2005, 09-06 Study Session AcF.lvD,► C11'Y OF SPOkANE VAI.fyGl' CITY COLfNCIL WORK4HEE'I' S'TUDY SESSIUN Tuesday, 5cptemhcr 6, 2005 6:00 p.m. SPOI{ANF VALLEY CIT'Y A4L1. 11707 Eaat Sprngne Avenoe, 5aitc 101 (Pleu.sc Turn RffAll FIcctmnic Dcvkrs lluring the Mrcting) DISCt1S5IUIY LEADER SLTRJFCT/ACI'IVITY GOAL l. ~1arinu Sukup (10 minutcs) !'roposed Urdinance 05-025, Extending LiR-1 Zoning AJc►pt C1rdirwncc AN OIZUINANCE Ur TIiL CITY OF SFOKANF. VALLL-Y, WASI-IINGTON, Eh"TEJDING'I1Ir URBAN FtF:SID1:IvTtAL E5TA7'E (UR-i) iN'!'ERiM "LUNfTv(-i AUT110R1'LED BY C1RD(NANCF NU. 04-035 T'(3R AN AllQf'I'IONAI. Si.\ MC)N'aiS IN 7'1IE PUNDGROSA AND RUTCEiIrORD AREAS AND AMFNDLNG THE W'c?RKI'1.AN AIYD DECLARING AN URGF.NCY AND ENiERGENCY NECESStTA'I'ING 7`f tE IMhiF.DIA7 l; AU(7PT7()N Or THE OR!)INANCE AND FURTf-IL•R "t'HAT TT-IF OIZUMANCE SHAL.L IIE EIT•TC7'IVF liP(liv ADOpT10N. ipubllr comment] hlike Connclly (10 niinutrs) Prerpo5ed Rc,.>lutiun 054)19 Amending Resafutian 05-018, Appruvc Rrs+!lutiun Novctnber Ballat lssue [public commentj Kegular Sturty S~s,clc►►t Uiscw•siun Issues (Nu Publlc Cunrn►rnt): 3. De:p:trtntcnt Ditccturs I ligtilip)tts ef ?Onl, Btidect Disrussicm-7nforrri atiun ( 40 minutes) -l. I'tim S.:hoItens (!0 miiiutes) 'ttasterFce Schedulr Artirntiment, Pi;►n Disc:is;ion~lnfonnati(-in Rcview Fcc; ti Dare 1lrrcicr I30 mintttes) Cienernl Budgct Discussion I)iscussion tiI torrnation fi. ktnyor Wiiliitc ct, mitsutesl Advsncr :lkeri.l.i ;1(hiiti0ns Discussinli-lnlurniation 7. %lci%or \4'11hitc Council hrck in I>i.cutitiiuiI/ I111~ormstion 8. Unvc Mcrcicr City llfanagcr tornmcnl5 Disc ussMtLTnfornta6011 ADJOURN Nnte; llnless c»herwise auttd above, there will bo nn public camments at Counril Srtidy tiess) an+. iiowc%er, c ouneil a1k,6-ays resenre.s thc right tn roqutst infurmntian fiom thc publlc und staff as appropriate. N0771:.E: !tulividstalf ptunutitg to attend the ntieecMg wfio recryire Vmial sssistanee lo tu:commo:ote p}i}vcnl, hcaring, nr otl= impairmrnts, ~ pirasz conwrt che Cicy Ctark nt (5"1931-104aQ as sam ns pcicsiblr sa char arrnnhancnts may be mnde. `;c_dti <cso~.rnJ~ n,_r~.nc , ~ I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing . ❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Ordinance 05-025 An ordinance extending the UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Interim Zoning for an additional six months in the Ponderosa and Rotchford neighborhoods and amending the findings of fact and work plan. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.63.220, Spokane Valley Ordinance 04035 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Ordinance 04035 adopted on August 24, 2005 and effective on September 8, 2004. Council was briefed on the proposed extension on August 9, 2005. BACKGROUND: A moratorium or interim zoning ordinance may be effective for not longer than six months, but may be effective for up to one year if a work plan is developed for related studies providing for such a longer period. A moratorium of interim zoning ordinance may be renewed for one or more six-month periods if a subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal. The Interim UR-1 Urban Residential Estate Zoning was effective on September 8, 2004. The original work plan had anticipated completion of the Cornprehensive Plan prior to this date. In addition, further analysis is required to complete the work plan based on the following: • Revision of Floodplain maps for the Chester Creek area by FEMA and re-mapping of Saltese Creek as part of a larger project. • Possible reclassification of stream types by the Department of Natural Resources. • Completion of a draft Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan with the concurrence of . emergency response personnel relating to urban wildland fire and evacuation • Environmental impact of land use as part of the Comprehensive Plan. • The resolution of the wastewater capacity issue resulting from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study by the Department of Ecology and the Environmental protection Agency (EPA) remains incomplete. A public hearing was held before the Planning 'Commission on August 25, 2005. Planning Commission recommends extending the Interim UR-1 Residential Estate zoning for a period of six months, with a revised Findings of Fact and Workplan. OPTIONS: PVot Applicable. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Suspend the rules, declare an emergency, and adopt the Ordinance effective immediately upon adoption. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director 1 . ~ J ATTACHMENTS: Draft ordinance, Findings of Fact, Amended Woricplan, Planning Commission Draft Minutes of August 25, 2005 ~ crrY aF sroicaivr vaY.LEY SPOKANF COU\`TY, WAS13~I!\iGTON QR.1)1NANCE NO. 05-025 AN nRDli\'ANGE ON" '1`HF CITY OI' SPOKANT VriLl1Ei Y, WAS1iINGTON, - EYTEiNDl1`G TIIE. UI213AN RES1llLNTTAL ESTATE (UR-1) INTERIM ZON1t1G AUTHOR.IZED 13Y ORUINA.NCE NO. 04-035 FOR AN ADlll'I'IONAL S1X MONTHS IN THE POiNTEROSA AIVD 1tOTCHFOI2D ARFAS AND ANIENbING TFrL+" R'ORKE'L,AN ANll DFCLAR1'NG A~\` URGF\TCY AND EMERGFNCY \'ECFSSITATING THE .1_Mil'[EDIATF A17U1'TION OF TTiF O1ZDINANCE AND h"U12TFTER TFLAT - TFiE QRnINANCE SA.ALL BE rF.FECTIVE UPON ADQPTION NVffERGAS, The Growt}l Management Aet provides that all zoning regulations be consisteat with an adopted Comprehensive Plan (RCW 35A.63.105); 3nd WHERrAS, RCW 35A.63.220 provicles for establishment of interim zoning for up to one year following a public hearing where a VVork plan is developed for related studies, and w - M:EREAS, the interim zoning may be extended for one or more six-month periods if a. subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are rnade prior to each renewal; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is not yet complete; WI•ir'.R.F_AS, VVAC 365-195-310(2)(1) providcs that "[i]n developing the housing element ~ J attention shnuld be working with the desires of residents to preserve the character and vitality of existing neighborlioocis, along with the rights of people to live in the neighbarhnod of thei.r choice"; and WHEI~EAS, the revisiort of the ] 00-yea.r floodplain is still under development by the Federal Emergency Managemcnl Agency (:rC1V1A); and VVHEREAS, various stuclies require.d to completc the a.nalysis nf the envi.ronmental impacts • remain incomplete; and Wf-1EfZF,AS, the neighborttoods desire to continue the Interim 7oning until such time as full analysis has been completed; and Wf-IERCAS, the City of Spokane Vslley Planning Commissiori held a public hearing on t:he proposed six montli extension of time on August 25, 2005, and has recommendcd approval of tt revised Findings of Fact and workplan; and WHEEZFr1S, Ordinance 04-035 will no longer be effective after September 8, 2005, and WHEREAS, There is not suffcient time tn present ta the couneil an Ordinance extending the effective date of Ordi.nanc,e 04-035 unless such Ordinance is passed at the next scheduled City Council meeting of September 6, 2005 and is effective immediately upon adoption, and W1-I.r.REAS, in the cvent that tliis Ordinance providing for the extension nf Interim Urban Fstate (UR-1) Goning is not e.ffective until some time after the last effective date of Ordi.nance 04-035, applications for Puture specific developments after the effective date of Ordinance 04-035 and prior to We j effective date of Ordinance 05-025, would result in developrnent which is inconsistent with the Intcrim Comprehensive Plan for the City of Spokane Valley, and which would undermine the eff.ectiveness alicl Ordinauce 05-025, Exteucling [nterim UR-1 Zoning Page I of 2 purposc of the clraft Comprehensive Plan and ol:her analysis currently being conducted and speci.fically referenced in tlie H'inding of faet and Work Plati referenced aUove, and WHERFAS, such applications wider the circumstances set forth above would imp3ir pubiic health, public safety, public property and public peace, NOW, TI-IEREFQRE, the City Coimcil of tlie City of Spokane Valley, Washington, ordains as folloNvs: Section 1. The Interim Urban lYesidential Estate (UR-1) Gortin~ is hereby e;xtended far an sdditinnal six montli period within the original bounditries set forth in Spokane Vallcy Ordinance No. 04-035. Section 2. An emergency is hereby declared making immediate passage oP t.his ordinance necessary to proCect the public health, public safety, public property and publie peace and further ►naking this ordinance efti,ctive immcdiately upon passsge. Section 3. Scverabilitv. If any section, sentence, elause or phrase of this ordinanee stiall be held Co bc invalid or unconstitutional by a court of compeCcnt jurisdiction, such invalidity or uncanstitutiont3liCy shall not affect the validity or cpnstihitionality of any ot.her section, sentcnce, clause nr phrase of this ordinarice. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in fiill forcc and effect upon adoption as is set farth for emergency ordinances in RCW 35A.12.130. . PASSED by the City Council this fi"' dfly of Septernber, 2005. Nlayor, Diaiia Wilhite ATTF,ST: City Clerh, Ghristine Bainbridge Approvcd us to Form: Office of thc City AttornEy Uate of Publication: Effective Uate: Sepcemher 6, 2005 ~ Ordinance 05-025, Extendiag interim UR-1 'Loaing Page 2 of 2 _ - • i I ~ - , 7 ~ ~ i I^ I _ _ I : =-I - _ -~~-r-,_ ~ ~ ~ LJ-~ Ll i ~ I T;, -lj - j ; 1 `i , ; i 'I i I Exhibit "A" Ponderosa f~ Portion ( I ) I • r-" 1 I ~ , ~ . Exhibit "B" Rotchford Acres P-- " - -T-1 Exhibit "C" REVI5ED UR-1 Interi►n ?_oning Wark Pian p: ~ 0~ a W w 0105 Os as o] 0! O4W 0 t a ID TatJr Name Sfs►f FiWsA t)uratlan wf ,Rn ~u A.y aQv oor rre. o~c .rn r.a Mr ~a +Mf~ .~w J~e Mo s~a o~ N.. 4r .r~ F.o t Neiphbo►hood ClNrscEar 4I3Q120m 12faW200E s7.iw 2 ~ 4lJ012004 12f901200:1 872w 3 Oeslyn Quadty t0119f2pW 12/3012009 82-9w - < Etwkomtwnta! Qualky f119t206i 912Of2007 101A+w i Chastcr Goek Ro-map 811920115 7!2l2007 832w e sannse cre" Re-Aaaa 1+12en005 91200007 9+.3w 7 Publlc ►iealWSsfety 7fa12006 iMI2007 lL2w a Fkaza~rd MMiQaUaf: Aocess 718l2005 51412007 952rv - 0 PUbfiC NoLte 12/9/2004 228/2006 83 aww 10 Rputatory Rwiew 11Z12W200i i/2112006 fw 11 C.omp PIOn Reg: OrdR 12118J20U5 2l24(2006 9w ~ _ Chipinal Tasks ~ Ne+v TasAs 'DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI411ENT; YY ~ f:! 1 lfP /~y~ ~y~ ne - ; FINDI,NG.S OF :FACT . Y r- ~ ~o ~ ~ . . . i4 y. :'!'h.-, ...1.. S REVISED AUGUST;1 r:2005 . EXTENSION OF, INTERIM URBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE VAI' ley ; j, . (UR-1) ZONING FOR SIX MONTHS THS STAFF REPORT DATE: August 1, 2005 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Extension of interim zoning controls to limit residential densities for a period of six months, and to continue practice of allowing the keeping of large animals on residential lots. PROPOSAL LOCATION: Portions of the Ponderosa and Rotchford residential subdivisions. PREPARED BY: Marina Sukup, AICP, Director, Spokane Valley Community Development Dept. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION PROPERTY INFORMATION: - -'Size 8'•': Ponderosa: Located adjacent to Browne's Mountain on the southern edge of Charactenstics:°_': the City, neighboring the Dishrnan Natural Area on the northwest and the Iller Conservation area on the south. Fully developed single-family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local access and residential collectors. Limited access to municipal wastewater collection system. Terrain hilly with intermittent strearns feeding Chester Creek. Portion of the ¶subdivision located within the 100-year floodplain. Large stands of native Ponderosa pines. Abuts a closed landfill. Platted in phases between 1964 - and 1992. . Rotchford: Located on the eastern edge of the Crty. Fully developed single- family residential lots generally exceeding one acre in size, served by local access and residential collectors. No access to municipal wastewater ' - ~ collection system. Rolling terrain abutting steep hills with drainage into ~ •~4'.°~>~'-"- Saltese Creek. Saltese Creek is located within the 100-year floodplain. Platted in 1974. . . Both subdivisions were originally platted as residential subdivisions designed for the keeping of a limited number of horses. SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 8c ZONING ~-Subject . ; ` Comprehensive Plan - Low Density Residential ;:Properties:•:='.;< Zoning - Interim UR-1 Residential Estate l~1 PreservaCron of Exfsting Resodential Subdivfsions (UR-1 Interfm Zoning) FINDINGS Revised August S, 2005 1 of 5 II. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS WTERIM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Relevant provisions of the Spokane Valley Interim Comprehensive Plan are found in Chapter 6 (Housing) includes the Vision -"Spokane County is a community that provides the opportunity for a variety of housing types and development pattems for all incomes and lifestyles while preserving the environment and the character of existing neighborhoods." "Planninq Principles" The follawing planning principles, developed through citizen participation efforts, form the basis for development of the Urban Land Use Chapter: • Compact urban forms should be encouraged that create a greater sense of "community," with pedestrian/bicycle-friendly settlement pattems. • Neighborhood character should be preserved and protected. • Jobs, housing, services and other activities should be within easy walking distance and shorter commute times of each other. • Communities should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreational uses. ' • Streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths should contribute to a system of fully connected routes. • Communities should have a diversity of housing and job types that enable residents from a wide range of economic levels and age groups to work and reside within their boundaries. General Goals UL.1a Provide a healthful, safe and sustainable urban environment that offers a variety of opportunities for affordable housing and employment. UL.1 b Create a future rich in cultural and ethnic diversity that embraces family and community values and recognizes the interests of the whole community. Goal UL.2 Maintain and enhance the quality of life in Spokane County through urban design standards. Policies . UL.2.1 Establish rninimum performance standards within the zoning code for nuisances such as noise, vibration, smoke, particulate matter, odors, heat and glare and other aspects as appropriate to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and neighborhoods. UL.2.2 The design of development proposals should accommodate and complement environmental features and conditions, and preserve and protect significant cultural resources. UL.2.6 Develop urban design "guidelines" that provide consistency of applicatian for the design review process. The guidelines should focus on the functional interrelationships between land use, site design, neighborhood character and transportation systems. UL2.9 Develop neighborhood, subarea and community plans with specific design standards that reflect and preserve community character. UL.2.11 Promote linkage of developments with open space, parks, natural areas and street connections. Preservation of Existing Residenflal Subdivisions (UR-1 Inierim Zoning) FINDINGS 32evised August 1, 2005 2of5 UL.2.12 Enhance and preserve the site characteristics of residenfial development (existing trees, watercourses, historic features and similar assets) through sensitive site planning tools such as clustering, lot averaging, transfer of development rights and flexible setback requirements. Goal UL.4 Encourage exemplary developments and creative design through the use of performance standards. Policy UL.4.1 Allow flexibility and innovative design through the use of performance standards which emphasize outcomes. Goal H.1 Coordinate housing policies and programs with other jurisdictions, agencies and neighborhoods. H. 1.3 -"Provide opportunities for early and continuous participation of citizens and neighborhood groups in land use and community development planning processes.° H. 1.5 -"Encourage the creation and continued operation and effectiveness of neighborhood associations through neighborhood and subarea planning programs." Goal H-2 Reduce regulatory barriers and allow greater flexibility in the housing development process. Policy H2.2- When developing housing regulations, consider the balance between housing affordability and environmental quality, design quality and maintenance of neighborhood character. H2.3. Develop consistent, precise, fair and enforceable regulations that maintain environmental quality . and public health and safety standards, while minimizing housing development costs. f Housing Policy H2.5. Provide incentives for safe and decent housing that is in close proximity to jobs, transportation and daily activities. Goal H.3a Develop a variety of housing options for all economic groups Policy H3.2 Ensure that the design of infill development preserves the character of the neighborhood. Goal ED.Sb Promote publiclprivate partnerships that encourage innovation and creativity in the economic expansion of our region. . Policy , ED.5.6 Review development regulations continuously to assure clarity, consistency, predictability and direction. Provide opportunities for citizens to initiate amendments to inconsistent, outdated, inappropriate or unnecessary or confusing regulations. Amendments shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. IVEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER: Ponderosa: Low density residential designed for on-premises rnaintenance of a limited number of horses. Heavily wooded with rugged terrain in parts. Expansion to the northwest precluded because of the Dishman Natural Area and terrain. Over 95% of lots fully developed. Some remain vacant because of topography. Rotchford: Low density residential designed for on-premises maintenance of a limited number of horses. Terrain is relatively flat east of Sullivan Road with steep hillside limiting any easterly expansion. Equine easements provided on local streets. Subdivision is fully developed. Preservaiion of Existing Resldential Subdivisians (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDIfdGS Revised ' August 1, 2005 3of5 Social Character: Well-organized and cohesive neighborhoods. DESIGN QUALITY: Local access and residential collectors designed to accommodate lots of approximately one acre. Direct access to public streets. Single-family housing is well-maintained ~ and designed for residential privacy. A limited number of large animals, especially horses is a design fheme in both neighborhoods. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established performance or design standards to assure the quality of residential design to preserve neighborhood character pursuant to this Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Wastewater. Limited access to public sewer in the Ponderosa. Balance of property relies on septic systems. Rotchford Acres relies entirely on septic systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities should not be permitted absent an organized wastewater collection and treatment system. Potable Water. Ponderosa is served by Spokane County Water District #3, Rotchford by Vera Irrigation Dist. #14, both Group "A" Community Water Systems. Re-subdivision to increase residential densities will require adequate supply and pressure for domestic consumption and fire protection. Stormwater: the Ponderosa subdivision has intermittent streams that drain to Chester Creek. The contribution of to the rate and volume of flows from additional impervious cover resulting from re- subdivision could result in an environmental damage as yet undetermined for which mitigation would need to be established in a planned and coordinated manner. Similar concerns concerning drainage which could affect Saltese Creek. A significant stream traversing the neighborhood has been reclassified as a Type 4 stream by the Department of Natural Resources Division of Fish and Wildlife. The implications of this change have not been assessed. The Federal Emergency Management Agency proposes to release draft floodplain maps affecting Chester Creek (Ponderosa) in the Fall of 2005. Similar remapping of Saltese Creek is expected in early 2006. Erodible soils: Both the Rotchford and Ponderosa subdivisions include or abut geological hazard areas which require further evaluation prior to allowing additional residential densities. Native Vegetation/habitat: Ponderosa includes areas of wildlife critical habitat for White Tail Deer and threatened species. The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established performance or design standards to assure the continued preservation of environmental quality in outlying areas with limited. public infrastructure and specific environmental conditions, such as steep slopes, intermittent flooding and highly erodible soils. PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY: Access: Ponderosa: Property lies west of the Union Pacific Railroad with only two points of access. Additional access should be required prior to any increase in residential densities for evacuation and emergency services. The evaluation of access will be inc4rporated in the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan under development by the City of Spokane Valley in the Fall and Winter of 2005-2006. Animal Maintenance: The requirements for the maintenance and upkeep of even a limited number of large animals raises issues of compatibility resulting from noise, odor, proximity to residential structures, flies, etc.. These issues are compounded with increased residential densifies and requirements for buffering for any additional residential densities may be required. ' Landfill: Ponderosa: The proximity of a closed landfill to an increased number of residences requires , additional sfudy. ' ; The Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan is under review. Spokane Valley has not yet established performance or design standards to assure continued compatible principal and Preservation of Existing Residential Subdivislons (UR-1 Interim Zoning) . FINDWGS RevisQd August 1, 2005 4 af5 accessory land uses within residential neighborhoods in conformance with the draft Comprehensive Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE: . Current property owners purchased property with notice of existing regulations pertaining to the keeping of large animals. The Short Plat process requires notice only to adjacent property owners. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA): Ordinance No. 48 (effective March 31, 2003) adopted on an interim basis by reference the Spokane Environmental Ordinance (Spokane County) thereby implementing the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Chapter 197-11 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Spokane Valley. An Environmental checklist was completed and a Determination of Non-Significance was issued on April 26, 2004. Conclusions were based on the finding that a regulation preserving the status quo would have no adverse environmental impact. Conclusion(s): Permitting piecemeal increase in residential densities without the establishment of performance and design standards raise serious issues related to preservation of neighborhood character and design, maintaining environmental quality, public health and safety, and the adequacy of public notice, which require additional study prior to the establishment of permanent regulation. . III. DECISION The Interim UR-1 Residential Estate Zoning adopted pursuant to Spokane Valley Ordinance 04- 035 should be extended for an additional six months pending completion of environmental review and the development of performance and design standards to preserve neighborhood character, maintain environmental quality, and to ensure the continued health, safety and welfare of the areas pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 following a public hearing before the Planning Commission. Resolution of issues shall be accomplished in accordance with the revised Workplan attached as Exhibit "C." , Proserrat(on of ExlsUrtg Residential Subdivisions (UR-1 Interim Zoning) FINDINGS Revised August 1, 2005 - SofS Spokane Valley Planning Commission ~ ~ Draft Minutes ~ Council Chambers - City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave August 25, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Crosby called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager and Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Fred Beaulac - Present Bill Gothmann - Present Bob Blum - Present Gail Kogle -Present ' John G. Carroll - Present lan Robertson - Absent, excused David Crosby - Present ~ APPROVAL OF AGENDA ' Commissioner Gothmann moved that the August 25, 2005 agenda 6e approved as writfen. Commissioner Blum seconded the mation. Motion passed unanimously. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • !t was moved by Commissioner Gothmann seconded by Commissioner Kogle that the minutes of the August, 2005, Planning Commission meeting be accepted as writfen. Motion passed unanimously. , VI. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comment VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Gothmann attended the city council meeting on Aug. 9, 2005. During the Budget discussion showed that the projected income will be greater than projected expenses. Commissioner Crosby reported that he had been interviewed by Tom Benemann Sunday for short spot on the 6:00 pm news. All other commissioners had nothing to report. August 25, 2005 Planning Cammission Minutes Page 1 of 5 Spnkune Valley Plnnning Cotiueussion Minutes VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None. ~ VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS ' .A. OLD BUSINESS: None . B. New Business - Public Hearing for the Extension of a 6-month Interim Zoning to maintain UR-1 in the Ponderosa and Rotchford Acres areas. Commissioner Crosby opened the Hearing at 6:10 pm Chuck Hafner, 4710 S. Woodruff, Mr. Hafner stepped forward to say that he and his neighbors grateful for the City's involvement in their neighborhood and supporting their efforts to maintain the zoning and other development matters concerning their area. , AJ Tondini, 4515 S. Farr Rd. Mr. Tondini states his is a 34 yr resident of the Ponderosa area and moved there for the large lots and all of the amenities that are present in the neighborhood. He hopes that the Commission will vote favorably regarding the passing of this extension. Gail Stilltner, 10119 E. 44'", Moved to the Ponderosa area to achieve the life style that is developed there. Still feels betrayed by the County for the changes they made. She makes a plea to the Commission to approve ' . the interim zoning to help them try and keep their life style before it is lost for ever. Commissioner Beaulac makes a motion that based on the findings of fact the Commission recommends to Council the approval of the 6 month extension of the Interim Zoning in the Ponderosa and Rotchford areas. Commissioner Carroll seconds, passed unaminous. Commissioner Crosby declares the public hearing closed at 6:22 pm. Continuance of the comprehensive plan deliberations - no public comments. Discussion of retuming to the begining of the land use chapter and discussion the first two goals and accompanying policies. Staff will rewrite to reflect new verbiage-as was requested to see if they could be consolidated, We will not revisit this now but when we cover the plan as a whole for all c4rrections made, Mr. Basinger gave an over view of the land use map and some of the sub-maps that he has been working on. Discussion of missed marks under PubliclQuasi-Public, Non-conforming uses. We will go over each comment request that are map related. List of all map related maps is listed below. August 25. 2005 Planning Commission Page 2 of 5 ' Spob:sne Valley PlxnninyCommi~sicm \4inut* ~ _ ~ ~ , M 1, M-30a regardmg a splrt zone. Change both parcels to mixed-use. L~ Approved , m-2, m-30g - approved m-3, comment only on approving designation . m-4, approved change to mixed-use. Mirabeau Parkway named an aesthetic corridor during the transportation chapter. , m-5, will be chaged to office, covered all parcels specific comments first then review the more general requests. m-8, change to office m-13a, change to LDR m-13b, change to Neighborhood Commercial m-13c, m-23, change to Office m-13d, change to mixed use m-13e, m-30f, change to office m-30e, change to MDR m-17, leave as LDR m-18, change to mixed-use m-24, change to office m-27, leave as community commercial m-30b, change to HDR break M-6, m-7 same, comment only on approval of proposed designation m-10, request staff contact citizen and get a more specific request Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to extend the worlcing time to 9:15 pm, second by Commissioner Kogle, passed. m-11, comment only on approval of proposed designation m-14, Ponderosa change to UR-1, need to wait until appeals have run though the processes. m-15, change to mixed-use M-19, will cut area between Dartmouth and Farr, Sprague to Appleway from City Center, change to Regional Commercial with the proposed Auto-Row overlay. m-20, 21 & 22 are inline with the request of m-10,. staff to contact citizens and get better definition. m-28, support a change to corridor mixed-use ~ m-29, change to regional commercial August 25, 2005 Planning Commission Page 3 of 5 Spoksne V:dley Planning Cnmmission Vfinuies ~ - ~ M 32, Barker is not a designated truck route. . . T Requests. No. Na e Comment M;~1 James H. Weber S lit zoned arcel...wants all designated commercial John Svreitzer, M;~2 Sweitzer Com an , Inc. Proerties should be desi nated cammercial Kerry Orcutt Su orts Office designation along Evergreen Road Requests "Business Park" comp plan cakegory, or Mixed Use John G. Miller, desgination for flexibility and to recognize current and projected M-4 Pincroft Business Park develo ment John T. Peterson, Pdng Property desginated HDR in 2003. Office under oonstruction. M~5 Cor . Re uests Communit Commercial Desi nation. M-6 Ker Orcutt Su orts Office desi nation alon Ever reen Road M-T David Gum Su orts Office desi nation alon Ever reen Road M-8 Paul S. Redlin Re uests Communi Commercial Property is single-family homes and duplexes and should be Helen Sar ent returned to UR-3.5 zonin . ~VI-11 David Orahood Su orts 1 acre zonin in Ponderosa. Su orts im act fees. Mr~r2 . Ski . _~d "IM Comp Plan Amendment changed designation to Com Com in J. Grant Person 2003 - Ma in Error M-1>3 B J. Grant Person Proert currentl zoned B-2, should retain zonin . : Portion of property fronting Vercler proposed Office, balance J. Grant Person MDR Northem section of property suited for high density wikh Officc bQardering Mansfield. Officelassembly on southern portion. M-1~3 D~ J. Grant Person Mixed Use desin tion would be a roriate. Property rezoned to UR-22 specifically for office use_ Property M 13„E _ J. Grant Person directly south zoned UR-7 for hos ice facili . Chuck Hafner, Supports Comp Plan as drafted. Wants areas to retain R-1 Deanna Hormann zonin . Robert J. Bo le Su orts Mixed Use desi nation for roerteast of Valle Mall. ~ David Golden Portion oi property fronting Vercler proposed Office, balance M;16 Jan Wesche MDR M-1;7~c Danett L. Mar eris Owner would like to build mini stora e on r~ opefil. Owner wants to use property for commercial on Barker with Verona Southem remainder used for multi-famil . Currenl zoned UR-22. Letter suggests that a new category be added called City Center F.J. Dullanty Jr. Reserve. ` Requests UR-7 designation for property developed with ~ "KS duplexes (Pinecroft) and for propeRy recently approved for a Ma20 Helen Sar ent subdivision View Ranch Estates . ~ M~211 Jill Enzler Wants propeLty zoned back to UR-3.5. Requests UR-7 designation for property knovrn as View Ranch 2 Linda Gerkin Estates. ~ Portion of property fronting Vercler proposed Office, balance , ~ Mf1~23 r Jan and David Wesche MDR August 25, 2005 Planning Commission Page 4 of 5 Spok9nc Valley Planning Commission A9inatGs . Property is developed with offlce building. Owner would like to ` J . M-2,4 Eric Ellin sen, DDS ex and /develo offic~es on pro pert directl north. Andenv Warlock, CLC See M-24 M-25 Associates M~26 Ga Johnson See M-24 Should noi downzone this, or any, property within the Ciry of M;,2+7 Dwi ht J. Hume S okane Valle . Pines Road not marketable for office development_ Should M-28 Dwi ht J. Hume retain a ro riate commercial zonin . Area currently zoned Heavy Industrial and designated Urban Activity Center on Interim Comp Plan. Should be designated Reg. Commercial for expansion of commercial businesses in the . M-29 Dwi ht J. Hume future. Split zoned parcel. Designated entire parcel Corridor Mixed M-30A Plannin Staff Use. _ ' Property currently pending Hearing Examiner decision for M~O.B Planning Staff rezone. Property received Comp Plan Amendment to Communtiy M-30C~ Plannin Staff Commercial in 2004. ~ Property received Comp Plan Amendment to High Density Residential for office usel in 2004. Property to the south M-30D Plannin Staff currenl has office constructed on it. , M,:30E Plannin Staff Pro ert should be designated for residential uses. M-3_OF Plannin Staff Propert y previously zoned for Office use. ~ Parcels are adjacent to Post Office and are isolated from residential neighbhorhood, bounded by Barker, Appleway and M~30G Plannin Staff Laber iffM N Shirle Rademacker poes not want Barker Rd. desi nated as truck route. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Carroll thanked everyone for allowing a further review of the ffirst two goals and accompanying goals. XI. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gothmann motioned for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Blum to adjoum at 9:15 pm. Passed SUBMITT'ED: APPROVED: ~ Deanna Grrffith, Administrative Assistant David Crosby, Chairman August 25, 2005 Planning Commission Page 5 0( 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 09-06-05 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Resolution 05-019 Amending Resolution 05-018, November Ballot Issue GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: . Council approved Resolution 05-018 to direct the County Auditor to place the matter of the Spokane Valley Council Salary Schedule on the November 8, 2005 ballot. A revised Resolution, amending the form of the ballot title, is necessary to ensure the ballot title complies with State law. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve Resolution 05-019. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly, City Attarney ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution-05-019 , , . CITY QF SFQK.ANE VALLEY SPOKAIVE COUNTY, WASHTNGTON 12ESOLUTIbN 05-019 A RESnI..UTION OF 1Hti CITY COiJNCL[., OF 'lliE CiTY OF SPQKANF Vr1T.,LEY, WABHTYGTON, DIRECT1NG TFIE SPOKA.NF COUN717Y AUll1TUK TQ PLACF TSE AZATTI:R OF A.DOPTIO\i UF A CITY OF SPOKANE VAL,i,EY COU\YCT.L SALt1.RY SCtfE DULE ON THF NOVEMI3EK 8, 2005 BALLOT TiN O.R.nER TO RE.FER THE, Qi1E, STTQN TC) TIiE QUALIFIED EIIFCTORS OF TIiL CITY FOR APPRQVAT.. OR REJh:CT10N. VMFREA,S, This Resolution is necessary to amenci the ballot language contained in Resolution Oa-OIS to ensure compliance with Washington Sia[c T.aw; ancl W1-irRFAS, Spokane Valley Urdinance 04-018 (repcaling ordinance No 14) established that each city councilinember shall be entitled to receive a salary of'$400.00 per month and the mayor shall be entitled to a salary of $500.00 per month; and NV11FREt1S, Spokane Valley Ordinance 04-018 created llle Independent Salary Commission f-or the purpose of reviewing iu1d establishing the salarics af;tlac Mayor and Councilmembers; and NVHEREAS, the Independent Salary Commission filed its salary schedule wich the City Clerk who published the samc August 6 tuid 13, 2004, with the August 13, 2004 datc cousiclered the official filing date of the salary schedulc; anci ~ l . ` W1-ILREAS, the published salary sehed«le was subject to referendum petition by the people of the City; and that a petition was filcd with the City Clerk September 10, 2004, whicli was within thirty (30), days after the official filing daCe of the salary schedule; which was then filcd with the Spokitne County Auditor's Office September 13, 2004; and ' Wr[ERE-AS, Septeinber 17, 2004, City of Spokane Valley staff tivas informcd that the elections oftice was not aUle to verify the Sufficicncy of the petition and the number of valid sigr~aiures wittiin clie . time necessary to place such measure on the November, 2004 ballot, and thus the matter would be placcd on the November. 