2005, 01-25 Regular Meeting . , 1 A(;EtiUA SPOK.a1YF V.aLLE1' C[Tl' COCINCII_ REGIILAR NiEFTING #59 Tu"day, .lanuun 25, ?005 G:Op p.m. CiTY HALL AT RE, DWOOD PLAZ4 11707 Fast Sprnguc Avenac. Flrst FIaor Council ltequests Al) F:iectroaic Ileviccs be '1'urned fJff 1)uring Council Mcetin" CALL TO ORDf:lt 1!YVOCATIOti: 1'asto► _11 t lul~cii. Vallc~ ~~SStI11I?I~ U~ Uld t'LFnGE OF 4t..t-EGIA,tic-r ItOLi, CALL APPROV,41, OF AGFSiDA 1NTR(1D[7CTlq1 nF SPFCIAL Gt+ES'tS ANU E'RLtiEN7'ATIONti COMMTI'tF.F„ BOARD, I.IAiSnN SLTMMAR1r REI'ORTS MAYOR'ti REPORT: f'U13LIC CUhiMEN'I'S I'or mc►nber-, of thc 1'unilL to _pcLk tu tlic Coum:il rrgarding matters N()T un tuc Agcnda. I'lrsc staic your numc nnd nddress tur the rri:unl nnd I'unit rcmarf.s lo t}►rrr rriinutcs. 1. Vi:BLIC liEARItiG: Pines/Mansfield Development Agmrmtnt.s - tieil kersten 2. CONSFKT AGENDA ConsisLS of iteins cdasidcted retutinc wttich arc appr.w:d a~ agr"lup. A (:ouncilmcmExr may rrmovc an itcm fram thc Canscnt Agcndn to bc considc-ced scpnrucrl} . (Notr: Cuunril may calrrtain a motion ta waivc reuding and approvc Cnasrat Agcndst.j a. Appmva) of Regii1Ar Council Meeting M inutes aCJanuan 11. 200; h, APproval af Study Session Minule5 nf January 19. 2005 L. Approval c►f Payroi) of Jnnunry 15, '005 c,t C 1 0~.5"9 Rt) d. Appmval of dic Folluwing Vouchcrs- ' VUUGtiER LLS'C voUCIiu 101 n1. ~ DATC humbcr(s) VOllCEtFR , 4M(7l►NT i 1-3-03 6081 17,878.90 ~ i 1-7-05 6093-6140 725.299.21 i I-14-05 6141-6183 1,704.43$.1 ~ 1 ' GRAND 1'nTAL 2,4 7 7,616'8 iir..i :.~ri:i:,'; _ F'-_ ,'i-`!r:•,•-;: P:f~:c i _ KE'"' I31I5[NFS> 3. Second Rrading: Proposcd Ordinanre 05-403: Area-widc Kezone N Greenucres Atea (RE:7. 17-04)-Scatt huhtn (public curamcntJ f'ropc►scd Amcndmencs ta thc Catnptehcrisivc Flnn - Scoti Kuhtu rs. tiecond Reading, Urdinance US-pOd, CPA 01-04 (public cucamentl h. Secoixl Rcmding, Ordinnnce 04-005, CPA 02-04 (public commcat) c. Sccand Reading, Ordinancc 05-006, CAA 03-04 [pubiic commcotJ d. Se:.ond Rcading, Ordinaticr 05-007, CPA 05-04 (public commcnt) e. Scccmd Reading, C?rdinancc 05-008, CAA 08-04 (pubUc commcnt) Mutian Consideration: S, Side otBraadway Avenuc, C:PA 04-04 - Scon Kuhtn Ipublic coeumentJ 6. Motiun Considrratinn: East side of Adams Road, CPA 06-04 - Scoa Kuhca (puhlic comment] Motion Cunsiderauon: Fuel Tax Grant Distrihution Agmemcnt with the Z'ransportatian Improvement Buar.i ferr thc PincslMansficla T'rojcrt - Stevr Wur•ler,'N'ril Kersteti I public coniment) PlBL1C CnNIN1ENT5 (Matimum uf thrcc: minutes plc3sc; stnte your name and adclrtsy inr thc re+cord) A.DM1N{S 1'ItATiVF RF:Pt)It'TS: [nr, pul,lic c,>cnmznt] H Sign Krg.ulutiims - Mnrina Suktip P_r'FQRAIATIUV UNLY: [n. 0 Departme»tsl A'Ionchly Repui i 10. tipoknne Caurriy Library Di - ! 1 I. Planning Cammission Miniitc_, o; ijclcruoc:r .AI).I()URYi'[FN7 F'I'TURf' SCIIED(.'LL: Rrgu/ar C'oeutcl! AleeNngs arr generitll}, held 2rrr1 and I`'' Tuadays, bcRlnning at 6:00 p.m. Cauncil Starfi! Sessions arr gencrallt, htld 1°. 3nd artd .Sth Tuadn};c, beginning at 6: 00 p.rrr. Ut/ter Tenlatirc tlpcuminr MeMi►tgsr'Ercnts: 1=cbruury l, 2005 - Joint Meeting, Counci) and Planning Cnmmission s-cbruury 12, ?(?US - Iialf-llny CounriUStaff Reireal, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. %inrch 15, ?QQS - Nu Caccncil Mceting ar Scud}• Scssion •lpril 14, 2005 - Convcrsation with the Community, 6 p.m. Pratt Elemcntary•. 6903 E 4d' Ave Junc 11. 200i - Mid-Ycar CounciVStaff Rctreat. 9 a-rti. - ncwn NOTIZF:. Indv. iduals pl:snnins to atterul Ute noe:l,ng bo requiri sPccinl axastnnce iu ttL:cilrttmndu:e ph}•sic91, hcating. or ather impoirmrnts, plcasr cantect thc Crty C1a1: nt (509) N2 t-10pft us s+ror zsstblc so tbot arranp-rnrnts mnv hc mmslc. t-au;ic~l !1Fcn~tn f~i•'_'•~~` it^g,~lnr'~lcctint_ f',~~. : : CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business X public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin, report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: PineslMansfield Development Agreements GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The intersections at Pines and Indiana and Pines and Mansfield are operating below acceptable levels of service. Nine property owners in the vicinity wanted to develop their properties but could not afford to make the necessary improvements at this intersection to mitigate their traffiic-related impacts. In 2002 Spokane County and the WSDOT developed a solution and offered to apply for a TIB grant to pay for the improvements. The impacted property owners agreed to financially participate by coming up with the required 30% local matching funds. . In 2002 Spokane County received a$2.1 million Transportation Partnership Program grant from the TIB for this project. In 2004 the City received $1.16 million in federal Congestion PvlanagementlAir Quality funds from SRTC to cover the remaining cost of the project. The breakdown of project cflsts and participants is as follows: TI B $2,193,561 55% Developers S 514,059 13% City $ 55,000 1% WSDOT $ 55,000 1% CMAQ $1,160,469 29% Total $3,978, 089 100% The participating developer partners include: • Centenninl Properties - $151,729 • John Miller - $55,533 • John Miller - $121,383 (previously Bob Bonuccelli) • Bill Lawson - $119,866 • Tom Hamilton - $28,525 • Carlos Landn - $28,222 (previously Rick Hooker) • Ted 6unning - $1,821 • Grant Person - $5,159 • Mirabeau Chapel - $1,821 (paid in full) We have provided a map showing the location of the properties associated with the above developers. We are now ready execute a mitigation agreement with each developer partner and have them pay their proportionate share of the project cost. Following this Public Headng we will bring back each developer agreement for Council approval on February 8, 2005 or as soon as we receive signed agreements from each of the above developers. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: City share of project, $55,000, is available in the Street Capital Projects Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENT: Developer Agreement i / . After rccorcling, return to `J City of Spok.~ne Valley, City Clerlc 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Sliokane Valley, WA 99206 y7TIGATION AGREEMENT SR 27 (PINES ROAD) / MANSFIELD ROAD CQNSTRUCTlON P. ROJECT This Mitigation Agreement ("Atrcement") is entered into by and between :NaXX}XX.jXXCX?C?QX.XX. ("Developer"), a Washington corporation, havina offices for the transaccion of business at XXX-XaM?CXXXa.= Spokane, Washington 99201, and the City of Spokans Valley ("Cit,v"); it pofitical subdivision of the State of Washington, hcreinafter jointly referred to as "Parties": - RECITALS 1, The City, in cooperation with Spokane County and ttie Wasliington State Department of Transportation, is planning to design and consCruct improve►nents to the SR 27 (Pines R.aad) and Mansfielcl Road corridor with Transportation Partnership 1'rogrram ('I"PP) grant funds from the Transportation Improvement Board (TII3) and Congestion iManagement/Air Qualiry (CMAQ) grant funds from the Spokaiie Re?ional Transportat.ion Couneil (S1tTC). The name of the project is t.he I'ineslMansfield Corridor Congestion R.elief Project ("Froject") and thc purpose of this project is to alleviate existing and fuCure traffic congestion in this area. The parmers included in this 1'roject include: • View Ranch Fscates, Carlos Landa (formerly Rick Hooker) • Northwooc! PropertiES, Ted Gunning • Tomlirison Black Commercisl, lnc., Ctrant Person • BSA Properties, Robert Bonuccelli • Lumber Yard Lnvestments, IdI,.C; John titiller • Inland Empire I and Company, Wayne Andresen • A & A Constructinn & Developmcnt, Inc., Christopher Ashenbrener • 'Chnmas Flamilcon • A1irabcau Chapel, Craig Langhans Hereinafter referrecl to as "Developer Partners." 2. The Developer is the owner/clevcloper of certain real property generally Ipcated within the SR 27 (Pines Road) ttnd Mansficld Raacl corridor north of Interstate 90 legally described in Exhibit "A" 1 ("1'ropcrty"). Mitigation Development Aereemeni Page 1 of 5 3. The laeveloper is developing the Property far residential andlor commercial uses (lhe ' "Development") which will increase traffie congestion and dircctly impact existing trlnsportation infrastructure along the Pines/Mansfield r.orridor from and ineluding the on- and off-ramps at I-90. Mitigation of ttiese impacts will be required a.s parl of the development of said property. 4. The Parties are desirous of enterins into an Agrccment which provides for the payment of a proportionate share of the Project in consideration for thc allocation of a specified number of P.M. Peak Hour trips and mitigation of traffic impacts associated with the Development. 5. The Taeveloper recognizes the need to improve the tratTic congcstion in the, PinesJMansfield corridor and has agreed to financially pa.rticipate in the Project by contributine a pro-rata share of the requirecl local matching funds. 7'he Developer's pro-rflta share is ra.sed on the tntal number of trips previously estimated fior the Development. 6. Pursuanl to RCW 43.21 C.060, and RCV1' 82.02.020; the City has the authoriCy to allow apayment to mitigate a direct impact that has been identified as a conseyuence of aproposccl development. The City (1) has idciitified future road projects necessitated by planned development in certain arcas of the Cit}; and (2) has icfentified a reasonable relationship beriveen impacts generatcd by the Iaevelopment to the transportation system and the financial contribution toward those impaets. 7. To mitigate the direct irnpacts of the Development upon existing transportation facilities, the Partiss are voluntarily entering into this Agreement pursuant to RCW 82.02.020. 8. It is intended that this Agreement provide funds in order io mitigate die direct traffic-related impacts of the Development upon the environment which have been identificd through the SEPA review , rrocess ajid documented in the City File No. ;?CXX:X?Q~~X: ACREEMENT NOW, TI-IEKEFOEtE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereafter set forth, ehe Devcloper and the City hereto agree as f'ollows: 1. Voluntarv Af!reement. This Ao eemeot, including all attached documents, is a veluntary agreement as tliat I:erm is used in RCW 82.02.020. The mitigation fees charged herein are pronortional to the traffic-related impaets generated by the I7eveloUment. The parties acknowledge that the project is rea.sonably necessary to mitigate the direct traffic impact of the Develnpment. In the event that (1) a mitigation <<greement is not executed by aU the Dcveloper Partners; (2) Project funds or the mitigation Eees are not received by the City; (3) a micigation agreement is breached by any developer; or (4) this mitigation agrecment is determiiied by a courc to be null and void all obligations under t.his agreement shall terminate and the City shall refund the unexpended porkioii of mitigation fees. Following a Cerinination of this agreement the Developer shall, as reasonably required, mitigate the direct traffic impacts of the Development through the State Environmental Policy Act. 2. Proiect Funds. The Project is being funded from several sources includin-, the Washington State Uepartnient of TransportAtion (WSDOT), the TIB, the SRTC, the City, and the Devcloper Partners. Funcls from WS[aOT, TI13, SRTC and the City have been obligated. The successPul completion of the Project depends on the receipt of a11 funds from the Developer Partners. If all funds are not obtained from the Developer Partners, thc Project will not be completecl. vlitigation Development Agrccment Page 2 uf5 ~ 3. Mitigation Fee. The Developer shall pay $'XXX7~X, (S303.46 per Y.M. Peak Hour trip), which has been determined to be the (7eveloper's contribution to the Project for mitigatian of future traffic impacts rclated to the Development. ]'his traffic mitigation fce shall be expended towards the design, right-of-way aequisition, and construction of the Project. 4. Pavment To begin the design af the Project, the Developer a'rees to pay 20% of its mitigation fee no later dian kebruary 25, 2005. A letter of credit or savings assignment from a financial institution shall also bc provided t4 the Cit}, no later than Febru9ry 25, 2005 for the remaining 80% of the Developer's rnitigation fee. The remaining 80% nf the Developer's mitigation fce shall be paid to the City no later than 90-days prior to the Project bid date for construction. The City wil1 notify the Devcloper of the F'roject bid datc when it is determined. All fecs paid by the Developer shall be used as a portion of dle local mateh required for the 1'tB and SRTC gran/s relatetf to the de.sign, right-af- way acquisition, and construction of'the Project. 5. -Site Development. Building permits will be issued for the Devclopment wlien 1) this agreement has been execuled, and 2) the Developer's mitigation fees have been paid by all Developer F'artners in accordance witli Section 4 above, and 3) all other conditions of approval of the Development retluired Uy state and local laws are satisfieci. The City will notify the Developer Partners in writing when all of the above conditions have been fulfillcd. No building perrnits for the Development will be relcased until this written notification has been issued. Execution of this agreement releases the llevcloper from the requirement of constructing frontage improvements on the Property, provided said fronta~e improvements are included in the Project. IF frontage improvemciits are not included in the Project, the Developer is responsible for constructing ;frontage improvements in addition to paying the mitigation fees. 6. Comaliance with RCVV 82.02.020. Yayment collected by the City wil) be held in a mitigation fee reservc account and may only be expended to fund the design, right-of-way ae quisition, and consuuction of the Project. E'ayments shall be expendecl within five years of collection. The City shall be entillcd to reimbursement from the mitigation fee reserve accounl for any funds it may expend i'or the design, right-of-way acquisition; and construction of the Project prior to the eollection of the fee. Any funds in the miliSation fee reserve aecount not expended wichin five years shall be refunded bp the City with interest as provided in RC1V 82.02.020. 7. Cummitted Y.M. I'cak Hour 'T'rins. The City agrees to reserve up 2o a total of ~X:XX P.M. Peak 1-lour trips for the Property until the Development is cnmplete providcd such reservation complies with all fecleral, state and local laws at the time application for a building permit is made. "Complete" is defined as having received all governmental permits and approvals necessary to construct and pcrmanently occupy the Development. If the tottil number of P.M. 1'eak Hour trips for the Development excceds the total numbcr of reservcd trips noted above, a new traffic stucly shall be provideci to determine if additional traffic miligation is required. 8. Concurrency: In accordance with the City's adopted concurrency stzindards pursuant to RCW 36.70A, dhe P.M. Peak Hour trips assigned herein shall be considered ior concurrenc;y purposes as vested pipeline projects and will remain reserved for the Development as provided in paragraph 7. Thereafter, any remaining capacity shall be available to the general public. 9. Notice: All communications, notices or demancls of any kind which a party under this Agrecment is required or desires to jive to any odier par1y shall be in writing and be either (1) deiivered personall?l, tvtitigation Develnpment Agreemen4 Fage 3 of 5 (2) sent by facsimile transmission with an additianal copy mailecJ first class, or (3) deposited in the. U.S. mail, eertifed mail postage prepaid, relurn reeeipt requested and addeessed as follows: If to the City: City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Snrague Ave., Suite 106 , Spokane V alley, WA 99206 Fax: (509) 921-1008 Attn: Cit_y Nlanager If to the 17eveloper: ~XXXX: _ . ~XXX?CXXX`xxX.XXx1 X X1 'XJC,XXXXX) MXx~ Spokanc,-V►'A 99201; 10. Suecessors. This Agreement shall be binding an and inure to the beneft of the successors and the assigns of the Parcie.s. 11. Governinp, Law. This .Agrecment shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Any action for enforcement of this Agreement shall bc brought in a court oFcompetent jurisdiction in Spokane County, Vl%ashington or as odlenviss provided by statute. 12. Modificstions. Nn modification nr amendment of this Agreement shall be valid until the same is reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities as t}ie present Agreemcnt. 13. `'Vaiver. No offcer, employee, agent or otherwise of thc City has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions to this Agreement. No waiver or any breach of lhis Agreement shall be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 14. Itenresentation. This Agreement fornis a fully integrated agrc.ement beri<<een the Parties. N0 oCher underst:andings, oral or othenvise, regarding the subject matter of the Agreement shall be decmed tn exist or to bind any nf the F'arties llereto. All Parties have read and understand all of thc Agreement, and now statc that no representation, promise or a€recment not expressed in the Agreement has bcen made to induce any Party to execute thc same. 15. Authori y. I3oth Parties to this .qgreement represent and certify that they have full aufhoril)r and power to enier into and carcy out t.his Agreement. The persons sioling this Agreement represent that they have authoriry to act for and bind Cheir respective principals. ~ Pa e 4 of S i~9itigation Dcveloprnenc Ageement B - , IN W17'\TFSS WKEREOF, the E'arties have executed khis Agreemenl this day of , 2005. llEVJ;LOI'ER: X XC?DXXX:X:XXXXXYXX \ xXXXXX?C X ay: Its: Name: STATE OF WASWINGTON ) ~ S5. County of Spokane ) On this day of 2005 before me, tiie undersigned, a Notary 1'ublic in ancl for the State of Washington, duly commissioneti and sworn, personally appeaj-ed to me 4:nnwm ta be the or , the corporation that executed the f'oregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be dhe free and voluntary act and deed of the cArporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, aiid on oatih stated that he is autliorized to execute the instrumcnt. 1'JITNESS my hajid and official seal hercCo affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, . residing at My commission expire:s: Printed Name ClTY OF SPOKANF. VALLEY: David Mercier, Ci1y vlanager ATTES"[ : APPROVEL7 AS Tp T'QRM: Christine Bainbridge, City Gerk Cary Driskell, Ueputy City Attorney N4itieution T.7eveloprncnt Agteement Page 5 of 5 Drafi MwU rES City of Spakane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tucsday, January 11, 2005 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 58'" meeting. Attendn►ice: Councilmembers: Staff: Taiana Wilhite, v1iiyor Dave ivlercier, City Ntanager 17ick Uene•nny, Councilmernber 1~iina Ttegor, Deputy City Ma.nager Gary Schimmels; Councilmember Cary Driskcll, Deputy City Attomey Mike Flanigan; Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Rich Munson, Deputy tilayor Marina Sukup, Community Taevelnpment llirector Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Neil Kersten, l?ublic Works Director Ivlike Jackson, P<<rlcs and Recreation Iairector Tom Scholtens, Building Official; Scott K.uhta Cal Walkee, Police Chicf Sue Pearson, lleputy City Clerk Cheis Bainbridge, City Clerk 1NVOCATION: Pastor Manue.l Denning of Fountain Ministries gave the iiivocation. PLEDGE QF ALLEGiA\`CF vlayor Wilhite led the I'ledge of Allegiance. ainbridge called the rolL All Councilmembers «<ei~e prese~~f. Clerk BROLL CALL City APPRONIAL OF AGENI7A City Ivtanager Mercier stated that he would like to add lhe following administrative reports: Snow Plowing Policy Update as #11, Report on Draft !'roposal Seeking Contract for City Attorney as # 12; and Snlid lvaste Comprehensive Plan as # 13. It wus rnuved by Couiacilmernher JaeVlerrting and secorided by Councilmember Denefany to approve tyie tlmenclecl ugendu. Vote by Acclantution: In FuvUr: Ur2arti►rrous. Opposed.• Notre. Ab,ctentior7s: rVune. Aqotion carried. COMNIITTEE, BOARll,11IA1SON SUMM.A.RY REPORTS Councilmember Tavlor: rcported that he attended the 1'ourism Promotion area meeting yesterday, where discussion was held on several amendments to the Spart,s Commission and Convention and Visitor's Blireau budgets, which wcre to bc appraved by the Commission and scnt forward for final approval to the 13oard of Caunty Commissioners. Ueputv Mayror vtunson: statecl thac he attended and chairetl the Operations and Community Rel~~tions Sub-committee for S'1'A last week, discussion at that meeting included re-submilting to STA the request to buy new busses which have overhead storage racks for longer commutcs. Couneilmember Denenii: explaincd thai. there was a reception for employees held last Monday, which was an oppnrtiinity for Council to express 1-hcir sincere appreciation for all the hard work staff ctaes. Councilmember DeVlemin~: mentioned thai he took the 2004 Accomplishments Fteport to the National Association of Professional `lortgage Women today; that the Community Chrisanas tree has been stored until nexl year; and that the Student Advisory Council has becn meecing and is startutg to iclentify issues to work on, including guits in schools. Council Mcpting:01-1 I-OS Pagc 1 of5 Approved by Couiieil: 17raft MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Wilhile reported that she: altended the recent SHORC meeting; that she also mc:et: with ttie dieee new Cornmissioners and tliey all nlentioned they look forward to cooperiitively working beriveen the two aouncils; that she attended the swearing in of Mark Richard; and also attended the Spokanc Valley . Finance Committee meeting, PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Wilhite invited public comment for matters not on the agenda. No comments were offered. 1. CQNSENT AGENDA Coiisists of items consicfered routine which are approved as agroup. A Councilmembcr may remove an item from t}ie Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. ApNroval aF Regular Council Meeting Minutes of Jaecember 14, 2004 b. Approvdl of Study Session Nlinutes nfDecember 21, 2004 c. Approval of Study Session Minutes of January 4, 2005 d. Approval of Resolution 05-001, Acldino CenterPlace Coordinator Posicion e. Approval of Yayroll of Deeember 15, 2004 of $107,945.77 £ Approval of Payrol) of llecember 31, 2004 of $154,05 1.11 g. Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCI4CR LIST VOUCHER. TQTAL D.47'E 'Number(s) VOUCHER AMOl3\'T 12-10-04 5954-5997 78,535.57 12-17-04 6005-6031 less 6012 347,503.85 12-23-04 6032 60.63 12-23-04 6033-6057 2,036,328.39 12-30-04 6058 - 6080 467,069.02 ; GRt1ND TOTAT 2,929,497.46 ~ It tivna• ntoved by.laepury Ma}:nr 1WurTSOn and secotulecl by Cvtarcilmemher Flunigun to upprove und waive the reading of t{te Cvnsent Agenda. Vnte hy Acclamation: br Favor: Uiiaaintous. Opposed: NorTe. Abstentioirs: 1Vorze. Alotion carried. 2. First ReadinL: Proposed Ordinance 05-001 Adontinj! Frxmework for Develonment C(:ide After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it wtrs moved by Depury Mrryor Munson and secanded by Councilmember Denentry to advrntce nrdinance 05-001 to a secvnd reading. Community Devclopment Sukup explained that staff is seeking approval to establish by ordinance, the framework for the Spokane Valley Uniform I7evelopment Code sa as orclinances are dral'tecl whieh aIT'ect land development, they will be organized into one title for ease in research; and that there are several ordinances which have alreacly been adopted, and this will merely be orga►iizing the Code aiid corcectly renumbcring as shovvii on the draft. Mayor Wilhile invited public commcn[. Stan Schultz, 425 S Alpirre Drive; Liberty Lak.e: he stated he is a semi-retired la«yer representing his clicnt Ken Tupper, who askecl him to look at thc codes as they arc developcd hcre; that lhis outline appears to be almost identical to that which exists in Allen, Teaas; that he suggests that it rnight be a better idea ro use format, language and text which people from Spokane (.ounty are familiar with and build from there; thaY he stated he wouldn't want to use the organization a Texas city uses; that somc parts of that Code simply aren't.Washington law; that we have the advantage of the County's code and terms of art and yetirs of interpretations, that whatever code is developed should use those saine terms. Iqe added that if a Table of Contents were adopted by ordinance, would it take Council action to make changes every time an ordinanee is amended; and he wonders about the wisdo►n of adopting the table of contents ` before we I:now what the code actually is; t}iat this should go before the Planning Commission; and he aslcs Couneil to eonsicler that ordinances thst are scheduled for public comment, to publish ehose on the City's website prior to the ineeting. Couneil iMeeting: 01-11-05 Page 2 of 5 Anrruved hy Council: Iaraft Mayror Wilhite invited further public commenes. No further cocnments were offered. Council discussion ensued regardini, the need for an ordinance vcrsus doing this framewoek aclministratively; that the table of contents is a framcwork and that many of the ordinances havc bcen adopted and are apart of llle Spokane Nralley Municipal Code; and that those issucs can be addressed behveen now and the second reading. vote hy Acc•Iumutiot7 uri matiorr to advairce to u secnnd reuding: Itr Fpvor: Unutrinruus. Oppvsed: t\'one. Abstentions: None. Motion ccrrried 3. First Readinp_: Prnpnsed Ordinanee 05-002 Amendinz Park Violations to Class 3 Violation - Carv Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was nioved by Depirly Aqcryor Mtrrrson aild seconded to suspeird llze niles and pass ordinrnice 05-002. Mayour Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Deputy Ciey Attorney Driskell explained as it stands now, a class 1 infrdctian for• violation of park rules is unusual; which he saicl was ttlso the opinion of District Caurt Administrator Ron Miles; that the rn4re serious rypes of offenses, such as destruction of park properry, would still remain as criminal charges. Mayor Wilhite invitcd public comment; no comments were offered. (lote by Acclanaaliora: In Favnr: Unardrnnus. Oppo,sed: None. Absleritiorts: Nutre. Motiorl carried. 4. Motion Consideration: nec:larsitiuo of Surplus/lleclaration of Easeinent - Cary Driskell lleputy City Attorney 17riskell explained the background of eranting this properly as surplus, and of the rcquest by propcrty owner Marshall Clark for an easement for that land west of vacated David Road for the nurpose of placing drainage facilities (208 swales) and/or landscaping in that area; that the property was declared surplus and after additional consultati4n between Community Development, I'ublic VVorks and Letal, staff recommends that this be rescinded in the event the City determines a substantial neetl in thc futurc. Attorney Driskell recommended this action be taken in two separate motions: (l) to rescind the previous declaratioii of surplus propcrty; and (2) to auchorize the City manager to grant an easement in the we.sterly remainder of that property. Mayor Wilhite invited pttblic comment; no cqmmenis .verc offered. It ynas mored by Ueparry, 1Wayor Munson ond secotrdetl by CounciliraEmber Flariigala to rescrnd the declrn•crrron of stnplus property. Vote b), .!Icclamution: Li Favor: Unanimous. Qpposed: r\rnnc. Abstentions: illone. Motion carried. lt was then moved hy Deputy Afayor Aliurson and secor7ded by Cnuncilmember Flunigan to authorize tlu City Marrager lo execxtte fjte easement on behalf of lhe Cit}+ , Council for this Jiroperry. Vote by Acelamatiar: la Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.• 1lrone. Absrentions: NOne. IVIotlon Carried. YU-BLIC COMA9ENT5: Mayor Wilhite invited ptiblic eomments; no comments were offered. 5. Crime Checlt Undate - Cal Walker/I..orlec Mizell /Shcriff St.trk Police. Chie.f Cal Walker and 91 1Emergency Communications Executive Director Lorlee Mizell €flve an update on the crime check program, including background on the agency, governing struccure, and inf'onnatinn on how the cleeision to change the service leve) was macle, Che service impacts to Crime Cheek and 911; tlle plan to address potential canecrns such as signiFcantly higher 911 calls; and the public awareness campaign to educate the community• on the changes. Sheriff Starh also mentinned that it is very :ippropriaCe for a representative from this Council to sit on the 911 f3oard and he asked Mayor Wilhite to send a lettee to the 13oard of Count:y Commissioners making such a request; thal he will also send a lettcr in suppori of that request; and that Uls. Mizell has placed that item on the 911 Roard agcnda so that thc Board also mal:e such recommendation. Discussion then ensued regarding the affcet diis changc will have on our contract with public safety; the use of volunteers and of the cxtcnsive training required for those 911 operators; that this change will not impact people's access to 911 which will ahways have people available to take calls; that theee were tcn 911 rrunk lines until this weckend when the number of trunk lines was increased to 16. Ma_yar Wilhitc statcd she will draft the letter to the Board of County Commissioners re5arding this council having representation on the 911 Board. Council - coiicurred. Council Ivtcrting: 0 1-11-05 Pagc 3 01'S Approved byCouncil: Draf'/ 6. iJtilitv Txx Report - Kco "Chmmnson Deputy Ciey vtanager Regor explained that one of the goals for 2004 was [q rate a multi-year financial forecast; that last year we looked at a fve-year forecast which was used to identify lonb term trends that the City might be facing; that wc are now working on a six-year forecast; and she discussed the value in lookina at several years at a tirne as it is a tool to eonsider finaneial solutions and is preferred over have to react to dire situations. Ms. Regor reported that 2004 was better }inaneially tlien anticipated; dhat the sales tax revenues and othee revenues were higher than original estimates; which could be altributed somewhat to the accuracy in GEO-Coding to ensure businesses identify Spokane Vtilley as their location regardinc, the filing of sales tar; that tlhe economy Mas improved resulting in more building activity; and as a result, the start-up interfund loan from the street fund to the general fund is now paid in full; that we had three years to rerpay the (oan and were able to repay the loan within the City's first full year of operation. With 1:hesc changes and aceomplishments, Ms. Regor stated that the general funcl and strcct fund are forecasted as healthy enougli to sustain current se;rvice levels through 2006. Financc .Tairector Thompson the,n went over the worksheets contained in the backup material; he slated that by paying off the loan in 2004; the general government line was reduced thus freeing up money which can be transferred to the slreet fund to help balance the budget, which gives available funds to be transferretl to the street fund unti] 2008. After fiirt6er cxplsnation of the funcling issucs, and council discussion of the funds in general ancl of the utility tax in particular; it was corincil ennsensus no1 ta fiave n secnnd reading of iJre uliliry tax ordinance. Vlayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:15 p.tn.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Mayor Wilhite also mentioned dhat unless Council lias any objection, she would Iike to have agenda item # I 0 a..~ the next presentation. There was no Council objection. 10. Wendy Acosta, Youth Commission Coorclinator Wendy Acosta anci membcrs of the Chase Youth Commission briefly discussed iheir organization; stated they are working on nominations for their awards cereinony and asked if anyone is interested in being on the judging panel to please contact Wendy; and invited Councilmembers to the upcoming clected officials brea}:fast January 25 at 7:30 a.m. at the SFCC in the Studcnt Union Building. 7. Pines MansSeld Develonment Ap-reement Updatc - Neil Public Works Director Kersten explained the backg-ound of the PineslMansfield issue; stating that diose intersections arc operating below acceptablc Ievels of service; that nine property owners in the vicinity wttnt to develop their properties, but cannot afTord to make necessar}, improvements; that in 2002 Spokane County and the WSI)OT developed a solution and offcrEd to appfy for a TIB grant to pay for the improvements; and that the impacted properiy owners agreed to finaneially qarticinate by paying a percentaoe of a local match. Director Kersten continued explaining his January 11, 2005 Ftequest for Council Actinn form and accompanying Mitigation Aevelopment Agreement iemplate; stating thal this will meet concurrency requiremeiits of the City; and that this is merely an update as staff wil) return to this issuc in two weeks for a schecfuled public hearing before Council; that after that hearine, involved parlies plan to meet in i'ebruary for fioal approval of these agreements; adding that it is staff's intent to present dle agreement to Council to approve in whole, and then list the tlevelopers N+'ith their corresponding projecc costs. Since the meeting with the parties is set for Fcbruary, it was determined to change the January 31, 2005 date inentioned in 94 of the agreement, to a date in February. CounCil and staff then discussed developcr submittal letters committing to thei.r particular level of funding; that all gave written letters eommitting and no one indicated they would not honor the agrcement; ancl discussed payment terms of 20% up front and 80% on letter of credit. 8. Pawn Shop Rcguladnns - Cal Walker Chief Walker explained the current reporeing system as per his December 30, 2004 accompanying report conccrnino pawn shops, and said that this report is to help familiarize Council with the issues as Staff 1 asks Council t4 consider adopting an ordinance regulating pawn shops. Conceniing recovering of stolen property, Chief Walker explaincd that such an ordinance will be enacted to make it more difficult for affenders to disposc of stolen property. Council discussion then ensued regarcfing a pawn ordinance, and asked staff to check to see if such an ordinance would include consignment shops and other similar Council tileeting: 01-I I-05 Pagc 4 of 5 Approved hy Couricil: Taraft. busincsses. Chier Walker siated dhat the ordinance will define a matter of reasonableness. Ic was Council coiisensus for staffto gatlier further rescarch, and brinc, baek a draft orciinance for Council considcration. _ 9. Grecnacres Rezone Process - Scott Kuhta/.Tosh I..eonard Mr. Kuhta explained that a request was made f'rom applicartt Mary Pollartl, to have the rezone• request rescindecl and for a refuntl o!' the rezone f'ee paid; that in speaking with Ms. Pollard she now statcs that she does not want the area-wide rezone rescinded and wauld like to sce it move forward; that this process brings into question the petition process and whether an applicant can request that such a petitinn be rescinded. Mr. Kuhta gave a brief background of tlle Greenacres rezone process; and although this parcicular issue is now moot, it w1s felt that an explanation would be appropriate on the pecition withdraw proce5s, as Mr. l..conard cxplained per his January 3, 2005 memoranclum. 1]. Snow Plowin2 Policv - Neil Kersten (adde(i aeenda item) Public VVorks Director Kersten went throuth the level of service concrerning snow plowing policy as per his PowerPoint slide shoNvn as part of a prcvious snow plowing report. A1'ter discussion concerning rypical operations; fivstration from some community members of roads not being plowecl ancl frustration from other community members of being plowed in; Spokane County personnel and equipment; WST.70T equipment; and budget dollars available county-wide, it was deterrnined r►ot. co change the current deployment palicy. 12. Draft 12FP For Cih' .Attorncy - Dsve Mcrcicr (addcd sgends item) Cicy iv9anagcr Mercier explained ihat staff composed a Request for Proposal (RFI') for city attorney services, and that tlie intent is to release this request this Friday and lApk for responscs by February 4. Mr. Mercier went throuth lhe rE:yuest highlighting the "Avoidance of Conflict of Interest" section and qucstions. Council/5taff discussion included questions about lirniting the potential pnol of 3pplicants; whether the questions are representative of other Cities' policies, and that there arc f'ew caamples of this type of RFP available. It was Council eonsensus that staff re-word the question5 to ascertain how ' candidates would handle potential conflicts. 13. Solid Waste - Gsiry Schimmels (udded xmenda item) Councilmember Schimmels reported the So(id Waste Liaison Board seeks someone as a botird member who hiis some knowleclbe about solid wasle, and whose schedule will allow attendance at the meetings; that he asks Council to submit a name by end Af this week or latcst next week of a potential member; that Chis is non-elected position and shoulct not be a stafT'position but should be someone from tlie cornmunity; and that perliaps someone who servcd on the transition commill:ee might be considered. Mayor Wilhite asked Councilmembers to send any names to Cowicilmembar Schimtnels. In ofher matters, Councilmember DeVleming said there was a previ4us nublic comment regarding addressing the nuisance ordinance to include year-round garage sales, and hc wroulcl like staff to start to draft that lajiguage. Council concurrcd. 