2007, 10-02 Study Session AGENDA CITY (^)F SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET STUDY SESSION Tuesday, October 2, 2007 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 Ew Sprague Avenue, Fast Fluor (Please Turn Of All Electronic Devices During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL Employee lntraductioni C omnrruuty Development Director fiallry MIcUung. by CTty.kfanager Dun-e Mertcler Central ReceprianLcl Roxanne if yalr, by: dministrative AssislawSue Pass-more Af-TION ITUVI: 1. Strive Worley Appleway Avenue Bid Award Motion Consideration REGCTLAR STUDY SESSION ITEMS: 2. Greg McCormick Community Development Block Grant Discussion/lnformation 15 minutes) Project List for 200702008 I Karen Kendall Shannon Avenue STV 02-07, Ordinanc c Discussion/Information 00 minutes) Amendment Proposal 4. Greg McCotmicktMilw Appleway Auto Vacation Requesl Disc ussi orVWormation Basinger (IS minutes) 5. Mike Connelly Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Discussion/Information (Is minutes) 6. Nina Regor CIP Organizational Model DiscuSsiotl/Information (1 S minutes) Mike Thompson Levy Lid Lift Information Pre,Cntation 0 5 minutes) 8. Dave Mercier General Budget Discussion/Information (20 minutes) Q Mayor Wilhite Advance Agenda Additions Discussiontlnformation 10. Mayor Wilhite Council Check in DiseussionMfemiation 11. Date Mcrcier <_'itv Rlanltccr Contmcnt, [}i~cta;tii~~n, lnfnrn~uinn ADJOURN ;Vote. Unim otherwise noted abut e, there will be no public comments at Couacit Study SMioas. Ilowm er, Council always reser-wcs the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate During mcctinp held by the City of Spokane Valley Council. the Council r=,wves the right to take "nctioti on any itcrn liUW or subsequently added to the sgu►dn. The tc.-rn "action" mesns to delihmtc, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make is collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE- IWIVI uals planning to attend We tux-oft who requite specml avustanoc cc occcanroodntc phyW"k hcwina tv o4licr tntpaimaaaa, plean contact I. the rich Clot of (St'9) 9:1.10!10 as nwn ax Tmmibte w Out o*rangrmcntn moy In red: ;:11th `c a n l.;'cudi (4.ctYr Zi}q! P :x 1 L,t I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 3, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project- Bid Award GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational Memorandum included in April 10, 2007 (1" touch) and September 11, 2007 (2nd touch) Council Packets. BACKGROUND: The Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project is funded by Federal STP(U) funds, STA, and City local match. The overall project budget is approximately $6.1 million with a current construction contract estimate between $4-5 million. Based on current expenditures and estimates the project will be completed under budget. I Proiect Budget Original Current Funding Sources Funding Amount PE Phase $193,000 $235,000 STP(U) $5,075,000 RAN Phase $416,000 $226,050 City $717,000 CN Phase $2,588,000 $25 STA $304.000 Totals $3,197,000 $6,095,875 Total $6,096,000 The project was advertised for bids on Friday, August 31. The scheduled bid opening date was delayed one week to Friday, September 28 to address issues/questions/clarifications from bidders. Staff will provide tabulated results of the public bid opening at the October 3 Council Study Session with a request to approve the contract bid award to the lowest responsible bidder. Because of the late time of year in which this contract will be awarded, some construction work may begin this year but the majority of the work to complete this project will be scheduled for next year, OPTIONS: Award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder or provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the award of the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project bid to the lowest responsible bidder. RCA ZReeting Date: October 3, 2007 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project - Bid Award Page 2 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Based on current project estimates and expenditures there will be adequate budget within the project to cover expenditures. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve M. Worley, P.E., Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS 1). Bid tabulations will be provided after the bid opening. .v CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 2, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑C information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2008 CDBG Program - Potential CDBG Projects GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: Spokane County has estimated for planning purposes only, that the County will receive $1,500,000 in CDBG funding for the 2008 program year. There are statutory limits on the administration and planning allocation of 20% of new funds or approximately $300,000. Also limited by statute is the human service allocation at 15% of available funds or approximately $225,000. Both the 20% for administration and 15% for human service programs (approximately $525,000) are deducted from the estimated $1.5 million available for the 2008 program year, resulting in approximately $975,000 available for capital projects. These amounts do not include any program income or de-obligated funds, which are unknown at this time. City staff met on September 218E to identify potential projects that would qualify for CDBG funding. The following list of projects is preliminary based on city staff's evaluation of CDBG eligible projects. Preliminary cost estimates are currently being developed and will be brought forward to the Council at the October 9t" meeting. 1. Rockwell Sewer Project - Full width paving 2. Summerfield Acres Sewer Project - Full width paving 3. Various sidewalk projects including ADA improvements OPTIONS: Identify other potential projects for consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide staff direction in preparing for the scheduled public hearing on October 9, 2007 BUDGEWINANCIAL IMPACTS: Undetermined at this time. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager. ATTACHMENTS: None. CITY O SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting [)ate: 0--too r 2. ~Utl? City Manager Sign-off. - Item: Check all that apple: consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑1 u'-h,: `le :n 1J information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amending Ordinance 07-012 passed on July 24, 2007 far right-.-f--aka-' N acation request (S'IN'-02-07) for approximately 30 by 750 linear feet of Shannon Avenu:. PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOWMISSION ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 07- 005 on May 8. 2007, setting the date for a public hearing held on June 14, 2007. The Planning Commission voted 6-1 to approve the attached findings and to recommend conditional approval of the %acation. On Jul,. 2-3, 2007 the City Council unanimously passed Ordinance 07-012. i CST ad ftwh~ wwby Shannon Avenue requested ! l to be vacated. B-A.CKGROUND: Correcting an error that required construction of %lansfield Avenue as noted in 1~cction 5.c of ordinance 07-012. 'Tlie intent was to require right-of % ny and horder easements for Mansfield Avemie to be dedicated. OPTIONS: 1. Schedule tiritread!nl' a IlCa C 1,l_:1cJ `L',1. t 1 2. Deny: or 3. Schedule a public ll ;iCi!'_ ill_At .'.ICI b: •`1l 7!l:i~'il -'!I .itlur Ik:Il The 81;11!, i-I.t pasted three conspicuous places In the C'w, ST:kT CONTACT: Karen Kendall. Assi--tant P1amicr .t I-FAU"NIENTS: Staff Report D 'IIt ~1?tCild~ l e tI 1111111:_ .'TI A Vdi K~' STAFF REPORT .kNtEND ORDINANCE 0?-U12 FOR SII.A:\\O\ A%T-iC'E STREET VACATION Prepared b}: Kann Kendall, :;>i;tsnt N;inner, l>rpar?mcnt.-fact;nmtin it} DeNrloprnem Date: September 2a, 2007 Findings: 1. Correcting an error that required construction of Mansfield Avenue as noted in Section 5.c of ordinance 07-012. The intent was to require right t-ifa,.- and border easements for Mansfield :t~enue to he pie +icalcj Conclusions: 1 . it` i-, ait tns•riircl to aii,ciid t'ac rd in:mcc CITY OF SPOK-1- E V.itLLE1 SPOKA:'VE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORD17NANCE NO.07-0*6 AN ORDINANCE OF 'TILE CITY OF SPOKANNT. VALLEY, WASHINGTON, CN ENDING ORDINANCE 07-012, SECTION 5(C), RELATING TO CONI)iT1OtiS OF VACATION FOR APPROXT~iATLEY 30 FEET WIDE BY 750 LLNEA.R FEET OF SHA_N-:VON AVENUE ABUTTING PARCEL NT.IBERS 45103.0244, 45103.0245 and 45103.0203 AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, and the City Council passed Ordinance 07-0 i 2 on Jul,. =4, 20o7i. graiytuig the application for vacation of a portion of Shannon Avenue; and WHEREAS, staff subsequently discovered that the conditions for vacation in Section 5(c) .:o aincd a scrivener's error, specifically in that it required construction of a road at specified dimensions that should not have been included. This amendment would remove t%vo sentences so that the currently adopted standards would be applied at time of construction; and 'N'HEREAS, the City Council desires to amend Ordinance 0,-012 to remove the incorrect dimensional requirements from the vacation conditions. NOW. THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Sh+2,kwie Valle, SINAane C'ountN. % ashinziun, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Intent - The City of Spokane Valley declares that the intent of this i rd;nancr is to amend Ordinance 07-012 to make it comply with adopted City Code requirements. Section 2. Ordinance 07-012 to be amended- Spokane Valley Ordinance 0 +112, tiec11011 ~I e.) ~ha11 be amended as follow,: 1 Dedication of the right-of-way and border easements for the continuation of Mansfield Avenue, which will cross the main parcels that front onto this portion of Shannon .avenue. Mansfield Avenue is to be constructed according to Collector Arterial standards, matching the section of the existing Mansfield Avenue to the east. ?fit s€+rld is ? «w3p=+:etf - lit ~ eacr{i+i~ 1~pe $ ~ &RclVfer{? ►t-side~+al ~e ; few;-44 #t- - i•it -;o,% ale and a 6 82erE--This requires 54 feet of right-of-way dedication and 14 foot border easements on both sides. Section 3. Remainder Unchanged. 'Ibc remaining portions of Ordinance 07-012 remain ulicliaiigcd by this amendment. Section 4. Cjosin . Following satisfaction of the above conditions of vacation set forth in i trdinance 07-012, as amended by this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of t ►rdinance 07-012 and of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and the City Manager i•; ,111thorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Decd. in order to complete the tranifer of the property identified herein. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be Ile][] t.~) he itnalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clan-te , pltrtsc of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days alter publication of this Ordinance or a summan, thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided bt la~v 1)rdlnance 117-1.) Am.,rid;;-ilo l'-.1,Ilaalc 11' 11; t' '.1 ~ i f- f_ i1', ~ i~l, .,it- _ i i•.. i~. F". _ iii C irv Clerk. Christine Ban t r : Approved As To Form: Office of the Date of Pub] i- ~firCTive Da,:_ Exhibit ''.A" Property Description 1k Mansfield A%enue •GH •Jaa -~(I' tirt:~thl Ordinancc ii? Nmcnding Ordinance CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 2, 2007 City Manager Sign-off. Item: Check all that apply' D consent ❑ o1d business Z new business ❑ pubiic hearing ❑ information Q admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft Planning Commission recommendation for proposed vacation request (ST,!- 03-07) for approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue and 265 lineal feet of Sipple Street PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 07-013 on July 24, 2007, setting the date for a public hearing. The Planning Commission voted 6-1 to approve the attached findings and recommend conditional approval of the vacation. ILL BACKGROUND: The City received an application requesting the vacation of approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue and approximately 265 feet of Sipple Street from adjacent property owners. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on July 24, 2007 via Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, -007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. On August 23, 2007. the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony concerning the requested vacation. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from .re City's Senior Traffic Engineer- The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department and heard presentations from the applicant. planning staff, and Senicr Traffic Ergin::er t OPTION RECOMMENDATION: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission tnerefore recommends to the City that the requested vacation of Sipple Street and the vacation of First Avenue be granted subject to the conditions contained in the Planning Commission findings and recommendations (Exhibit 1). The next step would be to have the ordinance scheduled for a first reading at an upcoming City Council Meeting STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations Exhibit 2: Staff Report Exhibit 3: Street Vacation Application with Written Narrative Exhibit 4: Comments from Staff, and Agencies 111111111.. 'tl• 11n Department o1' Community Development llle) ('laming Division STV-03-07 n .l 141•nllc 2 111alllr I(t,t41t \ti.01 111f L '1 Pit 11\ (.11,11111, J t :ILt(t~t' ,n 1 u:;la'I A(Illllf ti I I~.III 1. nn\- _ 1 1 cntruu11t1 - B N I,illllu t_ ~ pool ~litlllir ~ ~ ,I,, 11,Is.ti,,T.it•luclllut~ SW-03-07 rf- _ i -r-- - tl Jullll nlutrt. - ~\t t1\ ~1`' :\li,l v, ,Ukl r\It,i \'inunr~ ` ' • , c_ ~ (a itl - \ :Illy\'t~':I\ e V.111•~, -i I\11111 ~ 17 ~.t\1,11 i. I- 11..+11n~1..1 cr~ul~ 11 a ~1 ~ Prnllfllt;:'11:IUuur 1~%V =t« ~Jtf1CIK ~ 1 til~f.lL'll~' / tiltta~ltt' =1' tillllll;tlC'." / I I ' Inl ~ •tncl 'nll - ~~I?Jthtt.l) 4111 1141 t /J ~ ~ y l~lcnlrnl:lrt r` •1111 •Jth t- anll'' ~ •1111 ?1~: till! silt 1 .I l u 1! Stll II 'III 1:a1;,1rc1111 I 1 w II 1': r 1, ? 111 1- j 111 till) 1, ~Ilt Sill 9 1 Ili 'Pl / It 1111 I It ~ "J I i'~• '1111 ~ l 1111'CI•tiil t l lnl,r ~ C 1u1i1 - - - --t - ~,1.1j1 C'cutf•r 1 (I 1 I ; I 1 I `i: 11.11 I I_I I I: 111 - yt 5' : I 1 I - F: 1 _Ilt ;7 1 1 E11 C Department f Community Development ~iiieN Planning Division Background • Adjacent uses: - Commercial Usc s • Area consists of multiple parcels - All owned by Appleway & GUS • Appleway redevelop site • Request to vacate both I'-," Ave. & Sipple Ave. Department of Community Development S~~ukanc• ►llv t Planninu Division Proposed Vacation 10 265' 750 / a rte,,.; •~~M~•../~ ~i/~ r r - -1 J O PP 1, _ - f OOW S~~~Icarr'~ Department of Community Development w Planning; Division 2_006 Acrial • ti :'fly, ;-r ~ITfd.-' Rrr►r~rntn~'n - ~ T 7-77 "m** i i I 1'- ~ .~li ..;~x.✓....~.., it~lUl/lifM~N`~n,~' 77 CI~EU_I~r,~71fI1 T~~~~al►i -71 ..f. UmtC , ti- n~ } ••1~'S'P"y ill; I -Y ~ ' - - r.,. ~:rl~ + - " js~ 't ri?;! t'i, f ~r~itt! ~I►.~~'3~ .c ~ ~ • .Ait..t~ •t i q, lis -"~:..+~•i fi~~~ii ~~I.~~if,4 ~ V' ; I 1~1l1~1'\1r~1\ t '1 , r MMI \7 ~,.1~- •i tam 1 r y 7 ,S~ '1~'~, ,5~'~.1 ~r I ~ '.I Department of Community Development ~~~iik<<ru• Planning Division Planning Commission Recommendatlnll jcct to con(IItlolls ■ Vacate Sipplc Street and li first A,VCI1UC SUH contained in Exhibit 1 S06~e ,;oo*VaUey 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cltyh8t4spokanevaltey.:,- Memorandum To: Mayor and City Councilors From: Gall Kogel, Chair - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: September 27, 2007 Re: Planning Commission Findings and Re~e.tTl{ncil:}aclon: STV-03-07 BACKGROUND The City receives an appii_atlcr , eg,,Ies* I-10 tnc 'dam=~_It'.JT C? :ipPr ;k f'lZIleiy I'S, , ,Ue 311-:1 approximately 265 feet of Sipple Street from adjacent property owners. The date of the hearng was set by City Council on July 24, 2007 via Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 200* in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. On August 23, 2007, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony concerning the requested vacation, The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the City's Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department and heard presertations from the applicant, planning staff, and Senior Traffic Engineer The Planning Commission recommends approval o` !t-e First Avenue and Sipple Street as proposed by the Applicant based on the fo?lowing Firdings and s,_abject to ti'e Conditions ccntainea here n: FINDINGS 1. The City Council set the August 23, 2007 public hearing date at their July 24, 2007 meeting through adoption of Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City. was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, it -l a ;,as -!aced cn "-,e prcaer, providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 20C7 2. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 23 ~I1'3w ece:re testimony conce-irg the vacation of approximately 750 feet in length of First Avenue and 265 feet of Sipple Street. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The Planning Commission determined the street/alley would perm t Full deve'ocrnent -of the orooerty for beneficial uses and permit aprrcoriate levels of ma n',enance- of 3 4. The Planning Commission determined that allowing the street vacation would better serve the public considering the vacation would allow Appleway Chevrolet[Toyota AutoNation to redevelop their site creating a financial benefit. 5. The Planning Commission determined that the street was no longer required for public use or access based on testimony from the applicant's representative stating that it is used by the public but not required. 6. The Planning Commission stated that the narrowness of the street, the safety to the public, economic development, and pedestrian safety were all considerations used in determining the street vacations. 7. The Planning Commission concluded that the public was already using Vista Street and Sargent Street and believed the extension of Sipple Street would not be more useful to the public. 8. The Planning Commission determined that conditions would not change in the future to provide a greater use or need for the subject rights of way. 9. The Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in favor of the street vacations and further stated that they had not heard anyone object to the proposed vacations. 10. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. RECOMMENDATION The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that the requested j vacation of Sipple Street and the vacation of First Avenue be granted subject to the following conditions: i - 1. The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey a. Sewer: There is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement, b. Water: East Spokane Water District No. 1 has a 10" main line that runs down Sipple Street and First Avenue. There is an 8" line running half way down the strip. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. c. Telephone[Fiber Optics: Qwest Communications has several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Street with services crossing the right-of-way. There are no fiber optics lines within the right-of- way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. e. Cable Television: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. 2. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: The City of Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation: a. A 20-foot clear fire lane must be established in the street's place. b. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. f c. The fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked either by patrons or for sale in fire lane. 2of3 d. This fire lane must be clearly marked with "No Parking-Fire Lane' signs posted on both sides. e. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane. 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a Mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 4. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Street and Sewer Construction. 5. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. 6. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 7. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated,. shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. B. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 9. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this 27`r' day of September, 2007 Gail Kogle, Chair 3 of 3 I ~e STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF FIRST AVENUE AND Valley SIPPLE STREET Prepared by: Michael L. Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner, Department of Community Development Date: August 10, 2007 Findings: 1. Abutting Property No. 1: The following parcels numbers abut the north side of the proposed vacation of First Avenue: 45191.0407, 45191.0408, 45191.9113, 45191.9114 and 45191.9112. The south side of First Avenue abuts parcel numbers: 45191.0502, 45191.0503, and 45191.0601. These parcels are all owned by AutoNation, Inc. the parent company of Appleway Toyota, and Appleway Chevrolet. No objection from abutting property owners was received. 2. Abutting Property No. 2: The following parcel numbers abut the east side of the proposed vacation of Sipple Street: 45191.9023 and 45191.9112. The west side of First Avenue abuts parcel number 45191.9175. Parcels abutting the east side of Sipple Street are owned by AutoNation, Inc. the parent company of Appleway Toyota, and Appleway Chevrolet. The parcel abutting the west side of Sipple Street is owned by CoJohn Co., LLC (Gus Johnson Ford). No objections from abutting property owners were received. 3. Utilities: The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. a. Sewer: There is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. b. Water: East Spokane Water District No. 1 has a 10° main line that runs down Sipple Street and r First Avenue. There is an 8" line running half way down the strip. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Owest Communications has several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Street with services crossing the right-of-way. There are no fiber optics lines within the right-of- way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. e. Cable Television: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. All of the utility providers have been contacted by the applicant and their correspondence is attached The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 4. Stormwater Drainage facilities: The applicant stated in the application that there were no stormwater drainage facilities within the subject right-of-way. Based on City of Spokane Valley's Stormwater inventory, segments of Sipple Street and First Avenue contain four catch basins and six drywells. 5. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: The City of Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation: a. A 20-foot clear fire lane must be established in the street's place. b. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. c. The fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked either by patrons or for sale in fire lane. d. This fire lane must be clearly marked with "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs posted on both sides. 1 of 2 e. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane. 6. Access: Both Sipple Street and First Avenue are currently being utilized for traffic circulation; most of the traffic volume is related to adjacent businesses. On-street parking is utilized on both Sipple Street and First Avenue. 7. Zoning - Zoning surrounding the proposed vacation Regional Commercial (B-3). 8. Transportation - City of Spokane Valley, Division of Public Works need assessment recommends that the vacation of Sipple Street be denied, and the vacation of First be allowed only if an agreement can be made to extend Sipple Street through to Appleway Blvd. 9. Land Use - City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2- Land Use 2.9.1 Street Connectivity states that Street design can have a significant impact on community development. It also states all new developments should give special consideration to emergency access routes. Policy LUP-7.1 calls for improved traffic circulation around and through the City Center by extending the street network and creating smaller blocks. Policy LUP-16.1 encourages new developments, including multifamily projects, to be arranged in a pattern of connecting streets and blocks to allow people to get around easily by foot, bicycle, bus, or car. 10. Condition - The proposed areas to be vacated are paved with no sidewalks and currently used for traffic circulation. 11. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way - Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: 1. The Public Works Department has stated that the vacation as proposed will not better serve the public;' 2. Both streets are utilized for traffic circulation and on-street parking. 3. The implementation of the Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan could place greater reliance on local streets for access and circulation. 4. The Public Works Department has proposed that the vacation of Sipple Street be denied, and the vacation of f=irst Avenue allowed only if an agreement can be made to extend Sipple Street 'through to Appleway Blvd. The extension of Sipple'Street would improve circulation and access 'to businesses on the north side of Sprague. 5. The City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan encourages connecting streets and blocks. 2 of 2 r-rrn CITY OF SPOKANE V, EY (F, . Staff Use Only) Spokane Community Developm-c-c Department jVaUey Current Planning Division DATE SUBMITTED: RECEIVED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 FILE No./NAME: 1 03 -O Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 -Q")00.2bzL1 ~ Fax: (504) 921-1008 plannino~aspokan valley•oro CURRENT PLANNING FEE: 30L)--, ENGINEERING FEE: STREET VACATION APPLICATION PART I -APPLICATION INFORMATION JUN 0 4 20~~ CO,~MNp MN~rC~. PROJECT INFORMATION: Op Name of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: Sipple Avenue and First Avenue Section / Township / Range of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: NT '/z, See 19: T 25N1, Ranee 44E.W.M. Area (Square Feet) of Public Street to be Vacated: 50.750 S.F. First: 750' 50' Dimensions of Public Street to be.Vacated: Sipple: 265' wide 50' deep Street Address / Tax Parcel No of Abutting Property #1: 8514 E. First Ave.: 45191.0601: 45191.0503: 45191.0502:45191.9]8i., 4S kci bpi 4S i~lt O~O~F t9 .9►~~ i q~19! ~~1~ £ X15 •qt~i Street Address/ Tax Parcel No of Abutting Property 42: 8408 E. Sprague Ave.. 45191.9023° 45191.911 j` AIM 8300 E. Sipple Road 45195.9175 - Zoning Designation of Abutting Property #1: B-3 Zoning Designation of Abutting Property #2: B-3 Previous Land Use Action, If Applicable (state Project File No. & Name: NONE KNOWN APPLICAIN'~l'/OWNE- R E14FOFUNIATION*: Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required applicant/owner information specified below if there are more than hvo (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spokane County Assessor's Office parcel records. ABUTTYNG PROPERTY ONVNFR NO. 1: APPLICAIS7NAME: Apple%aay Chevro.l.ec c/o F.J. Dul.lanty, Jr. !N'L41T,LNG ADDRESS: 42 t,?,~_verLside Aye._._ Suite 1100 CITY: Sr~nkanp STATE: WA Zfp: 99201 PEION'~: (HOaiN1E/W0 K)_62G-5265 _(FASO) 458-2717 (CELL) Please Circle 'PLEASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040 (Title to Vacated Street or Alley) the property within a public street or ( alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. Revised 4/23/2007 ARUTTLVG PROPERTY OWNER No. 2: APPLICANT 1'.AME: Co "ohnG LLC c/o Gus Johnson Ford, 8300 E..Sprague, Spokane Halley, WA 99212 ' 11Z.ALLING ADDRESS: CITY: STATE' ZIP: -PfloNE: (I3OmEAYORK) 509/924-1000 (FAX) 509/921-9127 (CELL) Please Circle PART LT -1CVALUATION CRTTFR7A The following is criteria evaluated by the Planning Commission in formulating a recommendation to the City Council. On a separate sheet of paper the following questions shall be answered in it detailed manner. 1. I-low does a change of use or vacation of the stre°t/alley improve servicc to the public? 2. Is the street or alley no longer required for public use or public access? Explain. 3. Would substitution of a new and/or different public right-of-way better serve the public? Explain. 4. How will use or need for this right-of-way be affected by future bonditions? Explain. 5. Will easements be retained for all underground and overhead utilities? The requested vacation is located in the service area of what utility companies. (Specify)? 6. Petitioaer(s) contacted the following utilities/agencies with this proposal for their concurrence. (Attach correspondence) _ Telephone _ Cable _ Eleotric _ Other (Specify ) - Water District ! Fire District _ Gas Utility _SeNi Gr utility 7. Does the right-of-way include stormRater drainage facilities (Specify)? NOTE: ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN THE STREET VACATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST SHALL BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THt STREET VACATION APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED. Revised 7126/2005 • i i PART II - LEGAL OWiNERSfGNATURE Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specified below if there are more than two (2) property owners submitting for the Street Vacation. AI3 111'G PROPts Y 0NVNI R NO. 1: v t, (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE M TRUTI-IFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFEUM TI-LAT . ATTACHED FIER.EWITH IS WRITTEN PERWSSION FROM THE OWNER .AU'MORIZi_NG I~N ACTIONS ON HI.S&ER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHOATI:: 6' 2- _ ZIP: (City) (Brace) _G5 NOTARY % (For Part ll above) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKA.-I M ) nn SUBSCMED AND SWORN to before me this day of X11-f / 20 ?VOTARY SEAL t t A: • e n, ? NOTARY SIGNA'( U~tE Notary Public in d for the State of Washington T cf ':r t; i,;T to nn ctirF.,SReoiding at: J Icy appointment expires: Reviscd 7!26!2005 9 ~ - ARUTTINC PR0PFwrV OwrLIRN0. 2: C 'r/G? ~7G~ G L C.. (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIR_R THAT THE A13OVE RfiSPONSES ARE fv E TRUTHFIMLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNO\V-LEDGE. I FURTHER S\Nr6AR OR AFFM NI THAT F rz -~n~°I'8 A I"E1I>' THE=-~4$~~c rn> vv'r`rr 7r;n~'--5~ ATTACHED HFRE\V1T13 IS WR.TTTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWI\rER AUTHORIZING Ml' ACTIONS ON TUS/FIER BEHALF. ADDRESS: PHONE: 6; Z = zl:p: 9 z% G~ (City) (State) ~ G (s~~ I (D NOTARY (For Part U above) STATE OF WASI-f[NGTO\j) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANT ) SUBSCRf13ED AND SWORN to before me this day of L k 20ff) U NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIdNATURE Notary Public ' and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointment expires: Revised 71?6l`i005 r" WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS Rn=TL twmaal~ MW K a is POGTLAND OMCE 1100 U.S. BANK BUILDING - CO3lUR CrALR18 O?M MeMWgi~m+cs.. 13 15 sar tn«nM sut-ego 422 WEST RIVERSMEA%M4UE raocm DSrnUUe A~ U ~o~ FOKIL&~M. CIEGON 97301 TW AAaCOCHKO Y 7ctepbm: twolswnsl SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99201-0300 CGgma-A1.EM- ]DAMS)s1aaM6 MIAX IL CV.-= Fax: fsc?)s~6-S1ts T:kphone: (09) 624-5265 :dTh~: R~Q16w•.~w WMv XXXM rrrRrri SLIM=. Fwc (509) 459-2723 Fti pnl)66a as a 1XZLnf R. OEAVEIr?Ak WrWAZL G CUMW n0A9 T. REMNE' t3Y 4 010400 + MAX IL;L' w IDP Me L? f. XMI June 4, 2007 ft"Kk=ya n-~u.aAVif» P1 DMAJ jk 2M= C r_ wry 1SARYRGW LWL0 T7NViSR' la unaR ~D vn33AN k iY44L53 DAN Y L RT.'LAT.r' pAVW ID K 17~1'79Cn1 I YYWcCn1YMkj L LD7TK N o 4 ?ppr ~ Ron P. VNM ~11L MS. Marina Sukup S/-~py ROCEt.T 1.CA1bA'!1S' U~` Community Development CQMMU ~'R~~'V;~1 CHRIM AA 41 T i fy f 1 1 CR =LY.E116 v"RUtD•: R11ANARAYSL• Planning Director =Cop . RYAN K K 88A00op• P.TRI .L Wua Lt/.A L dFNj- LAHrAM-AT City of Spokane Valley u L nCNiVE7QAT RMIAA7 A 0."7' Rp1.WN#.C0IENAN 11707 L. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 RY M' C .C%5771 T11wCf N. L.aptx LMr;=,. Spokane Valley, OVA 99206 ar"]IA V AW 0OnL iTVL'L arXECK OP COUNSEL Re: Vacation of Sipple Road and First Avenue TAn A Ovnpi . Jff~ C Ilv.7 Y. An.cn reW rx.tl L Wu ALR C nA e18lo Dear Marina: A~ u 81a! is C.V. ~ Atm 'sysaC it Mxal~ h).4ft wbGtiLmn `AI»kG91c' b ?4M Yn► AA1A~i~=n=u=Please find enclosed an application for the vacation of Sipple Avenue from Sprague to »A .w=d is lehi ey First Avenue, and First Avenue from Sipple to Sargent Road. This application is submitted on behalf of those property owners which abut both sides of the right-of=way. The area consists of multiple parcels, which comprise the Appleway Chevrolet/Toyota group as well as the Gus Johnson Ford group. Those parcels are as follows: Appleway Chevrolet Parcels 45191.9112, 45191.9113, 45191.0502, 45191.0503, 45191.0501, 45191.9187; Pring Corporation, Parcel No. 45191.0407, 45191.0408, 45191.9114; Pring, Bradley, Timothy, Karen, Parcel 'NTo. 45191.9022. CoJohn Co., LLC is the owner of Parcel 45195.9175. The property owners have jointly authorized F.J. 7ullanty, Jr. of Witherspoon, Kelley, ]davenport & Toole, P.S. to represent their interests and execute all documents on their behalf. The primary purpose of seeking a vacation of First Avenue is to allow the Appleway Chevrolet/Toyota group to redevelop the entire site facing both Sprague Avenue and Appleway Avenue. In addition, Sipple Road is no longer required and currently serves only as an- entrance point for Gus Johnson Ford and Appleway Chevrolet. First Avenue is no longer used for access and primarily serves only the needs of the Appleway Chevrolet/Toyota group. A Ms. Marina Sukup June 4. 2007 Page 2 Vacation of both streets, will result in the revitalization and redevelopment of the area in accordance with the policy and goals of the City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan with respect to Auto Row. Should you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Very truly yours; WITIIERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENTPORT v?. S. /F.J. DULLA/ FY, JR. FJD/ks Enclosure Cc: Harry Brumley Gus Johnson Vonn Jones W ALAL.:onrtion 60611Cor-.espandencv'S_lvp 050407 n app for vurionAm AutoN tion ~M R~C~jv ED Wednesday, May 30, 2007 JUN 0 42007 C0um' SP OK" L1 City of Spokane Valley ~~L~pj~ENT Spokane County, Washington RE: AUTHORIZATION OF F.J. DCiLLANTY, JR. TO REPRESENT AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTS ON BEHALF OF APPLEWAY TOYOTA AND APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INzC., IN THE MATTER Of THE SIPPLE AND FIRST AVENUE ROADWAY VACTION IN SPOKANE WASHINGTON. 1 To whom it may concern, This letter authorizes F.J. (Rich) Dullanty, Jr, to represent and execute documents on behalf of Appleway Toyota and Appieway Chevrolet, Inc, in the matter of the Sipple and First Avenue Roadway vacation in Spokane Washington. Please contact me directly regarding any questions or additional documentation regarding Mr. Dullanty's represe tation. cc cly, • i ruin ey D rector of eal Estate A oNa ' n, 111c. (Parent Company f pleway'T'oyota, and Appleway Chevrolet) 110 . 6"' Street Suite 1700 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 769-7134 Direct (954) 401-1535 Cell (954) 769-2067 Fax 110 S.E. 6" Street, 17"' Floor, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (954) 769-7000 5094442678. 06/04/2007 13:01 5694442678 GUSJOHNSON PAGE 01/02 Wednesday, May 30, 20017 JUN O 4 1OU7 Spokane iSpokane V` 11Gy COMM ~ Nro County, Washington ~'`tOP'ypfiNT RE: AUT14ORIZAT.TON OF F.J. DULLA~NTY JR- TO REPRESENT AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTS ON BEHALF OF COJOHNCO LLC, IN T'HE .N ATTER OF TFI,E S.IPPLE ROADWAY VACATION TIN -131DOK~'~NE VALLEY To Whon.i. It May Concern: 'l.1.is letter authorizes F.J. (Rick) Dullanty Jr. to represent and execute docw,acn.ts on behalf of ColohnCo LLC. in the matter of-the Sipple Roadway vacadon in Spokane Valley, Washiogton. Please contact me directly regarding any questions or additiopal docbmenta.tion rcgardi.n.g Mr. Dull.anty's representation.. Sincerely, Gus Jo so. M er 4ana.eer Co. ohn.. 1.L1 C Ph a9?_-1000 Fax 509-444-2678 Cell 509-475-1399 JOO E. G ;-^:ague s SpokaneVailey, Washington'v 5921 2 D0-224-1 000 T B00,669-02777 V Fax: 509-221 -21 27 v gusjOhinsonford.com i PART II RV LUATI N CRITERIA ' Sipple ve~lue and First Avenue Vacation 1. How does a change of use or vacation of the street/alley improve service to the Vacating Sipple .Avenue and Firsi Avenue between Sprague Avenue and Sargent Road would increase public safety- AWonalion owns and operates properties on boar sides of the First Avenue right- of-way and on the earl side o the Sipple Avenue right-oj-way. Gars Johnson Ford owns property hick abuts the west side of Sippla Avenue. Employees and other vehicles routinely cross these streets as part o their daily operations. Vacating Sipple Avenue and this portion o First Avenue would allow utonation to cornbirrc their facilities into one site plan without vehicles having to cross a public raadway- us Johnson Ford and Appleway Chevrolet miould joindy maintain Sipple Avenue as an entrance ter the facilities, Is the street or alley no longer required for public use or public acresO Explain. The majority of trafjicffow is tol ro iheprimary arterial, Sprague Avenue, to the north and Sar'g8ni -Road to the east, Sipple Avenue does not exist south o the subject property and First Avenue does riot exist west of the subject property- As a result, Sipple Avenue is not a primary acces,Y to Sprague Avenue and First Avenue is not a pri ary access to .Sargent Road. The.~e properties, and ll2ose to rise south o the sub ecl properties, have direct access.' onto Sprague Avenue, S'argem Road, and Appleway Avenue- There are no significant utilities located within the Sipple and First Avenue right-of-way. Minor utilities will either be placed within ease monM7 or abandoned 3, Would substitution of anew audlror different public right-of--►vay better serve the ptiblie? Explain. No. Sprague Avenue, ,Sargent Road, and Appleway venue are adjacent to subject properties, there by providing adertuare circularion and utility corridors. 