2007, 08-28 Regular Meeting AGENDA SPOKANE VALLE1' ['ffA' C'OUNCf~ ~GUL1'1~t.NLE I.TIlti G Cauncil ~feeririg 9122 `1`uesday. Airgugt 28, ?'0[F7 ':Grvat f#oarn"at C"enteri'lacr, 2426 N i?f~~ovcr►' Rc~ad Crauncil Rcque-sis All Elecirr,nic r)erice~ hc Turneci Off During C"~ttin4i1 Ntt-eti~~g CILLL 'T(] O121]~~:R: EN-►"OCATiON: Pastor ~anlicv►• Iarscxnt Cjood Shephe-rrE Lutherran C'iiurcFi FL.EME ()F ALLE+~MME: ROLL CAI_Lr _1F'PROVAl.. C~F AGEl'V'DA: f"iTRO[)UC'1'ION f3F SPEC'LU [;CTSTS."D PRH'SE?ti'i rA`I°[ONS: t _~~~~~FITI'l'SFk i.7OttRIlr LI.:1kISOLN S-4d:.Yi17ItYR,l. RE1 OR1 S: MAYYdR*? REPOi4Tx PUBLIC CO'4I►4IE;""I'ti. This k.sec typpai"I:ul11Cy for llkc [311I1!IIC k{s 4piak U!1 3EIV EojSyic.AMl-efl ;c•Ly COMr ~he- porJiurrr, p!easestatt }oue' nnme and ndclress for tFre recnfd iind limit temarl+.s tc} ukimt minaMes, l. PC?BLtC HEARING: UniForm IJieveiupnitaEi Codc - (irt,hiXQsmi& I C1~N'SEN'1' AGEND.4: Consists of ikc€rt4 co11,,Wm%J PotrTinv wlaicl~ ~reappsove,i ai:t group, A C'c.4nnci traambcr ma), rornovc an itcT't fn)m the Corsen1Agendn to be c+?wspdct~.~d scparately°. a, Frfrltowi~~~ ~~aim Voucheas: ~CI~Fff-k 1 i'S~l D:1TL VOLICIiLR #s IOTAI. VOC1C:FTR Q4NiOUN7' ; 08-07-21007 12398, 1?409, - M~-# I~- I b~~t~ S 1,I~~'3.63,,0~ 08-1T-'00? 124fj 9, 1 2 4 10. 1 -24 11, 12487. 12,198, 12491, 12499-I25 '~S ~r30~',•4`?..?_~a:3 0$-14-2007 1-2490, !21493 ~~68,00.42 ~ GRANDTOT11L h. 1'ayro lI f'k) r N ric,d f'nding Au gi.st ! ;`5, 2 07, $19 C.923,3 i , i;. Rti;5t3lttt1on 07-0 13 SeitFt7g P7ailhi.tlg CoFf].12h1s5li7eR PUblli: I Ic]lr4i~ fc1' Sti`eCt VaeaLIon S IV 04-07 d. Puldce I°74cI11ct BulWi47p- I.,cIISv Modilia:-a[ion c, tininclmisi S4i:uri1y Prc6nti [itant i' 1.artd A+;.qti i,q iti+an : Rea I Pmper-t), Relfitcd to Stneet3 g, Ex tcns ion of `I"inyc to Subf riit Urii rorm 1~evc- I4apmeoar Cadc 1L'rit[~n Cumni c n Ls - Ni ike Con eieCE Ii.Minav.s frLim rlu¢ust 13, 20Q;' Spcti:jal ~ounc.i[ SWd~~ Stssioti NILtltng 1rT:xi IC'.P i A 'VF.NVBUSrNr:ss: n<<s PL!BLICCONiNIF..YTS This is nn opportunity fnrthe public to spea1: on any tiipic. Ntilic-n you cornc to Itll' (~+.`dllllll. pll';1,.u sl:11C :ilUf Flll1111' Ltilij ,1_ldSl'ti5 i0f Lil' CL'c.i.'d .ifltl Ilttlil fL(Il;ltk-~ IO IhIL:C ❑lIl1Gt:^ ~~DMI~~ISTR,~TINT RFP()I2TS: { E3nifuur Pvl: - M ike Jackson 4. I.fniform T.k+'eMpment t'odc (l.rllC) I3rli(),cratinn -(ircg Mc(`ormick INFURtiLATION ONI.1`: 5. C142%W([1.1. Rcjxirt h. L)epartnicnt Kcports 1~=XI;Cl"I'1Vt: SE`SlON: 1_aiid -1LyUulsti0>> A ! 1.1Ol: !L'V M1IENT FUTt'RL•' SC'lIEDULI: Regalar Council Afeetings are genera!!y hrld 1srd and e 'lursdm~s, deginning n1 6:00 p.rn. Cnuacil Studr Nessions ure gentrally helr! 1't. 3'd titti! Sth Tuccsrlrrrs, begirrning u16: 00 p.nr. Olher liruulire Uncomitrk,:Slcttin2.v;,Et,r•ntv: Tursday, Srpt 4, 2007, 6 p.m. Study Srs5iuti, Cuw►cil Chumhrrs: UUC DeIik-ra;iun Wccinesdny, Sepi 5, 2007.6 p.m. Trnlurfvr Specinl Council Study SessianMoeting, Council C'f►stnher. -T IIc,:i.%y, tiept 11, 2007, 6 p.m. Council Chambers, Kegular Council Meeting, includes ;i Public Hearing: Pmgased 2007 Amcndcd Budget h. Pu6tic Hcaring: Propascd 2008 Budget E'ublic IIcariug: IJnifurni Development Cudc 1'ur.;dav, I~Lrt 18, 1-(!t)7, ti p.m. Council Clinmbers. Cocinei) Study 5ession N1eeting: (!nC Delibcrution Fuesciay. `ert 2~. ?n()?, erm, Council e'hambcrs, Council Regular Nterting NO-FICE: Irulividtuls plariniiig to stcrrJ thc mccting who mlum sMinl sssistsncc fo accommodau physicai, hcsring, nt nthcr impaitmcnts_pleasr contact thc City Clr. k ot I509l 921• Ittl)0 is Rnnn ai pns3i6lc u> thnt arrangcments tn:ty tx tt:Udc 11" ..•_~.i'.~t ~.1,,_lin:, , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 08-28-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ c.onsent ❑ otd business ❑ new business ] public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Uni#orm Development Code (UDC) Titles GOVERNING LEGISLATION PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The following are the proposed UDC Titles: Title 17 - General Provisions Title 18 - Administration, Boards and Authorities Title 19 - Zoning Regulations Title 19 Appendix A- Schedule of Permitted Uses - Use Matrix ~ Title 20 - Subdivision Regulations Title 21 - Environmental Controls Title 22 - Development Standards Title 22 Appendix A- Approved Planting List , Title 24 - Building Regulations General Definitions Zoning Map BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ . - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 08-28-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 9 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business [I public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report F] pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: .Approval of the. rollowi«g Vouchers . VQUCHElZ LIST DATE IV4UCHER #s I TOTAL, VOUCT-LFR AMOU`'T ~ 08-07-2007 12398,12409, S1,673,635.00 - 12413-12486 08-17-2007 12403, 12410, 12411, 12437, 12485, 12491, $302,422.63 12499-] 2598 03-14-2007 ~ 12490, 12493 ~ $368,930.42 ~ GR.A~\T17 "I"QT,AT S2,3455.038.05 I RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: ~ Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists r vchlist Voucher List Page: 10810712007 2:52:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescripUonlAccount Amount 12398 7f31l2007 001385 COChIRAN, TERRI A. Transcripts TRANSCRIPTS: CAUSE# 06-2-0537 5.50 Total : 5.50 52409 8/1J2007 001429 DIANC RICE Refund Damaqe Dep REFUND DnMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12413 8J712007 000197 AIR INC. 5979 1'RE-EMPLOYMF_NT SCREENING 400.00 Total : 400.00 12414 8!7l2007 001081 ALSCO LS('0256521 ft4ATS FOR CIIY I-IALL 84.20 Total : 64.20 12415 • 817/2007 004335 ALTON'S TIR[ INC. 6-26982 2004 F0RD F-150 33.83 6-27026 2003 FORD EXPLORER 669.54 Total : 703.37 12416 81712007 000212 ATTORNEY & N07ARY SUPPLY Plotary Stamp NOTARY SEAL PASSIIAORE 82.98 Total : 92.98 12417 8/7/2007 000030 AVi$TA UTIUTIGS July 3, 2007 IvlASTER BILLING 24,543.65 ' Total : 24, 543.65 12418 817/2007 400841 6CI CREATIVE INC. 8236 41649 M/1RKETING 95.00 Total : 95.00 12419 8/712007 001409 I3EST LINE PROF ANSER SVC 053107122007 AUTOhlIA71C f'OS71NG 20.00 Total : 20.00 12420 8/712007 000918 BLUE RIf3BON LINEN SUPpLY, INC. 8835400 LINEN SERVICE: CEtdTERPLACC 379.46 8837323 LItdCN SERVICE: CENTERPLf1CE 3$7.84 8839228 LINE-N SERVICE: CENTERPLACE 379.92 S0039028 LINEN SERVICE: CENTERPLACE 36.39 , Total : 1,183.61 12421 8/7I2007 000101 CDWG GDQ1131 41744 RCpLACEMENT LAMP FOR L7260 F 1,541.52 GG81279 41745 19" PLANAR LCD MON170R 557.48 I'age: 1 vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 2 08/07/2007 2:52:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount . 12421 8R/2007 000101 000101 CDWG (Continued) Total: 2,099.00 12422 8l712007 000863 CCNTUf;Y WES7 ENGINEERING CORP. 023603 41285 CONTRACT tt06-017 CF_NTURY WE: 857.37 • 7otal : 857.37 12423 817/2007 001169 CfTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Waste Mgt WASTE MGT PERMIT CTR CFIECK 350.00 Total : 350.00 12424 8/7/?_007 001440 CLEARPATH, LLC 230 . NEGO71A710P1S:CITY CTR PROPEF 15,000.00 Total : 15,000.00 12425 8/7I2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEI1hS INC 52068 COFFEE SERVICE: C17Y MALL 204.06 Total : 204.06 12426 81712007 001377 COMBS, LISA Mileage Form • DAILY BANK DEPOSIT 21.34 7otal : 21.34 12427 8/712007 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725707 87016-6725 JULY 2007 2,408.31 Tota I : 2,408.31 12428 8I7/2007 000326 COfdSOLIDAI'ED IRRIGATION DIST, #19 05859.0 WATER: DISCOVERY PL SP N 137.07 06377.0 WATER: DISCOVERY PI_ SP N 2428 55.60 06377.2 WA'I'ER: DISCOVERY PL SP Pl 465.97 11534.2 WA'I'ER: DISCOVERY PL SI' N 19.57 119832 13A{2KER RD GR N- WATER 14.94 Total : 693.15 12429 817/2067 000619 COSTCO MEA4BERSHIP Card h'enewal CARD RENEWnL 000111753460781 100.00 Total : 100.00 12430 81712007 000683 [?AVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 227762 40448 DAVID CVANS I_OS APIALYSIS 3,012.50 Total : 3,012.50 12431 8I7/2007 000734 DEPT OF TRANSI'ORTATION RE-313-AT1370313102 PINE5lMANSI=IF_LD 7,363.99 RC-313-ATB70410128 PINES/MANSFIELD COF2hZ 1,570.62 RC-313-ATB70711077 SIGNAL $ ILLUMINATION MAINT 1,921.79 RE-313-A1'1370711078 STA7E ROUTF_ MAINTENANCE 5,060.18 Total : 15,916.58 Page: 2 . . . J ; vchiist Voucher List Page: 3 08I07/2007 2:52:33PM - Spokane Valley Bank code :apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount 12432 817/2007 000912 uL'X MEDIA WEST 310845148 ADVERTISING: CEtdTERPLACE 146.92 Tota I : 146.92 12433 817/2007 001429 171AIJE RICE Refund Damage Dep REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12434 817/2007 000246 E/1ST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 02051000 WAYEF2: EDGGCLII=F PARK • 74.58 - 09006100 7814 E SPRAGUE WATER 69.58 09026100 8300 E SF'RAGUE WAl'ER 155.50 019066100 8325 E SPRAGUE - WA'frR 155.50 09078100 7711 E SPRAGUE WA7ER 69.58 Total : 524.74 12435 817/2007 000999 El1STERN WASHINGTOiV ATTORNEY, SE 00620931 ATfORNEY SERVICES 40.00 00021491 l1TfORNEY SERVICES 40.00 00022391 ATfORNEY SERVICES 40.00 00022396 ° n17ORNEY SERVICES 53.00 Total : 173.00 12436 81712007 000746 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY l7EPARTPAF_Nl ES 217156-00 2 2ND QTR 2007 UI 7AX 180.15 Total : 180.15 12437 81712007 000028 FARhAERS & MERCHAtdTS BANK M!C 1037 K7h10M1'SON M!C 57.75 Total : 57.75 12438 8I712007 000106 FEDCX 2-110-86920 FEDDC SHIPF'ING CHARGES 112.73 2-173-78137 SHIPPING CHARGES 97.43 Total : 210.16 12439 817/2007 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP. CO. 0019176 SERVIC[ CALL: C[NTERPLACE 293.22 0020032 SERVICE CALL• PRECINCT 179.19 Total : 472.41 12440 8I7l2007 001345 GIBBS PLf1NNING GROUP Ftetainer Fes RE7AINER FEE 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 12441 817/2007 000441 MOME.DEPOT COMMERCIAL CREDIT 7051281 SUpI'LIES: GENTERPIIICE 60.72 Page: 3 vchlist VOUChef List Page: 4 0810712007 2:52:33PM Spokane Valiey Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12441 817/2007 000441 aoo441 H0ME DEPOT COPAPAERCIAL CREDI (Contintied) Total : 60J2 12442 8l712007 000022 INLAND L3USINESS PRpDUC7S, INC. 55230 EIIAPLOYEE ID GARDS 39.10 Total : 39.10 12443 8I712007 001275 JERRY CHAMBERS CWEVROLEI' VV396 OS Chevy Colorado CHEVROLET COLORADO 4X4 18,13820 41670 Total : 18,138.20 12444 817I2007 400864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0046948 41720 CONTRACT #07-017 1,625.03 Total: 1,625.03 12445 817l2007 000786 K& N ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. 0084045 41482 PUMf' S7A710N MAIN'I'ENANCF_ WC 432.15 Total : 432.15 12446 8/7/2007 001439 K&L GATES, LOCKI-IAf2T PRESTON GA71 729726 LEGAL SERVICES THRU 612007 528.00 . Total: 528.00 12447 817/2007 000523 LASER QUCS7 01471107 41644 SUMPAER DAY CAMp FI1=1..1] TRIP 539.00 Total : 539.00 12448 81712007 000069 MERCICFt, DAVID Aug 07-Auto AUTO ALLOWANCE - AUG 2007 400.00 . Total : 400.00 12449 8/7I2007 000258 MICF20FLEX INC. 00017211 TAXTOOLS SOFTWARE R[NTAL 341.95. Total: 341.95 12450 817/2007 001054 MOSIUS KIDS Field Trip 41645 SUMMEi2 DAY CAMP FIELp TRIP 37.50 Tota I : 37.50 12451 8J712007 001445 PJ10SS ADAMS, LLP 1334016 PROFF_SSIONAL SERVICES 3,237.00 Total : 3,237.00 12452 8/7/2007 001035 NC-'RNORK DESIGN 8MAPIAGERAENT 15405 SERVER MAIN7[NANCE ' 3,250.00 Total : 3,250.00 12453 8/7/2007 000121 NOR7MWEST MAILING, INC 54033 ANNUAL MAINTENANCC - F'OSTAG 564.00 Total : 560.00 Page: 4 . i. - - ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0810712007 2:52:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank _ Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12454 8/7/2007 000917 N07r, INGA Expense Form REIhl1BURSL I-IOTEUMEALS 513.64 Total : 513.80 12455 8l7/2007 000652 OFI=1Cr DEPOT INC. 394432649-001 PALLET OF COPY PAPGR 1,310.28 41747 394436477-001 41749 OFFICE SUPPLI[S 76J4 . 394438712-001 41749 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3420 Total : 1,421.22 12456 8f7f2007 000512 OFFICETEAM 19185213 SERVICE: JOYCE FONTAINE . 660A0 Total : 660.00 12957 8/7/?_007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330038327 ' INSPECTION NOTICCS 2,434.29 13340386?_4 BUSINCSS CARDS 143.58 Total : 2,577.87 12458 8/712007 001442 pOLLOCK, CVAN Expense Form SUPPLIES FOR POST SIGNS 6.49 Total: 6.49 12459 8/7/?.OU7 000494 PRO PEOALE STAFFING SERV INC. 24.098 TEMP SERVICES 1,255.19 Total : 1,255.19 12460 81712007 001438 PRO RIDER, INC 003260&IN JUMP HELMETS FOR SHGRIFF DEF 3,030.20 Total : 3,030.20 12461 8!7/2007 041161 PROVISIONAL STAFFING SERVICES 3008-0500015720 SERVICES FOR MATT KUSHNER 1,023.20 3005-0500015788 TEMP SERVICE: MAl'f KUShINER 1,02320 Total : 2,046.40 12462 81712007 000019 PUR(2FEC7 LOGOS, INC. 19310 41724 STAFF CLOTHING 55.39 Total : 55.39 12463 ' $l7/2007 Oa4322 QWEST 509-228-0669 01513 CIIY HALL INTERNE1' I_INr 160.15 . 509-921-6787 5118 SERVICE: MIRABEAU MEADOWS 43.08 • 509-922-7091 0608 SERVICE: MISSION POOL , 99.12 Total : 302.36 12464 $/712007 000153 ROLLER VALLEY 5939 41647 SUMMER DAY CAMP FIELD TRIp 14625 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 0810712007 2:52:33PM. Spokane Vailc,y Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12464 $I712007 000153 000153 ROLIER VALLEY (Continued) Total : 146.25 12465 817J2007 000415 ROSAUERS U-CIiY INC. 580E356 SUPPLIE5: nAY CAMP 13.46 580857 SUPPLIES: DAY CAPAP 39.46 5$4616 SUPf'LIES: DnY CAMP 9.3$ 657623 SUPPUES: 17AY CAMP . 64.81 Total : 127.11 12466 817/2007 000935 SEf2VICE PAPER COMRANY 30403760 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 62.18 30403761 41732 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 87.93 Total : 150.11 12467 81712007 000726 SHUR KLCEN SERVICES, INC. 8035 SU PPLI ES-CENTER PLACE 66.35 Tota I : 66.35 12468 817/2007 001174 SPACESAVER NORTWWrST 502993 I.ASER LABELS 538_51 Total: 538.51 12469 8!712007 000172 SPOKnNE CO. GNGINEER VLY0706 40937 PIN[S/MANSFIELD MOU WI7H COl 35,366.55 VLY0706 ENGINEERING SERVICES 77,618.75 Total : 112,987_30 12470 8/7/2007 000090 SNOKANE CO. IMFORNIAI'ION, SYS7EMf 50301294 COUNTY 17 SUPPORT 15,237.79 Total : 15,237.79 12471 8/7/2007 000001 SPOKANF_ CO. TREASURER July 2007 SPOKANE COUNIY SE12VICES PAl 1,362,932.60 Total : 1,362,932.60 12472 817l2007 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER IaIST. 113 07052007 475-1495-00 81.00 49006100 7814 E SPRAGUE - WATP-R 69.58 09026100 8300 E SPRAGUC - WnTER 155.50 09078100 7711 E SPR/1CUE - WA'I'ER 69.58 Total : 375.66 12473 8/7/2007 000749 SPOKANE RGGIONAL IIG4LTH DIST. H20 TGS7ING WA'I'ER'fEST: SULLIVAN TkST 135.00 1120 TESTING WATCI2 7rST: MIRABEAU PARK 260.00 Total : 395.00 P age: 6 ; , vchlisf , Voucher List Page: 7 08107/2007 2:52:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12474 8/712007 000411 SPOKANE VALLEY NEWS MERALD 29114 LEGAL An: CITY CLERK 25.90 29264 LEGAL AD- FIN/1NCE 51.25 29267 LEGAL AD - PLANNING 49.00 29268 LEGAL AD- PLANNING 26.25 29269 LECAL AD - PLANNING 54.75 . 29270 LEGAL AD - CITY CLERK 25.D0 29271 LEGAL AD- PLANNING 96.00 29272 LEGAI_ AD-PIANNING 79.50 29273 I_CGAI_ AD- i'IANNING' 99.75 29289 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 28.00 29291 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29292 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29293 LEGAL AD: PUBUC WORKS 39.75 Total : 624.25 12475 8l7I2007 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MIPlIS70RAGE 26525 JULY RENT- UNIT 1L46 123.00 Total : 123.00 12476 817/2007 000311 SPRIN7 SI'ECTI2UM, L.P. July 2007 ACC7# 06026781 98-7 (JULY) 420.32 Total : 420.32 12477 8/7I2007 001083 STANDARD PLUPJIBING I•IEATING, CONT 23672 WORK ORDER 14634 148.24 Total : 148.24 12478 8/712007 000211 S7A7E 7'RI-ASURER Notary Application NOTARY APP: PASSMORE 20.00 Total : 20.00 12479 $l7/2007 900773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1237 GENERAL PLANNING SERVICES 1,100.130 Total : 1,100.00 12,480 8I7/2007 001217 THOh4AS, DEAN & WOSKINS INC. 18847 41490 ' PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,214.60 19074 41490 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 139.76 ' Total : 5,354.36 12481 81712007 001036 TRIPLE PLAY 5120 41648 SUMMER DAY CAIv1P FIELD TRIP 845.88 Total : 845.88 12482 817J2007 001024 UNITED REMTALS NORT14WEST 66617883-001 UNITED RENTALS BLANKET PO 68.72 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 0810712007 2:52:33PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice .PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12482 8/712007 001024 UNITED RENTALS NORTHW[ST (Continued) 41466 Total : 68.72 12483 81712007 000723 US hIEAL7Fl bVORKS MEDICAL, GROUP I 0187481-WA ACCT # 017818 JOSEPH CILBERT 121.00 Total : 121.00 12484 817/2007 000167 VERA WnTER & POWER 0010-003488.01 ELECTRIC CHARGES ' 126.77 0011-010826.01 WATCRIELECTRIC 39.95 0012-004137.02 ELECTRICMlATER CWARGES 59.67 0013-432589.01 SWALE SPRIPIKLERS 64.78 003U-031942.01 ELECTRIC CHARGES 53.24 Total : 344.41 ' 12485 8R/2007 001271 WALIACE, SCOTT Facpense Form DOOR HANDLE FOR CITY VEHICLE 30.82 Total : 30.82 12486 817/2007 000766 YRdCA 01=THE INLAND NORil-IWE57 Nov-Jun 2007 YMCA WIANAGEN9ENT CONTR 59,784.00 Total : 59,784.00 76 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,673,635.00 76 Vouchcrs in this report Total vouchers : 1,673,635.00 Approved: - / K~n'rhampson, Finc~ ce DirECtor Date I, thc undersigned, do certify under.~aenalty of perjury, that the matorials have baen fumished, the services CAO rendered, or the labor perfarmed As described iterein M,ayor "~hi • and lhat Ihe claim is just, duc and an unpaicl ohlogation Z. agairist the City of Sp~okane Valley, and that I am .t' ~ ~ ~ authorSzed to authenticato and ccrtlfy to said Gaim. 966nClll'1'1@IT1b~ ~ ~ / < Financo Director Date Page: 8 . vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0811712007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valiey Bank code : apbank Vouclier Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescripttonlAccount Amount 12408 8/1/2007 001441 MCGAVI2AM, WAYNE rcimb pers deduUion REIMBURSE ERRONEOUS PE12S U 55.89 Total : 55.89 12410 812/2007 000724 FAULKNER, JASON August 51h payroll PROCESS AUGUST 5TH PAYROLL 200.00 Total : 200.00 12411 8f2/2007 000365 bE!'T OF I_IGENSING License fee LICENSE FEE-2008 CHEVY C0L012 32.75 Total : 32.75 12487 8/712007 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPCnIOR COURT Filing Fees FIUNG FEES: ROSS 200.00 Total : 200.00 1248$ 8/812007 001446 CLCMONS, PATRICE reis,ue 1/5 paycheck REISSUE 115/07 F'AYCHECK-LOST 333.50 Total : 333.50 12491 8/9I2007 001412 DERRICK, HOLLY Refund 171FF BEfWEEN F2EN'f'ED BUILUItdC 70.00 Total : 70.00 12499 811512007 000724 FAULCNER, JASON 8l15/07 payroll PROCESSING FOR 8/15107 PAYROI 250.00 Total : 250.00 12500 8/1512407 001470 MATTHEWS, hAOLLY 8120 payroll draw PAYROLL DRAW FOR 8120107 PAYC 381.75 Total : 381.75 12501 8/15/2007 001471 JOHNSON, JACKIE E Retlind REFUND 80% PERMIT FEES 87.80 Total : 87.80 12503 8/17/2007 001375 /a PANE Itd THE GLASS C16 5680 41721 JANI70RIAL SERVICES 2,070.00 Total : 2,070.00 12504 8J17/2007 000958 AAA SWrEPING, LLC 38643 41579 CIlY CONTRACT NO. 07-001 SWEE 5,036.87 Total : 5,036.87 12505 8l17P2067 0aQ850 AGRIUANCE - REGION 4 Refund REFUND DAl1AAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12506 8/17/2007 000150 ALLIEp FIRE & SECURIiY SVC296648 SERVICE CALL 236.21 Pagc: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: Z 08117/2007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO 11 Description/Account Amount 12506 8/1712007 000150 ALLIEn FlRE & SECUF2ITY (ConGnued) SVC296801 SEI2VICE CALL: CITY I-IALL 55.94 Total : 292.15 12507 8117/2007 001481 !►LSCO LSP0264349 MATS F012 CITY HALL 64.20 Total : 64.20 12508 811712407 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 090091047 CENTCIZpLACE ELECTRICITY 6,376.59 410102159 SIGNAL: BARKERlMISSION 37.30 Total : 6,413.89 12509 8117/2007 001026 81G BFtOTHERS BIG SISTERS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12510 8/17/2007 001448 BLOOD, JOEY Aquatics Refund AQUATICS 12[FUND 25.00 Total : 25.00 12511 8/17/2007 000918 BLUE t218BON LItJEN SUPPLY, INC. 8841150 SERVICES FOR CrNTERPLACE 380.83 Total : 380.83 12512 8l17/2007 000544 CA7 TALES 616114T 41642 SUMME(2 D/\Y CAMP FIELD Y121p 204A0 Total : 204.00 12513 8/1712007 000863 CENTURY WEST EPIGINEERING CORP. 023665 41587 COIdTRACT NO 07-012 CEN.WEST 235.34 023666 41587 CON'PRl1CT NO 07-012 CEId.WEST 129.91 023667 41587 CONTRACT NO 07-012 CEN.WGST 215.96 Total : 581.21 12514 8I17/2007 000729 CH2hAHILL INC. 3612436 41025 0003-BARKrF2 ROAD BRIDGG 14,585.27 Total : 14,585.27 12515 8/17/2007 400143 C17Y OF SPOKANE 00104058 VALLEY TRANSFEF'2 S7/aTION 147.56 Total : 147.56 12516 8/17/2007 000418 CLARK-PARSON, KAREN Expense Form TRAVEL: WA ASSOC SR CENTERS 15.28 ' Total : 15.28 12517 8117/2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS IPIC 52454 COFFEE SERVICE: Cf7'Y MALL 131.06 paae: 2 u vchlist Voucher List Rage= ~ 0811712007 4:76-45PM Spokane ilalley Bank codo : aPbank Vouchor azkte Vendor lnvoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Ampunt 72597 8Jl 712D07 D00109 000109 COFFLF_ SY$TEMS I N C (Canlinued) Total = 131.06 12618 811712007 000606 COLUMLIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 931 DARFC FIQER LEASE 228_06 , Total ; 228.06 125i9 81I712007 0 0437_fi CONSOLIDATED lRRIGA7IQh! QIST 11982,2 UTILITI' 81LLING 73,37 Total: 13_37 125z0 8J'171Z007 D0003 i GORPORA7r FXPRESS 1664213559001 41759 CORPORATC EKP RE SS FORCED A 63_83 8040167 41753 CQRPORAIEEXPRESS 366.00 Total - 44$.83 12521 8l7712007 000235 DATA f3,4$E FtECORDS DES7RUCTION 21425 00 C UMF NT DESTRRJCTIDTd 30,00 Total ; 30.00 12522 811712007 QOQG83 DAV ID E11AhlS & ASSOC IA'fE S' 228157 413448 DAVID EVANS L05 ANALYSIS 724.01) ' Ta#al: 724.04 12523 8f1712007 001194 I]EPT OF ECOL.OG1f 213Q5-WARA04G5D7 ANNUAL S1'ORMWlITER RERMIT 9.669.59 Total : 9,669.59 12324 511712007 000752 DrPTQF TRANSPOM'IQN RW'13l1TB70515'f07 PROJECT; LAO592611 5,676.75 Total : 5,E76.75 12525 $l1712007 000422 DISHMAN a0DGE INC. 72127 45 DODGE DAI{OTA S ERVICE 205.87 To#al: 205_87 92526 B177=07 001487 DUFFEY, JODY Refund $WERJJ LESSQNS REFUND 25_00 Total : 25.00 72527 $11712047 O00999 EASTERN W,4SF{INGTON A7TORNE1'. Sl 100022$55 ATTDRNEY SERVICES 40,04 94022967 ATTORNEY SERVICES Bfl.DD Total : 120.00 1252a 9l17l2007 001456 FLANIGAN, DIANE Refund REFUND dAN7AGE DEP051T 50.00 Total - 54_UO 12525 8177120137 0D1447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHiNG INC 29375 LEGALAD: PLANNiNG 07.50 29316 LECAL AD: CfTY CLERK 36,75 .Page~ 3 vchlist Vouchcr List Pagc: 4 0811712007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12529 8117/2007 001447 FREC PRESS PUBUSHING INC (Continued) . 29317 LEGAL AD: PI.ANNING 52.50 29318 LEGAL AD: pLANNING 64.50 29319 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25A0 29320 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 55.50 29321 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 63.75 29344 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 87.75 29345 LEGAL AD: PIANNING 82.50 29346 LECyAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 Total : 560.75 12530 8117f2007 00146; CAVIN ASSOCIATES Billing #1 DESIGN: VALLF-Y MISSION PARK 3,51126 Total : 3,511.26 12531 8117f2007 000171 GEIG[R COf2RECTIONS CIcNTER 41500317 WORK CREW: AAAY 07 6,216.00 Total : 6,216.00 12532 8/17/2007 001253 GORDON TI-IOMnS HONEYWELL 7042 LOBf3YIST SERVICES 2,187.69 Total : 2,187.69 12533 8117l2007 000007 GRAINGEI2 9418339124 41461 GRAINGER BIANKG71'URCHASE C 32.65 9421735102 41451 GRAINGNR F3LElMKET PURCHASI= C 2.11 9423971853 41461 GI2AINGER BLANKET PURCHASE C 107.61 9425368439 41461 CRAINGER 13LANKET PURCHASE C 6.87 Total : 149.24 12534 8117/2007 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INCORPORATED 56929 REGISTRA710N: 12EfREAT 40.00 Total : 40.00 12535 811712007 000011 GREA7Ef2 SPOKANE VALI.EY 107805 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: M JACKSO 300.00 Total : 300.00 12536 8/17/2007 001457 h1ARl_ESS, LOUIS[ Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSI7 50.00 Total : 50.00 12537 8117/2007 001466 HFNNEBERG, AMANpA Refund SWlh4 LESSONS REFUND 25_00- Total : 25.00 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 08I1712007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12538 8/17l2047 001454 INIAND ENiPlf2E GEOCACHERS Refund REI=UPJD DAMAGC DEPOSIT 50.00 • , Total : 50.00 12539 8/17/2407 000070 INLAND POWE(2 & UGHTCO 94202-002 ' UTIUTY BILL1NG 40.14 94202-003 U7ILITY BILLING 60.57 94202-005 U7ILITY BILLING 130.42 94202-006 UTILITY BILLING 201.60 Total : 432.73 12540 8/17/2007 000388 IRVIN WA7ER 171S7. #6 112500.0 W/1TFR BILLING 166.00 Total : 166.00 12541 8117l2007 001451 JEROME, KAREN Cariip Re(uncl REFUND DAY CE1MP 95.00 Total : 95.00 12542 8/17/2007 001264 JIFFY LUBE 2327 879553 03 CMEVY S10 132.89 ToG31 : 132.89 12543 5117l2007 000864 JUB ENGINEF_RS, INC. a047346 41720 COMTRACT407-017 7,113.24 Total : 7,113.24 12544 8117l2007 060114 JVH TECMNICAI_ 1NC. 15286 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 731.41 Total: 731.41 12545 8/17/2007 000786 K & N ELECTRIC NiOTORS, INC. 0084194 41636 K & N ELECTRIC REMOTE STAR'I'1-J 9,570.38 Total : 9,570.38 12546 8/17/2007 001468 KW SPO}C/1NE VALLEY CARES Refund REFUND D/1MI1GE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 12547 8/17/2007 001462 LEMAS7ER DANICI_S PLIC 1995633 ACCOUN'i'ING SERVICES 15,713.00 Total : 15,713.00 12548 E3117l2007 000696 MITEL NETWORKS, INC., C/O B & C TEU 92378581 41743 MITEL 5201 IP PWONES FOR CENTI 447.98 92379261 41746 MITEL 5212 IP PHONE FOR CIl'Y HJ 1,262.48 7otal : 1,710.46 12549 8l17/2007 000132 MODERN [LEC7RIC WATER COMPANY 04500-01 MON'I'HLY ELECTRIC 68.79 Pagc: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 '08117I2007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tJ DescriptionlAccount Amount 12549 8/17/2407 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER C0MPANY (Continued) 04515-02 MONTHLY ELEC7RIC 49.28 04553-01 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 69.22 ' 04556-01 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 71.21 04605-02 MONTHLY ELEC7RIC • 48.73 04639-02 MONTHLY ELEC7RIC 56.94 04669-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 61.19 • 04691-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 55.23 04745-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 61.57 04792-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 63.89 04836-02 hA0N7FILY ELECTRIC 65.37 04966-02 MONTHLY GLEGTRIC 6,036.90 04971-01 MONTHLY ELECTI2IC 111.82 06811-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 68.07 07099-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 6229 07247-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 65.65 07750-02 MONThILY GLECTRIC 34.30 • 07850-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 61.46 07861-02 MONTHLY ELECI'121C 56.39 08297-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 64.05 08343-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 76.34 09779-01 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 244.00 09909-02 MON7MLY. ELECTRIC 70.00 09910-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 25.59 69911-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 67.30 099E3-02 MONTHLY ELEC7RIC 31.65 10031-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 12.20 10038-01 MONTHLY WATERlELrC7RIC 48.00 i0039-41 MONTI•ILY WATER/EI_EC7F21C 29.80 10044-01 MONTHLY WATERlELEC7RIC 29.80 1 pp41 _01 MONTHLY WA7ER/ELECTRIC 29.80 10042-01 MONTHLY WATERlELECTRIC 22.60 . 10046-02 MONTHLY ELECTRIC 48.24 10049-02 MONTHLY WA7ERICLECTRIC 39.89 10176-01 MONTI-ILY WATERIELEC7i21C 22.60 Total : 8,025.16 page: 6 i ' • `..