. As he was trying to get the spare dre down from under the vehicle it had sllpped off the jaek a.nd pinned him to the ground squeezing the last breath oi air out of him. Another citizen fisa.rd screams from the panicking motorist and went to help; she had someone call 911 a.nd repla,eed the jack under the vehiclQ to raise it off the man. He was taken to a local hospital and released wfth some major bzuising and no broken bones or int$rnal9.nju- ries. Spokane Valley Fire will commend the cituen for saving his life. HONOR GUARD and PIPES & DRUM$ The first half of 2007 has been busy for the Honor Guard and Pipes and Drums Carp. Ono of the first events tfiat the Honor Guard put together this year was a"Taking Care af Our Owm" seminar jointfy with Spokane Rre Departtnertt. fiis was done through the Na- tional Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation. We vrere able to Nll the auditarium at the CityTraining Center vrith representatlves trom de- partments all aver the Pacific Northvrest and trorii Moatana aswell. We have alsu traveled to numerous events from Moses Lake (for a retired Fire ChieP's servfce tivith a couple oi Pipers) to Mo.scow, Idaho, for a Law Enforcement LODD service (with an Honor. Guard Contingent) to Galifomia (thanks to Locai 876 for rnaking that trip possibte). In additlon to these servlces, the Nonor Guard and Pipes and Drums hava also assisted wlth 2 local rnemoriats tor our Armed Serv9ces members that have dled in the Ifne of duty: We had a gaod showing for the St. Paddy's Day Parade, ivith the Pipers and Drummers playing marry venues afternards until around 2130 hrs. The Rad Cross elso made a request For a Co(or Presetttatlon artd Pipes and Drums at a benefit auction that they heid at Northern Quest Gasino atwhicfi we Kere abic to heip them. . h'lernbers of Uie Nonor Guard and Pipe and Drum Corp. are also AsslsNng.wfEh starting a regfonal chapter of tho F.O.O.L.S. (Fraternal Order Of Leamerheads Soclety). Under this group they are working on a regional educetional pmgram for Honor Guards and to- wards a ragional Pipe and.Drum Bsnd. Last but certainfy npt least; rls have had tfie honor ot being a6te to partlaipate in the retiremerrts of some great members of our c1e- partment. Qt the last retlremerrt (Battallon Chiaf Qave Umtnun) we were able to introduce the newest members of tfie Pipes and Drums to those asserr!bled. This was Harold Kellams' (bass drum) and Bill Clltford's (tenoi drum) Hrst pubiic playing experfence with the band. Ndelcome aboard guys. In the Second hali of the year, your Honor Guard and Pipes and Orum Corp, is preparing to ssnd members to the PiR[og Schoo) in Coeur d'Alcne and to send mernbers to the Nationef Fallen Fire Fighter's Memorla) as welt as the StaM Mernorial. UVe ere also plan- ning on a 1'Yreath Ceremony M remember our brothErs and sisters from 9/11 and to partic(pate In the Valley Fest Parade.; In closing, pleise rememtrer that we are al►ways IQOking for new members to assist (acttve duty or retlred), so please come aut and r~ J support your Honor Guard and Pipe and Drum Corp. We hare something grcat; let's keep it going strong. Rob Proctor-Honor Guard Commander QoMN E Yk4~ Gage 11 af i2 ~ FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT Mike Thompson, Fire Chfef AprlE-June 2007 . ~ Reti'rements New. Recruits Dave Umthun Holin Honeyfield , , August 1983-May 2007 . Kevin Helt Jeff Willits Promotions Brendan Burke Battalion Chief - Ken Gapaul Nicholas Zambryski ~ Captain - Brian Foster-Dow Matthew Brodsky Lieutenant - Ethan Kast Joshua Loftln Engineer - Eric Hesse Shawn Heath Engineer - Sean Barrett , Joe Cushner Engineer - Monte Strawn Joseph Rees Engineer - Paul Kimball Justin Holderby Engineer - Brent Duprel Rawley Doggett Engineer - IViatt Jorgensen Russell Reser Engineer - Dave.Vegele paul Turcotte Engineer - Scott Tschirgi , Scott Whitaker Engineer - Bryan Bucher pavid Baird RlEW POSfTlOiV FILLED Ben Riddle Fire Protection En,gineer Ben Jarnes Traci Harvey , Shane Vllharton Pa9e 12 afi 12 V AL'L~~- ~ Q° FIRE ~ ~ ~ EP~R-TMErIT 0 Q4ti►-June 2007 Aaak ~f,ike 7homp'O's', Fire Chief Q v ~~artme~~ Fire 11ey ~ r► _oi District#'1 . , AGqp .Y~ Sp°k~'" Count~ Fire 2oa~ Spakane - its name to ~s a~`G`al,~y Gh e art~' ~ I►ey Fire D p _ ~ okane Va -~.~.~•s~,,.~Sp . ~ µ4mry~ • t. , . ~ ~~'s~"~ ♦ C ~ _ • - I f.. + I < b ,b ~ i _ ~ 4: .=4_'..Ym,'~+~~:• .Ir~ f J ~ " ~ J~, r E ~ eteen. new eased ta pr'~Sent o ci I~arveY' ent is pl. ~n ~eer, `~ra an~Valley Fire Depar~ w Fire protect~on g The SPok~elcome ~e Firefighters and Spokane County I.ibrary Iaistrict Spokane Valley Library Services and District Support ;Report to the City of Spokane Valley 2ndQuarter 2007 GREATER POKANE VALLEY LiBRARY SERVICES Customer use nteasures Overall circulati4n in greater Spokane Valley liUraries is up 5% yea.r to date, with the biggest increase (16.1%) being at Argnnne, prvbaUly due to expanded hours. M€asures for Spokane Vallcy are positive, with the exception of reference inquiries. T'here's been a dowmward trend nati.onwide in refcrenee due to inCreasi.ng use oE online resourees for answers to the mQre straightEorward-type "ready reference" questions that were previously directed toward libraries. The drop in registered borrower tohals may Ue due to the faet thi-At deletion of databasc recorcls for customers not using a library for three vears has.n't been done on a.regular schedule. The 3rd quarter report wi.l.l better i.ndical•e if th.is is atrend. Selected 2nd Quarter 2007 Year-to-l7ate Statistics Circulation Door couiih Reference Program Software Station Inquiries Attendance Bookings Y'Cp Yl'U to Y'I'D YTO to YTD YTD to YTD YTD to YTD YTD to 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 1 SCLD 11,024,097 4.496 619,144 5.8% 116,507 - 8.5% I 32,9581 - 9.6% 111,192 7.7% ) I SPo Valley 267,550 3.7i6 152,219 4.4% 37,924 -14?% I 1.0,7421 1.9% 35,829 5.4% ~ Argonne 66,8181 16.19b 42,301 8.0% 7,438 15.4% I 1,2061 - 21.3% I 8,990 11.640 I Ods I 40,0571 -1.7% 1 27,9811 - 2.6% I 4,M5 I 14.6%1 1,3081 - 9..5% I 4,1231 - 6J% I Subtntal I 374,4251 5.1% 1 222,5011 4.1 o I 49,9071 - 8.6 %I 13,2561 - 2.OSfi 1 48,9421 5.3% I % SCLI7 36.6% I - I 35.990 - I 42•8°v I - I 40•2%I - I 44.0%I - Registered Customers by Branch of Registration 2007 % of Y'1'D Change % Adult % Youth Y'I'D SCLU from 2006 SCI.n 109,4371 - I - 6.256 1 75.2°6 I 24,8% Sp4 Valley 35,426 32.4°ro' - 8.7% I 76.9 ro 23.1ro I Argonne 9,5921 8.896 - 7.1% I 77.8% 22.2% I Ods 5,1151 47X I -13.4% I 69.256 30.8% Subtotal I 50,1331 95.8% I - 8•9% I - - 2na quarter activity highlights at Greater Spokane Valley branches Snnkane VaTley Library • Custonlex comnlent at self-checkout: "I want you to know how much it means to n1e to be aUle to look dlrough the catalog at homc, placc reservcs on items that Iwant, and then conle in and get them all rcaciy to check out. 1 have can.cer and do not have tihe stami.na to look for item,s on the shelf. My computer and pour catalog let me do the looking on mp own iine, at my own pace, Page 1 of 7 and I can be sitting down when I do it. 1 would not be able to cope with my li.fe right now if it were not for you." • Antwone Savage, a Spokane Shocks player and formee third grade teacher, was a gue.st reader at apreschool storytime;144 attended the April puppet show. f • In other p.r.ogramm;ng, the June genealogy serics had 24-29 attendees per session; Computer Basics c1a5s was campletely full, with 10 participating but VWeb Basics class had only six attendees-khe lowest in several manths. 12 pcople attended American QuiIts, Arnerican Voices. • In preparation for this year's su.mmer reading progra.m, staff visited schools during Ma}' and early June, promotulg the progranl to 4,382 elemenhary and 268 m.iddle school students. The hvo June kiek-off library programs had a com.ba.ned attendance of 395. • The Spokane Courty ]1lections Department installed its ballot return box next to tl1e book return. • Guest library cards were provided to a group visiting from P.ussia .for the su-miner; most ar.e usi,ng the Internet to keep in touch with homE. Argorerie Libranj • The puppet show attracted 43 participants and the two After SchooI Specinls drew 35. A total of 87 people u1 Millwood F.CEAP groups visited for a tour, storytime, and info about sum.mer reading. YIvfCA chi.l.d.ren and adults tioured the liUrary, listened to a cauplc: of stories, aiid heard about Sum.mer Ttead.ing as paxt Af their after school child care progratn. • Argorule staff prornoted summer read'u1g to 315 elemenhary school kids; the fi.rst progrlnl at thc cnci of Ju.ne had 46 attendees. • There was some interesti.ng correspondence, including a request for infA about 4Vashington from a5th grader named Cassandra in San Ysidro, California and four lel-ters from prisoners-tltree from Walla Walla a.nd one fiom the local jail. • The Eleeti.ons Uepartnzent installed its ballot rettarn box at the library entrance. • Argonne staff and volu,nteers participated once again in the Wesfi Valley SCOPE Pazade. Otis OrcFrards Librarj - • A red oak was planted. in -%riew of the adu.lt reading area as a bra.nch 15th aiuuversary activity. • Five peaple attended the Computer $nsics class; a combined total of 39 attended khe two "15th Anniversary" prQgrams: a Master Gardener pr.ograin for l:ids and Rik Nelson, designcr of recyelea art quilts. • The summer reading prograin was prom.oted to 458 students duri.ng classroom visits. There were 8 at the first i.n-library program. • Branch supervisar Bev Bergskror.n reported that "the dtis Orchards parade was a hoot." This th.ixd-annual event m.oved about 25 veh.icles (including our Ou.treach van) about a mile doivn the streck. A local faauly ana friend handed out SCI.,D logo pens, pencils, and rnapnets. •"lhe outsidc bal.lor rehurn bax was installed. Greater Spokane Val]Ey Friends of the Library Spokane Valley: Ivfike Wirt presented the Spokane Valley Library project overview to the Friends oi the Library. The Friends provided refreshnlents at the thcee May apen houses on tlle Spokane Valley Library prajECt. Spokane Valley Axca Libraries Pxoject Project scope expansiort In Ju.ne, the Board of'T'rustees approved expansion of the Spokane Valley LCFA project to i.nclude the plaiuzed new bra.nch in thc Veradale/Greenacres area aild an expansion of the Argonne Library. Project budget The Spokane Valley T ibrary budget was confirmed at $24.2 znillian. This includes conskruction, all fees, FF&E, project adm.inistration, approximately 52,000 new library materials, and sales tax. Page 2 of 7 Preli.minary cost estimates for the htiro additional projects were determined ($7 million fnr the new _ branch and $850,000 for the Argonne Library expansion); more precise estimates are in process. LCFA bourrdaries Boundary analysis: SCLD staff reviewed the proposed LCPA bovndaries in light of proje-ct scope expansion and the Spokane County Assessor's Office staff examuled them to determirie the degree oF parcel fragmentation tllar n,ight result from the three Tax Code ArQa splits, coming up with oi-dy nine pazcels that need to be cither included or excluded. 1 own of Millwood: Mike Wirt presetlted an ovenzew of plans tn the Millwood Town Cou.nciJ on June 4. Onc counci,l member was cancerned abouk Mi1]woocl residents being asked to pay foi a nEw library for Spokanc Valley. Brtilding sites Spokane Valley T ibrary: Spokane Valley's staff ciYy center fiask force, Fire District #2 chicf Rtike Thompsnn, and 5CLD's director met to discuss our respective building projects that might be includeti in the proposEd eity center; library, city halt, and fire district admi.n.istratyve aftices. C1earPath LT C consultants presented its prelinlinary assessment reporr on the proposed Spokane Valley city center at the June 19 Council mepting, emphasizing the need to meet the District's timeline for site selectian. New branch: Several patential sites in the area eentered on Sprague and Flora in Veradale- Greenacres --vere idcnti.fied, a real estate consultartt obtai.ned preliminary information an availabi.l.ity a.nd costs, and following tlle Jtuie Baard of Trustees executive scssion, atfiorney Jim Sloane drafted a purch3se and sale agreement for the preferred site that will be presented to the seller for response . prior to the July nieeting. VVe have sufficicnt capital resexve funds to purchase the prnperty rega.rdless of the outco.me of the election as future land purchases was nne of the potcntial uses for the surplus lcvy ]id la.ft fwlds that a-re being transferred to the Capital Reserve Fund in 2007 and 200$. l ~ Spokane Vulley Librarr pre-desigrt • In a May 8.presentation to the Spoka.ne Valley city council, Mike Wirt provicied i.n.formation on 2006 and 2007 sErvices to Spokw1e Valley residents a.nd the library project. • Spokane Valle}° Arts Council representatives concl.uded that tlie combulation of public spaces planned eould sat-isfactorily accom.m_odate the actit=ities that the}'"d lil:e to hold in t•}ie neiv liLrary. • Irlformativnai open houses wEre held on khree successive Thursdays in May, each over a differenfi three-houx time period. 5tioryboards told the histvey of 5pokan.e Va1Jey T ibrary, outlined rESearch findings and the pre-desigai, and provideci background. on f ibrary Capital Facilit}, ArEas. Attendees had an opportzuuty to rerorci commetits on flip charts on t-wo of the stations. AttendanCe tivas sparse at al.l three sessions in spite oI newspapcr and i.n-library publicity. Total attendarzcc was about 24. Most of die comnle.nts ofEered supporled tlle plauzulg done to datc, with nothing signi.ficant enough Yo praIIlpt a revision of the p.re-design. DISTRic-r-WID L113RARY SERVICES Service enhancements . Online library card registration tivas ntade available on ApriJ 23 and onliY-ie reference, "Livc 24/7;" went public on june 1. Customer use measures District-"dde, there have been health}r increases in circulation, door count, softtvare statian bookings, and meeti.ng rpam baokings over the 12-nianth period ending in June 2007 compared ta thc samc period in June 2006. Referesue continues tv be down, as does program attenciance due ta the child care storyt-i.rne changes and for clataUase searches and retrievals, in ]arge part the result of the loss of re.mote access ro the major genealogy database. Page 3 of 7 The nu.mber of registcred borrowers at the end of the quazter was 109,437, clox1m 6% from the same time last year. Adult services Progranu: Two series of the three adult sununer programs were held in June: "Unpuzcling Geology%" at North Spokzne and Spakane Valley; and a four-week Genealogy pragram, prescntied b}t the Eastern Washingfion Genealogical Society was vcry well attended. A Master Gardener program will be offercd at all ten branches i,n July. fnformakion servicPS staff d.eveloped a new infonnation literacy class, "Well.ness on the Web," spotlighting one of our more popular databases, the HeaItli & lAlelIrress Resource Center. Outreach: Staff ahtended a.n AHANA netwrorki.ng workshop that uzclucied an opportu.n.ity ta "sell" oux services to business otivncrs. 'I"he latest edition of our quarterly outreacli services new titles boaklist wiJl inchide i,nformation on current services and upcoming events. There were 94 fari.lity visits during the quarter. Catniruunifiy: Adu.lt serviees staff attended the Cnregiver Confererice sponsored by Flder Services, a day- long event featuring speakers af interest to their target audience of unpaia caxegivers. Approxi.mately 15 exhiUitors, i.ncluding SCLD, were there to share information. Also attended was Connecting Across lntereuIruraI Diff~rertces: DeveIoping n Cornmurtit.tj Acnvrr Strategy, acotulty-wide wvrkshop very useftil for networkvlg, ana helping to focus our i.nterest in hiring and servi.ng our increasingly diverse populatiQn. Yauth Services Prograrn»ting: We had terrific turnout for our Spring Puppet shaws ("Brer Rabbit and the Garden of Eatin"') this ycar, with 697 kids district-wide attending. Ou_r April After School Special brought in kids to n1ake rain sticks and sun catchers and at the May After School Special, "Sp►-ing Dreams," the kids made dreani catc.hers and heard a NaLive tlmerieaii legend about dream Catchers. 4Ve wrapped up the wi.nter/spring session of storytim.es on May 18. SCLD's arulual summer rEad.i,ng prog-ram (oncc again jointly praduced a.nd prdmoted with Spakar►e Publ.ic Library) began. Behaieen June 11 and August 10, there'll be 80 programs Eor school-age kids, 30 programs for tcens, and 24 weekly preschool storytimes across all branches. Oictreaclr: StaEf attended the MACs Family "M.ACcess" event to help kick off the Uig "T.12ex Named Sue" exhibit, worki.ng, the crowd and telling stories in a duiosaur costunle. 1,268 peoplc attended this event. This quarter libraiy staff pxovided srorytimes to 47 cliFferent childca.re centers which totaled to 96 storytimes and 1660 kids participati.ng. COrii))til/ttt'1J: Youth services supervisors attended the "Our Kids, Qur Business" luncheon on April 13th; met with MOBIUS staff to cliscuss future cooperation; attended 5pokane s Promise to Youth breakfast, wh.ich was focused on E,arly Learning; attended a West Valley 5chQO1 District Coirununity Engagement Task Force rr►eebng, a.nd a nleeti.ng with the EWrLT Outreach Coordi,nator in the Spokane Val.ley to discuss part-nership opportunities with them, particulaxly rcgarding Get Lit. Other Seven SCLD sta.ff inembers participated in the Lilac Torchlight Parade Uook cart drill team consisting of both Uistrict and city library staff. ~ ~ ~ ON Boaxd of Trustees action • Severnl Dislz'ict poLicies were reviewed and reaff.irmed this quarter: Disposal of Surplus l?roperty=, EmErgency C1osure of Faeilit-ies, and Gi.Ets. Scveral Person.nel Policy revisions were also -approved. . Page 4 nf 7 • Thc first of hvo mid-year budgct reviews and revisions tiTas completed. • The Spoka.ne Valley Library pre-design was approved. • Preluninar}' Spokane Valley Libra.ry Capital Facility Area boundaries were appxovcd and a pub]iC hearing on them was conducted. • The I.,CFA project was expandEd in scope to include khe new branch in the Veradale-Greenacres area and expansion of the Argonne Libxary. North Urban Growth Area capital facilities planning tNe've begun to assemble basEline infonnation on Norkh Urban Growth Area and North County population incre3se projectiAns and the Urban Growth Area (UGA) addition proposaLs working theix way thxough the county's Cornprehensive Plan update process. This information will be used to determine preferred locations fqr future Eacilities so %ve can begir► looku-ig at pxoperty. SCLD service axea population increase On June 27, the state's Office Af Fi.nancia.l Management released its annual Apri.l 1 Population Estimate, the numbers used to compute SCLD's service area populaHon.Our 2007 eshmate is 241,435, up 2.3°G from 2006. Two-thi.r.ds of the increase was uz the wlincorporated county. North Division an.nexatzon appeal The Boundary Review Board approved an amended version of the Cit}, of Spokane's North Division A.rmexation, exclu.d.ing the Ca]ispel PUD antl two properties nQrth of Cascade Way. Spokane Cou.nty filed a Notice of Appeal of the decision, with SCLi), as well as Firc District 9 included as defendants because of parkicipat7on in the hearing. At eur rEquest, SCLD was subsequently disnlissed from the action. There's been no further contact from Spokane officials about ar1 azlnexation mitigation agrecment. ~ Balanced scorecard development ~ J The Strategic Plannulg Comnuttee developed a new mission and visian, strategic themes, and core values. The Scoreeard Team then developed strategic objeclives for each Seorecaid perspechive and Action Teantis began work on critical success factors and performance measures. District tagline With the assishance of loeal consulting firm ZiplinE <intEractive> and a staff advisvey hsk force, tlle newly-adapted L-agline phrase, T.ook inside. will be includcd in publications a.nd publicit}, matErials. It describes the idea af explaring and searclung witllout presenting a daunting obstacle to overcome aiid is an aCtive invitatio.n that complements t11e apen unages in our logo, inviting the reader to beconle involved. 20071egislative session ESB 5498 (mcilli-yeaz levy lici lifts) was approved by the House on the aftemaon of the fina.l day befnre the cutaff. A-nother Uill Qf great i,ril•erest to the library contniuiuty, providing the funciulg mechanism for the new State Heritage Center, alsn nzade it under ihe wixe. Both were signed by the Governor. , Board of County Commuussioner's briefing On Junc 11 the Board chau•, vice-chair, and director b.riefed County Comnlissioners Todd Mielke and Bonnie Mager (lviark Richarci wasn't in the office that day) o.n 5CLD 2006 activides, 2007 service enhancements, and the Spokane Valley LCFA pmject. Most of our time was spent on tihe latter. Thcre was a strong comfort level with their role .i.n i CFA formation and gavernance, in part because it's been tione befare fnr Moran Prairie. They knmv how it works, and we have a track recard fAr successhzl project admuustration. ' i Customer conduct issues ■ Agroup oE four people who checked out SCLD and Spakane PuUlic T.ibrary materials u1 March (about $1,200 worth from Each systein) to sel.l For cash and drugs-and the person who bought Page 5 of 7 them-werc arraig-ned during May, charged with several counhs oj second degree kheft and trafficking in stolen pzoperty. Theu cases are wending their way through the justice system. • l've barred the uidividua] who's been conh'onhed twice by Spokane Valle}' staff for taking materials without checl:ing them out (and once for not payulg for a huge amount Uf print7,nF) from all SCLD Uranches for one year. Spol:ane Valley Police were unab]e to provide a formal trespass arder or press chazges because no one was aUle to respond to t11e 911 call and contront the man in person. DISTRICF • ' Collecdon Services ■ 13,474 copiES representing 3,655 titles wexe ordered;17,441 il•ems wErc pracessed and sent to branches, a little belqw average. ■ In tl1e fourth fiall month of offering downloadable audiobooks, customers checked out 691 items and placed 123 holds-the besl• month for clownloadable checkout.s since March. CommunicaNons • 1_n media relations/publicity, wnrked with Spnkesman-Review cvriters on a library database article that ran in May, two Spokane Valley LCFA pieces, ancl a Sunwncr Read_i.ng article that ran June 30. Distributed a number of press releases, including online card applications and Spokane Val.ley open houses. • Facilitated and helped stafE the three Spokane Valley open hotises in May. • Announced "Look I.nside." as official (new) fiaglule; began plailning its intEgration with p6nted and 4\ieb materials. ■ Annual report printed and distributed. ■ Attended the ALA annual conference in Washington, Ta.C.; preparrd for and conducled t~~~o I'VSL "One Book, OnE Com,munily" trauungs- in Spokzne and Seaktle. Huma_n Resources ■ After six mondhs of intensive recruitatent and hiring ending in March, khere were only 4 changes in pa.rh-time page staff over the entire second quarter. ■ For Volunteer Week, Apri115-2a., SCLD volunteers were honored with volunteer postErs ar►d prizes. We had six who had volunteered for 100+ hAUrs over the pash year; five with 50-99; and 37 with less than 50 hours. • The revisinn of the Safety Ma.nual was completed and is posted on the staff intranet. • HR ma.nager I'aul EichEnberg attended the annual Associatinn of. Washinglon Cities Labor Relations Institute. He is on the recruiting comnZittee for a new Washington CAUnties lnsurancE Fu,nd/Washington CAU.nties Insuranee Pool executive director. In.formation Technology ■ Address data was extracted for use by Spokane Countiy Geographic Informakian Systeins in a prnject to update nlaps showing customer residences and to identify axea of custom@r residence by branch oE rep-istration. lt will also bE used Nvitl1 Spokar►c Valley I..CFA mapping. ■Qhvest nloved with its end af the network upgracie and ipstallation of the DIA (17irect Internet Access) upgrade. With a 53% incrcase in cost, there will be a 666% increase in capacity. By the end of tl,e quarter, most of the installarions were campleted, but not all new circuihs activated. ■ On the web.site, site search capabil.il•ies were added usi,ng the Google search plug in. On the staff intranet, a'Wellness' blog was created for HR. Finance, Pacilities, l'urchasing ■ The parkizlg lots were swept, water sprinklers tested and the spring cleanup was completed for . all oC the Distiict's grou.nds. Page 6 of 7 ■ Onsite wnrk for the 2005-2006 audit tiras completed on June 28, -.vith t•he exit briefixtg tentatively scheduled for July 24th. To date, no signiEicant issues have been brought forward by the StatF Auditor's Office. • Auxiliary air conditinning is Ucing installFd in the adnlinistrative offices ntailroom to safeguazd server and tielecommunications equipment located there. ■ 07/17/07 mjw ( . Page7of7 0 000 0\~ ~Spokane Valley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave. o Suite 106 o Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 549.921.1008 9 citvhall Aspokanevalley.orq Memorandum To: David Mercier, City ManagEr, and vtember.s of Council Frnm: Nina Re;or, Dcputy City Manager llate: July 24, 2007 Re: Quarterly Report - Sununary of April - June 2007 Activities Human Rcsources Recnaiting/Employment • There are a number of newly filled positious and recent position opeiungs. .Positi(irt. Accountant/Budget nnalyst ~.R.eplace Faull:ner, Hired: Rubu A'intri, stitrt date 08101 /07 Technician . _ . ~ 'Replace Siz~~ik~tec}.~t,_FIi~•eil: Liscr Comhs,.stact ~late 06/06/07 'fl.ccouuting __~dministrative Assistant, Center.Placc ~ Replace Slazinik, Ftired: 13ECky Gilbretla, start date 6/18/07 ~_brninistrative As5iscttnt Centerl) lace [:Replace Harley, Etecruiting - ' • ' ' . _ _ tAdministrative Assistant, Exee. & Legis. ~ Replace Golman, Hired: Srte Passmore, start date 5/07/07 , :Administrative Assist3nt; Legal Ncw posii.ion,.lnferviews, sclie~l'uled: ~ . ; . - . . Assistanl Engineer: Streets • ~ New position, Flrretl.• f11ysa Wiyrick; (from Asst. Fnbineer, Development) Assistant Planner (2 f,tc) ' Ne~~r po sitions; Hirerl, Erh1'JCI2IJC'1 .IG7)7Si~Eiz (frnm' 1'lannine Tecb) ~ Tr,~vis ' - - - - - - _ _ - sChl)lldt Building Inspcctor II ~ IN'ew position, Hired.