2005, 05-31 Special Joint Council/BOCC Meeting ~ I ILL C(_)Pl" f111' l~' e wky CITY UF SPOKANF VALLI:Y AG ENDA .ioint Citv CuunriU Spokaae County Commissiun Mecting Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:30 n. m. - 5:30 n. m. Spokanc Vallcy Council ChAmtkrs 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokune Valley, WA 992(}6 DISCUSSION AGENDA ITEMS INCLUDE: y Transfer of all courtty-owned parr,els adjaoent to Spokane Valiey roads, said parcels appear on the County inventory and are noted as surplus roads or for future road use. County-wide Radio Communication Systems upgrade proposals. : Wast+awater issues: aciivities designed tu resolve drafl TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) ; UAA (Use Atteinability Analysis) issues and the status of regionat Govemance Committee discussions. Regional Animal Control. SQT1' Of ~ Vgley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council From: Cary P. Driskell, lleputy City Attorney CC: Dave Mercier, City Manager; Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Date: May 24, 2005 .12e: Old Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way / Appleway Extension Below pleasc find the items staff recommends that the City cotisider ui discussions vvith Spokane Cdunty on the transfer to the City of Spokane Valley. Suggested changcs: o Page 2, # 1, second 1'vie - the words "=and shall be properly maintained 'ui good condition for thcse purposes." should be removed. NVhile such language is not lcgally objectionable; it is wholly tuuieccssary under the circwnstances. o Fage 2, # 2, rrst paragraPh -clarif'y in lhis paragraph that any right to oPerate, maintain, alter, construct, etc. the sewer or road is subject to all applicable permit requirements the City has adopted for such activity. o Fage 2, # 2, seebnd paragraph - the worcls "or allow lo be caused" are not acceptable in this cante.xt due to the follpwing sentences, which state that "any such damage is the solc respansibility and liability of Grantee and hereby covenants with Grantor that Grantee will pay for any damage done at any time hereafter ta the saniEary sewer lines, their appurtenances and the acccss road." We will be responsible for, and pay fQr; damage we cause, but we should not be a guarantor for damagc cause by others. o Yagc 3, # 4, first paragraph - the bottom linc refers to uses of the praperty, and that Grantec shall grant an casement related to public transportatipn uses. This sentence should end after "...joint use of the I'ropcrty for public transpartation purposes." The remainder of lhat paragraph should be removed. We also need to clarif~, to whom the City would grant an eascment to. It is not clear if it is intended to be Spokane County, or anotl-ier entity that may propose a form of public transportation for that area. o The City should have the right to place utilities, public or private in the ROW, and make othcr reasonably related uses of the ROW. In the donation document the language shoula read, "transf'erred aild conveyed for strect, utility (public and private), and all other reasonably related purPoses consistent with the autliority of tbe City to control and manage die property under lhe laws of Washington." o Page 2, #3, Iwould recommend that we not assume the risk for hazardous substances. If we do then we should consider a full enviroiunental assessment on the property. We may also want tn incluae a condition that allows us to return the RpW to the County in the eve,nt that we encounter significairt hmzardous materials. * Additionally, I recommena lhat we request a detailed map or GIS information layer dctailing the boundaries of'.the RUW, both at the tiine of the transfer to the County, and now. That map or GIS informalion should also show any portions of the R0W that is encumbered in any way, such as a lease, license to use, or sale to an outside entity. Tlus is important so the City knows exactly what is subject to the transfer, and any limitations lhat may exist for future use. If you have questions; pleasc feel free to let me know. Cary P. I7riskell Deputy City Attorney . QUIT CLA:IM DEEI) rMANTpR. SPpI`;AI\t.E COUNTY, a Political subciivision of the Washin8can, having its pr7ncipal pl<<cc of buszness locatcd at 1116 W, .Broadwa_y Spolcane, Wflshington, for and in cons.ideration of ten (14) dollars ancl olher consideiation, conveys and quitclaims to GRF\NT.EE, the CI"l`Y QF SP VALL:EY, i► Municip-ci! Corporation ot' thc Statc; of Wastiington, having its princi of business located at 11707 E. Spraaue Avenue, Suite lOG, Spokane Valley, Wa: the foilowino desci-ilxd reai property situated in tlyc County of Spokane, Washington, hereinafCer, °`Property", together with all after-acquired title G(2Ai~I1"OR therein: All that portion of Chicago, IvTilwaukee, St. P1ul and Pacifi R<iilroad Company's Dis}'iman Co Coeut' d'Alene Brailch Litie righi of wa: fmm [he easCern .r.ighl 01' way line at Universily Road to the center sectio line of Section 17, Township 25 North, Rangc 45 East, VJ.ivf.; Jying \,vilhi Sections 21, 22, 23 and 24, all in Township 25 North, Rangr; 44 Eas GV:M., and S.eceiens 19, 18, and tlie West 1/2 of Section 17, aIl in Townshi 25 iortit; Range 45 Enst,W.M. The GRAi\rI'OR convcys and quitclaims to GJ2ANTE-E only lhaL porei intei-est. in the.Property that GRANT'Ok acquirrci as Grantc:e of a ceirtain qui[c.l: fi-om Ricbard B. Ogilvie as Trustee of the prorerty of Chicago, MilLVaukee, St. Pacific 12.zilroad Cornpany, datett .DeceinbEr .17, :1980 and recordetl in Audit Numbei- 8012230081, recoi•ds oCSpokane Councy, WashingtoP. This conveylnce is subject co all existing licenses, Gasements and deecls e antl al] ocher eneumbrances, exceplions snd reservations of raco.rd. This cflnvc contingent. tapori thr iinqualified acceptflnce kind acknowledgement by GRA;NT all special condi[iocis and reservatirnns herein. This convevance is als4 subje following addition.xl conditions and reser.vations: l. 7'he 1'rnpecty shall remain rhat of the GRAINTEF so long as it is , usaci so:le]y.for [ransportation pucposes for the public and shall be properly r:riaintaincd in goocl c;ondilion 1'nr these purposes. This is a defeasible condition, and Should Che Wroperty be uscd ror purposes olher than a tran:5portation lhen it.shall automatically revcr-t to the GRANI'1"OIt. For the purposes of lhis conctition, the terrn "transportation" shall mean the movement ofi .passengers or goods by vehiculax means. This conciicion shall not proliib.it GRAN'[7?F from -i-anting .liccnses for the locaCian, operation ancl maineenance of public ucilitics ovcr and aldna the Property so.long, as said use does not other.-tivise interfere. with che trxnsportation ptirposcs hereinabbve or lhe elsement reservec# by GRANT.UR in parab aph 2 hereinafter. 