2002, 10-03 Candidates Meeting Minutes l , City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Valley Library Conference Room Thursday, October 3, 2002 6 p.m. The City Council Candidates meeting was called to order by the moderator, Senator Bob McCaslin, and commenced at 6:15 p.m. A quorum was present. All 14 of the City Council candidates were present at the meeting: Diana Wilhite — Position 1 Gary Schimmels — Position 4 Deanna Hormann — Position 1 Richard (Rich) Munson — Position 5 Ed Mertens— Position 2 Joan McCurdy — Position 5 Steve Taylor— Position 2 Janine Eldredge-Underdahl — Position 6 John G. Kailas — Position 3 Mike Flanigan — Position 6 Mike DeVleming — Position 3 Dick Denenny — Position 7 Dick Collins — Position 4 Louis Sims — Position 7 In the audience was Stanley Schwartz, Esq., Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport &Toole. He is a contracted City Attorney for the City of Airway Heights and the City of Liberty Lake. Also in the audience was Robin Palachuk, MIS/Facilities Subcommitee Chairman for the Administration and Finance Committee. Opening Remarks It was suggested by Rich Munson that all of the candidates must be in agreement on issues discussed and that a particular night should be chosen to hold the forums, and that everyone should be in agreement. Diana Wilhite mentioned that Redwood Plaza has office space that is available to hold future meetings. Senator McCaslin gave a brief introduction and each candidate was given an opportunity to comment on the following subjects: 1. Interim City Manager Selection All of the candidates agreed that it would be in the best interests (due to the short timeframe and, thus far, a lack of funds) to contact a few professional search/recruiting firms that staff employees who specialize in city government startups for presentations. Management positions mentioned include: Interim City Clerk, City Manager, and City Attorney, and possibly a Public Works Director. Issues to be addressed include: C4,Spoiar!V2!}!ir:i:tta Crust i-W-03-O2.doc • • • City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2002 Page 2 of 7 • How monies for the pre-incorporation period between November 2002 and February 2003 could be advanced to the City (possibilities include a small rate interest bank loan, a note through the State Treasurer's office, or an advance from the County). Two interim budgets would need to be prepared expeditiously to cover the time between November 20 and December 31, 2002; and January 1 through the end of February or March 2003. • A "handshake"agreement by the search firm and the City that monies may likely not be immediately available for payment of services. • Job descriptions would need to be set up for these interim positions and the criteria determined for specific skills and abilities (this information has been researched by the City Administration/Finance Transition Committee and is available upon request). • Reference checks for the interim staff should be thorough, including the contacting of former employers/coworkers. • What are the costs for these services as a percentage and is it cost-effective? A search for qualified candidates could also be extended nationwide, including the utilization of resources available from Association of Washington Cities (AWC) and Stan Finkelstein, who is their Director. Mr. Schwartz also agreed that it would be most efficient to utilize the services of a professional search firm for the interim management staff. He said it is possible that the City Manager (who will be hired by the Council) may decide to retain the interim employees for a permanent position. There are municipal laws that vary from state-to- state, so it would likely be best to hire qualified candidates from Washington State. No requirement is needed to publicly bid this service, and a RFP (Request for Proposal) would not have to be issued. He recommended that the City utilize the marvelous resources of AWC and proposed a pro bono one-hour seminar in the near future on municipal laws in a summary format, since he has 18 years of experience in municipal law. Dick Denenny agreed to contact professional contracting companies (Jones & Stokes and Prothman Company) and AWC to see if they would be willing to give a presentation at a candidate meeting in the near future. The purpose of the presentations would be to be educated on resources available and to gain more knowledge on the prospective interim candidates, process, and the costs. 