2004, 02-23 Special Joint Council/Planning Commission MeetingWELCOME Introduction Couplet Survey Results Group Discussion Next Steps Adjournment (II Spaane AGENDA Joint Spokane Valley City Council Planning Commission Meeting/Workshop Monday, February 23, 2004 City Council Chambers 11707 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Valley Couplet - Option 1 Transition Existing Couplet Back to 2 -way Sprague East of University , _ _ I I 4 I „......, IL: , H ,. _....,..... •................._, , 11 ..__I En ___ i- ,....,...,,, mi .:, , 1 4 lowill 44 k ) o ,( ) 7 --s =,� i I 0. I I - - k -J _ L ASSUMPTIONS: Spfpue: Construct Medians (remove center left tum lane). NY-MOdc U- turns allowed. I tMSaalon Improvements required. CONSIDERATIONS: • Reduce Accidents Avoid Right - of-way Ta • Better Accommodate Light Rail Preserves Future Couplet Right-of-way • Focuses Development on Existing Coupler • Potential Bypass Around Future Development • Improved Emergency Access CONSIDERATIONS: • No Free Left Tums to Existing Businesses • Minimal Side or Rear Street Access to Properties ` Intersection Level of Service 'F' • Expensive for Intersection Improvements - Right -of -way Purthases ` Traffic Accidents • Not Pedestrian Friendly ` Need 113 Approval • No Room for Landscaping LEGEND: Otyof Spokane V )- ) 1 -way Eastbound T ( II-way Westbound .44•• 2-way Traffic 0 Intersection Improvements GRAPHIC SCAB 4001 NO . noen nnuc woais oersrnawrr • 1 L 1 H < l— iI � 1, 1 4 —li}l f ■ 1 1IM —_ • r\'d -L. r v Valley Couplet - Option 2 Extend Existing Couplet to Sullivan (Phase II & III) ASSUMPTIONS: Sprague: 1-way with landscaping Appkvray: 1-way. Crossover strt ets between Sprague and Appleway included, but not included NI T1> hid e& TIB grant funding already approved- CONSIDERATIONS: • Npgher Capacity ' Safer for Vehicles • Improves Pedestrian /Bike Safety vs. 2-way • Business Impacts • Improves Intersection Air Quality • TIB Gant Funds Available • Mows Room for landscaping CONSIDERATIONS: * Difficult for Light Rail East of University • More Cross - street Access Points - Potential Collisions • Business Impacts LEGEND: [_] CRy of Spokane Valley •• 1-way Eastbound 4.E 1 -way Westbound GRAPHIC SCALE ase lob NNW SpOkane _Valle) r�.►rc woad 9c++a,.a>R ASSUMPTIONS: Sprague: 2-way east of University. Appleway: 2 -way east of University. Extended to Sulf van. U4M Rail median operation. edilting couplet remains. CONSIDERATIONS: • Better Access to Properties • Improves Small Business mess • Provides Greater Capacity vs. all Traffic on Spray Valley Couplet - Option 3 Extend Appleway 2 -way East of University 4 . CONSIDERATIONS: • Reduces Traffic Safety • Expensive • Property Access Inhibits Light Rail • Land -use Pressure to Zone Commercial • Increased Delays at Major Intersections --_ L I r • LEGEND: i City of Spokane Vabey ----r 1 -way Eastbound .■E 1 -way Westbound {4•- 2 -way Traffic GRAPHIC SCALE 1 - Spukm. j\ ill ley ►utuc MAKS DIPLUMrwn Valley Couplet - Option 4 Return Sprague and Appleway to 2 -way ASSUMPTIONS: Sprague: 2 -way. App away: 2-way. Limited accrss_ medium speed. Extended to Sullivan CONSIDERATIONS: • Better Aces to Properties • improves Small Business Access • Provides Greater Capacity vs, ail Traffic on Sprague CONSIDERATIONS: • Cost to Convert Couplet to 2 -way • Reduces Traffic Safety • Expensive • Property Access Inhibits Light Rail • Land -use Pressure to Zone Commercial • Delays at Major Intersections LEGEND: [� City of Spokane Valley -() 2 -way Traffic «» United Access Medium Speed GRAPHIC SCALE Spokaill , j \ -alley 1 all • nue •Haut WOW OtMuTNW' TtT f r-- �. IL' ` � — ._ _ ' - lam, j ? �- r r , _ - — _ — r _ J. .. I-. - - L . r — - .. _,. i I I -7-iL I } I _ \ . ., Valley Couplet - Option 4 Return Sprague and Appleway to 2 -way ASSUMPTIONS: Sprague: 2 -way. App away: 2-way. Limited accrss_ medium speed. Extended to Sullivan CONSIDERATIONS: • Better Aces to Properties • improves Small Business Access • Provides Greater Capacity vs, ail Traffic on Sprague CONSIDERATIONS: • Cost to Convert Couplet to 2 -way • Reduces Traffic Safety • Expensive • Property Access Inhibits Light Rail • Land -use Pressure to Zone Commercial • Delays at Major Intersections LEGEND: [� City of Spokane Valley -() 2 -way Traffic «» United Access Medium Speed GRAPHIC SCALE Spokaill , j \ -alley 1 all • nue •Haut WOW OtMuTNW' ASSUMPTIONS Sprague: 1- estty tN INNAr, 2 -MN east of University. Intenndllo inn ot+_■Lb Mind. Reib1pe kir 4westbound, 2 Nrtbound. center lanes. Appleway: 1-way. Extended to YNII, CONSIDERATIONS: • Reduces Accidents ' Improves Eastbound Traffic • Better Accommodate Light Rail ' Improves Emergency Access • Provides Bypass Around Future Development • Provides Eastbound Bypass Around I -90 problem Area Reduced Intersection Improvement Costs Valley Couplet - Option 5 Extend Appleway 1 -way East of University CONSIDERATIONS: • Distance from Ught Rail to Commercial Candor • No Improvement to Westbound Traffic • No Room for landscaping • Need TIB Approval • Increases Collision Potential LEGEND: [� Oh of Spokane Valley •-�-� 2-way Traffic •- 1 -way Eastbound �{ 1 -way westbound GRAPHIC SCALE taro eL 4 ,j Valley KWIC WOW MIAOW! Valley Couplet Comprehensive Plan Categories GRAPHIC SCALE Comp Plan Categories 1 Community Center ▪ Community Commercial • Heavy Industrial . High Density Residential • Light Industrial Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Mineral Land Mixed Use Neighborhood Commercial Regional Commercial II Urban Activity Center ir, it ma j dal lei 1 m - OXUS MILK IMO Dt>'UTINNr