2003, 01-21 Study SessionSUBJECT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHEET — STUDY SESSION CITY HALL AT REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 East Sprague Avenue., First Floor Spokane Valley, Washington Tuesday, January 21, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Communication City Manager Presentation by Fire Department Information Housekeeping City Manager Adult entertainment regulations Consensus Public Works Public Works Director Public Works Standards Information Public Works Public Works Director Storm water regulations Information Communication City Manager Preview Jan. 27 joint meeting with Consensus County Commissioners Communication City Manager Consider City newsletter and web page Consensus DISCUSSION LEADER ACTIVITY DISCUSSION GOAL Procedures Deputy City Manager Feb. 6 Study Session, Council manual Information Procedures Deputy City Manager Mini - retreat, governance /goals Consensus Personnel Greg Prothman Dept. head profiles and salaries Consensus AFTER CLOSE OF THE STUDY SESSION, THERE WILL RE A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE PURPOSE OF TAKING ACTION ON ONE ITEM RELATING TO DEPARTMENT HEAD PROFILES AND SALARIES. TO; CC FR: Lee W SUPPLEMENT TO JAN 21 STUDY SESSION Listed are the following topics I would like to add to this evenings meeting. 1. Under the agenda item "Joint meeting review" I would note that in addition to discussing "contracts" that we would also discuss County intentions on turning over real estate to the City. Jim Emacio called to suggest we also put an item on that agenda regarding Growth Management planning. I begged off on the grounds that Council had not yet been briefed on this subject. (Feb 18` Suggested instead that it be put on the agenda for our next joint meeting. 2. Since we can't realistically send thank you notes to everybody who attended Open House does Council want us to place an advert in the paper. Attached is memo from Sue outlining the cost of such an add. 3. I am also attaching a memo regarding a possible Business Registration program. I don't expect you to act on it or even discuss it in detail but simply indicate if you think its a good idea for me to approach the Chamber 4. I have scheduled the Feb 4 Study session for presentations regarding Parks /Recreation and Animal Control to accommodate 'Commissioner "Kate ". Marshall Farnell this called this to say the Board has an extensive hearing schedule that afternoon beginning at 5:00. He asked if instead they could appear prior to the scheduled Council Work Session on Feb 6. (Thursday) l told him I would let him know ASAP: I would that shifting the entire program involving Animal and P/R including the Transition Committee report and Bill H's presentation would involve an hour. Thus your meeting would run from 6 to 10 instead of 6 to 9 as presently planned. 5. Stan would like a few minutes to run the Council Chamber plan past to get your input on some detail. •r MEMO She did explain to me a couple of things: City of Spokane valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, '141.A. 99206 (509) 921 -1000 City .7 (509) 921 -1008 TAX DATE: January 21, 2003 TO: Lee Walton FROM: Sue Larson RE: A Thank you in the Spokesman Review I have visited with Peggy (927 -2163) from the advertising department at The Spokesman Review, in the Valley, regarding a Thank you in the paper for those who came to the Open House. She would like to come and discuss with someone, prices concerning ads in the paper. • if we plan to spend over $1000 a year in advertising, there is a contract we could sign allowing the City to receive a cut in price • prices for the Thursday paper are less than the prices for the Saturday paper • open rate prices for the Saturday paper are $16 /per column inch contract prices for the Saturday paper are $14.16 /per column inch contract