4, How will use or need for this right-of-quay be affected by future conditions'' Explain, This area is a developed corrrrrmercial area inhere tr-aoisportation and wifir}, roures Dave previously beers established. The (hvner•.s will r•econ igare their sites to incorporate the vacated roadways into a compreh.f?nsive and coordinated site pIon. 5. Will easemvnis be retained for all underground and overhead utilities? The requested vaoation is located in the service area of what utility companies (Specify)? Yes, easemenI4 will be reiainedfor alt necessarv underground andlor Overhead utilities. Th4 following outline existing utilities. ,4- 'p er- City of Spokane Malley. Contact: Billy Urhausen- Tkre is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue- The public sewer well be retained with in an casettreni. - I B. Water. Last Spokane Neater District No. 1. Contact: Rick Adkins. There is a 10 inch main line which runs down Sipple Avenue and First Avenue. There is an 8 inch line running half way down the strip. The public water well be contained within and easement. C. Telephone/Fiber Optics. Owest Communications. Contact: Kelly Lackner There are several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Avenue faith services crossing the right-of-way. These utilities will be retained within an easement. There are no fiber optics lines within the right-of-way. C. Gas and Electricity. Avista Corporation. Contact: Donna Claypool There are electricity and gas lines within the right-of-way. These utilities will be retained within an easement. D. Cable Television. Comcast Cable. Conctact: Richard Barnes There are cable television lines within the right-of-way. These utilities will be retained within an easement. 6. Petitioner(s) contacted the following utilities/agencies with this proposal for their . concurrence. (attach Correspondence) Loch utility company identified in Item 5 above has been contacted. Their correspondence is attached. The fire district is Spokane Valley Fire District A'o. 1. Contact: Kevin Miller. AIr. Miller responded via telephone that he would prefer to respond directly to the City of Spokane Valley regarding the Department's position on the proposed vacation. 7. Does the right-of-way include stormwater drainage facilities (Specify)? Ato. There are no existing stormwater drainage facilities within the subject right-of-way. 2 Proposed Sipple Avenue and First Avenue Vacation between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Avenue, West of Sargent Road 01 .y 1 _ S;w 0' First Avenue looking West from Sargent Road Sipple Avenue Looking East on First Avenue Page 1 of 2 I -fe'! P4 Q C7o~ ~Y r5t 5~.r*1 First Avenue Looking North on Sipple Avenue yI F Sprague Avenue Looking ouch on Sipple venue ?age of -1 (west. srrv;~- RECEIVED JUN 0 4 2097 March 19, 2007 SPOMtV D,fzpAjpj7-tE 11 !~ENr Taylor Engineering, Inc. 106 W. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99201 Re: First Ave & Sipple Rd Vacation Dear Don: Qwest has cable facilities in the area and would like to retain utility easement rights. These rights should provide for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction as needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2314. Sincerely, Kelly Lackner Sr. Design Engineer 12cssage i Page 1 of 2 1 Don Renish Q~r From: Stoddard, Karen [Karen:Stoddard@gwest.comj i Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 4:10 PM To: donrenish@taylorengr.com Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. Attachments: Stoddard, Karen.vcf; Sipple Rd & First Ave.dat Hi Don, RECEIVED Attached is the drawing with Qwest aerial cable. Karen JUN 0 4 2007 QEPgRTS UALLy CoMM t D N OpMSA.T Karen Stoddard Capacity Provisioning Specialist Qwest Corporation 904 N'. Columbus St Spokane, WA 99202 Office: 509-455-2101 Fax: 509-455-2104 -----Original Message----- From: Stoddard, Karen Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 3:17 PM To: 'donrenish@taylorengr.com' Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. Hi Don, Attached is the Vacation Letter for First Ave and Sipple Rd. Karen Karen Stoddard Capacity Provisioning Specialist Qwest Corporation 904 N. Columbus St Spokane, WA 99202 Office: 509455-2101 Fax: 509455-2104 -----Original Message----- From: Lackner, Kelly Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 3:00 PM To: Stoddard, Karen Subject: R?V: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. 3/19/2007 Message i ' Page 2 of 2 i r From: Clark, David -J~ Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 2:53 PM To: 'Don Renish' Cc: Lackner, Kelly Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. Hi Frank, This area of the Spokane Valley is in Kelley Lackner's area. I'm including him in this reply, so he'll get the attachment and you'll have his email address. His phone number is 455-2314. Thanks, Dave Clark -Original Message----- From: Don Renish [mailto:donrenish@taylorengr.com] Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 10:23 AM To: Clark, David Subject: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. Hi Dave wasn't sure who to talk with, so I'm starting with you, thank you. We're working for AutoNation who are proposing to remodel their existing facilities. AutoNation is located between Sprague Ave. and Appleway Ave. just west of Sargent Rd. They would like to vacate the block of First Ave. running east and west and the short block of Sipple Rd, that runs north and south, as it bisects their property and affects their operation. Part of the Vacation Application to the City of Spokane Valley requires acquiring comments from various utility purveyors. Could you please review your records to see if you have any utilities within this portion of First Ave. & Sipple Rd. right-of-way. If so, please state whether these utilities could be re-routed, eliminated, or must remain with an easement. An email returned to me should be sufficient. Feel free to pass this request on to someone else, but please let me know who you're forwarding it to so I can follow up. Thank you for your time and effort. Frank This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged infoimation. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unia,,,N u1. Tf you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 3/19/2007 ~i d11L7C;at' t1'V1;,1.•' r i ~ y`~ .+Lyfrr•.ua ~ '~1' iT' ~ „ .fir 'Q~ I ( r tI - ii s` ` . i~ fit' ' l . - :~~a, ~ ~ + _ C' EN~tcij o ~~1 . ° i e MI'L'~li ~ J!M:h. :I~ ~ J2au' darts 6iq I ~ ~t •n.T'__ .•9=~r .'V^ a .•a•k.- •~i .c - k Zvi ri ! r.~ bil , l j i':.! `@W~IIIIIII Illllu'tl' II~ h ~'',51)l~•~I' '!illli I!I ~4 ~u 091r, . : s i- - - t2f',; IA TI+ a . N' . ` 8.`t •t.:r•.,~~1. . r,ar _ Me~ 'ed~-' ~t S~-:~_~~ 4 N~'. ~ a✓' z ,d' ,.;,~'•r-~~"+-"'~'~"~r~ _ dlt~ "''•"r'f~J~+1:~ 4:) -Ir~~ ff t~ ' ~S~y': • - - ^ ^ ~t4dl'Y ' ; ' ' - 'J ` ~.F]u • < yj~ t r Ix 7 1 I r(5}''t: ~.lt} • . t a :tnsni ,ra,. J~ :6. wT Yl i . r.",mss-e14 n ' a ' 1-real . Y ' o hit .Q`0`• •si!fl~S =tt ~ .S. ! uric--',:.~ a;. ~ n- Ya~ti y.rJtl. i Jt ~ ' r`}71L1 rlPr?R QI L - 7 IN Ao. P. f Page 1 of 1 Don Renish ,<Wg From: Don Renish (donrenish@taylorengr.com) Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 9:49 AM To: Billy Urhausen Subject: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd JU~ O 4 Attachments: First Ave Vacation Exhibit.pdf S ZQQ~ Morning Billy COM. Aro Thank you for returning my phone call. We're working for AutoNation who are proposing to remodel their existing facilities. AutoNation is located between Sprague Ave. and Appleway Ave. just west of Sargent Rd. They would like to vacate the block of First Ave. running east and west and the short block of Sipple Rd, that runs north and south, as it bisects their property and affects their operation. Part of the Vacation Application to the City of Spokane Valley requires acquiring comments from various utility purveyors. Could you please review your records to see if you'have any utilities within this portion of First Ave. & Sipple Rd. right-of-way. If so, please state whether these utilities could be re-routed, eliminated, or must remain with an easement. An email returned to me should be sufficient. Feel free to pass this request on to someone else, but please let me know who you're forwarding it to so I can follow up. Thank you for your time and effort. Don 3/6/2007 RECEIVED It IN 0 4 2007 ~ G SPOKANE VALLEY z > DEPARTMENT OF 1 I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT M 1 • . H SPRAGU AV 00 1 Ur7J O I ' I^ ; ~ 7~KI ~ q I``~l111 I ~ 1 1 I Ir;l I W 9• 1114 O 1~ 111'~~~ I.WII I• HII I ~ / ) 76111 ~ I i L , ~ cdkf I.ti,l > I Qt.l IJi tl J 3 sEs] um I I{ It a ~.,tr ---I }L'.L' L'LL;71 •1 I I I.Itl An X v 4-U ' 3'A1T ~R ~1)t IL•17 / J rr 1 t ~J SECOND AVE II r f 1• ~,~Y AY r`~r 1 I I I ; I 1 "I d, a tl,A ~ I.»» -Q,t, Y I till ~ 1 1~ 1 1 ~ n 11)tl P~ ~ S I' I I I I ~I f >Il~p ~1 + V e Ti.~Yc..nf Z I s- - - - y LI IU n r„ Rl ql 1r , hill ~c.Y e Coi 717% RZOtA: 1 Imn ilAfts > E w _Y O r.l~~ ~ t (J t o \ 1 vlu e p \\l~"~ e S wN A~Sd~IU M ~r*1 I IQ P A<.a w164 IAiAI A~N mirJ. wi9~ ? o t 5tr~~ of VC W -50 qu5.T ozwo UN RZ sm cY~~ S gz4- To TIbd kArJ r4oLLSs S Mo 417.7258 i ( Page 1 of 2 Don Renish WArFR From: Don Renish (donrenish@taylojeng r,com)- ..v . ~.a.~ Sent: Monday, February 26; 2©~7 3:23 PM To: 'Rick Adkins' i • , ~ ~V~~ Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. JUN 0 4 20Rick Co 'Dfi, Glty~ Thanks for the quick response. Our Fax number is 328-8224. 1dlCl`%E pE, bT Thanks again Don From: Rick Adkins [mailto:dist_i@icehouse.net] Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 2:36 PM. To: 'Don Renish' Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. &Sipple Rd. Hi Don There is a 10 inch main line witch runs down sipple and first with fire hydrants also I have a 8 inch line running half way down the strip feeding a hydrant and service.) need your fax so I can send a map. Thanks Rick From: Don Renish [mailto:donrenish@taylorengr.com] J Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 9:20 AM To: Rick Adkins Subject: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. Hi Rick We're working for AutoNation who are proposing to remodel their existing facilities. AutoNation is located between Sprague Ave. and Appleway Ave. just west of Sargent Rd. They would like to vacate the block of First Ave. running east and west and the short block of Sipple Rd. that runs north and south, as it bisects their property and affects their operation. Part of the Vacation Application to the City of Spokane Valley requires acquiring comments from various utility purveyors. Could you please review your records to see if you have any utilities within this portion of First Ave. & Sipple Rd. right-of-way. If so, please state whether these utilities could be re-routed, eliminated, or must remain with an easement. An email returned to me should be sufficient. Feel free to pass this request on to someone else, but please let me know who you're forwarding it to so I can follow up. Thank you for your time and effort. Don /r No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.4/703 - Release Date: 2/26/7007 2:56 PM 3/8/2007 Page; 2 of 2 No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 75.4461 Virus Dambase: 268..18.4/703 - Release Date.: 2/26/2007 2:56 PM ` 3/8/2007 Page 1 of 1 Don Renish ~ - 't6G,,c'seLf _i From: Barnes, Richard L - WA [Richard_Barnes@cable.comcast.comj L~Cn Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 2:08 PM I ,CI EIVED To: Don Renish Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. f UN O 4 20~r SPOK4 P Attachments: SZEL Taylor Engr. 1 st and Sipple vacation request.dwf C0JJj D- UNF- ~ h~r .Y , p Don L MO'M' I've attached a marked up DWF to this e-mail. Please note that we have an overhead cable crossing north to south over 15f Ave. that we'd like to retain easement for. We are attached to Avista poles along there. Rich From: Don Renish [mailto:donrenish@taylorengr.com] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 1:48 PM To: Barnes, Richard L - WA Subject: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd. Richard Back on the 12th of March, Frank Ide from our office sent you an email concerning the Right-Of-Way Vacation l dealing with First Ave. & Sipple Rd. I have been out of the office for the past week and was wondering what the status is of our request. Thank you for your time and assistance with this request. R. Don Renish Taylor Engineering, Inc. 106 W. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 donrenish@taylorengr.com 3/19/2007 f Page 1 of 2 Don Renish Gas ~ 6~„~i c rTY _ From: Claypool, Donna [Donna.claypool@avistacorp.com) Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 1:23 PM IE~CE'VED To: donrenish@taylorengr.com U Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd JUN 0 4 2007 SPC)V Don, IoM UN R MWr F At Sipple and 1st, the electric lines go across 1st, north and south, and will not create any problems. However, the gas will be a problem as there are gas mains on Sipple south from Sprague and a service going across Sipple. There is also a gas main on the north side of 1st going toward Sargent. Avista would need access to both gas mains and the service and would need to continue any and all easements attached to these. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me or call me at 495-4304. Donna Claypool Customer Project Coordinator Avista Utilities 495-4304 From: Carroll, Nancy Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:13 AM To: 'Don Renish' Cc: Claypool, Donna Subject: RE: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd Hi Don, I am sorry I did not get back to you sooner - I have forwarded this message to Donna Claypool to research and get back to you. Nancy A. Carroll Joint Underground Services Technician Avisfa Utilities Office: (509) 495-8016 Pager: (509) 880-0442 Fax: (509) 777-5156 From: Don Renish [mailto:donrenish@taylorengr.com] Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 10:40 AM To: Carroll, Nancy Subject: Right-of-way Vacation - First Ave. & Sipple Rd Hi Nancy wasn't sure who to talk with, so I'm starting with you, thank you. We're working for AutoNation who are proposing to remodel their existing facilities. AutoNation is located 3/5/2007 Page 2 of 2 between Sprague Ave. and Appleway Ave. just west of Sargent Rd. They would like to vacate the block of First Ave. running east and west and the. short block of Sipple Rd. that runs north and south, as it bisects their property f and affects their operation. ` Part of the Vacation Application to the City of Spokane Valley requires acquiring comments from various utility purveyors. Could you please review your records to see if you have any utilities within 'this portion of First Ave. & Sipple Rd. right-of-way. If so, please state whether these utilities could be re-routed, eliminated, or must remain with an easement. An email returned to me should be sufficient. Feel free to pass this request on to someone else, but please let me know who you're forwarding it to so I can follow up. Thank you for your time and effort. Frank 3/5/2007 RECEIVED JUN 0 4 2007 SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • ciuiIM - 88 .arc 607 085 Ea7ft^ 7• is ~L..a ~ j ' ~ ~ - rn 7 . s~rara ~ Z1 ~f t.• 857. ~ - J ' r . • F.., ,~c,~ =Boise R ~v rT' 4,N6CUuvN•1 -~~i v~ ~ .7 =n~, SFr yIIJY " ' ~ -1' s •6 ~ 1 '^"""~.r o - ®.t•Y~~w.• •t...-. y!~ 7 MFG I ~+s Tiny` '*r i' ~ lti.,. T~ „'°i, ` :a. • ~ s 6616 .0 N_ NA ITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT & TOOLE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS la 3T L M.b.lO]F' Nwx aAa= P 02n-AND OFF.B 110011.5. HANK BULDING ODEMD'ALENSO M TIt: LLW 0. rncMU-• l::5 SW FUTH AlMiLIF, SUE 00 422 R'FSF' RJV'E1tSEDE .4VET'[.FE r.~ SFOKEn6ev anvmn' Bua- _ m ACGMT IL L-AW PORTWt].07J3OON S•72Gt 611 t\'DATtT WMT EVJ3ZVAaq SJrTE 403 "LLY crn°"ASW" ILAN Tdge,m_•' S.. 5462!93 SPOKANi~ WASHNGTON 99201-03013 COELE3 D'AL=.~MMO 13334.2146 U- i 0 D.erGA Tc'-~ .:mc (1D3)667JO10 A=m M 6Atl1• mN FIX: (SOD) 146-3319 TeJghDTU: (50;) 624-5255 mf ' i vmz~ Fix:(509)45&2725 tot Lzr6les'+ro OLTMER' LES=R %7AT1ILat..A" M1=AELD 074DIN 6131V T. aa'I➢TC• C AXD S AF110N•- `n4LF.21C7 NID ii M IDT` September 13, 2007 IQ:6AR.i. AOM M. r. tl ra V-X-M. DA . lt a FrA J rl St IIANIF1 )tMN2Y r%WT0. M. LA jSMCTIIr M. U.W ;tea VQj-• W M. 6VMIff9'7 . rAxur satvAA=MAa'T^ VCA H,4AD-DELI PER Y DA.a.4 r.NO•rAOV . )3IIY M. M40CkMXKT ACS11Al1L lL/i•1 MEN= L11 a0a. City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission r. MMLnAm• II0Df33T R CAItY+'FSL• . 11707 East Sprague UPT N,iAn tt7URO YN 0. VAaAt:d•3 XItYAX E`' Spokane Valley, WA 99016 ArAaw• M aTAHDad• VZA[Y SA=AHL PAT=, L. A3HD.2M LAaAL SEMM WAY L'LHA.n A aaT• CDIEMAN ZTAX L Re: STV-03-07 aYN.' C laiLll THAV-14A.40m rtl.IL]l.aLtE. uJON L WWTB.6r• f..ANA YA.Y ~ STET ittOUM" Dear Gail Kogle, Chair., and Members of the Planning Commission: OF COUNSEL All. By way of a follow-up to our August 23, 2007, letter in support of the above-referenced . H. Tw. oA.ml. t.sA. • A3n.4dLei0Xd* Petition for Vacation, we would like to add the following as additional comments to the t w!o udae a Qe,Ae City of Spokane Valley Staff Report as well as to those concerns voiced by those ei1Jw .:rt,,,e~OUfaf. mo members of the Plan Commission who were present at the August 23, 2007, hearing. ~ ~A..331ce u:~, dy First, with respect to the statement that Appleway Toyota would be forced to relocate if it were unable to expand and enlarge its facility, we would like to make it clear that is not something Appleway Toyota would consider but rather comes from Toyota itself. Appleway works for Toyota, not the other way around. If Appleway Toyota carrot expand, its options are limited. It is also interesting to note that Toyota is the biggest seller on Auto Row and thereby the Spokane Valley. The loss of Apple-,vay Toyota to Auto Row will affect all of Auto Row as a whole. If you relocate Toyota to Liberty Lake or Post Falls, it would enhance the viability of every auto dealership that currently exists in those areas to the detriment of Auto Row. In short, Toyota enhances all of Auto Row as it draws new car buyers for all types of automobile sales from all areas. Currently, Toyota is t1-3e most popular brand in the world and has tremendous drawing capacity with respect to new car sales. The Staff Report is in error with respect to Paragraph 9, Land Use. Chapter 2, Land Use 2.9.1, Street Connectivity does not apply to Auto Row to residential neighborhoods and/or other neighborhoods such as the city center. Auto Row is not in the City Center since Policy LUP-7.1 deals with to improved traffic around and through the "city center" by extending the street networking creating smaller blocks it is not applicable. Sipple and First Avenues are not located in the City Center as designated as the Comprehensive ' Plan but rather are located 112 that part designated as an Auto Row overlay classification. City of Spckaue Valley Planning OoMMissioln September 13, 2007 Page 2 As stated earlier, on Page S, bapu r 2, Land Use No. 3, Auto Row ovorlay states, The City has several T)ew auto dealerships located along Sprague. Aveihue, The majority of these dealerships are located be, }veeD Argonne, Road acid T Jennan Road... New car• dealerships provide the City witb substantial sales tax revewne and can have. sipifkaut visual impact on a couilnurrity and soma hat ul quo »eeds related to developaxzer,t standards, such as stgnage, and street froutage landscape. This scenario recognizes these ci.rcurnstanees and designates areas as identified above apprupnately and provides policy direcFion for imp Iniaentiai~ dewelopment regulations. The appropriate ornpreheiuive Plan deli oation is LUP 2.5.2, Auto Row O 6T]ay, and 2.11-, Goals and Policy, specifically LUG-5- Autoniobile dealerships require- vast amounts of laud, ARy requimment for "creating smaller b]ocks" for people to get around "snort easily" contradicts and Is in conflict with the above cited elements of th e oanpiebensive Plan. Therefor~. Policy L P 1 .1 is not applicable to Auto loo %V bat is more applicable to residential developrnertt. We are cu-Tious as to why the staff noglected to brinb those elexneuts of the Comprehensive flan to di.e Plai, enuldssion's attention. ff the car dealerships ou Auto Rove are not allowed to eDlarge and expand as required b 1 their manufactarers, then the City may vi-.r well be faced with a real.possibalil that those facilities tbat cLirrently exist will became varw t and the concrete jungle curteritl in existence will only detedorate .Further. One need m-d look at the results of " Nome base" to 'LLnderstand what could occur. We have attached to this letter the Site plan as well as an 1E legation D.rawiu that are illustrative of what.Appleway Toyota is attempting to accomplisb. This 15 the current state of design and concept for new car dealerships. This is what die applical3t wishes to accomplish through the vacati.oai process. Please note thai there is suffi.ciput ci-os5 access betwen Sprague Avenue and Appleway to acconYmodate access to die site as v,,el[ as allow traffic adLzing Sargent and Vista for cross access as weil. Finally, by eiihancii)g their. facility, other dealerships will be forced to follow suit. This becomes the begnning of the revitalization and remodeling of the el7tire Auto Row as couteri}plated b the City of Spokane Valley's ompreber,siv a Plan. ;`.