2: G12ANY1'OR sfitill retain aperpccual -easemcnt in the Propcrty iii its entirery to operate, repair, maintain, alter.: conscruct, and recnnstruct its sanitaiy sewel• lines; togechei• with anv anci all necessary appurtenances thereto, over, aci•oss. aiid -under the Fraperty. GRANTOR shall retain free, open and unobstruc;teel right af ingress and egress to the Prope►-ty for access to thc sewer-s}tstem and to other parcels ox;,ned by GRANITQR i ributtiilg the M-operty and shall alsa retain the right to maintain ancl re- esc3blish the access r.oad on the Propecty for.the afaremeiltioneci purposes. C;R,AN`rEE will nut c;ause ox. allow- to be caused.any damage co che sZnitary sewer lincs, thcir appurtenances and access -.r.oad: C►:RANT.EE uneierstands that.any such damage.is the sole responsibility and.l.iab.ility of GRAN'IEE and hereliy covenants with GKAN'1''(7R that GRANTCE wiJl pay for any damagc done at any linie hereafler to the sanitary sewer lincsj their appurtenances and the access road. 3. G17AN'i'[a1S represents anci wzrrlnts th2t GRAN= iS acquiring the Pz-operty in an "as-is, with all f.aults" basis with any and all patertt and latGnc clefeccs LI1Cl'UdIRa tiose relatin; to tl'te erivironmCnlal conditian o'f i • the Propei-ty. GRATNITEE rcpresents to GRr1NI'OR that G12AN'CEF is Giware of arid assuines the risk that hazarduus subscances in3y be preseait an, unc,ler, in or about che Propei-ty. GRANTEF shall indemnify and holci f~ harmless and hereby Nvaives, releascs and discharges forever GRA`'TUR, its officcrs, employees ancl agencs fruin atiy and all present and futLtre, known or unlcnoeem, claims, demands, causes Uf acti,On, damages, losses, penalties, cow-t costs and atCorney fees arising from or in any way related to: a j any latenc or patenc eonclition oi' the Property; h) any bodiEy injuiy or death or Inss or darnage to the property of any person in any manner arising fram the acts or omissions Af GRANTOR, its officers, einploye,es and <<gents in connection with the entry upon or use of the Pi-opcrty; andlor c) an_y presence, use, storage, gcneracion, manufacture, transpnrt, release; leal:, spill, dispasal or other'handlina of aj7;1 h,-aardous substances in, on, under Qr a6oui the praperty. The Lerm "enviroiunental conditipn" includes chose conciitions encampassecl by any fedsral, stxt:c.: or lacal scacute or ordinance, reguld[ion, code, rule, order, judgrnent, dccree, injunction or comrnon law pertaining ~ ir any way to the protcction of human health or the environmerit, including n without limitation, the Resource Conserwation and Recovery AcL, the Comprf:hensive Envuonmental Response, CampensaUon and Liability -.Act, thc Toxic SubstanGes Contro] Act, the Mode! '1'cJxicS CAntr01 ACI, or any similar or cornparable federal, seate or Iocal law. The term `°hazarcious substance" irieans any hazaedous, toxic, ratlioacCive or infectious substance, material, conraminsnc, or waste defined, listed or regulated iinder any envii-flniaiEntal Iaw, and includes with4ut li.rnitation, petraleuin . oil and any of its fractions. 4. GRANT.EE shAll provide an unobsti'uc[ed easement free of charge over, across and under [he }?ropeity.for, ancl shal] fully cooperate in, the futuic joinC use of the Property for public transporta4on purpqses, including, but not limited to, public hiah-capacicy transportation, includireg , any and aU Forms of light rail, monorail, and the like; anci GRANTT:E shall otherwise maintain the Nroperty so as to ensures thal it remains compatible wieh u•ansit-oraeneed development o:f any and aII types. S. -Wherever reCcri-ed to herein, t.he-term GRA3=M shall apply lo GRAN'I'EL, its successors, assigms, heirs, executors, adrninsslrators or desigilees, wlio sha:ll be severally asid'collec;tively liable for ajiy and all pcrformance hereunclcr. Wherever refei-red to herein, the GR11NT(7f2 shall apply to Spokane GnunLy, iLs succ:essors, assigns, heirs, executars, administraEors or designeeb> wh6shall be severally and colJectively liable for any aI1 pei-foimance bereunder. DATEl7 this :,*/?day of X ,.2U04. 4 OS33 sPOxANIEcOuNITY, vy . 130AR:D OF COTJNfiY COMV]TSSTONE-RS~D (~O CO~ ~ : P lip . Harri.s, Ghair ~i v~~ ;;Lr:i ' ~fi. ATTEST: t °f'f~,:sVICKY M. DAT,TON Y~a te • aslin, Vice-Chair CLL OF '1' HE B -12D By" Dztniela Ericks~n,.Deputy J Roslcelley,.Commissior} r ! f'lcknow.ledged and Accepted'by.: nA'TEll: CI'1'Y Uh SPOKANE VA=-Y: Attest: B}" Its: City Clerk (Title) 4 CORMf-SS1OW1,1Z I'HTI..[..Tl' D. HARRIS: Next itam is I.he transfer of (:hictigo . 2 NFilwaukcr, xnd SI. Pxul F:ailrond ripht af way lp Ihc C'il,; iif Spokanc Vulley. Commissiontrs - 3 COlvi►NCSSION'I::I2 JOHN ROST{ELLCY: 7"hanks guys. Secz7nd. a CONII•QSSIQN.F..R PI-II[.,I.IP D. HAKRIS: I'rn going Lo 1'm going to - Pd like to ~ 5 mitkc it uiiunim(jus, but t hFtvc; a problem with die way it is writ[en. Tlie problem I!»ve liiink it's fi jt,sst nlare ot` m}' Illlltd.SEL BLtllltSl LJjht Rail thaL's causing me ta huvic ehe problein ihan any factua.l 7 relsocl. But, 1 ht!d a problern v:ith F'uranrlph Four, Nvfieeh I had alm.fldy submiue;d thut lo our attorney 8 and he didn't - hs didn't anree with me, but I' m used to thac. l3ur, anyway, u'hat it says and 1 cati't 9 even find it Rnd I'm sure ic's right here in frant of ine. It - it said - let's see where did 1- I clov't lU }:now where it's Eit. ]3ut, .inywfiy, wliat it saicl wns, tltnnks, Steve, ictlially it wasn't ParagraWh 1=atrr 'I 7 anyway. 'it said - it was - it wa.s haragraph Four, and vcfiac it says to rne it shoiild have been chopNecl 12 oii'- it said -guarantee shall pinvide and not obsU•uct the future easeinent - okay - the fiiture 4ise of tlze ]_i pmperry for' pttblic crlnsportaiiott ptrrposes, now that could have been a period. Public trar►sportation 14 eottld tnean roll.°,t Skaces. It coulcl Ue light rail. It could be car~i-aiL lt could be cars, truc[cs, it eould be 15 anYthin,, but [hen we - it was nddetl iiicluding but not licniced to public iugli capacity traruponacion, 16 iru:luding any and all forms oi light rail, monorail and ligllf. Now, the onl}, problem I have with that - 17 thai if you say transporcation it inchudes everynhing ihat is transportation. '1'his could be - cauld cause 1S problems for tlie Spokane Vatley clown tlte rqad because this thing'; going fn be interpretzci sorne day, 19 mayb:: noc immediately, by arzorneys. F1nd, vou Irnow and I. know liow 7 teel about the opinioiu vf 20 attorne}ss. 1'ou Icnow, they have nvo ears and lil:e cheir nvo ears t"nev tiave two opinions on 21 eve,r}nhing. iL dcpcncls un Nvho [hey're worl:ing.for at the ticnz ' So, 1 don't think ttiat neects to be in 22 there, but I'm not going Eo voce r►a w~et'it out c:atise f don't think ii's ~oinb to rn~:e (ha[ rnucf~ ~ • 'L"s difference_ But, 1 think it ganes back u) my o1d wuntry boY lrsining. It'S not what. you cton'c 5:►v that 24 hurts yoti - ii's what you saY that hum yUu. And; I thinS: this cnulcl eause a hure sorne whcre dnwr~ the 25 mar.1. Having said thaE, I']I call for a • 26 COMMrSsran?r.R M. Iit1TG MCCASLIN: 'WeiL 1 jus[ wEin[ lU'rnake Sure t6t►i the rcwrd 27 is clear - the legi;i:stive ri:cord is clear so tl►at in c:ase there is issues with reg_uYi La your• inlirpcctstion, ZS they can look to tfie iegislativz record. And, for the recxiid, rny intent_ in ndvncating.for that. IanSuaEe 29 is so rhaG the City of Spokane Valley would be required to provide free of charge, at whate<<er poinL in 30 the futtlre, art i;asernent cjver tfiat praperty far Iiigh capacity u•2nsit, wliich may include liglit rfiil, 31 monorail, or so forth. 