2005, 04-05 Study Session ~ ; AcEtinA ` (_'I'1'1' UI.' tiPOkaNN: VA1.Ii-'Y C'I"1'1' COt'`C[l.. WOIttiSNEET STUD1` STSSIOn Tucsdav, April 5. 3005 6:00 p.m. CITI' HALI_ AT RF..D«'UOU ['LA?..A 11707 Eaut Spragec Avcaur, F'irxt FIMjr lPlrnsc Turn Ot'f All Elrrtronic I)cvires Duriag the Aireting) UISCI'tititl)h LEaDFR SUDJF..CT/ACTIVITI' GUAI_ F.mPloi•r-e Inuroduclkuts: Cuprtull'rajectv Fngineer I,aurs Grclf - bv Publre k hrkr Dirrtr. tar Ne11 Kcr.cten ~crraturtcrnl.~fital~;er .4mrl~Y~.lucr~n Furrlkner - hY Firrunce IJirector Iicm 77romn.con I t•izul lnlrrn f'fkrd McBrlde- hti, neprrn- Cin, A•ln„aRer Ninu Regvr ,~j,c~i:~n~• f'uU~~i I•~rt (~;c~r~rr ~=1 Ilre C'/rrer' Ifik., Thwnrp~art - bt, J3uar,l Clruir.lue !);ni -;,,7 1%;:il Krrtitrn (30 rninutct) Spragut-Appfewar l:cirridor Uiscu.~cinn' llj::.:us-Iow lniunnatiun Right-of-Vti'a% Quit Claim I)crd 2 f't:rpo;ed Sign Foiicti [~i~:u;sicm~fntnrrnatian ~ \eil KerSien (20 mintties) PuvcmLnt Managrmct►t and:lssociated Poli,;% Iysucs Diti~u>sicair'Inti~rn~ati~~n [ncludes. Pavcmrnt cut policy initiisl mentiLiiZ; lmract fi•cs: t'a%c huA: 2006-=0 I ; Irfm;non:iiinn Imprinemcnt ('lan •1 Nins Rsg»rrMunna SukuP ~omtntr.;i:il [>c% c,ormcnt ('cririit I'ro.:Ls~ f11=wJiart Dis~:u~;ion luformati0ri Neil kcr3ten (15 minutes) tiina RL~or ( 1 S minutes) 1?ra(a R,~ir(utinn Puhlic infnrm.uic,n u~iiccr E'~,~iunn i)i5cu:-;inn~~Il11(~f[ilSfl:?r; o. tiin}'at 11'ilhite (5 mintites) :'ldviuncc Agianda:lJditiuns I7i+cu:sir~~z'tnl~~tm:+trc~►i . Ma4[)T WIlfI11C ( ~ (51111V11C'S) l_~Clllll,~ll C(lt'A Ifl ~~1}~1J~SIOA'1fif~:~C1i13l1~~t1 ~ 1)avc NtScrier (Smmtitcs) Cit\ N4nimgrr Commcnts \nrr: l nle+i othcrwisr nntrd nbnve. therr ntll be po publie cummrnls at ('uuniil Stud% 4rs% iun+. Ilowr%cl , (fiunri l stuas. rnrrre, thr rlgbl to rcquat infnrmotion trnm thc pulilic and tURm apprapriatr. ~ r:once inaiYieuui,, s::x:)IJ Lht rtKCtIllk W110 Kqutt: ti~ac„i] uWnr.: tr hcannt ,r ;•Itut fiW_ c'r•. C~;~k w.i3Wj')_~•I~~~K' 'I, :,xtti Z. pir.%.^Ir ul :iint arnnCCmcntsnus bcmaac. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ penciing legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: SpraguelAppleway Valley Corridor Discussion - Right-of-Way Quit Claim Deed GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: February 3; 2004 the Council requested SRTC to model traffic for the Couplet Project. At the joint Council/Planning Commission meeting on February 23, 2004 three couplet alternatives were selected for further s#udy by Public VUorks staff, At the April 6, 2004 Council meefing option 2A was presented to Council and the decision was made to suspend further study on that option. At the January 18, 2005 staff presented history and concerns that SRTC had not completed the traffic modeling. ~ BACKGROUND: Valley Corridor Project: Interim Traffic Model -(See attached letter to SRTC) Scope of Work for RFP -(See attached scope of work) Right-of Way Quit Claim Deed -(See attached Deeds) Suggested changes: o Page 2, # 1, second line - the words "and shall be properly maintained in good condition for these purposes." should be removed. o Page 2, # 2, first paragraph -clarify in this paragraph that any right to operate, maintain, alter, construct, etc. the se+,ver or road is subject to all applicable permit requirements the City has adopted for such activity. o Page 2, # 2, sec4nd paragraph - ths words "or allow to be caused" are not acceptable in this context due to the following sentences, which state that "any such damage is the sole responsibility and liability of Grantee and hereby covenants with Grantor that Grantee will pay for any damage done at any time hereafter to the sanitary sewer lines, their appurtenances and the access road." We will be respflnsible for, and pay for; damage we cause, but we should not be a guarantor for damage cause by others. o Page 3, # 4, first paragraph - the bottom line refers to uses of the property, and thaf ~ Grantee shall grant an easement related to public transportation uses. This sentence should end after joint use of the Property for public transportation purposes.u The remainder of that paragraph should be removed. lNe also need to clarify to whom the City would grant an easement io. It is not clear if it is intended to be Spokane County, or another entity that may propose a form of public transportation for thaf area. o The City should have the right to place utilities, public or private in the ROW, and make other reasonably related uses of the ROW. In the donafion document the language should read, "transferred and conveyed for street, utility (public and private), and all other reasonably related purposes consistent with the authority of the City to control and manage the property under the laws of Washington." o Page 2, #3, I would recommend that we not assume the risk for hazardous substances. If we do then we should consider a full environmental assessment on the property. We may also want to include a condition that allows us to return the ROW to the County in the event that we encounter significant hazardous materials. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IAAPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENT: Letter to SRTC, Scope of Work, Quit Claim Deed from County to City, and Quit Claim Deed from Burlington Northern RR to the County. Sp°~ka.ne ~ ,;OOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhalL@spokanevalley.org - ~.mv rerr.isrs~eaa March 29, 2005 Glenn Miles Transportation Manager Spoka,ne Regional Trdnsportation Council 221 W. First Ave., Suite 310 Spol:ane, Washington 99201 lte: Iaterim Regional Traffic Moclel Dear Glenn: For more than a ycar the City of Spokane Valley Public Works dcpartmcnt has been wrorl:ing vkith you, ynur staff, and other area transportation agenc:ies to try to get tbe Spokane regional transpartation demand model to a point that reasonably reflects existing ~ traffic counts and reasonably estimates increases in future traf_~c volumes. During this time SRTC has used three different computcr traf~ic models (EMMF,✓2, TMODEL2, and ` now VISLTN). Wc have spent numerous hours reviewing the results of each of SRTC's mvdel versions. SRTC has made two attempts to calibrate the model, first to 2000 traffic count data and most recently to 2003 count data. We have submitted many comments and suggestions to SRTC in an effort to get a mhre accurate and reasonable model. Last week Wednesday we received the latest version of SR'1 C's interim model, which included recent comments from WSDOT, Spokane County, and on]y same of our recommcnded suggestions. We have reviewed the results of this latest model and are still nat comfortable with its results. Her.e is an example of some of our concems: 1. There are still somc major differences between modeled and counted volumes on several major arterials in the 2003 network. For example: • EB Appleway east of Pazk in the model shhws 2064. Counted 2003 volumes were 2771. • FB Appleway west of University- in the model shows 1286. Caunied 2003 volumes were 2141. IB Sullivan between Sprague and Broadway in the model is around 670. • 'N Counted 2004 volumes were 1229. • NVB Sprague west of Sullivan is only 482. Counted 2003 volumes were 1024. Glenn Miles 3/29/2005 Interim Regiona] "I'raffic Model Page 2 Most of these are centereci on the retail area of SPrague Avenuc. Rle believe that if the i7cstinatians for non-CBTa retail were iricrea..sed, perhaps these link volumes ` wnuld increase to mateh 2003 counts. • NB Argonne between Y.nox and Montgomery is 2533. Counted 2003 vo1 umes were 1600. • SB Argonnc behveen Knox and Montgomery is 2372. Counted 2003 volumes were 1415. An analysis of thcsc high volumes on Argonne shows some ocid behavior of inbound and outbound Tndustrial Park traffic f'ollowing Trent between Sul]ivan and Argonnc, and using the A.rgnnne intcrchange to acc:ess 1-90 rather than Sullivan. 2. '1`bere are signifieant problems with the trip generation rates for the non-CBll retail Transportation Analysis 7ones ('fAZ). •"I"t1Z 416 (Nfalley Mall) has 1648 Orionaiing trips but only 298 Destination trips (an 85/15 split). • The 11'E Trip Generatyon Manual under LU 820 (Shopping Centcr) shows ihere should be a PM peak enteri.ng/exiting sPlit of 48/52. • A sinoilar split is reported for Electronic Superstore, Office Supply SuPerstore; and Bvok Superstore,,which are also included in'1'AZ 416. . • Sdme comment for TA7 243 ($roadway `Val-Mart), which has 45$ Originating trips and 241 Destination (a 66/34 split). JTE reports a 49/51 split for this type of PM peak. 3. TAG 257 includes the Spokane Industrial Park and has virtually no dwelling units. However, it has 4088 Orig, 3394 Dest, and 425$ I.nternal trips. We question whether the Intemal trips Should be higher than the Origins for a TAZ with na dwelling units? 4. 1-90 in doArotown is coded with a capaciiy ot' 2000 pephpl, and a volume-delay curve that is considerably different from speed-flow relationships in thc I-tigbway Capacity Manual. See attached ehart. For example, on one link the assiSnment results in 6307 for a V/C of 105%. With this volume the iravel time for this 0.6 mile segznent jumps f.rom 35 seconds to 46 rainutes. This equates to a voluxne of 2102 vehicle per lane. Per the HCM, the freeway should be operaling at LOS E with speeds of 45-65 mph. 5. lhe current modcl shows a signifcantly lower volume of traffic on 1-90 and Sprague Avenue than would re.asonably be expected. '1`here is also a significant increase in traffic on Brnadway Avenue easl of the interchange at I-90. The model currently indicates tliat in the year 2025 more eastbound traffic will exit 1-90 onto Broadway Avenue (3148 trips east of Park Rd.) than onto the couplet (2867 trips on Appleway east of Pazk Rd.). Broadway Avenue has two lanes eastbound while Appleway has four lanes eastboiuid. Also, the 3148 trips indicdted on Broadway Avenue significantly exceed the model's ttivo-lane castbound capacity of 1200 cars/hour/lan.e ` ~ i Glenn Miles 3/29/2005 Interim Regiandl Traffic Model Page 3 ~J (ar 2400 tatal eastbound capacity). Appleway, with four eastbounri lanes, has a model capaciry of 6000 cars. 6. 'I`hcre are only six sieps in the Incremental assignment in the current model. PTV recnmmends using "more and smaller increments tn smooth the effects of Y/C ratio delays". In general PTV also recommends using the Equi.librium assignment method rather than the Incremental assigmment method alone. A sensitivity analysi.s we performed shows that using twclve steps for the Incremental assignmcnt method corrects many of the assigiment c,oncerns we identified on EB 1-90 and on $roadway Avenue. 7. We had talked at one time at a Mode1 Users Group mceting about some adjustments to future grnwth allocations based oa the fact that volumes on reccnt improvement Projects are exceeding previous allacations. 1 he status of these allUCations is unknown with rcgard to the current 2025 mpdel version. SRTC staf[ has indicated ttiat rather than spend more time evaluaiing ancl making morc ehanges to this model, they would rather move forward with the development nf a new reeianal model that would be built from scratch using local GIS data. We undcrstand this new model woulcl ta}:e up to a year to complete and would include results from the Home Iuterview Survey that S.RTC is currently embarking on, which is not scheduled to be completed until later this summer. ~ Some of the impacts to the citv of noi having a reasonable interim regional transportation model at this time arc as follows: • Impairs our ability to coinplete the LOS Interscction Analysis needed f6r the Comp Plan since future traffic volumes are questianable • llclays our ability to complete the Transporcation Element of the Comp Plan since we don't have accurate numbers to identify current deficiencies • Delays our abilily to complete the Capital Facilities element of the Comp Ylan, again since future tratfic volumes are in quesrion • lmpacts our ability to analyze altematives fnr the Valley Corridor project because there appears io be errors in the future traffic projectians . Impairs our abitity to plan for future transportation projects to include in our Six Year TIP • I7oes not allow us to move forward, if Council chposes to do so, on developuig transportation i.mpact fees for new development In order for the Cit}, to proceecl with the above issues without additional delay, we will revise the interim model ourseives to address the c9ncerns listcd above. Specifically we plan to malce the following revisians: 1. Moclify the capacity of freeway la.nes to 2300 vphpl. -'2. i.nvestigate and possibly mal:e adjustments to the volume-clelay curves to better match the IICM. Cilenn Miles 3/29/2005 lnterim Regional T'raf_fic Model Page 4 3. Minor edits to the centroid connector weights as needed 4. Inerease the destinaiions For non-CI3L7 retail to get link volumcs to closer matcb 2003 counts . 5. Re-run the model A4th either a 12-step lncrcmental assignment or an Equilibrium assignment 6. Provide substantial post-processing of the model results Once these changes are made we will pravide you a copy of the base 2003 and 2025 model versions alang -,A2th a list of the changes that werc made. Un a separate but related issue, we wanted to infiorm you that we are presenti.ng to the City Council next Tuesday night a requcst to issue an FtFQ f.'or the selr;ction of a consultant tA assist us in the environmen.tal evaluation of the Valley Corridor F'roject. A contract wit:h the selected consultant will be consistent with the scope of work that you rec;ently commented on. The contraci will include the development of a TransportatiAn 17iscipli.ne Report and an EniTironmental A.ssetsment. 'fhc purpose of tlus effort vNill be to provide the infnrmation necessary to get SRTC approval lo place the Valley Corridor Project on the MTP. Once on the YVITP we vNRll then begin the Preli.minary Engineering phase that Nvas recently seler,ted for funding by SRTC. Please let us know if you have dny cpmments. We look forward to work:i.ng wifh y4u an -these projects. . Sincerely, ~ Steve M. Worley, P.E. Sen.ior Capital Prc~jects Engin Enclosure Cc: Neil Kersien, Public Works Direc;tor Dave Mercier, City Ivianager Jerry Lenzi, WSDOT Ross Kelley, Spolrane County -Engineer Unk 476-634 (1.90 through downtown 3µokpne) Typo 15 6cp2sswity 50 mph • 3 lanes v!c < 0.85 0.95 or ete► A 0 0 B 4 1D c ' Speed-Flow RelaUonship D 4 30 F 0.05 O.OB 7D F ~~^S ~:u r4f+ : ~~7 n,f 1:+ ,f~ v. . > 10 35 soc qmax 2000 hcGhPl seg tenyth 0.588 mlles L 60 Fmm npwe 19- E . , zn.aooriCM 50 ^g* a, uYn: eo . -Flm~. epnnd a 40 Voluma par VI51.11.1 NCM -Model Volume-Delay Curve Votume lane V!C ratEo LInR Travel Timo e peed s peed ~ j Z 000 H C M Tola1 Q q Per lane Sat tGw (s) tCur (ittin) (mPn) fmuhl 30 _fyj; r 15W 600 0.25 SB 0.6 G9 (30 C~ r ~t-~ . 7A00 90D0 0.5 OS 44 60 c 11D0 S S00 0.55 53 0_9 40 6D ul A ~ 20 `i ~ ~ "i3",~3t Y-at,.P 3600 5200 0.0 60 1A 35 ~1 R 10 y"'•' : 1~~~1r j l'~ ' t y~~• 3900 1300 0.65 69 1.1 31 60 4200 1400 0.7 79 113 27 80 , Y._+i`t ai. y;~lx ,t~l. 4500 1500 0.75 82 1.5 23 80 0 , . ~ _ _ - 4800 1800 0.8 106 1.8 20 80 eioo 1700 0.e5 127 za 17 eo 5400 1800 0_9 148 2.5 14 59.5 5700 1800 0.95 1085 18_1 2 58,0 Flow Ratc (pdhlln) 6000 2000 1 1745 29.1 1 59.8 6150 2050 1,025 2189 38.7 1 59.0 6208 2068 1.03 2384 3919 1 57.5 Current ncotlul data tor tbls Ilnk 630D 2100 1.05 2758 40.0 1 57.9 6750 2250 1.125 5302 68.4 0 58.0 6600 2200 1.1 4233 71.4 D 55.0 TUSO 2350 11175 flQZ.f' 133,8 0 54.0 6900 2300 1.18 853t3 108.9 0 33.0 70tir0 2350 1,175 8624F 133.6 0 52.0 7200 2400 1.2 9814 163.8 0 DRAFT Scope of Work Valley Corridor Environmental Evaluation City of Spokane Valley, Washington April 2005 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this scope of work is ko cstablish the speci.Eic scope o( professional engineeri.ng serviccs and basis Ior compensation for the Valle), Corridor Environmenla] Evaluakion project The anticipated produet for this scope of work is a purpose a.ncl nced statement, a transp4rration discipline rcpart (7'DR), a.nd an Enviroiunental Asscssment (E A) far carridor unprovement's along Sprague/App leway tluough die City of Spokane Val.ley that, through a broad-hased trartisportation and economic analysis o.[ both Nc,-Build and Buiid All•ernatives, docunlents and develops a defensihle ptu-pose and need statempnt fAr a ~ preferred alternative. 