2. Setting City Council Meetings (and Time) Everyone was in agreement that the Candidate Meetings would be held on Thursday nights at 6 p.m. and that in order for the meetings to take place, all candidates must ' • City of Spokane Valley - City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2002 Page 3 of 7 be present. It was also noted that additional meetings might also need to be held on other days during the week. Two tables were distributed (see attached) by the Administration & Finance Committee showing research for possible City Hall and City Council meeting locations. Suggested City Council Meeting Locations (3): The court chambers in the new Sheriff's Valley Precinct station, which Rich Munson toured today. There would be no charge for the room rental and could serve as a temporary meeting location; additionally, they have offered the new City office space a rate of$18,000 for six years. Diana Wilhite explained that a 10,000 square foot office suite in Redwood Plaza on Sprague Avenue is currently available for the City's use, free of charge until March 1, 2003. It could be utilized for office space and possibly for City Council meetings. The building is owned by Northwest Christian School and the property management company, WEB Properties, has offered the City not only (free) use of this office space, but also the office furnishings that are currently in the space (such as cubicles, chairs, and tables). There is plenty of parking and the Internet wiring is still intact in the cubicles. After March 1, 2003, the monthly rent of $13 per square foot would include only the amount of space used (mentioned by Robin Palachuk), and could be added to the lease as more space is needed. This rate also includes taxes, utilities, and maintenance) and then on a negotiable rate schedule that would be established in the lease contract. There is adequate parking and wiring for Internet service available at Freeway Center. Ed Mertens suggested the former Home Base store at 9724 East Sprague Avenue and said that a portion of its 100,000 square foot building could be sublet out to other businesses such as dentists or doctors, which would offset the cost of the $500,000 yearly lease. He pointed out the need for to enhance businesses on Sprague. Gary Schimmels mentioned he knew of an additional building also owned by Hank Grinnalds that was not on the list of possible City Hall sites. It is across from Safeco on Sprague with 12-15 office suites available. Mike DeVleming pointed out that Pat Harper in the Engineering Department from Spokane County suggested ample storage space would be needed for the County Engineering records and Planning department files and plans, since several files will be transferred from the County to the new City and that it was very important to have • City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2002 Page 4 of 7 them in a secured area. Deanna Hormann asked what files might be electronically scanned or microfiched, which needs to be confirmed. Additional information to be researched: How and when the council members (once elected) and interim staff will be paid; Necessary office equipment (such as computers and telephones) to be leased or purchased; and The proper storage of the Minutes and other important documents. 3. Interim City Hall It was agreed that the following locations be toured in the near future: 1- Freeway Center (11604 East Indiana Ave., north of the Pines & I-90 interchange); 2- Redwood Plaza on 10-10-02 (11707 East Sprague Ave., near Pines and Sprague); 3- Safeco (14610 East Sprague Avenue, corner of Adams and Sprague), second floor; and the 4- New Valley Sheriff's Substation (12710 East Sprague). The question of whether City Council and other meetings must be open or closed to the public was asked to Stan Schwartz. He replied that the Open Public Meeting Act states that generally they must be open to the public, however with certain exceptions concerning matters in litigation, property acquisition, or bidding on a public project, an Executive Session would be considered Closed-Session. He said it is also legally acceptable for Council Members to meet in groups of three (3) or less. An inquiry was made by Deanna Hormann about the number of City employees that have been projected and square footage needed for office space. Exactly how many employees the City will hire over the next two years is unknown, although 40 employees over the next two years has been discussed. Dick Denenny suggested 4,000 square feet for office space, based on his discussions with new city consultants. 4. Letter of Credit Startup funds for the City are currently under way. Discussion has begun with the County Commissioners for an advancement of funds (from tax revenues) or the possibilities of a short-term loan with either a local bank and/or the State Treasurer's office (up to $100,000). The Bank of Cashmere was mentioned as a possible bank that could give a 2.2% interest rate loan. Rich Munson said he would be happy to talk with the County Commissioners to find out if they would be willing to give the City $250,000 in startup monies, as they received in Liberty Lake last year. Mr. Munson City of Spokane Valley `--' City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2002 Page 5 of 7 said he would follow up with the Commissioners and present his findings at next Thursday's candidate meeting. Steve Taylor commented that two interim budgets would need to be prepared for November and December 2002 and January through February 2003, prior to incorporation. 