77tere beir:g no fiirtlrer br.rsrness, it ivas moved Gy Co:nrcilnaember Flaniguri, reconded by Depttty 1wcryor Murtson, ond iorm7inrously ugreed upon to ucIJ'otn•n. Thc meeling acljourned at 8:58 p.m. Diana Williitc, Mayor ATTEST: ' Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Couneil Meeting: 01-11-05 Pfige 5 of S Approvcd by Council: Draf t MliYI]TES • C1TY OF SPOhANTE' VALIsEY - STUIIY SESSION Tuesday, Januar,y 1$, 2U05, 6:00 p.m. Attcnd9ncc: Cauncilmembers: Sts►ff: Diana Wilhite, tvlayor Nina Kegor, Deputy City Manager Rieh Munson, l)eputy Mayor Cary Driskell, lleputy City Attorncy Dick laenenny, Councilmember I<en Tliornpson, Finance Director Mike DeVleming, Couiicilmcmber \'ei) Kersten, Public Works laireccor Mike Flanigan; Councilmember Mike Jacl:son, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Taylor, Councilmember Tom Schol[ens, Building Official Gary Sehimmels, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Scott Kuhta, Long Ranoe Planner Cal WalF:er. I'olice Chief Sue Pearson, Denuty City Clerk . Chris $ainbridge, City Clerk Ntayor R'ilhile callecl the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., welcomecl all in attendancc, reminded everyone that this is :t study session and requcstcd that all clectronie deviees be Eurned off for the duration of the meetins. Spokane Valley Arts Council. This item will be rescheduled for a later date. 1. Yropnsed Amendment to Criminal Code -Cary lariskcll/Cal Walker Deputy Cify t\ttarney llriskell explained dhat there are nwo potcntial adcli[ions lo the misdemeanor noise peovision; the first, if this restriction shoulcl apply to City riglits-of-way, specifically in reference to boombax vehicles, which are those vehicles driving with extremcly loud stereos. Attorney Driskell stated that Council previously askecl stqff to eontact those who miglit be impacted by such a restrictinn; and that although staff sent letters to car stereo shpps asking for a response to inform staff if they were aware of any problems in applying noise regulations as applied to car stereos, and also if t;he_y Nvere aware of any groups who Shauld be contacted, staff received no feedback. r'ltiorney Driskell said the question tonight is whether Council wants to include this restriction in the noise provisiens; and if so; any excessive noise 50 feet Gom the vehicle would be subject to the noise provisions and subject to misdemeanor citation. Brief discussion ensured regarding using distance rat:her than decibels; and Chief Walker stated that other cities wlicre decibel was tised, experieneed many challenges as there needs to be some way to measure the noise prior to and after the noise and use of decibels did not funetion well. However, Chief Walkcr addecl, ofFicers can repori distance away fi•om the noise and the affeet if has on other vehicles, i.e. mirrors vibrating in cars two to t}iree cars distAnce from the noise. In response to questions concerning safery issues, Cliief Walker stated that the primary focus of this inclusion would be a safety issue, including sat'ety for the person driving and for people around to bc able to operate their cars in a safc manner and not have their aftention divcrted in trying to determine the cause of the excessive noise. It rvas Council cnn.rensus that stafj drujt an umettdinent jor the nuise nrdinnnce as it relates to excessive noise emittiirg fro»i 1he rigkl-of-wUy. Attorney llriskell then explained that the other regulal'ion to consider is limited times for blasting; and that the current law is that blasting is allo«<ed betwecn the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. He explzined that staff spoke with Mack Aguiar frqrn the Department of Labor and IndusCries, the stiite ~ rcgulatory agcncy for blasting who advised that the aforementioncd time periocl is the indush-y s[andard state and nationwide; and also that if we were Co limit the blasting times, it wOultl raise overaU ' construction cnsts requiring rock because die costs would also rise for the mining operation. Attorney Driskell explaincd that as an exercise of police power, Council has the authority to change the blasting times, but diere are some additional analysis which neetis to be cqnductecl regarding vested rights. Study Session Minutes of O1-18-05 Psgc 1 of3 Approved by Council: DraH lliscussiqn ensued regarding the possibility of restricting tirneframes f'or the weekend, ancl of Sathcritig additional inforniation from those who wauld be affected by such a chvige, including any econumic impact; and it was suggested seaff check with MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Admiiiistration) which deals with mining issues on a federal level. It was Cuttncil consettsus t/iat Atlarney l,riskel! Fvi!! cantlrict jurt/:er resetrrch, and wi!l write a letter tn tl:ose involved explaiuing that we are clw•cewsing lhis praposal; and ask for pateiitiul operationn/ impacts u►td report back to cotutcil again at a later date. 2. Parks and Recreation Summer Peograms -►ulike Jaekson Parks and Recreation Director JacF:son explained that as staff considers program offerings for 2005, there are several organizational issues to c;onsider, such as hiring a recreation coordinator, and operation of the City's three outdoor paols, a11 as outlined in his atiached .lanuar_y 5, 2005 memoranclum to Council. Director Jackson said that time is a factor in lhe hiring of the coordinator as if that position is to be fille.d, he would like co advertise early or mid-Pcbruary in order to have somcone start woi•k soinetime in March so thai all facets for running the summer programs can get started. I7irector Jacksnn said lhe options offered for consideration include (1) filling the recreation coordinator position and offer a variery ofycar- round prograins; (2) fll lhe position, continue existin ; summer programs, and use the position to assist in the operation of CenterPlace; or (3) leave the position open and put the recreation programs on hold tmtil formal long-range plans are adopted. Discussion behween staff and council included Park.s and Recreation eventually moving to Centerf'lace, expansion of programs year-round, aquatic issues, and Master Plan survey resulLs (which are not in and tabulated). After discussion it was Couricil consensu.s lhnt .staJf pursue oplia: #2, adclinfi !/iut such aption could be exPa»ded laler ilrto ontion #I ojyear- round progrurirs. As an upciate on the outdonr pool situation, Director Jackson explained that a request for qualifications was previously sent out with xhe YMCA and Jeff EIlis and Associates being thc nvo responders; and that Jeff Ellis wixhdrew as they felt it would bc diffcult to secure management on a seasonal basis. Mr. Jackson stated that he will be rcquesting a proposal from the YMCA by the end of this week. The idea of talking to the County Comrnissioners was mentioned and Mayor Wilhite stated diat she and Mr. Jackson will look into that as an option. 3. t'ublie Information Officer Discussion -Nina Re >or Af[er Dcputy City Manager Rebor cxplained the concept of a public infonnation officer as per her PowerPoint presentation, discussion turned to options of havin6 tt slrucl:ured public informalion officer (P[O) function; contracting out or hiring an employee, budget impacts, scope of work, 1»d typical activities for khe nosition. Other discussion noints inclucled weighing thc options to determine whieh is more valued; giving such a person responsibility for the City's cusl:omer service program; developing a communication plan, contacting the colleges to dctermine if they might have an interest in assisting in this endeavor; assistance fram the transitian committce in writing a scope of work; and of forming an ad hoe committee. It ivps Council cofrsensus t/ja1 stuff get ari «d hvc group logether to druft u scope uf work and tv returir to Cocu:cil wit/r reco»t►nendatiotr.s. It was suggested that any names for inclusion on such a cammittee should be given to Ms. Regor, that the facus of such a committee will be to dcvclop a eommunication plan and develop priorities, and that Councilmembers should send their feedback to Ms. Regor within the week. 4. Core Values Proiect npproach and Timeline - Nina I2e~or Depury City Managcr Regor explained that previously Council worked with xhc Planning Commission to create a driifi vision tor the upcoming Comprehensive Plan, and thc next step is to determine core values. Via her PowcrPoint presentation, Ms. Regor wen[ over thc dcfinition of wliat a value is, the different Ievcls of values, Hhe progress on clarifying organizational values, die progress on clai•ifying communicy values (including previously approved Council resolution 03-027); the summary of the vision approach; and the proposed anproach to clarify the eommunity values. Ms. Regor adtled that she has not received many comments about our draft vision statement. cv9ayor Wilhite added that Council and the Planning Commission are planning a jaint meeting for February 1 to further discuss this subject; and it was decicled that once gathered, the &Toup will work in small groups and then recoilvene into ane group; that they S tudy Session Ntinuics of O 1-1$-05 Fnge 2 af 3 Approved by Cnuncil: Drafi would appreciate having senior stnff" at the meeting to act as caordinator and facilitator, in much the same format as the similar meetinS w3s conclucted last year. Councilmember UeVleming mentioned he will nai be able to attend the meeting, but feels that having staff involved adds to the meeting, and that he suggcsts Council use the draft vision as a star[ing base. Council concurred. 5,Vallev Corridor Proca ct Update - Nleil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten gave_ the backgrouncf af aclion takcn concerning the Valley Corridor, and menCiancd several let[ers included in the Council packet, including a letter from SRTC Transportatipn Manager Glenn Miles; letter from Inga Note; Actine Traffc Engineer; memo frorn ]3ob Bruebgeman, Assistant Cnunty Engineer; and also an access revision request at R.iverside and Pines, dated laeeember 22, 2404. Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Kersten discussed Council's preferred option for the Valley Corridor, results from the Community Preference Survey; antl outstanding issucs including the traffic modeling program used by SRTC and of the prohlems with its varied data, addino that staff notified SRTC of our conecrn with die results in the traffic model and of our request that SFZ`I'C continue to evaluate the roadway capacity of Sprague Avenue and proposed couplet alternatives. Council discussian included the businesses along the cnrridor and their desire to move forward with lheir future plans; interrelation of this projecC wiih fuiurc pmjects; siid of the upcoming Februaiy 15 tentative ineeting with ECO79orthwest. Mayor Wiltiite called for a recess at 7:40 p.m.; she reconvened the meeting at 7:47 p.m. 6 Review of ComRrehensive Plan F..lemcnts (\Tatural_Resources, 1-l22sing, Parks and iZecreation, Utilities, Eeonomic Taevcloprnent_) - Marina Sukup/Scott Kuhta Cornmunity Development Director Sukup and Long Raiige Planner Kuhta gave an overview of the introduction and fve of the eight elements of the proposed Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and mentioned the five items the I'lan is intended to aceomplish, as shown on the January 18, 2005 Reyuest for Council Action form. Director Sukup added that each element of the Plan is in draft fqrm, that Council has the auchority to revise as they deem appropriate, and dlat each element is also on the City's website for community review. 7, Aclvancc Agenda Additions - Mavor 1'Jilhite Ma_yor Wilhite said she is planning a joint meeting with Council and thc T3oard of County Commissioners, and a..5ked Councilmembers to let her know of any preferred date and she will coordinate thc mecting. Deputy Mayor Munsnn mencioned Thursdiiys are not a bood meeting day for him. Councilmember DeVleming asked about adtting a discussion concerning funds forme.rly dcsignalect for Crime Check, and of buclget implications with the loss of that proa ain. 8. Council Check-in - Dave Mereier Depucy City Nlanager, standing in for Mr. Vlercier, asked Council if they had any concerns or issues to discuss. Councilmember Taylor said he will be out of lown next Tuesday and asked co bc excused from next week's cneeting. . City vlanager Comments - laave Mcrcier Ueputy Cit}' Manager, standing in for Mr. Mercier, said she had nn comments. There beinj no further business, lhe mceting adjourned at 8:51p.m. . ATI'ES"I': niana Wilhitc, vlayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Swdy Srssiuai Mintucs ot' 01-18-05 Nee 3 of 3 Approvcd by Council: ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 01-25-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending January 15, 2005 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Payroll for period ending 1-15-05 Salary: $ 93,647.34 Benefits: $ 9,932.46 $ 103,579.80 STAFF CONTACT: Daniel Cenis ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 1-25-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: BACKGROUND: VOUCHEK L1S'1° VOUCI-T:ER '1"O`I"AL DATF. Number(s) VOUCHER AMOUNT 1-3-05 6081 17,578.90 1-7-05 6095-6140 725,299.21 1-14-05 6141-6182 1,704,438.17 GRAT'~i) TOTAL 2,477 61625 ; RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0110312005 8:41:33AM Spokane Valley eank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount .6081 1l3/2005 000042 APPLEWAY AU70M0'f IVE GROUP 365680 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO 17,878.90 Total : 17,878.90 1 Vouchers for bank code : epbank Bank totai : 17,878.90 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 17,878.90 I, the undersegned, do certiFy under penally of perjury, that lhe malerinls have been (urnishad, ihe services rendered, nr the labor performed as described herein and that the daim is just, due and en unpaid abliga6on against Ihe City of Spokane Valley, and that I am auUiorized to authenticate and certify to sa'td Gaim. Finance Director Date _ 1 , • _ ' ~ vchlist VouCher List Page: 1 0110712005 2:21:04PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6095 '117/2005 000335 ALTON'S TIRE 6-1827 VEMICI_E REFAIFZ 32.41 Total : 32.41 6496 11712005 000037 AMERICAN LINEN 545328 FLOOR MAT SERVICE 45.82 Total : 45.82 6097 117I2005 000135 AMERICAN PIANNING ASSOCIATION 120504100486 40393 KUHTA APA h4EM8ERSHIP 283.00 Total : 28100 6098 11712005 000674 APA-INLAND EMPIRE SECTION 12I10/04 APA REG. 40376 REGISTRATIONS 70.00 Total : 70.00 6099 11712005 000277 ASSOC. OF Wn CITIES 12f:31/04 AWC MUNICIPnL MEMBERSWIP - 2005 47,615.11 Total : 47,615.11 6100 117/2005 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 12128l04 Avista STREET POWER LIGMTING CHARG 284.29 Total : 284.29 6101 1/7/2005 000694 AVISTA UTILITIES 14350A7929 AERIAL PHOTOS 3,426.76 Total : 3,426.76 8102 1/712005 000105 COFFEE SYSI'EMS INC 26809 COFFEE SUPPUES 89.40 Total : 69.40 6103 1f712005 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725412 VE!-IICLE FUEL 727.11 Total : 727.11 6104 1/7/2005 000060 DENENNY, RiCHARp Denenny 4th Qtr Cell CELL PNONF_ REIMB. DENENtJY 105_00 Total : 105.00 6105 1/7l2005 000686 DEPARTMENT OF UCENSING DOL Cash CASH TRANSMITTAL TO 17UL 41.00 Total : 41.00 6106 1/7l7005 000152 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB41214074 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAINT 3,137_72 F2E-313-A7'f341214075 STATE ROU'fE ROADWAY MAINT. 1,008.30 Total : 4,146.02 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher Lfst Page: 2 01107l2005 2:21:04PM Spokane Vailey Bank code : 8pbank Voucher I]ate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6107 1/7/2005 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAliL 12/30/04 MD Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 72.98 I]eVleming 4th Qtr. CELL PFIONE REIMB_ DEVLEMING 105A0 Total : 177.98 6108 1/7/2005 000072 FLANIGAN, MIKE Flanigan Ath QU. CELL PHONE REIMB. FLANIGAN 105.00 Total : 105.00 6109 1/7/2005 000071 GOLMAN, SUE 12/30104 SG Reimb. MISCELLANEOUS REIMBURSEMEP 18.90 Total : 18.90 6110 1/712005 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSI'EMS 104802 WIDE FORMAT COPIER PAPER 124.17 Total : 124.17 6111 117l2005 000070 INLAND POWER AND LIGHT CO 12131104 IPL STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARC 379.83 . Total : 379.83 6112 1 f7120Q5 000353 IN7ERNA710NAL 7RADE ALLIANCE 258 CONTRACT F'AYMENT 3,500.00 Total : 3,500.00 6113 1/7/2005 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #16 112500.0 DeCember WATER CHARGES 165.00 Total : 165.00 8114 1r7/2005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBUSWING 25536 AIJVEf2TISING 33_00 25537 ADVERYI5ING 84.75 25538 /ibVERTISING 111.00 28868 ADVERTISING 30.00 Total : 256.75 6115 11712005 000164 LABOR & INDUSTRIES 12/31104 L & I VOLUN7EER L 8 I 25.43 Total : 25.43 i 6116 1R/2005 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00015429 ~ TAX AUDIT PROGR,AhA 288.71 00015432 TAXTOOLS SOFIINARE RENTAL 559.23 Total : 847.94 6117 117/2005 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 12/29/04 Modem F_lec STREET LIGHTING POWERI4VATEF 6,981.46 Total : 6,981.46 - , 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 01107I2005 2:21:04PM ' Spokane Valley Bank code : 2pbenk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6118 1l7I2005 000062 MIJNSON, RICNARD Munson 41Fi Qlr Cell CELL F'MONE REIMB. MUN50N 105.00 Total : 105.00 6119 1/712005 000193 NORTHWEST CHI21S7'If1N SCHOOLS Fcbruary 2005 Rent FEBRUARY 2005 RENT 22,738,68 Total : 22,738.68 6120 117/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT 265843629-001 40384 OFFICE SUPPLIF_S 18.40 269092473-001 403$7 OFFICE & KI7CHEN SUPpLIES 47.46 268127098-001 40388 OFFICE SUPPUES 20.60 Total : 86.46 6121 117l2005 000029 PITNEY BOWES CFZEUI7 CORP. 5618533-0C04 GOPIF-R RENTAL P/1YMEN7 448.77 Total : 448.77 6122 1/7!"005 000024 RESOURCE COMPUTING WC. 36579 IT SUPPORT 3,983.71 Total : 3,983.71 6123 1/7f2005 000202 SCAPCA 2875 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FEE 29,729.50 Total : 29,729.50 6124 1l712005 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY Schimmels 4th C2tr CELL PHONE R[IMB. SCHIMMEI_S 105.00 Total : 105.00 5125 117/2005 000321 SPOKANk AREA EDC 1298 CONTRAC7 PAYMENT 13,750.00 Total : 13,750.00 6126 11712005 000230 SPOKANE CNTY AUDI70F2S OFC, RECO 12/31l04 Rec. Fees COUNlY RECORI7ING f=EES 252.00 Total : 252.00 6127 1/7l2005 000689 SPOKANF COUN'1'Y UTILf71ES #1 and #2 (Final) WEA7HERWOOD/OWENS SEWF_R 428,287,17 Total : 426,267.17 6128 117/2005 000273 SPOKAME REGiONAL, T(i~ANS('ORTA71C 2005 SRTC MUNICIPAL MEME3ERSNlll' 34,300.00 Total : 34,300.00 6129 1l7/2005 000318 SPOKANE VALLEY SENIOR, CITIZENS A 12l30/04 SVSC Reimb SR. CENTF_R BUS DRIVER REIMB. 3,397.50 Total : 3,397.50 Page: 3 vchlist VouCher List Page: 4 0110712005 2:21:04PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6130 1/7/2005 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Tayfor 4th Qtr Cell CELL PHONE REIMB. TAYLOR 105.00 . Total : 105.00 6131 1l7/2005 000695 TIDYMAN'S 403882 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 517.85 Total : 517.85 6132 117/2005 000102 7RANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE CO 20023021 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 216.20 . 7otal : 216.20 6133 1l7l2005 000548 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, NEOP057 POST 01/03/05 Postage POSTAGE 2,000.00 Total : 2,000.00 6134 1/712005 000167 VERA WA7ER 8 POWER 12/31/04 VERA Sl'REET POWER LIGHTING/VJATEF 2,074.99 Tota I : 2,074.99 6135 11712005 000098 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 05102 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE PREMIUM 104,887.00 Total : 104,887.00 6136 11712005 000409 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT, Of 12131/04 Leasehold LEASENOLD EXCISE TAX RETURN 192.60 Total : 192.60 6137 1l712005 000680 WASMINGTON TRUST BANK, MOONEY f 2308570772 Dec int. INTEREST ACCRUED-pECEMBER 415.80 Total : 415.60 6138 11712005 000061 WILWITE, DIANA Wilhite 4th Qlr Cell CELL PHONE REIMS. WILHITE 105.00 Total : 105.00 6139 11712005 000021 WITHERSPOON, KELLEY, DAVENPORT. 77008 LEGAL SERVICES 5,623.80 77009 LEGAL SERVICES 2,352.00 Total : 7,975.80 6140 1r7/2005 000347 WORLEY, STEVE 1/3l05 SW Reimb. REIMB. MEMBERSHIP FEES 215.00 Total : 215.00 46 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 725,299.21 46 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 725,299.21 , "-~-e: 4 ~LD 0 vchlist ' Voucher List Page: 5 01f0712005 2:21:04PM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptlonlAccount Amount ~ ~ I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the Riateiiats have been furnished, the sewioes rendered, or the labnr performed as described herein and that lhe claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I arn authurlzed to authenticate and oertify to said claim. Finarice Direclor Date Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List I Page: 4 0111412005 3:47:10PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vaucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6177 1/1412005 000705 000705 TREASURER, SPOKANE COUN7Y (Conlinued) Total : 48,983.26 6178 1/14l2005 000337 UPS OOOOY3F950025 NEXT DAY AIR 46.74 Total : 46.74 6179 1l1412005 000167 VEIZFI WATER 8 POWER 12131/04.Vera charge STREE7 F'OWER LIGH7ING CHARC 244,60 Total : 244.60 61180 1/1412005 000047 WASHINGTON CIIY/COUNTY, MANAGEF WCMA Mercier 2005 MEAAflEt2SHIP DUES 145,00 Total : 145.00 6181 1/1412005 000688 WEBROOT SOFIVVARE, INC. C134-122304 40389 SPY SWEEPER 1_ICENSE & SUPPO 1,588.00 Total : 1,566.00 6182 1/1412005 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS 0104645377 7ELEPHpNE/DSL CHARGES 1,269.45 Total : 1,269.45 42 Vouchers for bank code : apbahk Bank total : 1,704,438.17 42 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,704,438.17 I, the undersiyned, do certify under penalty of peijury, tHat the materials have been fumish2d, the services rendered, or the labor perfarmed as describsd here(n and that the daim is just, dua snd an unpaid obligallnn against the Cily oi Spokane VAlley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certiry to said claini. F(nance DirPClar Date 4 f"D 0 V vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 01l14I2005 3:47:10PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 6164 1/14l2005 000050 000090 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMATION, (ConUnued) Total : 16,247.61 6165 1/1412005 000700 SPOKANE COUNTY PARKING, ENFORCE 12130/04 Juror JUROFt PARKING CHARGE5 109.97 Total : 109.97 6166 1/14/2005 000308 SPOKANE COUNTY PROSECU"I'ING, ATl 12/31/04 Prosecuting CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATIOiJ F 775.92 Total : 775.92 6167 1/14f2005 000001 SPOKANE COUN'fYTREASU(2F_R 1/11/05 County COUNTY CONTRACT PAYMENTS 1,134,826.76 Total : 1,194,826.76 6168 1/1412005 000001 SPOKANE COUNTY TREIISURER 12/31/04 County COUNTY CONTRACT AAYMENTS 25,689.30 Total : 25,689.30 6169 1/1412005 000323 SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES 1/1/05 Ulilities SEWER CMARGES 681.49 Total : 681.49 6170 1/14l2005 000470 SPOKANE COUN`i'Y, FAIR 8 EXPO CENT #5 December, 2004 TOURISM PROMOTION 686.40 Total : 686.40 6171 1114/2005 000408 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 1211f04 CVB TOURISM PROMOTION 12,500,00 Total : 12,500.00 6172 1/1412005 000451 SnOKANE REGIONAL SAORTS, COMMIc, 12129f04 SRSC TOURISM PROMOTION 340.00 Total : 340.00 6173 1114/2005 000081 STATE OF WA, DEPART OF REVENUE 602 251 4316 COMBINED EXCISE TAX RETURN 13.44 Total : 13.44 6174 1/14/2005 000398 7AN MOORE ARCHITECTS P3983 913 MIRABEAU I'OINT CENTERPI-ACE I 12,880.11 _ Total : 12,880.11 6175 1l14/2005 000663 THE SEAITLE 71MES 094228805 ADVERTISING 1,145.92 Totat : 1,145.92 6176 1/14/2005 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 42365 ADVERTISING 604.96 Total : 604.96 6177 1114/2005 000705 TRFA5URER, SPOKANE COUNTY ELE-5-00017 2003 VOTER REGISTRATION COST 48,983.26 Pags: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01114/2005 3:47:10PM Spokane Valley eankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 6152 1114/2005 000117 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBLISHING (Continued) 7otal : 135.75 6153 1/14/2005 000033 MCPC 4660425 40394 OFFICE SUPPLIES 105.16 Total : 105.16 6154 1114/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT 268843629-002 40384 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.36 Total : 16.36 6155 1/14J2005 000307 OFFICE OF YHE STATE TREASURER 12131/04 State STATE REMITTANCES 56,975.64 Total : 56,975.64 6156 1/1412005 000698 PROGRESS PROPEI2TIES, LP 1l11/05 Refund REFUNi7 PUp 1'UINNING FEE 1,900.00 Total : 1,900.00 6157 1/14/2005 000024 RESOURCE COMPUTING INC. 36580 IT SERVICES 975.60 Total : 975.60 6158 1/14f2005 000341 RICOH CORPORATION 05026476783 CC7PIER RENTAL PAYMENT 246.07 05026477246 COPIER R[NTAL PAYMENT 411,92 05026498103 ° COPIER RENTAL PAYMENT 238.46 y Total : 896.47 6159 1/14l2005 000702 RISK MANAGEMENT 12130l04 Jury Ins. f JURY INDUSTRIAL INSUFZANCE 453.46 ~ Total : 453.46 6160 1114r2OU5 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY • 482759 j N4EE71NG SUpPLIES 9.38 ; Total : 9.38 6161 1114l2005 000324 SCWD#3 475-1495-00 ; WA7ER CHARGES 7.09 Total : 7.09 6162 1/14/2005 O00067 SIGNS NOW 11613990 ~ rORMS 512.66 Total : 512.66 6163 1114l2005 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER 04-38 County Eng. COUNiY ENGINEERING SERVICES 103,267.00 04-39 COUN7Y ENGINEER SERVICF_S 162,606.84 Total : 265,873.84 6164 1/14/2005 000090 SPOKANE COUNTY INFORMA'CION, SYS 41853 • COUN7Y IT SUPPORT 16,247.61 2 . / 0 0 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0111412005 3:47:10PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptlonlAccount Amount 6141 1/1412005 000697 ACCUFI.OW AIR SYSTEMS 12131/04 Refund F2EFUND MECHANICAL PERMIT 207.00 Total : 207.00 6142 1/14/2005 000335 ALTON'S TIFtE 6-2884 VEHIGLE TIRES 295.24 6-2985 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 23.75 Total : 322.99 6143 1/1412005 000674 l1pA-INLAND EMPIRE SECTION 1112/05 APA 40403 REGISTRATIONS 70.00 Total : 70.00 6144 1/1412005 000030 AVISTA UTIUTIES 410069444 12/04 STREET I.IGM7ING/SIGNAL PQWF_F 18,038.65 Total : 18,038.65 6145 111412005 000168 B& C TEI,EPFIONE INC. 86728 40370 P/11TEL TELEF'HONE 340.10 Total : 340.10 6146 1114l2005 000704 CAZZANIGI, GREGORYJ. 12/31/04 Rehind REFUND S"rFtEE'i' VACATION PERW 1,300.00 Total : 1,300.00 6147 111412005 000606 COLUM(31A FIBER SOLUTIONS 3856 1/05 DARK F113ER LEASE 32.55 Total : 32.55 6148 1/14l2005 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 161289 40390 TRAFFiC ENGINEERING SERVICE: 1,981.00 Total : 1,981.00 6149 1114/2005 000136 DEPARTMFNT OF IPJFO SCRVICES, S7A 2004120242 S'rA7E IT SERVICES 38.32 Total : 38.32 6150 1/14%2005 000014 EDEN SYSTEMS, INC. 1201 INFORUM GOLCI SUf'PORT 25,248_82 Total : 25,248.82 6151 1/14/2005 000171 GEIGER CORRECTIONS CENTER 12/04 Geiger Corr. GGIGER PROGRAMS F0R 12/04 10,218.40 Tota I : 10, 218.40 6152 1114/`005 000117 JOURNAL NE1NS f'UBLISWING • 2556$ AqVF_R7SING 75.00 25569 ADVERTISING 60.75 Page: 1 City of Spokane Valley ~ Request for Council Action DATE: January 25, 2005 TYPE: ❑ Consent ~ Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Legislation ❑ Information El Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: REZ-17-04, Area-wide Rezone request, North Greenacres area. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Zoning Code and Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council reviewed the proposed rezone at their November 30, 2004 briefing. First ordinance reading was conducted on December 14, 2004, tabled to December 21, 2004. Council remanded rezone back to Planning Commission for written findings and recommendation. BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Zoning Code, Section 14.402.100, provides a process for property owners to initiate an area-wide rezoning ~ action via petition. The code requires that at least 51 % of the property owners within the boundary of the proposed zone change sign the petition for rezone in order to initiate the rezoning process. On July 1, 2004 the City received a petition from the North Greenacres neighborhood requesting a rezone from the existing Urban Residential 7"` (UR-7") to Urban Residential 3.5 (UR-3.5). City staff verified the signatures on the petition, utilizing the most current taxpayer records of the Spokane County Auditor's Office. The area under consideration for this rezoning action is bounded on the south by Mission Avenue, Barker Road on the east and the Spokane River to the north and west. The area is approximately 457 acres and is comprised of 264 separate parcels of land. On September 23, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing #o consider the rezone request. The Commission closed public testimony and continued the hearing to October 14, 2004, for deliberations. The Commission requested Planning Staff to produce a map showing "vested" development projects and individual requests by property owners to retain UR-7* zoning. After discussion, the Commission voted on four separate motions to exclude areas from the proposed rezone. The Commission could not agree to amend the boundary of the ~ rezone request and each motion failed. The Commission then voted on the original ~ J1 proposal to rezone the entire area to UR-3.5, resulting in a 3-3 tie, one Commissioner being absent from the meeting. On November 18, 2004, the Commission voted to reconsider the motion to approve the rezone from the previous meeting. By a 4-3 vote, the Commission is now recommending that the rezone be approved. . . On November 30, 2004, Council reviewed the rezone request, expressing same concem about the adequacy of roads and sewers in the Greenacres area. Council directed Staff to bring back information on how subdivisions are reviewed in relation to the adequacy of roads and the future plans for sewering Greenacres. On December 14, 2004, Council reviewed information submitted by the Public Works Department concerning roads and sewers in the Greenacres area. Council tabled a motion to approve the rezone, stating the desire to review the information submitted and to allow time for staff to address legal issues raised during the meeting. On December 21, 2004, Council remanded the rezone back to the Planning Cornmission in order for the Commission to prepare written findings of fact. On January 13, 2005, the Commission approved written Findings of Fact supporting their recommendation to approve the areawide rezone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for rezone from UR-7w to UR-3.5 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Move to accept the Planning Commission findings and recommendation and to adopt the ordinance approving the areawide rezone. - . , ATTACHMEIdTS: - Planning Commission Findings of Fact - Draft Ordinance STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager Scott Kuhta, AICP - Senior Planner Sf UKANE VALLEY I'L.ANNINC CUMMISSION ~ S`pokane FINDINCS OF FACT ;o$Valley GREENACRES AREAWInF.RE7..ONF, RE•7.,-17-04 WH:LRC:AS, the City of Spokane Valley, incorporated on March 31, 2003 mid acioptecl Lancl Use plans and regulations as set fort.b below: (1) Chmprehensive Ylan, Capital Facilities Plan, anci Maps zs the Interim Camprehensive Plan of the City . through (7rdinance No. 52; (2) The Spokane County 7oning Cocie as supplemented and a.mendeci by the 1'hase I L)evelopment Ftegulalions as the Interim Developmenl Regulations of the City through Ordinance No. 53; ajici (3) The Spol:anc Coiuity Zoiung IVtaps as the Intcrim Zonulg Maps o1" the City through Ordinance Na. 54; ~ WI-TEREAS, the Intcrim Spokaiie Valle•y 7_oning Codc iticludes a process wfiere ~ property owvers may iniliate an areawide rezone by petition; ~WIiBR.EAS, at Icast 51% of property owners within the subject area must sign the petition to iiutiate tbe re~r,pne; WHEREAS, on July l, 2004, the City of Spokane Valley received a sufficient petation to initiate an arcawide rezone for the north Grr.enacres neighborhaod; VVI=IEREAS, consistent with the Washingrton Stafe Growth Management Act (GMA), Spokane Valley aclopted Yublic }'articipation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensivc plans and development regulations; WFIERFAS, tb11owing the application ta the Ciry, sfaff conducted an envirocunental review lo deterrnine tkie potential environmenlal impacts from proposed zonc chacige, Wl-1LKLAS, after reviewing the Lnvironmental Check.list submiitecl by the Applicant, staff issued a I7eterminaticm of Nonsignircance (DNS) for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley Ncws Herald, posted the DNS on the site and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; ~ Wl-1FRFA$, the Planning Comniission conducfcd a briefing on August 12, 2004, to rcview the proposed rerone; Planluns Comm_ission Findings Greenacres Areawicie Rezonc Page ] of 3 WI•IFREAS, notice of the 1'lanning Conimission public hearing was published in the Valley News Hcrald al least 14 days Prior to the hearing; WHEfZLAS, notice of the Planning Commission hearing was mailed to all property owmers within 400 feet of the subjcct property; W1-IFREAS, notice of the hearing was posfed cm the suhject property; WHLKLAS, the Plaaining Commission reeeivcd evidence, iiiforrnaiion and a staff recommendaticm at a public hearing on Seplembcr 23, 2004; WHEI7EAS, the Commission epntinued cleliberations to October 14, 2004, requesting that staff prepare a map showing vcsted devclopments and properties czf individuals requesting to be excluded from the rezone; WHLIZEAS, on Uclaber 14, 2004, after considering the entire record, the Plann.ing Cocrunission voted 3-3 on a motion to rec(immend appraval of the requested areawide rer.one; WHER.EAS, on November 18; 2004, the Plannuig Gommission reconsidercd the motion to approve the areawide rezone and voted 4-3 to recommend appraval of the reione request for the propcrt), depieted in Atiaehment A; NQW, Tt-]EREFORE, the Ylanning Coumi.issian makes the folloN&ruig: - N"11VniNGS OF F'ACT AND CUNCIlUSIUNS l.. Community Development staf~ conducted ann appropriate environment.al rcview and all SEPA requirements werc cnet. 2. Spokane Valley followed its Public Participation Guideliues in proccssing the prdposed re7one, inc•luding adeyuate public notice of the Planning Commission hearin€. 3. The Conunitision considercd the goals and policies of' the Interim Spakanc Valley Comprehensive Ylan and the proposed re2one is wnsistent with the Interim Comprehensive Ylan. 4. The proposed UR-3.5 ?one is consisteni cvith surrounding zoivng, particularly south of Missicm Avenue. 5. The J.nlerim Spokane Valley Comprehcnsive Plan designates the area as Low Density Residential. The Pha.se 1 Develapment regulatious specifies both UR-3.5 and UR77* as implemcnting zones. Thc Phase 1 kegtilalicros do not providc any criteria to help dctcrmine wlucli T..ow I7ensity Residential areas should be zoned UR-3.5 or UR-7*. _i 1'lanning Commission Fi.ndings Greenacres Areawide Rezane Page 2 of 3 ~ 6. 'I'he Commission Iieard signifcant testimony in support of the proposed rezone. Testimony ineluded coneern about the adeyuacy of roads, parks, scliools ancl eirviranmental imPacis. Ixwering the allcwed density will lessen the potential impacts from new development. 7. ProPerty owners may request a site specific rezone back to UR-7# via thc Hearing F_.xaminer process. 8. The zone change will no[ adversely affect the public's general health, saf'ety and welfare. RECOMNIFNDATInN Based on the staled Findings and Conclusions, the Plaivung Conunission recouunends approval of the rezcme f.rom UR-7* la UR-3.5 for the property depicted in /Ariaehment A. David Crosby, Chair Taate Spokanc Valley Ylanning Commission a ~ Planning Commission Findings Greenacres Flreawide. Rezene Yagc 3 of 3 Vicinity Map N G 1~ ~ - - ~ f I• 2 . SS I - A'M. t I ~ I $Ite ~ - u I , I 1PNi I ~ - _ J.- ~ _ L•yr- Z9~ grpadwa I!