prices for the Thursday paper are $12.59 /per column inch (There is not enough time to get the ad into the paper this Thursday) • for the month of January, they are running a special a full page ad would be $275 and is normally $900 She suggested that we use the full page ad to our advantage by not only placing a thank you on that page, but also adding any other information that you would want the public to see...possibly future meeting dates and times...possibly information pertaining to the upcoming Incorporation Celebration, etc. MEMO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TO: Council Fr: lee Walton Date; an 21 Subject: Business Registration 11707 Spraguc Ave, Spokane Valley WA 99206 Td: (509) 921 -1000, Fax (509) 921 -1008 e lwaltonr[ spokanevallcy.org DRAFT PROPOSAL Most cities in Washington State impose a business license or B 0 tax on all business and professional establishments located in those cities. This Council has made it very clear that such a tax will NOT be considered in Spokane Valley. However I Would propose that the Council consider a Yusiness Registration requirement including a very nominal fee (perhaps $10 to 20) only sufficient to cover the cost of maintaining the registration index. The reason and justification for registration is al follows: 1, Public Safety • Fire .Department: It is important that the Fire Department become aware of the characteristics of each business, including the types of materials (chemicals etc,) that are stored so that they can be properly prepared to respond to emergency calls for service_ • 'Police: Having access to a business index can be very helpful to police when conducting various types of investigations. Being notified when certain categories of businesses, such as temporary or itinerant, are operating in the City can provide advance notice of potential problems. 2, Land Ilse: • One of the most common problems encountered by Planning and Building Departments is the opening of a "non- conforming" business or building alterations that violate zoning or building code requirements. This frequently results in considerable expense to the prospective business as well as "hard feelings ". These problems can easily be avoided if new businesses are required to "register" giving the Departments an opportunity to confirm that the business conforms to zoning and can be advised with respect to building requirement or other special (State and Federal) regulations that might apply to that particular type of business. 3. Public Information: • • This index provides a source of information if residents need to confirm the existence (not necessarily the legitimacy) of a particular business. Of course all information other than the name and location would be confidential. Again, I emphasize that the purpose of such registration is not for revenue but for public safety and to allow us to provide better service to the business community. If Council agrees, I would suggest that 1. be authorized to present this proposal to the Chamber of Commerce for comment and hopefully their support. MEMORANDUM City of Spokane Valley Jan. 21, 2003 To: City Manager From: City Clerk Cc: Parks & Recreation Consultant Re: Opportunity Town Hall Facility After our meeting Monday with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor when the question as to status of the Opportunity Town Hall Facility use was raised, I contacted the County Clerk's office and was put in touch with the Parks Department. There are two requests for rental of this facility in work. (1) For use as a museum, offer of $300 per month rent plus utilities on a month -to -month basis, with some exterior repairs to the stucco facade proposed. Parks is doing background check and needs information from applicant as to dollar value and time period for building repairs. (2) For use as an antique furniture store, offer of $800 per month five -year lease. Parks is doing background check. Once all information is provided to Parks, there will be an legal publication for three consecutive weeks that the Commissioners will consider these proposals. The Commissioners will hold a public hearing where written comments will be received, then evaluate all information and make a decision. If objections are raised, there will be need to respond prior to a decision. 