2005 ballot: and WHCREAS, the Spokane Caunty Elections 17e_pvttnent in letter datcd $eptember 23, 2004, fonnally advised the City of Spokane Valley that the petitions submitted met t}ie sufficiency previsions within RCVI' 354.29.170 and 35A.01.040 anci that the number of valid signatures rnet the rninimum required under RCW 35A.1l.110, ancl cert:i.fied as per RCW 35A.01.040 that the date the eertification process began was vlonday, September 13, 2004. INIOW THEREFORE; be it resolved by the City CAUncil of the City ef Spokane Valley, Spokane Cnunty, Washington, that Council hereby requests the Spokane County Auditor to place the following proposition on the Novembe.r 8, 2005 ballot for the eitizens of Spnkane Valley's consideration: ResolutiAn 05-019 to Plxce Salary Measure on Ballot (amending 05-0 13) Noe I pf2 The City Council of Spokane Valley passed ordinancc Oat-018 concerning the adoption of a salaiy schedule on August 13, 2004 and the voters have filed a suffeienk referendum petition on this ordinance. Ordinance 04-018 would adnp[ the Salary Convnission reconunendtltions changing the Mayor's salary from $500.00 per month to $1200 per month; the Deputy lvfayror's salary fi-om S400.00 pee month to $ 1. 000.00 per month; and each Cnuneilmember's salary from $400.00 per month to $900.00 per month; all with no automatic annual cost of living increasc. Should this ordinance be: Approvecf Itejecte.d Adopted this 6'b day of September, 2005. City of Spokane VaIley nTT T;'ST: Diana Wilhite, Mayor (:hristine Bair►bridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Ofifice of City Attorney ' i Resolutior► 05-019 to Place Salary Ivleasure on Ballot (amending 05-01S) Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing x information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation • AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Highlights of 2006 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Council will hear a brief presentation from each Department Director relative to that department's overall budget. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: 2006 Preliminary Budget Department Highlights PowerPoint Presentation t_ J , 2006 Preliminary Budget Department Highlights City of Spokane Valley Department Directors September 6, 2005 Executive & Legislative Support (pp. 37-38) . o Draft a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options o Initiate the first phase of the Sprague Corridor Revitalization Plan o Continue monitoring significant wastewater issues o Maintain a strong emphasis on internal and external communication o Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure , ; 1 ~ • • ~ Public Safety (pp. 39-41) o Partner with regional leaders to establish a proactive community educational gang-related awareness and treatment program o Partner with Spokane County in enhancing departmental and regional public safety training z Operations & Admin. Services (pp. 42-45) o Review and revise City°s processes o Implement initial elements of community communications program, including _ standardizing City publications and printed materials o Continue to refine the multi-year financial plan process by comparing revenue estimates with other area agencies o Identify available telecommunications infrastructure that is/could be available in the area for use by citizens and businesses 3 1 i i 2 \ . Operations & Admin. Services, continued (pp.42-45) o Integrate information from A-87 cost allocation plan into the City budget o Draft/revise ordinances and contracts in support of all City departments o Expand City's web based intranet to help provide employees with resources and tools to improve interdepartmental cooperation o Develop personnel handbook to inform employees of personnel related policies and . procedures o Provide training opportunities for employees 4 Public Works General Fund (pp. 46-47) o Analyze and review with the County, City of Spokane, and the Wa. St. Department of _ Ecology regarding Wastewater Treatment Facility options o Work with the Regional Wastewater Committee to evaluate the possibilities of a Spokane Regional Wastewater Alliance o Develop the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for Council adoption , o Update street design standards 5 3 ~ . Public Works Street Fund (p. 57) o Improve signal timing coordination throughout the City . o Complete a street inventory and . assessment of all City streets and - allow development of a six year street master plan and a 20-year pavement management plan in 2007 6 ~J Public Works . - Stormwater (p. 68) o Design and implement solutions for existing drainage problems • o Complete six year plan for construction of regional and semi- regional drainage facilities ' . o Adopt and implement the Regional Stormwater Design Manual 7 ~J 4 Public Works Capital Projects (pp. 63-67) Description City Funds Other Funds Total Road 1,754,940 10,953,060 12,708,000 Design/Const. Road 358,428 2,830,415 3,188,843 Preservation Projects Barker Road 558,000 55$,000 Bridge Road Paveback 500,000 . 500,000 CenterPlace 783,205 783,205 Total $2,613,368 $15,124,680 $17,738,048 a Planning/Community Development (pp.48-50) o Update the Shoreline Master Program o Complete regulations implementing the Comprehensive Plan within the Uniform Development Code • o Establish criteria for the AutoRow overlay district o Complete pavement cut tracking system . o Implement full enforcement of adopted sign regulations o Complete Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan 9 5 Parks & Recreation (pp. 51-55) o Master Plan • incorporate results in4o Recreation Programming and Pollcy • pursue implementation of capital projects • evaluate reoommendations in the Pool Feasibility Study for improving existing pools ' o Pursue grant opportunities for CenterPlace and parks improvements o Increase public awareness of CenterPlace and Senior Center o Complete Marketing Plan and materials for CenterPlace o Complete Policies and Procedure Manual for CenterPlace. ,o ~ General Government (p. 56) Includes Funding for: o Annual audit o Election costs o City liability & property insurance o Transfers to: G Parks capital . - 0 Civic building • Street maintenance o Voter registration o Impact fee study o Outside agencies o Contingency „ 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 6 September 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: p consent p old business p new business ❑ pubHc liearfng {]x infarmation ❑ admin. report [I pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amend Master Fee Schedule GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Master Fee Sch2dule PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: ' Resolution No. 05-011 BACKGROUND: Currently the Master Fee Sth@dule requires the collection of a Plan Review Fee prior to perForming the plan review. This entails a complex calculation, delaying the application process at the Permit Center counter and requires the applicant to write several checks through the process. Approved accounting procedures require one person to calculate fees and a second person to collect those fees. These two requirements combine to not only slow down the application process, but it tends to disrupt the work Flow for the Permit Center, especially when we are busy. ~ In addition, currentiy, during the plan review function, actual project valuation is determined and the actual Plan Review Fee is finalized. Many times filiis results in a fee adjustrnent. ' That fee adjustment is combined with the permit fee and collected at the time of permit issuance. When an application for a project is received at the Permit Center, the applicant isplanning on going forward with the development. The instances of a project stopping once the application is received and the plan review is accomplished are very rare. Speeding this process up by allowing all of our Permit Specialists to function as Cashiers and not requiring them to calculate fees prior to determining counter completeness for commercial applications, will more than make up for a project that doesn't go forward once the plan review is finished. And the applicant would only write one check. If we were to allow applicadons to be processed without first paying the Plan Review Fee, the resulting economy may give us a 50% increase in available labar to process those applications, increasing our customer response and derreasing errors in the application process. Sincc the final valuation calculation is done by the Plans Examiner, the accounting control is maintained. In the instances where we are issuing a permit over the counter, we will maintain the required controls by having a second Permit Specialist, Plans Examiner or Building Official perform or review the calculations resulting in the appropriate fee. This proposal has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Thompson. , Staff is proposing to eliminate the language from the Master Fee Schedule, Schedule C, page 8 under Plan Review Fees: Fecs are to be collected at the time of receiving the applicafion for permit if the plans review fec is nver $50.00. lf less than $50.00, it may be collected at the time of perniit ~ issuance. and: Flaus review fecs arc nnt refundable once the plan review has beeu started. This fee is in adclition to the full basic fee. The «'SBCC fec is to be eollected at this time. Staff would propose the following language to be substituted for the deleted language: Plan Iteview N"ees shall be collectecl at the time of permit issu:inr.e alongwitti the VVS13C f'ee. OPTIONS: . 1. Move forward with a resolution to amend the language in the Master Fee Schedule. 2. Keep the current language in the Master Fee Schedule as it is. 3. Establish other language within the Master Fee Schedule that would fix a Plan Review Fee deposit, such as $300.00, eliminaring the required initial calculation. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Support a resolution amending the language in the Master Fee Schedule to allow the payment of the Plan Review Fee at the time of permit issuance. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The Permit Center would be more efficient in processing complicated applications. The gain in efficiency and customer service would more than make . up for any loss in plan review fees due to an abandoned project. % STAFF CONTACT: Spokane Valley Building Official Scholtens ATTACH M E NTS: • Power Point ~ ! 1 Building Divisian Plan Review Fee Collection - September 6, 2005 . . Process ; . ~ ~ CURRENT Cuxlpmer InQuhy Cvstorner tnqulry PROPOSED k ' R:! 0 r~1 ~ ' Prc-ApplicatioT Cacsicrcncc Mpfcan Submits PrrAPPlication CoMerence kppli lian Peimlt Spec Log -LeJ Applicant Pays mz • Plan Check Fee CakutaSion ~+n Check tcc Ca r Rppl6cani Submiis Perntil S c lag -In • COh1FLETE Appliwtion • ~ I! . 11 nin Fn In erin Othe~r ' encles Flre Pten Reulew Pla in En in cri Ottycr cncics, Frc Plan RevitrN ~ - App6cant Pays Ca: iler PCrmil Spet Plan Review Pemut Calwta:tan ~ Permit Ftso Plan Clteck Adjust.men4 Applicartt pays Plan permi^Spec ' Plan Chec9d Plan Rericw Check & Pcmnit Fcc Feimi? Calculat.ion . ~ - • - - ~ Bv(Iding Pern* Is:ued BnAlding Pemut Issued i , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 6, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : General Budget Discussion GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: As part of the ongoing budget process, City Manager Mercier will present updated budget data as an opportunity for Council to provide initial feedback. OPTIOIdS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS Updated budget sheets ~1 CI'TY OF SP'OKA.NE Y1V,,LEY - 2006 BLiDGET Table of Contenb Budget Messa=e Cotmcilmcmbers & Staff 1 Budget Introduciion 2 City Mnnager Budget Msssage 4 Budget Caide Atwut the Budget & tbc Budget Proeess 12 Spokxnc Vallcy Budget Policies 15 Basis nf Accouniing and Budgeting 16 Explanaiion of Rcvcauc Sources 18 Budget Sammary Revcnue Assumpdnns 22 Expandituiz Assumptioas 23 Budget Summsry 24 Revenues by Type 25 GeneRil Fund Revenuc Saurcts Ghari 26 City - Wide Rcvenue Sources Chart 27 Detail Reveaucs by Typc 28 Expcnditures by llcpartmcat 31 Gtneral Pund Expenditures by Departmeni by Typc 32 Gcneral Fund Expcnditures by Ikpartmcnt Chart 33 Generul Fund Expenditures by 'I'ype Chart 34 Fipendltnres Gtncral Fund: Legi.4letive Branch 35 Executive dt I..egislstive Support 37 Public Safety 39 C ontract F.xTsesxiitures C t►an 41 Opcrations & Administrative Scrvicc.s 42 i'ublic Works 46 Plrmning & Community Development 48 Faris & Rccreation 51 Gcttctal Govemment 56 A1l 4thcr Fumds: Street Fund 57 Artcrial Strcct Fund 58 Trnils 8t Paths Fund 58 HoteUMatel Fund 59 CenterPlacc Opcrating Resen•e Fund 60 Sczvice Level Stgbilizalion Resmv Fund 60 Winter Wcathcr Reseive Fund 61 GTtY OF SPOK4NF V ALLEY - 2006 BUDGET Tabk ot Cantents Debt Service Funds 62 Capital E'rojects 8t Spexial Capital Projects Eunds 61 Strnet Capital Projccts Fund 6-: Mirabcau Point Capital Project Fund 6` Stiei Band Fund 6 Capical Grants Fund &I Barker 8ridge - Fcd Grani Fund 6r, Psrks Cspilal Frojects Fund b^ Civic Bui.ldings Cspital Projed Fund 6" Stormwaer Manegcmenl Fund bS CquiPment Reata! & Rtplacemcnt Fund 6` ~ Risk Managemeal Fund City Profdc & Otbcr Badget I.nformatim All Olhcr Futtci5 Capital Expendittues i i Aositian I.isting by Department 72 Full Time Equivalent Couat by Year 73 2005 R'orkforce Camparison 74 Comaiunity Profilc and History 7.. Bud$zt Ordinxnce - missiag 7?: Fmployoe Salary Schec3ule 81 Debl Senricc Schodule 8' c C1TY OF SAOKAKE VALLEY City Council Members Diana Wilhite, Mnyor Richard Munson, Depaty Position # 1 Position #5 Step6en Taylor Michae! Flanigao Positioa Position #b Mic6ael DeVleming Richard Denenny Pasition #3 Aosition #7 Gsry Sc6immels Position #4 Stsffi Uavid Mercier, City Manager Nna Regor. Deputy City Manager Kenneth Thompson, Finance & Administrative Services Duector Marina Sukvp, Community Development Director Michael Jackson, Parks & Recrealion Director Neil Itersteo, Public Works Di.rector Cary Driskeil, Deputy City Attorney Thomas Scholtens, Building Official Chrisiine Bauibridge, City Cleric t City ut Spokaae Vsllcy Introduction ot the F"1r' 2006 Preliminary Bndgct Prepared By David Mercicr. City Manager Augnat 23,2005 A. U is ►ny plrasrrre 1o sub»rit n bataaccd preliminary budger for Cotawil considrrcuiorc This Mudget proposol ocb:owledges ilef'iscel co,utrvir,ls ajthe Cin, und concei►traues on sustnining cvre prngram respnrisfhilitles, consistent with directionfrom the City Council. B. Again lhis yvm, the Ci1y ('aunci! Finaru:t Committee has worked close!y wirh adininistrative stv,ff fn excmrining and understandmg the budget c.onstruction process, the cost cvntrol meJhods applied lo the emerging budgel, vnd thr ftnoncinl data upon which the budget is bused C. As prexcribed by Clty Councfl, rhefrve (3) spectfic goals for Council and staff joc us and accomplishmenl rn 2006 are to: • Dmft a wv-defiaed trmt Mutera witb Fandinp nations, that identifics the currznt conditiun of city smwts and cocommcnds upprapriistc impmvcmcnts nnd maintcnante the3t preselvo the value and ssrudvral intrgrity of the local transportati4n n'stem • Inhiate the FUwt Phtn of the Sanwns Carridor Revitaliradoa Pbmnia= botwcea University and the frecway by contrsceing with a oonsutlant Go dcsign s strategy that would str+cngthcn lho ocoaamic vinhifity of the c.ocridar. • Coeftoe Maahoriag Slgnifitant Watew#ter Issaea inclnding governance of wastcwatu facilitics, enhanced citizen ewarcncss of options for the futwc and pucsuit of the most eflicicm and acanomical use of allowai wastrwatcr disc;hargcs. • NLIntaIn a Stron9 ENIpb"ll an Interul aad EztcnW Commanicatian uiilizing the Public Infocmation Otficcr and dcpartmcnt hcad positions to cr►hnncc the quality, timtliness and aceuracy of internal dialoguc sael the informatian pmvide-d te citiuns sbaut city issues, initiniivcs and wotic plsns. • E:plarr the As-albbk Tekeommtinipatiflns lnfraatracturo theL tney bc acxussod by public institutians, resicicnts and husincsses within S}okenc Vallcy. D. Cansenwive fiscal pulrcies geared loward the utluinment nJlong-term ftnnnclal heallh for the Cnry are recommended jor adoption in the Firal Blutgel. Meeting the targels estahlished by lhese fiaral pvlicirs require n c-vmmitmen► tr,, jund onl y rho.Cf IFvels ojservice rhat are fisra!!v suslainahle. E. Thls PrelinriRary Budget adheres to thefirwlly responsihlz principles estahlishcd in 2004. :Seti•eral measures worthv nf c-nmment are: ~ 1. lltc uulLranun of wuservauvt reve►iuc proJectious anci rwlisLll forecasts in the coasvuctian of this budgd proposal--m wr euard againsc !:>ca, disapPuinlmcncs. The constraitri of programmatic growth--no ncw pmgrams. 3. lbe commitment to end the year with a positive fimd balwi::e ir; a!1 liinds. 4. Thc marl:cting of CeatffPlace to defray year-mund operaiional expenses. 5. Peric►dically updating the six-ycar financial foreeast to ale.rt the city to ftsc:a] trends. F. Several positive fiscu! rndreatnrs arc rc,flerltcl in the 17r~~pose•d I'relimiruuti- Budgel. They inelude. 1. Incrca.sts in salcs tax reccipGs ascribcd to a stncngthening ec;ononiy. 2. No ncw debt-wz are operaling on a pay-as-you go basis. 3. Cantinucd leveraging of state and federal fwsds ta roduce tbc cast of local capital imprvvencnts borne by city Tcsidents resulted in an $9% ssvings. 