~ . Tiv V I!' y ` ~ - PU~ i / Greenacres Areawide Rezone inr~r _ Spol:an'~ August, Zoaa ~ Greenacres Areawidc Rezone Attachment `A' ~ C1TY OI+ SPQKAT'F• VAI.LEY SFQKAN-E. COUN 1 Y, WASHLNGTON URDL\°ANCE NO. 05-003 AN ORDINANCL° OF THE CITY OF SPOlZA\'E V.AI,,I.,F.Y, SPOI~I~iE COUI`ry'Y WASHINIGTON; AiMENDING 'fl•lE INTrR.I1!1 ZONING MAI' O]' °l'HE C1TY FOR PROPFRTY LOCATED NIORTH OF titISS10N AVE\lUE; SOUTI-I ANIa FAST OF THE SPOK.A:NE RIVER AND WFST OF BAK.KCR ROAD rROVi UR-7* TO UR-31.5, ANI7 1'ROV1nING FOR OTHER vIAT"1'ERS PtZOPERI.:Y ItELA"I'ED TI-ICRE'f0. ,REAS, the City of Spokane Valley, ineorporaied on March 31, 2003 and adoptecl Lancl Usc WF[E plans and regulations as set forth below: (l) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and \9aps as the lnterim Comprehensive Plan of the City through Ordinance No. 52; (2) Thc Spokane County Zoning Codc as supplemented and amended by the Phass 1 Develapment Regulations as the Interim Development RegLilations of the City thmugli Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spokane County Zoning Maps as the Interim Zoning Maps of the City tihroubh Ordinance 1To. 54; ~ WI-IEREAS, the Interim Spokane Valley 7_oning Code includes aprocess where properiy owners may iniriate an are,awide rezone by petition; W1-IFR.EAS, at least 51 % of property Awners within the subjec.t area must sign the petition to initiate the rezone; WHEREAS, on July 1, 2004, the City of Spokane Valley reccive•cl a suffiieient petition to initiate an areawide rezone for the north Greenacres neighborhood; Vl'I-IEREAS, consistent with the VVashington State Growth Management Act (CtMA); Spolcane Valley adopted I'ublic Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans and development regulations; V1rHEREAS, following the app]ication to the City, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impscts from proposed zqne charige; VI'1-iEftEAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklist submitted by the Applicant, staff' issuecl a Determination of 'Nonsignificance (DNS) for the proposal, published the I7NS in the Valley News Herald, posted the DNS on the site and mailed the ]7\TS to all affected public agencies; WI-[EREAS, the Planning Commission (Commission) cot►ducted a briefng on August 12, 2004, ta review the proposed rezone; W-14EI2EAS, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Va11ey News Herald ~ at least 14 da_ys prior to the hearing; Ordinancc 05-003; Grccnacres Arca-widc Rcwnc FtE"L-17-04 Puge 1 of 4 WI4EREAS, notice of the Commission hearing wa.5 mailed tn all property owners within 400 feet of die subject property; . W1-I1dTLEAS, notice of the hearinb was postecl on the subject propeity; WHTIZEAS, the Comrnission received evidence, information and a staff recommenclation at a public hearing on September 23, 2004; WHERrAS, the Commission continued deliberations to Octobcr 14, 2004, reyucsting that staff preparc a map showing vcsted developments and propertics of individuals reyuesting to be excluded Gom the rezonc; V1rI-LEREAS, on October 14, 2004, af'ter considering the entire record; the Commission voted 3-3) on a motion to recommcnd approval of the rcquested areawide rezone; NVI~:REAS, on November 18, 2004, the Commission reconsiderecl the motion to apnrove the areawide re7one and voted 4-3 to recommend approval of the rezone request for the property depicted in Attachment A; W'HERE.AS, Council reviewed the request at thcir November 30, 2004 meeting arld requestcd thac staff prepare information specific Co the status of ccrtain clevelopmeiit projects in the area; speci .fically requestine, information on roads and scNver; and WI-IE•REAS, on December 14, 2004, Council reviewed information provided by staff, considered the first ordinance reading, and tablecl a mntion to approve the reznne; and V1rHEREAS, on December 21, 2004, Council remanded the rezone back to the Commission for thcir vvritten finclings of fact and recommendation; and NVHERF.AS, on January 13, 2005, the Commission approved written findings of fact, scttiag forth their basis for recommending approval of the proposed amendment; and NOW, TH61tEI=0FtE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordiiin as follows: Section l. Pi~rpose. 'I'he purpose of tfiis Ordinance is to amend the [nterim Zoning Map adopted through Ordinance No. 54 in order to permit the property described herein [o be used in a matter consistent with the same. Sectinn 2. findin s. The City Council acl:nowledges dhat the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the Applieation; and reconunends approval of the amcndment to the Goning Map set fortli in this Ordinance. The City Council he:reby adopts the findings of the Commission, specifically that: 1. Spokane Valley conclucted an appropriate eiivironmental review and all SEPA reyuirements were met. 2. Spokanc Valley followed its E'ublic F'artieipation Guiclelines in processing the proposed rezone, including adeyuate public notice of the Commission hearing. 3. The goals and polieies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive 1'lan were considered ancl t.lie proposed rezone is consiscent wiCh the lnferim Comprehensive Plan. 4. `I'he nroposed UR-3.5 zone is consistent with surrounding zoning, particularly south of Mission Avenue. Ordinancre 05-003; Greeiiacres Area-wide Ftczone RI:Z-17-04 F'agc 2 of ~t ~ S. 'llie [nterim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan designates the area a..s Low Density Residential. The Phase 1 Development regulations specifes both UR-3.5 anc! UR-7' as implementing zones. Thc Phase 1 R.egulations do not providc any criteria tA help detercriiiie which Low Density [tesidential areas should be zoned UR-3.5 or Ult-7"`. 6. Sigmircant testimony in suppUrt of the proposetl rezonc wa-q exnressecl ;it: lhe hearings. 'I`estimony included conceni about the adequacy of roads, parks, schools and environmental impacts. L,owering the allowecl density will lessen the potent.ial impaets from new developmcnt. 7. Property owners may request a site specific rezone back to UR-7* via the Hearing Examiner process. 8. The zone change will not adversely affect the public's general heal[h, safety anc1 welfare. Section 3. Pro eM. The nroperty wliich is subject to this Ordinance is described on the atCached Alcaehment "A". Section 4. Area wide Rezone. Pursuant to Chapter 14.402 of die Interim Spokane Valley Zoning Code, as adopted dirougli Ordinance No. 53, tlie Cin' of Spokane Valley Ii1LE)'IITI ZOIlU1c Map is hereby amended as set forth on the attached Elttachment "A". The rezone is Senerally described as fol lows: RF7,17-04 Location; That area located north of vlission Avenue, souch and cast of the Spokane R.iver and west of Rarker R.oad, currently zoned UR-7*. Iaccision: Change property shown on Attachment "A" from UR-7* to Uft-3.5 Section S. Adoption of Other Laws. To the cxtent: that any provision af the Spokane 0 County Code, or any other law, rule or regulation rcf.crenced in the attached "Loning Iv1ap(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enfnrceability or interpretatinn of the Zoning Map(s), then such provision of the Spekane County Code, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 6. Iv1an - Copies an File-Administrative Action. 7'he Comprehensive Plan (with vlaps) and Loning Map(s) are maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as Che City Department of Community Devclopment. The City Nlanager or clesignee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized ta modify the Comprehensivc Plan iMal) and the "Lonin? Map in a manner consistent with this Ord inance. Section 7. Liabili . The express intent of the City nf Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinaiice sliall rest with the pennit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the eYpress intenl to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general publie and are not intended to protect 3ny particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 8. Severabili!y. lf any section, scn[enc.e, clause or phrase of this ordinancc shall bc held to be invalid or uneonstitutional by a court of competent jurisciiction, such invalidity or wiconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 9. Effective Date. 'I'his Ordinance shall be in full force and effeet five (5) days after the date of publication of this Urdinance or a summary thercof in the official newspaper of the City, J OrJinnnce 05-003; Greenacres Arca-wide Rezone R1;Z-I7-04 l'age 3 of 4 PASSf:U by the City Council this 25`h da}' Of TIIRIIaI'y, 2001 _ Mayor, lliana Wilhite A7'T'ES'T: City Clerlc, Christine Bainbridje Approved As Tn Furm: Dcnuty City Attorney, Cary Tariskell Date of Fublication: Effective Date: f / J Ordintmce.05-403; Grcenacres Area-wide Rezone REL-17-04 Pagc 4 af 4 Vicinity Map a ~ - ~ - C ~a m d q ~ Q A d EJ7 ~ ~ ~ ~Sn Slte , ~ , Frora Pco r 4 ~ r Ynd` i ci O~ - j 2fl3p~. b L ~ .i, ~ N Greenacres Areawide Rezone ~ Wkane august, zoaa ~Valley I REZ-17-04 Attachment `A' I ~ City of Spokane Valley Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Cflnsent ~ Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing Q Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone (File No. CPA-01-04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed at the study sessian on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendment back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. ~ File No. CPA-01-04 is located on the South side of Dishman-Mica Road, west of its intersection with Bowdish Road. Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial and a c4Responding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 and B-3 to B-2, Community Commercial, on approximately 4.23 acres of land. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommended amending the Comprehensive Plan designation to Community Commercial and rezoning the property to B-2 Community Commercial. The Commission adopted written findings of fact at their January 13, 2045 meeting. OPTIONS: Approve, send amendment back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or conduct a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept Planning Commission findings and recommendation and to adopt Draft Ordinance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings ~ - Draft Ordinance SPOKAIVf; VALLvY 1'LANNING COMM17IS$1()N clfYC ~ Spa`kane FrNDINGS OF FACT AND REGQMMENDA'1,lON jUalley COMPREIiENSIVEPLAN AA7ENDMEYT CpA-o1-oa WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley, incorporated on Nlarch 31, 2003 and adopted Land Use plans anci regulations as set forth below: (1) Comprehensive Plaii, Capita.l Facilities Plaii, and lviaps as the I.nterim Comprehensive Plan of the City lhrough Ordinance No. 52; (2) Thc Spokaie County Zoning Code as supplemented and aanentled by the Phase I I7cvelopmcnt Kegulations as the Interi.m Development Regulalions of the City through Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spokane County Goning Maps as the Interim "Loning Maps of the Cily through Qrdinance No. 54; 'VVI-IEREAS, the Washington State Growtli Management Act (CiMA) allows . comprehensive plans to be amended annually (TtCW 36.70A 130); -WHLKLAS, aniendments to the In/erim Spokane Valley Comprehcnsive Ylan may be initiated by the Plann.ing Commissinn, the Cii,y Cnuncil nr by the Community Development Director based on citizeu requests or when changecl conditions warrant adjustments; WI-IER.CAS, the CM.A requires c;omprehensive plans to be implementcd with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land usc map aesignations; WHEREAS, consistent with the CTMA, Spokane VaUey adopted Public Par1:ieipation Guidelines to direct the public invc>lvemenl process for adopting anci ainending comprehensive plans; WHFRFAS, the Comprehensive Plaii provides that amendment applications shall be reccived until July l S' of each year; «rI-1ER.EAS, the owner and or applicant of the property dcscribed in these Findings submittcd an applicataon to the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan anci Zoning Maps for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; I'laruung Conunission Finding5 CPA-0 1-04 Page I of 3 ~ WT-TFRFAS, following the application to the City, staf•r ccmducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendment; WHEREA.S, afler reviewing tlle Environmental Checklist submiried by the npplicant, siaff iSSued a Determinalion oT Nonsignificanc;e (DNS) for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the DNS on the site and mailed the DNS to all affec:ced public agencies; VJIIE-FtE-AS, the Plaiuung Commissiou conductcd a brierng on Augusl 12, 2004, to review the propnsed amendment; 1NHLREAS, notice of the Ylanning Coirunission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald at leasl 14 days prior t4 the hearing; VVHERFAS, nocice ef the Planning Commissicin hearing was mailed to all property oNuilers within 400 feet of the subject property; Wi-1.FRFAS, notice orthe hearing was posied on the subject property; Wl-IEREAS, the Planning Commission received evidenc:e, inCarmatican, public iestimony and a Stafr rePort and recommendaiion al a publie hearing on September 23, ~ 2004; RBEREAS, after considering the entire. rer,ord, the Plaiuung Coinmission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the requested Comprehensive 131an Land Use Map Amendment and Goning Map Change for the property depicteci in Attachment A; NOVV, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT A~YP CONCLUSIUNS 1. Community Development staff conducted an approrriate environ.mental rcview, and all SFPA requirements were met. 2. Spokane Valley follpwed its Public Parlicipation Guidelines in processing the proposed a.mendment, including adequate public notice of the Planning Cominission hearing. 3. The Corrunission considered the plarning gnals of the Growth Managcment Act (GMA), and the proposed amendment is consistent with the GM.A. 4. '1`hc Commission considcred the goals and policics of the Interim SPokane Vallep Comprehensive Plan, ana the proPosed amendment is c;onsistent with the Interim Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Findings CPA-Ol -04 Page 2 oi' 3 5. The proposed land use and ioning designations are consistent Nvith surrounding land uses. 6. The subjcct properiy is not suitable for residential developnient due io ii.s location benveen a railroad and a busy arlerial raad. 7. The F'hase 1 Developcnent Regulations list the proposed B-2 zone as an implementing zone for the Cammunity Commercial land usc category. 8. The Comprehensive P1an L,and Usc Map and 7_.cming Map amendment will not adversely affecl the public's eeneral health, safety and welfare. ft.ECOMIVIEN:D ATI p N Bascd on the stated Findings and Conclusions, thc Ylanni.ng Commission recommends a, roval of the proposed Comprehcnsive Plan 1.,and i.Jse Map amendnlent from Law Density Residential to Conmun.ily Commercial asid Zc>ning Map amendment from LJR- 3.5 and B-3 t.o 3-2, For the property depicied in Attachaient A. laavid C;rosby, Chair Uate Spokane. Valley Nlwuiuig Com.missinn , Placuiing Commission Findings CPA-01-04 Page 3 o f 3 ~ Vicinity Map I ' I - I ~ I I ~ - 1 I L.---1 I I I ~m f~ Site ~ \ ~ - ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ N 1= I ~ s ~ a a O g Q !3 ~ n. Comprehensive Plan Amendment f C PA-01-04 S"pcikan~ ~ ! ~ August, 2004 CPA-01-04 Attachment `A' CITY Oh SPQKANE VALLEY SPQKANE COUN7'Y, WASN'GTUY ORnTNANCE NO.OS-004 " AN 012UINANC;E OF Tt-CE CITY ()F SPOK.ANTE VAJ..I,.EY, SPOK.ANE COUNTY 1'VASI-IINGTON, AiMENIaIT'G THE TNTERIM CQM-PREHirNSIV`E PLAN OF THT CI'1"1' FOR PROPER'1°Y LOCATED ON' TliE SOUTH ST[aE OF DISHA9AN-N1IC,4 ROF1D, WEST OF iTS [NTERSEGTION W1TH f30VV'D1S1-1 ROAJa FROM LOV1' DE\'SI7'Y RESIDENTIAL "1'O COMN1UN11'Y COMiVIERCIAL /ANia AMEN17 NG "fHE ZON[NG Iv1APS FOR THE SAME PARCLLS FROlVi UR-3.5 ANll B-3 TO B-2. ANll PRpVCll1NG Fblt OTHT•R MATTERS PROI'ERI.Y RELATED THrRETO. W1-IfREf1S, the City oF Spokane Vallcy, incorporated on March 31, 2003 and adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth below: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and vlaps as the Interim Comprehensive Plan nf the City thrnugh Ordinance No. 52; (2) The Spokane County 7oning Codc as supplemented and amended by the Phase I Development Rcgulations as the I.nterim Development Regulations of the City through Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spokane County Zoning Maps as the Interim 7oning Maps of the City through Ordinance No. 54; WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans _ to be amendcd annually (RCVV 36.70A130); ~ VVHEItEAS, amendments to the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Gouncil) or by the Community Development iairector bascd on citizen requests or when changed condiiions warrant acljustments; WHEREAS, the GM.A requires comprehensivc plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with lancl use map designat.ions; WMEREAS, consistent with the ~';MA, Spokane Valley adopted Public participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plaits; WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan provides t:hat amendment applicakions shall be reeeivcd until July 15t of each ycar; WFIEFtEAS, the owner and or applicant of the property tlescribed in these Findings submitted an applieation to the Ciry to amencl the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of beneficially using the property dcscribed herein; 1'VI-iE.REAS, following the applicatian to the City, staff conducted an environtnental review co determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendmenr. WHEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklist submitfed by the Applicant, staff issued 1 Deterrnination of 'Nonsignificance (ll\jS) for die proposal, published the DNS in the Valley Nlcws - Herald, posted the DNS on the site ancl mailed the 17\TS to all affected public agencies; , ~ prdinancc 45-004;CPA-01-04 Pabe 1 of'4 ~ WI-IL•RE,AS, the Cnmmission conducted a briefinb on August 12, 2004, co review the proposed amendment; WHERCAS, notice of dle• Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior to t-he hearing; VJ1-IEREAS, notice of die Commission hcaring was mailed to all Nroperty q«mers within 400 feet of the subject property; W1-IEREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject property; NV-HEREAS, the Commission received evidence, infonnation, public [es[imony and a staff report and recdmmendatinn at a public hearing on September 23, 2004; VJ.HFREAS, after considering Che entire record, the Cnmmission voted 6-0 to reeommend approval of the requested Comprehensive Plan I„and Use Ulap tlmendment and Zoning Map Change for the properiy depicted in Atiachment A; WI-IrREAS, on November 30, 2004, Council re;vieNved the proposecl amendment; WKEItEAS, on December 14, 2004, Council cansidered a tirst ordinanc.e reading to adopt die proposed amendment; VJIaEREAS, an December 21, 2004, Council eonsidcred a seeond ordinance reading at which time Council remanded the issue back to the Commission for their written fndings of fact and recom.mentl<<tion; WHEREAS, on January li, 2005, the Cnmmission approved written findings of fact sctting forth their basis for recominending approval of the nroposed amenclment; NOVV: THEREFORE, the City Council of die City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purposc of this Orclinance is to amend the Interim City Comprehensive Plan aaid Map(s) adopted through Ordinance \o. 52 and amend the InCerim City "Loning Map adopted through OrdinFUnce \'o. 54 in order to permit die proncrty deseribed herein to be used in a rnatter consistent with the same. Section 2. 1=indin s. The City Cpuncil acknowledges thal the Commission conducted apprppriate inves[i~ation and stud_y, held a public hearing on the application and i-ecomtliends apprc~val of the amendment to the Comprehensive 1'lan and "Loning maps. The City Council hereby adopts the findin€s of the Commission; specifically that 1. Spokane Valle_y conducted an appropriate enviranmental revicw was conducted and all SEPA requirements were met. 2. Spokane Valley followed its Public Participation GLiidclines in processing the proposed amenclment, ineluding adcquate public notice of public heari.ngs on the matter. 3_ '1 he planning goals of the Growth Uianagement Act (GtV1A) were considered ancl the proposed amendment is consistent with the GUTA. ~ 4. "1"he goals and policies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were consiclered and the proposecl amendment is eonsis[ent with the Interim Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed land use and zoning designations are coiisistent with surrounding land uses. Ordinancc 05-004;CPA-01-0I Fage 2 of 4 6. The subject property is not suitable for resiclential dcvelopment due to its location between a railroad and a busy arterial road. ' 7. The Phase 1 Taevelopment Ftegulations list Lhe propased B-2 zone as an iinplementing zone for the ' Conimunity Commeroial land use category. The Comprehensive Plan i,,and Use Map and 7-oning Map amendment will not adversely affect the public's gcneral health, safety and welfare. Section 3. Eroperty.. The property which is subject to this Ordinance is dcscribed on the atCached Attachment "A". Section 4. Comprehensive F'lan and Map Amendment. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 the Cit:y of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan ancl Map as adopted tIirough Ordinanee No. 52 is hereby amendecl as set forth on the aetached Attachment "A". The 1'lan Amendment is generallv described as follo«<s: Filc No. CPA-01-04 Lacation: South sicle of Dishman-Mica Roacl, west of its interscction witli Bowdish Rd. Pmperty Descriptican: Parce! No. 45333.9024 and 9155 Decision: Change prnpert_y shown on Attachment "A" frotn Gow Density Residential to Community Cammercial Section 5, Gonin, Nlap/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of regulating the usc of land and to implement and givc affece lo dhe Comnrehensive Plan the City hereby amends the Official Zoning Map of the Ciry as set fortli on Attacliment "A". The "!_oning v'lap Amcndmenl is generally described below. File No. CPA-01-04 Location: South side of Dishman-Mica Road, wcst at' its intersection with Bowdish Rd. Property Description: Parcel No. 45333.9024 and 9155 Decision: Change property shown on Attvchment "A" f'rom UR-3.5 and B-3 to B-2 Section 6. Adoation of Other Laws. l'o the extent lhat any provision of the Spokane County Code, or any other law, rule or reaulation referenced in the artached Zoning Vlap(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Zoning Map(s), lhen such provision of'thc Spokanc County Code, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Scction 7. Map - Cooies on File-Administ.rative Actiqn. The Comprehensive Plan (with Maps) and Zoning Map(s) are maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City Dcpartment af Comrriunity Development. The City Manager or designee, following atloption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify die Comprehensive Plan Ntap and the Zoning Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance. Section 8. Liabilitv. 7'he express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is ehat the responsibiliry for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with thc permit applicant and their agents. `I`his ordinance and i[s provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, ancl welfare of the gener<<1 public and are not intended to protect an_y par[icular class of individuals or organi2ations. Section y. Severabilitv. .i.f any secti4n, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be _ held to bc invalid or tmconstitutional by a court. of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or ' ~ Ordinancc 05-004;CPA-01-04 Page 3 af 4 uncon5titutiOnaliCy shall not affect the validicy or constitutionality of any other seclion, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Seetion 10. Lffective I7ate. 'I"his Ordinance shall be in full Torce and effect five (5) days after the datc of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereol' in the official newspaper of the City. I'ASSE1) by the City Couneil chis 25'~ day ofJanuary, 2005 Ivlayror, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: Ciry Cierk, Christine Bainbriclge Approved As Tu Form: peputy City Attorney, Cary Driskel] Date of PubliCation: EFfeclive Datc: Ordinance 05-044;CPA-0 I-0+1 Page 4 of4 Vicinity Map - ~ ~ ~ a Site . ~h /Cg N F~ 7 p.1 ~ W a a L ~ N Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-01-04 Spokane~` f` August, 2004 CPA-01-04 AtYachment `A' City of Spokane Valley Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2004 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Consent 0 Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing 0 Legisla6on ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning (File No. CPA-02-04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed at the study session on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendrnent back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. \ File No. CPA-02-04 is located on the North side of Broadway Avenue, east of Ella Road. ; - Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and a corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to UR-22 on approximately 1.4 acres of land. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommendzd amending the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and rezoning the property to UR-22 High Density Residential. The Commission adopted written findings at their January 13, 2005 meeting. OPTIONS: Approve, send amendments back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or schedule a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept Planning Commission findings and recommendation and to adopt draft ordinance. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings - Draft Ordinance SPOKANE VALLI:Y PLANlY1NC CUMMISSION 3pne F{1NllINGS OF FACT AND RECOMNIENDATION ;0OValley COMPRF:N1;NSIVE PI.,AN Am1?NDMENT , CPA-[I2-U4 WHERLAS, the City af Spokane Valley, incorporat.ed on March 31, 2003 and adopted Land Usc plans and regulations as set.f'orth below: Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facililies Plan; and Maps as the Interim Comprehensive Ylan of the City lhrough Ordinance No. 52; (2) 7'he Spokane County Zoning Code a.s supplemented aild amencled by the Phase T T)evelopment Regulations a.s the Interiun Develapment Regulations of the City tlirough Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spokanc* Couniy 7_.oning 7Vlaps as the lnterim Zoning Maps n.f.'the City through Ordinance. No. 54; IA714EREAS, the Washington State Growth Ivvlanagement Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amendetl annually (RCVV 36.70A130); VVNEREAS, amendments to the lnteri_ni Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan cnay be initiated by the l'lann.i.ng Commission, the City Couneil or by the C:onuuunity 17cvelopment Director based on citizen requcsts or when changed eonditions warrant adj ustments; tiVI3EREAS; the GMA rE;yuires compeehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, incluciing the zoning of property consistent with land use map designaticans; WF-iEREAS, consistent wilh the GMA, Spokane Valley adopted Public Parkicipation Guidclines to direct the public invalvement process for adopting and amcnding comprebensivc plans; WI-3EREA5, the Cocnprehensive Plan provides l,hat amendment applications shall be received until July l S' of each ycar; WIIEREAS, the owner and or applicant of the property describcd in these Findings submitteci an applic;ation to the City to amend the Cocnprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of benet:icially using the properly described hcrein; Planning Commissirm Findings C;PA-02-04 Page 1 of 3 ~ Wl-ITIZCAS, following the application lo the Ci .ty, stafl' conducted an t~ environmental review io cletermine the potential cnvironmental impacts from the proposed amencimenl; WHFREAS, after reviewing the Cnvironmcntal Check.list submitted by lhe. Applicant, staff issued a Detennination of Nansigni(icance (DNS) far the praposal, publishcd the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the 17NS on the sile and mailed the IaNS to all affected public agencies; WHFREAS, the Plaiuiing Commission conducteel a briefing on August 12, 2004, to revieu7 the proposed amendment; WI-1LIZLAS, nofic;e oF the Plwuung Commission public hearing wa.s published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior tn the hearing; WHER,EAS, notic;e of ttie Planning Commission hearing was mai]ed to all property o«Ziers within 400 feet of the subject property; VVHEREAS, notic:e af the hearing was posted on the subject property; ViFIEREAS, the 1'laruiing Cqmmission receivecl evidence, infonnation; public testunony and a staff repQrl ana reconuuendation at a public hearuig on Scptember 2a; 2004; i' WHC}7E-f1S, after consideri.ng the entire record; the Plaiining Commission voteti 6-0 to recommend approval of the requested Comprehemive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Zoiung Map Change for the property depicted in Attachmcnt A; NOW, 'fHERFFORF, the Plfuuung Commission makes the following: FINDINGS O.F FACT Al\jD CONCLUSIUNS 1. Community laevelapment staff- conducted an appropriatc environmentzi-l review, and all SEPA rcquircments were met. 2. Spokane Valley folloHred iis Puhlic Participation Guidelincs in processing the proposed amendment, including adequate public notice of the Planning Commission hearing. 3. The Commission considered the pla.nning goals of the C,rowth Management Act (GIv1A), and the proposeci amendment is consistent with the GMA. 4. The Commission considered the gaals and policies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, aild the proposed amendment is consistent with the Interim Comprehensive Ylan. Platuiing Camrnission Findings CPA-02-04 1'agc 2 of 3 S. "1 he praposed lmid use and zonitig desigmations are consistcnt wit.h surrounding land uses, includiiig an nf7ice use and mulli-family develapment. ~l 6. The Commission also considered a rccommendaiion by staff to change the Comprehensive Plan designation for tlie property surrounding the site currently zoned UI'Z-22 fram [..ow 17ensity Residcntial to High Taensity residential, consistent with current uses of the prapertics. 7. The Phase 1 lleveloPmenf Regulatioiis list the proposed LTR-22 zone as a.n implementing -r,onc for the High Taensity 12esidential land use category. 8. "1'he Comprehensive Plan l:ancl i.Jse Map and Zoning Map aznendment will not advcrscly affect the public's general heallh, safety and welfare. RFCOIVINIEAIDATT0N Baseci cm the stated Findings and Conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed Cnmprehensive Plan Land Use Map anendment from Low Densit3, Residential to High L7ensity Residential and the Zoning Vlap amenciment from U}2-3.5 to UR-22 for the pr4perty depictetl in Atlachment A. David Crosby, Chair llate Spokanc Valley Planning Commission , Planning Comnussion Findings CPA-02-04 Fage 3 of 3 Vicinity Map I i Qesmat I ~ ~ y ~ .J~-. ~ I Site M I I 1 1 ~ , I I ~ n ~ ~ N Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ C PA-U2-04 ""ol:an~ - ,r ~ ~~~alle~~ August, 2004 CPA-02-04 Attachment `A' crrY or spoKAvF vaLLFv Sl'OKANE COUNTY, WASHL\`GTO\j ORDINANCE NO. 05-005 A1 ORDINANCE OT' TI-LE CITY OF SPOT:ANE VAIdTaEY, SPOKANE COUNTY VJASHINGTON, AMENDING THE INTER1M COMPREF-IENSIVE PLAN OF THE C1TY FOR PRUPER'TY LUCATED ON T'HT NOR'1'H SIDF, 13ROADINAY AVENUE, EAS"I" OF FLLA ROAD, SPECIFICAI.:1,,Y LOCATEU 10 TF1E NW 01= SECT"IQN 18, TOWNSHIP 25 \'qFt"CH, RANGF 44 E1VM rRQM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO I-i1GH DT'NSITY RESIDEN1'IAL AND AMENDING '1'HE ZONING MAPS FOR THF SAIME PARCELS rROvl UR-3.5 `C'O UR-22, AND PROVIDING FOR Ol'HEf't V1A'[°I ERS PROf'ERLY REl.ATED'I'1-iERE TO. VVHEREAS, the Cih, af Spokane Valley, incorporated an March 31, 2003 and adopted Land Use plans antl regulations as set forih below: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities I'lan, and Maps as the Inierim Comprehensive f'Ian of the City throuah Ordinance No. 52; (2) The Spokane County Zonin~ Code as supplemented and amended by the I'hase 1 Development Regulations as the Interim Development Regulations of the City tHrough Qrdi.nance 1'0. 53; and (3) The Spokane Counry Zoning Maps as the I.nterim Zoning Maps of the City through Ordinance No. 54; Vl'FTERE.AS, the Washington State Gro~vth Management Act (G7ViA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (IZCVV 36.70A130); " \VH:EitEAS, amendments to the Interim Spokane Vallcy Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council) or by the Community Devclopment Director based on citizeii requests or when chanbccl coiiditions warrant adjustments; V►'H:EREAS, the GMt1 requires comprehensivc plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of properiy consistcnt with land use map designations; VJ-HEREAS, consistent with the GMA, Spokane Valley adopted 1'ublic Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; VVI-iEREAS, the Comprehensive F'lan provides that amendment applications shall be reteivecl until July 151 of each year; WHEREAS; the owner and or applicant of the property described in these Pindings submitted an appIicaYion to the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; WHFREAS, following the application to the Ciry, staff conducted tin environmental review to dekermine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendment; Wi-iEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklist submitteci by the Applicant, staff issued a Dctermination of Nonsignificanee (IaNS) for the proposal; published the D\iS in the Valley News i-Ierald, posted the DNS Qn the site and mailed the D\iS to all affccted public agencies; ~ Orditiance 05-005; CFA-02-04 Page 1 of 5 % - _ 1'JE-[EREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on August 12, 2004; to review the proposed amendment; VIrHEKEAS, notice ofi the Commission public hearing was published in the VaIley T'ews Fle.rald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; W1-EkEAS, notice of the (:ommission hcaring was mailed to all prnperty owners cvithin 400 feet of the subject property; WHFR.rAS, notice of the hearing was posted on die subject property; W1-IERE,AS, the Commission receivecl evidence, inforniation, public testimony and a stnff report and recommendation at a public hearing an September 23, 2004; Wf-ER.1:AS, after consiclering tlie entire record; the Commissi4n voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the requested Comprehcnsive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and "Goning Map Change for tlle property depicted in Atiachment A; WWEREAS; on Novemher 30, 2004; Council revicwed the proposed amendment; 41HEREAS, on December 14, 2004, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposeci amendment; ~ WHEREAS, on Iaecember 21, 2004, Council considered a second ordinance reading at which 1.~ 1 tirne Council remanded the issue back to the Cammission for their written findings nf fact and recommendation; WI-IEREr'1S, on January 13, 2005, the Commission approved written fndings of fact setting forth their basis for recommending approval of the proposed amendmEnt; NOW, 'I'1-1E1tEFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane VaIley clo ordain as f'ollows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of [his Ordinance is to aniend the Interim Comprehensive Plan and Map(s) adoptecl ihrough Ordinance 3141o. 52 and amend the City Zoning Map adopted through Ordinance IN'o. 54 in order to permit the property ciescribed herein to be used in a matter c4nsisten[ with thc. same. , Section 2. Pindings. `1'he City Council acknowleci5es tihal che Cqrnmission conductecl appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearina on the application and recommends approval of the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning maps. The Ciry Cauricil hereby adopts t_he f ndinos oi'the Commission, specitically that: l. Spokanc Valley conducted an apprapriate environmental review was conducted and all SFPA requiremcnts were met. 2. Spokanc Valley followecf its Publie Participation Guidelines in processing the proposed amendment, including adcyuate public notice of public hearings on the matter. 3. "I'he plannino goals of the GroHlh Management Act (GMt1) were considered and the proposed amendment is consistent with Che GMA. ~._.-4. 7"he goa1s and policies of the Interim Snokane Valley Comprchensive Plan were considered and thc proposcci amendment is consistent with the Interim Cornprehensive Plan. Ordinancc 45-005; CPA-02-04 Page 2 oC5 5. The proposecl land use and zoning desigmations are consistent with surrounding land uses, including an office use and multi-family development 6. A recommendation by staff t4 change the Coinpreliensive Plan desig»ation for the property " surrounding the site currently zoned UR-22 from Low Taensity Residential to High Taensity residential was consiclered. This designatian is consistenC with current uses of the properties. 7. The Phase 1 Uevelopment Regulacions list the proposed UR-22 zone as an implementing zone for the High Density Residential land use category. b. Thc Cornprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoning Map amendment will not adversely af~'ect the public's general health, safety and welfare. Section 3. Pro en. The property which is subject to this Ordinance is described on the attached Ariachment "A". Section 4. Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendment. Pursuant to R.CW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and Map as adopCed through Ordinance, No. 52 is hereby amencled as set forth on the attached Attachment "A". The Plan Amendment is generally describetl as follows: Filc No. CPA-02-04 Location: \'orth side Broadway Avenue, east oi' Ella Road, specifically located in the NVV of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 EV1M. FropertvDescription: Parcel io.451R2.9035 Decision: Change propercy shown on AttachmenE "A" from Low Dansity Residential to High density Residential Sectioii 5. ZoninL iMap/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of regulating the use nf land and to implemenc and ~ivc affect to the Comprehensive Plan the City hereby - ainends the OfFicial 7_oning vlap of the City as set fnrth o❑ Attacliment "A". The 7oning Map Amendment is generally described below. File No. CPA-02-04 Location: North side Broadway Avenue, east of Ella Road, specifically located in the NW '/4 of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 EVVM. Properlv Description: Farcel ~To. 45182.9035 Detision: Change properl'y showit on Attachment "A" from UR-3 ).5 to UR-22 Secdon G. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provisioo of the Spokane County Code, or any other law, rule or regulation refereneed in the attached "Loning Map(s) is necessary or cotivenient to establish dte validity, enfiorceabiliry or interpretat.ion of the 7onin~ ylap(s); then such provision of the Spokane County Code, or ocher law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 7. Map - Copies on I"ile-Administrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan (with Maps) and Zoning Map(s) are maintained in the offce of the City Clerk as well as the Ciry Uepartment of Cornmunity Development. The City Manager or desig-nee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to moclify the Comprehensive Plan Map and the Zonino Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance. Sec:tion S. Liabilit y. The express intent of the City of Spol:ane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest widi the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, Ordinance 05-005; CPA-02-01 Pagc 3 of 5 safety, and wclfarE: of t.he general public snd are not ini:ended tn protect any particular elass of individuals or organizations. Section 9. Severabilin~. If any scction, sentence, cliiuse or phrflse caf this ordinance shall be held to be invalicl ar unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalitliCy or unconstitutionality shall not afFect t:he valitlity or constitutionaliry of anyo utller section, sentence, clause or phrase of t:his ordinance. Secdou 10. Fffecl:ive Date. This Ordinance shall be in full farce and cffiect fve (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of ehe City. I'ASSEU by the City Council this 25"' day of January, 2005 Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Cheistine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Deputy City Flftorney, Cary Driskell Date of Publication; ~ JEffeccive Date: Orclinunce 05-005; CPA-02-04 Page 4 of 5 Vicinity Map 4 ~ pesmet Site , . ~ N Comprehensive Plan Amendment - ~ CPA-02-04 SPb~n~ , 1 August, 2004 - Cj'A-02-04 Attachment `A' City of Spokane Valley Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Consent Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing ~ Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning (File No. CPA-03-04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed at the study ssssion on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendment back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. File No. CPA-03-04 is located on the South side of Springfield Avenue, west of Sullivan Road, 'one block north of Valleyway. Applicant requested a Cornprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Medium Density to High Density Residential and a corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-7 and B-2 to UR-22 on approximately 1.45 acres of land The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommended amending the Comprehensive Plan designation to High Density Residential and rezoning the property to UR-22 High Density Residential. The Commission adopted written findings at their January 13, 2005 meeting. OPTIONS: Approve, send amendments back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or schedule a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept Planning Commission findings and recommendation and to adopt draft Ordinance. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings - Draft Ordinancre , - ~ SPOKANI; VALLEY PLANNING COM1111SSION SOOKane ~ "FllVDiNCS OF FACT AND RECOMNi-El NDATIUN ;00 %iley Cpp11'kEHEPISI~'E FI..' AME~'DNIENT CI'A-03-04 WI-IEItEA:S, the City of Spnkane Valley, incorporated on March 31, 2003 and adopted Land Use placLS anci regulations as set l:~~rth hclow: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and Maps as the Int:erim Comprehensive Plan of the City through Ordinance No. 52; (2) Tlie Spokane Couni), Zooi_ng Code as supplemented and amended by the Phase 1 I7evelopment Regulations as the Interim L7cvelopment Regulations of the City thrpugh Ordi.nance No. 53; and (3) The Spokane County 7_.oning iUlaps as the Interim Zocung Maps of the City through Ordinance No. 54; `VIIERFAS, the 'Washingnon State Gro,%Nrth Management Act (GMA) allows ' compreheiLSive plans to be amended annual]y (RCW 36.70A130); WHERLAS, amendn,ents to the Interim Spol:ane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission, the City Gouncil or by the Community Dcvelopment Tairector, bascd on citizen requests or when changed ccmditions wArrant adjustments; WHE12:FAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with dcveloptnent regulations, including the zcming of property consistent with land use map clesignations; V1rI-IER.FAS, consistent with the GMA, Spokane Valley adopted Public 1'articipation Guidelines to direct the public uivolvement process for adopting ajid amending comprehensive plans; WHEREAS, the Comprehcnsive Pla.n provides that amendinent applications shal( be received until July 1 S` of each year; WI-IERFAS, the o"qier and or applicant of the property described in these Findings submitted an application to the City co amcnd the Comprehensive Plan and Zoiung Maps for the purpose nf'beneficially using the Property describcd herein; ~ Y(atuutig Cotnntissitm I;inding,s CPA-03-04 Page 1 of 3 VJHER.FAS, following the application to the City; titaff conducted an = environmental revicw t4 delermine the potential cnviremmental impacts from the proPosed amendmcnt; «!HEREAS, aftcr reviewing the Enviroiunental Checklist submitted by the Applica.nt, staff issueci a Taetermiuation of Nansignificanes (IaNS) for ttie proposal, published the DNS in •the Valley News Herald, posled the DNS on the site and mailed the DNS to al] ai-rected public agencies; WHFR.EAS, the Planning Commission ecmducled a briefing on tlugust 12; 2004, lo i-eview the proposed amendment; V►HE1ZEAS; notice of the Plan.ning Conunission public hearing was published in the Valley News 1-Ierald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; WHEREAS, notice of the Platuung Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property; VJHL1~EA5, notice c>f the heari.ng wa.s posted on the subject property; WIIEREAS, the Plancung Commission received evidence, in.formation, public testimony and a staff report ancl recommendatio» at a public hearuig on Septcmbcr 23, 2004; ~ i WHEREAS, after considering the entire record, the PlaiuunS Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approva] of the requested Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amenciment and Z,oning Map Change for the property depicted in Alfachment A; NOW, THEREFORF, the F'lann.ing Comnussion makes ttie following: FINU1NGS QF FAGT ANP CONCLUSIONS • 1. Community DevElopment sta .ff conducted an appropriate envirorunental rcview, and all SEPA requirements were met. 2. Spoka.ne Valley followed iis Nunlic Fartic;iPation Guideluies in processing the proposed amEndment, including adeyuate public notice of the 1'lannine Commission hearing. 3. The Commission considereci the planning goals of the Growth Managemenl Act (CtMA), and the proposed amendmcnt is consistent with the GMA. 4. The Commission considered the gaals and policies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, and the proposed amendmcnt is consistent with the Interim Comprehcnsivc Nlan. 1'lanning Commission Findings CAA-03-04 Page 2 of 3 5. The proposed land use and zoning designaticros are consistent with sumounding land uses and will provide a buffer bchveen Commercial zoned properties alUng Sullivan Avenuc and residential uses to the west. 6. 1'he stibject propcrty is suitable f'nr high density residential develnpment due to its proximity to commercia] Services and Sullivan Road. 'I'he property is also suitablc for office uses allowed under the UR-22 zone. 7. The Phase I laevelopment 12egulations list the proposed UR-22 zone as an implementing zone for the Nigh laensity l2esidential land use category. 'I"he Comprehensive Plan I,.and Usc Map and Zon.ing Map amendment will not adversely affect thc public's general heallh, safety and welfare. RECUiYIlVIENDATIQN Based on the staled Findings and Conclusions,llie Plan.ning Commission rccommends a roval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amendment from Medium T.?ensity Residential to IIigh Density Residential and "Goiung Map amendment &om UR-7 and B-2 lo i.TR-22 for thc pmperty depicted in ACtachment A. David Crosby, Chair 17ate , Spokane Vallcy Ylarming Commission Plaruung Conun.i5sion Findings CYA-03-04 Page 3 of 3 r~ Vicinity Map _J .I 1 I, ir I ~ I `"T Site t J ~ I' ~ N Cornprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-03-04 5po]Qn. r August, 2004 ';00* Va jlev CPA-03-04 Artacnment `A' C.TTY ON SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANF COUNTY, WASH]NCTUN ; " ORll1NANCE iNO. 05-006 AN 01),D1NANCE OF THE C1TY OF SPOKANE VF1Li FY, S1'OI{ANT' COUNTY WASH[\GTON, AMENDING TH11 INITE1t1M COMI'RrHENS1VE PI.:AN OF TI-TE CITY FOR PROE'EFtTY I.:OCA"1 ED ON"114F SOU7'H STDC OF SPRTNGFIEL,D AVENUE, V1'ES'I° OF SULLIVAN ROAD, ONE BLOCK NORTI-I OF VALLEYWAY; SPECTFICALLY LOCATED iN '1'HE SF 1/4 OI' SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, [t.ANCr 44 EVIrIv1 T'R0M AEIa1UM DENSJTY IZESIDENTIAL TO H..IG!A DENSJTY RESIDENTIAL AND AME\iDI~i ~G 7'HE ZON[NG MAPS F(7R THE SAM.E. PA.RCELS FROM Uk-7 AND B-2 TQ U12-22, A-iq-D PROVIDTNG FOR 0'1"HER Mt1T'fHFZS PROPERLY RELATED T1-iERETO. WHERrAS; the City of Spokane Valley, incorpoeated on March 31, 2003 and adopted Gand Use plans and regulations as sst forth below: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and Maps a.S the , Interim Comprehensive Plati of the City through Ordinance No. 52; (2) The Spnkanc County Zoning Code as suppleinented and amended by the Phase 1[7evelopmcnt Regulat:ions as the lnterim laevelopment Regulations of the Cify through Ordinance rb. 53; and (3) The Spokane County Zoning Maps as the Interim 7oning Maps of the Ciry through Ordinance No. 54; WI-IEItEAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GM.A) allows comprehensivc plans ~ to be amended annually (RCW 36.70A130); 1'JHEREAS, amendmcnts to the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensivc Plan may be initiated by t.he Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Couneil) or by the Community Developrnent Director based on citizen requests or whcn changed conditions warrant adjustments; \YHFREAS, the GMA reyuires comprehcnsive plals to bc implemented with development regulations; includiiig dhe zoning of propercy eonsistent with land use map desip~-nations; ~\%IEREAS, consistent with the GMA, Spokane Valley adopted Public Farticipaeiotl Guidelines to direct the public involvement nrocess for xclopting and amending comprehensive plans; VJHERrAS, the Cornprehensivc Plan provides that amendment applications shall be received until July l' of each year; 1VHERFAS, the ownei• and or applicant of the praperty clescribed in these Finclings submitted an application to tlie City to amend the Comprehensive Plan end Zoning Maps for the purpose of benef cial ly using the property described herein; NNHER.EAS, following the application to the Ci _ty, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environrr►cntal impacts firom dle proposed amendment; ; Ordinancc 05-006; CI'A-03-04 Pege I cif 5 VdHTRrAS, after reviewing the Envirorimental Checklist submitted by the Applicanc, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the proposal, published the TaNS in the Valley News Heralci, posted the DNS on the site tjncl mailed the ]aNS to all affected public agencies; WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefina on August 12, 2004, to review the proposed amendment; WHI;R.EAS; notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Vallcy News T-lerald at least 14 days prior to thc hearing; VVMLREAS; notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all propeiTy owners within 400 feet of the subject properly; IAIHEREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject property; WI-IFREAS; the Commissioii received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report atid recommendation at a public hearing on September 23, 2004; WHEREAS, afier considering the entire rccord, the Commission voted 5-1 ta recommend approval nf the requested Comprehensive Plan Land Use Niap Amendment and Zoninp viap Change for the property dcpicted in Attachment A; W1-lEfZEAS, an November 30, 2004, Couneil reviewed the proposed amendtnent; NVBEREAS, on December 14, 2004, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the progosed amendrnent; VlWRT::AS, on December 21, 2004, Council considered a seeond orctinanec rcading at which time Council remandcd the issue back to the Commission for their written findings of i'act and recommendation; 1VWEREAS, on Januar}' 13, 2005, the Commission approved written findings af fact setting forth their basis for recdmmending approval of the proposed amendment; NOW, TI-EREFOI2h, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as Pollows: Secdon 1. 1'ur ose. The purpose of this Ordinancc is to aiiiend tiie lnterim Cpmprehensive 1'lan and Map(s) adopted tihrough Qrdinance No. 52 and amend the Ciry 7oning lvlan ad4pted through Ordinance No. 54 in order to perniit the property dcseribed herein to be used in a mltter consistent: with the same. Section 2. Findin ls. The City Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropritjte invcstigation and shidy, helci a public hearing on the application and recommends approval of the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning maps. I'he City Council hereby aclopts the findings of the Commission, specifically that: I, $pokane Valley conducted an apprapriate cnvironmental re•view was conducted and all SEPA requiremenCS were met. 2. Spokane Valley followed its Public Pariicipation Guideliiies in processing the proposed amencfinent, - including adequate public notice oFpublic hearings qn the matter. OrdiriancQ QS-OOG; CPA-03-01 Pagc 2 of 5 3. 'The planning goals of the Grqv.rth Manatement Act (GNIA) were considered and the proposed acnendmeni is consistent with the GMA. 4. `I'he goals and policies of the Interim Spakane Valiey Comprehensive Plan -were considerecl and the proposed amendment is consistent with the Interim Camprehensive 1'lan. 5. `l'he proposed land tise and zoning designations are consistent with surrou►iding land uses and will provide a buCfer beriveen Commercial zoned properties along Sullivan Avenue and residential uses to thc west. 6. The subject property is suitable for high density residential development due to its proximiry to commercial services and Sullivan Road. The property is also suitable for office uses allowed under the UR-22 zone. 7. The E'hase 1 Development Regulations list the proposed UR-22 zone as an implementing zane for the High Density Residentinl land use category. 8. 7"he Comprehensive Plan I..and Use IVIap and Zonirig Ivlap amendment will not actversely affect the public's general hcaldi, safety and weli"are. Section 3. Pro e.'T'he property which is subject to this Ordinance is described on the attached AttAehment "A". Section 4. Com+prehensive I'Ian and Map Amendment. I'ursuant to ftCW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Vallcy Comprehensive Plan and vlap as adopted through Ordinance No. 52 is hereby amended as set forth on the atiached Attacliment "A". The Plan Amendrnent is generally described as follows: File N0. CPA-03-04 Locat:ion: South side of Springf cld Avenue, west of Sullivan R.oad, ane block north of Vnlleyway; _ specifically lacatecf in the SE of Section 14, Township 25 Aforth, 17ange 44 EWM. Propertv Description: Parcel No. 45144.0245 'Decision: Change prnperty shown on Attachmeut "A" from Medium Density Residential to High Iaensity Itesidential Sectian 5. Zoninp, Map/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of regulating the use of land and to implement and give affect to the Comprehensive Plan the City hercby amends lhe Ofricial Zoning Map of the City as set fonh on Attachment "A". 1'he Zoning Map Amendment is generally described below. File No. CFA-03-04 Location: South side of Springfeld Avenue, west of Sullivan Road, oiie block north of Valleyway; specificaUy lat;aled in the SE of Se.ction 14, Townsliip 25 North, Range 44 FNVM. Property , Description: Pareel No. 45144.0245 Decision: Change property shown on Attachment "A" fram UR-7 and B-2 to UR-22 Section 6. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provisinn of thc Spokane Councy Code, or any nther law, rule or regulation refcrenced in the attached Zoning Map(s) is neaessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceabiliry or interpretation of the 'Loning Nlap(s), tiien such provision of the Spokane County Code, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by refercncc. Section 7. Map - Copics on File-Administrative Action. 'I`he Comprehensive Plan (with Niaps) and Zoning Map(s) are maintained in the office of the City Clerk its well as the City Dcpartment of Comrnunity llevelopment. 'Che City Mana-er or designee, fo(lowing adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Comprehensivc Plan Map and the Zoning Map in a rnanner consistent with this Ordinimee. " Ordinancc 05-006; CPA-03-04 Ptige 3 of 5 Sectinn 8. Liabilitv. I"he eapress irrtent of thc City of Spokane Valley is that tMc responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinlnce shall rest with the perrr►it applir.ant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with dhe expre.ss intcnt to protect the health; safety, and welfiare of'ihe general public and are not intended to protect any particular clazs of individuals ororEanizations. Scction 9. Severabilitv. If any sectipn, scntencc, clausc or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutiana] by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidiCy or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or conscitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ardinajice. Section 10. 1--,ffective Taate. This Orclinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the datc of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the offieial newspaper of the Ciry. YASSED by the City Council this 25"' day of January, 2005 viayor, Diana VVilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Dcputy City AttArney, Cary Driskell Date of l3ublication: Effective Date: Orciinaiice 05-006; Cl'A-03-04 P<3se 4 of 5 Vicinity Map , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Site , N Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ CPA-03-04 Spokan~ August, 2004 CPA-03-04 Attachment `A' City of Spokane Valley Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Consent (9 Old Business ❑ New Business Q Public Hearing 0 Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning (File No. CPA-05-04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed af the study session on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendment back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The Crty of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. File No. CPA-05-04 is located on the North side of Valleyway Avenue, about 150 feet east of Sullivan Road. Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Low Density Residential to Regional Commercial and a corresponding Zoning N1ap amendment from UR-22 to B-1 on approximately 1.75 acres of land. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommended amending the Comprehensive Plan designation to Regional Commercial and rezoning the property to B-2 Community Commercial. The Commission adopted written findings at their January 13, 2005 public meeting. OPTIONS: Approve, send amendments back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or schedule a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept Planning Commission findings and recommendation and to adopt draft Ordinance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings - Draft Ordinance , SPQKANE VALLH Y PI,.ANf1'ING COM11lSSlON S rtrti~ cr ' pokane F{ INDINGS OF FACT ANU RECOMMENDATIOv jW1"y COME'RGHk;NSIVE PLAN AMENDNiFN'I' CPA-OS-Q4 WHLKLAS, the Ciry Qf Spokx~ne Valley, incorporatcd on March 31, 2003 anci adopted Lar►d Use plans and regulatians as set forth below: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, fuid Maps as the 1.nlerim Comprehensive Plan of the City lhrough Ordinance No. 52; (2) The Spokane County Zoiung Cocie as supplemcntcd and amended by the Phase I Developnient Regulations as the lnterim Development Regulations of the City through Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spcakane County Zoning Maps as the lntcrim Loning IVIAps of the Ciiy through Ordinance No. 54; YNrHFRFAS, Che Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA ) allows compreheusive plans to be arriended annually (RCW 36.70A130); WHEREAS, amendments to the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensivc Ylan may be uvtiated by the Planning Commissic>n, the City Council or by ihe Community Taevelopment Director basetl on citizcn requests or when changed conditioiLS warrant adjustments; WI-IEREAS, the CTM.A requires comprehensive plans to be implemented wit11 clevelopment regulations, including thc zoning nf property consistent with land use map designations; VJIERFAS, consistent widi the GMA, Spokane Valley adopteci Publie Participation Guidelines ta direct the puhlic involvecneiit process for adopting anci amending comprchensive plans; . WHEREAS; the Comprehensive Plan provides that amendment appiications shall be received until July ls' of each year; WHCRCAS, the owner and or applicant of the propert}, described in these Findings subrniited an application to the City to amend the Comprehcnsivc Ylan and Zouulg Maps for the purpose of benef cidlly using tlie property descabed herein; - , Plazuuns Commission Findings CPA-05-04 1'age 1 of 3 Wl-IL'•'RLAS, follcawing the applicalican to the City, staflr conducted an envirorunental review lo determine the Potential envirpnmenfal impacts feoin thc proposed amendmenl; «'HTTZEAS, afler reviewing the Envirorunental Checl:list submitted by the Applicant, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (UNS) for the Proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, posted the TaNS on the site and mailed the DNS to all affcctcd public agencies; VITHEKEAS, the Planning Commission conducted a briefing on August 12, 2004, lo review the proposed amendment; `'VHFRFAS, notice of the Pla»ning Commitisicm public hearing wa,s published in the Valley News IIerAld at least 14 dAys prior to the hearing; WHERFAS, notic,e of the Planning Commissian hearing was mailed io all property wxniers witluu 400 feet of the subject property; NVHFRFAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject properly; WN:FREAS, the Planning Commissian receivcd cvidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recom.mendaiion al apublic hearing an September 23, 2004; ( VW,R.FAS, afler cansidering the entire record, the 1'lanning Commission voted 6-0 to recoiYUnend approval of ille requested ComPrehensive Plan I.,and iJse Map Amendment and Zoning Map Charige for the property depicted in Attac}unent A; NOW, TF-EREFORE; die Plamung Conunission makes the follovving: F1nD1NGS UF TACT AN]) CONC'LUSIOIVS 1. Communily Development slaf`f' c;pnducteti an appropriate environmental review and dll SEPA requirements were met. 2. Spokane Vallcy followcd its Public Participation Guidclines in processing the proposed amendment, including adequate public notice of the Planning Commission hearing. 3. The Comtnission considered the planni_nb goals of the Growth Management Act (GM.A), and the praposed anmendment is consistent with the CTMA. 4. The Commission cnnsidered the goals and policies of the Interim Spokane >>allcy Comprehensive Plaii; and the proposed wnendinent is consistent with the Inlerim Comprehensive Plan. Planning Commission Findings CPA-05-04 Page 2 of 3 5. `l"he proposed land use and zofiing designaticros are coiisistent with lajid uses along Sullivan Road and its interseclion wilh Vallcyway Avenue. _ 6. The Commissipn d4es not recommend extending cocnmercial desi€Tnations furlher --cast from the subject properiy in the future. 7. "T'hc Comprehensive Plan I..and Use Map ancl Zaning Map amcndment v&rill not adversely affect the public's general heallh, safety and welfare. RFCQMMENllATION 13a.ted on the stated l'indings ajid Conclusions, the Planning Coirunission recommends approval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amcndment from Low L7ensity Residential to R_egional Commercial and d1e Zoning Map amendment frAm UR- 22 ta B-2 for thc property depicted in Attachment A. David Crosby, Chair Iaate Spokane Valley Planning Cornmission 1'Ifuuung Comm_ission Findings CPA-05-04 Fage 3 of 3 Vicinity Map I ~ I ro I ~ Slte l , Valleyw ap ED 1 ~ . . Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-05-04 ~~'~lley r august, 2004 , CPA-05-04 Attachment `A' CTTY OF Sl'OKANC VALLFY SPOKAr~TF COUN7"Y, VVASHINGTON ' QRUlNANCF Na. 05-007 AN ORDTNANCE OF THF' C11`Y OF SPOKA,\rE VAI..LEY, SPOK.ANE COUNTY WASI-i1NGTON, A1v1FNDWG TRF iNTERLV1 COMPFiEHENSNr PLAiN OF TI-[E CI`1"Y FOR PRQPER`I Y LOCATED QN 'I°H.E NORTI-I SIDE OT' VALLFYWAY AVENiJr, APPR0X1MATGLY 150 FEFT E.AS'I" OF SULLNAN ROAD; SPE-CLFICALLY LOCATED RN 7'HE SW '/4 QF SECTION 13, Tq1WNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 44 EVVN1 FROM LOW DENSI"1"Y TZESIDr.A'T1AL TO REGTONAL COMMERCIAI.. AND AME-NDING THF ZONING Vi,qPS FOR THF SAME I'ARCEi S FROM UR-22 TO I3-2; AND PROVIlll\'G POR 0`1'HER MAT`I'EKS PROPERLY itELATFD TE-iEItETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley, incorporated on March 31; 2003 ancl adopted Land Use plans and regulations as seS forth below: Comprehcnsive 1'lan, Capita! Facilities Plan, and Maps as the lnterim Comnrehensive Plan Qf the City through Ordinance Na. 52; (2) 'I'he Spokane County Zoning Code as supplemcnted and amended by the Phase I Developmcnt Regulations as the Interim l7evelopment Regulations of the City through Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spokane Councy Zoning vlaps as the Interim 'Goning Maps of lhe City through Ordinance No. 54; VVHL-"REF1S, lhe Washingtan State Growth Managemeiit Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans , to be amended annually (RCVV 36.70A 134); WHFREAS; amenclments tn the IntcriRl Spokane Vallcy Comprehensive Pla.n may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council) or by the Community Development Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; 1'JHERCAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property eonsistent with land usc map designations; WHEREAS, consistent with the GVIA, Spokane Valley adopted Public Parlicipation Guidelines to clirect the publie involvement proccss for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; WHEREAS, the Comprchensive Plan provides diat amenclment anplications shall be received until July 1' ofeach year; WHEREAS, the owner and or applicant of the property described in these Fincfings submitted an application co thc City to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of beneficially using the property describcd herein; WHEREAS, following the application co thc City; staff conducted an environmental rcview to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendment; WHER.CAS, after reviewing the Lnvironmental Checklist submit[ed by the Applicant, staff issued - a Determination of Nonsignificance (D\TS) for the proposal, published the DNS iri the Valley News ~ 1-ieralcl, posted the DNS on the site and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencics; Ordinanee 05-007; CI'A-05-04 Page I of 5 WHEU-AS; the Cnminission conducted a bricfing on August 12, 2004, to rcvicw the proposcd amendment; )NrHERT'AS, notice of the Commission public hearing was publislled in the Valley News Herald at Ieast 14 da_ys prior to the hearing; 1wT-I.FRFAS, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of tfie subject propert?; W-HEREAS, noticc of the hearing was postcd on the subject property; WHER.EAS, the Commission received evidence, inFUrm3tion, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing on September 23, 2004; W1-IT'R,F,4S, after considering the entire record; the Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the requested Comprehensive Plan Lancl Use Map Amendment and ZoninS Map Change for the property depieied in Attachmcnt A; WH:EREAS, on November 30, 2004, Cnuncil reviewed the proposed amendmenc; WHEREAS, on December 14, 2004, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; VJI-ILREAS, on December 21, 2004, Council considered a second ordinance reacting al which time Council remanclecl the issue back to the Commissioii for their written findings qf fact and recommendation; A'HFR.FAS, on January 13, 2005, the. Commission appeoved written findings of fact setting forth their basis for recommending approval of the proposed amendment; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ci ry of Spokane Vallcy do ordain as follows: Seetion l.. Purpose. The purnose of this Ordinance is to amend the ]nterim Comprehensive Plan and Map(s) adopted through Ordinance N0. 52 and amend the lnterim Zoning Map adopted through Ordinance No. 54 in order to permit the property described herein to be used in a matter consiscent with the same. Seetion 2. rindin s. The City CQUncil acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a publie hcaririg on the apnlication and recoinmends approval of thc amendment to tlie Comprehensive Plan and Zoning maps. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Cnmmission, specifically that: I. Spokane Valley conducted an appropriate environmental review was conducted and all Sk.PA requirements were met. 2. Spokane, Valle_y followed its Public Participation Guidelines in processing the proposed amendment, including adequate public notice of public hearings on the matter. ;i. The planning goals of the Growth Rlanagement Act (GMA) were considered and the proposed amendment is cnnsistent with the GNIA. 4. The goals ancl policies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were considered and the ~ proposed amendment is consistent with the Interi«l Comprehensive Plan. Ordinance 05-007; CI'A-05-04 Page 2 of 5 S. The proposed land use and zoning designations are consistent with land uses along Sullivan Road and , its intersection with Valleyway Avenue. 6. T'he Commission does not reeommend extending commercial designations further east from the sul~ject property in the future. 7. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and 7..oning [vlap iimendment will not adversely affect the public's gcneral health; safety and welfare. Section 3. Pro cy. The property whicM is subject to this Ordinance is described on the attached Attachment "A". Section 4. Com,prehensive Plan and Wp Amendment. Pursuant tio RCW 35A.63.073 the City of Spokane Valley Comprchensive Plan and Map as adopted dirough Ordinancs No. 52 is hereby amended as set fort.h on the attaclled Attachmenl "A". The Plan Amendment is generally describcd as follows: Filc Vo. CPA-05-04 1.,ocation: North side of Valleyway Avenue; approximately 150 feet east of Sullivan Road; specifically located in thc SW '/4 of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 44 E\VM. PropM, laescription: F'arcel No. 45133.0524 and 45133.0540 Decision: Change property shown on Attachment "A" from Low Densiey Residential to ReDional Commercial Sectinn 5. 7oning Map/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100; for the purpose of regulacing the use of land and to implemcnt and oive affect to the Compre_hensive Pla❑ the City liereby amcnds the Official Zoning Map of the City as set forth oo Attachment "A". The Zoning Map Amendment is generally described below. Filc No. CPA-05-04 Location: North side of Valleyway Avenue, approximately 150 teet east of Sullivan Road; specifically loc2ted in the SVIV of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM. Proverty Description: Pareel No. 45133.0524 and 45133.0540 Decision: Change property shown on Attachment "A" from UR-22 to 13-2 Section 6. Adopcion of Other Laws. 7'o the extent that any provision of the Spokzne County Codc, or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the attached Zoning Vlap(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceahility or interpretF►tion of the Zoning vlap(s), then such nrovision of the Spol:ane Count:y C4de, or other law, rule nr regulation is hereby acloplcd hy reference. Secdoii 7. Map - Copies on File-Administrative Actiqn. The Comprehensive Plan (with Msps) and Zoning Map(s) are maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City llepartment of Community Development. °"he City Manager or designee; following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Comprehensive Plan Vtap and the Zoning Map in a manner consistent with this Ord inance. Seetion 8. Liabilitv. The express intent of the Cify of Spokane Vallcy is that tlle responsibility for compliance with the provisions af this orclinance sliall rest with the perrnit applicaiit and their agents. This ordinance ancl its provisions are adoptecl wich the express intent to protect the health, safery, and weJfare of the general public and are not intendcd to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Ordinailcc 05-007; CP,A-05-04 Page 3 of 5 Scction 9. Severabili1y. If any section, scnlence, clause ar phrase of this ordinance shall be ' held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a coiart of campetent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affecl che validity or cnnstitutionality of 1ny other section, sentence, clause or phrase of chis ordinance. Seetiun 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days afler the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSrp bv the Ci .ry Council this 25'" day ofJanuary, 2005 Mayor, L7iana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approvcd As To Form: Deputy City Attorney, Cary Driskell Date of Publication: Effective Date: ~ Ordinance 05-007; CPA-43-04 Page 4 of 5 Vicinity Map , ~ 3 A S Ite Vailervay N c m ~ N Comprehensive Plan Amendment - -10 CPA-05-04 t{kan~' ' + August, 2004 ~ r`~~ley CPA-05-04 Attachment `A' City of Spokane Valley ~ `Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Consent ~ Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing (D Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning (File No. CPA-08-04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed at the study session on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendment back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. ~ i File No. CPA-08-04 is located on the North of Rutter Road, west of Dora Avenue, on the southeastem boundary of Felts Field Airport, the only Airport property located within the City of Spokane Valley. Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial and a corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to I-2 Light Industrial on approximately 10 acres of land. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommended amending the Comprehensive Plan designation to Light Industrial and rezoning the property to I-2 Light Industrial. The Commission adopted written findings at their January 13, 2005 meeting. OPTIONS: Approve, send amendments back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or schedule a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to accept Planning Commission recommendation and findings and to adopt draft Ordinance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings - Draft Ordinance ; ' ' SE'OKANT VALLEY PGANNINC CpMMISSION Spokane ~ FI1VllINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENnATION ;0$1[llley GnMI'RGNEYSIVE.PI.,AN AM]rNI)Ml?.NT CPA-OK-O4 WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Vallcy; incorporated an Marc;h 31, 2003 and adoptcd Laiid iJse plans and regulations as set fUrth below: (1) Comprellensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, and Maps as lhe Interim ComPrehensive Ylan of the City throuSh vedinance No. 52; (2) The Spokane County Zoning Code as supplementcd and amended by the Phase I Devclopment Regulakions a,t the Tnterim Developinent RegulatiUns of the City tiu-ough Ordinance No. 53; and (3) `I"he Spoka.ne County Gotutig Maps as the lnterim 7Aning Maps of the City tlvaugh Ordinance ivo. 54; WHEREAS, the Wash.i.ngton Statc Gro~qh Maaiagement Act (GMA) allows ` coinprehensive plans to be amended annudlly (RCW 36.70A130); -WHFRHAS, amendments lo the Intcrim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the I'lacuung Comniission, the City Council or by the Community Dcveloptnent Di.recfor based on citizen requests or whcn changed condikinns warranl adjustments; WHEREAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with clevelapment regulations, including the i.,cming of property consistenl with land use map CICSIgI7AtIOtIS; WHEREAS, r.onsistcnt with the GMA, Spokane Valley adoPted Public Participation C7uidelines to direct the public involvemcnt process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; WHEREAS, the Comprehensivc Ylan provides thal amendment applications shall be received until July 1" of cach year; WHEREAS, the oAmer ancl c>r applicant of the pronerly deseribed in these Findings subnutted an application to the City cU amend the Comprehensive Plwi and Zoning MaPs for thc purpose of beneficially using the property ciescribed herein; Pltuuiing Commission Findings CYA-08-04 Page 1 of 3 l1 W1-ILKLAS, following the application to the City, staPf'' conducted an environmental review to dctermine the polenLial environmental impacts from the proposetl ttmendment; W1-IEREAS, af[er reviewing the Enviranmental Checl:list submitted by the Applicaiit; staff issued a T)eterminat;ion of Nonsignificance (17NS) for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley Ncws Hcrald; posced the DNS on tlie site aild mailed the DNTS to all affected public agencies; `V1-IEREAS, the Plaluung Commission conciucleci a briefing o❑ Auaust. 