^AU.monuien 6G914Ca~sponderrelCtiLy d5prc ~ alley Itr 0313G7_dot Cite of. Spokane Valley Planning Commission September 1.3, 2007 Page 3 Thank you for your help and cooperation. We look forward to answering and responding to any of your questions. Very truly yours, -y`1:TJiE-.RSPOON, KEL L.EY, DAVENPORT & T E, P.S. . J. LA~TTY, JI,Z. FJDIts , Attachments pc: Vonn Jones Harry .Brumley Sean J umsden GAMA=mrtfix 60SIC4ncspondenx6City of Spok Ve11cy is 091307.do: To: Mike Basinger (City of Spokane Valley - Community Development) CC: From: Jim Red (Spokane County - Division of Utilities) Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Subject: STV-0003-07 Stage: Preliminary Phase: SV First Ave and Sipple Ave Street Vacation AO01 As per comments from Billy Urhausen, of this office, a recorded Public Sanitary Sewer Easement will be required. o Page 1 of) Mike Basinger From: Deanna Griffith Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:12 AM To: Mike Basinger Subject: FW: Planning Commission agenda 8-23-07 dg From: Miller, Kevin (maiito:MillerK@SpokaneValleyFire.com) Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 9:16 AM To: Deanna Griffith Cc: Freier, Rick; Clifford, Bill Subject: RE: Planning Commission agenda 8-23-07 Hi Deanna, Took a call from an attorney involved in the street vacation of First and Sipple. He wanted me to clarify my comments to say that these requirements pertain to the existing structures and not any future development of the property. So, - The the fire dept's requirements found in the letter dated 08107/07 apply to the current status of the structures. Any remodel or new construction of facilities on the property adjacent to these roads would be reviewed through the permit process with the cities building dept. Thanks, Kevin From: Deanna Griffith [mailto:dgriffith@spokanevalley.org] Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 17:25 To: Bob Blum; Cary Driskell; dave@americandreamhomes.com; fjjbeau@msn.com; Gail Kogel ; Gail Kogle; Greg McCormick; pastorian@aol.com; john@servicemasterofthevalley.com; Marcia_sands@comcast.net; Marina Sukup; Mike Basinger; Mike Connelly; Scott Kuhta Subject: Planning Commission agenda 8-23-07 Planning Commission 8-23-07 Agenda The link above will take you to the agenda for this week's Planning Commission agenda. On the agenda for this week, is a public hearing for a street vacation for 1st Ave. and Sipple Rd. This is located in the area of Appleway Chevrolet and Gus Johnson Ford. Old Business is continued deliberations on the proposed zoning map. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions. 8/21/2007 Pace 2 of 2 Planning Commission meeting begins at 6:00 pm, City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Council Chambers, Thursday Aug 23rd ,Deanna 0q4[ffiTull Admin - Community Development City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-688-0050, direct 509-921-1008, fax dgriffifih@spokaoeval ley.org www.spokaneva ley.org ~Reuital nation Plan 9/21/2007 t SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARTI','G ) No. City of Spokane Valley } August 23, 2007 ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING STV-03-07 NOTICE STATE OF WASH NGTON ) )SS. Coi.lnty of Spokane ) CRAIG HOWARD , being first duly swom on oath deposes and says that he is the Ear-TOR of The Spokane Valley News Herald, a weekly newspaper. Thatsaid newspaper is a legal newspaper and itis now and has been for more ff=six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a Dubb'c ~as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 3rd day of r llous .2007., and ending the 3rd day of August. 2l]O7 all dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: Noce a! Pu cit oCSpoksiie 6ii eaitn { 'f. - . Valley P4v niriy Carirnissian •,Hearing Dato:iAugust 2323? b)D 2r~D7`begininning at ° 6:ooDm.: ~ SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me Hosiring Locatlon:'Spakann,VeOey Cihr Councl Cherrlbors, city Hatl;:,117;07 Fiist'ssrape rAv- this 3rd da)r of August 2007 &me* Suaa 101, Spokaao Valley,'MA99i06. Revlow Authartti: Mnnin~ Carnrnission" ` State of Washington 5=Ctln;acttAkoP• rgrr,AICP,Awon3loPlen nor, (216)681 4045, miaasingeresaokanovalloy. County of Spokane ;cry; AppfienkrVDesaipUon'cf.Proposal:~ STV 0'347- Request to vacirta; epprosdrna aty 750. 'act in iongtti-'a!'FcsfAvamreanA`265'ieotafICertif thatIkr►otvorhavesatisfactoryevidencethat Sl*o Avortuo . : ; Location of Proposal: Parcel'nlirribois Craig oward is the person who appeared before ' 44'5151991;1.806101'•'451911'.0503,"4910; me, and said person acknowledged that he sigi-ted 67; 45167.0406;'4551191::0404077; F 45291,91113 and 45191.0407abuting rastAw- .•''{OIl..... NT this instrument and aCknowledaed it to be his free en4=;Parcelaaumbe1s45191t9023,4519,.91,2,. 0--'o as and 45 s F►o;,~ and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men- -191,9175 NW-quaver-a tho NE quaRQ af:Seclion: 119; TaAnshlp 2S,Norlh,. Range! 44' po N a oned in the ins meat. aY F1,st,'1NillameKarAlerldlan;•Spakana,,County;- d~ o1 A .rVr~sidng'an=a%:i:r.•.p.-:•..r..•.'...r,y:; •.t,,%' tZ Appliamt's.Retxosontativo;F. J: Du1lanty, JiZ.' 1 > C) 422 VJ RivarsideA+,w%ie; Sit o 1100;'spakana. N i - if, 4VA'9B20i - r: S lEnvironmental Dewrmtnatton:' The Planning A•`•• rLQ~,f O JOlene Rae j'1~E .tz DNtaior.,has.roviowod tho'pucposaYpuolecteM . qY 16. ~ ' has dolicminod that the Title: Kota r} . r blip taia)ea'ls categoriaany; F 9~ l /Avl ,a,mmptpursuanttn,L'1AC197-11-800andscaun OF W N X4 appointme ,expires: 5-16-11 1..1,.10.070. i'ot oie Ciy o1 Sp"r16 Vail. Interfni FsAronmenlal ordinei~ce•tmm'enviromnn2at rMwA• undar,•the'provisons.of tne'Stato Envi.' r ronn70ntal Folio Act (~I?A) - Approval CritaAa: Chapter 10.05 (Rtghtaf-'r'fay VacaJans) of the City cf-Spokpnq;Namy htu,- - nicipal Codc (SV1AC): the'Clty Of Sp4wo,Valloy , Erlviroutmentat-OrdinaRoo; the City ct'Spokane- j \hllO' y S:radruds ttir. Road and Sowor (onstruo- r lion ordinynce: the-Guidelines for: Stonn•A.41tie; I lAnnagernan°,`and the Spo&arb'Rogional'HmU1 DIsbIC regulations,, - . d Hearing Procoice •T)io Planning Cornmi;sloa' j 1 halts ttm pahlhihearing to rewhqe corrsrior•A.s and -1 awards a rocammardalian In the'Clty Council or,en ordina.co'adnpticn Statt Ropon andAnspectlon of File:-'A @ta9. ropoi1 wfll.ho nvallab)e far,inspec0an seven' (7) ! ca endar'days ba:oro't11n;Martng:Tlie'"st~P~. a Avista Utilities 1411 East Mission POBax3727 MSC-25 ~ilfa Spokane, Washington 99220-3171 Sul ~/,/sTA~ Telephone 539AF&W Tall Fme M727-91711 Utilities Facsimile 5 5MM August 13, 2007 • 4UG 15 Mr. Michael Basinger, Assistant Planner ~spok Q City of Spokane -Valley D&~ ArJ~ V'4 1 l 707 E. Sprag-ue Avenue Suite 106 Spokane, Valley, A 99206 1F,~7 Re: STV-03-07 l" Ave and Sipple Street, Spokane Valley Dear Karen: Regarding the above referenced vacation, Avista has facilities along this portion of I" and Sipple. Please provide the vacation ordinance for utilities. i Please send us a copy of the Ordinance after one has been issued. If you have any questions or comments please, contact me at (509) 495-3536. Thank you, --SMU-~ Sherry Miller Real Estate Assistant cc: Claude Kaler, rtvista 05/08/2007 A`ED 16:27 FAX tPJuuliuul Qoy, iNE VAtt V-P FIRS DEPARTMENT 10319 EAST SPRAGUE AVE. • SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206-3627 • (509) 926-1700 • FAX (509) 892-41425 wwa.spokarievalley ire.com Mike Thompson Chief ' f t August 8, 2007 Mike Basinger City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: STV-03-07 8514 E. 1s1. Ave. Dear Mr. Basinger. The Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation: 1. A 20 foot clear ire lane must be established in the street's place. 2. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. 3. This fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked - either by patrons or for sale. 4. This fire lane must be clearly marked with 'No Parking - Fire Lane" signs posted on both sides. 5. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane. Please contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerei , i in Miller Fire Marshal KM/pia P.UG 08 2007 15:33 ME. 01 ~*Clj OF][ 0~ e Valley 4;ooo 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 0 cityhallLzspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mike Basinger, Associate Planner From: Inga Note, Traffic Engineer CC: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Date: 7130/07 Re: STV-03-07 The Public Works Department submits the following comments for the Public Hearing. These comments are based on the criteria for street vacation listed in Chapter 10.05.320 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. A. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public; No. The vacation as proposed will not better serve the public. B. Whether the street or alley is no longer required.for public use or access; No. On-street parking is well-utilized on both Sipple and First. Most of the traffic volume appears to be related to the adjacent businesses. C. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public; Yes. We recommend that the vacation of Sipple be denied; and the vacation of First allowed only if an agreement can be made to extend Sipple through to Appleway. Lack of cross-street access between Sprague and Appleway is a frequent complaint of area businesses. This proposed through connection would be approximately halfway between Vista and Sargent, which are 1400 feet apart. The extension. of Sipple would improve circulation and access to businesses on the north side of Sprague. D. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; The implementation of the Sprague Appleway :Revitalization Plan could place greater reliance on local streets for access and circulation. E. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. Public Works is not aware of any objections at this time. 1 Additional Considerations: The part 11-);valuation Criteria in the application packet contains incorrect information regarding stormwater..facilities. It states that there are no existing stormwater drainage facilities within the subject right-of-way. Based on the storm-,vater facility inventory, these segments of Sipple and First contain 4 catchbasins and 6 drywells. Public 'Works comments on STV-03-07 2 Tla'-e ~ a'~' 1 y,=Y• a' h~° r 1 yam:. sips ` t-lrl kiX Is, '~1 Tt - 't • , r .7"`•,'• . ~~yF ,y ` 1C~~---z erl'rlt ,~A•1.1 ' 1 ' 1 ~ t ~ Nr rt ~1 'rv ~t~M_f ~ ~ V' i' y ✓ "i~F,1' 1 _ •~r~ :t_`27 ;tiYS f~~~., •''Y'-•~L~q~. i, ~ C .'.~.-•-~.~~~j, 11~`':._ 1r(~ - - -~~~-...:•.1+ J1C'.~ j ~ ~ .rt.:ss n _!"lav ~•.t,r:m-cff INC _ -..........-yyr,y+•T~rt r •r+' l f - r r _c .1~►~ •iQs{ Y - - - r r 1 1~5. r~5~ + • y ~ - ~ 1r~l,]'lY • psi, " ~....i. T, j', t•~"wl.•:.4.T . ~ a A'4.':a. ~ t _ 1 ~i~ • -•1.~' 'l'~r i4~1~ r -+M'~'~~a~. r, - l~►.' J.,,1 .w,.L .r y+v ~yf .y~i ' 'f'iT• t(1,i _ "err - ~i,''..-..iC r).-•' '.l ~.~LOf+1 ~ nT-_„~~~ jar- r S ^ ~'J'I',1r`;Q~'r,~ ~V~"J~~r~ ~ ~ • ~ ~I. T,xt ~ ~~~]•~'.~.6 ,~~~•.MOM-.t Ir ►r y. w ?-W t ' 1y11~ 1• i* f, r~,Y~~]~ . ~~~ryI• +"+;'I' i.F .1'tt. T 1 • i~ - ,t~nft•, . r~ylG~; .i- r.y }•p, . •~1-,~ ~'r.~ • 1 i dl`` ~Y~~,Ir{.:l J'J,i t! ('..Aa' .r. ~n,.,~..w~.• Q 7~ 3•i~ - Put _L.~h i~~. ~1 A ,!f.'•,M'" 'mil t', ,7 S D ' ~+i ~;1o;V ,}ti•p^~ ~l -.1. `1 f oorl h. 'TM. ~1 i;I~._ 1;`.. -1~ `I ~r)+-. ' ~1, Al~i~ R ' •h ail 00 ♦f C' Ll rte} , /p~':. . A 1j; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 2, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area (GSVLCFA) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 27.15 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Spokane County Library District wishes to establish the greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area. RCW 27.15 permits such a district to be created upon the joint request of the City, the Library District, and Spokane County. This Resolution approves the proposed creation of the GSVLCFA and approves a joint request for the same to the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners. OPTIONS: Edit and further direct staff RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to place on October 9 Agenda for Motion to Approve Resolution No. 07- BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 07- DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE, VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCJL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING Ta-E JOINT REQUEST TO ESTABLISH THE GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAPITAL " ACi .I`fY AREA; AND PROVID.TNG FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY R-F..LATING THERETO. W'HI REAS, the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington (the "City"), is a nonchartered code city duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the state of Washington (the "State"); and WHEREAS, the City is annexed into and is a part of the Spokane County Library District (the "District"); and WREREAS, library services to the residents of the City are provided by library facilities owned and operated by the District; and WHEREAS, the City has been informed by the District that the District cannot presently accommodate the increased needs of the growing population in the areas located cast of the City of Spokane, and in the City, the 'town of Millwood (the "Town") and unincorporated portions of Spokane County (the "County") with respect to library services; and WT-IERFAS, chapter 27.15 RCW permits, upon the joint request of the City, the Town and the District and the approval of the County and the relevant approval of the qualified electors, the creation of a library capital facility area to construct and finance library capital facilities; and WHEREAS, the City has been informed by the District that the District intends to submit a written request to the County for the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington (the `Board"), of a resolution or resolutions calling for the vote of the qualified electors within a proposed library capital facility area for the establishment and creation of the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area (the "GSVLCFA") and for the approval of the issuance of general obligation bonds to construct, acquire and remodel certain library capital facilities to be located within the GSVT CFA and for the imposing of excess property tax levies to retire such general obligation bonds; and WIIER.E.A.S, the City would be located within the boundaries of the GSVL,CFA; and WHEREAS, the City Council and District have determined the cost of providing additional facilities for the needed library service can most fairly be paid by those residents of the area served by and through the establishment of the GSVi..CFA. NOW, TRER.EFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SPOICAtNE VA_L:LEY, SPOKANrE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1: Approval of Creation of Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area The City finds that the creation and establishment of a new library capital facility area and the subsequent acquisition and construction and remodeling of new and existing library facilities are each Resolution 07-_,Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page I of 5 .DRA.FT essential to the public welfare and to the residents of the City. The City hereby approves the creation of the GSVLCI:A pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW. Section 2: Joint Request to the Board of County Commissioners The City hereby approves that a request be jointly submitted by the City, the District, and the Town to the Board, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW, requesting that the County take all appropriate action to provide for establishing the GSVLCFA, the boundaries of such area to be as described in Exhibit A attached to this resolution and incorporated herein by this reference. Furthermore, the City hereby approves that a request be jointly submitted by the City, the District, and the Town to the .Board, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RM, to submit to the qualified electors of the such area, two ballot propositions at a special election to be held as soon as reasonably practicable, such propositions to be in substantially the following form and to contain substantially the following content: Proposition 1: That the qualified electors with the proposed GSVL CFA approve the establishment and creation of the GSVL CFA consistent with chapter 27.15 RCW and according to all other applicable terms and provisions of this resolution. Proposition 2: That the qualified electors within the proposed GSVL CFA approve the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal amount of not to exceed $33,400,000 and approve the imposing of an excess property tax levy within the boundaries of the GSVLCFA in an amount necessary and sufficient to retire such bonds, all in order to finance the acquisition, construction and remodel of library capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA in order to expand available library service in Spokane County, Washington, all as may be further subject to - the terms and provisions of chapter 27.15 RCW. Section 3: Election Costs The City shall not be obligated to pay the costs of submitting the two ballot propositions to the qualified electors. The District has agreed to pay the costs of submitting the two ballot propositions to the qualified electors. Section 4: Authorization to Submit Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners The City