2005, 10-18 Special Regular Meeting AGEVUA SPOK1,tiE VALLEY CITY COUNC1L SPECIAI, hIEF.T1tiG fl77 Tuesduy, Ortnber 18, 2005 6:00 p.m. CI'I'1' EiALL AT RFDWUOn PI-AZA 11707 Eust Sprague Avrnuc, First Floor Council Rryut-sls All Electroaic Ueviccs bc TurnrJ QRI)uring Council M1teeting (:ALL TO URUF:K Th"VOCATION PLF:[}GE OF 4I.LF'GIANCE. ROt.L CALL AI'FR(lVAL OF AGENDA INTROI)CCI'ION ()F tiPTCIAL GUFS I'S &ND PRESFNTA'TIONS COniMTTTE E. BOARll, L[AISUN SUMl►ia.ftY REPORTti :ViAl'OR'5 REf'nRT: PLjBLIG C0?11R'IF..hTS .4s nvled bclaw, eerlain crgenclu rtcros provrrfe un opporttotilV for rublie comment durrug thr .Ihruurse ajduir agenda item, urtd pubhc comment w111 be invited orr thnxe itcros as llrct• conw up oa tttc agenda Also as nnlyd belmv, crgcndrr rtems sucli us "Adininislratn-e Reports" und ".ltrjorrrwllon Drily" irenu do not allmv jar pcrblrc ramntrnl cfirring t1ie di.scourse ojtltast ilenu: how~~ivr. you may comment an those iterrrs nnw, as well us mn• other nvn-ag. nda ilem.r oj intere.ct !a vau. When tieif crnne tv the lectcrn, pleace srute >eur neune and cualrlres,s for tite rervrd mrd lFmit remarkr ta tltrz*e inirrutes_ 1. PGBL.IC IlEARI!`G: Cnmmualty Development Block Gruat PraJect l.ist - Greg MrCormfck 2. PUBL1C NFARUNC: Fitst Publlr Araring, Compredenaive Plua Planning Commisaion Rcrumtneadcd UmR 3. CONSEhT AGENDA (:ansi5is of items cansidened routinc which nrc appruveci as a gniui) A Councilmemtxr rruiy remove an item fmm the Cbnsent Agcnda lo bc cpnsiderrd sCparaicly. a. Approval of the Follow•uig Vuuchcrs - Mary Baslington: Voucbcr List Daicd 11-IO-?005: Voucher # 7770-7923,'['otal Amount S561,709.50 b. Finnnciai Rtnnngenicnt Policy - Kzn lUtnpsan HEW BUSI'`T.tiS 4. ticzond ReAding I'roposecf 4cdinance 05-026 ArncnJing Planncrl Unit Drvclopmenu (PIJD) - Mnrina Sukup Iliublic comment( 5. First Rcading. Ordinancc 05-029 Adopting Qudget for 2006 - Kcn Thompson (public commcntl 5. ProExosod Kcsohition- .AmcnJing firr Retiolution - Kcn Thompson (public cummenti l'l'- I i1 PU!3[.IC Cn1L'1tENTS As pre►-rnc-tl►, rtoted, cerlattt agenda items rruti-idr~ an upportunity for pubi ;:ommrnt during thP dtsratrrce nf that agerudu item, mudpubllc cmmirent wtl1 be invited on tltuse r[ems - rlit,v colne up on thr age,rdo. As nated helotiv, agenda ilems such a4 ".ldministrati►-e Reparts" ui: ' Irl%nrmuliu» Onlv" i1ems du not allaw for puhlic cvmment dttring the discourse ojihose ilems; hnwev, ~ tirnl mav cmmnrent nn lltosc rtems now, aa ivel1 a.r am, nfher rrnn-rrgenciix ilcros ojinltrest ta yeu Me• ~ rr,u cOr. minut~~ .an~n`i~i►<_~ii~ ~ f~.;~:i`: I''('A (tiPokancTr.w,,i titrve Wr•r; , LtirOIt11LATION ON1.Y: j17rese uen* ure jur t:uru+crl rrlturnlat:wi uftJy. 1h~y' ►►'rl! ~rnr be :irs~~cia,:. nnr rcporlecl upon: Iwivever, conrmcnts on rhese itemu, on "Arlnrini.str~irrve, RL>•~, irr" %r.•r,~ ;,n:lorlrr: r,r- 1t,,endn ltemx of interest mtry be cuntmented upon 6y the pirblrc tlurrr r:, , 1N'. <egmcnls n/tlic ngen<ia. J l~'!~~:l~C ~'~Il ( ~'fT111:t'f:t:l~ !31fl~l~ll1;', P~:f111i M't:F 1i~L'Uf tilt.l(lt It\NiV\ I Ft'TLTRI" SCHEDCILE Regular Counci! Meelings arc genera/ly hrld :ni! uirrt 4`h Tue.sdaj.s, beginning rrt 6: 00 p.m. C'uunc•i1.Stuch•.SeSTlO/15 !l« nClfPtrlllr hrld 1", -?'j i1ni! Stlr TuesdnYs, heginning al 6:00 p.m. 011rc°r 7eirlutire Ni)31L'f. Indisiiluals plniuttng tu sitcnl ilit :n<ctinj; Nr1iu ceqnire spr: inl usi.tur.ce ro accnrnr}ndnte phy:icz), hciuirrg, er ro]Gc: ~ imra9rnirnt& plsa~z contsct thc City Clcrk nl (509) 92 1-M!'N) n Eoun aa possible so thnt 3mwigemcnts nmv bc ruadc. i._-•ui~.il A_cr,l:i I I) 1 ~'1f f:c,~ut:u %ir~ i.ii, f'eo^_ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ~ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2006 CDBG Program - Public Hearing GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational Memorandum included in the October 11, 2005 Council Packets. BACKGROUND: Spokane County has estimated for planning purposes only, that the County will receive $1,500,000 in CDBG funding for the 2006 program year. Moreover, the County anticipates another $100,000 in program income to be available for the 2006 program year for a total of $1.6 million in CDBG funds. There are statutory limits on the administration and planning allocation of 20% of new funds or approximately $300,000. Also limited by, statute is the human service allocation at 15% of available funds or approximately $240,000. Both the 20% for administration and 15% for human service programs (approximately $540,000) are deducted from the $1.6 million available for the 2006 program year, resulting in approximately $1,060,000 available for capital projects. The County typically receives requests for funding that are two to three times the amount of the available funding. The following list of projects is preliminary based on city staff's evaluation of projects that would be eligible for CDBG funding. These figures have been updated since the October 11, 2005 informational memorandum. ' 1. Montgomery Avenue - University Road to Argonne Road: Estimated costs -$635,270 2. Barlcer Road - Appleway to Sprague Avenue: Estimated cost -$783,293 3. Vera Terrace Sewer Project (full-width paving): Estimated cost -$207,815 4. Neighborhood Cleanup Project: Estimated cost -$75,000 TOTAL 2006 PROJECTS: $2,711,381 OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Receive testimony from public on potential project list and provide staff direction relative to project priorities. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Undetermined at this time. 1 STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager ~ l ATTACHMENTS: None. t~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10-18-05 , City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business new business ❑ public hearing ' ❑ information ❑ admin, report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : PUBLIC HEARING: 1st Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan, Planning Commission Recommended Draft GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: " It is anticipated that prior to the meeting, Council will be provided with a separate notebook containing the "clean copy" of the Comprehensive Plan, Planning Commission Recommended Draft OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Take public comment. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup ATTACHMENTS . ~ i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10-18-05 City Manager Sign-off: • Item: Check all that apply: x consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of ttie Following Voiichers: BACKGROUND: VOUCI-ILR I..IST VOUCHF.R TOTAL, DATE Number(s) VQUCH.FR AMOUVT . - 10-1 1-2005 7770-7823 $561,209.50 GItAND TOTAL $561 209.50 . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims'for vouchers: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mary Baslington ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists - , . vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 10/1112005 10:17:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : epbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # - Description/Account Amount 7770 10/10/2005 000921 A TO Z RENTALS 24976 PRE5SUI2E WASHER REN7AL 200.51 25558 40745 POPCORN MACHINE RENTAL 75.08 Tota I : 275.59 7771 10J10/2005 000923 ABACUS ELECTRIC 3494 LABOR TO GROUND DIVING BOAR 222.43 3495 LABOR 70 GROUND DIVING BOAR 222.43 , 3496 IA80R TO GROUND DIVINC BOAR 222.43 Total : 667.29 7772 10/1012005 000926 ADVEN7URES IN ADVERTISING 14159 CENTERPLACE ADVER7ISING 1,105.20 14212 CENTERPLACE ADVERTISING 596.53 Total : 1,701.73 7773 10/1012005 000335 ALTOPI'S TIRE 6-8904 VEHICLE MAIN7ENANCE-SPECIAL 79.94 Total : 79.94 7774 10110/2005 000763 ART 50URCE INC. 10l6105 Art Saurce 40518 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SIGNAGE 11,113.09 Total : 11,113.09 7775 10/10/2005 000762 ARTISTIC DRAPERIES, INC. 9033 40675 MINI BLINpS-POOL ROOM 389.52 Total : 389.52 7776 10110/2005 000030 AVISTA UTIUTIES 90091047 S7REE7 f'OWER LIGHTING CMARG 4,091.16 Total : 4,091.16 7777 10/10/2005 000127 BANK & OFFICE IN7ERIORS 355205 • ' 40511 FURNITURE FOR CENTERPLACE 45,488.69 • 40511 Total : 45,488.69 7778 10/1012005 000173 BINGAMAN, GREG 9/29/05 GB Reimb. REIMB. FOR SUPPLIES 8.12 Total : 8.12 7779 10l10/2005 000835 CERIUM NETWORKS CER014964 40706 APC UPS FOR CISCO 4500 3,982.83 Total : 3,982.83 7780 10/10/2005 000925 CONNECT NORTHWEST CNW-05-72 TRAINING - BINC 10.00 r ` vchlist Voucner List pae; Z 10111l2005, 10:17:28AM Spokane Valley eank code : apbank - Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 7780 10/10/2005 000925 000925 CONNECT NOR7HWEST (Continued) Total : 10.00 7781 10110f2005 000152 DEPAFtI'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB50913070 SIGNAL & ILLUMINATION MAINT. 5,136.54 RE-313-AT650913071 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT. 5,091.63 Total : 10,228.17 7782 10/10/2005 000059 DEVLEMING, MICHAEL 10/4/05 MD Reimb. REIMB. TRAVEUMILEAGE 127.65 Total : 127.65 7783 10/10/2005 000246 EAS7 SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 02051000 WATER CHARCES 508.33 09006100 ' WATER CHARGES 372.02 09066100 WATER CMARGES 397.78 . 09078100 . WATER CHARGES 115.48 .150400 WATER CHARGES 210.66 , . Total : 1,602.27 7784 1011012005 000556 GEORCE, CAROLYN 09/27105 CG Reimb. REIMB. OFFICE SUPPLIES 43.25 Total : 43.25 7785' 10/10/2005 000410 GRIFFIN PUBLISHING INC. 6071 SENIOR CENTER NEWSLETfERS 425.05 ' Total : 425.05 7786 10/10/2005 000873 W 8 M REMODEL 322758 44856 CENTERPLACE DISHWASMER INS" 175.65 Total : 176.65 7787 10/10/2005 0004a1 INLANI7 NW CHAPTEf2 OF ICC 10107105 INW ICC Nik TRAINING 400.00 • - Total : 400.00 7788 10/10/2005 000070 INIAND POWER AND LIGHT CO 94202-002 STREET POWER LIGHTIPIG CFIARC 34.26 94202-003 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARG 57.57 94202-005 STREET.I'OWER LIGH7ING CHARC 112.73 94202-006 STREE7 POWER LIGH7ING CHARC 180.00 . Tota I : 384.56 7789 10110/2005 000555 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, CERT ICC #5219541 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL-2005 60.00 Total : 60.00 7790 10/10/2005 000353 INTERNATIONAL 7RADE ALLIANCE . 87 QUARTERLY CONTRACT PAYMEN i 3,500.00 Page: 2 vchlist , Voucher List Page: 3 10I1112005 10:17:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # . Description/Account Amount 7790 10110/2QU5 000353 000353 INTERNATIONAL TRADE ALLIANCE (Continued) ' Total : 3,500.00 7791 10/1012005 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 112500.00 WATER CHARGES 1,120.21 Total : 1,120.21 7792 10/10/2005 000922 JIANGQING GONG 9/24105 Performance DANCE GROUP FOR CEN7ERF'LAC 75.00 Total : 75.00 7793 10l1012005 000117 JOURNAL NEWS PUBIISHING 26686 ADVERTISIPIG 69.70 26687 ADVERTISING 67.20 26689 ADVERTISING 33,75 26680 ADVER7ISING 91.50 • 26691 - ADVERTISING 90.75 • 26692 ADVERTISING 111.00 26693 ADVERTl SI N G 7425 26716 ADVERTISING 91.50 Total : 629.65 7794 10/10/2005 000928 KLEIN, TIM 09/28105 TK Reimb. REIMB. OFFICE SUPPLIES 32.54 Total : 32.54 7795 10/10/2005 000069 MERCIER, DAVID 09129/05 DM Reimb. . REIMB. TFtAVELlMILEAGE 753.58 Total : 753.58 7796 10/1012005 000157 MOAT, BRIAN 09l28105 BM Reimb. REIMB. FOR SUPPLIES 16.63 Total : 16.63 7797 10J10/2005 000484 MOONEY & PUGH CONTRACTORS INC. 04-001 8l31105 #t17 40176 PROJECT BILLING A7 CENTERPLA 106,880.00 Total : 106,880.00 7798 10/1012005 000927 NOR7H STAR CERAMIC CEPJTER 751 KILN REPAIR & DUCT WORK-CEN'I' 139.15 - Tota I : 139.15 7799 10l10/2005 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP 55801 40737 NAME & POSITION PLATES 56.20 Total : 56.20 7800 10110/2005 000243 NORTHWEST SIGN SUPPLY 740486 40728 PLOTTER PAPER 332.10 Total : 332.10 3 vchlist Voucner List Page: 4 10111I2005 10:17:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 7801 10/10/2005 000652 OFFICE DEPOT 305664657-001 40711 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEP 652.79 ' ' • 306299061-001 COPIER PAPER 53.65 306536158-001 COPIER PAPER -53.65 306536159-001 C01'IER PAPER 28.85 306581518-001 40718 OFFICE SUPPLIES 48.22 306608596-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 121.48 306800158-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.04 306956509-001 40719 . OFFICE SUPPLIES 57.97 306980657-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76.60 306980660-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.73 • . ' 306980661-001 OFFICE 5UPPLIES 15.83 307103402-001 40722 OFFICE SUPPLIES 679.94 307103406-001 40722 OFFICE SUPPLIES 37.85 307137024001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 78.64 307231197-001 40723 OFFICE SUPPI..IES 58.62 Total : 1,915.51 7802 10/10/2005 000418 PARSON, KAREN • 10/04/05 KP Reimb. CELL PHONE USAGE REIMB.-CP 15.80 Total : 15.80 7803 10/10/2005 000884 PEGASUS MEDIA GROUP 13615 40701 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SEf 2,168.00 . Total : 2,168.00 7804 10110f2005 000119 PIP I'RINTING 1330031778 ' 40743 BLDG PERMIT PAPER 835.60 ' Total : 835.60 7805 10110/2005 000868 POWER CITY ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR 40693 40693 CENTERPLACE HEAT TRACING 20,485.67 Total : 20,485.67 7806 10/10/2005 000494 PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 5,560 7EMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVI 649.54 5,561 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMEN'1" SERVI 565.60 5,771 TEMPORAf2Y EMPLOYtw1EN'1' SERVI 1,378.55 5,772 7EMPORARY EMPLOYMEM" SERVI 565.60 Total : 3,15929 7807 10l10f2005 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 14595 . SMIRTS FOR CITY ROOM - CENTEF 225.90 14640 • CEN7ERPLACE LOGO SHIRTS 781.20 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 10/1112005 10:17:28AM Spokane Valley ' Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 7807 10/10/2005 000019 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. (Continued) Total : 1,007.10 7808 10/1012005 000322 QWES7 •509-922-7091F 8968 7ELEPHONE CMAI2GES-VLY MISSIi 20.90 509-924-470F 8958 TELEPHONE CHARGES-TERRACE 61.93 Total : 82.83 7809 10/10/2005 000836 SCHUL'iZ, WILLIAM J. 10l06105 WS Reimb_ REIMB. OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.11 Total : 27.11 7810 10/10I2005 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CAI2E 1248024 MONTHLY CON7RAC7 PAYMENT 48,777.97 .1297016 CENT.TRAIL MONTHLY CONTRAC7 1,898.75 Total : 50,676.72 7811 1011012005 000172 SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEER VLY0508 COUNTY ENGINEERING SERVICES 251,043.68 VLY0508 40720 COUN7Y ENGINEERING SERVICES -5,274.66 40720 Total : 245,769.02 7812 10/10/2005 000617 SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER, C/O C 9129J05 Liquor LIQUOR TA)CES & PROFI7S 2ND Ql 5,058.61 • Total : 5,058.61 7813 10/1012005 000731 SPOKANE RESTAURAN7 EQUIP., INC 04-005 #7&8 10/1l05 KITCHEN EQUIP. CENTERPLACE P 6,603.46 Total : 6,603.46 7814 10l1012005 000081 STATE OF WASMINGYON 602 251 431 6 09l05 COMBINED EXCISE TAX RETURN 0 2,592.39 Total : 2,592.39 7815 10/1012005 000822 SYRUCTURED SOLUTiONS BASED, NET 0124323-IN 40667 LABOR FOR NETWORK INSTALL A' 4,375.00 0124407-IN 40667 _ LABOR FOR NE1V11ORK INSTALL A' 7,700.00 Total : 12,075.00 7816 10/10f2005 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 953 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMEN7 SERVI 4,840.00 Total : 4,840.00 7817 10I10/2005 000488 SUKUP, MARINA 09128/05 MS Reimb. FtEIMB. TRAVEL/MILEAGE 15520 Total : 155.20 7818 10/10/2005 000167 VEF2A WATER & POWER 0014-004275.01 STREET POWER LIGHTINGNUATEF 24.23 . . ' , : e: 5 i t I vchlist Vouctier List Page: 6 1011112005 10:17:28AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 7818 10/10/2005 000167 VERA WATER & POWER (Continued) ' 0014032971.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING CMARC 47.48 0016-007780.00 _ STREEI' POWER LIGHTINGlWATEF • 252.37 0018-031941.01 STREET POWER UGM7ING CHARC 58.42 0018-032752.00 STREET POWER LIGHTING/WATEF • 18.68 0030-031942.01 STREET POWER LIGHTING CHARG 52.54 Total : 453.72 7819 10/10/2005 000409 WASHINGTOPI STATE DEPARTMENT, OI Q3/05 600 202 105 LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX RETURN 4,671.41 Tota I : 4,671.41 7820 10/10/2005 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 1578786-2681-9 WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICE 318.18 Total : 318.18 7821 10/10/2005 000061 WILHITE, DIANA 09/30/05 DW Reimb. REIMB. 7RAVEUMILEAGE 227.32 Total : 227.32 7822 1011012005 000842 WM WINKLER CO 059DU-01 40644 WINKLEI2 - CURB REPAIR 3,215.94 • Tota I : 3,215.94 7823 10110/2005 000649 WSBA WSBA ID: 24087 WSBA MEMBERSHIP DUES 65.00 Total : 65.00 54 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 561,209.50 54 Vouchers in this repo►t Total vouchers : 561,209.50 I, the undersigned, do cerfiry under penalty of perjury, that Ilie materials have been fumisherl, the services rendered, or the Iabar performed as desaibed herein and that the Gafrn is just, due and an unpaid obligation _ against the City of Spakane Valley, and that I am author'tzed to authenticake and ceRify to said claim. • Financo Director Date Page: 6 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ -f Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: [J consent old business X new business public hearing information ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Financial Management Policies GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None, but a preferred business practice. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: In early 2003, the Finance Committee approved financial management policies for use in city operations. Two years have passed and we now have a better feel for how these policies work in actual practice. The City Council has passed ordinances and resolutions during the last two years which have adopted some of these policies and have helped us identify additional policies that are needed. The Finance Committee reviewed these changes earlier this surnmer and has forwarded them to the City Council for formal approval. The full City Council reviewed these policies at the October 11, council i ; meeting and authorized their placement on the October 18, consent agenda. ~ BACKGROUND: Financial operating policies are needed to guide staff in our operations. Most of the proposed policies were adopted by the Finance Committee 'in 2003. The attached changes were forwarded to the City.Council for approval on October 11, 2005. ' OPTIONS: 1) Adopt all of the policies; 2) Adopt some of the policies; 3) Do not adopt the policies; 4) Change some policies and then adopt them RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to adopt the attached financial management policies is recommended. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: There is no direct financial impact on the city budget. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . FINANCIAL MANAGEIVIENT POLICIES . Approved by rinance Commiti[ec 1/3 U2003 Last Approved hy CotmciL• 10-18-2005 ~ / City of Spokanc Valley Financial Management Policics A. GEivERaT1 BunC.rr PoLrcrEs . A-1 Department directors have primary responsibility for forrnulating budget proposals in line with City Council and City Manitger prioriry direction, and for implementing them dnce they are approvett, . A-2 7'he Finance Ucpariment is responsiblc for coordinating the overall preparation and administration of the City's budget and Capital Investment Program Pla.n, This funetion is fulfilled in compliance with applicable State of Wa,shington statutes governing local government budgeting practices. A-3 The Finance Department a.ssists department staff in -identifying budget problems, fonnulati►ig solutions and alternatives, and implement:ing zny necessary carrective actions. A-4 The City Council's budget review and evaluation will be adopted by ordinance at the fund level. , A-5 rnterfiind charnes will be based on reeoWery oC eosts a.ssociat:ecl wit:h providing those ' seivices. A-6 Regular employee positions will noriiially be budgeted only in the City's operating funds anci will be reeained in accordance with rules est:ablished by Che Finance Department. A-7 Quarterly fnancial reporls, incluctins a rewiew of budbeted expenclitures amd revenues; will be prepared and reported to Che Council aY regular meelings. Included wil] be provisions for arnending the budget during the year in order to address unanticipaied needs, emergencies, or compliance with State of Washington budgetaiy statutes. [3udget adjushnents requiring City Council approva) will occur thr4ugh the ordinance process at the fuiid level coordinated by thc rinanec Department. A-8 '1'he Finlnce llepartment will review agenda items submitted for City Council action. The objective of these reviews tivill bc to ensure complianee wiCh the budget aild disclosure oF all rscal issues to tlie Cauncil. This infonnation will be presented in the fiscal irnpact section of each request for council action. A-9 The City`s budget presentation will be directed at displaying the City's services plan in a Council/constituent-friendly format. A-10 The City will pursue ending fund balances, for operating funds at a level of no less than cighl (3%) of the total budgeted new revenue for each year. For the purpose of this policy, "new revenue" mcans toWl buclgetecl revenue, less beginning fund balances. . ; Financis] Management Policies Pagc t of 14 A-1 1 The City will maintain equipment replacement Fiinds that will receive annually budgeted ~ J contributions from the operating expenses of deparhnents owning r.he capital equipment in an amounl neeess<uy to replace the equipment at the end of its tiseful life. Lif'e cycle 3ssumptions and required contributions will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. Monics collected from the sale of assets carried on t.he equipment replacement sched«les will be receipted to equiprnent rcplacement funds. B. xEvLNTIMPoLrCIEs The City sltall be sensitive to the balance betNveen the need for services and the City's ability to mise fees, charges, ancl EaXes to support those services. B-1 '1"he City should strive to maintain a divcrsified mix of revenues in order to olaintain needed services during periods of declining economic sctivity. a. A base of property taxes and other stable revenues should be developed arid maintairied to provide a relisble base of re.vcnues during periods of eeonomic downturn. b. The City's overall revenuc struct:ure should be clesigned to recapture for the City some of ehe financial benefts resulting from City economic and commuriity devclopmenl inveshnents. B-2 Revenue estimates should bc prcparctl on a relatively eonservative basis to minimize the economic iluctuations that could imperil ongoing service programs during the upcoming budget cycle. ~i B-3 The Followinb fiiclors will be considered when the City's taxes are incrcasecl, extended, changed, or reduced: . Stability nf the tax source ovrer its expected life. b. Suiuibility for a. pledge against future debt, if that is part of the Ci[y Council's long-range - intent foe the new tax. c. Spread t}ie tax bur<len ChrOughout the City's tax base by utilizing a broad array of the taa: source:s availrible anci by investigating mitigatioii of inequilies ancl harciships where lppropriate (e.g., propcrey tax rebates for low-income elderly). Lepislativc remedies for harmful tax impacts should be sought where apprqpriaCe, d. Apply the tax impact infonnation for bot:h residential and business taxpaycrs against a fiitLire vision af wliat the tax policy decision is intended to foster, in adclit:ion to the raisino of revenues. [3-1 As much as is reasonably possible,'City services that provide private benefit should be suppoi-ted by fees and charges in nrder to provide tna:cimutn f•lexibility in use of general City taYCS to meet the cost of service.s of broader public benefit. Charges for senfices that beneFt specific users should recovcr fijll costs; ineluding all direct costs, capiial costs, . ctepartment overhead, and Cit}wide overheacl. Uepartments that iitipose fees or service charges should prepare and periodically upclate cosl-of-service studies for such service. . When consistent with legal requirernents, othcr City interests such as remaining f'inartcial Management Policies Page 2 of 14 competitive within the rcoion nr meeting other Cil•y objectives may dictate a subsidy of a portion of the costs of such services. J C. OFERA"1i.NG POL.T.CiIE S C-1 Ongoing resources should be equal to or eYCCed ongoing expencli[ures. E<ieh City fund bud~et shall identify ongoing resources that at Icast maCc;h expected or~aoing annual requirements. C-2 Unless otherwise stated"explicitly by the City Council, the City will not earmark unrestricted revenues for specific purposes in tltc General Fund. 