12, 2004, to review the proposcd amenclment; NVNEREAS, notice of the Plaiuning Cornrnission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; WITCREAS, notice of the Plaiuiing Corrunission hearing was mailed to all piroperty oAmers within 400 feet of the Subject property; VJHFRFAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject propert}; W1-iLREAS; the Planning Commission receivecl evidence, informalipn, publiC tcstimony and a staff repcart anci recommendation al a public hearing on September 23, 2004; w WITEREAS, after considering the entire record, the Ylanning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the requested Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Zoning Map Change for the propert:y depicted in Attaclulient A; NOW, THERL:FOKE, the Planning C4mmitsion malces the t`ollowing: H,INDLKGS UF FAC"I' AND CUNCLUSIONS I. Cotnmunity Dcvelopment stafP wnducled an apprUpriafe environinenlal review and all SEPA requirements were met. 2. Spokane Valley followed its Public Participal:icm Guidelines in proce5sing the proposed amendmeni, ineluiiing adeyuace public nakice of the Plamiing Commission hcaring. 3. The Conunission considered the planning goals of the Gro"-vlh Management Act (GMA), and the proposed amenciment is cnnsistent Nvith the GMA. . 4. ThE Commission considerecl the gaals and policies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, and the proposed aincndmcnt is consistent with the lnterim , Cocnprehensivc Ylan. Planning Commission Findings CPA-08-04 Page 2 of 3 5. The proposed land use and zoning designatians are cansistent wilh ihe current use of the property and the Fell.s Field Master Plan. 6. The subject property is not suitahle tbr residcntial cleveloPment beeause it is part of the Felts Field airport "1"he property is developed with airplane hangars and related equipment storage facilities. 7. The Phase 1 Development 12egulations list the pronased I-2 zone as an implementing zone for the Light Induttrial land use category. 8. The Commission understands that the Felts Field Master Plan guides land use and zoning t'ar the airport property Ancl, per interlocal agrcement, Spokaiie Valley's zoning does nol apply ta the F'elts fielci Airport property. 9. The Comprehcnsive Plan Land Use Map and "Goning Map arnendment will not adversely afYect the public's gcneral health, safety and welfare. RECUV1NiIENnATiON Based on ihe Stated Nindings and Conclusious, the Flanning Cc>mmission recflmmends approval of the proposed ComprehEnsive Plan Land Use Map amenciment from Law I7ensity Residential to Light Industrial and Zonuig Map aiuendment from U.R-3.5 and UR-22 to 1-2 for the property depicted in Altachment A. David Crpsby, Chair Dale Spokane Valley Planning Commission r ' Plann.ing Commission Findings CPA-08-04 Pagc 3 of 3 Vicinity Map , 6rid~ _ ~ - I ~ a o f CIIy of 5pok211E - " Site E d ~ ~ ~ I I I 1 I j----•~ ~ I. I ~ I I l ~ I ! ►A ~ Anta 4 ' ne - ~ ~ ii/afSp ane 4` I ~ I x _ m I G i ~ I 3 ( ~ ~ • il~~,~'' ~ I - ( ~ ~ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~m'~~ ~ CPA-08-04 ~pol:ane ~ ' - jValley August, 2004 CPA-08-04 Attachment `A' CITY C)F SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE CnUNTY, WASHINGTC)N _ ORnINANCE iNO. 05-008 AN ORDNANCE OF "1'f-1E CiTY OF SPOKAIIE VAI..LEY, SPOK.4NE COUNTY 1VASH.ING'1"ON, AM4.NDWG THE 1NTERI.M COMPR.EI-[E:NSNE PLAN OF T1-CE CITl' FOR P]tOPERTY LOCATED QN' `1 HF NOItTH OF RUTTFR ROtID, VJES`1' OF laOFtt1 AVT'NUE ON THE, SOUTHEASTEI2N }30UNDAlZY OF FELTS T'IELD ttTRPQR"I; SPF.CIFICALLY LOCA'I"ED IN TI-iE\'E'/ OF SEC"I"10N 12. TOWNSHIP 25 AIORTH, RANGE 43 EWM FROM LOW IaFNSI?Y ItES1DF-NTiAL. TO I..IGrIT INrp[.151 RIAL A14I7 AMrND1NG TI-IE zONING MAf'S FOR TME SAME PARCELS FROM UR-3.5 .ArTll UR-22 TO 1-2, AN'D PROVITaLNG FOR OTRER NIATTERS PROPER.LY RELATETa THI;RE'I O. WHERFAS, the City of Spo4:t►ne Valley; incorporated on March 31, 2003 and adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth below: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capita1 Facilities 1''lan, and Maps as the Interim Comprehcnsive !'lan o1'the City through Ordinance No. 52; (2) The Spokane County Zaning Code as supplemented and amended by the Phase I Development R.egulations as the Interim llevelopmeni Regulatians of tlie City through Ordinance No. 53; and (3) The Spokane County Zoning Nlaps as the Interim "Loning Maps of the City through Ordinance No. 54; WW;EREF1S, [Iie Washington State Growth Management Act (GVIA) allows comprehensive plans to bc amendecl annually (1ZCW 36.70A130); RIHEREAS, amendments to the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (CAmmission), lhe City Council (Council) or by the Coinmunity Developrnent Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant Adjustments; VJI-IEft.EAS, the GMA requires cvmprehcnsive plans to be itnplemented wiCh cfevelopment regulations, including the zonin~ of' property consistent with land use map designaCions; Wl-IEREAS, consistenC with the CiMA, Spokane Valley adppted I'ublic Participation Guiclelines to direct the public involvcment process for adopting and amending campreliensive plans; 1VHL-REAS, the Cotnprehensive Plan providcs that amendmenl applications shall bc received until July ls' of each year; W!-iEItEAS, the owner and or applicant of the property described in these Finding's submitted an application to the Ci .ty to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps for the purpose of benef cially usin~,¢ the property describecl hcrein; WHEREAS; following the application to the City, staff conducted an environmerital review to determine t.he potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendment; Ordinance 05-408; CPA-08-04 Pfige I of 5 WHEREA$, aftcr reviewing the Fnvironmental Checklist submitted by the Applicant; staff issued a T)etermination of Nonsignifeance (DNS) fnr the proposal, published the D\~S in the Valley NewS Herald, posted the DNS on the site and mailed the DNS to all affected public ageneies; 1VHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on August 12; 2004; to review the proposed amendment; NNq-IERFAS, notice af'the Coinmission public hearing was publishecl in the VaIley News HeralcJ at least 14 days prior to the hearing; WI-IERCAS, notice of the Commission hearinc, was mailed to all peoperty owmers within 400 f'eet of the subject propert7; WHFRrAS, nqtice of the hearing was posied on the subject 13roperty; N1rf-IEREAS, the Gommission received evidence, information, public testimony and a scaff report and recommendation at a public hcaring on Scptembcr 23, 2004; WI-IEREAS, after considering the entire record, the Commission voted 6-4 to reconunend approval of the requested Comprehensive 1'lan Land Use Map Amendment and L.oniug Map Change for the properry clepicted in Attachment A; WI-1EItEAS, on November 30, 2004, Cnuncil reviewed the proposed amendment; `r 'WHERE.AS, on December 14, 2004, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposcd ame.ndmcnt; WFiEREAS, on December 21, 2004, Council considered a ser,ond ordinance reading at which time Council remanded the issue back tn the Commission for their written fndings of fact and recommend ation; VI'HEREAS, on January 13, 2005, the Commission approved written findings of fact setting forth their basis for recommending approval of the proposed amendmcnt; NOW, '1'1-E12EFORE, the City Council of the City of Spol:ane Valley do ordain as follows: Section l. Purpase. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the [nterim Comprehensive Plan ancl Map(s) adopted through Ordinance No. 52 and amcnd the Interim Zoning Map ddopcetf throut Ordinance No. 54 in order to permit the property described herein to be used in a matter consistent with 1he same. Section 2. Findin gs. The City Council acl;nowledges that the Commission conducted . appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the application and reeommencls approval of tlic amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and 7oniiig rnaps. The City Council hereby iidapts the findings of the Commission, specifict►Ily that l. Spokane Valley conducced an appropriate environrnental review was conducted and all SEPA reyuirements were met. 2. Spokane Valley followed its Public Pariicipation Guidelines in processing the proposed amentlmenc, including adequate public notice of public hearings on the mattcr. Urdinance 05-008; CI'A-08-04 Page 2 of 5 3. The planning goals of the Groxvnh Managcment .Act (GMA) were considered and the proposecl amendment is eonsistent with che GM.A. 4. The goals and policies of the Intcrim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were cansidcrcd and the proposecl ainendmenl is eonsistent with the InCCrim Comprehensi<<e Plan. 5. The proposed IanJ use arld zoning designations are consistent with the current use of the property and the Felts Field Master Plan. 6. The subject property is not suitable for residential development because it is part of the Felts Field airport. The property is developed with airplane hangars ancl related equip►nent storage facilieies. 7. The Phase 1 Devclopment RegulaCions list the proposed 1-2 zonc as an implementing zone for tlle Light Industrial land use catego►y. 8. The Felts Field Master Plan guides lancl use and 7oning for the airport property and, per interlocal agreement, Spokane Valley's caning docs not apply to the Felts Field Airport prQperty. 9. The Comprchensive Plan L-tnd L)sc iMap and 'Goning Map amendment will not adversely affect the public's general health, safcty and welfare. Section 3. Pro e. The properky whicli is subject to this Ordinance is described on the attached Attachment "A". Sectioii 4. Comprehensive Plan and Map Amendment. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 the Cit1' of Spokane Valley Comprehensive I'lan and Map as adopted through Ordinance No. 52 is hereby amended as set forth on the attached AYtachment "A". The Plan Amendment is generally clescribed as follows: File No. Cl' A-08-04 Location: North of Rutter Road, west of Dora Avenue on the southeastertt boundary of Felts Field _ Airport; specifically locatetl in the Nr Y< of Section 12, Township 25 North, Range 43 EVIrM. Aroperty Descriptinn: Parcel No. 35121.2803, 2904, 3005, 1003, 7100 and ] 002 - Decision: Chansc prQperty shown on Attachment "A" from Low Density Residential ta LiLht Inclust:rial Seclion 5. "Loning lvlaplOfficial Controls. 1'ursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, f'or the purpose of regulating the use of land and to implement and give affect to the Comprehensive Plan the City hereby amends the Official Goning Map of the City as sct forth on AttacWneut "A". The Zoning Map A.mendment is generally described below. File No. CPA-0$-04 Location: North of Rutter Road, west of Dora Avenue on thc southeastern boundary of 1=elts Field Airport; speeificall_y located in the NE'/. of Section 12, "I ownship 25 North, Range 43 EVJM. Prope Description: Parcel No. 35121.2803, 2904, 3005, 1003, 7100 and 1002 Decision: Change property shown on Attachment "A" from UR-3.5 and UR-22 to 1-2 Section 6. Adoption of Otller Laws. To the extent that any provision of the Spokane County Cade, or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the attached Zoning Map(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforcuibility or interpretation of the 'Loning Map(s), then sueh provision of the Spokane County Cnde, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 7. Map - Copies on File-Ad►ninistrative Action. The Comprehensive Plan (with ,vlaps) and Zoning Map(s) are maintained in the offiee of the City Clerk as well as the City Department of Cornmunity Developmenc. Thc Ciry Manager or dcsiDnce, following adoptivn of this Ordinance, is . authorized to modify dhe Comprehensive Plan Map and the 7Joning Map in a manner consistent with this ' Ordinance. ~ Ordinance 05-008; CF'A-08-04 P[igc 3 of 5 ~ Secfion 8. Liabili y. The express intent of the Gity of Spakane Valley is that the responsibility fqr compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and thcir aoents. `I'his ordinaiice and its provisions are acloptecl with the express intent to protect the health, safety, And welfare of the general public and are not intenclecl to protect any particullr class of inclividuals or organizations. Section 9. Severability. lf any section, sentence, clausE or phrase af tliis orclinxiiee shall bc held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a caurt of competent jui•isdiction, such invalidity or unconsticutionality shall n4t afTect the validity or constitutionality of'any other Seetion, sentenue, CIauSE Ur phrase of this ordinance. Sectiun 10. T;'ffective Date. 'I'his Ordinance shall be in full force and cffect fve (5) clays afi:er the date of publication of lhis Ordinarice or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of t6e Cicy. PASSFD by the City Council this 25dday of January, 2005 Mayor, Diana Wilhite . AITFST: City Clerk, Chrisline 13ainbridge Approved As Io Forro: lleputy Ci .ty rlltorney, Cary briskell Date of Publication: . Effective I7ate: i ~ ..J Orclinnnce 05-008; CPA-0$-04 Paae 4 of 5 Vicinity Map Btl eo A ' rt u' I N CFty of Spokane ~ I ~y\ Slt@ ~ nt a, e ;a Ity of Sp anp a~ x m G 5 g a 3 ~d~na N Comprehensive Plan Amendment ' CPA-08-04 S~nAa~~ ~ ~`~1ey August, 2004 CPA-0$-04 Attachment `A' City of Spokane Vailey - Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Consent Q Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing Q Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning (File No. CPA- 04-04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Ordinance 03-052 Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed at the study session on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendment back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. File No. CPA-04-04 is located on the South side of Broadway Avenue, about 4000 feet east of Sullivan Road. Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and a corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to UR-22 High density Residential on approximately 4.85 acres of land. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommended no change in the Comprehensive Plan designation or zoning. The Commission adopted written findings at their January 13, 2005 public meeting. OPTIONS: Deny, send amendments back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or schedule a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move that the Council adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclusions approved by the Planning Commission on CPA-04-04, that the Council accepts the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny CPA-04-04. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings ~ SPOICANI~r•VALL.EYPLANI~ING COMh11tiSION ~ ►.~#O~ne FINDINGS OF FACT AN9) RFCOMMENDATION ;0OWley • COh1YREHENSIN'F;PI,AN AMGNlliEIYT CI'A-U4-04 WHERF-AS, t}ie Cily of Spolcane Valley, incorporatcd on March 31, 2003 and adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth below: (1) Comprehensive I'lan, Capital Facilities Plan, and Maps as the Interim Comprchensive Plan of the City through Ordinance No. 52; (2) 'I"he Spnkane County Zoning Code as supplemented and amended by the Phase I Devclopment Regulations as the lntcrim l7evelopmenl Regulations of the City through Ordindnce Nlo. 53; and (3) "1"he Spokane Count>> Zoning Maps as the Interun 7oning Nlaps of the Cit}, th.rbugh Ordinance No. 54; W~IERFAS, the Washuigton State Growth Vlanagemcnt Act (GMA) allows . comprehensive pla.ns to be amended aruiually (RCW 36.70A 130); WHERLAS, amenciments to the hiterim Spokane Valley Campreher►sive Plan may be initiated by the Plannuig Commission, the City Council or by the Cornmunicy Dcveloptnent laireclor, based on citizen requests or when changcd cociditioiis warrant adj ustments; WI-ILREAS, the GMA requires coirprehensive plans ta bc implcmented with development regulations, including the zonine of property consistent wich land use map designaYions; WHEREAS, consistenl with the GMA, Spokane Valley adoptecl Public Participation Guidclines to direct the public involvement process for adapting and aiziending comprehEnsive plans; WHEREAS; the Comprehensive Plan provides that asnendment applications shall be receivcd until July 151 of each year; WHERE-A:S, the owner and or applicant of the property dcscribed in these Findings subinitted an application to the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zon.ing VIaps for the purpose of beneficially using the_ property described hcrcin; Plaiuiuig Commission Finduigs CPA-04-04 Page 1 of 3 WHEREA5, following the application to the City, staff conduct:ed an enviroiunental review to determine the potcntial environmental impaces frnm the proposcd amcndment; NVI-IETZEAS, after reviewing the Lnvironmental Checklist submirted by the Applicant, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the proposal, published the DNS in the Valley News Heralci, posied the DNS an the site and mailed the DNS lo all affected public agencies; WHGfZ]:AS, the Plaiuiing Commission conducted a bricfing on tlugust 12, 2004; to review the proposed amendment; WHEREAS, notice of the I'lanning Commission public hcaring was published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; EREAS, notice of the Planning Commission hearing was rnailcd to all WHF property oAqlers witlun 400 feet of tlhe subject property; vNr-IEREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject propert} ; ~VffEU--AS, the Plaiuiuig Conuiiission received evidence, information, public testimpny and a statT' report and recommendaiion at a public hearing on Scptember 23, ,2004; `VI--IER.EAS, afier considering the entire rcGOrd, the ['lanning Commission votcd 6-0 to recommend deiual of the requested Coinprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Goning Map ChangE for the property dEpicted in Attachment A; NOW, TBERF:FORF, the F'lanni.ng Commission makes the :following: FINnINGS OF FAC'l' ANA CONCLUSiONS I. Community Development staff conducted ai appropriate environmental review, and all SEPA cequire3nents were met. 2. Spokane Valley followed its Public Participation Guidelines in rrocessing the proposed atttendment, including adequate public notice of the Planning Commission hearing. 3. The Commission considered the goals and policies of the Interim Spokanc Valley Comprehensive Plan, and the proposed amendment is not consisient wit}► tlie Inlerim Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehcnsivc Plan requires the adoption of regulations that establish design standards for multifanuly developinents to ensure coinpalibility with existing neighborhoods. Spokane Valley has not adopted regulations that would ensure compatibility beriveen multi-fainily and single-family developinents. ~ PlFUUUUg Com.ciussion Findings CPA-04-04 Page 2 of 3 4. The site is accessecl via BroaclNvay .Avetlue, a narraw, twp-lanc arterial not currently designed to acconlmodate the pedestrian and vehicular traf-fic this site would generaic if the amendment were approved. 5. The proposed lanci use and zoning designations are incansistent with surrounding low density resideniial land uses. b. '1"he proposed amendment would adversely affect the public's general health, safcty and welfare. RECOIVIMFNDATION Based on the seated Findings and Conclusions, the Planning Commission recommends derual of the proposed Comprehensive Plan l..and Use Map amendment from L.ow Densit}, Resiclential to High Dcnsity Residcntial for the property depicled in AttAChment A. David Crosby, C-hair Date Spokane Valley Planning Conimission ~ Placuiing Commission Findings CPA-04-04 Page 3 of 3 Vicinity Map 190 $it2 ~ ~ A ri ~ ~ ~ ra ~e ~ ' . N Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-04-04 S#Wan~ August, 2004 ',OoValley + CFA-04-04 Attachment `A' City of Spokane Vailey Request for Council Review DATE: January 25, 2004 City Manager Sign-off: ITEM: ❑ Consent [E Old Business ❑ New Business ❑ Public Hearing [ Legislation ❑ Information ❑ Administrative Report AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone (File No. CPA U6- 04) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council was briefed at the study session on November 30, 2004, moved the ordinance approving Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone request to a first reading on December 14, 2004 and second reading on December 21, 2004. At the December 21, 2004 meeting, Council remanded the amendment back to the Planning Commission, directing the Commission to adopt written findings of fact (attached). BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan provides for an annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process. The Community Development Department received eight amendment proposals by the July 1, 2004 submittal deadline. File No. CPA-06-04 is located on the East side of Adams Road, about 400 feet south of Mission Avenue. Applicant requested a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment changing the designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential and a corresponding Zoning Map amendment from UR-3.5 to UR-22 High density Residential on approximately 8 acres of land. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 23, 2004, and recommended no change in the Comprehensive Plan designation or zoning. The Commission adopted v+rritten findings of fact at their January 13, 2005 meeting. OPTIONS: Deny, send amendments back to Planning Commission for reconsideration or schedule a public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move that the Council adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclusions approved by the Planning Commission on CPA-06-04, that the Council accepts the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny CPA-06-04. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: - Planning Commission Findings $F'OhAJVE VAIr1.,El' NLANNING COMMISSIUN ~ rrtt ur Spokane k'lNI)]NGS QF FACT AND RCCOMMENDATION ;00%lley CUMF'ItIsHENS1VE PLAN AI1tEEYDh4EN7' CPA-A(r-fl4 1VHEREAS, the City of Spokane Vallcy, incorporated on March 31, 2003 and adopletl Land Use plans and regulations as set. t*c)rth below: (1) Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Nlan, and Maps as the Intcrim Comprehensive Pla.n of the City through Orciinance No. 52; (2) "I'he Spokane County Zoning Code ws supPlemenleci and amended by the 1'hase IDevelopment Regulations as the Inlerim Iaevelopment Regulations of thc City through Ordinance No. 53; ajld (3) The Spokane County 7oning Maps as the Interim 7oning Maps of the City t}uough Ordiuance No. 54; W1-1L171:AS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GIv1A) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (RCVJ 36.70A] 30); ~,'VHERFAS, amendments to the hrteriui Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission, thc City Council or by the Community Development Dircctor based on citiren requests or when changed ccmditions warrant adjustnients; NVi-IFREAS, [he GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with develnpment regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land use map designations; WH:EREAS, consistent with the GvtA, Spokane Valley adopted Yublic Partie.ipation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans; WI-IE-12CAS, the Comprehensive Plan pravides that anlendment applic:ations shall be received untiJ July 1 S` of each year; N'JI-IER.EAS, the owner and or applicaiit of the property described in these Fuidings subiiutted an application to the City to amend the Comprehensive Plan a,nd 7.,oning Maps for the purpose nfbenefcially using the property described herein; Planning Commission Findings CPA-06-04 Yage 1 of 3 Wl-1LRCAS, Collowing the application to the Cit.y, staff conciueted an ~envimntnental review ta determine the potcntial envirAnmental impacts irom the proposed ainendment; VVHFRFAS, After revicwing the Fnvironmental C;hecklist subnvried by the ApplicFUit, staff issueci a Deternunation of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the proposal; publisheci the DN'S in the Valley News Herala, pasted the DNS on the site and mailed tlie nNS to all affected public; agencies; V«fLCtEAS, the Planning Commission conducted a briefing on August 12, 2004, to review the proposed amendmcnt; W'11EREAS, notice of the Plaiming Cominission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald at least 14 days prior to the hearing; WI-lE-RLAS, notice of the Planning Conunission hcaring was niailed to all property nwners within 400 feet of the subject property; Vk'-IEtZ,FAS, notic;e of the hearing was posted on the subject property; WHERL-`A5; the Planning Commission received cvidence, inf:ormation, public iestimony and a staf-1' regort and recoinmendation at a public hearing oi1 September 23, ; 2004; VirHE-RLAS; after considering the entire record; the Planning Com.m.ission vot:ed 6-0 to recommend cien.ial of the requestcd Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Zoning Map C;hange fUr the property depicted in Attachment .A; NOW, THEREFOIZE, the Yla►uiing Commission mak-es the following: FINUINGS UF FACT AND CONCLU51(7NS 1. Conunuiuty Dcvclopment Staffi' conciucted an appropriate environmental review and all SEPA requirements wcre met. 2. Spokane Valley followed its i'ublic Participation Guidelines in processing the proposed ainendlnent, including adequate puhlic notice of the Planning Coln_mission hearing. 3. The Commission considercd the goals and policies of the Interim Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, and the proposed amendrnent is not consistent with the Interim Camprehensive Plan. 1`hc Comprehensive Plan requires the adoption oi'regulalions that establish design sfandards for multi-family dcvelopments to ensurc compatibility with existing neighborhoods. Spokane Valley has not adoptcd regulations thal would ensure compaiibility between multi-family and single-family developments. Planning Conunission Fuidings CPA-06-04 Page 2 of 3 4. The nropc>sed land use and zoning designatiuns are inconsistent with surrounding low density residential land uses. 5. The Commissian heard sigiiificant testimony from neighborhood residents opposed to - thc proposal, eapretising conccrn about increased traFfe and incompatibility wilh the existing single-family nature o('the area. 6. The proposed amendmenl would adverscly affect the public's general health, safety and welfare. 12ECUM1VIEn`DATTOIV Based tm the statcd 1^indings and CtmclusiUns, the Plaiuung Conunission recommends denial of lhe proposed Comprehensive Plan Lancl Use Map amendmcnt from Low Density Residential to High Density IZesidential for the property depicteti in Attachment A. David Crosby, Chair Dale Spokane Valley Planning Commission 131anning Commission Findings CPA-06-04 Page 3 of 3 Vicinity Map ~o 10-r ~ ~ Slte ~ _ I r ~ 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-06-04 S'pokan~ ~ ~~alle}r augusc, zooa CPA-06-04 Attachment `A' ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action , Meeting Date: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ~ old business D new business f,] public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board for the Pines/Mansfield project GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Pines/Mansfield project. BACKGROUND: Back in late 2002 Spokane County received a$2.2 million TIB grant for the Pines/Mansfield project. The City of Spokane Valley has since taken the responsibility for completing this project. We recently received from SRTC a$1.6 million grant. The project is now fully funded and we can begin the design phase of the project. Spokane County and the City of Spokane Valley recently requested that the TIB grant for this project be transferred from Spokane County to the City of Spokane Valley. TIB honored this request and has given authorization to proceed with the design phase. Before we can request TIB grant reimbursement for costs associated with this project, the attached Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreements must be signed by a city official and returned to TIB for processing. OPTIONS: Approve or Reject Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Agreement and authorize Mayor to sign the Agreement. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The local match for this project is $55,000 which is included in the 2005 Street Capital Projects Fund budget. The total estimated project cost is $3,963,825. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley and Neil Kersten ~ ATTACHMENTS Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement ~~sw, t ~ ~-4 Washington State o . Transportation Improvement Board ~0~s . TIB Members Transmittal Letter Camc~nembar valiam Genley Cia;,.city 0;6attAp Grtvnd December 30, 2004 Coirnnissiocier Lea 3ournan VKe CRe'v, 9en;on Cam;y Mr. Neil Kersten Idr. d*..hn Pkere. P.E. cnyv:m.115bu-7 Public Works Director AIS.RannioEarl City of Spokane Valley t7(:iY. 8md lISSOLt9f @9 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 CouraalmcmbcrcamweBu olFe0s:a1 rb:Jaa v/ay Spokane Valley, WA 99206 G~ Mt. G@OM0 G256 P°"G"o'v"°'" Transportation Improvement Program '"`'K'ffi'~N500T TIB Project Number 9-E-032(016)-1 hts_ I'aWa3iammond.P.c, SR 27/Mansfield Ave "SDOT Wg Ramps to Mirabeau Pkwy/Bates Rd to SR 27 - Councl7nembor Noa facGuc afy a Ye,r;fw Design Phase Approval Cwnciimomacr RoU M:.iCenne xMq Coimty h1r.BiCV.hlel4t16y This is to confirm that the TIB has authorized the design phase of this project Uyo: BofLi~ghnm effective December 30, 2004. Please sign the enclosed Fuel Tax Grant '"r•~~°~,~, Distribution Agreement and return the original to the TIB. Design phase dtr.D3ve0'GMnE+3 Payments will be processed after an executed Fuel Tax Grant Distribution '.ss°°c°wry Agreement is received by the TIB. CommJssonet fdika 9tiBItOn isisnd Ccwry . Future Requirements Mr. De-M Sienlelm cm~~~~aro~oc 1. Upon completion of the design phase, please send a construction AV.ArnaldTomac prospectus, a half-size set of plans, specifications and the final engineer's 6iCJ~ aNlanrn ot V15s~F,fan ' Mr.ThaoYu estimate to your TIB project engineer to request construction phase approval. o*e orFheA ci.,N,~~e rr* R, This approval may be authorized by the TIB Executive Director if the project a-l. Jw,~~ebe, meets the following criteria: •otmry Roef) nurwhsrranon Bagro W.4m7.crtu a. There is no change in the approved project scope. Spakene 7fansu F.utnonry b. The total TIB funds anticipated for the project have increased no more than 15% or $750,000 above the amount at project selection. All other projects must be approved by the Board "'`,S'o"ar'G"ceoef E.cerotroe 0.veca 2. Submit a TIB Reimbursement Form to request payment for incurred eligible P.O.Pqr4090t project c4sts. Requests for reimbursement can be submitted electronically at Olympia.tMA 98504-0901 Pnone: 360-5e6-1140 Www,tib.wa.gov/serviceslreimbursementslreimbursements.htm. FaY: 380'506.1165 www.ub.wa.~sv For assistance with your project, contact Gloria Bennett, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) 586-1143 or via e-mail at GloriaB@TIB.wa.gov. ~ Investing in your local community Attachment 1 Urban Programs Project Description and List of Documents to be Attached to this Agreement for each Phase of the Project Project Information Leaa A9ency: City of Spokane Valley Project Number: 9-E-032(016)-1 proiecc Name: SR 27lMansfield Ave WB Ramps to Mirabeau PkwylBates Rd to SR 27 TIB funds for the project are as follows: ~ Phase TIB Funds ~ `--~Design 571,112 Construction (requires future approval) 1,622,449 Total Grant 2,193,561 Documents Required at Design Phase O VE Study is required (recommended at 30% design) Documents Required at Construction Phase O Construction Prospectus and Certification Form (completed and signed) O Plans and Specifications package G Final engineer's estimate Documents Required at Bid Award Phase O Bid Award Updated Cost Estimate Form O Bid Tabulations • O Cost Change Justification Documents Required at Contract Completion Phase O Contract Completion Updated Cost Estimate Form O Final Summary Quantities and Ledger O Cost Change Justification Arnendments to Agreement (if any) TIS Form 190-600 Rev. 2114I2003 Washrngton State Transportation lmprovement Board Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement LEAD AGENCY: Ciry of Spokane Valley ~ PROJECT NUMBER: 9-E-032(016)-1 PROJECT TITLE: SR 271Mansfieid Ave PROJECT TERMINI: WB Ramps to Mirabeau PkwylBates Rd to SR 27 1.0 PURPOSE The Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (hereinafter referred to as "TIB") hereby grants funds for the project specified in the attached documents, and as may be subsequently amended, subject to the terms contained herein. It is the intent of the parties, TIB and the grant recipient, that this Agreement shall govern the use and distribution of the grant funds through all phases of the project. Accordingly, the project specific information shall be contained in the attachments hereto and incorporated herein, as the project progresses through each phase. This Agreement, together with the attachments hereto, the provisions of chapter 47.26 Revised Code of Washington, the provisions of title 479 Washington Administrative Code, and TIB Policies, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supercedes all previous written or oral agreements between the parties. ' 2.0 PARTIES TO AGREEMENT The parties to this Agreement are TIB, or its successor, and the grant recipient, or its successor, as specified in the attachments. 3.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by TIB and shall continue through completion of each phase of the project, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. 4.0 AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 5.0 ASSIGNMENT The grant recipient shall not assign or transfer its rights, benefits, or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of TIB. The grant recipient is deemed to consent to assignment of this Agreement by TIB to a successor entity. Such cansent shall not constitute a waiver of the grant recipient's other rights under this Agreement. 6.0 GOVERNANCE & VENUE This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington and venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior - Court for Thurston County. . . TIB Form 590-500 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 211412003 sington State Transportation lmprovement Board Wai~ Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement ' . 7.0 TERMINATION 7.1 UNILATERAL TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days' prior written notice to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. 7.2 TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT Either party may terminate this contract in whole or in part, at any time, by mutual agreement with a 30 calendar day written notice from one party to the other. 7.3 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event TIB determines the grant recipient has failed to comply with the conditions of this Agreement in a timely manner, TIB has the right to suspend or terminate this Agreement. TIB shall notify the grant recipient in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not taken within 30 days, the Agreement may be terminated. TIB reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Agreement, withhold further payments, or prohibit the grant recipient from incurring additional obligations of funds during the investigation of the alleged ' compliance breach and pending corrective action by the grant recipient or a decision by TIB to terminate the Agreement. The grant recipient shall be liable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, repayment of ' misused grant funds. The termination shall be deemed to be a Termination for Convenience if it is determined that the grant recipient: (1) was not at fault, or (2) failure to perform was outside of the grant recipienYs control, fault or negligence. The rights and remedies of TIB provided in this Agreement are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. 7.4 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE TIB may, by ten (10) days written notice, beginning on the second day after the maiiing, terrninate this Agreement, in wiiole or in paR, because federal or state funds are no longer available for the purpose of ineeting TIB's obligations, or for any reason. If this Agreement is so terminated, TIB shall be liable only for payment required under this Agreement for performance rendered or costs incurred prior to the effective date of termination. 