Clerk is authorized and directed to certify a copy of this resolution and submit it to the Board. Section 5: Amendments to Resolution The Council from time to time and at any time may adopt a resolution supplemental hereto, which resolution thereafter shall become a part of this resolution, to: (i) add to or delete from the covenants, undertakings or agreements of the City in this resolution; and/or (ii) cure, correct or supplement any defective or ambiguous provision contained in this resolution. Section 6: Ratification All actions not inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution heretofore taken by the Council and the City's employees with respect to the GSVLCFA are hereby in all respects ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 7: Repealer All resolutions or pzu-ts thereof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, and shall have no further force or effect. Resolution 07--,Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 2 of 5 ORA FT Section 8: Effective Date This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. i ADOPTED BY THE SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCU, THIS DAY OF , 2007, Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATl'ES1`: APPROVED AS 1'O FORM: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office of the City Attorney Resolution 07--,Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 3 of 5 DRAFT CERTIFJCAT10N 1, Christine Bainbridge, the Clerk to the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of City of Spokane Valley, duly held at the regular meeting place thereof on , 2007, and that at such meeting such resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmembers: NAYS, Councilmerbers: ABSE\rT, Councilmembers: ABSTAIN, Councilmembers: 1 further certify that 1 have carefully compared the same with the original resolution on file and of record in my office; that such resolution is a full, true, and correct copy of the original resolution adopted at such meeting; and that such resolution has not been amended, modified or rescinded since the date of its adoption, and is now in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and the seal of the City on , 2007. CITY Or SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane County, Washington Christine Bainbridge Clerk to the City Council Resolution 07- Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 4 of 5 DRATT EXHIBIT A BOUNDARIES OF GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAPITAL FACILITY AREA The boundaries of the proposed Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area are intended to be within the boundaries of the following election precincts, as maintained as of the date of this Resolution by the department of Spokane County Elections and the Spokane County Auditor's Office and will generally be within the boundaries of defined Tax Code Areas: Precincts Nos. The precise legal description for each of the above-mentioned precincts is as follows: Proposed Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area 4 r i } ir,l 1 ~ -9 ! I yr Sim- _ 1 r.. ! w mar- _ »w T 3 low Idwe f i ~-m ~ _ _ - ~ r ~ . ~ 'mss f } ~ II~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ ~ 1 J rec. ~t - i 141)'`+~'' ' -"`.I i +~`•M1,-"'¶I1l 6 j 1 r 1~i. lam lift II Il~ ff -0 1 S1 A CwUl FealYAren R4 Bwmd~y - ~r w,t I a -4SiRrt5pY [?1rw~ik~ ~ ~ OTEXCUdeArea. 0,FZ 111ta t 11r yr ,f IAtme P~.'vr ~ I ~ .mow ~a 4 aA 2A t I~: f S CITY okne L y Valle 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatl®spokanevattey.org Memorandum To: City Manager David Mercier and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Trish Burns-Hart, Human Resources Analyst CC: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - CIP Date: October 2, 2007 Re: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Organizational Model - First Touch This memo reviews the Current CIP organizational model for effectiveness, and provides recommendations for improvement. The First Touch in the Council agenda process for Council consideration of the Model, was this memo as an information only item included in the September 18, 2007 Council packet. The City of Spokane Valley supports its six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) with one Sr. Engineer - CIP to manage the program, and three FTEs. The Pending Ideas List of the draft Business Plan identified the addition of a Capital Project Design and Inspection Team. The proposed model described below is a variation on that concept. It would increase the four-person Capital Improvement Program (CIP) division to a total of eight positions, including the Sr. Engineer who manages the program. There would be no net increase to the General Fund to implement this prograrn - the increased cost would be funded by the scheduled capital projects. The Finance Committee discussed the proposal at its September 7 meeting, and there was unanimous support for it. City of Spokane Valley drganizational Model The 2008 - 2013 TIP includes 27 projects totaling $29.2 million. This includes only those projects that have already secured funding, as well as the STEP projects involving curb-to-curb paving. The TIP also includes approximately $1.3 million per year in Real Estate Excise Tax (RFET) funding for road preservation projects. The number of projects the $1.3 million can fund, varies from year to year depending upon the scope of the project(s). In addition to the street infrastructure projects, the CIP division is responsible for managing the construction projects for parks (e.g., CenterPlace and the Universal Park projects), stormwater projects affecting the City's road system; and developer funded projects (e.g., traffic signal installation or other road-related upgrades). Spokane Valley currently contracts out most of the design and construction work. 14owever, managing each project is a critical responsibility assumed to City staff to ensure that consultants are accomplishing the work according to City specifications. Examples of project management tasks include the following: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Organizational Model, continued September 18, 2007 Page 2 of 6 • Advertising for, selecting, contracting with and overseeing the work of consultants; • Making decisions on design elements of each project; • Participating in public meeting processes; • Monitoring project budgets; • Ensuring all environmental and grant requirements are met; • Coordinating grant reimbursements; • Overseeing the construction bidding process and selection of contractors; • Overseeing the construction management of the projects; and • Project closeout. The City's TIP is funded through a combination of federal and state grants, as well as local resources. It should be noted that the effort uivolved in managing a federally-funded project is approximately 30% greater than a City- or state-funded project. On federally funded projects, the Project Manager must ensure that the federal Highway Administration (FHNAIA) and WSDO1 requirements as outlined in the Local Agency Guidelines are met. These requirements are more specific and detailed compared to non- federally funded projects. The City's current staffing level in the CIP division is not sufficient to manage the projects for which the City has already secured funding, let alone those projects in the adopted TIP which are proposed for future grants. The following table shows a proposed staffing level for the CIP division. Proposed Structure Position Current FTE Proposed FTE Sr. Engineer - CTP Program Manager 1.00 1.00 Sr, Engineer - Proiect NIgmt (non-supervisory) 0.00 2.00 Engineer 1.00 0.00 Assistant Engineer 1.00 1.00 Engineering Technician Il 0.00 1.00 Engineering Technician I 1.00 2.00 Administrative Assistant 0.00 1.00 Total 4.00 8.00 This model is based on the continued premise that the City will contract out most of the design and construction work. However, it does add some flexibility to use in-house design when that is the more cost effective choice. With this model, the City could create two project management teams, made up of one Senior Engineer, one Assistant Engineer (or Engineering Tech 11), and one Engineering Tech I. Among the three positions on each team, they would be responsible for oversight of design; project and grant administration; construction oversight; and construction inspection. 'Currently the City has only one Engineering Technician classification. This proposed model would convert the existing classification into an Engineering Technician I, and would create a second classification of Engineering % Technician LI. Capital Improvement Program (CTP) Crgani7mtional Model, continued September 18, 2007 Pagc 3 of 6 Steve Worley Sr Engineer- CIP Mgr 4. Y '1. Y T N'ew AdnCin Assistant r Vacant New I Sr. Engineer- Sr. Engineer- 1 ! Project 1,4gr I I Project Mgr I I i I I I I I ! 1 ! I I I I Shane Mt I 1 New I I Assistant Engineer i Engineering Tech II 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pete Fisch I I New - j I Engineering Tecli I Engineering Tech I I I I I I ! I 1 Frolecl Managerent'ream I Protect Management Team -fl- Personnel lmpacts This proposal results in one new classification - the Engineering Technician 11. It would be placed at Grade 15, one grade above the current Engineering Technician (1) classification. See below for more detail on the new classification. It would also transfer the FTE authorization for the currently vacant Engineer position into the Senior Engineer (non-supervisory) classification. This position already exists on the City's classification system at Grade 17, one grade above the Engineer position. Financial Analysis There would be no net impact to the General Fund to implement this model. The current FTE are budgeted in the General Fund at approximately $370,000. The estimated gross amount of the four additional positions is $3 t 5,000. The positions in this division, both current and proposed, spend the majority of their time on individual capital projects. That time can be directly charged to those projects, so the General Fund would only pay for the non-chargeable portion of the employee's time. All seven of the non-managerial positions in the division would need to charge projects for at least 55/0 of their time in order to have zero impact on the General Fund. This share of their time is a conservative estimate of what they can be expected to spend on individual projects. Capital Improvement Program (CIi') Organizational Model, continued September 18, 2007 Page 4 of f., Other Considerations The City is in the process of recalibrating its TIP schedule. Several of the projects that were scheduled for completion by the end of 2007 have not been completed due to staffing levels among other reasons. They will be moved into 2008 and future years, which in turn will delay projects already scheduled for those years. This proposal will help the City improve its project completion rate. It marks a significant increase in the staff available to work on the City's Cl?. However, once fully operational it will need to be analyzed to determine whether this model is sufficient to meet the City's CIP implementation needs. In addition, there are several major unresolved topics, any of which would require a re-evaluation of the CIP staffing level. Examples include: • Street Master Plan implementation • Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan and City Center public infrastructure • Bridging-the-Valley (beyond current level) Engineering Technician U. Description This position would compile, monitor, verify and reconcile financial data, including information related to grants in the Capital Improvement Program. The position is distinguished from the Engineering Technician position by work of greater technical depth acid problem solving tasks in more specific engineering related designing and drafting assignments. Specifically, some of the duties of this position would include: • Responsible for completing complex work assigmments in a variety of technical areas, such as: survey, mapping, design, traffic, inspection, utility location and engineering project management., • Provide technical and administrative support to project managers in research, process analysis, project management, communications, regulatory compliance, presentations, and report development. • Assist in the planning and completion of public works projects by preparing preliminary designs, drafting projects according to specifications and inspecting projects in progress or as completed to ensure project is completed according to standards. • Perform a variety of finance functions including compiling; monitoring, verifying and reconciling financial data, such as public works trust fiend loans. • Monitor and track local, state and federal grants for CIP projects for compliance purposes; work with granting agencies to prepare project agreements and submit timely grants reimbursements on a monthly or quarterly basis. This position is proposed to be classified at Grade 15, which compares with similar positions in Washington state. Although their titles varied, the City used as comparison the Senior Engineering Technician category identified in the AWC Salary and Benefit Survey. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Organizational Model, continued September 18, 2007 Page 5 of 6 i Max. Spokane Valley (proposed) En 'neerin Technician H $5,197, Bellingham Sr. Constriction Ins ector $4,502 Kennewick Engineering Technician 11 $5,172 Richland Engineering Technician IV $6,013 Spokane Engineering Technician IV $4,116 Spokane County Engineering Technician Ili $4,593 Washington State Dept. of Engineering Tech Supervisor $5,143 Transportation WSDOT) Three Washinaton Models In determining the most effective CIT' organizational model for Spokane Valley, staff asked several cities in Washington for detailed information about the way they did business. While all of the jurisdictions provided some information, Lakewood, Shoreline, wid Yakima provided sufficient background infonmation to serve as a comparison. It is difficult to completely compare any two jurisdictions, because there are many different ways to provide the service. However; these cities do allow for some surface analysis. Please note that the total number and value of the projects listed for each of the cities represents their complete six-year .EE. They likely include both funded and yet-to-be funded projects. This does not perfectly compare to Spokane Valley's TIP numbers listed above, which only include the projects whose funding has been secured. Lakewood Model The City of Lakewood has an estimated population of 58,950. Its proposed 2008-2013 TIT' includes 22 projects totaling $33.5 million. 1{ TF2 Position Transportation Division Manager 1.00 Associate Civil Engineer 11 2.50 Assistant Civil Engineer 1.00 Engineering Technician I 2.00 Construction Inspector 1.50 Engineering Intern 1.0 Total 9.0 z The tnvo half-time positions are estimates of the amount of time shared from water (division staff. Capital Improvement Program (C1P) Organizational Model, continued September 18, 2007 Page 6 of 6 Shoreline Model The City of Shoreline has an estimated population of 53,190. Its proposed 2008-2013 TIP includes 12 projects totaling $120.4 million. Position FTE Capital Project Administrator 1.00 Capital Project Manager I1 3.00 Capital Project Manager 1 1.00 Engineering Technician 1.00 Management Analyst* .50 Capital Project Technician 1.00 Administrative Assistant If* .50 Total 8.00 *Estimated allocation of shared positions Shoreline has two additional employees dedicated to a single capital project - their aurora/ Interurban Project. Yakima Uodel The City of Yakima has an estimated population of 82,940.- Its proposed 2008-2013 TIP includes 72 projects totaling $150.7 million.3 Yakima divides the responsibilities of developing and managing the. TIP across three departments: Public Works, Finance, and Community & Economic Development (CED). The CED's Capital Projects and Engineering Division has the majority responsibility. It has a total of fifteen FTE, including the Division Manager. Position FTE Project Engineer. 2.00 Design Engineer 2.00 Total 4.00 The above four positions appear to be dedicated to capital projects. The remaining eleven positions divide their time between capital projects and private development. Yakima could not provide an estimated division of the time. Yakima does most of its CCP engineering design and inspection in-house, but contracts them out for large projects. They contract out the vast majority of construction, as well as some of the analysis and modeling tasks. Proposal Summary This proposal would increase the 2008 preliminary budget by two additional positions, change the classification of two currently budgeted positions, and create a new position on the City's classification matrix, which appears in the 2008 Employee Salary Schedule. There is no net increase to the General Fund for this model, because the cost will be paid through charges to projects on the CIP. 3 This includes three railroad grade separation projects totaling $48.8 million. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 2, 2007 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Levy Lid List GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Fire Chief Mike Thompson will present ballot information regarding a Regular Tax Levy Lid Lift OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT ATTACHMENTS co FIRE DEPARTMENT Regular Tax Levy Lid Lift Information Q ENE V s3s0 ° FIRE 53.00 DEPARTMENT $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 t Tax Revenue ~I $1.00 $0,50 } 50.00 r - - Regular Tax Spectal Tax L-11 ax Levy Levy Levy 02003 $1.37 $1.82 $2.99 932004 $1.38 51.80 $3.18 ■ 2005 5119 $1.77 $3.18 a 2006 $1.37 $1.57 $2.94 132007 $1.23 $1.49 $2.72 ■ 2008. $1.50 Si_47 $2.97 Regular LeYY is ••e • - SVFD relies on property ta4es for revenue., 1of."2001, currently a per year, or, about one-third the average rate of Inflation. - The SVFD regular tax levy is limited to a maximtinx.:bf 1 thousand • • of "assessed value but: ti. r: e a 1 1 Revenue Options jecting the n4"r $11 million . facility projects,. niedid-fund's • 1. A 1 . . s created. 11 i levy rid ifft' . tadditiona Interest costs. 2 11 Levy Lid Lift . The levy lid lift would nastore the levy rate to I thousand per or the statutory limit from $1.23. . The average cost of a . in the SVFD service area • $250,000 In July 2007. . The • to homeowner property valued at $250,000 would • approximately month. Common Questions Why has SVFD not .done a lid lift before? Election costs for I election average about $80,000 By what • for a . lift now? Legislation passed that allows for a 6 year lid lift What are the problems trying to solve? Capital Facilities Reasons for the need: Future Growth RoMonn.CoverageMmes Sim and i of Appridus 'oy,jp. E V q c FIRE DEPARTMENT A- T- 51 ATS I Ifl I"* -.-)I j - Current Station #9 - 11514 E. 16'n Avenue 4 Station st9 Apparatus too large: E1, E2, PI-2, E3, E5, E5-2, E7, PI-8, R8, PL10 I - 1 ter- 1 ye•.