2007, 10-23 Regular Meeting ,XGENDA SPOKANL VALLEY Cfl Y COt `CiL RE, GULAR MEETING rr,uncil Meeting #126 Tuemlay. Octolwr 23, 2007 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valle- City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests All Electronic Devices he 'furned Off During Council Meeting CALL. TO ORDFR: INVOCATWN: Pastor Jcii t rk-,n. ,p.-skam ~ ailr. `.trar_ne t_'Inn:'i PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECILAL C;t E:STS AND PIt SENT A HONS: CONINIFFTFE:. BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: IMAYO)R'S RFTORT: PUBLIC COMNWNTS: 1 hip. IN .111 -_ppurtunit} fix the public to speak on am foliir When }ou come ttl the podium, please suite %our ruune and address for the record acid limit Tema►k, i+) three minute.'. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consi.-&~ of activ, c,,rtSidcrcd rotllurL which are approked a; a grimp 1 Councilmcmher may remove an (tern f'roin the Consent Agrjida to be considered scparatcl,. a. Following Claim Vnuchers: Voucher List Dated 10-I5-2007; Vouchers 12941, 12952, 117955-130-17: Total $544,650 U'! b. Pa)-roll for Period Ending October 15.2007: $194,846.56 c. Minutes from Chtobcr2, 2007 Special Council Library Mectin+t if. Mimrtt-•s fr(im (ktE+cr 2. 7.007 Council Studv Session Mcctin' c. Minutes from October 9. 200 Regular Council Meeting f• Minutes fn-•m l?;tntu r 16, 7007 Council Stud\ Scstiion tileetine. NEW BUSINESS: Second Reading Pt,ilwwd Ord M.an. e 07-0I$, Adopting Budget hcrt iirenlh~inl (public comment) t. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-019. Levying Property I'ot - Kell Thorilp-soil (public commentl Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-020, Confirming Excess Property fax - Kett Thomp:,oit (public commentl i. Stoond Rcading Propowd Ordinance 07.021, Applcway Auto Street Vacation - Greg \,Ic('r,rnmck.' Mike Basinger (public commentl 6. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-022. Sunshine Disposal Fmnchisc-Cary DriA xll ipublic commentl First 11 ailing Proposed Ordinance 07.023, Waste Management Franchise - Cary Driskell public commentl 8 Pn-,posed ReS,--liai ~n rl~.ll i ,~rtt_n line Fee E;c. Flub, r. den 1 fl, nip An (public commentl I_ ~nty II ,?Cri_ti3 jl . i! ItiC? .rC ItLC I '\'lt)"Wil 1_ tt11.S1i1Ct ltl.'n ~Otly ( t III11111111I'. Itormcitt I(lo,,k 1 Ir..m I'r. - ict.1, Ore- %►cl public comment] i Motion Consideration: Setting the Public Nearing for the Ponderosa Estates North Appe;i Mike Connelly lpublic commentl I 1l ,J~i;! ~11_II. ~ _ I~~_.~-I ~ ,.'I, ~liultlicr%tnliittll-.~ HIBI I( (OMM-LN 1.1% 1his is :111 ohl;c;rtuuit} lul the Imbil'- to `Fl:ak t_ul an} tol►i.. %I lil:a N Ow It Im tile: 1 _!lc ta!ir fl:1mc (arid :!ddre;,~ f, `r tile' rc--, vd md i;in't r'•:I'l~lrl.: 1~~ ihr, C ~PIn11'~ lll~~ri' i~I I'. III;I PI l~.. 1iti~1 '~.h.i'I~~I1 t~l-.~11,~1..;1. l1 ` i_1 14 f•. a3~lt C~:Ilti:iINFORMATION ONLI 13. Spokanc CountyL.ibr.;: . 14. Lodging Tax Allocations - Beal 1 hunlpaul: 1-;, fkpartment Reports ? (i City I loll 1=acilities PlanninL - Neil Kerstc . 1-AF(`1' 1IN'L SFSI~10N I .lrltl 11111 ltti 1}: i'vildim" i iti_111011 .%Dj0FRN NlFN. T FL7(,Kl: S(_-l/LU[ 1 1 Regular Council AIeetinp >art• geitertdir held 21id and 4"' 1 ue.stlu► s, heMinnittw tit h: NN p. m. C'uuncil Stuel►' Ses.siorts• art generall►' held 1 -d and 5th 1 uesdgyv, be inning at b:00 p.m 'l entath-e 0wamin_ Me•e tinex-I'►'e rm: October 30.2007- Ntl MEETING Council atte:nil> • : li:or' ti I ialI Nlcetirlc, I 'itk r<il'. l-lc~ti li _?!1 '<c)srnlhcr 0. '(Itl,- N' I \1L'1.T[N(.)' Nlt~Calh_-l 200, SpCi:d1 deicing" h MI p rll November 13.2007: NO MEETING - Councii allcuds Natlulllll 1-4:aguL L-1 Cmes L UillcNilce November 20, 2007, 6:00 p.m. Special Joint Meeting: Council and Planning Commission. 't'opic: Michael 1:1ccklnta11 i':c',r°rlt<►tit n on 1~pn.,iw-ApplcN%a~ Soh-.iic:t Plan NOTICE 1n~1~s l ltaat~ 1)tWlll17)~ tU UiICat11 lllr mcciiiig %lio r.-yuirr speciltl arist,tircc to occo(IIIII(0211C ptr.5.1C31, he►.-'in& or other impairments, plet-se contact the City Orik at t,5p91921-1(00 m -,iwm as pussih1c se) that mvini anent; mn} be made CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10-23-07 City Manager Sign-off- Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following'Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER #s TOTAL VOUCI-f R AMOU\'T 10-15-2007 12941, 12952, 12955-13047 $5d4,650.09 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher List , vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12941 10/212007 000724 FAULKNER, JASON Payroll 10/05/07 PAYROLL PROCESSING 300.00 Total : 300.00 12952 10/2/2007 001539 DEVINE, AIMEE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 1,105.00 Total : 1,105.00 12955 10/9/2007 000358 REG.OR, NINA Mileage MISC MILEAGE 31.04 Total : 31.04 12956 10/9/2007 001032 MAIN, JODI Expense Form WSAPT CONFERENCE: MAIN 226.10 Total : 226.10 12957 10/1012007 000295 VALLEYFEST ROUND 1 THE FOCUS 18,251.50 Total : 18,251.50 12958 10/10/2007 000590 AACE AACE Renewal AACE RENEWAL: BENTLEY 200.00 Total : 200.00 12959 10/10/2007 001377 COMBS, LISA Expenses MILEAGE/EXPENSES 29.55 Total : 29.55 12961 10/10/2007 000409 WA DEPT OF REVENUE 3rd Qtr 2007 3RD QTR 2007 LEASEHOLD EXCISI 4,264.54 Total : 4,264.54 12962 10/1012007 000081 STATE OF WASHINGTON 2nd Qtr Sales Tax 2ND QTR SALES TAX 1,393.42 Total : 1,393.42 12963 10/1212007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 4567 CC: GRIFFITH 2,737.16 Total : 2,737.16 12954 10115/2007 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING 04631 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPT 28.00 Total : 28.00 12965 10/15/2007 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING 04638 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 28.00 Total : 28.00 12966 1011512007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1829 CC: 1829 2,392.27 Page. 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12966 10/15/2007 000028 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK (Continued) Total : 2,392.27 12967 10/15/2007 001214 PHAY, JEANNE 01042007 REFUND REQUEST 71.00 Total : 71.00 12968 10/15/2007 000648 ABADAN REPROGRAPHICS & IMAGING R103164 APPLEWAYAVE 427.12 R106968 APPLEWAY PLANS 419.52 Total : 846.64 12969 1011512007 000197 AIR INC. 6559 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 75.00 FC 341 FINANCE CHARGE 2.26 Total : 77.26 12970 1011512007 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY SVC301282 SERVICE CALL CP 111.00 Total : 111.00 12971 10115/2007 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS 092321 LABOR ON PERMIT CTR COPIER 129.23 68786A BOND ROLL PAPER 108.98 Total : 238.21 12972 10115/2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 090091047 UTILITIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY 6,427.70 410069444 MASTER BILLING 24,983.75 Total : 31,411.45 12973 10/15/2007 001117 BASINGER, MICHAEL L. Expenses MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 23.60 Mileage MILEAGE: POSTING CPAS 16.49 Total : 40.09 12974 10/15/2007 001409 BEST LINE PROF ANSER SVC 053110042007 AUTOMATIC POSTING 20.40 Total : 20.40 12975 1011512007 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 12976 10115/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8855177 LINEN SERVICE: CP 379.46 8857126 LINEN SERVICE: CP 389.18 Total : 768.64 o....e. 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12977 10115/2007 000101 CDW-G GWG7178 41809 PRIMERA COLOR INK CARTRIDGE 68.26 GWW4274 41811 PLANTRONICS CS 55- HEADSET W 370.60 GXQ8934 41818 HP SDLT STORAGE TAPE MEDIA 1,374.88 Total : 1,813.74 12978 10115/2007 000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3620546 41025 0003-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 10,750.88 Total : 10,750.88 12979 10115/2007 001.440 CLEARPATH, LLC 243 CITY CTR PROPERTY NEGOTIATIO 40,803.43 Total : 40,803.43 12980 10/1512007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 53546 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 231.90 54014 COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 235.80 Total : 467.70 12981 1011512007 000606 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 1083 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.06 Total : 228.06 12982 1011512007 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 87016-6725 SEPT FLEET FUEL BILL 2,308.85 Total : 2,308.85 12983 10115/2007 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DIST 05859.0 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL 257.54 06377.0 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL 109.40 06377.2 UTILITIES: CP 962.24 11534.2 UTILITIES: DISCOVERY PL 40.14 Total : 1,369.32 12984 10/15/2007 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 82039665 41822 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.94 Total : 50.94 12985 10/15/2007 000060 DENENNY, RICHARD 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 12986 10/15/2007 000693 DEPT OF INFORMATION SERVICES 2007090201 MASTER LICENSE SYSTEM 31.15 Total : 31.15 12987 10115/2007 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB70918038 SULLIVAN RD PCC REHAB 35,474.82 RE-313-ATB70918099 PINES/MANSFIELD 136.36 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 12987 10115/2007 000152 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION (Continued) Total : 35,611.18 12988 1011512007 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 12989 10/15/2007 000278 DRISKELL, CARY Travel Expenses RISK MGT CONFERENCE 1,021.10 Total : 1,021.10 12990 10/15/2007 000924 ELLER CORPORATION Pmt #7 41026 0004- BARKER ROAD CONSTRUCT 10,804.00 Total : 10,804.00 12991 10115/2007 000106 FEDEX 2-288-08662 EXPRESS SHIPPING 109.69 Total : 109.69 12992 10/15/2007 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 29497 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29498 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 26.25 29499 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 55.50 29500 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 25.00 29501 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 78.00 29520 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29521 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 60.75 29545 LEGAL AD: FINANCE 36.40 29546 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 25.20 29547 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 124.60 29548 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 65.25 29549 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 295.50 29550 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 162.75 Total : 1,005.20 12993 10115/2007 001465 GAVIN ASSOCIATES Billing #2 DESIGN: VALLEY MISSION PARK 1,253.17 Total : 1,253.17 12994 10/1512007 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 9042 LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,184.56 Total : 2,184.56 12995 10/15/2007 000007 GRAINGER 9468191797 41812 CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS FOR 113.92 9468722674 41812 CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS FOR 103.96 Pane: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 12995 10/1512007 000007 000007 GRAINGER (Continued) Total : 217.88 12996 10/15/2007 000917 GRAYBAR 928639675 FIBER INSTALL SUPPLIES 228.06 928944184 CABLES: BING 232.91 929077190 BING 97.14 929110883 CABLING: BING 20.44 Total : 578.55 12997 10/15/2007 001147 HOBART 6769622 WARRANTY: CP KITCHEN EQUIP 2,943.07 Total : 2,943.07 12996 10115/2007 000441 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 3015471 SUPPLIES: CP 153.06 8060175 SUPPLIES: CP 126.99 9061885 SUPPLIES: CP 18.97 9073379 SUPPLIES: CP 77.56 Total : 376.58 12999 10/15/2007 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 55416 PHOTO ID CARD 23.89 55458 PHOTO ID CARD 23.89 Total : 47.78 13000 10/15/2007 000288 INTL CODE COUNCIL 0434278-IN PERMIT TECH BOOKS 65.72 04368904N BLDG OFFICIAL MANUAL 56.59 Total : 122.31 13001 1011512007 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 112500.0 UTILITIES: 13504 E MIRABEAU PKV 2,398.88 Total : 2,398.88 13002 1011512007 000265 JACKSON, MIKE Travel Expenses TRAVEL/MILEAGE 1,051.26 Total : 1,051.26 13003 1011512007 000164 LABOR & INDUSTRIES 3rd Qtr Insurance 3RD QTR INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 87.67 Total : 87.67 13004. 10/15/2007 000993 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER 576740 SERVICE: 32810D 435.34 Total : 435.34 13005 10/15/2007 001058 MCROBERTS, CAROLINE Travel Expenses MILEAGE 21.87 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13005 10/15/2007 001058 001058 MCROBERTS, CAROLINE (Continued) Total : 21.87 13006 10/15/2007 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 2nd Otr Cell 2ND QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 52.50 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Tota 1 : 157.50 13007 10115/2007 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00017304 TAXTOOLS SOFTWARE RENTAL 341.95 Total : 341.95 13008 10115/2007 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13009 10/15/2007 001035 NETWORK DESIGN MANAGEMENT 15492 SERVER MAINTENANCE 2,193.75 Tota l : 2,193.75 13010 1011512007 000243 NORTHWEST SIGN SUPPLY INC. 468161 POSTER SUPPLIES 166.59 Total : 166.59 13011 10/15/2007 000058 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE ASSOC. 7541 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 79.00 A500163 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 130.00 Total : 209.00 13012 10/1512007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 400431724-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.84 400841134-001 41802 OFFICE SUPPLIES 88.18 402826760-001 41814 OFFICE SUPPLIES 169.64 402827508-001 41814 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.25 403616728-001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 103.36 41823 Total : 374.27 13013 10115/2007 001084 PAPICH, JENNIFER Expenses FUEL REIMBURSED 29.87 Tota l : 29.87 13014 10115/2007 001509 PEACE POLE MAKERS USA 7575 41807 BRAILLE PLATE FOR PEACE POLE 20.00 Total : 20.00 13015 10/15/2007 001033 PFLIEGER, CHARLIE Expense Form EXCEL CLASS: PFLIEGER 247.01 Total : 247.01 Pang; 6 i vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 10115/2007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13016 10115/2007 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330038977 NOTICE OF INSPECTION LABELS 900.73 1330039155 TARGET DATE FORMS 496.35 Total : 1,397.08 13017 10115/2007 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 25.462 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,120.80 25.616 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,120.80 25.780 STAFFING SERVICE 1,064.00 Total : 3,305.60 13018 10/15/2007 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2007-1333 RECRUITING: DEPUTY CM 1,394.38 2007-1377 RECRUIT FEE 1: DEPUTY CM 6,666.66 2007-1402 RECRUITING: COM DEV DIR 444.00 2007-1403 RECRUIT: DEPUTY CM 987.65 Total : 9,492.69 13019 10115/2007 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 19892 LOGO SHIRTS: CP 89.65 Total : 89.65 13020 10/1512007 000322 QWEST 509-924-4707 740B PHONES: TV POOL 97.14 Total : 97.14 13021 1011512007 001510 ROCKHURST UNIVERSITY 400872283-001 REGISTRATION: NIMRI 199.00 Total : 199.00 13022 10/15/2007 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 616561 SNACKS: NLC MEETING 37.15 Tota 1 : 37.15 13023 10/15/2007 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD QTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13024 10/1512007 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 1914736 MAINTENANCE: CENTENNIAL TRAI 1,938.51 1914742 LAWN MAINTENANCE: CP 49,799.38 2889339 WEED/FEED: CP 43.39 Total : 51,781.28 13025 10115/2007 000726 SHUR KLEEN SERVICES, INC. 66767 CARPET CLEANING: CP 235.00 67039 JANITORIAL SERVICES: CP 268.00 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 10/1512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13025 10/15/2007 000726 000726 SHUR KLEEN SERVICES, INC. (Continued) Total : 503.00 13026 10/15/2007 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COURT Filing Fees FILING FEES: BREZA 200.00 Total : 200.00 13027 10/15/2007 000230 SPOKANE CO. AUDITORS OFFICE, REC(540902 RECORDING & FILING FEES 99.00 541292 RECORDING & FILING FEES 562.00 541688 RECORDING & FILING FEES 359.00 541829 RECORDING & FILING FEES 57.00 541829 E RECORDING & FILING FEES 53.00 541984 RECORDING & FILING FEES 421.00 542116 RECORDING & FILING FEES 143.00 542564 RECORDING & FILING FEES 190.00 543035 RECORDING & FILING FEES 408.00 543191 RECORDING & FILING FEES 135.00 543648 RECORDING & FILING FEES 230.00 Total : 2,657.00 13028 10/15/2007 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0707 40937 PINES/MANSFIELD PROJECT 59,124.60 VLY0707 ENGINEERING SERVICES 156,504.83 Total : 215,629.43 13029 10/15/2007 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 50301596 CITRIX LICENSE •260.00 Total : 260.00 13030 10/15/2007 001211 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 3138 EXTRA DUTY EMPLOYMENT 399.60 Total : 399.60 13031 10/15/2007 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0153641065364 UTILITIES: 13525 E 24TH AVE 16777 0166311066631 UTILITIES: 1901 N SULLIVAN RD 27.68 0170221067022 UTILITIES: 105 N BALFOUR RD 78.80 0244331074433 UTILITIES: 906 N PARK RD 78.80 037059/109325 UTILITIES: 13504 MIRABEAU PKWY 62.68 0429031115953 UTILITIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL 781.95 Total : 1,197.68 13032 10/15/2007 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIST. #3 170-0040-03 UTILITIES 247.19 475-1495-00 1508 S WOODRUFF RD 206.40 Pine: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 10115/2007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13032 10/15/2007 000324 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIST. #3 (Continued) Total : 453.59 13033 10115/2007 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 178295 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 179541 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 180666 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 181744 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 183304 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 78.19 183305 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 77.11 183692 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 65.16 Total : 481.10 13034 10/1512007 000862 SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS, INC. Application #3 41260 0039-05-017 ARGONNE ROAD OVE 5,784.94 Total : 5,784.94 13035 10115/2007 000589 SPOKANE WINERY ASSOC Round 2 2007 ROUND 2 1,288.00 Total : 1,288.00 13036 10/1512007 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3091480245 RETURN CREDIT -6.07 3091480246 OFFICE SUPPLIES 650.46 3091480247 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.78 3091734366 OFFICE SUPPLIES 142.36 3091734367 41810 Item No. 481964 - Handset Lifter 145.29 3091734368 41810 Item No. 613413 - Wireless Headset 564.62 Total : 1,503.44 13037 10/15/2007 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1265 PLANNING SERVICES 1,595.00 Total : 1,595.00 13038 10/1512007 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE 3rd Qtr Cell 3RD OTR CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13039 10/15/2007 001541 TEBERG, ANN Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 56.50 Total : 56.50 13040 10/1512007 001217 THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. 19762 41490 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,970.56 Total : 2,970.56 13041 10/15/2007 001464 TIME WARNER TELECOM 01736748 INTERNETIDATA LINES: CP 895.21 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 1011512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13041 10115/2007 001464 001464 TIME WARNER TELECOM (Continued) Total : 895.21 13042 10/1512007 000167 VERA WATER 8, POWER 0007-017753.01 UTILITIES: 601 S EVERGREEN PL 10.97 0006-033021.00 UTILITIES: EVERGREEN16TH 21.81 0007-017753.01 UTILITIES: 2ND/BEST 5.38 0008-010790.01 UTILITIES: 8TH/SULLIVAN 55.34 0011-010826.01 UTILITIES: 39.95 0012-004137.02 UTILITIES: 59.73 0030-031942.01 UTILITIES: 50.66 Total : 243.84 13043 10/1512007 000098 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 100358 BOILER INVOICE 970.00 Total : 970.00 13044 10115/2007 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0037756-2681-9 RECYCLING SVC: CP 124.41 2005386-2681-5 WEEKLY TRASH SVC: CP 313.33 2005389-2681-3 WEEKLY TRASH SVC: PRECINCT 260.17 2007049-26B1-1 CODE: 12518 E 26TH AVE 124.27 Total : 822.18 13045 10/15/2007 000417 WESTERN DANCE ASSOC Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 13046 10/15/2007 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 0218913162 INTERNET/DATA LINES 1,589.06 Total : 1,589.06 13047 10/15/2007 000766 YMCA OF THE INLAND NORTHWEST Aug 2007 2007 YMCA MANAGEMENT CONTR, 51,465.00 Total : 51,465.00 94 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 544,650.09 94 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 544,650.09 Pane: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 10/1512007 2:49:57PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO It Description/Account Amount I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Mayor Date Council Member Date page: 11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10-23-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending October 15, 2007 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS:. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $171,206.64 Benefits: $ 23,639.92 TOTAL PAYROLL: $194,846.56 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS Dl FT II MINUTES i City of Spokane Valley Special Joint Meeting/Study Session Spokane Valley City ouneill po kane County Library )District Board 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 2, 2007 Auendance: Oouncilmemben: Shoff': Diana ilhite, Mayor Dave Mere ier, City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy N.T tyor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Counoilmc.mber Nei I Kersten, Public Works Director Rich Munson, CounciImemher Scott .Kuhta, Senior Planner Gary Schimmels, CoLincllmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dick Dcnenny, Ccuncilmember Kathy McCIung, Coin munity Devclopmcnt Dir. Mike l eVlcming, Counci I mcrnbcer Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Deanna Griffith, Adrn Inistrati v+ Assistant Library Hoard einhera: Carolyn George, Administrative Assistant Ann Apperson, Chair Darla Ama]d, Office Assistant Jacob Laete, Vice Chair Inca Note, Traffic.Engineer Tim Hattenburg, 't'rustee Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Frank P#yne, Trustee Mary Lloyd, Trustee Mike Wirt, Library Director 1. Call to Order We[come and Introductions- Ma nr Wilhite Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order, welcomed Library Board Members, staff and citizens to the meeting; asked that each Councilmember and Library Board Trustce introduce themselves, then invited M ichael freedman, of Frced man, Tung & Bottomley to give his presentation. 2_ Presentation: Michael .Freedman, TOPIC: Di yelopmt;nt of Qitty Center and Library Site plan Optican for West Side of University Avenue Mr. Freedman said that the purpose of today's working session it to allow interaction among oun.cilmembers and Library Trustees so that each getup may benefit from comments from the other, 1:r. Freodman said that Lhe master planning process for two public buildings normally Inkcs four months, and that this plan will be accomplished in four co six weeks; and that City staff felt it would he pru[lcnt to ask For Council's time to allow feedback for the preliminary aspects of the plan. Mr. freedman said approximately 15 rninutcs ago, he and others corn pIac:d a working session which began at I=00 p.m, with' City !tanager, Library representatives Mike Wirt and Ellen Miller; other staFF, and members from ClearPath, and that they had a wide-range discussion on this issue as there is more to this project than merely site planning. Mr. Freedman said that overall the context for the city center, library and city hall is the larger effort to build a new city center in the middle of a revital ized Sprague and A.ppleay corridor; that there is a -haft sub-arch plan, and they are near coordinating u date for a special joint Councilll'Janning Commission study session to move that forward toward public hearings; that this has been a long path, the draft has been completed at staff review, and now the public review drab' will be appearing at an imminent study session, and the prOOe.ss is coming to an end where there will be a sub-area plan that eitititles the city center and defines its position in relation to the rest of the pieces of Sprague and Appleway_ He continued by explaining that the sub-area plan defines a fairly large area as soMeth ing sim i Iar to a greatur downtown Minutes Special Meeting ounc i I/L ibrary 10-02-07 Page 1 of5 Approved by Council- DRAFT neighborhood, which he referred to as a City Center District; and in the center of the City Center District is the area referred to as the City center core, which is the place that will feel like the heart of the community. To get the project moving, the site needed to be determined, i.e., which side of University, straddling University, or elsewhere; and he explained that it was decided to focus planning efforts for the first phase to see how the vulnerable property east of University would lay-out; that they laid out a main street and a related space for a singe public building, the City flall, which would be visible on Sprague and Appleway and act as a type of anchor for the retail portion of the City Center. Mr. Freedman continued by explaining that their next task was to take all the same kinds of requirements for successful city centers, for highly visible prominent civic buildings, and for healthy relationships among all those pieces, and to put them an a different site. The site in question, he said, is that area bounded by Sprague to the north, University to the east, Appleway to the south, and is not bounded by Dartmouth (as it has a piece on both sides); and that area does not require a change to the draft sub-area plan; and said this site is in keeping with the vision developed in the workshops, and in the Council/Planning Commission study sessions, and that per Council direction and the opportunities presented by the Library, there is now a concerted effort to investigate the possibility of having that first phase happen in the area just mentioned. Mr. Freedman said that he has been directed to assume that the site that includes Rosauers and their surface parking lot, the Carl's Jr. and the McDonald's, will not move; and the part of the site available for re-development would be everything else, which is approximately 30.5 acres as compared with the previously considered site of about 19 acres. Mr. Freedman then showed the diagrams of what a city center might look like in this area; that the main public space and the main activity core will run perpendicular to Sprague and to where most of the traffic will be; and from working with Consultant Robert Gibbs, they have learned there would be an opportunity if needed to develop the City Center incrementally; although that would not be the preferred case; and said that which case will be the actual development method should be discovered within the next few months. Mr. Freedman said the preliminary site plan ground level would include a linear green space for the main civic space in the middle of everything, with small scale shops on the sides with awnings and front doors all facing out towards the middle space; with one lane going one direction and one lane going the other direction. i-le further explained that the library would be placed at the terminus of the space on Sprague, and the City Hall at the terminus'of Dartmouth with Dartmouth remade as a grand avenue so that both buildings would be completely two-sided buildings with no back; with all four sides having nicely detailed windows. Mr. Freedman said some might be wondering why not put City Hall where the library site would be, and he explained that City Hall, from the point of view of a retail developer, is an office building; but does not create anything close to the traffic of a library; and that of all the range of public buildings, from theaters and playhouses to museums, nothing creates the traffic that a library generates; and having the library right up against the retail as an anchor of that space, is the smartest thing to do in terms of making this space as successful as it could possibly be. Mr. Freedman said that while it is important that both buildings (library and city hall) have a prominent view from Appleway and Sprague, it is important to make compensations so that the City Hall appears more prestigious, and such could be accomplished in the architecture, such as putting a dome on City Hall and not one on the library building. I-le further explained that retail would be splayed out at the Sprague Avenue entrance, they would put in small pedestrian only plazas, and some freestanding retail buildings within the space; and that the other green spaces would not be activity spaces but would be green spaces to off set the buildings. The proposal, he continued, would be for parallel parking in front of the shops and on all streets on all sides, except have head-in parking in front of the library; that a parking lot would be next to City Hall with controlled use by CityHall; and there would be two parking lots with controlled use by the library; and have shared parking between the two buildings, and shared parking with all the other buildings in the city center. Mr. Freedman said that each building shows as 30,000 square foot footprints, two-story buildings (60,000 total square feet), and the combination of those mentioned parking area would accommodate Minutes Special Meeting Council/Library 10-02-07 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT those needed 400 spaces; and with tuck-under town homes, he said, there would be nothing on Appleway or Sprague that has a parking lot in front. Mr. Freedman then showed examples of other cities which have added a main street experience to a town green experience. He also explained that the goal is to have the area sufficiently self-enclosed so that the developer doesn't have to feel that the imagery of the corridor is particularly visible when you are actually inside the area, and the area would include mix uses with houses, office and lodging and housing on top, and a green on bottom. Regarding traffic control, Mr. Freedman said he feels it very important to have two, one-way streets, more narrow, to cut through the green to feel like a town green, controlled with stop signs which are safer than signal lights as people tend to rush through a light as it is about to change; but can't do so with a stop sign. Mr. Freedman also mentioned that in the earlier meeting today, there was discussion about the possibility of having the library have a front porch, and/or pull the library back some so that the library would not only feel as if it were behind some green on Appleway, but there would be an extension of the green or some plaza space in front of the building where they could program some library activities. Additionally, Mr. Freedman said it is still not determined if we can rely on two-way traffic; and that the highest priority for capital improvements for the city center, is to take the short segment from University to Dishman- Mica, and to change that to a two-way segment; and that he feels that we would still need the protected angle parking out front on the Sprague frontage to make that retailing successful; and in so doing, the city center in this site would further re-affirm the importance of this being a two-way segment. Discussion topics included parking for library patrons which would accommodate the safety of children, seniors and those with handicaps, including comment from Mr. Wirt that staff would park in the shared parking areas; the approximately quarter-mile walking distance from the buildings to shared parking areas; that there will be four cars per 1,00 for retail, and 400 separate spaces for the public buildings. Mr. Freedman said although they are on a "fast-track," there is time to do a new site plan if Council and Library Board Members prefer to see more than the 74 parking spaces close up to the building. Deputy Mayor Taylor and Councilmember DeVleming said they like this layout; but Councilmember DeVlcming asked about the creation of covered walkways; and Mr. Freedman said covered sidewalks is possible in some areas, that it would cost more,•but another consideration is areaded retail, and explained that an arcade is where the building is built over the sidewalk and you walk under; arcaded retail makes the retail a little less visible; and in his business of making city centers, there was thought that outdoor centers would not be more successful then indoor shopping malls in areas with cold weather; but a developer proved that to be wrong with his city center in Easton Ohio, which became a model; and we know that the urban format outdoor ones are more successful than shopping malls, even in areas with cold weather. Mr. Freedman also stressed that Councilmembers and Library Board members are the best ones to make that judgment call, and if they feel covered walkways would make this more successful and be worth adding, Mr. Freedman said he awaits that direction, although he personally does not feel those are needed. Regarding parking, Councilmember Schimmels asked if the street in front of the library would be widened and put in diagonal parking, giving about three tithes the parking, to which Mr. Freedman responded that would be possible, but it would pull the library further away from the retail; but that is an option to change all the parking to angled; but it would also make the space to cross wider. In response to a question about trips generated by the library, Mr. Wirt said he recalls that in 2006, there were approximately 280,000 people who walked in the doors, give or take 10,000 or so; but that he could not estimate how many daily trips there are for the library. Library Board Member Mary Lloyd said that when she looks at Appleway Boulevard, she sees some sight issues that she also experiences at the Valley Mall; and that she can't see left to turn left; that she wants sufficient parking and she feels that 74 is not ample parking taking into account the daily trips and that they have already outgrown the library they currently occupy. Mr. Freedman explained that there are 200 J separate spaces for the library; and that 74 of them are in one area, another 20 or so in another section, and the other 100+ in another section. Ms. Lloyd said she has concern in getting in and out of the Minutes Special Meeting Council/Library 10-02-07 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAl7 Appleway Boulevard as shown now, as it makes it cumbersome to come in, drop off, come around, and leave; or dropping off patrons for the library and returning cast again one can't turn left. Mr. Freedman said that he, Gladding Jackson and Mr. Kersten would need to work together on that issue. Regarding the Transit Park and Ride, Mr. Freedman said one of the virtues of developing on this side of University Road, is that proximity to the park and ride promotes ridership and is good for the success of the center; and if light rail materializes, that would be of tremendous benefit, as light rail and all forms of transit help stimulate residential development and is a wonderful asset. Other topics discussed included drive-up book drops and the various possible places for such; lack of a front porch, which Mr. Freedman said the working group would like addressed, and parking proximity which Mr. Freedman said he understood the working group said was fine; the 195,000 square feet available for retail, that we are over-built but there are still some retailers not represented; the 650 square feet of green space; possible anchors for the area and the mix of retailers we get and each entity's parking desires; flexibility of the center, and making the center look good even if development were to occur in phases. Mr. Freedman said he is collecting feedback and information on anything that requires further detailing, so when they move to the next round of site planning, all the comments will be incorporated into any changes then have them reviewed again by star, library and others so that at the end of the constrained time-period, we'll know where the library will go, and where the City Hall will go, and how the circulation ' works, that the buildings won't be designed yet, but we'll know that we can tit in a two- story building; and that this is the first level of "shutting off options." Mr. Freedman also mentioned that for the Library and for City Hall, they strongly recommend two front doors, which is common for the best public buildings; and one should not be able to distinguish one front door from the other or one should not appear as a front door and the other appear as a back door; that one side should feel more suburban and green while the other side feels more urban for the Library and City Hall; that Appleway was more of a green avenue and Sprague a little more urban in character. Mr. Freedman added that there will be a 12 foot sidewalk at the library area, 20 feet of head-in parking, 15 feet of backup, and another 12 feet of green land space with trees, all set back from Appleway which will appear behind the green. Mr. Freedman mentioned that he would assume there would be some type of joint agreement between the City and the Library concerning joint parking spaces, thereby eliminating the need to build two separate parking lots. Mayor Wilhite said she finds this an intriguing plan, and if other concerns or questions arise, Council and Board members can contact either City Staff Senior Planner Scott Kuhta, or Mr. Freedman. Ms. Apperson stated that she likes the appeal of the plan and that there would be good visibility on the main avenues, and said she was nicely surprised that the front piece would be the library rather than the City I-lall; but voiced her continuing concern with parking, and how to accommodate and provide for the safety of seniors, children, and those with handicaps; and added that she feels library staff can work out those issues; she said she loves the green area as well. Other councilmembers voiced their approval of the plan as well. Mr. Freedman reiterated that once they have a sight plan, which.is the first level to determine which way buildings face, where they are located, parking, and how to navigate through the area; that will allow movement to the next level to determine what essential things need to be directed to the architect for the key elements broken down in bullet points, to all make the City and Library Board's requirements clear; whereby those issues would be presented to the architect who adds everything together, and designs a building for the review. After the site plan, he continued by explaining, they usually develop the "problematic master plan" which is a list of the key elements that add specifications for the building to the site plan for review by council and library board; and that the sub-area plan has extremely detailed regulations and guidelines for all private development; and that they do not regulate the design of public buildings because to make a great city, you usually want the public buildings to be the exceptions, so if you require all the private buildings to be built to the sidewalks, you'd want to set Minutes Special Meeting Council/Library 10-02-07 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT back the public buildings; and if private buildings are two or three story high limits, you'd want a four- story public buildings; so that the public buildings punctuate the city and become the icons and the landmarks; and once they bring to Council the joint staff/consultant recommended contents of the subarea plan, that will form a basis to help with this as it addresses colors, materials, architectural styles, as well as all the land use and development standards necessary. Concerning when Council might receive information from Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Kuhta mentioned that Mr. Gibbs hopes to bring in some developers in early November; he needs some answers from us and one thing he would like to show the developers is the site plan; and he added that the reason we are doing the site plan at this time is the Library District would like to see the location of the library in preparation for their upcoming bond proposal; and we are also using Mr. Gibbs to attract a developer. There being no further business, Mayor Wilhite thanked everyone for attending, and thanked Mr. Freedman for his presentation, and she adjourned the meeting at 5:21 p.m. ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Special Meeting Council/Library 10-02-07 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, October 2, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Planning Manager bill Gothmann, Councilmember Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner Rich Munson, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Mike Jackson, Parks 1'i Recreation Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Mike Basinger, Assistant Planner Joe O'Brien, 1T Specialist; Chi-is Bainbridge, City Clerk Employee Introductions: City Manager Mercier introduced new Community Development Director Kathy McClung, most recently from Federal Way, Washington; and Administrative Assistant Sue Passmore introduced Roxanne Wyatt, new office assistant to central reception; and mentioned that she and Ms. Wyatt were cohorts during their tenure with l SD 101. Councilmembers greeted and welcomed the new employees. Mayor Wilhite then mentioned that Deputy City Manager Regor is leaving to accept a position as a City Manager in Cloverdale, California; and to express appreciation to Ms. Regor for all her hard work, Mayor Wilhite presented Ms. Regor with a commemorative plaque. Councilmembers as well as staff congratulated Ms. Regor on his new assignment as well as thanked her for her work as Spokane Valley's Deputy City Manager. ACTION ITEM: 1. Appleway Avenue Bid Award - Steve Worley Engineer Worley said that he is pleased to bring forward bid tabulations for this reconstruction project; and mentioned that the handout is in small type which is indicative of the seven bidders on this project; which is a large quantity of bidders compared with other projects; that he feels there was good reception to the bid, and stated that Knife River was the low bidder on the project, which bid was even lower than the engineer's estimate. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor to approve the Appleway Avenue Rid award for the lowest bid to Knife River, in the amount of $4,565,859.95. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. REGULAR STUDY SESSION ITEMS: 2. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project List for 2007/2008 - Grea McCormick Mr. McCormick explained that the County will receive an estimated $1.5 million in CDBG funding for the 2008 program year; that there are statutory limits on the administration and planning allocation of Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10-02-07 Page I of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT 20% of new funds; and the limit for the human service allocation is 15% of available funds; that deducting those funds from the estimated $1.5 million available results in approximately $975,000 for capital projects. Mr. McCormick added that staff looked at the two sewer projects, e.g. Rockwell and Summerfield, and noted that those projects fall within low and moderate income and are eligible projects; and that regarding the various sidewalk projects, whose would include the ADA upgrades; and in speaking with Tim Crowley of Spokane County, Mr. McCormick said that Mr. Crowley reported that ADA improvements are a high priority, especially where there are no sidewalks. Mr. McCormick said he is working with public works to get those sidewalks more clearly identified, and anticipates having that information available at the next council meeting. There was Council consensus for staff to proceed with the scheduled public hearing next week; with Mayor Wilhite adding that she would like to know what criteria would be used to decide which sidewalk project would receive funding. 3. Shannon Avenue S`l'V 02-07. Ordinance Amendment Proposal - Karen Kendall Assistant Planner Karen Kendall explained that this proposed change is as a result of a scrivener's error to correct item #c as noted in the redline version of the ordinance; and that staff felt it was not necessary to require full construction of Mansfield, as that could be handled at a future time. Mr. McCormick added that requiring construction is typically not handled with a right-of-way dedication, and that improvements can be done at a later stage. Council concurred that staff proceed forward for next week's fast reading of the ordinance. 4. Appleway Auto Vacation Request - Greg McCormick/Mike Basinger Associate Planner Mike Basinger reported that this is a proposal for the vacation of approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue; and 265 lineal feet of Sipple Street; and that the two petitioners are Appleway Chevrolet, 'and Gus Johnson Ford, and said that the Planning Commission has recommended conditions of vacation as shown in his accompanying documents. Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Basinger showed the location of the areas in question. Mr. Basinger also mentioned that the recommended Findings 9 and 10 should be changed so that 99 and #10 would read as follows: 9. "The Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in favor of the street vacations. and fuFtheF stated that the), had not heard anyone objew le the ed-vimatiens." 10. "No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to s4iff-and-agencies." Council/staff discussion ensued regarding a September 13, 2007 letter from Mr. Dullanty that if such vacation were not to occur, that the petitioner would move their business elsewhere. Mr. Basinger said that staff feels Sipple should be extended as the comprehensive plans and goals support more connections, and this would be a connection through Appleway and Sprague. Mayor Wilhite mentioned that she spoke with Mr. Johnson who said we need to examine the property on Appleway and perhaps put in some type of catch basin pond on that corner; that we need connectivity, but we might try to vacate this if we don't have to go too far to get around, and perhaps Sargent would be an option. Councilmember Denenny said he feels that coming off Sprague into Sipple has the feeling that one is turning in a business as there are bays there, and it is very unsafe for anyone to think that is a public road. Councilmember Gothmann suggested delaying the decision until council can get a report concerning the corridor and what that will create within the Appleway Corridor as we don't want to box ourselves in a corner. Mr. Basinger said that he discussed extending Sipple with the requestor, and that representatives of the applicant attended the public hearing and said that would not be a viable option. Further discussion ensued regarding this issue, and whether Sipple would be wide enough, and it was determined that staff should discuss these issues directly with the applicants. Attorney Connelly said that criteria to vacate should focus on whether the public interest would be served by this vacation; and if the idea of whether it fits with development plans of the property, or threats to leave the premises should be used as criteria, that perhaps Council should look at previous vacations as Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10-02-07 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT Council's actions need to be consistent so as not to be judged arbitrary and capricious; and the evaluation of a road should be as they currently stand and are used by the public, and that decisions should have factual basis and not made on impressions. Councilmember Munson said he would like the question directly asked if it is possible to punch the road through on Sipple, would that be a "dealer killer" and make them want to move their business; and he agreed he wants that information prior to making a final decision on this issue. Deputy Mayor Taylor asked if it is inappropriate to talk to the applicants about getting value for an improved road, and Mr. Connelly said the policy is to charge one-half the appraised value, less the cost of the actual application process, such apprised value based on the assessor's land value of the adjacent property; and that Council can deviate from policy with specific findings, such as recognition of dedication or requirements of further dedications which would result in no costs, but that staff will need to research those possibilities. It was determined that this item will remain scheduled as is for the first reading of the ordinance to vacate. 5. Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area - Mike Connelly City Attorney Connelly explained that this is the first step in a series of steps necessary for the Library District to take in order for them to place the issue of establishing a Capital Facility Area on the March ballot, and that this draft resolution states that we don't disagree with the library creating such a district. It was council consensus that staff place the resolution on the next council agenda for approval consideration. 6. CHI Organizational Model - Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor explained that staff' regularly reviews operations to make sure we're organized in the most effective way; that as noted in the October 2 memorandum (which was also submitted to council as an information item September 18), the six-year "Transportation Improvement Plan is supported with only a Senior Engineer and three FTF's to manage the program; and that the "pending ideas list" of the draft business plan identified the addition of a capital project design and inspection team, which would increase the four-person CIP division to eight positions. Ms. Regor said there would be no net increase to the General Fund to implement this program as the increased cost would be funded by the scheduled capital projects. Ms. Regor added that the Finance Committee discussed the proposal at its September 7 meeting and voiced unanimous support. There was council consensus to place this item for approval consideration on the next Council's consent agenda. 7. Levy Lid Lift -Mike Thompson Fire Chief Thompson went through his PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of the regular tax levy lid lift information, which the Board of Fire Commissioners decided to place on the November 6 ballot. Chief Thompson explained that the regular tax levy is dropping and that the Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD) relies on property taxes for revenue; and that the SVFD regular tax levy is limited to a maximum of $1.50 per thousand dollars of assessed value but that has dropped to $1.23 in 2007; and the SVFD projects $11 million needed for capital facility projects. He explained that the levy lid lift would restore the rate to the $1.50 and with the average cost of a home in their service area of $250,000, the cost to a homeowner with a property valued at $250,000 would be approximately $5.63 a month. 8. General Budget Discussion - Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier explained that the blue pages are inserts for the previously distributed 2008 preliminary budget; that there were some mid-year budget adjustments and that probably the most significant change is on the first sheet in the introduction of goal #7, which was reworded since the June retreat; and that we have since learned we were not successful in acquiring the grant so it was suggested re-naming that goal to a shoreline master program rather than shoreline master "plan." Mr. Mercier said ! we will re-submit an application for funding later once all the relevant rules have been adopted by the State, which has not yet been done. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that he met with the Finance Committee Study Session Mecting Minutes: 10--02-07 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT and we are not aware of any outstanding questions or concerns. There was brief discussion of pages 24, 25, and 29, and mention of the recreation program charges and revenues for CenterPlace. 9 Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite mentioned that during the October 9 Council meeting, Council will consider whether they would like to support the County's ballot proposition concerning the 1/10 of 1% sales tax for emergency communication systems and facilities. Deputy Mayor Taylor said that Commissioner Richard asked Council to consider supporting the ballot measure. The procedure for placing such an issue before Council was discussed, such as whether a public hearing would be necessary, and Council mentioned they would like to know the pros and cons of the issue, adding that if Council were to consider this ballot measure, Council must do so at the October 9 meeting in order to timely address the issue. City Attorney Connelly said he would check the statutes to see if a public hearing is required and will have an answer to Council tomorrow morning, as staff must have ample time (14-days) to publicize notice of a public hearing. [Note: it was later determined that a public hearing for these matters is not necessary, but giving opportunity for equal time for presentation for and against the issue must be allowed.]. Council also determined they would like a presentation next Tuesday regardless of whether a public hearing is needed. Mayor Wilhite mentioned that Governor Gregoire will be in town October 30 and asked if Council would like to hold their regular study session meeting, or attend the governor's meeting at University High School. Mr. Mercier mentioned that Councilmembers DeViemi.ng and Munson informed him of their preference to attend the Governor's meeting; and Councilmember Gothmann indicated he preferred to hold the council meeting as usual. Mayor Wilhite asked Councilmembers to let her know of their preference at their early convenience. Other upcoming issues were briefly discussed, including the a letter from the TPA concerning the Tourism Promotion Area funding model which is scheduled to "sunset" at the end of 2008, and the Mirabcau Parkway speed limits, and the possibility of discussing the traffic lights at the railroad tracks which are confusing to many citizens. 10. Council Check-in Councilmember Denenny said he had a conversation with the media regarding the sewer issue, and asked if Councilmembers were interested in receiving an update. Councilmembers Munson and DeVleming mentioned that perhaps a one-page perspective would be helpful. Deputy Mayor Taylor mentioned the upcoming National League of Cities Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Steering Committee fall meeting held at Centerplace during the last week of September; and said that participants were very impressed with the facility as well as the meeting; and he thanked Council and staff for their assistance. 11. City Manager Comments City Manager Mercier said he had no further comments. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10-02-07 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT NI TUTES ' City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 9, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 125`h meeting. Attendance: City Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Gary Sehimmels, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Absent: Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Rich Munson, Councilmember Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Brian Moat, facilities Maintenance Worker Carol Carter, Customer Relations Coordinator Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Father Shanbour from Christ the Savior Orthodox Christian Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Munson. It was moved by Cotmcilmember Gothrann, seconded, and una*nhnomvly agreed to excuse Councilmember Munson front tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: nla COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUNE ARY ICE,PORTS: Other than Councilmember Gothmann's brief report concerning the Edgecliff Neighborhood Center, there were no reports. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhite reported that she attended the Bdgecliff Neighborhood Center celebration, a reception at WSU for their new Dean of Nursing; a convention in Spokane for the Washington State Library Association, and a reception for potential buyers of Deaconess and Valley Hospital. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited public comments: no comments were offered. 1. PUBLIC HEARhNG: Proposed 2008 Budget - Ken Thompson Mayor Wilhite opened die public hearing at 6:09 p.m. and invited Finance Director Thompson to the podium. Mr. Thompson explained that this is the last public hearing on the 2008 budget, and via his PowerPoint presentation, gave a brief overview of the 2008 proposed budget; adding that the first reading of the ordinance to adopt the budget is scheduled later on tonight's agenda. Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered and Mayor Wilhite closed the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. Council Regular Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 1 of 8 Approved: DRAFT 2 PlTBLiC E[FA JrgG Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project List - Greg McCormick Mayor Wilhite opened .the public hearing at 6:15:30, and welcomed Mr. McCormick to the podium. Planning Manager McCormick explained that this is an opportunity for public comments on the proposed CDBG projects; and he gave estimates for the Rockwell and Summerfield Sewer Projects of $390,000 and $443,000 respectively, and explained that they have narrowed the sidewalk projects to include the area on Sprague from University to Sullivan, which would include accessibility ramps at the intersections for a total potential project of $909,038. Councilmember Gotlnnann mentioned the sewer projects are expensive and asked if it would be possible to split those projects in half. Mr. McCormick said that would be problematic in determining the logistics of doing such a split, and that lie could speak with staff in Public `Yorks to determine how such split might be feasible. Mayor Wilhite invited public comments, and no comments were offered and Mayor Wilhite closed the public hearing at 6:21 p.m. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following Claim Vouchers: VOUCFIER JOIST DATE VOUCHER 4s TO°1'AL VOUCHER AMOUNT 09-28-2007 12838; 12846-12939 $1,594 659.84 b. Payroll for Period Ending September 30: $267,961.37 c. Minutes from Regular Council Meeting of September 25, 2007 d. Approval of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Organizational Model It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda as presented Mayor Wilhite asked Mr. Brown if he would like to comment now since he missed the first opportunity. N.A. Brown 18915 E Marietta, Mr. Brown reported that he continues to experience junk tires, cars, and lumber on property nearby his property; and Mayor Wilhite said she will have staff look into the problem, NEW BUSINESS: 4 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-016 Repealing UR-1 Ordinances (suspend rule) - Mike Connelly After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to suspend the rules and approve ordinance 07-016. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that since the recent adoption of the Uniform Development Code, the ordinances establishing the Urban Estate interim zoning are no longer necessary and have become moot. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: !None. Abstentions: Alone. Motion carried. 5 First Reading Proposed Qrdinance 07-017 Amending Ordinance 07-017 Shannon Avenue Street Vacation - Karen Kendall After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to suspend the rules and approve ordinance 07-017. Planning Manager McCormick explained that this is the same information which was presented to Council last week as an administrative report; and there have been no changes since that draft ordinance. Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: Drone. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-018 Adopting Budget - Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to advance ordinance 07-018 to a second reading. Finance Director Thompson explained that this is the ordinance which will adopt the 2008 budget; that Council has now held three public hearings, and has Council Regular Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 2 of 8 Approved: DRAFT posted several notices about the process, and that the funds are enumerated in the ordinance. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unnannimous. Opposed: Mole. Abstentions: _None. Motion carried. 7 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-019 Levying Property Tax -Ken Thompson Amer City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to advance ordinance 07-019 to a second reading. Finance Director Thompson explained that there is a maximum of $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value that the City can impose; and that the City considered levying $1.60; but that a review of City budget needs and the increase in assessed value now indicates that the City levy will be closer to $1.55 per thousand dollars of assessed value; but the actual rate will not be known until January 2008 when final assessed value calculations are available. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: Inn Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: Note. Abstentions: None. -Motion carried. 8 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-020 Confirming Excess Property Tax - Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councrhnember Gothmann and seconded to advance ordinance 07-020 to a second reading. Finance Director Thompson said that state law requires a separate ordinance to recognize that we would like to have the extra 1% each year, which is already included in our budget numbers; and added that this amount will likely be amended at the second reading to include those dollar amounts in the property tax. Mayor Wilhite invited public comments. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed., None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 9 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-021 Appleway Auto Group- Greg McCormick/Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to advance ordinance 07-021 to a second reading. Associate Planner Mike Basinger explained that per the previous council meeting, he spoke with Mr. Von Jones, General Manager of AutoNation, and with Gus Johnson ford; that Mr. Jones said lie was interested in having further discussion with the City prior to a second reading; that in reference to prior mention of the catch basin, which is the stormwater facility at the other end, it is actually outside the staff recommended proposed extension of Sipple if it did go through; but is a catch basin for stormwater within Gus Johnson Ford and Appleway's parking lots, and is pumped across the street south of Appleway. Extending Sipple, Mr. Basinger said is physically possible. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Mr. F _J_Dullanty 4l2 «test Riverside representing AutoNation and Gus Johnson Ford: stated he is one the one who filed the application for that vacation on their behalf. He said that this is the first he's heard of any discussion between his clients and Mr. Basinger and he had no clue that that happened today; up until an hour ago, it was made clear to him that the Sipple extension was something that would be a real problem and would probably kill their ability to go forward because the two clients have an issue with Sipple and the spacing between the two buildings; that this issue was the subject of two public hearings at the Planning Commission level, and ultimately the Planning Commission made the finding that they felt it would be a safety issue, also given that AutoNation was not interested in extending Sipple. Mr. Dullanty said before the second reading, he would be willing to discuss this further with staff; but at this point it is an issue that he has been advised is not one that is acceptable to AutoNation and Gus Johnson Ford. He further said that he did not want to come across at the public hearing process as having made any kind of threat and that is not the intent of AutoNation; but some statements were made that if AutoNation cannot get the vacation and remodel it wants to do, it would have to move Appleway Toyota to another location. He also said that AutoNation is under the direction of the Toyota company and are under a temporary franchise and have been told the remodeling must occur in such a manner; and that such remodeling will result in a'nicely designed, well-landscaped facility; but that the 'Toyota Company said that if they can't do this, the choices for AutoNation are to give up the franchise, which they do not want to do as `foyota is Council Regular Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 3 of 8 Approved: DRAFT one of the largest and most profitable franchises in the United States; or they can move to another location, such as Liberty Lake or Post Falls, Idaho which areas would welcome those types of franchises. ` J He said that Appleway Toyota provides $6 million dollars annually in sales tax revenue; of which $1.5 million goes to the City; and that budgeting must play an important role; so we would like to see what we can do together. Mr. Dullanty also mentioned that today's proposed ordinance contains a requirement which was never discussed or talked about and is new to them, e.g. that the Appleway Group, and Gus Johnson are required to pay up to 50% of the fair market value of the assessed value of that particular property. He said he realizes that is a state law which allows cities to impose that, but if that had been known to them at the time of the application, that would have been taken into consideration; but the City did not have an ordinance in place allowing them to do that; and that his application pre-dated the ordinance. Mr. Dullanty said he has not discussed this with his client and does not know what that might cost, but estimates that at $5.00 to $10.00 per acre, and at 22,500 feet including the right-of-way and Sipple, that would be a substantial amount of money that his client needs to have an understanding and address before they can comment on; and he re-stated that if the ordinance was not in effect at the time of their application, it would not be applicable to their situation. Mr. Dullanty concluded by stating that they would like an opportunity to discuss these issues with staff and he will also discuss these issues with his clients.' Deputy City Attorney Driskell said that staff will check to determine if the ordinance was adopted prior to application being made; and that he and Mr. Dullanty spoke prior to tonight's meeting and will discuss these issues again as soon as possible. Sean Lumsden 727 Nest Garland, Spokane: said that he represents auto row as an advertising collective, and has been very involved in this process from the beginning; and that he would like to confirm everything that Mr. Dullanty said, especially regarding the temporary license that Appleway has with Toyota; that Toyota determines who gets a franchise, and this is an issue of Toyota telling the franchisee what it will take to maintain the franchise; and that the main reason Appleway needs to expand is that they are running out of space on a monthly basis; and said that Sipple is very narrow with two businesses using it as a way to enter and exit service bays; that Sipple is not used by the public and is not maintained by the City and only has access to the two pieces of property that are making the petition. Mr. i,umsden said that he supports the findings of the Planning Commission; and that this is an opportunity for the top brand in the Country, which is the biggest selling auto dealer in the City and probably the biggest tax generator in the City, to expand its facility, have a world-class location, and continue to bring people into Spokane Valley to purchase cars. 'Mayor Wilhite invited further public comment and no further comments were offered. In council discussion, Deputy Mayor Taylor asked and it was confirmed by Public Works Director Kersten, that Sipple is a public road and would be maintained by Spokane Valley. Councilmember Gothmann said that in late October Council will be presented with a plan for the corridor and suggested that perhaps council should look at that plan before considering this vacation request; and said in regard to Sipple and the trivo companies' desire to perform major modifications, asked that perhaps part of those modifications could include the through-road of Sipple; and at the second reading, he feels it would be appropriate to postpone this final decision until the corridor plan is presented. Regarding the 50% assessed value fee, Deputy Mayor Taylor said that there was no ordinance draft at the last meeting, as this is the first reading of the ordinance; and said that Council has discretion of whether to allow the vacation; that this would be Council's first approval of an improved public right-of-way, and keeping in mind the importance of Appleway to Auto Row in implementing the auto row overlay zone and Sprague revitalization area, he favors moving this ordinance forward, but would like to hear what kind of discussions can take place between the City staff and owners regarding; some way to replace a portion of the value of this public right-of-way. i Council Regular Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 4 of 8 Approved: DRAFT 0 Councilmember Denenny mentioned that regarding Sipple and its extension, there are buildings on either side, and he said he can't imagine an environment where the parties will give up some space when they have indicated they lack space; therefore Sipple is a no-issue; and regarding value and compensating the City, Councilmember Denenny said he looks at value at it relates to overall willingness of a buyer, and he can't imagine an environment in which one would find a ready buyer other than the Appleway group; and Gus Johnson needing anything; in the way of First or Sipple. It was moved by Councihnctnber Schimniels and seconded, to amend the motion to strike the last sentence under Section 5, 96 [bt addition, the applicant shall pay [fifty percent (50%) of tine appraised value of the vacated property received]. Vote by Acclamation to amend the motion: In Favor: Councilmember Schinnntels, DeVleming, and Denenny. Opposed.' Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councilmember Gothmann. Motion tied and was therefore defeated. Vote by Acclamation on the original motion to advance the ordinance to a second reading: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: Note. Motion carried. 10 Proposed Resolution 07-016, Requesting Establishment of the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area-Mike Connelly It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to approve resolution 07-016 approving the request to establish the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital .Facility Area. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that this is the prerequisite to the Library District placing this matter on the ballot; approving the creation of the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital facility Area, and approving a joint request for the same to the Spokane County Hoard of County Commissioners. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Ann Apperson Chair of Spokane County Library District said this is one of the steps to carry out the full plan for the Greater Spokane Valley area for the Library District; and said that asking for approval of this resolution will put before the voters at the March 2008 election, the sales of general obligation bonds to fund the projects; she also stated that the plan includes replacement of the Spokane Valley library with a larger facility; a new facility at Veradale; and expansion of the Argonne Branch, and will create the Capital Facility Area. Ms. Apperson said that the cost is an estimated 25¢ per 51,000 assessed value, and that Millwood recently approved a similar resolution. Mayor Wilhite invited further comments; no other comments were offered. Vole by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.: None. Abstentious: None. Motion carried. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:04 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. 11 Motion Consideration: Adoption of CenterPlaec Marketing Plan - Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson explained that staff have been working with the Desautel-I1ege consulting firm to develop a marketing and communications plan for CenterPlace; that the purpose of the plan is to document the regional marketing objectives and to communicate those objectives to all interested parties. In his Powerpoint presentation, Mr. Jackson explained the proposed audiences, key messages marketing strategies, response to customer needs and ended with the additional recommendation that food service provide flexibility through the existing catering program while adding turnkey service through a food service provider. Mr. Jackson mentioned that page 28 of the Plan shows the proposed list of advertisers. Council/staff discussion included tracking use, measuring revenue, number of customers needed to offset the advertising cost; food service agreements and possible issuance of a Request for Proposal for catering; the desire to keep the flexibility of catering and pros and cons for having multiple food providers and for having a single contract provider; getting more information from and opinions of users; that additional staff has been added; and that this Plan can be amended in the future as needed. Director Jackson said he can gather further information for later Council discussion concerning the issues mentioned. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment. Fldonna Shaw. President and CFO of the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce: said that the Chamber convened a task force last spring to give constructive feedback on the Plan, and at that time, Council Regular Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 5 of 8 Approved: DRAFT Rustin Hall was the Chair of that Government Affairs Committee and worked closely with a team to gather information. Rustin Hall, 10520 East Holman Road: mentioned that their task force, which was requested by their full board, had the ultimate task of being a good partner and making sure tax dollars and resources are used wisely; that the task force members included Fldonna Shaw, Lee Cameron, Wayne Frost, Bill King, David Crosby and himself; that they discussed this plan with members of the community and with Harry Sladich with the CVB; and they spent quality time with Mike Jackson and Gary Livingston; and that the conversations direction focused on maximizing the facility; and considered such things as the use of a proven model to market the facility, the use of one food service provider, and out-sourcing the management of the facility. Mayor Wilhite mentioned that from past briefings, Council has been apprised that we have generated sufficient revenue to cover services; and added that finding a model that strikes a balance for non-profit and other events might not be easy; and she stated that increases in the building's mid-week use have been phenomenal. Councilmember Gothmann asked about a conversation he had with Mr. Mercier concerning management outsourcing and asked what the City has investigated regarding this option. Ms. Regor said that she was not familiar with that conversation. Lee Cameron. 1100 N Sullivan Road: Mr. Cameron said he is the business owner of Mirabeau Park Hotel and a member of the City's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee; that lie endorses the report from the Chamber of Commerce and feels it is a thoughtful attempt to address some policy issues; that he wants to make sure tax dollars are used as wisely as possible; and he asked if there are policy issues for further discussion, that council wait to make those as he would like to have a chance to evaluate the proposal as a member of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Mayor Wilhite and Mr. Jackson said they will keep Mr. Cameron appraised. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and .seconded, to adopt the CenterPlace Regional ,Vforketing and Communications Plan and to allocate $90,000 in Lodging Tax Funds in 2008 to implement the Plan; and with instructions to bring information back to Council on the possible food service contract options. Other public comment: Pete Rayner, Owner and Developer of Bacon Hill Properties, L LC, 4848 r Wellesley, Spokane: Mr. Rayner said that he reviewed the Plan and the Chamber's report, and said he is familiar with Desautel- Hege as he has used every aspect of that same study; but he found some things in that report don't hold up and he mentioned pricing, stating that they have discretionary pricing and their prices are approximately 500% higher then the CenterPlace fees; and if Spokane Valley wants to have corporate clients, we will have to make changes. Ellie Rayner-Aaro, Co-Owner of Beacon Hill: shared some experiences of their facility's use over the last ten years and how they built corporate relationships; that they have an overall event management and have a one-person contact to personalize customer communications; adding that meaningful relationships takes time and experience. Vote by Acclamation on the motion as stated above: In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. 119otion carried. 12. Motion Consideration: Council Support of Spokane Proposition No. 2: - Mike Connelly "Spokane County Proposition No. 2: One-tenth of One Percent Sales and Use Tax Solely for Emergency Communications Systems and Facilities. The Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County Council Regular ,Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 6 of 3 Approved: DRAFT adopted Resolution NO. 07-0690 concerning a proposition to increase the sales and use tar. The proposition would impose an additional one-tenth of one percent sales and use tax throughout Spokane County, the proceeds there from to be used solely for costs associated with financing, design, acquisition, construction, equipping, operating, maintaining, remodeling, repairing, reequipping and improvement of emergency communication systems and facilities. Should this proposition be approved? Yes No" a. Comments Advocating Approval b. Comments Advocating Rejection Mayor Wilhite announced that they will hear arguments for and against the proposition prior to Council making a motion, and that each side's arguments will be limited to a total of 15 minutes. Deputy City Attorney Driskell added that staff takes no position on these issues; that handouts have been received, and Council has three potential motions, to express support, to express nonsupport, or to remain neutral. Mayor Wilhite invited Chief Thompson to give comments advocating approval of the proposal. a. Comments advocating approval Those speaking advocating for the proposal included Fire Chief Thompson, Sheriff Knezovich, and Spencer Balmer from an engineering and technology consulting company in Seattle. A Powerpoint presentation was given advocating approval, which included mention of improving the system, restoring crime check, using funds as per RCW 82.14.420, citizen contacts, overall impact, the Regional Emergency Communication System, current system results, interoperability, communication shortfalls, the rationale for not having a sunset clause, and information and statistics on the Sheriff's Office. b Comments Advocating Reiection Mr. John Roskelly, 16614 S Foothill Road, gave his Powerpoint presentation advocating rejection of the proposition, which included a statement that he supports restoring Crime Check and upgrading the system, but feels another sales tax increase is not the way to fund those programs; he gave his reasons for voting "no" on this tax: citizens already pay the tax, a lack of a documented study to determine costs, no sunset clause, more money will be collected than needed, higher sales taxes are bad for businesses, there are no exemptions on this tax, there are already three taxes in place for criminal justice and pubic safety, and that elected officials need to better control budgets. Mayor Wilhite invited other public comments. Chuck Flafner, 4710 S Woodruff. said he wrote the pro statement; that he doesn't care what happened in the past, but there is a need now to upgrade the communication system and return crime check; and that the equipment needs to be updated for the welfare and safety of our community. Mayor Wilhite invited other public ,comments and no other corunents were offered. Although Deputy City Attorney Driskell suggested giving the opposition additional time to respond to Mr. Hafner's remarks, Mr. Roskelly declined. Mr. Driskell reminded Councilmembers that if Council is going to have discussion, such discussion needs to be limited to what is allowed under the law. Mayor Wilhite said that in order to have the types of things we like to have in terms of emergencies, the sheriff's office, fire mid police departments all need to talk to each other, and she invited Chief Bobby Williams to speak to that issue regarding the City of Spokane. Chief Bobby Williams Representing the Spokane Fire Department: said that law enforcement and communications in the City of Spokane fall under the conditions and challenges that were identified by Mr. Bahner; that they face some FCC-nnandated changes which must occur by 2013 which will not be easy to meet without appropriate funding: that all the fire departments and police departments have a $40 l~ million price tag, and Spokane doesn't have that in their general fund budget. He mentioned that in 2005 he laid`off 25 people; and that there are limited funding mechanisms and upgrades which must be taken Council Regular titeeting: 10-09-07 Page 7 of 8 Approved: DRAFT care of; that as a member of the 911 Board, the Board feels that Crime Check is an essential part of this service, as not having a non-emergency communication system overwhelms the 911 circuit board. i Mayor Wilhite invited further comment from Mr. Roskelly. John Roskelly: 'Mr. Roskelly said lie was formerly a member of Spokane Council, and during those years, the budget was "run into the ground." He said that he also sat on the County Commission board for nine years; and that eight of those years, they tightened their budgets and had the best budget in the state due to prioritizing; he said he does not advocate another sales tar initiated on a "sky falling" scenario; that other options have not been explored, and said that there are no state levies paying for this because there is no plan. It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming and seconded, to express Spokane Valley City Council's support of Spokane County Proposition No. 2, November 7, 2007, ballot issue for one-tenth of one- percent sales and use tax solely for emergency communication systems and facilities. As member of the 911 Board, Councilmember DeVleming said they have three strong issues: crime check, long ranging for 911, and the communication system upkeep, adding that federal mandates are very real. Other brief Council discussion ensued regarding allowing the public to be the ultimate decision maker at the ballot box, a lack of options to address the needed level of funding to support the services; and that public safety is a number one priority. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried It was proved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to extend the meeting to 9:10 p.m. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councibnembers Denenny and Gothmmnr. Opposed: Councilmembers Schimmels and DeVleming. Abstentions: None. M61ion carried. PUBLIC COMIVJ.F,NTS: Mayor Wilhite invited public comments; no comments were offered. ADMI N'1STRATIVE REPORTS: n/a INFORMATION ONLY: The Greenacres Neighborhood Park Project was for information only and was not discussed. EXIECUTIVE SESSION: 'Land Acquisition; Pending Litigation. It was mentioned that there would be no executive session. Deputy City Attorney mentioned that tonight is Ms. Regor's last meeting with us as she leaves for California this weekend; mentioned that it has been a privilege to work with her; and Council and staff thanked Ms. Regor as well. There being no further business, it was moved by Deputy :'Mayor Taylor and seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m. ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting: 10-09-07 Page 8 of 8 Approved: DRAFT _ MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUiVC:f_L STUDY SESSION Tuesday, October 16, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Staff: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Dick Denenny, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Gary Schimmels, Councilmember John Hohman, Development Engineer Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Absent: Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Rich Munson, Councilmember Mary Kate Martin, Building Official Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk L Collins Road Parking - Neil Kerstcn Public Works Director Kersten explained that he has received a request from the neighbors of University High School to expand the existing no parking zone on Collins Road; and Mr. Kersten said that any changes to on-street parking exceeding 100 feet in length must be made through a council resolution. He explained that the existing zone includes Collins Road from 32nd to 312; it is signed with "No Parking, 7-3 School Days'; and enforcement is done by the school's resource deputy. Mr. Kersten said that neighbors want the expansion to include the block from 31st to 30`x'. After discussion on problems of trash along with problems of parking, of pushing the no parking area back further; of traffic signal adjustments, exit designs of the school, and whether the resource officer could patrol more heavily during peak hours, it was determined that staff will bring back a resolution for council consideration on the requested expansion of the no parking zone. 2. Fee Resolution Proposed Changes -'Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson explained that Council examines the fee resolution at least annually as staff proposes changes; and that the proposed changes include switching the short plat and final plat fee as the greater work is involved in the preliminary work; adding a final binding site plan fee; adding a new fee for zoning letters; and adding an over-the-counter, quick turn-around permit fee of $58.00; which idea has been well received. Mr. Thompson also recommended deleting some existing fees associated with installations, thereby allowing private i.ndustiy to perform the inspections. Mr. Thompson added that if we were to perform those inspections, we could also incur some liability. Councilmember Gothmann mentioned the concern of some citizens with the current appeal fee as many feel the fee is unaffordable. Mr. Thompson explained that our attorneys are examining that issue now and that those fees are embedded in the City Code and would take an ordinance to change; and that our legal department is working on some ideas on how to handle that fee. The question came up whether we charge more for a right-of=way permit tee during the winter than during the summer, and whether we charge for hot water tank installations to install earthquake straps. Study Session Meeting,N4inutes: 10-16-07 Page 1 of5 Approved by Council: DRAk'T Building Official Martin explained that to her knowledge, we do not differential charges depending on the _ . \ season; and that not only do we not charge for installing straps, we would likely not even be made aware of that installation occurring; Nis. Martin said that straps are required by code, but not as a separate item; and that she will check those obstruction permit and right-of-way permits for asphalt cuts regarding seasonal differential fees, adding that she will also cheek to see if we are located in an earthquake zone. It was Council consensus to proceed with the fee resolution as proposed. 3 Street Design Standards - John Hohman Mr. Hohman explained that the purpose of this presentation is to gain feedback and hold discussion on various topics in preparation for the draft street design standards document being prepared; and he introduced Dave Kliewer and Spencer Montgomery of JUB Engineers, who will give Council their Powerpoint presentation on street design standards. The presentation included mention of recommended changes, the purpose and definition of what streets do, that the document is the document which implements the Comprehensive Plan 'rransportation goals and polices, is referred to in the Uniform Development Code, but was always meant to be a separate document. JUB representatives discussed residential streets and the difference between public and private street designations, the current county standards, no parking in swales and difficulty of enforcement, street connectivity, traffic calming, establishing a street acceptance process, access management and recommended changes. Discussion ensued among Councilmembers, staff and JUB Representatives regarding sidewalks and those that are level versus those having a dip in the driveway section; swales which tunnel under driveways, developments in the street design standards process; managing concurrency requirements and street connectivity; pavement design and construction; inspection methods and quality of construction materials and requiring a geo-technical engineer to perform soil sampling; and mention that the County is giving some consideration to modifying their standards to eliminate their standard matrix. Recommendations for next steps included holding public meetings and workshops and having discussions with police and fire, follow-up with additional public meetings, and fmally adoption through the Planning Commission and Council. Mr. Hohman mentioned they would like to schedule the first public meeting as soon as possible, preferably within the next two to three weeks, and by late spring or sooner, to have the draft: document finalized to strut the adoption process, with the hope that the document will be effective sometime mid-200$. Mayor Wilhite called for a brief recess at 7:32 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:44 p.m. It tvas moved by C'ouncibneinber Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Munson from tonight's meeting. 4 Street Master plan - Neil Kersten and J-U-B Representatives Engineer Worley explained that tonight's presentation is the completion of a presentation which began several months ago, and he gave a brief breakdown of previous council action taken, as noted in his October 16 Request for Council Acton form, adding that the intent of this phase is that as they examine the data, the need exists to develop tools which will manage the data and use it to help focus on what kinds of projects to look at, including those listed on the six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). J'UB Engineer Spencer Montgomery went through his Power-point presentation, which included a project overview, purpose, process to review and analyze methodologies, explanation of development of data analysis tools, the TIP report, and staffing requirements and options. The various maps included in the presentation were also discussed, and Mr. Kliewer said they might be able to create a table that discusses context to be better able to discuss numbers on accident slides, and give something with which to compare, not just counting data but also comparing that data to other data. Mr. Montgomery also mentioned that nearly sixty non-pavement street master plan projects have been identified; and thirty-four of those arenicluded in the TIP adopted last summer, but there are always fiscal constraints as the City Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10-16-07 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT determines how many projects we can afford or afford to match; adding that approximately forty-seven of those projects are a carryover from previous Tn. A question came up about the staffing requirement and whether the maintained in-house cost of $73,000 includes benefits, and Mr. Montgomery said he would have to research that. The pros and cons of having additional staff were discussed, as were the maps and accident data, traffic counts, levels of service and finding the personnel to maintain that data. The JUB Engineers said that while some of the information is technical, some is not; that most people have a two-year degree or a four-year science-related degree, and having a four-year degree in civil engineering is not always required; adding that using biologists would be appropriate as they understand data collection. Mr. Worley said that they are finalizing the street master plan scope of work with this presentation, and from this point, the scope of work with JUB will be to.evaluate pavements for this year to add to that pavement management program, and to keep that ongoing street maintenance in order not to lose any ground already obtained; he said we do not have staff at this point to do this, and have not entered into a contract yet but would like to do so soon, and that staff will come back to council later to discuss where we go from here. Mr. Mercier mentioned that this reduces the conversation down to the difficult chore of deciding how much funding should be allocated to these tasks, and from what source. There was further brief discussion including the jobs and hours needed; that hiring in-house could likely not be accomplished for less than $50,000; that at this point it would be better to continue the contract arrangement; and that the big issue is the $4.5 million annual projected costs for the street pavement management portion. Mr. Mercier said the fmance committee and others need more time to consider these options and the subject will be discussed at the January retreat. Mr. Kliewer mentioned that lie envisions that the staffing requirements won't be just one person, but will be a team, and Mr. Worley added that there is also the possibility of using a combination of a few permanent staff' along with some temporary help during the summer. Mr. Mercier mentioned that we have to first determine what is the size and scope of the effort, then fund it appropriately: Councilmember DeVleming said lie feels this issue should be addressed prior to the January retreat, and Mayor Wilhite added that the finance committee can examine that and that Mr. DeVleming is on that committee. Mr. Mercier said that the finance committee can try some threshold options, then deliver that for full council consideration after Councilmember Munson returns. 5 Concurrence Issues - Mike Connellv and Neil Kersten City Attorney Connelly explained that in addressing concurrency issues and proper planning and development of transportation systems, there is also included the legal framework or structure that we have to operate within, and that tonight he will give a brief overview of the current difficulties with existing law, talk about our comprehensive plan and state law, and then discuss ways to meet concurrency, which will include a discussion of impact fees. As a general overview, Mr. Connelly explained, we have come to a crisis point in enforcing our concurrency ordinance; there are numerous places where even small additional development is causing intersections to fail; and once that happens, the choices are limited: to pay, for the improvement like lights or a wider road or left-turn lanes; to ask the developer to pay, which is a limited solution as there must be nexus between the development and the impact, that traffic from the development has to cause the impact; and that it must be proportional under state law, which means we can't have something like a two-lot short plat pay for a traffic light. Mr. Connelly said we could impose impact fees, that they are expensive to create and take at least a year to develop, and they don't solve any existing deficiencies. Another option he explained is that no one pays and we keep the level of service (LOS) exactly where it is and say no to any firrther development, and a final option is that no one pays and we lower the LOS so we can meet it easier, which pushes the problem off into the future. t Study Session Mect.ing Minutes: 10-16-07 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT Mr. Connelly explained that State law under the Growth Management Act (GMA) dictates that cities have to prohibit or deny development it if causes an intersection or segment to fall below the standard set forth in the comprehensive plan; and further states that concurrent with development, improvements have to be J in place at the time of the project proposal or strategies must be in place to fix the problem within six years. Mr. Connelly said that the Comprehensive Plan defines LOS and lists intersections and required LOS, but.that we have a segment LOS which is dependent on Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) numbers, but lie is uncertain if those numbers have been accepted or adopted. Attorney Connelly said there are two ways to meet concurrency: by design or by reducing the impact to the LOS by a good design. The question of connectivity was brought up, and Mr. Connelly said that the general prevailing opinion is that fewer alternate routes provide the greater connectivity results on remaining routes. impact fees were discussed, and Mr. Connelly mentioned that many impact fees are imposed under the general common law, if you create the problem you pay for the resulting problems. Mr. Connelly said that the City of Spokane spent the last year developing their ordinance on impact fees, and they expect to adopt that within a month or more; and that they have divided the city into zones; but to do that, it is best to have the baseline data to determine where to start; and determine a reasonable amount of time to project future impacts, then identify the specific projects that will fix those impacts; identify the cost and figure out a way to divide them, such as by vehicular trips, and he mentioned his backup materials which include his recommended seven steps to establish and impose impact fees. Mr. Kersten added that this all ties back to the street master plan and the intersection level of service. Mr. Mercier said that regarding funding, our TIP tries to maximize the leveraging of funds received from state and federal sources, but there is no separate pot of funding we have that is ready to deploy when faced with a concurrency problem, and in looking at the analysis from JUB, we need to determine where is the biggest bang for the buck on the transportation system, and what is most in need of attention. Mr. Connelly also mentioned that improvements have to be concurrent with development, and concurrent means a financial commitment or a strategy in place that will result in the problem being solved within six years; that strategy is interpreted differently, and alternative transportation data would work but would require an aggressive strategy which must be concrete; and if that strategy fails, Mr. Connelly said that has not yet been reasonably answered, but that if it were reasonably calculated when put in place, it would likely pass muster before the GAZA, but if it were something simply put in to look good; it likely would not pass mustef before the GMA Board. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the rneeting to 9:.15 p. in. Discussion continued on the issue with mention of high density, high volume levels of service, where one intersection would fail and the traffic moves to the next intersection; that we will need to examine this issue along the Sprague/Appleway corridor where there will be significantly different kinds of development; Spokane County's study of regional impact fees along with the SRTC's Technical Transportation Sub-Committee's study on the topic; and that there are no easy solutions to concurrency and this agenda item tonight is to bring Council an awareness of the complexity of the issue, and this will be discussed again later. Councilmember Gothmann said he would like to have information on development of an impact fee. Councilmember Denenny mentioned that he sees limited concurrency achievements through impact fees; that if the area is 80% close to failure and a development takes that 20%, the most we can get on a impact fee would be about 10%. Attorney Connelly said that the are allowed to spread out impact fees and apportion a fair amount to each individual vehicle trip that the new development generates; that for example, we could create a region that creates ten projects; but we can't fix existing problems-, that once in place the impact fee deals with future impacts development creates, and the failure to have any something in place for the last twenty years has resulted in today's deficiencies, so we must come up with some funding to correct these transportation problems. Mayor Wilhite said she would like more information on just what impact fees will do, and on the broader issue Study Session Meeting N4inutes: 10-16-07 Nge 4 ors Approved by Council: DRAFT of how to fund current problems; and that she would like to see examples of what it would take to fix J specific intersections. 6. Advance Agenda Additions - Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite said she would like to add the street master plan to a future agenda. Mr. Mercier mentioned the upcoming Governor's "Town Hall meeting and asked how many Councilmembers might be attending. It was determined that all councilmembers plan to attend with the exception of Councilmember Schimmels. The special meeting for November 20 was mentioned; and there was also mention that the Shelley Lake agreement will be placed on next week's agenda for council approval consideration. It was moved by Deputy Taylor and seconded to extend the meeting to 9:25 p. in. The vote passed by majority vote, with all those in favor except Councilmember Devleming. 7 Information Only: Shelley Lake Development Aereeme.nt. The agreement was not discussed and was for information only. 8. Council Check-in; no further comments were offered. 9. City ManalZer Comments Mr. Mercier said that recently Council adopted the C11' model where we were authori7ed to hire additional staff and that they have found a candidate who would be interested in working for us, and that staff would like to begin recruitment now and if such staff could be added in late 2007, the likely financial impact would continue to remain neutral. Council concurred to move forward as Mr. Mercier suggested. Mr. Mercier also mentioned the need to perform the annual evaluation of the governance manual, and it was agreed to keep the same Councilmembers as last year, i.e., Councilmembers Denenny, DeVleming, C and Gothmann. i There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ATTEST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk i Study Scssion Meeting Minutes: 10-16-07 Page 5 of 5 Approved by CouneiL• CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off- Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report X pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 07-018, Adopting the 2008 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires an ordinance be passed to adopt the 2008 Budget PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Several public hearings were held on the proposed 2008 budget. The City Council discussed the budget process, goals, outside agency requests and other budget related issues at several meetings during the summer and fall. Departments highlighted significant budget issues at a September council study session. Public notices of all budget hearings were provided. The first reading of this ordinance was held on October 9. BACKGROUND: State law requires several public hearings and an ordinance to adopt the 2008 budget. The City held public hearings on July 24, September 11 and October 9. OPTIONS: Two readings of the ordinance are required prior to adopting the 2008 budget. The City Council could elect to conduct the second reading at a later date. However, the second reading must be held and the ordinance passed prior to late December, 2007. The City's current budget schedule anticipates 2008 budget adoption in October of this year. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends a motion adopting Ordinance 07- 018, adopting the budget for year 2008. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Once the Budget Ordinance is adopted, this will be the budget for 2008. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director 1 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 7-018 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASIIINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2008 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2008, APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR .ESTABLISHED POSITIONS. WHEREAS, State law requires the City Manager to prepare a preliminary budget for the City of Spokane Valley at least sixty (60) days before the beginning of the City fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2008; and Wi ,Ei R.rAS, the City Manager in consultation with the Finance Director and Department Heads has prepared and placed on file with the City Clerk a preliminary budget together with an estimate of the amount of money necessary to meet the expenses of the City including payment of outstanding obligations; and WHEREAS, notice was posted and published on July 6, 13 and 20, August 31, September 7 and 280' and October 5, 2007, that the City Council in the City of Spokane Valley would meet and receive public comment in the City Council Chambers prior to the adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS, following the filing of the preliminary budget with the City Clerk, notice of the same and three hearings on the budget, the City Council desires to adopt the 2008 budget, including all allowances and an appropriation for each fund so that a balanced budget, where appropriations are limited to the estimated revenues including beginning fund balances, is adopted for the City. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley property tax levy for 2007 for collection in 2008, will be $10,350,000 which is $830,000 (8.7%) greater than the levy in 2006 for collection in 2007. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption of 2008 Budget. The budget for the City of Spokane Valley for the year 2008 is hereby adopted as the balanced budget of the City with appropriations limited to the total estimated revenues and beginning fund balances of the city. The final budget for 2008 is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein pursuant to RCW 35A.33.075. For summary purposes, the total estimated appropriations for each separate fund plus the aggregate total for all such funds is set forth as follows: FUND ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE REVENUES & FUND APPROPRIATIONS BALANCE GENERAL FUND $41,757,400 $32,705,058 STREET FUND 5,875 972 42195,304 ARTERIAL STRrrT FUND 0 0 TRAILS & PATHS FUND 30,000 30,000 HOTP.L /MOTEL FUND 668,000 668,000 DEBT SERVICE LTGO 03 600,000 600,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 4,420,000 4,420,000 SPECIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 4,420,000 43420,000 - J STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 7,354,023 7;354,023 Ordinance 07-018, Annual Appropriation Ordinance 2008 Page i of 2 DRAFT N11R.ABEAU POINT CAPITAL FUND 454,000 454,000 STREET BOND CAPITAL 0 0 CD BLOCK GRANT FUND -0- -0- CAPITAIa GRANTS FUND 7,176,000 7,176,000 BARKER BRIDGE FEDERAL FUND 5,862 800 5,862,800 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FUND 3,160,000 1,983,944 PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 4,260,000 4,260,000 EQUIPMENT R&R FUND 780,000 780,000 CITY FACILITIES REPLACEMENT 397,000 397,000 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 217,100 217,100 RESERVES: CIVIC FACILITIES 5,085,000 5,085,000 CENTERPLACE. 335,000 335,000 SERVICE LEVEL 5,400,000 5,400,000 WIN'I-CR WEATHER 560,000 560,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $98,812,295 $86,903,229 The total balance of all fimds appropriated for the year 2008 is $86,903,229 Section 2. Positions and Salary,! Schedules. The various positions and salary ranges for city employees are attached to this Ordinance as Appendix "A." Section 3. Transmittal of Budget. A complete copy of the budget as adopted, together with a copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted by the City Cleric to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this day of October 2007. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 07-018, Annual Approprintion Ordinnnce 2008 Piste 2 of 2 Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2008 Salary Schedule Effective 11112008 Position Title Grade 2008 Range Zit Manager Unclassified De u Ci Manager 21-22 $ 7,818 - $11,137 Ci Attorney 21 7 818 - 10,023 Community Development Director 21 7,818 - 10,023 Finance Director 21 7,818 - 10,023 Public Works Director 21 7 818 - 10,023 Parks and Recreation Director 19 6 332 - 8,119 Planning Manager 18 5,70 0 - 7,307 Building Official 18 5,700 - 7,307 Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Development 18 5,700 - 7,307 Deputy City Attorney 18 5,700 - 7,307 Senior Engineer -Traffic CIP Plannin /GranWPro' M mt 17 5,130 - 6,576 Accounting Manager 17 -5,13-0 - 6,576 Ci Clerk 16 4,616 - 5,918 Engineer 16 4,616 - 5,918 Senior Plans Examiner 16 4.616 - 5.9118 Public Works Superintendent 16 4 616 5,918 Senior Administrative Analyst 16 4 616 5,916 Senior Planner 16 4,M - 5,918 Associate Planner 15 4,155 - 5,327 Assistant En ineer 15 41155 - 5,327 ITSpecialist 15 4,155 - 5,327 Engineering Technician II 15 4,155 - 5,327 CenterPlace Coordinator 15 4155 - 5,327 Human Resource Analyst 14 3,740 - 4,794 Accountant/Bud et Analyst 14 3 740 - 4.794 Administrative Analyst 14 3,740 - 4,794 Assistant Planner 14 3,740 - 4,794 Building Inspector 11 14 3,740 - 4,794 Plans Examiner 14 3,740 - 4,794 Public Information Officer 14 3,740 - 4,794 En ineerin Technician 1 14 3.740 - 4,794 Senior Permit Specialist 14 3,740 - 4,794 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 13-14 3.365 - 4,794 Recreation Coordinator 13-14 3,365 - 4,794 Code Enforcement Officer 13 3365 - 4,314 Buildin Ins ector 1 13 3.3i5 - 4,314 Planning Technician 13 3.365 - 4,314 Deputy City Clerk 12-13 3,029 - 4,314 Senior Center Specialist 12-13 3,029 - 4,314, Administrative Assistant 11-12 2 726 - 3,883 Permit Specialist 11-12 2,726 - 3,883 Accounting Technician 11-12 2 726 - 3,883 Maintenance Worker 11-12 2,726 - 3,883 Office Assistant II 10-11 245 3 - 3,495 Custodian 10 2 453 - 3,145 Office Assistant 1 9-10 2,208 - 3,145 'GIS/Database Administrator Pendin Pending Pendin 77 t 'gar: _r 23, :C,-0 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokano Valley Dept: ot1 Legislative Branch 2008 Budget 011 -Lealslativo Branch This department accounts for the cost of providing effective elected representation of the citizenry in the governing body. The Council makes policy decisions for the City and Is accountable to Spokane Valley citizens by making decisions regarding how resources are allocated, tt►e appropriate levels of service, and establishing goals and policies for the organization. Accomollshmonts for 2007 • Continuo Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues including governance of wastewater rac Miss, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. Council and staff collaborate with dischargers anWl onmenta/ists and regulatory vgencies. A Mitigation Implementalion Plan (M1P) associated wish an acceptable Total Maximum Dally Load ruling was accepted by the Washington Department of Ecology. Monitoring of the M1P will continue as well as collaboration on govemance Issues. • Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure along the Spraguel Appleway Corridor that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. The City has contacted current fiber optfc franchise holders for specification deemed non-proprietary in nature. Receipt of relevant data is anticipated by December_ • Adopt a sub-area plan for tho Sprague/Anplewav Rovitalization Plan and Initiate the implementation of achievable recommendations. An administrative draft of the sub-area plan was finalized and public outreach briefings are ongoing. Adoption of the SpraguelAppleway Corridor revitalization Plan Is anticipated in December. • Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population protections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies. Action pending in the fall as the City awaits Spokane County efforts to update the oauntywida Compraltensive Plan. • Adopt a Street Master Progr2m A well-defined Street Master Plan has been prepared and presented to the City CounO The Plan identfies the current condition of city streets and recommends »pproprfafe improvements and maintenance that preserve the value;` and structural integrity of the local hansportafion syste=m. Formal aobptiba of the Plan is anticipated before yearend. 11 October 23. 2007 Fund: 001 General Fund Spakane Valley Dept: ot1 Legistatlvo Branch 2008 Budget Q11 - Lealslattva BEInch Goals for 2008 • Continue monttorlnq wastowat r Issues, including govemance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. • Refine initial departmental six-year business plans in order to Identify and Incorporate fiscal Impacts into a strategic financial plan. • Formulate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses Incorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; identifies fiscal constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-batancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductions or revenue increase or combinations thereof. • initiate implementation of the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway revitalization. • Adopt area-wide rezoning proposals consistent with the comprehensive plat! that reffert appropriate adjustments In zoning designations, • Perform an analysts of land owner initiated request for annexation- . Develop a Shoreline Master Program Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 Council 6_0 8;0 6-=0 Total FTEs 7.0 7.0 7.0 Budge Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits 5 83.205 S 122,613 $ 124,630 Supplies 13,959 21,300 20,160 Services & Charges 109,038 143,061 175,201 Interfund Charges - 9,419 - Total Legislative Branch S 206,202 S 296,3_933 S 31 4,l Ocrot,cr 23. 007 Fund: 001 Goneral Fund Spokane vallay Dept: 013 Executive & Legislativo Support 2008 Budget 013 - Executive & Legislative Support This department is accountable to the City Council for the operational results of the organization, effective support of elected officiais in achieving their goals; fulfillment of the statutory requirements of the City Manager, implementation of City Council policies, and provision of a communication linkage between citizens, the City Council, City departments, and other government agencies. Accomplishments for 2007 a Continuo Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issu" including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. Council and staff collaborate w:r..h dischargers, envinanmentalists and regulatory agencies. A Vitigation Implementation Plan (MIFI associated with an acceptable Total Maximum Daily Load ruling was accepted by the Washington Department of Ecology. Monitoring of the Mil' toll continue as well as coflaborat on on governance issues. e Fmplore the available tolocommunieatlons Infrastructure; along the Spraauet AaplowaY Corrfdar that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. The City has contacted current fiber optic franchise halters forspecM ation deemed non-proprietary in nature, Receipt of relevant data Is anticipated by December. e Adopt a sub-area plan for the Spraraue/Applowav Revitalization Plan and initiate the Implementation of achievable recommendations. An administrative draft of the sub-area plan was finalized and public outreach bfiefings are ongoing. Adoption of the SpraguelAppkaway Conidorrevitalization Ran is anticipated in December. e Amend the comarehonsive ptan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population proiectlons within and adjacent to city remits and to outline annexation policies. Action pending in the fall as the City awarla Spokane Counly efforts to update the countywide comprehensive Plan. e Adopt a Stroot Master Pro_ ram A well-defined Street Master Plan has been prepared and presented to tho Cdy Counc& Thor Plan identities the current condittfln of city streets and mcomrnands appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local tmnsportatton system. Formal adoption of the Plan is anticipated before year encl. October 23, 007 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokano valley Dept: 013 Executive & Legislative Support 2008 Budget 013 -Executive S Legislative Supr~ort Goals for 2008 • Continuo monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of waste"ter facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. • fine Initial d a to i - r business tans in order to identify and incorporate fiscal impacts into a 6trafegic financial plan- e Formulate a Six-Year Stratealc Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses inoorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; identifies fis:ml constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductions or revenue increase or combinations thereof. • (nitlste Im lamentation of the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Apple-way revitalization. • Adopt area-wido rennina proposals consistent with the comprehensive plan that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations • Perform an analysis of land owner Initiated request for annexation- • Develop a Shoreline Master Proaram Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents City Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 City Attorney 1.0 1.0 1.0 City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 Deputy City Attorney 1.0 1.0 1.0 Deputy City Clerk 0.5 0.5 1.0 Administrative Assistant - Legal 0.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant (CC) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant (CM) I_-O 1.0 1.0 Total FTEs 6.5 7.5 8.0 Interns 3.0 3.0 3.0 Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 348,184 $749,487 S 875,274 Supplies 1,288 15,148 14,898 Services & Charges 30,754 116,107 106,557 Capital Outlay 1,963 Interfund Charges - 12,112 347 Total Executive & Legislative Support S 380,189 $ 8.=854 $ 997,076 (7 The costs associated with the Legal (?'vision are now part of 1 xecutive & Legislative Support. c'ober 23. 200 7 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Vailay Dept: 018 Operations & Administrative Services 2008 Budget 016 - Human Resources Division Human Resources (HR) is administered through the Deputy City Manager (DCM) who serves as the Human Resources Manager for the City. The HR operation provides services in compensation, benefits, training and organizational development, staffing, employee relations, and communications. Accomplishments for 2007 • Expanded City's web based intranet to help provide employees with resources and tools to improve interdepartmental cooperation. • Developed personnel handbook to inform employees of personnel related policies and procedures. • Developed and held manger/supervisor trainings on key issues and areas. Goals for 2008 • Update Website: web based HR Center and on-line applications. • Finathmd classification review system- • Enhance Employee Recognition program. • Adopt City Safety Plan in conjunction with Safety Committee. • Establish Initial employee development opportunities through on-line learning. • Work with PIO on media strategy for recruitment. 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Human Resource Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 Human Resource Technician 0.0 0.0 1.0 Deputy City Clerk/HR Assistant 0.5 005 000 1.5 1.5 2.0 Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 74,468 $ 106,953 $ 129,960 Supplies 5,074 3,500 4,500 Services & Charges 51,470 52,800 69,800 Capital Outlay 4,896 - - Interfund Charges - 2,691 - Total Human Resources Division _L1 351908_ $ 165,944 $ 2041280 Fund: 001 Genaral Fund ~pck.na "'Al" Dept 022 Public Works 2006 Budget i 032 - Public Waft The Public Works Departmmnt provides overall planning and oversight of public womb proloct>s in the Citj of Spokane Valley. The depariment provides anglneering plan review, Inspection, coordirwOon of major public works capital knprovernent projects, long-rartge transpcnition planning and neighborhood traffic management. The Public Works Stmt Maintenance Sedan os respormible for maintenance of streets. AccQmolistunanti for 2007 • Worked with the County aad DOE regarding the County Wastewater Treatment Facillty. • Worsted with the Rogional Wastawar C•ommltlee In the development of the impkxnentation plan for taw S,pokmm R}ver TMOL. • Provided engkleering design. review and construction erversof for City projects and other City public wwks needs. • Developed the 2008-2013 Six Year Transport Pion Improvement Flan (TlP) for Council adoption. tots for 2048 . Continue involvement with the County and 170E repardin l the WastewaLr Treatment Facility and TMDL- • Work with Prajad Team on City Center irnplomentatlon. • Work YAM Consultant on City Nap location and pre design services Mildest; SMrsarv 2007 2006 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Qtr;Qlt+tial - FSE F,:~it~hraicnt;E Public Works piroctor to 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant 10 2.0 2.0 Senior Engineer (Developnntent) 1.0 1.0 0.0 ' rrt Engineer (Devdopmenf) 1.0 1.0 0.0 Ass.•s.a Senior Engineer (CtP) 1.0 1,o 1.0 Senior Engineer - Tta cw Pww&v*.weep w LO 1.0 2.0 Engineer (Davolopmant) 1.0 1.5 0.0 Assistant Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Construction Inspect." 0.0 1.0 00 Engineering Technician 1 0.0 0.0 1.0 Englr*erttro Te divniclan II A ?-A _U Total FTE9 so 13'o too laud, g2l Detail Satarles, Wages, 8 Barrefds $ 672,694 S 893,843 S 573,032 Suppilas 10,178 54-247 40,900 Servicaa 3 Ctlargets 195,262 373.100 148.060 tntergovemme+ntal Payments - - Capttal Outlay 22,554 40.000 28,500 Inlerfund Charges - 30,W 2,945 Total Public Warta 3 ON 682 3 1.3911687 Ste, (.);;'ones 2'3. 2067 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane vauuy Dept: 058 Community Development 2008 Budget 058 - Long Rango Planning Division Accomplishments for 2007 . Completed Sprague/Appleway Revitalizmion Plan and associated development regulations • Completed Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. • Began implementation of the City Center pro;~ct Goals for 20013 • ConUnue implementation of the Crty Center protect • Establish City urban growth areas (UGA) through Spokane County's process • Complete Joint Planning Agreements with Spokane County • Complete the annual Comprehensive Plan update with UGA revisions Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget Personnel - FTE Equivalents Community Development Director 0.50 Senior Planner 2.00 Planning Manger 0.25 Associate Planner - Long-Range 025 Administrative Assistant 0-50 Office Assistant 1 _ 025 Total FTEs 0.0 0.0 3.75 Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ - $ - S 372.472 Supplies - - 17,500 Services & Charges - - 287,350 Intergovernmental Services - - 18,000 Capital Outlay - - Interfund Charges - - Total Long Range Planning S - $ - $ 08.322 October 23, 200 7 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Valley Dept: 076 Parks & Recreation 2008 Budget 305 - CenterPlace Division Construction of Mirabeau Point CenterPlace began in late 2003, and was completed mid-year 2005. The project represents the culmination of eight years of planning and fundraising by Mirabeau Point Inc. and the joint involvement of the City and Spokane County. The approximately 54,000 square foot facility houses the City of Spokane Valley Senior Center, a great room (banquet facility), numerous meeting rooms, mu6purpose rooms, and a high tech lecture hall. The facility combines with Mirabeau Meadows Parks and Mirabeau Springs to form a regional focal point for Northeast Washington and Northern Idaho. Accom lish nts for 007 . Completed Marketing and Communication Plan. • Completed a fee survey and implemented new pricing strategy. • Combined two meeting rooms to meet the growing demands for larger meeting space. Goals for 2008 • Implement Marketing and Communications Plan. • Provide additional training for seasonal staff to improve customer service. • Research electronic marquees for the lobby to display events, CCS classes, senior center activities, and to market CenterPlace. Budget Summary 2007 2006 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget eraon I - FTE Eguivalents Customer relations & Facilitator Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assistant 0.0 1.0 2.0 Custodian 2.0 Maintenance Worker t7 1.00 2.0 Total FTEs 1.0 3.0 7.0 Budget Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefits $ 123,122 $288.937 S 438,936 Supplies 39,158 34,000 50,795 Services & Charges 212,700 276,205 249,500 Capital Outlay 3,860 - 5,000 Interfund Charges - 4,037 317,000 Total CenterPlace Division a 378,840 $ 603,179 $ 1,061,231 Position Listing City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budgeted Positions Lille Unfilled r a'v ACCOUNTANTAW713GET ANALYST 3.00 ACCOUNTING MANAGER 1.00 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1.00 ADMINISTRATE ANALYST 100 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 100 2.00 2.00 ASSISTANT ENGINEER 1.00 ASSISTANT PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER • CURRENT ASSOCIATE PLANNER - LONG-TERM BUILDING INSPECTOR I BUILDING INSPECTOR II BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY ATTORNEY 1.00 CITY CLERX 100 CITY MANAGER 1.00 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR CUSTODUW COST RFLATIONStFAC. COORD. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 100 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1.00 DEPUTY CITY MANAGER 100 ENGINEEFUNG ENOINEERING TECHNICIAN 1 1.00 E14GINEEMNG TECHNICIAN 11 2.00 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1.00 GISMATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 HUMAN RESOURCE ANALYST 1.00 HUMAN RESOURCE TECHNCIAN 1.00 IT SPECIALIST 2.00 IMNTENANCE WORKER MAJNTENA14CECONSTRUCMN INSPECTOR _ 0.00 OFFICE ASSISTANT I OFFICE ASSISTANT II 1.00 PARKS 3 RECREATION DIRECTOR PEFIMIT SPECIALIST PLANNING MANAGER PLANNING TECHNICAW PLANS EXAMINER PUBLIC INFOiOAATION OFFICER 1.00 PUBLIC WOWS DIRECTOR 1,00 PUBLIC WORKS SUPO-ZiNTENDENT RECREATION COORDINATOR SENIOR Ai3MINLSTR4TVJE ANALYST 1.00 SENIOR CENTER SPECIALIST SENIOR ENGINEER 1.00 SENIOR ENGINEER- trumN cr r%mrqowamqjw 200 SENIOR PERMIT SPECIALIST SENIOR PLANNER SENIOR PLANS EXAMINER Totals 8_00 7.40 9.00 2.00 10.00 ' ;t Position UstIncg G ?3. City of Spokane Valley 2008 Budgeted Positions 0 tp O G Q b g pJ 3 GC 1 Oc. 1 Lr 1.0G 050 0.50 1.00 2.00 11.00 100 1.00 1.00 4.00 300 IM 1 AO 1.00 0.75 D25 1.00 0.0c 4.00 4 OO 0.80 020 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 200 0.50 0.50 1.00 100 1.00 200 2.00 1.00 100 100 1 Oc 1-00 1.50 100 250 1 50 1.00 350 200 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - 2.0) 200 200 200 100 1.00 400 1.50 0 25 0.25 200 100 2-00 100 1.00 2.00 290 0.75 025 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 1.00 100 1 DO 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.40 3.40 1.00 1.00 0.00 200 2.00 1.00 100 L a 27.55 _ 3.75 2.45 2.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 4.40 4.00 89.15 ;1 City of Spokane Valley FTE Count by Year 2008 Budget 2007 2007 2008 Budget 2008 Budget Authorizod FTE Changes to Proposed Interns Oopartment FTEs Additions FTEs t-TE9 for 2008 Executive & Legislative Support City Manager 4.5 - 0.5 5.0 1.0 Legal 2.0 1.0 - 3.0 2.0 Operations & Administrative Services; Deputy City Manager 8.0 - 1.0 7.0 0.0 Finance 8.0 - 1.0 9.0 1.0 Human Resources 1.5 - 0.5 2.0 0.0 Public Works 10.0 3.0 (3.0) 10.0 0.0 Planning $ Community Development Planning T.0 3.0 (10.0) - 0.0 Building 14.75 1.0 (15.8) - 0.0 Development Services 27.8 27.55 0.0 Long Range Planning 3.8 3.75 0.0 Code Compliance 2.5 2.45 0.0 Parks & Ration: Parks Admin 2.0 - - 2.0 0.0 Recreation 1.0 - - 1.0 0.0 Senior Canter 1.0 - - 1.0 1.0 CenterPiace 5.0 - 2.0 7.0 0.0 Street Fund 4.4 - - 4.4 1.0 Stomwater Fund 4.0 - - 4.0 2.0 TOTAL 71.15 8.00 10.00 88.15 8.00 O n 0 r tJ lJ N O O 72 October 23, 2007 Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2008 Salary Schedule Effective 11112008 Position Title Grade 2008 Range City Mana er Unclassified I Deputy Q Manager 21-22 $ 7,818 - $10,023 r-'ity Attome 21 7,818 - 10,D23 ~Community Deveio ent Director 21 7,818 - 10,023 i Ananca Director 21 7.818 - 10,02_3_ Pubile Works Director 21 7,818 - 10,023 Parks and Recreation Director 19 6,332 - 8.119 Planning Manager 18 5,700 - 7,307 Building Official 18 5,700 - 7,307 Senior Engineer • Capital P ecls, Deve! mint 18 5,700 - 7,307 De u C' Adome 18 5,700 - 7 307 Senior Engineer - Traffic CiP Ptannin Grants 17 5j 130 - 6,576 Accounting Manager 17 5,130 - 8,576 City Clerk 16 4L6.16 - 5,918 En inecmr 16 4,816 - 5,918 Senior Plans Examiner 16 4,616 - 5,918 Public Works Su rintendent 16 ___4,§ 16 - 5,918 `.senior Administrative Anal y# 16 4,616 5,918 Senior Planner 16 4,616 - 5,918 Associate Planner 15 4.155 - 5.327 Assistant E ine-er 15 4,155 5.327 ITS alist 15 4,155 - 5,327 E . irf.,--rimm Technician II 15 4,155 - 5,327 Customer Re-labons/Facildles Coordinator 15 4 155 - 5,327 Human Resource Analyst 14 3 740 - 4.794 A.ccountantl8 et Ana 14 31740 - 41794 Administrative An st 14 3,740 - 4,794 Assistant Planner 14 3,740 - 4,794 ©uildin In_ s~ettnr II 14 3,740 - 4,794 Plam Examiner 14 3,740 - 4,7 4 Pubfic {nforrna?ion Officer 14 3 740 - 4,79+1 En ineeiin Technician 1 14 3.740 - 4J94 Senior Permit Specialist 14 3.740 - 4,794 ' Maintena.nce/Gonstruction Inspector 13-14 3,365 - 4,794 Recreation Coordinator 13-14 3,365 - 4,794 _Code Enforcement Officer 13 3,365 - 4,314 Building Inspector I 13 3,365 - 4,314 Planni Technician 13 3,365 - 4,314 Deputy City Cierk 12-13 3,029 - 4,314 Senior Center S iallst 12-13 3,U9 • 4,314 Human Resource Technician 12-13 3,029 - 4,314 Administrative assistant 11-12 2,726 - 3,883 Permit S eciatist 11-12 2,726 - 3,883 Accounting Technician 11-12 2.726 - 3,883 Maintenance Vlorksr 11-12 2,726 - 3,883 Office Assistant II 10-11 2,453 - 3,495 Custodian 10 2,453 - 3,143 Ofi'tc? As3:st2nt I 9-10 2,208 --32-1A-5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10-23-07 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ information ❑ admin. report X pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Ordinance 07-019 Levying Property Tax for 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State Law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: There has been discussion at council meetings regarding the anticipated amount of property tax revenue and the property tax rate for the 2008 budget. A public hearing was held on July 24 to review 2008 projected revenues, including the property tax levy. A public hearing was held on September 11, to discuss the 2008 proposed budget which included proposed property taxes. A third public hearing was held on October 9, to discuss the 2008 budget including property tax revenue. BACKGROUND: State law requires the City to pass an ordinance in order to levy property taxes. The City is limited to a maximum of $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value, less the highest levy rate authorized by a fire district within the city limits of the City of. Spokane Valley and less the library rate within the City of Spokane Valley. The City considered levying $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value which is the amount authorized under state law for municipal purposes. A review of City budget needs and the increase in assessed value now indicates the City levy will be closer to $1.55/per thousand dollars of assessed value. The actual rate for the City will not be known until January of 2008 when final assessed value calculations are available. OPTIONS: This ordinance is required by law. The council could modify the ordinance to levy an amount less than that proposed, and reduce the budget an equal amount. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to pass ordinance 107-019 levying property taxes for the 2008 budget. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This ordinance levies property tax for the City's 2008 budget year. Staff expects property tax revenues to be near $10.35 million once growth in assessed value and the allowable increase in the tax levy have been included. Property taxes make up 25% of General Fund revenues and beginning fund balance. STAFF CONTACT: Finance & Admin. Services Director, Ken Thompson DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHING'T'ON ORDINANCE NO. 07-019 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING THE REGULAR PROPERTY TAXES FOR ME CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON IN SPOKANE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2008 TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR CITY SERVICES AS SET FORTIS IN THE CITY BUDGET. WHEREAS, State law authorizes the City of Spokane Valley to levy regular property taxes upon the taxable property within the corporate limits in order to provide revenue for the 2008 current expense budget of the City; and 1VHF..REAS, the City of Spokane Valley is authorized to levy $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation deducting therefrom the highest levy collected by a hire District within the Spokane Valley city limits and also deducting the Spokane Valley Idibrary District levy; and WHEREAS, RCW 84.52.020 requires the City Council on or before the 30's day of November to certify budget estimates to the clerk of the Spokane County Board of Commissioners including amounts to be raised by taxing property within the limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to notice, held public hearings on July 24, September 1 I and October 9, 2007 on the proposed budget estimates for 2008 including revenue sources which will fund the provision of City services, projects and activities. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as' follows: Section 1. 2008 Lew Rate. There shall be and is hereby levied and imposed upon real property, personal property and utility property, as defined in RCW Chapter 84.02 and 84.55.005 in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington a regular property tax for the year commencing January .1, 2008 in the total amount of $10,350,000. It is recognized the City of Spokane Valley can levy 53.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value less the highest fire district levy within the City of Spokane Valley and less the library district levy. The regular property tax levied through this ordinance is for the purpose of receiving revenue to make payment upon the general indebtedness of the City of Spokane Valley, the general fund obligations and for the payment of services, projects and activities for the City during the 2008 calendar year. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish the levy amount as permitted by law. The City expects the dollar amount of the property tax levy to be $10,350,000 which is $830,000 greater (8.7%) than the 2006 levy which was collected in 2007. Section 2. Notice to Spokane County. Pursuant to RCW 84.52.020, the City Clerk shall certify to the County Legislative Authority a true and correct copy of this ordinance, as well as the budget estimates adopted by the City Council in order to provide for and direct the taxes levied herein that shall be collected and paid to the City of Spokane Valley at the time and in the manner provided by the laves of the State of Washington. Ordinance 07-019 Levying Propeaty'rax Pap I or2 DRAFT Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionally of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 4.. Effective .Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of October, 2007. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordina= 07-019 lx vying Property Tax Page 2 of 2 \1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ admin. report ® pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed ordinance 07-020 confirming a 1% increase in the 2007 property tax levy for collection during the 2008 calendar year. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The 2008 proposed revenues were presented to the City Council at a public hearing on July 24. The public was invited to offer comment at that hearing. Additional public hearings were held on September 11, and October 9, to consider the entire 2008 proposed budget including property tax revenues. BACKGROUND: State budget law requires we make our revenue projections known and conduct a public hearing to consider input from the public. At the public hearing on July 24, special mention was made of property taxes. The City is required to pass an ordinance expressing our desire to levy the 1 % annual increase in the property tax levy. The proposed ordinance is attached. This 1% property tax increase ($99,530) was included in the property tax ordinance which passed its first reading on October 9. OPTIONS: State law requires an ordinance be passed confirming our desire to levy the annual 1 % allowable increase in property tax. A second option would be for the council to decide not to pass the ordinance and forgo adding this amount to our tax levy. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to pass ordinance 07-020 confirming the 1 % increase in property tax for collection in 2008. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: This ordinance increases the city tax levy by $99,530: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director ~1 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, CONFIRMING THE CITY PROPERTY TAX LEVY AT 1% ($99,530) IN EXCESS OF THE 2006 AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX LEVY WHICH WAS COLLECTED IN THE CITY 2007 FISCAL YEAR, PURSUANT TO RCW 84.55.120, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, State law authorizes the City of Spokane Valley to levy regular property taxes upon the taxable property within the City limits in order to provide revenue for the annual Current Expense Budget of the City; WHEREAS, Initiative 747 (RCW Chapter 84.55) provided that cities with a population of over 10,000 persons can increase the amount of their regular property taxes annually by the lesser amount of inflation or 1% of the highest lawful levy, plus any additional value resulting from new construction, improvements and state assessed property; WHEREAS, an increase in property tax revenue may be authorized by the City through adoption of a separate ordinance, pursuant to notice, specifically authorizing the increase stated in terms of dollars and percentage. NOW TREREFOIZE;, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as ~J follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to utilize excess levy capacity of the City that resulted from the tax levy in 2006 for the 2007 fiscal year. State law authorizes the City to increase its property taxes by an amount of 1% above the highest lawful allowable- levy in a preceding year (excepting new construction, improvements and assessment of State owned property). The taxes received from the increased levy of $99,530 set forth herein, which are included in the regular property tax levy of $10,350,000 levied through Ordinance 07-019 are appropriated in the 2008 City Budget, adopted through Ordinance 07-018. Section 2. 1 indints. A. The City, following public hearings, adopted a balanced Current Expense Budget that sets forth citizen priorities and promotes the health, welfare and safety of the City. B. The City published notice of this Ordinance through the procedure used to notify the public of regular Council meetings. C. To support the adopted Current Expense Budget of the City and provide for the delivery of services, the making of improvements and the promotion of the health, welfare and safety of the citizens, the City Council, after considering the financial requirements of the City for 2008, finds and determines that there is substantial need to, include the 1% increase ($99,530) allowed by State law, within the ad valorem property tax levy of $10,350,000 which was adopted by the City Council on October 23, 2007 through Ordinance 07-019. Ordinance 07-020 Additional Wraax Page t oft DRAFT Section 3. 1% Increase.. Pursuant to RCW 84.55, the City, by adopting Ordinance 07- 020, imposed an increase in the regular property tax levy (in addition to the increase resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements and the increased value of State assessed property), in the amount of $99,530 which is a percentage increase of I% from the 2006 Ad Valorem Property Tax Levy, which was collected in the City 2007 Fiscal Year. Section 4. City Clerk. The City Clerk shall certify a copy of this Ordinance and forward the same to the Board of County Commissioners and the Spokane County Assessors Office upon its passage. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in frill force and effect five (5) days after publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of October, 2007. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 07-020 Additional I% Tae Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ® old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ® pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second reading on proposed ordinance 07-021, vacation request STV-03-07 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 07-013 on July 24, 2007, setting the date for a public hearing. The Planning Commission voted 6-1 to approve the attached findings and recommend conditional approval of the vacation. tip It BACKGROUND: The City received an application requesting the vacation of approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue and approximately 265 feet of Sipple Street from adjacent property owners. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on July 24, 2007 via Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. On August 23, 2007, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony concerning the requested vacation. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the City's Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department and heard presentations from the applicant, planning staff, and Senior Traffic Engineer. At the first reading on October 9, 2007, City Council requested staff to identify when the applicant's application was determined complete. The applicant's application was determined complete on July 3, 2007. City Council _ )passed a resolution adopting policies for imposing vacation charges pursuant to RCW 36.79.030 on July 10, 1 of 2 2007 (see Resolution No. 07-009). Because the applicants application was determined complete prior to the adoption of Resolution No. 07-009, the applicant shall be subject to RCW 36.87.120, which may require that compensation for the vacation of county roads within particular classes shall equal all or a percentage of the appraised value of the vacated road as of the effective date of the vacation. Staff has scheduled a meeting to talk with the applicants and their representative on October 16, 2007; staff will be prepared to share the discussions of this meeting. OPTIONS: 1. Approve with modifications; 2. Deny the proposed street vacation; or 3. Provide staff with further direction. RECOMMENDATION: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the requested vacation of Sipple Street and the vacation of First Avenue be granted subject to the conditions contained in the Planning Commission findings and recommendations, which findings and conditions are included in Ordinance 07-021. RECOMMENDATION- ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Ordinance 07-021 with stated Findings of Fact and Conditions of Vacation. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations Staff Report Resolution No. 07-009 Draft Ordinance i 2of2 1 M OF S poe VW ey ,;0W 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and City Councilors From: Gail Kogel, Chair - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: September 27, 2007 Re: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation: STV-03-07 BACKGROUND The*City received an application requesting the vacation of approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue and approximately 265 feet of Sipple Street from adjacent property owners. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on July 24, 2007 via Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the-City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. On August 23, 2007, the Planning L Commission held a public hearing to receive testimony concerning the requested vacation. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the City's Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department and heard presentations from the applicant, planning staff, and Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the First Avenue and Sipple Street as proposed by the Applicant based on the following Findings and subject to the Conditions contained herein: t. FINDINGS 1. The City Council set the August 23, 2007 public hearing date at their July 24, 2007 meeting through adoption of Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. 2. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 23, 2007 to receive testimony concerning the vacation of approximately 750 feet in length of First Avenue and 265 feet of Sipple Street. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The Planning Commission determined the streettalley would permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 1 of 3 4. The Planning Commission determined. that allowing the street vacation would better serve the publi considering the vacation would allow Appleway Chevrolet/Toyota AutoNation to redevelop their sit,-- creating a financial benefit. 5. The Planning Commission determined that the street was no longer required for public use or access based on testimony from the applicant's representative stating that it is used by the public but not required. 6. The Planning Commission stated that the narrowness of the street, the safety to the public, economic development, and pedestrian safety were all considerations used in determining the street vacations. 7. The Planning Commission concluded that the public was already using Vista Street and Sargent Street and believed the extension of Sipple Street would not be more useful to the public. 8. The Planning Commission determined that conditions would not change in the future to provide a greater use or need for the subject rights of way. 9. The Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in favor of the street vacations. 10. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to agencies. RECOMMENDATION The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that the requested vacation of Sipple Street and the vacation of First Avenue be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey a.. Sewer: There is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. b. Water: East Spokane Water District No. 1 has a 10" main line that runs down Sipple Street and First Avenue. There is an 8" line running half way down the strip. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Qwest Communications has several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Street with services crossing the right-of-way. There are no fiber optics lines within the right-of- way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. e. Cable Television: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. 2. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: The City of Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation: a. A 20-foot clear fire lane must be established in the street's place. b. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. c. The fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked either by patrons or for sale in fire lane. d. This fire lane must be clearly marked with "No Parking-Fire Lane° signs posted on both sides. 2 of 3 e. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane. 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a Mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 4. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards for Street and Sewer Construction. 5. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. 6. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 7. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 8. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 9. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this 27th day of September, 2007 Gail Kogle, Chair 3 of 3 doe- STAFF REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF FIRST AVENUE AND j j V-Alley SIPPLE STREET Prepared by: Michael L. Basinger, AICP, Associate Planner, Department of Community Development Date: August 10, 2007 Findings: 1. Abutting Property No. 1: The following parcels numbers abut the north side of the proposed vacation of First Avenue: 45191.0407, 45191.0408, 45191.9113, 45191.9114 and 45191.9112. The south side of First Avenue abuts parcel numbers: 45191.0502, 45191.0503, and 45191.0601. These parcels are all owned by AutoNation, Inc. the parent company of Appleway Toyota, and Appleway Chevrolet. No objection from abutting property owners was received. 