2005, 03-01 Study Session , ~--1 ~-e C.,(J~C ~ :1GENDA C17'1 OF SPCIKANE VAl.1.F 1' C71'1'1' COUNCIL «'C)KtiSHEET srt~DYsEssIoN Tacsday, hlarch i, 20115 6:00 p.m. Ci'I'Y [LALL AT ItEllN'UOL PLA'LA 11707 Esxt 5praguc Avcnue, First Floor IPlcayc Turn (?(f All Elcctronic Dcvicrs Duriag thr'Ncetingl I)ISCCISSEON LE..AIIER tiCiB.►1:C'I'~ ACTIVI I'1' GnAi. 1 Atc►rina Sukup Frccdmjsn. Tunb d. Bduamlcg+ PRl;Cnllliltiil (3(1 cninutes) Rrde-vclnpmrnt C1p:ion.<-'Sprague Corritlc,r ~ Carv L?rskrll (15 mLnutw 1 Utsuzcorp.yration Statutc--• biscussio►i.lnfortua[iuu ? h4nrin.l Suknp (10 minutes) Propcised Renumnenn.- Ordinance- Uniform i}iscussmn'Iniiirmatinn Devriopmrnt t'ocir 4 tirek M cCormick'Scvtt Re-rorw af l:umpre}?,:»ti:vt• YI: rEIrrrerr;, I l.:+mi (►i~::i~,;i:~n~tui,.~r1?~titi.,r: Kuhtu Itif► njinutcs? Lisr. Tr,tnq►cirtntinn} 1d1:{lI'.111: 1~1~~E16~S~~(2''Illi+l;lilitfl~~:; f~ L)i1\,CN1CTc1CFII]]IJl1:C5) LUUIlc11CliGtik ili ~)1~Clltiti~un'I«t~1iTL.lI1Jc7 ? (1It"_ k'lC.'C1L; f~ lT]l:ll]Iesj Ci?*!1CIl-II?i :)25LUS~lC~ri'lnf'~RIicl:IQ:I .1'otr: lfpltss otherwise aoted abme, therr mill bc nn pqb}!c commenh at ('ouncll titurf-. tiessinn% flcmncr. Canoci) atw-scs rrserves the rtgdt to requrst taformstftm lratn ebt puhUc rnd uaft as apprnpnstr. I N011CE: bkirvukuh pimnit~ to rcttcnd the mecttng w6v tewuur ryxrld 2e08cauuc 1+, ur.:•urrsnuxS.stc ptwsi:.41. Hemin;, ur auicr unpatnnrnb. plowre.onuct ~ i!r Crty ('J~~rt ~t (~►i 9_`!-i ~Ki ~ ai o~~~a ac prns~tr an Dun arrnngcmcnas mav Ac rnadc ~CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~-'Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 1, 2004 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ~ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Freedman, Tung & Bottomley, LLC, Briefing, Michael Freedman GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On September 20, 2004, Michael Freemen, Freedman, Tung & Bottomley, LLC, as a member of the ECONorthwest consulting team, met with stakeholders to discuss redevelopment options along the Sprague Corridor. He subsequently reported the finding to the City Council on September 21, 2004. Mr. Freedman will have met with stakeholders and members of the public at a public meeting held March 1, 2005, at 2:00 p.m. OPTIONS: NlA RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS None. ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . J `-Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 1, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ infarmation X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Staff Report on Disincorporation Statutes GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.15 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Council has requested information on the statutory procQSS necessary to disincorporate a City. This is spelled out in detail in the memorandum drafted by Legal Intern Joshua Leonard, attached to this RCA. Additionally, legal staff can provide answers to any questions the Council may have as to election-related issues that may be involved. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attomey; Joshua Leonard, Legal Intern ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum on disincorporation ~j S`p6rane ;oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley W!A 99206 5D9,921.1000 ♦ Fax; 509.921.1008 ♦ cityliaftspokanevalley.orp, Memorandum To: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attomey; Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Joshua Leonard, Legal Intern CC: Date: January 31, 2005 Re: Disincorporation. 1. HIST0.121' OF DISINC'nI2PURA'CICaN 1~T WASH1-NG°1'UN STA`l'E The last recorded use of the stanitory authority of a city to disincorporate was exercised in 1972, when the eicy of Westlalcc; in Grant County disincorporate_d.1 There has never been an fl involuntai-y ciisincoiporation in Che State o('`Vashingtpn. Pursuant to the Rcvised Code of Waslungton (TZCIND, disincorporation "[a]ctions taken under chapter 35A.15 RCtiV n1a), be 5ubject to Potentiai revie.w by a boundar}r review boartt."2 U. STATUTORY AUTHORITY The, authority for a nonchar[er cocle city to disincorporate is found in RCW 35A.15.010. Fursuant ta that statute.; "[a]ny noncharter code city may be disincorporated."3 The methods f4r initialing the process of dislllcorporaiion, the stah2tory rcquircments for the disincorporation process, au7c1 ihe efjtcts of clisincorporatian are (liscussccl in subseyuEnt section5. L[l. PKESC1t11iLll N1L`l'1-IOUS FOR I\iIT[AITON Ol+ ll1SiNCOlt1'U1tAT10N ' Washington Secretary of State. However, the ivlunicipal Research & Services Celiter of Washington (M RSC), "Fucus BrieF. Uisincorporation," llecember 1999, ]is[s the most recenc Washingtnn municipal disincorporation as being the cit}, of Elbertson (in Whitman County) in 1965. ' RCW 35A,13,001; see also Op. Atty. Gen'1: Nlo. 56 (1976), ' RCW 35A.15.0 10. Tlie statule that grancs authority for a noncharter code r•ity to be disincarporated also provides the wa_ys in which voluntary disincorporation may be initiated. Another state statute, RCW 35A.15.110, describes the initiatiUn af involuntary disuicorporation proceclures. A. Voluntary Disincorpuration. Voluntary dislli corporation may be commenced eithe.r by a petitien of eity citiiens or by resolution of a ciry's legislaiive body. 1. Iiiitiation by