• Rob Geurry, start clate 7/16/07 `C:enter!'lace 446s0-1ostcSS-On-(;a11 . ' I?os.itions arc open`advertised_ PqL)l.ofavailttble applicaiits•souo ht: - Community Development Director Replace Sukup, Interviews being scheduled - Customer kelations/l;acilities Coorciinat'or ~ -Selected c_andid'at:e: Carul.Cdrter, start date,06/'0 I /0? . 'Assistant Engineer, Develapment ~ Hired.• Ryan Broutlwater•, start date 7116/07 . 1~ngineer; Dette.lopmcnt: (.5 fte) 7'e.W posilion, llired.• Glnrra ~trlcintz;• efFcet.ive 05/01107 _ , - Engineer, Capital Yrojects ~ Replace Louis Graf, Position reposted ;gngineer, Stormwater. . . , . . ~ IZeplae.e Gl,oria Manl~r, position open, trst revicw 511.11.07 . . ' z. Engineering Technician ~ Replace StamaCOplos, position reposted Lrigineering Teclis (1.5 tte) ~.33,ze~N.- positions, Ffired:-13omfie.Gow, 0'ayrre 1Vlcrcgavi•an,;Joe GilGert - IT Specialist , ~\jew positiott, Intervicws scheduled ,Tvlaintenance_Wt)r.ker= CcnterPlaee ~ ':J.:I4ew position,-llireel._Gre~~Siiriilr,:startdate 4/-2/07 Office Assistant I, C.D ancl PW ~ New positions, Interview5 scheduled '-Q,ffi._ce`_Assistant:ll. (Peerttie Cenier). ~ =Rep.laee Bl~kr;,'Iltretl;:~ah•icia./.'~ince; st~ir[ clate.06/1$I07, - - _ , { ~anning Technician _ . ~ Rcplace Janssen, Interviews schcdulcdT _ ''~-r-t~ns Examiner (-7~. fte'j rosttii~n,:lXir,`ec~:-7oni l~ielho:a~rt;. starf:date Y-~1171U7'_ Deputy City M9nager f2uarterly Repork- continucd July 24, 2007 -2- Train.ing • Anti-HarassmentlJaiscrinvnaticm conducted through WCIA, all employees Aclministratipn • Reclassification review of Yuvlic Works MaintenancE Superintendcnt completed • Reclassification of Parks & 1Zec. Tairector completed • Established CuLstomer Relations/l^acilities Coordinator position • AdoPtion and implementation oi'Admiiustrative Policies and Procedures • 'T'fus quarter with tlie open recruiknients and filled positions the hwo-pcrson IIuman Resources Division* has produced the following statistics: o Proc;essed 957 applications o Condueted 78 uiterviews o Yerf.ormed 125 ref.erence checks Cuble I+"ranchise • The City neoc~tiating teaan attended tliree negotiation meetings witti Comcast and has continued niaking progress on a draft agreement Rusiness Plan . • Mission-statement exercises and S`VOT analyses were completed for all City dEpartments • Camponents of departmental business plaas were completed anci presented at the Coiulcil retreal • Tlle business plan is being refinecl based upon Council fcedback anci incorporated ineo draft 2008 budget • RudQet • Budget eslimates were provided for service contract areas • The Spokane Valley police force was uicluded in the City's 2008 budget pracess in more detail. Staff is currently evaluating law enforcement budget requests Economic neveloment Site Selector Tuol • Aii updated analysis was provided to Cauncil (Council approved funding for one year) Cnmmute I'rip Reduct•ion • Participated in planning meetings and providecl Cit}, inforniation as part of the tievelopment aild impleinentation of the new CTR Lfficiency Act. `1'he new eff cicncy act will eliminate previUUS goals and 'unplement new standards. Implementation is expected this fall. Animal Control • Attended three meetings and conducted analysis as part of the regional animal control concept with the City of Spokane. • Spakane is moving forward with joiiung with the County by iNovember 1, although the scope of the chaiige may delay such a move imtil 2008. Snnkane Countv Contracts • Met with County staff and cost consultant to discuss law cnforc;ement billing. Bot;h parties agreed to ~ s have the consultant develop a cost allocation plan for City law cnforcement costs to determi.ne if therc is overlapping costs with thc jail. This should be complete this summer. JaiUGeii!er ConsolidationlJlxpansion neptrty City Manager Quflrterly Report - cantiuued July 24, 2007 • -3- • Attended riwo expansion meetings and discussed City concerns with County staff fuid officials. The Coualty is tiioving forward vvith developing a Master Flan beginning in August at an estimated cost of $100-$150K. Site analysis is due to begin in January anci the CoLulty is considering a bond ballot measur.e For November 2008. Public Information . • Coordination of community infoniiation for: o State of the City Address 0 2007 major road canstruction projects including Sullivan 1-90 overpass • Vledia relations o Meciia contacts: Sfi I'10, 29 Othcr o Media releases: 13 o Flarned media scories: 31 (rioes rtot iytclude all television/radio) o Total media slories: 141(daes not include all television/radio) Business Reeistration • 532 - New registrations • 789 - Annual renewals (Taue annually in December) • Aecording to current ll01, statistics; City of Spokane Valley ranked number 2 out of thc 11 cities, behind dnly Bellevue in proccssing new business registration applications , ~`--,'.Veb Site Wcb Sitc Sunimxry 2"d Quarter 2007 ~ I April ~ May ~ June ~ 2"d Quarter Unique User Sessions ~ 35;990 ~ 37,005 ~ 39,943 ~ 112,938 • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Top Five Pages Vieweci ~ Employment 6,470 6,525 5,038 I 18,033 ~ Building 877 ~ 928 826 ~ 2,631 ~ ~ GIStVtaps ~ 891 ~ 912 ~ 714 ~ 2,517 ~ Conununity l7evelopmen.t ~ 856 N 879 ~ 748 ~ 2,483 ~ Police 606 I 627 ~ 469 I 1,702 ToU l+ive "Refcrrcr" Web Sitcs I ~ ~ ( Spokane County - JQbs I 448 ~ 413 ~ -392 1,253 ( Spokane Cotuity - Gnv't Employment I 380 346 ~ 349 1,075 ~ Mtuucipal Research (NllZSC) I 169 183 ~ 187 539 ~ ~ Spokane Valley Onlinc - Parks & Gardens I 147 242 ~ 207 N 596 ~ Google ' I 210 I 181 1 176 ~ 567 ~ ~ ~ S a'rlv c~ _ poka.ne Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suice 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org . . . , . _ „ . . . , _ . . - . Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: June 16, 2007 Re: June Report Iauring June; financc employees worked in the following are•as: 2008 BudRet nreparation A Finance Committee review of sign.ifieant issues took place on July 10. 1'he Finance Committee will mcct again on July 24 t'or additional review. Towards the encl of July, a hearing will be heltl on our proposed revenues and expenditures. T3uclfLet variancelinvestment reDorts Rcports showin~ a comparison of revenues and e~cpenditures to the 2007 budget at June 31, 2007 are attached. Staff provides information on selected operating Punds at month end and a more cnmplete report quarterly. ' Sales tax receipts continue to exceed our estimates, however the incrcase is less than we have seen in . recent years. Gambling tax reeeipts are falling short of our estimates. We have one signifie.anl accottnt that has fallen behind. NVe will continue to meet wiih representatives of this business to collect the outstanding amounts. Most ot}ier revenue and cxpenditures arc within our expeccittions for this lime of year. '1'he investmenc report is also attaehed for your review, 2006 Comorehensive annual financial renort A Certified Public Accounting fitm has been liired to completc this project. This report is the document that is auditeci by die state each year. Anr►ual audit The State Auditor's Office has stzuted preliminary work on Ihe 2006 auclit. '1`hc fiill audit will take several montlis to enmplete. ~ Vacant aositions in Finance Raba Nimri has been hired to fill the vacant Accountaut/}3udget Analyst position begiruiuig August 1. Raba comes to us from SNAP, where shc worked with E'inancial statements and budgets. She also monitored revenues and expenditures for SNAP. - City of Spokane Valley ; General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended June 30, 2007 Unaudited Amended Budget June YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Ravenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Unreserved Fund Balance $ 7,068,000 $ - $ - $ 7,068,000 S Property Tax 9,745,000 939,238 5,091,729 4,653,271 52.25% Sales Tax 17,686,800 1,525,248 7,842,384 9,844,416 44.34 Gambling Tax 910,000 34,942 180,093 729,907 19.79 7Franchise FeeslBusiness Licenses 724,170 5,558 249,946 . 474,224 34.51 1 State Shared Revenues 1,121,000 215,868 510,722 610,278 45.56 Planning & Building Fees 1,867,000 94,836 917,042 949,958 49.12 2 Fines and Forfeitures 1,250,000 118,188 601,465 648,535 48.12 Recreation Program Fees 447,700 11,341 203,891 243,809 45.54 Investment Int, & Other 302,80,0 48,904 247,690 55,110 81.80 Operating Transiers 75,000 - 47,565 27,435 63.42 3 $ 41,197,470 $ 2,994,123 $ 15,892,527 $ 25,304,943 38.58 8 Amended Budget June Y7D Unrealized Percent 2007 Expenditures Exnendifures Expenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 296,393 13,987 137,906 158,487 46.53 Executivc & Legislative Support 892,854 63,398 354,9E6 537,888 39.76 Public Safety 18,256,400 2,824,180 8,592,306 9,664,094 47.06 Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,470,608 81,340 531,746 938,862 36.16 Public Works 1,391.887 123,331 532,306 859,581 38.24 Planning & Community Qev. 2,411,276 213,765 1,029,469 1,381,807 42.69 Library Services 20,000 - 4,559 15,441 22.80 , Parks & Recreation 2,087,086 121,962 704,633 1,382,453 33.76 General Government 12,063,000 144,021 3,811,020 8,251,380 31.59 $ 38,889,504 $ 3,555,984 $ 15,698,911 $ 23,190,593 40.37% 7116J2047 1:21 Pb1 . City of Spokane Valley Other Funds ~ Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended Juno 30, 2007 Unaudited . Amended Budget Juno YTD Unreafzed Peraent 2007 Revt±nyM ROVSnugs Revenue Realized OtherFunds Revenucs: ' Street Furud $ 7,658,000 $ 192,789 $ 1,184,332 $ 6,473,666 15.4796 Arterifll Street Fund 912,000 3,697 22,262 889,738 2.44 5 Trails ¢nd Paths 21,000 78 457 20,5.3 2.18 6 FlweJlA9otel Fund 658,000 33,235 159,436 498,564 24.23 Debt SQivico - LTGO 03 500,000 - 205,518 394,482 34.25 Capital Projecds Fund 4,120,000 127,651 621,582 3,098,418 15.09 Specfaf Capital Frojoets Fund 4,420,000 128,455 828,330 3,793,670 14.17 Street Capital Projects 7,802,843 - 222,608 7,580,235 2.65 5 Mirabeau Pafnt ProjeU 441,000 1,475 9,214 431,786 2.03 5 Sireet Bond Gapital ProjeCts 816,000 - - 816,000 - Capital Grants Fund 9,300,000 - 43,027 9,256,973 0.46 5 Barker Bricfge Reconsiruction 700,Od0 - 161,055 538,945 - 5 S4armwaterPdgmt Fund 3,195,762 193,100 916,137 2,279,625 28,67 ' Equip. Rental & ReplacemCnt 944,375 3,243 19,599 924,776 2.08 10 Risk h4anggemont 217,000 62 176,302 40,698 81.25 Raseeves: Centerplaec opcreling 325,000 1,348 8,114 316,886 2.50 9 Serv6oe Leve1 Sfia6dization 5,200,000 20.887 481,110 4,718,880 9.25 WinEer weather 540,000 2,235 13,455 528,545 2.49 9 Pafks Capital 3,550,000 4,612 134,065 3,415,935 3.78 9 CiviC lxtildings 1.460.000 20.768 2,433,579 l973,5791 166.68 Ir~\, S 52,880,98A $ 733,611 $ 7,438,182 $ 45,442,798 14.075'0 l • ' Amandsd 8udpet June YTD Unreafized Pcrcent 2007 Fxneridltures Exoenditures Exoenditures Ree6zed Other Funds Expcnditures: Street Fund S 7,658,000 $ 307,822 S 1,368,354 $ 6,289,645 17.8796 Arterial 3Veet Fund 912,000 - - 912,OOU - S Traiis and Paths 21,000 - - ' 21,000 - 6 Ha1eVA7ofef Fund 858,000 14,583 95,158 562,842 14.46 . pe4t Service LTGO 03 600,000 - 205,518 394,482 34.25 Capital PrngecRs Fund 4,120,000 - 22,873 4,097,127 0.56 5 Spec(al Gepitel Projects Fund 4,420,000 - 22,873 4,397,127 0,52 5 Sfreet Capifal Projects 7,802,813 30,330 128,873 7,673,970 1.65 5 Plarabeau Pant Pro9ed 441,000 14,003 32,825 468,175 7.44 5 Street Bond Cepite! Projects 816,a00 - - 816,000 - 5 Capilal Grants Fund 9.300,000 10,008 781,693 9.118,397 1.95 5 Bartcer Bridge Reoonstruction 700,000 654 223,274 476,726 31.90 Siormwater 1.4gm1 Furud 3,195,762 351,512 784,651 2,411,111 24.55 Equtp. Rental 8 Ftaplacc:mnt 944,375 21,478 36,628 907,747 3.88 10 liisk Managernent 217,000 - 179,287 37,713 82.62 Rssevves: Centerplace opcrating 325,000 - - 325,000 - Servioe level slatxlizatGOn 5,200,D00 - - 5,200,000 - WinEerweather 540,000 - - 540,000 - Parks capiFai 3,550,000 2,502 350,577 3,199,423 9.88 5 Civ(C bulldlrtgs 1.460,000 - - 1,460,UOU - S 52.8$0,930 $ 752,492 S 3,632,494 $ 49,248,486 6,87`)6 l 7AEr2007 1:21 Ma City of Spokane Valley - Investment Report ' For the Month June 2007 Total LGIP` F&M MM F&M CD Investments Beginning $ 32,141,518.07 $ 1,599,914.36 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 34,741,432.43 Deposits 1,958,481.47 - - 1,958,481.47 IlVithdrawls - - - - Interest 140,063.95 5,364.76 - 145,428.71 Ending $ 34,240,063.49 $ 1,605,279.12 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 36,845,342.61 Balances bv Fund General Fund $ 7,999,594.04 Street Fund 4,537,957,35 Arterial Street 903,764.38 Paths & Trails 22,820.51 Hotel/Motel 455,760.68 Center Place Op 329,411.20 Service Level Stab. 5,101;131.99 Winter Weather Res. 546,248.26 Capitai Projects 4,063,492.15 Spec. Capital Proj. 4,241,465.39 Street Capital Proj. - Mirabeau Point Proj. 360,606.95 Street Bond Proj. - Parks Capital Proj. 1,127,453.30 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 5,076,427.79 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,256,631.97 Equipment Rental 807,397.73 Risk iVlanagement 15,178.92 $ 36, 845, 342.61 'Lacal Government Investment Pool FOOTNOTES 1 Received quarterly 2 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 3 Internal transfer is made twicetyear. 4 70% of this budget is reserves. Emergency use only 5 Capitai projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 6 No projects planned in 2007 7 One significant account is delinquent 8 Error in beg. Fund balance of amended budget 9 Interest earnings 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05 7l16/2007 1:21 PM Spokan01111111100~ e jvalky• 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spok.ine Valtcy WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaltespokanevaltcy.org Memorandum To: Da,ie Mercier, Nina Regor, MemDers of City CounCil From: Mike Jackson Date: June 30, 2007 Re: Parks and Recreatipn Secand Quarter 2007 Administratiaa and Yarkc: a The City Cauncil approved tiie architect's cocicepts for rcnuvutiuns of the outdoor I swimming poots. The ba.sic conccpts are a zeru deplh entry poul at Valley tilission Nool. a-water slide at Park Road Pool and a lazy river at Terrace View Pool. •.1n architect hus been selected for the rennvation of Valley tilission Park. }-Ic will submit ~ prcliminary plans within the next monih with canstruction planned for late 2007, • e'orLSt.ruriion of Cltisssroom Room 109 is completed. A wall was removed Lictwren nwc► classrooms to mal:e a large classroam or small event room. It is already becoming ven ~ papular for small rcceptions, birthciay parties and anniversary parties wluch suould help incr+ease our capacity on the weckcnds_ • 162 park reservations havc been tal:en the second quarter of this year which comparc:s to 183 Gom 2nd quarter 2006. A major rcason for the decline in resecvation is tliat Valley Missi<,n is not txing resined this ~-ear duc to rnrk rrnovation occurring this summer. ~ :OuE ParM Heset'viilcn~ 2047 Puk Rosstratane 90 , '7 - - a 2nd Olr 133 RQ _ ~ " I C Fnd Uir 2"v3: _ •6' I - I- - - - + ~ - - - - ! = - _ - - - - , rp~ ~ - ~ - 2o _ ~ , ~ - • _ _ C_II _ _ x o J = O ~ CL C ~ a .~~~1 e~d: yQ~,~ae~ r~°c c• W " ~ 0 ~ • ~ o :1yuuli:": • f_leitri,nh; cash rngistvrs lcpr tlic: outdoor j)ca(-,is iii%c i>C;:n E)urLhd~,ta. SLiii i5 LW working with the Fitiance llepartment and the Y;1ICA ta improve cash handlit; Elroccdures and implement automatic reporting. •.11) three outdcor goalti o}ened June IGtli for the summer s«im season Is-%vini stnrted on June 18"' - one week earlier than previous ('enterl'lace: • A marketing firm was selected to cunduct a f'ce sun thc fee survcy was to comparc Centci iresults havC E7CeI1 SLLbII11I12,(~ tQC fevic, •Stafi' processed 182 CenterPlcic:e resc i ' "u),,..~ ' ❑ sanq~et ~ °r0 ; ~ `k ■ Comnunlry F. ~ 2qro Q Fundra,s-r ~ q ■ Meei . 9 D3n~!= - ■ Riva~,_ O Semmar + Y. ~4c ■ We ddinglFtec~:; • . • ~:~•-,i. .'I _.iLr.1tE.'_;~ i l,~t-_, c Ifri,t Cliurcli \orthern l:roas ' Aging and Long-Term Cure I)zde Henley Gr~ ~W'ashinbton Cities Insurance rluthc,rity Ed%tiard Joncs AA1ZP DrivingClasS liarizon C'redit 1_ii.~ Tomlinscin Dlack tichoolc ilvlicrist Erivimnmer•! IT C Tech. OfTicc of c 'vW Training histiwtc I3echer C}' Advanccd Busincss Concepts PrePaid 1..:• L;LSt Valley E1igh School Niercer H~:, l: West Valley lligh Scliool ltrunix 'T-he Oaks .4cademy 5ervpro Riverside Iligli 5chool Stcrling I_itc [nsurasi l:ogcrs High Sncocil Inland NW 131aod G, 1~~ivcrnmcnt 2nd Quarter 2006 vs. 2007 Events 600 - - 500 400 - - - - - I n2006 - 300 200 - - - - _ _ ■ Zoo7 , o~ - - - - , - Q!~A 1o ce 2006 = 329 2007 _ 513 Therc are currently 28 husiursses un C'enterPluce's Caterers List w•hich includes: A Catered AfFair :1zar's Pood Service Reacon Hill Catered for You, Inc. Cating & nesserts by Lori Charley's Grill & Sprits Chicken More Country C~tcring Cre~ativr Catering C'rossroacis Rcsidurant t:ulinaria Du,6d's Pizza, lnc. Fergusan's Cafd l=cry's Catering F I 17az.i vilcs Scrvices Glover Munsian Events Hooters Mcmorable Events l.onghorn Li[3Q/Black Tie Catering ylirabcau Park i-[otel O'Dohery's Pub & BIiQ Puncia Rcstaurant Group Yuttin on the Ri -v. Percv's Caf6 Americians (,)dnha Mexican Gril1 I he 13a-n ori l-rezr.i S!ilos Se~3tood d: Stc, khoti•c Combined Kevenuc+ 1" and 2 °il Quarter 1007 Etevennes Arcounts I2cvenues C"ullectrd Receivable +:VR CoIIe}te Liasc: $ 40,773 S57.2?7 $ 9$,000 Rcntal Revenucs $203.104 7.76 0 210.8(r~ Total $243,877 $64.987 $308,86-4 ( Rukizeted Etevcnuc i'or (iseal year 2007 =$270,Uq0) (tecrcaHon: • Hosted the first Castside Sl:illbuilder fQr the Wnshington Recreution and Parks Asscx:iation. 'rhis is an Ea.Stern Washington workshop for summer yout6 workers. It was Li greai success. • l'lie Stucic.nl Advisunr Council selected the 2407-08 council members tind tbey were approved by counci) on Junc iI)"'. _ ~ • Mei X6111 fl:C YN'ICA ditic11:5 p3Cin~r~.,I11D5 llliti silII?II7l'r %lllll ULI~ cal:lp:, • Suma~er Recreation Assistant Staff l'raining was the wc.ek u1'Jun The lraining went very well. R'e had a special trainer ftom f.e.m.m.e Safcty lnc. teaCh the staiT about situationnl safety issues. This was avery informative and useful trainirig session. • Summcr programs started Junc; 180'. Summer D3y Camp with 36 Campers, KinderCamp •.Nith 8 CamPers and the Par1:s Ymgtams at Cdgzcliff. Browns and Terrace Vicw Park ,~earted with very strong numbers with a total nf 167 children attending the first w•eek. rndoor Playground PaA1cIpatLon (Paronts L crawlen - 3yns) : # - - Mit ■Yw7.7Q a ( CvrT007 • 1 ~ - I - ~ - _ i - ' r.1,^r_~yx rr.•~..c:7o.~ ' -,~»,~ra -~i-7a~~ 4efavin• M..~nort:ar~p:'eRkipa:rxi }.5 yrs r-- _ - - ~ o „ ~ _ . . _ _ • . Y.w 7004 ~ ^ - - - lves??OS o I- ~ -v9Y2rim ,1 - - - - - ...r Jim:5 xA : - E. .•i~ o ~i .r.fy • ]ry71 a.ty !UL •:q 6 My !.L • - _ ~ _ +n Oay Carrrp P;irtk~pation 5-11 yrs. - a - fC - Year 2DO4 ~ ;'S - - - - I ■ Year 2005 m ~ 4 Y!/f 20p6 ~ - - - - O Ybar b dWe j - - - a,,na r iyz- Jurya -161y July JU,r Aug e• h,p Auguli r:-:7 G 13 18-20 ;3-21 30- 10 13-11 20124 Aug J Scsamm tienior ('entrr. • Atterzijeci Washington State Association of Senior Crnter Conference May 20-24. 5zn7ed as member on Boarri which plaaned cQnfereace. Also served as a guest spenker. • Meals nn Wheels' lunch attcndance have declineci 40°!o in the last yenr. •Tai Chi, a ncw progrun, started 2007. Ciasses run for a 6 week session. Attendance hss held steady with 12 people who havc nat attendcd any ather activity in the Srnior Center. • Ping Pong began Summer ot'2Uafi with the donntion of one ping ponr table. It has hec;ome so popular that another ping pong table was donaie:d in the fall with 13 PenFic playing per week. • WSI3 nursing students do thcir cdmmuniry tu:alth practicum in the Wellness Center kin Wedncsciays. 'Mey check bloai gressure, blood sugar, and general health questions. The nurses interact ~Nith the participants by pregaring healthy menu chc,icr•, ciancin-, .%ith mcmhc*s. oh~zcrving activity ant9 holdinv rla.tises. ~ c-it'al PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT V'dlley MONTHLY REPORT June 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • 5treet Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interiocal • Street Sweeping - A,AA completed the Spring Sweeping in mid-June_ • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphatt Paving inc. has been worlcing on Paving and Shouldering projects • Enginesring Sefvices Support - Agreements with prNate enginsenng firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines 8 Trent) - WSDOT Interiocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interfocal •Safety Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the;r Wastewater Facilities Plan and beginning their RRP process for a new treatmeM plant. CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Project RFP for Engineering & Architectural Services went out to ad. • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pendirig outcame of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub Area Plan • Street Master Plan Consultant continued their work on finalizing bath phase 1 and phase 2 and worked on the preparation of the draft Street Master Plan report • Sullivan Road PCC Continued coordination with WSl70T. Projed schedu(ed for consfruction in July 2007. • PinesJMansfield The County and State arz preparmg finat designs of their respective arzas of tne project. The County Right af Way Dept. is continuing their woric on the right-of-inray acquisition process. 1'he project is scheduled to advertise for bids in the fall of 2007 with constn.,ction scheduled to begin in 2008 • Appleway Avenue Reconstrucdon - Tschirley to Hodges David Evans 8 Assoc. is working on preparing the final bid package and nghi-of-way certification for WSDOT approvaf. This project will advertise in the summer of 2007 with partial canstruction scheduled to begin in 2007. • Barker Road Bridge Project besign is at 90% complete and await+ng completian of the environmental permit process. CH2M HILL finished the JARPA and is working through the remaining environmental permit issues_ This project is scheduled to advertise late fall or winter in 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2008. Staff is preparing a presGntaiion to council un options for architeciural treatrr.ents for the bridge CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overlay Project Paving is complete. Permanent striping is compiete. Project closeout will begin • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punchlist items remain. • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete Punchlist items remain • Vera 7errace Sanitary Sewer ProJect Project complete. Punchlist complete. Awaiting final billing from Spakane County. • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled in July. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on June 5, 2007. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co Construction began on Ju1y 9. 2007 STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fun:~ Through the end of June pnvate contracts have mvoiced $130.166 and the County has invoiced $739,184, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $869,370 The County has invoiced $5,&s9 and ` r.ontrads have invoiced $509,829, for a total Storri . , • ~ Pnva+e Szreet Mamtaninca 6 Private Strest Maintenan `,!st 5pent, $130,186 4% ' County Street Maintenanoe ■Cc, r , Tatal Spant, $739,184 ,2196 Q Private Slormwater Maintenance Re--,;sinlrIg Buug=i Pnvets Stormwater 52,138,154Maintana*tice r? County Stcxmwater Mainlenanoe 6196 / Total Spenl. $509.828 13 g3"/a t'ounty Stormwater • Remaining 8udge! Maintanance Total5pert, $5,849 - - - : 7 -k 1 TRAFFIC: • Implemented new signal coordination plans at the Argonne-Mullan intersections with Broadway and Mission to reduce red-light running. Accident rate appears to be going down. i ~ • Continued vrorking wifh WSDOT and Spokane County on controller replacements and new signal timing for Sullivan Bridge Closure. • Awarded grant to install flashing beacons at 3 elementary schools. • 28 - Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 26 New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, s#reetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count rzquests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Construction of the stormevater improvements for Beverly Hills neighborhood was completed. • Continued inventory of UIC facilities and outfalls. • Completed excavating and cleaning of Broadway swales. • Through POE Asphalt contract, 4 new drywells have been constructed and the SpragueJDishman underpass grates were re-built. . • Completed Citywide spring sweeping • Continued landscaping contract services of City owned drainage swales and ponds. ~ pOkalle ..;oOVa11ey Capital Improvement Projects 2006 8 2007 NROJECTS ' Proposed Estimated Design Construction 2006 (2007) 7ota1 Project Cost Fwtding Road Construction Projects i'roJect Locatiun Bid Date Completion Dato Comploto Carnplete Fundinp STP(U) Aryonrte Road. Overlay Indian[i Avenve to Montgomery Avenue Pdar-06 8/1/07 1p096 99% $ 316,600 $ 316.600 Road Qesign Project. TI9ICPAAQ Nines/h4ansfieltl Project 1^Filtrvr f2d. to Pines F2d., Pines fo I SO Sep-07 611108 95% 0`h $ 1.032,015 $ 4,531.