7.5 TERMINATION PROCEDURE Upon receipt of notice of termination, the grant recipient shall stop work andlor take such action as may be directed by TIB. r ~ , TIB Form 190-504 Page 2 of 3 Rev. 2l14f2003 Washi»gton State Transporfation lmprovement 8oard Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement 8.0 ATTACHMENTS = Attachment 1 specifies the grant program applicable to this project, identifies the grant recipient, and contains the list of additional documents specific to the project which will be attached and incorporated into this Agreement, together with subsequent amendments, as the project progresses through each phase of design and construction. Approved as to Form This 14th Day of February, 2003 Christine O. Gregoire Attorney General By: Signature on file Robert J. Fallis Assistant Attorney General . . ~Lead Agency Transportation Improvement Board Signature of ChalmiaNMayor Date Exe utlve Director ate ~-~'tcva~ ~orcester Prirst Pfame PRnt fdame l TIB Form 190-500 Page 3 of 3 Rev. 2114/2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for City Council Action Meeting Date: January 25, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business El public hearing Z information M admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report: Sign Regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53, Chapter 14.804. PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOMMISSION ACTION : City Council was briefed on the progress of the Ad Hoc Sign Committee on July 20, 2004. Mr. David Crosby, Chair of the Committee, reported on the findings of the Committee on October 12, 2004. On December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission met with the Ad Hoc Sign Committee in a study session to review the Committee's recommendations. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on proposed amendments on January 13, 2005, and recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 2 with the Chairman not voting. BACKGROUND: Chapter 14.804 of the Interim Zoning Regulations regulates the placement and dimensions of signage. The Ad Hoc Committee was charged with the "review and update" of the existing regulations. The Committee met on a regular basis from mid-June through the first week of December, 2004. The meetings were held in the Council Chambers and were open to the public. Committee deliberations were also posted on the City's web site, Signs are classified as On-premises (advertising goods or services on site) and Off-premises. i-~ Billboards are offi-premises signs. On-premises signs are either temporary (e.g. real estate sale) or permanent, and may or may not require a permit. Permanent sign types include attached or "wall' signs and free-standing signs. Free-standing signs include both "pole° signs and monument signs. Permanent signs require a permit. Local government may regulate the time, place and manner of commercial °speech°, but may not control the message. The Committee has recommended amending provisions which are not inconsistent with the Interim Comprehensive Plan immediately, including: - • Updated definitions • Updated height, maximum copy area and spacing standards • Measurement of irregular signs The Committee also recommended amendments which should be considered following the adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan, including: • Amending "aesthetic corridor" designations within Spokane Valley • "Cap and Replace" for billboards The draft ordinance was forwarded to CTED for their review on November 2, 2004. A Determination of Non-Significancs was also issued on November 2, 2004. The comment period expired on December 2, 2004. CTED has not commented on the draft ordinance. , . i IPJ ~ Reporft~ , ~ (i ~ Jr~ ~ ~ ~ . n~~_ ~ _ _ v~-~ Smi-ign , _ _ ~ ~ I~ s 1 _e u~ ,a_~io~n~s S 6koane Valley January 25, 2005 - . . ~ ;a~c ~ ~ g~round • City Council authorized the formation of an Ad Hoc Sign Committee on April 6, 2004, charging the Committee with the review and update of existing regulations • Committee met every other week from mid- June to the first of November in the Council Chambers. Meetings were posted on.Website to encourage public participation • City Council was briefed on the Committee's findings on October 12, 2004 Background • The Ad Hoc Sign Committee concluded its review on November 2, 2004 • Planning Commission met with the Committee on December 9, 2004 in study session to review the recommendations • Planning Commission held a public hearing on changes not inconsistent with the Interim Comprehensive Plan on January 13, 2005 and recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 2 with the Chairman not voting ~ : ~f F_"ii ■.J o~ ~V e n d % ni l s, • The regulations should be reorganized into a more readable format • Definitions should be unambiguous • Maximum copy area for commercial (B2 and B3) and industrial areas should be uniform • Electronic signs should be permitted in commercial and industrial areas on the same basis as other sig ns Increased height and area should encourage consolidation of sign structures in multi-business complexes 9 WSDOT regulations apply to SR 27, SR 290 and I-90 ~ ~j ~i Def !i~ n~ ~ tlons .n:~:. . . r . • Electronic Sign - also a :J monument sign - 'W NIC- "videoboard" not commercially available for video streaming • Directional Sign ~•I • 3' r.~~n£};5.~ .~.a :E.'. I i ~ . K`.~, • Inflatable Si n 7 • Portable Sign (and flashing) . - ; ~ , ~j■ ~,f ~ ■;i~ :e~ Silqns Pro ; . . * Signs which by coloring, shape, wording or location resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or devices * Signs creating a hazard for pedestrian/motorists * Flashing signs • ALL Portable signs • Signs within the public ROVV, except official signs. • Signs obstructing visibility within any Clearview Triangle (Section 7.06) * Mobile Billboards RIegulations, to; be amended,/~d~eleted • County Regulations now prohibit ONLY • Portable signs exceeding 9 square feet • All Portable readerboards • All portable electric signs AND • Roof sig ns • Video Boards , ■f -.t' s: -f^.~ s ~ W'a I; It sii ns - . . . . . . i" Sign Type Zoning District Maximum Permit Additional Provisions Number Height (ft.) Copy Area Required On-Premises - Attached (Wall) Nameplate 1 4 5 N Residential 1 n/a 20 N Institutional- Semi-public 1 n/a 20 Y 25% of Wall area up-te-259-sq- Institutional - School 1 n/a 32 Y ft- (UR-22 only) Single Office (UR 12, UR 22) 1 nla 32 Y Multi-tenant office (UR 12, UR 1' n/a 60 Y "One per building ' Commercial (All Residential Zo 1 n/a 20 Y ' 2 sq-ft per-~eal-feot-bu+dinq- Industrial (11) " 6 100 Y #rentage-25% of wall area Commercial/Industrial Zones 25% of Wall area too 260--sq- (61, B2, B3, 12, 13)) • n/a 259 Y ft- W; ~On -1 ~-J rle~mi ises f Maximum Sign Type Copy Permit Additional Provisions Zoning District Numb Height Area Req'd er (ft.) (ft2) On-Premises- Freestanding 1* 10 60 Y * Per arterial street Subdivision/Area name frontage Industrial Park/Area 1 7 150 Y Identification Institutional - Semi Public (Residential 1 6 16 Y Maximum copy area Zone) may be increased up to Institutional-Public 1 15 32 Y 60 sq. ft. for monument (Residential Zone) signs less than 7 feet in Office/Commercial height (UR12, UR 22) 1 15 32 Y Directional Signs n/a n/a 4 N ; ~ ~ ( ~ Pole ~ , ~e~e~s1 ~~a~.n~ f. i~n~ ~ ~n~s. ~ Maamum Ninirrium Sign Type Zoning Copy Area Copy Area Rermit Disbict ~g~ ~y,~ (fro~) S~ ~~d Rd~rtional Provisians (ft.) ntage < frontage > Setbadc 100 ft 100 ft Individual &.isiness (Pole Sigrss) Comn-erdal (B1) 1* 20 50 Na rVa rVa 5. Y # Per artedal street frontage per C,orrxneraal (B2, 63) 1* 30 n/a 100 200 rVa 5 Y busiress per bldg Industrial (12, 13, 1117-) 1* 28-30 rVa 40-100 99200 n/a 5 Y Freeway (B2, B3, fvZ) * 49 50 250 rVa rVa 300 5 Y Multiple Businesses (Pole Signs) CoRmeraal (61) 1 20 100 rVa rVa rVa 5 Y Per arterial street frontage and pef Corrvreraal (B2, B;i) 1- 3040 2W250 rVa rVa 599 300 5 Y .599 300 ft frortitage Per arterial street frortage and per I ndustrial(12, 13) 1*' 2940 90250 rVa rVa 5A9 300 5 Y 599 300 ft frorrtage FreenraY (B2, B3, IVZ) * 4050 254 rVa rVa 300 5 Y loRe-sign * Roof sign may be substituted for a freestanding sign Tota I= a* b Tota I=F-A, B, C, D = a A b B C 21 - - . ~ k ~Monu e,-,,,nt, g m~ S i~ _ , q r ' : . - . -==+d Sign Type Zoning Maxirnum Minirnum permit District Numbe](ft.) Height Copy Spacing Setback Req'd Additional Provisions lArea Individual Business (Monument Signs) Commercial (B1) 1" 27] 75 n/a 5 Y * Per arterial street frontage Commercial (B2, B3) 2* 90 n/a 5 Y * per street frontage Industrial (12, 13) 2* 7 90 n/a 5 Y Multiple Businesses (Monument Signs) Commercial (61) 2 7 75 n/a 5 Y Per arterial street frontage and Commercial (132, 133) 2** 7 90 300 5 Y per ~89 300 ft frontage Per arterial street frontage and Industrial (12, 13) 2** 7 90 300 5 Y er &90 300 ft frontage , sii gn, Pilan, • A Sign Plan may be submitted for non- residential development of land exceeding 5 acres - this replaces the following provisions based on minimum floor area of structures (14.804.085 1. 250,000 sq ft for shopping center or hotel conference center 250,000 sq ft commerciallindustrial floor space for mixed use development 300,000 sq ft for industrial park _ , , . O .r Signs Te. porary ~ ; , 1 , . .crv oc Table 7.02 Temorary Signs Maximum Sign Type Frorrt Yarti Permit Additiorsal Zonin9 asb'ict #Height Copy Area (ft) (Sq• Time Limit Setback Req'd Pravisions ~-1 Residential Subdivision Red Estate 1 10 40 1 Year N Non-illum~nated Banners, flags, pennants, irrflatables n/a n/a 30 ciays/quarter 10 Y One renevval Seardhlights rVa Na 10 days 5 Y Corrtractor, Architect, Surveyor, Engineer 1 40 12 months 5 Y One extension Real Estate Resicential 1* 5 5 N '`Per road frantage CcnnrneraaUlridustrial 1 32 5 N Drechonad 1* 3 5 5 N * Per aooess street ~ Aes,theti'le Maximum Minimum Sign Type Zoning Permit District Number H~ft ~ t Copy Area Sn9ci Setback Required Additional Provisions On Premises- Aesthetic Corridors Office (UR12, UR 22) 1 8 32 n/a 5 Y . Individual & Multiple Businesses Commercial (131) 1 8 75 n/a 5 Y Commercial (132, 133) 2" 8 90 300 5 Y Per street frontage and per - 598 300 ft frontage Industrial (12, 13) 2* 8 90 300 5 Y Per street frontage and per ,500 300 ft frontage , . . ; Reco, m~ ~ t~ e n dati Council motion placing consideration of the Sign Regulations on the Council agenda of February 8, 2005 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. OS- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING SECTION 10.07.09 SIGN REGULATIONS OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE, REPEALING SECTION 14.804 SIGNAGE STANDARDS OF THE INTERIM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE 03-053 INTERIM DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND CODIFIED IN THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 10.30.660; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley Ordinance Nol03-053 adopted the Spokane County Zoning Code as Interim Development Regulations pursua t'to the requirements of RCW Chap. 36.70A; and , - WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan Goal Goal UL.Vr,ptovide.for an aesthetically pleasing urban environment and encourage the maintenance and enhancement of natural and cultural N views"; and WHEREAS, Policy UL.5.5 is to u[e]stablish standards for the~scale and intensity of commercial signs that protect views and minimize signage clutter while still allowing adequate business identification"; and ~ j WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Spokane Valley Planning Commission to provide the opportunity for public comri`ent on the proposed regulations; and ' WHEREAS, the proposed ~development regulations must be submitted to the Washington Department of Community Trad`e\an8 Economic Development pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; NOW, THEREFORE, t e.City`Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as follows: ~ . Section 1. Section 10.07.06 ofith&Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code is hereby established to read as follows: \ "Section 10.07.09 Sign Regulations Section Purpose, Intent and Scope Signage regulations are intended to promote commerce, traffic safety and community identity while improving the visual environment of residential, commercial and industrial areas. Signs are classified as off-premises signs or on-premises signs. On-premises signs may be attached (wall) signs or free-standing signs. Signs rnay be classified as permanent or temporary. Section Definitions • Abandoned - a sign that advertises a product or service no longer available or a business no longer in operation; a sign w'hich is illegible, non functional, in disrepair, or hazardous as a result of lack of maintenance; a nonconforming sign structure that has lost legal status as a result of abandonment or lack of use. ~ J 1 • Billboard: A structure for the purpose of leasing advertising space to promote an interest , other than that of an individual, business, product or service available on the premises on which the billboard is located. • Building Sign: An extension of a building (e.g. awning, canopy, marquee), whether permanent or temporary, which contains copy. • Bulletin Board: See Reader Board. • Code Enforcement Officer: The authorized respresentative of the City of Spokane Valley with responsibility for code compliance. • Copy: letters, characters, illustrations, logos, graphics, s.ybols, writing or any combination thereof, designed to communicate information of any ki,.nd,Wor to advertise, announce or identify a person, entity, business, business product, or to advertise the:~ sale, rental or lease of premises. • Copy Area: the area of the sign containing any copy, s:,, bol;,sign, logo or graphic. . • Directional Sign: Any sign relating solely to internal pedestria ' and°uehicular traffic circulation within a complex or project. • Electronic Sign: A sign that can be changed by electrical, electronic o vcornputerized process; inclusive of video boards. • Flashing Sign: An electrical sign or portion thereof which changes light intensity in a brief, - , brilliant, or sudden and transient outburst of light causing a steady on and off, glittering, sparkling, or oscillating pattem. - " • Freestanding Sign: A permanent sign not attached to or forming part of a building. 5~•• • Freeway Si n,~fr2A~permanent free-standing on-premises sign or billboard located on a parcel adjacent and co fig~to Interstate Highway 90. • Inflatable Sign,:Any~temporary hollow item or character expanded or enlarged by the use of air or gas. • Menu Bo ` d: An on-site i play~of inenu ftems at a restaurant; not meant to be viewed from ,:t.~. the stree ~ • Monumen ''~'gn: A sign a d supporting structure constructed as a solid structure or one that y t,Sta ` ~ gives the appearance,.of~a~~continuous, non-hollow, unbroken mass. ~ ~ • Multi-Business Co'm: plex Sign: a sign with a primary facility name and a list of the individual stores or businesses mounted on one structural element. Such a sign type includes signage describing a mall arrangement, a strip-center development, an industrial park complex, or a multi-business structure or complex of buildings with a unifying name and a listing of businesses contained within the grouping. • Mural: A work of art applied directly to a wall, ceiling, or floor surface where forms andlor figures are the dominant elements and not intended for commercial advertising. Any form of _ wording or logo shall be of secondary nature to a mural. , , • Name Plate - a sign showing only the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises. 2 • Non-conforming Sign: Any sign which was lawfully erected and maintained on private propertv which now, as a result of code amendments, does not conform to all applicable regulations and restrictions of this chapter. • Notice Sign: A sign intended to safeguard the premises (e.g. "No Parking", "No Trespassing", "Watch Dog on Duty"); or which identifies emergency telephone number, hours, and security information. • Obsolete Sign: A sign not removed within thirty-six months by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is located when the advertised business is no longer conducted on the premises. o Official Sign - a sign erected by a governmental agency within its territorial jurisdiction for the purpose of carrying out an official duty or responsibility and includ` g~,but'not limited to, traffic signs and signals, zoning signs, and street signs. Special lighting or banners,celebrating seasonal or civic events sponsored andbr endorsed by the City Council may'be\Offic'al signs. ~ • Off-Premise Sign: a sign displaying copy that pertains to a business, person~orga~nization, activity, event, place, service, or product not principally located or primarily manufactured or sold on the premises on which the sign is located. • On-Premise Sign: a sign which advertises or " irects"at.t`ention to a business, person, organization, activity, event, place, service,/or-,Product ~fiich\Ns manufactured and/or available on the premises where the sign is located'"il f1 7 Portable Sign: A sign not permanently attached,o~;affixed~to'tkie,ground or other permanent structure, or a sign designed to be transported ormoved fromplace to place, including, but not ns of eels. limited to signs designed to be transported by Weibi~.h ,~fIY3 • Reader Board., sign facs consisting of track =to hold,readily changeable letters allowing frequent ch ge's\of copy. ~ • Roof Sign: A sign;supported by and erected on or above a roof. • Sign Area - the,,~gross+:surface area of the sign, including a single surface of a sign with ;:h si , th6~sum of all surfaces where two or more signs share a single messages on;.~ti"'ot- structure, fhe~gross surface~ar~ea of both faces of a V-shaped sign; and the copy area of a ~ i~•..¢:~. monume.t~sign. In the case'oftan;~regularly shaped sign, the sign area is calcula4ed by enclosing.the extreme limits of: he sign by no more than four (4) rectangles. The sum of the area of the eangles shall~be`~the gross surface area. The maximum allowable area is reduced bfoir .~the.s~cond and each subsequent rectangle used in the calculation. rr • Support Structu"re(s):Posts or columns and the anchors and bolts that structurally support the sign attached to it. • Temporary Sign: A sign which is to be removed within a specific period of time or upon the occurrence of a specified event meeting the height and area requirements of Table 7.02; inclusive of inflatables. - • Three-Sided Sign: A sign with three faces. ~ • Two-Sided Sign: A sign with two faces. • Use(s) - General use categories or specific uses within categories as follows. 3 o Institutional Semi-Public include a churches, public park, multiple-family dwelling, dormitory, fraternity, sorority, nursing home, retirement apartment, public building, child . day-care center, family day-care provider, nonprofit community hall or lodge, animal clinic, cemetery or sanitarium. o Institutional -Public include a school (kindergarten through university), hospital, police station, fire station, post office or public golf course. o Office -include a business or professional office. o Commercial - include permitted commercial uses other than home industry, horne profession, and those listed above. o Industrial - include permitted industrial uses. - • Video Board: See Electronic Sign. • Wall Area - the two dimensional respresentation of a building elevation, ncluding windows and doors, excluding eaves. • Wall Sign - A permanent sign attached or erected parallel to and extending not /~ore than frfteen (15) inches from the fagade or face of any building to which it is attached and supported throughout its entire length, with the exposed facefdf'e sign parallel to the plane of said wall or farade. Signs incorporated into mansard r. o'~fs~maeq~'~'ees or canopies are wall signs. Section Prohibited Signs The following signs are prohibited: 1. Signs which by coloring, shape, wor or I cafion resembfe or conflict with traffic control signs or devices. 2. Signs that create a safety hazard for pede tfian'or;`.e. icular traffic. 3. Flashing sigrts. 4. Portable signs 5. Signs located wi,thin? he public right-of-way, except official signs. ~~S~~~ 6. Signs a~tta~cHed to or" la.c~ed on a vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property, provideWat this pro~visioimshall not be construed as prohibiting the identification of a firm or its product on a vehicle opeKating during the normal course of business. 7. Sign ~tructing visibili ~within any Clearview Triangle as established in Section 10.07.06 of thN;R66B. ; . ..1: 8. Billboards Section Permit Required. 1. A permit is required for any sign excluding official signs lincluding traffic and directional signsl; seasonal decorations; merchandise displays; point-of-purchase advertising displays; national and state flags; flags of a political subdivision; symbolic flags of an institution; legal notices required by law; barber poles; historic site; monuments/ plaques; gravestones; advertising c4py affixed to structures intended for a separate use, such as phone booths; donation and recycling containers;lettering or symbols applied directly onto or flush-mounted magnetically to a motor vehicle operating in the normal course of ; business; political signs supporting political issues, candidates or ballot measures; ~ 4 t 1 replacement of copy on signs otherwise permitted; and or other signs noted on Tables 7.01 `--%and 7.02. 2. Permit Applications shall include a site plan that provides the following information: a. The location of the affected lot, building(s) and sign(s); b. The scale of the site plan; c. A scaled drawing of the proposed sign or sign revision, including size, height, copy, structural footing details, method of attachment and illumination; d. The location of all existing signs on the site including size and height; e. The location of signs on other property for sign types subject to spacing requirements; f. Approved sign plan, if applicable; and g. Tax parcel number of proposed sign. Section Number, General Regulations 1. On-premises attached (wall) and freestanding signs shall comply with the requirements of Table 7.01 for maximum height, maximum allowable area, rnaximum number of-signs, minimum spacing and setback requirements, provided however, that on-prerxaises freestanding signage is limited to the maximum number of either pole signs or monument sign structures allowed per 300 feet of street frontage. i.e. if a single pole sign is authorized, no additional monument signage is permitted; similarly, placement of monument style signs will preclude placement of a pole sign. ' Table 7.01 Nei ht Co Area and S acin Re uirements Maximum . Minimum . ~ ~ n Sign Type ~ vi ` n Addidonal Provlsfons Zoning District - ~ M Q Q~ Q.~ ~ a r, E E m. a,o 00 00 c ~a a z i u - u ,t u w ~n . in m . On-Premisas - Attached Wall Name late 1 'b\ 5 nia nla nia nla N Institutional -Semi-Publcc 1 ~n/s ' 20 nia Na Na rVa fd Instiiutional - School 1 n1a ,32 nia Na nla ~a Y 25°k of wall area in UR-22 onl Sirs le O(fioe UR 12 UR 22 1 Ns ' 32 nia Na Na rve Y Multi-tenant Oifice UR 12, UR 22 1" nia 60 nla n1a n/a Na Y 'One er buildin Commercial (All Residential Zones 1 n/a 20 Na n/a nia rVa Y Commercialllndustriel Zones (B1, 62, nia ' n!a Na nia Na Y " 25% of wall area B3 11 12 13 ' On-Premiscs- Freestandin Subdivision or Area name 1' 10 60 n!a Na Na nla Y • Per aRerial street fronla e Industrial ParklArea Identification 1 7 150 n/a nla Na Na Y Instifutlonal - Semi Public (Residenfial 1 6 16 n!a n!a Na Na Y Maximum copy area may be Zone increased up to 60 sq. ft. for Instiiuilonal-Public Residential Zono 1 15 32 n!a nia Ma nfa Y monument signs less than 7 fest in OfficelCommercial UR12 UR 22 1 15 32 n!a n/a n1a Na Y helght D'ueclional Signs n/a nJa 4 nia Na Na Na N IndividuaUMufti le Business Pole Si ns Commertial, Individual Business (B1) 1' 20 SO Na Na n1a 5 Y ' Per aterial street {rontage per I"business er buildinq Commercial, Multi-business (B1) 1' 20 100 n!a Na nfa 5 Y - per arterial street fronta e 5 Table 7.01 Hei ht Co Area and S acin Re uirements ; Maximum Minimum ~ ai ~ o ~ o a Sign Type v.i CC n: Additional Provisions Zoning District ~ « Q Qtm Q m c ~ ~ c, d a a ' a, ° ° Q ci ~ v ai 'vn a . . 2 = U U Commercialllndustrial, Individual 1' 30 nla 100 200 n/a 5 Y ~ Per street frontage per business business (82, B3, 11, 12, 13,MZ) per building Commerciallindustrial Mulii-business 1- 40 254 n!a n!a 300 5 Y Per street frontage and per 300 132, B3 19 12. 13, AQZ ft. fronta e_ Freeway CommerciaUlndustrial, IndiveduaU Muld- Business (82, B3, 11, 12, 1' 50 250 Na n!a :3UQ 5 L ' Per 340 ft 13, DhZ) ~ ' ,IndividualJ67ultiple Business (Monument Slgns) Commercial, IndFv6du21 Businsss (81) j' 7 75 n!e nla :.';5 Y Per arterial Street froniage Commorcial, hAulti-business (Bi) 2' 7 75 Na nla ~a s~i ;~.3~: ~ CommeruaUlnduslrial Zones, 2• 7 90 nla nla Na 5\. Per slreet frontage Indivedual buslness (82, 63, 11, 12, 13) CommercialAndustrial MulEi-business 1?'er street fronlage and per 340 (82, 83, It, 12, 13) 2 7 90 n!a nla 300 5 Y' ~'~:~~~fage . On Premises Frao-Standin - Aesthotic Corridors Office (UR12, UR 22) ~ g 32 nla Na Na 5 Y - • Indivldual 8 Multi le Businesses - Aesthetic Corridors Commercial (81) 1~R 8 75 nla nfa nla 5 Y CommerciaUlndustrial (62, B3.11.12, /L~ y " Per street frontage and per 500 13) 8 90 Na n!a 500 5 Y ft frontage ~ 2. Temporary signs shall comply ±nrith the requirments of Table 7.02 for maximum height, .,~.:xz,~f.~ maximum allowable area, rn,a~xirnum nurnber of signs, minimum spacing and setback ~s, requirements and limitations relati* ng to time and events. r=4 f\,z Table 7.02 Temporery Signs • - Maximum . • . 12 Y V . Addltfonal • ~ cr Provislons Zoni9g Dist Ict E g a xTlme Umit c~ ~S od md . z x U~. LLv) aCr Residential Subdivision Real Estate 1 10 40 1 Year Y Nan-illuminated Banners, flags, pennants, inflatables n!a Na 30 dayslquafter 10 Y One renewal Searchlights n/a nla 10 days 5 Y Contractor, Arcfiitea, Surveyor, Engineer 1 40 12 months 5 Y One exienslon Real Estate Residential 1' S 5 N 'Per road irontage CommercialAndustrial 1 32 5 N Open House Directional i' 3 5 5 N ' Per access street l 3. All illuminated signs shall have lighting confined to the sign, and positioned and shielded to minimize impacts to the surrounding area(s). Gooseneck reflectors and lights are permitted 6 on Freestanding and Wall Signs provided that lighting or glare does not extend beyond the .r property line, 4. Electronic signs shall be permitted on the same basis as other signs, subject to height and area requirements of Table 7.01. 5. A roof mounted sign may be substituted for an allowed freestanding sign, provided that the height of the sign structure may not exceed the maximum height of the zoning district in which the sign is located. 6. Signs located within the airport hazard area shall conforrn to the location and height regulations of that area. 7. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained in a anner that prevents the free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape. 8. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape`exce t Official Signs. s:~> 9. Any sign erected or maintained within five (5) feet of`fhe public rights-of-way shall be smooth and free of nails, tacks and wires. Section 10A7.09.04 Comprehensive Siqn Plan Commercial development, shopping centers, industrial parks, mixed use developments, and hotel conference centers exceeding five (5) acres in size may seek approval of.a sigg plan specific to the development proposal. The Director of Community Development may approve a comprehensive sign plan that allows deviations from the strict interpretation of spacing, height and area requirements upon a showing of good cause, and provided thai there are no adverse effects 1 on adjacent properties. Any conditions imposed to secure approvals shall be binding on the Applicant. Modifications to the approved sign plari shall require reapplication and approval by the Director. If the Applicant and Director cannotNcome to an agreement, the Director's decision may be appealed through the Hearing,Examiner } Section 10.07.09:05 Aesthetic Corridors 1. The standards s ~own :o7i Table 7.01~s all apply to parcels adjacent to the following designated aesthetic c4rridors. a. Appleway-Avenue (be een I-90 antl;~University Avenue) b. Everg een Road (bet ee~n;Spr: gue Avenue and Indiana Avenue) c. Mirab~eau~Parkway d. India aq ve ue _ b tw en~Pines Road and Flora Road) Section 10.07.09:06_ Sis~n,L ~ tion and Front Setbacks 1. Monument signs exceeding three (3) feet in height may be located at the property line outside any border easement, provided that the requirements of Section 7.06 Clearview Triangles of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code gave been met. 2. Pole signs with structural supports less than two (2) feet in width with copy area placed at a height of seven feet or more above grade may be located at the property line, provided that the requirements of Section 7.06 Clearview Triangles of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code gave been met. ~3. All temporary signs, except inflatable signs, shall be located not less than five feet from the right-of-way. 7 4. Inflatable signs shall be set back not less that ten feet from the right-of-way. ~ 5. All signs shall meet the vertical and horizontal clearance requirements of the electric utilities. 6. All freestanding and monument signs shall be located in a landscaped area. Landscaping should be appropriately sited to ensure that signs are not blocked or obscured by trees or bushes. Section Sign Area Calculation Illustrations 1. Sign area for wall signs is equal to 25% of the two-dimensional area of a building's elevation, excluding eaves and gables.. 2. The sign area of a freestanding sign consisting of one sign shall be Galculated as shown in Figure 7.2 below. The sign area of a freestanding sign consisting of more than one (1) sign shall be computed by adding together the total area(s) of all signs as shown in Figure 7.3 below. 3. Any portion of the sign not necessary for structural support of the sign or any structural PETE9S PRO GOLF support greater than two (2) feet in width shall be considered in the determination of the square footage of the sign. Figure 7.1 BOrdef q E~ . ~ - :,>~3` , t - B SIGN 1 B, Maximum Height y;.. SIGN Maximum He(ght All i ~ SIG1V Z 62 PAinimum Fieoght Setback f9 s,cAT 3 es ~ _ Property Figure 7.2 Line •~r~h; t Pronertv Line . S< _ Figure 7.3 4. A 10% mG,e~`ase in sign area;;islaflowed for decorative framing or borders. Area calculation does not include•decorat'.v~rocks or landscaping adjacent to a monument sign. 5. The sign area~for;, m`ultiple-ed signs shall be calculated as follows: a. The total sign area for a two-sided sign shall be calculated using one (1) face, therefore allowing both faces to be of equal size (for example a two-sided sign has two (2) faces with 18 square feet per side, therefore the sign area is 18 square feet). b. The sign area for a three-sided sign shall be equal to the total amount of sign area a one- sided or two-sided sign is allowed (for example, in item 3a above, a two-sided sign is allowed 18 square feet of sign area per side which equals 36 total square feet. If a three sided sign is used instead of a one-sided or two-sided sign, the three-sided sign may allocate the 36 total square feet among three sides, therefore allowing three sides with 12 square feet per face for a total of 36 square feet of sign area). 6. Irregularly shaped signs may be measured in the following ways: 8 a r ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ b c 21 D J g a. Conventional Measurement: Total area = a'`b b. Sum of Squares: Total area = Area A+Area B+Area C+Area D:~ , b Section Maintenance of Siqns , 1. Any signage that has been approved or that has been issued a permit shaN;be maintained by the owner or person in possession of the property on which the sign is located. Maintenance shall be such that the signage continues to conform to the conditions imposed by the sign permit. . 11 _':,..,Y,t 2. Any damaged sign structure shall be rePaire _&witihin thift,y (30) days of notice. 3. Any signage which has been damaged:fo s/uch exte:~rit~''that it,may pose a hazard to - passersby shall be repaired or remo ecl within f.orty eig t(48) hours of notice. i'.~ 4. Any existing sign that no longer adve ses ~bona fide business conducted or product sold on the premises, shall be removed by and at~thre experiseyof the property owner within sixty . / (60) days of notice. 5. The copy on~a conforming sign that no longer dverfises a bona fide business conducted or produat-sold4on the premises shall be removed within thirty (30) days of notice. Section, Ezi.sting Nonconforming Siqns. , Any permanent sign`itiade no,n-conforming as a result of the adoption of these regulations may be : - repaired, but not_stri:rcturally`It4red or made more non-conforming in any way. If the sign is removed in orae~t_o make repairs,.it,~hall be replaced within sixty (60) days, or the permit is void. Thereafter, the=sign shall conform tv :the requirements of this Section. Notwithstand'ng-other provisions;of this Section, any sign or signs for which a temporary permit has been issued'`by the City shall'be permitted to remain at the location or locations authorized by ~-sl ~ i. the permit for aon'g~^as,the permit is valid and all the requirements of the permit have been met. Section (Reserved)" Section 2. Section 14.804.Signage Standards of the Interim Zoning Regulations codified in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 10.30.660 is hereby repealed. Section 3. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. ~ Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. 9 PASSED by the City Council this day of , 2005. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: ~ Deputy City Attorney, Cary Driskell , Date of Publication: ` Effective Date: a: ri' ~•T ,E' ft" / 10 S 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhaU@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: January 25, 2005 Re: Monthly Report - Summary of December 2044 Activities Contract Negotiation and Administrafion • Service .fgreements ivith S1.7okane Couraty. City ancl County StaFf continued to revise language on draft model agreements. Once i:inalired, che model agreements, one for "pay-as-you-go" contracts the other for "settle-and-adjust" contracts, will provide consistent language for the common provisions. The City and County agreed to continue inlo 2005 all of the service agreements exccpt far parks maintenance and stormwater. Tlle arrangements will continue under the 2004 terms until the model agreemeiits updated costs are fuialized. QAerafil'►nS • Employee Recruitment. Staff proposed placement the City's classification plaii Uf some of the newly funded positions. Staff irutiated the rccruitment process for the two new Enginccr positions. • Interdepartmental. Staff began mapping the commercial building peruut process to identify patential areas for improvcment. Once finalireci, ic along with recoiiunendecl improvements will be presentcd to Council. Web Site. The City's official web site was dcveloped ancl brought can-line in early 2004. It is eontuiuously improved with new information. The attached tables show web activity for December; as well as for the full year of 2004. . ~ neputy City Manager h'loiithly Report - Uecember 2004, continued JanuAry 25, 2005 PAge 2 of 2 Web Site for tlle iYlontlr Web Site Sum»rnry - Mont.li af Aeceitiber Uni ue Use.r Sessions 11.808 To Five Pa e.s Vicwed* Em loyment 1,615 Council A cndas and Minutes 451 GISJ~v'1a s 377 De artments 261 Community Develo ment 193 Ta Five "Referrer" V1'eb Sites S okane Coun 351 S okane Count Em lo ment 236 Mtuiicipal Research and Services Center (v1RSC) 108 S okane Valley Cbamber of Commerce 4$ S okane Valley Otiline 48 *Nott: iNuinbers reflect tuli or niajority weeks nf the month. Web Site for tlie Yenr ' 2004 Web Site Summury Uni ue User Sessions 134,560 To Five Pa es Viewed Em lo ment 14,580 CTZS Ma s 3,450 De arin-ients 3,213 Council A' endas and iVlinutes 3,208 Commwlit Development 2,837 To Five "Referrer" Wcb Sites Iviunici al Research and Sertilices Ccnter QVfRSC) 1,627 S okane Valle Charnber of Cnmmerce 759 Spokanc Valley Onli_ne 567 VVorkSource S okane 510 . S okane Count [..ibra District 450 S061rane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallgspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, Ciry Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Date: January 12, 2005 Re: Monthiy RepoR Finance emploYees worked on the follo~Ning projects during the manth of December. Year end financial statements Staff bEgan preparing the December 31, 2004 financial statements during the month. It will take several months to close our books. Our work will be eoordinated wilh the Washington State Auditor's Ofiice so that our audit is scheduled soon after our year-end fuiancial statemcnts are available. We will li.kely be scheduled after c;ities that havc signifcant federal funding receipl.s during 2004. This allows other cities to meet the federal audit deadline but delays our audit until late in the year. Budeet variance/investsnent reports Reports showing a comparison of fiind revEnucs and cxpcnditures to our 2004 ame.nded budget at December 31, 2004, are attached. If revenues and expenditures flowed to the Ciey equally ovcr twelve months and our budget: projections were extremely accurate, we_ would expect io see 104% in the rieht-hand colutntn. Revenues and expenditures do not flow equally to the ciry in riwelve montlil}, installments so the percentages appearing in the right hanci column will often bc skewed. Kcvcnucs that arc received in the new year but were earned dtuing the prior year are accrued into the prior year. S[ale law requires thal we pay invoices received in the fu•st 20 da_ys of January from the priar }tear's budget as well. This approach is an attcmpt to maleh re.venues and expenditures for the same period. I-iowever, tlus process delays the financial statcmcnts ~ at year end. ~ ~ During ihc nexl 60 days staff will be upciating financial statement encries as our financial records are closeci for 2004. We will update this report as we prUCess addicipnal transactions and close our books. Our expeciation is that revenues, especially sdles taxes, plannin€/building fees and fines/forfeitures will exceed our budget. Our expenditures are expectecl to be within our budgeted appropriations. The investinent reporc ai llecember 31, 2004 is also attached. Carnblinp- tax letters Letters wcnt out to operators of punch board and pull tab devices setting payment amounts and due dates for the tax due the city. We have rcceived responses from thirty-eight of thc forty-lhrec operators. This tax will be paid over the next cleven quartcrs in lieu of the fornier tax. vlultivear financial plan Staff has started the process for updating revenue and expenditure assumptions for thc years 2006-2011. A council/stafC retrcat has been scheduled for February 12 to review these projections. Accountfuit/buclpet analyst vacancv Courtney Moore has resigned to accept a position with a CPA firm in lus hometown of Walla Walla. Courtney was invrolved in most city financial prajects addressed during late 2003 and during 2004. His happy face, devilish approaeh, solid exPer.ience and outstanding work proauci put snulcs on the faccs of his co-workers every day. Ne will be missed. A notice announcing the vacauicy is appearing in newspapers this week. We hope to have the position tilled within 45 days. City of Spokane Valley ' General Fund Prelim. 