2003, 02-25 Regular Meeting10. PUBLIC HEARING 11. ACTION ITEMS Council Agenda: Feb, 25, 2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR MEETING 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 8. COUNCIL REPORTS CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday February 25, 2003, 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION Pastor Ian Robertson, Spokane Valley Nazarene Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL 5. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS (For member of the public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the agenda. Please state your name, address and subject for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. Thank you.) 9. CONSENT AGENDA (Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group, A Councilmembcr may remove an item tram the .Agenda to be considered separately.) A) Approve Special Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2003 LB) Approve Special Meeting Minutes, February 13, 2003 J C) Approve Regular Meeting Minutes, February 11, 2003 ✓ D) Approve Claims Obligations in amount of $198,058.78 A) Motions � 1) Confirm Mayor Appointments to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 1 B) Ordinances — First Reading /1) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -041, Employee Personnel Policies and Benefits (Ordinance No. 44) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO.44) ✓ 2) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -046, Issuance and Sale of Tax Anticipation Note (Ordinance No. 39) (PUBLIC ComMEN r ON ORDINANCE. NO. 39) v 3) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -047, Organization, Interpretation, Fee Schedule and Enforcement of Uniform Codes (Ordinance No. 43) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 43) J4) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -048, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code, Energy Code and other Uniform Codes (Ordinance No. 42) (PUBLIC COM1,\IKN f ON ORDINANCE NO. 42) ,i5) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -049, Uniform Fire Code (Ordinance No. 41) (PUBLIC C. :OA1 1EN 1' ON ORDINANCE NO. 41) /6) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -050, Uniform Building Code and Standards (Ordinance No. 40) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. a0) 7) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -053, Amendment to Stormwater Utility (Ordinance No. 31 -AI) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 31-A1) J8 Agenda Bill No. 2003 -054, Amendment to Interim Budget (Ordinance No. 37 -Al) (PUBLIC O:MIMENT ON ORDINANCE NO. 37-A1) C) Ordinances — Second Reading I) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -037, Planning Commission (Ordinance No. 35) (PUBLIC COMM ON ORDINANCE NO. 35) D) Resolut}ons 1/1) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -051, Moratorium on New Adult Entertainment Permits (Resolution No. 03 -014) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLUTION NO. 03-011) „JZ) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -042, Substitute Social Security Program (Resolution No. 03 -020) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLIn•ION NO. 03-020) i ) 1) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -043, Deferred Compensation Program (Resolution No. 03 -019) (PUBLIC COM TENT ON RESOLUTION NO. 03-019) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -044, Public Employees' Retirement System (Resolution No. 03 -018) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLUTION NO.03 -018) ,J5) Agenda Bill No. 2003 -045, Employee Insurance and Health Benefits (Resolution No. 03 -015) (PUBLIC COMMENT ON RESOLUTION NO. 03 -015) 12. C ITY MANAGER AND STAFF REPORTS J A) Information 'Technology Master Plan Presentation Council Agenda; Fcb. 25. 2003 2 13. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Maximum of three minutes please: state your name, address and subject for the record) 14. NEW BUSINESS 15. ADJOURNMENT FUTURE SCHEDULE A) Mar. 4, 2003, Council Study Session, 6 :00 p.m., City Hall B) Mar. 6, 2003, Council Special Meeting, 6 :00 p.m., City Hall C) Mar. 11, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6 :00 p.m., Community Center D) Mar. 11, 2003, Public Hearing, Zoning /Comp Plan, 6 :00 p.m. Comm Ctr. E) Mar. 18, 2003, Council Study Session, 6 :00 p.m., City Hall F) Mar. 25, 2003, Council Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., City Hall G) Apr. 15, 2003, File Public Disclosure Reports Council Agenda: Feb. 25, 2003 3 NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS S TELEPHON 1 - Rtztr` - 1 Mc C htq 3 1 c.z. 1i n ` - 7 - T; //I Z C [ d\- S77 flee . C! fly - -D7 �rlPr'1 ' i U.N. ei-a — c 2 1 PUBLIC M I E T SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE Fit .5 e-13 CITIZEN COMMENTS ON 1TEMVIS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS AGENDA. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND .ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. YOUR TIME WILT.. BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES INUTES NAME PRESENT /ABSENT COMMENTS Mayor Michael DeVleming- Position No. 3 Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite- Position No. 1 Councilmember Dick Denenny- Position No. 7 / Councilmember Mike Flanigan- Position No. 6 Councilmember Rich Munson- Position No. Councilmember Gary Schimmels-Position No. 4 /// Councilmember Steve Taylor- Position No. 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING DATE r.to , as ack) }� COUNCIL ROLL CALL City of Spokane Valley City Council Minutes Special Meeting February 7, 2003 DRAFT Mayor Michael DeVleming called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels and Steve Taylor. Councilmembers excused: Councilmember Mike Flanigan Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, and Interim Contracts Manager Bob Jean Mayor DeVleming advised that the Council will recess to an executive session for approximately one hour and that the purpose of this executive session is for discussion personnel issues. The meeting recessed to executive session at 6:05 p.m. At 7:10 p.m., the mayor announced that the executive session will continue for approximately one - and - one -half hours longer. The meeting reconvened from executive session at 9:05 pan. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: interim City Clerk Ruth Muller Mayor Michael DeVleming Council minutes, Feb. 7, 2003. Approved 1 City of Spokane Valley City Council Minutes Special Meeting February 13, 2003 DRAFT Mayor Michael DeVleming called the special meeting to order at 8:35 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz, and Interim Contracts Manager Bob Jean. Mayor DeVleming advised that Council will recess to executive session for approximately one hour for discussion of personnel matters. The Council exited the Council Chambers to private conference room for executive session at 8:37 p.m. The meeting reconvened from executive session at 9:45 p.m. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller Mayor Michael DeVleming CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY City Council Minutes Regular Meeting February 11, 2003 DRAFT The regular meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council was called to order by Mayor Michael DeVleming at 6:02 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz, interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Platring Director James Harris, Interim Finance Manager Dan Cenis, Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller, and Interim Administrative Assistant Karin Bosworth. Invocation: Pastor Crary Hebden, Valley Open Bible Church, gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor DeVleming led the pledge of allegiance. Roll CaII: interim City Clerk called roll. Approval of Agenda: Mayor DeVleming asked that Resolution 03 -017 be added to the agenda as Item No. 10.D).2). Interim Attorney Schwartz advised that he has received information about comments Spokane County staff has relating to the City's stormwater utility ordinance and requests that Ordinance No. 31 -Al be removed from this agenda to give him time to review the comments. Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Flanigan seconded that the Agenda be approved as amended. The motion carried unanimously. Public Comments: Tom DeGeare, 2820 South Avalon Road, reported that the name change poll he is doing is going well. This will give the City a good idea as to what the citizens want. He invited the Council to attend the sorting and counting of this poll at his home on March 10. Chuck Sauter, 12013 East Main Avenue, expressed his concern regarding half-way houses, sex offenders, and drug homes in approximation to City libraries and schools. Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz replied that the Council will soon be reviewing a resolution establishing procedures for siting essential facilities. Council Reports: Mayor DeVleming welcomed Boy Scout Troops 405 and 424 in attendance. Council Minutes from February 11, 2003 - Approved on February ___, 2003 Page 1 of 6 Councilmember Munson reported that the Finance Committee met, thoroughly reviewed claims submitted and approved them for payment, with expenses still well below budget appropriations. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded that the Consent Agenda be approved as submitted. Mr. Noack added that one invoice from the consulting firm is currently under discussion, but that it was paid. The motion carried unanimously approving: (a Special Meeting minutes from January 16 and 21, 2003: (b) Regular Meeting minutes from January 28. 2003; and (ctClaims Obligations in the amount of $117,571.02. Public Hearing: Spokane Valley interim Budget Mayor DeVleming opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed Spokane Valley interim budget for period January 1, 2003 through March 31, 2003. Interim Finance Director Noack said that this is Spokane Valley's first public hearing and he is honored to have this opportunity to provide information for public comment on the proposed budget. Noack summarized the contents of the proposed interim budget, reporting that to date, the City has expended $474,316.33, which is well under budget, and noting that the public may obtain copies of this interim budget at City Hall. He thanked the Finance Committee for their assistance in developing this budget. There were no comments from the public on the proposed interim budget. Mayor DeVleming closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Mayoral Appointments - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: Mayor DeVleming announced that he has appointed to the City's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for a term expiring December 31, 2003, the following: Liz Beck (Super 8 Motel), Peggy Doering (Valley Fest), Jayne Singleton (Spokane Valley Legacy Foundation), Jeff Fox (Spokane Valley Doubletree Hotel), and Councilmember Flanigan. Councilmember Flanigan said that it is estimated that this tax will bring in $300,000 to $400,000 yearly to be deposited into a special find that is administered by this Committee. Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Denennv seconded to confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Lodging Advisory Committee. Councilmember Taylor moved and Councilmember Denenny moved to table the motion to the next appropriate meeting, to allow time for Council briefing on the appointees. The motion to table carried by majority vote, with six aye votes — Mayor DeVleming. Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Denenny, Munson, Schimmels, and Taylor: one nay vote - Councilmember Flanigan. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -036, Adult Entertainment: interim City Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 36 by reading the title. Councilmember Taylor moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite Council Minutes from February 11, 2003 - Approved on February Page 2 of 6 seconded to advance to second reading Ordinance No. 36 Adopting by Reference Chapter 7.80 Entitled "Adult Entertainment Establishments" of the Spokane County Code. Interim Attorney Schwartz summarized the ordinance noting that it does not regulate zoning. Schwartz said that he will review a proposed amendment to the County code and report back to the Council. Responding to Councilmember Munson's question, Schwartz advised that a moratorium could be imposed on new adult entertainment establishments during this interim period until incorporation. After the incorporation on March 31, 2003, the moratorium could be extended for six months while the City's comprehensive plan is in development, and extended an additional six months if certain criteria are followed. Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded to table this motion until the interim staff has had time to review the code. The motion carried unanimously. Penny Lancaster, 14816 East Farwell, said she is pleased that the Council is considering the County's ordinance. Lancaster reminds the Council of the critical nature of the adult entertainment ordinances designed to prevent and control health, safety, welfare issues, and neighborhood conditions around the premises of these establishments. She suggests an amendment to County Code Section 7.8.100 G — Hours of Operation, to include Adult Retail Use Establishments, since they are presently exempt and customers are frequenting these businesses after 2 a.m., often time inebriated. Kim Arrotta, 18318 East River Way, presented some information to the Council regarding pornography bookstores. She said she has attended several City of Spokane council meetings and heard that homeowners near these bookstores are finding adult paraphernalia in their yards. Arrotta encouraged the Council to weigh the revenue from these establishments and the fallout that comes from the cost to human lives. She said that the Council should serve and protect the community, and it is important to remember moral standards as legislation is considered. Tom DeGeare, 2820 South Avalon Road, agrees 100% with the previous comments. The motion to table action on Ordinance No. 36 carried unanimously. Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that Staff be directed to develop a resolution imposing a moratorium on any new adult entertainment establishments during the interim period before incorporation. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -037, Planning Commission: Interim City Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 35 by reading the title. Councilmember Mike Flanigan moved and Councilmember Munson seconded to advance to second reading Ordinance No. 35 Creating a Planning Commission and Establishing the Duties Thereof.. interim Attorney Schwartz summarized provisions of this ordinance. Councilmember Denenny stated that there was agreement by Council at the study session that we wish to have a broad section of the community represented on this commission. Deputy Mayor Wilhite added that the terms of appointment will be staggered initially, then every three years thereafter. The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 35 carried unanimously. Council Minutes from February 11, 2003 - Approved on February 2003 Page 3 of 6 t. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -039, 2003 interim Budget: Interim City Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 37 by reading the title. Councilmember Munson moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite seconded that Ordinance No. 37 Adopting a Budget for the Period January 1, 2003 Through March 31, 2003: Appropriation of Funds and Establishina Positions and Salary Schedule be advanced to second reading. Interim Attorney Schwartz summarized the provisions of this ordinance that appropriates funds generally, as required by law and includes a salary schedule for interim staff. Interim Finance Director Noack said the budget presented includes one revision to include Council cellular telephones for contact within the City. Following discussion on the necessity and advisability for this revision, Interim Attorney Schwartz suggested that the budget be adopted because state law does allow for adjustment of small items within funds administratively. He will research this issue and advise staff. Councilmember Munson withdrew his motion to advance Ordinance No. 37 to second reading. Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Denennv seconded that Council sus send its rules for two readings of this ordinance. advance to second reading and to ado Ordinance No. 37 Ado tin J a Bud ,et for the Period Janu t 1 2003 Through March 31, 2003: Appropriation of Funds and Establishing Positions and Salary Schedule. Councilmember Denenny noted for the record that the $1 million from Spokane County is an advance of the road tax monies that will be transferred to Spokane Valley upon incorporation. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -032, Establish hotel /motel tax: Second reading of Ordinance No. 27 was made by Interim City Clerk. Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 27 Levying a Special Excise Tax of Two Percent on the Sale or Charge Made for the Furnishing of Lodging by any Hotel. Motel. Rooming House, Tourist Court, or Trailer Camp: Establishing a Special Fund for the Tax: and Providing for Other Matters Properly Related Thereto. Interim Attorney Schwartz highlighted changes made to the ordinance from First reading that clarify provisions for the Advisory Committee. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 27. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -033 (Adopt County Road Standards): Second reading of Ordinance No. 33 was made by Interim City Clerk. Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Munson seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 33 Adopting by Reference the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction as the Interim Standards for Road and Sewer Construction of the City. Interim City Attorney Schwartz explained the changes to Section 4 that are in accordance with the Council governance manual. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 33. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -035, Adopt Stormwater Guidelines: Second reading of Ordinance No. 32 was made by Interim City Clerk. Councilmember Denennv moved and Councihnember Munson seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 32 Adopting by Reference the Spokane County Guidelines for Stormwater Management as the Interim Guidelines for Stormwater Management of the City. Interim Attorney Schwartz explained that Section 4 of Council Minutes fun February 11, 2003 - Approved on February_ 2003 Page 4 of 6 this ordinance was also changed to be in accordance with Council governance manual. Responding to Councilmember Flanigan's question, Interim Attorney Schwartz said this is an engineering ordinance rather than a control ordinance. Interim Manager Walton added that Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren is meeting with County staff and local builders to address the concerns about restriction on development. Eleanor Anderson, 2805 South Needham, asked who is in charge. Interim Attorney Schwartz answered that services will be the same, but the City would be in charge, with a different level of accountability. Dick Behni, 3626 South Ridgeview Drive, said he worked on the Stormwater Transition Team, and the Council is following their recommendations. Robert McClain, 11931 East Diana Court, asked if this ordinance covers standing water on the pavement. Councilmember Denenny replied it did not, but that the money collected from the Stormwater Utility presently goes for monitoring, inventorying, etc. with no capital projects. The Council will, over time, provide funding for improvements. The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 32 carried unanimously. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -040, expressing intent relating to fire service. Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Dcnennv seconded that Resolution No. 03 -016 be adopted Stating the Intent of the City to Continue to Receive Fire Protection Services From Spokane County Fire Protection District Nos. 1. 8 and 9. Interim Attorney Schwartz said that this resolution gives the fire districts information as to the intent of the City relating to fire services following incorporation. Deputy Mayor Wilhite asked about annexing into three different districts and Schwartz indicated that the resolution doesn't address this question, but he will research this issue. The motion to adopt Resolution 03 -016 carried unanimously. Resolution No. 03 -017, Support North -South freeway: Interim Manager Walton introduced the resolution that is presented for Council action at the request of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Walton said that information was presented to the Council at the Feb. 4, 2003 study session on this project by WSDO who have indicated they would like to have support of the various cities involved along the project route as they prepare to secure funding for the project. Councilmember Munson said that he would like the Council to carefully look at all requests for City endorsements and be selective about what is approved. Councilmember Denenny moved and Councilmember Munson seconded to adopt Resolution No. 03 -017 Expressing Support for Ongoing Activities in Connection with a Multi- Modal, Limited Access, North -South Transportation Corridor. Tom DeGeare, 2820 North Avalon, inquired if this support includes financial support. Interim Manager Walton advised that there is no financial support, just a voice of general support for the project. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 03 -017 carried unanimously. Council Minutes from February 11, 2003 - Approved on February _, 2003 Page 5 of 6 New Business: Interim Attorney Schwartz said that he and attorney Cary Driskell recently provided a memorandum to the Council summarizing state land use laws that should help them understand the various ordinances and agreements relating to land use that will be considered in the next 20 -30 days. interim Manager Walton added that land use documents will be a subject for discussion at the February 20, 2003 study session, with action on legislation and public hearings as required scheduled for the March 11, 2003 regular meeting that will be held at the Community Center. Interim Manager Walton said that the County Commissioners are interested in scheduling the next joint meeting, possibly for a breakfast meeting. Interim Finance Director Noack again thanked the Finance Conunittee for the careful scrutiny of the interim budget as it was prepared. The next focus for Finance will be to start development of the budget for April 1 through December 31, 2003. New Business: Councilmember Schinunels requested legal comments relating to the County decision on the Spokane Rock Products project. Councilmembers concurred that the interim city attorney review and investigate all permits issued or to be issued on this project that may impact Spokane Valley, and report back to the Council. Public Comment: Tony Lazanis, 10625 East Trent, said that there is concern about the road for this project that may not be in compliance with road standards and noise in the summertime. IIe requested the Council to take steps to assure protection for the neighborhood. Interim Attorney Schwartz explained that projects have vested rights under the laws in existence as of the date they file a complete application, but any future permits are subject to laws that then apply. Adjournment: There being no further business, Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Taylor seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Interim City Clerk Mayor Michael DeVleming kb Council Minutes from February 11, 2003 - Approved on February __, 2003 Page 6 of 6 FOR THE ITEMS INDICATED BELOW: 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2121/2003 2/21/20a3 2/21/20(13 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/2003 2/21/200.3 2/21/2003 APPROVED - FINANCE COMMITTEE RICHARD MUNSON . DIANA WILHITE CAlJtIV74 A: Claim Voucher Ligt Ins - 2-7•03 CLAIM VOUCHER LISTING CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99206 STFVF TAY! (IR Council Meeting Total this Pagcl Page 1 2/25/2003 CHECK DATE :HECK NUMBE AmouNT S625.00 ZePublic PAY DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT $E25.00 WSDOT - Publications Publications for Public Works Dept. $52.34 Coffee Systems, Inc. Coffee - Sib. Blend Desktop computer & network service S125.00 Association of WA Cities Workshop registration for Gary Schinlmels, 2/19/03, Olympia $102.69 Gary Schimmels Mileage reimbursement $88043 Office Depot Office Supplies $536.09 Creative Business Systems Inc. Business cards, name tags k envelopes $39.17 Attorney & Notary Supply of WA Small desk corporate seal $90.85 Spokane County Information Systems Custom Parks map $ 160 . 00 Spokane Valley Community Centc. Facility rental for special City Council meeting $1,759.71 The WABO Bookstore Building Code books $108.10 Inland Busine.ss Products Employee badge design & on-site photos $1,646.20 Inland Pacific Custoni stamps for Public Works & Planning $387.60 l'hc Spokesman-Review Advertising of legal notices $60000.00 WA Cities Insurance Authority Liability insurance coverage for 2003 $19,230.42 Dishman Dodge 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan $119.88 Grainger Measuring wheel $3.79 Corporate Express Office supplies $85,992.47 TOR THE ITEMS INDICATED BELOW: /2 20 03 i r • 2/iijibth RICHARD MUNSON GM:RW 4 A: Page 22.21 CHECK NUMBER i iiii i ii AMOUNT y $99,247.03 • $12,779.80 • i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiii APPROVED - FINANCE COMMITTEE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON 99206 DIANA WILHITE CLAIM: VOUCHER LISTING PAYEE Council Meeting 2/25/2003 Boise .. . C scale • i Pr . . ' Ut11R1r7 n COnI 8[ S y • i�5:i:3:iiiE;iii <ii ii _ii;asri:i:i:ie;:;::::::;::�:: ;:;;p;:;;- ; :.:•: -•.•. Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport 4 Toole DESCRIPTION • Pe■.AitTn1I.rYT Offic .e�Su ,••� l�i�� e .. Pp s iii :iieiiiiiiiiiiii:iiEi':i•i•i:i ' L lSUltlll cep r � uut I 8 pay �� 14� }' l Legal services . TFVI?TAVI!7R Grand Total I $198,058.78 Page 2 Proposed Hotel/li'Iotel Tax Citizen Advisory Committee for Spokane Valley Jeff Fox General Manager/Doubletree- Valley N. - 1 100 Sullivan Rd Veradale, WA 99 (509)922 -6214 Property annually pays the most into the Hotel /Motel tax fund. in addition, Jeff is the past Chair of the I -Iotel/Motel Association. Liz Beck General•Manager /Super 8 Motel N. 2020 Argonne Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509)928 -4888 Liz has been'GM at this property for about 12 years. Sheds active on the Valley Chamber Tourism Committee and came highly recommended by several of the other Hotel/ivMtel managers and owners. Peggy Doering Director /Valley Fest (509)924 -6829 (509)499 -0663 Founder and Director of Valley Fest -an annual, and successful, Valley family celebration. Jayne Singleton Director /Spokane Valley Legacy Foundation 216 N. Long Rd Greenacres, `VA 99016 (509)891 -0487 (509)979 =0922 Founder and Director of the Valley Legacy Foundation, a group dedicated to bringing a Heritage Center/Museum to the Spokane Valley that will celebrate the past, present and future *of the Spokane Valley. Mike Flanigan Spokane Valley City Councilmember SUBMITTED BY: Don Morrison CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY .REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -041 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2005 APPROVED FOR COUNCI ' AC City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form TITLE: PERSONNEL ORDINANCE ATTACHMENTS: - Transmittal Memo - Proposed Ordinance No. 44 TYPE OF ACTION: X Ordinance Resolution Motion Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve the proposed Ordinance as written. DISCUSSION: Refer to Human Resources System Binder material ALTERNATIVES: Refer to Human Resources System Binder material FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund or Street Fund depending on assignment of personnel AMOUNT BUDGETED: TBD AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Dependent upon staffing plan and benefit resolutions Memorandum Date: February 20, 2003 To: Stan McNutt, DCM Cc: City Council Members From: Don Morrison, Interim Human Resources Mana RE: Personnel Ordinance and related Resolutions Attached is the proposed Personnel Ordinance and accompanying Resolutions for the City. Two sections have been added to the Ordinance, one authorizing the provision of Long Term Disability insurance, and the other authorizing the provision of an Employee Assistance program. The accompanying Resolution on employee benefits lists the specific benefit plans and options that the City would provide. 1 have proposed good plans, but not the most expensive ones. However, 1 have proposed that the City pay 100% of the premiums for both employee and dependents. As you will note from the attached survey material, the average city picks up all of the employee premium and most of the spouse/dependent prem_iuni. Thus, to "match the competition" 1 have proposed that the City do likewise. Of course, this is a Council policy decision for medical coverage. However, AWC underwriting rules (attached) require 1 00% city-paid premiums for both employee and dependents for the dental, vision, life, and long term disability benefits. The City is not required to offer all of the above benefits. However, the majority of cities do provide the full range of these employee benefits. • Also, considering the extensive hours that council members work on City business, 1 would propose including council members in the benefit package since they are legally considered eligible city employees, providing the required participation (4 members) is achieved. It should be noted that for long term disability protection, once the City has 49 eligible employees, employee contributions are allowed provided at least 85% of eligible employees are enrolled. This is one benefit that the Council may want to wait on until . next fiscal year, although there are some prospective employees that are concerned • about a potential health risk (heart attack, cancer, etc.) should they begin employment here with no accumulated leave time. This is scheduled for the February 25 Council meeting. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. L[ t[ AN ORDINANCE OF THE C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RESOURCES SYSTEM FOR THE CITY AND OUTLINING THE BASIC PERSONNEL POLICIES AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OF CITY EMPLOYEES. WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of establishing a human resources system for the City to provide the framework for the classification, compensation, recruitment, selection and employment of city staff, and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to set forth the policies governing the management of the human resources functions of the city administration; NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the city of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Human Resources System Established. A. There is hereby established a human resources system for the .City of Spokane Valley to provide a uniform system of personnel administration throughout the City service, and ensure that recruitment, selection, placement, compensation, promotion, retention and separation of City employees are based :upon qualifications and fitness, and are in compliance with Federal and state laws. B. The City Manager is authorized, directed and empowered to develop and promulgate administrative policies, procedures, rules, forms and materials as needed to implement the human resources system of the City. Said policies and procedures shall comply with all related state and Federal laws, as well as City ordinances and resolutions. Section 2. Equal Employment Opportunity. It is the policy of the City to ensure equal employment opportunity for all employees and appointed representatives. This commitment includes a mandate to promote and afford equal treatment and services to all citizens, employees and City representatives, and to assure • equal employment opportunity based on ability and fitness to all persons regardless of race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability unless such disability effectively prevents the performance of the essential duties required of the position and which are bonafide occupational qualifications. Section 3. Non Discrimination. A. The City of Spokane Valley will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, marital status, or disability in employment or the provision of services. It is also the intent of the City to guarantee disabled persons equal opportunity to participate i.n or enjoy the benefits of City services, programs, or activities, and to allow disabled employees a bias free work environment. The City, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). B. The City is committed to creating an environment in which facilities for public meetings and general public use are accessible. Furthermore, the City will provide auxiliary aids and services (interpreters, readers, assisted listening devices, text telephones, large print materials, audio tape, help in filling out forms, and other similar services and actions) if necessary and if such 1 reasonable accommodation can be provided without undue hardship to the City. Disabled persons may request the auxiliary aids and services of their choice, which will be given primary consideration. Communication of accessibility will be included in City publicity announcements. C. The City has a commitment to ensure equal opportunities for disabled City employees. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide an accessible work environment and additional accommodations, including auxiliary aids' and services. Employment practices (e.g. hiring, training, testing, transfer, promotion, compensation, benefits, termination, etc.) will be administered in such manner as to not promote discrimination of disabled employees. D. Recruitment and selection processes will grant equal opportunity for employment to qualified applicants and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, marital status, or disability. Reasonable accommodation will be provided upon request during an application/interview process. E. The City is also committed to ensure equal opportunity for disabled persons to participate on boards and commissions. Board and commission meetings will be held in accessible locations, requested auxiliary aids will be provided, and accommodation provided during the selection process of board and commission members. Through the recruitment process, the City will actively seek and invite the participation of hoard and commission members who are disabled. F. Future construction and renovation of City -owned buildings and facilities will be carried out in accordance with any State Barrier -Free Code regulations and ADA Accessibility Guidelines. The City Manager is authorized and directed to develop policies and procedures for addressing accessibility complaints in the event citizens, employees, or other participants in the City's programs, services, and activities feel the City has violated their rights under the ADA. Section 4. Sexual Harassment. A. It is the policy of the City to seek to eliminate 4and /or prevent sexual harassment in general, as well as to alleviate any effects sexual harassment may have had on the working conditions of an employee. In response to formal reports of sexual harassment, the city will seek to protect all parties involved from retaliation, false accusations, or future harassment, and, where indicated, will take reasonably prompt and adequate remedial measures. B. The City Manager or designee shall investigate and appropriately respond to al complaints of sexual harassment. Any records related to sexual harassment shall be sealed and retained in a separate peronnel filed maintained by the Human Resources Manager for a minimum of six years. Once the material in the sealed file is determined to have no reasonable bearing on job performance or on the efficient and effective management of' the city, it may be destroyed prior to the expiration of the six year period, to gether with any cross - references in an employee's personnel file. C. No information from the sealed file nor any indication of the cross- reference to the sealed file will be disclosed to persons who do not have confidential access to the personnel affairs of the city; provided, that there are two exceptions which permit some disclosure. First, an employee who reported sexual harassment and /or an employee who was allegedly affected by sexual harassment may request that the city provide information to another regarding the investigation of sexual harassment. On a case -by -case basis, the city, as a matter of its own discretion, may agree to release specified information. Secondly, whenever the city would provide general information to persons who are not officers or employees of the city regarding an employee or former employee for the city's personnel file and the employee's personnel file reflects a finding or reasonable cause for disciplinary action, then the city will also send information regarding the investigation of sexual harassment, except that no readily identifiable reference to other parties involved would be included, and any statement which the employee has 2 requested be held in his/her file will accompany the disclosure. Information about the finding or reasonable cause for disciplinary action would not be given in response to a request for verification of dates employed. Section 5. Reporting improper Governmental Action — Whistleblowing. A. In accordance with RCW 42.4 1, City officials and staff shall conduct City business with the utmost integrity and in strict accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Accordingly, employees are encouraged to bring to the attention of the City Manager improper actions of City officials and employees. The City will not retaliate against any employee who makes such a disclosure in good faith and in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. B. Improper actions arc actions undertaken by an officer or employee in the performance of his or her official duties which (a) are in violation of any federal, state or local law, (b) constitute an abuse of authority, (c) create a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or (d) grossly waste public funds. Improper actions do not include common personnel actions, such as the processing of grievances, decisions regarding hiring, promotion, firing and other discipline, or alleged violations of labor (collective bargaining) agreements, employment contracts or policies or procedures set forth in the City's policy manual. C. The City Manager is authorized and directed to develop and implement administrative policies and procedures to carry out the intent of this section and otherwise comply with State law related hereto. Section 6. Drug Testing. A. The City Manager may conduct pre - employment drug and alcohol tests of prospective employees as deemed appropriate by the Manager. '13. Employees required to maintain a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) shall be subject to periodic random drug testing as required by law. C. Upon a finding by an employee's supervisor of reasonable suspicion • that the employee's ability to properly perform the job has been lessened by the use of intoxicating liquor and /or drugs, the employee may be required to submit to alcohol or drug testing. In addition, an employee may be required to submit to alcohol or drug testing if the employee is injured or injures another employee during work hours or is involved in a work - related accident and the city reasonably suspects that the employee's actions or failure to act contributed to the injury or accident. Section 7. Employee Classification. A. Position classifications shall be developed and maintained for all positions in the classified City service. A job description shall be prepared and maintained in such a way that the classifications and accompanying salary grade reflect the current duties and responsibilities of the job. B. Significant changes in the duties and responsibilities of any position within the city service shall result in an evaluation of the position and possible reclassification based on such changes. All position classifications shall • be reviewed periodically to assure that the classification reasonably reflects the current duties and responsibilities of the position. C. Whenever the designated Human Resources Manager has classified a new position or reclassified an existing position, as required by subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the Human Resources Manager shall submit the changes to the city manager for approval. To the extent the foregoing results in a change in an employee's current salary or wages, such change shall not become effective until inclusion and adoption in the next annual budget, •unless sooner approved by motion of the City Council. 3 Section 8. Salary Plan — Hiring Rate. A. The City Manager shall develop an annual salary plan covering all City positions. Preparation of the proposed salary plan shall be based upon the classification resulting from an evaluation of duties and responsibilities, and any change in the salary plan shall be made on the same basis. B. The salary plan shall be presented and considered as part of the annual budget adoption process, and shall include the grade, title and salary range of all classified City positions. C. New prospective City employees meeting the minimum qualifications for the position shall normally be hired at the minimum rate of pay within the salary range for their respective job titles. However, when a prospective employee's current rate of pay exceeds the minimum rate of pay of the respective job title, or a prospective employee's qualifications, experience, and record of achievement considerably exceed the minimum requirements for the position, the 1-luman Resources Manager may authorize a starting rate of pay up to the mid -point of the salary range. A.ny proposed starting rate of pay exceeding the mid -point of the salary range must be approved by the Human Resources Manager with the written concurrence of the City Manager. No employee shall be hired in excess of the approved salary range established for the position. Section 9. Overtime - Compensatory Time Off. A. For the purposes of computing eligibility for overtime pay, the term employee refers to those employees identified by RCW 49.46.130 who are eligible for overtime compensation. Employees who are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and RC \V 49.46.130 shall not receive any overtime pay. Employees who are not exempt from the FLSA shall by compensated for overtime at the rate of one and one -half for hours worked in excess of the number of hours allowed per work week as designated under the Fair Labor Standards Act. B. Upon request of the non- exempt employee, the City may grant compensatory time off in lieu of overtime at its discretion at the rate of one and one -half. C. Compensatory time off may be accumulated to a maximum of 80 hours to he used at a later time upon mutual agreement of the employee and the City. D. Compensatory leave for exempt employees is hereby panted in recognition of extraordinary work time required in overtime exempt positions. Compensatory leave is not intended to be balanced hour for hour with extra time worked. Exempt employees shall be granted 80 hours per year of compensatory time off for overtime worked in excess of the regular work week. This compensatory time must be used in the same year it is accrued, and may not be carried -over to a new year. Section 10. Social Security and Medicare. A. The City of Spokane Valley shall offer a substitute social security program, and shall not participate in the Social Security System (FICA) for employees covered by a qualified retirement program. 13. Casual, part-time and temporary employees who are not covered by a qualified retirement program shall participate in the Social Security System (FICA) as required by law. C. The Social Security Substitute Program shall be a 401A plan approved by the City Council. Financing of the program shall be accomplished by employee payroll deduction contributions and through a match paid by the City as required by law. The employer and employee contributions to the program shall be the sane percentage amounts required by FICA. D. As required by law, the City shall participate in the Medicare program. Section 11. Employee Benefits — Retirement. All regular full -time City employees, except the City Manager who has the option of joining an alternate portable retirement plan in lieu of PERS, 4 shall be required to participate in the state mandated Washington State Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). Part-tine or seasonal employees who will work more than 90 hours a month for five (5) consecutive months in eligible positions are required to participate in the Retirement System. Retirement benefits accrue from both employee and employer contributions. Contributions to the retirement system are mandatory for eligible positions and are deducted from the member's salary each payroll period. Section 12. Employee Benefits — Deferred Compensation. A. The City may provide an option to any regular employee to invest a portion of his/her present earnings in a deferred compensation plan. B. Any deferred compensation plan selected shall be approved by the City Council. Contributions to the program shall be financed solely by the employee, either through direct deposit or payroll deduction. Benefits received through this program shall be in addition to any Social Security Substitute or Public Employees' Retirement System benefits for which the participating employee would be eligible. Section 13. Employee Benefits — Medical. A. The City shall offer to all regular full -time employees and all eligible dependents group medical insurance through Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Employee Benefit Trust. The specific plan shall be adopted annually by the City Council as part of the budget adoption process, or by resolution. B. Regular part-time employees who work 20 or more hours per week on an ongoing basis may have the option of enrolling in the City's medical insurance program on a pro rata basis. For example, if a regular part -time employee normally works four hours per day, and the department's normal workday is eight hours, the City shall pay 50% of the premiums it would have otherwise paid for a full -tune employee. The remaining percent would be paid by the employee at his/her own expense through payroll deduction. C. The employer and employee contribution amounts to the insurance premiums shall be established by the City Council as part of the annual budget adoption process. Section 14. Employee Benefits — Dental. A. All regular full -ti.me and regular part -time employees, who work 20 or more hours per week, and their eligible dependents shall be enrolled in group dental coverage through the Association of Washington Cities (.AWC) Employee Benefit Trust. The specific plan shall be adopted annually by the City Council as part of the budget adoption process, or by resolution. Section 15. Employee Benefits — Life Insurance. All regular full -time and regular part -time employees, who work 20 or more hours per week, shall be provided term life insurance coverage through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Employee Benefit Trust. The specific plan shall be adopted annually by the City Council as part of the budget adoption process, or by resolution. Section 16. Employee Benefits — Vision Care. The City may provide vision care benefits for employees through participation in an insured program or through self - payment. The type of coverage provided, if any, shall be detennined and adopted annually as part of the budget adoption process, or by resolution.' Section 17. Employee Benefits — Long Term Disability. The City may provide long term disability insurance benefits for employees through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) 5 Employee Benefit Trust. The specific plan shall be adopted annually by the City Council as part of the budget adoption process, or by resolution. Section 18. Employee Benefits — Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The City may provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Employee Benefit Trust. The specific plan shall be adopted annually by the City Council as part of the budget adoption process, or by resolution. Section 19. Workers Compensation. All employees are required to participate in the Washington State Workers Compensation program as outlined in RCW Title 51. Employees who are entitled to receive compensation under the "Workers Compensation Act" of the state of Washington (R.C.W. Title 51) shall receive from the City any supplementary benefits in accordance with the applicable provisions governing benefits for such an employee. Section 20. Unemployment Compensation. The City is a covered employer under the Washington Unemployment Compensation law. The basic objective of the statute is to provide a partial replacement of wages for employees during short periods of involuntary unemployment. The City program shall be a state administered self - insured program financed by City contributions to an internal service fund for unemployment compensation. Section 21. Holidays. A. The City shall celebrate the following holidays off with pay for regular full -time and regular part -time unrepresented employees: New Year's Day Martin Luther King President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Day Floating Holiday - January 1 - 3rd Monday In January - 3rd Monday of February - Last Monday Of May - July 4 - 1 st. Monday of September - November 11 - 4th Thursday of November - December 25 . - One (1) at Employee's Choice B. In the event a holiday other than a floating holiday falls upon a Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed to be the legal holiday. In the event the legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be deemed to be the legal holiday. C. Regular part-tune employees shall receive a pro rata share of compensation at their regular straight time hourly rate for each approved holiday. D. If any holiday mentioned above, with the exception of a floating holiday, falls on an employee's regularly scheduled day off the employee shall be granted another day off during the month in which the holiday was celebrated, whenever possible. If this is not possible, the employee shall receive holiday pay rather than equivalent time off. E. When a holiday falls within a period of paid leave, the holiday shall not be counted as a leave day in computing the amount of leave debited. F. An employee who is absent without leave on the day immediately preceding or following a holiday shall lose the holiday as well as pay for that day. 6 G. Non- exempt employees required to work on any designated holiday shall receive the overtime rate of pay in addition to the holiday pay. H. Each non - represented employee shall, after six (6) months continuous service from the last date of hire with the City, accrue vacation time on the following basis: Section 22. Paid Time Off (PTO). A. In. lieu of separate vacation, sick leave, bereavement and related paid leaves, there is hereby established a single combined paid time off (PTO) program. B. Regular full -time non- represented City employees shall be provided paid time off (PTO) to use whenever they are absent fi work. Each eligible employee shall accrue PTO at the rate of twelve (12) hours per month, provided he or she works at least one -half the work days in that month. Regular part -time employees shall receive a pro -rata share of PTO. PTO cannot be used until it has actually been earned by an employee. With approval of the City Manager, employees who require time off for illness or personal reasons before accruing PTO, or after exhausting earned PTO, may be entitled to unpaid time off. C. Employees may be paid for any PTO not used in the previous year. If an employee desires to carry over accrued PTO, he or she may carry over up to 360 hours (45 days) accrued PTO. • D. An employee may accumulate up to a maximum of 480 hours (60 days) accrued PTO. PTO time earned in excess of said maximum limit shall be used or forfeited, unless the PTO requested has been denied in writing by the department head or City Manager. E. Upon resignation or retirement from City employment an employee shall be paid cash at the normal rate of pay for his or her unused PTO, provided regular status has been attained. Section 23. Military Leave. In accordance with RCW 38.40.060 any employee who is a member of the Washington National Guard or a federal reserve unit shall be entitled to time off with pay for up to fifteen days during each calendar year while participating in officially ordered military duty. A copy of the employee's orders shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. Military leave shall not be charged to paid time off (PTO). Section 24. Jury or Court Duty. A regular employee who is required to serve on a jury or as a result of official city duties is required to appear before a court, legislative committee or quasi - judicial body as a witness in response to a subpoena or other directive, shall be granted paid leave for the time that the employee needs to be released from regular duties; provided, that the supervisor is promptly notified of the conflict or if the employee is excused from the appearance such as for an afternoon. The employee shall be entitled to his or her regular pay; provided, that the employee shall pay to the city any fee or reimbursement received for such court or jury duty, up to the amount paid as paid leave. Section 25. Leave without Pay. Upon approval by the City Manager, leave without pay may be granted for a period not to _ exceed fifteen working days for illness, injury, educational purposes, or additional vacation. Section 26. Leave of Absence Without Pay. Upon the request by the employee, the city manager may grant a leave of absence without pay for a period of not less than three (3) weeks and not more twenty -six (26). Approval of such leave shall be in writing and signed by the city manager. No vacation or sick leave benefits or other fringe benefits shall be accrued while an 7 employee is on leave of absence. The employee's anniversary date will be adjusted by the length of the leave granted. Upon expiration of the leave of absence, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time the leave was granted. Any employee on approved leave of absence may continue his /her medical insurance coverage by paying the full cost to the city in advance for each month of the leave of absence. Section 27. Family and Medical Leave. Employees shall be granted family and medical leave in accordance with the provisions of the State Family Leave Act, Chapter 49.78 RCW, and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Family and medical leave granted under either of such Acts shall be unpaid unless otherwise provided therein. Section 28. Severability. if any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. Section 29. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley on , 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication Effective Date: 8 Mayor, Michael DeVleming DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2003 Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim Finance Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -046 TITLE: Sale of a Revenue Tax TYPE OF ACTION: Anticipation Note X Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Ordinance No. 39 City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Suspend the rules, advance to second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 39 Authorizing a S1,000,000 line of credit at the Farmers and Merchants Bank. DISCUSSION: These funds are required to assist in financing the new City of Spokane Valley during the interim period prior to incorporation date. Revenue will be received during the years 2003 and 2004 to repay the fund acquired. ALTERNATIVES: Do not authorize line of credit and do not pay our invoices. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: Farmers and Merchants Bank AMOUNT BUDGETED: As required AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Estimated S1,000,000 for 2003 and 2004. 'Preston IGateslEllis LLP MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bob Noack, Finance Director Frank Tombari, Farmers and Merchants Bank Michael C. Ormsby February 4, 2003 Ordinance Authorizing Note for Line of Credit - City of Spokane Valley After my conversation with Bob yesterday and the message that I received from Frank, we have redrafted the Ordinance and the changes are included in the draft enclosed herewith. Please review and let me know if there are any additional changes, or if you have any questions or comments. Frank forwarded a revised Note to me that we will review today and get comments back to him if necessary. Bob, if you would like me to attend any work sessions or City Council meetings to discuss the Ordinance or answer any questions that the Councilmembers may have, please let me know and I would be happy to do so. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you on this financing. cc: Stan Schwartz, w /enc. Enclosure: Ordinance Draft #2 K4S747\0003iLucc'UdcO ao6IX MCO A LAW FIRM I A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING OTHER LIMITED LIABILITY ENTITIES 601 WEST RIVERSIDE AVENUE SUITE 1400 SPOKANE, WA 49201 -0636 TEL: (509) 624.2100 FAX: {509} 456.0146 WWW.PRESTONGATES.COM Anchorage Coeur d'Alene Hong Kong Orange County Portland San Francisco Seattle Spokane Washington, OC ORDINANCE NO. 3 T CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane County, Washington TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE, 2003 Principal Amount of Not to Exceed $1,000,000 WHEREAS, at a special election the formation of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City ") was approved; and K119sC610010 MCCIIMC0 N?8I0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE OF THE CITY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF THE PROCEEDS OF SALE OF SUCH NOTE; FIXING THE DATE, FORM, INTEREST RATE, TERMS, MATURITY AND COVENANTS OF SUCH NOTE; CREATING A NOTE FU:NDACCOLJNT FROM WHICH THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SUCH NOTE SHALL BE PAID; CONFIRMIIING THE SALE OF SUCH NOTE TO FARMERS & iVIERCHANTS BANK OF ROCKFORD; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, the City needs money to finance the costs of operating and maintaining the City pending receipt of taxes and other revenues; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.46.050 authorizes local governments to establish lines of credit with any qualified public depository to be drawn upon in exchange for its obligations; and WHEREAS, pending receipt of taxes and other revenues, it is in the best interests of the residents of the City that the City issue a tax and revenue anticipation note to pay for the City's operation and maintenance expenses; and WHEREAS, Farmers & Merchants Bank of Rockford, of Spokane Valley, Washington, has offered to purchase the note; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City that it sell the note to such purchaser; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: - 1 - Section 1. Definitions. As used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the following meanings: "City" means the City of Spokane Valley, Washington. "Clerk" or "City Clerk" shall mean the de facto or de jure City Clerk of the City, or other officer of the City who is the custodian of the seal of the City and of the records of the proceedings of the City Council, or his /her successor in function, if any. "Council" means the general legislative body of the City as the same shall be duly constituted from time to time. "Finance Director" shall mean the Finance Director of the City. "Issuing Officer" means the Mayor of the City, the City Administrator, or City Finance Director or Finance Director, including any interim appointees, when duly appointed by the Mayor. "Mayor" shall mean the Mayor of the City or any presiding officer or titular head of the City Council, or his successor in functions, if any. "Note" means the "Spokane Valley, Washington, Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note, 2003" authorized by this Ordinance. "Note €u dAccount" means the "Spokane Valley Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Redemption RuidAccount, 2003" created by Section 3 of this Ordinance. "Note Proceeds Account" means the "Spokane Valley Note Proceeds Account" created by Section 5 of this Ordinance. "Note Register" shall mean the registration records of the City on which shall appear the name and address of the Registered Owner of the Note. "Note Registrar" shall mean the Finance Director of the City or his /her successor in functions, if any. "Purchaser" shall mean Farmers Merchants Bank of Rockford, of Spokane, Washington.. "Registered Owner" means the person in whose name the Note is registered on the Note Register. Section 2. Issuance of Note. In anticipation of the receipt of general tax revenues or revenues from other sources, the City shall, for the purpose of funding general operating expenses of the City, issue its Note in the principal amount of not to exceed S1,000,000. Said short -term obligation shall be designated the "Spokane Valley, Washington, Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note, 2003," shall be dated March 1, 2003 and shall mature on December 31, 2003. The principal of the Note shall be payable at maturity. The Note shall bear interest on the unpaid balance at a rate equal to the seven (7) day F1-1L13 Index plus .61% adjusted daily from the date of each draw until paid. Interest shall be payable upon prepayment of the Note or en- the- lnaday-e-f-eacli n n4-at maturity of the Note. Interest on the Note shall be calculated on the basis of a 360 -day year and the actual number of days elapsed. The Note shall be issued in registered form. Both principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Finance Director of the City in Spokane Valley, Washington, and shall be a general obligation of the City to the extent provided herein. The Finance Director shall act as the Note Registrar and the . Registered Owner of the Note shall not be entitled to the benefits of this Ordinance or the Note until the Note Registrar executed the Registrar's