'T'hey can't just arbitrarily say, surry you can't hAVe - you can't pur your iight 32 rail here and your monorail here ancl if you dn, :ve'rc gaing io ehai•ge ynu. That's - I wt►nt to avoid 33 thac sCenaria. if there's ncti qucsLion that d icy have to cacrpersre in triasi: efPorts and ttiat. should - that. 34 proposal come forwait acld that wauld go over tliac property diat they're going tt) have 4o aIluw for 35 that trnosf'ererice and that w1s why 1wanted that laiiguage written in. So, l just want that as a matter 36 of legislative_ieoord in case scme lawyer 20 years frorn iiow hfls t0 interpre4 - 37 CON1N11SS[UN`L'12 PI-LII-LLP D. FIARRIS: Oka,y. Now, let me - now what 1 uudeistood 38 was that sliould someciay somebody would w:1nt to put L;ight Rail tlvougla the Spokane 'Vailey - 34 COD4MLSS[pvElt M. K.A'1'E MCCA-SL1N: Or sonie other Eorin oi tug}i capaciry transit - ' :enecmhnr'a!1 Ot9fld . 11 •flll AhA I 1 COiNIA4ISS1ONElt YI3CI.L'1P D. laA lilt[S: dkay. Bui, this - lci's just use L.i-ht ]7ai1, 2 bccuu.tic that's what mainly I'm looking at. This would (a};e away the right of thc pcnplc in the 3 Spokane VHlley Lo vote whether thcy wcinted I,,ighl Rfiil Ihrc,ugh their ciry or not. Is that true? 4 COD'IMiSS10N13R l+J. KA'1'L: MCCASLIN: It would mean that if it wcrc pmTxkscd in that 5 corriclor dicy - the Valley would have to provide an e:iscment aver ihai.. Sa - 6 MAli71INT :120LI:inTS: "I'6e value would still be part of; 1 think, ? Mloever decides tci vote on Lighl Rail. I iiiean if everybody votes Lit,.~,ltt ltail dovm thcn4 ilocsn'e o0 8 in, Uut if everybody votss 1 ight Rail in then the Valley cannot say the citizens - t}ie citi2cr►s of the 9 VaIlcy catmot say welJ we don't want it here. 10 COMM1SS14NIIt M. KATE 11'[CC.OLIN: 7'hat'S correct. 11 COi1IMISSI0\'ER PH[LLLP D. HA_RltI5: So - 9o w}ittt you ju.tit snid iVlau-tin thouah is 12 that I don't +vant to - ilte City of Spolcuije which hus tlic prcponJerance of the vots where the [Pight 19 Rait is, going to be thmugh the City of Spakane they have mort voLc:s than the Spokane Valley. If the. 14 City af Spokane vOtcd thullri;ht. Rail «ould go in to some destination unknown Liberty Lake just far 15 a good name, that ttic Gity of Spokane V.illep w0uld have n0 chAicc but to put Liglit REtil LhrUUg)l7 their lb City. 17 COMMiSSroNER M. KA'rE MC(:ASLIN: Inthatcarridor- 18 MARTT\` ROIaGiNS: Along that cairidor - • 13 CONI.!LUS$iONER M. KA,Tr Mf GASLIN: It's fecleral. 20 CON1iVIISSIONER PHLT;LIP A. tfARRi.S: Okay. 9Vell, then, we'(I have to have n Roll 2! Call Vote. 22 CONIn7ISSIQNER JQI-iN E20SKEI,LRY: .Okay. I'll say one ching and I want to clarify 23 it also with Gomniissioner McCaslin. FraW y, I tltink- Ch.at tlhis easentettt should have gvne to Spo1:,ane ~ 24 Keginnal `I'ranspoiKacion Association or a 30-€oot easement should have been cut right out of ihis 25 Milwaukee rtibht of Way ancl given [o S"CA for public transpoi-tation purposes. I dfln'r parcic«larly 26 like the'idea o}' giving it-to Lhe City of ttie ValEey, but ('rri going to 6 Chat. And, I chink ]'ni hoing to 27 dn ir,-in thc; sime witli the sarree words #hat Commissioner McCaslin said that it,shall be used for high 28 capacity fransportation, fhaYs nne o[ tfie uses, of public tracispartation. And, the'City of thc Valley has 29 to ur:iderstancl di,it when they accept tliis that they don't really-have the ability w say no. Il's - or tliey 30 cain gve il rioht haek to the Coianty. So, lhai's hc)w - whcre i sttutitl an this. 31 COiYID7ISSI0\'ER PF•1iT,,LIP D. I•[.ARRIS: Okay. Roll Call Vote. 32 DANIELA ERICKSOI\: Ttie tt;4tion is to authqrii,c a Quit-Claim Deecl 33 tc, tlie'City of Spokane Valley E'or Gounty pmperty.known as the Chicago N4ilwaukec St Paul P<<eifie 34 hailroail:propectyto bc: use:d For trsnsportacion.purposes only. Commissiniter McCa.elin. 35 C0MMISSIUNh.R MCf:AaL[N: Ye,s. 36 llANIELA Elt1CKSU\': Commissioiier Hairis. 37 COMl41SSlQr1ER PIILLLIP ll.HA}2RIS: Nu. 38 UANILLA ER1C1CSUN: Conimissioner 12oskelley. 39 COMMISSIONER JOHN ROSKLLLLY: Yes. Cor.~o..,i.nr vn 7flnn - 71 •M AnA n . t DA3V11?LA ERICKS01\`: Approved by a majority vute. 2 COMNllSSt(.)NE R PHII.,T..TA D. FTARRTS: ()kay. Nexl - 3 .1AM$S P. ENIACIU: Cornrnissic►i►cr Harris, if ] hauc to, T'v, 4 over the ducument lhis morning and I might havs curne comments I niig u v.^ant to add. cUmmcnrs, PII mark them on tlta docuntent aud bring thcm back. T won't chanSe the inten[ ol 6 mich,t want to udd a comrna oe• two. ? MWA4.ISS10NEtt i-iAItR15: No,1 don'c thiii4: so. 8 JAYt&'; P. LMAC.lO: Okny. Okay. 9 C4MIM'ISS10Yl1R'PEI[LI..I.P D. J:IARRIS: Becausc - because your - ybur interl 10 is gnine to he diffcrcnt frnm amntherperson's intW.retation ] I JA~I rf 5 P. E;11RAC.tO: I understinc1. Okay. 12 COAEX4ISSIONLR PHCLLIP Il. HARRI`S: So, tvz votecl ov it as it is. so - 13 JAllffi-S P. EWi.AC70: T'inf. Wc'll leave iE. That 14 C:nrniriis.tiiciiter Hfirris. 15 COMMISSTONER PKTT,.T.TI' D. HARRIS: Everybocty aoyioe with that. 16 CnN1M.ISSIUNh.'.:F2 A'I.:fi:ATE NICCASL[N: alell, do you know :vhatr y(Iu miohc h 17 ynu want clariGcatiun, Jiin? 1.8 C0'N7111TSS[0NTFIt.IOIIN ROSKrLLEY: 1'ou can ^ you czn .ictually type 19 comments and you and I can sign those carn.mcnis. 20 DANILLr1 ER1:C]CSON: 1'll dc) a vtrbatim. 2'1 ,IA\7ES P. LMAGIC): Z'Ve're going to di) a verbatim of bc 22 comments. AlI the tomments, Commissioner HfLf1'IS Htld we'll put them as nart oi ous re 23 lher'e's itt►- 24 C(5MM'ISS.IC)\Tl?R PH7I;LIP.D. H:IRRIS: _Well. )'ou can attach that if you tva. 25 you scnd il to Ehe Spok3ne Valley. I menn, [ don't Mave say prableen with that. Ynu c1n at 26 r,opy in its eniiret_y. I ju5t don't want you ta changcihe la»gmgc ii1 the ctacurncnl. 27 jfAMRS P. MJ1(rIO: ~TU. 