(k48 STP(U) Applevray Aveniee Raconstrucliori Tschirley Rd. to Hodges £id. Ju4-07 G11108 95% 0% S 6{}9,000 $ 6,059,508 DR Barkcr Road F3ritiye Replacement Eiarker Rd. at SpakanP RNer Dec-67 72/1N9 90% 0% S 808,101 $ 10,000,000 Sewer Projocls City Vpratlale hteights - Pavebadc Volleyway lu A9fssion, Everyrecn to Adarns Mir-OG 611107 900% 100`Xa $ 430.256 $ 430,256 City Vera Terrace - Paveback 2nd io 71ti, Evergreen to E3um, tilay-06 511107 100% 10096 $ 341.264 $ 341.264 City Spalcfirigs - Pavehack Indiana West of alontgomery May-07 1111107 90% 0% S - $ - - • Gty Grandvieavftcres - Pavebock Apr-07 11l1f07 104% 150d. $ - $ - City Trenhvood - f'aveback Apr-07 11/1/07 100% 5% $ - $ Planning f'rojects ' STF'(U) Valley Corridor Environmental Study University to Appleway n!a Jun-07 OSb 0"h $ - $ STT'(U) Valley Couplet - f'r+aject 2 University to Evergrecn 0% 0% Total $ 7.626,296 S 21,718,738 STP(U) - Sur(ace Trans{rortalion Propram (UrUan); TIB - Trarisporta6an lmpiovement Board; DftAC -Mdge Rcpiacerriont Advisory Carrimfttee; Cf7i3G - Communiiy Development FilocBc Grant Frogrini CA1AQ - Congestion A4an3gemenUAir Quality Piogram; STA - 5pokane Transi1 Authortty ,luno 2~ ',siructfon Projects , - vIEMn TO: Dave Mcrcicr, City Managcr FRQM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Policc George Wigen, Ad minis trative Scrgeant D 4TE: July 17, 2007 RF: Monthly RePart June 2007 T.)uring the month of June 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAll) ineidents for tlie Spokane Valley Police Dcpartment totaled 4,681. These are self-uutiatcd officer contacts, as well as calls for se.cvice. Otrt of lhpse incidents, 1;397 aecua] reports werE taken during tlZe month nf June. Attached is the breakciqvvn describing those incidents. Additionally, there werc 1;343 traffic stops couducted that resulted in 272 traffic reports. Included with lhis report are hoispot nlaps for Jiuie residential bur.glaries, June commercial burglaries anci June traffic collisions, along wittl May and Jtuze stolen velucles. Al)A'1T\1STRATIVF: o Chief VanT.,euven, along with Sheriff Knezovich; attended a Public Forum wluch focuseci on disability and police issues in the Spokane area. The f.oium was spons4red by the r ; WashingtUn $tate Human Rights Com.nussion and the Coal.ition of Responsible Disablcd (CqRIa). The event was very well attendcd, anci ChieF VaiiLeuven met several community members who arc advoc.ates .f.or persons with disabilities. One issue that was discussed- wa5 that of clog guides and seivice animals. Cluef VanLeuven immediately made this suUject a tiigh prioriey in the Spokane Valley Police llepartment, and it has been addressed and a training bulletin put into place to assist officers in understanding how to deal with these issues. sChief. VaiiC.euven mel tvith Adminisirative Semleant Cearge Wigen anci Parks and Recreation llirector Mike Jackson to diseuss park facilities, Gentennial Trail issues; and ways in which the Spokane Valley Police Dcpartment could collaborate with tlie Parlcs Department to provide the best service to our commanity. Also discussed was the rvle of SCOFr volunteers and how they might bcsi be utili~.~ed in mattcrs aPfecting ttte parks. ♦ The Cluef also met wiCh City Nlanager Dave Mercier in Jtuze for an i.nformal diseussion of issues affecting bAth tlle City of Spoka.ne Va11Ey and the Spokane Valley Police Depa.rtment, along with future ;oals for the SVPD. ♦ During the month of June; ChieE' VanLeuven was "on Gall" for a total of tliirteen 12 hour shi (-ts for patrol lieutenants. o He joined otlier staff incmbers and Council members of the Spokane Valley in a sunimer retreat session held at Spirit Lak-e at the home of Councilmember Denenny, where a number.of important issues affectin~ tlie fiature of the contmunit}, were cliscussed. Chiet' Yage 1 VanLeuven also attended a joint meeting of the Spokane County Commissioners ancl the Spokane Vatley City Council, where discussion centcred around several items of interest to ~ both groups, including contracl serviccs and comprehensive plans. ♦ Chief VanLeuven gave an update on the Spokane Valley Police Department at the June 19th meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council, includiug current objectivcs ancl goals. One goal is to conlinuc to ei-liance the identity of the police department within thc City of Spokane Valley, utilizing tools such as a more visible "Spokaile Va11ey" ingo on police vehicles. A1so planneri is the development of an iiifonnal recoenition program for SVY17 euiployees, and the Chief is currently worl:ing on po>siblc ways to unplement this prograrri. ♦ 1n-service training attended by Officers and suPervisors of the Spokane Valley Police Department in Junc included 'eciucation and training reference "excited delirium". sylembers of the media were also invited to attcnd the training to sce first hand how our officers are trained and to undcrstand our poliey and procedures. ' ♦ ChiefVanLeuven joined Shcriff Knezovieh, mcmbers of the Gang E-nforcement Team and others in a short meeting with Uiuted Staces Attorney General Alberto O. Gonzales during his bricf stop in Spokanc. coNrnTtnvITV ORfLnTTI:n poLiCin~G: . . ♦F-ach year the Spokane County Traftic Safety Commission and Crreater Spokane Substa.uce ; Abuse Council presents law en:forcement awards in Spokane County to officers whose ~ performance of the.ir daily duties has been outstxnduig. Ofl''icer Joe T3onin of the Spokane Valley Traff'ic Unit received an award. for promoting traffic sai~ety by issuiiig 2,970 ticketslcitations to violators, 492 of whicb were for spccdine in school r.onelplayground areas. ♦ Thc S1ieri:EPs Incic3ent Response Tean (SIRT), which is staffed entirely by volunteers, helps provide trafFic and crowd control at accident, emcrgcncy and disaster situations as we.ll as special events. Thc 'I"easn assisted wich thc West Valley SCOPE paradc arid the Loreen Miller Bike Race in June, vvitll eight volunteers contributing 56 hours during the events. '1"he 1 eanl had two new membe.rs in training during the month of June. The volunle.ers responded to iour call-outs, one Uf which was a house fire, utilizing 11 team tnemhers and totaling 19 hours of volunteer servicc. ♦ Gail Kagel was hired by Fdgecliff Weed and Seed as the coordinator f~or the Wced and Seed program. She is working on continuing tlie Safe Ilaven programs at Pi•att Elementary Scl-iool. ♦ Four SCOYL members attendcd agant k+riting class at Center.F'lace, sponsored by Spokane County Sherifi's Ot'fice. ♦ 12ick Scatt, SLOl'E d'uectdr, reportcd that SCOPF has becn averaeui; over 8,000 volunteer hours each month. ' Page 2 O.k'ERATIONS: ♦ A_nnual Scammers Hit'C'own A couple of scam a.rtists recently hii tJie Spokane area and scorecl more ihan $6,000 ui ttiree attempts tU defraud area resicients. The scam is worked in much the same manner with eaeh chosen victim, usually a seiuor citizen who appEars ta be affluent. One of the victuns who was approached by the scammers alcrted the Spokane Valley 1'olice; and L7etcctive Lyle Jollnston and Spokane Police llctective K.ir.k Kimberly put ui place a plan to watch for signs of the scam in practice. lletectives believe thcy saw the riwo suspects walking near the Lowes Home Improvement store on North Division, but lost them in traffic. They have developed same leads to ptirsue, however. The suspects were described by i]Ie cliree targeted victims as ~vell dressed and iieatly groomed black males, but further descriptions of the hvo suspects varie.d some,.vhat. ♦ I'ouths Arresteci In Weclccnd Burglaries Of('icers and sheriff's deputies arrested three suspects in a pair of commercial burglaries. Spokane Vallcy Police Officers Sean `Valte.r and Jeff Getchell responcle.d to Centcnnial Middle School after an alarm was rcceived late oue nighc. They spotted a teenaged male insicie the school and noted tliat hE was wearing a"Raiclers" football jersey as hE ran away from them. 'fhey calle.d a tracking canine to the school and during the search SgL Jim Gladden found the 14-year-old suspect hiding beneath a porch u1 the 800 block of iNorth Boxwuan. "1"he tecn had punched out the lock on an administration door at the school and ransacked the office. He took numerous small items from the office, and also was armed ` J xvith a small kni:fe during thc break-i.n. The officers drove the suspect to Spokane County ~ JuvenilE Dctention and booked him on a fElony count of 1 irst Taegree Biuglary. ♦ Copper Thief I.,ea<<es Calling Card Employees for Sturm I-Ieating arrived at a home under construction to discover their &eshly-installed copper wiring removed and the apparent tlucfls Nvallet lying on the floor. A spokcsman for the company saicl he and lus crew were uistalling the NAzre in a new homc in Greenacres; and the work was intact Nvhen they quit for the day. When they returned; ttiey found wiring cut from the walls and floors of the garagc, living room; kitchen and bedrooms. Because the wire cannot be spliced, workers must reniove the short pieces lcfc and rewire the home. Cost of the stolen wire ran about $200, but labor eosts to rewire were expected to nui about $800. The employee gave Officer 1=reci Morford the found wallet ,vhich contained both a`Vashington Ide.ntification Card and Soeial Security carcl f'or a Spokane Cotuity suspecl wfio has an eztensivc criminal record. Thefts of copper, aluminum and stainless sle.el continue to ri5e as near-record higli prices are paid by metal recycling businesse-s. ♦ Trucker Injured In Auto/Pcciestrian Collision A Dayton; 1 exas firuck driver was seriously uijured when lie wa.s struck by a car in the 16200 bloek vf Fast Marietta in SpokaJie Valtey. The truclc driver was loading used cars onto his seini-tractor/trailer rig when hc was stTUCk by a Ford Taunts driven by a 60-year- oid male. The truck driver was wearing a reflective safety vest as he warked on the westbound shoulder of Marielta and investigators said there were no sight obstruclions aldng that strctch af roadway. 1'he posted speed limit is 35 mph. Detectives seired the Page 3 1'aurus pending the outcome of their investigation. The truck driver «+as transported by ambulance to a hospital where he undcrw-ent treatmcnt for 11e.ad injuries and abra.sians. ; , ♦ Transient Arrested For Robbery, .4ssault Police arrested a 44-year-olci transient for the robbery and assault of a Spokwie Valley man who was beatcn so severely he could not remember his last name or how he drove himself to the hospital. Officers received a call from hospital staff about 8:10 p.m. and arrived there to find the victim wich multiple brokcn bones in his face aild eye socket and bruises on his chest. Hc cventually was able to tell theni that he had stoppeci at 1Valgreens at Sprague and Pines and was confronteci by a male transicnt who asked him for money and to use the victim's cellular phone. The 28-year-old victim reFenecl the suspect to a clay labor busine.ss nea.rby and started to walk around the suspect tn enter the store. IIe saici hc was stnick in the face by somcthing, but could not say what it was or how many times he was struck. He awoke uiside his pickup which was parked in the hospital lot. His cash aiid driver's license werc missing. `Vhen the'victim described the suspect, OFficer Dale WElls recalled being advised of an aggressive panhandler ttiat had been bothering people in the area of Sprague and University earliex. The P-e_neral clescriptious matched. Wells prepared a photo montagc and the victim iuime.diately identil:ied one of the pliotos as being that of his attacker. Meaciwhile; Sgt. ulatt T.yQns had located and detained the male suspect in his camp in the area of Sprague and Gillis. Interview oC the subject led to probablc cause for his arrest. Wells drove him to the Spokane Cotuity Jail and booked hinl on felony counts of First Degree R.obbery and Second 17egree Assault. SCOOTL+`RS Ai\TD BIKES: ; In the montll oi' .Tune there were hvo crashes involvin~ scooters. In bo[h cases the scooter operators werc not wearing helmets. The following describes one of the incidents: ♦ llUT Teen Driver Runs Down viobility Scootcr A 16-year-old Spokane Valley girl «jas arrested after officers deteriniued she had fled the sc;ene of an injury accident in ,vhich she ran into a mobility scooter carryuig hvo people. Ufticers were called to Nora and Vista about 11:15 p.m. by witnesses who saw a red Jeep Cherokee run into and knock over a niobility scooter being ciriven east on 'NOra approacbing Vista. F1 15-year-old girl was seated on the scooter with a second l S-year-old girl seated on her lap and steerinE. The hwo I S-year-olds told officers they never heard or saw an approaching car; but were knocked Uver and t1uoxvn to the ground by a vehicle. They suffered minor injuries, with one girl transported to a Spokane Valley liospital [or - evaluation. SUme male cqmpanions, also reportedly riding on the scooter, saLV the impending crash ancl juinped clear. '1 hey were able to provide officers witli the vehicle and driver description. 'Nlot long aften-v~ard, Officer vlarty Yatulell responciecl to a traffic collision uivolving a rcd Jeep that matched the dcscription of the earlier crash. Il had lt;ft the roaclway; sti-uck a power pole and crashed ihrough a fence. The 16-ycar-old female tlrivcr of the Jeep was detained ou suspieion of ilnpaired clriving and the two witnesses froin the scooter crasb. were tal:en to the scene. One identificd the gu-1 as the driver who was involved in the earlier collision. Following stzndard te.sting, the teen driver was booked into Spok.ane Coturtv Juvenile L)etention Centcr on a misdemeanor count of Driving `Vhile under the Tnflucnce of Alcohol and a felony count of Iiijuiy I-Iit and Run . Accident. ' Page 4 ~ - ' 2007 JUNE CRIME REPORT I Jun-OT 1 Jun-06 1107 to date 1 06 to date 11 06 Total ~ 05 Total ~ 04 Total BURGLARY I 531 6611 2721 340 11 714 ~ 7441 997 FORGERY 1 331 4011 2151 177 11 334 1 4641 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF I 1131 90ll 6381 475 11 1,1221 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 1 72 591 1 1 4011 384 11 811 1 7491 916 PROPERTY OTHER 1 78 10411 4531 504 11 982 1 1,1541 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES I 191 2511 1671 145 11 403 1 3331 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 1 331 4311 2511 277 11 711 1 603i 577 TNEFT 1 1581 21211 9411 958 11 1,888 1 2,2561 2,853 UIOBC I 0l 0il 41 3 11 11 1 81 10 VEHICLE OTHER 1 01 iII 11 3 li 31 51 40 VEHICLE }'ROWLING 551 6711 3571 449 11 937 1 9581 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTYCRIMES 6141 707 1 3,7001 3,715 11 7,9161 8,1781 10,519 ASSAULT ~ 871 901 4391 440 11 846 8941 880 DOA/SUICIDE 1 201 1411 1181 88 11 167 1591 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 1 781 6311 4391 309 11 736 1 7621 755 HONiICIDE I 0i 0il 0l 1 11 51 11 5 KIDNAP 1 21 311 91 13 11 22 1 351 24 MENTAL 1 361 31 1 1821 200 11 425 1 4251 386 MP 1 12151 361 35 11 88 1 971 106 PERSONS OTHER 1 1231 11411 6621 545 11 1,1591 1,2581 1,624 ROSBERY 1 91 211 341 20 11 58 1 561 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 1 51 9il 451 39 11 831 921 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 3721 331 11 1,9641 1,69011 3,589 1 3,7771 4,192 ADULT RAPE 61 311 231 12 11 29 1 391 37 CHILD ABUSE 1 51 611 601 41 1 78 1 1011 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCEJ 11( 811 42 62 1 105 1 881 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 1 01 011 1 1 ill 31 61 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 11 311 11 l 13 11 15 1 91 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 1 41 811 231 3611 69 I 671 77 CHILD RAPE 21 1 ll 131 32 11 62 1 351 30 RUNAWAY 21 21 11 1591 154 11 309 1 3111 437 SEXOTHER 13 1911 991 98 II 203 1 1811 162 STALKING ~ 11 21 81 10 11 17 1 271 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 1 171 231 781 105 11 1771 2441 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 1 811 9411 5171 564 11 1,0671 1,1081 1,475 DRUG 1 581 6511 4261 371 11 665 1 8911 999 ISU OTHER I oI oII 11 o II o I oI 1 TOTALlSU 1 581 6511 4271 371 11 665 1 8911 1,000 ' TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 1 2721 18811 1,816 1 1,479 11 3,345 1 2,4031 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVELI 1,3971 1,38511 8,4241 7,819 11 16,582 1 16,3571 19,962 i ~ I . 7 ~ .~~scd " ! 5anso awn ~ g ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ y • Prtn R. i• ~t ~ CP -T-„ q ~ ' Kto o~f c ~ T ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ r- a a ~y ( ~1 EUCfiL~ z' v ~ I - . .~~:C;1', ~S- ~ ~i• .4.. f . ir.ibOb~~ - A n~ _f Cltlt~i0 _ a~ - ~ : _ ~ M •t~ : ~ ~ : - A ~~i~ .~aq•~ i , ~l - , ti .-_.I ~ ~ I'~►.~ , } t II .l~Jl~ _ ± -Tp ~ ~1 _ . _ ~ -I~wx ~ ~ 9har•~n ian:, t 1 ~ 1 r I~ ~ 97 T . ~ • . ~ ~ M18slan ".nL an xsl I 3 , ~ _ ~ ~ ~ . K c~r tA~ --ti 1 ~ , ~ . ~ - ( , 1 n f; j~;i, - _i.d~7 ~ nG•~ _ ~ r ~ h, ~4M ' ~ ~ • ; ~ ;:~1 I ' _ ~ _ (1Ji - r ~ -i ~ Llll S'..~ \ •-I ~~f' ~ I. ~ ~ ai, , ~-~1►' 4_+ !~{~~.~i',~_~f'- ~ ' ~ ' a ~ : • ~ ~ -r L ~ ~ E 1 ~'-1 F tP -44 04 E ~`V ~ \ 215t " .kN1•p~1~'' '4 ~~A,Sf .a z ~ ~ - ~ '~'1)ir1?n ~ !h~ 32Ild ~ m 25th ~ I 31 d T Q~ ~ - - ~ rn 10 ~ \ L ~geUe Tem} StsrM ~ a ro -77 ~ Stolon Vohic les 4~th ~cn, 4!7 r n,;I•F~e~°'~.. 111111111 Low ~ ` r:~~'~,,~•~, ~ ' O / iOCk ~ 11111111IMedium - ~ Y ~y~ I\ 1 7 +I 1 J ~.~~~~11 H19h ~ ap Praducacl: 17 July 2I1~07 2007 May & June S * ulc.n Vehicle I-iotspots AR l ~ ( a. .c'7 wy~"~ z- - ' j ~ c • i F.,,.nf ~ ` _ _ , 7~~ Sansu ~x Prin 18 _ r1., -1 ,ie.,y Klc 9 ( ~ " ~'t- , r ` ~ ~ ~ ,t, r FF44 d!--I~{--~p~ E•irctld ._f ~i _i. '~~y~~B Y'.,q~ry{ •~-f~ ~ ~ 1 ~'c~ ~ ~•.N' t 9 _ _ . G on M41 9ur e~14r.ve , i L J~ U, ~ - = ~ . ~ / ! y A'~ am-~% L~rwnn s } 11lss! " Misslbn'~!}U~- ►.SS,cmowl_._t~.. _~JDne- = ..~i~lr Sttorp ~(~y T~tt~' t,:.r. , ~ ~ ! - cn - `l ~ a~'? _ I ~7 i c7, P,_ C.~~1 ~ B _ rC tii ~ - ~A ~~W. _I~ . ~i~',~ • a v~ ~ ~-l~' I Fil~vi7y1_ VYl `j~'1~ in O C~ - 1YjG~cr.s _ ,11~~ ~~n~•rta, ~ ~ - ~ 7G[~~~ ~ • ~ ~ 1 I . ~ ~ _ ~ ~9W~~ - ~i;iy,~lic f"~' ~ i; z s ~ ~ m ~ K Y• ' J -ith .1, 41!} &m ~ , I4t1i~ ~ jJ r- _ ~ -t~~ _ - 1 r 1»~ ' r•'O~~ grh7`-~, M 1oa/ t L -ir a ( t~ f" ~_1 , ~ ' ~`1Q - _ :.~,t~i_._ ~ ~ i ~ .i~+. , f ,.~r - ~ ~L r-ra _ ~ 1 ~2~~. ,l ~'s~,'s,-- t. b~h~T ~ Mt~, t t ' :3~ S5t _-1~.._ i 5 -Tn i {)I 714I ~ ~w~ ~ 2sth ~ !~~2 Qi_~~r ~ ~ ir~ t~~ ~►,-E ~ f~4q n 3 S rA ,n , }.~.b - • , j ~ • t~ - i " : ~ 1 f- j ~~I 3 4> , ' 1U L ~ _ , ~ ~ 40t rfN►~ [ialto Ten Ste ~ g u' ~ . s--~aaN ~ . j~~~~ - 4e ~ aam ° ° ~ co+rt~on n~`--L_~..t-l~` ~mic N y t. r (d•*n' ~ - 1 ~L a~n, Ol ~-h-,. J ~ ~ ~ m , 5 ^NSr =Medium Low d =Medium t a s ± u~~ - ~ WHigh - 2007 Jun~.y T►•affic Cotlision Hotspots MnpF'fD,,,Wd 17 ~ q r 7 oti7 ~ iM1 ' ` ~ c• ~It1 s r y.~ ~ ~ ry uol~~ aP'.~H "~1~~~ ',-.t1'~ v/ L'~,.. ,~-+~S' a ~ Pnn~ a ~ ! _ t m -a i u~a e v Eu ~ _ x ~ A•` ° a;. ~-~:i ~ Tr~_ ~ r t~ ti~ _r^V"N~ i L~ ~ •'+J y ..s ~ ~ l a'._' , FS`, _ •F t 1t - tt: tt /ndin" ~ )go ~ ~ t~ • --1--` ` ~-~`~i~ ~ ~aon ~1~ ~ 3~ . , ' ' ' ' . j . _ ~ ~ . j a• 1 ~ . ~.,,_qwt~; '~f Y~ ,4ti~!la:~. ' ~tr ' -,j;Y'' 3 11~_~ ~ 1 ~ I~~~ 14' - ~Y do ~ a -~'1f• -~[t; i • J t .t1,, ~ n - `'3 SI''_~~ - _r'jT.4t'+~'~ ,.Yt+r'' ~ l ` ~ T-t ` . ~ 320 ~ E~,~Kv_~. T~ ' , ~ ` ~ 't~~` ~ , t~ . ~c - ~ s Pldy 1t~tt~ ~"•--.-~t~ ~ r ~ Cl ~ ~ , r~yj _ ~,;~ti.z• ~g ~ q~' , ~n - ~ "m 30M' `8 OIN 26m a.,!_ n~►►~.~ ~ ~r , 3tst -n S~t~o`iv~ ~ _S 4 !r ~ ~'s iJ IN1.0* ~ t t ~091h _ . AAM " dr~ ~ Wp 17 Ju►Y xao ~ ~ s~ a~B o ~d ~ r Mvr.~w~-,. , r,duced O*S tS pTl lary I3 ~ P(~ `Q Q ~1, .1 ` (~~111ttta '`ti _ • _ _r..rt~'~`I`.1{ ►7urL~ - 7 CIPfTI@f1 ~55~c~rk ~ T- ~ 1 ~ c~/ ~ F,ry.et r~'U ~ - ` • _ _ ~a Sarzsu ovrn rT. ~ ~ SprlRg9 , E pn ro~ r ~ , Z = r _ ~L ~ J~ ~4fL ..~Y~d. .n ' m B -i" l• r-i~ t ~ ~ C~He~d 1 I ~ ~ ! ~ ` " ° ~ ~ - _ - ; a rIMT- 9 ~ m - - fr~ enck 7 Eu V ~ LF EuUitl ~U~ e f3tAcyn ~~Gry{9pm~y0 iA r'~ ~I~~- ' ' r, . * ; ~ ~ 1 ~-N~Q - ' ,r•.1,❑~i ~ ndnB ~~~~1 ~ ~ t~;~ s - Z _ _"^-2"- ~ • _ 'i 2 ~ ~ ; , ~ fC. 1 ~~f • i ~ 1 Misalon -`I--l►i+9 ~ _ r , 7 .f Sharp I.~1 ; t ~ urt Cnf Srotdm I~T, Atk CIp~~ : ~`t ~9 ~ 91 n~3 Z ' - - r^~-t5v~.t~ ~!6 °n ; t16,.7~6 - - ~i--tn-i. ~ ,r ` =,~y~ ~ZTflttlf~~ 1 T ~;t ~ 3ih ~r. g~, _ ~'?I ~i► ~ f~l ~ ~ :•t+tt~ ~ 7 T-~ • a~~'.~ ~_p~-r ~.~Q~, r ~r~`~!~'~; '~7--~~ '1ty! j~,21st i, ~ f.~~- h~jT ~ Jnnn4er-~ ~ T- ;7?---• _ - 'it- ~ - ' 7 - . ' W116, a 25tn x ~ ~ b i ~ • ~ ,~n 0 :iznd - t_31e1 th~ '3Gt3 - _ - .~-,h 3f~lh ' h _!i ~ - m -41n aCr g,dte ro lr FL-~= 43 t esa, ^ ~e~~, _•wu~ r:.sldanuer .r H. . { ~ &,.yl.rY nnrc . r"irn ~~j ~ J ~ - , ~ ` Q ~ ~ 7 I o - ~ ~ ' ' "1 L►T' 1 .I!~ 1 ~81 a~ u ~A iM1/ - ~ ~ ~ ~ Low MMedfum 2007 June Rcsidentidl Burgjai-y Hots o , . p ts MOoPfWUWd7 17 .,uly 7007 =High ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JUNE 2007 MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANIYlNG: Planning Commission Tne Spokane Va11ey Planning Commission mei four cimes dunng che mor.th of June ard contirued t~ie- review of Titles 19 and 22 of the Unitarm Devekopmen? Gode SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan 5cott Kuhta fira+ized the contraci end scape of work vrith ClearPa!h US.A for real estate aoti^;nry yarvr_es and with G►bbs Planning, l l_C `or servi;_es to ass,st n s"+c•ng c:;t G,ty Cer!rr r;evelas?~,r Urban Growth Area Update Lnng Range Stafi contnued to parUcipa?e in ;he update of Spok.3ne Caur.ty's tJGAs by a'tc-nCir.g waeK:y 'Pfanning Directors" meeUngs dunng the monih of June io move the update chrough the regional planning process. Staff aiso supported a regular mee6ng of the Steering Camrnittee of Efected Officia?s and a suhcommittee meeEing of the Steering Cammittee CURRENT PLANNING: 'vVe 3re unabie to supply cuRent revenue data. During the month of June Nlann+ng Dtwsion sia:`f conduc!ed 9 tand use pre-application meetings and processed 11 home profession permlts, 3 temporary sign permits and accepted applications for boundary line adjustments, preliminary and final short plats, and rezones. Four public hearings were conductsd by tfie Hearing Examiner in June. Planning Division staff also reviewed and approved 7 commerc,ial building permits including a new Tracy's Jewelers, an 18 unit apartmpnt buildfrg with garages, and Amencan Behavior Heafth Systems 2007 Licenses 8 Permits Issued ~c . - - - a - - - - ` ~ . ~ .an Feb AA~r Apr ~ May Jun Jut Atip Sop Oct i Nov :Pr 13 1E 18 20 16 206 44 25 36 34 I 32 23 32 95 24 21 iD ~ SJ 2005 41 26 '8 3-4 21 19 6 22 22 45 39 38 Pagc 1 0( 5 City of Spokane Valley Oepartment of Community Development June 2007 Monthly Report 2007 New Land Use Actions 4~ - - - i 1 - - - - I : 20 - - - - - - - - - • - ' _ i O .78ii F25 f A [.t M7y JIlfl .).1!. A Jg S@G vCt NOV DeC ~2r.~07 l8 27 17 72 18 'S 0 2006 20 18 30 24 27 15 25 20 17 19 9 a _ :Cf', BUILDING DIVISlON: We are unabie fa supply current revenue data. The Building Division issued 381 peRnits in June 2007, compared rnnth 325 for ihe same period last year. :OOI CQ!lS7RUCT14N PERMITS nw ~ . . 400 - - " - - - - ~ _ h► ' Ml ♦P k" t" .vM A.O 1o S3c+ ~ a chic ca-7C' ~ns tt! 7n au sa tni ]II . 7M 7rrss S3~ 72t , M! 720 i ]i7 t7S 1H nt w ~atl5 ~►nfa JSl 777 _-A aL1 ! Is !.5' ' 471, 402 }7i 416 W. ?A 2007 New StructuresJUnils Permitted 67 4fj ~ I T r _ Jan Fep Mar A.pr Mer June .luty Aug 5ept Oct Nov t}ec r. tJew 1 Q 2 Uwcl:iny Uni:s 26 32 53 59 75 46 B N..Jitl•tnmlty UnHs t 0 0 0 0 7 L7 Nc+r Commerctsi Stnrctu2s 1 ~ 1 11 S I ~ Paga 2 of 5 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Oevelopment June 2007 Monthly Report The reported value of canstructian, including new structures and additionsJsfteration is shown in the foll4wirtg chart, camparing these values witfi 2406. New value far June 2407 totais S14,425,690 2007 Vefuation of ConeWctlon sz5.ooc:• - , - - 'a - - . - 1007 vr~»atr,n S?'J,OQ: : - . ~ 2496 Ya~u~t. ^ tS.~C`OOC -c - TE Feb w.r Aa MaI l.rx 1Lty Av7 SeM C=t -r= In June 2007, buildung Inspectors per`ormed 1,352 inspections in 21 days Th,s averages 64.38 inspeciions per day. The Plans Examirters revwwed 155 projects in June 2007. At the end of .1une, there were 6 projects awaiting revi2w :oSTBundiny in.pecnan• IJ;I + ` L - , ` _ _ _ . - - - 1. ~ t--'~ - .l wr in I ~n~ •rr ts r~ f s ..t~ _ a_ •a~ ,m m ."l.~.n. liN1~: 1'1 K•. NY !N nt. :Ir 1!, 'Ff T ~•ere were 360 riyht.c,f~.vay +i:spcthcns v,~ere perfom~,ed d~~r,ng the m.~n'h ~ai Ju~?e C07 I CODE COMPL/ANCE: The numGer of 'VlolaUons Reported' on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violatiorts, plus complaints received wiilch wefe nol violations. The camplaints received are added tfl th:: total because they reflect time officers spent in the tleld conduciing investigations. In addition, tfie Invest+gated' and 'Pendmg' columns accurately refEect Code Compliance's current abllfty to process and irvestigafe backlog r.ases. T ne follQwing chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported Viofatlons are reported based on the primary compfa+nt received, rather tfian the number oi additianal vwletions identified on any individual premises. The tnvesiigation of a cornplaint of junk vetsic{es, for example, might a(so result in identification of additionat violations such as the accumulalion of trash or harboring of tivestock Tne,e are not -nc!udcd in thz ctimr*sary AImf:3! uf 60 new r_c•mplaini5 were prvicessed in June. P3gc 3 of 5 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development June 2007 Monthly Report ~ <c- - ~ - - ; , - - - - - - - - - ~ , r-. - - _ ~i - - - " - - ~ i I I I ~ ~ ~ ' ~~i ► Jun-,::6 J::i-Cin =,uy :6 NowC•: C?- Jnn-07 Feb-Gl Mar•07 Api-0i V4yC1 Jun-07 •n~ f-'eDrnrC 6 6 71 87 51 1 54 50 31 30 58 78 71 68 53 MAbplBmenS 11a 42 , 56 49 45 33 30 14 18 82 42 48 3' :i Fila Tranefers , 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 0 2 ' 0 10 0 8 ri es S13 86 53 17 sl 41 36 45 I 80 8t 68 25 47 I ~':/,~~hcrs..,u_r~r•~+ K..__!~~r•, L, nt., P(i ~d15'-iq s: r7finFir_<_ The Spokar.? Va~!ey f'olice Department, iri cr.qunctian witn SCUPE, has ;equested 'he ass;siance of I Gode Compiiance in identifyirg junk vehicles abandoned within ths right-flf-way SCOPE volunieers tag thte vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Activity is consolidated info tfie follawing six categones: Enviranmental (sewerlseptic, criUcal areas. animal and nuisance violations); Praperty (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, lanei!ordltenant, ilteqat business and sianave vlola!ions): Jtjnk Auto* Solld Waste (solid waste illega! 100 an ~ - 60 - - - - - - ' 40 20 - _ u _dRJ7 re7•;,I 4'ar-07 Apr-01 fVay-G,' J~.n l,ug Ui SCp-~7 Jct'v'7 ;:r~l•Q7 dE:-07 ric, V wwLv:~n 11 5 ~ T ~ t0 10 10 I ; I a 5.nlin Waste 7 11 ' 15 15 13 1 10 . p.iunk Aum ' S 5 6 9 9 B i ■ C1o-et Vrt:vr TrLlrtigie 1 1 ~ 3 2 i S e proGerty B 3$ 41 31 13 18 I ~ 7!:~•vsi:n-er,L.