Certificate. Section 3. Note Redemption lkintiA.ccount. A special funElaccount of the City to be known as the "Spokane Valley Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Redemption Fl.Account, 2003" (the "Note FundAccount ") is hereby authorized to be created by the City. The Note i Account shall be a trust account and shall be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Note. Money on deposit in the Noten4lAccount not immediately needed to pay such interest or principal may temporarily be deposited in such institutions or invested in such obligations which are legal investments for City funds. Any interest or profit from the investment of such money shall be deposited in the Note PunklAccount. Any money remaining in the Note lzundAccount after payment in full of the principal of and interest on the Note may be transferred to the general operating fund of the City (the "General Findn, and the Note ndAccount shall be closed. The City covenants and agrees that on or before the maturity date of the Note, it will deposit in the Note PandAccount , out of all taxes levied by the City within and as a part of the levy permitted by law without a vote of the electors and when permitted to be levied by State law, and out of other revenues received by the City, such tax receipts and other revenue in an amount which, together with other money of the City, if any, legally available for such purposes, will be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Note. The City hereby irrevocably pledges that a sufficient portion of such tax receipts and other revenues to be collected by the City prior to the hill payment of the principal of and interest on the Note will be and is hereby irrevocably set aside, pledged and appropriated for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note. Such taxes and other revenue so pledged shall be paid directly into the Note VAccount in amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Note at maturity, and none of the money in such fundlAccount shall be used for any other purpose than the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note as the same shall become due. Section 4. Redemption Prior to Maturity. The Note may fnet-i-be pre -paid prior to its maturity in whole or in part at any time. Section 5. Application of the Proceeds of the Note. All draws upon the Note under this Ordinance shall be deposited into a special account designated the "Note Proceeds Account" that is hereby created in the City's General Fund, and may be used by the City to pay the general operating and maintenance expenses of the City. Following the execution and delivery of the Note, the City shall notify the Purchaser in writing on the form entitled "Disbursement Request and Authorization", attached hereto as Exhibit "A ", each time that a draw is required to pay the general operating and maintenance expenses of the City. The Council hereby designates the Finance asDirector as the person or persons authorized to make a request for a draw against this Note. The Finance Director may invest all or part of the proceeds of the Note temporarily in or with such institutions or in such obligations as may now or hereafter be permitted for cities in the State of Washington by law and which will mature prior to the date on which such money shall be needed. Earnings on such investments shall accrue to the benefit of the gGeneral #Fund. Section 6. Form of the Note. The Note shall be in substantially the form shown in Exhibit "3" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 7. Execution of the Note. The Note shall be executed on behalf of the City by the manual signature of the Mayor and City Clerk. Section 8. Note Registrar. The Finance Director is hereby appointed as Registrar, paying agent, and transfer agent with respect to the Note, subject to the following terms and conditions: A. The Registrar shall keep, or cause to be kept, at his /her principal office, sufficient books for the registration and transfer of the Note (the "Note Register "), in which shall be maintained the name and address of the Registered Owner of the Note. 13. The Registrar is authorized, on behalf of the City, to register and deliver any Note issued or transferred in accordance with the provisions of such Note and this Resolution, and to carry out all of the Registrar's powers and duties under this Resolution. C. The Registrar shall be responsible for his /her representations contained in the Registration Certificate on the Note. Section 9. Lost. Destroyed or Mutilated Note. In the event the Note is lost, destroyed, or mutilated, the City will cause to be issued a new Note, substantially similar to the original, to replace the same, in such manner and upon such reasonable terms and conditions as the Council may determine. Section 10. Sale of Note, Authorization to Officials and Agents: Ratification of Prior Actions. The Council hereby authorizes the sale of the Note to the Purchaser pursuant to the Purchaser's offer attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by reference. The appropriate City officials, agents and representatives are hereby authorized and directed to do everything necessary for the prompt issuance, execution and delivery of the Note and for the proper use and application of the proceeds of the sale thereof as provided in this Ordinance. All actions heretofore taken by the City's officials, agents and representatives in connection with the issuance and sale of the Note are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 11. Note Not Arbitrage Bond or Private Activity Bond; Special Designation. The City covenants and agrees that throughout the teen of the Note, no part of the proceeds of the Note or any other moneys or obligations held under this Ordinance shall at any time be used for any purpose or invested in such a manner, nor shall the City take any other action, which . would cause the Note to be (i) an "arbitrage bond" under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and applicable regulations (the "Code ") or (ii) a "private activity bond" under the Code. The City hereby designates the Note as a "qualified tax- exempt obligation" under Section 265(b) of the Code. The City does not expect to issue tax - exempt obligations in an aggregate principal amount in excess of ten million dollars during calendar year 2003. Section 12. No Continuing Disclosure. The City is exempt from providing continuing disclosure pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's Rule 15c 2 -12, as amended, because it has less than $10 million in outstanding debt and because the Note is issued in a denomination larger than $100,000. Section 13. Ordinance a Contract. This Ordinance shall constitute a contract between the City and the Purchaser. Section 14. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective five days after its passage and publication as required by law. The Ordinance shall be published by Title only, in the form attached as Exhibit "0 ". ADOPTED under a suspension of rules by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley at a meeting held this 25 day of February, 2003. ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON By Mayor City Clerk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Spokane Valley, of Spokane County, Washington, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a full, true, and correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council, duly and regularly held at the regular meeting place thereof on February 25 .2003, of which meeting all members of said Council had due notice and at which a majority thereof were present; and that at said meeting said Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmembers: NAYS, Councilmembers: ABSENT, Councilmembers: ABSTAIN, Councilmembers: I further certify that I have carefully compared the same with the original Ordinance on file and of record in my office; that said Ordinance is a full, true, and correct copy of the original Ordinance adopted at said meeting; and that said Ordinance has not been amended, modified, or rescinded since the date of its adoption, and is now in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WFIEREOF,1 have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City on , February 25. 2003. City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" DISBURSEMENT REQUEST AND AUTHORIZATION Exhibit "A" EXHIBIT "B" FORM OF NOTE Exhibit "B" — Page 1 EXHIBIT "C" OFFER TO PURCHASE NOTE Exhibit "C" EXHIBIT "D" ORDINANCE TITLE FOR PUBLICATION The Title of Ordinance No. of the City of Spokane Valley, adopted by the City Council on February , 25. 2003, is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. A full text of Ordinance No. is available at the office of the City Clerk and will be provided to any citizen upon request during normal business hours. ATTEST: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE OF THE CITY IN THE AGGREGATE P.RTNCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED I.,000,000; PROVIDING FOR THE :DISPOSITION OF THE PROCEEDS OF SALE OF SUCH NOTE; FIXING THE DATE, FORM, • INTEREST RATE, TERMS, MATURITY AND COVENANTS OF SUCH NOTE; CREATING A NOTE FUNDACCOUNT FROM WHICH THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SUCH NOTE SHALL BE PAID; CONFIRMING THE SALE OF SUCH NOTE TO FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK OF ROCKFORD; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO DATED this 25` day of February, 2003. City Clerk CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, Washington Mayor Exhibit "D" — Page 1 CERTIFICATION OF BOND COUNSEL. 1, the undersigned Bond Counsel for the City of Spokane Valley, of Spokane County, Washington, hereby certify that I have read the attached Summary of Ordinance No. • of said City and that the same is true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of said Ordinance. Dated this 25 day of February, 2003. PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLP S /Michael C. Ormsby Michael C. Ormsby, Bond Counsel Exhibit "1)" — Page 2 Borrower: City:of Spokane yaIkj 11707 E. Sprague•Ave: • City,of Spokane Valley:VA. 99205 PROMISSORY NOTE References in the shaded area are (or tender's use cinlyand do not Lmi hanerplioablity of -thiSdoptiment to any particular loan.or item. Any iteninboVe'containing "*"" has been orniitedtfue tO taxi length limitattoriS. • , FARMERS:1'NQ MERCHANTS:BANK:OF:ROCKFORD . , . COMMERCIAL. LOAN CENTER PO tok14617. '..SPOKANE; 4 Lender: • PriricipaI Amount: . 1:980°4: . Date of NOW: March 1,.:2003 _ . . - PROMISE TO PAY. City of .Spokane Val* ("Borrower) 010(01505'10 pay to FARMEFIS'ANO,MERCHANTS, BANK OF ROCKFORD ("Lender"), _or order Inlay/tut money ofthe,Unitecf'States'of, America, the principal amount of One Million & Obit 00- Dollars,(S1,000,000.00) br•So:inuch as may . , be OUtstanding; With Interest on tfie•unPald outstanding principal balance ot each advance„.InteLest be from the date of each advance until repayment of. each: advahce. . PAYMENT. Borrower Will pay 'this., idanicin demand. Payment Intuit is due immediatety upon Lenders : .11- no demand is made, Borrower will pay this loan In One jaainiCht or all outstanding principal phis all .accrued.',unpaid Interest Dec:cmtier 31, 2003. Unless otherWis or. required, by. applicable law, payments will be applied first to a riy_ Unpaid Collection ceste, arid any tete charges then to. any 'une•ald intert. 'and, anyjreniaining-.arrioUnr topiinclp8l. The annual Interest rateffor this;Note Isleornputed on*a' 355/360 Isasls;_ that .le, by applying theritlo of the annual. Interest rate over a year ..of 360 days, riluitIplied by the OutOtandIng .pririelpal barrince,":Multiptled by the4Ctual 'number 'of days the prrncipal, balance:If . chitstanding.. Borrower will pay .Lender at Lendeh.'s:addreas 'showri.atio oe.at Such.other.pta'ee as t:Old& may desirlite,In..wrItirig.. • • - • • • - 'VARIABLE INTEREST RATE: The.'interent, rate en:this Nolo is.Subfact to change froth tirtie',to UmC basecroriehargeo.M. an;indeOenderitindex which •ti:the Seven day (Horne Loan:Bank Rate plus - .61 percentage points over.-th 'IndeL'.(11 ;rho Index..is:np1riecosserily.:tha cast • rate Cherge'd by Letidei!bri i..s tOarii: If chi :Index be-Cornes ura aik.bie Jr.ng the tefri cl thls lcan Lencfa n*yiciesriata'a sbbstitute: index rper.ncitics' to 0Orrowor: 'Loncier. "Poirowe'r: the current index rate upoMBdricrorei's The iner est ate Chanieivilf net C,Ociir meracifien each day„ BarrosVor tindo5lands7thatCerider meke.loans based on other rateses: woll Th Ind ox currently Is:1.370"4 per annum. Tice interest' rate to tieapplied to lhe unpaid pnncipal balance ar this Note:Will.bie at a rate of 0 610 rie Over the,Ing resulting rin -ari initial rate of 1.980% per annum ...NOTICE; Under no-ercurnmances will the'inibteSt rate.on (his NOte-beekire than - 06 maxiinenitate idloWed by applidatile • •-•• • • .• • • •-• • •• • - ',PREPAYMENT, Borrowaragrees'4* alt loati.tees arid other prepaid finahocO'aiargei.afe athe'date oi Ui Ic,an and Will not be SebjeCt '.tia.rafiind Upon pawner); (W voluntary:or:as a r otdalault). except as;otherwise raqirlred by law. Except ier,:the foregotrig; Borrower .411404 NvithotiPerlatfr',01Orne,pOitkincitfikaMourtt o ed earlier titan 1 is Pue...Early pey'rhents YWItrier.Ciritagreed 106.).Lender in writing; relieve, ,Banpwar 01 Bern:twee s oiAgation to continue to &take 'payrnints. Re iher; eartg pa'irnentsWilrreouda.iie.prir,cipartialanCO:thie.,Berrowei agrees`not to iend.(encier r*yroents:rnanicti "Raid,iiv,itll'„1:witfoUtrepourso*:, orsimilar language: If Borrower sertds Such .4 payrnent,::Lchder.may accept 11 without Iosng an . of . LOntler"s rights .under this Borrower wil( cbhgakd o pagany:furttidi-arroUnt ::eiried to Lender All :written ,ocimmunications 'eoncemihg:disputed.anibunts,:including dny'.'ortack.er other payment insiument.thtilridialg'itial'iia-payrnent.coniiihries i full" ;of .the artount cwezLor tha is tenderad.wth other;:conditions-pr limiratIons ; or as :luihoatisfebtion ors• diSouted" emouni: I nust be .mailed- or FARMEFiS,ANOIMEACHANtS-BANK:OF ROCKFORO,..o OMMER Q !AC LO:Aiii cENTER;.,61..,i4;k1ULLN.RO; PO '1 SPOKANE; WA 99214 LATE CHARGE. :If is -.107das Will be :charged 5.0007i:Of ttiar egula r I y'sCheduled ent. INTER AFTER DEFAULT Opon including failure to,pey.upon final rnatiity;Lender,4t4is,oPtfon, indy,...if?peuriitterfehdri app liCeble iavr inereesei...thverielaleirirtiarTeStiiike:,69 per, itiv The.,Intarest:ratkyill=f101:Cieg nirpcirnitirrriate• perniitted by'applfealitalaw: DEFAULT. :Each,of the following sha'.I corpthute.firt:eveni Of 'dela elf r EVeht of DefaUlt;I'UnifehthiS Payment Default, .g.dripwei,failsVlekerirtY Payinent wrier:v(10 underrthis.0919:. Other Delaulis„. got rowerlaSs-to cerneiy V:ilth- or "O'periorni any other tdirri,.obligetiCniCOVrkant or.conditioni"obritaihed IrrthiS'fstote or in any of doctinleri•gr wrin,.obtigation,sTirepaapr. condition cor,itainoi:1 rvany other agreement Cetweson Lendei andBOUPWOr.- False Staiemen to. .Any worrariyreprasontation Of :.statalnont. mar e c lurritiahocitth Lendor,Oy`13orroweror:on-Sorrawees:behali tinder 'his Note • or the related•doOtinfintS' false' OrrniSlead ing in any nviarIal respect, either new oF*.thE1,010 Madeor:furnishes( 'or bopornes laisalor misleading: at any time thereattar Death or Insolvency. .The:caM rif-any'Borrower or the dissolitlon or't,errnineition ot : t3oroer 'Ifie".aPPOirtlinent•.cf a r aCeiVer any pert 'of Bori0Wei's parer tYi the:tiorlefit.91; creditors reierceut. °air, cornrrierp:trilaniofeny.proceadingunder any bankruptcy orinsolvimccrICWS by pregairtst,BbiroWai. • Cieditor or FOrfelture Proeciedirigk. Cmri canont 01 tor:60:40j" ror..tort4ityp: pidoberilngs,;whether by *Betel prpceeOing,;self-help, reboOsaiiion or any ether. rnetitdd..:W:-C.ny cr :OI'Briroveir or by an tOVBilimenial 'acianeyngriiitat Vrty:.oellatiiiit'securing loan: This inotu a `garnishrrieniotany.orBerrowar's;accounts, i'holuding deposit, acootints,. With:Laridiar Hoy.:eirer.thiS'EVent of. Oplatiitshalinot. apply tI ttie reason of the :Claim V:1■50 is basis' Ofthe' forteitbre,prodeeding. :arid 1038rioWer''givos Lender written 'nclifcbor the cridfierOr forleifuni pickeeding and:deposifS' Wittr:Lerider monies or a surety; bond for the , cieditor es. forfeiture preeeeding;insan arnount'doterrnineri.by.'lender; in its soladiscretion..eS being art•atfer;itate reserve.orhond'fOr the Events AliedtIng Guam Any of t1te'prerfing occurs ;yip? respect to.'arri,gUaranter;Oricfaiier,"SiiiillY,..cie'adearirmtidetion:0$riii Of any • of ineincrebradhassP6r any.buaranbar,..enderser, siiroty . cir.acComirrxidetion:Oarty ci.s or ecomes ncompotent-.or royo fis Ot disppies Mayalidity 0t.;:oftiaPT6 YndlIT.... OiderICO:17/ this •Ni?tp, Option; .r:e4irlied.16, the bliplOtc,r thadbligatior&.eriaing Under the:guarantY:ih a tionneisatisfactory.to'Lender, Eierit of De?auti. Change. . A ritatailet-Adverse ch,ange Occifis_ In Bonowprs.finOndal 'dondicioff: or .1:ender : b01 he prospecf Pt ...Payment or. Cure ProvIslors. If:any: defetA. other doitairrfi in ifrflorrbWei'fias hiet',. been :giVieri" tAaeh aline same Nore,Witniry rnp'pracaciinjt;o:elve (12)Trrtenthsi,..it:Iiity (id - ot:Oefoutt hziliia•b6cuirea)11: Borrower: after, PROMISSORY NOTE (Continued) Page 2 "receiving written notice from Lender demanding cure of Such defatiu '(1) : cures the default within•lilteen (15) days: or : (2) 11 Itie. cute.- requires_ mane: than fifteen (15) days, Irisnefiately:initiates. steps Wnicit Lender deems to Lender sole• discretion to be sut'Icient'to 'Ore the:defeutt and' thereafter continues and computes. all.roasoriable and.nocessary steps 0uitictent to produce mpl coiance: as :soon as'reasOrlabrly practical: ,LENDER'SiRIGHTS: Upon default, 1:endsr Cue, and tfien Borrower will pay tliri ariiount: " .ATTORNEYS' FEES; EXPENSES. Lerrder:niay hire orpay son none' else to help coilect:lhis if Borrrnirer does not pay...Borrower>wd1 pa•Landeri :that amount; This Includes,•subject to. limits tinder applicable taw; Lenders ett.inays: fees aria Lender's: legal expenses, Wheltter or not there'is:a. lawsuit, including attorneys •fees, expenses for ban:2rup ;cy proceedings (lncluding eftorts to modify or vacate. any aiitomeifc!stay or ;lnjunctionj „and; appeals: 11- prohibited by applicable law, Borrower also -will pay:any.ceurt costs, in addi t in to alhothar sums provided b1! taw_ .GOVERNING LAW. This Note will:bo governed by cons trued and:enforced I n accordance vrIth•federal law and the:•laws' "ol.the State , of - Washington. This Note has been accepted by.Lender, in the State ol'Wash{ngton. LL CHOICE OF VENUE. If Mere is a lawsuit, Borrower.ag,oes, upon Lender's:requeslito.submttto the jurisdictionoi•the courts :of SPOKANE, County; State - a'Wasii ngfa ; -DISHONORED 'ITEM FEE. Borrower Wffl ; jay-'. a : tee t& Lend of. $20.00 'if Borre::er makes a payment on Borroinor"s loan` and iho chock: or: 'preauthoriied charge with which Borrower. pays Is .later - 'RIGHT OF SETOFF, To the extent pomuttedby applicable law; Lender'reservas a right of :•setolf'in all Borrower's accounts - with Lender (Whethi :checking, savings, or some other accotinq: This includes altaccounts :6orrowerholds- jointly with someone else and all.accourns Borrower maY open.in Bie: future: t'.avever, this does not include,any IRA or Kieogti' accounts; or any trus1'accounts fo'r'which. setod would , oe - prohlbi a by -lav ' BOrntrWell. authorizes Lerider, to the extenl•perrr5tted•by applicatee lour; to charge fir. setoftall-aums - o'iruig on the debt against any ariil such accounts: UNE.OF CREDIT, This Note evidences a revolving tine of :credit. M aneas'under th s•Ncto may be requested either'oraily.or.in "writing by borrower'or. as provided :fn this.paiagraph :. Lender may iwt rioad'. not; .require that all oral'requests be'confimmed.in All oorrimunicatrons Ins;rucions;`or :directions"by telephone or otherwise to- Lender are to be d'recte:t,to Lender's :ellica shown above. 'The. following "poison currently Lti,.aulheiizr3rlao. . request advances - arid authorize paymonts, nder..iho line. of- credit until Lender receives borrower, at Lender',, address shown ;above, written novice 01 cevocatiori at his or her authority,' the City'sFinance Director; or such person IS maybe subsequently 'ditiignatect by appropriate action of the City Council: •Borro. er agrees to be ali•sums othher (A) , advancod irt-accordance wfth'ihe insiructrons of art aiiiierizedporson or (E) crested to any of Borrowers . accounts :vith .Lender: '1 he unpaid principal balance', owing on this Ncte.'at any ,tme gray be evfdcnced• by 'e.ricioratimeittS this Note or by Lerder's interrtalrocords, �cluding.daily computer print ou s. Lender will have no oblig tbn. to'Rdvarx.e turd .finder; tttis: Jr. (A) : Borrower or any guarantor; is' in default under :the terms.01 this N_ ote or any nent•that Borrower of any gtrarantor with Lender; . tnd uding arry made in cornectlon frith the of this Note; • (B) iBorrower •or-any guarantor coases•doiing business or .is lnsotvant (Cr, any"Trarantor seeks, clainis or othonvfsu :attomnts to,lirnit ::modity..ot revoke siicti' gtia {enter's.guarenteo..efrhls Noie cif any dinar Lender cu Lr • (D). Borrower has applied-funds provided: pursuant, this Nato-for purposes • ether Ihien.thosa authorized' by Larxfar. ,ADDmCNAL PROVISIONS TO SUCCESSOR iWRESTS PARAGRAPH:. ' Tax• Exemptlo 'The.City- has. covenanted to undertake allloctions rootilred'to. mai 'tax= exernpt ;of interest on the Note under Seetion:103 otthe: :Code., The City has designated. the "Noto"as:•a °qualltled.tax,exempt ob on _ n! :under "Sectl 255(b)(3) of the Code for banks "half: institutions, and other. financial Ins;itutlons: Y • Tran'sfer•Lirnitallon: Tills Note Is onlytransferablo within limitations - imposed ad: n agreed' to by:the ;Registered Owner in the Certificate :ol;investigation by P.urchascrat Private Sale.and the requirenents oftho•Code: - Y The Registered Owner of this Note will be required -lo represent that it Intends•ao acquire the. Note and .hold 10 maturity, and will sign a Certificate investigation by Purchaser ;at •Private Sale to `acknowledge the restr,lcilens on: the• transier of the _Note. it will be the Registered . Owner's responsibility to have any prospectfvetransfer_ee execute similar Ccitllieate, and•to veritythat any pospectIve purchaser meets ;alb of the requirements then in place to have:and hold the Notc. SUCCESSOR INTERESTS. The terms of this Note:shall•bo binding upon ,Bcrrower,san n: r d :upoenewer ," s heirs personal reppresentati.os,�stiocessors: and,essigns, and Coati inure 10 time banelit of Lander ;and i:aaucao 1;c :_ : and ossigris :" GENERAL PROVISIONS: nits Note is payable ;on dernndt: The'fncliraiditbf specific default provisions.or rights et'Lender shall nct,ptactude Lenders right to declaro•payment of this'Note on its demand. Lender may.datay or iorgo•enlorcing any of its rights• or remedies under this Note wihout them. 13txre .er and any other person iho >sigris, guarantees or•endorses this Note;• to; die- extent: ellowed law,-waivo presentment „dernarid :for payment, and nonce of cishanor: Upon any �chi,�'e: an in the tanrts ;of'this`Note ;aril unless ;c ?h@ruisa e xpiessty,statod Itt writing, no party who signs this Note, whothes as maker, guarantor, accommodation maker Or endorser, shall beireleased•.tram liability: All such parties agree that Lender rnay'renew. or extend (repeatedly and-tor any tength.ol timo) this, toan:,or rekiasO any party 'or guarantor or cclltiterat; or impair; fall: q realize upon or perfect. Len security,interostlit tiro collateral ;•an l tako,any otn'er action deemed necessary by: w ithout ttie consent•& or nottce.10 r nyone • All :such parties also agree tl- Lendet • rnay _madly this loan. »iftxrvt .the cor►seni of or riot~ a to enyene c her.thran"l ie parry with xhom the modiflcatien w mallet The obiigauoras:unrder Noto aro : jdntend several, 1 1 4 PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS NOTE. BORROVtiER'READ'ANO ALL :THE FloyistpRs OE THIS INCLUDING THE VARIADLE INTEREST RATE PROVISION BORROWER AGREE:4 THE TERMS:OF.THENOTE: BORROWER ttCKNOWLEDGES-RECEIPT OF A COMPLETED CORY t6iitiOWEA. „ dm? . 60 K4NE . • N.,. •-: ' Michael • Mayior, of City of Spokane PROMI NOTE (Continued) c-- t7,414 A:11" Page 3', ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: C:SE3ob El?.ngcndn bill 1003447.doc 2/21/2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -047 I DATE ACTION IS TITLE: TYPE OF ACTION: REQUESTED: Organization, Interpretation, Fees, and Enforcement of Codes X Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUN PACKET: Resolution ATTACHMENTS: City Manager Ordinance No. 43 Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim Building Official Robert Ely STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE. A MOTION TO: Move to suspend the rules, advance to second reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 43. DISCUSSION: This Ordinance clarifies the organization, interpretation, fee schedule, and enforcement responsibility and operations needed for the Building Department. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. t/- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION, INTER.PRI TATION, FEE SCHEDULE AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE UNIFORM CODES ADOPTED BY THE CiTY. WHEREAS, following the adoption of the Uniform Codes by the City, it is necessary to provide for administrative matters such as organization, interpretation, permit issuance and enforcement of the Uniform Codes; and WILEREAS, this Ordinance will both provide for the administration of the codes, as well as, their enforcement with the City of Spokane Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Designation and Responsibility of Building Official. Pursuant to the Uniform Building Code, the Director of the Building Department is designated as the Building Official for the City of Spokane Valley and is authorized to enforce the provisions of the Uniform Codes adopted by the City, as well as, those other regulations, policies and matters that relate to buildings and structures within the City. The Building Official is authorized to take all acts necessary and reasonable in order to implement and enforce the codes and laws relating to buildings and structures. The Building Official in order to perform the duties set forth in the laws referenced herein may, from time to time, issue and record with the Spokane County Auditor's Office Notices of Violation regarding a specific site. Prior to such action, reasonable efforts to gain compliance with the laws of the City have been pursued between the City Building Official and the property owner or his representative. The Building Official shall transmit to the Spokane County Assessor a copy of all permits issued under the Uniform Building Code for construction or alteration of work. with a total cost or fair market value in excess of $500.00. Monthly, the Building Official shall transmit a copy of the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Report of Building or Zoning Permits issued and local public construction or equivalent to the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. Section 2. Conflicts Between Codes. In case of conflict between the Building Code, the Mechanical Code, the Fire Code and the Plumbing Code, the first above named code shall govern all those following. In case of conflicts between other codes adopted by the City, the code or provision that is most restrictive, as determined by the Building Official, shall apply. The Building Official in making determinations shall refer to and may rely upon opinions issued by the State Building Code Council. Pace l CADocuments and SettingslrmulleALocal Servings \Temporary Internet Filcs10LK 1 I \Ordinance No. ORGI.doc Section 3. Interpretation. Whenever there are practical difficulties or unreasonable hardships created as a result of enforcing any of the laws of the City that relate to buildings or structures, the Building Official may grant modifications on a case by case basis provided the Building Official makes findings stating reasons that make the strict application of the laws (or codes) impractical, that modification complies with the intent and purpose of the laws, does not lessen any fire protection requirements or any degree of structural integrity and does not negate any other health or safety requirement of the City. In making such determinations, the Building Official may rely upon the special expertise, education or knowledge of others including representatives of the property owner. A modification of a standard contained within a uniform code or other law of the City by the Building Official at the request of a property owner or agent, shall not result in any liability or obligation on behalf of the City of Spokane Valley to any person or property. The property owner or representative who makes such a request assumes responsibility for all modifications and by making such a request waives any and all claims for costs, damages or expenses that arise from such building or structure modification. Section 4. Modification of Uniform Building Code. The responsibility and authority for developing recommendations for modifying, amending and monitoring the effectiveness of the Uniform Codes, as amended, may be delegated to City Council Committee according to Council Rules. The Council Committee shall work with the City Manager, designated staff and others in order to adopt and maintain the building and construction codes in a manner consistent with the local and State interest. The Council shall periodically review the Uniform Codes, as amended, and modify and amend the same from time to time, as necessary. Section 5. Adoption of Administrative Rules. The City Council recognizes the Uniform Building Code delegates and vests responsibility in the Building Official of the City pursuant to Section 106.4(a) of the Uniform Building Code. In order to perform and exercise the authority and responsibility set forth in the Uniform Building Code, the City Council authorizes the City Manager and designee to promulgate rules, policies and procedures as deemed necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this ordinance and provide for the efficient operation of the Building Department and permit process. Al rules, policies and procedures adopted shall be in writing and be available for public inspection either in the office of the City-Clerk or the Building Official. Section 6. Fee Schedule. All fee schedules relating to permits or expenses associated with buildings and structures shall be established through City Council Resolution. Section 7. Hearing Examiner — Appeal. All appeals of a Building Official determination or appeals authorized by the Uniform Codes as to suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction plus any and other related rulings, interpretations or enforcement actions of the Building Official shall be made to the City Board of Appeals as established by ordinance. Appeals of the findings of the Board of Appeals will be to the Hearing Examiner. Section 8. Violations and Penalties. The violation of any Uniform Code or other law of the City relating to buildings or structures, or the conditions of approval on a permit issued by the City shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of not more Page 2 C:\Documenis and ScttingslnnullerlLocul Servings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK 1 I1Ordinance No. ORG1.doc than $1,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 9. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs • in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Mayor, Michael DeVlemine Page 3 C:1Documents and Settings smul IcALocal Settings\Temporary. Internet Filcs1OLK 1110rdinance No. ORG I.doc DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: TITLE: TYPE OF ACTION: Mechanical Codes, etc. APPROVED FOR X Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: COU L PACKET: Ordinance No. 42 Resolution City Manager Motion Dept. tI:ead Other Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: interim Building Official Robert Ely STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Move to suspend the rules, advance to second reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 42. DISCUSSION: This will allow the adoption of standard building codes for construction in the City. ALTS RNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: 021136 E1yingcnda bill 2003.04S.dnc 2!21!2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -048 r CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE. COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 1 7 1 � AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE UNI.FORM MECHANICAL CODE, UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, STATE ENERGY CODE, WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE, WASHINGTON STATE HISTORIC BUILDING CODE, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, UNIFORM BUILDING SECURITY CODE AND UNIFORM SIGN CODE AS THE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR THE CiTY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures within the State of Washington, the City is required to adopt uniform codes that establish minimum performance standards for construction that contain recognized standards of engineering; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is in the best interest of the public health, safety and general welfare to establish comprehensive and uniform requirements for the construction of buildings within the City of Spokane Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section I. Authority to Adopt Uniform Codes. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020, 35A.12.140, RCW 19.27.031 and RCW 19.27A.015 the following are adopted by reference as the minimum regulations of the City, governing buildings and structures and shall be the codes of the City, as amended, and set forth in this ordinance. A. Uniform Mechanical Code. The 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code published by the International Conference of Building Officials with the exceptions noted in WAC Chapter 51 -42. 13. Uniform Plumbing Code. Except as provided in RCW 19.27.170, the 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards with appendices to both, excluding Chapters 11, 12 and 15 and requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code relating to venting and combustion of air of fuel fired appliances as found in Chapter 5 and those portions of the code addressing building as published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and implemented through WAC Chapters 51 -56 and Chapter 51 -57. Page 1 PAOrdinanccs \Mech- p1mbg, ctc. code ord..doc 1 C. State Energy Code. The Washington State Residential Energy Code as set forth in WAC Chapter 51 -11. D. Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code. The Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code as adopted by WAC 51 -13. E. Washington State Historic Building Code. The Washington State Historic Building Code as adopted by WAC Chapter 51 -19. F. National Electrical Code. The National Electrical Code, 1999 Edition, as published by the National Fire Protection Association including the laws, rules and regulations for installing electrical wiring and equipment, issued by the Electrical Board pursuant to RCW Chapter 19.28 as presently existing and subsequently amended, and the Washington Administrative Code Chapters 296 -43 (heating installations), Chapter 296 -45 (safety standards electrical workers), and Chapter 296 -46A (safety standards - electrical wires and equipment). G. Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. The Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous buildings (UCADB) 1997 Edition, as published by the international Conference of Building Officials. H. Uniform Housing Code. The Uniform Housing Code (UHC) 1997 Edition, as published by the .International Conference of Building Officials. 1. Uniform Building Security Code. The Uniform Building Security Code (USBC), 1997 Edition, as published by the international Conference of Building Officials. J. Uniform Sign Code. The Uniform Sign Code (USC), 1997 Edition, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials subject to the amendment set forth in this ordinance. Section 2. Uniform Sign Code - Section 210 amended — Marquee. Section 210 of the Uniform Sign Code is amended as follows: Section 210 Marquee. A marquee is a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building, providing protection from the weather elements, but does not include a projecting roof. For the purposes of this Chapter, a freestanding permanent roof - like structure providing protection from the weather elements, such as a service station gas pump island, shall be considered a marquee. Section 3. Uniform Codes — Copies on File. The City Clerk, or designee, is to maintain one copy of the above codes on file in the offices of the City of Spokane Valley. Section 4. Liability. The intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance is adopted to protect the health, safety and welfare of Page 2 P:1OrdinancesWech•ptmbg. etc. code ord..doc the general public and is not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 5. Severability. if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a sununary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effecti Date: Page 3 P:\Ordinnnce5U4ech- plmbg, etc, code ord..doc Mayor, Michael DeVleming DATE ACTION IS TITLE: REQUESTED: APPROVED FOR Attorney Approve As To Form Fire Code TYPE OF ACTION: X Ordinance ATTACI {MENTS: COU►.,' IL PACKET: Ordinance No. 41 Resolution City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other SUBMITTED BY: Interim Building Official Robert Ely STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Move to suspend the rules, advance to second reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 41. DISCUSSION: This will allow the adoption of standard fire codes, with some addendums, for construction and operations in the City. ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: C:UIMPagcnda bill 2003.049.doc 2/21/2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -049 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. it / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AS THE FIRE REGULATIONS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures within the State of Washington, the City is required to adopt uniform codes that establish minimum performance standards for construction that contain recognized standards of engineering; WHEREAS, the State of Washington through RCW 19.27.031 has declared that there shall be in effect in all counties and cities the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards published by the International Fire Code Institute provided that the City is authorized to amend the code, as it applies within the jurisdiction of the City, so long as minimum performance standards relating to fire and life safety are not reduced; and WHEREAS, the City desires to adopt the Uniform Fire Code as amended by this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Authority to Adopt Uniform Fire Code. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020, 35A.12.140 and RCW 19.27.031, the City adopts the 1997 Edition of.the Uniform Fire Code, including Appendix II -F, Protected Above Ground Tanks for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Stations Outside Buildings, and Appendix II -J Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids in Tanks Located Within Below -Grade Vaults, published by the International Fire Code Institute and the Uniform Fire Code Standards and Appendix I -A, 1 -C, iI -A, II -B, 11 -C, II -E, II -G, II-H, 1I1 -A, I11 -B, 111 -1), IV -B, V -A, Vi -A, VI -B, VI -E, and VII -B as published by the Western Fire Chiefs Association as further adopted, modified and amended through WAC Chapters 51 -44 and 51 -45 and this ordinance. Section 2. Uniform Fire Code - Section 105.3 amended - Application for Permit. Section 105.3 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: 105.3 Application for Permit. Applications for permits shall be made to the City of Spokane Valley in such form and detail as required by the Building Department. Applications for permits shall be accompanied by such plans as required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. All applications for fire department permits received by the City shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Fire Prevention for consideration of approval. Page 1 C:VDucuments and Settings\rmullcr\Loca1 Settings\ cmporary Internet Filcs101.K I I'Ordinanec No. FC I .doc 105.3.1 Permit Fees. Fees for Fire Code Permits, plan check, or any other fire service shall be established through City Council Resolution. 105.3.2 Fire Code Pen Term. Fire Code Permits are either temporary, pertaining to an activity or process that will last a specific period of time, usually less than 30 days, or annual. All annual permits will expire one year from the date of issuance. 105.8 Permit may be required. A permit, if required, shall be obtained from the Building Department, with approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, prior to engaging in the following activities, operations, practices, or functions: Section 3. Uniform Fire Code - Section 901.4.2 amended - Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Section 901.4.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: 901.4.2 Fire apparatus access roads. When required by the Fire Marshal, approved signs or other notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof as follows: 1. All designated fire lanes shall be clearly marked by the property owner in the following manner: Vertical curbs shall be painted six (6 ") inches in height and shall be painted red on the top and side, extending the length of the designated fire lane with four inch (4 ") white block lettering stenciled on the face "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE ". The stenciling shall be spaced every fifty feet (50'). Rolled curbs or surfaces without curbs shall have a six inch (6 ") wide stripe painted that extends the length of the designated fire lane with four inch (4 ") white block lettering stenciled on the stripe "NO PARKING - FiRE LANE. The stenciling shall be spaced every fifty feet (50'). Signs may be substituted for curb painting when approved in writing by the Fire Marshal. 3. Signs shall be not less than eighteen inches (18 ") in height by twelve inches (12 ") in width, with block lettering of not less than three inches (3 ") high brush stroke, reading: "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE'. Such signs shall be reflective in nature, with red lettering on a white background, and spaced at intervals of not less than fifty feet (50') apart. The top of such signs shall not be less than four feet (4'), nor more than six feet (6') from the ground. Signs may be placed on buildings when approved in writing by the Fire Marshal. When posts are required, they shall be constructed of either two inch (2 ") or greater galvanized steel, or four inch by four inch (4" x 4 ") or greater pressure treated wood. 4. The Fire Marshal may approve deviations from any of the specifications when approved in writing by the Fire Marshal. 5. Existing signs may be allowed to remain until the Fire Marshal determines that a need for replacement exists based on the legibility or other deterioration of the Page 2 C:1Docwncnts and Settingslrmullcr\I.ocal Settings\Tcmporary Internet Filcslol,K 1 ROrdinance No, FCI.doc existing signs. Such replacement shall occur within 30 days of receiving written notification of the deficiency. 6. Fire lanes shall be established and maintained to clearly identify the designated area as a fire lane, at the sole expense of the property owner. The property owner shall have completed the required establishment or maintenance of fire lanes within 30 days of receiving written notification that such is necessary. 7. At the entrance to the property where fire lanes have been designated, signs shall be posted in a clearly conspicuous location, and shall clearly state that vehicles parked in fire lanes may be impounded, and the name, telephone number, and address of the towing firm where the vehicle may be redeemed. 8. The owner, manager, or person in charge of any property upon which any designed fire lane has been established shall be responsible to prevent the parking of vehicles in such fire lanes by informing the appropriate towing company of the violation. If the lane is blocked by any other obstructions, the owner, managed or person in charge of the property shall attempt to remove the obstruction, and if unable, shall inform the fire department that the obstruction exists. 9. All criminal violations of the Uniform Fire Code and obstruction of a fire apparatus road may be enforced by any regular or reserve police officer of the Police Department. 10. All residential, commercial, or industrial developments shall be constructed with their access points containing locking gates in a manner which includes the installation of an emergency vehicle pre - emption system to open all such gates and allow for immediate entry of emergency vehicles into the development. Such system shall be a priority control system that employs data - encoded infrared communication to identity the emergency response vehicle. The type of system to be installed must be compatible with the traffic signal priority control system used in the City of Spokane Valley. The design and final installation must be approved by the City of Spokane Valley. Further, such system must be maintained in proper working order by the owners of the development or a homeowners or business owners association. 11. The Fire Chief, fire Marshal and such other commissioned personnel of the Fire Department as designated by the Fire Chief and approved by the City Manager, shall have the authority to issue infractions for violations of the Uniform Fire Code on forms provided by the Chief of Police for such purposes. Section 4. Uniform Fire Code - Section 901.4.4 amended - Premises Identification. Section 901.4.4 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: 901.4.4 Premises Identification. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided for all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the Page 3 C:\Documents and Settingslrmuller\Local scttingslTernporary Internet Files \OLK1 IlOrdinance No. FCI.doc street or road fronting the property. All numbers and /or letters shall be no less than four (4) inches with a contrasting color background. The Building Official or the Fire Marshal may require larger numbers where large complexes and/or buildings are present, or where otherwise necessary to assure visibility. Section 5. Uniform Fire Code - Section 902.2.1.1 added - Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Section 902.2.1.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: 902.2.1.1 Sprinklers Required. Fire sprinklers are required in all buildings that are served by a primary access road that is in excess of 15 per cent grade for more that 200 feet. Section 6. Uniform Fire Code - Section 902.2.2.6 — Grade. 902.2.2.6 Grade. The gradient for the fire apparatus access road shall not exceed the maximum approved. Any building served by a lire apparatus access road in excess of 15 per cent grade for 200 feet or more must have automatic fire sprinklers installed. Section 7. Uniform Fire Code - Section 1001.5.3.1 - Problematic Systems and Systems Out of Service. Section 1001.5.3.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: 1001.5.3.1 Problematic Systems and Systems Out of Service. Repeated system malfunction false alarms in any given six month period shall be subject to fines as outlined in the City of Spokane Valley fee Resolution. During the malfunction and such owner or occupant shall provide an approved means of notification to the Fire Department for emergency purposes. If a Fire Watch person is designated, their duty is to patrol the premises and keep watch for emergencies. Section 8. Uniform Fire Code - Section 1003.1.1 - installation Requirements. Section 1003.1.1 Uniform Fire Code is amended by the adding of the following: 1003.1.1 General. A sign shall be installed next to the fire alarm bell designating "Call the Fire Department if the Bell is Ringing" with letters of least four inches on a red background. All fire sprinkler systems shall be monitored by a certified company with a system that will notify the local 911 telephone system and be approved by the Fire Marshal Section 9. Uniform Fire Code - Section 1003.2.2 - Automatic Sprinklers Re uired. Section 1003.2.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 1003.2.2 All Occupancies except Group U Occupancies. Except for Group U Occupancies, an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed: 5. Throughout all buildings three or more stories in height except Group R, Page 4 C:1Documcnts and SettingslrmulIer\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files \OLK1 I\Ordinance No. FCI.doc Division 3. For the purpose of this section a floor shall be any level of a building that is occupied for any reason. 6, Throughout all buildings, including R, Division 3, where the total floor area, including basements, exceeds 8,000 square feet. For the purposes of this section, portions of buildings separated by one or more area separation walls will not be considered a separate building. Existing buildings shall comply with this section when an addition is made to the building and the total floor area, including the basements, or the existing building and the addition combined exceeds 8,000 square feet. if an R, Division 3, occupancy addition contributes to the building exceeding 8,000 square feet, then only the addition will be required to have a sprinkler system. Section 10. Section 1003.2.9 Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. Section 1003.2.9 of the Group R, Division 1 Occupancies of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 1003.2.9 Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout every condominium, apartment house, hotel or motel three stories in height or containing 10 or more dwelling units or guest rooms and every congregate residence two or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 10 or more. For the purpose of this section any floor that is occupied for any reason is considered a story and portions of buildings separated by one or more separation walls will not be considered a separate building. Residential or quick response standard sprinklers shall be used in the dwelling and guest room portions of the building. Section 11. Section 1007 Fire Alarm Systems - General. Section 1007.2.1.3 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: Section 1007.2.1.3 Monitored automatic fire alarm systems are required in: A. Buildings of all occupancies except R3 and U shall be equipped with an approved monitored automatic fire alarm system at the time of construction or when remodeling is in excess of fifty percent (50 %) of the accessed value or when the uses change to a more hazardous use, as determined by the Fire Chief. Exception: An alarm need not be installed in multiple residence dwellings, hotels or motels constructed all on one floor when individual dwelling or guest units are separated by at least one hour fire resistant separations and each unit has a direct exit to a yard or public way, nor in retail or conunercial occupancies with a floor area less than three thousand (3,000) square feet. Provided, that any building which has installed an approved sprinkler system wherein the sprinkler system and control valve have been equipped to automatically transmit an alarm by approved means to the Fire Department, will not be required to comply with the requirement for installation of an approved and maintained fire protection system under this section. 13. 1. All occupancies to which this chapter applies exceeding 3,000 square Page 5 C:\D cements and Settingslrmullertl , ocal Settingsl'I'cmporary Internet Filcs\OLK 1 I \Ordinanoc No. FC I.doc feet gross floor area, except Group R, Division 3 and U occupancies, shall be required to provide an approved monitored automatic fire detection system, and occupancies protected through an approved monitored sprinkler system may utilize a fire detection system without heat detectors. 2. A monitored fire detection system shall meet the following requirements: a. The system shall be supervised and UL approved; b. The system shall have dual lines; c. The system shall have a data test signal or be line supervised; and d. Tape recorders shall not be utilized. Section 12. Section 1102.3.1 Open Burning — General. Section 1102.3.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 1102.3.1 General. Opening burning shall not be conducted at any time in compliance with a permanent ban on open burning established by the Spokane County Pollution Control Authority in Spokane. Exception: Barbecue and other cooking fires in accordance with Section 1102.4 and Section 1102.5. Section 13. Section 7701.7.2 - amended - Limits established by law. Section 7701.7.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 7701.7.2 Limits as Established by Law. The storage of explosive materials is prohibited within the limits of the City, except in zoning classifications 1 -1, 1 -2, I -3, MZ, EA and GA provided the written consent of the Fire Marshal is obtained identifying the quantity of explosive material, type of magazine for storage and type of building in which the explosives are stored. Section 14. Section 7801.3.1.1 - amended — Manufacturing. Section 7801.3.1.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 7801.3.1.1 Manufacturing. The manufacturing of fireworks is prohibited within the limits of the City. Section 15. Section 7802.3 - amended — Prohibited. Section 7802.3 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 7802.3 Prohibited. The storage, use, sales and handling of fireworks is prohibited. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The use of fireworks for display is allowed as set forth in Section 7802.4. Page 6 C :1Doeuments and Scttingslrmullerll.ocal Settings \Temporary Internet Filcs\OLK 1 I\Ordinancc No. FC1.doc Section 16. Section 7902.2.2.1 and Section 7904. amended - Locations where Above Ground Tanks are Prohibited. Section 7902.2.2.1 and Section 7904. of the Uniform Fire Code are amended as follows: Section 7902.2.2.1 Locations where Above Ground Tanks are Prohibited. The storage of Class I and Class I1 flammable liquids in above ground tanks in excess of 100 gallons is prohibited within the limits of the City. In particular, installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Fire Chief, in writing, after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions, nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the Fire Department. Section 7904. Locations where Above Ground Tanks are Prohibited. The storage of Class 1 and Class 11 flammable liquids in above ground tanks in excess of 100 gallons is prohibited within the limits of the City. In particular installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Fire Chief, in writing, after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions, nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection t be provided, and facilities of the Fire Department. Section 17. Section 8204.2 - amended - Maximum Capacity within Established Limits. Section 8204.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 8204.2 Maximum Capacity within Established Limits. The aggregate capacity of any one installation shall not exceed 2,000 gallons water capacity, except that in particular installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Fire Chief after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions, nature of the occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the Fire Department. Section 18. Severability_. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstihrtionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 19. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Mayor, Michael DeVleming Page 7 C:1Docu.mcnts and Settingslnnullet\t.oc ii SettingslTemporary Internet Files101.k1 llOrdinancc No. FCI.doc ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Page 8 C:IDocumenis and Scnings1rmuller\Local ScningsVrcmporary Internet Filcst0l.K 1 I10rdinance No. FC 1.doc DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: TITLE: Building Code APPROVED FOR TYPE OF ACTION: X Ordinance AVEACHMENTS: CO IL PACKET: Ordinance No. 40 Resolution City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim :Building Official Robert Ely STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Move to suspend the rules, advance to second reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 40. DISCUSSION: This will allow the adoption of a standard building code, with some addendums, for safe construction throughout the City. ALTERNATIVES: FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Ca3ob Ely1iigenda hill 2003 -050.doc 2121/2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -050 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS THE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; and \WHEREAS, to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures within the State of Washington, the City is required to adopt uniform codes that establish minimum performance standards for construction that contain recognized standards of engineering; WWrHEREAS, the State of Washington through RCW 19.27.031 has declared that there shall be in effect in all counties and cities the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards published by the International Conference of Building Officials provided that the City is authorized to amend the code, as it applies within the jurisdiction of the City, so long as minimum performance standards relating to fire and life safety are not reduced; and WHEREAS, the City desires to adopt the Uniform Building Code as amended by this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1.. Authority to Adopt Uniform Building, Code. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020, 35A.12.140 and RCW 19.27.031 the City adopts the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code as published by the International Conference of Building Officials and available from the International Conference of Building Officials at 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 as modified and amended both by the Washington State Building Council through WAC Chapter 51 -40 and this ordinance. Section 2. Uniform Building Code - Section 109.1 amended - Use and Occupancy. Section 109.1 of the Uniform Building Code is amended as follows: 109.1 Use and Oecuaancv. No building or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall he made until the Building Official has issued a certificate of occupancy as provided herein. Exception: Group U Occupancies Section 3. Uniform .Building Code - Section 110 added - Hours of Construction and Construction Noise. Section 110 of the Uniform Building Code is amended as follows: Page 1 C:lDocumcnts and SettineslrmullcriLocal Settinp„s1Tempomry Internet Filcs \OLKI l\Ordintuice Nv. DC Revised 2- I9 -03,doc 1 10 Hours of Construction and Construction noise. 110.1 Noise prohibited. a. It is unlawful for any person to make, continue, cause to be made or allow to originate from real property in the possession of said person, any sound of construction which creates a unreasonable noise disturbance. b. For the purpose of this section, the following sounds are declared to be noise disturbances: (1) Sounds created which originates frequently, repetitively, or continuously from any building, structure, or property which annoy or - disturbs the peace, comfort or repose of a reasonable person of normal sensitivity. (2) This section shall not apply to special construction projects which have been issued a permit which specifically allows an exception to noise level and hours. 110.2 Hours of Construction. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the activities and construction noise regulated by this ordinance shall be limited to the following hours: (1) Monday through Fridays (2) Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Section 4. Uniform Buildink Code - Section 310.2.2 amended - Construction Height and Allowable areas. Section 310.2.2 of the Uniform Building Code is amended as follows: 310.2.2 Special Provisions. Notwithstanding other provisions of this code, Group R. Division 1 occupancies shall not be less than one hour fire resistance construction throughout. Exterior balconies extending beyond the floor area as defined by Section 203 shall be constructed of non- combustible materials or as combustible one -hour fire resistant occupancy separation between units. Storage or laundry rooms that are within Group R Division 1 occupancies that are used in common by tenants shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than one -hour fire resistant occupancy separation. For Group R Division 1 occupancies with a Group S Division 4 parking garage in the basement or first floor, see Section 311.2.2.2. For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Section 708.3. Exterior and interior doors and windows opening onto a common corridor, stairway, or similar area serving 5 or more dwelling units shall be protected as specified in Section 1005. Page 2 C:1Documents and Seuingslrnruller\Local Seuings\Temporary Internet Files1OLK 1 I \Ordinance No. BC Revised 2- 19- 03.doc Section 5. Section 904.2.2 All occupancies except Group R Division 3, and Group U Occupancies. Section 904.2.2 of the Uniform Building Code is amended as follows: 904.2.2 All occupancies except Group U occupancies. Except for Group U occupancies, an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed: 5. Throughout all buildings of three stories or more in height except Group R, Division 3. For the purpose of this section a floor shall be any level of a building that is occupied for any reason. 6. Throughout all buildings where the total floor area, including basements, exceeds 8,000 square feet. For the purposes of this section, portions of buildings separated by one or more area separation walls will not be considered a separate building. Existing buildings shall comply with this section when an addition is made to the building and the total floor area, including the basements, or the existing building and the addition combined exceeds 8,000 square feet. If an R Division 3 occupancy addition contributes to the building exceeding 8,000 square feet, then only the addition will be required to have a sprinkler system. 