'I his wi11 preserve the ability of the Council to determine the besC use of available revenues to meet changing service requirements. C-3 The City will seek to optimize the efficiency arid effectiveness of its services to reduce eosts and improve service quality. Cr4 Accurate inventories of all physical assets, their condition, life span, and eost will be maintained. (refer to section K. Fixed Assets) C-5 The Ninancc Department will develop, maintain, and constanlly scek to improve aash managcment sysCems whicli ensure the accurate and timely accounting, invest.ment, and security nf all cash asssts. All cash rcceived by Ciry departments will be deposit:ed within 24 tlours of receipt. D. PlIF2CHASL\G ANIa EJ►1'E\Tl)iTiJRE, CUNTRQL _ D-1 It is the general policy of the City that all expenditures be rationally related to some public purpose and reasonable in the amount and naturc. i7-2 Primary responsibility a-nd authority for the expenditurc of monies aacording to the adepted budget will be vested by thc City Nlanager in the department heads. ll-3 In. adciilion to the primsry responsibilities iii Policy A-1, the Finance Director will exeroise a seconciary oversiglit responsibility for ALL budget expenditures. This includes responsibility for both technictll errors snd errors oi' judgment, which should be broughc inimedialely to the attention of the respansible department head and the Ciry vlanager. However, no -unilateral changcs will be macle in liiie item cxpenditures approved by responsible department heads without tirst consult:ing widi the originating departmerit head. D-4 All purchase Qrders will be approved vy the responsible deptirtmeni head (or City Manager), and reviewed by the appropriate personnel in Finance for buclget authority and proper codina. 0-5 Purchase orders for the costs of public utilitics, telephone, postage, capy maehine cxpenses, shared by more than onc deparhnent will be issued by the Finance Director. D-6 All expenditures/expenses shal) be pre-auclited and certified by the Finance Director or his/her designee prior to submitting them to t}Ie City Gouncil. Finaneial N4anagement Policies Pagc 3 of 14 D-7 Tn expedite the accounts payable process, whenever possible City claims checks will be ~ J issued riviCe GaCh tl70nt11. City* Council sliproval will oceur at the follo«<ing Council meeting. 'fhe execution uf checks in advance of City Counci] approval will occur under . the following conciilinn: Ttie City Council Nvill have the opporftinity to review the supporCinS docLimentation of . suc}i disbursement at the next regularly saheduled mecting. . if the City Council at the subsequent Council meeting disapproves any such checks, the disapprovcd claims will be recognized as a receivable of'tMc City and collections of said receivable will be pursued. 17-8 Ordinance 03-071, the purchasing policy, will be followed for the purchase and clisposition of goods, seivices, equiptncnt, supplies and property for the City of Spokane Valley. , The Cicy Manager has the sole authority to waive purchasing procedures, such as in an emergency, but only to the c.rtent authorized by State law. 7'he City Manauer will make a tivritfen fnding of the existence of the erneroency and enter the f•indinb of rec;ord no later ttian two weeks following any contract award. la-9 Tlic City is encouriiged to include at least one local vendor (if available) when eondueting non-farinal procurernent of'oocls ancl serviCes, celephone bids or solicitino written bids of less tha.n $15,000. ~ ~ D-10 The Finance Director may adntinistratively surplus office equipment, computer equipment, small tools, computer sofitivare, minor equipment aild police weapons according to Section 7 of the purchasing policy (Ordinance 03-071). Ta-11 The Finance Dire_ctor will be responsible for the aecounling of all surplus property transactions. In cascs of aclministrative surpluses, the Finaiice Dircelor will reeord property description; estimsted value, number of bicjders, and the lowest-highest bid ran~c for aceounting t~nd auditing purposes. D-12 Credit cards may be issued to the City Mana~er, council members; upper leve) managers, and ernployces for travel and other business related expenses (Orclinance 30). The erutit. citrds issued directly to the City Mandger, council members, mana?ers and employees are expressly limitect to city business related travel, rneal, and procurement of goods. No cash a(lvances, guarantying personal transactions, or personal purchases to be reirnbursed to the City at a later d3te are allowed. Employees and couneil members using a credit card shall wilhin five business days of . returning from travel or al the time of purchase, submit a fully itemized travel expense votIcher ar purchase receipt to the Finanee Department. Information provided should include venctor name, purchase 3mount, date, ancl description of the nurchase. Any charges not properly identi_fied will be paid by the employee to the credit card bank or to che City. ~ If any charges are disallowecl, the City has a right to withhold the disaUowed amount from the wages of the individual who incurrecl the disallowed chargcs. _ruiancial [vianagement Polie.ics Page 4 of 14 , , Use of the credit card while disallowed charges are outstanding is not perniitted. Should charges be incurreci durinp this period, the individual tivill surrender the credil card to the auditing officer. E. CnN'I'Rr1C'T MA\`_AGLMEN'i' E-1 When a projeet is presented to the CoLulcil for cons i derati on, a preliminary budget estimate will be includecf. F-2 Where dle City has entered ineo a conUact that relates to the purchase pf goods, supplies, services, materials, eytiipment, arc}iitectural and/or engineering services, or the procurcincnt of a public work pursua.nt to state law, the City 'IManager m.iy issue a cFian3e order or request for cxlra work. The City Manager may autllorize changes in the work or services set forlh in the cont:ract documents where there are changed conditions, a requirement thAt extra wprk or service be performed or such other circumstanees thal necessitate a moclification [o the contract. Changed conditions shall for purposes of this resohrtion be defined as the presence of anforeseeable conditions which could noE have been reasonably anticipaceci. The ' determination of ehangecl eonditions shall be inade pursuant to t}1e rea.sonable discretion of the City Nianager. Where diere are changed conditions, the scope of w•ork, proeuremenC or service may be modified to serve the bGSt interest of the City. Tn ' addition, extra work, regardless of achanged rondiCion, may be ordered by the City iVl;tnaoer in ordcr to accomplish the purpose and intent of'the contract. _ i Any finding of a changed condition, autliorization for extra work or other matter relating to the authority in this Resolution shall not exceed the budgeted amount for die contract, worR, praeurement or services to be performed for the bene.fiC of the Cit:y. rlny change order or inerease in the scope of work or service that exceeds $50,000 per project, service or purchase shall require the approval of the City CoLmcil. . F-3 When awarding general sr.rvice contracLs up to $100,000, the Cpuncil has authorized the City Mznager to enter into a contract for a written scope-of-work on a cost plus basis with a stated °not-to-exceed" contract total cost. The dollar total will be broken down by . major tasks, including a contirigency budget if necessary. Management control will be esercisecl al the tOtal cOnlracl am0unt lcvel. E-4 A.rchiCet;Cural and engineering service cqntracts may be authorizecl wilh a single - consultsnt tor several phases of work on the same prqject. The City vianager is authorized to apprdve contracts up to $100,000 without Council apprnvaL (Res. 03-041) r-5 Thc Public Works Director will hsve the autliority to authorize payrnents up to the tot:al ' contraci only. 1f ihc scopc-of-work does not c•haiige and the total contract cost is not cxcecded, different amounts may be spent a►nong the tasks within contract categories. E-6 'I"he City Nlanager is authorir.ed pursuant to ltesolution 03-041 to execute Public Works - Small Works Roster contracts up to $200,000. Puiancial Ivfanaeemeiit Policies Fage 5 of 14 F. GE~~rLRAL UE.nGEu AccOuNTs ~ P-I A I'etty Cash Fund is hereby autheri•r.,ed from the General Pund in the amoun[ of $1,000 for miiior disbursements. It will be periodically restored by a check drawn and chargecl to applicable aceounts. The amnunt of the check should eqtial the aggregate of the disbursemcnts. ' Petty Cash purchases are limitecl to expendihires of $200 or less, and shall be approved ' by the appropriate lacpartment Head, using a Periy Cash Rcquest Forn1, prior to receipt of cash. Individuals receiving Petty Cash shall immediacely return to the Finaiice Taepartmcnt the receipt, any change due, and sign a verifying receipt of cash. '1'he Finance Director wil] ctesignate the custodian of the Petty Cash, and t:his inciividual' will be inclependent of cashiei•ing and eheck signing duties. The Petty Cash F'unci will be periodically audited by a person odier than the custodian. G. I)FR`I' FIivA.NCI1VG G-I Interim Finitncing of Major Capital Projects lnterim financing of major eapital projects may be arrangecl by Bond Aitticipation Note,.s (BANS), interfund loans, or I.ines of cretlit with a major financial institution. a. General Guidelines: 1. "1"o the extent necessary, the City will utilize interfimd loans for interim fiiiancing of capital projects, either in whnle or in part. Interfund loans provide the lowest borrawing cost to the City as the intcresl e;cpcnse to the borrawing fund is offset by interest income lo the lending fund. Available funds eansist of cash, State lnvestment Pool balarices ar other relatively liquid investments. 2. The decision to use tlie City's liiie oFeredit or the issuance of $ANS should emplay a cosdcash flow analysis comparing the t-wo financing optioris. The adminisli-akive ~ costs fpr bond counsel, undenvriter and otller fees will be taken '►nto accowit for the costs of I3ANS. Other factors impacting the decision, such as dle capacity of the line of credit, the tirning of issuing pernlanent financing for payinp dowm the line of credit prior to its maturity date, anticipated interest rate ehanges and arbitrage regulalions will also be considered. b. Line of Credif: If a line af credit is used the following policies will apply: l. The line of credit is eestricted to use Por interim financing of capital projects for which Inng terni-bonds are expected to be issued widiin one year of adoptinn of the resoluCion or for which reimbursable grant monies are expected. 2. Authorization to draw doNvn the line of c.redit will be allowed only upon'adoption of a resolution by City Council. 1'iitancial Managcment Pnlicies Page 6 of 14 3. Upon sale of boncJs for permanent financing of aproject or receipt of grant funds, such funds will be used to pay off the arnount of the line of credit utilized by each project, including interest charged for use oFthe line ofcredit. 4. 11ich resolution authorizing use of tMe liiie of credit will idenciPy thc particular project eligible ancl eont:ain a specific not-to-exceed amount for each project. 5. Use of the line of credit for ►►orrnal operating expendiCures is prohibited. 6. The outstanding general obligation line of credit amount in conjunction with the City's other ocncral obligations may noC aC anytirnc cxceed the City's statutory debt limit. . c. Bond .4nticipation Notes (13t1NS). If T3A1\fS are used the following po]icies will apply. . 1. The BAN'S will hitve a maximum maturify of hwo years from their issue daCe. 2. BANS can only be issued after a fornlally itc3opt:cd bond ordinance !ay City Council. 3. The bond ordinance for the BANS will set a specifc principal amount atid identify the specific project(s) for which the procecds arc to be used. 4. Bond counse( charges, tinderwrit.er fces and other issuance costs may be included anc1 paid from the BAN proceeds. 1 5. RANS will be subordinate to any outstanding bonds of the CiCy. G-2 If an interfiuid loan is used the follawing policies will apply. a. T.ntcrfund loans shall be made upon adoption of a resolution by ihe City Council. However, the Finance Dircetor is autMorized to make interfund loans for purpuses of ma.intaining adeauate cash flows in city funds. Thc tcnn oPsaid loans shall nat exceed 12 months unlcss exteiided by t6e Ci .ry Council. b. Interfiind loans sliall set forth the terni 3nd 3mounf of Che loan, a scliedule of repayment including interest; vid set a current rate of interest basEd upon the rate then bcina paid by ' lhe Washington State Local Government Tnvest:ment Pool. c. Interfiind loans Far inCerim financing of major capital projects made in anticipation of the . issuance of long term bonds; shall be repaici in full (including accrued interest) upon receipt ofthe bond prnceeds. d_. 1'he loaning fund shall have aclequatc funds to rnake the loan and to meet its anticipated operating needs over the life ofthe loan. e. Interfuncl loans made from the General Fund to fimds designated as a primauy governmental function will noC be required to pay interest. i Financill lbfanagement Policies . Page 7 of 14 H. TNVFSTNTFNTS . H-1 The City's primHry objeetivc is 1o manAge its total cash and cash equi~~alent assets in a manner that conforms completely to the canstrainis of this policy while maximizing the interest earnings of Che port:folio. This wil) be daiie in a manner dhat supports the government's primvy pwpose of providing services to ies eitizens. Funds of the City will be invested in aceordancc wiih the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 35A, as it exists or may be lmended. The primary purpose in detennining a stratetry for lhe City of Spokane Valley's investment accivicies is as folloLVS: Le alitv: The City's investments will be in compliance with all stacutes governing thc investment of publ.ic tunds. This includes the Revised Code of Wasltington, t}ie BARS mamial, this inve_stmenC policy ancJ corrc•sponding sdministrative procedures. Safetv: Safety of nrincipal is of primary importance to the CiCy. Investments of the City will be undertaken in a manner thiit sceks to guard the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. To <ittain this objective, diversifcat.ion is required in order that potential losses on individual securitics do not exceed the income generated Gom othcr investments. Li uidi y: '1'he CiCy's investments wiU reiiiain sufficiently liquid to facil.itate the City's need Co meet all operating and debt requirements which mighf be reasonably anticipated. Yield: TFie City's investments will be establishecf with the objective of achieving a market rate of reCurn throuohout budgetaiy and economic cycles, ta.l:ing inCO account the City's - inveshnent risk constrainl's zind cash flow characteristics. of the portfolio. H-2 "1'he City has also cietermined to litnit investment purchases to the following invescment types; which the City has deternlined best meet their overall invesbnent strategy. `1 his authorizaCion applies to all City funds. a. [nveStmenC deposits; includirig ccr[ificates of deposit, with qualified public clepositories as delinEd in Chaptcr 39.58 KCG1'. - b. Certificitles, notes, or bonds of the United States, cr other obligations nf the Unitecl Statcs or its agencies, or of any corpnraCion wholly owned by the government of the United . States (such as the Government National IVforCgane Association). T-lowever, this aullloriz.aiion will specifically exclude Collateraliaecl MorCga3e Obligations (CMOs); . Real Estate Ivlartnage Tnvestmer~t Conduits (REMICs), and other Frincip<<I Only (POs) and Interest Only (lOs) obligations chal are secured wit}i mortgages issued by any federal • agency, instrumentatity or privaCe finn. c. Obligations of government-sponsored corpor3tions which are eligible as collaceral for advanees to rnember binl:s as determined by the Board oF Governors of the Federal Reserve System. (The.se i.nclude but are not limited to 1'ederal Home Loan Bank notes and bnncis, Pederal Farm Crcdit 13ank consolidated notes and bonds, Federal N~~tional A~torl:ga ;e r~ssociatiQn notes, debentures, and gua.ranteed certificates oP participation.) • Financial Management Policies Pa~e 8 qf 14 d, Washington Slate [.rocal Governmcnt [nvest:ment Pool. j C. Bonds of the State of Washington and any local government in the State, provided they carry a current debt ratinj in the top three categories of a nationally rccognizeci rating agency at tlie time of investrnent. f. Prime 13anker's Acceptlnces purchased on the secondary market wi[}i ratings of A llP1 by a nationally recognizcd rating aocncy. g. Repurchase agreemcnts for securities listed abovc, provided that the transaction is strucCured so t:hat the City of Spokane Valley obtains control over tlie underlying securities and a Ma-qter Repureha.Se Agreement has becn-signed with the b3nk or dealer. CUllsteralizatioii will be requirecl on sll repurchase agreements at a level of 102% of the market value oE nrincipal and accrued interest. This is to ancieipate any market chanoes and to provide an adequate level of security for all funds. Collateral is limited to the ty•pes of invesCments detailecl in this section. F-1-3 The Financc Director will consider all invEStrnents as eommon investments whose ownership is deri>>ed from each participating fimd. interest earned by the common investment portfolio will bc applied in its entirety to each partieipating fiind on the basis of its available cash balance. Unless specifiecl by the Finanee Director, all cash and eash eyuivalent assets of every fund will be considerecl available for investment. The only exception to the common investment portfolio will be inveshnents rnade from the proceeds of bond sales arid only io the extent necessa.ry to provide a separate accounting 1 of investmenC activity. ` 1-I--4 Fundz set asic3e to satisfy City debt in conjunction with an advancc refuncling aQreement will be itivested in accordanee widi appropriate bontl documents ancl not necessarily in compliance with this policy. [f bond covenants are more restrictive than ihis policy, funds will be invested in full complivnce with those additional. restrictions. T-i-S A.II inveshnents of the City of Spokane Valley shall be made in compliance with Federxl and State law ancl in accordance with thosc legal interpretations that apply. The iirvestment oP Fuiy tax-exempt borrowing proceecls and of any debt service funds shall comply with t.he 1956 Tax 1Zefoiyn Act i.f that Act applies to the debt: issued. H-6 The finance Director is the inveslment offic:er of the City. Tt1e Finance Director will devrelop written proc;edures for the operation of tkie investment program consistent wiCh this investmeni policy and appraved by thc City N7anager. 'I'hese procedures will iriclude a detailed delegation of authority to persons responsible far investment eransactions. 1-1-7 °1"he City [vlantt;;cr will provide invesCment oversight to the Finance Uireetor. The - Finance Director will repnrt irivesmlene activity montiily to the City Manager and semi- annually to the City CounciL The CiCy Council will amend the Investment Policy, as needc.d, by ResolutiOn. H-8 [nvestments will be made «<ich judgment anci caee, in eonsiderAtion nf t:he circumslanecs then prevailing, which person(s) of fiduciary responsibility would exercise in the management of their own arfairs for investment purposcs, not for speculation, l'f1kiI1g IIltO Finaneill Managemenc Policies Page 9 of 14 ~ aec;oumt the probable safety of theie capital as well a.s 2hc probable ineome expected to be derived. H-9 Of[icers and employees involved in the inveshnent process will refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution of the investment program or irnpair tlieir ability to make impartial investnient decisions. Employees and investment officials will disclose to the City Council any substantivc .finanei:il interest in financial institutions that concluct business within this jurisdiction. They wi11 AlSA disclose any material personal financial or investment positions that could be related to the performance of the City's portfolio. Employees and Offcers will subordinate their pcrsonal investment I:ra.nsactions to those of the City of Spokane Valley, particularly in regard to the timing of Nurchases and sales. - H-10 1'he Ninajice I7irector may conduct investmcnt tr3nsactions with several competing, . repuCable investment securities broker/dealers. A list will he mairatainccl of approved security brokerldealers 5elected For t}icir crcdit worlhiness, industry reputation, knowledge of public seeCOr investment practices, and who maintain an office in die state of Wash.ingnon. 'C'he Finvnce Director has dle audiority to remove any broker/dealer from the list, with or without cause by wri[tcn notice. Broker/dealers may appeal the Finance Director's action by written appeal to the City Manager. H-11 "1'he Finance llirector will maintain a list of financial iristitutions as required by the 1'ublic Deposit Corrimission (PDC), authorized to provide investment services as outlined in R.C.W. 39.58.080. ~•._,J% H-12 All inveshnent securities bought by the Cit}', including collateral being held on repurchase agreemenCS, will be held by the City or in safekeeping for the Cicy by the City's custodian bank. A third party bank trust departmcnt may be appointed as agent for the City under the terrns of a custody or trustee <<greement signed by both the bank ajid the Cily. The primary agent of the custodian bank will provide a safekeeping receipt to the City listing the specific instrument, its rate and maCurity, and ~uiy other pertinent informaiion. All security trinsactions, including collateral for repurchase aareements, enCered into by the City of Spokane Valley will be conclucted on a delivery-versus- payment (DVP) basis. H-13 Repurchase Agreements may be entered into on a safckeeping basis only if a master agrcement wilh the han.F: or h-ust department providing the safekeeping service is rrst ob[ained. This agreement shsll very clearly cstablish thaC the banlc/trust is acting as a third party agent for the F.inance llirector, not the broker/dealer arranging the rcpurct►ase agreements. Such third part_y safekeepino, arrarigerrienls will be dncumented with a signed agreement beriveen the Financc Director and the bank![rust involved assuring that the F1173[1C0 Director has. absolu[e eontrol nver the securities once they are dclivered to safekeepir►g anct that the dealer does not have access ta them under any eircumseances. . H-14 Investment officials Nyill be bondcd to provide protection to the City aoainst loss due to ' possible embezzlement or malfeasance. H-15 The Ci[y will assure that no sinale institution or security is invested to such an extent that a delay of liquidation at maturity is likely to cause a cunent cash flow emergency. Wilh the exception af U.S. `['reasury securiiies and the State Investment 1'001, the City will Financial Iviana;ement Folicies Page 10 of 14 invest no more than ffty percent (50%) of its total investment portfolio in a single . security type or with a single rintjncial inslit:ution. . J 14-16 To tlie degree possible, the Ci[y will attempt to match its inveshnents with anticipaeed . cash flow requirements. Liquidity shoulct be ensured ttirough practices that include covering thc next vendor disbursement and payroll dates through rnaturing investments. Unless specificaIly mat:ched to a certain eash flow, or estimated to meet cash tlow nccds, the Cil'y wil) not directly invest in securities maturing more than three (3) years from the . date of purchztse. M-17 1'he GiCy oF Spokanc Valley's investment portfolio will be designed co obtain a market average rate of return during budgetary and economic cycles, takinD iiito account ihe City's invesmlent risk constraints and eash 8ow needs. 1-1-18 '1'he Finance Direclor or his dcsignee will actively manage daily cash to the estenl that transaction 'costs do not overeome interest earninos. 1. 