4. Closely rontrolling the numbet af new employecs hired-na ncw po5itians arc propc*sed for FY 2006. G. The remaining action sleps towurd acloptivn of the budRel im l ude: 1. August 30: Outside agcncies presentstions. 2. Septembcr 6: Dcpartmcatal highlights and work program pre5entations. 3. Scptemtxt 13 Gcneral Budget Discussion 4. Septernbex 27: Putrlic hearing to take citiun commcnt on tbe'_Q(ki PToPosed budgcL 5. Scptember 27: First rcading of the Praposad Propetty Tax t.,cvptig Ordingnce. b. Ociotitr 11: A final public hearing an the ptvposed budget. 7. Ociober 18: Second reading of the Nroposod Propcity Tax Lc~~•in:~ Ordinance 8. October l$: Adoption of the Propascd Fae K,e.4olution. 9. Oriober 18: First reading of the Pmposcd 2b06 Budgct +!rciin;inte. I~;~,~,:~c, ~„t~~;..• 10. Novembcr 15: Socond reading of the Proposccl '(106 11. Novembcr 15: Adoption of the FY 2006 Bud~~, IL As a budget adoption follaw-up activity, a City Caunri!-,Stafj Retreu! i.s s( ; r ,fOT Fehru jr•, ! I ?I)I►( ;11 whrch rim;• nn. :w_Iatc'd c;r vrrlr fm.7ri f17I 6)I'er-rf.ct wrl! revirwc,. 1. ! itc P ) .:00 1?;., • 1 . . . , . . , , . . . ntind of Nnkember 7. 'c~ , , A %rt~e-wwr forecast uj the Gity's frnunrial healih was mude ro rreute u snapshal aj the City s Inng-rerm fiscul conditian so dat today's bieclget chvices arre nat made wilhow awareness of the Tnancial rrencis 1ixrt rr,~ject the surtained ffordahility oJ publlc services. .S`taff worked in close consullattun wlth rhe Finance (_'omminer and rhe City Cour,ctl exanrini,rg o vurfeh, of exlc•ndlture redurtian and revemie enhuncement scenarfns in search oJa JormrJa rhat would supporl currenr seruic8 levels inlo 1he future. 77ie farecact Is regularlv apdirted to ca~turt curnnt infarmation use.jul in dccisfarr nwbng. .9lthough fmproved Tnancial data has been incorporated [1+e frndings stUl show Q structurul imbalunce between revenvcs and exJaensex wlth whiCh we nrust rerkon Advancemeot of the tnteresb of Spnkane Yallrv thruuPfi F.fTective &ternal Relatiou such as building a conswctive rctationship with the crewly-composed Rcxird of Councy Cammissionas; parficipeting as ful) mcmbcrs of regional aad statewide boards and Gommissions whosc wark affects the quslity nf life in thc aommunity. and by advocating City issues wit}i neighborins: iuri`.c?1~!It)!1~_ I?:U711Cw3l i}il!3:1!7aill?f15. t}l: ~ CriS~:si!!t"4 and Congrc • _ . r Cuwici! t4lembers serve vn regtonui '>;,;,rd-, .Iml commisslnns. Bnth Crnrnefl mxl staff have initiated arnr mainlained conlact with their counlerpurls locally, statewich and nationalfy about the isstee.~s that matter mnst to Spokrrne - i'dIey 7he citv manoger attends weekly briefrng sessions - GetweEn Caunry staff and Canemissiarrers In an effort 1o bufld effectiue and infornrned relatinnshipc that leud to rnis.rnuctiiw solutiores jor Ci1y~ i~•.~-ues. CotlaborAtioo w-ith WAStrwater Dischareera and RrQnlitorv APencies in pursuit of inte,-rim and lnng-tern rcsolutiow to water qualitr and wastcwacer treatment capncity concerns. -so that ernnamic cievelopmcni and natural resauras continuc to suppart tfie vitality of tbe region. An incredJble umnunt of lirne mnd eaergy 6y C.'vurncil and staff wara imwsted in rer7rw ojpolenfially workable interim and long-rcmge solutions 1n wastewater treatment problems. Significunl ongning rnllalxiratiorr with the spectnur, aJ interesied parties concumes the allentivrr ajCounci! and staff allke irr an effort to prravide security jor the ecanomic development and notural rrsourres vltal ro lfae regian Stakrhvlder ottitudes are heginning to shifi toward sulufinn oriented oplions, rulher lhan ruslomcrry posllroning on bksiness and e,rviromnental ix.rurs us rhe xearch jor holisiic - answers contrnues. - E.slabltthment af a formal Cit`-wjde rnstomcr senice promm NNith empha4is an timely response, a usrr-friendly atmosphetc, und an attitudc of facilitaiiua and accommodation within thr bownd.q oi' responsibility, integriiy, and 5nancial cqmbility of che City, c'aerneaitdk, l4-nuau cnr,.,iw-r srr*xv ~ including urgaaizAUonal and job dru:nguun Jucuments wiulc pursuing ..bcst practic:rs" ;n customcr service. Please see ti,e customer service section high/r'vIl;ed bc'(>>+ The Budgetjor f'isc,a! }'ear 2000 QaLnced Budght Adoplcd: _T1lr ?tlp(i hudget is in halance: expc€zus havc bccn limitcd so r~.s nui t~~ excc:,•il kno~vn c~r reasunably prcdictable rcvenucs. Glad tidings af joy wene heard araund City I-iall in Doc.embc:r 2004 when the start-up interfund loan of $3.69 nnillion roquired to fund the fust ycar of City opcratioas was stamped PA[D W FULL. Contiauing thai good fortunc, this new budget is designod to pnx3uce a positivc fund balence at ytsr cfld. tn pursuit of that outcvme, sgacial attaition was given to (imiting the growth in ntw programs and finsncial commitments whitc Gcy re.►enue and cxpenditun pattcras stabilize. This approach allows available resourccs to te put toward'ning services consistent wit}i ('ouncil's nrioritic5 for 2t106 and bevond. Department Achfrvemcnts: E::ach af tlie City's deparnnents undertook an aggressive woric prograrn in 2045. The budgd doc.-ument contains descriptiofls of their accompiishmeats far the year and their goals for ncxt year. I invite residents to take a few minutes to acquaint themsclves with the effarts made by mttnicipal employccs vn your behnlf. [ lcave to the dtparlmcnt h;s the p1casurc of stwring their accomplishments and sucemses. No ncw positions are rrqnrsted this Ncar sts w'e strivi• tu ad(lrrss tlir _ , , clrit►and,, of .i cyl~ that has,4rn« n tn h3.0I0 pCf1pIC. ~ ~k~ ~ 1'.1 . !LkC ! :i, ~1 . . Si .i',_ _1 i'... .t.'• I'. _ !i,. , nt. _IL . . providcrs cltoosc not to ceticw contracts with thc City end as the municipal org,ani7$tion adap,,,. its staffing lcvels within the con£nes of available revenue. As vve pnss thraugh the formai i. stages of incarporation, this City has taken a canservative $pproach to adding new Ciry siaff. 2005 survcy af 33 full servicc and contrnct Washingon citics with populetions gMatcr tl; : 30,040 rcvealcd an average count of 819 full-time cmployees and 47 part-timc cmployees. rvmparison, Spokane Valley cvntracted for many services and employed just 60 full-tune an,! part-time emplayees. [Please see the zttached 2005 Woric Forre C'omparison] . . . _ . _ . . . . . . , . , renderiag pnograms and services autharized by thc Lity Councii on the behalf of resideIIts. ('urrent ctestomcr .c•ervlce prvgrum elements, Irainirrg and activities include: 9 Zbe City Manager is autharized w transCer budgeted rimounis w7thin n fund; howcvcr, any rcvisians thai altex the total axpttxiiturcs of a fund, or that affeci the number of authorizod employee positiaas, salary ranges or othet conditions of employmCnt must be upprovod by the City Council. When the City Council dctermines that it is in the best interest of the Ciry tn incrcasc or dexm,ase the appropriation fof a particular fund, it may do so by ardinance appmved by one more thaa the matjority after holding one public hearing. Siaific~~t _Chan= to thc 2006 BudO A reviaar of the 2006 prcliminary budget revzals the following significant changcs: Rcvaaucs 1. Sales tax raccipts havc been increasod S 1,402,004 reIlecting mare accurute coding by rdailers of sales locations aad growth in retail salcs of 5+"/0. Prapccty taxes have besn decr+easad S 1,800,000 because Library operations arc naw paTt of the Spokane County L'brtsry Diqtrid which will lcvy property taxcs for this scrvicc. 3. Planning and Building fxs havt bm rcduced 5263.000 aaticipnLing a slawin;g oC new constnuctioa and g more con.scrvativic estimete of revenucs. Expenditvres 1. Constrvction costs for CcnterPlece at Mirabeau Point, have bcen rcduced by S2,000,004 bocause this projcct has been complctai. 2. Resarves havc been set asidc far unanticipated operatuig costs at Centcrplace, extraordimcy snaw plowting and deicing, scrvice levrl stabiliration during an ccocwmic downtum and futurc civic facilitics. lt is unlikely ihese reserves will bc used during 20(}6. Hawever, this aonscrvativc appmach h3s ir,cr+cased ctte budgd by $2,100,000. 3. Library expendittcres of 52,270,000 bave beea rcmoved fram the budget becausc library operations arc now pnrt of the Spokanc C-ounty Library District. 4. Cupital grant projects sm eupcxted to be S1 million greater ttian 2045 due to the availability or state funding. An ocanomic stvdy to investigate the feasibility ta redevelop Sprague Aveaue ha.g increa.se:d the hudgci by $250,000. 14 City of Spokane Valley Sc'ectcci i3u(to-et f'olicies 1 lj .:C l_ II.:L~ ~ V' ~;!hI~11_, I;'T !c~ 1 U~:3i11 ftitl•.i Cl proposals in linc with City (;ouncil and l ity M:unager priurily ciirection, iuid f)r implcmenting them once thcy are approveci. 7be Finance Department is nesponsible for coatdinating ttie overal) preparatiOn arxl administralion of the City's hudgeL This fiuiction is fiil5lled in compliance with spplicitble Statc of Washington sta3utcs govcrning local govGrnment bud8etin8 Pracdces. The Financc Department assi-s-ts dcpartmcnt stat'f in identifying budget prvblems, formulating salutions and altcmatives, und implemcnting any necessary corrective actions. Intetfund cha.rgea will be based on recavery af the dircct wsts associated with providing thosc serviccs. Budget adjusttncnts reyuiring City Council upprvval will occur through Ihe ordirmnce pracess at the fund level priar to 6scaJ year cnd. Zhe City's budget pnesentation will be directcd at displaying the City's services plan in a CounciUconstituent-friend]y fonnat_ Thc City will pttrsttc ending fund tsalances for oEx:ruling funcis at a levzl of nn less than eight percenl of rcvcnuc. Beginning ia 2010, short term debt sha11 not excee.l 10°r nfreverlue; Nc, Ie>tSg term debt will be incurred withaut identificaiion of a rcvznue t,-ciPaY tli:: dcbL Lang term debt will be incarrod for capital purposes only. Tltc C'tty will maintain oquipment replarxment Funs3.s that will rzc;~i~~ annu:jll~ bud.geted oontributions from the oprmtinB expenses of departmcnts owning t1le capital equipmr,ni in an amount nccessary to replace Ihe equipment at tfie end of its uscful life. Life cyclc assumpti~ ~s EXPLANATION OF REVENUE SUURCES GM-RAL FUND REVENUES: Pwperty Tax Reveuue Property teotes play an essential ro{e in ttzc finances af the muaicipal budgeL Statc lew litnits the City to a $3.60 levy pcr $1,000 assessod valuation, doducting from thenc the lcvy af 51.30 by the 5poksne County Fire Districts #l and #8, along with dcducting 50.50 for library IrviM which lcavcs the City wiih the suthnrity tn levy $1.60 for iis own purposcs. The l evy amount must be cstablisbod by ordiaanoe by Novcmber 30th prior to the levy yesr. I,ocal ReWl Sales amd Usc Tax 'Me local resnil sales aad use tax is comprised of tw9o separate .S% options with the Counry mccivin.g 15% of each .SVo. Aftcr deduccing .ol% as a County adminiszraeivc fee, the City's cffective ratc is .84%. l.ocal CriminW Justicc Salas Tax Loca) Salcs Tax for Ctiminal Justicc funditg is to bc usr,d sotely for criminal justict purposes, guch as the City's law enforcrmeat coniracL This tax is authorizod at 1/10 of 19'0 of retail salrs tran.5ected in the Caunty. Of the total anmunt coliectesi, the State distributcs 100/a to the County, with the nemsindCr beiag disvibuted bY PaPulatian ta the cities and the unincocporated areas af the Counry. Beginning in 2005. an additional .1% votcr apprvved increase in sales tax will be devoted w criminal jestice pwpases. ' i Tax Rcvrnues Gambling tax rrvrnues must be spent primerily on law enforccment purpcyses pertaining to gambLing. Funds remaining aRcr ceccssary cxpcndituRS for such enforocment piuposes may be usod for any general govcmment pwpose. e~ambting taxa ane cu be paid quarterly co the City, no later than the last day af January, 4pri1, July nnd (ktabcr. Thc City imposes e tax on the follow•ing forms of giunbling at the following rutes: Bingo (5% gross, iess jxiz,es): Raf'fles (5'S6 gros.4, lcss grizes): Cramcs (20/o sross, lcss Priz=s); Punch Bosrds (5°h oet); Pul1 Tsbs (5% net); C.ard PlSYinK (14% gross). l.~sschold Eccise T'aa Taxes on prolxrty awnai by state or local governments and leased to private patties (City's share). Franchisc Coes Cablr Zv is the only f-anchise fce leviod "ut tttt City st s t$te of 5% ol' gross tevenues. This io,:: oP. pi1V11;' I1111llie; fof F}ll' f11?t1T til t.lFt• Clt,6 CtTt'="I[, ;}IlCVS. al?d ott1Cf pl1FiI1C PTTi1vftli State-Stuirt:d Revenues Statc-shnred revenues are rrctived for liqtor sales, aad mator vehicie excise taxcs including travel tiailer end camper excise tax. 7nese caxes are colloctea by the state of washington ana shAnd with local governmcnss based on populadon. Stwe-shared rcvenues are distributod on either a monttily or quarterly basic althaugh ont all qusrterly reveaues arc distribuird in the same month of the quartcr_ Tbc 2045 population figurc used in the 2406 Preliminruy f3udgct is 85.010 as dec,errnined by the Off ce at Financial Managemeni for Washinglon Staie. This figune is imporiant when ddainining distribuiian of State shared tevenucs on a per capita basis. Liqtgr Boatd PraSts and Liquor F.xcise Tax CitiGS rtccive a share of both liquar basrd profits and liqiwr excisc tax roceipis. Thc pra6ts sre distributed on the last day of Msrch. lune. September, end Dc,~cember. The excise portion is distribuicd on the lasi day of January, April, July, and October. To be eligihle to raxiva these revcaues, a ciry must devote at leasi two percent of the distribuiian to support an spproved alcoholism or drug aMction program. Scrvice Rcvcnuc~s Fec.s arc charged far servic:es renderod by the City of Spakane Valley. Most ef the fees in the Gencral Fund am canstnlction uupxtions and petmits related to servioes such as Planning- zoning and building. F"uics and Forfejt Fincs aad }xnalties are collectad as a result of Municipal Court nilings and othcr tniscttlaneous nile infraciions. All court fines and penalties am shared with the State and the City, on average, kceps less than 50°1o uf the amotnt c.oUec:teti. R4crratian Promm Fm The Parf:s and Recreaiion Depwrtment charges fees for sclected recrctstion prngrams. Thcse fees offsct somc of the costs n:taicd to providine the program. lavestment Interest ThC C'ity ezirns invcstment intrte5t uc1 s:des tiLx, propc:rty tax. :uxi fund im•r.stments. OTHER FLjND REYEN11Eti: STREET FUNT) : Mot r Vchic e Fuel 1.xcise I a\ (bss ta.r i "T'here are two sepatate distribtttians to ciuc; ot rc%criiws Irom d►is tax. c_ i ties wl c11 a pupulutwi, af 15,000 and above arc requirod to account fOr the per capita sharc of the unnstricUed gas tax a-,% a saurce to fnancc strect maintcnancc. Both distributions tue no Iongcr rcyuirai tn be accountcd Cur in scparate funds but it is the City's policy to continue with this practice. Thc City cxpects tc, tnceive $21.52 pcc capita in moiur vahicle fuc) cxcise tax in 2006. 'Mese dollsrs must be spent Cky of 3poicans Valfey 2006 Budget Sumrnary ' EsWnnbd 8sg Est Endirp Eod EuW Bsl~nee ~ ExpendWn Funo Balance 001 Gsnard Fund $ 4.764250 i 29,941,685 f 28,835.727 s 4,940206 101 Street FuM 3,100,000 9,253.000 4,020,8?1 2,332,178 102 ArWial Sheet Fund 178,272 580.000 738,Z72 - 103 7rsils 8 Paft Fund 16.000 5,053 23.053 - 105 F10leUMObei Ft01d 49,867 351,000 100.667 - 120 CertIArPtaae OpwaRkq Resetve 300,D00 - 300.000 - 121 Servlce Level StabBc2dion 1.000,000 - 1,000,000 - 122 Winlet V1lemOer Resarve 500.000 - 500,000 - 244 Cobt Servce LTGO OCi - 900.000 900.000 - 301 Capifai Ptojects Ftxid 190.000 1,020,000 1,210,000 - 302 Spec#al Cepital PMOWs 50.713 1.Q20.000 1,070,713 - 3E13 SL'eet CaWml Projeds - 8.335.843 8.336.643 - 304 IWrabeeu PoM Cepital Proyech 783.205 - 783.206 - 305 Stred 9ond Cepi~el Prqeds 9a2.180 - 902.480 - 306 CO Bbdc GraM Fund - - - - - 307 GapitW Gtards Fund - 8.211.000 8,211,000 308 Berker 8ridge Fasi" FtaW - 558.000 558,000 - 3a9 Perks Capital Projects Fund 550.000 750,000 1.300,000 • 310 C1vit Buidlng Cepital Ptojecs FuM 500.000 900.000 1,100.000 - 402 $torrnwater 1118negempnt 485.413 1.539.900 1,859.139 368.174 5Q1 E.qulpmeM R d R 482,792 210,485 893,257 - 5Q2 Risk Mersagemenl 23.739 136200 159.939 - $ 13.896,511 $ 57.112,116 i 63,402,O97 $ 7,638.564 Cash Utdtzed hDm FunU Bslance $1258,951 - i 83AS097 f 83d0LM ~ 'La City of Spokane Valley 2006 Budget Revenues by Type General Fund Property Tax $ 8,281,000 Sa{es Tax 15,400,000 Gambling Tax 810,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registrations 681,750 State Shared Revenues 1,121,000 Senrice Revenues 1,600,000 Flnes and Fafeitures 1,350,000 Recreation Program Fees 345,516 Miscellaneous & Investment interest 133,800 Transfers 268,619 Total Generai Fund 29,991,685 Other Funds Stneet Funti 3,253,040 Arterial Street Fund 560,000 Traiis & Paths Fund 5,053 HoteVMote! Fund 351,000 Debt Service LTGO 03 600,000 Capital Projects Fund 1,020,000 Spec:ial Capital Projec#s Fund 1,020,000 Street Capitial Projects Fund 8,335,843 Capital Grants Fund 8,211,000 garker Bridge - Federal Grant Fund 558,000 Parks Capital Fund 750,000 Civic Building Capital Fund 600,000 Stormwater Management Fund 1,539,900 Equipment Rental & Replacement 210,465 Risk Management Fund 136,200 Total Other FLmds ~ 7,150,461 I oial All Funds $ 57,142,146 Gh oe Spot+no v+40y 2008 Bu~1pe1 Debp tiVwiwM by TYPw 2004 200b MNaded I006 G~n~rM futd Rwm aw ActuMls Btidwt eudQel erooeft Tat Prapsity TQ t 8.900,d37 : 9.E70,000 3 IL056.000 Propertr Tet • pahxluwt 165.316 725.000 8,9s0.QJ7 10.055.318 0.281,000 Saba IsM Salms 7ax 13.Sb1.613 t2,280,00p 13,6S0,000 S" T= - CrknitW Judka 1,119,W 1.118,000 B2Q.000 Snlas Taa - Pubiic Solet/ 600.000 600.004 t4,8a1,175 t3.D98,000 t5.400,000 ~ P'►rrJi 9arrds 6 PUI Tabe 149.7DJ 130,q00 12D.