~J vchlist VoUCher LISt Page: 7 0811712007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley " Bank code _ apb8nk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12550 8/1712007 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGP1 CO 56641 41462 NATIOP1Al BARRICADE BI..ANKET P 22,48 56705 41462 NA710NAL BARRICADE BLANKEI' F 52.13 Total : 74.61 12551 8/17/2007 004861 NELSON IANDSCAPE SEaVIC E, INC SV-90430 40728 CEN7GRPLl1CE, NELSON-F'LANTEf 1,665.74 Total : 1,685.74 12552 8l17/2007 000239 NORTHWEST f3USINESS STAMP INC. 64868 41752 DEVELOPMEN'f STAMPS 199.23 64936 41752 DEVELOPMENT STAMPS 142.10 Total : 341.33 12553 8/17/2007 000121 NORTHWES'I' MAILItJG, INC 50033 TAX TAX PMT rROPfI INVOICr 50033 48.16 Total : 48.16 12554 8/17/2007 001450 OBERG, ANNA Camp Ftefund REFUNp: CHEERLEADING Cl1M1' 65.00 Total : 65.00 12555 8117/2007 000058 OCCUNA710NAL hr1EDICINE ASSOC. 7110 PRE-EMpI.OYMENT SCREENING 56_00 A500163 PRG-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 130.00 Total : 186.00 12556 8/17/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 392967472-002 41738 OFFICC DEPOT ORDER 24.79 395170189-001 01=FICE SUPPLI[S' FINANCE 123.66 395301583-001 41754 OFFICE pCf'OT SUPPLIES 243.27 41754 395301897-001 41754 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 50.99 395352824-001 41755 OFFICE SUF'PLIES: FINANCE 26.41 395419060-001 41756 OFFIC[ DEPOT 194.28 396520523-001 41757 OFf=1Cr DEPOT 42.88 396520677-001 41757 OFFICE DEPO'r 34.89 Total : 741.17 12557 8/17/2007 000347 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER 07312007 CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMM! 53,340.01 Total : 53,340.01 12558 8117/2007 000512 OFFICETEAM 19256055 SERVICCS FOR JOYCC FONT/11NE 651.75 Total : 651.75 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 8 08117/2007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : 8pb8rlk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12559 8/17/2007 000899 ONEEIGFIT( NETWOf2KS 577388 SEF2VICE FOR CITY I•IALL 8 CENTE 1,464.32 Tota I : 1,464.32 12560 8/17/2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330038568 41750 PRINTING 333.02 Total : 333.02 12561 8/1712007 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, IPlC. 42373 41677 ST 8 SW MAINTENANCE & RE('AIR 13,525.20 42374 41677 ST $ SW MAINTENANCE 8 REPAIR 1,879.20 42375 41677 ST R SW MAINTENANCE 8 REPAIR 1,054.08 42376 41677 ST 8 SW MAINTENANCE & REI'AIR 3,331.13 42377 41677 S7 & SllV MAINTENANCE &REPAIF2 19,415.68 42378 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & F2EPAIR 4,04522 42379 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & RCPnIR 2,647.40 42380 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 692.35 42381 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE 8 REPAIR 2,823.08 42382 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & RGPAIR 3,596.67 Total : 53,010.01 1256?_ $117l2007 004454 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERV INC. 24.380 TEMPORARY SERVICES 1,177.96 Total : 1,177.96 12563 8117f2007 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 19283 41736 S7AFF UNIFORMS 319.57 19467 VEWICLE DECALS 130.32 . Total : 449.89 12564 8/17f2GQ7 000322 QWE5T 509-924-4707 7408 7ERRACE V1EW POOL PHONE 97.20 Total : 97.20 12565 8117I2007 000952 l2ECALL SECURE nESTRUCTION, SERV 3901111149 DG: DOCUMEN7 DES7RUCTION 37.80 Total : 37.80 12566 8117/2007 001461 ROCKOM, KARI Refund AQUA'rICS REFUND 25.00 Total : 25.00 12567 811712007 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 580866 SUPPLIES: SUMPJIER CAMP 43.47 Total : 43.47 12568 8117/2007 001449 SELLERS, DIANA Camp Refund REFUND: CHEERLEADING CAMP 65.00 Page: 8 - . . • . . , ~ vchiist Voucher List Page: 9 08I1712007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor •Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12568 8/1712007 001449 001449 SELLE12S, DIANA (Continued) Total : 65.00 12569 8117!?.Q07 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30443181 JANII'ORIAL SUPPUES 339.15 Total : 339.15 12570 811712007 001459 SHOPE, AUDRA Refund REFUND: CANC[LLATION 1,235.00 Total : 1,235.00 12571 8/17/2007 001260 SPOKANE CASM REGISTER INC. 19316 SERVICE CALL 65.16 • Total : 65.16 12572 8117/2007 000230 SPOKANE CO. AUqITORS OFFICE, REC, 534179 RECORDING & 1=1LING FEES 126.00 535065 RECORDING & FILING FEES 37.00 535572 RGCORDING & FILING FEES 336.00 536126 RECORDING & FILING FEES 78.00 536311 RECORDINC & FILING FEES 41.00 537558 RECORDING & FILING f=EES 162.00 537913 RECORDING & FIUNG FEES . 98.00 538818 RECORDING & FILING FEES 344.00 539199 RECORqING & FII_ING FEES 294.00 539701 RECORDING & FILING FEES 297.00 53998$ RECOi2DING & FILING FEES 139.00 Total : 1,952.00 12573 8/17/2007 000308 SPOKANE C0. PROSECUTING A7TY Crime Vic Comp JULY CRIME VICTIMS COMP 1=UND 844.54 Total : 844.54 12574 8117f2007 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 50301348 CITI2IX UCENSES 780.00 Total : 780.00 12575 8/17/2007 000617 SPOKANE CO. TF2EASURER, C!O COMM 08/01107 Liquor UQUOR TAXES/PROFt7S 2ND QTR 6,209.00 Total : 6,209.00 12576 8/17/2007 000323 Sf'OKE1NE CO. UTILITIES 0271291077129 12710 E SPRAGUE: SEWER 47.44 031648f081608 11423 E WIISSION: SEWFR 255.19 042903l115953 2426 N QISCQVERY PL: SEWER 781.95 Total : 1,084.58 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 08/1712007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12577 8117/2067 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 3525 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-063 LANDSCAPI 4,794.69 Totai : 4,794.69 12578 8/1712007 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CV13 June 2008 Contracl JUN[ 2007 LOpCING 7AX COM'RA 19,963.00 Total : 19,963.00 12579 8J17f2007 000896 SPUKl+NE VALLCY MEALS ON WHEELS Refiand REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12580 8117/2407 400083 STAMDARD DIGII'AL PRINT 264102 DIGITAL PRINTING 166.16 Total : 166.16 12581 811712467 001083 STANDARD PI_BG I-IE/1T1NG CONl"ROLS 23692 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: CP 5,613.05 Total : 6,613.05 12582 $11712407 000065 STAPLES CF2EDIT f'Ll1N 3088362356 DG OFFICr SUPPLIES 210.15 3088362357 DG OFFICE SUPF'UES •35.56 3088362356 DG OFFICE SUPf'LIES 47.67 3088637098 OFFICF_ SUPPLIES 174.93 3488637099 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1227 3088637100 OF1=1CE SUPPLIES 99.53 Total : 580.11 •12583 8/17/2007 000257 STATE AUDITOF2'S OF1=1CE L66271 AUD170RS 24,0110.82 Total : 24,080.82 12584 8/17/2007 000211 STATETREASURER Inga Plote CERT/1_IC 23201 0039089 100.00 Tokal : 100.00 12585 8/17/2007 001469 STCHLCO, LLC I'ree Removal TREE REMOVAL; 3423 N VISTA 1,140.30 Total : 1,140.30 12586 811712007 001458 TAYLOR, ApRfL Refund REFUiVD DARMGE DEPOSI'f 50.00 Total : 50.00 12587 8I17/2007 001217 THOIt4AS, DCAN & MOSKINS INC. 19311 41490 PROFESSIONAL SF_RVICES 4,639.75 Total: 4,639.75 Page: 10 , , ~ • ~ vchlist Voucher L'ist Page: 11 08117/2007 4:16:46PM Spokanc Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DescriptionlActount Amount 12588 8/17/2007 000676 TFi0MS0N WEST 814206202 LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 494.64 Tota I : 494.64 12589 8/17/2007 401464 TIME WARNER TELECOM 01630182 CEN7L-RPLACE INTERNE'1' 1,772.00 Total : 1,772.00 12590 8/17/2007 001453 UNION PACIFIC RI2 EMPLOYEES Refund REI=UND 17AMAGF_ DEPOSIT 50.00 ' Total : 50.00 12591 8/1712007 001024 UNI'fED RENTALS NORTHWEST 67065718-001 41466 UNITED RENTALS BLANKET PO 9.74 67179558-001 41466 UNfTED RENTALS BLANK[T I'O 49.95 Total : 59.69 12592 8/17/2007 001452 VALLEY BIBLG CHURCI•I Refund REFUNp DAMAGE bEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12593 8/17/2007 000167 VERA WA7ER 8 POWER 0001-431971.02 UTILITY BILLING 67.63 0001-032805.00 UTILITY 81LLINC 21.63 0002-001425.01 UTILITY BILLING 171.77 0004000755.01 UTILITY BILLING 162.17 0005-016348.01 UTILITY DILLING 59.56 0006-033021.00 UTILITY BILLING 21.98 0014004275_01 UTILfI'Y BILLING 25.41 0014032971.00 UTILITY BILLING 41.42 0018-031911.01 U71UlY BILLING 53.59 0018-032752.00 UTILITY C3ILLING 20.71 0099-000005.00 UTll.l'iY BILLING 1,714.40 7otal : 2,360.27 12594 8/17/2007 000136 Wn qEPT OF INFO SERVICC5 2007070210 COMPUTER BILLING-MASTER UCE 39.22 Total : 39_22 12595 8/1712007 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 000438 LANDFILL SERVICE: VEHICLES 670.12 0037142-2681-2 C1=NTERPI.ACE - "I'FtASH SERVICE 62.12 1974376-2681-9 CENTERPI.ACE TRASH SF_RVICE 384.78 1974377-2681-7 7RASH SCRVICE 260.17 Total : 1,377.19 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 08/17/2007 4:16:46PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 2pb8nk Voucher Dato Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12598 811712007 001460 WILBANKS, JEN Refund REI=UND DAY CAMp 95.00 . Total : 95.00 12597 8117/2007 000706 WSAPT TREASURCR 08.09.2007 REGISTRA710N: JODI MAIN 140.00 Total : 140.00 12598 8J17/2007 090089 XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 02177599$0 PHONE LINE SERVICE 1,578.18 Total : 1,578.18 105 Vouchcrs for bank code : apbanlc Bank totai : 302,422.63 105 Vouchers in this report - Total vouchers : 302,422.63 Approved: Ken Thompson, inance Director Daie. 1, tho undersigned, do certffy undor peFialty of perjury, • ( ~ Q that the materials have been furnished, the services W` l~- rendered, or the labor periormeci as describecl herein Mcay01'~1Nlf ftE and lhat tho claim is just, due and an unpaid obllgation against the Cily oE Spokane Va[ley, and that I am authorized to authenticate arsd cerlify to said claim. Cp`rjnCfiffi@mbef Finanoc Direttor Datc Pactc: 12 ; , • . . . , ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 08I1412007 11:06:34AM Spokane Valley Bank codc: apb3nk . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12490 81912007 000S49 GRIFFITH, DEANN/1 08109l05 DG Rcirnb. RCIMB. MISC. SUPPUES 102.04 Total : 102.04 12492 8/1412007 000120 AWC EP/IPLOYEE BENGFITS TRUST Den16330 \311)DENTAL PLAN (COUNCIL): Paymenl 4,024.55 , Total : 4,024.55 1?_493 811412007 001089 POE ASPH/ALl' PAVING, INC. 42226 AuJ 41574 CONTRAC7 NO. 06-019 STREE'I' F2E 2,176.27 42335 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 67,758.80 • 42336 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 58,936.68 42337 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & RF_i'AIR 141,244.04 42338 41677 S7 & SW MAIN7ENANCE & 12[PAIR 23,279.13 42339 41677 ST & SVJ MAINTENANCE& REPAIR 32,975.86 42340 41677 ST & SW MAIP1TL-NANCE FL REPAIR 24,051.46 42341 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 13,782.14 42342 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 4,673.98 Totai : 368,878.38 3 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 373,004.97 3 Vouchcrs in this report Total vouchers : 373,004.97 Approved: Ken'I'hompson, Finahqe Director Date, I, tho undersigned, do ccrtify under penalty of perjury, that the matQrials have been fumished, the servEces rondered, or the labor peAormod as described here3n Mdy W I'1' anct that the clalm is just, ctue and an unpaid abligafion against tho City of Spokane Valtay, ancl lhat Iiim authorized to authenticale 3nd csrtify to said claim. COUn&rnGml?Gr 7 ' Finanoe Director Date Page: 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ; ~Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 08-28-07 City Manager Sign-off; Item: Check all that apply: (0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin, report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITI.E : Payroll for Period Ending August 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ~ OPTIONS: . RECOMMEPIDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 168,179.22 Benefits: t 23.744.09 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 191,923.31 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS J CITY OF SP0KA1'VE k':iL.LEI` Request for Council Action Nleeting Ilate: '-S'. : iW" City MaoagerSign-o(r: Itcm: Check aU that app1c: 11 consent ❑ o1d business Z new business ❑ public luarinst ❑ infnrmation El acimin. report [.1 pendine legistation AGF.\DA iTF;M TTTI,E: E'roposed Resolution 07-015, setting a date for a Public Hearing before tbe Planniag Commission - Strcet Vacation Request (SN-04-07) to vacete right-of-way 9 fzet b}• 101) Ucar feet alung Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel4S 143_9278 (patient parc;el of l.et 3 of BSP-0 1-06). BACKGROUrU: 71te applic:ant Bill Braoks of E& S Uevelopment, Ll_C ownet of parrt145143.y2-;g requests a vacufion far a partian of Evergreen Avenue approximetely 9 feet by 109 linear feet. Thc sbutting parcel is newly cre,etecf Lot 3 of 85P-01-06 recorded on March 27, 2007 with the Spokane County Auditor's Of'Eicc. ~ . ~ . - • - ~ ~ ~ • ! Pun3on of Fvergreen Road rcquested ro be vACatcd. ' S~ ~ - ~ Oi'-CIONS: `rt a d::te fi,r n Puhiic Hcaring rm thc rropnsciJ i(Tl'.et v31:ii1on or take no actinn. I REC0Nfl1'lENDEb MUTIUN: "1ltove tU .gpprvve Resulution 07-015, setting Spptcneber 27, -11JU7 ,rv the clnle ror a PuGlir flcuriRg !v be heW bfJ'vre tbe Planning C'ommission nn the proposed slieu vnratiour c jn pvrtion ojE►•ergreen AvenuG " STArT (:!)1TACT Kar:ii Kcndall, r1s;zismnt Pl:ir:ncr llR,4FT CTTY QF SPOl{.4Nt VALLEY SYOKA\`E CQUIN717Y, WASL•II11GT0\° RF,SOLUTIO\' N4. 07-015 A RESOLlJ.T1UN OF TNE CITY C7F SPOKAi\E. VALT Ll', SPnKAXE C(aIJNTY, N'AS1if.NGTON, SETTL'G .T..IM PUiiLIC REAR[1\iG llATE AsvD TEYTE FOK TIIE. YLAN'~TINC_. COMLN'f_iSStON T() CONST.DER ST'RE ET ti'ACATTON RLQUE, S7' S7°V-04- 07 PURSUAs\'T TO RCW 35.79.010. \.Vf-iERF.AS, The applicant Bi11 Brooks of E & S Development; LT.,C awner of pancel 45143.9278 requests a vacacion for a portion of Evergreen tlvenue approtimately 9 feet by 109 linear feet. The abutting parccl is newly createtl Lot 3 of BS1'-01-06 recordecl on March 27, 2007 with the Spokana County Auditor's pff ce, WHFREAS, K.CW 35.79.010 specifies that the (egislalive authority shall establish by resolution the time when a St.reet Vacation application shtill be considered by the legislafive authority or a committee thereof; and, ' WHFREAS; the Spohane Valle}, Nlunicipal Code 10.05.220 establishing regulations and proceclures for ihe processing of vacations of public strcets (hereali:er ref'erred to as "Street Vac.ation"); and, LVHERFAS, Spokane Valley Municipa! Code 10.05.310 specifies that the Planning Commission shall conduct the publie heariiig required pursuant to RCW 35.79.010; and shall develop and forNk-ard a recommendation for a requested Street Wacation to the City Council. ~ NOW TTIElirFOR.E, be it resolved bY _ the City Gouiu.il 01' the City nf SPokane ValleY, SPokane CounCy, \1raShington, as follows: Section 1. Cstahlishinent qf Public WearinQ Date and Time for STXI-04-07. The required public hearing fnr Street Vacation R.equest STV-04-07 sMall be conducted befof-e the Spokane ValleY Planning Comnlission, Septernber 27, 2007 heginning at 6:00 P.m. in the City Council Chambel-s at the . City ]-lall of the City of Spokane Vatley, 11707 East Sprague Aveilue; Suite 101, Spolcane• Valley, VVashinp,ton 99206. :Sec.tiun 2. E1'fective Date. This Ftesplution shall be in fiill force and efPect upon adoption. Adopted this 24th clay nf ,qugust, 2007. Cl'1`1' Or SFOKANTF VALi,.EY ATTEST: i7iana Wilhitc, Mayor ChrisUne Bainbridge, Ciry Clerk ApFrovE.ci as co form: Office of the City Ariortiey Resoiutian No. 07-01 5 Escablishmcnt of Publiz Hearing Date and'Cime for SN-04-07 Pagc 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 28, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: X consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending Isgislation ' AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Revised lease agreement for Precinct Building GOVERNING LEGISLATION' NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Administrative Report by City Manager on August 14, 2007. BACKGROUND: The City owns the Precinct Building. Spokane County leases part of that facility for providing Sheriff services to unincorporated Spokane County, and other criminal justice-related purposes. Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley elected to both take advantage of an early payoff option ,of the underlying property. As a result af that choice, numerous provisions in the old lease relating to drawing down credit the County had are no longer applicable; and should be replaced by standard payment provisions typically found in a lease agreement. Given this, you have before you a proposed replacement lease agreement containing all of the same material terms as were in the original lease agreement signed in 2006 when the City became the owner of the facility. Additionally, the applicable dates were inserted, with currently applicable lease rates. A couple other minor housekeeping items were changed to be consistent with other agreements with Spokane County, such as when payments are due, and accounting for capital expenditures. Spokane County has reviewed the draft lease agreement, have no objections to it, and anticipate approving it on September 4, 2007. OPTIONS: Approve the leass agreement as drafted; recommend changes to same. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to execute the attached replacement lease agreement for the Precinct Building with Spokane County. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Impacts were identifiied in previous discussions with the Council. STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier, City Manager J ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Precinct Building lease agreement. Return To: Cifyj of Spokane Vallcy 11707 East SPragtie Avenue, Suite l.Ofi Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 I.fEASF. AGRFENIENT BE`I'NVEE\` CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND SPOKANE COUN'1'Y RECiARD1NC T1iH: SPOK~kNE VA[.,LEY f'RECIVCT BUIL:I)TI\TG LUCATED AT 12710 FAST SF'RA(JUF, SPOK.ANE NFr1LLEY This T ease Agreement is ente.red into by the City of Spokane Valley (referred to as "City" or "Owmer"), and Spokanc County (referred to as "CountyS" or "Tenant"), ai1d jointly referred to hereinafter as the "F'arties". WI-LF_•REAS, the City is the owmer of certain premises located at 12710 East Sprague Avenue; Spokanc Valley; Washinmon, 99216, which have been used as the Spokane Valley Precinct Building (re.ferrcd t.o as "!'recinct Building" or "Premises"). ~ ~~l~l-~EREt1S, the City abtauis police se.rvices fram Counry ancl the Spokane Count}r Sheriff through a separate interlocal agrecmeDt. Those police services are provided out of the Yrecinet Building, aud currently comprise 56% of the use of the Premises. WNEREAS; The Spokane County Shcriff also presently provides police sen~ices to r.itizcns in the eastern part of wlincorporated Spokane County from the Precinet Building. Adcliiionaliy, Spokane County Districi Court presentl;= utilizes a portian of the Pre.mises for adjudication of traf.fie infractions and smail claims cases. 1`he uses by Spokane County currently comprise 44% of the use of the Premises. grcement fpr the continued use of the \Nf1TFREAS, the Parties desire to enter into a lcase aa F'remises by Spokane Cousity and the Spokane County Sherilf's .Delaartrncnt. NQW, `C'NF•RE1+ORE, ui consideration of the mutual prpmises set Corth here.in, the Parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. PURPUSE. The puipose of tliis Lease Agrcement is to set forth the Partics' understanding regarding the temis and conditions under wluch the County may occupy a portion of the 1'renlises. Tlle County ciu-rently occupies 44% of the Premises. 2. PREVIISES. The termulologY "Premises" shall mean that parcel of properiy locaied and ai1y inlprovenients thereon at 12710 East Sprague Avenue, SPokane Valley, 1~~Jashington 99216. The legal description of the Premises is as t'ollows: _J Page 1 of 9 Parcel number 45222.0227 ~ Opporcunir_y. The N 423 ft pf the W 1/2 of the W % of TR 162 and the N 428 ft af ilie W '/~oftheL'/zoftheW '/ZofSDTR162andtheW 10 fioftheTT428ftoftlieE '/ZoftheC'/Zof the«%%zofSDT}2.162. 3. CU12I7E1;T iJSF, ON~ THE PRLiVIlSES. The City agrees to allow the Count}° to use a portion of the Premises on a yearly basis. County currcntly uses 44% pf the Premises for various purposes includine but not limited to use by the Spokane Counry Sheriff. The.-Parties anticipate that County may continue to use up to 44"/0 of the Fremises f.or criminal justice purposes or purposes not incompatible with crimi.nal justice related piuposes until Deceinber 31, 2017. 4. FUTUK-E• USE Ol+ THE PRL+'iv11SES. During the term of this Lease Agreement, the Parties agree that County may desire to decrease its percentage usage of the Premises; pr City niay desire to increa.se its percentage usage of the Premises. Ili that event, the party desiring to change the usage ratio shall give Avritten notice to the olher Part}, by March l to become effective in the subsequent year. Any chanee in ilie usagE ratio shall be done through aii addendum to this T.,ease Agreement, and shall specify any change in the duration of the Leasc Agreement; as set forth u1 Seetion 5; bclow. 5. TrTt1Vi UF LEAS.L AGRF.F1V1EnT. The term af tlus Lease Aereement shall begin on Septembe.r l, 2007; and expirE on Taecember 31, 2017. In the evene of a change ui use _ of the Fremises pwsuant to Section 3, above, the term of't:he Lease An eement may be inodified. Either Party may terminate this Lease Agreemcnt for any reason whatsoever upon 180 ciays ~,vi-itten notice to the other Party. This ] SO day requirement is in rECOgnition qi' the need for advailcecl budgetary_ planning by b4th e.ntities. PAZ'MLNT. The basc annual lease rate cost for 2007 is $9.92 per squarc foot. The Premises shall consist of 21,780 square feet for the purpase of calculating the lease r-ate aild M&O rate. Por each year thereafter, the lease rate shall be adjtLsted in an ai-iiount equal to the chajigE in the Consuine.r Price Index (CPl) - All Urban Consumers. T"he change in the CPI. vvill be calculaied by taking the CPI average for the entire base year and comparing it to the CPI averacye for the subsequeni year. Nor instance, the CT'1 average.for 2006 will be eoinpared to the CFT average for the entire year of 2007 and the perce_nta€c ciiFference will be applied to the leasc rdte of 2007 to determine the lease rate for 2005. The C1'1'Y will bill the COWTY for the cost of che lease payme.nt as outlined, monthly, by the 15`h of the month. Monthly pdyments will be calculated by dividing those aiulua] costs sct forth herein above by lwelve (12). Payments by ehe COijNITX will be due b_y the 5"' day of the following month. The CITY, at its sole optian, may eharge interest oil any ]ate pa}rmeni calculated on any lost interest earning had the amount due heen invested since the date due to the date of payment in the CITY'S invesnnent pool. 7. NtA1NTE\TA\TCE A~~TD OPERATTOn'S COS I'S. Maintenance and operaiions costs (referred to as "MRO") include various caiegories of items including utilities (electric, water; scwer), ;arhage, janitorial services; inspection services, Cily uidirECi costs, capital improvements _ and othcr mi;cellanequs MR:O cOscs. Ysgc 2 of 9 C i M&O costs da not include teJecommunic;ations services or computer ancl computer network services of anp 1.-ind. M&O will be a nwnber representing a square footage cllaree allocated to all occupants of the Premises baseci uphn ihe.ir permntage of square footaue occupancy. The F'arties aclcnowledge that there may be unaziticipated, not budgeted M&O cosis in any calendar year; as well as unanticipated; not budgeted, capital improvements in any cdlendar year. "lhe - City Manager or designee shall notif~y the County Chief Lxecutive Officer (CFO) or designee in w-riting on or before September 1 of each calEndar year of the planned capital improve.ments for the Fremises ui excess of $4,999.99. City will consider the Cotulty's written comments on the plaruietl capital viiprovements so long as they are receivecl within fifte.en (15) days of the date of the notification tU County. The City's detemiination of the necessity of the capita.l unprovements shall -be binding on the 1'arties. The City Manager or designee shall advise the COunty CF-0 or designee af any unanticipated, not hudgetetl, capital improvements that may arisc. Thc rASts of any such capital improvemems shall Ue alloc.ated in the year of the improve.nzcnt and shall not be amortizeci over the life of the itnprovement. The Parties unclerstand chat the cost of Caoital Imnrove.ments over S50_000.00 would be assesse.d ii1 the vear in which the imnrnvemeni was made.. Yrovided, howevcr, the YART.CFS agree that the Cl"I'Y „till establish an aniortiz.ation schedule for cach capital 'unprovement actually incurred having an acttial cost of over 550,000.00. Thc amortization schcdule shall reflect the true estimate.d tiseful life of the capital 'uiiprovement. The amorti~r,.ation schedule shall spread the CITY'S and COLTN"I Y'S share Qf the capital irnprovement cost over the established time {Tame. For the purposes of this T.lease Agreement, the COUN1'Y'S and CITY'S share shall be calculated Uased upon eacll YAR'C1LS ~ achial usage of the PremisES in the year in which the eapital improvement was made. The C1TY'S share shall include the share of a1l oiher users other than the COUN'fY of the Premises. 'I'he ainortization schedule may cxtend beyond the ternt of tliis L,ease Agrecuient or any renewal thereof. If eitfier party tcruiinates the Iaease Aeree.ment, the CITY agrees to pay the COLTNTY the un- deprcciated portion af the ainortization sehetlule for cach eapital improvement for which an amortization se.hedule hati been prepared from the date of the termination to the end of the aivortization schedule. This amount shall be paid vNithin siaty (60) ealendar days of any such tennination. Tlie C1TY will provide maintenance of the I'reinises and clzaxge the COITNTY for its proporfionate use. The 1'E1RTIES agree that the estimaied M&O will be based upon the Cicy's budgeted M&O for the County's 44% occupancy of the Premises. Monthly billings for N1&0 will be decermi.ned by dividinp- tbat yearly amount by cwelv-e. This fort-iiula will be use.d for each suc,ecssive year in which this Lease Agreement is in effect. At the end of each calendar year; the PARTIFS shall apply the actual expenditures and the actual occupancy perc.entage to cieternune the final cost It is the PAR'I'iFS uitent that any adjusunent iake place as soon as po$sible and accord'uigly vvill use tieir respective best effor[s to tunely pre.pare, disseminate and re-,riew all expenditure documentation. The COUN"1'Y will have sixty (60) calcndar days from its receipt of tlle expenditure documentation ta proviclc the CITY with any wrilten objeciinns(s) to such docwncntation. The,,vritten objcction(s) mList specifically idencify the eYpendiiure(s) in question. Thc CITY agrees to consider all written objections received from the ~ COlJN1'Y within ehirty (30) calendar days of receipt of ti-ie objections(s). In the event ihat the 1'ARTIES cannot munially resolve aiIy written ohjection(s) submitted by the COUNTY .vithin the Pige 3 of 9 tYui-tv (30) cale•ndar day time f'rame, or such other time framc as the PARTIES may mutually agree, the objectinns shall be resolvcd pursuant to the dispuie resalution provisions se.t forch in Section N0. 