5. Selection of an Interim City Attorney Moderator Bob McCaslin mentioned that it would be best to find an experienced municipal law attorney from this area, because of unique requirements for this position. Stan Schwartz mentioned that the Attorney to be chosen has the job of representing the City, and sometimes there is conflict in the management/legislative branches, and that he or she must remain in a neutral position. It was agreed by all candidates that the Attorney and the City Manager who are appointed to serve in the interim should be well chosen on the basis of fairness and the ability to listen, due to the high level of responsibility. Mr. Schwartz stated that the City Council confirms the appointments of the City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and the Law Enforcement Officer. Steve Taylor said he has already received a few resumes from interested candidates and that this position could also be advertised through the AWC Job Bank. Dick Denenny will ask Jim Sloane (Perkins Coie) for possible municipal attorney recommendations from the Bar Association. Another resource to find qualified candidates could be researched from Martindale Hubble, an attorney rating system. It was mentioned that Spokane attorney Cary Driskell is interested in this interim position. Stan Schwartz verbally expressed his interest in assisting the new City and offered his services to present information on municipality law at a future meeting. Diana Wilhite will contact the Bar Association to locate resumes of attorneys who may be interested in serving as the Interim City Attorney. 6. Equipment and Supplies Diana Wilhite reported that the Facilities Subcommittee of the Administration and Finance Committee has procured seven (7) free desks and chairs as well as a conference table. They have gathered three proposals for sound/AV equipment. Office supply and furnishing companies have been well researched. The Human Resources Subcommittee is assembling information on job descriptions and salary information and the Risk Management Subcommittee has researched risk management liabilities. Robin Palachuk and his Management Information Systems (MIS) Subcommittee are working on proposals and pricing information; this information should be complete in •City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2002 Page 6 of 7 the next 14 days. The Subcommittee has contacted various local municipal software and hardware companies for bids utilizing the State contract rate and for information on their products. MIS requirements include Windows and SQL, multiple servers, and two to three file servers. A local company, Eden Systems, has offered their software at no cost, although there are charges for maintenance and installation/configuration. Mike DeVleming noted that the hardware and software (for online information on a website) for the Planning and Permitting Department is critical for communicating with the public. 7. Transition Reports Deanna Hormann, chair of the Roads Committee, said that Bill Gophman continues to update the Roads Transition Report on the Transition Committee's website, www.spokanevalleydty.org, so please check back frequently for new information. There was a discussion about banks and the services they provide when various accounts are set up. Diana will contact some local banks. Deanna suggested that a local bank could be set up to handle payroll services and accounts payable functions for the City, which could save on employee time. Robin Palachuk said his subcommittee members would check into the feasibility of these matters. Stan Schwartz was asked about the Government Investment Pool and said it is managed federally and regulated by the State of Washington. There was a question to find out if the Governmental Pool is through Spokane County, and he will check into it. Mike Flanigan said that under the RCWs, the City's interim budget is prepared under the direction of the State Auditor's office; and there is a particular group that deals with these issues. Rich Munson said he would call them to follow up. Next Candi•ate Meeting Date/Time The next candidate meeting is scheduled for Thursday. October 10. 