2007, 09-04 Study Session1:11.E COPY AGENDA CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL NN'ORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Uue_%dayt September 4, 2007 CCtY fLkLL COUNCIL CIIAMBE IB 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Fluor Turn Of All Elvctranic Devicev During the :1t 6:00 p.m. DISCUSSION LEADER SUK1EC'I'1ACTIN TfY GOAL Fmrlo,vee Introductions: Patty Romero, Office _•fssistwit, by Engineer John llolunan Darla Arnold,, Office .Assistant, by Planning.11amager Greg AkCormick Joe (filbert. Engineering Tech, by Public Il'orkt Director Neil Kerven Alurry Palcmiuk. Planning Technician, Phmntng .t1awger by Greg VcC'or#nw* 1. Greg McCormick Uniffirm Devcluplnctit Code Discussionllnformation 2. Mayor Wilhite Advance Agenda Additions Disctr_ssion/Infarmation 3. Mayor Wilhite Council Check in Discussionllttformation 4. Dave Mercier City Manager Comments Discussionllnformation ADJO 1 RN Note: Unle s otherwise noted above, there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions, ltowtver. Council always rtsarvts the right to rtgvett information from the public and staff at appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Volley Council. the Cvundl remws the right to tAc "actitm" on any item listed or 5ubseclucrntly added to the agenda. The term 'action" morns to detibcrnte, disc=, resiaw, consider, evaluate, or make a a4lectit a ixritivc or negative dm-ision. NOTICE Individuals planaing to attend the tueetrng r(tu leyulrs special ass-tatua to taxanttttodsic r&rical, bcartng, or other tmpautmtn, pkatc cotttaa the Cir;. Clerk of (504) 921.1006 ai uKm s+ pew sebie so that anangrmcwt may he mode. SWdy 5essktn Agendti 5clstembet 4„ 2007 Paea i of I DRAYI' ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of August 30, 2007; 1:15 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Wednesday, September 5, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Special Council Meeting/Study Session Council Chambers. Agenda Topic: UDC [120 minutes] September 11, 2007, Regular Meeting. 6:00 p.m. (Coantcil Chambers) [due date lTues,'Sept 4] 1. PUBLIC Tf_EARENG: Uniform Development Code (UDC) [60 minutes] 2. PURLTC BEARING: 2"" Amended 2007 Budget-Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 3. PUBLIC I:TE•AR.TNG: Preliminary 2008 Budget - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 4. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes; CH2Mhill Expense [5 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 2007 Budget (2"a amendment) - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting UDC - Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 7. Motion Consideration: City Hall Facilities Consultant Selection -Neil Kersten [5 minutes] 8. Motion Consideration: Outside Agency Allocations - Ken Thompson [15 minutes] 9. Adrnin Report: Sidewalks (ADA) - Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 10. Info Only: Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson [estimated meeting: 140 minutes] September 1.8, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, Sept 101 i\few Employee Introductions: Raba Niniri, Michelle Simpson [1,Y R pcxt MO ls~date~il,,;;rzart oudelkar~sur r ~C*1A ~,o~s> ,yam 'u [r15 minutes 2. Department Budget 14ighlights - Morgan Koudelka & Dept Directors (30 minutes) 3. Admin Report. Chamber of Commerce CenterPlace Marketing proposal (tentative) (15 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Concurrency Issues - Mike Connelly/Nei] Kersten (30 minutes) 5. UDC Deliberation (65 minutes) TOTAL INMU I'ES: 140 minutes September 25, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Sept 171 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 2007 budget (2"d amendment) -Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting UDC - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 4. Adrnin Report: City Hall Facilities Planning Monthly Update - Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 5. Admin Report: Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson [20 minutes] 6. Admin Report: Panhandling- Erik Lamb [15 minutes] 7. Admin Report: Paperless Agendas, Cost Comparisons - Chris Bainbridge/Bing [20 minutes] 8. Information Only: Mirabeau Parkway Speed Limits-Neil Kersten 9. Information Only: Department Reports [estimated meeting: 1.15 minutes] Wednesday, September 26, 2007: AWC Regional Meeting, Doubletrec Spokane City Center, 322 N Spokane Falls Ct. (Sept 27-29, 2007: NX, Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Steering Committee Fall Mtg: CenlerPlace) October 2, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, Sept 241 1. General Budget Discussion - Dave Mercier (30 minutes) 2. CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Project List for 2007/2008 - Greg McCormick (15 minutes) 3. Admin Report: Mirabeau Parkway Speed Limits -Neil Kersten (20 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Collins Road Parking - Neil Kersten (15 minutes) 6. Info Only Item: Spokane County Conservation District Update -Linda Graham TOTAL MINS:.100 minutes DWI Advance Agcnda 8/30/2007 1:18:11 PM Page 1 of 3 October 9, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 1] 1. PUBLIC HEAIt(ING: Final Public Hearing Proposed 2008 Budget-Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 2. PUBLIC NEARING: CI)BG Project list [10 minutes] 3. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Budget [10 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying; Property Tax - Ken 'Thompson [10 minutes] 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming Excess Property Tax - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 7. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Sunshine Disposal Franchise - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 8. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Waste Management Franchise- Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 9. Proposed Fee Resolution Adoption- Ken Thompson [20 minutes] 10. Motion Consideration: Adoption of CentcrPlace Marketing Plan - Mike Jackson [10 minutes] 11. Motion Consideration: Mirabeau Parkway Speed Limits - Neil Kersten [10 minutes] [estimated meeting: 125 minutes] October 16, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, Oct 81 1. Street Design Standards - John Hohman, and J-U-B Representatives (60 minutes) 2 Street. Masterpla.n Discussion Continuation - Neil Kersten/J-U-B Representatives (60 minutes) 3. Accident. Statistics Along Broadway - Neil Kersten (30 minutes) 4. Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier (15 minutes) TOTAL 1YM'UTES: 165 minutes October 23, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 151 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Budget [10 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying Property Tax - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming Excess Property Tax - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Sunshine Disposal Franchise - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, Waste Management Franchise- Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 7. Motion Consideration: CDBG Project List - Greg McCormick [10 minutes] 8. Admin Report:: City Hall Facilities Planning - Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 9. Information Only: Department Reports [estimated meeting: 105 minutes] October 30, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, Oct 221 1. Info Only: Library Capital Facilities Area Formation _ o Lc)l' ii,g 7aa Cirri ,I„ flee Grant A"pNlication Reviewycx l-iylor ' (2.11 mintit:es) November 6, 2007 - no meeting (election night) Wediresdav,' November 7, 2007 Special Meeting,, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 291 1. PUBLIC NEARING: 3ra Amendment to 2007 Budget - Ken Thompson [10 minuets] 2. Consent .Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance for 3rd Amendment to 2007 Budget - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] ~iot;ioil Considcration:_L•od ing'1 a~ GianlAllocaticins -.nebuty Mayor ra tla, [10 rri ttitesJ 4.-Admin Report: Library Capital Facilities Area formation - Mina Repor [30 mu,utes) 5. Admin Report: City Hall Facilities Planning-Neil Kersten [30 minutes] November 13, 2007 - no meeting (NL.C Conference) Novemher 20 - Thanks_iving week - no meeting [estimated meeting: 90 minutes] Draft Advance Agcnda 8/30t2007 1:18:11 Pnvt Page 2 of 3 i November 27 2007 - Special Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Nov 191 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Proposed .Resolution: Library Capital Facilities Area Formation -Nina Repor [20 minutes) December 4 2007 Study Session. 6:00 pan. (due date Monday, Nov 261 December 11, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dee 31 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance for 3'd Amendment to 2007 Budget. - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] December 18, 2007, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dee 101 1. Committee Appointments 2. Swearing in of Councilmembers 3. Admin Report: City Hall Facilities Planning-Neil Kersten [30 minutes] December 25 - Christmas Week - no meeting January 1, 2008 - HOLIDAY - no meeting January 8, 2008, Regular Meeting [due date Monday, Dec 311 Election of Council Officers OTiER PENDYNG AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES[ EETINGS Comp Plan Amendments (November) Tourism Promotion Association Presentation (November/December) Department Accomplishment Report City Center Survey Adoption Street MasterPlan Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan - Scott Kuhta Approval of Pines/Mansfield Construction Contract Award - Steve Worley Appleway Avenue Construction Contract Award -Steve Worley Casinos Traffic Model Review Work Force Development, In-Service Definitions Noise Ordinance (Construction Activity) Central Valley School District Impact Fee Request Sewer Collection Systems -Neil Kersten Animal Control Ordinance - Cary Driskell "Hot Zones'' (telecommunications infrastructure) Renewal of Lobbyist Contract Governance Manual (public hearing/public conmient process: etc.) NE Housing Solutions City Membership estimated; does not include time for public comments.] Draft Advance Agenda 8/30/2007 1:18:11 PM Page 3 of 3 . S - - - - Valley--- 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ citybatt@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council; Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner; Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Date: August 28, 2007 Re: Proposed changes to Titles 19, 20, & 22 Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code During deliberation on Titles 19 and 22 of the Uniform Development Code, Council directed staff to address a few issues and to recommend alternative language. Please consider the following recommendations. J AVISTA UTILITIES COMMENTS Permitted Uses Avista is concerned that Title 19 does not allow gas distribution, electrical distribution, electrical substations or transmission line facilities in any zone. In fact, the Schedule of Permitted Use chart lists "Community Facilities" as a permitted use in all zones. Community Facilities is defined as follows: Community Facilities: The facilities of a local government, other public agencies or non-profit organizations including but not limited to police stations, fire stations, government offices, court rooms, waterAvastewater storage and treatment facilities, electric and other utility distributionlcollection lines, transit stations, churches and schools. Staff recommends adding "electric substations" and "transmission lines" to the above definition to fully address Avista's concerns. Subdivision Exemption Avista also requests an