2002, 12-17 Study Session Minutes i • INFORMATION ONLY—Ne-r., ION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes December 17, 2002 Mayor Mike DeVleming opened the Study Session at 7:36 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Mike DeVlcming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: interim City Manager Lee Walton, interim Deputy City Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Community Development Director Jim Harris, Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren, Interim Administrative Assistant Karin Bosworth, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA): interim Manager Walton introduced Lewis Leigh, Executive Director of WCIA. Mr. Leigh provided Council with a prospective member manual for Spokane Valley. Leigh reviewed various points that Council should consider in evaluating services of insurance providers including financial, membership mix, insuring agency attention to the principles of a city, toughest exposures covered, contingency plans for hard markets, and pricing policy (should be simple). Leigh said that WCIA will provide trainers, consultants, and attorneys for Spokane Valley and indicated that the agency does have six employees from Eastern Washington, so are familiar with needs of this area. Responding to questions from councilmembers, Leigh said that WCiA has decided to cover terrorism exposures at no premium increase since there have been no losses to gauge premium costs, and that Spokane Valley's premium for police exposure should be quite low if a decision is made to contract for this service. Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CLAW): Interim Manager Walton introduced David Canfield, President of Canfield & Associates, Inc., Administrator for the CIA NV program. Mr. Canfield reviewed the membership makeup of CIA«, services provided to cities, training provided, management of claims, coverages included with premium cost, philosophy of CLAW for coverage of issues, and rates. Responding to questions from councilmembers, Canfield said that CLAW is selective about membership approval since some larger cities do have losses that C1AW does not wish to cover, that CLAW is capable of dealing with problems presented by a city with a large population as they have many large school and special purpose districts included in the pool, and reviewed the breakdown of self-insurance and purchased additional coverage. Law Enforcement Transition Committee: Terry Lynch, 4412 East Sprague Avenue, Chair of the Public Safety Transition Committee,reported that this committee consisted of two sub-committees. Contracting for police services was addressed by one sub- Council Study Session Notes,Dec. 17,2002 committee and developing the City's own municipal police department was addressed by the other sub-committee. Fred Burns, chair of the sub-committee for in-house police services introduced committee members. Burns reported that after thorough review of what is involved in operating and staffing a police department, it is the sub-committee's recommendation that Spokane Valley not establish its own police department at this time. Patty Potszki, co-chair of the sub-committee for contracting police services reported that this sub-committee reviewed guidelines for each subject addressed in the County Sheriffs proposal. The sub-committee recommends that the City negotiate with the County Sheriff's department for police services for Spokane Valley. Potszki responded to questions from the Council.• Raymond Seeley, 11012 East 22nd, said that he thinks that Spokane Valley should eventually establish its own, professional police department. The mayor commended all committee members for taking on this very difficult task to provide information and give options so that the Council can make an informed decision. Spokane County Sheriff Department: Bill Crawford, 15209 East Callis Court, and co- chair of the sub-committee for contracting police services introduced Cal Walker from the Spokane County Sheriff Department. Walker reviewed a presentation of the services that could be provided to Spokane Valley based upon the contract that may be negotiated with Spokane County Sheriff's Department for providing police services. Joint Spokane Valley City Council and Spokane County Commissioners Meeting: A meeting notice including agenda items was provided to councilmembers for the joint meeting with County commissioners on December 18, 2002, 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Spokane County Cooperative Extension Building, 222 North Havana. There being no further items for discussion, Mayor DeVleming closed the study session at 9:35 p.m. Interim City Clerk NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas. Council Study Session Notes,Dec, 17,2002 2