6 •.m.. at Redwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106. / • City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2002 Page 7 of 7 Meeting Agenda/Topics of Discussion for October 10, 2002: WEB Properties will conduct a tour of the Redwood Plaza; • Greg Prothman from Prothman Co. will make a presentation on contracting services; Gregg Dohrn will discuss providing facilitation services; • Brief minute of introduction/short presentation on types of services for the new City Council from interested parties; Stan Schwartz from Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole to make a presentation on municipal law (time permitting); and • Brief presentation on banking facilities from Debbie Long or Diana Wilhite (time permitting). Gregg Dohrn has agreed to be the Facilitator. Closing Remarks Senator Bob McCaslin and Karin Bosworth were thanked for their assistance in moderating and taking the meeting minutes. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karin Bosworth Recording Secretary Minutes were approved at Candidates Meeting on October 10, 2002 Attachments: List of Possible City Council Meeting Locations List of Possible City Hall Locations City of Spokane Valley • Administration/Finance Committee Diana Wilhite, Chair Possible Temporary/Long Term Office Locations for City Hall Note: this list will frequently be updated! Building Name Square Feet/Price Address Contact Notes Freeway Center 15,000 sq. ft. 11604 East Indiana Ave. J. Grant Person Class B office space, large parking lot $.40 sq. ft, NNN Tomlinson Black for 225 cars, great location, just north "as is" 622-3575 of Pines & I-90 interchange. Building contains computer wiring infrastructur;__ with CAT 5 patch panel & wiring, surge compressor, wire closet system rack _ and cabinet. Home Base store (former) 100,100 sq. ft. 9724 East Sprague James Quigley Warehouse/retail. Ed Mertens may have $5 per sq. ft. NNN or Avenue Associate Broker more information. $500,499 per year Kiemle & Hagood 755-7560 Inland Paper — at Mirabeau Mirabeau Point Long-term City Hall location; proposal Point presented June 2002. Need to find out costs/sq. footage in the proposal. International Gateway 42,867 sq. ft. 10102 East Knox Mark Lucas or 2000 NNN expenses estimated at 15 Corporate Park, Phase II 92 cents sq. ft./mo. Tracy Lucas cents/sq. ft./month. Brand new ($11 sq. ft./yr.) Kiemle & Hagood office/warehouse space. US West 755-7524 conduit is provided and tenant to provide connections and service; conduit in for fiber and US West can provide fiber, convenient location just north of I-90 near Argonne exit, visible from freeway. Keytronics - second floor 48,600 sq. ft. North Sullivan, Brad Baldwin Wide open space completed for offices. $9 sq. ft. NNN near Trent (northeast Baldwin Corporate No cubicles, but ready for partitioning. corner) Real Estate Electrical ducts in floor for wiring. 208-665-9157 Leasor pays: building property taxes; utilities; custodial; maintenance, and all office furnishings, including cubicles. Management compan will lease 1/2 of c:`spokanevalleytist M pessr2le temporary office tocatirs.doc- updated as of 10/3/02 - Page 1 of 4 - City of Spokane Valley Administration/Finance Committee Diana Wilhite, Chair Possible Temporary/Long Term Office Locations for City Hall Note: this list will frequently be updated! N Building Name Square Feet/Price Address Contact Notes Keytronics - second floor - above) (see above) (see above) space but no less. (continued) K-Mart (former) 87,405 sq. 15303 East Sprague Marshall Clark Retail space, additional costs include ` � i - Avenue Clark Pacific Real $1.48 per SF NNN for CAM and taxes; - Estate Company $57,674.77 property taxes, includes 325-3333 heatin & coolinq, ample parking North Fancher Business 156,854 sq. ft. +/- 2310 North Fancher Mark Lucas or Can be divided to accommodate Park .65 cents/sq. ft./ Tracy Lucas numerous tenants. Excellent location, month, NNN Kiemle & Hagood great freeway access, situated near ($7.80 sq. ft./ 755-7524 Felts Field Airport. Fiber available, T-1 year, NNN) in building. Ample parking for 459 +/- cars. Opportunity Township Hall Unknown- East Sprague Avenue Spokane County This building could be turned over to (near Pines) Parks & the City for possible occupancy. Recreation/County Commissioners Redwood Plaza up to 10,666 sq. ft., 11707 Sprague Avenue Rick Bertholf Complimentary until 3/1/03; space first floor Property Mgr. already has 22+ cubicles, large complimentary until or reception station, 6 offices with cubiclrr; (formerly occupied by 2-28-03; $13/sq. ft. Bill Butler &office chairs, large conference room, Alcatel) first year, incremental President 2 conference room tables, some white scale thereafter Web Properties boards. Handicapped/ADA accessible. 