2002, 10-10 Candidates Meeting Minutes City of Spokane Valley Candidates Meeting October 10, 2002 6 PM Redwood Plaza Agenda/Items for Discussion, Gregg Dohrn, Facilitator 1. Introduction of Candidates 2. Discussion Items: WEB Properties will conduct a tour of the proposed office space in Redwood Plaza • Greg Prothman from Prothman Co. will make a presentation on contracting services • Gregg Dohrn will discuss providing facilitation services Brief minute of introduction/short presentation on types of services for the new City Council from interested parties • Stan Schwartz from Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport &Toole to make a presentation on municipal law (time permitting) Brief presentation on banking facilities from Debbie Long or Diana Wilhite (time permitting) 3. Adjournment CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR OCTOBER 2002 .-.: .SUNDAY-:::-:::-:.:-: -:.:-::::.:::..MONOAY:,-:::-:-:-:-:--:-:-::::::::TV $1tike:::-.:.-::: :...*.Wel)19E$04Y: ::.-: --::::.::::THVPSOAY::::::::: -::::::-.:i.ji:MbAY;:i:i?:::::::-: :::'':::.64TVDAY.::::.-::- Sept. 30 1 2 3 I 4 5 Candidate Forum#2 at Candidates Meeting at Candidate Forum#1 at Trent Elementary, Volley Library,6 PM WVH5, 74 PM 7-8 PM _ ' . 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 • • Candidate Forum#3 at 'Cand idate Forum#4 at Card icfates Meeting WVHS, I Trent Elementary, at Redwood Plaza, 7-B PM 7-8 PM 6 PM 13 14 1 15 .. 16 17 18 19 -Candidate Forum#5 Candidate Forum#6 ot Candidates Meeting WV45, Trent Elementary, of i 7-8 PM 7.8 PM 6 PM . , 20 21 I 22 23 , 24 25 26 1 Court System 5 PM at • Cand idate-# 7-tidate Foruinc-t- . Sheriffs Substation WVHS, 7-8 PM Candidates Meeting A PM. 1 27 1 28 -I 29 I 30 31 KAYU-TV Fox 28 Candidates Meet ing All Candidates, 6 PM 5:30 PM - .. Trent Elementary: 3303 North Pines Redwood Plaza - 11707 East Sprague (near Pines) VVVHS: 8301 East Buckeye Sheriff's Substation - 12710 East Sprague CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR NOVEMBER 2002 ::::WEbt■jtsb•Ast:.:: 1 2 3 4 - 5 [ 6 , 7 8 I Election Day I 10 Veterans 11 12 13 14 15 16 bay 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Election Results Certified • 24 251 26 I 27 28 , 29 30 1106 Prothma C O M P A N Y City of Spokane Valley City Council Agendas Draft (October 10 revision) Week one (First Council Meeting--November 12) 1. Certify Election 2. Swearing in of Council 3. Election,of Mayor and Mayor Pro tern Adjourn for celebration and congratulations(15 minutes) Council photograph to be taken 4. Express appreciation to Transition Committees 5.. Introduction of special Guests 6.. Appointment of Interim City Attorney 7. Appointment of Interim City Manager and Management Team Introduction of Interim Management Staff 8. Establish time and place of Council meetings • 9. Establish City Office business hours 10. Establish newspaper for legal notices 11. Establish locations for posting of legal notices 12.Aut.horize waiver of bidding requirements for furniture and equipment 13. Authorize interim financing via Tax Anticipation Note 12. Authorize City Manager to; (1) a. Secure temporary office space and to contract for necessary alternations b Acquire basic office supplies, equipment and furniture Secure utility services and communications d. Establish a line of credit with local bank, open a temporary account and • interim banking services c. Authorize recruitment of clerical staff. d. Organize first Council retreat. e. Interview Transitional Committee Chairpersons and schedule Presentations to City Council (l) If informally authorized by the "Council Elect" (or a substantial majority of the finalists) we might be able to have specific recommendations available and cost estimates for some of these administrative items available at the first meeting. This would involve establishing a "Prothman Company" "beachhead" at least one week prior to the 1 10853 8th NW,Seattle,Washington 98177 I TEL 206.368.0050 I FAX 206.368,0060 I www.prothman.com 13. ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING TO STUDY SESSION FOLLOWING THE REGULAR MEETING OR TO 7 PM, THURSDAY NOV 14 AT STUDY SESSION CALL TO ORDER (NOTES: (1)discussion is limited to Council and staff unless participation is authorized by Mayor 2)Agenda items are for information anal informal discussion only with nn formal action or vote taken.. • Presentation by Finance, Administration Transition Committee • Review tentative Work Plan for transition program • Review draft of Interim Council Procedures • Review of logistics and administrative issues by staff • Preview of tentative agenda for next regular meeting • Other non legislative items as authorized by Mayor Week Two (November 19) City Council Adopt Land use and building moratorium Consider Adoption of Interim Council Procedures (I have three decent versions Available from Covington, Sammamish and Puyallup Authorize RFP for Liability Insurance, Deferred Comp, and employee Benefit plans. Adopt policy.for indemnification of City Employees Authorize contest for official City Seal (Logo) Designate interim City Bank Depository Authorize Interfund loan from Street Fund to General fund Authorize Accounts payable process and&Interim Financial ProceduresPolicy Authorize payment of claims by checks and warrants Authorize establishment of Petty Cash (Imprest) Fund Appointment of internal auditor Authorize investment of City Monies in the Washington LGIP Authorize Establishment of General and Capital funds Authorize securing liability bonds for Manger, Asst. Mgr, Clerk. and Treasurer 2 ADJOURN TO STUDY SESSION STUDY SESSION (November 19 following Council meeting) • Presentations by Transition Committees for Community 0ev/Planning • Schedule First Council Retieat(Stan McNutt's Crash Course for new Council Members)Recommend Saturday Nov 23'`i • Discussion of Moratorium procedures and issues • Review draft Purchasing Policy • Preview agenda for next regular meeting • Review Logistics and Administrative Issues • Other non-legislative items authorized by Mayor ADJOURN TO COUNCIL RETREAT AT _AM ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23RD TO BE HELD AT Week Three (November 26) City Council Adopt Purchasing Policy Consider Moratorium on new permits for Adult entertainment establishments Consider Moratorium on permits for new gambling establishments Consider Moratorium on permits for new off-premises signs. Consider Moratorium on new permits for Half-Way and Crisis Housing Establish Accounts for State Revenues shared with the City Adopt policy for disclosure of official City records. Adopt Interim Personnel Policies and Salary schedules for non contract employees(/have versions from Covington and Sammamish which should suffice for the interim period) Review and approve Interim-staffing plan Adopt Interim Budget for initial period through December 31, 20 Authorize Petty Cash fund Authorize preparation of a City Newsletter(For March 31 publication) Week Four (December 3) Study Session • Presentation by Transitions Committees for Public Works, Roads & • Transportation Committees • Begin discussions how major services will be provided 1. Police, 2. Jail, 3 Courts, Road and Street maintenance 3 J • Discuss policy for establishing Council committees • Discussion of tax policies • Preview tentative agenda for next regular meeting • Review and revise Council Work Plan as necessary • Review Logistics and Administrative issues. • Other non-legislative items as authorized by Mayor Week Five (December 10) City Council Adopt Variance procedure .Adopt Conditional Use procedure Adopt Council Compensation Appointment of Finance Committee Adopt procedure for securing Architectural and Engineering services Adopt first half of Sales Tax authorization Adopt second half of Sales Tax authorization • - Adopt 1st quarter of Real Estate tax Adopt 2"d quarter of Real Estate tax Establish Street, Park and SWM Funds Week Six (December 17) Council (In lieu of normal study session assuming that week seven (Christmas Week) will not be scheduled) Adopt Interim budget for period January Ito March 31 (Date of incorporation) Discussion of which taxes will be included in post-incorporation 2003 budget Authorize recruitment services for City Manager, PW Director, Community Dev Director, Building Official, and City Clerk 4 Establish Street, Park and SWM Funds Adopt Small works Roster Authorize study of current and potential police service levels. ADJOURN TO STUDY SESSION OR ALTERNATIV LY TO DECEMBER 19 (Thursday) Study Session (Thursday December 19) if moved from Dec 17th • Presentation by Transition Committee Fire Protection/Animal Control • Discussion of Public Works and Transportation Services • Discuss Street Maintenance, Public Works and Transportation