2. Abutting Property No. 2: The following parcel numbers abut the east side of the proposed vacation of Sipple Street: 45191.9023 and 45191.9112. The west side of First Avenue abuts parcel number 45191.9175. Parcels abutting the east side of Sipple Street are owned by AutoNation, Inc. the parent company of Appleway Toyota, and Appleway Chevrolet. The parcel abutting the west side of Sipple Street is owned by CoJohn Co., LLC (Gus Johnson Ford). No objections from abutting property owners were received. 3. Utilities: The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. a. Sewer: There is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. b. Water: East Spokane Water District No. 1 has a 10" main line that runs down Sipple Street and First Avenue. There is an 8" line running half way down the strip. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Qwest Communications has several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Street with services crossing the right-of-way. There are no fiber optics lines within the right-of- way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement, e. Cable Television: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. All of the utility providers have been contacted by the applicant and their correspondence Is attached. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey. 4. Stormwater Drainage facilities: The applicant stated in the application that there were no stormwater drainage facilities within the subject right-of-way. Based on City of Spokane Valley's Stormwater inventory, segments of Sipple Street and First Avenue contain four catch basins and six drywells. 5. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: The City of Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation: a. A 20-foot clear fire lane must be established in the street's place. b. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. c. The fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked either by patrons or for sale in fire lane. d. This fire lane must be clearly marked with "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs posted on both sides. 1 of 2 e. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane. 6. Access: Both Sipple Street and First Avenue are currently being utilized for traffic circulation; most of the traffic volume is related to adjacent businesses. On-street parking is utilized on both Sipple Street and First Avenue. 7. Zoning - Zoning surrounding the proposed vacation Regional Commercial (B-3). 8. Transportation - City of Spokane Valley, Division of Public Works need assessment recommends that the vacation of Sipple Street be denied, and the vacation of First be allowed only if an agreement can be made to extend Sipple Street through to Appleway Blvd. 9. Land Use - City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2- Land Use 2.9.1 Street Connectivity states that Street design can have a significant impact on community development. It also states all new developments should give special consideration to emergency access routes. Policy LUP-7.1 calls for improved traffic circulation around and through the City Center by extending the street network and creating smaller blocks. Policy LUP-16.1 encourages new developments, including multifamily projects, to be arranged in a pattern of connecting streets and blocks to allow people to get around easily by foot, bicycle, bus, or car. 10. Condition - The proposed areas to be vacated are paved with no sidewalks and currently used for traffic circulation. 11. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way - Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: 1. The Public Works Department has stated that the vacation as proposed will not better serve the public. 2. Both streets are utilized for traffic circulation and on-street parking. 3. The implementation of the Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan could place greater reliance on local streets for access and circulation. 4. The Public Works Department has proposed that the vacation of Sipple Street be denied, and the vacation of First Avenue allowed only if an agreement can be made to extend Sipple Street through to Appleway Blvd. The extension of Sipple Street would improve circulation and access to businesses on the north side of Sprague. 5. The City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan encourages connecting streets and blocks. 2of2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-009 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICIES FOR UY11POSING VACATION CHARGES PURSUANT TO RCW 36.79.030 WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has the authority to vacate roadways and right of nays pursuant to RCW 36.79.030; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has the authority to charge for said vacations in an amount that does not exceed 50 % of the full appraised value or for the full appraised value of the area vacated where the street or alley had been part of a dedicated right of way for over twenty five years or if the property was acquired at public expense; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley wishes to establish a policy by which they determine the amount to be charged the benefited property owners of any such vacation. -NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ADOPTS THE FOLLOWING POLICY: SECTION 1. Policy. 1. The cost for property received as a result of a vacation initiated by an adjacent property owner shall equal fifty per cent (50%) of the appraised value of the vacated property received. a. The appraised value shall be the same as the value of an equivalent portion of property adjacent to the proposed vacation as established by the Spokane County Assessor at the time the matter is considered by the City Council. b. If the value of adjacent properties differs, then the average of the adjacent property values per square foot will be used. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (l), the applicant shall pay the above- described fee only to the extent that it exceeds the cost charged by the City of Spokane Valley to initiate the vacation process, exclusive of any surveying or engineering costs that may be incurred by the applicant. 3. This charge shall be paid subsequent to council action and prior to recording the vacation with the Spokane County Auditor. 4. The City Council shall reserve the right to deviate from this policy upon the adoption of written findings of fact that demonstrate that the public interest shall be best served by an alternate approach. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in full force and effective immediately upon adoption. Resolution 07-009 Street Vacation Charges Pagc I of 2 Adopted this 10'h day of July, 2007. Diana Wilhite, Mayor ATTEST: hristine Bainbridge, Ci y Clerk Approved a4p Form: 7 Office the City ttomey l~ Resolution 07-009 Street Vacation Charges Page 2 of 2 DRA FT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF APPROXIMATELY 750 LINEAR FEET OF FIRST AVENUE FROM ABUTTING PARCEL NUAIBi?,RS 45191.0407, 45191.04013, 45191.9113, 45191.9114, 45191.9112, 45191.0502, 45191.0503, 45191.0601 AINb 45191.9175; AND APPROXiN ATELY 265 FEET OF SIPPLE STREET FROM ABUTTING PARCEL NUMBERS 45191.9023 AND 45191.9112; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MAT'T'ERS PROPERLY RELATING TAERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution 07-013 initiated vacation proceedings for a portion of First Avenue and Sipple Street located south of Sprague Avenue and north of Appleway Boulevard (STV-03-07) by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be held before the Planning Commission on the 23rd day of August, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 23, 2007; and WHEREAS, following a hearing, the Planning Commission found that the notice and hearing requirements of Title 10 Article IX Section of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code have been met; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and/or minutes have been fled with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacation; and WHEREAS, none of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated tiled a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk; and 'WHEREAS, through adopted City Code provisions, the City shall provide that the vacated property be transferred to the abutting property owners, one-half to each, unless circumstances require a. different division of property; that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development; and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to vacate the above streeLs pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Sections 10.05.220 -.380. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. FindinM of Fact. The City Council makes the following findings of fact. 1. The City Council set the August 23, 2007 public hearing date at their July 24, 2007 meeting through adoption of Resolution No. 07-013. Notice of the hearing was published on July 27, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on July 27, 2007. 2. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 23, 2007 to receive testimony concerning the vacation of approximately 750 feet in length of first Avenue and 265 feet of Sipple Street. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing until September 13, 2007 to receive additional information from the Senior Traffic Engineer. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community ` Development Department in detail. Ordinancc 07-021 Street Vacation STV-03-07 Page i of 4 DRAr r 3. The Planning Commission determined the street/alley would permit full development of the \ j property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. The Planning Commission determined that allowing the street vacation would better serve the public considering the vacation would allow Appleway Chevrolet/Toyota AutoNation to redevelop their site creating; a financial benefit. 5. The Planning Commission deternined that the street was no longer required for public use or access based on testimony from the applicant's representative stating that it is used by the public but not required. 6. The Planning Commission stated that the narrowness of the street, the safety to the public, economic development, and pedestrian safety were all considerations used in determining the street vacations. 7. The Planning Commission concluded that the public was already using Vista Street and Sargent Street and believed the extension of Sipple Street would not be more useful to the public. 8. The Planning Commission determined that conditions would not change in the future to provide a greater use or need for the subject rights of way. 9. The Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in favor of the street vacations. 10. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to agencies. Section 2. Proyertyto be Vacated. Based upon the above findings and in accordance with f~ this Ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate the street or alley which is incorporated herein by reference, and defined as follows: That portion of Sipple Street acrd First Avenue betiveen Sprague Avenue and Applelvay Boulevard west of Sargent Street lying in the 1V %z of the NW % of the NF Y44 of the N % of Section 19, Township 25, Range 44 of Spokane County, Washington.. Section 3. Division of Property to be Vacated. Pursuant to RCW 35.70.040 and SVMC, factual circumstances dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated than one-half each to abutting property owners, thus the property to be vacated shall be divided as recorded in the record of survey which shall be created and recorded with the County as required under SVMC Section 4. Zoning. The Zoning designation for the vacated property shall be the designation attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot lines. The Director of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on the official Zoning Map of the City. Section 5. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey a. Sewer: There is a public sewer running in the right-of-way of First Avenue. The applicant states these utilities will be retained.within an easement. ' b. Water: Cast Spokane Water District No. 1 has a 10" main line that runs down Sipple Street and First Avenue. There is an £i" line running half way down the strip. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. Ordinance: 07-021 Street Vacation STV-03-07 Page 2 of 4 DRAFT c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Qwest Communications has several telephone lines adjacent to Sipple Street with services crossing the right-of-way. There are no fiber optics lines l within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-of'-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. e. Cable Television: Comeast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities will be retained within an easement. 2. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: The City of Spokane Valley Fire Department has the following requirements for this street vacation: a. A 20-font clear fire lane must be established in the street's place. b. The existing fire hydrants must be accessible from this fire lane. c. The fire lane must remain open after hours. No car may be parked either by patrons or for sale in fire lane. d. This fire lane must be clearly marked with "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs posted on both sides. e. Lane surface must be painted indicating that this is a fire lane. 3. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a Mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. 4. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of- way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokul:e County 51anclards for Street and Sewer Construction. 5. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. 6. All direct and indirect costs of tide transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including; but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. In addition, the applicant shall pay [fifty percent (50%) of the appraised value of the vacated property received]. [Other payment options]. 7. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. Ordinance 07-021 Street Vacation STV-03-07 Page 3 of 4 DRAFT 8. A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 9. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Section 6. Closin . Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and the City Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Deed, in order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein. Section 7. Severability_. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court • of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the. official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of October, 2007. ATTEST: Mayor, Diana Wilhite City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 07-021 Street Vacation STV-03-07 Page 4 of 4 ~ ~ Spo`~l~ane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VIA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 cityhall®spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager; City Council From: Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Cc: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director Date: October 23, 2007 Re: Request for information regarding STV-03-07 BACKGROUND On October 16, 2007, City staff met with the applicant's representative to explore the option of extending Sipple Avenue to Appleway Boulevard (see attached meeting summary). The meeting nitiated several questions relating to state law of street vacations, Comprehensive Plan policies and J~oals, assessed value of right-of-way, Resolution 07-009 (street vacation policy), and 22.140 Street Vacations in Title 22 of the UDC. The following attachments have been compiled to assist the City Council in their decision on STV-03- 07. Attachments: Assessed Value Analysis Resolution No. 07-009 (policies for imposing vacation charges) Summary of meeting 10-16-07 Comprehensive Plan Auto ROW overlay UDC 22.140 Street Vacations UDC Title 20 3a (Block Dimensions) Spokane County Ordinance No. 05-012 RCW 35.79.010 (State Law for Street Vacations) Comprehensive Plan 3.10 Goals and Policies 1 of 1 Assessed Value Analysis AREA PARCEL _ PU ASSESSED VALUE SQ. FT VALUE OWNER NAME 1 77383.17 45184.9186 55 $1,351,690.00 517.47 LLC THIRD LETTER L 25434.67 45184.9098 55 $212,100.00 $8.34 D L RUNOLFSON 7890.15 45184.9097 58 $116,880.00 $14.81 MICHAEL AND KAREN M SCHMITZ 32324.11 45184.9187 51 $450,170.00 $13.93 LLOYD J AND LOIS R SAUBERAN 33408.04 45184.9092 61 $764,700.00 $22.89 SEATTLE 1ST NATL 23108.79 45184.9091 51 $410,810.00 $17.78 AUBLE ENTERPRISES LLC 55491.37 45184.9185 55 $1,609,470.00 $29.00 RAYMOND T AND ANNETTE D KISH 59641.12 45185.9160 55 $1,300,560.00 $21.81 RAYMOND T AND ANNETTE D KISH 17853.50 45183.9136 58 $193,400.00 $10.83 POLAR ENTERPRISES LLC 16191.77 45183.9137 53 $161,860.00 $10.00 POLAR ENTERPRISES LLC 37332.17 45183.9080 61 $360,860.00 59.67 BILL BERRY INV 14630.95 45183.9079 53 $148,780.00 $10.17 GOD'S PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT 61068.88 45183.9177 73 $763,950.00 $12.51 VALLEY BOWL INC 49423.24 45183.9180 51 $600,700.00 $12.15 WM C BONGERS 260.90 45183.9071 98 $1,100.00 $4.22 GLEN F FANLER 90501.40 45183.9155 61 $718,390.00 $7.94 LLC 7807 EAST SPRAGUE AVENUE 33059.17 45183.9158 53 $292,130.00 $8.84 MARLENE WALTERMIRE 28322.67 45183.9161 51 $300,320.00 $10.60 FISHFADER AND FISHFADER ONE LLC 26504.97 45183.9126 55 $416,830.00 $15.73 STEWARTS AUTO TR 55969.43 45183.9160 55 S763,660.00 $13.64 FISHFADER AND FISHFADER ONE LLC 48128.46 45191.0105 58 $457,580.00 $9.51 LLC THIRD LETTER L 28692.29 45191.0104 98 S143,400.00 $5.00 NATALIE L AND KYNNY G CARLSON 26089.43 45191.9186 55 $309,800.00 $11.87 LLC THIRD LETTER L 94429.33 45191.1418 61 $1,709,100.00 $18.10 AMERICANWEST BANK 18854.93 45191.0204 55 S101,700.00 $5.39 WARDLE FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 16221.58 45191.0205 55 $152,400.00 $9.39 LLC %JAMES MCDEVITT THIRD LETTER L 19313.66 45191.9128 53 S354,400.00 $18.35 AMW INV/FORBES 8986.56 45191.9185 58 $112,600.00 $12.53 ECHO BEACH CORPORATION 3652.50 45191.9110 53 $85,600.00 $23.44 CHARLES D AND ELAINE A MULLENIX 10023.74 45191.0304 55 $141,200.00 $14.09 LLC M AND M HOLDEN 5412.78 45191.0306 98 $29,400.00 $5.43 NORTHWEST RENOVATORS, INC 23054.12 45191.9013 55 $236,100.00 $10.24 MIKE G AND SHERYL ANN VAN DINTER 44249.93 45191.0407 55 $676,800.00 $15.29 PRING CORP 31452.98 45191.0408 55 $533,000.00 $16.95 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 48529.48 45191.9113 55 $959,400.00 $19.77 APPLEWAY CHEVOLLET, INC. 10881.98 45191.9114 98 $63,100.00 S5.80 APPLEWAY CHEVRLLET, INC. 50.24 45191.9115 98 $300.00 $5.97 BRADLEY T PRING 4156.25 45191.9022 55 $160,500.00 $38.62 BRADLEY/TIMOTHY/KAREN PRING 7890.88 45191.9023 55 $363,400.00 $46.05 BRADLEY/TIMOTHY/KAREN PRING 231933.61 45195.9175 55 $1,923,600.00 $8.29 COJOHNCO LLC 37898.46 45192.0101 53 $197,400.00 $5.21 GPH INVESTMENTS LLP 24527.28 45192.0301 58 $358,400.00 $14.61 DONALD L TOWNSEND TRUST 19954.50 45192.9043 53 $212,600.00 $10.65 DAVID J BIRGE ETAL 12922.02 45192.9093 61 $129,700.00 $10.04 DAVID J AND SHELLY J BAIER LLC/BIRGE 25209.81 45192.9108 58 $127,800.00 $5.07 BARRY AND BERNADETTE CURRY 206288.46 45192.9801 15 $752,700.00 $3.65 BARRY AND BERNADETTE H CURRY 12999.47 45192.9046 55 $137,000.00 $10.54 H V HALSETH 30064.54 45192.9047 55 $248,100.00 $8.25 ELBERTA WALKER 7729.41 45192.9070 61 $97,600.00 $12.63 TOM ROUSSEAU 6790.35 45192.9159 61 $82,500.00 $12.15 SHAWN L DOMKE 70640.85 45192.9158 24 $864,100.04 $12.23 C D S INC 1 of 2 10/18/2007 Assessed Value Analysis 44998.18 45192.9171 55 $352,300.00 $7.83 ASSOCIATED RESTAURANTS, INC. 0231.66 45192.9189 98 $321,800.00 $1.59 ASSOC RESTRNTS F121JE 1 45192.9190 98 $625,100.00 $5.61 LLC HOLLENBACK LEGACY 14.3 9817.31 45191.9112 51 $192 000.00 $19.56 APPLEWAY CHEVRLLET, INC. 313511.97 45192.9180 55 $2,891,400.00 $9.22 HOLLANREN, INC. 6157.83 45192.9118 98 $4,600.00 $0.75 ELBERTA WALKER 12000.00 45192.9045 12 $59,200.00 $4.93 H V HALSETH 12889.12 45192.9160 11 $107,100.00 $8.31 ELBERTA WALKER 41015.29 45191.0818 55 $290,400.00 $7.08 D E AND K K GOBEN 23608.49 45191.0816 98, $81,900.00 $3.47 AMW INV/FORBES 14534.33 45191.0705 55 $72,900.00 S5.02 WARDLE FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 30891.97 45191.0706 98 $108,800.00 $3.52 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC 26591.91 45191.1417 98 S99,560.00 S3.74 AMERICAN WEST BANK 73177.22 45191.0601 98 $281,800.00 53.85 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 29073.56 45191.0703 55 $354,000.00 $12.18 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 132636.18 45192.9901 15 $568,500.00 $4.29 BARRY AND BERNADETTE CURRY 18147.26 45192.0102 98 $64,700.00 $3.57 GPH INVESTMENTS LLP 17724.90 45191.0503 98 $76,300.00 $4.30 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 56356.68 45191.0502 98 $233,600.00 $4.15 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 8999.63 45192.0201 51 $77,400.00 $8.60 CHARLES WAND JANICE SOUTHERN 17449.29 45192.0103 55 $120,200.00 $6.89 MC COLLUM FORD 8999.63 45192.0202 51 $31,300.00 $3.48 CHARLES WAND JANICE SOUTHERN 12791.56 45192.9132 98 $4,100.00 $0.32 BARRY AND BERNADETTE H CURRY 83848.11 45192.9139 58 S161,500.00 $1.93 ASSOC RESTURANT 30710.75 45192.0106 98 $107,050.00 $3.49 GPH INVESTMENTS LLP j 1043.72 45191.1101 98 $3,100.00 $2.97 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. r 2614.29 45191.1102 98 $8,900.00 $3.40 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 9343.46 45191.1103 55 $86,700.00 $9.28 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 16999.31 45192.0205 51 $152,000.00 $8.94 EMB SPORTSWEAR 6556.73 45191.1104 98 $19,700.00 $3.00 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 37507.96 45191.1105 55 $215,600.00 S5.75 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 33236.39 45191.1115 98 $49,120.00 $1.48 MICHAEL WAND PATRICIA DALTON Avers a Price Per Square Feet 510.24 _ ROW AREA A.V. Sipple Street 13404.29 $137,259.45 First Avenue 39238.18 $401,797.70 Total $539,057.15 0 2 of 2 10/18/2007 Assessed Value Analysis _ Ct A-3 Laa B Brolk wa r ua ~ti~ a'-~ r v FE4T ,t R-s / -F 111 w ~ MT] a' R:s G Q q.3 - 1. Wes, -%'a0c~~ ~ R Citti School { 1 i r CIE 1 `gym l~,It - t 1 R, 8th a w R-2 Q~ STV-03-07 Request to vacate approtimately 750 feet in length of City of Spokane Valley First Avenue and 265 feet of Sipple Avenue Community Development Department Assessed Value Analysis AREA ,':PARCEL PU ASSESSED VALUE SQ. FT VALUE OWNER NAME 77383.17 45184.9186 55 $423,790.00 $5.48 LLC THIRD LETTER L 25434.67 45184.9098 55 $155,200.00 $6.10 D L RUNOLFSON 7890.15 45184.9097 58 $47,380.00 $6.00 MICHAEL AND KAREN M SCHMITZ 32324,11 45184.9187 51 $195,070.00 $6.03 LLOYD J AND LOIS R SAUSERAN 33408.04 45184.9092 61 $201,600.00 $6.03 SEATTLE 1 ST NATL 23108.79 45184.9091 51 $127,210.00 $5.50 AUBLE ENTERPRISES LLC 55491.37 45184.9185 55 $332,370.00 $5.99 RAYMOND T AND ANNETTE D KISH 59641.12 45185.9160 55 $349,160.00 $5.85 RAYMOND T AND ANNETTE D KISH 17853.50 45183.9136 58 $106,000.00 $5.94 POLAR ENTERPRISES LLC 16191.77 45183.9137 53 $96,660.00 $5.97 POLAR ENTERPRISES LLC 37332.17 45183.9080 61 S210,760.00 $5.65 BILL BERRY INV 14630.95 45183.9079 53 $86,880.00 $5.94 GOD'S PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT 61068.88 45183.9177 73 $332,750.00 $5.45 VALLEY BOWL INC 49423.24 45183.9180 51 $260,500.00 55.27 WM C BONGERS 260.90 45183.9071 98 $1,100.00 $4.22 GLEN F FANLER 90501.40 45183.9155 61 $495,390.00 $5.47 LLC 7807 EAST SPRAGUE AVENUE 33059.17 45183.9158 53 $182,830.00 $5.53 MARLENE WALTERMIRE 28322.67 45183.9161 51 5154,120.00 $5.44 FISHFADER AND FISHFADER ONE LLC 26504.97 45183.9126 55 $150,930.00 $5.69 STEWARTS AUTO TR 55969.43 45183.9160 55 $309,660.00 $5.53 FISHFADER AND FISHFADER ONE LLC 48128.46 45191.0105 58 $237,680.00 $4.94 LLC THIRD LETTER L 28692.29 45191.0104 98 $143,400.00 $5.00 NATALIE L AND KYNNY G CARLSON 26089.43 45191.9186 55 $131,600.00 $5.04 LLC THIRD LETTER L 94429.33 45191.1418 61 $423,500.00 $4,48 AMERICANWEST BANK 18854.93 45191.0204 55 $91,600.00 $4.86 WARDLE FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 16221,58 45191.0205 55 $86,100.00 $5.31 LLC %JAMES MCDEVITT THIRD LETTER L 19313.66 45191.9128 53 $112,300.00 $5.81 AMW INV/FORBES 8986.56 45191.9185 58, $51,100.00 $5.69 ECHO BEACH CORPORATION 3652.50 45191.9110 53 $21,900.00 $6.00 CHARLES D AND ELAINE A MULLENIX 10023.74 45191.0304 55 $54,380.00 $5.43 LLC M AND M HOLDEN 5412.78 45191.0306 98 $29,400.00 $5.43 NORTHWEST RENOVATORS, INC 23054.12 45191.9013 55 $135,100.00 $5.86 MIKE G AND SHERYL ANN VAN DINTER 44249.93 45191.0407 55 $308,900.00 $6.98 PRING CORP 31452.98 45191.0408 55 $181,400.00 $5.77 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 48529.48 45191.9113 55 $255,600.00 $5.27 APPLEWAY CHEVOLLET, INC. 10881.98 45191.9114 98 $57,100.00 $5.25 APPLEWAY CHEVRLLET, INC. 50.24 45191.9115 98 5300.00 $5.97 BRADLEY T PRING 4156.25 45191.9022 55 $24,800.00 $5.97 BRADLEY/TIMOTHY/KAREN PRING 7890.88 45191.9023 55 $47,000.00 $5.96 BRADLEY/TIMOTHY/KAREN PRING 231933.61 45195.9175 55 $785,900.00 $3.39 COJOHNCO LLC 37898.46 45192.0101 53 $195,800.00 $5.17 GPH INVESTMENTS LLP 24527.28 45192.0301 58 $133,800.00 $5.46 DONALD L TOWNSEND TRUST 19954.50 45192.9043 53 $108,800.00 S5.45 DAVID J BIRGE ETAL 12922.02 45192.9093 61 $70,700.00 $5.47 DAVID J AND SHELLY J BAIER LLC/BIRGE 25209.81 45192.9108 58 $123,800.00 $4.91 BARRY AND BERNADETTE CURRY 206288.46 45192.9801 15 $497,300.00 $2.41 BARRY AND BERNADETTE H CURRY 12999.47 45192.9046 55 $78,000.00 $6.00 H V HALSETH 30064.54 45192.9047 55 $153,000.00 $5.09 ELBERTA WALKER 7729.41 45192.9070 61 $45,000.00 $5.82 TOM ROUSSEAU 6790.35 •45192.9159 61 $40,770.00 $6.00 SHAWN L DOMKE 70640.85 45192.9158 24 $323,000.00 $4.571C D S INC 1 of 2 10/19/2007 Assessed Value Analysis 44998.18 45192.9171 55 $253,100.00 $5.62 ASSOCIATED RESTAURANTS, INC, 202312.66 45192.9189 98 $321,800.00 $1.59 ASSOC RESTRNTS 111416.31 45192.9190 98 $452,200.00 $4.06 LLC HOLLENBACK LEGACY 9817.31 45191.9112 51 $42,600.00 $4.34 APPLEWAY CHEVRLLET, INC. 313511.97 45192.9180 55 $1,359,200.00 $4.34 HOLLANREN INC. 6157.83 45192.9118 98 $4,600.00 $0.75 ELBERTA WALKER 12000.00 45192.9045 12 $45,000.00 $3.75 H V HALSETH 12889.12 45192.9160 11 $47,500.00 $3.69 ELBERTA WALKER 41015.29 45191.0818 55 $133,300.00 $3.25 D E AND K K GOBEN 23608.49 45191.0816 98 $76,900.00 $3.26 AMW INV/FORBES 14534.33 45191.0705 55 $47,300.00 $3,25 WARDLE FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 30891.97 45191.0706 98 $100,600.00 $3.26 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC 26591.91 45191.1417 98 $99,560.00 $3.74 AMERICAN WEST BANK 73177.22 45191.0601 98 $239,700.00 $3.28 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 29073.56 45191.0703 55 $94,600.00 $3.25 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 132636.18 45192.9901 15 $410,900.00 $3.10 BARRY AND BERNADETTE CURRY 18147.26 45192.0102 98 $64,700.00 $3.57 GPH INVESTMENTS LLP 17724.90 45191.0503 98 $57,300.00 $3.23 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 56356.68 45191.0502 98 $193,600.00 $3.44 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 8999.63 45192.0201 51 $29,000.00 $3.22 CHARLES W AND JANICE SOUTHERN 17449.29 45192.0103 55 $56,400.00 $3.23 MC COLLUM FORD 8999.63 45192.0202 51 $29,000.00 S3.22 CHARLES WAND JANICE SOUTHERN 12791.56 45192.9132 98 $4,100.00 S0.32 BARRY AND BERNADETTE H CURRY 83848.11 45192.9139 58 $155,700.00 $1.86 ASSOC RESTURANT 30710.75 45192.0106 98 $107,050.00 $3.49 GPH INVESTMENTS LLP 1043.72 45191.1101 98 $3,100.00 $2.97 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 2614.29 45191.1102 98 $7,800.00 $2.98 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 9343.46 45191.1103 55 $28,000.00 $3.00 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 16999.31 45192.0205 51 $63,800,00 $3.75 EMB SPORTSWEAR 6556.73 45191.1104 98 $19,700.00 $3.00 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 37507.96 45191.1105 55 $112,500.00 $3.00 APPLEWAY CHEVROLET, INC. 33236.39 45191.1115 98 $49,120.00 $1.48 MICHAEL WAND PATRICIA DALTON Avera a Price Per Square Feet $4.56 ROW AREA A.V. Sipple Street 13404.29 $61,066.02 First Avenue 39238.18 5178,757.72 Total $239,823.75 2 of 2 10/19/2007 -J Summary of Meeting 10/16/07 Vacation of 1st and Sipple Attending: Rick Dullanty, Attorney; Nleil Kersten, :PW Director; Mike Connelly, City Attorney; Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Mike Basinger, Associate Planer; Kathy McClung, CD Director The purpose of this meeting was to meet with the property owners involved with the street vacation request for 1st and Sipple streets. The staff was directed by the City Council to explore the option of extending Sipple to Appleway with the owners and explore the impact of that extension on future development plans by the property owner. Staff explained that the City wants to work with the property owner but is also cognizant of the requirements for connectivity in the new UDC, the Comp Plan and the proposed plans for the Sprague/Appleway. The new UDC specifies 800 feet as the minimum distance between such connections. Rick expressed his disappointment that the staff report did not discuss the Comp Plan policies that support big lots for auto dealerships and goals of economic development.. He stated that the ear dealerships are not interested in extending Sipple to Appleway or not vacating the existing portion of Sipple. City staff explained that the staffs recommendation does not include the requirement that Sipple be improved by the applicants, just that it be dedicated for future improvement. No improvements are being recommended as a condition of this vacation request. Improvements resulting from future development of the site would have to be determined when specific development plans were submitted. Neil explained that the City is willing to work with the property owners and what the City is envisioning is a slow moving connection between Sprague & Appleway. Rick said that this was the first he understood the City would only want the dedication, not the improvements. He said that his clients still would not be interested in extending Sipple or not vacating the existing Sipple. The City Attorney explained the state law in effect at the time the street vacation was applied for allows the City Council to charge up to 1.00% of the value of the land for the street vacation. Since then, the policy passed by the Council directs Council to collect up to 50% of the value unless a different value is seen as a benefit to the public. Staff clarified that the value identified in the policy would be based on the assessed square footage value as identified by the Assessor's office. Those values will be obtained from the County. If the dealership would consider providing the land for the extension of Sipple, staff would recommend that nothing be charged for the vacation of 1 st. Rick did not agree that the City could collect the fee if an ordinance was not in place at the time of application. He did say he was provided with a copy of the policy passed in August. He said that his clients would likely be willing to pay something for the value of the vacation. He shared conceptual drawings of an expansion of the Toyota dealership which were provided to the Planning Commission on the night of their hearing. City staff asked him to pass along to his clients that we encourage them to meet with us about the general issue of connectivity in that area and that the city would also be open to discussing other development requirements that may be imposed at the time of development. (After the meeting, staff noted that the plans submitted do show a building over an existing sewer casement which would have to be relocated at the owners' expense if developed as shown.) City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Neighborhood Commercial The neighborhood commercial classification designates areas for small-scale neighborhoods serving retail and office uses. Neighborhood business areas should not be larger than two acres in size, and should be located as business clusters rather than arterial strip commercial developments. Neighborhood business centers may be designated through the adoption of the comprehensive plan, comprehensive plan amendments or through neighborhood plans. Auto- RoQxerJa The City of Spokane Valley is home to several major new automobile dealerships. While these land uses provide a positive economic impact on the community, they can also have less positive impacts on the aesthetics of the community. Auto dealerships typically have vast areas of pavement to store new and used vehicles for sale. These land uses also have unique requirements for landscaping and signage. Unlike many commercial uses whose stock in trade is contained within a building, it is necessary for auto dealerships to have their vehicles clearly visible from the street. This makes traditional street side landscaping (consisting of low growing shrubs and bushes, and trees) not viable for these uses. An overlay designation is being suggested rather than a zoning district because the negative affects on the non-auto dealer uses in the area will be minimized or eliminated. 2.5.3 City Center The intent of establishing a City Center in Spokane Valley is to create a higher density, mixed-use designation where 1~ l office, retail, government uses, and residential uses are concentrated. The City Center _ will also be located at one of the major hubs of the region's high capacity transit (HCT) " system. r~ The City Center encourages higher intensity land uses. Traditional city centers are places where diverse office, retail, and government uses are concentrated, as well as cultural and civic facilities, - community services and housing. Nationally, many cities are advocating mixed- use development in city center core areas for a number of reasons, including: • Providing new housing, increasing the range of housing choices, and reducing dependency on the automobile by bringing work places and residences into close proximity; • Providing retail and service needs in close proximity to residential and employment centers; Adopted April 25, 2006 17 Chapter 2 - Land Use Uniform Development Code Title 20 iii. No lot shall have an average depth greater than three (3) times its average width. d. Double Frontage Residential Lots: i. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where necessary to separate residential development from arterial roadway or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation; ii. When lots back to arterials, a screening device shall be installed on the lot(s) limiting visibility between the arterial and the adjoining lots in accordance with SVMC 22.70; iii. No building, except buildings designed and constructed -as two-family dwellings or one-family attached dwellings, shall be constructed on or across existing lot lines. Where buildings are designed and constructed on or across lot lines, the building shall be located so that the common wall separating the individual living units are located on and along the common lot lines of the adjoining lots. 3. Block dimensions should reflect due regard to the needs of convenient access, public safety, connectivity, emergency vehicle access, topography, road maintenance, and the provision of suitable sites for the land use planned. a. 131~k tEQn,-nth.~Block shah not exeee,might,hundred.(8Q0),feetsexeept, ).sfeetsexceptla.,, provided in he l -regulations for estate lots, unless unique characteristics associated with the land such as creeks, woods, or parks justifies a longer length. b. Block Labeling. Blocks shall be identified in sequential alphabetical order. c. Street alignments shall be designed and constructed with appropriate consideration for existing and planned roads, anticipated traffic patterns, topographic and drainage conditions, public safety, and the proposed use of the land so divided. 4. When a tract is subdivided into lots of one (1) acre or more in size, the Community Development Director (hereafter referred to as the "Director") may require an arrangement of the tracts and roads, such as to permit a subsequent redivision in conformity with roads or plans adopted by the City. 5. Lots should not be divided by the boundary of any city, county, zoning designation, or public right-of-way. -6. Every lot shall have direct access to a paved public street, private street, or private driveway easement. 7. Prior to filing the' final short subdivision, subdivision or binding site plan application, the applicant shall improve or make appropriate provisions for the construction of the public or private streets or private driveways that provide access to lots being created through the short subdivision, subdivision, or binding site plan consistent with appropriate City-adopted standards. 8. Wastewater design shall be in compliance with all applicable City and other agencies' regulations. 9. Adequate public domestic water supply andfor fire protection shall be provided in compliance with all applicable City and other agencies' regulations. 10. All road designs shall be in conformance with SVMC 22.130 and adopted street standards. 11. Provisions for stormwater runoff shall be in compliance with City guidelines for stormwater management as set forth in SVMC 22.150. 12. Easements for electric, water, sewer, gas, and similar utilities shall be illustrated on the final short plat, plat, or binding site plan. The utility purveyors shall indicate to the Community Effective October 28, 2007 Page 4 of 14 Uniform Development Code Title 22 22.140 Street Vacations 22.140.010 Purpose This chapter establishes the procedures, notice requirements and fees for the vacation of public streets and alleys within the City in conformance with the authority granted to the City by RCW 35.79 and RCW 35A.47.020. 22.140.020 Initiation of Vacation The owners of an interest in any real property abutting any public street or alley who may desire to vacate the street or alley, or any part thereof, may petition the City Council. In the alternative, the City Council may itself initiate a vacation by resolution. The petition or resolution shall be filed with the City Clerk. 1. Petition for Vacation. The petition shall be in a form prescribed by the Director or his or her designee and shall be signed by the owners of more than two-thirds (213) of the property abutting the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated. 2. Petition fees. Every petition for the vacation of any public street, alley or any part thereof, shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established by resolution of the City to defray the administrative costs incurred in processing the petition and publishing, posting and mailing notices. The set amount shall be stated in the City of Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. Once paid, the fees shall not be refunded. 3. " Submittal Requirements for Petitions. Every petition shall be accompanied by the following: a. A Spokane County Assessor's Map showing with a solid red line the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated; b. A vicinity map showing the general area of the proposed vacation;. c. A copy of the record of survey, if available, for the subject street and alley proposed for vacation and abutting properties and streets and alleys within one hundred (100) feet on all sides of the proposed vacation; d. Written evidence of any and all utility easements, other allowances or reservations, whether public or private, pertaining to the street or alley proposed for vacation; and e. A written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. 4. Setting of Hearing. Upon receipt of the petition, the fee and all required documents, the City Clerk shall forward the petition and required documents to the Director, who shall determine whether the petition has been signed by the owners of more than t\vo- thirds (213) of the property abutting the part of the street or alley to be vacated. If the petition has been signed by the requisite percentage of such owners, the Director shall bring the petition before the City Council within thirty (30) days of receipt of the petition, and the City Council shall by resolution fix the time when the petition will be heard by the City Council, or a committee of the City Council, which time shall not be more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days after the adoption of the resolution. Where the City Council initiates the vacation by resolution, that resolution shall fix the time when the proposed vacation will be heard by the City Council or a committee of the City Council. 5. Staff Report. The Director, in conjunction with the Public Works Department, shall prepare a report conceming the proposed vacation. The Public Work Department L shall evaluate the advisability of the proposed vacation based on the existing and future transportation system needs and requirements. The report shall address the Page 1 of 4 Title 22, Street Vacations Chapter 22.140, effective 10-28-07 Uniform Development Code Title 22 criteria to be considered by the City Council in determining whether to vacate the street or alley, and such other information as deemed appropriate by the Director including, but not limited to, drainage requirements, street closure requirements such as the removal and replacement of concrete, asphalt, and placement of barriers limiting vehicle movements. In preparing the report, the Director shall solicit comments from the Police Department, the Fire Department and may solicit comments from other governmental agencies and utility companies having jurisdiction or utilities within the boundaries of the City. The report shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and to the petitioner and his or her representative, not less than seven (7) calendar days before the hearing. 6. Notice of Hearing. Upon the passage of the resolution fixing the time for hearing the petition or proposal for vacation, the City Clerk, or the Director, acting under direction and supervision of the City Clerk, shall give not less than twenty (20) days' notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing by: a. Posting of a written notice in three (3) conspicuous places in the City; b. Publishing written notice once in the City's official newspaper; c. Posting a minimum twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch notice sign in a conspicuous place at each end of the street or alley sought to be vacated describing the proposed vacation and the date, time and location of the public hearing; and d. Mailing written notice to all petitioners at the addresses on the petition and all owners of property abutting the street or alley proposed to be 'vacated, as shown on the records of the Spokane County Assessor, not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the public hearing. The Director shall send the same written notice to the representative of the petitioners at the address on the petition. 7. Protest. If fifty percent (50%) or more of the abutting property owners file written objections to a City Council-initiated vacation with the City Clerk, prior to the time of the hearing, the City shall be prohibited from proceeding with the vacation, 22.140.030 Planning Commission Review and Recommendation 1. The hearing on the petition or proposal shall be held before the Planning Commission upon the day fixed by resolution or at the time to which a hearing may be adjourned. In its consideration of the proposed vacation of the street or alley, the Planning Commission shall render a recommendation based on the following criteria: a. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public; b. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access; c. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public; d. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; and e. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. 2. Following the hearing, the Director shall forward the Planning Commission's recommendation and the hearing minutes to the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting. If a hearing is held before the Planning Commission, it shall not be Page 2 of 4 Title 22, Street Vacations Chapter 22.140, effective 10-28-07 Uniform Development Code Title 22 necessary to hold a hearing before the City Council, provided that the City Council may, at its discretion, determine to hold a separate hearing on the proposal. 22.140.040 City Council Decision -1. Following the hearing and receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation, the . City Council shall determine whether to vacate the street or alley. The determination shall consider, but not be limited to, the findings of the Planning Commission. 2. If the City Council determines to grant the vacation, the action shall be made by ordinance with such conditions or limitations as the City Council deems necessary and proper to preserve any desired public use or benefit. The ordinance shall contain a provision retaining or requiring conveyance of easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services. 3. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, the City Council in approving a street vacation request shall specify that the vacated portion of the street or alley shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half (112) to each, unless factual circumstances otherwise dictate a different division and distribution of the street or alley to be vacated. 4. The City Council reserves the right to require compensation as a condition of approval of ordinance action, provided that such compensation shall comply with the requirements of RCW 35.79.030, and further, that any required compensation shall be paid to the City prior to the City's participation in required title transfer actions. 22.140.050 Vacation of Waterfront Streets 1. The City shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of water unless: a. The vacation is sought to enable the City to acquire the property for beach or water access purposes, or launching sites, park, public view, recreation, educational purposes, or other public uses; b. The City Council, by resolution, declares that the street or alley is not presently being used as a street or alley and that the street or alley is not suitable for any of the following purposes: L beach or water access; ii. launching sites; iii. park; iv, public view; V. recreation; A education; or c. The vacation is sought to enable the City to implement a plan, adopted by resolution or ordinance, that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the street or alley sought to be vacated abuts, had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. 2. Before adopting an ordinance vacating a street or alley under subsection (1)(b) of this section, the City Council shall: a. Cause an inventory to be compiled of all rights-of-way within the City that abut the same body of water that is abutted by the street or alley sought to be vacated; b. Cause a study to be conducted to determine if the street or alley to be vacated is unsuitable for use by the City for any of the following purposes: - i. launching sites; ii. beach or water access; iii. park; Page 3 of 4 Title 22, Street Vacations Chapter 22.140, effective 10-28-07 Uniform Development Code Title 22 iv, public view; V. recreation, or, vVi. education; c. Hold a public hearing on the proposed vacation in the manner required by RCW 35,79 and this chapter; and d. Include in its written decision a finding that the street or alley sought to be vacated is not suitable for any other purposes listed under subsertion (2)(b) of this section, and that the vacation is in the public's interest. 3. Notice of the public hearing on the proposed vacation shall be provided in nccWance with SVMC 22-140.020(6), provided, that the City shall also post notice of the public hearing conspicuously on the street or alley sought to be vacated, which notice sh811 indicate that the area is a public access, that the street or alley is proposed to be vacated, and that anyone objecting to the proposed vacation should attend the public hearing or send a letter to the Director indicating the objection- 22,140.460 Application of Zoning District Designation The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation snn11 then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance Shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 22.140.070 Recording of Ordinance A certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof, shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 22.140.080 Compliance to Laity Council Conditions All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. 22.140.090 Record of Survey Required Fallowing the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a retard of survey prepared by a registered surveyor in the Mate of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description end specifying, if applicable, any and all easements for constrrction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. Said record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor, and the proponent indicArig acceptance of the vacated property. 22.140.100 Monumentation The surveyor shall locate a mcinriment at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right- of-way with each street or right-of-vray in accordance with the standards establisher) by this Chapter, 22,140,110 Costs of Title Transfer to be borne by Proponent All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including, but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City assumes no financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. i Rage 4 of 4 Title 22, Street Vic-#ians Chapter 22,140. effective 10-28-07 `f CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,. SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON O1DINANCE NO.05-012 ' AN ORDINANCE OF ME CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASI.I NGTON, RENUMBERING AND AMENDING SPOKANE VVALLAEC UN MUNICIPAL CODE 10.05.220 RIGHTS LE III RELATING TO THE REGULATIONS FOR TBE WAY. WHEREAS, RCW 35A.47.020 provides statutory authority for cities to vacate public rights-0f--way; WHEREAS, RCW 35.79 provides a general procedural framework for cities to vacate public rights-of- way; and - WHEREAS, Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.05.220 establishes the procedures and requirements for the vacation of public rights-of-way; NOW, TI AZEFORE, - THE CITY COUNCU, OF THE CITY OF 'SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code is hereby established to read as follows: "SECTION 10.09.0410.01 - Purpose and intent. The purpose of this article is to establish procedures, notice requirements and fees for the vacation of streets and alleys within the city in conformance with the authority granted to the city by Chapter 35.79 RCW and RCW 35A.47.020 to read as follows: "SECTION - Initiation of Vacation. The owners of an interest in any real property abutting upon any street or-alley who may desire to vacate the street or alley, or any part thereof, may petition the City Council. In the alternative, the City Council may itself initiate a vacation by resolution. The petition or resolution shall be filed with the City Clerk. SECTION -Petition for Vacation. The petition shall be in a form prescribed by the Community Development Director (hereinafter referred -to as "the Director" or his or her designee) and shall be signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated. SECTION -Petition fees. Every petition for the vacation of any street or alley or any part thereof, shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount established-by resolution of the city to defray a portion of the administrative costs incurred in processing the petition and publishing, posting and mailing notices. The fees shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The amount of the petition fees shall be set by Resolution, and the set amount shall be stated in the City of Spokane Valley Master Fee Schedule. SECTION - Submittal Requirements for Petitions. Every petition 'shall be accompanied by: (1) an Assessor's Map from the Spokane. County Assessor's Off ce'showing with a solid red line the portion of the street or alley sought to be vacated, (2) a vicinity map showing the general area of the proposed vacation, (3) a copy of the • Page 1 of 5 " Ordinance 05-012 Street Vacation Amendment - - record of survey, if available, for the subject street and alley proposed for vacation and abutting ' properties and streets and alleys (4) written evidence of any and all.easements or allowances or reservations, public or private, pertaining to the street or alley proposed for vacation; (5) a written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation, and (6) a one inch equals one hundred foot site map showing proposed division of vacation.. SECTION Setting of Hearing. Upon receipt of the petition, the fee and all required documents, the City Clerk shall forward the petition and required documents to the Director, who shall determine whether the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting the part of the street or alley to be vacated. -If the petition has been signed by the requisite percentage of such owners, the Director shall bring the petition before the City Council within 30 days of receipt of the petition, and the City Council shall by resolution fix the time when the petition will be heard by the City Council, or a committee of the City Council, which time shall not be more than 60 days nor less, than 20 days after the adoption of the resolution. Where the City Council initiates the vacation by resolution, that resolution shall fix the time when the proposed vacation will be heard by the City Council or a committee of the City Council. SECTION 10.09.0410.07 • Staff Report. The Director, in conjunction with the Public Works Department shall prepare a report concerning the proposed vacation. The Public Works Department shall be responsible for conducting a needs analysis of the street or alley proposed for vacation in consideration of existing and future transportation system needs and requirements. The report shall address the criteria to be considered by the City Council. in determining whether to vacate the street or alley, and such other information as deemed appropriate by the Director including but not limited to drainage requirements, street closure requirements such as the removal and replacement of concrete, asphalt,' and placement of barriers limiting vehicle movements. In preparing the report, the Director shall solicit comments from the Police Department, the Fire Department and may solicit. comments from other governmental agencies and-utility companies having jurisdiction or utilities within. the boundaries of the City. The report shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and to the petitioner and his or her representative, not less than seven (7) calendar days before the hearing. SECTION Nbtice of.Hearing. 'Upon the passage of the resolution fixing the time for hearing the petition or proposal for vacation, the City Clerk, or the Director, acting under direction and supervision of the City Clerk, shall give not less than 20 days' notice of th e time, place and purpose of the hearing by (1) posting of a written notico in three (3) conspicuous places in the City; (2) publishing written notice once in the City's official newspaper, (2) posting a minimum twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch notice sign in a conspicuous place at. each end of the street or alley sought to be vacated describing the proposed vacation and the date, time and location of the public'heairng; and (3) mailing written notice io all petitioners at the addresses on the petition and all owners of property abutting the street or alley proposed io be vacated, as shovrn on the records of the Spokane County Assessor, not to exceed ninety (90) calendar. days from the date of the public hearing. The Director shall send the same written notice to the representative of the petitioners at the address on the petition., SECTION - Protest. If fifty (50) percent or more of the abutting property owners file written objections to a City Council-initiated. vacation with the City Clerk, prior to the time of the hearing, the city shall be prohibited from proceeding with the vacation. Ordinance 05-012 Street Vacation Amendment Pake 2 of5 SEMC1N 1{F. ~ Punning Commission review and recommendation. The hearing on the petition or proposal shall be held before the planning Commission upon the day fixed by resolution or at the time to which a hearing m ay be adjourned. In its considerate in of the proposers vacation of the street or alky, the Planting Commission shall reader a recammcudation b ased au the folly} illg criteria: A. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley wil l better serve the public; J3, Whether the Street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access; C. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more u seful to the public; 17. Whether conditions may so change in. the future as to provide a greater use or need, than presantly exists; and B, Wh ether objuaions t0 the proposed vacation are made by ovrters of private property . (exalusn~e of petitionots) abuts the street or alley or other govemmental agencies or - s members of the gmeral publio. ]Following the hearing, the Director shall forward Viv Planning Commission's reeoaux~en&tian and the hearing Minutes to the City Common at a re¢ lady scheduled meeting. If a hearing is held before the Plantdikg o •ssion, it shall not be necessary to hold a hearing before the City Council, provided that the City Council may at its discretion determine to hold a separate hearing an the proposal. SECTION 10,09:04.10.11 - City Council De&sioa. Following the hearing and receipt of the Planning Commtsslaa'se recoir carjs ~ ~ but not whethrx to #iud~ smof the street or alley. The dt a Plan._il'iug Commission, I£ the City Cauncil deters iues to grant the vacation, the action shall be made by ordinance with such conditions or Limitations as the City Council deems necessary and proper to pre-serve any desired public usa or benefit. The ordinan shall coutain a provision retaining or requiring conveyance of easements for constniotion, repair-and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services.. Pursuant to RC 35.79.040, the City Council in approving a streeL vac. on request small specify that the vacated portion of the stzuet or alley sha ll b elong t0 the abutting prop erty owners, only ha1£to each, unless factual circumstanccs.otki-wise dictate adifferent division and dislribution,of the street or alley to be vacated. The City Council reserves the right to require "mpensatioa 'as a condition of approval of ordinance action, provided that such compe.nsatioa shall comply with. the requirement of R W 35.79,030,7 and further, that au'y required compensation shall be paid to the CFity prior to the City t; participaiton in required title trausfcr actions. S1JC ~ O l,02 - Vacation of Wii-Wrfront Streets. A, The city shall not vacate -a street or alley if any portion of the street- or alley abuts a - body of Nwater unless. n5-012 Street Vacation Amendment Page 3 of5 I. The vacation is sought to- enable the City to acquirc the property for beach or water access purposes, or launching sites, parr public view, recreation, educational purposes, or other public uses; . The City Council,. b resolution,' declares that the street or alley is not presently being used as a street or alley and that the street or alley is not suitable for amy of the following purposes: heiwh or water access, Iaumching sites, park, public view, remation, or education; or 3, The vacation is sought'tu enable the City -b implement a plan, adopted 'by resolution or ordinance, that provides comparable or iruprmred public ' iccesa to the same shoreline area to which the street or alley sought to be vacated abuts, had the properties included in the plarx rat been vacated. B. Before adopting an ordinance vacating a strut or alley under subsection (A)(?-) of this section, the City Council shall: , 1, Cause an inventory to be compiled of aE rights-of-way within the city that abut the same body of water that is abutted by the street or alley sought to bo 'vacated; 2. Cause a study to 'be conducted to determine if the stet or alley to be vacated is unsuitable for ftse b the city for any of the follo i.na purposes: IauQchiag sites, beach or water aceess, park, public view recreation, or education; 3, Bold a public }tearing on the proposed vacation- in the manner required by CbapWr 35.79 RCW and this chapter; and 4. Include in its written decision a finding that the street-or alley sought to be vacated is not suitable for- amy other purposes listed u_ader subsection of this sectio a, and that the vacation -is i.a the pub lie's interest. C. Notice of tha public hearing oa the proposed vacation shall be provided in accordance with the notice provisions of Section 10.09.04-10,08 of this Sttfion, provided, that the City shau also post notice of the public hearing conspicuously on the street or a11!ey sauot to be vacated, which notice shall irndicatc that the area is a public access, that the street or al l e is proposed to be vacated, and that anyone objecting to t Q: proposed vacation should attend the public hearing or send a letter to the Director indicating the objection SECTION 10.09,04.10.13 - Application of Zoning District Designation. Thu zoning, district deGiguation of the properties adjoining each side, of the street or a2ey to bo vacated shall be - automatically extended to the center of such,vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extezadcd districts. The adopting ordinance As J[ spocify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district desi4 ations. SECUON - Recording of ordinance. A certified copy of%i , ordiz. Inca vacating a street or alley or pat thereat`, shall be recorded by thce City Clerk in the office of the Spokam; County Auditor. Ordiamur 0 5-01? Street Vacation Amendment Fade 4 of 5 SECTION -Compliance to City Council Conditions. All conditions of City f (Council authorization shall be frilly satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. SECTION - Record of Survey Required. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an enact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easdments for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director. Said record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. SECTION =Monumentation. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located,at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street o d and ay Sewer in accordance vith the standards' established by the Spokane County Standards f r ri SECTION 10.0 - Costs of Title Transfer to be Borne by Proponent. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to We company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be home by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. SECTION 2 Severabil.ity. If, any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance,*or any regulation, ~'f talc or order adopted pursuant to the authority thereof be determined invalid or unconstitutional, it shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. SECTION 3 - Effective date. This ordinance shall be in full newspaper e 'and ofeet~Sprovided by publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof in the official law. PASSED by the City Council this 2201 day of March, 2005., n• te, ayor ATTEST : iistine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to foi"i . P. iske , Deputy, ' Attorney Date of publication: ~f -0 Effective date: L~~ 5 . Page 5 of5 • Ordinance 05-012 Street Vacation Amendment Page 1 of 1 RCW 35.79.010 Petition by owners Fixing time for hearing. The owners of an interest in any real estate abutting upon any street or alley who may desire to vacate the street or alley, or any part thereof, may petition the legislative authority to make vacation, giving a description of the property to be vacated, or the legislative authority may itself initiate by resolution such vacation procedure. The petition or resolution shall be filed with the city or town clerk, and, if the petition is signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the part of such street or alley sought to be vacated, legislative authority by resolution shall fix a time when the petition will be heard and determined by such authority or a committee thereof, which time shall not be more than sixty days nor less than twenty days after the date of the passage of such resolution. [1965 c 7 § 35,.3,110. Prior: 1957 c 156 § 2; 1901 c 84 § 1, part; RRS § 9297, part.] http:/hv,,v<v.mrse.org/mc/rcw/R.CW%20%2035%20%201'1'17LE/RCW/%20%2035%20.°/u2... 10/18/2007 Page 1 of 1 RCW 35.79.020 Notice of hearing Objections prior to hearing. Upon the passage of the resolution the city or to«vi cleric shall give twenty days' notice of the pendency of the petition by a written notice posted in three of the most public places in the city or town and a like notice M a conspicuous place on the street or alley sought to be vacated. The said notice shall contain a statement that a petition has been filed to vacate the street or alley described in the notice, together with a statement of the time and place fixed for the hearing of the petition. In all cases where the proceeding is initiated by resolution of the city or town council or similar legislative authority without a petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of tile property abutting upon the part of the street or alley sought to be vacated, in addition to the notice hereinabove required, there shall be given by mail at least fifteen days before the date fixed xed for the hearing, a similar notice to the owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts or parcels of land or other property abutting upon any street or alley or any part thereof sought to be vacated, as shown on the rolls of the county treasurer, directed to the address thereon shown: PROVIDED, That if fifty percent of the abutting property,owners file written objection to the proposed vacation with the clerk, prior to the time of hearing, the city shall be prohibited from proceeding with the resolution. [1965 c 7 § 35,79.020. Prior: 1957 c 156 § 3; 1901 c 84 I, part; RRS § 9297, part.] i t http://NA,xN,xv.iiuse.org/me/rcw/RC\N[%20%2035°/©20%20'['1TLLIRCW/u20%2035%20.%2... 10/18/2007 Page ] of l RCW 35.79.030 Rearing Ordinance of vocation. The hearing on such petition may be held before the legislative authority, or before a com-aittee thereof upon the date fixed by resolution or at tbo time said hearing may be adj oLwned to. I.fthe hearing is before such a committee the same shall, following the hearing, report its recommendation on the petition to the legislative authority wlUicla may adopt or reject the recommendation. If such hearing be held before such a committee it shall not be iiecessary to hold a hearing on the petition before such legislative authority- , Tf the legislative authoriity determines to grant said petition or any part thereof, such city or town shall be ciuthorized and havte authority by ordinance to vacate such street, or alley, or any part thereof, and the ordinance may provide that it shall not become effective until the cwners of property abutting upon the street or alley, or part thereof so vacated, shall compensate such city or town iR am amount which does not exceed oue-half the appraised value of the area so vacated. If the street or alley has been part of a dedicated public right-of-wa for. twenty-five years or more, or ifthe subject property or portions thereof were acquired at public expense, the city or town Tnay require the oui7ers of the property abutting the street or alley to wmpensate the city or town u7 an amount that does not exceed the full appraised value of the area vacated. The ordinance may provide that the city retain an easement or the right to exercise and grant easements in respect to the vacated land for the construction, repair; and lnaantenance ofpublie utilities and services.. certified copy of such ordinance shall be recorded by the clerk of the legislative authority and in the office of the auditor of the county in which the vacated land is located. {one-half of the revenue received by the city or town as compensation For the area vacated must be dedicated to the acquisition, improvement, development, and related maintenance of public open space or transportation capital projects within the city or town. [2002 c 55 l; 2001 c 202 1; 1987 c 228 § 1; 1985 c 254 § 1; 1969 c 28 4. Prior; 1907 ex -s. C 129 ~ 1; 1967 c 123 ~ 1; 965 c 7 35_79.030; prior; 1957 c 1565 4; 1949 c 14 1; 1901 G 94 § 2; Eton. Stipp. 1949 § 9298-1 li- p'1l a w.rnrsc.orglmclrcw/RC %2011o2.03TIX 0%20TITLRJRC %V% 0°o2035%20.%2... 10/1.8/2007 Page 1 of 1 RCW 35.79.035 Limitations on vacations of streets abutting bodies of water Procedure. (1) A city or town shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of fresh or salt water unless: (a) The vacation is sought to enable the city or town to acquire the property for port purposes, beach or water access purposes, boat moorage or launching sites, park, public view, recreation, or educational purposes, or other public uses; (b) The city or town, by resolution of its legislative authority, declares that the street or alley is not presently being iised as a street or alley and that the street or alley is not suitable for any of the .following purposes: Fort, beach or water access, boat moorage, launching sites, park, public view, recreation, or education; or (c) The vacation is sought to enable a city or town to implement a plan, adopted by resolution or ordinance, that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the streets or alleys sought to be vacated abut, had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. (2) Before adopting a resolution vacating a street or alley under subsection (1)(b) of this section, the city or town shall: (a) Compile an inventory of all rights of way within the city or town that abut the same body of water that is abutted by the street or alley sought to be vacated; (b) Conduct a study to determine if the street or alley to be vacated is suitable for use by the city or town for any of the following purposes: Port, boat moorage, launching sites, beach or water access, park, public view, recreation, or education; (c) Hold a public hearing on the proposed vacation in the mariner required by this chapter, where in addition to the normal requirements for publishing notice, notice of the public hearing is posted conspicuously on the street or alley sought to be vacated, which posted notice indicates that the area is public access, it is proposed to be vacated, and that anyone objecting to the proposed vacation should attend the public hearing or send a letter to a. particular official indicating his or her objection; and (d) Make a finding that the street or alley sought to be vacated is not suitable for any of the purposes listed wider (b) of this subsection, and that the vacation is in the public interest. (3) No vacation shall be effective until the fair market value has been paid for the street or alley that is vacated. Moneys received from the vacation may be used by the city or town only for acquiring additional beach or water access, acquiring additional public view sites to a body of water, or acquiring additional moorage or launching sites. [1987 a 228 § 2.1 hqp://w~vw.mrsc.org/me/rcw/RCW`/`20%2035%20%2OTi,rLEIRCW/%20%2035%20.%2... 10/18/2007 Page 1. of 1 RC W 35.79.040 Title to vacated street or alley. If any street or alley in any city or toA1i is vacated by the city or town council, the property within the limits so vacated shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. [1965 c 7 § 35.79.040. Prior: 1901 c 84 § 3; R.RS § 9299.1 f htip://www.mrsc. org/mc/rcNv/RC`V%20%203 5 %20%20TIT.LE/RC W`/`20`/`2035`/`20.%2... 10/18/2007 Page 1 of 1 RCW 35.79.050 Vested rights not affected. t , No vested rights shalt be affected by the provisions of this chapter. [1965 c 7 § 35 79.050. Prior: 1901 c 84 § 4; RRS § 9300.1 http://NvNvNv.inrsc.org/mc/rcw/RCW~/020%2035/020%20TITLL/RC`' /`20%2035%20.%2... 10/18/2007 tarty of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 3.10 Goals and Policies Streets and Roadways Goals & Policies Goal TG-i Establish appropriate design standards for transportation facilities, Policies TP-1.1 Street design should provide for connectivity between residential neighborhoods and collectors- Discourage cut-through traffic. TP-1- Develop access management standards for each functional classification of roadway. Work to consolidate or remove existing access points when a roadway floes not meet appropriate standards- Goal TG-2 Ensure that roadway systems are designed-to preserve and are consistent with community character. Policies TP--I Street design should complement adjacent development. TP-. Discourage private roads as a principal means of access to developments. Private roads should be designed and constructed to public street standards. TP-2-3 Encourage landscaping, street lighting and beautification in the design standards for local access streets collectors and arterials. - Goal I G-3 Improve local circulation and emergency access consistent with community character and safety. Policies TP-3.I As funding allows, bring unimproved and rural cross sections up to adopted street standards. TP-- As funding allows, make interseckion improvements and increase storage capacity where appropriate. Goal TG-4 Minimize the negative iinpact from transportation systems on the natural environment, air quality, noise levels and fuel consumption. Policies TP-4, I Restrict high-speed traffic from residential neighborhoods and utilize traffic calming strategies to reduce vehicular speeds where appropriate. TP-4. Complete local traffic circulation plans for areas experiencing new development. Adopted April 25, 2006 30 Chapter 3 - Transportation CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading proposed Ordinance 07-022, Sunshine Disposal franchise GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study session April 17, 2007, motion on May 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council direction on May 22, 2007, staff requested a copy of the current Tariff (authority from Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission to operate garbage and refuse collection in our city) from the WUTC. Staff also drafted a proposed seven year status quo franchise for Sunshine Disposal. A copy of the draft franchise was sent to Sunshine Disposal with a request to contact me if they had questions or comments. Sunshine has not contacted me as of the date this RCA was L drafted. Staff will present a motion with the second reading authorizing staff to send notice of termination of the existing Tariff, to be replaced with the franchise, under which the WUTC would continue to exercise exclusive regulatory authority and control. Once this process is completed, the Council may want to consider authorizing the staff to open negotiations with Sunshine for a replacement franchise containing other or additional terms, and under which the City would assume regulatory authority and control over garbage collection. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance ordinance 07-022 to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None in the short term, unknown long term. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft franchise for Sunshine Disposal DRAFT Proposed unshine Disposal franchise - C, Driskel] - - - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY r SPOKANE C0TINIY, WASLIINGTON {ORDINANCE NO. 07-022 AN ORU ANCE OF T]TE CITY OINK SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASFLIN TON, GRANTING A SEVEN YEAR, NO -FXCLUSI C FRAdNCMSE TO SUNS NE DISPOSAL, INC., TO PRO VIDE GA BADE AND REYUSE COLLECTION SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane alIey incorporated oa March 31, 2003, at which time Sunshine Disposal, inc., was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the geographic area comprising die new city; N r.F-AS, RCW 35,02,160 provides that when a new city incorporates, a company providing solid waste and refuse collection services within the new city shall be allowed to continue providing said services for at least seven year following the exercise of certain steps to terminate those statutory rights; WTWFRUAS, the City Council has given prelimmary approval to give notice of termination through the Washington UtiIHies and Transportation Commission; and WHF,hEAS, the City desires to grant a status quo franchise to Sunshine Disposul, Inc., whereby Sunshine Disposal, Inc., shall be allowed to continue providing garbage and refuse collection services within the City of po[ ie Valley under the same terms and conditions aq has been previously allowed by the Washington Utilities Transportation Commission, and under which the Washington Utilities Transportation Commission would- continue to have administrative oversight and control over the provision of these services. NOW, T EREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane 'Valley, Spokane County, Washingwn, does ordain as follows: Section I. Grant of Franchise, The City of Spokane Malley, a Washincton municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), hereby grants to Sunshine Disposal, Inca, DIBIA Sunshine Disposal (hereinafter "Sunshine"), a .non.-exclusive franchise for a period of seven (7) years, $ Recycling, beginning on the effective [late of this 0rdinancu, to provide garbage and refuse col lection services in the City of Spokane Valley on identical terms and conditions as is set forth in Washint,*tan Utilities and Transportation Commission ( T-]TC) ertiFinte G-199, and Tariff o. 7 granted to Sunshine by WUTC, effective September 1, 2006, copies of whir h are attached to this franchise ordinance, and incorporated herein by reference. The VVTJTC will continue to provide ad in i n i strati ve ovets ight and control over this franchise until th is franchise expires or is superseded by a subsequent franchise. Section 22. Notice. Any notice or information required or permitted to be giv+ n by or to the parties under this Franchise may be sent to the f+ollioveing addresses finless othcnvise specified, in writing- The City, City of Spokane Valley Attn: City Clerk 11707 least Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA99206 Grantee: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. Ordinance 07-022 Sunshine Disposa! Franchise Page] of 2 DRAFT Proposed Sunshine Disposal franclise-C. Oi•iskell---`---- - - Attn: Marc B. Torre, Vice President 2405 North University Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 _ Rhone: (509) 924-5678 Fax: (509) 924-7448 Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of the ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of 2007. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Accepted by Sunshine Disposal, Inc., Icy: Marc B. Torre, Vice-President Sunshine Disposal, Inc., for itself, and for its successors and assigns, does accept all of the terms and conditions of the foregoing franchise. IN WITNESS NVREREOF, has signed this day of 2007. Subscribed and sworn before me this _ day of .2007. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires Ordinance 07-022 Stuisliine Disposal franchise Page 2 oft i nor SV XSf-171 DISPOSAL, I NC. Cert. 1" D/B/A SUNSHINE DIS)PD AL & RECYCLING -194 2405 1. UNIEVE SrI"Y )BOA -D SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206 GARB AGE ANT REFUSE COT L>ECTIONI ERViCE; Iimided to Serviw in containers oftwenty (20) cubic yard capacity or over Sal that portion of Spokane omnt described as follo~~s; The territory bounded on the west by Havana Street (thy easterly city limits of the, City of Spokane); on the north b Row. an A'vftnue extended; on the east by the Idaho-Washington' State live and on the south by 40th venue extended. Also, ectious 5, 26, 35 acid 3b, T. 26 N., R-45 E., and Sections 30 and'a 1, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; and within the corporate city limits of Spokane as of pptarnber-1, 1962, PROVD)E - Servicc permitted in Spokane does riot authorize the duplication of or any enccroachrnent on services rendered by the City Of Spokane or canlracted for by it. - ✓ TO-040612 04-0204 - - RECEIVED XU L 12, 2006 NVA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAJ, xG061142 Original Title Page \.1 Tariff No. 7 Cancels Tariff No. 6 of Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B (Name/Cedl;icate Number of SoOd Waste Golieo:iorn Company) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling (Registered trade name of Soiid Waste Collection Company) NAMING RATES FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYCLING AND YARDWASTE IN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TERRITORY: (Note: if this tariff appVes N o hl a portion of a company's cernircate au6501ity, a map accurer0l deplaIng iho area fn w,hloh the tariff applies must be aUaQti ed to u5fs tariff.) See Appendix A - Permit Copy and Map Name of person Issuing tariff: Marc B. Torre Official UTC requests for information regarding consumer questions and/or Mailing address of issuer: 2405 N. University Road complaints should be referred to the following company representadva: City, State/Zip Code Spokane, WA 99206 Name: Marc B. Torre Telephone NumberCm-,udRafrea code) (509)924-5678 Tide: Vice President Phone: (509)924-5678 FAX number, if any (509)924-7448 E-mail: mtorre(cDsunshinedisposaI.corn Fax: (509)924-7448 E-mail address, if any: mtorre asunshinedis osal.co Issued by: Marc B. Torre Issue date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. Date: By: FOR OFFICIAL USE X Docket: TG-061142 Ageisda Date: 08-30-06' Effective .Date: 09-01-06 i D JUL 1 2006 WA. LAT. c TRA I E 1. ORIGINAL TG-661142 Tadff-hro- 7 Orbinal Page No. 2 Company NI' mefPermlt Wumben S-un i ina Rispcsal, Inc- - Ga0{d199 13 Re istared Trade Nafna(s) of Sunshine Disposal and Rjc'rciin' CHECK HErzT All 02ges contain°d in this tariff are listed balow in consecutive order. The pages in the tariff andfpr ary supglaments to the tariff listed on Us page Nave issue dates that are the sane as, or are before, the issue dafia of .his page- "0° in tha revision colOmn indiea~d---s an origlneE page. Wage Current Page Current Page Curtest Number Re isiort Number Revision Numbef- Revision Title Ira e D 27 O 2 D 28 D 3 . O 29 ' D 4 D 30' 0 5 0 31 O B 0 2 0 7 .0 33 0 8 O 4 0 9 D 35 O 14 0 36 D 1 i D 37 O i2 D 38 O 13 O 39 D 14 0 40 O 15 0 41 O 16 0 42 O 17 0 43 D 1B D 19 D 20 D 21. 0 22 O 23 0 24 D 25 O 28 0 Supplements in EV ent issued By; Marc 6- Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 06 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Ofri`cfa~ Use Only) J Docket No. TG- Date: By: . L oc e: -06I~~ Ager?da .Dwe'- 08-30-06 I `eedve Date: 09-01-06 .RE EIVE 7 SUL 12 2006 WA. UT. R TR_A:NS. CONM.. ORIGL A:L TG061142 - - Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 3 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Index of Items in This Tariff - see next item for list by tonic Item 5 Taxes Item 10 Application of Rates - General Item 15 Holiday Pickup Item 16 Change in Pickup Schedule Item 17 Refunds Item 18 Billing, Advance Billing, Payment Delinquency Dates, Late Charges Item 20 Definitions Item 30 Limitation of Service Item 40 Material Requiring Special Equipment, Precaubons, or Disposal Item 45 Mai erial Ri qulring Special Testing and/or Analysis Item 50 Returned Check Charges Item 51 Restart Fees Item 52 • Redelivery Fees Item 60 Overtime Item 70 Return Trips Item 80 Carryout Service, Drive-Ins Item 90 Can Carriage, Overhead Obstrucbons, Sunken or Elevated cans/units Item 100 Can/Unit Service, Residential - Residential Curbside Recycling - Residential Yard%vaste Service Item 120 Drums Item 130 Litter Receptacles - Litter Toter Item 150 Loose and/or Bulky Material Item 160 Time Rates ) Item 202 Application of Container' and/or Drop Box Rates - General Item 205 Roll-Out Charges - Containers, Automated Carts, and Toter Item 207 Excess Weight - Rejection of Load, Charges to Transport Item 210 Washing and Sanitizing Containers and Drop Boxes Item 220 Compactor Rental Item 230 ' Disposal Fees Item 240 Container Service - Non-compacted - Company-owned Container Item 245 Container Service - Non-compacted - Customer-owned Container Item 250' Container Serjoe - Compacted - Company-owned Container Item 256 Container Service - Compacted - Customer-owned Container Item 260 Drop Box Service - Non-Compacted - Company-awned drop box Item 265 Drop Box Service - Non-Compacted - Customer-owned drop box Item 270 Drop Box Service - Compacted - Company-owned drop box Item 275 Drop Box Service - Compacted - Customer=ovrned drop box Item 300 List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Tariff Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (ForOtfrcial Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: oc .er: 19-- 42 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 affective Date: 09-0.1-06 RECiawm JUL 12 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TC-T-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 4 Company Name/Fermit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GO001 gg B Reoistered Trade Name{s} dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Index by tooic Item NO Abbreviations used In tariff 360 Advance billing 18 30 Animals... Bales 140 18 Billing periods euthortzed Carryout service 80, Commercial can service 245 Compactor rental 220 Container service, compacted, company owned 250 Container service, compacted, customer-owned 255 Container service, non-compacted, company-owned 240 Container service, non-compacted, customer-owned 245 202, Containers and/or drop boxes, availability Containers and/or drop boxes, general rules 200 Containers and/or drop boxes, washing andsanitizing 210 Credit due the customer." 17 Damage to customer property 30 20 Definitions Delinquency dates 18 Disposal fees 230 Dm+e-in service 90 Drop-box service, compacted, company-awned 270 Drop-box service, compacted, customervned 275 Drop-box service, non-compacted, company-owned 260 Drop-box service, non-compacted, customer-owned 265 Excess weight, rejection of load, changes to transport 207 Flat monthly charges 75 00 Holidays observed Late charges 18 Limitations of service 30 Litter receptacles 130 Material requiring special disposal 40 Material requiring special equipment 40 40 Material requiring special precautions Material requiring special testinglanaiysis 45 Continued on next page Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By. 1 S ; ONLY oc e : -061142 Agefxda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEJVE~ M., x.2.2006 `VA.. UT. & TRANS. COMM.- ORIGINAL TG06- 42 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 5 company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re istered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Index by tonic, continued item No Missed pickups, weather or road conditions 30 Returned checks 50 _ Overhead obstructions 90 55 Over-sized units Overtime 60 55 Over-weight units 5 Redelivery fees 1 Refund of overcharges Refund of prepayments 17 Refunds 17 .30 Refusal to make pickup 100 Residential recycling Residential service 10D 100 Residential yardwaste Return trips........ '70 Roll-out charges 205 Stairs or steps 90 Sunken or elevated canslunits 90 Symbols used in tariff 300 Taxes 5 Time rates 160 Continued on next page Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13.2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: CC ~:J .PUR * J ` Oka' 3c e : -061142 Agelida Date: 08-30-06 Effective. Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TILkNi S. COMIM. ORIGNAx.. TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 6 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G00019g B Re istered Trade Name(s). dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clip - Item 5 - Apollication of Rates - Taxes Entity imposing tax: Ordinance number. Amount of tax: A plication (Commodities and territory) Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: ONLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 -D-vCEINED JUL 12 2006 WA. UT. &.TRANS. COJ`iil,~. ORIGINAL TG-061142 This page has C added wordfn Tariff No. 7 ~ OF glk ial Page No. 7 Company KlarreJPermit Number Sons hina ID isposal, Inc, - 00001 BB ~ R istefed Trade Name(s) d b a Sunshine Dfs asaf and Rae clin Re iMefed Trade name(s) dha Sunshine Ibis anal and R°cyctin Item 1f) -Analicfttian e. Rates - Gerisiral Fates narnea In this tariff paver the cull--don, transportation, ant[ disposal of sand waste. -V4fhen spetafically referred to, rates also cover the collection and transportation of recyclable materials andlor yardwaAe. Titfe 81.77 of the Revised Cod° of Washington (RCVV) end Chapter x#80-70 07 the Washingion Administra-ire Gods (%'VAG) govern opera5ons of solid maste collection ccmpanfes and tha mMs companies rr;ust file with the Washington !J€ Ales and Transportation Commission ('VUTG). UnJess exceptions are showfi, off materials must be placed on the same level ~S the streets or alleys.' The company may ch2i rge additional amounts for disposal sees Drily when specifically st led in the €arirf and saparately s(hovm on customer bi]ls- [tarn 15 Holiday Pipkuo - R ula Scheduled Service When a pickup is missed due to `he company's observz~ rice of a holiday, the aampany wifl provide service, at no additional cost to the customer, on an alternate day. A list of h9 holidays the Wmpany observes is showrw in [tern 60. Rar 3apliCE-MM of rates in this •,adfs, tha company defines alternate day to mean. il~e followino, The following business day LC1 - HE-m 16 Change in Pickup Schedule VVhen a company changes the pickA-p dam W its certncate afea, or a portion of its certificate area, the company rust notify all customers In the affected afea of' that change. Notice must be made at least seven d2ys before Implementation of a new pickup sr hedule and mEa! be made via mall, personal co~iact, or by a notice being affixed to the customei's solid waste receptacle. Issued By. Karr, 5- TDrfe Issue Date: Jul 13, 2CFDB Effective Date' September 1, 2006 (FOr' Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Bate; By_ r+ 1! Y 1' oC e . -0 114 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECETVED TUL 11 006 WA. UT. c TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TG-061.142 Tadf, No. 7 Original Page No- 8 corrpan ' NamefPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G0.00 199 B Re i5Lered Trade hama(s) dba unshlne Disposal and Re clin Item 17 - Ref=unds Credit d ue the customer. When.thare has been a uansacbon ;hat results in a credit dve the custorrrer, the following apply, (a) If the amount dine is free dollars or Less, an adjustment will be made to the customeeS account. The adjustment must be shown Dn the next regular bl11. (b) If the arn Dunt driu is more than five dollars, the cu: tomer may accept ari account adjustment or may request a refund. (1) If the customer el to t0 have an account adjustment mad a, the adjustment rust show on the next Tag ular billing. ,(2) If the custnrrier elects to receive a refund, the compariy rnust issue a check within thirty days of the req~+est. . Overcfta rges. Once a company becomes aware that it has ovembarged a customer, it musk pfoAde a refund or Fin account adf ustrnpent credit to the eustemer- The customer must be given a choice as to which option is preferred- The refund ar credit must be the arnount overcharged in the three years before the date of discovery. (a) If the GuStarner elects to have an account adjustment matte, the adjustment must sho-Vr on the next regular billing, (b) If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check Mth15 thirty days of the request. Prepayments. If a customer has paid service fees 0 advance, service is discontinuM during the pre-billed period, and tha customer is due a refund, the following apply: (a) A company must honor all requests for tefiunda of the unused portion of pTepayments. (b) If the customer provides a forwarding address to th& cam parry or one can be obtained frem the Past Once, the company must issue a refrrrld check no more Shan thirty days following the custarrers request, (c) If the customer cannot be located or did not provide a for4Yarding address Gnd the U. . Post Office cannot furnivh a forwarding address, the amoLrrrt may be presumed to be abandoned and Is subject to the Onvarrn unciaimed Property Act after one year. Issued By'. Marc 8. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13 2b06 Effective Date: De temper 1, 20D6 l' (For frid2! Ilse QMy - Docket No. TG- Date' By: T OR K USE OHL J O C: I: 0611 4 A ~n.da Date: 08-30-0 Effer- trve Date. 09-01-0 RE EIVE~ JUL 12.2006 WA- UT. & TRAINS. COMM. 0:12_T.GLNAL TG-061142 - Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 9 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GO00199 B Reoistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 19 - Billing Advance Billing, and Payment Delinguencv Dates Billing period. A company may bill its customers for one, Limo, or three months of service. Advance billing and payment delinquency dates. The following chart defines the maximum period allowed for Billirfi''Perjod e- `Maximum advarice,billih " e6M',all&,;•• 13 l 6r iy n date One month's service No advance billing allowed May not be less than (monthly) 21 days after the date the bill Is milled Two months' service One month's advance billing allowed May not be until the last day of the second month Three months' Two month's advance billing allowed May not be until the service last day of the Third month The billing period chosen by the company operating under this tariff for its residential solid waste accounts is: Monthly Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2000 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: B;': FOR OFF.ICL4L USE (i1P ' Docket: TG-061142 Agerzdc Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 OVA. UT. & TRAM'S. CO-!YUM. ORIGINAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 10 Company.NamelPerrnit Numb-ar. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and_Re yclin Item 20 - Definitions NOTE. The dervildons shown on the first Oree pages of th/s item are standard, in most cases prescribed by rule. Companies may not amend these definitions, except to fill in blanks for maximum weights of various receptacles. Companies wishing to add daft eons specific to their company's operations must Include those definitions on a separate page, entitled ra7?peny- scift'definitions." A blank sheet is provided for that purpose. Bale: Material compressed by machine and securely tarped or banded. Bulky materials: Empty carriers, cartons, boxes, crates, etc., or materials offered for disposal, all of which may be readily handled without shoveling- Charge: A set flat fee for performing a service. Or, the result of mlltiolying a rate for a unit times the number of units transported. Commercial billing:, Service billets to a commercial customer or billed to, and paid for, by a property manager or owner rather than a residential tenant Compactor disconnect) reconnect charge: A flat fee established by the solid waste collection company for the service of disconnecting g-a compactor from a drop, box or container before taking it to be dumped, and then reconnecting the compactor when the drop box or container is returned to the customer's site. r Gate charge: A fiat fee charged for opening, unlocking, or closing gates in order to pick up solid waste. Loose material: Material not set out in bags or containers, including materials that must be shoveled. mulls-family residence: Any structure housing two or more dwelling units. Packer. A device or vehicle specialty designed to pack lapse materials. Pass through fee: A fee collected by a solid waste collection company on behalf of a third party when the fee is billed directly to the customer without markup or markd(ywn. Permanent sen ice: Container and drop-box service provided at the customer's request for more than 90 days. Rate: A price per unit or per service. A rate is multiplied times the number of units transported or the number of times a service is performed to determine a charge. Solid waste receptacle: Includes the following items, with the following rreeanings: Automated cart means a cart designed to be picked up and emptied by mechanical means. The specmc type and size are to be defined in rate items. Continued on next page Issued By: Marc B. Torre - Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: 0_ _XL).T Docket: -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECENED J UL 125 2006 NVA.. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TG-06 1142 This page has [C] added wordin In two laces Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 11 Company Name./Permit dumber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000 i 99 B \ Registered Trade Nam? s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 20 Definitions, continued Solid waste receptacle, cont'd: Can means a receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material that Is watertight, and has a close-fitting cover and two handles. A can holds more [C] than h enty gallons, but not more than thirty-hyo gallons. A can, may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled nor more than 12 pounds when empty. Cart means a wheeled plastic container. A cart may also be referred to as a toter. If supplied by a customer, a cart must be compatible with the company's equipment. The size and type of cart that is compatible will be established in each company's tariff. Container means a detachable receptacle (normally designed to hold at least a cubic yard of solid waste) from which materials are collected by mechanically lifting the receptacle and emptying the contents into the company's vehicle. Drop box means a detachable receptacle used to provide solid waste collection service by the receptacle being placed on the company's vehicle by mechanical means and transported to a disposal site. Drum means a -metal or plastic container of approximately fifty-five gallon capacity, generally used_for oils or solvents. A drum may not weigh more than pounds when filled. Litter recePtaclo means a container not over sixty-gallon capacity, generally placed in shopping centers and along streets or highways for litter. A litter receptacle may not weigh more than pounds when filled. Micro-mini can means a can rriede of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsoebBrt material that is watertight and has a close-fitting cover. A micro-mini can may not hold more than ten gallons. A micro-mini can may not weigh more than pounds when tilled. Mini-can means a can made of durable, corrosion-resistariL nonabsorbent material [C] that is watertight and has a close-fitting cover. A mini-can may not hold more than twenty gallons. A mini-can may not weigh more than 20 pounds when filled, nor weight to exceed 35•pounds. Recycling bin or container means a bin or container designed or designated for the collection of recyclabies. The size and type of recycling bin or container will be established in each company's tariff. Continued on next page Issued By, Marc B. Torre Issue Date:' July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date. By: ' ~YL1 R OFFICUL USE r Docket: TG-061142 Agenda .Gate: 08-30-06 Effective hate: 09-01-06 RRCEINED JUL 123 2006 WA.. UT. & TRANTS. COQ, ORIGINAL TC,061142 This age has C added wording in two places. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 12 Company Name/Permit Number Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 20 Definitions, continued Solid waste receptacle, cont'd: Toter means a wheeled plastic container. A toter may also be referred to as a cart. If supplied by cus,6mer, a toter must be compatible with the company's equipment The size and type of toter that is'comoatible will be established In each company's tariff. Unit means a receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material, that is watertight, and has a close-fitting cover and hNn handles. A unit holds more than twenty gallons, but not more than thirty-two gallons or four cubic feet A unit may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled, nor more than 12 pounds when empty. [C] Where agreed upon between the company and the customer, and where allowable under local. ordinance, a box, carton, cardboard barrel, or other suitable container may be subs0_1ted for a solid waste can, for a single pick-up that includes removal of the container,. if it meets the size and weight limits established in the company's tariff, as described in the preceding paragraph. [C] Yarrlwaste bin or container means a bin or container specifically designed of designated for the collection of yardwaste. Each company's tariff will refer to a specific hype of yardwaste bin or container to be used in a service area. The type, size, weight, etc., of this type of bin or container will often be set by local government plans or ordinances. Special pick-up: A pick-up requested by the customer at a time other than the regularly scheduled t 'I pick-up time, that requires the special dispatch of a truck. If a special dispatch is required, the company will assess time rates established in the company's tariff, as shown in Item 160. Supplement: A page added to the beginning of a tariff, normally to cover emergency, temporary, or special situations. An example is a page issued to show a special surcharge imposed by a city. Temporary service: Temporary service means providing container or drop-box service at the customer's request, for a period of ninety days or less. Unlatching: Another term for a gate charge. A fiat fee imposed by a solid waste collection company when the companys personnel must unlatch a gate or door to perform pickup service. Unlocking: A flat fez imposed by a solid waste collection company when the oompanys personnel must unlock padlocks or other locking devices to perform pickup services. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For O~rclal Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: - 4L USE ONLY Docket: - 1142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 REC. { TV:ED JU.L 1.23 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COTAUNT. ORTGINAL T G-0611.42 This page has [C] added wording for one company-specific definition. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 13 ti Company NameJPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GO00199 B ~ Re istered Trade Narne(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 20 - Definitions, continued Company-specific definitions: Compacted Material:. Material that has been compressed by any mechanical device [C) either before or after it is placed in the receptacle by the solid waste company. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Doc et No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFFIML USE GnL , oc et. 061.142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COAD1. ORIGIINIM~ TG-0617.42 Tars c No. 7 Original Page No. 14 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 30 -,Limitations of Service Refusal of service. A solid waste collection company may refuse to: (a) Pick up materials from points where it is hazardous, unsafe, or dangerous to persons, property, or equipment to operate vehicles due to the conditions of streets, alleys, or roads. (b) Drive into private property when, in tie company's judgment, driveways or roads are improperly constructed or maintained, do not have adequate tum-arounds, or have other unsafe conditions. (c) Enter private property to pick up material while an animal considered or feared to be vicious is loose. The customer will be required to con-fine the animal on pickup days. Schedules. A company's schedule will meet reasonable requirements and will comply with local service level ordinances. Missed pickups due to weather or road conditions. Pickup of materials may be missed due to weather or road conditions. If the accumulated material (solid waste and/or recyclables, and/or yardwaste) is collected on the next scheduled or available pickup date, the company is not obligated to extend credit for the missed pickup. The customer will not be charged for overfilled receptacles, or for materials set out in bags on top of or next to the customer's normal receptacles if the amount of extra material does not exceed the amount that Ymuid have reasonably been expected to accumulate due to missed pickups. Due care. Other than to offer reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibility for articles left on or near solid waste receptacles. Liability for damage. When a customer requests that a company provide service and damage occurs to the customer's driveway due to reasons not In the control of the company, the company will assume no responsibility for the damage. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006, r (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: u ONLY Docker - 61142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED TUL 125 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. OR.IGri'~ AL TG-061142 Item 50 has one new charge. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 15 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOOOi99 B Registered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 40 - Material Requiring Soecial EouiDment Precautions, or Disposal Transportation at solid waste requiring special equipment or precautions in handling or disposal will be subject to time rates named in Item 160, or to other specific rates contained in this tariff. Companies must make every effort to be aware of the commodities that require special handling at the disposal sites named in the company's tariffs. The company shall maintain a list of those commodities and make it available for public inspection at the company s office. Item 45 - Material Requiring Special Testing and/or Analysis When a solid \a,aste collection company or disposal facility determines that testing and/or analysis of solid waste is required to determine whether dangerous or prohibited substances are present, the actual cost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid by the customer. The company roust provide the customer with a copy of any bill or invoice for costs Incurred for testing and/or analysis and also must retain a copy In the company's file for at least three year. Those costs shall be passed through to the customer without markup. The company must maintain records of time spent to accomplish the special testing and/or analysis, and may bill the customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). Item 50 - Returned Check Charges Returned Check Charge. If a customer pays with a check, and the customer's bank refuses to honor that check, the customer will be assessed a return check charge in the amount of $25.00. [N] Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1 2006 (For Official Use Only) _ Docket No. TG- Date: By: 1 J 4 Cilv:r..r. Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Bf ective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. ~CT & 'TRAMS. COMM. ORZt y~jAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original ?age No. 16 Company Nane/Permit Number Sunshine Dispaa al, Inc. - GOOD199 B Re, istered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 51 - Restart Fees Transportation of solid waste requiring special equipment or precautions in handling or disposal will be subject to time rates named in Item 160, or to other specific rates contained in this tariff. Companies must make every effort to be aware of the commodities that require special handling at the disposal sites named in the company's tarry. The company.shall maintain a list of those commodities and make it available for public inspection at the company's office. When a solid waste collection company or disposal facility determines that testing and/or analysis of solid waste is required to determine whether dangerous or prohibited substances are present the actual cost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid by the customer. The company must provide the customer with a copy of any bill or invoice for costs incurred for testing and/or analysis and also must retain a copy in the company's file for at least three years. Those costs shall be passed through to the customer without markup. The company must maintain records of time spent to accomplish the special testing and/or analysis, and may bill the customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 lime Rates). Item 52 - Redelivery Fees Companies assessing redelivery fees must describe when the fees apply, and must state the amount of the fees in this item. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFF.1'C14L U E ONLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED XUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. TRANS. COMM. ORIGPjAL TG-061142 Item 60 has [C] added wording in two places and [A] one increase In charge. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 17 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 55 - Over-sized or Overa:,eioht Cans or Units The company reserves the right to reject pibkup of any residential receptacle (can, unit, bag, mini-can, or or micro-mini-can) which, upon reasonable inspecilon exrxeds the size and weight limits shm%n in Item 20. If the receptacle exceeds the size andlot limits stated in Item 20, is overfilled, or the top is unable to be closed, but the company transports the materials, the following additional charges will apply.. S per NOTE: Forcha es applying on overweight toters, carts, containers, ordrop boxes see item 207. Item 60 - Overtime Periods Companies will assess additional charges when providing services, at customer request, during overtime periods. Overtime periods include Saturdays, Sundays, and the following holidays: New Year's Day (January 1) Labor Day [C] Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day (July 4) Christmas Day ( December 25) When a holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following Monday vMll be observed: When a holiday listed [Cj above falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the legal holiday. Time is to be recorded to the nearest increment of 15 minutes from the time the oompany's vehicle leaves the terminal until the time it returns to the terminal. No additional charge will by assessed to customers for overtime or holiday wor'x performed solely for the company's convenience. Change per hour. $ 65.00 Truck and one driver [A] Minimum charge: $ Issued By: IAarc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September l.'2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No, TG- Date: By: \ t ~I FOR 0I-F1CrIL USS OjVL r Docket: TG-061142 A.gerrda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 IZIE"ICEIVE:D JUL 12, 200.6 WA. UT. & TRANS. COn'IM. ORYGLNAL TG061142 Item 70 has (A one increase In charge Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 18 f Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. -G000199 B Re isteredlrade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clin Ilem 70 - Return Trios When a company is required to make a return trip, that does not require the special dispatch of a truck, to pick up material that was unavailable for coliection for reasons under the control of tine customer, the following additional charges, per pickup, will apply. Type of receptacle Rate for Return Trio Can, unit, mini-can, or micro-mini-can Drum $ Bale $ Litter Receptacle $ brop Box $ 45.00 (A) Container $ Toter, gallons $ Toter, gallons $ Recycling containers $ Other S Other S NOTE: Return trips rejuiring the special dispatch of a truck are considered special pickups and are charged for under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). Issued By: Mam B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By. FO.R O. FICL L US ONLY Docket: TG-06.1192 Agen.da .Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECE ED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 19 Company Name/Permit Humber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOD0199 B Registered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 75 - Fiat Monthly Charges This rule applies in connection with Items '120,130, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, and 275. A fiat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: 1. If weekly service is provided: Multiply the rate times 4.33 and then multiply that figure times the number of units picked up. 2. If every other week service is provided: Multiply the rate times 2.17 and then multiply that figure times the number of units picked up. 3. For Items 240, 250, 260, and 270: For permanent, regularly scheduled pickups, a fat monthly 6harge may be assessed if computed as follows: a. For weekly service, each container provided: i. If monthly rent is shown: monthly rent plus (4.33 times pickup rate times number of pickups per week) ii. If monthly rent is not shown: 1st pickup rate plus (3,33 times additional pickup rate) plus (4.33 times additional pickup rate tunes additional weekly pickups). b. For every-other week service, each container provided: 1. If monthly rent is shown: monthly rent plus (2.17 times pid-,up rate times number of pickups per week) ii. If monthly rent is not shown: 1st pickup rate plus (1.17 times additional pickup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Ofcial Use Only) _ Docket No. TG- Date: By: iMAL WA" OxLr` oc -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED TUL 1.2 2006 WA.. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 20 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Recycling Item 80 Carty-•out Service. Drive-Ins Companies will assess the following additional charges when customers request that company personnel provide Rate Residential Commercial Charge for Carry-outs Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Pickup Cans; units, mini-cans, ormlcro=mini cons that must be carried out over 5 feet, but not over 25 feet. For each additional 25 feet; or fraction of 25 feet add NOTE: The company may elect to drive in at the rates shown above, except the charge will be limited to one can, unit, mini-can, or micro-mini can. If cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-mini-cans are carried over 125 feet, but are safely accessible to the company's vehicle, the drive-in charges shown below must be assessed instead. Rate Residential Commercial Charge for Drive-ins (goer pickup) Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Pickup j Drive-in on driveways of over 125 feet, but less than 250 fe6t Drive-ins on driveways of over 250 feet, but less than 1110 mile For each 1110 mile over 1110 mile NOTE: F'or the purpose of assessing drive-in fees, a drrreway is defined as providing access to a single residence. If a driveway provides access to multiple residences or accounts, no drive-in fees will be assessed. Issued By; Man; B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- FOR OFFICW, USE ONLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEWE'D XUL 12.2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Pace No. 21 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and R clin Item 90 - Can Carriaoe - Soecial Services Rate Residential Commercial Service Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Pickup Stairs or steps - for each step up or down Overhead obstructions - for each overhead obstruction less than 'S reef from the round Sunken or elevated cansfunits for cans, . units, mini-cans, or micro-mini-cans fully or partially underground or over 4 feet above round, but not involving stairs or steps_ Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) } Docket No. TG- Date: By: S Glvl.r a , . I -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COAWL ORIGTANAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 22 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GODO M B Registered Trade Nam s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 100 Residential Service - Monthly Rates (continued on next oaciel Rates in this item apply: (1) To solid waste coliection,_curbside recycling (where noted) and.yardwaste services (where noted) for residential property. This includes s_ ingle fam7y dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condominiums, etc., where service Is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit, andfor (2) When required by a local government service level ordinance, solid waste collection, curbside recycling, and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile horses, condominiums, and apartment buildings of less than residential units, where service is billed to the property ovmer or manager. Rates below apply In the following service area: Number of Frequency Garbage Recjde Yar&vaste Number of Frequency Garbage Recycle Yardwaste Uritls or Type of Service Service Service Units or Type of Ser,469 Service service of Confainers SerAce Rate Rate -Rate of Containers Ser&-- Rate Rate Rate Frequency of SerAce Codes: VJG=tNeekty Garbage; EMIG-Every Other Week Garbage; MG=Msonthty Ga,-bac4; WR-A4'eekty Rer;ding EOWR=Every wither Week Recycling; MR=lonthiy Recycling; last others used by company. Note 1: Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on page Note 2: Description/rules related to yard%vaste program are shown on page Note 3: In addition to the recycling rates shown above, a recycling debit/credit•of-$ applies. Recycling service rates on this page expire on: Issued Sy: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Eiiective Date: September 1, 2066 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFFIMI USF ONLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. YT's'. & TRANS. COATIM. ORIGINkL TG--061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page N6.23 Company NarnelPernit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling, Item 100 - Residential Service - Monthly Rates (oontinued from, previous oaoe) Note 4: Customers will be charged for service requested even if fewer units are picked up on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled cans. No credit will be given if customer faits to set receptacle-s but for collection. Note 5: For customers on automated service routes: The company ivill assess roil-out charges where, due to circumstances outside the contr6l of the driver, the driver is required to move an automated cart or toter more than feet in order to reach the truck. The charce for this roll-out service is: $ per cart or toter, per pickup. Note 6: The charge for an occasional extra residential bag,.can, unit, toter, nini-can, or micro-mini-can on a regular pickup is: Rate per receptacle Type of receptacle per pickup 32-gallon can or unit $ Mini-can $ Micro-minican $ 60 -gallon toter $ 90 allon toter $ Bag $ Other $ _ Other $ Note 7: Customers may request no more than one pickup per month, on an "on call" basis, at $ per cardunit. Service vAll be rendered on the normal scheduled plc,.{up day for the area in vrhich the customer resides. Note: if customer requires service'to be provided on other than normal scheduled pickup day, rates for special pickups will apply. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Usa Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: f~ FOR OF.FICIA L USE Gn~l;r' 15ocket: -061142 Agerula Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 123 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COQ. ORIGPiAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original ?age No. 24 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 100 - Residential Service - Monthly Rates (continued) Curbside recyciing provisions shovrn on this page apply only in the follm-Ang service area: Following Is a description of the recycling program (type of containers, frequency, etc.). Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No. of (name of County or City). Special rules related for recycling program: Issued Sy:. Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Officfal Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: "ONLY T-G-.061 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 i RRCEIVED SUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. C01MAt. OR(GMAL T C->: 66114? Tari f No. 7 Original Page. No. 26 Cornpany Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOD0199 B Ragistered Trade Narne s dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling 1 Itsm 100 - Residential Service - Monthly Rates (continued) Yardwaste provisions shown on this page apply only in the follmving service area: Following is a description of the Yar&Haste program (type of containers, frequency, etc.). Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No'of (n*ame of County or City). Special rules related for yardwaste program: Issued By:. Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1,'2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TO- Date: By: FOR ELAF GJ Docket. T-6-061142 agenda Date. 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JYJL 1.2, 2006 OVA. UT. & TRANS. COINUM. ORIGINAL TG-061142- Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 26 Company Narn6/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GbD0199 B Registered Trade Narre s - dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 103 Multl-family Service - Monthly Rates Service Area: *'.r r~ __allons _ gallons _ panons gallons _ gallons other _other L_otiner -other Number of I Rece tacles Frequency of serVrice Initial Delivery Char{la Rent Per Day Rent Per Month Pickup Charge (See Notes 1,283 Special Pld<up Charge Note 1: The charge included in this rate for recycling is Descriptionirules related to recycling program are sho%-,n on page Note 2: The charge included In this rate for yarcNvaste is S Descripdonlrules related to ~_J) yardwaste program are shown on page Note 3: Recycling creditfdebit (if applicable) included in this rate is: $ Note 4: Customers will be charged for service requested even if fewer units are picked up on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled cans. No credits will be givers if customer fails to set receptacles out for collection. Note 5: The charge for an occasional extra residential can, unit, toter, mini-Can, or micro-mint-can on a regular pickup Is: Rate per receptacle Rate per receptacle Type of receptacle Per picku Type of receptacle Per Pickup 32-gallon can or unit 90-gallon toter Mini-can Other. Micro-mini-can' Other: 60 allon toter Other: Note 6: Customers may request no more than one pickup per month, on an "on calf' basis, at g per canlunit. Service vAl be rendered on the normal scheduled pickup day for the area in which the customer resides. Note: if customer requires service to be provided on other than normal scheduled pickup day, rates for special pickups will apply. Recycling rates on this page expire: Issued By: Mlarc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: - September 1 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: 1:;G rn i r r; E ONLY -061142 Agenda .Tate: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JU 12) 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. CONBI. ORIG]NA.L.TG-061142 - Tariff No. 7 Original Pace No. 27 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G004199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Rcecyclin Item 105 -Multi-family Service - hiionthiy Rates (continued) Curbside recycling provisions shown on this page apply only In the following service area: Following is a description of the recycling prograin (type of containers, frequency, etc.).. Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No. of (name of County or City). Special rules related for recycling program: - - Issued By: Marc S. Torre Issue.Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: 11y: T GivL i' oekef- . 61142 agenda Date: 08-30-06 Dfective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA.. V.F. & TRANS.- COMM. ORYGYNNAL `1`G-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 28 Company Name/Permit Number- Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GD00.199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 105 Multi-family Service - Monthly Rates (continued) Yardwaste provisions shown on this page apply only in the following seR ice area: Following is a description of the Yardwaste program (type of container, frequency, etc.). Program provided in accordance with Ordinance No. of (name of County or City). Special rules related for yardwaste program: issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jut 13, 2006 Eiiective Date: September 1 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: r. n n nnrrr rTrn Ust 0NLY - 611.42 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECE :D JUL 123 2006 WA. UT. & TRAINS. COA 1~Y , ORTGIt AL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 29 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc- - G000190 B Registered Trade Narne s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 120 - Drums Type of Service Rate Per Drun, Per Pickup Regular Route Ser0ce $ S pedal Pickup S Item 130 - Litter Receptacles and Litter Toter Customer-owned Receptacle Rate Per Receptacle, Per Pickup Size or Type: $ Size or Type: Is Company-owned Receptacle: Rate Per,Rece tale, Per Pickup Size or Type- S Size or Type: Item 150 Loose and Bulky Material Special Trips: Time rates in Item 160 apply. 11 Regular Route: The following rates ap I . - Additional cubic Carry Charge 1 to 4 cubic yards yards' Minimum Charge Per each o fL over Rate per yard Rate per and Per Pickup 8 feet Sul Materials Loose material (customer load) Loose material (company load Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2.008 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFFICIAL USE 01k; Docker: TO-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 , ffiective Date: 09-01-06 RECEMED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGINAL TG-061.142- Item 160 has [A] four increases in charges Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 3D Company NameJPermit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 160 -Time Fates When time rates apply. Time rates named in this Item_ apply. (a) When material must be taken to'a special site fog' disposal; (b) When a company's equipment must wait at, or return to, a customers site to provide scheduled service due to no disability, fault, or negligence on the part of the company. Actual waiting time or time taken in retuming to the site will be charge=d for, or (c) When a customer orders a single, special, or emergency pickup, or when other items in this tariff refer to this Item. How rates are recorded and charged. Time must be recorded and charged for to the nearest increment of 15 mInutes.'Time rates apply for the period from the time the companys vehicle leaves the company's terminal until it returns to the terminal, excluding interruptions. An interruption is a situation causing stoppage of service that is in the control of the company and not in the control of the customer. Examples include: coffee breaks, lunch breaks, breakdown of equipment, and similar occurrences. Disposal fees In addition to time rates. Item 230 disposal fees for the specific disposal site or facility used will apply in addition to time rates. Rates per hour: Rate Per Hour each Extra Minimum Type of Equipment orderers Truck and Driver Person Charge Single rear drive axle: Non-packer truck S $ $ Packer truck $ $ $ Drop-box truck $ 65.00 [A] $ 42.50 A $ Tandem rear drive axle: Non-packer truck $ $ $ S $ $ - Packer trick Drop-box truck $ 65.00 L AI 42.50 (A) $ Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) ~1. Docket No. TG- Date: t3'y: OArL Y k . 061142 Agenda Data: 08-30-06 Effective .Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. CUA- l~. ORI .1 - WLTG•-•06ff4_ r Tarr No. 7 Original Page No. 31 Company Name/Per-mit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Nam s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re cling Item 200 - Containers and/or Droo Boxes - General Rules Availability. A company must maintain a supply of all sizes of containers and drop boxes for which rates are listed in this tariff. If a customer requests a container or drop box of a size listed in the company's tariff, and the company is unable to provide the requested size within 7 days of the customer request, the customer must be notified in writing or by telephone. Alternate-sized containers and/or drop boxes. If the company cannot provide the requested-sized container or drop box (and that size is listed in the company's tariff), the company must provide altemate-sized containers or drop boxes, sufficient to meet the capacity originally requested by the customer, at the same rates as would have applied for the requested container or drop box. Disposal fees due on alternate-sized drop boxes. If the company provides alternate-sized drop boxes, the customer is responsible for all lawfully applicable disposal fees resulting from the use of the altemate drop boxes. Rates on partially-filled containers andlor drop boxes. Full pickup and rental rates apply regardless of the amount of waste material in the container or drop box at pickup time. Rates for compacted materials. Rates for compacted material apply only when the material has been compacted before its pickup by the company. Rates for loose material. Loose material dumped into the company's packer truck is subject to the rates for non-compacted material even though the-material may be compacted later in the packer truest. ,I Permanent and temporary service. The 1ollov~ting rules apply: (a) If a customer requests a container or drop box for less than 90 days, the customer will be billed at temporary service rates. (b) If a temporary ser%rice customer notifies the company that it has decided to retain the container or drop box for more than 90 days, permanent service rates will be assessed from the 91 st day until the end of the period the customer retains the container or drop box. (c) If a customer requests a container or drop box for more than 90 days, tife customer %vill be billed under permanent rates. If that customer cancels service before the end of the 90-day period, the company may not rebill the customer at temporary service rates. The Intent of the customer at the time service was requested applies. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Juh 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (for Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: n r~+r s r r rr TJ4IiTiuL t7T) VlYLl 61142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 .RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. -T. & TRANS. MAIM. ORIGINAL TG-061.142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 32 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B R istered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 205 Roll-Out Charoes Containers. Automated Carts, and Toters Charges for contatenrs. The company will assess roll-out charges where, due to circumstances outside the control of the driver, the driver is required to move a container more than jive feet, but less than 25 feet, in order to reach the truck. The charge for this roll-out service is: $ per container; per pickup Over 25 feet, the charge X011 be the charge for 25 feet, plus $ per increment of 5 feet. Charges for automated carts or toters. The company will assess roll-out charges where, due to circumstances outside the control of the driver, the driver is required to move an automated cart or toter more than feet in order to reach the truck. The charge for this roll-out service is: $ per cart or toter, per pickup. Issued By: Marc S. Torre Issue Date.: Jul 13, 20b6 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- 1)ate: By: _ r Y ONLY Bucket. 6114? Agenda Tate: 08-30-06 I;jj`ectA e Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. MAIM. ORIGINAL TG-061142 Item 207 has [C] added wording In one lace. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 33 Company Name.rrPermit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and R chin Item 207 - Excess Weicht - Reiection of Load. Charges to Tran3DDrt The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any container, stationary packer, or drop box which, upon reasonable ins0ection:- (1) Appears to be ov=rloaced. (2) Would cause applicable vehicle load limitations to be exceeded; (3) Would cause the company to violate load limitations or result in unsafe vehicle operation; andlor - (4) Would negatively impact or otherwise damage road surface integrity. For the purposes of this tariff, the follovring maximum v:elghts apply: Maximum gross vehicle weight of 48,000 pounds. [C1 Type/Size of Maximum Weight Type/Size of Maximum Weight Container, Drop Bcx, Allowance per Container, Drop Box, Allowance per Toter, or Cart Rece Gcie (in pounds) Toter, or Cart Rece tale (bi pounds) All Drop Boxes 20,000 pounds \;l Overfilled or overweight, charges if transported. If the container, drop box; toter, or cart exceeds the limits stated above, is filled beyond the marked fill line, or the top is unable to be closed, but the company transports the materials, the following additional charges will apply: Type.Size of Type/Size of Container, Drop Box, Container, Drop Box, Teter, or Cart Charge Toter, or Cart Char•-e $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per 5 Per S Per S Per Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: ~~nn nrnrr+re r E t7!`L.l. - -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 EECE D JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. OWGINAL TG•-061142 This page contains [C] added wording and A two amounts with Increases. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 34 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - 600018313 Registered Trade Nam s dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 210 - Washino and Sanitizinq Containers and/or Drop Boxes Upon customer requast, the company will provide washing and sanitizing service at the following rates: Size or Type of Container or Drop Box Rate All Drop Boxes Per Yd Minimum Charge [C] Washng $ 1.15 $ 23.15 [A] Steam Cleanln2 S 3.00 $ 30.88 [C] -Sanitizing 1.00. $ - [A] Pickup and Delivery Charge: Over a Yards $ 42.45 [C] Service to be provided as required by local or state health or solid ;caste rules, customer [C] request , or at the discretion of the carrier if in the carrier's judgement the container or drop box is in such a condition as to violate said laws. Item 220 Compactor Rental Customers must pay the follcmjing additional charges for compactors fumished by the company. C6rgas named are for compactors only and do not include drop box or container charges. See Items 250 and 270 for container charges. Customers must pay the costs of installation. Size or Type of Container or Drop Box Rate Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: Seflternber 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: BY: 1. .F ONIIY Docket: -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED J UL 123 2006 WA.. UT. R TR.AN'S. COMM. ORIGINAL. TG-061142 This page has (A) four increases in pass-:hru dump fees. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 35 Company N'amefPei-mit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc.- G000199 B Re istered Trade Nara s dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 230 - Disposal Fees Charges in this item apply when other items in the tariff specifically refer to this item. Disposal site (name or location Type of Material Fee for Disposal $ per Sullivan Road Transfer Station MSW Refuse $ 103.00 Der Ton [A $ per City of Spokane Waste to Ener Plant MSW Refuse $ 98.00 per Ton A $ per Sunshine Re clers Transfer Station MSW Refuse $ 98.00 per Ton [A] $ per Sunshine Rec yclers Transfer Station CDLI $ 59.50 per Ton A S per $ per 1$ per $ per $ per S per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per J S per S per $ per $ per $ per $ per S per $ per $ per State whether fees are per yard, per ton, etc. Include charges assessed for special commodities (tires, appliances, asbestos, etc.) or special condifions at each specific disposal site. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1 2006 (For Of lcfaf Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: T Civ-4 ~1 ' a . - . 06114.2 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 REV--.1CFWFD JUI,125 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGMAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 36 Company Name[Permit Number, Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOOD199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 245 - Container Service - Dumped in GompanVs Vehicle Non-compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Includes Commercial Can Service Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area: Size or Type of Container Permanent Service 32 gal can _ gal. Tote Yard Yard _ Yard Yard Yard Each Scheduled Pickup S S S $ S $ $ Special Pickups $ $ S $ S $ S Tempos Service Pickup Rate $ S $is Is -Al $ Note i s Permanent Service: Service is defined a" no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit Mill be given for partially-plied containers. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc,) Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 20{0)6 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OF'F'1'CT 1 USE ONLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-0.1-06 RECEIVED JUL Its 2006 WA. • r.f. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGlNAIT-j T G-061142 Tariff No. 7 Oriainal Paoe No. 37 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - 0000199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 250 Container Service Dumped in Company's Vehicle Compaci:ed Material (Company-owned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area: Size or Type of Container Permanent Service Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Monthly Rent (if applicable) $ $ $ S $ $ First Pickup . . $ . $ $ S 6 Is $ - Each Addibo,al Pickup S $ $ $ $ $ $ Special Pickups $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .y,~' yy...rnftiti•.v •r v'.t~,. ,a •.6 ~ tiSleC.'~- ti,-+tr.._q:' i. s. Tempos Service ;fi3" :r~''u tT:!'74.yF`~ , ce:.,s!.tYi' i r~: :s~• .}::'iiS~tr~~ Initial Deliver $ $ $ S $ S $ 'Pickup Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Dent Per Calendar Da $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Rent Per Month $ $ $ S $ $ $ Notei: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially-filled containers. Note 2: Permanent Sesnilce: If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same. If rent is ngt shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Ac cessorial charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2005 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: Deeke,*.-- ' PO-M] Agenda Date: 08-30-06 .Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED T UL 125 2006 WA.. UT. & TRAINTS. CONEM. ORIGP A.L TG-461142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 38 Company NamefPermlt Number. 'Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Reoistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 255 - Container Service - Dumped in Comoa nVs Vehicle Compacied Material (Customer-v,ned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Service Area: Size or Type of Container Permanent Service 32 aal can _gal. Tc,e Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Each Scheduled Pickup $ $ Is $ $ $ S Special P!cku s S $ $ $ S is $ Temporary Service Pickup Rate $ S • S s $ it $ Notei: Permanent SemIce-: Service is defined as no Iess than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer vAl be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are ser Aced on a particular trip. No credit %Al be given for partially-,filled containers. Accessorial charges. assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By: ' A4arc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: i FOR OFFICIAL USE. OAEY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06' Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED AM 125-2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COMM. ORIGPiAL'T`G--06114 This page has [A] six lines with increases in each filled-in column, plus (A) an increase in Note 2, and the Insertion of Notes 4, 5 and 6 with [N new rates in each. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 39 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOOOti99 B Re istered Trade Narne s dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 260 - Drop Box Service - To Disposal Site and Return Non-Compacted Material (Company-owned container) Rates stated per drop box, per pickup Service Area: See Apppendix A - Permit copy map Size or Type of Container Permanent Service 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard Monthly Rent (if applicable) $ 55.00 S 57.90 $ 60.80 $ 74.00 $ $ [A] First Pickup $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 $ S L Each Additional Pickup $ 65.00 $ 65.00 65. DO S 75.00 $ $ [A Special Pickups $ $ $ $ $ $ Tern ors Service Initial Delive s 40.00 $ - S 40.00 $ 40.00'1$ $ [A Pickup Rate $ 85.001$ - S 95.06 $ 95.08 $ $ [A] Rent Per Calendar Day 1 $ A.00 $ - S 4.50 $ 5.00 $ $ [A] Rent Per Month S S $ S $ S Note 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named In this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles will be charged for at $4.00 per mile or fraction of a [A] mile. Mileage charge is in addition to all regular charges. . Note 3: Permanent Service: (1) Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service, or unless putrescibles are involved. (2) If a drop box is retained by a customer for a full month and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pickups, Monthly rental charges will be prorated when a drop box is retained for only a portion of a month. (3) If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the sale. If rent is not shovm, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Note 4: A gate or obstruction change of $10,00 (N) will be assessed for opening , unlocking or [N] closing gates, or moving obstructions In order to pick up solid waste. Note 5: A fee of $17.86 (N) per month will be added to rent when a lid is required on a drop box. [N] Note 6: A fee of $10.00 (N) will be assessed when a customer requires the solid waste company [N] to position lids open after pickup. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: 061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Ef `scti•ve Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JU L 1.2, 2006 WA. UT. & SANS. C01M. ORTGINAL TG-061.142 Tariff No: 7 Original Page No. 40 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Names dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 265 Drop Box Service - To Disposal Site and Retum Non-Compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Rates stated per drop box, per pic,{up Service Area: Size or T 'pe of Container Permanent Servico Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Each Scheduled Pickup $ $ $ $ $ S $ Special Pickups $ $ $ $ $ $ $ i. ; S^" '=+C:.'•c"'}' max.: 6 wo Tem ora Service u~: ,:.~,,4t: Pickup Rate $ S $ $ -7s- $ $ Note1: Rates in this item are subject 'to disposal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles from the point of -pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles 011 be charged for at S per mile or fraction of a* mile. Mileage harge is in addition to all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local government ordinances require rhore frequent service or unies putrescibles are invotved. t Accessorial charges assessed (Iids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By: Moarc B. Torre Issue Date: Ju 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFFICIAL' USE ONLY Docker: TO-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIED JUL 12, 2006 N VA. UT. & TRANS. CUA.-O1U-G1NXT TG D6-fJ.-4~2 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 41 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc, - G000139 B Registered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and R yclin 1 Item 270 - Drop Soxaervice To Disposal Site and Retum Compacted Material (Company-owned drop box) Rates stated per.drop box, per pickup Service Area: Size or Type of Container Permanent Service Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Months Rent if applicable) S $ $ $ $ $ First Pickup $ $ S $ $ $ $ Each Additional Pickup $ $ $ S $ 5 $ Special Pickups $ $ $ S $ $ S Temporary Service Initial Delivery S $ S $ $ $ $ Pickup Rate $ $ $ S $ $ $ Rent Per Calendar Da $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Rent Per Month S $ $ $ $ $ $ Notel: Rates in this iterti are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles will be charged for at S per mile or fraction of a mile. Mileage harge is in addition to all regular charges. Note 3: Pen, anent Service: ) (1) Service is defined as no less dian scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local govemment requires more frequent service, or unless putrescibles are involved. (2) If a drop box is retained by a customer for a full month and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pickups. Monthly rental charges will be prorated when a drop box is retained for only a portion of a month. (3) If rent Is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same. I If rent is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Onf,-) Docket No. TG- Date: By: r r,n n r, r- rnr r rir ` . alYLl 61142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 effective Date: 09-01-06 REC WED JUL 123 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. COQ NIL ORTGN AL .TG-061142 This page has [A] Increases to Permanent Service for 20 yard and 30 yard containers with no changes to rates for the 30 yard and 40 yard containers. This page also has [A] an Increase to the mileage rate in Note 2, insertion of Note 4 with [N] one new rate, and Insertion of Note 5 with [C] changes in wording only with no change to that rate. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 42 Company Name/Permit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Nam s) dboa Sunshine Disposal and Recycling Item 275 - Droo Box Service - To Disposal Site and Return Compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Rates stated per drop box, per pickup Service Area: See Appendix A - Permit copy and map . A] A Size or T pe of Container Permanent Service 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard Each Scheduled Pic;{u $ 112.00 $ 112.00 $ 112.00 135.05 $ S 5 Special Pickups $ $ S Tem Ora Service Aa.r.~:'d.?~ ?a.+v Pickup Rate $ $ $ $ S $ is Mote 1:. Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in item 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles will be charged for at $4.00 per mile or fraction of a [A] mile. Mileage charge is in addition to all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service is deSned as no less than scheduied, once a month pickup, unless local government ordinances require more frequent service or unles putrescibles are involved. Accessodal charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Nate 4: A gate or obstruction charge of $10.00 (N) will be assessed for opening, unlocking or [N] closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Note 5: A compector'disconnact/reconnect charge of $25.00 will be assessed. [C] Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By o G FF;F r g r rr OILY ' k 061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECENED.J-IT.L,12, 2006 NVA.. UT. & TRANS. COMM. OR~GL . TG ff-61T42 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 43 Company Narne/Permlt Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. -G000199 B Registered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec cling rT Item 300 - List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used In This Tari [A] denotes increases [R] denotes decreases [C] denotes changes in wording, resul'ing in neither incfeases or decreases [N] denotes new rates, services, or rules denotes that material previously shown has been deleted Yd. Or yd. Are abbreviations for yard Cu. Or cu. Are abbreviations for cubic Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date July 13, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date' - BY: 'COR rCTI-T ,f r rrr Ol Y111/ - 61142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 ,,~fective Date: 09-01-06 I 4.` ~'s41aY 'tt~T"EC!~~~~1'~i~t ~ ~ ~l~t ~a~ . ~ • yk ~'~rva~S.T~~~~ WS8!'F+s;sta.'..~~6t~f~~` ~ WASEIINGTDr'ti' UTILI'T`IES ANb TRl1~i&PORTA'£IGN COiviMI55fON ~ G • For the operation of Motor propelled Vehicles. pursuant to the pro.isions of Chapter 81 RCW THIS IS TO CERTIFY that authority is granted to operate as a MOTOR CARRIER in the transportation of the eornnr oditles and in the territory described herein to Sunshi ne Disposal, Inc. ' CERT. No. 1415 Mi Ballard Way G-199 Seattle, WA 98107 D-1 • ti GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICB, limited to service in containers of twenty (20) cubic yard capacity or over in that portion of Spokane County described as follows: The territory bounded on the west by Havana Street (the easterly city limits of ttte City of Spokane); on the north by Rowan Avenue extended; on the east by the Idaho-Washington State line and on the south by 40th Avenue extended. Also, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., R, 45 E., and Sections 30 and 31, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; and within the corporate city limits of Spokane as of September 1, .1962, PROVIDED: Service permitted in r. Spokane does not authorize the duplication•of or any encroGchment on services rendered •hy'the City of.Spokane or contracted for by It.; 11. V. G. No. 1147 8-24-83 WASI17NGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION BTA COMMISSION 4A Y . CJ L 1 1 _M'Mi M117_ PON 'y 61.1.42 - Arp CN Ada Ate: 08-30-06 . -01-06 ell, P42E R43C P-44E R45E - ~ f 4 E j ~f ,~,r..r~ •I l t . •.I . ~h t lion'o• i J III I 1 ' :~h. n ri. r, . = l..,l... ,Ar I. nws Z I q-,n - .I. _ I I.ti r. i 1~~ ~ ~r `T t~Yj 1 I rl 1J__ .