1NTE1tGOVERNrVTENTM1'A.ia REWNT[JTS AND RrLATI()NS PC)LICIES Many service costs of the City are influenc-ed Uy other governments, either because 'of service overlap or se►-vice niandates imposed by the county, state, or Federal governmenl. The City shall . take advantage of opportunitic,s to enhance service delive►y througll intergovernmental cooperation, shared revenues, ancl grants while aggre.ssivcly opposina mandates that distort local , service priorities. I-1 The City will refrain from using, nrants to mect ongoing service delivery t1GedS. It1 the City's financial planning, grants will be treated in the sane manner as all other temporary and unc;ertain resources and will not be used to fund ongoing, basic service needs. I-2 All grant agreemencs will be reviewecl to ensurc cornpliance with state, fedcral, and City regu lacions. I-3 The City will budget expenditures for grant-funded pragrams pnly af`ter s granl award qr • letter of cornmitment, and only for the vnount of grant award. City ovrerhead or indii-ect casts for ~;rant-funcled programs will be included in all grant proposals, where permit[ed. I--4 T'he City will aggressively oppose stlte or federa( actions that mandale expendit:ures which the City Council considers unnecessary. '1'he City will pursue i.ntergovernmental . fimding co supporl: ihc incremental'cost of those mandates. I-S. The City will work with other governments to identify the jurisctiction most capable and appropriate to provide specifc public services. All intergovernmental agreements and contracts for service cielivery Nvill bc broutrlit fonvard to tlie City Council 1'or approval, J. AGCOUNTIi\`C`., AlTlll"I'1NG, ANll FINANCL4_L RFPOR7`WG POI,,1.Ci.FS 1'he City shall maintain a system of financial monitoring, control, and reporting for all opcrations and fimds in order to provide effective means of ensuriiig that overall City goals and objectivcs , f C'iriancial Mlnagzrnent Policies ' F'age 1 1 of 14 will be met and to assure the City's partners and investors that the City is well.managed ancl fiscally sound. J-1 '1'he City rvill maintain it's accounting records in accorclanee with state -and fedel~al law and regul' ations. Budgetvy reportiiig will be in accordance with tlie state's budget lativs and regulations. The City will report its financial condition and results.of operations in accordance with stale rEgiilations wtd generally acecpte<i aecounting principles applicable , to r*overnments. J-2 The State rluditor will annually perforrn a rna.ncial and compliance audit of the City's . financial statements. Their npinions will be coritained in the City's Annual 1=inancial Report, and the Report on Compliance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. 1-3 1"he City will rninimi2e the number of fiuids. The f'unds will be categorized in accordance with generally accept:eci act;ounting principles (GAAP) for reporiing purposes. J-4 The Finance Director will establish such intemal controls and procedures necessary to ensure that the following objccCives are achieved: a. Eapenditure,s and commitmenCS, including the proce.ssing of payroll, comply with • 3ppliciible law. b. Assets are safegiiarded against waste, loss, tmauthorized use, and rnisappropriation. ~ c. 'I'ransactions are recorded properly so that reliable financial and statistical reports can bc preparecl and accountability for assets is maintained. K. FI\ED ASSFTS lC-1 General gove:rnmenC fixed assets are defined a,s lanci, buildings, equipment, ancl improvements to existing assets costing mare than $5,000 and having a useful life in escess of one ycar. Assets with a value or cost undcr $5,000 are to be expensed in the year of acquisition. K-2 Costs tissaciated with remodeling or ct►angcs to the City's buildin€s will not be capit<1lized unless tlle usePul life of the struchire is extecided. IC-3 Ctihancemenls or additions to equipment will be capitalized only if the cost or value is $1000 or more and the usefu) life iti exeended. K-4 Additions tb City acquired vehicle.s will be capiUili-r.Ed only if the item is to remain with the vehicle upon disposal. IC-5 F..ach dcpartmenC ctirector is responsible for notifying Finance in writing of all assets sold, traded, transferrecl, and surplused or lost at the time of the Oecun-ence. K-6 All assets with a value of $5,000 nr more will have a numbered City of Spokane Valley tag attached in a prominent; eonvenient location. tlsscts oF a lesser.value than the capitalization standard of $5,000 may be tagged where there is a need for"property Puiwicial Maiiagement Yolicics Page 12 of 14 control and EiCCOIlRlability. Finance will supply the tags «<hich will be attaChed by the department receiving the assets. K-7 All assets; regardless of value or capitalization, are the department director's responsibility wich reoard to track.ing, inventory, and safekceping. Finance is re.pansible for keepinb and updating the fiaed asset database. K-8 Asset disposal will be in accordanee with-the City Purchasing Policy, Ordinance No. 03- 071. L. iJSE OF VQLIJN'I'EI'RS L-1 A scope of volunteer service description will be provicled to itll inciividuals and orc.jni~[ions icientiFying the pnlicies and procecltues for each project. Eaeh descriptiqn will include: a. L7uCies of the wnrk assigned b. Supervision responsibilieies c. Training ancl orienlation prinr to performing work c!. Personal protecCive equipment to be provided e. \iarr►c of contaee peron and de,scription of how to contact them, and . S f. Any othcr relcvant: inforrnaCibn L-2 Gach person potentially cornina into contact with unsupervised children or the handicapped will have completed a background check for history of abuse and/or sexual deviFUit behavior or ocher crimes of viClence. L-3 Voluntccrs under the age of 14 should not be used due to the levEl of rcquired sunervision. Organizations whose membetship consists of children under this aDe could be-sllowed to perform volunteer services if theic organization provides proof of lisbility ' insurance and provides adequate adult supervision for the young volunteers. All organizations must sign awaiwer holding the CiCy harmless 1'Ur any injuries and claims of any kind resulting from iheir actions. L•-4 All inctividual volunteer worker's hours shniild be recorded by the department supervisor and reeorded as volunteer hours with the city's human resource division. [.:-5 Oroanizations providi.ng vnlunteer service are solely responsible .f'or the orbani-ratinn's mernber's meclical care for injuries incurred during the scope of volunteer service. "fhe organization is Ca provicle proof of inedical insurance to the ciry. L-6 Organizations providing volunteer service should sign "Agreeinent. Regarding Organizaeional Service with the City," including the agrecmenC to defenci, indemnify and Piolcl the city harmless for any claims or lawsuits that arise out of their activities. L-7 Individual volunteers sliould sign t:hc "Agreement Kegarding lndividual Service With 1'he City." - Financial Management 1'olicies Pagc 13 of 14 - ~ L-8 Detaited training records identifyin}; specific training provided, instruc.tor, any tesiing results, and attcndance sheets will be kept by the city for at least thre_e years. 1'hese records shoulci be sent to the Human Resource Division. L-9* '1'he City stiall provicle personal protective equipment as required for the scope of «<ork and ictentified by the Washington IRCJIISIl'111 Safety and Health AcC. t111 volunteers requirins personal proteeCive cquipment shall be provided trlining in its prnper use anci care. All training will be docuinented, signed by ehe inciividual and provided to die City f-luman Kesource DiviSion. I1 10 'Che City and/or the volunteer may terminate this volunteer service at any time without - caiasc. 1V1. 'I'kANr7j.T,, Rl?.11'fE3iTRSEl1'IE\TT M-l Council members a. "1'he totat allocation of travcl funding budgeted for the Legislative branch for the ycar will be apportioned 1/7 to each council mcmber. TFiese monies may be used. to defray expenses for transportation, lodging, meals and incidental expenses ineurred in t:he cancJuct of city business. Periodic statements of expenditures eo clate will be provided each council member by the Finane;e Division. ShQUId a council member ex-haust their . apporCionmenC of funcls, that person will be responsible fnr payment of any travel relatcd etipenses or they may reyuest a volunutry alloaation from another councilmember who has a balance in their travcl ace.ount. b. During the last 6 months of a Council member's ctirrenc term of offiec, incurring City • business-related trjvel expendihires rcquire 'die pi°ior authorization of the Finance Cornmittee, except when such travel fulfi.lls the obliDations of ttie Councilmember's service on sCaCewide or regional boards, commissions or task forces c. Council rnc►ribers will provide the same documentation' as t.hat required of ciry employees. M-2 City Msnager a. Council rnernbers and the Finance Director are autllorized to approvc thc City Managei's reimbursement requests. M-3 City ernployees a. City employees will follow reimbursement rules promulgated by thc City vianager or _ desig.nee. N. t'dLYCY TtEVLE, W This poliey will he periodically reviewed for cnntent and applieability. Last Approved by CounciL October 18, 2005. ~ ~ . Fi.nancial LNian3gemcnt Policies Paoe 14 of 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public iiearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report 0 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Second Reading: Ordinance 05-026. An ordinance amending Section of the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code relating to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) to delete the requirement for direct access to arterial or collector roadways. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70, Spokane Valley Ordinance 03-53 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adopted regulations relating the Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) by Ordinance . No. 04-046 on November 9, 2004. Council was briefed on the proposal on August 9, 2005. C'rty Council rnoved the proposed amendment to a second reading on September 13, 2005. BACKGROUND: City Council has asked to reconsider the requirement that a Planned Unit Development be ~ required to have direct access to an arterial or collector roadway. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 8, 2005, but continued the hearing until October 13, 2005. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on July 20, 2005 with comments due not later than August 12, 2005 and a draft proposal was submitted to CTED and other agencies for their review on July 20, 2005. OPTIONS: Approve, provide staff with direction concerning additional amendments, or disapprove. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: move to approve Ordinance No. 05-026." BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. . STAFF CONTACT: Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: ~ Draft Ordinance i CITY OF SPQKA-NTF; NIAI,LEY % . SPOKAiYE COUNI'Y, VVASHINGTON . „ % ORDItNANCE NQ. 05-026 A1V UlZi)liVANCL UF I'liE CITY pF SFOKEINF VAJ,J.,EY, SPUI{ANE CUUNTY, WASFTi1'GTQN, AI►,1EL\lJl.NI.T 0R-D.TAi`iCE NU. 04-046 RLL:ITINCT TQ PT.,ANiYFT) lTi\T1T llEVELOYN1ENT (PUbs), BY REPEAL•I\iG PROVTSIONS KE,11ATli\`C T4 TTIF RFQUTRFMENT FOR DIltECT AC:CESS TO A12TERIALS A\'A COLT.,ECTORS; PRON'1llINC FOR SEVTRAI3.T.LTTX; ANi) FSTABLISIIING LFFL+"CTIVE llATE. R'AFRFAS, The Interim Camprehensive Plan adopted hy the City of Spokane Valley pursuant to Ordinance 03-53; specifies dimensional standards for resiclential and non-residential deveJopment; and W1jERLAS, the Comprehensive Plari Goal Ell.Sa is to "[p]rovide consisterit, fair ancl timely regulations thaC iire flexible, responsive and ei'-f~ctive" and WHEREAS, Incerim Comprehensive Plan Goal UL3 is to "[e;jncourage excmplary developnients by providinp far flexibility and innovativc ctesigm through pfanne.d unit commereiaUindustrial and residential developments"; and N'VHEIZEAS, Interim Comprehensive 1'lan Policy UI.:.3.I khrough UL.3.3 encourage flexible regulations and incentives; and W11TRrAS, there exisC geographic areas within t:tie Cit;v of Spol:zine Valley whicFi would benefit from mnre flexibility in order to preserve ancl proCect sensitive environmcntal resources; and VVHEREAS, the development of Mised-Use and Urban Activity Centcrs ictentifed in the (nterim Comprehensive Plan require ilexibility for successful clesign antl implementation; and . N'1rHE,KF;AS, the proposed ctevelopment regulations rnust be submitted to dle EVashington • Department of CommuniCy Trade and Economic DevclopmenC pursuant to WAC 365-195-620; and NOW, THERL•FO17N;; the Cicy Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washingtori, do ordain ' as follows: SECTfON I.. Section 4.08.19 of tlie Cit:y of Spohane Valley's lnterim "/_nning regulations is hereby amended to read as follaws: Section 4.08.19 Pl:inncd Unit Development Uvcr(ay 7one Sectiun Purpose ancl Intent The purpose oPthe Yllnned Unit Qevelonrnent Zane is to establisti a process to foster crcative, efficient, anci comprehensive design of site development. The averlay zonc is to be used in conjuuction with other zoning classification ercept che Mining (M7) 2one. These regulations provicle flexibility in site design and offer incentives in ordcr to: 1. Encourabe innovative design and the creation of pennancrit open space. 2. Preserve and cnhance special site fe.a[ures. , J Page ] of 9 3. rncourage the conservation of natural features, wildlife habitat, and eritica( areas. 4. Facilitace t:he c{evelonment of mixed-use projects. 5. Encourage ttie aevelopment of street:, pedestrian and hicycle paths that contribute to a system of fiilly • connrcl;ed routes. 6, Facilitate the economical and adequate provision of public serviees. 7. 1'rovide for diverse and convenient rccreational opporCunit:ies. 3. Provide a variecy ofenvironments for living, working, and recreation. Seelion Annlic:itions and 1'roccss 1. 1'lanned unit developments shall be initisted by the owner(s) of all property involved,if Lulder one ownership, or bY joi»t application of all owners liaving title to all the properey in the area pruposec9 for planned unit development. 2. The planned unit develoEament process ent<jils a preliminary and final phase as folloNvs: a. Thc preliminary phtise etamines the planned unit developmcnt-plan for compliance with the requirements of the zonc. The preliminary planned unit development is eonsiclerecl through a public hearing before the I•learina T'xaniiner. Once approved by the Mearing f;xAtnincr, the planned unit development is a binding plan that <letnes lhe concept of dhe development and , uses to be allowecl. The planned unit development approval is valid for a 5-year period, which may be eatended by a period not to excced twelve months by submitting a time extension request to the Dep3rtmenL tAny extension of time must be requestect by the applicant, in ` writing, befnre expiration of the original approvaf, stat'tng specific reasons for such a request. b. The final planncd unit clevelopment plan ma_y be approved aclrninistratively, to determine if all stantiards, reyuirements; and conditions of prelin7inary rtpproval have been niet. Seclion Preliminsry Planned iJnit 1)evelonments 'rhe preliminary planned unit developrnent shall have a site develqp►nent plan, ineluding, but not limited to, thc f"ollowing: 1. '1"he exact boundaries and legal description of the property to be dcveloped. 2. The name of t.he proposed planned unit development. 3. Uate; north arrow, and scale of the <lrawing. 4. Names, addresses, and telcnhone numbers ofthe owner(s), applicant(s), engineer, and surve}'or. 5. The gcneial loc,ation of a11 proposed irnprovements that are to be constrvcted on t:he 1and, including, but not limit:ed to, all residential and nonresidenci<il stnichires, builditio licighCS, recreational facilities, walls, fences, retuse areas, streels, wal.ks and public transit facilities. 6. Setbaeks to the property line, roadways, ancl the planned unit development perimeter. 7. Location of pedestrian afla nicycie eirCL►t1r;on systems. . S. Cornmon open spaces showing size and funetions upon completion. 9. A description of the method of ownership and responsibility for maintenance of all cornmon open . space and private streets. 10. The loeation and dimension of off-street parkinu facilities, publie antl private, including transit f'acilities I'or nonresiiiential use,s. 11. i.,ocation and size of al( public and semipublic sites if applicablc (i.e., schools, churches, parks, plazas, etc.). 12. A tabulation of dcnsities Nvilhin each project area, phtise or sector. 13. If applicable, a subdivision map showing lancl clivisions. The preliminary and fnal subdivision map shall comply with the c•ounty subclivision ordinAncc and state subdivision regulatians. Page 2 of 9 14. A. proposeel phasing and/nr timing schedule. 15. 1"opographical map of existing terrain at a minimurn two Pool contour (evel, including l UO-year flood plains iclent:ified under the National Flood Insurance program. , 16. Natural features to be retained, such as natural Slopes, stands of trees, etc. 17. A[I critical areas as det~ned in the Comprehensive Plan. Section Final Planned Uuit De.velotiments l. Prior to expiration of the preliminiiry planned unit devefopment, approval of a final planned unit development plan is required. Approval of the final plannecl uniC development shall be administrative. A. final planned unit clevelopment differs from the preli►ninAry plannecl uniC 'development in the amount of detailed inforrnation provided. In addition to all of the information required for a preliminary Ealsnned unit developrnent:, the rnal planned unit development plari shall include the fnllowing items. a. Approvcd road plans. b. Approved drainage system plans. c. Typical buildino foot:prints. . tl. A t<ibulation of the percentage of total building covcrane in the development. e. A schematic lanclscaping plrin indicating the type and the size of plant rriaterial to be used, and the method for providing pennaneilt rrizinCenance to all planted areas and open spaces. 2. Any planned unit development not finalized bcfore the expiration of the preliminary planned unit development appmval sha11 bec.ome void, unless a time extensiori is granced by the Director of Community l7evelopment. Construction sh111 nol commence until a planned unit ctevelopment has been given final approval. Sectiori 4.0819.05 Phasecl 1?lanned Unit llcvclopments l. A planned unil clevelopment m.iy be developetl in phases, subject to an approved phasing schedule. All constniction and improvements not completed within five (5)_years of approval of the phased final planned unif clevelopmenC are subject to compliance with updatetl City Standards throuah a time extensian action. Any planned unit clevelopment where construction has not eammenced before expiration of the fnal planned unit development approval shall become void. - 2. E<ich phase of the proposed development must cnntain the required parking spaces, COR1111011 OOCI1 space, ingress, egress and transportation circulat:ion landscape, and utility areas nec;essar}' t0 SUST,r11t1 ihat phase as an independent developmcnt, in the event that the remainiiio property is not developed. Sectic>n 4.1:18.19.06 1Vlodifications 1. The: Hearing Examiner may require modifications ce the application for a planned unil (ievelopment to ensure that the purpose and intcnt of Chis chapter is accomplislied. . 2. A substaritial modificatinn tn the approved preliminary or rnal planned unit developmenl plan shall only be approved tlu-ough a chan?e ofeondilion application pmcess. AIl modiFcations which are not minor shaU be considered subslanlial. 3. A minor modifcacion to the preliminary or final planned unit development plan may be aliprovec! . actministratively. vlinor niodifications shall be cnnsistent with the follow-ing reyuirements: a. The mat(ifcation shall be limitecl to minor shifiing of the lacation of buildings, proposed streets, ti[iliry easements, or common open spaee. b. Tlie rnodificar.ioci shall not: i: Enlar:ge the boundaries of the approved planned unit development plan. ii. Change the approved uses. iii. Change the general location or amount of land devoted to a specif c land use. iv. [nerease the residential densities. , 1'age 3 of 9 Sectioa Permittcd Uses Used allowed in aplanned unit developmen[ include those uses allowed in the underlying zone(s) and those accessory uscs and structures ordiuarily assncialed wiih a permitted use. Scctinn Development Stundards Prior to the issuance ofi a building perntit; evidence of'compliance with provisions of Lhis chapter, when applicable, shall be provided to the Division. Section llensitv 1. The tqial units permitted in a planncd unit development shall be determined as follows. a. In any planned uniC clevelopment, the number of d«<elling units per acre of land shall not exceed that which is permitted by the underlyin; zone(s); except as approved for density bonus by the Hearing r,caminer subject tu the ~ollowing procedures. However, this does not preclude an applicant frorn [ransferring densit:y fimm one portion af the development to another portion of the development, so long as the Catal project does not exceed the maximum density of all zoninn classifications ineludcct within the project boundary._R.esictential density shall be determined by the following formula: NeC Maximum number of units Density Total Units Iaevelopment x psr acre allowe.d iii + Bonus - Permitted Nactor underlying zone F.arned ,,c of'the plaiined unit developmenl area minus ihe area set b. The net development factar is the acrcao ~ aside for, or er.istinj in, any of the following: i. Schools. ii. Commercial and/or industrial uses. iii. Single-farriily resiclential plattecl areas, if determining net development factor for the mullifarnily portion of'a mixed single-family, multifarnil}' development. iv. Natural water bodies, includino lakes, streams, swamps, marshes, and bogs wllich are not incarporated in t:he comrnon open space plan of the plzinnecl unit development. v, 75% of areas having slopes that exceed 40%. vi. Public or private streets. 2. Bonus Densi ty: The following units per acre may be cumulat,ively earned as additional density to the rnsxiitlum base unit ciensity of the underlying zone. a. Common Open Space. i. 0.3 unit-per-aci-e bonus if at least 54% of the dry, common open space lias a slope of 10% or less. ii. 0.5 unit-per-acre bonus if significant recreation areas are develnped and equipped with at IeASt 2 of the following feature,s: harci surface biking, hiking or walking trails connecting the entire dcvelopment; improved playfields, sport courts; sNvimming or - wading pool; a- children's play iireas chat incorporate play structures/equipment and are . at least 10,000 square feet in size. b. rnvironriiental Concern. i. 0.3 unit-per-acre banus if general public access is proaided to lake or river; to txails, 0.1 unit-per-acre bonus; to scenic viewpoint; 0.1 unit-per-acre bonus. ii. 1.0 unit-per-acre bonus if 40% or more of the existing, disease-free a-ees over 10 ~ inches in diameter, are recained on the site. Tree diameter shall be measw-ed at 6 feet above the ground. This bonus stiall only-apply in forested areas where the densiry af the Page 4 of 9 above-describeci trcc.s is equal or gReater than 10 trees per acre. The health of the trees shall be certif ect by a 1 icensed arborist. c. Internal Circulation and I'arking. i. 0.2 unit-per-acre bonus if nonresidenCial parking areas are kept small (10 to 20 spaces in a broup) 3lld interspersed witfl landscaping, or providcd within or under main buildings. ii. 1.0 unit-per-acre bOnus for an interconnected roadway systern widiout cul-de-saes. iii. 0.5 unit-per-acre bonus for an un-gated development allowing throut,i acccss to the puUlic. ' d. 1'ublic Service and Facility Availabiliry. i. 0.3 unit-per-acre bonus iF public cransit is available within A-mile walking distance of the majority of dwelling units and offices. The walking route shall be harcl-surfiaced and aecessible, and may require an off site sidewalk/pathway. ii_ 0.2 uniC-per-acre bonus if off-sitE eonvenience shopping facilities are functionally aeeessible within reasonziblc walking distance (approximately '/<-rnile). The walking route shall be hard-surfaced and accessible, and may require an off-sitc sidewal k/pathway. iii. 0.5 unit-per-acre honus if special facilities for public transit are incprporated into the design and approved by the S 1'A_(e.t., sheltered, lighted waiting/loading faeilities, including benches and park-and-ricle spaces). • iv. 0.2 /<<erc fur school bus loading sheltErs <<pprovcd by the 'school district. Section .Yarking, Signagc, :tnd Laodscaping Slandards Parking, signage and landscaping standards shall be as provided in chapte.r 14.802, Off-Sireet 1'arking and 1_.Oaciing Standards; C}18ptCt' 14.804, :Sigmage Standards; and chapter 14.506, f andse.aping and ~Screening Standards. ~ Section Storagc Standsircls r1J1 storage in the planned unit develnpment zone shall bc within a closed building; escept for thc storage of retail products that are Cor sale or rent, which may be stored outdoors during business hours only Outdnor storage of retai] products shall not be within any required front or side yard, nor in any public; street or road right-of=way. Section Refuse Storage tVl autcloor trash, garhage and refiise storage areas shall be screenecl On aI1 sides from public view <uid, aC a minimurri, be enclosed witlt a 5'/rfoot-high concrete black, ma5qnry Nvsll; or sight-obscuring fence Wich a siahc-obscuring gate f'or access. Single-family and duplex residences are cxernpted from this provision. Seetion Mech:mical F,yuipment .A[1 rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screenecl frorn _ adjacenL' roachvays and properties; so as not to be visible by persons standine at the properly line. Section 4.0819.14 Utilitics All utililies 5hall be underground. Section 4.0$.19.15 Additional Keyuirernents L All strects shall meet or exceed the current design ancl conslruction standards foe public streets atlopted by the City of Spokane Valley, as they may be amcnded from time to time. 2. All are,as which are to be occupiCcl or traveled ovet• by motor vehicles shall be paved. 