= 6rVo & Rs1111s 30.855 44,000 1Q.D00 Card Cien+n 894.5bB M D00 w000 eK1163 eoo.ooo e10.000 4,"9 5.000 2.500 E neMlee Fees 679.461 BSa.000 6at, 750 AA1/Ef Ctirtorw ,ksNoe - Popula0on 14,461 18.I69 11,100 GIY11NW ,An6Cap Aroi st 39,604 14.060 14.000 Orimind .kstlc+e Arm r2 3e.E05 2D,000 2fl.000 Crkrd,W Juslkoe l1m A 38.801 20,000 20.Of)0 CAtrotd JluiNos Arei M ]0.603 57,000 15.000 pLN • Clow 19.914 12.pOp 12000 Uqnr 8ewd Eaaias TaY 324.151 377,41105 413.065 L1qm Bowd f'ruida 59d.4Q7 6128i4 812.e36 WbiUc S4rM R4mbursarrt 2403 t.104,31t 1,121,709 t,t21000 Son6a.8yna! 6uddrv Pamlb 561.191 1,2Dp,000 907.000 h'ltyrnpiuv Pwmitf 68,103 53.000 53.0w Gratllnp PwttMti 725 7,000 7,p00 MeciarKd ParrtMd D9.900 50,004 50.000 Darnuoeai Pemdta 2108 1,000 1,000 AAlrc Pwmi'.s i Faes 3SB.912 175,OpQ 205.Of10 Ppm C.tiadc Fees 73,274 191.000 197.000 PlennrqFees 3103a5 tD4~" 100.OQ0 1,795.504 1.883.000 1,a00.tnQ Fines 3 Fvrfelts - Tra6c 53+1.540 60o.OW 673.000 ORier CmriM Non-Trallic Faxs 727.415 600,0p0 875.000 1,261.p5'S t.7w,D00 t,350.000 At" FMw {TQ uit t nCrenOvW tadlMO 2D.TV 3II.DQO 224,900 Piopraen Fsas [fo pmrlbp" 1n a proqram) 723~307 60.400 120.616 152,034 90.D00 345,316 Immsomrdlawm IrtresEmerR hnsa! 46.712 12000 101.300 Salrs Tss kilrwd 18,022 1200D 15.000 Ptoyerty Ts+c M,4e~at a.6115 t20U0 15,Q00 89.349 36,000 131,300 T Traruix frmn Sbso Fund 54.300 15267e 111.568 Trandim Iram StorffwalW • 54.482 M,A53 Translet f►am COdd Pqecb - 40.400 - TrnrrOer Aom F1o4eMofe1 • CerileA'!ow A0,000 40,000 34.300 287.140 258.614 Totd Conwnl Fpnd Rwonw i 29,643,521 :30,106,165 t 29,DB1,6d5 cetr a spok.rw vaa.p 2005 gl+dwt Dotsil Rnwnues by Type 2004 2006Artrnded 2m Oltw Fund Rfvrnwe ActLM 6ud0w__ ]D1 Street Fub PrapeiSy Tszes 203243 - AAOlOf Fuel (Wi) Tg 1.144.237 I.?03.OQ4 1,2(T3.000 - OyernilrV Trortfar • Loan ReQayrnsrN - 1.259.105 InvaslttuYri kiAetaaf - - 60.000 weerMiO Trarxm - 2.025.000 2.000.000 kiMrAind LowInleied 68.8W 75.000 1.404.1J4 4,5621QD 3.253.000 142 Ntnrw 3tteetEixld Molor Fuel (Ges) Tax 538A78 58Z485 560.000 trnestrnerlkftfeo T~'3b 4.000 10,000 50,213 'Sa6,466 360.000 143 TtsAs 3 R" Fund T. im s1er (rom SNed FuM 6,492 5.100 5,00 105 tkftyUAo1a1 Fud HoUdAAolol7ax 383.144 350.000 350,000 Irnrestrnetp Inlsmet 1,607 1.000 1.OOD 385.051 351,000 351.000 hutarttud Trsnsfst - 300.Q00 - Inlerlund Trsrrier - 1.000,000 - 122 MME VYeaMw Ra~vs lnlerAnd Trsru(st - 500 000 - 204 Ltbl 5e:vloe - LTG4 43 FscAllles DiaUlct Re++erxx 395.643 397.745 414,000 Dept Servlca Trander *vm Captn1 Projmds - • - Ttsntbt Irom Specfal Capdal PMOOO ond SpeCaai CapiW projecb 1R5285 tA5sQ90 180.UUD 5e0,925 5S2.835 wOS1w 307 Q8M i'rol= furxf REET 1- 1 i125 Peraenl 1.037,020 500.000 1.dD0.U00 Inves6Trer11 hllarsd 11.658 6.000 20.000 1,052.578 8+09.000 1.020.UOo 302 Sasclal Ceoltat Prvloe'k Fuod REET 2- 2nd .23 Peroenl 972120 800.000 1.OOO.D00 tnvestmer,a 1rneres~ 11.583 9.000 ?O.ooR 993.713 806 0(l0 1,420 2ni. 3Q3 Sirvel C~mi si F't_~g~ ltNa6bTron1 Inle+est gr , Developer CanlftAl" 8,0= . Grdnt Prooeaft - • e.~ - - - Tranabt hom Streel Bond Fund 1.U19,~89 - 90: ; Transior hrr► Genersl Fund - 342.3D0 Tnnsfer trom Sew[r Fund 237.344 - TnmsW hom Artertet StreM Furd - 670.I00 28- ~•:Trarnfor 6rom Slortr*mW ldanekprnert Fund - 150.000 150.Cw Trj►,srw aom speoa► c,pRW Prnpda 200tooo z.soo 977,71, 1,517,657 4,252.3CK) 5,335.50 :w Cny d Spokww Vadvy 2006 Budgt Dsftl Rov*nuss bf► 7YPe 2004 Z005 AnwtrMd 2005 Olhw fun0 RMntas ACUW 8~ BadRf InrESbtimM kAeteot 75,8" - - Donmlloru 2.580.670 • - knuasrme Racoretfes 1.006 2.967,,566 - - 305 SUeW Botx1 IrvesbTwd krDerssi J7.T28 . . 305 CD elock Grsn1 FunC G0OG GtiIA PrOCeed~ 267,9M . . IrrAw&nwYlrMeislA 134,941 - - 4Q2.7s4 • - 307 Cacitt! Gntfa Fud CapltM Cxarq pTpc+eeft t{t.OW 4.410.000 Q,857,815 7rmlets trom Mar1M Stteel FuM - 186.000 236.303 Tr'nsius Gom Cipilal PnoJecis Fund 97.050 408.000 t.! 17.000 118.061 6.010.00D 8.211.000 30e 8aitter &IdM R~r~frrxOn - FsG i'mt Federal Csrad Prooeeft - 350.0Q0 536.000 Mileriix~d Trfnafen - 550.000 T50.000 310 Cdvfc &OMna Caollr,BMJM IfyEirMtd TrirMb+f - 500,000 900.000 401 SewatFund InveotntwY InbOtasl 334 - 402 stnm+wM MaruoaMM F«r,a SlonnwUer AAerapen+enl Fee 716.Mg 1.270.750 1,624,9U0 Investrnen1 Urterest 12.301 6.000 15,000 Te9m4 12ra.7so IX39.eoo 501 Eautgxnon4 Renua a aa*gff=► Funa IttvvsdnwtM Inlerest 0.17 - t .50U WorlaMtlpn Chatpes sk200 81.750 122,061 Pool Car Charyes 5.58Q 3.d00 3.800 Yshide Pumbese Ttww*s 15.000 33.551 33.551 V,NMCM RepU,pemay Curpas 19,374 281N 44.550 1?9.071 145,305 210.465 Ffg~ F41 Rlalt MoongKmW EtslpbyRlerg 9eduft Trarufeis 4.9M 1,450 6.200 RM mntwgement Sem= 130ADO 130.000 130.000 131,E44 134.150 135,2w T40W AM OQ*r Fundt 11.0W347 21,708,314 27.1 W.181 TotN Rwwnws 40,731,875 S 51,814,479 i 67,142.148 7G City of Spokane Valley 2006 Budgst Expendihures by Oapartment General Fun-- legislaUvQ Brancti S 304.26; legisls0ve 6 ExfltxAive Setvkea 470,105 PubHc Safety 16,873.541 Operations b Adminisiroive Depuly City Maneger 499,405 Frtance 516,695 Legai 283,750 Human Resounoes 181,120 Pubiic Work,s 972,842 F'lanning & C.amrtemfty Dev. P18rving 1.095,808 8ullding 1,037.228 Parka b Recreaion AtkiNrgstration a Malntenwioa 847,703 Recreabm 199.475 Aquatics 299.921 Senior Cerftt 69,289 CenletPtacb 438.298 Generat C3ovemmant 5.768,000 Total Genera} Fund 28.835,727 Odw Furds Street Fwxi 4,020,822 Arteriai SG'eet Fund 738.272 7raoa snd Paths Fund 23,053 HoteUMdel Fund 400,667 CenterPlace Opetating Reszrve Ftma 300,000 5erv4cs Leval 3lablization Fund 1,000,000 Windw Weether Reserve Fund 500,OOQ Debt Senrice - 17GO 03 800,000 Capital Projecxs Fund 1,210,000 Spedal Capital Pro}ects Fund 1,070,713 Street Cepitial Projeds Furd 8,335,843 Mirabeau Pplnt Capital Pto}eCts Fund 783,205 Streei Bor►d Capital Projeda Fund 902,460 CapitW Grants Fund 8,211,Oai Berker Bridge - Federel Grant Fund 558,00(1 Parks Cepdat Pro)ecta Fund 1.300,00` C'rvic Buiidings Capits) Projeds Fund 1,100,QG" Storrnwater Managemerrt Ftmd 1,H59,13': Equipment Rental 8 RsplecerneM 693.257 Rlak AAanagertwd Fund 159,93: Total Ali Funds S 63,402,09 Clty ot Spokane Valley 2006 Budyet General Fund Expenditures by Oepartment by Type wem a @erwft Suggliet so! tnbmuav. 1ntw1und CaoitsJ E~cn Tgw Gen,~ral Fund Legislatlve 6randh $ 149,962 $ 19,300 f 122,068 i - = 12.947 t - $ 304.267 Lepistatlve & Exacutlve 403.020 7.748 50,090 - 9.247 • 470,105 PubNc Safety - - - 18,873,541 - - 16.873.541 OPerations 8 Adrtdniaitatirre Deputy Glty Manegm 414.408 5.700 87,700 - 11,897 - 489.405 Finnnce 455,795 12.700 23,100 - 15,300 - 518.885 L,epal 212,750 5.500 38,800 - 5,900 - 283,750 Human ResourCes 100,620 3,500 53,300 - 3,700 - 181,120 Publlc Works 808.845 12.887 59,415 10,000 29.494 22,600 972,942 Planninp d► CorranuNty Dev. Ptamning 589,278 16.200 06.034 - 14.798 7,600 1,095.806 Buikhng 648.829 38.575 70,836 31.240 37,200 10.849 1.037.228 Parics & Recresiion Paim Administration 182,238 48.340 634,127 - 3.000 - 847,703 RecreaUon 138.575 4,078 48.882 • 7.940 - 198,475 AqueUq - - 299,821 • - - 298.'11 Senlor Center 49.990 4,81M 12.570 - 1.8D0 - 69.269 CenterPtece 186253 12.830 238,205 • - - 438,29i! Genural Govemment - 6.000 2.615,000 165,000 2,886,000 125,000 5.78t).OW Total Goneral Fund S4,530,871 S 229,858 S4'801,817 S 17t089,701 S 3,038,021 s 185,849 $ 29,835,727 12 City of Spokane Valley 2006 General Fund Expenditures by Dept $30,249,927 LegEslattve Brsnch 1.0% Legisialive b Etecutive ~ - Servicea 1.8% Generel Gov$mment 20 496 ~ . . Perks b Recreetion 6.2q6 - Planning 8 Commurnty Oeveiopment _ 7 1% - Public Sefety 55.896 Public Works 3.29'0 Operatbns & Adminlstrative Serv)ces 4.8% Fund: 001 C3wwrsl Fund spok.M vedlhr tkpt 013 Exscutive 8 Lpblafve Support 2006 Budget 013 - Exacudv a Loaistatw. smp,►n Ciw1s► for 2006 • DraR a vwil-deftr►ed Stroet Msstst Pian, with Funding Options, that identifties Me curreM condition of aty sireels and rexortvnends aAVroPria1e imPmvementa end mainlenance thet preservc the vakue and structural integrity d the locaf transportation sysism_ . lnitiabs the Ftrst Phasa of the SaraotN Cortidor Rwltaltsatlon Phm between University anC the teaway by contrading with a consultaM to desipn a strateyy M would str+angttm the ewnomic viabiltty of the oorridor • Contln Monitodnn $kmlticant Wnio±wataf hsM induding gaverrance of wastrxatar facilities, enhanced cttizen awareness of options fow the future anG pursuit of the most effident and economical use of allowed wastewabr discharge& •MaiMWn a Strono Emahasis on intonst and Extemil Communkation util¢infl Ihe PuWJc Iniormation Officer positkon to cnhance the quality, lfmeUness and aocuracy of internal diabpue and the tnfortnaljon provided by cit¢eies aboul ci4y issues, fndiaUves and woAc ptans. • Exaioro the AvalLaWe Talecommun{catlotts InfiastruCtttt+s BrtQ tnat may be accessed by public insMutions, rr.sitknts and businesses wfthin Spokane Vaiky. 6udQet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget B et Petsormel - FTE Eau`nrslent~ Clty MenaW 1.0 1.0 1.0 City Clerk 1,0 1.0 1.0 Depu.y City Clerfc 0.5 0.5 0.5 Administrative Assistant (CC) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administrative Assbsant (CM) 11Q 114 1D ToEal FTE.a 4.5 4.5 4.5 Qudoet Dtt3il Salaties, Wages, 8 Bene(its $319,271 $391,969 $ 403,020 Suppiies 6.439 6,998 7,748 Services & Cherges 32,032 38,650 50,090 Interfund Charges 5,880 5,250 9,247 Total Executive 8 Legislative Support $~363,622 i 41 D5 38 Fund: 001 General Fund Cky of Spokane Va1ley ospr 016 Pubifc Satety 2008 Budget 016 - Publlc Safetv The Public Safety c3ePartment budAet Provides huxis for the protedion of persons and property in the city. The City contrads witfi Spokane CouMy for law ertforcemesit, disbid court, prosecutor services, public defiender services, probation I services, jall and animel control services. See folloving Page tor cietail intormation on each budgeted section. Law Ertforcement - The Spokane Courtty Sheriffs offioe is responslble for mairrtaininp laar and arder and providing poilce setvices to the community under the direction of the Potioe Chiet. The office provides fof the prsservatjon of ftfe, protedion of property, and reduction of cxime. I 8udgeted contract amount: $ 13,460,009 Judiclai System - The Spokane Gounty Dlstrid Court is contraded to provide munidpal court servioes. The contract provides for i the servioes of judge and court aommissioner with retated support staff. Budgeted amourrt alao includes jury maRagernent fees. 6udgeted contrad amouni: $ 1,683,425 Jail System - Spokane CouMy prvvides jail and probation servioes tor persons sentenced by any City of Spokane Valley Municipaf Court Judge for viatating lavvs of the city or state. Budgeted carrtrad amount i 564,000 Animal Control - Spokare Courtty will provide anlmal control servioes to indude ticensing, care and treatmerri of lost or stray animals, and response to potentially dangerous animal confrocitatiotts. Budgeted contrad amouM: $ 433,484 39 City of Spokane Vailey 2006 Budget 016 - Publtc Safety 20D5 2004 Amended 2006 Actuai 8udget Budget Judktsl System: DisW CauR Contraid 855.756 691,3n 839.817 Jury 6Aanegamerlt CoMract 7.958 5.000 5,000 Pu6ilc Uefender Cantract 215,519 310,026 342,705 Prosea*nr Conh-act 221.698 294.159 357.520 Crime Victim CompemMort - 8,485 - Prebial5en►loes Confraa 25.188 32,908 48.383 F'rotration Servioes Conhed 30,482 80,000 - 8ubtardl Judichd Syifmm 1,156.599 1,401.908 1,50.425 Lsw Etr(oncwnent SYsbm: Shei1f Contrad 11,719,6B8 12.89i2.300 • 13.319.812 Emegenc,y Mansgement ContrW 56,093 84.700 72.397 l..aw Enf. Bldg Mairftnanae CantraQ 58.682 38,573 40,000 Vehic{e pec8ls 5,197 10.00D 10.000 Clothinp & UMorrrsa - 7.000 7,000 Vefwe Usaqe Costs 222 500 5,300 EqWpment Rcplecemerri Ctwge 5.5w 5,500 5,500 Suptobl la+w Entorewnwd 8yslem: 11,873.382 13,018.578 13.460,009 JaY Systsm: „Iai1 ConSrad 383.921 171,039 444.000 Worlt Roieas8 (Geiger) 30,393 118.759 120,000 Subtotod .laR Sysdm: 391.314 289.798 584,000 Other: CapKalOultaYs/Canmunicatlonti - 196,000 132,623 Ftnes & Focieihxes State Remlttarxx 859.8e5 591,515 590.000 qnknaJ Control C,,ontrae! 399,555 409.627 433,484 Contingency Reserve - - 100.000 1,059,360 1,199,142 1255.107 zow Public sa" s 14,483,635 s 15.e09.424 s1s,ar3.5+1 • The increase d Uw Sherilf Cotrirxt is the Citys ponion nelated !o lhe aeldement d tha CouMy SheriRa labor neQatiatians. tn addiiion. a vodar appvved sales laz 4nusase oi .19L In ZO(}d of sales taz !s designated to tund cxUninal juttiae and public safety telated oasts. 40 City of Spokene Vallay 2006 Budgebed Contract Expenditures 14,000.000 13,319,812 - ~ ~ ~ - . _ . - - ~ 12,000,000 ~ - - - _ - , I ~ ' _ 10.000,000 - • - - _ - _ I 8,000.000 ~ _ . . _ . - - - - - - - _ - - ; ' I ~ ~ 6,000.000 - - - - - - - - - ~ - - . - I I ~ ~ , - _ . . _ - ~ . 4.000.000 ~ i . - - - - - - . - - ~ 2,000,000 639;817 ~ 342,705 357,520: ~ 72,387, 444,040, : 120,000 • ~ _ . - - D►str►ct Cour1 Public Oetender 1'rosecutor Sheriff Gontract Eraeryency Ja►I Contract Wortc Release Contrad Contract Contsad Ntensgement (Gei9er) Conb'act Fund: 001 Gawrsl Ftmd fpoanv vafty a.pe o„ oo.ratioem a AdRdnistr.nw swvkm Yoa eudg.e Qll - OnKnt)om L AdmMrdstrOm Safvion The Opeafiorw & AdmkiavatJre Sarvk.es f?eqoinrmM b aompaed d lour mvftions, tna DePuty C7h' AAwyger DiAsfon. lF+e Flnanoe Divisim ft LepM [Avkbn. ind Qie Fltirum Rdeoiutes U&-om 013 - Deoio Glh IMMM Divi~la► The OopuN Ciy AAwu+gw (OCK w*erv+w tir Opers4ons A Atmarvtb76+re SsMcrs UeparVnerk, assrts Ifre C4y AArtiaper kn orpwtthp ord dieclk~y t!r oew oparafions af the c31Y wnd asiwmes Uie dulioe o1 the CkY Meneoer n hiNAer ebsenoe Accomoilalnernb fot 2005 • EstabisAed a loxmtial, d1Vw4e Cuslanet satvo prDqtun . Davebped model prsetneft for uee in sarvir,e oontr~cn wllh Spokane CourkY in ottter b Orovida oonoftft►wY and enlm Ke omovumbft. • Ravised ifv Iew ardarownwd apreemuN in ardx ro sMqpWN Ina ooq rtwmodobqy and k+amase responsivex+ess fMwph ardyncad lkadblkv • Comcld d o coot-beriefd anefvsis n roqird lo fRxsrv srrexallw esid vresenled an mnnexailon mensuro b ttrt dhrans Mst Oraosed arvwmWon to !he SpokAm CounM LbuY Da!►id • OewYaprd srd implema10d C.atwnardol8ukfinp Permk prooedum ID erbtre timety manaorinp. tespona2 and Meros,rdlon In ft pennll procm. • Cntow u+e Ynplotmwil9d Ir~erd~m~ff~tl traW'~0 ~brtf~ b mawlor !he siocalbn d timo and ►esovm. . RavNwed ind ievked ITr CM d 5twlartie vaMrr olficlW wr)slle. . cnuslea and Onp1emmMea ciry a spo+car,e vailey conttnxraUws pokfe, W,a Procaduras, MK*x%q uisls aoRUrcinicalion proprwn Sg!4.lff ~ . Revie++v and revise clty't prooesm w ersur reliebibrq. oorsisla,~ ena afkancY • SbrxkartUe a1 d!Y pubiralioas and Pot+ted Itstl~irb ID oonkxm {O hipheat Irtandards at prohesslonaism Nnd d}eclivervms. • hioeme+t ir" demrnfs M ooefwtwrtkr corrurtw*=Wm proprsm. lndudkq emabfnfrnp o 5peakars 6ureou & ect+eeufinp rewuta► enqaqaments on alticsl copia- Budoet Sumetitrr 2005 2004 Amotxled 2006 Aciwd BudgM Budgt FTE Oopuhr Ctr Iu1anMger 10 1 0 LO Admin6strattve Analyst 1.0 1.0 10 PuoBt Inhxmafion OIkw 00 O,D 1,0 OfRoe Aawtarb N 1,0 1.0 1.0 Administa" Assistanl Q,A Q,g Z,Q to4d FTEs 3.5 3,6 6.0 Wiges, 6 Berwfits f 221.M $331.042 6 414,408 Seipoks 4,100 8200 5.700 5ervkes 8 Charpes 3.554 7,700 67,700 k*Aund Chnrges 5,680 5,750 11.597 Tvtal DepM Ch bM+aper Dvoon 3 Fund: 001 General Fund Spoksrn vauay oept: 016 Operaibns b Admintstrative Servlcea Zd06 eudget 014 • Financa OfirislQn The Finance Division provides finandal menagemertt services for all dty departments. Programs indude accountinp and reporting, payroll. accouiris payable, punchasing, budgeting and frnanaal planning, b$asury, iMormation technobgy and investments. The department Is also responsibie for generating and analyzing data rela3ed to tfie Cttys operatiorts. The deparVnent prepares monthly, querterty. and annual fmancial reports and budgets to ensuf+a compl'ranae with state law6. SccgMpJishmeMs tor 2006 • Expanded mufti-year financiai plan to a sbc year window to commpond wRh ather Ciry plans. • Devebped an A-87 Cost Albcation. Qaals for 2006 • Corninue to refine the multi-year financial pian process by comparing revenue estimat,es with other area sQencies. . Ideritify avaitabie telewmmunications inirastrucfure that Is/could be avallable in tlhe area for use by clttzens and twBinesses. Oisc:uss same with economic developmeM agenc~es tn determlne benefits. . Integrate informa4on from A-87 cost eliocation pian Into the City budget.. Budaet $tMmant 2006 2004 Amended 2006 Acbual Budget Budpet Personnei - FTE Eauivafents Finance 8 Atlmin Sen+ices Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 Accounfing Maneger 1.0 1.0 1.0 Accauntant/Budget Analyst 1.0 2.0 20 Accourrtinp Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 IT Speciaiisl ],Q 1_,0 1 Q Total FTEs 5.0 6.0 $.0 Sudoet Detail Salaries, Wages, 8 8enefrts $337.105 $481,8&9 f 485,785 Supplies 5,128 7,700 12,700 Setvices 8 Charges 12,271 12,400 23,100 Interfund Charges 9,240 9,250 15,300 Total Firiance Division $~363,7464 511 219 $ 516,895 4 3 Fund: 001 Generat Fund 8pokane vailhr Opt 032 Public Works 2006 Budqet 032 • Public Wwft The Publ"ic Works Oepartrnent providea ovwall ptaRning and oversigM of public works projeds in the City of Spoicane Valiey. The departmerrt provides engineering plan review, inspecdon, caordination of major pubGc works capital improvemeni projects, bnQ-range trensportation planning and neighborhood traffic management The Public Works Street Mamt+emnce Section iS responsible for maintenance of streets. Accon,psnrnents for zooa . Condnued analysis and review with the County. City of Spokane, and Department of Ecology ragarding Wastewater Treatment Facility options. • Wartced witfi the Rsgional Wastewatef Commitiee to evaluate the possibilities of a Spokane Regionel Wastewatar Allisnce. . Began development of a PubNc Worics strategic ptan that will provide a blueprirrt for tt►e developmeM oi the department . Maneged and refned corttrad with Spokane County and others for public worlcs servic7es and cotmtrvction. • Provided engineering review and support iw City funded projecls and other Ciht pubtjc works reeds_ • Developed the Six-Year Transportation Plan (TIP) for Council adoption. • Provided public worlcs expertise in the ComprehensWe Planning effort. • Provided Devefopment Review on new Commercial Development Projects, Single Famity Lots, and Mutti-Family Units. • Implemented and closely supervised the major Streea Gapital Projacts_ Goals fcw 2006 • Analyze and review with the County, City of Spokane, and Depadmem of Ecofogy regarding Wasteweter Treatrnent Facitity options. . Wortc with the Regional Wastewaber Committee tv evalusbe the possibilities of a Spokane Regional Wasfewaitef Allfanc:e. • Manage and refrne contrad with Spokane County and ottw for public works services and construdion. 