11707 F. Sprague • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley, Wa. • 99206 • (509) 921 -1000 • Fax (509) 921 -1008 To: Staff & Mayor Fr: Lee Sub: Schedule Jan 20 We are now starting the busy season so would like to get some confirmation on pending items Council consideration and action. As usual, it is clear that either our regular meetings must get a lot longer or we lay off some the overload to Thursdays. I prefer the latter because it allows more time to discuss the new stuff. Anyway, review the following and let nee know if it fits sol we can ask Stan Schwartz to produce the material. Feel free to contact Stan directly but let me know so we aren't double teaming him with different info. LOOKING AHEAD FROM FEBRUARY 4 (Draft as of Jan 20) FEBRUARY 4 STUDY SESSION • Presentation by Public Facilities District (20 minutes) • Presentation by WSDOT (15 minutes) • Presentation by Animal Control Transition Committee (1.0 minutes) • Presentation by Spokane County Re Animal services • Presentation by Park and Rec Transition Committee (10 minutes) • Presentation by Spokane County Re Park and Rec services • Review of Park. and Rec Alternatives (Bill Hutsinpiller) • Presentation by Cable TV Transition Committee • Adopt Motel -Hotel tax ordinance • Adopt Gambling Tax ordinance FEBRUARY 6 STUDY SESSION (Thursday) • Review Council procedures (including meeting schedule) FEBRUARY 11 REGULAR MEETING • Authorize execution of contract with Spokane County for park maintenance and recreation services • Adopt ordinances/resolutions re: park operations and regulations? • Adopt Financial Procedures policy • Adopt Purchasing Procedures policy FEBRUARY 18 STUDY SESSION • Review contract with Spokane County for Law Enforcement services • Review contract with Spokane County for Jail services • Presentation by Judge Peterson re: Municipal Court services • Presentation by Solid Waste Transition Committee 1 • Review law enforcement ordinances • Review Business registration policy • Review second hand dealer registration policy • FEBRUARY 20 STUDY SESSION (Thursday) • Review Public Works standards • Review Library Service (Transition Committee ?) • Review Planning and Zoning program • Review Hearing Examiner agreement FEBRUARY 25 REGULAR MEETING • Authorize execution of contract with Spokane County for law enforcement services • Authorize execution of contract with Spokane County for jail services • Authorize execution of Contract With Spokane County for Municipal Court services • Adopt Model Traffic Code as amended • Adopt Criminal Code • Adopt infractions Ord • Adopt Parking Ord • Adopt Nuisance Abatement Ord • Adopt Animal Control Ordianance MARCH 4 STUDY SESSION & Regular Meeting • Review Building Codes and policies • Adopt Interlocal agreements; o Street Maintenance o Signs and signals o Storm Water o Adopt Interlocal agreement for Prosecution o Adopt Interlocal agreement for Public Defender MARCH 6 RESERVE THIS DATE FOR SPECIAL REGULAR MEETING IF WE GET BEHIND MARCH 10 REGULAR MEETING • Adopt Spokane County Comp pan as amended by reference • Adopt Spokane County Zoning Ord as amended by reference • Adopt Uniform Building Code as amended • Adopt Mechanical Code • Adopt Fire Code • Adopt Plumbing Code • Adopt Energy Code • Adopt Unsafe Buildings Ord • Adopt Permit issuance (Ord - Policy ?) • Adopt Fireworks Ord 7 | DRADT SPOKANE VALLEY CONTRACT STATUS Jan 17 Service Long