533-0995 Well lighted parking lots, 438 parking spaces. Security system for area. Fiber optics in the building. Very convenient and easy-to-find Valley location. Meeting room on third floor. Bob Graham (Facilities chair) has viewed it. Web Pro serties has offered a $13 per G45pokane Valleyltest of possible temporary effi-.c tocatlonseoc• updated as of 10/3/02 - Page 2 of 4 - City of Spokane Valley Administration/Finance Committee Diana Wilhite, Chair Possible Temporary/Long Term Office Locations for City Hall Note: this list will frequently be updated!N g Square Name S uare Feet/Price Address I Contact Notes Redwood Plaza (see above) (see above) (see above) sq. foot special rate after 3/1/03 for the (continued) first year. Lease options are 2, 4, and 6 years on a negotiable scale. Across thPr, street from the post office. Tenant improvements can be made; the space can be divided/expanded and as the City grows, thereby not having to move. This building was built to be a future city government building by the original owner, Hank Grinnalds. Phone system and computers would need to be purchased, existing cubicles already have the wiring in them. Option to purchase the existing cubicles and chairs. Property Manager willing to provide Council a tour. _ Rite Aid (former) 51,000 sq. feet 15405 East Sprague Bill Brooks or Warehouse building, U-City shopping $2.55 sq. ft./yr. NNN Avenue (University & Sheldon Jackson center "as is,"$10,837/mo. Sprague) SDS Realty 624-1019 Safeco (second floor) 5,000 to 26,000 sq. ft. 14610 East Sprague Jeff Johnson Abundant parking, convenient location. $14.50 sq. ft. Avenue Kiemle & Hagood Well maintained, high quality office Fully Serviced 755-7551 building _ Spokane Valley Chamber of 350 sq. feet 8817 East Mission Avenue Eldonna Gossett Includes phones and internet Commerce building -$500/month 924-4994 capabilities. Access to kitchen, meeting rooms. CACpthcane Va.'ky'kLi t of possible temporary offt a locetions.doc- updated as of 10/3/02 - Page 3 of 4 - City of Spokane Valley Administration/Finance Committee Diana Wilhite, Chair Possible Temporary/Long Term Office Locations for City Hall Note: this list will frequently be updated! N g . q Building Name Square Feet/Price Address Contact Notes U City— Old JC Penney Up to 87,000 sq. feet Sprague & University Kiemle & Hagood Warehouse/retail building; open retail store $5-$6 NNN as is" Craig Soehren area only. No partitions, etc. 755-7548 New Valley Substation of South side of Sprague, Not available, however could use Sheriff's office between Pines/McDonald Judge's chambers on a temporary basis for council meetings. Rich Munson will view this week. World Wide Packets Sullivan Road, Rich Munson to follow up Veradale (near Sprague) 1807 North Hutchinson 10,400 sq. ft. 1807 North Hutchinson Kiemle & Hagood 8 car parks per 1,000 sq. ft. (80 parking Road $17/sq. ft. Road Craig Soehren spaces). Class A office for single user. Full Service 755-7548 Easy I-90 freeway access. Good corporate identity building! 1120 North Mullan (Mullan 12,096 sq. ft. 1120 North Mullan Jeff McGougan 31 parking spaces, confidential Office Building) For Sale only @ Tomlinson Black $800 000 622-3576 J Respectfully submitted, Bob Graham and Karin Bosworth Facilities/Finance/Administration Committee 928-7730/999-2009 C Spoken Valky\Ust of possible temporary office tocattons.6oc- updated as of 10/3/02 - Page 4 of 4 - Followup Items to Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting • Spokane Valley Library Held on Thursday, October 3, 2002 Task Assigned to: -Followup Notes/Comments Date/Info. - Stan Schwartz, Esq., offered to give a Stan Schwartz 10/10/02 meeting one-hour presentation on municipality (time permitting) law Contact professional contracting Dick Denenny 10/10/02 meeting Cost information will be helpful for tl'v; ,, companies (Jones & Stokes and budget Prothman Company) and AWC to see if they would be willing to give us a presentation on costs and services offered Arrange for group tours of Freeway Freeway Center— ? Redwood Plaza tour Center, Redwood Plaza, Safeco, and Redwood Plaza — Diana Wilhite 10/10 will be during the the former Home Base Safeco — ? meeting on Home Base — Ed Mertens Thursday, 10/10/02 Sheriff's Station? — 10/15 Find out about a vacant office building Gary Schimmels/Karin Karin added to list of possible City Hall across the street from Safeco (owned locations 10/7/02 y Hank Grinnalds) Important documents that might be Call Pat Harper at the Engineering Karin called him (10/8) and he said microfiched/scanned to CD Rom (to Department of Spokane County to that County Engineering records and save on space), which ones need to confirm what the space requirements planning department files and plans be confirmed and equipment will be needed for the are in the process of being transferred Planning Department to CD-Roms and that it might be a good idea to tour the County Planning and Engineering Departments. Budget information could also be provided by the supervisors in the Planning Department. C:\Spokane Valley\Followup Items to Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meetiny.doc Page 1 of 2 Followup Items to Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Spokane Valley Library Held on Thursday, October 3, 2002 Task Assigned to: Followup Date/Info. Notes/Comments Talk with the County Commissioners Rich Munson 10/10/02 