+i l r~ d "T Pago 4 of 5 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development June 2007 Monthly Report , DEVEOPMENT ENGINEERlIVG The Development Engineers processed the following applications in tne month Qr .lune, COMMERCIAL APPI..ICATIONS DMJ Inv2stments drainage ditch, DAS Remodeling, change of use 40 quil#ing business, EOMO Distributorsj4,880 sf officelwhse - shell only COMMERCIAL PRE- APPLICATIONS Chris & Pat Inc.,- 1,996 sf breakfast cafe, Lexington Commercial l7evelopment - 5,998 sf 2-story office building, Crown West Realty Whse Add'n- 8,940 sf adgition to existing whse, Inland Group - 177,774 sf 336 unit apt with rec center, Trent-Dollar OfficeIWarehouse - 9,000 sfi office/warehouse, Ler Storage Shed - 4,800 sf pole bldg, Valley 4th Memorial Cnurch -(2) 1,792 sf manufactured portable bldgs_-officelclassroom, Lafte Shop - relocating latte shopluse mobile unit while constructing new bldg., The tlepartment also processed 4 short plat final plai applications, processed 11 land use pre-applications, 4 short plat applications and one conditional use permif. CUSTOMER SERVlCE Planning ' The Hearing Examiner held 4 land use hearings during June. Assisted 374 walk-in customers at the counter and handled 434 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center. Building: Permits The fiollowing table summarizss the performance of the Permit Center for those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that #he application is deemed °counter-complete" to the time that a permit is issuetf. June-07 €1 of Value Aug Min I Max , Profects Rays Days f?eys ~ NkWCONSTRUC710N ~ Industrial Buildina 1 2~ 776,444.00 77 1 56 ~ 36 I PAertaniila ~ i ~ 106,992.00 iS 1 76 ~ 76 O~ricelProfesslonal ' I i~ 1,436,955.00 206 ~ 206 ~ 206 . f2EPA0D[L In(fusErfalBuilclina ~ 1 11,500_00 1 92 ~ 32 92 tvlercardile ~ 3 1,205,136.00 ~ 36 23 55 OificefProfessional ~ 4 1 794,036.04 ~ 41 24 39 AQDITiON Educational - Public ~ 1( 1,893,600.00 SB ~ 58 ~ 56 Strudure ~ 1 ~ 340,000,00 60 ~ 60 ~ 60 Values shown are those on which Plan Check and Building Pzrmit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times. The Permit Center has been tracking tumaround for Right ai Way Permit Apolications 2nci the fiaxed Mechanical and Plumbing Permit Applicatians. At pressnt the City responds to applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day. Permits for those applica-tion types are generally issued within hvo days. Building: Inspections Inspections are conducted the cfay following the inspection request except Tor weekends and holiciays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conducted within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are r"investigated before the end of the next business day. ~ ~Permit Center There were no surveys returned during the month ofi June. Page 5 of 5 • ~ - ~ f~ i Planning, ~ - 5 . - I] ' s Nletro lh Area 17 - - ~ - h - ~I - July, , 1i I~ I Acknow edgements _ sJle L o[J.1bC11';::CV1's" I Ttll:l; l'lg Go a1?l1. ".1'ti-. tlXti';l] 4I1`4I 10 1 F1L? I1VL''_tik101..1!lCJllt'tL't I ~4or''t4dictrc7riL, ti,l';}sok anr Ci7unlv, IIt{ti ( - ii ' of `;}`okant'. the ('i1v i:-f Spokaoie V.ilfa'v, ti-ie Citv r,t Airwav i-i=,~~ighis, and tl,e City t.itLEberty l...Zkr•. A stec ring tc,mntittee eepretiollrng vorh jur9s~.~ts;tion was +:suibliwhed iO EfeVL&IFl a tiVEark pian. I L~U3QCt a LititbSLLlLdrtitp rtWiVW xw{srk pr{sdUcN, -inLl -et liiG' };envral dia'odion for lhe ,~tudfx PafTitipe7ting c,ti tlrte Ctallr1btradiVe E'IJrartiI n~ Sdt-ering C-cimrntttvse +w^s-r,''_;tCVC I?.ivt=n}?nrt, MCI', ~;}3okan~ CiAlttlY, Ket-i 1'e9toii: A ICP, Cikv cyi S}',tak.tI I t!:'A-D !I K ti h E,y, A1CI: ('1t4° oI ',pokine VaIley, Mariairrie Mort•i.ti, C1'{4' itF Ai.r:3-:1N l irir~}jt-,, [)bjug -,mith, Citv {7f i.il-oerk5' l ,Ac~: ariti St~5on ~Vir~chcll. AitP. E301.1ndary Rit•it3w Board. 1'roviding PE,lii y' wtirt•i•60n 101 Ihi, ~Iotiv weri, Ow niLztiv %?IOc'tk•Li drtii ;sppIlII7tLd 4idtici:i1, ferr tltt- partit-iFalir3}; juroaalictierna aw hc~low ~`;},i'a i:1.1 r(-eO~,1jilaC,t1 gg,t•s ad~ Spi,kmrre Vyillev Cilv Couita'il wur11hmE R6t:h 1f1~t.-ll 1,sf f.Sr hi' Ie'JiI x51k 1i117''S'b yl"I ri`PSf- I1.77 1116.~ 1 (.aitdnf~' C o1 A .',I.~~~. l+Ce~h.~rc~~. ~~,b~iri7i:titr~rn~•~ ~1.3Ctfnr~at E'i~d:~~?r~4~n,'1~~11•s~r Inid Itth,71kL,. Cr,rr,o4r~wG„nwr !_arrv i 13skelf. Ccriisticilmzm'I,er Ni[l[Llf' M ig-r_'f- P.1dPJL'L- RU`~hC9u~, [.017116IIT1k+m1-{i Chti.arl~Nlte~ I..~atir+[i~-t^: t_~.iuR~a~77~r~ntk~+'I. { .IGV i~i sp[FUlli. DO» Miich411.4A,tinisEm:cmbcr Iklck I.IA-, C'kai.dn.-ilrrrL-Mlia'r layor pr117n f ii,llrfwav. Lnunralmon7her l,i4!:llipli. C01.3111 :almonih±Or ~Y 7 f'PLFlcli, C.siuriLill1k~!riiE,a}t ~ I~~'' A7k ~ qllC'ff~t ~ sYr~f l!e.L,J 1~1,irk. Cou1a,-ilsiir3nil:~vr StevL F'ourm,ri, Mas,•or ~13r°4`vrnvr,C:r1,N1eilrrjisMkni•r ~VtLe3,.ir Vor% (?ea?r,in,CiriinrililTei-Ilber N.rni: v hvlcL.tiugliiii3, k's„m{,1I111L-n,fwr Nt•.iI i.58mi&}r, [-oiinriim4mher 1611,Crs,x%, t r,iaTU 11far}V1riE,Lr PAti']4E f_1"ll[llp, Cc,untalmember J4o,lMPlaa KlOgila, C01.11161nrumixr {..Ov 17# Sp17kar1[- VF7laf"y I ud illtia' e rt,;. ccith rec ilt ti a'4 oilhi'r NrilaCF ('40tie91w kGf~le~ifilIi-i I~iar~oa 4~t`ill7il€, i4~,s~~s~r I',yrrif•F, JVnl.ir1S, t~r,iinco9irieri3Lyer `'te%~t= lc~t Ir,r~ C~kpvt}~ .i~t°t~r Altchacr a)L•b'ECotfjrs3jjf,., (.mim ilji;i°rt7hkir '~chinjmels, Co;gsacrEnivinlitr _ 32ich,1eciMuman, Cauncilnt.:ntber bil l Gokhna.1e1, couiti4 j lt7iiRntN?f [~'1'_ k Di`11i T919V,', Cd51i11i"6IIT1i'f16I7-i`1` 00 00 we 00 ~ M~ Contents 1 . r.,e Executrve Surrimary 3 ............Iniro(3uctiora 5 . Assessment "I9 o . Issues 23 Coordination Strategies 37 .t................................ Tcaward an InterlocaI 43 Appenclices ~ ~ Executive ~ Summary s puk-~utc' l. 11l9r'htL' pi3p9aIllion i5 groiviti~, atid ft,rec.xstscall Ek-ir' ih,tik gr{}'wkh tLrg:r)nlirjtmt` Pr«-~ure tE, titVI,141P i..,e~d within thc° coirntv's uri-iang , rcFw tli , ;xr-eaw (~1C;.~ts) will increas4` 1C3 Pewpotisk5, ~ tiuhaJiviLl irtg vat•mnt I:tin4i to ereate ricw rEstdcnnal It-its and ir1Etn~.,ifNYiT1g af ic,w art a,, als•{°ady wlove1gFreJ ]`ht,. erp. c,rt I Ljtifrr,cu11.1bord Eive p]all,ll!!lg Ifl thi^ Cv}un1mVlNa[%+likzql-t l.( A inclu94iir7g l}te Cit% c,f IIi€• C: ilv t}f SptNkanl= 4'alltY, tltii, C:ift' 4if 4.Eild'riy Ldlki_', [}lk C7i:kl7f .''~19fwd1' I'IPIgIll4, dntl Sptik:ine i'c3ow Y, 1T ciis4usses ~tcir~ dE.•V0lr,P-111enk {Ip}7katiuns are rcViiWVd dhr►,ugh the jufisd ic•kkons' review pr{~~~esseL~ and thL Iancl ust c-ciitiflorks Iht3t csri~e as pl'i}i{'y-.I4 arL' c1p~,ll'i5b'Ld c1l11.{ L'oqlktfC3C"pl`d 11"l u riincorJ,raedtc'd pt+Fti+~nt; aol the LiGA. The re}?ort iiwesi.igair,~ €ftti ti~~'el+.iplf1lLjLC i ' regii loaeennti E3nd GAreel ~.t~qndards empIcrvecC bv iliLt;.L jLICLSCIlctEik174. f{s{'-tl!~;Inj, fSll 4h4r,+4' "L`dgC°s" w63tri U.nE1'Y►'tiPFpG'ICat# d Iaxad txi~t,, brtween thi ciCk lIiriit-l' a n.i lh t outer E,OtI nd ,7rv L }d 11-im ~ LfC,+l. Jk d i4'tititi~s kkat, v ario us iw., U" tbe jW1sdIL"fiof15 fr3cE°~vh1F14`S}T141..d['TIng 1t'lY3lj lJ+;E-1 e1[7P] Itdt10.11}6 lll ki1t-SE +1!"Ca*-, tirid 1herfi suggv,;t,? Li range cif wtralegie~, Io cFr[~,urt the €and t35e rtva4+,.e• proC'4,-4-a!5 _ cJftctivt-ty prc3n7t3ke publir healtli, ~;afclv and u°e]E3ri'.,-►rrsB iL,t' .1 f3@f 311d i:4lf1Ck5Ri'E1k i~'~"'a'L'~S]~ITYtiAn! ~il~-1T~+n171~1ti. I ~ ~ ~ ~ '~l,~o~+~• r-d} ehr= ~~k•~~~tls7p nlerit stlrIPCed bV #1l+:} fLrur t-I1 iLFs and .ipp,ied llh ~ areas f`I{rlf 1I16 1 4114° lirn ats are g$ iivra lly 00 cc►atiskWnt 11"ith qpokarte C'ousitv'L: ~ urb;~ r a rcrni9~ig s, iandatds. Dens itivs, I+-Ot ~ sizL'S, [I~Lrnljkt«C Cand u5ii.and other requireTnrnM'; lvpetallY eiiatclZ, witlti wi,at IS permp~teil {aeh oT1e sidi tif ci clfv l1F11i! ~ Ednc mirrr3FeaJ tsn tho c-tirrr, 1'1tere 3rG° c•~ceptittm. L,f Ciatir4c, buti tl3c° gtneral suia, aS t11.71 WEtdt ill; Wiihiri iJte UGA is cF+€ptNtitL11 l ~ ltO 111< <srllan Ztpnill"; diNfrie14, eitlIk r wrlhin ilttis f}rw➢Chiii lht ultiittci,en~:rp'at,-~l ~ coultt.v, ref[i^ci tftai tiott-j5#etn.4 4'i4iun ~ '~#r~et wt~atisl~r~lw'r~~ ~Is« ~art~iG~~~ ktc:id-- LLves,,tCll('ttd Ial CElft't'ili -,Mai7d3rd~; 1i'1CJ I00k- Inc{ runctinn prettv rm9cfti the samk~ ~ whe1hor thkv Zre within L:ilv lamiis anr ~ ti3,itl7rn iJle unit~co: poratk,41 Ur ~ CorlZicts 1uo1d Ccj i'FCiti!'ge CFsaJll IIl31i~',~ ~ ctew•Ioptttent rdgulltietn- t#o nti,r 1c~~.~~'M•.:- ~ 1"hE}~. afjtipe~ii° il1 ,3rr•~Jw where suirdiviiior~ pa#t-ml-, 1 r4j~~ ~~rk' nVigrql%}rh00d tL+ th4- ~ rte<i tl,, tit,t nmCch, everr thoug1i 7nnivi.,= ~ -:t-7ndards may tle y0.jitti similar ThA.Ia ~ Oppear w1,efL sr,w(-r ~;ervicv is uf~avm,,rizle, requirirIg Ic}ib tt) ht fdirge enougli tis r~ :it-CClallniC)4fa3kt° prIv3tt'tit'Ftilil csyStETTl'w ~ rtL.g,i rd aeS~- tlE Zurlil;g a4xl. Sj;r_t SE--inditrti'S ~ Ti1i=v appfir wM~here cii•ti°eCopae+.°n# ~ occur,-, in a.jiftt-renl era4, wFere nzar~~~~ ~~oliiatid cJzanges 4ia•ec RMlite. re-slaltilti, in PSO dlrti}oir(Tturdl k,r inchrtclld,gira1 shiFts. Artit9 tj14'1' ilppi?alr Ill pPo['f''45kS 1bt i1]F[4sl14:tfa+l'e," uMO ti, 1: 011-Sit:101- at7n d li S-s A[t.i«n41. St rategEE-' irLtr'.,LJiliLld .4f Ehc^ O1d ~ «9' tf9i., mport prc,Es(see a w ric Rt titif l15 I[]1pC4°Il'e L4j~~,lf7r'11'13(il.i[1. PO ~ ~ ~ lN11. 1 k ).fchil'+-i'' Pl,110r 11r'l~t 17[lka{I Fli' ~ t-Pt Ef11V`5 kli'1ro ~.~f~vi ll'_.i!"tllk•~~1 A fs'r3 ~ 1 ICroc_Liction I T }tt, C_;rtR4v I I t Mo ntg c 111 eitt Ac ! 4Cm M Aj ~C-LIil irt';;lheelt;il.yltliI7ttltill (,l'url`aEtn gra,w4h ars~~s WCr1s) e3Tld pCShi7i~'!i €(tr jti,rit r'ouv.ttx' and 6tv pfanning with l1Cpf14 to tQnsurt c•;,wdirxAtic,xfi I+etween a'i+mmunitic•,; oTtld luri!idpitlf}f1, it.r recmtLile . ictiriflgkCs." f'iia- tlii aE,t) reqttsre,., 'lml ::lht;- comprr-}wnsive pI an rrf e8c h i «MntV tyr citv,.,s17a11 he ctrt7rdrnated wnh> and c-tall Sislend IN ill1,, 4t ie CLarnPI'eEliAnS it' c' ['E:MS' „L-f 10ht~r ti L'Fqlrf3~LN, rrCii°S Witli s.•I116 IlYl' ioLllltl' iiC lltk` haZs, lil Ftiil1'F}',. ,COI➢1f13i'hTi b ii rdees csr rtdalL, d rtg iLan,al i,-;tiuE=~'5pokarnv Cout`kt1''s adiiplei.! Cotlntt'vx'idt, I''iai7tiil3g I'i}lpttC°s 'WT'TI y,.id d`+''5:. thr r1elcl tc5r jt~rlfll flEdnrting %Vatlt[n 1.17, As a nli iic fitat, gtrind pla rining arvas, (Da'!1) as~ ,.._..tirc°asd twign~~ed dL~ url-ia rti };rvv,,-ih are.,-, assigned tc, a city oa- fntti'tl Ioi, FLlIliee urban r3evelo}.,nicnAa lttIk I0:dll!L] Ill II7C> u.rain{-o!'pottte4l courtty ivherr a cs7urd3rtialtii Etisiinni~ig I Prcri ~l~; bettk-c-Vn !]tL a_ itik";, tsyW11L, .11-10 Cl76' l~tutllitl' v.Ilf aie t'i'sll;;CYJ4'lL'd., T;, ljtl1-r•.ee ~,%irls }}I,;a,aiid-% wiehrn LIG?IL~, thwt i~l.VV1' c=4t;ai4it'h a ~,teprili~ C47mo3littee of E:It=cted Ofticia ha cIlargtd tiuikli L[Lfit-ieng slaaidard4 fi:rr UCA cielineatic,n, irtin:irncim . lCvk`lti tll sEFYk`ick'., 4J9St T'117LYtiOTl l:ld 1 LFrfI F[," growliY. and nv};oii.}tang desigfi3lii?to.--, fttir U(;?I--,. !ln tliU kaiTqll LlE :i i'iconimend.lfTo9f tgr 19ie Board raf C'nunky Cfirmmic5lCjners, Spqykane C4aunky irrid L-ach cil% fj:ja-kL lhLiir rFwri }t t of dti4'tEi+pm.em rvgirl.tktc}dti~ amd d+~lAgal. Sdatla3Ards. Cti-in tli4rugJi the c k1'9'I' iuIcC4oCIE= ~:,iiiii,1nCU c,n r~~g i:?at.:ii ,3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lc~~^~8w +2! ~~~~ra~'~;P ~t~~i.~ i~3tt•r~;r~~~4~'etr~~r~it,~l ~C{?tlrdiT'Yclklo{ry{ ipk dtfc dL"vk'6ippm4'ill ~ jr~~I destgn standards st1J1 ditFer kti?tit ji tr-i -;d ic ti«n 1t r pu riLiciiL: I it}ri. ."~ti b rti.i ~ %vilb In the nZeEro3rta l,iGA5ct9ntmiit,~; tL, uAm ni ,v. Ccii15i sti u c- i R deg ul:it i,>n 5 ~ ilnki ~.Mll.d.]rdl~ hec4itiies nior[ c•ritiial. ~ 1 iiis rqlorr 4ornntiuiiicatE^k i Ntisis icFr ~ '0a+edinated Frlanning Within thc L'GAh 6v= ~ • F+valuming The klitferenc4s in currtnql,,- ,-idopttLi dive1c,pmtril ruguiaiicw5 • 1'ruvodir1g nt?jeclive Lfata upon wltis'tr csF Lzm~wcoa1ertn9 fulqifc Jmld ukr- dor•isioji5 1~! • Guitiing Chc [IL-veJs+prnti+isl r,t afterr,diives for tmpternt ntaliult ~ Ht15 repDrL -1I50 fCYCLISCI5 L.s1'6 iIC1'4115€l11[l'tiR ~ reguEatic,n, L:,ac1Y agevitiv has adt,pteti~~ ~ ini'luding Ilie ruCc-r, 1nd procedtar~.c~ UsL'.i lo {yd cilijw,tor tlit3iiy_ IF ii(a~s nk'oi eXPlkjres LICsA lancI u-;t' J+tsignaEern s.tr klW k111.1'1Csli6L'S C4f ji767"kt pianning, The LittUnfi iw. tti Co1Z1pJEa?:ln asSeaSElluild o} Ccgu1,3E[t!itis• ~ kht livr juri~dictqnn,; havi, adnp#,'J. ~ ida•nkhfv +n'here qhiFy dgrev nr nrai, IfiL, w I i' eaih o genc' v n~~~~iq::s pro]ect ~ r~'V'reW. Arld %«~;g~'S1 altVrrI3Eives ftsr tM,ti- , juri4dit Iln61s tri cnnsqder Go1 amprnwil3k; ;'t ti'itwv in th6r ruwFiucEive L:GA-,. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 (.e1lJaf:5a,rL'i['VU I'I,inniiig= Spukt3ne C-siLl ti\1er.Ici L!rk~,m i,rrn~°R13.Arv.y ~ ~ Assessment T Iti~- tepuri"s first objectiti-,~ i,5 t[r p r~se n w a n uve rt°it*w of the ruli, s Ll.-ILI s1a`i41arLi;; adc7pte{9 l,+r parficiparjt ageric it°s, rL garding laad drAvelcrptztitni. Fxvt juristirtti¢►aia are ilte ~,ajl3jt2d ti+f t67i4 study • ~;}?sikt,nie c ri L.irMr~ it~ o9 A iewaL' 1l~eig htw . " • ~.~ilti• of L.ii.,ea•tv i.akti• • t=_dty (e1 SF~L,i:are~ ~ Cily r4 5ptikan4° 1''aIleV ThLse jr3ri~,Liittrt)rIs r{•paltitL~ Ianti iirvelo~.~anew i« lhe rreilropoliEaoi atea caf cen tra➢ Spoka ri:l Cou n lv. 4trv (t 3}ing YrapTrti Ft3ire 11 i1LB A ir I'crrce Vas.i~ ori t11 w., ,wesk tr, the IdaI3o bordc-r ELi rEtt ~~-,--~I Each is resp4frt,.ik+ls f13r Cc,~ig-r,itLgti, plannin}; UrtiLler Ihv pri?viiionw of tliL Grskwkt9 %7anagernent Art (oi rV;;Ell.tking deve€opmeaL thrLruglti luual 7oning an4l ,mil,divisic,ti regrd43#iOrIs, and ft,r rtvivwing utilily tirtci tivurks de;rgrts fur ! ~'0jjxPli.AnL:C' Wilh larr.fl design stand.titds. 'i-his t11'Ll F)tc r r.,alil iINrS tla(_~ ra~Ig t oI° Pcyllcivti, tu1ew 'inci 5laneta r(is nc,rv in pleire Fur eacli Lrf tftie ju ri d it°ficFii s, c u rre nt . kh inEorma I ici e3 ava iLiN e a r Ekit- #ime s~l Lh9s rerorl Eac}x agx'nlv ,uE'PIkd Ic,Fevtlnk InformaEi[an ft3f ICttlu4aoiti in llti,, aswsstiaun3, aided irs tlelertttiieting . Rkie repi.,rt 11~ccFpe..irrd pariiEipawd in1ervitw's to Crisart c:cart~~+reFe,~n`iti~c~ und[;fsEattding 411 CEleiT mutC~iiaL,. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Compr~.;hensiue P'Ianning iri ~ Spokane County , Spokan~ Countv is rnLIr~~,11110d lcI Pllie ~ fullV Lirh,:l10 r ;the prc,V isicxn4 sif rJ,(- i;roWih N4t1nagemtnt Arf. ['ur,usin! tll rl1(5sE il`4Ill1ri613f'.ilI {he LktUflI k 's ~ t154Li I. i L j CES4jI L.Ii{7C4-; t~4L.a Llfiwhed a stat (rf C'Itillflt^r'W itie r3I, 1f411FTLg T}t) Gpc !ei, (C I"V I'Is) an~.~ crsip:jitiriled a Stiac°ring C:ontmttteE, tsl l:ocAl l-:lc}cted Governrueni C.}Ihcialti (S-tvrrang C'ommittti,} k« ~ . ~s'~. c}n,surt ClGLit lcxsal tontprt'hottsive plaww were cocard:ie]attd ao1d c1,n~,iwwitt, Tfte CW'I'ddint -wv- - -rdl tlir,°tih,flkl4 YIIM Jt}Cal g[avetltr3ien#c nIUSt ny,Lly[ 'inii 4tveral proiew~e,,; kliLtl 1ocad guvia-nnreniq fllttsi VL,a(-rVc^ t~) Vrlsiir{, th.:il lllc•ir I-P1,1115 Wr)gniZO tl-L,• pliirlrion}, d(tirts trC' - n[°E};hl}orin}; jUritidat•ti0n!3. I11e C'WI'[' LlEs€a<<SnFirrrw~FcwkF~~i~ Ci,un1y w, lhr - - ]t-LI41 L_-k3()rJinilcrr i4 rk gCnmal lanLj us~.~ planrring, a ruGe prtiersll+,' assunwd bv cuun4it5 pl.inning u@~der C;MA. A revit2w rrl tlik, }a:ya-ticipaling juritidarRions. cri i nF,rt, htnb ir v e PI.i.17r, ind i46~te s mcrrt- SlmiEaritlt°ti tl`utin differedtcea in goa14 and PCriiCse,s_ L-aCta~ LigezIit., lcw ~7tatii~ta:~i. vtficic*ncv in [airod nwc, t*rtic{,urag+~ ~~CVwd4IE,rrtienl Withiry ems4ing a-ortyrne9'cr.ii di--,tri~l.,; tind iitiJu;trsAl l:inil, pre.Lvrv€- and enhaniE} rtt.iderrfial rc°ighborhoods ~~id Prc,vide Puhlic sc-r%- is:cs rlt Fact~ consi.sleni With f4,recLISt ~rt,4Ol~ ~ddl city- gc-iSerdICa• ttind~, ktr CE1ti'o[ allctre in1er14t~ ~~eveEtypmt_,tt ~ near ik-i k,vertrr, with Iess int€al,w de•vi2loFrinNnl i-in it~, pvr4F+EatrS . l 1v1 Frotlern i4 gvnera114' e-nnstskent wilh lite {.:ttiuilt4''s Iand usk desipiafia.ratis within Cfil+2 L_1G A. fhi:- tvpt}s of lon,.1 ~~scw gent3raflti° 6 I. rr~~,I~Rrif11f1°f' PirlflliltSk;; -1,p4ik.7fif- 4' ['3L7P1i1' w 1,Af'1fia Ofl1,711 { iv'1k~11h Arf'.i 4pli ~ ~ i td~~r.r7ti ~71~rt~, I ht riF,l7,: ry uf th(- f+L,ur ~ i9t]L'S a T)d w Ifllfn IlZE* UIC~,'~ 41 9'c- i ' 1 - Lam• 9 yL.Lrisitr.' Pc=rh~Lps fht? mi"tC0.91tnl4atg 1.-trid uSt ciesr-nation c111 ~vri~ti F' ictinna! , ` ~ri h,.•rit4, c~r "f~ ° ' - F i~l.~;+~"`- 1I9~~ 1Jr#~*Qe i,+t rtsident,a[ r1c-q;gn3t1,sn. 1'vpical rharr3rlt+t°ialics incPud4.; : ~ • Re1''t€velY horplogenou5 mi'btrrban duvefOpuat•i1t patrterrxs Gent-rti3Y3, distanl frLm iiicsre inter~-,;cL - or trativlt venter 4lN41ric-l4 - - ~'as"- " ; ■ kvtluire.Ls minittteaf ltvrEs ipifragirricltere Irti !,upp,:,rd it ' IK gt-nt'rdll;' rU9i4117t (an ilt~ aUtcr111011ilr LiTitl a h tet`xi rch1° n1 rkra4:i,' Co cervL, it .Mvdieim Density Resirlential Iri st3~~ie ort'as, partsc-ularlv iri i}lt ~iou#hc:rn, uastern and snutheastcrii pcrrlic+tv, cr[Spnk{inc. mediurrti- derv:lty resl+,1Lrd ia1 ,,djoirls (a~~. edge_ Is rnarkr, llua~iz pIa«s wherc urban- s1 yh-~ dvvilopnminl of singIe-familv t,r tower InEettA(}` niirlti-fai'll.ily ItuusNrj~; dt~~ek; 4ti•:~'L' Perilzilled, :13cmg with Ilie ti(sn{ llCref l1 a i?n4trLfa-f it}ai of ro{~~~ and UtliikjCS- ql istlitL~A diPti.'ula tt.,dete.emine hv h iifw a ri.&~L a ri 1nLa tiycf Nv i t h ji~ h ic h rurlsd it[ irtiTt, 3s tit~' lirl til ]ii°E~~~ 5unie;qinacti ]og in and t?ut fresE>> Hok-k tt3 b1ock,. I+gf) ! )erisit+~~ ResidenCi:71 1n niirth Spokarte, htgki~clvrtwi14 re~idential ileveIopmeial acijoins the c-ity 3ifllil I6TIi"S, -IE,Ultang undtti=eduF,otl, in~iu~tr~~J C?F fl1PJl I11kil within rhe i t=OEinly`:!a jurisdickion. I h[s es nota k'~F~llttlil~l I_~Cf~~ f'SrrI~.~It1~~I7, ~~Ll td#]t 4 L''N.iq,l g • ? C-+nlNailararalive I'Fanitiaig: Spr:fkanf} [_c4cjr~tv"; N1e[rra lJrk;uj (irowth Ar<<rt , ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 in thi:w Er,3rtiLulararea. arld priset5ts it ~ -qt7of}) tP,11151t1t1N1 bE_'tw'€T9 lafl+j il'1k i.xilw2 tiido of thw t'itv liI'll il l'oriti• aiad I 9lk't;tlwr ~ ~ Highway C:omerwr( iol ~ N`T,IfOt' c{?t11mtirkiid cmtdorw run ~ t}ir(lugFt the varrcrLi-, jurcadirkic+ns, ancl ~ ~ qtrip cottitirxtiercial devcl+~~pment ftias ~ M-t-urred regardC~~~s, of jurisLjictai,im.jl' po in lfm4ncr'. Ttieedge c€rndilion ot ll~e~,e lii ir,w ina-rcial areas aceur,,ilemg all ic7Etr- _ jur9.-,Jic#ional sirktrial.,.an41 impact-, 00 c.lL]l 4 the fiiFk' r;:ll'bi:1p:3tITA". ~3gi'1}L-jv;'ti. - ~ . 00 I I~eavy aTl9-1 Lilit Y~i(1~.rL;riLsJ ~ _ I ibt°rtt' L,ake, Sp e) k.1 7~e VM IIe}i'Ijlf,k~l n1- 4ir,d Air;a,v @jci};ItiB alf 1„vk• ~~idustrk,il P+O aeeas 'within kkat.Ar titv liiitil-5 th,,l F3cijOcli 00 S[,CA.Me ('r+a#nt1' t-if' IESCfiY inCrrrpofa1ed 00 1'LCx1ghboY:i_ I't1f (.Flc, Il'lC7St p:yrt, tlies., 00 induslrial yrva!, i't►]Ie►w esdeom:l or l,ighway corridorsr rtanning tftirougl, 1O 3nti k+etween tfielumd9rtEoiti4. 00 '4Vhi[t tl-Lc g,;-n~~ra] direc-tinn of grraEs attd PO polici~s Lin,(ang the variouszgc_ncic~s Od i.w y;envf,0k' c+.an4i!,lent, intioinpatible 00 IRykIma°rtitatir,T1 011'OtI};I5 l3nd u~V &L,ignLlii(Ai. /cs+i«g, artLt Varia►~~I~ JOSigtl 00 ,;t~~ndaecis, re~~~ Jead ?o difficvltieh, ow CofT11pI'eIle1lS14•'e pIaT1f11T1g 9ilaly sie1 the 00 stage iiaf land u,e p6drumenl. t,ut it 11.9 oniy ~~~e pjeae of .k Vvr)' iorttple~L F,ur,r.lc~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 f-tPllA x)rai iv{3 PIarm ing: Sp-n~ane ('ounhy's N-1€Iro~ Ueban Growth AreLt 0~ 14 ZonIng -:11-1 F142d 13s $.;kt:]i fkfritiij tt-li~in'S srkE+e ri~n Ceti rri rr.gulaiirsg Ian,d devilnpmtw, ai-td gri Tfte fc,tir E`ific:s .1 nti the Couni%' jgrec- i rl t*arh )u rrsdictir3n's ltikure,artirakie,ai~,. c-cMttwpt ura what Iti'P-es ot IatSd w:e4 tihoufd ~c~•~~Ic~}, Z ,~Jc~s~~ lf~tsr E~~fi.~~~iar~~~. ~,r~r thcre CS[llil~; TICC~t3t,b~Os 1E1L: i~~i1P-ranp;e d ir4{.°ii,.rai rxist ~~er~• ax{~iYti~~C~~ ~,f c~am~r~~k~ p6'c,+,'ided rri thc< <•c~rit~,r~°F~t}a5si~~~~ ~+itan wilh iSt4sre f-`irrent dem.ancGs wadc 1+% ci3rnpaliLriCitv in zarning regulalil{n5,Wllile #3~r Eurtid .ir~enta l st ruc, fure~ c,f rc,5}~ee-ti~rr ~i~ ti^e1~5~~rs. r~~icC~~~~ts .~ri~l 1,~~3n~_~~G=~ ~~+r~i~~;.~n~~ ~ubc~l''1Skl.p9l 4k1`4~I1l1.111LL~ 1llaE~.IC1Z C[rT~i1T~lEi1il1' iw i~ittt,r~:•ret, res~tltin~, ~}e ~st~t-%' s irriilt~r (~y rc•Flecti€~tn ~5t ~`~~l~'1 o~i •fi~~~prrrit ~E~ft~{t~rrl5 3n~~ ~iif~~~e~~ti com ~,lian~{~ ra~t~~Ri~em~nk~;, rerc~~siiti~+r~ ~,f ,-.'€~LC#at147C15 f13T Idili~ U±;t fi.gllltttic?n Fl~~, CU4'i'', ~,~~,rlstiluti~.,~ni~l ~~r~il ~;t{ttr~tctir~' S`'ii~'~ Ya,rti►~g c~Tilio7~inr~F~ rr~;~~ ~,e mnri~ - I Cint9taPiuns), eAch jurisdiclii,rry Iias adoptefl rt~stris tive than others - wFiiaii 111.1t' be - unr~Tsb~ ~ ~.dtl- s+€ 4tan t'Pf@c1l6f r~,4lt}~tiL7[~~3 ~ri c'k~xl 1ls ~~sl~a 41 s.~ s~~tru15 rti'.~;~~:~i~t~ ~ , ~ .ir~~3~ pL~rr~tiitt~:i~l ~an~~ L1tit~. r1yit~iint~e1t I~~@ ~;iZAP4, ri.e3rk~r ttle Ci}rr)n-«~ni~~•'ti ~enl~Ft' (in th~ _ dt'r,'clc,E,oiient orytrsn5itirwand othL6'cerwt°ia1 `~a`L 4?f inea»POrOl~.}d j1J1-3wii141R1r4*a ° Tittt telcv,irat ttt 1011d Eit-VOLipmeret I'Amny of n,.iv creakc cii-qP,1riliC-5 IdDn,sj. tJre cdge - IFa~• rults- zZdt~~~ic~~~y~ ea,clt o~;c~F34}' 3IL' ~'lt~re ~~ii4~ ~i~~-l lltc~ l'~~unt~' ~4~~r+in ti1mlL}wha1 S1311[l.1T. Lollf IhC`Tt' i3Fil' 1114ta3m{'w ~ A comparative mairir 0 #lit, varicsw, . ir Greater Spokane Urbarr ~4~a = Zs~r~ing - - ~ - ti ~ . - ~ _ - ~ ~ l~'' ' ~•t - N ~ ~ . _ - ~P• ~~t '~E_ . ~ + ~ _ r, " Or . ~ :LUMA s~ ~ (.nChboraiive f'lannirig; Sptrkane COurrW"!~ N-'lvaro Url,an Cr-Prrm1h Area ~k M" 19 ~ ~ ~ ~ te-SgLlVaoEi,11 Ltilyirig illginCls foe ~ t{lt]'1 ~~t thi? hve jKlrisdectiorts !s T,glirn• i. l*11ir[r Di6tric[s [An lhe Edgc cuntairWd in #he ApptndiN. EigYlE ,'f311l11g titaIkdaFAf,s, IlIuti}IdtE' IEilw tli1.' % V,,ls Luzall.um AF1,Illlrtq ~juriridi[1i0nS differ,11nd wherc: th('v yltrapke. ~ a Ff` tilFnllar. Thc,!~,e tiic7lidc3Cdti ate; 1:ntint}y`;F.nkzno C:eree9inr hti'v 11MIk~;i • t4'~IIY]Elqi7601 ~j►°f341~5r' ~aulTi`-*PU4unr U,~fiSr~i l{~IF[~H!,I - HE7k(yL,r ' Mc3x.1l1YiL111 dl_'T35.~iv i lrunit,'J'`*P^k.qno Moy-nnlitr - LCTRlPfil ~ ` i lI~Li 11114 It +lTl'rl ~ a~uniylSi'~`linn hrieLr f1 LL~9L7'fl°,I ~ "r,~nE~':~ti/!riWaelr =,herorlq~r (t3tY.i43',i • h~ininl~~tr ~}ap° LlRlt to4st'fr3gr ~.eitint~.l:rpalY..trlr lLlculi f174~a'R5~?` ,~Yi~~ ~ ~'runle;le~iflnrir AicirnmJGldu.lzvw 4131Y ;i"4 ~ ° Mittitnum wrcgrpt/ll-arikang~[~tlaack .i- r rsuuil'~?•~•i+4nnE ~r.S~aroC-+rri,~~n .'~,~'ISti.~.. ~ • ~dinii~itim E,ati-k/sidesekbad:k 4~~untrd~srarza ~ ' M7ti1f31ul11 bufld1[1 t1!L'L~ht. ~ r-4J PCaiu. LfjF[ ± ks l M1N i.~un[5~."+~~dfl• k:irnlnMo.o 1lyrrx L➢3RIRti1. I'al,l+: ?;.I prtttiinl-; aht' ti`ariovs tonirtg I.DH;i)x ~ .esir.lri4"nikt I'nr4 k:i.1 9 9 - LCistricts tltaC atija~in jwristiichc,miC iPiajUx.: Il-Gy47Aids7rits_ Thia }lelp$ ItilrFUV4' {.hL' Ctu9ell4'!vallr5 i ?41vimlroRr.I.feAS). LCFRIUW.-'^ . diwcussican ;,urrr4unding l{lllipatib3i1l1' I ihrl Ty 1a 4., 4 '.1.119 irK~~s kklM~~;.I'l'rl~ ~ Qf, lKfPi and contiiel by identi f}'i iig sF,ecitic- l. i L~~•re~, 1 4 L r ;4°,~dJ I.! I? ' - r~ta 1si~; dislric ls t1i a [ lEt= ~Cc}n~; t l13 tdgt;~_ rT Flou":Mfeiu Clti• t~~,lt'~ "AN;i}nd tiiwaumn hclps q r?r'ovide llrwu4 Ftu~ghM,' x'rni~;RP+ YT'u• geographical o'efertn4t Por the varyvuc i'dffS: altiJ,l)'E4Ig dL'Si};1Z.atir1Dw -quttti AS '"FiL-O 1+1i1e,°. CiIlvarcl" AM i "AVt,t PIAll"S" tk) ALbutllYn~ - IdeJIf[tk L'4'ht:fe pote1ltlll I-f_1T1fl1Ci4111'tly bL'. ~':liFrirtln~ L11WIrlrlc (:rreit Ili ~!~:r il."L ning 9s ricri sliCic `;pok.i7tr CcruF1[}° and iii;ra OBt' ( itC1f Sroki'1Lf.G' have C3verhau ItA iiicir ~_sruii9s?5pvro4aeir 5lurtb L'h4ns.Liui NS'iC;{: - ",L11.ikH}ll.`~ ii.5 bCi11~~ ze:4111Tkg ['nnn~as Wi.imra,r r"~k~t't7li~lClltfl{ ['k ri3c F,usLr t'~ f:~wnS;a:~wp+ysl„e~ir ~1 intii cornpaiattce ah~ith their cornpr4hr~~~ive - C,.-+liirr{AirxaS itn EI; I I Ia tia. 'I'}~~Cl~'rc-~~~tla ttrs~ps tut~31' b~~ r l1fi.lc• ~ IE'tit'Tf6bLi11c£i tL`7 ttl{' rdC`g1Liiii1C7P1, Llwt4i IUst r..imani s'/iiYv~r[rl:nII ;~,;rS,rSfiraµu~ L1ph?,`, f1vL';'L'aPti t1g(1., Ti7C 4,Itip513f 1_1l7£fty 1: 7p[` I.,k-.'r14 Lei.r{}'allvi 11 ...-.i,.1wc 4.=-YJI-I 'iTlh~ Sp{,1kslyliL' V41p14'ti' OTLIt1all4+ adC7pk'4j -•},u4.~nnl4's1€r.'ra~rdlry lif; I ' SpL1kJ]-kC',coN.14"~tv'4d{7T11E'Jg ordifl:if"Li.,A; upk}91 '111T'HYHPI; FIfPI 11~4P~oykN1.1 tkaLir irtic(+rE}oration, and L&i~ert}° Ltke - - ha5 sie7te rewrillen itt, foning Io-i meet lht-i Cit'4'"•; n+;[a1s, Spii~-an4~ 4'alre4' ha,, adtaf.yvd mIP[°€1"!u[1ta~ changew N,:r ['O4ontY (-srodi. 111LI ~~7 [:cxllabari,itwr, f'larininq: Sp(rk,inv 4.;o~~~ty'ti N-1, irr, i I ~rl aa-711 t orI )VI?II Area ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r ~~''~~c~i~~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ . 3167w j3r67L'l''SF411g c7 w1l M Cvg t9tt3C6Ul5.S L?k'Lri1allI _ A IASh't1L' FleIgllt4 - eo4'iews43n4i peria,iittafl}' updait•,~, ils .q.1S ~iF1 . iT rL~]n~zn4'[' It~ f~_~i7_ ~~cE c- T . in itG ~~an•e5 ~ - L:~)aijpreheosi+.~e plarl and in SttLe Iav.~ 1. ~~~~'(2-IcsE-Mse.n1 Mgt] 1,1t iWiti .1Itis r r.3 it-tatC fii aw j Li ristJ s~. ticmtia protvss i1 eve 1o paj ierit f'41l-tiSe3Is ilTld i'~;<tie ~}L*rrfitit!;. Fia.lti jurd,diLti,um wws its own devtCcr},mL=a-it ,ti=vrew pru-cEs%s, thtaaigh clacks iiau5t ov lml s c'an torin it+ 5k{l!e retCu insment4 Mpea r•k~~*arcisr~~, ~aEl'f1 re ~~ietiti~. F}rsx,:es~, ~ime- I ILL31t!.r.3f14J7 PIJ139EL I1L~I 1f61:d.'{Iflll_ F-~ ~ >...h~ -i,urri t .i_.., i..i~i, i~~c'* ' ~ • ~'a ~r ~ ■ !1 ~l i 10 r p ~ ~g MIo .■9 : ~ ~ ~ ~miss%~ _ is If ~ sF ■ ip d If"to ol/ , i: f?rll.~I IIrai tjliti(_, I'iarin inq. -Sp(& irki= {.rtiLrI ilV'S M.OV" I lAD~j 11 Grc,w[!'i Ari 11 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Flfldlngs c,riiin.inc_i :~5 ~lir• r~-~;rt tirt thi'E~' ~~ti~'a~. ~ Figures 3,4 and 4,5 HlI1]atratQ hr)~%' ~ ReSIdLIIfIaI ZC'1111f1g DEStf[ctS ~~eveloprnvni 5#aiidards frL1111 Clkt, Ciit tiif L'PuLSri{ anLi x'spokane Courit3. ~'.;3ci1 furi;didiarl straiiticis rusi.4ienfi,a1 inav ri`suPt in dilferingsubciavisi0r1 Ianc! 11:~,c° ilti a -,arfitiikar fdsh,ic,n. ELiL:ls we thia 4aisie,aC~~. E'ITl~}I(3~'~ i7 ~La Fi41V [af ri.N id r*nti'a ] dJQ ti, ringii~g frt9m 1,3w-dvntiAy. detat•liej wo 5[ngEti ,tlflll,y e4S1dCf4tlal to P71ghit- I'ht4 reE,.,rt'. prinCipl[ tiitidinp eegarclln~.~ po densitx, atC3ih4'41 II1ILlIlI4amrly rakkMcnridl. iitF7uerIceS Oll thc, iesign Li ncl perntiatting i,l go rhe(~at}` a,f _~r ~rakan4 r~~~Li~it3rldi~~l dvvelo„z„enw Lirt!_ ~ _ I~a~ th~~ ~-r~,t~xt~t ~ ~ ratambur irF rc-qideittis] d ktrict,, cmatitiq S117g1e-Fari1ily 17ensity differvfil 'La}rtong fOr a L111134-! • 00 priJetke nf r<s'sd i•n Piti] dyFes. TLi bre 1_2 is klUr tiniis pcr;icre Fs .3 r0n]Jin111 &11.9FS3 00 Li rgz111ze+J dtti i rid iLa te u, liiL3r liaaLl S ing F{.kr syrtg Eti, --fsil11lI4" C[`ti3denlial ZtGnkrLg, to arv permi#ted ii, wItiicFi zoi,ing and eC is ilItiI lTliTtilfllllfil defltitEF` &enE.M11Y iiiSta'orE h7 a11 juri5LjiCtiUnS, Singlt ~eg3rde41 as ura7,3[7, SpukaFIt C1rLi1_LkG,'~- ~ i Limjl~•, detac'he4i residentitif hou5in}; i: [ DR. 1I1e Cily e,fSpKSkant's Kwk Spc?kanla 00 porrtil ittr4l iry near1Y an:u residenilal rc?nv. ViflivO; LIR l_eE,trty I.,.ik,e"s T#-1, ana.i 00 AirwLik I Ji-] c~~~-iiqr1,st[+.jn4 CAr};6l1 00 ln ge.pcral, ]aiYCE Lose attd dtnsily rk-Sid«lio l tieve lajpriarm at thaE ]uvel c7t diIF«encictil*etweenitdjtraning agencaeti dtnsiCy IlriFtipeass a[IlEiejs.irrsdictions 00 arC nnl pronc~L~nced. [he gre<<tt:wr agrt'e cItt rt-liderilia1 tlc-rk4il v in I~ie UGr1 ~ LiiSp;irliV G~PPOLArr: 10 LAi!4 h1't44'E°Ei1 Ei1k' mtd in t}ti-sse 5ing9p-N7rr7d~; tvitltrr1 (_iE~' t,~ Spokvne irtd ~pok.iale C:ounty i9tk liia,lts aCt,rtig #hetdgc~. i) ii.f~f!l}H1L'E1ti 1-ye#we~eri ne Cti,ten tv 40 i1F1L'l tIZL-" Atpa7ing designations alc,ng the Prit..alli-~aIriily Dea7Ov 40 pi ripf1Lft' oC Spuk:ilq'1 Val1ev and libea'ty i'!lf-, LfC11 iitLluLtK.'