2002, 11-26 Regular Meeting10. COUNCIL REPORTS 11. ACTION ITEMS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — REGULAR MEETING TRENT :ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3303 PINES AVENUE Tuesday, November 26, 2002 — 6 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION . 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 6. SELECTION OF MAYOR 7. SELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM 8. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS A) Linda Oein (Business Plans Inc:), Strategic Planning '• . 9: PUBLIC COMMENTS (For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters NOT on the Agenda. Please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes_ Thank you.) A) Consent Calendar* a. Minutes of November 19 b. Approval of Claims — None c. Other Miscellaneous Administrative Items B) Motions a. Approval of.Banking Services RFP -Pagel of2 - •• C) Resglutions I . RESOLUTION 02 -01, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE SPOKANE VALLEY INCORPORATION AND TRANSITION COMMITTEES 2. RESOLUTION 02 -02, EXTRESSING APPRECIATION TO ALL COUNCIL CANDIDATES 3. RESOLUTION 02 -03, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO REDWOOD PLAZA FOR USE OF INTERIM OFFICE SPACE AND EQUIPMENT 4. RESOLUTION 02 -04, ACCEPTING THE. OFFER OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE C1rY OF LIBERTY LAKE 5. RESOLUTION 02 -05, ESTABLISING THE TIME, PLACE AND GATE OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND PROVIDING FOR. THE POSTING OF THE AGENDA 6. RESOLUTION 02 -06, ADOPTING CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCRDURE 12. CITY MANAGER AND STAFF REPORTS 13. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Maximum of three minutes please; please state your name and address for the record) 14. ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 3, at *Thc Conscni _Agenda consists of items considered routine which arc considered as a Group. A council member may : remove an item from the Agenda to be considered separately. - Page 2 of2- The meeting was called to order by Council Member -Elect Richard Munson and commenced at 6 p.m. A quorum was present. Mr. Munson led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mike DeVleming gave the Invocation. The following Council Members -Elect were present: Diana Wilhite Position 1 Steve Taylor — Position 2 Mike DeVleming —. Position 3 Gary Schimmels — Position 4 Stanley Schwartz from the law firm of Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole provided voluntary advisory attorney services: Meeting Topics of Discussion: 1. Approval of the Minutes from November 14; 2002 A motion to approve the Minutes from the November 14 meeting was made by Diana Wilhite and seconded by Dick Denneny, and was unanimously approved. • 2. Introductions of the Prothman Company Management Team and .discussion of the Initial Work Plan Greg :Prothman introduced t:he.Prothman Company management team of Bob Nowak, Lee Walton, Stan McNutt, Bob Ely, Dick Warren, Ruth Muller, Kathie Oeser, and Jim Harris. Mr. Prothman recommended a Council -Staff retreat in the near future. There was a motion to approve the Prothman Company contract from Gary Schimmels; seconded by Dick Denenny, and was unanimously approved. 3. • Discussion of Rules of Procedure and Comments from Stanley Schwartz, Interim City Attorney Mr. Schwartz reviewed the Rules of Procedure. There was a brief discussion about the voting procedures for Mayor and Deputy Mayor. C:'.$jokanc Ya_^ay Utinuteslrlasutes from I1- 19C2.det City of Spokane Valley City Council Members -Elect Meeting Redwood Plaza Tuesday, November 19 2002 - 6 p.m. Richard (Rich) Munson — Position 5 Mike Flanigan — Position 6 Dick Denenny — Position 7 City of Spokane Valley City Council Members -Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page2of6 Citizen Comments: Tony Lazanis had a question concerning super majority. Bill Goffman asked if the agenda is available to the public and suggested the Library receive copies. Bruce Rawls, Spokane County Public Works Department, looks forward to having a long and successful relationship with the City. Jim Haines, Spokane County Public Works Department, looks forward to working with the City. Bill Gothman publicly thanked Jiro Haines and Mr. Roskelly for all their work with the Transition Committees. Mr. Denenny added that Bruce and Kevin Cook have provided a tremendous. amount of information and was greatly appreciated. A motion to ask the City of Liberty Lake to consider a loan of $50,000 (with little or no interest) from the City of Liberty Lake was made by Mike Flanigan..Diana Wilhite seconded the motion, and was unanimously approved.` 4. STA Presentation C-'Spo2n= VaLeay.Mut \+ill. from I1- 24 -L2doc Alan Schweim, Executive Director of STA, introduced the chairman of the STA board, Amy Jo Sooy, Mayor of Cheney. He welcomed the Council's consideration to join the Spokane Transit Authority's board meetings. There' are openings on the finance and planning committee; operations and customer service; and the Tight rail steering committee. Mr. Schweim was thanked for his presentation. . t. 5. Discus of a 'Telephone System /Local Service Provider Roy Olstad from Phones PIus and Jim Prussack frorn XO Communications discussed phone systems and.Int connectivity. It was their recommendation to set up an initial account with Qwest due to,the shortest turnaround time. Mr. Olstad gave the Council a phone system proposal . Ms. Wilhite noted that .a second proposal was also received. City of Spokane Valley City Council Members -Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 3 of 6 Dick Denenny made a motion to approach Qwest for eight (8) phone lines plus a fax line; Diana Wilhite seconded the motion and was unanimously approved. Lee Walton, Interim City Manager, will review the proposals received and have more information at the next Council meeting, scheduled for November 26. 6. Discussion of Administrative Functions It was decided that administrative decisions would be given to the Interim staff. 7. RFPs for Banking Services After a short discussion, a motion was made by Rich Munson to designate Farmers & Merchants bank by a Resolution for the City's checking account during the interim period. Mike Flanigan seconded the motion, and was unanimously approved. Steve Taylor made a motion that Mike Flanigan .be elected to be the Council's designee and Dick Denenny as an alternate to sign all City checks up to $5,000. Diana Wilhite seconded the motion, and was unanimously approved. Additionally, it was agreed by the Council that all checks will require two signatures, one by Lee Walton, Interim City Manager, and the other from the Council (Mike Flanigan or Dick Denenny). Diana Wilhite made a motion•that the Council must approve expenses over $1,000 as well as recurring cost obligations; Gary Schimmels seconded the motion, and the motion was unanimously approved. Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz will draft a RFP for all banking services . occurring after incorporation... Citizen Comments: Tony Lazanis noted that there would be several bills coming in. Jim Kaufman recommended a limit of $1,000; anything over that should be approved. Robin Palachuk inquired about the staff's need for cell phones. C_ &okane ValleAN:nutes',Minuts frun 11- 19 -02.doc City of Spokane Valley - City-Council Members -Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 4of6 8. Location and Time for City Council Meetings and first Official City Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mike DeVleming to hold the first City Council meeting at Trent Elementary, starting at 6 p.m. and was seconded by Dick Denenny. The motion passed with a vote of 4 -3. Council Members -Elect voting against the motion were Steve Taylor, Rich Munson, and Gary Schimmels. Public Comments: Jessie Lang suggested asking the City Manager. Pastor Robertson commented about the location of the meeting in his church. Tom Ralph thought there wouldn't be a problem holding the meeting in a church, the citizens should understand the City is just getting started: Bill Goffman said the church community is comprised of the people and the facility • would be a meeting place. Jack Stenchers encouraged the Council to make a decision. 9. Swearing -In Ceremony (Wednesday, November 20, 7 p.m., University High School Gymnasium) The Swearing -In Ceremony will take place, on Wednesday, November 20, at University High School. . • 10. Other Discussion Items /Good of the Order • Rich Munson requested a Strategic Planning Retreat be scheduled for the Council in the near future. A retreat for Rules of Procedure and staff /Council matters will be scheduled for Monday, November 25, in the third floor conference room Redwood Plaza, starting at noon until approximately 6 p.m. The Retreat would be open to the public. Dick Denenny suggested that Lee Walton take an inventory of what organizations the Council should participate in and provide his recommendations at the next meeting. CASorokane Valley4Mlnut-s5J4inLt from 11= -07..oc City of Spokane Valley City Council Members -Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 5 of 6 Dick Denenny made a motion to authorize Lee Walton to procure cell phones from AT &T and Mike DeVleming seconded. The motion was unanimously passed. Rich Munson said that the County Commissioners will meet to discuss the seed money request. Mr. Munson asked if Mr. Schwartz would write up a letter concerning this matter for the Council's review. Rich Munson discussed the need to identify revenue sources, which would include inventorying Valley businesses. Diana Wilhite mentioned that the Council would be meeting with Transition Committees at Redwood Plaza in the near future. Citizen Comments: Cal Walker from the Valley Sheriff's Substation said they had some spare cell phones that they would be willing to loan the staff. Robin Palachuk mentioned he received an offer for a printer. Mr. Palachuk offered to volunteer his IT services after -hours and will look into finding used equipment. Jessie Lang suggested the City use a copier with printing capabilities. Tom Routt, a lifetime Valley resident and sales representative for VMI, presented the Council' with a sound system proposal. Tony Lazanis asked about the starting time for future Council meetings. 