-.r, n fn9y. }.tri ~1{.~t ii•`~ r. v ' rte? I :T'...~i•- 1 ` 1--- I °~••4,~~ II IIii II J 'i..t ~'1~• ~^I ,v~~. " ..n.r_^ ; I I '4 ~ .i r •I' .Y ~ I t ~ inn. . ~ f~ 1 • 14 ~s ~ . - rr~• •r r• i~ 1 t. I - 'l.l 'I. ~ •'s '~i tti k''. J~ tdote This area and Iilal 4 t,,. rrilhin Spokane CL aS of / i Holc: SxrvEce perrnllted in Sppnkon.c does ra 9-I-f2 is limilcd to Ixenly - not culhoritn 1h dupli.alipn of M) cub[c yar.-dcpp.or aver. I S~ or any eneroa hmenl an zervites ,l ;y7~ r i rendered lry iho c[ly of Spe.kane f 1 or canlrocted for by [I. 1 ' --2mlw lr.'j•1.{~Y1r.~(ei ttll (.r. I .~I c s S S^ 0 1 ~ ',J r ,'t•^~,~\~ '~'G R:1. r~'•r Ij~.~'Lt ti~.f' r •C ij' I~ 'lil~T i .i. f , I1 'r ~t,~,• • . ~ irlt. fji ~•e ,I I• .s`•7~~~ ~ '~~1 ~ +•I••1 - ~ r♦ .r V ~ ^ r j• ~ • ~ t 'h'♦r~ tea+iRl n - Wit' ihll; ~r • a LAJ O\ G v - l i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading proposed Ordinance 07-023, Waste Management franchise GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study session April 17, 2007, motion on May 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Council direction on May 22, 2007, staff requested a copy of the current Tariff (authority from Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission to operate garbage and refuse collection in our city) from the WUTC. Staff also drafted a proposed seven year status quo franchise for Waste Management. A copy of the draft franchise was sent to Waste Management with a request to contact me if they had questions or comments.- Waste Management has not contacted me as of the date this RCA was drafted. Staff will present a motion with the second reading authorizing staff to send notice of termination of the existing Tariff, to be replaced with the franchise, under which the WUTC would continue to exercise exclusive regulatory authority and control. Once this process is completed, the Council may want to consider authorizing the staff to open negotiations with Waste Management for a replacement franchise containing other or additional terms, and under which the City would assume regulatory authority and control over garbage collection. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to advance ordinance 07-023 to a second reading BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None in the short term, unknown long term. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft franchise for Waste Management DRAFT Proposed Waste Management franchise - C. Driskell CITY OF SPOKAtt`E VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 07-023 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING A SEVEN YEAR, NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCE f.SE TO WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WAS11INGTON, INC., D/B/A WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE, TO PROVIDE GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003, at which time Waste Management of Washington, Inc., d/b/a Waste Management of Spokane (hereafter "Waste Management") was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the geographic area comprising the new city; WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.160 provides that when a new city incorporates, a company providing solid waste and refuse collection services within the new city shall be allowed to continue providing said services for at least seven years following the exercise of certain steps to terminate those statutory rights; WHEREAS, the City Council has given preliminary approval to give notice of termination through the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission; and WHEREAS, the City desires to grant a status quo franchise to Waste Management whereby Waste Management shall be allowed to continue providing garbage and refuse collection services within 1 the City of Spokane Valley under the same terms and conditions as has been previously allowed by the C/ Washington Utilities Transportation Commission, and under which the Washington Utilities Transportation Commission would continue to have administrative oversight and control over the provision of these services. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, does ordain as follows: Section 1. Grant of Franchise. The City of Spokane Valley, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), hereby grants to Waste Management of Washington, Inc., d/b/a Waste Management of Spokane, a non-exclusive franchise for a period of seven (7) years, beginning on the effective date of this Ordinance, to provide garbage and refuse collection services in the City of Spokane Valley on identical terms and conditions as is set forth in Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) Certificate G-237, and Tariff No. 15 granted to Waste Management by WUTC, effective May 1, 2007, copies of which are attached to this franchise ordinance, and incorporated herein by reference. The WUTC will continue to provide administrative oversight and control over this franchise until this franchise expires or is superseded by a subsequent franchise. Section 2. notice. Any notice or information required or permitted to be given by or to the parties under this franchise may be sent to the following addresses unless otherwise specified, in writing: The City: City of Spokane Valley Attn: City Clerk 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ordinance 07-023 Waste Management Franchise Page l of 2 DRAFT Proposed Waste Management franchise - C. Driskell Grantee: Waste Management of Spokane Attn: Ken Gimpel, Municipal Relations Manager 12122 East I" Avenue / Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 344-8232 Fax: (509) 467-7931 Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of the ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of 2007. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk. Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Accepted by: Waste Management of Spokane By: Sunshine Disposal, Inc., for itself, and for its successors and assigns, does accept all of the terms and conditions of the foregoing franchise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, has signed this day of , 2007. Subscribed and sworn before me this - day of , 2007. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My conunlission expires Ordinance 07-023 Waste Management Franchise Page 2 of2 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WASHINGTON, wc. 'Cert. No. d/b/a WASHR~TGTON WASTE HAULE\TG &'RECYCLING, INC., G-00237 RECYCLE AMERICA, RURAL SKAGIT SANITATION, FEDERAL WAY DISPOSAL, NICK RAFFO GARBAGE, R.S.T. DISPOSAL, TRI-STAR DISPOSAL; WESTERN REFUSE, NORTH CASCADES DISPOSAL, STAB WOOD CAMANO DISPOSAL, WASTE MANAGEMENT, WASTE MANAGEMENT - NORTHWEST, WANE MANAGEMENT - RAINIER, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF ELLENSBURG, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF GREATER WENATCHEE, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF. KE\TNEWICK, WASTE M1ANAGENIENt OF SEATTLE, - WASTE MANTAGEMENT OF SK.A.GIT COUNTY, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE, WASTE sl4ANAGEMENIT OF YAKNIA, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SNO-KING, VALLEY GARBAGE, OLSON'S SANITATION SERVICE, WASTE MANAMIE NT OF ADDY, BREM-A R DISPOSAL., _ WASTE ItiANAG :MEN =SOUTH SOUNb s~ 13225 NE 126TH PLACE KIR.KLAND, WA 98034 TIaIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AUTHORIZE REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE RESTRICTED TO EXTREMELY HA7ARDOUS_ SEIVH-SOLID WASTE, INCLUDING ACIDS, -CHEMICALS, AND RESIDUALS W PIERCE, KING, SNOHOMISH --ANO WHATCOM COUNTIES AND INTERCOUNTY AND/OR HAZARDOUS INDUSTRIAL LIQUID, LNCLUDING - ACIDS, CFIEM[CALS AND RESIDUALS (NOT TO EXCEED 6,50Q GALLONS IN BUI K PER SlUMENIT) 1N Wl.TATCOM, SKA_.GIT, SNOHOMISH,' KING, KITSAP -.AND PIERCE COUNYTIF5 AND 1NTERCOUNTY. ' Continue (PID277) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in Sections 6, 7,18, the•north Y2 of 19 and those portions of Section 4 and 5 situated in King County, all in T. 22 N., R.11 E.; and Sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and the West 1h of. Sec. 33, all in T. 23 N., R.11.E., in King County. (PID295) ALSO Irt that portion of King County, ,described as follows: Commencing at the northeast City Limi.ts of Auburn, and the. Green River Banks within Section 8, T. 21 i1., R. 5 E.; thence easterly alopg.the Green River Banks to the zzorthwest.eoxner of Section 20, T. . 21 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; thence. north to the northwest corner of Section 20, T. 22 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; thence due east to the northeast corner of Section 24, T. 22 N., RL 7 E.; thence south to the southerly boundary of King County; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of King County to the southwest coiner of Section 32, T. 211N., R. 5 E., W.,M.; thence northerly along the west line of said Section 32, 29, 20,17 and 8 of T. 21 N., R. 5 E. to the Green River Batiks to the point of begin- ing. (PID297) ALSO in that portion of King County described as follows: Commencing at the northwest City Limits of Renton and the shore of Lake Washngton; thence northerly along the shore of Lake Washington to the City Limits of Bellevue (as of September 1, - 2004); thence east along the south City Limits of Bellevue (as of September 1, 2004) to their intersection v.-ith the City Limits of Issaquah (as of September 1, 2004); thence north along the east City limits of Bellevue (as of September 1, 2004) to the intersection of the most northwesterly point of the City limits of Issaquah (as. of September.l, 2004); thence east along the,adj0*11 ng north City limits of Issaquah (as of September 1, 2004) to its intersection with Interstate 90; thence east along Interstate 90 until, the intersection with Renton Road (Denton Road-Issaquah Road) also Highway 900;'thence south along said road to a line common to T. 23 N., and T. 24.N.,.R. 5 E., and thence westerly along said lixle to the easterly boundary of the CityLimits o.fRentort, (M.V.G. No. 220, July 7, 1964); thence along said City Limits in a northwesterly direction to the shores of Lake Washington to the point of beginning. Also including Maple Valley Golf Comse. (PID320) SOL:IID WASTS COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of King County described as follows: Continue Commencing 4t the intersection of the south city limits of the City of Seattle and the intersection of said city limits with Lake Washington; thence southerly along the shores of Lake Washington to the City of Renton City limits; thence along-the westerly boundary of the city limits of the City of Renton to Renton Avenue; thence northwesterly along the'northerly side of Renton Avenue to 76th Avenue South to South 125` Street, thence east to 77th Avenue South; thence north along the east side of 7Tth Aven-u* eySouth to South 120 Street; thence along the north side of Soutli 120ti Street to 76th Avengie South; thence north on 761h Avenue South (east side only) to 1161h Street South; thence: west on 1161h Street South (no service between. 1161h Street South and Cornell Avenue); thence north along the eastside of Cornell Avenue to Seattle'City Liamuts; thence easterly along said city limitsto the east boundary thereof, adjacent to Lake Ridge Addition; thence northerly along said. city limits to South 1121h Street extended; thence westerly along said. city limits to 686 Avenue South extended; thence northerly along said city limits to Ryan Street extended; thence easterly along said city limits to the point of begfimir►g, from the described territory to dubips in King County. (PID373) SOLI17 WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of King County described as follows: Starting at the intersection of NE 1991k, Street and 841i Ave. NE; then east on NEE 1991h Street to its intersection with 901h Ave. NE; then north on 901h Ave.' NB Wits intersection with NB 2001b Street; then west on NE 20011 Street to its intersection with 881b Ave. NE; then north on 886 Ave. NTE 1 to its intersection with NE 202- Street; then east on NE 202n1 Street to its intersection with 90th Ave. NE; then north on 9011 Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 205th Street (also the King-Snohomish County line); then ;west on NE 20511, Street to its intersection with 841' A Ve. NE (also the west range line of T26N, R5E); then south on 84t° Ave. NB to its intersection with NE 19911, Street the point of begiruvng. Also:'Starting at the intersection of 841h Ave. NE and NE 180"- Street; then east on NE 180th Street to its intersection. with 8811 Ave. NE; then north on 88th Ave. NYE to its'intezsection Urith NE 181- Street; then east on NTE 18161 Street to its intersection with 90th PI. NE; then north on 90th Pl. NE to its intersectionwith NE 185th Street; then west on NE 18511 Street to its ii-iterseetion with 88th Ave. NE; then north on 881h Ave: NE to its inte. rsection with 192nd Pl. NE; then west on 192^a Pl. NE -to its intersection with 841i Ave. NE (also the west :range line of T261\T,125B); then south on 841 Ave. NE to its intersection with NTE 1801h Street, the point of beoinWng. Continue Also: Starting at the intersection of NE Bothell''Vy. and 841, Ave. NE; then east on NE Bothell ~Nly. to its intersection with 91bt Ave. NE; then north on 91s' Ave. N\TE to its intersection with NE 172nd Street; then east on NE 172nd Street to its intersection with 92n4 Ave. NE; then north on 92nd Ave. NE to its intersection with. NE 173rd Street; then east on NE 173rd Street to its intersection with 951i Ave. I\TE; then north on 951i Ave NE to 173rd P1. NE; then west on 173rd Pl.. NE to its intersection with 93rd Pl. NE; then north on 93r6 Pl. NE to its intersection with 1\TE 17511 Street; thenwest on.NE 1751' Street to its intersection with 93rd Ave.-NE; then north on 93rd Ave. NE to its intersection with NTE 17611, Street; then east on NE 17611, Street to its intersection with 951h, Ave. NE; then north on 9511 Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 1781, Street; then wrest on NE. 1781h Street to its intersection with 881h Ave. NE; then north on 8P Ave..NE to its intersection with NE 180", Street; then west on NE 18011 Street to its intersection with 841hAve. NE (also the west range line of T26N; R5E); then southon 8411 Ave. NTE to its intersect_i.oti with NE Bothell Wy., the point of beginning. (PID374) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE from commercial accounts or establishments in that portion of King County described as follows: Starting at the intersection of 9211d Ave. NE and 186th Pt. NE; then east on 18611 Pl. NE to its intersectionwith 93-d Pl. NE; then north on 93rd Pl. NE to its intersection with NTE 1871' Street; then east on NE 1871, Street to its intersection with 951, Ave. NE; then south on 95th' Ave. NE to its intersection with. 1866 Pl. NE; then east on 1861, P1._ NE to its intersection with 961i Ave. NE; then north on 961' Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 1881' Street; then west on NE 1881b. Street to its intersection with 9511 Ave. NE; then north on 951'~ Ave. NE.to its intersection with NE 1891° Street; then west on NE 1891' Street to its intersection with 93rd PL NE; then north on 93x3 Pl. NE to its intersection with NE 190th Street; then west on NE 190th Street to its intersection with 92n1 Ave. NE; then south on 921,4 Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 3.891h Street; then east on. NE 1891= Street to its azltersection with 93rd Ave. NE, then south on 93rd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 187", Street; then west on NE 18Th Street to its intersection with 92~d-Ave. NE; then south o.1,.921,13 Ave. NE to its intersection with 186-, Pl. NE, the place of beginning. (PID433) SO'L1D WASTE COUL,ECTIONT SERVICE in that.portio:n of King and Pierce Counti es described as follows: Starting at the point where 1st Avenue South intersects with the shore line of Puget Sound; thence south on 1,;' Avenue South to South 292nd Street projected; thence east on South 292131 Street projected to 81h Avenue South projected; thence north on. 811 Avenue Sough projected to South 2881, Street projected; thence east on South 2881, Street projected to 121, Avenue South; thence Continue a~ J north on 121~ Avenue South projected to South 282nd Street projected; thence east on South 282nd Street projected to its intersection with the east city limits of Des Moines; thence northerly, along said city limits to its intersection with S..272nd Street; thence east along said street to the east city limits of Federal Way; thence south along said city limits to S. 3041' Street; thence east on the South side of So. 3041' Street extended ;to the centerline of Sec. 11; T.'21 W., R 4 E.; thence south on cenfierline of Sections 1i and 14,T. 21 is:4., R 4 E., to''Pe'asley Caiiyon.Roa.d,-tlrience''easterly"on Peasley Canyon Road to the intersection with W. Valley H.wy S.; thence north along said Avenue to the intersection 'with Main Street ' West; thence east ' along said street 'to "N' Street S.E. Pietce.County Line; thence (Auburn-Sumner Highway), thei nce.south on said highway to the Kin' west along on said county line and northerly to its intersection with the east quarter section line of Sec. 25, T. 21 414., R_3 E.; thence soiith on said quarter section li.ne'to south g6xtei section line of Sec. 25;.thence west on soa.ih quarter section line to the west quarter section line of Sec. 26, T. 213 E.; thence not & on said quartei section line to the z section.line of Sec. 26, 'P. 21 N., R. 3 E.Jhence west on said 1h section J.iae to intersection with the west line of Sec. 26, T. 21 N., R. 3 E.; thence north along said section line to northwest comer of Sec. 23, T. 21 N., R.3 E.; thence east along north uric of Sec. 23 to intersection with. King-Pierce County thence northwesterly along said county line to the shorelirEe of Puget Sound; thence xnortheas'Eerly along said shore Line to intersection with 1st } Avenue South,'the place of beginning. (PID435) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE not requiring the us se of a dump truck and excl ding bio>nedical waste, in that portion: of King County described as follows: Commencing at the intersection' of NE 1081h Street and' 132nd Ave. IN-E; thence easterly on N IS 108' Street to the R. edznond City li mits, thence following the Redmond city limits in a southerly, southeasterly and ~iesterly clockwise'direction to 132j,'. Ave. NE; thence north along 132nd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 108", Street, the point of begiruling. Also, commencing at the intersection of NE 97`h Street and 132nd Ave. NE, thence following the Reduiciid city limits in a southeasterly and westerly clockMse direction'to 13266 Ave'.,NE, thence north along 132nd Ave. NE to its intersection with iNE 9711 Street, the point of beginning. .Also, commencing at the intersection of NE 781' Street extended east and 1320d Ave. N IE; thence following the Redmond city limits in an easterly, southerly and westerly clockwise dixection to Continue 132nd Ave. NE, thence north along 132nd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 78th Street extended east, the point of beginning. Also, cornmeincing at the intersection, of NIE 701 Street and 132nd Ave. NE; thence folloWhig the Redmond city limits in a easterly, southerly and westerly'dockwise direction to 132nd Ave. NE thence north along 132nd Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 70th Street, the point of beginrruna (PID436) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE not requiring the use of a dump truck in that portion of King County. described as follows: Starting at the intersection 'of S.W. 152=41 Street extended and. Puget Sound;.thence east along S.W.152,11 Street to its intersection with Ambau "Blvd. S.W.; thence southerly along , nmbaum. Blvd. S. ANT. to its intei;section with S. 1561= Street; thence east to Des Moines; thence,south along Des Moines Way to S.A'V.1601i Street; thence southN esteily along S.W. 160th Street and Sylvester Rd to its intersection with the north. city l ixtifis of 1\16 nzandy ark* thence westerly and northerly along said north city limits to its intersection with 1,' Ave. S.; thence south along IL' Ave. S. to its intersection -with S. 192nd Street; thence east 4-I"on0, S. 19211 Street to its intersection with Pacific Highway S. (Intemational Blvd.); thence north to S. 1886 Street, thence east along S. 18P, Street to its intersection with the aty Iinuts of tale .City of Sea-Tac and the City of Tukwila; thence southerly and easterly along the south city limits of Tu -wii.a to its intersection with the city Ibmits of the City of Kent as of January 1,.1987; thence southerly and easterly in a counterclock,vise, direction along.the city limits of the City of Kent as of January 7., 1987 to its intersection with State Highway 516 and. S.E. Kent Kangley Road.; thence southeasterly along State Hightivay 516/'Kent Kangley Road to 116th Ave. S.E.; thence south along 116th, Ave.,.S.E. to its intersection with S. 2771i Street extended; thence west along S. 277th Street extended to West Valley Highway;. thence south along said ,Highway to S. Peasley Canyon Road; thence west along S. Peasley Canyon Road; to 59th Ave. S. thence north along 59th Ave. S. to the point where it intersects with 30411h Street extended; thence `vest along 304-1' Street extended whexe it intersects with ,Interstate Hwy I-5; thence north along said. Intezsfate Highway to its intersection with S. 272nd Street; thence west an S. 272nd Street to the city limits of Des.Moines; thence south along said city limits to the=point where it intersects with S. 282nd Street extended; thence west on S. 282r1 extended to 121' Ave. S. extended; thence south on 121, Ave. S. to the point where it intersects with S. 2880, Street; thence west on S. 2881i Street to its intersection with 81h Ave. S.; thence south on 81h Ave. S. to SW. 292n1 Street extended; thence west on S.W. 292nd Street extended to 11' Ave. S.; thence north on Continue 1st Ave. S.; to the shoreline of Puget Sound; thence northerly along the shoreline of Puget Sound to its intersection with S.W. 152nd Street extended, the poh_it of beginning. (P1:D437) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of King County as bounded on the 'West by Puget Sound.; on. the East by Take Washington.; on the North by as''folloivs: Commencing at the intersection of E_._ 1451h Street and the shore's of Lake Washiiigtor', tl- eaice West on the south side o€ E. 14511, Street to 5', Ave. N. E., thence north on the west side'of 513,.Ave. N: E. to E. 1751h Street, thence east,on the nortth side of E.17511, Street to 81b' Ave. N. E., thiirice north on 811' Ave. N. E. (but not including 8th Ave. N. E.) to 1.9011' Street, thence north on both sides of 8e,.Ave. N. E.'extended to E. 201st Street,'thence east on both sides of E. 201-',-Street extended to the west side of 11.1h Ave. N. E. extended, thence north ' on the west side: 'of 11111 Ave. N. E. extended to Kiaig-Sh6homish County Bite, thence west on the south side of said -line to'the 'shore of -Puget Sound; and on the South, by as follows: Commencing at the intersection of tfie south city limits of Seattle a: id l ake Washington; then followiag-the city limits of Seattle.in a dockwise'diiection to its intersection with 11611, Street South; thence east on 110 Street South to 7611, Ave. South; thence south on'centerline of 761h Avenue South to South 1201h Street centerline; thence east on centerline of South 12011' Street to 77'th Avenue South centerlirie;'thL-Lce Soiith on centerline of 77th Avenue South to South 12511, Street centerlizie; thence west on centerline of South 125th Street to 76th Avenue South centerline; thence south an centerline of 7611, Avenue South to Renton Avenue South centerline; 'thence easterly on centerline of Renton Avenue South to Renton' West city limits (as of June 1,1961); thence southerly along said. city limits to the centerline of Hardie Street; thence'south along the centerline of said street to South 13411, St reet-centeiline; thence westeily on ce- eT.Une'of South 13411' Stxeet-to 81-,1 Avenue South centerline; thence south on centerline of 81st Avenue-South to SW Sunset Boulevard (VLLK Junior-!" centerline; thence easterly following said road to Rainiea: Ave. (PSH-5); thence follo' m" g Rainier Ave. id a southerly direction to south line of Section. 3.9, T. 23 N., R. a E. (S.E. 160th Street); thence east along south line of said Section to theRenton City Lixxuts; thence following the City Liiniis of Renton in a counter-clockwise direction to the point where it intersects with Maple Valley '1'-Iighway; thence southeasterly'along said highway to the iatersection of the east line'of the west half of Section'24, T. 23 N., R. 5 E. (172nd Ave. S.E. extended north); thence south along said line extended to the south line o[ Section 1, T. 22 NAT.; R. 5 E., W.M:, (or Southeast 2081h Street) thence west along sa.id south line to 148th Ave. S.E.; thence north along 14811' Ave S.E to S.E 192nd Street; thence west to 140th Ave. S.E.; north to Petrovitsky Road (S.E.-176th); Continue thence west along Petrovitsky Road to its intersection with Carr Road and 1081h Ave. S.E.; thence `vest along Carr Road to State Hwy 167; thence south along State Hwy 167 to the south line of Section 6, T.22N., R, 5E.; W.M., (or Southeast 20811, Street extended); thence following said city limits in a clockwise direction to the northwest comer of said city, limits, extended to.the west bank of the Duwai ish River; thence northerly. along the west bank of said River to the north line of the southwest Y4 of Section 25, T: 23 N., R. 4 E. thence east on said northwest line to its intersection with West Valley Rd (State Hzvy.181); thence northerly along West Valley Rd (State Hwy. 181) to the south line, of Section 24, T. 23 N., R 4 E. (South 160th Street-extended); thence west on south line of said section to the easterly-bank of the Duwasnish River; thence northerly along the west bank of said River to the point or intersection with.the south line of the northwest (continued) quarter of Section 24, T. 23 N., R. 4 E., W.M.; thence east along the south line of said northwest quarter to the ' west side of that portion of the city of Renton as annexed by city.ordinance No. 17641yingwesterly of the east margin of B`fRR Company (N.P.RR) main track right of way all being located in the south Ih of the NW Yi of Section 24, Township 23 Xfordi, Range 4 East, thence east from the east side of said portion of City of Renton along the south line of the_nortinGVest (contiznued) quarter of Section 24, T. 23 N., R. 4 E., W.M. to the east side of the Charles Monster Road; thence northerly along the along the easterly side of said road to the Beacon Coal Mine road; thence northerly along the along the easterly side of said road to the South 1291' Street extended; thence easterly ozn South 1291i Street to State Highway 900 (Martin Luther King Jr. Way) centerline; thence northwesterly along said boulevard to South 1201' Street; thence West along South 120' dl Street extended to 51r' Avenue South; thence North along extension of 516' Avenue South to Empire Way South Centerline; • thence northwesterly on intersection of Empire. Way South to Ryan Street centerline extended thence West along Ryan,Street extension to extension of 33rd Avenue South; thence North along extension of 3$ 'Avenue South to extension of South Trenton Street; thence W st along extension of South Trenton Street to East 1V4arginal Way; thennce Northwesterly along East Marginal.Way to extension of South Kenyon Street; thence West along extension of South Kenyon Street to extension of.,121' Avenue South; thence South along extension of 121' Avenue.South to the West bank of Duwamish Water ay thence south alo:ng the West bank of the Duwamish Waterway to a point of intersection with Pacific Highway South (T.nt~mat Tonal Blvd).; thence in a southeily_dixectio:n along Pacific Highway South (International Blvd.) to. its intersection with S. 128 Street extended; thence west of S. 1.28 Street extended to its intersection with Military Road also the northeast point 1 city limits of the City of Sea-Tac; thence south along Military Road and said city.limits to its intersection Continue l- with Pacific Highway south (International Blvd); thence southerly along Pac fic Highway S. to the intersection of Pacific Highway S. and 1606 Street; thence in' an easterly and southerly `direction along the city limits of the City of Sea-Tac to a point where't:he City Limit intersects for the second time the W. TVW line of Interstate Hvey #5; thence south on said W. R/W line to S. V&h Street; thence west on S. 1761' Street (north. side only) to 1t1ifary Road; *thence south on Military Road (west side only) to 18811 S~r.eef; thence west on S. 1881f Street (ridril- side oWy),to-PSH 1; thence south on' PSH-1(iarest side only) to'S.192-d Street; thence west on S.'19211d Street (north side only) to 1st Afire. S.; thence north on 10 Ave. South to a point ~Nhere it intersects with the northerly city limits of Normandy Park at a point where-11~`A.ve. S. intersects with S.W.162th Street; thence in a'westerly direction along the north city limit lithe of Normandy Park to a point where said city limit line intexsects with Sylvester Rd.; thence in a northeasterly direction on Sylvester Road serving the southeasterly. side thereof to S. W. 1606 Street; thence east on S. W. 1601~ and So. 1606 Streets serving the south side thereof to Des Moines Way; thence norih.on Des Moines Way servizhg the east side thereof to S.1566 Street; thence west on S.1566 and S. W. 1561h Street sezring the north side thereof to Arnbau.m Bivd.; thence north on Ambaum Blvd. serving the east side thereof to S. W. 152nd Street; thence wes(on S.W. 152-a Street to Puget Sound. EXC);PTTO\i: The following parao aph is excluded frozrithe'above SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE. In that portion of King County described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of IV1.alitary Road S. and Highway 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road); thence follotiving the city limits of Kent in a clockwise direction easterly, southerly, -,vesterly, and nortl?erly to its intersection with Military Road S. _at, S. 2406Street; thence north along Military Road S. to its intersection with Highway 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road), the point of beginning. _(P.T.D438) SOLID WAST)J COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of King County described as follows: Starting at the ifitersection of the Everett-Bothell Cotinty Higliw* ay and the Snohomish-Ki ag County line; thence east on Snohon-dsh-King County line to its intersection with east line of T. 26 \T., .R. 7 E.; thence south on said line to its intexsecbon` with the south line of T. 25N., R. 7 E.; thence west on said line to the east line of T. 25N., R. 6 E.; thence north on said line to the S.B. corner of the N.E. ;~4 of the N.E. 1A of Section 36, T. 25 N.,'R. 6 E.; fhence west on a lithe projected from said corner to the east shore of Lake Sanvnamish, thence following said Lake shore generally in northwesterly and southerly (counter-clockwise) direction to the point where the southeastern city limits of Redmond intersect the western shore of Lake Sammamish; thence Continue I 1+ following the city.limits of Redmond as of January 3, 1978, in a clockwise direction to the point where the Sammaz--ish River (wateryray) intersects with the north city limits of Redmond; thence following the east bank of said river in a generally northezly direction to its iritersection with N.E. 145 Street extended (at this point a short section of PSH-2 is one and the same as N.E.1451~ Street); thence. West on ME. 14511, Street extended (no service to, be rendered. on either side of N.E. 1451s Street) to its-intersection with 1046, Avenue N.E.; thence northerly bri 10411' N.E. (rendering service ntersection with 10511, Ave. NE; thence northerly to the on both sides of 1041h Avenue N.E.) to its intersection'.. north line of the south west quaiter of Section 8, T26N, R5E; thence west along said northline to the west line of said section; thence south along the west line of 'said section to the south city limits of Bothell; thence following the city limits of Bothell, clockwise, to its ir►tersection with the Everett-$othell County Highway; thence north to place of bep-*u'ing. (PrD439) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump truck, in that portion of Ding County described..as follows: Starting at the northeast corner'of T26N, RBE; thence south along the east line of R8E to the south.line of T22 N; thence west'a.long said south line to the west line of R. 8 E.; thence north along said west line to the southeast corner of Section 12 T22N, R7E.; thence west. along the south line of said section extended to the northeast comer of Section 19, T22, R7.E; thence south along the east line of said section to its intersection with the Green River; thence westerly along the banks of said river to th.e northeast City limits of. Auburn within Section 8, T21N, R5E; thence south along the west line of said Section 8 extended to the southeast coiner of Section 31, T21N, R5E, also the south boundary of King County; thence wrest along the south line of said section 31 to its intersection with A Street SE; thence north. along said street to its intersection with West Main Street; thence wrest along said street to West Valley Highway; thence north along West Valley Highway to South 277th Street; thence east along said sheet extended to 116d~ Ave. SE; thence north along 116m A e. SE. to SE. 25$a° Street extended; thence-east on said street extended to 117t~.PL SE extended; thence north along 1.1.76, PL. SE. extended to SE 2561h Street SE; thence west along said street to 11.6'° Ave. SE; thence north along said street to St 20!h Street. SE- thence east along said street to the p oint of its intersection with 172nd Ave. SE extended; thence.nur. th along said. Avenue to Renton Maple Valley Road; thence westerly along said roa d to its intersection with the City limits of Renton as of 'September 1.,1959; thence south along said. City limits to the north line of Section 20, T231\T, 8511, also city limits of Renton as of.February *28; 1961; thence in a clockwise direction along said city limits to the south line of Section 20,1"23N, R5E; thence west along said Continue south line to its intersection with State Highway'167; thence north along said State Highway to SW Sunset Boulevard; thence west along said boulevard to 81st (Oakdale) Ave. SW; thence north tothe City limits of Renton as'oE August 4,1931; thence, in .a counter-clockwise direction along said City limits of Renton to Renton Avenue South; thence ~~-esterly along Reint6dAvenue S. to 761i, Ave. South; thence northto S.125thStreet extended; iherice east on S, 1251h Street extended to 771h Ave. S. extended thence north-along i?th Ave.. S. to S. 120's Street; thence ,6vesi bn ..said street to 761' Ave. South; thence north along said Avenue to S. 1166 Street; 1ience west along S. 116th Street to its intersection with.the City limit] of Seattle; thence in, a clock-Wise direction along said city limits to its intersection with the yvest sliorelixie'of Lance Washington; ther►ce in a counter-clockwise direction along the shoreline of Lake Washington to the point where- it intersects with the rorthwest city limits of Renton; thence east aitdsoutherly along the city limits of Renton (M.N.G. No.220, 7-7-64) to a line commnon to T23N, and T24N. R5E; thence easterly along said line to RentoiiRoad (Renton- Issaquah Road.); thence riorfh along said road to the north line of Section 29; T24s~T, R6E; thence east along said section line extended to 197ht Gilman Boulevard; thence easterly along NW Gibnan Boulevard to 1st Ave. NW; thence north along said avenue to E. Lake Sammarnish PKWY; thence northerly along said PKWY to the point where it intersects With the north line of SW Y4 of Section 16, T24N, R6E; thence west_to the shoreline of Lake Sammainish; thence in a_ clock -ise direction along,the shoreline of Lake Samanamish to the point where it intersects v;ith NW 4th Street extended; thence east along said street to the east line of Section 36, T25N, R6E,*thertce south along said east line to the northwest corner of Section 6 724N; R71<•;'thence east alongthenorthl.ine of said s ection extended to the southwest comer of Section 31, T25N, R8E; thence north along the west line of said section 31 exterded to'the northwest corner of Section 6, T26N, R8E'also the King and Snohomish County line; thence east along said'county line io the northeast corner ofT26N, R8E, the point of begiruting. (1'ID440) ALSO in that portion of King county described as follows: Starting at the point where East :Marginal Way S. intersects with the south line of Section 28 T24N, R4E; thence southerly along East Marginal Way S. to S. Trenton Street extended, also the city limits of Tukwila); thence east and south along the city limits of TtLlcwila to the point vrh ere it intersects with S. Ryan Street extended; thence east on said street to Empire Way S (State :Highway 900); thence southerly along said highway to South 1291~ Street; thence westerly along said street to the east sid.e city lan,its of Tukwila; thence southerly along said city limits to the point where it conneci:s with Beacon-Coal Continue Mine Road-.thence southerly along the east side of said road to Charles Monster Road; thence continuing southerly along Charles Monster Road projected to the south line of the northwest quarter of Section 24, T23N, R4E, W.M.; thence southerly along the easterly bank of Duwam"'ish River to the south lane of Section 24, T23\T, R4E. (South.1601h Street extended); thence east on south line of said section to West Valley H, ghtivay (State Highway 181j; thence south along said highway to the north line of the southwest 1/4 of Section 23, T23i`F, R4E; thence west on said north line to the' : west bank of the Duwarr6sh River; thence southerly along said River to'South 180h Street (SW 43,d Street); thence. east along said street to the east side of current city limits of Tukvdla'; thence in a dockwise direction along said city limits to the point where it -intersects with the Pacific Highway South. (International Blvd.); thence northerly along said Highway to the point where'it intersects with the.Duwamhh Watersa*ay;'thence northerly along the .vest bank of the Duwaniish Waterway to the point where it intersects with 12"-, Avenue. S. extended; thence north on .extended 12ffi Avenue S. to the south line of Section 29 T243N, R4E; tl?P.nce easfi'along said section line extended to its intersection with East Marginal S., the place of bet;uuning. (P1D441) AT SO in that portion of King Cou3nty d.escaribed as follows:. Starting at the point were SE. 208th Street intersects with 116' Ave. SE.; thence.south along 116lb Ave. SE to its intersection ,.Kith SE. 228h PL also the city limits of the City of Kent as of January 1,1987; thence. westerly, southerly and northerly (clockwise direction) to its intersection with SE. 208th Street; thence east along said street to the-point were it intersects with 116th Ave. SE., the poi<ntof beginning_ . (P]lD442) ALSO in. that. portion of King County described as follows: Starting at the point ii,ere 316 Street SE. intersect with SE. 2401h Street, also the city limits of the City of Kent as of January 1,1987; thence south along 116x' Street SE. to its intersection with the city limits of the City of Kent as of January 1, 1987; thence westerly, southerly, northerly and easterly (clockwise) direction to its intersection with 116`-' Street SE, the point of beginning. YIP443) REFUSE COLLECTIOI\I SERVICS, not requiring the use of a dump tru.ck,(l:ocal cartage) in Vashon and Ma-Lry Islands. (P.TD451) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE consisting of reclaimed lumber, brick and other cast off materials, from premises where construction or repair job are being or have been conducted, Continue or where structures are being razed in the following: tifauzy, Mercer, and Vashon Islands; and in that portion of King county described as follows: Starting at the northwest comer of rMNI, R8E; thence east along the north line o€ said T26N, also the King and Snohomish County Line to-its intersection with King and Chelan Couii.ty line; thence south *al.ong said county line to its intersection with Icing and Ki ttitas County Tine; thence southwesterly along the King aAd Kittitas County line to the south line of Sedan $3,723K, ME; thence west t6 the WesOlrie'of the East Wof Section 33, T231N R11E; thence north along said west line to the north line of said Section 33, thence east on said north line to.the southeast. comer of Section 28, T23N, R11E; thence north along the east line of said section to the north east corner of said section; thence west along the north Liiie of said section to the northwest comer of Section M T23N, R11E; t]r ence south: along: the west li.n.e of said section extended to the southwest corner of the MAI 1/c of Section 19, T22N, RilE; thence'west along the south line of said'N-W Y,. to the southeast corner of the NE1/4 of said Section 19-thence- north along the east-Une of said section extended to the northwest corner of Section 8, T22s~1,'R11E; th ce east along the north line of said section to its intersection v: ith King Cou:rity line; thence* `soutlierly and westerly along said county line 'to itsintersectiori with the west line of T19N, RSE; thence north along said'west line extended to the southeast comer of Section 13, T22N, RM; thence west along the south line of said section to thenortheast corner of Section 19, T22N, R7E; thence south along the east line of'said section. to its intersection with the Green River banks; thence westerly along the Green IZi.ver banks to the northeast City limits of Auburn within Section. 8, 721N, R5E; thence south along the west line of said'Section 8, extended to the boundary line of King County; thence west along said boundary line to its inl~ersectioil with the southwest comer of Section 31, T21N, R5E; thence north along the west: line of said section to its intersection. with Mairi Sheet West; thence west along said street to the intersection with West Valley Hwy N. ; thence South along said highway to South Peasley Canyon Road; thencewest along said road to its intersection with the centerline of Section 14, T21N, R4E; thence north along said centerline of said section extended to the north Line of Section 11, T21.N, R4E; thence west along the north Line'& said section extended to the city limits of Federal Way; thence iiorth in a counter-rlo&wise direction along said city limits to its intersectiozt with South 282nd Street projected east; thence west alon'g* ai.d Street to 12~h Avenue South projected north; thence south along 12 Avenue South to its intersection with South 288' Street projected; thence vest along said street to 8th Avenue South projected; thence south along said 81h avenue to South 292nd Street projected; thence west along said 292nd Street to i.s, Avenue South; thence north. on 1slAvenue South extended to the shoreline of Puget Sound; thence northerly Continue along said shoreline to S.W. 152n1 Street extended; thence east along said street to Ambaum Blvd. S.W. ; thence south along Ambaum Blvd. to S. 156tb Street; thence east along said street to Des Moines Way; thence south along the Des Moines Way to S. 160'a' Street; thence west on said street to Sylvester Road S.W.; thence south along Sylvester Road to the city limits of \Tora~andy Park; thence east in a clockwise direction along the city lunits of \Tormandy Park to its intersection with S.192nd Street; thence ,east along S. 192nd Sir-eet to Pacific Highway S. also the International Boulevard; thence north on said boulevard to S.1.881.1, Street; thence east along S. 188th Street to-Military Road; thence from Military to the point where it intersects with the city limits of Tukwila; thence northerly along the city limits of Tukwila to the point where it intersects with S. 12815 Street; thence east along said street to Pacific Highway South (International Blvd.); thence north along said. higliway to the banks of Duwamish Waterway; thence northerly along the baxiks of said waterway to 12'-, Avenue South extended; thence north along said 12d51.1,-,e.; to S. Kenyon Street extended; thence east on extended S. Kenyon Street to Past Marginal Way; thence south- along East Mar inal.V1'ay to its intersection with the extension of South. Trenton Street; thence east on said street'tb the extension of 331-11 Avenue South; thence south along said avenue to the extension of l~yan Street; thence east on Ryan street to :Empire Way South; thence south on Empire Way South to -the extension of 51st Avenue South; thence south on said avenue to South 1201i Street; thence east on said street to SW Sunset Boulevard (MLk Junior WY); thence south along said boulevard to its intersection with S. 1.291i. Street; thence west on South.1.29th Street to the city limits of Tukwila; thence southerly along said city limits to the point where it intersects with Beacon-Coal Mne Road.; thence southerly along .said road to Charles Monster Road; thence south along Charles Monster Road to the point inhere it .intersects with the south line of the Northwest quarter of Section 24, T23N, ,4E; thence west along that po:r.Lion of city ]units as annexedby City of Renton, city ordinance No.1764 to thebanks of the Duwamish River; thence southerly along the banks of said river to the point where it iihtersects with the south line of Section 24, T231~,J, R4E; thence east to the State MI Y 181; thence south along said highway to the north line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 25, T23N, R4E, thence west on the north line of said Section.to the west bam.k of the.Duwamish river; thence southerly along the baj.-&s of said river to S. 1801' Street, thence east along said street to the city limits of Kent as of January 1, 1987; thence southerly in a counter-clockwise direction along the city limits of Kent to the north line of Section 7, T22iN, R51;; thence west along the north line of said. section extended to the southeast corner of the west half of Section 1, T.22N, 5E; thence north along the east line of the west half of said section to the Maple Valley Highway; thence northwesterly along the Maple Valley Highway continue I to the city limits of Renton; thence south in a dockwise direction along said city Limits to the southeast. corner of Section 20, T23N, R5E. (S.E.160ffi Street); thence east along the south line of said section to the State Highway 167 (1Zainier Ave.); thence Borth along said highway to its.intersection with Southwest Sunset Boulevard; thence westerly along said boulevard to 8151 Avenue Soilth; thence north to 1341' Street; tlience- east'on 1341' Street to Haxdie Street; thence north to the city Limits of Rentoi> (a-s of June 1, 1961); tlieiice north alor►g said dty'limii to 'Rentoii'Aveniie Soiith; thence northwesterly along Renton Avenue South to 76", Avenue South; thence north on 761hAve. S. to S. 1251h Street; thence east to 77~, Ave. S.- thence north along 771h Ave. S. to S. 120f Street; thence west on said street to 761h Ave. S.; thence north ozi said street to 1161h Street S.; thence west on said street to its intersection with the south City lilnits of Seattle; thence north in a counter-clockwise direction along the city limits of; Seattle to its intersection with Lake Washington; thence in a counter-clockwise direction along the shoreline of Lake Washington to the northwest city Emit of Renton; thence southeasterly along the City biiiits 'of Renton to the point where the city l.irnits of Renton intersects with the south line of Section 33, T2-11N, R5E; thence east along the south line of said section extended to its intersection. with Renton Road (Renton Road-Issaquah'Road) also Highway 900; thence :north along said Road to its intersection --%Tith Interstate 90(Sunset Hivy); thence northwesterly along said Interstate to the shoreline of Lake Washington; thence northerly in a counter-dock-Nvise direction along the shoreline of Lake. Washington to its intersection With 1451' Js. Street; thence west along said street to its intersection with 51' Ave: N.E.; thence north along on 5" Ave. N.E. to N.E.17511, Street; thence east on said street to 8th Ave. N.E. thence north on said street extended to N.E. 201" Street extended; thence east on said street to 111h Ave. N.E. extended; thence north to the King-Snohomish Boundary (N.E. 205*1' Street); thence east along said boundary to the north east corner of Section T26N, R4E; thence south along the east line of said section to NE 1991b Street; thence east on said street to its intersection ,n ith 901h Ave NTE; thence north on 90ffi Ave: NE to its intersection with NE 20,D11 Street; thence west on NE 200d-Street to its intersection 881b Ave. NE; thence north on 8811, Ave. NE to its 'intersectiort i'vith NE 202nd Street; thence east on NE 202nd Street to its intersection with 901' Ave. NE; thence north on 9011, Ave. NE to its intersecti.on with NE 205 Street (also the King-Snohomish County linethence east on said. county line to State Highway 527 (Everett-Bothell County Highway); thence southerly in a counter-clockwise direction said high vay to its inters ection with the city limits of Bothell as of J'anua y 3,1978; thence fol1 wing the city limits of Bothell. in a counter-clockwise direction to the southwest corner of Section 17, T26N, R5E; thence north along the west line of said section to the north line of the southwest quarter of Section 8, Continue I T26N, R5E; thence east along the north line of said section to 1021'd Ave. NE; thence south along 1.02nd Ave. NE to its intersection with 105 Ave.-NE; thence south along 10511' Ave. NE to its intersection with 104th Ave. NE thence south to NTF 145f Street; thence east on said street to its intersection with the. east bank of Sammamish River(ivaterway); thence south along said Riv erto its intersection with the city limits of Redmond.; thence in a counter-clockwise direction along the city limits of Redmond as of januaay 3, 1978 to its intersection with the west shoreline of take San-unamish; thence northerly and southerly in a clockwise direction along the shore lane of Lake Sanunamish to the point where the east shoreline of Lake Sammamish intersects with the south line of NTE Y4 of INN7 V4 of Section 32, T25N, I.6E; thence east along said south line extended to the east line of Section 36, T25N, R6E; thence south to the southwest corner of Section 31, T25N, R7E; thence east.on along the south line of said section extended to the southeast comer of T25N, R7E; thence north along the.east Line of said towxiship to the Snohomish-King County line; thence east along said county line to its intersection vAth Kiirtg-Chelan County line the place of beginning. EXCEPTION: THE FOLLOWUNIG PARAGRAPH IS EXCLUDED FROM THE ABOVE GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE. Starting at the intersection of NTE Bothell Way. and 846 Ave. NE; then east on NE Bothell Wy. to its intersection with 93.st Ace. NE; then north on 91st Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 172n6 Street; then east on NE 172nd Street to its intersection with 92nd Ave. NTE;then north on. 92nd Ave. NE.to its intersection with NTE 173rd Street; then east on NE 173rd Street to its intersection with 950, Ave. NE; then north on 95e, Ave NE to 173r4 Pl. NF-; then west on 173x'° P.I. NE to its .intersection with 93rd Pl. NE; then north on 93rd P.I. NE to its intersection'with`NE 175 Street; then west on NE 17511 * Street to its i:iltersecrion with 93r6 Ave. NTE; then north on 93-d Ave. NTE to its intersection. with NE 176 Street; then east on NE 176f Street to its intersection with 95th Ave. NE; then north on 95th Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 1781h Street; then west on NE. 178th Street to its intersection with 8811, AveANE, then north on 881h Ave. NE to its intersection with NE a.801h Street; then west on NE 1801b Street to its intersection with 84th Ave. NE (also the west range line of T26N,1Z5E); then south on. 84th Ave. NTE to its intersection with NE Bothell Wy., the point of beginnng. (PZD452) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump truck, (lo cal cartage) in Continue that portion of King County described as follows:. Beginning at the intei-section'of Kirig Snohomish County Iine and 15th Ave. NE; thence south along 151hAve. NE to its intersecti®n with NE 175L" Street; thence wrest along NE 175 Street to $ ' Ave. N.E.; thence north along said Avenue exuded. to E. 201b' Street; thence east on E. 201r-S6 6t extended to the West side'of 113' Ave. N.E. extended; thence north on the rawest side of 111h Ave. N.E.. extended to King-Snohomish County line; thence east on the said County .J#neto 1512, Ave. N.E. the point of begizuiii7g: (PID453) ALSO: Beginning at the intersection of NL Bothell Wy. And 91st Ave. NTE; thence north on 9151 Ave. to its intersection with 172nd Street; then. east on NE 172nd Street to its intersedaon with 92nd Ave. NE; then north on 92:,.d -Ave. NE to its intersection with NE 17326 Street; then east on NTE 173Td Street to its intersectiob with 95th Ave. NTE; then north on 9511, Ave XTE to NE 1751s Street; thence west on NE 1751' Street to its intersection -with 93-d Pl: NE (also city limits of Bothell); thennarth on'93r 171. NE to its intersection with NE 176th Street; thence east on 4E 1766~ StrcEt*tb its iriterseedon with 95- Ave. Nl~; thence north on 951~ Ave'. NE to'its intersection -arit h NE 178 Street; then west on NE. 178th Street to its intersection.witti 88'-, Ave. NE; Mien north o'n 88'-° Ave. NE to its intersection with the city limits 'of Bothell (also Dawson Street 'exfiended); thence in a counter-clockwise:dizection along the dty limits of Bothell to its intersection with NE 1901h Ave.","thence `east on NE 190th Ave. to 92nd Ave. IV E; thence north along said avenue to NE 192nd PL; thence vaest on NE 192nd PL.; to 88th Ave. NE; thence north on 88th Ave. N.E. to its intersection with the city limits of Bothell; thence east 'ori said ca.ty limits to 92nd Ave. NE extended; thence north oh 92n3 Ave. NTE extended, to NTE 20Dh Street extended; thence east on said extended street to'NTE Bothell Wy.; thence in a clock. wise direction along tfie NE Bothell Wy. to its intersection with 91St Ave, NE, the point of begin g. (PID454) ALSO: In that portion of King County described as-follo,'vs: Starting at the southwest corner of Section 8, T26N, R5E; thence east on the south line of said section to 104,11hAve: NE, thence north along 104-, Ave. NE to its intersection with 105` Ave. NJE; thence northerly along 10531 Ave. NEW the north Zinc of southwest quarter of Section 8, T26N, R5E; thence west along said north line to the west line of Section 8, T26N, :125E; thence south along said west line to the south west corner of said section the point of begin ing (PID456) SOLID Z,-VASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: Commencing at a point where a north-south line tangent to the west shoreline of Conbnue Ballinger Lake intersects with the Snohomish-King County line; thence north on said line to its ,intersection with: (Bradley Road) 2361' Street S.W. extended; thence west on (Bradley Road) 2361h Street S.W. to 76th Ave. W.; thence north on 761, Ave. W. (but not including str ddhures thereon);-to U. S. Highway 99; thence north on U. S. Highway 99 (but not including structures thereon) to 200 Street S. W.; thence north-on the east side of U. S. Highway 99'to a point 100 feet north of 148 Street S.W.; thence west on this line to Puget Sound; Following Puget Sound northerly to the point where the north city limits of Mukil'40 meets Possession Sound; thence easterly and southerly following Mukilteo City lixi~its as of July 1, 1961, to the south boundary of Section 3, T..28 N., R. 4 E. W. M.; thence east to 40 Ave. W. extended; thence south to boundary of Paine Field; following the north boundary of Paine Field to the east boundary of Paine Field; thence south to' a' point 7.00. feet north of 90 Street S. W.; thence east on this line to 12 Ave. W. extended (v,.,estboiial:dai-y of Section 13, T. 28 N., I7.4 L_);.thence south on 12 Ave. W. extended to 100 Street S. W.; thence east oi1100 Street S. W. (both sides) to Holly Thrive; thence south on 9 .Ave. W. (b~.it not including 9 Ave. W.) to intersection of U.S., Highway 99 and Broadway Cutoft; thence east on Broadway Cutoff to 8 Ave. W. (north-south line bisecting the western V4 of Section 24, T. 28 N., R. 4 E.); thence south on said line to Stockshow Road, (112 Street S..W.); thence east on the south side of Stock-show Road to Pacific Northwest Traction right-o.f.-way;.thence north on the east side of the right-of-way 'to Broadway Cutoff; thence north on the Broadway Cutoff and Broadway to the south Everett City limits (as of .July 1, 1961); thence following the east and north city limits of Everett (as of July 1, 1961) to Puget Sound; thence northerly along Puget Sound. to the point where it intersect;, with the Snohomish - Island County line; thence northerly along said. county line to the shoreline of Skagit Bay; thence north along said shoreline to the Snohomish-Skagit County line;: thence east along said courify line to the east line boundary of Snohomish County; thence south along floe- east boundary of Snohomish Cou nty.to the King-Snohomish County line; thence west on said county line to the point (PID457) GARBAGE,COLLECTION SERVICE on Camano Island, Island County. (PlID458) M-IFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a civnmp truck; (local cartage) in-that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: Starting at the nortlieast comer of Section 28, T28'-NT, RSl?; thence vest along the north line of said section extended to a point 500 feet west of the N. E. corner of Sec 25, T28 N., R. 6E.; thence south to the south .line of Continue said section; thence west to the N. W. comer of Sec. 35, T. 28 N., R. 6 E.; thence south on'the west line of said section extended to 164 Street; thence east to Highway 202; thence sodthi esterly along said highway to the Snohomish River, thence southeasterly along said river *and the' Snoqualude River extended to the point 100 feet north of 228 Street; thence east to the east line of Section 28, T27Ni T., RSE; thence north along said west line extended to the northeast comer of Sectiion 28, T28N, ME, the point of beginning. (PM4.59) REFUSE COL,LECTIONT SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump truck, (Local cartage) in that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: Comweincing at a point where 'a north-south line tangent to the west shoreline of Ballinger Lake intersects with fine' Snohomish-KJzig County line; therice'niorth on said lirie to its intersection with (Bradley Road) 23611' Street S.W. extended; thence west on (Bradley Road) 23661 Street S.W. to 761h A. e.'W.; thence north on. 76ffi Ave. W. (but not iriduding'structures thereon), to-U. S. TlighiA~ay 99; thence north on U. S. Hig, Ivay 99 (but not including structures thereon) to 200 Street S. W.; thence north on the east side of U.S. Highway 49 to a point 100 feet north o€148 Street S.W.; thence west on this line to Puget Sound; thence southerly along the shoreline of Puget Sound to the Snohomish-King County line; thence east along said. county line to the point of bed rining. FID460) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump truck (local cartage) in that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: St:ailing at the point where the north city li"ts of Mukilteo meets Possession Sound; the to easterly and southerly foLlowizig M,ukilteo.(~ity lip rdts as of July 11'1961, to the south boundary of Section 3, T. 28 NT., R- 4 E. W. Ivi.; thence east to 40 Ave. W. extended;. thence south to boundary of Paine'Field; following the north boundary of Paine Field to the* east bou:nd.ary of Paine Field; thence south to a poh t 100 feet north of 90 Stieet`S. W4- thence east on this line to 12 Ave. W. extended (west boLUidary'of Section'13 , T. 28 N., R. 4 E.); thence south on 12 Ave. W.' extended to 100'St:-reet S. W.; thence east on 100 Street S. W. (both sides) to PIolly Drive; thence south on 9 Ave. W. (but not h-Lduding 9 Ave. W.) to intersection of U.S. Highway 99 and. Broadway Cutoff; thence east on Broadway Cutoff to 8 Ave. W. (north-south line bisecting the western Vi of Section 24, T..28 N., R. 4 E.); thence south on said line to Stockshow Road (112 Street S. W.); thence-east on the south side of Stockshow Road to Pacific Northwest Traction right-of-way; thence north. on the east side of the right-of-tivay to Broadway Cutoff; thence north on the Broadway Cutoff and Continue Broadway to the south.Everett City ]xtits (as of July 1,1961); thence following the east and north city Emits.of Everett (as of July. 1, 1961). to Puget Sound; theai.ce south along the shoreline of Puget Sound to the point of beginrtiztg. (PID461) ALSO, in the Jetty Island and (Prb4'62) ALSO, in Hat Island (Gedn:ey Island) PID463 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE consisting of reclaimed lumber, brick; and other cast off materials, where construction or repair jobs are being or have been conducted, or where structures are being razed from, premises in that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: Starting at the northeast comer of Section 25, T28 N, R8 E; flnence west on the north line of said section extended to a point 500 feet west of the N. E. comer of Sec. 25, T28 N., R. 6 E.; theince,south to the, south line of said section; thence west to the N. W. corner of Sec. 35, T. 28,4N'., R. 6 E.; thence south on the west line of said section extended to 164 Street; thence east.to Hghway 202; thence southwesterly along said highway to the Snohomish River, thence southeasterly along said river.and the Snoclualuue River extended to the point 100 feet rio' rth of 228 Street, thence east to the west line of T27N., R9E; thence north along said west line extended to the northeast-comer of Section 25, T28N, ME, the point of beginning. (PID464) ALSO: In that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: Commencing at a point where a north-south line tangent to the `vest shoreline of Ballinger L.ake intersects'Nvith the Snohomjsh-king County lirle; thence north on said line to its intersection with (Bradley Road) 236f Street S.W. extended; thence west on.(Bradley Road) 2301, Street S.W. to 7611, Ave. W.; thence north on 76,11, Ave.. W. ,to .U. S. I jghxvay 99; thence north on U. S. Highway 99 to 200 Street S. W.; thence north on the east side of U.S. Highivay 99 to a point 100 feet north of 148 Street S.W.; thence west on this line.to Puget Sound; thence-southerly along the shoreline of. Puget Sound. to its intersection with the Snohomish-ring County line; thence. east along said county line-to the point of beginning.. (PID465) ALSO: In those Islands adjacent to the shores within Snohomish.County and in that portion of Snohomish County described as follows: Starting at the point where the north city limits of Mukilteo meets Possession Sound; thence easterly and southerly folio A6ng MAukilteo. City limits as of July 1, 1961, to the south boundary of Section 3, T. 28 N., R. 4.E. W. M.; thence Continue east to.40 Ave. W. extended; thence south to the boundary of Paine Field; thence following the north boundary of Paine Field to the east boundary of Paine Field; thence south'to a 'point 100 feet north of 90 Street S. W.; thence east on this line to 12 Ave. W. extended (west boundary of Section 13, T. 28 N., R. 4 E.); thence south on 12 Ave. W. extended to 100 Street S.-W.; thence east on 100 Street S. W. (both sides) to Holly Drive; thence south on 9 Ave. W. (but not including 9 Ave. W.) to intersection of U.S.1- igh~vay 99 a-id Broadway Cutoff; thence east on Broadway Cutoff to 8 Mie. W-. (north-south line. bisecting the western 1h of Section 24, T. 28 N.1' 4E.); thence south on said line to Stockshdw- Road (112 Street S. W.); thence east' on the south side of Stockshow Road to-Pacific Northwest Traction right-of-way; thence north on the east side*af the right-of-way to Broadway Cutoff; thence north on the Broadway Cutoff .arid Broadway to the south Everett City limits as of ]uly J., 196i); thence following the east and. north city l.ilidts of Everett (as of July 1, 1961) to Puiget Sbimc ; therice soiith along the*shoreline•of Puget Sound to the point of beginning. (PID466) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dwnp truck; Obcal- cartage} in that portion of Whidbey Island, in Island County described as follows: Starting at the northwest cornei of Se'ction•19, T.'30 N.,'R. 2 E.; thence east along north line of said Section 19 extended to the shoreline of Holmes Tiarbor; thence southerly-and northerly along said shoreline to the north line of Section 23, T30N, R2E; thence east to the eastern shoreline of Whidbey Island; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the southern shoreline of said island to its intersection with the east line of R1E; thence north on said east line to the shoreline of said island thence northerly along the shoreline to its intersectionWA the West "'of Section 19, T301\f, R213; thence north onsaid west line to the northwest corner of Section 19, T30N, R2E, the.point of beginning. (PID467) REFUSE COLLECTION SMrlCE, not requiring the use of a duanp isuclc, (local cartage) on Baiizbrid.ge Island, and in those portion of Kitsap County described as follo-Ws: (PID468) In the City of Bre.-aerton, (P'D469) In the City. of Paulsbo, and (PID470) on Blake Island.' (PID471) SOLDD WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE, consisting of reclaimed lumber., brick and Continue i~ other cast off materials, from premises on Bainbridge Island where construction or repair jobs are being or have been conducted, or where structures are being razed. ' (PID472) ALSO, in the City of Bremerton, (PID473) ALSO in Padlsbo, and (PID474) ALSO on Blake Island- -(PD7475)R1AFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump truck, (local cartage) in. diet portion of Mason County des~ed as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of Section 4, T231~7, R1W; thence south along the east'line'o€ said section also the Mason- Kitsap. County line. to the soudi line"of T221N, RlW; thence west along said south line. to the southwest corner of Section 31, T221N, R1W; thence north on the west line of'T22iN7, RlW to the southeast comer of Section 36, T23N, R2W; thence west on the south line of said corner extended to the southwest corner of Section 34, T23N, R2W; thence north along the west line of said section extended to the Mason-Kitsap County line; thence east along said county'line to the point of beginning. (PID476) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE In all Skagit County (Excluding: Service in the Cities of Mount Vernon, Bu.rhngton,-Sedro Woolley and Anacortes is limited to "drop-off box" service only; excluding Guen-i.es and Sinclair Island; and excluding the Town of Concrete, Skagit County, Washington, using as a boundary the corporate limits as of March 15,1965). (PID477) REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiring the use of a dump truck, (local cartage) in that portion of Pierce County described as follows,: Beginning at the point where the southwest comer of Section 32, T21.N,12.4E meets the Pierce-KK.i:ng Cotui.ty line; thence east and southerly along the Pierce-King-CoW-ity line to its intersection with the south line of Section 36, 120N, R6E; thence west on the south line of said section to the west line R6E; thence south along said line to the-southeast comer of Section 12, T19N, R5E; thence west along south line of said Section 12 extended to the west line of R3E; thence north along, sand line to the north line of T19N; thence west along said lithe to the west line of R2E; thence north along said line to. the southeast comer of Section 13, T201N, R1E; thence west along the south line of said Section 13 extended to the west line of R1E; thence north along said line to the south line of T21N; thence west along said line to the southwest comer of Section 34, T21N, RIW; thence north along the Continue west line of said Section 34 extended to the north line of T21N; thence west on said north line to . the Pierce-Mason County line; thence-north along'on said county line to the'point where it intersects with the northwest corner of Section 15, T22N, R1W and Pierce-Kitsap County line; thence east along on said county line to Pierce-King County line; thence south and easterly along said. county line to its iiiterse( tdon with the south I.irie of SectionU, `21N, R3E; thence west on south Brie of said section 6'&e northwest comer of Section 23, `T`21N, R3E;•tlrienee south on the west line of said section extended to the south line of NW Y4 of Section 26, T2 11N, R3E; thence east on said south line to•the southeast corner of SW Y4 of NAV Y,. of said section; thence. south: alozig the 'east line of N`W Y4 of SV l Y4 of said section to the-southeast comer of 1N 4 of SW 1/4 thence east on the south line o.f said NNV Y4 extended to the west Lute of E 1h of SE Y4; thence north on the west line of sai.d E'A to Pierce-King County lane; thence southeasterly along said county line to the southwest cbXner•of Section 32`T21N, R4E, the point of begiruiing (PID478) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE, consisting of reclaimed Itm-tber, brick a rlid other cast off materials; from premises m Pierce County where construction or repair jobs are being or have been conducted, or where structures are being razed.. THE FOLLOWING AUTT oRiTY WAS OBTAINED BY TRANSFER OF.CEERTIl-KATE NO. C-135 FROM RICHARD D. HARRIS. (PID324) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in the Town of Concrete, Skagit County, Washington, using as a boundary the corpoa-ate'liuuts , s of March-15,1965. TEM FOLLOWING AUTHORITY WAS OBTAINED BY TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATE NO. G-91 FROM STANWOOD CAMANO DISPOSAL, INTC. ' (PID457) GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE on Camano' Island, Island County; (PID334) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE on Guemes Island in Skagit County. Continue THE FOLLOWING AUTHORS X ATAS TRANSFERRED TO G41; CERTIFICATE 6-237 NO LONGER AUTHORIZES ANY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE IN THAT PORTION OF KING COUNTY DESCRIBED_AS FOLLOWS:. (PID372) Starting at the intersection of East Lake Sam mamsh Parkway and NW Gilman Blvd..; then northwest along NJW Gilman. Blvd. to its intersection with NW Mall Street, extended (also the south line of Sec. 21, T24N, R6E); then west along NW MAI. Street., extended, to its intersection with 17 Ave._ NW (also Renton-Issaquah Rd.); then north along 171~D Ave. NW to its intersection with 1-90; then west along I-90 to the intersection of 188' Ave. SE, extended; then north along 188 Ave. SE extended to the shoreline of Lake Sammaanish; then east; along the shoreline of Lake Samm.uush to its intersection with the north boundary of Lake Samulamish State Paxj<; then east along the north boundary of Lake Sammanzish State Park to its intersection. with East Lake Sammajx sh Parkway; then southerly along the East Lake Sammnamish Parkway to its intersection with NW Gilman Blvd.,' the point of 6eginning. THE F0UOWU\TG AUTHORITY HAS BEEN REVISED TO REFLECT A 1>0RTI0N TRANTSFER.TO G-14 AiND TO DELETE DUI'LIC.knON N TIRE RI-:Tv.C..