3. \io proposcci strcct shall impede the current or future clevelopment of any a-rtcrial or collector identii~ed on che Arterial Road Plan. A designated •f ~r~er•iaa- 4, rnergy eff' icient street lights shtill be locatetl at the enti-ance of the development and at each intersection. `l'he lights shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners' assnciation or local electric ~ ; utiliry. Page 5 nf 9 ~ 5. Maintenance oPPrivate St:reeis and Co«unon Areas. a. Rcsiclencial developments. A homeownc;rs' association shall be creatcd pursuant to RCW Chapter 6433. The associstion shaJl be created for the purpose of managing and maintaining private strzets, comrnon areas, and other improvements not otherwise owned by individua) lot owncrs, and any other laNvful purpose allowed under RCW Chapter 64.35, b. \Tonresidential developments. t1.n association or otlier legal entity shall be cretlted pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington for the purpose of managing and maintaining privale streets, common v-eas, and other improvements not othertivise o"vncd by individual lot owners, and any qttier lawful purpose. . c. Dec;laration ot Covenants, Conditions and f2esh-ictions shall lae recorcled wit:h the Spokslne Cottnty Auditor fqr al) plaun.ned unit developments containing private streets andlor common arcas. The Declaration of Covenant,s, ConcliCions and Kestrictions shall includc the following provisions: i. IZepair and Maintenance RighCS and Duties of Association; The Association shall rnaintain, repiiir and replace all parts of the cnmmon area includin; private slreets, drainage systems, ancl retention ponds or similar clrainage facilities, or shall contract f'or such maintenance, repair and replacement to such areas are maintained in aood condition and funcr.ion for cheir intended use., ii. vlaintenance of Private Streets: "1`he private streets, as desi5►ned tjnd approved by the CiCy . . of Spokttne VaIley, have been or are being constructed for the purpose of providing ingress and egress ancl pcdestriiin access to the property. The City of Spokane Valley Iias no obligatiori to rriaintain, repair or reconstruct: the private streets. The Association is responsible for repair5 and rnaincenance.. Tl1e Association shall maintain the private streets in reasonable conforniance with the approved private road plans on file ca+iCh the ~ C:ity of Spokane Valley. iii. Dissolution of tlssociation: The Association may be dissolved only if ownershiP ttnd mtjintenance responsibility oP common areas, comrnon aa-ea rot►dways, and drainaae control feature_s is assumed bv a governmenttil entity with the audiority [o assume such ownership and upqn written acceptance of the same by the gnvernmental entity. il is not the policy of the City of Spokane Valley Co assiime owmership of common areas, private streets Ur other conimon area improvements. iv. Enforcement: The $oard, any ONvner, arid aity governmental a• quasi-gavernmental aDcr►cy Ur municipality having juriscliCtion over the Project shall have the right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions; covenAnis, reservations, liens; and charges nnw or heeeafter irnposed in the Declaration, arid all such action shall be enticled t:o recover cost and rerisonable attorneys fees as ordered by the Court. v. K.eserve F«nd: Tt1e ASSqciation shall exercise gooci faith and best etforts co maintain a . Rescr<<e rund for the maintenance of private streets and other improvements such ris common greenbelts, scaurity station structures and equipment; and other in&astructure. This Reserve Fund should not be co-mingled with any other association fund. The balance qf the fund should be equal to the total replacement cost of the private streets ancl olher improvements dividcd by the average life expectancy of those iniprovemenl:s times the age of the improvements. vi. Access RGC uil •red: Emergcncy vehicles utility personnel, the U.S. Postal Service, and governinenr.al emplnyees in connection with their official duties shitll have access to the _ planned unitdevelopment. 6. Driiinage improvemeuts shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the current ~ Spokane Valley Storm Water Management Standarcls; as the_y may be ainended I'rom time to time. , ~ PaDe 6 of 9 . 7. Pedestrian Circulation Facilities. Widiin planned unit development projecLs, pcdestrian circtilatian facilities serving each unit shall bc provided on boCh sides of the street or private road and shall ba: . a. Hard-surfaced with asphalt or concrete. Asphalt walkways shall be only cillowed when physically separsted by a rninimum of T. from t:he vehicle roadway. Alternative hard surfaee maCe.rial mary be used wfieu approved by the Public WQrks T)cpartmenC. Sidewalks separated b_y less than 3' f'rom the roaclway shall have a Vt;l'f1Gc1) curb separatirio sidewalk from roadway. 1'Valkways shall meet accessibility standsrds. b. runctionally and safely convenient to each dwelling unit servetl; c. Functionally and 53fEIy convenient t:o schools and to industrial, commercial,' reereacioniil and utility areas within or adjacent to the projeci; d. Sufficiently wide (miniinum of si,Y [6] feel For coinmercial areas and. five [5] feet tor residential areas) to accommodate potential use; ' e. I ocated and dcsignetl in accordiuice with approval from the City of Snoksne Val Icy Secdon Required Qpen Space 1. Required Open Space: A minimum of !O% Or Che lOl<il ziren of the plvined tuiit develoEament shall be clcsignated and maintained iis eommnn open space. Required lsndse.ape areas and st:orm Nvater facilities shall not be used in ihe calculation of open space. ' 2. Tvpes of Open Space: L•and dediaated for opcn spaee shoul(i be usable for either greenbelt,S fhat: scrve as a bufler behveen land uses, using existing vegetation antl new plant materials, active or pa-ssive recreational accivities, or for proCecCing e:nviroumentally sensitive areas or critical areas. Unusable open space includes the desian pf areas that do not: meet die intent and purpose of this chapter, such as open spacc areas that are not accessible tn residents of the developmeiit, or do not funetion for activeJpassive recretjtion nr do not conserve wildlife habitat or otlier natural features. 3. Maintenancc and ONvnership of Cnmmon Open St)ace: The'aprlicant sttall choose 1 or any combination af Che Coflnwing methods of administering cammon opcn space: , - a. Dedication of common oper1 spacc to CtEe City, which is subject to formal City acceptance; or b. Lstablishment Of an a.ssociati0n or nonprof t corporation of all properiy owners or eorpora[ions within [he prnject area lo ensure ownership nf and responsibility for perpctual maintenance of all common open space. 4. Transfer of Ownership. 1lrhere dedication to the public or a tiomeowners' association is proposecl required improvements shall he coir►pleted prior to any transfer of ownership. Rqlere improvements are not corripleted in aceardancc with these requirements, biiilding permics snd/or approval of penuitted struclures may be withheld upon notification to ihe Building pfficial by the Cominuniry Development Director; pending completion of said irnpr6vements. S. PhssinQ: All eqrnrnpn sp.ices, as well iis public and recreational facilitics, shall be specifically included • in t:he phasin„ schedule and be conshticted and fully improveci by t:he applicant at an equivalent or greaCer rate than the construction of structures. SEC7'TQ\T Z. SecCion 4.15.1 of the Spokane Valley Uniforrn Developmenl Code is hereby amended to add the dimensipnal standards for residential PUDs as shown on Attachment "A" made a part hereof for all ptirposes. " ST;CTT.QN 3. Chapter 14.704 Planned Unit 17evelopment Overlay 7one of the Interim Zoning Cocle is hereby eepealed. $EC'CIUN 4: Severability. [:f atiy section, sentence, clause or plirase of this orclinance shall be held to ' be invalici or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdict:ion, such invalidity or unconstitutioiiality shall not afifccl lhe validity or consticutionality of any other section, senCence, clause Qr phrase of 1his ; ordinance. PaSe 7 of 9 SECTTQTV S. Fffective Date. '1'his Ordinance shall be in fu11 force and effect on the oflicial date of inenrporation provided publication of this prdinanee or a summary thereof oecurs in the officia) newspaper of die Cicy as provided by law. 1'ASSE17 by the City Council this day of , 2005. Mayor, Diana Wilhite ArrLS r: City Clerk, Christinc Bainbridge A.pprovecl as to _Form: orFice oe the cicy ntcon,ey 17ate Of 1'ublic;ation: F..ffective T)ate: • . ~ Page 8 of 9 Section Ri.sidential ZUne llimensiunal Standards UR-3.5"" UR 7(3)(') UR 12 UR 22 ~sx'7 Re s identiitl A'i`rnCEi- Single Singlc Multi- Single vlulti- Single Multi- pUDs(3)(1) '`'IPPri"^" Famil 17u lex Family Du plex fiamil Famil Du lex famil y Famil x Du lex familv l..~t: . AreiiJllwelling Unit . 10,000 20,000 6,000 1 t.00.0 15,000 4,200 5,000 6,000 1,600 3,200 6;000 1600,_ Lot Pronta ge 80 80 ' 65 90 ]00 SO 50 60 - 20 ~ 40 GO .3U ' Lot »CpLfI RO b0 100 80 SO 100 S0 . Front Yard - - ' SetUack 15r) 15(2) 15(2) 15 ~Z~ 15(2) 15 {2~ 15(2) 15(2) 15(') 15(2) 1P) 15(5) Garage ` Se[back ~5~ 20(`) 20~) 20(2) 20(') 20(2) 20(2) 20(2) 20(2) 20(2~ 20(2~ 20(2) Rea' Yard . Se2back (4)(5)(") 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 15 20 20 15 1`5 Side Yard . . Setback 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 5. . Side Yard . . Setback - - • (flanking _ . ~Street ~5~ 15(2) 15(2) 15~) 15~') 15(2) 15(2) 15(2) 1 S~Z~ I 5(l) ! S(Z) l 5(z) ..9!0 Open Space . 10% gross, area ` Density ' Go1ne+:-. . i7U/Aci•e 4_35 4.35 7 7 7 12 12 12 22 22 22 'Iiontis LoC Covera e 50.0% 50.0% 55.0% 55.0% 55.0% 60.0% 60.0% 60.0% 65.0% 65.0% 65.0% 60.0% : E Building ~ I-Iei ht in feGt: 35 3$ 35 35 35 40 40 40 50 SO 50 Building , L HeiZ;ht (in stories 2'/z 2%z 2'/ 2'/ 3 .3 3 4 4 4 Gone` "Cle,ir vicvr" Trianplc rcquircd (2) Nteasw•ed froiFi property line uutsi(le border casement, if viy 7ero setb,icks cilong rcar and/or one sidc arc allowed provided tliat a 5'-0° eonstruetion and rnain[enfince esssenient(s) is recorcied with the Spukaiie Courity Auditqr V) prior to issuancc of a building perrniG N'linimum re£!r yarc{ setbacls on zcro lot line configuration shall noi bc less than fiRy (50) fect or thc sum of the rear ytircls required by the. underlying zone, whithever is grcxter. Mininwm side y,ird selbacEcs bctwccn dwclling units and acijacent lots shall not E+e-less than 10 feet on the side opposite the zero in a zean lot liiie eorifiburation • (5) Insii[Litic,nal aiid Ofiice ases Itave the Sarne setback as rc:sidcntial uses in zoncs whcre perinitted. Anached gturages loading from Elic sidc may htsve the sanic sctblck as a principal strvcture. (b) Pcrmitto,~ ~;~orv structures shall maintain a five foot side pnA re;,r Yanl setback f'age 9 ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business X new business public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : First Reading of 2006 Proposed Budget Ordinance GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State budget law requires the city to adopt the budget by ordinance. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Public hearings on the proposed budget for 2006 were held on August 23, September 27 and October 11. There have been many discussions , on the 2406 budget at council meetings during the last three months. OPTIONS: The City Council could elect to delay the first reading of the budget ordinance for several weeks. The Council could also conduct the first reading at the October 18, council meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance 05-029 to a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Once passed (two readings), this will be the adopted budget for 2006. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance/Administrative Services Director ~ DRrVrf Cl'TI' QF SPOKANE VALLEX Sl'C7KA.NE COUNTY, WASA.NGTON ORi.)ilYANCE \Tp. 05-029 AN O1Zll11YAVCF OF `C'tiE C[TX OF SPUKA\°E VAi,LEY, SPOhANF COUN'I Y, . WASNIl~TGTON, ADQPTTNG A BUDGFT FOR THE PI:RIOn JAl\TLIARY 1, 2006 THROUGH DECEMI3ER 31, 2006 A1'PROPRIATT\ijG FlTNDS AIVD EST.4BL1SHING SAI:.ARY SCHEDiTLE5 FOR FSTABLISHED FpSiTIONS. WliEREAS, State law requires the City Manager to prepare a preliminary budgct for the City of SEaokane Valley at least sixty (60) days before the beginning of die City fiscai year beginning January 1, 2006 and endin? Dccember 31, 2006; 'Wf-IEIZEAS, the City Manager in consultation with the Pinance ]airector and Department Heacls has preparcd attcl placed on file witli the City Clerk a preliminary budget together wi[h an estimate of the_ amount of moncy necessary to meet the expenses of the City ineluding payment of outstanding obligations; • W1-IEREAS, notice was posted and publishecl on September 9, 16 and October 7, 2005 t:hat the City Counc;il in the City of Spokane Valley would meet imd receive public comment in tlie City Council , Chambers prior ta the adoption of the budget. WHTREAS, following the .filinn of the preliminary bud};et with the City Clerk, notice of die same and a hea-ing on die budgct, the City Council desires to adopt the 2006 budget, including all allowances and an approprial:ion for each fund so that a balanced budget, where appeopriations are limited to the cstimaled revenues, is adoptect for the City. N01V, THER.EFORE, the Cit:y Coumcil of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoption of 2006 Budget. The budget for the City of Spokanc Valley for the year 2006 is herchy aclapted as'the balaneeci budget of the City with appropriations limited to the total estimated revenues of the City. The final budget for 2006 is attachecl hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein piirsuant to RCW 35A..33.075. For summary purposes, the totttl estimated appropciations for each separate fiind plus the aggregate total f'or all such funds is sct forth as follows: F"CJYD AFT'120PRI.ATION GENTFRA.I:; FU'iqD $29,360,727 S"I`RFET FtTNiD 4,131,256 ARTERIAL STR:N hT FUND 738,272 TRt1iLS & PATHS i'UNl7 - 23,053 ' HOTEL/MOT'E-L FUND 400,667' DEBT SEFtVIC.F i TGO 03 600.000 CAPl'I"AL PfZOJECTS FUND 1,210,000 SFECIAL CAf'I"fAL. PROJLCTS FUND 1,070,713 STRErT CAP1TAL PRpJFC"1'S F[1ND 8,385,843. • N1IRABEAi,1 P0.1NT CAPITAT FUND 783,205 S7'ET.E"ET BOND CANI`I'AL FUN9a 902,460 CD BLOCK GRANT FUNIa _p_ CAPITAL GRAIs,'"I'S FtJNIa ' 8,211,000 BA1tKER BRJllGE 1"EDERAT FUND 558,000 Ordinaiice 05-029, Mnual Appropriation prdirianec 2006 Page l of 2' UnAFT STOftMWA"1"ER IvL4NAGEMENT FU-NTD 1,618,534 ~ PARICS CA.PTTAI.. PROJECTS 1"UNi7 1,304,000 , J CIViC BUTI,DINGS CAT'ITAL PROJECTS 1,100,000 EQUIPMFNT RR.R FUND 693,257 RTSK MANAGEiME,NT PUND • 189,939 RESERVES CENTERPLACE ' 300,000 sERVrcr LEVEt, 1,000,000 . WfNTCR WEATHER 500,000 TOTAL APPROPRIA"I'70uS $63,576,926 • Tlie tocstl balance of all funds appropriated for C.he year 2006 is $63,576,926 Sectinn 2. Positions and Salary Schedules. The various positions and salary ranges for City Employees arc attached to dhis Ordinance as Appendix "A." Section 3. °['ransmittal of Bud * A complete copy of the budget as adopted, together with a copy of this Ordinanee shall be transrnitte.d by tlie City Clerk to the 17ivision of Municipal Corporations in the Off ce of the State Auditor and the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4. Sevcrabilihr. If any section, sentence; clause or phrase of this ordinanee shall be hcld tq be invalid or unconstihrtional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstit.ucionality shsll not affect the validity or constitutinnality of any athcr section, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis ordinance. Section 5. Effective 17ate. This Orciinance shall be in full force and cffect fivc (5) days after ~ t.he date of publication of this Ordina.nce or a summary chercof in the o'fficial newspaper of the City. ' PASSED by the Ciry Council this day of November, 2005. Diana Wilhite, Mayor A`1 TF ST: Christine f3ainbridge, City Clerk Approved As To For►n: Office of the City Attnrney Date of Publication: rffective Date: ~ Ordinajice 05-029, Annual ApproNriatinn Orclinance 2006 Yagc 2 of 2 Appendbc A ~ EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION . MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2006 Satary Schedule Position Title Grade ' 2006 Ran e Ci itiana er Unclassified De u Ci Mana er 21 $7 020 - $9,000 Ci Attorne 21 7,020 - 9,000 Communi Develo ment Director 21 7,020 - 9,000 Finance Director 21 71020 - 9,000 Public Worlcs Director 21 7,020 - 9,000 Parks and Recreation Director 19 5,686 - 7,290 Cit En ineer 19 5,686 - 7,290 Plannin Mana er 18 5118 - 6,561 Buildin Official 18 5,118 - 6,561 Senior En ineer - Ca ital Pro'ects Develo ment 18 5,118 - 6,551 Senior En ineer - Traffic, CIP Plannin lGrants 17 4,606 - 5,905 De u Ci Attorne 16 4,145 - 5,314 Ci Clerk 16 4,145 - 5,314 En ineer 16 4145 - 5,314 Senior Planner 16 4,145 - 5.314 Accountin Mana er 16 4,145 - 5,314 Senior Plans Examiner 16 4,145 - 5,314 IT S ecialist 15 3,731 - 4,783 ~ Associate I'lanner 15 3,731 _ 4,783 Assistant En ineer 15 3,731 4,783 Public Worics Su erintendent 15 3.731 - 4,783 CenterPlace Coordinator 15 3,731 - 4,783 Human Res4urce Anal st 14 3,358 - 4.305 AccountanVBud et Anal st 14 3,358 - 4,305 Administrafive Anal st 14 3,358 4,305 Assistant Planner 14 3358 - 4,305 Buildin Ins ector II 14 3,358 - 4,305 Plans Examiner 14 3,358 - 4,305 GIS Technician 14 3,358 - 4,305 Public Information Officer 14 3 358 - 4,305 En ineerin Technician 14 3,358 4,305 Senior Pennit S ecialist 14 3,358 - 4,305 MaintenancelConstruction Ins ector 13-14 3022 - 4,305 Recreation Coordinator -13-14 3,022 - 4,305 Code Enforcement Ofiiicer 13 3022 - 3,874 , Buildin Ins ector I 13 3,022 - 3,874 Plannin Technician 13 3,022 - 3,874 De u Ci Clerk 12-13 2,720 - 3,874 Senior Center S ecialist 12-13 2,720 - 3,874 Administrative Assistant 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Perrnit S ecialist 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Accountin Technician 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Maintenance Worker 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 ~ Office Assistant II - 10-11 2,203 ~ 3,138 Office Assistanf I 9-10 1,983 2,824 Recreation Assistant 5 1,301 - 1,668 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY City Council Members Diana Wilhite, Mayor Ric6ard Munson, Deputy Positicm 41 Position #5 Stephen Taylor Michael Flanigau Position #2 Position #b Mic6ael DeVleming Ricbard Denenny Position #3 Positian 47 Gary Sc6immels Positian #4 StafT David Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Dcputy City Manager Kertneth Thompson, Finance & Administrative Services Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Michael7ackson, Parks & Recreation Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Ditector Michael Connelly, City Attorney Thomas Scholtens, Building Official Chrisline Bainbridge, City Clerk 1 on stTect improvements. No increase in tar is projectcd bccausc a ballat measun wtuch would repeal a tax increasc will be aa the Novtmbcr ballot ARTERlAL STREET Fl,1IVI): Motor Veluclc Fncl Excise Tax (uas tax 1 (See Stred Funci - Motor Vehicle Fuel Fscise Tax). TR.AIIS & PATH F[IND: A smaI1 perr=tagc of the City's gas tax must bc set aside for trails and paths. This moncy will likely accumulaie for severa] ycars until adequaie dallars are available fnr a projert. HOTEIIMOTEL FTJND: This fiuid roccivcs all rcvenus resulring from the HoteUMotcl Tax Ievied upon chargcs tuade for the furnishing of lodging by g hotal. rooming bousc, wurist coun, motel, traiicr camp and other transieat accommodations in the City. The tax rate is 2 percent of the selling price or Gharge made foT the lodging. lt is collccted and administerW by the Washington Stnie Dcparnnent of Revenwe. Statc !aw roquirrs t6at theSe taxes be creditod to a special fund a•ith limitations on usc, principa.tty to supPon tourismlcc►nvcntion artivities and relatod facilitics, as prescnbed hy RCW 67_28.310. DEBT SERVICL FUIv'D - I_TGO 03: The Public Facilities Distnct will provide funding for the dcbt scrvice cm CenterPlace Bonds. Ihe City's Capital Projects and Speiial Cepital Projects Funds «'ill provide funding For the dcbi scrvicc an strcct bonds. CA.PITAL PROJEGTS NND: [jnde:r Washington State Law, RCW 82_46_010, thc City is :illowed tu imposc an cxcisc taxon each sale of real propcrt}+ at the rate of one-quarler of one percent of the selting pricr. The revenue generated is be used for financing capital projects as specified in the capital facilities plan undet the Growih Managcmrnt Act. SPEGIAL CAPI'I'AL PROJECTS FUND: Under Washington Statc Law, RCW 8246.01 t), the City is allowui to impose an addiuonal cxcise tax on each sale Qf real praperty at the rate of one-quarter of ane peccent of the selling price. The revenue gencrated is to be used far financing public works capital grojects :is spccified in the capital facilities plan undcr the Growth Management Act_ 24 LNT'ERFUND TRANSFERS: Many funds rcccive thcir rcvenues from other fimds in che form of an interfund transfcr. Thesc =sfers may rrpresmc paymants t'or scivice, an aperating t-ansfer, or a concentration of revenucs for a 5pc.-66c project_ The following funds receive transfers from other funds. Gencral Fund is budgeted to receive transfers from the Streei Fund. Stormwalet Managcmcnt Fnnd, and thc HotcUMotel Fund of $25,400, $15,000 and 544.000, respectively. Street Fund is budgetal to reccive a transfer from the Gcaeral Fvnd of $2,000,000. Trails & Paths Fund is budgetod to receive a transfer from the Strcct Fund in lhe amount of S5,(►5 Strcet Capital Prujccts Fund is budgeted ta receive transfers from and Stroet Bond Fund of $902,460, Artcrial Streci Fund af $332,270. Stormwaier M.anagemrnt Fund af S150,000, and Spocial Capital Projocts Fund of $977,713. Dcbt Service Fund is bvdgetod to received transfcrs from both of the Cspital Projocts Fund and the Spcxial Capital Projects Fund af 593,000. Cspital Grants Fund is budgated to roceiva a transfer from the Special Capital Prnjocts Funds and Arteria! Strect Fund of $1, 117,000 and $236,385, respactively. Equipment Rental & Replacement is budgetod to reccive varlsfers from the Gcaeral fund for interfimd chargcs in thc total amount of S210.465. Riak Management Fund is budgcted to receive S 166,200 from the Gcneral Fund for employment secvrity payments and City insurance preniiums. STORMWATER MANAGE,MENT FEL•: This fee is impased upon every developod parccl of propcrty within the City and is an aimual charge of 520.00 far each singlc family unit and S20.00 per 3,164 square fect af impervious surface for all othcr pmpaties. Thcse chargrs are unifvrm far thC same class of customers or service facilitics. Thesc fezs are estimaied ta be S1.524,900 for 'dOb. 21 City of Spolcano Valiey 2006 Budget Summary Estimatod gQg. Est Ending Fund Fund Batancs Revenues Excendittan Fund 8alar►c4 001 General Furtd $ 4,784,250 $ 29,803.066 $ 29.860.727 = 4,726,589 101 Strael Fund 3,100.000 3,253,Od0 4,131,258 2.221,744 1a2 Artarfel Streel Ftmd 178.ZT2 560.000 738,.272 - 103 Treas & PaZha Fund 18.000 5.053 23,053 23.053 105 hioteUMote! Fund 49.887 351,000 400,857 - 120 CanWPtace Operetlng Resanre 300.000 - 300,000 300,000 121 Servke Lev81 StaWizetion 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 1,000.000 122 Wlnterr Weathes Resanre 50D,000 - 500,000 500.000 204 Debt Service LTQO 03 - ~,DDO SDO,000 - 301 CapitalProJ" Fund 180.000 1.020.000 1,210,000 500,000 302 Spectal Capltai Prnjeds 50.713 1.020,000 1,070.713 500.000 303 Sireel Capital Prjeds - 6.385.843 8,385,843 - 304 Mirabeau Poirst Ceyital Projeds 783205 - 763.205 • 305 SUeet Bond Capitai Ptopds -:~02.460 - 902,460 306 CD 8bek Grant Fund - • ' ' 307 Capitel Grerrts Fund - 6,211,000 8,211,000 • 308 Barkw 8ndge Fcdera! Fund - 568,000 558,000 • 309 Parks Capttal Pro)ecffi Fund 550,000 750,ODQ 1,300,000 1,300,000 310 Cmc 8uliding Cyftl Projects Fund 500,000 8U0,000 1,100,000 1,100.000 4Q2 Startnwrater Menagemerrt 485.413 1,539,900 1.618,534 406,779 501 Equiprnent R& R 482.791 210,485 893.257 50U,ODO 502 ~isk Mamagement 23.739 1662Db 169.,939 ' $ 13.8913,611 S 57,033,527 i 63,576,925 S 13,078,165 Cash UUltzed trom Fund Batnnce 8.543,399 - t 63,578,928 S 63,576.925 za City of Spokane Valley 2006 Budget Revenues by Type General Fund Property Tax $ 8,281,000 Sales Tax 15,400,000 Gambling Tax 810,000 Franchise Fees/Business Registrations 681,750 State Shared Revenues 1,121,000 Service Revenues 1,600,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,350,000 Recreation Program Fees 345,516 Miscellaneous & Investment interest 133,800 Transfers 60,000 Total General Fund 29,803,066 Other Funds Street Fund 3,253,000 Arterial Street Fund 560,040 Trails & Paths Fund 5,053 Hotel/Motel Fund 351,000 Debt Service LTGO 03 600,000 Capital Projects Fund 1,020,000 Special Capital Projects Fund 1,020,000 Street Capitial Projects Fund 8,385,843 Capital Grants Fund 8,211,000 Barfcer Bridge - Federal Grant Fund 558,000 Parks Capital Fund 750,000 Civic Building Caprtal Fund 600,000 Stomnwater Management Fund 1,539,900 Equipment Rental & Replacement 210,465 Risk Management Fund 166,200 Total Other Funds 27,230,461 Total Ali Funds $ 57,033,527 25 cnr of spokan. v.n.r 2006 eudgot OwN Rr.enwa by Tpq 2004 IOOS Anwnded 2006 Gemrat Fwd iiwenlw ActumN dudW 6udQrl Prooerlft Ttx PropsRy T1oit i 8.4lO,1137 s 9.070,000 i 8,038.000 P.ppwrty Tu - po(rcqu.rtl 1e5.310 325.OP0 8,S60,537 10.065,3/0 E.261,006 lim?m SaleaTa 13.561.613 12260.000 13.8S0.000 Satrs To - CHr►drsd Justfor t, t t9_'Sb2 1. 