'WC U'(7J1'L. 28 RF541.uriaN rro. A 0833 ' 13EFUKE 'I`KL" 130ARD OF C4lJIdTY COMMISSIOVFRS OF SMKr1NE COUNTY, WASF[ING'1'ON IN TF[E !dA'ITER OF AUT1IOR[71NG ) QUiT CLAIM DEED TO TFiE C1TY OF SPOI:AidE ) VALI.E-Y FUR COUR"'Cl' PROPERTY KNOWN AS ) R E S O L U T i O.N TF[G CFTICAGO, yfILWAUKEsE, SI'. .PA,UL ANll ) PACINIC RAII.ROAD PROPC-RTY TO BE USII) ) ['dR TEtANSP012TA'I'ION PUR.POSFS pNi„Y, ) 6VFIEREAS, piirsiiant io the provisiaiu of the Revised Code of Washingtnn, Section 36.32.120(6), the Hoard of County Comrnissicyiecs of Spakaize County has the care of Cotmty property and clte iiiaiwgement of Caiinry funds and b14S111e55; and WHEKEAS, Spolkane County purehased dte foruier Ctuc:ago, D4ilwaukee, St. Eaul and Pacific Railmad Compvny prope:rty and ehtained title hy' Quit Claim Dcexf No. 8012230081 in volume'531 page 1971 oti Decemtk.r 23, 1980 which is locatod generally in Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23•and 24 of Township 25 North, Itange 44 F„ast, W.M., and Sectioiu 19, 1$, 17, 16, 15, 10, 11, 2 and 1 in Township 25 North, Itange 45 r,a.st,'W.ibi.; and WHkIZNAS, n porticm of s:sid property has alteady been utilized for Ute construction and ssrablis?►ment of Appleway Boule•rard lntt a fiaaire corridor ior pawr,dal light rail;.and WEIER.FAS, the County Enoineer recouuuends trxnsfer of the_Prrrperty ta U1e Cihr-uf Sgokarie Valley by a Quit Claim lleed only on.condieions statecl in the Quit Claim iieed, thac is, [he sub,lect proper.ry is to be used"f.or transpocGldon gurposes otily, aticl said pmperty shall :ievLrt in oNvcr.rship bsek w SpnLaroe County if it is used Por ather tnari transportauon,purposLs, ;ux! the Couitry slrall reseeve a-peepenial.ea9enient in the prone.ct}~, for Spokane County's sanitary sewer lines and appurtanances currentiy,locatEd on the subject property•,as well as frec aud unobstructed acc:css to ttuc . sewer system for 1ny and all purposes, including maintcnance aad rerestablishmenl of an accc;ss roud far such pucposes; and WHEREAS, Spokarse County shall also necain a free and ager, easenient for high capaciry cranspoccadan including li;}ic rail, roonuraEl, 2nd the •like, regarcllcss of wfiether any other sneity ultimatcly .ponsors the high r.apacicy cca»sportaciun-system; and V&MREAS, t}ie property to be deeded is solety widiin,the jurisdicdonal boundaries of the C.'iry of Spokane Valley futd corjs'tsts only ofi diat "interest in the svbject propc;rty t]wt wiu dcLcled ro Spokanc Gounty by Quit Claim decxl a3 hereirtaUove stated; atul WFTERFAS, al'Eer dUe consicleradon by the Board of C:4uacy Cammissioners of Spo}ane Covnry, ;yashingwa, it siPpi:ars to snid Bonrd that it cvill be in thc best.intcrests of both the County of Spokane and the City of Spokanc Vallcy,that tlie County of Spokdnc convcy said lareds tn t}ie Ciry bf Spokane Valle; oa cQrhiin cnruliti4rts. • ~ NOW TRERENOItE, BE IT RESOLVED by the [3oard of County Commissiaitcrs of Spol:ane Counry, w'ashiitgtnn that the recurnrnenclation of the Counry Engireer is h:ret,y approveci ancl that either the Cha6r of the Board or a mnjority o[ di° Bo-ard be authnrized to execuEe a quioclaim deed bv an on behLitf of Spokuije County as prpvided f'or herein at other than an opcn metting which quiulaim deed sh;►II incfeide those mltters se( f'orth in the letter from thc Spokane Cour,ry Engineer tc, The City of Spcakane NlalJey cIA[EtI AllslLS[ ZG, 2004, enrrirnnm<:otsil indemnihr.fltianlltold harmless, as well as any other provisions recocnrnended by legal counsel anci approvcd by a mnjority o!'the Board ac odter than an apen mLeling to adequately protect the interests of Spokitle Caunty. AFPROVEU BY THE 130ARD on thL-, 30th dny of September, 2004. ~AfJARD OF COUi'V1'Y CO~i 4ISSTC)NERS a', cnKa: fQp SF'OMNE COUNTY, V; ASW3NG']YaN ~ v~. ~ D. HARRIS, CI~IAII2 Ar¢jH R c ~ ~.~'-a~,~ ` • tv . A ~[cCASLIN, V1CE-CHA1R ATTEST: VIC;EC.Y M. 1)AI..TO?~2 CLERf{ OF THf [iOARll rOSKELLEY l 13Y DfiN1ELA ER[CKSON, UEPUTY D&Wn40 tM&P~~ ' uAI).0i410ua varay rne a va y!1 I41 b J11V.I:V.YUtiL1C: YfUKIIs 10002 ~ . . - . . . . i ' . . . ~,,~a . , • .4` ~ . . . - . . ' 2170283 v~~.1 p bG ti 16 '3, 4 . QUIT CLAXM DEED BURLZNGTON NORTHERN EtAI:I.,ROAD COMf'ANY (formerly named ~-3urlingrton Northern Inc.), a Delaware corporation, Gran,c►r, for Ten and no/100 Dol.l.e.rs ($~.0_QO) and other good and valua,ble corasideration, conveys a_nd quit claixn.s, without nny coveaants ofwarranty pvhatsoever aud withoul recourse to the Gra.ntor, its successors and assigns, to SZ'OKAI`E COUNTY, a. mwi:_cipal corporation of the St.ate of Wa.siun n, of 1'ublic Works Depattrn.ent, Spokmne, VJashingtou 99260- 0170, Grantee, a~its right, title and interest, if any, in .~-eal estate situated in Spokane County, Stat;e of INashington, together wi.tk►'all after acquired title of Graztor therein, described as follows: , All that portion o£ Burlington Northern R61road Comoany's (formerly Grezt I~ort}~erxz F~.ailway Company's) Spok-_ane to Greenacres, . Vij2.shingEon Branch Line right of way, now d.iscondnu~~d, bein g of variable . widths on each side of said REiZroad Compa.ny's Main 7.'rack centerline as orij;inally lacated and construcf.ed up.on, over and ac.rass Sectzvns 11 -a.nd 12, T25N, R43E; Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13, T25N, R44E; Sections 16, 17, 18, 9, 10, 11, 1, and 2, T26N,• P.45E, and Section ii, T25N, R46E; all reEeren.ced to the Willzmette Meridian, Spokan.e County, Washzngton, described as follows, ta-wit: All t,hat portion of said Railroad Company's fitt.() foot wide Braach Line right of way, being 30.0 feet wide on each side of sa.id RaiLtoad Company's Ivfaia Track centerline upon, over and aG-c.ess the F,4,-SVG'; and the N-JSEI of said Section 11, Block 2, of the Orchmrd Paxk A.ciditioil to _ . Spokane Falls; and the NW+N'W;tiSWl, the S+N1747+, and NE; of sa.id Section 12, all ia T25N, Ft43E; the NJ-N4,- of said Sec:tcon 7; the 1\4NNW+, the NW-jNF+, t6.e S4,-NE+ and the N}SE+, of sa.id Set-;aon. 8; the N4,.S4- of said Section 9• the S-IN-~SW;, the SW}NV7+SE+, and ,tlze NT+S+SFr} of said Section 10, ali in 25N, R44E; bounded between the %Sc,utheasterly line of ,~&r- W aterworks Avenue, in the City of Spokane, Washin~Tt'on, according tv the recorded plal thereof, and the East line of said Sect.cin 10, T25N, R44E; also, A11 that portion of said R.ailroad Com.pany's 1010 foo't wide Branch Line right of way, being 70.0 ieeL vvride on tkic Northc-r'lly side and 30.0 feet wide on the Southerly side of said R.ailroad Company's Main Track centerline upon, over and across part of Government.Lot 4 0f said Section 13, fi25N, R44-E; bounded between the East line of sH i-i Government Lot 4 and a line drawn parall.el with and distant 715.0 feei. 13~ouGheastcrly of the West 1ine of said G-ovErnment Lot 4 as measured al xag said Ma.in Traclc centerline; • EXCEPTING THEREFROM: That portion of said Governrnent Lot 4 described as fallows: 9100003625 Beginning at tihe intArsection of the East lEae of said Lot 4 ar•d a line c1rawta parallei with and dista.nt 70.0 feet Northerly oi, as measu.red at right angles to, said F,ailf-c-ad Coznpany's a~aso 1ax k'ai4 at• tale Ami. D_L -SKIP-- CHlLBERC+ 94G96 C'nUn1Y Trr:~` C_L- IAIAGED 03/19/2005 