46 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokans vafty Dept psi Pub(k Works 2006 Budpet 032 - Public Worlcs Gosls br 2fl06. Continued • Provide enginearing review and suppart for City funded projects and othw City public worlcs needs. • Develop the Six-Year Transportation Ptan (TIP) fw Council adopfiOn. • Implemet►t and dosety supervise tt►e major Street Capital Projec:ts. • Provide Development Review on new Gommercial Deve#opmer►t Projects, Singie Family Lots, and Mutti-Famity lfiits. • Update SVeet Design Standards. Budoet Summam 2005 2004 Amsnded 2006 i Budget Budget Actm Personnel - FTE EauNalents Public Works Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 Adminfstrative Assistent 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Engineer (Development) 1.0 1_0 1.0 Senior Engineer 0.0 0.4 0.0 Assistant Engineer (Develapmerrt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senior Enginew (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1,0 Enginear (CIP) 0.0 1.0 1.0 Engineer (Development) 0.0 1.0 1.0 Assistant Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Engineering Technician 1_0 1.0 1_0 Tote! FTEs 7.0 9.4 9.0 8udae! Dotai1 Salaries, Wages, 8 Benetfts $ 526,093 $718,392 $ 808,846 SuppRiss 16,048 29,878 42,687 Services 8 Charges 26,769 35,120 59,415 Irttergovemmental Payments - - 10,000 Capital Outlay 31,868 - 22,500 Inteiiund Charges 14,994 17,100 29,494 Total Public Works $615,769 800 490 $ 972,942 Fund: OOt Gonorat Fund spokan. valhy Dopt: 0N Plannln9 3 Communltp OwebpmeM 2108 Budget 069 - suitdino oivisMon The Bui{ding Qivision impiemanta lhe WaaNngton Stale Bulidfng Code. It ts reapatsibb for ensuring ttiat btllcgngs and sVudures compty with edoptad buildmg cotta stendards tftrough prafessionel pten revfew and IrisOecbon services. The Petmit Canter reoeives aWcations and coordinaies the revlew and proceasing of pertnft ACGOfifDRoh/i16Aft /Ow 2005 •Wdegrate Budding and Code Compfiencer proviabn wtth the Unilorm DCveiopmerK Code. • Implemented Regional PevemeM Cut Policy. • Ccmpieted trtqAemeMatlon ot the PLUS pertni!!ir►g system. • formelized buildhg pian reWew prooeases. • Redured backlog a1 Code oompleints by 50%. (ioals Ior 200B • COnttnue staif trafting and prvlessbnal developmenL • Comptete Pavemerd wt trauwnp sysiems• . Implemenl fu0 enfotr,ement d adoptad sign rogulslions. • ComPlete Rfa" Hazard Witigetlon P1an. • Expedta commardal permtl issuance. suftot Summarv 2005 2004 Ameodsd 2006 Actusl Budpet Budget Panwnnei - FTE Eauivakrris ButEding Oficial 1,0 1.0 1.0 Bulldinp htspedor II 2,0 3.0 3.0 Cade Enbtcemertt Of~iCa 2,0 2.0 20 GaratrucNan Irispedcr 0,0 2.0 20 Senior Pertnit Speciafiol 0.0 1.0 1.0 Pennil Spedallst 20 3.0 3.0 Senirx Pians Exatrkner 0.0 1.0 1,0 Platxs Exem[nar ?..,4 u u Totel FTEa 8.0 110 13.0 %92d DAM Selaries. Wages, b 8enefits $540.083 $654.566 $ 848.979 Supplles 48,054 33,375 38,575 Setvices & Charges 62,512 49,015 70,635 Irtergovemmerttel Payrnenis - 31,240 31,240 CapilalOuNay 12,278 6,449 10,649 interfund Charges 31,440 26,684 372D0 Tatsi Bu1lQing Division S 894,385 891 309 ; 1,037,Z28 ~ Futd: OOt Gensrsl Funa spokatro vatwyl pMpt on Parb b Rscrostlon 2WG B~~ 076 - Partw 6 Resro"on , The Parks and ReueaIion QepeRmeM is camposed d tive ' s, the ~ Adrnhistration and Part Meinter►ence Dhrlsbn, RerleeUon, AVustks, Senia' Center, and the CantsrRlaoe Divlslon. TM overed goal ai tM depaAmwt is lo provlde qwlily tscrea~ion proptsms and aoquWbon, renovalion, deuebQmeiy. cpetstion. and melntersante Ot p8rtcs and receatbn twJkftt ~ 4Q4 - Paft tnbtrOW i AArlrrbwp ~ The /ldminfetrafbn Divtslon prtivides dirediam orM IesdersNp tor ft PsrRs eW Ftec:aet;on Department in impiemennrq tne goas ana oejectlves or ft chy cound and tedfltoWe the pmersl upkeep vf Pmks and twblic anen of the CNy. . Assisted h projeU meneqeunenl d CanlerPiade oonstrucHon. • Compbted the Patks etld Rxreafkm Mesfef Plan. • Compietea the Pool fa*Wbiky stixN. • DedicatirxdGrand Openinq o1 the CeMerPlaoe farAM1►. . Ilwerded and mwseged Park msktenance Contr'd wtlh 5enske Tree and Lawn Cere. • Awarded wid msnsped equatk tadltY opwatlo^ and maiMenence cocgrsd wlth tha YMCA. . Awarded the jwN1orisl conttacl for CanierP'faa. • Comploletf trainhg and impiementation oi rew CenterPleCe and Rocreelion program reglstrafion soAware. c;oals for 2006 • MaximIze Me tae W CenterPlece_ • Evakiase and menage the squatiCS oQaraHon and maintenenos aorMrad • Putwe &npiemcntation of okpdW Projects IdeM!!bd In AAsaW Ptan. • Puraue panl oppWtunRles to comple4e perk improvemern proJeas• sudM &wnnarY ~ 2005 ~ 2004 Mtanded 2006 Actusl 9udqst 9ud9et Personnel - M EaikalM Partcs a Reaeatbn Okeatw 1.0 1.0 1.0 AdrniNstratire AsslsterN 1 4 i-D ].4 7otd FTEs 2.0 2.0 20 Seiaiies. y1leges, b ggfleft : 144.128 S 162,718 $ 162.236 Suppoes 36,841 9,580 48.340 Services b Charyes 742.9+43 894,884 634.127 Capital pWey 32.211 - - IMetfund Chnm 5,010 3.000 3.000 Tofal Parks AdminisUailon $960is61 i 1,070,282 S B47.703 at Fund: 001 General Fund spokans valley Dept: 07e Parics & RecreatiQn 2006 eudget 301 - Recreatlon Division The Recreation Division coorclinates and faclt)taies the deliv+ery af rerxeatbn programs and servroes throughout the city and the Cftys park system. Accamotishments for 2006 • Offered 10 weeka of "Summer Day Camp" instead of the 9 weeks in 2044. • Expanded Mariceting of Summer Programs: Newspaper, Schoots, S.C.O.P.E • IntervWwed and hined summer staff. • Continued Fotming Recreation Prvgram Policy_ • ConVRwted to the Grand Opening of CenterPlace. • Conducted "Walk Acroas Washington" event Coals for 2006 . Incorporate Masfier Plan Results into Recreation Programming and Policy. . To expand the Recreation Programs to coindde with the Master Plan. • Implemented goalS and policies implemented by Master Pian. • Continue to offer "VNalk Acxoss Washington" Evertt. • ConUnue Serving As A Clearinghouse For Gitizen Recreation Program Needs; Nelworlc With And refer Customers To Other Providers. Budoet Summarv 2006 2004 Amended 2008 Actual Budget 8udpet PetsQnnel - FTE Eauivalents Recreation Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 Budaet Detai) Sataries, Wages, & Benefibs g 45,153 $ 116,790 $ 138,575 Supplies 1,655 8,555 4,078 Services 8 Charges 22,405 24,930 48,862 Interfund Charges 8,120 7,940 7,940 Total Recreation Division $ 77,333 $ 158,215 $ 199,475 52 Fund: 001 General Fund Spoksne Vatiry o.pc: 076 Parka b Recreation 2006 Budget 302 - Aauatlcs Division The City oi Spokane VaUey awns three poois: Park Road Pool. TeRace View Pool, and Valley Mfssion Pool. Services indude Open Swim, Stivim Lessons, Swim Team and faciiity reMals. In addition, the CRy leases a portfon of Va11ey Mission Park to Splashdown Inc. for a water paric. The City cumently is contracdng wrth the Y.M.CA for all aquatic ectivities within the City. The County provides the I'ifeguards and maintains the pools during the season. Accomolishments tor 2005 • The pool season was extended by opening eariier. • Worked on review and approval oi Splashdown request for expansbn. • Cre.ated RFP and awarded corttract tor the Operation and Maintenance of City Pools. . New D'nring boards were installed at all City poots. Goals for 2006 • Review and evaiuate aquatic contract. • Evaluate ptan to improve existing pools as per the Poo! Feasibiiity Study. Budoet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actua! Budget Budget Budaet Det$il Services S Charges $238,492 $255,818 $299,921 Capital Outlay 11,055 - - Total Aquatic.s Division $ 249,547 $ 255,818 $2991921 FrDt pl GoneeW Fund fpo4~ vaM vapt Oo W1wHi 00n"111Yf1 7m BuOod PM GMod QoImfY" C*pwV11o mfl;flM~ sClFVlln 11m Ifl00f1~M ~0[YIOr b rtwAOb dv0wtmwi tdedWn CNs de;rlrt-rA os thn awb ul ch N* " no'alsd uffllm rtwwqmeeM hkrtrMlion wrvlom, irmunnos oC" nisoolww"A dRq ~pOmtxnerW ar.wls and capRal sq&mpmrd ooa4s trrR bw%M eion tlm arw dopwtn+ent oulim 1005 20m AawWrd 200t Atf" BadpM duditt Maw.RlW Oo+b ftmn[ir,p a &I* S~rNOes t ra,7rl s 2oe.~oo i t~o.ooo softo.m Mmftn.c. ae,ns 3e,aoa Q.ooo Ehoeon c.oa. Im,soo 60,00o eo.ooa aMrV,ensOWr.u" m,an 15,ooo +s,ooo Atf"rtiMp /6,OQ3 31550 10.000 Empbyee itappqnlbn - 3.000 3,000 yob pope 8,015 5,D00 5,000 Tmbyqrrfp$l Chlrps i<,MO 24.000 20.000 (T CQnwIUc+O Ql.470 70.000 90.000 P-111ft sakW. 27.8s - - sW,Jwr Adv.orr c,ou„di iae 50o sao oa«aAno suooks • s.aoo s,ooo :'Mno1 ToaY serd Mkior EOuiPmwd - - 2.OOD Spotsna Caxrt1 Ganl:sG • OIS - - 20,000 C,a,pisr MWitlrvnco . . 6.500 Lasooftmems 1,367 30.000 20,OW M+II1rtaw lnOerAnd Lctin M+IeeMl 43,136 75,000 - MAwitnd R+tlc Irluvipwnxnt PaymwR 130,000 130.000 135.0DD - Opara" ?rsrmier - l.ow RawSRwI - 1.221.105 Facftke FaciWly Rspass 6 Iairrtersu+os 1.2Q2 - S.G00 Ainawwoms 8uwo 1wftTmnca - i,000 . Coeflpulw $odtwmm wnd HerDM" - 166.000 110,000 Ti-dr b St" CapRa1 Fund - e0C,000 . TransNr b Pwks Capitr Fund - 350,000 750,000 CRy NM tamu+p Coab. Cky tW Rwt 220.129 251,055 3m000 Lmmonow kwrwjwmm 79,810 53,745 15,0ao - sb„ve sp.a. a P.rxrm 3.000 3,000 ouAlde swwc.s AAo'nbssOrV+ - SRTC 34.3t10 76.000 36.0OG Saidy E3xaFion 6 Pnvattlfon - - 3,000 Ak&pt Trwtrnenl 17,513 19.000 19,000 $potaro County /4& Pc&Aan /4upiorRY 114."6 110,910 110,000 CAy Eaawrtrc U.tieioprtmnt 9e0 1o,UOO 10,0oo CaDM imrlliM M*pOllrtlOiY 25 20000 20.000 ypter PJIOdral" . • 65.000 Umpwd fee 31u0y - 50,000 50.000 ftern+eift Fam Ou4ai0b Aowx*mkfxononmc OavoiaOffNn1 73,000 T3,000 eB.000 Re*xsts 4am Otsblda 11perww&Sotiml 8- an 77.000 27.000 31.000 QoanperRy C HnwvN R.sarw 10► Rer.rn,e AckmMnerft • e 17.s3s askDOo Trsssiir b Cmi 9uldnq Reoerw Fund - 500,00() 800.000 7nvvAv tn 9rt~oe Level Remevr FunO - 1.000.000 - Trondrr tc VWnhr Wooerr Raaowe FuM • 5W.000 • 0pxEilinp - S"el Fund - 2.000.000 2.OOQ,000 Corninpenc.y - lf00 000 500 000 f t. W $9.196306 i 5.7a6,000 ~ Fund: 101 Str$et fund Spokans v&ney o.pt 042 Zoos sudget 101 - StrNt Furtd The Strret Operetlng pragrarn is esiablished to prov+de etflcienl and eafe movernent of both motorized and non,-molotized vehides as well as pedestrians within 1he limils of the Ciry and coardir►ate convenient IMeroonnect to the reglonal vansportation systwn. The transpodetion neNvorks, under thls program. ore dasigrfed, cansiructed. and mairttained !o impreve tAe qwiiry af IHe whUe provfdlnp the efidaM mavament oi Commerce. AccomplisAments for 2005 • Operaied and mainlsined sN CMy streQts and the lwo state hiphways. SR 290 and SR 27, wo tt►e Clty lirsits- • Carttinued to contrec3 with Spokam Cauny for engineering services rstated tc operwJma and rralntenenoe a1 Ciry streeta • Began devebpment ot a Meighborhood Trafic CalmiV Manaqernent program. • Wartced wlth Commxmtty Devebpment to ensure Itsat adequata fraRic and bw►sportsdon miUgation Is pravided Goals for 2006 • Operaie and meWftln all City Oaeta and the two etete MVtrrayi, SR 290 and SR 27. with tha Ciry Gmita • CoMinue to contrad with Spokane CauMy► fw engineerittig services nalated lo operalions and mairnsnance oi Cifiy stneels. • Imprvve signa! tlmtn9 coordirtation Ovoughout the Ctty. • Wor1c with Communlty DeveEopment ta ensure ttuet adequate hafic and transportation miUgeUon is prouided. . Campaete a sbeet tnventory and assaswrmM ot ell City streets and albw devebpmerrt at a siz year sVeet rtiaster plsn and a 20-yesr paYament management ptsn in 2007. Qudoet Summasy 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actwl 6udge4 Budget Persormel - FTE Ecuhralerrts 5enior Enginees - Treflic 0.4 1.0 1.0 Pubk Worics 5uperintendent 1,0 1.0 1.0 Consbvction Inspettor 1.4 1.0 1.0 Sertiior F_ngineer (PtanninglGranta) .Q1' Q-A Q 4 Tdal FTEs 2.95 3.4 3.4 i Bud4et Cletatl Salarlea. Wages. & BenefRs S 141,605 $ 188,354 $ 211,636 Supplics 5.044 13,280 16,950 Services 8 Chargss 531,737 1.000,000 1,210.680 Intargwemmerttai PaymenEs 2,434,537 4.424,384 2.460,700 Interfund Ctiargcs 34.300 167.140 120.856 ~ Tata! Stree! Fund $ 3.14~7.223 S 5,~ 80~158 $ 4, I Fund: 102 Artefial Street Fund Spokane valisy oept: 044 MN Budget 102 - Arteriai Street Fund The Arterial Strest Fund accounts for the receipt and sxpenditune ot the Sffite-levied motor vehide fuel tax distributed to the City in acoordanoe with Stats RCW 62.36.020. These revenues will be transf+ertsd to the Street Capftl Ptolects Fund for the oortstruction. Budoet Summarv 2005 2004 Ameitded 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budflet Detall Transfer to Street Capita! Projeds S 134,941 $ 670.400 $ 282,270 Transfer to Capital GrarTts Fund - 186.000 236,385 Improvements to Arterials - 229,603 219,617 Total Arterial Street Fund $ 1341941 $ 1,085,003 $ 738,272 Fund:103 Traiis b Paths Fund spokane vaney Dept: 103 2006 Budget 103 - Tralls 8 Paths Fund The Trails & Paths Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of the Sta6e-levied matur vehicle fuel tax disUibut+ed to the City in accordanoe with State RCW 47.30.050_ These revenues origirtabe from .42% of motor vehicle fuel tax attributable to Street Maintenance. These iunds are restricted for lhe purpose vt constructing new trails and paths tfiroughout the City. No expenditures are budgeted fvr this fund in 2005 or 2006. 58 Fund:105 HateUMobel Fund 8paksne vatl%r p,ept; 105 2006 Budpet 105 - HoteiJlMota! Fund The HoteVMobel Fund acoounts for the receipt and expendihure of a speclal excise tax of Mro peroeM on tt►e sale or charge made forthe fumisliing of bdging urxier RCW 62.08. These funds wip be used solety for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of tourtst promotbn, acquisfti~on or operation of tourism-mlated faal'ities, and marlceOng of speclal events and festivals designed to attract tourisLs. Budaet Summarv 2006 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget 6udget 8UQqet Detail Tourism Promotion $ 450,383 $ 397.827 $ 360,667 Interfund Charges - 40,000 40,000 Tatal HateUMobel Fund $ 450,383 437,827 $ 400,667 59 Fund: 204 L.inlbed Tax General Obilgatlon - Debt Service Fund sPokum vafty o+pt 204 2006 Budpat 204 - Limited Tax General Oblicetion - Dabt Sarvice Fund The LTGa - Debt Service Fund colleds and distributss monies received and paid fof long-berm debt obiigations. Revenue to tfiis fund consists of money raceived from the Pubilc Faality Oistrict and City revenue, whirh wiil be used to pay annuat debt obligations on outstanding bonds. Budoet Sumrnwv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budoet DeWil Uebt Servioe an Mlrabeau Bonds $ 600,000 $ 397,745 $ 414,000 Debt Setvice on Street Bonds 200,000 185,090 186,000 Total Debt Service Fund S 800,000 $ 582,835 $ 600,000 62 Fund: 3011302 Capital Projeeta 3 Special Capital Projects Funds Spoksne vauay , 2006 Budget 3011302 Cauital Prolects 8 Saeclsl Csoital Prolects Funds These funds accuunt for the coqection and expenditure of the real estate excise tax levied on all safes of real estate. The tax is levied in two phases of a quarter of a percent each. The rtrst quarter percent ot the real estate excise tax (REET 1) must be spent an capital impravements idenbfied in a capital improvements plan. This REET ltax is accourrted for in tfie Capital Projects Fund 301. The second quarter percent (REET 2) mey anly be levied by cities thet are plannlng under the Growth Managemsnt Act. These funds must be used for a capital projecl. 'fhe REET 2 hax is accounted for in the Special Capftal Projects Fund 302. Revenues accumulated in these funds will be used as matching funds for construction projects and witl be transferred to otfier Capital Project Funds. BudrW Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget 301 - CaRital Proiects Fund Transfer to Cap"rtal Grartts Fund $ - $ - $ 1,117.000 Transfer to Debt Service 92,643 92,545 93,000 Transfer to Parks Master Plan - 40,000 - Transfer to General Fund 22,996 - - Capital Projeds - REET 1 - 1,773.359 - Parics Capital Improvements - 200.000 - Tatal Capital Projects Fund $ 115,639 $ 21105.904 $ 1,210,000 302 - Saecjal Caaital Proiects Fund Transfer to Street Capital Fund $200,000 $ 112,600 $ 977,713 Capital Projects - REET 2 - 1.707,312 - Transfer to Debt Service 92.643 92,545 93,000 Total Special Capital Projects Fund $ 282,643 S 1,912,457 $ 1,070,713 d 63 Fund: 303 Street Capital Pro}ecta Fund spokne» vaqhr 2006 Budpet 303 - Street CaQltal Prolects Fund The Street Capital ProJeas Fund eccounts for monles used to finance the 6 year trarisportelion improvement plan. RQVenues are transfers hom tfis Arteria! Stree! Ftutd, Caa+tal Ptvjects Fund, and Spedal Capttal Ptajeda Fund and the bond sale proceeds. Expencfitures are aften for matching funds for Transportation Imprvv+emeM Board and ather grartts. Budaet 8ummsnr 2006 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budact DgWI Road Design d Constnxhon Pro)ects Pines/Mansfield, wlbur Rd. tn Pines $ - $ 1,101,030 $4.029,000 Sulihran Road Extension - 5,000 5,000 161h Avenue - Project 1 2,480 - - 18th Avenue - Project 2 263,789 151.000 - Mission Avenue 11,692 - - 8arker Road - Boone to Spokane Rivet Bridge - 1,914,000 2,578,000 Batlcer Road • 6th to 32nd - - 40.000 Park Roed - Project 2 148.082 - - Evetgreen Road 365,280 20,000 - Sullivan Road and 4th Signei 14.511 - - Valley Couplet 1,712 - - Valley Couplet - Project 2 - - - Supivan Bddge 31,145 - - Road Preservation PrvjecYs pther ptesesvetton ProJecta 200,401 750.000 1,033,843 CoMingency - 150,000 150,000 Road Pavebaak (Sepdre F1lmfrtgtlon) Sfpple 106.206 • - Veradale Phase II 339,772 - - WeathetwoodlOwens 30,835 - - Camahan - 148,300 - South Greenacres - 23,000 • Veradale Heigtrts - - 175,000 Vera Terrace - - 90.000 Upriver Temace - - 90.000 Eledric Raitroad - - 135,004 M'tsc. Road Pavebadc Projects - 23,000 10,000 Total Street Capftal Pro}ects Fund $ 1,5 $ 4_ 8,335.843 64 Fund: 304 Mirabeau Point Capital Project Fund spokan. vsllsY pept 384 2006 Budgst 304 - Mfrabeau Polnt Capitsd P_rolect Funcl Mirabeau Point is a multi-use regional project located at 2426 Disoovery Place which will be operabed by the Cihl. CenberPiaoe prvvides spaoe for a Conference Center Wing, Senior Center wng and a Great Room Wing. The portion of CenterPlace used for the Conferenve Center Wing and Great Room Wing is be+ng developed as a"regional faCtity" as defined in RCW 36.100 and 35.57.020. Budoet Summilrv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget 6udget Detail Construction in Progress $6.050.570 $ 3,000,000 $783.205 Bond lssue Costs 815 - - Total Mirabeau Point Project Fund $ 6,051.185 $ 3.000,000 $783,206 Fund: 305 Street Bond Capitsl Projecta Fund spokans vau.y pept: 305 2006 Budget 385 - Street Bond Caottal Proiects Fund The Street Bond Gapital Projeds Fund accounis for monies received fmm bond proceeds which will be used for various capita) street pro)ecb. Buduet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Detail Transfer to Streei Capibl Projects $ 1,174,323 ! 