16. Pe.nding resolutaon of the objections(s), the PARTTFS agree that the COIN1'Y shall pay that ~ gortion of the bill that is undisputed. To the Eartent ihat die COLNTY was over billed in any year and the Lcase Agreement is still in effect, the CTTY sliall credit the C01.3~1TY for such overpa?ment in the next monthly payment owing by tlie COLNTY. Provideti, however; in the event the Lease Agreeinent is terminatecl at such time tliat die overpayment is detenninod, the CiTY shall reirnburse the COUNITY for any overpayi-iient witliui thirty (30) calendar days. To the extent that the COUiNTY was under billed in any year and the Uease Agreement is still in effcct; the COUNITY shall reimburse the CITY for au}, underpayinent in the nea~t monthly pa}°nlent o'~ving by the COUNITY. Provided; ho,~ve,ve.r; ui the event tlie Lease Agrecmer►t is termiilated at such time t6at the unde►Payment is delernuned, the CQLTI`jTY shall reirnburse the CTTY for any underpayuient within thirty (30) calendar days. Eiiher Paa-ty may at its sole option charge interest on any overpaynnent or underpa}hrent bascd on last uiterest carni.ng had the ainount deten-nined clue been invested in the respective PARTIES investment pQOI at the end of the thirty (30) day tirne fi-ame provideci Cor liereinabove to the date of payment. Any resolution of a dispule.d amouiit through use of the arbitracion process identified in Section 16 shall iiiclude at the request of either Party, a deternzination o.f. «<hether interest is appropriate, including the amowii. The Ci`l'Y will bill d1e COUiN"I'Y I'or the cost of M&O; as outlined, mant.hly; by the l S'' of the month. Monthly payments will be calculated by dividing those annual costs set f'orth hereui above by huelve (12). Paycnents by the COi.TNT'TY will be due by the S'h day of the follc~~%,ing nlonth. The C1T1`; at its sole option, may charge uiteresi on any late payment calculated on asiy lost incerest earning had the amotult due been uivestcd since the date due to the date of payment in the C1TY`S investment pool. E~or the purpose of this Idease Agreement the CITY shall furnish customary janitorlclEarung se.rvice, clcctricity :Cnr lighting and aperaling of low power usage offiee machines, heat, normal office air conditians, and common area maintenance, during nrdiuary biisiness ours of the Pre.c.inct Btulding. 8. MODTFICATIU\`. The PARTIBS may modify any tenn contained in this L.ease Anreemcnt, but anly by muhial ~vritten agreement. 9. ALTERATIONS, ADD1'I'[()NS, OR 1MYRnVENlENTS. COIJN7'Y shall not; without first oblaiiung the written consent of the CITY, mal:e any alterations, additions, or imProveilients in, to; or dbout the Prcmises. 10. iNSUKANCE. COtJN"I Y shall procurc and maintt3in for the duration of the Lease Agrzement, insurance a;ainst claims for injuries ic~ persons or damage to Przmises ~vhic.h mav arise from or in connection with the COiJNTY'S operation anci use of the Premises. Page 4 of 9 No Limitation. COi.1NTY'S maintenance of insurance as requif-ed by the Lease Agrcement _ shall not bc construed to limit thc liabilityo uf the COLN 1`Y to the cvverage provided by sucli insurance, or otherwise limit the CIT1"S recourse to any remedy available at law or in e:quity. A. vlinimum Scope of Insurance - COUTjTY shall obtain insurance of the types described below: l. Commercial General Liabilitv uisurance shall be Nvritten on Insurance Service OFfices (ISO) occurrence forni CG 00 01 and shdll cover premises and contracttial liability. The CITY shall bc naned as an uisured on COU_NTY'S Corrunercial General Liability insurance policy using JSO Additional lnsured-Nlanagers or I.essors of Preniises Form CG 20 11 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalene coverage. 2. Pronertv insurance shall be -,witten on an ail risk Uasis. .Minimum Amounts of Insurance COiJI'TY shall main#ain the following irisurance limiLs: 1. Commereial General Liability insurance shall be written with limit5 no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 gencral agtregate. 2. Pronemr insurance shall be wfiilten covering the full value of ~ COINTl"S personal property and improveme.nts with no coinsurance provisions. B. Qther Insurance Provisions - T11e insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the followuig provisions for Cammercial General Liability 'ulsurance: 1. Ttie COUNTT'Y'S insurance coverage shall bc primary insurance witli respee•t to the CITY. Any insurance; self insuraiice pool coverage maintained by the CITY shall be ercess of the COUNTY'S insurance and sball not contiibute with it. 2. The COLjNTY "S insurance shall be c+idorsed ta state that coverage shall noi be cancellEd by e.ither party, excEpt after thirty (34) days prior writte.n notice by ccrtified mail, return receipt reque;ted, has heen given to tlze C1TY. C. Accepiability uf lnsurers - Insuiance is to be placed with insurers with a ciu-rent A.M. Best rating of not lcss than A:V11 or with a risk pool. ll. Veritication of Coverage - COUN`11' shall fiirnish the C1TY with original certifieates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limifed to the additional 'uisured endorsement, cvidencing the insurance requiremecits of the COUT~TY. E. NN'aiver oi' Subrogation - COUNTY atid CTTY hereby relcase and discharize each other from all clairns, iosses and liabilities arising {7orn nr caused by any ha-r.ard ~J v Pagc 5 ot9 covered by propeny insurance on or in conncction with the premises or said building. This release shall apply only to the eatent diat such claim; Ioss or liability is covered by instu-ance. ' k'. City's Properiy Tnsurance - CITY shall purchase and maintain during the term of tlie lease all-risk propcrty insurance covering the Buildin; for their full replaccment value witllout any coinsurance provisions. 11. InDEMNIFICATTQN tiND HOLD HA.RM1,ESS. A. CITY shali indemnify and hold harnile.ss COUNTY and its officers, age.nts, and e1liplayees from all claims; actions, suits, liabiliry, loss, costs, capenses, and damages of any nature, b,v an}° reason of or arising out of any negligeni act or ornission of the C1T1', its pfficers agents, and e.mpioyees relating to or arising out of its obligatio»s undcr the terms of this Lease Agreeme.nt. In the event that any suit based upon such claini, action, loss; or dainages is brought against COUNTY, CI1"Y shal] defend the same at its sole cost ancl expense; provided that COUNTY reservcs the right to paz-ticipate in said suit if auy principle of governmental or public law is uivolved; anci iF final judgment in said suit be rendercd against COLTNTY, and its offices, aeents, and emplnyees or jouitly againsl COUNTTY and CITY andlor thEir respective of'fie.ers, agcnts anci employees, Cl°l°Y shall satisfy the same. 14. COUN"I'Y shall indem.nify and hold harmless C1TY and its officers, agents, and emplayees from all claims, aciions, suits, liabiliry; loss, cvsts, eYpense.s, and damages of any nattirc, by any reason of or arising out of any uep-ligcnt act or otiussion of the COLNTY, its officcrs agents, and eniployees relaiing to or arising out of ils oUligations under the tern-is of ttus . Leasc Agreement. Iu the event chat aiiy suit based upon such claim; actinn, loss, or damages is brought against CITY, COUNTY shall defend thc same at its sole cost and expense; provicled that C1TY reserves t1le right to participate in said suit if any principle of goveriunental or public law is invUlved; and if final judgment ui said suit be rendered against CITY, and its offices; agents, and employees or jointly against COWi TY and CI"rY ancUor their respective officers; agencs ajid etiiployees, COi.NTY shall satisfy the same. C. The fpregoii1g indeinnit)r is specifically intended to constitute a tivaiver of each Party's immuiuty tmder Washington's Industrial Tnsurance Act, RCW 5 1, respeeting the other Party only, and only to the excent necessary to provide ttie indemnified Party with a full and complete indettvnity of claims made by the indemnitor's empl4yees. The PARTIES acknoMedge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by the.rr. 12. N0TTCES. A(1 »otices or other commulucations given hereunder shall bc dee.med given on: (l) the ciay suc.li notices or other conimunications are received when sent by Personal delivun,; or (ii) the thud day followinj the day on which lhe sa.me have been mailed by first class clelivery, postage prepaid addressed to the COUNITY or tlie C:I1 Y at the acidress set.t''orih bcloNv for such 1'arty; or at suc.h other address as eicher Party shall i~:rom time-to-time designatc by notice in wriling io the other Yarty: Yage 6 of 9 COiJNTY: Chairman of Board of Colu1ty Conunissioners . or hislher autliorized representative 1116 `Vest Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 C1TY: City of Spokane Valley City Manager or his/her aufllorized representative 11707 Fast Sprague Avenue; Suitc 106 Spokane Valley, Washineten 99206 13. COLiNTERI'ARTS. lhis I...case Agree•ment may be exe.cuted in any numUer of counte.rparts; each of wliich, when so executed and delivered; shall be an original, but such cotmterparts shalJ tUgetller constitute but one and the same. 14. ASSI(G\TvIENT. \Teither Party may assign in wholc or part iLS interest 'vn this Lease Agree.ment witllout the xvritten approval of the other f'ar-ty. 15, NVRI1':f.i1GS CQNTAI\''LD HLREINBil\rllING FFFL+°CT. TUe PA2.TIES agrec; that there are no other uncierstandings, oral or otlie.nvise, regarciing the subject matler of this Lease Agrcement. This Agrcement shall be bi.uding upan the PARTILS hereto, their successors and assigns. 16. DISPUTE FtES(aLU'1'iON. Aiy dispute between the PAR.TTES which c.annot be ~ resolved behveEn the PARTI'LS shaJl be subject tn arbitration. Except as provided far io the contrary here,in; such dispute shall fust bc reduccd to writing and considered by the COUNT1' CFO and the Cl"1X Manager. if'the COl1NTY CEO and the CTTY Managzr cannot resolve the ciispute it ,M11 be submiried to arbitration. The provisions of chapter lZCW 7.04 shall be applicable to any arbitration proceeding. The CUINTY and the CITY shall have the riglit co designate one Person each tp act as an arbitiator. The nwo selected arbitrators shall then jointly select a durd arbiti-a#or. The decision of'the arbitratiUn panel shall be buiding on the PARTTES and shall be subject to judicial review as provided for in chapte.r RCW 7.04. The costs of the arbitratinn panel shall be equally split between t11e PARTIES. 17_ VENlJE STIPUU.ATt0N. This T..ease Agreement hds been and sliall be construeci as havuig been made ai-id de.livered wit-Jiin the State ofi Washington and it is mutually understUOd and agreed by each Farty that this Lease Agreement shall be governed by ihe laws of the State of Washington both as to intcrpretation azid performance. Any action at law; suit in equity or judicial proceectin¢ for the enforcement of this Lease Aureement, or any provision hereto, shall be instituted only in courts oEcompeieirt jurisdiction within Spokane County; Waslungton. 18. SEVE•IL1.B11,IT1`. The PAR'7IES agree that if miy parts, ierms or provisions of this T ease AQreement are lielci by the coul-ts to be illegal, the validity of the remainulg porkions or provisions shall not be af.fiectcd and the rights and nbligations of the PARTIFS sha.l.l not he affected Page 7 of 9 in reclard to ihe remainder of the Lease Agreement. If it should appear lhat any part, teini or pro,,rision of this Lease Agecment is in conflict with any stdtutory provision of the State of Washington; then d1e part, tem-i or provision. thereof that may be in conflict shall be decmed ~ inoperativc and null and void insofar as it may be ul conflict thereNuith dnd this Lease Agreement shall be dccmed to mociify to con.fomi to such statutory provision. 19. R.F,COIillS. All public records prepared, Qwned, used or retained by the CIT1' in conjunction w-idi this Lease Agreement shdll be deemed CTTY propert)r and shall be made available to the COUN"1'Y upon request by the COLNTI' CEO subject to the attorney client and attorncy work product privileges set forih in statute, courc rule or case law. "1`he CiTY will notif}7 the COUiNTX of anY public disclosure request under RCW 42.36 for copies ar N.-iewing of such recorcis as well as the CITY'S respoiise thereto. 20. 'l"1t'V1E OF F.SSENCE F412 LEASE AC:REENIE.N'[`. Tirne is of the esseuce for tlus Lease Agreemcnt; and in casc either Party fails to perform the obligaiions on its part to be perfom-ied at the time tixed for the performance of the respective obligation by the ternls of this Lease Agreement; the other 1'arty may, at its eleciion, hold the other Party liablc for all costs aaid damaaes causeci by such dclay. 21. iJNCONTROT.,LAI3LE CIRCUNtS lAA-NCF/L-V1PUSST$1L-IT1' QF PE12F'QRMAYCE. A dela}, or interruption in or failure of per;formance af all or any part of this Lease Agreement resulting from uncontrollable circumstances shall be deemed not a default undEr this Agreeinent. A delay or inten-taption in or failtire qf performance of all or any part of this Lease Abreement - -resuliincy froRl any change in or new law, order; rule or regulation of any nature wluch makes complying with thc ternis of this Agi-eement legally impossible, ancl wiy other circturslances bcyond the control oFthe C1TY which render legally impossible thc performance by the CITY of its nbiibations under this Lease Agreement, shall be deemed not a default under this Lease Agreemcnt. 22. NO WAI'Vk:17. No ofticer, employee, or agent of the C1TY or COUI\TTY has the power, righi, or authority to Nvaive any caf the conditions or provi5ions of this Lease .Agreemeiit. No waiver of any breach of ihis Tleasc Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of miy vthcr or subsequent breaeh. All rEmedies a.fforded in tbis Lease Agreemeni at law shall be tdkeii aiicl conSCrued as ctunulative, ttiat is, in adclition to every othe.r remedy provided herein or by law. 1'he failure of either Farty to enforce, at any iime, any of the provisians of this Lease agreemcnt oi• t:n require, at any time, pei-[onnance by the other Party of any provisians shall not, ui any way; affect the validity of iliis Lease Agreemenl or any parl lzereof, or the right. of either Part_y to hereafter enfprce each and every such provision. 23. SUPERST:L7E CLAUSE. The Parties executed adocumcnl entitled "LEASF ACTR.EENIILNT BrTWEEV CITY (7F SFOKANE VALLL-"Y AN]7 SPOKANIE COCNTY R_FCir1RDING THL-" SPOKAvL VAT.,LLY PRFCTNC"1". BUIT D1iNG i..OCATET) .AT 12710 Et1S"I" SPR.AGUE,SPOKANE. VA1 LEY' uncier Spokanc County Resolution N0. 2006-0584 and signed July 19, 2006 by L7avid Mercier, City Manager. The execution of t.hi.s Lease Agreei-nent Page.8 oCy by the Parties, shall act as a termination of the above doeume•nt and the proVisions of this Lease . Agreement shall supersede such dacument. 17ATE17: B0ARD OF COtJNTY COA9MISS10NERS OF SPUK.ANE COUN`CY Iv1ARK RICHAR.D, C1iairman ATTEST: }30NNLF_• MA.GER, Vice-Chair Clerk of the Board . Daniela .F_rickson TUDI7 v1IELKE, Coinmissioner DATED: CITY QF S}'4KANE VALLEY A1 "1 EST: David Mercier, City Manaber Christine Bainbi1dge, City Clerk A.PPROVED AS 'I'O FqKNi 0NLY: Office af the City Attorney Page 9 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 21, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: (D consent ❑ old business [J new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Homeland Security grant to strengthen SVPD Precinct Building PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information item August 21, 2007 BACKGROUND: Several ir►cidents of direct attack upon law enforcement and t.heir tacilities have occurreci within the reeent past (i.e., Moscow and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho), and we are very aware that we are vulnerable lo the same type of'situation. The Spokane Valley Police Department is in the prucess of irnplementing a number of sccurity measures to enhance safety at our police and c:ourt facility. Various areas in the facility have been exzminecJ and stuveyed to assess pokential problenm spots. The winclow in Front of the frnnt dcsk and the wall below lhe window are cxtremely vulnerable to firearm attack. Fortification with bullet-proof glass and melal shielding to the lower wall would provide deputics working at the front desk with the cover neetied to pmtect themselves and perform dutics assigned to them in an evlcudtion, lockdown, or shelter in place procedurc. The Front desk offeer is tasked witli stcEas that are key to prntecting the L7ist:rict Court personnel F►nd tihe public visitirig the courl. facilities during any of the above emergenc:y situations. Thc increased sccurity measures outlined for the Gont desk are necessary to allow dcputies assigncd there to perf'orm their duties in a reasonably safe manner. It is of the utmost importanee to deny any breach of our pnlice facility so that it can continue to serve as a command post and safe haven from which emergency operations can be directed. Our objeetive is to decrea.se the vulnerability of our building and staff to terrorist threats and minimize the interruption of governrnent services Eif our facility. Wc have applied to 1-lomeland Security for grant moneys to fund the reinf'orcement of the front de.sk area by replacing the existing window glass with bulletproof security gla.ss and installing a metal protec[ive shield in front of t.he desk countcr t4 provide secure cover. Currently, the desk only otiers concellment i►ncl provides little, if any, protection from possible attaeks. It is imperative that both the tipper glass and Iower metal shield be installed simultnneously to provide the level of pro[ectinn ne;cded in such emergencies. We have consulled with Alliuf 1=ire nncl Security of Spokane, Washington to acquirc fln estimste for the eompletion of this project, and this company wauld do the work involved. Homeland Seairity funding in lhc amount of'$34,000.00 has heen griunled to pay for this pmjec:t. PROJECT BUDGET: TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING: $31,167.00 + 8.6% TAX ($2,680.36) FOR A TOTAL OF $33,847.36 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept granf moneys from Homeland Security to strengthen Spokane Valley Police Precinct Building. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None to the City of Spokane Valley STAFF CONTACT: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ 'Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 28, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent [I old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informa4ion ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Land Acquisition: Real property acquisition related to streets. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None, BACKGROUND: In 1997, Washington Department of Transportation (DOT) and Spokane County jointly planned for the redevelopment and reconstruction of the Sprague Avenue/Appleway Avenue interchange area. As part of that, Spokane County transferred its rights-of-way to DOT, which would then manage and construct the project immediately around I- 90. This is a typical scenario in such projects. Once the project is finished, DOT will do a"turn- back" agreement, giving the property back to the local jurisdiction. ~ Here, DOT did not finish with all of the aspects of the project until 2005. DOT was cognizant that we were now the local jurisdiction, but believed they could not transfer it to us, and must instead tum it back from the jurisdiction it came from. Hence, DOT transferred portions of existing roads (See map and legal description of properties). Spokane County became conscious of the issue in May, 2007, and sought to have DOT take them back and re-transfer the streets to Spokane Valley. DOT declined to do so. Following several meetings by our staff with County staff, the parties mutuaAy agreed that the only appropriate solution would be for Spokane County to formally quit claim the streets to Spokane Valley to remove any issue of ownership. oPTiorvs: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we acc,Qpt the quit claim deed from Spokane County on the condition that it contains all of the property identified in the map and legal description. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ~ . . , ~ ATTACHMENTS: Map and legal descriptions. • ~ ! , _ . ' . CK<nocs 4, WO op9z'iiq t1L tpA. ~ tr~7 ~.~7 Y,~~~Jvn7d67, bF+.af~n1 J . Fa3e 2~3~3a5t 23 Al~4~yWVS I1 S~kane Co, i6l~ EJJMB I'I' "A° PA1tCE1. A: - 'Ettat portion cf the Nor£hwest q9artGr of the Norlhwest quarter of Seciion 23, Towaship 25 North, Rarige 43 East, W.M., in Sgoknnc County, Was}ungton, dcscribed es follows: ' Beginning ai a pair•t oppositc Highwny P.ngineer's Stagon (hcreina}tcr tefeired ta as HEb7 14+5435 on the SR 90 Ianr survzy o.f SR 90, Sproaava Ave. Intemhange Vic. aad 202.50 feet noitbesly thcrefrom; thence casterly psrallel with said ]ine survcy tn a point apposita HFS 16+83.97 therec,n; thcnce nnrthcriy to a point appa~site snid NFS und 262.50 feet northaiy theree&or.n; thence westcrly pazaflcl with said line survey to a poiaf oppasita HES 14+54.35 ' thereon; tbencc southerly tn the point of bcginning . PARCEL B: That gartion of the Nurthwrss q¢srLcr of fhe Northeast quarter AND the NortheasL quarter of ths Northeast quarter, all in Section 23, Township 25 Nari6, RanSe 43 T.:sst, W.M„ in Sookane County, Wastongten, dcsciibed.as foilocvs: gegnning at a pomt appositc Haghway Engineer's Station (hereinaftcr refermcl to as I-M.S) F5 • 32+13_63 on the FS Line swvay af SR 90, Spmgue Ave. Inteavhange Vio, and 30 fect snutherly thercfrorn; ehence eastcrly rarallel with 3aid line survey to a poilrt opposite HES FS 52+87.5 4hereon; tbencc no;thedy to a point opposifc said RES anci 30 fcet northerly Therefrom; thcnce . , wcstsrly paraJlel v,ith ssid line sLrvey to a point opposi[e HES FS 48+48 therepn; thenec nort3ierly to e point onpasita said ITC•'S md SO feet norcFEerty there&om; thcnce wcsterly paralfol with sr.id liue survey to a point onpo;ite FiES FS 47+45 lhereoo; thence southeriy to a gaint appasice seirl FTFS and 30 feet nnrtF►er[y thexefroen; thenca wrste.rly pr.nllel with said linc snrvey ~ j to s point opposim HES FS 32+13,63 fhereon; lLence southGrly tti the paint of bcginning. ~J PARCET C: ' That porSi on of thc Vorthwest quaricr of Seetion 24, Tow€uhip 25 Narca, Itange 43 F.rist, W.'vl., iri 5nokanc Gonr:ty, `Vashington, described as follows: Beginaing at a point oppostel-;ighway EnginECr's Stadon (hereinaftcr cefeerocl Fu es RE.S) F 84-00 on tE►c F Linc survcy of SK 90, 5prar„ue Avc. Intcrchange Vae. zod 30 fcet sautherly therefrom; thrnce easterly oo a point oppositc T-.iF.S I3+34.70 on said lir,o survey and 137.07 fcet sauthcrly therc6-om, said point beang pasallel with and 15 fcet wcstcdy of thc EA linc survey of saia highway; thcnce sautbcriy p2raJ£e1 with said linc suxvey to apoint opPosite F€ES F.A i l+i 1.44 thereon; theuce southweatarEy aud snutheasteriy along a curvc to the 1a8, hAVing a ridius ai 50 fcet, au arc dista,icc of 109.52 fock, thence Norch 88°21'a6" Easi 4.11 fect; thcnce South 021I 1'03" F..ass 8.95 fr,et; thenan IrToith 88"09'37" Eest 62.22 Ccc.t; the,ice Noath 118"47"31" . Esst 11.64 fcei; tfience northccister[y and norihwGStcr(y a(ong a wrvz ta the teft, having a radius of 50 t'eet, an arc distance o£92_6B feci tA a point opposi[e iiFS EA I0+97.55 on sp3d line survey and 15 fcat ea,s3erly therefrom; thence aort}tedy parallei with so-id lina survey and 15 fmt casterly tttercfroru to a point oppasite HF.S EA 13+5526 P.T. lhercon; thcnce North 02° 12'5 0" Wesk 30 fixt; thencc noiiheasterly alone a curve to thc riglst~ having a radius of 125 feci, an ero disixnce of 65 fcet to a point oppasite IiES F 14+61.38 on thc P Ginc swvey of said highway and 53.52 feet southcrly thercfrom; thcncz southcast,^.dy to a point onposite I-IES F 17+80.58 on said liur survey and 48.59 fect fiauttiesly therefrom; thence nerthcusteriy ta u point opposito HES F. 17+8 i.79 on said line scrrvey and 44.55 feet southerly therefram; C}iC71Ce SOi2t}1C2St8ily EO 8pOfllt . oppositc HES F 17-h91.43 on said line sucvey aiid 96.20 feet southerty therefrom; thcaise casicrly to a point oppositc BES F 19+18.32 Uri suid linc survcy . nd 23.90 feec southeciy thcrcfroni; thence southarly to a poiut apposite HF,S F 19-t-18.55 on said iinc survey and 29.47 fect Eoutherty theref vm; thcnce eastetFyparallel wiih said line survey to a point opposite tIES F 20+85.16 thereoa; thcnce southcrly tn apoint oppositc said NES amd 35 feet southerIy U6re&om; theatcc . casterlypeual(el with said line sorvey to z pvint opprsite HES F 22+17.?5 tiieceor,• t6encc nortAer]y to u point opposite said HES artd 25.33 fect nortfterIy thertfroin; ti►cnce westerly parsild wi[h saicl line stuyey ro ra point oppUSite HE5 P 2W-66.04 ihcrcon; thenec narthcr3y io a -J point oppasite said ftFS and 30.26 fect northerl t~►orefrom• thertco wcsttrl to a oint a • Y , y p gposite i3ES F 1 R+S3.05 an said Line sucvey, and 27.56 feet norther9y 2hereFram; theau:e northwestcrly to Pega 3 nf 6 Pareb 'IB6-0(}67 C~as~a~7~M ~i pdTre~ V.r r~ pryahr~ ~e~ vd a.n.ay ye_n Ccp"fpu 8'A0.Ad *hh-d 5172335 Fago, 4 aF L3 81/P~~ l1~231i . w C~:. IL`cl r fN~ER_ ~ '.~e spakNa co, M a point oppo-qste HES F 18+50 on said Iine survey anc! 38.24 fcct northerly therofrcm; thencc norihwe.stcrly to a paint opposite HE5 P. 10-1-69.36 on the F. line svrvey of said highway and 61.81 feci easierly thecefrom; thcnca nartherly to a point opposite NES B ] 2+38.66 P.T. au said lijze 6urvey and 33.33 fcet easterly therefrom; thcnce nartherly ta a poinl oppasite HES SA ] p+32.35 on the SA line sucvey of said hig`eway and 25 south:rly thcriQfrom; thence tasierEy perallel with said line survey to a pniut opposite HES SA 14+49.65 thercon; thenCO easlerly t0 a poin3 opposite HE,5 SA 15+35.0l on said kinc sxmey and 20.72 fce2 southerly there&om; thcnee southerly to a point opposite SA 15+3722 on said linc survay ancl 36_23 fect saaEhcrty • there€rom; therccc easEcrly tn a point opposita HM SA 15f98.08 an said lino survey and 25 fcei • soutt3erty therefrom; tFeERLC suuthei.nerly paraUel with said linc eurvey to a point opposite HRS SA 26+40.88 therran; thcnce southrrly to a point opposite ETFsS SA 16+45.58 on said 1inE eurvey and 44.87 feet southerly t6erefrom; thetacc easterly to a point oppo9ite FIES SA 17+04.06'on r,eid lina survey and 31.45 fcet sout6erly therefrom;.therscc northcrly to a point oppasite HES $A • 16-1-80.70 on said linc survcy'und 69.64 feet nortberly therafram; tlience wcsterly to H point ! opposite HES SA ] 6+22.13 on said linc survey and 56.59 feet northerly therefrom; thencs , westeriy to s point oppuaite M SA 14+71.64 P.C. on said line sucvey and 35 fzet northeriy . therefrom; t;ieacc weztcrly parallci with said Iine survey_to a paint opposite HES SA 9-t-16.69 . thercon; fheuca snutherly to a goint oppusatc NES SA 9.'