1-12-05 Budget Variance Report For the Period January 1- December 31, 2004 Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2004 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Property Tax $ 9,265,809 S 985,008 S 8,980,837 S 284,972 96.92% 1 Sales Tax 11,920,00 1,181,837 13,504,741 (1,584,741) 11329 Gambling Tax 690,000 27,755 681,538 E,462 98.77 Leasehold Excise Tax 5,000 869 4,449 551 88.97 Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 640,000 21,239 503,390 136,610 78.65 State Shared Revenues 882,816 155,309 972,377 (89,551) 110.14 Planning & Building Fees 1,139,000 123,698 1,800,187 (661,187) 158.05 14 Fines and Forfeitures 1,000,000 203,607 1,261,955 (261,955) 126.20 Recreation Program Fees 201,000 464 123,038 77,962 65.21 Investment Interest 18,000 11,504 67,495 (49,495) 374.97 Operating Transfers 42,500 - 34,300 8,200 80.71 S 25,844,125 $ 2,711,290 $ 27,934,307 $(2,130,182) 108.26% Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent ) 2004 Exoenditures Exoenditures Expendiiures Realized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch S 215,372 $ 20,203 $ 194,188 $ 21,184 90.16% F-xecutive & Legislative Support 438,482 33,000 353,293 85,189 80.57 Public Safety 14,693,990 1,265,932 14,390.810 303,180 97.94 Operations & Administrative Svcs 917,605 81,776 829,754 87,851 90.43 Public Works 631,079 58,895 607.605 23,474 9628 Planning & Community Dev. 1,574,519 179,299 1,413,018 165,501 89.74 Library Services 2,453,250 - 2,420,298 32,954 98.40 Parks & Recreation 1,601,780 113,523 1,377,680 224,100 86.01 General Government 3,450,578 91,851 1,000,845 2,449,733 29.01 16 $ 25,576,655 $ 1,844,479 $ 22,187,489 $ 3,389,166 86.75% For 2004 revenues received and expenditures paid through January 7, 2005. i-\ 1l13f2005 8:04 kA.9 City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Prelim. 1-12-05 , Budget Variance Report For the Period January 1- December 31, 2004 Budget necember YTD Unrealized Peroent 2004 v ues Revenues Revenue Realixed Othor Funds Revenues: Street Fund S 2,062,200 $ 135,754 $ 1,306,736 $ 755,464 63.37°,6 Arterial Street Fund 542,000 45,663 500,673 41,327 92.38 Trails and Paths 12,800 8,492 8,492 4,306 66.34 Hotel/Nfotel Fund 380,000 32,450 341,908 38,092 89.98 Debt Service - LTGO 03 800,000 - 580,928 219,072 72.62 Capiial Projects Fund 840,000 164,859 1,052,578 (212,578) 125.31 Special Capital Projects Fund 840,000 164,238 983,713 (143,713) 117.11 StreetCapitalProjetts 3,230,000 483,602 1,201,898 2,028,101 37.21 8 Mirabeau Point Projett 3,000,000 1,143,448 3,527,622 (527,622) 197.59 Street Bond Capiial t'rojects 30,006 3,473 37,726 (7,726) 125.75 CD Black Grant Fund 504,006 311 5,311 498,689 1.05 8 Capital Grants Fund 837,000 4,550 97,050 739,954 11.59 8 Barker Bridge ReoonstruUion 702,000 - - 702,000 - 8 Sewer Fund - - 334 (334) - Stflrrrw~ater Pvbgmt Fund 747,500 79,214 767,475 (19,975) 102.67 Equip. Rental & Replacement 146,634 64,189 129,071 17,563 88.02 Risk Managemeni 137,500 4,543 134.804 2,696 98.04 $ 14,611,634 5 2,334,986 $ 10,676,320 5 4,535,314 72_08°!0 8uciget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2004 F_xpenditures Fzxpenditures Expenditures Realized Other Funds Expenditures: Sfreet Fund $ 3,773,184 $ 228,074 S 2,949,984 $ 823,2130 78.1896 Arterial Street Fund 600,000 311 5,311 594,689 0.89 7 HotellMotel Fund 475,000 68,522 436,857 38,143 91.97 Debt Service LTGO 03 800,000 - 580,928 219,072 72.62 Capital Projects Funcf 180,000 - 92,643 87,357 51.47 7 Special Capital Projects Fund 300,000 - 292,643 7,357 97.55 Street Capital Prajects 3,219,700 452,150 1,169,702 2,049,998 36.33 8 Mitabeau Point ProjecA 9,500,000 725,543 6,037,329 3,462,671 63.55 8 Street Bond Capitat Projects 2,460,000 445,550 1,056,354 1,403,646 4294 8 CD eladc Grant Fund 504,000 397,432 402,743 101,257 79.91 8 Capital Grants Fund 837,006 4,603 97,026 739,974 11.59 8 Barker 8ridge ReaonsUucGon 702,000 53 53 701,947 - 8 Sewer Fund . 238,608 41,347 238,941 (333) 100.14 Stormw2ter Rligmt Fund 518,700 60,643 117,201 401,499 22.60 9 Equip. Rental 8 Replacemnt 43,600 (111,634) 46,679 (3,079) 107.06 RiskManagement 137,500 - 111,066 26,434 80.78 $ 24,289,292 S 2,410,594 $ 13,635,460 $ 10,653,832 56.14% For 2004 revenues received and expenditures paid through January 7, 2005. Irl 312005 e:oa,ar,t ' City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month Ending December 31, 2004 Total LGIP' F&M MM Investments Beginning $ 10,015,674.57 $ 5,380,054.23 $ 15,395,728.80 Deposits 1,532,113.68 - 1,532,113.68 Withdrativls (1,575,000,00) - (1,575,000.00) Interest 97,893.95 9,047.35 26,941,30 Ending $ 9,990,682.20 $ 5,389,101.58 $ 15,379,783.78 Balances bv Fund General Fund $ 3,241,116.32 Street Fund 3,286,277.15 • Arterial Skreet 781,809.43 Paths & Trails 8,492.03 Hotel/Motel 125,260.08 Capital Projects 1,423,663.22 Spec. Capital Proj. 1,083,797.95 Street Capital Proj. 32,665.50 Mirabeau Point Proj. 2,694,816.45 ` _ . Street Bond Proj. 1,425,429.73 Stormwater Nigmt. 1,178,502.23 Equipment Rental 72,940.25 Risk Management 25,013.44 $ 15,379,783.78 'Local Government Investment Pool 1111312005 8:04 AM dec FOOTN OTES Note: 1 Revenue from property taxes is received in May and November 7 Used primarily for capital projects, Cash not ackually moved from these funds. (expenditures) to the construction funds until needed 8 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 9 60% of this budget is tied to projects not yet underway. 14 New construction projects are exceeding our estimates. 16 40% of this budget is reserves. Emergency use only. 111312005 8:04 AM Spo`~kane pUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~00%flley MONTHLY REPORT December 2004 Aqreements for Services Adopted and in Operation: • County Street Maintenance Proposed Contract Changes for 2005: o In 2005 Contract, propose to delete reference under 'Basic Services' that worlc be done as customarily done by the County and add that work be as directed by the City, o More detailed definition will be developed to the list of activities. • Street Maintenance - WSDOT • County Utilities - Storm Water Management Contract ends on December 31, 2004. • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal Wastewater: • VVastewater Treatment - The County is currently working to provide financial information regarding the County's sewer utility as it relates to the assumption of the County owned sewer facilities. • County submitted the SRF Loan to the Department of Ecology and has received conditional approval. • Draft Spokane River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) is available on the UAA web site at http:l/www spokaneriveruses.net/links.htm 1 Capital Proiects: ~ ~ , . Received $1.16 million federal grant (CMAQ) for Pines/Mansfield project. Sent out final Mitigation Agreement to all developer partners. • Held Barker Rd. project kick-off meeting with CH2M HILL and other subconsultants. • Coordinated, reviewed, and approved revised design of retaining wall from UPRR at Sullivan Rd. Bridge over railroad tracks_ • Niet with numerous consultants on RFQ for Barker Rd. Bridge project. • Construction Projects o Centerplace Work continues an the CenterPlace Project with exterior worlc confined to the ins#alling of roofing tile. Only ttie roofing over the central foyer remains to be completed. Interior work continues urith the rough-in work of the mechanical, elecirical and fire protection contractors now centered on the large meeting areas, kitchen, and dining areas located in the Northern or back porEion of the facility. The contracfor is heating virtually all areas of the building to facilitate the taping and sanding activities of the gypsum plaster board, the painting of door frames, corridor walls and classrooms. Installation of the elevatar has been completed and contractual arrangements for the supplying and installation of the kitchen equipment, program presentation package, data cabling, and security systems have been incorporated into the project. Planning is currently in progress for the fumishings, small wares, and the furnishing of fiber optic and communication service(s) to the structure. Project construction cantinues to be on schedule and quality is consistent with industry standards. o Everqreen RoadlSutters Sanitary Sewer Proiect ~ Project complete 0 16th Avenue Project Project items to be completed in spring are yard restoration including sprinkler systems, fencing and swales at Dishman-Mica and Pines. Project open to traffic o Park Road Project 15` lift of asphalt placed. 2"d lift of asphalt, completion of concrete work and striping remain in 2005. Project open to traffic. 0 24th Avenue Sidewalk Proiect - Project completed o Sullivan & 4th Siqnal Project complete o South Greenacres Sanitarv Sewer Project (Flora 8 Mission) Project Complete o Weatherwood/Owens Sanitarv Sewer Prolect Project Complete o Veradale Sanitarv Sewer Proiect Projec# Complete o Sipple Sanitary Sewer Project Project Camplete o Carnahan Sanitary Sewer Proiect Project awarded to Norms - Construction scheduled to begin March 2005 Maintenance Activity: • Estimated cost from the County for 2004 is $3,113,268. • City 2004 budget is $2,120,000. Additionally, we budgeted $300,000 for contracted minor road . maintenance that we are using to cover the County contract. - • Through the end of December the County has billed $2,292,000 or 107.5% of the budgeted funds. Land Development • Applications Reviewed/Conditions Prepared (Including Comm. Pre-App): Commercial Projects - 8/93', Residential Projects - 6/63 • Road and Drainage Plan Review: Commercial - 0/5, Residential - 2/28 • Hearings Held: Commercial - 1/6, Residential - 0110 • Construction Walk-Throughs: Commercial - 0/7, Residential - 0/6 • Rezone Applications: Commercial - 0/10, Residential - 1/14 '(current month totals/annual totals) ! SpCJTI'OFkane VA;l.ley Capital Improvement Projects 2004 PROPOSED PROJEC75 Road Construction Projects Project Location Completion Date Oesign Construction 2004 Total Projoct Complete Complete Funding Cost ' Evergreen Road 16th Ave. to 2nd Ave. 8/18104 100% 100% $ 1,521,000 $ 2,787,000 Sullivan Road & 4th Ave. Signal Sullivan & 4fh 911/04 100°/a 100% s 15,700 $ 165,000 ' Park Road - Project 2 Sth Ave. to 2nd nve. 611/05 100% SO% $ 821,000 $ 972,000 " 16th Avenue - Project 2 Dishman-Mica to SR 27 11l30l04 100% 95% $ 1,932,000 $ 3,302,000 24th Avenue Sidewalk Project Bowdish to Pines 9/1l04 100% 100% $ 198,000 $ 198,000 ' PinesfPllansfield Wilbur Rd. to Pines Rd., Pines to 190 1011f05 0% 0% $ 620,000 $ 3,134,000 Road Design Projects " Barlcer Road Reconstruction Boone to Barker Rd. Bridge 10115/05 10% 0% $ 1,150.000 $ 2,998,200 Bar4cer Road Bridge Replacement Barker Rd. at Spokane R'rver 12/1/06 0°/a 0°:0 $ 702,000 $ 8,057,615 Sewer Projects Carnahan I-90 to Sth, Havanna to Eastern 7/1105 100°/fl 0% $ 2,569,000 $ 2,569,000 WeathervroodlOvrens NicDonald to ivlamer, Mission to Mallon 11/1/04 100°/a 140% $ 4,083,000 $ 4,083,000 Vercler to Mamer, I-90 to Boone Sipple Dalton to Rutter, Bradley to Vista 11/1/04 100% 100% $ 2,914,000 $ 2,914,000 Veradale Calvin to Somrner, Springfieid to Main 911/04 100% 100% $ 2,985,000 $ 2,985,000 South Green Acres - Phase 1 Indiana to Mission & Flora to Long Rd. 7131/04 100% 100°fo $ - $ 380,000 Burns Road 9I1l04 100% 100% $ 31,000 $ 31,000_00 Miscellaneous Projects $ 50,000 s 50,000.00 Miscellaneous V211ey Couplet 11/04 $ 15,000 S 15,000.00 Road Replacement Projects $ 830,000 S 830,000.00 Consultant Gontract $ 60,000 S 60,000,00 Centerplace at Mirabeau Point Construction in Progress 5105 100% 30% $ 9,500,00O $ 9,500,000 Stormwater S 200,0D0 $ 200,000_00 Drainage Projecis Total $ 30,196,700 $ 45,230,815 " StatevAde Transportation i'lan (STIP) Transportalion Irnprovement Board (TIS) sridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) 20U4 Gonstruction Projects December - - .1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2004 LONG RANGE PLANN/NG D/VISlON: Planning Commission The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met once during the month, on December 9, 20Q4. The Commission's agenda included a Public Hearing for the proposed City of Spokane Valley Stormwater Ordinance and a study session on the Revised Sign Code Ordinance. The Commission moved to continue the Stormwater Ordinance Public Hearing to their next regular meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2005. The Revised Sign Code Ordinance will move forward to Public Hearing before the Commission on the same date. Comprehensive Plan Development Long Range Planning staff continues to develop draft chapters of the first Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. A draft of all Comprehensive Plan chapters has been posted on both the City of Spokane Valley's home page and the Long Range Planning web page for discussion purposes. CURRENT PLANN/NG DIVISION: The Current Planning Division opened 14 land use application files in December. In addition, 11 licenses/permits were sold. The chart below reflects monthly activity categorized as follows: LicenselPermits (adult entertainment, sign review permits); and Land Actions (binding site plans, rezones, subdivisions, short plats, boundary line adjustments, street vacations, site plan reviews and SEPA reviews). 2004 MONTHLY CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITY BY CATEGORY ,oo% ~ - - - - - o~ . ~ Jan ~ Feb I Nlar Apr May .hin Jul (AUg Sep I OG Nov Oec Land Aciions 11 12 21 35 y 35 22 20 26 35 14 14 m UGensoslFl:rmits 8 9 1 B 15 9 18 11 17 20 ~ 14 7 11 Page 1 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development Monthly Report for December 2004 A comparison of new application/permit/license activity through the month of December - to the annual projection for each of these is shown below: 2004 CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITY ANNUAL COMPARISON Site Plan Review Sogn Fbrmit ReviQw ~ - Boundary Lirze Adjustments V SFPA FZevievr , Short Plat Subdivision Rszone Q~ Home Rofession Binding Sife Ran AduM Entertainmant License 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ❑ 2004 Rojections ■ Activity as of 12/31/04 Monthly revenue for the Current Planning Division totaled $10,209 in December; its total 2004 income stands at $221,480. (See chart below). 2004 CURRENT PLANNING REVENUE $30,000 $20,000 - $10,000 • - SO o m ~ v ~ c` c` c c~'p ° o m° ~ c cn a < o The entire Planning Division (Long-Range and Current Planning) has generated $311,785 in revenue as of December 31, 2004, exceeding its 2004 revenue projection estimate of $137,000 by 128%. In December 2004, the Current Planning Division served 202 customers at the Planning Counter, and returned or answered 223 phone calls. Four Public Hearings were held before the Hearing Examiner in December: • Paras Addition Application No. REZ-12-04/SUB-09-04; • Rezone Application No. REZ-19-04; • Change of Conditions Application No. ZE-08A-01 for Mutual Materials hours of operation; and • Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1's Rezone Application No. REZ-18-04. Page 2 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development Monthly Report for December 2004 Major new commercial building permit applications reviewed by Current Planning during the month of December include: two six-unit condos at Dishman Commons, a new shop for Terry's Truck Repair on Mission & Thierman, and a Panda Express Restaurant at the Spokane Valley Plaza. BUILDING DIV/SION: The Building Division issued 338 permits in December. This is 40% more than the number of permits issued in November (perm'rts issued in November totaled 242, rather than the 137 previously reported). New commercial construction involved two of those permits. Twenty-two new single-family dwellings and five two-family structures were also permitted. 2004 BUILDING PERMiTS SOLD aoo 300 28U • 100 ° 0 , . . . . . . p Z 0 °c LDi CD Un c ■ Camnercial Ferrtits ❑ Residential Permts In an effort to compare the number of City of Spokane Valley Building Permits to Actual Value, the following charts have been developed. As you will see, permit sales and value of associated property increased significantly in 2004: - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUILDING PERMIT SALES BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION ~ Comparison ot 2003 (411-12131) to 2004 (111-12I31) Comparfson of 200314i1-1V31) to 2004 (tl1•12131) 5120.000,000 4,000, 5100,000,000 i3,000 • ~ Se0,0oo,000 i - 2,000 s~.~,~ 540.000,000 1,000 S20,oo0,000 0- , bo Comnercial Residential l; Totals Gommcial Ftasiden6al ToEal l. [!m 2003 76 1,220 1,296 02000 825,671,735 $20,600,125 542.271.6b(1 20~ 289 z 971 3 2~ ■ 2DU4 S55,347,467 559,331,056 $114,678,533 Page 3 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development Monthly Report for December 2004 The Permit Center collected $98,865 in Permit and Plan Review Fees in December, -bringing our yeariy total income to $1,413,116. Revenue total for FY 2004 at the end of December, 2004 exceeded the projected 2004 revenue estimate of $882,000 by over 60%. The Permit Center reports that there is no noticeable decrease in activity as our community continues to grow. We expect January to continue to be active as interest rates remain low and the weather remains somewhat mild. 2004 BUILDING REVENUE sn,ooo.oo 512@,OOD.OD - StOQ'000,00 = $75,Op0.OD ~ 5~.1,000.00 - ~ $25,000.00 ~ - b ISO.OD . . ~ a. m o x o ° A comparison of Building Division fiscal activity through the month of December to annual budget projections can be found below: 2004 BUILDING FISCAL ACTIVITY . ANNUAL COMPARISON Hans Check Feos J ~ ( Liconse 8 FCrmit Fees so szoapoo a400.000 :SOOAOa wao,oao st000A00 si,200,000 m Actuaf Y'I'D FZevenue ■ Annual RDVenuc Rojotlion In 21 business days we performed 919 inspections. This averages out to just under 44 inspections per day. Although we continue to use on-call inspection staff to supplement our workload, using one on-call inspector five days per week and another on-call inspector intermittently, our current inspection activity exceeds our target level of twelve inspections/inspector/day. Our on-call inspectors perFormed 292 of the inspections in December. This confirms the assistance these addrtional staff members have given our full-time staff. Our workload has continued to be more manageable using this labor resource. Over the next few months we continue to expect a larger volume of inspection requests, since inspection requests track actual permit activity. We continue to expect to use the second on-call inspector for a few more months to help us maintain the capacity of excellent customer service the Building Division strives to provide. Using the on-call pool for plan review caught us up on one- and two-family permit applications. That is one reason we see the high level of permits for December. Page4of6 City of Spokane Valley Qepartment of Community Development Monthly Report for December 2004 , 2004 BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1200 1000 - - - - - - - ~ soo - - - - - - ,j , 600 400 - - ~ _ - 200 0. . c ~n O o R m In December, Building Division staff was provided training in the PLUS computer software system. Implementing this system will allow a more accurate tracking of both the administrative portions and inspection results relating to Building Permits. In addition, the full implementation of this program will increase staff productivity and allow more information to be carried to the field, impacting Code Enforcement and Building Inspections. Commercial permits include carport at a senior housing facility on Tschirley and an 80- foot-tall "Stealth" cell tower on 700 S. Dishman Road. f~ CODE ENFORCEMENT: 'JThe number of "Violations Reported" on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received which were not violations. The complaints received are added to the total because they reflect time officers spent in the field conducting investigations. In addition, the "Investigated" and "Pending" columns accurately reflect Code Enforcement's current ability to process and investigate backlog cases due to additional staffing. i CODE ENFORCEMENT STATUS ~ i 11ooo • 100--- - - - ~ 1o - - - - - - - , S . . - - . . - - E 0 O z ID ^ 0 < lJ m p VioOitians ttetorted M Abatemenfs o Fde Transfers ID Pendn9 Fles The following chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. In order to make the chart easier to follow, activity has been consolidated into the following five categories: Environmental (sewer/septic, critical Page 5 of 6 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development I Monthly Report for December 2004 areas, animal and nuisance violations); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, landlord/tenant, illegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste violations); and Complaint - No Violation. 2004 CODE VIOLATIONS REPORTED (BY TYPE) ,oo9s - - - - - o~~s • eo~- 7ovb • ~ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ 30% ~ ~ - - - - - ~aw- - - - - - 0%• kuti Feb Mtr Apr Ih3y Jine J* Aup ISept Oct 1,-bv OL-C I p Carthi1l - W Vidalbn 28 19 14 18 17 18 21 19 ■ Said Wasle 10 14 71 10 31 tB 15 23 22 19 16 15 i7 Jwik Auto 10 71 16 11 25 24 18 24 21 10 18 17 ■ Roperty fl 13 0 18 15 31 18 10 32 13 13 11 O EnvPOnrr=tal 9 13 8 6 94 17 14 11 16 18 18 11 ~ Code Enforcement Officer, Kelly Sammeli, resigned from her position at the City of - Spokane Valley to return to her hometown of Prescott Valley, Arizona, as the head of its Code Enforcement Division. We wilt miss her presence and diligence. Kelly's work with the City gamered excellent results. ; Page 6 of 6 m .I; im~ O TU: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Cal WaIker, Chief of Police UATE: January 13, 2004 RE: Monthly Rcport necember 2004 Attached is the activity rcport for Dececnber for the Spokane Valle}° Yolice llepartmcnt. 7"here were a total of 4,835 compucer-aided dispatch (CAD) inciclents. These are seli=initiated off cer contacts, as we11 as calls for service. Out of those 4,835 incidents, 1,445 actual reports were laken durino the month of L7ecernbcr. Attached is the breakdown describing those incidents. Additionally, there were 1,561 traffic staps conducted that resulted in 171 traffic reports. Included are the hotspot maps for December residential burelaries; Decenlbcr commcrcial burglaries and December eraffic collisions, along with Novcmber & Dccembcr stolen vehicles. AllNIINISTRATIVE : Dccccnber brought about our "leaderslup trainuig day" which is provided on a quarterly basis to our staff sergeant rar►k- and above. VJe provide agency updates as a whole eroup and specifically address training and leadership issucs as they are needcd. Staff also worked at preparing the yearly "Law Lnforceczient Accomplishment Report" whicli was delivered to tlle Council on Dec.22. Sgt. Dale Golman attendeci a Kiwanis breakfast meeting anci discussed wiill tlie group the use aud benefits deriveci from tlie earlier Kiwaziis donation of a"Kadar readcr board". Our local SCOYL volunteers haul the re_ader board arotuld to many differcnt areas in our com.munity. This not only providcs us with grcat traffic data but at the same time provides a great reininder to the motoring public of the actual speecls chat the}, are traveling on our local roadways. CONIMUNITY-012IENTED POLIC1iNG: '1'he following items are not included in particular as normal law enforcement issues, bul are included as part ot` the activilies your polir.e. agency invc,lves theinselvcs in as caring atid active members of'this conulluiuty: December was a busy month for the Spokac°ie Vallcp Police Department. Our officers have. again demonstratcd their dedication and genuine cancern for this coinrntunity in many extra thoughtful ways during this Chrislmas season. Tlus -vvas another year of our agettcy's participatian in the `"HOLIDAYS ANll HEROES" cvent; where local law enf'orceincnt officers were privilegcd to ~-'be macehed up with a local child, taking that child shopping i~or presents at the loeal Wal-Mart and buying gifts for their familie.s. Fveryone then gathered togethe.r to celebrate and vvrap the presents. This year ihere was a total of 60 lcids matched up and takcn shopping. Ltical donations , providcd $200.00 per child plus a very niee Christmas Dinner, including a turkey that was danated to each family. Another cammuniry-based Projcct of giving was our participation in partnering with the WISR1NG STAR FQLJNDATION in providing a complete home; fully furnished and stocked with food, Christtnas tree(s) and presents for "Gabe"; a 4-year-old child with a serious life- threatening illncss. We as an agency were blessed wilh helping to meet the needs of an entire family in this partnership. Local Gitizens, rcal estate agents, husinesses and retailers all combined their efforts and cransformed avacant resicience located here in the Spokdne Valley inlo a"riu-n key" home. And amaringly this all was done in ahout eight days prior to Christma.s! Our local SCOPF voluntecrs also honored us here at the precinct with a"banquet" providing many 6ne holiday suacks and a fresh "homc-smoked turkey" provided by our own Al risher. Spcal:ing of SCOF'E, John Baldwin, one of our many dedicated voluntccrs, was featured in a "f:i•ont cover" Spokesman Review, Valley Voice edition, where they highlighted John and his exemplary service to this conununity. The story did a fine job of portraying the value that this program provides to aur citizcns and to tllis conimunity. OPERATIONS: Two incidcnts that began as "motorist assists" endcd up tvith arrests: One Coad Turn Deserves A Foot Pursuit A"motorist assist" hirned iuto a foot chase when the man behind thc wheel of a disabled car ran from the Spokane. Valley Police corporal who turned arAUnd to help him. Cpl. vlark Fox was northbound on Pines at noon whEn he spotted riwo penple pushing a car up the I-90 off-ramp toward Pines. The nfficcr turned his car arotmd to see if he could assist a17ci saw the male behind the wheel jump from the car and run south. 1`he suspect climbed the freeway fence neat to Applebee's Restaurant and then ran westbound into the neighborha4d. Fox pursued the suspeei; altliough he didn't know why he was running. When he gqt to the Applebee's parking lot, Foa latched onto one of lhe two peoplE who had been pushing the car and who were now abancloning the vchiclc and headed soulh along Pincs. Police Chief Cal Wal.ker was driving by and confronted thc second passengEr, ordcring tum to join Fox in the Appletiee's parking lot. As they questioned the two, othcr patrol officcrs flooded the area lodking for thc running suspect. They located aud arrested hun in the 11300 blocl: of Fast Maxwcll. IIe was identified as a 17-year-olcl who had autstanding felony warrants for '["aking A Motor Veh.icle `Vithout Owner's Perinission and First Uegree Malicious vlischief. One of the two pushcrs; a 15-year-old male, also had an outstanciing warrant for Third Iaegree 'I`heft and was listed in police records as a runaway. The 17-year-old, a convicted felon; had two rifle bu11e1:5 in his pockets and there initially was concern that a firearm had been left in the car or tossed dtiring the pursuit. However, no gun was ever located. The two tcen malcs wcre drivcn to Spokane County Juvenile 17etention and booked on their outstanding arre_st warrants. The second pusher was interviewed and releascd. l~ Motorist Assist Turns into .4rrests Officers arrested two women cluring a molorist assist after they discovered one had an ouistanding arrest warrant and the other nossessed methainphetainine. Officer Ron Nye atid Depufy Bob Sola were working in a two-inan car at Fourlh and Carnahan about 9:45 p.m. when they passed two cars parlccd nose-to-nose on the sidc of the roaci. A male and feinale were working an ane of the cars, and the two dcputies noticed the car had no license plates. They stopped to see if the people needed assistance. As he apprnached the car; I7eputy Sola saw the wroman baclcing away with her hands beneath her coat. She walkeci to the second car, still keeping her hands beneath her caat, and lcacied into the 5econd car. Sola laoked insidc anci saw a]arge. clagger in a sheath lying on the seat whcre the female haci just been. Concenied she might have a seeand weapon; he started inoving around her to conduct a pat-doxvn search. He nnticed the woman plucking al somctlung in her right rear panis pocket and he grabbed the item. It turned out to be a fihn canister containing methamphetanune. Sola identified the woman and an•ested her for Possession of Mcthamphetainine and Possession of A Dangerous Wcapon. Sola identified a second feiliale insicle the car and detemuned she had an outstznding arrest warrant charging her with Lscape From Conuuunity Custody. He arrested her as well. Traf'fic Stop Nets Stc►len Vehiclc A Spokane Valley Police of~icer making a traffic stop Cor a brokcn windshield ended uP recovcring a just-stalen lrailcr contaiiung all the household belongings a 33-year-old cnan. Officer Richard Johnson was patrolling the arca of Barker and Auckeyc about 7 p,m. when he was passed by a van pulling a trailer. I-Ie neticed the van had a brok.en wincishield. As he continued watctung, the vai1 macle several illeeal turns. Johnson stopped the van asld identified the driver as Neal Tracy Johnson. The oflicer knew tllat another oiFicer had probable cause to arrest Johnson for a previous cirug violation. NVlule atiempting to contact that officer by phone, sherifjFs radiq officers reported to Officer Johnson that the trailer he had stopped had just been stolen from the. Motel 6 on North Argonne. C7fficcr Johnson handcut'fed the driver and dctaincd his passenger and brother, Kiin Davis Johnsan. Additional invescigation rcvealcd that the trailer's owner was in the process of moving bac:k to Spokane from California and had cietached the tra.iler in the Motel 6 parking lot per their rules. 'I'he Johnson brothers had pullEd into the lot, hnoketl up the trailcr and left wit}i it without the victicn's pennission. The owncr told officers that all his belongings wcre inside and estiiiiated toial value of the cargo at more than $20;000. OfCicer Johnson arrested one oF the Twa suspects for First Defzree Possession of Stolen Property, Possession of Methamphetamine (regarding the prcvious investigation) and a fresh count of Possession of Methainphetamine (ahcr morc of the drua was discovered inside his shoe.). He arresied the second suspect for First Degrec Posscssion of Stoleri Yropert}r. Whitc Van vTent'ioned ln Anotlier Lewd Conauct Event A third victim reported a cnan driving awhite van atlempting to expose himself in the Spokane Vallcy. An assistant principal at Sheridan Elcmcntary School reported that a fifth-gade student had encoimtered a man in a plain whitc vaii on December 2; 3 and 6. The girl rides her bicycle to school from her home and travEls priiiiarily on East Fifth. The suspect drave past the girl wearing only a black stocl:uie cap and on eac]Z occasion tried to raisc his body up to exposc his gen.italti. The studenNs fatlier drove her to school on Tuesday to see ii' the suspecc appearcd again, but he did not. Tlie father then contacted school officials about the matter. Seven- and twelve-year-old girls also reported sitnilar incidents in the Spokane ValJey this week, one at Fourth and K.oren and the other at Saltese and Woodlawm. Both of those incidents involved the suspect driving past school bus stops in awhitc van. One of the viclims rcported the van was a full-sin model and the other victim said it was similar to an oldcr podge Caravan. Tleetronic Pawn Reporting lVets Montfina N"ugitivc Investigatars assigned to the sheriff's Property Crunes Ta.sk Force aiid the Eastern Washington Joinl Fugitive Task Norce snared a lvlontana fugitive who was tripped up by a new electronic reporting system for Spokane County pawnshops. Gary Victorraggio Hascall was arrested after he was reported as a paNvm customer by Shamrock Pawn over the weekend. Shanuock is one of only a handful of local pa,,Nm businesses thal are panicipating in a new lnternet-based electroiuc repartinE system. As a matter of routine, Taecective Mark Stewart of the. PCTF came_ to work vionday and downloaded the pawn reports fi•om over the week.end. He sorted out the people who listed other jurisdiction5 as iheir home address. When hc called HElena; Montalla authorities to report Hascall as a pawner; diey advised the detective that they held a$50;000 Forgery warrant for the suspect. IVleanwhile, Stewart also had developed information that Nascall had stolen a credit eard in Helena and was nnw purchasuig items at local Sears stores that he later pawned for cash. Tlie deteciive sent the sheriffls Career Criminal Unit to the apartment where Hascall was staying. Hascall walked outside tor a cigarette, ar►d investigators were able to take him into custody. Stewart booked Hascall into the Spokane County Jail on local criminal charges of First L7egree ,-Traf:ficking hi Stolen I'roperty, Second Degree Theft; Second Degree f'ossession ns Stolen . Propert), and Forgery. ]aetectives recavered the stolen Mantana credit card, counterfeit checks, stolen mail and ercclit eards in two additional namcs from insicle the resideiice where Haseall had been staying. A F'ugitive From Justice, charge is pending regarcling the warrant Montana authoritics hold. Task Furce Nabs Firearms Suspects i.nvestigators assigned to the Spokane Firearms Task Force arrested a Spokane Valley maii and his stepfather when the two attempced to trade methamphctamine for a machine gun. Perhaps adding uisull to injury, the suspects' methamphctamine turnecl out to be rock salt. lletective. Mikc Ricketts said that the task forec has conductecl an ongoin€ investigation into the activities of 23-year-old David S. MeConncll suice August of this year. Investigators detcrmi_ned that McComiell wanted to trade methamphetainine for a i"ully automatic machine oun and a second firearm, atid they set up an undercover sale of the firearms. The swap was to take place at a Nomc llepot store. McConnell's stepfather, James R. Kalez, 61, drove the suspect to the storc where they both met undercover task force opcratives. The tvvo men traded a quantity of whac they said was methamphetamine far the machine gun. Howevcr, the meth turned out to be rock salt. McConnell was arrested on a federal charge of Possession of an Unregistered FirearmlMachine Gun Kalcz was bookecl into jail nn a state eharge of Conspiracy to Deliver a Substance In Lieu of a Controlled Substance. Investication uito the pair's activitics is ongoing. T11e Spokaue Firearnis Task Force is comprised of investigators frorn the federal F3ureau of Alcohol; Tobacco and Firearnis, Spokane County ShEriffls and Spokaile Valley Police Carecr Criuuiial Unil. Invcstigators from the Was}iington State Dcpartuient of Corrections assist the team. 