~Ti TG A.U7'.HORTY. (PrD32 a) SOLD WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of W atcom County described as follows: Starting at the northwest corner of Section 4J40N, R10EWM; thence south on the west line of said section to the northeast corner of Secti.on 20, T39N, R10EIAW; thence wrest on the north line of said section to the northwest comer of Section 22, T39N, R9BWNI; thence south on the west line of said section to the northeast corner of Section 33, T391\T, R9LWM; thence west on the north line of said section to the northwest comer of Section 36, T39N, R8E"7M; thence south on the west line of said section to the southwest corner of Section 36, T371\T, R8EWM (also the.WThatcora-S:kgit County line)- thence east along the south township line of U7N7 (also the W-hatcom-Skagit County line) to its intersection with the Whatconn-Okanogan County line (near the south line of Section 33, T37N, R17E41NI); thence northerly along said county line to its intersection with the north line of Section 10 T40iN, RMEWM); thence west along said township line to the northwest corner of Section 4, T40N, R10EW.M,, the point of begiruzing. THE FOLLOWING AUTHORITY HAS BEEN REVISED TO REMOVE DUPLICATION Continue RESULTlI\TG FROM THE TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY FROM G-38 BREM-AIR DISPOSAL, TN C. (PID376) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in Kitsap County EXCLUDNG the following areas: Blake Island; the City of Bainbridge.Islarid as of February 1, 2002, and the City of PouLsbo as of September 112,1961; EXCLLFDD\TG: The City of Bremerton as the point o€*ongm and destination ' .for the sa ne.shipmeint using as a boundary the :corporate liniit 'as'of'Septeinbe'r 6,1960.'" (PID429) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of Benton County described as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of Section 9, T8NT, R26E; thence west along the south line of said Section 9 projected to the southwest corner of. Section 7, T8N, R.24E; thence earth. along the west line of said Section 7 and the Yakima-Bentain County line to the naiihwest corner of Secdon 6, T9N' , R24E; thence east along the :rnorth line of said Section 6 extended to the northeast comer of Section 1, T9N, R25E; thence south along the east line of said Section 1 extended to the southeast corner of Section 24, T9NT, R25E; thence east along the south line of said Section 24 projected to the northeast comer of Section 28, T9N, R26E; thence south Tong the east line of said Section 28 extended to the southeast corner of Section 9, T8N, R26E, the place of beginning: (PID428) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of Benton. County described as follows: Starting at the point where the west line of Section.2, T5N, R28E intersects with the north bank of .the Columbia River (Wallula Lake); thence north on the west line of said section•projected to the _ northwest corner of Section 26, T6N, R28E; thence west ch the north line of said section projected to the southwest comer'of Section 24, T61N, iR271s; thence north on. the west line of said section projected to the southeast corner of Section 26, T7iV, R27E; thence vaest on the south line of said section projected to the southwestcorxner of Section 29, T\J, R27F-; thence north on the west line of said section projected, to the.sou.them boundary of the US Departni.ent of Energy Hanford Site (~v-ithua Section 8, T10N, R27E); thence west along the southern boundary of the Hanford Site boundary to its intersection-with the east line of Section 23, T11NT, R24E, thence south along the east line of said section to its southeast corner; thence west along the south lute of said section extended to the southwest corner of Section 19, TI IN, 8248; thence north along the west line of said section (also the Benton-Yakima County Line) to its intersection with the northwest corner of Section 18, Continue T13N, R24E; thence east along the north line of said section extended to its inteizseclion with the Hanford Site boundary (also the east line of Section 17, T13NJ, R2AE); thence north along, said boundary to its intersection with the centerline of the Columbia River (also the Benton-Grant County Line); thence easterly and southerly along-said centerline to its intersection`. with the Hanford Site boundary (in. Section 23, T12N, R28E); thence west along said boiin.dary to its intersection with the westerly shoreline of the Columbia River (also in Section 23, WIN, R28E); thence southerly, easterly, and westerly alorig the shoreline of the Columbia River to the west line of Section 2, T5N, R28E, the point of beginning. (PID420) SOLID,WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE In that portion of Chelan County described as fo.U.ows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Coluzx bia River (The Qzelan-Douglas County Dine) app, the south. line.of Section 21, T21N, R22E; thence west on the south line of said section, extended to the point where it intersects with the Chelan. ,Kittitas County Line; (south line of Section 22, T21N,, R19E); thence following said county line in northwesterly direction to its intersection with the west line of Section 18, T22iN, R17E; thence north on the west line of said section extended to the north line of Section 6, `1251V,. R17r; thence west on the north line of said section extended to the southwest comer of Secdoaa 31, T26N, R.15E; thence north on the west line of said section (including service along State Highway 2 to its intersection with the King-Chelan County Line) to the northwest comer of Section 6, T26N, R15E; thence east on the north line'of said section extended to the southwest corner of Section 31, T271N, R16E; thence north on the west line of said section extended to its intersection with the northwest comer of Section 6, T27NT, R16E; thence east on the north line of said section extended to the northeast corner of Section 1, T27N, R18E; thence south. on the east like of said section, extended to the southeast corner of Section'36, T26N, R].8E; thence east on the south line of said section extended to the southwest corner of Section 36, T26N, R19E; thence north on the west line of said section. extended to the northwest corner of Section 13, T26N,1Z13E; thence east on the north line of said section extended to its intersection with the Chelan-Douglas County Line (also the centerline of the ColunlbiaRiver); thence south along the . centerline of the Columbia River to its intersection with the south line of Section 21, T21N, RUE, the point of beginning. (PID421) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in Douglas County EXCLUDING the following territory: Begiruvng at the northeast corner of Section 11 T291K, R26E; thence west along the north Continue line of said Section 1 extended to the centerline of the Columbia River (also the Okanogari.-Douglas County line); thence southerly, westerly; northerly, then southerly again along the centerline of the Columbia River to its intersection with the south line of Section 13, T28N1 R23E; thence east along the south line of said Section' 13 extended to the southeast corner of Section 13, T28N, R.26E; thence north, along the east line of said Section 13 extended to the northeast corner of Section 1, T291\T, R26E, the point of beginning. (PID421) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in those portions of Grant County described as follows: Begi'nm'n.g at the intei.~section of the centerline of the Colombia River and the north line of Section. 6, T19N, R2,3E extended; thence east along said extended north- line to the northeast corner of said Section 6; thence south on the east line of said section to the southeast coiner of said section; thence east on the south line of said section extended. to' the northeast comer, of Section 12, T19N, R23E; thence south on the east line of said section extended to the southeast corner of Section 24, T19N, R23E; thence west on 'the south line of said section extended to the northeast comer of Section 29, TI . 9N, R23E; thence south on the east line of said section"extended to the northeast comer of Section 32, T18N, R23E; thence Fast on the north line of said section extended to the northeast comer of Section 36, T18N, R23E; thence south along the east line of said section extended to the northv,*est corner of Section 18, T16N, R24E; thence east along the north line of said section extended to the northeast corner of Section 13, T16\T, R25E; thence south along the east line of said section extended to'the centerline of the Columbia River (also the Grant-Benton County liize); thence westerly and northerly along said centetline to its intersection with the north line of Section 6, T19N., R23E. extended, the point of beginning. (PID423) Also, Sections 28, 29, 32 and 33, MN, R24E, and Sections 5 and 6, T1.8N,1724E. (PID424) Also that portion of Grant County known as Crescent Bar in Sections 19 and 30, T20N, R23E. (PID425)'Also, that portion of Grant County within T28N and R30E. (:l''1D426) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in those portions of Okanogan and Lincoln Counties described as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of Section 36, T281\1, R31E; thence west along the south line of said section to its intersection with the south,,vest come': of Section 31, T28N, R31E; thence north along the west line of said section extended. to its intersection "with the centerline of the Columbia River; thence northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the north line of Section 2, T29\T, R.30E; thence east along the north line of said section extended to the Continue northeast comer of Section 1, T29N, R3a.E; thence south along the eastline of said section extended to the southeast comer of Section 36, 728N, R3IE, the point of beginning. .._(P'ID427) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in Kittitas County. (PID410) SOLID WASTE- COLLECTION SERVICE in that portion of Spokane County described'as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 31, T21N, R40E; thence north along the west line of said section extended (also the Spokane-Lincoln County Line) to its intersection with the centerlutie of the Spokane River; thence easterly along said centerline (also the Spokane-Stevens County Line) to its intersection with the Spokane-Stevens County Line (within Section. 32, T27N, RUE); thence north along said county line to the north line of Section 5, T28N, R42E; thence east along the north line of said section extended to the city limits of Deer Park (in Section 34, T29N, R42E); thence northerly-and easterly in .p. dodcwise. direction along said city limits Wits intersection with the south line of Section 32, 729N, R43E; thence east along the extended south line of said Section 32 to the southwest comer.o.f Section 34, T291N, R43E; thence north'along the west line of said Section 34 to the northwest corner of said Section 34; thence east along said Section 34; to'the northeast conger of said Section 34; thence south along the east line of said Section 34 to the southwest corner of Section.35, T29N, R43E; thence east along the south line of said Section 35 extended. to the northeast comer of Section 1, T28N, R44E; thence south along the east line of said -section extended to the southeast comer of Section 12, T28N, R44E; thence east along the south line of said section extended to the northeast comer of Section 16, T28N, R45E; thence south. along the east line of said section to the southeast comer of Section 33, T28NJ, R45E; thence west along the .south line of said section to the southeast corner of Section 31,.T28N, R45E; thence south al.ong'the east lane of said section to the southeast comer of Section 7, T26N, R45E; thence east along the south line of said section extended to the northeast comer of Section 17, T26N, R45E; thence south along the east line of said section the southeast corner of said section; thence east along the south line of .said section extended to the noa th.east comer of Section 22, T26N, R45E; thence south along the east line of said. section. to the northwest comer of the southwest quarter of Section 35, T26N, TZ451;; thence east along the north line of said qu.axter section to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 36, T26N, R45E; thence south along the east line of said quarter section extended to the southeast corner of Section 25, T25N, R45 E; thence west'along the south line of said section extended to the northeast comer of Section 36, T25N, R44E; thence sout.i along the east line of said Continue r.' section to the northwest corner of the south-west quarter of Section 31, T251`', R45L;'thenee east along the north line of said quarter section extended to the northeast comer of the southeast quarter of Section 31, T25N, R45E; thence south along the east line of said quarter section extended'to fhe southeast corner of Section 7, T24N, R45E; thence west along the south line of said section extended to the southeast: comer of Section 11, T24N, R44E; thence north. along the east line of said section to - .r the northeast comer of said section; thence west along the north tole of said section the'northi~,iest corner of said section; thence south along the west,line of said section to the southwest coarser of said section; thence west along the south line of said section extended (including service on Dishman-Mica Road to its intersection with Madison Road) to the southwest corner of Section 7, T24-NT, R44E; thence south on the west lane of said section extennded to the southeast corner of Section 13, T24N, R43E; thence west along the south line of said section to the southwest corer of said section; thence south along the west line of said section extended to the southeast corner of Section 35, T24N, R43E; thence west on the. south line of said. section extended to the southwest corner of Section 33, T24N, R43E; thence south along the west lime of said section extended to the southeast corner of Section 20, T221N, R43E; thence west along the south line of said section to the northeast corner of Section 30, T 22N, R43E; thence south along the east line of said section to the southeast comer of said section; thence west along the south line of said section to the northeast corder of Section 34, T22N,1Z4.2E; thence south along the east line of said section to the southeast corner of said section; thence west along the south line of said section. extended the northeast corner of Section 1, T21N, R41E; thence south on the east line of said section extended to the southeast corner of Section 36, T21N, R42E; thence west along the south line of said section (also the Spokane- Whitman County Line) to the southwest comer of Section 31, T21N, R40E, the point of beginning. (YED413.) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE excluding service in containers of twenty (20) cubic yard capacity or over in that portion of Spokane County described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 30, '1`26N, R46E, thence south along the east line of said section (also the Washington-Idaho State line) to-the southeast corer of Section 30, T251\T, R46E; thence west along the south line of said section to the southwest corner of said section; thence north along the west line of said section to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of Section 36, T26N, R45E; thence west along the south line of said quarter section extended to the west line of Section 35, T26N, R45E; thence north along the west line of said section to the northwest corder of Section 26, T26N, R45E; thence east along the north line of said section. to the northeast comer of Section 30, Continue T26N, R46E, th.e point of beginning. (PP412) Also, the norld-i half of Section 31, T2S\T, R45E. TO THE EXTENT THATJHH AUTHORM GRANTED 1N THIS ORDER DUPLICATES AMY AUTT IORr Y PR.mOUSLY GRANTED OR NOW HELD SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS CONFERRING MORE THAN O\TE OPERATING RIGHT NOR SHALL ANY DUPLICATING .RIGHTS BE AVAJLABT E FOR PURPOSES OT 'ITZANSFER. Note: PTD reference numbers are used. by the Commission ,tor mapping purposes only. TG-041947 01-01-Q5 Continue Original Title Page Tariff No. 15 Cancels Tariff No. 14 of Waste ana gwant of Washington, Inc. (Name of Solid Waste Collection Company) Waste Management of Spokane, Valley•Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. (Registered trade name of Solid Waste Collection Company) Certificate Nrumber G- 237 NAMING RATES FOR THE COLLECTIONa, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID 1tiASTE, AND U NOTED, RrCYCx RI G AND YARDWASTIZ, IN THE FOLLONVL Ir DES CR E3ED TERRITORY: As described in Appendix A (NOTE: If this tariff applies in only a portion of a oompany's certificate authority, a asap accurately depicting the area in which the tariff applies must be ached to the tariff) Official UTC requests for information Name of person issuing tariff- Mc bael A Weinstein regarding consumer questions andlor complaints should be referred to the Mailing address of issuing agent: _ 13225 N.E. 126' Place following company represehtative: City, State/Zip Code: Kirkland j6'ashin n. 98034 Name: Steve ~ilulf Title: District Manaver Telephone number, including area code: { 2518 4-7840 Phone: (509) 46S-8226 FAX number, if any: (4251 814-78G6 E-Mail: swulfi.wrn.com. =ax: (509) 24-0823 E-mail address, if any: _ • mweinstein(awr».com Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Not-thwest Market Area Issue date: Effective date: l FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: iWay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 2 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade frame: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Cfii_kCK Slfi13EET AN pages contained in this tariff are listed below in consecutive order. The pages in the tariff and/or any supplements to the tariff listed on this.page have issue dates that arc the same as, or arc before, the issue date of this page. "0" in the revision column indicates an original page. Current Current Current Page Number Revision Page Number Revision Page Number Revision Title Page 0 21 0 Check sheet/2 0 22 0 Item Index/3 0 23 0 Subject Index/4 0. 24 0 Subject Index/5 01 25 0 Taxes Sbeet/6 0 26 0 7 0 27 0 8 0 28 0 J} 9 0 29 0 10 0 '30 0 _ 11 . 0 31 0 12 0' 32 0 13 0 33 0 14 ' 0 34 0 15 .0 35 0 16 O 36 0 .17 0 37 0 18 0 38 0 .19 0 39 0 20 0 40 O l I I I L Sunnlements in Effect Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pack Northwest Market Area 1 Issue date: EfVORfCL4-L USE 01VLy Docket: 77070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 OriQi.nal Page No. 3 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Tradc NTan,e: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Index of Items in This Tariff - see next page for list by tonic Item 5 - Taxes Item 10 - Application of Rates - General Item 15 - Holiday Pickup Item 16 - Change in Pickup Schedule Item 17 - Refunds Item 18 - Billing, Advance Billing, Payment Delinquency Dates, Late Charges Item 20 -Definitions Item 3 0 - Limitation of Service Item 40 - Material Requiri ig Special Equipment, Precautions, or Disposal Item 45 - Material Requiring Special Testing and/or Analysis Item 50 -Returned Check Charges Item 52 -Re-delivery Charges Item 55 - Over-sized or Over-weight Units Item 60 - Overtime Item 70 Return Trips Item 75 -1 lat Monthly Charges Item 80 - Carryout Service', Drive-Ins Item 90 - Can Carriage; Overhead Obstructions, Sunken or elevated cans/units Item 100 r Can/Unit Service, Residential - Residential Curbside Recycling'- Residential Yardwaste service Item 105 - Multi- family rates Item 120 -Drums Item 130 -Litter Receptacles Item 15b - Loose and/or Bulky Material Item 160 -Time Rates Item 200 -Application of'Container and/or Drop Box Rates - General Item 205 - Roll-Out Charges - Containers, Automated Carts, and Toters Item 207 -Excess Weight - Rejection of Load, Charges to Transport Item 210 - NVashing and Sanitizing Containers and Drop Boxes Item 220 - Compactor Rental Item 230 -Disposal Fees Item 240 - Container Service - Non-compacted - Company-owned container Item 245 - Container Service -Non-compacted - Customer-owned container Item 250 - Container Service - Compacted - Company-awned container Item 255 - Container Service - Compacted - Customer-owned container Item 260 -Drop Box Service -IN'on-Compacted. - Company-owned drop box Item 275 - Drop Box Service - Compacted - Customer-owned drop box Item 300 -List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Tariff Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: E I1E.fC 4L USE OI+TLy Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: 1vl2y 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Or_ainal Page No. 4 Company Name/Permit.Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc:/0-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Vafley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. ~ Index by topic Item \o. Abbreviations used in tariff .............:....................................................................................................300 Advance billing .......................................................................................................................................18 Animals ....................................................30 Milling periods authorized .......................................................................................................................18 Carryout service 80 Commercial can service ........................................................................................................................245 Compactor rental ............................................................................................................:......................220 Container service, non-compacted, company-owned ...........................................................................240 .Container service, non-compacted, customer-owned ...........................................................................245 Containers and/or drop boxes, availability ...........................................................................................200 Containers and/or drop boxes, general rules ........................................................................................200 Containers and/or drop boxes, washing and sanitizing .................................................................:.......210 Credit due the customer ..........................................................................................................................17 Damage to customer property ................................................................:...............30 Definitions ..............................................................:..........................................................................20 Delinquency dates 18 Disposal fees Drive-in service ............................................................:..........................................................................90 Drop-box service, compacted, customer-owned...................................................................................275 ' Drop-box service, non-compacted, company-owned .........................................................:.................260 Excess weight, rejection of load, charges to transport ..........................................................................207 Flat monthly charges ...............................................................................................................................75 Holidays observed ...................................................................................................................................60 Late charges ............................................................................................................................:............50 Limitations of service Litter receptacles ...................................................................................................................................130 Loosc and/or bulky material .................................................................................................................150 Material requiring special disposal ....................................................................:..........'..:......................40 Material requiring special equipment .....................................................................................................40 Material requiring special precautions 40 Material requiring special testingJanalysis .............................................................................................45 Continued on next page Issued by: Michael A. Weinsteiii, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EfVOR~TtICL1L USL~ ONLY Docket: TC-070410 affective Date: jVay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 5 - Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc.1G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western.Rcfi~se Co. ]Index by tome, continued .item I~za. Missed pickups,. weather or road conditions .....................................................................................1.00 Multi-family rates..........: .1 Multi-family residential.mcycling for garbage customers using drop box service ...............................105 Multi-family residential yard waste collection ................................................................................:...105 NSF checks ...........................................................................................................50 . . . Overhead 'obsti-uctions ...............................................................................................................:.............90 ...................................................................................55 Over-sized Units Overtime .........................................................................................................60 Over-weight units.. ..................................................................................................................................55 Refund of overcharges ......................................................................................................................17 Refund of prepayments ...........................................................................................................................17 1 0 Refunds Refusal to make pickup Residential-recycling ............................................................................................................................1.00 Residential service ................................................................................................................................100 Residential yardwaste ...........................................................................................................................100 Re-delivery charges .....................52 Returned check charges ..........................................................................................................................50 t Return trips ......................................70 Roll-out charges ......................205 Stairs or steps .........................................................................................................................................90 Sunken or elevated cans/units....: 90 Symbols used in tariff Taxes ....................................................................................................................................5 Time rates .....................................................................................160 Issued b Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific INTorthwest Market Area Issue date: EEPEOR FICUL USE ONLY Docket: Z'G-070410 .Ef ective Dote: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 6 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Manageme of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. -ot ~ I Item - Application of Rates - Taxes in addition to the rates shown in the remainder of the tariff, the following taxes apply: Entity Ordinance Amount Application imposing tax: number: of tax: Commodities'and territory) City of S okane C-33117 20.48% Utility tax on all sekvices within the City ' I Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area issue date: Ef Re jCLI.L USF, OIVL.y Docket: TG-070410 Elective Fate: May], 2007 Tariff No. 15 OriQi.nal Page No. 7 Company \jame/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 _j Registered Trade Name: Waste Mana&ment of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 10 - Application of Rates - General Rates named in this tariff cover the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste. When specifically referred to, rates also cover the collection and transportation of recyclable materials and/or yardwaste. Title 81.77 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Chapter 480-70 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAG) govern operations of solid waste collection companies and the tariffs companies must file with the Washington. Utilities and Transportation Commission (W[JTC). Unless exceptions are shown, all materials must be placed on the same level as the streets or alleys. T1ie company may charge additional amounts-for disposal fees only when specifically stated in the tariff and separately shown on customer bills. Item 15 Holiday Pickup -Regularly Scheduled Service When a pickup is missed due to the company's observance of a holiday, the company will provide service, at no additional cost to the customer, on an alternate day. \ i A list of the holidays the company observes is shown in Item 60. For application of rates in this tariff, the company defines alternate day to mean the following: Pick-up days are Monday through Friday including all holidays except Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, and New Year's day. If the pick-up day falls on or after any of those three holidays, the alternate day will be one day late that week, for the balance 'of the `peek through Saturday. Item 16 - Change in Pickup Schedule When a company changes the pick-up date for its certificate area, or a portion, of its certificate area, the company must notify all customers in the affected area of that change. Notice must he made at least seven days before implementation of the new pickup schedule and may be made via mail, personal contact, or by a notice. being affixed to the customer's solid waste receptacle. . ~ Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area 1rRtMWICrA.L USE OIlrLY Issue date: Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date_ May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 8 Company Name/Perm t Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. l Item 17 -Refunds Credit due the customer. When there has been a transaction that results in a credit due the customer, the following apply: A.. If the.amount due is five dollars or less, an adjustment will be made to the cu_ stomees account. The adjustment must be shown on the next regular bill. B. If the amount due is more than five dollars, the customer niay accept an account adjustment or may request a-refund.. a. If the customer elects to have an account adjustment made, the adjustment must show on the next regular billing. b. If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check within thirty days of the request. Overcharges. Once a company becomes aware that it has overcharged a customer, it must provide a refund or an account adjustment credit to this customer. The customer must be given a choice as to which option is preferred. The refund or credit must be the amount overcharged in the three years before the date of discover . c. If the customer elects to have an account adjustment made, the adjustment must show on the next regular billing. d. If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check within thirty days of the request. Prepayments. If a customer has paid service fees in advance, service is discontinued during the pre-billed period, and the customer is due a refund, the following apply: A. A company must lionor.all requests for refunds of the unused portion of prepayments. B. if the customer provides a forwarding address to the company or one can.be obtained from the Post Office, the company must issue a refund check no more than thirty days following the customer's request. C. If the customer cannot be located or did not provide a forwarding address and the U.S. Post Office cannot furnish a forwarding address, the amount may be presumed to be abandoned and is subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act after one year. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: Ef@FQjReO .[CAL USE OAILY Docket: 1'G-070410 Effective Date: Mi2y 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Orieinal Page No. 9 Company iName/Pernut l,,sumber: Wzste Management of Washington, ln"G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item IS -Billing, Advance Billing and Payment Delinguency Dates Billing period. A company may bill its customers for one, t~vo, or three months of service. Advance billing and payment delinquency dates. Tile following chart defines the maximum period allowed for advance billing and the date when a bill may be considered delinquent: Billing period Maximum advance billing Delinquency date period allowed One month's service No advance billing May not be less than (monthly) allowed twenty-one days after the data the bill is mailed Two months' service One months' advanced May-riot be until the last billing allowed da of +he second month Three months' service Two months' advance May not be until the last billing allowed day of the third month The billing period chosen by the company operating under this tariff for residential solid waste accounts is: 'three months' service.. Late charges.. Custorners with past due accounts after the delinquency dates specified in *,e chart above will be charged a late fee of 1% per Month on outstanding balances. The minimum cbarge per month is $1.00. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EfL%~ ICLIL USE ONLY Docket: 7'O-070410 Affective Date: Ali y 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Orieinal Page No. 10 Company \iamefPernnit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./CS-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 20 -Definitions, NOTE: T?ze dejvtitions shownn on tine first three pabes of this item ore stands d, in most cases prescribed by rule. Companies may twt amend these defiunitions. Companies wfshing to add definitions specfc to thsir company's op--radfo?u mist yzclude those d fuii<`ions on a separate prti;e, entitled. "Company-specific definitions. " A blank sheet is provided for drat propose. Bale: Material compressed by machine and securely tarped or banded.. Bulky Materials: Empty carriers, cartons, boxes, crazes, etc., or materials offered for disposal, all of which may be readily handled without shoveling: Charge: A set flat fee for performing a service. Or, the result of multiplying a rate for a unit times the number of units transported. Commercial Billing: Service billed to a commercial customer or billed to, and paid for, by a property manager or owner rather than a residential tenant. Compacted Material: Material that has been compressed by any mechanical device either before or after it is placed in the receptacle handled by the company. Compactor Disconnect/ Reconnect Charge: A flat fee established by the solid waste collection company for the service of~ disconnecting a compactor from a drop box or container before taking it to be dumped, and then reconnecting the compactor when the drop box or container is returned to the customer's site. Gate charge: A flat fee charged for opening, unlocking, or closing gates in order to pick up solid waste. Loose material: Material not set out in bags or containers, including materials that must be shoveled. Multi-family residence: Any structure housing two or more dwelling units. Packer: A device or vehicle specially designed to pack loose materials. Pass through fee: A fee collected by a solid waste collection company on behalf of a third party when the fee is billed directly to the customer without markup or markdown. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: BQFMCOl iCTA, USE ONLY Docket: 7G- -0-70410 Effective Date: AAzy 1, 2007 Tariff \TO. 15' Original Page No. 11 01 Company Na_me/Permit'Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Reg stered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley.Garbage Servicp Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item -26 -Definitions. continued Permanent, service: Container and drop=box service provided at the customer's request for more than ninety days. , Rate: A price per unit or per service-. A.rate is multiplied times the number of units transported or the number of times a service is performed to determine a charge. Solid waste receptacle: includes the following items, with the following meanings: Automated cart means a cart designed t6be picked iip p-and emptied by mechanical means. The specific type and size are to be defined i6 rate items. Can means a receptacle made of durable; corrosion-resistant,- nonabsorbent material that is watertight,'and has a close-fitting cover and two handles. A can holds more than twenty gallons; but not more than thirty-M o•gallons. A can may not weigh more than 65 pounds when filled. Cart means a wheeled plastic container. A cart may also be referred to as a toter. If supplied by a customer, a cart must be compatible with the company's equipment. The size and type of cart that is compatible will be established in each company's tariff. Container means a detachable receptacle (normally designed to hold at least a cubic yard of sotd u*aste) from-which materials are collected by'mechaiiically lifting the receptacle and emptying the contents into the company's vehicle. Drop box means a detachable receptacle used to provide solid waste collection service by the receptacle being placed on the company's vehicle by•mechanical means and transported to a disposal site. Drum means a metal or plastic container of approximately fifty-gallon capacity, generally used for oils or solvents. A drum may not weigh more than _ when filled. :flitter receptacle means a container not over sixty-gallon capacity, generally placed in shopping centers and along street; or highways for litter. A•titter receptacle may not weigh more than 65 pounds.when filled. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EQF0ReOMjCTAL USE OJVLy Docket: TG-070410 Effective ,gate: lVfay 1, 2007 Tariff No. 1.5 Original Page No. 12 Company Narne/Permit Number: Waste. Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. ; - l Item 20 -Definitions. continued Alicro-mini .can means a can made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material that is watertight and has a close-fitting cover. A inicio-mini can may not hold more than ten gallons. A micro-mini can may not weigh more than 20 pounds when filled. Mini-can means a can made of durable, corrosion resistant, nonabsorbent material that is watertight and has a close-fitting cover. A mini-can may'not hold more than twenty gallons. A mini-can may not weight more than 35 pounds when filled. Recycling bin or container means a bin or container designed or designated for the collection of recyclables. The size and type of recycling bin or container will be establisbed in each company's tariff. Toter means a wheeled plastic container. A toter may also be referred to as a cart If supplied by customer, a toter must be compatible with the company's equipment. The size and type of toter that is compatible will be established in each company's tarif. Unit means a'receptacle made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material, that .is.watertight, and has a close-fitting cover and two handles. A unit holds more than twenty gallons, but not more than thirty-two gallons or four cubic feet. A unit may not weigh more.than 65 pounds when filled. Where agreed on between the company and the customer., and where allowable under local ordinance, a box, carton, cardboard barrel or Qther suitable container may be substituted for a solid waste can, for a single pick-up that includes. removal of the container, if it meets the size acid weight limits established in the company's tariff. -Yardwaste bin or container means a bin or container specifically designed or designated for the collection of yardwaste. Each company's tariff will refer to a specific type of yardwaste bin or container to be used by customers in a service area. The 'type, size, weight, etc., of this type of bin or container will often be set by local government plans or ordinances. Special/On call pick-rap: A pick-up requested by the customer at a time other than the regularly scheduled pick-up time or that requires the special dispatch of a truck. If a special dispatch is required, the company will assess time rates established in the company's tarif. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: }3iCO_ fClAl USE OJVLY Docket: TC-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tarn fro. 15 Original Page. No. 13 Company Na.meRermit'Number: Waste Management of Washington, InC1G•-237 • Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refiise Co. Item 20 -Definitioi3s. continued. Suppled-lent: A page added to the beginning of a tariff, normally to cover emergency, temporary, or special situations. An example is a page issued to show a special surcharge imposed by a Temporary service: Temporary service meaz-is providing container or'drop-box service at the customer's requests for a period of ninety day: or less. Unlatching: Another tern for a gate charge. A flat fee imposed by a solid waste collection company when the company's personnel must unlatch a gate or door-to perform pickup service. Unlocking: A flat .fee imposed by a solid waste collection company when the company's personnel roust unlockpadlocks or other locking *devices to perform pickup services. issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date:. Effem.[CLIL USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Ori ginal Page No. 14 Tariff No, 15 Company Name/Perrnit Number: Waste Management of Washington, T.ncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: aste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. . Item 30 - Limitations of Service Refusal of service. A solid waste collection company may'refuse to: (a) Pick up materials from points where it.is hazardous, unsafe, or dangerous to persons, property, or equipment to operate vehicles due to the conditions of streets, alleys, or roads. (b) Pick up materials that are not accepted by the disposal site named in the company's tariffs; or materials that, in the company's judgment, are hazardous, unsafe, or pose a danger to persons, property, or equipment. (C) (c) Drive into private property when, in the company's judgment, driveways or roads are improperly constructed-or maintained, do not have adequate tum-arounds,* or have other unsafe conditions. (d) Enter private property to pick up material while an animal considered or feared to be vicious is loose. The customer will be required to confine the animal on pickup days. Schedules. A company's schedule will meet reasonable requirements and will comply with local service level ordinances. R7issed pickups due to weather or road conditions. Pickup of materials may be missed due to weather or road conditions. If the accumulated material (solid waste and/or recyclables, and/or yardwaste) is collected on, the neat scheduled or available pickup date, the company is not obligated to extend credit for the missed pickup. The customer will not be charged for overfilled receptacles, or for materials set out in bags on top of or next to the customer's normal receptacles if the amount of extra material does not exceed the amount that would have reasonably been expected to accumulate due to missed pickups. Due care. Other than to offer reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibility for articles left on or near solid waste receptacles. Liability for damage. When a customer requests that a company provide service and damage occurs to the customer's driveway due to reasons not in the control of the company, the company will assume no responsibility for the damage. Issued by: Michael.A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: h .WeOWfCUL USE ONLY Docket: 7G-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo.:1S Oriainal Page NTo. 15 Company Name/Pernait Number: Waste Management of Washington, InCJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane; Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 40 Material Requiring Special Equipment Precautions, or Disposal Transportation of solid waste requiring special equipment or precautions in handling or disposal will be subject to time rates named in Item. 160, or to other specific rates contained in this tariff. Companies must make every effort to be aware of the commodities that require special handling at the disposal sites named in the company's tariffs. The company shall maintain a list of those commodities and make it available for public inspection at the cdmpany's office. Companies must make every effort to be aware of.the commodities that are not accepted at the disposal sites named in the company's tariffs, and provide the public with access to such lists, as published and updated by disposal sites. Additionally, companies must maintain a list of any specific commodities which are considered hazardous, unsafe, or pose a danger to persons, property, or equipment. Xtem 45 Material Requiring Special Testiniz and/or Analysis When a solid waste collection company or disposal facility determines that testing and/or analysis of solid waste is required to determine whether dangerous or prohibited substances are present, the actual cost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid by the customer. The company must provide the customer with a copy of any bill or invoice for costs incurred for testing and/or analysis and also must retain a copy in the company's file for at least three years. Those costs shall be passed through to the customer without markup. The company must maintain records of time spent to. accomplish the special testing and/or analysis, and may bill the customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). Item 50 -Returned Check Charges Returned check charge. If a customer pays with a check, and the customer's bank refuses to honor that check, the customer will be assessed a returned check charge in the amount of S 25.00.. Item 52'Re-delivery Charges A re-delivery fee of $15.00 will be assessed to cart customers whose service is discontinued for non- payment or cart customers who request re-delivery for services previously cancelled. Please see Item 100. A pickup and re-delivery fee of S 25.00 will be assessed to customers who request that their container or Drop Box be washed, steam cleaned and sanitized. Please see Item 210. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: 8 R fCL4L USE ONLY Dockot: TG-070410 Effective Date: 14dny 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Orie'inal Page No. 16 Company Name/Permit \TUmber: Waste Ivlanagement of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 55 Over-sired or Over-weight Cans or ilydts The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any residential receptacle (can, unit, bag, mini-can, or nucro mini-can) which, upon reasonable inspection exceeds the size and weight limits shown in Items 20. (a) If the receptacle exceeds the size and/or limits stated in Item 20, is overfillcci, or the top is unable to be closed, but the company transports the material§, the following additional charges will apply: S 3.30 per unit ]!rote: For charges applying on overi-veight toters, carts, containers, or drop.hoxes see item,207. Item 60 - Overtime Periods Companies will assess additional charges when providing services, at customer request, during overtime periods. Overtime periods include Saturdays, Sundays, and the following boliddys: New Year's Day Labor Day Washington's Birthday Veteran's Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving DU Independence Day Christmas Day Martin Luther icing Day Time is to be recorded to the nearest increment of 15 minutes from the time the company's vehicle leaves the terminal until the time it returns to the terminal. No additional charge will be assessed to customers for overtime or holiday work performed solely for the company's convenience. Charge per hour S 60.40 Minimum Charge S 30.20 Issued b Nlichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EiV O Fj-CL4 USE O1VLY Docket: 7"G-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 17 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./0-237 'Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Rem 70 -Return Trips When a company is required to make a return trip, that does not require the special dispatch.of a truck, to pick up material that was unavailable for collection for reasons under the control. of the customei, the following additional charges, per pickup, will apply. Can, unit, mini-cah, or micro-mini can S 7.40 Ca..t S 7.40 Litter Receptacle S 7.40 Drop Box S30.20 Container S11.70 C D, tell NOTE: Return trips requiring the special dispatch of a truck arc considered special pickups and are charged for under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: L'f &WW1CL4-L USE ONLY Docket: .TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff Ipso. 15 Original Page No. 18 Company Name/Pennit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 75 - Flat Monthly Charges This rule applies in connection with Items 80, 90, 120; 130, 240, 245, 250, •255, 260, 265, 270, and 275. A flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: (a) If weekly service is provided: Multiply the rate times 4.33 and then multiply that figure tunes the number of units picked up. (b) If evey other week service is provided: Multiply the rate times 2.17 and then multiply that figure times the number of units picked up. (c) Fot Items 240, 250, 260, and 270: For permanent, regularly scheduled pickups, a flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follows: a. For weekly service, each container provided: i. if monthly rent is shown: monthly rent plus (4.33 times pickup rate times number of pickups per week) ii. If monthly rent is not shown: 1st pickup rate plus (3.33 times additional pickup rate) plus (433 times additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). b. For every-other week service, each container provided: i. If monthly rent is shown: monthly rent plus (2.17 times pickup rate times number of pickups per week) J. If monthly rent is not shown: 1st pickup rate plus (1.17 times additional pickup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific 1,,Torthwest Market Area 1 Issue date: FfFtR ICL4L USE OAFLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Tate: 1Vicry 1, 2007 Tariff 14o 15 Original Pa¢eNo. 19 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc:/G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 80 - Carry-out Service-Drive-Ins Companies will assess the following additional charges when customers request that company personnel provide carry-out service of cans/units not placed at the curb, the alley, or other point where the company's vehicle can be driven to within five feet of the cans/units using unproved. access roads commonly available for public use. Driveways are not considered improved access roads commonly available for public use. Rate Charge for Carry-outs Residential Commercial Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Pickup Cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-mini cans that must be carried out over 5 feet, but not over 25 feet -S 0.40 $ 0.40 For each additional 25 feet, or.fraction of 25-feet,-add S O.30 $ 0.30 NOTE:The company may elect to drive in at the rates shown above, except the charge will be limited to one can, unit, mini-cans or micro-mini can. If cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-mini cans are carried over 125 feet, but are safely accessible to the company's vehicle, the drive-in charges shown below must be assessed instead. Rate Charge for Drive-ins (per ick-u Residential Commercial Per Picku Per Picku Drive-ins on driveways of over 125 feet, but less than 250 feet S1.50 S LSO Drive-ins on driveways of over 250 feet, but less than. 1/10 mile.' $ 2.00 $ 2.00 For each 1/10 mile over 1/10 mile. S3.00 $ 3.00 Note: For the purpose of assessing drive-in fees, a driveway is defined as providing access to a single residence. If a driveway provides access to multiple residences or accounts, no drive-in fees will be assessed. Issued by: Michael A.. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: E ORCOMI .A.L USE ONLY Docket: TU7 -070410 Effective.Date: May 1, 2007 tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 20 Company Name/Perniit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc.lG-237 Registered Trade Name: Taste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. l Xtem 90 - Can Carriage - Special Serviees Rate Residential Commercial Per Unit, Per Picku Per Unit, Per Pickup Stairs or steps - for each step u or down S O.06 $0.06 Overhead obstructions - for each overhead obstruction less than 8 feet from the ground S O.20 S O.20 Sunken or elevated cans/twits - for cans, unite, mini. cans, or micro-mini cans fully or partially under ground or over 4 feet above ground, but not involving stairs or „ steps S O.20 S0.20 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Nordzwest Market Area } Issue date:. FM dtolw-ImL USE OArLy Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 onginal Page I`ro. 21 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 100 Residential Service Monthly Rates (Continued on next pa e Rates in this item apply: (1) To solid waste collection, curbside recycling and yardwaste collection services for residential property. This includes single family dwellings, duplexes, apa,-tnients, mobile homes, condominiums, etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unity and/or (2) Wben required by a local government service level ordinance solid waste collection, curbside recycling,'and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes; condominiums and apartment buildings 'of Iess'than 5 residential units, where service is billed to the'property owner or manager. Rates below apply in the following service area; The garbage service rates apply to the service territory on the attached map designated as Appendix B. Pursuant to the Spokane County `Recycling Service Level Ordinance" as adopted and codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spokane County Code, the area described on the attached map designated as Appendix D, is required to receive recyciiaFr service. 96 GaBonYardweste iMMI-max of Wts Of Typz of GarbagE; Set-vice Recycle Service Service Rate C ntEd er FreqLxnry of Savi ce Rate Rate (Note 4) (Notes 4, 5) 1 C`an MCatWR $610 53.35 $12.25 Mm-CM(20 lon VrTCV WR 59.25 $3.35 $12.25 1 Can G VWR $11.95 $3.35 $12.25 2 Qiis WC IVI R $18.45 S3.35 $12.25 - 3 Cans 1Ar-+WR. 524.95 $335 S1225 4 Cans W-VWR $31.45 S3.35 $12.25 5 ckb- WGl NR $37.95 $3.35 $12.25 6 Cans WG(WR S44.45 $335 -$12.25 135 gtlloz cart NVC•'WR $12.95 $3.35 $12-25 164,galloncart )NGW.R. $19.45 $3.35 $12.25' 196 g-Flloii cart WCVV~R $25.95 53.35 $1125 Frequency of Service Code=-: WG=`'~'eckly Garbage; EOWG=E ery Other Week Garbage; MG=Monthly Garbage; WR=Weclly Recycling; EOR'R=Every Other Week Recycling-, -MR Monthly Recycling List other; used: Recycling rates shown above are subject to a recycling <credit>/debit of <S0.46> per month. Notes f6r this item are on page 25. Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on page 26. Description/rules related to yardwaste program are shown on page 26. Recycling <credit>ldebit adjustmeuts above on this page expire: July 31, 2007 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing iv9ana„et, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: L-QM lmfl USE ONLY Docket: TG-0704.10 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tarim No. 15 Original Page Ipso. 22 Company NTame/Per;nit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 100 Residential Service - Monthly 'Rates (continued on neat tinge) Rates in this item apply: (1) To solid waste collection, curbside recycling (where noted) and yardwaste collection' services (where noted) for residential property. This includes single family dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condominiums, etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit; and/or (2) When required by a local government service level ordinance solid waste collection, curbside recycling, and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums and apartment buildings of less than 5 residential units, where service is billed to the property owner or manager. Rates below apply in the following service area: Rural Spokane County as described on the attached map designated as A endix B. Number of Units or Type of Container Frequency of Service Garbage Service Rate 1 Can MG $6.10 mini-Can WG $9.25 1 Can WG $11.95 2 Cans WG "$18.45 3 Cans WG $24.96 4 Gans WG $31.45 5 Cans WG $37.95 6 Cans WG $44.45 1 35 gallon cart MG $7.10' 1 35 gallon cart WG $12.95 1 64'gallon cart WG $19.45 1 96 gallon cart WG $25.95 Frequency of. Service Codes: WG=Weekly Garbage; EOWG=Every Other We.& Garbage; MG=Monthly Garbage; WR=Weekly Recycling; EOR'R=Every Other Week Recycling; MR=Monthly Recycling List others used: Notes for this item are on page 25. Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on page n/a. Descriptionlrules related to yardwaste program are shown on page n/a. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: Lf 1cm-L USF_~ 0i Lx Doclcet: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff. No. 15 Original Page No. 23 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Ser vice Co. and Western Refwe Co. Ite'rn 100 Residential Service Monthly Rates (Continued on next Pagel Rtes in this item. apply: (1) To solid v,,aste collection, curbside recycling and yardwaste collection scrvices for residential property. This includes single family dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile hoses, condominiums, etc., where service is-billed directly to the.occupant of -each residential unit; and/or (2) When required by a local government service level ordinance solid waste collmtion, curbside recycling, and yardwaste service must be provided for single-fancily dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condominiums and apartment buildings of less tfian 5 residential units, where service is billed to the property owner or manager. R s below o lv in the follow 'na service area: The garbage service rates apply to the service territory on the attached map designatcd as Appendix C. Pursuant to the Spokane County "Recycling Service Lcvel'Ordinance' ;s adopted and codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spokane County Code, the area described on the attached map desipated as'Aripendik D, is required to receive rec cling service. 95 Gallon Yardvts'te \~kI[ZDCf ofLnitS Or Type of Garbage SeMce Recycle Service Service Rabe Coritsinff P t=cy of Service Rate Rate Cgote 4) (Notes 4, 1 Can WAR $6.10 $3.35 $12"25 Mini 20 non WCd~+R 511.15 $3.35 $12.25 - 1 Can Viv«R $14.10 $335 $12.25 2 Cans WCAVR $20.60 $335 $1225 3 Cans • WQ* Vlt 527.10 $3.35 $12.25 4 Cis WAYR $33.60 $3.35 $12.25 5 Cars WUrVV.R . $40.10 $3.35 $1225 6 Cam ~'JCdGVR $46.60 $3.35 $12.25 135 gallon cart ~ . ` $7.10.. $3.35 $12:25 135 gallon cart «~CdV+?kZ $15.10 $3.35 $12.25 R $21.60 $3.35 $12.25 164 gallon cad W&V 196 on cart WGA R 528.10 $335 $1125 Frequency of Service Codes: WG-Weekly Garbage; EOWG=Every Other Week Gwbage; NIO=Monthly Garbage; WR=Weekly Recycling; EOWR==Every Other Week Recycling; MR-A. iontbly Recycling List others used: Recycling rates shown above are subject to a recycling <credit>/debit of <S0.46> per month. Notes for this item are on page 25. Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on page 26. Description/rules related to yardWaste program are shown on page 26. Recycling <credit>/debit adjustments above on this page expire.: July 3X. 2007 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EM01Jt 7_JCL4.L USE OtVLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 24 Company Name/Permit Isrumber: Waste Management of Washington, XncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spbkane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western. Refuse Co. Ttem 100 -Residential Service - Monthly Rates (continued on next page) Rates in this item apply: (1) To solid waste collection, curbside recycling (where, noted) and yardwaste collection services (where noted) for residential property. This includes single family.dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, condorniniuiias, etc., where service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential unit; andtoi (2) When required by a local government service level ordinance solid waste collection, curbside recycling, and_ yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condom.iniurns and apartment buildings of less than residential units, where service is billed to the property owner or manager. Rates-below apply in the following service area: Rural. Spokane County as described on the attached map designated as endix C. Number of Units or T e'of Container Frequency of Service: Garba a Service Rate 1 Can MG $6.10 Mini-Can.' WG .$11.15 1 Can WG $14.10 2 Cans WG. $20.60 3 Cans WG $27.10.. 4 Cans WG $33.60 5 Cans WG $40.10 ) 6 Cans WG $46.60 1 35 gallon cart MG $7.10 1 35 allon cart WG $15.10.1.- 1 64 gallon cart WG $21.60 1 96 gallon cart WG $28:10 Frcqueacy of Service Codes: WG=Weekly Garbage; EOWG=Every Other Weyk Garbage; MG=Monthly Cnarbage; NVk NVeekly Recycling; EOWR-F_. ry Other Week Recycling; MR=Monthly Recycling List others used: Notes for this item are on page 26. Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on page Ufa.. Description/rules related to yardwaste program are shown on page nla: Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Seniof Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: 1-H2FOROFFICIAL USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff Original Page No. 25 15 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc1G-237 T) Registered 'trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley* Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse. Co.- Item 100 Residential Service - Monthly Rates (continued) Note 1: Customers will be charged for service,requested even if fewer units are picked up on a particular trip. No credit ,!ill be given for p'artiaily filled'cans. No credit will be given if customer fails to set receptacles out for collection. Note 2: For service more frequently than weekly, multiply the above rates by the number of times per week service is required. Note 3: A re-delivery fee of 515.00 will be assessed to cart customers whose service is discontinued for non- payment or cart customers who request re-delivery. See also Item 52. Note 4: For those customers who do not receive garbage service, add SL00 to the'rates on page s 21 and 23 for both recycling and yard' waste services. Note 5: The service rates apply only when the weekly collection of yard waste service is provided (March- November). Customers will not be billed for Yard Waste collection services-during the months of December, January and February. Note 6: Regularly scheduled yard waste customers who request an additional 96 gallon cart will be assessed a ~JJ monthly fee of S 5.95 for each. additional cart requested. Note 7: The charge for an occasional extra receptacle as described below on a regular pickup is: • Rate per receptacle, per T e of Service T e ofreceptacle pickup Garbage Collection. 32-gallon can of unit $ 3.25 Card Waste Collection 32-gallon can or unit $ 2.4$ Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EWFCQ1W1CL4L USE ONLY Docket: TG-070 10 Effiective Date_ NMay 1, 2007 Tariff No. IS Original Page No. 26 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Nam B: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 100 -Residential Service-Monthly Rates (continued). The curbside collection of recyclable materials is provided to all customers in the following service area: Pursuant to the Spokane County. "Recycling Service Level Ordinarice" as adopted and codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spokane County Code, the areas contained. in Appendix A and as described on the attached map designated as Appendix D, is required to receive recycling service. The following is a description of the recycling program (type of containers, frequency, etc). The program is provided hi accordance with the ordinances described above. The curbside collection of recyclable materials is provided on a weekly basis to all customers in the above service area. Each customer is provided with one 14-gall on plastic bin. The customer is requested to place newspaper (inside paper bag) and commingled aluminum, tin, glass and plastic inside the bin at the curbside. Used household batteries are also accepted if they are placed in a see-through plastic bag with a seal and put on top of the bin so the driver can see them. The sorting of the recyclable material is performed by the driver at the curbside: Special rules related to recycling programs: Pick-up will be refused if cart and/or bin contain trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contaminants. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request. The following inn is a description of the Yard Waste program (type of containers, frequency, etc). The program is provided in accordance with the ordinances described above. Yard waste service is a sign-up program that is provided on a weekly basis;-except during the months of December, January and February when the service is provided on a monthly basis. Customers who sign up for this program will be provided with a 96-gallon cart. If additional 96-gallon carts are requested, an additional monthly fec will b6,charged for each cart requested (Sce Note 6 on page 25). Customers will be billed for service at the applicable rates only when service is provided on a weekly basis. (See Now 5 on gage 25) Special rules related to Yard Waste program: Yard waste cannot be in plastic bags. Pick-up will be refused if container contains any trash or ocher contaminants. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable yard debris upon request. Issued by: '~~fichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: Eff,".- OWICIAI USE OXLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 27 Company N.ame/PeanZit Nyumber: Waste Management of Washington, IneJG-237 Registered Trade Nwne: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garba„re Services Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 105 Multi family Residential Rates (company-owned garbage container) - per pick up Rates in this item apply: (1) `'4uiti-Family Structures" as defined in Spokane County Resolution No. 920605 as follows: "Any structure housing five or more units or any premises used for residential purposes not included elsewhere." (2) The rates and charges contained in this item are to be added to those rates charged in Item Nos. 240, 245, 255,260 and 275 of this tariff. Rates below anolY in the following service area: Pursuant to the Spokane County "Recycling Servioe Tavel Ordinance°' as adopted and codified as Chapter 8.58 of the Spokane County Code, the area contained in Appendix A and as described on the attached iurap desi ~ ated as A wndixD, is wired to receive rev ciin service. Size or Ty a of Container 64 Gal 96 Gal Servicc Type Can Cart Cart 1 Yard 1.5 Yard 2 Yard 3 Yard 4 Yard , 6 Yard 8 Yard Fgrnianent Service: Monthly Rent, if applicable First Pici.'ti S 0.09 $0.18 $0.27 $0.63 $0.95 $1.26 $1.89 $2.52 $3.78 ' $5.04 Each Additional Pickup S 0.09 $ 0.18 S 0.27 $ 0.63 S 0.95 S 1.26 $ 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 S 5.04 S e.cial pick-110s S 0.09 $ 0.18 $ 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 $ 1.26 $ 1.89 S 2.52 S 3.78 $ 5.04 Termnorary Service: Initial Delivery Charge Pickup Charge $ 0.09 S 0.18 S 0.27 S 0.63 S 0.95 $ 1.26 S 1.89 $ 2.52 $ 3.78 S 5.04 Net Commodity Price See Note See Note Sec Note See Note See Note See Note See Note Scc Note See Note See Note Adjustment per Picku 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week picloap, unless local govervmeirt . requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled containers. Note 2: Permanent Service: If rent is shown, the rate for the first pick-up and each additional pickup must be the some. If relit is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Note 3: Net Commodity Price Adjustment pcrPickup will be a credit of <SO.09> per yard. Customers whose seavicc is less than one yard will receive a credit on a pro rata portion of a yard.. Customers who have garbage collection services reficetee in Items 255 and 275 will receive a credit of (127> per yard per pickup. Note 4: Customers who have garbage collection services reflected in Items 240,245 and 260 will be charged for recycling services at the rate of $0=63 per yard per pickup. Customers who have garbage collection services reflected in Items 255 and 275 will be charged for recycling services at the rate of 51.89 per yard per pickup. Description/ndes related to recycling program are shown on page 28. Recycling <credit7/debit adjustments above on this page expire: ,Tuly 31. 2,007 i~ - Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, PAcific'Northwest Market Area Issue date: E R RUCLIL USE QAEY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: llgay 1, 2007 Tari.,T2\To. 15 Original Page *To. 28 Company I4ame/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. 1 Item 105 -1V.fulti-family Residential Service (continued) The curbside collection of recyclable materials is provided to all customer in the following service area: Pursuant to the Spokane County'Tecycling Service Level Ordinance" as adopted and codified as Chapter 8:58 of the Spokane County Code, the areas contained in Appendix A and as described on the attached map designated as Appendix D, is required to receive recycling service. The following is a description of the recycling program (type of containers, frequency, etc). The program is provided in accordance with the ordinances described above. The collection of recyclable materials is provided on a weekly basis to all multi-family customers who sign up for the service. Customers who sign up for the program will subscribe for the number of 35 gallon carts desired and strategically placed widiin their complex. The customer is requested to place newspaper., mixed waste paper, and bottles and cans separately into each designated can provided. - Special rules related to recycling _program: Pick-up will be refused if recycling containers contains trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contaminants. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non-acceptable items upon request. Special rules related to reevclin:x program: Pick-up will be refused if recycling containers contains trash, yard debris, or other non-acceptable contaminants.. Customers may obtain a current listing of acceptable recyclables and non--acceptable items upon request. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Vt arket Area 1 Issue date: EftMq -FfCL4L USE 011rLY .Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May], 2007 Tariff No. 1_5 Original Page No. 29 CompanyName/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage.Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 120 - Drums T .of Service Rate Per Drum, Per Pickup Regular Route Service S x . Special Pick-up, $ - Y, Item 130 - Litter Receptacles and Litter Toters Customer-owned Rece" tac]e Rate Per Rece tacla, Per Picku Size or Type: ' Size-or ~ e: - - Company-owned Receptacle Size or Type: 64 Gal Toter Size or T e: 96 Gal T Ater 1 Item 150 - Loose and Bulkv Material Special trips: Time rates in Item 160 apply. Regular Route_ Additional cubic Carry Charge l to 4 cubic yards yards Minimum Charge Per each 5 feet over Rate er Yard Rate per Yard Per Picku 8 feet Bulky materials S13-95 $13.95 S 13.95 $ 6.40 Loose material (Customer.load S $ $ $ Loose material (Company load $16.80 $16.80 S16.80 $ 9.00 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior, Pricing Manager, Pack Northwest Market Area Issue date: EfflU-0k'Z~~ICL4L USE ONLY Docket: TG7704.10 Effective Date: Way 1, 2007 Tariff Nlo 15 Original Page No. 30 Company Name/Pam-i.it Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade'Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 160 -Time :hates Whea.time rates apply. Time rates named in this Item apply: (a) When material must be taken to a special site for disposal; (b) When a company's equipment must wait at, or retprn to, a .customer's site to provide scheduled service due to no disability, fault, or negligence on the part of the corr_pany. Actual waiting time or time taken in returning to the site will be charged for; or (c) When a customer orders a single, special, or emergency pickup, or when other items in this tariff refer to this Item. How rates are recorded and charged. Time must be recorded and charged for to the nearest increment of 15 minutes. Time rates apply for the'period from the time the company's vehicle leases the company's terminal until it returns to the terminal, excluding interruptions. A.n interruption is a situation causing stoppage of service that is in the control of the company and not in the control of the customer. Examples include: coffee breaks, lunch breaks, breakdown of equipment, and similar occurrences. :Disposal fees in addition to time rates.. Item 230 disposal. fees .for. the specific disposal site or facility used will apply in addition. to time rates. Rates per hour: Rate Per Hour Each Extra Minimum Type of equipment ordered Truck and driver Person . Charge Single rear drive axle: Non-packer truck $66.40 S26.50 $ 66.40 Packer truck $ 66.40 $ 26.50 $ 66.40 Dro -box truck $ 66.40 S26.50 $ 66.40 Tandem rear drive axle: Non-packer truck $ 66.40 $ 26.50 $ 66.40 Packer truck $ 66.40 S26.50 $ 66.40 l)ro -box truck $ 66.40 $ 26.50 $ 66.40 Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EffX e 1 CL4L USE OATLY Docket: TG-070410 affective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. '1.5 Original Page No. 31 Company Name/Pen-nit Number: Waste Management of Washington, T3c./G-237 Registered Trade Namc: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Sdrvice Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 200 Containers and/or Drop Boxes - General Rules Availability. A company must maintain a supply 'of all sizes of containers and drop boxes for which rates are listed in this tariff. If a customer requests a container or drop box of a size listed in the' company's tariff, and the company is unable to provide the requested size within 7 days of the customer request, the customer must be notified in writing or by telephone. Alternate-sized containers and/or drop boxes. If the company cannot provide the requested-sized container or drop box (and that size is listed in the company's tarn, the company must provide alterrikte-sized containers or drop boxes, sufficient to meet the capacity originally requested by the customer, at the same rates as would have applied for the requested container or drop box. Disposal fees due on alternate-sized drop boxes. If the company provides alternate-sized drop boxes, the customer is responsible for all lawfully applicable disposal fees resulting from the use of the alternate drop boxes. Rates on partially-filled containers and/or drop boxes. Full pickup and rental rates apply regardless of the amount of waste material in the container or drop box at pickup time. Rates for compacted materials. Rates for compacted material apply only when the material has been compacted before its pickup by the company. Rates for loose material. Loose material dumped into the company's packer truck is subject to the rates for non-compacted material even though the material may be compacted later in the packer truck. Permanent and temporary service. The following rules apply: (a) I€a customer requests a container or drop.bok for less than 90 days, the customer will be billed at temporary service rates. (b) Lf• a temporary service customer notifies the company that it has decided to retain the container or drop boz for more than 90 days; permanent service rates will-be assessed from the 91st day until the end of the period the customer retains the container or drop box. (c) If a customer requests a container or drop box for more than 90 days, the_customer will be billed under permanent rates. If that customer cancels service before the end of the 90-day period, the company may not rebill the customer at temporary service rates. The intent of the customer at the time service was requested applies. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacif c NTOrthwest Market Area Issue date: Ef Rc0j4 _fCL4L USE ONLX Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May .I, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 32 Company'Name/Penrnit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management-of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 205 - Roll-Out Charges - Containers, automated carts. and toters Charges for containers. The company will assess roll-out charges where, due to circumstances outside the control of the driver, the driver is required to move a container more than five feet, but Iess than 25 feet, in order to reach the truck. The charge for this roll -out'servi cc is- S 2.10 per container, automated cart or toter, per pickup Over 25 feet, the charge will be-the charge for.25 feet, plus S 0.50 per increment of 5 feet. Item 207 - Excess Weight - Rejection of Load. Charges to Transnorf The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any container, stationary packer, or drop box which, upon reasonable inspection: (a) Appears to be overloaded; (b) Would. cause applicable vehicle load limitations.to be exceeded; (c) Would cause the company to violate load limitations or safe vehicle operation; and/or (d) Would negatively impact or otherwise damage road surface integrity. For the purposes of this tariff, the following maximum weights apply: Type/Size of Maximum Weight Type/Size of Maximum Weight Container, Drop Box, Allowance Container, Drop Box, Allowance Toter, or Cart in pounds) Toter; or Cart in pounds) Carts-All Sizes 2001bs. 1 to 6 d. 1.200 tbs. Dro Boxes - All.