-i 5.83 on said line survey nnd 31.30 feci ' souther2y t6crefrom; thcncenorttimsterly ta 2 p-oint opposite HES SA 9+41.56 on said lina svrvcy and 25.12 feet southerty thereBom; thcnce easterly to e point opposite HES SA 9+65.47 orx said lins aurvey and 25.22 feet sOutherty thrrc&otrr; thence sautberty to a point oppo5ite IiES B 3 4+26.I9 an the E]iue survsy af s~id hiphway ai7d 33.30 faef wescariy therefrom; thence sauthwestcdy to s point oppasite HES T 12+00.09 nn said lina survey aed 52.07 feet westcrly therefrorn; thenco sattQawrsteriy to a point upposite RES E 10+94.26 on said linc sucvcy attd 66.84 feec westrriy therefrom; thcncr southwesterly to x point oppasite fTE$ P 134-00 0n the F line survcy of said highway :utd 70 foct northerty tharefrass3; thencz sot!lhwestcrly to apanit , oppositc HES F 11+00 ors said tuie svrvey aud 30 fect nor'cheriy thezefrom; th-.uce westeriy paratlcl witn ssid ]ine survcy to x ooint opposite HES F 8T00 themun; thrnr,e sou,hedy to the po;ni of trcginning. PARCEL D: . Thr.3 portion of the Nprtrca-0 quartei ai the Northwest quarter, the Southeast quartcr of the Northwest quactcr, the iNaithwest qaartcr oFtbc No:theast yuarter, and the Sonlhwest quartcr oi' the Norchca: t qumrter, 011 in Sectian 24, Township 25 LNarth, Range 43.East, W.M., in Spokaae County, Washingcon, de,scribcd as t'olfow;;: Aegiruiiub $t a poW opposife Highways Engneer's station (hcreitraftar reFerred to as I-i'ES) N ' 22L1 ?,25 on the F la!e survey o`SR 90, Spraguc Ave, Interchange Vic. aud 25 f et southerly therefrom; thencc eastcrly paral[el witls said line survey to a point oppositt F€ES :C 13+19.97 on the T lime survey of said highway nnd 30 feet eastecly khcrefrvm; thence northcriy narallel wltbsaid linc survcy to a poini oppacite H3S S 79+50.23 0o the S linc survey of ssid hivhvray aa,d 50 Pect soutfierly t}irrefram; ttinace w;sterl y paTalle! wito said line survey to a poiat apgc►site S 78T90,98 thereon; thenes southeriy ta a point apposite HFsS T 234M4.36 on the T line survey of said hie,,ljway end 30 feet westerly thercfrum; thencc sauthweytcrDy to a paint oppositc HES 7' 22+47 oa said line survey and 46 feet wcsteziy thercfrom; t6e.nce sauthsrly to e Foint oppasite ' HF.S T 20-r50 on said lint survey and 36 feei westcrly therefrom; thence soutlierJy paraUet w:W said line survey to a point app-oeite HES T 20+30.25 thcre.on; thencc castrrly to a pviat opposite saad HES and 30 fce# wcstec?y ihrscfrom; theuce sautherly parallcl with said line survey tfl a point opposite T 13i-69.67 ihareon; thencc westczty to apaint a{tposite HES F 22+17.25 an the P line survey of said .highway and 25,331'eet northcrty therefram; thence southerly to the poin, of hcginning. , 1't1RCEL E: That portian of the North half of the Norttnvcst qnurter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range 43 E2st,W.M., ia Spvkazee County, Waghington, described ss follows: Beginaing st a point oppasite Elighway Engineer's St?tion (hcreinaRLt ccferrtd to Ps HES) W-E 22+81.55 on the W-E Ramp line survey of Sit 90, Spraa t Ave. Inte;change Vic. and 31.7 feai noccherly therefrar,t; thettce southeasceriy to a paini opposite HE$ tiY-P 23+25 on said line , sttrvey and 17 fex: northcriy theze6om; tbeacc castcr]y parallel wi[h said Jine survey to a paint opposite HF.,S W-E 24+55 ttierran; thence casterly to a poi2t opposite HES W-E 25f24.50 on Page 4 0f 6 Pages • TB6-0057 • , , , - ao.we ~,*t+M o.nn.. ui ' A~r ~~dc •e ~.a.; y,rr t+~~pi r.a~. ~u 6ioo n....i • ~ ~ ~ ~ 5172335 ' Pa~~ 5 ~f' i3 ~ 1t ~ B1le//dB9S 11'23i N u sr. Spokane fa, WR said linc siarvcy and 6_5 fezt nQrtheriy thcrefrom; thcnoc eastcrly ta a noini oppositr HI.'S FA 27+16 on the FA tinc survey of said highway and 4.5 fcet northerly themfrom; thcnce easteriy to . a point opposite IiF-S PA 29+96 oa said line survey and 12.5 feet noFtherly tloerefrom; thencc soutticly tn a point opgosite AES FA 29+47.32 on said iine sutvey and 33 fee£ soutrterly Eherefrosn; thcnce cxsterty pFaallei with said line survey to a point oppositc HFS FA 30+5732 thcreon; thwce rarthsdy to a point oppositc said HES artd 30 fact soatlterly th-rcErom; thenc°. ' easterly paraUel wifh said line sw-vcy to s point appnsite HES FA 32+66.9 * 5 tltear-pn; ihancc . southcrly to a point oppositP said HJES and 64 feet southerly thcrcfrom; theace casicsly paral7el . with said }ine suJVey to 3 point ogpasiic HES FA 33+26.88 thercon; lheace narchEas?esly to a point opposite HES FA 33+42 on said line survey and 45 feet southerly thcrefrom; tbcnte msterly to e point opposite HES FA 35+54 on sasd line survey ar,d 51 fecd sout6erly thcrofmm; chenae sauthcasterly to a point opposite HE5 T 22-M7 on tho T line survey of said highway end 46 feet westcriy 3hercfrain; t2fenoe northeastcrly 4o a point oppositc: HE.S T 23+44.36 oa said line survey and 30 futwcsterly therefrom; t};ence westcrly to a point oppositc HES FA 33+41 an the FA line siuvey of said tugttway and 26 feet nozthcr3y therefrnm; theace nortFtwesterly to fl point opposite FiE5 FA 33+25.32 on said linr. ~urvey and 45 feei izortlteriy thercfrom; thcncc noct}aeriy to a point opposite said HfiS and 56.34 feet northcriy thcrefrvm; thCI]CC wCStS:CIy (D II p0l21t opposite HES FA 32+65.32 on said line survey and 57.95 fcet narthcdy thcrttrom; thence suutherIy to a point opposite said M end 47.72 fcet norttterly therefmrn; tbeacc southwcstedy to a pasnt opposite fiES FA 32+53,92 on sxicl line survey and 32.87 fcet aoriherly thesefrom; dience westcrly to a point opposite HES FA 31+45.09 an said line survey and 33.05 ficct . northerly therefrnm; tbence v,westerly to spoint oppesito HES T'A 34+10.41 on said line survey and 33.31 feet nattFierly.thcoefmm; chmce nortltwesierty to a poin4 opposiic HT.S FA 29i-96.16 . on said linc sucvey arcd 52 fcet norihcriy therefrom; thertce northerfy to a paint apposite said HFS and 55 fcet northerly the,refiom; thance wcsterly parallel wi{h said linc sGrvoy [e n poenf opprrsits HES'FA 29+36.16 thtrean; 4henee sauthcrly ta a point opposite said HES snd 52 feet northcrly the.refrom; fheaco southwesteriy to a point appositc HES FA 29+20.75 on said line ~ sutvey anci 34 feet north,erly thec+efrom; thtatcc westetly parallel wsth said line survey oo a poiat opposita HES FA 26+75,47 theceou; cbancc narthwesterly to a poinf opposiie 7iES FA 25f66,1 D on said ]ine survcy and 40 feet northeriy thcrcfrom; thence northeriy to s point opposite said H'ES and SS feet aortherly thcccfroin; tlier:ce westerly parallc] with said fiiie strrvcy to a poiat oypasite HES PA 25-h83.23 thercan; thcoce southwesterly aleng u curvc En the right, having a radius af 81.98 fec;, aa arc distancs of 66.84 Fec4 to a porutt opposite M W-E 25+23.84 on the W-E Itamp line survey of said highway apld 41 fcct norfherly thrreTrotn; thence wcsferly parallel witlt said line survey to a point oppositc HES W-]3 23+35.95 thorcon; thenee northerty io a point oppasite HES W-E 23+35.58 on said line survcy and 93.37 faef noatherly chcrefrom; thmice ' wcsterfy paralle) witn said liae survcy tq a poicit oppositc HES W-B 23*05.58 thereon; t6znee ' northwcstcdy to a point opposite RES ~V-E 22+8 1.01 on said linr survey and 105.57 fcct nurtherly thercfrom; thCnce southecly to tbe point oEheginning. PARCEL F: That portion of thc South Half of [he Suut6west quartrr and the SouEhwcst quar?e: of [he • Southe;st quurter of Sxtian 13; aud that portion af'the North Hatf of atie NoKhwest quastcr and the Northw•at quarter of the Nlorthsast quarter of S ection 24; ell in Towriship 25 Atorth, Rjnnge 43 East, W.M., in Spokana County, Washi❑gtao, descritred as follows: • Bcguming at u point oppasite higfiway Enginccr's Stetion (2feteina$cr rcfcrred to as HES) 74+06 on tha 3R 90 tine survey of SR 90, Spraguc Ave. Jntereha,ige Vic, and 185 feet . southeastcrty lherefrom; tbcnee soutbwesterly parullel with said tine suryey to a point opposite HES 72+2$ chereon; 4heaco sonthca:stcrly to e point oppositc HES SPYJE 63+71,45 on t6e SPWM line survey and 14 feet so'.rtherly therefrom; lhtnce naiiieasteriy parai[cl with said line sLwvcy to s point apposite HES S 66M8 on t]ie S li»e survey af said highwsy xnd 50.5 fcet suutherly thercfrom; thcnce nort}ierly lo a point opposile said HES and 50 fcct southerly ' therefrem; chence easterty parailcl with s.aid line survcy to s point qpp+rsiEe HES S 59f00.25 thcrcon; thenc- southerly to a point opposite said HFS nnd 70 feci southeriy therefrom; thmce easterly parallel with said line suavey to a point oppasitc I-IES S 69+60.25 thcrcan; rhence northcrly to a point oppositc said Hk.'S and 50 fnet southcrly therrfrom; ?hence easierly puralle! with said linc survty da a puint opposite HES S 72+30.36 Ihereon; thcncc southeriy to a point opposite said HES enct 70 feet soatherly thezefram; thtnco easterly parallel with said line survay • to s point apposite HES S 72+90.36 thertssn; thence northcrly to apoint opgosite said HES and 50 feet sautherfy ihea-efrom; thenco easterly parallal tvith said lane sunrey tn a point appoSiiC Page 5 o f 6 Pages 'I136-0067 C_..ra p.Ud h c.at- uz.~ a~.yr.~•~ ►nd~.: ~d ~e~ ~mn ~at~hK mm. +n qna ~ec..a 5172335 ~ Pae,e 1 6 of 913 eirvrm 4kA HES S?5}G0.22 tt►ereon; thencc souihcrly to a poini opposite said HES end TO fect sout6wty 1 thcrefrtrm; thcnce essterly parallel with said line svrvey to n point opposite HPS S 76+24.22 . theram; thcace nartherly ifl a paint oppasitc said Hk?S and 50 Fcei s4uifierly-theraRom; thcnce • eastcrly paraliel with ssid ]ine stwey to n. paint apposite HES S 78+90.98 thctecn; ihence easteriy patalici with said line survcy to a point opposite H5S 5 79150.22 thereom; thcnca • rasterly parellcl witt said tine survey to a point appms'tte RES S 82+20.00 thaceon; Chencs northerly to fl poi€it apposite said I3'ES and 54 .fcct ttartherly therefrom; thenca westerly parnllel with sxid linc survay to a poini oppositc HES S 70+64.64 thereon; thence northcrly to npoint' opposite said HES and ?fl fe-st noltlierly tlierefram; thencc westerly pacalle( WiLh said lino survay to a pomt oppositc HES S 74t04.64 fhereoa; thence southerty to a point oppasite said MS and 50 fcet nartherty #hecefrom; tlyence westerty parallel with said line survey ta x p4int oppasite AES S 66*48 ihcrcan; ihence northerly to a pouit opposite said HF.S end 52.5 feet northcrly therefrom; theacs westc71y to the point of begiuning. , PAI2CFL G: i'hat gortion ofDycr Strcet and Dollar Street ini tEte Norihcast qaartcr of the Norttawest Guarter af ' Section 24, Township 25 Nor+.h, Rantle 43 fiasl, W•v1., in Spakane County, Washingtnn, lying bciv;eta above clescribe@Parcets C, and F. The specific deteils cancerning ell of which may be fotsud on Shcet 2, bearing datc of approval Ocinber 17, 1997, revised to-F'etsniary 26, 1 999; Sheets 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11, hc.arinq da4e . of approvnl October 17, 1997, rcvisect to Apri! 17, ! 998; Shcets 6 and 9, bearing date of approval Octobcr 17,1997, revised to Scptember 10, 2004; arsd Sheot 8, bcaring datc oFagpraval Or.tober 17, 1997, revised to Deccmber 10, 2004 of thet certsin ptan entitled SR 40, Sprague Avc. i Intercbmngc Vic., now af recnrd and on filc in the office of the Soci'elary of Transportation at ' . ' Olympia, Washirigton. • ~ Pa-ve 6 0~ 6 Pncs TB6-0067 , ; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: August 28, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: ' Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business [D new business [J public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Extending Deadline for Acceptance of written comments conceming Proposed Uniform Development Code GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: In keeping with Council desire to keep the public apprised of the UDC deliberations, and to make them aware of public comment opportunities, it was suggested at the August 14, 2007 meeting that Council consider a motion to place a deadline for accepting written public comments concerning the proposed UDC, which deadline was set for 5:00 p.m. August 28, 2007. As deliberation on the UDC continues, the need for an additional public ~ hearing on the UDC became more apparent. It is therefore suggested Council consider making a motion to extend the previous deadline for acceptance of written comments conceming the UDC. ' . OPTIONS: 1. Do not consider a motion now but consider later or not at all 2. Approve motion 3. Take other action deemed appropriate RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to extend the original deadline for the City Clerk to receive written public comments concerning any portion of the Uniform Development Code, from 5:00 p.m. August 28, 2007, to the close of the September 11, 2007, Uniform Development Code Public Hearing. BUDGETJFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS: _DRAFT . Nl'iNiJTES City of Spokanc VaUcy City Council Speci.il MceYin- Ltniform nevelopment Code niscussion Mouday, August 13, 2007 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana 4Vilhite, Vlayoe Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve'1"ziYlor; L7eputy 19ayor Nfike Connelly, City Attorney Diek Deneniiy, Councilmember Greg McCorniick, Plannin- Manager Mike UeVlemino,. Council.mernber Scott Kuhta, Senior I'lanner Bill Gothmann, Councilme.mber • . Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Rich Murlson, Councilmember Carrie Acosts-t, Deputy Cit}+ Clerk Gary Schimmels, Councilmernber Ulayor `Vilhite called die meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and announced this is a discussion of the Unifdrm [7evelopment Code (UUC); anci said there Nvill be no public comment.. She added there is a public hearing sclledule,cl f'or t\ugust 29, 2007 at Cen[erF'Iace., and t.haf any subject within the LTDC can be acldressed at the pLib(ic hearing. '()UTStllD A(:.~NGY:i<:ITIVi3I\~G Mayor Wilhilc asked to amend the agenda to discuss the City's polic}, regarding deadlines for stlbmissions of outside agency funding rcquest, and asked Councilmember M.unson to speal: to that issue. Mr. l1T.unson cxplaincd that one application was latc gettino in and expressed he would like the City to be ~ more ilerible with cie.adlines and suggested the City cstablisM a grace period for extenuating circumstances and allow exceptiens to the rvle, and said this would allow the City to mce.t the inte.nt of what it is trying to do with this money: help wqrthy causes. M. ayor Wilhite explainecl the presentations for funding requests will be given by outside agencies at the August 14 regular Council meeCing. klr. Taylor asked if ic Wrould be in order tn cqntinue with the preseniations as scheduled and then extend the deadline period for a week or 1vm, allowing for proper notiee t4 be given to the ptiblic; and ;aid that by openiri; it back up to eveiyone it would cnakc it fair fot• everyone t1hat may not have hacl a chanec to make the oriuinal deadline. He explairled his rationale is that Nve are on a different scheclule this year from last year. Councilrziembcr Gatltmann explained the problem tivith extending deadliries or buifding in grace periods is that the end of the grrace period becnmes the new deadline. I-ie believes it is most fair to evelyone to have deadlines and to adhere to diem. Councilmember DeVleming asked for clarifieation as to why CoLmcil is cliscussing this issue tonight if dhey are hearinp the presentations comorrow. Mayor Wilhite e,xplained therc was a eequest made to Council to discuss whether or not. they would like to extend the de.adline due to the late submission on one oP the agencies requesting funding, and sai(i this tivould allow dhat particular acyency ta a(so present tomorrow and Would then be opene.d back up for ocher agencies to submit their requests for funding. hram there, she expiained, nexv presentatiojis wauld be added to a future ag genda f4r ccruilcil to consiclc.r in their deferminations for tioNv the}, allocate the money. Mr. lVlercier infartne(! Cot►ncil ci►rrentl), the alloeation nl funds is schecluled for the Septernber 11, 2007 meeting. Councilmember DeVleming said he agrecs that as unfortunate as it is that: an agency missed the deacllina, a deadline is s[ill a de,adline, and Nvhen everyone else ll£iS a0n8 lhrough the effort t.o meei a detidline, and tllen it is not adherQd to, he does not believe that sends a good message to those who have met the (feadline. It ►nas moved by Deputy lllcryor Tm+lor, atrd secondecl, to extend the tleadlitie un adilitiaral weefi ftona ~ today und alloti,, the aJ)plicaiions lhat huve caine in after the orlginal deadline be nresenled ta Courrcil at toniorrow's n7eetir:g mnd scfiedade addirior7ul presentativns be given prror to nurking cr final decisia1 alr the budge1. Counoi! 'Minutes: 8-13-2047 Pagc i of 9 Appruved by Council: DRAF'T Vate by roll call: Irr fm~or: Depury 1Vavor Tuijlor and Councilinerrmber AIunson; Opposed: 1tluyor i3'idhite und Cnw7cilnzen:bers DeVleming, DEne►iny, Go111mariii untl Schimnrel. It2'otian jurled. 1. Uniform Developmen[ Codc l'itles Councilmember Taylor inyuired as to why Counc.il dAes not start off ihe.ir discussion from where [hey lefi off the iast time. Ncfa?7or Wilhite explai'ned that it is the pleasure of the Council. Previpusly they leR off at sec:Cibn 19.50 which is Planned itesidem.ial Taevelopments. She asked if Council wants t.o cqntinue tlirough sectinn 19 fro►n tllere, then raturn to any portions they wislled to aclclress again. Deputy Niayor Taylor stated lie'd feel like they'd accomplish more by talcing care qf some of the more controve.rsial issues that. clictate the rest of the chapter. If tlley are going to discuss Ylanned Residential Uevetapmenis, he wQUld like to frst discuss lot sizes and transitional 2oning. Councilmember Munson agreed. Councilmember TaeVleming askecj Planning Manager MeCor`rnick Nvhether the dcFinition; given in the handout Nverc iri the specific section of UL7C; for etample just liefore 19.40.140 regarding parking, he inquired as to why elderly car•e, foster care and da?rcares, are not addre.ssed in tllis sectian. Ivlr. iMcCorcnick expl3ined if they are addressed in the use matrix, then that is a distinction of home occupatians as long as those oceupatiotis meet the nine critcria. If we find and idenCify uscs permitted outright, as done in the use matrix, then they are not subject to the home occupation provisinns. Councilmember DeVleming asked as an example tvhat governs a tecnage foster home. Mr. McCormick explained there are speciftc uses governed by federal and state law. City Attorney Conncily explaine,d that several years aco couris determined t.hat folks cannot discriminatc in housing based on disability and the City aannot define ~.vith any specificity whae a"family" is. Group homes thai deal Nvith the treatment of the mentally or physically disabled fall into that category and local jurisdictions are preventcd froin treat:ing them differenHy Crom groups of people that arc riAt disabled and want to sharc ahouse. Mr. Connelly said he will nr4vide a list of those t:ypes of homes that would be allowed in a residential zone as long as they rneet the rest of the criteria. ] 9.40.020 Resitlential Lot Sizes. Mayar Wilhite said thev had previously discussed the four zones as follows: R-1, 40,000 syuare fect; R-2, 10,000 square feet - cvhich she said they had decided to delete:; R-3, 7,504; and R-4, 6,000. Councilmembcr Munson pointed out thai because there was no vot.c taken on the deletion of the R-2, he questianed whether thaC could be brought up again for discussion. N1r. Connelly infiormed Council thew are acting in an informal fashiqn and can discuss any icems up until tlhey pass an ordinance or iake a formal lction. In reg.ird tq t1ie decision to delet.e R-2 from the lot size zoning, Councilmember Munson explainecl t:hat he would like to pre;erve the "flavor" of the vallc_y as it is Nvith the majority of the highest density residential are,iS at 10,000 square foot lots. Tt is his understanding that if Council decides to eh.inge that t.o 7;500 square foot lots, the Flavor of the valley Nvrould bc changed, and in his opinion would not be changed for the better.. I-le proposed Couricil maintain the 10,000 square foot lots and keep [he R.-2 zoning. Ite said he has not fnund an example where smallEr lo~s result in lower home va(ues for nexv homes. He furcher stated homes will be priced at whatever diey are going to be priced at whether the lot is 6,500 sc{uare feet or 10,000 square feet and said the data given supports chis statement. Depury Mayor Taylvr sai(l staff originally proposed the K-1 zonc for one-acre lots be brouoht down to 20;000 sqiiare fcet; R-2 zoned 7,500 feet; and It-'s zoned at 6,000 feet. The Planni►i- Co+nntission inje.etecl the R-2 zone at 10,000 square feet. Councilmember 'Munson said the key is not the lot size itself but how it is applied to the map. lt* iliakes Sense to hirn to keep the lot sizes as the}, currentl_y stand and theri make changes to the uiideveloperl areas of the city or those areas chey may expand into. lf it is the Council'S positipn ta have rliininium int sices of 7500 square feet ir► the newl_y developetl are.as, he would support that. Councilmcmber Denenny askec3 if ihis were the case; hnw would ihey deal with the in-fill of already - developecl areas. Councilmember INIunson said they already have rules for that and he doesn't believe lowering the lot size for neNyly developed areas to 7,500 square feet will lowe.r the value of the 10.000 Council hlinutes_ 8-13-2007 Paee 2 of 9 Approvcd by Council: ~ • DRAFr squarc foot lots around it. He doesn't believe it is spot-zoning, but rather zoning unde_veloped areas the w,iy the City feels is the most sufficient use or the land. City Atiorney ConneJly explained the Compreliensive Plan describes the low-density residential as 7;500 to 10,000 square feet. Council c<in create cwo zones to implement: that Iow density i-esidentiat area if they choose but would then need to select «<hic.h areas are zoned at the 7;500 square fee.t and which are zaned ai 10,000 square feet_ To do that the City's planners ivill need to establish ohjective criteria to designate those rninimums and to determine when p►ie zone can be re-zoned to the odier. He stated he would need to hear f.rom the planners if this is a viable option. Plannin~ A~~anager A~IcCormick explained under the Comprehensive Plan lo~~~ density residential equates into onc to six units per aere and its implementation dixouoh zoning is c4ependant on criteria. [n the implatted areas, it is not as clear in terms of policy how zpning ;hauld be applied. Mayor Wilhite sug-ested having three different zonings for the IQw-density resiclential that is a small, medium, anci large zoning. She said it is incumbent upon Council to have some criteria for developers to be able tn change the zoning from one to the other in undeveloped areas. Councilmember DeVleming agreed wich Mayor Wilhit:e and said he believes if there is a balance bet-ween the high ctensity arid the lqw densiiy, short of a chanQe in the Comprehensive 1'lan qr the wning map he is tnfinb to figurc out a situatio» where they will allow a developer ar property owner t.o petition for a zone cllange. Couiicilrncmber Mwison agreeci the curreni criteria are not speciCc e•nough. A7r. Connelly explaincd die only area this becomes an issue is in the low-clensity areas. Couiicilmember Gothrnann 3aid cicies have traditions as they grow and as a resul[ wnin- changes have been created. 1-CE searched the criteria used by several cities and suagested implementing the re-zoning criteria used by Bellevue and Kent Nvhich inclucic: 1.) Iinplements the Comprehensive Plaai; 2.) Taoes not decrease publie liealth, safety, and welfare; 3.) Not cletrimental to property within the immec(iate vicinity; 4.) I-Ias merit and value for (he cnmmunit}; and 5.) Conciitions have changed. Dcputy Mayor Taylor thanked Councilmember Gothrnann for his wrork.; however said he believes the latlauagc is highly subjective anc1 esoteria He doesn'i believe it gives the hearing examiner much directiao bitt rather widc latitude in approving the re--r.ones. Mr. ~ J Conneliy inCerjectecl tY►at these are not new or unique condilions for rezonin~;. I-Ie saicl case-law developed ihem and the}, are vague and a.mbiguous, but they have been used by hearing examiners, zoning bodies, and legislators for the last 40 years and they are very w•orkaUle. Legally none of these criteria arc a prohlem. CQUrts analyze on a Case b}' C3S8 basis of specific facts that are in the record to make a qualitative decision based nn those facts. "I he cs•iteria are typical and leQally workable, but thcy are vague. Within low-densiry residential zories, if we don't have criteria that is at leasl khis general and probably more specific, ttien all of the 3.5 will eventually be 7. NIr. Kuhta pointed out that if 11e were to pull an1' (lecision by the liearing examiner; he believes tlhese are the criteria refereneed so %Ve Would still be operating under the status quo. Anybody could come in for a zone change ijnd he could argue any of these criteria in support of the zone cliange. It1r. Corinelly aoreed the critcria should be rnore specific. n9r. Kuhta said an eaaiziple nfmore spe:citic criteria is proposed in Title 19.30.030 b): I'ropei'Ty is acljacent and contio guous to properry of the same -r,oning classification requcsted prior to the appliCation. Councilmember DeVleming asked if the City can take the clecision for a re-zone ouk of the hearin;; examiner's hancis and have it go through the process of a Comprchensive Al3n amendmenC. vlr. McCormick stated the ansNver is no hecause the Comprehensive Plan states low-clensity residential desigitation is zoning between one to six units per acre and this is consistenl with that designa(ion. Couneilmember DeVleming stated there is no poinc discussing what the zones are because unlcss they figure ouc away to stop the re-zoning, it «rill all cventually convcrt to the density tha developer requests. Deputy Ma}ror Taylor interjected thae it %vill eonvert to the density the marl;et wants. Ciry Atto»iey Cnnnell), said the criteria proposed by staff wo«Id solve the problem now faCed by the hearing examiner. C+ry Manager iMerciEr said it would gi<<e the hearing examiner criteria but he dnesn't Uelieve. it will resolve the underlyirio angst because lle perceives the coneern is lhat by having these various Iow densiry residential designstions, in any of those designations the properties can be developed WiCh One to six units ( p-er acre. 1-le chinks some folks would rather see adefinite maximurn 7oning that is less than six unics per acre in some of these R-zanes. For e.xample, in an R-2 the owner or develoEzer could build one to Rvq units, in an R-3 they could builct otie to four units, in an R-4 they could bui(d one tn five units, etc. Coun:il Minutcs: 8-13-2007 Pagc 3 of 9 Appmved by C+iuneil-. nRA.Fr Councilmember L7eVlemin~ askecl if we cquld change the name of the lo~~~-clensity desi~ ations to be called medium-density qr high-densit}'. Planning vfanager vicCorniick said that would take makinc, changes to die Comprehensive Plvi. ' Deputy Mayor "I`aylor said when we are tall:inb about established neighbarhoads that are one-quarier acre lots; he does not believe by making the uriderlying zone. 7,500 square, feet will rnake the adjacent properties a non-conforming use. He doesn't think a developer will come in and knnck down a neighborhnocl of i'our units per acre to put in a development of sis units pee acre. However, what will probably happen as there miiy be some in-fll cievelopmenl in areas and there should be ilexibility in the code to put more than four units per acee to heip spread out the cost and put more lots in one particular area, allowing redevelopment of certain communicies ihal have old housing siotk ancf put: in new hnusing. He 5aid it will not desh-oy commLmities, but if we malce it too restrietive and the financial incentives aren't there far the development and in-fill to occur within the city, it will contribute to the Sprawl ancl rising housing prices because of lack of supply. [f Nae clon't have the proper subdivision rules in place then more developers will ~o to PiJla's. Cquncilmember Munson said he thinks