2005, 12-06 Study Session ~ J , ( AGF_till:1 C1TY OC SPUti.AtiF. VALLEY CiTY COUNCIL WORKSFiLFT STUUY SES.SIOIV TaesdAy. pecembrr 6. 20115 6:00 p.m. SPUKANE VAIJLEY C.ITY EUI..t. 11707 Eaxt Spraguo Avenue. Suite 101 (!'lesise'furn ORAII Electrnafc Devicea During the Meeting) DISCUSSION L.F.AIIF.R SU8,IECT/ACTR'1TY GOAL F,mploypr Intrmluc•rion- '1'irn Alein, Muintenuncr Srrperhitcndent - by A'eil !l'erstcn. 1'rrblic R'urkc DirErtnr I 1iave Mrrcicr (15 minutrs) Washington L'cunomic Dovelupment Finaneo Uistus-6m.nttformntion AuthQrity Rcvcnuc Bond Program 2. Cuuiicilmrmbcr Fl.inig:,,, 1.nduinL Vux A.1ti i;cory t'nrnmittcc Grant RiSCUSSion~7nf omnntiori (10 minutc:s) Recommendntian; 3MDyor Wiihite BoardlCammissiuns"Coinmittre rlpEwintme11.). Discus;ionlinfonnatio,n (10 minutes) Re-appnintments (Planning Commissinn, etc.) 4. Kcni'ha►npson (20 minutrs) i'ost Allocntion E'luii Discu ssiaiillltlormutiom 5 Ca11MAlker (10 minutcs) Communicntian Intrastructurr Discussion/tnfornuiticm 6. Nril K+erstcttlStcvo W'arlcy Mnntgomcry Avenuc vA-rrlay f'rojeci Disru-c!;iuiLqnformation (10 minutrs) FinAl Costs 7. Mike larkson (20 minntcs) Parfc3 and Rccrcatiun Aiasirri'Inn Dis+:ussion/lnformaiion 8. Chris Dainbritige (ltl minutrs) Ofiicinl Newspoper Considemcion DiscussionJlnformntion U c':funcilmember Denenny Spokane Trnnsit Authoriry inFormaeion Discussion/Pncsentntion 0 minutes} 10. Nril Kcrstcsi/Stcve Warlt-y Riis Shrltcr Requcst Discussiorv`PresintutIutt (15 minutc;s) 11. Mayor 1Vilhite ( i minutCs) advanee Agenda Additians DiscussionOnfarmacion 12. Mayor Wilhitc Cauncil Check in Discussionllnfurmutio►i 11. Davc k1rc-cicr City Managcrf'omments iClpdate Cuuncil Discussioniinf„rniution f'Ihotos".1 ,ti'oue: I_'nlt:ss odhcrui:;e nuWjbo%e, thenc will bc ❑u pu1111c cunuucnti ni (_uuncil titudV5cs;;onv. Humivt:t. Cuunctl slL%avs rescrvcs the nght to nqutst in!'ornmciua fmm ihe public actci staffas appropriute. ?JOTICE- IndivWuais platmtng to attend thc mesiing wha requirc spcrinl assistance tu arcommodate pbysical, locuirtg,, ar attca impairmentQ, ! plcax cnntw she Ctty Cleric as f S{Ty) 921-1 nfN1 as soon m possiblc so thnt nrransrmcft; rttny bc made. , ot 1 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY \`J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-06-05 City Manager Sign-off: • Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEAA TITLE : Washington Economic Development Finance Authority Revenue Bond Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: This information was included as an "information only° item in the November 29, 2005 council agenda packet. BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier recently received a packet of information from the Washington Economic DeVelopment Finance Authority (WEDFA) concerning the proposed issuance of $7,500,000 on Tax Exempt/Taxable Economic Development Revenue Bonds to Four Corners Capital, LLC d/b!a Pristina Pine. The firm intends to buy-out an existing Valley company now in bankruptcy. The firm ernploys 300+/_ on three shifts who manufacture door and window components. Four Corners Capital wishes to close the deal before Christmas. With council approval, this item will be brought up as a draft resolution at the December 13, 2005 council meeting. rr~ As was the case with each of the other such bonding issues processed by Council since incorporation, there is no city liability attached to such financing, and WEDFA will not consummate financing without a resolution stating that the city lias no objection to the business. to be assisted. Jeff Nave, Attorney with Foster Pepper 8 Shefelman will be present to respond to any questions the Council may have. OPTIONS: (1) Direct a draft resolution be included for council consideration on the December 13, 2005 council agenda; (2) give staff further instructions; (3) take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Direct that the draft resolution be included for council consideration on the December 13, 2005 council agend'a. . BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None ' STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier, City Manager ATTACHMENTS November 17, 2005 letter from WEDFA Draft Spokane Valley Resolution WEDFA Resolution No. 2005-020 ~ _ WASHil\TGT(DN ECnl\TOMIC DEVELOPMUNIT R~ ~ ~iHO'rf~T FINl7crA~r~ ~,Yg _ . - , JVEDFA 1000 Secand Avenrce, Suite 2700 • Seatt.le, 141A 98104-1046 ~ (206) 587-5634 • 1 AX (206) 389-2819 ~ E-Mail: ►vedfa@ivshfc.org Nlovelnber 17, 2005 Vir. ]aave Mercier City Manaber , City of Spnkane Vallcy 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Va.lley, tiVA 99206 R8: Wc1Shlil.gtnl1 Ecanomic Developmen[ Finalcc A.utliority (`VEDFA) - Tax- Exempt/Ta.Yable Economic Developineut Revenue Bond Programs $7,500,000 Four Comer.s Capital, LLC Project I7ear tif.r. tiiercicr: Four Corners Capilal, LLC is plannulg to purchase a.n existing door and wiudow component iua.nufacluring plant located at 3014 North rlora :12oad in Spoka.ne Valley. The plant will be • pperated by Pristuia Pine. They uitend to fi»ance this project through the issuauce of WF'DFA's tax-e:cempt nonreeoiirse econotnic developmcnt revenue bnncis. Mr. J. D. Wells, I'residcnt of Fow- Corners Capital, LLC, would be hippy to provide you with any further infonualion that you uught find lielpfiil rcgardi.ng the project. His telephone number is: (650) 773-4473. Yt is the policy of the WEllFA board only to issue lionds in support of projects which would be wElcomecl Uy the local commuiuty. f1.s part of the issuance prncess, thcrcfore, we wnuld likc the Spokane Valley Ciiy Council as the plaluiing jurisciiction, to consider pa.ssagc of a 1'laii.ning Jurisdiction Approval resolution, in fonn substantially as attacheci, in behalf of the Wash.ington Economic Development Fuiance Authority (WEL7rA) to issue tax-exempt economic development revenuc bonds. We wish to eniphasiie that the only purpose of tlus resolution is to approve Four Coniers Capital, L1,C's use of WE.DFA finaiicing for this project. Tt does not supplement or replace a.uy portion o.f, the normal peimitting proccss. Ther.e is no liability against the City of Spokane Valley, the state, or any other polilical cntity created by issuancE of NVEDFA's bancls. ; JOBSri1VD BCONOYVI.C.DEVELOPMEIVT THROUGH REVENUE BOt1jD FIIVANCIINIG Mr. Dave Ivlercicr - City Manager City of Spokane Vallcy ~ NOvember 17, 2005 Page two We are plan.ni.ng to issue the bonds toward the middle of 7anuary. Tt would greatly assist our tiuuug i.f the Spokane Val.ley City Council could consider ttus approval at an early meeting. I would appxeciate it if you could send mc a copy of the approvcd resol.ution sholild ttie Council look on ottr zequest favorably. 1'lease let me know how we can work togethcr to facilitate this process. l:f you have auy questions, please do not hesitatc to give me a call. NIy tclephone nuniber is: (206) 587-5634. l: look forward to wnrk-ing -,Ath you on this project. Sincerely yaurs, ~ Jonathan A. rIayes :Exccutive Aixecto.r . , • cc: J. D. Wells - Four Corners Capital ~ JDIiS AND e00NDM.70DCYhYAPMFNt -Jonatllan I-layes `VE1XFA f Executive Director • . iooo sccona Ave.: su,ce 2700 ' t1:~~ ivcxvic e0..0 FiHwn'cYNO $C3[de, P!A 98 t 0+!-t 04G GVashinglon Economic 246.587.5634 ' Developrnent Firzance 206.389.2819 fax wedfa(awshfc.org Aurhority tiviwV.wed.fa.wa.gov - • 12ESOI,UT10\` n70. A RLSOLUTION OF THE SPOKA_►(E VAZ,i FX CT[`Y COUNCl'L . Al'1'R.OVNG THE ACTION OF THE. STATE OF ~VASHINGTON EC0NQtN21C 17EVELOPVLEN'Z' FII~zANCE AUTHORTTY t1ND Tl-iE LSSUANCE OF NON-RECOCTRSE TZEVENLTE BONIDS TO F NANCE A\i ECpNOvilC l7EVELOPMEN'I' FACILITY FOIZ FOUR COIZNFRS CAPITt1i,, Lt•C - ("the COME'AlvY"), AvD PROVIDING FOR OT1:iER. MATTERS PROPERLY RELAT]iVG 'CHETZETO. WRE.[ZEA.S, on November 7, 2005, the Washington Economic Aevelopment Finanec Auihoricy ("WEDFA") had presented to it Resolution No. W-2005-020 (the "Resolution"), a copy of wluch is attached hereto as Exhibit t1, rclating to the issuailce of non-recourse revenuc bonds wherein the proceeds oF wYuch would be loaned to the Company for the purchasc of an existing, door and «jindow component inanufaccuring plant locatcd at 3014 NT. lylora TZ.oad, Spokane Vall.ey (the "ProjecN'), all as authorizcd by the Ecovomic .laevel.opment Finance Autliority Act pf. 1989, R.C.W. 'I'itlc 43, ChaUter 163, as auiencied (Che "Act"); and WHERLAS, on November 7, 2005, WF1aFA unanimously approvcd the Resolution; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the GVashington Economic Development Financc Authority not to issuc rcveuuc bonds except upon the appr.oaal of the county, city or toNvu witlun whose plaluung juiisdiction t:lie proposed industrial devElopment facility lies; aiid WHEREAS, the Project lies within the boundaries Qf the City of Spokane Valley, County, Washington; NOW, THERFFORF, T'Z' IS HERE.BY FOUNTD, DBTERi~1J11,TE;17 AN]7 ORDER.ED as follows: Section 1: The Spokane Valley City Council (Che "Council"), pursuant to the request of the Washinbtan Economic :Development :Fiilance Authority, does hereby approvc the issuance of non-recourse revenue bonds (the "Bonds") by t1le Washington Ecanomic Developmcnt Finance Authoiity, for the pur-t)oses providecl in the Act. Section 2: The Bonc,s shall be issued in the aggregate principal suin of not to e;cceed $7,500,000 purstzant to a 12esolution of VVEDFA. Thc proceeds of the Bonds are to be lent to the Company, pursuaut to a loan agreement or athcr appropriate financuig agreement, and used for the purpose of acqiurine, rehabili[ating and equipping the. Project, including the necessary appurtenanccs, located within the boundaa-ies of the City oC Spokanc Vallcy and to pay certain costs of issuance of the Bonds. ; Secrion 3: The Bouds shall not constihzte an obligation of the State of Washington or of the City o.f. Spokane Valley, and no tax funds or revenues of the State of Washington or of the City of Spokane Valley shall. be used to pay the principal ar interest on the Bonds. NTeither the faith and creciit nor auy ta.Ying power of the State of Washington or of the Ciry of Spokane Valley shall be plc_dgeci to pay the principal or uiterest on the $onds. Secrion 4: The City of Spokane Valley hereby approves the issuance of Bonds by VVEIarA for the purpose of financing the Project as described herein, a qualif:ietl project iuidcr the Act. Howevcr, such approval shall not waive any of the pemuttuig rcquirements applicable to this proj ect. Section 5: This Resolution is intended to constihitc approval_ of the issuaxice of revenue bonds within the meaning of the policy of•' the tiVashuigton Cconomic ]aevelopment Finance tluthori ty_ Section 6: Upon passage and approval of this Resolution, it shall takc cffect immediately. DATED this day of , 200_. AYES: O NOES: . ABSEN'I`: - ABSTAL-VG: SI'OICANE VALLFY CITY COUNCIL By: Ch air A°i'['NST: Title: ~ ~ . RESOLi1TION NO. 'W-2005-020 A RLSULU`I'IUN OC+' THE WASHINGTUN ECOnjOvIIC DFVFT.,QPV~'•NT . FIi~1A.i~1CE AU'rHOKITY 'i`AK1NG OI+FICIAL, ACTION TQWARn TIIE TSSUANCE OF NONRLCOU1tSE EC0N0vIiC DEVELQPiViFNT RFVENUE BONDS T_N ONE OR M0 E SL121ES YN A NlA1Yl1V1U?VI AMOUNT NQT TO EXCEED 57,500,000 AND AUTIIORIZLNG rFiE LXH:CUTION OF AN r1VDEMNIi+'ICATION ANA COMPENSATION ACREEh'IL;NT BX A.ND BETV1'~EN THE `VASftINGTQN FC0N0NIIC DEVk;LOPNI:ENl' FINANCE f1UTHpRTTY A.tYll 1+OUR COR1~tERS C.4PITAI., LLC OR ITS SUCCFSSOR OR A.SSIGNS (the "Company"). WN.ER,EAS, the Wasluugton Economic Dcvelopment Finance Authority (thc "Issuer") is a duly organizecl ancl exish.ng inskruiuentality of the State of VVashi.ngton authori-r,ed and- empowered by the provisions of RCW ChaPter 43.163 (collectively, the °Act") to issue nonrecourse economic dcvclopment revenue boncls for the ptirposc of . carryuig into effect the construction of improvements and the acquisition of personal properties and provide working capital suitable fpr u.se by any uidustry, and to loan iLs IIioncys whcn necessary qr convenient to carry out its powers under the AcC; and - ~ WH:F12BAS, the Compauy has infornleci the Tssuer t,hat it «ishcs to acquire, ' constnict, cquip, and improve the inanufachiring facilities to be located in Spokane . Valley, Spoka,ne Cotuity, Washington, a.s more fully described iii Exhibit A attached hereto anti incorporated herein (thc "Site"), all of whieh are located wittull the territarial limits of the State of Washingtori, and the Company has recluested the Yssuer to issue nonrecoursc econoinic development reveuue bonds (thc "$pncis") in a maxuntun amount not to cxceed SEVEN MILLIOTJ F1V1r f1UMD:RED T'HOUSAND dollars ($7,500,000) pursuant to the Act to carry into effect the acquisition, construction, equipping, and improving o.f real annd personal prnperty and provision of «Torking capital at the Site to be used ui the manufacturing facilities of the Company, as more fiilly ciescribed in E:ctubit A hcrcto (ihe "Project"), to loan the procceds oF the Bonds co fiiiauce the acquisition, cons4-uction, improvemcnt, enuipping, ancl instal.lation of tlle }'roject; and tiVHERFAS, a fonn of agreement designateci as au "hidemniFicalyon a.iid Compensation Agreement" has bcen prepared setting .