11 e.000 420,000 Ure fa - Pub4e SdrM SOQ.ODO GOO.OQO 14.481.175 13.998.OOC 15,400.00d CAm&alM Qw+a+ ooanft aPtA T.as 140.703 »o.ooo 120,000 BNq6 E Raffip 30.E" N.000 10.000 Cmd Gsmes B8'9, 50d b16.000 830.000 8eo.lS3 $00.000 e10,00D L..e+WC E<~- 7e= 4 "0 5,000 2,5D0 f rarM§t Fels 679,461 aSd.000 681.750 5 ANEf CnminM Jus{)cm - PapufeAbn 14,961 18,469 11.100 Cnm,nEl JusLOe Arss #t 38,5G 11.000 14,000 GrvflW! huLCS Atae 62 3A.6lJ6 20,000 20.000 Ctimind Juatit: Arm 193 98.80/ 20,OOD 21000 Cnmh+al.luslbs Aroa sa 38,803 97.000 18,000 DUI - ClUts 13.914 12.000 12.000 uquo►Band E,dse Tm 324,161 327.405 413.065 lqiot Board Probts 6W,407 612.S3b 912.m wort StQOy RaimDunesnerw 2,463 - t,1p1,311 1,121,"9 1,121.000 sandgm Al~jr1!!! Bwldi^0 Pumlls $61,191 1.ZQ0,000 9QJ.000 PkimDinD Psrmb 80,103 53.000 31.000 firadap Psrmro 726 7,000 7.000 IAeCwrrca! Permhs 19A00 50,000 30.000 Denwlltion Pwft+ils Z/0! 1,000 1.000 Mw- Permib i Fwa 3110,972 173.000 205,000 Phns Chadt Fees 71,279 107.000 197,000 Pnnnetp Faas 310,~385 160,000 t110.000 1.7'?5,501 t , Eli3.000 1.6D0.000 E!M 41A.F-9dwIlm Flnsa a Forieft - TroRlc 534,540 644,000 67b,DD0 Oeer CnminN Npn-Ttttst F'nM 727,415 6OO.000 673.000 1.261.9ss 1.200.000 1350.000 32.MWan Ptaaimm Chlrne~ Acrvify Faes (To use a reaawo" tocolry) 26.127 30.D00 224,90o Praqram Fes (To pvticlpaM in a proqrsm) 1".307 60_000 120.616 152034 90.000 745,514 lRy"Idmirt tnl~rs~t hrvftltsMtri Irrtstnt 45,712 t2,000 101,300 9des T1x ptnns! 15.0'~.t' 12,000 15,0OD PeopeAy Tu IMeiast 0.815 1200D 15.0m E4.349 3E.D00 131,300 I*.~..E~ ] Trarnhv hom S&9W Fund 34.300 152,678 25,Q00 Trantlsr hom Sbmrww4sr - 54.442 15.000 Trsrufw hom CapW PMetss - 40.b00 - TratuFferGom HaWUM1o1N - GntetPlactis 40.000 10.000 Sr,300 267,140 80.000 f ToW Gon+rN Furrd Rwenus f 29.849.527 30.108.145 i 29.D03.065 :e Ctty d Spokarw Valisy 2006 Bud$ot Dahfl RnvOrwns by TYpe 2004 2006 Amondocf 2006 Otlwr Fund Rawntmes MUW BudgM 8udget t 01 SbwI Fund Pmpetty Tixes 263.203 - - AAotor Fuel (Gas) Teac 1.144.237 1.2'a3.OW 1.~03.000 Oporstirq Transfeir - Loir+ Re"yrnert • 1,259,105 - Investmerri Inmesf - - 50.000 lnteMmd TrsrmAer • 2.025.000 2.000,000 tnlerMnd Laan lnlsres! 56,694 76.000 1.404,131 1,56.?.1QB 3.2b3.000 , 02 r,r,~~► ~Lfund naoto► wei (Gas) Ta: 53e.97e SM465 5W,000 ir++es,n,$n irdecom 7,235 4,00010.000 546,213 588,465 550.000 103 Trek & PM{hd Ftuid Transfer trom 5tree! Fund 3.492 5,100 105 NvteLUntO Fund MloseUl+Aolal Tax 3B3.441 350.000 350, lrnrestmoM irttan+st 1.507 1,000 I~ 3G5.031 351,000 3S1 120 :e=rS~ Ooesetino Resetve Ibnrhri0 Transfer - 300,01r t' 1 ServiQe Levit StebdizBiinn Rmmne IMQriutW TraRSW - 1.0OO,Ou;; 122 Wtinter waaftr Resem IMortund Trarudw - 500.000 - 704QeW Ser+rios - LtQ4 03 FaWNies Dmbml RaMerx,e 395.843 397.7e5 411.000 UeDt Safvicn Trarssle►ftm CapIW Pro)acks - - - T rarsiw ttan Speoal Capitnl Pruieds and SDedul CaPkW P"*mA* 1aS.2H5 185.090 166.000 580.929 682.835 600.000 301 CapRal Profedb Fung REET 1- 1st.25 Peroent 1,037.420 600.800 1.000.000 InveStment 61,1e105 t 14,859 6.000 20.000 1, 052.5T6 DQ8.000 1.020.000 3G2 S[~eoa~ C.aoNal Proi~ch Fund REET 2- 2nd 23 Percent 9T2.120 800.000 1.000.000 tmes.hnent Intarast 11,593 6,000 20,000 983.713 806,000 1,020.000 30 ztroet Caoilal P►Qteca Irtvestmenf Intnrest 352 . . Dovelopef ConMbutiowu 3.021 2,9e7.000 - Grar» ProoeeWs - - 6,023,400 Transterfrvm Street Bond Fund 1.076.889 • 902.460 Trsnafer lrom General Fund - 342.300 - frdnsfer iram 5evrcr FuM 237,344 - - Transier Avm AjttMSf Street Fund - 870.400 332,270 Tranaier tram 6lormwvter AAatsaqemeN Furxf - 150.0Q0 150.000 Transier hnm Soociaf Capital Projects _ 2DD,O00 112,800 977,i 13 7„5i1.o87 1,262.300 8,385.843 cny a spokan. vafty xoos gueg.c n.an wY.rues oy Typ. iooa moa Anrnd.a 20oe O!!Mr Fund Rowtfurs Aetwi BudgW BudQet 304 1AiraDeau Proiact InvettmetM Iderest 75.8:9 . . Do+.ilarm 2,eeo.670 - - ►ns",x P*overms 1,066 :.sr; ,56s - - ~u~ s~res~ a«w lrwastnera inbe=3 37.726 . . 308 CD Blodc nl Fund CL►OG Cx" i'roassds 267,803 . . ►rrveabtwt brterssl 134.941 402,744 - - t canii■r cxerde Fur,a 3,'f- CaZ+Mal Grwd Proaeecla 81,0W t 418,000 E.e57,615 7ranlers 6an Arfesial 3beN Fund - 186,00Q 238.385 Tttrmfen ircm Capftw Projecta Fund 57.050 406.OOd 1,117.0w »a.ass 5.010.000 e,2+I.ooo 39e em*jK anoo. Reoongnxbm - Fed rW Fedwai c,rwd Pioo~eec~. - 350,ooo 55a.000 Irderhxid Translers • SSO.OOU 750.0U0 3,10 Csvlc BuYdinn C.anIW QroMds krtaritx~d Trarfffem - 500.000 SOO,UW $ewer Fsr1e IrnrrstrnerM IMoresl 334 - - a ~ ManAOaneM Fund 5tormvoter MsrrQemerd Fee 774,858 1270.730 1.524.900 IrnasirtwM bftr" 12,3846.000 15.000 789.264 1,276.750 1,339,900 5o tEoulcxnent RmYal ! Ktwlaaenxnl Fund hwastneN IMsnV 937 - t,5p0 W'orkrtaEbn Charyes 88.200 81.750 122.084 r ool Cat CNNpU 5.360 3.80t1 3.8D0 "renide Pursns.e Traruten 15.000 33.551 33.551 vehlde F2episoemeM Ctnrges 18.374 26,2W 48,5b0 129,071 145.305 218,465 tnz p~m* MonanymM Fu,e Eff4+owme.a seantY TrsrtOon 4,8N 4,450 e1200 Rbk AVrwgerrieM SerWs 130,000 13Q.000 16p,000 134,eQ4 134,I50 166.206 Total Ap Otlrr Futxk 11,085,347 21.708.311 27230.481 Tols! Rovenues S 40,731,873 f 51,814,479 $ 57.033.W a~ City of Spokane Vailey 2006 Budget Expenditures by DepartrneM Genefal Fund Leglstatlve grandh $299,267 Legislaiive 8 Exeaulive Servfcea 470.105 Public Sefety 16.673.541 Operstions 8 AdRdnstrative peputy City MeneW 499.405 Fin~ 518.895 Lege! 263,750 Hurnan Resources 161,120 Public Wa1cs 972,942 Ptanning 6 Comtnunity Dev. Planning 1,095,808 gu1{ding 1.037,228 Parks 3 Recreation Admmtstration 8 Maintenance 847,703 Reaeatipn 199.475 qqttaiics 299.921 Senior Center 69,269 CertterPtaoe 438.298 General Gdverrxnent 5,816,400 Total General Futtd 29.860,727 Ott►w- FuMfs Strosl Fund 4,131.:_ Artarial Stnaet Fund 736.2 Trails and Paths Fund 23,053 Hotel/I1AMel Fund 400.667 CeMerPlace Qpefa6ng Reserve Fund 300,000 Service Level Stabl'szatlon Fund 1,000,000 Winler Weathet Reserve Furui SOO,OUO pebl Servke - lTGO 03 600,000 Capital Projeds Fund 1.210,000 Special Capltal Projects Fund 1,070,713 Street Gapltiel Pto)eds Fund 8,385,843 Mirabeau Poinl Capftel F'roJects Fund 783.205 Street Bond C.apital Projects Fund 902,480 Cepita! GraMs Fund 8.211,OD0 Baricer Bridge - Fedetal Grant Fund 558,000 Parks Cepitai Projects Fund 1,300.000 Ctvic Buikiings Cepitel Progects Fund 1,100,0pD Storrttwater Manegetrierd Fund 1,618.534 Equipmerd Rental b ReptecemeM 693,257 Rlsk Managernent Fund 189,939 Total All Funds 5 63=5?6,926 31 City of 9pokane Valiey 2008 Bud9et General Fund ExpendltLres by Depaitrnent by Type YSC~.4. nofi ~1 gs 5ervioes IMeuaov. tnieflund Caoital Exo Tgim Gvntra{ Funa Legislativo 8ranct► S 149,852 $ 18,300 $ 117.068 $ - S 12.817 s - S 299.287 Lcglstatlve b Executive 403,020 7,748 50,090 - 92I7 - 474,105 Pub{ic Safety . . . 18.873,541 - - 18.873,541 Operrtions 3 AdmMfswtWe Deputy City Maneger 414,408 3,700 87.700 - 11.597 - 489,40ri Finanae 485.7$.'i 12,700 23,100 - 15.300 - 519,885 Lesai 212.750 5.500 39.800 • 5,900 • 283.750 Human Resourcea 100,620 3.500 53,300 - 3,700 • 161.120 PuWic Worka 808,848 42,887 59.115 10,000 29.49+1 22,500 972.942 PlennM9 8 CQmmunity Dev Ptanning 589,278 18200 466,034 - 14,798 7,500 1.085,806 Buildln9 948,829 38.575 70,835 31,240 37200 10,848 1,037,218 Parks & Recxsatbn Parks AdmbiiaUation 182238 48,340 634.127 - 3,000 - 847,703 Recreeti~on 138,875 4,078 40,68Z • 7,940 - 189,475 Aquat)ce - - 299.921 - - - 289.921 Senior Center 46,989 4,80p 12.570 - 1,900 - 88.209 Co►itorF'lace 186283 12.830 238,245 - - - 438.298 General GovemmeM • 8,000 2,615,000 155.000 2,915,000 125.000 5.616.000 Total General Fund $ 4$30,871 S 229,958 S 4,798,847 S 17,069,781 S 3,088,021 f 186,848 t 28,860,727 3: City oi Spoicane Vatley 2006 General Fund Expenditures by Dept $29,860,727 LegielaUvo 8ranch 1 Qo~ Legi9lati~re 8 Execulive ~ - Secvices 1.896 Genara! Govemment ' • zo.a% - ~ ~ , I Parks 8 RecreaGon 82°k Planning b Community Deveiopment - 7.196 - - Pubtic Safety 55. 8% Public Warks _ 3.2°~ - - - - I OperatiOns & Administrative Services 4 BnS, Fund: 001 General Fund Spolar van.y ONpe ott Lsgislatjve Bfstch 2006 B~ 011 - LsMbtstlve Brandt cloift tcw 2m • DraR s wetl-doflnwd Shvat MasW Ptsn, with Fundin9 OpNons. that identifie.a the current condition ad city streets and recommends appropriatc lmprovements and metntenance that pr8serve the value and sfijctural integrity ot ft local transportation sYstem• • IniUatr the Ftmt Phsse o1 the SDraaue Corridor ReykalEutfon Plan between Unive:sity and the freeway by oontrading with a cortsultant ta design a strategy that would strengthen the econoinlc v'rabilily of the corridor. • Contlnue MDnitnrfna SIQnificaRt Wasbewstef lssues induding gavemance af waslewater facilibes. enhanced ataen awareness of options for the ivture and pursutt of the most efficient and econamical use ol a&owed wagiewater discharges • Mal~ln a 3trona Etpattasis on lMemat and External Comnttnk.ation utiCmr►g the PubNc Irtfamatian dfficer pasition to enhance the qua(ity, bmeliness and accuracy of fnbemat dlaiogue and the information provided by cil'aens aboul city issues. initiathres and wortc plans • EYn1_one the Avsitabl* ToIscQmmunlcetlons IMrastructure and ttuV may be accessed by publlc institutians, residents and businesses withtn Spokane Valiey. BudoW 3ummarv 2005 2004 Amonded 2006 Aciual Budgat Budget Personnel - FTE Eauiwalents maypr 1.0 1.0 1.0 Councfl § --0 oQ s_a Total FTEs 7.0 7.0 7.0 aMOM oetg Salartes. Wayes, 8 Benefits $ 95,521 3 152,675 $ 149,952 Suppfies 10,890 15,450 19,300 Scrvices 6 Chargea 87.169 1Q9.291 117,068 Interfund Charges 11,780 10,800 12.947 Tatal Legislapve granch 195 140 26 S 299 36 Fwxd: 001 General Fund Veney Dept: 013 Exwcutlva a L.agislstlw Suppod 2008 &,dget 013 - Execurtive & Leabiotm Supood This departrnent is accountable to the City Coundl tor the opefatiortal resulls o1 tt►e organ¢ation, effed'n►e support of elected officials In achieving thelr Qoals; fulfillrrknf a( the statutory reQuirertonts o1 the City NlanBQer, implementation of City Counca poiicks, and provi0es communiceti~on Unkage betwaen citixsm. the City Councfl, City departrnenbs. and ather povemment agencies. Amomalish ents fof 2M • Adoflt Spokans Y Osv's Flrst Compnhwtsive Plan The City Counal wW shortly begin it's public hearing prooess on the oomprehensive ptan aRer the P{anning Commission has spent oountless houra in cxafting a preUminary pian for the Crry. • Erwct a Unifortn Devskwmant Code Completion aT this tasic will fotlow ihe adoption of Me Comprehensh►e Ptsn The ptoject has been iully ouif'w►ed and tities res,erved in tfie municipal code awaitirq enactment a1 lhe appropriaie provisions • Idanttfy ft Elen►wls of s Six-Ywar Sira*Wc Flnasteial Pian The Couna7 has spent nurtime-roua mee4inps worlcing on the elemertts of finaricial planning h order to devebp comprefienslve Torecast for the City. • Advanae tra IrOrests of SpoIcans Yallev throuah Effectivt Extemsl Rslatbm The Ctty Counal recently hired a Pubfic Irrfortnation Officer to assist in the devebpment of a comrttunity re#ations prooess and esbblish methods to hVrnve cartxnunications with out citmerts. • CollaboratR wttfi Wssteyratsr Dlscharmers snd Reaulatm Aponcios The Counci abng wilh approp6ate statf has taken an acbve role in particti~patfng in the TMDt w+orlc group, oomprised o( wastewafer d[scharges and regulatory agencies, to wrtte a ptan setiing water qualriy standards in order to meet the requirements of the Staft arid secure a wastewater perm'tt from the Department of Ecology. • EstaQlish s twrne) Clhr-wide customer ssnriGa oour+m The CouncN continues ~ to work on a cusiamet seivice approve 1o deaNng with issued in order to pravide ti►nety responses to corxems of the atizena snd persaris dea,Itng witlh our Qepattments. 37 ismC abl Grnwal Fund 8peb... r.o" Oye aM Gmand dowef~nNnt 700~ ~Optl TT1e Oarral CovwtmOttt Orpwwsflt flomprsss +cOvAMs fo ~nGOrtipMC ~erv~+p a muaO. aepwtnwft ►,ciuaw lnew aepwVnwo.e a» ao- d diy nan and nl~lsa WYrea rtwrpsmM rftnNfllon r.nkls, .murao m.s, rtawftrNas dly kqsrqotinn+sft owls x+d vpW equqrtwnl omMS t+at bwr11[ ntoee Mnn om dmpwprrK end dulyds mOnm ItwtduKl Otfilde apsnclea RwMfe nesded DuOfC wwam on tatd tne CAY Ttwrsbie. M b nauMed fiM llr~dsd whoft ~ rrKSt pearlAs an srwrW.emA d Mr fu momelr was LeaQ MLvkM SUMMM 2011i 2AW Imw4rd 2DOi AeOal 8udpd 6ud" NEXELOW Gwlrsl cjlywldn Camts A=u*V a nL,aa swvvns s 49,7" t 2oe.9oo s1eo.ooo s&h+.mL%wdw- ,c. x.m 3e,000 40.ooo Elac,on cASb ea.eoo w,ooo eo,ooo eMr,e.s ROO&,"ns ,o,on ,s.ooa is.oao nc„arft+o se.ow 31.sso 40.000 Empiqm Roopprbbn - 3,000 3,000 wftn Pe" e,sia 6,000 s,ooc r.Mp,or,eM cnnwa 14.440 20.000 20,000 R CO,,Y„w,p 86.470 To.ooo ao.ooo PsmWnrq soirwv: 27.e5e • - se,oorr ww,ory coLx,a toe soo soo oposaft„o s+wm - S.ooo 4,000 Saoll 7mb Wia Mnor Epulprtrr! . . 2,000 Spokww Ca++h CcnOrsQ - G13 - 20.000 coo„r Iu1..+Yw+.,KS - - e.soo yyopmlonpan 4.367 2Q000 20'000 OrdvAMnd - Mrtud Low kMweal 49.190 75,000 ►M!lrMO itYC1 ARarwpwnw+t Payuwl 130.OtlD 130.00O 155.000 ' OverWg Tro►nfar - Law ReowmwM ' 1.231,106 Fsp35tr! Facft Rypams b A4asderoroe 1,m - 5,000 tiioodrnems BullOinp maRvenotKi - 5,000 - CpmpitAar $ofMae ord ►IOrr}wm - 1 E3,00p 110.000 Tauwdsr b SYvd CapNal Fud - s00,000 - Tnnsfiw tD PMIS GapRil f und - 350.000 7ED,000 CRy F1M Lemev Cwls GAp Ha! Ron( IM.129 ?51,056 =.OW l,lqtehqOq Mnprp"rpivik 70.810 53.745 15,000 9brape speos b PaAdnQ ],ODO 3,000 • ouls~r Srrtm MartorshiR - 3NTC 74,30D ]A;oOD 31,000 Snfteq EGucrUon 6 Pta+wlYoes - - 3.000 Alophoi TtewrdeeR 17,611 19,000 14,000 svoRa+eGuRrra►Qdk,dr,nAuwrry +14.9" 1 so,918 119,000 cay Etionomc new.bpmwr 4eo 10,000 to,ooo Cab1e Frarn7~ Negoomiocs 21 20,DfJ0 20,DW Vcler ReqwRtOons . . 63,000 NMpd Fee 9lEy - 50,D00 50,000 fte+0umb ham OuAaIOs AAn+assEOOnon+lc DrweiwnbfX 73,000 79.D00 OQA00 R.".eu nun a,e.koe Aer.oe+-sooW swv,os 27,000 27.000 stooo conpnp.rrq t Flrae.»s Reserm tor Revenue Adk+s1^arNi • 913.S3] I50,000 Trsnatar b CNk BuMdnp Rsnrvr FynO - 5oC,000 EOp,000 lr=rnier b Set+ros lavd itewrw iund • 1.000.000 - Trwir4r b NMMrr IAbO+et ftesmtvo Fund - 50Q.000 - Qpmn19rq - Sir~d Fund • ZD00.000 2400.000 5DQ,000 LDO 0,_00 i 1,OT5.356 ! 019D 3~06 f 5,018.00D Y~ Fund: 101 8trset Fund Spoksm Vefty apt 042 Z006 Budpe! 101 - Sbimt FuRd The Street Operatiny prvgram !s established lo provide efficierit mid safe mavemeM of both moWru.ed and rwn-motaized vehidaa eis well as pedesirians wi!hin the pmita of ihe City and coordneta aonvwfeM knbrconnect tn the rrgional transportatior► "am. The tranoports8on netvrorks. under ttft progrom. eu8 desepned, oottsirtxted. end mairftinW b improve the quality of life while prwidmq Ifu eAfcient mxrMment of oommerc8. AccomQlishnmfb fot 2QOb • Operated and maintained dl Ci#y slraets and the two slate Wgltw$yt. SR 290 and SR 27, with the Clry limlts_ . Canlinued to oontraa with Spokarve Courrty /or enginserft servk8s refeted b opembotss and mairttenenoe of Ciiy sireeta . 8egan de+rebprrwrrt oi a Neighbodiood Tratfic Calming Management program . Waked wilh C.onvnurily Developmemt to ertaure thai ade0uete Vaific end trmsportetMn mitlpation is provided. GQais for 2408 . Opetate and mairttaM ap City atteets end the two state hipMvays. SR 290 and 5R 27, with ft c4 unft. . cananue to ocK,trad wKn spokane ca,nty ror ergkoering services reWed 1o oPerations and mairrienence of City streets. . Irtpwove sigr►at tttnlnp coordlrutlon throughout ft City. . Woric wNh Canmunity Dweiapment to ensure that adeq.rate trsffic and transpottelia► miHgation is provided_ • ComPlete a street krventaY snd assessment oi a!1 CMy slreeta and allow developmenl oi a sbc year strest mssler plan and a 20-year pavemertt manayement plan In 2007. Budor! Summatl 2006 2004 Amended 2006 Actuai Btxfget Budget Perso►nW - FTE Enuival~ Sanior Engineet - TraffiC 0.4 1.0 1.0 PubAc Works SweriritenderN 1.0 1.0 1.0 Cat8Uudion InspecXor 1.4 1.0 1.0 Senior Engkwer (PlermingrGrants) 9A QA Tofal FTEs 2.95 3.4 3.1 aSL oe! plwil Saisries. Wages, 3 Bene!ft $ 141,805 S 198,354 $ 211,636 Supplfes 5,044 13,280 16.950 Servicas d Cherges 531,737 1.000,000 1.210.8$0 Intergovcrnmentel Payrnent$ 2,434,537 4,424,384 2.680.700 Interfund Charges 34,300 167.140 31,290 Tata! Street Fund $3614.7 23 2 $5,803,158 ; 4.1316 J! Fund: 102 Arterial Stt+aet Fund Spofcarv. valhy D.pt 041 2006 eudget 102 - Arteriai Street Fund The Arberial Street Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditune of the Stale-levieti motor vehide fuel tax distributed to the City in accordanoe with State RCW 62.36.020. These revenues will be transferre0 to the Street Capital Projects Ftmd for the constructlon. Budoet Summant 2005 2004 Amanded 2006 Actual Budget Budget 8udyet Detail 7ransfer to Street Capital Projects S 134,941 $ 670,400 $ 332,270 Transfef tn Capital Grants Fund - 186,000 236,385 ImprovemerTts Eo Arterials - 229,603 169,617 Total Artsria! Street Furrd S 134,941 $ 1,086,003 $ 738,272 Fund: 103 Trails b Paths Fund spacan. valt.y DepC 101 2008 Budget 103 - Tralls 8 Paths Fund The Trails 8 Paths Fund accounts for the reaeipt and expenditure of the Sbte-levied motor vehicle fuel tax distributed to the City in accordance with State RCW 47.30.050. These revenues originate from _42°J+6 of motor vehicle fuel tax attributable to Street Maintenance. These funds are resVicted for the purpose of constructir►g new trails and pattts throughout the City. No exper►ditures are budgeted for this tund in 2005 0r 2006. 58 Fund: 105 HoZeUMotel Fund Spokanw valley Dept 105 2006 Budget 105 - HoeUMotel Fund The HoteVMotel Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of a speciai excise tax of 1wo peraent on the sale or charge made for the fumishing of lodging under RCW 82.08. These funds will be used so{ely for the purpase of paying ati or any part of the cost of tourist promotion, acquisition or operation of tourism-nelated faalities, and marketing af special events ar►d FesWals deslgned to actract tourists. Budaet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2406 Actual Budget Budget Budoet Detdii Tourism Promotion $ 450,383 $ 397,827 $ 360,667 Interfund Charges - 40,000 40,000 Total HoteVMotel Fund $ 450,383 $ 437.827 $ 4003667 59 Fund: 343 Street Capitsl Projects Fund Spoksne vaue~► 2D06 B«dp~t 30,3 • Stteet Caoitaf Proiects Fund The Street Capkal Prof ecls Fund accounEs for monies used to finance the 6 year transportation improvement plan. Revenues are transfers from the Artwia! StrE:et Fund, Gapttal Projeds Fund, and Special Cepital Projeds Fund and the bond sale proceeds. Expenditvres are aAen for matching funds tor Transportation Improvemertt Baard and other grants. BuQoet Summant 2008 2004 Amended 2006 Attual Budget Budget Budoet DeWl Roari Dsslgn 6 Canstnvcbbn Pmjects PinesJMansfield, Wi[bur Rd. ta Pines $ - $ 1,101,030 S 4,029,000 Sulliven Road Extension - 5,000 5.000 16tfi Avenue - Proiect 1 2,460 - - 16th Avenue - Project 2 263,789 151,000 - Mission Avenue 11,692 - - 6arkes Road - Boone to Spokene Rnrer Bridge - 1,914,000 2,576.000 Baricer Road - 8th to 32nd - - 40.000 Park RoBd - Projerl2 148,092 - - Evergreen Road 365,280 20,000 - Suf(ivan Road and 4th Signal 14,511 - - Va!!ey Cauplet 1.712 - - Valley Couplet - Projed 2 - - - Sullivan Bridge 31,145 - - Raed P►sservatian Projods Othef Preservation Projects 200,401 750,000 1.033.843 Corrtingency - 150,000 150,000 Roed Pavoba* {Sepbic E/iminatlan) Sippte 106,206 - - Veradale Phase II 339.772 - - Weattierwoodl0wens 30,635 - - Camahan - 148.300 - Sauth Greeneues - 23.000 - VeracEale Heights - - 200,000 Vera Tsrrace - - 100.000 Eledric i2aUroad - - 200,000 Orchard Avenue - - 50,000 Misc. Road Paveback PtoJecls - 23,040 - Tatal Streel Capttal Pro}ects Fund $ 1,5~15,8~96 $4,285,330 $ 8.385.843 64 Fund: 304 Mlrabeau Point Capital Project Fund Spokane Valay Oept 304 2006 Budget . 304 • Mirabeau Point Caaital Pralect Fund Mirabeau Point is a multi-use regional pco}ect located at 2426 Discovery Plaoe which wiil be operated by the City. CenterPtaoe provides space for a Coriferenoe Cenber VVing, Senior Cenber VYng and a Great Room VYing. The portion of CentefPlaoe used for the Conference Cenber Wing and Great Room Wing es being developed as a`regional facliity" as defrned in RCW 36.100 and 35.57.020. Budoet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Detaii Construcfion in Progress $ 6,050,570 $ 3,0OO.000 $783,205 Bond lssue Costs 615 - - Total Mirabeau Point Project Fund S 610511185 $ 3,000,000 $783,205 Furni: 305 Street Bond Capitel Projecffi Fund spokans vatNy Dept: 305 2006 Budyet I 305 - Street Bond CaDttai Proiects Fund TNe Street 6ond Capital Projects Fund accounts for monies received from borid proceeds which wip be used for various capital strwt projects ¢udaet Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budge! 13udQet Detail Transfer to Street Capitsl Projects a 1.174,323 $ 406,000 $ 902,460 6ond Issue CosEs 304 - ' Tota) Street Bond Capital Fund $ 1,174,627 $ 406,WO $902,460 65 Fund: 402 8tunnvrstsr Mansgenmnt Fund Spotsne Vaney pept 402 2006 BudQtt 402 - 3tormwstar Nanauem"t Fund The StorTpwater Management tund accounts tor receipt and expenditure of the starmwatet fea. Th!s fse is Ievted on an annual basis based upon a rtumber ot equivelent residsntial tmits aftached to the paroel. The expenditures are used for sfimmater cansfixtion and management throu9h bath the S"et Departrnent and Spokane County. Accom~mentis for 2005 • Designeci and impiemenfied salu8orts far existin9 dra►nage Problemw • P+criormed ftoodptaln permit eriginesring rewiew. • Began development oi a six year plan for construciion oi regional and semi-segionat drainage faciGpps. . Managed the swale inspectfon program • Development of tlm Regionai stcrmwater design manual Goals ftr 2M • Design and Implement solutions for exisdng drainage probJems. • Perfortn ttoodplain pertnn engineehng review. . Manage the swale irtspecbon program. • ComQlete six yeat plan for construction of regional and semi-regioxiai drainage facilities. . Adopt and implemeRt the Regional Stormwater Desiyn Manuai_ Budowt Summarv 2005 2004 Amended 2806 Actual Budpst Budgat Personnel - FTE Eauivalents Engirwr 0.0 1.0 1.0 Engineering Tactniaan u I4 1-0 Total FTEs 0.0 2.0 2.0 B~.fu ged Detail saia,;es. wa9es. & Benehts s - 3 151.112 $ 147.774 suppl;es - 22.700 13.490 SetvicES 8 Charges 65,183 790.505 64,939 Inlergovsmmental Payments 9,858 817,102 815,184 CapdW putlay - 20,000 350,040 Interfund Ttansfers - 259,607 227.147 Tvtal Stnrmwater Fund $7 $2,0611026 S 11618,534 68 Fund: 501 Equipment Rental S Replacement Fund spokane valt.y Wi 2006 Budget Dspt 501 - E ui ent Rental 8 Re la ment Fund The Equipment Rental & Replacement Fund (ERBR) accounts fnr the cost of maintaining and replaang City vehic.les and equipment for all City departments. The ERBR fund is an Intemal Service fund. The fund accumulates the resouroes for vehicle and equipment repiacements in the fund. The Funds or Deparlments using the vehicle or equipment pay the scheduled repiaoement fee. Replacemerit funds are being collected on the telephone system, computer networic system, desktop cornputers, and vehiGes. Mainienance and service cfiarges for copiers, belephones, and the intemet are also charged to funds through this department The fund also finances and administers a fleet ot poot cars for use by City deparbmnts. Accompltshmer►ts br 2005 • Adminisbered an aocounting system for repiscement oosts for city equipment. • Sebup and administer an fmrentory hadcing system. Goals for 2006 • Continue to administer and refine the aocounting system for replacement costs. Budaet Summarv 2006 2004 Amended 2006 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Supplies $ 8,926 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Services 8 Chacges 308 25,000 50.000 Capital Dutiay 2,388 240,392 635,757 Tobl ERBR Fund $11.622 $ 272,882 693,257 69 Fund: 602 REsk Management Fund SQakans vatt.y papt: W2 2006 Budget 502 - Risk Manaasmertt Fund The City of Spokane Valley Risk Management Fund is established to aacaunt fur insurance costs, claims settiement and administration of a rfsk management satety program. This fund also accounts for the tunding of unemployment claims through the State of Washington. Accomoliahments for 2005 . Administered an aocounting system for the risk management intsmal service fund. Gosts for 2006 . Continue to administer and refine the risk management intemal service fund acaounting system. Budget Summanr 2005 2004 Amendsd 2006 Actual Budget Budget Bud_get Detai) Services 8 Charges $111,Ofi6 $ 140,828 $ 189,939 Total Risk Management Fund $ 111,U6fi $140.828 $189,939 70 Cltp M Spolura vNlvY GspW l~cvwnOHUrw torl00t YUtbMu MIIA AHUW 6on0 OIrMI Yond swoot O~c~rtillatl CapIiM 0114mY Woa1p1lon Toul p IC~arO~ Ptvowb REET 1• RltT 2" FYQO llw 9R?C"" StAC""' f00 a1nN CapIIN ►ssi0 Rmd Duh7n & CMkucfivi PtaWi W+wIUnnoftk. NMv Ad eo oYw f4.024.OOD 00.000 1.7'p.000 t. f It.U00 Su11Nrr+ Rord Eb~rfan 3.000 5,070 ftiu► Rw0 - 9oar tn Spa4arr R1Nt Mlp I.6".000 616.000 2-4e2e100 BW1UW R004 • IpM b ]bd 40= 40,000 Hoad PANMl0M PrabC* 5a6M Rt»d (Fwrp►m k! 8UWVan) 14,453 14,483 8ct+rr Rwd (t eR+ 11re W NMt RA) 19,760 10.760 s+oww,M.r,a r-x,uw aa..eaior+ eon.ooo 300 e1? tat.m Mhc Pe*f.1r~101Ab24A1) '•1w,w0 500A00 RftWPlyonal. Vw*OeM Heipfrs 100,000 ~,wo yirra TMya 1pp.000 11,Td0 87170 C1.are RrYow 200.000 2mwo O►Grd Aven+s 00,000 90.000 lOT GaptW dnrfa Furxl R erlur Raw 97,00o ~ 1.000 mom Appl+wq Rwd 79Q.000 737t0 ?Sd.290 Veibey Carildor • ProrO ? 