406,000 $ 902,460 Bond Issue Costs 304 - - ~ Total Street Bond Capital Fund $ 1,174,627 $ 406,000 $ 9Q2,4Fi0 I Fund: 307 Cspitsl Csranb Fund spokwn v.ftqr o.pr 307 2ooe Budg.t 347 - G4oitsl Orartts Fund The C.apital Grsrft Fund eocounts kx capital im4omment Pmlecto ftsWed PartoNY M pranl prooeeda from dher povemmentel agendes, such ss TIB. SRl'C end BRAC Revenues to UU fund ere (rom grant proceeda and transfies irom ofhar sperJel ravenue fixlQs 8udmt 3uniman 2005 2004 /►tnsnded 2006 Actusl Budget Budget @mip.d Ddsb $atkw RoeQ Reoons2nx:iion $638.00(7 S 1.114.000 S 97.000 24ah avedwe sWewaik Projea I as.ooo - - - eu, Avam,e - +.136.000 Bmaclway Avenue - 812.000 800.000 WeW4ey Avenue - 344.000 - Pas* Road - 164.000 - Diahwnan Mica Road - 11,0D0 180.000 qppW*my Road - 218.000 250.000 Vapey Canida - 200,000 1,340,000 APoewaY BhW. - TsdNrfey Rd to Hodpes - 287,000 1,919.i100 BriOQinq !As VaDey - Paiic Rd/SNSF Gtade - - 2.450,000 Man{pome►y Ave. Inlay 02 - Aryonne Uo Universft - - 471,000 Dishtttan Mka Rd Rehab - 1 st Ave lo Sprsgue - 135.000 - Val" Cauplel. Pmjed it2 - 234.000 - IVgonne Rd Oveiiay - Indisna lo AAontpomery • 317,000 307,000 Misejon Ave. SidewNc - MuW to Unkirsily - - 417,000 Total Cepitaal C:raMs Fund 637 000 $S,0^ 'f_ $ 8.211.000 Fund: 708 8atltw' Brtdge - Fedsril Gratrt Fund spo+can. venry pept 30 2006 8u0pM 308 - Barkor BrWae - Fadarwl f.imnt Fund The Bartcer Brtcfge - Federa! Grent Fund was crraated to acoourtt far fhe tevenues and expendU+es assacroted with the Barkar Roed &idW Replacemen! PtojeQ. Thfs projed M fupyt tunded by BRAC graM proceeds and wil cost appraodmetety S8.000.000 over the oouse of Iho tsed few yaem sudaet Summuv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actml Budqet Budgat Badw Road Bridpe Ropteoemerrt ProJeCt $ 53 $ 350,000 i 558.000 66 Fund: 309 Parica Capital Projects Fund Spokan. valley Dept: 309 2006 Budget 309 - Parks Caoital PrQlects Fund The Parlcs Capital Projects Fund is an ailocated resenre of monies specif►cally d$signated for the Parks and Recreatbn Capital pian. Budoet Summarv 2006 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Qet~i1 Park Master Capital Plan Pending $ - = 550,000 $ 1,300,000 Total Parks Capital Project Fund $ - $550,000 $ 1,3001000 Fund: 310 Civlc Buildings Capital Projecffi Fund spoksrw vsqey pvpt: 310 2Q06 Budget 310 - Civfc Builditma Caoital Prolects Furtd The Civic Buikiings Capital Projects Fund is an albcated reserve ot monies specif~cally designated for future consiruction ot a Civic Buildings. Budaet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget ' Total Civic Buildings Capital Fund $ - S 500.000 s 1,100,000 ' ~ 67 Fund: 402 Stormvrabr MenagsmeM Ftutd spokane VaNvy o.vr 402 2m Bud9.c 402 - Stormwsbr ManaaemeM Fund The SbormwaW Manegemenl fund aocoun`s for reoeipt and expencfiture ot the s6oumvveiler fee. This tee is Isvied on an annual trasks based upon a number of equhrelent residerttiai units attactre0 w the parcel. The expendibures are used for sbrmwater cortsWction and manegement thraugh bath the StrBet Degartment and Spakane County. AccotnplEshmeft fw 2005 • Deslgned and implemerdad sdudons fot sxistir►g drainage pt+obletrts. . Perfortned f{oodpiatn pecimit engineering review. . Began devetopment of a six year plan for construction of r8gionad end semMegbnai drainege facgities. . Managed tha swaie inspection prngram. • DeveloQment of the Rsgional sturmwater dssign manual. coais ror Zoos • De,sign and impkment sduHons fbr existng drainage prvbiems. . Periorm floodplain permit engineering review, • Martage the swaie inspedien progtam. . Camplete six ysar plari for aanstnsctbn of regiortat and sertg-regional drainage facilities. . Adopt and implement the RegioxW Stortmnrater Design Marwal. Budaet Summant 2005 2084 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget PerBonne1- F7'E Eaulvalant~ Engineer 0.0 1.0 1.0 Engirmmring Tedhnidan Q:4 1-0 m ToW FTEs 0.0 2.0 2.0 Budget Oebil Salanes, Wages. S 8enefits $ - S 151,112 $ 147,774 Supplies - 22.700 13,490 Serviaes b Charges 65,183 780.505 84,939 Inl+ergovenmental Payments 9.858 817,102 815,184 CapitalOutl2iy - 20,000 350,000 Interfund Transfers - 259,647 267,752 Totaf Stamwater Fund $75~,441 $ 2,061.026 3 1.659,139 Fund: 501 Equlpment Rentel S Replacement Fund spotans v.Rey pept: 601 2006 Budget 641 - Eauioment Rerrtal & Reoisoement Fur►d The Equjpment Rentai 8 Repiacement Fund (ER&R) accounts for the cost ot maintaining and repiacing City vehides and equipment for all City depactrnents. The ER&R fund is an IMemal Service fund. The fund accumulates the resources for vehicle and equipment replacements in the fund_ The Funds or Departrnents using the vehicle or equipment pay the scheduled reptacemeM fee. RSplacement funds are being collected on the telephone system, computer netwosk sysbem, desktop computers, and vehides. Maintenanoe and service charges for cbpiem, telephones, and the inbemet are also charged to funds through this departrnenL The fund also firtances and administers a fleet of pool cars for use by City departrnents. Accomvlishmenta for 2005 • Administered an accounang system for reptacement costs for city equipment • Setup and adminisler an inventory tracking system. Goals tor 2006 • Cantinue to administer and refine the acxounting sysbem for replacement costs. Budwt SummsN 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actuel Budget Budget Budqet Detail Supplies $ 8,926 $ 7,500 $ 7,504 Services & Charges 308 25,000 50,000 CapifialOutlay 2,388 240,392 635,757 Totsl ERBR Fund $ 11,622 $ 272,892 693,257 Fg Fund: 502 Risk Management Fund spokane vaN.y pspt: 602 2006 Bud@et 502 - Rlsk Manaaement Fund The City of Spokane Vatley Ri.sk Management Fund is estabtished to account for insurance oosts, claims settlement and adminishation of a risk management safiery Pro9ram- Thes fund also aocourtts for the funding of unempbyment cMaims tt►rough the State of Washington. Accomultshmerrts for 2005 • Administered an arcrounting system fur the risic management intemal service fund. Goals for 2006 • Continue to administer and nefine the risk management intemal servioe fund accountfng system. Budaet Surnmanr 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budge# Budget BudQet Detail Senrices 8 Charges $111,066 $ 140,828 $ 159,939 Total Rfsk Managemerrt Fund $ 111.U68 $ 140,828 $ 159.939 70 car d spoan. v.u.y c+t+Rr ap.r%apww ra+ 20N Yln4wu Polftt Iktnbf Bond Ebwt Y~w1 lliwt o.p.rawK c.ap" arn o..onpuon roW ha.~..a. hoo..e. mur 11 mm r w,e Tw-- sRTC- awAr--- 70I B~ Capldl Fund Hod PMrNMUna!lvId. YVNbu►Rd. bPkm f 4.02D.000 00,000 1.fl0.000 I.tY1.000 awam R.o.e E,s.nsM e.oon s.ooo ewfw Rood • Ooon+ a SpoRM Wwr Bifdp. I,bM.o0D 815,100 2.CaZ.4Oo BnAw Rwd • Ca+ b 320 I0.000 10.000 ~ flwynwi b 86*1111n) 14.463 11,183 SrfiOw RoN ( lah+ Am t0 81Or Rd) 1f,m 19m nm.uw,y.+d:.r,~,M ivo.aoo aer.s» 131.au mw- v+aom ctem m 24w,t eoo.ooo qoo,ooo T WndMb HoWf~ 116.000 176ADD Vvs Tarwn 90.000 81770 727P lOIvK Twnon YO,wd W000 E~le R42raM 135,000 05,UDO wnw- Rwd vwoOrcn Prapaa 10'000 10.G00 307 GaplW Oranb furW Bwtut itnrd 97.13D0 f 7.000 a0.000 Aaftwor RoW 24SO,ODO 331750 ?ti.?60 wlMry CartAcr - Prooa12 1,3410.000 7W000 31.640 621,610 ,►ppkm" eiw - r.efiri.ir aa e Hoap.s 1.219.0oa 30.0oo +.eeo.ooo HrWpfnp ft VMlrr 2A5G.Q00 121,000 2.227.000 Bmw,iow Awrr+e lOO.tl00 100.DG0 aQ.000 MaAqam.ry AviL 1ft I= 471,000 411,000 Mqoner RO 4-tYq 3W.000 41,ME 1o6.356 WWanAw lilOwrML 417,000 b6,000 301.000 Uht:trn Miql ROMI 1w,000 JI Jp0 M.100 10i BaAa Fw! GrnN FurW B~ Roed 8r1d@e Reaiau4W10n 5N,000 'iQE.000 U4 Mnb"u Point Corovucmm M Proqt4n I43,24S JRX= tWrl WpttW l.apnrMmirw l1~TriA~/ 1 T lklamm! M 'ReW EoIsle ExdWo Tu 1 "F2rt HYU EuMw Ta 2 "'trfrrwaAwmn YvarvvilrtmrM Bo~rA ffi1W Ra+W1 -'SpaL- R4a+~l T-rwparuuon CaunW (11WwtM P++w) ""'Br1dfN RaPON-MKrt AWboeY CawnNw lFrdad FudQ r...o urrq aqr r sp.a- v.rv aea • ~ ~ ~ ,r ~ ~ ,ft ► tm rurwG" 10 r.n aervTr cm wwnaM ~ o 10 QtY ATTOPNI[Y 1 0 1-0 4'DwAl1MTt dpyEi.pPY!!/(T OftfCTplt 1 p 1.0 pSJlLYC 1WqtS5 CM01140TOR 1 D 1,0 IlAAN(:f pMqECTpR 10 10 a cwrrcs A PIECREArON oOMron t.o I LarV aEx lc ~ o 0N00eEN 10 1.0 1 D M,M1'I1040 MA►NGFJI 10 10 CIE-R1T`I CJTY A'1'TOIIIiE`I 10 1 R (EflFEpi+IACE pp011pWAT41q 10 10 SEmm lMGq1EER lA 11 ) I ASMT/W T EM3fE8A lA 20 iNG►~E~RIMOTFWqrICyW 14 1D J.0 5EIY(A PUNIVl11 10 1.0 AssnCU~TE PLOsMEn - CUFMW I a 1 nssacaTf rtArrNM • ta+a-tenM 10 , o A5Si$TANt Iq/~ 10 10 C:tH7E Ef6OqC61E!(T 0Ffi1GEM 7-0 Y 0 tiWl[1M4i KFTCIKL l0 10 a0liAK.:1OPOECtC71 M 1D f 0 BUri.0'10 OmpEi.I Df11 0 ~ r7Ae9 EJUWINEA 10 1 pEtHM 13PMU n/ 40 ~ p OU{ppN40 'fFCMi[311H f,0 10 PLOJC YKYiKS BUM-1IIIfTf3ipfiW 1 D 1.6 R[CltrJ1TKJN COOrt011MTO1t 10 1 AOWIPU5i1lATlYE AINl1'qi t D tA AuuWrAAInsuoaET Ak4hLrsi 2a sa PUIiIC W0RMMTtpn OFRCEq 10 LO MUWM RESOUIIC£ MNl'Bt + V 10 ACGOUN(M IIAfMQF.R 1.0 1,0 tf SPicw67 1 p !.0 SE7eOR GEiYTER SPECLUJP 1 D ~ y o=t3JiY CtT7 CLCt1K 01 0.! 1 AL71MNBTNJ171VEAMfANT 2D 7.0 1.0 10 10 1.4 9.0 arMX, +SW,wr e 10 t e Ac,oourrrvra rci.,-HNcuw 9.o 10 wJrrteww~.'e WoKKEA to 10 c:a.srtr.~criv. Te: c~on a r sS ~a 0 a ! ft" I r.w .r..e city o+ spokane v.ney FTE Count 6ry Year 2006 Budgot 2005 2005 2008 Budget Autttiorizae! FTE Proposecf Dspartrnent FTEs Addkions FTEs Executive 8 L.egistaUve Suppact 4.5 - 4.5 Opelataons 6 Admfnishoave Services: Deputy City Allarzager 6.0 - 6.0 F'tt►artoe 6_0 - 6.0 Le}al 2.0 - 2.0 Human Resources 1.5 - 1.5 puwtc worcs 9.0 - 9.0 Plartnfng d CornnxuMly Develqpr»ent Ptanning 8.0 - 8.0 Buifding 13.0 - 13.0 Parks 8 Recrea6on: Parks Admin 2.0 - 2_0 Recxeation 1.0 - 1.0 Senbr Certter 1.0 - 1.0 CentarPlace 3.0 - 3.0 Steet Fund 2-8 - 2,8 Stotmwatef Fund 2.0 - 2.0 TOTAl. 61.80 • 61.80 2006,.Work Force.~Comparison>. - = ` -,Fj,-r71 a,~s.Zw§$4~4 tQ11 1~~;tivftti P~ufai3a~ri ofr J C17Y ~ POPUU4TfON FUII-TiME~ ; FART-TIME Seattie 573, 004 9,496 907 Tacoma 198.100 3,294 51 3 karx 196,700 1,9U8 9 Beilewue 115.500 1,191 54 EvercK 87,500 1,038 15 Vancowef 154.800 1,026 24 Kent 84.920 758 26 Bellin ham 72.320 748 53 Yakima 79,480 648 14 Renton 56,840 569 23 Kennewick 60,410 351 8 Federai Wa 85.600 283 20 L.akewood 58.650 219 10 ShoreNne 52.580 120 17 S kane Valle 85,010 60 3 AVERAGE 1.443 82 Redrnond 47,600 545 40 Richtand 43,520 543 13 p1 ia 43.330 509 46 Auburn 47,470 452 2 Kirkiand 45,740 399 35 Bremerton 34,580 339 40 L nnwood 34,830 331 26 P 811u 35,638 315 24 Lon iew 35,340 290 25 Edmonda 39,860 270 7 Bothe(I 31,d00 254 7 Walia Walla 30,630 253 9 Pasco 44,190 242 9 Lac 33.180 206 8 Ma ville 29.460 201 10 Sammamish 36,640 67 0 Universl Place 30,980 58 3 Burisn 31,040 40 13 AVERAGE 295 18 Sovrce: Associatian ai Washington Cities Survey: 2005 Full Time 74 ~ "~m ~ j ~lll k~Ctl!11NiI tilTti 1'IZI)11-114 ANi1 fIIs FUf2Y ; iiu c'unnol l(,I,k 1o flte /ttlure t•c,tt tIc) Nu1 lv:01V Mc F?.ISr . Un %lay 21. _'(►U?, voters within tlk C:ity approved inwrporatiun uf the Lity ot SpuLine Valley, afiich is the second largest ciry in the County and the eighth largest ciry in the Statc, with approximately 85,010 residents. The City iricarpoiated as vf March 31. 1-0031. 7he assessai valuatian of real property within the boundar+es af the City for taxatikIl, purposcs is estimated for 2045 tax collaction to bc approximately 55,032,000,000. Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 3$.2 squsrc cnilcs of land area.. It ha~ :ui extensivc rr.tail tax base and is home ta several major suto dealerships and the Spokww Valley Mall, which inc}udcs ovr.r 700,000 square teet of gross leasable floor erea- Thrrc are an e-timnted 4,000 busines.us in SEx►kanc Vnlley with estimatcd retail sales of S I.66 biUion. The first pcrmanent setiler in the Sr►okane Vullcy was Antnine Plante, a retired French- CaaadiIIn trapper. Mr. Plaatc built a cabin atar the Spokanc Rivcr in 1849. fivm which he aperated a small Hudson's Bay Campany trading pasi. (hhcr settlers bcgan auiving in lhis area betwaen 1865 and 1882. "Firsts" to occur in Spokane Va1ley include the setUer in 1849. 6rst busincss and ferry in 1850, the first starc and bridgc in 1862, the Cu~~_c house in 1866, and the first post offioe in 1867. All of these "firsts" occuTred hefom tht arrival in 1$73 of lamcs Glover who was cansiderod the "Father of Spokanr." In 1883, the Nonhem Pacific Railroad opened the west up with the transcc►ntinental railroad. The ncw railroad, coupled wilh the discovery of silver in notth Idaho, cr~:_Iicd an in}lux of reople to the Spofcane Valley area. Within a fcvv years the J i i : , [ . . _ . . . . . 1 . . , . . . . . . i i . . . . . . . ' . ~ , ' . . . ' . . i . , , f . . i autxL W'ithin 20 ycurs 3000 ac-ms oi-iiry land [iaci been cunvcnui into fenilc facm 1..., . The ficst irrigation systems were constructai bctwren 1849 and 1905. The Vallcy paPulation gtew from 1,000 residents at the hun of the ocntury to nearly 10,000 by 192, During this time apple growing becarrte the praiominant agricultural crnp with nearl;• 'miilion apple trm being planted by 1912. As the papulaiioa of the Valley increasck ~ small cammunities with cburches, schools, bLLSinesscs, community clubs, und oth:_ organizatioas t}uivcd. f'rior to Worfd War it, the federal gavcrnmcirt made a decision to huitd gn alurninum piant in Spokanc Vallcy alang the Spokane Rivcr. Addicionally, the i'oderal government 7> idcrttifird a nccd fnr watehouse spuce nnd fBCilitics !o support cnastsl sciivities during the war. In 1942, Spokanc Vulley was chosen as b sitc for onc of thcycs Inland Supgiy Depois. Thc Naval Storagc Yards arc auw thr Valley Indust.ria! Parle that has 5,000,000 square feei of gross leasable flaar srea. Rapid grvwth cantinucd in Spokaric Velloy throughnut the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. A1ong with ttiis continued g,tvwth camc concems rcgardiag the impacx of the davelopmcnt an the Vallcy cnvironmenL Citizens' conctrns were rclatcd to impacts to lal:es in the arca as well as the aquifcv undcdying a majority of the Spokane Valley. No protcctions were put into placc tn addresc these issues: sanitary sewcrs wmre not raquirod for new constructioo. Stcady residendal and commercial growth continucd in the Spakaae Valley thrvugtiout the 80s and 90s. [iigh tech companies faliawcd Hewlen Packard into the libcrty Lakc area. Latcr, stime high tcch companies moved ima the lndustrial Psrk. Thc Statc Baard of Hcatih thteatened to entict a moratarium an ncw developmGnt in 1983. unless sewering of the Vsllcy began. ln rGSponsc, Spokanc County developed a waxtewater managcment plan thai pui into motion oonstruction of a sewet trunk line and a sanitary scwcr svstem wzs made available tn the citi7ens of Spokane Valiry. MAJOR PUBLIC FACLLITIES AND PARKS IN SPOKANE VALLEY lbcrc are public facilities and a number of parks in the City of Spokane Valley. TlC Spokane Indians, a minor Icague bascball tcam, pleys its hame games at Avista Stadium, locatod ju;t insidc the city limits nn the east side af Havsne Strret. lhis stadium is one of the fincst facilitics in the Northwest I.x,aguc and can seat 7,200 spextators. Situatai next dcwr to Avista Staditun is t!re 5pokanc Counry Fair aad Euposition Center. 'ihe Fairgrounds was cxQandcd in 2003 with the oonstruction of a new cov-crcd grandstacid that was apenM at the 2003 Intcrstau Fair. Various othef sfwws and evrnu arn ccld throughout the yeu' at the Fairgmunds. hiirabeau Paint Psrk, situuted on 54,5 gcre.s of IAnd. Incatod Eictwcen Pines Road snd Ever grer.n Road interchanges (north of I-90), along the south benjc of the Spnkanc River, i;s the homc of GcntcrPlaoc. CenterPlacc, a 54,000 square foot facility, wtis built to acoommodatc a regional sc.~rtiar ctntcr. education and busihess centrr. and a cultural and pcrfarmiag arts ccnter. Mirabcau Mendows is a l 5-acre parcel of lanci providing enothrr srea for cotnmunity activitics, such as family gec-togethcrs and gamcs, outcioor music, corparare autings, farmers mar{:ets, arts and crafts, and other spcciel events in MimbCau Paint Patk. Vaitcyfcsl, sn snnuAl cammunity event thgt is sponsorod by uxiividuals and businrsses in aur Gity, was held in this prsrk in 2004. The City af Spokanc Valley operatcs a numbcr of parks wiihin the City. Below is a summary of lhese par~:s: 76 Park Namc Park Cisasifiation Park Size BalCour Communi Park 2.8 aacs Brown's Communitv Park 81 acsrs Casile Cotnmuni Park 2.7 acres Ecl ecliff CAmmunitv Park 4.8 acces I Mirabeau Point Park Cammunit !Re 'onal Park 54S acres ~ M c Paini Natural Area 31.0 acres Park Road Pa,) S ial Llsc 2.0 acres Sullivan Communi Park 10.3 acres Teasce Vicw Communi Park 9.1 acres Vallcy Mission and Valley Community Park 27.2 acrcs Mission Soath 8t Pool Vallc Seaior Centcr S ial Use 2.0 acres Centennia) Trsi) Trail 7 lincar miles I THE F't''1'l'RF: OF tiP!)K.ANF, VALLEY ,Spvk<<n" Falleti'. 