2008, 03-18 Study Session .1(:F:NU:1 CITY OF Sf'OkANEV:1LLF1' CI'I'Y COL'VC'il. WOkk.SEII?F.T S'I'Ll[)Y tiEtiSl(.1N 'I'ucsday. March 18, 200$ 6:00 p.m. CtTY HAI.L COU1CTt. CIWiBFRti 11707 EASt tipragae Avenae. Fir.ct Floor (Ylease Silcnce 1'our Ccll Phones During the Nleetingl DtSCU!;slOv t.t:ADE:lt 5L t3JEtT/AC'1'1%-1TY GOAL 1'ew Emplayee Inlrurhclluns: L'ommunit)• 11es-elupmenr 1)irrct.,r lurllv.11cC'1ung wi11 uitruclucP tleother 1 •fnrrr.c, Qffice A.csr.rtcmt 1, cnr<! l:iri 13trrlrnw. .4s.sacutle Plwuier AC_TI()N 11'Eh1: ! tite%c Vr'(Ir{cN f'roposed Rcsoluticm 08-003 Declaring Surplus Approvc ftexalutiotin Nropcrty for Pinrs'titanstield Cepital Project ipabtIc commentl ~ Str%r worl<< Motiun Cr,nsi.irration: 1'uc>1 Con:uuCtion Appro%e N-ftAion f3id Award Ipubiic rommeutl FtEGUI.AR STUD1c' SE:SSION TTF..I►15: i. Steve N'orlcy I I~ niiuuics) Darl:er [3riJge Utility Agreemcnc. Uiscus.sinn(Inform:stioa •t. Councilmemher Denennv 7'N1DL Frrscntution DiscussiuNlnfarmarion (15 minutcs) 5. Grc-g NiXcxrnick Itdcrirn Orclinan4e 0?-025 Amtmdmciit [?ic~:uysii~n~lnfc~rmnti~~n (I S minutes) fi. Ncil KcrstcnlTim K(ein SprinF Rc►ads Rcport F'reurNatic~r►:'Inti~rn~uti~,n (1 ti mirlul~; I Ua% e Nlercier (!U minuteti) ( c'ishtive MtrttLrc vis.:us,~io►t'intorttiaIiun 8. C:ury DriskCU (10 minutcs) Solid 14aqte Frinchisc Rcview Discussion/lafornwtion 1?. Cary C7ciikcll('_0 minuic-o Grafiiti Rcgulatitms DI5CtiSSiUnrlnf-lrn7an(m 10. MayorNtunson [)i~cutitiiuti'infortn;iti(_I n 11. lnformation Unl-,•: Munufui.tutril Iluu`nn,: N1Lnw b. Carnprehensivt Plan SchcYlulc 2010 Figuro Sknting Champww.hiP!, d. C~.~nsultsint Selection Nnxcss l.(pdute - Cit) 12. M.+N or hlunsan Cauncil Che.k in ioil 1-;. t1a%,e Mercier itN Nfan:1:,c.r Commrntti 1ril-knination An.rnURN , Vole: 1'nli--" othrrvvlw noled abn~C, there svill hr ou public cummcntt nl Council 5Wdy Sessiuus. liuwe,,er, Cauacil a!»nys rr5ee-sc3 Ibe rtbt tu rryuest infnrmatinn [rom the publlc and staRa+ ap{uopriote. During mcctings hefd by the Ci[} of Spr.i;uu Vnllcy Cuunci!. thc Cnw;: il rccn-c> tlte right 11►:e "a;;ia,i" <tir >iny ttrm linr_:! nr ,11h"c:Iurnt(v nddcc] m the aPrn(Li 1he tcrm "nr'ton" means mdciiberucc. ~;i5:u»_ t_•:ie'.~. ~;;r,_~;,+`r. _ 't~'ultc. ,t rt'sc ~ i ~llrrur= ;'o~ot%r,,rt~ct-<<vt (1_.:.•~;u. `1 r~ { i ifn ~+cr~, pi-~n;:ir~i n srrnd !t:~ n~~:r'u i:.h ~ ,uit~? ;pc.~ul a~. ~cc i., r.:;n : tr,s~..il hc~r~.~_ ~J! o~!r.i ~~•t~~~i::;•c•d~. plc~.~ :~mt~t ~ ~ Jit t ic~ Uu~ ar ~`~i~:l -~!;-tl•~~~ „n n -,vlil ttt_ii Tin ,-m.rtc ros} hc mr0c , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 _ City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ~ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 08-003 declaring surplus property for PineslMansfield capital project. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.40.070 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: NA . BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum from Public Works and the finance director. See also attached Resolution 08-003. The Public Works department has determined that a parcel of property preciously acquired as part of the PineslMansfield capital project is better used to trade for another necessary parcel. Because the City has already acquired the same it is necessary pursuant to our Municipal Code to declare it surplus and have council approve the trade of real property. OPTIONS: Approve or deny resolution. , RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Resolution 08-003 to declare surplus property and approve the trade of real property. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N1A. Costs will be a part of the capital project funds. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley ATTACHMENTS: A. Memorandum from Public Works & Finance Director B. Resolution 08-403 ~ ~ Public Works Deparfinent &TYpokane Capifal Improvement Program 00 ,,;oo0;Va11ey° 11707 E 5praaue Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 94206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.421.1008 ♦ cftyfiall@spakanevalley.ora Informational Memorandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Ken Knutson, P.E. - Project Martager Steve M. Worley, P.E. - Senior Engineer (CIP) Neil Kersten, AIA - Public Works Directar Ken Thompson - Fnance Direcior Date: Niarch 13, 2008 ' Re: Pines/Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project - Righf-of-Way Trade The dssign of the Pines/Mansfield project is nearly comple#e. Plans and specifications are going fhrough final revizw and corrzction, and one dghi-of-v:ray (ROW) transaction needs io be compfeted priar to ROW certification and a request of constnuction funds. 7he last ROW purchase is somewhat cornplex and involves several smaller steps. ~ BACKGROUND J The parcels involved in this transaction are on the southwest cflrner of the Pines/Mansfield intersection as shown in tne aftached Exhibi# W. At firsi, a 10,682 square zoat piece of the northeast corner oT the Pinecroft Mobile Home Park (Map No. 17) was purchased. This area was for fhe construction of a stormwater swale to treat runoff from the improved Mansfield Avenue: The property was appraised by Appraisal Group Northwest, LLC at $50,4£0 ($54,000for the land and $460 for a temporary slape area). Negotiations then beaan for the purchase. of 3,597 square feet of addi#ional right-of-way along the southv+rest corner of the Pines/Mansfield intersection (Map No. 18 & 19). This area is required for the widening of Mansfield Avenue incluciing a 150-foot long easfbounci right turn lane. Because af the proposed right turn lane, access from Mansfield Avenus to tfie narrov✓ parcels immediately south of the right turn lane is effectively elimiriat2d. Access to parcels is not allowed within a righi 4urn lane. The monetary damage to the value of these #wo parcels from the loss of access from Mansfield Avenue was estimated ta be approximately $300,000 acc4rding to Appraisal Group Nort_hwest. 