£nrkh the respcctive agreeroenls ruid underfaking of the Issuer and the Company wilh respect to the 13onds and the Prnject; and .WHER.EAS, it is considered nccessary and desirable for the best interest o.f the Issucr that the Indem.nification aud Compensation Agreement be executed for and on the behalf of the Issuer; ancl . . f, Resolution No. W-2005-020 Page 1 of 6 iNovcmber 7, 2005 < WFrERLAS, tlle Inciemnification and Coinpensation Aercement .requires the Couipany to pay all reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Tssuer in connection with the $onds andlor ui cotineclion with the Project; and - WHEREAS, the Issuer finds that the Projecf consritutes the developmenl and improvcment of economic clevelopmcnt facilities undcr the Act; aud WfiE12EAS, if is uiteuded fhat tlus resoluti.on shall constitute a dcclarataon of official intent to reimburse Yroject expenditure.s wit:hin the meaninD of Sections 1 J.03- (3)(T)(a)(5) and 1.1 50-2 of the Federal incoine Tax Regulations. NOW THFREFORC, be it resolved by the Was2ungton Econonuc Developmeut Finance Auttiority as follows: Section 1. Tt is hcreby deterznincd that (a) the acquisition, construction and installation of tlle Project and its operation as an economic developineut facility; (b) the issuance of the bonds of the Yssuer in one or more series aaid ia a maximwn amount not to exeeeci $7,500,000, to finance costs of the .Pr.oject, sueh total costs to be financed by the Bouds presently estunatecl ta be appro:cimately $7,500,000; anci (c) the exccution and cieliveiy of such contracts and agreements witli the Tssuer as are nccessary to providc for the payment by the Issuer of amounts sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if auy, ~ and interest on the Boncls, tobcther with certain costs of.' the Zssuer, will all be iu fiutlierance of the Act. Secti.on 2. Subject to die conditions listed in Section 3 below, including suc•h other conditions as in the judgemeni of the Issuer and boiid counsel are necessary tq insure the validity of the J3onds a.nd the tax-exempt or taxable stahis of the Bonds, it is the urtent of the Issuer to proceeti toward the issuance and salc of the }3onds piusuant to the provisions of the Act. Notlung in lhis resohition shall be coustrued as legally binding the issuer to authorize, issue, or sell the Boncis. SecCion 3. The aukhorizatiori, issuance, and sale oI'the Bonds by the Issuer are subject to the follawing conclitions: (a) the Company shall have causecl to be issuetl an inevocable letler of credit (the ":[,ctter of Credit") by an investment-grade rated conunercial bank, acceptablc to the Issuer (the "Letter of Creclit F3aaik"), whieh shall be uscd to pay and secu.re the Bonds or shall liave securecl a bond plirchase agreeinent (the "Bond 1'urchase Agreement") from an Accredited Investor, as such tcrna is defined in 17 CFR 230.501(a), acceptable to the Issuer, for the piu-chase of the Eionds; (b) the Company shall enter into sucti contraci:s and loan agreeme;lts with the _ Issucr as shall be necessary ta secure payment of the principal of, preinium, if any, aiid ; interest on the Bonds as when the saine shall come duc ancl payable; FZesolution No. W-2005-020 Faae 2 of 6 Novembcr 7, 2005 (c) on or before two (2) years from the datc hcrcof (or such later date as shall be rnutually sati.sfactory to the Lssucr and the Company) the Tssuer and the Company shall - have a.greed to muhially acceptable tenns auci conditi.ons of the contracts and agreemenis referred to in paragraph (b) of this Seclion 3; (d) the Issticr sha11 have received aa opiniori of bond couusel that, Nvi[li certain customa.ry eYCeptions, sucli of the Bonds «luch it is intended shall be issued as taac- exempt obligations may be so issued pursuant to the pr.ovisions of the Tntemal Revenue Code o#' 1986; (e) if required, the Issuer shall have rECeived an allocation of ttie State ceil'uig on private act7viYy bands imposeci by Section 146 of the Internal R.evenue Code of 1986 in an amount equal to the aggregate face amouut of such of ttie Bonds as shall be issucd as ta,Y-exempt obligations, and shall have alloeated sueh amount ta the Bonds; the Tssuer shall have .received evidence that the county, city, or tovvn Nvithui whose plaruuug jurisdiction the Projcct lics has approveci the Project and the Boncis ar such atller evidence satisfactory to the lssuer that the Project will be welcorned by the community in which the .Project will be locateci; and (g) such other co.uclitious as in the judgement of the Issuer and bond eounscl are necessary to insure the validily of the Bonds and the lax-exempt status vf such of the :E3onds as shall be issued as tw-cxcmpt obligations. Scction 4. The proper officials of the Issuer are hereby authori7ed to take such furtlier action as is necessa.ry to cairy out the intent and purposes hereof under the tcrm.s and conditions slated her.ein and in compli.ance with the applicable provisions of law. Section 5. That it is deeined necessaiy arid advisable that the Jndemnification anci Compensation Agreement be approved and exccutccl for and on behalf of the Issuer. SectiAn 6. That aii :I11cieuuufication and Compeusation Agreemcnt by ancl Ueriw-eeu the Issuer aid the Company be, and the sacne is hereby, approved anci authorized and the Chair oF the Issuer is hereby authorized to execute the T.ndem.ni.fication azicl Compensation Agi-eement on behalf o.f the :[ssuer. Section 7. Each Bon.cl, when an.d if issued, shall substaiitially statE the following language on the face thereof: T1=IE OgLrGATr.OVS OF T.HE ISSiJER F-r_FREiTNDER SHALL rT01 BL DEEMED T() BE A DEBT, LT..ABZL..ITY, pBLIGATT0N, OR PLEIaC►E OI' '1'BE FA1TH ~TD CRLDIT 0F THE STAT;E OF WASHI.VG'T(7N, O.F Ai~1Y MUNICll'AI,I'.CY, OR ON ANY 'MUINICIPA:L C0RPORAT.ION, QUASI yiWi ICIl'AI, CORl''ORATTQN, SUB[aIVTS10N, OR ACEVCY OF THF STATE OF WASI-ENGTON, OR TQ PLEDGE Resolution NTo, W-2005-020 PagE 3 of 6 November 7, 2005 ~ AN'Y OR ALL OF I`HE FA1TH A.ND CREDIT OF A.~~F1' OF THESE ENTI'T,T.ES. NETTHER T.Effi STATE qF W.4SHNGTON, THE ZSSLTER, ANY M'UNICIP.A.I:ITY, OR - ANY OTHER ~tii ~UMCIE'AL CORI'ORATI()N, Q-CJASI i-vIUNICLE'AL CORPOTtATIOV, SUBDfVISIOI~t, OR AGENCY OF THE STATE 0F WA:SHINGTON IS OBLIGATED TO PAX THE. PRINCIl'AT, OR THE TNTEkt.EST THEREOV. NQ T_AX F[NDS OR GOVERNTNEN1'AL 12.EVENCI'E MAY BE USFD TO PAY THE PRPi tCIPA.L 017 INTFREST T'.HFREON. iVE.=R AVX OR ALL OF THE FAMI AND CRF-DIT I~TOR THE TAX.fNG POWER. OF '1'1-fE S'[`ATE OF WASFIlNGTON, THE ISSUER, TF - ANY, OR AN'Y MUNlCll'AL CORPORt1TION, QUASI MCTNTiC.I,AAL CORPORATYON, SUB]71ViST0NT, OR AGFNCY THEREOF iS PT EDGED TO T14E PAYNfENT OF THE PRINC.IPAL OR OF TF-IC, YNTERES T Ov THE F30NDS. Section S. This R.esolution shall be effective after its adoption. A,DOPTEI7 by the tiVashington Economic Taevelopment Finance Atiihority ttus 7th day of Nove.mber, 2005. tiVASHNGTON ECOVOMIC DEVELOPMEiN'I' FNANCL AUTHORT`]'Y By: Chair Rcsolution \TO. W-2005-020 page 4 of 6 Navember 7, 2005 EXHia3TT A DE,SCE2.TP'C:ION OF 1'1ZOYEC T ANll S1TE . The Project will consist of: Purchase and rehabilitation of an exisling woocl winciow anci door component ina.nufacturing plant locateci at 3014 North Flora Road, Spokane Valley. New equipment to be iiscd in the manufacturing process «ill also bc includeci in the project. ~ i Resolution NO. W-2005-020 Page 5 of 6 NlOVember 7, 2005 ' ~ CERTI:C ICA'1'E , I, the undtrsigned, Secretary of the Washuigton Econoinic Devzlopment Fuiance Authority (herein called the "Tssuer"),D0 HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. Tbat the attacbed Resolution No. W-2005-020 (herein called the "Resolution") is a truc and corrECt copy of a resolution of the Tssuer as finally adopted at a special meeting of the Board of. lauectors o.f the Tssuer held on the 7tfi day nf November, 2005, and duly rccorded in my office. 2. That said meeting was duly ennvened and lield in all aspects in accordance with law, and, to the extent requirecl by law an.d the by-laws of the :[ssuer, duc and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a lesal quonun was present throughout the meeting anci a legally suf;fcient niunber of inembers of the Waslungton-Economic Taevelopment Fiumice Authority voted in the proper manner for the adoptiou of the Resolution; tiiat all other reqiurements and proceedings incident to the proper adnprion of the Resolution have beeu duly fulflled, carrieci out, and othenvise observcd;•and that T am authorized to e.cecute lhzs certifcate. TN W-I'I'NESS TH.EktEOI', I have hercimto set my hand tlus 7th day of November, 2005. ~ • Qj~~ s Secretary r . Resolution Nn. tiV-2005-020 1'age 6 of 6 iNovemUer 7, 2005 CITY Q F S PO.K.ANE VALLEY ~f Request fnr Council Action Z'Ieeting nate: 12-06-05 Cih'-A'lanaher Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ED public hearing . ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENi7A 1'I'EM TITI..F,: Loclging Tax Advisory Committee (.:rant Recpmmendatians Tit1CKGROTJ\TD: Following are the rninutes from Novembcr 29, 2005 Lodgiiig Tax Aclvisory Committce Mceting: . City of Spokane Valley I_odging Tax Advisory Committee Ivlinutes of aMeeting Held November 29, 2005 The meetina was called co order by Mike rlanigan at 7:40 a.m. In attendance were Mil:e Nlanigan, Diana WilhiCe; Liz Beclc, Jeff Fiman, Peggy Uoering; Mike Conway, Ken Tliornpson, and Charlie Pflieger. The purposc of the meeting was to peepare a recornmendation tn the . City Council for the disTribu[ion of lodging tim monies. , After much deliberation the eommittee recommended that the Inliincl llance Association, Spokane Valley ~ Jr. Soc;eer Association and the Friends oC the Centennial 'I"rail apply for TPA funds as their activities ancl evertts,are more regionally based. The final allocal:ions reconimended froni the Committee are as follows: l. Center Place $ 20,000 2. Inland Dance Association -0- 3. Priencts of the Centennial T►-ail .-0- 4. Spokane Valley Jr. Socccr Associarinn 4,000 5. Valley Chamber of Commerce 5,000 6. Valleyfest 15,000 7. Spokane Valley 1-Ieritage Niuseum 5,000 8. YvICA . 7,000 9. Spokane Regional Conventinn & Visitor's Bureau 160,000 10. Spokane Regional Sports Commission 34,000 $300,000 Severa) limitatiqris were put nn CenterPlace, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Spokane Valley .Ir. Soccer AssociaCion. lhey are as follows. Liz recommended that that Ceuter Place receive $20,000 iliitially; then if there are monies left over from 2005, or if more revenue is received in 2006 than expectecl ehey would receive up to the $40,000 requestetl. L7urina the discussion it was brought up that Cer►ter Place needs to bc markeced as a regional facility in order for the ['ublic Facilities Commission to continue co make the bond payments. 'I'he commiitec Nvas in agreement with her recornmendation. 'I he Chamher qf Cotnmerce was allocated a$5,000 matching grant to promote tourism with their t7oat. ` '1'hey will have to raise the addirional monies frorn other sourees to help financc the float. The Spokanc Valley .Jr. Soccer flssoeiation was, allncated $4,000 with the following restrictions, The , rnoney must be spent to promoce tourism and is limited to the following icems in their prnposal: an _ information board, an entry banncr; and •field banners. There being no further business Chairman Flanigan adjoumeci the meetirig at 9:40 a.m. R.especlfully submitted, Charlie Pflieger , i C1TY QF'SPOKANE VA.LI.,EY Reyuest for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-06-05 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check zill that appty:❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislacion AGEvna irLiN-I TTTL,E : Mayoral Appointments to Boiards and Committces GOVER\'lNG LE, GiSLATTO\T: PRrVTOUS COUNC[L ACTIO\T TAKEN: BACKG12UUND: _ Ol''1'101YS: RECOMME NDFD ACT10\' UR NiOTION: Mayor Wilhite may propose making committee appointments, including a recommendation for the vacancies on the Planning Comiitission: 1'lanning Conlmission lncumbents Fred Beaulac and Gail Kog]e are seeki.ng re-appointment. Terms are for three years. A third vacancy needs to be flled to replace newly elected CouneilmemUee Bill Golhmann, whose tcrrn expi.res 12131/2006. - RUDGET/FINANCiAI. YMl'ACTS: STArF CO\"CACI': ATTACH11IIENTS A list of current committee appouitments showing expiration dates is attached. . ~ APPOIN7ED BOARD/COfViMITTEE , REPRESENTATIVE INITIAL APPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES AWC Resolutions Commission Rich Munsqn A ril 2003 elected AWC Le islative Committee Steve Ta lor November 2003 Brid in the Valle staff Cable Advisory Board Rlchard Young, SV Rep, apaarnted 2-8-05; 9 year terrn Central Valle School Disirict CVSD Rich Munson liaison October 2003 ad hoc Chamber of Commerce Board Steve Taylor, ex-officio Served 7-22-03 to 8-31-05 8-31-06 Se t 1-Au 31 annual terms 9-1-05 Community Development Block Grant 11-16-04 Conyention Center & Visitor's Bureau ~ Steve Taylor; 1-14-03 12-31_05 Dick Denenn alt 1-14-03 ~i"2-31-05 11125/03 Economic Development Council Diana Wilhite 1-14-03 1'2-31=05 Steve Ta lor, alt 1-14-03 05 Emer enc Communications Bd 911 Mike DeVlemin 3-22-05 none 11/25l03 Finance Committee Diana Wilhite 12-10-02 '1`;0 5` . Rich Munson 12-10-02 Steve Ta lor 12-10-02 1-05; Friends of Centennial Trail Board Mike DeVlemin 4-22-03 4-22-06 Governance Cmte Re ional Wastewater Treatment Dick Denenn 10-07-03 12-16-03 Growth Mgmt Steering Committee Steve Taylor 1-14-03 ;1'2-31-05 Rich Munson 1-14-03 'L1.2;31-0 remainder Council alts 1-14-03 ~12=31=05, Health District Board Dick Denenny (chair for 2004 - 8-12-03 (effective 9-1-03) 12-31-05 elected 12-03) Mike Flanigan 8-12-03 e1.2-31'-05; Hausing & Comm Develop. Advisory Committee (HCDAC) Ris#~N1unsea 4--28-03 4-5-2006 Steve Ta lor 1-25-05 02-1 Q-04 