-Sizes 20,000 lbs. Overfilled or overweight, chares if transported. If the container, drop box, toter, or cart exceeds the limits stated above, is filled beyond the marked fill line, or the top is unable to be closed, but the company transports 'the materials, the followin additional char es will apply: Type/Size of Charge Type/Size of. Charge Container, Drop Box, Container, Drop Box, Toter, or Cart Toter, or Cart 1 and $ 75.00 er icku 3 and compactor S 150.00 per icku 2 yards I S 100.00 per pickup 4 yard com actor $ 200.00 er pickup 3-8 yards S 200.00 per pickup Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: EfgFOR0 USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Oric' al_Page?;o. 33 Company TTamc/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, lncjG-237 } Registered Trade Flame: Waste Management of Spokane; Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 210 - `'Vasbing and Sanitizing Containers and/or Drop Bores Upon customer request, the company will provide washing, steam cleaning and sanitizing service at the following rates: Size or Type of Container or Drop Box Rate Minimum Charge All Sizes -Steam Cleaning $ 5.50 per yard S 11.00 All Sizes -Sanitizing $ 3.10 er yard $ 6.20 item 220 - Compactor Rental Customers must pay the following additional charges for compactors fz.irnished by the company. Charges 11 Darned are for compactors only and do not include drop box or container charges. See items 250 and 270 for container charges. Customers must pay the costs of installation. Rated cubic yard Capacity of char e box Monthly rental charge: I cubic and S 2 cubic yards $ 3 cubic yards $ 4 cubic yards $ Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, PFcific I~zorthwest Market Area Issue date: - E OA(OAFfCl4-L USE ONLY Docket:.T'G-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 1.5 - Original Page No. 34 Company Name/Pen-nit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Ina/G-237 Registered Trade 114azne: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse'Co. Ttem 230 -:Disposal Fees Charges in this item. apply when other items in the tariff specifically refer to this item. Dis oral site (name or location Type of Material Fees for disposal Spokane Transfer Station MSW S 103:00 per ton Spokane Waste-to-Energy MSW S 98.00 per ton Sunshine Recyclers MSW S 103.00 per ton Graham Road Landfill CDL Waste $ 32.00 per ton Industrial Processing Waste S 24.05 per ton Foundry Casting Slag $17.00 per ton State whether fees are per yard, per ton, etc. Include charges assessed for special commodities (tires, appliances, asbestos, etc.) or special conditions at each specific disposal site. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Xssue date: F ~~1CIAl USE QAEY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff N16.15 Original-Page No. 35 Company NarneJPeftDit \zumber: Waste Management of Washington, 1t c* JG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. Item 240 - Container Seiwice - Dumped in Comna.ny's Vehicle Non-Compacted Material (Cornpaiiy-owned container) Rates stated pef container; per pickup Rates in this item apply: (1) In the following service area: The service area as described in Appendix A. • Size or Type of Container Service 35 Ua 4 Gal a.Ty e Cart Cart Cart 1 Yard 1.3 Yard 2 Yard 3 Yard 4 Yard 6 Yard 8 Yard Permanent "'eryire- Monthly Rent, if applicable $6.00 66.40 57.30•• $8.40. $9.50 $12.50 $15.60 Pick Up Charge $3.40 56.00 58.65 $13.95 519.95 S24.95 S34.45 541.95 $56.95 $68.45 Special Pickup Char- S6.40 $9.00 $11.65 S16.95 522.95 527.95 S37.45 $44.95 559.95 $71.45 Temporary ervlee. f - 1 Initial Delivery S40.00 $40.00. $40.00 540.00 • S40.00 $40.00 S40.00 P' gUp Charge 526.95 $32.95 $37.95 $47.45 554.95 $69.95 S81.45 Rent ?erDay $1.00 51.10 S1.20- 51.60 $1.90 $2.10 S2.60 Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if ' fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for partially filled containers. Note 2: Permanent Service: If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same.' If rent is not sho}vn, it is to be included in the rate for the first piek--up. Accessorial charges assessed (lids,.tarpiug, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Note 3: A gate or obstruction charge of S10.60 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moviDg obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Notre 4: In addition to all other applicable charges, a-charge of S13.95 per yard (assessed on a pro rata basis) will be assessed if containers are filled past their visible full liinit, container lids will not close due to overfilling, or if additional materials are placed on or near the containers. Issued by: Micbael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: 1rJEEP-Ojj . jCL4L- USE ONLY Docket: 7G-0704.10 Efective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 36 Company VamdPermit Number: Taste Management of Washington, IncJG-237, Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item•245 - Container Service - Dumped in Company's Vehicle Iszon-Compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Includes Commercial Can Service Rates stated per, container, per pickup unless otherwise noted Rates in this item apply: (1) In the following service area: The service area as.describe.d in Appendix A. Permanent Service 32-gallon can or unit Each Scheduled Pickup S3.15. Minimum Charge per month SIS.90 Tern ' orary Service Pickup Rate $ 3.15 Note 1: Permanent Service: Service' is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if fewer containers are serviced on a particular trip. No credit will' be given for partially filled containers. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: z ~ ICLIL USE ONLY Docket: TCr-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 Original Page No. 37 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Naive: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 255 - Container Service -]Dumped in Company's Vehicle Compacted Material (Customer-6w6ed container) Rates stated per container, per pick up Rates in this item apply: (1) In the following service area: The service area as described in Appendix A. Permanent Service Size of Container. 2 Yard 3 Yard 4 Yard 5 Yard 6 Yard 'Each Scheduled Pick-up$71.95 S103.95 S134.45 $162.75 $195.45 Special Pickups $74.95 $106.95 S137.45 $165.75 $198.45 Tote 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Customer will be charged for service requested, even if -.ewer containers are serviced on a particular trip; No credit will be given for partially filled containers. Accessorial clUaraes assessed (lids, tarpin-,),, unlocking. unlatching, etc.): Note 2: A gate or obstruction charge of 510.60 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Note 3: A fee of 516.40 per pick up will be assessed when containers with attached compactors require disconnecting or reconnecting. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing'.. anager, Pacific 7\Torthwcst Market-Area Issue date: EfR*~ djCIAL USE-ONLY Docket. TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff NTo. 15 Original Page No. 38 Company Name/Pem-dt Number: Waste Management of Washington, Inc./G-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Westem Refuse Co. -Item 260 - Drou Bog Service - To Disposal-Site and Return Non-Compacted Material (Company-owned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pick up Rates in this item apply: (1) Ta the following service area: The service area as described in Appendix A. -Size or Type of. Container 10 Yard 15 Yard 20 Yard 25 Yard 27 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yaid Permmanent Service: Month] Rev ifapplicable $33.90 $37.50 $44.60 $57.10 $58.90 $60.80 $74.30 First Pickup S65.10 $65.10 565.10 $65.10 565.10 $65.10 I $65.10 Each Additional Picku $65.10 565.10 S65.10 565.10 S65.10 S65.10 $65.10 Special Pickii~s $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 `)'emoorarv Service: Initial Delivery 540.00 $40.00 $4.0.00 540.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Pickvn Rate $85.10 $85.1.0 $85.10 S85.10 $85.10 S85.10 $85.10 Rent Per Calendar Da $2.30 $2.50 $3.00 S3.80 $3.90 S4.1.0 $5.00 Note 1: Rees in this item are subject tD disposal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rites named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles me-asured from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged for at S 3.70 per mile or fraction of a mile. Mileage charge is in addition to all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service: (a) Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a Enonth pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. (b) If a drop box is retained by a customer for a RAI month and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges will be assessed for pickups. Monthly rental charges will be prorated when a drop box is retained for only a portion of a month. (c) If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and each additional pickup must be the same. If rent is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the first pickup. Accessorial chrirees assessed (lids. tnrpine, nnlockintr. unlatching, etc.): Note 4: A gale or obstr ucton charge of $10.60 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or ?roving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. NTote 5: A fee of 521.00 per nonth will be added to rent when lid is required on containers over 15 yards. Note 6: A fee of 514.40 will be assessed when customer requires solid waste collection company to position lids open after returning empty container to customer site. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pack Northwest IM-arket Area f Issue date: EU-90R1ML E USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007. Tariff No. 15 Original Page NATO. 39 Company Name/Permit Number: Waste Management of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. Item 275 -.Drop Box Service = To Disposal Site and Return Compacted Material (Customer-owned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pick up Rates in this item apply: (1) In the following semice area: The service area as describers in Appendix A. F Size or Type of Container 10 Yard 15 Yard 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard Permanent Service: Each Scheduled Picku 592.10 $92.10 $92.10 S92.10 $92.10 592.10 Special Pickups $92.10 $92.10 S92.10 $92.10 $92.10 $92.10 Temporary Service: Pickup Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ r ti\ Note 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. -J _'Note 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles measured from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles shall be charged for at $ 3.70 per mile or fraction of a mile. Mileage charge is in addition to all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pickup, unless local government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibles are involved. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, etc.): Note 4. A fee of $1.6.40 per inonth will be assessed when containers with attached compactors require disconnecting, reconnecting or turning around. Note 5: A gate or obstruction charge of, $1.0.60 will be assessed for opening, unlocking or closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific'Northwest Market Area Issue date: EfIX K~~.fCL9.L USE 0,AEy Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 1.5 Original Page No. 40 Company N7ai melPermit Number: Waste Management of,Washing on, XncJG-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste Management of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. -1 Item 300,- List of Abbreviations and Svmbols Used in This 't'ariff (A) Denotes increases. (R) Denotes decreases. (C) Denotes changes in wording, resulting in neither increases nor decreases. Denotes new rates, services, or rules Denotes that material previously shown has been deleted. Yd. or yd. are abbreviations for yard Cu. or cu. are abbreviations for cubic. Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Market Area Issue date: UM?COM AL USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 Effie ctive Date: jWay 1, 2007 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off:_ Item: Check all that apply: ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ admin. report ❑ information only ® pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed resolution 07-017: Changes to the fee resolution GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The current resolution is 06-024 which was passed on November 28, 2006, and was effective January 1, 2007. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Each year the council passes a resolution to adjust fees so that most city costs can be recovered for services provided to others. Staff also recommends deletion of fees when conditions warrant the change. BACKGROUND: Staff has reviewed the following fees: 1. Preliminary and final subdivision approval 2. Binding site plan approval 3. Zoning letters for citizens/mortgage companies 4. Quick turn-around fees for permits on minor projects 5. Various miscellaneous fees for deletion. OPTIONS: Options include: 1.) Direct staff to proceed with an updated resolution; 2) Proceed with some of the fee changes; 3) Do not make any changes RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff recommends a motion to approve Resolution 07-017 amending the Fee Resolution effective January 1, 2008. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: A small increase in city revenue ($10,000), to cover increased costs, is expected during 2008. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director i . Proposed 2008 Fee Resolution Spokane Valley Council Meeting October 23, 2007 Proposed Changes ` 1. Switch short plat preliminary and final fee current resolution proposed Prelim. $924 $1,224 Final $1,224 +$10/lot $924+$10 2. Add final binding site plan fee current resolution proposed Prelim. $1,674 $1,674 Final - $ 924 + $10/lot ,m,umm 1 . 1 Proposed changes.. : 3. New fee for zoning letters current fee proposed fee $200 4. Over the counter, quick turn-around permit current fee proposed fee $58 ~ar~aaa~ 3 Proposed Changes.... 5. Deleting some existing fees: *Demo permits for septic tanks/flammable tanks *Special called inspections *Mobile home locations *Annual maintenance permits *Housing inspections *Inspections for fire, wind, mud, flood, day care, nursing homes & hospitals *Temp. tents, canopies & air supported structures ~v~aaaar a 2 9-25-07 Proposed City Spokane Valley City of Spokane Spokane County Short Plats Preliminary $ 1,224 $2,810 + $35/acre $ 1,104 Final $ 924 plus $10/lot $1,115+ $18/lot $ 553 Binding site plan Preliminary $ 1,674 $2,810+ $351acre $ 1,915 plus $121lot Final $924+ $10/lot $1,820 + $17/acre $ 1,473 Zoning letters $ 200 $ 355 $ 294 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-017 A RESOLUTION OF TIJ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION 06-024, AND APPROVLNG AN AMENDED MASTER FEE SCff RULE WHEREAS, it is the general policy of the City to establish fees that are reflective of the cost of services provided by the City; and WHEREAS, the City uses a resolution to establish fees for City programs, permits and services, and periodically, the fee resolution must be updated to incorporate new or modified services; and WHEREAS, Council desires to modify the Resolution and accompanying Fee Schedule. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The changes needed at this time are incorporated into the attached schedules, and include (l) preliminary and fmat short plat fees; fmal binding site plan fees; and new fees for coning letters and quick turnaround permits. Section 2. Repeal. To the extent that previous fee schedules are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect January 1, 2008. Approved this _ day of October, 2007. ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Diana Wilhite, Mayor Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution AMENDED MASTER FEE SC:N:EDULE Fee Schedule Page No. Schedule A: Development 3 Schedule B: Building 5 Schedule C: Fire Code 13 Schedule D: Parks & Recreation 16 Schedule E: Administrative 19 Schedule F: Other Fees 20 r-~ Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Page 2 of 19 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Schedule A - DEVELOPMENT Al<IENDMENT S Comprehensive Plan amendment $1,500.00 Zoning or other code text amendment $1,500.00 APPEALS Appeal of Administrative Decision 511000.00 Appeal of Hearing Examiner findings $300.00 Transcript/record deposit fee on appeals of Hearing $150.00 Examiner's decisions Appeal of determination made pursuant to SVMC 5500.00 10.30.150-.660 EN VIROINATENTAL REVr.EW State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Single dwelling (Fvhen required) S100.00 All other developments $350.00 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Review $2,200.00 Addenda of existing EIS Review $350.00 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $800.00 Critical Areas $300.00 Floodplain Permit 550.00 Per lot PERMITS Home Occupation Permit, S80.00 Conditional Use Permit $800.00 Temporary Use Permit $150.00 PLATS Subdivisions Preliminary plat $2,324 Plus $40.00 per lot Final plat $1,424 Plus $10.00 per lot Short Plats Preliminary 2-4 lots S1,224 Final Plat 2-4 Lots 5924 Plus S10.00 per lot Preliminary plat 5-9 Lots $1,424 Plus $25.00 per lot Final Plat 5-9 Lots $1,224 Plus $10.00 per lot Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Page 3 of 19 Plat Alteration Subdivision plat 5650.00 Short plat $265.00 Binding Site Plan Binding site plan modification 51,474 Change of Conditions $650.00 Preliminary binding site plan I . ' Final binding site plan Aggregation./Segregation Lot line adjustment $100.00 Lot line elimination $100.00 Zero lot fine $100.00 Plus $10.00 per lot SIGNS Review of permanent sign 550.00 Plus $25.00 if Public Works review is needed Review of temporary sign S50.00 SHM PLAN REVIEW $550.00 STRELT VAC'A HON APPLICATION $1}300.00 VARIANCES Administrative $300.00 Public Hearings $1,500.00 ZONING Zoning map amendments (rezone)* S1,650.00 PUD plan $1,500.00 Plus S25.00 per lot PUD modification $500.00 Zoning letter *tf rezone is combined with other action(s), cost of other action(s) is additional. Note: The Building Official is authorized to require the permit applicant to provide fee reimbursement to the City of Spokane Valley for any professional services required outside of City staff review. Some examples of potential outside resources include plan review, construction inspection and surveying;. Rc,,olution 07-0! 7 lee Rc-lolufiun Page 4 of 19 Schedule B - BUILDING 1-he building code permit fees arc: collected at the time of the issuance of the building permit. Other fees are also to be collected at the time of the issuing of the building permit. Each department for whom the fee is collected is to advise the permit specialist of fees due. GRADING Permit Nees Cubic Yards FEE 100 or less $20.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 for the first 100 Cu. Yd., plus S7.00 for each additional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,001 to 10,000 583.00 for the first 1,001 Cu. Yd., plus 56.00 for each additional 1,000 Cu. Yd. 10,001 to 100,000 $147.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,001 to 200,000 $368.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus 515.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,000 or more $503.00 for the first 200,001) Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additional 200,000 Cu. Yd. Plans Checking Fees Cubic Yards FEE 50 or less No fee 51 to 100 $12.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 1,001 to 10,000 S25.00 10,001 to 100,000 525.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus 57.00 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,001 to 200,000 $98.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus 56.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,001 or more $158.00 Land Clearing only (without earth being moved) $65.00 Paving Permit (greater than 5,000 5F - new paving only) $250.00 Resolution 07-017 1-co Resolution Page 5 of 19 STRUCTURAL CODE Building permit fees for each project are set by the following fee schedule. 11tc table below is to be used to determine the building permit fees and plans check fees based on the value of the construction work as stated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using the latest valuation data published in the Building WetyJournal by the International Code Council, whichever value is greatest. Valuation fable 'rota! Valuation Fee $1 to 525,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for each additional S 1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $25,000 $25,001 to S50,000 539115 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional S1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $50,000 $50,001 to S100,000 $643.75 for the first $50,000 plus S7 for each additional 51,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 5993.75 for the first S100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and including $1,000,000 51,000,000 and up $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000 plus S3.15 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof Valuation Exceptions Fee Per Square Foot Private garages (wood frame) $19.00 Private garages (masonry) 522.00 Pole buildings 519.00 Open carport, decks, porches $15.00 Over the counter, quick turnaround permit fees for simple projects, an additional Plans Review Fees For oilier than signs, one and two family residential structures and the associated accessory buildings or structures, a Plans Review Fee Deposit of $200 shall be collected at the time of acceptance of the Building Permit Application. The application shall be accepted only when the application is determined to be complete by City staff. For signs, one and two family residential strictures and the associated accessory buildings or structures, no plan review deposit will be required at the time of Building Permit Application submittal. The balance of the Plan Review Fee shall be collected at the time of Building Permit issuance along with Resolution 07-017 Fey Resolution Page 6 of' N the WSBCC Fee. Any excess deposit collected during the application process shall be applied to the Building Permit Fee. Plans Review Fees are not refundable once the plan review has been started. Plans Review Fees are additional to Building Permit Fees. Plans review fee (general) 65% Of bldg permit fee Plans review fee - Group R-3 occupancies (single 40% Of bldg permit fee family less than 7,999 sq. ft.) Plans review fee - Group R-3 occupancies (single 65% Of bldg permit fee family 8,000 sq. ft. or greater) Plans review fee - U-1 or U-2 occupancies (sheds, 25% Of bldg permit fee barns, etc.) Plans review fee - temporary tent or structure 25% Of bldg permit fee Initial Plan Review Fees shall be capped at $35,000 maximum with the following exception: Exception # 1: If additional professional resources are required for individual project plan review for those projects that reach the maximum Plan Review Fee, the Building Official shall be authorized to require the permit ;applicant to provide those; resources to the City of Spokane Valley. If a set of plans already checked and approved is resubmitted by the owner or his/her agent, an hourly rate of $58.00 will be applied for the re-review. PLUMBING CODE The plumbing code fees will be collected when the associated permit is issued. If the plumbing is included in the Building Permit the unit costs are added, but not the basic plumbing permit fee. A. Basic fees 1) Basic fee for issuing each permit $35.00 2) Basic for each supplemental permit S7.50 B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) I) For each_ plumbing fixture on a trap (including $6.00 garbage disposals, dish washers, back flow device, drainage. hot tubs, built in water softener, water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains, etc ) 2) Private sewage disposal system $20.00 3) Water heater $6.00 Each 4) Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor $15.00 including its trap and vent, except kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps. 5) Repair or alteration of water piping, drainage S6.00 Each fixture or vent piping 6) Atmospheric type vacuum breaker $6.00 Each 7) Backflow protective device other than $6.00 Each atmospheric type vacuum breakers 8) Medical gas $6.00 Per outlet 9) Interceptors 56.00 Each Resolution 07-017 Fcc Resolution Page 7of19 MECHANICAL CODE The mechanical code foes will be collected when the associated permit is issued. If it is included in the Building Pcrmit, the unit costs are added, but not the basic mechanical permit fee. A. Basic fees 1) Basic fee for issuing each permit $35.00 2) Basic for each supplemental permit $7.50 B. Unit fees (in addition to the basic fee) l) Furnaces & suspended heaters - Installation or relocation a. up to and including 100,000 btu S12.00 b. over 100,000 btu $15.00 2) Duct work system $10.00 3) Neat pump & air conditioner a. 0 to 3 tons $12.00 b. over 3 to 15 tons 520.00 c. over 15 to 30 tons $25.00 d. over 30 to 50 tons $35.00 C. over 50 tons 560.00 4) Gas water beater $10.00 5) Gas piping system $1.00 Per outlet 6) Gas log, fireplace, and gas insert installation $10.00 7) Appliance vents installation; relocation; 510.00 Each replacement g) Repairs or additions $15.00 9) Boilers, compressors, and absorption systems a. 0 to 3 hp -100,000 btu or less S12.00 b. Over 3 to 15 hp -100,001 to 500,000 btu $20.00 c. Over 15 - 30 hp - 500,001 to 1,000,000 $25.00 btu d. over 30 hp - 1,000,001 to 1,750,000 btu $35.00 e. over 50 hp - over 1,750,000 btu 560.00 10) Air Handlers a. Each unit up to 10,000 cfm, including S12.00 ducts b. Each unit over 10,000 cfm $15.00 11) Evaporative Coolers (other than portable) $10.00 12) Ventilation and exhaust a. Each fan connected to a single duct $10.01) b. Each ventilation system 512.00 c. Each hood served by mechanical exhaust $12.00 13) Incinerators a. Installation or relocation of residential 519.00 b. Installation or relocation of commercial $22.00 14) Appliances, each $10.00 15) Unlisted appliances a. under 400,000 btu $50.00 b. 400,000 btu or over S100.00 Rc;t lu(iun 07-x)17 l ce Rc:,ulutiun I'~gc tj ~~f ly 16) Hood a. Type 1 $50.00 b. Type 11 $10.00 17) L P Storage tank S10.00 18) Wood or Pellet stove insert $10.00 19) Wood stove system - free standing $25.00 ENERGY CODE Energy Code Plans check fee is also established to chock to meet the requirements of RCW 51A I WAC. These are in addition to the Building Cade Fees. If City inspectors are assigned to verify Energy Plans, the following fees apply. If an outside energy inspector is required, that fee will be determined by the outside agency and the fees below will not apply. Residential Remodel/Addition S-0- New Single Family S-0- Tenant Improvement A. 0 to 10,000 square feet 535.00 B. 10,001 square feet and over S45.00 C. Multi-Family $60.00 Per building D. New Commercial and industrial $90.00 OTHER BtT11.DING CODE FEES \rltto::I (c 111tH 1:.r!ual Spokane Valk;, lit,tlutllg Pct o'r u:•rd 1 maintain equipment or buildings, construct or remodel small areas t install tents or membrane structures 11.1. 1':e available depending upon the determination of the %,aluation of %%Lrk made b) i1w Sp.Aaac '•utlding Official. Certain record keeping and in-4reeilon ri,!~••t:~ihiiitieti dull he c~tnbli~hr<l in a ;~~cific Spokane V:1!!~;v Arnual l'~'rntit 1t*,r«r::cnt. Approach Permit S50.00 Demolition Permit Single Family Residence $44.00 Commercial buildings $125.00 Garage or accessory building associated with a $20.00 residence or commercial building tank or undergiound !1amm able t.1!11\ l' .1' h ith a residence or commercial buildiruit Farly Start Agreements (Foundations) 25% Of bldg permit fee Resolution 07-017 Fee Rewfution PagoC 9 o( 1 Right-of-way Permit: Category 1 Non-cut obstruction without clean-up $70 2 Non-cut obstruction with clean-up $105 3 Pavement cut obstruction non-winter $160 4 Pavement cut obstruction, winter 5200 5 Long-duration or large projects S160 A traffic control plan review is required if more than 50% of the width of any street is closed or if a single arterial lane is closed. Plan review fee $50 If a category 5 permit requires additional time, the additional fee is $40 for each additional 3 days or part thereof. Multiple-use and long-duration permits shall require a minimum deposit of $1,000 Sign Fees Fees collected for a sign permit and a plants check fee for signs erected in accordance with the Sign Ccxle_ Fhe fee below plus tho WSBCC fee of $4.50. Signs mounted on buildings $45.00 Sign and pole mounting 565.00 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 550.00 Washington State Building Code Council (W.S.B.C.C.) Surcharge A flat fee of V.50 will be collected on each permit for approved plans or any other permit that is issued in accordance with the Spokane Valley Building Codr. EXCEPT: For multi-family projects, the fee is $4.50 for the first living unit and 52.00 for each additional unit. i'he City Finance Department will for%vard this fee to the WSBCC on a yu:erterly basis. Resolution 07.01 "r Fee Rest-lutiun P•4"c It) vf' 1U OTHER MISCELLANEOUS FEES A. For City personnel 1) Hourly rate set for City Employees (unless $58.00 otherwise specified) 2) Overtime charges 1.5 times regular rate B. Hourly rate for contracted services Set according to contract rate t Ilourl) rate for special called inspections ~~K.1111 D. Mobile home location permit and inspection 1) Temporary mobile home 560.00 1) Nlanufacturetl home inspection, per section 550.00 E. House Moving Fee 1) Class I, 11, and III - Moving permit $60.00 2) Class 1, H, and III - Inspection fee S60.00 3) Class IV (if already permitted by Spokane S-0- County or Spokane City) * Plus basemendcrawlspace valuation permit fee * *Plus $58.00 per hour after the P hour, and $.50 per mile if the building to be moved into the City is outside the City limits F. Minimum li ,u,ill~ Il pv 'Oon fee 5,55.(10 Plus 5=13.00 per G. Work on any structure or building without a permit if a Spokane Valley Permit is required: 1) Minimum investigative inspection fee $55.00 2) Total investigative fee to be equal to the permit fee determined for the value of the illegal work accompUshed EE. ♦pccial in%licCtion%(rrtluL.-,,tt-d by of %i►.ror (euan 1) E Fire, wind, mud slide or flood damage l Day Care 561).1 i'lu+ y ~K.uu I.cr Nursing Homes, hospitals, et al 560.110 hoar after l.t h, of t) ' pVvcial Occupancic, S611.UU 1. Excess inspections for a given project created by S58.00 Per inspection or the developer, owner or contractor re-inspection I Condominium conversion plans reviewfinspection Based on value of fee project and bldg code valuation 1% 1 ,mporan. tents, canopies, and air supported structures for public usc•; inclusi'. a of ,ill tents for a single event. It does not apply to tents less than 200 sq. ft., canopies less t -,an 400 sq ft, camping tents, or to tents used for private, non commercial e~Ent.. E 1 Plans check fee S13.00 ilasis: perltlit fee 1 (60.011 Enclosing an existing deck or patio Resolution 07.017 Fee Resolution Page I I of 19 L. 1) Plans check fee 40% Of the basic fee for plans examination 2) Basic permit fee Based on value of project; minimum $3,000 M. Swimming pools (Over 5,000 gallons) $50.00 Plus plumbing fees N. Re-roof Permit: Fee based on the value of the project. No plan review fee will be charged unless plans are submitted for review. 0. Change of Use or Occupancy Classification permit $5$.00 P. Towers, elevated tanks, antennas Based on value of project BUILDING CODE FEE REFUND POLICY No Permit Fee refund is allowed once the work has been started. If a refund is requested, the request shall be addressed to the Building Official in writing, and shall be received at the Spokane Valley Permit Center within 180 days of the date of issuance of the permit. Any fee refund request received after 180 days of the date of permit issuance shall be denied. Any refund approved shall be limited to 80% of the total Permit Fee paid. Refunds shall be limited to Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Permit fees paid to the City of Spokane Valley. Resolution 07-0 17 Fce Resolution Page 12 of 19 Schedule C - KRE CODE FIRE ALARM, SPRINKLER AND OTHER PROTECTION SYSTEMS City processing fee of $35 is added to these Fire District 1 fees. Plans check and review fees, inspections, and permit for installation of separate fire alarm system or sprinkler system applications, and other fire protection systems. Fire Alarm System New installation 1-4 devices $150 5-100 devices $250 Additional 100 devices $ 50 Each additional panel $ 40 Sprinkler supervision only $ 75 Each additional floor $ 40 Fire Sprinkler Systems 1-9 heads $ 53 10-49 $165 50-100 $275 101-200 $325 201-300 $350 301-400 $375 401-500 $425 500+ $500 + $33 per head For hydraulically designed systems multiply the above fee by 2 New Suppression Systems Range hoods, halon, C02, dry chemical, F-M 200, intergen spray booths, etc. Unit 1-5 nozzles $100 Over 5 nozzles $100 + $10 per nozzle Bottle(s) $30 per bottle Fire Pump Installation Plan review & inspection fee $500 Underground Fire Mains - Plan review and inspect. $150 Standpipes not a part of automatic suppression system Plan review and inspection $150 Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Page 13 of 19 l Other Protection Systems Fire extinguishing system (other than sprinklers) - $ 50 plus $1.50 per nozzle Standpipe installation Class I and Class 1I $ 58 Class III $ 70 Tank installation - per tank Flammable and combustible liquids - storage tanks installation $ 60 Hazardous materials - storage tanks installation $ 60 Liquefied petroleum $ 60 Gaseous oxygen systems $ 60 Nitrous systems $ 60 Medical gas systems $ 60 Hazardous material recycling systems $ 60 Vapor recovery system $ 60 Cryogenic $ 60 Removal, abandonment or any combination thereof of flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks $ 90 Emergency or standby commercial power generator install $ 60 J PERK FS Conditional Use Permit $ 60 Temporary Use Permit $ 60 Tents/canopy Permit (event) To be determined PLANS CHECK AND REVIEW E3Y TF.IE BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION New commercial plans check and inspection (for projects not mentioned elsewhere) $ 60 LAND USE Subdivision]PUD Preliminary $120 Final $ 60 Short Plat Preliminary $120 Final $ 60 Resolutioni 07-017 Fee Resolution Page 14 of 19 Schedule D - PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Basic fees to be considered when applying rates Administrative Fee $30.00 Refuse Fee 550.00 AQUATICS Pool admission (age 5 and under) free Pool admission (age older than 5) $1.00 Pool punch pass (25 swims) $20.00 Weekend family discount 1 child under 13 free with paying adult Reservation (less than 50 people) $100.00 Per hour* Food fee (if applicable) $25.00 Reservation (50 -100 people) $125.00 Per hour* Food fee (if applicable) $50.00. Reservation (101 -150 people) 5150.00 Per hour* Food fee (if applicable) $75.00 *111inimum 2 hours ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT Alcoholic Beverage Permit Fee $10.00 CENTERPLACE Conference Center Wing Auditorium $75.00 Per hour Auditorium $450.00 Per day Auditorium 5225.00 Per half day Auditorium w/Presentation System $50.00 Per hour Auditorium w/Presentation System $300.00 Per day t Auditorium w/Presentation System $150.00 Per half day Auditorium Deposit $50.00 Executive Conference Room 550.00 Per hour Executive Conference Room Deposit $50.00 Meeting Room (l)ay & Evening Use) 540.00 Per hour Meeting Room $250.00 Per day Meeting Room $125.00 Per half day Meeting Room Deposit $50.00 * Requires rental of presentation system on page 16 Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Page 15 of 19 Great Room Kitchen w/Dining Room Rental $100.00 Per use Kitchen - Commercial Use (2 hour min.) $50.00 Per hour Kitchen Deposit $50.00 Multi-Use/Banquet Hall $100.00 Per hour Multi=Use/Ranquet lull $800.00 9 hr session Multi-Use/Banquet Mall $1,500.00 All day (6am-lam) Small Dining Area $50.00. Per hour Deposit $200.00 Stage $20.00 Per section per day Table Settings (linens & tableware) $2.00 Per place setting Senior Center Wing Lounge with Dance Floor $100.00 Per hour Lounge with Dance Floor $800.00 Per day Lounge Deposit $200.00 Meeting Room (Fvening Use) $40.00 Per hour Meeting boom (Eve.ning Use) $125.00 4 hr session Meeting Room (Weekend Use) $250.00 Per day Meeting Room (Weekend Use) $125.00 Per half day Meeting Room Deposit $50.00 Private Dining Room $50.00 Per hour Private Dining Room Deposit $50.00 Wellness Center 5100.00 Per hour J Miscellaneous Cleanup fee $50-300 Per event FTost/Hostess (after hours) $15.00 Per hour Presentation System (includes projector/podiuml $250.00 Per day DVD/VCR/sound system/camera system) Room Setup $25.00 Per hoar Satellite Video Conferencing $250.00 Per hour Sound System $40.00 Per day Technical Support $40.00 Per hour Television/VCR $75.00 Per day Touch Pad Voting System $115.00 Base station per +$15.00 day Per keypad per day EVENTS - includes Pavilion Events include but arc not limited to activities such as car shows, tournaments and activities involving 200 or more people. The Director of Parks and Recreation will make the final determination. General Fee $150.00 Non-profit applications $80.00 Or free with sponsorship* *Applicatioiis for joint sponsorship with the City of.Spokane Valley will he considered by the Spokane Valley Parks Department. Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Page t6 of 19 FIELD RENTAL Use Fee $25.00 First hour plus $15 each additional hour INDOOR USE Open gym admission $2.00 Playground program admission (10 entries) $20.00 MIRABEAU Mirabeau Springs Small shelter and waterfall $150.00 Maximum 4 hours Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Mirabcau Meadows Shelter (less than 200 people) $$0.00 Shelter (200 or more people) $150.00 Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Refundable deposit (200 or more people) $250.00 PICNIC Sf .LTERS Picnic Shelter (less than 200 people) $30.00 Picnic Shelter (200 or more people) $150.00 Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Refundable deposit (200 or more people) $250.00 PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Permit Fee $25.00 Annual RECREATION Recreation program fees are set to recover costs as specified in the Parks and Recreation revenue policy. VALLEY `MISSION ARENA Rental* $100.00 Per weekend Refundable deposit $50.00 *Renter responsible for on-site preparation. Rental requires liability insurance, Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Pago 17 of 19 Schedule E - ADMINISTRATIVE COPY FEES Copy of audio tapes, video tapes, photos, maps or other At cost records needing reproduction Copy of written records $0.15 Per page Copy - Large format 53.00 Per page Copy of full documents At cost OTHER AD► UNISTRATWE FEES NSF Check $25.00 Resolution 07-017 Fee Resolution Page 18 of 19 Schedule F - OTHER FEES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEES Establishment Licenses Live Adult Entertainment $1,500.00 Adult Arcade $1,500.00 Other Adult Entertainment Licenses Adult Arcade Device License $150.00 Manager License $150.00 Entertainer License $150.00 Late License lee-Charged in addition to license fee. Percent of Past Due Calendar Days License Fee 7-30 25% 31-60 50% 61 and over 75% BUSINESS REGISTRATION FEES Business registration S 13 each year Nonprofit registration $ 3 each year SECURITY FALSE ALARINI FEES Repeated malfunctioning security false alarms in a given six-month period. First alarm No charge Second alarm $30.00 Third alarm $70.00 Fourth and subsequent alarms $120.00 STORM: WATER UTILITY CHARGE ON DEVELOPED PARCELS Each single-family unit each year $21 All other properties each $21 Per 3,160 square feet of impervious surface TOW OPERATOR ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE $100.00 OVERSIZED LOAD PERMIT FEE $25.00 Resolution 07-017 lee Resolution Page 19 of 19 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: 2008 Community Development Block Grant Projects GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Staff presentation of potential project list on October 2, 2007; public hearing on potential projects on October 9, 2007. BACKGROUND: Spokane County estimates that the CDBG program will receive approximately $1,500,000 in funds from HUD to allocate in the 2008 program year. There are statutory limits for the administration and planning allocation of 20% of new funds, or approximately $300,000 maximum. A majority of these funds are used by the County to cover the expenses of administering the CDBG program on a county-wide basis. Also limited by statute is the human service allocation at 15% of 2008 available funds or approximately $225,000, resulting in approximately $975,000 available for capital projects. City staff has identified the following projects and estimated costs of each as CDBG eligible: Street Projects Estimated Costs 1. Rockwell Sewer Project $390,821 (Full width paving in conjunction with County sewer project) 2. Summerfield Acres Sewer Project $443,217 (Full width paving in conjunction with County sewer project) Sidewalk Projects 1. Various Sidewalk Projects on Sprague Avenue $ 75,000 (Includes ADA access improvements) TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $909,038 Council raised a question regarding the estimated dollar amount of the projects proposed by staff. Council asked whether the projects could be phased in order to reduce the amount requested for each project. After discussing this issue with Public Works staff, phasing these projects would not be an option. However, Council could direct staff to request a certain percentage of the estimated project costs and utilize other funding sources to cover the difference. Examples of 80% and 50% funding are below: 80% Option Total Estimate 80% Estimate 1. Rockwell $390,821 $321,657 2. Summerfield Acres $443,217 $354,574 3. Sprague ADA/Sidewalks $ 75,000 $60,000 TOTAL CDBG REQUEST $736,231 50% Option Total Estimate 50% Estimate 1. Rockwell $390,821 $195,410 2. Summerfield Acres $443,217 $221,608 3. Sprague ADA/Sidewalks $ 75,000 $ 37,500 TOTAL CDBG REQUEST $454,518 OPTIONS: Apply for CDBG funding for full project costs or at lesser level based on the above options of provide a Council preferred funding level. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize staff to prepare CDBG applications for selected projects at Council directed funding levels. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Undetermined at this time.. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Sewer Projects Area Map City of Spokane WIWI - - - Sewer Basins Pomb o fiWAMW A - - West Farms - f;• r . , Mr-f n 1 o~ - - '1410._ i ,-Itl J7 Y ~l'%NPJ I y-~h~l~ , - - h 2008 I' ^ el At I ^I .J 11 :r~+. >r : 1 l WallesleY 'Manor . I-} 1 I Rockwell ' ,.2448 11 0 B l~.tlyhl '---~II .EI iml _ - f W»K. 1 _ 1 _ 4 J11 J 7 ' - ti I 2407 1 D>M~ _ IY} Spokane Industrial Park y k LLJJ I Euclid - I ko"O W Lt r _ _ 1 ~ F luli.l _ - 1 _ Johnson Matthey Agreement 1 _ I" Jam r ~ ~ "ol ~ j J i' • .~~i ,~,(i - 4 7C ~ ~ • i 1 N All 1 f w 1 , 1 1 ~ I~!YM~•- ~ A i ' ~ a try i • r 4'~ T Im. 4-4. f - ' ~ R"'~~ ,ref' • - - Tr •,~'-T! ~,r ~:.1' ~ r ism pow Ilk [ Il - t: A 17 ft's I r ~ ~ { Mri~•~ ~ ~ •r 1" ~"L._, s ' ~ ~~,,~i• _Il~t1„11".ua'(j 191- -7 1' i' B~ R• Ilk- two . ! e Plot 4110 1-, ' M; m4z-.w ~5V Soo I, VLv ROCKWELL VER BASIN Feet At, Ar- - •f' . ` , e " .1. ; I~iL•._"Yc . " ,,}'r•~ • .+•~R / ti`f'f'? ~ ~~-'q•'i r rr T so MA ties, R w At-. 'f"`' dL i ~ - ORS 'i 16 ALI 1~Y~•.~y' _ ~ (ice- SUMMERFIELD SEWER BASIN 256 Sao S•uoo Feet CITY OF. SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23. 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Setting the Public Hearing for the Ponderosa Estates North Appeal GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-021, Guidelines for Appeals 10.35.150 Appeals H. The Council, at its next regular meeting following receipt of the transcript and record from the Examiner, will schedule a closed record hearing on the appeal 1. The Council shall schedule the appeal hearing no sooner than thirty (30) calendar clays from the date the transcript and record were received from the Hearing Examiner. The Council may approve a later hearing date upon agreement of the applicant. 2. The appellant, or a party of record in opposition to the appeal, may provide input on the hearing date either in person at the meeting, or by submitting a letter to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: NIA BACKGROUND: On September 12, 2007, Landworks Development LLC, timely filed and paid for an appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision regarding the Ponderosa Estates North. At the time of this writing (October 15, 2007), it is anticipated that the complete transcript and record would be supplied to the City Clerk during the week of October 15, 2007 or by Monday, October 22, 2007. The City Clerk was notified October 15, 2007 that the appellant Landworks Development LLC must pay the balance due for the transcript no later than October 19, 2007; and if payment is not received timely, the City Council is authorized to dismiss the appeal, pursuant to SVMC 10.35.150(F)(5). OPTIONS: Per Spokane Valley Ordinance 05-021, see Governing Legislation #2 above. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to set November 27, 2007, as the date for the closed record public hearing in this matter. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly/Chris Bainbridge ATTACHMENTS: October 4, 2007 letter from Tamara Murock October 8, 2007 letter of response from City Clerk BALT.iwS c .LV.l.UROCK, P.S. Attorneys at Law 7. South Howard, Suite 220 Spokane, Washington 99201 Telephone: 509444-3336 Facsimile: 509-444-3335 October 4, 2007 RECEWED OCT Christine Bainbridge cry OPSPOKANE vA LLey Sppkane Valley City Clerk C17 CLERI< City 6f Spokane Valley 1 ] 707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Re: File No. REZ-23-04/$UB-15-04/APP-03-07 0 - ' Ponderosa Estates North Dear Ms. Bainbridge: Pursuant to SVMC 10.35.150(1)(2), Ponderosa Properties Homeowners' Association requests an opportunity to provide input on the hearing date for the Appeal of the Hearing Examiner's Written Decision. Please advise me of the date and time of the meeting in which the Council will schediile the hearing on the appeal. Thank you for your, assistance. Very truly yours, TAMARA W. MUROCK cc: Karen Kendall/Greg McCormick Michael-Connelly name Paralegm Mans Baltins* Seth Thompson i Tainara W. Murock** Barbara L- Bennett * Admitted Washington, Maryland & District of Columbia '",Admitted Washington & Idaho S CTYY okane Va1le Y 11707 E. Sprague Ave. • Suite 10ti • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 - cityhall@spokanevalley.org October 8, 2007 Tamara W. Murock 13altins & Murock, P.S. Attorneys at Law 7 South Howard, Suite 220 Spokane, WA 99201 RE: File NO. REZ 23-04/SUB-15-04/APP-03-07; Ponderosa Estates North Dear Ms. Mumck: I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your October 4, 2007 letter requesting an opportunity to provide input on the hearing date for the Appeal of the Hearing Examiner's Written Decision, and asking to be advised of the date and time of the meeting in which the Council will schedule such hearing. According to our Ordinance on appeal procedures, the Hearing Examiner has 30 days from the fling date of the appeal to prepare a verbatim transcript; and once .I receive the transcript, I deliver copies to our Council and City Attorney, and at the next council meeting after receipt of the record, the Council sets the appeal hearing no sooner than thirty days from the date the transcript and record were received by them. The appeal was fled September 13, 2007. It is li^ke& that Council will set the hearing date during their October 23, 2007 regular meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. in our Council Chambers here at City Nall. Appeal hearings are set by council via a motion. Prior to voting on motions, Council generally asks for public comment. Your input for a hearing date would be appropriate then, although 1 cannot guarantee Council will deviate from their Ordinance on appeal procedures; and I leave that decision to our Councitmembers and City Attorney. Once the exact date is determined, I will advise you of the date and time of the meeting in which the Council will schedule the hearing for this appeal. Sincerely, Chris Bainbridge City Clerk /cb c: Michael Connelly, Spokane Valley City Attorney Dave Mercier, Spokane Valley City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration, Shelley Lake 5th Addition Developer Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 82.02.020 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information presented to Council October 16, 2007 BACKGROUND: This agreement is entered into by the Parties pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 to mitigate a direct impact as required as part of the approval process for the final plat pursuant to the Staff Report and Notice of Decision dated the 29'n day of December, 2005 for necessary improvements at the intersection of Sprague Avenue and Conklin Road. OPTIONS: Approve/Disapprove Motion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Shelley Lake 5th Addition Voluntary Mitigation Agreement. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Significant contributions to signal construction STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS: Voluntary Mitigation Agreement After Recording, return document to City of Spokane Valley Attn: City Clerk 11707 E Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 VOLUNTARY MITIGATION AGREEMENT SkIELLEY LAKE 5"' ADDITION SUB-08-05 RE:7,69-05 This VCitigation Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Shelley Lake Residential Development, LLC ("Developer"), a Washington Limited Liability Company, and the City of Spokane Valley ("City"), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, hereinafter jointly referred to as "Parties." 1 RECI'T'ALS 1. This agreement is entered into by the Parties pursuant to RCW 82.02.020 to mitigate a direct impact identified as a consequence of the development of the property. .48 and 2. The Developer is the owner/develop Rotchfo d1Drivel; and irty of situatedpn Section'24, Township 25 generally located east of and adjacent to North, Range 44 E, WN4, in Spokane County, Washington. Said property is more specifically described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated create subdivision and 3. The Developer has received approval of die preliminary (59)oresidenti lelotss aidtour 05 REZ-09-05, a residential development the common open space tracts. Traffic mitigation oticesof been required as part of the approval process Decision dated the 29`'' day of December, 200 ~rThe final plat pursuant to the Staff Repo Notice of Decision contains the following conditions of approval: SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTNIE•NI' - DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 1.4. The approval for certain rezones and developments on properties owned by the applicant, Robert Heitman, Jr., were conditioned on the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Sprague Avenue and Conklin Road at the time traffic warrants are met. The applicant shall contribute 40% of the cossignal o tsh tru applicant. ct thsign 1, h minus Bona $b 000 of feet fore conduit previously installed for the by deemed to satisfy the conditions of approval for the Shelley Lake Development, including the Shelley Lake final plats, the current preliminary plat and multi-family uses planned in Page 1 of 4 Shelley Lake S`h Addition Vokintary Mitigation Agreement such development; as well as commercial uses on the properties rezoned in file Nos. ZE-29- 96 and ZE-68-96. 15. The applicant and the City of Spokane Valley have agreed to the details of the contribution by the applicant and transportation concurrency for the projects described above; and have agreed to execute a developer agreement that specifics payment of the applicant's 40% contribution prior to finalization of the current preliminary plat, the issuance of a building permit for the multi-family property, or the issuance of a building, permit for the zone change properties, whichever event comes first. The developer's agreement shall provide for the posting of a performance bond at such time as warrants are met 4. The Parties are desirous of entering into an Agreement which provides for the payment of a proportionate share of improvements deemed necessary at the intersection of Sprague Ave. and Conklin Road which are a direct result of traffic impacts associated with the Development. 5. The Developer's contribution to the traffic signal shall be $99,000 based the developer's forty percent (40%) contribution to the signal, minus a $1,000 offset for the conduit previously installed for the traffic signal. The City estimates the cost of the traffic signal at $250,000. AGREEMENT NOW, 17HEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereafter set forth, the Developer and the City hereto agree as follows: 1. Voluntary A. regiment. This Agreement, including all attached documents, is a voluntary agreement as that term is used in RCW 82.02.020. The contribution offered is proportional to the traffic related impacts generated by the Development. The parties acknowledge that the project is reasonably necessary to mitigate the direct traffic impact of the Development. In the event this mitigation agreement is breached by the Developer, all of the City's obligations under this agreement shall terminate. In the event this mitigation agreement is determined by a court to be invalid, the City shall refund the unexpended portion of the contribution, and the City's obligations under this agreement shall terminate. 2. Project. The project shall consist of the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Sprague Avenue and Conklin Road. The mitigation fee is based upon the cost of the traffic signal: 3. Contribution. The Developer shall pay $99,000, which has been determined to be the Developer's proportionate contribution to the Project for mitigation of future traffic impacts related to the Development. This traffic mitigation fee shall be used for the design and/or construction of the improvements to this intersection. 4. Payment The Developer agrees to pay all of the above identified mitigation fee at such time as traffic signal warrants, as defined by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), at the intersection of Sprague Ave. and Conklin Road are met. The City Traffic engineer shall determine when signal warrants are met. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days after receiving notice from the City. If payment is not timely received, the City may immediately access the funds secured by the letter of credit described below. A letter of credit, which gives the City a unilateral right to access the funds - Page 2 of 4 Shelley Lake 5'h Addition Voluntary Mitigation Agreement pursuant to this agreement from a financial institution, shall be provided to the City upon execution of this agreement and prior to acceptance of this agreement by the City. 5. • Compliance with RCW 82.02.020. Payment collected by the City will be held in a mitigation fee reserve account and may only be expended to fund the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of the Project. Payments shall be expended within five (5) years of collection. The City shall be entitled to reimbursement from the mitigation fee reserve account for any funds it may expend for the design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of the Project prior to the collection of the fee. Any funds in the mitigation fee reserve account not expended within five (5) years shall be refunded by the City with interest as provided in RCW 82.02.020. 6. Notice: All communications, notices or demands of any kind which a party under this Agreement is required or desires to give to any other party shall be in writing and be either (1) delivered personally, (2) sent by facsimile transmission with an additional copy mailed first class, or (3) deposited in the U.S. mail, certified mail postage prepaid, return receipt requested and addressed as follows: If to the City: City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Fax: (509) 921-1008 Attn: City Manager If to the Developer: Shelley Lake Residential Development LLC 8225 N. Division Spokane, WA 99208 7. Successors. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and the assigns of the Parties. 8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Any action for enforcement of this Agreement shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Spokane County, Washington or as otherwise provided by statute. 9. Modifications. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid until the same is reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities as the present Agreement. 10. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent or otherwise of the City has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions to this Agreement. No waiver or any breach of this Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. H. Representation. This Agreement forms a fully integrated agreement between the Parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties hereto. All Parties have read and understand all of the Agreement, and now state that no representation, promise or agreement not expressed in the Agreement has been made to induce any Party to execute the same. 12. Authority. Both Parties to this Agreement represent and certify that they have full authority and power to enter into and carry out this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement represent that they have authority to act for and bind their respective principals. Fa~Te 3 of 4 Shelley Lake 50' Addition Voluntary Mitigation Agreement e 11 WITNESS WIUffiREOP, the Parties have executed this Agreement this day of October, 2007. DEVELOPER: By: Its: Name: STATE OF WASIII.NGTON ) ss. County of Spokane ) On this day of 2007 before me, dhe undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared of to me known to be the the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that (s)he is authorized to execute the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires: Printed Name A rI`EST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: David Mercier, City Manager Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the City Attorney Page 4 of 4 Shelley Lake 56 Addition Voluntary Mitigation Agreement CM OF SPQKANE_VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 23, 2007 City Manager Sign-off' Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street Vacation STV 0407: Planning Commission recommendation ti)r proposed vacation request (STV-04-07) to vacate right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06). PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted Resolution No. 07-015 on August 28, 2007 setting the date for a public hearing. the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to approve the attached findings and recommend conditional approval of the vacation. 4 ' i i Portion of Evergreen Road requested to be vacated. i BACKGROUND: 'I're applicant Bill Brooks of F. & S Development, LLC owner of parcel 45143.9278 requests a vacation for a portion of Evergreen Avenue approximately 9 feet by 109 linear feet. 'I're abutting parcel is newly created Lot 3 of BS1 -01-06 recorded on March 27. 2007 with the Spokane County Auditor's t ) fDce. OPTIONS: 1. Consensus to schedule ordinance first reading at next City Council Meeting (11-7-07)-. 2. Deny request or take other action 3. Schedule a public hearing that will be conducted 20 days oiler noticing in the mail, on-site and posited three conspicuous places in the City. RECOMMENDATION: Consensus to schedule ordinance first reading at the next City Council Meeting STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner A1"I'ACH'.VIENTS: exhibit 1: Staff Report; Exhibit 2: Findings and Recommendations to the CSV Planning Commission L-;xltibit 3: Street Vacation Application with Written Narrative Exhibit 4: Comments frorn Staffand Agencies Department of Community Development :n,e l Planning llivision E I STV-04-07 Street Vacation Request 1 Area of right-of- » m N acation no Yalkry ~ c I A!..0, „_r..• Ea Department of Community Development lk6. J&dMMMMw Planning Division Background Information O The request is to vacate a portion of right-of-way approximately 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06). O Public Hearing held on August 28, 2007. O Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval subject to conditions. O No public comments have been received. Department of Community Development ;00 xa11L - Planning Division Facing SOUTH onto Evergreen Road A I~ irea of right- i►f-NvaN' %:Ica o i Department of Community Development .;00 VaIlc Planning; Division Facing NORTH onto Evergreen Road ~i"'n r+ m v =fir + .~'i✓•~d ~~~.r :Mir . f ~ ~ 4Yi:.!_ / (d , 1 i - •.1 r- ! l. i i i r .w Department of Community Development ~V-aIk Planning Division Facing EAST across Evergreen Road 1 L Q_ w OWN" I.-wav vaC:I (I( ii E Department of Community Development Valle v Planning Division Planning Commission recommends approval subiect to conditions for- STV-04-07. Arca to I)(. 1 t Existing Conditions 11J EXHIBIT 1 f i Spokane ~Valley sT ,REPORT PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORTION OF EVERGREEN ROAD Prepared by: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development Date: September 20, 2007 Findings: 1. Abutting Pibperties - Applicant's property abuts the right-of-way on the east (Assessor Parcel 45143.9278 Lot 3 of LISP-01-06 recorded on March 27, 2007). No objection from abutting property owners was received. 2. Utilities - The applicant submitted comments from Spokane County Division of Utilities, Comcast, Qwest and Vera Irrigation District. Spokane County Division of Utilities commented there may be side sewer stubs located in the 9 foot by 109 foot area, however is responsibility of the property owner. No easements of record have been disclosed as being located within the proposed vacation area. 3. Access -The location proposed vacation abuts Evergreen Road to the east and will not prohibit nor change access to the property or Evergreen Road. 4. Zoning - Zoning surrounding the proposed vacation to the north, south, east and west is Regional Business (13-3). 5. Transportation - Will not interfere with current access. 6. Condition -The proposed area is located behind the existing sidewalk and currently undeveloped. 7. Assignment of vacated portions of right-of-way -Absent objections from abutting properties owners, right-of-way should be assigned to the petitioners, inasmuch research indicates that the area to be vacated was part of the parent tract. Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: 1. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 2. The Public Works Department submitted conunents which analyzed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and future use and responded by specifying no objection to the proposed street vacation. 3. Given the present age and condition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide n greater use or need than presently exists. 4. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. a n 'I EAmlt$IT Im FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION September27, 2007 The following findings have been prepared by Staff for the Planning Commission in the event there is concurrence with the recommended conditions of approval. Findings: 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 27, 2007 to receive testimony concerning the vacation ofa portion right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06). The date of the hearing was set by City Council on August 28, 2007 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 07-015. Notice of the hearing was published on September 7, 2007 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the property providing notice of the hearing also completed on September 7, 2007. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Development Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the street/alley will permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and permit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. The Public Works Department submitted continents which analyzed the portions of Evergreen Road for need and future use and responded by specifyutg no objection to the proposed street vacation. 5. Given the present age and coatdition of adjacent development, it is unlikely that conditions will change in the future to provide a greater use or need than presently exists. 6. No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and/or routing to staff and agencies. Recommendntlons: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council the portion of right-of-way 9 feet by 109 linear feet along Evergreen Avenue abutting parcel 45143.9278 (parent parcel of Lot 3 of BSP-01-06) be vacated to the petitioners subject to: 1. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any and all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director.. The record of survey shall contain the professional stamp and signature of the registered surveyor and filed upon completion with the Spokane County Auditor. The surveyor shall provide the City of Spokane Valley with a mylar copy of the recorded survey and the Auditor's Document Number and date of recordation. - t 2. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County Standards ~ for Road and Sewer Construction. I 3. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from I all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifying all easements have been indicated. h I r 4. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street or alley from public to private ownership including but not limited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume arty financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title, 5. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area shall included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adapting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 6. A certified copy of the*ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County auditor. 7. All conditions of city council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the city. Approved this 27b day of September, 2007 Gail Kogle, Chairman AT F.EST Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant i" r t mom Im 02 Im m MEW x u 6~~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Stara Use Only) y ;line Community DevelF-ment Depa men Malley Current Planning l slop DATE SueMI,TEf 1U RECEIVED BY: m l~ 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Flue No./NAME: Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 G Fax: (509) 921-1006 1~0~ plan ng0snokanevalley.orn CURRENT PLANNING FEE: ENGINEERING FEE: STREET VACATION APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT IlNTORMATION: Name ofPublic Street. Proposed for Vacation: A pnizt-iu 1 D-f- N T--7VP l1Crr'r Ro~iot Section /Township /Range of Public Street Proposed for Vacation: S r /2 S b 114 -FQ WNSJ1i t9 ?SIJ PdiltJe, Area (Square Feet) of Public Street to be Vacated: ' . . Dimensions of Public Street to be Vacated:_ f 0q: t wide (1 ' deep Street Acid ress / Tax Parcel No of Abutting Property 01: A i70r f) t)-fil of- /-t 143 b Q I\l doz. r( Street Address /Tax Parcel No of Abutting Property 92: N /,*4 RECEIVED it ii n 2 ~nn7 Zoning Designation of Abutting Property #1: ` 3 - 0-s;ARrn3ecrr of Zoning Designation of Abutting Property.ff2: P/4 Previous Land Use Action, If Applicable (state Project File No. & Name: -Tt-tLr- Ndric£ t=ct-r.o u^iCkta.. *6950Ctz00o 'I a APPLICANT'/OWNER INFORMATION*: Please note: -Submit on n separate sheet of paper the required npplicaut/ownev information specified below if there arc more than two (2) applicants submitting for the Street Vacation. Applicants must be the same as property owners specified on the current Spolcane County Assessor's Office parcel records. Atllrrr1NG PROPERTY OWNER No. 1; APPLICANT NAn1E: F ~ S DC V-d ul.91'1'1-C 111-t LL-C,/ 113 rCLLS MAILING ADDRESS: 10 f~ i~1. W-4-- S l i oJ#-am #50-0 CITY: Sr%r~lC'l lt 2i STATE: Lt/ft ZIP: <«L PHONE: (HOA1F,. v -IqtFZ -9,317- _(FAX) (1'7~i `7 rl (CELL) Please Circle *PLEASE NOTE: Per RCW 35.79.040 (Title to Vacated Street or Alley) the property within a public street or alley vacated by the City Council shall belong to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. Therefore, if there is more than one property owner abutting the public street or alley proposed for vacation, each property owner shall be required to sign the street vacation application. Revised 7/2612005 PART 11- LEGAL OWNER SIGNATURE Please note: - Submit on a separate sheet of paper the required legal owner signature specirted below if there are more than two (2) property owners submitting for the Street Vacation. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNEn No. 1: 1, o ► ..1~ L G , (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUT LILLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE AREA PROPOSED FOR THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED LAND USE ACTION, OR, IF NOT THE OWNER, ATTACHED HEREWITH IS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AUTHORIZING MY ACTIONS ON HIS/HER BEHALF. ADDRESS: t 6 R m- Ll) I M-0 T O^l A~ SC~a PHONE: 16 Z- G 31 2- 1e~0 l.y ZIP: R9 7-61 City) (State) \ S'12610:1 (Signaturc) (Date) d" S £ J E cre TO fi`t r`? L., L- C NOTARY (for Part II above) STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 30 t7p' day of _ M , 20_Q_4 NOTARY SEAL c~l all z '-eLv c. Notary lh►hlla NOTARY SIGNATURE ~13tate of WaShIngton JOANN R KIEWERT otary Public in and for the State of Washington MY COMMISSION EXPIRES csiding at: April 00, 2011 My appointment expires: i Revised V26/2005 i 1. How does a change of use or vacation of the street/alley improve service to the public? The vacation of this 9' of Evergreen will line up the property lines north and south allowing the parking drive aisles and parking fields to line up for easier access between the parcels for the public. 2. Is the street or alley no longer required for public rise or public access? This portion of Evergreen was dedicated to the County, prior to the widening of Evergreen, to accommodate the widening. The County was unable to obtain the necessary ROW to the south so the alignment of the road was adjusted to the west, and this 9' was not used in the widening and is now unnecessary for public use. 3. Would substitution of a new and/or d event public right-of-way better serve the public? N/A 4. How will the use. or creed for this right-of-way be affected by f avre conditions? Neil Kersten checked the multi year road plan for me and found no additional modifications to Evergreen in that plan. 5. Will easements be retabred for all underground and overhead utilities? Existing utilities, yes, future utilities moved west to line up with easements north and south of the vacated property. 6 Petitioners contacted the follvi+~ing utilities/agencies with this proposal for their concurrence. None Z Does the right-of-way include storm water drainage facilities? No i u r s r F ao~~A "/7gi'ACE ~~rl TITLE NOTICE 9509200318 ~,p 3 3'4 PH'g5 "iF1VE 1 sploLk FILED BY: 1026 West Bro-rdway Avenue UtiV~t Sp(sookane, WA 99260 ' IStY91854.2205 i . SPOKANE COUNTY HAS TAKEN THE FOLLOWING LAND USE RECULATIOX ACTION t IMPOSM A VARIETY OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS ON APRIL 29, 1993, FILE NO-SP-717-91 IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN THE SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING REGARDING THE BELOW DESCRIBED PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Truct A urShon Pict SP•717.91, ac rtcorded In Short Plats Book 12, Page 23.29. Situate in the SW 114 of Sevion 14, Township 25 Nonh, Range 44 E.W.M., Spokane County. Washington NOTICE 1S GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES WITH INTERFST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY Building and Planning Division File No.: SP•717-91 for edditional rtgulaiiom other than thou stated below. I i AUTHORITY: Spokane County Shorn Plat Ordin-n" . At leant 5 feet of rescued More acquisition area for rood right of u ry and utilities. in addinion to the existing and/or newly dedicated right of way along EsYrgrcen Road. 2. Faten: building and other setbacks requM by the Spo4= County Zoning Code shill be ttxasurcd from the edge of the rutan: uqulsitloo area. I i 3. No requimd landscaping, puking,'209' auras, dralnfield or allowed signs shall be within the future acquisition area for toad eighi•of-waq and utilities. If any of the above improvements arc made within this mra, they shell be relocated of the applicant's expense when roadtvuy improvements are made. i d. The futun: mquisidon wco. until acquired, shall be priv to rupcny mid may bc'uud as i allowed in the-,wu ect.ept any improvcm+nts (such ns ividscoping, passing, surface drainage, druinticlds. signs or others) shall be considered *intede vies. 5. The property owner shall be responsittic for rriocadng such 'interim- inrprocrments at the time Spokane County makes roadway Improvements after requiring as id future acquisition atCa. THE TERMS OF TH IS NOTICE SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND A.V D A PPLY TO TH E APPLICANT, OWNERS, HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. RELEASE Op'ri-iwa tR NOTICE CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE SPOKANE COUNTY DI%gSION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING OR SIICCI:SSOR BY RECORDING OF A TITLE NOTICE EXTINGUI5HMNNT- BASED UPON A FIN6IN(3 THAT RELEASE SHOULD OCCUR. 11Y SPnKANECOUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PIA NNIN(k N.-me. ;-Todd 'fill:: Piamu•:r II Si~rnuturr~~~^, Dw: = y fz . ~YJ" i , i 1 • a Narrative This vacation application is for 9' x 109'of ROW adjoining 20 N. Evergreen, Lot 3 BSP 0106. The property does not fiont on any other parcels. The reason for this vacation request is to return the property to the tax rolls and allow for better public access and traffic flow with the parcels to the north and/or south by aligning the parking and drive aisles. This 9' of Evergreen was acquired by Spokane County in about 15 years ago (in a rezone action I think) for the widening of Evergreen Road. The original plan by Spokane County called for acquiring additional right of way south of this 9' to the intersection of Sprague and Evergreen. However, the County was unable to acquire the additional property to the south and the alignment . of Evergreen was adjusted to the west. The widening of Evergreen is now complete and this 9' x 109' is no lodger necessary fdr future road expansion. In fact, when the property to the.north was recently the subject of a BSP. there was no request. by the City of Spokane Valley to dedicate land to match this 9'. ~l cE/VED "UL 0 2007. L7,pAFi ' FALLL-Y DE1 ELdPMEN7- U/0712OD7 14.15 5W495 -4 'EAL ESTATE PAGE 82/02 W IN, W,ii ,*y,+TYy" Parr"~~.. +yµ5e(.