Citizens' Petition 1n orcler to beoin the process of disincorporatioti by Petition, a petition for disuicorporation musi be filed with the county auditor. "1"o be effective in commencing the disincorporation process, the petition must be signcd by "a majority of the registered voters residcnt in such city."4 RCW 35A.01.040(8) pertains to the time period in which a petition must be filed for a determination of suff`iciency. Ii rcads: "Signatures fol_lowed by a date of signing which is more. than six months priar io the date of filing of t11e petition shal] be striclcen." RCW 35A.01.040(8). The practical e:f.fect of tiis provision is tlial a six montli time limit on the validity of a signature begins to toll as of the signing of that signature, and thal signatures that include a date older than sia months are "stale" and 'ulvalid. Altllough lherE is very littlc applicable case law on the broad issue of disincarporauori, one issue on which Washington courts have ruled is the issue of sianature validity. Specifcally, the issue wcis whethcr a citizen who had previously signed a pctition could withdraw his or her nanie 1:rorn that pecition.' On this issue the Supreme Court of Washington held in the aCtirmatiVc.6 ° 1tCW 35A.15.010. 3 State ex reL Mohr v, Citv cA Seattle: 59 Wash. 68, 71, 109 P. 309 (1910), citing Farish v, Collins, 43 1,1'ash. 392, 86 P. 557 (1906). 6 .ld. Subsequent Ir.gislative enaclments have refined thc requirernents to withdraw one's narne fi-om a pe[itiqn. In the Ciry of Spokane Valley, 47,729 residents weee registered to vote as of the NlOVemuer ~ . 2004 generzl election.i Thus; in orcle.r to satisf"y the petition sijnature requirement; 23,865 valid signa[ures of registered voters would bc rcquircd to initiate disincorporation. 2. Initiation hy the CiC}' Council As an aliernative to the petitio» method; the process of disinc4rporatian can bc commenced by a resolution of the city council.s B. lnvoluntary Disincorporation "f hc authority for the involuntary clisineorporation of a noncharter code city is found in RCW 35A.1 5.110, 4vhich reads (in pertinent parl): "A noneharter coclE cite may be involuntarily dissolved in the maruier provided in R.CW 35.07230, 35.07.240; 35.07.250; aiid 35.07.260 upon the eaistence of the conclicions siated in RCW 35.07.230."9 The conditions required to exisi bef-Qre involuntary dissolution of a noncliarter code city can occiLr includc : "[i]f any toNvii f'ails for iwo succcssive years to hold its regular municipal election, or if the officers elected at the regular election of any town fail for hwo successive years to qualify and the eovernment of the town ceases io function by reason „lo tliereof.... In the event any of these conditions are niet, "l'lle state auditor may pefitiAn the superior court of the cotinty for an arder, diSSOlving the town."" The remaiuing RCW provisions that relate to involuntary dissolution inclucle requiremenis as to the content of ttie state auditoc's petition for dissnlulicm, nocice requiremcnts, and guidelines for conducting a hearing on the matter.' ' W. FROCESSrS QF DiSINCORPORATI0N ' Spokane County Flcc[ions 17e.pariment, via email, December 13, 2004. 8 Id. RCW 35A.15.110. KCW 35,07.230. ~ " !d. 12 EZCW 35.07.230, 33.07.2a0, 35.07.250, and 35.07.260. The remaiitcler of the disincorporation process is the same for both petiiion-initiated disincorporatiQn and disincorporation iiiitiated by resolution ot'the city council. After passage of a resolution by the city council, or after receipt of the requisite number valid signatures on a pecition for disincorporation (that meets the standards for petitions as prescribed by the RCW), the legislative body [of the ci1:y] shall cause the proposition nfi ciisiiicorporation to be subuvtted to the vocers at the next oeneral election if one is to be held within one hundred aiid eighty days, or at a special election called for ihat purpose noc less than ninety days, nor more than one hundred and eigtity days, aC`ter the eertification of the petition, ar the passage oi: the resolution, as the case may be.1' `fhe applicable statutory Provisions also prescribe the proPer ballot format to be used in such an election upon the issue of disincQrporalion. Pursuant to statute, if a majority of the votes cast on the dissolution proposition are in favor of dissolution of the c.ity, the mutucipal corPoration "shall be dissolved upon certitication of the election results to itie office of the secretary of state,"14 which is gcnerally witliin 12-14 days after the date the election is held. V. EFFECTS UF l)IS[VCORPORATIU\T "The effect of disincorporation a(' a noncharter cocle cit}= shall be as provideci in RCW 35.07.090; 35.07.100, 35.07.110."iS A. General Effects ofl)isincurporntion Bv slahite, unon disincornoration a citv's powers and privile.ues are surrendered to the state. All of'ficcs within the city arc immediately dissolved, and the city is absolved of any fur.ther duty to the statc or co iriliabicants of the city.16 However; disincorporation does not impair 13 KCW 35A.15.020 (in Nerlincnt part). 14 RCW 3$A.15.040. 's RCW 35A. 15.050. 16 RC4V 35.07.090. the PE•irOC117a11Ce Of any contract the city enlered inro priar to disincarporation." All uneapired franchises remain in full effect. ' & Upon disincorporation, the streets c111CI I11gIlways of the eit}r pass into state coniroL The counLy board of commissioners can form the ten-itory eneompassin~; the roads inta a ne~v roacl district; or the territor_y can bc fuuiexed tn adjoining districts.' 