'To keep project costs down, another solution was needed. PROPOSED SOLUTION The proposed s4lution is to provide an access to the subjecl parcels (Map Nos. 18 & 19) across a portion of the right-of-rvay purchased from the PinecroSt Mobile Home Park. Iaifonnational Memo 3/13I08 Aines/it4ansfield Cortidor Congestifln Relief.Prvject -Right-of-Way Trade !'age 2 Tha required drainage swale would then be located on the remaining aortion of the righf- of-way purchased from the Pinecroff Mobile Home Par1c along with a border easement on the subject parcels (Map Nos. 18 & 19). 5ee Exhibit'B'. This requires trading 6,892 square feet of the 10,682 square faet of right-of-way . purchased from the mobile home park for a portion of the remaining right-of-way and border easement needed from the subject praperty owners. The appraisal for Map Nos. 18 & 19 was redone based on not losirrg access to Mansfield Avenue. The breakdown of costs for the current solution is as follows: 3,597.07 Sq. Ft. of RW Land @$12.001Sq. Ft. _$43,164.84 10,110.46 Sq. Ft. of Border Easement @$9.OQ1Sq. Ft. =$90,994.14 907.46 Sq. Ft. of Pipe Easement @$2.55/Sq. Ft. - _$2,394.02 -6,892.28 Sq. Ft. of Land Tradeti to Owners @$5.09/Sq. Ft. _($351081.71) Total Payment to Owners = $101,391.29 The subject property owners in this last transaction have agreed to this solution. LEGAL AUTHORITY Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.40.070 allotivs Tor the trade of praperty. SpecificaAy, the property to be traded must be declared surplus and the benefit to the city of the trade must be greater than a cash sale. RECOMMENDATION - In an effort to reduce the cost of this final property aoquisition at the southwest corner of the PiResJMansfield intersection, stafr recommends Councal approve the proposed trade of property. HQproval of this trade eliminates the $300,000 in monetary damage to the subject parcels (Map Rlos. 18 & 19) by providing an atternate access further to the west using property purchased ear[ier with project funds for a stormtivater treatment swale. This trade is in the best interest of the City by reducing the cast of right-of-way acquisition at the southwest corner of the Pines/Mansfield intecsection and aflowing the Pin2slMansfield project to move farward to construction in a timely manner. ~ CITY OF SI'O1CA1\TC VALLEY ~ SPdKt1NIE COl7NTTY, WA.SH]NIGTON . . RESOLUTiONNIO. 08-003 A R.NSOLU'1'ION DECLARING REAL PROPERTY TO BE SUlZI'I:,US PURSUA\~T TO SPOKA\E VALLEY MUNIC1PAL CODF (SVMC) SECTION 3.40,070 (13); APPROVI\~G 'I"HE "I'E2AnE OF REAL PROPERTY PURSUAI~~T ?(7 SVMC 3.40.070 (D) AND AUTHORIZTNG THG C1TY MANAGLR TO EXECUTE r1LL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CONVEY ANDlOR SELL SA ll) i'tFAi.. PROPERTY. 'Wf-IEREAS, SVMC SECTION 3.40.070 (b) requires a declaration that real prapert), be dcclarcd surplus by the Spokane Valley City Council prior to its disposal; and jVI-IERE.AS, the criteria fJor a declaration of stu-plus property as set forth in SVMC 3.40.070 includes the followina: 1. 'I`he City has or anticipates no practical, ef-fir.ient, or appropriatz use far the property. 2. The purpose servcd by the property caii be accomplislieci by usc of a be.tter, less costly; or more efficieni alternaiive. i~ 3. The purpose served by the property no longer exists as deternlined bv a changc ~ of policy or practice. W1-IFR.F.4S; upon such d declaraiion passed by resolutiou by tlie Spokane Valley C;ity Council the Fvlance Direcl:or is duthorized eo sell surplus property; aud WHERF-AS, department directors have been notified of the surplus nature of tlus praperty and no department other than the Public Works departmeni has any desire to acquire or use the proposed surplus property; aiid NUHEREAS, a trade of real prope.rLy is allowed pursuant to SVN4C 3.40.070 {T)) where., . upon receipt of a report by the Finance Director; the City finds that the trade of re.al property would realize a greater benefit io the City than a salc for cash; and W~MREAS, approxuziately 10;682 square f-eet of real property. xvas acquir.ed a..~ paa-t of the ACqU1S1t701] of ri ;lit of v,,ay for the Pines/Mansfield project. The property was appraisEd by Appraisal Crroup NOrthwest, T.,i.C. The Cii_y subsequently detenliuied that additional right of way was required for a riaht hand turn lane.; border easement and a pipe easemeni. These additional rieht of way requirements effectivel}r nrecluded access to adjacent parcels. By traaing aporiion of the land origuially obtained for t.lie other nccessar_y properties, the Cit}, is able to avoid any costs associatcd with the restriction of access. all of the parccls of property invoh=ed have beev appraised and the City is receiving full value t-or the traded property. The specific eosts atid property descriptions DRAF'T Resolution 08-003 Trade of Propert}, are set forih in the repon by the Project -ManagEr, Senior Engineer; Public Works 17irector and Finance Uirector attached hereto, and 'WHE-REAS, as a result of tlus 1.rade 1.he City would realizc a greater benefit than would be derived for the cash sale of thc property ui question; and W-HEREAS, pursuant to SVMC 3.40.070 (D) upon the declaration of surplus real property and where a benefit to the City is established; such a trade of real property is authorized. Now therefore, bc it resolvcd by the City Council of the City of Spokanc Valley, Spokane County, WaShinglon; as fUllows: Section 1. lleclaration of Surplus. The City of Spokdne Valley City Cowicil hereby declares that the real Prapercy identified above is hereby declared to be surplus in tliat the City has no practical, efficient or appropriate use for the property other t:han to trade it for property ncccssary for ttie completion of the Pines/Mansfield capital project. Section 2. AuthorizatiUn to Trade Real Propcrtv. The ti-ade of the real property in question for the identified pa.rcel of redl property will realize a ereater benef t to ihe City than would be realized through a casli sale and further that this benefit is confirmed by the adequatc appraisals completed by a qualUied independent appraisEr. Section 3. Authorization ta selUtrade propertv. Thc City Manager is hereby authorized to exECUtc any doctunents necessary to complete the trade of real property set forth - above. Scction 4. Lffective Uate. Tlvs R.esolution shall be effcctive upon adoption. Adopted this day of March, 2008. City of Spnkane Vallcy A11'LST: A9ayor Richard Munson