Range Plarining Current Planning _ _______ Building Code Review, Inspection, Enforcement aner Road Maintenance/Operation I Road Engineering (Design) 5ewagcOpenaUnn/Mainhanance r [ pr Solid Waste Disposal SevverPlanning and Design Municipal Court Jury Management . Pretrial Services Animal Control • No- City Program by March 31 but Contract needed for transition period Jim Harris) ._ ' No _ -- -- No- City program by March 31 but contract needed for transition period (Bob Ely) Yes-Waiting forcmntract/no presentation necessary (Stan McNutt) Yes-Negotiations almost H being dnyfted (O|chVVorren) '--- Under Review (Warren & Schwartz) Yes-Negotiations almost complete/Contract being drafted (Dick Warren) Under Review (Dick Warren) _ • _ •- _ __ • •_ Yes- Waiting for contra tetinn to be scheduled (McNutt) Yes-Waiting forcontract/no presentation required Yes-Waiting for contract/no presentatiOon | requ red Yes-Waiting for contract/no presentation - --' '— '' '- - -� " -' Undetermined, Negotiations pendino/prasentatiomneeded Possibye candidate for RFP (McNutt) 1 +Community Development I Under review /no presentation necessary _ . A — - — ` - . - - - -- -- -- s� - Public Defender Yes - Waiting contract /no presentation necessary __ -- - Counsel for Defense N/A ___ _..,, -_.__--._ _ ..._ . Prosecuting Attorney 1 1 Yes- Waiting contract /no presentation necessary - _ • Misdemeanors • Civil Infractions • Animal Control /Zoning - Y E Law Enforcement/Sheriff i I Yes -Under review, waiting for contract/no presentation necessary Jail Services • Yes - Waiting contract /no presentation necessary IGeiger Corrections Center. Yes - Waiting contract /no presentation necessary [_. i Parks Department I ; Under review /pending negotiations- POSSIBLE CITY PROGRAM /Presentation needed (Bill Hutsinpiller) Recreation Department ! Under review /Pending negotiations - PROBABLE CITY PROGRAM / Presentation needed (Hutsinpiller) ISD (GIS) Yes- Waiting contract/ presentation not necessary Library service (District) es- Waiting for co 2 EXHIBIT DISPLAY BOARD W7 PROJECTION SCREEN RAMP UP 8' LONG PERMANENT EXHIBIT SPACE - 711 1 1 C_ ° ISIEREEBEI 1 1 FillEEKEI 3E design group 1 1 . e • . •/,,• r 10$ .14 •)I t ' , ' 701 1.7 1141 HALLWAY ■ 1, ,.. ,,,, STA FF NEW DOOR AND FRAME II 0111a III SEATING (64 SEATS) • MI II I MT MEICCOMDM LECTERN taripris 111 ,1 VIDEO Ig CART 4 NEW DRAPERY HALF WALL Suite 101 — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 20' 12' 8' 4' 1'.0 Clocktower Bldg WEB Properties REDWOOD PLAZA 11707 E. SPRAGUE SPOKANE, WA 99206 0 D Council Chambers city of SPOKANE VALLEY CABINET W/ TABLE STORAGE rr /\ EXHIBIT DISPLAY BOARD PERMANENT EXHIBIT SPACE NEW DRAPERY GATE: 3.21.03 Ouww UY: }eh Q+EC <ED 9Y: DEER PROJECT H0.O0 -13 CITY CLERK A1.1 $REP,T ND, OF January 21, 2003 Spokane County Commissioners 1116 W. Broadway County Courthouse 1`` Floor Spokane, WA 99260 -0100 Commissioners: We understand that after the City of Spokane Valley Incorporation date on March 31 2003, there may be several County - owned properties that would likely become City properties. These properties include, but are not limited to, Opportunity Township Hall and several homes on Evergreen. We would like to request a listing of all properties where ownership may be transferred to the City. In addition, it is requested that the City be advised of any decisions regarding these properties. We appreciate your consideration of our request. Thank. you. Sincerely,° Mayor Michael DeVleming sl Ruth Muller From: DeVlemingM @aol.com Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 12:11 PM To: kbosworth @spokanevalley.org; smcnutt @spokanevalley.org; rmuller @spokanevalley.org; Iwalton @spokanevalley.org Subject: follow up Good morning everyone, A couple of follow up items from last night. ;J, need to set the date for a goals_workshop. Are any of t e following dates NOT acceptable F' f 1" 15r� ai;y �Ith ii r tc� ,> er (`7 et'�,u..4,, - �. — Mon ay 1 - ebruary 24th noon to 5 or 6? 