09:50 FAX 509 477 7478 SF'U.C:U.YUHLl(: F7UK1iS 10 uu:) . - . . , • fill. Main Track centerline; thence Northwesterly •~arallel' with. ~ said Main Track centerlit~e 591..0 feet; thence ~~outheasterly 232.1 feet to a point distant 24.0 feet Southerly af; as measured at right e.ngles to, said parallel Iine dravvn 70.0 feet Northerly of said Main Track centerline; thence Southeas':esly parallel ' with said Main Track centerline 365.0 feet, morr: nr less, to Llie East line of said Lot 4; thence Northerly along: sa.id East line 24.0 feet to tbe Point of Beginning. ALSO All that portion of said Railroad Company's 100.0 foot wide Branch Line right of way, being 50.0 feet wide on each si:ie of said Railroad' Company's Main Track centerline upon, over and acrro ss Govem.naent Lot . .3 of said Section 13 bounded betweea the East. a.nd West line thcreof; a1.5o, All that portion of said Railroad Company's 60.0 foot wide Branch . Line right of way, being 30.0 feet wide on each sid•e of said ftailroad . Comp any's Main'Ikack centerline upon, ove.r and acnss Government Lots 1$nd 2 of said Se.ction 13, T25N, R44E; and the NV~'t of 'said Section 18, T25N, R45E, bounded betweea the }7Vest line of said 'Covernment Lot 2 oP Section 13 and.the East l.ine of said N'VV; of said Secti-on 18; als4, , . LEE~,F- . All that portion of said ftailroad Compa.ny's 40.0 foot wide Branch Line ri.ght of way, being 20.0 feet wide on each s;,cte of said Ra.ilroad Campany's Main Track centerline upon, over an.d acxvss the NEz of said Section 18, T26N, R45E; bounded between the East ar d West line thereof; . also, . An add.ition.al. 105.0 foot wide strip of ri.ght of w-ay lying Southerly of and adjacenti t;o the hereinabove described 40.0 foot Ride Branch Line ri.ght of way upon, over and across Lot 52 of P1at ''A" of Green Acres 7rrigation District; lying between the East and West Iines of said Uot 52, a.nd lying between two lines drawn parallel with and. clista.nt, respectively 20.0 feet and 125.0 feet Southerly of, as measured a:t right angles t-,o, said Railroad Company's Main Track centerline; also, . . An additional strip of right of way Iying Southr9,wly of and adjacent to the hereinabove described 40.0 foot wide Bra.nch 7ine rigbt of way upon, over and across Block 13, Original Plat of the VF.11eyview Addition to Spokane, Spokane County, Washingtc>n (Valleyview Addition is now in Greenacres, 'A'ashington); bounded on the Northerl;y side by a line drawn parallel with and disfa-nt 20_0 feet Southerly of, :i:i rneasured at right angles to, said NTaiti Track centerline; boundsd on tse Southerly side by a line drawn arallel with said Main Track center:ine distant 30.0 feet Southerly olthe Nrorthwest cvrner of Lot 5 of said giock 13 as rneasured along the Westerly line of said Lot 5; bounded on tbe Westerly side Uy the East line of Center Street, according to the recorded plat thereof; and bounded on the Easterly side by a line drawn at rig,ht angles to said Main Track centerline d.istiant 205.0 feet Easterly of the .;A'ast line of said Lot 5 as measured along the I`Torth line of said Lot 5; also, ~ All that pvxtion of said Railroad Company's 74.0 foot wide Brancn Line right of way, being 40.0 feet wide on the NortlLc:rly side and 30_0 feet 91(195 . K4AGED :)hd9 OJ0A ' 03/1$/2005 09:59 FAa 509 477 7979 3N(J.C:U.1'UULdG ►YUxit, tEluvv ~GJ6 wide on the Southerly side of said 'Railroad Compa,ny's Main `Z'rack centerline upon, over and across parV of the WJ,-NTW+ a` said Section 17,,-' T25N, R45E; bounded between the West line of said 'Ai*-;N`W; and a line • drawn at right angles to s3id Main Track centerlizle d.isFant 1320_0 Eeet Easterly of the West line of sa.id WJ-Nw7 as measured• r.long a li ne drawn parallel wikh, a.nd distant 40.0 feet Northerly of, as r_aeasured Et right angles to, said 1VIai.n Track* centerline; also, All that partion of said Ra.ilroad Company's 60:0 foot wide Branch . Line right of way, being 30.0 feet wide on each sicl•e of said Railroad Gompany's Main Track centertine upon, over and-FLcroSs part of the. SJNBJ-NW+ and th.e N+NE; of'said Section 17; the 1VIV{NW+I`TW+of said . Section 16; the S-,J-SJ of sai.d Sectiozi 9; the N4,,SWJSVIT:r1, the N-~SW+, the NT~,SE+, and Government Lot 8 of sa.id Section 10; Gov~:.."nmenti Lots 2, 5 and the SE;NW; of sa.id Section 11; arad.Government:Lots S and 9 of said • Section 2; all in T25N, R45E; bounded on the Wesierly side by a line drawa a.t right a.ngles to, said 11IIain ~ack ce.~terline.. c~i,s~.nt 1.320.0 feet, Easterly of t~e West line of s~.d Sec~oh 17 as me~~sures~ ~o.ng a li.ne = drawn parailel with and dista.nt 4:4.0 feet Northerly:,if, as measured ati right angles to; said Ma.in Track centerline; and boaDded on the Easterly ' siae by the East line of saidGovex-n.ment Lot 9 of said ' Sle:ction 2;• also; UIENA~ All that portion of said Railroad Company's &ranch Line right of way, being 30.0 feet azde on the Yorthwesterly slde a~nd of variable width an_ the Southeasterly side of said Railraad Company's R.elocated Main - Track centeriine, as originally located and construs,:ted upon, over and across Loti 10 of said Section 1, T25N, R45E, lying betYVeen the East and West time of said Lot 10 thereof aad also bQUnd.ed on t:.e. Southeasterly side - by a linc drawn parallel with a.ud dist2nt 30.0 feet ::14oxth.westerly of, as measured radially to, said Railroad Company's Oa-iginal Main Track centerl.ine, as originally located aad eonstrueLed uX-an, over amd across said Lot 10; also, An additional triangulax shaped parcel, lyiiil; adjacent to and Southeasterly of said hexeinabove described rig'ht of •vJay and situated in said Goverameat Lot 10 0~' Section 1, T25N~, R41:.;)-?,; bounded on the 'Westerly side by the East line of said Goverziment Lc.•t 10; boun.ded on the Northwesterly side by a lirse d.rawn parallel with G.nd d.ista.nt 30.0 feet Southeasterly of, as measurecl a#; right angl.es to, said: Pi.ailroad Coznpany's Origimal Main Track centerl.ine; and bounded on the ~3outheasterly side by a line drawn parallex with and distant 50_0 feet :aoutheasterly of,as measured zt right angles to, said Relocated Ma.in Tra,:l; centerline; also, 4n additiona] triangular shaped parcel lyi:nrr adjacenL- to and . NTortherly of the hereinabovE described Bra.nch LinP .right of way situated in Government Lot 10 0£ said Section 1, 'I'25N, R~:;,E; bounded on the Northwesterly side by a line dTawn parallel with and (iistant 34_0 Feett Northwesterly of, as measured at right angles to, sairl rtailroad Company's Original Iviainfirack cen.terline and bounded on the S.outhea.sterly side by a line drawn par211e1 witri and dista.gt 30.0 feet ]Jorthwesterly of, as ' measured •at right an;les to, said Railroad Compan y's Ptelocated iV~ain Trac4c centerLiae, as bounded oa the the westerly slde by Ghe Easterly line of said Gavern.ment Lot ],d; also, 94Q94 3 IMIa~Er) . ~ M [Yi O3/18/2005 08:59 PAX 500 477 7479 SPO.CO-PUBLIC NORKS 10005 , • i . . 