the intent is probabfy as Deputy Mayor Taylor says but if we eo arounct the country and look at Nv}iat happens; it is not how he e.xplains. The vision Mr. ivtunson has for Spokane Valley is to no1 loak like West Seaetle or the are-is that are central ta the Ciry of Spokane; or even the wcst side of Spokane Valley. Councilmember Gothmann suggested Council adopt the zoning recommendations made by the 1'Iaiming Cnmmission. To clarify, Nlayo►- Wilhite lisied those reeOmmendati4ns as: R-1 is 40,000, R-2 is 10,000, R-3 is 7;500, R-4 is 6,000. Counc.ilmember Munson said he supporl.,s this position beeause of the arnourit of public input and t.he work the Planning Commission put into it. He believes it reileets the clesires of the community. Mayor Wilhite said she would have lil:ed low, medium; and hioh density allocations. City Manager Merc.icr explained the houses per zoning allocation to be R-1 will accommodate one home per acre, R-2 will accommodate four homes, R-3 will accommodate five horne;, and the R-4 \vil] accommodate six homes per acre. Councilmember Denenny saici by having the smaller loc sicF;s, there is nothing precluding any de<<eloper from puCting one house on a 30,000 square foot lot.. Hi; st.ruggle is with spoc-zoning areas where there are acres still vacant swTOwnded by 10;000 square foot lots; his concern is that the City is going to say they vvill need t:o be devcloped a.s 10,000 square foot lots. He then asked wYiat density the County uses. 17eputy Vlayor T'aylor and Mr. Kuhta saicl the Councy has one zoning districc for low-density residential that is one to six units per 3cre. Councilmember Denenny verified that in UGA's surrounding Spokane Valley, . they will develop at one to six units per acre in areas that are supposed he ouuide of "urban" designations, while Spokane Valley is talking abouc maintaining 10;000 square foot lots. He feels iliere is contradiction there. Deputy Ntayor Ta}'lor stated that in talking about joint planning widi the County and opposing the County on different projects becausc of the impacts t.o Spokanc Vallcy, we've been saying we should be doing the urban development, not the County, and yet Nve are talking about putting standards in place that are less dense than the Courity`s UGA's. The housing is aoing to g0 somewhere, so the question is whether we Nvant to cievelop this with the appropriate zoning to go alon„ -with the vision for the City 311d at tlie ve.ry le.ast be consistent Nvith the surrounding jurisdictions. Spokane Valley interiin 7oning camc from the County but they have recjone their zonint. Deputy Mayor Taylor said the marlcet dictates how many houses are boing to be built ou a particular lot si2c anci he docsn't see them being built at six units per acre ai this point but believes the flexibiliry should be the.re to do so. Cpuncilmemher Ivlunson said he feels the concern is not necessarily with the density of housing on the lots, but the concun-ency and the impact on traffic and services. He doesn't tliink the 10,000 sqtiaj'e foot: lots will cause conflict betvv=een the Valley and the County. He would like to keep the at.mosphere people like anci have espressed tha[ to the Planriing Commission. Councihiiember lleVleming c•alled for vrotc in regard to kceping the four aones. Depury iMkvor Taylor askecl to amcnd it to two zones, having an FZ-I and an R-4 at 6,000. To him the question is whether Spokane Valley is ooing t.o cto someehing that w•ill - pravide flexibility or are they going to put a bunch of different zones in place and have to create criteria `Council Minutes: 8-1 s-2007 Pdge 4 of 9 Apprnved by CounciF. DRqFT ancl force folks to go into re-zones depending on tivhat type of development they want to puc in. He wants to do somcihing that is consisce.r►t and straight. forvard and sugeested moving to ;omething similar to the County's low densiry zones. Ln order to react to the complaintis Council ]ias been receiving recarding zoning, they need to put something specifc in place to prevent moving f'rom Qne zone to another zonc. Counciimember Gothmann suggested in tlle areas outside the City that are coming into the City, Spokane Vallcy should dictate to the County Nvhat tlhose areas shonlcl look like antl not vice verssi. Councilmember Schimmels said the variety ;3nd die option for varicty is a ilice part of the Vttlley. Deputy Mayor Taylor reiterated that just because something is zo►ied a1 six units per acre cloesn't mean it will be developed at six wiit> per acre and said 3oing to the ttivo zones allows for the broadest range of'variety in development to occur. Hc asked if we are accomnloclating the growch that is projected-and if %ve are not, he belicves the munic.ipalities in the outlying areas arc going to take it. vTayor Wilhite aslceci if Council could get consensus for whether it wOuld like to accept the four -rAnes presentEti, or make an arnendment to two zones. Councilmember llenenny asked if this is a topic that can be opened again for diseussian at a later . date if Council f"ee[s if nzeds to be addressed again once they Start to apply it to a map, tilayor Wilhite indicate.d this is open for diseussion untif they vocc o►i zaopcing crie uDc. City Attor«ey Connelly saicl that if z.one change criterin are established, staff can use that to prepare the map, which would be a starting point Cor Council to bcgin applying the zoning to the map to see how ii all Ixys out. Planning Nlanager MeCormick said they had circulated two maps; one reflecting R-1, R-2, and R=3 Nvhich lefl. out the 10,000 squarc foot minimum lot ;iTe aone. 1'he second map includes the 10,000 squai•e foot lot size zoning dist.rict. Ln die secqnd roap; they loolcetl at existing ctevelopments platted at a majority of 10,000 square fcet or larger and znything unplatteci Avas includeci in the R-3 so the 10,000 square foot: lot ~ size was used as a neighborhood preservation tooi r<ither dhan for 'r.orting other large unplatteti areas. Co nci! ' u tnember Got}lmann asked that the maps prepared for R-2 correspond in general to the maps thcy've had wiCh the R-2 for the last couple of years. Depury Mayor'1"aylqr replied tlitjt if we take out that unplatied arca, we may as we.ll get rid of the six units per acre idea for standard urban zoning. Senior Planner Kiihta informed Council that the Planning Commission i; cui-rencly working on a new map. Councilmember Ntunson said it may be best to wait: f'or those maps before discussing lot 5izes any fiirilier. He said the qiiestion is whether Council 4vants to stop the rezoning or make thinas more difficult. Councilmember i7enenny said he doesn't believe that is wliac Councii wants. DeVle►ning said he d4esn't want to mal:e it more difficult for developinenl. DepuCy Nlayor Taylor said this seccion deals witb value judgments by the City telling the praperty nwmer thcywill not Aet a parcicular value for iheir properey because the City cioesn't tliink it will look €ood for the neighborhoocl. He stated the c.riteria in sections 2a throuah 2d arc Qenerally brc,ught in by the developer or ncedecf by development in dre4er to be supported, so should not be criteria for the development itself. He asked why six units.per acre developed one-httlf mile away from an arterial are any worse t1ian four units per acre within a half mile of an arterial. He said by forcin- developers to go thxough the re-•r.one process itself lceeps things from being automat.ically up- zoned. Citj, N1anaDe.r Mcrcier said by provictin~ the criteria to thc hearing ex~~miner ie ~vill fill a gap wiihouc an ef'fect because Chose are the parameter-s they use currenrly. ln general, the hearing examiner is not looking for reasons to say no to the requests of properry ewrters or deveiopers. Unless they riin afnul of one of the regulitt:ions; a properly owner will be able to get what they are looking for to maximize the use of the land. COuncilmember Mtinson said he likes the idea af describing the r_oning as number of units per acre. Deputy Niayoi• Taylor asked ]low many houses per acre will generate the neecied tax funding for City ~ services sLieli as police scnlices and road maiiitenance. lf we give the impression we want to limit growth ancl limit the niimber of housinoer acre it is oin to incre~se the eost of se.nrices to the rate ~-~T' o P g g pa) s because le.ss people will have to pay Cor more. Cntmcilmeinber DeVfeming agreed Councilmcmber Councit it9inutcs: 8-13•2007 Pagc 5 of 9 Appmved by Council; DRAFT Gotlunann suggested Council adopt 19.30.30 with a few modifcatians. ltem C. chanee "transit route" to "arterial." Deputy Mayor "]'aylor quesCioned seclion 2a regarding emsting wastewater collection system. He is unclear as to whcther that means it lias fo alre.ady be in place beforc devclopment can nccur, or can it be brought in Uy the development. Senior Planner Kuhta said tllis can be Urought in with the developmenc anct it is addresscd in ihe water and sewer concurrency chapter, and should possibly be delcted from this sectipn and instead refer to that section of the plan. Council agre-ed that. woulcl takc care of the issue. It ivas the runsensus of Gozuzcil to chungn secriori 2r.r to include a referer7ce to the water arrd se►ver concto•rency clrapter, Q7dd IO CjJLJ)Jge "tra►zsit route" to "arterial " I71 S2CllOi7 2C. L7epucy M<3yc>r Taylor asked if new developments of a ce.rtain size have, to cnnnect: to an a.rl:erial for access. A1r. Kuhta said lhey are t:rying lo encouracTe ne%a development to be closer to transit systems because there is opportunity for less parking, and niany times folks have fewer cars. Cou»cilrnembcr Nlunson said the transit route systern in the Valley is embryonic and it won't service the outlying areas. He said there is a pnssibilicy for creacing loop services wiChin certain areas that would provide better service. Councilmembcr Gothmann poirlted out that the quarter milc criteria are probably not very good because most arterials 3re witlli.n that range. IF ivas the consensus of council to delete iterrr 2c cumpletcly. 1'lanning Mana„er McCormick said option 2d. is probably not a goocl criteria either because very few Community Commsrcial zoning districts lie outside of the core. Mayor Wilhite asked about 2b. Senior Planner Kuhta said 2b, is the main criteria for consideration. He explainetf t:hese critcria oiily apnly to Iqw dcnsity arcas, nqt medium or hi-h-clensity. Mayor Wilhite said she would like to wait to look at the map before deciding on 2b. Councilmember Caotlirnann suggested staff take what they've heard in the general discussion 'tonight and try to think of any applicable criteria that may be relevant to the zoning and provide rcasonable restrietions. It wru the cotrsensus af Caurrcil !o leave lDie four zones as lhey are currentlv proposed in section 19.40. D?0 until lhey •See the niap. Scction 19.30A30. It lvus the con.serisus nf Council to refer•e»ce .rectivn 2cr to the waler and selver concurrencv c6rapter; to keep sectiorl2b for the presertt trme; and to delete seciions 2c antl2d. City Attorney Connelly said it is not. necessary to include the general criteria Councilmember Gothmann listed previously because it is in every rezone ordinance; however, he doesn't see any downside to incl«de chem if ic is the desire of CounciL It is irnportant to have the criteria be consistent wit.h the Comprehensive Plan. Councilmember Munson said one of pxoblems cities face is how to deal with cliange and he Lhinks including the guideline regardin~ ehanging conditiorls is important. \9ayor Wilhite called for a break at 7:50 p.m. "1 he meeting was reconvened 8: 00 p.m. Mayor Wilhite confirnied widl Councilmembers that tonight's meeting will go until 9:00 n.m. Tt wus the CUnSPnsuS CijCouncil to schedarle ati addrtiorral special meetina fa• Morrday, Au,Kus1 20, 2007 to continue the UDC discussion. Mayor Wilhite pointed out to everyone that for'I'itle 22 they should be referring io the red- and blue-lined e.apy and not the one attached to tonight's agenda because it is in black text only flnd does riot inclicate any updates or changes. The one to use is datecl 7/31/07 at the boriom of the first page. If Councilmembers clo not have that version t:hey ca❑ aet it from the Cit:}' Clerk. 19.501'Ianneci 17esidenti-a1 T)eveluoments 19.50.0 I0 F'urnose. Nv claunges. 19.50.020 Where Permittecl. Ala chcenges. Councit Minutrs: 5-13-2007 P2ee b of 9 ApproveA by Cuuncil: nxAFr ~ `19.50.030 Nerinitted lJses. llepury \Rayor Taylor askeci how the number of acres was determined anci how it is ,justified. Plsnning Mana-er N9cCormick explained tcn acres is a size sienificant enough tq warranl the possibility for a small neighUorhood. Senior I'lanncr Kuhta said this is in relation tU a riew residential PR.D (Plar►ned Resicleiitial lleve.lopment) and of a size large enough that iC would warrant the potent.ial for small commercial to be - included. No charrges. 19.50.040 RelaCioilshio nf This Section to Other Lf]7C Provisions. Afo cl7mages. 19.50.050 Develoament Standards. Councilmember DeVleming asked why the site minimucn 'tn item 2 is set at five acres and not four or six. NIr. Kuhta agreed that it may ne subjective, but a.s we think abouk development there is a certain amount of space within the devclopment that needs to be open space and of a ceri.iin size, othenwise we would just have lo~s going in side by side and we Nvould not be making a real neighborhood development. Councilmember DeVlemine saicl he doesn't believe item 2 is necessary. Councilmember Denenny sut„ested using ntunber of units instead of acreage. Cnuncilmember Gothmann said he thinks there have been significanc abuses in developing the PR.D's in the pasC and this is away to get around that. Deptity Nlayor "I'aylor said this is one of the recnmmendations former Director Sukup put in place in conjtinctian with smaller lot sizes tn provide more flexibility for cie<<elopment and to make it iess attraetive co develop ;i PRD, yct give more flexibility in minimum lot sizes. Ne quescinned if five acres is too large and asked if it will inhibit groNvth. Ciry tlttorney Cnnnelly said a PRD should not be an alicrnative way to subdivide or to create higli density_ , but. should be used in those spccial instances as outlined in the standards. Councilmember Schimmels asked about che omission of feneing cri[eria in diis section. He askec3 if there ~ is anything thac addresses the necd to match f'1~T~ fencin~ with the fencing of the.ir neighhors. C, Councilmember viunson said he views the fenci.ng as a way for a I'RD to give itself a sense of cnmmunity and allows them more privac_y. Senior Planner Kuhta said it could also prevent tliem from becoming part of t}►c larger community it is going into. Councilmember Gottunann said tllc densiry is not goinb to be mLjch more t:han thaL of the underlying zone so the only need for fencing would be if it is abutting an area that is zoned differently and t.hat alretidy has fencing requirements. Ivlr. Kuhta explained the fenCitlg ClUGSUQIl 1S adCjPZSSf:Cl 111 "Citle 22. I7eputy Mayor Taylor said five acres seems arbitrary and he Wrould like it I:o be three instead. Councilmember Gothmann saici Che objective of the PRD is tq create development that meeta special situations and they are few .ind far behween. It tivas t6re collsensus• of the Council to leave the site acr•ecrge minimum ii7 itesi Z u1 five acre.s. Deputy Mayor `I'aylor questioned how the tcrin "undcsirab)e impacl." in item 1 is defined and stated he_ ddesn't like the use of subje.ctive terriis. Cotmcilmember v9unson said parking could be an undesirable impact. City tlttorney Connelly agreed, and said the terms "adverse impact" or "detrimental impact" havc bec.n tested by the courts. Ueputy IMaynr "I'aylor suggested and it m,ns the consenuus nf Councrl to cju.urge "tandesirable imnuct" ta "adverse hrrpact" in idesi 1. item 4: Depucy Mayor Taylor asked if Couiicil is comfor[able with the 20% maximum dwelling unit density. Council concurred. Councilmember DeVleming asked how tlie figures are derived_ Planning Manager McCorrnick saict die 'figure of 20% provides an incentive to the cEeveloper and it is a.n achievable, amOunt in some or most of the cases given the sites. Deputy Mayor Taylor asked for clarifcaiion on item lOc rega.rding the requirement of 35% of the resiclences being completed prior to any c.ommcrcia! use permits being issueci. Mr. McCarmick sriid the ~requirement t:o have dnc-third ofi the residential sites built before allowing ihe cnm.mercial sites to be built is because the intent of the PRD is to provide cqmmercial service to that specific new development so CounCil Miilutz'a: 8-13-2007 Page 7 of 9 Approvcd by Council: DRAFT there needs to be resicfences available on the oroujid to support the conunercia] senfices. Deputy Mayqr Taylor asked if this rnay be an unnecessvy preclusiqn because it could be arguc•d ihaC a developer could be generating revenue from the commercial pnrtion of the PR,T) to help fund the residential portion. N'ir. Kuhta explained the P.RD is for residential areas, not mixe.d-use a.reas. Me said if the commercial portion is buiit first and the residential docsn't: happen, which has occurred in other areas; the.n you have a push toward re-zonin- the are<7 co commercial. We said this is not lil:ely to happen in l'his area bec•ause ihere are not many areas in which ihis will apply. 17eputy Mayor Taylor said he doesn't: think this will be . probletnatic ancl would like to talce this critcria out. Councilmember Schirnmels said he wants to leave it in. Councilmember llenenn_y said lie waiit5 to heep it in; stating the commercial use is diere. to serve the residential propertis5. Cotmcilmember Munson said it helps to define the use of the project and encourages the developer in tlieir approach. It tivus the corrsen.sus of the Council ta leave lOc as it is. 19.50.060 Onen Snacc Stan(lards. Councilrnerriber CTo[hmann asked if the 30% desitmation of active recreation open space in item 3b is a minimum or a tnaximurn. Planning Manager McCprrnick said it is a minimtjm of 30%. It wus tlie r,onsensus af Courlcil ro chcrtige itein 3h 1o read a mininrwn of 30%... " Deput:y Mayor Taylor asked how "active recreation" is definetl. Councilmember Gothmann said ii is defined as basketball c.ourts, playing fields; etc. Mr. Kuhca said it could also include obstacle free Nvall:ing pat:hs, bul would not include sn urldevelapec{ treed or roclcy hillside. It also does iiot include wetlands. 19.50.070 Administration. Councilmember DeVleming asked why it is the "opinion of the 17irector" who (letennines when the permits are issuecl. Pliinning Manager McCormick said it is under die opinion of the Director because they are referring to adir►inisirative permits. Deputy tWydr Taylor asked if the Director ha.s the ability to say the developer is not mee.ting a speeifc condition; thcrcfore the project will not go to the hearing _ examiner until the conditions of staff are rrtet. City Attorne}+ CAnne.lly said the Director eannot hold up a project unless the developLr is not-providing i-naterials as set forth in their application or if ;pecific ' statutory requirements are not met. The projcet eould go before the hearing examiner and the Cit), could recommend denial of the project; but it still has t4 bc put before the hearino examiner. Lepi5lature has provided rules as lo when the Ciry needs to proceecf. 1n iCem 2b, Councilmernbcr T)eNrleming asked if the "rriajor adjustmeiits" are greaCer than 10%. Deputy Mayor Taylor saic3 2a and 2b are either-or statements. 19.50.080 1-Iomeowner,/Pronertv Owners Assoe.iat.ion RexIuired. No changes. 19.60 Districc Nw•posc & Supplemental iJse KeLulations Corn►nercial, Officc 8i 1'Iixed Use %ones. 19.60.010 General R.euuirements. Item 3: Deputy iMayor Taylor asked if ihis eonclition used to be described as square footage. Planning Ntanager McCoi7nick said he believes this provision was originally tied to a specific building size and tlien cllanged to the number of stories of the building, then cliarlgecl to che configuration of the building. It wus llte cortsensus of C.'ouncil to remove the word "office" fi-om 117e setiterrc.e. Itena 3 s•hauld read "Xerv developIrrent exceeding tin-ee storie.s.... " . ltem 4: Councilinember Denenny asked what is meant by shared access with adjaeent prope.rtics and why is it referenced. vlr. Kuhta said they are referring to a situation where one parking lot is connectcd to Lhe parki»n lot neat to it, there would be a shared through-ac.cess bet'ween the two lots, barricade free, so the public does noc have to go back out ortto the arcerial io get to the next parkin3 lat. IN2r. Connel(y asked Council if they wanc co pu[ the burden on the property owmer to direct traffic or on the City in designing the roads. Councilfliember llenenny said he doesn't li.ke the idea of puttino non-beneficial requirements on the shoulders oti the property owners. A4r. Connelly said another factor to consider is that for every car Counzil Minutes: 8-13-2009 Pa;e S of 9 ApprUVed by Cnuneif: D.NA FT that goes back into traffic, the less likely we are ahle t:o maintain cuncun•ency. Councilmember Munson ~ asked if the City could plrtner with the devcloper to assume some of the cost associatecl with putting in shared access. Depury Niayor 'I'aylor expressecl the impact is a mattt.r of keeping a lane open in the lots instead of pucting in a barrier. It was the cvnserrstes of Council to lecn%e it in for now; 1:owever, the ~vord "office" shor.dd be delered frotrr the set7terrce to read "All new development sfiall provide,for shur-ed uccess wuh adjacerrt properties. " Mr. Kuhta said he will have ilie language clarifecl. 19.60.020 GO Garden Office District. Planning Manager McC4rnlick explained the intent of having two o'ffice distxicts for the Comprehensive Plan is to providc For tl'111S1t1Q113I areas of development. For example, t.here is an area betwcen hvo arterials developed as Office that may have a building hcight of lOfl feet; chen in the area outside the ar[erials [here Nvould be a Garden Office wid1 a building heiyht of 45 fEet, that w•ould then transition to the resideiitia] arcas. Mr. Connelly inquired as to how this will prevent a developer from requesting zone changes and suggestecl staff may wdllt to lqok developing crit.eria to make the distinction. Mr. N1cCormiek said onc criteria would be tliey could not abut a residential or single family area. He said staff will add criteria under [he 5ingle family chapCer. 19.60.030 Offiee District. iNlo changes. 19.60.040 NeiLdhborhood Comme.rcial District. Councilmember Schimmels inquired as to the previouS controversy in Industrial Fark regarding food services on Sullivan and asked if they will have more specific criteria for t11at area. Mr. Kuhta said those issues Nvill be: addressed in the retail and industrial zones chapters. The chapttr on nnn-confoi'ming are.as will address what is grandfathered in. No Cliar:ges. ~ Mayor Wilhite adjourned the mceting at 9:02 p.m. and said the discussion will continue with section 19.60.050 Cammunity Cammercial 17istrict on Monday; August 20; 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in Couticil ` Chambers. Taiana Wilhitc, Mayor ATl EST: Carrie Acosta, Deputy City Clerk ~ \ Council N7inu4es: 8-13-2007 Pagc 9 of 9 App:ovcd bp Covncil. DRA FT iN71NU"t'ES . . City of Spol:flne Valley City Council Itegular A-Iceting 7'uesday, August 14, 2007 Vfaydr Wilhite calied the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 121" meeting. Atte►rdance: e;rv srarr.• Uiaiia \Wilhite, Mayror \zina Regor, Deputy C.1Cy Alanager Ste<<e Taylor, 17eputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Dick Denenny, CouncilmembEr Ken Thompson, Finance Direc;lor . :Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Mike Jackson, Parlcs & Rec Tairector . Bi11 Goth.man.n, Councilmember Greg vlcCormick, Ptanning Manager Rich Munson, Couneilmember Scott ICuhta, Seniqe Ylanner Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Carolbelle Branch, Punlic lnformatipn O}fcer Dave Vfercier, Cit), Alanager Kick Vani.euven, Policn Chief Greg Bingaman, TT SpECialist Clu-is Bainbridge, City Clerk L\TVOCATI()i\': Pastor Gary Hebden of the Valley Open $ible Church gave chc invocation. PLFDGE QF ALLE.GLAI~TC'L: Mayor Wilhi[e led the auciicnce iri the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CAL:L: City Clerk BainUridge called eoll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVr1L QF AGEiVDA: It was naovEd by Deputy Mayor 7aylor, secottded, tmd unrntintoush+ agreed to approve t6ie ugeridu as presettletl. 1NTR01)TJCTI4N OF SYFC1A1.. CCTFSTS A~\rD 1'RESE\'TA'1'TQ\°S: n/a COMINUT'TEE, BOt1Rll, T•I.AI:SO\` S[JI-fN.L4.RY RHPOHTS: Couricilmcrnber Schimmels: said he should have attended an SR'1'C meeCirig last week but there was r►o quorurri. Uther than that, he stated hE had no report-. Councilmember Denenirv: explained that- he met with somc people from the Se\ver board to discuss fundina levels for non-point source and dhac he previously gave soiiie information regarding a mechanism that might allo\v for broader stormwater funding, to Mr. Mercier fpr dissemination to eAUncilmetnbers. llenutv Mavor Tavlor: saicl he hacf no report. Cnuncilmember Gothmann: reparted ihat in the Nlayor's belialf, he attended the Greater Spolcane Niay(ir's Golf Tournanient; that he visited some "Nationnl \right. Out" parties; aitendetl Fire Distriet S, 60`1' anniversary celebration; and attended a press c.onferEnce concei•ninc, Spokane Counry pi,ttin- up for vote, the 1/14 of I% sales tax issuc. Councilmember Manson: said diat he hostcd a Nlational Night Out event; isncf he went to OIympia last Nveek as the AWG presiclcnt to attend an AWC orientation; he parkicipated in thc streamline sale.s tax pre.)iminary meeting conference call }'esterday; and attended another GAr1A Ad Hoc comtnittee rneeting which sliowed some prog•ess in trying to develoj) changes to the County Wide Planiiing Policies. Councilmember DeVlemine: no report other than the mention of a lot of UDC-connectecl reading. i1-tiaYOR'S RLl'ORT: Ntayor 1'Vilhite said she Caok a breaf: la.,t week and therefore has no report. ~ \ C4uncil Meeti.no: 08-14-07 Paee 1 of 6 Approved by Council: nkA.rr PLTF.iI..Tr CQMiViE\TS: Mayor Wilhite inviteci general public comment. NA Brown. E 15915 Marietta: said ]ie received a letter from the City in 2005 about trying to get the place ! next to him straightened out; and that the City fled legal aetion in Sunerior Court which is pending, but that he has never hearci anything more on that issue and would like to have follow-up, Mr. Bro«m lhen read his state►nent which addressed this issue anc3 men[ioned that he iiot seen any improvement on the properey in ques[ion. Arl Britton, 18812 E Euelid: tliscussed liis previous mention of a plan for SS houses on Euclid; and said if the plans go ihrough, they will need tN;,o intersections on l3arker; he mentioned that $uc,keye will be the only place to have a decent. intersce.tion, and said that the railroad track creates a big problem; he said he lives one house over from the Nvest side of that projeet, anci would prefer to scale back to f'our uniis per acre ratlier than seven. Mike llonahue_. 