'l'his work will suppoi•t placement of the preferr.ed altcrnadve ori the Spoka.ne P.egianal Metropolifian Transportation Plan for seeking Funding of these iinprovements. General assu.mptions used in the developmcnt of this scope of work are noted bGlow. Any changes in these asstunptians II-iay require extra w4rk, which also may require a revision t4 the scope of work and an equitable Iee adjustment. Assumptions • Thc scope of work is intended ta meet requirements of the VVSDOT Local Agency Guidelules (LAG) Manual scchian 21.5 tU establish Purpose and Ncc-d and compare the followuig alternatives i.n thc 2030 1'M peak hoi.u: 1. Baseline/No Build 2. Spragiie/Appleway O11C-w1y couplet 3. Transportation System M1nagement (TSNl)/Transportation Denllnd Mallageiiient (TDNI) Option 4. Other alternat7ves to bc detennined • The dw•aNon Eor t•his work is anticipated to Uc 6 n-ionths followv1g NOl'ice to Praceed. •'Up to six (6) coordu,ation meetings are anticipaled with Spokane Vcl11Ey and a stalcehalder gi•oul), as providcd by Spokane Vallcy• Such meet7ngs will be conducted in Spokarze Valley. SPKh1ALl[Y OORRIdOR ENVI.4dN1dENTAl. EUAI.UAT1011 S OF 6 • Foux public meetings are initially antieipated. Each public rnecting will be i.n conjunction with a stakeholder coordinaHon meeting notEd abave when possible. . • 7'ratfic counts will be collected on an as-needed basis t-o support dic various alter.natives beirlg considcred. Garhering new traffic counls will be pi•ovided ti}, othtrs. This effort will rnainly i•ely an available data including accident statishics and iraffic caunts. • Travel demand forccasting will rely on availaUlc forecasts from 5pokane CLegional Transportation Cnuncil (SPTq. •.Adternatives tiril] be evalutitcd for the 2030 l'M peak hour as notcd aUove. Because the numbe.i• of alternativcs has not yet been defuled, for the piu-poscs of this scope, a budget that a.nkic.ipates six alttrnatives to be shuctied will be assumEd. If additianal alternatives requiri.ng evaluatian arc identified, an amendnlent to this agrccnlent %vill be required. • AM Peak I-Ioiu• analysis wi.ll be included. • Project Lirnits shall be behveEn University and East Appleway Avenue. • Up to ttiventy (20) assoeiafied intersections will be evaluated for operatiAns, per alterna tive. • Existing accident datl will be collected from bVSDOT, Spokane County, and Spokane Valley. •"I', h.is study will pravide operationa.l analysis and safety analysis results for a Uuild, Baseline/Na Biuld, TSM/TUM and an all other reasanablE alternatives to be , determined. • The intent of this scope af work is to develop a Transportation Disripline Report and Envirorunental Assessrnent that will result in a supportable clefendable alternalive i.n the titeti•opolitan Transportation Plan. 2.0 Scope of Work Task 1: Project Management and Agency Coordination CONSLiLTANT will attend meetings i.n Spokaile Valley tivith Spok-mie Vallcy staff and key agency stakchalders. The meetuigs will be used to ranfirm siudy pararneters and evaluation crite.ria and reviEiv allernaMves, to rrvicw* an initial. evaJuation of alternatives, and lo replp to comments on the alteizlatives ev3luation and gai.n consensus on apreferred alternative. CONSULTAi\r[' will ZLso attend puUlic meetings in canjunCtion with the stakeholder incetings describecl above. The public nleetings will be Yo presenl• known alternadves and to solicit idcas for other a.ltertialives. SuUsequcnt puLlic meeting will be to rre5ent resuJts of the study t•o the comnituuty as recomm.ended in the ti'1TSDOT Lacal flgency Guiclelines (LAG) Manual. For the publ,ic meetij-igs, CONSULTANT wi.ll be responsiUle for nlal:ing arrangemEnts for tl-ie nueting place, a»d preparing and tlistributing invitations, advertisecnents and notifications. CO\1SL7LTAN'I' will attend ancl provide materials and 'ulfannation including , displa}'s oE already preparcd inEonnation. , J Vl+LLEY CORFOOR EWiROKI}GEIITkI. EVALUkTION 20F6 CONSUI..TANT will prepare uzvoices and progTcss reports. CONSULTANrI' wiU manage J ovcrall quality An project deliverables. Deliverables: PrtUlic meetrrrg rriaterirals; invoices attd prvgress reports. Task 2: Data Collection CONSULTAN7' will prepare a data collecrion inerr►o identifying desii•aUle data needed for the stu.d}'. Spokane Valley will assist in providing zuzd cnllectnig data. Data will be colleeted on ar► as-necded basis l-o suppart the various altei-natives beinp consi_clered. A prelinunarv list of data that will be requested is provided below but is not luiuted to: • Avulable PM peak liQUr trafEic l-u_rning mmcnlcnt counts • Available 24 hoLix directiQna] counts • 3 year accident data • AvaiJable Pedestrian and bic}°dc counts • t-lvai]able Veh.icle classi.fication counts • Sigiial tirni.ng pla.ns • Previous studies related to the stucly area • Channe:lization roadway/unterseel•ion cQnfiprakions • Capital I.rnprove.ment Plans for all jurisdictions • Ei-tvironmental sLudies canducted for thc arca ulcludulg documentation af sensifive areas ~ • Comprehensive pl-uls for all jurisdict7ons CONSIJLTAN7' tivi.ll field verifp interscetion phasing and cha.rinelizaHon. New b•affiG cotults, if necessruy, will bc provided by oUiers. Deliverables: Pata needs summurize.d in a meino for tlie project strcrly area. Task 3: Establish Study Parameters CONSUI.."C'ANT will prepa.re a methods zuid assumptions memorandunllistulg the base assuinptions fai• the prAject indudi.ng study limits, analysis years, concurrenc}' aiZd level of sei-vice (LOS) standards, raseline i.mprovemenLs, methods for developing forecasts a.nd conducting analysis, and outlinulg analysis paramekers. A prelirninary lisl- of assumpt-i_ons is nated bcloNv: • Growlh rakes tivi.i.) be derived fronl SRTC nZOdel runs for existing and fuhu-e years. • Synclu•o/Sirn Traffic will be used to assess intersectiQn operatyons for a rnaximum system of up to 20 ultersections per al.ternative. • An analysis ye1.i• af 2030 is assui-iied as the design year. • 1'ear af opening analysis will be conduCted and assumed as 2009. • AM analysis will Uc conducted. • Accident analysis will assess current accident statistics. • Parameters for analysis wiU be based on current practice in the City and region. , VALiEY CORRIDOR ENbIRDA'?I.ENTAL EVALUkTION 3 OFB CONSULTANT %vill develop a process for evaluating a sct of allernatives i.ncluding developing evaluaLyon critei-ia that support proje,ct objecrives. Evaluation critei•ia will I.ikely include transportation benefil and impaCts to built and natural envi.ronments.'('he nlemo wil.l also docurnent how thc criteria might bc measured. hor pLU-poses of this scope af work, the criteria are assumed as follows: Transportaki4n Benef i l•/ Impa ct -[mpact of parallel arterials and known/conaraihted projecls - Arterial Street Opcrations - Arterial Streel• Safety - Th rough "C'ravel Time - Total veluclE m.i.les traveled (VMT) - Feasibility/Benefit Costi of each alternative inclucling atlcillai•y facilities, and anticipated fina.ncial resources - Design Srandaxds - Constructability - Public Transportation usage/ridErsh.ip on Bus and high capacily transil- (HCT) - Iu,pacr on peclestrian/bike facilities, wallcing distanee to Traiisit - Ba.r.riers to pedesh-ian and vehicular access Natural Enviroranent - Impact on Air Quality - Inlpact to critical. areas BLUIt Envu•onment - Consistency with Comprehensive Pla.ns - \ioise - Econonuc Iaevclopment - Tnipacr on ped/b",ke facilit-ies - Displacements and T3isruphions L,and Use/Comprehensive Plui - Mecting al1d supporting the laild use design - Supporting hhe ecanornic/business - Meeting the goals of creating a wallcable convnunity - Preserving desipated corridors for Utility and High capacity Trarlsporl'1ttion 17eIivEraUles: Drnft urid finai rrie.thocts and assuinptr.ons rnetnn. llraft anc1fI1'lGiI L'ZJIdIIlLitt0J7 irlento. Urajt teclrnical irierteoranduin idetitifijirrg deficiencres and alterrru.tizses. Finui Yrr-eiaorcxnc.luyn iircarporating stakeltoIder aiid Spakane Vnlley comiiterits. Task 4: Prepare Statement of Purpose and Need COP4SULTANT will preparc a d.raft statement of purpose and need appropriate Eor tllc envirorunental assessment. Statement will be substantiated by clata coJ.lectian. Purpose and need statement will address: i- I?rojcct Stahas VALlEY CORRID0R [FJVIRONN,-ctnnL EvH.UJATION 4 OF 6 ~ - Safety, - Cangcstion - Transportatian Demand - P.oadway Deficiencies - Systcnl Linl:age - Ecanomic I7evelapment Spokanc VallEy wlll assist with gathering feedback fram key stakeholdcrs including SRTC and Spolcane Cowlty. Uelrverables: (7raftPurpose atfd Need staterrrent. Fiital staterreeizt irtcorporatirig stakel7olcter crnd Spokane VieIley cotmrierits. Task 5: Public Involvement Process CONSlTLTANT will devElap and fal,lqw a clcarly defineti public unvolvenlent plan that by FEdcral 5tatute rcquires documented early and continuous public involvement. CONSULI'A\i'T will assess each project alternative's potential iunpact to low income and mulorit}, populatian areas that arc higher tliln the N1.SA average, and i.f identified plan on involving those populations in the decision-maki.ng process. Envirarimental jusYice (EJ) requirements must also be met as part of dus project. Deliverables: PribIic ii7uoiverrzeytt plasi. r- Task 6: Prepare Transportation Discipline Report Outline The c,utline wi]1 Ue reviewed by Spokane Vallcy a.nd WSDOT local progi'ams to cottf.irm operations are adequate. Spokane Valley wilI assist in gathering consensus on prefcrred alternatives to i,nclude in l•his Qutlinc. Iaeliverables: orrtline. Task 7: Prepare Transportation Discipline Report CONSUL7'AN'I' tiri]] prepare a transportatinn discipline repart (TDR) consistcnt with NEPA (\Aational Envi.ronmental Protecdon Act) g•uidancc. This docwnent will include evaluation re.sults ar►ci discussion of how khe preferred alternarive meets projech purpose and need and. evalual•ion cri.teria as eompared to lhe ncrbuild alternativF for the worst case (2030 Plvl peak hour). ThiS document wiLl con.firm that hl1e altErnative c1n mect concurrency objectives uz the design year. The su:mmu'y docuinent will also providc discussiAn pcrtdini.ng to resitlts from the AeV1 peak hour and year of opening analyses. Del2verabies: nraft urid jYna1 trartspvrt•ntimi cliscipIine repArt. Task 8: Prepare Environmental Assessment (EA) ` CONSULTANT will prepai•e an Environinental Assessnlent document consistent itiritti NEI'A guidance. This document will include evaluation results and ciiscussiQn of hoti>> the preferred alternative unpacts thc c>nvironnlent compared ta the no-build alternative. This VALLEY CORR1DaRECJViRONMEt1fAL EVALUA,TIOk 5 OF 6 dociunent shall cover all the rcquirEd environmental iinpact areas including, but noC limited to: - t-ransportation - noise - air qualit), - wetla.nds and streantis - land use and socioeconom,ics - visual resources - geology and soils - vegetation and wildlife - grvur►cl.wa ter - floodplains - wetlands - cultural anci historic resources - parks and recreaLiqn 3.0 Project Delivery Schedule CON5ULTAN'C' wi,l.l complete the work outlined in this Scope nf Work within 6 months of the issuance af a noticc to proceed. VALIEY CORR1003Z Eh`VIRONMEIlTAL EV,3LU.4TION 6 OF 6 QurT ci,A1R7 TaEED (-'jt'tANTOR, SPoKaNTr CoLr~TY, a political subcLivision of che ~ WfisIllllglUi1, having ils pt-ini:ipal piace of business locriCvCi aG 1 116 W. Broadway Spol:ane, Washington, for and in consider.ation of ten (10) dollars and athi:r consideration; conveys and guitctaims to GIZANTCE, the CI.TY OF SP VALLEI'; a lVCunicipal Cozporation of the Stale of Washinuton, having its princi nf husiness located ar. 71707 C. Sprac'ue .4vcmie; Suite 106, Spokane Vallcy, Wa; the follo«ring described ceal property si?.uf,t°cl in the County of SPokane, Washinaton, hereinaft:er, "Property". K):ether with all after-acquii-ed dtle GRAN"1'(Jl2 therein: .All that portiion of ChicaDo, Milwaukee, St.. Paul and Pacifi Railcoad Gompany's Dishman to Coeur d'Alene Branch :r,inP a•ight ~f wa, from ltlc castern ri ;hL of way line ai University Roac! tU ttie cencer seceio line of Section 17, Township 25 North: Ranae 45 East, W.M., lYine withi Sce[ions 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2t]1 in J'ownsl,ip 25 Noi1h, Rrirrge 4'4 Efis W.M., and Sectipns 19, J.$, and lhe Wesl %z of Se;ceian 1.7, all in :1'ownshi 2; iTnr-th, .Ranbc 45 Easc, V1'.iVl. The GRA\T7'OR coriveys anc~ q«it-laims to GRA\'TEE only chat porli interest in the ProPerty that GRANTOR azaq+aircd as Grantcc of a certain quit:c.l: fYOm 12ichard B. Ogilvie as "I`ru.stee of r.he property of Chicago, 1\41 lwaukee, St. Pacific: Railroad Cornpany, daLed Deccmber 1.7, 1980 and recorded in Audit Number• 8012230081., i-ecords of Spokane Coiinry, Washington. 'Clus convcyance is s»bject to al] existing 7icenses: cnsemenes ancl deeds c antl a11 otlier encumbrances, cxcept.ians anci reservaticros of record. This convc conlingent upOrI thG unqullified acc4plance and acknowledgerneni by GRANT all special condi[ions ancl reseivatioiis herein. This conveyance; is also subje foliowing addilional conditions and reservations: i I. J'he 1'roper-ty shall remain zhat of the GR_AIITFE so long as it is used solc:ly far transpartacion purposes for the public and shall be properly rm-antained in eaod condition fo: these purposes. This is a d6ea5ible eonditic,n, and shoulcl the Property be uset.l for pui•poses othei• than transportalion then it shall automatically revei-t to the CRnN°`l'OR. Far the puipose:s of this condition, the tenn "transpartation" shull mean the movcment caf passen;ers or goods by veliicular tneans. This contiilion shall not prohibit GRAN rEE from granting ]icenses fUr the loc;atian, operation ancl maintenance (yf pub[ic utilities nver and ulong the Property so long, as said use does not olhcr.wise interf'eir- with the tTansnortacion purposes hereinabovc ar the eascmc~nt r•eserved by GRA\TOR in paragraph 2 heieinafter. 2. GRANTOR shall retain a pcrpetual easement in the Propei-ty in its encircty to operate, repair, maincain, alcer, construct, and reconstruci its saiutaiy seNver lines, together wiCh an}r and all necessary appuE•tEnances", tliereto, ovcl•, across and under the Propcirty. C7.12AN'['OR shall retain fi-ce, open and unobslructed right of ingress and egress lo the Property foi• lecess to the sewer s}rstem and to ocher pai-cels owned by GRA.RTOR abuLtino the Property and shall also retatn the right tn maintain and re- Lstlblish the ac;cess road on the T'roperty i'or the aforementioned putposes. GRA\tTEE will not cause or allow to be causc;d any dama,e to [he sanitary Sewer lincs, thcir appurtenances aild aCC.c•ss road. G:EZANT.EE uncterstands .hat tany such damage.is the sole responsibility and liabilicy of GRAINZTL and he.re-by covenants with G.RAN'l'QR ehar. GR AN'I'rM will pay for any damage.donc at any time hereafter co the &tnieary setiver lines; theu- appurrenanees aild the access roacl. 3. GRAN'I'1?L rcpresents and warrants ehat GRANr1TEF_ is acquirin~ the Properry in an "as-is; with a11 faults" basis widi any and all patenc and latent clci'ecGS including ttiose; relaCing t.o the envirUnmental condition of , tlle Fropee-ty. GRAN7'EC represeii:s to GRANTOP chat GR.ANTEG is awatt of and assumes the risk that hazai•dous subscanc,<:s may be prc:scnt on, under, iri or about the: Prop:,•rty. GR:'1NT'I'EE shali indemnifiy and hold ~ harmle;s and hereby waives, releases and disc;har(es f'orever GIZAN'T'0R, ics UfGci;rs, errlployees and agents froiii any and al1 present and futu»e, knc+wn Dl' l1IlICIIoVVi1, Clil1TF1S, demancts, causes of aCfi.On, dama3es, [qSSeS, penaltie.s, caurt costs and attorne_y fccs arising from o; in any way related lo: a) any latent 4r patenl cUndilion of chp Property; bl any bndily injury or death or 1G5S or dainage to [he property of any pec;on in any mannei- arising from dhe acr.s or omissions of GRANTOR, its officers; employees and agents in cnrlnection wi1h the entry upon or use af the Proreny; andlar c) anv presence, use, storage, generation, manufaclure, tr.ar3Sp0rC, reiease, leak, spill, dispasal or ptheF• handlin- of any hazardous substances in, vn, under• or about the propei-ty. The terrn "Environlnental condition" inc'ludes thos-- conditions eneompassecl by any federal, state or local statute or oidinancc, regulation, code, nile, order, jtici;ment., decree, injunc[ion or cammOn law peztaining ~ in any way to the protectian oi human health or the environme•nt, including without ]irri.itation, the Resource Conservation ancE Recovery Act, the Com,prehensive Environmental Response; Corapensiitidn end Liabilit}' Act:, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Model Toxics Coiitral Act, or. any similar or comparable federal, scate or loeal law. Thc term "hazardous substance" metins any hazardous, toxic, radioactive or infeclious substance, material, contaminant, or waste defirlecl, Iisled or regulated under an}J environijicntal Iaw, and inCkuctes with0ut linutation, petraleum oil and any of its fracdvns. 4. GRANTEE shall provide an unobstr-ucted caserrFenc Free of charae over, across and under tlie Property for, and shall fully coaperate in, the future joir.t use of the Properey for public transportatlon purposes; ~ i incltiding, buc not. lirnir.ed to, public high-capaciry ec-anspoe-tation, including any and all fnrrns of lighc r~iil, monorail, and the like; and GRAv1'EE shal{ othcrwise mainrain che I'ropercy so as to enstiires thal il t'Cmwi[15 co['npatible with transit-orientcd cievclopment oP any and all type,. VJherever rcferi-ed to hes-ein, the ternl GRAN7T:E shall apply to " Gi2ATi'I'EET it-s successors, assigi}s, heirs, exECUtorS, administrat.ors or dESFgtlces, who shaJl bc severaUy and callec;t.ively liable for any Hnd all pcrforniince hereunder. Wherever referred to herein, the GRANTOR shall appiy co Spokanc County, its successors, assigns; heirs, e•xeculors, admir;istral.ors or dcSibnet:S> who shall bL severally and colleclively liable for any a11 performance hereunder.. &~/day of ,.2004. D A'l'LD this , 4 0833 SPOKAN'N COjJ.NTl', by $O;1R17 OF COLII~7TY` CC_7NT~~ISSTOI~ERS~D ~Q v~ ~•i C?j ~ ; P l i p 1' . arri s, Chai r ~ n . r. ~ i•~+ 'd{~'~~' • ,,:':i1 , •'a~' . - . :7~LilT: \'c.,_+~''!?,:.. ,~~i, f~• .i \l1CKY 'M. DALTON~'~Z~~~s~'~~ . 7Cate; C,aslin, Vic:e-C'11air C:LER' OFT~B 1 8~~~ ~ laaniela Frickson, 'Depufy ~ J h1 'Raskelley, Commissior r ncknowleciged and Accepted by: DA'1'ED: C'1TY OF SPOKjINE VALl:.F.,Y; Attcst: BY= lls: City Clerk (Tittc) 4 f i ! COMl1-1 lSS10\TFR f?HiI.,LD' I). HARitIS: Nexl item is (hc trt►nifer of Chieugo 2 Milwsukee and St. Paul TLaih-oad right of way [u thi: City Clf Spp};i111C VflIICy. CbI11I111SSIC1f1Cis - 3 C.nA'(MTSS1pNE12 JOHN f{QSKF•IrI.:F,I': 7'hanks guys. Second. 4 COMA'f:15SIONrR PI-iTLLTJ' D. N.4itRi5: Tm going to 1'm goinr; to - 1'cl like tti C) j m.ii;c it unailimous, buc I have it problem witli the +vay it is written. ThC problcrn I have - J think it's fi just moi•c ot' niy lnindsct againsc I..ight, Rail ihal's cnusing me to hsve clie probleAn tli.ui any factua! 7 reason. But, l had a problsm with Paragraph Four, Nvhich I had al,r.ady submitte.d tbat to olU suorney S and he didn't - he dicln't agrce .vith ine, but ['rn used to thnt. ]3ui, lnyway, what iE saj-s 1nd 1 can't 9 ewen f nd it ancl T'rr, sure. iL's ri-ht hece in front of ine. It - it said - let's see wilere dicl I- J don't JU know where it's at. 13ut, lnyway, what it said was, ttianks. Stcve. actua!!