7. Throughout every condominium, apartment house, hotel or motel three stories in height or containing 10 or more dwelling units or guest rooms and every congregate residence two or more stories in height which has an occupant load of 10 or more. For the purpose of this section any floor that is occupied for any reason is considered a story and portions of buildings separated by one or more separation walls will not be considered a separate building. Residential or quick response standard sprinklers shall be used in the dwelling and guest portions of the building. 8. [Deleted] Section 6. Uniform Building Code - Appendix Section 3312.1 — Cuts. Section 3312.1 in the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code is amended as follows: 3312.1 General. Unless otherwise recommended in the approved soils engineering or engineering geology report, cuts shall conform to the provision of this section. If walls or rockeries are needed for retaining cuts or fills or supporting buildings, they will be constructed under Washington State Department of Transportation standards. Keystone (concrete block) over four (4) feet to be engineered. Rockeries (rock and gravity block wall) will be required to meet Washington State Department of Transportation standards for six (6) feet and over. All rockeries and walls shall have a drain system as required for foundations. In the absence of an approved soils engineering report, the provisions may be waived for minor cuts if in the opinion of the Building Official there would not be an erosion problem. Page 3 C:1Documcnts and SettingslrmullertLocal ScttingsVrempotary Internet Files\OLKI I\Ordinanoc No. BC Revised 2- 19- 03.doc Section 7. Uniform Building Code. - Amend Appendix section 421.1, Outdoor Swimming Pool. Section 421.1, Item 1 of the Uniform Building Code, Appendix Section 421.1 is amended as follows: 1. The top of the barrier shall be at least 60 inches above grade measures on the side of the barrier that faces away from the swimming pool. The maximum vertical clearance between grade and bottom of the barrier shall be 2 inches (51 mm) measured on the side of the barrier that faces away from the swimming pool. The maximum vertical clearance at the bottom of the barrier may be increased to 4 inches (102 mm) when grade is a solid surface such as a concrete deck, or when the barrier is mounted on the top of the aboveground pool structure. When barriers have horizontal members spaced less that 45 inches (1143 mm) apart, the horizontal members shall be placed on the pool side of the barrier. Any decorative design such as protrusions, indentations or cutouts, which render the barrier easily climbable, is prohibited. EXCEPTION: R Division 3 occupancy pools may be 48 inches. Section 8. Uniform Building Code — Amend Appendix Chapter 34 Life Safety Requirements. Chapter 34 is amended by the addition of Sections 3413, 3414 and 3415 on Drug Properties and Structures as follows: Section 3413 — Drug Properties and Structures. 1. It is hereby declared that any building, structure and/or associated property wherein or upon which the manufacture, distribution, production or storage of illegal drugs or the precursors to create illegal drugs has taken place in a manner which could endanger the public, such building, structure and/or associated property is not only a dangerous property as defined by Section 102 of the Uniform Building Code of the City of Spokane Valley but is also a classification of property calling for the special procedures set forth in this section. The Building Official is authorized to abate such dangerous buildings, structures, and /or associated properties in accordance with the dangerous building procedures set forth in such code and Washington law, with the following modifications: a. Due to public safety hazard in drug production facilities, the utilities shall be disconnected; b. Building(s) and structures will be inspected to determine compliance with all city ordinances and codes; c. Building(s) and any entry gates to the property will be secured against entry in the manner set forth in the Dangerous Buildings Code; d. No reconnection of utilities or reoccupancy of the building(s), structures or property shall be allowed until all violations have been remedied, and all dangerous conditions abated to the satisfaction of the Building Official and a notice of release for reoccupancy has been received from the health department and sheriff's office; and Page 4 C:Ulocuments and Scuings‘rmullerU.ocal Settings \Temporary Internet t: iles\OLK 1 I \ordinance No. BC Revised 2- i9- 03.doc e. If, in the opinion of the Building Official the dangerous conditions cannot be remedied no occupancy or use shall be allowed during the pending of City process and appeal. Section 3414 —Notice. order of the Building Official and appeal. 1. Upon making a determination of a dangerous building as set forth in Section 3413, the Building Official shall cause to be served and posted a complaint with respect to the building or structure that it is unfit for human habitation. The complaint shall be in substantial compliance with RCW 35.80.030(c) as amended. Following the service or posting of a complaint, a hearing shall be held not Tess than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) after the complaint for the purpose of receiving testimony and evidence on the matters alleged. The Building Official may determine that the building or structure is unfit for human habitation or other use if a finding is made that conditions exist which are dangerous or injurious to the health or safety of the occupants, the premises, the occupancy of neighbors or other residents of the municipality. The conditions relating to a determination that the building or structure is unfit for occupancy shall be prescribed by the uniform codes of the City, adopted ordinances, County Health Department Standards and other rules and regulations which are applicable to the subject property. The Building Official shall also determine whether the building shall be repaired or demolished based upon the above standards. 2. if the Building Official determines that the building or structure is unfit for human habitation or other use, a finding shall be made and delivered personally to the owner or party in interest or posted in a conspicuous place from the property. The finding shall contain an order that requires owner or party in interest, within the time specified, to repair, alter, improve, remove or demolish such building or structure. Following delivery of the Building Official's Order, the owner or any party in interest shall within 30 days from the date of service and posting of the order file an appeal with the City Hearing Examiner. All matters appealed to the Hearing Examiner shall be resolved within sixty (60) days from the date of filing of the appeal. A transcript of the proceedings before the Hearing Examiner shall be maintained. Any person affected by the Hearing Examiner Order, may, within thirty (30) days after posting and service of the Order, petition to the Superior Court for an injunction restraining the Building Official from carrying out the provisions of the Order. The Superior Court is authorized to affirm, reverse or modify the Order including a trial de novo. For the purpose of administering this section, the Building Official and the Hearing Examiner is authorized to exercise that power and authority as set forth in RCW 35.80(3). costs. Section 3415 — City performance or work of demolition or repair, and recovery of the 1. if the owner or party in interest following exhaustion of the rights to appeal, fails to comply with the final order to repair, improve, vacate, close, remove, or demolish the dwelling, building, structure, or premises, the Building Official may direct or cause such dwelling, structure, building, or premises to be repaired, altered, improved, vacated and closed, removed, or demolished. 2. The amount of the cost of such repairs, alterations, or improvement; or vacating Page 5 C:1Ducurn nts and Senineslrmullcr\Local Seuines\Temporary Internet FilesIOLKi Ilordinance No. BC Itevised 2- 19- 03.doc and closing or removal or demolition by the Building Official, shall be assessed against the real property upon which such cost was incurred unless such amount was previously paid. Upon certification by the City of the assessment amount being due and owing, the County treasurer shall enter the amount of such assessment upon the tax rolls against the Property for the current year and the same shall become a part of the general taxes for that year to be collected at the same time and with interest at such rates and in such manner as provided for in Revised Code of Washington 84.56.020, as now or hereafter amended, for delinquent taxes, and when collected to be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the city. if the building, dwelling, structure, or premises is removed or demolished by the Building Official, the Building Official shall, if possible, sell the materials of such dwelling, building, structure, (or) premises, and shall credit the proceeds of such sale against the cost of the removable or demolition and if there be any balance remaining, it shall be paid to the parties entitled thereto, as determined by the Building Official, after deducting the costs thereto. 3. The assessment shall constitute a lien against the property which shall be of equal rank with State, County and Municipal taxes. Section 9. Uniform Code - Copies on File. The City Clerk is to maintain one copy of the Uniform Building Code, as amended. Section 10. Liability. The intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance is adopted to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public and is not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 11. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 12. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Mayor, Michael DeVLeming Page 6 C:\DDocuments and Scningslnnullerlt ocal Scttings\Temporary Interact Files \OLK I I\Ordinance No. LAC Revised 2- 19- 03.doc Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Page 7 C:IDocuments and Settings \rmuller\Local SettingsVremponiry Internet Files\OLK11\Ordinunce No. 13C Revised 2- I9- 03.doc CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -053 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: REQUESTED: Amendment to Stormwater February 25, 2003 Utility Ordinance TYPE OF ACTION: X Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHM=ENTS: Resolution Ordinance No. 31 -Al City Manager Motion Dept. Head Other Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim Public `Yorks Director STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Ordinance No. 31 -A1 amending Stormwater Utility Ordinance. DISCUSSION: This amendment corrects the fee language to mirror Spokane County wording which is necessary to have the County continue to collect the stormwater fees for the City of Spokane Valley. The amendment also incorporates wording changes to Section 8 that Spokane County Treasurer suggested. ALTERNATIVES: None FISCAL IMPACT: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: MEMO TO: Council FR: Lee Walton SUB: Storm Water Ord #31 for the February 25 Council Meeting Recommendation: That Section 7 of Ord #31 is amended by the insertion of the words Effective for the Tax Year 2004 and each succeeding years prior to the words "Low income seniors ". Storm Water Ordiance Council adopted a Storm Drainage and Surface Water Management ordinance at the Jan 23` meeting. As is typical with most Cities in Washington, this ordinance provided certain partial exemptions for low income seniors and disabled persons as provided for in State Law. Spokane County does not offer this exemption and the Utilities Department has informed us that they are unable to administer our exemptions this year because the 2003 tax bills have already been mailed. They are prepared to adjust their billing code to allow Spokane Valley to offer this exemption for the tax year 2004. So the ordinance 31 offered tonight could be deferred to the fall of this year or it could be amended to take effect with the 2004 tax year. Incidentally, the County has studied granting this exemption but felt that since the Storm Drainage fee is only $10 per residential parcel that the amount of exemption did not warrant the cost to process the applications. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANI? VALLEY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 31. WHEREAS, for the purpose of clarifying language set forth in Ordinance No. 31, it is necessary to modify the same; and WHEREAS, this amendment does not result in a substantive change to Ordinance No. 31. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 31 is hereby amended as follows: follows: CITY OF SPOKANE, VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 31-Al Section 4. Utility Charge. There is hereby imposed upon every developed parcel of property within the City a storm and surface water utility annual charge of S10.00 for each single family unit and $10.00 per 3,160 square feet of impervious surface for all other properties. Utility changes shall be uniform for the same class of customers or service and facilities. The City hereby incorporates by reference as if fully set forth herein the rates and charges adopted by Spokane County through Resolution 93 -155. The rates and charges provide a method to fund the storm and surface water utility and establish comprehensive management and administration. The City Council may by Resolution modify the rates and charges imposed by the Utility. Except as otherwise provided in RCW 90.03.525 for the Washington State Department of Transportation, all public entities and public property shall be subject to rates and charges established by the City Council for stormwater control facilities to the same extent as private persons and private property. The City Council when setting rates for public entities and property may consider stormwater services provided and maintained by the public entity and other related improvements, as well as, donations of services and property to the City Utility. Section 2. Amendment. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 31 is hereby amended as Section 8. Billing, Payment and Collecti9n. The Finance Director or designee shall prepare and certify a roll identifying the developed parcels and the related utility charge to be paid. The City may through agreement with the - Spokane County Treasurer arrange for the utility charge to beplaced u on the _ property tax bills sent to the ax a , er of property within the City of Spokane _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Valley. All charges shall be due an payable,, in accordance wltf RCW84.56.020. Thereafter, accounts shall be deemed delinquent and shall bear interest at a rate of 1 i erccnt perponth or at such other rates as may b T authorized by law . computed on a monthly b from tie date of delinquency until paid in toll. C:\Doutmenisand Settingslnuullc,V -ocal Settings \Temparaiy Intel net FiIe0O1,K1IVOrdln:Ince No. 3I- Al.doc Deleted: Assessor Deleted: owners Deleted: S Deleted: annum Deleted: CO the date shot the firs property tai installment is dim and ;sayable to Spokane County All charges (and interest) received shall be deposited into the Stormwater Utility Fund. Section 3. Amendment. Section 10 of Ordinance No. 31 is hereby amended as follows: Section 10. Administrative Adjustments. The City Manager or designee may authorize in writing to the Qounty Treasurer a refund, credit or adjustment for any rate or charge when it is determined that an error, miscalculation or mistake has occurred. No refund, credit or service charge adjustment may be authorized unless brought to the attention of the City Manager or designee within one year of the occurrence of the error, miscalculation or mistake. In any instance where refund or credit is authorized, interest on the outstanding amount shall be waived. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. ATTEST: . PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: P:10rdinnnce&C rdinancc Nu. 31 -A 1,slaunnvartr utility nrnsnd,doc Mayor, Michael DeVleaning FEB -11 -2003 15:36 • SPOKANE COUNTY COURT Nou:e Subject: From: Ta irlso W 4,4 `D Company: Spokane County Treasurer FAX SHEET Date: 2 ) 0 3 To: 0b 0w‘. Company: C;40-0P Aar qakk a.0 e a 4'e �°` ~5 * S1'‘Pc rr w o. ' 5e cAt t ;- v ' 4 , 7. % ar40( to. P.O. Box 2165 Spokane, Washington 99210 S ilI CICKUDWinr Lida M. Wolverton, CPA C TBEASUBEB RECE IVED FEB 1 2 2CO3 City of Spokane Valley No of sheets (including cover) Phone No.: 1421. 00 0 FaxNo.: 9 � . ,.. } dot Phone No.: 4Y1. Fax No.: (509) 477 -3674 t`- P.01/05 FEB -11 -2003 15 36 .:1 /l..L /LUUJ .1.1.AA vnA V'" %.. v - -_ •__ 2- t1- c.3;it:SOAM;52okane Uzi' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDNANCE NO. 31 ;ECO 477 471s AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A STORM DRAINAGE AND SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY. AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED 'THERETO. WHEREAS, prior to the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County established a stormwater utility pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.89. through Resolutions 92 -0253 and 93 -0155; WHEREAS, the County stormwater utility protects the public health and. safety by providing for the development, maintenance and operation of stormwater facilities to collect storm and surface water from improvements within the drainage basins; WHEREAS, the County also through the stormwater utility identified storrnwater facilities within the ,public right of way, provided information to the Department of Ecology, responded to complaints for flooding, designed and constructed stormwater control facilities, and performed enforcement activities; WHEREAS, the City is desirous of continuing the program established by Spokane County including maintaining rates and fees in the same amount as those established by the County; and WHEREAS, State Iaw authorizes the City of Spokane Valley to operate a stotmwater utility for the purpose of collecting and controlling the flow of storm or surface water within and through the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section I. Stormwater Utility. The City of Spokane Valley hereby establishes a Storm and Surface Water Utility to provide for the development, maintenance and control of storm drainage and surface water within the City. The City reserves and elects to exercise all power and authority relating to the construction, acquisition, condemnation, maintenance and operation of the storm drainage and surface water systems including the right to establish rates and charges for service, Section 2. Purpose. The Storrs and Surface Water Utility is created to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare by establishing a comprehensive approach to stonn and surface water management recognizing that the utility will provide benefits to the real property located within the City. Further, the Utility will assist in protecting the Spokane Valley natural environment by reducing the likelihood of flooding and erosion by controlling the discharge of storm and surface water into the ground. Section 3. Del__ initions. A. "Developed Parcel" means any parcel of real property that has been altered from its natural state including clearing, grading or filling, whether or not that work accompanies eaaera ets araeta1O drna.n : No.31.5tormwaterutflity.doc p 0st 4 t° Fax Note Te �J Ca loem Phone a Fa»o 1 + - T7 367Z. 7671 t}a l s [Prins Li" From fax H P. 02/05 is I u FEB -11 -2003 15:3? `C2/11/2003 11 11 FAX 509 477 3672 stun uu rn e - 11 -c5:: i+•5OAM:SPO r e County UEII ;5C9 477 47%5 excavation and construction. B. "Triipervious Surface" means a hard surface area, which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil rnantle as under natural conditions prior to development, and/or a hard surface area which causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow different than the natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but ate not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, paved parking Tots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of storm water. Open, uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. C. "Parcel" pokane County Assessor's Office, whether or is parcel ai as property by flat Spok tY taxable. D. "Right -of -Way" means a strip or parcel of land dedicated to the City for public uses including street, mass transit, bicycle, and pedestrian uses as well as emergency access, utility, drainage, vegetation management, view corridor or other necessary public uses. olicAemeelme "bf" -P h+,a fniligeta. The City hereby incorporates by reference as if fully set forth tell' es � Bw -, and charges provide a method to fund s utility establish d the and surface water uti ty an S d *' g p •try Council may by Resolution modify ✓ y ,..- - herein the rates C ter d charges adopted by Spokane ates ane County through Resolution 93 155. The P� , comprehensive management and administration. Thy Ci Except as otherwise provided in RCW 90.03.525 for the as Transportation, all public entities and public property shall be subject to rates and charges established by the City Council for stormwater control facilities to the same extent as private persons and private property. The City Council when setting rates for public entities and property may consider stormwater services provided and maintained by the public entity and other related improvements, as well as, donations of services and property to the City Utility. Section 5. Stormwater Utility Fund. There is hereby established a fund that is to be known as the "Stormwater Utility Fund" into which shall be deposited monies received by the City with expenditures authorized as are properly chargeable to the fund pursuant to this ordinanco. Monies in the fund shall be budgeted and appropriated for purposes 'consistent with the Storm and Surface Water Utility including, but not limited to, the planning, designing, acquiring, constructing and maintaining of stormwater control, conveyance and treatment facilities plus reasonably related administrative expenses. Section 6. Entry of Premises. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of tle provisions of this ordinance the City's designee may enter upon a parcel at reasonable times to inspect the same provided that if a building or parcel be occupied, identification and a request for entry shall be made. Ha building or parcel is unoccupied, all reasonable efforts shall be made to contact the owner or occupant prior to entry. the rates and charges imposed by the Utility c C sv. ee. A-o P. @3/05 o 2/ 2f.Ats gton State Department of P:lcmci129a:hrilmI 1ordlnanteNo.31,stormwate u ility .doe / o.No -v . �,.. � S t c� -�'-�- � � � v. e •cam R�� sate - � wz • a N'- - ( 02DQ . - rLe .r cV1 - .r a00 a \Y Q.0.-40L � e. v 4 , 1�-•< C • w try C�•C a ,tia� r� t -14.- •tea a.41:3.,`s Q ,dr% FEB -11 -2003 15:37 62/11/2003 11:12 FAX 509 47'Y a15'rz z--D3; 11 :soAM;S,h01ca. county (Jtl 1 ]run '..0 ars .L` d 11 n5XrPl4 far 4 - 4624-"�er 15 1(L+zi-w -( + r Section S. Billing, Payment and Collection. he mane Dir or or designee shall prepare and ce rtify a roll identifying the developed p els and the rel d utility. charge to be paid. The City may through agreement with the Spokane County arrange for the utility charge to be placed upon the property tax bills sent to the of property within the City of Spokane Valley. _ Thereafter, accounts shall be • deemed delinquent and shall bear interest at a rate ofXpercent per aaiiiiiiii, or at such other rates as may be authorized by law, computed on a monthly*3:sis from the dafk of delinquency until paid in full. 1 Q-c e.,.�C rt\ ev -kk•. All charges (and interest) received s . I be deposited into the Storrnwater Utility Fund. Section 9. Lien for Delinquent Charges. hi addition to any other remedies permitted by law, the City shall have a lien pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.67, as currently enacted or hereafter amended, for all delinquent and unpaid storm and surface water rates and charges, including interest, against the developed parcel which is subject to the charge. The lien may be foreclosed pursuant to RCW 35.67. +o -\k .l. e wwa- F• a-+ Lear a. e' Section 10. Administrative Adjus eats. The City Manager or designee may 1 au in writing refund, credit or adjustment for any wtArer charge when it is determined that an error, miscalculation or mistake has occurred. .No refund, credit or service charge adjustment may be authorized unless brought to the attention of the City Manager or designee within one year of the occurrence of the error, miscalculation or mistake. In any instance where refind or credit is authorized, interest on the outstanding amount shall be waived. Section 11. Management Cooperation. Recognizing the purpose and functions of the City Stormwater Utility and to promote interjurisdictional cooperation, the Public Works Director or designee may coordinate and jointly perform activities with Spokane County and other jurisdictions that promote the maintenance, operation and development of the City Storm and Surface Water drainage utility. The Public Works Director may adopt rules policies and programs that relate to joint activities between the City and other jurisdictions including the review of development proposals that affect storm or surface water control. Section 12. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid • or unconstitutional .by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other • section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 13. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. 1ax1 e Q b ¢ ANL 4 ) -v.4A e olr`e. t, mtn P:temail aitachLt1Ordi n e. 31,5tormwntcT utility,doc O C -i c pro. r. C-1 W l L, C t) , � 6 , C� 2..a . •..\e) 4_ v 4 \; c)d■ ;506 477 471S P.04/05 3! 9/ • FEB -11 -2003 15:3B ' (,2/11/2003 11:1j r A aua a r r 0014 z_11- o3 :11 :5oAM ;8pokuno County Utfi ATT Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: _ Effective Date: R ;lemail attsol'AltsWOrdinance No. 31,starmw•arcr uellity.doe PASSED by the City Council this At clay of January, 2003. Mayor, Michael Dell erring ;SOS 477 4715 P.05/05 TOTAL P.05 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2003 Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Interim Finance Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -054 FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: Line of credit AMOUNT BUDGETED:$245,700 AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: $245,700 TITLE:Authorize amendment TYPE OF ACTION: to the Jan. 1 -Mar. 31, 2003 Interim Budget STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Suspend the rules, advance to second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 37 -Al Amending the Interim Budget for Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 2003, for purchase of Information Technology Hardware. APPROVED FOR COUNCI PACKET: Resolution ATTACHMENTS: ity Manager (1) Ordinance No. 37 -Al Motion (2) Memo from Deputy City Dept. Head Manager to Finance Committee Other DISCUSSION: The total price for the information technology hardware as listed in the attached memo is $245,700. Some items will be purchased during this interim time period, and the balance will be purchased during April and May 2003. ALTERNATIVES: Do not adopt the amending ordinance or purchase the listed hardware. X Ordinance CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 37-Al. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 37 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2003 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2003, APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING POSITIONS AND A SALARY SCHEDULE." WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the interim budget from January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2003, it has become necessary to make changes in certain appropriations in order to provide funding for computer equipment, related hardware and services; WHEREAS, the changes to the interim budget could not reasonably have been anticipated or known at the time Ordinance No. 37 was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, to be immediately effective as an emergency ordinance and promote the best interest of the City, this ordinance must be approved by the City Council majority plus one. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Budget Amendment. The General Fund (001) of the interim budget is amended to provide a new appropriation for the acquisition and installation of computer equipment, hardware and related services as a general governmental expenditure from the Tax Anticipation Note Fund (201) in an amount not to exceed $245,000.00. A copy of the amended budget is attached to this ordinance as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full. Section 2. Emergency. The City Council declares that an urgency and emergency exits for making the changes set forth herein, such urgency and emergency arising from the need to immediately incur expenses and appropriate funds for the same, the need for which could not be reasonably have been anticipated at the time of adoption of the interim budget, and because of such need, an urgency and emergency exists to protect the public interest and promote the best interests of the City. Section 3. Seve.rability. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause of phrase of this ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of this ordinance be preempted by state or federal laws or regulation, such decision or pre - emption shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the City Council on the below identified date as provided by law. Page 1 C:\Documcnts and Scttingslrmuller\Local Settings\Tcmporary Internet Files\OLK 1 IlOrdinanee No. 37- Al .doc ATTEST: PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: Mayor, Michael DeVleming Page 2 C:IDocumenis and Sett 'rigs \ mulleALocal ScttingslTempornry Internet Files \OLK 1 I \Ordinance Ito. 37- A1,doc MEMORANDUM To: Finance Committee From: Stan McNutt, Deputy City Manager Date: February 2003 Subject: Budget Request for Information Technology Hardware Find attached a. request to authorize the purchase of informationtechnology hardware. This purchase would set up the basic IT network, provide hardware for a GIS plotter, provide additional desk top units, and authorize the purchase of additional phones. Our immediate need is the purchase of some system critical hardware to get the system started. These items total $70,000 and a list's attached. 