1$309 FairvieNN, Court: said that he has agresd with everything done [by Council] up to this point, but he now finds there is a split on the council; and he questioned why NVOuld a member nf cowlcil be tied up with the hornebuildcrs; he said it doesn't rnake sense, and you "can't se.nre h;ro masters." He askcd Council to use good judginent and think hard about allbwing seven umits on an acre of land as thare won't be places for kicls lo play; and t.liat lie is apainst the idea of jamming pcople together as it will creatc a slum. 1. CUNSE\`T AGENI)A: Consists of iiems considered routine wfiich are approved as a geoup. A Couneilrnember rnay re.move a» item fi•om the Consent Aeenda to be considered separately. a. Following Claim Vouchers: ~ VOUCHF.R. T_TST DATE ~ VQUCI-IER r'rs ~'I'O'1'AL VOUC1-lER AvIOUNT ~ 07-17-2007 12226-12227; 12230; $275,368.96 ~ 1223 8-12319 : 07-27-2007 12228; ]2229, 12231 $530.951.99 12320-12397 - ~ G12ANla TOTFIL S806,320.95 + . b. Payroll far Pei•iod Ending July 31, 2007: $251,720.06 c. Ivlinutes from July 17, 2007, Council Study Session Meeting ct. Minutes from July 23, 2007 Speci3l Joint CounciUCounty Co[iimissioners TTeetiiig e, Minutes from July 24, 2007, Regular Councit Meeting F. viinutes f'rom July 30, 2007, Special Council Executive Session Meeting g. A9.inutes from July 31, 2007, Study Session Ibie£ting h. Amended ICeller Road Short Flat Voluntary Rlitigation Agreement i. intergovernrnental Agreement Spokane Valley/Spokacie County Conumwte Trip Reducti4n It iva,s moved by DepUN :VcrJior Tcrylor, secondecl card unuirimausly u~gretd tp apprvve the can,senr tlgerrcla. NEW BUSIlN`FSS 2. 11:I4tion Consideration: Transportation irnprovement Board Froject Submittals -\'eil Kersten It was »roved Gy Depiety rWfayor 7"aylor and seconcled, to approve the submittal of IIB grarrt trpplicativns fnr the f°lora Itnad and Broadivay Avenue projects atul tlre Indirnra Averrue Extens1on projPCt subjecl to property owner partsTership. Public Works Director Kersten said that applications are due August 3 I; and he explained the thi-ee diffet-ent funding programs, and based on those programs' criteria, the three projects on wtiich to subrriit applic.ar.ions. Regarding t}ie Indiana Avenue Extension project, ,Vlr. Kersten said that they propose submitting ihis Jarcject under the iJrban Corridor Pro(g-am which will require privace partnerships; that this project is not currently on the Tlk', but appears io be one that could meet the criteria, ancl if selcct:ecl for funding, t:he TIP will be need to be amendeti. After brief discussion , i Cotimcil iN9eetiog: 08-14-07 Pa~e 2 of 6 Approved by Council: v vRAFr 1 cOncerning the projccts, including the propo;ed tllree-lane urban section on Broaclway, Mayor Wilhite ~ invited public camment. No comme.nts were oftered. Vote by Acclamation: LP Favor: Unanimous, Opposed: 1\TO»e. Motioi? carried. 3. ~-lution Consideration: Selting 2005 Bu(Ip-et Pubtic Hearini_, Dates - hcn Thom pson It ►vas movecl 8y Depuq~ 1t4cryor Tmllar and secoirded, to set the 2008 bactlget lietrriirgs ja• September I1 arrcl October 9. Finance Director Thocnpson explained that this procc5s sets in mUtipn the beginning of the adoption of the 2008 budEei as rNuired per staie lativ. `4ayor Wilhite invited public comment. llick Behm 3626 S Hideeview 17rive: said that inflatinn is rising; as are fnod prices and fuel costs, and dc.livery of commodities have dnubled in the last year as we mostly rely on trucking to supply us with products; taxes are increasing and several municipalities are feeling the pincli; that citizens .vill be asked to support quality of life issues for public safety; a library bond measure, the I/I0 of ]°/u sales tax, crime eheck, and se.hool bond issues; and tMat he hopes c.itizens will choose thei.r issues wisely, and chat Council needs to support thoss efforts and can dn so by decreasing the property tax rate from $1.60 to S1.55. iNlayor Wilhite invited further public comment; no furcher comrnents were offered. Vote c5y Acclunration; hn Favor.• 1:Irranrmaus. Opposed.• IVone. Motion carried. 4. Motian Consideration; ,0.cceot:arice vf Written Comiverits cUncerninp- the Prooosed Uniform Development Cocle -,`!(ike Connellv Il wns n7vved by .Uepzrry M. uyor .Tuylor und seconded, t o set S: 00 p.,n., August 28, 2007, as rire deadlitie for the City Clerk to r•ecerve wF•itten puGlic contn:ents concerning anry portion of the Ul7ijorm Development Code. Ciry Attorney Con.ne.lly explained that he realizes Council is in a pnsition where people are submitting wrirten commetits about various pv-ts oC the IJIaC, sorr►e of which come after a Qublic hearing is closed; and to ensure Council is able to properly receive all citizcn comments prior to r~ cicliberatian; he asks that this motion be considered for that purpose. Mayor Wilhice iiivired public comments; no comments were offered. Yo1e by ffeclmi2ation: h7 FmTor.• Uiuuriinous. Qpposed.. None. 1lgatiort carried. PUBLTC COMRti:'NTS Iv1ayor Wilhite invitecl general publie comments; no comments were offered. . ADi1!fi,N15'I'Rril'IZrE4 12.rPO1tTS: 5. Police Precinct iJudate - Dave Mercier City Nlanager ivtercicr saicl by paying ofC the Police Pre.cinct I3uilding balance early, the Cily would save approximately $270,004 over what it woulcl have paid under the origirial leasc agreement; and once accomplishcd the County would be€in making acfual lea5e payments to the City as the Count}, uses its 44% of the butlding ror Districi Court: and Sheriff scrvices dedicated co the unincvrporated arca; aiid aRICI that the County has ag,•eeci co diis early papoff; and if Council conctirs, lle reco»>mends placinP the lease , modification on the next Couticil's cUrtsent agenda. Council eonc+jrred, 6. Outside tlQencv Presentations - ICen Thomoson ' Finance Director '["hompson said t:hat pronqsals were requested from outside agencies for the 2008 Cit:y Ctnaiicial a.ssistance for public services via lettees to those submiCting in t.he past, and notifcation placed in the newspapers and on the Ciiy's Nvebsite; and t.hat ten agencics subrnitted pmposals, as per his accompanying re.quest spreadsheei; and stated lhat this issue is scheduled for Council approval consideration at tlie September 11 council meeting. 'I'he followi.ng entities gave [heir brief preseritations for outside funding assis[ance: , 1. Greater Sookane Suhstance Abuse: Creater Spoka-ne Substancc' Abuse Council's ExeLUtive Director Lincla 'Chorilpson explained about their media campaign to raise awareness to support l youth not tlrinking by asking adults not to provide yoii[h with alcohol; she me.ntioned that sametimes pare»ts havc "kegbors" for their under-age youth as those }'outh celebi-ate graduations, C4uncii Meetin,: 08-14-07 Page 3 ofb Approved by Council: DRAFT etc; she also mentioned that one of tlleir goals is to have schools engaged in training tn change how drugs, includina alcohol aiid tnbacco iire perceiveci in oreter to icad the community to suppart a - drug free environment; she said that research shows that positive community norms prnvide strong protectivc factors for youth in making healt:h ehoiees, and their media campaign will supp4l-t that effort as they reCiuest $8,500 in suppo+t. 2. SDOkane Vrillcv Partners: Fricr to this presentation, Councilmember Got:hmann rcci,ised himsclf &om this issue as he said he has a close assoeiation wit.h me_mbers of this committee; and is on the Weed and Seed Board. Councilmember Gathmann left the dais and the room. Mr. Ken Briggs talked aboue the propoSal aiid spoke specifically of the Edgeclift area; that: the closure of Pratt School had an impact on the comrounity as the se.hool served as a hub for activities, and that now there are no parks or usual gathering pl3ces; and that citizens see chis as an opnorhanity to preserve Pratt so diere are several groups wrorking 1.ogethe.r to keep the school open to be used as a GOI11II7Ulllfy gachering place through 2017, wItIl no debt except the acCU<tl cost of electrical and utilities; and that the Spokane Va!!ey Partners said they will act a.s the fiscal aoent to try to keep the 1ljeed & Seed, and SCOPr after school programs alitire at the site as the school provides a safe . haven for man), students. A,lr. Briggs said [he Spokane Valley Partners seek $20,000 in support fqr their first year; itnd ment.ioned they ha<<e secured a$IU,U0U donation ah-eady for ihis pLu-pnse. Councilme.mber Gotlimann returned to the dais. 3. Coalition of Resn4nsible Disabled: COIZD Executive i7irectnr T inda McClain eapltjined Chat ilicir grant proposal is for Human Services fiincling so Chey can offer ;reater access to Independcnt Living Seivices co a farger r►urnher of Valiey Citi7ens with significant disabilities. She defined "significant disabilities" as those that negatively impact consumers' daily living activities such as difficulty seeing, walking, reading, et:c. She saicl that their non-reSidentia] center fqr independent living is fqr al1 sges; chat their center is one of only seven such centers in WashingCOn, and they . serti,e at least 10% oF their censumers in Spokane Valley, aiid that they hope to rempve several Ualley residciits oi'f'the wait-list. She also mentioned that each staff, mernber is somenne who lives with a disability. COkD Representativc Dianc Hanscn ntentioned their proposal is hased an staff .ind the budget is f'or the overhead, incl«ding rent at the facility an Maple StrEet in Spakane; aiid said their fundinb request is for S20,500. 4. L3is Brothers/Sisters: V1r. Darin Christensen, CEO Big Brothers Big Sistcrs, ststed chut they scck funding F'Qr their mcntoring progrvn, cwi•ently serving six elementary schools in Spokane Valley; aiid the funds requested kvill he ij-qed to suppqrt qne permanent staff person Nvho will bc dedicaiccl to providing rnateh support services for the Spol:ane ViiIley SC}1061S; and thtit: ie is lheir geal t:o expancl thE nro~ram furtlier tlirQUgh voluntee.r development and com~i~uniry involvement; aiid said their funding request of $9,974 is about i% of their overall annual bud~et. 5. lbte.als Vallev-Meals on Wheels: I:xecutive Dieector Pam Almeida explained that tlleir proposal of S5,000 is to purchase 1400 n►eals of the expectect 10,000 meais they wili serve in 2005; sMe mentioned that 15% of cheir eliEnts are over 75 years old; and 42% are pver 80; ancl t:hat tlieir seivice helps these peop(e remain in their own homes; and (he}, have nravided this service for the past 33 years; and aCE 1I1e 6RIy probratn that serves home defitrered nzeais to homebound elderly and disabled persans. She mencioncd tliat 95% of their clientete said that re.ceiving tiiese meals helped them remajn livin- in their Owm hOme, and Ehat 96% of survey respondents said that home delivered meals mal:e ii possible for t:hem to have enough food in Ihe.ir home aiid get enougli to eat. 6. Arts Council: NIs. Nonna Ventris; speaking on behalf of Arts Council 1'resident Dr. James 1-larken who could noc alcencl toni~ht, saici that: the Arts Council has increaseci its pro;ramming and anticipaccs growin; futther; and foi• 2005; the?= are requesting $12,000. She rnentioned t.licir _ i Coiincil Meeiing: 03-14-07 Pa~e 4 of 6 Approved by Council: b DRt] FT exhibits at CenterPlace, and chcir involvement ~ti~ith Va11e~~fest and the Valle~~ Sttidio Tour; Nvl11CF1 she. explainecl, has become a popuiar cpmrnunity event orowing fi-om fifteen artists in 2004 to approximately 42 an:ists this year. She aiso mentioned a Sculpture ihey would like ta plaee at CenterPlace, ancl said she realizes t.hey'll need permission f'rom the City to place tilat scutpture at - CenterPlace.- She said-that the 512;000 in fimds-will assist- in their activities mentioned; anc!-wi11_be used for the organization's administrative expenses, including, the finalir.ation'of their WeUsite. RZayot- Williite called for a recess at 7:20 p.m.; and reconvened the meeling at 7:30 p.m. ECOiN017IC l)EV'I~~LOPiVTENT PItESF\TTORS: 7. Greater Spolcane, 1ne: Fresident and CEp Richard Hadley gave a brieP overview of some of the deveiopment goals to complere their 2007 to 2009 s[rategic plan.ning process; followed h}r additianal comments fi-am N1r. Jim 1-[uttcnmaier of the several accomplishments of Greafer Spokane, inc., all 1S nUtIU10d in the proposal. Councilmcmber Munson asked about a briefing concerning the Site Selector and how many hits we hdve i»d in tbe Valley and asked about the value tliis siie is giving us; and N4r. Huttenmeier saitl lle could CurniSh those numbcrs Nvithin the next few days. Councilmember Nlunson ii-qked if the S65,000 request for 2008 would be used to maintain the site selecior, and Mr. I-luttennieicr said it would not, as that is separate. 8. [nternaticanal Trade Alliance: Mr. Teriy Jud;e, Past Nresident and Director of Sales and Marketing ac Hotstairt Manufacturing, explained that afier I'Urmer r"xecutive llirector Roberta Brooks left the Alliaiice last ycar; the. individual hired lo take her place left a few months ago, and t.hat the new Fxecutive llirector is A1v-k Peters. Mr. Peters said that the financial health of the City of Spol:anc Valley is largely tied to the international business community; antt that many of their ~ members and clienCs ai-e located in the Ciry of Spakane Valley; and said that they assist Spok7ne ~ Valley companiGS by providing valuable trade assistance, extensive researeh, seminars and wrorhshops, and that thcir rcquest af $35,000 would assist in those er►deavors. 9. Connect Ncarthwest: Exccutive Direcior llEnnis L,eidall explained that Connect \jorchwest. is an independeni; non-profi organizs~t.inn cjedicated ro economic development: and fiosterin~ entreprcrleurship by accelerating growth of promising teclinologies and early stage companies; that tI1C0UgIl t}1CIC pT0gC3I11S 3[ld f0T'L1111S, Lhey pCOv1dE elltl'epl'el1EUI'S Wllh IJl1SiI1CSS 117eDi01'lllg, access to capital providers, and a broad ne.tvvork of esse.ntial pcofessionals in the businESS comiziunity; and they tire requestinb the Cily of Spokane Valley to beeome a benefact:or by sponsoring Cbnnect \'ort.hwest for $25,000, which represents apWrox-imately 10% of their aunual budget; and these funds will be pooled with other funds a►1d usecl for operating ezpenses. ' 10. Sookane Neiehborhood Bconomic Develoi)ment (S~TEll/1); Eric Loewe and Mary Nickerson esplained that their applicacion is for support t'or ecqr►omic develapment activities to benefit Spokane Valle_y citizens; dhat they provide loans a.nd services and hands-on assist<jnce with local businesses, and said that their or;anizat.ion has grown from no loan funds about diree ycars ago; to nearly $1.6 million in loans or ccammitt.cd dollal•s for loans. ln response to Gouneilmember Gothmann's question about any similarities batween chem and SNAP, lvir. Loewe saici there is some ovcrlap. . 7. Pmoosed 2007 I3uclaet Amendment - K.en Thomoson [=inance Director Thompson explained that this is the process to amerld the 2007 buclget, tivhieh must be dorie any time we believe %ve are in excess of that budget; and that he proposes three amendments: (l) the ~ precinct purchase fram Spokane County; (2) setting funds aside for acquisition and eonstruetion of other city faciiities; 3nd setting fiinds aside for re.placement, re.pair or expansinn of facilities; and he further e.xplained the reveiiue incxeases as per his attached documenlation. Council concurred with the need f4r Council Meeting: 08-14-47 Page 5 of 6 Approved Uy Cauncil: .D.RAFT xhese proposed chitnges and iVlr. 7'hompson said tJiese wili be brought fonvard as part of die normal budget amendment process. 8. Sprae-ueJAnDlewav Revitalization PIanlCifv Center Cost Uodate - Scqtt K.uhta - Senior-Pla.nner-Kuhta- explained-that-this report-is- infollow-up-to that received June-1.9- where staff-- mentioned requesting consideratiQn for adclitional consulting funds to support the adoption of t1ie. Subare<i F'lan and City Center projects; t:hat ~Ls parl of that peivious mectina; Council authorized $25,000 1'or Gibbs Planning Group to begin contactino, deveippers; anct also authorized stnff to proeeed with F'ha,se I:1 of ClearPath's scope c,f work; that stafEreyuests Cowicil's consideration for eatra consultant budget funds to support the adoption phase of the subarea plan, and he summarized the additional consultin~ ssrvices needs as per his Aubust 14, 2007 memorandum, Nvhieh shdws a total proposed cost: of S139,500, whicti would cover continued assistancc from FT13 (Freedman; 'Cung & Bottomley), Studio Cascade, Glatting .lackson, and properCy appraisals. Mr. Kuhta explaincd that in order to talk about properly, there is a need to have information on actual property values. As incidental cast~s, Mr. K.uhCa said that the City titanager approved $9,000 for preliminary property appraisal work; but that he asks Counc.il to t;onsider approving the additional funds. As outlined irl his mcmor,indum, rIr. ICuhta explsined how those funds would be used for FT13 nlan finalizat:ion and adoption, and Studio Cascatie public information ;athering, and Glati.inb Jackson for transportation analysis to support the plan. v9r. Kuhta Said as the project evolves, staff wquld like Council to consider authorizing the City Manager to authorize expenclitures on the project as needed up to his authority under code, for those occasions where timing is a factor and Nvhere we need to react swifl.ly. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned the 1ibrary and the need to get them ta a"comfoirt zone" as they could be a key anchor to getYinn our city center going; and saicl staff is puslling to keep t11em in stej~ and go for the bond issue; but they need a location in order to move forward. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned that tl1e idea of having a project manager was pre<<iously discussed; and in discussing this with Deputy City Manager Itegor, staff fe.e.ls we have reached the point to dedicat:e a full time planncr, which would have an estirnatcd $$2,000 yearly budget imp3ct. [t was Council consensus to place these items, (approval ; % consi(leration of $139,500, authorizing the Cit:y V1anger Co approve certain expcnses, and adding a SAE2.F' ' E'roject vianger) a.s action items on the August 21 meeting agenda. LNFORi~'IATIOT' ONL•Y: Alt:houoh the listed items were for ini'orniation only 3t1CI not. reported L►pon; Cpuncilmember DeVleming said he wrould like tn have item n13, parking concerns on Collins Rqad, moved to an upcoming a;c:nda for further discussion. FXFC[PI':[VE SF.SSION: none. Nlayor WilFiite announceci ehat: tliere «<ill be a public hcaring August 23, at 6:00 p.m. at CenterPlace in orc3er t:o allow Eor greacer seating capacity; and chat t.here will be another spccial meeting next `Ronday to continue deliUeratian on the UDC. There being no fiarther business, ri tivas moved by CowrcilnrEmber Alunson, seconded, and uiianimously agreed to adjourn. `Che meetino adjourned at 8:26 p.m. . Al"1'ES"C': Diana 1~~Tilhite, vlayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ' Council 1vi.eetinb: 03-14-07 Page 6 of 6 Approvzd by Council: DR.AFT 119IN U'1"ES CiTY OF SFOKANF VATdI.,EY CITY CQUNCIL STUDY SESSTO\1 Tue,9day, Augusl2l, 2007 Maynr Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcorned everyone to the meet.ing. yresenl: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Nldyor Taave i'Iercier, City ManaSer Stcvc Taylor, laeputy Mayor Vlike Connclly, City Attorney C)ick Denenny, Counciimember Greg McCvrrnick, Planning Manger MiSce DeVleming, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Bill Got:hmann, Couneilrncmbcr Mikc Jackson, Parks & Rec Director fZich Munson, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Nina R.egor, Ueputiy City Manager Carolbelle Branch, Public lnformaeion Ot'fcer Riek VanLeuven, I'olice C:hief ffbsent: Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Gary Sctiimmels, Council.membcr Chris $<<inbridge, City Clerl: City Clerk }3ainbridge called roll. All councilmembers were present execpC Councilmember Schimmels, who called earlier to report he would be arriving late. ACTJON ITEMS: ~ l, Consideration for Consultint! Services for Sprauue/ApplewaV Revitali7.3tion Plari and Citv Center Proicct: - Scott Kuh[tt It ivas ntoved by Deputy 111cryor 7'aylor and secondeci, to uutftorize the City Mancrb7Er tv negotiate and execztte tirree cnnlruCtsfor City Center ancl..Suh-area plun for cunsulting assistance: one u+rth Freedman, 7'ung atrd Bottomlev.for an amount not to exceed ,S64,000; one with .Studio Cusccrde for an amount not to exceet1S12,000; ard vne tivilh Glalling Jacksan fvr ati antount nof to exceed $43,500. Senior Planner Kuhta explained that Cnuncil received a merTiorandurn conecrning this mat[er at the June 19 meeting, and hearcl an administraCive report August 14, with updated information concerning additiqna) consulling support in the amAUnt of $]3);500 tor the pmject; and that Couricil rcyuested staff prepare this matter for motion consideration. Mayor Wilhite invited public c4mment; no cornrner►ts evere oFfered. Yote by acclan:uliorr: lr+.fuvar: Unaninruus. Onposc:d: r\rone. Ahstention.c: Alone. Motion curried 2. Aanroval Considei-ation, Autliorizine Citv Manner to Ariprqvc Ccrtain Exvenses Relativu to SpraguelApjllewav Revitnlization Plan Citv Centcr-Nina Reeor ' Il was moved by Deputy Mayor 1 aylor and seconded to aufFrnrize tbre City Munager to approve expenses related to Sprague Apple►vay Revitulrzution PIunlCity Center iri compliance wit6i Spqkane Valley Muniripul Cvde 3.35.010. lleputy City Manager Regor explained that our general practice is diat we comply with the Code for purchasing and financial guideline,s, but when dealing with high profile projects, stafT adds a slep tn make council aware in advance of decisions to ensure Council and staff are in synch concerning these high-profile projects such as the City Cenier; thdt this projecYs pacc is accelerating and staff discovered the need for a faster turn-around i:or some dec:isions; and she explainetl that this motion removes the step of getting Council approval in acvance, and relies on City Manager ripproval per his contracting authori7ation described in Srokane Valley Munieipal Coe 3.35.010; and if appraved, staff would cantinue ta timely update Cquncil on tlicse issues. Maynr \Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were affered. In brief Cauncil discussion, it was mentioned t1iat Councilmember Denenny is a rnember of ttiis project's Core tezun, but related expenses authorized under this action would Iv9eeting Minutes: 08-21-07 !'age I oi'S Anproved by C;,ouncil; nILAFr not rcquire << voce oi' the Core team. voie by acclu»:atiun: In favor; Unanirnpus. Opposed: None. Ahslentions: None. Mo[ion carried. , 3. t\narova) Consideration, FTE Authorization for Senior 1'lanner-Nina Regor It wus moved by Deputy iWayur Taylor and seconded to apprnve 1.0 F7I' Serrfor Plurrner. lleputy Cit:y Manager Regor explained that this issue was discussed al the last council meeting; that we curnently only have one seniar planner and in addition to his other duties, he is the c3esignated planner for die Sprague nppleway Rcvitali7ation Plan and the City Center projects; that the position tvill be a permiment, full- time pnsition; but becituse severat steps are pending as well, staff will wait to fill t:his position untii the newl}' hirecl Community llevelopment TJirector arrives, which is sc:heduled about mid-September. in responsc ro a question concerniiig budget impact, Mr. Mercier said lhat he would work with the Finance Uirector to find a place for this posikion in the 2008 budget. Councilmemher Munson mentioned he feels it is appropriate to leave the hiring timing of dhis persUn to staff; as other upcoming decision points will deterniinc the workload of t:his position. Vtayor WilMite invited publie com.ment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclcrmatiun: Ii7 favnr: Uiianinious. Opposed.• iVone. Abscentrnns: None. llfntivn carried At 6:15 p.m., Mayor Wilhit'e called fpr a quick break whiie Council rnoves from the dais to the tables on tlic floor so that thcy RIAy fiirther deliberate on the Uniforni Devclopmcnt Code. Mayor Wilhite reccmvenecl the meeting at 6:22 p.m. REC:iIT,AR S1'IIDY SE.SSION 1TFN1S: 4. Un ifomi L)eveloamenC Code - GreEz Nf.cCormick M,iyor Wilhitc announced that because of tonight's Executive Session, Council will endc:avor tn stnp UDC cleliberation at 8:30; and that for tonight's UTaC discussiqn; Cotincilmernbers wil) refer to the red- line versipn of Title 22. Nlayor Wilhite then led discussion through `Citlc 22, with the following results: _ 22.20.0 10: Caneurrency determir»tion A.fter lcngthy discussion conccming facilities and services which must be, or slrould bc evaluated for concurrency, it was Council consensus to return the language [o what staff reeommendetl initiitlly as shown below: 1. 'fhe following facilities and services must be evaluated for Concurrcncy: a. Transportation b. Public Water c. F'ublic Sewcr 2. 7'he City may also consicter concurrency issues for the following faeilities and serviee: a. Pire Prqtection h. .E'olice i?rotcction c. Parks and FZecrcation d. Librarics c. Solid Waste Disposal f, Schools 22.20.020: Concum-eney fteview: no change 22.20.030: Pre-Applicaiion lacterminations: rio change 22.20.040: Application Prpc;edures: no change 22.20.050: Relation to Other Requirements: no change Meetino Minutes: 08-21-07 Page 2 of 5 rlpprovexl by G,iuncil: nRAFT 22.20.060: E'hased Development: no change _ 22.20.070: Conflicts between 1'rovisions: no change 22.20.080: Transpor[ation Coricurrency - AcICiiCional Cdnsic{erations #5. After discussion concerning clarifying the first sentence to remain statecl as is or change it to }ust "colleetors," Attorney Connelly mentioned that this issue is governed by the level af serviee and the eomprehensive plan, and that clarification is not necessary in this paragraph. "I'he question also arase about the "20 peak haur trips" and what that number was based u}son. Mr. McCormiek saia th,it not every trip genera[ed by a clevelapment will bo through every intersection, and that one instance speaks of total projccts, and the othcr cxamincs the intcrsections. Mr. Mercier saicf this is a matter of administrative cade and staffwill check to see wliat code specifes. 22.20.090: Water anci SCwer Concurreney Additional Considerations 0. Although it was cnentiacted dhat this dcals with new development, Attorney Connelly said he and Mr. Kuhta will fitrther examine this paragraph to make certaiti it does not conflicC with the language of comprehensive plan. 22.50: Off-Strcct Parking & T,,oading Stanclards 'I'able 22.50-1- Shared Use Allowances. Councilmember Gothmarin asked for an explanation nn how to read this table. IN4r. McCormick said these numbers focus on when the classification wilt usc thcir own parking lot; but t}iat thcrc is likely a beUer way tn have that information presented as it is confiising. StafY will work on a re-write. Tahle 22.50-2 - Re4uieed Parkina Snaces for Sneci(ic Activities Mr. Kuhta and vlr. McCormick agreed that "churoh" would be better shown as a separate item rather ~ ~ than included under auditarium. 22.50.040: Bicycle .Pttrking: Section ntimbering appears to be out of synch; staff will carrcct. 22.50.050: l..andscaping in parking areas: no change 22.60 Outdoor I..ipahtinQ Siandards 22.60.030 General Kequiretnents 94: _typographical error, `s' missing froni word `control': rctleccor that controls the light be.►rn . . 