_y it v.asn't Puragrapii Four 11 anytivay. It said - it wis - it Was Paragrapli Pour, and wha[ i[ sa}M qo me ir should have been chopped 13 off- it sa;d guaranrec shall provide and not obstruct thc futw-c e: sement - okav - lhc fiuure use of the l:, pmpcrty for public traruportation purposes, now that could have kzren a period. Public iranspo;tation 14 efltfld rnean roller skates. Zt coutd be 1lihc rai1. It cauld be car rail. lt could be cars, trucl:s, it coulcl be 15 anythina, but then we - it w2s added includinQ but not limiced to public higll capacity IranSpbriati0n, !ii iiuluding any and ali Eorms of light rail, monorail ancl light. Now, the only problern ] have wiCli that - 17 that if you say transpoi-miiori it includcs every[hing thaE is trai►spoj-utcien. 7'his could be - roulc[ cnuse. 18 problems for thc Spokane Val1ey dowjz the road Uecause tlhis ching's g-oing to be in[ervp3•ated soma day, 19 anaybe ntit immcdia[ely, by attorneys. F.nd, yon Icnow and I know hotiv I feel about the api.nians of 20 artorneys. You l:nativ, they have two cars ar.d like their nvo ears thcv have two opinions on 21 ever}zhi7p. lt depe.nds on who they'rs :vrorl:ing for at ehe time.' So, 1 dor.'t thinl: that needs w be in 22 ihere, but 1'm not goinb to vtrte nU to aec it ou[ c;aiise Y dorrt think it'S going to mske. that 3nueh ~ 23 difference•. 13ut, 1 lhink it -oes bacl: to mp old wtintry bU,Y training. Tt's not wi;:ii you dpn'c saV that 24 hurts you - it's wha[ yUU say tPnat hurtti ycau. And,'I t11in}; thi3 euuld causc: a hurt some wPiere do\.%m she 25 road. TTaving st►id that, T'll call for a 26 COAOITSSiC1NER M. IiA'lE MCCASi.,TN: 'Wsit. I just want to*make sure t;nFtt ihe rc:r.card 27 is clear- the legis{ative record is elciir sa (}iud in case diene is icsues veilh regard co youP interprc[aLion, 2S they can look to Utc Ici-islalive rectird. And, iar• the recoitil; my intent in advoclting for that languace 2 9 is so rhfit (he City of Spokane Valley wnldd be rExiuired to provide free of char,e, tit whatevea' })Oiru in 30 iiie i'!,ture, zuy eslsem;:nt. ovcr tha[ property fr.}r liigll capacity er.insit, which rnay incltidc liLjit rflil; 31 monarail, or so forth. They can't just arbitrarily say, sorry you cari't havi-, -you can't pu[ your li(gl;l 32 rail hcre and yciur m<marail here and if you do, we'R: going to charge you. That's - i want to dvoid 33 thAt scenario. lf there's nci c;ucstion thai. they have to cooper:uc in those efforls and that should - that. 34 proposal corne lorward and that wollld go ovex that propcrty that they're ?oiEig Lo have to allow for 35 dtst transieitncc and thaC wais why 1 n,antied that languaae weitcen in. So, l just warn: thac as a ni;ater 36 of teaislative record in case soroe. lawyer 24 years Pibm 3iow has to iiue,pret - 37 COt4N11SSIONER PI-IILLIF D. 1•LkltR15: Of;ay. Now, let inc - now wltat 1 undcrstooci 38 wa.s tljat should someclay somebody woulcf want to put L.ight ?tail through the Spokane Valley - 39 COmNLLSStONLIt Nl. fCA'I'L MCCASI,I.N: Or some Othcr fotm of lugh caplcity traitsit - l, Cenf~hcr I!tI1 '7f1f1G - t t-(1A QM 1 ~J 1 CQiY1~Y(ISS10NGRYl-1CI;l.:IYU.I-IAKKIS: Olt-lay. C3uc, ihis - I--t's jus[ use l..i;ht Rail, 2 bu:xusr, that's whal rnainly I'm Icooking ar. This would takc away the righi of the ponplG in the ? Spokane Valley to vnt:: whether they wanted Li ght Rail Ihrciugh thc:ir city or i1ut. Ts lhat h•iic? a COA9A'f7SSlOIr'EEt ivl. f{ATE N[CCASI.;11V: It wuulcl ttiean that if it wcre prupiisixl in ihat 5 corriclar ttiey - tl1e Valloy would have co nrovicle an easement uvcr lhat Su - ' 6 AT,.4RT[N 1ZOL1 Tn'S: Thc vxlui: would still be part of, I think, i whnever decides cn vciu; can Light Rail. T.mexn if ever•ybody vates Ligfit 12ai1 down then iL clocsn't go a in, but. if everyfiady votes l,.ig;hl:7'tail in then the Valley cannot. sfly the citizens - thz citizens ol ihe 9 Va!!ey cunnat say weli we dnn't waijt it here. LO CUMM1SS10NTER IM. ICA'I'E? A-iCC.4St..IV: That's ccTrrect 11 C:UN1n11S51UNEK YI4ILLIP D. H:4K.It1•S: So - so whut you juat. saiti 'Martin thnugh iS 12 lhat 1 don't want ln - dtc City of Spol.unc which hm5 Uwe preponderance of the votx; where the T ight 13 ]tail is going to be thmugh the City of :Spokane they llave morc vcxcs t1han ths Spiikane Valiey. If die 14 Cicy nf Spokane vctcd that Li~ht. Ruil u~otild go in to sc~rnc: d~wSUnation un}aio«~n Libert~ I..akc just for 15 a good n,ime, that ehe C;ity oc Spokane Valley wouid hztve no chc,ice Uut to put Ugh: Rail through cheir 1!i City. 17 COMZIISSIU\iER vL K47'i: lbICCASLII\': ln.thst cU-ridor- 18 A'f.ARTI,' ROLLI.I'S: Along that con•idar - - 19 C0MNfISSI(7\°LI{ Iv1. K.A,TF l1'[CC&SL1N: It`s i'cderal. 20 C(]Mn7ISSIQ\Llt 1'HCI.I_•LP A. I-IA1LttIS: Okay. `t+cll, then, we'll have to have a Rol1 21 CW 1 Vote. 22 C:OMMISS1piVER,if)1-iN EtQSK1:LLl;1': Okay. I'!l say one ching and I vran# iQ clnr;fy 23 iC aISO weth COrnmiSSionPa' Y~1CCiSlln. Frankly. l diun}: that this eascmct,t shaidd have ?one [o Spol:ane _ 24 Regional `I'ransForration Associaticn or a 30-foot easement sliould have bcen cuc right out of iliis ?.S Milwbukce Risht of Wdy and given to STA fo; public transportation purpescs. I don't parcicularfy 20 like the idea of ~,'iving il to the Ci[y AC the Valley, bu[ I`m 5oing Eo cio that_ And, I ihinl: I'm goiag to 27 da ie in the sarne with the 4ame words.that (_'.ommissior►er',U]cCaslin said thai it shall be usc:d for hi;li 2$ capacity tran5portation, thitt's onevf che uses, of public transpo; tation. And, the Cit}' oa the ValleV has 29 to understand that when they accepc this thai they don't really have the ability co sa}° no. lt's - or chey 30 can givc it right back to the County. :o, lhat's huw- wnere Ist.inci c:in this. 31 COA-IiN'C[SSIONEarI-I ix,I..IPD.I-LARIt[S: Okay. TZoIlCaIlVotc. 32 DANIEL,A i:RTCKSnN: 1"he mocion is to uutix:rize a Quit Claim Deaci 33 tu the City ei' Spokartic VEilley foi Cnunty propertV L-nqwn as the C;hic.igU IvLilwflukee St Pau! Pacifii: 34 kailroad propr.rty to be L-sed for uansportacion piupases only. Commissioner McCaslin. 35 CUMR1TSS14NE12 yIC:C:ASLII\: Yes. .iG llriNM~A ER1C;liS0N: CommiSSiOneY Hai'PiS. 37 CU14MISS]U\`rR Yli LLLIP D. HA}tRIS: No. 38 DANILLA CRICI:SO\`: Conunissioner Ros{.ellcy. 39 GOA'Iab11.SSlONF,R,JOI-hN ROSK.FI,LL'Y: Yes. ceMr~,,,r~. ^n ?ftf1A _ i i •f'11 LhA ~ J 1 llANIEL:i EEtiC1CSAN: tlpprovet[ b} a rn,yarity vote. 2 COitINIISSIONER PiPT.,LiP D. WARRIS: Qkay. \*ext - 3 ,It1iNMS P. ENLACIC): Cornmissioner Tqiirj•is, if 1 have Lc>, .i'vi 4 ovc;r lhe. docwnent this monting and I mighl hnve some cifmrncnls 1 ntighi wauit to iidcl. 0 5 cOmmen[5,1'll marl< <hecn on the-clocuntem and bring lhcrn buck. 1 w(in't r.Mans;e dic intent ol 6 might want tp add a contEtla or two. 7 COMMISSIONElt iiARRIS: No, l don'c Lhin.k m. 8 JAIM L5 P. r,MA C:io: Okay. Okay. 9 CO1vIMISS10\Tlilt F'H[I.I.IP D. HARIZIS: Liecause - because yrou►• -N'Qur in(e11 10 is going ia he differcnt tnsrr~ enn6her person'S inle:rprQtaTiO[1 1 I JAiN.iF:S P. k'nTACIO: I understanci_ Qkay. 12 C011•tAq.1SSlONEI2 PI•1TT.i..T1'r). Ii.titKI:S: So, we vatetl on it as it is, so - 13 JAh4FS P. FN(ACTO: F'inc. Wc'll leave i[. That 14 Commissioner liairis. 15 CUl'1N1iSSTO,NFR PAI1:rl,I:P D. HARftIS: Evcsrybc:uiy agree tvich that. 16 CCIM•1:IS510\`ER M..K.ATE -NiCCASLIN: Well, do yc~u know what. you might li 17 you tvanl c:lurificalion, Jim? 18 COA'IA41S5J()NER JOl•lN R()SI:rI.LE-7I': 1'ou can ~yflu cait actual!y rype 19 comments iittd you and 1 can sign those commcnt;. 20 DANIFL,A ER1:CKSnN: I'll do a vei-bacim. 21 .1:1A9ES P. ER-LACIU: 1~7e're goinn to do a verhatim of b< ~ 22 commenGS. A!I laie comrnen[s, Cammissionar Han•is and wv'll pui them uS pari Uf ctua re 23 dICYG'S I1Q - 24 CO\D-I1SSIOn''ER PHILLIP D. HART2IS: WGII, yOu ctin attach thar, if you \4'!3' 25 yau scnd it to tlee Spokene VUlley. I nzean, 1 don'[ havi: any nroblem with thai. You c:in ai 26 co~sy in its entiraty. I.jusc don`t k+~~an1 yt~u to changc ths laneuage i cl i~ ttii Licum;.~nt. 27 JAi~11~'~S Y. l:-MAC10: No. Wc won't. Zs ~ uFSOLu-nC)N NO_ , 4 4833 13EFORL THE 130ARI7 OP COUN'CY CONI\91SS[ONERS OF SPO}'vANE CC)llNTl', WASHlNCTOT`! IN `I'HE MA1'I'h'R OF AU"MORIZING ) QUIT Cl.,A12vf DEED TCJ THE CITl' OF SPC)KA NE ) VALLEY FO[2 COUNTY PROPfiRTY fCN`OWN AS ) R h S O L U T I 0 N 1'FIE CI31CAG0, MT.[,WAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND ) F:1CCFIC RAILROAU PROPEF2'i"Y TO Br CFSED ) r-012 T1tANSPORTAT10N PUR.POSF.S OeLY ) WHEREAS, pursuant icr die provisions ni' che Itevised Cnde of Washiiigron, Section 36.32.120(6), the 8nard of County Commissioncrs qf Sgok:uic County has tiie care ot C:ounty properry and che in►nageni_m of:Caunty [unds and bu.siness; and tVHEREAS, Spokane Comity purchased the farmer Chicago, Mil,-vaukc.^e, St. PLUI artd Pzc'tiu. Raitroad Coupatiy propesEy and obq►iried tiile hy Quit Cfaim Decd No. 8412230051 in volume 531 pagc 1971 on I?ecember 23. 1980 u'hich is located gencrally in SecdorLs 19, 20, 27, 22, 23 and 24 of T'ou'nsltip 25 Noa1h, Range 44 F-asi, R'.M., and Sections 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 10, 11, 2 ancl 1 in Township 25 North; Range 45 East,'W.M.; :ute WHEREAS, s portion of said prop°rry has already been utilizcd fo: the c;oizstrzctiee and G51c'3bIISE1iT4ellI of AppEeway [3aulevard and a fiuure corridor for potcatial light rail; and WHERL-AS, the Couiity Engineer reuamrteads trarnifcr oE the Properry to the City vf Spo}ain: Vallc;+ by x Quit Claun i?eed only on conditions ttatecl in the Quit Claim deed, [hat is, the subjeG proper4y is to be usecl for transportation purpasrs only, and said property shaL reveci in ownership back to SpoSaric Cnuriw if it is use.tl Cnr ather than crunsporkllion purpases; and the Couruy shaU reserve a perpeniai ea..nenient un tlie propeciy !'or Spoksjie Cuunry's sanitary sea•er lines anCl appurlrnanccs currently locatcd on the s.abject properfy as welj as frer. atid unUbstnicted access to the sewer syst~•m for any and all pu,-poses; including maintenance and :e-establishment of 9n acrc,ess road for such puiposes; ar,d R'HEREAS, Spokane Cotinty sha17 also retain a fcee and opr.n easemenr. #'or high capacitv [ransportadon encluding lighc mil, monorail, ami ttk jike, re;erdlrss uf whethe.r any ottier entiry uldmately spunsors the high capcwiry transportation s}'stem; cjnd ~Ar}-T$REAS, the propcrty [o be aeeded is solely withici the juriscticdanul boujularies oi the City aESpok3ne Vallcy and coasists only of tliat imerest in the sub,y.ct property t}tut was tleetled (o Spokxne Cuusxy by Qu3c Claim deecl as hCr~'inabove statcd; atul WHEl2EAS, atier duc conSideration by thc BU37Y'I 6E CGUIIi), Commissiorrers of Spokane Couttty, Washington, it appcars to sned 13oard chat it will be in the best incerests of boUi 4ie C:ounry of Spokane tincl (li: f.ity o` Spokane Valley tltat Ihe Covnry uf Spokntie convey saicl Iands to the Ciry of Slial:anQ VaIIe), on ers:rtaiil condiuons. 1\ NOW 1"Ht-ltEFURE, BE I1' I2ESOLVED by the Board of Couiiry Commissioner.s o~ Spokanc C_'ounty, Wnshingtnn ihat Qt° reA.ommendaric,n of'the Counry [ingineer is hereby approved zinci th!#t CIEI1Ci t]C Ch31i Of t1G I39afd 07' a majority of the Board be authc>ri•r,et! r.o execute a cpuitclaim cletd by an on bchr.lf of Spokane Caunty as provided far herein 3c ather thar~ an open meedng L:nich quieclaim deed shall includ° those ma;~cs set forth iio the letcer fmm thc SpnAnnt Cotfnry Engineer tfl 'Me City of Spokane ValJey clatetl August 26, 2004, environmenirat indeinmification/hold hsrrrdess, as weU as qny oitier provisions czcornctiemled by lesal coun5.1 and Ppproved by a mnjori[y of the Cioard ac other than an open meetine to adequatzly pmteci Lhe iitterests of Spflkarw Councy, Al'PROVED BY THE BOARU nn chis 30th day of S`ptember, 2004. BOARD OF COYTi~I'C`Y C014ib(ISS10NEKS OF SFOlCt1NE COUNTT', ~1'ASFI?NGI~QN Q L ~ ~~y tip' ' r~: ~ j•. y .LIli D. HARR(S, CH?.IR ~ •._SF.ril,•' ~ r ~.ti f~✓1i CtF~~-.~`l + . h . nTF McCASl.rN, V1CF-CHAIR AMS"1': VtC}:1' M. nALT{3N CLFRK OF THE BOARD 7 FtOSKELLL"Y l BY 1 L J C,/w ~ Dp.,yIL•LA ER[C1:SON, DdPUTT' . • 1Wzr,M14z+m0r n:M ~ J v.IIJoicvvD Ua:av rtA auv 411 1410 ~YU.GU.IUHLlU 1VUlU1S lgj 00-9 ~ - . . , . • , . . ,t ~ J - , ~ . ~~.03270283 `4 . QUIT CUAIM DEED ' BURI..XN'GTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMI',kNY (formerly narned Burlington 1Vorthern Inc.), a D?laware cor.poration, Gra.m.ar, for Ten and no/100 Dollazs ($10.00) aad other good a-nd valuable consideration, conveys a.nd. quit claim.s, without any covenants of warranty whatsoever and withoui i°ecourse to the Grantor, its successox-s and assigns, to SPOK.ANE COUNTY, a mwl::cipal cor.poratiora of the State of Wa.shinn, of Public Works Depaztment, Spokane, WP.shington 99260- 0170, Grant;ee, a 1 its right, title and interESt, if any, 'sn ; eal estate situated in Spokane County, StaEe af Washington, together with'aIl after acquired title of Grantor therein, described as follows: . A?l that portion o£ Burliagton NOrthern Rz.ilroad Company's (formerly Great Nor 't]~en I~.ailway Com.pa.~y's) Spo~~:ene to Gree.nacres, Wa,shin„aF.on Branch Line right of way, now d.iscontinu-2d', being of variable widths oa each side of said ReiZroad Company's Maim l:`rar-k centerline as oTigina.lly lflcated a.nd construct,ed upon, over and ac~ra;.s Sections 11 -and 12, T25N, R43E; Secti.ons 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13, T251N, R44'E; Sections 16, 17, 18, 9, 10, 11, 1, a.n.d 2, T25N,. P.45E; and Section ii, T25N; R46E; all refe.reaced to the Wi11ameLte Merid.i2n, Spokane C(--tuit}►, Vv ashingtoA, a described as follows, to-wit. ~ ' . AIl that partion of sa-id Ra.ilroad Company's 60..0 foot wide Branch La.ne righf of way, beizig 30.0 feEt kide on each. side of sa.id Railrflad Cornpany's Ylaien 2`rack cen.terla.ne upon, over and ac:-c+ss the E+SW-,',- and the NT~SE-~ oF said Section 11, Black 2, of the Orchavi Park Additi.on to . Spokane Falis; and the NV6'+NW;SW}, the S+I~'W;., and NE; of said Section 12, a12 in T25N , R43E; the N-~Nj of said Se~-.tion i; the N7~NW+, the nV+NE+, the S+N-Ei and the N+SE; of said Sextion 8; the N4_-Sj of said Section 9; the S4zN,' SSW;, the SW;-NW;,SF_4, and fte ?3+S1,SF;- of said Sectioa 10, aIl in 25N, R442; bounded between the S',c7utheasterly line of • .%kr- Waterwofks Avenue, in the City of S okane, Washin€;f:on, according to the ..recorded plat tkereof, and Lhe East ~ine of said SPct:.t,n 10, fi25N, R44E; cl,SO, All that pert:on of said Railroad Company's 1010 foot wide Branch Line right o; way, being 70.0 €'eelol- uride on the Northerly side and 30.0 teet wide on the Southerly side of said Railroad Coxrdpany's Ma.in Track centertiae upon, aver and. across pa.rt of Government Lot 4 of said Section 13, 7`25N, R.44E; bounded between the East Iine of sa i-i Government Lot 4 and a line cirawn parall.el with and d.istant 715.0 feei. :'Z~fluthe4st,erlyo uf the West l.ine of said Government Lot 4 as measured al :)n.g said IVlain Track centcrline; • -EXCEPTiNG TKEREFROIYL: That portivn, of said Gvuernment Lot 4 aescri"Ded as follows: 00036 2 5 $e ~nnin zt t,.~:e intersectior oF the East li:~e of said Lot 4 y10 and a liae ~raw~ parallei with and distant 70,0 -F=et ~TOrtherly of, as measured at right angles to, said Rail:-aad Campany'- ~xc,sc iax raie Ca1e Ar.~:. .).F "SK1P" CHILBERC !t~ n ~frI 'a ~f ~ •4 94096 S~aro Coun1Y Tr~:r, ~ 7 r~- IWIAGED • ~RnO n~n~ 03/13/2005 09:59 FAX 509 477 7478 SYU.CU.YUlSL1C 1!'Ul<lt5 i#1t uu~ . Main Track cent,erline; thence Northwesterly ~arallel- with said Ivlain Track centerline 591.0 feet; thence ~~outheasterly 232_1 feet to a point distant 24.0 feet Southerly cif., as measured ' at right angles to, said parallel Iine drawn 70.0 faet I\7oa-tb.erly of said Masn Track centerline; thence Soutbeas's--rly parallel with said Main Track centerline 365.0 feet, mori: nr less, tv the East liae of said Lot 4; thence Noz-therly along; !:aic} East line 24.0 feet to the Point of Begi.nning. . • ,PLLSO All that portion of said k7ailroad Company's 100.0 foot wide Branch Line right of way, being 50.0 feet wide on each si'3•e of said Railroad * Company's Main Track centerline upon, over Fsnd acro ss Government Lot . .3 of said Section 13 bounded between the East,and West line thereof; also, . All that porEion of said R.ailroad Company's 6(1. D foot wide Branch Line right of wa.y, * being 30.0 Eeet wide oa each side of said Rail.road . Compp-ny's Main Track centerline upon, over and acn:;s Government Lots 1 and 2 of said Sectioa 13, T25N, R44E; and the NvG'-I- of 'said Section 18, ' T25N, RaSE, bonnded beLween tbe West line of said G~overnment Lot 2 of ' Seciaon 13 aAd the East line of said NW+ of said Secti on 18; also, . , , UEUTr - A1l that portion of said R.ailroad Corn.pany's 40.0 foot wide Branch Line right of way, being 20.0 feet wide on each s:,t;e of said Railroad Compa.ny's Main Track centerline upon, over and ar.ross the NE4 of said Section 18, T25N, R45E; bounded betweEn the East vr.d West line thereof; . arsfl, An additional 105.0 footwide strip of ri.ght of w-z.y l-yzng SouthErly of 3nd acja.cent to the hereinabove described 40.0 foor wicle $ra.nch Line ri.ght of way upon, over a.nd across Lot 52 of Plat "A" of Green Acres Trri ation District; lyzng betweea the East and West lines of said ir~t 52, and~ying betwaen two lines drawn pa.rallel with and. clistant, respectively, 20.0 feet and 125.0 feet Southerly of, as measured a:t right angles ta, said R,ailroad Company's Main Track centerline; also, . . An additional strip of righf of way lying South,;rly of and adjacent to the hereinabove described 40.4 foot wide Branch Ia,ne right of way upon, over and a.cross Black 13, Original Plat of the Vt.lle}rvievr Addition to Spokane, Spokane Cocanty, Washington (Valleyvie~, Adaition is now in Greenacres, Washington); bounded on the Northerl;y side by a line drawn garallel with and d.istant 20.0 feet Southerly oF, a:; measured at right angles to, said Main Track centerline; bounded on t.