11. Next Meeting Date and Time A motion was made by Mike Flanigan and s conded by Dic enenny that the next Council meeting be scheduled for Tuesd , December 2, at 6/p.m., at Redwood Plaza, and the motion was unanimously appro d. CASpoka:sa Valley \Mi ..l.Mirxt from 11.19.02.do: City of Spokane Valley City Council Members -Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 6 of 6 12. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karin Bosworth Recording Secretary Approved on C4,S�k zi 1 ylpinutmIMMLtztt fmn n T. General Information. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR BANKING SERVICES Following a Special Election on May 21, 2002, voters in Spokane County approved a proposition to incorporate the City of Spokane Valley. The City comprises of approximately 38.5 square miles with an estimated population of 80,000 people. The City is a non - charter code city operating under a Council - Manager form of government. The City is seeking proposals for banking services from qualified public depositories pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.58. All submitted information shall be subject to the public record laws of the State of Washington. Proposals become the property of the City. This request is issued as a publicly bid contract. ]R. Services. The City desires the following banking services: A. Checking Account. The City requires one or more checking accounts into which deposits will be made. Disbursements from the account will be principally to pay claims and payroll with a small number of wire transfers. Initially, the City requires three accounts: Treasurer's Account, Payroll and Claims. The City requires a monthly statement, return of cancelled checks, and daily information stating amounts deposited, disbursed and closing balances. B. Interim Financing_or Line of Credit. The City may require a line of credit up to One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for up to one year in the form of short-term notes. The notes are secured by anticipated revenue of the City. The financial institution shall state the interest rate for such financing. C. Credit Card Services. The City shall be provided with credit cards for the purpose of making purchases. These credit cards shall not be debit or transaction cards which would result in a charge from City accounts. Payments shall be made based upon statements received from the bank. The credit cards shall be general corporation cards issued in the name of the City of Spokane Valley. D. General Services. 1. State Investment Pool. The City anticipates a majority of its financial investments will be with the State of Washington Local Government Investment Pool. These investments may involve a transaction with the pool on a daily basis. The bank will be required to send and receive funds from the pool. The bank will provide funds to the pool as directed by the City. AA Request for Banking Scniccs.doc 1 A ;\Rcqucst for Banking Scrviccs.doc 2. Wire Transfer Services. The City desires wire transfer services including notices delivered to the City the day following the transaction. 3. Account Earnin s. The City desires to earn interest on amounts deposited with the bank. 4. Overdraft Protection. The bank shall provide the City with overdraft protection. Statements. Statements showing activity of the City accounts will be provided. Statements shall include monthly detailed analysis including cost of the banking services. 6. Electronic information. Provide electronic access to accounts and account information through secure modem and PC connection. 7 Resource Personnel. The bank shall identify personnel in the branch and main office who are available during normal business hours for the purpose of conducting the City banking activities and answering inquiries from City staff. Courier services should be identified. 8. Investment Assistance. Investment information and assistance in the management of the City's deposited funds will be provided. 9. Location. The financial institution must have its main office or a branch in the City of Spokane Valley. . Bid Liformation. A. Financial Responsibility. Bid proposals must be accompanied by financial statements from the last two years. B. Legal Responsibility. The bank must certify it complies with all depository laws and regulations as set forth in applicable state and federal law. C. Cost of Services. The bank shall set forth the cost to provide services to the City including all credits to be received as a result of deposits. The bank shall identify a monthly cost and a unit cost for the services provided. Information on account earnings and the method of calculation shall be included with the proposal. D. Time for Proposals. All proposals shall be submitted to the City by December 18, 2002 by 2:00 p.m. at the City offices located at 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99206. E. Proposal Selection. The City will evaluate all timely received proposals reserving the right to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part and to waive any 2 IV. Contract. irregularities including the acceptance or rejection of any item or combination of items. The City will consider the following in connection with an award of contract. 1. Cost of services; 2. Ability to provide the services; 3. Financial condition of the institution; and 4. Resources and services available to the City. The City may also consider such other information as deemed relevant. Submittal of Proposal. Proposals must be signed by an authorized official of the financial institution and contain, at a minimum, the information set forth in this request. Additional information, including additional services and costs may be submitted by the financial institution and will be considered in the award of contract. Responses to this request shall be addressed to the Interim City Manager, City of. Spokane Valley, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA 99206. 1. The initial contract term will be from the date an agreement is signed through December 31, 2003 unless mutually extended by written agreement. The contract may not be terminated by either party prior to 90 days written notice. Dated this day of , 2002. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY By: Interim City Manager A:1Rcqucst for Banking Services.doc 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02 -01. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE SPOKANE VALLEY INCORPORATION AND TRANSITION COMMITTEES. WHEREAS, a Notice of a proposed incorporation was filed with the Spokane County Commissioners on August 24, 2000 by Ed Mertens as a proponent for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board following the incorporation study, public testimony and investigation adopted findings and conclusions which related to the proposed incorporation on December 13, 2001; WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 38.5 square miles with an estimated population of 80,693 people located in Spokane County, Washington; WHEREAS, the voters of Spokane County on May 21, 2002 voted in favor of Proposition No. 1 which provided for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, subsequent to the incorporation vote, numerous individuals devoted their time and effort through various committees in order to study and make reports to the citizens and the City Council on Municipal services including, but not limited to, finance and administration, public safety, public works and infrastructure, community and economic development, streets and transportation and other matters relating to the formation of the new City; WHEREAS, the time and effort of the incorporation and transition committee members has resulted in reports and studies which will be beneficial in guiding the future services and development of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley through its City Council desires to express sincere appreciation for the work and effort of the individuals and committees. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: 1. Appreciation. The Mayor and City Council express their appreciation to both the Incorporation and Transition Committees recognizing that their time and effort will result in the successful development and incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. To memorialize this appreciation the Mayor will issue Certificates of Appreciation from the City of Spokane Valley to the AAResolution 02 -01.doc 1 members of the above committees. 2. Reports. The City Council accepts the reports of the Transition Committees and, as necessary, will at future meetings of the City Council seek presentations and additional information from the Transition Committees. 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council. Attest: Adopted this day of , 2002. Interim City Clerk Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney .&Resolution 02- OI.doc 2 City of Spokane Valley Mayor A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO ALL COUNCIL CANDIDATES. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 38.5 square miles with an estimated population of 80,693 people located in Spokane County, Washington; WHEREAS, the voters of Spokane County on May 21, 2002 voted in favor of Proposition No. 1 which provided for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, subsequent to the incorporation vote, numerous individuals sought elective offices for seven Council positions; • WHEREAS, during the election process the final Council candidates met regularly in order to discuss the future business and direction of the City all of which has led to the development of information and ideas that will assist the incorporation efforts of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to express appreciation for the time and commitment of all Council candidates. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: 1. Appreciation. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-02 The City Council expresses their appreciation to all Council Candidates for their time and effort in the formation of the City of Spokane Valley recognizing that the manner in which the Council campaigns were conducted reflects favorably upon newly incorporated City of Spokane Valley and further promotes the best interest of the City and its citizens. 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council. Adopted this day of , 2002. City of Spokane Valley Mayor C: \Wii■IDCWS\Te n xiriry Internet Files\ Contest. 1E ,5\$2FP570C\Rcsolutian02- 02.doc 1 Attest: interim City Clerk Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney C:\WNDOWS1Tcm pornry Internet Files\ Content. 1E '51S2FPSZOCIResofulionC2 -02.dluc 2 2. Effective Date. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO REDWOOD PLAZA FOR USE OF INTERIM OFFICE SPACE AND EQUIPMENT • WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 38.5 square miles with an estimated population of 80,693 people located in Spokane County, Washington; WHEREAS, the voters of Spokane County on May 21, 2002 voted in favor of Proposition No. 1, which provided for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, subsequent to the incorporation vote, Redwood Plaza provided the City of Spokane • Valley interim office space and equipment to be used during the formation of the new City; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to express appreciation for the use of the interim office space and equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, as follows: 1. Appreciation. The City Council expresses its appreciation to Redwood Plaza for providing the City of Spokane Valley use of interim office space and equipment. The City Council recognizes that interim office space and equipment is essential in the successful formation and operation of the City of Spokane Valley. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council. Adopted this day of November, 2002. City of Spokane Valley Mayor 1 C :\Documcni:\C\City of Spokane Valley\Rcsohitions \Roluiion 02 -03 Interim Office Spaae.doc Attest: Interim City Clerk Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney 2 C:1DocumenJ:IClCity of Spokane Va11ey1ResolutionslResolution 02 -03 Interim Office Spacc.dgc CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-04 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF INTERIM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, the City of Liberty Lake, Washington through Resolution 02 -055 has offered financial assistance to the City of Spokane Valley in the form of a S50,000.00 loan at little or no interest to be repaid on or before June 30, 2003 following the first 2003 property tax distribution to the new City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.270 allows for the City of Liberty Lake to make loans of staff and equipment and provide technical and financial assistance to the new City of Spokane Valley with or without receiving compensation; WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is desirous of receiving this financial assistance from the City in order to provide for the payment of interim costs and expenses which include but are not limited to staff, equipment and technical services to assist in the formation of the new City; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council express their appreciation to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Liberty Lake and look forward to working with the City of Liberty Lake to address the common needs of residents in order to improve the quality of life for the respective cities and the region. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: The City of Spokane Valley accepts the offer of a S50,000.00 loan at little or no interest from the City of Liberty Lake to be repaid on or before June 30, 2003 following the first 2003 property tax distribution to the new City of the Valley. The Mayor and Interim City Manager shall review and execute such documents as are reasonable and necessary to complete this loan. The money shall be deposited into the City checking account for payment of costs and expenses as outlined above and authorized by law. Adopted this day of , 2002. G:ICSCity of Spokane VallevlResolu tionslResolution02 -4.doc 1 City of Spokane Valley Mayor Attest: Interim City Clerk Approved as to Form: Interim City Attorney G:ICICity orSpokane Valleyaesolutions \Resolution02 -4.doc 2 CITY OF SPOKAIrTE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASIITNGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-05 A RESOLUTION OF '.1'HL CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHING THE TIME, PLACE AND DATE OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND PROVIDING. FOR 'IRE POSTING OF THE AGENDA. WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council desires to establish a regular meeting date, time and location for its meetings pursuant to RCW 35A.12.110; WHEREAS, the City Council is desirous of establishing a procedure for notifying the public of the preliminary agenda for the City Council meetings pursuant to RCW 35A.12.160; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Spokane Valley that all actions of the City Council be open and before the public with all persons permitted to attend and, where appropriate, participate in the decisions of their government. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: 1. Regular Meetings. 2. Study Sessions. The City Council shall hold regular meetings o every Tuesday of each month commencing at 6:00 p.m. and ending at 10:00 p.m. provided on motion a one hour extension of such meeting may occur upon majority vote of the Co cil. Meetings shall o ur at the Redwood Plaza Building located at 11707 East Sprague Avelue. in the City of Spoe Valley, Washington. It is anticipated that City Council may, upon proper notice, schedule additional meetings as study sessions with limited action being taken. The purpose of a study session will generally be to receive and review information relating to the business of the City. 3. Posting ofNotice. The public shall be notified of the City Council Preliminary Agenda for the upcoming City Council meeting by posting a copy of the agenda approximately 24 hours in advance of each meeting at the following: a. Interim City Hall located at the Redwood Plaza Building located at 11707 East Sprague Avenue in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington; A \Resohrtion 02- O5.doc 1 Attest: Interim City Clerk b. Spokane County Library located at 12004 East Main Avenue, Spokane, Washington; c. Trentwood Post Office located at 14409 East Trent Avenue, Spokane, Washington and Veradale Post Office at 15202 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, Washington; and d. Such Other Places as City Council May Direct. The above places shall also be the locations where the City Council will post notice of all public hearings at least 24 hours in advance. Further, the City Council shall send a copy of the preliminary agenda to the City's official newspaper and such other media as requested. 4. Open Public Meetings Act. The City Council shall not take any action including the passage of an Ordinance or Resolution at any meeting which is not open to the public pursuant to the Open Meeting Act. 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution shall be found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remainder of said Resolution. 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council. Adopted this day of , 2002. AfiResohnion 02- 05.doc 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Mayor A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE CITY COUNCIL, RULES OF PROCEDURE. WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council is required pursuant to RCW 35A.12.120 to adopt rules which relate to the City Council procedures, order of business, conduct of Council meetings and such other matters properly related thereto; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council has reviewed the attached Rules of Procedure and finds them to be acceptable and appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: 1. Rules of Procedure. The City Council adopts the attached Rules of Procedure under the Council- Manager form of government. For decision on points or order, the City shall be governed by the most recent addition or Roberts Rules of Order, a copy of which is maintained in the office of the Spokane Valley City Clerk. Attest: 2. Best Efforts. These Rules of Procedure are designed to assist in the orderly conduct of City Council business. Failure of the City Council to adhere to these rules shall not result in any liability to the City, its officers, its agents and employees nor shall the same result in any invalidation of City Council action. Interim City Clerk Adopted this day of , 2002. A. \Resolution 02 -06.doc 1 CLTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-06 City of Spokane Valley Mayor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE Adopted by Resolution TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL RULES 1 1.1 Meetings to Be Public 1 1.2 Respect and Decorum 1 1.3 Quorum 1 1.4 Attendance, Excused Absences 1 1.5 Attendance of City Staff 2 1.6 Attendance of Media at Council Meetings 2 1.7 Journal of Proceedings 2 2. TYPES OF MEETINGS 2 2.1 Regular Council Meetings 2 2.2 Special Meetings 2 2.3 Continued And Adjourned Sessions 3 2.4 Study Sessions And Workshops 3 2.5 Executive Sessions 3 3. CHAIR AND DUTIES 3 3.1 Chair 4 3.2 Call to Order 4 3.3 Duties 4 3.4 Points of Order...... .4 3.5 Questions to Be Stated 4 3.6 Substitution For Chair 4 3.7 Presiding Officer - Powers 4 4. COUNCIL ORDER OF BUSINESS AND AGENDA 4 4.1 Order of Business 4 4.2 Council Agenda 6 5. VOTING AND MOTIONS. 