= Y t~ q - Proposed Station #9 Relocation 2008 Whipple 8 32nd Avenue 5 Proposed Station 910 Construction 2009 17217 E. Sprague Avenue + ~•ee' Station #10 - Apparatus Bay will be kept for apparatus storage b 1 Proposed Administration Building Construction 2010 New Location Undetermined Current Administration at Station #1 - 10319 E. Sprague Avenue R yl Proposed Station #6 Re-Build 2011 Station #6 - 6306 E. Sprague Avenue r WIM Station #6 Apparatus too large: E1, E2, PL2, E3, E5, E5.2, E7, PL8, R8, PL10 MAC n-i-E, Station #3 - 2218 N. Harvard S t _ ,rr •j, 1-90 & Harvard Bridge Proposed Station #3 Relocation 2012 21700 Block Country Vista 9 -f jr Proposed Station #11 Construction 2013 Euclid 8 Barker rv,amtenance t. Training Facility 10 1pNt+w VM" Fir. Oq.rtnmt , ✓ 1~ K~ r swum$ ftn ltat.tl prune" 00 41 rr. r.f.. st.n...►n.._q W, 7j, 10 ! ryr I 11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10102/07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: General Discussion of Proposed FY 2008 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A to discussion. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Received Preliminary Budget and conducted Public Hearing on the proposed budget. BACKGROUND: This is another in the continuing steps taken toward the eventual adoption of the proposed budget. Included in the Council packet are the updated budget sheets for insertion in the Council budget binders. Staff has met with the Finance Committee and there are no outstanding budget questions as of this date. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback to staff on any budget item of interest. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier City of Spokane Valley Introduction of the FY 2008 Preliminary Budget Prepared By David Mercier, City Manager .July 31, 2007 A. It is my pleasure to submit a balanced preliminary budget for Council consideration. This budget proposal acknowledges the fiscal constraints of the City and concentrates on sustaining core program responsibilities, consistent with direction from the City Council. B. Again this year, the Cln• Council Finance Committee has worked closely with administrative staff in e-ramining and understanding the budget construction process, the cost control methods applied to the emerging budget, and the financial data upon which the budget is based C. As prescribed by City Council, the seen (7) specific goals for Council and stag' fi)c us iYul acc'aml,lislunent in 2008 are to 1. Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewuter facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of %uste%vater discharges licenses. 2. Refine initial departmental six-year business plane in order to idcntifv and incorporate fiscal impacts into a strategic financial plan. 3. Formulate a Six-Year Struteeic Financial Plan by July 20011 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses; incorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; identifies fiscal constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-halaneing approaches and itemize necessary scryice rcductions or revenue increases or combinations thereof. 4_ Initiate implementation of the subarea plan for the SpraguelAppleway Revitali7ntion Plan. 5. Adopt are:-wide rezonine pryposals consistent with the comprehensive plan that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations. 6. Perform an analysis of a landowner initiated request for annexation. 7. -Draft a Shoreline Mauer Proeram. D. Conservative fiscal policies geared toward the attainment of long-term financial health for the City are recommended for adoption in the Final Budget. Afeeting the targets established by these fiscal policies require a commitment to fitnd on/v those levels of service that are fiscally sustainable. E. This Preliminary Budget adheres to the fiscally responsible principles established in 2004. Sevleral measures worthy of comment are: 1. The utilization of conservative revenue projections and realistic expenditure fam-casts in the construction of this budget proposal-as we guard against fiscal disappointments. 2. The constraint of programmatic growth-no new programs. A commitment to end the year with a positive fund balance in all funds. 4. Marketing CenterPlace total opportunities and thereby defray year-round ope m ional expenses. 5. Periodically updating the six-Near financial forecast to alert the city to fiscal trends. F. Several positiv fiscal indiewors arc reflected in the propr.)sed Prelinrinarti Budget. 71eY include: 1. Achievement of the goal to establish $5,000,000 Civic Facilities Reserve marks the completion of the fourth reserve fund target established in 2004. 2. Sale tax receipts continuo to increases, but at a moderate pace. 3. No new debt--we continue to operate on a pay-as-you go basis. 4. Continued leveraging of state and federal funds to reduce the cost of local capital improvements borne by city residents resulted in a 49% savings. 5. An initial multiyear business plan for each operating department is relied upon to forecast the number of new employees needed to meet growing demand for service. Hcnce, nine new positions have been included in the proposed FY 2008 budget. G. 17w remaining action steps toward adoption of the bma qct inc lu, 1. August 14: Outside agencies pre.untations 2. September 1 l : Public hearing on 2008 preliminary budget Fee Resolution discussion 3. September 18: Departmental highlights and work progrwn presentations 4. September 25: Public Hearing on 2008 proposed budget 5. October 2: General Budget Discussion 6. Octolkr 9: Final public hearing on 2008 proposed budget First reading of the Proposed Property 'l'ax Ixvying Ordinance First reading of Ordinance confirming excess Property Tax First reading of the Proposed 2008 Budget Ordinance Adoption of the Fee Resolution 6. October 23: Second reading of property tar levying ordinance. Second reading of property tax confirmation ordinance. Second reading of the Proposed 2008 Budget Ordinance Adopting the FY 2008 Budget H. As a budget adoption follow-up actiWly, a City Council-Staff Retreat is routrrnly scheduled each lanuam at which time an updated six year financial forecast will he reviewed 1. 77te FY 1009 budget process begins in A-larch with a targeted adoption date ill mind o f Octaber 8. 2008, When the City Council determines that it is in the best interust of the: City to increase or decrease the appropriation for a particular fund, it may do so by ordinance approved by one more than the majority after holding one public hearing. Sienitictuit Clianges to the 2008 B diet A review of the 2008 preliminary budget rcveals the following significant changes: Revenues 1. Sales tax receipts have been increased $500,000 reflecting growth in retail sales. No change in sales tax receipts is expected from the implementation of the state streamlined sales tax receipts program. 2. The city property tax rate is expected to be $1.55 per thousand dollars of assessed value. 3. Planning and Building fees and Fines & Forfeitures remain almost unchanged from 2007. L•'xpcnditures 1. Nine new positions have beers added to the proposed budget for 2008, based on the preliminary multiyear busirims plans prepared by departments. They include: a half-time Deputy City Clerk; a half-time Human Resource assistant; an administrative. A"- yst; an Accountant/Budgct Analyst; two maintenance positions at CenterPlace; a Capital Project Engineer, and a public works Administrutive Assistant- $75,000 has been budgeted for a voice activated inspection system in the building division. 3. General Fund expense..-, are greater than the projections in the City's Multiyear financial plan, due to transfers to the Civic Facilities & Civic Facilities Repair & Replacement Funds. 4. Parks capital improvements planned for 2008 have been budgeted at $500,000. There will likely be improvements scheduled for 2007 that will not be finished and "ifl be carried over ($3,000.000) into 2008. II 5. $150,000 has been budgeted for the preparation of a needs inventory under the Americans with Disabilities Act. lnidal improvements may also be constructed during the year. 6. A trattsportalion impact tire: study (Styr-et Fund) has been budgeted in 2008 in the amount of S'7 10.000, 12 I )nder Washington State Law, RCW 82.46.010, the City is allowed to impose an additional excise tax on each sale of real property at the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price. The revenue generated is to be used for financing public works capital projects as specified in the capital facilities plan under the Growth Management Act. 1NM- FUND TR.ANSFF.RS: Many funds receive their revenues from other funds in the form of an interfund transfer. These transfers may represent payments for service, an operating transfer, or a concentration of revenues for a specific project. The following funds receive transfers from other funds. General Fund is budgeted to receive transfers from the Strut Fund, Stotmwatcr Management Fund, and the Hotel/Motel Fund of $25,000, 560,000 and $90,000, respectively. Trails & Paths Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the Street Fund in the amount of $5,000. Street Capital Projects Fund is budgeted to receive transfers from the Capital Projects Fund, Special Capital Projects Fund, General Fund and Stormwater Management Fund of $1,627,000. $2,027,000, $50,000, and $200,000 respectively. Debt Service Fund is budgeted to received transfers from both the Capital Projects Fund and the Special Capital Projects Fund of $93,000. Capital Grants Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the Capital Projects Fund, Special Capital Project Fund of $2,300.000 and $2,000,000 respectively. Parks Capital Projects Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the General Fund and Capital Project Fund of $20,000 and $400,000 respectively. Equipment Rental & Replacement is budgeted to receive transfer:, from the General Fund, Street Fund, and St(rmcvat,.-r Fund for intcrfund charges in the amount of $39,661, $13,888 and $1,698 respectively. Risk Management Fund is budgeted to receive transfers from the General Fund for City insurance premiums and employment security payments of $195,000 and 57,100 respectively. City Facilities Repair and Replacement Fund is budgeted to receive a transfer from the General Fund of $397,000. STQRMWATER MANAGEI`ENT F E: 19 2008 PRELIM INARV BUDGET Major Revenue Assumptions I. The 2007 population figure used in the 2008 Preliminary Budget is 88,280 as determined by the Office of Financial Management for the State of Washington. 'Ns figure is important when determining distribution of State shared revenues on a per capita basis. 2. T he 2008 estimated assessed valuation (AV) is $6,606,000,000. The City's actual assessed value -,y-iu be assigned by the Spokane County As,;Lsu)r. 3. Property taxes are lc%~cd based on assessed value and the City's authorized Ievy rate of $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value. nic city expects to collect 95% of taxes lc%ied in 2008 realizing the remaining S% may he collected in the following years. •t. Estimates for sales tax receipts are based on the City's estimated collections in 2007 with a 2% incrt.Lk. Gambling taxes are estimated based on collections projected in 2007. 6. Franchise fees and business registrations are based on projected frees in 2007. 7. Liquor excise taxes and liquor profits are based upon estimates from the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC). 8. Fines & Forfeits are based on projected collection: in 2007. 9. Building permit and land use fees am estimated by the City of Spokane Valley based on expected 2007 collections. 10. Real estate excise taxes are based on projtxtcd collections by the City in 2007. 11. Gas tar revenues are based on conservative estimates by the Cite of Spokane Valley. 12. The Stotmwater M.anagcment fee is based on an t luivalent Residential Unit (ERU) rate of $21. ?1 City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budget Summary Estimated Bog. Est Ending Anticipated EWj Q Fund Batanre $ ExpandIlhires, Fund Balance Fun Balance General Fund S 5,000,000 S 36,757,400 S 32,705,058 5 9,052,342 S 6,000,000 51metFund 3,630,872 2,245,000 4,195,304 1,67)0,668 1,790,688 Arterial Street Fund - - - Trails & Paths Fund 25,000 5,000 30,000 - 30.000 HotetlMotel Fund 26,000 408.000 668.000 150,000 Debt Service LTGO 03 600.000 600,000 - Capdal PcoJods Fund 3,300,000 1,120,000 4,420,000 5,000,000 Special Capital Projects 3,30,000 1,120,000 4,420.000 - 4,700,000 Street Capital Projects - 7,354,023 7,354,023 - - Mirabeau Polrnt Capital Projects Fund 414,000 40,000 454,000 - SUaM Bond Cepltal Proocb Fund - - CD Block Grand Fund - - - - Captal Grants Fund - 7,176,000 7,176,000 - - Bartcer Bridge Federal Fund - 5,862800 5,862,600 - Parl s Capital Projects Fund 3,000,000 1260,000 4.60,000 1,000,00o Slormwatar M"gement 1,50,000 1,66,000 1,983,944 1176,056 1,176,056 EquOneM Rental b Replacement Fund 700,000 80,000 780,000 - 870,000 Pisk Managoment Fund 15,000 202-100 217,100 25,000 CerderPlece Operating Reserve Fund 325.000 10,000 335,000 - 335,000 Servnoe Level StabOWMIan Fund 5x200.000 200,000 5,400,000 5,400,000 Wlnbr W*aftw Reserve Fund 540,000 20,000 560,000 - 560.000 City Facififes Repair and Repiaoerneat - 397,000 397,000 - 357,000 Croc Building Capital Fro acts Fund 5,055,000 30,000 5,085,000 - 5,085,000 S 32,264,972 S 66,547,323 S 86,903 229 f 11,909.066 $ 32.518.724 Cash Ut,itred from Fund Balancr- 20,355,906 S 66.903,229 S 86,903229 Mhough the expendewes have been approprialad by City Council, it is anticipated that not a0 of the expenddures w4l occur Therefore, the Totals for each column will not foot by rpm 23 City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budget Revenues by Fund General Fund Property Tax $ 10,496,500 Sales Tax 19,165.800 Gambling Tax 720,000 Franchise Fees 799,450 Business Registrations 54,000 State Shared Revenues 1,170, 550 Service Revenues 1.965,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,300.000 Recreation Program Fees 507,000 Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 414.100 Transfers 165,000 Total General Fund 36,757,400 Other Funds Street Fund 2,245,000 Arterial Street Fund - Trails 8 Paths Fund 5,000 Hotel/Motel Fund 408,000 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 10,000 Service Level Reserve Fund 200,000 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 20,000 City Facilities Replacement 397,000 Debt Service LTGO 03 600,000 Capital Projects Fund 1,120,000 Special Capital Projects Fund 1.120.000 Street Capitial Projects Fund 7,354,023 Mirabeau Point Project Fund 40,000 Street Bond Fund - Capital Grants Fund 7,176.000 Barker Bridge - Federal Grant Fund 5,862,800 Parks Capital Fund 1,260,000 Civic Building Capital Fund 30,000 Stormwater Management Fund 1,660,000 Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund 80,000 Risk Management Fund 202.100 Total Other Funds 29,789,923 Total All Funds $ 66,547,323 24 C@y at Spokam VWIwy 2000 Budget DME R.r mme by Type 2000 2007 Ama4ded ZMI PtopOwW Cenwsl Fund Raratlues A hod SWIM Budoa BMIM)i a Fund Balrloe s 7,056,070 s SAWDOO 0 5,000.000 Prggsmtlm P1upely Tea s 7,004.806 s 9,020.000 ! 10,360,000 Property Tax • D*WgLwd 1442M 225000 146,500 &043.871 0,745,000 10,406,5M Saki -Tim Sake Ter 18,530.953 16,160,000 17,115,000 Sates Tex - Crl *W An** 1,33406 420,000 1,300,000 Sales 72X - Puok Satety MAW 000,000 T50,000 10,631, 500 17,15M,300 19, t 6s' lsw C-t+MOD Ttt~ Punch Dowds A Pus Tabs 114,786 120,0170 110,000 Bingo d ROWS 4,906 10,000 10,000 Card Gwift 770,121 78,000 600.000 "e,794 910,000 720.000 Jxc-onvnAL`eurA3 ©u>wres4 Lkersses 50,-#00 50,000 54.000 Frarctow Fen 707,038 674,170 749,450_ 045,746 724,170 053,460 _*tale Shared B bsK M MNET Comirw Juatxx - PoprAsew 16,400 11,100 15,550 Crnninat Jaske Area 14 111,547 50,000 106,000 CrbnWal Juske SpwW Programs 64,300 22.000 00.000 out - Clan 14,13: 17.000 14,000 Utt" Board E=" Tax 373,442 413,065 376,000 Llquor Board Proles S51,653 012,893 600 000 warts Study Rei rnaurasrnwd t D,6t! _ 1,141, 7x4 1,121,000 1,170, 550 sw--vftRMMM SLOwiinp Permlls 1,109,011 1294,000 1,104,000 Pktm" Pemub 71.480 63.000 72,000 Gradrrg P*rmb 5,426 7.000 a,Ow MO~k39 PwMft 46,717 50.000 99,000 C wration Pon' IN 5,001 1,000 5,000 M ism Peffn ed t Fees 77,192 65,000 95000 Prom Chedt Fen 249.229 197,000 1.50.000 PW v*V Feet 334.946 210,000 340j= 1.Wan 1,067.000 1,965.000 free KK1-fgdlmm Fines A Foftb - Tralk 542,672 512062 96,000 Ovw Gnmmal Hon -Trask Fk1es 732670 737,410 150,000 1,315.200 1250,000 1,30,000 ~~eeuxt P1c+orarn Cturoea At6Mrly Fan (To use a recreebonel tacARO 349.793 362,900 35A000 Program Fen (To parknpeo in a program) 120.060 44.604 3;1,200 Nscoftwooras Perk IL Reovedw Rewm a 104,3y 119 000 579.179 407.700 507.000 Fivr+filar+t~ 11VO.7narrlIrdw t 312,722 200,000 312,300 Sales Tax howW 67.7136 25,000 88,000 ProperlyTm k,trxett 29,154 25,000 :6,000 Assaeharwa s 36ararlue 7,079 52,800 T,e00 416,720 302,800 414,100 DXNAM T.w% t Own Steel Fund 59,300 00,000 60.000 Trw" tar hom Stop *Ww 15,000 16,000 16,ODO Trsua6et ham HolvVMoM - CerdWPlea 44,000 40.000 74,300 116,000 185,000 ToW (ierletal Fund Retnnue 33.6W ,6n 34,129,470 36.757.4ra0 Totrd Gwwng Fund Revenue end 19"Inninp Fund Balance $ 10.961,744 39,179A70 S 41,75-7400 y City of Spokane Valley 2008 a- Nigel DdW Ramoonua by Type 2001 2007 ArnWXW 20M Proposed Other FwW Ravwwm Acb W 8V4pttt QtedCet ;101 Cadtat Probers Eym Beg nar0 Fund Balance 2.288.898 3,000.000 3.300,000 REST 1 - lit 25 Pa.carA 1,237,018 1,000,000 1.000 W Irsrastrnerd 4Wrod 126.W9 120.000 120.000 3,612705 4,120,000 4129.000 '!ai_Soacist go" PrctlWdLFssd 6epkrwkq Fund 8slanm 7.446,14a 3.300.000 3,3W,0W REST 2 - 2nd 25 Ps cent 1224,M 1.090.000 1.000.000 I"vsettTWO Waraat t±5,5t5 t20-000 120.000 3,805,931 4,420,000 4,430,000 m _5rwt Gacm Praiscls 9a0Ylnktq Fund 9alanca - krrrrtO rWv kAIN 4.710 DevehVer Cordnbwb" - 343.000 Grand Pma ads 127.308 3,227,991 3,450,023 T;wmft from SMM Band Fund 533,664 . Transfer from Capmlk Prom Fwd 52,600 3,080,152 1.621.000 Spokane County 8.210 - - T reader Irani Sewer Fund - - - Tranafer horn ArVvW Street Fund 637,798 200.000 - Trwwla ftom Slortlrwalr Manspwner t Fund 197,430 200A= T..., r hum Gen Frail 0,278 50,000 Transfer lam SDaml Captlal Plajaris _ 2435100 2-QZ).000 7802.993 7,351.0: 1 mm 3D4 M P Sowrv q Fund Batanoa S 449,488 S 425,000 5 414,000 Irtvrshr ent tr dwW 16.000 40,000 Oorta5als . Irmnnem Riaooveres - Wv.Msmeoua Rerarua 13,520 - 482,532 41,000 454,000 N-k soeat Bor+4 B"nnlnp Fw-d B` Ke 1,017.453 800,000 Prooaada hnorn LT debt - Trrmahar ham Cap1W Grants Fund - Investment dnb►al Al S1^ 10,000 1,052.024 810,000 305 CQ kV4UQD t+LEWM COGG Grant Pntoards - - Trirm*w from Shell Bad Fund 1,475 0--v"trrwit Inrervst _ tsis - - CRY of Spotrarw valley 2008 Budget OstsM Revvruee by type 2006 2007 ARwrrded 2001 Proposed Other Fund Revenues Aahaq puff o Qu029 307 CUM 4ranta iwad - - Bapr m WV Fund Belenco cap" Grant Piooead0 4331.488 7.0,]0,000 2 e-e.Da) Developer Conelbutl0n 29.125 Spolwo TrwW AuCta * 255,300 Spohana County 202.384 Transfam from Street Bard fund 527,174 Timm r from AttwW Street Fund IMM 270,000 Trarislar hom 4mmd Capial Poojsfe Fund 2.000.000 Tronsbra hair CaplW Projects Fund 1,400,000 2,300.000 7./W,102 9,300.0010 7,178,000 30e ~rkee Bedoa liacoro0ut~t1 • Fsd Gant Federal Grant Psoceede 360,2" 700.000 3,'.j82" Trenahu h= Sprral Capi3i P-_ tech Funx 700000 380.28'4 700.000 5.862,000 e Fsfw!R 9L~~ !5Ll;! 64-;rmirg Fund Saiance 568,837 1330,000 7,000,000 ir-kashrrer4thlww! 