-ae Southerly sic"Q by a line drawn parallel with said Ma.in Track center-iLie distant 30.0 feet Southerly oa the Northwest corner of Lot 5 of said ~-iock 13 as measured along the Westerly line of said Lot v; bounded on the Westerly side by the East line of Center Street, according tv 4:he recor.ded plat therea£; and bounded on the Easterly side by a line drawn at rig,ht angles to said Main `Z'rack cen`erline distant 205.0 feet Easterly of the 'West lEn: of said Lot 5 as measured P-long the North line of said Lot 5; also3 ; A_ll tb.at poeLion of said Railroad Coinpany's 70.0 Eoot wide Branch `Line right of way, bein.g 40.0 feet wide on L'he NorthE,rly side and 30.0 feet . z 9 IG95 la1)lVl~~fn~1'~~Il~l~~1G11Z1'd11~~111~U . r,~,~aGLa 7,=b9 b10~ . 01/19/2005 (ifl : bfl FAX 509 477 7479 SYU. UU• YUNLII: uv4 ' rvl 1. J. ~ . . wide on the Southerly side of said 'Raiiroad Compa.ny's Main Track centerline upon, over and across part of the W.~NrW-,.- cif said Section 17, `I`25N, R45E; bounded between the WesC line of said 'F-,~NW; and a line dz-swn at right angles to said Main Track centerline d.istant 1320_0 feet East-erly of theWest line of said W~,-?\'VJY as measured• along a line drawn parallel witli and distant 40.0 feet Northerly of, 2s r.aegsured at right angles to, saia lVlain'Z`ra.ck'centerl:ne; atso, All that portiion of said. Ra.ilroad Gompsnys 60:0 foot wide Branch . Liue right of way, bei.in.g 30.0 feet %;Zde on eacb sid-E of said Railroad Coinpany's I~11ain Track centertine upon, over and -E!cross pa*t of the, S4,-.NF4NW; and the IvT+NEl of'said SecVion 17; the I~~.7, NW}NrW; of said . Scction 16; the SJS~ of said Sectiori 9; the N-1-SW+SVT-1f, Lhe N-~,,SVG'l, the NJSE.-}, and Govern.ment, Sot 8 of sa.id Section 10; Gov~,z:-nment Lots 1, 2, 5 . arad the SEJ-NrW-} of said Section 11; azd Government:Lats 8 and 9 of said . . Section 2; all in T25N, R45E; bounded on tihe Wes•l:eely side by a line • drawn at right angl.es to_ said Tvlain 'I4-ack centerline.. clisfa.nt 1320.0 feet - E25terlSi of ~he West line af said Sectio-n 17 as meewured along 3 liue drawn parallel w.itk► and ciistant 40.0 feet Northerly: of, as measured at xioht angles to; said Main Track centerline; and bouu&ed on the Easterly siae by the E2st line of said-Government Lot-9 of said Se:ction 2; also; • 411 that por4ion of said Railroad Compa.ny's Bramcl3 Line right of way, being 30.0 feai wide on the Northwesterly sidP and of variabie width ~ on the SoutheasfPSly sidc; of said R.ailroad Compan:y's Relocated Main - Track centeerli.ne, as originally locatzd aad construr:ted upon, over and across Lot 10 of said Section J., 'z'25N, R45E, lying be,t.CVeen the East and West liae of said Lot 10 thereof and also bounded on tEe. Southeast.erly side by a line drawn parallel with an.d dista-nt 30.0 feet ':.\"orthwest.erly of, as measured radirlly to, said Railroad Company's Oa-iginal Main Track centerline, as origina.l].y located and constructed ur.•on, over and across sa.id Lot 10; also, An additional triangular shaped parcel lyiia.t; ac;jaceat to amd Southeasferly of said hereiuabove described ri~ht of•c~ay and situ.ated in said Governmeat Lot 10 0£ Section T252~, R4~-.*-R; bounded an the Westerly side by the East line a: saici GovernFnent Lc-t 10; bounded on the N orL•hwesterly side by a line drawn parallel with z.ud d.istant. 30.0 feet Southeaster!y of, as measured at right a.rzgles 1:0, sa.id' Railroad Carnpany's Qriginal3'ia.in T7ack centerline; and bounded on the :;o uth easterly side by a Line &awn parallel with a.nd distant 50.0 ieet ;ioutheasterly of,as - measured at right angles ta, said Relocated Ma.in.'Z`ra,.l: centeriFne; also, An ad(iitiogal triangular shaped parcel lyin; adjacent ta and . Northerly of the hereir.above Qescribed Pra.nch Line-right of way situated in Government Lot 10 os said Sectiozz 1, T25N, R•zt; bounded on the \arthwesterly siQe by a Iine drawn parallel wiLh ;ind distant 30.0 feet Narthwesterly of, as nzeasuced at r:ght angles to, sair.l Ttailroad Company's Original Na.in Track centerline and bounded on ths utheasLerly side by. a line drawn oarallel ~th aad distant 30.0 feet )qci cthwesterly of, as ~ r measured •at rigbt angles tci, said Rail.road Cozra.pany's Relocated Main Track centerline, as bouAded on the the Westerly side by the EasLerly lirae of'said. Gavernment Lot 10; also, 94094 WAGFO y6GS_~1~ 03/19/2005 09:59 FAb 508 477 7479 SPO.CO.PtBLTC 4FORI{S 10005 , ~ . . i 1 rf ~PNGC All that portion of saia -Railroad Company's B~-aach. Line right of, way, being 30.0 Feet wide ora the Northwest,erly sid.e a;vj of variable width on the Southerly side oF said Railroad Company's Or`.ginal ?vlain Track centerline, as originally located and constructed u.p•3n, over and across Governxaent Lots 7 and 9, and rhe Nfl~t'W-~,SE+ of said Section 1, T25N, R45E: bounded on the Westerly side by theWest line~of said Government Lot 9; bounded on the Sout,heasterly side by a liae dra;va parallel with and distant 50.0 feet Southeasterly of, as measured at right angles to, said Railroad Com.pany's Relocated Ma.in7~-ack ceAt,erline; and bounded an the Nartheasterly side by'a Line drawn at right angles •ta said Mair_ Track centerline distant 2040_5 feet Southwesterly of th-e East line ol' said Sect-ion I as measured along said lYLain Tra.ck centcrli3-ie.; alsq, An additional 100.0 foot wide strip of right of w,a.v lying adjacent to and Southeasterly of the hereinabove described nht of w3y situated in said Gvvernment Lots ? and 9, and tha N~NWEj- of sai.d Section 1, ' T25N, R45E; and bounded between two lines dxawn a;t :ight angles to said . . FV1ai.n Track centzrLime d.istant, respectively, 2140_5 fe-st P-nd 3740.5 ieet Southwesterly of the East line of said Section 1, as mEasured along said ` Relocated Na.in Track centerline; lying between Lwo lines drawn parallel with aud disfant, rESpectivaly; 50.0 feet aud 100.0 (6-A Southeastzrly of said Railroad Company's Relocated Main Track centeT't.ine; also, A.11 that portion of said Railroad Coripany's 60.0 foot widQ Bramch Line right of way, bei.ng 30.0 feet wide on each sidE of said Rai.L~oad , Company's Niain Track centerline upon, over, and acriss Governmant Lots ~ 7 a.nd 8 0Lr said Section 1, T25N, R45E; bounded between a lixte draw-n alt-, right anQles to said lvTain Track centerline diYt3nr 2040.5 zeet Southwesterly oi ihe East iine or sa.ici tTovernmeni: ,l..ot o z.s measurea - along said Origiaal Main `I`rack ceuterline aad a lirie which er,teacIs hTorthwesterly at a.n angle of 60°33'30" to the East :.ine of s2id Section 7. from a point on said East liae distant 3129.3 feet: Northerly from the Soutiheast corner of said section; also, ' Allthat pvrtion of sa.id R.ailroad Company's 200.0 foot wi.de Branch . Line right of way, bea.ng 100.0 feet R•ide on each .,-irle of sa.id R.ailroad . Coraipany's Original IV1ain Track ceaterline upon., over and across Government Lots 2 and 3 0t'said Section 6, T25N, R-414E; boum(ied between the East line of said Section 6 a.nd a liize drawra par-,llel with-and distant 120.0 feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles Eti, the West line of sa.id Governrnent Lot 3; also, . An addi`cion.al parcel of right of way lying adja:zent ta and Southerly of the herei.nabove described 200.0 foot wide right o' way situated iri said G-overn.ment Lots 2 and 9 of Section 6, T25N, R4:4..E; bounded an the k;asterly side by the East line of said Goveriimcnt La;:: 2 and 3, bounded on . the Northerly side by a line d.rawn parallel writh c_r:d distiant 100.0 £eet Southerly of, as xnsasured radially to said Ori.g'znal Main Track centerline, ' and bouaded on the Southerly side by a line ciraw parzdlel with and distant 104.0 feet Southerly of, as measured at rzght angles to, said Raloc4ted Main Track center.li.ne; also, f1 All that partion of said Railroad. Compa:ny's 75.0 foot wzde• Connectino Track right of ~sray, being 37.5 fEet wic.e on each sicle of said 94Q93 . ~ n a V,,,AGI-M )aeo niAh 02/18 %2005 10: 00 FAX 509 977 74 78 5Y0. C0. 1'UBL1C IlO1t1tS ley UUii Railroad CompGny's Conn.ecting Track centerline, a:, orio nally located and constructed upon, over and across part o£ Gover.n~,ient Lot 8, in said Section 1, jT'25N, R4~E; bounded on che Northerly si-r1e by a line drawn pa..rallel with and distant 30.0 fest Southsrly oE, as r.neasu'red at right angles to, said Railroad Com.pany's Branch Line Main Traek ceptecline; - and bounded on th.e Southerly szde by a line drawr,. parallel witih and distant 50.0 f6et T3nrtherly of, as zneasured at right ;ingles to, the IvLain Track centerline of the former Chicago, Milwaukee, •t_ Pzul, 2nd Paci'F.c Railway Gompany, a,s orig-inally located and construcb:cl; also, AlZ thaf: portion nf Burl.xrLgton Northern. R;_ilroad Comeany's (forrr►erly Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific F.G.ilway Coznpany's) 100_0 foot wide .Branch Lin.e right of way, now discaatinued, being 50.0 • fee't, wide on each side of snid Railroad Compa..a..y's Ma,iu Tr2:ck centerline, as originall}, lvcp-ted and constructed upon, over and- across Government Lot 8 of Section 1,'X'25N, R45E and Government Lot 1 oF Section' 6, T25N, . R46E; bounded betweeu the East line of said GaverntiE:.nt I.ot 3 of Section ~ 6 2ud'a line drawn at rzght dngles L•o said Mai.n Trac~k centerline distant 600.0 feet Soutb.westerly of the East line of said Gniern.ment Lot 8 of ' Section 1, as measured along said iMain'Irack centerlise; also, • An additional 100.0 £ool- wid.e stri-p of right vf wai, lying adjacent to . and Southerly o£ tF.ie hereinabove described 100.0 -foot wide Chicago, M:.lwaukee, Sy. Paul 8:. Pacific Railway Cornpany's rigtflt oi way S1LZ1St2Ci YII ~ szid Gover=pnt Lot-3; 1Sing between two lines dr2xzm parallel 'with and dist2nt, respectively, 100.0 fePt and 200.0 feet South•w-°ly of, as ziLcasured aL' right angles to: said Railroad Compaay's Mai.n 'I:rack ceaterlin.e and botanded between the East line of said GoverrLment L.it- 3 and a line which • bears N50°07'ViT from a point on a line drawn parallei with aud disLa.nt 200.0 feet Southezly of, as mea.sured at right a.nglr.;; to, said Railroad CompanS's Main'Irack cente:Iine and d.ista-n.t 995.0 feet Vr'estsrly of the Ea..st line of said Government I.ot 3 as measurpd along. said parallel lir_e. _ RESERVING, however, unt,fl said Grantor, its s-uccessors and ass=gns, a railraad. easLmemt including the righ.t, privilege and easement to construct, maintain, repair, renew, use, operatie •over, repiace or- remove railroad tracks, drainage facilities and appurienances thereto in, along, iover, upon or across that pc= tion of the nrein:ses herein conveyed described as folloa•.s: A.Zl that portion of saia' Railroau' Compaa}''s 30.0 fooE wid.e Branch Lir.e ri-ght of way, bei.r.g 15.0 feet wide on each side of said R.ailroad . Com.pany's M&in T,:ack cEnterline, a-q now loca;ed a:ad constructed u.pon, over and acr9ss the N-,~ of Section 12, T25N, R4$F;, W.7Va:., in Spokane County, Washington; extending From a. point 150.0 ieet WesL- of the West right of way line of Eastern Road as exteadect I4orthe.rly; thence Northeas;eTly approximately 1340A iPet to tihe point oF inLersection with tk,e existing Union Pacific Railroad ri.ght of way whk~h is located at a point. 240.0 feet East of the East rigpfi of way l:ne of Eiizabe•:h Road as eYtended Northerly; • ~ . - - 94092 ID~J~~I(~~l~ll~ll~fl(~Illllil!~I~~llllll ~sa9 o1Di ~i~'~•''Gi.~D . 03/18/:005 10:00 F.~ 509 477 7478 SPO.CO.PUDLIC WORICS 16007 ' YQL. r~ c~ ►'~GE G " t4 have and to hold said easement Eor so long as the saire: is usPd or required for J railroad purposes and until said Gcantor, its successors oc.assigns, sha11 remove all ' such facilities From Ehe said premises with.t}ie inEent to abai-vion said easern.ent_ SUBJECT, b.owevEr, to all exisli-ling interests, includi.-ag but not limited to all reservations, rights-of-way and easements of record or otheii•: ise. If the premises are locally assessed, the Grantee, a-nd for its successors and assigns, by acceptance of this deed, agYees to assume all leac$ily assessed real as'tate taxes, outst2.zzdimg and otherwZSe, and any and al.l past, pr_sent, pending and future assessments of every nature wha;soever, which have been or may be levied against the preraises. ALSO, the Grantee, a.ad £or its successors and assi[, is, by acceptance o£ this deed, hereby releases and forever discharges the Grantor, :As successors and assigns, from any and all present or future obligatioas of the Ga-rLn'tor, its successors a.rzd assigns, including but not Lim.ited to the con.structioa oE cir• cantinued ma.intenance th.Eret.o of aay ra.ilroad fences, snDw fences, road crossings,.cattle guards, gaf,es, ftirm crossiugs, bridges, •drainage or irrigation pipes,'if any, 1ocated and situate on the premises herein conveyed. TO HAVE AI~TD TO HOLD the sazne unto the sazd (x:•antee, its successors a.nd a.ssigns, fvrever. . XN WtITNE5S WHEREOF, the sai.d Grantor has caased shis instruxaeat to be signed by its Directar - Ti.tle Services, attested by its A.r.sistant Secretary, and its " , corporate seal bo be ixed on Lhe /IZff~r day of M,41ZC.W-f^ , 1yyx.. • ' BURLII~:t~TON NOI~.'T'HEP.I~t RAILRtaAD COMPANY , . . . . BY ' . - F!-- kka , - ' ' • T~irector - TiL•ie Services . ' ; ATTES":: BY Anif.a D. µ'el s . As:dsCant Secretzry . . • ' $N 7797-03 SpokanelGreec. acres, WA ~-a,:: - ; ~ • J ~ , C' ` • . . . ~ IOQIG~If~VW~ilfl~lll~lf~~ . .94~~~ ED 03/19%2005 lU: 00 FA1i 509 477 7478 SPO. C0. PUALIC 470R1{; W-1 uuo P hG~ 0 S'CATE OFWASHINGTON ) . ) ss. CouNrY oF K[INI G ) On this !Zfh day of /11-Q0'-N- , 1991, beFore me, th.e undersigmed, a A'otary Public ia and for L•hc State of Washingrton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. R. IIkka and Anita D_ Wells, to me known ta be Lhe 1?irector - Title Services, and Assistant Secreta.ry, rP,pective.ly, of Bur.limgLon Northern R2.i1: oad Compaay; the corporation tha.t executec, i;he foregoing instnLm.ent, and ackoow]edged the sa.id insa-iamAnt to be th-e Free ann voluntary ace and deed of said corporatioa, for t}ae uses a.nd purposes Lher-ain inentioned, and on oath sLaEed th.a.t they a.re autiho-rized to execute the said ins{:r uMent nrLd that the sea? aiixed is the co-porate seal of s».id cor-Doratioz►. Wi`.aess my hand and officizl seal hereto a.f~'ixed the ci:ay and vear fi.rst above writtan. ~ vJ I~y i~►c~ ~ C . Nota,ay Public in and ~'or ~he LLt:e of Wasl-ingtcyn r ~ P r / ~ IL~T A R ResicLng at: Seattle. 'VJ3shinffton . , ~ ✓ % ~'.3 ~ Q~" ' i P JB~1C My apnoint-ment expires: Jzn~ar ' 9L ~.993 ~ ~ 9 ~ ' . I+b •30 ,f 9 f 1 I ~ 1 3 ~ - _ . ;C r~.LLe" ' I'IAR 27 q 35 i M "g1 W;lLl :~s C. ;:';iN AUE . . - nuDJr•ua ' tSPOK,NE. CGt.NTY. 1YASH. 0 . INTE -;.:)FFiCLE- - , 6IV 779 7-03 Gpokane to Greenacres,, µ'A , ' ~4C.90 7 . . IRNA';-:~ . 264a_0109 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for City Council Action Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consenf ~ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ~]X pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session: Consideration of an ordinance amending the Sign Regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Article V Signage Standards Secfion 10.30.660 amending the interim Zoning Code Chapter 14.804. PREVIOUS COUNCIUCOMMISSION ACTION: City Council was briefed on the progress of the Ad Hoc Sign Committee on July 24, 2004. Mr. David Crosby, Chair of the Comrnittee, reported on the findings of the Committee on October 12, 2004. On December 9, 2004, the Planning Commission met with the Ad Hoc Sign Committee in a study session to review the Committee's recommendations. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on proposed amendments on January 13, 2005, and recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 2 with the Chairman not voting. City Council was briefed on the propased amendments on January 25, 2005. The proposed ordinance was advanced fo a second reading on March 8, 2005. BACKGROUND: Chapter 14.804 of the Interim Zoning Regulations regulates the placement and dimensions of signage. The Ad Hoc Committee was charged with the "review and update" of the existing regulations. The Commi#tee met on a regular basis from mid-June through the first week of December, 2004. The meetings were held in fhe Council Chambers and were open to the public. Commitfee deliberations were also posted on the Cify's web site. Signs are classified as On-premises (advertising goods or services on site) and Off-premises. Billboards are off-premises signs. On-premises signs are either temporary (e.g. real estate sale) or permanent, and may or may not require a permif. Permanent sign types include attached or "wall" signs and free-standing signs. Free-standing signs include bath "pole° signs and monument signs. Permanent signs require a permit. Local government may regulate the time, place and manner of commercial "speech", but rnay not control the message. The Committee has recommended amending provisions which are not inconsistent with the Interim Comprehensive Plan immediately, including: • Updatsd definitions • Updated height, maximum copy area and spacing standards • Measurement of irregular signs The Committee also recommended amendments which should be considered following the adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan, including: • Amending "aesthetic corridor" designations within Spokane Valley • "Cap and Replace" for billboards The draft ordinance was forwarded to CTED for their review on November 2, 2004. A Determination of Non-Significance was also issued on November 2, 2004. The comment period expired on December 2, 2004. CTED has not commented on the draft ordinance. Administrative RepoR Sign Regulations I'age 2 of 2 On March 8, 2005, City Council requested additional discussion of the following: ; ~ • Provisions relating to existing non-conforming signs. • Requirement for that signs be located within landscaped areas. • Approval authority over sign plans. • Advertising copy on private benches within the public right-of-way. • Prohibition of political signs (or any unofficial signs) in the right-of-way. • Designation of aesthetic corridors in the Comprehensive Plan and maintenance of directional signs installed by Spokane County. . OPTIONS: Request additional information andlor provide additional direction to staff and the Planning Commission on issues raised. