2005, 02-24 Special Joint Council/BOCC Meeting •r ~ 7 _ 0000 *6@pe ;*$'Valley CIT'Nr QF SPOKANC VALLFY AGENDA Joint Cior Counril/ 5pokane County Commission Nleeting 'i'hursday, February 24, 2005 12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Spokane Valley Council Chambers 11707 E. Sprague Av4}nue, Spokanc Val1ey, WA 99206 DISCUSSION AGENDF+ ITEMS INCLUDE: • Status uf Commuriity Development Block Gtant Funding Montgomery Project (eastem portion): mquesied $439.850 - received $358,976 r Status of $1.6 miilion swimming pool(unds Can it tae used for anything ather than construr.ting af a new pool? : Status of vacant land ownerl by the County within Spokane Valfay City Limits Property that may have been purchased with mad tax funds • Radio Communications Sysiems - update on ssa;us : 911 Doard Posibc►1 ~ Transter of Wastewates Cailectiaiz Systern to Spn*ane Vailey SPOKANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPOKANE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 1116 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99260-0100 (509) 477- 2265 COMMISSIONERS' DAILY MEETING CALENDAR WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 25, 2005 . 'Accessibl2 via the fntemet e(: hif_o:Llvww.soekanecoimtv.wst/commissionQrslindox.htm 7t{E flOARD A£SERVES THE R1GHT TO TAKE'ACTOON' Otl ANY RElA USTEO ON THE UAILY MEEI'IMC CALE04DAR THE TERIdINOIOGY'ACTDOM AieANS TO DEUBERATE, 6JSCUSi, CONS[DER RC•VIeIN, EYALUAiE, A.4D TAKE A FINAL ACTtON. THE DOARD FUR7HER RESERVES THF REGNT TO !-0OlD AN E%ECVfNE SESSION AS AUIHOR2ED BY LAW FOR FJ1Y ITElA, TttE EOARO MAY CO?YIYNUE ANY SCHEDULED MEETING BY POS71NCa ON OR NEAR THE D0052 OF THF MEETING THE TUAE httD PUtG[ OF 7HE OONTINUEfl IAEETING. MEETING LOCATIONS ARE fdENTF1ED Otd THE DAILY 1dEEMG CAd.ENUAR. MEETING LOCATIOdIS MAY DE CJWNGED. A181' CFIANGE Il! MEETING LOCATION VJII,I. EIT}IER ' EE ANNOUNCED BY TNE CHAIRPERSON OR BE POSl=O ON OR NEAR THE DdOR OF THE SCHEDAILED MEETING LOCAYION. AP1Y PN1tOUxCEh1EN7 OR POSTING tiVILl. IDENTIFY TM@ NEl"! IdGETING LOCATIOJl. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21 PresidenYs Day - County Offices Closed TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9:30 A.M. CEO-Board Briefing 1. Ron Kole - Public Information & Communications • Standardization of County Forms 2. District Caurt Judge - Position No. 6(CONTINUED TO 2/23/05 AT 3:30 PM) 3. Other Matters 10:30 A.M. Relocation of Spokane County Parks & Recreation Department - Doug Chase - Parks Dept. 2:00 P.M. Commissioners' Board Meeting/Non-Hearing Items Commissioners' Hearing Room, Public Works Building, 1026 W Broadtivay Ave 2:30 P.M. Appointed Department Directors' Pb9eeting Conference Room 26, Public Works Building, 1026 W Broadway Ave WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 3:30 P.M. District Court Judge,- Position No. 6(CO.NTINUED FROM 2/22/05) 4:00 P.M. Potential Litigation - Jim Emacio THURSDAY.FEBRUARY24 12:00 P.M. Meeting with Spokane Valley City Council Redwood Plaza, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 1) Radio Communications Systems - Update on Status. 2) Status of CDBG Funding - Montgomery project (Eastern portion) - requested $439,850 - received $358,976. 3) Status of $1.6 million pool funds - Can it be used for anything oiher than construction of a new paol? 4) Status of vacant land ovrned by the County within Spokane Valley City limits that may have been purchased vrith road tax funds. 5) 911 Board Position. 6) Transfer of wastewater coll@ction systern to Spokane Valley. . 1:30 P.M. Board of Health Meeting Spokane Regional Health District, 1101 W College Ave 5:30 P.M. Spokane Transit Authority Board Meeting (STA) Spokane City Council Chambers, 808 W Spokane Falls Blvd FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25 No meetings scheduled with two or more Commissioners i , s-1956.i - SENATE BILI, 5887 State of Washington 59th Leqislature 2005 Regular Session By Senators Kastama, McCaslin, Delvin, Rasmussen, Schoesler anci McAul:iffe Read first time 02/11/2005. Re,f.erred to Comrnittee on Government Operata.ons & Elections. 