.S j 31LiN c,1 rvtii4jentkil 4.0 1.aki-, arr rnininlal, pt~r}wps berause .9vnsiEies. Whiie rTticMSt is res~rvkd toe k,t-oth ci#aES useti thc Cr?urtiev's zonini., s -;in};1V-fArrt0V &M-1~IPMVtit. sk-kn ie a rtM w ~ . ~ T.lblc 9.: , L iq iif Rt'41LIeIIfi.II L9lilEllg M516t L9 ~ ~ R r a C Y= i cr ~ G Z.~ ~ . ~ x %A 0. d 9 ~m LPFt FI:i., Rk;T. ~ ~ LfiP.~P~, kfl ii!,9F. .9i.k~.'~ ~•I.iR" u~.FlS! ~.ILau. 13'~9i. HiiT~ N -I'. k-_.' -R,ti k_2 f+.:, ~ 1.L!kA16R. kh.f[.', ~ Isl'F. I~RIF F.-' F P. li !~I!4 ' kl,%tl:l•, k-'-N_.i _ - , Elli13 ' h.12 MAA_ ~ NIDE- `~ful9id.~iuilr..tle,xEirJ Fi11W.• N.Rtt.iS}ih k # 3=- "`,~y i C4.~ _ .41-1• l leN-a fmtwd unr maviinrAUrcd h-iJd,jgl g.i. k7.<• '~I' :.."r' ~ ,~•~i M:! ~ ~ 12 (_olli3hClfltl'4+i:" PLmCllrlg; Spi1~.Yff4''~_1_}lPfli"d~w Ni!'ll'+1 (,IIlYm'I (iCii4"i'ifl Aff?.l ~ ~ 40 ,rs~il~3mi~~~~tni1~.~ aicm~ ,Srl~:ri31- - arc• C'~if3f7,_'6~:if,. - ¢ ~ -I`f Sdldlall L;CDlllllg D!'SIriE,rS pla n,~ied for Mulji-djjjjilV housing. In Ctar,IrztiVrk3al ind iits{UetriA] resning ,wfzs lik.rNoriii DivisiOrl, thC ['Ount~~ J~~i~n3t~c~~,~ ~l~.~~ mii ~1~~ L~C~~ hit~3 ll~e Cilr,' nt ;~pE~kt~ne ktitT~~~ ~{Ffl,E+~~ n~i ~tldiG~~, thn ~~~ri~~Eri~?~ 47f 1~~ rn~illi-t~~~~ik~~ €~+,~si~;rsatsons, 1'~s is aEiti~}s. 1'1 aLst c~i wC: riK.-k5 Ee }~et}~}retlil,- tl~c ca:~ k~~ikh siyigl~e-famil~~ ~.e~n~~~., ~lll]IIi- `164-cltkLl alLMng 111.iji.,r artL'1'Ie1C4 Wtind 14trtiiE}` ~ensit4` ~iesignatzons hct''c~sn kfiti, r,ailr~,,ak~ ra~rri4~~rs +.~~thcrut r~~,,3~~~ k~ jurisd ict.i~sns irt! cc~T75ict~y~~i. 1+4'~y,~}rtp ~~~ulli= .~;dictic3rr~ ~ jut'i~t{i~:Eetrr4~~f l-aiainkl~~r, ri~~F~titin~ tht~ #a r-ni6 V 0 r VO 15 in tii9fLreeil jrjrr . , ~~reft~rt~~~~ ls.r~~rjj(nti~, tu)r :{1rt1M~ rcidl a~ijQtr~. !he ~ra-n~ll~°~ ~r:^nsilit~,~r~ anri indipsirial lanti ustLti. =,ini 'tl.3r. f,l'ble 33 1 r~ tL4 thw v,3rioaas cnni me rcial Lrj1 Size finL{ ialdUStridl rcro,ia1g Lilqlricls enIPluVe<l I Y .tk• s~3r~~,c k~ ~ ~ E . . .~7. g. ~~~r~~.p „s sita~,~,tu~ .r,tin ~ if. k~iy p~ir.i .E. ~i~cl i_ rt_.i~ 4, _ ~atL~{,rirarip, lw s ~nso l~r l ~I ' tli~eEii k,~~ Je~~els s,f inkrsnsil5~ Et~e'}t 4af kFta~ ;tifTsL1Ei:fi41f15, bur TTF3I31I111].911 lill F.17L - - ~~lnSdoclions useti ditferent ~;Emla Lif riquiremenis ntay d[lfcr, !°e:Ir htstana:t?. ccaztimercwt i1f141 1i15iLisiC1.3l }4111Y11g IM,* 9r,t sizes 'tn tipokauv"b I'~Si- -t.one mav ,i,piratr m;,re intenw ust~s I - rorik i?nt!i f1ty as snta11 as 4,35(1 „quare- tvvt ii~~icr~ ~~~nei'alifig 1«S iir,PAL't. ScfMt~ jOi'isdiciioin; ,,.lrEain iuTlditloi15. Iri co1SCCasf, latt 1F1v9te PE'S1dk'ri113l Ll`i1.':~ iT1Cs1 ci,rmitlk'FcIoE e111[i iai I h e Ccru nty'ti f D R zona. ininwidiatLlii° inriusiriOl z{IcIl-~s, alLieit ~iutr~ect tci4pecial L,djaCenl !is thfi C'atY'L. RS1' dislriik ~in 141JILkJt1L}Ifls. SF!{1kanr•"s Plar7ttitd I91cIu!:trilil h'1oriln Irfr]IF1L'}, 'A 1FiiGliritiunt lC)t 4{v~ignation, for tijxa t~ip9t. [kVrMit~S h{-,uSirt~ ~azQ of 7,200 square f4Jek_ !]ensilics i7zav a rn 11 r,g ind u5#ri{l l us-&-; ~ubjfc°t tc) N PrrC.-I fir lri ;irrtilaF. hUA 4i11[flk'ttiLlall PE'SkdeIli1c,I dewl};n crittri a_ This tabla, provtJe4 a I mubdtivisiom can c:onkiits iltannat~ualiy {,aFmFarc°hensivt* Ii,,t u-F aII ztsotiing d1~;Iricl::, k Ii ttcrent 10t -4e,401 Art4i L-ra.°~-ited eii'ertnl ev<n though only sonii ot t}}em miv n+:'igI}hori7or,r~ C hdr:+c-dvr. M'f[9.711 4' L", Iti1 I n kYtU cYdL~V I t?auiil aL ln'~. 1.I[pll4..j- - t.lSi cK1 t i4E11Rii F{'W.iF & In{}E13IFIilI , 1rFnist~ I~'ttilTl415 E~tr" Sti~Fr = ~ f `-9 ~ J. •l' .T J ~ ~e e cC:~I ll-1 44-I 9 1.-i=irnunllw nr Hrpi¢nul Clsrnrnrri r41 471 f7. iVl L . ~ I. I. i.d IEiri, nrsn t 'iafriclnr`Erewn{-xnArF iTl' Ir 4. tii l i.,Jirlirdji.FrI Jlr MR mi.nc••MT~vk 9,Im.l-3 ; I 1°.l 41-1 It.7-]-B.} I I I.II I I,.lu yl:nal }Lrt~ 5!•.}urei ~il I- 11.1 t I I I itl Ii§kA~h(.`Lflv7, P1,1 f'IIIPE}f~. tiMf,M4l~k:fill' ~ I.1L11TV MF!CF f7 1_fhar 11 (aun},'ifl Art'.7 ~ ~ ~ Design GuideCines 1']tir• C'iiy oi SF,ckkane is the 4,nkv ~ ' ~ jUriSd icticin s,f rhe five th.lt h~~ti kl esin ~ guidelir~e-,,. Fn help c.•ontr0C tlroe app eardnce of deve lo pmitrt s7nd i i s rel.ikL, ,ntiEu}ti tt~ ~ ilie p u E,li4 rva Ci-fi : A JI ac37tt- ve a mv. 15 iirt t,f Mur11 c011Ero3 thrwpu};h n3fniai-Luiii Icrt r r<<,1uirt~~ivn1L:, ~~uiit~~ ~nT ~ li~igiit, and scdback ' i'-"A _ standiir415. r'11l five a[54i emP][rw~ ,4rtt~[ ~ . ~ WC111111 d~.~sign rt:cJuircrltinta., tiU[ lElts.e . ~ . ~ ^q.~ - ~ - . I10riL] ic, focu- t,n right-of-way alloedjtic,ra, - ~ odefltiti(7r,1lit,ir Of raiinonltJllr lane WidEh4 .Z1zti[ VariOUS Ce-rMlruitinn ddail-1. ~esig» guicfe[iw-; - dEte ii7Zpltntentsd flyrri~gh. ~ • zstnRn}; Isk-wu.31 detiign sRandard5 IMM zizt-li~~~ed iei specific PO • Stiil+ieea ~.,Iv9}s (desi};n.;tandatd* 1tnt tU~ed tJI a CaA 111.1n:5 f[lr ;3 CiimP7111PiiCN t:crritatning rniillipEe zLining ds4tri€-ki) . ' I"rn~:es;~ (t~t ~,ign r~7r~riE~k~° tnr cL}rtdin ~ I e'Pe~ t~tl` 4ls~'S. t(JT ~-Et~ti~~jaIF}m<~a! 0 in re'~ta511 _-;en,a11M'4'e :icLas, or 00 for d L-v iatirrn s I'rorn xrrning ~imen~iontil requirenwni~), ~+y~K.k~titi~~'~ ~ic~si~;rd ~;ui~~i~liQ~~~w.~r~.~ i~p►I ~ u~iu+~~rstilIw! A;1J,di~t~L11e. An~l L~iF~1r L 1171N• i ~ Esn d e+,'i lopntent WiI Ii tr7 thu- CTiL7, stli,n►; Ilhr~ SpokanL• RMtitr, fn Lit-1.1.rY.1ted ~ ••t_(,nhtr~, AoiiI Cjtirridors" areas, 3rac1 ~~~Iie' ~*T[!feC~t ,ippIJc~llltti ~aY(}ptl3st "~,i.ins i~~ lirtt°` a~5k,1italiC~~7s l(i dt'~•611e drt7na ~ cLrtaen t-tqtairearntrtiC;, 'ffie srr7pp of 6Rtr go CaPy'!z design gmdeJtrw~ adtireswi, #iw Creatnicnt Of bUildial); J'AL:ricft-4 Wl4~rP+:L th4.y iliktckeice wtl}t filis o1'etjE), tfsc ~ 4itc, .snd ~ 1.81L".lf Fr7.F!gt'F7it'Rl a7R4j qLI..lTllil'4' tli 4111'Slkt ,JtiC-jF~o1il, fti F differ+.'er# tv Ve~, o C Io nd tiwc~. ~ ~ ~ 14 ~ ikl Itll-irirlirive I'aar1ill r~g'. Spaikj riE { olaril0~ .Mvlr'r9 i wrlmri ~ ~r;}w% rn Aer_L,I ~ ~ _ y [']teru a ri-, a 1v w a rt°as tiv rxe S poka ci u'w 1 Iw ur-t,in ti:,row Et3 .3ris,ti L-oatlrtRitis c1es ig n g uide lieres inay inap;t►:1 euery t}'pe tlf StCt*Pt. I.ilt'al strec°ts c.t,mpaiibilit}- of deveitapnrocnt on ;zcijacent krs3ce 1als'4+ti};h ni.~igitbc,rkic:ac~d,, in ~Loriajictioiia, N-L3rtti Nevads 'Street ks InL"ofp4.arat4'd a«d tlnittcorpe}riitUd itllV. Ntirl 17 iMrl.'vac1a i s a tti area w faere ift'as ,il4kl'. 6)Il+2ct41rti aLie4S LhL' litcil the City c}f Spt,k{,ne i2iterids to appi' v skret•ts. arid t,.rleria1s Lti,trrbute ira{tic. L1iLcFgn guid<<ines, iM1j1CEJi.1iL'1}" atljxr:e1tl 4011centrarittg ~~i-L lhs- mcabklkt4' c+l l+, areati w iilt ttiti design gtiidvlsrte" nclw perii•9e a nd Soo i1i~ I h7rr~u g h t h e U{ot1, in pda4e kinciee Count~' jurisdicti(rTti. "1'he rdte ~~~~~endi:a corttainw ry q~Lomnt;~ r}' ~?I C1t;}'F's d~'41C77pCE'~lC'f1F1L''. ~!li~ll e111I14~ i~tic7ti5 l11CIi°l1 flf il"h1: dCe d d1i1TSg N CSfkh N 1'1'i1d a'1 strc`Lt FIght C1l wi5` rLqL11rL'I7leT'it_4 al}d to annt}x evcrtrtf,allt ii7to tho ikv, and "'}anLI"-d s#rec1 sLFctioii d~.asigm_ Rhi! Cdtv ha j Llittti fiecl th cY lancl .ys , "i.-nrrr41or ' A s Lich, d eve Itwpnienf u n Lier KCghf~ ~f Way C lt4` juYiSd tEiiCin at. (I I I Eci lil' SL1F!lea9 1: 0 yIt-4ig-n rcgti falicm4, ft inst€.aJ the arv+i L~.~ciiE 'S Er,.3iCS ra aLge i n Ragltit-of•Wa v {ROW} , .ievelop5 u ri d c'r Ct,ij Ti t}- Nttr4iditfiun, 4k~ILtth feOlii 50 lar 130 fech, actcF1it111i0dating tto dLCig2i eegulafic►ats W+ni.11a~ ~~pp1Y. 1+.+1- tr,ive1 1.ink«..tinJ parallELl r,n-struc't pa rki ng. 0 n Iy A irwa v f 3eigl,tN arsd The titIL-s cit I.iKlrtTv i.ake KlE3d SpC1kilf7e Spkzkane publisfx 3kandards fL,r ]L,cal VaIIev are conkid C, ring a4#opIang desigri qrvc°k, The ciesigsi o( Iocal 4treei" in s;uidelrr~e_s. l..iberlv La6:e M:J%' ~-jl•PI}' eji°a1g1'1 "iF,e,F;ilTlt COL3f9L}'a Spi1kt-inr' V,1IIt;Y a[tt1 gUldL°l1l1[:5 tif lts ci`Ilkl-cl{ b19s1C1esw ~.~istri.ci I.il?r.rl:e' Lzke is diclaliil k.iv whxai ia zn.tii k~ a propoced wi,;ed-iiNv dovels-rp. mi-nt 1yproV42il ain tiAahkfivi,~ak-m mapy ot' w17ai a I{in}; kf34_~ 5ptika rtv l2it°ei'. ['ht Caly ti f titr+eex ditii~n is in }'+larca imrr'se41i31e1y Spokane Val14v consieieris7}; desfgn adjs3i•etik Ft} IitL* tilreil; 1xc1ng rc,ristrutitvc1. ' tiidelines for application tc, it~. Spraga~(~/ AppJeway Cttrridcor suba reca. None o!' thest Cr1leclur rigEits of titi~ay varY I rk7an o) tci wi?uCd liktlY liIlpi3L"t {If'VL`Cf}p[Tll',Ilit de5lgIl 80 ft2el., atlomnio4'laliri}; up 41.p RkMur trcl4-el d~f' Fti\'[i'ti~' ]YA 3C1@dl7i911°I}" ~147'!.'~{Ol~~~[761:~ ~711E°., ITl sfs]"Pll' llrk'+an SE`i.t1L1gSiifld FlralICI ki CI - vi rtL'i p.7T`ti.7Ci~ L]lde f i:LTti'Lt11..4.'Of14i iCl'Li[34 StreE't,-, A I'tL'r].1E*: Are Ght° 4i'1d47st. s I flcls, '4"k"BIEM CLAt3f'w L 11 ti4tW GIg lrcAIrRl? 110 110 ft~~. I Sit'EFEt desigra rrquimmeFtl~, ,lnci the L4revds ean ai:COi1-11TZo4faEe up tsti sevtn I.anes size L,f Street riglzt,., or arc differeiik (,i krovel, with on-slrcck ptfirkirLg ava iiabh! fr(ani onr Furi:;did-tiPiy ii; I}ic ns\r, .4E0 in ;i V:7rws°11° a}t~ configtaratpkmti ti:9epending, i-it'e guri5ciictii2ns erripCoy a stimilar stree# cYn 117e ,etting and desired strcM ft4iiEliF,ti. fiii~r~~erii4•, c'i~;~~[r~'I~~~ slre~l~ aetLri.ei, iLI lleLklt clF Ic:+Cdl strvets, Spoka rie CL,-,unE}°, Spc7kane a191d I.ibcrtv Sldeb"v7~~ ~lace[Tlent 1,.~kV LiSC llle sante set ulstandard,, r~yuir~~- planis'r ~iri}3s '~tie TEte citi.es ssf SpK4L3mk~ and Airwa~~ - locdted :td'ai`rrii tct tl-at: baci:s ei# curb, 1 leiE:hta have u nFque marldards. , Cr~11dfrsJ-'.1f1W E'I,-Innlilg: ~JWA4jnE~ t rniwv'~, Moirro !_.irharr GIrr);,-~-'Ifi Arc-,i 15 artcl that ~;rdewalkti tzi°i-~ a4ij,~cent lo t€w ~ rig hl caf waBv- TliC LIChF_`r ftirtir pjrL7Ji,:1 i~,,~i., i,1 1l 1L5r+., i orl'~- a tljLi uirti[ te~v~3l&.c ~ ;a~IFiC ::.I~Idlp l~,a'Ikl: ~ ,yry~y-y ~-y1~1} ~~'•8..n'barlR6-n+r,is ~'~~l'[21 1 iJ I~ 14J'~J 1I ~ 7~:'.kl :?RlLY3 ~ .WiG ~C.. 1'rQ 1-9+9 Ii7C'5FifkeilNTwC`b, 1t1Ra j ]i'~~Il'i~~47T1,14f+y' rre _~~mfl6i~ ~-er y It en■ riP ~,w_~ ~T C14f11rfYl±isio11 (S}+~ T('j r~'S-SIEt`6~ V4'Elll ~ ark4 a'ia] stri;'cl plarirtinp wifhirq 117i° UCIA. ensuring t°egional rne?bilily i; n1a3t9t3ir1rt-ki al1d :ioIlie9i{r.iriflg, mcwcXly, ~ OTI t.lle mrrvomt}rit of Iht'ough=1t'if}ic ~ . ~ Developmeiit RcN°i~w & SFPA - - ~ W3ll },~raaa.-v a-if prr,~vc1 ~ rvti•ae+n' reve,l Ihe SFii-ir~com ings of - - ~ cleveirtilm-nknt r~,pulalic:rns ~3nd inler- j1arisdik:tiLrn.tia Lt]nl[i11JE1ttdla«Il. If ow ptLrmaifing ton GofS~,*, if CIl'1'1ronPLC'ntrtl ~ revaew fails l4a idLnliE+.• relevanl ow djtikigalirrn ineasureL,, 4,r If intcrmp;ii~ibfK - €.3nLi u su y w irtcl up ad Pnan ii i~ia~- li ~?tl~ee, din}~ers ptat~tt Ct? tlic f~7Flus'c~ crf ~ Lht det't~iopmenl revit-tv process ~ SkaKc, Lnvifunitiintal ['cilh:► +1c-E (SLA',o~) Vd .-knd pub1ic no4ice aaw.ticcsc3xiiee notih~ca9 iEii7 ~ i A re:,POrtSi.b le a gCnC rLs .iQiLj rtea tbv ~~r~r~±(~r4t' tOkti•i1K~rS f4~r nr.~~~~' kii~:i~:i-ikiiiitiaJ ;ani.9 ll-gi5lalive proj,o,al,, :tgertcies 10 roulinely review arILi MAU LArrnnlenl_~ go o~i d€~~~c1oprnenl prcFpir~a14. but f11er4• Is a,,~ ti~rYlkte~, pr4re~~; niik~~ ~~~;r~:c~~ Mpt~r~ L~~~ ~ fhE's1')LIPItifiEc}1{?3ZS ttyS{l l'k:Pi0,1hL3tl5 f€IP qm pzirlrtipLiti(rn aiid g,uidtt prtijeck rea°:ew, im ,I'here i~ conc-cm lhLit ;t-rrtw Frc7jectJ tir kind use prupo,a1s mav ..f,, l[ kltr„ug3z [iie ON L'Ca 4ICw," [M rti~.- t i la rly in CI~v L: ~i,,i.~(sf F+rf.,tvi•t;90 - ~ or 1-propowals walilitt tlze 1111ia1c.orporattd 40 UIeA neat' kht rrtiEVt)tdpArlir-S. WO W hile, ;ign ificant edtlort fnay Lie im°ecled wo wo 90 16 ( (11 lal it.Frtfl3vc Pl{Yfl fllngr Sp{lkw fw ~ C]LIPbfv"S ML'lfo L .!I'h,p[7 ~.,i~a4+.•Ifl Arf-~"i 90 10 ~ ~ it~ Co1lal,ksi°.ikt~.'La plartninf; fter iun~; rsJJy~~ QllasI-111[.ficIt3l 9and-use c'oiysistor~cy, actual dc~t'elopmwTnt E,roj,G:kls - Pr13ccscc4l. ak1pr(}ved 31icC Quasi-Jurdacial acdic+Gp,, likcr varianci=s, u{;t, 4.1.11)*AftildL'd - llft{~~n 'Ic1 t(.r gpoCli};iii permxls, or iil-i'--N P12tiliL 'r.one C Eta:nges, :1P1d R'6•en exatrrhaitl' jlll'1tidtct]fi_7T1a1l 7'ellCllTi' Ilnl]'lL'd 01CTllSL' Ilf j1]dgR1L']lt d i fforv nces [)rI Ilit} WJ~' tE1 ir~g'-. uug hi lu and diyr~ehon t3v I i~~ ~~pproving hcsdy, E,cr. Pi:cunciling L-00111 Inng-kerm VisikFat srri6i f'uI,liC DIfaCEalS, kxaa-irds ctid adxuktntient ~ ;h{,rt-term requimmient-, fnr deveCr,penertt aruf hr.,aritig ex,miner, ora u,uallY ~ ['eview is a ,ptr,;istent cItitillonye for cm}iutivered 10 aCt url kLV Pr•:; of' V, Eattiner~- w kEh in a `nL,,Ge a gtnL: perrnils, w iLli tltose a c Ied r►n bk' p uL,lic COnr+l tn.tting tiviCft a nc) rher jtar iwd irkiitrt tlf#[c iZas~ roqiasri [1g the iva-sk applic-adior1 isi th~it e!I[+rt itdc1-~ tc, tli~, d iff3c uliod dIticFk'tlol'Y. l I1oKr:' I-oerrztixs. goI11g 1L3 I*4,L9rci'; t-+} adjusEraWa11 kor ltiarin}; arf- C17ri:+? I7o:w[i Ct'p~~-,~ ol kin,,~ e\a111inVr5 OitUn rV~Juire puhlir; htarinF,ti, u~c' =3cki4-111S thaI t dit} Ctl L,nk' V fl rILI ttill 5EPA dc,c-umentatinn and a u•rit~~~ incc?rprinaleii fiurisciiclinns tako; rOCutLi 4i f finti liIgS ai-itl 4ZCt~I C Cu%iOn5 ir1 sLEpi,ileC cgE 1he di=ci=ion l'h~qc- actI19TU. 4irV MIfll,stC'-rial AcIIonS tivl-ra4CE k0 it113XImkirn priac-c~5sitt~; tiaitec Iike biaifding permits. are a4 1yi,1a1tiEowd l+y "I'taEv Iaw, =`ppr€+ved w}"Yl'Il 1C 1S CICa611' dl}L@Im!_'Rt{'d G1,C~~f idrt~ciicRioras toact ckpL~ciivratky tltal #91e prapirsai mt ets al[ :tprlicab9i lit llikLir r'o-;iderdytRon I i~~-se 3ti I i;-iw-i Tlik•se aei usuw,i11' att~'d Oi1 L7V tesua l[v roquire an -'app-edl perind,•. jur3sd i' tlC49l 4ti3f F, ka! itft ijtr Lir, vcyrY whc•tt ippiicants musi waik lor tiovraeaG I±i-3ited ahility tci exercise irticiepc•nilent daYs I:114,.,r~ Atikiii~' aclioa7 alloweti b~ jucfgment ur disca•ti(ioji irt !he p,rsaject'• rht pt rmiC The LiL 10+,• zrHOtvS I'ns 010:f,t ap, prc) val. A ~enc-i~s gener:i[93tr} to ak;`;rie+aeJ ~i v d11e u ri,,t9itiiit,n`s d L: tirp3,1 iL, S,t rrxinisterial aFp€aM dht~ decision t4, Ch~ ~~e\[ higfacr.sl pormiN, IIf7C,1SI0TiAl:l-V rel'ei•rirtg Io Fhetzti ]tveI ab "i,t°er~lh~~-rcourrtf-r" permils. RPtiLIh!, uf pirnyiiI ism:iyani2 can lac itttmedraRe. witli QuaMi-Fiidicia] Licto+-iiis are SiI parti1.'LJI.ir purmitt?es ahle Rc) l,uilci af, scFO,7 as rliev con~cv1-n ti, 4oIii7lsC5Fdf1i'4 paari,rir,g_ I_aiid leavi 11-tl' ofPiLe. dlvitililf95 r1n4I t}ihk.`1' dk'ti+l"1tYpIGlip'il pY4}'!`Ct:s llkchti' C'Qrl]#31"E71 tfF dh+' rV4JL1afi'TT?l`rlt!; f.)f rl~:a rult. 1113 ni4tCh.11 ,5kli+,)175 iitivL,Iti~V nL, nrie li,raLi:liction, btLk 11A COr11'ttrii2 noCificat ion i;?t n4ighLx3ring jvrisdidissn& lio llie rec14,ifcrnt--ML, {af-am adjc,inin}; Buelding perrttil_4, gr~iLliri}; pt'rmiks, sij;n ju rkdic lis?n. Lot t;ir.cc, str~~~t cfos=,- pcrnzil-4 1}IZL[ 11 vszrpi~~% of N i ni 4ia r° la rirl u.w tiLctiOaIw, [5erMilkLci 1I7aIL1 rjW~;, ,Ui41 aetinns, iicCUr t1'llll rt3tT1[TkICe gik'ti3. II 1s rnaximurri hii ilLiitrg htiii;hv; cdn V;tirV lIit qarn,.- tL5r SF,eikiront^ C4aunlv ;-t4 it is Ifsor {rLIr» onk} L:uftenkunqi%' kEw lht- nti o, Altcl t}u- EfrL, Eolf}tr turi-,di[#ictns. V'1iq1ir1g FyTi9,k'Ct I'I. view prcw"is f=c,r.~~~laci- jttkjic'ial pl-rsjectS a9I4rws lilllt cippr_7eluttiiFl ttti` 1n11-r-jorisdictnsrta1 at ( taFllkli"FLcUfM' Pk1i117PE'R}?,; Sp(1kc1114;'" C?ILllltb 5 Ni!_°lfi Et Irb.41M CoP'LA'A1h .''4!`4'.l ~ I ~ ~ s~M ~ ~ Cfit E,ri,pit rtk iuv,, LegisIdBMVe ac1iOris ~ ~ . g L.tg itil ativeacficFnA;,9ikL' c:kFmFjr,2lszn,,it,,2 Flana rttondrnesii4arkla rtnr.w li;,jis. retrlair4 apt*rcrt~~~l by d jurl"_+d 4-i1v Couitcal or 1►oare1 (sf c:{,untv L-ae~i missir+riErs, Thew a lst) rtquire exEeiitiivLw puMc notict. ilnwi lJse r,' d+emand ~ olik- higf~vLit Icvel cif excrcise cif jtadgmunr. ~ The as'#ions takera at lhis lov,e9 are ti3f17pYlsatid`]l4`1L't' i[1d Tll~lV 1~A t' e li~M.g-r~i r3p atnpa4-t, Tdie" . art' aisokiiHtct tir;111p4a1. ~ Mlh wonw-of 117o!;e apPt~~~~s gping lko IErr- ~ C;rA-lWEEj rvtanagoment I1earingti B0,1ril. ~ '•r.`ir'` ~ T~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1#~ r1,El,il4 Ir.,rlive J'f,-imrmoerg; °ipokane Couriik,°'w ,mcIiar lJi!,,iii i lrtrmM Areis - r ~ ~ ~ ~ ssues - ~ -l7o c{'JT"I'4 pfl Pai. l.ve CIl :l tf] C'ei j~~ lU&d in thcs apptsndix IsserqlNe :tili.i prosem, si41e-Liv-side, Ikie develcrpmint ri`gol.,lotyn% employed Liy e•ach jurisdictt4 ,n ~ €rr me tr„po Gifan pokBfic Ccaunry, A 6f'.'l'1ew l-,t thik,.4' 171atFl.t'e5 E'LvLe3h, tiL7f17C oI i fhd- a.L;staes ti1at have c,,useai did'f;cuErv in t1zt: ri:vic^w Eznd 1.ti.4U+3fIC'l' C1F &Vel011711ent purni il•. I'Frc, strtet standa eds. applk' v nlt• 11I I,l1+~~~! M reud!. i i nde,'r flie I u risLiicli4 tin _ i,r tlze Courrly and fs,ur crkies. Htghwavs i W.V rrL-1.1 1". W`=.T-ti(:)T airE• Gik i4 irtiL Iittik-al. - C..~~~~c~ ~J~~ ~'~;~n~~-y~:~lil~ifif►~~ rJOs Mrrpro~;rigly, LIIE`FORgl Cl1 I.Y37tii LF;P~~ pr:rrtpofttd m oninct+a°porated Sp. oka ttic 3d +:C,u11tV iti larger Ehan thal }3C'Feosittk'ri ~ .t itlroin inc:caeE}oratod muna~.-ip71i1ws. 7frtgltt-f~nulv :ra:anin g ie't S}?i ,kanL • t~.[euM ~ pu emils r~io rtw a nCilh rV WWI, t €wd i:a tl1,.~ ~ 2}r,T-anion sirigEe farniEV r.c,ninS 9rs I ()t the cities. fII odcii4ion. SpoLym! C~outiEOs indkl!;irl ~J I.L1e1ing [Vefi]llil'., viiulti-fe1f11~ly F14741skf1g, an issue that - kai * d ra wn crrn side rabie atten I ic7n L.°illi rLi;perL !u ir,dustTial zotiirtg, nvar airpc,rts .ind adjatiml tis taiunirlpal bt3ueicfariv-~. _ De°+p1'#i' tlictse ti:l i ff tren~e!;. however. - tllt? ml1flicts in lari,i MiNe and 74inirig witftiin thc, l1(;A lf'l riCaEi+.i-lv ry7ina}r - OfdIfli7nCe FIL13; ~ Zaiiirig YrrtlinaZm t-L, L lrAlr?;{• 4-~13,•rk:i ou Vallv; j i~ - i ys nt,% drnending i15, rc+iioJSg urc{inance, _ u replicing the 'pukane Cou"ty-k,awc' cfne ~ ~ 19 _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L s9v wkdiia.ta°al to}Nrn ik; 9ncc7rps,raliimi, lurFs4jiction_ti. T-iie laining,trf 4a'h4n Airway I-#aghN niy' v QE3cW suiL azin tiiii, r~:~ , ~ ~ , p~ ~i~.~~ agf nci~, aft• nofihed for L0niF§p; rEtv15lo173 trs implemrm prrijk5rt irFninieart (ir of tuvirti,ilnbmii ~-cron~~+~'kl~r~~i~:it•~~ Fi1aR. i"l.ti zctining otdin.tialces deterririnations, llte protieis M(ir ~ han};e, rrvrghboriiti F I~i ris4~it~ti3rl~w ~,.~i11 on`c~r~-~~~ y ~•,Eir ~ n}, agency ct,trim+:flr intc} kh,ary 110t'd ite retValu.a Ee l-t nal uLW .,nd ~,r~~w~~•~~; prrrjecl rec•c}rd, adlc1 t1,,4: ri7etliod ft,r #rt.~atRrJ.L; 4"rtpM arlMl' .4It731g klieir hn4arxlarues. S E I 'A 3'e ti`dkw cal noa-p ropx'+-3 iie#ikrns a re ~ +;•onfingeni on tt7c fype, lormion and 00 Lrrmple\iF}• (if IIit pri~ject btini., {ort5id~-rud. C[}illr$14.ff1fcr,~tlCJfl Cach jtirisdic#iKan,r5{igns aET'.~ ~~~~~~~~~I 00 TIte pre~~~si; fcae rcviewing dvvsJopmem ntiriryiq;trneni r~Lipr,nsitiility !o lhe project to .~PP1WAkWII4 oit ihC UGA fir vvi#hirz plannLrti %vorking IRn i1ie"pI-E1po5eZl4, 60 ~uriwdiclions ItL'ar rAiterjurIweEmLricans W anCf (s,.3C11 }aa,31717car ii;i=~ discreliort irt 3ialdetirtud This in a l?it; intpz packubely the opplkoiarr of iht wFM perwt%. 111 tll{' 4',1Lw ief t`n0.°li'!sliSTt[`Ttitc6l fCL'TC'%4' 46'}iL'F[' ~ kievelitipnienf IIy tr1lC JLI1']tid[ciLCri1 II71pa1'~~ Spokrlatit"C.t1Llrlf} Ltiry,a 113c1filef neryihburho9iyfs, siree#~; iat• tjtiliiy sxtsknx dktriNatOn ]Ftifi tc3 help pbnner~ ~ oi aEisiEi7cq. `i'Itit• i-;ue has h4v4) ci,ntips1p_1er1fiN: dQ kerni int, tiV 11 Iih agVnCi es Slarstatli ~ 1'L'tE`1'4'1° k'nvIYC3TiTnL"t'Ifi3l aTlfi`SCL73:itlnll ~ ' %'I14diYL'LLC;d 4?I" 11'LInl113wt, f1M 1CN 1i11 Zn4tiv[dlli3l pri~jeLiS. Pla7dlRLrs [73k.a!:i - .'~gowy parsmtir,vl arid abTil-ncv Lvaluatv tI}e ]is1, hc?a~ever, fcsr eaCh ~ titWs cha €]f,t'. T}CEqi['i [nIuYt1`1aEit3111 applicatii,n. arner,Ltinr, it t-e-, ns res,arv ~ irslerMdvd roa' agenay c:t+ctiroiviil can fxk ~iuit 05 Gae7iquc t-i+:tt9s_ Fnr,'ir~.~ttiTZ4 ntcil ~ Lr~ ~eni in t}ie tk-roiig inkiividual e1roeckCist,; for p1'Ujc~ts, witholi a rii'ile {,f a-or thv wecxitg ~lepar(rt-it°nR, with a ~,#i de li ig],v,,;sy d re tz) l?e c arcuPa 1Cd [ci ~ nt'Ltfier i9ie 4t-ncfer nf_,t Ihe anwndtd tht 00--hirsgtt,m L-btLife i)epartment cif ~ Iec'ipic eit :4wc7T4' «f t9iE pri-,I,J~!nt lnnspoi'talion. Ctitck[istL~ {cyr pa•t;jet-tL; ~I • Min-resp3,rr;e - There rs ts{s guamttWe nvar hiskc,srir L,r cu Itciraf rti5,rjiarct-, 1111 Gv4 agt}rw}~ cmnl-+s sE~nt t~t tk~e ~:ta[i s T~c.y~.~Ctrn~nk c,l tlirsi ntGn#~ ti+~-i1E i~n}~~rit a ~ ~ ~+r~Rjtct Prrr~~ku~l. Iior'tsdittirpnG ti~~,icin~, •~rclaa~:~nrla};} an~t Hisltari4~ ~'r~~rw•.~ti,wtti. 5ignifica1Yt c-c,nt-crits 61ia1.5t reCv crn "T'hi-i flexib'rlit+.- 9s auvit,45arti' fllf 1I7L' ~ ffivir pvrsu.isivvvness (and sapn,vtim,,~, - .lp~:,r'Li~$ii.ikE' ~~p~tijli°3~Gti11 [1! irI'C'.A, I Inf iJtr'taI Lr( ]e~;A l JClic,n) t1, a dFJJ iflei [111'tFC•c•15eS, liut it 3130tNs t~~r a~k;~•rEtii4~~ ~ r,rrtiaet-t apj;Eiraaits arttl ke r"pmiwi131e tc+ tie over1c-roke,~ leOIc11 thtV SlIUsJiLI purkdictioi°r lLi incc}rpr,rait, cEmrsgcs ~,~.z co n5tallvd. SE E}-N p eL,%- id es k,r d-al tu thk, pr{.,~~~-Lii +-sr Cfle c-0rdltl0n5 gok''lCflTllfiT4G i'le%98,ikarv i r~ ~1-ic way i ,1 .ItLiL:11e41 !A7 ptrniii aFi}7rM.,11 W11[lCIi tltt ri~~CI; Rre inIPlt'Mentts& bUt ECie tns'[S1ti.Listunc}' iit who gvt,~ ` SEP11 GUJdelICIeS & N[ifice fUr ncilititihci t-o1n Iead tci niicurlidtr~.ltia7ding, C[)f71TllC?ili iinLi idi sutticir~n4 }aarOL i[?.~l H;si TI7C" IL7tis3.I jq1'edL`1E1'Yt', 1f'af' afFfple'111a`I'fi. f]ly, :M- ,11mOwt idR."1ztECOr h4't%Vt!tM 20 C_;ollafExrra A1e I"IN nrorsy: SrMsKnts cmur71y% Motrr, l."rh;,n [__,row; hArLf<j fM ~ ,Ar9t?6431 Stireets ~ • ~'I nie vari«us aguni les incluJe a tange tal~ oTtl°PCcil SIPNt'l 4"4`hik~ the Citv of I ihertv L.}ke aer~1 ilte €'~ty (af 5pukatte ,iIlc•y ernpluv 5 Lrkar~tr C4+~~nl~'`s strtzk Li . ~ ~tt3nde~rd-, tncIttilc- ~ - 03i+llgl7 VariLtb' in SfT{'-N LkSt};oi 1~b perni it :nronzpatible ar#i,-ria[ tilvaign4 ctin eitlier ~ ,r-.!e caf barttindarF. T'f'gt-, Citv Spnkane'F_ . x 4t.1C]d .11'ds a Isa1 iLAV]1t114' IlliliZLNrt.luS Lfrli- ri.iI --troe! types - ditE4.rt°ni kli-in sr+ok~lis,• _ -M1DAVing thc Cal}' En SeLL't rT0rTFj a 4111rr~~~~- pa]Ltte, aatd Airwav I-Ie3gatC~. - ; U4txS h'4'4! 41iftV]-L.'ll-1 71°lel°13l 4iYt•t.F. c~e°k}',!l'-. ~y r~ ~ - 1,•4'h if4 s Iree t i~ec titm% ~,~11#fo r Lieiwe+L, s7 ~ aflL,d tC;ti[anls. Alie agint: it°-, h.wv 5a, I.,i l-,veri ablt LO rei~~tlii;i CE^ a:~t~~i:~t- li_FtiL,ir•. ad ~ ~ I Int-I ramprntttiise.s hakod nn ~;Rrr_t-t ~Liaiiticr,i artL-€ brsiaiicr Li.id i^.Sk~ c+bji-L.ti% RIg`ll (i~ Way Ahmci3ttL:lf1 & w,rr,~r^~^t,~;' Widths - k~ 3 1,diF},tk7d StrOe# si•dieirts indicAk~ dilEt-rcnc(-- an I{ttU? wadt}3w tntii Bkac, locatGOiiq rrf ~icimaEks atid plaiitiogserip3_ ~ M4F-q urhan sRandat•d4 indi4,ile d-urh- tdjatEnt siEiewaEkw. f hc Cii-1' of Lipcrkantt's. 1tiowever. 1nk1i4,1[t 4h<<t tEat Sidc~tiVLIIh: i4 - l~1 l7t':iL''Ftia tdlC'd trt rrsi kra vCl Uk'dv4, ,iJ"!le placed atijaceiit tn Che NOW bOLintiary, In surtte cases. sintilar r<3atiw:wx' cdamsificatinns can Lad trr diffrring RC1k.V . recauirements. Wlzila= tltiis mati• ncit seetn - prn11'L'fflr7fEi: IT4 the1::3s~e [7F SpokaTXC c0.1mAS. fhE Cilv oY T_ibuny Lake, anEi t}tc Citv ot Spc4kane bueaust aI d ihrve4har,:, I tlzt- ,amQ tiM ndards - wht: WroV4)',-pt ;R9vi- t ~F cl"_ign cFtiair.c• ~nd llte cri[eti~~ USt•d tL, r! 'ik'lF`4E {h4bfC1 Pliak' reillli. Ifl Exl{'tl i#ge'81a.°'b Ty {1ti~ig rrL M"; Ll L1lfl.~~rt~nt - r " Fy ('4'11,1l}c,r;11rvC f'~LUining CijoUrIty'S I\,'lcLtw L!r}w.in C-1rowrh ;r~_,~ 21 ~ ~ ~ go vo loo and RCM' I'ot t17esame l+:'}5+~ vi w~e. 10 Design & f.,ocati~~n oi" Cotlectcar 00 ~ Strects 00 Ainwav HeigEil; -inai thtY City oi~ Lipok,mtt 90 L'ntF,fo v 6a nLiii rti -s For urtii n 4oltic-#o e.,, I11,11.arc diffcsrc,nt fronM Un,se F-mplov~d so L,Y t1ti► i3lh€r juri~dic tions. Tl-ki, is rrct# ;t 10 E,ig iSSire,, Cxtt?pt irt areas whiri n-tore go cnllector-lrvo i co ti net: t i v i t v in Ihe eilge condikit7ii .is nd.rcdcd. T17ts imp"lctb ilreii., qo 1T{ce Morari I"r,3lrie+. Chc, Wtst Ilains qo neae H7t°Ford 1ZL,ad ind a II ti3 lh{r d re,'t~, 00 tvheft jLtriwdoa-kiA,nstl hound.irit'%- zig :md r.ag fllfok1gh L]GA rj('ij;hF0rII0ndw. V-0 go hleighboehood Cvharacter 10 f4ei.gBiFLarh00J% drr tlie UGA L[kilize sti wi,Je '1g viit`ietF' of li,c,l mrkv1 t'4`pes, w5xdQnlial vo demsities and lcl0'Ld Lltie,,. L~Cll31k' a iI KI]e mL,re rueal laa~~l u:Yt4 n~a~' ~~f~ve ~+eeri e:st;~lrylishe.~ ~ Etvng iic•finre tlYe crc:mis:}n of aLfGA, kr4it 10 Gfht in€oays9sCencies iti Strr°c! Slandards vo anLl ronJ~i g req uirkme nl~ haVe rt"S ►alrV4{ VO in t{,`lec-tic nee~;h bo r],nk,d s ll~~~ c-1171,e,r t[:a ~-kv ari soiZle 4[tTf irf kPal-Lsittiyli. N?I LmV V^ Ct$idtiltti tkt t hk`~k:'cil'ici.4 1]1..51` G]t7l :yetk ct 40 1110re s.ersi Ea:win nibighhnrhnk-rd d4ararft e VO Fi?r Ehd3qt X;'h tl do, t1t744'i`vd'r, kfBL c lif'Yet'd! slate a}i klt=vvlvpmuni rei~ulatina,s arscl ~ ,Ircel !,Z#,7ndara;iS will nr:5k {i tqi be rEti ice<i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 22 t_t)l4titl3orativi, f'Is1YYflIf1R: SpV'3Iiane COttr7tt~I"4 N'Lonr [_lrl;,ir, fi Arc,,j ~ ~ ~ Coordination Strategies - ll :i}' L-' jI j ra-I d iL-1atI[I I 4,' iL~ h li+ id1ir'sPvr~ Aw.'ys in wI7irfi tMiey work tesge[ht.E. Ilic- UGA w,,•qIC iottidiitiu{a tki expericnci +~eveEopntvitt prostiI4tes, an~l litit~51L- jtrrkd14lii,t34 rnu~# co[yrdi]l~ike to etlNzirc Ftiubiic wr+.'icc~-, oet, }~rovidtrd at IIw fevvls }?ecip [e cN Pt°C I FI rtLi I I-i al n tig]i Lit) rh nr,t1s Purlrliivn ac'ri}rcfin}; Mar rti~,i&nj iiemrc:"~. Thiti c'h,ipter disrti.s.ws 5lrategies itt 4t9~F~}A l1tE~ ~4,!'i'~l~[i'liiell; lomlltlinis'atv a, iih c~ach i+tht r,-tind Itcrv4- thc%' tiari ~ f'i~w'~L~e dt~`~,'~.~1Ca~.~rri~~nC r,±~~le'v+~' Pf.l~'!li'a'w t,, tvLJct}nZt• dcCtiittilrtiiil }7arlir~palion tr0111 thfyir adjodroing, lurisdort€um; OI' IIIL• seve17 woord inatinn ti«a#ey;,in; ~ ~ c1v,4-itcced heri. 3~nh° Lwo f{aCLpc tail pTnwes5 . a71~ldihcslttolt,s, ! l1&";e' we1Uld 711:Mkt' ['F1:11'7g4'S hn ilit} +nraY devtal<rpment apF,lir:atiatal= ~ :iw 4'c,nsidet'0d. itiking lfpt{ juF'[tiLji+L-titiri. ~ ~ ila 01l11itl'tsN? ifjf[1Ff1laEtirY1 -~h,lYltJ~; l3~1~~ ~ ~cct,rI i tko E;tliiv_ I'hi~ rL, ntainin g wtI'Lt#!,,.- it-ki- liril~ ~o iijc• ci rLIctuea l rh.I ragi Ll;, wel1, &tiking juri;Jfc1ioyr4 ir, rpcort2i:de-I . fkkeir curre[iI de%=eln~~11Cr1t r42gub3li0L[jw and IItIW tllL'ti' 4zrc Ii.I nikrli.rC~red_ ~ 4 I F Y' i3 r oe s ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ Ef1~iarlL:e~l COMC"flUrllcatIC]n & f'~il=1t~. lhi~„t'~~c~t~i, ir ~.:}~t ;i}+ iidtt!. ~-iyu1~1 Erot° ~n ~7ttr~4: tig~~? ~,'~•rtLr,' ~ ~~°~JC~~~ ~~~~~'f~~l For aif Projects wiilZiii t1,~- UG,l ~ and %Y i4Eiin citJim i1s ttie,, r i11, 0 167an c,rr raxlis:V IncA E~gu [aIior7s. [t pral,ose, Ut-A or,tdjt?illing itarrsdithnr7,~ 0 tliii tLich purisdic-ticsn rnaint~)In df)t. ritlc,s • 1°tiL31ac nnt ie~ - W hilti lttiurh nI tli.