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide direction to staff. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director _J ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinance S`pokarie .;.SVal.le3T Sign Code Policy Discussion April 5, 2005 ~ Background . City Council authorized the formation of an ad hoc Sign Committee on April 6, 2004, charging the Committee with the review and update of existing regulations • Council was briefed on the progress of the Ad Hoc Sign Committee on October 12, 2004 • Planning Commission met with the Ad Hoc Sign Committee in a study session on December 9, 2004 • Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 13, 2005, and recommended approval by a vote of 4 to 2 with the Chairman not voting. • City Council was briefed on the proposed amendments on January 25, 2005 • The proposed ordinance was advanced to a second reading on March 8, 2005. ~J 1 J Policy Issues • Provisions relating to existing non-conforming signs "Section Existin Nonconformin Si ns. Any permanent sign made non-conforming as a result of the adoption of these regulations may be repaired, but not structurally altered or made more non-conforming in any way. If the siqn is removed in order to make repairs, it shall be replaced within sixtv (60) davs or the permit is void. Thereafter, the siqn shall conform to the requirements of this Section. Notwithstandinq other provisions of this Section, anv siqn or siqns for which a temporarv permit has been issued by the CitY shall be permitted to remain at the location or locations authorized by the permit for as lonq as the permit is valid and all the requirements of the per►nit have been met." PolicyIssues • Requirement for that signs be located within landscaped areas "Section Siqn Location & Front Setbacks 6. All freestanding and monument signs shall be located in a landscaped area. Landscaping should be appropriately sited to ensure that signs are not blocked or obscured by trees or bushes. " , 2 Q Policy Issues • Approval authority over sign plans "Section Comprehensive Siqn Plan Commercial development, shopping centers, industrial parks, mixed use cievelopments, and hotel conference centers exceeding five (5) acres in size may seek approval of a sign plan specific to the development proposal. The Director ofCommunity Development may approve a comprehensive sign pfan that allows deviafions from the stnct mterpretation ofi spacing, height and area requirements upon a showing of good cause, and provided that there are no adverse effects on ad1'acent properties. Any conditions imposed to secure appravals shall be binding on the Applicant. Madifications to the approved sign plan shall require reapplication and approval by the Director. If the Apphcant and Director cannot come to an agreement, the Director's decision may be appealed through the Hearing Examiner." POlICyISSUeS • Advertising copy on private benches within the public right-of-way • Benches & transit shelters operated by the STA would ordinarily be approved as 'official" signs. The existing benches are owned by Sunshine Advertising which provided some compensation to Spokane County . Issues: Grant af Special Privilege Liability ~ , 3 . ; Policy Issues • Prohibition of political signs (or any unofficial signs) in the right-of-way • Typical Definition: "Political Sign - a temporary sign pertaining to a national, state, or local election and erected for the sole purpose of advertising a political candidate, political party or ballot measure." • Issues: °Traditional public forum° ROW and °easement" with underlying fee to abutting proper#y owner . ~ PolicyIssues • Designation of aesthetic corridors in the Comprehensive Plan and maintenance of directional signs installed by Spokane County 4ther? 4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply; ❑ consent X old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informafion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Pavement Nianagement and Associated Policy Issues GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Discussions Items: • Pavement Management Categories 1. 6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) - See attached draft 2006-2011 TIP o City Arterial Streets o Includes Improvement and Preservation Projects o Eligible for State or Federal Funding 2. 6-Year Residential Preservation Street Plan - See attached 6-Year Plan o City Residential Streets o Includes Improvement and Preservation Projects o Generally not eligible for State or Federal Funding 3. Sewer Paveback Projects o Includes the addition cost for full pavement replacement in Sewer Projects 4. Street Maintenance o Minor pavement repair and replacement o Crack sealing o Shoulder repair • Pavement Management - Pavement management is currently handled by the County under the County Engineering Interlocal. The attached draft 6-Year Residential Street Plan vWas developed by the County. I recommend that we detete this effort under the County Engineering Interlocal for 2005 and hire an in-house engineer to develop and oversee this program. No additional funds will be required. • Concurrency - Currently the City reviews projects for transportation concurrency on a project-by-project basis. If a project fails the concurrency review and the project permit cannot be conditioned to accomplish concurrency, the project cannot be issued a permit. The 2005 budget has an allocation of $40,000 for funding an impact fee study. Staff is interested in obtaining initial feedback from Council about further examining the prospects for a Traffic Impact Fee system or other appropriate system to replace the current project-by-project traffic analysis methodology for concurrency. Should the Council desire more specifc data, staff recommends hiring a cflnsultant to guide the City in the discussion and decision regarding implementation of a revised process. Although there is currently $40,004 in the 2005 budget, I recommend that we increase this by an additional $35,000 to cover the cost of the first phase of this extensive study process. • Sewer Paveback - The Sherwood Forest Sewer Basin scheduled for construction in 2005 is curbed with 36' to 50' wide roadways that will result in oniy partial replacement of the roadway (trench patching). We currently have an alternate bid included in this project that will show the additional cost to replace the entire roadway. This project is scheduled far a bid opening on April 5~'. This bid should provide the information we need fo estimate paveback costs for 2006-2010 projects. The other sewer basin projects to be constructed in the 2005 construction season have narrower roads that will be repaved to their current width with a few exceptions. The exceptions to the full width pavement replacement are listed below by sewer basin. Alternate bid items for full width paving will be included in the bids for each project. o Orchard Avenue Sewer Basin - Park Road (Bridgeport to Liberty) 38' width o Edgerton Sewer Basin - Park Road (Trent to Utah) 38' width and Dora Road (Trent to Mansfield) 40' width o Parks Road - Bradley (Mission to Cataldo) 30' width and Nora (Park to End) 40' width • Pavement Cut Policy -(See attached City of Spokane and Spokane County proposed pavement cut policy). OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: , BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENT: Draft 2006-2011 TIP & Map, 6-Year Residential Preservation Street Plan, MSRC - Frequently Asked Questions - Impact Fees, and City of Spokane and Spokane County proposed pavement cut policy ~ City uf Spwkaac Vrlley [hpsrtateat of Publk Worb tiix-Ycur Traasportation laipmvement ProRrad [Z A 1 I., 'l 1 2006 - 201t loor~s b a~w~.~e.l :QJo Iar Y P►opq ~o~D W Rno[y Sourcr C*y AmwW Mnar 1 P~~/n VMIIC4Y Road Plnl6 ROSd 1PP 13 3429 iV,e. a ab" wu! eomr~d an r.mp 7 p~ i1ue srwM Q &qokarr Rlrw 06503 8R W3 a tlrirr Rd Pbmaftaa eoar ro so~ora. Boone Spokane tikw &idpe AIP t 7 u r 4 Appk,." Ficed TochpUy RoW Hodpm Rwd Sip(U) ,?J9 t v+o 6 va.Y Carndnr • P+qra? UdweraeW RD Eveiqrsan Rd TPP ; s5 1 t06 l►ryrar~ily R,C Eveep~e~n Rd n s./ivr, R+.ia wvn ErOV+o~. cakrl C*1 s i tC~ BnWV os Voft-, Pr+ Rmr NNBF Grade trfdrea AvwUe MOtbQOnry Are, ORm ZdD t t Ytr~wruy A"Mw" Vdur Ii AtQOf11M ROYO 1k11VQw{Y RO/0 OKMf 471 1: Mmwa+AwNrm Or1wwr Pv-* AiLdlofl ROad llruuersAY Rood ohsf 50 41/ 77 sw.m rnwwren Pxoqcru Clfv too0 1.000 2.135 t1,2l7 2007 - - - - tuae A Pca~eal - ~ p pywiw) Suros CNy Amu! 1lsanal 1 BerMr IbnO M 30 ~ SDOkM! R/YW E5503 BR 9 67 S A epprN" F1ard TwhrMY RaaO NoOps Road STPM 103 : vaftY Wnu - Aq~o ? lkMArsrN Rd FverWeen Fld TPP EIO nau UNwre1N Ra E+rorqmw R4 5 5~ I~rA ttrn Efr~ I~lp~1o~ ~ ~ ~ 1 t0 pne$Yp Qa VWry- PwR IdosOf NW C)~de kxWm AV~ lawAgw1QY RYO Oew T M; E..R+m 93nd AvarMie 16fh Auenue AIP 50 +A &Aan Rwa Ww~ e►xv. A$pakane Rlve► *45115 BFt 4'j5 15 OerMr tA30u oM w9-osfay A..ru,. slh Avaipie HroadwrY Ave" TPP r0 Clty 1C100 2U64 11.630 ~aaa - ~ism N (1o~oa aam a~ ti~'r souu nna.r Amow! 1 9uto Ikm! ~ 0 Sp0kit10 lbllef lbb09 13R ] 6!" 5 VrMY QIRIlR7r - PIqvCt ? UflKlf711r Rd EYlWwn Rd TPP 4 &"*1 ~~i~ EMf~~lf1 ~ 5 Ariwn ibd Marn E~rm 1Yip~r Gu~~ CAY 54 ~ , iR..Or+rr gusd kir~ ~I OVirrign-Uca Ruo 160h AvNum STPN) ES t~ e i w..on. r kose w.r r1 16Qh Arark I1h AMerMie STPM 17 35.i ti tkxn*~.v ~vw.e twr WO EB nm0 PYA HooC STPfU1 YJ ie4v i; gnep,p es Yoorlr iM i0e~d1 HNSf Orma. k~d~na Avenue 1bmtpOrtrny Ave Otlw 6,295 » CrwpwnWend 32ndAvar" 1&hAvrwe AIP 310 t.SDn ,e &ntwn pore Wor MnaW Q Spokare Rlw Mt511 •S ~ 3783 e, prvr Nasp . en n sardr+Y Arw.r elh Awrwe &oWwry A+ronue TPP 112 1 a5o ir. 0 wn Ro.s Sptbque Av Mlwan Av TPP n 200 i T eiv 1ioo • sown RM► a Eade An.wr Spokane FOwr Eudld Avoure SIPN) t e 140 i u nr.. w,w r+rvtaums+ Eudid Avwrn SR290 (TraM Aw.) STPN) 87 643 25 HeaN 5"M PN• fKiw1 J~PM 90 Y14 77 dr-l P[-ea~vainn c~sm~ CIly _ 1000 1dQ2 24.106 F undet7 Protec-ta 29-Mar-05 ( tlN u11ptikfinr % allc~ [karcmenc orponiic Nk,)rk. tiia-ti'ear Transportatioa Improvcment Program 2008 • 2011 IDomr. w tl~o~ranO~J 20Q9 Iram 0 14sryud 1hm to 1'~io~rY Sarc~ C1ty AeKxur Mmii , yrry Ca►r1u - Prt#a 2 llnkqrelty Rd E+rorOresn Rd TPP lkUreteNy Rd Evarpreen Rd [-v~prn Raao 32nd Averrie 18th Avemx IUP 600 .!4 3UMVM Ikro ~ eixtie A 5pokrne River M461 t-6 OR ,f, D.nw ao.a - ft ►0 9nsa..r M"eris 8M Avenue B,oaOway Avenue TPP 271 :in Fton qnae SpraQua Av Misslan Av TPP 108 ,1 Bam. Ao.e - eook.. xao b[uea,w.Re spoMane Rsv.r E„dw nvarun srP(u I 23 +n VeMy Carklv • Rmpe ] Everyteen ttoi0 Ap{ial►vy fioid STP(U) DU 8oodah RoNe 32nd Nvdnue 8tti Avenue AP 464 . STPN1 :1 FIRk RMd 9iusdway Av krdiYns Av IUP 73 r3 32ro Ay.nr Sii 27 Besl Ftwd STPN) 29 FtMne Slreet Park Roed STP(U) 57 ~Pok iroe4 ►'4npn 03 SpWue Airsnue BrowrrsY Avenue STPM S? .~.:i~•,.,r... , , r_iN l000 ' 2479 17 :UlU itrm M fY~hx/ kcm w I4111tmN Sourcc City Amomp Aanonu, i. Szsaen qamid Ywnn &rpr Q Spotane Rivnr 84511-S 8R ir Fkar Raed Sprspue l1v Mlsalon Av TPP 203 i; 6rMer Hwa 5Pd►one pws lo Exuf Ar.ru Spoksno RWeI EuCbd Avenue STPJUI 129 y,, .J Ie vr.y Carrm - PrWrs ! Everpreen Road Applawsy Rosd SiP(U) 202 1,40H m Mrdrn Rv4 12W Avenue elh Avenue IUP D62 4W STP(U) :+1 prrt poi~e 6toaOwary Av InNarte Av aP Ira wo r1 c,&,e RN Flan Re Fbn Roed Barker Raw7 CM 50 50 Eud10 RoW EurOd Rosd ?1 32rtlJ►vmtis SR 17 BOSt Rdd S?P(U) e0 sw 24 SWYvan Amd Eudid Avonue VMelleEsby Avenue TPP 43 3z, HiAfl@ SbR@1 P11k ROo STP(U) 491 4\66) 146 IhwdP►fitaran SpapueAvwa BroedwayAvwrnie 8TPN1 130 FtrM MwaMlan Peogra* CRy tppp_ ].408 tt; 2011 Itrni u i4ooa/ 6= a InmrY 5owns (:My MKum lumnut: ia vigry Cort+ov • Prapea a Ewygreen Roed MpDkKvY Road STP(U) 312 :lo tlorarn Rwa 32nd Avenue all+ Avwua AIP 12BB 6•4'C sTPM P.u No.o em.urwy Av lnals,a Av AtP 202 IAGE, 6+dd pa non Itrf Fbra Raed Barker Rciad Clb 560 EfxyiC Road Eurlid RoW : a 37ne Awrr SR 27 8es1 Rair! S1PN1 gp er, 7a S,du.rk kaad Eudld Avenue Welbnby Avenie TPP 971 'y` 26 r ~ i•;a:~ n.• ~ 5DreDue AvErNe &46c1way Ave(YM STP(l1) 1,3- - - 1.1W J.OJ9 19,950 p~f lira / '7~ I811Nym ROW N011h ExhnulOn Ak, ~ ~ -T_ ~ --~I 4.0 BarM.► Road T EudId b TIMN~ t - IJ F-- . ~4 'SuMNm Rad; !~e.~ny.~►Rac ^ • l..-~ ~ -'1 I ~ ~ i"_ne RMr b ~ { ' pY1pII~YrNAMdI I _ _ .~~~1._ 4umvtn Rad ~u / ~I~ker Rad~ ~ T,V, • PmIt ~ ' ~J B~Aw RoW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~r° 7~ r,'Q/flI R014il - _ ~ ~ p ~ - A41" r_ Lak Awnue Mlwbn Aven~{ i _f T ~N-q--i, ~ -r f - Sk1~w~lt~ s k a; !VWWr - ' ~ _ ~ - 2~ Paw ~ ~ _ , ~ ; L • ~ Bwksr Road Otl1l0 ; B.mm°wsy' ~ _ 4, ~ ~ 1F~~ n.• volle~,~,, vw,.ty~ APP~~' .f ~Mn ~-_-L-' pi ~5~ - L ~ ~ 9. - nkw* Row ~u , ~ BO►yd~A '-11 ~ 1;LI. r--' ~ 1 ' ~ ~"=1 ~ 1 I 1 ~ V 1 ~ i ~ 1 1J► 1 ~ 4 i~. ~ " ~ . Lvir;z^y~~ Un~ unay ri -"7"' - AN ' 0 4,000 81000 ~ Feet CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY I •y DRAFT SIX YEAR T.I.P. '71- a^ - - # 2006 - 2011 ~ 2006 ~ - ~ , ~ ~ ~ zoor ~ 2008 2009 ap Update1 03128?qu 2010 ~ S ~~I ley 2011 HIiUC YIORIq DWAR1YEli Draft 6-Year Residential Preservation Street Plan I surfaoe ~ Rehah7itaGon or Preservatian Type Thickne Year Of Road Name From Location To I.ocaUon Lc?ngth Descrfntian ss Cost Rehab 9ih Av 55' aker INoo uff R n vers t R 0_a Fu-fft 1h5G nn a 3214 , 375 2005 32no Av SR-27 Pines R-d e,i d . i r oated CM $10 285 2005 amahaii Rd 16t Av 8 Av 0.55 Rre-CoaTd- J 0.0s $~i' oe3 2d05 -171h Av vrorth 3ov is 0.12 S!u Sea q OAo 400 -2t~b~$ 19~h Av 5 v~orth R o s 0. Sr~~ ea 0:05 g4 787 ~nU 2~~ v mversity R enn 0T3 S u~ $ea 0.05 $4.7671 Z~DQS 25th Av University Rd Pines 1.06 Slur SePI Q.05 $38,867 2e~a5 26th Av Glertn RQ Pierce Rd 0.13 Slur Seal O f3 A5 $4 787 2005 28r v Dran hSica onvdi, R G.71 S ua eal 0- 828 400 2005 30 Av GT`n R Pierce R I 0.13 urr0 Seal 0.05 767 2005 G enn R 32n Av 27th v 0.31 Slu Sea O.QS $1 62aU5 G el nn R 251h Av 1 i v 0.44 lurry ea 0.05 16 133 oU ierce 37d v 48th Av L Slurry ea 0~ S49 SO~D 200 _px+oM Rd 1 c v 27th Av 0.06 Stur Soa 0.05 52,200 2005 S~ vror~~i 28C Av ora v 0.19 SPr Sea OA5 3 2r7Q5 .i vrort 18tn Av 16 Av 0.1 BS ur ea 0.05 $4 400 1:~5 20051'ata7 TOTALd g411,843 5 ra lre' v Evergreen Su ivan 1.00 ~nch Gnn ny 2.00 9SS5 OD 2666 sttese 16'{~iAv 19;:e d 0.7 re oate 0.05 14483 2 ff c a er R a v n vetsity R rB oated Chtn Q.oS' $19 380 006 Sroadway & Fan r naersion I t:construc ters=_cnpn 55U01000 2005 Slu Rnads Ever reen ree 96" 2-401 5.00 lur - Sea r $50606 2006 120 0 o a iSTa~ $13831AT3 ~ $u nran ra ue ntamcct on I Recons ruct ntcrseclron ~ $oo2au7 u oa s he rrnan Area praupuo ur al 5500 900 ,D o a TOTA ~ 1, ,U60 BavrdisF~i R 40IR Av 3 a v 022 Fu ae y nn 8 n,y d 4.00 5$,O 20n i ey End Grav`-'Cel Sia vm Mans e Q, u e t~ r n & z ~ 4A6 5100,625 2009 Dollar SE 290 rentAv U Av o.37 u I De th Gnn a 4.OD $16t B7 20Q9 Sul(tvan 8 Eudid Intersection Reconstruct tntnrsectian d $500 000 2009 Slur I2oacls 8arka Area Jackson Brid e ort 5.00 Slurry Soal $590 000 2008 2DOB Total TOTAL C, $1,359,750 i 40th Av P.4adison Rd I Ervd OF Road 0_20 Fuil De tfi Grind & Irtlay 4A0 S87 So0 2009 Broadwa Av Fancher Rd 12E5' befare Tneirman 0.43 Full De th Grind o Irtla 4.00 $188,125,1 2009 Su]livan 8 IC2rrian InteBeCtlon Reoonstruct Intetsection SSpO 900' 2009 Slurry Raads Pizes Araa 12th ValE= Wa 5.00 Slurrv Sea1 5500 Oa0 2009 2009Total TOTALG $1,275,625 Fan ec Rd- M rs A.v Desme v U.SU Ylnch r n & Inla 2.00 g168 756 2010 Blake Rd 24thAv Saltese Rd 0.16 Full pepth GrirW 8 Inlay 4.00 $70 000 2010 1MeResle Av Sunn ale Dr iFlora Ftd 0.27 ReconsVucs. 4.00 3303 750 2010 Sprriguc 8 Universiey Recor.struci Intersectdon S500 OPD 2070 Sturty RoaAS StA Ave Area Havsn3 Eve reen 5.00 Slur Seal 550O~OUD 2010 20 10 Tocai TOYALC~ a1.642,500 GRAfdD TOTAL COSTI $7,~72 S82 Avcrage Cast/Year $1 195 427 I w , j 3."l112005 Drefl G-YOar Reaitleftlvl PrescrvaLbn 5Vent ?lan 4~05 il'iSRC - I{requentlv A.sked ()ue.sfions - Impact Fees ~J 1. What are impact fees? Impact fees are charges assessed against newly-developing property that attempt to recover the cost incurred by a local government in providing the public facilities required to serve the new development. 2. Who pays impact fees? The developer of a proposed development pzys the impact fee, although the developer will, as a practical matter, pass the costs of these fees onto the purchases of the developed property. The local government examines the proposed development, determines whaC facilities will be reauired to sustaln the desired Ievel of service, and charges the developer a fee to cover a portion of the cost of the needed system improvements. 3. Must a city charge impact fees? No. Impact fees are strictly optional. 7he Growth Management Act requires that cities plan for future growth and provide the facilities necessary For accommodating that growth. Impact fees provide another tivay for cikies and counties Co pay for these facilities. 4. What means are available to Washington cities to insure that developers install and/or pay for public facilities necessitated by new development? Washfngton municipalities impose development fees and exactions upon developers as a means of insuring the provision of public facilities necessitated by new development. 