2/20/2003 6:06 PM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Information Technology Capital Requirements Basic Network _ Servers /Storage/Tape $ 9,000 Internet Border - Firewalls, Routers, Email Firewall 19,100 Software Licensing 10,000 Miscellaneous Hardware Switch • 4,000 Tax and Contingences 8,400 50,500 Connectivety to Spokane County Point to Point Laser Technology Miscellaneous Wiring & Contingencies Total 17,700 1,800 19,500 • 70,000 '" City of. Spokane Valley Information Technology Capital Requirements The information technology system (IT) for the City of Spokane Valley will require a basic local. area network, a connection to intentet, and various computers to run the application processes the City will need. These application programs are GIS, building & permitting systems, financial systems, and other smaller systems. Staff is currently planning to contract with Spokane County for GIS services. Software applications for a financial system, building and . permitting, business registration, and fixed asset management system are currently being evaluated. This proposal outlines the hardware requirements for the basic local area network hardware, hardware to facilitate a data connection with Spokane County, GIS hardware to produce large scale maps and charts, additional employee workstations, and additional telephones. There is no software or hardware for application systems in this proposal. The timeline for acquisition of this equiprnent is critical. Implementation of the basic network system and connection. to Spokane County is projected at friar weeks. Planning and building officials are scheduling training on County plannirig and permitting systems 'for the last two weeks in March in anticipation of the opening of the 'one stop permit center on April 1.. We can open the permit center using a manual but processing time would be increased substantially. Projected costs for. IT capital purchases•are.$245,700. These capital purchases were to be budgeted in the April to December 2003 budget but the project schedule requires the purchase in the interim period. Savings from unfilled positions aad deferred capital purchases in the 2003 Interim* Budget will covei $70,000 of this cost. An additiohal interim budget request for $175,700 would be submitted to Council for the balance of projected costs. These are estimated costs and in al.l cases best purchasing practices would be followed to ensure the City receives the goods and services at a fair price. • Hardware Descriptions : = The Basic Local Area Network. The basic network system was designed by Resource Computing under a consulting contract. The basic network allows users to share files, printers, and peripherals. The system provides secure internet connectivity shared communications, i:e email and video conferericirig, and data integrity through security, backup, archival and system redundancy. Hardware and software purchases would be made through the Washington. State IT purchasing system. Total project costs are estimated at $153,100. • Connectivity to Spokane *Coun.ty. Connectivity to Spokane County will be accomplished by use of a point to point laser technology: This technology will provide a wide band connection with the County's IT system. Setup costs are estimated 2t20/2003 4:48 PM l at $19,500. Other systems considered were wireless for $5,000, microwave at a cost of $38,000 and fiber optic at a cost of $39,000. *The wireless system is considerably cheaper but provides insufficient band width to run the GIS system. The point to point laser technology will connect City Mall to the police substation, has a large band width (100 mb full duplex) and can be installed in four weeks. Total project costs are estimated at $19,500. GIS Plotter Hardware. A component of using the County's GIS system is the production of planning taps and charts. The County recommends the'purchase of a large scale plotter and related equipment so these maps could be created on -site. The alternative is to have the County produce the maps at their location and transport the maps to us. Total cost of the hardware is estimated at $20,239. Workstation Desktops. This expenditure details the additional workstation desktops that will be required for the building and planning staff. Costs of the basic workstation is estimated at $1,200 and workstations for planning personnel who need increased computing speed and storage is estimated at $2,200. Also included is a request for computer and desktop support from Resource Computing on a per hour basis, contract amount not to exceed $10,000. .Estimated costs for additional workstations aie $22,400. Phones. These are the additional phones need for staff and the new council. offices. .Wh_ .Where conditions warrant we would use cheaper model phones. Estimated phone costs are $9,041. Software. The City needs to, purchase user licenses for the Microsoft. Office products that ire currently on the desktops. The price includes software'assurance that provides for any software upgrades Microsoft may make over the riext.three years: .Licensing costs for. 35 usersis estimated at $21,420. 2/20/2003 4:48 PM 2. 2/2012003 6:24 PM CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Information Technology Capital Requirements Basic Network Servers /Storage/Tape $ 49,500 Internet Border - Firewalls, Routers, Email Firewall 19,100 Software Licensing 29,300 Miscellaneous Hardware Switches, Racks, UPS 12,200 Deployment Labor 30,000 Contingencies & Sales Tax 13,000 153,100 * Connectivety to Spokane County Point to Point Laser Technology • Miscellaneous Wiring & Contingencies 17,700 1,800 19,500 " • GIS Plotter Hardware HP 1050c Designjet Printer 8,439 Seal Laminator (est.) 5,000 Onyx Poster-Shop (est.) 4,000 Large screen workstation 2,800 20,239 Workstation Desktops IT Specialist 2,200 Building Inspectors 1,200 Permit Specialist .1,200 Plan Examiner 1,200 GIS Technician 2,200 Asst Engineer 2,200 Engineering Tech 2,200 Desktop /System Support 10,000 22,400 Phones Mitel 4025 Phone (26 @ $194) 5,044 Two additional 12- circuit digtal cards 1,672 Installation labor (31 hrs @ $75/hr) 2,325 9,041 " Software Microsoft Office Licenses (35 @ 5612) 21,420 Total IT Capital Expenditures $ 245,700 City of Spokane Valley 2003 Interim Budget Savings The following items represent unfilled budgeted positions and unused capital budgets. Dept Finance Finance City Clerk City Clerk Human Resources Planning Parks /Recreation Building Building ' Street Fund Building General Government General Government General Government General Government fasitkoatam Accounting Clerk Payroll Charges Office Asst II Office Asst 1 Office Asst I Planner Recreation Spec Building Inspector Permit Tech Engineering Tech Laminating Machine Sound system Copier Contract Special Software Postage Machine Period January Jan - Mar Jan - Mar January January Jan - Feb January February February February 2moujt 3,920 900 12,300 3,360 1,680 6,720 2,800 4,480 2,240 5,600 1,600 5,000 5,000 10,000 4,400 70,000 SUBMITTED BY: Interim Planning Director SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: C:U7 MV1 R - Planning Commission Ord.doc 2/21)2003 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -037 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: Planning Commission TYPE OF ACTION: REQUESTED: Ordinance 2/11/03 — first reading 2/25/03 — second reading APPROVED FOR COUNC PACKET: Ordinance #35 City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Forni ATTACHMENTS: X Ordinance Resolution Motion Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Move to -adopt Ordinance No. 35. DISCUSSION: The ordinance creates a 7- member Planning Commission with 3 year staggered terms, all of whom must live within the City. The Commission makes recommendation to the Council concerning the comprehensive plan, development regulations, shoreline management, environmental protection, capital improvements, and other matters as directed by the Council_ ALTERNATIVES: To not adopt the ordinance and to direct the City Attorney to draft an alternative ordinance which may deal with issues such as the number of Commissioners, the residency requirements, or whether or not the City would have a Commission in which case the Council may act as the Commission. FISCAL IMPACT: Only a minor fiscal impact related to travel and subsistence related to official duties. CT't Y 01? SI VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 35 AN ORDINANCE E OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CREATING A PLANNING COMMISSION AND ESTABLISHING THE DUTIES THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane - Valley is a non - charter code city authorized to create a Planning Commission which will serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council; WHEREAS, the City will adopt a Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations to guide the reasonable and orderly development of the City; WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to respond to the expressed concerns of citizens that immediately after incorporation the City begin a comprehensive planning process and review of development regulations; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley desires to encourage citizen input into the planning process by establishing a Planning Commission which will study, receive public input and recommend a Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations to the City Council for review and adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Establishment and Purpose. There is created the City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission. The purpose of the Planning Commission is to study and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for future planned growth through continued review of the City's comprehensive land use plan, development regulations, shoreline management, environmental protection; public facilities, capital improvements and other matters as directed by the City Council. Section 2. Membership. 1. Qualifications: The membership of the Planning Commission shall consist of individuals who have an interest in planning, land use, transportation, capital infrastructure and building and landscape design as evidenced by training, experience or interest in the City of Spokane Valley. 2. Appointment: Members of the Planning Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of at least four (4) members of the City Council Planning Commissioners shall be selected without respect to political affiliations and shall serve without compensation. The Mayor, when considering appointments, shall attempt to select residents that represent various interests and locations within the City. 3. Number of Members/Terms: The Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members. All members shall reside within the City of Spokane Valley. The terms for the initial Commissioners shall be two (2) one (1) year terms, two (2) two (2) year terms and three (3) three (3) year terms. The initial members and their terms shall be decided by P:lemail attnchmcntslCrdinancc No. 35, planning commission.doc the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Subsequent terns shall be for a three (3) year period. Terms shall expire on the thirty -first day of December. 4. Removal. Members of the Commission may be removed by the Mayor, with the concurrence of the City Council, for neglect of duty, conflict of interest, malfeasance in office, or other just cause, or for unexcused absence from three (3) consecutive regular meetings. Failure to qualify as to residency shall constitute a forfeiture of office. The decision of the City Council regarding membership on the Planning Commission shall be final and without appeal. 5. Vacancies. Vacancies occurring other than through the expiration of terms shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as for appointments 6. Conflicts of Interest. Members of the Planning Commission shall fully comply with RCW 42.23, Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers, RCW 42.36, Appearance of Fairness, and such other rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by the City Council regulating the conduct of any person holding appointive office within the City. No elected official or City employee may be a member of the Planning Commission. Section 3. Meetines — Rules. 1. The Planning Commission shall every second year organize and elect from its members a Chair, who shall preside at all meetings of the Commission and perform such other functions as determined by rule. A Vice -Chair shall be elected to preside in the absence of the Chair. A majority of the Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority vote of those present shall be necessary to carry any proposition. 2. The Commission shall determine a regular meeting schedule (time, place and frequency) and shall meet, at least, one time every month. All meetings shall be open to the public. 3. The Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary for the conduct of business and shall keep a taped record of its proceedings. Section 4. Staff Support. Administrative staff support to the Planning Commission shall be provided by the City Planning and Community Development Department. In addition, the Commission, through its Chair may request formal opinions or memorandums from the City Attorney or Planning and Conununity Development Director on any pending matter. Section 5. Duties and Responsibilities. The Planning Commission, as an advisory body to the City Council, shall perform and have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. Assist in the preparation of a Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations in compliance with RC\V 36.70A and 35A.63 including the establishment of procedures for early and continuous public participation in the development and amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and the Development Regulations; 2. R.eview plans and regulations related to land use management, shoreline management, environmental policy, transportation systems, public facilities and capital infrastructure planning and development; 3. Upon request from the City Manager or City Council, review Mental) attachments \Ordinance No. 35, planning commission.doc 1 potential annexations to the City; 4. Where design review is required by land use ordinances of the City, perform such design review unless that review is delegated to some other appointed body or City staff; 5. Identify issues and recommend priorities for geographic sub -areas including park and open space areas in the City; 6. Meet and confer with the Hearing .Examiner to review the administration of land use policies and ordinances to enhance the planning and permitting process; 7. Make periodic written and oral reports to the City Council addressing work in progress and other significant matters relating to the City; 8. Hold public hearings in the exercise of duties and responsibilities; 9. Perform such other duties and powers as may be conferred by ordinance, resolution or motion of the City Council. Unless otherwise assumed by the City Council, the Planning Conunission shall hold all public hearings required to be held in the course of adoption or amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the development regulations, adoption or amendment of the zoning map, or adoption or amendment of regulations for the subdivision of land, shoreline management, envirolunental regulations, and other land use ordinances of the City. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. A 1" 1'EST: PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller P:lemail attachments\Ordinance No. 35, planning cammission.doc Mayor, Michael DeVleming t Approved As To Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: P;\ email attachmentslOrdinancc No. 35. planning commission.doc SUBMITTED BY: Interim City Manager FISCAL IMPACT: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT BUDGETED: AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -051 DATE ACTION IS TITLE: REQUESTED: Moratorium on New Adult February 25, 2003 Entertainment Permits TYP1!. OF ACTION: X Ordinance APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Resolution No. 03-014 Motion ,City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Adopt Resolution No. 03 -014, Establishing a Moratorium on new Adult Entertainment Applications and that a public hearing be set for March 25, 2003 to consider an extension of the moratorium. DISCUSSION: At its regular meeting on February 18, 2003, the City Council tabled the motion to adopt by reference, the Spokane County Ordinance regulating Adult Entertainments. On advice of the City Attorney, Council directed preparation of a moratorium on new Adult Entertainment applications pending review of legal issues and possible adjustment of the Zoning Ordinance. This moratorium expires on March 31, 2003, hut can be renewed for a period of six months. ALTERNATIVES: (1) Adopt the Spokane County adult entertainment regulations, or (2) do not have any regulations within Spokane Valley on adult entertainment. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHiNGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03- 01 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ESTABLISH = ING A MORATORIUM: ON 111 FILING OF APPLICATIONS WITH SPOKANE COUNTY FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMITS OR LAND USE APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the voters of the City of Spokane Valley on May 21, 2002 approved the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley as a non - charter code city: WHEREAS, the City Council believes that it is in the best interest of the City of Spokane Valley to promote reasonable and orderly growth pursuant to the adoption of reasonable development standards and criteria; WHEREAS, if the City were to begin public consideration of permanent regulations and amendments without first adopting a moratorium, the efforts could be frustrated by the submission of applications for certain land uses which would render the proposed regulations moot; WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.137 authorizes the City Council to adopt resolutions establishing moratoria during the interim transition period on the filing of applications for development permits and approvals, including, but not limited to subdivision approvals and building permits; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds protection of the public health, safety and welfare supports establishment of a moratorium on applications for certain development permits and approvals for property within the corporate limits of the City of Spokane Valley. NOWT', THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, \Vashineton, as follows: Section 1. Adult Entertainment. A moratorium is imposed upon the filing with Spokane County of any and all applications for licenses, permits and approvals for adult entertainment establishments, as that term is defined in Chapter 7.80 of the Spokane County Code (Resolution 99 0762, dated September 7, 1999). For purposes of reference, a map of the corporate limits of the City of Spokane Valley is attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". Section 2. Term of Moratorium. The moratorium shall be effective immediately upon passage of this Resolution and shall continue in effect until the official date of incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. Section 3. Duties of City Clerk and Spokane County. The Interim City Clerk shall immediate y transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Spokane County Commissioners and the Spokane County Department of Building and Planning. Spokane County shall cease accepting all applications for licenses, permits and /or other approvals for land uses described in Section 1. Section 4. Public Hearing. A public hearing on the moratorium established by this resolution may be held before the City Council prior to the expiration of this moratorium. Notice shall be posted and published in the City's official newspaper at least 10 days prior to hearing date. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution Page 1 C:1Doewnents and Settingslrmulter\Local Settin;,s\Temporary Internet FileslOLK 111Resolution03- AEl.doc shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. ATTEST: Adopted this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming Page 2 C:.Oocuments and ScttingslrmullertLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files \OLK11\Resolution03- AE1.doc DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2005 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form TITLE: TYPE OF ACTION: Resolution Establishing a Social Security Substitute Program X Resolution Motion - Proposed Resolution No. 03- 020 Other ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance SUBMITTED BY: Don Morrison CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -042 STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve the proposed Resolution as written. DISCUSSION: Most new cities that have incorporated have opted for a substitute social security program (401A). The Resolution designates an ICMA -RC 401 Plan as the substitute program. For more discussion, refer to Human Resources System Binder material. ALTERNATIVES: Do not opt out of Social Security. Refer to Human Resources System Binder material for more information. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund or Street Fund depending on assignment of personnel AMOUNT BUDGETED: TBD AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Dependent upon staffing plan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 0 3 — OA o A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A SUBSTITUTE SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has employees who render valuable services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has authorized participation in the Washington Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) which is a qualified retirement program under IRS rules; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by state and Federal law to establish a social security substitute program for employees covered by a qualified retirement program (PERS), and WHEREAS, the establishment of a social security alternative program for such employees serves the interests of the City by enabling it to provide reasonable retirement security for its employees with increased flexibility in its personnel management system; and Wf- iTREAS, the establishment of a substitute social security program pursuant to Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code qualifies as an alternative to Social Security and will benefit employees by providing funds for retirement and funds for their beneficiaries in the event of death; and WHEREAS, the City finds that. the International City /County Management Association Retirement Corporation (ICMA -RC) offers an ideal social security substitute program for cities such as Spokane Valley; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Social Security Substitute Program - Participation. The City Council hereby adopts the iCMA -RC administered 401 Social Security (FICA) Replacement Plan, said plan to be effective upon incorporation. City and employee contribution rates are hereby established at the same rate as if the City were participating in FICA, and shall change from time to time as Federal rates change. Section 2. Authorization to Implement the FICA Replacement Plan. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute the necessary agreement with IGMA -RC and to ensure that qualified employees are enrolled in the plan in a timely manner. ATTEST: Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect on the official date of incorporation. Adopted this day of February, 2003. Mayor Michael DeVleming Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -043 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2005 APPROVED FOR COUNCI. PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form TITLE: TYPE OF ACTION: Resolution Establishing a Deferred Compensation Program X Resolution ATTACHMENTS: Motion - Proposed Resolution No. 03- 019 Other Ordinance SUBMITTED BY: Don Morrison STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve the proposed Resolution as written. DISCUSSION: Most cities offer employees a deferred compensation program. The Resolution specifies that contributions are funded solely by employees. For more discussion, refer to Human Resources System Binder material. ALTERNATIVES: I)o not offer deferred comp. program, or offer multiple deferred compensation programs. Refer to Human Resources System Binder material for more information. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund or Street Fund depending on assignment of personnel AMOUNT BUDGETED: TBD AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Dependent upon staffing plan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 0 3 -O 1q A RESOLUTION OF THE CI I Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM FOR THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has employees and officials who render valuable services; and WHEREAS the establishment of a Deferred Compensation Plan pursuant to Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code will benefit employees and officials by providing funds for retirement and funds for their beneficiaries in the event of death; and WHEREAS, the City finds that the International City /County Management Association Retirement Corporation (ICMA -RC) offers an ideal deferred compensation program for cities such as Spokane Valley; NOW THERE FORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section L. Deferred Compensation Program - Participation. The City Council hereby authorizes participation in the ICMA -RC 457 deferred compensation plan, said plan to be effective upon incorporation. The plan shall be funded solely by employee contributions through payroll deductions from those employees and officials desiring to participate in the program. Section 2. Authorization to Implement the Deferred Compensation Plan. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute the necessary agreement with ICMA -RC and to ensure that employees who desire to participate are enrolled in the plan in a timely manner. ATTEST: Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect on the official date of incorporation. Adopted this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVlerning SUBMITTED BY: Don Morrison CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -044 DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2005 APPROVED FOR COUNCIL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form TITLE: TYPE OF ACTION: Resolution Authorizing Participation in PERS Ordinance ATTACHMENTS: X Resolution - Proposed Resolution No. 03- Motion 018 Other STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve the proposed Resolution as written. DISCUSSION: The City needs to pass a Resolution authorizing City participation in the Washington Public Employees Retirement System. For more discussion, refer to .Human Resources System Binder material. ALTERNATIVES: Not join PERS and offer substitute retirement plan. Refer to Human Resources System Binder material for more information. FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund or Street Fund depending on assignment of personnel AMOUNT BUDGETED: TBD AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Dependent upon staffing plan A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE WASHINGTON PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM WT- IEREAS, the City Council desires for its qualified employees to participate in the Washington Public Employees R.eti.rement System in lieu of a substitute qualified retirement plan; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Authorization to Participate. The City Council authorizes and approves the participation and membership of its eligible employees and appointive and elected officials in the Washington Public Employees' Retirement. System pursuant to RCW 41.40.062; and authorizes the expenditure of t.be necessary funds to cover its proportionate share for such participation in the System. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect on the official date of incorporation. ATTEST: Adopted this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 0 3-0 / B City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael DeVleming DATE ACTION IS REQUESTED: February 25, 2005 APPROVED FOR CORN IL PACKET: City Manager Dept. Head Attorney Approve As To Form SUBMITTED BY: Don Morrison CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Bill No. 2003 -045 TITLE: TYPE OF ACTION: Resolution Adopting Insurance Plans and Employee :Benefits ATTACHMENTS: - Proposed Resolution No. 03- 015 - Benefit Plan Data STAFF RECOMMENDS COUNCIL MAKE A MOTION TO: Approve the proposed Resolution as written. DISCUSSION: The City needs to establish employee benefits as part of its human resources system. For more discussion, refer to Human Resources System Binder material and attachments to this Resolution. ALTERNATIVES: Refer to Human Resources System Binder material and attachments. Ordinance X Resolution Motion Other FISCAL IMPACT: SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund or Street Fund depending on assignment of personnel AMOUNT BUDGETED: TBD AMOUNT NEEDED FOR PROJECT: Dependent upon staffing plan CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. D 3-0 iS A RE SOLUTION OF THE CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SPECIFYING THE INSURANCE PLANS ANT) R ALTH RELATED BENEFITS FOR CiTY EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAi. 2003 WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a personnel ordinance providing medical, dental and other benefits for its qualified employees through the Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust or other means; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt the specific plans and contribution rates for each designated plan so specified for Fiscal Year 2003; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Medical Insurance. The City Council hereby specifies the AWC Regence Blue Shield/Asuris Northwest Health Preferred Provider Plan, and the Group Health Cooperative Copay Plan 2 as the currently authorized employee medical plans for eligible City employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee, spouse and dependents, if any. Section 2. Dental Insurance. The City Council hereby specifies the AWC Trust Washington Dental Service Plan B with Orthodontia Rider Plan ii as the currently authorized employee dental medical plan for City employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee, spouse and dependents, as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section 3. Life Insurance. The City Council hereby specifics the AWC Trust States West Life insurance Plan C at one time the sum of annual earnings rounded up to the nearest $1,000 with the accidental death and dismemberment. (AD &D) option as the currently authorized employee life insurance plan for City employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee. Employees shill also be authorized to acquire additional supplemental or dependent. life insurance coverage through the plan on a self -pay basis through payroll deduction pursuant to AWC underwriting rules. Section 4. Long Term Disability Insurance. The City Council hereby specifies the AWC Trust Standard insurance Long Term disability Plan Option 1 (60% benefit; 90 -day elimination) as the currently authorized long term disability plan for City employees The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section S. Employee Assistance Program. The City Council hereby specifies the AWC "Trust APS Employee Assistance 1 -3 Session Program as the currently authorized employee assistance program for City employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section 6. Vision Care. The City Council hereby specifies the AWC Trust Vision Service Plan (VSP) Opt.ion 1 Full Family - $25 deductible plan as the currently authorized employee assistance program for City employees. The City shall pay 100% of the premium for the employee as required by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust Underwriting rules. Section 7. Annual Review and Adoration. The City Council shall annually review the insurance plans and health related benefits of City employees. For fiscal year 2004 and subsequent budget years, the health related benefit programs shall be specified and approved as part of the annual budget adoption process, or adopted separately by resolution of the City Council. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect on the official date of incorporation. ATTEST: Adopted this day of February, 2003. Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz City of Spokane Valley Mayor Michael 1DeVlem.ing BENEFITS Annual Deductible Max. Out of Pocket Hospital Services Physician Services Preventive Care Spinal Manipulations Mental Health Prescription Drugs P PLAN A $50 Individual $150 Family $375 Per Person lus deductible Covered at 100% Covered at 100% Not Covered 100% $700 year max. Managed depending on access of gate kce. er $4 co -pay generic $15 co -. a brand HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN COMPARISON AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST REGENCE BLUE SHIELD /ASURIS NORTHWEST HEALTH PREMIUMS $301.70 per month for employee; 5290.50 per month for spouse; $132.25 per month for l'` dependent; 5117.15 for second dependent No additional charge for additional dependents Total premium with spouse and 2 or more dependents = $841.60 PLAN B $50 Individual $150 Family $375 Per Person plus deductible 80% after deductible is satisfied 100% after deductible Not Covered 100 %; after $10 co- pa • $400 max. Managed depending on access of gate keeper $4 co -pay generic $15 co -pay brand PREMIUMS $249.50 per month for employee; $249.50 per month for spouse; $115.80 per month for dependent; $100.00 for second dependent No additional charge for additional dependents Total premium with spouse and 2 or more dependents = $814.80 PPO NA $1000 Individual; $3,000 Family Preferred Provider: 90% after 575 -150 Co -pay for Participating Provider; 70% after $75 -150 Co -Pay 100% after $10 co- pay per visit Covered for adults and children 100 %; after $10 co- pay; $400yr. max. Managed depending on access of gate keeper $4 co -pay generic $15 co -pay brand PREMIUMS $237.00 per month for employee; $237.00 per month for spouse; $114.45 per month for 1" dependent; $94.55 for second dependent No additional charge for additional dependents Total premium with spouse and 2 or more dependents — $683.00 HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN COMPARISON AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE BENEFITS Medical Center Visits Office Visits Hospital Inpatient Care Maternity Care Chemical Dependency Mental Health Prescription Drugs COPAY PLAN 1 Covered in Full Covered in Full, $5 co -pay Covered in Full, no day or dollar limits; $50 ER co -pay; waived if admitted Covered in full; $5 co -pay for office visits Co- payments apply; Covered up to S11,285/24 mos. S20 co -pay ind/fam session; S l 0 co -pay group session up to 20 visits; 80% for 12 days inpatient Covered in full; S5 co -pay; some exclusions apply PREMIUMS $272.43 per month for employee; $263.08 per month for spouse; $133.84 per month for 1 `` dependent; $133.84 for second dependent No additional charge for additional dependents Total premium with spouse and 2 or more dependents = $803.19 COPAY PLAN 2 Covered in Full Covered in Full, $10 co -pay $100 co- pay /day up to $400; $50 ER co -pay; waived if admitted Covered in full; $10 co -pay for office visits Co- payments apply; Covered up to $1 1,285/24 mos. $20 co -pay ind/fam session; $10 co -pay group session up to 20 visits; 80% for 12 days inpatient Covered in full; $10 co -pay; some exclusions apply PREMIUMS $262.68 per month for employee; $253.33 per month for spouse; $128.90 per month for 1" dependent; $128.90 for second dependent No additional charge for additional dependents Total premium with spouse and 2 or more dependents = $773.81 1 HEALTH INSURANCE COMPARISON 2/19/2003 AGENCY Bellevue Bellingham Burien Everett Federal Way Kennewick Lakewood Pullman Richland Sammamish Shoreline Spokane University Place Spokane County Stevens County Whitman County 2003 Employer Contribution MEDICAL Employee Only City Emp 338 0 205 0 263 0 334 0 216 0 513 0 216 0 641 0 485 18 263 0 205 0 289 0 263 0 216 0 251 0 280 0 2002 Ave. $311.13 51.13 2003 Adjusted $357.79 $1.29 $1,010.49 Spouse & Dep City Emp 744 101 591 0 684 47 581 0 579 40 513 0 619 20 641 0 485 18 731 0 494 97 635 102 594 136 635 0 275 513 280 585 DENTAL Employee Only City Emp 36 4 41 0 36 0 39 0 41 0 70 0 36 0 75 0 79 0 41 0 41 0 82 0 41 0 105 0 0 28 39 0 $567.56 $103.69 $50.13 S2.00 $93.31 S3.06 511.94 $0.56 $12.31 $2.19 $652.70 $119.24 S57.64 S2.30 S107.31 S3.52 S13.73 $0.65 $14.16 $2.52 S164 95 Spouse & Dep City Emp 105 21 122 0 112 0 104 0 122 0 70 0 112 0 75 0 79 0 122 0 122 0 82 0 122 0 105 0 0 28 39 0 VISION Employee Only City Emp Spouse & Dep City Emp 2 9 4 23 4 0 4 0 22 0 22 0 5 0 9 0 16 0 16 0 20 0 20 0 16 0 16 0 26 0 26 0 21 0 21 0 18 0 18 0 16 0 16 0 NA NA NA NA 16 0 16 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9 0 9 12 $27.89 Prepared by Don Morrison, Interim HR Manager Source: 2002 ACW City /County Salary /Benefit Sruvey 1 Prepared by Don Morrison, HR Manager PAID LEAVE COMPARISON 2/19/2003 AGENCY VACATON HOLIDAYS SICK LEAVE TOTAL NOTES Burien 96 88 96 280 Federal Way 96 88 96 280 Lakewood 128 88 64 280 Partial Combined Vac & Sick Sammamish 104 88 96 288 Shoreline 104 96 96 296 University Place 96 88 96 280 Bellevue 96 96 96 288 Bellingham 80 96 96 272 Everett 104 88 96 288 Kennewick 96 88 96 280 Pullman 96 88 96 280 Spokane 97 96 104 297 Spokane County 90 88 90 268 Stevens County 90 88 90 268 Whitman County 96 92 96 284 AVERAGE 97.93 90 40 93.60 281.93 Richland All figures are for 1 year of service only 324 324 Combined Vac., Holiday & Sick Source: 2002 AWC Salary/Benefit Survey AWC Employee Benefit Trust City of Spokane Valley 2/19/2003 Monthly Employee Benefit Costs BENEFIT MINIMUM MAXIMUM Medical - Regence (PPO) 237.00 683.00 Medical - GHC (Plan 2) 262.68 773.81 Dental (Plan B With Otho Rider Plan II) 38.25 134.60 Life with ADD (sum annual earnings) 5,67 17.85 LT Disability Option 1 (60% Benefit 90 -Day Waiting 12.89 41.79 Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) 1.67 1.67 Vision (Option 1 Full Family - $25 deduct) 15.76 15.76 TOTAL COST PER EMPLOYEE 573.92 1668.48 Notes: Life insurance with ADD cost is S0.21 per $1000 salary LT Disability premium is 0.59% of Payroll Minimum cost is for employee only Maximum cost is for employee, spouse and 2 dependents Min /max life and disabiltiy costs based on lowest/highest salaried positions egence Blue Shield/Asu ACTIVE EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS Benefits Annual Deductible Maximum Out•of- Pocket Hospital Services Inl>�:ll ='n IserniDrJ'aie r:%n1! I nl?rf- :ell :'y• Physician Services r,r; ,. • surge" /, e1: Preventive Care Spina! Manipulaltions Mental Health / Psychiatric / Chemical Dependency Prescription Drugs Plan A S50 individual 5150 family 5375 per person plus deductible 100% 100% 100% 100 % 100% Illness - EE: 100% Dependent: 100% after deductible Injury - EE and dep: 100% Not covered 100 %, 5700 yearly maximum Managed Behavioral Health: Coverage varies depending on access of gatekeeper $4 copay generic $15 copay brand Plan B c <Lti ',inPv 5371 L,_ plu ;It1 rjl_I �' I'. : i'r : l 5") d'':'fll_IrI I, 11 Ile:1I'I it i " _ ''�'•_rl_: fill o•' . r _ess of Gatekeeper PPO Plan Preferred Provider Participating Provider 51,000 indl�;,Uua $3,000 farnils 90% after $150 copay 90% 90% after $75 copay 90% after $75 copay 100% after $10 copay per visit 100% after $10 copay per visit Covered for cr,rldren and adults 100 %, after $10 copy 5400 yearly maximum Managed Behavioral Health: Coverage varies depending on access of gatekeeper 54 copay generic $15 copay brand ii 70% a'I 70% 70% after $75 copay 70% after $75 copay 100% after 510 copay per visit 100% after $10 copay per visit Covered for children and adults 100 %, after 510 copy 5400 yearly maximum Managed Behavioral Health: Coverage varies depending on access of gatekeeper 54 copay generic 515 copay brand Regence Blue Shield /Asuris Northwest Health Active Employee Medical Plans LEOFF 1 Active 350.70 403.30 Regular & LEOFF 11 Active 262.80 301.70 14 8 Spouse 251.95 290.50 15 3 Spcu -e First Dependent 114.70 132.25 3 Firs' Dcpercent Second Dependent 101.60 117.15 1.3.3 No additional charge for three or more dependents LEOFF I Retired (not on Medicare) 620.45 714.45 15 LEOFF I Retired (on Medicare) 413. 475.60 15 -' LEOFF I Active an'e N .t i,va� d�ile Regular & LEOFF 11 Active ' 6 :)0 249.50 15 Spouse 16 0'O 249.50 First Dependent 1 22 115.80 Second Dependent ::r = 100.00 No additional charge for three or more dependents. 15 13 5 Preferred Provider Plan EcrF 1 Reci..l:' P LEOFF SecDrd D_Fe',cen'. For Retiree Plan Rates please see page 50. Av,1i1.:1 - :lt Not 015 22 237.00 21.25 ?0 237.00 00.12 114.45 81 85 94.55 '15.5 15 Benefits Medical Center Visits Lab, X -ray, most In'I' • tiors and vacc!natl: !IS, health care and hospice Office visits Copayment per v s t. Pre:enti:e and other ser;cr Hospital Inpatient Care Room and board, inpatient surgery, ail and coronary care unit Laboratory and radiology Drugs and medicines Emergency Room Prescription Drugs Maternity Care Mental Health Care 1.1I'h It) r.I'E:ly ;4117` 1I Chemical Dependency I:IC( ;' ^'ll II :ir'i.7 Jt.li.i'Itiit GHC No -Copay Plan 1 Covered in'. $20 copay for individual/family session or 510 Copay for group session up to 20 visits 80% for 12 days Copayments apply Covered up to $11,285124 months GHC Copay Plan 1 fl ;r '2 DCd'v'n ? °rt5 , pl:ly .i,! t'.2. 5 1 1,2'65 GHC Copay Plan 2 S20 copay for indrviduaVfamiry session S10 copay for group session up to 2C 80% for 12 days Copayments apply Covered t,p to $1 ' ,285 l 24 mon Active Employees LE07 I Active Retirees 'Not on Medlcare) _EOFF I Retiree Group Health Cooperative (for Leoff 1 only) 489 38 552.90 '3.0 Retirees (Suusoleer has Medicare Parts AU) 174.04 Not a vaiiable ar rme of prming. Active Employees 226.69 284.73 25.6 Regular & LE'OFF II Active 213.57 272.43 27.6 Spouse 204.22 263.08 28.8 First Dependeryt 104.03 133.84 28.6 Second Dependent 104.03 133.84 28.6 No additional charge for three or more dependents. Cppays: $5 office .visit, $5 outpatient prescription drugs, S50 emergency room. Active Employees Regular & LLOFF 11 Active 202.92 262.68 24.4 Spouse 193.57 253.33 30.9 First Dependent 98.64 128.90 30.7 Second Dependent 98..64 128.90 30.7 No additional charge for three or more dependents. Copays: ZW office visit, $70 outpatient prescription drugs, $50 emergency ()Om $WO i'ripatent hospital'. For Retiree Copy Plan Rates please se @ page 57. 23 ashington Dental Servi ACTIVE EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS Benefits Class 1 AI L; Class 11 ReSiOrcii10115, Oral s,,rget•:. Class Orthodontia Riders Plan l Plan A Plan 11 Dependent Children - 50% to $1,000 lifetime maximum Plan 111 r7iPperident (Thildren Auultz, - 50c.!*! tn S1 (MO 'itet me marrnurr Plan IV _ fetirne. Fraxi Plan V 2 Plan 13 an C Plan D Plan E • Plan F 100'.: 76 70 . 7 Conctart - ' 1 •111`fflitlrife • Incenti In-Network PPO Plan 1 24 Washington Dental Service Plan A Employee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents Plan B Employee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents Plan C Employee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents Plan D Employee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents Plan E Employee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents Plan F Employee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents Plan PPO = mployee Employee + 1 dependent Employee + 2 or more dependents For Retiree Plan Rates please see page 52. 43.45 1 3.6 74.6 :, 82.50 13 5 118.75 131.35 ' 0 6 34.60 38.25 ' C 6 64.30 71.10 10 6 107.05 118.35 10.6 28.20 31.15 10.5 54.25 59.95 10.5 89.80 99.25 10.5 36.45 40.30 ' 0 , 68.95 76.25 '0.6 114.95 127.10 ^0.6 36.20 40.05 10 6 67,35 74,45 10.5 111.75 123.55 10.6 40.80 45.15 10.7 77.20 85.35 1 3 121.50 134.65 '0 8 33.40 36.95 " 0 6 63.15 69.80 0 5 105.25 116.35 ' 6 Plan I Washington Dental Service Plan II ; I Plan 111 Plan IV Plan V • 1 CEF:e'r.it .00 c 15 .15 7 - =,:j 8.10 0 30 .00 .35 16.25 1 : II .. ■ 1 CC 1.10 4 C 2.60 'C C 11:1 1111. ;1:.-pi:'nk_;(2f V, ]■:: , Vr: 18.20 llj tr F .00 + 1 .85 + Is 28.95 107 1 90 2.10 '0 5 4.75 : ,,,i Hi, ',-... All,- , .: , H11: - -z 29 - - . F; 32.50 10 25 Vision Service Plan Plan Description Services are provided through Vision Service Plan (VSP) Benefits illustrated arc based on services provided by VSP panel doctors. if services are obtained from a non - panel doctor, the patient will be reimbursed according to the indemnification schedule. Benefits Examination Refraction Tonometry Prescription Fee Single Vision Lenses Bifocal Lenses Trifocal Lenses Lenticular Lenses Pink Tints 1 and 2 Visual Fields Plot Contact Lenses' Cosmetic Contact Lenses Frames (wide selection) Oversize Blanks Anti - reflective Coating Photogray/Brown Lenses Frequency Coverage Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full When needed Paid in Full Every 12 months Pays First $150 Every 24 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full Every 12 months Paid in Full 1.Vhen vrsita/ acwty cannot be corrected to 20170 m the better eye or after cataract surgery, VSP will pay 100% of the cost of contact lenses. When patients choose contact lenses for cvsmetrc reasons, allowance of $ 150 to- ward their cost is in lieu of all other mater for that 12 -month period. Vision Service Plan offers plans with a $Q S 10, and $25 deductible. The deductible applies to materials only. In the event materials are not required, that patient will NOT pay the deductible Low Option Vision Plan In order to provide members a more affordable vision program, the AWC has devel- oped a low option vision program while still providing good vision benefits. The frequency of exam, lenses and frames will be covered every 24 months. Copays wtl apply to the exam at S10 and materials at $15. The plan will not cover tinting, cnar- !nq or oversizirg; contact lenses MI be covered at $' 05. Second Pair Plan Rid' The AWC offers an additional rider to the I; 1. vide for second pair of glasses within a 24 -r• u i l irr ; l 1 u i , - 1 deductible. The same participation and contnt:1,: i l., Hn r> l,l , enrollment; 100% employer -paid) for the Seci rir r' Non - Members Doctor Fee RC I I i i Although over 90% of VSP patients typically receive services from Member Dor_' services may be secured from any licensed optometrist, ophthalmologist, and/or dis- pensing optician. Bills for services from non- member doctors may be submitted t, VSP for reimbursement up to the amounts shown in the following schedule. NON - MEMBER DOCTOR FEE SCHEDULE Benefits Examination Single Vision Lenses Bifocal Lenses Trifocal Lenses Lenticular Lenses Frame Tint Allowance Contact Lenses Cosmetic Contact Lenses Frequency Every 12 months Every 12 months Every 12 months Every 12 months Every 12 months Every 24 months Every 12 months When needed Every 12 months Coverage i i :iCi S80.OJ, V S r S12 5 00 /pa r $45.00/pa • $5.00 /pay $210. $1S0.O O Vision Service Plan Option 1 — 't ;i .l:r tinl 7'3.76 15.76 .,I r l.i_ i;l:. .9 43 19.43 l_ J;c;: l:� 2236 22.36 12 46 12.46 C 2.15 0 t States West Life Insurance Plan features ■ Waiver of premium clue to total disability to age 65 or plan termination (whichever occurs first). 1 For groups under 10 lives, guarantee issue of S10,000 of life insurance coverage without hav- ing to satisfy the evidence of insurability provision. No evidence of insurability is required for groups over 10+ lives for any amount. The group is as- sessed every January 1 for the number of lives and possible changes in rates. 1 Conversion privilege allows the employee to con- vert his /her group term life coverage to an individual permanent life insurance policy without evidence of insurability if application and first pre- mium are received by the insurance company within 31 days of the date of termination of the group coverage. Additional insurance available to the employee via payroll deduction through the supplemental life plan. Additional insurance available to the spouse via employee payroll deduction through the spouse supplemental life program. I Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits will reduce at age 65 and thereafter ac- cording to the following ADEA approved schedule. Terminates upon retirement. 65 -69 73 -74 75 -79 80 65% 50% 30% 20% Accelerated Death Benefit will be available to em- ployees who are terminally ill (less than 12 months life expectancy). This feature has also been re- ferred to as a living benefit whereby a policyholder may access up to 50% of hislher life insurance policy. This would, of course, reduce the policy for the beneficiary once the employee were to pass away. Supplemental Group Life Insurance For employers who have established a Basic Group Life Insurance Plan, their individual employees are eli- gible to purchase Supplemental Group Life Insurance for themselves or their spouse through a convenient payroll deduction. Employers will be billed directly by States West for this coverage. This coverage is available for an employee in loci: ments of S10,000 to S100,000 maximum, and in increments of $5,000 up to $50,000 for a spouse_ Spousal supplemental life coverage cannot exceed 50 employee supplemental coverage. The monthly nr' depend on the insured's current age and are adi! annually (on January 1) Evidence of insurability must he submitted to States West for underwriting approval more than $20,000 of coverage is desired for the employee; all spouses requesting supplemental life cov- erage will be requested to complete an Evidence (if Insurability form. Supplemental Group Life Insurance becomes effe tine on the first of the month following the date the application is approved by the insurance company. If the employee is not actively at work due to accident sickness on that date, Supplemental Group Life Insur- ance will not be effective until he /she returns to active work Supplemental Age Reduction The supplemental life will reduce to 65% at age 65, to 50% of the original amount at age 70, and termi- nate upon retirement. Spousal benefits reduce on the same schedule as employee's, based on ages listed pre- viously. States West Life Insurance 1 Group Life insurance 1 Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance 1 Dependent Life Insurance 1 Voluntary Supplemental Group Life Insurance 1 Voluntary Spouse Supplemental Group Life Insurance The Association of Vtiashington Cities Employee Benefit Trust offers a nu - nbe , of life insurance options to Its participating employers. Employers participating in the basic life program may add accidental death and dismemberment and dependent life to their base plan and make available to their ernployees on a self -pay bass additional life insurance through supplemental coverage Plan Design Options Maximum basic life policy $300,000. Employees covered for icie" tical amounts of group life insurance ti e , 55,000, $10,000, 520,000, etc.). Employees covered for various amounts of group life insurance based on "clas- sification" or "position" such as "union ", "non- union," "manager," "supervisor," "department head," "hourly," "salaried," "a specific bargain- ing unit, "etc +,'Fmployers electing Plan 8 are advised to consult iegai counsel to assure that their assignment rs not discriminatory in nature.! Plan C Employees u:': ==r '. I: ' '::Lill ?IIti "' _ .''t` . { JIL'i_Ip '1'e insurance based on a "multiple of earn. r n.l't or,r'ded to the ilex: {u:aner $1.OL'r_ Thp coverage available would be two times annual earnings and would be 5O% of annual earnings subject to a minimum amuuT. at $1 u,OGG on each individual Plan D There may be other "plan designs" that you wish to consider. Berefit amounts must be based on a plan which precluded individual selection In order to receive consideration, submit a proposal to the AWC Employee Benefit Trust and it will be pv.ewed by the underwriter, States West, for appoval- Plan A Plan B Optional Benefits Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD &D) This optional coverage provides an amount equal to your group life nsurance be eft for bodily injury or death from accidental means for the following losses. (a ) life I; b ) both rands, both feet or sight in both eyes l c ) combinations of two of the above (b; In addition, an amount equal to one -half of the croup life insurance benefit paid for the following losses: a) one hand ( h) one foot (c) sight in one eye The AD &D coverage also provides an additional benefit to the beneficiary s' the insured die as a result of an automobile accident (either driver or passenger) while wearing his/her seat belt. The additional benefit would be the lesser of 100% of t'•n AD &D coverage or $75,000. Dependent Life This optional coverage proves li`e rns;rance coverage for the employee's eligible dependents as follows: Option Dependent Plan #1 Spouse 51,00u Children (age at death) birth to 180 days $10:' 180 days to age 23 Option Plan #2 1) . 28 Group Life Dependent Life Dependent Life Plan 1 Dependent Life Plan 2 States West Life Accidental Death & Dismemberment C 2.0 1 : 7: 75 it 35 Monthly Cost by Age Groups 0.20 0.16 0.05 0.35 0.65 �0 4 $100,000 10.00 12.00 15 70 25.00 38.00 66.00 112.00 1 CO _ 250 50 $90,000 9.00 1 2.20 13 50 22 53 31 27 5 100.80 1 ' 2 3 ' 0 580 8.00 _) 66 13 00 20.00 30.40 52.80 2'a 60 122.40 2 S70,000 7.00 8.40 17. 50 1: 50 26.60 46.20 40 107.1: 7 9.20 $60,000 6.00 7.20 r :k, 15.00 22. 39 :0 67 2'i n" $50,000 5.00 6.00 7 50 12.50 19,00 33.00 56.00 76.50 128.00 $40,000 4.00 4.80 6.00 10.00 15.20 26.40 44.80 61 20 102 40 $30,000 3.00 3.60 4.50 7.50 11.40 19.80 33.60 45 40 76.80 $20,000 2.00 2.40 3.00 5.00 7.60 13.20 22.40 30.60 51.20 $10,000 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.50 3.80 6.60 11.20 15.30 25.60 Premium rate for basic life and AD &D is per $1,000 benefit per month; premium rate for dependent life is per family per month. 7b Standard Insurance Long Term Disability Through Standard Insurance, the AWC Trust is able to offer an integrated long -term disability plan covering LEOFF ll and regular active employees. The employer selects either a 60% or a 67% benefit payment level following a 90- or 180 -day waiting period In the event the employee is disabled. benefits will be reduced by other disability coverage (i.e., workers' compensation and social security) and paid to the benefit level selected (while disabled until age 65). Waiting Period for Pre - Existing Conditions Long - term disability benefits are not payable for men- tal or physical conditions in which the employee: (a) consulted a physician; (b) received medical treatment or services; or (c ) took prescribed drugs or medications at any time during the Pre - Existing Condition Waiting Period. The Pre- Existing Condition Waiting Period for em- ployers with fewer than 20 employees is 180 days; employers with more than 20 employees have a 90- day pre- existing condition waiting period. No benefits would be payable for a disability due to a pre - existing condition if the disability begins before the employee has been continuously insured under the plan for (a) 12 months if the employer has more than 20 em- ployees, and (b) 24 months if the employer has fewer than 20 employees Other Plan Features 1 Disability is defined as: Until benefits have been paid for 24 months (12 months for safety emplo.,- ees), an employee must be unable, as a result c: sickness, injury or pregnancy, to perform the m,: terial duties of the employee's own occupation. Thereafter, an employee must be unable, as a result of sickness, injury or pregnancy, to perform the material duties of all occupations for which the employee is reasonably fitted by education, training and experience. 1 Employees disabled after age 62 can receive ben - efits beyond age 65. (See contract under Maximun Benefit Period for specific requirements.) 1 The plan includes a survivors benefits in which, upon death of the subscriber receiving LTD ben- efits, a lump sum amount equal to three times the monthly LTD benefit will be paid to (a) the surviving spouse, (h) any surviving unmarred children under 25; i any person providing the care and supp_.1 the spouse and /or children. 3 1 1 Standard Insurance Low! Term Disability Option 1: Option 2: Option 3: 4 Option 4: ur 180-day eminc, 2002 Monthly !late of Payroll Maximum Minimum Monthly benefit Month! _ ifi • Entities with more than 100 employees will be individually underwritten by Standard Insurance. 29 Nor APS Healthcare Employee Assistance Program What is an Employee Aaistance Program? Personal problerns are a part of everyone's life. Some of these problems become too big to be solved alone and can interfere with job performance. Whether these problems are work or home- related. the results are the same: 1 Higher absenteeism 1 More on-the-job Inlunes Lower procur t'vity 1 Greater ellil)IC1ye iLrIIJ'v'l' 1 Increased medical costs due to delayed intervention irse, all of thew, affprt Vo11T municipality's 0VP - all Now you have a solution. The Employee Assistance Program -a confidential re- source outside of the workplace that assists your en1- ployees and their families In coping with life's many complexities and challenges. Through the employee assistance program, employ- ees grid family members can access professional help by calling a 24- hour -d -day, / day- per -week toll -frri.' slumber. The counselor on the other end will carc ;11, assess the situation and arrange for the individual to rrleet with a local professional coup >eor within your geographical area. the Maw f•ec, 11111 •1 11 :;I11S UE' 112tl "I.i Ur c jliii j•. 1 . eat l'llllllr(: fees are paid by the employee and often can be inle- gated t their medical nsurance plan. Confidentiality Is assured by protection of the Fed- eral Privacy Act of 1974. Neither the employer or the AWC Trust will receive information on who is using the program. The employee assistance program ad- dresses a variety of concerns including: P fIr 1 ,r i n', '1 ' 1 P 111, , I•'li A 1 Fidel Cdre 1 Job /cd,0_ 1 Legal concems 1 Trauma idir ref 1nu The employee assistance program includes the following services: • 1 1 1 1 rl`. Il 11' 1:r :. I1 r -,1 it -: 1'.'_411 t' rr' r• n t 'Ir l 1n': , .';I ., r -I 1 ior1111, 11 rIL' 11 I ... '11 Ir , 111 'I i.,_;•' ,1;111 Ir 111:1rwu.til n:I, rIJlriI I?'- .,,Its'.i �tr�: llreJ rr'ft•rr,il 1 :I ilia L't''.t . „i,rtll rr;,_,r1rt? t';'hr�• L i1ht'llllll 1 :: F'1'.,�'f! _I'dI i ' • .n <.Iil_1 Isl l' 1 . t' t111' _.i�r�r,i The •k_JrJ - r,a , ,Aida e "tft :illl:_ti'ti H111 'ei •t1P p'•r t:; ;:11 111'VeN, 1 Sample newsletter articles for use oy errployers for inclusion In the employee newsletter 1 Posters for your worksite to help promote and •e- mind employees of the program and its benefits. In addition to the basic assess and refer program, APS Healthcare offers expanded assessment and brief counseling packages which offers up to 5 or 8 hours of counseling services at very low premium cost I his would be an excellent enhancement to the existing medical plan which has Vi mental health benefits Additional benefits include: • t ir1; ahIe rr, l; rdal (1,' :u';e'y, irldi:,,1• rIr 'llltl l)F�' •.11' 'n'. I'll III' { '1 x1 Ill tei L1;l it`(; i r' IF'ra•l_1'i_; ri tl 1€'11111 " -.I I' rl'I_l -'.wJ lilt', I 1' '�ry r.' ill 'I I:_t:. 11I'.1'..'llll;f_'_.I 'J •,il - .', I'll ,ilf'. 1 . t.dl;':t r I;ruhl�n''; `i ludlrr,l ;)r1,Hp - ns di” ,. 1:1'1111 ■ Fr l'�i'r:ei1 e i111k ,.,,,? k'n Irl::;y r t.�I •11x. 1 �:_ r i. 111 1) it n•r p); ty _1� f:'. 1 1 If SO% or more of the employee population are covered under an AWC Trust medical, dental, vision, life or long term disability plan: RegenceJAsuris Plan APS Employee Assistance Program If Tess than SO% of the employee population are covered under an AWC Trust medical, dental, vision, life or long term disability plan: 1 -3 Session Program 1 -5 Session Program 1-8 Session Program Note: Premium rate is per family per month. 67 4 73 1.67 2.70 2.85 .78 .93 3.67 4.70 4.85 Employees who are insured on AVvC's Regence Blue Shield /Asuris Northwest Health plans automati- cally have the 1 -3 session program 0 included for no charge. 3 32 Underwriting Rules Medical Programs Please note: The following is a brief summary of the participation, eligibility and waiting period requirements of the AWC medical plans [(Regence Blue Shield (RBS), Asuris Northwest Health (ANH), and Group Health Cooperative (GHC). Final interpretation of any provision is governed by the master contract. Please consult your benefit booklet or contact the AWC Trust for complete information on the plan rules and requirements. Participation Requirements 1 A city, town or quasi - municipal entity may partici- pate in the AWC Trust medical programs. • All sizes of employers accepted. • Employers with over 250 employees are subject to special criteria. • Quasi - municipal entities subject to Board approval. • 75% of the employees must participate in an em- ployer- sponsored health plan. 1 A member employer may break out work or bargain- ing units, so long as: • Unit consists of at least five (5) employees. • Special rules for departments consisting of LEOFF I participants (see below for more details). 1 All active regular employees working a minimum of 20 hours per week are eligible to participate. 1 Seasonal employees working a minimum of 20 hours per week are eligible to participate. 1 Contract employees are not eligible to participate 1 If LEOFF I and/or LEOFF II personnel are to be insured • Must have at least 75% of the non - LEOFF employ- ees. • Must have at least 75% of the entire police or fire department insured in a Trust - sponsored medical program (or employer - offered HMO). 1 A member employer may offer RBS/ANH and Group Health to employees as medical plan options. No enrollment restrictions apply. 1 Member employers may offer more than one Trust - sponsored RBS/ANH or Group Health medical plan, provided: • 100% of the employees within a work unit must have the same plan with each carrier (i.e., Public Works enrolled on GH CoPay Plan I; non -union em- ployees enrolled on GH CoPay Plan II). LEOFF I's electing RBS /ANH coverage are the exception to this rule; they are required to enroll on Plan A • Split carrier coverage will not be allowed (i.e. em- ployee enrolled on RBS/ANH plan and the family enrolled on GHCPS plan). 1 Split coverage within the RBS/ANH plans is a!Row d (i.e., employee enrolls on RBS /ANH Plan A arc -ne family enrolls on RBS /ANH Plan B). 