2007, 09-11 Regular Meeting .aGH:NDA SPUtiAtiE VAI.LEY CI'n' COUNCII. REG[!LAR MEE7'INC.; Council Meetfng #123 'I'ursd9y, Septcmtxr 11, 2007 6:00 p.m. Spokaac Valley City Hall Council Cbxmbcrx 11707 E Spraguc 4venue Council Requesty All Elcctrnoic I)eviccs bc Tnrotvi Off Dnring Council M1fcctiog CALL TO ()RD:R• 1NY()CATION: Pamor A1 Nulten. Valicy Awmbly NL.EPGF. UF A1.L.E[;IANCE: RUI.L CALL: pPP[tOVAL OF AGENDA: IN'I'ROULiC't'ION OF SpF.CIAI. (AR~~.S7'S AND PRESENTATI!)hti: CUMNI"I'TEF.. Bt)ARD. LIAISUN SUiMil4tARY RF:f'ORTS: NIAYnR'5 REP()RT: I'lJBLlC CqAtMEYTS: 7his is an oppartunity for the public to spc;ilc on xnv topic_ Whcn )uu c(onic tt) thc poclium, pleusc stntc yYwr namc anJ addrm for tite tecord and limit rctnnrks tci thn-C minmrti, 1. PCBLtC IIEAR,[NG: Unifcmn De%-elopmcnt Code Grrg Mr.Ccxmick 2. PUBLIC iWAR[NC: Proposaf Antended 2447 T3udget - Ken "i7homps>n 3. PUE3LlC HFARING: Prvpo.wcf Pnetiminnry 2008 Rud$ct - Krn "I"hnmpscm 4. CONBFh'T AGEtii)A: Can.aisls af itrms considotrd mutinc wliich acn ttpptvvud as n gmup. A Councilmpnbet may removc aui itcm from thc GoacCnt Agenda to he considcred scpuredcly. a. Following Ciaitn Vouchcrs: VOUCHFR LIST DATE VOUC.HER #s l'OT11L VQl1C'I-ER AMOUN'1' ~ 08-29-1007 12599-1 ?fi$4 S I, 57(1,59Q.9 I b. Fayroll far Prriod F.nding August 31, 2007: $256,101.73 - J cMinutezs from August 20, 2007 Council Study Sessitm Meet:ing d. hlinuics from Aups127, 2007 Council Spe6ai Siudy Scssiuta 141cccling c_ Ninutcs fmm August 28, 2007 Council Regular Mceting f. Minutes fmm Sc{nembcr d. 2007 Spescial Council Mc.~cting. Executi%ro Scssion g. C'H'MMLI. FxT►er►Sr AppravAl NI:W BIiSINTSS: 5. First Kraciing F'roposrd Clydin.lnu: 07-014 Amending 2007 [3udgrt - Keri I hamPson (pnbtic commentJ Council AEcti.b 04-I I-0" Rc-pular Niccting :Io f' t,. ! ir-.t i(c+►ding f'roposc.i urJin:uicc U1 +ll> ;Wc,i,l ing i.nI tiOraI lkvriuJ7ruelit l uJu - ikc t_„nnril_. 7. Motion C+►ntiidcrntion: (:it'%, 11311 Faciiities ('onsultant Selcction -Ncii Kerqtcn Iput►lie c(►mmetkrl X Millli) ll lI Iil,; Iijc::ifi,,~IC ( )ili', (tjC .'1I I, •l.!lwn : Ki'll 11h+llilp'ioll I'If1bliC l'(1111[Ill'Ull YUt31,i(' C,'QMA1ENTS Iliis is an oppxtunity fur ibc: public cu un uriy cupic. N hk o ,_-n;; tIie pk111TiT1. 11It'.1w ':Iatv wur nnmr ~:n~i ~il~r~~:•: fnr thi rer„rd :!mf limit rrrn:irl,,; eo thrre lD1T1,ti1%, ( E2 1 f Ill E REP( ►It l,: ~ UNF()EtNi k i {0ti 1 ►til_1 : 4. Fce Ittzulution E'mpuscci Arnendlncnts Kr.n I 1,. ,i,;, 10. Applew•aN A13 id :1%vard (nfnrniarional ~lrr:i~ i S'tr% L F;ll•:t 1! l~J': ti!•;ttil( !-:ui1i ALiEi1i.iut,n AD.J()URNM1ti;N'1' F'U7ZIRE SCtlEDI/LL•' Reguhtr Coulecil MEr1Lrgr urt genrrully hrld 2rtJ arrl 4`k Tac►sduy,s, begieniilg at 6: 00 p.rn. C'ounri/.Sturlt-Sesvlunenrc•grnern!!t'Ireld and;rh Tue.3•duti•.v. he.;inni»!; w f:nnp.nt_ (Tlhc•r 7rnlufrv- l %~c~~nr1»_~~ :ti1r~~linL~ I ~•r~rr(~: ~ itttpairrucnts. pt=n contnct thc C:ity Ckxk ot {91}y) 4Z i-I tx1U as !uian as posaible s) thwi unu►gexncnis mny t►e mWc. 1'ar'! 2 nl ' , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 09-11-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ~ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGEfdDA ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Uniform Development Code (UDC) Titles GOVERNING LEGISLATION PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The following are the proposed UDC Titles: Title 17 - General Provisions Title 18 - Administration, Boards and Authorities Title 19 - Zoning Regulations TitJe 19 Appendix A- Schedule of Permitted Uses - Use Matrix Title 20 - Subdivision Regulations Tit1e 21 - Environmental Controls Title 22 - Development Standards ' Title 22 Appendix A- Approved Planting List Title 24 - Building Regulations General Definitions Zoning Map BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick . ATTACHMENTS: ~ . , ; f-' GITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ` Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 11, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: item: Check all that apply: ❑ consen# ❑ old business 0 new business 0 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TfTLE : Public Hearing, second amendment to'the 2007 Budget • GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when we believe we will exceed our appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City budget for 2007 was adopted in November of 2006. In the spring of 2007 the budget was amended. Additional adjustments to the 2007 budget are needed. The Finance Committee of the city council met in July and discussed these arnendments. The City Council discussed these amendments at their August 14 council meeting. ~ BACKGROUND: Amendments to the 2007 budget are needed to: 1.) Purchase the precinct building from Spokane County; 2.) Set money aside for #he acquisition andlor construction of other city facilities; 3.) Set aside money for the replacement, repair or expansion af city facilities. A more detailed listing of the proposed budget amendments is attached as exhibit A. OPTIONS: Options include amending the budget, amending the budget for some of the changes and making no amendments. The budget should be amended to comply with Washington State law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of an ordinance will provide the budget authorization to move ahead with these programs and projects. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ~ r ~ - Hearing on the : Proposed . Budget Spokane Va ey Counci Meeting September 11, 2007 9/6/2007 ~ Hearing Budget Tota City 2008 Budget $94 Mi ion +Rep acement reserve - city b dgs +Parks capita from 2007 into 2008 +7 new positions - (Business P ans) +Transfer to City Faci ities +Records management 9/6l2OU % 2 General Fund REVENUES: Sales Tax up $266,000 (1.4%) Property Tax up $532,000 (5.6%) $1.60 authorized by state law but City rate likely to be $1.55 ro Planning/Buiiding fees, State shared fees, Fines/Forfeitures - very close to 2007 EXPENSES: f Civic Facilities $4,000,000 _ Records Management $500,000 61dg Replacement Reserve $397,000 Area EIS - City Center $150,000 Bus. Plan Addtns - $360,000 916/2007 3 Utner tiigtilights De eted Street fund trans. from Gen. Fnd, ($900,000) Minor changes as we fine-tune Next pub ic hearing schedu ed for Oct. 9 Expect ordinance confirming prop. tax increase i 9ltii20U ~ , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ _ . Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: 09-11-47 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 9 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report Cl pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: ~ VOUC.HER LIS"1' DATF I VOUCHFR #s T01:aL VOUCWER AMOUNT ~ ~ 08-29-2007 I 12599-12684 $1,570,590.91 ! ~ " RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETfFINANCIAL IMPACTS: ' STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher List . j. - vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DescriptionlAccount Amaunt 12599 8120/2007 000212 ANS OF WASWIMGTON, INC Notary Stamp NOTARY SEAL: F'ASSMORE 96.83 Tota l : 96.83 12600 8I20/2007 000211 STATE TREASURER Notary Appfication NOTARY APP: PASSMORE 30.130 Total : 30.00 12601 8120f2007 000686 DEPT 01= LICENSING Finance Receipts GENERAL I_EnGER RECEIPTS 33.00 Total : 33.00 12602 8120l2007 000295 VALL[YFEST • Round 1 120UND 1: WINT[R 2,042.50 Total : 2,042.50 12603 8f20l2007 000295 VALLEYFEST Round 2 ROUND 2: SPRING 3,200.00 Total : 3,200_00 12604 8/22/2007 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 301312 ROADKILUSNAKE REhAOVnL 1,470.00 Total : 1,470.00 12605 8123/2007 001473 APWA FALL CONFERENCE, CITY OF SP 36 4177$ FAI_L 07 CONFERENCE: IJVORLEY 400.00 Total : 400.00 12606 8127/20D7 000658 SPOKAME CO SUNERIOR COURT Clerks Papers COA# 26268-1-III 168.50 Total : 168.50 12607 8/28/2007 001278 MODERN HOMES CONSTRUCTION Final I'mt 41584 MIRABEAU SPRINCS DECK PROJF_ 4,151.54 Total : 4,151.54 12608 8/2912007 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 54301471 CITRIX UCENSES 260A0 Total : 260.00 12614 8/29/2007 001324 A.S.E. KIpS, LLC Cheer Camp CHEER Cl1MP 900.00 Survorcise SURVIVORCISE ACTIVITY DAY 93.00 7otal : 993.00 12611 8/29/2007 001039 AM BUILQING MAINTENANCE 4153270 J/1MITORInL SERVICE: CEtdTERPU 1,250.00 Total : 1,250.00 Paae: . 1 . , . , vchlist VouCher List Page: 2 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 0pbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12612 8/2912407 000334 ARGUS JANIl'ORIAL SERWICE, INC. INV0002$2 JANI70RIAL SERVICES 2,082.17 Total : 2,082.17 12613 8/2912007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES Aug 7, 2007 MASTER BILLING 28,227.33 Total : 28,227.33 12614 8/2912007 001479 BAI260UR, LI7_ Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 1,185.00 - Total : 1,185.00 12615 812912007 000841 BG CREATIVE INC. 8245 41722 /1DVERT151NG SUPPLIES 1,891.81 8245 41748 CENTERPLACE ENVELOPES 38227 Total 2,274.08 12616 8129f2007 001486 BECKER, KIM Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12617 S129I2007 001409 BEST LINE pROF ANSER SVC 053108092007 AUTOMATIC POS7ING 20.00 Total : 20.00 12618 8129/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON UNEN SUPPLY, INC. 8843058 LINEN SF-RVICE: CEN7ERPLACE 473.32 Total : 473.32 12619 8/2912007 001105 CAPITAL ENTERPRISES & rNGINEER 2383 41742 SCHOOL FI.ASING SYSTEMS EQUII 25,649.58 Total : 25,649.58 12620 8/29I2007 000863 CENTURY WES7 ENGINEERING C012P. 023647 41285 CONTRAC'C #06-017 CEN7URY WE: 1,840.87 • Total : 1,800.87 12621 8/29/2007 401048 C17Y PARCEL DELIVEF2Y, INC. 77140 COURIER SERVICES , 12.93 Total : 12.93 12622 8/2912007 000957 COFiALT TRUCK [QUIPMENT 21853 41761 7RAFFIC ENC VEHICLG I.IGH7S 8Y 1,133.73 22166 41761 TRAFFIC ENC VEHICLE I.IGMTS 8< 323.76 Total : 1,457.49 12623 8/2912007 001377 COMBS, LISA , Expensc MILEAGE FOR BANK DEPOSfT 16.98 ' Total : 16.98 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank VoucNer Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12624 8I29/2007 001483 CV ACTIVITIES FOUNDATION Refund REfUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12625 8129J2007 001492 CWIEK, LOIS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSfT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12626 612912007 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCI/1TF_S 222614 41315 0016 - APPLEWAY - DAVID EVANS 23,400.45 Total : 23,400.45 12627 8129I2007 001494 DEBES, MARY Refund REFUND DAMAGE pEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12628 812912007 001487 DISHMAN BAPTIST CI-IURCH F2efund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12629 SJ29/2007 001436 DONEN, JERRY Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 115.00 Total : 115.00 12630 817_9/2007 000246 1=AS7 SI'OKANE INATER DIST #1 09006100 WATER BILLWG 500.26 09026100 WATEF2 C3ILLING 2-29•79 09066100 WATER BILLING 594.01 09078100 WATER BILLING 69-5$ Total : 1,393.64 12631 5129l2007 000999 EASTERN WA ATf'ORNEY SVC, INC 00023034 Al'rORNEY SERVICE 40.00 00023283 ATfORNEY SERVICE 40.00 0023073 AITORNEY SERVICES 53.00 Total : 133.00 12632 8129/2007 00002$ FARMERS & MERCHArdTS BANK 1037 CREDIT CARD: TMOMPSON 623.70 1217 CREDIT CARD: MERCIER 36.73 1563 CREDIT CARD: REGOR 97.45 1852 CREDIT CARD: 1852 823.70 4484 CREDIT CARD: PASSMORE 916.57 4567 CREDIT CARD: GRIFFITH 896.78 5045 CREDIT CARD: DEVLEMING 35.50 5060 CREDIT CARD: TAYLOR . 673.43 5169 . CREDrf' CARD: WILMITF_ 105.00 ' Page: 3 . . . vchlist VouCher Llst Page: 4 08129I2007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO #i DescripUonlAccount Amount 12632 8/2912007 000028 W0028 FARMERS & MCI2CHANTS BANK (Cantinued) Total : 4,208.86 12633 8l2912407 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHIPJG INC 29370 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 151.20 29373 LEGAI.AD: PLANNING 70.50 29374 LEGAI. AD: PLANNING 84.75 29375 LEGAL AD: CITY CL[RK 25.00 29376 LEGAL AD: PIJANNING 65.25 29390 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 46.20 2939.1 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29392 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 Total : 492.90 12634 8/2912007 000287 FRIrNDS Or THE Rafund REFUND D/1MAGE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 12635 8/2912007 a01491 GRYfpAL, PACLISSA l2efund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12636 8/29/'2007 001456 HAMiV1ER, DIANNE Refund . REFUND DAhAAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total: 50.00 12637 8129f2007 001482 fIARRItdGTON, LOUIRIE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 12638 8J29l7_007 000009 HEWLEIT-PACKIIRD COMPANY 42388370 41689 SERVER F012 CnSH REGISTGRS 2,978.90 Total : 2,978.90 12639 8f29/2007 001474 HrWSON, KAREN Refund AQUATICS REFUNq: TV 50.00 Total : 50.00 12640 • 8/29/2007 001495 HOGAN, HOLLY Refund 12EFUND DAMACE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12641 8/29/2007 000022 INIAND BUSINESS 1'RODUC7S, INC. 55115 EMPLOYEE ID CARDS 23.89 55305 EMPLOYEE ID CARD 23.89 55328 EMPLOYEE ID CARDS 23.89 Total : 71.67 Page: 4 • vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12642 8/29/2007 001500 JOWNSON, KRIS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DGPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12643 8/29/2007 001478 JOHNSON, MARIA Refund F2EFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 150.50 Total : 150.50 12644 8/2912007 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, IN'C. 0047325 41166 06-001 S7REE7 MAS7ER PLAN 10,803.50 • Total : 10,803.50 12645 8129I2007 001499 KAISER, NEII_ Refund REFUND DAMACE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12646 8129I2007 001111 IJaIDI-AW 515328 JULY Cp TRANSPORTATION 2,119.50 Total : 2,119.50 12647 8f2912007 000069 MERCIER, DAVID Auto Allovrance 9l07 AU70 ALLOWANCE 400.00 Expense Forrn WCMA SUMMER MEI=TING 385.38 Total : 785.38 12648 812912007 001493 MEYER, GENA Refund REPUND DAMAG[ DEPOSI'I' 50.00 Total : 50.00 12649 812912007 401498 MILLARD, KELLI Refund REFUND DAMAGE D[POSI7 50.00 ' Total : 50.00 12650 8/29/2007 000812 MIRACiEAU CHAPEL Refund RFFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50•00 Total : 50.00 12651 8/29/24D7 000132 MODERN ELEC7RIC WATER COMPANY 04559-01 U71LI-(Y BILLING 3,195.88 04562-11 MOrlTHLY ELECTRIC 64.06 04732-01 UTILIIY BILLING 470.03 09764-02 UTILIIY BILLING 1,429.52 7otal : 5,155.49 12652 8129/2007 001035 NC7WORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 15455 nUC MAINTENANCE 3,250.00 15456 SERVICE CALL 637.50 15462 41764 SYMANTEC BACKUP F>CEC SQL AG 1,115.85 Page: 5 ~ vchlist Voucher List - Page: 6 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valiey Bank code : apb3nk Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12652 8J29/2007 001035 001035 NE7WORK OESIGN & MANAGEMEN (Continued) Total : 5,003.35 12653 8129/2007 000193 NORTHWEST CHi21ST1AN SCMOOL INC Sep-07 9107 RENT 29,433.10 Total: 29,433.10 12654 8f2912007 001490 NW BRITISH CIASSICS Re(unci 12FFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12655 812912007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 367587878001 PO 41433 34.44 368000271001 PO 41433 -37.48 371549154001 PO 41455 -11.92 376128614001 PO 41534 43.09 377534272001 PO 41534 -43.Q8 368624253001 P0 41680 -19.16 388624254001 PO 41680 19-16 389032694001 PO 41688 -40.55 389032695001 1'O 41688 40.55 389443702001 PO 064407 114.61 389443703001 PO 060407 -171 •92 391111176001 PO 060407 -114.60 391113271001 PO 061907 171.91 395301683-002 41754 OFFICE DEP07 SUPPLIES 96.87 396619922-001 41760 DG-0FFICE SUI'PUES 57.84 396882470-001 41760 DG-OFFICE SUPpLIES -1928 396882471-001 41760 DG-OFFICE SUPPUES 19.28 397768676-001 41769 OFFICE SUPPLIES 184.49 397954674-001 41771 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE 67.1$ 41771 398237006-001 41773 DG - SUPpLiES 20.79 986112062000 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BING 65.14 9G6113801000 SUPPLI[S: FINANC[ 71.43 Tota I : 548.79 12656 8M12007 000512 OFI=ICETEAM 190781E37 TEMP SrRV1CE: FONI'AINE 544.50 , 19147588 7CMP SERVICE: FONTAINE 680.00 7otal : 1,204.50 12657 8!29/2007 001477 OlTO, ANNA Refund AQUATICS REFUND: 7V 25.00 Page: 6 vchlist ' VOUCher LISt Page: 7 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Oate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccoLmt Amount 12657 8/29/2007 001477 001477 OTfO, ANNA (Continued) Total : 25.00 1265$ 8/29l2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330038625 PRINTING SERVICE 178.34 Total : 178.34 12859 8/29/2007 ODU494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SGRV INC. 24.240 CP TEMP SERVICES 1,735.97 24.629 CP 7[MP SERVICCS 1,120.80 Total : 2,856_77 12660 8/2912007 000041 PROTHMAN CQMPANY 2007-1192 RECRUITMENT: PMT 2 6,666.67 2007-1193 RECRUI7MEN7: i'PA7 3 9,795.43 2007-1232 MISC RECRUITER SERVICES 554.85 Total : 17,016.95 12661 8/29J2007 Oa0322 QW[ST 509-921-67E37 51113 MIRABEAU MEADOWS SERVICE 43A9 509-922-7091 aGqB MISSION POOI_ SFRVICE 98.50 Total : 141.59 12662 8/2912007 001475 REDIKER, f1E101 Refund DAY CnMP REFUND 95.00 Total : 95.00 12663 8/2912007 001488 RIDE 'rHl_ WIND 4-H CLUB Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPO5IT 50.0D Total : 50.00 12664 8/2912007 001497 RYAN, PATRICIA Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12665 8/29/2007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 2527342 SrRVICE AT N 105 BALFOUR 287.49 Total : 287.49 12666 8/29/2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COPAPANY 30403329 • JANI'('ORIAL SUPPLIES 225.55 ' Total: 225.55 12067 8/29/2007 001476 SM17N, CRI1J Camp Supplies DAY CANiP SUPPLIES 11.52 Total : 11.52 12668 8/29/2007 000710 SPOKANE CO. BAR ASSOC. 07-08 Dues ASSOC DUES: CONNELLY 100.00 07-08 DUES l1SSOC DUES: DRISKELL 100.00 Page: 7 ~ vchlist Voucher List Pagc: 8 0812912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank codc: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescripUonlAccount Amount 12668 8/29/2007 000710 000710 SPOKANE CO. BAR ASSOC. (Continued) Total : 200.00 12669 8I29f2007 000001 SI'0lCANE C0. TREASURrR August 2007 SPOKANE CO SERVICES PMT 1,366,819.74 Total : 1,366,619.74 12670 8J2912007 000324 SPOKANE CO.INATER DIS7. #3 07052007 475-1495-00 81.00 09006100 7814 E SPRAGUE - WA7rF2 69.58 09026100 8300 E SPRAGUE - WAl'ER 155_50 09078100 7711 E SPRAGUE - WA7E12 69.58 170-4040-03 Wl1TER BILLING 279.53 475-1495-00 WATER BILLING 81.00 Total : 73619 12671 8/29/2007 001455 SPOKANE JCL Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEI'OSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 12672 8/2912007 000898 Sf'OKANE PROCARE 4077 LAWM SEIZVICE: PRECINC7 575.58 .IULY 2007 41575 CONTRACT NO 07-003 LANDSCAPI 5,319.21 Total : 5,894.79 12673 8/29/2007 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0141276664-3 MONTFII.Y CELL PHONES 1,399.41 0602678198-1 MONTHLY AIRCARD USAGE 420.32 Total : 1,819.73 12674 8/2912007 000273 SR'fC TS-1428 SOF11NARE MAIN7ENANCE 1,075.14 TS-1432 41762 SYNCHRO 7F2/\INING 285.00 Total : 1,360.14 12675 8I29f2007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1250 PLANNING SERVICES 4,730.00 Total : 4,730.00 12676 8129/2007 000419 SUMMIT LAW GROUI' 34710 PROFESSIONnL SERVICES 115.00 ' Total : 115.00 12677 8129/2007 000613 THE SPOKESMANI-REVIrW 2881128 DAILY DEUVERY: 12 MOM"HS 167.00 2916468 DAILY DELIVERY: CP 167.00 Total : 334.00 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Pago: 9 08/2912007 4:59:07PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbenk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12678 8l2912007 000501 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP 3012383 SUI3SCR1P710N RENEWAL 388.54 Total : 388.50 12679 8/29/2007 001481 •'f1pp, TIFI=ANY Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 130.00 Total : 130.00 12680 8/29/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0016-007780.00 UTILITIES: TERR/1CE VIEW 545.96 Total : 505.96 12681 8l29/2007 001489 WALL, LANCE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Tota I : 50.00 12682 8/29/2007 001484 WARNER, GRACE W F2efund RCFUND DAMAGE DEPOSI'f 50.00 Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 100.00 12683 8129/2007 001501 WILSON, KATHY Refund F2rFUND DAMAGC D[POSI7 50.00 Total : 50.00 12684 8f29/2007 0014E30 ZUCK, 7'IFFANY Refund AQUATICS REFUND: N 25.00 Total : 25.00 85 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,570,590.91 85 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,570,590.91 tlie undergigned, do cer.ti.fy under penalt:y of perjury, that the materials have been furiiished, I,he servims r.endered, or, the labar pcrfoxmed sas described hc;rcin and that the cL•iim is just, due and an unp3id ubligation again:;t the City of Spokane NralJ.cy, and that 1. 1m suthorized to authenticate and certify ssid claim. Finanee Di.rector ` Date ~ dla-k ~ a,, iUlayc Da te, Paqe: 9 'c~unca?~ .i c Date , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ - , Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 09-11-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: (2) consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending August 31, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 171,739.84 Benefits: $ $4,361.89 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 256,101.73 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS . DRAFT ~ 11'.f_TNTi.TTES ' City of Spokane Vallcy City Council Special iVleeting Unifnrm Development Code Discussion ' Monday, August 20, 2UU7 Attertr.lcriace : Councilmembers: Stafr: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Taave Alercier, City Manager SYeve Taylor; Deputy iN9ayor Cary Driskell, 17eputy City .4ttorney Dick Denenny, Couneil.member Greg McCormick, Plan.ning Manager Mike DeVleming; Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Bill Gotlimann, Councilmember Nina Regor, lleputy City Manaeer Ttich Munson, Councilmember Carolbeile Branch, Public Information Officer C;ary Schunmels, Councilmember Carrie Acosta, laepury City Clerk Mayor Wilhite callecl the meeting t:o carder at 6:02 p.m. 19.60.050 Communitv Commercial District Mayor Wilhite asked for ciarification on #la. regardine the eaclusion of oucsicle rvns or areas. Planning Manager tilcCormick said it prohibits any new outside nms but does not prohibit ajiy that already exist. Gouucilmember vtunson asked ,vhy anyrone would have a kerinel if t.hey cannot htjve outside nins. M.r. MeCormick explained follcs caai still have the kennel; however, diey would need to exercise the animals ~ rather than leaving them in an outdoor run all day. Senior Planner Kuhta said this will allow kennels to be in the City, and if kennels are allowe.d in the Ciry, restrictions need to be in place. He said there are some Qdier issues with kennels that scaff.' needs to elarify, such as language modif.ication in the use matrix iind defnitions to rnake it more understwidable. Cauncilmember Munson referenced 7'r2 regarding wind Curbine supporC to-we.rs and asked if and wherc the noise generated from wind turbines is aoing to be addressed in the code. v1.r. McCormick said noise from turbine.s is not addressed, bat staff' could include something in 19.40.110, subsection 2 if that is the direction of Council. Mi-. N1cCoi-inick said he does not believe wind turbines iiee,d to be allawed within the city. Councilmembcr Godlmami suggested not perrnitting them unless asked for by the public. Depury Mayor Taylor said he'd like to lelve it in the codes. Mr. McCormick referred to the use matrix and explained the wind t:urbines are not allowecl as permitted conditional uses in residential z4nes. TMey are aIlowed in offce zones and community facility zones as conditional uses, and in neighborhood commere.ial, [-l, and 1-2 tliey are listed as pennitted, but eonditions apply. lt is not a conditional use except fnr in office iincl conununity f'acilities •r,oning districts. Councilmember L7eVleming suggested Council limit them to deeorative only. Councilmember Munson said if tliey are strictly in eommercial areas, he doesn't have a prnblem widi them.l\'o Charzges. 19.60.060 Reu-ional Commereial Uistrict Deputy A9ayor Taylor asked how '1'ype I screening is defined ajid if cyclone fencing with slats inserted qualif'ies. Mr. 14eCormick saicl 7'ype I scrcening is defined as site obscuring, such as a solid wall or landscaping, and said he believes the cyclone fenc•e with slats would need lo be supplemented with shrubbery or soinething else to qualify as "1'ype L A'o Clurrzges. J • Council Minuccs: 8-20-2007 Paee t 0176 ,4pprtoved by C9sencil: DRAFT 19.60.070 M.ixed Use Center District Deputy Alayor Taylor asked how the figure "210 square feet" Nvas derived in 43. Mr. McCormie.k said he was not sure and said hc -%vould have staff look into it and aet back tA Council. Councilmember %DeVleming asked if a"fee in lieu oE land dedicatioii" is setting the ground work for esiablishing public impact Fees. Nw1r. MeCormick said rio; it is a fee that can be useti to invest in a larger paek project within a particular area. We said it is based on a per square foot value of the assessment and evaluatetl on a,n ctnnua.l basis to assessnlent values. Councilmember De•Vleming Nvants staff tn provide Council wit:h mom detail as to how the money is going to be collected, distributed, and who makes the dec.isions, e•tc., befoee Couricil detennines whether they want t.o implement the collection of this fee aiid die assessment mec.hanism. Alo C;hanges. 19.60.080 Corridor Mixed Use 17istrict Council had the same questions as .070 for staff. r\rO Chunges. 