9 B. Keccivcr -Flect'ion, Qualitications, and Duties If the city ha,s any oirtstanding liabilities or inclebtedness the Election of a receiver is required.'`0 According to statute; the election of a receiver shall coincide with the. eleciion on tlhe prapositioil of disincorporation.21 If the city is believed to have no outslanding liabilities, thus precludine ifie electiqn of a receiver, and it is later deteiniined lhat the eit), docs, ui fact, have uidebtedness or an outst.anding liability, auy i.nterested person may petition the superior cotu-t for tlie apPointment of a receiver. Unless the indebtedness or liability is discharged, the court shall appoint a receiver.22 1. Quali.ficatian of Receiver Tlie elecied receiver must yualify within ten days of the election by filing a bond in the amount of the audited indebtedness ana the established liabilities of the c;ity.23 If the person eiected recciver fails to yualif},, the superior courl of the county is to hold a hearing, and unless 1' RC:1,i 35.47.100. ~s Id. 19 RCW 35.07.110. The express statutory duties of a receivcr are outlined in ftCW 35.07.150, 35.07.160, 35.07.170, 35.07.180, and 35.07.220, ~ RC1,V 35A.15.020. RCW 33.07.140. '3 RCW 35.07.120. good causc is shown, the court shall appoint some suitable person to act a,.s reeeivcr.24 A person ~ appointed receiver by the court is likewise required to qualify by the filino of a bond.z' 2. Duties and Authorityr of Receiever . The duties ajid autllnrity of the receiver are outlined in RCW 35.07.150 (rcferenced by RCW 35A.1 5.070), and iucltide the righls, powers, ancl limitations provided For in RCW 35.07.160; 35.07.170, and 35.07.I80 (refercnced by RC4V 35A.15.070). The duties and authority of a receiver include: (a) Upon qualificatian, a receiver shall take passession of all the propert:y, mancy, vouchers, rccords, and books of the fonner municipality (RCW35.07.1 50). (b) The receiver shall wind up the affairs of the former municipality (RC`V 35.07.150). (c) The receiver shall have,authority to pay: • all outstanding warrants and boncis in the nrcler of their maturity (RCW 35.07.1 SO(1); • all lavvful claims against the forcne3• munieipality that have been auciiteci and allowed by the council (RCW 35.07.150(2)); • all lawful clainis prescnted within the lawful time linvts for the present.ment of such clzims, but no such claitn shall bc paid if not presented within sia nianths of the disincarporation election (RCW 35.07.150(3); • all claims that by final adjudicatian may be established as lawful claims against the corporation (RCW 35.07.150(4)). (d) The receiver may sue and bc sued, and is subject to suit iri all cases wherein the foniier inunicipality might have been sucd (RCW 35.07.160). 24 RCW 35.07.130. 25 ld. (e) The. receiver has authority to sell at public auecion (aftcr the requirernents of notice as in . propert_y sold oii execulioa b), the sheriff have been itiet) all propert}r of the formcr muiucipality except as is necessary for ihe receiver's use in winding up the affairs of the fornier municipality; and also excepting any property dedicated io public use. Personal property shall be sold for cash, but real propert}° may be sold eiihcr for all cash, or fpr one-half cash atid the remainder clue in deFerred paymenis; the final payment of which may not be paid lacer t11an onc year from tl1e date o(' sale. ln sucli a case, eille shall not pass until all deferrEd paynients are paid in full (RCW 35.07.170). (f) Thc rccciver shall liave authUritv to levv taxes on all taxable property in the same mar►ner and to the same ex[ent as the proner auchorities of the former city or town could have done liad it not been disincorpprated. "1`he receivel• shall also have authorit}, to receive the taxcs upon collection, and to apply them together vvitli ilie proceecis from the sale of property of the former . muiucipality co extinguish the obliga[ions of thc foriiier city nr town. After all of the lalXful clalliis against the fonner municipality havc been paid (excepiing bonds not yct due); no levy greatcr thaii fifty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value shall be made; nor slzall the levy be greater Chw-i sttffiCiellt to meel the aCCruing iiitcrest until the bqnds mature. VT. CONCLUSI.ON As denionstrated by the rarity c►f iiiunicipal disincorporation in Was}ungton, the. three methods to initiate disincorporation (the petition mEthod, the city council method, anci the ir►voluntary uiediod) present difficult obstacles. The rnimber of signatures required by the petition metlioci before a disincorporation propositipn can even be placed on the ballot is higli. The city council, by a majorinr vote, could resolve to put the issue to an election of city citizens. l I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 1, 2005 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business [ netiy business ❑public tiearirig ❑ informafion C) admin. report ~ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: ProposecS Renumbering Ordinance - Unifiorm Development Code GOVERNING LEGISLATION: WAC 365-195-800; RCV1r 