6 5.1 Voting 6 5.2 Motions 7 5.3 Disqualification 7 5.4 Motions to Reconsider 7 6. ,RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 7 6.1 Review by City Attorney 7 6.2 Procedure 7 6.3 Format of Ordinances And Resolutions 7 7. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES 8 7.1 Sign -in 8 7.2 Timing; Representation 8 7.3 The Public Hearing Process 8 7.4 Quasi .Judicial Hearings 9 8. DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF CITIZENS 9 8.1 Meeting Participation 9 8.2 Subjects Not on The Current Agenda 9 8.3 Manner of Addressing The Council - Time Limit 9 8.4 Written Communications 9 8.5 Out of Order" Comments 10 9. FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES AND SELECTING DEPUTY MAYOR 10 9.1 Notice of Vacancy 10 9.2 Application Procedure 10 9.3 Interview Process 10 9.4 Selection of Council member 10 9.5 Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor; Nominations 10 10. PREPARATION OF AGENDA 11 10.1 Staff Duties 11 10.2 Agenda Items 11 10.3 Timing of Preparation 11 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEES 12 11.1 Standing Committees 12 12. SUSPENSION AND AMENDMENT OF RULES 13 12.1 Suspension of These Rules 13 12.2 Amendment of These Rules 13 ii 1. GENERAL RULES Council Rules Revised August 2002 City of Spokane Valley City Council Rules of Procedure Adopted by: 02 -06 These rules shall be considered the Rules of Procedure for the City of Spokane Valley City Council operating under the Council- Manager form of government. For decisions on points of order, the City shall be governed by the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order, a copy of which is maintained in the office of the City of Spokane Valley City Clerk. 1.1 Meetings to Be Public : All meetings of the Council shall be open to the public with the exception of executive sessions as defined in RCW Chapter 42.30. 1.2 Respect and Decorum : It is the duty of the Mayor and Council members to maintain dignity and respect for their offices, City staff and the public. While the Council is in session, the Council members shall preserve order and decorum and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings of the Council, nor disrupt or disparage any member while speaking. Council members and the public shall obey the orders of the Chair. Any person making disruptive, disparaging or impertinent remarks or unreasonably disturbing the business of the Council, either while addressing the Council or attending its proceedings, shall be asked to leave the meeting. Continued disruptions may result in a recess or adjournment. 1.3 Quorum : Four (4) Council members shall constitute a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, those in attendance will be named and they shall adjourn to a later time, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting. 1.4 Attendance, Excused Absences : A Council member shall forfeit his/her office by failing to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Council without being excused by the Council. RCW 35A. 13.020 and 35A Members of the Council may be excused from a meeting by contacting the City Clerk or designee prior to the meeting and stating the reason for his/her inability to attend the meeting. The City Clerk shall inform the Council of the member's absence, state the reason for such absence and inquire if there is a motion to excuse the member. Upon passage of such motion by a majority of members Page 1 of 13 present, the absent member shall be considered excused and the appropriate notation will be made in the minutes. If the motion is not passed or the above procedure is not followed, the minutes will reflect that the absence is unexcused. If the City Clerk is contacted and fails to inform the Council, the Council should inquire into the Member's absence and, if appropriate, excuse the same. Council Rules Revised August 2002 1.5 Attendance of City Staff : The City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk (or designee) shall attend all meetings of the City Council. The City Manager may report and make recommendations to the City Council and when requested shall participate in Council discussions. The City Attorney, upon request from the Chair or Council, shall give an opinion on legal questions and rules of order. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Council, record all Council votes and actions and perform such other duties as necessary for the orderly conduct of the meeting. 1.6 Attendance of Media at Council Meetings : All meetings of the Council and its committees shall be open to the media, freely subject to recording by radio, television and photographic equipment at any time, provided that such arrangements do not interfere with the orderly conduct of the meetings. Television and photographic equipment shall not be placed or operated behind the dias. 1.7 Journal of Proceedings : A journal of all proceedings (minutes) of the Council shall be kept by the City Clerk and shall be entered in a book constituting the official record of the Council. 1.8 Council Seating: The Mayor and Council members shall be seated on the dias according to the position number to which they were elected. The Deputy Mayor shall sit next to the Mayor. The City Manager and City Attorney shall sit on the dias. 2. TYPES OF MEETINGS 2.1 Regular Council Meetings : The Council shall meet regularly on every Tuesday of the month beginning at 6:00 p.m. When,a Council meeting falls on a holiday, the Council shall have its regular meeting on the following day. The location of the meetings shall be the Redwood Plaza, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, City of Spokane Valley, Washington, unless specified otherwise by a majority vote of the Council. 2.2 Special Meetings : Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or any four (4) members of the Council. Upon request, the City Clerk shall prepare a notice of the special meeting stating the date, time, place and business to be transacted. The City Clerk shall notify each member of the Council, either by telephone, fax, e -mail or otherwise of the special meeting. The City Clerk shall give at least 24 hours notice of the special meeting to each local newspaper of general circulation and to each Page 2 of 13 3. CHAIR AND DUTIES Council Rules Revised August 2002 local radio and/or television station which has filed with the City Clerk a written request to be notified of special meetings. No subjects other than those specified in the notice shall be considered. Special meetings may be called without the notice required in this section, to address emergencies involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage if the notice requirements would be impractical or increase the likelihood of such injury or damage. 2.3 Continued And Adjourned Sessions : Any meeting of the Council may be continued or adjourned from day to day, or for more than one day, but no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting. 2.4 Study Sessions And Workshops : The Council may meet in study sessions and workshops (open to the public), at the request of the Mayor, three (3) members of the Council or City Manager. The purpose of the study session is to review and discuss current or proposed programs or projects of the City including the receipt of information from City staff or others provided that all discussions and conclusions thereon shall not constitute binding actions of the Council. 2.5 Executive Sessions: Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held in accordance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, RCW Chapter 42.30. The Council may hold an executive session during a regular or special meeting. Before convening in executive session the Chair shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. If the Council wishes to adjourn at the close of a meeting from executive session, that fact will be announced along with the estimated time for the executive session. The announced time limit for executive sessions may be extended by announcement of the Chair. Council members must keep confidential all oral and written information provided during executive sessions to protect the best interests of the City. Confidentiality also includes information provided to Council members outside of executive sessions when the infortnation is considered exempt from disclosure under the Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers. 2.6 Council Retreat: Annually, the City Council will hold a Council retreat with the City Manager and senior staff in attendance. The purpose of the retreat will be to discuss the goals, priorities, projects, legislation and other matters related to the public health, safety and welfare of the City. The City Clerk shall prepare a notice of the meeting stating the date, time, place and business to be conducted. Page 3 of 13 Council Rules Revised August 2002 3.1 Chair : The Mayor, if present, shall preside as Chair at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall preside. In the absence of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor the Council shall elect a Chair. 3.2 Call to Order : The meetings of the Council shall be called to order by the Mayor or, in his absence, the Deputy Mayor. In the absence of both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the meeting shall be called to order by the City Clerk or designee for the election of a temporary Chair. 3.3 Duties: The Chair shall recognize Council members when statements, questions or motions are made and permit staff and public participation when appropriate. The Chair shall maintain the order of the meeting by: (1) recognizing each Council member has equal rights to bring matters before the Council; (2) allowing for complete and reasonable discussion of matters; and (3) protecting against embarrassment or annoyance of any Council member, staff or citizen. 3.4 Points of Order : The Chair with the assistance of the City Attorney shall determine all points of order. 