19.60.090 Citv Center District Senior Plaimer R.uhta said Council can sti•ike this section completely because we don't ha<<e a city center rone or a city center desianation on the comprehensive plan map. Ne saiel this will be addressecl on the sub-area plan. nt a maxirnum; hc sugaested reserving it as a place holder. It was the conserrsus of Cotnrcil io sn•ike the Ianguage ir: tlris sectrota arrd cltairge tlle litle to "City Cettter Dislrict - Reserved. " 19.60.100 Communicv Faeilities District Councilmember Gothmann asked how zoning will be applied if a developer or owner changes a building frAm a community facility to something that is not a community facility. U1r. NicCormick said he «rould need to research that question. Mr. Kuhta said for now if ehey liave a co .m. munity facilitie_s eomprehensive plan category it would have the communicy faeilities zone. He said the qucstion is Nvroul(i the City require a Comprehensive Plan amendment t4 chanDe the zone or should die Lity strike the community facilities . . zone and zone those properties consisteni with the surrounding zones. He said staff will look at the lancruaae ancl come back with a reeoinmendation. laeputy N4ayor Taylor asked if the cornments iri the letter from Avista in resard to a zoning district that perniits utilities zoning have been addressed. Me. N1cCorniick said the 1'ipeline hacard overlay does nat apply to all pipelines. He &aid he believes the intent is that it refcr5 tq the large main trsnsmission lines only - not the smaller residential supply lincq. Councilmember Gothmann asked staff tn review the lecter from Avista to mEilce sure dhat whatever is put i.n place_ meets the needs ofAvist<t. Councilmember DeVle_ming added the UT)C should cneet the needs of all utilitics, not jusc Avista. He also saic] we mi strike the reference to the UTC because noc all utilities ai-e governed by the UTC. Going back to last week's discussion on 19.60.010. 44, Deputy Mayor Tayloe asked staff if there needs to be a requirement in the LJDC t:o provide sharcd aceess in parking lots or if't.he Cit.y can offer incentives to the owner/developer. Mr. v1cCormick clarified that shared access is not cross-access betiveen propertic:s, but is shared acccss onto the public right-of-way. He said khis would cqmbine the acce,ss poines whenever possible. He said cities all over the state are requiring diat all new development provide for sliared acccSS to the public right-of way. Councilmember Uenenny asked that staft provide a definition for "sharecl access" an(l inelude the statement "to the public right-of-way." CoLuicilmember Munson asked that legal slaff lnnk into case-law to provide examples and give more information to Council. 1).7(1 llistrict Purpose & Sunpfle.rnental Usc Reaulations - I.ndustrial lones 19.70.010 Liaht Industrial Dish'ict Councilmember 17enenny asked if there is concern about the outdoor storage provisions. Ivir. Kuhta said this cfues not reslrict lhe abilit'y Co have outdoor scorage, it provides the requirement far sereening outc3oor storage in light industrial areas. I-[e said these are essentislly lhe same requirements as those currently in place. A7ayor Wi]hite aske_d if restaurants are perniitted in an industrial area_ Nir. McCormick said the}, Councii Minutes: 5-20-2007 Fane 2 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAF.T would be considered an ancilliiry use and would be permitted. Mr. Kuhta referred Council to the matrix of perniicted uses for cach section to find ancillary uses and conditions that apply. 1 9.70.020 I-Ieavv Industrial District Mayor Wilhite asked how the hoiel in the Industrial Parf: fits into the heavy +ndustrial ~~oning. A![r. Kuhta said that it doesn't. Mr. 1VicCormick said thar are.a Nvas re-designated in the Comprehensive Plan &om 1-1 to Cpmmunitv Commercial because the alternative would.have been to include several pennitte.d uses in the 1-2 7-one. He said the solution was to carve that area out because it is essentially a cornmercial area serving the laroer industrial area rather than adding different permittecl uses to the industrial 7Ane. Ivlr. I:uhta said hptels can not be built in the 1-2 zone. No Clurriges. 19.84 Aclult Uses 19.80.010 Purnose IVo Chm7ges. 19.50.020 License ReQuired No Chuirges. . 19.80.030 Adult Use Develonrnent Standards Councilrnember Gothmann askecl about the language regarding the 1000 foot designation. Deputy City Attorney lariskell said he will verify the langilage and will determine where the languabc has been drawn from. Deputy Mayor Taylor aslced if the regulations listed need to be included. NIr. Driskell confirmed they need to include the regulat.ions; statinoy there ha<<e been tests of the appellate courls establishina the language. No C'hmiges. 19.90 Fssential Public Facilities (FPF's) ~ 19.90.010 Tacilities of RetianallStatewide Simifieance No Chai7ges. 19.90.020 Locai Sittini Procedures No Chunges. 19.100 Historie Preset-vation - Resen,ed No Changes. 19.110 Snecial Overlav Zones 19.110.030 Airoon Deputy Miiyor 1'aylor asked about b.) T.and Uses in Airpoil Lancf iJse Compatibility 7ones regarding the guidelines for how many hpuses are in a strip and where staff citme up with the number when ihey cleveloped the matrix. yfr. McCormic.k said hc believes it camc fi•om 1hc aviation division of Washington Department of Transuortation (NVD{71). He saicl he doesn't think tlley used any tecieral regulations. . Councilmember Gotlimann said he thinks it was reviewed by the FAs1. Mr. Kuhca said the Growt.h Managemcnt Acc requires tJie Comprehensive Plan 3nd regulations gct se►it ihrough the \krDOT Aviation for approval. Cotmcilrnember Gothmann said Glie regulations are based on safety, nat noise, to maintain a safe environment for the residents. _No Clzun,Qes. 19.110.040 Pipeline Hazard Qverlav Uepury vlayor Taylnr would like stafl'to clarify the types of lines this section deals with - whether major distribution line.s and/or individual llome or business c{istribution lines. Mr. MeCorrnicl: said staff will clarify the language. M.ayor Wilhite asked if it only refers t'o g as pipelines. Mr. McCorntick said he believes this refers to more than just the gas pipelines. Council.member I7eVleming said they need clarification fi-om staff and if it is a more broad definition, Couneil «<il[ necd to have more discussion. Dcpury Niayor Taylor askcd if the easement distance for major iines at 1000 feet is a standard ctistanee. (r Mr. McCorrnick said staff wiil cliiriiy the languagE, address the .Avista letter, arid br-ing iriformation back ~ to Council. Council N4innces: 5-20-2007 page 3 oi'6 Approvrd by Council: DRA FT Deputy iMayor 'I'aylor a:kecl if 97 is d83I131~ ~vith major transmi:sion lines or if distribution lines are _ inaluded as well. M.r. vicConnick said this refers only to the large transmission lines, but he %viU clarify the langua~e. ~Vo L1iarages. ~ 19.1201'ermitted aud Acccssorv Uses IVo Changes. 19.130 Site Plan Review 19.130.010 Site l'I-in Review No Chalrges. ]9.]30.020 Aonlic.abilitv No Changes. 19.130.030 Crileria No Changes. 19.130.040 Site 1'lan ReGUiremcnts Alo Changes. 19.130.050 Yrocess IVv Changes. 19.140 Administrativc Exceptions I9.140.010 Puroose Depury Mayor Taylor asked if "one foot" as specified in 4 1 is the industry or government stancfard. v1r. McCormick said one foot is the staiidw-d used in all tlle desigm cotles he has seen. iVo Cfratrges. 19.140.020 Auproval CriCeria L7eputy Mayor Taylor asked if they ileed to add "or designele." Mr. 17riskell said that language is . addressed in Definitions. No Changes. 19.140.030 Process R'o C'hatlges. t19.150 Conditional Use Permits 19.150.010 Pw•pose and Intent t\'o Cjuntges. 19.150.020 Permit Classific_atiou 11T6 Changes. 19.150.030 Conditinns and Rec►uirements Nv C,'htrrrges. 19.160 Temporarv ilsc Pcrmits 19.160,010 Purnose a«d Inte,nt No Clrurrges. 19.160.020 Permit Classifictztion, No Changes. 19.160.030 Temnorarv i.Jse - Tvpes No Cl7atrges. 19.160A40 Conctitions 1N'a Changes. 19.1.70 Variances 19.170.0 10 Puruose IVu Clrunges. 19.170.020 Permit Classification No Changes. . Cuuncil Knutes: 8-20-200+ Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: DRA.FT ~ 19.170.030 Decision Criteria Deputy Mayor 'Caylor asl:ed if th.is section relates tA giving the hearing e?:aminer direction for project approval. Nlr. McCormick said every variance has tn meet each of these criteria before it will be approved b}'the hearing e:caminer. J\jo Clzunges. T.ot Zones Revisited Councilmember L7eVlemine askecl if the only way to limic the amount of rezones goinv- before the hearing exa►nincr is to define wliat each zone. means in terms of housc.s pennitted per acre. City Manager Mercier said Council may want to have a quantifiable definilion fnr lot sizes as opposed to having one widh flexibility ancl latitutle. Mr. McCorinick said policy dircction does not currently mat.ch up with the conversation Louncil is having at the table a.nct if the policy direction has clianged, it wrould warrant a change in the Co►nprehensive Plan. Mr. McConnick said there will not be an uprising in the communit), if tliis is riat addressed in the UDC; however, currently there is no eriteria in place for the hearing exarniner or staft to cnake a decision or recommendation of denial in reLOning. Staff brouoht these critcria forward to help evaluaCe die rezone requests and to have them meet a certain stanclard. Mr. I:uhta said if Nvc have the four residential zones, we then have iv deterrnine hotv to zone the different vacant areas for in-f il dcvelopment. He saicl the goal in ow palicy is to preserve and prntect the charact.er of existing nei-hborhoods, to encourage in-fill development and f7cxibilicy and innovatinn in design. Councilmember 3Vfunson asked if the City will cluster dcvelopment like the County does. N2r. McConnick said tbis is addressed in the PR17 criteria. V1r. Kuhta said clustering typicaUy happens in rural areas anci their objective u to cluster rvral development on smaller urban sized lots so they can be eonverted to urbati Iii-ter, the others are in natural lands and rural c•onser-ation areas. Councilmember "Munson asked that the legal depiirtment worlc with staff regarciing t3nguage t.o include up-zoning criteria and that thcy also discuss these criteria Nvith the hearing examine.r to see that what tliey'vc developed sets the ~ groundwork for limiting up-zoning. Depur.y Actarney llriskell said Nve already have the drafr languaae and said it is well-known and well-defined for the hearing examiner. Couneilmember Munson askecl for written language that addresses the up-sizing tn help limit the rezones. V1r. K.uhta said the prnblem the hearing cxaminer has with requests for up-zones is that currently the requests meet the crite_ria in the Comprehensive F'la.n. He said staff has talked about refining the Inw-density residential into differe,nt Comprehensive Plan categories, similar to Nvhat they have clone in the commercial rones. Ntr. Kuhta said the>> need to set some zoning criteria no", and they cannot waic for amendments to the Comprehensivc Pliin later next year. Councilmember Gothmann suggested that Council create uniforni up-zoning rules. A!f.r. McCormick said the criteria established will help limit up-zoning, but will not eliminate it. Mayor Wilhite called for a break at 7:50 p.m. The meeting reconverled at 7:55 p.m. apoendix 19-A Schedule of Ferrnitted Uses Deputy Mayor TaylOr asked for a breakdown pf the matrix. !VL•. Mc;Cormiek explained the Flanning Commission used the \jorth .qmerican lndustry Classification System (NAT.CS) standards in putling tnge.ther the matrix for permitted uscs. Councilmember iVlunson asked v.,hy stafif didn't adclress Nir_ Miller's qutstions. Ivir. NleCornlick said the samc infonnation was giVen to ehe Planning Commission and they took his coinments into account. He said the area Mr. Ivliller is referrinb i:o is not appropriate for T-2 zouing and is more suitable to mixcd-use 2oning, Niayor Wilhil:e said she thought hE was referring to [-I for technology and low-impact inciustries and asked if those types of businesses could go into an area like Pinecroft, Nfr. McCormic(c said that de•pending on tlle type of business, they could work there. CouncilmembEr V1wison asked if a cpllege that tEaches enQineering and mechanics woulcl be allowed as a pcrmitted use in 1-1 or 1-2. Mr. McCnrmick said ir is not permitled. CouncilmemUer Deneiuiy said he ' doesn't Nvant everything allowed in the mitcd-use zone to be allowecl in 1-1 and I-2, ns requested by Pinecroft. Couticilmember Munson asked that Cot►ncil look at the Pinecroii requests in regard to the Councif MintEtes: 8•20-2607 Page < of6 rlpproved'by Counsil: vRAFr matrix to see if they are reasonable. Mr. vlcConnick cncoura-ed CounciI to consult the zoning district and the purpase of that district as they question the permifted uses within that ione to heip framc the purpose of the uses. . ' - . ' It was the conseiisus of CoLmcil to schedule an additi4nal meeting on Monday; August 27, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the permirted use rnatrix. Councilmember DeVleming said he doesn't want to spend too much time on the maerix a,hen there is still so much of the code to ;o through. Councilmember Ntunson said the rnatrix will shape hotiv businesses are devclQped in the Valley. ]7eputy Mayor Taylor asked if the issues braught up in the PinecroH letter are valid and if Couneil and staff caii answer his qaestions, v'Ir. MeCormick said staff will look into the letter from Yinecroft and aive Council feedback at next Monday`s meet.ing. Mayor Wilhite said Council will start 'I'it.le 22 discussinn on Tuesday, Au~ust 21, 2007. Mr. blcCormick said he is hopeful the zoning map reconunendations will be completed by the Planning Cnmmission on Thursda}'- The public hea.ring is scheduleci for Aucust 28, 2007 at Centerplace. Mi•. vlcCormick said staff will Ipok at the secti4n diseussing kennels, ehe permitted uses icientified by A>>ista, and fine-tune the inconsistencies identified within some of the text as reyuested by CounciL City Managcr Mercier said hc thought there would be a public hearing on Tuesday, flugust 28th and aaain on Tuesda}r, 5e.ptembEr 1 Ith. He said if Council makes a subst3nlive change to the UlaC, the}, need to have another public hearing according to proccdure. tifr. Kuhta said the}' also nEed to draft a document that includes the changes of the Council bef'ore they have that public hearing. 'I he meeting adjourned 8:3-31 p.rn. . , Diana «rilllite, Ma}'or ATTES 1: Carrie Acosta, Deputy City ClerSc Councit A4inuta: 5-20-2007 Pagc G of 6 .4pFrovcd by Cowuii: DRAFT M1NUTES City of Spokrane Valley J City Council Special Meeting UDC niscussion Monany, Augugt 27, Zoo7 Altenduace: Cuuncilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve 1'aylnr, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attomey Uick Denentty, Councilmembcr Greg McCorntick, Planning Manager Mike DeVleming, Cnuneilmcmber Carrie Acosta, Deputy City Clerk Bill Cathmann, Councilmember Rich Munsnn, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember ~ Mayor Wilhite called the mecting ta order at 6:00 n.m. Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permittecl Uses Mr. McCormick said on the matrix there is a symbol that indieates when conditions apply and a section to the fiir right that would reference diose conclitions; however they have not been able tc> find the refi;renced conditions for some that. have been iclentifiied as "conclitions apply." He also said they nced to update some of these uses. Councilmember I)eVleming asked what actions staff will take to clear up the O discrepancies. Mr. McCormick said staff will necd to go througFi the uses again Co deterniine which will be allowed and which will not be a.llvwed, a»d which special conditions apply. He siud tficre are only about a dozen, so it won't hurl for Couiicil to still diseuss the matrix tonight. Councilmcmher UeVleming asked if Councilmembcr Munsan only wanted to go through the matrix to acldress the chanbes proposed in the Pinecroft lerier or if he wanted to go through the whole matrix. iMx. Munson said }ie wants to go through the matrix one by une. Mimal ClinicJVeterinarv: Couneilmember Munson asked why this would nat be permittcd in the mixcd use 7one. Mr. McCorniick said they could allow it in the mixecl usc center, if il is the desire oP Council, and there may be other areas to include as well. Mayor Wilhite aSked for the dctinition and the concept of the mixcd use center. Mr. iMunson saicl it includes office, medieal, and light manufacturing. Mr. MeCormick saiel it allows two or more uses on a site, either vertically or horizontally tnixed, and includes employment loclging, retail ajid higfier density residentia) uscs. He said Pineeroft at Mir3bcau is a mixed use center. Councilmember Gothmann asked if an animal or vet clinic would inlcrfere with hif;h density residential. Mr. McCormick said a vel clinic looks like an office. Councilmember M.unsc>n pointeci out that if someone lives in a mixed use center, they will likely havc pets and may want to have a vet clinic in that area. Me suggested they could put conditinns on it. Council.member DeVleming said there arc other areas where thcy are permitted and questionecl if they needecl to allow it in the mixed use centcrs as well. He said there are several examples lhat c,an be given for why these use.s should or should not be permitted and if there are oppottunities in the other zones for the animal/vet c;linics, he doesn't think they should allow it in the mixed use centers. Deputy Mayor Taylor said the mixed use centers are areas where they are trying to do something unique from the corridor mixed use and the neighbarhood commercial zone:s and there arc other zones where the animalfvet clinics are allowed. Councilmember Cothmann said the malrix is a dynamic: document that changes can be made to and he prefers they kecp animaUvet clinics exeludcd fmm the mixcd u.se centers. No chcmges. Cauncil Mututes: 8-27-2007 Page 1 af4 Appruved by Cauncil: DRA FT Annlianr,e Sales/Service: Gnuncilmember Munson ttsked why this is not permitted in the neighborfiood commercial zArie. Councilmember Denenny said by allowing appliance sales and service t}iey eould have ~ a very large appliance store going into that amt that wnuld increasc the amount of large trucks and traffiic. ~ Mr. Munson said he considers appliance service and sales to be a neighborhood serviee. Mayor Wilhite asked about applianc;e sales by an appliance manufacturer and whether they would bc ablc to sell their appliances, such as an outlct ncar a manufacturing site. Mr. McCormick said it could be allowcd as an aceess4ry use in the industrial z.on(--s, so long as it is an accessory to the aetual manufacturer. l-le said they can add it to the matrix as an accessary usc in the I-1 and I-2 industrial zoncs if that is direction of Council. It wus the cunsensus of Council to add appliunce sules and .rervice as un ucee.ssary only in I-1 and 1-2 zone.c, hut not in the neighbvrhood commercial or community commercia.l zones. $efore moving further IhrouZ;h the matrix, Councilmcmber Munson recommcndccl that unless a Councilmember specificalty calls atterition to one of the categorics on the matrix, they can acsumc that Council disagree.s with the red-dotted suggestions by Pinecron-. Gnuncil agreed. 13akerv_ RctaiL• Mayor Wilhite asked if there were a commercial bakery iri an industrial park iPthey would lhey be able to scll their exeess goods from there. lVlr. MeCormick said that would be ttn accessory use and they can permit it as sucti urider T- l and I-2. It was the consensus of C,ryounci! to add hukery, rE1ai1 as an acce.ssory use in the 1-1 and I-2 zone.c. Mr. MeCormick suggested allowing it as an acc&ssory use in the garden ofTice ancl office zones as well. Ueputy Mayor Taylorsaid lie would Iike conditions ta apply to Chose zones to ensure the bake:ry is serving a particular coinmunity rather thari going in as a large retail shop. Mr. lVlcCormick snid he will havc staff wme up with condil.ions relating to the squari: foota{;e. lt was the con.sensus ojCotrncil 10 leave the bakery, retuil us "conditinns apply" in tire garden nffice and qfftce zones. Clothes. R.etail Sales: Cauncilmembcr Munson asked if thiS shoulcl be permitted in the neighborhood commercial i..cme. Cnuncilmember UeVleming saitl he doesn't think it belongs there. Councilmember T)enenny thinks neighborhoocl comrnerc;ial uses should bc fior Lhings that are uscd fieyuently. IVo change,s. Cataloe and Mail Order Houses: Councilmember C]othmann asked why catalog and mail orcicr houses are nul Rermitted in mixed use centers. Deputy Mayor Taylor asked if it is becausc they may include large warehouses to fill orders. Mr. McCormick sxiJ in the matrix ott the last page, Warchousinb is allowed in mixcd use centers. Couticilrnembcr UcVlcming asked if diey could acld conditions, such tu limiting the siz.e of the warehousu. 1Ac a,sked that the conditions be placcd on Warehausing in the matrix that would then address the calUtlog warehousing issue. Mr_ McCorrnick said lhey look at all dic uses of each pArticular husiness including primary and ancillary uses. Councilmember Gothmann suggesled they add it as "conditions apply" in the mixed use center. Deputy Mayor Taylor askcd Council the level and the uses khey want to have in the different zones. Councilmember Munsc?n duesn't want to limit the opportunity for busincsses to locate in the mixea use center -r.one. Councilmember Denenny said part of the attraction of the mixed use eEnters is its walk-ability and various atnenities, and the proximity to and the use of the river and Centennial TraiL He said he does not sce warehousitig as a gnod fit into that zone. Mr. MeCormick asked if Couneil would like to draw a distinetion betwoen rec;ycling a builcling that is already there for warehousing by allowing for adapted reusc as apposed to allowing a new warehouse to be built in that zone. It wus the consensus of Council to muke the catalog and mail order howe "cotzditionc apply" in the mired use corriclur and 1he reginnal commercial zones uncl reference the corrdilivn t{ult warehowing would he allowed anly wilhin existing struclures, and to acld it as cm "accessnry only" tu the mixed use center. Church. Temnle. Mosaue, SvAW,,ogue and Parson *e: Mayor Wilhite asked if thcy wanteci to include the,sc in the mixed u.se ccntcr zone. Deputy Mayor 'Caylor said he didn'C Ihiak they should exclucie it ~ Council M inutcs: 8-27-2007 Pagc 2 of 4 Approved byC:ouncil: DR.4FT _ Councilmctnbcrs Gothmann and 17enenny agreed that they clon't thinl: it will be an issue. It wac the cnnsensus oJCouncillo leuve it in the mixed use center and to rentove i1 frum the 1-1 and 1-2 zones. Cnld StoraEe/Foaci I,.ocker. Councilmember Munson askecf why thcse are only permitted in I-I and I-2 zones. Councilmember Gothmann said he thinks this is usually referring tn a large storage facility. Nu chrmges. Cnmmuni[v Faeilities: Mr. McCormick will check as to ,vhy thesc are perniitted in all zones. Gontractors Yard: Council.mernbcr Munson askecl if these could be permittcd as a conditional use or an accessory use for the mixed use center and corridor mixecl use zones if they were pmpcrly screened. Cnuncilmembcr Schimmels said he docsn't believe they should be in either zone. Ccauncilmember DeVlcming said the problem isn't merely its visibilily, but also the noise ttnd smclls they generate, as wcll as the i.nerf:ased traffic.ll'o chanpes. ~ ui nment Rental ShoQ Councilmember Munson asked if these could be permitted in the mixed use center zone. No changes. F:xercise Hacilitv/Gvm Athletic Club: Councilrnember Munson suggested and it was the consen.sus oj Council to add as un uccessory use tu Ihe b>arden o.,~'ice zorte. He also suggested thcy allow it in the neighborhood comrnercial zone, Cotiricilmember Denenny said his conc;ern is t}iat a large exercise facility wnuld be able to go into tfiat znne. Mayor Wilhile askcd if they coulJ allow for adapted reuse of an cxisting building but nol allow for a new structure to go in. Cowncilmember Golhmanri suggested allowing it with conditions and limiling the square footage. Mayor Wilhite said she doesn't want to allow new cievelopment such as that, biat would like to sce them be able to use a building th3t is aln:ady there. ~ City Mitnager Mcrcicr a,sked when thE use is an adapted reuse, whether the structuee can still be adcied to so that potentialty it could double and triple in sir,c. It would thereforc not restrict the exp3nsian. No chartRes to the neighhorhond enmmerciul z~~ne. Farm Machinerv Sales anc1 Renair: Councilmember Munson asked why this is not allowed in light industrial. Councilmember Gathmann suggcsted they cha.ngc it to two separate line items: Farm Machinery SaIes anJ Fsrrn Machinery Rcpair. 