International Trade Alliance Rich Munson 2-10-05 Light Rail Citizen Advisory Board - Dick Denenny Ga Schimmels, alt 11l25/03 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Hotel.IMotel) Mike Flanigan 2-25-03 i12=31 :=45~ Spokane Vallev Ordinance 27 Diana Wilhite, alt 2-25-03 F 2=31,=05 Appointed by Mayor, confrmed by Council Jeffr F 9-28-04 • ~12_31~05 2 mbrs required to collect tax Liz Beck, Super 8 2-22-05 12-31-07 2 mbrs involved in funded activities Peggy Doering, Valleyfest 2-22-05 92-31-06 1 councilmember Nsa-Sfacsce 2-2-2-05 42-34-N Review membership annually Mike Conway 11-3-05 12-31-07 Terms are one and two-year terms Updatcd A4arch 2005 Planning Commission M4ke-9eV4emiRg; 7-22-03 Officers 2005-2006: Gary Schimmels council liaison 1-25-05 12-31-05 Chair: David Crosby ;Bill Gotf;irrmann~(3=vear::term 12-31-03 2° -06 Vice Chair: John Carroll lan Robertson (3-yr term) 12-31-03 12-31-06 John Carroll (3-yr term) 12-31-03 12-31-06 • Fred!Beaulac~( 2- , te m 12-31-03 12;3;1~05 . GaiI.Ko41'(2-yr"term} 12-31-03 1i21-05: David Crosby (3-yr term) 10-12-04 (12-31-03) 12-31-07 8ob Blum (3-yr term) 10-12-04 (12-31-03) 12-31-07 . Senior Center Ad Hoc Commit#ee (establish working Gary Schimmels 2-24-44 relationship befirieen Sr Ctr Assoc & City in preparation for Mike Flanigan 2-24-04 move to CenterPlace Solid Waste System Liaison Board Gary Schimmels 9-3-03 Mike DeVleming, alt Marc Torre, a Yd 2-8-05 S okane Homeownershi Resource Center SHORC Diana Wilhite 5'=75=05 Spokane Housing Authority (SHA) (dba NE Wa Housing Citizen: Janet Bastine 3-13-2003 3-15-2008 Solutions Jud Butler 3-22-05 12-31-2009 Spokane Regional Transportation Council Board (SRTC) Gary Schimmels 1-14-03 rl 2-31-05 Nrike DeVleming, alt 1-14-03 y12=3'1:=05; 02-10-04 SCRAPS (Animal Control Task Force) Gary Schimmels Mike DeVlemin , alt 11/25/03 Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors (annual Dick Denenny 1-14-03 1i2-3•1=05 appointments) Diana Wilhite (withdrew 12-16- 4-0-24-83 4-2-31-04 03) 1-14-03 1f 2=3•1';05 , Gary Schimmels, alt Rich Munson appointed 12-23- 03 Student Advisory Commit#ee Audra Sims, Rec Coordinator Student Members appointed Ashley Bell, VVVHS at 6-14-05 Council meeting . Victoria Berndt, CVHS (consent agenda) Jessica Cannon, EVFiS Jolean Hughes, CVHS Brent Vlahovich UHS Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) Hotel Advisflty Commission Liz Beck 7-13-04 3-31-07 SV Council appoints 2 members and one ex-officio MarFy-Saadick► Jody Sander 2-2A-04 7-12-05 3-31-07 All nominees must be operators or employees of lodging Steve Taylor, ex-officio 2-24-04 3-31-07 business within Spokane Couniy AREr initial term, three- ear terms Terms start first of A ril - Updatcct Msrch 2f . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business X new business public hearing information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Cost Allocation Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None, but a preferred business practice. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Included a cost allocation plan in the 2005 Budget ~ BACKGROUND: One of the Finance Division's goals for 2005 was to secure a cost allocation plan that would: 1. justify a recovery of some city overhead costs from non-general fund departments 2. provide information on city overhead c4sts to assist the city in setting fees for city services 3. provide a basis for overhead reimbursement from grants Financial Consulting Services Group (FCSG) from Redmond, Washington was engaged to prepare this plan for the city. Tracey Dunlop, a principal with FCSG, has been working with staff to complete this project. Tracy will make a presentation at the December 6, council meeting. OPTIONS: 1) Place acceptance of this report on the consent agenda for the Dec. 13 council meeting; 2) Ask tnat more work be done with a corresponding increase in the fee; RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends Council place acceptance of. this report on the December 13 consent agenda. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: This plan will allow the city to charge grants and city funds for some city overhead costs. It also provides useful information for setting city fees. 'f The plan provides an independent opinion on the amount of city overhead that can be recovered. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director • ~ + I,►~ ~ k ' 1•~ i; i , Q r. - ~ .«y ~,~.A:1 S 't- t~Sl„ , • ~ ~ t~r 1' a ~ ~ 2;---~-^~'c =-•..t:~v~. ~ I r'~.~~'~ ,3 a- - .T' ` H-, ~~'r 1 a,'~~ ~~r zu _ - • - ~'4 _i ~ f~~ : - ' ` ' ~ - ' ~ ~ ~ Phri iCS `to;n SpoktinC Vails?y •.tieLZite 111'e:7 ;.;'i_Ir0-ary 0' ~f iUe15r ~-•rC%.j [tr FCS GROUP 8201 - 164 t'' Ave. NE, Suite 300 ■ Redmond, Washington 98052 ■ 425-867-1802 0 What is a Cost Aiiocation • A systematic method for allocating central service and overhead costs to operating activities ~ Q• Used to: ~ a t - Validate transfers for central services ~E- from non-General Fund departments - Calculate City-wide overhead costs associated with fee-generating activities (for fee setting) - - - Provide a basis for overhead ~ - . , reimbursement from grants tiTFCS Group 425-867-1802 2 How Does Work? ' e - e . - . o . -e o . d-p, - . d. prograMs`both: r - . d ind - . costs DIRECT SERVICE Allocable Costs of P RO G RAM S INDIRECT SERVICE PROGRAMS share ofindirect costs INDIRECT SERVICE costs PROGRAMS . . • . • . -d • v - p . -p .'d o ed •d ' ' 'seg, ' FCS i . '4up 425-867-1802 What Costs are Considered Indirect and How are They Allocated? De artment / Function llocation Basis Legislatiive genda Items xecutive & LEgislative Support gencia Ytems eputy City Vlanager FTFs Repnrting to ACiVX Contracts Admin Contracts vlanaged lF inance ctual O erating Ex enditures nfoi-ination Technology Computer Terminals egal (In-house, contract) cgal Billed Hours Human Resources TEs total) Gcneral Government FTEs (total) Facilities Square Footage Occupied isk Management FfiEs (total) Public-WOrks Overheaci W Non-OH FTE Brcakdown lanriiclg & Coinmuriity Development OvErllead lanning & Comm. Dev Non-OH FTE Breakdown Par.ks & lZecreation Ovcrhead arks Non-OH FTL Breakdown FCS Group 425-867-1802 - 4 .1N h at are the. Indirect Costs? 2004 Budget Year . ' Non-allocable 2004 Costs & Expenditure Expenditure Total Citywide A-87 Total A=87 ~Department Name Costs Adjustments Allocable Costs Adjustments Allocable Costs !Legislative $ 195,140 $ - $ • 195,140 $ 195,140 $ - !Executive & Legislative Support $ 363,622 - $ 363,622 $ 363,622 $ - ;Deputy City Manager $ 167,738 $ - $ 167,738 $ - $ 167,738 !Contracts Admin $ 67,095 $ - $ 67,095 $ 67,095 Finance $ 297,608 $ - $ 297,608 $ - $ 297,608 Information Technology $ 66,135 $ - $ 66,135 $ - $ 66,135 ;Legal (In-house, contract) $ 195,374 $ - $ 195,374 $ - $ 195,374 lHuman Resources $ 42,182 $ - $ 42,182 $ - $ 42,182 iGeneral Government $ 632,128 $ 409,725 $ 222,403 $ 27,658 $ 194,745 ;Facilities $ 313,227 $ - $ 313,227 $ 79,816 $ 233,411 IRisk Management $ 130,000 $ - $ 130,000 $ - $ 130,000 ~Public Works Overhead $ 263,901 $ - $ 263,901 $ 13,657 $ 250,244 ~Planning & Community Development Overhead $ 166,247 $ - $ 166,247 $ - $ 166,247 Recreation Overhead T 200,697 $ - $ 200,697 $ 32,211 $ 168,486 ;Additional - A $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ ~ Total $ 3,101,095 $ 409,725 S 2,691,370 $ 712,104 $ 1,979,266 FCS C~, ;~up 425-867-1802 H6'-w Much is o ted to Each Dir-ect Department-? Citywide Allocation Summary Tota I Public Safet $ .4062804 Public Works $ 3851,282 Streets $ 362,648 c ~ Street Maintenance $ 391675 E Arterials/Paths $ - Wastewater $ 3,894 p Stormwater $ 13 386 ~ Plannin $ 550185 L Buildin . $ 445 152 ~ Parks & Recreation $ 408,530 Parks & Recreation - Maintenance $ 12,390 All Other Funds $ 63,424 $ 22691,370 FCS Group 425-867-1802 6 Summan/ o ➢ City's first complete Citywide Cost Allocation Plan ➢ As a relatively new city, the organization and services are evolving over time. Results are b'ased on the 2004 actual expenditures and major shifts may-occur as the organization matures ➢ The spreadsheet model has*been built with the capacity to incorporate changes in the . organization-an'd workload measures over time . . FCS ('.1up 425-867-1802 ' `t .7 r _ . 1 Summan/ of Find"i'ngs (co-nt,inued) ➢ Based on the- results and discussions with Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) staff, it was determined that submitting.an OMB A-87 plan for cognizant agency review. and approval was unlikely to result i.n substantially higher recovery given limitations . ➢ TIB provides for inclusion of a 10% overhead factor on direct labor expenses and the recommendation is to continue to apply this factor - ➢ The Citv should ensure that those costs that are directly attributable to the grant are charged t.o the grant based on actual time spent ➢ Specific formats for an A-87 compliant plan will be included in the report, so that they are available if a federally approved plan is pursued in the future FCS G ro u p 425-867-1802 8 ~ • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 29, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Communications Infrastructure GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: I have advised the council in the past of the high costs that vrere estimated to upgrade the basics of our existing communication system. These figures were projected a few years back to be in excess of $25,000,000.00. The original interoperability plans called for a mixture of equipment that vrould have still utilized older analog technology and did not fully address the future digital requirements that would be part of new standards for being awarded Federal grant dollars. This is a greater expense than any of our independent agencies can allocate funding to, and it is truly the type of project that should have multi-Jurisdictional participation. In our joint participation to resolve these deficiencies, we have Rartnered with the Spokane Police Department and have applied for available grant funding. We recently received a staRer grant that will begin to take us down the path of seeing this project come to life and work to bring our communication capabilities to a better state of total interoperability. This award also brings us up to current "P-25" or Project 25 fechnology requirements that are a must for future considerations in grant funding. We in this partnership have been awarded a grant for a total investment into this project of $4,000.000.00. This is a$3,000,000.00 grant with the requirement of $1,000,000.00 in matching funds. The $1,000,000.00 match would 'be split up between our communities' differing agencies and would most likely include local participation allocated by population. If this allocation theory holds true, our lacal participation for the entire City of Spokane Valley tivould equate to approximately $198,000.00. We are worfcing to finalize our conversations about allocation and how other entities such as Fire or other representation will offset some of these allocated expenses, and we are formulating agreements to determine hovr these allocation amounts are arrived upon. As a further example, the Spokane County share of allocation would be approximately $283,000.00 and the city of Spokane would be approximately $456,000.00. With the award of this grant, the speed of this federally funded project is moving ahead at a very fast pace. We have set up a governance group and steering committees to assist in working our way into this project. This grant, if administered properly, should be the first of similar grants that could substantially assist us in upgrading our overall system with the aid of federal dollars, rather than floating large bond initiatives and additional taxation. The current grant allaws for agency matching funds to be contributed over the life of the grant itsetf, vrhich in this case is three (3) years. This grant and the surprising fast track ativard and implementation will now better enable us to move beyond first stage planning, equipment purchases and implementation, and will help us to better project the following possibilities of future awards and matching fund needs so that vre can fQrmulate a reasonable plan to address the long term approach and identify future local funding requirements. , I will be acquiring a copy of the finalized grant information, equipment and award details in the very near future, and I vrill keep the council updated with the status of discussions regarding the allocation ~ participation of the agencies and jurisdictions that are partnered together to bring this critical project to Fruition. This will also include a specific detail of the anticipafed funding allocations and our paRicipation options for the council to take under consideration. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cal Walker, Chief of Police ATTACHMENTS ~ .i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ cflnsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information x admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Montgomery Avenue Overlay Project Final Costs GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Council approved the 2005 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications at the October 19, 2004 study session, 2) The above project was also included in the 2005-2010 Amended Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) approved on April 26, 2005, 3) Informational memo presented to Council at June 28, 2005 meeting, 4) Council approved contract award to Shamrock Paving on July 12, 2005. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the approved TIP, staff issued Bid No. 05-004 for the Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project from University to the Westbound I-90 On-Ramp near Pines Road. The project included grinding and replacing the existing asphalt surFace, and other associated work. Bids were opened July 1, 2005 and the contract was awarded July 20, 2005. Construction began August 4, 2005 with project completion occurring October 26, 2005. The CDBG for construction of this project is $439,850. City participation in the grant application . was estimated at $46,800, wnich included staff salaries and beneflts for the design and construction inspection and management tasks. ' Total project budget was estimated at $486,650. After design of the project the Engineer's Estimate for construction was $463,582.50. The . lowest responsive bidder was Shamrock Paving Co with a bid of $417,817.65. Due to current staffing levels it was necessary to hire a consultant to provide construction inspection and management services. The final project costs are detailed as follows: Project Costs Staff time (preparing plans, specifications, estimate) $10,000.00 , Geotechnical Investigation (pavement cores) $2,915.00 Railroad Right-of-Way Permit $545.00 . Shamrock Paving Contract $498,218.98 Construction Inspection (JUB EnQineers) $55.000.40 Total Project Cost $566,678.98 Shamrock Paving Co.'s contract amount increased by $80,401.33. This increase is mainly attributable to the increased amount of unsuitable subgrade material discovered below the existing pavemenf surface and an original underestimate of total traffic control labor. ` , - Initial estimates of the quantity of subsurface repair were determined based on the surface . condition of the existing asphalt. Once the existing asphalt pavement was removed an additional 600 cubic yards of unsuitable subgrade vras discovered. The removal of this additional unsuitable subgrade also increased fhe quantities of several other bid items, such as ballast and crushed base course, related to rebuilding the road surface. The increased contract amount for this additional work is approximately $32,000. , The original number of hours for Traffic Control Labor was significantly underestimated based on using only two flaggers for 20 working days. In order to keep Montgomery Avenue open to through traffic and meet industry standard safety requirements, three to four flaggers were used each day during most of the project with up to seven flaggers used during paving operations. Also, the number of working days increased to 29 based on the additional amount of unsuitable subgrade material removed. This increased the total traffic control labor costs by approximately $42,000. Typically, increases in bid item quantities (agreed to by the city and the contractor) are paid for • with the Contractor's final pay estimate. However, since the cost of these overages exceeds the City Manager's contract change order authority of $50,000, Council approval is required to approve the Contractor's final pay estimate. OPTIONS: 1) Direct staff to place this matter on the December 13, 2005 consent agenda to Authorize the City Manager to approve increased project costs authorize final payment to Sflamrock Paving, 2) Provide additional direction to staff . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Direct staff to place this matter on the December 13, 2005 consent agenda to Authorize the City Manager to approve the final quantities and pay estimate for Shamrock Paving Co. for the Montgomery Avenu2 Rehabilitation project. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Total project cost is $566,678. CDBG reimbursable funds for ~ this project is $439,850. Total City participation increased from the original estimate of $46,800 to $126,828. The Street Capital Projects Fund has the resources to pay for this increase. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve 1Norley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS: Final Project Quantities - Montgomery Avenue Rehabilitation Project. ~ . il / FINAL AbJUSTMENTS TO PROJECT QUANTITIES Pmjeci, Bid Miumber 05-00[}4 Prajeci DesCription' Mantgamery Auenue Rehahilitation Project Owner: City of Spokane Valley BASE BIR SCHEDULE: ~t$ff1' =+~'~raf f11..~ f On mal~ lJnd` Inr,reasel~ Final` F- ~J ~ t~2t•~'id5t r ~o~~ aeuease .'Quant~l . Pnce~:.:~'~~,~ Inc:f ~eC ~ h;` ~ .lnc.f Rec t,= 1vio6il;zatiuui 1 f,S 0 1.00 $9.+350.00 $4.04 0.096 2 Cleuing $ Qruh6ing i LS a 1.00 $2,001an $0,00 0.011% - 3 Removvig Paint Line 1650 I-F 177 1,473,O0 $0.75 S132.75 10.73°/o Ouantity Decrease 4 RernrwingPain[edTrafftMarking 1 EJI o 1.00 $25.00 $0.00 0.004GQuantiLyl7erreasE 5 Raadwa FxC-3!vaGon Inc. Haul 1675 CY 603.50 2.279.50 $15.50 $9 354,25 36A396 Unsuifable maierial was grea4er fhan anlidpalad 6Ad'Ltst Vafve Bax 12 EA 4 16,00 $325.00 $I 3bd.04 33.33% Value 6ax 4u2 nlfyr inr.reased due lo valves cuuered wilh asphaR and missed on the plans T Ad ust Manhale 4 EJ1 S 9.00 $450.00 $2 25fl.04 125.0D95 Four raldi hasins (DrywoIls) were paid for under manholes (Same Bid Price 8 Ad'ustCatch Basan 12 EA 4 8.00 S450,0Q 51 8(10.4D 33,33% g Ballasi 651 CY 402,5Q 1 d53.50 $30.35 $12 215.85 81.83% Quamily direct resull of addlipnal unsurtable material and Raadway Excavatlon 14 CNShed SuAacirtg Base Course 554 CY 331.511 B81.50 $30.35 $40061.Q3 6027% 4uanlfty direc:t resuR of adiJ iliamal unsuitablo matedal and RaaeMray Exavation - Basecourie was used in the crushed surfadng replaoOmcnl section repladng lopcaurse 11 Crushetl Surfacirv] Ta Course 550 CY 184.50365.50 $30,35 $5 599.58 33.55°k Ruan111y dErect result of add ilianal un5uitable material and Roadway Ercavation • Basecnursc was uscd in the rnishad sudadng replatemenl seCtion replaang laptaurse 12 5houlders 145 CY 40 155.40 $30,35 $1214,00 3+1.78% 13 pfanEn 134uminau5 Pavement 20457 SY 1449 19 dQB.40 $2.15 $3115.35 7.08% 4uenlily tleorease due Ia sewer canstruotion • PavemeM vras iemoved 14 Constnudion Geolextile 1955 SY 696.5fl 23651 .SU $1.60 $1,114.40 35,53°k Ruanlity direck resutt nf unsuita6le maledal and Roadway Fxcavafiw 15 HMA Cl A FG 84-28, 0.33 Ft 21500 SY 445 21 845.40 $9,47 54,214.15 2.67% Duanllly increase - Paved ik)e grauel parkinq slriR between the asphatt antl the cur6 easl of Indlana and paved the Indfana iniersedieri 16 5u radePre ration 21540 SY 445 21,945.4D $0.8D $356.00 2,Q7% Quanilyln¢ease-PerH0.9Aquaritly 17 Pavemem Saw Cunln 42{l LF 5 415.Ofl Q,75 $3.75 1.1946 - 18 Plastir, Line 18135 LF 2,255 20,390.00 $0.8D $1 &fl4.Od 12.43% Tne nriginal plaslic line quamily did nol lake into aoeaunt thatlMe dauble yellaw Iine Is measured per each line 19 Plastle Wide Line 30d LF 98 202.130 $1,75 $171.50 32.67% za P1as11r, YrafPcMnw 20 EA a 2a,00 $65.40 $0.0o a.0096 - 21 PlasticSlo Line 1Qd Lr 65 35.00 $7.61) $455.40 65A09b - 22 Plastic Railroad Caossin 5 mhol 2 EA a 2.00 $50.40 50.00 0.0096 23 Tem ora Pavemenl h7arkin 5000 LF 512 5.512.00 $D.15 $78.80 40,24% Quantiky Inuease -The original temporary pavemmi marking quern[ty did not induee markinga near Wilijur Road where the ezisting pavemet was not remowed 24 Pra'ed7em ra TrafGc Contml 1~S 4 1.00 540.00 $0.Q0 0.0096 - 25 Conshudion Si ns Class A 84 5F 26 86.00 $12.6O $312.ao 43.33%n - Quarriify rn4rea5e -The oroginal 6id quarktiiy uras tao Imu (20 Working Days x 18 hrs day = 32O + 813 afiff ilianal hours = 4100 hours) The nurnber of working tlay5 inueased ~0 25. Four days urere addBd far Ihe Inaease in unsu]tabEe matcrlal. Tnis intreasmM 1~11e Ioldl praject ta 29 days, Kaeping 26 Oiher Traffir. GorFtrol labor 400 HR 989,50 1,389.50 $42.54 $42 OS3.75 247.31396 Ihe praject open tg Iraffic requiFed Ihe use of Ihree lo iour flaggers a day with more flaggcrs required dudng pauong operaIinns, 27 Mlnor Chan e 1 CALC 1 1.00 $1.094,00 $1 493.00 Remoual of ooncrete slab In roadway • appeared to Ga a utilHy cu1 repairetl with wnCrpte IhaR was left in the raadway and paved aver. 28 Tempri Use oFRalrood iLS 0 1.00 $4,7150.04 $4.00 U.0096~ 29 SPCC Plan 1 LS fl 1.ad $375.00 $9.04 0,4045 - 30 0.4. Numner 1 1 LS 0 1.a0 $4,264.04 $4 260.00 O.QO°In AddlElfln uf dlywelf. C2lCh dasin drld piping AWUSTEp FINAL BASE BID $CHEdt1LE 70TAL INCREASE DECREASE) 5BQ,4Qi.33 ; Onginal ' Total Net Casty 't : 7. ~ P l .-✓{'i ~ R ~ t~krk.:r . lk:'!AmAUnI~ ~ , deC~ease ~e~ease . { $417.817.05 $60401.33 19,24°k I , i I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business x[~ new business ❑ public heanng information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA*ITEM TITLE : Discussion of Parks and Recreation Master Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No previous formal action. BACKGROUND: The Draft Park and Recreation Master Plan was developed by the consulting firrn of Moore, lacofano and Goltsman (MIG). Throughout the planning process, public input was solicited through a series of 'public meetings, focus group sessions and citizen surveys. A public hearing on the Park and Recreation Master Plan was conducted on November 29, 2005. Prior to drafting the final plan, MIG and city staff is soliciting comments and suggestions from City Council. OPTIONS : Discussion Only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NIA - BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ' ATTACHMENTS None. Draft Plan was distributed previously. i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action ~ Meeting Date: 12-06-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nsw business ❑ public hearing x information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Official Newspaper Consideration GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RC`V f5..1.G.020: Qualificxtions of legal newspaper. There a.re only hvo local newspapers which meet the qualificatiQns of a leaal newspaper: "I'he Spokesman Review, and the Valley News 1-Ierald. R.cquest.s far proposals as our Official Newspaper were senC lo the two newspapers October 20, 2005, widi a Novembcr 18, 2005 deadline to receive proposals. Alt.hough VVashington State Statute does not require annual designation Af an official newspaper, Gouncil directed the matt:er be reviewed again this year for c4ntinued consideration. PREVIOUS CnU1TC:T_[, ACTT.ON "1'A"\': llecember, 2002, Council appruved R.esoluCion \io. 02-11 design.iting the SpoF:esman Review as the QfiTicial \TCwspaper ancl authorized C.ity Manager to execute a one-year contract wit:h The Spokesman Review for legal advertising serviees. vlarch 16, 2004: Tauring this study session, the differences behveen the Valley riews Herald and Spokesman Review were discussecl. AC the Iviarch 23, 2004 regular mectin Council approved Resolutinn 04-006 designating the Valley Ncws Herald as the offcial newspaper; and there wa,s Council consensus to brinD this matter back For discussion in a year. . December 7, 2004: 1t was Council eonsensus at that study session meeting, to siay %vith the Valley 'News Hcralci and review the issue again nest year. PROS and CnNS: Spokesman Rcview: since the paper publishes daily, there are more options for publication diites thus making if easier to meet deadlincs. They also have geater circulation. 1t costs more to publish in the Spokesman lZeview; their billing system is more complicated, and many times portions oftheir bills are incorrect. Valley News kTcrald: the paper only publishes weel:ly, forcing staffi to nay greater atiention to publication deadlines. lhc Herald has less circulation and they cost less. Their billing system is e3sy to understand and generally contains no errors; and the bills are serai~htfor~vard. The Valley News ~Ierald is also casy to ,,vork with and inost tirr►es can .3CCbmmOClate late publication submittals so that we e::►n meet our deadline obliaatians. OPTIONS: (1) Keep ole Valley News Hcrald as the offcial newspaper; (2) Instruct staff to clraft a new resolution clesignating the Spnkesman Review as the oifiicial necvspaper; and to include that on the llecember 13, 2005 consent agenda; or (3) Cake other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Keep the Valley Ncws Heralcl as the official newspaper. .J BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NEVVSPAPER CIR.CUT ATTpN 2004 l~aily I..ine 2004 Daily Line rate 2005 Daily T.ir~e 2005 Daily Line R3te ls'run adcl'I runs Rate l'"run kate adcl'I run Valle News Heralc! 10,273 .75 .65 .75 .65 S okesmiin Review . 118,753 1.16 .93 * 1.19 .95 * S pokesman Th VV 22,448 .82 .82 .$4 ,84 S okesman Sat W 27,374 .89 .$9 .91 .91 * 17aily Line Rate for additional runs 20% discount for 2° run; 30% for 3r ; and 50% discount for 4 run STAFF CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge ATTACHMENTS: Official Bid from Valley News Herald, and from the Spokesman Review - ~ . . News...-Her.ald....., . . . • : : Serving the 'Qley Since .1920 ' . . : . . • ~ I\TOV: 1:4; 2005 . . - Chris 8ainUridge - : : . . . . ~ - - . . . ~ • ~ . ~ ~ . ~ : . . • . . ' . ..City Clerk: " . _ . . . . . . . , • . • . - ~ : , P.ty o:f~Spokanc Val1eY; . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ; ~ . : . . . ; , . . . ~ . . . - ~ . 11707,E: Sprague - Spokvie ~~~~~lley, W A 99206=. _ • ' ~ ; ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . , ~ : ~ _ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . : Dear.-.vls. Bdinhridg~:'. ~ - ~ . ~ ~ . , ~ ~ • ~ ~ . . , ; f.