22.60.030, #1-5 General Reauirements '1'here was discussion concerning omitting #1 and 2, and cjiseussinn if 95 is even attainable. Mr. MeCormiek saicl he will ask Nik Bentley lo make sure that section is consistent with other cociGS such as the building or energy code. ln addition, Mr. Godunann said hc was speaking to an enSineer regarding 45 cnncerning light fixtures and the light source, ancl that he will supply staff with his contact inforrnation, 1'here was also a question wliether Avista would be grandfaihered in, and Statr inclicated it would be. 22.70 Fencinv, Screenina & I.,andscaniniz i)ouble sided lots, or residential lots where it could bc construed that there are two front lots, was cli5cussed, and Councilmember Munson said there is nothing in the regulations to aclclress this issue, such as the residential situation on 32"d and 16'h streets. The matter of fencing and scrcening was also cliscussed, including the idea of six-fooi ur ciZ;ht-foot fences, or of keeping living plant scrcens 1o a r~ '1 specific maximum height af eight feet, and how to enforce chat. The suggestion was made to add a sentence about when the rear sicle of property fronts an arterial, of whosc responsibility it is nf keeping Mecting ~finutcs: 08-21-07 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DR"T the fencc and parking strip in gaod shapc, but there was no cnnsensus f'or thai addition. Mr. Kuhta said , I:hat current eode allows only a six font maximum for residential, and that anything taller currently requires 3 condiCional use pcrmit and a building permit; buf that perhaps this section needs to clarify whether the g;eneral fencing provisions arc for commercial, i.ndustrial, ancl/or residentia(. No changes were macte. 22.70.020, 92: A majority of Councilmembers (four in f'avor, t-v++o opposed), agreed wich Iaeputy Mayor Taylae's suggestion to remove the worcls "living plant." Attorney Connelly brought further aitention to 42 and 44 and asked i{'t:here shoulc3 be a decision an how f'ar from the f'ence to place sueh trees. Council madc no dccennination. 22.70.030 - Screeninjz & Bufl'crinp- . Mr. McCormick said that this landscaping section is new, and that althougli therc are Ioes of details, it is less prescriptivc t.han cxisting code. Ma}'or Wilhite qtiestioned 414 "Landscaping Plan Requirements" that the plan be prepared by a registered landscape arehitect; and Ivt,r. MeCormick responcied that this woul(I only be for new development. A yuestion also arase about. IM table: ``Pull screenittb and buffering are required fior lartd use classificalion as shown dn "fable 22.70-2," and 4vhether this only applies td non-residential and multi-fiunil}'. yir. McCormick said staff can rescarch to ensure this lable is consistent with the cnmp plan. I'age 3 I, m: aftcr discussion eonccrning the definition of "gravel" therc was Council consensus to remove « M. Page 31, j: Mr. VlcCormick and M.r. Kuhfa will re-write this item as it wiis suggcsted t.o not use "vepetation" but ri►ther perhaps "anything under utility lines shoulcl not be larger tNian 20 feet." Mayor Wilhite announced that discussion will stop here now in order to give enough cime for a few other items, including cxecutive session. 5. Aclvance AQCnda fldditions - Mavor Wilhite Ivlayor Wilhite stated that shc tentatively set 1'Vedncsday, Septerriber 5 as an additional ►ncet;ng to ctiscuss the Unifonn L)cvelopment Code shpuld that mecting be needed. 6. /rtlor'jnutiort C)rilv' These ilenrs were not repvrtecl ori or tli,scussed.• (u) Honreland ,Securily Granl for 1'olice Preci»ct I.3uilcling; (h) Baljuim Purk Polentiul lmprovenrents; cu7d (c) Art Work u1 C.enterPlacc. 7. Council Chcck-in - Mavor Wilhite Mayor 1,Vilhite asked Councilmembcrs to pleass send her or faeputy City Manager Regor, outside agency allocation recommenclaCions as that matter is set for a motion cor►sideration at the September 11 meeting. Councilmember Gothrnann staled that he will recuse hintself from participation on the allocations tor the social senriee agencies, but will parlicipate in allocation recomrnendations for the eeanarr►ic developmenl entities. 8. Citv Manaaer Cammcnts - Dave ARercier City vianager vlercier showed an example of the Ionb-waited 1'olice [aepartment uniform patch, EXN:CUTiVE SESS(ON: T and tlcauisition: Public r~.molovice 1'erforniance Review lt was rnoved by Depu1y Maynr 'laylor, secorided crrtd unanimnusly ugreeCl lo C.tdjourn into executive , sessinn !o discuss larrd acquisitton arld persvnnel review issues, not to exceed 30 mimues; and upom relurn, no decisinn is expectecl. tvieeting Minutcs: 48-21-07 Psge 4 of 5 Approverl by C:nuncil: DRAFT It was moved by .Deptrty Mayor Tuylvr, seconded ancl unalrintottsly ugreed to excuse Cousrcilmember ~ .Schimmels from tonipht :s meetrng. Council adjourned into rxcculive Session at 8:30 p.m. Mayor Wiihite declared Council out of Executive Session at 8:52 r.m. .lt was tFreir nrovecf by Ueputy itifuyr>r ltrylor, seconderl and unanintnusly ubreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. ATTFST: laiana 1'Vilhite, Mayor C:hristine Bainbriclge, City Clerk ~ ~ . Meeting Minutes: 08-21-07 Page 5 oC5 Approved by (;uuncil: r-- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 8l28/2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Q old business 0 newr business ❑ public hearing ❑ information Q admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Potential Improvements to Balfour Park GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Spokane Valley citizen, Ms. Theresa Woolery, is interested in raising money to construct a water spray park in Baifour Park. A spray park is a series of spray nozzles and other water toys mounted on a concrete surface for children's play. Spray parks are increasing in popularity as substitutes for wading pools. An illustration of a spray park is attached. ~ ~ - ~ The cQSt of a spray park appears to be in the $300,000 -$450,000 range. This is widely vafiable, depending on the final design. If council approves, the first step would be the development of a feasibility study and site plan fQr Balfiour to determine if it has the necessary space, parking and other site requirements. The plan would recommend the number and type of features and provide an estimate af construction and opera#ing costs. Ms. Woolery has indicated she is willing to raise funds to develop fhe initial plan. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide direction to staff on this matter. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: No construction cost if all funds are donated. Operation and maintenance costs have not yet been determined. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS Stock photo of Spray Park ~ ~ r r' ~ ~ ,_P1ft ~ 5 t ( ~ r • _ ' ~ _ ~ l~ j•,~ ~u I ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~y y , ~ ~ . ;~1 ~i ;r ~ • t ' • ~ r, ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ , ~ ~ "~i ° ' . . ; ~ . . . ~ ~ , ~ t'. ~.r 4~~ ~1 y,r _a•~ L . + ~ - ' ~ °~l~: ' ~ •~~~.;,.~t' ~ . f t~. . , . ~ r. ~i T l ~ . . : r, F • r,. - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 08-28-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ~ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Continued Discussion: Uniform Development Code (UDC) Titles GOVERNING LEGISLATION PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council previously concluded deliberation on the following UDC Titles: Title 17 - General Provisions Title 18 - Administration, Boards and Authorities Title 20 - Subdivision Regulations Title 21 - Environmental Controls . Title 24 - Buifding Regulations Remaining titles for Council continued deliberation include: Titte 19 - Zoning Regulations Title 19 Appendix A- Schedule of Permitted Uses - Use Matrix Title 22 - Development Standards Title 22 Appendix A- Approved Planting List General Definitions Zoning Map BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick " ATTACHMENTS: S Rane Public Works/Capifal Improvement Program Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 992Q6 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cikyhaftspakanevalley.org , ; ;,.e , . _ . . - - - . . , _ . . Informational Memo Date: August 17, 2007 To: David Mercier, City Manager and City Council Members From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Cc: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Re: Valley Corridor Environmental Study - CH2M HILL Supplemental Agreement #4 BACKGROUND Back in June of 2005 the City contracted with CH2M HILL for engineering services on the Valley Corridor Project. The purpose of this work was to establish and evaluate through a public participation process alternatives related to the extension of the Sprague/Appleway Couplet. This work was to be in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements so that a locally preferred alternative could be included in the Spokane Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). In January 2000 Spokane County received approximately $4.2 million from the state Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the second phase of the Couplet extension project from University Road to Evergreen Road. These funds were transferred to Spokane Valley in 2003 as the new Lead Agency. However, since it had been several years since these funds were allocated, the TIB required the city to get the proposed project on the M7P by July of 2006 or risk losing the $4.2 million. The schedule for CH2M HILL to complete the required scope of work was very aggressive and required several meetings with a stakeholder group, an advisory team, staff, and the general public. As the work progressed technical issues came up regarding the Spokane Regional 7ransportation Model and its application to the Valley Corridor alternatives analysis. CM2M HILL responded to these issues in an expeditious manner in an effort to complete their analysis for us before the July 2006 deadline. As CH2M HILL was getting close to completing their work, the City entered into a contract with another consultant for the SpraguelAppleway Corridor Subarea Plan. The work CH2M HILL was doing on the Valley Corridor project was subsequently put on hold pending the outcome of the subarea plan. r Info Memo: Valley Corridor Environmental Study 81117l07 CH2M HILL Supplemental Agreement #4 Page 2 At about the same time the SRTC Board approved a commitment of $4.2 million in federal STP(U) funds to replace the TIB funds for the Valley Corridor project. This in ' effect removed the TIB deadline of July 2006 for needing to get the project on the MTP =o.r_r.isk_los.ing the $4.2 million. _ OUT OF SCOPE WORK Upon review of CH2M HILI..'s overall effort to complete the Valley Corridor project analysis in the shor-t time frame given, we have determined that additional work was completed beyond the original scope of work. Because of this, additional compensation has been requested. Attached is a copy of a letter from CH2M HILL outlining the additional work that was done and a summary of the additional compensation requested. This letter is the culmination of staff review and negotiation with the consultant on the additional work. Staff recommends approval of this contract supplement to cover these costs, PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY A summary of the Valley Corridor Environmental Study project budget is as follows: Original Project Budget $292,616 CH2M HILL Contract $142,895 (plus 10% Contingency of $14,289) Supplement #1 (PTV) $ 23,308 Supplement #2 (Subarea Plan) $ 25,884 Supplement #3 (Subarea Plan) $ 11,326 (Contingency used ior this supplement) Total Approved Contract $203,413 Proposed Supplement #4 S 15.474 Proposed Total Contract $218,887 Remaining Project Budget $ 73;729 In accordance with city code at the time, the City Manager had up to $50,000 in change order authority. This authority was used for supplements #1 and #2. Current city code allows change order authority up to 15% of the original contract amount or $200,000, whichever is less. The 15% limit would apply and has already been reached with the other supplements. Therefore, we are requesting Council approval of Supplement #4. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover the requested additional fees. SUMMARY CH2M HILL did a great job of trying to complete a very difficult task in a very short time frame in order to meet the city's needs for the Valley Corridor project. As a result, additional tasks were completed that was outside the originally agreed upon scope of work. Staff reviewed this additional work and recommends approval of the requested supplement. - . ~ . . - • _ . •t . CH21a1 HILL ' APR Z 8 2007 9South4'lashingson ' ' s,tio aaa - l~ - ' SPokanc,L•dR84207•3709 CH2MHBLtl.. - Ta1609.823.1864x245 Fan 509.252.1507 Apri113, 2007 . . . 332655_A1 Steve Worley Senior Enginecr for C7P City of Spokane Valley . 11707 East SpragueAvenue;, Suite 106 City of Spakane Valley, WA 99206 ! Subject: Scope of. Work/Budget Supplemental. Agreer.rient No. 4 for Valley Comdor $nviran.mental Study Project Uear Steve: . . . i . ~ . • ' ' Th.is letEer documents our April ll, 2007, meeting regazding justification for an amendment J~, to the scope of work and budget for thg Valley Corridor T'nviiohnental Siud.y Project. CH2lv4 HIL,i., pErfarmed thc falloi~,qng additional services, ivluch were requested by City and not uicluded ax► oux original scope of work or subsequer►t supplemental agneements. Task 1: Project Management Coordination P:9eetings Related to Interdisciplinary Team h9eetings,Task 1.2 of our or.iguial scope of work providr•.s for CH2M HTLL statf to attend Eour Ixlterd.isciplinazy Team (ID`I) meetings. Thr.ee of the four scheduled ID'T meetings have aLready occurred (JlLily 1.4, 2005, 5epte.znber 2005, a.nd Ueceinber 16, 2005). It i.s our understar►cluig that the fou.rth ID Y' ineefiing ,vill not be necessary and is tberefore de.leted fram CH2Iv1 HCLL's scope af work. In support of the IDT meefiings, CH2-N1 IUGL staff attended seven additional coordination meEti,-ngs wath City sfaff. Thc project manager arid firansportahion planncr athended the add.itional meetiings and add.itional effort was needed for prepaxatiun, follow-on, and ~ administraiive acdcrities related to these mcetings. Advisory Team Meetings. Task 1.2 of our original scope of ivork aJso states that Advisory Team (AT) mombers tvill be invited to attena all IDT meetuigs. ThE scope of work and budget did not assume sepa.rate AT meeti.ngs However, at the requF:st of the City and A-T ntembers, five AT meetingswere held separutely from the ID"f rneetings. 7'hese meerings•oecurred on the follativitlg dafies: • October 12, 2005 r~ y 0 Uecember 21, 20Q5 Steve Worley , ? 1 Page 2 . Apri113, 2007 332655-.A-1 - • january 24, 200b • Februar.y 24, 2006 • May 19,2006 There were additi.anal unplanned revisions based on input received at these AT meeti.ngs, as well as the effort to prepare for and attend these ialeetings. Prior to the AT raleeting5 the City and C1421\2 I-IrLL would agxee on an approach and strategy fAr traffic rnodeling and analysis. Based on that appruach and strategy, work wuu.ld be perfo.rmed and conclusions would be reached. However, input from thc additional AT meetings resulted i.n redaing or modifying Y11e modeling, analysis, and conclusions, which were subscquently sumniarized in techcucal memorandu.ms. Ln atid.ition, projecl• teazn (C.'H2M HIGL and Cit)t sFA meetings were usually held before the AT rneekings to p]an for meeting presentations. Because of the concerns of the Spoka,ne Reginnal TransportatiAn Cau.nci.l (5RTC) and oYher AT members, additional effo.r.t cvas nEeded to cxplain ou.r 5`tr.ategy and approaeh. Presentation materials cve.r.e developed to explain our canclusi.ons at the A'Z' meefings. Project Administration. The orig-i,nal scope Qf woxk's sehedule was for the project to be - ~completed in 5 mnnths (by the end of December 2005). The sChedule was extEnded through mid-August as a resu]t o.f the need .fo.r. ad.dati.o.na1 AT ineetij►gs, cooxdinafion with the SKfC, and to address the various issues related to alternative selection. The extended project schedule, in harn, resulted in additional ad.mi.nistrative costs. 5zcmnrarr of Task Z PrajectlYlanugenientAdditioixai Casfis: $.5,000 in.lerd.isciplS.naxy Teasn Meeti.ng Caordanativn. • $12,745, Adviso.r.y Teant Mcetgs $ 8,588 Pro}ecfi Aclministration " $26,333 Totzl Task 5: Deficiencies and Alternatives Our i.n.i.tial scope of work assumed that exist7ng data and 'unfonnaYion vvould be used to develop deficiencics and assess alternatives. AT input, particularly that from STZ'I'C staff, resulted in reworking il-ie nlodelulg and analyses, and the need to summarize these changes in updated technical memorandums. In addiiion, a"Valley Corridor Tza,fEic Systeran. Nlanagement/'Traffic Demand Management [TSM/TDMI Alternative Developmenfi" technical memoxandun-► was prepared to address SRTC's request far presenting a detailed, well-thought-out TSAr/TL7Iv1 altEmative as one of the alternatives to be ulcluded in tlie short l.ist. 4lso, alternatives weie developed ancl recominended Uy,CH2M HILL and an addi.tiona] alternative was included based on City Council recommendations, l.niti.ally, the scope of ; Steve Wozley i Page 3 . Apri113, 2007 - -332655-.A-1 - work asswaned aratysis far up to 20 intersections per a].temative. In the end. over 29 intersectioxis were analyzed for mQSt altematives including rcvisuig operatioitis analysis resulting £rom skaff rccomuiendations on cha,rulelizalion. Su.mmanj of Task 5 Deficiencies ar:cX Alternateves Addifional Costs: $22,701 tlnalyses and Re-evaluatian of Alfiematives . $ 1,612 TSM/TDM Technical Memorandum $ 4,317 ,Added City Cotulcil AlternativE to analysis $ 1.25$ Additional intcrsections -vvith updated Technical Memorandu.rsi $29,888 Total Task 7: Preferred Alternative This task is de]efied fzom tlie scope of work, therefore, a credif of $7,349 (the original budget amolult, includ.ing applicable fviced fee) is applied to this amenciment. Task 8: Transportation Discipline Report This task is deleted from the scope of work, there#ore, a credit of $16,391(the origuial ( J;} Uudget aznount, includulg applicable fixed fee) is applied to this amendment. Task 9: Public Outreach 7 he xexnainder of khis fiask (one public meEting) is deleted from t11e scope of tivork, therefare., a credit of $17,007 (tkle unused portion of the original budget, incluciing applicable frxed fee) is appl.ied to this amend.rnent. 'Che orig-inal budget amou.nt for this ttisk is $39,343.78. The toral accrued charges to date on Task 9, including the applicable €ixed fee, are $22,337.15. ~his includes tl-te $21,947.94 invoiced th,r,ough November 24., 2006, pllt5 $359.21 3I1CL1ITQd 27Ut not yet invoiced. Summary - ' In suminary, the aggxegatc cost of the added and deleted wo.rk is $15,474, as summarized below. • Task 1- Projeet Ivlanagement S26,333 , Task 5 - Deficiencies and Alternatives $29,888 Task 7- Preferred Altemative 7,349) Task 8 -Transportation Discipline Repo.r.t ($16,391) 'T'ask 9 - Public Outreach ($17.007) Total $15,474. CH2M HTL,L is xequESting approval of Supplemental Agreement 4 to incorporate thc ab4ve described scope of work and budget re-Asio.ns inEa our forma.l. AgrEement wii•h the Caty. L ~ . ~ . Steve Worley i) Z'age 4 . , i April 13, 2007 33-2655~1:. - - - We appxeaate khe opportunaty to woxk with the City- of Spolcane Valley. I,f you have any questions, please call me. Sinccre-ly, CH2M HILL Jim D Zgteld, PE . Seavor Project Manager 04132007 Letter,dac , . ~ ' S`pok:a00111001~ ne ~ ;ooOValley ~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cityhallpspokanevalley.org . _ . . . . . , Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: August 9, 2007 Re: Juty Report Finance employees worked in the following areas during July: Second arriendment for 2007 budQet Financc staffhave idenlified a few adjustments thal are needed for the 2007 budget. A public hearing is planned for the September 11 council meeting. Changes include setting a.side dollars for the evcntual replacement/improvement of ciry facilities (depreciation), purchasing the police . nrecinct building at a diuount and transferring dollar.s to the (:ivic Facilities Fund for the ac:yuisilion of addidonal facil.ities. 200813udeet orenaration A public hearing to consider the 2008 propased budget will also be on the agenda for September 11. Key provisions of the 2008 budgct include a recorcis managemcnt system, a city center area environmentxl impaet statement, the amiual contribulion for facilities replacement (depreciation) and funding for additional eity facilitics. Budact varianc;e/investment rcnorts Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, to the 2007 budgct, at July 31, 2007 are altached. Staff pmvides infnrmation on selected operating funds at month end and a more completc report yuarlerly. Sales tax receipts continue lo exceed our estimates. However, the increase is less than we havc seen in rec;ent years. Gambling tmx receipts are falling short of our e.stimates. We have two ; si ;niticant aecounts that have fallen behind. We will c;ontinue to monitor these aec;ounts but - collection oi' the outstanding amounts is yuestionable. Most okher revenue and expenditw-es are within our expectatinns for lhis time of year. `I'he invcstment report is also attachcd I"or your review. 2006 Camnrehensive annual financial renort An oui.sicle aecounting firm has bcen lvred to ec>mplete this project. This report is the document that is audited by the statc eacli year. Annual audit The State Auditor's OETice has completed Preliminary work on thc 2006 auciit. 'Ihe full audit will take several months to cnmplete. City of Spokane Valley Selected Operating Funds Budget Variance Report Year to Date at July 31, 2007 Unaudited Amended Beg. Bal 8 Budget July YTD Unrealized Percent 2087 Revenues RevEnues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Unreserved Fund Balance $ 7,068,000 S - $ 7,068,000 $ - 500.00°r6 1 propertyTaz 9,745,000 19,576 5,11i,305 4,633,695 52.45 Sales Tax 17,686,800 1,649,925 9,452,309 8,234,491 53.44 Gambling Tax 910,000 - 184,093 729,907 19.79 2 Franchise FeeslBusiness I.icensos 724,170 5,926 255,872 466,298 35.33 3 State Shared f2evonues 1,121,000 151,105 662,542 458,458 59.10 Planning & Suilding Fees 1,867,000 182,657 1,255,494 610,546 67.30 Fines and Forfeitures i,250,4170 107,721 709,186 540,814 56.73 RecreaUon Pragram Fecs 447,700 48,447 290,735 156,965 64.94 Investment IncomelOther 302,800 43,314 291,004 11,796 96.10 4 • Operating Transfers 75,000 - 47,555 27,435 63.42 Goncral Fund $ 41,197,470 $ 2,166,671 $ 25,325,105 S 15,872,365 61.47°Yo _ . ti Otfier Fund Rcvenues: Street Fund $ 7,658,040 S 204,047 $ 6,105,524 $ 1,552,476 79.73°k NotelfMOtel Fund 658,000 38,320 565,989 72,011 89.06 / Storm%qter Fund 3.195,762 30.126 2,366.565 809.197 74.68 OiherFunds S i1,511,762 $ 272,493 $ 9,078,076 $ 2,433,684 _ Amonded . BudgQt Juty YTD Unrealized Pertent 2007 Exoenditures Exnenditures Exoenditures Realizsd General Fund Expenditures: ' Legislaiive Branch 296,393 14,125 152,031 144,362 51.29 Execufivo 8 Legislative Support 892,854 58,548 413,514 479,340 46.31 Public Safety 18,256,400 1,449,127 10,633,433 8,222,g67 54.96 Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,470,608 83,300 615,045 855,563 41.82 Public WOrks 1,391,887 76,240 608,546 783,347 43.72 Ptanning 8 Communify Dev. 2,411,276 i88,201 1,214,866 1,i96,390 50.38 Library Servfces 20,000 - 4,559 15,441 - Parks 8 Recreation 2,087,086 166,394 871,900 1,215,i86 41.78 General Govemmenf 12,063,000 166,290 3,977,311 8,085,669 32.97 5 $ 39,889.504 $ 2,190,225 $ 17.891,225 $ 20L998,279 46.01 Other Fund Expenditures: Street Furu1 $ 7,658,000 S 79,965 $ 1,448,319 $ 6,209,681 i8.9i95 6 HoteUll7otel Fund 658,000 25,000 120,158 537,842 18.26 6 Stormvrater Fund 3.195`762 88,059 872,749 2.323,013 27.31 6 S 11,511,762 $ ' 143,064 $ 2,441,226 S 9.070,536 . _ - -1 - ~ . 81202007 9:04 a►n City of Spokane Valley " Investment Report For the Month July 2007 Total LGIP` F&N1 MM F&M CD Investments 8eginning S 34,240,063,49 $ 1,605,279.12 $ 1;000,000.00 $ 36,845,342.61 Deposi►s 1,986,678.63 - - 1,986,678.63 Withdrawls (1,500,000.00) - - (1,500,000.00) Interest 160,949.05 5,603.52 - 166,552_57 Ending $ 34,887,691.17 S 1,610,882.64 $ 1,000,000.00 S 37,498,573.81 Balances by Fund General Fund $ 8,308,768.11 Streei Fund 4,641,685.37 Arterial Street 907,779.20 Paths & Trails 22,820.51 HotellMotel 464,080,23 Center Place Op 330,874,55 Service Level Stab. 5,123,792.89 Winter Weather Res. 548,674.87 ' Capital Projects 4,280,591.57 . Spec. Capital Proj. 4,459,806.23 - Mirabeau point Proj. 357,186.67 Parks Capital Proj. 785,929.21 Civic Bldg. Cap. Proj. 5,098,978.95 Stormwater Mgmt. 1,361,817.57 Equipment Rental 790,541.52 Risk Management 15,246.36 $ 37,498,573.81 "Local Government Investment Pool . FOOTNOTES Note: 1 Error on beg. Fund bal. of amended budget 2 Two accts delinquent 3 Received quarterly 4. City estimate was too low 5 Large part of this budget is reserves, emergency use only 6 Most expenditures come in fall & early winter ~ ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JULY 2007 MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANNJNG: Planning Commission The Spokane Valley Planning Cammission met three times during the month of Jufy arsd continued their raview of Titles 19 and 22 of the Unifam Deve{opment Code. SpraguelAppleway Revitalizatlon Plan The Cdy tmallzed the contract and sr,ope of worlc wdh ClearPath USA for real estate advisory services , and with Gibbs Planmng, LLC for services lo asslst in seeking out City Center developers. Urban Growtfi Area Update l.ong Range Staff continued to paRicipate in the update of Spokane County's UGAs by attending weekfy ' Planning Directors' meetings during the mortth of July to move the update through the regional planninq procss6. Stafi also supported a regular meeting of ths Steenng Commrttee oi EFeded Offidals arxf a subcommittee meetmg of the Steenng Committee CURRENT PLANNING: We are unable to supply currenl revenue data for June or July. Dunng the month oi July Plannmg DrvLsion steff canducied 9 land use pre-appliqtion meetings and processed 10 home profession permrts. 2 temporary sign permrts and accepted appi'iLations fw boundary line adjustmertta, pretimmary and final short plats, and tezones Fnre public heanngs were canducted by the Heanng Examiner m July Planning D'nnsion staff also reviewed and approvad 7 commercial buildfng permds including Lowe's Home Improvement, a parteble clessroom for Oaks Academy, Oxford Suites addfion, Lake City Rentel stone and Fred's AppYarice, conducted 11 commercial pre-application meelings and received 2 new permK apnlications 2007 Licenses & Pennits Issued - - ~ 1 4 : n ` - - - u - - [f-ff- ` _ A ~ sn FeD ~ Mer Apr IAoy Jur. Jul Aup Sep Oct tJCrv Dec c~ 1uD% 5T I 13 18 10 20 16 18 : . 2006 44 25 36 34 32 23 32 35 24 71 19 50 41 :5 1= 34 21 t~• 12 <5 3_ -.8 Page 1 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development July 2007 Monthly Report 2007 New Land Use Actions . ~ L Q I _ _ i `_-Yar~-• ~i _ ~ ~ A Up Sep OC! NDY Oec ~ 20u7 16 27 17 72 18 15 5 , . . c3= TODb 20 t9 30 24 27 75 25 10 . 17 10 B 8 200 5 15 I 22 20 ~ 24 16 33 28 17 I 17 26 ; 9 BUILDlNG D/VISION: We are ureable to supply Clirfofl! ii.':-nUt, Cj:313 June of J;1l~ I lie ELIIi(I11111 DIVI510') ItiSU?(J 36~- j'iEf1Tl'.',s I''i .Juhj 2007, comRared wrth 336 tur the same penod last year 201 CONS 1 N U(:l lON 11 ENMFS cui; • . • I- Pr N~ I • ~ :ur ta~ ' _ ►W i~/ - ~ Oa1 Wr 1 c 17857ftrRta :t! M1 L/ . 194 )1• X1 7tl9le►~wb `J'1 1 1]) t!3 135 A1 ]7I ~ Ilt ' m1 342 792 :•III . 