1-le said this would allow lhern to then add sales a.s an accessory use within regional eurnmercial for repair, but if the primary use is repair, they can put it into tMe industrial zones. Councilrnember Munsori said he is nrily coticerned with lhe repair part of it and said it makes sense to scparate diem into Rvo line items. Councilmember Dencnny asked why this has heen broken out to farm machincry Fmd is not just wnsiclered to be eyuiptnent. Cnuncilmember DeVleming said later in the matrix '1'ruck Sales and Repair are alloNved in t.he industrial zones ancl to be consistent, this should be as wcll. It was the consensus of Council to add farm machinery sales und repair as pcrmitted uses in the I-1 atrd 1-2 zones. Wotel/Motel: Councilmemher Munson asked if they should pcrmit hotel and motel as an accessory use in the heavy industriaL It is already pcrmitted in 1-1. He said if it is already permittcd thcn he has no problem. No chatrges. Medical and Labnratorv lnstrument/Annarattts Manufacture: Mayor Wilhite asked if this could go inta the corcidar mixed use zonc. Deputy Mayor Taylor said corridor mixecl use is still primarily a retail cnvimnment l:hat incorporates residential and olrcc and the mixed use center is lu creatc a uniyue business park. Mr. McCarmick said a lot of these things will be addressed in the corridor plan, where we will see a move away frcam a traditional ?oning scheme and get more toward a perforrnance standard and design-based code. No chcmges. ; Council Minutcs: 9-27-2007 F'age 3 of 4 Approvcd by Council: DRAFT Printine,. Renroeranhics. Bookbindine Services_ Commercial: Councilmcmbcr v[unson 3sked why these are only allnwcd in the indusirial zones. Councilmember Denenny said because this is referring to commercial, not retail. No changes. ' Restaurant, Tarive-Throutzh: Cnuncilmember Munson asked the difference between drivc-in and drive- througfi. Mr. McCorinick said thcy are defined in the Definilians. A drive-in is when you are parked and served in a car. lleputy Mayor Taylor asked why a drrve-in is allowcd in the industrial zanes, but a drive- through can anly have it as an accessory. It was the consensus oJCounci! to remvve lize accessory uses from the I-1 and I-2 zanes uncl huve condiliotzs apply instead. Mr. McCormick said hc will have staff idenlify the conditions. Retail Sales: Ueputy Mayor Taylor suggested and it was the cvnsensus uf Council to allow a retail out/et as an uccessvry !a a marrufacturing comprnry /ocated itr the inciustrial zunes and listing a reference enndition thrrt they he limitecl !v the products manufactured nn site. Storap-e Self-Service Faeilitv: Councilmember Munson askcd if lkiis could be permitted in the neighborhood cominercial zone. Nv chunges. Mayor WilhiCe citlled for a break at 7:45 p.m. "fhe meeting rcconvencd at 7:55 p.m. Wreckinf:, RE;c:vclinff. Junk and Salvaee Yards: Mayor Wilhite discussed the letter sent by IaJ Numc indicating thcy would like wrE;cking yards permitted in the light industrial i.,one without the conditional usc n;quirf;menL Mr. iVlcCormick said with the condilional use requirement, it is not considered non- conforming so that n;quiremcnl simply forces lhem to go through the perrnit proeess. Mayor Wilhite said she would like to change this from requiring a eonditional use permit to allowing it with conclitions. : Councilmember Gothmann said he wants to preserve the conditional use permit requirement Deputy Mayor `l'aylor agree.s. No chunbes. - "I'uesday, August 28 discussion will be on'1'itle 22 starting with 22.70-3, General Landscaping Provisions. Mr. McCormick said.for itcm J. he laokecl dt the street tree list for trccs under ulility lines and found the hcights are addressed. He said in area.s where thcrc are overhead power lines, they would be reyuired to use an appropriate street tree from this list witli a maximum height af 20 fcet Councilmember DeVleming suggustcd they also consult an arborist wtien eonsidcring which trees and tree Iieights mighl be appropriatc. City Manager Mercicr rcrninde:d Cnuncil of the Executive Ses.sion sehedulcrd for next Tuesday, SepCember 4, 2007 at 4:15 p.m. in Council CharTibcrs. Mayor Wilhite reminded Couneil lhal Wmorrow's regular Council meeting will bc al CenterPlace at 6:00 p.m. and will includc the second UDC public hcaring. The meeting was adjourncd at 8:15 p.m. Diana Wilhite, Mayar AT1`EST: Cax'rie Acosta,l7eputy City Clerk Cauncil Miiiutcx' 8-27-2007 Page 4 nf 4 Appmved Iry Council: DRAFT NIINUTES City c~f Spo1:.9ne Valley City Council Regular M:eeting Tuesday, Au ;ust 2$, 2007 Mayor «'ilhite called ttte meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 122°a mecting. Attendance: Citv Sta(1: Diana Williite; Mayor Dave Mercier, Ci1:?+ ManaQer Steve Taylor, Deputy Ma?ror Nina Regor, Deputy City Nfanager Taick 17enenny, Councilmember Nfike Connelly, City AttArney v1'►i:e T)eVleming, Councilmcmber Vtike Jackson, Parks & ftec Director Bill Gothmann; Councilmeniber Ihen Thompson, Finaiice Director Rich Vtunson, Councilmember Cireg McCormick; FlanningManager Gaiy Schimmels, Councilmember Scott K.uhta, Senior Planner Rick VanL.euven, Police Chief Carolbelle F3raaich, Public Information Offcer Christina Janssen, Assistant 1'lanncr Greg Bir►garnan; 1"1 Specialist Chris l3ainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATiQN: Nastor Matthew Larson; Ciood Shcpherd Lutheran Church gave the invocation. PLEDGN. OF ALLF.GTr11CE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of t111eaiance. ~ 1'tOLL CAL,L: Cit_y Clerk 13ainbridge called roll; al) eounc.ilmembers were present. APPROVAI. OF AGENDA: It lvas ntoved by DeputJ% eWayor Tuy1or, seconded uird wnaninzously ugreed to appYove the agenda. 1NTRODUCTIO\T OF SPECIAL GiFIiSTS AND PICESENTATIU\'S:, n/a C41I11'I1TTEF, BOAitD. T..IAISO\' SiJ1VIA7_Al7Y RFFOR1'S: no reports. MAYOR'S 12:E:POR'I': Mayor Wilhite reported that she attended an SRTC Meeting PURLIC CO1N.TlE\`TS: D!Iayor Wilhitc invited general public comments; no comments Nvere offered. 1. PLFBLIC TIEA11ING: Ltniform Development Code Mayor Wilhite cxqlained that written comments will be accepted until the c.lose oF the next public hearing, scheduled Cor September 1 1; and that for tonight's meetin€, the City Clerk will indicate when eaeh speaker has one minute remaining of the allocted three minutc,.s to spea.k. Mayqr VVilhile then opened the public hearing at 6:07 p.m. and invited thc first spe<iker. 1. Ste_ve TraUun, 1411 E. Mission, Avista Reoional Business Manaacr filting in for Pami Shea: said he is here to speak regarding UDC Title 22 and street light standards; he handed the Clerk written comments concerning the standards, tuid thanked Council for their prior consideration and said he hopes his issues will be included. 2. .fohn Millcr. k'inecroR 9. 5817 f3ernhill. M.r. Miller also handed the clerk a packet of information to be distributed to Council; he spoke of the idea of mix.-use and of the need to resalvc issues regarding the Council RegularMseting: 08-28-07 Paee 1 of7 Approved: .U F2A-FI' industrial zone; he said that prior to Septembe.r 11. he will submit suggested snecific language he -,vould like considered; other issues he has he saicf dcal with performanee based mning, and said what goes on behind closed doors stays diere; that. if yfou "can't seE it or smell it, wliy c.src: if it's there;" and t.hac he %vould like Pinecroft to be part of I-2.; and asked io change the proposed Mixed Use Zone 1:o inc.lude aU provisinns of 1-1 and 1-2 uses. 3. Jerrv Reisdoruh. 18325 Pairview Coun:: said he moved to the Va11ey bec:tuse of the space; that he sees sCmc houses going in, six or seven to an acre; that clevelopers come in, pack in the houses, and tMe builders are oone leaving people crammed in[o small areas with no parks and no place for kids to pla}°; anci that Council needs to choose wherc the higli density housing should be and not simply accommndace any developer who asks for a zoning change; he also mentioned ihat Deputy Mayror Taylor is tirithin his rights to parlicipate in this cleliberation, but he (Mr. Reisdorph) still fieels Mr. `1'aylor shaultl have stepQed back. 4. Lovd Petersen. 3001 N Joe) CourC: tte said that the newspaper said for a seconci t.ime that Council voted to overricle the Planning Cominission; he saicl hc doesn't understand why have a Flaiming Commission wiCh trained people, just to have CouneiJ override them; that c{evelopers and builders want to sqoeeze all the land nut with np regard for pcople; and by allowi.ng ihis high density coning, meails tlle homes Nvill Iosc value; and having homes only ten feet apart is a fire hazar<i and voting for high density zoning will result in de.aths. 5. Michael IClein, 5101 F Buckeve. iteoresentinp- the Orchard Elvenue 1rriQation District: he spol:e of his concern with Chc airport overlay `r.one ordinance; said Chal lhc District has been slucjyinr, lots for the last t:h.rec years; as has the Snokane County Utilities, but with the zoning change, it was put back to one home for every 2.5 acres; he said that che TaisTrict now has no land available; they have fiiture money but lost all this under this ordintjnce and he would like the ordinance re-workecl to lct cver}=one l:now that this is a safery overlay zone and to allow builcling; that Felts Field hhs tt safe re•cord and is a nice area in which tq live. ' 6. Geors:e Karliti, 2918 N Joel Road: spoke of the need for quality, not quantity homes; saici that whe.ee he now lives he gets to see wildlife; and he asked Council to think iibUUf Wi1Fit tJ1Ly 3Ye CIO1R`, before they c1o tt. 7. Ron llormann. 131 9 S Shamrock: explained that he is dismayed by lhe prqcess we are going through; and that it is ha.rd to follow; that he has been to City offices and on the interneC, but. he is not certaiil what he is giving comments on; that he cannot find a proposal that is the Council recommendatiori, or a proposal that Council wii] tal:e actinn on; and he assumes the Planning Commission recommended titles are those wfiich ~vill be recommended by Council at some point; he said he supports 19.40.020 requiring the 40,000 square feet minimwr lot size; and supports 19.40.030 ]ow density residenCial U1l.GT1d~•iI i0 preserve the eharacter of the existing development and allow a limited numlaer of large animals; that there is coneern that soiiie, Cnuneilmembers feel diat 40;000 should be reduced to 25,000 because of concerns of special interests and the Giv1t1, but he said that GNIt1 won't jeopardize the character of neighborhoods to support higher density; and he asked Council to support the majority of the property owners. 8. C7eanna Hormann. 1319 S Shamroek: shc sxated that she believes that Title 22 is now correct showing the 40,000 square feet minimum radier than t}ie 25,000; that she doesn't want loopholes in which subdivision of one-acre tracks can occ;ur; she said that big business Nvill bc attractcd to and come into the Va11Ey based on how we look as a cqmmunity and how org.jnired and appealing our neigliborhoods are as big businesses have families; that urban villages are a t:liinj qf the future and Sprague stiould bc addressed as a potential urban village; and that thcy have wildlife in their community; that se,veral people staged a search and rescue at their place last Sunday, and dhey need that ground as it serves man_y funetions. ; Couneil Kegular Meerine: 08-28-07 Page 2 of 7 Approved: . D RAFT 9._ Art Rritton, 18812 EEuclid: said he lives nexl to the project on Euclid and Buckeye. and mentioned l.raffic at that intersection; he said traffic ~vas congested today ~ a long anci slow train delayed traffic; that hc feels the need to kcep to the lesser density; that he likes the space but he i-q lasing faith a little with t:his tight packing, and saicl we don't nced it. 10. Nancv Aurcell. 2531 S Adams Road: explained [hat she read in the August 23 Spokesman Revicw wliere oiir Council said the}, have nn responsibility for denying builciing perniits that would overtax schools and serviees; that a viable sc:h4ol distriet is the frsl thing considered ,vhen buying a home; and it: is a disservice to tax payers when council says ehey bear no responsibiliry for that; that the $oundary Review l3oard's gerrymandering oP bqrders created a huge problem, and the County, Spokane Valley and Liberty Lhkc must work together to solve that problem; ancl to allow excessive building widiin an area with inadequate schools and services is not responsible planning by council; she saicl Counci( needs to listen cA taxpayer; and not developers, and stated resicients are given little or no say in neighborhood development. 11. Grea Bowman. 8205 E Mariette: said that ihe airport overlay zone ordinanee created a bad situation and hc ivants Council to reconsider and be more fair about the ordinance; that. some want to split lois and Council took that away wilhout notifying or asking the public; that he bought prope,rty and was told afterwards thac he ca.n't split his 101s; and he asked far Council's rcconsiderat.ion to revert tllis back to the way it was. Theresa iYoolerv. N SIO Telrs Racid: [comments not connected with public hearing, but with Balfour Park.] said tfiat she N-vants Council tn eonsider her endeavror as a private citizen to e.nhanee a park for'tiie communit}'. Mayor Wilhite said the hvo of them can discuss this in more detail later. ' 12. Kevin Rindlisbaehcr. Steinwav Piano Gallen-. 134 18'h Fast Nlora:, said his business is located across from Furniture R.c~iv and his properk), is designated offce; that he is not haPPy about thal a.5 the proposed clesignation is more restricti~le than what wotild cun•ently be allowed as the new desigiia[ion does ❑ot allow rctail; he said he doesn't uncle.rstand Nvhy there would be ari issue with retail in this area as the area is lower impaci and d4e5n't cequire any more traffc than an office designation; said if the sign ordinance said it ean be regiona) commercial, he doesn't understand why t.he need to differentiate; he suggested changing the mati-ix lo allow it so That low impacl retailers can fall uncler the office designation. 13. Tom Watson. 12810 E. Nora: spoke concerning the use matrix going from residential up through office; and said that garden office wris e.xcluefed from that matrix, and he asked Cotmeil to re-examine that as perhaps it was an oversight; hc said assisted liviiig facilitie; make a wonderful transition from the higher end to residential areas, anc! Gouncil should nrovide zssistcd living in garden ofFice. APpu[y A7ayor Taylur suirl Council.should re-visit dre issue. 14, l:ric House_ 1711 N 1=1ora Road: said for the last four years he has been involved in new c.onstruction sale.s, and his homes range in syuare footage; that rnost people he cqunters are young professionrils, empty-nesters, reti.rces who don't want large lois; they want low-maintenance areas, that the,se are nice homes and are what people can afford; and added that he lives in the area. Mayor Wilhite invited further public comments. 15. Gisela llalke. 7703 East Glass: voieed her concerns about the airporl issues; said there are infrastructure and density issues; thac she recognizes there are various opinions, but rather than base densit), on the amount of houses per lot, that perhaps it would be possible for devclopers to create a ` village design w]lere tlhere are variaus housing t_ypes in one area; that some coulcl live in apar[ments, or f homcs, O]' tUVVflIlOUSGS, and therc: couki be gi-een areas as well; she said dial sorr►e peaple don't want big Council RcguJar ARcetuig: 03-2$-07 Page 3 of 7 Appro<<ed: ])RAFT lots and she dnesn't want big lots; she likes green but doesn't want to take care• of it; aiid that at some point dcve.lopers shoulcl piteh in to create some of those green spaces. ' , Mayor Wilhite invited L'iirthe.r public commentsq; no comments were offered and Mayor Nlrilhite closed the public hearing at 6:53 p.m. Councilmember DeVleming asked if the intemet versions of the UDC title are redline versions so the public can see the suggested changes; and Nfr. ArfcConnic•k said that most of the titles have been upclated with Council's cManges and those t3re available but not on the ~vebsite yct as nothiiig has been officially adoptcd; that staff could present those titles as Council's preliminary drafts; and he acicje.d that only rwo titles (19 and 22) are oulsCanding and that comments received tonight mostly relate to those I.itles. Councilmember laeVleming recommended placing on the city's website, "Council prelimiclary draftsof the UDC titles with the exception of titles 19 and 22. T)cputy 'Mayor "I'aylor remarked that havin}; the working titles (19 and 22) on the website is difficult as Council has been changing those titles twice a week; making placing a"preliminar_y council drafr" of those titles difficult; adding that Council also wants to Nvait and see the maps recommended by the Plannino Commission; and that he does not want to confuse members of the public. Councilmember Gothmann remari:ed that even t:hougli staff could put "council aiaproved drafts" on the tivebsite; the entire UllC will continually be a work in progress. Mayor Wilhite saicj that she would like to take into cQnsideration comments sent in; antl with the cxt.ended deadline of comments, she wants to compare everyching received from the Planning Commission and examine all documents next week, including public comments. Councilmember Uluiison eeminded everyone that nothing has been finalized yet, and there is another public hearing set for September 11. Mayor Wilhite said the fii7a) deiermination of the UUC is scheduled for the September 25 council meeting. Mayor Wilhite called for a reeess at 7:01 p.m., and reconvenecl che mceting at 7:15 p.m. 2. CO\7SFNT AGF _\`DA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A ` Council►nember may remove an itcm from the Consent Agenda to be eonsiclercd separately, a. Following Claim Vouchers: ~ VOUCNJ:R LIST DATE I VOUCHTR »s ( TOTAL VOUCI-iER ANIUU\ri 08-07-2007 12395:12409, $1,673,635.00 ]2413-12486 08-17-2007 12403, 12410, 12411, 12487, 12483, 124912 S302,422.63 . 12499-12598 08-14-2007 12490, 12493 $368;980.42 ~ GRAND TOTAI.. I $2,345.038.05 b. Yayroll for Pcriod Ending AugusC IS, 2007: $191,923.31 c. Resolution 07-015 5ett:irig Plaiining Commission Public Hearing fbr Street Vacalion S1'V 04-07 d. Police Precinct Building Lease Modification e. Homeland Securiry Pi-ecinct Grant f. Land Acquisition: Real Property Related to StreEts g, rxtension of "1'inie tn Submit Uniform T)evelopment Code Written Cnmments - Mike Connelly h. ARinutes from Augusl 13, 2007 Special Council Study Sessinn Meeting i. Vlinutes from August 14, 2007 Regular Gouncil Meeting j. Minutes from August 21, 2007 Council Study Session Meeting It was nnoi-ed btj Deput,j 1Vayor 7'aylor, seconded a3id lnzunimvusly agreed to approve the Coizseiit agerrda trs presented Council Regular Meetittg: 08-25-07 Page 4 of 7 Approved: Di2.A FT N rLW I3USINESS: n/a PUBL-IC C03N'iME.NTS Mayor Wilhite invited general public comments; no comments kvere offered. AllMIAjTST17ATiVE REPORTS: 3. Balfaur Park - Mike Jacks4n Parks and Recreation Di.rector Jaekson explained that Theresa Woolery is interested in raisine money to construct aNvater spray park in Balfour Park; and if successful; this Nvould bc a project for Parks and Recreation to maintain and operate; that staff needs to further examine the scope of the project, but die first step would be to have a feasibility st:ud_y to detennine if the park would suppnrt such prnject, and to determine if this would fit in Nvith other lonu-range necds of the City %vithin the park system. If this project were approved, Mr. ,fackson said it is possibie for it to be absarbcd in the maintenance of the othcr pools, or could be staffed separately; and tliat it is possible to have this as pijn of the EXISLI11g (JUUI contract, or it could be staffed b_y seasonal park staff or mo»itored; and that staff is examining other sJ~ra}~ parks in the area such as Liberty I ake. Mr. Jackson said the feasibility study cnuld take nineCy days ac an GStimated C05t of S7;500; chat it is possible to fit this into the Parks masterplan, but not as part of the city center concept. After further discussion of the parks in general, it was council consensus dhat without raising false expectations of a completed project, that staff shoulcl move forward with a feasibility study af the citizen's expense; and staff should also contact the Kiwanis Club for possible assistance. 4. iTDC 1.)eliberation - Gree McCormick Ueliberation began with 22.70, page 31, "m"; and aFter brief cliscussion Ciry Clerk Bainbridge mentioncd that it was Council consensus at the August 21 meeting to anit "m" after cliscussion of the definition of gravel. [m. '1'he use nf gravel shall not satisfy the requirement for lanclscaping...] Discussion included screening and buffering and whether this section is too ambitious and requires tao much landscaping; code ret{uirements and enforcement issues; swales and swale m3intenance; maintaining the landscaping on City property; the buft'ers required by type as showm on table 22.74-2; having an attractive area to drive dirough (the Spranue corriclor); aiid the suggeseian of having ail arborist commEnt on this p4rtion ofi the title. Tt was decided to keep this as is, keening in mind it can be changed later if needed. 7lrere tiaas also conSensus to iriclude "grave!" rnul "decoi°ative rock" irr the definitlons, tas lvell as »aenfiun of the rieed for arr irrdez.. Page 31 (redline version) n-q - no change. 6 Street Trees (oase 31) - discussed having an arborist reviev., this and the diatram pn page 32; but further discussion i-esulted in no change. 7. LandscaDinE Reauirements fnr ParkinL Areas . e. Amount and location: 11 - iaeputy Mayor Taylor suggestec{ (lcleting this as he said he feels the requirement is arbitrar), for a parking lot island ta have one mediurn tree, and said tliat perhaps it should include difterc»t shrubs or flpwers. Further discussion resulied in a rnajority ef Councilmembers supporting leaving the item as is. ln response tn a qucstion eoncerni.ng parking lot stitndards, NIr. Kuhta said he will researcli whether parkina lots are required to have islands. ' - . Couneil Regular Meeting: 08-28-07 PaaG 5 of 7 Approvecl: DRAF`T 8. Landscaniw, Fer--ReQUired for C:.ommon Onen Snace fe.ditor's note: omit the ward "for" as shownl no ot,her chan~e5 . ' J 9. Screenin2 of Loadine llocks - no change, 10. T andse.anine repuirements for free5tandinp- siens - no change 11. a'eriscanine,. [editor's note: should be "Xerioscaping" in title ancj throughout "a"] - nq oiher changes 12. Modification of Landscaninia Reouirernent - no change Table 22.70.5 CrecSits of tree nrescrvation - no change 13. installation. `laintenance & Fnforcement - no change 14. LandscaninQ Plan Reauirements - no change 22.110 Sign Resulations There was brief discussion about electronic signs, and Vlr. Connelly said thac those changes woulc! be prem.iturc at this point as prohibited sib is will be re-e;carnined later as well as biilboards, and there will be future discussions on wNicthex to impqse any additional resU-ictions. lt was mentioned chis section inclucles sugoestions by the Ad Hoc Sign Committee; hncl that pcrmancnt signs iawfully erected are grandfathered in; but portablc sig ns have never been allowed. sulr. Connelly said the bi i lest change here deals witli temporary signs; and if there was no copy on ilie signs (]ike murals or streaniers) it would not be a concern; a.nd thai a section was created to allow for tempnrary sigms of a specifie cime period, such as open house signs, lease signs, constn►ction signs; or leiise of property; but thax those signs rnust be attached into the ground or a struchire; and that portable realiry sians se.t on the public right-of-way are . not permittetf. 22.110.020 E'rohibited Sifzns Discussion ecnt:ered on code enforcement and dle cuITent "complaint driven" prncess. Mr. Mercier said that Council previously recogiiized that stiiff would be more pro-active in dealin~ with signage along Sprague, specifically wiih those signs presenting a safety issue or non-conforming signs; but that now might be a oood time to consider, or think about consideruig in the future, a larger poliey issue of havin(Y Code Enforcement mnre pro-act:ive ancl npt omly actinc, on complaints. Councilmember DeVlemino aa eed and men[ioned the "bandit" signs such as "we btry houses" etc. and inentioned t.he idea of havino staff remove the signs. M.r. Mcrcicr said staff aan develop a program to meet Councii's interest; and mentioned there may be extra 1egal steps involvec3 in removing signs. lt was cleterinined that this issue will be a polic), issue to discuss at viother time. 22.1 10.(laA Pertiiit Required. - no change 22.110.040 Number. General Reaulations for Pe.rmitted Pennanent SiQns - no chailge . Mr. Cnnnelly brought att.ent.ion to the newly created special c,ateoory for "decorative emblem or standard" sigm (the Gus Johnson flagpole signs), and the allowance of those if they adhere to a specific size and are a[tachcd to light standards. 22.110.050. Fermitted lemoorarv Sians- no chanpc % Council Regular N9eeiing: 08-23-07 Page d of 7 .ApprOVecl: nR.4Fr ` 22.110.060 General Provisions Anolicable to All Signs - no chani-ze in response to Council question; Mr. McCormick said tliere will be significanc changes in ttie corridor once the subarea plan is approved. 22.110.070 Cornprehensive Sictn Plan - no changc 22.110.080 tlesthetic CQrridors Staff wil) check #1 to make sure this matches Nvith that listed in the Comprehensive I'lan. 22.110.090 Sign Location and Front. Setbacks - no change 22.110. 100 - Sipn Area CalcLllation - nU change Attorney Connelly mentioned the words "Har(ey llavidson" wcre removed. 