1,31G,000 Ts6.000 71,590 673.410 App*wvv BlW. - Twf+llsf' Rd b tLtApr 1.41V.U00 MOOD I.EOO,OOd 8ridpinp M Vaft/ ~.~6G000 129.000 2.3771000 ttOW Ptewtrwkm PtamUa Wuofty Avr" epp,ppp I0s,000 EY7.400 MaMporr" Ava. kdMr f? 471,000 II I,qQO Aryd,rw q4 paryY ]07.000 41,445 206.3M II694io111WR SldwrrAA 417,4CD dd,WO 781,000 a,nrw ww Ro.a 1w.000 • 21,e1M 138,4ao Xa a..*.► erran. • f.a o..nn fww eur.r Rn.o 9ewp. n.oorrrwcSa+ s6i.aoo 304 wnww roim ~es.~oa CuntruAlon M Prvpr~ Tofal Grylld EsNnWlurN f1ALM 717 17000 T17 1 •Real Eshle EacJ" TaY 1 "FiNt EfdM ExoM Tm S "'innqodMlwi ImOrovrMa 9md 1SUft Funds) SPORS+t RwplatW TroWorUKion Cancll iFoOerrl Funds) -'Byidp Rpia[or.tenl sldvLa0i'Y ConM~ fFe!fenl FirdNl Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATiON MOMTHLY SAtARY SCHEDULE 2008 Satary Schedula Poeftion TtUe Orade 2006 Ra e C' Mana er Unclassified De u Ci Men er 21 7,020 - $ 9,000 Ci Attom 21 7,020 - 9.400 Canmurn Oeve nt Director 21 7.020 • 9,000 Finance Direcfot 21 7020 - 9,000 Public Works Ditector 21 7,020 - 9,000 Parks and Rxreation Director 18 5686 - 7,290 Ci En ineer 19 5,688 • 7,290 Plannin Man et 18 5118 - 6,561 Buildin Official 16 5.118 • 6,561 Senior En ineer - C ital Proj ts, Develo ment 16 5,118 - 6,561 Senfor En 'neet - Ttaffic C!P Ptannin Grants 17 4,60G • 5,905 De u C' Aftomey 16 4.145 - 3,314 Gi Cterk 18 4,145 - 5,314 En ineer 16 4,145 - 5,314 Sen+or plannef 16 4145 - 5,314 Accounti Ma er 16 4145 - 5.314 Senlot Plans Examit►et 16 4,145 - 5,314 (T S iaIist 15 3,731 - 4,7e3 Associate Ptanner 15 3,731 - 4783 Assistant E ineer 15 3 731 - 4 783 Public Worfcs S rintendent 15 3.731 - 4,783 C,enterPlF►oe Coorcimebr 15 3,731 • 4 783 Human Resource AnabLM 14 3 358 - 4,305 AccountantlBud et Ana st 14 3 35$ - 4,305 Administrative Ana 14 3,358 - 4,305 Assistant Planner 14 3.358 - 4,305 Buildin Ins ecta II 14 3,358 - 4,305 Plans Examtner 14 3.353 - 4,305 GI5 Texhnlaan 14 3.358 - 4,305 Public Infortnation Officer 14 3.358 - 4,305 En ineerin Techrncisn 14 3,358 - 4,305 Sen►or Permit S ialtBt 14 3358 - 4,305 MaintenencetConstructian Ires a 13-14 3.022 - 4,305 Rtscreation CoordinaEor 13-14 3,022 • 4,305 Code Entarcement Ofricer 13 3,022 - 3,874 Bulidin Ins tot I 13 3,022 - 3,874 Plannin Technician 13 3022 • 3,874 De u Ci Cletk 12-13 2 720 - 3,874 Senior Center Specialist 12-13 2,720 - 3,674 Adminislrative Assialant 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Petmit Specialist 11-12 2.448 - 3.487 A.ctourttin i echnicisn 11-12 2,448 - 3,487 Maintenance Worker 11-12 2,448 - 3.487 Office Assistant II 10-11 2,203 • 3,136 Office Assisbnt I 9-10 1,983 - 2,624 F.ecreabon f.ssistant 5 1.301 - 1,668 3:1 Appendix B OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATiON BONDS DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Total Yeat Principal Interest Requir{ements 2006 $ 175,000 $ 414,535 $ 589,535 2007 165,000 411,035 596,035 2006 190,000 406,872 596,872 2009 205,000 401,173 606,173 2010-2014 1,200,000 1,885,112 3,085,112 2015-2019 1,655,000 1,612,068 3,267,068 2020-2024 2,480,000 1,135,254 3,615.250 2025-2025 2,090,000 519,250 2,609,250 2030-2033 940,000 112,500 1,052,540 $ 9,120,000 $ 6,897,795 $ 16,017,795 81 0 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Amended Fee Resolution GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Resolution 05-011 contains the existing fee schedule for the city. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Resolution 05-011 was passed in June of this year and included updated fees. As the city approaches 2006 there are a few changes that need to . incorporated into the fee schedule. The City Council discussed these changes at their September 20, council meeting and asked that staff meet with developers to discuss these changes. That meeting was held earlier today. . BACKGROUND: The city uses a resolution to establish fees for city programs, permits and services. Periodically, the city must update the fee resolution to incorporate new or modified fees. The changes needed at this time include: 1. The addition of a separate transcriptlrecord deposit fee on appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decisions as established in Ordinance 05-421. 2. The addition of a$250 paving permit fee as discussed at the July 19, 2005 council meeting. 3. Plan Review Fees to be paid at the time of permit issuance as proposed by Building Official Tom Scholtens and discussed at the September 6 council meeting. 4. The approach permit fee and the right of way obstruction fee were moved from another section of the resolution. 5. The deletion of a$10 fee for a c4py of our annual budget. 6. Adjusting the annual Storm water fee to $20/ equivalent residential unit based on the six- year plan prepared by public works. 7. Incorp&ating some public works fees into existing permit fees (no increase in the amount owed by users) as discussed at the July 19, 2005 council rneeting. 8. The addition of an oversized load permit fee of $25 as discussed at the July 19, 2005 council meeting. ~ - . If these changes are adopted, the Storm and surfacQ water utility annual charge, Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.10.040 as amended fo 3.30.090, will be further amended to reference the current City Fee Resolution rather than stating the fee amount in the ordinance. 0 A proposed fee rssolution is attached. . OPTIONS: Adopt fhe proposed fees. Make changes to the proposed fees. Leave the fees as they exist today. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A council motion to approve Resolution 05-023 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IIIAPACTS: The change in the Storm Water Fee from $17 to $20/equivalent residential unit would generate an additional $254,000/year for Storm Water Fund operations andlor improvements. The other fee increases/decreases are estimated to generate $1,500/year to the city. , STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Neil Kersten, Cary Driskell, Marina Sukup. ~ - \ ; , • ~ 0 Y~4i►~ ~ ` . ll• . . ~ yr tf . A 1_{~ i Jh~/ • . «.:w.~t+..~. } ~ • _ ' .L,XI,,~%j ~ ♦ ~ ~tF.. • b•- 4 . . 1 V ~i ,"j r • w ~ Resolution Fee x Amendments ~ ~ Y : M f ♦ , f . ,s '~it'1.7' S~,-t.. ✓ S-_:-r.•.. _ -,.t. Spokane Valley Council Meeting . , October 18, 2005 - 10110/2005 . ~ ~ Changes y . ~~i=~?~.:se~s~x:;;:,:.:s~""r'z•.t"~ ■ Transcript/record deposit fee on . . Hearing Examiner appeals $150 . 5~~~ ■ Paving permit fee - larger lots $250 : . ■ Plan review'fees paid with permit " ■ Approach permit & right-of-way obstruction .t. permit moved from another section of resolution Delete copy of budget fee ($10) ~ ■ Stormwater fee increase $17 to $20 ■ Oversized load permit . $25 ■ Public Works fees incorporated into permit fees . 10r10r2005 . 2 . ~ . . CITY OF SPOKANE VAL.L-EY . l - Sl?OKA.NH, COTI\T'l'Y, WAST]]NGTON RESOLUTIUN NU. 05-023 A R.ESOi1UTTON OF Ti-YF CTTY OF SFOKAN`E VALLE1', SPUlCAlYE CUUNTY, WAS -..T~ia GTp\`, AIVIE\'DING RESOLUTION 05-011, ANU AYY.F2.OVT1\TCi AN ANIFNDFD NIASTE12 FEL SCHEllULE 1Wt-iEltEA5, it is the general policy of thc City to establish fees that are reflecti<<e of the cost of services provided by the Ciey; arid NVNFR,FAS, the City uses a resolution co establish fees for City programs, pernlits and serviccs, and periodically, the fee resolution must be upctatec3 ta incorporate new or modified seivices; and ' WHf'RF.AS, Council desires to modify the Resolution and accompanying Fcc Schedule. \iOVI' TI-IE[ZEFOftE, be it resolved by the CiCy Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washingt4n, as follows: ' . Sett:iun 1.. The changes needed at this time are incorporated intO the atl:ached schedules, a.nd include (1) aciditiori of a scparatc transcript/record deposit fee on appeals di the Hearing Fxamirier's decisions as establishect in Ordinance 05-021; (2) addition of a$250 paving permit Pee; (3) Plan R.eview rees to be paid at the time of permit issuance; (4) the approach permit fec and the right of way obstruction fee ; were moved from anot6er sect.ion of lhe resolution; (a) tt►c deletion of a$10 fee for a copy of an annual budget; (6) adjusting the ztnnual Scorm watcr fiEe to $20lequivalent residential unit based on the siY-year plan; (7) incorporating some puhlic cvorks f.'ee,s into existing permit fees (nn increase in the amount owed by users); and (S) the aclclit:ion of ari ovcrsi7xd load permit fee of $25. See[ion 2. Repeal. To the extent that previous fee schcdules are incansistent with those set fdrth herein, ihey are repesled. Sectinn 3. Effeckive Dste. This Resolution shall be in full force anct cffect October 18, 2005. Adopted this dity of , 2005 _ TTrST: CTTY Or SPOICANE VA1,L,EY A Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Diana Wilhite, ►'layor ~ . , AMENDEA :M:ASTER FEE SCiiE'ULE h~ee Schedulc Page No. Schedule A: '?'^gDev-elopmenf 2 SEh-ed.,1eR; DuG vV-C~ 4 Schedule EB: l3uilding -54 Schcdule DC: I'ire Code - Schedule EU: l'arks & Recreation 4-5:14 Schedule Aciministrative 17 Scheciule G- F: pther Fees ig . ~ ~ Pno 3 02' 23 INIA.STEl7 FEF SCHE.DULE Sr.hedule A -:Pl,~N.GAEVE.LQ:NMENT An7F1NTN1ENTS Comprehen5ive Pla.n amendment $1,500.00 • Zaning or other code text amencfinent $1,500.00 M'Y]EALS Appeal of Adminish-ative Decision $1,000.00 Appeal of Hearing Examiner finclings $300.00 _ I Transcripdrecorcl deposit fee on appeals of I-learing Exaniiner's decisions $150.00 ENVItZUN~1'ILNTAL RTVTEW I SC:ite Environmental Pulicv Act (SEPAI e#►eck-list Sin;le clwelling (when requirecl) $100.00 _ All other developmerits $38"0a50.40 rnvironmental [mpact Statement 1S1 Review $2,88E.802,200.0 Acldcncla of existinp L:IS Tteview 0 - $350.00 Sho,•elioe Substantial Development Permit $800.00 Criticll Areas $300.00 I Floodplain Permit S50.00 Per lot PERNiT7'S I-Iome Occupation Permit $80.00 Condicional Use 1'erniit $300.00 Temporary Use Permit $150.00 PLA-rs - Subdivisions Preliminary plat S2-,000:882.150.0 Plus S25.0840.00 pcr 0 lnt Final plat '.~17889:841,250.0 Plus $10.00 per lot . 0 Short Plats . Preliminary 2-4 lots $-590497)L.00 h ina( Plat 2-4 Lots $888:-491,050.00 Plus $10.00 per lot P,•eliminary plat 5-9 I:,ots 98-091.250.0 Plus $25.00 per lot ~ PaQe 4 af 23 Final Plat 5-9 I..ots $880:$81.450.00 Plus $10.00 per lot ~ i ° . ~ P1ge 5 oi' 23 Flal i14-.uf-iFtefttimtAitcradon . Subdivision plat ' $650.00 Short plat $265.00 - Bindiug Site Plan $1,500.00 Binding site plan modification $1,300.00 Changc of Cnnditions $650.00 Aggre.gation/Se ;reg<<tion Lot linc acljusmient $100.00 Lot line elimination $100.00 ' Gero lot line $100.00 Plus $10.00 per lot SlGNS Review of permanent sign $50.00 Plus $25.00 if Public Works review is r►eed ed . Review of tempnra-y sign $50.00 . I SI.TE PLAN RFV"I_EW $250-00550.0 p . , . . STRFE`1' VACA7'TON A1'PLICATTON $1,300.00 VARIANCL+"S Administrative $300.00 1'ublic Ilearin~;s $1;500.00 %ONING I %oninS map amenctments (rezone)'" $4-,A-A:001,650.0 0 1'UD plan $1,500.00 T'lus $25.00 per lot f'UD mAdification $500.00 ' "`If rezone is cornbined with othcr action(s), cost uf other action(s) is additional. NOte: `I"he Building Official is autliorized to recauire tLie permit applieant to Qrovide 1'ee . reiunbursement to thc Citv of Spokanc Vallev .f.or anv prafessional_se_rvices 3•equired outside of Cit3r staff rcvieNv. Soine examples of potential (:)Litside resourc.es include plan review, constivction inspection and surveviM. ( • Pasc 6 of 23 ORY-S •L ~--~i~Gd-~es~-e~~t~b~i~~lrs-~e~~~Gs=rs~l~e~o3•rs~rl~i~~l-o€~~e~i~~;~-ack~~~ia~~ t~et~-a~-c3os€~-~~~i~-tt~-t~e-~•~~e~~ane-3~-~rH~i~-ac ~~..-~'~~~e-t~>r-~t~•i~1~~~aEies: ~'~~~nr'-~E-E-~~C~L-A`~T.-~',~~~T-V1'-~$r--ff~~d-c~e~; ~~itta~e; e~es}on atid se4kneftta4eff- ••.,~.1~"',~~~}ti-~~}~c~t~e~-}-~t-~~i~~ Eeffn•ier~i~ $358:00 Rius-heur4ya'^~'^ ^F 5= lieui3 R-eside.iitial S4-58=88 ~?k+s-~ioi~-~3•CEer~- Eletrr~ 1409141Y R-AqPE* ~A-9A ~L~-cr~a~{~'s-F?~e~c~~v~~#~:~s-c-kr~t~~~;ttcc~-epa-~-~anz:~3~F~~st~~~arct~-lar«cx~e~i•~~rte~tr~- ~erektl-s-k~ n-reL;~te-x~Ert~El-~~et~e-r~.~e►~~ INSPE-C'''-- . . -Sionn.wat.G~ , -',n+=w ~59-8A • -~~-k►o~ r.:^,,-,~,nz<ien~~ar•ing-ep4nspeel4cwjs-A€--r-ad+frsifesr lleHFIY FaEe tesiclenEHd-3Hieti-fesiderr" Ceffuner^:~,m'-~;iz~titrrtil~a+~-t}x~l~~-~ot-stt~ U89-89 4?lt+s-hc>w4y-(fetff-4euf- , mininzuFA) f rrtK,t-6a-et--:inefa4-~ia•l-s+tea - _$8 f4irs41ouAy . #et~+ay-~~Ee~ }4eedplam-peruvk $59-0 8 PUs-1~~~after- 4-r'-kKRtt C-er"~iaiiaa-l~e-pe33RA R~ect•Fen-f2e 4h(-)Fal.if►e-Peria +t P4ts-Eititw{y-Fate-a~ -~:,E4ae~~ -Vi#flaiwe,q ~Otti-~/-f{~£B G&AH6E'+~i•tef{-eliE'.@lF4)FAf3f{-~{~{ '`,0-maninfunq ,I>''.C ~+T/''~R-~A `~r -rr. n r r'rtL'~ITv Ti 'r~r~.+ xt /l~T 71EY~J'''1 l1l~T'T DAI~[<,~Y7L~7 Yl~►`TT1TTl~~~7-z-' (314 ~"'ic~'CTiT~ . ~ x7'~ $t ^7 eaF.h-$"'b`Trrr-'ze-~~-.`zrnrlyKFHtt-~'2c'!~ - e1'' 3-~•58-sc~tr~r-~~ot r-a" "'t)FAP.@Ftie&- . T 4zFTn inn,PAr•r A NA.-T.S -RE,-VN~'s11'- S-5-0-00 F . ~ ~ ~ }'1QL7 of 23 i I Schedule C-B -13UlLllING "fhe building code pennie fees are collected at tlie tune of the issudnce of the builduig peruut. Other f-ees are also to be collected at the time af the issuing of the building Pernlit. Each department for whom the fee is collccted is to advise the pennic specialist of fecs due. GRADING Permit Fces Cubic Yarcls FEE 100 or less $20.00 101 to 1,000 $20.00 for the first 100 Cu. Yd., plus $7.00 for each additional 100 Cu. Yd. 1,001 to 10,000 S33.00 .for the Crst 1,00 1 G'Li. Yd., plus $6.00 , for each aciditional 1,000 Cu. Yd. 10,001 to 100;000 S 147.00 for the first 10,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 for each additiUnal 10,000 Cu. Yd. . 100,001 l0 200,000 $365.00 for the first 100,000 Cu. Yd. plus $15.00 1'or each additional 100,000 Cu. Yci. 200,000 oz more $503.00 for the first 200,000 Cu. Yd. plus ~ $15.00 for eaeh additional 200,000 Cu. Yd. ~J Pl:►ns Chccking Fees . Cubic Yards FEE 50 or less vo fEc 51. ta 100 $12.00 101 t4 1,000 $20.00 . 1,001 to 10,000 $25.00 10,001 Io I00,000 $25-00 for the first 10;000 Cu. Yd. plus $7.00 for each additio►ial 10,000 Cu. Yd. 100,00 l to 200,000 $98.00 for the Eirst I 00,000 Cu. Yd. plus $6.00 for each additional 100,000 Cu. Yd. 200,001 or more $1 3-5.00 Land'Clearina only (without carth bcing moveci) $65.00 I N<iving, Permit (grea(er than 5.000 ST' - ne%v ulVitla otlly) $25Q.OQ s'rxUC°ruRAL conE Btulding permit fees for each project are sct bv the following fee schedule. The table below is to be used to detennine the builcling pcrmit fees and plans check fees basecl on the value of the constniction work as slated by the applicant or the value calculated by the Building Official using I Pasc 8 of 23 the latest valuation data published in the Bisildirtg Sufety Journal by the International Code , Council, whichever value is greatest Valuation Tahle Total Valuatiou Fee $1 to $25,000 $69.25 for the first $2,000 plus $14 for each additional $1,000, or iraction tHereof, up to and including $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 . $391.25 for ttie first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1;000, or fraction thereof; up to and including $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the first $50,000 Plus $7 for each additional $1,000, or fi-action thereof, up to and uicludinb $100,000 ' 00,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, up to and ineluding $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,233.75 for the Fust $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000; or fraetion thereof, up to and including $1,000,000 $1;000,000 and up $5,608.75 f'or the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1;000, or fraction thereoF Valuation Exceptions Fcc Pcr Squ.ire Foot Private garages (wned frarnc) S 19.00 1'rivate garages (rnasoruy) $22.00 Pole builduigs $19.00 Open carport, dccks, porches $15.00 Plans lteview Fces I Plan Revie4v I'ees shall be calleeted at the timc uf Perinit issuanr•e along with the WS13C fee. 1~-.VJ GG.I - ~r e, tV n I. PCi- a n h*l lllv C1ISI . I' n n/~ nno~.•'n f 1' ~ sl~ r~c~2-~~piiv ; F ti,n ln.~r~-rvi~icn-iCc°- L v~-G6~-~HE$~@f~-ft C I~IT~GG'ITI'i' Ul1VC3 l +~~$-~A-O~~~, -ay,~eelaee4a., t~,-re ti;re-c~e~ri•f issiati nee- ror other than signs, one and two faniily residenlial str.uctureS ancl the associated accessor,l buildinLys or sti-uctures, a Nlans Review Fee.Ueposit pE'$200 shall be co.llected EiL the time of acceptance of the F.iuilding Yerniit A,pplication. The apl2lication shall be aecepled only when the application is cteterrnined to be car_nylete bv Ciiy staff'. ' ror sip-ns, one and fl.Nro furuly residEneial. stcue.tures atid tie assnc-ialed accessorv buildings or sh-uclures, no plan rEVic-W deposit wil_l be required at the time of Building Perniit Application ~ Pasce 9 of'23 submitcal. The balance of tt1E Plan R.eview Fec shall be collected at the tirne of Build_ina Permit issuance alonp,Mth the 4VSiiCC T'ee. Anv excess denosit collectecl du-rinp- the applicltion proccss shall be applicet ta the Building 1'erinit Fee. 1'lans Review Fees are not re;funciable once thc plan review lias been sta-°ted. Plans R.eview Fees are additional to Buildinf-, Perinit Fees. Ptans rcview fee (general) 65% Of bldg permit fee Plans review fee - Group R-3 Qccupancies (single fartlil_y 40% Of bldg permit fee less than 7,999 sq. ft.) 131ans review fee - Group K-3 occupancies (single family 65% Of bldg permit fee 5,000 sq. ft. or greater) . Ptans review fee - U-1 or U-2 occupancies (sheds, Uarns, 25% Of bldg permit fee etc.) Plans review fee - temporary tenC or sh-ucture 25% Of bldg nermit fee nl,,.,s v F i-efurtdable-er3ee-4p;ar,_;evi`.;~kasa~-sm ed. T4iis TPrP.tTm atld-ilion ie t►, . E,.li b..,.:,. +ve=1-h6-~V-eQRl-'r; f o s.bo-eo4le-Gted „t ,a,:s .:,i,e . hutial 1'lan Review Fees shall be capped at $35,000 masunum with tlie following exccption: Exception #l: lf additional praf:essional resotirccs are i-equired foi individual prpject plan review for those prqjects that reach the maximuul Pla-n Rcview Fee, the Building Ofticial shall be authorized to require the pernlit applicFUit to pravide those resotuces to the City of Spokane Valley. IF a set of plans zlreacly checlced and approved is resubmitted by the owncr or his/her agent, an _ hourly rate of $47.00 ,Nill be appliEd for the re-review. PLUA-IBING C(JnF, T'he plumbing code fees will be collcctcd when the associatecl permit is issued. Tf the plumbing is i.ncluded in tlie Building Perni.it 11ie uiut costs are added, but nbt the basic plumhuig peruut fce. A. I36Sic fiees ' - 1} Basic fee for issuing each percnit $35.00 2) Basic for each supplemental permit $7.50 B. Unit fces (in addition to the basic fec) I Ua e 10 (923 1) For each_ plumbing fixture on a trap (including $6.00 gsrbage disposals, dish washers, back flow deviee, drainage, hot habs, built in waCer softener, water closets, lavatories, sinks; driiins, etc ) 2) Private sewage disposal system $20.00 3) Water heater $6.00 Each 4) Industria) waste pretreatment interceptor including $15.00 its trap ancl vent; excepl kilehen type grease , interceptors functionin? as fixhu-e traps. 5) kcpAir or alteration of water pipint*, (irainage or $6.00 Eac6 (ixture vent piping 6) I..a«m sprinkler syStem on any one rneter $25.00 7) Ahnospheric type vacuum break.cr $6.00 Each 8) Back:flow pro[ective device other than atmospheric $6.00 Each . type vacuum breakers . 9) Medical gas $6.00 Per outlet: 10) Interceptors $6.00 Each r ~ ~ Paec 1] of 23 iVtECHAiNTCAL CODE T'he mechaiiical codc fees ,vill be collected wheii the asspciated permit is issued. If it is included in the Buildi.ng Permit, the ulut costs are addecl, but not the basic mech-anical permit fee. • A. I3asic fees l) Basic fee f'or issuing each permit $35.00 2) Basic fqr e3ch supplemental permit $7.50 B. Unit fees (in addieion to the basic fee) l) Furnaces & suspended heatcrs - Installation or relocation a, up to snd including 100,000 htu $12.00 b. over 100,000 btu $15.00 2) Duct work system S10.00 3) Heat pump & air corulitinner a. 0 to 3 tons $12.00 b. over 3 to 15 Cons $20.00 . c. over 15 to 30 tons $25.00 d. over 30 to SO tons $35.00 e. over 50 tons $60.00 . 4) Cas water heater $10.00 5) Gas piping system 51.00 Per outlet 6) Gas log; fireplaee, and gas insert installacion $10.00 7) Appliancevents insCallation; reloeation; replacement S10.00 L.aeh S) iZepairs or adclitions $1 5.00 9) Boilers, compressors, and absoi•ption systems a. 0 to 3 lip - 100,000 btu or less $12.00 b, Over 3 ea 15 hp -100,001 to 500,000 bni $20.00 c. Over 15 - 30 hp - 500,001 to 1,000,000 bt-Li $25.00 d. over;O lip - 1,000,00 1 to 1,750,000 btu $35.00 _ e. over 50 hp - nver 1,750,000 btu $60.00 ' 10) Air Handlers a. Each unit up to 10,000 cfi-n, including ducts $12.00 b. Each unit over 10,000 cfin $15.00 11) Evaporative Coolers (other than portable) $10.00 12) Ventilacion and exiiaus[ ' a. E'ach fan connected to a sirigle auct $10.00 . b. Each ventilation system $12.00 e. rach hood served by mechanical exhaust $12.00 13) lncineracors a. histallation or r.elocatioil of residential $19.00 b. Inst111ation or relocation of c4mmercial $22.00 14) 'Appliances, cach $10.00 15) Un.listed appliances a. uiider 400;000 btu $50.00 b. 400,000 bht or over $l 00.00 ~ • Pu c: 12 nfti 16} IIood a. Type I $50.00 - % b. Type II . $10.00 17) I. P Storage tank $10.00 18) Wood or Pcllet stove insert . $10.00 19) Wnod stove systcm - free s[and'uig $25.00 ENFRGY COI)F Energy Codc Ylans check fee is also established to check tn meet the requirEments of RCW 5 1-- 11 WAC. Tllese are in addition to the Building Code Fees. If Cily inspectors are assigiied to verify Lneroy Plans, the Ftallowing fe.es Lipply. Lf an outside energy inspector is required, that f.ee will be determincd by the outside agency. , R.esidential Reinadel/Addition ~ New Sinole Family S -0- "lenant: Tmprovement A. 0 to 10,000 square fieet S35.00 B. 10;001 square fect and over . $45.00 C. ~~~Iulti-Family $60.00 Fer huil(fin? D. New C;ommercial and 'uidustrial $90.00 OTHER 131T1LDlNG COU.F_, FEES Annual Pcrmit ' Annual Spokane Vallcy Building Yermits used ta: . , l) maintain equipment or buildings, 2) conslruct or r.emociel srnall areas of assetnbly occupancies, or install tenCs or membicine structtires may be available depending upon the detcniunation of the valuation of work made by i:he Spakane Valley Building Ofiicial. Ccirtain record 1ccEping zu1d inspectiou responsibilities shall bc establ.ished in a site specific Spoka.rie Valley tl.miual Permit Agreement. ' I Aparuach Pcrmit 50.00 Ueiuolitiion Perniit Sin-;le Family Residence $44.00 Commercial buildings $125.00 . Garage or accessory builcling associated with a residence $20.00 dr eornmercial building - Septic t<<n.k or undergraund flammable tank associated with $10.00 rach a residence or commercial builclitig Erirly Start Agreements (Foun(lations) 25% Of bltlg perrnit fee ~ P,ygc 13 of 23 \ R.iaht-of-Way Obstructicin Perrnit $70.00 I Sign F'ees l~ces collected tor a sign permit and a plans eheck fee for sigiis erected in accnrdance with the Sian Code. 1°he below f.ee plus the WSI3CC fee of $4.50. Si;ns rnounted on buildings $45.00 . Sign and pole mounCinn $65.00 `I'empprary Certificqtc of Occupancy $50.00 VVashingt'on State 13uildi.ng Codc C<iuncil'(«I.S.B.C.C.) Sttrchargc A[lac i°ee of $4.50 will be col.lected on each pernlit i-or approvcd plans or any other perniit that is issued in accordance Nvith the Spokane Valley ]3uilding Cade. FXCEPT: For mLilti-family projects; the fec is $4.50 for the iizst liVing unit ancl $2.00 for each additional unit. The Cit}, Fuiance Departnient vvill forward this fec to the WS13CC on a quarterly basis. U 1'ILER MTSCFLLA\`FOUS FEES A. --For City person.nel l) Hourly rale set for City Lmployees (unless $47.00 . _ othcrwisc specified) 2) FTourly rate I~or perniit specialist $42.00 3) Ovcrtirne charges 1.5 tirnes regular ratc B. Flourly rate for contracted services Set accorcling to concract rafe C. Hotu-ly rate for spccial called inspectians $47.00 D. Mobile home location pE:rmit and inspection 1) Tcmporary uiobile home $60.00 2) Manufaerurecl hotiie inspection, per section $50.00 E. House IVloving Fee 1) Class 1, 11, and III - uloving perinit $60.00 Class I, II, and [Il -]iispection fee $60.00 3) Class [V (if already pernutted by Spokane $-0- County or Spokane City) ~ Plr.is basement/cruvvlspace valuatior2 perirlit fge **Plus $47.00 per hour after the hour, ancl S.SUper niile if i/ie-building to be rrroved irito the City i.s outsicle the City lirrtits . . . I PUQCe i s.2Lz3 r F. \!Iirumtun Hausing Iuspccti4n fee $55.00 Flus $47.00 per hour aficr 1 S` hour G. Work on any structure or bttilding vvitliout a perniit if a Spokalie Valley i'e.rnut is rcquired: . 