services • Consider compensation, benefit and retirement plan alternatives for non-contract Employees (consider joining Social Security or alternate 401k plan • Update on Logistics and Administrative issues • Other non-legislative items as authorized by Mayor Week.Seven This is Christmas week so assume that not meetings will be scheduled Week Eight (TUESDAY JANUARY 2) City Council, (Available for make up regular meeting if necessary) Week Nine (January 7) Study Session • Presentations by Transitional Committee for Park & Recreation, Communication & Fire Protection/Animal Control • Discuss Community Development, Planning and Building Inspections services • Review Logistics and Administration Issues • Preview tentative agenda next regular meeting 5 • Review and revise Council Work Plan as necessary • Other non-legislative items as authorized by Mayor Week Ten (January .1.4) City Council Contract for Street Sweeping Contract for Snow Removal Contract for Right of Way inspections Contract for traffic signal maintenance Contract for Street Lighting Contract for Storm Water Management Adopt right of Way standards Adopt Curb, gutter and sidewalk standards Establish Storm Drain & SWM Utility Adopt six year Transportation Plan Adopt by ref, Spokane County Commute Trip reduction Plan RETREAT (January 18) Saturday, Tentative date for second Council Retreat, Alternatively, Saturday January 25 Week Eleven (January 21) Study Session • Presentation by Transitional Committees for Public Safety and Courts • • Discussion of Parks, Communication &Fire Protection/Animal Control • Review Logistics and Administrative issues • Other non-legislative items authorized by Mayor Week Twelve January 28) City Council • Adopt Uniform Building Code and Standards Adopt Uniform Mechanical Code Appoint Fire Marshall (From Fire District) Adopt Uniform Plumbing Code Determine if State or City will enforce electrical code Adopt Uniform Electrical Code 6 Contract for Geographic Information Services Adopt Ord relating to weed control on private property Establish gambling tax Establish admission tax Adopt Business License system Week Thirteen (February 4) Study Session • Discuss Economic Development,Franchises and Arts & Culture programs • Review existing Franchises • Consider utilization of Court and Jail services • Review Logistics and Administrative Issues • Preview tentative agenda for next regular meeting • Designate committee to plan Incorporation celebration • Designate committee to review City Seal (Logo) entries • Review and revise Council Work Plan as necessary • Other non-legislative items authorized by Mayor Week Fourteen (February 11) City Council Adopt by reference Spokane Building interim permit fee (if needed) Adopt Spokane County Energy and Air Quality codes as interim City code Appointment of City Representative to Spokane Transit Authority Ratify Transportation Benefit District Adopt School Impact fee Approve contract for Municipal Court services Approve contract for jail services Create office of Chief of Police (may be unnecessary if contract is approved) Approve contract for Public Safety communications Review contract for Police services and alternatives Approve City Newsletter for publication 7 Week Fifteen (February 18) Study Session) • Presentation by Solid Waste and Waste Water Committee • Review Official City Seal (Logo) contest finalists Week Sixteen (February 25) City Council Adopt Spokane County Comp Plan as interim City Comp Plan Adopt State Environmental Policy Act as Interim City Act Adopt Spokane County Shoreline Management Plan as Interim City Plan Adopt by ref Spokane County regulations for Critical Areas as Interim City Regulations Adopt by ref "critical Area Maps" of Spokane County as interim "Critical Area Maps" of the City Adopt by ref Spokane County Subdivision regulations as Interim City Regulations Adopt by ref Spokane County Zoning Code as Interim City Zoning Code • Adopt by ref Spokane County Zoning maps as Interim Zoning maps for the City Adopt by ref Spokane County Land Clearing and Grading regulations EXECTUTIVE SESSION to adopt official City Seal (to be unveiled April I) Week Seventeen (March 4) Study Session Review Police Service Study Preview tentative agenda for next regular meeting Review of Logistics and administrative issues Other non-legislative items authorized by Mayor Week Eighteen (March 11) City