~,. ~ . : . - . _ . , . _ . _ . , This~letter is.fc~~let~you kiio~~v that.tfie Spokane- Valley. News Her.ald = a , ~ ~ : ~ . ~w&l:ly legal.`iiewspaper;~;as ciesignatcd 6y-Superior~Court,~~ancl_loc~te'in ~ . . ~ ~ ' . ~S'pqkane.'Vall.ey, Was11.:.=~~voi~ld like to~colitiriue as.the officiaTlegal~~, newspaper for-,the city of Spqkane Valley, PleasE consid~r~tliis..lettcr.*to be' aur,:oYficial bid far, the: c;on~ixact. ; . . . ~ . . . . . : . ~ . . Utir. rates arc: • . . • ' v . • . 0' . . ' , ' • . - ; ' , ; S. • . . . ~ 75'cents per iine:for t}ie.first publicaticrn:,' ; : . ~ . 65 cent;s peir, line'on subseqtieiit Friday puUlications. ~ . . _ . ; . . e Spc'~,aii~c Vallcy Ne«,s: Her~-ild is. pub'li'sheci: ~~7 ~H'ridays ~ ' ~ ~ . . A$:you. know, th every ~~eck of~ the ycaY_ for tt~e residenls~ c~f. Spokaiie -Valley.by*Jotuiial ~Nc~vs. Publistiing. The.Ne~~vs Hera.ld is mailecl '1o subscribecs,_and:r.ack capi.es''are ~ : . ~ ~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ avai].abl.e`A.va.rious locations-throughorit the ciiy:. : _ . . . ' Tt~you.havc aily.quesfions; please do'not hesilaie to call md'at 924=2440. . , _ ` . . . I~` ` - . ; . - : . : ~ : ~ ~ - : : ~ ~ _ . - ~ , . . . . / _ . . . . _ . . - : . : . . . : . , . ~ . . . . . . ~ . - . . N.~E-Iri~f~l~~r - . . . , . _ . _ . ~CE~~EI). ~ . . : . _ ~ . ~ iVranaging. Editor Spqkane Vallcy. Nc~vs Herald • - ~ ~ ~ _ . . ~ . ~ - ~ ~ . , . . ~ 05 spoY.~ . - • ~ _ ~Ty- Cft`( CLERK-' . _ . . : : P.O: Box 142020 Spokai~e,* WA 99214 ~ (509) :924=2440 • FAX (509)._927-1154: . . N'ovember 9, 2005 ►yW. s-„4'„~r Chris 13ainbridge C~1Ty~ City Clerk TY City of Spokane'Valley 1 I 707 E. SpragLi e Ave. Suite 106 Spokane, WA 99206 Re: 13id Proposal fqr Legal Advertising Notices The Spokesnkln-Review has been a"legal newspapee' in t.hc State of Washington since 1941, as showm in our attachcd A.ffdavit of Public.3tion. We meei all the required qualifiezilions of a"legal . newspaper" under chapter 65.16RCW. Following is our latest available eirculation audit figures as reported by the Audit t3u.reau of Circulat.ions. .For the 12-month periaci endiiig titarch 31, 2005 tlle figures are as follows: D<<i.ly 96,363 Weclnesday 118,363 Saturday 113,237 Sunday 127,251 2006 "Contract" Legal Rates Full Run. Legal notice published in the classified seccion wit.h (ull distribution A11 Govemmenf Entities within the StaCe of Washington and or ldaho who fomially recogmize , 7'he Spokesmurl-Revietiv as t}ieir sole Legal paper of choice fnr a time period of.' not le-sS tlian ane yc;ar, will be provided a Full Run Classified per line rate of one dollar flnd nineteen cerits ($1..19). This li_ne rate is approxirnately one half of the Glassif ect Legal open rate and is available upon the government entity signing a fornial bid aceeptance or contract with Tlte Spokesnutn- Revieiv. . 1) In addition, a supplemental zidvc;rlising agreement is available to qualifying government entities wherein 77re Spokesnzan-Revieiv w•ill agrEe to publish all pther non-Legal Classifiui atlvertisi.ngsuch as i;mployment at a rate equivalent to our 7,000 lines per mont.h recruitment valume cont.ract reaardless of the actual niunber of lincs used qer year. ($2.01 fc►r 2046) Goned Product. Legal notices publish in either the Thursday or Saturday Va11Ey Voice with a distribution fhrough-out the Spokane Valley and Liberty Lalce areas wi[h 1.he folloxving circulation: I'roduct Circulation In-Colurnn Line [tate ICD '1'hursday Valley Voice 21,312 $.84 per line, per day Sl 1.76 per inch SaCurciay Valley Voicc 26,338 $.91 per line, per day $12.82 per inch '1'he Valley Voice is distributed to the following zip codes: 99025, 99217, 99216, 99027, 99212, 99037, 99019, 99206, 99016, 99036, 99023, 99012, 99030, 99039, 99018. . i ~r . ~ ~ , Our Classitied rate;s are charged by the line for an in-columii line ad. Illustrated Classified llisplay (1CD) rates al•e charged by the inch. A classi6eci colurnn width i5 1.12 inches wide; and ow• z4ned Voice product colunm witEth is 1.3 inches. Submitted for evaluaiion tlus 9'h day of November 2005 by The Spokesman-Revie~v. Submitted i3y: Diane Bobiak Date: November 9, 2005 Titic: Classified Inside Sales iblauaeer Phone: (509) 459-5122 FAX: (509) 459-51 56 999 W. Riverside Spokane, WA 99201 PO Box 2160 (99210) Email: dianebr4suokesmari.com 1 ~ l ~ ~ , "'Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTOW , County of Spokane, ss. Name: Acct: P.O.: No. Lines: . Total Cost: $ Log No: I, do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN-REVIEW, a newspaper established and . regularly published, once each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the City of Spokane, Spokane County, iNashington; and in the City of Coeur . d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has been so established and regularly published and has had said general circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an . office maintained at its place of publication in the Citjtlof Spokane, Washington; that said newspaper was appro`ved and designated as a Icgal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and wliich is a part of the proof . of publication, was published in said newspaper, time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the . following dates: , That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement. - t 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of Spokane, this day of, 2005 . ' Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane Gounty, Washington . ' ~ i \ - . • . "Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION `~J 'v~,c`ev STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane, ss. Name: Acct: , i P.O.: No. Lines: fI . 1 Total Cost: $ Log No: . . , do solemnty swear that I am ihe Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- , REVIEW, a ne+vspaper established and regularly published, once each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the • C'rty of Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; and in the Ciiy of Coeur ci'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; tfiat said newspaper has been so established and regularly published and has had said general circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is prinied in an office maintained at its place of publica4ion in the City of Spokane, Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said netivspaper, time(s), the publication - having been made once each time on the following dates: . ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me at the Ciry of Spokane, this day , . of,20 • Notary Public in and for the State of VJashington, residing in Spokane Counry, Washingtan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-06-05 City Manager Sign-off: • Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent I] old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Spokane Transit Authority Information . GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: . • Councilmember Denenny will give a brief pressntation to summarize overall STA changes. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: . STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS ~ ~ ~ Summary of Changes OVERALL . 13.5°h Increase in total SUMMARY OF scrvice houre for thc PTBA . CHANGES • 7 all-nCw Or significantty rcsGUCtured routes • 3 routCS increased servit0 frequcnCy from 6U-minuto (or greater) to 90-minutes ,.K ~ 1 5 routCS usc smaller vans y~->~:''-'•...;; ~ ~R ~i ' • Revised sorvice levels fn i aroas Ot lOwer efftcfency: W. L NW Torracc, Limrood, i ==sra ~ ;.Altam-oilt, Brooks Rd, Eayt Broad•.vay ' 1.:. 1011312o36 • i 'r . . _ SERVICE CHANGE UPDATE Response to Feedback ➢ Mirabeau Point > Community Center/YMCA > Spokane Industrial Park , ➢ Reverse Commute Support > Liberty Lake . Commuter Timing > Employment Shifts i 1 ~ .w~~~a . . - SERVICE CHANGE UPDATE > Spokane Industrial Park / Liberty Lake > Commuters > Reverse Commute ➢ Davrntown toffrom SIP TransferTiming ➢ Major Employer Shift > October 16th Change > Add Industrial Park "Tripper" for 6:25AM & 3:45PM > Build Reverse Commute Stops for Liberty Lake Express Bus ~ Acrobat Oocu^mertf AcrobM DrvmeM i'• ~j' M. . _ , ~ SERVICE CHANGE UPDATE > Mirabeau Point / Community Center . > Accelerate anticipated need for support ➢ January 2006 ➢ Add Coach to 97132131 Run Growing Requirement Anticipated . ~ uroea o~~u~ac ~ . ~ 2 \ Liberty Lake Express ■ #72 LIBERTY LAKE EXPRESS ■ Beginning October 17, 2005 - Routing through Spokane Industrial Park for Route #72, Liberty Lake Express is: Sullivan to Industrial Park "B" Street, to Industrial Park 5th Street, to Euclid and -returning to Sullivan. tUV137200d . / A 3 ~ SUMMARY OF CHANGES: East (+25.9% Service) ~ , . - - - M ~ . ~t~~~ ~ t • ~ y ~ M •M1.7i ►3f.L~ ~ ~ -JL " ='3'~ , ■ a a ` • " • . . . . _ . s~a ~ • - - ' . # n. ,f ` . , . . . - ' : L' ~ - New route #32, Trent-Indiana, connects North Spokane to Spokane Valley Mall - New route #74, Valley Limited, provides all-day express service - Increased frequency to 30-minutes on three routes; #95, #96, and #97 - Four routes now serving Spokane Valiey Mall; #32, #74, #90, and #97 - Restructured #95, Millwood, for faster, more direct service to the VTC - Realigned #96, Pines, for better service effectiveness - Restructured #72, Liberty Lake Express, to take advantage of reverse commute service demand for Spokane Industrial Park 10/13/2005 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent (E old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: STA Bus Shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall - Site License and Right of Access Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council discussed this item at their October 18, 2005 meeting. BACKGROUND: Spokane Transit Authority (STA) has requested permission to construct two bus shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall near the Black Angus and TGI Friday's restaurants. Council members discussed this proposal at their October 18,h meeting and expressed concern C~ about locating a bus stop at the proposed location on Indiana Avenue. Council asked that staff discuss with STA a number of related issues including striping the cross-walk, cross-walk lighting, appropriate location of this bus stop, options for bus turnouts, and the option of buses going into the mall parking area rather than stopping on Indiana Avenue. Attached are two memos from STA responding to these issues. STA typically executes a Site License and Right of Access Agreement with jurisdictions for the use of the City right-of-way for these shelters. Attached is a copy for revievv. Public Works staff has reviewed the attached material and have no objections to the agreement. OPTIONS: 1) Approve STA's request and authorize City Manager to.execute agreement, 2) Approve STA's request with conditions and/or recommend revisions to agreement for further - consideration, 3) Deny STA's request, or 4) provide other direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Worlcs Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENT: 1) STA memo dated 11/27/05 (sic), 2) STA Memo dated November 18, 2005, 3) copy of Site License and Right of Access Agreement, 4) Agreement Exhibit A, 5) Maps, 6) Photos of proposed shelter areas. Spokane Transit Authority 1230 West Boone Avrnue Spoksr►c, Washington 99201-2656 (509) 325-6000 . ATLiV10RANll UM TO: Steve M. Wc►rley, Senior .F..ngincer - Capitql Projects FROR'L• Gordon Howell, Grants & Planning Mflnager DATE: 11/27/05 SUBJECT: BU5 SIiEL1'ERS ON INDIANA AVEiVUE The following is in response to the questions raised by the Spokane Valley City Council with regard to bus shelters on Indiana Avenue. . ~ 1. . Cross-tvalks: Council suggested more visible striping for the cross-walks across Indiana. Council members also suggestzd the possibility of cross-walk lights. Response: in order to ensure that that pedestrian safety is maintained, Spokane Transit is more than willing to participate in repainting the cross-walks at the proposed locations. Cross-walk lights are normally not a project that we participate in. There seems to be some discussion between junsdictions on how effective they are. However, we would like to participate in discussions regarding pedestrian safety improvements at cross-walks and key intersections. One of the keys, at this point, is that these bus stops are transfer links to other routes. Passengers currently will be required to wait at that stop for ' 15 minutes for their connection. Thereason for the shelters was to provide cover during inclement weather. Another consideration we took into account was ADA access. The proposed location on Indiana Avenue is the only one that currently meets the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, i.e. it provides an accessible pathway all the way to the mall entrance from the street. STA is hesitant to asseR any greater influence on pedestrian crossing c1f traffic signalization since those are areas of expertise reserved by the jurisdickion. 