meeting to find out if they would be willing to give the City $250,000 in startup monies Interim Budgets for November & Finance Subcommitee Work in progress December 2002 plus January through February/March 2003 need to be drafted _ Contact the Bar Association to locate Diana Wilhite 10/10/02 meeting resumes of attorneys who may be interested in serving as the Interim City Attorney. Robin Palachuk and his MIS Robin Palachuk Should be completed on subcommittee are working on or around 10/17/02 proposals and pricing information for hardware and software Diana will call the local banks to get Diana Wilhite or Debbie Long 10/10/02 meeting information on services offered and (if time allows) _present information at next meeting Collect payroll services and accounts Facilities Subcommittee (Robin 10/10/02 meeting _payable information from banks Palachuk) find out if the Governmental Pool is Stan Schwartz, Esq. 10/10/02 meeting through Spokane County • RCWs being specified in the State Rich Munson 10/10/02 meeting Auditor's office _ C:\Spokane Valley\Followup items to Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting.doc Page 2of2 City of Spokane Valley Administration/Finance Committee Diana Wilhite, Chair Possible City Council Meeting Locations as of 10-3-02 (subject to change and upon availability in November) Name of Facility/ Seating 'Day(s) - A/V Cost(s)/ Address/Contact Name Maximum Available Equipment Comments Spokane Valley Community Center 150 Monday or Projector for Charges - $50/hour 10814 East Broadway Avenue Tuesday computers or Time starts from setup to Contact: Mollie Dalpae, Executive 6:30 or 7 to VCRs, drop- take-down Director, 927-1153, ext. 15 11 PM down screen No microphones, Plus$10 lockup fee echoes if used Security deposit waived Table set up on Theatre style seating has stage, podium pull-up table tops available Mollie faxed the contract to Karin and gave to Diana They would like to know ASAP as to the decision DoubleTree Hotel— Up to 400+ (Unknown) Yes I Have not pursued (due to 1100 North Sullivan Road cost)at this time, would be a Spokane Valley very good location if several 924-9000 hundred people were expected at meetings—the hotel has been very generous to date with providing meeting space and hotel rooms for out-of-town speakers Spokane Valley Church of the 200+ Probably Diana has info. on it Nazarene, 926-1545 15515 East 20th Avenue West Valley High School— 250 I Mondays, Yes No charge, although meetings Auditorium (theater style seating) starting mid- must wrap up by 10:30 pm so November the custodians can clean up Contact: Amy Phillips, Secretary, and leave at 11 PM; nominal WVHS, 922-5488 charge if over those hours. Custodians'work hours are reduced during Christmas & Spring breaks; summertime hours are limited. Amy sent-a Use of Facilities Agreement. c:15poRane vane sst ed Possible Fsoiibes for 474 Council ts"ty.163-02.doc printed 10110/02 page 1 of 2 1 1\ , City of Spokane Valley Administration/Finance Committee Diana Wilhite, Chair Possible City Council Meeting Locations as of 10-3-02 (subject to change and upon availability in November) Name of Facility/ Seating Day(s) A/V` Cost(s)/ Address/Contact Name Maximum Available Equipment Comments available? Trent Elementary Auditorium 550 Not pursued at this time. Has stage and theatre style seating Valley Substation/Sheriffs office Judges'Chambers; would be OK for short-term; no room rental charge Redwood Plaza 100+ Would be very convenient if 11707 E. Sprague Redwood Plaza was chosen as City Hall; could be included in office space/lease; need chairs Respectfully submitted, Karin Bosworth Finance/Administration Committee 999-2009 karin bpswgrtfOhotmail.com CA Spokane Va^eyWA of Possible Facilities for Qty Council Mtgs-10-3-02.doc printed 10/10/02 page 2 of 2 Recently Incorporated «'A Cities Contact List Burien, 1993 University Place, 1995 Web link: httpalwww.ci.burien.wa.us/ Web link: http://www.ci.universitvplace.wa.usi Phone: (206) 241-4647 Phone: (253) 566-5656 Covington, 1997 Woodenville, 1993 Web link: http://www.ci.covineton.wa.us! Web link: hiip:l,'uw�v.woodinville citv.corn/ Phone: (253) 638-1 1.10 Phone: (425) 489-2700 Edgewood, 1996 Web link: ewood.wa.us! Phone: (253) 952-3299 Federal Way, 1990 Web link: http:/!www.ci.federal-way.wa.us/ Phone: (253) 661-4013 Kenmore, 1998 Web link: http://www.citvofkenrnore.com/ Phone: (425) 398-8900 Lakewood, 1996 Web link: httl�:!r� ��v.ciiake.vood «r+ us - Phone: (253) 589-2489 Maple Valley, 1997 Web link: It _:r`!w��W.ci.maple,vallev.�za.usrindes.him Phone: (42 5) 413-8800 Newcastle, 1994 Web link: http://www.ci.newcasile.wa.usi Phone: (425) 649.-4444 Sammamish, 1.999 Web link: h p://www.ci.sarnnianiish.wa uus/ Phone: 425-898-0660 SeaTac, 1990 Web link: htto:/.lwww.scatac.wa.g,ov/ Phone: (206) 241-9100 Shoreline, 1995 Web link: http:!/www.citvofshoreline.com! Phone: (206) 546-1700