Council Adopt Right-of-Way vacation procedures Accepting new street improvements Adopt requirement that developed properties be connected to a public sever 8 system Adopt minimum Park Maintenance standards Refer development of draft Park and Recreation program to Committee. Consider approval of Police contract Effective April 1 Adopt Criminal Code (RCW Title 9 &9A) Adopt by ref Spokane County Penal Code as interim City Code Adopt Washington Model Traffic Code (RCW Title 42) Adopt Speed limits for City Streets and Roadways Adopt by ref Spokane County Animal Control Regulations'(Chapt 5.04 & 5.12) Approve Animal Services contract Adopt Master Fee Schedule - Week Nineteen (March 18) Study Session • Review and adjust Work program as necessary • • Review tentative agenda for next regular meeting • Review of Logistics and administrative items • Other non-legislative items as authorized by Mayor Week Twenty (March 25) City Council Approve contract for prosecution of City Ordinances Approve contract for Defense of indigent defendants Adopt Budget for period April 1 to Dec 31 2003 OTHER LAST MINUTE AND FORGOTTEN BUT NECESSARY ITEMS Week Twenty one (April 1) INCORPORATION (COMMUNITY RECEPTION) OR (April 5) Saturday for possible daytime incorporation celebration 9 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research -Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines COPIERS, page 1 of 4 N Company Name Address Phone Benefits/Comments - Pricing Info. H&H Business Systems- 22910 E. Appleway 922-1000 Office Willing to provide a Ricoh 1035 Yousif Kaddoura, Liberty Lake, WA 922-4200 Fax complimentary Panasonic FP- Lease: Area General Manager 99019 216-2610 Cell 7728 copier for 3 months 48 months, $218/mo. during the pre-incorporation 60 months, $180/mo. Proposal for Services and period and offer first six Pricing Information on Ricoh months of service FREE. 28 $9,075 Purchase Price copiers (Aficio 1035 and pages per minute with sorter. 1045) and service contract Governmental pricing, Ricoh 1045 negotiable. Lease: Note: The City of Liberty Sells Ricoh copiers and 48 months, $251/mo. Lake has leased the Ricoh others. 60 months, $208/mo. 1045 from H&H. Features: $10,500 Purchase Price Network printing, high performance fax, digital Service Agreement: copier, network scanning, $0.00695 per copy energy efficient, speeds of covers all parts, labor, travel, and 35/45 copies per minute consumables(not including paper) (cpm), staple, punch, print in RicohAP2600 duplex mode at almost the Desktop Printer same continuous speed. Preinstalled the print option, $959 Purchase Price an extra 64MB of memory, one-year warranty and the network interface free service first year card. Both copiers received does not include toner- Better Buys for Business, $232 for 20,000 copies Editor's Choice 2001 award. c_tiSPokane Varey\OfIke Suxdie9-City of Spokane%%ley d«Pea page 1 of 10 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley • Administrative Research— Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines N COPIERS, page 2 of 4 ev Company Name Address Phone Benefits/Comments Pricing Info. Ikon- 8815 East Mission 944-7206 Bill Willing to provide a Canon 6551 Canon 6551 Mike Novakovich, Sales Rep. Spokane, WA 99212 944-7224 Mike (50 cm) complimentary copier (preincorporation only) or during the pre-incorporation Bill Reidlinger, Branch Sales period, nominal charge for use. 1.5 cents per copy . Mgr. Excellent quality Canon & Ricoh ' breidlinger@)ikon.com copiers, service, government mnovakovich(aikon.com pricing. In-house leasing Canon 112400 www.ikon.com program, do not contract out to Lease: third parties. 60 months, $345.64/mo. ** NOTE: ** Features: Includes: Ikon also has other -40 impressions per minute -10,000 copies/month used copiers -50 sheet document feeder -$00.94/copy over 10,000 (billed available, such as: -4 x 500 sheet adjustable paper annually) -Covers all parts, labor, and drawers supplies, including staples (except Used Canon 2800, -50 sheet stackable bypass paper) 60 month lease, -Automatic drawer switching -Performance Guarantee $222.70 per month, -Automatic 2-sided copying — -Fixed pricing for the term or up to $269.70 verticle trayless duplexing per month with all -Exceptional copy quality & * OR: * Optional Extras reliability (attached) -Reduction &enlargement from $19.,187 Cash Price 25% to 800% Purchase