3.5 Motions to Be Stated : The Chair shall require all motions submitted for a vote to be stated, discussed and voted upon. 3.6 Substitution For Chair : The Chair may call upon the Deputy Mayor or any other member to temporarily chair the meeting. 3.7 Presiding Officer - Powers : The Chair may move, second, debate and vote subject only to such limitations of debate as are imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Council member by reason of acting as the Chair. 4. COUNCIL ORDER OF BUSINESS AND AGENDA 4.1 Order of Business : The order of business for all regular meetings shall be as follows unless the Council, by a majority vote of the members present, suspends the rules and changes the order: Call to Order. The Chair calls the meeting to order. Invocation. By invitation. Pledge of Allegiance. By invitation. Roll Call. The Recording Secretary calls the roll of the Council and notes the presence of staf. Council members may make a motion to excuse absent Council Page 4 of 13 Council Rules Revised August 2002 members. Agenda Approval. The Chair shall seek approval of the Agenda. Council members through motion and majority vote may add, delete or defer agenda items. Announcements/Presentations. The Chair makes announcements of upcoming meetings and events and presents proclamations. A proclamation is an official declaration made by either the City Council or the Mayor. Special presentations may also be scheduled at this time. Citizens' Comments. Members of the audience may comment on any City matter. Citizens may also comment on individual agenda items during any regularly scheduled City Council meeting which is not the subject of a hearing. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per person. [See Section 8.] Council Reports, Mayor and Council members report on Council Committee meetings, other meetings, and activities which relate to City business or Community matters. Action Items. These items are considered separately and may include contracts, resolutions and second reading or emergency ordinances. After an Action item is read, a motion with a second is made, public comment is sought, Council discussion follows and a vote is taken, Consent Agenda. The Chair identifies the items on the Consent Agenda and requests a motion with a second for approval. The Consent Agenda contains items which are of a routine and non - controversial nature which may include, but are not limited to, the following: meeting minutes, payroll, claims, minor and routine contracts and any item previously approved by Council and which is being submitted to Council for final approval. Any item on the Consent Agenda may, at the request of any Council member, be removed and considered separately. Public Hearings/pppeals. The Chair will state the public hearing procedures before each public hearing. Quasi-judicial hearings require that a decision be made by the Council which may include record review of evidence considered and that specific findings be made. Ordinances. The Recording Secretary shall introduce the ordinance by reading its title. Ordinances will generally have two readings at two separate meetings, unless the Council deems it expedient to suspend this rule. Amendments to an ordinance may be made at first or second reading. A record vote identifying Council members shall follow second reading. Four (4) affirmative votes are required to pass an ordinance. Page 5 of 13 Council Rules Revised August 2002 Emergency Ordinances. Public emergency ordinances require a vote of a majority plus one of the whole Council membership, and may be made effective upon adoption. A "public emergency ordinance" is one designed to protect public health and safety, public property, or the public peace; it may not levy taxes, grant, renew, or extend a franchise to authorize the borrowing of money. Resolutions. The Recording Secretary shall introduce the Resolution by reading its title. A Resolution is adoption of a City policy or decision and shall be adopted by a recorded vote of the Council. Staff Reports. The City Manager, City Attorney and City staff may report on issues of interest to the Council, which do not require Council action. New Business. Council members may state matters which should be the subject of future council and staff. consideration. Workshoj. A workshop allows the Council to receive a presentation, gather and request information and engage in discussion without taking action. The public may attend; however, public comment is not generally solicited. Executive Session. An executive session may be convened that is closed to the public and attended only by the Mayor, Council, City Manager, City Attorney and City staff and or individuals authorized by the City Council. Adjournment. Upon Conclusion of Council business, the meeting is adjourned to the next regularly scheduled meeting, 4.2 Council Agenda : Subject to the Council's right to amend the agenda at any time during a regular Meeting, no legislative item shall be voted on which is not on the Council agenda, except in emergency situations relating to the public's health, safety or welfare. 5. VOTING AND MOTIONS 5.1 Voting : Votes during Council meetings shall be conducted as follows: a. Recorded votes (by show of hand) occur on the Consent Agenda, Action Items and Ordinances. Unless otherwise required by these Rules or Statute, voice votes shall be taken except at the request of the Mayor or any Council member, a roll call vote shall be recorded by the Recording Secretary. Page 6 of 13 d. Each Council member shall vote on all questions and matters before the Council, unless a conflict of interest or appearance of fairness disqualifies the member. Council Rules Revised August 2002 c. Where there is a tie vote on any Motion, the Motion fails. 5.2 Motions : No motion shall be considered or debated until duly seconded and announced by the Chair, with the exception of nominations for Mayor and Deputy Mayor or appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees, where no second is required. The motion shall be recorded and, if desired by any Council member, it shall be read by the Recording Secretary before it is debated and, by the majority consent of the Council, may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on the motion. 5.3 Disqualification : Any Council member who is disqualified from voting on a matter shall be excused from the Council chambers and shall not participate in the debate. The Council member shall state the reason for the disqualification. 5.4 Motions to Reconsider : A motion to reconsider must be made by a person who voted with the majority on the principal question and must be made at the same or succeeding regular meeting. No motion to reconsider an adopted quasi-judicial written decision shall be entertained after the close of the meeting at which the written findings and decision were adopted. This rule shall not restrict the right of a Council member to place legislation on the agenda. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 6.1 Review by City Attorney : All Resolutions and Ordinances, shall be reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney prior to submission for adoption by the City Council. No Ordinance or Resolution shall be prepared for presentation to the City Council unless requested by the Mayor, Council Committee, three (3) Council members or City Manager. 6.2 Procedure : Ordinances generally require two readings. The first reading will consist of a staff presentation and may include Council discussion. The second reading will occur at a subsequent meeting and will involve a Motion, Second, Public Comment, Council Discussion and Recorded Vote. 6.3 Format of Ordinances And Resolutions : Resolutions and Ordinances shall be in a format determined by RCW 35A.12.130 including the numerical identification. No Ordinance or Resolution shall contain more than one subject which shall be clearly stated in the title. No previously approved Resolution or Ordinance shall be amended unless the amendment sets forth each modified section in full. Resolutions and Ordinances shall be signed by the Mayor and attested to by the Page 7of13 7. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES Council Rubs Revised August 2002 City Clerk. The City Attorney shall sign all Resolutions and Ordinances to approve the form. 7.1. Sign -in : All persons wishing to speak shall sign their name, address of residence and indicate whether they wish to speak as a proponent, opponent or from a neutral position on a form provided by the City. Prior to the start of a public hearing, any person who fails to sign in shall not be permitted to speak until all those who signed in have given their testimony. The Chair may change the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings (i.e. proponents, opponents, adjacent owners, etc.). 7.2 Timing; Representation : The City Council will take public testimony during a public hearing, the public comment period and prior to passage of Resolutions and Ordinances. Persons appearing before the Council should limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Where an organization is appearing before the City Council, it should designate a representative to speak on behalf of its members. 7.3 The Public Rearing Process : The Chair introduces the agenda item, opens the public hearing (noting the time) and announces the following Rules of Order: 1. All comments by proponents, opponents or other members of the public shall be made from the podium; any individuals making comments shall first give their name and address. 2. No comments shall be made from any other location. If a person is physically challenged and requires accommodation, the Chair shall be advised. 3. There shall be no demonstrations (i.e. applause) during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. 4. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, giving every person an opportunity to be heard ensuring that no individual is annoyed or embarrassed by exercising his/her right of speech. The Chair may call upon City staff to describe the matter under consideration. The Chair calls upon proponents, opponents and all other individuals who wish to speak regarding the matter under consideration. The Chair inquires as to whether any Council member has questions to ask the proponents, opponents, speakers or staff. If any Council member has questions, Page 8of13 the appropriate individual will be recalled to the podium. The Chair continues the public hearing to a time specific or closes the public hearing. 7.4 Ouasi Judicial Hearings : In addition to the Rules of Order set forth in Section 7.3, the following rules should be observed during a quasi judicial public hearing. A. The Chair shall announce the matter for consideration and ask Council members to indicate any ex parte oral or written communications with a party, conflicts of interest or any appearance of fairness issues. After all disclosures are made, the Chair will ask if any party to the quasi judicial matter desires to challenge or request a Council member abstain from the decision on the matter. The challenge shall be placed on the record. B. Each party to the appeal shall be given 20 minutes for argument to the Council. Time for rebuttal may be reserved. Interested parties who participated before the administrative tribunal may participate in oral argument. 8. DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF CITIZENS 8.1 Meeting Participation : Citizens are welcome at all Council meetings and are encouraged to attend and participate. Recognition by the Chair of a person desiring to speak is a prerequisite for an orderly and effective meeting. It is expected that all persons will deliver their comments in a courteous and efficient manner and will speak only to the subject under consideration. 8.2 Subjects Not on The Current Agenda : Under agenda item "Citizens Comments" persons may present any item they wish to discuss with the Mayor and Council. They shall first obtain recognition by the Chair, state their name, address and subject of their comments. The Chair shall then allow the comments, subject to a three (3) minute limitation per speaker, or other limitations as the Chair or Council may deem necessary. Following such comments, if action is required or has been requested, the Chair may place the matter on a future agenda or refer the matter to staff or a Council Committee for investigation and a report at a future meeting. 8.3 Manner of Addressing The Council - Time Limit : All remarks shall be addressed to the Council and not to any individual member. No questions shall be asked of the Council members, except by permission of the Chair. 8.4 Written Communications: Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may address the Council by written communication in regard to any general matter Council Rules Page 9 of 13 Revised August 2002 concerning the City. The written communication may be submitted by direct mail or by addressing the communication to the City Clerk who will distribute copies to the Council members. The communication will be entered into the record, if requested by the party. Council Rules Revised August 2002 8.5 "Out of Order" Comments : Any person whose continents have been ruled out of order by the Chair shall immediately cease and refrain from further improper comments. The refusal of an individual to desist from inappropriate, disparaging or otherwise disruptive remarks after being ruled out of order by the Chair may subject the individual to removal from the Council Chambers, a recess or adjournment. 9. FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES AND SELECTING MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR 9.1 Notice of Vacancy : If a Council vacancy occurs, the Council will follow the procedures outlined in RCW 35A. 1 3.020. In order to fill the vacancy with the most qualified person available until an election is held, the Council will distribute and publish a notice of the vacancy, the procedure and deadline for applying for the position. 9.2 Application Procedure : The Council will draw up an application form which contains relevant information. The application form will be used in conjunction with an interview of each candidate to aid the Council's selection of the new Council member. 9.3 Interview Process : All qualified candidates who submit an application by the deadline will be interviewed by the Council during a regular or special Council meeting open to the public. The order of the interviews will be determined by drawing names. To promote fairness, applicants will be asked to remain outside the Council Chambers while other applicants are being interviewed. Applicants may be asked to answer questions submitted to them in advance of the interview and questions posed by each Council member during the interview process. The Council members will ask the same questions of each candidate. Each candidate will then be allowed two (2) minutes for closing comments. Citizen comments will not be solicited or received. 9.4 Selection of Council member : The Council may recess into executive session to discuss the qualifications of all candidates. Nominations, voting and selection of a person to fill the vacancy will be conducted during an open public meeting. 9.5 Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor; Nominations : 9.5.1.. Selection of Mayor. The Mayor will be elected by the Council members. Page 10 of 13 Council Rulis Revised August 2002 1 All Council Members will be given the opportunity to make a nomination for Mayor. No second is required. 2. After all nominations are made, the Council shall vote on the nominees, collectively. 3. If one nominee member receives four votes, that person shall be declared the Mayor. In the event all candidates receive less than four votes, the two candidates with the most votes, will advance to the final vote. In the event of a tie between candidates, the Council shall vote to break the tie. 5. The final two candidates shall be voted upon by the Council, with the person receiving the majority of votes becoming the Mayor. 6. The Mayor shall serve for a two (2) year term from the date of this election. 9.5.2. Selection of Deputy Mayor. Each Council member shall be given the opportunity to submit a nomination Deputy Mayor. After all nominations are made, the Mayor will call for a vote on the nominations in the order they were made. Voting will be by a recorded vote. As soon as one nominee receives a majority vote of four (4) votes of the Council, that Council member will be declared the Deputy Mayor. No votes will be taken on the remaining nominees. The term of the Deputy Mayor shall be one (1) year from the date of election. 10. PREPARATION OF AGENDA 10.1 Staff Duties : The City Clerk, under the direction of the City Manager, will prepare the agenda for each Council meeting setting forth a brief description of each item to be considered by the Council. 10.2 Agenda Items : Subject to Rule 6.1, an item to be considered by the City Council at a regular meeting may be placed on the agenda by the Mayor, a Council Member or the City Manager. 10.3 Timing of Preparation : The agenda will be put in final form by 2:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Council meeting. Agendas and supporting materials will be distributed to the City Council 24 hours before the meeting. Agenda materials will be available at City Hall for the media and public before the meeting. Nothing contained herein shall prevent Council members, or the City Manager from adding a matter to the agenda during a regular meeting. Page 11of13 11. COUNiCIL COMMITTEES Council Rubs Revised Augusl 2002 11.1 Standing Committees : There shall be four (4) sub - committees of the Council. Council members shall submit their request for committee appointment to the Mayor. A. Finance Committee. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Finance Committee has the responsibility to review and report its recommendations on the annual budget and such other matters that relate to the financial affairs of the City. The City Manager and Finance Director shall attend and provide administrative support to the Finance Committee. B. Public Safety Committee. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Public Safety Committee shall review, and make recommendations to the City Council on issues related to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of City of Spokane Valley including, but not limited to, considering and reviewing programs, plans and other non- personnel activities involving police and fire services as well as other public safety activities of the City. The City Manager and Police Chief shall attend and provide administrative support to the Public Safety Committee. C. Community and Economic Development. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Community and Economic Development Committee shall review and recommend to the City Council matters which relate to the orderly growth and development of the City. The City Manager, City Director of Planning and Public Works Director shall attend and provide administrative support to the Community and Economic Development Committee. D. Public Works Committee. This committee shall consist of three (3) Council members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The Public Works Committee reviews matters which relate to public works, including but not limited to, the infrastructure and public improvements owned, controlled or operated by the City. The City Manager and Public Works Director shall attend and provide administrative support to the Public Works Committee. E. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed for a one (1) year term at the first regular City Council meeting in January of each year or as otherwise deemed necessary. 11.2 Other Committees: Appointments to Boards, Commissions or other Page 12 of 13 Committees not under the direct authority of the City Council shall be according to rule of such Board, Commission or Committee unless determined otherwise by the City Council. 