2. Location: Council questioned whether the proposal reflected the best location, given traffic patterns and curves in the road. As a subset, Council als4 vrondered if it would be a good alternative for the buses to go into the flr9all as opposed to stopping on Indiana. Resoonse: I have attached the original pictures that KC sent to you. Staff reviewed possible locations surrounding the area at the Valley Mall. One of the main constraints to pedestrian access is the design of the mall. The locations were chosen because there is sidewalk access to ihe front of the mall'and ADA accessibility. We realize that passengers will be required to cross the streets inside the parking area to get to the front of the mall; however, sidewalk access was one of the driving forces in deciding on these particular locations. The busfls went into the mall for years. One of the problems was congestion during certain times of the year, along with safety. As we loolced at implementing our new service plan, service into the Valley was seriously cronsidered. It was our belief that extending the Sprague Route to the Mirabeau Park and Ride for better connections was a better choice. Because of operational conskraints, safety considerations, and liability concerns this means that going into the Valley Mall is not feasible at this time. Meanwhile, the four routes that now serve the mall must incorporate in-street transfers on Indiana Avenue. Hawever, as we look forward into the future, we always review travel patterns and passenger preferences, and look at making refinements that may include a passible long term arrangement with the property owners to provide service into the Valley Mall. 3. Pull-outs: Council members wondered whether STA could include pull-outs as part of the project Aacording to Deputy Mayor Munsan, who is a member of the STA Board, STA receives funding for pull-out construction' and this project may qualify for such funding. . Response: pull outs definitely could be part of the future for improved transit service to the Valley Mall area. The best approach for pull outs is to determine the habits of riders at the stops and what interaction the bus has with traffic when making the stop. One of the problems associated with pull outs is that during congested iimes, the bus has difficulty getting back into traffic. STA has used bus pull-outs in other locations without positive results. Typically, they do not enhance passenger safety but are othenvise intended to reduce impediments to traffiic flow. However, this maybe outweighed if it is determined 'that safety for pedestrians in the area would achieve positive results. There are federal transit enhancement funds available for shelters, lighting and ADA access. Other possible funds in the future may be cooperative street and transit funds offered by STA (if budgeted). . November 18, 2005 . 4Ceve Wbrley, Sr. Engineer, CIl' City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue #106 Spokane Vafley, WA 99206 - llea- Mr. Worley: We are sending this letter in response to recent discussions at your City Council meetings and Spokane Transit Authdrity's Operations and Customer Serviee CommitCee meeting regarding the current bus stops on East Indiana Avenue. ln September, we submitted a request tn tne City of Spnkane Valley to allow Spokane Transit to install eavered bus shelters for the hus stops at the intersection of East Indiana Avenue and the Valley Mall access road behveen the ~Black Angus Restaurant and 'I'C'iI Hridays. "I'he City Council did not take action on the request at its Qctober meeting and the issue was subseyuently taken up by Counc;ilman Rich MLmson in his role tts Chauman of Spokane Trinsit's Operations and Customer Service Committee, The issue to be addressed was the safety of chis location as a bus stop. The guidanee from The Qperations and Customer Service Com►nittee wss to "go to the drawing board" to develop other alternatives for bus stops on East Lndiana Avenue and support to the Valley lvlall. Ultimate.ly each jurisdiction approves bus stop locations. In response to our guidance from the Uperarions and Customer Service Commiti:ee, the follnwing aIternaeives are provided to assist in your discussionkiecision: Option 1: Retai.n current bus stops and approve shelters at requested locations. Improve visihility and safety of the current pedestrian crossing sites as a cooperative effort bet-ween the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane rransit. ~ption 2: Rerouce.all bus routes onto ehe sOuehern perimeter road in the mall parking lot and eliminate all Valley V1all bus stops on lndiana Avenue. ' Opt:ion 3: R.etain bus stops on tlie castbound side of IndiAna Avenue and rehim .Route 90 to its prEVious service through the mall parking lot to Macy's. 'Che analysis bclow represents our evaluation ofeach orthese qptions. Option 1 Positives: • The current stop locations represent the besi sites For pcdestrifln sceess from Tndiana .Avenuc to the mall. The unmarked i.ntersection in question is the only location witli designated ADA access from Inditina Avenue to the rnall. ' • Keepina buses Un major SCrects is the mo5t common publie lranspOrtation pracCice. • The pedestrian safety at the unmarked intersection could be enhanced with visible traific cnntrol measures. NeQatives: • lndiana Ave.'has a 35 MPT-I speed limit. • Bus stops on Indiana will slow traffic th3t follow transit vekicles. • Unmarked pedestrian crossing is a haz.ard. Option 2 Positives: 9 Use of die parking lat perimeter road removes bus b-affic from Indiana Avrenue. • 13u5 Stpps Selving tlle mall Wrould be in the parking lot. \Tegativcs: • Rcquires special pemiission to operate on private mall property. • Ability of parking lot surface to support high frequency transit vehicle use is unknown. • Flciditional travel time required to serve the mhll Nvill significaritly increase the number of buses nECessary to maintain cuirent and antieipated schedule, thus increasing cost of serviec. • Parking lot congestion during shopping hours Nvill iiicrease the number of buses necessary to mai.rit<ain scheduled,` ~ Valley Mall service. • There is not aii ADA approved accessible pttth of travel from the southern perimeter of the mall to che mall icselC. Optiou 3 Positives: • REtains the majority of bus servic;e on Incliana Avenue. • Removal of wcsthound stops reduces number of pedestri3ns crossing Tndiana Avenue. • Eastbound passengers retain ability to access the mall fmm all scheduled routes. \Teoatives: • Kequires special permission to operate on private mall prnperty. (N1a11 hacl prcviously granted this permission for Route 90). •WesTbound passengers will need tn use ltoute 90 to aecess mall. •ParkinS lot congesf:ion has been a cpmplication in the past with Itoute 90. Current service plan is intencied as a solution to diis shortcoming. - ~ Route 90 will no longer service Mirabeau Ilark R itide. Spokane Transit's sCaff recommendh►cion is "Option l." We acknowledge the need for a better solution for the imprnved service to the Spolcane Vallev Iviall. The ability to aecess this important economic center of activity is importitnl to all of us. 1~'ublic transportzition operations must be harmonized with the flow of all traffic and designed in a manner Chat is safe for transil uscrs aiid pede.steians. We need a better long term salution. Howevcr, lhe current stop locations on Indiana Avenue are similar in charaeCeristics to bus staps at other locations in our service area. We wotild look forwarcl assisting in any way we can to help clearly mark the pedestrian crossings that currently es.ist ancl have associated hi" stops. , Kespectful ly, SPOK.A\iE TRANSIT AUTH0171'1 Y Gordon Howcll Manager, Yliinning and Grants 0#01.74 -dnA•.m, ley.,,,n 9 1.on c: Chief'Executive Officer 17ireetor of Opcrations STA Ombudsman J ~ Spokane Transi4 %vzsr ~23o sonM nvoiue 0-C"r 1 r/ 2005 Saoka,Re. WashfnPPCn9920f-26&5 (5091325-80017 1 SCA1i :95-5000 IC~i : - - FfiX (509) 325-6036 '?ro>lydkty t're HrgOas! Quafrty PubNc TransAonalMm" October 7, 2005 , Steve M. Worley, PE Senior Capital Projects Engineer City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 6 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 . Dear Mr. Worley: ' Thank you for your expeditious response to our request for the installation of bus shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall. We accept your suggested change under Section 6.13, "STA shall ' be responsible for litter cleanup within the confines of the bus shelters and vrithin a ten foot area surrounding the bus shelters." , i have enclosed brvo copies of the amended Site LEcense and Right of access Agreement, reflecbng this new language and including the typographical carrection. After revisw by the Spokane V31ley Ciry Council and/or staff, please have both copies signed and notarized. Please retum the agreements to my attention. I vrill have aur CEO execute the agreement and I vvill.retum one original to you for yaur files. I have also sent iwro pictures of our typical shelters. Please let me knaw if you require these digitally or if you wauld like atldibonal pictures, specifications and detailed information to cammunicate ta t1ie City Council or staff. Again, thank you for your coopera6ion in this matter. _ Sincerely, Ryan Stewiart Transit Planner ~ ~ ~ Sll'L L1CENSF: AN'D 1tICHT Ol+ ACCESS AC:KELMENT THIS AGREENIE.N7' made and entereci intq this d3y oP , 20 0_, by xnci bctwccn the , as "Owner" and the Spakane Transit Authority, aWashington State municipa1 corparation, a,t "STA." In mutiial consideration of the promises containcd herein, the parties involved agree to the fnllowinh: 1. ALJRPQSE. The purpose of'this ab eement is to provide STA with the usU oFthe property ui order to uistall, construct and mainfain TWO (2) bus shelters for the bcncGt of STA's transit patrons; wd to set ottt responsibilities for maintcnancc and repair of the shcltcrs. 2. PRLMISES. The Owner hereby confers a site license and right of seccss to STA, cu tttst ccrtairt real pruperiy located at , Spokwe County in the State of Washington (hercinafler called "the premises"), anci depicted on the plot plan in Exhibit "n"; attached to this bgrecment and a part of it_ , 3. '1'ERM. It is the intention of the O%vner to provide space for the shelters fnr their full design life. Barririg circumstances unforeseen at ttie present time, this shall be taken to be five (5) years bcginning the clate stated above. Should it become uecessary for the Owner to utilize the premiscs for uthcr purposes before the end of five (5) years, t.hen on ninety (90)4ays Nvritten notice, the site may bc rc:clairnvd by ttie Owner, aud S 1 A will remove or relocate the shelters. Such dc;mand will be made only for reasonable cause, 3ncl the Owaer presendy has rto contingency plans that would adverszly affoct S'I'A's use of the premises for the five (S)-year term. At the encl of the initial five (5)-ycar term; this aareemcnt sfiall remain in effect on a year-to-year basis until terminatecl by one of the parties. i~ 4. USF OF PROPTRTX. The premises shall be used far the erection; maintenance, atid operation of rivo bus shelters by STA, and related improvements, ingress and egress from, the loading arid ullloading of buses and other traiuit veliicles, and all sim.i(ar and related transit uses. The STA sheltcr shall be erected on a concrctc pad constructecl and provided by S"1'A, per S'1'A standard specifications. S. OWn°ER'S IlYIPK()VEiVIE,V'1'. STA ag['ees at its sole cost a.nd e;cpenses to prepare and imProve the premise:s to coridition reacty to attach the STA bus shelter. fi. i3TILITIE-S: A: Llectricitv. 1'lie Owner agrees to maintain the'current lighting on Owner's properiy acljacent cu the premises. The iastallation of any additional electricity/lighting shall be at STA's sole expense; witti Qwner to pay for electricity used on flle premises. B. Rc use. STA shall be responsible for littee cleanup within the confines of the bus shetters and within a _ ten faot arca surrounding the bus shclters. 7. Si~~1QW REVIOVAL. In accord3nce wilh lnc;al law, snow rett►oval adjacent to the premises shall be the responsibility of the abutting property owner. - 8. O«'NERSFI[F' OF SFLFi.,TFR. The bus shelters to be built on the premises are of standard design and construction. Tlte shelters shall be built and inspecCCd to STA standards. S'1"A shall retaui ownerslup of the shelters. , 9. LI'NII't'S ON" USE. STA shall liave the right to install one reader board inside eaeh shcltcr which is limitcd W . route infqrmation, bus schedules, and siuiilar items. The Owmer's customers and /or patrons, if any, shall make no use of the premises except as specifically authorized in this agreement. . 10. LLMiTS AND IN1.P..RQVEiVlEN;1'S. S'CA shall tiot pennit any mecliaiuc's or material person's or other liens of airy kaid to be enforced against the premises For any wdrk done or rriaterials fumished tliereon at die request or on bekalf of STA. STA shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Owner harmless from any such itcrns: claims, demands, cosis, chargcs, and expenses. Site Licens-- atsd Rigttt of Acccss Asreement PaKe2 1'1. MA1NTEiVANCr A,YD REPAIRS. STA, at its vwn cost and exprnse, stlall mtitrtain and keep in govd repair the shetters or other related improvements that it places on the premises. S'I'A agrees to repair ancl maintain the shelters so long as fuzancially ancl practically feasible, in its sole discretion. Should STA be tmwilGug or unable to rep3ir and maintdin the shelters, STA will surrender the premiscs as set fortll ui Paragn, ph 16. 12. GUVLTIN14LTNT CHA.RGES. S'I'A shall have no obligativn for statc Caxcs, assessmeiits, or govrercunental c:harges of aiiy l:ind aeauist the Premises. . 13. DEFAULT. If STA shall fail to qerCarm xny term or condition of this ageement, the Owner may, aftcr giving thirty (30)-day's notice, to correct said ctefault, terminate diis agreemeut. If the Owner shall fail tn pcrfarm any terrn or condition of tlhis agireement; STA may, after giving thirty (30)-day's written notiee, terrninate this agreement. 