1 AN ACT Relating to a pilot program on interoperable communication 2 systerns; and creating new sections. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGTSL'A'FURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 4 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. Through the es-Lablishment of the state 5 interoDerabi].ity executive comrniL'tee, the legislature cx'eaL'ed the 6 authoxity to rea,uire all state agenca.es to have interoperabl.e 7 communication systems. Wha.le the .l.egislature intended to give the 8 cammittee the authozity to mandate interoperable communi.eation systems 9 among a1i state agencies, the legislature zecognizes the autonomy ot 10 laca.l. gover.nrnents, and therefore understai3ds thar the pejiding 11 interoperable communicata.on standards establ'Lshed by the cot'nmittee, as 12 applied to local governments, are currently advisory rather than 13 mandatory. 14 While the pending interoperable corimiun? cation .,tandards established 15 by the commiltee are advisory to J.ocal governments, it i.s iinportant lb that l.ocal governments undErstand the importance of followi.ng the 17 direction set by the COmIT11ttEE. TO zssist loca], governments to 18 ui-iderstand thi.s need and to rnoti;rate parti.cipata.on, the leqislatur.e is 19 estab].a.s>>a.ny a local government interoperaba.].itv corrununication systern p. 1 . SB 5887 1 pilot proqram. The .l.eyislature intends ro limit the pi1.ot program to 2 a countv pub:lic safety agency that deve:l.ops a funding Partnex'sh:i.p among 3 £ede.zaa., state, and local government. 4 The leyislature intends that the pilot p,r.og,r.arn demonstrate to 5 local governrnents throughout the state of Washington the value of 6 implernenting the pendi.ng a.nteroperabi.la.ty standards being established 7 by the committee. 8 NEG? SECTrON. Sec. 2. (1) On or before July l, 2006, the state 9 interoperaba.lity. Executive committee, in consu].tation with the 10 intorrnation services board, shaa.l award a five million dolZax yrant to 11 one covnty public sa.f.ety agency. The agency shall be part of a county 12 witin a poFulatian over four hiindred ttnousand. The gxani: shall be 13 designed to assist a county public safety agency with developing a 14 communication system that a.s capable of interoperating with state 15 agencies, and other local governments. 16 (2) To be Eligible for the gzant, the county public saf.ety agency 17 shall: 18 (a) By July 1, 2006, be awarded, or prove i.ntent to be awarded, a 19 minimum of fi.ve million dollars from the federal govex'ntnent 20 specS.fi.cally for the purpose of partneri.ng with the state of Washington 21 to 5.mplement an interoperable communication systern; 22 (b) Between July Z, 2004, and Ju'ly 1, 2006, enact, by the vote o.f 23 the peopie, a countywide measure to fund puba.ic safety communa.cation 24 equa.pment thaC raises a minimum of five rnillion dollars; 25 (c) Agree that all commianication equipment purchased by the pub.l.ic 26 agency, .Eor the purposes of the pilot program, shall be digital 27 equiprnent that Complies with P25 standaz'ds established by the 26 association of pub:la.c safety communicata.ons officials, national 29 association of state telecommunication directars, and federal 30 governrncnt agencies, commonly re.Eer.red to as "APCO/NASTD/FED"; and 31 (d) Comply with a11 current and future interoperab:i.lity 32 communication standard$ adopted by the state inreroperability executive 33 commi-ttee. 34 NEW SECTZQN. Sec. 3. Tf specific fuilcfing for the ptirposes of 35 funding the grant, uncfer section 2 of t}lis act, in an amount af at I.east; 36 five million cIo].1.ars, is not protiideci bv appropriation to the state SB 5887 p. 2 . 3 a.nteroperability execuCYVe cornunitLee oi) or befote July 1, 2006, or i.f 2 a grant is not awaxded uncler section 2 of this act on or before 3uly 1, 3 2006, the Zocal government interoperability communication SySL"EP11 pilot 4 program is null and voicl. END p. 3 SB 5887