2 We are looking to establish a few a oc committee's. According to my notes they are: Newsletter Committee [Munson ton, citizen ?) OBJECTIVE - research production and distribution options, frequency of production, should it be done in house or by contract and brief council and staff committee will conclude when council decides how to proceed with newsletter Rich indicated he has someone in mind (citizen) to help with the committee. WEB PAGE [Wilhite, MjNt citizen?] OBJECTIVE - explore options for Spokane Valley web site, options to include but not limited to interactive web site possibilities, 0 & M of site etc. committee will conclude when council decides how to proceed with web site any ideas for a citizen to help with this committee? COUNCIL CHAMBER [DeVlemin ilhite, McNutt] OBJECTIVE - work with staff to xplore (and decide on) options for paint, carpet, dias style etc for council chambers. Committee will keep the rest of staff and council in the loop" as far as decisions being made for room, committee will conclude upon completion of council chambers remodel And of course I am saddled with the thank you letter to be sent to the paper. Please let me know if my notes are incorrect or we want to change or expand the objective of these co r mittees. Mike DeVieming 1 `/a Page 1`of 1 J/, clIdo 3 4. Quality Auto Trim Fire •••••••-• Spokane Valley Fire Department Mission Statement The Spokane Valley Fire Department is an all -risk emergency agency, protecting its citizens' lives, property and the environment through a cost effective responsive people oriented service. SItde2 Fact Sheet Established - 1939 Governing Body - Board of 5 Fire Commissioners Area Served - 74 Square Miles Population Served - 120,000 Fire Rating - Class 4 Assessed Evaluation - 5.51 Billion 2003 Regular Tax - 1.37 per 1,000 2003 Special Levy - 1.60 per 1,000 54% of revenue Slide 1 Major Services Provided Fire Suppression Basic Life Support Advanced Life Support Arson Investigation Building Inspections Technical Rescue - Trench, Confined Space Public Education - CPR, Safety Fire Hydrant Testing EMT's & AEDs Paramedic's Slide4 Personnel How We Provide Our Services Responding Apparatus Responding Locations 143 5 - Engine Companies 2 - Pumper Ladders 2 - Paramedic Squads 1 - Light Rescue slides Strategic Goals. Fire Suppression Response Time - 5:00 (80% of responses) Basic Life Support Response Time - 5:00 (80% of responses) Advanced Life Support Response Time - 8:00 (80% of responses) Secure an ISO Insurance Rating of - Class 3 lM M�MN •wnr .r•'• Current 7 Fire Station Locations • r«w N•∎• 1 •S. r•� Fire District .+1 1.5 Mile Diamonds Slide? Station 1 - Station 2 - Station 3 - Station 4 - Station 5 - Station 6 - Station 7 - Station Locations Proposed Station 8 - 2110 N. Wilbur Proposed Medic House 9 - E. 11514 16th Proposed Medic House 10 - E. 17217 Sprague 10319 E. Sprague 8007 E. Trent 2218 N. Harvard 22406 E. Wellesley 15510 E. Marietta 6303 E. Sprague 1121 S. Evergreen Slide8 Time 06:00 04:48 03:36 02:24 01:12 0 0: 0 0 Average Response Time Historically Year • 1999 Time 05:25 0 2000 Time 05:35 • 2001 Time 05:28 Slide') Historical Incident History - 66.5% Increase Since 1993 0000 8000 7000 CD tr000 m 0 4000 1 tn re• 3000 • 8000 0 CD 2000 1000 4E390 bear+ 0597 64 7 7 11_0 7821 0 +----- 1 2 3 4 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001'J 2002 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2000 Incidents By Type BQo rrri 1 j 1 2O 4 a5_> 241).1 2001 2002 Slide I 1 400 1200 1000 600 600 400 200 Incidents by Response Area 102 1oa0 60 861: 133 L • • e xS 499 510 1269 781 ea I?fl Sta 1 Sta 2 Sta 3 Sta 4 Sta 5 Sta 6 Sta 7 Wilbur 16th E. SOaigtie • 2002 Proposed Fire Station and Medic House Locations 17217 E. Sprague 