City Clerk., Christine $ainbridoe .Approvcd as to form: Office of the Ciiy Attorney 17RAFT Resolution 08-003 Trade Qf PropErty CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date:. March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Pool Construction Bid Award GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of contract with ORB Architec#s for Pool Upgrade Design; Review of Info Niemo dated December.21, 2007 on projeck status; Cancellation of bid and authorization to re-bid on February 5, 2008 BACKGROUND: The design of the Swimming Pool Upgrades is complete. The proposed additions to each of the City s three pools include: Park Road Pool: Water Slide Valley Mission Pool: LeisurelTraining Pool w/ ZeraDepth entry Terrace View Poo.l: Lazy River The project was previousty bid and only one bid was received. The bid exceeded the project budget. Staff recommended, and Council agreed, to cancel the bid and re-bid the project with changes to the number of wor4cing days; allowing contractors to work through the 2008-2009 winter to complete the project_ The proposed revised schedule is as follows: Bid advertisement: February 15, 2008 Bid Opening: March 7, 2008 Contract Award: March 18, 2008 Construction Begins: April 15, 2008 The contractor will be required to complete the improvements to the existing pools and bathhouses prior to the start of the 2008 swimming season. The additions to the pools (water slide, leisure/training pool, lazy river) must be completed within 450 days or prior to the start of the 2009 swimming season. Attached is the previous estimate for the pool upgrade project and a tabulation of the bids received on March 7. The base bid includes improvements to the existing pools and bathhouses along with the additional features listed above. The additional items listed will be bid as Additive Bid items. This allovvs Council to select those items that can be included within the budget after the base bid has been determined. OPTIONS: 1) award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder, Kilgore Construction; 2) reject the bid, revise the scope of the project and re-bid later this fall; 3) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the award of the Swimming Pool Upgrade project to Kilgore Construction. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Current project budget is $1,995,000 STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Wodey, Senior Engineer - Capital Projects Mike Jackson, Deputy City Nianager ATTACHMENTS Project Estimate, Bid tabulation, Memo Swimming Pool Upgrades - Project Estimate Original Praject Additionai Total Praject Estimats (ORB) Costs Estimate Design OR8 Coaitract - Paol Designs Phase I- Public lnput $ 21.565 $ 21,565 Phase N- Design Development $ 54.625 S 54.625 Phase III - Comstr. Documenis $ 59,625 S 59.625 Phase N- Constr. Adtrun. $ 60.896_ $ 60,896 Subtotal S 196.711 S 196,711 ORB Change Order #1 - SewerlWater $ 4,000 $ 4.000 USKH Gonbact - Tapo Surveys i 7,931 $ 7.931 Ubtiry Locate Contrac! $ 3,000 $ 3.000 Oosipn Sub Tota! i _ 186.711 i.14 31 f 211,642 Construcliott Exist. Pool Upgrades $ 242,243 $ 242,243 Pod Additions $ 983,858 $ 983.858 Table, Chairs, Shade SVixxures $ 15,000 $ (15,000) $ - SeweflWaftr Work $ 50,000 $ 50,000 AAebi Roof • VM $ 24,000 $ 24,000 Undergrounding Power $ 23.000 $ 23.000 Speciallnspectinns $ 45,000 $ 45,000 Sales Tax (8 696) $ 106,735 $ 10,922 $ 117,657 Constr. Admin Contsngerx.y (1296) $ 101,152 S 75.000 $ 176,152 Constructbn Total f 1.448.888 i 292,922 S 1,681*810 PROJECT TOTAL ~ i 1,846,6%l $ 227,db3 i 1XT3,662 Addidonal Items Buiiding Exterior Lightlng $ 30,000 $ (30.OOD) $ - Adcf. Pool Dedc. Orains 3 Fer►ce $ 48,000 $ 48.000 Plant Add. Shads Trees $ 15,000 3(15,000) $ - More IntetacUve Ptay Equip $ 30,000 $ 30,040 UpgradQ Sit$ Seainty Lighting $ 45.000 S 45,400 Mare Tables, Chairs, Shade Slruc. $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 30,000 S - Sales Tax (8.696) $ 15,738 $ 53,638 $ 69,378 Soft Costs (249L) S 43,920 AddlHonal lbsms Sub ToW f 24460 : 23.63a f 222.376 PROJECTTOTAL_1MlAdd.IDNns i 1AM357 i 254.491 i 2,095.928 rotes t) Projed TotBb diftr fiom ORSs because theY mied 8 Q% tax 2) 7able. Chaus to be purchased separate from cons!►uction contratt Project Budget Spokane County Funds $ 1,600,000 Parks Capftal ProjeCt Funds $ 95.000 (ior SewerlWater Connedkorta. sacurtty ►.igtxing) Contingency Funds $ 300,000 TotalBudgei S 1,395,000 12121 f2007 BID TABULATION - Swimmfnsa Pool UpSitACes ne' ~ BlD NO. 08-00 BED OPENIN(3 OATE AAa►eh 7 200$ 11:00 A.M. pg IMATE K4.OORE GO UC ON 8 S CON3TRUC7 N BIDDERS ALL REQUIRED EVBMITTALS es Yes i~~• ITF.M OE9CRgTION u.w Unlt Prics Totsg l1nN Prfu Totil Unll Ptke 7ou1 t BASE Bib PAR7 1- PARK RD LS LS s 5B8 027 62 l5 f 723.78800 LS S e64 OB4A0 gAS£ E31D PART 2- 1ERRACE NEW l5 LS s ena eTe.ei I.S 3 070 95A.00 LS i 1,061,154 00 BASE BID PART 3 - VALLEY MiS51ON L$ LS s 711,001 Q8 LS f 062,3970 O LS $ 956.05800 2 M.TEftNATi' 810 NQ, tA- P/1RK RWLt SECUHITY l1a14TING l5 LS 3 13,29300 LS i 0.430.00 I.6 = 11.74000 J ALTERPlA7E BIO NO 18 - TFRRACE YIEW SECURiIY LlGH?1NI3 LS LS i }e 11" 00 LS f G 790 00 LS f 9,475 00 4 ALi[RW1TE 810 NO 1C - VALLEY MISSION SECURI7Y UGHTi LS LS $ 15,27600 LS f I3.819.00 LS f s4 575 00 5 AI.T[.RNATE 010 NQ 2A - PARK NOAD SMADE STHUCI URE L6 LS f 8.6520U l5 f 20305 00 LS i '3 015.Oo e ALTEitNATE 91D NO. 28 - 7ERWICE VIEW SiiAPE STRUCTURE LS LS $ 6,952,00 lS i TO SOS.(Kl LS i 13,01500 T A.L I'ERNATE B1D N0.1C • VAl.4EY AFlS5F0t1 SiV10f 51RUCTl1R L5 LS S 11,084,00 l5 ! 