12. SUSPENSION AND AMENDMENT OF RULES Council Rules Revised August 2002 12.1 Suspension of These Rules : Any provision of these rules may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the present Council members. A. motion to suspend the rules of order shall be limited to the item or matter under consideration. 12.2 Amendment of These Rules : These rules may be amended or new rules adopted by a majority vote of all members of the Council, provided that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have been introduced into the record at a prior Council meeting. Page 13 of 13 • November 21,.2002 . tl:elledgling,municip'ality.gct off the ground. :..4 • " \'o'e wanted -to do this •` because we know•what they are going through;" said. Mayor Steve Peterson, a fnarij fresh from a e'eeznf Liberty T ` . : Lake incorporation. "They're, • going tp cleat through thc• stone situations we did, and . they're going to necd'.somc help." . . • Peterson•s,•rid he i•ern naliers at the beginning oldie . process,there was'absolutely no money to be had. ' a trying time," Peterson • said. "you feel like 're .' • • trying.to borrow from everybody. We eventually had to borrow some 'ntoney'frotrh .` • ..the bankao make'pctyroll.: But there are other thitigs, ' you need money up front,.to� . * • be able to buy stamps and 9JIyp$ Liberty, L-ake'0:ffe.r$ - $ 5 : 0 ren sen • • . staples, and paper gosh,, you. an advance fromahe cowuy • - • '' - go through a lot.gfpaper'; : as°well, Peterson tiaid'. The City of Liberty Lake p e t e i son " sai • _ - •wants to help ou1•its new sister cit•wtt some Cold t Th $50.000 loan o thenet� • hard cash. . ; .Liberty -Lake officials recently offered the almost incorporated 'city of Spokane • Valley a $50,000 loan to help; • Eventually; Liberty Lake ?' cit'woll be'crid,batk when t :. received arr on;ru iii . `'ihe:v rlley gets:ils first tux. fund monies from the County, bur in the'intet7m Liberty =. ' Li ke didn't have nitich • Spokitne will li}el} be. .penniless•until it arrange ' - check; Petri son snict: , • • "Piople•like Bernard laaine$'' • did sore great:things for•us byirroviding.ns cif1icr space; • = Liberty Lake Splash;: Volume 4, Issue.47 oan to New Valley C ity • aid'inan) other, 'rid ;businesses: We. Just want to :.help.out` like we were helped aiid.we waist to establish- good relations'with Spokane galley. recently. . • • hired;Prothman Co :,• a firm • that specializes in helping'. • ,cities,gcorporate,.toassist, Page 9 ' creating itself. .The•Valley will likelyhaveto ,speticl as, much as 5300,000 • ..fOr.that'service aline. '• • ' • MEMO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 11707 Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley WA 99206 Tel: (309) 921 -1000, Fax (509) 921 -1008 Stan Schwartz Lee Walton 11/26/02 Agenda Schedule cc: Stan M Via Fax I'm out of here tomorrow afternoon for the holiday returning late Monday morning. So have asked Stan. M to coordinate the 12/3 agenda. Have given him the following list developed primarily from the matrix to work from. Both Bob Noack and Ruth Muller should be on hand by then and Ruth is great at coordinating agenda development. Like all City clerks she has a favorite scheme for filing systems so would appreciate it if you would meet with her ASAP so we are on the same page. Incidentally, we now have PHONES!, fax and hopefully e-mail within a day or to which should simplify the agenda process. City # 921 -1000, Fax 921 -1008 and rn.y new City cell phone is 933 -8619. PS, I don't want to be there when my wife opens her next cell phone bill. Tentative agenda for 12/3 Authorize mayor to execute contract with Prothman Co for Interim Management Services Authorize City Manager to execute contract with Stanley Schwartz for services as .Interim City Attorney. Ordinance ? Appointing Led Walton as Interim City Manager and confirming the appointment of interim management staff. Stan McNutt- Deputy City Mgr Bob Noack — Finance Director Ruth Muller- City Clerk Richard Warren — Public Works Director James Harris- Community Director Robert Ely-Chief Building inspector Karin Bosworth- Office Assistant Ord establishing office location and hours Res authorizing CM to establish a City credit card account Ord Appointing City Auditing Officer (Bob Noack) Ord Establishing an Imprest (Petty Cash) fund in. the amount of $500 and authorize Finance Director to access this account for purchases not to exceed that amount. Ord Authorizing payment of claims by check, requiring signature by Mike Flannigan or Mike Devleming and Lee Walton or Bob Noack Ord Adopting interim budget — Through Dec 31, 02 Other? STUDY SESSION OF Dec 5 ( ?) Discuss Moratorium issue Discuss layout for City offices Discuss logo design Review tentative agenda for Dec 10 Schedule retreat if not done 12/3 Review logistical issues Discuss protocols for Transition Committee reports Other? Tentative Agenda for 12/10 Res: establishing the official date of incorporation as March 31 Appointment of newspaper for legal publications Resolution designating interim depositary Bank ( ?) Authorize solicitation of general insurance proposals Res: relating to records retention and public disclosure Res: providing for indemnification of. City employees (including interim appointments) Res: Establishing accounting funds Authorize CM to execute lease W/ Webb Management Co for City offices Res: authorizing acceptance of advance payment of City Road Funds ( ?) Res: Authorizing investment of City funds in Washington LGTP Authorize the securing of Bonds for City Mgr, Dep. CM and Finance Director. Duane Schofield 16317 E. Main Veradale, WA 99119 926 -7537 (cell: 218 - 2373) attyschofield a surf I .ws 11/26/02 Re: New City Road Plan City of Spokane Valley Council (CSPC), The Spokane County (PABOA) Property And Business Owners Association would like to suggest contacting a very knowledgable planner who speaks common language, with an economic development view, the dynamic, Dee Caputo, &9953855, "www.ocd.law.gov/growth", "i�&e,c�actW aV The County 6 -year road plan of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, was to move traffic to and from downtown Spokane, with a policy of repaving the entire street, rather than just the patch above the trench, sealant or high tech, below freezing patches, such as what Inland Asphalt can do. Our City (CSV) road plan should be to move traffic to and from our City, not downtown Spokane business as usual, and the planning, maintainance and safety issues should be contracted out as much as possible to competitive bids, work 24 hrs. /day, and have time deadline penalties to compensate the adjoining land users, both owners and leasees. Local input should be encouraged, as well as digging just one hole, after everyone who is going into it is ready willing, and able. The $2M in County Roads Taxes Advance from an estimated $6.2M is Tess than the 40% that triggers the 60 days limit to �2 County obligated services. 41°1 c1/45 - {‘'N 0,m �� Qre a, rea 9 fbn� d {' tdctS "ro pi «wt`t „tr� , Let's be careful,so we don't have a take- it -or- leave -it on interlocal contract I with the County on planning and transportation issues. Could the Council arrange to receive less than the estimated $4.2M balance of the road taxes upon incorporation (est. 3/1/03), and look at cutting costs by privatizing our transportation planning, safety and maintainance? Fait fully, AZZaitte Duane Schofield, V -P, Corp. Sec., i - ' a " (Q, r- / v� ahc /Q ( Spokane County Property And Business Owners Association Esc o U rr n� � d l�u ijakfi MARIA CANTWELL WASHINGTON City Council Members City of Spokane Valley Dear Council Member: si(nife `'fife, )euufe WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20510 November 1 0. /00 It is with regret 1 cannot be with you this evening as you, and the residents of City of Spokane Valley. take yet another step in your journey from bold vision to a thriving community as you take your Oath of Office. 1 commend you for volunteering to serve your fellow citizens and 1 want to recognize your leadership in fulfilling this bold vision. 1 look forward to meeting and working with each of you in the future to build lasting relationships of cooperation in the common goal of enriching the lives and futures of the residents of the new City of Spokane Valley As our state's newest community, I know you are poised to work with other civic leaders to overcome whatever differences of opinion may present themselves and strive to fulfill the promise of your new city to increase the voice of the residents of the Spokane Valley I am proud to represent you and the residents of the City of Spokane Valley in the United States Senate. And as your United States Senator, I take great pride in welcoming you into office and wish you and your new city all the best. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of assistance to you or your City. Congratulations! �-v• * gzioci- e ms.