exemption from the subdivision rules for parcels that will be used by utilities regulated by the public utilities commission. Title 20 provides the following exemption: 20.10.020 Exemptions 7. A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with RCW 58.09 used or to be used for construction and operation of consumer or investor ovrned electric utilities to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers as set forth in RCW 58.97.040(9). C:1Documents and ScrtingskCBainbridge.SPOK.4\'$V.4LLENALocal Sef ngskTempomry Intemet Fl1eskOLK4SStaff recomnlcnded UDC changes to Council 9.4-07 (2).doc Avista's concerns appear to be addressed by this exemption from subdivision rules. ; REZONE CRITERIA \ 19.30.030 Site Specific Zoning Map Amendments 1. Site specific zoning map amendment requests may be submitted at any time. Site specific zoning map amendments are classified as Type III development applications and shall be processed pursuant to SVMC 17.40. 2. All site specific zoning map amendment requests must meet all of the following criteria: a. Meet the requirements of SVMC Section 22.20, Concurrency; b. The requested map amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan-, c. The map amendment bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare; d. The map amendment is warranted in order to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan or because of a need for additional property in the proposed zoning district classification, or because the proposed zoning classification is appropriate for reasonable development of the subject property; e. The map amendment will not be materially detrimental to uses or property in the immediate vicinity of the subject property; f. The property will be served by adequate public facilities including roads, potable water, fire protection, public sewage disposal facilities and storm drainage facilities for the intensity of the proposed zoning district classification (City of Bainbridge Island); g. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the requested map amendment; and h. The map amendment has merit and value for the community as a whole. ` -J Possible additional criteria: City of Issaquah rezone criteria - Growth Controls: If the requested rezone results in increased housing unit density, the additional density shall only be allowed if the Growth Management Act housing growth targets have not been met, unless the City Council approves a development agreement as part of the rezone proposal; and OPEN SPACE IN THE MUC ZONING DISTRICT Council questioned the source for the requirement for 210 square feet of open space per dwelling unit in the MUC zoning district as stated below: 19.060.070 MUC, Mixed Use Center 3. Projects with residential component shall provide 210 square feet of open space per dwelling unit... Marina indicated that this figure was based on the City's level of service (LOS) for parks at 1.92 acres/1000 population. Marina could not remember the exact numbers that she used in this calculation, however given the parks LOS and the 210 square feet per unit, this calculation looks something like the following: 1.92 ac/1000 population = 83.6 sq/ft per person 2.5 persons per unit x 83.6 = approximately 210 square feet per unit CADocuments and 5ettings1CBpinb.idee.SIIOKf~\TVALLFN'\. cal Sgingsl'remporary ]memo Fiies\OLK4LStaff.-ccoumicoded ITDC changes to Council 9-4-07 (2).doc PIPEUNE HAZARD AREAS Council requested clarification regarding which pipelines were subject to the Pipeline Hazard Overlay regulations. Marina indicated in an email that the intent was to apply the regulations to the large transmission lines (Yellowstone). Staff suggests that the following applicability section (underlined) be added to the Pipeline Hazard section: 19.110.040 Pipeline Hazard Overlay The regulation of development including construction . FENCING Council raised the issue of fencing on double frontage lots and requested staff to propose language that would allow a perimeter fence on the property line around the back yard. Staff suggests the following revisions for Council's consideration. SCHEDULE OF PERMITTED USES MATRIX (APPENDIX 19-A) - Staff incorporated changes to the Use Matrix (attached) based on City Council input and areas that required clarification. 