8, p A GC ~ V J 7 All that portion of said •Railroad Company's B~-tlnch Line right oE"' way, being 30.0 Feet wide on the NOrtbwest.erly side a:id of variable wLdth on the Southerly side o£ said Railroad Company's Original Main Track centerline, as originally located and constructed up~xn, over and across Government Lots ? and 9, and the Nf1VW-J,SE-~ of said Section 1, T25N, R45E; bounded on the Westerly side by the West linwof said Government Lot 9; boun.ded on the Southeasterly side by a line dra;yu parallel with and distant 50.0 feet Southeasterly of, as measured at right angles t.o, said Railroad Company's ftelocated Mai.n `I:rack centerLine; and bounded on the Northeasfzrly side by'a line drawn at right angles t3 said Main Track centerline distant 2040.5 £eet Southwesterly of tha East Iine of said Section 1 as measured along said Main Track centerli}ie.; also, An additioual 100.0 foot wide strip o.£ right of way lyiag adjaceat to and Southeasterly of the hereinabove described nht of way situated in ' said Gflvernment Lots ? and 9, and the N~I~,jWEJ• of said Section 1, T25N, R45E; and bounded between two lines dxawn a;, right angles to said . , Ma.in Track- centerline (ii.stant, respectively, 2140.5 feet and 3740.5 £eet Southwesterly of the East Iine of said Section 1, as 3neasured along said ~ Relocated Main Track centerline; lying between Lwo iines drawn pFUrallel arith and d.istant, respectively; 50.0 feet and 100.0 feet Southeasterly of said Razlrnad Company's Ftelocated Main Track centerl.ine; also, . . • MENAr-- All that portion of sa.id Railroad Company's 60.0 foot wide Branch Line right of way, being 30.0 feet wxde on each side o£ said Ra.ilroad ComDany s Nain Track cenfi.erline upon, over, a.nd arriss Goverument Lots , 7 and 8 0f said Section 1, T25N, R45E; bounded betrtveen a line drawn at right angles to said Ivlain Track centerline distant 2040.5 feet Southwesteriy of tb.e East iine of said trovernmeni: Lot 8 as mea,su.rec'x along said Original IVlain Track cezit.erliae and a line which extends Northwesterly at an an.gle of 60°33'30" to the East :.ine of said Section 1 from a point on said East line distant 3129.3 feet: Northerly from the Southeast corner of said section; also, . . Allthat port;ian of sa.id Railroad Company's 2H.0 foot wide Branch . Line right of way, being 100.0 feet wide oa each :-,ide of said Railroad . . Compsny's Original NLain Track centerline upon, over and across Government Lots 2 and 3 of said Section 6 T25N, R94E; bounded between the East line of said Section 6 and a liiae Lawn para]lel with-'and distant 120.0 feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles to, the West line of said - Governmeut Lot 3; also, A.n ad.ditioual parcel of right of way Iying acja•~+:nt to and Southerly . of the hereinabove described 200_0 foot wide right o: way situal:ed in said Government Lots 2 and 9 of Section 6, T25I\t, R4=4E; bounded an the Easf.erly side by t,he East line of said Governanent Lats 2 and 3, bouAded on- . the Northerly side by a line drawn paraIlel with ar:d distant 100.0 feet Souther]y vf, asmeasured:adially to said OriginallliainTr.ack centerline, ' and bounded on the Southerly side by a line draw pa!-allel with and distant 100.0 feet Southerly of, as measured at right an.gk!s ta, sa.id R.Plocated Main Track centerline; also, , All that portion of said Railroad Company's 75.0 foot wide• Connecting'Z'rack right of way, being 37.5 feet w'lrx on each side of said 99~4~3 ~ z III~11(~~l~~ll~ii~~f ~II[~1~I1~INl 4 . 00Ae~E) wAo n,%nF o.:1ei2005 io:uo Fax 509 477 7478 s►lu.ca.rlu»Lic: FY(7K1(S tgj uue . YoL_ Railroad Company's Conn.ecting Track centecline, a:, orig-ina.lly located and constructed. upon, ovEr an.d acr.oss pa.rt QF Goverffnient Lot S, in said Sectiom 1, T25N, R45E; bou.n.dcd on the Northerly side by aline drawn paral.lei with and distant 30.0 fECt Southerly o£, as measu'reci at riglzt angles to, said R.ailroad Cocn.parc,}'s Branch Line N1:aEn Track centerlin.e; and bounded on the Sout.herly side by a liae drawr;. parallel with arad distant 50.0 feet Nort}aerly of, as measured at right ;ingles to, the NLain 'I`rack centerline of the for.mer Chicago, Milwaukee, :~•t_ Paui, and Pac.iFc R.a.ilway Company, as origznally located and construcv;r,l; also, All tb.at POFt]OIl of Burlin.gton NOrtlaern R,-.ilroad Company's (formerly Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & paci -fic £zilway Cornpany's) 100_0 :oot wide Branch Line right of way, now di.sca=ntinued, being 50.0 feet wide on each side of said Railroad Company's Ma,iu Track centerline, as arigi,aally located and constructed upon, over and: across Governsnen.t Lot 8 of Section 1, T25N, R45E and GavEr.ament LoV 0 of Section' 6, T25ZNT, . ~.46E; bounded between the East line of said Govern~(:nt Lot 3 of Section ~ . fi and 'a liae drawa at r2ght angles to said Main Tra& centerline distant 600.0 feet Sauthwesterly of the East line of sa.id G)•mrnmentl Lot 8 of ' Sect.i.on J., as measured along sa.i.d Main'I4-ack centerli,be; -also, - ~,-ti,,i--- -kn additional 100.0 £oot wide strip of rzght of wa~~ lyiag adjacent to . azzd. Sflutherly oi the hereinabove described 100.0 f:)ot wide Cka.icago, Milwaukee, St. paul & Pacific Railway Coanpany's rigir, L of way situated in said Governanent Lot• 3; 3,ying between two lin.es dratni paralleY with and distant, respectively, 100.0 feei and 200.0 feet South~a:_ly o: as measured at right angles to, said Railroad Compaay's MaEn Track cent8rline and bounded between the East line of said Goverament Iot. 3 and a line which bears N50'07RT fTOL7 a point on a line drawn paral.del with and dista3a.t 200.0 feet, SouLhsrly of, as mea.sured at right angli:s to, said Railroad Cornpany's Main Tcack centerline aad distant 998.0 (eet Vr'esterly o£ Che East line of said Gflvernment I.-ot 3 as measured along. said parallel liue. . RESERVING, however, unto said Grantor, its successors and assigns, a railraad easemeat includiag the right, privilege and omsement to construct, maintain, rep3ir, renew, use, operate -over, replace or- reraove rai,lr.oa.d tracks, drainage facilities and appurteaances theseto in, along, ~over, upon or across that ' poYtion of the pretMises herein conveyed described as £ollow:s:: All that portion o: said Ra.ilroad Corapany's 30.0 foot wide Bra.nch Line right vf way, bei.ng 15.0 feet wiae an each side of said Railroad Company's NLain. Track ccnterline, as uow located a:ad constructed upon, over and across the N-~ of Sectiori 12, T25N, R43E, W.iVI., in Spoka.ne County, Washington; extending from a poinL 150.0 Jept West of the West right cf way line of Eastern Road as extended ?qorthe.rly; thence Noztheasterly appcoximately 1340.0 feet to the poin:t of intersectian with the existing Union Pacific Railr oad right of-way whir•h is tocated at a point 240.0 feet East oFthe East right oi.way Iine oFElizabe:h Road as Pxtende(i Northerly; '^'t • . 