22.110.110 Maintenance of Siqns 6. Consensus to make the following change: "Any abantloned sign support seructure shall be removed witliin thirry-six (36) months by the otivner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is locatcd Yr~eii . ed-11tts;., e ss4s4ie-leffjef-sendueted-on-E#e-pFenv+ses. It .vcrs mo>>ed Uy l7epury 1tlayor 7m~lor and seco~rded, 1o exter~d the nzeetr»g for ffteen mi~7utes. Vote by AccJrnmution: ln ,fauor: Mayor Wilhite, Depuly Mcryar Taylor, and Coznrcilmembers ,ScNmmels, Gathnaman, Denenrry, crnd M. unson. Opposed: Couricilmember DeVlenring. Abstentioris: 1\lone. IVption crn•ried. . . ~ 22.110.120 Existine Rlonconforniing Sip-ns - no chanbe 22.110.130 billbaards 1a. Consensus to change as follows: "Ne-Flkeplacement billboards shall not exceed tlle height....." i d. Consensus to reinstdTe the cleleted language. Prior tn tlie meeting being adjourned, ~v1.r. Mereier asked Council if they 1izd any objection to moving t11e i.nformation iiem of CH2MHlL:L to the next consent agenda, and Council stated they )iad no Ubjection. Il l4+QS 1110vc',d by Councilmembe.r Munsoya, seeonded, und uncrnimotwl), aV-erd to adjaurn. Therc was no execu[ive session. Tbe meeting adjourned at 9: i 0 p.m. Diana Wiihitc., Mayor A1TF S1': r ~ Christirie Bainbridge, Lity Clerk ~ Cauncil Reaular A4ceting: 08-28-07 Page 7 of 7 Approved: nRA r-T ~ MINU rES City of SpokAne Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, Septcmner 4, 2007 il t1E rrdarrce: Councilmembers: Staff: 17iana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve'1'aylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, Ciry Attomey Dick Denenny, Councilmemher Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Mike TacVleminb, Councilmember Greg McCormiek, Planning Manager Bill Gnlhmann, Counc:ilmember IZich Munson, Gouncilmember Gary Schi.mmels, Councilmember EXFCUTIVE SESSiQN: Mayor Wilhite called the meeting Co order at 4:17 p.m. Tt was movecl by Councilmeinber Mttnson, secnnded atrtl unanimously agreed !o irdjnurn into Eueculive .Session tu meet in:til no luter thcm 6: DO p.rn. to discuss lnnd acguis•ition, arul lhut there may or may not be acliun taken upvn ret:rrn. Council adjourned into executive session at approximaCely 4: I8 p.m. Mayor Wilhite deelared Counc;il aut of EYecutive Sessinn at 6:43 p.m. It wus nrovetl by Councilrnernher Uenenrry urrd secuncled, to direct ,ctaff and consultarrts tv bcgin the specifre site selectio~t proeess by initicrling nepotiutions ivrth the property o►vner of property generally de,scribetl us University C'iry locatecl ►vest of Uiriversiry Avenue as vvell trs that porlion of the property locule(l ea.rt of University and urrder the sunie ownership for the purpose of dreJtinQ an agreement to support develUpment of a viuhle City Center. Any sucpr negoliuted agreement shall be subject tn full review rnrd approval by the City Council in ari apen public session attd shtr!l include provisinns for the selectivn oja develupc'r satisfaclury to t6re C'ity und provisiorrs bruaranteeirig the City's role in developing arul aVpraviiig u master plun for the developnrent. (;ouneilmember vfunson brouglit up a poir►t of order rcgarding wMether we aro in order with moving fonvard witti a motinn at this Executive Session, tind of the sessiAn in beneral, and Mr. Mercier cnnFrmed council is in order xnd the meeting was sn noted as per statute. Vote by Accfarriatinn: Approved: IJnanimous. Opposed: 1V'one. Abstention.s: 71TVne. M6tior2 curried. It wtrs then mvved by Depury Mcryor Taylor, ,ceconcled and ununintously agreed to acljourrr. The meeti.ng adjourned al 5:50 p.m. Diana Vdilhite, Mayor A"C"1'EST: Christine IIainbridge, City Clerk ~ Council Gxecutive Session Minutes: 09-04-07 Page I of 1 Approvcd by Cawicil: ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 11, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: (tem: Check all that apply: [9 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business 0 public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CH2M HILL Supplement #4 - Valley Corridor Project GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approved contract with CH2Ni HILL for the Valley Corridor Environmental Study, June 28, 2005; Informational Memo to Council dated August 17, 2007 BACKGROUND: Back iri June of 2005 the City contracted with CH2M HILL for engineering services on the Valley Corridor Project. The purpose of this work was to establish and evaluate through a public participation process altematives related to the extension of the Sprague/Appleway Couplet. This work was to be in accordance with the National ~ Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements so that a locally preferred alternative could be included in the Spokane Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The schedule for CH2M HILL to complete the required scope of work was very aggressive and required several meetings with a stakeholder group, an advisory team, staff, and the general public. As the work progressed technical issues came up regarding the Spokane Regional Transportation Model and its application to the Valley Corridor alternatives analysis. CH2M HILL responded to these issues in an expeditious manner in an effort to complete their analysis for us before a July 2006 deadline. Upon review of CH2M HILL's overall effort to complete the Valley Corridor project analysis in the short time frame given, we have determined that additional work was completed beyond the original scope of work. Because of this, additional compensation has been requested. Staff reviewed this additional work and though CH2M HILL proceeded at their owvn risk with the additional work on our behalf without prior approval, staff recommends approval of the requested contract supplement. OPTIONS: 1) Approve the contract amendment, 2) deny the contract amendment, or 3) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Supplement #4 to CH2M HILL's contract for the Valley Corridor Environmental Study in the amount of $15,474. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The project budget has the necessary funds to cover this contract amendment. See attached Informational Memo for a Project Budget Summary. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS Informational Memo dated August 17, 2007 ' t ; SCITY ane Public WorkslCapital Improvement Program ~ pok Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite i06 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 9920b 49;000 549.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 5d9.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org ...•J.- _s. , . . . Informational Memo Date: August 17, 2007 To: David Mercier, City Manager and City Council Members From: Nefl Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Cc: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Re: Valley Corridor Environmental Study - CH2M HILL Supplemental Agreement #4 BACKGROUND Back in June of 2005 the City contracted with CH2M HILL for engineering services on the Valley Corridor Project. The purpose of this work was to establish and evaluate through a public participation process alternatives related to the extension of the Sprague/Appleway Couplet. This work was to be in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) rec{uirements so that a locally preferred alternative could be included in the Spokane Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). In January 2000 Spokane County received approximately $4.2 million from the state Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the second phase of the Couplet extension project from University Road to Evergreen Road. These funds were transferred to Spokane Valley in 2003 as the new Lead Agency. However, since it had been several years since these funds were allocated, the TIB required the city to get the proposed project on the MTP by July of 2006 or risk losing the $4.2 million. The schedule for CH2M HILL to complete the required scope of work was very aggressive and required several meetings with a stakeholder graup, an advisory team, staff, and the general public. As the work progressed technical issues came up regarding the Spokane Regional Transportation Model and its application to the Valley Corridor alternatives analysis. CH2M HILL responded to these issues in an expeditious manner in an effort to complete their analysis for us before the July 2006 deadline. As CH2M HILL was getting close to completing their work, the City entered into a contract with another consultant for the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Subarea Plan. The work CH21UI HILL was doing on the Valley Corridor project was subsequently put on hold pending the outcome of the subarea plan. ` Info Niemo: Valley Corridor Enviranmen#al Study $/17/07 CH2M HILL Supplemental Agreement #4 Page 2 At about the same time the SRTC Board approved a commitment of $4.2 million in federal STP(U) funds to replace the TIB funds for the Valley Corridor project. This in , . . effect removed the TIB deadline of July 2006 for needing to get the project on the MTP or risk losing the $4.2 million. OUT OF SCOPE WORK Upon review of CH2M HILL's overall effort to complete the Valley Corridor project analysis in the short time frame given, we have determined that additional work was completed beyond the original scope of work. Because of this, additional compensation has been requested. Attached is a c4py of a letter from CH2M HILL outlining the additional work that was done and a summary of the additional compensation requested. This letter is the culmination of staff review and negotiation with the consultant on the additional work. Staff recommends approval of this contract supplement to cover these costs. PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY A summary of the Valley Corridor Environmental Study project budget is as follows: Original Project Budget $292,616 CHZM HILL Contract $142,895 (plus i0% Contingency of $14,289) Supplement #1 (PN) $ 23,308 -Supplement #2 (Subarea Plan) $ 25,884 Supplement #3 (Subarea Plan) $ 11,326 (Contingency used for this supplement) Total Approved Contract $203,413 Proposed Suqplement 44 $ 15,474 Proposed Total Contract $218,887 Remaining Project Budget S 73,729 In accordance with city code at the time, the City Manager had up to $50,000 in change order authority. This authority was used for supplements #1 and #2. Current city code allows change order authority up to 15% of the original contract amount or $200,000, whichever is less. The 15% limit would apply and has already been reached with the other supplements. Therefore, we are requesting Council approval of Supplement #4. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover the requested additional fees. SUMMARY CH2M HILL did a great job of trying to complete a very difficult task in a very short time frame in order to meet the city's needs for the Valley Corridor project. As a result, additional tasks were completed that was outside the originally agreed upon scope of work. Staff reviewed this additional work and recommends approval of the requested supplement. i J " CH2hS HILL ' I \ ArR 18 2007 9SpuEhWash3ngton Sed!e .OD r-'"' . - - SPokans, V!A 99201 -3TU9 ~~~MHILL . . Te1 504.623.1664 x24S . "t~?* Fax 509.2521507 Apri113, 2007 . . • 332655. A1 . Steve VVorley . Senior Engi.neer .for CIP City of Spokane Vallcy 11707 Ease Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 ' City of Spokane Vallcy, WA 99206 Subject: Scope of Work/Buaget Supplemental Agreexnent No. 4 for Valley Corridor Envixanmental Study Prajeck • . Taear Steve: This letter dncuments our. Apri111, 2007, meetix►g regarding justificaYion for an amendment to the scopE of work and budget far the Valley Corridor Em4oiimential Study Project. CH72M T-IIL.'L performed the following ad.ditional services, whicli were requested by City and not included in our original scope of work or subsequen.t supplementaJ. agrceir+ents. Task 1: Project Management Coordination hileetings Re(ated to Interdiscipiinary Team Meetings. Task 1.2 ot our origlnal scope of tvork provides for C.H21\2 I-YLL staf# to attend four Interdisciplinary Team (ID'1) meetings. I'hree of Ehe four sclied.uled IDT meetings have a.l.ready occurred (July 14, 2005, Septembes 20U5, and Decer.nber 16, 2U05). Tt is our ur►dersta.nd'u1g that the fourth IDT meetulS wiu nOt be neccssary and is thereforc deleted from. CH21UC HILL's scope of work. In support of the IDT meetings, CH2M HILL sfiaff attended SEVen additional coordination meeti.ngs with City stafE. 7'he project manager arid ttansportation planner atfiended the adciitional meetings and add.itional efforE was needed Eor preparation, follow-on, aiid ~ administzaiive ackivihes zelated to these mcetings. Advisory Team 119eetings. Task 1.2 oF our original scope of work also states tihat Advisory Team (AT) memUers will be invited to attencl all TDT nteeti.ngs. The scope of work and budget did not assume separ,ate AT meetings However, at the request of the City and A-T members, five f1T xneetings wexe hcld separately front the IDT mEeti.ngs. Thesc meetingg'occurr.ed on the following datea: • Octaber 12, 2005 • December 21, 2005 i` Steve VVorley : a } Page 2 . ' . April 13, 2007 332655.A1 . • January 24, 2006 • February 24, 2006 • May 19, 2406 There were additional unplanned revisions based on input received at these AT meetLngs, as well as the effort ta prepare for and attend these meetings. Prior to the A'f meetings the City and CI32M HILL would agrec on an appraach and slrategy for traffic modeling and analysis. liased an tlZat approach and strategy, woxk would be performed and conclusions would be reached. Hoivever, input from the additional AT meetings resulted in redoing or moclifying the modeling, analysis, and conclusions, which were subsequently summarized u1 technical memorandums. In addition, project team (CH2rVI I IILL and City staff) xneetings were usually held before the AT mcetings to plan for meeting presentations. Because of the concerns oE the Spokane Regional Transporrtati.on CQUi-ici.l (SRTC) and ather AT memhers, additianal effort was needed to ea~plain ouz strategy and approach. Presentation materiaL.S were developed to explain our canclusions at the AT meetings. Project Administration. 'Ihe original scnpe af work's schedule was for #he project to be completed in 5 months (by the end af December 2005). The schedule was extended tihrough mad-Augvst as a resulfi of the nceci for add.itional AT meetings, coArdinatian svitli the SRTC, and to address the various issues related to altexnative selection. The extended project sChedu.le, izt tvrn, resulted in additional administrative cost.s. Su»tmary of Task I Project Managentent AdditioitaI Cosfis: .~'r• 5,000 Interdisciplinary Team Meeti.ng Coorda:nation $12,745, Advisory'Team Meeiings . ' . $ Project Admiivst-ralion $26,333 Total Task 5: Deficiencies and Alternatives Our itv.tial scope ot work assumed that existing data and information would be used to develop deficiencies and assess a.lEernatives. AT izlput, particularly that from SRTC sYaff, r.esulted in reworking tl1e modeling and analyses, and the need to su.mmarize thcsc changes in updated technieal mernoxand.u;ms. Zn additioxi, a"Valley Corrido; Trafkic Systetn Management/Traffic Deutand Management [TS14/TDM] Alternative DevelnpmenY' heduucal memorandum was prepared to address SRTC's request for prese.nti.ng a d.etai.led, well-tllaught-out TSNi/TDM alternaHve as one of the altematives ta bz included 'u1 the short ]ist. A]so, alternatives were developed and recouvnended byCH2Ivl H1LL and an additional altemative vvas included based on City Council recommendaHons. Tnitially, the scope of i ) i ~ l Steve jNorley . Page3 April 13, 2007 332655..A1 work assumed analysis far up to 20 izltersections per alte.mat2ve. Tn the end ovex 29 intersections wexe analyzed for most alfiernatives including revising operaHons analysis resuldng from staff recom.xnendations on cha.nYlelization. Sumnary of T'ask 5 DefYCiencies and Alter-tzatives Additionai Costs: $22,701 tlnalyses and Re-evaluanon of Alternatives . $ 1,612 TSM/TDIM Technical IMemorandum $ 4,317 Added City Council Alternative to analysis $ 1258 Add.itional intersecfions with updated Technical Mexnorandum $29,888 Total Task 7: Preferred Alternative This task is de7etcd from the scope of cvork, therefore, a cred.it of $7,349 (the orig-inal budget amount, incluciing applicable fixed fee) is applied to this amendm.ent. Task 8: Transportation Discipiine Report . This task is deleted froat the srope ot work, therefore, a credit of $16,391(the original } budgct amount, inclucling applicable fixed fee) is applied to this arnendment. J! . Task 9: Public Outreach The remauider of this task (one public meeting) is deleted fzom the scope of ti*ork, therefore, a cred.it of $17,007 (the tanused portion of the original budget, including applicable fixetl, fee) is applied to this ~u.nenciment. The original bu.dget amotuit £or this task i.~ $39,343.78. The total accrued charges to date on Task 9, including the applicable fixed fee, axe $22,337.15. This includes the $21,947.94 invoiced tlirougli November 24, 2006, Pl.us $38921 incu.rred but not yet invoiced. Summary ' In swnmazy, t~ie aggzegate cost of the added a.nd deleted ivork is $15,474, as sumanarized below. , Task 1- Project iV'Ianagement $26,333 . Task 5 - Deficiencies a.nd tllternatives $29,888 Task 7- Preferred Alkernative 7,349) Task 8 - Transportation Discipl.inc Report ($16,391) Task 9- Public Outreach ($17,007) Total $15,474 CH2M HIlT~L is requcsfing approval of SupplementaJ Agreement 4 to incorporate the above described scope af work and budget reo-isions into our forma,l Agreement with the City. ~ Steire WQrley i) Page 4 April 13, 2007 332655A1 , VVe appreciate the opporttuliiy to work with tltc Ciky of Spokane Valaey. Lf you havc any qucstiozts, please caA me. Si.ncerely, CH2'M HTLL . n Jirn D g•field, PE ' . Senior Project Manager 04-132407 Let:er.doc . _ : CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 11, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. repart (D pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Ordinance 07-014 amending 2007 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when we believe we will exceed our appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City budget for 2007 was adopted in November of 2006. In the spring of 2007 the budget was amended. Additional adjustments to the 2007 budget are needed. The Finance Committee of the city council met in July and discussed these amendments. The City Council discussed these amendments at their August 14 council meeting. BACKGROUND: Amendments to the 2007 budget are needed to: 1.) Purchase the precinct building from Spokane County; 2.) Set money aside for the acquisition and/or construction of other city facilities; 3.) Set aside money for the replacement, repair or expansion ofi ciiy facilities. A more detailed listing of the proposed budget amendments is attached as exhibi# A. OPTIONS: Options include amending the budget, amending the budget for some of the changes and making no amendments. The budget should be amended to cornply with Washington State law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR NIOTION: Move to advance ordinance 07-014 to a second reading ' BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of this ordinance will provide the budget authorization to move ahead with these programs and projects. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ~ ~ = DRAFT ~ i CITY OF SPOICANE VA.I..LEY SPOK.i1NE COUN'1'Y, WASHINGTUN C)C2DINA\CL NO. 07-014 AN ORDINANCE .aMFNDING nl'tDINANCF NO. 07-007 PASSED lil' THE CITI' COIINCII.. ON APRIi.. 24, 2047, I-A'HICH A.IVl.F\`DEU UFtDINANCF 06-024 ENTITLI+°~D "AN O:R,DINANCE OT+' THN: C.TTIj pF SPOKANE VA.LL-EY, SPOKANT., COUNTX, «'ASHINC_TTON, Al)()PT].svG A BUDCET FOR THE PE•RIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2[)07 THROI)GH. DE(:.F:MBF R 31, 2007 AE'!'ROPl2IAT[NG FU\T1S r1ND ESTABLISH7I\C SA.LARY SCNIaDUI.~ES FC)R LSTAIiLISNI~:U POSITI(,)\TS," t1NJ) CR.k~AT:~NG T.HE Ci VIC FACfLTTIN:S REPLAC;'EMENT rIJND (123). W'REREAS, subseqijent to the adoption of the annual budget, it has becpme necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, arnendme.nts, appropriacions and lransfening funds in order to properly perform various City fimctions, sei-vices and activities; a►id N1'HEREAS, the buciget changes set forlh in this Orclinance coulc] not have bcen reasonably anticipated or knawn ufllen the annual budget wa.s passed by the City Council; and WAER.EAS, the City Council ha,.s detennined that the best interescs of the City are served by amendijig the atlopred budoet to reflect anticipated revenue. expenditures, f'unc4 balances, and apprQpriatiilg same as set forth herein. NON' THl:REFURE, Thc City Council of the City of Spokane VAlley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Re.venues. Ordinance NA. 07-007, as adopted or amended; amencted the budget for the hwelve months ending 17ec:ember 31: 2007. E-ach item, revenue, appropriation, anci fund is hereby amtnded as follaws. A. General 1=und (001) of che 2007 btidget is amencied to pravide for additional revenue in dle amount of $1,300;000 from sales tax, $ I$O,OQO from Franchise fees, $$0,000 from Liquor Board Profts and $270,000 frorn lnvestmcnt earnin€s. B. The Civic Facilities Replacement Fund (123) is hereby created to aecumuiate and spend dollars for the replacement, remodel, expansion and/ar impnovement tC city facilities, andlor furniture. A transfer from the General Funci (001) is hcreby appropriatecl in Civic Facilities Replacement Fund (123) revenues in che amount of $397;000. C. The Civic Faeilitie,s Fund (310) revenue budgEt is amended co re.flect an addicional transfer from the General Fund (001) in the amount of $1,433,000. , I'or purposes of these budget amendmenes, L-"xhibit "a1" is attacried heretb and incorporated by this reference as set f'orth in full. t ~ Urdinssnce 07-014 Amending 2007 Budget PaQe 1 of 3 D12AFT 1ZEVENLTES: FUND FUNb ORIGINAL BUDGET Fs AMENbPJIENT ENDIfVG NUMIBER NAME AMENDMENT #i #2 REVENUES 001 GENERAL a 46,247,470 $ 1,830,000 S 46,077,470 101 STREEi' $ 7,65$,000 S - S 7,658,000 102 At2TERIAL ST. $ 912,000 S - s 912,000 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 21,000 S - $ 25,000 105 HOi'EUMOTEL $ 656,000 S - $ 658,000 123 CNIC FAC. REPLCMT. $ - 5 397,0,00 $ 397,000 204 DEBT SERVlGE $ 600,000 5 - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJEC7S $ 4,120,000 $ - $ 4,520,000 302 SPECIAL CAP. Pl2J $ 4,420,000 $ - $ 4,420,000 303 STRGET CAP PRJ $ 7,802,843 $ 7,802,843 304 MIRABEAU P7 5 441,000 $ - $ 441,000 305 STREET BOfVl7 PRJ S 616,000 $ - $ 816,000 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT 5 - $ - $ . 307 CAPI7AL GRANTS S 9,300,000 s 9,300,000 308 BAR3CER 6RDGE FED S 700,000 S - S 700,000 309 PARKS CAAITAL PRJ $ 3,550,000 S - S 3,550,000 310 CIVIC FACIUTIES $ 1,460,000 $ 5,433,000 S 2,893,000 120 CEtJTERPLACE OP. $ 325,000 $ - S 325,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,200,000 $ - $ 5,200,000 122 WINTER VJEATNER $ 540,000 S - s 540,000 462 STORMWATER $ 3,195,762 $ 3,195,762 501 EQUIP REPL & RES $ 944,375 5 - $ 944,375 502 RISKMGMT $ 217,100 5 - $ 217,100 TOTALS $ 99,128,550 $ 3,660,004 $ 102.788,556 The total balance of all fund revenues and beginnin-p- fund balances3 apnropriated for the year 2007 is $102,788,55(). . ' Section 2. Expenditures Appropriatecl. To appropriatE the amendments from the above estirliated revenues and beginning uni-estricted fund balances for each separate fund; fhe expenditurE appropriations for the period January 1 through December 31. 2007 arc amended as set forth below. E?L}'ENDITUk.FS/APPROPRiATIONS: 001 GENERlIL $ 38,889,504 $ 1,830,000 $ 40,719,504 101 57FtEET 5 4,326,372 $ 4,326,372 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 912,000 5 - $ 912,000 103 '1'h7AIL:>IPATH$ $ 27,000 $ - 5 21,0Q0 105 WO'I'EUMOTEI 5 658,000 $ - S 658,000 123 CIVIC FAC. REPLCMI" 5 - s 397,000 5 397,000 244 OEBT SERVICE s 600,000 S 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJ. 5 4,120,000 S - $ 4,120,000 302 SPEC. CAP. t'RJ $ 4,420,001) $ - s 4,420,000 303 STRF_ET CAP PRJ S 7,8p7.,843 S 7,802,843 304 MIRABEAU P7 S 441,000 s - S 441,000 305 S7F2EE`i' BONL7 PF2J 5 816,000 $ - 5 816,000 306 COR4 DEV BLK GRNT S - $ _ s . 307 CAPITAI. GRANTS 5 9,300.000 S 9,340,006 308 BARKER BRDGE FED S 700,000 $ - 5 700,000 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ S 3,554,000 s - S 3,550,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES S 1,460,000 $ 1,433,000 S 2,883,006 120 CENTF_RP1,ACF_ pP. S 325,000 $ - S 325,000 121 SERVICE LEV. S7AB S 5,200,000 $ - 5 5,200,00Q 122 WINTER WF_ATHER S 540,000 $ - S 540,000 402 S70F7IV1WA`I'ER $ 2,244,309 5 2,240,30g 501 EQUIP REPL & RES $ 944.375 $ - S 544,375 ' 502 RISK MGM'1" $ 217.100 $ - 5 277,100 TOTi1LS S 87,483,503 S 3,660,000 S 91,143,503 Ordinance 07-014 AmendinG 2007 13udget PaSe 2 of 3 DRAF"1' , . These amendments include transfers from the Genera! Fund (OOl ) ta the Civic Facilicies Pund (310) and the Civic Facilitits Renlacement Fund (123) of $1;433,000 and S397,000, respeetively; an `appr4priation of $397,000 in the Civic Facilities Replacement Fund (123), and appropriat.ions of $8$0,000 ior purchase of the precinct building along with an appropriation of $353,000 in the Civic Facilities Fund (310) for the acquisition of city facilities. '1'he toLal balance of all f.uncl expenclitures apnropriated for che year 2p07 is $91,143,503, Seetion 3. Positions. The City of Spokane Valley's authorized full time equivalent positions is 79.15. Seetion 4. Severflbilivv. IC 3ny section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinaiice should be held to be invalid or uncanstitutioni►I by a cvurt of compecent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validit), or constitutionality of any Ather section, sentence; clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. 'I'his Ordinance shall be in full fbrce and effect five (5) days afte,r puhlicalion of this Qrdinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided hy law. Passeci by the Cit_y Council of the City oF Spokatie VaIley this _ clay of 12007. A'17EST: Uiana Vlrilhite, Mayor Christine 13ainbridge, City Clerk APPROV h n.aS TO 1'ORM: Office of'the Cih' Attoriiey Date oP F'ublicatiqn: Cffective Date: ardirvince 07-01 4 Arnending 2007 13udget ' Page 3 of 3 City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A ' Amendments to 2007 Budget September 11, 2007 Sept71,2007 REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation , oot $ 1,306,000 Seiestax .00 180,000 Franch'.ae€ees ' 001.000.400.336.06.95 80,000 Intergov. Liquor Board Prafi;s i.00 270,000 In;erest camings Transier to Civic Facilities 1,433,000 Movo S co dhric faa Fund iransfer to Civic Facilities Replace. 