20,628 cw LS f 16,115.00 B ALTERNATE BID NQ. 3A - PARK ROAO PODL OECiC LS LS i 1T 4Bb 40 LS S 16,25600 LS f 14,975,00 o AITERNATr. BID NO. 7B - TE14RACE VIEW PC70L DECK LS 4S i 8 4A6.00 l5 $ 17055 UO LS S 10 110.On 18 ALTERNATE Blp k0- 3C - VAI.LEY MlSSIDN POOL UECK LS LS { 12 074.00 LS f 14022.00 l_S S 73480.00 11 AITERNATE H!D MQ 4- VAI.I FY M{SSIDN MTE_R FE.ATURE l5 LS a 17.70200 LS S 21,06900 LS S 19 990 Ou ?OTAL BASE 811) ESTIMtATE ^ f 2,048,136.92 f 2.664.018.00 f ].03J,~Ib.00 9UBTDTAI 3 2,041,135.93 f 2,664,016.00 i ],05],326.00 SALES TAX f 176,139.89 S 229,106.56 i 262,688A1 TOYAL f 2,224,275.61 f 2,893,123.56 S 3,315,912.04 cm• c~' &ovo ne ,;,oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 * cityhall9spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council; Dave Mercier, City ylanager Frnm: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Date: Mazch 13, 2008 Re: Swimming Pool Bids - lmpact on Parks Capital Projects Fund As noted in the Bid Tabulations for Swimming Pool Upgrades, the low bid received from Kilgore Construction is $2,893,12355. The total current construction budget of $1,995,000.00 combined with remaining architectural fees of $63,890, result in a shortfall of $995,538.50. Pool Upgrade Coaft March 7, 2008 Bid $2,893,123.55 Balance of Architect Fees $ 63,890.00 Total Current Project Cost $2,957,013.55 Budget Pool Upgrade $1,600,000.00 Parlcs Capital Project Funds $ 395,000.00 Total Current Budget $1,995,000.00 Minus Total Current Project Cost S2,967,013.50 Current Project Shortfall $962,013.50 This will impact the 2008 as well as the 2009 Park Capital Yrojects Fund. A breakdown of suggested budget modifications is provided in the table below: Parks Capital ProJect Fund pted 2006 Adjusted 2009 Budget do 2008 A Bet Bud et _ Swimming Pools and Contingency $1,866.475 $2,957,014 Universal Park $1,000,000 $800,000 $200,000 Partc Land Acquisition Reserve $563,500 $0 Terrace View Paric $293,000 $0 $100,000 Valley Mission Par1c $225,000 $372.790 `Green Acres Neighborhood Park $57,000 $357,000 $200,000 Park Improvements $60,000 $33,196 Playground Repairs $25,000 $10,000 Centennial Trail - Water System $10,000 $10,000 Architectural Fees $21,489 $5,000 Lighting $12,000 $5,000 Park Im rovement Contin enc 5126.536 , $10,000 Total Parks Ca ital Pro ect Fund 54,260,000 $4,560,000 5500,000 " $300,000 Direct Appropnation Grant in 2008 Staff recommends moving forward with the Swimming Pool Upgrades. As per the table above, the funds are available but it wzll require a reprioritization of funds within the Parks Capital Projec:.t fund. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: El consent 0 old business ❑ nevv business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 9 admin_ report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Barker Road Bridge Utility AgrEements GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: 1) Approval ofi 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Barker Road Bridge project, 2) Approval of a Local Agency Agreement and Projecf Prospectus with WSDOT, 3) Approval of Consul4ant Services Agreements for Type, Size and Location Study, and Final Design contract with CH2M HILL, 4) Informational Merno dated July 31, 2006 regarding recommended bridge closure vvl detour route. 5) Motion approved on November 7, 2007 to move forward with aesthzfic treaiments on the bridge with local artist Sami Perry; 6) Informational iUlemo on Utility Agreements in Council's March 4, 2008 packets. BACKGROUND: Several utility companies have facilities (pipes, casings, conduits: wires, etc.) that currently cross the Spokane River on the existing Barker Road Bridge. Other utility companies would like to place new facilities on the reconstructed bridge. In some cases the existing facilities will need to be relocated prior to the construction of the new bridge. In other cases the utilities will add their new facilities to the new bridge once it is constructed. It is typical in situations like this that the City's contractor constructing the new bridge installs the necessary hangar assemblies, pipes, casings conduits, etc. on the new bridge. The bridge contractor then provides an opportunity for the utility companies to connect to these pipes, run pipes or wires through the casings or conduits, and do all the other associated utility work. The City pays the bridge contractor to install all the necessary hangar assemblies, pipes, casings, conduits, etc. that the utility companies would (ike on the new bridge. The City then gets these costs reimbursed by the utility companies. Memorandums of Undzrstanding are typically used to govern the conditions of this utility work and the reimbursement to the City. A summary of the changes required of each utility is briefly described belaw: AT&T , AT&T currently has buried fiber optic cable along the Centennial Trail and crossing Barker Road under the south bridge abutment. The cable continues south along Barker . Road. We are asking AT&T to pay all costs related to the move. AVISTA UTILITIES (ELECTRIC) Avista has an overhead high voltage feeder just east of the existing bridge. We are asking them to move their lines farther east beyond where a contractor's cranes may swing, but the exact location has not been determined. We are asking them to pay all costs related to the inove. Following construction, the lines may continue to bs . overhead. AVISTA UTILITIES (GAS) Avista plans to extend gas service north of the bridge in conjunction with the bridge _ replacement project. The bridge contractor will install equipmen# to support #he gas line, • • ' with costs paid fully by Avista. The estimated cost for the work is $87,400, to be paid up front by Avista. Should costs exceed the estimate, Avista will be billed for the balance. Should costs be less than estimated, the City will reimburse Avista for the difference. COMCAST CABLE , Comcast currently has overhead lines mounted to existing Avista poles. These lines will be relocated in conjunction with Avista relocating their poles. We are asking Comcast to pay all costs related to the move. CONSOUDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT #19 District #19 plans to conn2ct its water systems on the north and south sides of the bridge, and has requested those plans be accommodated in the new bridge. The b(idge contractor will install equipment to support the water line and provide a 45-day work window where District #19 can install its line. The estimated cost for the work is $214,200. Since District #19 is a public entity, the City can seek reimbursement once billed by the contractor. We are asking for payment within 20 days of receipt of invoice. SPOKANE COUNTY UTILITIES Spokane County plans to construct a sewage pump station north of the Spokane River at some time in the future, and has requested the placement of a