'I'his crime falls under the purview of Project Safe Ivcighborhoods (PSN); a coordinat:ed effort by federal; state and local law enforcement to curb criminal gun tiriolence in Eastern Washington. j.lncier PShT; review and investigation of gun violence is beinj coordinated lo obtain the strongest possiblc penalties under fcderal and sta[e law. '1'heft Victim Takes A `Vild Ride A Spokane Valley convenicnce store manager wenl for a brief ride on the hood of his car whcn he tried to stop the thief who was driving the Honda out of a parlcing lot. I-Iarbhupincier Suigh was carrying supplies from lus 1996 Accord into a Valley storz aboul 9:15 a.m. wlien a white male suspect jumped into the nuining vehicle and started out of the parking lot. Singh jumped onto the hoocl and hEld on while the suspect drove the car around the corner and «restbound. The thief apparently decided he wasn't going to lose the owner, so he pulled inco the paeking lot of the Somerset Apartcnents, stopped the car and jumped out and ran. Witnesses last saw the suspect nuuing westbaund ttirough the lot. Officer Jim Ehel arrived, and having had previous encounters with the occupants in an aparimcnt there, went to that unit and encountered a female tenant Qutside near the dumpster. She told him she had seen the running suspcct and watched hiui until he wa.,~ out of sight. She said the man was ndt in her aparimenc, but that the nfFcers could check. Fbel and Officer ChaIi Lrdman entered the apartment aud discovered the suspect hiding underneath a pile of dirty laundry inside a closet. The}, detained the thief alter a brief scuffle ancl identified lum as F3ryan L. Wing. Wing alreacly had atl outstanding arrest wan-ailt charging him with Escape From C'Couununiey Custody. The officers arrested him and the car thief victim identified him as the man who had slalen the I-Ionda. Ofliccr Ron Nye boolced Wing on the warraiit and a fresh felon}, count af First Degree "1 al:ing AMotor Velucle Withoui Uwnler's Permission. Fven on Christmas, crime doesn't take a holiday: Resident Surprise~c Armed Burglar Spokane Valley Police arrested a 19-year-old transient Cliristmas Day afeer the suspect broke into a home, armed himself with a shotgun and lhen confronted the resident when he surpriscd the suspecl inside the home. Officcr Dale Toliver arrested Branclon K. Hutclunson and bookcd him into the Spokane Caunty Jail on felony charges of First T)e.gree Burglary, Second T)egree Assault; "Iheft of a Firearm; First Degree Unlwwful Yossession af a Firearcn and two counts of Third Dcgree Assault an Law Lnforcement officers. Toliver also bookcd the suspect on cwo outstAndine felony arrest warrants cliarging him with Fu•st and SeeUnd Dcgrce Yossession of Stolen Property. The victim told officers he stayed overnight with a friend Christmas Fve and arrived back at his home on Christmas llay. He entered the home tltrough the garagc door and 'uiuziediately noliced the garage ransacked and property loaded into the open trunk of his car. He went inside the house and startlcd the suspect who was seated on his couch with his shotgun in hand. The suspecl threaiened lum with the gun and orclered him not to nul. However, tlie victim ran out of the home and callecl policc. He provided a description of tlie susPect and Officcrs Lee Bates, Aaron Myhre and DeAn Nleyer locatcd and detained Hutchinson in the 2400 block of North Coleman. The vic•tim went to the srene and idcrrtified IIutchinson as the burglar. Additional investigation revealed that the suspect might have entered fhe home lhrcaugh an ~unlocked door. Hc loaded shotguns, ammunition, video gacne systems and paintball equipment into the trunk af the victim's 2000 Mazda Prot6ge. The suspect drilled and broke away the ienition of the car, apparenely in an attempt to steal it for a transport car. 1-Iutchinson was pre<<iously eonvictcd on a felony charge of Harassment - Tlireats Tq Kill. During his arrest, he refused to walk to Bates' pairol car and l:icked O-fficers Myhre and vfeyer numerous times as they carried hun. Wamed that he would be charged if he did not stop; Hutchinson cantinueci kiel:ing at the two officees' legs. Hence, he wa.s booked an the twro Third Degree Assault charges. 'I his crime also falls under the purview of Project Safe Neighborlloods (PSN). Anothcr intere.sting Christmas Day incident: Indoor'1 arget Fractice Injures Valley Man A 22-year-old Spokane Valley man shot himself in the foot carly Chrisimas Day as he was firing a saiall caliUer rifle uiside ]lis apartment. The man was transparted io a ciownlown hosPiCal where he was treated for a gunshot wound in the top of his left foot. The bullet apparently shattered bones in ilie foot and was described by one Afficer as "quite gary." Officers were summoned to the apartment about 4:30 a.m. and discovered the subject very into:cicated, apparently both an alcoh4l and prescription mcdications, and his roommate pa,.~seci out. Evidencc at the scene led them to believe that the man had been target shootulg his .22- caliber semi-automatic rifle inside the apartmcnt. 1'hey found targets drawn on a closet door and three spent bullet casuigs on the floor. One of the fired bullets went through a wall and struck a , clothes dryer in an adjacent room. Officer T)arrel Stidham said he attempted to intcrview the subjECt, and the best informatiUn he could get wa.5 that the subjeci apparently wanted to sce what it fclt like to be shot. Stidliam said probable cause exists to arrest the subjcct for Reckless Enciangerment when doctors release him from the hospital. The subject has an eatensive arces[ record and also may face charges for unla',AU possession of a firearm. 2004 DECEMBER CRIME REPORTS December, 2004 December, 2003 2004 to Date BURGLARY 74 77 997 FORGERY 48 43 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 73 89 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 66 64 916 PROPERTY OTHER 103 122 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 31 25 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 41 44 577 THEFT 212 225 2,853 UIOBC 1 2 10 VEHICLE OTHER 0l 6 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 138 118 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRlMES 787 815 10,519 ASSAULT 69 75 880 DOA/SUICIDE 8 12 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 57 71 755 HOMICIDE 1 0 5 KIDNAP 3 0 24 MENTAL 29 23 386 MP 8 11 106 PERSONS OTHER 99 130 1,624 ROBBERY 5 3 58 TELEPHONE HkRASSMENT 15 11 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 294 336 4,192 ADULT RAPE 4 2 37 CNILD ABUSE 9 14 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 30 10 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 4 0 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 0 2 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 5 6 77 CHILD RAPE 2 1 30 RUNAWAY 27 28 437 SEX OTHER 15 13 162 STALKING 31 0 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 161 26 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 1110 1021 1,475 DRUG 82 58 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 1 TOTAL /SU 82 58 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 171 329 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1,445 1,6401 19,962 ~ 1 RD an~-~~~ Jiose~ a Fnrkei ~`"G~ ~c fc/ Sansoh c i 7C ~ ueon ~ 0 y' $ ~r Z ey -o Y ~.1-•-• rn 7 ~1 m nTi t Ri ~ae = o -ku3't E.- E3 n a, -n ~ ~ cu o < ~rr~ MirBbea u Eir Ild Euclid ay~Nd~ frederiCk % • x=i krEl1 r.iok' ~ F ~ .~~1~1?:1- ! f= _Gc'aso Buek tit iet a.;~1 ~e ~ ~a~ J ' / E'' ofiti3om Ja • son j.,~ , ~l _ ~ 4- oititgonfrY ~i o 1~ian - t-~ r). 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December 2004 Traffic Col.lision Hotspots ~J': a~, . ..3. - Jose ~ °D ~ ~ ' _ o 7 ~ N .rn e ~q. $anso~ ~N ~ Q ~ ~C?ue n o - tn V ~ W sJe ~ ~ r ~ 0 c~ ~91~0`! v We1 •'1 Y z g~° ~a Qllc t< ~r--~ Y e ~ Awy m ~ ~r---- ^ T r m a ~ o ~ RtC7i ~ -m cl s' S' v f 1= ' a A~o. a ^ I ~ ~ ~D w m. o ° ~ o m ~ om.~ky C ~ e~ at Pv`liraboau lid uc[id ~ c~elid Fredcrick ~ ry rz. , reCe t' 'u lr J ~ a ~ Ja °n ~.ye. \^\.4 htu et ~ s k. ~ Rke ~ / /(Ca ~s f9 S E uiSt 4 MatLS Id - flntg ~ m e nox Q ) ~ . 1Fldia a -i~ Indiana Indlan2 'Iridiar 8 0 ~ ro ~ ~ ` ~ ~ •t s ?Nora" ` ~ ' „ r ~a~'• - ~o A~issron Ehission a~wel ~ _ .l gb a1i55 on > > ~ ~3~' v ka E3Uone D ~°~-~--.-.-o g'p - r. Boo x ~ P n9 - - Alk f(n m . , =r M~ ri S(_a n~ ~ n o,- ' a~ =ri' . \-0' ~ ~ ~ p m ~ in ~ s Plew 7L ~~iic 's 3~ W • ~ nd - _41 th 41) Q , 4th i -i- ~1 ~ i..•. ttL'1 rn 61 •_.E ) ~ ~ -0 - 8thi Sth ~ CD ~ih w~~'~ 3 d. 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S}'s~,.\ 4 _T 7 ontgo"l ~r1, ~ Er.min r ~ i r~ , m- Knax P:1ans 'Id y ~ ¢ a ~ • ,,ar C3 - ~ In diana j~ ~ Q /Indiarla Indiaria.lff t10ra o Nora ~ a - hlission R7ission ~IA. Ls o -j-o !lission _!ga \r \ haissior~ ~ 51 -{3 t+.9a~.vel •C3 one ~ r g~ S ° o Stiarp W 1 1a 0 7~~ c Ic~ x z~C ~ ~Ie- Alk IIRM) vay ~ i co a' ~ '~t'i m R4 on l fv~tsi21 n 2I ~ °1 ~A T st ic -0 m a n 6 rc1 oS-All~" Q 4th ~ _ Eh j - N 7~ m tn '•7 71 -p ~ilh c f i2 - v > Ha 1 TUt r r " -7th m' ~ s! 81h m -_.31tt.~• . 3 P `att j O7 _ 10 9th 1J~ V J p Ihl - ID1,~ t ~12 ♦ .'n-1,.~ _ 1 dth s = ~ ic'~- • ~✓d _ ~ : - _ o a~3fh ~ Q ~ p)1 .~c~ i ~ mz ' ~ 16tt~ 19 ~-17ih 6~-j~-~s ~LN c~~~ ~ ~ 18t1t \c ~ n ~ 1. t 9th ..Ih~ s'•~l..~~i 9~ . ` , L ' o cr~ 1 , 2Zn ~ '"1 4- 0~ ' 1 ~c a~ . T • =~'~n~t<r o~ ``~1 zatnl 21 st Jenn e o j R =2-7.tti ~ Ih = 25th •a " ~ • •~U m ~ ~ 1 r ~,~i 'o 34~11 m m }32nd 32nd ~2c~- t 36th 737 1 38t ~e~ 40 1?~`° 40f11 ~h yt}i o 4~ m wi -+10 ~ C=- _ Qr ~ i cn m _ ,7 ~Bellle Telre ~ Roawameei y 7 ~ 1 ` "S~l.'``•• ~ ~O V~L. N Qi 9Ulg1¢ry - -1 - o 3 ~ ~ -a,. t (~up 1 J Z, Bal \L.~ 9 ~ .~t ~ ~ 7_1 ~ ` 3r mne ~ ~ h1 J~ ~3r 44th o 4'~'' M. ~ 441h ^9ed Vls ~ a ~ U~ 0 48th - - L1'b ~ir1t:~a1c ~ ~ °1 e e ~ ;c•~'~ ~ , m ~ 1 1 a-Fer~'et r L To 'O a'~F;~ o a3i O LOW r , ~ narre ~ a t~ch ? ? z , M Med[um ~ 57tii S Hogh ~ M,q ~a~oe: ~,i.,~.ry ~ooa • rr-, ° °;5 December 2004 Residential Burglary Hotsputs ~ .r--~tib; Forkei Y ~ _ y 7 >=~a,~.._. e/ ~ - f _ ~•t~uaeA j ` w _ r - - < g ~ c z L~ Pri tonl z o elle le ~y ; C10 ~ N -n < rt? c? RoCFi rn 0 J ~ - m m -n ~ ~ . _ ~rrh9 g o, f ~ ~ c~ Kfe 'la ~ m -n ~ m ~ y a ~ id~ ll t ,J~ ~ - Y oL hSirabeau Eu lid ~ 'o m 3~ ucGcf _ Frederi.k ~ Ck---:r'r` auoke o9 kPye ei A ~ htivnt9otn~~Y~~~Z,~ n ~ nox Indiana Indiana Q/Indiaf►a 0 - ~ ro iarSa D~= o ~0 ~ ~ r ~ Fas~ D Nara W51 I ~ td . ' r ~ ~ s~~. \ Q & ~ N h1ission , s Missiwi t+ssoofl MI55 rJfl a `9~a°ne Sharp aI~ID~Eit~oL .L~ 6 atal o 1 c., O 8~ rt ~ Cir d~aa~ ~ ~ g m ~ ~r _ ~ ~ m S~ ngi'q a`1 3 m, ~ ~ iv RikF i~ e- A. Alk 0 1!- vay 9 , L..,_~.m m ~ L al s tv d~~ Q m a r 1 i c m 3 r t f I c n 2nc • '2r = , r o ih - r m tt,• ro ~ ~ LO `8th~.-.n 81h` ~21 8th 2 -sm ' r m . n ~ !!1 4 o _ i f? w _ ttj~• ° - c c t`~ ] 1 3 m. 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In January, the City received one response from the YMCA. A request for proposal far the opcration and maintenanec of City pool facilities will be issued to the I'MCA. Anticipaceci date of retuni is mid February. Staff will also prepare an estimated cost of operating the pools "in house." • A contract for park maintenance was executed with Senske idawn and Tree Care. • Staff finalizcd a plan for liquidation of surplus park vehicles and equipment. The equiPment will be solcl to Senske Lawn and Tree Care. • Job announcements were pr.epared for the CenterPlace Coord'uiator and Recreation Coordinator positions. These amlounceuients are planued for releasE by the end of the month. • We have starting taking park reservatians for 2005. We have received aboui a dnaen applications. Recreation Programs: • No programs are being offcrcd at this time. A Recreatinn Coordinator will be hired and staff will plan and opcratc a variety of summer programs similar to ttiose offered in 2004. Senior Center: • Spokane Community Care "Health for your community" meets at the Center monthly. Their prograrn is a substitute for Medicare. The premium, prescription coverage, co-pa_ys and hnspital stays are discussed. • New Association Board Members xnd officers were elected at the January 6, board meeting. 17oland Williarns is President for one year, Pat VanRoy is Viee-President, 1"aun Clark is Secretary and Jnyce Ohanesian is Treasurer for two years. ~ Spakane County LiUrary iaistrict Spokane Valley Library Ser.vices and District Support , Report to the City of Spokane Valley December 2004 . R Customer use measures, Distxict-wide Use of "traditional" 1.iUrary services in 2004 was very similar to 2003. Total circulation yvas virtually the saine; howev@r holds on library matei-ials juinped 7.1 °0. Ies the opinian of many staff that c,ustomers are better able to hone in on what they'rc loaking for because of the power of the cahalog, and as a result they borrow fewer materials. A combinadon of customEr-placed tlolds (64% of the total of 238,537) and dhe option at some branches for self-pickup and self-checkou.t also provides ]ess af an opportuuuty for browsing and picking up iinpulse items. Library visits were up 3%, pragrams and group visits wcre up 2% bul- attendance was down 1%. The final reference inquiry drop fram 2003 was 6%, much imprdvEd frotn March's 16% year-to-date drop. On the other hand, those services relating to i.nformation technalogy showed strong overall inereases. Technalogical surrogates for traditional services-database retrievals and referEnce via the Wcb- were up 4.8% a.nd 19.3% respectively. dnlinc renewa]s jumped 65°!0, now comprising 5.3% of tatal circulation, hig}ier than thc circulation of five brick and rnortaz branches. Internet wQrkshation bookings, which had increascs in the double cligits since inception, were up a respectable 8°rb as ~ computEr availability maaces out. Web site user sessions werc up 28.9°ro to 345,155 and page vicws were up 77% at 603,425. J Cusfiomer use measuxes, Greater Spokane Valley For the three libraries most used by Spokane Valley residents, customer use measures continue to be mixed, and continue to be impaeted by the loss of City of Liberty LakE customers. The latter wori t be a factor in 2005. In mcasures where year-ta-date use is lower than 2003, the rate of decline has lessened throughout• the yrar. Selected December 2004 Statistics Cirrulation Door count Reference Progam Internet t.n uiries Attendance Boolci.n s Y1'D Y'1'D to YTD YTD to Y'T'D YTD to YTD YI [7 ro YTD YrT) to 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 Total SCLD 1,824,349 -0.4% 902,826 f3.6% 247,998 -6.5iu 51,256 - U.$ro 184,284 +8,0% Valley 516,063 - S.Q ro 251,$91 -3.5 io 77,453 -12.0% 11,912 -f-1.4°1'0 60,606 +4.4 ro Ar onnc 119,945 -3.4°6 77,566 +3.9% 11,138 -12.1 % 2,067 -5.3i6 14,079 +3.896 Otis 96,897 -11.1 % 47,736 -12.4% 7,630 -38.0 r°'o 2,071 -34.1 % 8,512 +0.195 Subtotal 732,905 -5.6 % 377,793 -3.3% 96,221 -14.8`16 16,050 -5.830 83,197 +3,8 m SCLD 40.2% Page 1 of 6 December ltegistered Customers by Branch of Registration 2004 Total % of SCLD YT'D Change 0% Adult % Youth from 2003 Total 99,561 -7.4% 73% 27% SCLD Valle 33,815 34.0% -9.1% 76% 24% Argonne 9,022 9.110 -9.696 7696 24% Otis 5,330 5.4l0 -15.1% 66% 344b Subtotal 48,167 4$.4% -9.6% At branches serving Spokane Valley residents... Itegional Summary (Ellett Miller, regiottal »utnager): Summary: Appr.oval of the Spokane Valley library services conh•ar.t was the hig}i poi.nt of the month for custan,ers and sta.ff alike. The level of spantanepus support shown .For District services and programs was wel] beyond anything that we've ever befare experienced and is a teshament to the excellent customer service staff have consistently providcd over thE years. As with eac11 December, library use took a down turn fram the previous months as everyone prepaxed fpr tl-ie hol:idays and school vacations began. Informatinn services/Adult services (Karen 13yrne, regiottal srtperuisor): Reference qucstions always get more interesting when thc pace slows down-we flave had some an road kill and allegeci , nucrowave testing al• Fai.rchild among others. I was surprised at tlow busy it remauned be(ore Christmas, and as usual, the week between the holidays was filled with lntemet usErs and paper writers. Quite a few stockers-up on fiCNon were in as well. 1 am working on Ei.ndutg a Valley History program for February, withaut a boeked speaker as yet. Youth Services (Mary Eliert Braks, regiottal sttpervisor): Storytinles i.n t'te region went well witli group numbers di•opping the closer we got to the holidays. Weedi.ng continued at branches, wTith manv items mpved to Va.l.ley vr reassignEd to ot•her branches. The After School Specials-a cookie decoratulg craft-was hTell received. 4Vork cantinued on thc January After School Special ar1d on the L.emony Snicket party. Valley (Elleti Miller, reginnal irranuger): The Uiggest news for Valley (and the Iaistrict) was that we would be able to have a Valley Library serving the camnlunity. 7'he outpouring of support from the commun.itiy was amacing. There could have Ueen no beti-er a tcstimonial l•o the value of a library to its community as the imnlediate grassrQOl's support tihat rose up to support the library services offered by tlte District. Most Valley infarmadon staff inembers were able to go on Outreach runs so they can fill in for Outreach staff when needed. 75 first graciers from Adams elementary school came for a tour ana stories. 18,544 new books and auclio-visual items were added to Valley's materials collection in 2004, a record number, and 25.74% of the District total of 72,030 items (which is aiso a record). Of those added at Valley, 8,263 were youtl1 materials and 11,732 adult rcading levels. Argonne. (judy Lrrck, branch supervisor): The final years' stoxytunes featured Christmas stories and 1-ianukkah. The After School Special on d_ecorating coakies and holiday games was a lot of fun for all who aitended, including the parents. Displ.ays featurcd "quick stories for a hectic season," and the books went out quickly too. 41-1 ti1e display table wc, fEatured cluldren's Uooks about libraries and Page 2 of 6 librarians, and loward the end of the month 1 put out some of my favorite cluldren's books. 1'he fi•ame i.n the children's area displayed artwork from City School, ambitious projects about books and rcad'u1g. Circulation staff was checrcd by a visit froni Santa risht before Christmas. He came into the library in full dress and proreeded with his fiiends to wrap presents al one of thc tables. Turncd out t.he gifts weren't dPSti.ned for ulyone here, but they all enjoyed seeulg khe "old" guy (who in real.ity was prabably a high school or college Student). It ntade their day! OMs Orcha:rds (Bev Rergstram, branch supervisur): We had 17 people at our AftEr School Special. 7'hat's nigh unto a record for us (not coiu-iting puppet shaw attendancc). Our kids lovcd the cookies. fldulr r_nysrerics, science ficrion, and fantasy were weeded, and a report showed how much circulation of large print books has increased sa.nce the collcction size was increased. Oirtreaclr (Annette Eberleiri, srrpervisor): Because of the positive respense from SCLD branches staff, 100 duplicate large print titles were prepared for distr-iUution to branchcs. Outreach staff has reviewed the SCT.,D Strategie Plan and developed gaaLs to personally contriUute to the SCLD strategic plan in 2005. Storytimes will bc- added in Januazy for a diildcare in Cheney and service will resunle to Bethany Place. 11 new homebound customers were added. Am-iette worked with Beth Gillespie on updafing Outreaeh pronlotional malerial. WE are planning on a portable display board to use to pi•omote Outreach Serv.ices at workshops and conferencES. Qutreach read and provided library education to an audience of 9,997 kids in 2004. Quote from a long-tuiie SCLU customcr but new to H:omebound Out,•each: "Large type Unoks by rna_il for me to read and books for me to read to my g-randkids, now that's a real Cltrishnas Gift, Sa.nta." Friends o£ the Library A.i.rway Heights: The Airway Heights I'riends had a very successful book sale, netfing over $800, Thcy are seeing a renewed interest in the Friends, with several new peoplc attencli.ng their meetuig. Moran Prairie: The Moran Prairie Friends participated in the USPS baok program for the first ti.me- the local post ofEice just started collecti.ng these books. T'hey did a bit nf adverkising via their email list and with posters to call attention to books that might Ue suitable for gift giving, and salES were very steady. North Spokane: The North Spokane Friends held a very successful Christmas book sale, making over $2,700 and bringing their coffers up to around $15,000. There were several new Friends who came to the fvl.law-up meeting, so we iray see a change in leadership. Ambitiously, they are planning for tYuee book sales next year. AmbitiousLy, we Expect to spend a gaod chunk of their money re-doulg thc clzildren and teen areas. Otis Orchards: The Otis Orchards Frieilds gave a huge poinsettia and volunteered to re-cover the childreri s aonut table bench to match the chair and a half thal they purchased for us 13st inonth. Valley: Vallc:y Fricnds brought in goodies fQr kfle Vallep staff die day that the contract was signed with the City, as well as a holiday vase wi.kh flawcrs that was kcpt at the fr.ont dcsk. O • Library materials • 4,290 items were added to the collection, bringing the rotal added For the year to a record 72,030; 82,541 outdated, worn, or l,ittle-used itenns were deleted fi•oar the dataUase during the year. • 981 titles and 2662 copies were ordered during December, with orderutg intermittent wid Caxefully ~ rvatched as we motutored thE budgel• to try to match expenciitures and remauling funds. ■ Thom Barthelmess selected and ordered about 700 videos for a new collection to be housed at Outreach. It will be rch•ospect7ve materials, including old black and white films. Page 3 of 6 • Lyn selected a numUer af possible inaterials for the new emphasis on small business resources to be ordcred i,n early 2005. • Three booklisY drafts were edited, revised, and sent for product-ion in January: Cat LavErs Guide to Good Reads, Dag-Person's T3ooklist, 1nd Black MysYery Series Authors. ■ Bodk/materials display posters for January and February wall be Start the New Year Right and Black History Month. I'rogramming . VVnrk continued on the plans for the new cnovie prog-rams at Norrh Spokane and Val.ley beginivng in April: For d-ie Love of Movies a.nd on Read It Forward 5pokane. Technical Services We'rF testing a free offer from a database vendor for loading link-s in our catalog t11at scarch the Literature Re<source Center database. Interlibrary Loan We lent 509 items to other libraries and borrowed 253 items for our customers. Ow• collection work is paying off; we are borrawing less and ]ending more than tWro years ago. Other ■ Plars for staffing to hantile the Moran I?ra'trie materials purchasing were reviewed. Haurs will be added for present staff rather than addi.ng more people. ■ Yauth services coord'ulator Thom Barthclmess has been asked tio serve as one o( thxee jurors for rivo new Washington Statc Book Awards for young people. The program is adininistered by t11e Waslungtnn Center for the Book at Selttle Public Library. , DMINISTRATIO Spokane Valley library services The outstanding Spokane Valley libra.ry services agreemEnt issues included in the City Counril's November 30 approval motion were resolved and the document was approved by the District's 13oard Af Trustees at a special meeting on December 1. All parties had signed by December 13. Regional manager Ellen MillEr and I met with City staff on December $ to begin disCUSSing plans for future coorduzaHon and communicahion, as well as wha would bc prunary liaison uz each organi•r.ation. In sunlnluy: • Ellen will be the I7istrict's primary liaison; deputy city manager 1\jina Regor will be the City's. • We'll conkunue fio provide the City with pr.ogr.am information, iiews relea5es, E3oard meeli.ng agendas and mu-tutcs, and a monthlp report. We'll begin to provide copies of written CUStOIIteP COnllClpntS. • We offered to provide a designated area of the Valley Library public bulletin board Eor City information, as well as to serve as a distribution poiail for a_n.nou.nc:emenLs, brochures, and other printed information. ~ Wc suggested. that Valley Library's reference depar.t-menY could serve as a location for public acccss to city ciocunlents such as the compr.ehensive plan, the city code, zoning code, etc. We also cliscussed. plans fAr the Valley LiUrary 50t" anniversary year in 2005, vvluch will kick off with a January 12 apen house event and have several othEr programs throughout the year New Moran I'rairie Library Page 4 of 6 Two project committee meeti.ngs t•ook place i.n December far a final review of ulterior design plans and d1e fuial construction docurlent review prior to subnuthal to Board of Trustees approval, which occur.red at the December 21 regular meeking. Plans will be available to contractors on january 7.0, with a February 8 Uici apening scheduled. The landlord was notified that we'll be exercising a one-year Extension af d1e shopping center lease, through March 31, 2006. This gives us a couple of monkhs after the targeted opcnuzg date for the new librai•y, in the event that there are any bidduzg or constructiAn issues. Muran Prairie annexaNon mitigation agreement The annexaHon matigation agreement that perrai.ns to al.l furure City of Spokane annexations in the Moran/Glenrose Urban Growth Area was apprQVed by the City of Spokane publ.ic works cam.mittee, t11e City CpunCil, Spol•ane Public Library's Board of Tiustees, and the SCLD Board during the m.onih. This agreement piggybacks an the prior govcrnment transidon agTeement required by tlle Growth lvlanagenzent Act that was executed in 2003. • ONS (BETH GILLESPIE, CO • • Continued to participate in the redesigr► of the SCLD web sitE. ■ Coordinateci Valley Library 50th Anniversary January open house plaruzing and publicity. • Drafted and distributed Spokane Valley library services agreement signing news release in coord.i.nat7on wi111 City. ■for lhe upGOming Was]Zington Library Association conference, drafted and edil•ed rhe registration form and preliminary progranz nlail.ing; coordinated prQduction and posting of the b1rLA 2005 Conference Web site; and coordulated mailing contents with outside arganizations. O HumAN r ■ Feviewed 2004 accident rFports, with only onE reportable injury apprQpriate for i,nclusion in Y11e OSI-IA 3001og. • lnteeviewed For tklree page positions. • Conlpleted United Way and insurance open e-iirollment projects. $5,786.00 was paid ar pledged to United Way for 2005. • The new HRIS (ABRA) has been implemented from the HR side, but there are still some gIitches affecting payroll, delayuZg full implementation and integration. ■ Began revising a nu.mber of personnel polieies for Board cqnsideration. INr-ORIMATION • • • Softiware station insta.llation was finished in Dcccmber, with new and upgradecl computers provid'u1g all the soft-,vare the Gates Foundation donated to the District on all machi.nes and the ability for custonlers to savE their work on a variety of inedia. • Telus booking and time control sofhvarc was updated to the current version. • Web site redesign meetings with iPowerPlant cantinued. ■E-rate funding approval was receivcd for the currcnt federal fiscal yeax. • Work continued on Exchange server implementation and nlainte»ance; 1T staff were canverted to Exchange accounts, •`I'he telecommunications audit report from Northwest Gapital Recovery ar.rived and Priscilla bggan to work toward i.mplementation (BILLSARGENT, . Page 5 of 6 • The Collection Sei-vicES phase of the project to re-carpet and pair►t the Adniinistrakive Of.fices was contpleted December lyLh. •'l'he service agreements for the new postage mEters have bten completed. The current leases - expirc in early 2005. The new m3chines will comply with the neW requirement of the United States I'QStal Service (LTSPS) to implemenh Digital systems. No significant cost increases aze anHcipatcd. ■ The 2003 audit report was released in early Dccember, and as expected, ihere were no finclings. • Progress on the Abra HR/PR project eontinues. The pay-period-ending (PPE) data for October, November and the first DecembEr payrolls have been entered into the Abra payroll system. The xesult,s of this process have bee.n compared with the actual data processed through the MAS-90 system and corrective acaans have been takcn as necessary. The next phase of the project is to validatie that Abra is corrECtly computing vacadon a.nd sick leave accruals. Due to the complexities of the conversion, is eapected hhat the conversion will not take place Luitil July 1, 2005. • Completed projects include the 2005 budget, 2005 TANs issue, and confir.mat7on tihat 2004 debt service on the 1996 General Obligation Bonds was camplel•ed, and_ 2004 7'AN's principal and interest was repaid Note: Tlus report is cxcerpted from the Uecember 2004 reporl• l•o the Spokane County T ibrary District Board of Trustees with added i.n.formation speci.fically related to Spokane Valley library services. Page 6 of 6 ~ Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave. December 9, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER Planning Commission Chair Gothmann called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present lan Robertson - Present David Crosby - Present John G. Carroll - Excused Absence Gail Kogle - Present IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the December 9, 2004 agenda be approved as presented. Commissioner Kogle seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES lf was moved by Commissioner Gothmann and seconded by Commissioner Blum rhat the minutes of the November 18, 2004 Planning Commission meeting be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Kogle announced that the Light Rail Citizens' Advisory Committee will reconvene in February 2005. Commissioner Gothmann attended two City Council meetings since mid- November. At the last Council meeting, Ms. Sukup presented a framework plan for development of the Unified Development Code. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS - Ms. Sukup called the Planning Commissioners' attention to the Advanced Agenda which was handed out earlier this evening. As the - J Comprehensive Plan works its way through the Planning Commission and City Council, careful tracking of each element will be necessary. During the break between early-December and mid-January, Afls. Sukup requested that the Planning Commissioners study the "Schedule of Permitted Uses" which was enclosed in their meeting packets. She would like the Commissioners to study the charts and help fill in blanks. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. B. NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearinq: Stormwater Ordinance Chairman Gothmann opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. He explained proper procedures for a formal hearing to those assembled, and then turned the hearing over to staff for an overview of the Stormwater Ordinance. Mr. John Hohman, Senior Engineer, introduced himself to the Commission and presented a PowerPoint slide show regarding the background of Stormwater Management in the Spokane Valley. He showed the Commission photos of flooded streets and parking lots due to insufficient storm drainage systems, and addressed concerns about contamination of the aquifer. The City of Spokane Valley does not have a comprehensive storm drain system, and has adopted the Spokane County Guidelines for Stormwater Management. The City has no underground piping system, depending upon swales for stormwater filtration and drainage. There is an immediate need to amend the current standards, and the City wants to put its own Stormwater Utility together. The intent of the draft Ordinance is to minimize the degradation of water quality in surtace and groundwater; reduce the impact caused by development; promote site planning and develvpment practices consistent with topographical and hydrological conditions; and protect public and private property used and dedicated for stormwater management. Thresholds for regulated activities, which are missing from the Spokane County Guidelines, would be implemented. The City's authority for developing standards, reviewing developments, and preparing conditions of approval are clarified in the draft Ordinance. The Planning Commission asked for clarification of the following issues in the draft ordinance: , 2 ~ Section 2.17 (paqe 2): Mr. Hohman was asked to provide a more detailed definition of "indoor pollutants". In addition, clarification of the role of roofs as a PGIS was suggested. Section 5(paqe 4): After a discussion regarding the method in which property owners are notified of their responsibility for the maintenance of a swale, it was suggested that swales be tied to easements so that the information will show up on a title report and realtors and citizens will be aware of swale maintenance responsibilities early in transfer of property. Section 6(paqe 5): Mr. Hohman was asked to clarify the language in the first paragraph regarding design elements. It was not clear to several Commissioners. Section 11 (pape 8): It was suggested that the language in Part A be rewritten so that it is clear the property owner is only responsible for the maintenance of veQetation surrounding a swale on their property. Mr. Hohman suggested inserting the provisions that go on the face of a plat in this section. , Other issues of concern discussed: use of emerging technologies, in addition to swales, for stormwater maintenance; City responsibility for swale installation and maintenance in the case of street widening projects; and the approval of stormwater design and maintenance at a business construction before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued compared to that of the final inspection at a residence. The hearing was open to public testimony at 7:30 p.m. There being no one present to testify, the hearing was closed to public testimony at 7:30 p.m. Commissioners requested that they be given an opportunity to see their suggested revisions in writing before forwarding a recommendation to City Council. Commissioner Gothmann moved that the Planning Commission table further discussion of fhe Stormwater Ordinance and continue the Public Hearing on Thursday, January 13, 2005. Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing on the Stormwater Ordinance was tabled at 7:40 p.m., to be continued on Thursday, January 13, 2005. 3 The Commission took a ten-minute break in preparation for the - Sign Code Study Session. Studv Session: Revised Sign Code Ordinance. Commissioner Crosby served as Chair of the Ad Hoc Sign Committee. Other members present were: Eldonna Gossett, Duane Halliday, John Johnston, Ray Perry, David Quinn and Denny York. A Power Point presentation was shown to give the Planning Commission background on the work of the Sign Committee. Mr. Johnston pointed out that Evergreen had been omitted from the aesthetic corridor list on the slide. Ms. Sukup agreed to correct that omission. Questions and comments from the Planning Commission included: 1. How does a billboard cap and replace policy work for other cities? Mr. Halliday brought the idea from Boise, Jdaho, and is not aware of how it works in any other city. 2. Is a mural considered part of the sign area? Sign area is defined as "copy area", so the mural is not a part of the tota! ~ space allowed for wriften adverfising. 3. Does this policy cover addresses on the sides of buildings? No. The Fire Department requires outside addresses, so they have no place in fhe City sign regulations. 4. Does this policy address signs that are not meant to be readable from the street? No, but the Committee did discuss fhis issue at lengfh. 5. Are seasonal decorations addressed in this policy? Are they considered signs? They are not addressEd in this policy, buf perhaps ought fo be confained in fhe "Temporary Sign" section. 6. What about temporary real estate signs and non-profit signs. Temporary real estate Signs are included as Temporary Signs. 7. Table 7.01, page 5: The chart does not really clarify the total number of signs a business can have on its premises. Can they have one of each: wall sign, pole sign and ; monument sign? This sectron needs to be clarrfied. 4 There was a lengthy conversation regarding aesthetic corridors and the billboard cap and replace policy. Ms. Sukup reminded Planning Commissioners that these two sections of the Code are contingent upon adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendments. In the meantime, the sections of the Revised Sign Code which address billboards and aesthetic corridors will be removed and a statement that the sections are "Reserved" will replace them. Commissioner Gothmann stated that he was impressed with how much clearer this proposed ordinance is compared to the several sign codes he downloaded and studied in preparation for this session. He is, however, passionately concerned that we are not looking far enough down the road at how we want our City to look as it grows (10-20 years from now) and that we are proposing a sign code which would merely maintain the status quo. He doesn't think that is what Valley citizens want, Commissioner Blum would like to see the City head toward creation of a more aesthetically pleasing community, instead of simply creating a revised sign code that makes it easier for the business community to advertise. The Revised Sign Code will be moved to Public Hearing before the Planning Commission on January 13, 2005. / X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Robertson thanked Eldonna Gossett, Director of the Valley Chamber of Commerce, for being present. Ms. Gossett stated that she has been impressed with the clarity that is coming out of City meetings. Commissioner Crosby will be a guest on her KSPN radio talk show tomorrow on a segment called "Signs in the City". Commissioner Robertsvn will speak at the December 17Ih Chamber meeting on the topic "Season of Sharing". XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Debi Alley, Administrative Assistant William H. Gothmann, Chairman 5