'r Purchased 2002 Year Assessed Valuation (Bil.) Increase Regular Tax Rate Regular Revenue Special Levy Tax Rate Special Levy Revenue Total Ta Rate % Levy Increase from previous year Total Tax Revenue Expense Budget Total Runs % of Previous Year Number of Employees 2008 5.9090 2.00% 1.3189 57,781,597 51.7758 $10,493,043 $ 3.0927 99,59%, 518,214940 155 2005 5.7931 2.00% 1.3299 $7,704,551 $1.7725 $10,268,360 $ 3.1025 99.71% $17,972,911 106 2004 5.6795 3.00% 1.3431 47,628,268 $1.7683 $10,042,930 S 3.1114 104.689E $17,671,198 - 158 2003 5.5141 3.50% 1.3897 $7,552,741 $1.6031 $ 8.839.459 $ 2.9728 100.09% $18,392,200 518,517,717 143 2002 5.3340 5.18% 1.3782 $7,310,130 51.5891 $ 8,352.000 $ 2.9700 101.02% $15,662,138 $15,812,311 7824 105.30% 143 2001 5.0713 3.65% 1.4000 $7,095,859 $1.5400 $ 7,700,000 $2.9400 106.14% $14,795,859 $14,358,993 . 513,451,418 7430 98.18% 143 2000 4.8925 3.98 % /0 1.3300 $8,547,817 $1.4300 $ 8,880,777 $2.7700 100.38% $13.793,345 7568 105.26% 144 1999 4.7058 5.10% 1.2800 $8,084,905 $1.4800 $ 8,784,712 $2.7800 101.85% $12,889,617 $13,020,388 7190 110.97% 141 1998 4,4775 8.03% 1.2500 $5.610,253 $1.4800 $ 6,326.187 52.7100 102.65% $11,938,420 $11,764,956 8479 103.73% 137 1997 4.1444 7.53% 1.2100 $5,031,311 $1,4300 $ 5,723,555 $2.6400 100.38% $10,754,868 $10,312,832 6246 94.82% 138 1998 3.8539 6.84% 1.2000 $4.823,531 51.4300 $ 5,315,153 $2.6300 100,38%5 59,938.884 $10,245,547 6587 115.78% 127 1995 3.6070 13.50% 1.1800 $4,273,572 $1.4400 $ 5,033,493 52.8200 95.62% $9,307,065 $9,021,545 5689 108.67% 117 1994 3.1779 223796 1.2200 $3,881,441 $1.5200 $ 4,898,293 52.7400 98,1496 $8,577,734 $874487928 5235 111.48% 120 1993 2.6012 2.76% 1.3500 $3,511,733 51.5000 $ 3,857,880 $2.8500 108.37% $7,369,613 $7,899,948 4896 108.28% 106 Spokane Valley Fire Department - Revenue Information Page 1 0:1Dept Data Unshared\Adminlstratlon \Budget \Revenue Informetlon +3 Spokane Valley Fire Department - Revenue Information Page 1 Q:\Dept Data Unshared \AdminlstratlonlBudgetlRevenue Information +3 Assessed Valuation (Bil.) % Increase Regular Tax Rate Regular Revenue Special Levy Tax Rate Special Levy Revenue Total Tax Rate % Levy Increase from previous year Total Tax Revenue Expense Budget Total Runs % of Previous Year • Number of Employees 2006 5.9090 2.00% 1.3169 $7,781,597 $1.7758 $10,493,043 $ 3.0927 99.69% $18,274,640 155 2005 5.7931 2.00% 1.3299 $7,704,551 $1.7725 $10,268,360 $ 3.1025 99.71% $11,972,911 155 2004 5.6795 3.00% 1.3431 $7,628,268 $1.7883 $10,042,930 $ 3.1114 104.661% _$17_,6 1 .198 155 2003 5.5141 3.50% 1.3697 $7,552,741 $1.8031 $ 8.839,459 $ 2.9728 100.09% $16,392,200 $18,517,717 143 2002 5.3340 5.18% 1.3782 $7,310,138 $1.5891 $ 8.352,000 $ 2.9700 101.02% $15,882,138 $15,812,311 7824 105.30% 143 2001 5.0713 3.85% 1.4000 $7,095,859 $1.5400 $ 7,700,000 $2.9400 106,14% $14,795,859 $14,358,993 7430 98.18% 143 2000 4.8925 3.98% 1.3300 $8,547,817 51.4300 $ 6,880,777 $2,7700 100.30%_ 413,793,345 $13,451,418 7588 105.26% 144 1999 4.7058 5.10% 1.2800 $8,084,905 $1.4800 $ 8,784,712 $2.7600 101.85% $12.869,817 $13,020,386 7190 110.97% 141 1998 4.4775 8.03% 1.2500 $5,610,253 $1.4800 $ 6.328,187 $2.7100 102.65% $11.938.420 $11,784,958 6479 103.73% 137 1997 4.1444 7.53% 1.2100 $5,031,311 $1.4300 $ 5,723,555 $2.8400 100.38% $10,754,866 $10,312,832 8248 94.82% 136 1996 3.8539 8.84% 1.2000 $4,823,531 $1.4300 $ 5,315,153 $2.8300 100.38% $9,938,884 $10,245,547 8587 115.78% 127 1995 3.6070 13.50% 1.1800 $4,273,572 $1.4400 $ 5,033,493 52.8200 95.82% $9,307,065 $9,021,545 5689 108.67% 117 1994 3.1779 22.17% 1.2200 $3,881,441 $1.5200 $ 4,696.293 $2.7400 96.14% $8,5h734_ $8,848,928 5235 111.48% 120 1993 2.6012 2.78% 1.3500 $3,511,733 $1.5000 $ 3,857,880 $2.8500 108.37% $7,369,613 57.899,946 4696 108.28% 106 Spokane Valley Fire Department - Revenue Information Page 1 Q:\Dept Data Unshared \AdminlstratlonlBudgetlRevenue