- ~ lb;~lt~ li~ ~slactM ii~[1eLn1r~litE~; 1_in ekfe4'tik,i• P1`CSjL`cI fd~t•i~~~.ti• p~'~rc€as E7a~~pen.+, intee-furis4iittionil comrnunrcation ind priwar lII isSuanIX L,f t7ulllic rtoti~ J.,i 0 lrimbparenl proetssing M LleweloVmezal liearingq, il is !5tilJ wniporrant tl,L,i 0 , applecations. WPaile it ertihanceL, rc'spoilsil,tr, agc~ttciesk and acfjtmi,lb,; IM L'iY1Z1117of11L's`iCl{8F1 F?17R.wL'en jUFLSdiCtYi}n5, jL1rISdJd.7i:]m. r4sc~,*!.vLj i1[}tlCt 41t JiCe"~~a~'•:1.~ rR dcsc-a nnl rtoc~~sark~~, en--mre #ftat ind oIEC pI'11V1d1'd r7 P°I7tf*3nIf1gIU~ 0 d eve lcap ni eti E t,r c~ [=Pr1 rev it°iv W ssuGci hIL' OF,E,orkunit' v tu coanment. 0 I anv tyticir~ effecEive Ihitt rt as tndtav, T'c) implemm1 this %trF~teg}`, dhf- fufii,wirtg, Ip E:lt.aa7e11tS L)f t11irt WuulJ jJ}''JLrrc,;ych itmFave: '301oi'f1v wtruld neecl tt, hi a3i1o177phshed: 0 • Inter-jurisdiclional [tre-applic ClaL,~ acces;~ - r"~11 juris4~#icli~~nq i}•tll IM .~taun~` ~Src-a~Q+,'~eIc~~+n1er1t me,~tir~,~M - ~I,is;4t nt~,~i ~cC ws #~a ~i1~ C'r:~unt~~'~ 1'~US I~ juro4di4 tionk already emplbav ;simt [raek i~i g d a#a. Thi trtay rea,CL.iirt5 iraio~ieitig f~,r r~crrl-~"-naint~' st.itf. ~ tti•l,e ~rC ~it'e~•d4'+.~~~lta~;m~°nE tilet-ttng - n~ t~Gui~n~~?~~t at tif.~' j.~i~alni~~~; 0 14, r~~w°i~+r~ F,r„j~~c~t ~,r~,p~,stiis E~3~5tcor+, ~ li{~~~sits haVC tl7eir pEroiccts c7ffices, and .i dedicaleil eflinrl L}n ~ ~lr the [=ountpa rt lci ens u re the 'Licsignt,d and re.,dy fur;ubmrttal. - ~ ~t•~t+~r~ is r~};~idt~rl}', C:s~~~~.~~r~~l~er~,o~°~l~' Fcstiv pEt=-devL'll}p[7wf1T c1ppllk al1{3IAti, Itowever. invnl3'c• repr«antdtities attd accurakelv updr3t~■43 ~ drcir~ adpcairtmg jura,;dictierra,,. Thi~, • 3Votifira#ion procedures - lurkdit:taorl-: ~ apprO,11.P7 +N•s-,U W %,I1~1118e rl1,~t, wklI 1t4ed ti7 fE'vletiv their ru,fiiticadion ~ Perrriif Statu4 reporling - ~ al1Lt rvt~~iv hli~irri tci s~tt4!~r~~:- • ~~i~n~ 40 Ctaut~tv wt+uld rkpurtpe~jecl dltatnll rr-1evanCcctmmunicalit,li milestun€-F- iri its 1'e'rm11 arld Lrlild regartiiirtg projec_t revoow gets 40 l,l~~ Sy s4{- i~~ (P LUti), inc r°e akin g aifc-u lattid #o all aEtproy,riaae .~genti~s Pi dl7d juFi!idil'fi{.lfi5.. l'I"k94 mi;" ffilj4EiP~' tra~~:}.,ar[~r~e}, n~F Ihtir re~~~~C~ti~ Pr~~Ck~c ~ ~ ~r1 ttt~6,.er~~; }rr{r~t~i rllfi.rrm.tl~i?tt a '~`,~'rr~l~~~~ cif n i ti'tr,n1 ntti1 I lirs~;{Tyti distrzk+iafion Rist ancl ravw wavs iaf pi usrn}; and trackiotg i-Yt-k 1 e,:!nie ntieilia. 00 ~ CxF2-dppLii"df1On cE}llferQ'11Cf"s - C llc go C truntv m-kiv w isfi k(d c€tinsidfr invit3rs}; repT4LISE~ftta#1vc5 fri]tn 1~~joittdng 00 ~ i ~ JuTltidat l'IuI11ti to pFIIjeL't Fllt'cl it1{;5 40 pric3r to ,~ppli4:atitan suLiniifkal, 1 1-Li_a 40 WOuM C',k -~bIislt ruMrnunieation ~ ~~ra~tcu{,ls fnr pr~~jtrct r~Ek~iew~ and ~ ~ ~ 24 C4 11 f0la+Fr.MvO Pidrmm[,; Spokmn~ CountO., N1c-trc) {.!rb,-irs ['3riawo1i Are;h ~ ~ .r I+1 LLf.'; M 4Ljl L7~ C~.G11f.`ItI i.if°tCfx,F,oyttibG st°y'sl 1,3Ri[,t1~ 3s,as€,". ° Staff r[rord4noltiOt1 group e Fach 4lltl5dlt:tI0F7 tt'i]IITI-I llL'L'J 1I;1 ct4mlZlJi tital.+ Ye_`ro ilrLk"+ ~o C't MGu Yt tI.1a i i.iImRSLl1'LiL'iitF[1Tl b'l'twCC}Il Jt]L reniairiq as efEtgc'tive zs ~ Citii arkiiniviedgentenl of applica#iun ~ - Tsr erts.u,r~e oic#Jf+irlitl katie', arO t-ik+-~r~~ c+f d~~rL-a~,~?n~a~.nk t7fiF7CJc~kt6l~llk, in klti' UGA. 11iv Crjijnlv rrya4° r~~jLIirr _ [-skiC5 l4) dCkit[Mlc 4t~gc fihe S_ ouJttv's i ecc:G4tit (,t devefopmeail .irpli,_a.i icjat-~ 4it`!ur lr~p pt4rues:,qng lhem I i1,' r,ll?Ie kV.ItIti4' SUe11M3a•i7c5 lltt beJWFit-: dravy+r-14-F~s of tFoi-, ~ `5 t - €nliari«dd C(mimUrei[-ation :4 F'ris+:c5s. f_Isril} ~ Vfranta pec i) rswlML kk ~1.1 . 1n11..tisrr5 ~r -.;31i~ arl-.r~alda• srcncorr.il~ilieb r.i - Isrnilisr 17rtain-, rviviinl; ~ : . E,srrn.=flf Jnnux~~,.nsd.la,•V,~i . ~mw,n~lslr~i~.•t ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~Y i~ I:u I li ii ; fi1~~,Jf1flf,lPl',i' 11.llll)il"112.: ``IIpC4,,d?.,(.' ~ t)llf'll+Mcflst Lldm11 i.,l'tfkt_Ch 23 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~E-PA NC7lIfICc1tIofi i~~~~~t~~~:,t~~q~•ei7e3~t ;L~i~n~ittiit~E vo Fjckncaw I i.41ge alen l WOU 14i n(ril€w° ImpfC.)1+''eme!lt 4anogf,nty re-Spc,ndtr th:it sl7e le.-I,! ~ a~;c•nc~' a'ts+;~.ov+:-~ t91t~cc~iiirr~i-iit l~ii,ti~r ~ Th iw slra ti~;~~ see ks tf) [~7K7~;~° tiEPr~ I'lylJtiW t.tIL} cl.]F'{'E'.']lt tiy;+le117. [LIC3sk U1JkL[li.' i3ntl 110iii~CMeuM prackicc-a mtrre uflectit•c? vo 1or IPw rq4-e jLi t'k5ditt iirn r'iI.ryN ITtJ' , ]Lx[lI {l~iit ii~r~Sitoti~at~ 4~,•c~ra ~~'~~oti~~~i ~ :,lutf #O tii1 J('r5 N1 1111 tivllKit !0 t-' xPcrf profL'Cts IIt 3Lljrlirain~; juris~il~:ki4~n~, tn~urk 1+~ an~~?lcn~4ti! iizes strategy, tl~e folf':~~+~i¢j~; ~ tht=ir w+uay (hrE+tt.411 SFTei► reti°i4kv t3FtE1 autiim,.: ~+r~l! nt~i~ci ia-+ I+e ~cC[}zrtplitihi-d vo L~~iLiuririg that a81 resrtinstble agtncit's , NalirCal [£11l 3L4d1t -A11 juraR:tilclir,tjw VO ,i:rC 110tified oE rt€evani pt'ojects. W i[1 nc'L=4i tri ro_°v iekti' lhc;irSP'I~A WO I Is•rrrenls oi lhi~ approodi We7u[wl invofve' 110h hi.lti0l} ]?ro[~.ysse5 !n tnsure #hak I IP IFO fiia{f fcyr Gio,111~lgirlg ~.~rojt".i t *[JnifQrnt nta.5ter list - k1ndcrctafiLliiok r{.Xrit 4a'S tp;t! Ehcs ~,Ljr11e pra:Irtic-i. ~trtcj 1l7t- ~ thdi iYzLllVodkMl }~rOjO}tiIti a+.^il.E sartit rirtifica6csn lPsts, interpreliry, ~ iaiyqtEr• di:strib>>tion Tet1oiireminiti, SCP11 guidu~8iotE-, lhe -,,ame atiiI 00 Ir w101 nliV L~Q guOct F„-ati-titr' tcs intt,gratinp; ~EPA itiCt) tkae c$fxrE•1opnta•iNt est.iL,li-h ran in14~i-p1r151fii:'tCi!17dl rev~iew prot-ess, in a r-nnsistenfi snmnitvr. 10 ma N ter d i stribtltinn IiSt a n ci krI kC-L'p ~ • Feedbaa- CY41C - JUrj;tlititism:~ iL CuTXLai1t, rt'tlVL.fi rE; 4.hangi5 117 st.111 1 tivi]l neeeJ ltf riis,4iif ll-it'lP SLFA i1R74J11'l kS~'gaijL;!LitL~klt3l titfU4'~ iJCk', - ~~Y.1rl Ic!'. ~'C1 tt"'=~7Ctif7Llfa5 a74im Q714'Tltl'o'-~. C'rojkcF plannf-r+r,n ,igentiy ~;Eaff +~J r4~g~y rLiles~ c+t I a~€- i r I k imatt~ La7i I ~t i II f~ 4Ali L9l d.tl e tE~ s pE°c i [ Aii ~ 1 d1Sp17),It10i1 la~ I h,t'JC i'E}171f314'nt,4, Ts'ti [p3v]"kiti pr4'Fjt'k-t ~ ilecclti, buC all will hovt t1ii 5arm: •Fletlrtoni4 d.i.stributiura - rlio., ba51{- L]"pfi]Cf1lailoll ,iE ilteir LJo4ptr.ti3i jurisciirhoryr,,. to s,ive w7n iitiasliiti}'t-wwr-; ~ Conimenl acl:nvr+rlsdgenaent - t~~e ~~[14~1` i)~~ lFl. ITkLILc~kyll IS~L.St.iI14.ktF4111 • ~=r~- .91'3LI 4'itirfk!ro~.aLl1liivlllti' fL'i~llltL~IhNi1l, is ~.}e ~ ~ ~''t~9c~~~ raLit~~r in '~F3'~ ~i~t ~~ti ~ t~L}r Fli'L~` Fw'3~1~'~ i5t 114~T1(~ ]sa~::~l ~~cicr~+tr~d ~;UiLleIr9-~~.~s r~,.~uLrin}; F7til11r` '~~Ifl$I ~ 9 hv 3bknotik' lee#gerlten4 taf .sn Jgri[7iv's eILCC6iMli' 3lkL'iil:ti tL7 f14tliLttL- tVidof ~ Lii4l.rik3utit:ars 'A rn,1!VrEA1_L,, ~ i-c,mmpnkq relat+'L! 1.I, SFFkA 11 nlC+s 9hilt .41aff cnnrd inatiom grnuF M Fsich 40 iatni«if=iyt t-onctrn£,in CDN'tror7meitEal ' r jLI r 1 tidEti"t 1{ y8l F4'Sll lW. 9it l ri tC1 C{ ] L13'[t311 /000 5ta11 rt4;ourre,~ iir ensKare lltai ~ C~stW mll ntc-akac.n 410 kM1Fl:lfl f1'CL' ai,eriries ~ ret73~7isi 1s LtftctixFe as }sosciblt: 31"kd C63at Lfit' names ati~coitita.-f ~ tie{ iflL, ftsr aE,prctipris31e SUA a};f'iw~ ~ rC~~a'i,~+;!clt~ilist4 ,ir~• t lal'I`~'1"Il. . ~ ~ ~ ~ 26 f_oll,ilxjr'aRive 11I.9nn.in~;: :51aukane Luuntv's Mr-if9k Uri7,jn t.Jow11i ,^'1roa ~ ~ ~ ~ il2 TI'ie Ea Life belci w surnrt10 eizr~. dlte btnetik~- M7U L1ra3m-hwk4 9,.1} tI7.l4 tiI rate~gy. SZ _ SkE"4 14n9irit'aii+7n 1mpot1vimt[nl +4rlvan9agec llrawhacas nrahllii~~ 1103_r1 huidrn.~n aciic.~ aF'7'~k Ic3d a~rnrl - I i...nrn.rnrmlrrcNC~iee.,~i hlr,~dten^. cuniuirntlm rve-eltia.l i1.2':4 cwd. -iiri, I !arafLPfllllef drvrlsF{.I+u+IH ilJnfl.ariXx y!1:1 ~ t ~ ~ ~ } 3 K C Mahnrc-Itive Pl;ittning: 5pokamr, Cau r3tv's Mtytrt~ Ueban ~;rr~%'%•th 1'1rei 27" ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {_a~inlv irE }+~~~~eL~rE~ '~o,dC~~'ratI~Jf~ {]f ~~fl~1 ~I4sggt~;vit%y desigrk modiEicdttlrm.~ Reg11latIo115 InCi-1C11lty nr r911tt►;dti0n *krMegits ~ ReView • CnunlV re5pnnse - t:twnty° staft xvt?:rlrs ~ srr~il ~~il.~~ c~,~nm~•nts (t) ~~rcrje~_i ~ Iq 1r,ir~ 1 E11, 4~Tikt!x~~L1~451~~L~ .~',h ~Ili 4_ 171R«k~~ ~17 appl'tt~~t~t~ fc+r 1M~ir 4~+i~sitl~r~~~i~,, ~ LiM4si4j4`L' CE3l`.rirni«~; iiiai stre~'k t3Gsig;n i~tknc~k+~~91~c~};'tt~ ~'~iti~~}~t nf Ph~ [_it s ka~ri ci.ir~*. frc~iTr :1 ki i L MfRd fq TSlYiI'i1L'i~tr'L~l'~9k~4 00 as~171l1~~']"L~w I.t+ M~B~l4`+-:LtiF13iFYi:C9llTl~i; ~1~4~ 14'Il['f1 f~'4"1~T14'lll9iTti~,~E'L'l'li,~!~iea~t F~r+~~jk~t:tfd 00 wilhi!7 l9w UC;A. fltiis i5 ir~t-undcd terensure 'Colinly sta(f rrporl - lhe Cousii%-'k Ih.itt3t}ve li11) 11 ltn hn 43rr.sai~;tiry~ tiE'ttsi# StLifFrQPs,rt W+.aulLiiztcludeCil~' so C6yM~alit4t: w 6I h th4- d4=veS[}PT'E1t61M 31°i137in connrrtic nls, witll lEle Llikdm+taildai1.k; 00 cil+: lien ik; TEie Couniv mau rt6~~ s7it [~il+,. thRal t1,t° 11rctijt~it ~v°i:~►~1~:k nt-~'j9 ~ ~ knccrni ,Iw' r~ilh ihc~~~~trnt~,`'~ ~-~roei~tyo~~1 c~~t 19~~} pr~~p~rstt1 ~~~rti^Ct,h~,ni ~~ni ia7 } - i ie1l o3 zctI I al1v lcarii irtg the s9eve Ctap ment developa71enk reguCdliorts ajiti he to reg uI.313 4AtS 1:r«n-G eacl-k niunicipahiw-a 4t+.il ~~pprow•Vd, +:Lwdilionallti' ~lPPTl3k't'd s1 ~cTaTre Cnimiv stftiti rawi3iari1v wirii Ot~~ ~~T demed €7~,-ed «n ccsun~5 rttlcw IIM i~L'ti 6+.'k}UEtiI Stfi~1l)lknr #he PF47{_~5ti, I'lv I171~'~Ci'I11LI19 t1~9~ :yt ri3ti'g Y, thL3 fo l1{+~~i'in7T, ,t,tii?f7, 4~:~'t9l n~~~l li~Lr~ ~ti«~m~l~~~ir.~k~: ~ ElriiieR7as ~sf rhEk a 1-~ a~rf) ~~rh ini- ~-~lve: ~ ~ .~~;rc~~me~f - I,.~ra~~i~~gi,c~w~~~5}~1~~F~•rn~; ~ ~City nolificatinn 1ns1 invitation thi:~ M ra tcgWi ,ulLt tseCtl iO Rd s,p I . s!I 7}tii=; acliuts W47U1d ha+.-k• ti-td Cfjutik} pnterl~rcd l~~,~r4 emrnt t(, t~ta~til„]t ~ ~~rti~:ehti~ryln ,~~~js~onjs,~; ~„~~~i~~} ;c~ellitat~~ lernis ~inc~ ra~1ti~liti~,ns ft,r ~~•t~tn 0 4~~'}'c~lca~,~neitt ~(~}~~Ii~i i r~a~ ~ re rr~° n~,Mifit~{~ tif s•3ri~~t~4.~~+pli~-ilia,r,4 :ii.l 0 nt.sLie iitar juti~~lt4Tar;~ni~l E~c,u~ti~iririi~, whit-h areta~; ti4•itl,in the L:GA ;ite I,, . I Ii+:• Tl0iiii4•.1tE01s wuuld int•il4• C'ik+,' 'I~ 1iLiti~e ~?rr~je~:t revie~w~ ir~i~~~-n~+~ci b~• 4•.I:i, f, n m rrsc n t i ,re #~~e p rc,POss1 i, in+: fuLl irEi- ,~i4~~'s ru~~.-%. `T~iieag;rt~~n~~~nk mi}~ii1 ~I 1~.cti 0 ,s C~viC~- rsf tals: ~}~tic~tiai~ it i~ " :~41dr4'~c chariitik:; ~,R ~~ppli4~~tia~n ~rtrniit 0 +,~=rE lc~ ~1a~vralc~~~c~,;! ~ail~~c•tC l~~ r~~ri~~wti Id~L}5 r~.•rle.~Ctin~:, iJtit~~~tti~L1Jzti•111 i wlN' ti~•~~c~li3~ra,c~~tt rr.=~;t~la3to~r~~. - qsl klorh c'Ily rSn.! C1?l.Ylltv ,`+f,lfi lEI1k9' 0 I • City ccimment - The Cikxr j.,{,Ljj4j . '--taff anwtalvement - TI,i4, ~F~ 0 r~~ip~.,ntt t~~ ktic i_~yri~ii x~'s ii~~~itati~u~tit ati°~ru!~'1 ef'f?a,-ta~'rl~~ dc}a~k~le F~it~~t~:4 r VV ir•~•. ~ s1p pA}'1n r, Gtm, cIettel C+I il[lv ril 1'eg i aba titi ta4 w+irk. ~vs'kio1g bc,tlt k: ily Rtincl C+}un l~ ~ kn kh[° F•r[ale[t_ ii7fkirnliri}; irir- pI.annm, ttp revai2w propt*ct aFS: EiFr cans3mencv wi! h ti-ii+br res]:s+:4 t wu 1 daVe10p1151'ilt Pl!gul.iEions. Ciiv 5k:+ff ~ w°ou1c1 .tlwo titet9 kt, bt stvae8iE1i9k! fi., Ass15t Lc,uiLty 4ia ff tic nr•s'ded dtiri rwg ~ Rhr'p rciic-c t WVwi'W ltir.1 itli ~ CLIUT11}• stil61 WOU» ttieetE Ett Wr111, ~ ihCisllgIl fi`kfa[1ilEiC1r, tllC CsiJ[Crrmpw o} ~ ~ Cil+,' PTt,jk,iE rt-+.-i1Ati WiAh llIU ;tf~i7J,rrd-, I 1 ~ 28 C.Frlltik~~sir7t~k•c~ I'Rznraifxg: Spokan€° 0itAOi1v'ti kleln~ I irl,ari Growth Arei 1 ~ ~ i E dr, 4ontaiizi°;~ in [:omtilv i-C};Gr],1title1s, The ' purzSt.iid-ti( ,r~- W01, rlci rtrcd 10 c'XT-W(-t ana1 'SuPPOrt that ~,~xe1 Dd ;tF3ff dl-ti ICMI(lt'7. _i • Reuiew prraeess zncidificafion5 - '1'17c ti~,~c•~c,~~{,nr r~~,~~i~=~ti j,roceswt; ~ti•Oi,i]Li nL:ed tir he n-icatiofaed ltir ac-cnlertt for t13e addihoatal linie thal iit{►v 13~ ~ ~wce~'4S%a rv tLl 31..r.1}rn ~io4i f~te t 11 Mk(.?4I~.! fevtl i}f O7untv Prdajc•ct revi~~tv. ~ • Staff CirOrclinati+on grc)up - F•:ac11 FLtriSdiCEiUrl WOU1d rl:Pe41 tL, COMMil ~~aff rf }source!. 1,L-) tn5:i,re th m t eomttiLinitariot) bt~~~~eeiy the agerscies Tlte Iab1e belc+w •,urnntiarir« IIir bentl11- and drawl3stck4oP 3l7p5 ;rratetti;v: - ~ 53 - Cunsidctaiiun uf Cd} fieKulsliura; in (L uusiiy° ~ AcCror+lrgty 11 ram Imc 4 e ilntwu~r•I~r.m9,~r -Ir,lrn dr•_i.umr liu~ rilr: dpphr.:J 1 P .~I41ruPrP,:ll1 L.5lf Lnnblr4i, i.irf..=u: ~ J•-y,rikhr.luiru~ .i.ri~~ll;ur r d I -r.r,iruuiGi.e^_aon 1:~~~l4 0.1 inSe^PWuAl Mi, . 4 I•-~rrii ~iinmli.l;•is.MequirrwS',:ninr~ .iali F n `ilnfr* Iraunir• Mn ar. fomlliar ~i+J- ...I ~i•41rr.riEC:i1 ir. :i513lr=pLr. ~ irvaalfanis h.C'.rwe hVM' 1115 -,.~..irnparla_nunl, . ri.li. .~.,i. . C.a[tinn . ~ i:.•. iYY ~.s 11:`I1 ~ zi' I' . I~':.I i iiliil'.. _...i°I Ilii~ l f 11 hhiiultlvi' IlZfIIIIIIL°.' 5pf?k.lllf-^ NA!°11'4-1 1 I'haiel 4.pr~.1V4'~1l Afol 29 I ~ rM ~ ~ ~ ■ ~'l~[~~~k R[]~~l +~4f ~~-~~~'~I ~ I C: ~~•t,iolq! r7t,i'~i t~~~ rt~ti',et~~ an4i }~t}tlti{i~~, ~ r~~i°i~+~ l~1LiY ~~LUt~le!~~t71~rJal re~~~~~1.lkaii4 ~4.r RegLilatMi)ns ir»pJen»erit ihe direction dt5rived frnrir ~ khv acib{3rea tlr !'lC'1g~borE1oiii_I 171.1 m so Th's ~,.tmw.hy build', upa7n ilie aLIC7cekl~ Cl f jj:,i31~ in~ ~rzas a nd s 5j l,arLY • `~ubarca organizarivit - Cjnce i s1 pla ii~. tr.it.ing d eveh1l i n ir=n t eeg j.ela Cioa-r4 ,reh}arc'a is r+~cogne~w%1. ii we,uJc{ hV(: tst1sc' My lhat -IrO winikiue to uientifiiLd :ubuLas incrlacingil neCti55ar%' ko riil7pLirteI .111d c~r r~eiglll~srrhi7[s~~s -an~f Ih~~! c7!'L l~i'Lli~;~-1 c~ip}~i3rL 1 subr~rkka ~+t t~ti~;fil,ir~']tc~c~s1 ~ tesqj t IcjtW~cll ,tUkf~' ailLl latic~~l +,'a'1ytiritiiiit~,' iarg,~nivaiir~~t I~~ Iia-l~~ im~:~leitiLr~t ~h~.~ ~ paril4lpaCEti!ti tmpN{'i"9ient3tit.7n i!f Iilts s[e.p V3+ifi alzd f3lnTlGCot ltti prCSgT4'5~ ~ VVOttltl ez•lti° on cubarea t;r nc~ghbdrorhtiaawiB ~Ap;reeemenk -}uritidit l6crIIs vMI mitlatiti•e iar critate sprJoZl bkansLjrdti khal tlt~s MrLilxT}' would ni-t-ti !ar iadcfpt m> wou ld Lipplv nailv to ehvm. siiz3alar ts, the inlerhfical agrwcr~lent t(, rftorlrvt5lti. ow sub3rt}a planninf; prtk'es.; tht' tra IIwte etltaIliairilv Ec) tkic- ttpprtaRlramu 09 is7'i tiivtr.kLj in 2002. Ih sL: s,,tit»1 wrraald 4iltec LU It}•le4t' {jeVe1OF1Sllt'n4 purmil-•, 00 h► ilpplled pfy oFC`cls wl3art rosidents kstioc ~iPpi t+vok, arrd enFaprre th,: bL'lii'Vo- lllk> (_a,unEJ''!~ ifi_}Vt114IPMi°nR regulatirank undur which tiltiti pernlii~ 1O rc;g ulLi I ic,n-.a nkicu1I Li bcrra ktve 11 Li r-aning are agrteslWO WOLaJLi 00 a'I`lOrt4 VL'ilUld I+4' IIlS4lIIl4'8L`M EL) C111t.ai4:C .tPs(r nucd tt, wpfi=i•ifv llte tvpes irp r14'I `~1L}CMf~1[]t1d ~'~1s3Cv3CteC is6 1'414sidt" fc?r ~ ~ I' rVgulalr4,11S il°L,ar Wl19 applV 14) IhO °;a~ski~le~rtcea'+~' Iet-t~l, «i Ewublit st rti`i4:es L'C;A. rl,a['ifykt~~; ~vkois=h rtil~~, ~~•a.~uE;~ ~ ,~n4~! t~'hiclti ~r's~aalt~ ~ T'~+ ie-uPlrie~3rIazt tEais ,1 roi4'gY, iltti fa+4l~~v4°irx~; r,:rrlriirt Cr:,unl- • a 41it) ny Wi~iI 1Ei rtRC'Clil t{r I,tt ~1(_1-OntP laSlzeti= reF«irirc ciCv codt^;; 1n adEfi li«n. t17+' ~ t'qr~tSrnt~n1 nlrgt}t 1)t~~~ k~3 illl•ru~it' •_Subare,sf Neigltbnrhnnd plan pr4av 15joris fcir a majotitv S,T periiiit ~ - r~i q ut or kp c'tipiLiL d r<3a I, It' i.9Lw1IL1 apF}I1C:7C14'!I; fE}4s Lo iJL'' IransEery'etl !rr ~ AlCeCi trF ~it? Mvnlifit], mid rlamti C`rtiC~k pt'rfc-rrmir~g pr{aject revivav, ~ h1,° p1'opared to el9e!I communitv fllcy tab][= j9~ Crv%A• SCtnarr~Lfi~G.~c~. 111e E~~~rtit°Pal~ ~ r a:unir~iN1ta11tE traoisI(iro57 itkmmunilt :;iici d ekttv I:},~c k- 5 c,t ih ly~,lr.Etug ~uLdre•ti lilkO Iznti U4r' POltLV anc# . ~ ti!t=vOa,pment crgulakions. ~ 54 - rLdirNtiun aaf hrpa•apcOFIL kegutaIFions • ZQflLi1g F{'Vlsdttns e Jtii'isdoiiitrns ~ Aqk*~ariia~~;es LFr,swg~rd 4x I,n-iivnr- ,.iirig ....rnr~.nr 60 •wi KI I --Itt A giitirrna ~ ICc•j+i.inylva. tiissvisifsU7..l1 ~ ~ n'rJ,un~7rxprti,illsru• ~ kmpEi:mrielrcl by ni„. Ihii r~:r. ~ ..Inr{r riarandirN,bn ..li-i.1 s-- # I - n.r, . ,,n, n,,:-~~.~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 30 CoILibUrativr E'1rm.niri~;_ SF10k~MEk 1.fM nCy''i Mel r„ l lfh,in ~-1rC~vy1h Arc-ti ~ VO ~ rr Acloptlon {~f UGA-Irkr`GdC'.' irL 1:11 s's,U :,tVL'~ii,:;rV Dev''l{]pmCnt RE"gl..llatiorlS ' Agreii¢tent - Jtiriadicliottt, v'dr1},ltiaS iis,_; litiiw ~tlrAtt!~;►' 4ti'4 W i~j nc'c°ii !EI adk ,F31 avi ~,tr~7t~:~,}w{3o1ti€ Ftirup€tise lflt crt3atitan inE[rloEaE apreerr+en# thaE cffectiv+AI ttiE~d adaiE}Yinn tif.~r nL!w Wt Of 11'['A tra1115-JI'Cwt3UL1Ti61A~' ELl llie. apprrrFstdaie, deb`kYlll~.rylT9ellt TE'gulii1S}11R rllr ;]Liilp[I11i7 C1GIi`4 I49 T"L'ViOW 4It'vL`liip[774'flK pCPff11ts, l-kv rhe Cc~unt%-, bastrtp; te1eni k,n !f►k, i`~sue a},p.rt,va14, ti3nd tLyl(t)rcL. rht~ J r.6et'elrapmvrat corikext ttr,w orl frl,3,,;e. II ►t•oulti rtlguI3liiAI5 uoItlVr W11ii h tl-t~~ POMIltS El iffer frc3rts cureent arxnxrtg !r}° Pr~LIV id ing aTo" it;5.tIed. The,agreemen1 wml I.i . fcir drveIrapmtitL ~ege,ltsti{,n4 1hat ar~~ ~~IL';e nmd to 5pecif5' t17c- typ2=S of in thing5 lt1;e exaL~t~ng, re:~~dicitliril Fiat tegulatiibiw lhzt wMi1d aIPPl.V tc} sires, tvprof sRreet irnjir0Vt•nu'nh; alresrodv Llee LI(,A„ i1arir.vln}; whiclt rule, - " c11nStCL[ltt.d. Cltinill'lUatEilll of Lilld tJ.;t'G; f'L'15Z171E1 Cts1311tv .1C3d wF7twh 4'4'[)f7Cd , khelt sIYe 11tsw Perrnilkt d 4iIld tlrf'L'E1Riltli7'C3 (tif fL`jC'f4`[1i'r: i 1isiL?:d4}-. In aijL{It9i1L1. dht'. devekOPr)ICns v4°ilts r~spect tcs !.;trck,ts, };afks, oqeernent might n,'['d W iiiCCudc scltuuls inLl other publii p] aLeti, I hv nvve, provisions lor .i rn.]joTltl' [3f pltPClllt flglll2lf1t1115 4ti^L4q.]Cd !iNeIk ke4 i-Tt'a1A~., LI ZMll'I1g appOlt.7fif7C1 f145!ti to bL tr31i'speTfd','il lt3 _ C'nVirc~rImertt Rhm is tttiat`t-, kJilared trr 11lt L-iti~S ptirlKrrr}tiinE; F'rrrject revtcw L_i+n-i ntuI'L itx' alCNrTeq. ~i±s~rk~l1 t,tsetry}~ - Lit."o ~ai ~ - ~ _ ~ FElk irthk.' btlilbl' k'{]1711T'IaTITis thL bL'i1Gllf`; ~ _4u'tttt-111`1eti crr'1'orm hased" ksE+proailit~-, f1a ti7nd drai,vbacks 411 thas sleatit;4: ~ f,t lE3 [1tL reguleltioa1~s fal and iZtanagt the ~ k",".1l'R.}it1C13rytc5 L19'l;aNl ICiEe1~s7I4' 3ppro},eiilL k- + ° 5 i-+LYIoplisln o1 L?{.Arnide ReguI11ti.M13S NA Icl imF*mcnl illis sirakegy. Ehe fioflowing Ad,aMur, [krawhac4~ - M1141E75 i'4''Oulli Ill`4d 4U Lw t~~i{4i7'LFI15.~11'il' F~ixrJ~YiR•sl•Ilfi}, L.~4'.io~_.•. J.i,ol.1 -01,1e11 kaii,~~-• ~ f ro il,, eia~'= ' Area-'iY]dIL' iilYe11tory - Tlll ~IC, A R-Ja,it.l «pe0 1 iW, 111 ir.ilI5 ~Jwcc~~st.nIa~11•..... ru:ri. • mrilH~,.i~u~ h ~ti~rcJNs~ nt'et~ t~, be i~~1~er7iiarit~~~, ~ti~ith A In1 j~c~~tn l i,w ~ ~ r'I-' rmrnird Iit Dnrt nnt nnrr.5A iiiy L??.1titL91r, df`.w'f1;pme'1`ktcLIIId ICi412l':. - 111hi•fur-111 lo•"' enlyujkrr.umrn4i i'+31 du11 '.i Api m, 1. o: 171VIPi'+41T1-°d, Ylhril5I4eL1, ar~d char,cki•f'li'.S.`1I iori Jv. sninr.-yuai:t il.}r diLk'eOilP1T1.CT1t LlA ~I fltw - develiFpmenl regt.ilations • Zr3nMtig Cevialuns wvOrolal nved 1o a-i'vwkv dtid. pc r6i:ii,s, - rd~viw their dcvelopmcnt reiy,alaJiL#n~ ti:, k171r7fi'rnenl tl-t,! iiirecl"aon detived 5 ifllrIAHYf.i11k'i' P0."4f1111m;; Spll~;iltir° f ;+i7f111"~ k1rJf?Yi I 1II].1f1 f IraFk, Eh Aft-,i .~j - ~ ~ WO 90 00 00 Adoptlon ot C:ity nU tl lw rin p un H C - CimLi r ltV sA:tfl ~e°uail,.I ~ !r'iots,mit CilY ~Lnnrn('nfy t4l P1'0jVti l DE'1J~~~pn7C'.flt RegLilafiof1S rApplid: 9nls for lhLir+:d,n5ideratirn, ~ wIth CoLlf`lty Rev1ew a ek rti►ke•[ed F, i n g receil 3tof thc-, Citk•`, WO c c}r7Y~31e~~t~; ~r~ t~~~>+~c~n~mcsnfiin~; C'it~ In t}ii5 ~tratt i~t~ Ci,unke° 4~,'~~ulzf .it;tr~~l ■ Cuunty iitaf f reput# - `rh~ C~Ftimh'~, tf1e z[enit:g ae,d sket*tt de~igr, ti& }stdand, - tafi repi-art wrikild ir3clude (-irv ff'Ll[lt i7d+1;7EnIng 1`[lIiT194 1F?i1o1flLss t{'7 IPPIY t4.) ' 1~4 I rrI rI Wnl:s. willt thv understaatding ~ LirVk1L)P11}rr~~ PfO~CCts wi#hin tltic LGA.. t}tat xii~:~ priife~t r«u41 ccarnpl~' ~x~it}~ th.° ~ l~ftii.G t~~ciuld tn;uee lh~~t develi~prsat,il C i4~''s tiu~'eEi~Fmt ~Zt re~;ul:~ttons - arit1 tsear exis4ing u[i~~ i!~ enlieel} cc,n,,iMennE . ~.i~ , },~?ro'~~k~r~~, i.c~aitPi9i~r~~all~,' ap},r~*t~~~tl with i-9evefrtipment ens9d'e cifv IemiF";. - iir dti•nit d 1~ased ~+n tl}e Cftv"s rrile•., ~ d e v elc,p ing tando r ev this ha rnt3 eiala-s. L•t•can thnug h it walu ld 1e a Coij rilv "A -ril~r Cc,uri w~ wti u ft1 need ti7 rely' L7n (-itv i3.I.~.Yl7l1, tjlt' tf'.Ff11'S r3illi L'lFfkk.Id~l4)17.'- 1L'4-~1'L1iL~ a~crr7imc~Zt,'~t3 E~it ~r~a}~~e~3 iE~w~a]s~~±~~~~~~! 00 ,131ti tIlsu On 9{~arttit3g C r~~f{~r~•nit~ (~it4~' Cc~i~tN ~1t14C 1'eLl~riT'r~l~~lll~ Ee4~ ~l~+~~F~~~~,rE~i~oil 40 rkLgtrlafioflti IrL,rn r.^,lalt nttonirisN11i1~' Ta} otnVIt°rnent lhi3 srraie:gyr. IIIe ftrllc-r%a~jTmj~ ar#ioats wo u IcY rst e d it) be acx-omp f fs1iLd: wo l:9~~nICrit, c4 thi!, :rpprUach vAtotild htvolvc: ~ - 4greemenl - Juri~id irti(ins entiF,Et+k, ing, • Crty ni7tirica#ion 3nd invit3tion t11t; -ir.➢V wl1UId I11_°{'d ti'Y aLirrjiC ,Sn ~ -Thi-i 3rtion vw'ioulrC ha4'e lhe ( oualh' inlerIniA .3r;rL:s°n~a~°rtt tt+ ~~:aka3'k}l~sh tf~re I~/I notif}^' ,3dpLlining millldLipalilu::~ 4trrra% LintI C[Mditictinc for wh~ri cqw~ ~ utiltv~~ ~evvl[apmettit applica tion3 are arr; nokified c+f v,iricTUC aF'Pli4:sl0CI~ ~ made ititar jurisdichnr,aC hctiuildaries. and wliicki .lreas ►v rtfyin tfit lJ(;.+i I hC 110CLfIL3fiL7F1 1N.`L?L1Id IT1L`Ikt' CiAL' ;33`L'. .`,lS~~el: dtt] Li'hkth 6e1y's, ow it±rnmenl cin We Vn~PO;til, iltclut9irig Ihe agreeTZtersC }vttuld aI4c, ne{=til ter ~ ,g rev~ew od the applica#ion as it' mt ilf ec~;ulatTCiaIS I 11,bt ~ werty to lv dev41opeci :uE,jk- l Rt-a Wrnild iipFA}- tsi C[ic UGA. ►'].lrifk'tl'ig ~.-itY dt'ti't:J0pni4,,m1 rk~gulaliona which fB]I1`s Ck'1llsll[1 C_9?univ r1T`ftI ~ • C.iIy tomnttrtt -`9'Ite ( il3' t'Vf,u141 whicli woMrId re~ivk''I1Cl° ti'tty' {-{iLle;. jr7 ~ re:~po n4-i t4l thu Cour7fiV's I i-kv iM tion. :ticidipirm. tht ageeement n~av ivr,d i;, ~ applving ikb Jevti-ltl},isIL'rlt s_Vg1Fl,-1ti0W, LI'kL'IlliIt' Pi'€rt'kt+-f15 flIr 1I7t' L;hariit;; sat ~ tti, tltie p midy k. i11 tOrTiTOnp' I'IIr +.Iovtlopment applik-,9it,n feeL,, !-:iEtii s.. C'nuni~• of Jlcr~wibEe cioitFlastS a nLI FIa tsnerk on bi7t}1 ttl tlie c 'stv II n1IK ~ design lialc~~, wil] lr~} riiu,alvt-d in k,risjrrr rqws+•:~ J «C ntili=awiG~ii ~;Ir.°~t~*TLeL. ~ ~ - Cun 5islencv a ud it - Cf kht, AL()a_intl 3 clevr;,lopmtnl yd°gLalaliorv, .3rid d[+es not adcfpt a11 !°e]ated 4-iEt ctodfs lhai woulc.l :onti•vivaLily ,ipp5% ~ { } 14, deVelnprnenl. tlit, jur6sa-IscErpriti WrIJwM nc-ed Io re4'iiaw appfi{-,th,le 90 r 01i"~, t0r' CiaW,atikC111:3. ~uitl rwl;e 10 I 32 [:_olitiil,oralive I'ka;ming: SF,cakane C4iurrGv`,, Mt:a~'ro i L`ihrm (_,r'rn-oh Ari•o fL'tiltil{?f14. ~3ti ° SfaFf It+iValVement - Tc.± ti]l5u1'e ihe C' iur1lt• !;C:ti}t As. i iiratea5' tnterr7'tl~ ~-6s4' r'til~Fw, ~r ~~•c~~al~i ~,~~~~i' En - irrvtst littit iL, leaa-n ritN. devuIopme:nk azit{ City 4tirf qVe111Id iic-eeC Ccro hi 355i;t CtaurtitV 4kLi tf as netiitifed Liuriri!h{ n'v1k'w pP4MCLti`s. r3'1.E'~llf]!`..Li~C'I7tlfli 5vr}lllLj nl,°rd kcb c x }ry{„c f a rtii s u'p f'cirt ~la:tt 1e v el 4,'i ,ta ft dvqiica lirj n. • RLUiew process uwditicalicins - I Itiv Yvti•elnpment rsvitw prs7ci-,sus WOUltc rwed 4o E+t tltuiiilied ls, LI4t-OUilt for lhi, . AtiEd~fio~aljl tinzti, 11141 tFai,lit be t(, aciomr[oon-Iatt fihj,~ k stra !evc•1 ti# _ f`OUnlV Prt3j~`Ct rtV€t?qv, ilat:[urjiT14 .311 4-klutat3c}nad peraoci lcs iri.d`orori UG.4 PeoPel# applicanks k,r' khe riqeairen,eitit ~ tc+ Cur7f€arin tts r6ev dt'veloptltie ttik I I.'nLitilr1oC1_`}. i`Stppl]L`ltil}fl fE'k'F. lilrl~ LiIso need t47 hi• in4'reasod ti; rtlllcl ; tile gteizter clemand cin stafr sin,e. TEt~~ iable Lielt,tiv yLImIYiarIfPC 4he k-l4rtelitti LS11tI. L1faL4'bZc"ks of tl11ti ~tia4L'gy S$- AdIlp I Ilp R{'gur+l#li}fM4. Cd3k117tY RL4'Yt`Y4' 4~twaaud~,~, H;1 rawAr,x1~ e 14<r.lilriMriw, •ll:'iril'Iri.rrslnr;r k,:,iQnK ui-ta~rninrli.rn. e . b:illl,tarn koquiu-,. e:M,p,nnirl1b - id ' `Il", 1.4n11 'HLnuw LCA t. ~ Lndli•Idiaal 1 61 er.u I.IVf 4. I ~•.+i.• Rryuin3 CAIur.l}etald Ia.~I lu+h'.iFxri.lr-~ ir.Llcln;n,ls.ri~Nh - -iinrwnfiliri. I ~I11M1I'r TY.1Y.11TRIM1fl5~t Rnl t1.y.11'r-1v10al1 ~.rpr?iou~';u1'`rrnlf~u. - I}.i11i-1.I0I I.l L Ji -I I 4 C-Ill! 1LI M411a' i l'411 I IJA 11111 . . .._lii....l.l.-+Ili'I,. 141 1 Ol1 11~pl']1:II•Y ..uY . ~ill'iii A~ ~ i~ t i~ vt_ I1i}1lkg: Spilk.5f'It' (.1}Sl?ll}`5 .M['fFil Cifilwrh Af{'a 33 h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rfi~ k._ i1~~ 4,Pfici,~l r~~,r ,7~-ti+,rti ~~li~~n c~~ ~'ii~~~ ~ CfauntV npFification -t_'it~ ~-t:,tt W0111d L~evelopmen~ ~~gUIations r~ trar1!At11t L:ir},WN O,f Ehie stFZEf rtporl t{, V4'Ith CIty RevICw ihe Cor,istv fsjr revivw ant~ conimew. 90 1h is titt'atc~;t~ %vsku Eti9 a~d~ FIicC_'ilv tn h tc+l i i v i 11 g tfti-L Ca,u nk y crf lav.3 ri n g 90 1.i ke mc r p- lEhil it L1;~t~'s Lit~~~ t~ctri+~~rtitttde~! acti~3nw. r«F~wi r+~t'tevti• re~F,aEn 90 fur aBl drvel{ipmt-TiR prc►jecis i4~idt'tfti ~ CitV acliOn - 1-h4ry iC'it►' Lrtuul~ dL:t L,n thV wo fhe UGA, appI} in~ nttertiacirt~tl Zn~~,ip~~; }'rc,je~~ a~ il it tiwn'~'e tiw~itllitt rtiutiiciFiil Lind wtreet dtia,ign 51aildirds a5 it QE,t-~. ~~ouT,4jarie5; ricrtiei,°ing the app6icant 040 wvre 111C.Ite'd WiChin iil4' lrrttJtL.. ['ati4 14 and 0-10COILiV.tV [xC tltyLi-Sita» uut{,i,reiev. 90 intenLiet9 ter enwm re that dtvrEop!]leili I41 onipEemeni tfdiS Strattg~', rht,- rnflrxaVjj,g. 90 neas' vxiLstiitg iitie~; i-, compatible ►vit~i aelionc wottlci rgood to be ac'romp[ish;-d: ~ ~idjaceni cl~~~•el~r~+rto~nt.'t'fiv (:c,irnl ivould ntec3 tn rClv r?n Citl' 110iifilrttitFa-i ` A('yrtemctil - ?umtiLfictions 111111110 uf comltitttd periL„~S dijd hvaring,c [in i9iv eriaplov9n~ thic straMcgy WotiaLi r4i4rcC WO Fl ~~t iE~l~rl~,~al .~t~~rrit~n~~~~e ~,e4~]~+.y;~e5~ 4E~*V4°ic~~~rtiettd tL, i,ttVT inpirt rsn ktp at~~?F 90 dhe prc,pcbLed prcipccts, Mkang a .,h:tn4i,- {°rrer1 9ti°eE}? tr,en5f,erring autltcrril~ off.. pkiwition itt t1evtlopanent rer.it'w. t4ti ffiv :~~~l.,riapri.sta'ctljc's Icy rc~r'iiu det,-e1opment F7ernlil6. eti4u4 app5't,viik, wo E_I~~nir•Ttt~. c+i I}tiis OpPrnSCh ►r'L'uld iittO9VV: aollj eitit¢ft^Li tl`tt r'egl.l4nCitiaras iandet Ciky nokiFC.ltirrn afxt1 invitation {vhi41, the permifis 3rc- issutd. C'Jtie ~ • - Th sti~;rett~~tiEtd ~~uu1~{ al~zc~ need 11~ if~ ~ i~ E~~ t i~.at~ ^~'~.~ul~ k~~~~-c~ ~ 31i~ ~ i~~i ~ el ~ rk tti~• #-y,pc- (i[ r,_~~;iil~rtiLiiis tliat »~t,ij lti c~l i~~}r ;~t~~+_~irtirti~; rYiuni~ ip~ I iri~ ~+p31F tc+ Ihf,, 41t,A, rlarifvii7g vch,ci, ~ aF' heo1 ~t~.s~. a:l pnit nl ~3}'~~I i14~li~utis ;~rt- rula*s remaeik Covrid~ and wIzEcJx wettild m~,~i~• n~}F~r ~~~ri:~~e~tir~r~~~l L,~,s~r~~l.jr~iy~ ~~~c~rr.~~~~k' A-It'v' Ili ~1~ifi~~ra. 1iic~ ~ C'~ro° ft[b~.1~]Cil[CCPJi k~'t'itl1d irl~~1tL' C'it~~ r {~greenienM miglll r7eiLi 1~, rs~~°1utiL' ceimnxerad L ~d~ t~~ a rivoew of tf-it° .7PI)IG.'M1oe1 if, il' it ~ a~y},~iwr~i~~}r~ fie~ tc~ ~e ~r:~n~:F€trrt~t~ Nr~ we ris !c, l.,R- d evc, 6t iped ~iuL,jek s tr, tfii' t~~ri~s ~+rnjec~ rr~~i~~~+,. L-~i[ti~ tl}~~~~:°Ct.