2005, 10-04 Study Session , .►GF:tiDA C1'1'1' nF SE'OKA1v'E VALL.FY CII'Y COiTNCIL WnRK.SHEET S'TUDI' SESSION Tucrcdar, 4ctobcr 4, 2005 6:00 p.m. SPOKA'v-F. YALLEY CITY IIALL 11707 East Sprngue Aveaue. Suite 101 (YIeaYN Tura Of'f All Electroaic Ucciccs I)uring the 1►ieeNng) UItiCUSSIUN LF.ADF.R SCrB,TECT/ACTIVI'TZ' GQAL l~mpluvc-e Introductinru: Trish Dwns•Hart. ITtunan Revource A natyst - by Nina Regor, Deputy Ci1y Jllmeoger Parti XfcC'onurvlUe, Rtcrptia►tist - by Ninu Rcgor, DNpul)v Gily Atwrager Tim hleln, Mainteitance SWerinlendeprt - hy Nell Ker.slen, Puh/!c iYnrkst Airtrlor 1. David Crosby (90 minutcs) Comprehensivc Plan, Plsnning Conunission Presrntntion Rc.,ommrndcci Dr:ift 2. Nin3 Reaar ( I 5 minutrsl Comprehensive Pinn Qelibersttian Apprxuch Diicussion/infornuttion 3. Mayvr Wilhiu niinutcs) Adti-y>>re :lkcncin AdWitiony Discustiicitu'InfUrniation 4. Mnyor Wi[hita Council Check in Discussion/infflrmntiQn 5. Uavc Mcrticr Cit-v htanas;cr i'ortu»rnts Uiscussicmi1ntortnatiun 1Vnre: Unless ctherwiat nated abave, thcr-c will be no public commcnrs at Cuuncil Study Ses3iaas. I-iawem. Catuteil alway3 nesrrves the rigtit to rec;uesc informnrion fram the public and siafTa.q aPliruFrintc. NUTICE: lndlvldusls plnaning tu attcnd the mcciing whu require specinl ortistaucc to nccummocfstc physical, heacin{~ or other impairmcnb, pirasc cantact thc Citv Clcrlc nt (109) 92 I-I000 LL5 wUfI fcS RI)3SIhIC So !}tlll IIiTI1f1gt7IIZI117f tilIISl hc mbdr- ti:ud} 5e:ui?n AL:~i, I0-44-[~ Pn.tc I ai 1 ; - ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 4, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Planning Commission Recommendation on the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan . GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A - Growth Management Act PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission concluded their deliberations and recommended the approval of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan on September 15, 2005. The Planning Commission Chairman, Mr. David Crosby, will present the Commission's findings and recommendations to the City Council. The comments/observations of individual Commissioners included in the recommendation were submitted separately. - His presentation will review the community participation, organization, and cflntent of each chapter of the Plan, as well as the recommendations of the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N1A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IIVIPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Attachments: Comprehensive Plan (w/Commission changes from the Public Hearing Draft) Comprehensive Plan (as recommended) Findings and Recommendations CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10-04-05 City Manager Sign-off_ Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Comprehensive Plan, Planning Commission Recommended Draft GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Council will be provided with a separate notebook containing the Comprehensive Plan, Planning Commission Recommended Draft ~ - \ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup ATTACHMENTS l r > L. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY `-J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 4, 2005 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ nevr business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Comprehensive Plan Deliberation Approach GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: At the October 4 study session, Planning Commission Chair David Crosby is scheduled to deliver the Planning Commission's Recommended Draft of the Comprehensive Plan. This marlcs the official hand-off to City Council so its deliberations can begin. The purpose of this agenda item is to seek Council direction on the approach it would like to pursue in its deliberations. This in turn will allow staff to appropriately notice public hearings, schedule alternative meeting dates, rearrange the advance agenda, etc. OPTtONS: There are a variety of possible approaches, depending upon Council's preference on.issues such as the number and timing of public hearings and the frequency and day(s) of the week Council wishes to conduct its deliberations. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus on a preferred approach BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Nina Regor, Deputy City Aflanager ATTACHMENTS . 