7he Growth h1anagement Act authorizes those cities and counties that are planning under the Act to charge impact fees (RCW 82.02.050 -.090). In addition, the following statutes provide authorization to impose development fees or to otherwise pay for the public facilities needed to accommodate growth: • Subdivision Exactions-Ch. 58.17 RCW • Water/Sewer Connection Fees-RCW 35.92.025 • Water/Sewer Latecomer Fees-RCW 35.91.020 • Street Latecomer Fees-Ch. 35.72 RCW • Local Improvement Districts-Chs. 35.43 - 35.56 RCW and Ch. 35A.43 RCW • 5tate Environmental Policy Act (Mitigation Measures)-Ch. 43.21C RCW 5. What options are availabte to Washington cities for imposing traffic impact fees on new development? Washington cities have a variety of options available for irnposing traffic Impact fees on ne+v development. The following statutes provide the authorization to impose traffic impact fees: Slate Environmental Policy Act (Mitigation Measures)-Ch. 43.21C RCW Voluntary Agreements-RCW 82.02.020 Transportation BenePit District Act-RCW 35.21.225 and Ch. 36J3 RCVJ Local TransportaCion Act-Ch. 39.92 RCW Growth Management Act-Ch. 82.02 RCW % SPOKANE ! iDY 11^H'-. SPU&A4 COU\TIr ) i > > > ) ) REGIUNAL PAVEMENT CUT POLiCY Febru:uy I 4, 2(kQ,1; TNTRQDiJCTIC7N The local gavernme.ntal entities within Spokane Counh+ are faced with the same challenges as many nther muniCipaIilies 1:hrUUgliout the counuy. Pavement cuts are a necessary operation and cannot be avoided. Utilities need to serve new customers ancl repair existine facilities. There is a comrnon good for all utilities to be placed in the 1'ublic Right of 1~1~ay. i\II parties sliall s[rive t:o rcduce the burden to the taxpayer/ratepayer, ancl dainaDe to the roadways. Studics conclucied by multiple grou>>s and organizations have determined that poorly restored pavement cuts cause permanent seructural and functiom3i clama~e increasing maintenance costs, future reha}~ilitation costs, and produce a rougli ride. If realized, the increasecf costs ancl rough ride iire a burden for the ~ taxpayer/ratepayer. As F..ahihit A on page eighf shows: the pavement beyond the trench may be weakened by sagging which results f'rom Ioss of laieral support. Meavy consti-uction traffic also wea)cens the are.a adjacent to the trench. Studies (see attached bibliograJahy) have showm that the. pave•ment life may be reduced by pavement cuts. F'anrly constructed patches tend not to Iast through the life of the existing roM and fail prernaturely when the•re is a lack of good construction techniques «sed when bacl:filling and compacting. 1'his causes an ad(litional burden to rnaintenancc departmcnts and taxpaYcrs/ratepayers. A poorly constructed pavement cut usually reyuires repair before the road needs to be resurfaced; problems rypically appe.al• in the first two years. Studies also reveal that patch areas probAbly requiir. tliicker overlays compared to the rest of the pavrement in the area. This also results in higher costs to the iaxpayer/ratepayer. EXECUTIVE SUMM.A11Y 'l'his document Outlines Spokaune CUUnty and the City af Spokane's joint regional polic), regardint pavement cuts. It addressss excavation problems, constr•uction re.quiremenis, warranties and other relaced aspects. 1n addition, it modifies the five year new pavement eut moriitorium, creating a new regional three-year cut moratnrium as outlined in this agreement and exhibit 13 tier chart. Any road will remain available tn be cut if there is no other rneans to take care of an cmerDency situation (broken water, sewer or gas lines or as approvect by the Agency Engineer). The utility shall attempt to use other in111ovaiive ideas for servicine customers other than cutting into the publie R.ight: oTWay while not diminishing safety 5tandards. . ~ llEt]NiTIONS Permittees: The utility eompany or contract:or who submits an appliaatian far a pertnit to obst:ruct and/or conduct construction operalions in the puhlic right-of-wsy. Local agencies and ` f ilieir coittractors shall be corisidered permiftees for application of [his policy even though the respective agencies and/or their contractors may not take out permits. Local Agency: `1 he governing entity having jurisdiction of the arca xhat the nermittee has submittecf an application to obstruct or conduct construction operiit'ions. Agency Enbineer: City or County rngineer, his/her designec (Engineers, Inspector3, Projcct Managers; Field Personnel) representing a Local Agency. Sfandard Specifications: Current version of the «'SDO'1" StandarcJ Specifications for Road, Briclte, and Vtunicipal Construction, Supplemental Specifications and/or 17rawings as attachetl by local agencies. Project Goniplction: Dal.e when the followint has accurred: final permanent restoratinn of roadway is complete and approved by the inspector, and all as-built documentation has been submitted to the local agency. A fiLx transmiita) confirniation ticket of `as built' shall be considered confirmaliqn. New Raadwa}: tlny roadway that has had a designed rehabilitation in the permitted exeawitian location that is less than or equal to three years. Length of Patch: For this documcnt thc length of all patches is lhc patch dimctision parallel to the roadway. Widtli of Yatc6: For this document lhe width of all patches is the patch dimension perpcnclicular to the roadway. Assignee: The contractor wha is taking out die permit. Patch: Cut in tlie pavement as part of the current permitted job. COniSTRUCTIUN REQUIRFWNTS 1. A pavement cut moratorium will be in effect for a period of three years for all new roadways (see Exhibic B). 2. No patehing material will be allowecl within an existing, patch if the new patch exceeds seventy percent or more of the existing patch. In this ease, the entire existing patcli must be replaced. 3. All patchina materials and construetion rcquirements not addressed in this document shall conform to cach I.vcal Agency's Standards, eopies available from loeal agencies. Longitudinal cuts that extend throuoh multiple tier classifications will require discussion with tlle local agency to detei•mine appropriate patching approach. In principle, caeh road section will be patched aeeorcling to the tier in whieh it is ranfced. 2 4. All existinu traffc control markinDs will be replace.d as soon as possible afier ~ permanent paving is cUn'irle.t:ed. Tcmporary marlcings for liuie lines cuid stol) lines shall be in place prior to t:tie raadwa>> opening for traflic. tVl remaining t:err►porar}' striping will be cornpleted within seven days of new ravement completion and shall be maintained b>> permittce unt.i) permanently restored. A11 traffic markines will be replaced per normal work practices. 5. Pull deptfi full iane paverrient retnoval and replacement shall be construcccd beyoncl tlhe nominal eompleted trench edge loniitudina]ly, and transversely per tier chart and noles. The goal is that the tee scction will not a,•bitrarily force patch inio adjacciit lanes, dependent on quality and care of trenching. 7"he minimum length of the patch parallel to the road shall be six feet. ]f an_y part of tlie excavation, patch or damaaed area intrudes intn an atljacent lane; that lane sha►1 also be replaced per the tiered chart. For new patches adjacenC to 1ny existing patch; all attempts will be macle to insrall the ut.iliry at the existing pitt'CIl II[1C. WhCtl tIl1S IS IIOt FC151bIE, no gap of 4 feet or less shall exist. 6. 1'he permit[ee shall be allowed to make emcrgcnc}r repairs provided a rnore reasonable alternative does not cxist. rvery reasonable effart will be made to i-estore the roadway quickly. (Note: an emergency will not allow permitiee to eoordiriaCe and plan with asplialt. campany). (See "12epairs af Pavement Cuts"). 7. Only saw cutting or approved grinding device will be allowed. Only parallel and perpendicular pavement cuts will be allowed. No jagged, broken or uudermined cdges. 8. I3icycle/pedestrian/parkingltravel lanes to be repairctl per t.ier chart and attached drawinos. 9. Exch T.ocal Agency shall have the prerogative to encourage the permittee to contribute permitteels normal patching casts to local agencies to accomplish paving or full (lepih replacement of the roadway. (This does not appl}' to work done within lar3er projects; i.c. sewcr projects). 'I'he l.,ocai nge_nc.y should be notified of existing problems with the adjacent rUadwa_y to a proposed patch. Evei-y eFforl will he made to leverage both utility and agcilcy dollars for street improvemencs. 10. When 2 or more patches tire created wit:hin a given.job that measure 15 feet Qr less longitudinally ar h-ansversely they will be incorporated into a single patc.li. Any~time five or more patc,hes are required wiihin a 350-foot longitudinal area, the uiilit)' will notiPy ChE agency to determine if cost sharing is an option to expand [he pavemen[ repair/replacemenc tirea. 11. Potholing to fncl utilities shall be allowed. The use af innovative technolo~ies is encouragcd (Keyhole etc.). '1'o be exempt fi-am the gap ancl patching policy, cuts shall be ii maximum of n<<o square feet «<idh no longiiudiniil joints in che wheel path and J shall be backflled with cor►t:rolled density or other approved fill from six incMes abovc tt►e utility tn six inches below bnttom of asphalc. Round vs. square cuts are preferred. 3 12. Chip sealed raads shall be rehabilitated according to construction requirements for asphalt roads as outlined in this doeLmient. li. AIl temparary traffic control for the work znne shall conform to the MUTCIa and Washington State modifications to the MU`[°CD. All traffic control is subjcct to the approval of the Agciicy En~ineer or his/her desi~nee (See temporary patching section). 14. All existing pavement rypes shall be constructed at the existing deplh a1' asphalt and crusherl surfaeing, in accordance wilh applicablc l.,ocal Agency Standards (including any fabric nr membranes); however, the replacemcnt scction of asphalt and crushed rock shall not be less than the niinimum section specifed in T oeal Agency's lacsign S[andards. 15. All concrete roacf cuts shall be pre-approved befnre beginning work (except in the casc of an ernergency situatian). Concrete roads shaU require full panel replacement unless tipproved otherwise by local agency. All concrete joints shall require an apprqved tie bar and dowel relrofit. Depth of concrete replacement shall malch the existing thickness; or as per Laeal Agency's Standards. Care shall be made not to undennine the existing panels. If the adjaeent pariels are clisturbed or daniaged; they also shall be replaccd ai the discretion nf the Local Agency. All joints shall be saaled with an approve.d material. 16. Asphalt over concrete road cuts - if known - shall be pre-approved before beginning , work (except in the case af an emeraency situation). Saw cutting or other approved ..praetic:e for removal of the conerete shall be allowecl at: t:hc diseretion oi'I.oeal tlgency. The asphalt poriion nf [he cut shall be constructed according to the pavement cut policy. 17. All areas outsicle of the roadway that are affected by the work shall be restored to their original condition. All shoulders shall be restored to their original condition. 18. Valve and manhole repairs s}hall be exempt fi-om the patching requirements ofthis policy. Valve ancl manholc patching requirements shall be per each Local Agency's Standards. All warranty and construction requirements shall be met. No (ongitudinal construction joints shall be allowed in the wtiee] path. 19. "1 he permittee shall provide a detailed "As-buill" record of the pave.meni c;uC afiEr construetion is eo►npleted. The perniittee shall provide de[ails indicacing existing pavement section, new pavemcnt section and any unusual conditions at the Iocation of I.hc constructed utility. The location shall inelude thc name of thc road the work is being performed on and the name of the closest interseetions in each direction. Distance measurements shiill bc from intersectingstreets.'1'his irlforination will be prnvided to the Local Agency's Permit deparcment for a permanent record. 'fhis information shall be returned no later than seven days after the completion of the ` pernlitted project by mail, fax, or othcr electronic iileans by either permittee or patching contractor. The intent of this process is to reeord smaU patchins cletails. Larger projects shall be reviewed and Approved prior to canstruction. 4 20. Thc moratorium pnlicy will be explained both as to costs and to consixuceitin practices by t:l-ic I.,ocal Aeencies as part af the permitting/zoning process tor new conslrtiecion or ~ major rctnoclelinL projects. inciividual permittees/utilities will not be responsible for this function. Indiviclual permittees/utilities will be responsible for doinn the wrorl: and the coscs associated wich the moratorium polic_y as they open roadways for tvorlc. Cosc recovery from developers will be calculated and coorclinat:ccl by permitleeJutility. S[IRFACF SMOOTHNF,SS R.FQUTRF.MF'\`TS The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture; smooth, unifonn as to crown and orade and free from defects. The comple.ted surface of the wearing course stiall nnt vaiy more than 1/4 ineh from [he lower edge of a ten foot slraightecige placetl parallel to the ce•nterline. Reeognition auicl consicleration will be made for exisCing roadtvay condi[ions. The Agency Engineer must approve corrective measures. WtqZ1LAN`I'Y 1tEQlIIlZ1.N1EN"1'S I'avement cuts on roadways ten yeaa-s old or less will have a was•ranty period of five years. The patch in tlie roaciway 5hall be repaired as necessary until thc warranty has passcd. All otlier roadways shall require a rninimuni tlirce-ycar NvarranV period. A11 warranties shall become void if'rchabilitation work is perforrTied to t:he road Wilhin che patching limits. For road cuts performed b>> a Utility using its internal capabilih°; that Utility or assignee will be responsible for i-epairs required during the warranty pcrio(l. A11 curb, sidewallcs ancl structures that are afFected by the excavation shall be incJuded in this policy and have a wan•anty for five years. N:4ttlWN11' 1'I20V1SlONS I) Sunken pavenient patches greFder d7ar► or Cqugl to one•-yuarter inch (Measured by a cen-foot straight edge). 2) Vistiitl ralinD of pat.ch = to mccliUnn or high (Per Agency's rating procedure). 3) Visual ratino ofconstruction joint:= to medium or high (T'er.ngency's rating procetlurc). 4) Poor workmanship (To be deterrnined by cach Agency's Engineer). 5) Compaction requirement: rer Ageilcy standard. 6) Sunken or ciamaged curb And siclewal}:s in excavation work area (`I'o be detcrminecl . by each Agency's Engineer). 5 7) Sunken or dama;ed dr~~vells and catch basins in excavation wnrk area (`1`o be de[ermined by each Agency's Engineer). KTPATRS OF PAVEMENT CUTS lf emergency rcpairs arc neecled due fo safety concerns, the permitiee shall have twenry-f<>iar hours in wtiich to make such repairs fi•om time of verbal notice by the Local Ageney. For non-emergency repairs on airterial roads the permittee shall havc forty-eight hcaurs t:o m:ike sueli iemrorary rePairs. Residential streets, fhe permiriee shall have up Co saven days lo make such lEmrorary repairs. Tf the5e repairs are noi accomplishecl within the speeitied tirneframe, the work shall be privaiely contracted by the Local Agenc?, or the Local Agency's maintenance crew shall perfonn the needed repairs. The pennittec will be assessed all costs associated with the repairs. The costs shall be based on the average bid items fCr comparable projects for Che ye;ar precetiinS plus ten perer:nt overhead fees. If repairs are rriadc okher than seam sealing to the warranted patch a new warranty will be implemer►t:eci ft~r the new paCch. The permittee shall have rivo days to notify their asphalt company of the needed perrnanent repairs. If the work is not done in a tiinely manner and following notifieation die work shall be privately contracted or Local Agency mairitenance crews will perforni the needed repairs. 7"he permiCtec shall be assessed the associated f'ees for tiie rcpairs. All utility cut construction shall follow the construction and wari•anry requirements per laeal atencies standards. 7EVll'OILAIZY P A'1"CH1NG During winter asphalt concrete paving plant elOsures or outside of temperature specificatinns (see sectinn 5-04 of the standttrd specificalions) the permittee shall install and maintain a temporary patch until ic can conscruct a permanent patch. A ccmporary pateh will be required if the road must be opeued to traffic beCore a permanen[ patch can be madc. The temporary patch shall consist of ttvo inches of crushed surfscing and two inches qr cold-mix asptialt pavement and/or steel plates, or upon approval of the Agency Engineer, crushed surfacing lop coarse may be usect. On aMCrials, when a temporary pateh is rcquired for more t:han two months, Portland Cement Conerete sliall be used to cnnstruct the temporary patch (Contact Local Agency for mix clesign re(Iuirements). The permittce shall maintain t:he temporary pateh until the patch has been perrnanently resto red. PFRI'VT[TS All work in the `Public kight-of Way' requires ii permit. 1'ennittee shall take Aut all pcrmics and perforin all work. The permittee shall fax or send a letter to the appropriate l..ocal .AQency permit cenCer designating t:heir assignees. Thc pennittee will be required to submit a eonstruetion and traffic control plan (trafife control for arterial work antl roa(lways abovc 30 M.P.H.) when applying for a penllit. If the Agency Engineer determines that abuse of obligations are prevalent, future construction permits shall not be issued until the 6 perniittee has fulfilled all ohligations to exisiing pennits. 1'Vritten norifc.atinn by Local .qgency will bi; sent prior t:o this aetian. ~ RESPQNSf13I..r PARTY 'Che pe»nittee shall bc responsible for all cnnst:ruction and ~,varranty requirei7ients ot'this policy. Utilities will provide identityo uf excavator/permittee as known to local ageneies. Loeal agencies will atcempt to ge1 permittee to correct waii•ant), defGCts. If permittee is a subc.ontractor for utilities, the ucilities will assume responsibility if permirtee can not/will not make repairs. WAIVLltS As\'ll LXLI1TPTi.O\TS lt is understood tl►at fielcl conditions may warrant a waiver or an exemptioii frum these re~,ulations. I'eiinittee may file for a~vaiver, and such waivers shall be at the discretion oF the Aeency Eri~ineer or his/her designee. 