397,000 641ove b to renlacemcnt Fund 7o;al S 1,834,000 $ 1,830,Ofla Totai 123 Transfer from Gen. Fund $ 397,000 For Replacement $ 397,000 Potenval bEdg reptecement 31o Transfer irom General Fund S 1,433,000 PurcheSe Of PrecinCt $ 880,000 PurG!s8se of Fracinci 80dg Purchase ooCity F2cility s 553,000 scl astae :or purchase ot fsciEty Grand Toial 5 3,660,000 $ 3,660,000 City ot Spokane Valley Exhibit A CNANGES TO APPROPRIATIONS RE1/ENUE EXP• Fund INCREASE INCREASES PURPOSE GENERAL Unresinctesi reserves S 836,000 77? Transfer to Serv level Reserve $ 2,000•000 secmoe maumd •zw+~~ New" Sales t8x $ 1.400.000 Inaese tn aunrt sedmaft Gamb1t11fl !ex $ 100,0O0 Inasaee tn au+snt aumoin FiR88JFOff@IWfeB $ (100.000) DOPJ1494 10 WRftt# elqi r. atE- S@IViCE: fE2$ $ 200.000 (bSllidiflg/pting fMGS) Irk7lnB1OG1Rlfif fttlTatr InV@Strfallt eHming5 $ 100.000 Inrastlma-f :-Crm~ is ~~'oW76;nj Intergovernmenta1 $ (115,000) DOf.n-- r;, :.i, 111t rnli^ 3te h1r,b ie data tertnmals for polloa $ 200,000 Courc► auu+-eo m wu 0 C;r,-,murnwtfons grarit malch 7? S 100.000 CoWAd wu+orLasd in we ua Con Dev TemR Help S 100.000 Cow,w 04c6,Wc,M 4-1 e.ae Employee training S 0,000 F'tannen m 05 aut nfraonw in 06 I t~;~ts $ a~J C. 40 80ND 3ALE PROCEEOS Unrestncte0 reseNas $ 400,W0 5 4f}Q.~Q ta use up Oond D~'~~ p~Oj2G25 S!'( CaBG FUND Grant Sewer paveDac►c CAPITAL PROJECTS GRAND TOTALS--> S 4.8?J OOu $ 2 820,000 l~u :yc'ar en :r,t;)S Gt-C~ J ~ Proposed Amendments to the 2007 Budget Ken Thompson, Finance Director September 11, 2007 Amendments Proposed Budget n Additionai Revenue +Sa les Tax $1,300,000 +Franchise Fees 180,000 ' +Liquor Tax 80,000 +Interest Earnings 270,000 ~ Total $11830,000 .,-I To be used for: - +Purchase of precinct bldg. $ 880,000 +Set aside for replacement of bldgs. 397,000 +Set aside for acquisition of additional facil ities 553,000 Total $118307000 • Recommendation ~ To move ahead with amendments to the 2007 Budget ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 09-11-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report Z pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-015 Adopting Uniform Development Code PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Per the dates shown in the accompanying ordinance, ' Council deliberated on the following UDC Titles: Title 17 - General Provisions; Title 18 - Administration, Boards and- Authorities; Title 19 - Zoning Regulations; Title 19 Appendix A- Schedule of Permitted Uses - Use Matrix; Title 20 - Subdivision Regulations; Title 21 - Environmental Controls; Title 22 - Development Standards; Title 22 Appendi.x A- Approved Planting List; General Definitions, and Zoning Map. On June 5, 2007, Council adopted Ordinance 07-010 which adopted Title 24 - Building Regulations. In addition to adopting Titles 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, this proposed ordinance wiU repeal portions of the existing Title 10, and will rename the remaining portion of Title 10 as "Commute Trip Reduction Code." . ; Pages 3 and 4 of the ordinance have sections which will be completed and submitted to Council as soon as possible in order to be considered part of the council packet agenda item for the second reading of the ordinance, scheduled for the September 25, 2007 council meeting. Staff continues to update the actual titles per Council discussion and direction; and those "red- line° and "clean" title versions will also be submitted to Council as those titles are completed, in order to be c4nsidered part of the council packet agenda item for the second reading of the ordinance, scheduled for the September 25, 2007 council meeting. Of particular note is section 9, Citizen Participation and Notice, showing the numerous open house public discussions, planning commission reviews dates, and Council review dates. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance ordinance 07-015 to a second reading , BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: r~ STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ~ ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance 07-015 DXAFT ~ CITY OF SPOKr1NE Vt1LLF,Y Sk'QKANE CnL`NTl', R'ASIIilqGTON dRDIr°ANCE NO. 07-015 AN 012DINANCE OF THF CTCY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SYOK.ANE COU1`Tl' WASAINGTON, REPE:ALTNG PORTIONS OF TAE EXISTn'C 'I'TTl;E 10 UNiEOR~~7 DEVELOFMENr CODE, RENA1VING THE RENIA.LNli1'G TYTLE tA AS "COIN LI~TUTE TR.T.P RFDUCTION CODE," r1INn r1D0PTING TITLES 17,18,19,20,21 AND 22 aS A PORTION OF T1iE \E«' CTTY OF SPOK.ANE VA.LLEY UNIF'OIIA'i DEVELOPIN'1ENT CODE AND ZO\'ING iN9:AF. VVPEI2EA5, the Ciry o1' Spokane Valley adopted 1'it.lc 10 UNlFORTvf DEVET •OPATT'.'"1' COL7F. , including t:he adoption of an official zoning miip, through the adoption of Ordinances 31, 33, 32, 48; 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 54A-1, 57, 58; 59; 63, 03-078, 03-081, 03-087 and 03-097 in 2003, and Ordinances 04- 002, 04-004, 04-008. 04-010, 04-013, 04-014, and 04-016 in 2004; and WHERE:AS, the City of Spokane Valle}' has si.nce tlte daties of adoption set forth ahove, amendcd 'fitle 10 UNIFOCtM DEVT:LOPNCENT CODE on a number of occasions through the adopcion of Ordinance 04-033, Dimensional Standards fnr Resittential and 'Non-Residentia] I7evelopment; Ordinance 04-034, Adminislrative Variances and Facept.ions; Ordinance 04-035, Urban R.esidential Estate (UR-1); Ordinance 04-035, Clear View Triangles; Ordinance 04-046; Plannetl Unit Taevelopments; Orclinance 04- 047, City of Spokane Valley Ruilding Cocle; Ordinance 05-003 .Area-Wide Rezcmc Greenacres; Ordinance 05-012, Slreet Vacations; Ordinance 05-013, Stormwater; Ordinance 05-021, Appeal - Procedures from Hcaring E~3miner to CiCy Council; Ordinance 05-026, Planned Unit Developments; ~ l 'Ordinance 05-034, Stormwater Utility Charges; Ordinance 06-001, Extenciing Urban Residential Estaie (UR-1) Interim Zoning in Ponderosa a.nd Rotchford are~s; Ordinanee 06-402, Amencling SVMC 10.30.060 by amencling Chapter 14.702 Airport Overlay (OA) 7one; Ordinance 06-003, Enforcement and Adniinistcat.ive 1'rocedures; Ordinance 06-004, Cnc1e Compliance; Ordinance 06-005, Code Compliance; Ordinance 06-006, Repealing the Renumbering Unifonn Development Code; Ordinance 06- 007, ttepealing specific County 7.,oning Classifications previausly adopted by SVMC 10.30.060 and Ord. 03-053; Ordinance 06-008, Business 'Lsnes Matrix; Ordinance 06-009, Sign R.egulation; Ordinance 06- 012, Off Roacl Vehicle Use; Ordinance 06-015, liight of Way Pennits; Ordinance 06-017, International Property Ivtaintenance Cacic; Ordinancc 06-019, E:ttending Urban ft.esidential EsCate (UR-1) Interim Zoning in Ponderosa a.nd Rotchford Areas; Ordinaiiae 06-020, Comprehensive Plan Amcndments; Ordinance 06-025, Appeal Fee fpr Administrative Decisions; Ordinanee 06-027: 1Zight -of•-Way Permi[s; Ordinanr..f; 07-001; E-Extending Urban Residential £state (UK-l) Lnterim Zoning in Ponderosa ancJ Rotchf'ord Areas; and, Ordinance 07-010, L°stablishinb Title 24 of the Spokane Valley viunicipal Code; and N'vHEREAS, the Ciry of Spokane Valley adopted its new Comprehensivc Plan on the .4pril 25, 2006, through the adoption of Ordinance 06-010; anc! Wl3EREAS, the City of Sp4kane Vallev subsequently has drafted a new Uniform Development Code which is the subject marier of this ordinance to replace the esisting Title 10 excepting sections 10.20.210- 320 Commule Trip Reduction, and to implement the noals and poiicies of'the above referenced Ciry nf Spokane Valley Comprehensivc Flan; and WHEEItN,AS, Title 24 of the Uniform Developrnent Code has previously been adopted by the City of Spnkane Valley City Couneil an June S, 2007, by adoptian of ordinancc 07-010; and Ordinajice 07-015 adonting UiaC 2007 }'age I of 8 DRnFr WHERl~:.4S, RCW 36.70. 020 sets forth speeific eoals to guide the development and adoption of such development re,ulations; and V1W,REAS; the City of Shokane Valley had created specific development regulations to incorporate the goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehcnsive Plan as well as the specifc goals set fortM in RCW 36.70.020; and N'VHHEREAS, the Ciry of Spokanc Valley has created specific develnpment regulations to implement the requirements of the State E-nvironmental Polic_y Act RCW 43.21C et seq; replacing the etisting adopted environmental regulations; and VvliEltE•AS, the City of Spokane Vtjlley is re:codifying the existing Spokane County Shoreline Program which implements the requirements of the Shorelines Managcment Act, RCW 90.53; and WHF,REAS, the City of Spokane Valley has cre.aced speci .fic development regulatioiis tn regulate tand use activitics within the City of Spokane Valley including zoning ordinane.es, f UD ordinanees, subdivisions and binding site plan ordinances a.s authorized by RCW 36.70.030 (7); replaeing the esisting sdopted development regulations; and _ N'N'Fff:17Er1S, the City of Spokane Valley has created specific development regulations to prntect critical areas, including wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and geologically hazardous areas; and frequently flooded areas, idenCified uncler RCW 36.70A.110; pursuant to IZCW 36.70A.060(2), replacin~ 1:6e existing adopted de.velopment regulations; and WAMREt1S, the City of Spokane Vallcy has creaced a new nfficial 'r.oning map as authorizcd by RCW 36.70A.030 (7) replacing the exisiing adopted official zoning map; and . WHFREAS, adoption of the City of Spokane's Valley's Uniform Developme.nt Code must be processed in compliance with t,he requirements Qf the State Envirqnmenta) Policy Act (SEPA) csnd set forth in RCW 43,21C et Sey.; and VVFM~REAS, public participation and notice is required as is set f'ort:h in RCVV 36.70A.035; and must be consisfent: with the Public Panicipation I'lan (aka Citizen Participation P1an) adopted in conjunction witii the development of the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan adopted on the 23'd day of September, 2003, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.140; and `N'NEIZEA5, development regulations are to be adopted widlin the time consvaints set fnrth in RCW 36.70A.040; and W13ERFAS, the City of Spokane Valley is rcquired tn notify the Deparhneiit of Comnwnity Trade and Economic Development of its i►itent to adopt such development regulations at least sixty day prior tn final adoption pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106; and RTIiE:RFAS, the development regulations a s}iall inclucle provisions to notiiy property pwners diat property Nvithin 500 feet of lands designated as agricultural, forest or mineral lantl pursuant to RCW 36.70A.060 (1) (b); and • N'NrIiERT'AS, the development regulations shall ensure that, tal:eii collec.t.ively, adoption of the development rejulation5 prnvide suffic.ient capaeitp tor land suitable Por development wilhin the jurisdiction io accommodate allocated housing and employroent growth in a manner consistent with 1ZCW 36.70A.115; and ~ Ordinance 07-0 l 5 adoptin ; UIllC 2007 Page 2 of 8 DRAFT V1'HLI2E.AS, the adoption of this Uniform Jaevelopment Code is necessary to protect the health, safet:v, and welfare of the general pubiic and the environment. • `'OW,1"HEI2EFORE, the City of Spokane Valley ordains as fullows: Secfion 1: Adovtion of Findings of Fact. The City of Spokane Valle_y finds that all Growth Managcment Act (GM.A) and other statutory_ prerequisites for the adoption of'the City of Spokane Valley's Usliforni llevelopment C;ode have bcen met, and hereby addpts thc followino: FINlliiVGS OF FACT 1. Mandate to Plan undee GMA: The Cit}' of Spokane Valley is a City that falls under the full mandates ofthe G-kif1 as ofthe date of the Cifiy's incorporation on March 31, 2003. 2. Consistencv .vitil G1At1 Goals: The Uniform Development Code comprised of Tiles 17 General 1'rovisions, Tile ] 3 T3oards and Authorities, Title 19 Goning Regulations and Map; Title 20 Subdivision Regulations, Title 21 Environmental Controls, Title 22 Design ancl Development Standards and Title 24 Building Cades, with accompanying appendices' is consistent with the aoals nrovided to guide the development vid adopiion of sueh a code as set farth in KCVV 36.70A.020. 3. Coiisistencv with Adoateci Comnrehensive Plan: I'Iie Uniforro Deveiopment Code is consistent W1CI1 and implements the adopted Cicy of Spokane Valley Gomprehensive Plan in a manner which is consistent with the requireinents of RCW 36.70A.040 (4). ~ JJ SpecificalJy: 3. Implementine SrFA: "1'itle 21, Sections 21.10.010 - 21,20.170 implement and is consistent with the requirements of State Environmenta! Policy Act RCW 43.21C and relatcd administrative regiilations WAC 197-11. 4. lmalementinQ the. Shorelines ManaLement Aet: Title 21 Section 21.50 adopcs by reference the Spokane County Shoreline Program inc,luding amenctments sec forth in Findings of Fact and Resolutioii 2 0471 passed by the Spokane Counry Commissioners on iN1ay 7th, 2002. This program with amendments is incorporated as appendis ; and is cansistent Nvidh the requirements of RCW 90.58. 5. Cornpliance with SEPA : a. Tlie City of Spokane Valley has issued an Environmental Checklist pursuant t.o KCW 43.21C for each Title adopted below as follows: i. Title 17: July 21, 2006 ii. Title 18: July 21, 2006 iii. 7'itlc 19: January 22, 2007 iv. Title 20: October S, 2006 v. Title 21; October 13, 2006 vi. 'I'itle 22: Januarv 22, 2007 vii, '1'itle 24: January 22, 2007 ~ Ordinance 07-015 adopring 17DC 2007 Page 3 of 8 DRA FT b. Tbe City of Spokane Valley has made a Determinatian of Significance in regard to tlie action of each Title adopted below as follows: ' i. Title ] 7: July 21, 2006 ii. Title l8: July 21, 2006 iii. Title 19: January 22, 2007 iv. Title 20: Octaber 5, 2006 v. Title 21: October 13, 2006 vi 'Citle 22: January 22, 2007 vii. Tit1e 24: January 22, 2007 6. Consideration of Critical Area:s and Resource Lands: Title 21, sectiqiis 21.40.010 - 21.40.040 have been adopted to protect critieal areas, including zvetlands, fish and Nvildlife habitat conservation areas and geologicaU), hazardous areas; Title 21 Sections 21.30.010 - 2130.075 have been adopted to protect freyuently flooded areas, in a manner consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A.060. 7. \otification of nrOperl:v owners within SOQ feet of lands desiQnatecl as aeric.ultural, fnrest or mineral lancl. Title 21 Section , sets forth provisions to notify nroperty owners that property witliin 500 feet qf Iancfs designated as agrieulCUral, fc+rest qr mineral land in a manner consistent with RCW 36.70A,060 (1) (b). 8. Caoacin, for I-iousine and Emalovment Gro«-ih. The City of Spokane Vallcy addresses thc issues 4f housing and emplo}o+nent opponunity in its Comprehensive Plan. Specifically secrions TMe de:velopment zones created by `I'itle 19 of the Uniform Tacvelopment Codc sec fort:h below, implements these use categories in a manner consistent with the requirernents of RCW 36.74A.115. . ; 9. Cit.izen ParticiUation and Noxice: a. The City of Spokane Valley has adopte.d a Public Participatio❑ 1'lan in conjunction Nvith the developmcnt: ef its Comprchensive Plaii and subsequent development rcgulations implementina that plan in a manner consistent with RCA 36.70A.140. °1"he public partieipation and notice provided and set forth specifically belaw is consistentwith that pIsn. b. Tlie Cit:y of Spokane Valley has complied with the public garticipation and notice requirements pf R.CW 36.70A.035 specifically as follows: Stakeholder/Public Review: Date Event 28-Feb-07 Open House - Public Discussion 2-Mar-07 Open Wousc - Public Discussion 8-Mar-07 Open House - I'ublic Discussion 9-Mar-07 0pcn House - F'ublic Discussion 16-Mar-07 Open 1=touse - Public lliscussion 1 Ordinance 07-0 l5 aciapting UDC 2007 Page 4 of 8 DRAFT ~ - , Plannine Commission Review: - Dat.e Event 13-Oct-05 Diseussion definition, use matrLx 10-Nov-O5 Discussion definition, use matrix 8-[7ec-05 Discussion dctinition, use matrix 12-Jan-06 Discussion definition, use matrix 26-Jan-06 Discussion definition, use matrix 9-Feb-06 lliscussion definit.ion, usc maCrix 13-Apr-06 AiscLission defi.nition, use matrix 11-May-06 lliscussion definition, use matrix 25-1%4ay-06 Iaiscussion definition, use matria - 8-Jun-06 lliscussian definition; usc matrix 27-Ju1-06 Discussion clefinition, use matrix ] 0-Aug-06 Discussion 17, 18,20 24 :Aug-O6 laiscussion 17; 18,21 31-Aug-06 Discussion 17, 18, 22 28-Sep-06 1'ublic Hearing 17 1820 9-Nov-06 ciiscussion 21, 14-Dec-06 Discussion 21 11-Jan-07 Publie Hearing 21 25-Jan-07 Public Hearing 21 8-reb-07 Puhlic Hcaring 21; Taiscussion 15-Feb-07 Study Session 20-Feb-07 Study Session 22-Feb-07 Public Hearing 19 22 24 8-Mar-07 Nublic Hearing 19 22 i 2-Apr-07 Public I-learing 24, Deliberat.ions 26-Apr-07 Deliberations 19 10-May-07 Deliberacions 19 14-Jun-07 Deliberations 22 21-.1un-07 Deliberations 19; 22 23-Jun-07 Deliberations 22 12-Ju1-07 Deliberations 19, 22 19-Ju1-07 Deliberations 22 26-Ju1-07 Deliberations 22 9-Aug-07 Public I4earing 7onino Nlap 23-Aug-07 Deliberations 2oniiis Map 30-Aug-07 Deliberations Zoning Map l" Ordinance 07-01 5 aciopting ITUC 2007 Paae 5 of 8 ' DXAFT Citv Council Review: - . llate Cvcnc ~ l 0-Oct-06 adm i n report 17-18 i 0-0ct-06 info packet 20 - 21 24-Oct-06 admin report 20 14-Nov-06 info update UDC 12-Dec-06 admin report 17 - 18 - 20 3-Jan-07 disc.ussion 17, 18, 19 23-Jan-07 admin report 21, shoreline 30-Jan-07 admin repurt 21; shoreline, rcview 17, 20 20-1'eb-07 discussion 21, info 19, 22; 24 27-Feb-07 admin report 17, 19, 22, 24 3-A.pr-07 1'ass iJDC chapters to Council 8-May-07 Info title 24 15-ulay-07 titles 19, 22 info; update 24 22-May-07 I=irSc reading title 24 5-Jun-07 Second reading tiCle 24 ' 17-Ju1-07 Review, discuss 19 31-Ju1-07 Deliberations Title 19 13-Aug-07 Deliberations `fitle. 19 20-Au„-07 Deliberations Title 19 21-Aug-07 Deliberations Title 22 27-Aug-07 17eliberations Tide 19 28-Aug-07 Piiblic Hearing Uniform Development Code 4-Sep-07 Taeliberations Title 22 5-Sep-07 Deliberations Title 22 Notice nrovided: 'rhe City Council set several publie hea.rings and special meetings for khe purpose_ of receiving public comments and to attow Council oppornmity to deliberate upon the City's proposed Uniforni Development: Code. Such hearings vnrl specia{ meetinos were duly noticed in the Cih''s offic.ial newsPaper, the Valley News Iterald; with notice also beiug placed on the Cit}7's website, and e-mailed ln a list of citi-r.ens who had previo«sly reyuestecl to be kept apprised of such meetings dealinc, with the Unifonn L7evelopmen[ Code. Special NTOtice.s for takin- written public comment were advertised in the City's official newsnaper; placed on the City's websit:e, and e-mailed to the list of intcrested citizens as notcd above. Agendas for each mecr.ing were e-mailed ln a lisc of interested citi7ens, placcd on ttie City's web5ite, and in cascs where the meeting was a "special" meetinp, ~vere advertised in thc City's oflicial ne~vspaper. T~uring those ~veeks when Council held meetings in addition to tlieir regular schecluled Tuesday niGht meetin„ weekly coLuIcil mee•ting noticcs Nvere also e-mailed to the interested cititen lisc, and such "Meeting Calendau-" was postecl outside the Ci1y's Council chambers. Agendas for each meeting were also e-mailed to the inierested eilizen list, and posted on the City's website. T'he Planning Comrnission also he.ld several public hearings for che purpose of receiving public cbmment5 relative to t.he City's proposed Unifonn Development Code; such meetiiigs and hearings were duly noticed in ihe City's official newspaper, the Valley Ordinance 07-0I S adopting UDC 2007 }'age 6 of 8 DRA_F7` N ews Herald; ~vith notice also being placeci on chc Citys ~vebsite, and e-maileci to a list of citizens wlio liad previously requested to be kcpt apprised of Planning Commission " Meet.ines. Regular Planning Commission agendas were also postcd to the City's website, and e-mailed to the interesied citizcn list fbr Plaiuiing Commission issues. c. The City Council fnds that the public participat.ion constihjted eqtrly ancl conlinuous public participation in the development and adoption of the Uniform Development Code as is sex forth herein. 10. Record beforc the Council. The City of Spokane Valley City Council has reviewed ancl considered the testimony presented in open public hearings as well as the written documentation submitted as part of that public hearing process. A recqrd of all testimony before the City Council and copies of all submittals are maintained as part of the record supUorcing this ordinauics, at che City of Spokane Valley City Clerk's Offic.e. 11. Review bv Office of Communitv Trade and Economic Uevelooment: Receipt of the proposed 7"itles constituting the UniPorm llevelopment Code was aclcnowledged by C''ED as f.ollows: Title 17: July 25, 2006, Title 18: July 25, 2006, T'itle 19: lanuary 31, 2007, T'iCle 21: October 23, 2006, Title 22: January 31, 2007, Title 24: January 31; 2007. Comments from CTED have been reviewed by staff and changes; where necessary have been incorporated into ehe dEVelopment regulations. , 12. Adontion Schedule consistent ,vith GMA. The L3niform 17evelopment Code identified bclow has been adopted in a manner consistent with dhe requirements of RC`V 36.70A.040. T'ormal ~ eYtension ofthe completion deaclline until September 30; 2007 was approved by the Department of Community; Trade and Economic L7evelopment on i\iovember 16, 2006. Sectii>n 2. Renealinp. Portions Spokane Vallev `9unicipal Code Title 10. The Cit?, of Spoka.ne Valley 'Municipa) Code Title 10 Sections 10.05.010-10.20.200 and 10.20.330 - 1035.010 ofthe Spokane Valley municipal Code are he.reby repealcd. Section 3. AclOptine `fitles 17, 18. 19. 20. 21. and 22 as nortions of the Uniform Develooment Code. The City of Spokane Valley hereby 1dopts the 1'itles 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, along with all identified appendices constituting a portion of the Uniforni Development Code a copy of wfiicb is attached hercto and by t6is reference incorporated herein. - Section 4. Severabilitv. IP any section, sentencc, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalicl or unconstihitional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidiry or unconstitutionality shall not affect die validil-y or c.onst.itutionality of any other seetion, cJause or phrase of this Ordinance. Scction 5. Effc.ctive. Uatc. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 30 days afrer publieation of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the af.ficial newspaper of [lie Ci .ry as provicled by law. i , f Ordinance 07-01 5 adopting UDC 2007 Page 7 of 8 nie,9 Fr Passed by the City Council Chis da}' of September, 2007. , Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerlc, Christine F3ainbridge Approved as to Form: Offiae of the Cit:y Attorney Ordinance 07-015 adoptuie U17C 2007 Page 8 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 11, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: .~j consent 0 old business (~I new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hall Facilities Planning GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Council was informed in an Information Memo on June 11, 2007: with updates on July 24, 2007 and August 1, 2007, that the City was issuing a RFP for development of a City Hall facility program and cost esfimate with the for the passibility of full architectural and engineering services in the future should the Council decide to proceed with the project. The RFP was due to the City on Juiy 26, 2007. The City received six proposals. The selection committee ranked the written proposals in the following order: 1. Bernardo Wills Architects PC - GGLO 2. ALSC Architects 3. Integrus Architecture 4. Madison Mitchell Evenson & Conrad PLLC 5. G.D. Longwell Architecfs, PLLC 6. Cortner Architectural Company The committee conducted interviews with the top 4 firms and recommends the following final ranking of the consultants: 1. Bernardo Wills Archi#ects PC - GGLO 2. ALSC Architects 3. Integrus Architecture 4. Madison AJlitchell Evenson & Conrad PLLC I have attached the written proposal from Bernardo Wills Architects PC - GGLO and a copy of their presentation from the interview. OPTIONS: Approve the final ranking order of the selection committee or give the committee . ~ further direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the ranking order of the selection committee and authorize the City Manager to proceed with negotiations of a contract with _ Bernardo Wills Architects PC - GGLO for the City Hall facility program and cost estimate. ' BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 2007 approved budget has $75,000 for this project. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS Bernardo Wills Architects PC - GGLO Proposal and Bernardo Wills Architects PC - GGLO Interview Presentation • ~r . - i _ - _ - ~ - - - H _ _ • , _ ~ - w- _ - r MM , ~ , ~ t+'rCHfTECTURAI ,1N0 ENGINEERIMG SERYICES FOR CRY H,,. ~ REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) flD 7-0 1 a `._I iY OF SPOKANE VALL: % ~RNAR ll.:~ lLL: ~ . '~.•AI+.'. ..4''• r;" . ~ .,.4 1 ~ f 111 ~'i:. . ~ . . _ . , • . ~ ~ ~ . ' . I'. L' _ OUALIFICASILa' ~-L ATTAC}fMENT A - PART t GENERAI. INFORMATION A. Legat Name of Applicant CoTpany Bnwwoa-Wa:s ArtoarrEtTS, PC B. Nama .)f Cdntacf Peraon GAar BramRtao, AlA rire PRwuPAL 1!uphona Number Induding eres code (509) 838-4551 i~ ~~t,ts.de Ir►drv+dualslagancies assfst wrtt+ preparation of ihia r.irogram? _ YES _X NQ ` r~lN~ce '_EcCrhn C~ ,,,F:_L-I~'~ .i :.