~W~}~3 _ C~hyC/.}.1f rd.4'~ IIC~F iI' 1 "Jl Cy°y ••'~~''~J i" L-`T~1]~{G5'fy"-~ i1y tr'!!, i } J+ rp~+ .rR Sy ~ Irf-4 ,Y R}i 'H5 154 - h #y+ 7 ati n ; r.Y Est - ' ',~ii~:'~+r~• r , s lopmonk LLC ashinil}o t SOU lr, L7~,r ;.,~r VY 4- 99201 ►fc}.?'','• a_ . - ~2 Yon ~facntiott of East 9 feet of Road ROW ~br a )'vrtinn of Evergreen LyiD49 Adjacent to .;41 Dcas' Mr. Brook: I liave revi6%ved yoxer request to vacalu the above captioned portion Of th exis[ing b'Ltt not i ' currently pled road right of way br Rvergreen oAd A preliminary reviow has eupgastcd thO Avista Utilities would have no concerns with tha vua[ionofthis strip} of18nd, Until Et forma] requuO from thD City of SpOka= Val icy is 1 compleked -~Ya reserve ft(-, right to vcvise, this annvtr. In Luminary as ofA.uVst 6, 2007 %vehavono concerns wiih die vamatl=-of this portion 0£Jghtofway. Please phone me with 641 concerns or queotiam at 495.-4441 or 24-?.491. I Y r5 T'ru 1Y, i 1auda K9E.01- Reed-Estate Representatim Avista Utilities Z. 1411 Miss 161 Avenue, P. O. 130X 3777. Spokmie, WA, 99203 1 f 4 i -Page-1- Karen 2. Karen Kendall From: Zapf, Ryan F (Ryan Zapf@cable.comcast.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:36 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Bill, All of our facilities are on the west side of Evergreen. Vacation approved. Ryan Zapf Construction Supervisor Comcast - Spokane From: Bill Brooks [maiito:bbrooks@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:06 AM To: Zapf, Ryan F Subject: RE: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Ryan, we're In our third week of trying to get a hold of Ryan. I understand he was out of the office last week but we could not get a return call from him the week before either hence my email to you last week. Is he back today? Any idea when I might expect to hear from him, this has come to the point that Comcast is holding up progress. Thanks. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-614-1711 Email: bbro.oks@sdsrealty.com From: Zapf, Ryan F [mallto:RyarLZapfC}a cable.comcast.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:56 AM To: Barnes, Richard L - WA Cc: Bill Brooks Subject: FW: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Rich, Please advise Bill on requested street vacation. Thanks From: Bill Brooks [mailto:bbrooks@sdsrealty.com] 8/8/2007 Page 2 of 2 Sent, Friday, August 03, 2007 3:15 PM i To: Zapf, Ryan F Subject: FW: Spokane Valley Street Vacation See below. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbrooRs@sdsr_caky-som From: Bill Brooks Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 3:07 PM To: 'richard barnes@cable,comcast.com' Cc: Sheldon Jackson Subject: Spokane Valley Street Vacation Rich, I understand you are the one to talk to regarding street vacations. Attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: S09-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbr_oolcs a@sdsrealty.com i I 8/8/2007 - essage age 1-of 2 0 L . Karen Kendall From: Sheldon Jackson (Sheldon@sdsrealty.coml Sent: Friday, July 27, 20071:08 Phi To: Bill Brooks Subject: FW: Vacation of Von Evergreen 1 down 2 to go on my end. Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 600 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (609)462-9303 FAX (509)624-1711 \ _J Front: Clark, David (mailto:David.Clark2@gwest.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 4:07 PM To: Sheldon Jackson Subject: RE: Vacation of Yon Evergreen Hi Sheldon, Looks pretty straight forward. When we relocated our cables and pedestals along N Evergreen a few years ago, we would have maintained a consistent alignment along the east side of Evergreen to the north and south of the property in question. Therefore, I'm pretty conridenl Qwest doesn't have anything in that 9'x109' strip. I'm having a fetter sent to the City of Spokane Valley that explains that Qvrest doesn't have any concerns with the proposed vacation. Thanks, Dave Clark -----Original Message----- From: Sheldon Jackson [mailto:Sheldon@sdsrealty.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:53 AM To: Clark, David Subject: RV: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Thanks David. When we provided property for the widening of Evergreen the County did not utilize all of the property. We are trying to develop this parcel and would like to straighten out the property lines for parking, landscaping etc. 0/8/2007 Message - Pa-ge-2-of 2 Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 600 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (509)482-9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, 3uly 24, 2007 10:35 AM To: daude,kaler@avlstacorp.com; freferr2@spokanevalleyfire.com;'red@Spo.kaneCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Riclc Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used In the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Ernail: bbr:.o.oks@sdsrealty.com This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachinents. I i 8/8/2007 j Page lof.2 r l Karen Kendall From: Red, Jim [JRed@spokanecounty.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:05 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen County utilities does not have an Issue with the vacation. There are side sewer stubs, but those are the responsibility of the property owner. From: Bill Brooks [mailto:bbrooks@sdsreafty.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 11:59 AM To: claude.kaler@avistacorp.com; frelerr2@spokanevalleyRre.com; Red, Jim Subject: RE: Vacation of V on Evergreen Gentlemen, attached is a map from the county the shows the 9' very well. Thanks Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624=1711 . Email: bbr'ooks@sdsrealty.com From: Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 AM To: 'claude.kaler@avistacorp.com'; 'freferr2@spokanevalleyfire.com'; 'Jred@SpokaneCounty.org' Subject: Vacation of Von Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avlsta Rick Freler, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that may complete our application. Please call me If you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 8/8/2007 Page-2-of--2 a Email: bbr_oDlm@sdsr-ealty..com 8/8/2007 Page 1- 1 Karen Kendall From: Frelee, Rick [FreierR2@SpokaneValleyFire.com) Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:29 PM To: Bill Brooks Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Mr. Brooks, I have reviewed the Information that you provided on the vacation of a feet of unused right-of-way on the east side of Evergreen. The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objection to the request to vacate this portion of the right-of-way. Rick Freier Fire Inspector SVFD 509-892-4128 From: BIII Brooks [mallto:bbrooks@sdsrealty,com] Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 200710:35 To: claude.kaler@avistacorp.com; Frefer, Rick; jred@SpokaneCounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista J Rick Freler, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used In the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and It did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me if you have questions. Bill Brooks SDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email: bbrooks@sdsrealty.com 8/8/2007 Page 1 of-" Karen Kendall From: Sheldon. Jackson (Sheldon@sdsrealty.com) Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:44 AM To: Bill Brooks Subject: FW. Vacation of Von Evergreen Attachments: ROW Abandonment at 114 N. Evergreen-pdf Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Sulte 600 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (609)462.9303 FAX (509)624-1711 From: Brian Dllts [maiito:brlanl@verawaterandpower.comJ Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:10 AM To: Sheldon Jackson Subject: RE: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Attn: Sheldon Vera Water and Power does not have any utilities located In the 9' strip of Road R/W considered for abandonment with the exception of an existing water service that crosses the 9' strip perpendicularly. The water service can be used for irrigation. Brian K. Dills i District Engineer Vera Water and Power P.O. Box 630 Spokane Valley, WA 99216 i Phone 509-924-3800 Fax: 609-922-3929 cell phone: 509-476-5130 email: brian awaterandpower.com From: Sheldon Jackson (maiito:Sheldon@sdsreaity.com) I Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 12:31 PM To: brian@verawaterandpower.com 8/8/2007 Page 2-of2 ~I Subject: FW: Vacaton of 9' on Evergreen Brian thank you for taking the time to look at this for us. Just trying to clean up a property the City no longer requires. Sheldon Jackson 108 N Washington Suite 600 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone (609)462-9303 FAX (609)624-1711 From. Bill Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:35 AM To: claude.kaler@avistacorp.com; frelerr2Ca spokanevalleyfire.com; jred@Spokanecounty.org Subject: Vacation of 9' on Evergreen Claude Kaler, Avista Rick Freier, Spokane Valley Fire Jim Red, Spokane County Utilities Gentlemen, attached Is our application to vacate 9' of the east side Evergreen Road just north of Sprague. This land was acquired by the County to be used in the widening of Evergreen but the final alignment was changed and it did not use this 9' strip. Please provide me with your comments so that I may complete our application. Please call me If you have questions. Bill Brooks SIDS Realty Office: 509-462-9312 Fax: 509-624-1711 Email:' bbrooks@sdsrealty.com d 8/8/2007 111Illi lt~l 111111t111111II i11111111ii11111111~11t ~ p Ago 4 of 8 03/0412686 0l w E I S LLC BL R 331.00 Spokane Co, 0 20' I N00'18'36'£ N90'00'00'E 18.55 29.17 160.00 29.17 N90'00'00'E 41.45 1190100'00'E I 3 160.00 180.00 n 01 iD @~ Qlm W O O x to m N60'00700'E 178.56 o W V~ Ir o r ~ O ~ I N96.00'00'£ ( 6.00 N90.00'00'E N90'00'00'£ ry 15 270.00 100.00 W SP 717 91 n 1O p I TRACT 'A' TRACT p I . 2 N90'00'00'E n e I ~ 3 140.00 n p I o I W o z N90i00'00'E 130.00 2 0 ao ~ i z SPRAGUE AVENUE 0 a _ T Founded 1946 EXISTING SITE PLAN FOR: BILL BROOKS b2hpsOn Engineers, Inc. CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 50 100 20o N. 909 ARGONNE ROAD, SPOKANE WA., 99212-2789 PHO`E (509) 926-1322 FAX (509) 926-1323 • 1i t 1 tit llfw 71 .~•v1,1i ' i y li r c 17 F -I- -j-'-, J1 _ r ^ I'' ~.c-•..e""iy~'r~•-~ei~ 1' - - _ 1 I.1.~ it 1'~ . ~ z~' ~,3•• - - - . w - - ' ~ Mi" - J [ .rwY-~•~'~T!~ - ~ ` _ ..fir" r'' t . .Jt• •r-"~ { ,,mac. _t' • I Legend oa I L I F} rF r~- =ta elf - _-s &mlc1:1,735 1 in =145 R lI I o_ EXHIBIT 4 To: Karen Kendall (City of Spokane Valley - Community Development) CC: From: Jim Red (Spokane County - Division of Utilities) Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 Subject: STV-0004-07 Stage: Preliminary Phase: SV 20 N Evergreen Ave SS01A This proposal has no impact on sewer facilities and; therefore, there are no recommendations. i 1 3 ~ i SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: September 17, 2007 TO: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development FROM: Donald Copley - EHSII, SRHD SUBJECT: STV-4-07 (E & S Development) The Health District has no continent on this street vacation. ~ Page-2-ofd Karen Kendall From: Anderson, Patti (PAnderson@spokanecounty.org) Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:59 AM To: Karen Kendall Subject: STV-4-07(E & S Development) Attachments: STV-4-07(E & S Development).doc l ` 1 9/18/2007 t S#6rane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1008 0 cityhatl©spokanevattey.org Memorandum To: Karen Kendall - Assistant Planner From: Henry M. Allen - Development Engineer ~ Date: September 7, 2007 Re: STV-04-07 A portion of N Evergreen Rd - Street Vacation Comments Development Engineering has reviewed the application to vacate a portion of Evergreen Road right-of-way on the east side of the street just north of Sprague. Development Engineering has'no objections to the vacation. i 09/11/2007 TUB 12:20 FAX 11001/001 OM-NE VAQ - - Cl? DEPARTMENT 10319 EASJ;YRAGUE AVE. S?OKANE VALLEY, WA 93200-3827 • (509) 92847PQ.,D FAXJ1 09) 8°2.4125 - %wm.spokanevalieyfirexom . - Mike Thompson - Chlef September 11, 2007 Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: STV-04-07 20 N. Evergreen Dear Ms. Kendall: The Spokane Valley Fire Department has no objections for STV-04-07. Sincerely, Rick Freier Fire Inspector RF/pla i ' i SEP 11 2B07 11:35 PACE.®i 1♦ {r C Vrr • ~~.i' 1 ~ ?lull , 904 N. Golumbus Spokan0, WA 99202 si 14ACM♦H V M U Y I tr t'All 1 L "I I l i OF rnt.%M 1011 Y ("'V1 "Q'w e s Spirit of Service` September 7, 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707-E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn: Karen Kendall Re: STV-04-07 Dear Karen: Qwest has no objection to the above referenced vacation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2580. Sincerely, 44104 _ A ellk cf~'I Dave Clark Sr. Design Engineer i i £41 N. Wwnbus 1 Swan., %VA 94202 R Qwest. Spirit of Service sf'c~;~ ~7~~7 L7a t7pl,sA,T July 27, 2007 City of Spokane Valley Department of Building and Planning 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Proposed Vacation of .9' of Evergreen Road Dear Sir: Qwest has no interest in the proposed vacation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me on (509) 455-2580. Sincerely, 6 0 t L' &I-we Dave Clark Sr. Design Engineer Spokane County Library District - Spokane Valley Library Services and District Support Report to the City of Spokane Valley 3rd Quarter 2007 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY SERVICES Customer use measures Overall circulation in greater Spokane Valley libraries is up 4.5% year to date, with the biggest increase (16.1%) being at Argonne, probably due to expanded hours. Measures for Spokane Valley are positive, with the exception of reference inquiries for reasons outlined in the 2nd quarter report. With customer database maintenance now back on a regular monthly schedule, cardholder comparisons with 2006 should be more reflective of reality in the next quarter. Selected 3rd Quarter 2007 Year-to-Date Statistics Circulation Door count Reference Program Software Station In uiries Attendance Bookin s YTD YTD to YID YTD to YTD YTD to YTD YTD to YTD YTD to 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 SOLD 1,560,763 4.9% 946,059 5.6% 775,903 -5.3% 44,331 -5.1%1 1.73,692 8.4% S o Valle 403,892 2.9% 231,664 4.1% 57,894 -8.9% 14,838 11.0% 55,279 4.6% Argonne 102,765 16.1% 65,164 6.2% 11,11.4 12.1% 1,663 -10.9% 14,470 1.3.6% Otis 60,415 -1.5% 42,234 -3.9% 6,930 19.8% 1,815 0.8% 6,301 -6.4% Subtotal 567,072 4.5% 3.39,062 3.4% 75,938 -4.1% 18,316 7.5% 76,050 5.2% % SCLD 36.3% - 35.8% - 43.2% - 41.3% - 43.8% - Registered Customers by Branch of Registration 2007 % of YTD Change % Adult % Youth YTD SCLD from 2006 SCLD 110,485 - -8.7% 75.4% 24.6% S o Valle 35,582 32.2% -11.4% 77.0% 23.0% Argonne 9,750 8.9% -8.9% 77.8% 22.2% Otis 5,094 4.6% -15.6% 69.3% 30.7% Subtotal 50,426 45.6% -11.3% - - 3rd quarter activity highlights at Greater Spokane Valley branches Spokane Valley Library • The "For the Love of Movies" line up for 2007-2008 was finalized, with Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon movies from October through June. • The final Summer Reading program, "Late Night at the Library" had 60 kids who loved the idea of having the library all to themselves; the crafts were a big hit, as was singing around the camp - .fire. Page 1 of 6 • An extra teen program-an Anime Club meeting- had a turnout of 33. They had a wonderful time watching Anime, eating pizza donated by the Friends of the library, and talking about Manga. They were very interested in meeting on a regular basis. • Vandalism struck the community bulletin board in September as ketchup and mustard were sprayed across it and the coin return on the phone was filled with mustard as well. In addition, there was a recent problem with graffiti in the men's room, and a mess in the women's, both in the same day. • One new Spokane Valley customer is a traveling nurse, currently working in the ICU unit at a local hospital. She was just thrilled that she could get a guest card and use the library. She said that she loves her job, but the travel and short stays in one place make it a bit lonely from time to time, so she's happy to have a friendly welcoming place to come and feel at home. • We've had a number of customers commenting on the proposed new libraries with the majority of people using the singular (library not libraries). A few were confused and thought only a library at Greenacres was going to be built. One lady said "There's going to be a new library, will it be run the same way? Will it be run by the same people (staff)? Good, I'll vote for it if it's the same people. You folks are great." • 15 people-staff and their children-marched in the Valleyl est parade and handed out 400 pencils in the first five minutes on the parade route. At our booth on Saturday, the kids had a great time making bookmarks and we had contact with about 564 people. Argonne Library • A father and young daughter requested the conference room for most of one day because they were giving their wife-and-mother a "quiet day" for her birthday, and the library seemed the perfect place to her. They brought in flowers for the table in the conference room, brought her a small boom box with some CDs, and settled her in. "Then they came back at lunchtime, "with more children, and they all had a tailgate lunch in the parking lot before escorting Mom back in for more quiet time. • There were visits in September from a group of River City Academy teachers and students who came in to work on history projects and a Pasadena Park Elementary 2nd grade class ended their Community bay activities with a visit to the library on a Friday for a story and tour. • The Daughters of the American Revolution presented information about the Constitution in the display case, and artwork on the wall was done by West Valley High School students. • Customers have been thanking staff for good service with fresh vegetables and flowers from their gardens. Otis Orchards Library • The new bean-bag chair for the teen area has been a hit. • A young girl was getting her first library card but didn't want to go look at books while the card was being made because she was so exited, and she wanted to "see the card being born." • Several customers have commented they really appreciated storytime because their children were not attending preschool, some because they can't afford it. The children enjoyed the reading as well as the social time with the other children. Greater Spokane Valley Friends of the Library Spokane Valley: The friends met after their summer hiatus and completed the final plans for their book sale in October. Argonne: The Argonne friends met to discuss ideas for future projects. Spokane Valley Area Libraries Project Spokane Valley City Center Master Plan: With the City of Spokane Valley's authorization for Master Plan development to determine recommended locations for the library and new city hall, Mike Wirt participated in a Page 2 of 6 conference call with consultant Michael Freedman of Freedman Tung and Bottomley to discuss the scope of work and schedule for master planning and provided responses to a list of questions L regarding library building and site requirements. SCL D is sharing in Master Plan development costs. Joint study session: A joint city council/board of trustees' study/work session at which Mr. Freedman will present Master Plan concepts was scheduled for October 2,4:00 p.m., to be preceded by a staff work session. Property acquisition: City consultants are negotiating with the University City property owners for use of their land west of University Road (and their portion east of it) for the city center. Pursuant to action at September's Board of Trustees meeting, a Non-Binding Letter of Intent for purchase of up to 3.5 acres of property for the new Spokane Valley Library was submitted to University City, Inc. for consideration. New branch site The Board approved the purchase of 215 feet of Conklin Road frontage south of Sprague Ave, a Phase 1 environmental audit and appraisal were obtained., and a site study to show the adequacy of the site for its intended purpose was completed. The only complication is learning from city engineering staff that the city may require dedication of a 25 foot strip on the south property line for eventual Appleway Blvd. extension right-of-way. This issue needs to be resolved before the purchase closes so the District has the entire two acres needed for the new library site. Cost estimates and studies Integrus Architecture provided updated construction cost estimates for all three projects that were used in compiling a consolidated cost estimate for use in establishing the proposed bond issue amount. 1 LCFA The Assessors Office made the LCFA boundary changes approved at the July Board of Trustees .meeting, showing an LCFA assessed valuation of $8,005,41.9,879 based on the most up-to-date valuations at that time -a large part of it 2008's. Final LCFA maps showing the proposed area as well as the location of our current Spokane Valley area facilities and the location of the projects to be funded through LCFA creation prepared by Spokane County's geographic information systems department with the word Greater added to the LCFA name to more clearly indicate that boundaries extend beyond the City of Spokane Valley. I.LCFA formation documents were prepared by bond cotulsel, Koegen Edwards, and reviewed with the Board of Trustees at its September meeting. Lehmim Brothers was selected for bond underwriting. Schedule We've continued to work on the integration of the two additional project:-, into the schedule. The safest approach from a logistical standpoint would. be to plan for the new branch to be completed no less than six months after Spokane Valley. The Argonne expansion. could be done concurrently. DiSTRIcr-WIDE LIBRARY SERVICES Customer use measures With three-quarters of the year having passed, materials circulation continues to be up 5% over last year at the same time at 1,560,763 items. Reference inquiries are down 5%, less than last year. Once again, software station bookings are strong (up 10% over the rolling 12-month period) and meeting room bookings are up 12%. The door count is up 6%. The 9% decrease in registered borrowers from last year is due more to inconsistent purging of inactive records than anything else. Page 3 of 6 As noted previously, the drop in program number and attendance totals relates to childcare storytime changes made last year. ln-library attendance is actually up. The cessation of remote access of a popular online genealogy database continues to be reflected in lower search and retrieval statistics. Adult services Programming: Adult summer programs continued in July and August with The Mystenj of Your Garden, presented by a master gardener, and there were two computer instruction classes and a regularly scheduled book group. 'In September Spokane Is Reading promotion began and there were five computer classes. Collections: Nori-fiction weeding continues at all branches, with the August focus on nonfiction 700- 999 range since most materials in this area are in now, before the rush of school assignments and fall reading begins. September's was the DVD/Vl-1S collection. Outreach: Visits to adult facilities continued throughout the quarter. Adult and youth services supervisors met in September to discuss the responses received from the six outreach surveys conducted in July and August, prepared a summary of the responses for the branch services managers, and a report with conclusions and recommended next steps with the current service model. Youth services Programming: The final Summer Reading counts are in, and we had 7,322 children sign up and 3,061 come in and claim their prize; a 12% increase over last year. So, even though we had a few customers comment that they were disappointed that we weren't giving out books, most of our customers found reading to be.the biggest reward. 2,173 coupons were redeemed at the MAC but since many of our participants were preschool-aged, and the Under-5 set are free at the MAC, it's hard to gauge the real percentage of usage. We had lots of teens sign up for summer reading. We believe that having separate teen reading logs and program calendars made a significant impact. Combined with the startlingly large attendance at our programs, SCLD's Summer Reading 2007 can be declared a success. We jumped right back into programming after Labor Day. Storytimes are back in full swing, and school-aged kids enjoyed Scandinavian stories and crafts at all of our libraries. (No lutefisk though, we have to draw the line somewhere.) We shared the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and then created stone trolls and Scandinavian woven hearts. Collections: Collection services has been going through all the old Childcare Packets and remaking them into Preschool Book Bags. The collection has grown to 19 "titles," with 2 copies of each title- and more are in progress. Staff finished the last of the non-fiction maintenance and have moved on to children's paperbacks. Fiction collections have really been showing the wear and tear of a busy summer of reading. Outreach: We contacted all 44 of the childcares we currently serve, confirmed a schedule for the coming year, and sent out letters of agreement, most of which have been returned. Childcare Resources provided another mailing list, and we're preparing to send out the new promotional piece to those "new" childcares. We have a new bookmark to promote the growing collection of Preschool Book Bags that will be ready at the beginning of October. In September Region 1 staff visited three childcares and provided twelve storytimes; Region 11 staff visited five childcare facilities and provided 13 storytinles. Community: The two youth services supervisors attended both the Born Lew-ning Initiative and Spokane Regional Child Care Initiative meetings. They've been attending these for over a year now, _ and it has started to pay off as the various organizations involved have begun to realize the role that the libraries can play in disseminating information and increasing community awareness about issues. Pale 4 of 6 Other • The preliminary outreach services evaluation shows support for the direction that we are taking with reinforcement of some areas in which we expected we needed more time and effort. From the customers' point of view, they value what we offer and the biggest request is "more." Adult and youth services are looking at what is appropriate to provide to existing facilities and what do we want to be offering to facilities we are hoping to serve. A meeting with our collection agency customer service representative included a productive discussion about what was working well and what could be improved. We have used Unique Management Services since 1999 and have referred well over $1 million dollars for collection from just under 16,000 customers. The percentage of recovery is in the 60% range, meaning a return on our investment of about $6 for every $1 we spend on their services. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Board of Trustees action • Several District policies were reviewed and reaffirmed or updated this quarter: Eligibility for Library Use, Rules of Customer Conduct, and Children's Safety i,n. Libraries. Most other business related to the Spokane Valley Area Libraries Project - Established final boundaries for the proposed LCFA. - Established March 11, 2008 as the LCFA election date - Authorized the purchase of property on Conklin Road for a new Verada.le/Greenacres branch and transferred funds from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Operating fund for property purchase. _ - Selected Lehman Brothers as underwriter for Greater Spokane Valley LCFA bonds J - Authorized a non-binding letter of intent for purchase of city center property for the new Spokane Valley Library • The August regular meeting was cancelled. Spokane Valley Area Libraries Project This project was the primary administrative activity during the quarter. Complete information included in a previous section of this report. Briefly ■ Gonzaga faculty member Joe Albert will be the main speaker at this fall's staff training and development day, October 26. The title of his presentation is "Understanding Stories, Motivation & Emotions to Improve Ourselves and Our Work Lives" ■ Online library card registration was extended to Spokane Public Library reciprocal borrowers. DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES Collection Services 15,469 copies representing 4,157 titles were ordered.; 17,350 items were processed and sent to branches. ■ SCLD received a $200 donation from the Spokane Valley Eagles Auxiliary #3433 to purchase large print and audiobook items for Spokane Valley. July was all about :Harry (Potter, that is). Twenty-one hardback copies of Harnj Potter anci the Deathly Ilallo7vs arrived on the day before the official sale date-July 21st-they were processed, added to the catalog, and hand-delivered to the branches with holds. The remaining 40 hardback copies arrived during the following week with 18 of the nonpri.nt copies arriving on July 3151. Page 5 of 6 Communications ■ In media relations/publicity, drafted and distributed Conklin Road land purchase announcement: stories ran in Spokesman-Review and Spokane Valley Ninvs-Herald; drafted and distributed levy lid lift services update release that ran in the Spokesman-Review and on KPBX; facilitated a Spokesman-Review levy lid wrap-up story; worked with Spokesman to answer Spokane Valley Library project questions, including site selection. ■ Prepared materials for Valleyfest parade and booth. ■ Created a promotional page for the quarterly Outreach Recommended Reads list. ■ Provided EWU with materials for the annual new student/staff events. Human Resources ■ Recruitment, interviewing, and selection for several positions took place during the quarter; the majority for library pages. Since these positions are most often filled by students, fall school plans at times result in a flurry of resignations. ■ 2008 Washington Counties Insurance Fund & Pool rates were obtained. ■ Work continued on job description revisions and performance evaluation standards. Information Technology ■ The upgrade to the latest'Unicom library software version was completed on July 4, providing customers with a few new options in iBistro when they place holds. The graphic design software was also was upgraded. • Final network upgrade acceptance was August 13 and the Internet circuit bandwidth was turned up August 20. ■ We made the decision to extend warranties on all servers and individual computers to five years, which will change the replacement schedule from four years to five. This will take some pressure off the technology budget, allowing more room for other expensive technologies we need to consider and plan for. ■ The task of getting copiers on the network so that they can act as the primary public printer in the smallest libraries began with Fairfield, which was operating with no problems by the end of the September. ■ We've been looking for ways to limit bandwidth that wireless users can occupy in an effort to slow the rate at which we need to increase the Internet access bandwidth. The path we will probably pursue involves using a more expense "enterprise" level wireless access point, Finance, Facilities, Purchasing' • The Spokane Valley Library elevator was shut down for two days in September to allow for major repairs. The initial cost estimate for the repairs is approximately $9,000. ■ The State Auditors Office exit briefing for the 2005 & 2006 audit was held on July 24 and the final audit reports were published in September. There were no findings or management letters. ■ The recently installed auxiliary air conditioning unit in the administrative offices mailroom is doing a more than adequate job in safeguarding the new administrative file servers. 10/9.1/07 mjw Page 6 of 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ce M nn- 0 To: Dave Mercier From: Ken Thompson Date: October 16, 2007 Re: Tentative Lodging Tax Allocations The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee met on October 11, to review requests for 2008 tourism promotion grants. An estimated $660,000 was available for allocation. The following requests were reviewed by the committee: The recommended allocation is also shown. Organization Amount Requested Amount Allocated Spokane Fair & Expo. $30,000 $30,000 Spokane Reg. Conv. & Visitor's Bureau $325,000 $396,000 Spokane Reg_ Sports Com. $175,000 $145,000' Valleyfest $40,000 $30,000 CenterPlaoe $90,000 $90,000 Spokane Winery Assn. $8,300 $8,300 Valley Chamber $155,000 $25,000" Total $823,300 $634,300 '$20,000 to be held by city during 2008 for Sports Commission strategic reserve purposes. "Appears an additional $25,000 of this request (Fall Shopping Get-a-way) was not in original application, thus, did not meet the October 2 deadline. 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANNING; Planning Commission The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met twice times during the month of September. A street vacation of Sipple and First were on the agenda along with a study session regarding Comprehensive Plan map amendments The Planning Commission has a public hearing scheduled for the month of October. Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan City Staff forwarded final review comments on the Administrative Draft Sprague and Appleway Sub-area Plan to Freedman, Tung and Bottomley (FTB). FTB will prepare and deliver the Public Hearing Draft Sub-area Plan to the City by the end of October or early November. City Center Project ClearPath, LLC, continues negotiations with the University City property owners on the west side of University Avenue- Staff has worked closely with FTB and the Spokane County Library District in creating a mastef plan for the west side and Bob Gibbs is preparing a marketing package to deliver to potential developers. Urban Growth Area Update Long Range Staff continued to participate in the update of Spokane County's UGAs by attending weekly 'Planning Directors' meetings during the month of September to move the update through the regional planning process. Staff also supported a regular meeting of the Steering Committee of Elected Officials and a subcommittee meeting of the Steering Committee. CURRENT PLANNING: Revenue for the Planning Department for the month of September was $37,194 [luring the month of 2007 Planning Revenues s5o,000 - $40.000 - - - - - S30,000 - - - - - - - $20,000 $10,000 s0 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct tier iw:~ © Revenue 2007 Revenue 2008 --*-Revenue 2005 September Planning Division staff conducted 4 land use pre-application meetings and processed 2 home profession permits, 4 temporary sign permits and accepted applications for boundary line adjustments, preliminary short plats, preliminary subdivisions, and rezones. 1 public hearing was conducted by the Page 1 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development September 2007 Monthly Report Hearing Examiner in September Planning Division staff also reviewed and approved 7 commer(. building 1 n r _ rn t r 2007 Licenses & Permits Issued 60 - - 40 ti - Ir- 0 20 t7T ran Feb I Wr Apr May I Jun I Jul Aug Sep I Oct I Nov Dec 5=3 2007 57 F13 18 18 20 16 -18 18 E 2006 44 25 38 34 32 23 32 35 24 21 19 750 ' -2003 41 26 10 34 21 6 22 22 43 1 39 38 2007 New Land Use Actions 40 - 30 - - - - ~3'~-cam - - j 20 - _ _ - - - 10 Lin I Feb Mar .17c MAY Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Der. I ~ I - - - - - p 20071 16 27 17 1 12 16 l 13 99 14 I 1 1 2006 20 1e 30 24 I 27 5 25 20 17 19 ~ 9 8 2005 1 1 S 22 20 24 18 J_133 26 17 17 2e 18 20 - - - - - E3LILUi14G LiVISION: The Building Dept revenue. 2007 Building Revenues s~an.ooe t t,oo0 - - - - - 02007 Rae, t: oo Ana t' 5,000 - - - - p 2001 Rtuv:.- t i00,oo0 - - - _.•...21105 Fear 15Q000 f to City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development September 2007 Monthly Report The Building Division issued 324 permits in September 2007, compared with 343 for the same period last year. 2007 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS eoa --4 fib Yv •N W" 1w AM •y ~r Ocf Oar ImT *raft 7 iN W 7M Sal I ul !S ]N i !7a _ iD71 hr.~ ill i77 -~.M in ri7 I us 111 717 707 7q ila t1f 71L17+mi m II7 SM 711 717 an h 74'1 tit 30 >d 2007 New Structums/Unlts Permitted 8o 60 - - 40 - - - - - 20 0, Jan Feb Mar Apr I May Jana :uty Aug Sept Oct Nov Doc a Now 1 6 2 DA elling Units T4 1 32 53 58 75 44 46 48 - - ■ MuSt"Mily Units 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- a New Commercial Structures 1 6 1 i t a 8 11 _ 5 14 The reported value of construction, including new structures and addition stalteration is shown In the following chart. comparing these values with 2006. New value for September 2007 totals $19,086,907. 2007 Valuation of Construction s•o a0 , SIS•000 ~ ' 725,000:1"': -2007 Yeluao:°1 :-,a OWG Ora 7 2006 YaIu&GC- i '5,004eca - - - - - - - O 2005 VsWOa 15.090.000 j a An Feb mr Aix UMV Ann J* Aug Sept W t4m Dot In September 2007, building inspectors performed 787 inspections in 20 days. This averages 39.35 inspections per day. The Plans Examiners reviewed 114 projects in September 2007 At the end of September, there were 26 projects awaiting review Page 3 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development September 2007 Monthly Report - 2007 iulldlnOlnspections Ism loos 7 Ka _ - Li i h.u Yr I +w ~ nN W ~ kR Oq 41. u, r7!DAwa 2 I Y7 M }I} 111 tY i '31t 1=3 -~-783 Is.s A7 ~_.a!' ~w-cr-ti}I IA Me I,68 TI-21 • --A 111Y Ila 121 -}----1 •:Y . _ 7alS n~1~ww I_ ~I ~s8 t m ~F I ~i ~eN -1w1 1tA~ Iasi 1 ' . There were 305 nght-of-way inspections were performed during the month of September 20', CODE COMPLIANCE: The number of `Violations Reported' on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received which were not violations. The complaints received are added to the total because they reflect time officers spent in the field conducting investigations. In addition, the 'Investigated" and "Pending' columns accurately reflect Code Compliance's current ability to process and investigate backlog cases. The following chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. Violations are reported based on the primary complaint received, rather than the number of additional violations identified on any individual premises. The investigation of a complaint of junk vehicles, for example, might also result in identification of additional violations such as the accumulation of hash or harboring of livestock. These are not included In the summary. A total of 60 new complaints were processed in September. 100 60 - - t' t,:r-~17 . ,j, -i7 u! [•7 R g U7 Se-,-071 - ■ Vore0nns Repor0ad 81 so so 31 30 56 ~78 71 60 53 71 60 78~ ■ Abalementa 48 45 33 30 14 18 62 42 48 61 67 42 48 l j p-File Tranaren 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 { 10 0 B -2-2 1 O Pendit FUea 47 41 41 38 45 60 I 51 ' 68 23 47 46 55 63 •1AahUonaReported ■Abalemenla OFie Transhrs OPendlnpFles The Spokane Valley Police Department, In conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance o' Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned within the right-of-way. SCOPE volunteers tar the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Activity is consolidated into the following six categories: Environmental (sewerlseptic, critical areas. ~r mil ,n l nU!53rce V~plr,tir-r-0. Prr,perty (Richt rf Way, rroperty use. dangerous buildino City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development September 2007 Monthly Report landlord./tenant, illegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste violations); Clearview Triangle and Complaint - No Violation- 2007 Code Violations by Category so ~ so - 70 60 - so - G - - 30 - - - O IJan., IAev-37IApr-07-tday-U7 ^i14 t! GOrrplitktl - tJo vblitbn 1 1 S 7 10 10 10 ] 'I s 0- - - ■ Said Waste 7 11 13 15 13 10 to to t~ aJunMAuto s s e 9 TO ^a to 1/ is ■ Cesar V*W Trrnpb 1 1 1 2 7 .4 0 1 4 0 P-PeriY a ]e 41 Jt t0 1e 20 21 24 p G'Vecon!-e'tn1 0 13 -a 4 2 ---1 1 2 1 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING The Development Fngmeers prrwessed 24 files in September. L: 1=rr91 Flat 0 BSP ■ Land Use Pre-App ■ REZ/SUB ■ SHP w REZ ■ BLA m STV 11-3 CUP Page 5 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development September 2007 Monthly Report CUSTOMER SERVICE Planning The Hearing Examiner held 1 land use neanngs during -S~-pwirajur Art isiuLj a.;' the counter and handled 272 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center. Building: Permits The following table summarizes the performance of the Permit Center for those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that the application is deemed 'counter-complete' to the time that a permit is issued. Commercial Timerrame Summary Submittal to Iswanae ° o ~ ❑ ❑ ❑ ne. Value T d o o Lly~ Value o. 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION I Industrial Build $4 302,Ot~ DO 102 70 149 Mereantrlle $840 000.00 152 106 176 ^ 1 Oftloel?roressionai $1353,131.00 99 99 99 Structure $344,476.00 99 57 165 REMODEL Mercantile 143,%0 67 2 318 Offloa/Professional _ 7501000 q29 1 51 Values shown are those on which Plan Check and Building Permit fees ale uas6u i r.e chart u"I~IuL~c . average, minimum and maximum times. The Permit Center has been tracking turnaround for Right of Way Permit Applications and the faxes Mechanical and Plumbing Permd Applications. At present the City responds to applications within 2;! hours, typically by noon on the following day. Permits for those application types are generally issued within two days Building: Inspections Inspections are conducted the day following the inspection request except for weekends and holidays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conducted within 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day. Permit Center There were no surveys returned during the month of September. Page 6 of 6 (7Tti' r>F' ne 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Vattey WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cltyhatlcPspokanevaltey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: October 16, 2007 Re: September Report finance employees worked in the following areas during September: Second amendment for 2007 budget Proposed amendments include setting aside doUnn for the eventual rcplacementlimpruvcment of city facilities (depreciation), purchasing the police precinct building at a discount and transferring dollars to the Civic Facilities Fund for the acquisition of additional facilities. Thew amendments were approved by ordinance on September 11. 2008 laud get reparation Key provisions of the 2008 budget include a records management system, a city center area environmental impact statement, the annual contribution for facilities replacement (depreciation) and the implementation of the initial year of the departmental business plans. One last public hearing was scheduled for early October. Several ordinances «hich would adopt the 2008 budget were being prepared. Budget variance/investment reports Reports showing a comparison of re%enucs ;u►d expendinares, to the 2(1117 Aincnded Burl let, at Scptemhcr 30, arc attached. Staff provides information on selected operating funds at month end and a more complete report quarterly. Sales tax receipts continue to be slightly more than our estimates but the increase is less than we have seen in recent years. Gambling tax receipts are less than our budget. We have two significant accounts that have fallen behind. We will continue to monitor these accounts but full collection is unlikely Investment income, planning & building fees and park'recreation income are exceeding our estimate:;. The investment report is attached for your review. Annual audit The State Auditor's Office has completed preliminary work on the 2006 audit. 1-he auditors will return in mid October to complete their work. Vacant ppsitip Interviews have been completed with applicants for the vacant Accounting Manager position. References arc being checked and an announcement is platmed in October. I..ingtar Grant itn 1_n ications Applications are beginning to arrive for lodging tax grants to promote tourism. The deadline for applications is October 2. Staff expects 7-10 applications. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will meet on Ocwhcr I 1 to rcvic%k the applications. City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended Sept. 30, 2007 Unaudited Amended Budget September YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Unreserved Fund Balance $ 7,068,000 $ - $ - $ 7,068,000 8 Property Tax 9,745,000 59,548 5,229,107 4,515,893 53.66% Sates Tax 18,986,800 1,701,680 12,945,345 6,041,455 88.18 Gambling Tax 910,000 349,117 560,883 38.36 7 Franchise Fees/Business Ucenses 904,170 4,622 482,114 422,056 53.32 1 State Shared Revenues 1,201,000 141,889 809,714 391,286 67.42 Planning & Building Fees 1,867,000 244,030 1,740.909 128,091 9125 2 Fines and Forfeitures 1,250,000 122,204 937,154 312,846 74.97 Recreation Program Fees 447,700 22,023 419,785 27,915 93.76 Investment Int. & Other 572,800 39,924 413,784 159,016 72.24 Operating Transfers 75,000 - 47,565 27,435 63.42 S 43,027,470 S 2,335,920 $ 23,374,594 $ 19,652,876 54.32 8 Amended Budget September YTD Unrealized Percent Expenditures Expenditures Exmnditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 298,393 12,067 178,205 120,188 59.45 E=xecutive & Legislative Support 892.854 68,115 549,008 343,846 61.49 Public Safety 18.256,400 1,407,581 12,854,409 5,401,991 70.41 Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,470,608 99,023 801.393 669.215 54.49 Public Works 1,391,887 82,321 775,515 816,372 55.72 Planning & Community Dev. 2,411,276 184,565 1,594,380 816,896 66.12 Ubrary Services 20,000 - 4,559 15,441 22.80 11 Parks & Recreation 2,087,086 253.158 1,298,036 789,050 62.19 General Govemment 13.893,000 1,050,829 5,151,736 8,741,264 37.08 s S 40.719,504 S 3.157,659 $ 23,205,241 S 17,514,263 5699% 10r rn12001 n 4u AM City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended 9.3047 Unnudhod Arllanded Budget S"par" er YTD Unreee:ed Porc+wA 2 B j32m Nighs9 Other Funds Revenues. Street Fuld S 7,656,000 3 676 449 3 2,483,540 3 5.194.460 32.17% 3 Art=al 13k" Fund 912,000 3,317 33,461 870,539 3 67 5 Tralls and Paths 21,000 73 687 20,313 377 5 rt,."INeWFund 656,000 53,179 309,348 348.652 4701 3 Crvte Facilities Replecsrnwe 197,000 397,000 Debt Sarvlq - LTOO 03 00,000 - 205.518 354,482 34 25 Cap" Pnoieds Furl 4,120,000 135,611 621,582 3,498,418 15.00 Special CjWW Projects Fund 4,420.000 123,980 628 330 3,791,870 14 ' T Street Capin Pmjods 7,602,843 222-808 7,580,235 2.55 5 ML-Bbmu Point Pmod 441,000 1,470 9,214 431,788 2.00 5 Street Bond Capital Projects 11161000 818,000 Capital Grants Fund 9.300,000 1,200 43.027 9,256.973 048 5 Bar1:m Bridge 14mmsotctlon 70,000 - 181,055 538.945 23.01 5 StormveterMgmtFund 3,195,782 10.706 916,137 2,279,625 2867 3 [quip Rental A Raplatemenl 944,375 3,506 19,599 924,778 208 10 R" ManagernerA 217,100 63 176,302 40,788 8111 Reserves. Canterpbmoper" 325.000 1,381 8,114 318.888 2.50 0 .;@MoeLevel Sta611t alla" 5,20,000 21.062 481,110 4,718,890 013 Wktw Weather 540,000 2.258 13.455 520,545 249 9 pNUCaptst 3.550.000 310,693 t34,065 3,415,935 378 9 Crv+c 9utlmnps 2,99? 030 20 960 _2 AOB,833 394,167 _8d 38 S 54 7111,060 3 1571,928 S 0,947955 3 45 7671)95 1Q Arm -4&j Budget September Y-1D Unraa117Ad per=-% M7 Eomg!lim F.mmlLrdnurea Eawtdeurv ReWina Other Funds Eapen cittum: Simetrund S 7,9558,000 3 455,320 S 2,524,457 S 5,133,543 UWA 3 Artenal Soeet Fund 912,000 912,000 5 Traits and PaMs 21,000 21,000 - B Nolel/Motal Fund 658.000 31,943 177,307 460,893 2695 3 Crm FaatMms RaplacwTwo 397,100 - - 397.000 Debi Sendea LTGO 03 60,000 205,517 394,493 3425 Cmft PlooM FLM 4,120.1700 22,877 4,097.t27 056 5 Special Capital "son Fuld 4.420,000 2287] 4,307,127 0.52 5 ;treaCaptalProjscts 7,802,843 1.886 231,681 7,570,982 297 5 M sraba0u Point Projsct 441,000 38,431 404,549 627 5 .neat Bond Capital Proom 916,000 ale= 5 Capital Grants Ford 9,300.000 52.211 Z72,455 9,027,545 2-93 5 Barker Bridge RacorWructim 100,000 4,646 280,026 419,974 4000 Slarn w vier Mprd Fund 3.195,702 47,215 963,1189 2,212.073 3078 3 t:qulp. Rental 6ReptsommM 944.375 15.113 a1,102 863,273 859 10 R sk Mmugerwo 217,100 - 179,461 37,831 8267 Resews: Centerpa- Opervirg 325 000 325,000 Sarvlee Laval Stabilisation 9,200,000 5.200 9700 Winter Wonera 540,000 540,000 Parks Capilsl 3,550.000 14,424 726,768 2,821,232 2053 5 (7,o- BUAI'n- a Cnp,!ai ? x93,000 - - 2,883,000 S L4,711 080 S 622.758 3 5 tAr,,846 $ 45%4.234 10 "_C, t City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of September 2007 Total LGIP' F&M MM F&M CD Investments Beginning $ 37,089,411.06 $ 1,616,395.00 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 39,731.989.07 Deposits 2,100.378.45 - - 2,100,378.45 Withdrawis (3,500.000.00) - - (3,500,000.00) Interest 150,497.84 5,091.42 - 155,589.26 Ending $ 35,840.287.35 $ 1,621,488.42 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 38,487,956.78 Balances by Fund General Fund $ 8,795,17388 Street Fund 4,466,796.44 Arterial Street 789,963.82 Paths & Trails 23,050.91 Hotel/Motel 515,673.43 Center Place Op 333,645,61 Service Level Stab. 5,166,704.42 Winter Weather Res. 553,269.99 Capital Projects 4,431,523.28 Spec. Capital Proj 4,719,600.40 Street Capital Proj. - Mirabeau Point Proj. 360,178.10 Street Bond Proj. - Parks Capital Proj. 782,427.59 Civic Bldg_ Cap. Proj. 5,141,682.66 Stormwater Mgmt 1,625,263.89 Equipment Rental 767,628.31 Risk Management 15,374.05 $ 38,487,956 78 "Local Government Investment Pool FOOTNOTES 1 Received quarterly 2 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 3 Beg bal included in budget appropriation 4 Large part of this budget is reserves 5 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. Lack of engineers 6 No projects planned in 2007 7 Two accounts delinquent 8 Error in beginning Fund balance of amended budget 9 Interest earnings 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05 11 Del. Tax paid to library not likely to be much greater 10117/2007 10 46 AM ~n•~ jValley . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT September 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping -AAA completed the Spring Sweeping in mid-June. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has been working on Paving and Shouldering projects. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare is maintaining sprinkler systems and mowing the grass and weeds in swales. • Vactoring Contract - AAA Sweeping is cleaning drywel Is. • Engineering Services Support -Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal • Safety Plan - Contract with CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for their Wastewater Facilities Plan and beginning their RRP process for a new treatment plant. A 45 day comment period started on September le for the Spokane River and Lake Spokane Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programslwgltmdVspokanedver/dissolved-oxygenrndex.html CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Project Council approved the ranking of the consultants for City Hall and authorized negotiations of a contract with Bernardo Wills PC - GGLO. • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub Area Plan- • Street Master Plan Consultant presented phase 1 of the draft Street Master Plan report to Council on 17 July. Phase II presentation scheduled for October 16. • Pines/Mansfield The County and State are holding at final designs of their respective areas of the project. The County Right of Way Dept. is continuing their work on the right-of-way acquisition process. Seventeen (17) out of twenty-three (23) properties have acquired right of way agreements. Four (4) properties ( 9,18,19,&22) are still working out access details and still in negotiations, one (1) has a verbal agreement, and one (10) has not reached an agreement Need a traffic count and Mirabeau and Pines from WSDOT. T he project is scheduled to advertise for bids in the fall of 2007 with construction scheduled to begin in 2008. • Appieway Avenue Reconstruction i schirley to Hodgws Bids for the project were opened on September 28''. Knife River was the low bidder for $4,565,859 A preconstruction conference Is scheduled for the week of September 22n 1. This project is current!.; being 9/21!0 • Barker Road Bridge Project Design is at 90°x6 complete. F environmental permit process. Received the Corps of Engineers Nation wide permit 23, Categorical Exclusion. granting Still awaiting the DOE 401 permit. Ch2M-Hill is working on the Current Workin Estimate (CWE) for the project. Have received the 'True Cost" estimate, still awaiting the "Record Survey," when completed, will request the ROW funds from WSDOT. The design is still on hold, waiting for the ROW to catch up. This protect is scheduled to advertise late fall or winter in 2007 w construction scheduled to begin in 20C ; CONSTKUC'110N • Argonne Road Cv,:?rl y Project complete. 1-1~., • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punch htt i:em~; feria n • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Prcjer_t Project complete. Awaiting final billing. • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. Punch list complete J ~nJ • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complet--., I ~COt' • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knif-. , approximately 50% complete- 5 • Grandview Acres Sanitary The contract was awarded tc % • Continued working with SRTC on revisions to the regional travel demand model. • Worked to finalize locations for flashing school beacons. Foundations were installed locations. • Spokane County signal shop installed 149 LEDs at 16 intersections. A rebate request for has been submitted to Avista for these replacements. 15 Construction and utility work related traffic control plans were reviewed and approved • 25 New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically, traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Continue to work with DOE with the NPDES Phase II requirements by giving them data and meeting with them at construction project sites. • Currently, helping Planning and Development by reviewing construction within the floodplain. • Began updating the stormwater tax rolls for 2008. • Continued landscaping contract services of City owned drainage swales and ponds. STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: City 2007 budget is $3,523,202 ($2,656,191 in the Street Fund and $867,011 in the Stormwater Fund). Through the end of September private contracts have invoiced $1,309,801 and the County has invoiced $1,000,334, for a total Street Maintenance cost of $2,310,135. The County has invoiced $6,551 and private contracts have invoiced $693,611, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $700,162. The overall total is $3,010,297 or 86% of the budgeted funds. STREET & STORMWATER MAINTENANCE PERCENTAGES Remaining Budget 5512.905 County Stomrwater 15% ■ Private Street Maintenance 1 Maintenance ■County Street Maartenarwe $8.551 0 Private Stomrwater Maintenance 0.19% O County Stomnweter Maintenance I _ Remaining Budget Private Stonttrvater ■ - Malydenantx $893,511 20% 'rivals Street Maintananca County Street Maintenance $1,309,801 $1.000.334 37% 28% September, 2007 Public Worsts Street Maintenance 1. Geiger crews worked on all major arterials doing vegetation control and litter pickup. 2. AAA, LLC swept various areas of the City of Spokane Valley and staff initiated a Vactoring program to begin maintenance operations on our storm water system throughout the Valley. 3. Poe Asphalt performed a major over-lay project (800 tons of asphalt) on Mission, from Bradley west to Fancher. Poe also provided various A!C repairs and Shouldering projects City wide. 4. Spokane County crews continued with the Crack Seal Program on Dishman Mica, Evergreen, Appleway and Sprague. 5. Cats Eye Excavating continued Pipe Sump installation throughout the City at selected locations, for storm water run-off control. S.TfY 4i J~ Valley Capital Improvement Projects 2005 b 2007 PROJECTS Proposed Eitanated Design Construction 2006 (2007) Total Project Cost Funding Road Construction Projects Project Location Bid Date Completion Date Complete Complete Funding STP(U) Argonne Road Overlay Indiana Avenue to Mordgomery Avenue Mar-08 811107 ilx7% 100% $ 318,800 S 3161,600 Road Design Projects T1BtCMAQ FgrkWMamfteld Project VVW" Rd. to Pines Rd., Pintas to 100 Nov-07 911108 95% 0% S 1,032.015 S 4,531.04E :;TP(U) Appiaway Avenue Reconstruction Tsclibby Rd. to Hodges Rd. saw 911106 100% 0% $ 000,000 $ 6,099,W BR Barker Road Bridge Replacernerd Barker Rd. at Spokane River Dec-07 12/1109 90% 0% $ 896,101 $ 10,000,000 8avrer Projects city Veradale Heights - Paveback Vaeoyway to Misswn, Evergreen to Adams Mar-06 8►1107 100% 100% $ 430,258 S 430,255 City Vera Terrace - Pavelnack 2nd to 7th, Evergreen to Bums May-06 511107 100% 10096 S 341,284 S 341,284 City Spaldings - Paveback Indiana Wesl of Montgomery May-07 1111107 90% 0% $ - i i city Grandview Mass - Paveback Apr-07 1111107 10D% 60% $ G:ty Trentwood - Paveback Apt-07 1111107 100% 60% S i Planning Projects STP(U) Valley Corridor Environmental Sludy Uriversity to Applevray lea Jun-07 0% 0% $ $ - STP(U) Valicy Couplet - Project 2 U:v%(ursa: to Evergreen 0% 0% Total S 3,625.236 S 211,718,736 STP(U) - Surface Transportation Program (Urbani, TIB - Transportauon Improvement Ward. BRlAL: - b4id9o Replacement Adwsury Committee, C-DHG - Community Devatoprnent G]ur:k Grant Program -IAAO - Conrjesuxi Maragernent'Air Quality Pri-Ir-am. STA - Spokane Tranwit Aothcrity Seplet )07 ConatnucAOn PrujcGs M E M 0 TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police George Wigen, Administrative Sergeant DATE: October 15, 2007 RE: Monthly Report September 2007 During the month of September 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incidents for the Spokane Valley Police Department totaled 5,247. These are self-initiated officer contacts, as well as calls for service. Out of those incidents, 1,345 actual reports were taken during the month of September. Attached is the breakdown describing those incidents. Additionally, there were 1,456 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 364 traffic reports. Included with this report are hotspot maps for September residential burglaries, September commercial burglaries and September traffic collisions, along with August and September stolen vehicles. ADMINISTRATIVE: ♦ As part of his effort to enhance community relations, Chief VanLeuvcn was guest speaker at a meeting of the Spokane Valley Kiwanis Club in September. He spoke about general law enforcement services provided by the Spokane Valley Police Department and the positive impact that Edgecliff SCOPE has had on the community of Spokane Valley. ♦ To further his goal of enhancing working relationships between Spokane Valley law enforcement and other City of Spokane Valley departments, Chief VanLcuven met with Fire Chief Mike Thompson to discuss how the two departments might work together in a continuing effort to provide excellent customer service to citizens of the community. He also met with Public Works Director Neil Kersten and discussed ways to facilitate Public Works projects that may have a law enforcement nexus. ♦ In September the Chief, along with other Department heads, participated in a Powerpoint presentation reference 2008 Budget Highlights for the Spokane Valley City Council. ♦ Along with several other members of the Spokane Valley Police Department, Chief VanLeuven attended a training session entitled "Preparing for a Pandemic", presented by Bill Edstrom of the Spokane Regional Health District. This training session was co- ordinated and planned by the "Large Scale Incident Response" committee of the City of Spokane Valley, which includes Chief Van Leuven, in a continuing effort of emergency preparedness. ♦ During; the month of September, Chief Van-Leuven was "on call" for a total of ttivelve 12-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. Page I COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING: ♦ A report for the third quarter of 2007, ending in September, shows that a total of 79 abandoned vehicles were tagged for impoundment during the quarter in the Spokane Valley by SCOPE volunteers, 32 of which were eventually towed with 32 citations issued. In addition, 44 hulks were processed. Unincorporated Spokane County totals for that same period were 74 vehicles tagged for impoundment, with 27 towed and 26 hulks processed. The larger numbers for the City of Spokane Valley represent significant use of SCOPE AVU by the local Code Enforcement Department. ♦ SCOPE Incident Response "Team (SIRT) contributed a total of 44 on-scene volunteer hours in September to SCSO Dispatch Response in the Spokane Valley. A total of 14 SIRT members responded to call-outs to seven events (fires, motor vehicle accidents, etc.). Twenty-two SIRT members also contributed 115 hours to three special events that occurred in September, including 45 hours for the ValleyFest Parade, 62 hours for ValleyFest Mirabeau Park, and 8 hours for the Rockford Fair and Parade. Combining hours for training, special events, standby, response and on-scene time, the volunteers contributed a total of 682 hours for the month of September. ♦ September was a busy month for SCOPE Edgecliff, as the volunteer organization held its annual "Cleanup Days" on September 8 and 9 and their annual "Walk for Success" event on Saturday, September 29 at Edgecliff Park. They also celebrated the upcoming opening of the Edgecliff Neighborhood Center. The grant for Edgecliff SCOPE Weed and Seed ended in September, but the members of the group arc committed to continue their efforts to improve their neighborhood and provide a safe and healthy environment for its citizens. ♦ Chief VanLeuven attended the September meeting of Central Valley SCOPE. ♦ SCOPE Operation Family ID had booths at the Spokane Interstate Fair and at ValleyFest at Mirabeau Park. OPERATIONS: ♦ Woman Injured In Residential Robbery Attempt Sheriff's major crimes detectives investigated an early morning residential robbery attempt in which a 23-year-old Spokane Valley woman was stabbed in the hip and knee. The victim's injuries were deemed not life threatening, but the knife caused a 2 '/,,-inch gash in her knee which required several stitches. Spokane Valley police were called to the apartment located at in the 11900 block of East Broadway about 3 a_m.. The male tenant told them he and his girlfriend were asleep in their ground floor apartment when the glass slider door was shattered. The male suspect entered the apartment and immediately stabbed the woman. He then screamed at the resident to hand over his money or he would be stabbed as well. The resident told officers the suspect had his face covered, and that the suspect was struggling to keep the cover from slipping down his face. Seeing that the man was distracted, the tenant said he picked up the first thing he could find, a tennis shoe. and Page 2 threw it at the suspect. The shoe lit the would-be robber in the face and he turned and fled from the apartment without any money. The tenant then called police and paramedics to the scene. The case remains under investigation, and detectives said they have no evidence that this attempted residential robbery was a random act and are pursuing several leads in the case.. • Missing Children Found, Investigation Continues A trio of missing children was located at a Spokane women's shelter overnight, but investigation into the circumstances of their disappearance continues. Spokane Valley Police took a missing persons report from Child Protective Services and issued an Amber Alert after it appeared the kids might have been the victims of a stranger abduction. CPS had removed the children from their parents' Spokane Valley home in August. In September, the court placed the children with their maternal grandmother who has an apartment in Spokane City. The plan was that the grandmother and parents would swap residences so that the children could continue going to their Spokane Valley school. However, the school contacted CPS this week and said the children had not shown up for two days. CPS and police went by the Spokane Valley address and discovered it vacant. They learned that the property management company had evicted the parents. The grandmother was contacted at her Spokane City address and leamed the home swap had never taken place. She also told investigators that two well-dressed strangers portraying themselves as CPS workers had taken the children from her on September 6. Believing the children were endangered, an Amber Alert was issued. Subsequent to the alert, Spokane City Police discovered the mother and children at a downtown shelter. The children have been returned to CPS custody and the matter remains under law enforcement investigation. ♦ Valley Business Falls for Advertising Scam A Spokane Valley businessman fell victim to an advertising scam that pops up in the area from time to time. The businessman reported that he had given money to a man to purchase advertising that was supposed to be posted inside local Fred Meyer stores. The suspect said the advertising would help locate missing children via "Operation Lookout." When the ads never appeared, the businessman called Fred Meyer managers and learned that they knew nothing about the matter. A phone call to a number provided by the suspect appears to be bogus. Last year, several businesses were bilked out of cash by a suspect claiming to be selling advertising that would appear in local school sports schedules. Those companies saw their cash disappear just as quickly. Law enforcement professionals suggest that business people approached by such sales people contact the Better Business Bureau to check out the business or charity before agreeing to, or paying fior, any such advertising. ♦ Game Accessories Are Ilot Pawn Items Spokane Valley Police arrested a 24-year-old shoplifting suspect who told them she targets electronic game accessories because they are so easy to pawrt and usually bring a higher price than other types of property. Deputy Tanya Walker was called to Wal-Mart at 15727 E. Broadway after security officers confronted and chased the shoplifter. SCOOTERS AND BIKES: ♦ 'Mere were no collisions involving SCOOters anal or bikes in September. ['age 3 2007 SEPTEMBER CRIME REPORT Sep47 Sep46 1107 to date 06 to date 06 Total 05 Total 04 Total BURGLARY 45 7111 423 543 714 744 997 FORGERY 30 2511 298 267 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 78 12211 948 843 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 59 65 822 567 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 69 99 690 784 982 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 22 29 273 274 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 27 53 386 465 711 603 577 THEFT 132 192 1421 1,464 1,888 2,258 2,853 UIOBC 0 3 5 7 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 1 0 2 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 41 114 507 734 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 504 773 5,575 5,951 7,916 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT 68 63 666 661 846 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 21 7 173 128 167 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 78 58 658 506 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 1 0 3 5 1 5 KIDNAP 2 1 20 18 22 35 24 MENTAL 22 33 276 324 425 425 386 Mp 6 6 59 60 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 114 107 1016 879 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 6 5 52 33 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 6 6 60 62 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 323 287 2,980 2,674 3,589 3,777 4,192 ADULT RAPE 1 2 32 17 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 7 6 78 59 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 8 2 78 82 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 1 0 4 2 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 1 14 15 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 2 2 33 52 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 1 7 22 47 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 27 23 229 224 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 15 19 151 159 203 181 162 STALKING 3 011 13 15 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 13 1211 122 153 177 244 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 79 7411 776 825 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 75 6511 621 529 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 TOTAL ISU 75 65 622 529 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 364 312 2,845 2,376 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECENE 1,345 1,511 12,798 12,354 16,582 16,357 19,962 _ Y 1 r i i 1 .J3 ~ l -L r 1 SDolon Vehicle M LOW r M Medium tlr i _ EllHigh 7 2007 Aug & Sept Stolen Vehicle Hotspots Map Produced: 10 Oclober 290 l 1 I ~ I - - ~ r 1 l rl F I _ T- l rte-- r~ r ~~zj I r ~r II _ I -a- - rF 1 Trsffk GolNslon . r C3LDw T =Medium Low 4 =Medium L =High t--~ 2007 September Traffic Collision Hotspots Map Produced: 1D October 2407 I i ~ r~l i r. ,r r - l I -r , J 1 r T f } ~l COMMOMIil Burglary oOo O IMIlLow r _ MMedium -'t• r High U' 2007 September Commercial Burglary Hotspots Map Produced 10 October 2007 V r - - •y , Y. R"kWnU ewgi.ry l 1 ` =Low r y Medium L =High 2007 September Residential Burglary Hotspots map Produced 10 October 2007 Spokane Va11ey° 11707 E Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhallP-spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Mina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: October 11, 2007 Re: Quarterly Report - Summary of July - September 2007 Activities Human Resources Recrui ti ng/Empl oyment • There are a number of newly filled positions and recent position openings-. PositiDtr Stnlr~s Accountant/Budget Analyst Replace Faulkner. Hired: Raba Nimn, start date 08/01/2007 n:dmtmstrativ .Assistant' ; _rs ; Rt face C artcr, k~yred: It~hchelle: Scrip"'son s' tart date-~9f04/07 ldmintstrative Assistant; CenterPlace Replace Harley, Hired Becky Gilbreth, start date 08/15/07 O 'q -6W', P0 Administrative Assistant/Central Reception Replace McConville, Hired: Roxanne Wyatt 09/24/07 Buildiii InspECtor_LL: sit. ion, erred RUh Guerry, start:datc 07/1612Q07 Community Development Director Replace Sukup; Hired: Kathy McClung, start date 09124/07 I7at~ibase i~farxcr y y^ ';l~ew Yositi.vM apepin rnid=July(cstun3ted) Engineer, Capital Pro'ects Replace Graf, position open Li ince%,Stc rniwa"ter Replace Man pisiiion on, _ ^r Engineering Technician Replace Stamatoplos, Hired Pete Fisch 09/16/07 F z luew Positions Hired: Joy Gilbertstirt d ed. t~~U8~01/07 Hir Cngineering,Techs. 5 fte '.F3c rune (~o~~.start date. ,Ilurecl: ayne lt~Gavr'u R' Specialist New Position, Hired: Joe O'Brien start date 09/04/07 0fi'ird'Assistak'1 ' >r } i:ll,e-k ist ng' 6sitib Hj"red Patricia 1 Office Assistant 1 Replace James, Position Open CJf ice ASsrst it'T; C;D'ari PTV ,i' drew Pv 'iM ns;Eircd :Patty Roinero,_DarIa tlrnold, 8127/07 w. _ Planning Technician Replace Janssen, Hired: Marty Palaniuk, start date 08/09/07 "Training • Preparing for a Pandemic • Timesheet & Payroll Procedures Wministration • Reclassification review of Senior Administrative Analyst position completed 0 Development and implementation of payroll procedures Deputy City Manager Quarterly Report - continued October 23, 2007 -2- • This quarter with the open recruitments and filled positions the two-person Human Resources Divisir has produced the following statistics: o Processed 558 applications o Coordinated & conducted 56 interviews o Coordinated 73 reference checks Public Information • Created display and coordinated staffing to provide City information at Val leyFest • Created initial draft of emergency communications plan • Set up talking points on City Center, Sprague/Appleway Revitalization, UDC, and Street Master Plan for use in making presentations, and as part of developing Speakers Bureau options • Media relations a Kept media outlets informed on UDC status through media releases, and coordinated with Mayor Wilhite and Greg McCormick for a radio interview and with Greg McCormick for an interview on Comcast Local Edition o Media contacts: 43 PIO. 27 Other o Media releases: 9 o Earned media stories: 32 (does not include all televisionlradio) o Total media stories: 141(does not include all televisionlradio) Business .ReFistration • 454 - New registrations • 739 - Annual renewals (Due annually in December) Web Site Web Site Summary 3~d Quarter 2007 Jul August September 3rd Quarter Unique User Sessions 39,028 38.179 39,943 107,602 To Five Pages Viewed* Employment 6,300 6,556 5,082 17,938 Community Development 813 1,007 1,158 2,978 GIS/.Ma s 145 884 828 2,457 Building 657 790 872 2.319 Police 521 732 560 1,813 To Five "Referrer" Web Sites Spokane County - Jobs 415 410 411 1,236 S okane County- Gov't Employment 415 396 384 1,195 Google 196 204 151 551 _ Munici al Research (MRSC 180 207 162 549 Spokane Valle Online - Parks & Gardens 218 137 94 449 Although the pages were not consistently viewed enough to make the top five list, there was a considerable increase in viewing the Aquatics, Parks & Ree, Mirabcau Point Park, & Terrace View Pool pages in July & August; and a significant increase in viewing the UDC pages July 29 - August 1 l . 000 Sr'okane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VIA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Informational Memo Date: October 23, 2007 To: City Manager, David Mercier and Members of City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Re: City Hall Facility Update Council approved the selection of BWA Bernardo Wills Architects PC for the City Hall Facility on September 11, 2007. We have completed contract negotiations and have executed a contract for the programming of City Hall in an amount not to exceed $75,000. We anticipate completing the project in early 2008 and will have a detailed project schedule at the next City Hall update. We have also had discussions with Chief Mike Thompson of the SVFD regarding their need for office space in the City Center area. They anticipate the need for about 10,000 square feet of office space. The are currently considering whether that could be within the City Hall facility or a separate building. Please let me know if you have any questions.