1'Ui,1CY RT VII:W Tlte local agencies will host a meeting wilh eitch other and ot}ier inCerested stakeholders a1. the end of eacM construction season for the purpose of reviewing the effectiveness of the policy for the complete<I construction season and suggested improvements for future construction seasons. i ~ Bit3LIC) G R11PM' "`I"rench Restoration Retluirements". City of I3ellevue "Ut:ility Trench Cut Restoration Specific_ations". yietrnpolitan Transportation Cornmission (Januai}r 1997) "Asphalted I'avemeni `Varrancies". Wisconsin Department. Of 1 ransportation (June 2001) "Impact of Utility Cu~,s on Pavement f'erforinance". Cit:y of Seattle "itifana-ing Utility Cuts" APWA (August 1997) "Gas Industry's Use of Public Right-of-Way" A.G.A. White 1'aper (September 1998) "Pavement Cut And Repair Stiindards ManuaP" DPW&T City of (aallas (October 2003) ~ , 7 T1'PICAL TtL6:NCH TaCAV"ATION CXIIM1'I A Asphalt Concrote ; • Wearing Surface , , .-0 . .a. .a • • ~ , • • . . • : y.' t~. a f,.:• • q, c• . i. 4 e . o a 1 ~ ~ - ~ Undercutting of Concrete ' 'Pavement Pavoment Base a e o ° o a _ . ° - . ~ ~ o 0 0 0 . o . a • ° ° ~ ° e ~ o 0 Sag from Release SupQorting . • of Lateral Support Soil • 3' Pavement Weakened By Excavation . 8 I'AVE-11-IEN7' CU"I' YULICY FXIRTI3iT B Tier I Ticr 2 Ticr 3 Tier 4 Arterial Streets: < 3 years Ye<irs 4-5 Years 6-12 > 12 vears Modified Princi al Moratorium 1'olic y Full Polic rull Polic PQlicy Modified "1"rench Minor Moratorium Policy Full Polic Pvlic , Onlv vlodified Trencli T'ei Ehborhnod Collector Moratarium Policy Full Policy I'olicy Onl Local ,Access Sti'eets: iMociifiect Trench [ndustrial/(:ommercial -Moratorium Palic y v9odiiiecl Policv Policy dnly iti9odified Trench Residential Nloratnrium Aolie y Modified olicy Polic , Qnly Exliibit B Notes Moratorium l'olicv = Half roaclway or full roaclway replacement for longitudinal cuts in new r4adways. This poliey requires priqr approval feom .4gency having.jurisdiction. Full Polis;v = Yolie), w/p3vin0 g to established/dedicated lane lines. Cut full depth 2 feet beyond excavation. No oaps < 4' from curb or ~utter. ModiFed Policv =1f no st.ripino for lane linc, lane is = to 12', can patch to middle Qf lane lines, cannqt leave any gap <4' fi-om curb or guttec Cut 1' beyond excavat.ion. Trench Qnly = Cut 1' beyand excavation all locations. No longitudinal joints in the wheel path. Note: It is the discretion of each jurisdiction co review t:he indiviclual roacl segment ages t.o determine patch requirements on longitudinal installation over mul[iple roaclway segments with variable ratinis. In principle, eacli road section will be patched according to the tier in which it is rankccl. Note: Any deviation from the Tier Policy will require apprAval in advance by the local agenc.y. Nc,ie: E1ch agency will provide date of last majnr reconsti-uct either electronically or on each permit. Mtiintenance does not constitute a recotistruct for age determinatioil. Note: Moratorium policy will be reviewed as seam-settlint; technology improves. i~ 9 ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR Permittee Namo: Job Address: Coordinates : C3Street (E nn hcuse mrnoer, pmaso ii.t hurWreDAlOC3:) (Exnmple ~ 15N 24W) C3 Aliey ProjectlTask Date Cut: Crow: POIJob CityJCounty Permlt q: Unusual ConditionslSpecial Instructions: TierS1: 1 2 3 4 (R2ao.e cirale) Policy: hioratorium Full A4odified 7rench (Fteaee clraiol Condition of Cut Tvae of Work Type of Repair Existina Road Condition {Circle en7 that eppTyj 6" Gravel (required) Gas Asphalt Depth of Asphalt Cold Mix Electric Concrete Depth of Gravel Winter PAEx Water Sub Base Type Sawcut CATV Grind Communications - Sewer ; Other Asphalt NJldih I.ength x Cll -_-'_-------------t---- x ~ X I I x I I I I Concrete NJidih Lenglh ~ El ~ I I " I I x I I I I striqing (linear foot) -----L-------------1---- ~ ~ - Date Sont tor Repair: I ( ~ I I Datc Completed: C1L Patching Co. Signoff: (patching company to fax to local agency at completion) ~ Fax Completed Form to: Spokane County, Sylvia Lightfoot: 5091477-7198 City of Spokane, Dan Eaton: 509I625-6124 10 F..XHIRIT Bl ►VIUIZr1'f OI'Z.IUMJFUu.: PQLICY - ARTGRIAL cuRe LiuE r- -I A-*I ~ LAhF 4 LANG UNF - - - - - ~ 'F- - - tr~ics ~ v"' LAOE 3 ~ STREtY C/L I~ I I\\ I l~ \122' (r'Q) vu4E 2 LANE LINE 8 W,- Q I:' (itp) LA14E 1 UAHi{II.G ll' (np)l pARKING CURD IJK; ~ z wu se~M'~~ wn1tR (rm) srrr~ (1ra) -vam. FLLL - (fl'F) MR-ACE (TM REPLACEIJ:JIT IS F£VA TO j$ANSYEF2SE C.'liT 1 Qa~~RCnINhI CUT ctR9 uKL vtU: I~iLNIW,' I c~ c~scu~iCi> WTVAIEN n+M -rW-..E r~tcu v~%-~uo+r 4; ]'iRJ CLO OR LE55 (W.GAicAUW). A FAN'LfNi PAT-:ti f'a Ris7"O Lgc L ti:r•_ ~4 1MESE LNli",w KD JOKiS Dfl REDUCIION fd PAtS1A].T FULL-tb"'Tlf PAIENCFi flJIGY/.L lu~ ~ MbR /AC ?LL.OM'ER (T'a) ~ (NO7}f YAfL=5) 'MIE:I PAllr;YOVT M,. MA1F3! t^IA/J 1-Yf?5 OLA. I:1C i' UI ~ CA'kUErT PAiCllli RCD'D TO 1NE~ UJdIiS `IO 1dNi3 OR PEWuTIDN UI PF.CA NY N.LO'AE0.' - ~ ~ trtrNna l~MTS A1 iCP OF PA~£►!•':~7 t9TC C~1 t, NLL-0UT1 PAYf7JDd: PA:CN 1C7N13 911AA 0E SEALE0. rMAwan WfT., 2. KL W15 i0 BC PEf6•fh'9OCUR 1'D ORECiIOh oi' nUta- SECTIOIJ :~4-A 9^7%QK 3. PAVE~Pr, REaLAc:iLFtt7 15 AEO'D 90 TME Nan AwACcnTCURB. '•K"°WC. REfiONPL faAVEMENT CUT P411CY eA wE u+e HxEWVER A -rta+w rA U? psnktgrti~ d' A:a'tuLT AHTERIAL .~iia+u~ uArL cxrUios e[rorro EXHI~IT yqyp D10HATORIU7.1 / FULL PO11CY C-11 ~ EXIFIIBIT B2 MORATpRIUVllFULL POLICY - RTSIDENTIAL /LOC:AL ACCL'SS CuRa urrE - a ~ PhTtKI1tG LhNE UNE 1^T ~ 7 uu~ uar_ 6AdlE 2 ~~:.7 C~ I I c"p) ~ CITY') L4ttE 1 PARIpNG UNE k G' (rr°)- PARI4NG cuKS urE - - Y W1~ Sc'IAEFfWAiIIi lER (TP) g'Or3i {iY?) •NOTt: ill1S. OEPTr: f~) srm,~a ~rrrr~~ ~'A REPLAccuVLNT is Fioro To 7RpNSV7F?Sc (x1T LtlNG1TUpIt4AL CUT qaSZNICLINE C FirMESUEEfI LUIE NLlNC d bJltl1 I$ IL'iS 111Af1 0-f'L IrrFNo. UHC LAHE ~ tu.f. .:crm PA)£lU'7 MIIOYAL ~u+r. WFIG1 ?AIEIIfNT CS S Y1G OlD OR l.LSS pA~£NENT (tNDiN VARlES) 1 e-~ (NfklllTCRxIU~ A PA1EWYi PAS^ll 13 (rfp,) I FEOD CO iNC3C LINffS NO JWJTS Of'i R'sDU'«TICN R; nRCA AFi AILQb£D. 'LIICN PM£IIaiCS Q2LA-,-11 4FWt ~ 3-1R5 QLD. ►?A%£laFJ1T PATO+ L5 fiMD '10 MESE UNIA. NO Ip1115 QR MWMW V a?EA ►FC N.1.0SI£A,- uTiurr j~~j~~ y y 'IFElIGN l!1!T AT TOP CF PAIEIICNT CSTC (Tt9) H 1141L'' E%CAYATI6K 1. N11-GEF7N PA`/F31Eg1 FATdI X0175 51141,5. dE SFiLED. WliS JLI80RADE ~ ASL 6li5 iD !Yc F'cF7EJ11X7A1J! BO O61[Ci101l OF iR4ttiL ~:FCT1Clt0 ~-A A P.EPLAuuE+i ts lW0 TO TME a:DT /1l,IMX17i WflB, PAAl:ING, O}i LA17f ~ ta+C wLl;eWA n tREENCr1 oR 6SP03v REGI0I4AL PAVEMEAIT CUT POLJCY ~ .1YE qSNld.l:ltC Of tSPNALT CR 9JFPORi NMIDEHTI4L I LOCAL ACC£.RS NA11. IX7E/lDZ I:IEt¢ItF $Ud1 ILVE. jn~ gpq¢~~yT fdORQTORIUM / FULL POUCY 1 E g 217 ExNiBIr 83 MORATORIUM/FULL YOLICY-1N`fP,RSECTIONS 00 014 ~ crm, K ~v A~- 1 ~ ♦I I ~ I- NOIE: FULI-tlFPtN (KRwCEVf]1T t5 A£CD TO WfE L91E Ytit71 AE1tAN_40 ~ I Oc,4TAkC.L BETUCEII WF_ LIHS 'u CLRB IS LL55 YWtrY 4-FT. ~ v 0 1. NLL -QG~iMI PMfYa~IT PA~i JOPIiS °31A:1 Qf: SEIIID. W LSELi~ I z nu ars 10 ee rERPenOtcuvn 70 arkcnou CF rnwVEL WlE.`I PAN:MfJIT IS lESS MAN 3. kCPI-SC,CFJIENT 6 FDCb 70 Tli: NIXT AfAl4CFldi Gll{9, a-rns ao aR t:,ss (uaumrouu), FAIM+c, oft LuC 4rca wuieroEtt A TFVIas or. rmvr.ar PATai IS REo•o ro asiuFM.e,C:r eF Asrwwr oa subPcRt wxn ocru+as 44MF_ 1M75, NO JOPtIS OR Life Mi)UCflDN W MEA PM PL.D1A£D. ~ WVL'N PAtil/CNT 6 CPEA1€R nwi s-ms a.u, ~ r,.v_Iorr vATa is acov to r.+e:F REG"AI. PAVEM_NT CUT PdJCY LIIkTS. NO JdKTS CLR ~ YO v1NE RDUCTiW N An[A AtiE INTERSECTIONS MLOYEA' WJx,ri Luis i.r ra' of UORATORIUM / FULL POLICr EXHIF}1T . ~ PaH:uwT BJ . ,I - FXHIIiIT 134 NIODIFCEll P0L1CY - AK"fLRLAL cuRL9 uraE rvu.-UesYet Powva-r atrtnceu:Nr ts sEOb ro rn rai+ BrY0.0.i9 1RE110i IDII75. C11Gt0 F'AWb'?I7 EFSTOILATqN TO I,M:. L11E ON WM: CA 70 AVIXD MHEEL PAV! (11P) I,ANE A NME uNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LNE c/L ~ TRMCH q r.ar~ - Lf1NE 3 STREET C/L - 17 (7m) LANE 2 A ~ ! ANE LINE - - - - - - 12ftrv) LANE 1 PARKING UNE TM' e' (n?)• PARKIPIG CWR[3 LINE 11 +uH :~AER/WAT6t WJ,IEA• SfN'fR (11P) ~ NQt'_.~ M6L fKGlIJ (ml SM'CE ("p) FEFlACF?IEIIS IS P?d?'i ro tkANSV4StSL CUI LOM lDINA! CUT anu ur+E ~na:n xENUn:xc GID DISi.4^ICE GL'TNCRI LNi. U7E LLU.N)lu ~ QL9A G LE55 i1Wi S-t"t, ~ WIC WCr OR WIf 61tIF, OP. M?EN P4VC4D fT CfiEAiFX T}iNl WIC C/L FIA:-P'J'M PAVfiNFltT SERACE41G1T RE0D W6 C/1. S-Y12,." QOl .4 PAVD+0CI1P PATCH IS P'o £iLNT TQ iTILUY ItNIS KtE?I 7' Wt fiDIOV.t' F4LS REND f0 TNESE 1lY11S NO .qIMS OR (nr) ~ W/1 w1ElL PA~4 ('NDlll VPF7E5} ~ REDCIC'Mi IN AFFA !AE P1LONrtLl' t' wN (M) N07 'e'A ~(fl£7v~t UliliS A7 76' i7i Phti~E17i MMXL FATi ~ UiIJTY fii'JICFi ~ fUl,-CFPYH PAKNF?17 AAT3i JOK95 ` 9Il11 6E Y1l.E0. G,tt (TYD) TRpKN 2 Au. curs swu BE acWunICIuua acc.+va T&I so oatcna+ cc ra►.VEL ; ¢cnaN n-n / , suewAnc a rA•n_w7.1 RfPUtclEJai r R£m'U 10 WY_ UtE OR W.T_ CFi '"KFj4Lw'" ^ TRE1104 01' REGI4NAL PAVEMEIJT CUS F'OUCY asnm.~wa a a.~++N.i aF a Sll FPiiNT MA7L EY.1FlO5 IHiO 6ATER f6L 1WFF2 PP.iH. ' EkR61T sasst~ MODIFIED POLICY 84 12 i:xiaiKIT ti5 1170DIFIGD PULICY -RI;SIIaFNTIAI.,IL•OCA[l ACCESS fLLL-DcPi}1 PAW1tFN1 REFi.ACD1CdT f5 F£O'D TO 147 IJtp BEYM TREtiCN IIlIR3, EXiFJO PAV[]1f~J~7 IICS10M101 TO WF UNE CA LM{ L/l. iD AWD 9QIEEL PA7H (SYf') cuRe Wi_ PARKiPic uswE uraE LMJF e/L a i~`,p1 LANE 2 \ STREGT CA U,fn` - , . 0-rv} o' un wt c/~ :Y (rrr) LANE t ciyp) j~ - ~ ~ PARKUVG i-i ll' ux n LJriE A~ o' (tw), pARKINC CURE3 LIraE 10 rxii :~.nf•raaIER wAIER (n;.) sn+tji (r,v) • aore: Fuu. oEF1rH (ny) srarncL 0w) f1fPUCCwL'41 13 R^VD TO LQHGI7UDIN.4L CU7 Q~lRe uaE wt$N REwurinC 7RAUSI~R~F !'~I,j qS7M(tt OCjKLCH 6►1fC WJ6 CURB IS LCM lHfli t-FT. Lptar ui[ ati ll.v: lqE OR LUO{(Z; lAllC C/i fUl1-OCPiIt P.54+'J/tNi PPPLICEMEtIT .4£Q'D UHC C/l ~ NNft: PA1£UENT RS tX7f.AiEil i9iPl1 PANENEHT M h£=L 11U1i5 NTEN I' Ntl 17C116VA1 fALL$ ~ ' Yfi3 OID. A PAVDo',tf1 PAR'74 IS iiEL"D (TIM) w/) 'a4;& PAiH (WDiH V.Af'iE5) Td 114L`a6 411A75, x0 JOlfTS 6t FIDUCTIOf: IN AILrA ANY /LLOMFD.' ' f17t (7YP) lFF~CiSi I INI7'~ N07 Y1,t NH£IL i'AiN VDICM 111IR5 0,7 TOfi LF PAYEAENT ' ~i\~\~ ~ IFMNCP ~ CSiC {iYP) 37JIW i. CULL-9EP1?? PA%£NEIR r'ATCII .DIHTS C7fCAV4T.p1 ~ SHN1. EC :tal.ta~i. LMf15 ~ z. u.L aI'j SHAIL EE PERsE1+aaiuR ~ ~ ~ecwuc ro aREcIIa: cF TAAvU- sCnoua .a-.n 3. PAVEI./iHS RffLAL'EN_NT IS G€QC TYJ twE uWE oF urtF cIL wrCr+EViR r tMus+ aa astua6u+CE o: REG10NA1 PAVEMFJJ7 CUT POl.ICY r.SP+ALr oR sWraHZ uxrL 5POT~,a,tP. pESSIDENT1Ai /LOGAL ACCEP.^.. ~ F7i icN05 II710 YIHEEL PATN. xare~semo+ HODIFIED POLICY E~~ T 13 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Commercial Development Permit Process Flowchart GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: Staff has been evaluating the commercial development permit process to make recommendations for improvement. This is a work in progress. The purpose of this agenda item is to summarize the acfivities and draft recommendations, and to suggest next steps. ~ OPTIONS: NIA RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide feedback to staff BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City has budgeted an estimated $1,293,000 in development fees for 2005. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager; Marina Sukup, Community Development Director; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS 1. Powerpoint Presentation ~ COMMERCIAL ~ DEVELOPMENT ~ PERMIT PROCESS A Work in Progress Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director April 5, 2005 ~ ~ Summary of the Commercial Development Permit Process ■ Before the Building Permit Application: o Is the land use allo►vable? ❑ Is a subdivision required? ■ Building Permit Review: Q Is SEPA required? ❑ 8uilding Division - Building plan review and grading review ❑ Engineering Division - Traffic, Appro@ch, concurrency and drainage f@VIEV✓ ❑ Planning Division - Revieav of site plan and Hearing Examiner Conditions ❑ Review by other agencies ■ After the permit has been issued: ❑ Inspections throughout oonstruction ❑ Certificate of occupancy Commerdal Oeveloprnem F'errnlt l-Process AarB 5, 21)75 2 1 / ■"!7 i... . ~ Recommended Changes to Process ■ Required pre-applicatian conference Ci City and Applicant have Gommon understandiizg of ouistandBtig issues from the beginning of the process ti Develop Suilding, Planning and Engineering pre-application checklisfs ❑ Start SEPA review earlier in the process ■ Threshold determinatioii that application is complete ■ WVritten sign-off from each reviewer that conditions have been met o Identified Project Caordinator to shepheM the applitiatfon through the process . Required pre-consUvction conference o City and applicant have common understanding of respective rolas and responsibilities Commwcbl Qavnlopnuern Permit Pwccss AptO 5, 2006 3 n,x,r,oi^.-~----_'~-- - ^ , _ - . Commercial Development Process Current Staffing ■ Building 0 1 Building Official ❑ 2 Building Inspector II (plus 1 new) 0 3 Permit Specialists ■ Engineering Development ❑ 1 Assistant Engineer ci 1 Development Engineer (new) ■ Planning* a 1 Associate Planner . °Other planning staif are involved in other areas of development Cemmerclal Do-rolopRqirl Permil Prcoess Aprd 5, 2005 4 2 Recommended Changes to Staffing ■Hire one additional Permit $33,000 Specialist ■Designate a Permit Specialist $5,000 as a Lead Permit Specialist / Project Coordinator for Commercial Development Applications ■Potential additional permit $ and inspection staffing if permitting continues at current high volumes Cornmcrcial DevabpmnrS Pertn.'.i 5 Pr=oess.4pril 5, 2005 ~ _ w_ . - ~ Next Steps ■ Further examine development processes ■ Closely monitor the pace and trend of development activity ■ Meet with commercial developers to solicit feedback on proposed changes ■ Review public works-related inspections and recommend improvements ■ Review fee schedule ~ Cwnen:tal 9ovdoprnent Porm:t e Prcoess April 5, 2006 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 5, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: DRAFT RESOLUTION CREATING THE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER POSITION GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NlA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Public Information Officer position was discussed at the January 18, 2005 meeting, the February 12, 2005 Council Retreat, and the March 22, 2005 Council meeting. BACKGROUND: The attached draft resolution, including a draft position descnption, creates a Public Information Officer position, and places it on the C'rty's classification matrix. _ OPTIONS: The City could hire an in-house City employee, contract out public information services, or choose to maintain the status quo. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide direction to staff BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funding for a Public Information Officer position is included in the upcoming proposed budget amendment. The draft resolution places the Public Information Officer at Grade 14, which has a salary range of $40,296 - 51,660. STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Resolution No. r ~ ( / Draft CITI' Ql+' SPnKA~TL VALLE1' sroKAtvr COuN'rv, waSMNGTUni KESOLUTIQ\' NO. 05-004 A 1tESOLiJ'1TON CRCA"I'In'C: A 1YTW EMPLOYEE CLASSTI+ICAT1(7N A\'D ,f013 DESCRI:E'TIO\ I+OR TTIE FOSTTION OF PUBLIC 1NF-41ZMAT10\Y oFFICER FOTt TI(1? CTT1' OF SF0KANE VALLEY. WI-IEREAS, die City Council frorri time td time must create new employee classificatiOns and adopt conditions of employment ior Ihosc nEwly-created classifications; aild WH.F..RFAS, the Ci[y Council adopted Spol:ane Val1e_y Municipal Cocte provision 2.50.070, which; in part, provides that position classifications and _job descriptions shall be cleveloped for new positions; and VJHEfZE,AS, the CityCOLIIICII LIU'AUQII Resoluiion No. 03-031 adopted _job descriptions fbr Cit:}' positions; and ~ WI-LrREAS, since adopYion of Spokane Valley Municipal Code provision 2.50.70, the City Council has created varinus new employee classifications and job deseriptions. NOW `I°HF.IZEFORF.; be it resolved by ilie City Council of the City of Spokane. Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: ' Section l. New Fmployee Classifcation and Position Deseripcion for 1'ublic lnformation J Qfficer Adoptcd. The Cit}' of Spolcane Valley creates the new cmployee classification of "Publie Inforriiation Offic:cr," ancl ticlopls che position description for t:he positic,n oF I'ublic lnformation Qfi`icer, artached hereto as Atiachrnent 1, as if fu11y set fortti lierein. This job desci•iption includes a pay gracle classification of 1=1. Section 2. Remaininp .Tob Descriptions Unchanaed. The remainder of the jnb descriptions contained in Resolution No. 03-031 as adoptecf or amended, remain iuichanged by this action. Sectiun 3. Ef1'ective Date. '1"his Resalution shall be efrective upon adoptioil. Adopted this dayo uf April, 2005. Cit}, of Spokane Valley Diana Wilhite, Mayor r1TTI:ST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ; .J Drafl ltesolution - Cre.atin6 PTO Position Paee 1 of I --DRAFT-- - ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLLY POS["CIOiN DESGRif''YION Class T'itle: Public hiformation Officer Job Code Number: 435 Denariment: Operatious & Administrative Svc. Gratle Number: 14 Division: NA FLSA Status: Exempl Date: May 1, 2005 1.,ocation: Cit), Hall GE\'EEtAI1 PURPUSE Coordinates cornmunity and uledia relations to create public awareness and undersfanciing of City services, Gnsuring accuracy and r.onsistency ul the devclopment and clistribution of information. SI3PERVISTON RECT:TVED Warks Luider the general guiclance and directivn of the Deputy Cit), Mariager. SUPERNTISTQN EXEItCISED N/A ESSENTTAL DU11ES AND REST'ONSIBILITILS Plans, organizes and manages comprehensive and effective media; promotional and public relatians programs to address external and 'uiternal audicnces. Develpps and recommends ncw communications inethods and enhajlcements to better achievc citizen intea•action and understanding of Ciiy scrvices to citizcns, community groups and other external organirations. Establishes and maintains favnrable relations wich commun.ity leaders; the media and internal infomiation sources. Provides public inforniation to media thxough meclia releases, fact sheets aild background reports. Serve.s as a resource to meclia on break.ing stories, news features and publicity campaigns. Coordinates dle proiiiotion of events, ineluding but not limited to public hearings, ground break.ing ceremonies; open houses and City Council or Department projects. Flans, develops and oversees the implementacion of promotions and publicity, including but not limited to public service announcements; flyers, brochures, display adverCising; ncu7sletters, press conferences and audio visual tnaterials. Coordinates communication a,ud relatcd activitiea with other City de.partmcnts, governmental and privatc agencies, other organizations and Che general public. Provicles profcssional commtuucations support and guidance to other City departments and to City Council, vicludine developing convnunication aild public involvement strategies around UFiAF'C PIO Posiiion Description Page I of4 comple~ policy topics or time-scilsitive issues. Drafts speeclles, presentations and articles for fiiYalization and delivery by oihers. De.velops and maintains a public awarencss and f'eedbacl: system. Invcstigates and pravides accuraie answers to reyuests for inforrnation aiid neecled services. Advises supervisor uid othcr departments, as needed; of concetns and questions brought by the public. 