force main be accommodated in the new bridge. The bridge contractor will install equipment to support the sewer line, the sewer line and connection to the existing sewer system south of the bridge. The estimated cost for the work is $208,200. Since Spokane County is a public entity, the City can seek reimbursement once billed by the contractor. We are asking for : payment within 20 days of receipt of invoice. . QWEST COMAAUNICATIONS Qwest currently has nine conduits on the existing bridge that must be relocated. Qwest has requested that four conduits be allowed on the new bridge. The bridge contractor will install equipment to support the conduits, with costs paid by Qwest. The estimated cost for the work is $142,500, to be paid up front by Qwest. Should costs exceed the estimate, Qwest will be billed for the balance. Should costs be less than estimated, the City will reimburse Qwest for the difference. Attached are the draft agreements for each of the Utility Companies listed above. OPTIONS: 1) Direct staff to move forward with finalizing these agreements with each of the utility companies and authorize the City Manager to execute final agreements, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize staff to move forward with finalizing the Barker Road Bridge utility agreements as outlined and advance to the next regular Gouncil meeting.a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute final agreements. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: These agreements are for the reimbursement of costs associated with adding utility facilities to the reconstructed Barker Road Bridge. There are no . impacts to the project budget with the execution of these agreements. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer ATTACHMENTS Utility Agreements: Qwest, Avista Gas, Avista Electric, AT&T, Comcast, Spokane County, District 19 ~ . i . % iViF~l~iOR4NllCFNi QF UNDERSTAi_Tt1G BETVVI±~FN THE Cl`CY QF SPOK:ANE VAJ •I..EY AN17 QVVEST CQMMUNICATIUNS FO17 THECONST12UCTiON UN' '1'I3E BAItKER RRIllGE RF'PLACEMF.NT 1'RnJEC"r WHEREAS as a part of its 2008 Trausportation Iniprovement Program, the CITY OF ' SPOKA\jE VALLEY (the C1T1) incends to construct the 13arlcer Bridcye Replacement Project (Bridge Project) over the SpokanE Itiver. The work. includes de.molition of the existina bridge and Nvidcning the new bridge ]pcaced betvveen ',\lission and Euclid Avenues. The purpose of the Agreement is to allow Qwest Commuiucations (Qwest) adequate time to coordinate any relocatian or Placement of new lines. «rHE.REAS Qwest ourrently has nine (9) - 4" diameter PVC conduiis siipported from the eYisting Barkcr Road 13ridge. rive of che nine conduits are in usc Ntiztli one containing a fiber optic cable aiui four containing c,opper cables. These facilities need to be temporarily relocated by Q\vest to accomrnodate demolition of the existui; bridge aaid construckion of the new bridge. Qwest lzas requesied four - 4" diameter Schedule 80 PVC conduits on the new bridge siructure. The conduits will connect to a buried utility vault located near each enci of the bridge. v01V TNFREFOI'ZC, the CITY and Qwese cio hereby agrcc as follows: ARTICLE 1- itESPQNSIBILITT_FS QF 'I'HE CTTY 1. Plans asid specifications for the Bridge Prpject a.re being prepared by the C1TY; and the CITY intends to begin coitstruction of the BridDe Frojcct in 200$. The CI1"Y anticipaies opening bids for itie Bridge. Project iP the spruig of 2008; ge Project, the C1TY shall have fuil control 2. Upon a«<araing a contract for the I3rid0 over the resultant construction contract and shall be the administrator for the project; 3. Shall provide circular blockouts at the bridge inte.rmcdiate and abutment diaplu-agin walls, as detailed on the drawings; 4. Shall furnish and install conduic support system (concrete embedded inserts, hanger rods, support bars, etc.); 5. Shall fumish tuid 'uistall four 4-incb diaineter Schedule 80 PVC conduits. 6. Shall install Qwest-provided ealvaiuzed steel diaphragm plates and conduit seals at abutments; . 7. Shall install Qwest-provided utility vaults, including excavation, bedding, backfill; and compaction; , 8. Shall provide excavation, 'bedding; backfill, and cnmpaction for buried conduits ' between the bridge abutments atid the utility vaults; A4emornildwn ol"Underssandi3ig Ba:l;er Rriciee - 2008 Page I of 2 11SV-FS I1Users%Ct;ainbridgela.Lrndapack:ct 03-1$-0M0U Barkcr Bridge- Qwest.doc 9. Shall providc continuous 45-calendar day work \,\7ndow (concurrent with work ,.vindows provided for nthe.r utilities) for Qwest Communicsations to connect its facilities ' to the new utility vaults. ARTICLF 2 -12ESP0NSIBILITIES OF QVVEST l. Shall perform de.sign of temporarv and permanent communication sySLCTTIS cUOrdinated with the bridge and roadway dcsign; 2. Shall designate a"responsible person" who shall represcnt QNvest's inferest during tie con-truction of the Bridge Project, and shall coortiinatc airy modificaLions or cllangcs needed b}, Qwest in conjwiction with the work; 3. Shall pr.ovide trtility vaults, galvanizcd stee.l diapluagm plates, and conduits seals to bridge contractor; 4. Shall Fumish and install temporary facilities outside of the bridge contractor's work area to allow dcmolitian of the existing brid,e and com.munication system conduits; 5. Shall furuish and instaU all conununication system cables; 6. Sha11 furnish and install cammunication systeiv conduits and Gable to r..onnect Qwest's iacilities to the new vaults at each end of the bridge. ARTICLE 3- ALLOCATIUV OF CnSTS 1. Tliis Memorandum of Undcrstanding; once fully executed, shall e.siablish a coium.itment by Qwest to pay the actua.l rosts that IVVill be incurred for the installation of Qwest utilities attached to the Barkcr Bridge. rhose costs are currently cstimated to be $142,500. Qwest shall pay t;hc CITY the amount specified prior to any construction worl: on the. Bricigc. Any aclditional construction or modificaiion beyond that shown on the contract d.rawin-s will bc coordinated with the C11'Y and Qwest and agreed to prior to any additional work begins; 2. Qwest sha11 obtain a pertnit from tlhe CITY to pe.rform worlc Mthin the CTTY'S right-of- way for d7e relocation. C1TY QF SYOKANE VAI..