~pm~~nt ret;Eal';yEic~ans_ PcLrf~;)rrrjang • • Cit~° 41,~Ef r~epcsrt - Ti7~ Ctt'' 4~,~~pu9~1 Cstinsiskencv a~adi# - If 9 8ie C~ou,itit k- adiavtscii~• divelt?pment rt^gkidmi+3n4 ~ rC'-F-}3On49 It- id~~ CAJun1.4 , inVitLi1iOn, ~rt41 ilS~fi'$ TiCI} rl{~i1i,l ijjl rt9r~#ct9 ~-it5' s3}~rl~'in~; iCs de~~~~IfipCllit'1R FS"fy'il~~~ti~*n~ 90 l c, l h (:~a~.~t~;~ rl~;~t rc~Lrlci Cc~irCijs+~fr~t,lk~ ~,[~F1C - prr~,j~ct ai~~i ~,r~~.~rii~,~ a ~lt~f l [e:F kAe ks, kIvv('Iopm[Lm. !€'ae jurisk.i3ctit,n` 10 rxomlrf nreLl FR} T9sview appEiaable ~ fLlk`; 141f consl5te11Cy L011d [al.l~ai• ~ T"tV'7tiji'!T'hti:i4 F77k• Staff inva1vemenl - G,urik i ~ldiC~ 40 r ~ worjld nett'1 tati partivipate a') tlj(' itfe(.5' vg rE_j.~ie'~ti i.sl de'veIu},mt=ait 4,eoj('~7k 3as 90 VO 00 34 ( oll,thoi-inve I13r7n~iag: Spt)icarw Cou~~ly's N1etai., I_ir[)1jn Grrrwtl7 Arcaa WO Vd 40 ~ ~_i~sur~t~~~.~F~.i#7fiF4'~1~`sgtir~, ~;~,i.~s.~{~1~~• ~o n4qtikuilt %v illi 0 liller COrrntv rwi Nes ,,nd reguiafia,nw tha# rn q."ht:ti1so appily, .i ri4i lo t-nsure liZt• pr~~jetil l-s ctarnp,z4ible itii ~u]johoiorrr, dev4:1npmcyrar u€ILit:•r C{?ufM Nuri;d9,.:toitin. - Re+riew process mudi~cafiUrt3 VCr,I4Jci ne-eti ti) }-f{14'Tl.~i' ior rhe inimudiake iratdsfer ust projects w,iiltin ihe Uc=;A tcti tltv appropriate i iCy fiJF fi'L'El'ki' at7L1 pFoc"51ng. fsrforr-natitin 11tit CountY provic1es tcr ;Ss,te neaa! pro3e17 t,1 pp EaCa I I i~. ,wrl,j ttti inclLR~~e 6flt- k}rtaj4'4'C rek'It'w proctss,e!, for thr apiVrupri:i lE, i:jlles l 11, . -tE,T~.~ hdow sue»rnarizt•4 111r- bm»kfiEti a:~li.j i.I l::",'~~['s+'~,'- -11 .iz•.~.:.°S_ _ Adu4rf [ iev Hp7'Ld.tliom. t il ~ k .4rlvaohlages Uraxbn, Lr I:n,V:i3r+ I.W r.si) Ifr.A.a:.a- <<ni4nmL'nli7r 4-111jr.l rarir W I4: A hF I i•di r iJ u u I t-I I I.•, C-rlRlutfr. f_il.in6r rrilelom, ipiA5 , umini.i ui. d7 hyrl i u.iM x.elcimic 't i I y'. lKlweT;i Iuri.,IJlL ii,.r+ lnLK .nd rr~m•s• laalJlw.catrain~.- I. I1n,1 I r:L~n~Y-•r,1:p-~,~Prr4f*1vfif.,~ nrann-cnrlir.Fr .rlnr`,nfionn P.•q,llli'. ctilrmiT• 'Aw appli- uir11 ri15,~eIPtir?i.:HrhJrrtu1nn rL[i.sll. =-,m!•Itirk IiuI.Mre,Rrhnra 4.wI..CA a~nl~IVJ. Ei i t`1A v 14r~1a'.rs d•rn.rn,f ,i i I:_i}~~ii~}iiP1~~5;p• ~4I,3'.~I~Illl~;" ~$rti~.,Jf`IP' ( ~'il.~ll?t i$1i~.'~flf ^I~+,.91! (_.~I~i+,'-'1~1 .•~''~'I ~ • ~ ~ ad ~ ~ ~M i~ TaI1tr 5.1 - IrnpRrrnpntalian T75~~ Il4'SIeaCd[y}° 'F1i11C 5ei - l-1wr slrrzlFi;iiTc. lilill.cet4( e Gsitrrlarti'a! ~}°rP~mPf~l P1rfifi~i'~1rtCa ~ kl rilp~,7 ~ . ~ ~ ~ G = 7 . 1 J ~ - ■ i'I~..-.•n~ , .Y . ~ n _ I ~E.ili:~:i~.~€~r~il~.yrd.f!i~'i.i o- ~ . oih..ili ~u iun"i •s . 0 ~ _ 's , ~•ril ~ -rr~r PIppbuqll.... l, A 1! 76 w ■ ■ * 1-..tls;iY0u111Lllilql _ } ~ Yf~k~'I Wryr.~, - - i n.L-urra phurnir.g i ~I.~II~:~^'~~II'161ia?T~ ~ i , ~ ■ ~ . . ~ ~ F. t.~nu,1- 5 {~S~A-,.Al_.rni7dnrd• " w lvti~si-I~li,.+en.~i~ x ~ E e t-, Ado,pvU~H.ilrilrregli.[u11o4i.a ~ ~ ~ ■ 4i L fl~ rp :v~l hi,+ile i+l I77 4 I t~1r~°:w 4`uYF~uni i pi~~~~~~~I -n~ p ~ nunlu.eFluri 11.4 e - ~ IiiF 19.16Fhiill 9.'.-II4' r ~ • J I`LIt erimmrnl ~ s • 1 Cnrnrne.rih n ~ ar k ni!wlr.ll:+•RStrit 9. fAlill]4' bAl[7 f.'FVtl f 11 Y Ii }A 1 tioum.ly'PnnLi ■a x K k s ~ LL•e ai'A.lun -"l1 5 nt.tPl It'pnYl Ida~d usrr[tI"1C M ~IrlrJ6.+~11 a~GleT~l+~'~11 Yi ~ s • f ' . s !4 ♦ a y ■ i 41Y.m. r a M lsr.!S fi]qIIIt IfIGi 'X 36 ~:,.rlfA~~►9,ll,vr} f'lariryarel. Spc7kar3e [=k,uritv"> Mem, l !ab,m C3f.cn^vth Arvra M1 ~ a n ~ [~ter oca stiit? Ce11171l 4'. 11Lti* C'3fi4' taC ~P[s~ti:lilk•, City of Airwa~ Fleirhts tht Cit~~ ~ of Spt}kaiie 1`allcv. -ind fYtc- Citv c1t I_ehrefv I:s3kiN lugeihee regulatc. Iand s{er'aTlt3pntvrtit I 1-i klre inotrri pc,litain Spnla.lnr urbti n g r4,tiv th sirc•a (L?Gf'4J VVitlt il tu111lairIE-ti POPulLiliLjfl . 6) 6 mu Ct' IIm n 300.000 a'e_tirLi eji,is 4Fat4 43Tid I~.,ct~] poputatitrn fcir4i 3stt pTi°E1iCl 111.3t pcapultttaon va'iIl cotAtinut ts, gro}v oer{+r iltv nexC VV,T,%, ir,ditafing t.rtat rr,{-r,.' a,, i 61 k+e 'sncreati.ed pr~ sstire tt-i dcvelcip ~ 9and withiri Ithe ureiii,:carpor-at4ki LiGA ~ 10 FwM'+MMOiklL' it_ 6'hiS Wif.J aMp~ld whe genw:r.i l pairpo~~ gov[rrnmentw eharged with n2gulming fan+i use. and r ~ il. wil'J alv{a inipitck lhr-? entdtaes cl„rgt wi#h prd+,•idi ng !~pvrial FtiubYie fatiilitie~i ,iia,.i serv oc:v4as tvdl Tfrl-q report prt-s-ent-, 5uvexii I stratt};it.; !he jurisdiclicatss, c.in ~-ran~;ic~er to jit:3ke the i ~ InMIc,d dilLi c,utcc,rnr i,t their rt,llabotalive ! 1wit1 x~tit actions mor4• prto4luclive_ Some concesstaate on revisi~ig thi - hy w h i c h d eve 14 1f1 uwnt apPl ic:lti4~n~ eottsidkre4d. d 1thGrc, CttiAIceF1tYata irtti tnort skruckurF7G ~~ti15i[3ttti~ 1n«difvingio41eti - ,in4i teicrs}'c*rritig revicw and approvaE aulhtsritv. Lacl1 slr3t~gy r.an liinckioll Liel i#s own or, Frf Maa11' Cdses, cAlt Etic puiek-kj 41'tttll co$heYs tc, en-,urc dhi~ rI1L'Irok1r1ierlF fL7C Ii111d l!s-e cliC1U115 1-9 EL'"PF]Pl",;14'k: ~ 3TId CcFI-I&Cive 1,;I 401IaEaOrd#ion. , Y 'l'hi slrale~gscs are 1101. V iL~tiVVd a~ I on,_ ' ;':lZi?-fik4-d1I 01~fipC{1dC'h. E-:i7{Il IMjSLIId[1Ail } -t' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d+p V rAt~'S W itJI ,a tl I 7tc:I uL~ SCl. nt Fltl likt1Znice orid Ilfe ti4'cwpe crr tc7pirs to be ~ and r4ilCs. Lich Portion i,f the ~:it_2A is 3ddl°e5nvd 1n zin Ii1kCFIOCaI 3greeI11[".fll ;iiso tanid]ue, dE,rr,;inc3ing ctose 5ludv of ~ F54'fI1T1{'ni i4Str,a~; a,E,ri tl,c- ft;r~,~~s fli at yrtiat~ `~i~n~an~ ~n~n.~u'~ (~~~~n~~h h'E~na;~~~°~~to~~ ~ L' F~•s•ringC+.~nry~~itt~~Y c~f Ltical ~"GecteL9 imFltie~ncda ~°v'lCtll wtrate~,y' is I~lt ~S~Tst fi3 -.~Ti~1 ~ UltiniMt:lv +.#ciee'niilttx 'sii eFfi,rC 4 5L1L7CL^ti--, LlFficia#~ ~~~~opMeti a tomplatc fnrsuth aii k1L,rao 1"rairit=and Ffve Mile I'rairiv ,-are ynterlocal a};rrc±rncnl in tlet spzing (}C 4007. ~ swc, vrry cl iffe ferrot places. T'hat Wtsj 11.3 ins, Ffiat lettiplate prov icf~~ ~ger1esa] qrurttase ~I Dokvna-ivc°r. ,an4i F'underusa alLo prescrit i(,r idt°ntif5'ing t}» va6i,.,u-9 cxpeclatinreL~ ~ ver'4^ d iffle rV ni, tlllt►] Ue 4c311i{ICi(+rrs, eTl SI 101' 1, 3rld YeSpnn%ibilitles, LiStab11Sazirig :s tl,e s?r2~tegie5 thostn clepcn4:1 enfirrA[~~ i,e, ~011~ist~5s~t f~~rtY~a~at +~~~itliin k~{htic3~ Ni,t r~ I 1641 .er~ra ici L~,~I~ii1~k ll~uti• a~+pC), .1 `id Cnlrfae? GrtLlivtdUaI ]LLTLsd2[#1[xns caRcLS#ot7lire ~ F~:ri~~i~~°yiti,ns llt~it ~~ill :~t~r~~iati~i~~r tlletn - ~°41:~c,n- t~.~ i~ee~ ea~.e-~,~~<<-t~;£ cic~~31a~1~i~. ~ Rt'g7r41awSti cxf tf1t- s1raFegi+:tik-lioseri. ~po k,afic Coun tv ~nd !he C-ite- E) iSpc) ka 3 ik ~ 1ISe parEiripafing autrsciis'lit,ias in carl7 ari e113+r+' negcsliMing All interCO"I coI1~~[9r~ii4an ilfcrri z~•ilI rreed iwk rt.~c11 ~;rterrYet~t in tlz~~ ,b7wrr,~rl Pr~itrie 3rer~ ~ a ~;rt~rala~nk {j~r f~~sc~' I,, ort~~l4~~+'rnk Il~ettt. what t~'i11 !~*5t Ek3i: Eerit~,fatr,•. ar~d }~e~°j~;~F-~: ~ tt 4•~•'y~~ltin~;te,n. tl~,r ~r~~?I f[ar ~It€~; t~=~~[~ i,~ Itif~,rr~i Ie~turc inl~~C~'~~II~Jhl~I4.~L4.1l ~=Pt4~~•~- I ~ Cc~~i per{lfftatl I tia a1 inl+.°eluca Q,3g ree rrai Lnt, ~ 47uslr,nlizc-Li fr:?reacfti.1PPIici Cioll dr,'l What to IC1Clude ~ odnp%,d ll} 43i'Il lL.g14i7l]S'k' body. Tfli' ag fee rric- rZt:~ ~PVTI 0 iI k li~e etFreL: ka tin91,q <tI ,Ll lnterEocaC agrtiemtnlti CL3n of 3il.,:oa,sernpc1 jjdriie~r tc, craft an►I cvLn mtiire cEsa.lieizging !w-% ~ aderrtifvirig ths mcadic 1-1v ra•hi-h tLi put lktt! n,yvig ~ile lltreru~~~ ~n r~dcfi~~kgc~r~ ~,r~,cess. `i hc Liecired cta11L3bs,ra lion Ltratig it-, L, tnk , a4'Ii cstr. Tn;,re ;,tmple Dgeet}men[s t1zaE .srt. , c:4-styfirted r1 prinripac objec-tivr of lhis reF,d,r-t i's tcE tci specffic ar~a~; Lei titincern :~ppede lo b{- 11iv ~ 1i.e9p jurkdio~~~ns- I.ake inqfi.i9 sreps t4i znusi successfull, lirniiing the;Y rcoch and co I1s CCi Er tliese ag reclmiQ lll5. CL 4}tsku[tl ht'Ip aPpIlCat1o]ry. If1 ll104 f4gaCC, jllflsdiciioli:< facifitatt 1n4f grside wi9[]aborativeartid itataking 1.0 L'm1?ark tar~ collabearaiix-f- ~ equifahJe iiilvr1LMc31:igreemEn~ 110g0h.1tiiirls, Fl.$nrlietg sh0uld carOftLlkV MnSider thtb ob~vctivcs, scope, prrotity, timin~;,, ai-ic€ ~ ll1u~ilralc-; i])C it`PeS Ll[:~Ct20nr imF,lcntentaLir?rt 44eps ea11t inwricacal will ~ ra~-h , 11 Ih{, various coklaboration skrastYgiei Ct+nt'liGi, liitiiting them Io IFie it-isues at ~ 6JTkEtlleti. I Fllti 15 E11teilded t[1 I?v nic,re 11 il rld a rid c lcarly d tfinI ng I hr exaeret r,E rv p re-;en I.ylive i i1a r~~om pre lav nsive, rnta.°eLlVE11'11J4J1-rit_ inLiic:ating fihl• iCvel O1 ~,•r,elc nc~cr~,~s~~~' ku ~ imk}leni-on7 et1ch 5tra~c~~~;., put intca Mlx ~ praetice.isltierlt+calagte4}rltienFs.betweeri ]si4v. rlcrctylag ree9i tiL, n#, aru gen[!ra l purisdit`Eiorvti wIII Ll{?trL~I tL} kCITlyldl'f C'ilcll kit ~ove r nrnr.=n(a l ial 4,1S, etl ciIyleLl h)' kht ~ 1l1c•042mtYnt5 adLn[if~ed fi_aC EE~~- preterr~'d Inler9rx.al C:ot,pcratioil Act f14CW 3W~4), ~ 4lraEt t,iv~. TI1is 1a1i1i Latotilaj ftialp kheril Ec} perrtiii Zucal uniEs 0 gntsF, Phi' rnmtlii:.tti<wns n~ ae3ch straitg). ~ ~ :38 C0IIah0r11tiVe ML1174141g: SpokanQ CoupiIv'3 Mi°tr+, l!rl>an Gr{w,,1I1 Area ~ ~ ~ tl~4~L~tlFiL'I'.~itt." ~,~11~1 ~:1~311•.f ~ir4~~~.14t~'ti Lal~ - E7f zrautu,31 a4.[vantage." Tha-N° PrV ir.,quently used tt, sh.are retiFonsiL-►ilitics, ~ .17.ir0rig set'eran I~~C~1I juristiiL:lis7VlS f0r ' ; . c1;`isI Irl,DM J.JW (111fo3'ceT31e If4, u1` tt.r d iit Litc- li7kt' lIbTafli."i;~harr r~.~source~. T}7e), .;i u llLy\Ib [e: Ll nli tht-~' &;r'rVqL nj,-snl' 1t e!v.24sentia] in an it,ti=rEoc;al .;reemenk. howfivrr. tht71 i9ie 4yxte ii t sA ,r5 LludloriCV, c4r itS SCOFtik'. l1-C defined .-Iriving kiav n4-*d IFor tkat- igetenbc•rat ~ 11 11greiumentw ean addi«,: - g ~nd pi ,4c=nli:tllti' lkti1) s'L I t .s•~ ft pressie1i as revenue shareng {pt-rniat ter.°s, vrtfperly tax(!*, salz}s iaxes, a»d uthtr es), cw;l s11.iring f,d{'voloprnettt 'a•1°Itiw. PlIlilii: ~afE#'~~. trimLiptSrtaticril -:,4 ifilics, Ilt+rarfL-5. UllWr Cukts'p. :riiq,.id rnati};smlliorti. prc,jed rrvie"• stre'Lt dc,-,ign st~1ndards. fr _it•~•d-TOPTTZl'TlE T4'guItali,rn~,, cEtve1,pminl ie4*j rFr{Rcew4L"k, i.ra n!;#a:r cil };ctiVeretvjtiL~jtt. l,irmc'Ni7#icin, inc[tirporatanrl], ,IT-i4i s4r I They ian+:v'eaic}a fraillxL-Wi.?rltlcrr I Illiellt9.~111~ l~~l.lE`!, Cyk 4'i~T~lii7i4~91 l'c:tllli'E'[1. Wh[} I?i Spokane'+; lJC'rf°1. iZtp1 t3l1 fp+.`i. ~l! i 3Sd.iCe9tbitti T3t~td ~ia pa rtic- ~patt 1 T1 . . .4'i`]'}" inttCIl344a1I. I!rt !Y11i]ld'.iFt'34, Lif'I I =111i'fILll;.11 dgTl„'i'filrl'ni 1"kld}' i11v11l4`t =,psr];atte CrruntY and tanly nnr cTky, !i .ie10thtt5r, il i`taLxV inV01ti'+~ 5P()kLjne k •.~;.irrlt' AItLl ttVli r-ilaPS. In -;kill OnO1E112t, I l i-1s71' lRvl^I vti.' 4e11.I y E{^L'4} ti:9t3e`,m. j}le E+.;ri.its to l7i iitviLv<3 in 1t5 111 e i i,kerlocal reen1enb are 43efinrd l,v tlit. ttiTCa kLh °,f-iiE'h ll~e iatttrlocaI agrezment 'appIies. - f~rc F{r'eferretii Plt;nir," .1 l,,51iit,n ~irE~.~~ ;Enll~• lf!~O irt9lir;~n 4't* w ht; IIf1.91V 4..ifli'.1'ill i l~ W 011 d4l ititiii tk b },<<rtR-iE,,yIt' I n i ri 1k? rlL,tItl -1 grt'f mar) Es {-1ab6e [i_.P}, GLYn,:rallv, stfategies i1-iak irnpad iLik- prtwti;5VLN . kw'hit'happli1-mioiisare tic) le eunsidt re+l Ca C1 LiL' l"Qflild L'ri''d 17i(IT4 Li1fii!`L'g5a I I 4. C4"itib'iC:SE I '}F;itfaltk.'g i v?ti lha k k."17i F'Ml1,&, i 4 €h.-inges Mr+ patac9 us-e poliries, Mmes ~ _ ciess~;n stan~jar~~w [7r ~f«'~Ic~~~iltent ~ F; regtalai1k}ns, wi91 4•aJl ior nicart UiTHcIM' ~ e•v kol L]rlf}Il~.; kl j F~I kiclEtile tti7 4F' 4- f'4'PfT4 il1d'kll,'- f o I j ucE s Ll iC t iOn-,. Fnr CXariiP9L, ►f~~~ IF slraCkg4° ualling fprenEainced irttvr- iUri4ilirti0n,l CDmm1aniCatiO« eiaUlEl verv ra'efl at7p14' fvr Ar jurisdictiom ~ 9 lE~t~~cx•~e. l91s' ~lr,~t~F~;1` caIling fusT tlit° (.'OiIrlt~"S acifi,ption ot' 47aty devekopmf'n; . ~ ~ `•~~I~~~~ '~.'I: 11~1-( fL`r.,f.lll~}fl[]t4s L~'CikiI~.I dECte14c• t73::yE ~711 ~I~ + $ 191:ti'fiL}L".al aSgI"[_'t`mx nk I?+:> rear.•lwed bk.'1.37"e'1`T1 Ghe (=t,uEatv artti thax PartiruCm ti:39 k°. ~ ~ ~~~d~ ~ U +~~Tsry'r~ ,a i 611 `,[1rT1i' C,3i@S, iT11s°Y1 i,t~rI a gae.:t°ntt-- nkf, r YCFi1v ~'1t5o Ili"'i:d t{.} 1R1LPoh'%2 klAll.ef-, CI1..116 r~. r l%' ll7t [Tli'4ar pC-t9'a 14L, L{ i C]F1S.d IX1.15-F11~ . ~~ld tlieCountv. 1-'irt- s~-1~aMGrias, utilitv penx-i4<ers, liL+rarw~;, azad o4lZer~; rtj.)V n~~Ld tL, t,e inEludeci, depending cln iItu :,wpe oE ilte ,+rgrr;-enivnt and rt, Tam 19CCa17o11s, to isseres~ 4 Conceil'r lt~F ~'t~5~.5i}r~Slf,fl5 it'I"4'I.a'k' prC7vIdf'!'ti. Wlic) (-lzampkins ilie 117ftItKltal it. zi8sr+mn iMF,Oet.3nd icoiissderLItitrrl Vxi4e ag qeimi_ri4w rr_'alLtirC 1CgV.:1,:LfiVr' appr~IV.til, qO rl is iidtptra#ive Elral ~egi4lative n~emlti4r!; c}r wriir!r-Cevel ficirtiioiistTahtrori 1+c irwnh~td trorit tlie st7aXf iri thefr fiarmuEalion iirid ney;crliatron I:x'et1 Ihot,gh Iht= r11tIA'10cO! a~E~~er~~c~it:~ ~4~y ~1~~,11 5dY1Ct~1' +.rit}t i+Llrflnical is3m-,, tilt•ir inipleixtenlxtis+n r+~li~.=s o n positic al 4orn rnilrTitatit at kI 1e ~ highest Ievels. For iiiic reawon, M~,%°Ou-S. ~ LR+.- Cuui,rJl nle'mbry~,, Citti• ~ ~ 4ii ~.rplhhorati+..{y E'Ifonriirig_ .1)PtAkane Cs_}un[}''s Mcir(i lJfkm GrE_r4vih r1ev,i ~ ~ ~ ~ t'+?unt.1' i.cr1rzIlia::witrrtta!mI DTitj thx' In yIalQiti,r~ I-4`4i lIBfl7l1Ll1tti 111a k uen ►~L, Cous1ty Ad ti i irli sir;a[ti,r w hI I Yki-Ld L4} L,v grettt impact a{ rw;s jR1rltidRl tlaF#Z-j Ilflo!; involved C~ar9V astd g;enuirfel~' -4UF1PL1rf ran mt,tiv.ttE munit-iprtl[tiew tri 4hare Gf9+.' if1lr'rkJa_,11 ;llH1'4212€stc:•flI C17tUATt. reSpotltiiL'+ilItitS 3i'ld rfUtllclrikv. At iat}ler 11i1'l!'S' xl'1{e1'illc,dl igPeCTl"E4'rits k:ickuf 1n Wh{'r(' r'e5p[3n5e In opput°tutRiMy iai cfrategic• ~T Ea~ fl fk l ll~;, l4'~ll~ ll aTl~ f1~I~~ ~C`l~i ~L} ds'~EerE~~e~~1 d~;r<~e~troents ~ojtz~,' oiC~t be=;~aik~~4i kcr ~~I1 ~+1{.EF~4 ~`ti~i4l~in ilr~ L~~:~. I~ t~~~a} ~jk'9liVa'c~ tiL~P7Ah'thin~; Sc~getl~t~r FiI,i1 tl~O'k• 04 hel~.fetrl~~ r~tiyt .~i}~i~T~~3 inci~+~ttrt~teriEi~~ ~l~t.°flt]K1 ° a~~l ~II~iI c7f'L' 84 ;_srtididates forccplfabnrati}%~ planning ILoC all Fit.,rti6.rni 4}f!;Pokant C;ount}•,s ;.knd 1hL'I3 rL, ? priorilizti tlieni. T'ltie .'a,,•14xrara LIGA ~1 ~1 PruPf idL te f[rr i9ibe rlOta l 04 I'eairre iiitec•Ir?cai c9erives Ir,oni a rorrtmK}n agreetnes144 nm~' ca€l Ior tttitiri ir the 84 a:k,.sirc between ttie Citk° ol Spcikants ~~r~~ samt liRne, %1oran ]'r°ciirac- and tlie ti[Nc7k4nv C:ount3' !ci loti:ikv .~n aqia:tili4 Wi-11 ['ILlin!: }-e iir-It in Cirtic', l?iiC 04 4+2releC in uttitictwrptbtdke,1 tearitciey near q O{1tier atc-as, wllot°e tlle if5ues sre not prL,lcded UrlNIn eCi~tCr, COMM01' WiSE,Os prc~sin},. m4` ~~r il~l~: t~~ ~x~;~ii. .triLl a F}ris~aing nvt,~l fna° es~11o33,it~r~~tic~tl -q+awiiecf the rtiied for an interlOca! w'., ~ .ikreement fur iatat particular f~cLitiun. [ fl~.' ~tbi?~~1'c1~~1ICilN ~~{111174~c~~L` kl~ C~'131 I ~3l~'Pl'C14'.~k' alTT'4"'R1C11{S il'CL' c415tLFISlIt'.L'd .zgTeeT77oTi? T-, Llb~! }'[°I c~r•f~rT~l1F~i~~~~ ~.349! 11 kr~'ItUPC'4. w~£' s S~:;T1[.'{~ I{7 id6~i'~'SS ttl+~" ~Jfit~~LiL r4 aiYs`~~' w~er'' well t;E~ZE+Ci*~lt t}bt ~;rtauni~~~'~ar~: 4tp4f~ ~°~rol~car~li~~~ ~=~~la ir~cl i+.°~~~~-~J A c,1labnrrrsic,n ,sl rorl. Wh'rl4 t7ic StEerita~ firr i31ter-jo,ri5dictit~n,~l ~,cM1lFil~rarG~tik~n in the ldrget %-1Lfran I'rairie n€'iglihorhoc3~.~. C{amniittL~e h,i:, dtt~~lope•d ,tin.d 3F}prc+k'ed ~11 it"11l°El(ru'll tlgi't?oIt1en't ttntp0t'Iti', 6l wi~l Olfter areas ntae,' aIs{i he reacl+,' fr,r Prr,hiblk' K' r[•viwd itir ra,-ki happlii.atiott. i!~~crltpca[ N.~treA~l~~ L~ei~tg cc~rS~,iJert,.9 ir~ tlatb b'4'e~;t u~iut~~u~ i~su~s L~e#.~r~~~~n tE~~ Reffr{xd VurPtI Se gcjVtetjitrtrjt-I ljst,O f'f.tins 7reis in re-,'pamse tti ,perific• det'ultyntint prttpo5a1s. rls Ehcrw b,.~un idrntificJ tivharh t.uul,.€ 17e[lQ6i4 ~ Agrrf-,-menk?~ n4+:,ve forwar{i. they tria}' ~tL+tl9 E1k`~.',41EC~1l i4rt'f5 ari:~ ~~tpt~~~~tidl tli~~ 1F7I1FloceZI lgl'4'emen1s iI-LrLiUgl-L fhs L:cfvtsc teI lhiL, pri,jvtt. ;tii% l all i!;,; ue,, u L-L~ jiecussarty t[1 t!nsure ccrl I ihr, ra llvi ~ F,4anning aI some av ha r Ia rge r tiLa I k'. 111L'Stlve zE] purisdrtiLicart3. I11dividu:11 jurE5dALtio1ros hti1vc difftirenE prioritii:--, 1' ~r'11hC~r~ i,r whal issue*; iitFe,3 atEellt€~}1~~, S~~rdie~~€:, il}r,:~Li~;h Ilie pa-~ss il,,lr si 1 1?~a~:,~•ls i~riti l ini~ri~; i!~ ~~!:ta i~i~t,rk~ani~ ~i~rnti kimti'~ ,~reuti .i rta~ stlti n~; t~p aprI c, r i tsrvd ia~+t ia~It~r~lr,r~:al a~;reert~etidti ~~re bc,rr~ in w Cslill~~ t7C',~Il E'xtE"lt4"StiL II~''~t ~Il.'~?. L-~-~;is, .a11 ~%y4riitg ~j 11 i m nieLl ia tE} r,etd ti; t t k1Qal1 «r,ZtV On an imptkrtant i:stia: tl'ta l W aliii3 t t lie N4+L krL, areaP Sp uka il~- Ctiunti- outweig1t!i junsdietiafnLil relLrCtance-. A7a4 idui}1ifi<<d il At3iji6 Plailriitig Are~d} - Large deve-@iyinonit prEf}?i');:t14, c,r r-hang(•-, M'h=l ir~ ~~ildmt,n therc are an additic,na8 t=1111Ltil►c,rttlivu Phortirrg. ~ljr,kanv ( srttn6y's ~Mkvlrra [ Irb:bii 4 rrrjv,,1h r1.ut,1 41 - ` - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 12 ~~r~~o~ r~, Eiicls at'e j6jj j:_ELJIt Kr ini7 i9r~sr) r.itc! Li officials_ ThEs rt'PL7rE iradiCLitC."I lhAt ~ i-iC1E'i. atS7J [4.) SvhICI1 IYjeLr c3n h~ aL-,;arJ~i.tt=.J ~I,t•rc.% iti a ijLLed tc,r rull.ik:Nora.tim hi.K:rr- but for° t+vliich tic, li'A ~le j+le'psdlClwt.)n,3N plannar'ag..ind that Ehi: ~ Sp►?kane C'i-iiintv N{3rt1, Metro UGA 6~ a te41it3ic,fl L:arrierti rtgardiitg yt3['[rnsisWiwy ~ urtiique arez with a p.ZrtiruVaiC}' diElituli kitlwec n deueleMptteent rep;ulalioms i re i,Aik set of kiirr+:anl i5.4uc.`,. SpoIC3lt7{' CCfUIlIL' ES ~I1C] d if tLl'LOI t i 41 41vLPLoTt7C`- ~Il1faA I 611.t1'!"IiTt':lI rc'.-~ pcrri-, iEike fu r a ll +3t 4h c,s~- a rva Sp iakane r7getntie tiks, Pi14i' Lf-l11g CLy1`LSldei!'d ~ Ctl unt}' i5a ndtit-.sir}' pa rteiifia rtit in het we•v n Ih v Liruiitv a ttLl lllc C ils° of -inv nleaniry~ful ntigcrtiatic~~r artw wo►ils.i Sp ,kii ne, ca n iieRp es4ahli--h z tc,nrpl:i tc- It.w[L t4, tiign .1e1%1 'siiterlocal agrffnienk F4+r i«ter-Cu.risci"rklional tc,[1aL7ur-aEiuik in k9lst kv:35 lltc PrLI-LIUCt c?f s1LIr17 iri effOrt I fic tontvN k r:,f k 6id ust ddicrn Fkattii'c ~ efEorts ciin buikt! uF,c,ii thic templater ~ SPOk'7ne ~'ntintV 1~~~ -a g ree Ll i11 q-irnsidvr iien1- r:ttgges!L*d sl1 ihs' 'S4eirin!; 00 prirocipity to L'Xaniine a1C c?f lhc- afiez.~; Ct-,rnni ittoe'5 t~-iotivl. .ind be lailckrtLi iV kistled anJ tc, a(, iliree thitigs- ~ iiiect inclir.~idit~l c,.r~;~~nirr~ti~,nK~l r34~s~s f lt,k • T~+ t,rii~riki~~ 111~~,~ in ~:7r~{~r ~~F ~iif~`raull~~ (.4k1'nt~~'w OL+ry4Lt1iirt~~~n4 tr, f,ri~,rlti~.e arva. IiF rUPrtat?: st. tL+ dSCtit[.elC9 ~ [1i4; 1eveF of staff ci,«iK7iit«ienl nccessarv to ~ F Ic, a4w05-; tltie dtlifruT7E rrf staPt pur,,ue rbn!tie, a~;r+.}+:~r~1c3itw, ai~d lia n~i~i°t u~ith littti~w a c1 Lifl~.irt 49ttt t ~°~►ul[l ~~th+.°r pt~ris~iF+_tions r`~~,-ircjir1g prioritie,, ~ req ubrQ{! 1t D «nLiw°rlf3k- k•n~gotiatit Pi1:~ and EieEring irrdicatihs growdng 5uppisri ~ on an ankcrlkic~~ agreenicittt IOzlhk ~,%ar'# (3f Iff, • I'n nieet co9iertivk~ly with tht ~ LlCi;?5 c7fYd tC1wIR5 rS.} feL'{t'w O14' ~ t--.risirili;r.V{:I lrar Ltrsd tilztils~. ~ ~.ht~re ~dlr)alld be vai ~zgtVCrnCnR OrII«rti~ !w itll #he partie,; ab4iut the swhec-ELalc and ~ I; pvgitiL7 tinliag fnr ME7e-se negt) kiaI ao rrL~. po f-i+~kv eaih 5ti•t isf rtegcaRiLlt icrn5 is 5et is I cr 00 kie ditker-minc-Li. A geiieraJ pro+:tiss an4i Protoco1 can be e--,tablished The doaiic tcRr $4 ea+:l-i se~.~arale negr,tiation witl fiit3ue ko be 04 finah-r~~d ar9tc,ng IN, p,articipd5tCd~~ particti. AlE pai°kir.=w tns~inY iiydivi-Liua] neptiation st1L1 lle abIV tu rt!tommtstid adcfi[io[la f ~ tnpiCS wV11 itki C3i, be.}Ljr{vtj ar, t11Kt E,&wir ~ to~~ipIii rt°, I Itawe►•tr, all p aet'tcs kviEl h ave tL3 ~ tu an'i aJdili[sttLil topks being adc1ecE. . ~ Hokv 4pok.3ne Cuunt~ EtitEi 19te iabc= ~ anitnavipai;tirisdicticins m~ive fi,+G•w,.ird 6rtin7 PhIw r-c?iEik 1ti U[s tiw tjlt efet ir'L:l ~ 42 Nar7niop,: Spc,l;.aij(_- { riticjly',+ R•iE -trs, ! rbrm CafrAYvap p Deve op~mer~t Aen" ix A w p d Standards ~ + - - - - - - - ~ Tahle A.1 - Comparatiue Standards, Residential Zones ~ Maximum ~►iiniinum Lol Arca I+4inimum lul Widl h lJnitlArea Cove!Minimum Yard 5eCI~1Ck (Fronaf Al inltmilh Yartl Sel hack 4ilximum 5landarda hiinirnum ~ensity pcn$itr r~~e FI, nking) Ruiltling Heighl SpfiLiaeCnuntV ' P.!Tmi I Ied u:r.F, E,0n0 i.f. I'CYlnl I Iq41 n6l'6 -SG' g(f~irrl'F~r~n~ry~ua:lkefnhuildia~e.nrrrlrS 35' do I.I}R.i,un~UCi15{I}~RG6iArnSial tienit bv nlt5 ~InGICr~yrnill'-$,O~USf, Sint ICl`811i11}'-~U' I SS°6 H[5idthux-E3 . GupreX- l 0005. f. _ I]uplrx_SO' Gurage - '_0. I25'ilp:n1S'J ~ LD f,P1usLa+v6r.nxiiy lunit Innit r.!«ilfausL~ 6,anns.r. ilerlnl{cd,ius-4o' i Rr,Sid„PCf-➢S' gIrylitSl'FnrrcrrufnOflhufubuifr'ir{Rll(Lv~l'd ~ I ResidenlirlPli* $inDle Rsrnily - .d3,560 5.f. - 5in& ICl'1 inll}' - N' 55x I - (-,araU - 70' l „ 15'e01 tulf,') Ilrrnillctl usu • 6,000 0. IleFinillcd i~~~es • fip' hlDR - NMlium T]ensitv Rcyidenliai 6 unity 15 units ~inyle I~arnily - .1.2UU s.f. Sopg1-; familv •5[I' f4$ Reyedencc • la' 5 j~lird 1' frtr ~m'ry fun~ ~ba~ o byildi+~g r.ixrr~En d~DuplLN.@~Vp6s.F. 17opleY-$0" , Garage- 20' 25'iiptu25 ) + ` - •J . - - Pcrrni1l411u9PB-8,W05.(. fMrrnillcdu!;ce•fip' ' ~(plnsl'Furrnr.r ruuflhxfu6arJdi f~hrik5 ~ Hl) li - IlighQcnsiL}'RrSidL nliAl 15uni15 l5+uniLx Singlel'arnily-1,fi01)iL S~nEI~•farnilv•?G' ' 7096 k!sBdc~rn-1, r, y~ ~ 0~uplea-3,2UIIs.f. IJn4,ICt-SD' Gdra&C :0' ~~r+rio I r Rr.sedcnrr. 15' Side • 1' - y R,t-RC67d.mlialAgricullurc 4unit!; 'lllunit: 72Uu s.f. '1ly 'p - M% J - C,r,F~.'o' RL+r.~. 3~' - r 5' ieSF•Residri~tia15inglcl'amiilp 9vifiLS ]UvifilS a,3ap5,l, a~' {p,5q9{ RciidceiC~-l3' Sidc 3' . Rr,a r 25' 1 Cn, og~ - d0' ' - - - - Singl~ Fa rn i ly . 4,53l] s.f. Side ~7' - y ResiJence - lY rRTF-Rc51d4Pll.lrr%apl'amily Illiinitc ?fl nn3t: D vplcN•J,3iils.f. Mff 'p~W.; Gorage-20' Rcar-2i' 30 Allachcd hnuxing • 4,350 s.f. , IiNF-Recidenlial~luEtikmily 15unitr 3UuifitS ~°SjCI`ai7iil}'-I,`-'VUS.f. T$, 30 Rr.xidenrc•l5' Sl~ip-3'.S' } M~Crr'arni l~ -iASUS.Llvnn _ ~vag~•.?0' RCfir-5U' Sinslc f a rn i Iv •Z,SIIG s.f. ' kcil fl.:PCt -13' Sidr. 7' - y r RII6-RCSitIC111iAIIiIbIlPrnSlIY 15nn3tF I`+unils hiulliFarnilynnminimum!;.l.funit 75 SO-fiPR Qirig;-n~' xiir•10' 3r'15~' 4 7 SiiYslh Famlly k¢sldenlial 1 nnil rr.r Ip1 $ jxr acr~ 7.200 y.E. I singl4• faioi]}' pp' (PU[] 50SM 35% f0[d«'clling unil 25' Sidr• i; Carnrr]$' aml nulsEdr, rle, r Vir,ia lrlanblr. 35, {VU7IS,iA'Js.f.J I krar-]P' 7 - 1)nplcx-6,ppp§.f,{S,ppOa,flLm+4 puplex6W„Sf'pr.=unl1 131dc-5;(%nrner75'and014RefderltMrVEC,e irianh j R•2•T]up]exNceideniial ]unilprrlul IUffCdClC SVngGr,Famllk~~Glatl~r,~i-u,Ql7flf,f, Sli}gGr,Fa m llyi7lachr.df0' 56%:35oEordx~cllin4unil b $S' Rcar 11Y {PUf) 5, MM s fJ iPUWW7 p _ ! ~ Sidr - 5 pcr 9tur}'i C~rner nnd ou[ridc rl~~nr v ie~~ ➢aplLx.6A~s.f.f3APQ1imrtJ Qup]rxdU'.{30'~Irrx~irfl ~ } N3-S1nI1ipIC-I'andly'~c53d~~nllA~ 7unh~r,r3n~ 211~racrr rpUa0upfer&SrligJrf'eniifyrciri:s.S,dGGs,f.J Mohi-T~iini]}'6U'f~'UI]SP'J .5'~fnrAx~elEinyunil 5' triangh 35' F k,eEr-19' hianu facl uryl nq l unil . pcr lot > pPr dCk 60' , w $id~~. 5; Corm~r 7~ L[ 4V1511I1'iIl'J f Yll'N' IiLIINgEL' ~ -R11•l[uusi 6,UUD~,f, 35Y. fo~'d u v:po{n~ nn N ?5' 35, DF LD, i ~ S('l. orn i-Oxd [C.Ik¢. or Sddc - 5'IVri fi+4'i%4 nf slraorcrr} ~ UR- I - UrlxnRrsiJcnLialEslulC NGmiifinluindrnxiis 1pCrwrc: 40,onp5.F. 90' - X% - ?;'FrninlntVinr 10' %1 gle Familp ~ ]O,OW y.l. 5iduLlli-3.5IFrhanR.~idr.nlial5.$ ynminimumd~~cily ~V.35 cratrr Si n 3p' S0'~ 1RL3itlencc - 75' ~ N oupiLx - w.aonxE G~~*Lge -2u se4ff.213- ~ y I ~,,~~i $I nblc Fanii~y' 6,000 S.f. 519g1t FaniilS' •(~5' Hsidrixc i' edc - 5' UR-7- UrLanlir5idenliolf hui3iiuirnmndensiSw 7 4+Crar.rc: pnPlr.x-11,il0pi,f. I)itplry-9'fl' - 55% - Giirage -Zg' Rmr - arc 3E( SJW I Ainlii-FerA41i'-15A~p6,f, hldii-Fmpkily - !ON Fnr.iilula"iM1*i) `~3 - - SinglrFamily..1,7A0s.f. SinglrFarnily`.Il' Residrnce-G' S;dr•~'' ~ lJll-11-UINinRpSldti)tl-1 112 MnininiinumdcnEltr 12Nrrurc auplcz-S,OU6s.f. f]uplcz•tlU Gnrahr - w' liear'21.le d0' ~ A{ulli-I~arnily•6,09ps.E. ]Imlli•Farnily-fiU' I {Mulli~F'oR'ilylr'MN} ~ - - ' - - _ . . ~ Sing]L FaIsI ily -l,bOUS.f, 5inblL l'amllF -70' ~ Rr.sedmce•S3 5F_je UR•22 •Ur6anRcsidentia1 22 Auminiinumdensity 2ZFw inCfC Ouplez-3.2WS.f. uuplez-4p' ' 65% C-111gC.70' Remr'~~ ~ hlvlli-I~ryifiily-b,UU09.(. dlvlli-I'8nI il)'-6C' IhIufIlFuRi~y~S'rcnrl 1I ia ~ Pcia[hrd Sinslr Familv • d N~~r arn 17~Iacded $in51~ Famil~ r ~.UOU * s.f. VciAClied Shngin I'xmily.5q' Urlo[h~d Si Sl~r FJ mi lY fi016 5iAB - S' R ~y - yq~ wI•Sinr,I~~famikvResidr.nlial bpPrlCte ,~~~yp~niSinlrFhPkik 7`~ P'' ,tttulmd Sinp~l~~ familv • d pcr arrc tuacl~e~i Sii~61L r';~n~~l~~- a,OUG- 7.5uU S.f. kl«rl~~~ 5iagl~~ Fim;ly •'S b Y' '/J, eGty-~~15 ~nkJ ' - - - - - - , - - Y ` 11-cIJi'I1rdSing]eFamilw-6 pcr aCm S7r.1ach~yl;ingE.! l'amilr-5,pVA .7q,ppOs.f. qcdar,h~d;inglcF-aniil}'Lgp' Dr.fachM51nblcFumi]}' 51'M UupIcx-8 pCPJ{f{ f7uMr.x -70lfl -'121?fIQS.F. puMr,x -71Y . bur]ex- 70% 5idC•a' ~ (MrRykrcslrir.tnli1iitJo ~ R-1•A{ixeJHL~5dentia! RILnC1wtl5ingkFainil}'- dperacrL 1?rr.rar.rr, A 11atlilr,d5inblr.Famlly-n,Mp-(~,qopf.f, A I~ath;~l$Inblr.Familyp25' +11tacl;edSunSleFaniilf-7U% 16'f15'flArAilig?lrrrJJ ReAF.15' rplqpfrvirm wDh Nmrlr'i+{y .y~ 1EailufaCSUttJHanui'ark-fipcr ~rr M~, ml fpCliirtd HomS P., rk -2,5OUS.L Mai}U. Flnmr. FRrk.30" Manu(Ar.hircdHuaiYCl'7rY (~'mrtltry-OGrr.51~15i f Fll~~il TrcnsiliDl fJA+i~.~nisJ M1 Afulti-Femily l-luvsing•operxn n91i IkFFanyllyHousliky-?,OW-I-I,AUUs,f, Aiu11i-Ri mflyHrnisilLg -uU' h-0u1ti-Familyl-lo-vslne-70X 6rtar hed $I qglc I'a 15i i I)' - 72 pc i x're 6etuhcd Sin&Ir. ramily 4,011I1 - R.I}flO,s.F. nctunwa si nyit ril Iniiy- ^ -40r)rtuheJ $dnSIc Farni[y- fYfl% J5' ~ GuplI!a•5.11011-IQM90F.F. flie I'~a7~$ ~ f]n rlfa -17 ~f afrC I}iLplex • dU' N ~dc f.~nny Fr mslrklnt ~~ar frt ~ hllachedSinEIr,FAmily.2,5f10-5,~065-f, dGinhlc]~P ip ll~~ 7i1' Vd'f15'ffat~ir{ye~uc+J ~ I R-3?Iulli-I`~ihilfRcgidCnll,l ~111,~6hCd5inglBFdnlily~- l2pCrAh ~ ~ rlllachedSinglrFaii411r'Lttl' ,11 1 acLr 15 N+upJrrncr.nl~Ji6r+il.tiR 8 Alannf.uLkircd IIninC f arl. ,5nq S, f. Alanul1r.1 ured HUi1if Park r rlfl uPfer~ 701F1 KI,nufnCI%iiYdHmzirFnr'~-72~+cr ~CfC ~I anu.hfuinr Pu rk- 30'' f6f" 7H'rglif7mnsilfm+istoA.fsry1;) AI n!I i_Fyrni I~~ (q f, mily'} - 7.I1I111-1 2,R~10 5fAI ull i-I'a m i I}' liaii51 nE • 70% I }.IIIIII- P911l IIVHll451i~,C-IZpIfJCfI' Alnlli-Farnll}'(i(arnlly•)-7,(If16+g,(, .lli~lli•FsmilyF[uu9itl$•9U' - low _ - ~ - - ~ _ _ - Mo ~ ~ Table A.2 - Compararive Standards, Commercial Zones ~ 5tandar~ls Maximum fAk hiinim¢m L41 Afea hiinimum Frnntape Uni(/Arv,a Cnvcrage Minimum Y~rd 5el6ack (FroititlFl4-inking) Minimum Yard Srlback ISidjtfReirJ ,411zimunl Bulrding Hei~h! ~ Abirtl I ng C,prnrner: i'lJ I nf3uetrial -]p• hC - hr.ipMuhnadCummcrcin] ~VOPh None SIY 511:0 1I1' pbnti liig Rr,Fiacmi3UlZql nl - 20' 35, ~ itcnrYnrd-15' hhun i ng Carnrner[ialJ I ndustrial -713' f~ CC,-C,nmmunilyCuininrrcial iVueir hurit SIY AhuHinRRcsiJcullalJliqral~g kr.arl'ard .15' n- - IlC•RLinnalCnmmerCixl NOPf M1nI)C 5U' Ilonl I i~' ALun i b NcsEdr,n I iall R~i ra l 75' ~ 1{eur Yanl - 15' ~ I Ahnt11 nr. [nmrneK'IAI~ I iYduslfisl - lfl' ~ Cf}.4C- LirnilcdUct'elopmq nI rl re,Cafm6)Crr411 ~nnr. h~nnr. SO' F5% I 7~` ,1hntl InoRr.:idcnli2lff,un, 115' kCarl'ard -15' ~ fmmslroctlutlinc -p' Fn7moircr.llatlinC-fr qrrt~0,5 M1o teqUllr.ment 10' nn rcq uimnecnl frnm H•rnmed lut, ]0' Frum R.xnmd Iw- ]p' ~ ~ I f~hutl i nR Com m4•rcia] f Indusl rial - IT ,xhnn I ng Cnmrnr~clplJ I ndus~ridl - p' I'rom 91 rLtllolline - D' Fru3L' sireealat7in~ •U' ~ 4R , 01(i22ltx-ceil L hn rr.quinnwnt ld' , h'u r quimukcfii I'vom H-Y.wird Ink 7gj' Frum R-aoaed Ipd •]P' :Si' • i51( ~ A6utlingCUiYiOiPrCin]flotlu5lrialD' A6uNiifyCOP1~,ialj IorluslYldl - C' I~ J I Frnn,slrrr.ilnilin.