Information +3 Year Assessed Valuation (Bil.) % Increase Regular Tax Rate Regular Revenue Special Levy Tax Rate Special Levy Revenue Total Tax Rate % Levy Increase from previous year Total Tax Revenue Expense Budget Total Runs % of previous Year Number of Employees 2006 5.9090 2.00% 1.3169 $7,781,597 $1.7758 $10,493,043 $ 3.0927 99.69% $18,274,640 155 2005 5.7931 2.00% 1.3299 $7,704,551 51.7725 $10,268,360 S 3.1025 99.71% $17,972,911 155 2004 5.6795 3.00% 1.3431 $7,628,268 $1.7683 $10,042,930 $ 3.1114 104.66% $17 155 2003 5.5141 3.50% 1.3697 $7,552,741 $1.8031 $ 8.839,459 5 2.9728 100.09% $16,392,200 $16,517,717 143 2002 5.3340 5.18% 1.3782 57,310,138 51.5891 $ 8,352,000 5 2.9700 101.02% $15,682,138 $15,612,311 7824 105.30% 143 2001 5.0713 3.85% 1.4000 $7,095,859 $1.5400 $ 7,700,000 $2.9400 106.14% $14,795,859 $14,358,993 7430 98.18% 143 2000 4.8925 3.96% 1.3300 $6,547,817 $1.4300 $ 6,880,777 $2.7700 100.36% $13,793,345 $13.451,416 7568 105.28% 144 1999 4.7058 5.10% 1.2800 $8,084,905 $1.4800 S 6,784,712 52.7600 101.85% $12,889,617 $13,020,386 7190 110.97% 141 1998 4.4775 8.03% 1.2500 $5,610,253 $1.4600 $ 6,326,167 $2.7100 102.65% $11,936,420 $11,764,958 6479 103.73% 137 1997 4.1444 7.53% 1.2100 $5,031,311 51.4300 5 5,723,555 52.6400 100.38% $10,754,886 $10,312,832 6246 94.82% 136 1996 3.8539 6.84% 1.2000 $4.623,531 $1.4300 $ 5,315 52.6300 100.38% $9,938,684 510,245,547 6587 115.78% 127 1995 3.8070 13.50% 1.1800 $4,273,572 51.4400 $ 5.033,493 52.6200 95,62% 59,307,085 $9,021,545 5689 108.67% 117 1994 3.1779 22.17% 1.2200 $3.881,441 $1.5200 $ 4,696,293 52.7400 _98,14% $8,571734_ _ $8,648,928 5235 111.48% 120 1993 2.6012 2.76% 1.3500 $3,511,733 $1.5000 $ 3,857,880 $2.8500 108.37% $7,369,613 57,899,948 4896 108.28% 108 Spokane Valley Fire Department - Revenue Information Page 1 Q :\Dept Data Unshared \Administration\6udg©t\Rovenue Information +3 Year Assessed Valuation (Bil.) % Increase Regular Tax Rate Regular Revenue Special Levy Tax Rate Special Levy Revenue Total Tax Rate % Levy Increase from previous year Total Tax Revenue Expense Budget Total Runs % of Previous Year Number of Employees 2006 5.9090 2.00% 1.3189 $7,781,597 51.7758 $10,493,043 $ 3.0927 99.69% $18,274,640 ill__ 2008 5.7931 2.00% 1.3299 $7,704,651 51.7726 510,268,380 $ 3.1025 99.71% $17,972,911 156 2004 5.6798 3.00% 1.3431 $7,628,268 $1.7683_ $10,042,930 6_34.114 104.66% _motion _155_ _ _ 2003 5.5141 3.50% 1.3697 $7,552,741 $1.8031 $ 8,839.459 $ 2.9728 100.09% $16,392,200 $16,517,717 143 2002 5.3340 5.18% 1.3782 $7,310,136 $1.5891 $ 8,352.000 $ 2.9700 101,02%. .$15,882,138 $15,612,311 7824 105.30% 143 2001 5.0713 3.65% 1.4000 $7,095,859 $1.5400 $ 7,700.000 $2.9400 106.1496 $14,795,859 $14,358,993 7430 98.18% 143 2000 4.8925 3.96% 1.3300 $8,547,817 $1.4300 $ 6,880,777 $2.7700 _100.36% $13,793,345 513,451,418 7588 105.28% 144 1999 4.7058 5.10% 1.2800 $8,084,905 $1.4800 $ 6,784,712 $2.7800 101.85% 512.869,617 $13.020,386 7190 110.97% 141 1998 44775 8.03% 1.2500 $5.610,253 $1.4600 $ 8,326,187 $2 7100 102,85% $11,936.420 $11,784,956 8479 103.73% 137 1997 4.1444 7.53% 1.2100 $5,031,311 $1.4300 $ 5,723,555 $2.6400 100.38% $10,754,886 $10,312,832 6246 94.82% 138 -- 1996 3.8539 6.84% 1.2000 $4,623.531 $1.4300 $ 5,315,153 $2.6300 100.38% $9,838,684 $10.245,547 6587 115.78% 127 1995 3.8070 13.50% 1.1800 $4,273,572 $1.4400 $ 5,033,493 52.6200 95.6296 $9,307,065 $9,021,545 5889 108.87% 117 1994 3.1779 22.17% 1.2200 $3,881,441 $1.520Q. _,$ 4,696,293 $2.7400 96.14% _ :$8,577,734 58,848,928 5235 111.48% 120 1993 2.8012 2.78% 1.3500 $3,511,733 51.5000 $ 3,857,880 $2.6500 108.37% $7,389,613 $7,899,948 4898 108.28% 100 Spokane Valley Fire Department - Revenue Information Page 1 Q.