•LE1': By. Uate.: 2005. 17ave Mercicr, City Manager By,. Due: ?ao$. Office of die Attomey QV1'EST: 2008. g~,: Date: Qwest Conununicaiions N-icnorandum of l}ndersm.ns3inQ Barker 13eidge - 2008 Piye 2 of 2 11SV-FSIIUseis`CI39inbrideelegendapackei03-18-081M4U IIarkcrF3rirlge-Qwcst.doe 1V(EMQRAMUivl OF UN-DERSTANTDING , VALLEY r1.iND BFT`'VEE~i THE C:CT1' OF SPOKr~~1T AV[STA GAS UTII:.TTY FOR THF C4NSTRUC'T10N OF THF BA1tKIER RRIDGE 1LE PLACEME'NT PRQJEC'I' WHERFAS as a part of its 2008 Transportation Improvemenl Program, the Cl"1"Y OF SFOK.~TE VAI I..FY (the CITZ) intencis to construct the Barker Bridge Replacement Project (Bridbe Project) over lhE. Spolcane TZiver. The Nvork includes demolition of the existing bridge and widening the new bridge laeateci benween Mission and Eucl.id Avcnues. The purpose of the Aa eement iS to allow Avista Gas Uiility (Avista Gas) adequate time ta coordinate any relocation or placement nf'new lines. WHF.RFAS h'1vista Gas plans to extend its nat.ural gas systein to the norih side of the Spoka.ne Ftiver ui conjunction Nvith the bridge re.placement project. '1'hc ne~v bridge ~vill support a 6-inch diameter medium density MDPE gas mai_n vviihin a 10-inch diameter steel pipe casuig. The casing pipe 4vi11 bc supported be.neath the bridge deck behween the ~irdcrs. iN0W THFFtFFORE; the CIfiY and Avista Gas do hereby agrec as folloNvs: ARTICLE 1-RESPONSiBIL1TIES OF TAF CITY 1. Plasls and speaifications for the Rridge Projcct are being prcpared by the C1"1 Y, and ~ the C1TY intends to begin construction of the Bridge Projeet iii 2008. The Cl"1'Y `anticipates opcning bids for the Bridee Project in the spring of 200$; 2. Upon awarding a contraci for the Bridge Projeet; the CITY shall have full control over the resultant construction contrdet and shall be the admiiustrator for the project; 3. Shall provide circular blockouts at the bridge intermediate and abuhnent diaphragm walls; as detailcd on the draNvings; 4. SIiaU f'urnish and install 10-inch diameter bare steeJ casing pipe, lc:mgitudinal anchors, and 2-inch diameter black pipe steel casing vent syslem. 'fhe casing will eatend approximately 5 feet bcyond the concrete bridge approach slab; 5. Shall fiu-nish alid instal.l modular seal assembly (Unk-Seall") arowid casing pipe at abuUnent wall openings; - 6. Shdll providc cYCavation, bedding; backf`ill, and compaction for buried portion of steel casinn pipe and ca.sing vent system; 7. Shall provide continuous 45-calendar day work wuidow (concurreni with 'Alork windows provided f:or other utilities) for Avis[a Gas to install the 6-inch diameter , M.nPE natural gas pipeline. A9ecnormtdum of Undc:staitsiing Rarker Hrikyc - 2008 Page 1 of 2 . \\SV-HS] \ Usc-a\CBiinbricigc\:_erncLyiacket 03-18.031MOU liarker Badsm- A.•isra Gas.doc At2TICLE 2- RESPQNSIBIGITTES OF t1VTSTA G AS l. Shall perfonn design of nattiral gas systeui conrdinated with the bridue and roadway design; 2. Shall designatc a"responsible person" who shall represcnt Avisca Gas' interest during the consiniction of the Bridge Project, and shall co4rd'uiate any modifications or cbaaiges needed by Avista Gas in conjunction with the work; , 3. Shall f"urnish a»d install 6-inch diameter MDPL natural gas pipe, insulators for installation withiri casino pipe, valves; and conncctions to the existing natural gas systcm; 4. Shall provide excavation, bedding; backfill, and compaction for the buried natural gas pipe nistallatiori; furnish and install casing pipe end seals; 5. Shall be responsible for the inspection atld testing of all work azid materials which arz sfllcly ielated to flle construction of the ;as uiility. Avista Gas shall pro-6de a representative to perfonn inspection duties ielativE to the constniction of the gas utility, as discussed above. ARTICLE 3- ALLOCATIC)N OF COSTS 1. This Memorandum of Unclerstacidi.n;, once fully executed, shall est:ablish a _ conuiuunent by Avista Gas to pay 11ie actual costs that ~Nill be incurred for the installation . , of Avista Gas utilities atiachcd to the Bridge Project. These costs are currently estimated to be $87,400. Avista Gas shall pay the CITY the amnunt specified prior to aiiy construction Nvorl: on the Bridge Projeet. Aoly additional constTUCtican or modification bcyond that sho«qi on the contract drawings will bc coordinated with the CI"rY and Avista Gas and agreed uPan prior to dny additional work beginning; 2. The Utility sha11 obtain a perm.it from the CITY to perfonn work N-srithui the CITY'S risht-of-way tor the relocarion. CITY OF SPOKANE VALi..EY: B}=: I7ate: 2008. Dave Ivlercier, City ManagEr B?,. Date: 2008. Office of the Attorney avTSTA GAS: By: 17ate: 2408. Avisia Gas Utility jvttrnaranc{urn oE lfndenmrtdiag $arker Hridge -2008 F'age 2 of 2 \~S~''-1'S1~U.~rS~CBainbr~c~~n~a~ei~d~packct 03-16-OS`~4fOU F~srker I~,•idgc-.~uisc~ G~.S.dc,c i NIEVIv1ZANDUM OF UNDERST ANDr_Nc ,BETWEE\` `l°H_E CITY OT' SPOKANE VALI..EY ANl) , AVISTA ELECT:IiIC UTILII Y FOR THF. C0NSTRUCTI(:)N OF THE 13ARKE.R BR[llGE RE P1..aCEMEVT PRUJECT WHER-EAS as a part of its 2008 Transportation Improvzmenl Program, the CITY OF SPOK..ANE VEILLEI' (the CI1'Y) intends to construct the Barker Bricige Replacement Project (l3ridae F'roject) over the Spokane RivEr. 'fhe worlc includes demolition of the existuig bricige ancl widenuig, the new bridee located betwecn Missihn and Euclid Avenues. The purpose of the Ap-reement is to aliow Avista. Electric Utility (Avista Elcctric) adequatc tiuie to coordinate any relocation or placemenl of ncw luies. Wf-IERFAS Avista Elect;ric currently has overhead high voltage feeder po\ver cables supported froni poles alnng the east edge of the Barker Road right-of-way. Avista Electric curreutly lias no plan to relocate these facilities onto the new bridge strueture. The ovencead facilities need to be relocated; either tcmporarily or permanently, prior to tlle bridge demoliiion aiId construction work to avoid interference writh crone movcctient and othcr coilstruction activities. The existing power polc on die souch bank will also need to be temporariTy re_moved to facilitate acccss to t,he bridge contractor's tempbrary work trestle. NUW THERE:FORF; the CITY and Avista Electric do llercby aD ee as follovvs: ~1. A17TICLE 1- RESPUNSrBILTTTES ()F '1 IIE CITY 1. }'latis aiid specificatiocls for tlie Rridge Project are bcing prepdred by the CI'C`l`, and the CITY uitends ta begin construction of the Bridge Project in 2008. 