Price for -Finisher with sorting ability up Service Contract: this copier is to 999 sets $99/month $3,457 or with all -Stapling capability up to 50 Includes: optional extras, sheets at once -10,000 copies/month (avg.) $5,399 -Network Server w/True -$00.99/copy over 10,000 (billed Postscript annually) -Fax Board-Walk up Faxing & -Covers all parts & labor, supplies Network Faxing (except paper) -Fixed pricing for the term C:\Spokanc ValkytoHice Supplies-❑ty of Spolane Verey.docPage page 2 of 10 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research —Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines N COPIERS, page 3 of 4 Company Name Address Phone Benefits/Comments Pricing Info. Ikon- 8815 East Mission 944-7206 Bill Features: Ricoh 1045 Spokane, WA 99212 944-7224 Mike -45 impressions per minute Lease: (continued) -80 sheet document feeder 60 months, $340.38/mo. -4 x 500 sheet adjustable Mike Novakovich, Sales Rep. paper drawers Includes: or -50 sheet stackable bypass -10,000 copies month Bill Reidlinger, Branch Sales -Automatic drawer -$00.94/copy over 10,000 (blued Mgr. switching annually) breidlinger(alikon.com -Automatic 2-sided copying- -Covers all parts, labor, and supplies, except staples &paper mnovakovich��ikon.com vertical trayless duplexing -Performance Guarantee www.ikon.cQm -Exceptional copy quality & -Fixed pricing for the term reliability -Reduction & enlargement * OR: * from 25% to 400% -Finisher with sorting ability $10,670 Cash Price up to 999 sets -Stapling capability up to 50 Service Contract: ' sheets at once $104/month -Network Server w/True Includes: Postscript -10,000 copies/month (avg.) -Fax board-Walk Up Faxing _$.0104/copy over 10,000 (billed annually) -Covers all parts &labor, supplies (except paper &staples) -Fixed pricing for the term CASpokane Valky%Office Supplies-cy of Spokane VareydocPage page 3 of 10 • 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research -- Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines N COPIERS, page 4 of 4 — Company Name Address Phone Benefits/Comments Pricing Info. Image Business Systems- 200 East Second Ave. 835-1272, ext. 106 Sells, leases, and services Duane Pietryga, Director of Spokane, WA 99202 Pitney Bowes and Savin Pitney Bowes D1620 Sales copiers Digital Copier imagisticsman @yahoo.com Fed ure : Lease: ) Proposal for Services and Fax and scanning Pricing Information on Pitney capabilities, 62 pages per 60 months @ $250/mo. Bowes DL620 copier minute, stapler/fold and (attached) crease, 2 or 3 hole punch, .008 per copy for service&supply rugged machine for high rate, includes toner. volume and high traffic use. Scan to file, ruggedness (high volume, high traffic, and continuous operation), scan once/print many capabilities, fax capabilities. Continuous printing, photo quality reproduction, scanning capabilities, job reserve (using the scanner, �. scan up to 5 jobs into memory and walk away) C:Vokane Valley\Wffice Supplies•City of Spokane Valley.docpage page 4 of 10 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research —Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines N OFFICE FURNISHINGS N • Company Name Address Phone Comments .. Pricing Info. Contract Resource Group 811 East Sprague Avenue, 458-0411 Office Remanufactures older Remanufactured cubicles - Duane Wilson, President Suite D 458-0425 Fax furnishings and makes from about $1,200-$1,500 www.contractresourcegroup.com Spokane, WA 99202 them look"brand new" each. again, namely Herman Informational Brochure/Letter Miller and Steelcase series; attached also sell many types of new cubicles. Partners with a Valley company called Norlift, who sell used office furnishings. Interior Solutions North 1229 Monroe Street 325-5335 Office Sells new and refurbished Approximately $1,500/each Nathan Caproni, Sales Rep. Spokane, WA 99201 326-5954 Fax office cubicles and a full (75% off normal selling ncaproni @interiorsolutionsinc.com line of office furnishings. price, which is typically www.interiorsolutionsinc.com $4,000 - $6,000/each.) 30+ 2-year-old quality Informational/Introductory Letter office workstations by with attachments Haworth available. This line is still currently available in case additional units are to be purchased ` .' at a later date. This price includes delivery, freight, setup, and installation. Telect 2111 North Molter Road 921-2165 Office