41,330 40,000 40,000 Pw%a Gram 200,000 800.000 Canftkon hoot Spokane Cae+ty 1,800,000 Transfer from to Capital Projects Fund 450,000 400.000 Trsnat-mr horn We Genwad Fund %50,000 410,000 21,000 - 1. W1,887 7.S50.000 42f3Q000 ?!It_:me &ud~Groasl PttM~ Ba*oW Fund Bator" 507,009 83x,000 5,058.000 t w"tnwd Irdwast 38.2" 30,000 30,000 TrwmdwtramGsnnral Fund 80,000 800400 3,148.188 t 480.000 S,t16 AW BeWnrinp Furl Balance 1,277,388 1,535, 767 1.500,000 Sfor+rh"W to nagaTram Fes 1,557.308 1,600.000 1,800,000 Irrvesurmt knave) 581019 W000 8,000 2802.723 3.1 7,180,000 _qt eM Rnrdel i RootacartwM Fund FmVirnirtp Fund Onions 291,914 IW,000 700,000 mresb*»ru Intaroel 38,070 30.000 29,731 Trantfor Imm Oanaml Fund - 114,975 39,861 Tranafar hall SVvel A Slommola Fund 10,588 527.9" 9",875 780,000 Narsacertlarq Fund 502 Ilk C~Vnr rsg Furl Salome 25.459 29,000 15,000 I I i rrvernent LMOO ai 949 - Empi *rwfl Seaufly Trerret n 7.100 7,100 Pat mwmcwrwru servloes, 261,523 188.000 193,000 197,980 217.100 717,100 Total RavwKm i Bepkarln0 Fund Balance AN Other Funds 37,752465 82,881,090 37,054.845 Total Revenue i O"Inninq Fund Batarrc» Gores) Fund and All Other Funds i 'W-IN` f 92.080,SS0 • 3 98,852.295 City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budget Expenditures by Department Gener Fun Legislative Branch $ 319,991 Legislative 8 Executive Services 997,078 Public Safety 19.297,300 Operations b Administrative Deputy City Manager 627,178 Finance 824,249 Human Resources 204,280 Public Works 789,437 Community Development Development Services 2,627.960 Long Range Planning 696,322 Code Compliance 238,857 Library 20,000 Parks 6 Recreation Administration 6 Maintenancie 929,535 Recreation 211,549 Aquatics 351.150 Senior Center 90,955 CenterPlaoe 1,051,231 General Government 3,417,988 Total General Fund 32,705.058 Othef Funds Street Fund 4,195,304 Arlerial Street Fund - Trals and Paths Fund 30.000 Hotel/Motel Fund 668,000 CenterPtece Operating Reserve Fund 335,000 Service Level Stablization Fund 5.400.000 Winter Weather Reserve Fund 560.000 City Faciittes Replacement 397,000 Debt Service - LTGO 03 600.000 Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 Street Capitial Projects Fund 7,354,023 Mirabeau Point Capital Projects Fund 454,000 Street Bond Capital Projects Fund - Capital Grants Fund 7.176,000 Baker Bridge - Federal Grant Fund 5,862,800 Parks Capital Projects Fund 4,260,000 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund 5,085,000 Stormwater Management Fund 1,983,944 Equipment Rental b Replacement 780,000 Risk Management fund 217,100 Total Au Funds $ 881903,229 29 City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budget General Fund Expenditures by Department by Type WRM IL Cam at i ylg lntergovarnmunIxil Intifund ExnenddWO I W Gene FF Legislative Branch $ 124,630 S 20.160 $ 175,201 $ - S - S - $ 319,991 Exoculive b Legistative Support 675,274 14,896 105,557 347 - 997,076 Public Safety - - - 19297,300 - - 19,297,300 Operations & Administrative Deputy City Manager 634,844 11.550 76,700 - 4,084 627.178 Finance 778.899 20,050 25,300 - - - 824,249 Human Resources 129.980 4.500 69.800 204,280 Public Works 573.032 40,900 146,080 - 2,945 26,500 789.437 Community Deveiopmoni Development Services 2,188.702 62.300 139,175 156,000 6,783 75,000 2,627,960 Long Range Planning 372,472 17,500 287,350 19,000 - - 696,322 Code Compliance 171,427 20,650 32,250 10,000 4,530 238,857 Library - - 20,000 - - - 20,000 Parks d Recreation Pants Administration 186,888 48,295 663,290 10,000 1,054 929,535 Recreation 128,561 9,630 73,338 - - 211,549 AquatI s - - 351,150 - - - 351,150 Senior Center 71.010 6,650 13,295 - - - 90,955 CenterPlace +138,938 50,795 249,600 - 317,000 5,000 1,061,231 Gofwnl Goverrinwnt 39,000 2,577,000 245,000 291,988 265,000 3,417,988 Total Genomi Fund r 6,574,653 S_ 3665 678 S 5,025,9W S 59 737,300 S 028,761 S 371,600 S 32,705,058 RI Fund: 001 General Fund gpolans ydley Dept 011 Legislative Branch M8 Budget 011 - Legislat#ve Branch Goals for 2008 • Continue monlto flna wastewater issues including governance of waste"ter facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. • Refine initial departmental-six-year business plans in order to identify and incorporate fiscal impacts into a strategic financial plan. • Formutate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses incorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; Identifies fiscal constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductions or revenue increase or combinations thereof. • lnitlate Implementation of the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway revitalization. • Adopt, area-wide rozoning proposals consistent with the comprehensiye plan that reflect appropriate adjustments In zoning designations. • Perform an analysis of land owner h1lated request for annexation. • Develop a Shoreline Master Plan and draft implementing regulations. Budget Summate 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Eaulvalents Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 Council 8_0 6^0 6 0 Total FTEs 7.0 7.0 7.0 Budget Detall Salaries, Wages, & Benefits S 83,205 $ 122,613 $ 124,630 Supplies 13,959 21,300 20,160 Services $ Charges 109,038 143,061 175,201 Interfund Charges - 9,419 - Total Legislative Branch $206,202 $2961393 $ 319,991 33 Fund: 001 General Fund of Dept: 046 Public Safety 2008 Budget 016 - Public Safety The Public Safety department budget provides funds for the protection of persons and property in the city. The City contracts with Spokane County for taw enforcement, district court, prosecutor services, public defender services, probation services, jail and animal control services. See following page for detail information on each budgeted section. Judicial System - The Spokane County District Court is contracted to provide municipal court services. The contract provides for the services of judge and court commissioner with related support staff. Budgeted amount also includes jury management fees. Budgeted contract amount. $ 1,558,500 Law Enforcement - The Spokane County Sheriffs office is responsible for maintaining law and order and providing police services to the community under the direction of the Police Chief. The office provides for the preservation of life, protection of property, and reduction of crime. Budgeted contract amount: $ 15,799,800 Jail System - Spokane County provides jail and probation services for persons sentenced by any City of Spokane Valley Municipal Court Judge for violating laws of the city or state. Budgeted contract amount, $ 667,000 Animal Control - Spokane County will provide animal control services to include licensing, care and treatment of lost or stray animals, and response to potentially dangerous animal confrontations. Budgeted contract amount: $ 400,000 Communications Budgeted contract amount $ 104,000 Fines & Forfeitures State Remittance Budgeted contract amount: 688,000 Interfund Transfers Budgeted contract amount: $ 80,000 37 City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budget 016 - Public Safety 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Judicial System: District Court Contract 750,399 816,111 820.000 Jury Management Contract 1,873 5,000 5,000 Public Defender Contract 339.988 363,349 335,000 Prosecutor Contract 318,888 277,243 350,000 Crime Victim Compensation Pretnal Services Contract 39,276 41,080 48,500 Probation Services Contract - - Subtotal Judicial System 1,450,404 1,502,783 1.658,500 Law Enforcement System: Sheriff contract 13,401,348 14,557,484 15,575,000 Emergency Management Contract 80,772 88,090 92,000 Copier Maintenance 3,000 3,000 Law Enf. Bldg Maintertanee Contract 61,136 120,000 120,000 Vehicle Decals Clothing g Uniforms Vehicle Usage Coats 4,800 5,300 4,800 Other Miscellaneous Supplies 6,840 5,000 Cell Phones 540 Equipment Replacement Charge 5,500 - Subtotal Law Enforcoment System: 13,555,435 14.779.374 15,799,8W Jail System: Jell Contract 405.184 420,8M 375,000 Wort Release (Geiger) 294.473 381,600 292,000 Subtotal Jail System: 699,657 802,406 667.000 Other. Capital OutlaysfCommunications 218,015 127,829 104,000 Fines 6 Forfeitures State Remittance 687,630 600,000 688,000 Animal Control Contract 426,633 444.008 400,000 Interfund Charges - 80,000 Subtotal Othez: 1,332.278 1,171,837 1,272.000 Total Public Safety $ 17,037.774 .400 S 19,297,300 In addition, a Voter approved sales tax increase of. i % in 2004 of sales taxis designated to fund criminal justice and public safety related costs 38 Fund: t1D1 General Fund bpotune V.ney~ D•pt am Public Works 2006 BLK%w 032 - Public blocks The Publlc Works Department provides overall planning and ovoraight of public works projects in the city of Spokane Valley The department provides engineering plan nrAew, Inspeclkxl, coordination of n*w pubic works CapIW unprovement projects, lei, nge transponabon planning and neighborhood traffit management The Pubric Works Street Maintenance Section is nmponslbis for mainterianim of -beet: AccomdlaMnorta for 2007 • Worked with the County and DOE regarding the County Waatawster Treatment Facility, • worked with ttie Regional Wastewater Commit ee in the dmolopment of the implementation plan for the Spokane Rorer TMOL • Provided engineering design, review and construction oversight for City projects and other City public works needs • Developed Ow 200&2013 Stt Year Transportation Improvement Plan Mr) for Council adoption. Goals for 2008 • Continue involvement with the County and DOE regarding the Wastewatar Treatment Facility and TMDL. • Work with Project Team on City Center Implementation. • Work with consultant on City Hail location and pro design setvioes Beset Swrif-M 2007 2008 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget elponel - FTE Eau nts Public Works Director 1,0 10 1.0 Administrative Assistant 10 20 2.0 Senior Enginew (Development) 1,0 1.0 0.0 Assistant Engineer (Development) 1,0 1.0 0,0 Senior Engineer (C1P) 1,0 1.0 10 Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 2.0 Engineer (Development) 1.0 1.5 0.0 Assistant Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Construction Inspects 0.0 1.0 0.0 Engineering Technician 1 QO 0.0 1.0 Engineering Tachnirsa;n 11 12 a a Total FTEs 9.0 13.0 100 DetW Salaries. Wages, A Benefits $ 672,694 $ 893,843 S 573,032 Supplies 10,176 54,247 40.900 SerAoes 3 Charges 195,262 373,100 146,060 Intergovernmental Payments - - Capital Outlay 22.550 40,000 26.500 Interfund Charges 30,687 2-945 Total Public Worts S 9W,M SS 1 91087 5 784,437 cJ Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept.: VA Community Development 2008 Budget 066 - Long Range Planninn Dlvisloin Accomollshments for 2007 • Completed SpraguelApplsway Revitalization Plan and associated development regulations • Completed Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. • Began implementation of the City Center project Goals for 2008 • Continue Implementation of the City Center project . Establish City urban growth areas (UGA) through Spokane County's process • Complete Joint Planning Agreements with Spokane County • Complete the annual Comprehensive Plan update with UGA revisions Budget Summa 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Eauivalgnts Community Development Director 0.50 Projed Manager - City Center 1.00 Senior Planner 1.00 Planning Manger 0.25 Associate Planner - Long-Range 0.25 Administrative Assistant 0.50 Office Assistant 1 0.25 Total FTEs 0.0 0.0 3.75 Bud-aet Detail Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits $ - S - S 372,472 Supplies - - 17,500 Services & Charges - - 287,350 Intergovernmental Services - - 19,000 Capital Outlay - - - Interfund Charges - - - Total Long Range Planning $ - S - S 696,322 45 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 068 Community Development 2008 Budget 067 - Code Compliance Division Accompllshments for 2007 • Adapted update of the nuisance code Goat for 2008 • Review the city's process for clear view triangle Issues, recommend Improvements, and implement approved revisions Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Building Official 020 Code Enforcement Officer 2.00 Office Assistant 1 _ 0.25 Total FTEs 0.0 0.0 2.45 Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ - $ - $ 171,427 Supplies - - 20.650 Services & Charges - - 32.250 Intergovernmental Services - - 10,000 Capital Outlay - - - Interfund Charges - - 4.530 Total Code Compliance $ - $ - $ 238,857 46 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 078 Parks & Recreation 2008 Budget 305 - CenterPiace Division Construction of Mirabeau Point CenterPlace began in late 2003, and was compieted mid-year 2005. The project represents the culmination of eight years of planning and fundralsing by Mirabeau Point Inc. and the joint involvement of the City and Spokane County. The approximately 54,000 square foot facility houses the City of Spokane Valley Senior Center, a great room (banquet facility), numerous meeting rooms, multipurpose rooms, and a high tech lecture hall. The facility combines with Mirabeau Meadows Parks and Mirabeau Springs to form a regional focal point for Northeast Washington and Northern Idaho. Accomplishments for 2007 • Completed Marketing and Communication Plan. • Completed a fee survey and implemented new pricing strategy. • Combined two meeting rooms to meet the growing demands for larger meeting space. Goals for 2008 • Implement Marketing and Communications Plan. • Provide additional training for seasonal staff to improve customer service. • Research electronic marquees for the lobby to display events, CCS classes, senior center activities, and to market CenterPiace. Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Customer relations & Facilitator Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant 0.0 1.0 2.0 Maintenance Worker 0.0 1.0 4.0 Total FTEs 1.0 3.0 7.0 Budget Detatl Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 123,122 $ 288,937 $ 438,936 Supplies 39,158 34,000 50,795 Services 8 Charges 212,700 276,205 249,500 Capital Outlay 3,860 - 5,000 Interfund Charges - 4,037 317,000 Total CenterPlace Division $ 378,840 $ 603,179 $ 1,061,231 55 Fad: am GeMral Fund spa"ne VAN" Oart ass Cierlaal Gunfrarwd "m Ourdaet The Garraral GovermAwa t Deparimard mrnpr: m acthd4aa ttal enoompaas servios In mulOpa deparaeems ftkx*d In two depar"wd are the oats of arty haN and mated uu iW am nagwnwst c*mu 4on aavlcal k»ur amas caab, misaa4ueam city Inlarpovo nmwead Dods and captlrt squonwit emu into tensfN more Man one drparxrrarl and mdalde agency fund ft Outaido spannus wevida needed iu+blk services an bsfrNf of Vw City. Tte m4sidt agarxaaa mat an ar>nurl report d hay Via moray %m ts - A9om4Gt 2007 2004 AnwAWW 2005 Acdal suftim Budget @,IkikQwA Cautaral Olytwde Cots Aamuntkq t Audit Services 1 48,483 1 140,000 4 145,000 software mawm wtoa 20,139 40,000 44AW Prmsing and 91rx" 5.000 5;000 Eie *m Coat - 95,000 1 t0,000 Business Rapistrrdana Sol 5.000 1,000 AdMising 34,199 45,000 47,000 Fmpby" Rea gnaloe 4.84faty Prograan 4,982 sAw 11.0110 AMb Pape 1,9100 5,000 x,000 Td"h-wDSL Charges 23.964 24,000 26,000 lT Cansw" 58.697 90,000 95,000 SOrdent Advisory Cax+ca 419 1,000 1,000 Op-"V $u01Ms 9,876 10,000 10,006 Smd Toda and Mww Egwp"wt 13,602 10.000 12AW 40kars came Cowed - CJs 20.000 - copiw 23,63+ a,= 23,000 Vehxft - 40.000 23.000 A*Cmgansesn 10.519 20,000 77.000 rrvwrjm 7rar"Aar lnte!fimd Kali Mantaen sra Pxvmw l to I.I 1 185400 707.100 IrdaeAud Equipmerv Rental end Regiaeansnt 10. 4134 tr*"f aV Capital Prgsob - ADA SkJawsh ctattobance 40.000 Intarf u c! marks Capital Fund 754000 410.000 24000 k wltrrd Ciders FocWtaa Repair t RepWcwreta Fad Fscafy Repana & NaiMantnce on 5,000 5.000 Co tw0w sotdaara and Hardutra 79.873 98,000 115,000 OOSO Fwnawe s Equlpnent 43-940 0,000 - st*bng Consw1ord 75,000 TS,000 C1Iy Nat IL I m Casts City Ha4 Ran[ 270 ga 375000 440,000 Latrahow Mvmvemanlt 41.951 15,000 23,000 Ouradn sankes Mamlerw" - SRTC 54,300 35.000 40,000 Convhu tV Survey 20,000 Atmhd Trarltrrant 18,247 20.000 20,000 Spokane County Air Pa4ubon AUt%M 119,137 120,000 120,000 Uly Emnome Devabprem 77.W 95.000 10.000 Site Sele<7v br Economic C*vokq vw - 71,000 - CaWa Frunotwae Nagaladk+es 10,534 1,000 Voter Repata4>sn 54.132 7'0.000 15,000 Records managamad - 250,000 500.000 Pmftm wA services - Lobbylaf 40,000 - 4flpwx ShOf Fee 98.000 Raq~wab Rom Oulada Aamides•Eowaim Derdawr wil 105,000 Raquerb tam Oulslde Ap mims,4odml Strviose 39.000 45000 46,000 Gbrr4 Vwxy A Row Rawve for Revenue Adpsfmtnb 424,500 475,000 7r-Ww n Civic Bubdmg Reserve Fwd 2.800.000 2.346,000 Transfer to Service Loves Ratwve Furd 2.108.000 361,000 Torstfa► to NAraat VV*sdw Mourn Fund Opera" Transfer - CmMrftm Mourn Oomating Tmw$ar- Ski-FA Fund 2,004000 900,000 - Conengency 5.500.000 500'm 8 0.613.956 S 12093,000 5 3,417,11115 Fund: 3011302 Capital Projects S Special Capital Projects Funds Spokane valley 2008 Budget 3011302 - Capital Protects & Special Capital Protects Funds These funds account for the collection and expenditure of the real estate excise tax levied on all sales of real estate. The tax is levied in two phases of a quarter of a percent each. The first quarter percent of the real estate excise tax (REST 1) must be spent on capital improvements identified in a capital improvements plan. This REET 1 tax is accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund 301. The second quarter percent (REET 2) may only be levied by cities that are planning under the Growth Management Act. These funds must be used for a capital project The REET 2 tax is accounted for in the Special Capital Projects Fund 302. Revenues accumulated in these funds will be used as matching funds for construction projects and will be transferred to other Capital Project Funds_ Budoet Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget 301 - Capital Proiects Fund Transfer to Capital Grants Fund $ - $ 1,400,000 $ 2,300,000 Transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund 52,609 1,205,309 1,627,000 Transfer to Debt Service 91,645 93,000 93,000 Transfer to Parks Capital Projects - - 400,000 Capital Projects - REET 1 - 1,421,691 - Total Capital Projects Fund $ 144,254 $ 4,120,000 $ 4,420,000 302 - Special Capital Pro acts Fund Capital Projects - REET 2 $ - $ 2,443,157 $ - Transfer to Capital Grants Fund - - 2,000,000 Transfer to Street Capital Projects Fund 977,713 1,883,843 2,027,000 Transfer to Barker Bridge Fund 300,000 Transfer to Debt Service 93,000 93,000 93,000 Total Special Capital Projects Fund 1,070,713 $ 4.420,000 $ 41420,000 63 Fund: 304 Mirabeau Point Capital Project Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 3" 2008 Budget 304 - Mirabeau Point Capital Project Fund Mirabeau Point Is a multi-use regional project located at 2428 Discovery Place which will be operated by the City. The bond sale proceeds were spent in 2003, 2004, and 2005. CenterPlace provides space for a Conference Center Wing, Senior Center Wing and a Great Room Wing. The portion of CenterPlace used for the Conference Center Wing and Great Room Wing is being developed as a "regional facility" as defined in RCW 36.100 and 35.57.020. Budoet Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Capital Outlay $ 99.889 $ 441,000 S 454.000 Total Mirabeau Point Project Fund $ 991689 $ 441,000 $ 454,000 Fund: 305 Street Bond Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 305 2008 Budget 305 - Street Bond CaRltal Projects Fund The Street Bond Capital Projects Fund accounts for monies received from bond proceeds which will be used for various capital street projects. It Is expected that this money will be spent by 12-31-07- Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detall Professional Services $ 695 $ - $ - Transfer to Street Capital Projeds 904,770 816,000 - Transfer to CD Block Grant Fund 1,475 - - Transfer to Capital Grant Fund 152,085 - - Total Street Bond Capital Fund $1,059,025_ 816.000 $ 65 Fund: 307 Capital Grants Fund spokarn Valley Dept 307 2006 Budget M - Cao 1 Grants Fur M The CepRsl Grants Fund accounts for capital Improvement projects funded partially by grant proceeds from other goverranental agencies, such as T1B. STA, STP. and CDBG. Revenues to ft fund are tram grant proceeds and transfers from other special revenue funds €3udoet summam 2007 Amended 2008 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Barker Road - Boone to Spokane River 3 1,943,721 $ - i - Valley Corridor Prood-Environmental Study 18,075 - 100,000 Apploway Blvd - Tectvrley Road to Hodges 178,146 4,912,325 2,500.000 Broadway Ave Rehab - Bates to Sutuvan 840,832 - - Dishman Mica Rehab - 1st Ave to Sprague 219,784 - Argonne Road Overlay - ln( was to Montgomery 355,219 - 8th Avenue - Farr Road to University Road 20,599 - - Valley Corridor. Project #2 18,300 624,000 - 44th Ave Pathway Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. 