1) Minimum investigative inspection fee $55.00 2) Total investigaiive fee ro be equal to the permit fee determinecl for the value of the illegal work accomplishetl H. Special inspectinns (requcsted by oNviler or tcnani) 1) Fire, wind, muti slide or flood damage $60.00 _ Day Care $60.00 3) Nursuig Hornes, hospitals, et al $60.00 Plus $ 47.00 per hour after lst hour 4) Special Occupancies $64.00 . 1. Excess inspections for a given project crealed by the $47.00 Per inspection or re- devcloper, c~~~i-ter or contraetUr inspcccion J. Condominium c.onversion plans rev iew/uispection fee . Based on valuc of project and bldo code valuation K. Temporary cents, canopies; and air Supported stttiictures 1'4r public use, inclusive oFall tents for a single event. It does nnt apply to tenLS less than 200 sq. ft.; canopies less than 400 sq ft, camping cents, or to tents uSed for private, non cam.niercial evcnLs. 1) Plans check f.ee $13.00 2) l3asic pcrmit tee $60:00 L. Lnclosing an eristuiE dcck or patio I) Plans check 1'ee 40% Of the basic fee for plvis ex3mination Basic perntit fee 13ased on value of ' project; minimum $3,000 M.. Swinuiiing po41s (Over 5,000 gallons) $50.00 Plus plumbing fees N. Re-raof Pcrmic: Fee based on the value of the preje.ct. No plan review fee will be charged unless pllns are submitt:ed for review. 0. Chaiige of Use or Occupancy Classification peruiit $47.00 P. Towers, elevated tanks; antennas Based on value of project 13U1LllING COnE FEL REFiJNT.) POLTCY 'Nlo F'ermit Fee refiuid is allowed nnce die wrork has been startcd. [f a reiimd is rEquested, the requcsl shall be adclresscd to the ]3uilding Ufficial i.n vwituig, and shall be receivcd at the Spokane ValJey Pennit Center wilhin 180 days of the date of issuance of the pennit. Any fee refiuid request reeeived after 130 days of the date of permit i ssuance shal l be deiued. Aiiy refund approvcd shall be limited to 80% o.i.' t:he total Ycrmit Fee paid. TZEfunds shall be liuiitcd to Buildino, Plumbing and Mechanieal Penmit fees paicl to the City of Spokane Valley. ~ Paee 1QU23 I Schedule.D-C - FT.RE COl)E % i FIl7E ALAM-s'I, $PRTNKLEK ANn OTHER 1'ROTF.CTIUN SXSTFNIS Plans check aiid .review fees, inspectiqns, and pennit for installation of separate fire alarn-i systcm or sprunkler system applications, and other fire Protection systems. Fire Alarm System A. Commercial - permit, plans check and irispection Bascd on value of . system B. Kesidential - 1) All zones $40.00 2) Pcrinit fee . $3 5.00 Sprinkler Systews - A. Tenant irnprovements 1) T.:ess than 10 heads $65.00 2) 11 or more heads $85.00 B. New Sy5Cem5 1) Commercial - pennit, plans clieck ajid Based an value of itisPectipn systern 2) R.esidential $60.00 Each riser, plus $ 1. 10 per plue,fhead , . ; Qther Protection Systems A. Firc cYtinguishi.ng systcm (other thau spririklcrs) $50.00 Ylus $1.50 per nozzle . StaidpiPe installation 1) Class I and Class 11 $58.00 2) Class TT[ $70.00 C. FirE ptunp ulstallation $55.00 U. Eniergency or standby cnmmercial power ~enerators $55.00 insLallation E. 1'lainmable ancl combustible liquids storage tanks installation 1) a. Clndergraund, 1 st tatil: $55.00 b. Plus each additional tanlc on smile site $35.50 2) a. Above ground tank $55.00 b. Plus each aciciitional tuih on same sitc $35.00 3) flrulual perniit fee for storage $30.00 F. Harardous izlaterials storagc tanks installaiion Per tank 1) I.,ess than 500 eallons , $75.00 Z) 500 - 1,199 gallons $104.00 3) 1,200 gallons or morc 47.00 , ; ~ PaQe 17 of 23 . ~ \L G. Liquefied pctroleum tatik:s installaeion Per tank 1) Less than 500 gallons $$4.00 500 - 9,999 gallons $104.00 3) 10,000 gallons or morc $147.00 H. C'Jaseous oYygcn systems installation 1) Less than 6,000 cubic feet $78.00 2) 6,000 - 11,999 cubic feet $90.00 3) 12,000 cubic feet or mqre $118.00 1. Nitrous systems inscallation $95.00 plus $12.00 each outlet J. Medical gas systeins installation 1) Gaseous syslem $90.00 P1us $12.00 each . outlet 2) Liqueficd syscem $95.00 Plus $12.00 eaeh outlet K. Hazaa•dous matcrial recycling system insiallation 1) 110 ~allons or Icss per day capacity $95.00 2) tMore than 110 gallons per day capacity $117.00 T. Vapor recovery systeln installatipn Pcr tank i) Pliase 1- tank truck and tank .$90.00 2) Phase TT - vehicle fiielEd anci tan.k $ l I 5.00 ~ M. Cryogenic tank installation 1) 1 irst tank $95.00 2) Fach additional tank on same site $35.00 r`. Rem4val, abaiidoiunent, or any conibination thereof, of flamrnable ar combustiblE liquici slorage taiilcs . . 1) First ta«h (commercial) $84.00 • 2) h'ach aclctitianal tank an tfze s,-:me sitc $47.50 (commercial) 3) Coutractor's permit• fnr reilioval or $75.00 abandoninent of residential under-ground fiiel - tanks 0. Fire DeparCment fee for inspections anct follOw up. Hor initial inspection, plans check antl follow up insPections as called for in the Pire Cocte and perfoi-ined by tlie fire clepartrnent the fire ' departmcnt will be paid 65% of ihe fce collected for the permit. This paymEnt will be paid _ quai-terly. r ~ ; ~ Papc_i 3_Qf 23 . ~ FruE FATaSE ALA.R1vr rEEs . The f.dllowinefees are set for rcpeated malfuiictioning false alarms in a givcn six month period. Tirst alarm Nlo charge Seconc4 alarin $30.00 Third alvin $70.00 Fourth alann $120.00 fifth tind subsequerit allrnts Recluirc a hired fre watch FL1ZF,'WORKS . Public displa_y fee* $100.00 i~/faximum per RCW 70.77 *Al.ro i°eyuires aPerformance boizd or caslt cleposit of S.500.00 for cleara uP purposes und a . liability irrsurunce policy vfS1,OOD,D00.DU. PL•ANS CHECK ANn REV1Lti'V BY THL liURF AU Ol+' TT_RF PItLVLIMQN A. New commercial plans check arid inspection (for projects $40.00 not ►nentioned clsevvilere) B. Fire watch servicc $140.00 3 hour min. plus hourly thereafter , C. Hourly rate $47.00' D. After hour inspections, plans review, consultations for 1.5 times regular rate pcoject's t:hat do not require a permit; and other special serviccs I PagL l9 A23 Schedule F-.D - PARKS & R:~~C17EATION Al:)lNI[NTSTR0,4TIVE T+'E1+1S 13asic fees to be considEred when applying rates ' Administrrieive T'ee $30.00 EZeFuse Fce $50.00 AQUATICS 1'00l admissiori (age 5 and under) free Pool admission (age older Chrin 5) $1.00 Pool punch pass (25 swims) $20.00 Wee.kend family discnunt 1 child tmcler 13 free with paying adult Reservation (less chan 50 people) $100.00 Per hour* Food fee (ifapplicable) $25.00 Reservation (50 - 100 people) $125.00 Per hour* Pood fee (ifapplicable) $50.00 , ' Reservation (101 - 150 pcople) $150.00 Per hour* Food fee (if appl icable) $75.00 #Nlrnrmurn 2 hours ~ . EILCOHOLIC 13EV E1tr1GF PFRNiIT Alcoholic Beverage Permit: Pee $10.00 CL Conference Centcr R'ing AudiCarium S75.00 Per hour Auditorium $450.00 Per day Auditorium $225.00 Perhalfcla}' Auditorium w!f'resentation System $50.00 1'en cour Auditorium w/Presentation System $300.00 Per day Audicorium tvlPresentation System $150.00 Per Iialf day Auditoriurn Deposit $50.00 E-xecutive Conference Room $50.00 Per hour Exccutive Conference Roorn Deposit $50.00 Meeting Rooin (Day & Evening Use) $40.00 Pcr hQUr [vieeting Ronm $250.00 Per day Nfeeting tZoom $125.00 Per half day tvfeetirig .Room Deposit $50.00 r ; I Paec 20 of 23 Crea t Room Kitchen w/I7ining Room Rental $100.00 Per use .~K.itchen - Commercial Use (2 hour min.) $50.00 Per hour Kitchen Deposit $50.00 Multi-Use/13anquet Hall $100.00 Per hour Multi-Use/}3anquet I-I111 S800.00 9 lir session Multi-Use/Banquet I-iall $1,500.00 All day (6ani-lam) Small Dining A.rea $50.00 Per hour Deposit $200.00 Stage S20.00 Per section per day Tablc Settings (linens & tableware) $2.00 Per place setting Senior Centcr `Ving Lounge wittt Dance Floor $100.00 Per hour Loungc witli Dailce Floor $$00.00 Per day T oungc Taepqsit $200.00 Meceing Roorn (Evening Use) $40.00 Per hour ivteeting Raom (Eveninb Usc) S 125.00 4 hr session Nteeting Koom (Weckend Use) $250.00 Per day Nleecing Roorri («'eekend Use) $125.00 Per half clay Nleeting Room Deposit $50.00 1'rivaCe Dinino R.oom $50.00 Per hour 1'rivtice Diriirig Room Deposit $50.00 - Wellness Centcr $100.00 Per hour ' . J, Miscellaneuus Cleanup fee $50-300 Per event 1-1osUNosCess (aftcr hours) , $15.00 I'er hour Presentation System (includes prajector/podium/ $250.00 Per da}+ . DVDNCR/sound system/camera systcm) Raom Setup $25.00 Per hour Satellite Video Coilferencing $250.00 Per hour • Sound Systcrn $40.00 Per day Technical Support $40.00 Per hour Television/VCR $75.00 Per dav Touch Pad Voting System $115.00 Base station per day . -}-$15.00 Per keypad per day LVT,NTS - incluctes 1'avilion . Evenis include but are no[ IimitEd to activities such as car shows, toiuna,ments and activities involving 200 or more people. "I`he L7irector of Parks and Recreation will make . the final cleterinination. General Fee $150.00 \zon-profit applications . $80.00 Or free with sponsorship* *4pplicatians for joint sporzsors•hip with t17e Griy of Spokarie Vtrlley wlll be corlsidered by tlie Spokane Valley Purks DenartmenF. . ~ ' pagg 2 1 .gL23 . FIELD li'r'TAL, Use Fee $25.00 First hour plus $15 each acicfitional houu iNnOOR USL Open gym admission $2.00 - Playgrounei ptogram admission (I0 enl'ries) $20.00 M I.-KA-13EAU iVlirabeau Springs Small shelter and waterfall $150.00 ylaYimum 4 hours Refundable deposic (less than 200 Eaeople) $50,00 viirabcau Nleadows Shelter (less than 200 people) $30.00 Shelter (200 nr more people) $150.00 Refundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 Refundablc deposiC (200 or more people) $250.00 YICNIC SHFi.,TrRS ~ . Picnic Shclcer (less than 200 people) $30.00 Picnic ShelCer (200 or more people) $150.00 Rcfundable deposit (less than 200 people) $50.00 R.cfundable deposit (200 or more people) $250.00 Y1tOFESSTONAT1 I'll0"1`UGRFIPHY Perrnit Fee $25.00 An.nual RFCRFA'[`I0N Recreation program fees are set to recover casts as specified in the Parks and Recreation revenue policy. VALLEY MTSSI0N Altl;1VA Rental* $100.00 Per weekend Refundable deposit $50.00 *Renler re.sPonsible for on-srte preparutiorz Rental requires li«bility incurance. ~ ( PuQe 22 af 23 ~ Schedu(e ]~-Ft- - AUMINISTRATIVE CUl'Y 1+LLS Copy af audio tapes, video tapes, photos, maps or ot.hcr At cost records ne:ecling repmduction Copy of written records $0.15 Per page I GOPY-e,-,,.,.,....l b,.4s t S-1-4-00 Copy of full documents At cost OTH1;R AD1'iIN1ST12A'i'1V.F. F'FTS N5E= Check S25.00 . , ~ 1'aec 23 af 23 Schedule G-f - OTHER FEES AnuLTEN fERTr1INAIEN'I' FFEs Establishivellt Licenses T..ive Adult Entertainment $1,500.00 Adult Arcade $1,500.00 Utlier Adult Fntertainment Liccnses Adult Arcade Device I.,ieense • $150.00 M3nager License $150.00 Entertainer License $150.00 Latc Iliccnse Fee - Chargccl in addition to license fee. Percent of Past Due Calendar Days T icense Fee 7 - 30 25% 31 - 60 50% ' 61 and over 75% ' BUSTNF_SS RECTSTRATTON N"EE5 13usiness regish-ation -S 13 eaclt year , Nonprofit registration S 3 eaeh year srcvu_xTY FAUsE at,AIuvI FcEs . Repeaced malf'unetioning securiCy false alanns in a given six-month period. First alarm \io cliarge Secnnd alann $30.00 Third alarm $70.00 Fourth and subsequent alarms $120.00 STOR-iM 4VA`I''1;R U'l'1LI.7'Y CHARG.C QN DEV,Lf).NA.KCH,;[S F-ach siiiRle-familtiunit eflch vear $44-024.90 All other properties each year JE-L-A820.00 Pcr 3,160 sqtiare feet Of IRlf)OCVIOl1S CUPf3CE TOW OFFRATOR Ai\rs\TIJAL 12EGISTRATInN FF,E $100.00 I ovERSIzED t,Ot» iIErzMl'r Fcr $25.00 ~ Paec 24 of 23 ~-1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 18, 2005 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: STA Bus Shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall - Site License and Right of Access Agreement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: Spokane Transit Authority (STA) has requested permission to construct two • bus shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Mall. These shelters are proposed to be constructed on each side of Indiana Avenue near the Black Angus and TGI Friday's restaurants. The shelters are proposed to be constructed and maintained by STA. The location and construction details of the proposed shelters are shown in the attached materials. The shelter t'type is consistent with other bus shelters in the region. STA typically executes a Site License and Right of Access Agreement with jurisdictions for the use of the City right-of-way for these shelters. Attached is a copy for review. Public Works staff has reviewed the attached material and have no objections to the agreement. OPTIONS: 1) Approve STA's request and authorize City Nianager to execute agreement, 2) Approve STA's request and recommend revisions to agreement for further consideration, 3) Deny STA's request. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Provide direction to staff. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ' Steve Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects ATTACHMENT: 1) STA letter dated October 7, 2005, 2) copy of Site License and Right of Access Agreement, 3) Exhibit A, 4) Example photos and construction details, 5) Maps, 6) Photos of proposed shelter areas, 7) Bus Shelter Pad Spec'rfications. ~ i=;~~--r^~- ~ Spokane Transit d~ Q WeSf 173D BOOnP AveRUC ~ S,p~kaiae. 6baSlnjirplun 99201•2&E.6 ~c.. • (509) 325•6000 SCAAl595•&U00 BY: FAX(Sd91325-6036 "Prowttirry the H,phCSt Quatity Pvbttc 7ranspQrlatron' Qctober 7, 2005 Steve M. Wortey, PE Senior Capital Projects Engineer City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 ~ Spolcane Valley, WA 99206 . Dear Mr. Worley: Thank you for your expeditious response to our request for the installation of bus shelters on Indiana Avenue at the Spokane Valley Nlall_ We accept your suggested change under Section 6.13, "STA shall be responsible for litter cleanup within the confines of the bus sheiters and within a ten foot area surrounding the bus shelters." I have enclased lwo copies of the amended Site License and Right of Access Agreernent, reflecting - this new language and including the typographical correc6on. After review by the Spokane Valley Cityr Council andJor staff, please have both copies signed and notarized. Please return the agreements to . my attention. I will have our CEO execute the agreement and I will retum one originaf to you for your files. I have also sent two pictures of our rypical shelters. Ptease let me knaw if you require these digitally or if you woutd like additional pictures, sper.ifications and detailed information to communicate to the City Council or staff. Again, thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Ryan Stewart Transit Planner .J . < ~ ~ ~ Y . SITE LICEIVSE AND 12IGHT OR ACG.F.SS AGRFFMFNT TI•IIS AGREEMENT made and entered into tliis day of , 200__, by and between the , as "Owiier" and the Spokanc'I'ransit Authority, a WaShington State mu.nicipal corporation, as "STA." In motuul consideration of the,prornises contained herein, the parties involved agree to the following: 1. 1'URk'OSL. The piirpose of this aseeement is to provide S`I°A with the use of ttie property ir► order to install, constnict ancl maintain nVO (2) bus shelters for tlie benefit of STA's traiisi[ patrons; arid to set out responsibilities for maintenance atid replir of the shelters. . 2. F'I2EM15ES. 'Chc Uwnen cereby confcrs a site license and right of acceSS to STA, to that certain real properly localed at Spakane Cc~unty in the State af Washingtnn (hereinafter called "the premises"), and depicted on the plot plan iri Lxhibit "A"; attachcd to this xgreemcnt and u Part of it. ' 3. TRRM. [t is the intention of the Owner to provicle space for the shelters for their ftill design life. 13arring circumstances unforeseen at the present time, khis shall be taken to Ue five (5) years begiiming the date statecl above. Should it beccame necessary for the Owner to utilize tJie premises for other purposes before thc end uf . f ve (5) years, then on ninety (90)-days written notice, the site may be reclaimed by the Owner, wid S"L'A will remove or relacate che shelters. Such demand will be made only f'or reasonable cause, and the Owner presently Itas nv contingency plans that ~vnulc~ adversely aftect STA's use oE~the premises for the five (5)-year term. At the end of the initial fve (5)-year term, this agreement shall remain in effect on a yeu•-tu-year basis luitil terminated by one of tltie parties. . Jr ~ 4. UST OT PROPERTY. The premises shall be used for the eeection, maintenance: and operation of cwo bus shelters by S'1'A, and related improvements, ingress a.nd egress frurn, thc loading and unloading of buses and ~ cather transit vchiclcs, and all similar ancl rclated transit uses. The STA shelter shall be erected on a concrete pad ' constructed and provided hy STA, per STA stindard specifications. • _ S. OWNF.R'S IMPROVEVIENT. STn agrees at its sple cost and expenses to prepare and improve the premises cU epnclition reudy to attach the STA bus shellcr. 6. UTII,I'I'D.S: A. ElectricitV. The Qwner agre:w lu maintain lhe*current lighting on Qwner's nroperty adjacettt to the premiSCS. The installation of any aclditional electricity/lighting shall be at STA's sote expense, with pwner to puy fnr electricity used on the premises. B. Refusc. STA shall he rosponsiblc Cnr litter clcanup within the canfines of the bus shelters and within fl . ten f(io[ are.a surrnunciing the bus shelters. ' 7. SNOW 4iLMUVAL. !n accordancc with local law, snow rernov3l adjaeent to the premises shall be die responsibiliry of the abutting property owncr. ' 8. OWYL+'RSH1P OF S13EL'fEIt. The bus shelters to be bt►ilt on the prcmises are of standarcl design and construction. The shelters shall be built and inspected to STA standards. STA s1ia11 retain ownership af the sheltcrs. 9. L[114i`l"S Ol+' USE. STA shall have the right to install onc rcader boarcl insicie each shelter which is limited to . route information, bus schedules, and similar items. The Owner's customers and /or patrons, if any, shall makc no use of the premises except as specifically auihorized in this agreement. 10. LliM.ITS AND .[MPROVFMENTS. STA shall not permit any mechanic's or material person's ur othcr liens ` of viy kind to be enforced against dze premises for aiiy work done or materials furnished thereon at the request or on behalf of STA. STA sh,311 indemnify, defend, and hold the Owner harmless from any sucli items, claims, dcmands, costs, c;harges, snd expcnscs. Site License wid Riglu uf Acccss Agrcement Puge 2 %11. MAIN'1'ENANC:L AND R.F..PATRS. S'CA, at its uwn cost and expense, shall mainG3in and keep ui good repair the shelters or other related improvements thdt it places un the premises. STA agrees to replir and mainulin the shelters so long as financially and practic111y felsible, in its sole discretion. Should STA be unwilling or unable to repair and maintain the shelters, STA will surrender the premises as set farth in Paragraph 16. 12. ctiVE1tNMLN"f C.HARGFS. STA shtill llave no obligation for state t•uces, assessments, or governmeiital charges of a.ny kind against the premises. 13. nFH'AULT. If S"I'A shall fail to perfi.irm any tarm or conditiun of this agreement, dhe Owner may, after giving thirty (30)-day's notice, tu currect said defauli, terminxte this agn;cmcnt. IPthc Uwncr shall fAil to perforrn any tenn or conditic►n af this agreetttent, STA may, after giving thirty (30)-d3y's written noticc., terminFitc this agreement, 14. LIABILITY. 'Co the maacimum extent permitteci by law; the S'1'A agrees to and docs hereby inde►niiify and hold harmle:u the Owner froni any liability including persanal injury or damage to property occurruig on the prernises (as depie.led un Lac}iibit "A") dnring the term herevf, except 1'or injury or damagc resulting from Owner's sole ncgligence. 1"he Owner agrees that STA will not be held ]iablc to Owncr for any occurrcnces on prvperty outsidc uf ttte premises as depicted on F,,xhibit "A." 15. SUCC'FSSO.RS ANI) ASSIGNS. 'Chis agreement and each of its terms, and eondilions shall be binding uPcm ttie parties and their respEC[ive successors and assigns. Neitlier party st»II have the right to assign this agreement or any of.' iks righta and obligatioiis witliout the written consent of the other parky. 16. SUR.itEIVT)1;R. At the end of the Icase or its earlier termination, STA will peaceably and quietly surrencler \ possession of the premises to the Uwiier witliout tlie givins of any notice to quit ar demand far possession thereof. STA will remove all signs, structures, or improvements on tlie premises, will repair any damage caused by sucli removal, and agrecs ti) n;ston; the site to its original condition prior to the installation of the shelters and to the satisf<lction caP thc Owner. S'CA ntay request permission from the pwner to not rcmove the structures. Such decision is to be ae the sole discretion oEthe Owner. 17. OUIE"f POSSESSION. The Uwner covenajits and wurants that STA has full right to the premises fnr uses ancl purposcs hcrcin provided tuid that STA, upon complying with the tcrms and eonditions of this agrccment, shall have and•quietly enjoy the use of the premises_ . 18. i:MINEn°T Dt)MAIN. If tlhe whole or any substYntisl part of the prcmises hercby leased shall bc taken by any governmcntal figency wtder the power of emincnt cinmain, 5'I'A shall have the rigtit to either terminate this agreement upun initiation of such action, or tn cuntinue in possession of a remauider uf the premises under the tcrrr►s hcrei.n provided. 19. NOT1CES. All nuticcs required by this agreement shall be in writing ancl shall bc persunally served on the. party of whom it is intencied or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notices shdll be addressed as fol lows: nW(YER: SYUKAIYIE 'l'1tAVSI1 AUI'IIORITY: ' E'lanning nepartment Spokane 1'ransit Authority 1230 W. Buunc Avenuc Spcakane, WA 99201 . . Sitc Licensc and RiBht of Acccss Agrccmcnt Page 3 20. TE12vIWATION: STA may early terminate this agrceinent upon tliirty (30)-day's not:ice wricten notice in the event of the premises becoming unfe:isible due tn ruute changes, extraord'ulary maintenance or repair costs, etc. Upon termination of this ageement for any reason, STA shall have thirty (30) days from the tennuiatiori date to rcrnove all unprovements placed or installed by STA nn or to the prcrnises. OWNER: SPOKANE TI2ANSI'C AU'fHURITY: Signature Signature Dste Signed . L7ate Signed Attest Attest OWN.TR: STATE OF WASHTNGTON ) ' ) ss. ) COWi TY OF SPOKANE f certify that I}ulow or have satisfactory evidence thal sirneci tliis docwnent • on nsth and stated that heJshe was authorizeci to execute it anci ackriowledged it as (titte) of thc (cnmpany) to be ttie free and voluntary act of such a party for dhe tises and Purposes dierein mentioneci. pATEn: Signature ol' Notary Yublic My appointn►cnt expires SP(')IG1NE '1'RANSIT AUTHOR.T.TY: , STATE OF VVASHING1'ON ) ) ss. ) COUNTY QF SPOKANE T c.ertify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that E. Susan Meyer and Ceralyn Garberg signed this documetit • on oatli acid stated that they were authorized ta execute it and aclaiowledged it as the Chief Executive OfGcer of the SPOKANE TRANSTT AUTHORJTY, Fi municipal carporltion, to be tiie free and voluntary act of such a party far t11e uses and purposes therein mcntionccl. L7A`CED: Signaturc of Notary Public My appointment expires / • ~ J ~ Exhibit A 5- t ~ i .'