~ -fr Pmmsircc111itAiflCtiR - MPl.GhhnrhnndRclail 0.6 N'orcyuiML1Mr-R ]fl' Jiqreq itiremr.n1 FI nn+H-xorir.dlnt - ifl' Fmmr•xunetll0l-10' 35 I ` Ahi~~IIn6C,nmmr.rcial/lndnj I rlal.p' AEuHingCunemCfriall hldd6lrial-0' - ~ fram si recl ]uL li ne G' FrGP) 81irr,i Int Einr-W II Hd111 • Nciyh6urhwd M1fisB41J5c 1 Nn rr,~uimrnent ]ei' Nu royuireuwul fram R•~-d ]at 10' Fmm IE-r.nned lol- ]G' dil' A6ut1 i nK Cam mertia]/Ind u sl r ial D' ,1h13111 i nR CnmoierCihlf I ndusl rixl -10' Fi0n151itCII9111nr,-IT FrOmihr:tllpt Cinr 9 ~ {a-Conkmn~}i!}~Anslnr~s 1.5 Nurcyviren-Ci1R ]fl' \nrrq ieire~acnl Fi6n1R-7AlLcdlpt-lfl' FfpuyH.7Ai++~dlnl.lQ' 156' Al~ukl i i16 CUm rocr('I,1 f ipd ii51 rlal -17' p I5~40 1 ng ['nnemcrrialJ I iidklil rlal Q' Frnm :1 rn!l ]ot I i nr •D' Frnin xi rrci lal OtPC-~~~~ 1'C Crneml ComnmrciaY 2,$ Nln fr,q uimrnent 10' T'u roquimmeW ' Frnm R•a.nned lat •]o' Frnin 14-Y.oilAtl 101-10' X-o' - 15u, nhirtq ingCommercia]{lodusi rial-17 ALuel ingCom~rcialJloduArial -ij' r~ I u 1 I ~y R~ar • 1~ i ~ \5,0f) f,*~.f. 31Y 35' {flo SidcYarJ7 55' IS-0•NeighLurhutid6usine5a ynnC 3(I°'r~keir~ Sfnrf 3S'J - ~ Rr.sid~nLia17,2Ups.E.(]) Nr~idrn1ia15U' (2) fsifµrrirt lfR-3.5 - 20'. RKidertfidf G k-IS 25 Residential. li (3) V ~ - - fad'ryvvillfR-7- Uk-72di1'Rrs~drillO~UR-f-IJk•2_'?i'J ~ Rcar.13' SidcYard - D' I I~-3l'OnlMiknlly•Vucinr." Nunr IteSidciw i4i 16,0065.f,{2J H~{~r~~{~~~,i~} ~i~o 3y{I~PN~i~gSfrcrl]S'} fsir~urriil[fR-3.i-1.i;RsiJr.uliclllR-3.5-IaJ ResAdentia1 •50'(,;p frrdju~'tnl[fR-7-{tK-21-I5'Rroide,:iyflf8-7-11R.22 .}5') - ~ Renr-15' ~ $Idc 5'~ ~ d ~ D' I K-3-H¢glUnahlHiclnL`55 Non~~ IiPSidcliliA16,VUUi.(. {1) k~5l~itnkiatd§'(?M oU'~ 3Y{Jlar~k~~igSrmri3S7 felroreulllR4,5 -15'1 Rcyidrnteal-fi0'(3Y fs,l~arrul uii.7 -1tk-2I -20') I ti ~ r- Rca r 1'a rc[ -1(I' r" Ynnc -r ajin(a)~r~ 3F' I GI.ItcstridedConmirrcial ~`b1le Nnm [mns:frumfori rtnirir~~ dltr~lY~) FrnnlYarvl-2,~r' SiLCorIcm~r Y Yard a r•d 5' • ~IS' ~ - ' - - - - - Rca r 5'a rcl - yU' ~ G-2-CCPCiLaICUnInICiiIlI hnmc N Gfi c 60' 60% Frui11Yircl •1-3, Sidr.Yard-5' Qkrltvry) 3E, I Cum~r Ya rA - 13` (;Y Itcn I Yii rcl - 5' fexn'ptfrc-nResid~Afral•1P'1 ~ IUO' ~ C-]-{:uimnunily CuiiuiiCil81 NOPC NunP 50' 60% rrvnt Y,rd - zp' 91dtYJdd-5' terp'ryf~~pi RrxiAeufrs! 1P'1 Irtdjrmn, R.i . JO') Itwu Yurd • 5' ~ fe-cedprfmm R-!F1ilcAfrsl-Nl'] i 141P' C-2- NcCwntCo6) roCYCldI Ynn~~ ~~411~ SD' +1OS }fnnt YAPd --d SEdL Yairl - ~ ~ fndjrmAt R-r-4t1 I ~ ~~rcr.~~r~fJruRe-FidlAfic!-N}'] li t 100' ydjamni I n d~signatLLd a rlcrini urrullLrlur llal allnWed uoky Witli [umumrcin] un Ih4• fic;t flnnrand nnly 54% of fl6Of -1 M1 I (yti=rypa% Imiiimh.hghlreduc+Jlu3i'iftieithinlW'nlUli•3.Sr.nnrnrrLL.iidenth lSnbdlS'Wqn k fl`l'IfafIIYPSC51fLL$VfdSIIIJIIIfCI]LLIYIdI'JF1I1L'C.ICIfVICKIfIIM1gII: } ~ ~ ~ Table A.3 - Comparative Standards, induslraal Zones ,9. ' ` 5tan<lards Maxirnum FAk A9inimtim lot+lrea Minimuin Frontage UniflArca Ci)vera};C A9inimum Yard 5ei6a4k (Fro,t~lfl~r~.krnj;~ Minimtim Yard Setback fSide/Rc;:v) Mazimum duilding lieighl ~ ~.i -Ligh1 iildUSfripl Mp~~ N~~~ ~,buiiing Commercinlilndusldial rlpne i Auunfng A9ricuiture - 15' 44' Ahuilirlg ReSidGnfiol • 15' I ~H~I-kepwyindusinal Nane None 9p' ~ 25' Abulli~qCom~nwcinllir~dLutrrol-20' ~ A4kiiiing Agricullffe - 54' 66' Abullfng ReEitlenfidl - L11p' ~l I L'I • Lf~i M Indusliioi Nc,ie No requuemenl 10' No i equiiemenl $ell~nck fram Sehboek lrpm I 5a' ~ R-mndd-10' Rzoned - lU' AESUIIingRe5ideniial-35' H -I - Reo++ylndustlrial No-ne Nprequirerteni 11' ' No-requir9mGfil SCIl3utkfd4m SehhaCklfOm 15R' R-xaned -10' k zvned -10' A6ufling Re5ldeniiol - 35' ' P-I- ~pilnedbduslrial Nome NOrgquUement 17' ~J4re0.uiremenf Selbo[k fiam SehhaCk li Om ISQ I R-7pned-10' kzGned-1Q' AbuHingResldemiol-35' ~ k~prYa:rd-15' V ~ liigh~NOy- IUO' iGdj(rCen} tlo- ~ZPSC1Bn frof - 50 ~ I• btidusfi❑1Pork None I❑cre 125' 5096 Aul71ic $Ireet-5U' Side YGfdnone ~ 40- Fl4rikingSltGel-50' AdlpCenfllR-3,5-5D' ~ AtljCCenf11R-T; uk~22i 50' ~ Reor Ymd - 5' 1.2 . Lippi IlitluShripl None i5,00f15.f, qp1 r~ Fr4nl Ycffd-35' S1de TPud-5' ~ ~ Flonkl~r~ S1reel • 50' Atljcceiror UR-3.S- g' d0' ;0,10 A dj¢rerdUR•7•UR-225' ' Real rcrd -15' i ~ 1.3 • He°Endushriol Nor1G NIA gd' ~ Fronl Ymd - 35' Side YCltl • o' ~ 65' '''r Flo ~kin9 Sireel - 56' ,adjvicenl ll„-3.5 none I ~ AC11Cr,enf l1R-7 -11R-22106' ~Rear -15' ~ I L-i - tignr inuuslda1 N4ne Y5.900 S.I. 100' ~ 35' frpm prqpe~ly line or ~ 55' Id4iT1 CEFlIBf lii}@ $Ide - S' per siory 35' come-Y . '25' rpf 55' fl4+ln Genfer fineJ Reor -15' ~ ! I 35' G4m properlY ling or H- I - FleoVylntluslri❑I None Yi.UqOs.f. 100' 60% 65' fromcerilerline 51c!e-S'Pers- qry 35' Cofd1Cf • 20' (OtSP' hori1 Center ffne~ ~ I I(Lighllndu5lrioif ~'qne ~U' d056 Fron1Y❑rd-20' ReorYOrcd -S' lQdIlljlfiy^ReSI~hFOI-~') 100' Sirle Yurd • 5' (aEulhng,4esiCenfinf - 20'J fPxCepi wherinexl ~0 R.I . 44'J ~ ~ I II ' ~ i I ~ ~ ~I ~ ' - - r- - ' Street Sections Appendix B + ~ a ~ L ~ ~ f- I ~ k. ~ ~ 4,- k_ ~ l. ~ ~ ~ ~ I _ TabCe B.1 - Comparative Standarcfs, StrcEt SeCtiDCl5 (artertaIS) City of rlirxvay I-1eig17t5 City of Spokane City af Liberty,Lake, City of 5pokane Valley, 5pokane I Lanes Prineipal hiinor I„jn,;s Prinicij,xl Minor i1 . .o ~4 - - - ~ v, ..a ~.~f.¢rhed scrLinn 9 ' .:j . 1lajnr 60'.60' k (hnaJdilinnnlS.Si-nenNi ~ ii.lanr Ilp' 79, •~S ~o i.lartc 44' sWr ixrcyuieA fw tlie ~o-' i,C~~u addition0(Si~lP,~~dIGS) • ~s~' 46_d' i.d' P ~ a•: , ~yg I ' ; ~.r~ W ~ I •L_.I~~~ :1..~ - ;,4 I 1+ u~ s.. ~ CCnCUfp-' ~ )FYA I 6 1 1 ~ ~ ~u ~ tilinnr dV'£U' Iir, s-Am 04c~~FR M5~0~5TGL9 4-lam ylcACh + ~ (Azi nJdilioi~dl S~l f fnn-r hr ~ r f5~rrinl ri3' 6•kanr SU' >ikIr iSrrqdfYf~ Ji'+t.i,~~,aiy~ i y5 ~ nddillnnn( sedeHalks) ~ < ~ . Sho¢ldered sectian ,blone ~ fi' dU' S-laor ro' 70' ISrow th-IuCUieJf I ! S ~ aL0u Hnc R~ tlanc 7r' 1' a-IaiYC r ~ ~ o V* "~I I.~.e~i~~ V* 7~ N 3.lanc 7d' 46' R t~ f t I 1 ~ / I ~ I / I .J ~ 7abfe B.2 - Comparative Standards, St.reet Sections (collectors) City+ af Airway HeighLs Cicy af 5polcane City of Li6erty La ke, City of 5pokane Va lley, Spokane ~ O iN v srs nat .WF T , i r uu:~ g ~ 'p! j C,nrnrnr.rriak Cn17cc1nr fiU' - ~ (dnaddiliunalS.Shcun f :4' CnII¢rin. 2lane(gmLalhfnr nxed) ~ Ur6anCnlllClor side is reyvirul for I I~r 0 ' ~ 3'' i ea~h sdJil iuouf5i~leWOI~sM '_T°_ "rL ' ~ r~ ~ynu oRr~{a N'•7ERu SSP9~ nnrrr ~e~ a • - ~ . l f~Y.E+r J _ ~ I C Kau Xoas +4 4~ ~ 5~mKw-!. .i~ . ~ :VriShhnrhnndColleclurdl' Ru~nlCnlIr,rlnr ~ (hnaddilinnal5.il1 ba. 2uCl. Cnllnsin.7-Ianc~s~:rialAnwnmN~n) I1;~, Vpl~yhhnrhnnd rnllcrlnr H~ilhnul driweM~ay urrss i~ - - sideiyrey~iinJfpa che . {ti-arir.x hasednnlri1caunlJ additiunnf.I~ieLatlk5l ~ ~ F~.-_T9 e¢ N"_""""""_" N • ~~u I ' ~ ^ W]I CNILI~[_SA'~RdA' :!'4 4+ x n~ri hhnrhnnd r.rvllrr.lnr i+iLh dri4+~tieay access Cullrrttir 2-lanc {er~i1iii~erei~~1lf'.51<II-nslal4 ti f B fia' . il 1 , 5. ~.j . .~f~ . ~ ~I I i ~ 1 I 1 ~ , I ' I i I ~ I ~ • ~ . . . . ~e . , . . . . . . . . . . , :i . , . . . . ,~b.._.. r~...._. ~ ...,y. . . - - . i - i ~ I ~ `7able 8.3 - Comparative 5tandards, Street Secfions (Iocaf) ~ Cily of Airway Hcights City of Spokane City of Liberty'Lake, Ciiy of 5pzrkane ValJey, 5pokane , 4 ~ P e n t w ' Lwalffy ~ -d p 4(+1 nadditinnal3.5ftnn ~ I ~ brli1do51~{~I r,ar.h;lde is rcquired fur , ~n'xi ~a• • l, 1hr.addiiionufsidexalks) Y I d a . f~.ocrr I - .r.~.a. PrfvaLp. fG' Re~idential (Ai+ndd4tinnnl5flnnnmc SlnndArtl Sldr. irc sqoered fnrlh~~ bil. I . ~.T '.,:A.'.. sddilinnnEaeidewalk) - - i 4 T.ar axa . ti ir yti . 2.,~. iSnulq rard9d,4!'.IU2' naddilinnal3.5flun I~ d~{{ $YSi{Igillldl ~ ~ y y~ , t"l euh sode 6 req¢irPd idr IA%~~ flr.nsl~e I] ~~i ~LxaJditi6i% 4f 53Am~~alk5) ~C5~01 L1'l~ YA~O iTl'h ~ Lw~~`^ ,~4`a ~ 1 ~ ~ y~~~,~ ~W- I[l9ial ~ 4.~N1 • ~ ~ - - a ~ J I i 19~klii~~l~i+Ni^h ~ ' Yfkngl I r ~ ~ ~ w.~....~~ 7 ; i f Residential I Re3irii:led Pnrkii.5 51 Hillside I I UrrrlOp n1n 111 111' . - - i , ~ 4 ~F &wlrvar~91' . , I J ~ ~ I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-x ~ A C I Agreemen1 pendix Temp-ate ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ . DRJiFT IPNFTE.IZLOCATs AGRECI1'IEN~' _ ~ ~ - (L24-06) . . . " IT7#.C]-iOC.9I AuT(:e ETiCf1L RCL81'd 111g .I{}ljlt ri{tnytin9- be-twcem Svakatic Countv wid Tiiis-agreemeiit is entered intn.on the day of ,2006, b}~ SgoE:ane.County and ttse - - Clt`ylTc)wEi of , hereinail cr ref~.~d to as "Patlics".. V4'Iicreas, a Coal of tlic State Grow-tb :Ntana~enient Act i.s to ensure coordinati.on b~.twec:ii _ Y COrT1FriU1Ylties an r3.jun~d 1 Cfi 0ri5, i[ielUd Ing SpCGja] d 3strICCS t0 i'CGOi1.6 IC C6rifl1.G#S, anc# . ~ - . Wftcrea s, RCW 36 .7(}A..2 l'O sets forth ceetain fequirernent~ -For C6unty-wzd~ Planning Policies. inclu.ding that coxint}+-utide ]]lan[l111g. j}Ol1CLn shall address poiicies for joini wunry and city p] a27.i1i 1ig within urbtLri gOWIh a-reaS., anci . . . . ' . , . . -x- Whoreas, T'h.c Countywide Planning 1'oficies for Spokanc-Cvunty adnpte-ri pursuarYt t0 RCW - _ 36,7{]A_2 10 contain policies !'or a joint plarining prcicess intendcd. to resalve issues regarding . hoiv zoning, subdivision and othp-r land use approvals ifl desigiated joint plaating areas will bi,- coardinatt,-cl, ancl tl,at svch joint planniug may be accom'plisbcd pursuant to ari "ii}l-erlocal . ` agreentient cntered into betvreen andlor'atnong jurtisdicti ons and1or sperEal. putpose dis~ricts, aM ~ Whereas, tMe Parties ai-e desirous of resolving ltiow zansng, subdivjsic>n and olbcr lEind us?, ~ 3pprC1Val S i D 6 e'sip 31d ]0 111i p1afII11ng 9i'eaS wLl I b e COOfdi11RtGd, ai-id- . . ~ . . - - , . " _ . . . Wltcrcas, llrc Parties w ish to segaMte, w.i1llOllt prejU.d]Ce t.t}. CitY1e C P ai't}+. #lle 3s5ue Of potCri6al arinexat'tons arid the 1.cga1 autharifiy ancl nghl #o pursue -or appose such annexations from t[its _ sgTr~,emenl and the executioi-i o.Fiilc sairie: . N ow, tfxi,_refnrc be it- ResolvCdi 1:ow aTd S 2,dd fESSiTig b qVY ZOlllFig, subdivis1 on and ogti'cr land- use approvais for joinl ' plarnn'in~g wili be ctaordinated, to ensurc that transportatiosi capacity for deveiopmenx rnee#s concurrenc~+ re~uir~r~~ea~ts artd tl,at consislent developrnent S4andards -ar.c used, the '€'arties -•agr.cc to cooperauvc JOIn# p1ailnkng flti. destgn#1wCI ar.eas pursuattt-in t1ie _ €oliovw'tng' . . l-. L e:gal ba sh;: 1h i s- ag-cemant i~ entcrcd- into p ursuant to RCW 3 6,70AX 1 0; 020(3); 210 (3) - (a), (b), (d), and (0; RC ~'J ~39.3~; Counlvwidc ~Plan~iz~~ Policies For Snokr~r~e Co~ttitv . (Piauinit3g -Policies) Tapic 2, Overvsew nf Grourtlt Management Acl (GMA) R_cquizemeiits; . Topic 2, l'olicie:s (l.) and (2); 'roptc; 5 Tfal7SpoI'tatio[1}. OVeri11GW 0f GiOwth Mc717age1?1ef1t . (GM.A) Requiremertts; 01 ossary Gountyw ide Plannsng 1?o[icy Tern3s, Javi.t Planning Areas; . . - . . _ the Spakanc Countv Co mnrehensive P I an, and th6 C'omprehensive FlaD af the C ityrl"own of •2_ Intcn#: I't is th4~- iyltent of t~e P art7~.s 1) 'to proniote coordinatiotz plaurki.ng. for tmysparCati on - -and development sfandards b ctween the Parfi (--s fo r tl~e~ area affected, to cnsure . impi-ovements to rnitigate trarsportation iiYipacts resuiting frorn deve1opn3ent are idenlified : and.such improvemezt#s are cons#n1ctc.dlc:ompleLcci concurrQnt with the dcvclapment, and/or, . . 2 ~ . . mixigated t-o lfte extcnt that ad.oqLtate, fiandirig is secured 1:0 pay foT tli,cosis ofimprnvemenis . 3Tmdt~ necc:ssa-vy by ihE;~~e inipscts; aii(r 3) to cnsLir~. that dcv'clopntcnt standsrds proscnhed - - . ~ wi.thin the affe<-teci areas. for a1lowable land uses, clens.ities, streecs, sidmaiks, cusbln~, drainage: a3zd uti li t ies-arc carnpatible.. - . . ' 'T'he .Parti.es desirc #o jointly develop STId lPlple-I75ei5f Cj.CVC1O}7711G'Rti TV%112ifii7nSr procedures and - standards rela.ted to the revievr and approva1 oC projecks within affoc#ed at•eas. Tiie Parties also dcsire to jaintjy establish and implement. cansistcnt cleveicipmeiik regulafionS and ~ . . . . prc~.c~cfures gox~erning #he, pro~fision of. ~1l. puh~~ic facilities wil~,in fhe a~f'~~eci a~-ea_ "E~~ . . ~ Piii'~ien agTee tC,1 CC}YriiT1Lt SUffl.G1.C11.t 5~a6 t0 draft rtxnd fin~lize ~I7ese spec~fic agrcert~en~;~ in . timeiy nianii cr. (M entiou of the GFFD Gromh fvianagemont Scrvices Grant -could be inscrted ' - ' 3. .4een tiFfcetcd.: Ti7c agreement aoplies i-o cLevel.ar.mcmt pv0p0."a1s withiax the CitylTov€m af ~ . . . . , . . . and adj accni to un.u.icorpoca tz~d S pakton e - Cvurity Urban C rowtii Arcas . - md proposals wiihin. unincoi-porated Spokane. Cour~ty LJrban. Gr.owHJoint' Plnmning Areas . adjamit to thc City!X"own oF- . ( Sce attached NTap crf, IJGA`s', . . , areas suhject to t}tis agreem eni.) . , _ ~ ° . 4_ Prujects -affec.ted: 'r'his agreeiiient applie~ lo new deveiopinent pr,oposals subject to the . ; N ot.ice of App licati on r.eq uiremcnfs of RCW 3 6.70 S a5- 7d 0pt1'd b y Ille ,}l1]'7Sd iCflQily li3ClLI{jIIYg . i - proposals subjcct #o #.lke SIate, E-nvironmenf~l Policy Ar-t; w]tI1iS] thC clffeCteC~ ~~ea. NOCjce 0f A.pplicat3.on, -Notice of Hearing atid Noticc o#` Decision required by RCW 36,70.13 and any . . ~ - . , . . , ~ . . , . ~ ~ - ~ _ . - . . ~ . ~ . . . ~ . . .~c . . . ~ ~n~F~ron~t~~nt~~. clyecklist. ~~r ntt~cr cnvironmen.tati docutnent rcc{Tre:d pursum7t ~CW ~ . ~~:3_21~-s]3~~1 be pro~~tded l~ the Parties iGi. a t'ttne:ly rnaniler a~d in accofdancc w7th a~~pljc~blc: . Of re. jations. 7Ttc Partics fur.thcr ttcj,rcc tlley silall pravirlc c.ach odier-ax tieast 7 days iYatice nf, ~ gu . ~ and arc aliowM and er+caurageci to ar.tend any, building .permit prccorlstrul~tion cvnferc:nce . ~ andlor land usc prcd.pvQ10pmcnt (if tOClll7tca1. reYiCw mer;#,ii1'gs. $uch notice sha1l be- in. the . . ~ f.nrm vfs#andard not.icu far suah conferen.ceshneeti ngs given b y thc}urisdicfi nn. . ~ . . a, Z'lxc P arti cs sti afl cnnsult (cl arify) on pvopnsals nutlM ed abvve pnor ta.issuanm of any ~ - final DNS, MDN S or staff report to ttyz! Re--ax ing E xarn iner 1 n an att~mpt. io rt~ach a ~ . ~ consensus pasitioiVre~con,mendation. For SEPA dacumcnts, the Jurisdiction l,aving d lead agcric}+ status shati1 include ttte wnsQnsuslcxllecti.ve rewminendation and any ~ . . . . _ ~ mikig3tilzg conditions, or tl,cir inciividuai recommendations- and 'aa,y rnitiga►.ling ~ cc)-ntlitions. ifi 'urah1c ta rcaci1 consurrsus, as appitcahle; for prqjccts proceoding #o i . . _ ~ . public #tcarin};, hoth PartEcs shatil include ttie- consensus 'reuonvitetidaCrtou iri their respecti.ve staff -rcpordrecontimendcd c.o iiditions of approva1 #o the Hcarin~ Lxaminer or other appropnate jtearing bociy,- or, -if unabl.e, to agree, kheir iespcc6vc . . recomu~endations. . 5. 'T ranspc~ rtation: . Thc Parties recognizc that devclopmcnt in either af the Partiesj unsdiction . creates potential irnpac#s for intersecttans and. cnrridars in the. adja-cent jurisdfCtion. To . ensure prop er'pl annin~ and mitigatio rt o#' developlnent traffi c impacts or suffi cieni funds far the improverncnts necczsita ked by the traffi c_ii,ipacts of c#e,+el opn,ent the f:irties agree (hat: a. "n,c 1?arfi ts niay requii~e the app]icaht. fior ea~h affected developxnent proposa3 to . prepare aTraffi c.Itnpact Anal}sis (TIA.) quant7fying #lie I mpact of thai d evel npment . ~ . ~ . ~ . , . ~ . and pralfid C~ tllc samc to ih,~~ ottier party, Ea clt ju risdictEOn sh a11 have the . ~ opporto iii#y ta contriho te tn the dev4~loprnm t o f the sc:ckpc of such stvdy. Thc Par[ies r - may ni ti fua] ly agrec to waive ihe reyuirement for a TlA. . ~ h_ Thc i'arties shal1 requirc constructi,on oF improventcnts necQssary to niWgatc ~ - . . . ~ idcntificd dir~t tr.ans~pc~rfialivn lri'IpaCtS i0 18.E:o ~118C{- CoPYCIU'CC11T 54~it~1 dCVCl{]}}T7lerit or, aItet-natel.y, a r.cc:om133.ended c:ondition of -approval to the Hcaninfg- Exaininer Or OIhC"i` 8ppTOj7ila t~ h~aring bocly, requiri ng appropriate fiiiancia l contr.ibutioirks for ~ . . . . . ~ i~~1ltified c~i~•eci~ trans}~art.atia3} i~r~~sacts i(ier~ti#`ied_ T`he eonrli~iori.s~n~~l icieni~fy -~h~ ~ . -#ime, manner and mcans of transi`eren.ce of afl.y payi3}ent intendad to colnpensate tilC 001cr pcir#y foi- I tlenii if-d IY'a ffic afT1p act5. Ot' a 5 M 117ga#loIl 3.n a MDN S, and prior to . approval of ihe, projea. ' . - 'For ihose dcvelopmcas. pmject~; mhere ox)nstructian of inYpraventenfs nccessary. t0 , mi.figate i<iefttifiod d3rcct traaispoitatiaxr inipacts d"s noL take p1wG concureenc _ w it11 pi-()ject developrnent, t1}e Nrtie-s 'sl1 a 11. join.tly c~labl3s1t a unifo r.m nic#Iiod fhi- . quzwtifyingappropriate faianciaC cont-ibutions for in1prOvUrnents to bzmadc wix}xial- . ~ Gyeam of project approval for idr~3ttified difect franspartatiou i-inpacfs. Ttie flartie.s . ~ - , ~ . - recopii.zc that #o impi eme,n t this agz-f-,em eiiC some mod.ifica#ion of exista.iag regulati ons may bc rcquircd alad agree to m ake such ytfod ificaiSons in a timely _ ~ manner ziRei- establisfiLrrjent of a untfozrE-i and FnuLuall}r. agrecd upon rriethod Por . - quantifyiitig appraprial~e financial conkriburioris, , - d, 'I'fie P arCic., furit,er agree. to joiiitly recai-atncnd '6 etiEal 0 t any ~d"ev elopni Cltit .pfopasals ' tltat fid l to con3piy wi ib ihc ooncw-rejicy sta-rdarcig of ei fher party_ ~ . . . • , - , . ~ . rnm - ! . . ' i~ - ~ ~ ~ e_ The Parties i'vr[heK, agrec tn incorpoEate. t~~ 'Findiiigs an( recait~~nc~datiuns ai} ~ . . ~ . cvl, currency ceing peeparad by the Spokanc Re,giona.l 'I"ranspolia#ion Council {SKTQ iG,to this Joinr PIann:ing Agircemens, ta t1~e i~xLerrl a'reed to b}+ the Pardes, by for.mal ~ . ~ anli~ndrnent at suciY tirne that the projcct is coznpletecL ~ . ' ~ . . ~ 6_ Development Stand.ards:_ ne Part3es. recvgmizc that lanci use dc.velopmeni in. the afFec:ier.i ~ . ~ ares without cnrnmon de'veloprnct3t re~ laians c:ou ld fruskrale th.e. pur.posc and mtiz~vt of t1,is agreemcnt. dnd the proccdures established. - . . : ~ . -I a.Thc Parti-L; agree tv assign the necessary' stafF ip review applicable devul 6p3nen.t ~ reLTulations; inchWtng hut not l.imited ta zoniiig designvations, PUD Standard.s; , . . . lanclsc.aplng, sip. age, -subdivi sion, roaci and stroet standarcis, bicycie paths, ~~ggi ng lanes, trail systcros applk~ationreview procradures and stam-kwater drainage, rciyutrem~nts_ _ DifF~rencc~s s11aif be id4Mttfir~d atid a comensus or cnmpafible. slandarci re=runmded., . " aRQr wN.Ch mutual rcwmmendation w-ill be prncesseci -as an amendment to each. Parties . Developmcnt Regulat'tons in.a lawfuti rttiantcr twYar& fihe end of diz~yefoping unif.ormity{ , in said davelopment standardq. Such review should includ e repr,escntatives fi-o.m th e . . private sector wha may be 'stiapacted_ The -pYOCess ta ideotif}' ]ndiVldual junSdiCt10Y1 _ differences shall comrn~nce -upon-signing 6f this sgreementr with a goai of coinpleting ~te i.~~ntificatios~ af differ~nces within 6 months of s~gnii~g_ Recoinmend4t'ton. faz . . ~ consen s u s stand ards sha]1 foll ow. ('l'lle CT:ED Growth Managernent S ervices Grant coul.d . : he mentioncd here.) b. The Parties a gr.ee to con.fer ofl the necessit}x f,or andlo:r tlte for_atioa vf any coniiector • I I - strects a,d1or the classification nF aDy stfeets ivi#liin or zidjaccnt to a propose ~ . . . . . ~ _ ~ ~ - cicvel apfrienc or acijiccrrt tcxti7c bo rdfr befweei} tli e' P artiez, ff il grceni eilt is n o t reachcd. hath l'arttes shall present sl7all pre.sent their respcc:Eivc -positions to the Hq-,arii rg E xam iri er. or ofi]icr approp rEate h eann g, bi) dy. . I . c_ Th C Pa It1e5 i[grGe to COIlSllll On Coui prehemsiv~ Plan/Zorl ing cate:Sprf es., allouFab3e land . . uses and d='sitae_q in areas w~ere fihey have cominan bordm, #owards ensriring a. . rationa] transitiun of land uses in Iho~~ ai-eas. Such coDsultation shall ii7r.lucle i. consultatron vn the, classification of streets and faadways an ti7e carrunon bordcrs_ 7. Q#her 'itegii ratfons: NOihirlg 1tl thi-s agreEi7teilt SY18l1 S1iperSe& or n~-gSte ar]y C7ci5ll11g IBild ° IF use or r7eved opnient rcgulation of-the Faiii e.s. ~ . s . i ~ t 8. Aifdidarial Agreesne,ifs: The Parties cvotenYp3ate future jnint plan.1}ing agrcements ihat may . ~ . b , . ~ relatc to the a.ffected ai-ex o,f atht;r portfons of. Spokane Courit}= aiidlor Ihe CityfToul-~ of Nolhin.c, iin: this Weemen[ is intendi~d to -pi•ohihit fihe . . . , cicvelopment of future ageetttients relating to eithcF t]» a.nlpOII ideutifie.d above oi othei- . ampacts t hat- Fnay n ow or in thc~ f.uture exist. . . ~ : . . . ~ " 9. %igh#s Rescrvcd: Nothing in. th is- agreeancnt is intcncled to wat,,,c or ]imit t}te righ ls o-F i-h o . ' ' Particg to reqnii•c ri7itigahopx. for any Empact as allowod by federal, statc or local laws or ~i Otdindn"S ].[7Cl Ltd[n g but riOt limI ted t0 Crii.rO11i11Ental LlilpaC#s gOvem.e~d b y 43.21 C el sN, . 10, Chaflge i.n Sttuidards or Ordinartces: A.ny changi-, iii llie Partie:s standards or oi-dinances . . ~F rcl ied iipcin in IJiis agr"meot, or nnodtfied pursuatst to this allcerncnk, sl7a I i he f~rwardcd to ~ _ . i ' . 7. , - ~ . . . . . . I . ' . I ~ the ot.i-Ler party ~~rithin da}Fs af vassagc. Tf the Psrtic.s can.not agree to r}re ~ implerni;n.takinn nf, such standards witl7in 30. days the issue 3nfyy he set for inediation b}f ~ I . 'ei#her par#y. • , i ~ . - . - ~ 1 l. Mcdiation af Disputes: Any-diTutcs arising fi-om ihis agrcemenL including tt.ie #`ailure lo ~ . " ~ . . agre.e as (o ttcw standards andfor c'1p17L1C3Ule Ord,iIl8llCaCS as is set farth in paragraph ]0, ~ abovc; n-Lav be set {br nieciiation. by ci.ther party wiihin 30 days of not'tficadou of a clispuw_ . ~ . - . . . ~ Pt`iar lo mediaiion, lhc Parti.z~s, 'repi~esenled by their electcd oifficia.ls, :N1}a11 first mcct informa]l; tn an atten-kpt t.o rea.ch resolu.ti.on. lf a, inediator cannot be agrQed; upon hy trte, . . • ~ parttcs. eacf, part-y shajl scicct otle jucdt3tor who in kum shall sclcct a thl.rd rneriiator to ~ conduct the med.iati!Gn. ~ . . . ~ . _ - . ~ 12, fndentnifiiz~a#inn :tndLiahklity. - . . , - . ~ a: Spvkane County %hai.l pr.ot~,c~ sa)re har.tii lcss,' incieinnify and defend, at it9 n,~vii ~ cx.Rensea C`i !`'otvn); its electe~i and. ap1?ointed olicials} of'fi.cers, em.F~iaY-ees and' . . - . . ~ agent,% *OTI1 :iRV los5 OC Clakm for dainages of any natur.c 'Whatsacuer arisirig aut of I _ . 1 Spolcaiie Counly`s pcrformant;e of this agr"men#, in.chuding cia-ims by the Spokaaiu Couraty G'I71plc}'i~eFS OC El1LI'd p2,A3es, except for those danyages caused solcly by tiie . ~ negligence -or w 111 i'ui niisconduct of (CityJTo)AFn). its elccted and appojnted oic'taks, • ~ ofCcers. 4~'.rnpl.oyees, aT agcitts. . . I . b(Qity!`.To",,) shall prolect, save .harlin less, iri dern nify and dcfcnd, at iri awn expettise, ~ . Spokane County. its electe.d and appointed nfHcials, af.ficers, mployees and t,gcnts, ~ . - ; ftom any loss or claim -for damagcs of arYy nalui-e whatsop-ver arising out of . ~ . . . ~ ; . . , . i I i . S . ' , ~ . . . . . . . (Cjty`s~Toli•rfs? 1)erformariUe Of lhis agrccmcrit; includirig, cjtMirns by ihe (Citytrown) - . li ae~~cc emlo) fee's or ttlir ~ ~ causccE sni~:ti) ~ b e w~eg~ F ~ cxce i. f.or ~hu~~ c~r~i~~ ~ Y k]~ ~ .arti .es, ~ ~ - o r %Y illfiil mI sconci uct o€'S pokane Cvun-ty, its e]ect ed xn[j appointed Of(i cials, of~~cerS, . emploY4~les, nr agelits_ , - c, ln. the event of lial,jlity for dan}ages of any na!'ure whaiSOever ansiiyg out of the . -perfon~iani~e oF this Agreenent by Spokane'Gaunty ancl (CiFytfo)xm), including ' claim-~ b-y Spolcane Coun1}+'s or (Clt}'--,TT'own'~3) own officers, offic3als, ernplc)y~cs, a~euts, volu~rteers; ov thir.d par-ftes, causoci b~+ or rc-sulting #'ronl t31econcurF6nt, iicgiigcuc~ of S pakan e Counly arrd (Ci tyl`Fown), each I'aMies liab iljly hercuader sh~il Tonly bt; to the exten1. of #h at• parly's negl igen ce_ . . . d. N o ]iabi.1 ity sha]1 he attached to S pokarte C'ou nxy or (Cityfl`u unx) by Teason -of entc;ring xnxo. t1i is agreeineric cx cept as expressi y pr.~i di,-d h erej n_ ~ . . . . . . . , . . . 13. Sevcrabi3iey: . l.f any prmr]s3on of this iigreemcnt or its appl.ication to any.person or - circumstance i s h.el d j nva 11 d, tlte ren,sindcr of the provisions ancllar the appli=kion of tlie provisi€rns to olher persoras or circxrmstanccs sliall itiaC be aff6cted, fn such case thc pa rd e~s . agr.ec, #o rn eet ar) d amend this agreenicni as may be ni utually deerned necessar}°. . . 50 _14, E-ntire Agt•z:crtyen#: T'his agreernent constiiutc;s the cnt~i.re agr.eemiem bctwoen i:lie Part7ies ' widi respect la identjficd properry,' 'CItis agreement may he amended in ►vriting by mulual • a(Troeinent o f Il1e'Parties, - ' ~ . . . 9- r • 1.5. Desigrrateci J~eprc~icn#al:ivc. The Partics agrev, ihaf ~{positkon}'shall be thu d.csignated represen tative af the CitvlTown f.o.r coord inatioik af. t],is av-e,em enc _an.d for r4CeIpt of' aily cOrrtnlimlCatlODS rCLa[C.d t0 tiliS dgCeemerit ilild (position} slial l bc th.c deskgnatod representativc af the Co unty. 16. Effective Dfi tc :xnc#'O ura tion. 7`his agreeincnt stialk hecc) mc effective i:otilowingthc approva f n f#h.e a groemicnt by the nffi cia1 gavem ing bod ics of ezic110f thc Parti es 11 ereto ancl . th,~, signin g of, tiic a.gri~emen I by tlYe ciuly auehnrizcd rep re-sentativc of each o f.the Partics . heretn, ~u7d shall rematn in efFcr-t uniess terminate:d. 17. Ten-nina.ti.on_ .Etther I'arty ma}f ten-p.}natc; its obligat'toi1 uiidei• this agreemeni u'pon oac, year advanfwn;-Len noticr, to-thc othi:!r PaTty- Foilowiiig a lenninaiion, khe cvunty and City are respc~n sibl~ fox fulfi lling au.y cku fstand ina objigrltioli s undcr tttis agrceirrcFIt; or ameaidment . . , , thi~reto, incurrad prior to t[je e1-i'ecliv c d,-Ltc o f thr~; termina#ioR. 1~ -