41 c'nnrn;tutity ~~/upnurrruritt- ►s~lc~~re rr~iiti•i~lu:rls ant1.lamili~~s c.a►~ ,~Jr~~►4• and play, mid husircess wil! flourish Qnd prnsper. Thc potential of Spokane Valley is tremendous, writh sn adequste tax base anui roam Cor expansion bf rC5ideriUal, commercial, and industrial growth,. Spakane Valley rivals other cities in EasGen Washingiaa in tccros of population aad significance in tbc region. Thc Gity is committfld to pienning for the futum. it has creatcd a rough draft of iv; first Comprrhec~5ive Plan, whieh is undetgoing community review. ln addition, the City i.; aevrlupilig a I'arks :u1d Recrcation 'vlsstc, f'1an. 77 Appendix A EYPLOYEE POSITION CLA331FICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2008 Salsry 3chedule Postbn TitM Gfade 2006 Ra e Ci Ma r Unctassifred Deputy Ci Ma r 21 $7,020 - S9,000 C' 21 7,020 - 9 000 Communi Deveb DirecW 21 7,020 - 9 000 Finance Diredor 21 7,020 - 9,000 PuWic Works 0'trector 21 7,020 - 9,000 Parks and Recreatian Dtrecior 19 5,686 - 7,290 C En ►r*--r 19 5,686 - 7,290 Piann Ma r 18 5,118 • 6 581 Buitidi Offiaal 18 5,118 - 6,561 Senior E tneer - CapiW P Deveio rtuenl 18 5,118 • 6,561 Senior En heer - Traffic, CIP Ptann rants 17 4 606 - 5,905 De u Git 16 4,145 - 5 314 City CIeAc 16 4,145 - 5,314 En kiew 16 4.145 - 5,314 Senla ptamer 16 4,145 - 5,314 Accountin Man 16 4,145 - 5,314 IT Specia[W 15 3,731 • 4 783 Assoclate Planner 15 3,731 - 4.783 Assistant E ineer 15 3,731 - 4.783 Pubiic Works Su d ndet[t 15 3 731 • 4,783 CenterPtaoe Coofdinetor 15 3,731 - 4,783 Human Resource Anat t 14 3,358 - 4,305 AccountanL'Bud t AnaiW 14 3,358 - 4.305 ArJministatfve Analyst 14 3 358 - 4,305 Assistant Planner 14 3.35$ - 4,305 Buiki In II 14 3,358 - 4,305 Plans Examiner 14 3.358 - 4,305 GIS Technician 14 3 359 - 4,305 Pubiacc Irtformetran Officw 14 3,358 - 4 305 EftneemV Tecfmician 14 3,358 - 4,305 Matntenance/Canstrucbon Inspector 13-14 3.022 - 4,305 Recxcation Caordmator 13-14 3.022 - 4,305 Code Eniwcement afficer 13 3,022 - 3,874 Buiklin Ins I 13 3 U22 - 3,874 Planni Technician 13 3,022 • 3,874 De Ci CLN1c 12-13 2,720 - 3,874 Seniot Cenber S atist 12-13 2,720 - 3,874 Mainlenance Wcxker II 12 2720 - 3,487 A,dmin#50aM Assistant 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Petmft Spec iaftst 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Accauntm Techniaan 11-12 2,448 - 3.487 Maintenance Wotker 10-12 2,203 • 3,487 pifica ,4ssistant I) 10-11 2,203 - 3,138 iDffioe Assistant t 9-10 1,983 • 2 82d Recrea6onAssistant 5 1,301 - 1668 80 Appendix B OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBUGATION BONDS OEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Totai Year Principal Interest Requirements 2006 $ 175,000 $ 414,535 $ 569,535 2007 185,000 411,035 596,035 2008 190,000 406,872 596,872 2009 205,000 401,173 606,173 2010-2014 1,200,000 1,885,112 3,085,112 2015-2019 1,655,000 1,612,068 3,267,068 2020-2024 2,480,000 1,135,250 3,615,250 2025-2029 2,090,000 519,250 2.609,250 2030-2033 940,000 112,500 1,052,500 $ 9,124,000 $ 6,897,795 $ 16,017,795 81 CITY OF SPOkAiNE VALLEY Glossary of Budget Terms Accrna! Basb - A basis of accounting Capirtxl tmprovcmcai - Expenditunes in whic6 rcvenues and cxpcnditures are rclatod to acquisition, expansion or rocordcd at the tirne they axur as retwbilitatiun of an element af the oppo5ed to when cash is actually governmcnt's pvysical plani; sometimcs roreivrcl or spenL rrferrrd lo as infraswcture. APPrnpriation - A legal authorization Capits! Ontlay - Fixed asse;ts that have gantrd by the City Cauncil to make general value of S5,000 or morc and expcnditures and ta incur obligstions for have a usefiil ooonncnic lifetimc of mom a spacific purpase. thsn anc ycar. Aasessed Valuatinn -'The valuarion set Capital Projec! - Maj4r construetic,n, upcm real estatc and certain personal acquisitian, or renovation sctivities property by the County Asscssor as a which add value to governmeni's basis for levying praperty taxes. physical asscts or signiCc.antly increasc thcir usefiil life, also called capital Antborized Puaitinns - Employrc improvcmcnLs. pa:icions, which arc autborized in the adopted budset, to bc fillcd during the Cspital Projects Fund - A fund crcmed ycar, to ac.count far all cesources ar►d expes►ditwes usod for the acyuisition of Boad - A loag-Uerm promise ta repay a fixai assets except thase financai by spxifiai amount (the fect amount of the entErgrise fcusds. bond) on a particular datc (thc maturity datc). Tbe most cammnn types oF bonds Coatingcocy - A budgetary teserve set arc gencral obligation rrvenue twnds. aside far cmcrgcncics ar unfarescxn Bnads am primarily used w finance expcndittues not otherwige hudgetod. caPital Pro1ects. Contractual Seniccs - Sesvicxs Budge! - A plan of financial aciivity For rcndemd to e gavernment by privgte a srecified period af time (fiseal ycar ar ftrms, rndividufils, or ather govemmcntal biennium) indicaiing all planued agencies_ revrnues and expcnscs for the hudgct period. Debt Service - Payment of intemst attd principal on borrowed moncy acoording Budget Message - Tfic opcning sec:tion t0 8 pTCdCIC17ri1ned p8yI4ent SGhed11IC. of the budgct that provides the City Cuuncil and the public w7th a gcneral Departmeat -'fhe hasic unit of service summary of the mosi impart.3n1 uspecis responsibility, encompassing a braad of the budget, changes from the currcnt msndate of rclnted scrvicc and pirvious years, and the vicws and responsibilities. mcotnmendations of the Mavm. 8? Dis-isioa - Can be u subunit of a that dciinc ac:ccptc:d acwunting departmari which encompasscs a principles. substantial portion of the dutics assigned to a departmcat (e.g,. Building Divisian GASB - 7hc Govcmmcntal Accounting in the Plaaning and Community Standurds Board, cstablish0d in 1985, is Dcvclopmeut Uepartmcnt). the cument standard-scriing board for governmentel GAAP. Enrnmbrancc - Thc rommitment of appropriated funds tu purchasc: an item Geoeral Fnnd - 7fie principaJ aperatine or service. To encumbcr funds mcans ta fund af the City uSOd for genrr-al sct aside or commit funds for a spocified govcmmental opcrations. Taxes ~id future expenditure. fees thai geaenlly have no restriction un thcir usC support il. Eipeaee - Charges incwrcd (whether paid immediatcly or unpaid) for Gr.nenl Obligatiun (G.O.) Bonds - operaiions, mainttnRnce, intcrest or 'Chis type uf bond is backed by the full uth+er chargts. faith, crsdit snd taxinz pc►wcr of the govCrnmcnt isstting i t . Fsce Valae -The amount of principal that must bc paid at maturity for a bond Indirect Cost - A cust occe:~ [cir the issue, functioning of the organizatioa as a whole, but which cannot be identifiai Fisal Year - A twclvo-month paiod with a spocific producl, functian or designsind as the oPcratin6 Year for activity. acaounting and budgctin8 Purpuscs in an organi7ation. [nlraatrvctnre - Thc physical assels of a govcrnment (e.g. strcets, wata, sewer, Full-time Eqnivaleat Pasitioo (FTE) - public buildings, and patlcs)- A fiill-timc or part-time pnsition convertod to the docimal cquivalent of a Intcrtnnd Transfers -Ile movemeni hill-time position based on 2,080 hours of monics bctwccn fimds of the same per year. For example, a part-timc govemmental cntity. pecson urorking 20 haurs per wcck would be equivalcat of 0.5 af a fult-time l.evy - 7'o impase taxcs for the suppon posiUnn. of the govcrnmcnta) activities. Fuad - A fiscal entity with r+evcnues and Long-term Debt - Debt with a maturity expnses thai are scgrcgatcd for the of more th:un one year aftcr the date of Purpose of carrying out a specific issuancc. purpase or activity. Mluian Statement - A broad :;tatemeut GAAP - Gencrally Acceptcd of the intended accomplishmrnt or b~Ltiic Acxounting Principlcs. Unifomi purpose of :1 (JT(1(?laIll, minimuun standards for financiul accounting and recording, encompassing ModificJ :lccrual Accuunting -A the c:onventions, rules, and procedures basis of ar.counting in which CKQG1C11lUIeS ure ac:ctuixi but revenues RevenuC -Sources of income financing ere accountod for wfien they become the operations of govemmenc. mcasursble atui available. Sitce this type of accounting basis is a Tua - Compulsory charges levied by a oonscrvative financiaJ apprcach, it is govcrnment far the purpose of finnncing recommendod as the standard fcx most servicrs perfonnod for the common goveauneutal funds. benefl. This tzrm doa not include specific chargcs madE againsi particular Operating Budget - Tbe portion af the persons or property for current or budget thai pertains to daily operatiaa.s perm$ncnc brnefits svch as spcciai that provide basic gavcramental assessments. Neitha dors the term services. inctude charges for services reudered oaly ta tbase who pay, far mmplc, Ordiiuace - A foimd legislativr sm-er servioe chargrs. enactment by the City Council. If it is not in canflict with any higher form of Linreservtd Fnnd Balance - The law, such as a statute or coasiitutional patina of a fuad's balance that is nc>t pmvisinn, it has the fuU force anci effcxt re.stricted For aspecific purpose and is of lsw within the bnundaries of the svailable for general appropriation. municipality to wluch it applics. URer Chargrs - The paymeat of a fcc Prngnm -'Ihe smallest organization for dinoct receipt af a public scrvicc by that delivers a spocific set of sesvivcs. A the party who brocfits from the servioe. Program may be an eatirr deparimrnt; ar if a dtpartment cncompas.srs Vision Statemeni - A shart stetemcnt signifcantly divcrsc responsibilities or that conveys the big picture of the large woik- fatces, a single depurtment organizatian. [l is geaeml in scope, not may be diNided into two Qf mom restricting. h answers the qucstion ~ro9mm ..Why2,. Reserve - An accatmt usod to citha' sei aside budgetcd revenucs that arc not roquired for expctidituc'e in the currcni budget ycar ar to earmark rewnues for a spocific futurc purpasc. Resolution - A rpvcial or tempotary unier of a lcgisMve body-an order of a lrgislntivc body requiring lcss Icgul formalitv than an cxdinance or stntutc. Resourcea - Tatal amounts available for appraprinlion including cstimatrd nevtroucs, futzd transfers, and begiiming balanccs. 84 DR.aFI' AUVAtiCE AGErUA rur Planning Discussion Purpasc:s Unlv s►s ot Scptember l, 2005 8:00 s.m. YleASe notc this is awork in progress; items are tentative T'a: Council & SWT From: City Nfunngcr Re: Drnft SeheJule f(tir lipcoming l'ouncil Meetings September 13, 2005, ReEutar Mcetine. 6:00 p.m. (dur datc T6ursdav, September 1 ~ 1. Publfc Hcaring: Cablc: Tc(cvision Franchisc -:41organ Koudcllu3 [1O minutes] Canseat Ageada: Minutcs, Claims, Payroll; lntzrgavernmental Ageement for Cammute Trip Rcdurtian; Resolution 05-019 (F,stabiishing location for aicofiol cotisumptian) [5 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed (?rdinance .'\mending PUD - Marina SukuplCary Driskell [10 minutes] 4. Proposcd Resoiution: Itesolution rlmending Governance 34fanuul- Davc Mercier [10 cninutcsl 5_ Motion Cansideratian: Neiional Incident Menagement System (NIIvlS) - Cal Walker [10 minutes] 6. Administrativc Report: a. Websitr Update - Carolbelle Branch [15 minutesJ b. Amended Masier Fce Schedule - Tom Scholtens [lU minutes] c. Outside A;gancies Allocntiaa of Funds DiscussiQn - I3nve 41erciar [20 minutes] d. Planncd Unit Dcr•tlapment (PUD) Polity lssues - Marina Sukup ~ 15 minutes] 7. Information Only: a. Infrasvucture Funding Mechanisms (fornierly Lm/RID) Cary DriskelllNeil Kerstcn b. Review• of 2004 Coiitracts -?14orFan Koudelka c. Spol:ane County Contruct Approvnl -1in3 Regor/Ntargan Koudclka [estimated meeting: 12 5 min'' J 5eptember 20. 2005, 5tudv Se.vsioa.6:(10 n.m. (due dAte Thuraday, Septcmber 81 1. Second Rending Proposed Urdinance Amending PI.fD - Niarinu Sukup/Cary Driskril (10 minutes) 2. Dcfinitians nnd schedules oC pc:rmitted uses - Minrina Sukup (15 minutes) 3. Airport Overlay lonz - Marina Sukup (20 minutes) 4. Fee Resolution - Ken I'hompsan (15 minutes) 5. N1assage Psirlors/Beth Elouse5 - Cal Walker/Cary DriskeU (15 minutcs) 6. Amended Dept Emcrgency Management Contract - Cai WAlkar (10 minutes) 7. Discussion: Parks and Recreation hiasterPlan - htike Jackson (20 minutes) 8. Appieway Right-af-way Transfer - Neil KerstonlCruy Driskell (10 minutrs) 9. Appleway Signage - Cmy DriskelUMarina Sukup (20 minutts) TO'i'AL .ti1LtilTI'ES: 135 minutes 5eutemiber 21. 2005. S:W a.m. Special Mcetin$: Ezecntive Sesaion to Discnas Labor Ncgotittdons September 27. 2005. Rcealar M1iectine. 6:00 a.uz. (due date T6ursday. Septrmbcr ISj 1. PUIiLIC 14EAl2.[NG: Budget 2006 115 minutes] 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinunce 05-025, Eiteasion af I)R-1 Zoning 113 minutea) 3. Consent Agrndn: Minutes, Claims. PAyro11 [5 minutes] 4. First Reading: Properry Tax Ordinance - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting I'owers af Initietivc & Rcfcrendum - Cary DriskelJ [ l5 minutes] 6. Mation Cunsideration: CenterPlacc Fibcr vs. T 1 far Communications and Data - Mike Jacksen [ 10 minutesj 7. Motion Cansideradon: Convibutions to Outaide Agencies - Ken Thompsan [15 minutes] 8. Spokane County Conuect Approvai Nina Regor ,Morgan Koudetka [20 minutes] 9. Administrativc Rcport: u. Strect Dedicatiun Ordinancc I?raR - Neil Kersten [ 10 minutesJ b. Cummuniration lnfraswctute Ad Hoc Gommittea Diana Wilhite [ t 5 minutes] 1 U. lnformution Onlv: a. Departmcntal Munttily Rcports; b. Planning Commission Minutes [estimated nleeting: 115 minutc,," ] Drait .1dxunce Agrnda 9lIf2005 R 05 A\4 Pa;:r 1,44 Tiuursckk,• &plcmb r2Q 2005 Trnlullve: Jutnt Cuu►rcil,-13uurJ oj C'ounq C:umnusstvnrr 7'entatne Topicx Inrlruie: Cinv'Counn, ,11ode1 Agreenrenls ("me tao " clause): Rtvfsing Rocul:lluintenance Contrucl /rlrnwn hi, 515 nrrl(i, , Trcm,cpartutian Infrastructure !1'ee& Interlora! rtgreenrent Re Joinr ' .IpplNwcrti, Right-nf-K•w Trans.; . October d. 2005, Study Session. 6:00 p.m. ldut: date 7 hur,d:o. -scp;tr!, i:_ r_ L 1. Presentation of Comrrehensive Plan, Planninb CommissiUn Recommended Draft -Uavr Crosb~ Octubcr 11. 2005, Reeular \7eetine, 6:00 n.m. (duc detc Thursday. Septcniber ~ i. PUBLIC IiEA121rG: Final Budget I lcz►ring [10 minutr- 1" Pubtie Nruripg on tlie C'omprehe,rsive Plcm Plcarrling Commfssian Recommended Draft [60 minute 3. Consent Agendo: 1*linutes, Claims, PayTUll [5 minutes; 4. First Rcnding E'roposed Street Dedication ()rciinancc -,ieil Kersten [10 minute, 5. Administrntive Rcpurt: a. SF,PA Mitigation Stmtegies - Cary DriskelVGreg McCormick/Neil Kersien [30 minute- b. Financial Management Policies - Ken "I'homPson [10 minutc (estunated mrctine: 125 minute,' I llct(lhur I'.'_Ilil;, f'1jn% vr,atinn ti% ith thi• ('vqiimutiit.. f'~•ntc•r('lari•. Ritnni I lJ. 6-uii ii.m. ()ctuhk:r lS 21105. spccial t'nunril Mcruno 0:l10 p.rn. [dur ctatc• 1 hur.ciay, t)ctubcr 0j 1. 2" Public fieuring an the Con:prclteiuive Plan Planaing Commission Xeromm4•yrdec! Draft [90 2. Coasent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. Second reading of property tax ordinnnce - Ken Thompson [ 10 minutt: , i •3. Second Reading Pmpased Ordinunce Adopting Initiative & Rcfercndum Pawars -Cary UriskeU (15 minuic i. Fint reading of ordinance adopting budget - Ken lliompson [10 minute-, ~ 6. Fee Resolutiun adoptcd - Kcn Tiwmpson [10 Fr,MUC: .I Uctober 25. Z(1l)5t Itegulur Meeting. b:IIU n.m. Idue date l'hunida~. October 131 l. Consent Ageada (5 minut<<I 2. Continuatiun of lad Public tiearing on the C'omprehetesive Plan t'lunnirrg C'arunis.sinn kecvmmended (if neccssary), and begin Gduncil dcliberation [ I10 minuu- . 3. Adminisvndve Reports: a. Financial Management Policics - Ken Tliompson [l0 min, 7,_ 4. infarmntion Cfily: a. Deparnncnta) Monthlv Eieports; b. Plannine Comrnission Minutes [estimntcd mccting: 135 minute, November 1. 2005. Study Sessiun. 6:00 n.m. Idue date Tbursda}, October 201 1. Cauncil deliheration on the C:omprehrnsive Plan PlannirrgCommissron Recommended Drc~'t (120 minute:s) 2. Stormwater N7FUiun1 Disc:ussiun - Joitn I lottman (20 minutcs) TOTAL.'NINtiTES: 1:10 minutes Novembcr 15, 2005, Sperial. Nceular MeetinI!. 6:00 p.rn. Idue date Thur.tdxy. Uctober 271 1. PUE3LIC IiEARI\G: (tenuuive if Cauncil considers subst.uiei-c ctianges w the f'lanrung Conun. Recommended draft) 120 minj 2 PUBI_IC HEAI2LtiG: Parks & Rrcreadon Master Plan - 1-Ilke Jacksan 120 miaut~~s) 3. Cansent Agenda: Minutes. Claims, PayruU [5 minutes] .1. Socond reading ordinnnce adopting budget - Ken Iliompson [10 minutes] Second Reading Proposod SU^ect Dedication Draft 4rdinance - Neil Ketsien [10 minutes] F, Motion Consideration: Adaption of the Spokwre Valley Campreheirstve Plan [20 minutes ] Motion Consideration: Adoption of P:irks & Rccrration M:is#cr Plan - Mikc Jacksun [5 minulrs] (estlmated mceiing: 70-90 minutes") No%-ember 22. 2005 - \0 1Teetinii Novcmbcr 29. Z005, ReQular Mcetins! 6:00 n.tn. (due date Thursduy, November 171 1_ Consent Agenda: Minutes, Clairns, Par•mll (5 minutes) T'raffic and Spced Limits Discussinn - Neil Kersten (ZO minutrs) 3. Departmentel Monthly Reports; b. Planning Comavssion ylinutes (estImated meeting:` minutes") December 6. 2005, Studv Sessioa, 6:00 p.m. (due date V4ednesday, Novembcr :31 i. PrismlPlus(Pada! (Parccl Datn Locator) 5ystcm - Clvis Berg (20 minutes ) I lelmct I'sc Educ3tion Discus5ion - Chris Rninbridve (20 minutcs ) December 13,2005, ReQUlur 1►teeting. 6:00 n.m. [duc date Thursday, December 1~ 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes. Claims, Paymll 2. llepartmcntal N4andilv Reports December 20, 2005, Studv Sessiun. 6:00 p.m. (due date "!'bursday, llccrmber 81 Ucrcmbcr 27,2005. Nu Mrctine JunuArv 3. 2006, 5tudv Seasian.6:0(1 n•m. [duc d►ite Thursduy. December :21 Jununry 10. 2006t Rceulur iVlcetine, 6:00 ip.m. (due dute'I1ursday, December 291 1. Consent Afienda: Niinutes, Clairns, Payroll 2. Llei.tiL,n uf Ofliccrs: tt~i%Lir. Ucput} N1~I}ur hri,,Biinhrid,*e minutcti~ I)raft ALlvanct :1genda ~orl,_il(0 S.lrS ;1\1 PuL!c 3 ol 4 O'1"IiL•'K YENI)[NG AtiDi()R Ul'COM1IIVG ISSiTSA1EET'1hG5: tiaturdaN, Fchruarv 11, "OOFi - tk'inter Retnst AF'P 0?-{li - ( ar~y [ z-is.Cll f3us Benc};., - Ad NoC SiL~n l timmittc., Harnrd MitiLaliun Plai] - N•tarina Su'r,.up Hotcl!'1lotel Grant Proposals fur 20osa Central VUlley Schoo) District Impact t ee ftequ~: Joint tiTeclings: Schoul Districts; Board of Count} cl~~n;;n,;,~or•~rti Panhandling - Cal Wulker Second Rcading Proposed Sidewallc Ordinance 04-0 ! 2- (fins rezadin;~ 1-1-2-24 -11-11 Scwer Collection Svstems - Neil Kersten Starage Tank Urdinancc - Tam Scholtens Stmet f':►vinw Funding Option -Neil Kersteii 1C►un ticfiinuricl5I 2StI[ilal£d fI7CCflf1t, I1tI1C dt?l's [IOl lt]Cllll{e time for puhlic ~UrT1fTlt:llyj 1'!