\Dept Data Unahared \Administration \Bud©etlRevenue Information +3 Year Assessed Valuation (BII.) % Increase Regular Tax Rate Regular Revenue Special Levy Tax Rate Special Levy Revenue Total Tax Rate % Levy Increase from previous year Total Tax Revenue Expense Budget Total Runs % of previous Year Number of Employees 2006 5.9090 2.00'/0 1,3169 $7,781,597 $1.7758 $10,493,043 $ 3.0927 99789% $18,274,640 165 2005 5.7931 2.00% 1.3299 $7,704,651 81.7725 910,288,380 $ 3.1025 99.71% 417,972,911 155 2004 5.5795 ' 3.00% 1.3431 $7,628,288 51.7683 $10,042,930 $ 3.1114 104.88% 07,871.198 155 2003 5.5141 3.50% 1.3697 $7,552,741 $1.8031 $ 8.839.459 $ 2.9728 100.09% $16,392,200 $16,517,717 143 2002 5.3340 5.18% 1.3782 $7,310,138 $1,5891 S 8.352.000 S 2.9700 101.02% $15,882.138 $15,612,311 7824 105.30% 143 2001 5.0713 3.65% 1.4000 $7,095,859 $1.5400 $ 7,700,000 $2.9400 108.14% $14,795,859 $14,358,993 7430 98.18% 143 2000 4.8925 3.98% 1.3300 $6,547,817 $1.4300 $ 6,880.777 $2.7700 100.38% $13,793,345 $13,451,418 7588 105.28% 144 1999 4.7058 5.10% 1.2800 56,084,905 $1.4800 $ 8,784,712 $2.7600 101.85% $12,869,617 $13,020,386 7190 110.97% 141 1998 4.4775 8.03% 1.2500 $5,810,253 51.4800 $ 8.326.167 $2.7100 102.65% $11,938.420 $11.764,958 8479 103.73% 137 1997 4.1444 7.53% 1.2100 $5,031,311 51.4300 $ 5,723,555 $2.8400 100.38% $10,754,886 $10,312,832 8246 94.82% 136 1996 3.8539 6.84% 1.2000 $4,823.531 $1.4300 $ 5,315,153 $2.6300 100.38% $9.938,684 $10,245,547 6587 115.78% 127 1995 3.6070 13.50% 1.1800 $4,273,572 $1.4400 $ 5.033,493 $2.6200 95.62% $9,307,065 $9,021,545 5889 108.67% 117 1994 3.1779 22.1796 172200 53.881,441 $1.5200 11 98.293 52.7400 96,14% $8,577,734 58,648.928 5235 111.4896 r 120 1993 2.6012 2.78% 1.3500 $3,511,733 $1.5000 $ 3,857,880 52.8500 108.37% $7,369,613 $7,899,946 4896 108.28% 106 Spokane Valley Fire Department - Revenue Information Page 1 C1:1Dept Data Unshered\Administration \Budget \Revenue Information-#-3 Year 2000 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2 X30 199♦ 1906 1997 1696 1995 1094 1993 +, Assessed Valuation (611.1 Increase 6.8090 2,8094 5. 7931 2.00% 5.6795 3.00% 5514' 3S 5,33.40 5 18% 50113 365% 4 6926 A 98% 4 7058 5. 10% 4.4/0 6 03% 4 1444 7 5.3% 1.8530 6.84% 3 6070 1350% 3.1779 _17% 2 6017 2 76% • Regular Tax Rate Regular Revenue 1,3109 $7.781.597 >11, 77611 1.3299 57,744,551 31.7726 1.3431 57,621,269 $17603 1.3997 Si 552,141 $1 W31 1,3752 57,310,136 $ 1.5891 1.4000 57,095.859 $ 1.5400 1 3300 30.547,017 $ 1.4300 2500 $6,004 $ 1 4800 1.25[X3 55,610,253 $ 1.41300 1 2100 $5,031,311 $ 1 4300 1.2000 54,023$31 $ 1 4300 1 1800 34 .2/3,5/2 $ 1 4400 1 .2200 53.881,441 3 1.5200 1.3500 $3,511.733 S 1 5000 Revenue Information Special Levy Tax Rate Special Levy Revenue 1 10,4113.043 310,268,360 S 10,042.630 $ 0,839 4 $ 8,352,000 $ 7.700.000 $ 6.660.777 $ 0.784.712 9 6.321, 8 ;7 $ 6,723,555 $ 5,315,153 S 5,033.403 5 4,096,293 $ 3,857,880 Total Tax Rale S 3.0927 $ 3 1026 $ 3.1114 5 7 0128 $ 2 9 ?00 $ 2 9400 S 2.7700 $ 2 /000 $ 2 7100 52 6400 3 2.6300 S 2 6200 27430 $ 2 8500 % Levy Increase from previous year Total Tax Revenue 60.69% 4111.274,640 99.71% 117,972.911 104.65% 117,571,109 10009% 516,392.200 101 02% 315,062.136 106 14% 514,795,859 100.30% 313,793.345 101 85% $ 12,569,617 1172 65% 311,936,420 100 38% 510,754,866 100.38% 29,938.684 95 62% 50 307,065 96 14% $8,577,734 • 108 3/% 57,389 • Expense Budget 515,517,717 $15,612,311 $ 14.358.993 513,451,416 $13,020 386 $11,184,950 $10 312,837 510.245,547 S 9,021,545 $8,648,928 Total Runs 7824 7430 7056 7190 6479 6246 8861 5689 5235 $7,899. ', 4696 1 -747 limits the regular tax rate to a 1% increase per year. The special levy is a fixed dollar amount. % of Previous Yew 165 105 30% 143 99 10% 143 100 78% 144 110 97`x, 141 103 73% 13 7 94 82% 136 195.715% 127 10867% 117 111 120 108 28% , 106 When the 2004 levy is approved, the department will have experienced a 9% increase in total tax rate over the last 11 years. Slidel4 Number 01 Employees 165 156 If Disaster Strikes We Will Be There Thank You For Your Time Interest And Support