1`he CITY ancie.ipates opctung bids for the Bridge Proje.ct in ttie spring af 2008; 2. UPan awardine a contract for thc Bridge Froject, thz CITY shall have full control ove.r the resultant constructipn conTract and shall be thc actnunistraior for the prpject. ARTICLE 2= RESFONSIBLLIT1E5 QF AVISTA ELFCTRIC l. Shall relocate its Uvenceaci systeni a distance to the east; be}rond the aniicipated construciion int7uence. zane. A>>ista l:lectric needs to determinc xN2t1i the CITY the tenns Af thc francliise agreemcni; or other applicable document, under which the existing Avista poNver poles are permitted Nuithin the street riizbt-of way; 2. Shal] designate a"iesponsible pcrsotl" «<ho shall represent Avista F-lectric's interest dtu-uig the c;onstruction of the Bridiae Projoct, and shall c;oord'ulate any modifications or changes needE.d by the CITY in conjunction with the work. Mr,mqr,yndum of UndersL'trttliitg BnrkC: $ridgc - 2008 Pagc 1 of 2 \`S\'-f7St\Usec~\CBainbridge\:,,ecnd2packet03-18-08\AfOU BsrE:crBtidge-AvistaF:lct..doe . AI7TICLF 3- ALLOCArION OF COSTS l. This Memoranduiu of Uncierstand'uig, once i`ully exeeutcd; shall establish a ~conunitment by Avista Electric to pay any costs that ma}, be incurred by the relocation af Avista power poles -for the projeci; 2. Avista Llectric shall obtain a permit from the C1TY to pErforni work vvithin the CiTY'S right-ot=way for dhe rclocation CITY OF SP4KANF VALLEY: pate: 2008. By: Dave Mercier, City Managcr By. Date: 2008. OfFice of the Attorney AVISTA ELF-CTRIC: By. nate: Zoog. Avista Eleetric Utility McKrtorandum of Uadc:mndirig Ii;t[kr.r BridSsi . 2008 Nage 2 of 2 \\S\1-F"Sl \Ltsen\Cliainbrid&e\agendapacket 03-1 i3-OB\Af013 Barkcr B-idge- Avista Ficr-due MEVIUR.A.iUM UF TJNDERSTANDIVG \ 13ETZ'VEE\ 7HE CTTY UF SPOKANE VALLEY ANrD a~&T FQR'rHE CnVS"1RUCT1.UN OF THF BAitKER BFtIUGE RFPLACENIENT FRO,TECT WHERE-AS as a part of its 2008 Traalsportation Iinprovemunt Program; the CI'TY OF SPpKANE VALLEY (the CITY) ultends io construct the Barker Bridge Re•placement Project (l3ridgc 1'roject) over the Spokane River. The work uicludes demolition of the eaisting bridge and widening the new bridge located bctNveeu Mission and Euclid Ave.nues. The purpose of the Agreement is to a114w AT&:T Utiliiy (AT&T) adequaie tune to caord'uZate any relocation or placemeni of new line.s. WHLTZEAS AT&7' currenily has a 4" diameter conduit with fber optic cable starting fram a vaule located next to ttie Cente.nnial Trail approximately 1/4 iYUle west of the bridge. At the bridge, the canduit turns south aaid goes up the bank and crosses unde.rneath Barker Road attached to the soutti abutme.nt. 'I'he conduit then iurns south to a vault locared along the east side oF Barkcr Road at approximat:e engincer's station 45+00. NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and AT&T do hereby agrEC as fallows: A.RT1CLE 1- RFSP()1VS113ILTTiES OF TNF CIT'Y ~ J Plans and specifications for the 13ridge Project are being prepared by the CITY: and the CITY intends to beQUi construction of the Bridae Froject in 2008. 1 he CTTY ' anticipates openuia bids for the Bridge Projcct in the spring of 2008; 2. Upon awarding a contract for the Bridge Project; the CI:TY shall have full contrn] over the resultaiit constniction contTar.t and shall be the adiuinistrator for tlle projcct. ARTiCLE 2- RFSPONSl]:iTLiTTES UF ATST 1. Shall relocate its fiber optic cable located an the South Bridge Abutmcnt. AT&T «Till necd to provide the contractor plans locating where the cablc system is so the cUntractor can prateci the cable when cxcavating in tlie area. lt is anticipated tbat temporary and/ar perma.uent relocation of AT&T cable will occur prior to the construction, as describcd above; 2. Shall designate a"responsible person" who shall represent the AT&T'S interest durui; the constlUCtion of the 13iidge Project, aild shall coordinate any madifications or chanDes needed by the CITY in conjunction with the work. ARTICLL 3 - ALLOCATIQN ON COSTS 1. This -Memorandwn of Understanding, once fully executed; shxll establish a conunitineni by Af&T to pay any costs that may be incurred by the relocation of the \•lernorandum of Undcmmding }32rl:er Bridge - 2004 YFAge 1 of 2 1\SV-FS11UserslCAeinbridgelagcndnpxr,ket 03-1 S-08Lyt0U Sar6;ea Bridgc- AT&T.doc AT&T fiber optic cable i'or the project; , 2. AT&T shall obtain a pcnnit from tlie CITY to perf:orm worlc witlun khe CITY'S right- ' of=xay for the relocabnn. C1TY OF SPOKA\E VALLEY: gy. Date: 2008. llave Mercier, City Maciager Uate: 2008. By: O!`fiee of the Attorney A 1 &T: gy: Iaatc: 2008. AT&T Utility Mctnorandurn of l)ndets=iding Rarker $cidge - 20U8 i'age 2 af 2 1'SV-FS 1lUseestCBainbridgelrogenrlapackct 03-18-081M0U Aarker Bridae- ATc@T.doc !V1_N:viQRA\DUM nF UNDERS'T'r1NDL\rG BErV1'FF\T THE C17'1' nF SPOKANF V ALLEY AiND COMCAST CA_13LE FOR THE CONSTRUCTI(aN OF TFIE BAKKER BRIDGE REPLACEN[ENT PR().1ECT . 'A"HLRE-AS as apart of its 2008 1`ransportatian Improveinene 1'rogram, the CITY OF SPOK ANTE VALLEY (the CITY) intencls to constzuct the Barker Bridge Replaceme.nt Project (Bridge Project) over the Spokane River. The work includes demolition of the existuig bridge and widening the new brid~e locate.d beri~~een Mission and Euclici Avenues. The purpose or the Agreeinent is to allo\v Comc.ast Utility (C;omcasc) adequate tune fo coordinatz any rclocation or placemcnt of iiew lines. NNII-IEIZEAS Comcast cun•ently has overhead fiber optics and coax cables supported from Avisca Power poles along the east cdge of the Barker Road right-of-way. Camcast's overhead facilities will neeci to be relocated prior to tlhe bridgc demolition and coustruction work to avoid interferenc.e with crane movemeni and otlier cnnscructiou activities. . NOW 7`14ERFrORE; the CITY and Conicast do hereb_y agrce as follows: ARTICLE 1-12E.SPONSIB1LlTI.FS nF THIE CIT1' . ~1. 