1. Powerpoint presentation ~ 1 Compr hensive Plan Deliber tion Approach Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager :October 4, 2005 A Sample Approach (used by Planning Comm.ission). ._r.... . a..,_...;': . - ■ Conduct two or more public hearings before _ beginning deliberation ■ Hold Public hearings on different days of the week ■ Deliberate one chapter at a time a Determine order of chapters for review prior to initial deliberations o PC started with "easier" chapters, then progressed to difficult or more complex chapters , UctnDV e, 2.05 ComD Ptan Otlicrv00n Aypmtefl 2 1 A Sample Approach Chapter Order Used by,,.PC ■ Introduction ■ Utilities ~ ■ Natural Environment ■ Housing ■ Economic Development ■ Transportation ■ Neighborhood (PC-initiated chapter) ■ Land Use ■ Capital Facilities ■ Parks 04boEar 4. 2005 Cwx:p Pun DdiDersilm Appmatn 3 1 A Sample Approach, continued ■ Focus on goals and policies ■ Use consensus approach when . directing changes to the Plan . o If consensus cannot be reached, a vote should be taken ■ After hearings and deliberations are complete, take one final vote to adopt ~ the whole Plan . OGCher 6, 2D05 Ccr.p PCin Oc'Lenllon Ap{u0qdf 1 \ . 2 . City Council Deliberations: Decision Points . ■ Public Hearings o How many initially identified hearings? ■ Significant changes to the Plan may require a final public hearing later in the process o When and where to hold the hearings? ■ Day(s) of the week? > ■ All in the Council Chambers, or variety of locations in the City? oaxcr a. zuJS • ecMq RMm 06tm86an Appuoncn s ~ . Decision Points, contin_ued_ . , . ■ Deliberation Schedule o Tuesday evenings only? o Other weeknights? ■ In addition to or instead of Tuesday night meetings? o Daytime meetings? o Weekend meetings? . Qdnner s. 2005 comp Plan E'klbemllx: Apyroech 6 l / 3 Decision Points, co,ntin_uwed . . . ■ Order of Deliberation o According to order as it appears in the document? o From "easiest" to "most difficult"? o Other? ■ Other decision points? OdUUEr 4. 2005 Camu Pldn Oe1Ccm2kn Jppeacfi T ~ 4 • nR.AFT ADVANC'F AGENllA ~ ror Planning Discussion Purposes Only as uf September 29, 2005 4:30 p.m. • Please note this is a work ui progress; items arc tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Vlanager _ Re: Draft Schedule fnr Upcoming Council Meetings ' October 11, 2005, Regular iMeeHnat 6:00 u.m. [due date Thursday, September 29] 1. PUBL[C HEAR.ING: rinal Budget Heari.ng [10 minutesJ 2. Conseot Agenda: Vlinutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. Sccond Rcadirig Proposed Ordinance Aclopting Initiative Rc Referendum Yowers - Cary Driskell [15 min] 4. First Reading Proposed Street Detlication Ordinance -Neil Kersten [10 minutes] 5. vfotion Consideration: Arterial Road Fund/sV[otor Fuel TLx Fund Allocated to Street Fund for Maintenance - T<en Thompson [10 m. inutes] . 7. Adtninistrative Report: a. EDC 3`d Quarter Report - I°eresa Sanders, Robin Tqth [15 minutes] b. Spokane County Contract Approval -Nina RegorMorgan Koudelka C15 minutes) c. Residential ylotorcycle Track - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] d. Street Dedication Ordinance Draft -Neil Kersten [10 rninutes] [estimated meeting: 105 minutes*) October 12,2005, Conversation with the Communitv, Centcrl'lacc, Itoom 114, 6:00 p.m. Paeks Ma„SterPlan - Mike Jacksnn (la1d use maps provided by vlarina Sukup) Octobcr 18 2005, Special Council Meeting 6:00 a.m. [dac date Thursday, October 6] 1. ls` Fubtic Hearing on the Canipreliensii-e Platt Planraing Commission Recomnterztled Drcrft [90 minutes] 2. Cunsent Agenda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. Second Reading Pmposed Ordinance t•lmending 1'Ul7 - Marina Sukup/Cary IDriskell [10 minutes] 4. First readin ; of ordinance adopting budget - Kcn Thornpson -[10 minules] 5. Nee Resolution adopted - Ken Tlaompson [10 minute.s] (estimated mcctino: 135 minutes*] October 25. 2005, Re£ular MeetinCi, 6:110 n-m. [due date Thursday, October 131 1. Coascnt Agcnda [S minutcs] 2. Deliberation on thE Contpreliensive Plan Plurlning Commission Recommended Draft [120 minutesJ 3. Adminislrative Iteports: a. Financial Nfa»agement Yolicies - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 4. Lnfomiation Only: a. Departmental iVl.onthly Reports; b. Planning Com.mission Minutes - [estimated mceting: 135 minutes#] November 1, 2005, Study Session, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thursclay, October 201 1. Amending 2005 Budbet - Ken `I"hojiipson (20 ininutes) 2. Stormwater Manual Diseussion - John 1-lohman (20 minutes) 3. Council deliberation on the Conzprelzensive Fltrn Plunuzing Comn:ission RecommEncled 1?raft (100 minutes) J TQTAL3ffNUTES: ]4(1 minutes \Tovember 8, 2005 - No Council Meeting nr Shidv Session (Election Night) Draft Advancc Agenda 9129l2005 4:23 Pvf Page 1 of 3 Noveinbcr 15, 2005, Snecial, Regular Meeting, 6:00 n.m. [due date Thursday, October 271 ' l. PUBI..IC HEAR.i.NC: (2no Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Drafit) [60 minutes]J 2. PUBIfIC kTFAi2lNG: Farl:s & Recrcation A'laster Plan -A-1ike .Tacl:son 120 minutes] .