14. LIARII...ITX. To the mbximum cxtcnt pennitted by law, the STA agrees ta and daes hercby inciemnify and hold harmle.ss the Owner from any liability including personal injury or darnage to propcrty occurring on the premises (as depicecd on Lxhibit "A'~ during the term hereof, except fpr injury or damage resulting from Owner's sole ncgligerice. Tt1e Owner agrees that STA will nut bc held liable to ONvner for aiiy occurrences on properly outyide of the premises as depicted ou Fxhibit "A." 15. SUCCF..SSORS Ah'D ASSIGNS. "1'bis agreement and each vf iks terms, ancf conclitions shall be binciing upon the parties and their respeetive successors and assigns. Neither party shall have the ri~hl cu assign this ag-eement or any Uf its ribhts and ubligations withotit ttie N'vritten consent cif'the Uthcr par[y. - ~ 16. SUItltEn'DE12. At the end of the leasc or its earlier tercnination, STA will peaceably and quietly surrender possession of the premises to the Owner widlout tfhe giving of any notice to quit or demand }'nr pqssessian tllereoE STA will remove all signs, structures, or improvements on the premises, will repair any damage caused by such removal, and agrees to restorc tlie site to its orig.inal condition prior to the installatiUn o!'the shclcers and co the satisfactivn ot'the Qwner. S"I'A tnay reqtitest perniission f.r'om the Qwner to nol• removc the structures. Such decision is to be at the sole ciiscrccion of the Owner. 17. OUIET POSSESSION. The Owmer covenants 3nd warrants that STA has full right to the premises for uses and purposes lierein provided and t6at STA, upon complying with d1e terms anct conditions of this agreement, shall have F►nd•quieCly ecijoy the use of the premises. 18. EMINENT 1)UXAMN. :I f the wh4le or sny subst.intixl part of the premises hereby leased shall be talcen by any goveruutnenta1 lgenc_y under the power oCcmincnt dotnaitt, STA shal.l bave the right to eiiher terminate this agreement upon i.aitiatian of such Fiedon, or to continue in possession of a remainder of the prernises under the tenns herein prpvidetl. 19. vUT1CE5. All notices required by this agrc:crnent sliall be in writing and sliall be personally served on the pany of whom it is iutended or sent by certifiGd mail, return receipt requesied. The notices shall be addressecl as follows: OWiNE, R: S.PO.KAKF TRAiNSIT r1l1THURI'I'Y: Ptanning Department Spokane Transit Authority 1230 W. Baone Avenue Spvkane,lNA 99201 Site [,iccnse and Kighi ofAccess AgreaiiieYit Puge 3 20. TERMt~ii 1ATIOaY: ST'A may early cerminate this agreement upon ttutty (30)-day's notice written riotict; in the . event of the premises bccoming unteasible due to route changes, exti•aordiuary maiutenance or repair costs, ctc. Upon termination of ttiis agreement for any resson, STA shall have thirty (30) days from the teruunation datc to rcmove aU improveoients placed or insialled by S'1'A on or ta the premise,5. O8Yi\T, 12: Sl'OKr1NL 11tAN5I`l' AU'1'FlO1t1TY: Sionature Signttturo Uate Sigiied Daie Signed Attest n ttest U WAIElt: _ STATE OF WASHINGTOiN ) ' ) ss. CU(JN'1'Y OF Sl'd1CANE ) I eertiFy that [ know ar have satisfactory evidence that ' signed this documcnc . on bath and stated chat he/she was authorized to execute it and acMowledged it as (title) oFthe (company) to be the free vid voliuitvy act of such a parry fur the uscs snci purposcs thcrr.in mentioned. UA`I`E17: Signature ofNotary Public . My appouihnent expires ' • SPO[GANG TRANSI_T AjJTHQRTTX: STAT'E OT' WASTTINGTON ) ) ss. COUiNTY OF SPOICAN'E . ) I certify that 1 Rriow or have satisfaccory cvidence that E. Susan vfeyer and Geralyn Garberg signeci tttis docutnettt , on oath and stated tliat they were authorized to cxecute ic and acknowledged it as the Chief Executive Officer of the SYOK.ANF, T1tr1NSi`I aU 1'HOIt1TY, a rnunicipsl corparaCion, cn he tne rTCe ana voiuncary act of such a party for the uses uici ptirposes thereiu mentioned. 17ATED: Signahu•e of Notary Public My appointment cxpires ~ ~1 % Sl'1'E I.ICEtVSE Ai\''U RICkT'1' OF ACCTSS AGRrFMI?NT THTS ACRFFNTFNT made and entered into this clay oP , 200_, by aad between the , as "Qwner" 3nd the Spolcane'1'ransit Authority, aWasltington State municipal corpvraCion, as "STA." In mutual consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties invulved agree to the followicig: ' l. PURPQSF. The purpose of this agreemenC is to providc STA cvith the use of the property in orcler to install, construct and mainhain TtVp (2) bus shellers far the benefit of S'1't1's h•ansit patrons; and to set vut responsibilities for maintenance and renair of the shclcers. 2. PREM.[SES. '[`he O+vrier hereby confers a site license anci right of access tn STA, [o that certaui real property IpCxCed xC Spokaile County in the State of Washington (hcrcinaftcr called "i}ie prcrnises"), mid depicied on the plot plan in Exhibit "A"; attached to this dgrcernent and a part of it. 3. TERVI. Ic is the intcntion of the Owner to provide space for the shelters f.'or thEir full dcsign life. f`3arruig cireumstances unforesccn at the present titne, ihis shall be taken to be five (5) years bcginning the date stated above. Should it become necessary for the O-%wec• to utilize the premises for other purposes before the eiid of fivc (5) ycars, then on niriety (90)-dlys written notice, r1ie site may be recl3imed by the Owner, aid S'lA will recnove or relocate the slielters. Such demind witl be made only for rcasoriable cause, vnd dte Owner presently has nu contingency plans tliat would adversely affect STA's use of the promises for ttle five (5)-year terni. At the cncl of the initial five (5)-year tenn, this agreement shall remai.n in ef.i"ect an a year-to-year basis uutil terminated hy one of the parties. ' 4. iISF. QF PROPER'CY. `I°he prernises shall be used for the erection, maintenancc, and opcratioii of hvo bus shelters by STA, ancl re:laCeci improvemen[s, ingress and egress from, the loading and unloacfing uEbuses and other traosi[ vehicles, and all simila.r and relatea transi[ uses. `I'he STA shelter shall be erected on x ccmcre;ce pact constructed and provided by STA, per STA standard spceil`ieatians. • 5. OWNER'S JiMPRQVFMEVT. STA agrees aC its sole cost aiid expenses to prepare and imprave the premises to condition ready ea 3ttach the STA bus shelter. • 6. U7'IL[TIES: A. Electricitv. The Owner agrees to maintain the currcnt lighting on Owner's properky adjacent to the premises. The installation of any additional elcctrieiry/ligtiting stlall be at STA's sole expense, with Owrier to pay for electricity used on the premises. B. Re e. S'I'A shall be responsible for litter cleanup within the cun.fincs of the bus shelters and within a ten fooc dn:a surraunding the bus shalters: 7. SNOW REMOVAL. In accordauce Wich loc.31 ]aw, snow removal adjaccne to the premises shall be ttte responsibility of the abutting property owner. 8. OWNFRSHiP nF 5HELTER. I'he bus sheliers to be built on the premises are of sranciarcf ciesign and construction_ Thc shclters stiall be built 1nd 'uispected to STA. standards. STA shalt retain ownership of the sheltcrs. 9. LIIITITS OF USE. STA shall have the right to install one reader board inside each shelter which is luiutecl to ' route int'ormation, bus schedules, aj1d similar items. The Owner's customers and /or patrons, if any, shall mAce no use of the premises except as specifically authorir~cd in tliis agreement. ' 10. I.IMITS ANI) liV1PRUV*E~NEN'CS. STA shall not perm.it any mecbanic's ar matcrial person's or other lieiis of any ldnd to be enforcecl against the prcmiscs for any wor#: done or naterials furnished thereon at the rcyuest or on behalf of STA. STA shall indemnity, defenci, and hold the Uwner harmless from sny such items, claims, . ciemands, costs, charges, and expenses. Sitc Liccnsc anc! Right of Acccss Agrcement ~ I'agc 2 11. MAINTEV_AVCE AND liEPA.TRS. STA, xl its own cost and expense, shall mairNaui and keep i.n good repair the shelters or other rclated iinprovements that it pl3ccs on the premises. STA 3grees ta repair aiicl maintain the shelters so long as financially and pnctically feasible, in ics sole discretion. Shaulcl S'l'A be iuiwilling or unable , la rcpair and mainmin the shelters, STA will surrender the pretnises as set 1'or[h 41 Paragraph 16. 12. GOVTRNMFNT Ci-[ARGES. STA shall have no obligation for stace taxes, assessments, or govcrnmental cliarges of any kind against the Prcrnises. 13. DEFAITL''1'. If STA shall fail to perform any term or condition of this agrecment, d1e Uwner may, after giving thirty (30)-day's notice, to correct said default, tercuiuate this agreement If the Owuer shall fail to perform any terui or coudition of this agreemenC, S'I'A may, after Siving th.irty (30)-day's written notice, term.inate this a~'reement. 14. Y.,[ARTi,iTY. To the msximum extent perulitted by law, the STA agcees to aiicl does hereby indemnity ar►d hold harmless the Qwner fiom atry liability iitcltuling personal injury or daiuage to property occurring on the premises (as depicted on Fxhibit "A") duruig fhe term hereof, exccpt for injury or damage resulting from . Owner's sole negligenee. The Ownee agees that STA will not bc hcld liable to Owner for any vccurrenees on properiy outside of the premist;s as depicted ot1 Exltibit "A." 15. SUCCESSORS AN-D ASSiG'S. This agreement wd each of its terms, and condi[ions sliall be binding upon the parties wd their respective successors and assigns. Neither party shall have thc rie,)it to assign this , agreement or my of its riohts and obligatior►s without the Nvritten consent p}'the other p1rty. 16. SUltlt:M)L12.. At the end of.'the lease or ics carlier terrnination, STA will Peaccably and qu.ietly stuTender possession of the prem.ises to thc Qwner without die givai5 of.' any noticc; tu quit or demaud for possession " ttiereof. STA will remove all signs, structures, or improvements on thc premises, will eepair any cilmaPe caused by such removal, and agrees to restore the site to its original condition priar to the installation of the shelters anci to ttie satisfactioi.i of the.Ommer. STA mxy requcst perinission from the Qwner to not remove tlie struchires. Such clecisioii is to be at che sole discretion of the Owner. ' . 17. OUIET YUSSESSIUN. 11ie Owner covenants and warrants that STA has full right tn ttie preinises for uses and purposes herein provided and that STA, upon complying with the terms and conditions of lhis agrcement, shall have and auietly enjoy the use of the peemises. 18. EMINENT n(UMALN. lf die wliole ar sny substanlial part of the prentises hereby leased shall be fakeu by any governtnental agency tmcler [he powe.r of eminent damain, S'L'A shall have thc righf co ci[her termiciate this agreemeot upon in.i4ation of'such dction, or iu contintie in posse.ssion of a remtunder of the premises under the terms herei.n prnvided. 19. r'OTICES. All notices required by this agrecmcnt shall be in writing and shall be pcrsonslly served oc1 the party of whom it iy intcnded ur sent by certifiecl mail, recum reccipt eequested. The notices shall be adciressed as follows: OWNER: SPOKAlYH: TRANSIT AU`i'HOItIIY: PlaiminS Department Spokaile Transit Atithoriry 1230 W. Boone Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 . ~ ' Site License wiJ Right of Accrss Agreement ~ ~ Faga 7 " 20. TL+'RMiNA'1'lON: S1'A may early tcrminace this agrcement upon thirty (30)-day's nocice vvritten notice in the event of tlie premises becornuig twfeasible ctuc to route changes, extraordinary mainCCnance or repair costs, etc. Upon terrniilaiion of ttiis agreemerit for atiy ruason, S'CA shall have: thirty (30) days from the termination date to remove all uuprovemetlts placed or ulstalled by S'CA on or to the premises. OWNER: SPOKA,'E TRANSff AUTHORITY: Si?nature Signature Da[e Signed Date Signed At[zst AtccSt ' • QWIYER; STATE pF WASH[NG'1'UN ) ) ss. ~ COIJNTY OF SPQKANE ) I certifp that I Imow or have satisfactory evidence that sisned this document on oath 1nd stated t.hat heJshe was authorized io execute it and acl:nowledged it as (tide) of the * (company) to be the free and voluntary act of such a party for tJie uses aud purppses thercin mentioned. DA TF..D: ' Signarijre of\TOtary Public My appouitment expires • SYO1CAN1. '1'Rr1evSTT AUTIIORITY: STATE OF WASNINGTON ) • ) ss. CUUN1`Y ON SPOKANE ) I certiCy that 1 know or have satisfaclory cvidcnce that F. Susan iMeyer and Geralyn Carberg signed khis document on oath and staled thxt they werc authorizc:d to cxccute il and acknowledged it 3s the Chief Executive Officer of the SPQKANE TRAIYS[T AUTHORITY, a municipal corpura[iun, co be the free sncl vuluntar'y set of'such aparty for thc; uses and purposes therein meiltioned. DATED: Signaturc ofNotary F'ublic My appointment expires , SPQKAIITE TRANSI'I' AU'I`HORITY 13us Slielter Pad Specifications Concrete - . Slab Lenglh: Sixteen (16) f'eet Slab Width: Fnur (4) feet Slab Depth: SiY (6) inches Base :l]epkh: Four (4) inch.es crushed gravel Aggegates: A.S.T.M. C150, Type i or lIl tiVater: Drinkable tlir: GntrainingAcLilzxture: A.S.T.M. C260 Usc air enteriug admixture in all, concrete azid providing not less thau four Pezcent nor more than six Percent entrained ai.r for concrete ~ i exposed to freczing anci tha~ving. Water.: XetlucingAdmtTtur•e:. 