Various surplus office See attached Excel Adrian DaSilva, Facilities Manager Liberty Lake, WA 99019 344-6125 Fax furnishings available, at spreadsheet for pricing adriand @telect.com very reasonable prices. information www.telect.com Quantities subject to change at any time. Note: Budget for office furnishings depends on the number of employees C:GSPokane Valley\Office Supplies-City of Spc&ne Velky.docPage page 5 of 10 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research — Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines OFFICE SUPPLIES — page 1 of 2 Name Address Phone # I Benefits/Comments Pricing Info. Costco Valley & North Side Deborah, Warehouse prices, credit card See attached membership Deborah Bence, Business locations 468-9078 available. Delivery available if over packet &sample pricing Development $1000 from Northside store with Representative, North Side North Side store: $20 delivery charge. Also have Fax/printers, copiers Store 7619 North Division Valley store on Sprague. A general (costs attached in Word file) www.costco.com Street, Spokane, WA membership program for City 99208 employees at reduced rate of Informational $35/year is available. Sells office & Brochure/Letter cleaning supplies, food, faxes and _printers. Corporate Express Valley office, 891-7751 Linda, Great discounts depending on See attached catalogues & Linda Maguire and Kathe 205 North University 891-7784 Kathe monthly volume, national sample pricing for the City Williams, Account Execs Road, Suite 2 company, Valley office. www.CorporateExpress.com Spokane, WA 99206 Proposal/Sample Pricing Kershaws 119 South Howard 456-6500 Sells office supplies and See catalogues (attached) Damien Mangano, Furniture Spokane, WA 99201 furnishings. Established Spokane Manager company for 100 years, serves the www,kershaws-spokane.com, City of Spokane. Next day delivery on office supplies. Catalogues CASpokane Valky\OFfice Suptife..City of Spokane ValleyiJa9age page 6 of 10 10/10/02 City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research —Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines OFFICE SUPPLIES — page 2 of 2 Name I Address Phone # Benefits/Comments Pricing Info. Office Depot 14008 East Sprague 891-8770 Competitive discount pricing, See attached catalogues www.officedepot.com Avenue national company, credit card Spokane Valley, WA available, Valley location on j Catalogues Sprague Staples 15224 East Indiana 927-8291 Competitive pricing and have a See attached catalogues www.staples.com Avenue 110% price-match guarantee Spokane Valley, WA policy. Cash Back program, credit Catalogues card available, Valley location Note: Budget for office supplies depends on the number of employees— please see attached spreadsheet as a guide from Dan Cenis, City of Liberty Lake, for budgeted costs May—August 2001, during their pre-incorporation C:Spokane ValleyNOHice Supplies-City of Spokane VWJey.docPape page 7 of 10 10/10/02 • City of Spokane Valley Administrative Research —Copiers, Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Portable Sound Systems, Audiocassette Recording Units, Postage Machines PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEMS Name Address Phone # Services/Comments Pricing Info. Evco Sound & 218 North Lee 535-8718 Office Portable sound equipment quote Electronics, Inc. Spokane, WA 99202 534-2795 Fax on 3 systems Rich Williams, Sales Engr. Analog system using magnetic System A: $3,981 tape System B: $7,352 No transcription software, System C: $9,814 no video, no means for streaming-onto web page. Inland Audio Visual 27 West Indiana 328-0706 Office Paul presented information on Basic System: $2,808.03 Paul Driscoll or Roger Hahn Spokane, WA 99205 328-0730 Fax systems by manufacturer in w/typical microphones www.inlandav,com Seattle, Mackie, at 9/23/02 Basic System: $4,135.50 Admin./Finance meeting w/suitable microphones Deluxe System: $4,330.08 w/typical microphones Deluxe System: $5,657.54 w/suitable microphones VMI 109 South Scott 509-532-0118 Office Broadcast & professional video www.vmivideo.com Street, Suite D 509-532-0197 Fax Spokane, WA 99202 All digital system with All digital system: $9,409 transcription software, including a digital video camera priced at $2,995 Please contact Robin Palachuk for more information. C:4okane Vi cyltOFfrce Supplies-city of Spokane Valley.docpage page 8 of 10