%3. Consent Agcnda: vIinutes, Claiins, Payroll [5 niiriutes] 4. Second reading ordinance adoptir►g budget - Ken'1"hocnpson [10 minutes] 5. Secorid reading of property tax ordinance - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 6. Second Reading 1'roposed Street Iaedication laraft Ordinance - iNeil K.ersten C10 minutesJ 7. Admin Report: (a) Definifions and sehedules nFpennitted uses - Marina Sukup [15 minutes] [estiniatccl meeti»g: 130 minutcs*] November 22, 2005 - No Meeting \io<<ember 29, 2045, Reaular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, \°ovember 171 1. Tentative Puhlic Heuring (f necessary, coni;inued from November 15, 2005 hearing) [60 minutes] 1. PUBLIC HEAR.TNG: 1'raposed Amended 2005 F3udget-Ken Thampson [10 minutes] 2. Coasent Agenda: Ibfinutes, Clairr►s, F'ayroll [5 minutes] 3. First FZeading Proposed Ordinance Arnending 2005 Budget - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 4. F'irst Reading F'roposed prdinance Amending Aviation tlrea -Marina Sukup , [10 minutes] 5. Mntion Consideration: Adoption af l'arks & Recreation Master Plan - Mike Jackson [5 tninutes] ' 6. Traffic a.nd Speed Limits Taiscussion -Neil KersCen (20 minute] 7. A17NLPi 1ISTRA"1'NT RLP012TS: a. SEPA Mitigation Strategies - Cary DriskelUGreg McCnrmicl:/Neil KersCen [30 minutes] 8. INNORMAT10N 0iNLY 1'1`EivfS: a. Departmental Montlily Reporl's; b. Planning Commission iVlinutes [estimated meeting: 145 miautes*1 ; , Aeccmber 6,2005, Sludy Sessiun, 6:00 p.m. [due date VVednesday, November 231 1. Prism/1'Ius/Padal (Yarcel Taata LocaCOr) System - Chris Berg (20 minutes) 2. I•telmet Use Education Jaiscussion - Chris Bainbridge (20 minuCes) 3. Massage Partors/f3ath 14ouses -Ca] Wallcer/Cary I7riskell • (15 minutes) 4. Potential Council meetings webcast- Ke•n '1'horr►pson (15 minutes) 5. Planned Unit T)evelopment (PU"17) Pol icy Issues - Marina Sukup/'Ntike Connelly (30 minutes) TO'TAL 1vDNUTES: 100 minutes Derember 1.3, 2005, Regular AZeetin-_, 6:00 p.m. [due date Thursday, llecember 11 1. Conscnt 4genda: Minutes, Claims, Payroll [S minutes] • 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinaiace: Adopt;ion of dhe Spvlrture Va!!ey Canrprelren,rive 1'lan - Marina Sukup [20 minutes] 3. Second Eteading Proposed Ordinance Arneiiding 2005 Budget - Ken Thornpson CS minutes] 4. Second Rettciing Proposed Ordinanc:e Amending Aviation Area - Marina Sukup [10 minutes] 5. A![otion Cnnsicleration: Adoption of Financial Management I'olicies - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 6. Motion Consideration: CenterE'lace Fiber vs. Tl for Communicatioris and Dala - Mihe Jackson [10 minutes] 7. Admiriistrative Report: Annual Accomplishments Report 8. Departmental Vlorithly Iteports (estimated mceting: 60 minutes*J , December 20, 2005, Studv Se.ssion, 6:00 U.»>. [clue date `I"hursday, Decembcr 81 ~ llr:ift Advsnce Aoenda 9l29l2005 42 i PINt Page 2 of 3 • December 27, 2005, No iN'[eeting ~ Januarv 3, 2006. Shidv Session, 6:00 p.m. [cliic date Thursday, December 221 .Tanuarv 10, 2006, Rmular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. [duc date Thursday, Dccember 29] 1. Consent Agenda: Minutes; Clairns, P3yroll 2. Seeond Reading Proposed Ordinance: Adopiion af the Sjvkune Yulley Comprehensive PIar2 - . Marina Sukup [20 minutes] 1 OTI1I:R PF,Nn11qG A1VD/OR TJPCOM1i\`G ISSiJ1+.S/MFFTLiqGS: Oclober 2005: Joint BoCC and City Council 'Mee[inb Regarding Joint Planning AgreeRlcnt Appointment of CnLmcil Officers . . Saturday, February 11, 2006 -Winter Retreat API' 02-05 - Cary Driskell UR-t I.nterim Zoning (expires 03-06-06) Bus Benches Ad Hoc Si&m Committee Hazard Vlitigation Plan - Vlarina Sul.-up Wntcl/Motel Grant Praposals for 2006 Central.Valley School llistrict Impact Fce Request Joint MeetinSs: School Districts; Board of County Commissioners Patibandlint - Cal Walker - Second Reading Proposed Sidewalk Ordinance 04-012 -(first reading 02-24-04) Sewer Callection Systems - Neil Kersten Storage Tank Ordinance -'1°om Scholtcns Street I?aving runding Option - Neil K.erstcn (Gary Schimmels) estimated meeting time does not include time for public comments] . Drafl Acivancc Agenda 917-912005 4:23 I'Nt Page 3 of 3