~•,w~' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ . . , ~l,I_ r. ~ ~ • ~ { ' ~ ~t}~ I ~i ~ • - - - / •r ^ ~ ~ „y,_ : ~ r~'g~~ ' ~ .~~'►S . i - ~ ' ~ . - • ~ + r s~l~' ~T~, _ . Gi • _ ~ ! ~ ~r _ . _ - ~ ' ~<fa -I ~ - ~N ~,~"~'~f ~ ~ i ~ ~ , _ t -~~r~.~V.~'.°~~~ . ~-.11 ~ ' . 1 ~i ~ ' . - ' ~ i tt , - - ~ ; ~ • J -.'~'i ~~~c• , ~ ~'t'F4 / ~ _ ~ ' ~ i - ~ , ~ l' ~ • • , ` ~ • ~ J ~r. Irl% . A~ ~~+i ~ • - , - ~i'~~i► .'~j~vG . , • , ~;.~.w, r ::~r~~ - _ . . _ .J ` -_•t~a-+, ~ . ~t#~.r ~ ~ ~ ~ " 1 .i, S . t . , 1 • . ,1~ . . . _ . /•~t ~ . ` ft. ' , t~Y . - ,f yi ~ ~y,~~ 1•~ y~•~ f." ,~"~1~~~~,~i.'" ' ,~•~;a_31~ : ~ 2~. , N~_ ~ti~').•~1,~~..__.i•_'d1 StTJF, LIcF:NtiE AND RI(:tFr oF nccEss AcKN:f:MEN-r THIS AGREEMENT made and rntr.red inio this _ cfny of'_ 200 , by and hMween the ay "(hvner" and the Spokaac Traniit Autharity, n w'ayhingwn Stntc muakipal cotporatian, as "STA.,, !n mutuai caasfderation of the promisee contiiaed herein, the parties iuvolved sgree to the fotMwing: 1. RPOSE. l'hc purpose of this agrcrmcnt ia to prvvicla STA vwith the use of the property in order to install. caasUuct aixl enttintnin TWU (2) but shelters for the benefit of STA's transit pawns; and to sot aut responsibitities Car maintonancc snd repxir af the shelters. 2. PRF.MISF.~. 'Ihe Owncr herehy eonfeta s site licenae and righc of acce.r.+ ta STA, to that certain rcat propem+ loratcd at , Spakane Couniy in the State of Washington (brxninmftcr cuUad .•thc pmmises"), and depictoci an the plot pten in Exhibit "A"; attached tn et►is agreemeat and a purt of it. ,RM. It is the intcntion of the Owner to provide space for the shciters for thcir fuil design lift. Bsrring 3. TF circum."ances unfonosccn ut the present timo, this shall bc takcn to be five (5) ycars bcginning the ctatc stated abovc. Should it becomo nocessary for the Owner to utiliu the pmmiges for othcr pucposes beFore the cnd uf fivc (S) years, thea Qa ninety (90)-days written notice, the site may be rcclaimcd by the Owacr, aud STA will remnvt cx rtlorate the shchen. Such demand will be made only for reasoneble cause, and the Uwner ptcsendy hes no contingtncy platLs that wuuld advrrsety afl'ect STA's use of the ptemiscs fcN the five (S)-year tcrm. At the rnd of dtc inilial five (5)-year tertn, this axmcmcnt shall remain in et7ect cm a yciu-to-yeur bm►u until terminated 6y onr of the parties. 4. USE OF PROPERTY. The prcmiscs shall be used for the emtion, muintenance, and opc;rxtion of two bus shclters by STA, und related imjxovrmcnis, ingress and cgresa from, the laeding and unlnading of busrs ariJ othc7 trangit vehicles, and all similar and related transit ases. The STA sheltcr shall b4: crrcted on a concrctc pcui coitttnucted and providCd by STA, per STA standatd specificutions. S. OWNRR'S IMPROVEMEIYT. STA agree.s at its sale cust and expenses ro prepbrr und improvc tlic prcmiseti to ccmditian radv tzi att.uh the S'('A bus vhclter 6. U'TILCTIES: A. F_~t[tritv. I'hr ()wncr agrees to mantain Uie currcnt lightmg on Uwncr's propcrty ucljucrnt to thi premises. 71m instelletion of any additional ctcctricity/lighting shall bo at STA's sok cxpe4w, with Owna to pay for etertricity used oa the pramiscs. El. RcfM. STA shnll be respanviblc for littcr cleaaup within the con8nas af ihe bus shaltors and within s tm foot area sarraunding the bus shelters. 7. 5NOW REM0VAl~. ln accordanrc witb local lnw, snow removnl mljuccnt ta the prcmiscs shnll bc the responvibility uf the abutting pto}xrly owncr 8. UWNERSHIP OF SHEL7'ER. The Ins shtlters to bC built oa the premises are ot stundurd dc.siyi and CtlIL'fWl'tl(lll. 'I'IIe SMCIlCf3 5ht1I) hC hllllt RA(I IIl9pCCIC(j l0 S'I'A SltttldA[d9. S I A SIIllII CC[;un owncrship of'thc dhCllCrS. 9. LIMITS OR USIs. STA shall heve the right ta insiall one reader boarcl inside ectch s#ulter which is limited tv routc infomuttion, bus schecfutes, urtd similnr items. The Owner's cuxtomers und ;or patrons, if nny, shx11 makc no use of the prcmiscs exccpt as specifically autharizecf in this agcement. IU. 1.IMlT'S AND INPROVEWNTS` STA sball not pcrmit any mechanic's ur mutcrial pcrson's or otlicr liens df any kind to be enforced agxinst the pmmises fnr any work donc or mnterials Curnishcd thcroon at the request or on bchalf of S7'A. STA sball indcmnify, dcfcnd, and hold the Owncr hamilc.A Gom any such itcm9, claims, dcmands, costs, chargcs, ancl expcnses. tirte f.iutric and Right ui.ltccss Agrccmcnt F'nee 2 11. MA1N'I'I:NANCk Atil) RF.PAIILti. 5 CA, at its uwn cnst ;Jid exprn~. siiall maintain and keep in gnod repair the shsiters ar athcr rclatod improvcments that it pli►ces an ttic prcmises. STA •agrces to rcpair and rnuintam the shciters so long us financialty nnd pracucally feasible, in its sole discretioa_ Should S'fA be umvilling or unnble to ropair and maintain the shcllcrs, STA will surrender the premiscq as sct forth in Paragraph 16_ 12. GUVERyhiENC C HAKGE:S. STA shall havc no o6ligation for state taxes, asscssments, or governmcntal chargcs of any kind agtinst the premises. 13. DEFAULT. If S'TA sUl feil tn perfatrn arty tcrm or conditian of this egreemcrtt, the Ownef mny, attcr giving thirty (30)-dny's nuticc, to carnct said defauli, terminatc this agreement. If the Owner shall fail to pcrfwm any term or condition of this agreement, S'I'A cney, attcr giving thirty (30)-day's wriuen noRier, terminaic this agreemetst. 14. l.IA[31LITY. To the maximum extcnt pcrmittcd by (nw, the STA agrees ta and doce 6orcby indcmnify end hold harmless the Owner fram gny liability including personal injury or damnge to property or,curring on the premises (as depicied oii F-xhibit "A") during the trnn hcrco[, except fur injiuy or damage tesulting fram tiwner's sole negligence. The Owner agroes that ST'A witl not be held linhle ta Uwncr for any occunences on propCrty oiriside ofthe prcmises as depictnd on Exhibit "A." 15. SUCCESS()It5 ANU ASSIGNS. Ihis agreertunt and each of its tenns, and cuoditions shali be binding upon the parties and their resprctive successotx and assigm_ Neither party shall 6ave the right to assign this agrccmcnt or any of its rights and obligations withnut the written caasent of the othcr pariy. 16. SURltENDEtL At the rnd of the leme ar its enrlicr tcrmination. S'CA will puxesbly and quietly surrcnder possmian o[ the przmises to the C3wner withaut the giving of any notice to quit or demand for possession thcreof. S'1'A will rtmove all signs, YtfUC[UfcY, ot' IRIpfUYCIl1CtIL5 Ofl tltE p(CQ1j5tS, wil) repair any damngc cAUSed by such romuval, :tnd agrees to nestore the xitc to its original conditian priot to the insWllation of the shelters and to the satisfaetion otthe Chvner. 5TA may rcyuest permission fram the ()wnu to not remove the structure.5_ Such decisinn is to be at the solo discntian of the Uwner 17. UUIFT E'OtiSES,tiIUtV. 'fhe Owner covcaants and warrsnts thut S"fA hns full right to the premises for u9es and pwposes herein provided and tfiat STA, upon eornplying with the tcrm.g und canditians of this agrerment, stua!l have nnd yuietly rnjoy the ase of the ptemises. 18. EM1PIENT DOMAIN. If the whole or any substantinl pari of the pratnises hercby Icased shall bc taketi by any govemmcatal agency under the power of eminent ducnain, STA 9hall havc the right to eithcr terminate t6ia agrrement upon initistiun of such action, or to coruinuc in possession ota retnainder of the premises under the tcrtns hecc'tn providrtl. 19. VQT1CFr5. All nuliccs rcquirCd by this agreement shall bc in writing and shall bc pcrsannlly scrved un die party of whom it is intrndecl ar srnt hy rrriificd muil, return receipt rryurstcd. 'f'he noticc.r shall he uddr,esticd w, followti OW : tiNUKANE '1'RAN51'1' AUTHORITY: Planning Dcpartmcnt 5poknne Transit Authority 1230 W. Roane Avenue Spokane. VI'A 99201 Sik l.acnu w►d Rlgh: uf Access Agtrcmcni Pagc 3 20. TI:RMTNAI'10(Y: S1'A may early termmate thts agrecment upon thiny (30)•dny's notice writtcn noucc un the cvcnt af the premises bccaming unfeasible duc ta routc changes, extraocdinary maintenancc or repair casts, ctc. tJpon termination of tttis agreement for any reason. STA shnlt havc thirty (30) days Gom the trrminatiun dalc tii rcmove all improvetnents placocl or installcd by 5'1'A on or to the premiscs. OW F.R: SPOKANE TRANSI'T' AUTlIORITY: Si};nttture Signalure - Dnic Signed ~ Datc Sigacd - - Atlesi Atlost owNER: ST'AT'E OF WASli1NC;1'UN ) ) ss. c'c)IjNTY OF Sf'OKANF. ) l ccrtify thxt 1 know or have satisfactury cvidcncc that signc,d thls dCXuntrnt on oatb and atated that he/shc wns authorizc,i to exrcutc it and acknowlodgeci it m i titlc 1 of the («lllipan>') to br the f-ce and votuntary nct of such a partr for the tues and purposcs thcrein mcntioncd. vA'iT:D- Signuturc oCNu4uy Public - My appc►intmcnt cxpire,~ SPOKANE TKAN5IT A[JTHORITY: S l'A'IE UF WASHINGTON ) ) 55. C'()UNTY OF SPQKANE ) 1 certify dtat 1 know or have saiisCuctory cvjdcncc that E. Susyn Meyer and Gcralyn C:arberR yigned this document un uath and siated tfiat they were autlwnzcd to cxccutc it and ncknowleclgecf it as the Chic[ Eiecutive O[IMer of thc 51'OKANF TRANSI'T ALJT'HUItI'fY, a municipal cnrporation, ro bc thr free nnd voluntnry act uFsuch a pxrty for the uses und purptncs thcm.in ntentioned. nATFD: SiKnaturc uf Noinry Public My nppaintmcnt expires - - - q- } ~ . ~ ~ - t ~ " ~ ~r ~ ~ Exhibifi}~1 ~ ' . ~ i~• ~'t~ ~ ~ ~ I,~~'„~ ~ ~ je'.'_~ r,; 4 f r;' •1 ~ ~ ' , ~ ~•h,;,, ~ ~ ~ I : ~ j ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ' y' • ~ ~ . l 4 i Jc . ~ . ~w ' I . F~ • - . ~ - - - • ~ ~ i ~ , i 1 ~ * 11 , ~ ~ • . _ ,k~r . s~ I ~ ~t , _ . ~ V . ~ _ y N-~{. a . . I ; 9 1 I r ~ ~ ~ `~rJl' , ~ ,1 -i-w •;~~2a-~~~s ~ ! - . . T • " ~ Y Ir _ . ~ I M . t •J 4 I r- ~ . - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~•'a . . , . _ ~ - - - ' ~ r~ _ • _ . T• ~ ' ~~f ( - l3~~~~~, r r~`~ ' • ~ _ J - -.r . 1w~A~ • ~ K ~ ' s , ~ . ~ y~ . L • M ~ ~ir„~ ry~, ~ _ . ~ . .~~'I~ - ~ ~ _ t • 7 -r' ~ - . _ •M ~ L r'~~ - . ~ . ♦ . r• (~1j' ~'t1'- . ' , ~~y~ °,c•-' • ~ ~ • 3,,~~ ` ~-~t . ' . isr~ ~ . ► i' i 1 " . - • ? ~ ~t' M' t ~ 'Y~~~ I ~T~.I'Kf~ aY~~~~~ w`' ~ . .~_~~•;,-t.~-,,:• % - • - ~'y~~;•"s,-.'~ . ! ~ . r r~rJ3~C ~t, . "r1Y.~.. ' . . .r~ ~i`~ ••~1: , \ • ~ - - : t4~;~~,~- ~ } • `~.i+t~~~ti~.'~,i~~'~'4'lr ~ ,,~Y`'.',•' --,1J,~"',e,;.,~^1~Y~;j1~~~5'~~'~~."~~[~~i';~l , , * _ ~ , ` `J ~ • • • I ' ~.1~ - - t r ~~1.,~ ? ~ Zr ~ . • ' ; • r - ,.1 4.,.~ ~ t . . ~ .y ~ , ~ ' . i~ ' _ ' . ~ - ' ; ~ ~ . ~ • !;.L _ ~ . - - ~ t'.....' r✓ - _ _ - • . - - - - • ~ _ - - _ . ~ .i~ :!'i~~ a~.. _ ! ~ ~l;==. ~ } ~ ~ 1 - - ' y _t ._AL44 - r . ~ r ~ - . • ° / • _ _ : i _ + ; y~ w {~;r-~° ~ _~t,,•~f~-.y{~,~~ , : 5 ~ t, • 1. • ~ ~ S ~ ' , ,i . ,~j t~r. . R •Y~'.L-', ~~~r. . 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' ~ ) ALu M I 1.1 U 1-1 1 I i I i ~ ~t-AZi1Jdi -v r_ - • . i - i-3 •,y' • j• , G GQ~JG T~ ~ • .r • ~ , 'y'~( ~ . (~(j ' ♦ / z-o• ~ l:o• ~ . I ~ 5-0• 1 , WNMr4.u.WK \ 1U1WiWA bta. ~ - \ ' -z: rZGI`sMGAj M fX-I C Lt C K ' '►'Wcx-L- at tinr- Su1SJu-e-T 7U ctln►.k,.r- IYA1511- AuTMK.iTY Wr*r tMOdr- 9FOK4l4C, WA 11~i 601JJ25'4 r~~ t00m 3OC1t Indiana Avenue; City f Spokane Valley 1 ~ Proposed Shelter Locations ~ ~ > 9 ~ z E tndisita Av" ~s ~ ~ ~ . - ~ ,r,~„~ ~ ~ , ` E 4fa . ~ - tstft A'v Site Plan Spokane Valley Mall Area . , . . - .~•Ji:l: • ' ~ ~-f ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~iSIn~Ui 9T~i'C''TiG-- + • • ~ ~ f _ ~ ~ .:In~`F _ ~~~T~.y_,. ' 1 i Y _ •.~fj~l.l~ ~~~[~'~IrU~''~1'~. - ~ 4~ . ► " ~ ~ , : ,!?Q,. F. _ ' 1~ II yL~~ ~F7 ' I' ` ~ 1I C 1'~;r ~1't11f1~11~~~i111~1~ --,i~1 s ~-".~'•i '.i~j,"~-1 ~ I (fi-~s~1r.~~ ~ ~~T . ~ +•,y~.,uG' ` - -.~R'~(~-~ y . i l~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~a ~ ~ • ~ i • - ~ 11 ~ ~ r, r ~ • ~v L-~11 d ~%f~,. ,r~~~ M~y~~-r• '~`•'1.~ , ~ \ ♦ ~ s ~•L~ ..r 4 , ~ - r ti;~ ~3~ARS = ~ ~ ~ ,'/~j~ ~ , 0- ~ fl~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ JCPenne l ,.f~~ ~ _ i % ~rM ~ - M2 ~ K. - ~ . r~~?.,, • ~ J 1 ~ ~ `y~, w~.us • H 1 ~ ~ Y ~ u. ~ ►i9 , ~ t5;`u ar , ~ ti,~ C BON dgo C MARCHE\\ P't : (C~ ~ G"!'~'''~ : . r,•~ ~+~tl _ 7ti r~ , , A t Current Route 90 - ~~i 'f{~` ~ . Currertt Route 71 New Routes 74,90,96 Westbound - New Routes 74,90,96 Eastbouna • ._~..',t, ~ - ~ _ L - - . K" l , ~ • ' ► ~~~y( ~ f t ~ ~i T'<` r ~ r~ '~a r , ~ - . : 1 ~ - - ' - ' •1 • i _ y " _ _ ~ _ , ~ ► A 5 • . . . 'I i. ' ' ' • ~ . ~ , . r . ~ . oft~ ~~-+•,~7 a~k~,•~ F , r r~, ~ 'r "c~.~►~i ~ . l~ n. i ~ ~ ~r , l y~ `~+v. y d• , C i '!'k~ . ~ ~ G .4' . ~r _ . Y`~•"."~ a Ajenue 4 ~ ' r - . _ - ~ ; - ~ - ` y~• - ~~i~ _ _ - . ' -`t'.:► • , I ••~~'~"ii~'1'. .•i't_ ~~j - - •.I . - : ~,1 .i . , ~ :~qy~->=t''-~ , - ` - . . , ` y. '~,~~~M.l.rrryj.:~_ '~'~~s ~ ' ~ . . • . . _ ~~t~ . . ~ - ~ , ' - - ' J n` . . • ' ~ . • • ~ :^,~r'g,~,+: v, . _ • . ' • • '=w~"l~ r • , - T- ~ ' ~ { i. ♦ . ~ '~~~r: . . • • .t, ~ ~►"'lt ~ t.:r • . • . Z ~ • ♦•1" ' . Y .~7,~14 ~ : ~ '~r}~ ~f ~ ' ~ ' . ' "t' ':~.•f . ~ ``j•.~. • S . • w . lt~al~ ~ . y~, ~ ~i ~ V ~ - ~4•t - . ~rlyi ~~•y.:' - . rt ~-~t,' . :~,~ti+ • v~ ,i,y,i. , : ' ~ ' , + . ` ~ - ~ . , . ; - „ ; ~ • f - , ~ • . ~ ~ . • , ~ . . - . . , . ~ ~ . . . . Site Plan - ~ - : . Proposed shefter, . westbound . : I , . . ~ ~ • + ~ _ ♦ w ' _ S ~ 1 ~ - . i - •~~~•%`G ~~Ni~~ _ 'r ~ ~ ' _ T ~ ~ _ _r ` _T ~~r✓~~~~~~ - i • I;~~YL~ v t ~ . • . , • ~ _ • S ~ ~ _ ~ .r.y~ ~.y • ' " ~ ~ -~•yt_~ . ~ R~• . . ~ - . . , • . i . ',~`a• . , . _ , - . _ . ~ - . . u~ '•i•~ '.i. XZ ~'.,~lii,~~ ~ lA~►~:a . - • ti: ~ . - V ~.w' •'i • s. _ ..a; . ~ _ . , ' ' . • ~ •'Y'~. . ~ 't. . •r • ~ . . •~a„~ ~ , ~ - . _ " ' 1•? ' . ' _ ~N~~. . • 1~~^ : ~~1~'1► • ~ i," _ _ _ Recommended shelter location for westbound on Indiana with adequate space available for standard profile. Sidewalk is about 4 ft at its narrowest. Location is on only accessible pathway to/from the mall, although at an un-signalized crosswalk. Shelter ;ommodates waiting and transfers betwr-- route 96 and routes 32 / 74 / 90. SitE ^'an 'I i ~ Propased shelter lacatian, eastbound ,~4, . - - 5 ~ . ♦ I r~t~ J.:lF ' : ~ - • ~ ~~f~~~ • 'ti~, , : ~ , 1w_ . ~ ~,t. • ~ . ~ ~ , . Y ' . ' ~ •,y ~ r' • ~ • ~~~~~Y~ 1 /~~'"1~,r~ ~',~~~ri+~,' ,I~ • - ~ , ~i ~ . l . , •~j• • . ' - ~ - . . rl'~\ . • ~~I~ + . . . i1~ . ~ _ . ~ , . ~ , ~ fr~► . ~ ~ . ; 'y ~ ~ ► ~ ~ ~ Y . - a ^~y~ . •„i . . ~ t . ' y +tj-; - , ~ ` : . . " 8 ' ' . •r~,.y..; . - • ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ^1 1'f~`~ _ ~r _ ' • . , . ' ~ . / ' r • ~ . " • ' ' . Site Plan 'A, ~'t L • r ~ 3 ' ='.:~'4f . . • ~ ' < < a ~ • , ; s t~~~ J - „r;• - t < - ` I ' f _u ; ~ 1' 3 T ~ . ~ ' 'r, • ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . , ~ • t~ +v , ~ ~ ~ A~~~ ~ I • - ~ ~ ~ -~v ~P , 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ , • ~ . r ~ • ~~it~~'~'r ~ I tr t~ ~ ~ . . - ~ ; r- ~ ~:u''E ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . - ,r . s ~i~ ~N~~.~~ - 1 ` ✓ j ~ - - ' . • - ~ a~ . ~ r ; ~ - • a. , l, ` ~•7 i ~G ~ j~..:~_;~.~ . - , ;1 • ~ ' . • • ~ f ~ , ~ :i~ ' . ' . . ~r . • , . ' ~~t, . { ~ ~ . ~ , ~ ~ 'k' J~, • y 4 ti - , . -;w. ~ r " 1~+'" ~ 1 , . • w. , • , ~ S ''r F ite lan . r _ ~ y• yS , , ~ s . " ~ ~ 4'~ .yr t . t ~ ~ ' _ . _ ! •T ~ ~ . • "Jl,~ 'r -r ~1~ ~N . . K ~ ~ . l• r ~y~ ~ ~w l iI yt •`t ' ' ~ ✓ • ~ ~ ,{~.1 S ` •..5;.~~r...~~, ~K Y+ _ ' ~ ~ . . ~ 1'~'~{~'~ '."~"'/.,~r ~ ` • • I . • ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ _ _I ,~Ji ♦ Y~ ' ``ti~ ` ~ ..~•'I ♦ • ~ .G' ' : ~~r` . ~ - . , - -~'~1 ' p" - y~ ' 1~ . • ' . • , : ~ .f ' •:L. ; ' t ~ ' .7 y ~ ~ i . ~ . , - f , ~ ~ ~G . ♦ r ` ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ Y , ~C• • , ~ ~~t r~~ ~ . > a~,~, ~ .,t'`r ~4f~:~1. - • ~ - ~~~~~t . ~ ` . , • ~ Y ~ ~AW ' ~ ~ ' - _ _ _,3'~ ~ --`~'-~i'~~~'` x ri' _ _ _ _ ~ _ . . _ _ _ - _ - - ~ ~'y, ~ 'J~~,9~_l~' ~ ~`''+y ' .P :a. ♦ . ~ 'i~,. n s; r . i~. _~,•':~,qrtia. ~~s.,wl`- ~ ' . "a ' • _ v '`~r ~ _„Q,.. ~ ~ r. - - ~ !r~RA.$~ . w' ~ ~ -++w.~ s , -'ti ~ y ~ ^ .I~~'~ ~II' sy~ ~7 M ~'Z+ ~I ~ •'t -~"~~t • '.ri► , '~.T ~1~ - F,.i. ' " t. Ad~`.'~~j,,~ ~ . ~ , ~•'L~< ~~C4`-~~~ ° Z~.wr~~,~~''~'i t~ ~ • ~ r~ ti ~ R • ~1~1~~~ Va_ _ 'T ~ ~ ' •Lt~' • ~ ~ . . . ~~7=N yr, f. ~ ~ ~ ~ t =~'~~.,i~', ~ , ~r ' ~ _ r. • i.~ ~ L ~ r . t . ' . . . . ' ' . . _ ' _ - . ~ _ . . . . . . , z ' _ . _ - , - . . ~ ~ - ~ Shelter Plan ~.~,,•+i -_.1kp,;.S i~4'.~.'''r~ 10 Recommended shelter location • i M for eastbound on Indiana ' .,b i _ . ,•~y=' ' ~ -±1~'f - ~ i ' ` I ~ ~r~~ •h ( ; , Requir . - , . ~ ~ . . . ~ es more narrow profile ,M ~ _ = , _ . . • ~ than standard. Sidewalk is - ~ r.; : • . : ~ . . _ • :f " - - about 5 ft. Space between ~ "+1ef~1,''~`,,' ~ d ~!~i;.k'~ retaining wall and sidewalk is about 4 ft, possibly more k + a. n ..u depending upon placement. ` ~ " • ~a~ 7 LA,'~:~:!'jll_ Location is on accessible ~ ~ ~ R ~ - - - - Y~ . • ~l, pathway tolfrom mall and in close proximity to overhead streetli9ht. 1 4. ~ • _ ~ 1~ ' _ _ . • 'lw'~, ~ l ~ _ • Shelter in this location - ~ +~v accommodates waiting and passenger transfers between , route 96 and routes 32 / 74 / 90. . _ . t retj •3~;t: - ~i'~,,~'~: . ';:t' . . ~~~'i'_•i;::. . ~ 3~" ~ i'!' • - F~: ' ,l~~ ` ' ~ • ` ' • ' -~1'~ = fo-, ' ~ .,'a:;~~ ~ ~ 1,_ - • ;J. :'~Z,'''~'~''~'~a,~: `a. Shelter -~an SPOKANF. T1tANSI'I' AU7'IIURITY Bus Sheltcr Pad Saecificutloos Cuncrete Slab L.eogth: Sixtcen (lb) fcct Stgb Width: Four (4) fieet Slab Depth: Six (6) inches f3asi; Qc.pth: Four (4) inchc5 cruehcd gXavel Aggregatcs: A.S.T.M. C150,1'ypc I or TIt Watcr: Dri.nkabic Air. EntrainingAdmixture: A.S.T.iVl. C260 ilse air eaicring admixture in all concrete and providing not less than t'our percent nor mare t,hnn six pcrccnt encraincd air For concrete exposcxl to tre:ering :uxi thuwing. Watcr: RedurritxAdmixture: :1.5.7'A-f. C'424. Type as requircd to suit project conditicxns. Concmte to have minimum 28-day cnmprrssive sirength of 2,500 psi. Minimum 5'/, sack mixture 4" slump. ARet [loat finishing slighlly roughc.n concrete surfacc hy hrcxoming perpenciicular to main traffic route anci provide finish adge around the slab :tnd uny joints. Protoet concrete frum physical damagc due to wcather extremes during placerncnt xnd curing. tTl} p%warah oKane ..~oi*Valley 11707 E 5prague ,1vc Suitc 106 ♦ Spokane Vallcy WA 49206 509.921. i0U0 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.arg Memorandum To: David Mercler, City Manager and Members of City Counci) From: Nina Regor, Deputy City Managor CC: Marina Sukup, Community Dev. Director, Neil Kersten, Publlc Works Director Date: October 18. 2005 Ro: Update on Cammercial Building Permit Process ;\t thc July 19, 200i meetiiig, Stafl'pruvicled an update tu City ('ouncil cm proposcd rcvisions to the commcrcial building permit process_ Some of thc majur romponrntti included: • Creation uf a Seriior Peruut Spxcialist classific{,tion. Anx►ng other duties, this position wuuld be respansible Cor coordinating the cominercial building permit and othcr complex applicalions; • i3eem an application counter completc before beginning review; • Collapse the public warks fee schedule into the pianning fce schedule (which Nvould te renamed "Development Schedule") and the building fee schedulc. This would not result in an inrrease of fees, but would affcct thc timing of when puhlic works tclated fees arc collecteci; and • Reqaire pre-gpplication conferences if the projcct reaches ceriain thresholils of complexity. C'nuncil requested that siatTseek input frum the dtvelopnient community. That mecting took place dn OctoUer 11, 2005. Potlowing is a summary of that meeting, along with a gencral status repcm on this streamlining project. 1)evelopers A-iceNng Tlic City sent 66 lettets iuviting members afthe development cammunity to discuss proposed changes to the cotn.mercial build'uig pernnii pracess. Invitees included builders, architects, engineecs and other development professionals. 1'welve pcople altended the meeting, and one person expresscd interest but was unable to attend. The comments primarily pcrtained to the pre-ttpplication conferences, and a dc5ire to mal<c surc the pre- aPp conferences are a valuable use of time for all concernecl: 0 Ii3ving sll the stakchcilder,s itt attendance Upciatc on Cammcrcial Bullding Fcrmit Pruccss, cuntinued Page 2 af 3 C>ctohrr Itt, 201){ 1-j avoiding scheduling cnnflicts witli othcr Rre-app meciings such as in Spoksine Caunty, so representatives fmm outside ngencies can participute • Having notes an unique aspects of that project, rather than generic comment: Att4ndees asked haw frcquently the rre-app conferenccs are hcld, and how far out they are scheduled. The conferences are currently scheduled on Tuesdays, and then's typically a I-Z week turnnmund between the regucst and the date of the mecting. In addition to the pre-app conference discussion, staff altio clarifted for attenciees what was meant by "counter complete" vs. "technically complete." Thece was some cuncern that die City wanted upplications to be technically complete before bcginning review; hnwever, we are using counter complcteness as oiu threshold. An applicarion is dcemcd counter complete if all the items included in the pre-application checklist nre included, without pre-qualification of the accuracy of thnse item.s. Tliere were also some comments not associated with the commercial building permit process. ror inatancc, one persan asked for cltxrification on the City's grading ordiriauice, which City stafTproviJeii. Cummenls on llir Propostd I're Clrairges At the beginning of the mecting, staffdescribed the proposed changcs to the fee schedule. and distributcd a draft. Building Official Tam Scholtens explained that the public works sctiedule was propwsed to be collapsed, but that no fecs were intended lo increase. He aiso summarizcd the pcoposed change lo the plan revic;w fee, i.e., that the City would like to collect a set plan review estimate ($200 per building) at the timc an application is submitted. The plan review fee would be calculated and collected at the time the pennit is issued, Nvith the estimate being fiilly creditcd toward the total amount owed. Attendees h:i(l a couple of questians about how the plnn review fee would work, and appeared ,atisiiecl witli staffs rlarificatiem. No opinions were expressed (in the fee changes. Councii is sclteJuled to cunsider acIOpt1t)Il l?f Ijle N4aster Yee Schedule at Uie October 18 mctting. The draft includes the proposed changes to the develnpment fees. If adopted, thosc: changes wauld Lp) into elf«t lanuary l, 1-006. Uthcr Activities In nddition to the meeting with dc,velc►pers, stafClias maclr progress in othcr areas of th:, commercial building permii process. We hnve: • Begun conducting pre-application canferencrs; • Re%ised our fire-api) checklist wid are intitituting i+.S usc Updatc on Commercinl Building I'rrmit !'roccxs, continueJ Pngc 3 ot 3 nrtober 18,2005 • Begun conducdng pre-construction conferinces (this follaws the issuanre of the building permit, and follaws the same premise as the pre-app confercncr.) We an also working on our intecnsl proccss !'or deemin{; an apPlication cowiter cornplete beforc beginning its review. Senior Pernrit Specialirt Council authorized the creatiun of die: Senior Perntit Specialist classiticatiun carlier this year. The purpuse of the positian is ta better coordintttc the morc camplex pcrniit applicatians; serve as tead worker of the other Permit Specialists; and he thc main point of contact in aiaintaining the intzgrity of the PLUS system. When the pasition wus first authorizcd, the intcnt w-as to recl;issify orre of tlie eaisting FrE and conduct an internal recruitment, since all positions were alrcady filled. Shortly After the posilion was offiicially classified, hawever, one Pemiit Spec;ialist resigneci. Z-lie City then decidect to conduct an internal nnd ex-temal recruitment. It took swhile for thr City tu receive sufiicient qualified applications tn Forrn a cancJidate pool c;1'rea5c>na},Ic sizr. 1b'e are in the proccss of scheduling intervi;.%ks. vcxt Steps c.►nce we arc Scttlcd into the cluniges wc have made W the commercial building prvicess, we wiIl hegin our review of the binding site ptan process. We anticipate beginning this rr\ ie%v in !_hct'R1bl'i' '-10Oj-