1'rltlPl]TRAL .IIiJTIES Co4rdinates interdepartmental and interagenc}, eff'oris to maintain and expand the. Ciry's web site.; including oversee.ing the cantent. Coordinaces volunleer recruitment to promote community involvement in governmcnt deliberations. Maintains and cultivates a broad-based list of citizens willing to serve on ad-hoe committees. Works with Gity Council and staff to dcvelop bacl:ground infoi-inatiQn in support of tlhe. City's state and lederal leDislative agenda. Frornotes training opportunitics for stafffuid City Council on communication principles, methods, practices and te_ch.niqucs. Researc.hes, evaluates anci rccoi-nmends emerging commtulications technolpgY to faciliiaie bet[er cocniliunication with citizens. Ivlaintains coiporate coinmunicali4ns on-call lisis; inedia relations handbook and emergency ~ contact list. Participates as leam membcr in media relations and public relations strateay and planning eff4ris for proactive or reactive issues. nES1RED MlNIMUIVI Qi1AL-1Ti.CAT10NS Education and Laperience: (f1) Graduatioii from a four-year college or urvversity with a dcgree in public relations; communicatious, journalism, marketing; public admicustrafion or a clnsely related field; and (B) 'tKinimum of iltree (3) years previous professional experience clesiredj or (C) j,\jiy eqt►ivalent combiuation of educacion and experieuce. Necessary K.nowlecige, Skills and Abilities: (A) Ability to effectively and acctirately cocnt»unicaie, both verbally and in writing, with employees, consultants, oChcr governmental agency representatives, City offficials and the general public. Tlus includes the ability to research, Nvrite and edit puUlications, m2rkecing inaterials and reports; (B) Lffective experience in modern and eoinplex principles and practices of public relations, including methods, principles and practiccs of preparing anci presentbiD public inforFinalion materials; Position Description: Public lnformation Officer 2 (C) Effective experience in the principles, praccices and theories of public administration, - community and media relaliQns; ' ~ (17) Ability to analyze situations accurately, adopt an effective course of action and adapt. a.s the situation changes, ancl to manage multilile projccts aiid task:s, (E) A key value af the City is customer scrvice. This position requires considerable lcnowledge, ability and skill in the principlcs azid practices of cxcellcnt customer service as practiced in both the private and Publie scctors. It requires the ability to effectively meet and deal with the public; the ability to handle stressful situations; the ability to gree.t and respond to customers in a friendly, plea.sant and professional manner using appropriace intlection, grammar and syntax; the ability io cstablish and maintain effec:tive working relationships with employees, supervisors; and the general public; the ability to maincain a professional, caUu-teous; and pleasant demeanor in difficult ancl stressFul siniations; and the ability tn diPlomatically deal with difFicult people. A willinp-ness to expcnd extra eFforl to help the pub]_ic.fincl answers or information relative to their inquiry or complaint is expected. SYECIAi., REQUIItEMENTS iVlust possess a valid State driver's licen5e or have the ability to obtain pne prior to employment. TOOLS AND EQUIYMENT i7SFD , - Personal computer, uicluding word processing, spreadsheet, data base, presentation, Publishing and graphics Sofn.vare. PHl'S1CAL DENIANDS "I°hE physical demands described here are representacive of those that must be met by an employec to successfully perforrn the essential functions af clus job. Reasonablc accommodations may be madc to enable inclividuals with disabilities to perform the essential fiinctions. Work is performed mostly in offic;e settings. Some outdoor work is required as part of ground- brealcing ceremnnies or similar community events. ViThilc perForcuing the duties of tlvs jol), the employce is occasionally required ip stand; walk; usc hands lo finger, handle, feel or opcrate objects, lools; or controls; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or halance; stoop,lLneEl, crouch, or crawl; anci is requirecl to talk and hear. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distancc vision, color vision, peripliera) vision; dcpth perception; arid the ability to adjust focus. ~ . Positioil Description: Public Information Officer 3 f~ W4Rh ENV[RQT'MENT ~ The wnrk environmenL c•haracteristics describeci here are representalive of tliose an employee e.ncounters while perfonning the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accanimodations may be made to enahle individuals with disabilities fo perlarm lhe essential functions. Wlule performing the duties of this.job, the employee occasinnally worls in outsidc wEather conditions. `I`he noise level in the work enviroiunent is usually quiet to lnoderate. SF,L,ECTTON Ci1TDELTNES Forcnal application; rating of education aild experience; oral interview and reference clieclc; job relatecl tests may be required. '1'hc duties listeci above are intended only as illusCrations of the various types af work that ma}r bc performed. I'he omission of specific stateuient:s of dutaes does not exclude thein from lhe positian if the work is simillr; rclated or a logical assiciunetit to the position. I'he job description does not constitute an employment agreeme.nt between the employcr and employce ai1d is siibicct to change by the employer as the needs of the cmployer and requirements of the job change. Approval: Approval: ~ Hiunaii Resoitrces Manager desigiiate City Mauaeer Effective Daie: M1y I, 2005 Revision Histoiy: New Positiotl Description: Public Iiiformation Officer 4 1)1tAFT Al)VElNCE AGENDA 0 Far Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of'vlarc.h 31, 2005 10:30 a.m. NIca,Se note [llis is a work in progress; ii:ems arc tentative To: Council R $taff From: Cicy Manager Re: T)raft Schetlule for Upcoming Council vleetings April 9, 2005 - Mayor's I3a11 April 12, 2005, Regular McctinIZ 6:00 p•m• [clue dxtc Thursday, March 311 Second keading E'roposcd \juisance Code amendment, Ordinance OS-Ol 1- Cary Driskell 1; 15 minuces] 2. Second keading Proposed Sign Ordinance - Marina Sukup [15 minuees] 3. Se:cond Reacfinr; Proposed I'awn Rroker Ordinance - Cal Vlfalker/Cary Drislcell 0 minutes] 4. 1'roposed Resolution: Setting Public 1-learing for Street Vac;ation S'I'V Ol -OS - Marina Sukup (S rninutes] 5. Prnposed Itesolution: Setiiilg Puhlie Nearing for Street Vac.ation S"I V 02-05 - Nfarina Sukup [S minuCes] 6. Proposed Resolution: Public lnforrnation Of'fcer Position -Nina Regor [10 minut-r.s] 7. Motion Co«sideration: Contract Approval, Pool Operation - Mike Jacksori [S minutes] 8. Motion Ccinsideration: Conirac# Approviil, Furnishings tor CenterPlace - Steve Worley 1'5 minutes] 9. Motion Consideration: CenterPlace Fiber Connsction - Mike ,lacksan [10 minutes] lU. Administrative Report: a. Watershed ylanagement Plan Presentation - Scott Kuhta/.Rob Lindsay [20 minutes] b. Proposed Budget Amendment DiSCUSSion - I{en 7'hompson S minutes] c. Above-o-raund st:orage uinl: provisions - Tom Scholtens [10 mi[Iutes] ~ TQTAL Ati1V'UTES: 125 Max. mtg. time: 150 minutes VI'ed. tlpril 13, 1.U05 - Convcrsation with the Communih' 6:00 p.m. Yratt l:lementarv, 6903 E. 4'h Ave CQi11mUI11ty Core Values Anril 15, 2005 - Council llcadline to File Public ll~sc.losure Commission DocumEnts (w/copv to Cit>> Clerk) ApriI 19, 21105, ,Toin[ Meetiny, Council and Planning Commission 6:00 n.m. Conipi-ehensive Plan Elementis - Lancl Use Dritfi A9ap; Cornmunit'y Values April 20, 2005, Weclnesday. 12:00 p.m., Lunclieon, St:tte of the Ciq, Acldress by Mavor 11'ilhite R4ii-aheau Flotel, (Sponsored by tlie VaIIey Chamber of'Commerce) Ani`il 26,2005. Regular Vlecting 6:00 n.m. (clue datc Thursday, April 141 Proclpmcr[ron: Ulder Americcrn 's Moirtlr 1. YUBLIC I-]TARING: tlmending 2005 Transporcation Improvement Prog►-am (171P)- Neil ICersten [15 min] 2. FilfilrTC $E.4ILING: Proposed Budget Amendinent:-Ken Thompson [15 minutes] .~i. HirSt Readitlc Propnsed 13udget A.menclment - hen 'fhompson [5 tninutes] 4. F'ropased Resolutian: Amending 2005 1'II' -\'eil ICersien (10 minutes] S. Adrninistrative Reparts: a. raii• Board Presentation (cvr7Jirmed) [1 5 minutes] b. EDC Prese;ntation - Jon E liassen, Theresa Sanders- 2005 Quarter Rpt (cotifir»red)[15 minutes] c. Niassage Parlors/.Bath Houses - Cal Walher/Cary Driskell [15 minut:es] 1 d. Report on Splasli Down Lease - Mike Jackson [10 minutes] e. City/County Park Facility cooperative Use Pilot f'roject - Ivtike Jacksoll [10 minutes] 6. Information Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission iyt.inutes; c. Blastinb (Noise) Ordinance; d. Spokane County Coinprehensi<<e Plan Update and Urban Growth 13oundary I~femq [estimated me.etiiig: 110 minutes*] Ursft rldvaiice Agenda 313112005 10:40 A\9 Pape i ofQ May 3, 20U5, Studv Scssion, G:UU p.m. [due clate Thursday, April 211 1. Discussion of FY 2006 Council Goals- Dave Vlercier (30 minutes) 2. Transnortation Improvement Prqgram (T1P) 2006-201 1 Upclat.e-Neil Kersten (20 minutes) ` 3. UpdatE on GIS Systems -Nina Regor (10 minutes) ' 4. CenterPlace Fees - Mike Jackson (10 minutes) 5. Law Enforcement 2005 Agreement -Nina f2egor (15 minutes) 6. Tents and Mernbrane Structijres - Tom Scholtcns (10 ininutes) TOTAL AM'TJTES: 95 Max. mCg, time: ] 50 minutes Miiv 10, 2005, Regulxr Meetinf,! 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursclay, April 28] 1. Second Iteading Ilroposed t3udget Amendment Ordinance - Ken Thompson [ 15 minutes) 2. First Reading 1'roposed Ordinance, Above-ground Storage Tanks - Tom Scholtcns [ l S rninutes] 3. First Rcading Proposeci Ordinancc, STV 01-05 Street Vaeation - Greg McCormick [5 minules] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance, STV 02-05 Street Vacation - Greg McCormick [5 minutes] 5. Administrative Reports: a. Helmet Safety Update - Michele Woll.y, Spokane Regional Health District [15 minutes] b. Traffic ControUSpccial F..vents - Cal WaIkerlMihe Jackson [20 minutes] TOTAL `9INUTES: 75 Ma.x. mtg. time: 150 minutes 1'Tav ] 7, 2005. Joint MeelinL Council and Plaoning Commission 6:00 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Elements -1'resentation of Public Hearing Druf! Mav 24,2005. Regular tiieetinp- 6:011 tj.m. [due date Thursdvy, itilay 121 1. Sccond Reaciinb Proposed Ordinanee, ST'V 01-05 Street Vacation -Gre- MeCormick [Sminutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordiriance, STV OZ-OS Street Vacation - Greg McCormiek [5 minutes] " 3. Information Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Ulinutes Cestimated meeeing: _ minutes*.1 A9sy 31. 20fF5, Study Session 6:00 p•m. [due dafe Thursdsy, May 191 June 7, 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [duc date Thursclay, May 2(] 1. Permitting On-line -'1'om Scholtens (15 minutes) 2. Road Impr4vement Districts Report-N`eil KerstenlJohn Hohman (15 minutes) 3. Scope Presence at CenccrPlace - Mike Jael:son (15 minutes) 4. Definitions and schedules of permitted uses - Marina Sukup ( 15 minutes) 5. Prism/Plus/Fadal (Parcel Data Locator) Systein - Ta3wn Dompier; Chris Berg (15 minutes) 6. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Update and Urban Gro«rth I3oundriry - Marina Sukup (10 rriinutes) [estirnated meeting: 85 minutes*] June 1.1, 2005 -Mid-Year CouncillStafCRetreyt, y a.m. - noon `1'eritative 7'vPics: Courlcil idefrtifies hudget goaLc for 2006 RevisedCourrcil 2005 Goal on Wastewater Updaled Firzrnxcinl Forecast ,iune 1.4, 2005, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. (due dafe Thursdsy, .lune 2 1. PUBLIC HEAIlING: 1"ransportation 1►nprovemenl Program ('[°CP) 2006-2011 - Neil K.ersten [1 S minutes] Second Reading }'roposed Ordinance, Above-ground Storage 'Canks - Tom Scholtens [ 1 S minutes) 3. Propcased k.esolution: Adopei.ng che '1'll' for 2006-201 Ne;il Kcrsten [10 mintlces] 4. Actrrtiinistrative lteports: a. 1-iazard Mitigation Plan (Kesolucion?)- Marina Sukup [15 minutes] [estimated meeting: SS minutes*] Draft Adwuue Agend9 3/31f2005 10:40 AM P:ise 2 of 4 .fune 21, 2005, NO COUNC.IL I17EETING OR STUI7Y SESS10N June 21-24 AVVC 2005 Annuyl Conference, Tri-Cifies ,Tune 28, 20115. Rel_,ular Meetiog 6:00 p.m. [doc date Thurs(lay, .lune 16] 1. lnformation Unly: ~ a. nenartmerttal Monthly Reports; b. }'lanning Commission Minutes [estimated meetin~: _ minuces*] .Iulv a. 200,55, Stuclr' Session, 6:00 p.m. iciuc datc Thursday, June 231 JuIY 12,2005. Regular Viecting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, June 30 Fublic FTearing: Cable Pranchise - iVlorgan 1<oudelka (tentative) 5 minutesJ Julv 13,2005, Convcrsation Nvith tlie Communitv, 6:00 n.m., Vqllcy Fiosiiital-Davis 1Zoom ,Iulv 19,2005, Studv Se-ssion. 6:00 p.m. (duc datc Thursday, Jul,y 71 Juh 26, 2005,12egulsr A9cetinI!, 6:00 p.m. idue diife Thui-sd:►y, July 141 l. Information Orily: a. laepartmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Minutes [estimated meetino: _ minute5*] Aueust 2, 2005, No Studv Sc;ssion or C'ouncil Meetinf! (National "Nizht Out") AugusE 9.2005. Regular Nlcetinj!, 6:00 p.m. ~ Aueust 16, 2005 -.ioinl CounciVI'lanning Commissinn Preseniation of Cunrprehcnsi>>e 1'latr Planniirg Conrmissrun Recotrinrerided Drtrft Auaust 23, 2005, Ref!ular AZeetinv. 6:00 p.m. 1. PUBLIC HM-AktlNC: 2006 R.evenues, inclucling property taa:es 2. Council scts preliminxry budget hearing,s for Oct ] 1; final public hearing for Oct 25 3. Information Only_ a. Iaepartmental vlonthly IZeport.s; b. Planriins Commission N4111ui.es [escimated meeting: _ minutes*] Au4_ust 30, 2005. Study Se.csion, 6:00 p.m. Outside Aoencics Presentation September 6, 2005, Studl' Session, 6:00 n.m. Seplember 13, 2005, l7cgular Meetinp_, fi:Ofl n.m. 15` 1'ublic Hcaring on the Cvmprelrensive 1'lan 1'Ip)11111'!g CUl171i71SSlUll IiBCOIl1117C'!lCIE'CI DTLlfI Septcrnber la, 2005, Tentsitive Snccial Nleetinp_ 2" Ptiblic Hesrinh on the. Cor►rpi°ehe~asive Plai1 Pla~rrring C`onrnrissiorr Recortrnretir.led Dr-aft SentemUcr 20, 2005, Shulv Session, 6:00 p.m. Cuntinuation of 2° Yublie Iiearing ori Che C'omprehensrve Plcrrr Plcmrrisig Cn»1u7ission keconrnreizded Drcrfl(if nceessary), and begin Council deliberation (dedicate the whole meetint) ~ September 27, 2005, I2cllular Mcetina, 6:00 n.m. l. llepartments present liighlights of2006 budget 2. ]nformation Only: a. Deparlmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Minutes [estimated meelin5: _ minutes$J Drati Advance Agentl i 313112405 10:40 ,M4 Pagc 3 of 4 Uc[ober 4, 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 n.m. Council deliberatibn oti the Corripreheitsive Plarr Plcrntrutg Conrnzrssion Recairmelrded Ura,~t (l50 minutes) October 11. 2005. Ilegular Me.cting, 6:00 ti.m. 1. PUT3LIC HEA.RTNIG.: Budget 2. First reading pmperty tiic ordinance nctober 12, 2005, Convercatic►n with the Communih'. CenterPlace, Room 114, 6:00 p.m. Octuber 18 2005, Study Session, 6:00 n.m. Council deliberation on che Can/irehensivc Plun PjQ711'lUlg Camr►trssron Rccvmmended Draft (150 minutes) Oclober 25, 20055, Regular Nleetinj!, 6:O0 p.m. 1. YUBLi.C laEAltING: I'inal E3udget Hearing [5 minuces] 2. Yublie Flearing (tentative-tmly if Cnuneil considcrs substt+ntive cliangcs to the Planriin6 C4mm.ltecommcnded clrafl) r5 fltil7] 3. Second reading of property tax ordinance [10 minutes] 4. First reading of ordinance adopting budget 0 minutes] 5. Fee Resolution adoptecl 0 minutes] 6. lnformation Only: a. Dcpaitmental vlonthly Reports; b. Planning Commissinn Minutes [estimatec4 meeting: 40 minutes'"] Novcmber 1., 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. Novernber 8, 2005, Regular Meetin, 6:00 p.m. l. Second reading ordinance adopting budaet 2. Adoption of the,Spokrfne Vallej, Comprellefrsive Plwt Novcmber 15. 2005, Stuclv Session, G:UO p.m. \ior•ember 22, 2005 - No Meetin~ . Novcmber 29, 2005, llegular Meeting 6:00 p.m• 1. Iri1'ortnation Only: a. Departmental Monthly Reports; b. Planning Commission Nlinutes [estimated meeting: _ minutes*] December 6,2005, Studv Sessiun, 6:00 n•m. Dcccmber 13. 2005,12epula r iMeering, 6:00 p.m. December 20, 2005, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. December 27. 2005, hTo Meetint! OTF]T;R FTNllING AND/QR UYCOATING ISSUIES: Second Reading Proposed Sidew<ilk Ordinance 04-012 -(first reading 02-24-04) Panhandling -Cal Walker ltegional Starmwacer Dcsian vlanual - John I-lohman lnitiative/Referendum Street Paving Funding Option -ieil Kcrsten (Gary Schimmels) July 11, 2005 - First day Gandidate filings by mail may be aeccpted by Cowity Tuly 25, 2005 - First day for all candidates to file for o1'~ficc luly 29; 2005 - Last Da}7 for canclidates to file for office ;MEETLVC.S `CO BE SCID±'I)ML+":U I open house - wastewater issu€s (Ta Fie AnnoLmced) estimatod niPeruic timc docs not incliide tirne f'ar public comrnents] Drall Advazice Agenda 3r 112005 10:40 AM Psige 4 uf 4