36.70A_040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was briefed on the proposed Code on September 2, 2003, December 7, 2004, and January 11, 2005. BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (SVUDC) will eventually consolidate and integrate all regulations in a single document, including subdivision, zoning and development standards. Providing well-organized, concise, clear and readable regulations is important in ensunng uniform and c4nsistent interpretation and enforcement of City policies affecting land development and the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. In December 2004, staff had proposed the adoption of an outline to guide the development of the SVUDC. Following discussion with Code Publishing Company, it was determined that adoption of a Code framework was unnecessary, but that passage of an ordinance re- numbering those ordinances which had already been codified would be required. Various corrections in titles are also included, as well as provision for consolidating the provisions relating to the adoption of other laws, reference to hearing bodies, copies on file and liability in a single section applicable to all provisions in the SVUDC. The following table identifies the proposed renumbering. A number of ordinances currently under consideration will numbered appropriately when presented to City Council. Others which have yet to be codifiied will be identified for the Code cornpany. Sec From SVMC To SVUDC Title 10: To SVMC: 1 Planning Commission Tit. 2 Chap 2.55 an. 11 g1o.az.oi Hearing Examiner Tit_ 10 Chap. 10.35 Art_ I§. q~~, II § 70.02.02 2 10.35Ai0 3 Building 8 Construction ~ Tit. 10 Chap. 10.15 Art. t Art III 4 ~Excz+vadon. Fil1 & Grading Tlt. 10 Chap. 10.15 Art. II ,4rt IX § 10.09.05 5 Floodplaln Hazard Tit. 10 Chap. 10.20 Art. IV Art V§, 10.05A1 Enforcemant S Penalties Tit 10 Art III Art I§ 10.01.20 6 (ReStle) 7 Commute Trip Reducti4ns Tii 10 Chan 10.20 Art V Tit 9 Chap 9.15 8 Storm 6 Surface tih'ater Utility Tit 10 Chap 10.10 Art i Tit 3 Chap 3.30 § 3_30.090 g Rlght-at-Way Vacati8n Tit 10 Chap 10.05 Art III Art IX § 10.09.04_10 10 Road R Sewer Construction Tit 10 Chap 10.05 Ar# I Art IX § 10.09,09.01 Constructian Work 8 Activity Tit 10 Cnap 70,05 Art III Art IX § 10.09A4.02 11 v1IROW 112 Environmental regulations Tit SO Chap 10.20 Art I Art V§ 10.05.20 13 Criliql Areas Tit 10 Chap 10.20 Art I II 8 I V Art V§ 10.05.25 14 Shoreline Management Tit 10 Chan 10.20 Art II Art V§ 10A5.30 15 Subdlvlslolts Tit 10 Chap 10.25 ~ Art VIII 16 C.flmprehensive Plan Tit 10 Chap 10.30 Art I Art IV§ 10.04.01 17 Zanlna Code Tit 10 Chap 10.30 Art II Art IV § 10.04A2 Nan-Conlorming Uses 8 Tit 14 Chap 10.30 Art II iv § ~~.Oa.05 ~g Stru;tures 10.30.080 & 10.34090 Administrative Report Code Re-Numbering - Page 2 of 2 Soc From SVMC To SVUDC Tltle 10: To SVMC: ` Zoning Maps Tit 10 Chap 10.30 Art IV Art IV § 19 g1o.so.s1o Title 10 Ghap 10.20 Art I§§ 10.20.020, 10.20.034, 10.20.040, Art ii gg 10z0.070, 10.20.080, 10.20.100, nn ni 10.20.520, 10.20.130, 10.20.140, 10.20.150, An iv Consolidate adoption of other g§10.20.170, 10.20.180. laws, reference to hearing 10.20.190, 10.20.200, Chap10.25 §§10.25.040, ~1 gg90.01.10 bodies, copies on flle and ~ 0.25.050,10.25.460, through 10.01.13 liability 10.25.070, Chap 10.30 Art I§§ 10.30.020, 10.30.030, 10.34.040, 10.30.050, Art II §§10.30.110, 10.30.120, 10.30.130, 10.30.140, Art IV 10.30.620, 10.30.630, 20 10.30.640 and 10.30.650 OPTIONS: Provide staff with direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council consensus to move this forward for a first rEading BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance Draft ~ CI:I'Y OF SP0K1NE VALLLY SPpK.ANF CQU1'Tl', WASHTNCTON QRDIT'A\'CE. NQ. 05-0 A~\' ORDJ1`Ar'CF: OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEl', 51'OKAT'E COUN'TY, NA'ASH]IqGTOT', RENUMBERIlNG VAR10US YltOV1510NS OF 1HE SYOKAnEVALLEY MLTi'1CIPAL CUllE 1'O li\CL,LTDE'I'HENI L\' AFtIICL-E 10 UF '1'HE SPO1CANE V:~I..LEY U\`lFORNi 1llEVELOPMENT C()llE, PI20VIDL\°C FOR SLVERABI:LIT1' AaND L'FI'ECTIVC DATE. NVI1E:12EA.S, the City of Spokane Valley proposes to iiiclude all developnient reguiations within Tifle 10 of the Spokane A9unicipal Code as the Spokane Valley Unifonn Develppment Cocte; and V1rIUlt1•:AS, the proposed development rea lations must be submitted to the Washinaton Department of Community Trade and Economic lleveiopment pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; NOW, THEREFORE, the Cicy Council of che City of Spokane Valley, WashingtUn; ordains as follows: Seetion 1. The Spokane Valley A4.unicipa] Code Title 2 Cbapter 2.55 Planni.ne Commission is hcreby rcnumbered as Title 10 Article II Section 10.02.01 of the Spol:ane Vallcy Uniform Uevclopment CatlE. Section 2. 