-`/ Sincerely. Maria Cantwell United States Senator 6e//ref ( ( Washington. IX 20510 �-�- /7 . ?U ` RESPECTFULLY REFERRED TO: teGg. 4-t 54.4„, CMA,4- S Maria Cantwell Washington "If You Build It ,.." Begin Witte a 5olyd Foundation A A Straropc it xl Tectia Nanntry Framework for Achievement How You Benefit The Planning ... The Participants .. . gi • Clanfes what we stand for • Assesses where we are • Identi4es where we need to be • Prioritizes how to get there • Assigns responsibility and accountability • Establishes success measures • EnOances leadership • Increases productivity • Improves profitability • Increased communication, participation and involvement • Enhan* collaboration and teamwor`tc • Expandep ownership and commitment • Improves forward thinking and planning, • Heightened insight and understanding • Enhan • decision making Gat O ccgnp , &anon Apx WI Ai rpna evened Strategies + Actions + Measures = Structure P. Systemw - Critical Few Strategies. = }bjectives Desi! End State Current State Gap Analys Vision Mission Values / Guiding Principles "If You Build It ,.." Begin Witte a 5olyd Foundation A A Straropc it xl Tectia Nanntry Framework for Achievement How You Benefit The Planning ... The Participants .. . gi • Clanfes what we stand for • Assesses where we are • Identi4es where we need to be • Prioritizes how to get there • Assigns responsibility and accountability • Establishes success measures • EnOances leadership • Increases productivity • Improves profitability • Increased communication, participation and involvement • Enhan* collaboration and teamwor`tc • Expandep ownership and commitment • Improves forward thinking and planning, • Heightened insight and understanding • Enhan • decision making Gat O ccgnp , &anon Apx WI Ai rpna evened Linda Oien, Consultant 'Men make history and not the other way around. In penods where there is no leadership. sodety stands still. Progress occurs when courageous. skilful Owlets seize the opportunity to change things for the better ' Harry S. Truman Business Paths "row N'►raer is Suctevs" Strategic Planning Leading the Charge o • (39 E Rockwell Avenue Spokane. WA 99207 • busmeupabe @m.aeom • (509) 482 wig Business Paths "Your Ps, rIn Success" Strategic P1 '':ing Overview L. Fa Presented to: City of Spokane Valley City Council Presented by: Business Paths Linda Oien, Consultant November 26, 2002 Strategic Planning: • Builds trust in leadership • Creates a foundation of understanding • Sets the direction and tone Lays the Foundation By: -- --, "Charting the Course" • Clarifying what the City stands fprand Oetieves in ,-'" • Determining what the future will look like • Providing commonality of purpose Takes into Consideration: • Where the City is today '-- • Where the City needs to be in the future • Gaps between where the City is and where it needs to be Establishes Direction By: • Clarifying priorities and focus • Defining key strategies • Applying goals and objectives Business Paths, November 26, 2002 Why Should the City Council Consider Strategic Planning? Current State Where the City is today: • Newly formed • City Structure: - Recently elected City Council & new Mayor - Permanent City Manager - Administrative Staff - Ordinances • How the City will function: - Committee Structure - Planning Process - Comprehensive Plan - Growth Management - Services Infrastructure Strategic Plan The framework for moving in unison to where the City needs to be Where the City has: • Clarified the kind of City it will be Desired State • Set the direction and tone for the future • Established the structure • Prioritized strategies and actions • Understood roles and responsibilities • Shared ownership and commitment • Defined a process to shape and manage future development and growth Business Paths, November 26, 2002 What Strategic Planning Does Current State Where the City is today: • Newly formed • City Structure: - Recently elected City Council & new Mayor - Permanent City Manager - Administrative Staff - Ordinances How the City will function: - Committee Structure - Planning Process - Comprehensive Plan - Growth Management - Infrastructure Strategic Planning Provides the framework: • Defines priorities and focus • Serves as the basis for decisions and actions • Reflects Public interest • Comprehends Constituent interests • May be used for future budgeting • Guiding tactical planning and implementation • Gauging progress • Addressing changing conditions and needs /:&11 Desired State Where the City has: • Clarified the kind of City it will be • Set the direction and tone for the future • Established the structure • Prioritized strategies and actions • Understood roles and responsibilities • Shared ownership and commitment • Defined a process to shape and manage future development and growth Business Path& November 26, 2002 Considerations As You Move Forward With Your Decision: Basic Strategic Management Process: Task Force Develops the Strategic Plan 1 Initiate Tactical Planning and Implementation 1 Conduct Regular Progress Reviews i Complete Periodic Plan Updates ti Task Force Planning Sessions: Time commitment: 40 -44 hours Possible homework Stakeholder /Constituency Needs Vision, Mission. Values Current State Assessment - Environmental Scan - S.W.O.T. - Demographics Prioritized Strategies Goals and Objectives Next Steps • Strategic Planning Benefits: Commonality of Purpose Clarity of Understanding Consistent Direction Established Priorities Sound Decision Making Proactive vs. Reactive Position United Approach Collaboration and teamwork Ownership and commitment Forward thinking and planning Financial Commitment: $13,500.00 'AdNNail sevics. mg lied mil be pnce7 meGerftielY r Business Paths. November 26, 2002 The City of Post Falls Vision The City of Post Falls will be a community recognized for its: • Leadership and citizen involvement • Quality services • Educational opportunities • Balanced and beneficial growth • Healthy economic and natural environment • Cultural diversity While maintaining a small town atmosphere and quality of life. Mission The City of Post Falls mission is to provide leadership, support common community values, promote citizen involvement and provide services which ensure a superior quality of life. Values Community Post Falls is a safe and secure place to live. work. and play. with a stable and friendly environment that encourages citizen involvement Leadership Post Falls values leadership that respects differing views, models integrity, and implements community goals. Environment Post Falls is an environmentally aware community that preserves. conserves and appreciates its distinctive open space, natural resources, habitats, parks and outdoor recreabon. Economic Development Post Falls encourages economic development that safeguards the environment. while promoting community prosperity. Diversity Post Falls is a community for all people. offering diverse cultural and educational opportunities. with varying land uses and unique neighborhoods. Accountability Post Falls is dedicated to promobng fiscal responsibility. managed growth, responsive community services, and an open and fair government "Idaho's River City (Repronxxd and shared with the City of Spokane Vaioy City Cownd with me permssoon of lAryor tartan 11. 26 - 02) INITIATIVE 1 Balanced Growth Goal: Create an optimum (tax base that supports L.O.S. /value to the community) balance of residential. commercial and industrial development Objective 1. Objective 2 Objective 3: INITIATIVE 2 Economic Development Goal: Objective 1 Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4 INITIATNE 3 Infrastructure Goal: Objective 1 Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: Objective 5: Objective 6. Objective 7: Use of Strategic and Comprehensive Plans to guide development Integrate and coordinate partnerships Enhance and encourage citizen involvement and input Attract and maintain diversified commercelclean industry with adequate living wages and benefits. Develop a marketing plan for Post Falls as a'city' in cooperation with partnering agencies Promote enabling legislation that provides for economic incentives (enterprise zones) Support Urban Renewal initiatives Develop strategies to assure adequate funding for Economic Development Establish a level of service based upon the values of the community and that meets industry standards Roads: Accelerate completion of the 5 year maintenance plan; complete a Transportation Master Plan: complete 20-25% of five year plan every year Sewer. Increase pnonty of collection system for revenue sharing. Water: Adequate flows and pressure for managed growth and fire service Public Safety: Maintain LOS comparable to the quality of life currently enjoyed General: Maintaining staff and salaries at no less than 90% of regional figures (competitive rates within regional marketplace) Facilities. Develop adequate funding to assure adequate facilities Ensure adequate funding to sustain delivery systems (objectives) Post —Falls Idaho's River City" (HepmOred and thered with the city of Spokane Vi ry City Could will the permasan d Mafia Larkin, 1126-41) INITIATIVE 4: Collaborative Leadership Goal: Assure City leadership that communicates and interacts effectively and consistently with constituents and other agencies Objective 1 Enlist the support and input of appropriate partner agencies for the City of Post Falls Strategic Plan Objective 2: Develop cooperative agreements with partner agencies to support the Strategic Plan Objective 3 Develop a schedule of regular meetings with partner agencies to promote clear communication. Objective 4: Create strategies that assure regular communication and opportunities for input from constituents of the community INITIATIVE 5: Sense of Community Goal: Nurture a growing sense of pride in our community that is enjoyed by all people who visit, live, work and play in Post Falls. Objective 1: Develop and promote a town center concept that will include events in multiple gathering locations. Objective 2. Encourage citizen involvement and participation in the community through support of civic groups and organizations. Object 3 Expand avenues of communication to ensure that citizens, businesses and organizations are consistently kept informed about what is going on in the community INITIATIVE 6: Public Open Space Goal: To ensure that open space and recreational facilities are provided and maintained to enhance our quality of life in accordance with the values of the community. Objective 1: Objective 2 . Objective 3 Objective 4 Post Fall s 'Idaho's River Crty" Establish a process that identifies resources needed to provide adequate open space To review and develop strategies that increase recreational services in order to serve a greater spectrum of the community. Develop a long -range plan for recreational facilities. To enhance communication with other partner providers. (Reprocrced and shored loth tr a Cry al Spalteie Vs/ay Cey Council wilt, If,e Desmesan of MRyor Laren. 11.2