~iif-":~:;• ~ rr,i =c.krri~v:~ a i~•c-.ip;,~(;ne`~u i r tidden0um fVo. + llddsndum N4. ~ Addendum tJo. + Addendum No. J I rErtify thet to the be5t af rny knwuledge the mforrtsa5on contslned In lhis RFP frx qualMcations is accurato ind compdafa sr,d tha! 1 hava the legai euthority W cotnrnit this egency ta a contractual agraemant 1 rcaize the ' i ia1 funding tor any senrice is dased upcn funding levels and tho epprwal of tho Spokane Valley Gty Council. cAxy aEPxAqDo, aia NWW,L Prim Narr+e rne 26 JuLr 1007 SiQnature, Adminlstistor, cx Applicant Agency pate Jurre 22. 2007 RFP #07-018 - Ciry Fiall Peqe 6 0► 16 ',r_il ►cerstrn, AIti y of Spokanc Vailc: ~ ih1SC Wor1cs DetarLrn~.n'- 707 E. Sprague ,S. ~.il~~yJC~y' ~u.i~;lcil I~::'r i•t:~.l;•^ :rhiteRurat and Engineerinq Ser-;i( r-,.,r r_,c, Hr.r; :~~•ar N,r. ►~entrn and Members af the Selectiort Commi r•. e=-. -s the firm that has provtded conceptual sfte SttN]ies on atl thrr of the sites under _unsicie,ratinn for the Spdcane Malley's Dropmed City Hali, 3ernardaVYilsArrhitcYts, LQ C,L1bITii !Ci QU,lll~trif~nr.~. to ~f't•.^df' :_Yi"1('r'-t~~l' 37d ijUJli[Y J1:-S,Qn 5c--. _ -s °,;rr ._;.t~r•'~r~. '~',!i ~•ti,J^~ .r~iti.it~y -;iCh ~:r~j~,Sa.1 ,i,_ ~~r ~o ~i n_ . -t[y r~nll; 'iv~i..;ii! rtn'.~~~~•_~N~l:i:t a sucn ih• C.tty ot Lttei ly l3'•,e, lity c:t 5prjyue and thr Cjry S~a~ : a:7d design-tcam cottaboratton wtch GGLO as the projcct's Buiidirtg Oesign Cunsuttant. -terior Programmcri Design and Lartdstape Designer gives the City of Spokane Valley w}u u;>>Quely qualified team to provide you vrtth a high quality design solution. ,:GLO's invotvement masterplannfng, designing and proHding p►ogrammtrtg services 1or : rojects swh as Burien 7own Square (1ncSudirtg rtflMng the Ctty Hall I Library Program), r:,:nrnore Wl(age by the Lak^ 311d Ur'vtf-S+.t ! 13-? [i'flVld1? you Wl!h 1 C°?m '"!;!t '13C ? :hQfDllgltlndi`f3LdRfj{f1: A`_t . .;I~ r-'7 `iG rr:•_ J°_ VG'(OpR1CnL, 8 StJCCCSS 5t~rnardo-WfiliArthitetts "Ll ~!_•.y fundN Clirnts on similar visions. Tlhese prajccts tnctucie our current Invoivement ~ i Ctty of liberty Lakr m its vlsion'or a llbrary/Communi C^ntef an;1 Gv1,. Cenrer. thfs project we are workfng dose{y with Library and Ucy~ta" ,'akeholders to providc deslgn, space and siLe ptanning servke: Nr.any o1 our prajects have prmrided viwatly appeahng OesEgn s.~,~ _ 1. " design standards set forth by commeitiifes and masitrplans. 7; is is a!,>terncnt ta a..i :+b;ltty to pravlde contextualty sensitlve design sotuttons that cnhance and rrspcct the r-,undfng but[t or natural enviror►ment. Exampies of thrse eq: ironrri=nr- ,,ensltive distrtcu, urban asaf rurat dawntawns, water'ront ,wr iook torward ta the opportunity preses:t h-w „u. 3ke Bcmardo-Wflts rtrchttcctsiGGlO's sr.;--_ . '.,i ll dUn^, - , Ir- r .-e.•. ' _ ~ , ~~,:r . I ~ ~ - ' - 1 - ~ . . : - P ' ' . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ♦ M ~ A r-TAcHn,ENr A PaRT Two 03 ATTACHMEt4T B 11 i ~ • Ex~iitTvE SuM,.,,aL7Y ' . 13 . i • RE!~TRrE Scoa-- oF SOVIcEs . ,1 .4 - • PR,7PO5~'~ET}iODdL06Y Fi ~V1ANnGE}r1ENT 19 ~ S ~ • BU!1AP.DOWiLLS AP.GH(7E[TS SZ'AFF 24 • GGLO SwF i . 27- • CONSULTANT R£5U1+1E I EXpERiENCE I QtUUF3CI.77fl}i5 ~ ~ • ExPERIEhlCE WfTii SIMILI.R PROJECTS 38 • SPECu►4 QuAUF 1CnTtuNS 46 • PRQJECT SCHWULE Et WORXPLAN 4$ - ~ ' • ` ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~'k 4Aq C,c 41 . i . . . I AIt~f~t d1 IIMAL11it I 110 11 1! - r~~~wn~~ • .re I~~ .elll~ nc.n.~h.i.wlm Alciwr.cls nnn o.~r.M,~ . ~h rrlauGnmahNN ~ ~ ra+.• {„i ~~.~•~te~Mitl~ f hp laindi.h naw-,{rb ul tI,r l um. CrrY Onrur• ~.~~.i, I• Lk, rnd pubert Wlil►, lannf a nxfw W hll In IMl~, d Tlrcfr nkNr. md fONt101ti/ pflllf:hdm dl 111! IIt1l1. ~ AT7WIAlMf R-rM/ 7 j1 une ol lNe Afy► lo LhM (kmf suc[!!4 /1ovIAO •t• piCllllfll, Clk7tl•IDCIDDfI 1lfYk.e w1{Ib AnaW• h~~ _.~y. ~r• 11P1YN161NAliVE IMfAHYATIDN iGll ~1t1~ COUMLTAMI= ni'ImiMed dvclp" tdullrm-' nriu The limi'L dMmb ncMT slrcm~ ~ouAbm Wfed m~ un Rf ro[o~ntzed {~lannln/ shilily u1d hyh dNpt d~rm 2 umtnM. Ik~.urrWaa~ Aa.nan, K wr.~ ~w ♦ As rrtted tn lMt Ltwt betvw. Uae hlni'L erp~nI• . ~~~r p~: encs r+ruvidn /hw Cily ol Spok~rr 10iUey 0 iQ7 S IkMrs. FnnRtr fuati Lur~. WA RJUI Land%Ltp cyrebie nl yrpridYT4 end (f[ihlallnq 2.7 1wr~ ~~W4V oft coo tfv aenlus reyuired lo mmplete the de14+ oF (509) e]e•4511 yw ncw CtIY ►Wl. pc+►rrnu-WUli MchKoch' Mar ~rl~wrrumd~. 3.'iijily tO {wQY1dP a lv11•fYl1p b1 wYIClS 10 fUIrB ,lcvin pro6lnna wMh Grcalwe janA yractk.M rdu (9~'~! IiFM{I'S 1 nmL luu rvNrltCd In w[cMSful pra Ja[h anA hel 9. curr/ Tm MwM%Mftm OOMr. eunrA lha IMm Ihr ttinlMnx+f conflden[w -Mul 91-1520016 ,atuin W0neu M ttt cla"u 4. Wo►iyYw 8Ww Ulp MnAM fmwd 1,14 rkn ►he IMro typu~ily prvtMn Ma dleMh E0i 2t7 114 ,v P.+b. 91Yr wlwtW Amwd IYwMIItMm Mwtw 0 0-d r-~Qrunmuaq/Spec~ 1'lannmq 1wj15•a0 i - aiiWlity itidY l 17C GaOn 0rw~t lu.i(►ile/leW [IetlRn cfiurelta+. pddk li712 Atrtlmar SoMD ;.nrliclpetwn weelMy.4wrdandOthe. "Im„i.r po~t.tw~n a wucs wr. pww►. lmt $turly![illmalYlr 541710 Arnnnrr SARta l CCDt reeu~nlWal En~Ry Efllewnl O~d~~ (hylpdS~le ShrlY p:tAl Nque►t Weporb &mA S1qMAe+ a Nru1ApC2 WWAM - ~~~tr/iidlKYlCim{rn M+umV4Wb'*II C,am+lqt~ flereiopment Goncep~uN. Sdrmd- t 11rr~ ot I Cew~~ A~n-Aurfln Mu~r[a ArtM Ya tc,l'Al1llrmtlOflW1dAY•Oullll 7.IYnrall . ADW LoamIrrA4MmTa - 4,ytt1Y Asxrance Oesfr Ur+" (z~~ulGnA (oordlnAtWn 1~wJd~w rr+w~r0 r~ rnr~ S. IOQ Awqw Sc 5~n~ l]]. Stisr. ~10~ l~r.rlW Wclnnlstion/mwhatlA "ewull lo 4 itbMM twn+0m Ir~-iar~7 wr ca0s I'1~1 A~'4•l201 i~ranutc ~xn)ect 1 n~qll~~t►llamltU~ nnjeci Gldding _11411uction AdmintRnlton :hu)ntt ClniP 014 n, ,:au prujmt tniulCs, tlw fnni Ras t►N " ..tv II r I" artn~•1 m~.1 p"ir.aY in irn.!V'a _ -1 ,IL e; mi.•.t<; i„- in "1~41 ~u.mor rtrrror41rr-arDir ~wrdn , , , . ~ . ~ , , , . , . . - : I'fRta l (i! OIfIIIi.:I~lc h: •i[,lfl Fi1r11 DYvI.11w - BUlkQl1o DM11fi11 (tlnO{IkXTI ,,.urilyd u, !{MZ, GQG n s full•wme Archlte: ~ ,,ir, Inter.ov Wrs+p. Lamiscap!Anhilectire, d:'rung rW ihbhW pesl¢tc (Irm Uwt hea estnt, gwi raqulatron rw a 6lader lei Se~ltl~ rK1 Ilw ~•d[l'~~17~!(Sp{Ifldfpg0{Ifl AUrAStKAfWE/ILtSRNA(HINFCFl/6VIIL(YNi(l1.TANii41 ,.:LJ'Jit Ml• bCtt[WE a 1 A f 6I,N pwce sr~Ad vy wnr ~ 11 ~ r-y aIIaA QG tnYaWtturtr, ae xrU ea the rrIkrr i arw d tn~ u ~ & .~it nf, Me taAe fut4uri IIMe ~lknl ~.:rn ~ tv and cammumti Mlwe into corndav~i nn, ~w +:~nl~ (w t4dry1 nemh aM Imlinrtuw's : w~i~... ~~~i~•~ ~~n ~.c.in ~ ~ . ,•,;7bIIlUM. - - i IAIt Fn;l A. .■rr Xri, •.vn vnin+ Pm1rcU iwrqe In tttKtie (msn tM ~frcy~n , . ~ 3 tYDWWrw.m km 1Wai+dania uw. + mAtro. t~ CiMtBi lO (AQfOUqfdy Afla4M1, ;i:t n.r~~ •~evr~,q•~ ~r i ~ . 7QF~IrJ•SSIM1 ~ qf~lTtvstaniuct tenanl Mtnriura, cumiles. rwa cwnliiN:~iu.r, Ul~~alwm ~i ~{I~~II ILVlO ~A Il~ antl Adtfil(Mf to nlslity Wycef. and 206-46T OL~T i•ir sucze~i ol thece pro►e[ts Is cviAence nl wt a6aptlve 1etine of aliUmg lKllllks. !-Illly WrRfQt !!f*WlIrlMts OI d1rl4te ti"1 AoNTH.v1M p. {~dRr ts1lpwdkypnn/AInOr.. ,-Q'omc. complea rnmrounity repiNkm. Wn dnqn Duiuhn" Ihat Ixwt a I 914317110 ~vOlcttAs' destgn `ulCellnrs. dlwl IlUr.tuelf^g Ias1Mr vit4wr and pwtwc, bulldlngs I ~ ~r.ancfs t hnl P arufe e.n7nnne who enlen I 11, W~hYyW~ G W U11 Ni~~ A lw~d thomvwtAa ttrre 60t1W14d -.lCl I~ esDMEn[!. Ihu (amoutirm lut thh apPtoacfl lles m r Fn■r ►arlr xm.r bwrnoiwm rwmrM 0 rau.u :il.n dienn o.igm,a arW» feyowiq tu tne reisuoosr.ip, tniU «e ama wiit, aI am-oi Im-lr buOlets, prnframf. anx) u+kRae slte nrch uf m ctlrnt► Oy kwnlny aCuA l dC t:aa ~awnrl. '.m6IfiMU lhMf fmeMf. C011CKIlf, flMIt1C1 Yt111 vwoaches ixaWh w4hra,t Ircnocnptw, dremr►. Ye sre shte ta rieala iwchi Wm rrn w NNCt Cw rgpondMy ta fhc knlivufuel „pnntars oi lRWte lhil h not wilY opMWviale t NMr3 [crM INm.sl ,nn clieiW. thelr IwiWinK {xopwru and w1Uun llrcgUeal al Utrcanrninuar, Aar 541110, IU "IAIr I n~,e~i; f,n,iquc flle Lurititiunu but IILL 11ur drenl equMty ..eU Inr ~a wsa ~qesclirM, tnrXrticmoto si nwsIn Nw.,•.,j 1, mMlvrrrtt y~,n r•~u timt tullY tn Ur cuUstxxrlwr prncess Mr~~ W "1 desJg+, {nnvHlUvg a waic" Mme oI satn I..r+oa. D[tr+~ "kUwl an[1 prle pt Uir. 11+y1 rahultt • wMkh Wr ciealr fvacrs Ifrt peqlg+.aM 11 Pim~~M.~ a Lmn~ *n . evfMCN M afwMrg worklng relatMrtfhtpt ta Se in. tpsm ihl eN4srct rn" .o,V.~. ,,etitrmn AW hn tltms exaiCnt ea[h yeal. iKlhlly llul xnas wllhln them We w , . , p . ~ . , . . .,.,.a . . ~clper+ tfr.~ 1V, truly wluq tn Rnuw ~~ai~~u► or Anetwy 1111.lv,urd aviv the urnu tr1wv drsign ww1 bnim , ~ ~ r•~ • ~.~cts alluws m tu inittrte w pu►actt +it us TYe11 WUMM7ratM plOCeti M oftICOr. -preom•try Ua,n rnlh IwwlMuot M tia my AlBo" in ta lalia ow destpns cia!MxlWpt hctrnrnn Irrclour/outdaw waces and lu enx I 1M"b' IincilOpnl, tnynclal I-P1A7p CI7141t1eMy NIIA LthU!'[IUrp. 111{R1q Awl aRINRIk rp~nv~rrr7~ wlif~~ W09nandldnJfcepls(UL1(etlwe- Qw fxGwiWl ucdintuWKjn thu; 11 1- ~ T"l-.T I.i:,.r i .tivatvn n lhal uv Ma)mlt !r ~wtlur/Kally ufetul nvt appenlw,; 'irnvq nM funcl!onef wIN4e Ueltq cuTpArterl in ~mmorFy and casl ellectire maiviet, lAonun AAcMrniumi TIx Urtl d~{n n•. i~. t, i .,:,t0\palloifu h rltb ~7 JIrNx. erxtxt~its. y~TUUMimP MrM 1011,. d40 lj,;~ li rarlety at aicANmUrtyl HYt" bfld Iuaject IPI{ft I lh! Yhilal ql iliO ytrlpl.t x d es Mnth e►ary ProfM 1. wo meAure aw wfwle. and I ir,pec 1 Itw natual sw .A~ 7i. 7G0► Pf7' 107418 - GW 11/ ~ M d fb n cM iwt itI+npty (ry Ilr funi tfon miv1 frtauly ,VA-Mµ}Q ~~yltias ~~I tlr~ imteal ~!hc Lumpiatnd dntfm, IM D'I uui Uba'S ..~ilt4cUpn wllheAchpllasaolltirvwm M. - - ; thil Rl b~ b~ GII~'_ I~.. AI l.- . ~.7 in. . . ..n.~ . i UCI ! ~ , ~ i ~ rc • ~~MEItUNK - _ •EIVWNEERIWG ~ INC. .:.,ti~~^.~~.i~i~, fiCGi:,-rr:.v:~.~.~~,..~~•:i,.~.,„r.-.t~i.~!tit=i Ai1~T11AtMMFWIMAT7C1Mt(H1iUM10N61R1AMij6t. .••-..-."•.••.•.••.•o..~.... ' A FWM r uirr d Mn t. Nwu d drw~ aC[ t+erctr. 1D'Arua Cawmuwi. h l AMui. I .~~,MISM Wrs t+cY'Cby 14p aw t OuW~ tlow tWWUV cI0 rNd. GO) W. Rwtwa.. Una fAO, Spwrr. WA 992L1 1315 Wm tsi Ar1.. /.IW. Sws..e. WA YYi;; I ~ WIVb► YMMlplrq 11/A Wde l 1ho1Ym ~MM~ON IiiN. 504•455-4448 509-6I411150 , r~nrtir rsasoft ~ mw a r v nwo6m wddrv rN mJo S09-A55•7i72 504-424-iQ0 /Y klwAIrA1*111 i'111N1IW' t twdwr Ym Mwa%mior1 911401"4 91,1017642 na+FpWnmr.uealM.•a.I ...r •wnf*4W.2w.uwwnWrr.r.-, 141 QA I16 Wl-9yl•4S1 :LaY YvMMl►Yi ACM=A MMIOAtlYM 1MMbW / Wr0 iil*k~0~M1M I4eou~M NnrJqY~w„ iv.•~. n-.,l 537,105-00 1 µrA . K. Cndo tNrvrk . lOL f.ur (Nwri 0712 H/A $.A" Ga►. lNwMF l INICB Codo rA.-.; 54t33Q H/A .::,vWr! I'vwm Room" UW BWWWWh k*anMAn- lll C~YaW ~4r~ri r•s~.~~wy, u~a `.:,~~...+:ar m... N....r Aow Slnaaar Fw;icmw Urww Srni Cr bertaw Mhiw P. Mrur Pi, ItfP Ar -..ft.tt.4,uw tt. rw+nr A..o.dt,aom.. i.~._. . i i,.i~sr~-.nn-.-r~'.r~ ..~......i ..~i~n:;. n.~..~~.~ ~•~.uai~.. r~. ` - - - - - - ~ ~ . . fI A f(P.Fa I 1,~ U~..i:A 1l11.: ~I'AKLING ~ ~ A13IMStMtNEMF13RMT1OMiO86UIO-Ct'1MSULTAK7Tf1- ' 1ItHM I~l_~I~ !ir\l r1TJ~'I Yl1 NT! S I.Nnrdlnn YMUK. • OMtton. (:rpia LL Ywtw Ato~ir.K 11p~ri (kUL+1 110w. i . ~nwM~w sOdrm Irw*Jdeq ep mib i BYM.yAM wddrtt, 720U~rr W,a. Sun f4IIQ, Ma+ne. WA WtOt p~DI LIyRIIQIJ k„u" 5.- eiM P~. ':i•~ ,ti~r Mr '-'iP:;1 MWO.s nu.eM rcbary «w m~. 1 t aYMum nnWw M"a v . w I136-467-0555 40i/7717077 ' i4. nuMw MWk1tlw11 ~v uod! ii 71/JMN tsknfiA11M~. 1D6•b(%l•0DVA 41UI771 •]Ol5 ' f-iUr 7m flwMMkummnNrnlnw C IedmW lr Irrollvom INrn•~u~ 919{ 179q1 310_M-VA~ WaMm9a~ iMft UGI MRn60 p NwMl I YWmWNiylnp BW 1N11►NwNr Y i-,. ~ S71 •OTII•6q4 tAA ;qM YOUlMWAUawnMwlrllvtrnnumlw 9 dwe1 1.BIMMUWIdndnu-"'......... ; WA MA C.oiv Moml 0, 01C fwnla fMm+n I tar,slmwn Su.rn Mµ ~ yNC8 Cab (mnwt. tl. ►NIGb Godr GM.1([M4 S(r11[El MA ,i r.<~Ow~ Pr~m 1Uyw~IMy~ H BubtWlr~~ ►~Ivv~n. IC Cw~l tiw, Nywi.:~ rp It n!:~bn uwl ,..1.. . W fiwm, t4, LCCDOMI; 706 744 3600, rnauufiivri w,.cu. Iku. A. llwri. MA. IEiU N • . Nr 1d EqmO! I. .'1[YEq'Il!~i~.. iliD ~ !I!i ~UEnwI1~P0 ttlls / ~ _ . . . ~ . . . . . / ,~1~ ~ ~ f f•~ , u u TC ; r.uwwiaiu~Trv[ wrrrcM~~~ow roa sUn-cowunr~NTla~. ~ ~1UIIIU% rUtlilt~llp~' ' ~ _ I IIIW r ~ k t_r,i Gw~ fuw+.: C„n.s~~... ~ L: . . , I • • W~ ! W~MS ee,tKhp rC ".1. N1S W IlMram Aw S~wt ~47~ 're.~ua. WA 117.01 I , IL t. T ~w.je+r Y.ArA1q .w wr ~ I ~~I, ` ` ~ ~ ~ -.~f _ i 509./~7.2t1A I --7 ~ I r MI~M ~f ~W O~e. ` ~ • . ~ - ~ SD4.7~fl.057b ~ ' T ~ 1 ~ ~ • • a arrd Tw Atw~IMw~ MII~~. Y17G]SD16 , s. NhMwQbr BImft W Mwiw N Nwmod r ' ` ~ ua 8 e01 4m~eui 3 = r al.r urn.rr . w.iMedYn rr.e.ll "W. r fi la.Ml 1,9 l.~1 1,9 I~ 9c) a~ IYwon M~Irtlry M 3~M~Mrl~ M~Mw~rnn ~1 1 ~ i;~ :~;1~_~, I..-~ c..& rwrn 4 K 1 ~ I~ ~II~611 I ~ .~nti Nwm nt eiqadrw ~ - . . . . ~ • ~ ~ ; . . ~ ~ k ' . . lo" c ~ I i = = ~ u.. I .,J.t - l i Y . - . . ~ i , ~ ~ ' ~ ~'f~ . ~t . . ~ t • ~ r' ~ ~ i~,.... Jwt Krvouraiti ur~ r~y.e-«ie ;~.~E': ~ 'j' rcr ~ ' ~ ~ ~T• ~y.. y~ ~!w - - 6"'1 I ~ ' ~ , . . . . . . " I :~AIINt~I Y~ /U~1111C6iie~: pfv.ttM lhe besl {MIaIMa C[et4inhrn :.4nnrtll; antl deti/o verrkem lLu IMr GfY, ~ i~m ~AYW III~ Atr.1d1 K b prnpose; 1lrhnq a ~ s~y+ Leam Itoat Matureti tlr iaknt and a1rI11Y m~►- ~i I:Cd.p n a pidl+hiy(baKnfonuiItW. ~+.v.ii ~ :;+a+ldr Inleiiar/NcWrrunrq ern1 Wida iia j i•i~~nSwvkn- . ' a. coltsAwrtwnbelwewnOeriwdu•wN1+A•,1, lt.: '-r'~.3'•~ ~.._ts Arn7 GGL4 pNUVMott Ihe CiSy ol Spol.a;,~ ~ t ..,'iey wuh .leam Ihe1 : led bY 4 S{dAmr4aferl tMT v.h0 luat 1w, , -kd deYol wMMies qn nrn 70 projealt hu ~r. nnlqple tlfmb In Ihe Cpu►srn Yrqey :i' ~ , . 111 ,cfet surufl .fdnu ptar+ae,fcxKeciciwl Jnellim Ntrnlrlno Me1t uf Ihw sfl,ts 1R4n eon• ,ulrtrllan liN tM IxnPrtsd CItY Ha11 IiltmllM wAh (Ily IWh 1n 1N7u1Mly +:tcJ develu{r~n6 auKl lhe tntrasbie[we rri piNM1 lrt rr,sAe lt+r tui UUN1Gq tkvlbp• 811R"inq tu invrstuiti '1; ( t ; ~rrv7,lrt high qwIttv desipn. A3 vrep tl tAe ~01 esces Faquked lix U+Il pru}e[t t'm Ptmn. eern~rdu Wqlf MtAKeUf rcfNnro- ;..ity H tc~ Ivatl MI a;ppcts qf clbirn, ihr iMm r, NywY Ca+tNt Wtlh Ihe Clly La plov+clra its nnvrthe Iu ptwMk a slpia- i~,•r elre3n ►u Ihr nrw teclUly, as well u dehne ' unteit a1 lly dW"lcVnent IhH kvuYl , ~~<<<uern~ndtl+sC+tY~u11 Neceiuempnfence Mt-11,111, tteli~ mrliqlP Mr1ln TI~wM o,.ue, KMnvrr Vblar tN Uke and UnWerstty aun... ~ .~ii.~. . •~u•~~ . lntntvp Itnalnnr prrnulo [tw Clty wfth ' ~ ~I,1 •.N• •~I . t rn.ivse.pr.ietcr rrookrmg hwramm4y . . n.n toe ib crnnmercial cUrnu. i.: . ..i~... n . ~ . cnll~t,orallon ~ei,r~n bnns+dn-WdH JwiM- I: ^ ii jind C,f W, Gtw@t! 4s ihe (eam of rnperl. r,iltN r r~i And lA!Intry{ 1 nptuNRlll{ (.f!PR IhE f Ity A ~~~~,1►• nrnfid~lr •.:~..,.nl~ ipJn~ll~v.. ~,.i~. t ~ E t ~ ' I J : ~ ~ • E~ ~i~ _ ~ :s~~~b=~ a - ~ J z 1Sg ~i a C r ' . c Y'~ . . t _ G - : . . _ > . . - _ t s~; ~ ~ Y ~#►3 ` • ~ z ~~a~~ a~_°•~ ~ la~~ #~s=~~ i~~ ~ ~ S~~ ~ ~~~~;~Ei~ ~ - - . _ ~ G ~ - zq~- a~~ L~JC Y~S~E aB EC~~w ~T.4r i'3`ic~ sZ Y~ ~ " : • ~rNwA Mno rI _ L- ~ ~ i:kU'► IntwNat Geslpni t17tkJAY IwwYle Ilw ,odtrrwlrq teMcei . ~ The rrrtYS! progirn wmk wWa be Wns wllM • itnirarun+ry - Amht teennl M ewtprmmtrg [.f.t0'a Intrnor Deslp Groiup Lv"Kal wW cmrtxml naalvmer0.i ~ i m*RI kAwrrinvc wllh Inxhvlilwlt 4tv1 i- ~ `'fp"lY Iwnvidlng p"MfilfpmWy nn Ihw llrm'% irifRt (4 ANMt CtA(RNt CQI(Ir1tonS aru1 LinnmIPIrist pro)sctt. GGlt1 rocnntty pio• ~"9•.] R_~'~,~..• ~ t1AiNe n!M Mepsre kiventorY of enistwu , ~ v~!ed {rarunmtng smkrs on Il~e Dtmen Clly ~ c.JUMRIenIYWlUfnnhbyt ~ • IieIl1LM1►ary(rl~~a[t I I ~ . ~ _~1110NNyltille Maly~n Rospxch ~ ~vh~k rirnptelmg inR &ir+~n+ iwm SQwre maste. fecwth : le/sl, archilaShrM ar~~l 14w~nIfM (wtKt%t wWh 11! yWllc/gNlvilr. Ie1MM pi ^~p~~~~eehn4, lrnaht hrtp~.,. ~,,c ,i stMxlAr~~s ~t~r Uly ul brlen rd lNirn Prlnen. IM G(il0 NryIFe. phuWiytllO exhtltN taafllMm Ir.sm wtMAnf wftli lhe Llly al OuVen In ieflnr Ilft n,v~riRw yttlS MnwnlU1Lt clle Nw tcgLdNCMy . . • . . . . . -41%IInR iMtwem ~ ~nurainc~ T1M cltr niwf drn .mr► nrenrn,sW tn ina+pana •'.Pan Plu+nlN h Desly" - Nelwr 4llnnN• anenl nnd foAwr ipnce reqwirments. erul ufed ' rtwce pien aid drstp sclwmef lar {KWmeJ Iltr mlormatron tu detwmine lhe bftl luciliai ..un. Mwe sl ui aqrn!d upck+ Mnn. tiw U+e nW (Atf Nail IiNlfilMuY Mpk'd 1wlf la t"F 3(1(1Blfi1K! IIt11I CAOIMlO/. p,IliM10 1[OpC I)f 'H1111 IAE it~Ofllpil pT p I,tll I ~'g^ ^I Ihe pv~rcl ue, +.urf, butlgrt, nnd xhc"Suk g Countt llbnry to iM • dU waY In tanckKn wlth Ih! t~•~. •r Io.►n S~ere pn~ect. It wn delamt.mcf Ilml a artMtrUl an yonN pirr+hrg • Ues1111 Orvrluylarni • Urvelqnl"tl 01 1eiNil CItT NalUll6uty budding wuuld ma►r tN►1 :rflrn Inctudhqg /hilJms and ~fefnlc. [otrn ~ne ul retixrcn rpl lnuvMe ral1rWe +lwresl devekryx~ient W Ihe 4ubbr ms ~~-nrmr, fixlure►, eµdpmmN andhertlwaie • uui.n Nt4fllettL111lIWR1l~i, ~nd ll~- •-uwA4vtia~ desl~n. M w - ~nMn d rt.liltrclual llnlilIr,. G4LD Ivvhtlwl lhe Inltld prqtam wIID thn f Ily ~avvwmvM, ru1 furMthltyp to r rr ii r MhA IvfYIMI II l0 NCUUnI fM IhPyB ChWIRi an bNnim tbwl ~pSniart-n Ih« .~_~rotiui.lwn OocunRnls • ihr(YIge deladr~~ iiarinp aat spw-Nuat nnt fm aqrwrl dnyin IKimKan ul tlw prnrri S' . u{iGVI KOm OI w4ri Glet dl aplWDpnd7! t.(.+t01 4 .e~0461% gMl n1o arNr n wMm, • ln pny cwtwlul Mlenlm in tlsr AMvalI lo Feview ptoRrsts ol d1swu41 ^etiaminj r+rncunnMni iw {wmry and Ip. iunchnnal {xuyrpmt d Oalh Ir-r d Wrclfcplbnrn. SuGrvll IwIWwq pNm.i ' fli.cinaion and scprsalon al wem Iluil ipflects cily ancl the litaary v'4IKAt Ipv+ dnr,uments. Ne Inn'v nlhre md -/un.. • b creele s spoie plan Ilvt wW . , br Ww ent! s:h/. Aes+pRd 4u • ~61tltr~llk*otr.pllqe • CDistlmatY bltWUy lun[tMrnallly aM Ikrt.tllty hr h" , IntervInvL .nd eontrxt ne"latoon rvivN rtndl Vle uries ~senrrsl Cenlrac2mlRl. Avpan TetwNl • kr nrale s Isntth pN4e1 wqi ~,P- I tMrrcln# Ayrwvrrat UM Nwlli~t, Mwptn[I by Ilw /Nhwa( mWloelilt of our teQvm • i;ristnctxm CuMintt IWtmrtnunlKR+ vwt ~!w ted iw ~hR~ldlity arul ~~sr ~ Ae on requlii hws Auint cnmtiucikm ~ mMntwnenrr .:nvit un [wuttuLUUn•felsteil quintaom •lu Nteat sndlp► dKi~n lurn~~r~ i. -tev. CWoUacIW {tMmlllalt Ibr1fw ' tAat u0 dl!c1(iV+cl fqrr cnm' ritrulnr% irquesbfrn {uYmenl, thi ur~-~. " I i y v.~l~m ami n limslm% arj-i 411V cwrrctiai Ai rnd o! Jab amt n. "i'Al {teritrnl. rumiwe.nn rquM.ywi i rsadlnxle lntcpaltun M eaistmq I: rt r ! .rleita~xl~pca~lvncwl~nnltura Pir;•a:~ ~ -.v t~s•nl~e ervl ~cnrrd=nstr m:ra:t.t:.m - ~tf~t~f Or ltllAltO~l . ax n Ilx iwm WNWOlift rrd clraiwiels NN ,-wIHgil, itllNUlitllf !MI 01blr cO1tY1m1Ullrn,ti -t-eft qW1.ukcogm.tanb.Em*,<<D,.,., ,,,,,.kane u.~ nir :ne Oiqidrq Ceti~ Wmt~llanl. GGIU ~e 4;000val 1ey ~•;.n~silde to~ p~wkJini ~ derqn Uwr m.et, tiitPng d lfl! p►VJeC11 v11Mr1 NIU prUl . I v,, h.,ttcn, AIA ~~1'ti ~~yn e.~~Mm urK~1.1~ tor l.~v. I~u ilitr n~In.i A1Mw~c .I~Npvldr~ A Irame~.~~lA I;.s Ilr Jurr le- ul w"an,rh1u . rlopmri . i c ..,r~,......,,.~„ , .i.~ti'aPhu ,...y.ie~11.•p I I . C~n: I~Ul47r ~.~u~ ALL ~ :1 n~w ~Y Ou~' hMCMMb(Mp (n.~waiwl 4rr 1wMIn.IY . watwNdr m~tin~..ww~l~.aw~~w+~~ i +ntf►k~ Vu~.yul~L Wu im MN.IM . ~uGt~i im ~ ~ I ( O~r~arw•AV.y.r I ,.n1f041hrt8n~1 _ WNiM,1M1[IO ~II(^I ( f!I..111 C.,. ~ ►e invt4teqMN-InCtwite, (:M rtwry~wU,.er.of sr.lp r,~~i.er~Snlr►ow~dl~es~ncihnqr N rr. n,y.tns I~MC4p~1Mw~w~rMlwv i-K uatini M yow Utv i411 kMr PM / MI O.Vo ` M 1~flM ►i L{ti i7Qn. r~l! ~f♦f1~Yf'~ CtNlta1.1 I:). r 4rVN R A~\'. ( N ~ 1 'v. W 1~75iYd0 N COt1~llln} Ic, . I 1 ..iuccrs d thn l t h~i. e nnr~r ~.r. n-Orl UrtM 6h- ..'1„tfll/fls~l~ lIMUIlf iS71 C It ~ w~M~nrrw 11 CM~. R :t cnMr~ a ~ ~ kM ef c~wtin = s.n.~,i,. .^rYl!l~7pTpE~Il~flIRlpl~aN~iY ~.IILA~ItIU~tiM~1(~ny` j ~ YnNTis ~1 u ~M [ AlYfiyti / 140j0[i Atl hl- r: r..~w~ M~~. ~ ~ • ~ Mut Jacutry h ~rspahturle ,,n%ftr ur ihe day-tu d+r u r~. n . ~ ~oc 1 cnorqbuet fun nl Uie JeOr, nnI n nl. i ir.,<r fIK)ydpy ~fl enit+wrelnv url t-i` . unwftsnl (Nt[lphnn. uf well t& n•• r'r t,.. M ~ ~M Inl:~ ~ • • 0- D+elnnry eoolaet fiv'eeli tYVK+I ttx a AattwCV-WlIUAida!ltll i,'i ~ i t•im MnripNt wW Inrm a wwkVry tahlAbf) a!,,„r 6etw9m ik'fltn (xdaYlbOrL71i fnl ifl nf f r , . ~trc1 pN1Kip01N v+hlb mstntUntoit a t-Iwn d car~nunk~twn wllb ItW Cnr nn, NaMaFeiNen l1rmAUiclpd~M.•Uurwr N, ]~-ir~ertti uui Prc~t~t Arrt~ffnt Ik .t+r:nhy n:+__.~ r! P l r' . ~.omalr n: il.n~~ it•••i d~Prl • II ~.t r-( li~...i It- li~.~i ii i,i .'„i.. . . ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ .i. ,i. . . . . wr so • r.iwr,c ow[iu nom Qiwm Auu..n Ilrwrw: . . ~ . ,.1 f., . w... ~rsnmc. a.wn anu ~ io provW the CItT uf SpMane Wllry wtD ..iww~Nm~rI«n ti. : ~ : , i~ ~ u,• qwllty ctuumcnt► and pHlatnmce. Ilt nnrruw~r. Wnl~ f1NMIF It11.04 tiOM 4 rot 2.41% 1 lw i" fmm *Wles s lharw4h rbiaHiy Asunam.e t.~..,_U.L . rhlln[It b~nctrttNr*Mp {kucect . ~nr rr.wrr+asir, -r ..11 'w llrmpmrlUntle VrnnrwI Qw~ .nM.:. I Y WIU18 tlKlf 1 AA~.►d M1aMelyy )-O.~U S8.910 H.OCs I.bl I.PO 7Rl lllh {II11(~11 iA4{UtIR: Q~ ~U1x.NPn C~r.b. !.~+nMlft; rwl Aoltr 96 uwafrwimn I:nI 11- .Mawlng Sel Mat.k•Upl TIr rnlur tr4 ul •«rw ~.m h.n a an e~.i.... prauixtun piq- Arm•L,n Is t#awn In mMR up Idrn l,y ,,..e to tnutrul cnsds wrir~ir~i~wi"i Mi►nfwull ilcefrD trn rocA M,71e 14lu.r l)A 1.1t~ 11N lAi nliltlM a t . : IfK' l1fl~ ~CILIMRW •rlMlw II~U~W IV016~n 1111... ri Nsi~'~ D~biM~ riI.tw.YNcaCIFitfik+re.nM sla 4 w.1 It in ,.ue toa iwu ticn~.m+ P~N •trMtE M+a ivo,I+tbeIR~l1, 01~~. •,wri w wwr.. ~ ,t:01n al Itiil nv Ca1MaPN •r t.~ww.. ~~~,wu ir4.~u 4 On . rA ttin V~n Nhik ArcMtects dv.Nepi a vMrk~1w r~+n.in lz s: t v4..pen the[ serr" an sn Mdek ul nll wt.1.ng p„- • 11,.. ~Int1WV. ' ifraw~rKf ard Inttude~ Pro~rcf foe'uo^. ••wr*aMl 1r • MKpn ta t anKtM'lr Ine waalnn. ila I I ioy ~ r..nr•.~ w~in~ wrwr btwws • i! i~~ ~y,s a s i•t ~nr ~ i ~u ~h~- K~: i, acclpmonts, snd enrly arnt tala ~tu t RnJ ww him devNn 5 a n+odel cmk dE lUe ol!ct ^~ir~ f~' fhhs~~~d u~ti;vrnyv~~ W n~'_+~~! ~ ~ f: IU~nN~Jrr! Nir Jwn'y i~unnlr~,~ COwiplltlOndBiPf tptlt~. 7hes hrcncnes ttu~ I~errclemuk eullrwut ..,tairstriarei:ubn tfnc.unnn~~ ,u~ 'w cedo dnyn phasr uid Uoctwfin Uie cufU u1 Vu l~rrJnmr~ru r~~tiiv,l. 1i,r Jtrm tbj~rrqll~. ~u~nM1erri tAvurnntl~ Ih.d rnuff m Irr. Radut*dinuq wKW►itY►twulud 7~)Wwr.~ '~a-. - ArVC6propaserlLulld3rl sritmnc flruo i't r,wrY1..,.rt mrfnifnisymMAc,tcMduln, Ira(k4lci,dMallonrf ••r.*.«onv rr S'. I• lw.r Csnk~ .~~nte~wwn.•,. dlmeruiomrq to emwe cker and rxnciw wrn rr r"wr p SIrEr►r AeW.* dravAM tfial we 1MxwgMy corrwtstpf ~1ti~1 11-narAo- Wqlz Atc hII ect3 furcfiei onllnes crnl ect 1 wltA ~Il 1lutqdqirc LpIR111tLt~~n~_ ~~~e1ei LnmA nn Lrvt trnl n1 If~e txxldIrH't tyftern ittipLlllS. Ilw7C Yr bMl-Ow!C.krU Wunt lf! Ylltiil A1 tla !M pl lAf dlsr/n p1»tw prxr Ip ~~e @~ ~~a ~1 r,} Ct^a. „'nldirty ctstnm cpals If mrY aJ tMr MwmbfY rata ar► statl ol crn!stnilkx+ documervts, i qcnNly , .n •of linre, llle fIrm eaJAorn alternatr tyfie*m a►wrrnce rerWrv h corxfuctcd. Ihis +ovtew i',uu 111 • OcuM (tMmrcwt na 6Mi[A che[R M l0e tfetlon mo1mt prrvt• ' ~y„m ~f{y~plp /,s Uw 7IJ3 mmp4twn uftv, t!r CilY recerwa q uuUt cumptetnd oAMdlnp ia Codr NevWw. I-tMilyd cmt eMAmote. A% prl nl ttin eLLlmptr, It+e Wurtiet-I4ee 8nlqn Nende+df inQ Unifled „rm MckWes kxi7 maleriai ord lebor tmrt trcnb feaAc OuMdlng Cafe IU0C111nternatWrW UkAdmfi ..,.w~„ ~y Iho higheil a(M besl ina ul rvaIWbla I cxntructlan Cide IIDCI reyuhr~mmts ,Alars. Ihe flttn derebln Mterr+atei at SS beluM ano ~ ,cnwr Ifrr IMtsl qyrprrd caxtiw.llnn (wt etimuUr. Al rpprmimeutv !Si tnto M+etaprtwni nt drAwirOt SIM fpft ullulloni lhe hinupal ~1rY N/Y • ([MRfat/aN1 QR4~IN1I~Itl11~i. In{Ibesye GsrY Dniridu ulb fa tschding,-~i • !ti•nanbWHl& McAilacLf iMOrkfn a fhW cpt latl- JacUlnniM t1vUt fel_ Al lhls Sinkil. sll cnrnso. •wMe Iu eweluote iiKNroclws' Uuh. Drr44tmeA fram tanu tevKw rid [rmt cfacl «cirt [o-aate .untiuctiae ekw.uerceKl WAHe fYX eunptelc, tlrc ll+m d4tinf caaqlnsltun bfues .,,9i441es tlW estktwle ►eat PxsN to 1dtkliag. The kitNn• m IYVUI~ed~w ~erlew ducuneM~ nrr devrl~ n! Ihr ntlttulo to to t►{ve~e~N Ihe rrcdl~n-Alyh wqr o1 n1I bIJis rnelwd ~elurei) ti) cauUIteMs wllh Ine(iuctkKn f,., . rectxin WRx to deilveisnif aflnal Fwfvw cel II. .Hd V1 Ilre CKy, a Prrxenhrnl cften:t IS nnnaa.t¢sf frvr.i I, --,pmr ilr li+stslirstuvo Placrn wT Chantr tkdel WndaMctetl chKA!!ct Itwq sudn.n ttv im- ~ ~•e,rattt. pern~tdWWflit MC15Nrtlf wRfrhf tJtftely o1 mmt druqn orron ud amnsta.u. Canioo. equltabty wi1A Ihe CsIY " (nnlrutot, iM Ivm iMH rrrxw incMdrdanainMrn, symbals, -auin cumptrte uY1 tlxrouyh fuue docwnentatiun rtel lnl cumpleterdeu sul arcuwy '„wt t)rr Eonbaelur kir Clue.Rto Oiilrr, arclrntr+m 4nd I-4WInrn VYfum McesurY. Ihv Iwm mretti alintlY ihr %wlly AswPAr+ce {rnce[lute i% {vrlao'- thf Ctrdractrv In wprM tfunt,cli rliflrrrrrrt nl bY Pilnt+pd NoWrt Pice. •!NJ 1i rwl t;Kn:'i ,.•d. ~rr,4vedwllb thop.m- i r~,.• ,.mi~t,.t•I 'e/erencedbadt Ir :r. , . I t:.u", u.,! i .,~trytarretiolWb.1 s1Art0rIs r oI •uAq l/i( oecant Corrrrtrf ur mMrtt w Wwtts: rrn r.~.n a a• wis.u nvr rN. ri~ea~ _~lwtl_.~^a►~ - MM n..r,....~ ~.dr ~~..r m.. 11"nwdo•wllh Arctdtrcu and GGLb twe tM w. ~ r.... n Kalitn topilblNtMt aM trfoultts lu CtKmnll I ~...~~.wr-. w~Mr w ~.~n...~.~.....«..... w.. UM proWRl {w Wnnel, Mippol Hafl wnd qU ~ I r...~.. • ~ r r... ~r~ r..wr rw. M r i►..~.. .~r w. ~1 nI~ ~M~ M tir~'y r... 1~ .•..r CUy !UR neswn fuMnl la lhe Cqy nl ipolllne A Pl ~ i~r YF fMfr~ .~Al~.olM~~~ M r MMr~~ ,~r 1f /M~\Iw~./ r~~MM1r YN ~lltiw~ .wA.+.nrr~rw~... ~~N 1♦ ~.r~~~ wL - T•'. ~~.~~M v~.~M1 K NN~w~ ►~r1~~r~r~1✓Iw~~A.~V~• I~+ V Ik+~~ i~2 ~ -....,+rw.~N w~w w. .w~~ r,.~.rw.~r...~...~ ~v. M o.w.~ . .,.~.w.w~rw ,,..r~..~.~..~.....r.....~ w~ is Thl~commitmc~tretu0esthnw~rknaxllea.~.... ~.~M~ a....~ w n.~....~ «w.M~ir..~.r~~w~r t~ ~.....n etsINpcJltilpruposlOlkMmirNN•In-ChYyCliary Mernxdu W Wgh all pfysn M Ihe pro)n.! ~ .~M M w+w ~w~w~► F. ~y ti~ M~~Y ~w IMIos ~ ~ rrr +r..~r~tw~~. M~Mr V~ nw.1 ttW1N.1rf1- -UUY IC ...,~r.u4....,.n... Rdf[n+vniUUenlhWudonfoiwciflMlittw .•y.,,~ Y~• ►rw Yti w..wh MY~r~ M~~ VIn1MW~ ~Mh~ 4 ~.+wy IeqUiflTenh Wy [l1IivAI Ontl IsivPfl tUttne ....r..r~... w~.► r r.~..+.~ i•....+~...~ w~wr ~ ..r,.. poje[tti. M i• w!q 85 U'f ef[P fkm't tmMnllmnN ~.v. ■ u ~w ~ ew r.r.. u.•~w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ .~~.w ~..•w r n w.-. u.. A rw.w. r.... « lo plolrWr llHe httlinl prn%IMr itallty tt[titn ~v~ai..i..+ ~....in. u w,.....~ ,w... a. ~..n.~ , . ,~..~~r. r....+.. w ...w..~ ~w.~..