11,427 - 30,000 SpraguelApplewaylDishman-(RS)-t-90 to Dishmen - - 100.000 Park Road - Bridging the Valley - - 750,000 8th Ave Phase 1 - Carnahan to Havana - - 535,000 Broadway-(rancher Inlersaction PCC - - 581,000 Signal Controller Upgrade* - 50,000 Appleway University to Evergreen - - 205.000 Broadway Ave - P►nes (SR-27) to Park - - 933,000 BowdisIVSprague Intersection PCC - - 892.000 Road Construction 3,763,575 Contingency - - 500,000 Total Capital Grants Fund $ 3N.103. $ 9000 $7.176,000 Fund: 308 Barkar Bridge - Federal Grant Fund Spokane Valley Dept 3110 2008 Budget 30a - Barker 8dd= - Federal Grant Fund The Barker Brfte - Federal Grant Fund was created to account for the revenues and w"whi es assodetsd wIM the Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project TNs project rs fully funded by BRAC grant proceeds and wilt cost approximately $8.000.000 over the courw of the next few years Budget Summa 2007 Amended 2005 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budget i Capital Oulley $ 380,283 f 700,000 $ 5,8621300 a-YYYYYYY[ YYYIYYYIY T~ Fund: 309 Parks Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley Dept 309 2008 Budget 309 - Parks Capital Projects Fund The Parks Capital Projects Fund is an allocated reserve of monies specifically designated for the Parks and Recreation Capital plan. Budget Summary 2007 Amended 2008 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Swimming Pools & Contingency $ - $ - 1,685,011 Universal Park 1.000,000 Park Land Acquisition Reserve 563,500 Terrace View Park 293,000 Valley Mission Park 225.000 Greenacres Neighborhood Park 57.000 Park Improvements 503,337 3,550,000 140,000 Playground Repairs 135,000 Picnic Shelters 80,000 Archetectural Fees 29,489 Lighting 22,000 Park Improvement Contingency 30.000 Total Parks Capital Project Fund $ 503,337 $ 3,550,000 $ 4,260,000 Fund: 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund Spokane Valley Dept 310 2008 Budget 310 - Civic uiidinas Capital Projects Fund The Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund is an allocated reserve of monies specifically designated for future construction of a Civic Buildings. Budget Summary 2007 Amended 2008 2006 Actual Budget Budget Total Civic Buildings Capital Fund $ 503,337 $ 1,460,000 $ 5,085,000 67 Fund: 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 601 2008 Budget 501 - Eauipment Rental & Replacement Fund The Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund (ER&R) accounts for the cost of maintaining and replacing City vehicles and equipment for all City departments. The ER&R fund is an Internal Service fund. The fund accumulates the resources for vehicle and equipment replacements in the fund. The Funds or Departments using the vehicle or equipment pay the scheduled replacement fee. Replacement funds are being collected on the telephone system, computer network system, desktop computers, and vehicles. Maintenance and service charges for copiers, telephones, and the internet are also charged to funds through this department. The fund also finances and administers a fleet of pool cars for use by City departments. Accomplishments for 2007 • Administered an accounting system for replacement costs for city equipment. • Setup and administer an equipment tracking system. Goals for 2008 • Continue to administer and refine the accounting system for replacement costs. Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Supplies $ - $ 7,500 $ Services & Charges - - - Capital Outlay - 936,875 780,000 Total ER&R Fund $ - $ 944,375 $ 780,000 69 sv&~.~0-007~ oowky. 4; COMMITNITV PROFILE AND HISTORV " 1 rue cannot look to the l cure if You do not know the past. " On May 21, 2002, voter: within the City approved incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley, which is the second largest city in the County and the seventh largest city in the State, with approximately 88,000 residents. The City incorporated as of March 31, 2003. The assessed valuation of read property within the boundaries of the City for taxation purposes is estimated fir 2008 tar collection to be approximately $6,606,000,000. Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 38.2 square miles of land area. It has an extensive retail tax base and is home to several major auto dealerships and the Spokane Valley Mall, which includes over 700,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. There are an estimated 4,000 businesses in Spokane Valley with estimated retail sales of $1.66 billion. The first permanent settler in the Spokane Valley was Antoine Plante, a retired French- Canadian trapper. Mr. Plante built a cabin near the Spokane River in 1849, from which he operated a small Hudson's Bay Company trading post. Other settlers began arriving in this area between 1865 and 1882. "Firsts" to occur in Spokane Valley include the first settler in 1849, first business and ferry in 1850, the f rst store and bridge in 1862, the first house in 1866, and the first post office in 1867. All of these "firsts" occurred before the arrival in 1873 ofJames Glover who was considered the "Father of Spokane-" In 1883, the Northern Pacific Railroad opened the west up with the transcontinental railroad. The new railroad, coupled with the discovery of silver in north Idaho, created an influx of people to the Spokane Valley area. Within a few years the Spokane area wag connected to the rest of the country by five transcontinental railroads. The next major innovation to Spokane Valley was the introduction of irrigation to the area. Within 20 years 30,000 acres of dry land had been converted into fertile farm land. The first irrigation systems were constructed between 1899 and 1905. The Valley population grew fmm 1,000 residents at the turn of the century to nearly 10,000 by 1922. During this time apple growing became the predorninant agricultural crop with nearly 2 million apple trees being planted by 1912. As the population of the Valley increased, small communities with churches, schools, businesses, community clubs, and other orgartirations thrived 74 The City- of Spokane Valley operates a number of parks within the City. Below is a summary of these parks: Park Name Park C las!4ification Park Size Balfour Community Park 2.8 acres Brown's Community Park 8.2 acres Castle Communitv Park 2.7 acres Lid ecliff Community Park 4.8 acres i Mirabcau Point Park Communit /Rc ional Park 54.5 acres Myrtle Point Natural Area 31.0 acres Park Road Pool Special Use 2.0 acres Sullivan -Community Park 10.3 acres Terrace View Community Park 9.1 acres Valley Mission and Vallcy Community Park 27.2 acres Mission South & Pool Grc~-nacres Neighborhood Paris 8.33 acres Valle Senior Ccnter Special Use 2.0 acres Centennial Trail Trail 7 Linear miles THE FUTURE OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane Valley: a community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play, and business will flourish and prosper. 'Ihc potential of Spokane Valley is tremendous, with an adequate tax base and room for expansion of residential, commercial, and industrial growth. Spokane Valley rivals other cities in Eastern Washington in tears of population and significance in the region. The City is committed to planning for the future. It has adopted its first Comprehensive Plan. and its first Parks and Recreation Master Plan. It is in the process of creating a Spraguc/Appleway revitalization plan to promote redcvelopmcnt of the major east-west corridor. The City is also creating a street master plan. 7G city of spa&&" Vaiwf MuNyw FbmmW1 Flan • C%wwM Fund - Probb m 8tstwwwft 4M PrmWnblarv orisamy 6Rif2000 2087 2000 lOOf >,0l8 281! 2012 2013 t*sllnufl Fsomem 8 Ht glum bomm bdimm 1"rraral Fund Aavaroar. Gahm Tag s 18.631,000 s 111,OW, W s t9,=,092 3 IOAO W $ t0.472.000 1 16,301,40 s 19,730.409 Propmty Tex 1 4.670,800 s 10,300.000 s 10.501,1700 s 10,7oSA70 s to.915,ito s 11,124.2'81 8 11,535,94 CWMMV TAB t sm,ow 1 800,000 1 006,ODO 3 400.000 f OCU,000 3 OWAW s tW0AW Frormil" Fnamkia ap 1 675,000 % 007.750 3 M,5oe s 601.514 1 910,s" f 910,04 1 623.636 Stills SllmodRflloWn s 1=,Wo s 1,257.560 s 1303,604 3 1.315.901 i 1.348.800 1 1,3a2,5f2 s 1.417,!47 Service PH" s 1,800.000 1 1,1100.000 3 1.600.000 i 1.Wo.ow $ 1.000.000 1 1,000,000 s 1AQ AOD Flew 8 Ferlmaiime s 1.315,000 3 1,315.000 s 1.315,008 i 1,315ACO 1 1300,000 3 1,306,600 s t-700,1700 RIMmrWn Pra9nlnf Pau i 45O.Wo 3 475,1= 3 476,760 f 464318 s 409.]93 3 404,207 s 4919270 InYmexld Tretmran s 00,000 1 04,800 3 86,0fa 9 65,281 1 106.908 s 107,o00 s 113AW Mum"tworrt fineamU 3 MO.= i GNAW s 88708 s 700,W6 s 707,01 8 714,067 9 121,034 C ry~ hom pros X 5 7,000-006 f 1.862,383 9 5,080."5 s 0.107.40 3 ?X MI 7.031 s 4236.512 s (1 AT7.0011 tote( Gnurat F4nr0 4MMAN 1 38,387,343 $ 42,1703!8 44,728,878 9 47,42,122 42,182,41 3 37AM8 M Gann! FwW Eapwdluw Looftiekt- s 260.760 s 318,991 f 345.560 i 373390 3 403,(87 s 436,344 i 470.172 Eaaaahm&l,e8ulmltm / WWI s 297,QM 3 1,076,47 s 1,102.600 s 1,250,020 3 1,]08b11 f 1,465.032 Public Sn" s 18,256,400 s 19387,300 s 20.641,004 1 21.500.371 s 24,3WO4O s 20,257.704 s 210,304ASS Clmpaay C8y Ymu ar f 62=2 f 071,178 i 0n.= s 731.040 s 780,004 s 803,208 1 821.530 Fowme s 782.6 s 024,246 6 890.106 s 161.404 s 1AX316 i 1,121782 3 1.211.12 Legal s 380,637 wove Htrw Remafsom 3 105,944 1 704380 s ?20,622 s 738,272 1 257,334 s 777,02! 3 300.1154 Pu ft Wbru 3 1,476,000 3 700,427 s 052.962 1 620,196 $ 044.403 6 1,074,000 f 1,1158442 Cum pay. 3 2.49X70 below Dow Smvti 7 $ 21027.900 s 2,870,197 1 3,005,7153 6 3,31x473 3 3,575,311 i 3,461,3317 to%Range Plan s 060,322 s 752.028 6 a12,190 3 aTIAM s 647,3] f tAn,125 Code Ent 3 730,667 s 267,908 s z18,sm f 3W 1!81 1 U4,M2 1 35D.058 Ubray f MOW I MOW Pnu~~U rAd~~ndm 3 003,306 4 920.%30 8 1,W3.M s 1,064,210 s 1,1 m,946 s 131s7,an i 1..]66,79: ROOTAROM i m47 3 211544 1 22.,477 s 740.7111 s 706,491 s 287,a1o 3 310.035 Mlmera t 239.450 1 351,150 9 3711,240 f 409,801 s 442.340 3 417.734 3 515.1153 S Mow C4rW s 10.201 s 9o,838 s ",291 s !00,060 s 114,577 i 123,742 s 133,643 Cara rpm" 1 507,178 9 1.41,231 a 1,144,129 1 1,277.112D $ !,396,845 s 1,43.1917 / 15063117 TfanaI, to cap" 1 416,D0o s 20,000 6 mow s 20.00 3 20.0.00 i 20.00 s 220,000 TtsmW M to 11bea4 F-WW s 900.060 9 - s - Purdmilaa of tareoM s 0ao,ow 1 i - Trseda to Chtic FacOMea 6 2.600.060 s f s 3 11 1 car B1rll W4p D8p1eutltYrr s 191.OW TrmlabK to ` v. Lovo s 351,D06 f 1 3 - s 1 s Oalraal Gorutnrw 3 ze 4.1700 1 9,397,1!8 s 7.093.920 i ]754 147 f %905.471 1 7 638 f 3,580 370 Toth Guar" Fa4f0 96y 0,817 32,706,0" K723.sft 27.11 ,273. ! i 11,258 LDN OflfarK bald ba 1 .DOD) uMryrrlf 10 nom yf !897.707 6.454,545 6.107.1744 7,917.411 1284812 (1~677Fi0 16 134 *0 a Law are, :iow tux "a i Am -W9 ■Ilect unknoun DRAFT ADVANCE AGEN=DA For Planning; Discussion Purposes Only as of September 27,2007; 9:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Drag Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings October 9, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 1] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Final Public Hearing Proposed 2008 Budget- Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CDBG Project list- Greg McCormick [10 minutes] 3. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-018 Adopting Budget - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-019 Levying Property Tax -Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-020 Confirming Excess Property Tax-Ken Thompson (10 minutes] 7. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-016, Sunshine Disposal Franchise - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 8. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, 07-017 Waste Management Franchise - Cary Driskell (10 minutes] 9. First Reading Proposed Vacation Ordinance, Appleway Auto Group- Greg McCormick/Mike B[15 minutes] 10. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 07-012 SV 02-07 St Vacation - Koren Kendall [5 minutes] 1 l . First Reading Repealing Ordinance 07-013 UR-1 (emergency measure) -Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 12. Proposed Resolution Establishing Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area - Mike C [10 min] 13. Motion Consideration: Adoption of CenterPlace Marketing Plan - Mike Jackson [20 minutes] 14. Motion Consideration: CIP Organizational Model - Nina Repor (consent...) [10 minutes] [estimated meeting: 140 minutes] October 1C,, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, Oct 8] L Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 2. Street Design Standards - John Fiohman, and J-U-B Representatives (60 minutes) 3 Street Masterplan Discussion Continuation - Neil Kersten/J-U-B Representatives (60 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Collins Road Parking-Neil Kersten (15 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Concurrency Issues - Mike Connelly/Neil Kersten (20 minutes) TOTAL, MINUTES: 165 minutes October 23, 2007, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 151 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting Budget [10 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Levying Property Tax- Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 4. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Confirming Excess Property Tax - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, Sunshine Disposal Franchise - Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 6. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance, Waste Management Franchise - Cary Driskell [15 ininuies] 7. Second Reading Proposed Vacation Ordinance, Appleway Auto Group- Greg McCormick/Mike B[15 minutes] 8. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 07-012 SV 02-07 St Vacation - Karen Kendall [5 minutes] 9. Second Reading Repealing Ordinance 07-013 UR-1 (emergency measure) - Mike Connelly [5 minutes] 10. Proposed Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 11. Motion Consideration: CDBG Project List - Greg McCormick [10 minutes] 12. Admin Report: City Hall Facilities Planning-Neil Kersten [15 minutes] 13. Admin Report: Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier [15 minutes] 14. hiformation Only: Department Reports [estimated meeting: 140 minutes] Executive Session: Land Acquisition Draft Advance Agenda 9/27/2007 9:20:45 AM Page 1 of 3 October 30, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Study Session [due date Monday, Oct 221 1. Lodging Tax Committee Grant Application Review - Deputy Mayor Taylor (20 minutes) 2. Assumption of Private Road Policy Discussion -Neil Kersten/Dave Mercier (20 minutes) i 3. Aviation Ordinance Discussion - Mike Connelly (I5 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Panhandling- Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Sidewalks (ADA) - Mike Connelly (15 minutes) 6. Paperless Agendas - Chris Bainbridge/Bing (15 minutes) 7. City's 5d' Year Anniversa , - Carolbelle Branch 15 minutes _8 13 T1. and ea.:e Rai 17riskell Mnutr^s TOTAL. MINUTES: 130 minutes Friday, November 2, 2007: Employee Appreciation.Dinner (CenterPlace) November 6, 2007 - no meeting (election ni,_r~ht) M'e(fij ? November 7, 2007 Special Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Oct 291 1. PUBLIC HEARING: 3r Amendment to 2007 Budget - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. first Reading Proposed Ordinance for 3' Amendment to 2007 Budget - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: Lodging Tax Grant Allocations - Deputy Mayor Taylor [10 minutes] 5. Admin Re ort: CityHall Facilities Planning - Neil Kersten [15 minutes] 6. Ad1uita Re, orrt:.Fliber (Q ti °s -Gary L~)r si cl'1 [15 minutes [estimated meeting: 60 minutes] November 13, 2007 - no meeting (N-LC Conference) November 20 -Thanksgiving week- no meeting November 27, 2007 - Special Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Nov 191 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes 5 minutes] - .2. minutes . [estimated meeting: minutes] December 4, 2007 Study Session, 6:00 p.m. (due date Monday, Nov 261 ( ,I.pComhrzhen5ive Klan Amendme_rir-.Greg'Mc.Coriitick J[ o minutes TOTAL M1WfES December 11., 2007, Regular Mectin% 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dec 3] 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance for 3rd Amendment to 2007 Budget - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] [estimated meeting: minutes] December 18, 2007, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dec 10] 1. Council Committee Appointments (30 minutes) 2. Swearing in of Councilmembers (20 minutes) 3. Admin Report: City Hall Facilities Planning-\Teil Kersten (15 minutes) TOTAL MINUTES Draft Advnnce Agenda 9/27/2007 9:20:45 AM Page 2 of 3 V December 25 -Christmas week- no meeting January 1., 2008 - HOLIDAY - no meeting J'anun" 8, 2008, Regular Meeting [due date Monday, Dee 311 Election of Council Officers Winter Retreat. Saturday Janymy 12, 2008 OTTTER PENDING AND/OR UPCOINI NG ISSUES/MEETINGS Schedule Jt krt w/Planntn f~pmtit~ssion -re City Cir - \`o}; Tourism Promotion Association Presentation (Nov/Dcc) Department Accomplislunent Report (January) Ponderosa Appeal Graffiti Ordinance Mirabeau Parkway Speed Limits Overweight vehicle ordinance Adoption Street MasterPlan Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan - Scott Kulita Approval of Pines/Mi ansfield Construction Contract Award - Steve Worley Traffic Model Review Work Force Development, In-Service Definitions Noise Ordinance (Construction Activity) Central Valley School District Impact Pee Request Sewer Collection Systems -Neil Kersten Animal Control Ordinance - Cary Driskell "Hot Zones" (telecommunications infrastructure) Governance Manual (hearing/coniment process, etc.) NE Housing Solutions City Membership UDC Revisions: Binding Site Plans/Aviation Zone Regulations Accident Statistics Along Broadway (April 2008) CI'R Update (Spring, 2008) estimated; does not include time for public comments] Draft Advance Agenda 9127/2007 920:45 AM Page 3 of 3