22.70 FENCING, SCREENING & LANDSCAPING 22.70.020 General Provisions - Fencing 2. Any fence or, wall, „v.c~-g r ~r erg era -~~as:: -isation rected or placed behind the minimum required front yard line, may be erected or maintained to a maximum height of eight feet (8'0") above the adjacent grade in residential zoning districts. Lots v4h double street frontage (lots running through from one street to another) may have a fence constructed on the property line around the yard not used as the main point of access (the apparent back yard 1 OUTDOOR LIGHTING STANDARDS City Council inquired about the current requirement for lighting and photometric plans. The Interim Zoning Code requires a lighting plan for any proposed outdoor lighting. Given the technical nature of this requirement these plans have been prepared by a lighting engineer. The current code also requires that any light produced on a property be contained on the property and not allowed to spill over onto adjacent properties. The only way to ensure that this requirement is being met is to have a qualified professional prepare a photometric plan that demonstrates that this code requirement is being met. The draft UDC codifies these requirements that are currently being administered due to the nature of the issue of outdoor lighting. Outstanding items will be researched and information provided to Council as soon as possible. C:U?o_u:-irnts and Senings~LBai fid .SMKANTV.ALLEYU.oW Se5inp%Temparary lntemet Fdc%0LK4 SWFrawmn=ded UDC cbsangp m Ccc.n_il 9-4-07 (7) 4n,. Appendix 19-A Sche ►f Permitted Uses h T ~I L .'Ll r rt~ U Q 0 $ v 1 Q U O n° $ O ° o a a E 6 0' E O O `c o _ EC P O r U q t -j x N Roloronco Condltiont' 71 I t hdidt ~nla tt~u.rrtenl Ls;Jbluhrttctni 1 :'i,tr; 1'n tsU 4:, 45;1 Acluq Retail Use FslabkVvwnl 0 a WWI 19 60 31 311 AgrlcUMMill processing pksnt. wambouso • • 33 336411 Nrwaft msrnttardstrlrtp • 48 481219 Aitslnp. pnvaM • • 62 62191 Ambulance servwm • • • • • • • • 54 54194 Animal clienw volennary • it • • • SWC 19.60.030 31 311613 Mnimal ProccuwV Facility • O O 4 O t i O 11 112 Animal raming andror keeping ~ cA~htg N/11 11 1177 .wirte .~'Yla(: IA 4D 150 81 81291 Anwnal Shelter • • 31 31161 Animal Slau"rirtp & Proscesstrig • 45 45392 Antique slow • • • • • • 44 448 Apparelliailor shop • • • • • • • • 44 443111 AppMnee salcidne vsco • • • • A A r)nly rl manulactwrrll assrnttbksd txs Iw»misrs 33 33ft22 Appbances rnanutaUuring • • 45 45302 Art gallerytsludro • • • • • • • • 32 32412 Asphalt pLanUtna ilachrring • 33 333 Assembly • heavy • 33 334 AssumtAy - light • • • • • • • • • 62 1113312 As steel Living Faddy • • • • • 45 4533 Aucbun House • • • 45 4533 Audaion yard (eKdudkv livestock) • • 11 1152 Auctx►n yard, Uvestock • 33 3361 Autosnobk assembly plant • 92 022 Aulomotnlle impound yitd • • 44 441 Atdomabdellsghl Duct sales and service • • • • 48 4853 Asttnmo{xtn&w rental • • • • • • • • 81 811121 AutomobUoJtrtxdt/ /mottxcydv painting. repair. body and treated vrnrka O • • • t.rx.towW s nsciteo twtty bvMC 19 ro 060 (1) 44 4,413 Auhxnodve parts. accessorles & Gros • • • • • • 31 31181 Bakery Products manufacturing • • 44 445291 Bakery. V0124 • • • O O • • • A A t tier area Um4@d to 101.4l (A VA tw+l lu rzxwol 1,000 al 52 52211 Bank, savtnpslfoan and oifw lkuxncsal Irtutltuttnn • • • • • • • • • • • Permitted Use W Regional Siting O Coro ions Apply A Accessory Orly T 1 er wrary Pertrwt C Condilioral Use Petrnd Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permitted Uses {I n vw U to U 3 `o U 0 ~Op $ o E 7E !e E t S.), Q _ !qq: o f rJ -E c Z, U l 3~ Roforonco Conditions t11 fI1: 1 :3:uh~:UCcaWy Slfut~ • • • I • • • • • 33 33`i~+i is:dtcrylstwddintyJmanularJrrrmg • • • • • • • • 72 721191 tied and Breakfast • • • 11 11291 Hookeepinq, commociat • v ~ v 11 112U1 Hee*e(1jwvj, hobby NVMC 19 4U ISU 45 4511 1 Bi y ie saiesismwe • • • • • • • • • 33 :S:)Utj11 Boal building, repair and maintenance • • 44 441272 float Salts and Sorvtce • • 45 4512 Bookiatatenafy store • • • • • • • • 31 3121 HoMing plonl • • 71 71395 Bowling allay • • • • • l2 722 BrmVery, micro • • • • • • • • • 31 3121 Bro%wry. vinery and/rx drsllllery • • • • • • 33 339994 Broom manufaduring • • 44 4441 Btrildk-wj supply 11 I lome Improvement • • • 44 445292 Candy and confectkw-ry • • • • • • • • 71 71399 Carnival. Cirrus 1 T T T T I T I 32 3219 Carpenter Shop • • • • 56 561740 Carpet and rug dearow plants • • 81 1111192 Carwash • • 4 • • • • - VMC.: l9 rfD.04U(: i 71 7132 Casino • • • • • 45 454113 Citaltll aril mail order twirm • • • • • • • 72 72232 Calenng Servhms • • • • • • • • • • • 81 R 122 Cmerlery and Cremalanes • 45 451112 Ceramics Shop • • • • • • • 32 325 Chemical mar►ufaclurxrq. • • • • • • • tit 61 1 Churdi.temple, mosque. synagogue and ~~ralle • • • • • • • • 44 4461 Clothes. retail sales • • • • • 49 49312 Cokt alaragel[ood kw.ker • • 61 6113 College or urvversdy • • • • • • • • 51 517 Cammrmrcation serpeosates • • • • • • • • 33 3342 Communleation6 Equipment Manudadurtng • • • • • • • • • • 92 921 922 Cornmmily FarAbo r • • • • • • • • • • • 4 rr rr • • • 81 8134 Commrnuty hall, dub, lodge or recreahurtal taclll • • • • • • • • • Permillad Use v Regional Sdrng 4 C w Airy A Accessory Or1ty . T Temporary Pormd C CorMMiw-- Partnil Appendix 19-A Sche A Permitted Uses i H ~ L ~ 2 o V K b a v 9 E Y 9 c es E ~LSt I e rn E G r E= Uo r J -7 Roforonco Conditions, • • • r 7's:' :;nvr,w~;ty c-.idontlal fjohly L (1r b sr i n ;identis) • • • • 62 6232 Community rusidential laci5ty, greater ttlan fL residents, no more than 25) • 56 66173 Composting 6toragelproaming,commercial • 54 54151 Cornputcx secwam • • • • • • • • • • 23 2373.238 Conin. aces yard • • • • • 62 623 Canvak-m-mil Imme, Nursing home • • 44 44512 Conven arrme Stare • • A A • • • • • 33 339 Cosmetic & Mlsa.-R8nc ern manufact'"19 • • • • • • • • G2 67:13 Day care, Adutt • • • A • • • A A A C C C C • • 62 624410 Day care, Child (13 children or more) • • A A • A A A • • • • • • 62 624410 Day care. Cht►d(12 cMldren ctr lower) • • • A A • • • A A A 45 4521 Departmentlvarroiy ranre • • • • • 44 44611 Drug Slave • • • A • • • • A • 81 8123 Dry dcwwrn • • • A • • • • 81 812332 Dry cleaning, laundry, knen supply plard, commercial • • 32 3211114 Dry Kan • O O 81 814 OwEArsq, acm" apartrrrents SWMC 19.40 100 51 814 Dwollin0, Carelakers rmftnce d O 'o- SvMG 19(;0, owl) • • 72 7213 D walling, Congrepto • • • • • • • • • 81 814 Dwelbny, Duplux • • • tlt 814 Dwelling, hklltilamlly • • • O O IJlV►.fl.: 19 Go OM2) • • • • • • 81 814 Dwelling, single family 4 ' VMC; It) r0 u20(y) • • • 81 814 Dwelluig, Townhouse • • • • 33 334-335 E1e incal/electronidcompulor component b tom manufacluringlawww" • • • • • • • 32 321226 Emery cloth and sandpopef manufackvwV • • 71 713 EntertainmenUrecreation faaMos, vxfoor • • • • • 71 7139 EntedamwmnUrecreatm fac htimouldoor • • • • • • 53 5323 Equipmend Rental shop • • • • • 81 8113 Equipment sales, mpacr, and maintananoc • • • • • 72 7222 Espressoll-alle Retail Servrcc • • g : • • • • • • :r, A) G, iU 92 92 Estat Put4ic Facditios i4 04 J) 03 .r, 04 SvMG 19 Ow 71 71394 Fxorciso facddylpym alhlatic Club • • I A • • • Q. 4 32 3'1592 Explosive marnrlacturv>A • • Pemulted Use "I Regional Suing 4 Condittons Apply A ,M LMb5IA Y Ln nY T Tempcxery PermM C Conditional Use Permit Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permitted Uses o ~ PRAFI stall Chance di~ o o _ c ' Raforanco Conditions M s c `a 7 g 7 r O .9 :2 C t: 4. M N ~I Uqq ¢¢¢fff :u x Z D O ~O O O O V q v7 N 49 493 tir;i I_xptustvc star dye C7 • • • • • • • ti 1 814 Family florne, Adult • • • • • • • • • • • al 814 Family Home, Child • • • • 44 441222 F ann machinery sales & repair • • • 11 112111 Feed bl • 31 311211 1=eedIGerealn-tune mill • • 32 3253 frith mr manufactulwtg • 81 111292 Film doveloprtp • • • A A • • • 44 44313 Fiimlcamera sakWsemco • • • A A • • • 45 4531 Flonst Shop • • • A A • • • • 31 311 Food product manufacturingtSlorage • Foot1 6a1CS. ttpCC~ 11Ylf3lftChCf 5hophneal 44 44521 ma(hoU N!llfoods • • • it • • t7 fi0 MO{;q 48 4B4 Frefyid fmrwanling • • 44 447 l tieling station • • • A • • • • 81 81221 Funeral tinme • • • 33 337 I-nnwture manUfaMOIN) • • 31 315 Garmenl martntacturing • • 45 453 Gill %hap • • • A A • • • A SYMC 1A.1p1~7U{L) • • • • • • 71 11391 Gott copse • • • • C C C G C C 71 713111 (;oil drmnq rangeltraw inq center • C • • • 49 49313 Grant oievator • • Greenhouse. nursery, garden carder. retatl • • • 44 444.22 Greu, Omxtse, nur-.ery, garden tenter, Retail • • • • • • 11 1114 Greenhouw9mursery - commercial 4 4 • • SVMC 19.60.OfM2) 44 "51 Gloomy Slum • • • • • SVMC 19.110.030(3) 44 44413 1 larttware store. • • • • • 56 562211 Hazardous waste 4ealmanl and storage 48 4812 Ht-fgmxl • • 48 4812 Fleiiatop C C C C C• 45 45112 Hobby st-up • • • A • • • 44 44: Home Fnmt5hing5 nMM sale • • • • 67. 6221 Hospital • • • • • • Q4 ~4 r4 vi 40 62 622210 Hospital, Psyc luatnc and Substance Abuse w w 44 w t4 02 622310 Hospital. Specialty • • • • • • • A A A Accesaory Only - • Pe k"l s use T Temporary Permit 4- Ct Rcgkmal s Apply C CXWKM perrnd O Appendix 19-A Scho, 3f Permitted Uses :7 I N([ d' u. u► Z v► - 2 w 9 O . C1 r ~ `n v} t O ~~f y u z C !2 E E O 9 O .A r H ROfD►iNlt• C0f1dIU4M _ 2 1211 1luteVinowl • • • • • • • • .i7 37211;1 Ira ptanl • • 32. 32591 ink manufactumN • 45 45322 Jewelry. dolt, murksi ktsltwietn asaeritt►Iy, Sales/service • • • A • • • • • d fi a 81 81291 Komi 4 a 4VMG49 G 8413 See curing cuolrk la krr cwdllwM 54 54138 Labomlarles (Bio Salety Level 2) • • • 54 54138 Laboratoncs (Ban Safely Level 3) • • • 54 54138 Laboratories (No Salety l.evol 4) • • fit 62151 L aboratorios. modnwi b dtagnostlc • • • • • • 44 44419 Ulndamw Malanah Sales • • • • 4 0 fi 81 812310 Laundromat • • A • • • • 44 4453 Liquor Moro • • • A A • • 56 % I W Locdt"h • • • A A • • • 32 3211 l.umbemull, sawmil. shkVkt mW. plywood mll • 33 33211 Machine shop • • • 33 333 Modwichnodwwry marnrfarltuirtg • • 23 236115 Malnufartcued hams fabrication • • 4. r• b v t 81 814 Manufactioed home park 45 45373 Manufadured home sales • • • 32 327 Mantdodwmg. Hon-metaft Metal Products • • 45 453998 Market, Outdoor 1 T T T T T 62 621498 Massage therapy • • • • • • • • 4 31 311 F3--3117 stMcaiid sh cwvwV, cutlrng, cw" acrd • • 33 3391 Medical and laboralwy Inabumo tllappralus nui ntfacture • • • 42 42345 Medical, dental, and hospdal equprneni ~rpptyh►aies • • • A • 62 6214 ModicaVdentat rbnic • • • • • • • • 62 621 MediraUrtontalOffux • • • • • • • • • 33 332 Mow tabncatron • • 33 332 Metal Plating • 33 332 Metal Procmwo, Hot • • vermllted Use ;-a Regk)rwl siting 0 CondMons Apply A Accosawy ()My 1 Tempowy Pomul C Catl114txwl Use PrnmN Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permitted Uses - I LL { ~1 z l 2 - DRAFT Shits C.hamjm 8- a w 8 x a ~ X O " V 21 p o -2 = e to iY O E >r EE U- f 6 O E E U ue v J T' 2 Rafaranc• Conditions Minmal Product Matiulactururg, Nan-metalk. • 21 212 Mining • 72 722330 Mobile Focid Vendors .01 G v C. 4 v 4 A SVMC 19,69419{3) ::ee trNwig dmtnrlc to[ r mwftlttr+is T T T T T 1 23 236115 Model home orals 71 71211 Musmim • • • • • • • • 45 45114 Music store • • • A is • • 4 f 56 561 Office • • • • • • • • 4. • • 45 45321 Othce-and computer supplis • • • A • • • • 99 M Off-road Recreational Vehicle Use • • 11 1113 Orchard, Irev farming,wnitnetrial • • 32 32211 Papetfpulp mi" • * 46 4859 Park-and-ride facdlty • • • • • • • • • 45 5222911 Pawnshop • • • • 111 812 Personal service • • • • • • • • 45 45391 Pet shop • • • A • • • 32 32411 Petroleurn aril coal products manrfactum • 54 54192 Photographs studio • • • A A • • • 32 32511 Plastic and nibber pioduc! manufacturing • 32 326199 Piasbc inpAinn molding. liwnmusel is 32 :126199 PMslic infection rrinlding, tlmrtnopiastic • • • • • • 32 326199 Plastic Injedion Solvent Molding • 49 491 Post oKwm, Postal Center • • • • • • • • • • is 22 221 Power plant (excluding pubbc Witty facilities) • 55 56143 Print situp • • • A • • • • • 32 323 Printing. reprographics, bookbinding servrcas, commerdal • • 48 488411 Public pay parking garagelkrt • • • • • • 71 71399 Ramcmi se • • • • 71 711212 Racetrack • • 51 5151 Radm[TV btoadcasting sludw, • • • • • • 48 4821 Raitmad yard, rupair shop and roundhouse • 72 7212 Recreational vehkJe parklcampgrowid C 0, .VMC 1A fill 060 • Permitted Use (4 Rerttonal Siting ~Y C is Apply A Accesewy Only T Temporary Permit C Condibor ' ' Permd Appendix 19-A Sche A Permitted Uses 1 ,4 tvf U z U. = -DRAFT 5tgt1 Ch.~t1J<`S 1~• - ~ o° x 0 V o O _n o V ~ n° n O -E t~ E O n u E t O O q` o f O 0 2 E Z U q u. ~a :7 r ~ N Roforonu CondlUon• 4.1 4412 1 ?e _ea1u1113; ri hn:x! 5alOS t3 •C+virc • • • • • • • • 51 51511 Repealer facility • • • • • • • 72 7222 Restimmant, drive-in • • • • • • 4 + 72 7222 Restaurant, drive-thuxigh • • A C • • • • 12 722 Restaurant, lull service • • • A • • • • • • 45 452153 RelaN sales • • • A • • • A A I.tmAud to pcnK inaotdodured on thri pr(tnt7tie8 71 71399 Riding atBW • • 33 33122 RoftV mth • 31 314991 Rope manufacturing • • 32 325212 Rubber redamalson, maMdadunr$WfutmcaUon • • • • • • • 61 6111 Schools - public and private - K thru 12 • • • • • • • • 61 6114 Schools, Precessional, vocsihonal 6 trade sct*oib • • • • • • • • • • 45 4533 Secondhand store, consignment Dates • • • • • • 33 33995 Sign manutaduringlrepau • • 33 3:)M Sign painting shop • • • • • 32 32561 Soap and deaning cwnpod>rrtl manulaWurlny • 56 56292 9oW waste mcyciin<ytranafer site d O O SVM(: 19 GO MX7) 61 Glib Specialized hainingfieamiry schools or studros • • • • • • • M1ai11rVC ((nn a (rt l'xdF1M 111 structures only no awpaps+cm niklwat • • 49 49319 SturayC MH-servim fnci4ty • • • • 49 493 Storage, general - #WM A A A A 4 O O • • NEEDED??? 44 493 5lorago, general - outdoors O 4 • wmc Jlltulq) 111111101% irr rrNri111HH15 Tank storage above grouml LPG O O C. 4 O O O O O SVAAr-2tAO 21 213112 Tank storage, critical material above growid 4. O SVMC 71,40 21 213112 Tank slort♦ge, crlbcal materwl below ground O O O SVta,16 71.40 31 3161 Tanning, sump of hides and skins • 72 7224 TayQrn • • • • • • Taxsdemry • • • Permitted Uso 3 Regianal SdM O Conditions Apply A Accossory Only T Tmnpcrary PenrW C CAxwk)nw use Pormt Appondix 19-A Schedule of Po1T1 Med Uses _ t ~I A~ 1~~f1+IRt~tS o K O e = p c otunco Conditions Ro h U J _ O O tt=l CCI ~l ~f z Z U = O O cc O e r 1 i i e :r.can'rtturic:lLnr'ivuCrr Si ~Ltli'nna i1 .r~ I VIotL Ji l~u C C C C C C 5t 5172 1 Teh=mmtjnicatjGn Wheless Support Tower 4 O 4 C O ra O C O 4' ',vMC 22,120 31 31411 Textile manutactkue • • 11 711 theater. mclom • • • • . • • it 711 Tiwtalrr, nuldrxv • • • 56 56292 Tyre, recap and retread manutxturtng • O O O ? v 51 5171) Trnvet, Ham Opetalor O O 4• C O O C v •'i SVhBC 19.46 080(1) 22 221119 lover, wind turbine support C O O O C v tiY SVW: tU.40.08t)(2) 48 4851 Transd center • • • • • • • • • G 72 7213 Transritonal Housing 44 441271 Truck-sales, rental, roparr and maintenance • • 44 445-447 Truck Strip • • 81 87142 Uptxjtstery shop • • • • • ntllfltrvP mrr5r ul r><151Mtp 49 49311 Warehousing A A • • nUrn:turr•. ~n r ~transrittr ;Ikm d 32 321 wood Prudurt Polanulactunng • • 56 56292 Wrecung, reeychrig, Junk and salvaS7e yards t; r :'VMC 11160 (x')0t.' I • Permitted Usfl A /Accessory "'dy . P d T T I{eaWrml A ean emporary C. COtrt1111P PermU C ply is ApJt •