~~.n~...... k. mdtawlncYnlfwdtlyollfN:+pnAaMW1lry ~ .•...1W~~ I..r~Mn t11 I~MM .M~I~iMI~[~w~ Y~Y~ IM ~.w~~ ~ wwl+MrN~r• CrNN~ t~ ~+++1 r..+~ir~~4rlrAr ~r~ a~ ~.•ww~ . w~M~~~~1YM LMMM~1 1~4 N~tiN Ivly~M1~M~ Ms~ M~ IYM~A s 1sY lwrlM~ !O ~e~w~ ~M11w~+~~~Y~Nrf~w.\11MM MYIi M~ r~~w~~ ~ rllwr. WM [I ~wr lIRNMII ~w~M\M~A'~ Y~~ M1 r~r1.M . ~ .•~~y /w~ IrM [O rww~ MN ~.a W~ ~ ~I~r~r.' Y~+• w :~1.., ti41y1~1~~ ~1' tiM M1 rrwl ~vti I~~~MII ~11r~ 1~~~ M •~I~~ . ~ ' p,~ ...u-e~ r~ •ww w+. w. I+w~ ~va~ w. w n....1ti..a e i...~ r..w w i r...~ ,.r ..~~~I~MIY~t~ ' il K~1 r~Nwr~ 4 w~www ♦ Mw~ W ~rrti YMtYV~ Ft1MA ~f! ~'w~11FW Y~~ Y~ ~ I ~.MAMw~ ~MY G /s~rw ~w i VY'f~ W yMW ^ rM'11 ~w~ fA MrwA nl. N. YM~ ilY nM.~ . . 1~N AW1 O ~~YV 11✓ ~ 1 fwtsl M • r~M a an~ ~.aMr.wrM.~wf wr M ~.+w.~ i:~ IW~~(Y~1 W~ IY~M~ Ar 1l~~ Y~~II~~ NM M~II rr~ Iti I H1 W ..~v f~w~+w 11 ~ y~rM Y Y~sw~~ N~ M lwa~~ M~Yn 4F~~ Ny MaN.7 .Mw~rlr~r.~• IwM M ww~1 W.MMwww1~~ 4M~s U 1I-- ...w rrM 11~. ~~w ry V n~W~ ww JM ~w wr ~w.. Y Iw T~~ rr.r rrw ww oy ~r..► r~ ~..++s ..h.,~q.~....w....'y a.Kr r w~r ~W • ~M A taw~~r r.r Iw~ Mr~~wr YM~i W ~ Mr~ \r~l •I. ~h1~ f ~ilM• ~M U F~wY IrtiYr~P-ol MA t• Mt~ly V~ M~Jwa~ I~ny rr (1 M+~~A *01 ) ~^~'M~~w~~ M~ U M•.~~ •~w.w..~ w. W I- ^.~.~M+M~ IM1 t1 l+w~~ ~w,w..~NrM+W /Mr M K.r~ ,...uw ~ 1w~ rw.~~ mr••~bwq Mb M w.wr~ ~..h~ "W :A {~~•~rw~ MK[.~wwIMlrYlw r1ti r MNrn MM (o M•....r ~R nNww H..«~ ~w • M...n - I/ Mw~ H~IM l Y~~ tihw~ ~M~ O b•~t~ i+ mc r.w ~w w► v ~w+~ ~ M+ M ......r ww w.~r.~.. nr►~ w► le ~.»..r~ • r. w,A Y r~r~u1 rnrl~cnlr..~wl.w~r M~1~ M b~~wrti ..Nnn Y~• 11A M Yw ~IM~ 11A 7M ~wrw, ' 1 ~ , ~w..~r.~*~~w NO w .~y ~ ~~ri•~ _ ~ ~..h.;/I....Y~lrs ~r.A. 1~ rr.~q ~ . ~ :~N.... ~.q.. ' ' ~~liw'rlMr~ i~i~ •r 1►r~Y~r rYr~' I) - iff MYTn1~~Wr NY~M 11 lw+r~ ~ w~rA1w/~~w Nn~N 1Y ...r.....~~w r ..+w ~ w a~ ►~«w ' F ~~M ►~rlr 1~/1 ~1~ N . r ti~y y~ f • ~A1M . t~~~ Yll~ ~P IrwNr~ . w M 1~1 rN 'A ~w~w . nr+.w~ti~tilrrr ~ri ~ w~~w~t . ~ii~~ ~ _ . ~ . . . . ~nra4~.no Mi~,. - llAll~i/i Gt ObAIIrltAll:n; M Ul'MNAMOU, AM i •.~.~~.:W~i~ Au~nrn r-`~'-j' - - ^ --~J Mnrnfcw rucuar, AM - j._'''l--~---~~~;~__ v~ Mm+run•Nui Mut+cn I ~r ettl eryJdU[I{Nnf of euclf Nlwe c~l yas Vwn Criy tkrn~idn nlle~t Il~e CIIY st~a~ ►MIA1 J~o6y ptnlde~ 4ro Clly NIUi eye Ia ~f t pt, at wr11 as a ra+ndM en11nn/Mm •t V'i fklllt. 4rUepUi utMrrStlMafllp ol pWM1- estrrnr•e t~y~erren[e «rrld~i ~ 141 111! 4ICMiIRIILdI ;71OCCtt itd% rnttenlKm , ~ ~~qt CtlnCryN tftie pipmf~ ~`In prMNln IMr lilY, 1A 11 ckiN1 htt Itllier [Ilentf, 6n, I ! ~ ~ wi/h a Pnailun tuwWfi prtr.idlng lho utnatl 1y ine enliltrmnnlc md obtninrrg re{uimrnis ~ in ~rice (rom curtqdusI desipn lhruur!~ ln n ✓f~ 1 v ~IAnov4la. , ~ lr/eA t~r~lil .lac 'S'~ c~ Y nl►V's abilpY In Aqvhlc I f. vA►lT PROXCTS ellecttvr teim lesdrrsttlp lramiYf wtlb mm 14 Yesnert"~erLLewithnutIlaNrulprrv~teGlk~t► 'k - r. .•~uatv finmrn " ✓t cnroUlnOUy IMJlb Iq fucclistul p~o)MLl. r - - tvutUbertYLaAeLIvIcCnilri . . . . puxarir Vnl{rv tltxary nf KennrNk M f4rl Qlficw wmt Ckinv MEiFWIHi PPQIEL i) ' i,lin4 AMitlnmM fnn IPUm m fwm c~~t ~.~.--%cor, rr Acn.-im :wrr mo Cin Cffm Cny nf UIxHt l.eYr Gvu = .1y IInNBSS7l'/ ul #AO COllirnir,: • _ IOnJe•rlcy>ment IM~ ktrwl ••pvud Spnkarw YNIeY {tty Center Amry Carie~ur Aun. ~ .+-Sut uvr pa:M~x v.uc. I~.twrmtwmlain CamMmity i'~a, . .,i., ..^WUft,lufy Inr Spokenr Yeltrv C~1, r.nwrcul Ctnlet ~ ter sl lhe fllle 4U ~4u~+rc, Lr~,i -,I IkldCenter .~^.srslh I~' ~ Cwmt ur . Mumnwn Ciawwam Yritrliuwnw MMUnt n -r Wr ren Medkal t f)en1a1 r~ CN n u~wHi i-animmfAinCuartmuttlly(iwP- v;aI:F: -MOfICIpierodn` endQesiph ullMllitks • ~n7ctel Cr.ntet In IM Ubetty tabP Ccrmmorw lixturt" •.~Hu AufetssonaI BuI1dWq ad)ul tu (entwv t7. IC1G+rrlSryer 01f4e 0wfifinpa lay IlosptlW RC{~iRATK)N i irZf Ieltl olrttR I k~~,m~p A~~zT. W~~we~py Sart 1159 t Y. i relWu) 6anA al S~ Valley lAetl ~ -z Ywirr Rrr.y CDt1G{TNJN ;,,,hAu.e Yallry Mall PIa;a tusq"vn ir 6w,. 0.cwsm vp AwNiaews. tvvl rnevc ancl MerclMtt Rt{AU Lrnlei iq;i0w „ . , ~ i,ns"I Crntpn' Morfiaina,a II .i71AIqN snmio Awstat. Wwwavw- 0 406, li,.. rhS.Tw. CJUkw. A49nN.. Uew., l:uC&ea,. Lwrorn ral Ilrwl. rt ,u1M r_UULAtI()11 I'ache~ar ol Mncr, I971, fixrmkx nt ~ r ~ AifhlEMlufP 19 7h. Upiv@tSNY n1'txllh~!a ~ ~ u.,~ , . , h 19L , . . . ~,,,~.~i..~,.„ . ~ . . . ~ r.rxT F aAcr. Au. LLTU tnMy1[1DON. AIA I - 5inu~w w.u A.cmn n 4C{p ~ prnr ArAmrce Prar~ Prcww~G.~a ~ w.bert 1'scalh riUmlvr wuk,waulinif nf initr• ~ turn tihe4don\ IrckrnxN mcMdes aw 22 !,.1y 11n+Ihd proKCtt. inclu0m wruy n ItM I ►ten ot raperlencs M dnlgn wW r.umtrucllon a)n.l Nchitnq t and 1Mnyer nn pfokch ur r, mtud-%ne {xn►en.tf ti dl Ihe ma►a nuMlkJ. thr Llprary/Grant CauntyM4vsnceU 1rcMd- iuliikf witMn Wa1lUryton, Mitho. thelpn, orl Yr Erhr.alban Cenln aI Ntil EaW CenarydlY i' NunAern CdlfumiiL tRS famituwitv +Rh prol- • 1i~ ,~u11 e, Concot+tu "C' trpAriikw pl rs i fernilb~td Aktt. a~ wril fcv rn+r.1nrnF ei.l tMOr+ McIWn cuf4Nn ~Inpfe-f+nw~~Y resi ,}y t~tt~cs U~~~x d+++q14l, mtW tec urban Inlill, x~n1a Irrn m~, ,.,o 1~'cb In carv YIrAn E,slrm MiKiIta1MY. rrnnrnetctal, le11fIlpm laillltnt ~ +•~t Crntr~l WaslwNlnn %srix.tural rehab, or1 rntirt tarHkN+. `_l{-VNft PM'OJCCTS , Ilic cspcriencc enw.arrqnntef oU Vuwef of crm. . . , ~ ! ~n~n u . • ~ , ~ • ~ ~ •lruLLlon /Mm ►1!e iNtctkm Yn111ra1pl t0 (7e't ~ • ~ • . . . . ~ . . ~-uwx 'C' E,psntitrw', Spokwm muung and ccrn/nrtion wmintdialwn. 11""'1 ~~.,•islsuralAll Me I Ynnwledp ol ctmUruithrn In wwl ftstw 81,0 ~~~a~-Nwfelauut} mnil inpbnanildrayn umcreis hu p~wn him 1}r I~AQtrnarl In . i:rant CptmtY 1'Ub A 7 Nrnd t~rnsunuv tW4'!~ 1.11KUylGraM ~a~ist ciienl► M llre i~+ptlry arrf ertrthar~int : - nty Advance~cl t r c M+ a l a m Ce,r.~tim - rfocns a/ dnl~n .nd o~++~itc,ns. .n,ibn~ ~.ut, . rn arrl ncw FMwArU WWrtl ihe dwnl arnl kocaf munk listlllrs !u usnrrrr rrf Spe agir civK iw! decr~ri!nr neu~ - iMll N prupotecl~tswr6cal pntrw.i WtG6TAluloN aI Odevu 70wn IWI MMtIv)piu+ Www~.r~, Crr.rt~, 1c~r« - ~rr v.ihHlly SItWy ' ~ ~l. ►"d -,hl{1 L.7k! HMRIIII ~ MMI WINIFIPS~ . • • _ ~ F ras+bilky 5ludy Nnd Ca+rce{pual EpUCIUKIN L~ ..Cn ~ W.uwr~nM Sm1 lleRnm 9wnntx m . , .~1~NNf O1Y11 ' ARNlK/~M, t~: ~K~YIlJI IFSILLN/ Mi t, . AwAld•1Mrhntrl~ 7~telA Hutill" iNlDk,t ~ MrMfn nrra Sn~%. 1 W I : ii~rd~We. W11lIfW11My ~Ih'lNNJaIk IhM~vr~ C.!h1`►WUr, Ul~wvra Erru~i+ i~. ~..,t h1dV I IUI SpokYw ,w,^1w~W `IIfD-11!i Mrli ~Mi. PIMJ'r .~~1.YM., ~YII~ ~ ln P4n iv ~ ItAilOlr . l:. • • ~ ~ ~r:..,~ex6lW.ptt[*~ M~iv~G1W • R~~7 ~l. CD Ai' \11rY1 AYmuf41i►tt71rt) aMA/LHtKT, %►n.•s 1 nA/m, wwNi1Y1 CIMIM~~al ~fLLIN h6Tiflfll ff Allti~~~,.1: ~ ,{rr1111~n! f[(n~Imqn CMJ ~ UI.KAt1flN ~ A..,n ..cC ....i.,~. t~.. ~ ~ , . ~ ~ `J ~A . ~ ~ ~.~Ml• ~w'fN1~~,~~~~~.~• ~ .raw~MDO~~IIi: tteftxfot •f NNI.ItIfR1 ito t .e.. . . . C!►Rfll SCItACff.U GGLO r t.l DOtwH F MfOO f,~ ~ I ►r~tT.t +g ~_unl11Y. f FYllt\ p ~111}M . ~i b a FInc+Wl MKt f)Irre'tsrr ~u tnlrrR~ ~r. 'rhth wer 77 ye+ajs eaNeilencs. l1+ll lntnlh 11N /P~iM ~fK1~M'Ew~ rt G(iLO H,,rr~Aev. clt"lnncp, aM per~ec[ive nec- . Cuol respcwn~Dle tur ~he or•. suy to pnrfe miRed-ufe proJecl~, adJresnni I dlre~t~ai s~4 ~n~nqrroenl V~ ~U ~ntr~ : r-. - ~1M:gn iswes arrl cltent con[erm lhicx~liuul ~II dnyn wrnk d ttie tNm. Shn bvrinlil► Irwn r i1e ~{~Ib nt~ es~~e+tne ~u IhutY 1'rMC ul nmwrve wcnRlnt un FSu~ t, s,aQnotjsyro)ect II¢R a wtQe wrlety ot I etali. resliAential. iwt nftic.o INUIWIMYI AfMI UIIjCV li1Mf' I~~ srttmp, Iiom irvrialuMy ecallnl crnlcft lo Mavy caKlui~Min+m ~l f~arn p,tv~l• ~~iamm~y new mtunt-ur cenlen !NI eppliPS drncn ta deslinsloon hotwls SM PS iA'll2~l I,' ir,~ t1~m't mhilm tn all al Iw~ wc~t►. "forye MI 4sTwct► ol intnlrn l1nip~ ~m.fwfuIr , pimmlry. ~p~ce OW-~M~ ~9'~w"" I'uvnMt.~ rnldkim Itu~t cle.a[e lhe 910114 n: ~~f ~I~il nf Ille.' detign, cuMr~ct OacmeMstioel. u~d [um~ - t¢.n afrse~aUon niLEVM(TPRUJCC7S RIILMANI PH(11Lf.1S Iqwurwrr 1wha.rm, Cmi OHnn Dc~ICn ihvm 1iqusre Mu.wJP~m~. •rwe.~ UnrrrItily MKrTorrtI Cef1lcr. UMrlrsitY Vlta~)iu~l~H~ MuluN LredPRldp fnLLnr al ~",~e. wA CectaibIcwi. Seo7"X v;;a!iah Hl~hlw~l~ lesl~ruig irwler• ~ ~ ~ 4 " a~.~ : ►t~cu Fu~rn pt,.,~ kv; ccrrrpr~m4y houtitnt. Warrnatbn Y • Sealllr RIblk L&xY IIr1iirbRhmeM c r-itc+. nprtlr cemlR, md town ctntm . rOtiCATION I.J. I'wM llbnrr, SratUa ~'al IIfl1. lal3. Mnra. Raw~ A.~ Fhian - + ~ IIDrt SI.UTT A1lA Nti.ISikAiDw 7►r ~ •17 '•,,~4,11 GG10 ^•'~f~ 'NwrCmr wo luw+ (hawn Cuww-WLw .~rS,•~~,. • LCCDmAcsxm!w Mxcao.r Ment Scott 1~ 4 landscape ucrilat ~itr, r1.~. r(tl~A110H i~ 10 1retrs ol mulls•dixiTllrwY plannmN arr Nru,uc i~w :uan w OE►ai~ Jb~~ ~ r Aect~n eape.taa~ ~nU ha~ t~trnnal orar Ir.n i nti.aw m /1nirnurm. 177* ertonA irW rwpnrW nwareh lor natvW•lwtwd Q n~ F~~. a~,, ~v7a aMf rccrvauanrMra protnii ►~c ha~ p hraart nmge of prn)ttl manaOemnN and detflin eape 'f I Ir_nce end emcA► In lhe coadlnalwn ol com ~ trlr. {anjects wNh varkd sia►,elwlct", in «rd ac man+yino drsipn mties aM ivolfct still M tle projeu menapr ta lMiskn iaws ScXun= hr 11 Ktlvrtly inlitmitlWe lui lfre cwub-.1,,. thnk ut Id,nnLy Nitt de,ten N►a►ti m, %y[a, polntrion ~+Ia:A, Inhntinrln~r ~r.. ~ ~ :bcObUqle 1tt~{ltuvr•~n.i: :n.- : I~. nr.pbqrnmt f~7t slvwtil Innr.' 4ri fvutT PItD1[LT'• I1...'~r~(E nd~M , f4 e Irn ipNn Gr mi ilnV,!~fl(~fi1RR(. [w.-. ~ • 1 FLG 6 TRATiOH drA ~ ' odn.lAwac.nAr ~ ( DLlfaTlqll DfA IirKanMuui~ L . . . , , . . . . . l1M10N A. ;MITit. MC . ~ r I/~~ If'~wrirw-w_-C•-r.~~,L lkvw ~ ~,I I t.t.ltif:, ~41A~IF1~~ List1~~~14 ~ ~~iD ~a.~wv. b1.1 M1en fwc viaWbhef a wMt-orrueJ repule Dimon SImIN1 on+ 20 1fin~ d c»II etKl• .vifolAey+qnwqklnovot/vo IVdGOi1-eflMwr neM1MT rxVnllncv Mi dtfiRn MW cotOtrVC• air i.iLf,rn U-at IncerpaMis llw lrl,eft In nyo- ►bn cawn piLlk w+d plvsle tecta. IN pio- l_ ouCtbn Llcfvwlu" fim has been revpmihle rs5es (AsonninC Khainslk Jefisn, CtrnApWiN 1 Mr NfILiYtIYi CILR1~1t uf .f Md! rYtltY vl M ~ lI[fZr. Pr9JlCt IYIr11". fRP►1bi1NY tlU1Olf 111Ad • ~ ,,:in and piRilk PmkKtt. ndHi'S Mo)KI maw Latett"nqlnY.llnatwprc+ridrssup l~afw". - d;.• ~ 4rnRru rqmlence coiqded wilh his tnulve 4vwt urrltlbh~n.ptvieci xhedultand !'u1~e1 i u lu4y rv" Use iovu Uisit"Vy pa}ofh m rtwwhniehl n well aa cnnfUUtlYan rn"V. , i rUne mi urw" budllet. erno externlvw Mr. erttd rM admpawitbn :.n ~rartlry retrtlonshlN vrl~~ Ilarn~~No-N11l~ . . . . . , ._hRceu maAe hsm a w4rdk memlxr nl tFm . . . , , ItII.CYAHt PAUJ[CTS . . zirn lrrm- ~ . irai.ntr wm llwub+aan to P Snr nw . ' • C:i~ Wi i i.k~urt ►kn~u iti D •.-.~o ~ M...r~~,.. o. tntI UMveruty Gly Ihetlrrelqnwel u h rlrwnrM PMnMp~Iy vrr~ Iwwny prov0.4, ~U~N.hnd .pn~i~ n.v w~nl~ nN••n y _.lr. 191ttU I IN~I■ ~n~li1.M ~.~1M~r1+rCMIl~qlaA I 1 WNII ri.~11a. ~M~p V.n ylAl~ r~ti~. f.znftrplace at Ml.abesu NKnl 6.,~i 1~+••+•~ ~~wr.~ . C.~nt C~nx~tr Ih~Uc WmMi SMpw [A~Ma All. 1.11 ~.nm~ ..w■,~.. i~~ . Wnl Cei.irn4 GrnnwnNY teitte~ rM iwir.•~w MUddle SeAod, Wwrltl+er •...~ni,.. i~.~ ...~~~.~r~.~~« wr< ComminilY Can4er w•• M q•^N~ ry r~.,u1 T..ryn,.,~ . f Vn Oietfkt /t. ;car~~ R. Sposnir HoUn ,•.rr.~ dr.~ .»~~~i-..~ ►~'Illwr ~IW Ib. IN ~M~rw IIIti~'Mltinl\I~~~rKM~NI~~, vrtw+n ftvsyltM Admb. MM[lon p•umr# r~~•.+wrM ~M~r~~~ rtval Nnunecet Ulflcr. Ca1vMM ()nutmelr af CcWOn Oftke 6ulldlns. •~~nMn 's.y.nmi.04 0.000 W.y - MeewOeJrr.M,iblealwrt IImtg/i! AddAbn. ~~~.~,,,.n in. ihm cr•r .+r.,,. RkMaixl rr~Nlw, ynN ~wnNr~nl SPAMIQ 1+ ~ proM~~~rry~l wl Uau~y w.....1 GOn711' Mk[.trtf Athletk: CMIIt, ••e~V. nsr~. wl ~wtM 4uq sl Ae'WKCn Dtlkl. Cd+llli[ ~KaN~ I.w..Nlw ...~n~.ti w• KY ~pIM~ Iw.~.M.l fr. 19% /Mr -h~. avw6~10n 1. 1.H1 ~w ifl. 1vw►moe Crnmtv (owtMmAr ti...reun w. yw.■-, 6011...r. 1.., • Watla wstN CslleV, Adminielration «r.w wl nw- ~11. Ir~ll~~l, w14. ol.p., Fhdlibfy -wN .1 0r Ul .tl- o, i IL~S71fA11UH OnYwH.n .nn" uid _ in A► k~scsirrm QLLG 1 MTi011 all r~ 1r4w1114r cmi w,w+F~. Yira. Mbuir 1.1, h SniN~nor. Mwrr, Mrt". Maw~►y (KI Sna nwr M1.Aut OCI Cwe ►wa. I 0.81nn w I - rowu, Cwn.ao. Punw.. Iww. IGrw. t.wan wium , ELllCATK)1I rY 1 Mr 0~wr I.0„4n ~;un/R,. LIAMIYM, MaA1wn, MqYYt. Mfm4Y►. l1~IRl~ 1 d►I NM I.HNH 0.,. AMWAAyMK COMMA& V►I~r~n MIw~IMti1~11~R1 M~.11~ •4uueu, NIwv.. /ltvr 1cw,, 14.►4atu. ►MW •t~L.~ iey :~.ur ~_"fal F.I.O. A'rlNwn ;pAMw ~ M0, obrni GarW+. Go, fhwrarwti ONtcoi. .M1w.wnla f~~aAn.&«! 1 un iwn~,~ wlw~. n tt.,pwA. '~~wfw1. 1rgr, U wM, WAYM."ni. W1Y1WE Ww~t l eRP '1+• M ~ nl „4 YAltwu IYIwah rrl Iw 1~Mh TJOM414 •.llll[AtM lr9.IM1JMI N Yfladar'M fir.w4 (n1MY IM"S %WK Gr+4ltira., Snutnwr GinrOmaa. WMi• L rr lMm 4..1w+r Kdk% tilwo rl.i~Crn~cr,r.111E4 t•..~~.~ir.,~~nrl.MUlYUIirr ISr,htMars F.nnia+kr n..n,uF n« itar.n r. xuy -.:,.r,... u•..~., ,.bo,.rAnwn4Rsolpr.r.sa, fn~y,ek,i.rMk 1{nhrl ~-~.•in. ,.~~~•~''~f`~ nFMMC.~+rryN11t N1 finr NI rMO«^ c n0, 14.41-1. Minn Lfikr t~wA.~m ~ w~.n~ Son~~.. r ~ I I ~ w~ IKt 1 1 ti~H MM ( TIM. ~ wr '~I~I ~F~ IA, S(~~ ~••i ~~~~vK+~~ • Mssl~+qlrln. ►nh~w~A ~JMaM ~uceunl ~r nnn.p-. ~.A~w !a~ d.k. tu.NaJ Mr+Iri qww w•.~Arqlr~-Uy ~yq~ ~Ur{br~G. Ir11av Ln ~ Ilali AMIIMwi MW lbn+llw0, (Mln. 1~.wuWl A.n111nviwcn I,MIh ~ n y i~ r~l. w.,w ~Iw hdlrugt 4rnh nnm I Wrer.~., MeuJm~h~~ (Nt w1SlM VMIry ~ uq ~:.mMl~ .nrm~M~NM 1ftVy VhrlO Watla `.rrh ~ ~ . ~ n~W~q 19Iar 1 ~Mr~ r... In~t~r 1 n, L1aUr. ~,nlMtr~~ A.Idr INdMN.~ ~ ~ ~r v.u.r ii~rW~wl~.., NM~MII •-.I"~.. . .I ii,~~~. . -fr~ r~w~~ A~y....r,: . . , . . • . . i i . 0 I r, r: F MEiIt (Mt. ► C ll:Tll .1f' ~ f M111f.1 G. U TASf, 19 ( r: , 'fM 1Nf7]WRY (huLH [11lfRlA (~IYA MIuM. t~tuww. IM y,yK, W:Illsnr Meu11nA h egoeJuNte ul Ule Univc: ~ ~ Oan Cliase tdlal Ilir Cqy iif SpuAene'rn!Iv) n ~ sity u1 kUAU «dh • lSxhelnr af k:umv u, dwcHle trror ol eaperWOcP fn► Cxpvr,rrL. y',a rrrcnooliul Eiigineering_ [tunng hn 10 Yen' i i ~nclucMtlx+lefhp+utSitna1KllinarM~is~:,.. ,iruifnul"I, FAeUlnh hattje" les0uns(bk In, ~ iM tytlrmf IM ~ew ivW ~e~w~sted I~clluin ~~~acM~lcal►yurno Onryn fuo nwnerpn IYUCi wIUs imf yean ul eapmlerce in Ilw denAn Int1l11A-10M riN.h Af. illllt ibIW 1OCiI jPvRn nul (f1Ml~. Ilohlilig. wmmuvotam. aro ts1v m-nH►, awpwslrxn, cSeveltpen amd ulllitv ~ ~j^ alxm~Irle ulely, fy~[rnn. IY 4 cun+mllnt ~ ~mpa~Mes. I~iiM+-•, ~0 1nitinitnclwr 1m(nmh111+e0111 and [eclv%kil ,46 M.IifitkmaltY, tx h feCcnnttecl bv he peers a; ~ryfY woxLruf IhR lnllanCe md [WdilturnFly 4.1 Unqme Ue Uulldlng enrtromneiet. Crinn 411* rA Ile Wamenent enrhwcn In tlie Sp,••.~ unrJeiHr~d► Ihr curnf+l Nsnrfxrh fnr yuWx . . . nnrc 4roa. N„ worr desiqnuio an !Op tnn r.rn ~ . i uilA~t s~d Ihe Iqplwrwnlatlunol t~w t~ch . • . 161 chliln ptenl Incutc.l tn inp ol s S2 itmy b • • ~k► W wp{rnt carvn~x~lbm r~1►m~ . r+t~l~ ;nLilUn~ In Ihl~fv7N~M~T L~Mx HitvHl hlttl Uf! u~ I iov, ~:una ol brirp aw~aideif U~e IOfII. 'EnqN~eel ~r•. ~.«~~w~~~.. ~»-r.~.~.r ~efy wrwl eVUlti+nml, ard fuluie adanle, .ir~r ~i.i.~•. r~••r~i .qN Ixm1 ~ .~.v..~~ r~... Uw Yeai' Inr lbr }y0l.uit duyMSY nl lht ~..~.~~11.Ib.. ~hl M~IMMn a,ann IIMbW n itJ /rlnur . ts rer~utreW ttN~x~AtM tM 111e uf u~n..~ v.~«~rnti f~ h~.~•~u~ • N~fCMI ~JSN:is1Y td t40Unq and ikI1tQN~lYT~ I n~ ,.~^•Fl~w~~ g ~nd ~~•a. vnuA p...~ Nn~~~ ,ndru~~b~ .to~an~rw~t ~w ~n*rd Ibn~411~Mn~aw~ .~nyti.ruii~_. RCLEVAhTIA'QJCCTS ~m~ .r~1.~ babntiq~ Irl~ •i~1.wM~M11r1 II~I~I~~~N41111~~ ~wN11M~ ► • ~W r~IMI~ w ~1+ p~~►:WI• IWr r~~n .q~».r q~ ~~H ~n~u. n~~ ~..rN.11arH~ . ,iruvw vaaimn toilt ~ ~ . ~ ~~..y-~ a~.~~.~~n~n+. i.n rmnu~•~t ~MuMMtlmClty NNI Iliiklltrn, WA ru.nntn uw~ n«n r.An ~I~~w~y ■P.,.~n~ i~~. , w~i nrl a. eru , •SC+17+1CCIIYI}~II, GK~ 1MA P •~r•o MU~ ~ wretttv En il~lrn 181r1 14w Lakt Frxest Parik Cltr IWl Grmyakv %lLa+r a„'"•k~•~~~ ~ . a~xjwran~i w.nuc~ciW,~y r.c,lar ,,..4 , .,n:ti~trr Geeh 1Mw UIII[e COT{M!1 lt tasv rrr lwmw ~ru im~ M a,nt,ri~~qn I.fand cuy nan uln4 loa Re+~ew, g ~pitmldye lu,u~d. WA iuom P~asm SesTac City F4a11 imiesji^, kaTac. MM ►mw1 1260w01 rira; .nnraia Unlvmslly Sautto Stum (AMiGen[p r•"'~" "'r~~` °i1O1 WssMnrnn 41br 111nlvntlly BiWCi.hrwlory, I ; ~~~~t '.(VM'/11~IU (.Milry. J~.IX[1 ~7, LIlo S,clrptt~! ►mc~1Ily Mw~ Illy II.W ~wvl lq. .n an Cflui l lhwn► R~nrmvAllan '~•r•w :w~w r.y ~Mli. ~~th ~ n~MN~~~n) Kn Irnhl~Mi CIII.. 'RyKIIMII 1`III41[ WIHN! LDITiDIf} i~~tllrvl -,sitiferca 71iaMdy FxlHiy, FahdiQd Au Ap6WN. M~Ip ~I MWlhlulni CN •Csndrnl W,ttihinrylau Unn..rely Sudrni M~4~nnn ~ ur uw~ • ~~~r 04bir IM1on PreclMitn i~~ r~r wi ;-:xan► Canbined TiaMdng FaciNty w, I nl 1? ~ -[t klr~tda/e, wA Srettle, SeatUt Cnmmarni CoNer. ~ na~.~ n~.ti.~(f IIy 04wi p. :l~dP u1 Y4Ml, Du~rrtnnnt ol LeOor B h bdmd h~vr~r li~l.l llp♦ ri~llw.l l I(o Iwl ~ i~ ~~su les AdminbUitiu+ OuUrtuq • Mafcrn. ~:1 i lrn .1 ~~eeirn I n) u~ll Amm~m~r, i. •rl%~~ (fl tny~..~u~~ I.M 111GfSTNATIOh Iu1pM NI-i;.,nrlh follege piKCm ItaU ItrlnalN 01 lr•anw4wi. WIl[Dil, LMI.n. 1'i Wwr,r.ro. Anlr«t ~u~a. Umwkt. ~1,.4iti tf . t wlrs ~uNllurltxn MYIC AtnovaifOn .1.6anr i-:Jioane Schncil UlsMrt 111 SrI,nnl Amytti,e, rrtv kim. ottm • u:Ocro$oiionc Ar{iv Iw~ (Inrncnlrry. Eut tnx [acattMic, 1%1, t~rvna IonGrnr~rl~tf,iltsidCleroenloty. ir,1'. t7, 4I,Awr+Y We-,w.u. ei••~°°~ ~ . 'i,-fth tenlril llrsh kJrixH Rewwom (tffqi pUMfuy, dt.%orl, ~~I ~~fiTNAf~Uk M~m rMtk~ Aa.niwAN. . I cIrrs I'Rxttrnxa Gomosop VY.uwwto.. '•~r~~nr '.YMUNY4. UWI-0.MbIf1Y14, OIIf1W.UWI ilCDkrawnimamoitiow,20W ItwN&SOSain r Nuiw: 1411rs~&Mn.. ~.tu 1-ynrribcEin'ax Swcs tYfB ! ; itK ~ ik7!t li.l. ♦1 ~i....i AA-' IC" Y'll. I ~ ~.i. b 1• ] iN I ~ ' 01 GUAI 111151111: . - . u..~iu ~~rrenw~•~~~ii•i I- MnW'. CWRG f1tAiKN. IALD, LLEM61' - - ~ . - ISASEI Il R111917 ~ I~LINRTI[ ULSfM 11■~c F4► Uurtti Otsau ~ ~ i Aa1R~ ~ lU4IR A1aD1(Y WrM Clah• rYUxw ~n+IJn Ur C4y o.nr :4 Basal Jiady tuq wPMkc+l Mdei►tarlly In mrc ~ { 7^ lwuc~l e~ulDmeeA ~u,ue and vftrrnUw~ ~-us d ecpe+lencp as ~ IipMting rnnruila~u, conUd, erchrlecluthl xa+sllc.f, siwf errrliun~ rm unuucWl. lW doNltMi^M nwntal robe nseumerit lur mnrr tlwAi, tI ~ ,-~ean[h es wMl at depew tn ~rt:W eclutc end 6, Iw*Kp IMd to her al.illly to Uwle vbran~ ro~1~ 1rr n r.~va+~+ble trx acws►ust ac3iK•~ ~ ~ ~ ww~ un cMr~ ed~eafMn, vMMrmin~ wu ~,calhre Illtfllrg deLyrn that xnhorKr the i c~ntnn, mt+aA use buWdin~, Itbrarin. ,v~ ~ a•, h»awr, Pk~sv tlie u~e4 and t~twide kest a+nMrCrVnent~. d~h tecAncdtKY jI.y vpluc She has naold lix~orqlre. wtanl clafirod uflt[e t .in1 *o"lw IulUt16. Mr. lurtly Im war6ed _ M~vut~ tlett~rn fa rneeum~. 11fr~rlet aM . . . r.•~ mR)or ptnlKtb Iluvt~lwui 1be Nwt/wresl . ' . O~k ot p~o~tttt. F~utr+. a LECD ~cunNtru . . wi~l~ ie~~lts Il+~l Tore ~r~r~lr ruewlM rllw,t Ram4mr1, x(ammitlN ln mtoWMed Ms~ . ..i,ntaUan. UtnstOw 4npn prnctkss Onct Vnr6"agn4q" leedlrthlp In I1qh11ng drlqn e/... •~y~...f .~~~n rw.~ ` ,nn~r. Pea~4MM UNN", ~ Jr•~ .n .NUn~r~~pn• cr~d~~• ,•LL[MIFli h1101CM RjjjVAJ(TFROJ[CTS ~~Ija... a~.~iYV ••w~~••.~ R~:.~M , ~I nu IMrItiY nr 1.~~~.+1 M. w n» ~~n~.~4wqy. n• hl~brhbn~~ =~~rM ~•.~.n. ~~vi C,nnt~ lMnerfH.y[ S~c~lod uf I.n. • ~u~ l!s ~.o WMM A~ t ~H ,u.. CM /G.w~wrxr 1~., ~fl 11!tMM~ NGf1ti~M!\I IRMNCh kINNUt! IM M 1►1~ I o Il ~~11 ~iTM ~nr New IkarMm~c UuAd •111~ ~N• ~4" IMI~ M N n.r.rt~m Oal t~i I~ISn1 Clty ►tin ~~wi~r.r•n~ i~.i~n.. ~ ~rq~ww~w~ M.^~~~~rn li~ 1•r~.blh', Ihr ~1~«IM - 4. TN Ilim. .I.~~ r~rr1 lVl!ilW1Y~(~PllRq! ~ IM. tll diu 11in1m N ~crellll[m W~+n pwla. rwwli~~~ uIId11Y1ld MMY 0..01 .tl• ~~.r p.nM•~ lhihretvtY pt 1al yN. h qH•K- Ix, nn.w1Mfi1 nN N[+A PUlIQn NnM115a1 COfmR110"MR1{ r1 - K'n~AlrytOn Stste llnYver+itV SW~M~t~s NHIVr~. •~~N. .14 r~.roM- .w+.a~. Gnet)►rut CrwxdlnMlun Cr~Ne~ ~rlNi tln ~ NY M{iw~~.r ..w.. w .mI• Wa~haytn~Sulilrgftlrllv►Ou1WNip ~F~rlI1~ DI/Wlel~ ~~r .uu~.~~~ ~.rl b ,+1A d M'^ -n •~ww♦ w~l M~w~. f a:tEfll r/{I~I~I~IGN ~~NQf~I'l~ NlMRI}!' ~nwr~~l ~~.tr.. A.4IYn r.A w~N+~.n Mhep"On PAW$ ntiM a~ t r l.M~IY .INw+ ~rr tewl..~~x~ 111.11 PrpM& ~ N'd ~nd uqt ~m^e •..n ~n I~~NpIM r~M~\ WfS I\wM M. a1 /~M0. Irli1 pw~l~Hli.+ r..~. ~Puwa M[D ~Ap1~ C111R1q! CLIlWAl1MJ~VP. HYu ~».1wl/~.r..~ ~►~li .my S CorMral L~Mr ~~1 ew1..nNM ~n~+•.r ..r~ti •~r-• '.~~111C 5M IIyUp 1'{I~IIC LRIf1t (~Mlllt I~~NIIFrRII/1= ~IIWtILAff MUYIM/ ~AIh111YM11m11 rMMS Iulltl MI-~M: IIMiiw Y 'sudlfr • 9Y 1 WI I.rnVn Y ~ tirwlw+ Bartt nl Murrics Perlo►mi" Arli CwMM. M~Arw t uy I WI arf t.wn il Bellir-6Prm Mt nnd 1'h1NMen NLeMlm ~ I wenitchee L.peT hrcr wunK Fru)ect qUOJ. Gut1S IINI lM1 *~u~4u1~~ ~ f u~~l. 11»i~nr (8at(IUMI Mt"" /Walr01 ~~.w0+1~~N~~h L t•rudw 1h t!+.b k I 1 1. titrwivrot, Fvluie ol ilklrt AvIiIMRI GIIIAI. CVOI1lI, -'HpthlnglUnAMAlY1CO1pp101C1f'altiblr l*fIW lnflrrnWl 60014 IWdni~l ~I.MM11~*~nrfMrlw. { ~p~, •lixilatl Ror li Interpiotlre Cenlm, ruMw011. vr~ FtIUtY, htwiln. WA A Rkhlrn0 Mkrmnll Mryucla C+►r9uc. P1MwYSl 'w.ttM lu■ IMn. NM t~.n.. v...Mw~~m ~tMr lM~wr.vly l~~r il.tl ~ w.+~ NM • M~ANMR O{ G1tU IMlfTIblMWlil C[Mf► (Of TP~r WrV m.11 rrWly CnNn ~ ,li wii+.~,.~•».~.~~.ryd.. IF~niJSng 8 Necbnnnd N+vst GMMes awi«ne.~u CwK'rttpuearrNl, Txews RODI Yaul . NFVIiTItATWN Mb~lnr~llltv Ilnll. M.ti14ma. YNt 'M1Rtbt11Y kdlfluAlMKtaIMMard) IN1. :I~I~ 1 a~r~ l.wAir~.S~11 ASOiW1E Uwscri ioc. gr Ft~w, bnwarw wiMI IMf IIdInY-I ~ ~ a.l~lrn ~wr 41.~ur t r~rt~ bp~+ ..o It[GIiiRAiK]N E~~Hw) ~In. Irl6i.... NN Aq~mm~rc I ! NNI~I LiJ.rN~ia 14r~+1 ~.Cf~ 1.0 Alt~Att► hfllflYlM4 '.Ifw/Y.h ~W Yw~ 1 A Ml.nicK Sncare nr A~ru IASA1 wA NLG, Wrrm.rrrw Mou ww ~ I.rmrrw tnrxn t Mu~~,r rw~ w i.m+er ~ nwa lenrn t<v~+q ltiriwl~n~ ~ tM N, NN l+nn~.w~ Mucwu.r.Akotr r.~,a .1..r,l~.~+o. C:~UTIUM I:~~. t 7a1. MrcnreK [ru~~MK. 14+na.A~nM . u~►v.~ t«w a t 1un.hr~~. ICSIM, ►iuwwtG fwwserr. 5u~m. Wwa I twymryu. vw t4t~.,.v~vn Nr~t«a1. xw ta.~+s Ct~. 11C1 w NCQLr n~~ ~».r~~ rw..rp r►r.w~ r.w.~l Ns. •vFrv. Ci~.►~rw.~ i~ I.lu~ 6IMfOww.lYl~nrl~ Wttl►.1MI{ wr+t~.r~►......~»«~, nw~~~ w i I~~ni r.: .:Nrr1~N~► Gbh MJ CMit. 5[M IN. EDI~CA~ KII f np ~ n wny ( nn.l ht~s 1 MA~r ~ rw t1A, it7o.11eiom+.Uiwumv+.M. CUw. e.,,~w~n. ~wiw, WA ar pK rwr.~ fiu.u LuK LA I~UrI1.. MNNNq Rw1. eeKou.a. I ~11111Y111h#11 4fn11YtY1 IIY~~M. MM ~~«w.~~.. i.~..+~v t~Mw• IMN~ MA. tv01. Mniancrw. U.~rtwm v W&rr~2r sw14.. vA r*....r. r .ut%. 14w1-1.. Af WA I i . . ~11 i a V11 N 110 L 1 L t ~ _ 7~a~~n~~i pr uUl~lllil~~ltl~l .~:~r~. TIKJMA: KLllti A. KAN1A[L AIA, ICTf~ AV ~ 11n4 nu (.es: l vwni.;. 1 C[I7 Cowh016 w Carow+-.I ~ I '..rr, t~rw+~Ca~n~i■c. b~ - ~ UivrN~bwMr~ GmN. AIA. If.ED r: n u-11aU"»L!Y M, iTromei n in ht1 Lvoe-ilv~e:Qlitii yaa' W !Iw KNIyA. IIt ~rdinUY.114tIDIM WfueNl t~M caitrniUnt ~fnl~n cun~ultril. iw~lwni nr.l ~nlmunl I_ ~ ; aniusxlr u, n1irmUrq rnd {uolK► m++++Yr w•itn wnUi a nrllertel rx1 tnte+nUiunnl pnaL ; nent adot a uniqw dlmontlon to the drsiyn i,rr Aocenw in uv desyn fMW tmra 1779, " Jram 1'mn SdwmaUO IlunugN Ccwitract a+'ablitfia0 a ►pnc.iM1Y in wAlAmWlp anyi% _ l+~cume~l~ Grll NorAl [lowiy wl[h the IYUyetl in 1')90. kClly IUUndwl 6eflp BalO+u'a ln wW A ti cfilfrlf wd hif amsulfMl lrArn, MkntilYlny mwe clatety wilh tf4mb srKf de►1ri trnrro nr ~rC coocAlNIrK cost Kesm 4nd Wuea, 'dla• wcts~nahla AQSi~n kwoc. ~ .:inK m' nMpM tM r+plil quaMMms, enJeawf- tiMa #i acitve wwwlh Iha Wtuinat AN Coriw,111e-r ' . ..7 rw! tu mRltook 7iry eiemenL the estOnelc . . ' . on the Cmimimo+U, the US. Wcen 6wid"'9 ~ . ' . : ~ trJal ltlln R11lLIl Ih! Stzr, [dnplllllt. I!n♦ . . . • ~ . . . . . . ~ . ' CouncilandlholoaAndttpbiCnrrpiMCrtvi - . . . . . , i inn, Auraitm and tmrn of the Ixof ecl . . ~at~nm~.l Gaslg llII7Jl Iriqinsn f I~I~.wM f M~~Wlryl . I~~~ •~.~n W ~M ~•.1n ~~vI1M~~l ~i I}~u1LIq Psletlt~I MW id~Ml7 I1h IJtt/Rflvo rn:l WIY n dLa nl irR 'Ncticiect'i En"yy ~ w«~,..e w. in. ro.i,~~.., P -:3tabese throu0 perwdk urvey~ ol (,enrra; a c•~~ ~~~ti,,..~„~~~~~.~ idr fa nnr~ rllujrrK ~~~~~~1°,++- ~•y~ • ~_onUMtoR, kbrnnUMWi, And kOWlert rJni~n N rY •UkMwI ~~uu ~~.n i~~ r.~ Wm~~ ra}►el• In IM ~wwtl rl.ilh Ifn4yn IrA lli~ MueMY hMhnd~ln Ilr[Y1P (UY~lt) tI+e mgbn. CamnrsiKaittor+ wliN thnr 1ry lh. U_S. Ovviutm.M ul G,a~ry u.l ~ ~ ~~~••~~1jij• ~r.« ;,layen In any rnatkel h vlivl Ik a{w M. a••r .n ~onr .uM .~.i~u~ w°••~~ t*o~ Il~hedbrTh~Am~nc~nlnNRUrn/ArcUilnu. e.~ ~.i.... 6a....4u~ t...~.~ ~m a Dosl -4W analy►.y up releUed Jnh% talf- ~un,~~..~..u.~~ a~ ~......~~a ..:~.~•,o~ ~.~~r^ `n~~4,.a , ~a,nir~~r„~~ She rtas slw.ntten de~ryn µmin fin en~+ri~ «~~~Y , ,••n~,.~ • ,y u+c+ lM pro►ect wtUi furro lhsl aeWe~lr in. n,~~ ,Io ~~~u .,~,~a-i«4 cdacalbldt ~«~wr.~.~~,y~.~,..~~~r„~.~~ir•o-l•.n dfklenl 0lslgn. Ure l'xude le lil~h PmttX• .r~"m♦ ~i~,~,.. in. ..1i.,.1. awmr DUIkWtt' (a se'rFrM dhsr rryim+l ul ~•r+'"•• kW u~~~~ r1ElSYN17 1'ROltC IS the caurkry, l iP.n 59U A4w+ M V+at[ n Enrwto nm REiEVANT P1KlJLCTS :.i~µtv-Mh i %/uurrt[ n MrnM Ii CllCU tf 1W 4C' Gl 1'~r r( r 1 ruw~ 11-kw C~ / GoRe~rr I.itw,tr Ulur ticwrr tlltitrkl AdmunINratN~+ r., ~i~~~~. -GSAFnlet~l G~ulM~rta~ Coeui a'Alerrv. ID t:rant Cc.intY FU() fnrilNkn lAailatplm YwA1 .+~~,i IKkrti P~a► 7irQwnai L4vRlrrym~~w Ce.ttet f ~~~~~~~~n~ntn~ h~,~qn~ lMnltltry (~-Bend COnrrmrut f.tol e S~xtrirK lUlY ~wkK+lil , R~nnM~q.Innltry ~rKllNrI. C'ly ~ Y ~+l 111 H IITNHq S~~l.m Aaie# Wrf+itch[! Yaliey Colteqe Wn Tauell f nAnIA ~r .I W"A.w. 411 CQloraw klrin ~t. ~ y.. n ~nd . ~•~,~~.rr trM ~d~.,.., Ln~Ker Ile+~ttettzaEmn r i~~ n~nn ~a~■. ~w~.. • NMlinOtnn Wrbl~ AMnIcipn1 IJflice RuJAuy, "r W.ddNroe~b,w~l~eul pprrrry, CO • blar. Md 1~~ II•.IAIb NIN~ipJhlr Vnuk1trurlMUxiri Iµ~ln.trnl~, i rw♦ 1~wn~~.. S~wll~ IMp ULrary ~fvy+~4u Y~ilhin . V~tlAbrr1.1111V YMIII~I,~,.. ~ vMCA 1MoU, CuRmntty rPd 1ltuealluh Im Mr,ldi.y -6 ~1 ~u ~inl ~.nawr l ibr■.r Cenln, SWlune e w~.+m~r41, •~•r•~ywrwnr CrVlf Pallrnwn f1A11 -118fg1HVti FWI, fitla0 W6litlqlOli • to.iww . il{C L'ntl [l SC=1il'n -el1ic Rldf I ~~`HY l,ry ►oahro~mrM~t ~•iN •f a11C~~ ~NN~tl~lOf1 Unlhffllr~RMl1 MIM! w~~~In~We unr~e..nne.~i fle[tdlbn[ll1llY • Au~+~ ie~nm~~ ~nd ~r.~y. ellu rtrw y el ~.nRtU ~rnl V.C4~ iIW lI1H "Alf.• Iwl. Il70Gnsiv OtwrMniwMw uw121'nl • yel.el lundu.~ e,e~ni..l...,bnn~.b~rp ~n ~M rnlr q . I UlKAl10N ~ rmtan ki, RS. Ctn CMrrtrvis. Suin1ailFMNf', 1Y?1 • Lwlerl ~lal ~i~•. I, . n»vanrrrr~ n~, : .