1"he Spokane Valley Ivlunicipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.35 Article 1 Section 1035.010 et seq. 1-iearina, Examiner is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article II Section 10.02.02 of the Spokane Valley Uniform L7evelopment Code. ` Seetion 3. Ttae Spokane Valley Municipal Cqde Title 10 Chapter 10.15 Article I. $uildin5s and Consiruction is hereby renumbered as Title (0 Article Til of tbe Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 4. T'he Spokane Valley Municipal Code Tit.le 10 Chapter 10.15 Article II. Excavation, Fill and Grading is hereby renumbered as Ti1Je 10 Article A Sectiou 10.09.05 of the Spokane Vallcy Uniform Development Code. Section 5. The Sp9kane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.20 Article Vl. Floodplain Nazard Area.s is herehy renumbered as Title 10 Article V Section ! O.OS.OI of thc Spokane Valley Unif4rm Development Code. Section 6. "I"lie Spokane Valley ylunicipal Cade Title 10 Article IIl Chapter 1030.1 50 Zoni.ng Code Complizince is hereby renumbered as Tit.le ] 0 Article I Sectian 10.01.20 of the Spokane Va]]ey Uniform Development Cocte antl retifled as ".Fnforcement anci Penalties." Section 7. The Spokane Valley Municipal Cotie Title 10 Chaptcr 10.20 Article V. Conunute Trip Ruiuct.ion is hereby renucnbered as Title 9 Chapter 9.15 Spokaue Valley vfunicipal Code. Section 7"he Spokwe Valley Miinicipal Code 'Y itle 10 Chapter 10. l 0.4rticle I Storm and Surface Water Utility of the Spokane Valley Uniforni 17evelopment Code is hereby renumbered as Title 3 Chapter 3.30 Section 330.090.of the Spo}:ane Valley Municipal Code. SecCion 9. Thc Spokane Vallcy Municipal Cocie Title 10 Chapter 10.05 Article lii Right-of= 1'Vay Vacatiov is hereby renumbered as Titlc 10 Article A Sec[ion 10.09A4.10 of the Spakane Valley Unifonn 17evelopment Code. Sec:tiun 10. The Spakane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10A5 Article 1. Road antl `~--J Sewer Constniction is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article TY Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Iaevelopment Code. Code Itenumberiug Ord'uiance Page 1 of 3 Draft Section 1_1. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title lU Cbapter 10.05 Article ll. Construction Work and Activity within ltight-of-R'ay is hereby renumbered as I°itle 10 Article IX ' Section of lhe Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code. Section 12. 1'he Spokane Valley Municipal CUde Title 14 Chapter 10.20 Article I, Enviroticnenial Iteo lations is hcreby rcnumbet•ed as `!'itle 10 Article V Section 10.05.20 of the Spokane Valley Unifarin Development Cocte. Section 13. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title lQ Chapter 10.20 Articles III and Rt. Critical Areas are hereby renumUered as Title 10 Article V Section 10.05.25 of the Spokane Valley Uniform iaevelop►nent Code. Section 14. '17he Spokanc Valley Municipal (:ade "1'itle 10 Chapter 10.20 Ariicle II. Shoreline Management is hereby renumbCred as Title 10 Article V Section 10.05.30 of the Spokane Valley Unif4rm Development Code. Section 15. The Spokane VaUey Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.25 Subdivisions is liereby renumbered as Title 10 Arcicle V77.1 of the Spokane Valley Unifor•m Development Code. Seetion 16. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title ] 0 Chapter 10.30 Article I. Comprcbensive Plan is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article N Section 1 0.04.01 of the Spokane Valley L)niform Developcnent Code. Sectiun 17. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code I°itle 10 Chapter 10.30 Article lI Sectiorl 10.30.060 l,oninL Code Adopt.ed is liereby renumberetl as Tiile 10 Article IV Section 10.04.02 of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Cade. Section 18. The Spokane Vallcy Municipal Code Title 10 Ctiapter 10.30 Article II Sections 10.30.080 Non-conforrni.ng Uses and 10.30.090 \jon-Conforming Buildings ancl Structures are hereby " renumbered as Title 10 Article T'V Section 10.04.05 of the Spokane Valley L7niform 17evelopment / Code, deleting references to Scetion 14.508.060 of #be Spokane County Zoning Code. Section 19. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Chapter 10.30 Article n' Scctions 10.30.610 Zonina tilap(s) is hereby renumbered as Title 10 Article N Scction of the Spokane Valley Uniform Developrnent Code. Section 20. The Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 CUapter 10.20 .4rcicle I Sections 10?0.020, 10.20.030, 10.20.040, Article TI Section 10.20A70; 10.20.080, 10.20.100, Article 17T 10.20.120, 10.20.130, 10.20.144, 10.20.150, Articlc N Sectians 10.20.170, 10.20.150,10.20.190, 10.20200, Chapter 10.25 Section 10.25.040, 1025.050,10.25.060, 1025.070, Chapier 10.30 Article I Section 1030.020; 10.30.030, 10.30.040, 10.30.050, Article II 10.30.110, 1030.120, 10_30.130, 10.30.140, Article IV Section ] U.30.620, 10.30.630, 10.30.640 and 10.30.650 relating to the adoption of other laws, reference to hearing bodies, copies on file and liability are consolidated iu Title 10 Article 1 Sections 10.01.10 throug}~ 10.01.13 respectively. Section 21. Repealer. Title 10 Article V Signage Standards Section 14.804 et seq. of Ihe Spokane Valiey Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Sectiun 22. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or pluiise of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid ar unconstikutional by a court of competeut jurisdictiou, such imralidiry or unconstitulionality shall uot affect lhe validiry or constitut.ionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of lbis ordinance. Section 23. EfCective L)ate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Urdinanc;e or a sum.mary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the Ciry as provided by law. ~ \ Code. Renumbering Ordinancc Page 2 of 3 Draft P.qSSED by tbc Cit:y Council this day of , 2005. biay0r, I)iana Wilhite ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to Form: Deputy City Attorney, Cary Driskell 17ate of Publication: Effective Uate; f a Code RenumUering Ordinance 1'sgc 3 of 3 _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY f' Request for Council Action i ' _ .J Meeting Date: March 1, 2005 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing (~X information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Administrative Report: Overview of the Land Use and Transportation elements of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, WAC 365-195 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was briefed on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan on September 28, 2004 and January 18, 2005. BACKGROUND: Community Development staff began working on the City`s first comprehensive plan in the winter/spring of 2004. Five community meetings were conducted in the spring to begin the citizen involvement process. A scientific survey of more than 400 citizens was conducted, generating significant information on the community's feelings on many subjects, including land use and transportation. Three more meetings were conducted in the fall in order to report back fo the community information what had been learned to date and to gather more input. Information gathered at the meetings and through the survey is being integrated into the working draft of the comprehensive plan. Staff is also preparing a future land use rnap, which will guide the City's growth and development for the next 20 years. Finally, a capital facilities plan will show how the city will support the projected growth. A Draft Comprehensive Plan will be issued for public review and comment in the spring (2005) which will serve as the Planning Commission hearing draft. After the Commission conducts public hearings, a Planning Commission recommended comprehensive plan will be forwarded to Council for consideration. Land Use and Transportation are perhaps the two most significant elements of the comprehensive plan and the most important elements from the community perspective. This presentation will provide Council a brief introduction to the elements, laying the foundation for future updates, workshops, meetings and public hearings. OPTIONS: Not applicable. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None required. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. - STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Power Point Presentation L....l ncpartment of Cummunity Development Ylanning Uivdsiun Spokane Valley - 2025 Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Transportation Overview March 1, 2005 nepartment of Cummunity Development j~~1 - - Planning llivision public Participation • Cornlnunity Survey - Cleanvater.ResEarch - Scientific suniey - 400+ cidzens contacted by phone • Community Meetinas - 4 meetings in Spring 2004 - 3 meetings in Fa112004 - 315 people atYend meetings - Unscientif c Survey ~ i~ ; ~ Deparimeulaf Community Development '1FU4 • - Planning Uivision Scientific Survey Results Land Use .~-395 W% • 61 % believe City Center ~ 35% a'~~,r-■- is important to success 26% of Spokane Valley V,ry Gomakae W4rv SUn..1ue1 Very vrirpaumvir~n,ROa .i'votc~ ~pm~ • 52% support U-City for a~ ~ ■n=233 City Center location LWw=Y ay d.a . 0% 269L 40l6 6056 80St 10070 Department of Cuminunity Development.:` SpoC~nF f'Innning nivisiun Scientific Survey Results ,0" Transportation sm I ■n=393 6m • 69% believe Couplet is 25% useful improvement ~ Btw„{w .an...,b fWa~ •.,om.~ew Rm~6N mbe'T. H Ck~p~~ KM 7~ • 78°/a believe making 1010% ■n=339 streets better for biking 60~° and walking should be ~ U% . medium or high priority 22" for City o% Y Law pAaKry MClum pulotlty hFah pAaRfy j - ~ o~/\ llep:irtment of Communi[y Ucvclopment j~all • PlanoingDivision Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element Overview March 1, 2005 Depunment uCC;oinmunity Uevelopment jti►11 ' P.InnningDivisiun GMA Goals - Land Use Urban Growth - Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner. Reduce Sprawl - Reduce the conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low density development. Housing - Encourage affordable housing for all economic segments, variety of housing types and preservation of existing housing stock. Open Space and Recreation- Encourage the retention of open space and development of recreational opportunities C. ~ I Deparlmenc of Communi'ry• Development Planning pivision GMA Goals - Land Use Environment- Protect the environment and enhance the state's high quality of life Public Facilities and Services-Public facilities and services shall be adequate to serve development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards. Historic Preservation - Preserve lands, sites, and structures that have historical or archaeological significance. Property Rights- Property rights shall be protected ~ Department of Curnmunity Development j~ - PtAnningDivision Land Use Scenarios ❖ City Center Emphasis ❖ Presents strategies for creating City Center ❖ Conversion of strip commercial along Sprague ❖ Strong community support ❖ Urban Activity Centers ❖ Based on County's focused growth scenario ❖ Modified Existing Conditions ❖ "No Action" Alternative ❖ Utilizes existing zoning as