94092 I~l~~l(~~191~II~l~liplilll~~~'u~ $ . '2649 D107 "%qf~GL-ZD 03/18/2005 10:00 FA% 509 477 7478 SPO.CO.PUDLIC WORICS l~ 007 . to have Qnd to hold said eaJement for so long as the san--E: is used or rEquired for ca.ilroad purposes and until said Grantar, its successors or.ftissigns, shali remove all such facilities from the said premises with.the intent to aban~~on said easement. SUBJECT, however, ta aIl existing interests, iacludi:ag but mvt limited tc► all reservations, rights-of-way and easeznemts of record or othervrise. IF che premises aze locally assessed, the Grantee, a-nd for its successors and assigns, by acceptance of th.is deed, agrees to assume all locally as6essed real est.a.te taxes, outstanding and otherwise, and any and all past, pre.;enG, pending and future assessments af every nature whatsoever, which have been or may be levYed against tihe premises. • ALSO, the Grantee, and for its successors axid assigls, by acceptance of this deed, hereby releases and forever discharges the Crantor, ::ts successors and assigns, from any and all present or future obligations oF the Gf -,uitor, its succcssors an.d assigns, i.ncluding but nvt limited to the constzuction of r.►r continued maintenance thereY,o oE aDy raiZroad fences, snow fences, road crossings,.cattle guards, gates, farin crossings, bridges, •drain.age or irrigation pipes,'if any, 1>>cated ai►d situate on the • premi ses herein conveyed. • ' TO HAVE AND TO FiOLD the same unto the said (x::•antee, its successors and assigas, forever. . XN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantar has cassed this instrumeat to be signed by i~-~.s Directar - Title Services, attested by its Assista.nt Secretary, and its . corporate seal to be af~'ixed on the _yZj!k_ day of 195i., . BURLII~GTONNOR,THEP.N • . ' : R.A.ILROAA COMP.aIVY . . . . , . BY • ' - " . . ilkka . . ' ' Director - Title Services " .1 ' 4 ~ ATr r5~ . , BY An•R.a D. el s As:;i;tant Secretary • • ' . , ~ , F3N 7797-03 Spokaiye/Greenacres, WA ; . • • ~ ~ ' . . . . `j ~ . . ~ i -9 4 2If I~lldiAll6 ~ ,~a~ZD U3/19/:045 10: DO FAX 509 477 i 978 SFO. CO. PUBLTC N'ORl{S ~c uun S"rATE OFwASHrnG.r,ON > . ) ss. CO UNTI.' OE' KZNG ) On Ehis /ZM day of M.4P--~'~-' , 1991, before me, tne undersibued= a Notary Public in and for the State of WashinjTton, duly corci.znissioned and sarorn, personal.ly appeared J. H. Ilkka a-ad qnita D_ V4'-ells, to me knoarn to be the Director - Title Services, and Assistiant Secreta.ry, respective,ly, oCBurlington ilorthern RBalsoad Company, the corporation rh.at executec. rhe foregoing- - instrU.men t, and ack.ciowledged rhe said instrument to be th-e Free axid varuatary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses a.nd purposes ther::n ment-ioned, and on oath staEed that they sre authorized to ey-ecute the said insi:r umen.t a.n.d tLat the sea? &ffixed is thc carporate Weal of sa.id corporation. Witaess my hand and offi.cial seal hercto a_f'fixed the day and year fLrst abave writtsn. ' ~ . . . . _ ~ ~ ~~rr ~ ~ F., • / ~ Notary Pu lic in and far the S:e of Wasb.i.ngton ~ :~TA R RESiding at: Seattle, WashingtoII ; i i. n~ sMy appointm.ent expires: Janai~ 9, 1993 PUBLIC r- -37 o ; - ,r►i 7 -5 _ J,~~~~9_9• ~ ~ ~ ' . . .f n . • , ' D~ J ' HOR 27 0 35 i 11*'g ( N; NUE • • nU017-UR ' c'•E,,SE SPOiCt,'tE. GOI.NT;. IYASN, XYY • . INTE-,0FFICE gN 7 r97-03 Spokane to Greenacres,, WA . ' ~4G90 7 26Q_G109 Parcel numbex listing of all parcels o£ properey oc,med by Spokane County and lacated within ttle boundaries - of City af Spokane VaJ,1ey. ' .•De artrnont Namo ^Ganmenis) , .Assesso _ Ps Velue, 45221.9206 COUPITY GEldERAL SURPLUS BLAKE ROAD I.AND MAY tJOT EXIST Zp 35242.9037 COUNTY dUWi ED BUILDINGS SHERIFFS DEPT VALLEY SUBSTATION 522 S TNIERMAN RO 683U0 45954.3101 COUNTY OWNED BUILDtNGS SHERIFFS DEPT VALLEY SUBSTATION 115 N EVERGREEN RD gqjflp 45204.3454 COUtdTY 04NNED BUIL-DIMGS SHERIFFS DEPT VALLFY SUBSTATION 10619 E 1STH AVE 98900 45222.0227 COUNTY OWNED BUILDINGS SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICE CEiVTER 12716 E SPRAGUE AVE 124420 45233.2063 DRAINAGE DITGHESIPONDS 1500 block EVERGREEN AVENUE To bo transferred ta Ci ot Vall 2400 45233.2013 URAIMAGE DITCHESIF3pNDS 5500 block EVERCREEN AVENUE To be transferred to Ci of Vall 2600~0 35243.0501 DUMP FORPAER BUTTERCUP DUh1P 12th 8 Dollar 8700 35243.0506 DUA4P (FORMER) BUT7ERCUP DUPAP 12th 8 Dollar gpp 35243,0515 AU~ti9P (FORMER) BUTTERCUP OUMP 12th & Uoflar 60 35243.0518 DUPAP FORMER 9UTTERCUP DUMP 12th & Oollar gQp 35243.0517 QUDAP (FORA4ER oUTTERCUP DUA4P 12th & Ooltar 600 35243.0518 DUMP FORP,4ER BU't"fERCUP QUP.4P 12th 6 Dollar BAO 35243.0519 DUA9P FORMER BUTTERCUP OUMP 12th & Dodlar 6001 35243.13520 DUMP (FORMER) BUTTEftCUP OUMP 12fh g p,oYar 800 35243A521 DUMP FORMER BU7TERCUP DU7uIP 12th 8 Doltar 600 35243.0522 DUMP FORMER BUTTERCUP DUMP 12th & Dollar 600 35243.0523 DUMP (FORDdER BU1T@RCUP 4Uh4P 12th 8 Dollar 600 35243.0491 DUMP (FORMER) BUT"fERCUP aUMP 12th 8 Dollar 140,p 35243.0452 DUMP (FORMER) BU7'fERCUP DUMP 12th 8 Doilar 1500 35243.0495 DUMP FORMER 9UTTERCUP DUMP 12th 8 Qollar 600 35243.0486 DUMP (FORMER BUTT[RCUP DUMP 12th 8, Dollar 80 35243.0592 DUMP (FORMER) BUl"rERCUP DUMP 12th & Dodlar 750 35243.0503 DUMP (FORMER) BUi7ERCUP DUMP 121h & Dollar ggp,p 35243.0504 OUMP FOftMER BUT7FRCUP OUMP 12!h & Dollar 7ypp 35143.0101 FAIRGROUMDS IPITERS7A'fE FAIRGROUNDS BUILDING Fei , rounds 145520 35143.0102 FAIRGROUNDS INTERSTATE FAIRGROUNUS BALLPARK Fai rounds 1694700 35543,0201 FAIRGROUtJDS AG CE,NTER, 522 N FFAVA,VA 222 N WAVANA S7 1578200 35143.0202 FAIRGROUNDS Interscate Fafr ro+unds Fafr raunds 83400 35143.0252 FAIRGROUNaS Interswte Fairgrounds Fair rounds 4500 35143.0213 FAIRGROUMOS Interstato Fairgrounds Fairgrounds 1800 35143.0303 FAIRGROUNDS Interstate Fairqrounds Fairqrounds 1498100 35143.90 fS FAIRGROUNt?S INTEf2STATE FAIRGROUNDS PARKING LOT 116 N HAVANA ST 37900 45121.9015 GRAVEL PITi Shop FLORA PIT MO. 54-12 2715 N. Flora • 1132600 45241.9013 GRAVEL PIT STEEN PIT NO. 54-24 STEEN RD & COEUR D' ALENE BR 44430 45241.9016 GRAVEL PIT Sl'EEN PIT NO. 56-24 STEEN RD & COEUR D' ALENE BR 6861 45241,9025 GRAVEL PIT • S'I'EEN PIT Nb. 54-24 STEEN RD & GOEUR D' ALENE BR qZp,p 45033.9094 Parks RLANTES FERRY PARK Road entrance tn PArk 7620 35121.6861 ROAD DEPT FU7URE USE VJATERVNORKS ST E 70 IIJAHO ST LINE Old Rallraad aton Rutter at Cotsrran 1190 35121.6901 ROAD DEPT FllTURE USE WATERWORKS ST E TO IpAHO ST LINIE Old Railraad alan Rutter at Coleman 227 35121J009 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE WATERWORKS S7 E TO IDAHO ST LINE Old Railroad ala,n Rutter et Elizabeth 10a0 35122.0501 ROAD OEPT FUTURE USE WATFRWORKS ST E TO IOAHO ST LINE OJd Radroad along ftutter at Dollar 39600 35122.0601 ROAD DEPT FU7URE USE WATERVNORKS ST E 70 fpAHO ST UNE Otd Raitraad a0o Rutier at pollar 39000 35122_9056 ROAD pEPT FUTURE USE WATERINORKS ST E TO IDAHO SY LINE Old Railroad along Rutte,r at Eastem e8500 35923.0204 ROAQ DEPT FUTURE USE 1NA7ER'WORKS ST E TO IDAFiO ST LINE Old Railroad along Rutter at Farucher 18600 45132.9075 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE WAZERWORKS ST E To IDfU-t0 S7 LINE Old Railroad Suliivan and Indiana gpgDp 45215.3101 ROAD DEPT FU7URE USE FORPAER C.M.S.P. 8 P. RR RPN oJd Railroad araund Pines and S regue 788000 45221.9191 ROA4 DEP7 FUTURE USE FORNiER C.M.S.P.