11.ST.11~f. C924. Type as r.equired to suit project conditions. Concrete to have minimum 28-clay coinpressive slxength of 2,500 psi. Vlinimum 5%z sack mixhzrc 4" slump. A1ter iloat .finislling, slig}itly roughen concrete surface by brooming pexpendicular to main traffie route and provide finish eclge around tlie slab and any joints. Frotect concrete from physical ciaznagc due to weather extremes during placement a-►d cur.ing. , ~ . , ~ MACGVF _ Q~1Donm Indiana Avenue; City o Valley Spokane ~ Proposed Shelter Locations ~ ~ ~ Z E Ind,acim Ave ,r - . ~ . . F ~O+la ,4s~ a ¢a' F ` L 3all4 Arv ~?Q~, V4PO.NU rom n- Site Plan Spokane Valley Mali Area - ' .,~_~.i., , ~~~~~-►~~~titi~.~,~~~~• ~ ~~~~,~a • ~ ~ ~ -..m~n C3~;i^„K,r - _ _ ~ N`_ nn . ` ~C,' , ~ ~ - i ~ . ~ - `~~Q ;,ti41o ~ ; .:~~~,5 ~ • ` j FL~ II ` ~ ~ue i ~~'"~11 „ 1~ ~4 r__ , ~ 1 . ~ . . . ._~'a SEARS ~00~ UY '1~'-~ ~ __J ~ ~ ~ ` ~ fl JCPenne O ..~e. ' I~m„ ~~,y,`' ar v. ' ~-r ~ Y: . j1~JI~~~ t2~"- ' K2 _ . <v~t. n~ tlt[ATM lo ~ ~ ~ • ~.v. ~ ` E • ~y ~ VIL BON ~ r. C~ - S I,(~ _ LF MARCH ~ . ~ ~ S~ ° np 'V ; - i/ ~y~ :vi.:- ~r: _ ~~~I~~~ -'S : .1. ~ u"'~ , - CtRi•~ ~ ~ Currertt Route 40 • • • • • Currertt Route 71 New Routes 74,90,96 Westbound - New Routes 74,90,96 Eastbour.d . : i ~ / Exhibit A . . , . ~ . ~a i _ . ' . r ~ i~J, ti~~.,• . ~~a~i r . ~ ,1~~. ~ E" I ' A' ~ " j,~ ~ 1 _ ~ t~ • , • 1. a i~'• i , I ' ';t~~ t~t~t~ ~ ` ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ 4 '~-S ~i * , ~ ~y ~ • , ` I ~ ° - ,1 ~~l ~ ~ ~ -Cs• - - ~ i s~y ,1 S,'~~~~~ s ~ l~ : a.= . • , ,~'r i ~ I~ • ! 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DC-~1s.tiU • ~ ►~aDFt.-"t tlrtt or puL%4 eAl-iou - suIf, .lu-1-r ra a►Ia.w,c f~0.1C4JJ ~ T~}.f 5i T Au Tl-lol~l T`( / ~ 'OWr-f-lr r-200dr-- 3rOKatJr-, wn I9u>i (6n~) 325-rarxao ...,,,z. - - e'.. , ~ e . ` . y ~X.r _ • ♦ - _ , ~ I t S~}..f '~S~ • -c~~~+~ti. ~ e r r ".AA ~ , ~ . . ~ . ~ ' ~ r'!~~ , f~` I { ~j,af • K -~.1'~Y~ t ~ ` 4AL ` t. • ~ ' ~ . . T . . ~ •A. N►' ~s ' . ~ - p •s ~ _ { it , , ; / ~n, i' .'1I•~ , r • ~ ~ 6i~ j • ' ~ ,L .n ~r. . ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ • Y' • Venue - ~`'•7~' - G,t • ~''eY A ~ ' - ~ l'~~.•A~ •r w, vI v ` • ~ ~.i.~ ~ l'' 1 ' '~1r~ - • • ► . ~ _ • - • r y~ . . ~:.r • . ~LL •r~Ij~~~~~. ;3 ~,~r'r t~ ~ ~ ?-~j ~ : , . ~:n ~ ~ . ' ' ~ t~:y. 't y~ _AOO*~ ' ( . . , ' ' . _ ' ~ . ~ti 4 . • ' ~ ~1''ti. • j~~rfr. =~~~~r~.~ ' • . . . " . : ~„~,~y ~ ~ • . - ' . , ~ 'S- r~ • . ! ' , - ; ~ ~a;,~ . : ~ - ~ . ~ . ~i • ~ ~h'' .v;~~; ~dry~ • ~a~~~~1 . . • • ' .~~i .K> 7R,~?(~':-4~ 4,1;~~ j~~•n •~I • ~A~.~`~ ~ , _ _ . ~ Y, ~~~!w►~./~ ••J ' ' ~'s11 _ . • ' ~ ! ~r'~ f ~Js~! 1!C ~~~eo ~ • ` *l' ~ l.x} ~f - 'Y1'A . ~ i y J~~~ 1 ~ ' ~i'. 1'w~•~J ' . P.•"~i;. . ~ , • ~rii . . . ~i`~ . ' ~ - ~i) . K4~ _ - - • ~ . . . ~ . ~ ~.h~. ' • . j,~ .e , _ . . ``R~' ' • ' fi~ "Zk ' . . . . . - ; ,-1 , ' , - , . Plan - . s- Proposed sheiter, - ~ - westbound ~ ~ . ~ ;r y " • -it". . r' - ~r • ~ ~ ~~ISr ~ ~ ~ ~'~5~+4'~.~ ~ fL11 ~ ~ . ' . , . ~ ~ . . . • , _ .~4' _ ~~~ir y • . ~.?~T~ 1 .l_~Ji~.. ' . ~t. ry ~j'~ - • . . s•.,= r. .:~'a•,~ J Gl, ~ , t.. ~ - ' . .i - ~ ~n• . ~ rfi~~~`~~~•,, ' • • ~ • ~'~5~~' ;;.~~4:~ . r , s~, ' , , . ~ ~y~;,'~_ .f! i ,>i' . ~1'.r t.i,~e,~ - 'r - a[,' - . • . • . . . . . _ `V'' .r ar ;r 'I .:Y~r3 . ~ ~ ~ 1 ` ~r~r ~ {;~~r, ~~f. M1'y i''~►~. - ~ . • . i✓;rl • , i. , . ~ ~25~~ . - : ~h~ ''•4,s~,~ ~ ~ 0~ ~t ~ ~ , . • ' 4 ~ ; • ~ ~ ~ . , A ' w' ~ ~ ~ „ - . . _1-'. . '~r~` ~..r A.7;_ . . _ _ • .'•Q'►ri`.• . f'~,~. . ...~t~i~i'~YL,,Z' nt~•.`~ Recommended shelter location for westbound on Indiana with adequate space available for standard profile. Sidewalk is about 4 ft at its narrowest. Location is on only accessible pathway to/from the mall, although at an un-signalized crosswalk. ~ Shelter accommodates waiting and transfers between route 96 and routes 32 / 74 l 90. ~ Site Plan - _ - - _ - F _ ~ - I a - - ~ ; ► ' . ~ ~ ~ ~ Proposed shelter . - ~,F:~~w.,i 4• location, eastbound y~ ~ AZ~ - + ~ : ~ i I , , , , ' ' * ` . ` _ ~ ~ + . - ~ _ • , ~ +1. S', 1'~~ + s'~ i r r~' 1~~ ~ s ~ . ~f f • _ • •C , ~ , ~ ~ - 'r~,,r,~"' , ~ , " • . ~y,^~~' ~ , . I h~ ~ Ik ` 'i d ~ 1"~~~ ~c f~r ~ i• ~ ' ~.i ~ _ _ _ ~7.' ~ ~ p~ . _ _ - , r, L ~~u"• . . ~ , i - , i r ~ t-,~~ •r r + ~f~ .7 T - ~ ~ • ~ , . + • Tw •~N *.ly• . , . `r,s• ~ ~ ' -r ' ' , `•a 7.~~:• , '"t+'=-' _ Y • - - ~ = y ~ \ ' 'rsr-~ . . p. . . • ~ - - - f . . ~y • . rw 'y. ` ~ - ~ , - . • , ~ Site Plan . ~ • ' ' - _ - . : . . - r, ~ ' , l. ~ K-~!" • ~ ~r'~ , ':~r . . i.• ~ ~ _ • _ - ~ ~ ~ .1.:;• :z4:- . , ~ . . .~.t, .a'~' 1• ~ ' I . i . , a~ s '''t / ~ . . ~ , b6 . • r ' . ~ ' i r~ . . ~ ~ •ti.~_~ y~ s ^ • t~ .ti ; FWMy's . ~~►J;c . ~ . . ly ~ . . . r• ; ~ . pj - - - • r ~ " - ~L ~ ' : ~ - J ~~J • ' ~ ~ r • ~ - ~.l~1 • - _ ~ ' • ~ 1 N • ~ S • ~ . . . ~ ' ' ~ 1 r • a _ , J . {1 - `A~/y, - ✓ ' i~~ E- ,.x ' Site Plan ~ - -f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SLV'Si.'~:~•rf. ~ - . 1 1 I ~.,:g*'- ~ ~ ` • . ~ . ~ 1h~; . _ . - .~~!'~1:~ 3 - , • ' _ ~ ~ ! • y' ~ ~ • i . ~ 1 f~ l~ ~ ?~f t ~ . ~ '►~\If.l :iJ~•. ~1•~ ♦ ~~~t..i. r , , • ; - ; : - t . , .f- - r W r-~~ ~ •l~ •~~'~i ~~I'. - r - ' fi~ i~L:3~~ ~ a~l:~ Tr il • ' p .,►~i ~ , ~ fr" ♦ • ~ ~ ~ j ~~P ' tP. T : f~~n~, ~ki , - ' ~ i . , . ~ ~ ~ , ~~'l~!_~~^~..7 ~ •1' - - ~ .N~ f ~ 1+ • . 4 r ~L = . ~ '1► ~ ~ • ~ . ;~Y•'~ f,' ~r,' . .T' -96"IP. ~r ~ ~ i ~i''T► s ' - `r` ~ - • ~r- v"-,~ : r " ~ j~~~~ "o-46". ~ . • , , . . . _ ~ - ~ . Vt, ~ k,~;,~;r ~ ~1" - °;~t',~~. y~► ; ~ :V _ ►ai~•. , f,'M~ ~S''~~•. `~`y:~'' ~'~~4~~ ~ ~ . _ . • r ; - . a • ,'~1'! ,I. ~ ' ~ . ~ ~!~h' - • ~ j~,,,~,~~ ~'i ~ L C ' . . *.ii ~ 4 . r ~ ~ .►.~+~Riy~1~~ y,' I ' ~ Y• • ` ~r,. .1 "~y~iC' . -t t . ua` •t.1w ,S-. r vw4~', _ '~~-'~"~i:~x . ~ . ~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ h r ~ ~ ~ M ~ . - . ~ Shelter Plan 000~ 7_~ - ~ - r ~ 1-;""'~.~ . ~(i; . . . •i_ . . . w Recommended shelter location - for eastbound on Indiana . w . - ~ . a • . ~ • ~ 1j • ~ 1 • . . , ' Requires more narrow profile • . . ~ ~ r~:~, ~ ~ than standard. Sidewalk is ~ 'j•y 4'' / ~ • ' _ N S tL~ s,J._ - ~ ,y~ ' ~,.(.Y~:~ •~ti'~ about 5 ft. Space between re#aining wall and sidewalk is about 4 ft, possibiy more depending upon placement. , ~ , i .,_N : _ , _ ? ~ - _ - ~ ~ ~ ~,a~ i ~ • _-r- ' Location is on accessible pathway tolfrom mall and in ~ . ~ close ProximitY to overhead . ~•'r . , streetlight. - - , Shelter in this location accommodates waiting and " ~i : t ; r . . . passenger transfers between route 96 and routes 32 / 74 / 90. . . ~F . . . 0.0 , ~ . r+..~ f ~ ~ i~111 L ~r . C w., r • " .-k~`'~, . 3.; : • . ' ~ • M ~~•`i~.Vb•~L' - Il Shelter Plan ~ • ~ ~!t~s-~ '~4 ey~ 4 . . _ ~ L D12AFT ADVANCE AG1:NC)A For Plan.iuug Discussion Yurposes Unly as of Yovember 30, 2005 1:15 p.m. k'lease note tlus is awork in progress; items as•e tentativc To: CQUncil & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Scliedule for Upcoming Council Meetings MundaV,1)eeember 12, 2005. 6 p.m.- 9:00 n.m. Special Cr.iuncil Meetin,_,; CenterYlace Auditorium 2426 N Discovcrv Placc 1. PC3BLIC HCARIh`G: Draft Comprehensive Plan 2. Council Deliberatinn: DraR Comprehensive Plan: I,and Use and/or Utilities Chapters December 13,2005, 17ej►uhir Nleeting, 6:00 n.m. [tlue clale Thursda}', nec:ember 11 1. Conscnt Agenda: Minutes; Claims,'Fa}TOII; Commission/committee appointments; Lodging Tax Advisory CommitCee Grant R.ecommcndatiQns; [5 minutes] 2. Seconcl Readinb 1'roposect Orctinance 05-033 Street Right-of-way Ordinance -\Teil KersCen [5 minutes] 3. First Reading Prnposed Henring Eaaniiner Orclinanee AmendmenC - Ivlike Connelly/Cary 17risk.ell [10 mins] 4. Proposed Resolution: Approving lssuance of Noirrecourse Revenue Bonds - llave Mercier [10 minutes] 5. Rcsolution: Off.icial zewspaper - Chris Bainbridge [lQ minutes] 6. Nlotion Consideration: 1'indings of Fact re Al'f' 04-05 (Hilleri Viljanen) - Cary I7riskell .[10 minuets] 7. Motion Consideration, and Prescntation: Valley CorridQr (Sprague/Appletivay) ProJect, "1'raffic Flow - Neil Kersteii/Steve Worley [30 minutes] nTSCUSSiON: Council T)eliberation: Drcrft Coinpreherlsive Plan: Larid Use and/or Utilities (70.►ninutes7 8. [nformation ltems: - a. Helmec Use rclucation b. Departmeirtal Monthly fZeports c. Planning Comrnission Miclutes <I. FnCorcemenl Process - Mike Connelly [estimatecl meeting: 150 minutes*] Mcindav, December 19, 2005, 5:30 p.m. Special Meetina: Executive Session, Labnr Nep-atiatinns [dinncr at 5p.rn. 2° T'Ioor Confercnc.e room; Exccukive Session i.n Council Chxmber 5:30 p.m.] i)erember 20, 2005, Sludv S"sion, 6:00 n•m. iciue ciate Thursday, llecember 1. Aclministration oPOath of U(Tic:e for Couneilmembers (15 minutes) 2. Service Recognition - Dave Mercier (10 minutes), 3. Fast Valley Sctlool T)istrict School R.esource Offecr Prescntation - Cal Walher (20 minutes) g1. Presentation: 2009 World Figure Skating Chvnpionships =I'oby Stewart (15 minutes) 5. Ad Woc Sign Conunittee Update - Dave Crosby (20 minutes) 6. OfF Road Vehicle Use - Gary Driskell (20 minutes) 7. Raad Aqaintenance Upctate -Neil Kersten/Johii Hollmari (20 minutes) 8. Pavement Cut Policy - Tom Scholtens (15 minutes) 9. Drafr Scopc of Work for Street vtastcrplau & R.elated Activitics - Ncil Kerstcn (15 minutes) - TOTAI, i'IIlVU'i'ES: 150 -minutes , ; December 27, 2005, No Meeting Drati Advance tlgenda 11l30/2005 - 1:17 I'ibt Page t of 3 ,Yanuarv 3, 2006, Studv Session, G:UU p.m. [duc date Thursday, Pecember 221 l. Flection of Council Officers - Chris :F3ainbridge 15 minutes) 2. iNational lncident Manaacmcnt System Training (v'livlS) - Cal «'alker (45 minutes) 3. Administrative Report: Annual ,Accomplishments Report - Nina Itegor, et; al (45 minutes) 4. Council Delibcration: Draft Comprehensive Plan: Land Usc and/or Utilitie.s (45 minules) TO'f AL i1'ffi~TL)'1'ES: 150 minutes Januarv 10, 2006, .Regular `'Ieeting, G:UU p.m. [due date Thursday, December 291 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Clairns, Payroll 2. Second Reading 1-learing Examiner Amended Ordinance - eUlike Connelly [10 minutes] 3. Sceond Reading Proposed right-of-way amendment-Ivlil:e Connelly (10 minutes] 4. I'roposed ree Resolution Amendment - Ken Thompson [10 rninutes] 5. IvTotian Consideration: Adoption of 1'arks & Recrc;ation ivlaster Plan -Mike Jackson r 15 minutes;~ 6. Administr~itive Repori:: Massage ParlorslBath I-Iouses - Cal \~'alker/Cary 17riskell [15 minutes] nTSCUSSION: Council Deliberarion: Draft Compreltettsive Pltnt: U1ililies, unc1/or A'ancrcil Ertvironment [90 rninuCes] (estimated meeting: 150 minutes}] January 17, 2006, Studv Session, G:UU p.m. [duc date T6ursday, January Sj 1. Traffic and Speed I,,irnits Discussion -Neil Kersten . (20 minutes) 2. Council Deliberation: L7raft Comprehensive Plan: Utilities ancVor Natural Environment (90 minutes) ' TOTAi., A7]NUT:F'S: .11.0 miriutes ~ Tanuac-y 24, 2006, Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [duc datc Thursday, January 121 1. Conseiit Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payrol.l 2. 1?irst Reading Proposcd Orditiance Amending Aviation Area - Marina SuF.-Lip [10 miclutes] 3. A<lministxative Report: i and Quantity Analysis -Nina Regor [15 ir►inutes] 4. Departmental Mondily Reports CTR.-1 Iilizl'1ii1 7.,OtUtla (expires 03-06-06) - Marina Sukup [esti.mated meeting: minutes*] Janu:irv 31. 20f16. Studv Sessitin, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thursday, Januitry 191 I+ebruarv 7, 2006, Study Scssion, 6:00 p.m. [duc date Thursday, Jsnuary 26] 1. Spokane County Library Districl Update on New Library Process - Vlike Wirl' (20 minute-s) S.iturd.tv, Februarv 11, 2006, CounciUStaff R'inter Retreat [due date Thur, J<<n 261 . ~ llraft Advance Agcnda 11/30f2005 1:17 PM FkgC 2 Of 3 FebruArv 14, 2060, Regular Meetin!!, 6:00 p.rn. [due date Thursdity, Fehruary 21 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance tlmenc{ing Aviation Area- iMarina Sukup [10 minutes] J Februarv 21, 2006. Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [clue date Thursday, February 91 N"ebruarV 28, 2006, ReZular vTcetint*, 6:00 n.m. [duc datc Thursday, February 161 March 6, 2006, Studv Session, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thurs, Fcb 231 March 14. 2006, Regular iVYeeting, 6:00 n.m. (due date Thurs, March 21 vlyrch 21., 2006, Stuclv Session G:UU p.m. [duc datc Thurs, March 91 ~ March 28, 2006, ltegular Meetina, 6:00 p.m. ((clue date Thurs,Msrch 161 . QTI:IER PL+"Nll1NG A,~\TD/OR UPCOMING ISSU'ES/~~TEETINGS: Joint BoCC and City Council Ivle:eting Regarding Joint Planninb Agreement Pandemic K.esponsc SCratepies - i'ire Dish•ict n 1 Chief Mike Thompson Ordinance Adopting Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Bus Benche.s . Prismll'lus/T'actal (Parcel Taata Locator) System - Chris }3erg HAZard MiYigation Plan - Marina Sukup Cenlral Valley School llistrict Impacl Fce Request CeneerPlace Fiber vs. T l for Communiciil:ions and Taata - Niike Jackson . Joint Meetings: School Disericts; Board of County Commissioners Panhandling - Ca! Walker Second Reading Proposed Sidewalk qrdinance 04-012 -(Firsl: reading 02-24-04) Sewer Collection Systems - Ncil K.ersten . Stora-e Tank Urdinance - Tom Scholtens Street Pawing Fwiding Option -Neil Kcrsten (Gary Schimmels) Deftnitions and schedules of permittcd uses - Marina Sulcup SEPA Mitigation Strategies - Cary Iariskell/Greg McCnrmick/Neil Kersten Planned Unit DevelopmenC (PUD) Policy lssues - Marina Sukup/NZike Connelly estimated meeting time cloes rtot include time for public tomrnerus] ura#t Advnnce Ar epda 11/30P-005 1:17 PM Page 3 of 3