•n~ ~ Indldm~ nrolr I M. /MIN, LhNRTln urCIdIlliMtl. IIBS I` - _ I. ►wvqo rrw NIM Gtv M+ullim An ~ •LaanMfa4im G:Wr witw Strt:ritimilt ~ . r'c~?YIY(3 I'OM GMY4JI~TT IKt(~Ci10M M1l~1 .QtVO++ PN7rlhRf VOe CIR fGa1 a•4u Cm ►w •Plntmwr-Si.ra/Cn~ru~uTI•OiWM,t~ • I, iuva utw nAnWwu, ur-m[-ninr, Wni MatiMKAN r,14 rtaur ru tenau kn ef:x,n ' tiie M►aam w ne Lw ~u~a TMr~ faiw~ r.cAP ..,lU ~ ~h~lkifl, Mt1111A111br't nl ~1}r;wldir Ihr Pl.,in..l.U pepad U¢ yi~r-nlr.M yi.we:: Ii'l U,ii nll'+~ CUIItilli{IOfl. a11U Ui! jNIUiq'PQ 5Lq11 1'I ur.~ ,"■et1-a! tOwt~ uMiarr In ttlr !.IlY uf ow,cn v~lLlly Pla[#, GGID IS helphq IiY It+e It.+nl,• i9p ~ r IKe9Urr~ tfowti IM 7Pa[.rt pRwtblock ilir lyri for tfM nrw Unl~tgy Vlur 7hwnt Cr,il••~ 11~~motsiccesLIb►e.Pv+lesGlen tifrnWycwi ';~ustbn M Iwr snwllrr Wackc pa4yf trr tr ih~~ n►+v Mlw~ u~r~laaU un wNl mctuk ~rukcteq Weets. aU Inr.txtd wp&W a Iov ftril, a tfbrary, WtlkaM re/a11 onOtann.r,, ~.+i Innlttltrm, uw1 4 rarktl ut Iw4ilnq type! of tlN~ deyiOn 4 le c►e~b ~1~ a[tHn I ihr nen mt~q•uye RlHrxt vriit (M MaMI Mwrn.l a huv drwrntow" cmrnncxilty wfdch fewrcti a lirdoliran scwirU arn! Lixnmtmlly aneruM ecln.tic nmvw o► Mx"m wMle MulInr.uq nwter plan that r+cluiin mitnestt►i{ liuhdvill -,at.g &id nrw tnn. Phrtnr rmstryc,t~on to ~ . rxinruiorn, pihlk art. lhrlY stretttrapd. Onci i., iarnMiddU aiisUnq ixwi, and furRMM ne+~ momarabir auuloa "p~[ea. _..',nUUn~rlonircl tnnr+Rtiont 4etwarn (Ra ke ieU U-k fl+a.es. rels~l, an! Fefl~l~rnUM- In lhh nnpU~ trocest. Uie Ilrm p contuclll~~ vhwl ll+NertaIce NWles, Nsdhy deslp+ c.1w• ~vic un m4r wiW irruM m Ihe touttn.rn hrtt eetlvf. and asnflins wlth trntUry urhan drtyn ith. ula N,u, . ne+. +a,ono iI ca,Ky lia.rr , I pOrolIrm. .."ct tyurM 1 liy IbU bU11Ctn{ ilme ndlh IM1ML " am rrUll GGlObalwccmJ~ncuryubr~dnqn sludr+hw vlit cnmliIne rrlWaM~I Lnrr at kN ~~ee .,xi nw~ u~~~r t,uuuin~c. .w~~~' elementc x/thw Ilv_ IMstet lten, Yrlufint u ullemAIM+_s hr th! Ilhran Mrt cwk SPstn 1Nr •afra! cotxtretds. Grrrrle thanM w(oss W - I ..[c . q~qrtladliei tD pr►fa~C ~1lw1 tN arr iulienCY 1~5Hl,N~t wdh dniiqn ytnUtlY(~cS ~r~} r~<: ~_•su::,~, ~~i~~ur,n,a • Ramirr Annt scr.amnoawo a~mtmatetf ~ ~~;i p~riln~ ►t~ib, moat W trnrm odnrNh t" . .,.e Idiogi. ~.•1 ~1.n one aro Uf uW fPAEV lirs al INe heRt W :r i. Mopounl tn.m tpuue. encareginy N brm' 1«•~•• r•~~.'}.+ 't II'~' wve ol mdniJual um iwwl camnmilily r►ctio I } f ~r•'ir j r, an erynred and wcissUti put.ta (wacea I I ~ ■fl ~~~r~~ I s~tt'~•A~. '-r' ~~l~ tha canmurtlt w c h v~i~H l~om pork~,l~1~n- . ~~1~ n~ and Ihe cuY couir.il. and a ~tre+Ny nan- f . r ~'*ltpF'~, f~ , (r~.x' ~ t• ,;ttee of cNFiam anc) i • ~ , ' ' tm1rlotderc detErrna(nt ` Y ~ i ~ ~ . ~ } l~~"r;~,•°'- i, Uir D(u¢IOm !ur UM open tw-e lliCh►1vy rn . - : . JJ: i~,^ .5►..~-,~ ` prs ~Y ~qfhtlhrMa~ sr11A Nyywft wmi n. A(prrr-! ".il tvl IMCtaClhrlrwNlTtfw 'r~ ~ irnW1 ~ qTITIRl! ' ~tt, iM' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' -r~ s'; , ~ ~[~~S[,~~1~,~~~~y,j ' ~.'w Ny~y 1 ~TOa n.yr, - ••tl~ ~~~,,.~h~.:'; ~~Cj.. - ` ,r . .:;fi,. ~ i ,a . _ ~~~~n~.~~ ♦1 _ ! i i ..•1e,.i ~I.y_ "~i r . `1 v~ ' . "~~~`h►,~ •.~1 ~1 iv~~~, i~~*~ql~r ' :'O ' _ ' r ~ ~ + 4 } 6 ~ ~~1 tt1!►, ' 4r . . . - - . i..~~...rr:~. •iu . ~ i . . ~rE ar~~ro MI►~e onr.i~i1 6 1 1 net •I~n~rrm D~staplP.a.~.rr,u~~ •M~t~N Ots~ n S►ra Ih.wnn~~ de~~:u •Ma~w~, AIr~nltt~~tw1 ~rr I':n.n Fau•lucg S nux:~• •Ca.niAniAt Dtsnn •Erniu~ut~~uu flue~ev +n ~ IIG JAN" Ma... W~w~o~ Wrur ltw~snr C~m ~••••.s • ' r.G! 0 , Thr N9 Mendi Tr~e 1MOlAonftoft NW►it Leaoe*tMp ~ utiKO buqdlny Itxdlyd ia lt.e Eul13hC u! tedmb~a+r It a nd~rd-use UxnHn~ la~ !wihuod ul leetlk auosa ltam 1a1r till. I~xntad an an tE~our fl~n ku Uun nir . .,~m+ ~ nwh„ minnatrqMl wl~{mit In 4- • rnntaun lhree 1r+elc M ofhce anorr •I 1 i~ l.'~~.~ ~ r I Ile lopnqtaplw rt►Msi a bnw1, 1NH 1, il underprnWf pethui{ gaerie [ee+lammy 37 t~~rd an ~ ~.n~ ~tlyd. Th~ prl ~•i ' iyacet- llie t~ldir~{ bervn two cerinb, lt~eM.L' Mernll Cnmpifny Itwll oiM oi hlyh-lMh tluil-ul, prulect wes a qetrul-tlrdilt IncllllY in,J, I~~M~y drltvenn~ hiph-1vc1~ {wrirar►wninp Jr.i, t~ Irt savnlefslY pqa a nliIwAhNe, Tnr bhwoa+ sWe brndan hltitmk rMrrfrcmi ' tll tiallY WAIL4I tetllng :,rrnrtmrtiMi we~ ~tnanOst • dense rrtwlr~~il~i ' we friqldr;fhooA. 54Wrledm l!r paiM ol ttw %iie•. ~:,4L(1 µy~o~[~e0 If.e er[Mlle[tuT. Itilrru~i ~ ~ ile Iu+W~~y fe~es IAe W~r acrm► hai~ w~ •.ur ~e►irn. and Iend~cape aRhllKtUf~! rlplt'ti nl 41 r !e 11ywalej fnsnl WIf. [*oKcl wlth 40 InleFntad, mull"dlscfp!-~~~, Ip-Aoitlw desql t-Om. M r.teetil, lb {I11mdAUnp Ir,r Miuclun 1% desRloa In Irt Ilnr tnnte.1 1' . Searmiy cyMiommeiu Ioee lirnn Ahlrxtom. tlm numurOnr IribdrNt7nsl Rulnnry vvsrohuu7.-i tfK des~~ lenm Clr{dnf lhe praram into lfint . Z yrxr. epiutnaml bu+Ulinr. at+weil M (he nraIuy 1 ,S WudMir and ulUlteil Ihe lo"+PhY le rrpSf , !anr)rnart, CIIY llght lW UnfPn Stirsm 1'la.'t ~ ~ umN~a-Hiut ~Irr~os*Mfe louaed an Ihe v~W • iii,iflot, uKS ul txl[A. crmcr►tn macarnY laiwl 1\va rnidenttel W1411na carism a lotal intt maul an osich M tM Duddon'► Ihrn t- ol 110 yuntruolna. the IlibJ IruiIdnM m:ludel n,ry lxsdes iti lo the %bea.h ond or-n I I-,p Ilw merlinq frcllNles, iWuP4 ioma. Wrnlnhbst.,c p Ii.r uftK.". aid tierrke hn[1bm 1►m mealing _ 1 re lab0y wrlh crnered IotlLa cannecri U-c ~ r ipar LvmUn Wa 120-reat AxJltwwm. 17,000 . ,M!{rc.ent flierl► wla oWn uut tu e newly N. u~1lMR feet dlimeting roomL. rid 1b.0(K) . ~ .~rated c~vrnntt) ~1een tipa~e. tAe put~o- upwe IM1 d fkalWe sircr - S ; tinti of uW arW nnv h fiMtwctl In lhe IoWW , Una ot lhe projRl's yrMlall d1111"eftef was rn rAietd llrc [.anVMtiY'I om IRbiAI honk .wlt . ' - mc" Itea vnrY Inst I+at► v.lydule. G(tL) .,AscsO aTCim►t lhe wntrinpulAfV sit ul Ille ~rrartitd cbxtr n.ith Ilw tanltbcta mKt Cily, ~nrr'i eRtemivv larnily 14ot callecllwP Mini ~ ~ r ' ueMlnq petmlUwK !a Uie {rok*1 iknvn ~niu i,ulitit Intnia spece+ lonn un Fu/urnl I1;h4 anO u.r nLIm' w!paratu pwmlb. Ffte tHV~ t..a~ e -.,r i::r hnnMru~ ~ Areat arrns lot tMvcheM aat tha c nmrr ~ ~ r_- I~~,-, iltre oruJcd wat rpmptcted tn 57 wra►c r.lty. Or prox[I rurwIMkm. IIw tirnNn m ' "'r ivjegradM .reltti+nl hecl bee" hdly lru,, ill n nM" pMnt nnd rrtarl IubHsl Wnd - ix!ede0 tu Ihe Ctly tn trNlr a pimmw•"tu/Wklm@Nly kllddslbel. IhP IJf•lil% CM aYallabir la fmnmunqv ~~••m u•~ _ r=• '.r_lerrn. rrwt r Cru x I ` Wnlhv;ylur.ANnwl i t:ll tl~lr~1 M~.~,.~- ~ ~ • , ! ~ ~ J,~ >•~Illr N'A'1(t'1 .Kl.~ill I• i . , . . . . ~ . . , : , . r..•~. s~,. ~ ua D.,w~. Mcturw. P~e. G.R. ,~i r.a:ni • ~Ile14416 APs MMrrFuuu HuMUe , }•~i . K.wwuow w A~u i4acrMr ~o PMroro ~ 1ri ~T1 L.W 1oYi1ICJK ~!Y P1M~~ a - - SRO surNrvomMn cm sm ~y~ • ~ ~ ~ ~11~11 ~1l A1t/tTR!~ j r . . l 1YN~l~o Uf U1I lIf117~ ~wi~liy t1p Rr4w ftaEf -A I1a11ehM7ldCIl, Bllni/[1LFFY'11{lf MfJ1anCiS' ~v • h'Oftiillp IwI~R{7 Wlltl I~tf I~RVI'10~~, Ad1Mtt~0' •A~^: , r~• [ ,ulh-pA~d mmtafplan aPNmath tn provldr ~ Wp~ ArCt+Nats mntrio{w fw IM maM UoH- ~~e CRy ol ltl+►rty LaM wnh s seriea u1 lauli +vrctty Ctly un Gelw~i UsrtmaRh and Unl- , i.y tfrt n{Inct • frme 44 permM%ence srut miHY prrnlde► lor rNok od allkr tnr► arJ ' rir4wms rDth Unr ws d hly1i qwllty rtMlnl Incluin fuuse rrtap Mvl 011K• p+uk alc*y ~ ,i. ure pKOred wnq•wm +e+v+ce+truitY rut kik-'"rr.rospra". ~ The fkmy mftuerpLan ca1(% fu varfaw rvtsll r. lury elemeal ol Ihe hrm'1 iwtkl(ml Wn M thi► s~A nllk~ t{~r wesl ol Wllt++aUlh aM) tl~w ~,„kcs a wwka,p wiU~ tie Cnv tu dN.elop x~. r.d.ralopmotA rm nl Unner►dy la vKkxn i fa Orty uwamqr bww w dhe. war[v► to iwu and oftke Lae+. i u,,U tM faciUlY. Tlm eSru{n atMt waptarae rwhaMNtla(4y eculliq N. lnll lpf pM1sse toatUrO a cnrnmunitv dpen Arfs T~ I~c dit/es Into 1un[tlavt nfflce ipwcs. ,,nl leatwes wMMwryt amf an wrypfiiltieMm ~ . ~ ' LU~tmlly the -PVuAiltelum {NO}ect tf wclrtws' ; i-r tpmR plannlrg fa the setdid phnws (of Ifie lur lM t.te iL~ hr. vure cittulallan b+W 1a._ilii, vm)ec!-Alwn3WrylftatYlCunwl"NlyCtnler ~ • ~c[eu ludrt wabtng wUh L1ty wd Ubery Slsll to +-nrbp M ;rogrun and tpqte pls+nNV lo alrlr f! ~ nnyr se~~~ n deuln nl the IadUly, _ DNwt7 Mulwmr.l i0-I11' LlrpfOCl NhdM {rCLld1 RPqRtMWd B!W lW S frw}• 7T'77w1 ,IIMIY• ' I E Ca~rNry Ybl~ lbtw i •r IeiP, WA'►Ylll~ . . , ~ . r.► 1►... ~ i ♦ V ...~r ~ ' ~ ~ ~..~.'R• : , p;.. L , ; . ' ~~~r~ ~-s',,. ' ~ w .0000 I ~ _ _i.a.~{~ ~ ~ y. . ■ 2-:- ~3't' . i { t j w•+11' . I. '~w+r•~ ~ « 1~ f • , - . ~ . ~ , ~ ~s~.rt~t.r er ~~i~~,~c.iin■c •Swwvec buaawc Aug* ~ b.+:v ;J~rnu t.~r, ,r r,n PfQUC EfTT!'~ •fr[wr fmcirwt 3avtww u:nn;. .Nu uu_ Cnur.rin~ •pM0Wft Inll AOrMISiRaiM UiO u Ir[u v Ruar«u► lo PtiMmw P~~u[ lr7tsrsr i•.rnm~ nn AoMwntuurr[ Uin ut wuk At ~`-J~UC INrU/KE r..w.. c,Rm .m wo. A..umAm o.R.. •I-1uoen Pbflt CmaKA Nu[tsw Cniw[l ntww.n uYit Owim. n d poo a Itoww Onu rw MM Ur M rw Ai an eiw.ct i Kqy pirrnln, MnUern [lecuK cain ~ ik "I n W WMM U Arirt[t rr ltl bltfdltlO-Wllii AlCMIKtI wflh (h! CYli11lIWP M ut JHlg~nw~ x; rnlt~y t(Ikbnl tlruUur. wltl, M Uur In~t sUu~ Wir ~I~nul v~~lri iIK clcclncNy at ihe mmfVnlral WfIrI1 itccr 'nitY ttnwr hlsir) AlactP.plan, thr 10,000 c! ~wut taqf {xmer. 'nit Oflke u13 tlie cronleKI Irn tulwa IMAr,d ;1velopmeat. valwr ~nl`~llecttv~ U~lulan~! bul~Mrni fo.i f~• ~i t IY floae~ hLvx! 6qanfirAlk deslgri Nmi~fn la Modnm CIxU~c w1ll~ a vlfumlly 1~tpiflng SIgnn- , 1tr mxt xenic peJrsvun s[cess In 14.~ ~rnl U+► 1I.155 if facilltY a+ 6 ISl rlcre cia lhal rra Mrrlrra fa[cllt~et, M eeaMy IUatHifW+k a" the rlnoi Carrolm in lHe Sq#aM1 Ye1lR►. ' C:XR I "irM lrtlI hww hiRiv' b i, ...iiI W4493i1. NrfiL~~~~.:^ 1 ~IIL I 1.~. W. Mllu 6.lut L ' ~ } 1 ~l ( AWrMrnllectrkMslerCa~ ~~~+•I,rli ~:1{.'~•~I,r i4 9a r..st uwe. sc4ruK°va wra. r . - Ixni a:) +)N j • _ .iJ w, ,iy~ ~ n _ , i ~ ♦ rI r~ I 0 4U I. i ' i~ MM1a Aftwnctr trnon /owwr DaA ~ ' Su«awa~ Iltw~ - .r.+~.r hoacn b SiwMYAun U:ED accinlltM, kew4u-NMth Arcfiltecu iiqw~ ~tt fe~vks► ~m v.tr TO SpW~tie WIMry ~ waviiby ns ulwKl wUh erxfQy rlfirIrM wwf s ~~~;etis IkrnMdn•Wi{h Mthltec[S uKimttmrA ~ unle~le ttesyn spWClumn. k, wldilwn 10 ~ ~ R.p yFacnt ar[h'fnriurol fharatro nf tro Inrqvsltrs Aesip wMAlon amt cuqfufmdrce to r~ ( rc { tlle tfED4Itecetnt, arlncipln. nlcxwcu. and ;t- , bui1i.'a+y molerwh ner lormencr rAtegmtn the ~ ` ~ ~!U Inm ~plhn UrctuJr. ~ - . .,as.ar n.a.u.,6 to run, r Awaw a..4LopmvrA w w,.mop,.tr sn.mi .M ' r.duce lmpait ►u u+e eo.uonmen~ Wun fznut• ~ mel . . " aeducW pn.atkn of w*ur xater arrf potAbW i wiCPrdamllml NtYf~rWYdM9n nWnklpYl IIOCQr ~fI[~wMllf iy{ll~Rl(. hlr.~ u~crPiurd le.d a1 Rernr pnlamuKr ~ ~JratltKe dtmlM. o..u.., M qL/IJ M KI'IfiKll a~n711nf OI wI{ttn..ua K im n1 . . _ . _ Gamples ol thrt fhm afq" Itwfe prlncydie► _ _ ~ ir,cl,xlu llw Nt 1hd4nry hjr 14 prw! Cpmmunuv LdlrMe IttrrsMly In detyn Mxl seeMHy s IEEp ~ ti:irer ratlrpl. ~►e n~lkrully I"edicU tw 1L_ ~ ~~a1~InaGl[ tkayn NNrrqalM Ib~~l 1 Iilrugne.! io ILFU SIfrRi thcujh tlx iwpue ol ttr pro)M Irwle Il uvillylllia lor accanillmtloni, uW Modetn ' Gm-uwc aw3 Welw CnmPenYy AmniM►UNbe - 6uildlng ~ . ` - I 1 Ir..n nnn.~ ~w r 4n ~MOr. I n+~.~u..n.r • • u •quwr ~ w... 1w~~• ~~ii1tlM~ ~~~IM~~. ~ y ~r~roi .«~•i~.~~~•iw~rn.... , •.M.. , ~~1• ~ItMIr M'~~N~~~M\1~ ~ ~ ~ • .~I~~iwr ..Ir.l •M . . ' ~ . __4-~ - = •=ii:~ - ~ ~ . • = R - ~ i ~ y 9lin~~ u5 33; ; . -'E_-- - ? 2 Y j ~ ~ s0 ~`~w~ pC ~ = o Ne. K = F a'~ ~ : 3C9~1; Q^ - i - ~ ti S! _ - o ~ .i . ~ - c E^ NA R n O ~ W: Lt'- - ~ ~ - - - f~'w► ~ .i ~ ' - - ` ' ' `~1 ~ ~ .r_ 1! _ 4 r ~ ~ a, e ' ~ 4 i` f f. Y~ j r ' ✓ _ ~ 'R ~ ~ •.l ~ - i "_~'~o . ~ . ~ • . • , . r ~ . ! ' ~ W B Pro - Management: i D • . S"" `rkane ~ ~~alle Y Nell Ke~sten, A!A Project Manager I ~ BERNARDC~Wilt5 Pnncipa!•in-Charge ~ ' Tnm SAe~don A!A pf~~~l-In-Charge Principal pcsign Gary Bernado. AIA ~ Ctmsultan[ Projeci Archite[tlPr~ject Manager 6ill Gayinnj AIA ~ ~ Matt Jacoby, AIA Quatity Aswrante Principal Robert Pace, AIA LEED M~l.IUNK ~ D I . , ( , ~ i ENGINEERItJG n•~~e~~• ,.~~.,.,~lNC Prt*:cipal Siructural Design . M. Aden, PE, SE, LEE~ ~~tpal Mecfianita! des~gn Princtpal CNi1 Destgn W. ~(fnk, PE LEED D. Smith, PE A R L! N G C Prin[lpai Interior pesiqn pri~{~1 Electkdl Drsign Prvgrammfng p, pE C ~rol Schaefer F"rindpa( Larxis[ape Design " ~ K~fIT Sr,.~it A~! ~ Y~ N T S ~y ~caus~ic+i ae~ie» Prin[ipal A[oustic Design B. JurAy Energyr Efflctency ~.~~n;,..;,,r,. , K Principal Ltghting Desig-~ M. Frazier, IALD, IEED ~ h .a ; , .•-i , . K ;w Z' 1 9 • ~ . y3 ~ I. tP ~ • r T R L • r+ TM . • . • n T* . . ~ L • ~ ~ rt . ' . , • . ~ 'L . . . ~ ' . . • n ~ i . ~ . . rr n ~ • ~ • • 1 ~ • • ~ ~ ~ • ~ ► ~ ~ • ~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ 1 1 . ' ■ ~ ~ r • " . ~ ec, ' ~ , . t,~ . ~ . ~ • y _ . ~ ri ~ t l • ~ ♦ C~. ~ ~ R. ~ ~ M ~ , , i. "t ..Ml~' • ~ ' 11 1 .14.' .i ~ / ~ • ~ w t ~ r 0 ► ~ , ~ f ~ t l * 1A .M ti{ 1~ 1 ~ r r ~ ~ ~ Q ect AApproacho ( charrette . .o ~ ~ 0 ► wro x. • . ~ ~ p3 m 1 . y..~ Do o. F boumDa . Z 1 1 V r, ~ 4 t"~ ~ ~ 3 • ~ I~ 1{ 1 ~.~~+"t It. y ~ iX µ ' i . ~ .._.T ~ . t { ~ i~ ~ • _ ~ • . ~n~ . • ~ J ` ~ ~ ~ - . , r ` ~ `j h A, a As , - ; . A r t- _ • ~ ~ • ~ ~ . ~ x_~= - ~ , _ ~ . , ~ ~ r ~ • r.i ~ C , ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ . " + ' , • : . ",~r~ lJ~~ . . - _ , . ~ ~ . • ' Z. • ~ • . , ' jsl,~. ..y ~c ' r,,,~..:~.. 1 ► ~ ` ~ ..J~ w~ ~ • r ~ ~ . , y ~ i st~• . ~ ► ~ ~ ' _ • a ~ l~ i• ~ I ' . x . _ ~ ~ ~ , ,'i - ~ + ' ' , < < ~ ~ - w ~ ♦ ~ ~ - ~ ~ , - . S,• - • ~ ♦ ~ ~ • t ~ • ~ ' • -~,'~S + . ~ ' ~ ' • ~ - ~ } . ' - ' < . ♦ F: 1 t ~ ~ t ~ ~ i ~ ppro. site ' iFamiliaritY • . . . oper improvementS -ptual D ,UniversitY • . , ' ' • • • o ` , , oR - 1 Plan East • Studies • . ~ • T _ ..S ~ r _ ~ - , + e ~ • i _ I ` r~.~~►'f~ ~~~~fe~-* f • • . F" ~ ' P . • ~ ~ , w • .r.~wr+~` ' , A*r _ . • • _ ' ~ ,~~'p1A' ~''i"' ~ ~ ~ r ti • ► + ♦ ii , - _ T :'T 1 ;Urr~ys:,`.~ ~ ,~1..~„i'*'► • ~ r~ - ' .~s M r ♦ . ~ vC 9 a►M r ~ rtr~~'1t rr j- t s * i - -a► ~mr - n~' ~A• Y ~'r ~ r ~ r~. - ~ ~ '~~~►,,t~~.~~ jr-I . . w ~w ~sss~► , i~• i. ~ . • - - U N~ ~ ~ • . ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ¢ t 1 ~i ~ rt~ " i ~ ~•~•1~~ ~ Y y ~ ' ~ ` i -,s' 1 • ~ ~ ~ f ~ -r. 1.~~ '►2~ •,e f) ~ ~ ~ ~ y11" * • ~ 3' ~ ~ i+ ` ~ ~~r, 1~*'~ • ~ ~ . , ~ ~ ~ y~; ' , . ~ ` ~ r•~ • - i ~ ~ ~ ~y. ~ t ~ ~ 1~ • _ M ; ~ ~ i . _ r i~.~+G ~ ' '(f•+.~: 1 \ 's i.► Y " . 1k . x ~ 1_ , ~r I „p• L_ _ • . _ , ~ T •~'j~.~ i'{~. • f ~ .7- Vt! ~ v ~Y, ~n ► 3 h~ . ~f ~~T ~ ~ . i ~ A - f • ,t1' \ 4A I . • - ,t. _ .'~y,~ j ' ~ ' ~ • ~ ~ ~ . '~~r~< ..jf ; f~r"~~ • ~ . : • ,;(ru ~ - • ,,t i ; • ,tiy.-~.~' ~ ~ t •~y~r~a " • ~ ~ ~ ' 1~'. 1 ` y_~ ~ ~j:.; ~ 1 ~ j• y " 4 t w. ,w - _ - , , ~ • 4 - ~ ~ A ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~:n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ _ i • ~ ~ ~ • ' s~ e ~ ,•G, i ~ ~ ~ ~ . -.oaac A ~aaet 2084144 s.oaa;: ~ ~ ~ : • • ~ u o p P~ A P 5~ p? 4 a u s a(s o 4 c o p p o ~ i ~ ~ ~ • - - : y - - ~ M n e r Sf ~g Y~' g O J 4+ D Y Y i c~ 4 ! ~ L ~ r pS c ~ ~ • i ~ ~ ~ s 2 ~ ~ r t • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~co hc. ti - > a o 0 o e n r a c n> a : ~ ~ ~ ~ - - . ° , . . . . . _ . . . _ " _ _ _ . . { • 4 ~ r ti ~Cgc PbpL ~ribCiMbo •*StPbbe ~►b1~YbQb O~~ r C Y+ O ~ O V p O O Y O L ~ O a+ O O O ~'!f ~ Y~.~ L I ~ r. Y S~ ! ~ O p P G p ~ U O p B t~ ~ p P ~1 ? P ~ If P R a. • I L'_ E~-:~R9.^~ ~I•.s~~~~:+ ` ~ - i i . ~ ~ _.y ' ~ ' ~ , • 1►" ~ ■ - i- T ' , ~ r ' ~ r ■ : ' - ~4 r t ' 4 ~ _ r~ . . ~ y~.• * Y t' -pt' . ~1 ° ` • `._.t .J ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ j,~y1-a..y F , ~ _ • ~ ' z ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ { :.l~' • ~ ~ ~ • ~ - ~r A I I ' ' , onally-Assemb + Team ~ Y1 ~ ~ -t • ~ ' ~y . ~ Pro . ' Spacep(anning ~ Building 1 - ~ , r • '~I" _ ' • ~ - , " ►y~ -r a ~ • _ i.. _ . *Experience Providing " • f • ' • ' - i s-_ ' .i' r: s . • ! Approach o Invo ' d ;r - Engage , Staff/Stakeholders - 1 Design o • _7• ~ 1 ~jlv bc " ~ ' Solution-Driven _ ~ Programming Process . 7j •.~►f'•'~ ~y,~~- 4'~~~.A~hl.nv~ ~1■ ~rii~7~L ' ~ *Thorough Understanding t►„n:,,,..Y`r~ ' r~ ~~i,.. ,2' t+ s=---- ~ } • P • po ' d 1 1 _ -I •f'• ~ ~ . , ; s ; D Accredited / - • ' d Pilncip. Involvement ~ All d Accountability Through - Y' . . ~ Projea . - • - 1" ~ rC ' i~ I 3 ~ : , r~ - +if- " :.r'.r _ -e•: ,J~~' - `l't :(T f- - 3 W H ` . 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T'.`rit~ ~ w~•1! , 1: ~ 1 . t'~ "'f'~l, . ~ f~,.:Y~ lK1~ ~ji 4'r:~~"~r' . ? ~ . , ~J .`l.~S~t1 y y~ ~ _ , ~ ~ ~~y e . ~ l~~ti s. ~ ~ r ~ t~~'~~;i` , ' , :r~~ ~ r - ,i~' ~ ( , I 1 ~ _ ' " ~ ~ ' l rf ~ ~ ~ ♦ - s _ ~ ( ~ , _ ~ ~.Y~ , 1 v . ' . 9 ~ l r ~ ' , ~ • . ' ~ ~ y~,° ' ,~i , ~ ~~1 ~ _ ~ ~ ' l. •r~~- •i ~ ;.':t°~,.ti ~ 11~~ ~ , ti 1~'~'~~ Lt~i'~'~ , . ~ ° ~ , ~ • _ ~ ~ r ~ ~ s ~ ~A r" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~....t~ ~ r a, + ' ~ ` r ~ ; - { `'i 4 i •1 ~ db • • ~ } , j~ ~ ~t1ii4' ::11~~111 ~ ~ ~ ~i1~ ~ , ~ii , ; ~ ; . ' i ~ A , _ 3 ~ M f ~ . • • ~ ~ . I i ; 3 e ~ , - ~ e d~ • w, t . ~ . 4~ ! F y w + sh w 3 wa \ ~ . ,r'. . ~ FT•!~ '<1 . • ~ ~ . ii6 i• s , 3 ~ ~ M CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . . Request for Council Action ~ hfleeting Date: Septembei- 11, 2007 City Manager Sign-o#f' I#em: Check al1 that apply; Ll consent ❑ old business ~ new business 0 public hearing [D information ❑ adrnin, repor# ❑ pending legislatian AG ENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Outside Agency Alloca#ions GOVERiVENG LEGISLATIOPI: City budgeting prac#ices PRElllOUS COUNClL ACTION TAI(EN: Proposals were requested fram outside agencies for 2008 city financiaf assistance for public services. . Ten outside agencies presented praposals for 2008 city funding at the August 14 cotincil meeting. BACKGROUND: The city has beeri providirrg partral funding for pubiic sen+ices since incorpor2ation in 20 03. The proposed budget for 2 008 includes $1 30,000 for th is purpose, ~ Outside agencies rnade presentations at the August 14 council rrieeting to acquaint the city council with out~ide agency services. Requests for 2008 pragrams total $213,000_ OPTEONS: 1} Continue #a fund outside agency services; 2} Discontinue funding outside agencies; 3} Fund outside agencies at amaunts set by the councFl_ i RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recammends council continue furrding outside . agencies in the am ount of $130,000 for 2008. The C ity Councif needs to specify the a mount of funding for each agerrcy. . *"Fundina for 2008 should be continaenk uoon each aqencv submittina a reoork iden#ifvinq how citv funds were used to Drovide services ta area citizens durinG 2007"" BUDGETfFINANCIAL IlUIPACTS: This recornmendatian has been incorporated into the 2008 city budget an d will cost the city $1 30,000 for these public services. S7AFF CONTACT- Ken Thompson, Finance Direc#of ~ - , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY OUTSIDE AGENCY FUNDING REQUESTS 2008 BUDGET YEAR Social Services 2007 2008 Awarded Reauesi Purpase Greater Spokane Substance Abuse S 8,500.00 Reduce substance abuse Spokane Valley Partners (Community Center) 5,000.00 20,000.00 S.C.O.P.E Edgecliff Weed & Seed, Edgecliff Neighborhood Center Coalitian of Responsible Disabled - 20,500.00 Greater access to independent living services Big Brothers, Big Sisters 2,500.00 9,974.00 School based mentaring program Meals Valley-Meals on Wheels 2,500.00 5,000.00 Home delivered meals . Arts Council 5,000.00 12,000.00 Administration cosis, sculpture placement Soc. Serv. Agency Total $ 15,000.00 S 75,974.00 Economic Development Greater Spokane Incorporated 65,000.00 65,000.00 Economic Development International Trade Alliance 20,000.00 35,000.00 Export expansion services Connect Northwest - 25,000.00 Business and financial resources to enVepreneurs Spokane Neighborhood Economic Development - 12,000.00 Financing growth of high potential small businesses Total Econ, Dev. S 85,000.00 $137,000.00 Grand Total $ 100,000.00 $212,974.00 Note: Site locator requested and was awarded $21,000 after 2007 awards were made. Site locator is included in the 2008 Budget CITY OF SPOKNE VALLEY OUTSIDE AGENCY FUNDING FOR 2008 . PROPOSED FUNDING AT 8-29-07 Councilor--> A B C D E F G Agency: Greater Spok. Substance Abuse $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 S 4,000 Spokane Valley Partners $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 S 20,000 Coalition of Responsible Disabled $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ - S 5,000 Big Brother, Big Sisters $ 2,500 $ 3,000 $ 2,500 s 3,000 $ 3,000 S 5,000 Meals on Wheels $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,500 s 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 Arts Council $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 S 5,000 $ 6,000 Greater Spokane Inc. $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 44,000 $ 55,000 S 65,000 S 65,000 $ 65,000 International Trade Alliance $ 20,000 S 20,000 S 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 S 25,000 $ 25,000 Connect NW $ - $ 1,500 Spokane Neighborhood Economic Dev. $ - S 1,500 S 4,000 Totals--> $ 117,500 S 118,000 $ 112,000 $ 85,000 $ 124,500 S 123,500 $ 138,000 . . • City • Spokane Valley Memo To: Dave Mercier From: Ken Thompsan CC: Nina Regor Date: September 6, 2007 Re: Fee Resolutcon Update for September 11, 2007 Meeting Staff updates the fee resolution once each year and places it on the council agenda for review. Staff expects to have a few changes prepared for council review on September 25. Proposed changes include: 1. Adjusting preliminary and final short plat (2-4 lots) fees to more dosely reflect City of Spokane Valley costs. 2. Clarifying preliminary and final binding site plan fees. 3. Implementing a fee for zoning letters to citizens and organizations. A more thorough review is planned for the September 25, council meeting. 1 S&Kane ,;,ooOValley " 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokarsevalley.org Informational Memo To: Dave Mercier, City IlAanager and Council Members From: Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects CC: Neil Kersten, Nina Regor, Carolbelle Branch Date: September 4, 2007 Re: Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project - Bid Awarc1 The Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Yrojeel was advertised for bicis nn Friday, August 31. The scheduled bid ngen~ing date is Friday, September 21. After opening bids and tabulating the results, staff will be requesling Council ai kheir September 25 meeting to award the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction cnntract to the Iowest respansible bidder. ~ Because of the late time of year in which this comtract will be awarded, the majority --f of work to complete this project will be scheduled for next year. "1'his project is funded by a fetieral STP(LJ) grant, an S'T't\ Cooperative Grant, and loc:al Funcls. '1'he [otal prOject cost is approximalely $6.1 million. Please feel free lo contact me i['yrw have any questions. J , ~ ~ Sn, a n uF~[l~i,ll~ ,ll~ ~ ~ Va11ey 4;oO 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org September 8, 2006 Glenn F. vliles Transportatian Manager Spokane R.egional Transportatian Cauncil 221 W. First Avenue, Suite 310 SPokane, Wt199201-3f 13 Suhject: Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - S`I'PITL-3842(002) (Srtc04-20) llear Crlenn: As part c>f the Appleway Avenue Reconstruclion Project, we recenily received an updated construction cost estimate frum David Evans 8c Associates (T)EA) ba.sed on an RO% complete dcsigm. The current conslniction estamate is $4,514,390. This is significantly ~ higher than the original construction estimate ol'$2,127,796 Spokane County prepared ~ J back in 2004 when tlic STP(L) granl application was prepared. These estimates include z 10% contingency. Attached is a cc>niparison of the two cstimakes. You will note thcre are several issues related to the incrcased estimatc including the following: • The pric;e of asphalt and cancrete has risen substantially in tlic last two years. • The cturent raad sectican based on a geotechnical report from Bucidinger is thicker lhan the county plaiined. Tlus incrcases the quantities af roadway excavation, crushecl surfacing, and asphalt. • The eounty's unil pric;e for "roadway cxcavadon, ineluding haul" was significantly lower lhan currently estimated • There were several bid items not iiicluded in the county's estimate. Ra.sed on the new increaseri estiniate and the amount of city and STY(U) funds currently obligat«l to this project, we would like appruval to splil the project into two phases. Phase One would be from Tshirley Road to Barker Koad and would include a ncw signal at the Applcway/Barker intersection. I'hase "fwo would be the remainder of the project from Barker Raad to Hndges koad. We requesl approval to use all of the currently obligaled STF'(L) funds 1'dr the Phase Une project. We would then prepare another grani application for Phase Two seeking ` aciditional S7'N(LT) funds under the current Call for Projects to complete the improvcmenis. . Glerui Miles, SR'1'C 9/8/2006 Appleway Avenue R.econstruction S'1'Yi.JL-3842(002) Page 3 This proposed approach includes completinb the design and right-of-way acquisition for . bc.>th Phase (7ne and Yha.se Two under our current design contract with DEA. Splilting the contract documents into lwo bid paekages is not currently in our schpe of work with l7EA and would rec{uire an eyuilable adjustment of their fee. Attached is also a funding summary for this proposed phased approach. As indicaled in lhe summary, there is still a$455,102 shortfall in funding. We would like to request S1'P(U) contingency funds to cover this shartfall. Flcase let me k.now as soon as possible if Ehis two-phased approach and the utilization of currently obligated S1"1'(ia) funds i~or Phase Qne is acc:eptable and iP adclitional S'I'P(iJ) funcis are available. Sincerely, Steve M. Worley, P.L. Senior Engineee - Capital Yrojects Enclosures: Construction Cost Estimate C;omparisun, C;c: Louis Graf, City of Spokane Valley Bill McCammun, WSIaOT, H&T.:P ;