its basis , - Department of Community Development - - ~l~ailev Planning Division New Land Use Categories -:•City Center - :•Public support to create City Center at UCity ❖Mixed Use Corridor- :•Redevelopment of strip commercial corridors ❖Residential/office uses encouraged ❖Focus commercial/retail growth to centers ❖Will not affect current uses of properties Depnrtment of CurnminityDcvclopmcnt: ~~'pol.sau: j~Ylk,• Plstaning Divisiuo New Land Use Categories ❖Office - Provides designation distinct from mult4amily and retail commercial ❖Public/Quasi Public- Land that is not available for residential and commercial development ❖Open Space - ❖ Land that provides open space function ❖ Parks, natural areas, golf course ~~y~/\~ I)epartment of Communih`Dtvelu~~menl j~~~ ' PlanningDivision Policy Issues Appropriate residential densities for Spokane Valley Location of Multi-family developments Commercial uses in Industrial areas ❖ Preserving neighborhoods while allowing for infill development ❖ Planning only within City Limits :•Will re-evaluate growth areas once the wastewater treatment plan issues are resolved Department of Community i?evclopmcni j~~ - - Plnnaing nivision Comprehensive Plan: Transportation Element Overview February 16, 2005 ~ ' UepartmentoCConiniunityl)eveloUment j~. n_~.... , PlanninK.Aivision GMA Goals - Transportation Transportation Systems - Encourage efficient multimodal transportation systems based on regional priorities and coordinated with county and city comprehensive plans ' Public Facilities and Services - Public facilities and services shall be adequate to serve development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards. ~ Uepartmeni ofCornmunity Developmcnl - = ~1a1 • Planning Division Policy Issues ❖Connecting neighborhoods Through streets Develop Local Access Plan ❖Bike and Pedestrian Facilities Strong citizen support for better trails, sidewalks and bike routes ❖ Use of private roads for new development ~ ~ De.partment ufC:ummuiiicy Uevelopmeot,~` PlTnning Division Policy Issues ❖Arterial Street Plan ❖ Appropriate classifications of streets consistent with the Land Use Plan ❖Support Light Rail Project ❖Landscaping and Beautification in Design Requirements for Road Projects •:•Designate appropriate truck routes . , ~ DRAYi' .ADV ANCE AC;I%NIaA For Plaiining Discussian Purposes Oiily as of February 24, 2005 2:30 p.m. Plcase ncate Chis is awork in progress; items are teniative To: Gouncil & Staff rrom: City Manager Re: Draft Schcdule for Upcoming Council MeetinAs Thursday, Februar-V 24, 2005 - Joint MeetinQ City Council ancl Cnunty Commissioncrs, CounCil Chambers, 12:00 p.rn. -1:30 p.m. Mundav, Februan,28, 2005 -.Ioint Meetins CiY), Council and County Cammissioners, Spokxoe County Fublic `Vorks Building, Cnnference Room 2B - 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. i~'Iarch 1. 2005, Frecdman, TunQ S Bottomlev Upclate Meetine 2:00 p.m., Cauiicil Chambers March 1, 2005, Stucly Session 6:00 p.m. (due clate Thursday, l+ebruary 17 ] 1. Freedman: Tung & IIottamiey Briefng - Marinii Sukup (30 minutes) 2. Disi.ncorporation Statutes - Cary Driskell (15 muiutes) 3. Review of Comp Plan Elcments (Land Use; Trausportation) - Grea McCormielJScdtt Kuhta (60 minut.es) 4. Proposed Renumbering Ordinancc - Uniform Development Code - Mari.na Sukup (l qminut.es) TOTAL MI~\'UTrS: 115 Max. mtg. time: 150 minules March 8, 2005, Reaular Meetinb 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursciay, Febnian.- 241 Presentat.ion of Special Cuests : 2004 Ali.c,c Spt,kune I%alley Anibassadors 1. Seco¢id Reading Proposed Ordinance 05-010 Creating .Assess3nent Reimbursement Area - Ca.ry Driskell [10 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed StormwaLer Ordinancc - Neil I:ersteu [5 mittutes] 3. Seeand Re:idinD I'rorosed Ordinance Placuia On Ballot, Anncxation t.o Spoklue Co. Library ]7istrict. [5 min] 4. First ReY-►diug Proposed Sion Ordinanee - Marina Su{.-up [20 uiinutes] 5. First Readina: Revisions tn Nuisance Code (garage sales) - Cary Tariskell [l S minutes] 6. First Readi.ng Froposed Stree# Vacation Ordinance A.mendment - Ivlarina Suk-up/Cary Driskell [10 minutesJ 7. l~ irst ReadiiaD Pr(.-)posed Renumberuig Unifoiw llevelopcnent Cotte; - Alarina Suk-ttp [5 minutes) S. Mntian Consideration: GIS System - Nina Re;;or C10 minutes) 9. Motion Consideration: Arnendrnent lo Scnske Azrecineni - A7ike Jackson [15 minuu;s] 10. Motion Cousideration: CenterPlace Fiber Conneeiion -Iviike Jackson [10 minutes] 1_1. Presentation of Request-Mary Pollard [lU minutes] 12. Admini5irative Report: a. IZeview of Compi-eliensive Pian Elements (Capital Facilities) - Marina Sukup/Seott Kuhta r30 tninutts] [estianaied tneeti.ng; 145 minutes*] . Marcb 11-15, 2005 Con7ressional City Confcrence, NA'ashington D.C. A7a rr.h 15, 20 0 5. NO M_EE_TT\'G Drnft Advance .4brncla 2n_nr?oo3 232 P,19 Paee 1 of4 Marcli 22, 2005, l7egul:ir vieekinQ 6:00 p.m. Idue date Thursday, lk4arch 101 ' l. Second Reading: Revisions to Nuisance Code (garage sales) - Cary Driske;ll 5 minutes) 2. Second Read'uig Proposed Sign Ordiuanee - viarina Suk-Lip (20 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Renumbering Uiuform Develnpmeni Code - lviarina Sukup [l 0 minuCes] 4. Secand Reading Yroposed Street Vacation Orclinance .Amendment - Marina Sukup/Cary Driskell [5 minutes) 5. First Reading Proposed Pawn Shop Ordi.nalice - Ca.ry Driskell/Cal Walker [10 minutes] 6. Administrative lteporis: a. State of tbe C'ourt Discussion - Judge Padden/C:ary llriskell [15 minutes] b. Farks & kec MasterPlan Constiltant Update - A4ike Jackson (tewative) ( 15 minutcsJ e. Dcfin.itions and schedules of permitted uses - Marina Sukup [l 5 minutes] d. Classification of Public I»forniation Officer and Personnel.Aualyst Positions - Nina Rebor [15 min] e. Community Values: Next Steps-\jina Regor [10 minutes] 7. lnformatian Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reporis b. Planning Commission Minutes c. Examination of jurisdictional recognit.ion, iiidepeiidence and interagency eoopcration (an elaboration of the work plan item) - Cal Wall:er [estimated meeting: 130 minutes*] Agarch 29. 2005 Study Scssinn 6:00 p.m. [due clate Thursday, March 171 A~ri1~005, Stadv Session, 6:00 n.m. [due datc Thursdfly, iNlxrch 2411 ;Ernployee hitraclcrcdions 1. Traffic ControllSpecial Events - Cai WalkerlMike Jaekson (20 minutes) 2. Prism/i'lus/Paclal (Parcel Data Locator) System - n'larina Suk-up (15 minutes) 3. Cammercial Development Permit Process,N lowchart - NTina Regor/Marina Sukup/Neil Kersten (15 minutes) 4. Road Improvement Districts Report - Neil It4rsten (15 minutes) 5. Strect Ma.ster Plau - Neil Kcrst.en (20 ininutes) b. Perrniiting On-line - Tom Scholtens (15 minutes) 7. Proposed Budset .Amendment Discussion - Ken Thompson (15 minutes) TOTAL RZINUTES: 115 Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes April 9. 2005 - Mayor's Ball April 12, 2005. Restulsir Meeting 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursduy, vlflrch 31 J 1. PUL3LTC HE,ATLING: Proposed Budget Amendment. -1Cen Thompson [15 minutes] 2. Sccovd Reading Proposed Pawn Shop Ordinance - Ca[ `Valker [5 minutes] 3. First Reading 1'roposed .13udget .Amendme;nt -Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 4. Massage Parlorsl13ath I•louses - Cal tiVal.ker/Cary llriskell [ l'S cni.nutes] 5. Blasting (Noise) Oedinance - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] TOTAL MCNU"1'ES: 55 . Max. intg. tiuie: 150 mirwtes Wednesday. April 13, 1005 -Conversation Mtb the Communitv Pratt Elementary, 6903 East 4'h Avenue Dratt Advancc Agcnda 2/24/2005 2:32 PM Pagc 2 of 4 • AUril 19, 2005, Joint McetinL, C.oaucil and Pllnnin(_, Cnmmission 6:0II p.m f~ Comprehensive Plan Elements t~ April 26, 2005, Regular- iN'Icetitib 6:00 p.m. (due date Thursday, April 141 1. I'UBLIC ITFARE\'G; Aniending 2005-2010 1'ransportation lmprovement Program (TIl')-Neil Itersten [ 15 minutes J 2. Sccond Reading Proposetl Budget Amendrnent Ordinance - Keii Thompson [ 15 minutes] 3. Proposect .Rcsolutiou: Amencling Six-Yerlr 7`ll' - NeillCersten []U minutesJ 4. Hazard lvlitigation Plan (Resolution?) - Marina Sukup [1 5 nunutes] 5. Admi►Zistralivc Reports: Fair Board Presentation (r.enratii~e) [15 ni i«utes] 6. In.formation Only: a. Departmental Mont.hly Reports; b. Planning Commission A9inutes [estimalui meeting: 70 minutes*] Mal, 3, 2005, Sttidv Scssion, 6:00 p.m. ~due datc. Thursclay, April 211 1. Selection of T'1' 2006 Council Goals - Taave Mercier (30 mivutes) f~ May 10, 20115, Resular A9eetinQ 6:00 p.tn. (due date Thursday, April 2$1 AZav 17, 2005. Joint Meetinb Cnuncil and Planning Commission 6:00 p.m. Comprehensive Ylan Elements A4ay 24, 2005, Regiilar tMccting 6:00 p.m. (duc dAtc Thursday, Nla3,121 1. Informition Only' a. llepartmen[al tilontlily FtepQrts; b. P1Einning Comunission Minutes (estiuiated meeting: _ minutes*1 A-fay 31, 2005, Stuclv Session G:(IO p.m. [due datc'I'hursday, ]Nlay 191 Junc 7. 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due clate Thursday, May 261 ~J Tune 11, 2005 -14iid-1'ear CounciUStflff Retreat, 9 a.m. - noon lentcilivE fiopics: Drafs Adv.iner Agenda 2124/2005 2:32 PiN9 Page 3 01'4 A June 14, 2005. Rcgul:ir Meetina 6:00 p.m. [due dxte Thursday, .Tune 2 1. PU]3LIC HEA.RI7VC: "1"ransporia#ion Improvemeni Program (TIP) 2006-201 l-\Teil Kersteti [15 minutes] 2.11'roposed Resolution: Adoptino the "I'1P for 2006-2011- Nleil Keisten [10 nunutes] ; Tunc 21,2005, NQ COUNCIL MFETINC Olt STiIDY SESSION .Tunc 21-24 AVVC 2005 Annual C'onference, rri-Cities June 2$, 2005, Regulnr Meeting 6:00 a.m. iduc date Thursday, June 161 l. lnformation Only: a. Departlnental Monttll}r Reports; b. Plan. ninc, Commission Miuutes (estiinated meeting: _ minutes*) Tulv 5, 2005, Study Session, 6:00 p.m. [due datc "I'hursday, June 23] July 12, 2005. Regular Aleeting 6:00 p.m. (due datc Thursday, June 30 ;.Tuh, 19. 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. (tlue date Thursday, July 7j . Julv 26, 2005. Regular NZceting, 6:00 p.m. [due date T}iursday, July 141 OTEIE12 PEN]aTNG AND/OR UPCONIlNG JSSUCS: Second Rcacling Proposed Side%valk Ordinance 04-012 -(firsc readiitg 02-24-04) Paiiliandling - Cal Walker Regional Stortnwater Desiam vtanual - John Hohman lnitiative/Referend um Helmet Safety Issue Rcsearch Updatc - Cary L7riskell Slrcet Paving Funding Option - Neil K.ersten (Uary Schi►nmels) Public Hearing (summer 2005) - Cable Nranchise - Morean Koudelka MEtTLNGS TO BE SCHEDULFD ] open house - wastewater issues (To Be Announeed) cstimated meeti.ng ti.rne does not include time for public comments] Drafe .4dvaiice Agcnda 2124/2005 2;32 PA-t Puge 4 oC4