1 Dependent coverage is available to member employ- ers to offer to employees. If dependent coverage is offered: • At (east 75% of those eligible dependents not en- rolled under another medical plan must be enrolled. If your city has 250 employees or more, your city will be eligible to join the AWC Employee Benefit Trust, however some special criteria will apply to you. • 3 year minimum participation • 1 year minimum notice to terminate participation in the Trust • Benefit plans will not be specifically tailored to in- dividual cities • Current plan experiences must be obtained and reviewed by the Trust's broker • A surcharge may be applied on top of existing rates if deemed necessary by experience reports 1 Underwriting Rules ommi • the surcharge may be assessed for up to 3 years time, the surcharge may increase or decrease in January of each year • While the Trust maintains an open door policy, the Employee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees must vote to accept or decline the surcharge assessed to each city Contribution Requirements Member employers are billed monthly by the AWC Trust's billing administrator. It is the member employer's responsibility to assure that the correct premium is be- ing remitted for each employee and their family. If an error is made, retroactive premium adjustments will only be made back to January 1 of the current calendar year. Because of this policy, the AWC Trust recommends that a member employer perform peri- odic enrollment audits to ensure accurate remittance of funds. The minimum contribution levels by the mem- ber employer are detailed below: LEOFF 1 active employees & retirees 100" b 1 All other employees 50% 1 Dependents Waiting Periods Pursuant to the Health Services Act, pre - existing con- ditions must be covered for employees changing from one plan to another, or employees who incurred no less than a 3 -month lapse in coverage. This would in- clude employees coming from a self- insured program. Credit will also be given toward the pre - existing condi- tion waiting period should the employee and/or family member have been enrolled on a medical plan for three months or less. It is the employee's responsibility to provide proof of coverage for any waiting period credit desired. If no prior coverage existed, then the employee and/ or family member will incur a 3 -month waiting period for pre- existing conditions. There will be no pre - existing waiting period for preg- nancy. Effective Date of Coverage Employers Initially Joining the Plan All eligible employees actively at work who are en- rolled on the date the employer initially joins the plan shall have coverage effective on that date New Employees By applying when first eligible, new employees and their families will be covered as follows: LEOFF I Employees - On date of employment All Other Employees and All Dependents - First day of the month following date of employ- ment If a member employer's personne pouues differ from the above enrollment guidelines, the Trust will abide by those policies so long as the member employer pro- vides an updated copy of that policy to the Trust. If an employee chooses not to enroll when first eligible, he/ she cannot enroll until the open enrollment period (re- fer to language below New Spouses, Newborns & Adopted Children 1 A newly acquired spouse and stepchildren must be enrolled with,r 30 days of the date of acquisition The effective date will be the first of the month following date of acquisition. 1 A newborn cnild may be covered from the date of birth provided (1) the child is enrolled within 60 days of the date of birth and (2) premium is paid from the first of the month following birth. A newly adopted child may be covered from date of placement provided (1) the child is enrolled within 60 days of the date of placement and (2) premium is paid from the first of the month following placement. Open Enrullni nI. Employees and/or dependents who did not enroll when first eligible must wait until the next open enroll- ment period which is January 1 of every year Enrollment applications should be submitted during the month of December for employees and dependents entering the plan for the first time. Waiting periods as described earlier will apply. Open enrollment does not apply to retirees or their dependents. Retirees and/or family members who fail to continue their Trust - sponsored coverage at the time of retirement cannot enroll at a later date. a3 34 Underwriting Rules Elected Official Benefit Participation Criteria The Board established that for a city to offer medical coverage, 50% of all elected officials must be en- rolled on a Trust - sponsored plan. For example, if a city has a mayor and seven councilmembers, at least four individuals must enroll in the medical program. As with all other benefit programs, the established par- ticipation levels and contribution requirements will be applicable (see participation & contribution require- ments section). If authorized by your city council, mayors in a strong mayor form of government can participate in the Trust. The following items are participation rules and un- derwriting requirements that apply specifically to elected officials: 1 Elected officials may participate in the health plans currently being offered by their city (medical, dental and vision). All carriers' specific underwriting requirements must be followed once the 50% participation level on the medical program is satisfied. These include depen- dent enrollment, participation requirements and premium contribution guidelines. 1 Elected officials are subject to the medical plans' pre- existing condition provision. 1 Elected officials who do not enroll in the medical plan when initially offered may do so only during the open enrollment period. 1 As is applicable to all participants, 100% participa- tion of elected officials is required on the dental, vision and life insurance programs. (100% of the premium must be paid by the city as well.) 1 Life insurance may be provided at the same level as being provided to city employees, but only if 100% of all elected officials are enrolled. 1 long -term disability coverage is not available to elected officials - 1 Covered elected officials are eligible for COBRA con- tinuation coverage rights. 1 Should participation by the elected officials group drop below 50% during the year, coverage on all officials must be terminated the following January 1. 1 Newly elected officials will be allowed to join the plan(s) when they assume their position as mayor or councrlmember. Re- elected officials initially offered the plan may only enroll during the carrier's open enrollment period (if one exists). Retiree Coverage Minimum Requirements 1 The employee must meet the retirement criteria gage and years of service requirements? on the pension program contributed to by the member employer at the tame of retirement. 1 To enroll on the Selections, PPO or Group Health retiree plans, the employee must have participated on a Trust medical plan for at least 5 years immediately preceding retirement. (Medical Plan R does not have this 5 -year requirement.) 1 To enroll in the Regence Selections plan, the Regence/ Ausris Retiree PPO Plan, or the Regence/Ausris Plan R, the employee must have been enrolled on a Regence Blue Shield/Asuris Northwest Health Trust medical plar for at least 3 years immediately preceding retirement. 1 The retiree plan is available through the same carver as insured immediately upon retirement. (ie. Regence/Asuris of Group Health.) No switching of carriers is allowed. / The retiree plan is available to the retiree for as long as the former employer continues to purchase medical cov- erage through the AWC Trust 1 Employees who receive a disability retirement from De- partment of Retirement Systems qualify for the retiree medical program. 1 Spouses and eligible dependents are al'owed to stay on the program after the employee dies 1 If a retiree or dependent of the retiree terminates the retiree program - no re- enrollment will be allowed. 1 Retiree coverage must be chosen immediately after active coverage /COBRA coverage terminates no break in coverage is allowed. w. MEI — Dental, Vision, Life, Long Term Disability Insurance & Employee Assistance Programs Please note: The following is a brief summary of the participation and eligibility requirements of the dental, vision, life, long -term disability (LTD), and employee assistance program (EAP) coverages. final interpretation of any provision is governed by the master contract. Please consult your benefit booklet or contact the AWC Trust for complete information on the programs, their rules and requirements. 1 /11 0 ) 111 - x..11" el l 1,4' yL�C,ti ct t Gtt t Participation Requirements / There is no open enrollment on these programs. 1 100% enrollment of all eligible employees is re- quired. 1 All active regular employees working a minimum of 20 hours per week are eligible to participate 1 If dependent coverage is offered 'or the dental pro- gram, 100% enrollment of dependents, (exclud- ing dependents covered by another dental plan), is required. 1 A member employer may enroll employee groups (i.e -, bargaining unit, department, etc.): however, the group must consist of at least five (5) employees. Contribution Requirements 1 The member employer must pay 100% of the premium for all coverages that are mandatory. 1 For Low r _:: r,::: _, 1 . -i _ vr;llrt:ary mental li' ;,... _ i the l;-en ., empIa .J-E::a The miniri,rti L.,t u', c , :, :, .,.e player are: 1 Employee 1 Spouse 1 Dependents G 10C 100% 100% Underwriting Rules Effective Date of Coverage Employers Initially Joining the Plan All eligible employees actively at work who are enrolled on the date the employer initially joins the plan shall have coverage effective on that date. New Employees By applying when first eligible, new employees an;i their families will be covered on the first of the m,-, following date of hire. An application must be corn - pleted prior to effective date of coverage- If a member employer's personnel policies differ from the above enrollment guidelines, the Trust will abide by those policies so long as the member employer provides an updated copy of that policy to the Trust. ' L L J r J l vr,1i v_ v ! Underwriting Rules New Spouses, Newborns & Adopted Children 1 A newly acquired spouse and stepchildren must be enrolled w thin 30 days of the date of acquisi- tion The effective date will be the first of the month following date of acquisition. 1 A newborn child may be covered from the date of birth provided (1) the child is enrolled w tt in 60 days of the date of birth and (2) premium is paid from the first of the month following birth. 1 A newly acopted child may be covered from date of placement provided (1) the child is enrolled ,`,thin 60 days of the date of placement and (2) premium is paid from the first of the month following placement. 1 When enrolling on the dental program, the in- centive level for a new employee and their dependents may be transferred if he/she is trans- ferring into this dental plan from any other WDS incentive level dental plan. If transferring from a WDS constant payment program, the transferred level will be 80 %. Enrollment for such an employee must be completed within 30 days of transfer and the employee must have been eligible for benefits under the prior WDS program in the month coin - ciding with or immediately preceding the month of transfer_ 6 r• • Special Underwriting Rules Life Insurance 1 If a member employer has less than 10 eligible em- ployees covered under the plan and the base life coverage desired is over $10,000, the insurance amount in excess of S10,000 will be subject to evidence of insurability satisfactory to States West Application forms are available from the AWC Trust office 1 States West reserves the right not to insure any member employer which has a disproportional number of employees in hazardous occupational classes Long - Term Disability 1 For groups over 49 lives, employee contributions are allowed. However, 85% of the eligible em- ployees must be enrolled in the plan. Retiree Dental Program Eligible enrollees for this program will be individuals who retire from an entity covering its employees on ar AWC/WDS plan 1 The employee must meet the retirement criteria (age anct years of service requirements) on the pension program contributed to by the member employer at the time of retirement. 1 The retiree dental plan is available to the retiree fo+ as long as the former employer continues to purchase dental coverage through the AWC Trust. 1 Spouses and eligible dependents are allowed to stay on the program after the employee dies 1 If a retiree or dependent of the retiree termi- nates the retiree program - no re- enrollment will be allowed. 1 Retiree coverage must be chosen immediately after active coverage /COBRA coverage termi- nates - no break in coverage is allowed. OEM MMEI WWI MEMO TO: City Council FROM: Deputy City Manager DATE: February 21, 2003 SUBJECT: Information Technology Master Plan At the Council Study Session Thursday, February 20, 2003, the Finance Committee and staff requested partial approval of the overall information technology hardware purchase request The time crunch required that we order at least those items which had been discussed in the past. We needed an immediate consensus of agreement in order to get the purchases underway. 1 appreciate the confidence the Council has shown in allowing us to proceed with all speed in this process. The entire system with its interrelated elements was much to complex to present to you on short notice. The information technology hardware memo and request also contained a more detailed outline of projected remaining costs of IT hardware. We will make a short presentation Tuesday, February 25, 2003, and give answers to any remaining que The hardware system design is complete. All of the software options have been examined relative to support hardware needs. The S70,000 portion tentatively approved at the last Study Session is a part of the larger package. If Council is comfortable with the system as presented next Tuesday, we would request budget approval. Some of the orders approved earlier have been placed for delivery ASAP. Attachment — Power Point Copy CC: City Manager Finance Director City Attorney City of Spokane Valley Basic Network Design ANL owszimmisigiffigik ■MIMININNI 0:11 RESOURCE C fl I I P L I T I N G I N C Prepared by Patrick Whalen. CISSP Dave Braucht, CCNP, CSS1. MCSE Objectives for this document Phase I of designing the computer network infrastructure. Design and select products for the basic core of the network in a manner that allows for growth of applications, users and services on the network, without having to rebuild (investment protection). Create a secure Internet connection. including security definitions and independent of the Internet Service Provider (Spokane County or XO t Communications). Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Disclaimer This document does not represent a complete network design. The network will continue to grow as new applications, users, connections and services are added. This is solely the basic network infrastructure. Many decisions for the network, primarily involving key applications, are unmade. This design will accommodate those future decisions, but additional resources will have to be deployed. A key decision is certainly the relationship between the new city and the existing county IT staff and other departments. Again, this basic network design will accommodate a secure connection to the county and other key suppliers, but additional resources will have to be deployed. Following our recommendations will improve the City of the Valley's network security but will not create or guarantee a completely secure network. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Underlying Assumptions v „,„,, The city neitwork will grow from approximately thirty (30) users toda to one hundred((1;09 users within a year. Growth after that is harder to y is anticipated that growth at a slower pace will continue. °predict but it Data security is a primary concern of the network design and maintenance. — The city would like to minimize IT staffing levels and expense until basic decisions are made about key applications and the extent of the IT relationship with Spokane County. nship A strong data connection to Spokane County will have to be created to accommodate GIS files. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Server /Storage /Tape In order to build an infrastructure with sufficient resources for today and for the next several years, we must use a modular approach. The city's growth is anticipated to be strong and data storage and retrieval are primary network uses and will continue to demand more and more storage space. Storage has to be designed to accommodate substantial growth, without overspending today. The tape system must accommodate additional servers without creating additional maintenance requirements. The tape software for data backup and data restore must be well understood by city staff and capable of different methods of archival and recovery. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. General recommendations We believe the greatest expense in operating your computing infrastructure is in the maintenance of the equipment and in supporting the user community. Well run networks are built to standards, using open industry protocols and industry leading hardware and software. On network operating software, we are recommending the Microsoft Windows 2000 code base. On network server and desktop hardware, we are recommending Hewlett Packard. On desktop operating systems we are recommending Microsoft Windows XP Professional. On routers, switches, and firewalls, we are recommending Cisco Systems equipment. All of these are market share leaders and widely supported by application vendors. All application vendors that the city is currently considering (that we are aware of) support these products. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Recommendations General (standardization Server /Storage /Backup Architecture Server Hardware Disk Storage Hardware Tape Subsystem Software Internet Connectivity Architecture Router Firewall SYSIog Budgetary Nur4tp,i-air Recommendations prepared by Resource Computing Inc. Why Build a Network? • Share files, printers, and peripherals, • Provide secure Internet connectivity • Provide shared applications, i.e. Eden, GIS, etc. • Provide shared communications, i.e. email, video conferencing, etc. • Provide for data integrity through security, backup, archival and system redundancy Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. A Design Question... Should we build a traditional all in one server /storage /tape backup system or should we build a three tiered server, storage and tape subsystem? Recommendations prepared by Resource Computing Inc. Traditional All in One Servers /Storage /Backup Pros... Proven design used for years by small businesses. Well understood and supported by client/server application vendors. Cons... Single point of failure Very expensive to add redundancy /clusters Expensive to add servers /storage /backup for new applications. Expensive to add storage /backup to older and existing servers. Backup and recovery solutions tend to be less reliable because they are often either separate for each server or storage capability on multiple servers exceeds tape capacities, forcing IT staff to use Tess reliable manual or multi -tape backups. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Multi -Tier Servers /Storage /Backup Pros... Cost effective to add redundant servers and/or clusters Easy and inexpensive to add disk capacity. Easy and inexpensive to add new application servers. Supports multiple operating systems with single disk array. Much more reliable backup /recovery operations because IT staff is running one higher quality system rather than multiple lesser systems. Opportunity to design for no single point of failure. Longer lifecycle of all equipment, including the ability to move physical hard drives onto a future Storage Area Network. Cons... Larger initial investment to create the platform. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Multi -Tier Servers /Storage /Backup r � «r.m _ -- Server Layer Multiple Servers. Multiple Operating Systems, Clusters, etc Network Switch Storage Array supports up to 14 Disks in one unit. Supports up to 72GB in one disk Tape Array One ReacliWnte Drive, 7 DLT Tapes. Battery 8ack UaS Lifecycle expectation = 3 — 5 Years Lifecycle expectation = 4 - 6 Years Lifecycle expectation = 3 — 5 Years Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. S Conclusions and Specifics • Server(s) - Use industry leading Hewlett Packard ProLiant servers running Microsoft Windows 2000. The primary server will provide access to the storage subsystem and be the primary Active Directory controller. The secondary server will provide backup services and host miscellaneous small applications. The third server will host Microsoft Exchange for email, calendaring and collaboration. Recommendations prepared by February 6. 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Server /Storage /Tape Conclusions and Specifics • Storage - Use Hewlett Packard Smart Array cluster storage (SACS). The SACS will accommodate up to 14 72GB Ultra3 SCSI drives, and will provide storage for data files, databases (SQL) and email systems (Exchange). The SACS is easily upgraded to support redundant connections to the server farm. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Server /Storage /Tape Conclusions and Specifics • Tape - Use Hewlett Packard Storage Works MSL5026SL Tape Library. The tape library will be configured to backup all of the network servers from one location thus easing network administration. The unit holds up to 26 DLT cartridges and can add a second tape drive. This fully automatic tape subsystem will enable the city to know that critical files are recoverable in the event of an emergency and allow for data archival for older files. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Basic Network Infrastructure Disk Storage System Tape Storage System I F ile, rant � ' and Domain Server Central Switch I Backup -- Domain and Application) Server l Em a Server To the Internet Border Client Febr1. 2003 P Resource Computing Inc. Recommendations prepared by Internet Connectivity • The city will choose to gain Internet access through XO Communications or Spokane County. Either way, we need to establish and defend a border to ensure our own data integrity. The border will have to accommodate varying levels of trust and access for different connections. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. nternet Connectivity • Router - Use a Cisco 2600 Series Router. The 2600 Series is a low end platform for connectivity and can grow to accommodate additional features such as QOS, IPSEC, VPN's and Video Conferencing. Because it is a Cisco product it is easily supported by internal staff or local vendors. The router must be hardened against g outside attack. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. nternet Connectivity Firewall - Use a Cisco PIX XXXX. The XXXX provides for stateful packet inspection and comes with agents for common applications such as HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and DNS as well as many others. This application support and the ease of administration for the Cisco platform make it the logical choice. Because it is a Cisco product it is easily supported by internal staff or local vendors. Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. nternet Connectivity • Email Firewall - Use a BorderWare Mxtreme. The email firewall acts additional platform for filtering and securing inbound and outbo n a email. The Mxtreme will filter all incoming outside the firewall to provide addi � g email and hold it p protection from malicious code. both virus /trojan and simply offensive content. Filters for SPAM and potentially dangerous attachments provide additional protection hnetwork net for the malicious code off the p thwork by network. Virus protection can be purchased to add an additional line of virus defense outside the trusted network. This is recommended ' because substantial malicious code can be delivered via email messages. a Recommendations prepared by February 6, 2003 Resource Computing Inc. nternet Connectivity SYSIog Server Use the existing server on the network today. This will provide a good use of that box and provide the network with a consolidated SYSIog server. The SYSIog server will run RedHat linux and use RedHat's SYSIog program. We will use the SYSIog server to collect data on the operations of the routers, firewalls, email filters and servers. This info will be gathered and monitored by automated scripts that will alert city staff of unusual or suspicious events. February 6, 2003 Recommendations prepared by Resource Computing Inc. nternet Border Architecture To the Trusted Internal LAN I II SYSIog Server Email Firewall for content filtering and virus J5 Hot Spare or Load Balanced Firewall Filtered Traffic Main Firewall(s) Service Network DMZ February 6, 2003 Hardened Router Untrusted Internet Recommendations prepared by Resource Computing Inc. Budgetary Numbers for New Equipment for Redundancy • Servers /Storage /Tape = S40,000.00 35.o,ve1s • Internet Border = $21.000.00 Firewall(s) - Router Email Firewall • Software Licensing = $25,000.00 -- ivttwevk ,- ecovc'f • Miscellaneous = $13,000 - Switches Racks UPS • Deployment labor (TBD) = $30,000 Please see attached budget numbers for details. Recommendations prepared by February 6. 2003 Resource Computing Inc. Thank You Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. We value your business and look forward to working with you in the future. Patrick Whalen Certified Information Systems Security Professional 509- 252 -3510 pwhalen @rescomp.com Dave Braucht Certified Cisco Networking Engineer Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer 509 -252 -3524 dbraucht @rescomp.com February 6, 2003 • ANL AIMMMIL MMINI SOURCE C (] M P l! T 1 N G 1 N C Recommendations prepared by Resource Computing Inc. BORDER Qty 1tcm /DescriptiQ.n - SP9Ynt Price Fxtension - _. Mnfr. Part!! Mail Gateway 1 BorderWare Mxtreme MX200 Mail Gateway with Spam Prolection Content ✓=:I1e Management. Automated Updates 1 Trend Micro Licyairse 5:1 users Virus Scanning at Gateway on Mxtreme MX200 Ongoing Annual Support rFlrel Year Included In Pricing Above 1 Annual S�pnri 3order'.:'are 1 Annual License- Trend Micro 500 users Firewall 1 Cisco PIX 515 E -UR PIX 515E FIREWALL BUNDLES ( CHASSIS UNRESTRICTED SW 2 FE) 1 Cisco PIX 515 Failover PIX 515E FIREWALL BUNDLES (CHASSIS FAILOVER SW 2 FE PORTS 2 Additional Ethernet Pori FAST ENET 10/100MBS 10l100BTX RJ45 PIX 515/515E 168 -BIT 3DES VPN FEATURE LICENSE 2 SMARTnet MAINTENANCE 1YR NBD 8X5 SMARTN`' GAT 9 Ongoing Annual Support tFrrLt Year Included In Pncing Atsvel 2 SMARTneI MAINTENANCE 1YR NBD 8X5 SMARTNET CAT 9 Raider 1 CISCO 2621 DUAL 10/100BTX MODULE ROUTER W /CISCO IOS IP CISCO 160011700/260013600 1PORT FRACTL T1 DSU /CSU WAN `.1AINTENANCE 1YR NBD 8X5 SMARTNET CAT Qn Annual Support IF■rst Ye{ooduded a Pncina ovei 1 MAIN - ENANCE 1YR NBD 8X5 SMARTNET CAT $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 MX 200 $ 1.520.00 5 1,520 00 MX -50 AV Subtotal -.a _$ 7,520.00 $ 395 00 $ 395.00 MG -50 -SUPP $ 305 00 S 305.00 MX Subtotal $ 700.00 55,436.60 55,436.60 $2,040.00 52,040.00 $136 -00 $272.00 52,105.00 52.1`.2.- C'C $680 00 5690 [:0 5375. 5375 00 Subtotalt, _ 3060.00 Subtotal- eg. $ PIX- 515E -UR BUN PIX-515E-FO BU PIX -1 FE= 5340.00 $650.00 PIX-515-VPN- S9111 DO $1,820.00 Subtotal -.e0 "248 '.60' $910 00 $1 820 00 Subtotals $" ;1,820.00 CON - SNT -PKG9 CON- SNT -PKG CISCO2621 W1C- 1DSU -T1= CON - SNT -PKG5 5375.00 5375.00 CON SN- -PKG5 Qty ltemIDescriptjn LA.N .HARDWARE IAPEILBRARY 1 hp Storage Works MSL5026SL Tape Library 110/220 Switch 1 64- Bit/66MHz Dual hannet wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter 1 12 ft Extemal Offset SCSI Extension Cable 2 Tapes: SDI T Tape Cartridges -10 Pack 1 CarePaa 3 Years, 9x5, 4 -Hour Sunnort 1 Crscu Gatatyst 3r, 48- 101100BTX & < : :I•_ r .JR<TS' ENHANCED MULTILAYER SW 'MAGE MAINTENANCE 1 YR N8D 8X5 SMARTNET CAT 7 QagiAngAnnualaLmaCaliazigiv lnduded in Pnr,uka.Abovs] MAINTENANCE 1 YR N80 8X5 SMARTNET CAT 7 RACK and Lin 1 Rack 10642 Pallet 1 TFT5600 RKM 1 Server Console art 5 ProLiant DL380 G2 RPS 1 600rnm Stabilizer Kit for the Rack 10000 1 Sidewall Panel Kit for the Rack 10642 1 PDU 16A -High VVW(12 •Fr,t 1e• ched cord) 2 R3000XR, High, L6 -20 5 CPU to Console Switch ::a ble 11' AIWA.. Rd S.,'!s 1115 S •irnt I'4 »20q YVSCA Prtce AxWmS14Il mtlfr: Part g Seers 3 Prolrant 01380 G2 Pentium III 1. Rackrnountabie 3 2nd Processor 5 18GB Ultra SCSI 3 10,0C RPM Hard Drive 3 Hot Plug Redundant Power Supply Module 3 DL380 G2 Hot Plug Redundant Fan Option Kit 3 1GB Total SDRAM 133MHz (2x512) 3 Remote Insight Board lights -Out Edition 3 SCSI Adaptor for backup 3 CarePaa 3Year, 7x24, 4-Hour Support 51,719.00 5497.00 5222.00 5152.00 $115.00 5311.00 5406.00 5237.00 $1.110.00 Subtotal 55.157.00 51,491 00 $1,332.00 $456 00 5345.00 $933 00 $1,218.00 5711.00 53.330.00 $ 14,973.00 253864 -001 201099 -B21 142673 -822 225011 -001 225012 -B21 1GBMEM -2DM 157866 -IXN 154457 -821 162657 -002 A E&Y co USTFR 1 SMART Array Cluster Storage 1 Redundant controller 5 72.8G8 Ultra 3 SCSI 10.000 RPM Hard Drive 1 CarePaq: 3 Years, 9x5, 4 -Hour Support 1 128 MB Cache for SMART Array $3,968 00 51.897 00 5381 00 51,044.00 5414 00 Subtotal 53,968.00 $1,897.00 51, 905.00 $1.044.00 541400 201724 -821 218252 -821 286714 -B22 402165 -002 153506 -821 $9,228.00 $10,009 00 510.50 $316 00 561 00 51, 064.00 52,220.00 Subtot $ 7!1 $4.753 20 W _ S 5595.00 ubtotal -, 5 5,34811 5595.00 .Subtotal $595.00 C $ 307512 -821 5316.00 129803.821 561 00 341175 -821 $2.128.00 183527 -822 52,220.00 110827 -002 515,234:00,, ., S C3550- 48 -EMi CON - SNT -PKG7 5972.00 5972 00 245161 B21 51,988.00 51,988.00 221546 -001 5729 -00 5729.00 400337 -001 $152.00 5760 00 225011 -001 5136.00 5136.00 246107 -621 5223.00 5223.00 246099 -821 5215 00 5215.00 207590 -821 51.224.00 52,448 00 192186 -002 553.00 5265.00 110936 -B21 7 309 921 7 1245 S O.J F. 209921 721E ON -SNT -PKG7 .4FTWARE Qty, Jtem'Qpscription Govn't Pricin Ext €nsiQn tdnfr. Part # 51 PRIMESUPPORT 1YR 12X5 ACTIVE VIR. DEFENSE 51 -100 NODES Microsoft 5 Win 2K Server $738 00 $3 690.3C C11 -00821 40 Win 2K Client Access Licenses 530.03 $1.200 C78 -00480 1 Exchange 2K Server $699 CO $699 CO 312 -01426 40 Exchange 2K Client Access Licenses $67.00 $2,58C.03 381 -0 1 SQL Servers S665 OC 5665 00 228-00782 40 SQL Client Access Licenses 5146.00 $5,840.00 359 -00532 Subtotal $ 14,774.00 Desktop Anti -Virus software 51 ACTIVE VIRUS DEFENSE 2YR LIC 1YR PS 12X5 51 -100 NODES 574 50 $3 799 50 AVDABE -AA -CA i - „ ; ; Subtotal . 54,375.80 J3acKup Software t BACKUP EXEC 9.0 WIN SVR CMBO 1YR I E $782.00 5782.00 3 BACKUP EXEC 9 0 WIN ADV OPEN FILE OPT W /CAL CMBO 1YR $881.00 52.643.00 $11 30 $576 30 AVDYBM -AA -CA 1 BACKUP EXEC 9.0 WIN EXCH SVR AGT WITH CAL CMBO 1YR $979.00 $979.00 includes remote agent 1 BACKUP EXEC 9.0 W1N SQL SVR AGT WITH CAL CMBO 1YR 5979.00 S_ ' : a = =' FOCC includes remote agent =" '° Subtotal .- = 55,383.00 52ty_ Itern1Oescript[on APPLICATION SERVER$ WSCA PriG Extensio❑ Mn fla Part Eden Servers 2 Prolrant DL380 G2 Pentium III 1.4GHz- Rackmo ntao e 2 2nd Processor 4 18GB Ultra SCSI 3 10,G0 RPM Hard Dnve 2 Hot Plug Redundan' Power Supply Module 2 DL380 G2 Hot Plug Redundant Fan Option Kit 2 1GB Total SDRAM 133MHz (2x512) 2 Remote Insight Board lights -Out Edition 2 SCSI Adaptor for backup 3 CarePaq 3Year, 7x24, 4 -Hour Support $1,719.00 $497 00 5222.00 $152.00 5115_00 5311.00 $406.0C 5237.00 $1,110.C') 53,438.00 5994.00 5888.00 $304.00 5230.00 5622.00 5812.00 $474.00 $3,330 00 Server Total $ 11,092.00 253864 -001 201099 -B21 142673 -822 225011 -001 225012 -B21 1GBMEM -2DM 157866 -001 154457 -B21 162657 -0.02 LABOR Qty. Item /Description Prie e Extension Labor Labor Labor for Senior Systems Engineers to install and configure network equipment. Complete statement of work will be provided at outset of project_ $30,000,00 $30,000.00