2007 New SlrucWren/lJnlts Permitled bU r,~l r " <CI 7 F ~ I i ,18n Feb Msr Apr Miy Jure luly Aug Sept Oct Nw Oec New 1 3 2 UweUiny UnAS 28 32 53 58 75 46 tD * Mu1144amdy Uryfs 1 b 0 0 0 0 3 ! New l',ammAn:+al SinxWrES 1 1 11 a 6 11 Page 2 oi 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development July 2007 Monthly Report The rcporied value of canstruction, mcludirtg new stnudures arsd addit►ons/alteration is shoMm in the (oibwing chaA, corttparing these values with 2006. New value (or July 2007 totaEs $18,836,495. 2007 Valuatbn of Conatructbn s+a.om ny ~16xo ~r 0a.aoo oon L7].Dm,OOC C .307 va0ui:.un R /y~~ ~,~.1 ~ _ J ^ ' -~a- _ 0 2Wb VaiWb6'!l {111.W~.000 1••• ' . ' . D 20aSYlIU8110~'. if40G. ow 30 -IL.iiA-AL 11_ _11._ .I.1-- I 7~ .v iaA Nr A ar u•l A4q iaDt .71 In July 2007, building inspeclors perfiortned 1,203 inspectfons in 21 days_ Thfs averages 57 28 inspectione per day. The Pians Examiners reviewed 120 projecia in Juiy 2007. At the end of July, there were 23 projects awaiting review 2007 BuYdlny 1nspecUOni p ~ _ . . . .1.. ' . - w I ~ya~, _ ~ _ r~. ~ ~w •r• I ,ns . 'r:~ - - . : s:at7aW rI ~ I rn q~ i oY •p ~IL a ~ ~ nu } ~m irs r i+~ ' ]OSI , '10 4t ~ 1 ~tf _1_ 1~1 W W -.1_ _'W1 l t~ t070 711 TH There were 340 rigM-o(-wey inspec.-tions were performed dunng the month of July 2007 I CODE GOMPUANCE: The number of "ViotaGons Reported' on [he fo{IvwirTg chart reftecis actual 5pdcan2 Valley Zornng Code vioJa6ons, plus cornplairris received whk.fi wefe not violaUons. The compleints received are added to the total because they retlect time otricers speM tn the fiekl condudmg irnestigations. In sddition, the 'tnvestigated' and `Pendlr►g' cdumns accurately neAeci Cale Compliance's current ability to process and imest►gate backlog ceses. The following chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code vio4ations I repated. Viotations are reported based on the primary complairrt received. rather than lhe number of additional vxAalions identified on any individual premises. The irnestigaGon of a complaint of junk vehic{es, for example, migM also resuR in iderttfication of addrbonal violetions such as the accumulation of trash or herboring of livestnck. These are not included in the summary. A total of 60 new oorttiplaiMs were processeti in July. The Spokane Valley Police Department, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assisiance of Code Compliance m identitying junk vehicles abandoned wkhm the rigM-of-uvay. SCOPE volunteets tag the veh;ctes Vehicies which have nat bLen moved by thp following Fnday are tawed. Pape 3 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development July 2007 Monthfy Report Activity es cansolidated iMo the following slx calegones: Environmenial (sewerisepiic, critical areas, animal and nuisance vblations): Property (Rlght ot Way, prope+ty use, dangerous building, landlord/tenant, iliegal business and signage violations), Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and househoid wasle vidations); Clearview Tnangls and Compiairl - No Violalion. l ~ ~ ri , dui-0:, ;wg•Jb Sep-u5 Gct-Go NovUf, qec-06 .lan Ui Fra-Gi Mar-01 r1L--0; Wy-07 Jv: Ji Jol-07 t - . . . _ , . , NlVioinr.r.rs Renartad 74 87 51 59 57 31 1 Jp Stl iE 71 80 ~ 51 71 ■Abemmenb 42 5[i 4E 45 93 ~ 30 1 14 16 I 62 42 aE 51 1117 D Fda Tranrfe►s 0 0 0 D 0 2 0 ? D 10 0 i 6 2 ~ pPendmgFlleb I 86 ~ 53 47 At 41 ~ 36 15 tp Bt 68 ?S ~ 17 18 ■V,a:aDon&Repbded ■Abptamenb pFlieTrartslers •PendinpFdts ~ 2007 Code Violations by Category too I 80 ~ oU ' at, 20 !an-Ui ~rb- AMr-t17 Apt-G7,AABy-4i .lun-'.ii .lut~~,- ~.•,~y-~; Sep-Gi Uct-U: N7v-U7 C7CC-0i ~ 5 7~10 1n I,o ~ 3 ■ goip yygbte 7 I 11 IS 15 13 10 i 19~ 4.lunkAuto , S 3 8 ~ 8 8 ~ 8 15 ■ C1ear Vlew Tranpb ^ 1 1 ~ 3 2~7 5 8 ~ • Roparty i 8 _ 38 141 11 ' 19~1 18 26 ~ 01vesx~mental 0 0 6- 4 2 - 1 2 1- ( J ~ Page 4 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Departmertt of Community Development July 2007 Monthiy Report DEVEOPMEIYT ENGlNEER/NG ~ Y ~ i Commercial ■ Commercial Pre-Apps i.. Final Plat a BSP ■ Land Us8 Pre-App a RE7JSUB ■ SHP a REZ ■ BLA ■ STV ❑ CUP The Deveiopment Engineets processed 28 filas in Juty Commercial Apps from Sears Catl Center. P&G Mmi Storage, WastB Management. Pinch Warehouse, 20,000 retai( space. 11 sf oi storage spar,e CUSTOMER SERVICE Planning The Heanng Examiner held 5 tand use hearings dunng July Assisted 350 walk-in cus:omers 3t the counter and handled 354 r_us'omers' inqwres by phone in the permit cenier Building: Permits The folipwing teble summarues the pbtformence o! !he Permd Gen!er for those permits entered in ihe PLUS aystem, measured tron the tkne that the applicaGon Is deemed "counter-complete' lo the t►me thai a permit is issued. Page 5 016 City of Spokarie Valley Department of Community Development July 2007 Monthly Report AJ a7 ~ a n O ~ d VAMf@ y ~ r I a < wEw conSTtucnoN I I I Avt 3 Stonr ar Leat 3 ~ S3,065.875 DO ~203 I 203 ~ zn:s I Mmnmle o I s8.271.4$2 00 f Ts I 36 f165 ~ REL40DFL I I I I HosdtsUlnaUhitlDn 1 5405,000 W ~ 83 ~ 83 ~ P:i AAettantlic 3 S3(?4,OU0 00 ~40 36 ~4 5 Oflfrelf'rafesslonal 3 ~ 5SS 1,300 00 ~ 35 16 ~ 55 12CIti?inu5 Liutidlnra 2 51{c, riD!? L)CI 44 11 7, Values shuwn are those en which F'lan Check and Bu11ding Permrt fees are t,asec] T-he chart includes average, minimum and maximum times The Permit Cenier has been tracking tumaround for Right of Way Permit Applications and ttie faxed Mechanical and Plumbing Petmd Appl►cations At present ihe City responds to applications within 24 hours, typically by noon on the fallowing day Permits for those appiication rypes are generalfy issued within two days. Building: Inspections InspecUons are conducEed !Fr Cja'J tflr= ~Ilr,(,.~~'iiOfl ft~~!:F'Sj •-•.r('n`• 'id W~s~'~irt'If~~ dllfi f:0f-[::3'y's Code Compliance All pt811miRery inv85h:::st,urt; are v~illun r+~7,1,is r.tir_e~;r tr•.se- rer,-.,.ed :n Fn:iri+/ wl,ii_h tir mveshgaled betore the Pnd of the next business day Pertnit Center There were no surveys retumed during the month of Jufy. Page 6 of 6 JTIIF ~okane pUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Vallev MONTHLY REPORT July 2007 ~ AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interioca! • Street Sweeping - AAA completed the 5pring Sweeping in mid-June. • SVeet and StoRnwater Maintenance and Repair contrad -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has been working on Paving and Shouldering projects. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare is maintaining the grass and weeds in swales. • Engineering Servicss Support - Agreements with private engineering fi r,rs. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regianal Solid Waste Interiocal • Safe#y Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. P(an in final-draft review WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) far their VVastewater Facil'rties Plan and beginning their RRP process fQr a new treatment ptant CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Pro)ect Received Statement of Qualiffcations ror Eng,neenng 8 Architectural Services from 6 firms Reviewed and set up interviews wrth 4 fimis. • Valley Corridor Project ' Project on hold pending cutcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corr►dar Sub Area Plan. • Street Master Plan Consultant presented phase 1 af the draft Sireat Master Plan report to Council on 17 ,1u1y • Sullivan Road PCC Project began on 9 July and was completed on 27 July • Pines/Mansfield Thz County and State are preparing final designs of their respective areas of the projeci. The Ccunty Right of Way Dept is continuing their worlc on ihe right-of-way acquisition procgss. Fourteen (14) out of twenty-three (23) properties have acquired nght of way agreements The project is scteduled to advertise for bids in the fall of 2007 with constnudion scheduled to begin in 2008. • Appleway Avenue Reconstructfon - Tschfriey to Hodges David Evans 8 Assoc. is continuing to incorparate comments into the final bid package. Ectra effort by David Evans resuEted in the nght--af-way certification by WSDOT approval on 2 Aug. This project will advertise in the summer of 2007 with partial cons-truction scheduled to begin in 2007. • Barker Road Bridge Project Design is at 90% comp{ete and awaiting completion of the environmental permrt process. CH2M HILL finished tfie amended Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA We received from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) a concurrence of "no histonc propertles' for the Cultural ~ Resource Survey {CRS) Meeting with Washington Department of Fish and 111lifdlife (F&Wl a;scussed . the necessary mitigation plans for work in the Spcicane River during construction This project is scheduled to advertise late fall or winter in 2007 witfi construction scheduled to begin in 2008. Staff is preparing a presentation to cauncil on opiions for architectural treatments for the bridge. CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overlay Project Paving is complete. Permanent striping is complete. Praject c{oseout will begin. • Barker Road Project Prajed camplete. Punclilist rtems remain. • Veradate Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Prajed complete Punchlist items remain • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Punchlist complete. Awaiting final billing from Spokane County • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% cornplete with a bid date scheduled in July_ • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project 'i'he contract was awarded ta Knife River Co Construciion began on June 5, 2007. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded ta Knrfe River Co. Construction began on July 9, 2007. STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Starmwater Fund) Through the end of Jufy pnvate contracis have invoiced $507.809 and the County has invoiced , $805,447, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $1,313.256. The County has invoiced $5,925 and private contracts have invoiced $376,986, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost af $382,911. The overall total Is $1 696.167 or 48% of the budgeted funds. STREET 8. STORMWATER MAINTENANCE PERCENTAGES I ="-tia'e 5t~t Wtaintcnanx , 5507,BD9 , 1496 P.er^aininj Buoget. County Slreet MainienancP . 5' 8:' G35 521,.- 5805,417 , 23% . - ; .,tia!n Stortnwater ',4.:r:enonce S376 986. 1196 r:~,_nry 5tortnwator C ►,Azi,•,'enance, 55.925 , 0 77°,4 1 County Slreat Malntenamce i7 Private Stormweter Mairteranca * County StoRnwal:r Main'anance ■ Rarralning Budget CY?'Ctll'33A Cof:lv-lE!,C TRAFFIC: • Working on development cf new signal timing plans for Pines Iriterchange during PM peak hour and Sprague Avenue (Pmes to Suliivan) during weekday lunch hour. ~ • Traffic signais were adjusted for 5ullivan Bndge closure to improve flow thraugh the Evergreen ~ Interchange. • Ptaced equiprnent order and began surveying locations for flashing beacons at 3 etemeritary schools. • 20 Construction and utitity work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved. • 25 New citizen requestslcomplaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop slgn requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, Vaffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWAYER: • Continued inventory of UIC facilities. Around 10,000 drainage structures have been visited in the last 2 years. • Completed inventory and mapping of outfall structures. Map and data has been sent to DOE • Through POE Asphatt cantract, approximately 16 pipe sumgs have been consVucted to alleviate problems with flooded areas. • Continued landscaping coniract services of City owned drainage swales and ponds I S~ne jVal leV Cap➢tal Improvement Projects ZOOG S 2007 PiiOJ[C15 Propusod EstUnalod l)oslqn Gonstructlon 2006 (2007) Tutal Projoct Cnzl Funding Raad Conclruclbn ProJacta Projoct LocaUon BW Dats ComDletion Imla Campbts Cnmplelo Fundinp w(U) Arfjuruic Rffa+1 Clvertay kNd'iona Avaiue to Muntpoma+y nviinui! Mur-06 O/1R)7 100% t3U~ f 316.0011 t 316 1;( oi ~ ~ Road Dosipn Prolacls I Iii1CMA4 fTrnt-is/Martslinld Prooct Wllbur Rd to Pines 1td. Pirws lo 190 Nov-07 611H3H 957L 0'K i 1.0:12,015 S 4,511.04 1~ f P(U) ApplvwaY Avoiwa Rceconsirudfun Tsdurby FUJ. to ltndyas Rd. 5opfi7 &tlUB 95% 0'w i (NNi.004 S 8,099.56<; ;ilt parkor Road 114N1fle Heptacemonl Barfcor Rd et Spokann Rrrer poc 07 1211= (fU'~. 0'%. : 691.101 $ 10.01}p,cxwi Spwor Pro{ocb )ty Veradab lii!IghL-, - Pavobatk Valinyrray lu IMss+an, Lveopiums to AclNms Mar-00 611A7 1fNm 100'fff, i 4:10,256 tAy Vera Turrace - Pawoi►ock 2rx1 to lih. EmrpratHi lu &ints Mey 06 5f11Q7 100% 100% i 341,.T434 $ oty Spakiinqo Pavob.zck Ir►diona Wesl qt Maily<►mary Mny 07 11/1107 t10'K U".6 f - $ 1:iry (3mndvNrw Aaes -►?awback npr OT 1111iU7 tp(f% 15'96 f - t i:~tv 7ietttwoad i'avoback Apr 07 1111107 100'~ ~ S - S i'tanninp Projocti Vail!iv ~~wn;tnr i nvurrnr*:c=nl.i1',trtY IL•:roc:r.l!y 1~, ~ti.pi.luwaV nln Jun (17 Il;t f}"/. S S .ii'ili+ ':/.,Cny~-:m~ib•~ Ii-.i-._ lnr'~ti„Iirfvnii)i~pi~i'r. ~~y~ T(N711 S .1.625.:3fi S 21.i 18.T1f ;T4'(I I~ : url:~cr Ir;~;r.:~Hrt~lliul I'rtxp:im !U~ban1. IIU ~r~m.portahon Im;:ic~vrrrtent ii+~,:rt !l{•;k( :!n~li~u f{e~~;,n:enioiil i~~)vi;~~y ,^.cminn~tco r,Liis, iu~uc:unily tK!vul~~~I11F711I ~:IOfR I;,,u,l f'nn~r~cri ;.F.1A,.! r,n;N;.tu;i; A4.i,i.:qrn,•i(;/;:i Uu:Jly ~'ri~r;~ni ..:I/. ':pu4ani• ;i.;r,-,d %uctlunlY i;li:llaluf: {'ro~c.l~ July Z1 N1E11U '1'U: Davc N'Iercier, Cin• INtanagrr FRON1: R.ick Vani.cinen, Chicf of Police (;carge Wigra, Administrative 5ergeant - - D:1'TE: Auguxt 20. 2007 RE: Munthly Report July 2007 nuring the monLh ot'July 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incidents for the Spokane Valley Police Department totaled 4,727. These are sslf-initiated officer contactst as well as calls for scrvicc. C)ut of those incidents, 1,480 actual reports wrre taken during the month af Julv :lttxched is the breakdov►m dcscribmg those incidents. Additionally, there were 1,199 traffic stops I conductcd that resulted in 346 traffic reports. Included w7th t.his report are hotspat maps far Julti residentiaf hurelaricti, ►u1% conimerctal hurclaricti and Julv ?raific ium~ ancj July ctolcn vehiclcs. ~ :1U1MINIS7'I2-kTIVE: I ♦ Chief Vajil.euvcn assistcd %tiith inter-view5 of c:andiciates tar various prumutions in the Sheriff s(3ffice. 5everal transfcrs of personnel and new assignmcnts are schedutcd tu takr place an September 1 v%7thi.n the Spokane Vallcy Police Department. ♦ l'inief VanLeuven met wiih C ity st3ff reference permit issut ti. ♦ tieveral geople from the Spokane Vallcy 1'U, including l;hief VanLcuven, attend+:d a'`Oei \totivated" seminar at the Spo&nne areng. •Ctuef VanLcuven mct with Ed Neunherz of ('iiobal Credit L'nion to discuss an informal rCcornition prugram for SVPU personnel. •()uring the momh uf July, Chief VanLeuven was "on call" for a totaI af thiriecn 12 hottr dtitts for patml lieutrnants. C'O11MUn1't'1' ORIENTED PULI('lNG: • Fraftir Serge.-unt E3fett liores was Lotiured iti JuIy :is "[•:tiiployee i,f' tlir c>u:irtcr" for Spokane County, and he waa presented a plaque to commemorate the occasion. Rccipicnts of the quarterly awazd aze nominated by supcrvisurs or co-warkers, and the nominations are then reviewed by the Employcti Appreciation and Recognition Committee, who selects the most worthy nominee. Sgt. Gores h~5 supervi$ed the Spokane `'alley Potice Department 'i'raffic l'nii siiice Scptcrnber 2005. i Pa~~ l ♦ Buifders and COtitractars in thr Litv of SPokane Valley anLi (>tlier parts uf Spoi:ane t ount\ can help safeguard their worksites by registering them on a websitc link developed in Jul~ Ry going to www.snokanesheriff.ork and clirking on the Construcuon Site Patrol heading, thcy can enter building addresses or construction sites. As time allows, depuliCS and % olunteers will conduct prowI c.hecl:s on the locations that have been entered. Contractors and buitder~-are r'ncoursged io- use thc- -website frature tQ-itelp-rnhartcc the-sa€ety-$nd srcurit-, of thrse 1ocation5 ♦ Cllief \'ani_cmcn 1I11pIz111eT1ltil a"bank 1.0"t1111} check" progratn wfierein patrnl ofiicers stop by h:ink locations pcriodir~llI1'. p(w•ldl[]i •,i;:lile law enforcemer}t rresence as a crime preventive measure. ~ • Fhe C'hiel attended the munthl~ SCGl'1_ ExecutiveActiou Cununittee meeting. Eicldressed ttie nu:mbers to thanl: them for ttieir contrib«tions to all the volunteer Prhm, r,,, of SCCIPF. l te expressed his appreeiation for the iii_:~ ♦ ( i?:»I•!..:ni; i-.. ; 1 I ,:ri. '~',i~l; E-a! . . ;r~ ~-.i~ ~ uli~ l i. . f'.u:.. arose wheu several youths were seen swimming in the pooi aftcr hours, 3s well as sever;I.1 arts of vandalism. Chief Vanteuven has assigned SCOPE puirol for Terrace View, Va11e'. *%iission and Snllivan Parks, Iie has also rcquested deputiNS to perform prowl patrol at tt;c p:jrks whc.-n they 11ave available time and has confirmc;d thi.s is being donc. All of thc,~: actians represent prompt nnd affirmativc response to matters brought tu City of SV stali'~ actcnuon bv citizens or as a direct result of staff observatiun of various situauans. Thc S VPD responJed on at lease four occasions to 9-1 -1 calls at Terrace View an July 10, 12, 13 and 15. Enforcement actions included an arrest fnr illegal passessinn af alcohol by Li minc,r, names of %~iulators ArIJ c.111L:d .l'<<-r-!i,,ur" llltll []1C Iockrd ,WimminLy • 1-hirtv-iive lab:induned vehicle:s wti•e taLgeJ f*()r impouncinient in the tipukane 'v'allc\ diLruig Jul}' by SCOPE %uluntcers, twelve ot which WCrL' C\ ;ntttalik tumed ~%ith thirt«n citst30i15 15SUed. In addition, 23 hulks were pmeesseci ♦ SCOPE volunteers ftom the 1uw Srokaite Valle}• SCUi'L•. statioms cimtribute.l f 1~' : %olunteer hours during the munth uf July. f3asic Training for new volunteers was held t}5c- Spokane Vallcy Police Station c,n Julv '?R, and 28 new volunteers eampletc.? -1;~: ♦ `~i 4 i('I 1;!I(~ l:i_r;._.+..'1.~ %;:~:ll'" li:_l..:li II'Jl'11.1i~'_. :f'. ;1C 1:I~~C1 i~i•~~li;:~ `:il~'i: l ~tl' the Valley R'lall on July 28. Rtck Scott, 5CUPE: Uirector, repuncd, "SCUPL thanks the e,ity Council for suppnrting the Bike Helmet program and making it passible to purchii. iiround 500 hetmets for the safety af our SV y-ouch. During the ycar 2006, the SCU1'1- volunteers were able to distribute over 1,400 helmcts area wide. Y'our conlinucd suppurt in tlyc helmet distribtition is greatly apprer.iatzd in kecring our f~unilies s<:fe in tht: We,rld 1Tl `Po~:ine V::Htv ar5ci Spokane (_'ow!t. " ~ O['F'RATIn\S: • Gol! Coursc Vandalized Vandals struck a Spokane Valley golf course and causcd an estimatcd S15,000 in damage to the green on thz first hole. Sameone used the flag stick to can•e racial slurs an~ 1-irofanitits-in-to the Iawn. Sotne of the vvurds were as- large-as 24 fcet-tvng by G fiect ta11. A representative of the Paintcd Hills Golf CourSe said it would cast about $50 per squnre foot to repair the damage and estimatzd the total la~Nm to be replaced at more than 500 square t`eet. Damage also w•as discavered on the fourt.h green but was limited ta holes punc}yed intc) the lawn and did nat rcquire repsir. ♦ 5crappcrs Stcal Itailroad Coppcr Another Spokane Viilley business feli victun to rnetal thieves wlieii a sttspcct hruke into a 13\SF Railway storage facility :und made uiT «ith hundreds of dollars' tivorih af cop}per Wire. A railroad empluyee arrived at thc storage yard laCated on N. Ffora Road about b: 3(► a_m. ttnd discovered a pair Qf Pedlorks cut from the drive-throuvh gate. IIe found two entire spooIs of copper wire mF551Ilg and a SubSltlTliial amoum ()I wire cut and removed irom a tliird ti11001 ♦ 1 'ninvitcJ Gucst Nabbcd Nk'ith Mcthamphctstmine (-)f'liccrs investigating a pussible aPartment burkidry cnded up making a feluny drug arrc~t %,.hen the man inside the residence juniped from a back window and attemptcd to run s«ay . i_)fficrrs JCf'f Shover and DarrU Stidham went to an apartmeot on Adams Road after u neightiior esilled and said he had seen nvo mcn entcr the apartment of a rnan K•ho bad hcen arrested bv Spokane Police earlier in the day and who was still in jail. 1he officcrs knocked on the dmr and ruuld hear movement inside. Another resident alenc:d them to a :uspect jumping from a back winduw. Shover run after the suspert and caught up to him Whert hc fell_ During tt subsequcnt search ef the suspect, they found in his clothing a clear ,andwich hag cantaining meth, a second sandwich bag containing meth residue, a thirci haogie containing a cutting agrnt fvr methamphetAmine, a plastic case containing digital drug scalcs and $160 in cash, as well as two cetlular phones, one of which rang constantl% imtil the battery was drained. Offlcers contacted the apartment resident at the jail and fie to(d them he did not wish to press criminal chargcs against thc suspecL Shover drove the <uspect to the Spokane Caunty lail and boc,ked hirti for Possession of u Controlled ':ubstance with Intent to I3eli<<er. • Alert V1'itne4s '1'ips Officers. Pair Arrestcd vigilant L'•dgccliff Ncighborhood cesident spattrd snc3 reportLd tiuSPici~~us uC11V1[4' M1ic:h l«t to the arrest of tivo men on burglary charges. Ufficers werc called to a house on T': t-ifth by A property owner who said hwo suspects might have broken into his rental home. I'hc man said a neiehbor had called him to report seeing two men leavc the home with several power tools that the owner !eft inside during a remcxlcl. The witness said that the suspects were neazly running as they carried tools to their vc:hicle. The witness gave Office-r Brian Hcrt t}ie license Plate number of the suspects' Dodge van. Officecs llarell Stidham and Jared ICiehn joineti U1Ticc:r Heri und they discuvered the vart at a hc+mc in thc 6300 block of L.Third. The ofticers stopped the van as it pulled away from the hume, then drtnined the twu men insidz after discovcring the victim's stalen Powcr tonls inside. Hzn Kesidential }3urglary ' ♦ Idaho Man Robbed In SuUivan Park A 53-year-ald t'ueur d'Alene man was robbed by a pair af male suspects who knacked h;m to the ground in Sullivan Pxrk and then stole cash fram his wallet. Sgokane PolicE „lTicers contacied the-victim at a-downtoRm haspitat where- hc wns being-treatcd for cuts ovcr hoth ey-es and a ruptured eardrum. lic said tbat he had been swimming at Sullivan 1'ark on Fri:iay and was mturning to his wck about 4:30 p.m. when he wa.s attacked. He s,:ic1 he had his wallel and keys in his hands when the riva approachcd. The younger :;~spect demanded his rash and then piuiclicd him in the $ide of his head. Tne oldcr thief punrhed him in the head as well, and then boxed thr victim's right ear as he began falling down. The alder tnale took the rictim's wallet, removed the cash and then threw the wallet 0►i the grnund. 'I'he victim said things "went wlute" for a minute and he did not see where ihr suspects went after the attack. He described the first suspect as white, in his late 1.0'-. 10" tall and 190 pounds. 'I`iie suspect had a shaved head and tattaa "slecvcs" on his arti-i I-hc second suspc.ct wus dcscribed as whitc, in his mid 30's, 510" tall and 175 pounds. k i; S,ad short black hair, and tattoa "sleeves" on hoth arm< ::I wrll nUrnernu~ rwons on boi' I !e;s. Rotli wcre clean sliavcn and nc•itlier 1•. i~1 • titealth Wnrl:s Wcll For Edgccliff Patrok Officers patrolling the (:dgecliff tirighhu61mid on L)ic`t~1cs tu.id;: a Iclotj} dr:iL :iJIc`l iifiey rode up ta awant ei fugiiivc without hcr recagu•ring that thcy were police. Ufficcrs Brian Frust and Vtark Browmcil wcre riding bikes in the area of Second and Coleman ahuut !O p.m. when they spotted a 30-year-nid femate walking down the middle of the roadwa"•. l'lzey stopped to chat, ciiecked her name through police records and learned She had mo iiutstanding warrants charging her with 1o Valid Operator's License and Driving Vdhilr l.icense Suspendcd. 'Iliey arrested hcr and sent hrr to jail with Officer Ja.son I'ctrini, At jaii, metha.mphetamine was discovered insidc her clothing. She was boo7ked for tlw misdcmeanor warraiits :ind a felony cc7unt of' AosSession of Cuntrolicd Substunce. .119 tluee oflicers, I'rosl, Rra-wnell and Petrini, were Nvorking the F..dgeclifT NciLhhorhond ~,n overtime fiinded by a 1_1.S. De^;trtmrnt ~,f iiistit:e Weed an(i Secd vrant ♦ tiuspect Fillagcs Gravcsitc tiomeone armed v6711] 1 ShotCl ;:lld IoE 1l:L: ijv-:ld it~~1t: Si\ l:tfL-C C.'.l'i] I'rom a Spokane Vslley gravesitc in July. A repre.wntative of the Chcster Cemctery, 116+! f F. 44111, call4d the SpoN.,-n,. I'.c[,, ~in; ( -tr~.'c. t,I rcrt ?rt '~;L 111.•ft ,.~11 ;L'd t stolen ~lant; ,it alloiil - ~1 ~ ♦ -:1ggrrs%ive Beggin~:.. \i.r.L.,i ,'1zi "Aggressive Begging" ,irrc;t ~S%-A-I(_ S.25.020) arrest OceurrCJ Lhi-, :iwntli at 3:31i ;l at the ytichael's parking lot. 1552I L'- Broadway when a transient demanded a fem.:!,- ,hopper's putse. Ile was bonked into jail. • SCOUTF.RS AND l3IkES: lliere ti•as onr l,ike ! 111tQ 3CC1dCilt. lllt bike ricler. who was not wcanni~ rcceitcd minor 1'.lcc J UU/ JUL.'1` I.hCIfYIt KCr-'UFK 1 .tut-07 Jui-06 +107 to date1 06 to date 11 06 Total 1 06 Total 1 04 Total ~t=: ,~•1~ ;f 49, 4811 7211 388 11 _714 1 7441 997 =ORGERY 1 321 3411 2471 211 II 334 1 4841 4Cj. '.4Al.aCIOUS MISCHIEF ~ 1241 17511 7621 590 I) 1,122 1 9041 1.2~ : NON-CRlM1NRL 1 821 5411 4831 438 1 871 1 7491 81-71 FROPERTY OTHER I 81l 95 534 599 9821 1,1541 1.665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 1 301 44 197 189 4031 3331 390 STOLENVEHICLES 1 371 6411 2881 341 11 711 1 6031 57;' THEFT 1611 14911 11021 1.1(}7 II 1.8881 2.2551 2,8UIOBC 1( 0lI 51 3 II 11 1 81 111.1 vEHicLE oTHER oI oli 11 311 3( s( 4_1 +lEHICLE PRdiJWL.ING 361 58i1 3951 567 11 937 85$1 1,38- TOTAL PROPeRtY CR/MES 636 66111 4.3351 4,376 11 7,916 8,178 10,519 r~.S$AULT 79 9011 5181 530 11 8461 894 88C~ OOA/SUICIDE 1 161 2011 1341 108 11 1671 1591 162 DOMESTIC V1OL.ENCE 1 681 7611 5071 385 11 7351 7621 7c-n HOMICIbI~ 1 OI t ll 01 211 51 11 ` KIDNA~ 1 7 i lI 161 14 11 221 351 24 MENTAL 1 40 4711 2221 247 11 425 1 4251 35~ MP 1 71 911 431 44 11 88 971 1121 f= PERSONS OTHER 1 1231 1141( 7851 859 11 1,159 1,2561 P68BERY 1 101 31 441 23 11 58 561 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT + 31 8+ 481 47 11 83 + 921 1 a.` TOTAL MAJOR CR/MES 1 3531 36911 2,317 2,059 11 3,5891 3,7771 4,142 ,~DUI.T RAPE I 6l DiJ 29 12 11 291 391 C HILD ABUSE ~ 8) 411 681 4511 78 1011 1 :~USTODIAL INTERFERENC 221 8lI 641 70 11 105 . 88 2C- :,EX R~GISTRATION F ~ OI ilI 11 2 11 3 6 • INDECENT L18ERTIES I 0l 1 ll 11 l 14 11 151 91 :HILD MOLEtTAtION ~ 41 711 271 43 11 691 671 cHiLD RAPE ~ 41 211 171 34 (C 62 1 35 RUNAWAY 1 191 2411 1781 178 11 309 1 311 SEX 9"HER + 231 1711 122 115 11 203 161 l :37ALK NG 1 21 411 10 1411 17 27 SusP c ous RFasorv 1 121 1811 901 12311 1771 244 31, TOTA, ~b( CR/MES J 1001 861 6171 66011 1,0671 1,108 1,475 DRUG 1 461 431 472 . 414 11 6651 891 ISU 07HER 1 01 DlI 1 0 11 01 0 TOTAL !SU 1 461 4311 4731 414 11 6651 gg1 l 1,001,, tOTAL TRAFFlC REPORTS 1 3461 286fJ 2.1621 1,765 11 3,345 1 2,4031 2.7' ' •f` \ e ~ • ~t~i. ~ ~ ~ BONN illillilillillillilwm~ - ;a•ii +'`a, - S:tnso , 4/uwn ~ i • , ' . 1 , • ~ , i ~,.tr`~ ~ ~ 1 r ~ ~j~Ct ~ }t~1f1~ r a ~ ~ w .is `•,o n~+ _Ff Kw ~ Ia s p s m~'~ ! 1ftlr.fld 4 7 ~ 'o - ~ ~ ~~tr~ _,•1 "P•~aYr ~ t-~ m 1~ _ - r~~„ _ , ~ , ~ ~ + ~ 4140 ~.r~r,r~,•ay" ai~~~_ g ~ ras.c~ ' ~s ~ - -1 t baG 1~1►,.t~ ~,-,.s~ -~.c!1 ~a~'~11 ~ i`' `y r7'" R" 1 nppls- ltYi ` ~ s1 ~ j ~ _ 1 c~ ~ ~ ~ - c . _ . ~ ` ~n ~~.:3 ~llCd a' I ~,ui1iA ~ J Vc~ ;.t: {u . 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