2007, 10-02 Special Joint County Library Board CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AGENDA SPECIAL .JOINT NI-EETTNG/STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City CounciU Spokane County Library District Board Tuesday, October 2, 2007 4:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Council Chambers, Spokane Valley City flail 11707 E Sprague Avenue AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Call to Order and Welcome: Mayor Wilhite 2, Introduction of Library Board Members: Library Director Mike Wirt 3. Presentation: Michael Freedman Topic: Development of City Center and Library Site Plan Option for West side of University Avenue 4. Other Items: Adjourn Note: Union otherwise noted avow, no public comments will be !limn at this meeting. Howavvr. Council alwap reserves the right to request Infonnation from the public and staff as appropriate. During meetings hold by the Cfty of "ane valley Council, tiro Ccuncil msttrrres the right to t46e 'ncSirui' cm any Item listed or subsequently adW to the agenda The term 'or:t !n' mt-ans to do6berat=..+. dtw::U n, r~:',ew :~nsidet. evaluale, ~r make a call-ad ve posttiva or nerj$tNC: decision NOTICE. Individuals planning to attend ft nsceling who mire spvisl asslstur oo to aatoirnnodate physical, hearkV. or otter Impaim►ents, please confect the City Clark at (509) 921.1000 n soon as passible to that arrangaments may be math Cl ::iihrr 20.0' Jun:! Mewinq, Cour►crl $ t.fbrdry Board SEE OVER ,;oOValley ' I)' F :•t i.zi~l:r r• LI11C' 1Cr, Spak~rlt- `,?;iQy r421 SQrX, i Far 1C%A' !rtyhiill ^.•FFrr_anEVail~f.e; Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: September 27, 2007 Re: City Center Master Plan - West Side of University On September 4, 2007, City Council directed city staff and consultants to begirt negotiations with the University City property owners for the purpose of drafting are agreement to support the development of a viable city center. Council has also stated the desire to work closely with the Spokane County Library District in locating a new library in the proposed city center As Council .s aware, the L;brary District will prc)pose a ballot measure- in the spring of 2008 to finance library facilities. In order for the District to propose the ballot measure, they need to Identify a site and secure the property through purchase or option. To meet the District's tight schedule, the City has hired Michael Freedman to prepare two master plans for the west side of University, one with the City Center cone constructed all at once, and one showing only a library and city hall. The reason we are requesting two concept master plans is to show how the site could be developed all at once or incrementally over time if the city cannot attract a large developer The master plans will also indl,lde a locahori for new ci•.y hall and public plaza The cost to prepare the two concept master plans is $40,000, which will be split 50150 by the City and the Library District. Community Development will cover the City's portion with current budgetary resources. The General Fund will not be impacted by this additional consultant expense