& P. RR R1W ON Railmad around Ever reen and S ra ue 37900 45221.9204 ROAQ DEPT FUTURE USE FORMER C.M.S.P. 8 P. RR WW Future Cou let behveen h7cUonakf ant! Blake ggHp 45221.9256 ROAD DEPT FUTUF2E USE VALLEY COUPIET ~ Future Drafn e for Cou !aE hetween 81ake and Eve reen 23000 45222A337 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE DACDONALD ROAD Future Gou let o McUorta!d 18900 45222.3201 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE FORPAER C.M,S.P. & P. RR RNV Future Cou ei beMroen McDanald and Pines 234000 45231.3401 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE FOf2MER C.M.S.P. & P. RR RMI Futura Cou tot between Pro ress and Sulivan 120000 45232.9123 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE FORA4ER C.M.S.P.B P. RR RMI Future Cou let behveen Evergreen and Adams lbgqqp 45241.9112 ROAD DEPT FUTIIRE U5E FORA4ER C.M.S.P. & P. RR WW Sevrer Line & Future Cau let belween Steen & Flore 126045242.0149 ROAD DEPT FU7URE l1SF_ VAI.I.EY COUPLET Fuh,re Cov let b Conkfln 11800 45242.0115 ROAD DEPT FU7URE USE VALLEY COUPIET Future Cou e4 Conkl'.n 5900 45242.0901 ROAD DEPT FUTURE US[ FORMER C.M.S.P. 8 P. R R R/lN Sewer Line & Future Couptet behveen Sut]ivan and Conklin 1200 55071.0230 RQAD DEPT FUTURE USE MATTAPAER I.ANE RD ACCESS Earker antl 3iattamer 14290 55073.0458 ROAD DEPT FUTURE U5E FLORA ROAD 17105 E MaN7GOPAERY AVE 3300 55173.2801 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE FORA4ER C.M.S.P. & P. RR R1W Future Cou let between Baiker and Hocf es 142400 55185.9022 ROAD DEPT FUTURE U8E FORDAER C.14S.P. & P. RR R/W Future Cou lei betvroen Spra ue and Berker 26600 55192.9031 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE SPRAGUE AVE E 17408 PAOBILE HOPAE PARK, FU'PURE VALLEY COUPLET gggpp 55192.9048 ROAD DEPT FUTURE USE FORMER C.M,S.P. 8 P. RR f2M/ Future Cou let Tschirtney and Spra ue 27200 35133.2801 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS SPRAGUE AVE 8 7}iIERDAAN RD 6607 E SPRAGUE A1/L 187300 35241.0301 ROAD DEPT SURRLUS FIRSTAVE E 1220 FIRST AVE E 7220 ' 7500 35249,0302 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7214 FIRST AVE E 7214 76035241.0363 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRSY AVE E 7210 FIRST AVE E 7210 gg,p 35241.0304 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7206 FIRST AVE E 7206 7600 35241.0.305 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVENUE E 7202 FIRST AVENUE E 7202 745035241,0306 ROAD DEPT SURPlUS FIRST AVE E 7122 FIRST AVE E 7922 6210035241,0367 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7118 FIRST AVE E 7118 750 35241.0308 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7118 FIRST AVE E 7116 7500 35241_0320 ROAQ DEP7 SURPLUS FIRST AVEfVUE 8 WLEMAN ROAD 105 S COLEPAAN RQ 9800 35241.0404 ROAD DEPT SURPIUS F1RST AVE E 7328 FIRST AVE E 7328 7500 35241.0408 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7314 FIRST AVE E 7314 7700 35241.0407 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7308 FIRST AVt- E 7308 7600 35241_0406 ROAD DEPT SURPI.US FIRST AVE E 7304 FIRST AVE E 7304 7600 35241.0420 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7326 FIRST AVE E 7326 770035241,0421 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVE E 7326 FIRST AVE E 7326 77035242.0103 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS TVJO SCWr1881ES FORR7ER Thlerman and A levra 77900 35242.0801 ROAD DEPT SURPI.US 7W0 SCWABHIES FORPdER Thlerman and Applaway 13340035242.0905 ROAD DEPT SLIRPLUS FIRSTAVENUE 6607 E 3rd Ave 5700 35242_0906 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FIRST AVENUE 6aO9 E 3td Ave 570 451191.0906 ROAD DEPT SURPIUS SECOND AVENUE Dishman arsd A pteway 98400 45551.8187 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS APPLEWAY BLVD Apytewa & Sargent (FORMER DUPdP 12070 45201.9643 ROAD DE.PT SURPLUS FOURTH AND SECONO AVENUE ONLY USEABLE bV1TH ADJACENT OUVNERSHIPlNB 100 452011.0645 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FOURTH AND SECOND AVEkUE ONLY USEABLE WI7H AQJACENT 01h'NEl2SFlIP1N8 10 45201.0647 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS FdUR7H AND SECOND AVENUE ONI.Y USEABIE WITM AQJACEM7 OWNERSHIPIN6 1045201.0931 ROl10 DEPT SURI'LUS SPRAGUE AVEN UE(FORM ER LAU114 DRY) Universi 8 a !ow 54900 45201.0832 ROAD DEPT SURPWS SPRAGUE AVENUE(FORMER LAUNOR Universi 8 a lewa 75950 45201_1049 ROAD DEPT SURALUS UVIVERSI7Y AND EIGHTN 10521 E 8Tli AVE 12000 45202,4528 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS SECOND AVENUE Dishrnan and A e•wey 6704 45204.0173 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS UIdIVERSIIY AND NINTH Un(versi and Ninth 630 45234.1812 ROAD DEPT SURPLUS House 15005 E 18Eh 65400 45291.0121 ROftD DEPT SURPLUS UNIVERSI'fY ROAD OFF 16TH AVE a roximetel Untvetsi and 16th 33360 46352.9068 TAX TI7LE HOtD FORKER ROAD Pragress artd Forker 6700 35$21,2204 7AX TITI.E SURPLUS FAIRVIEVJAVENUE Rutter an0 Fairview 500 35124.0512 TAX TITLE SURPLUS PAONTGOMERY AVE & L1LY Rp h4on omery antl Lil 11 35131.1181 TAX TITLE SURPLUS BOONE AVE OFF PARK RD Boone and I-90 37 35241.3515 TAX 71"I'LE SURPLUS SIXTH AVE 8 GIRA+RD RD near 7216 6th street 400 ~ 45074,9084 TAX TITLE SURPLUS MPRR RN4 Trent and Bessie fypp S 45083.0422 TAX TITLE SURPLUS WOODRUFF RD 8NORA AVE Near 1805 N. Woodruifi 200 i ~ 45091.9039 TAX'fITLE SURPLUS ERMINA AVENUE Near Wilber and P.Sansfield 1500 45163,0205 TAX TITLE SURPLUS. UNIVERSITY ROAD • Heat 424 N Universi 1045207.0726 TAX TITLE SURPI.US APPLE'NAY BOULEVARD A9INERAI RIGHTS OfJLYIUNDER ROADWAY 100 45212.1536 TAX TI7LE SURRLUS PIERCE f2D 8 7TN AVE Near 621 S Pierce 700 45332.9135 TAX TITIE SURPLUS DISMA7AN PAICA RD Dishman R9ica and Universi 100 55187.2016 TAX TITLE SURPLUS A9AXMIELL COURT Near 1411 N Greenacres 70 45034.9125 UTiLITIES DEPT 641RABEAU PARKU4AY PUA4P STATIOtd Ncar 13027 E Mfrabeav Parkwa 1453 95044.0117 UTILITIES DEPT EMPIRE AVE (E 12167 P.4AIN'TENACE SITE 12107 E EA7RIF2E AVE• 154630 45103.0293 U7ILITIES DEPT PINES LIFT STATION N'ear 10015 N Divisfon Street 3706 45182.9171 UTIl.1T1ES DEPT PARK P.S. SEWER PUDAP STATION SW comer of Desmei and Boone 27500