1'lans aiid snecif cations for the Bridgc Project are being przpared by the CJ.TY; aild the CI7'Y intends to begin construction of the Bridje Project 'vi 2008. 7he CTTY anticipates opening bids t~or the 13ridge Project in the spring of 2008; 2. The C1"1 Y; upon awarding a contraei for the Bridge Projcct, sliall have fiall control over the resultani consta-uction contract wid shall bc the administrator for the project. ARTICLE 2-RESPQNSIBILI rICS QF COMC AST 1. Sliall relocate its overhead system a distance ta the cast, beyond the anticipat.e.d construction influr.nce zoile. Comcast needs to detennine witti the CITY the terins of the franchise agreenie.nt; or ether applicable dncument; under which the existing Comcast conunuiiication cables are permitted 4vitlun the street right-o.f.-'.vay; 2. Shall ciesignate a"responsible person" 'who shall represent the Comcast's interesi diuinb die construcaon of the T3ridge Project, and shall coorduiate any modifications ar ehangcs needed by the CI1 Y in canjunction ,aith the work. ~ - A9en1c-nndurn of Undcr.;mncling BarkCr Bndgc - 2003 PsiV-- ] of 2 \\5\'-i~11U,;eK\CBaiubridge\agertdap3cket 03-1 S-OS\MOU Barker Hridhe- Comcast.doc AItT[CLE 3- ALLOCATION UF COSTS 1. Tlus Memoranduin of Understand'uig, once fully executed, shall , establish a commitiiieni by Camcast to pay any costs that niay be incurred by the relocation of Comc. ast communicatian cable aitached to Avista power polcs fnr the project; 2. Comcast shall obtain a pennit from thc C1TY tU perform work witlun the CITY'S riDht- of-way for the relocation CITY QF SPQKANTE VAIII:EY: • DatE: 2008. ]3y: Uave Ivlercier, City Manap-er By. Taate: 2008. Office of'thc Attorney COMCAST: gy. Date: 2008. Comcast Utility : n4cmorandum os' UndetsCtnding $arkui• liridgc -':.^008 Page 2 of 2 \\S\+-I-S1 \Users\(-I;.ii~b:icige\age.ndapackit 03-18-08\n-fOU Eiarkc: $riclge- Comca.atdoe 1![FMORAn`D13M (UF TJNDEI2STAND1vG BE7`WFF1~' THE CITY ON SPQKAI~TF ~'AL~L~FY A~`D SPOKAiNF COliN-'TY FOR TAE B117DING & CONSTI7UCT1()N OF THE BARK:ER BRI.llGE RFPLACEMENT PRO.1ECT WHERE.AS a.s a part ot' its 2008 Transportation vnpravement Protram; the CIf'Y UI' SPQIL.ANE- VALLLY (tlie CITY) intencis to construct the Barker Bridge Replacement Project (Bridgc Project) Uver tiie Spokane River. Thc work includes demolition of'the existing bridge and wiciening the new bridge loc•ated beriveen Mission and Euclid Avenues. The purpose of the Agreement is to allow adequate tirae to coardinate any relocation or placement of neNv lines. Any cost thac the contractor n1ay incur by providing items mentioneci below shall be agreed by anci coordinated with the CITY and SPokane Cnunty Public Works iJtility (COIJYNTY~. WHE12EAS the COUN'I'Y plans to construct a sewage pump station (Sewer Project) nortli of:'thc Barker Road Bridge in the future. To acwnzmodate tllis, the CbUNT7'Y has requested a F'VC saiutaq se.4ver force nlain (size to be determincd vy Spokane County) Ue supported from the bridp-e. The forec mai~~ Nvill eYtend from just north of the north Uridge approar.h slab to a new manhole vztlun the roadway area between the Bridge and Riverway L.ane. A PVC gravity se.wer pipeline (size to be dctennine.d by Spnkanc Couniy) will be constructed beriveen the neNy maiihole and the sanitarY sexver systcm pre.viously conslructed durincz the Barker Road Street Improvement project. The portion af the force main on the bridge will be uisulated and contained A'ithin a steel Gasing supporied beiieath the bridge cieck betieen the airders. WHEREAS the CITY and the CQUNTY agrec that the installation of the Scwer i'rojcct in conjunction with the F3ridgc Projeci would benefit the ratepayers; taxpa}°ers wid the iTavelinp- public. NUW THEREFOI'ZF, the Cl'lI' and the C;OiJN'I'Y do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1.- RES1'O\7SiBILt'Y IES OF T1IE CITY 1. 1'lans anci spccifications for the $ridee Project have been prepared by the CI7`Y; and the CITY intends to conslruct the Bridge Project in 2008. The CITY has prepared plaits for the Sewer Project; together with technieal speci{:ieations aild an associated sehedule oF bid itenls. The CI7"Y has ine.luded those plaiis, iecluiical specifications; and the assoeiated bid schedule in the bid docunients for the Bridge I'roject. Tlle CIT'1' 'Aill open bids for the BrideE Project in the spri.ng af 2008; 2. Upon awardine a contract for the Bridbe PrQject; the CI7Y shall havc fiall control over the resultanl constructipn contract and shall be the administrator for the combinea Urojecc; 0 3. Shall be responsible for all aspects of the constructi4n and construction management relati~~e to the Bridge Projcct includinp, but not linut.etl to, fi~riusl~ing aizd installing casing pipe support system (concrete ennbedded inserts, hanger rods; pipe roll assemhlies, horizontal struts, eIC•.); Memor.endum ot Underscindine Barl:er Bridge - 2003 F'nge 1 of 3 \\SV-FS1\Usr.rs\C-Hs~ibridgc\3g~dapacke[03-1&Q8\\400 Li2rkcrBrid&e-C0IfN1T1'.doc 4. Shall be responsible for fiimishing and installing a 12-inch dianleter steel casing . pipe; complete with specii:ied coatllig system and longitudinal anchors, excavation; bedding, backfill, and compaction. "lhe casing will extend approximately 5 feet beyond the concrete bridge approach slaUs; 5. Shall be responsible for funiishins and installinj modular sea1 assembly (Link- Sealli) around casin€ pipe at abutment wall openings; 6. Shall be rESponsible for furnislung and 'uistalling 8-ineh diametcr gravity sewer system, completE; including but not linuted to pipe, manhole, matiliole frame and cover, coruiection to existing gavity sewer system at River-,vay Lane; 6-uich side sewer - service connections to "1'im's Hot Rods and the Centennial Trail parking lot, excavat:ion, bedding; baclcfill; eompae.tion; and iestint:; 7. Shall be responsiblc for furnishulg and installing 6-inch PVC sanitary sewer forcc main system couipleie including, but nnt limited to, pipe, insulation, skids, casiniz pipe end seals, cap at north end of systcm, excavation, bedding, backf 11, coiupaclion, and testing.. ARTICLE 2- RESPnNS1BIIaTT1ES OF THE COUN1 Y 1. The plans and specifications for tie constructian of the BridEle Project have been prepared by the CITY. "fhe COUNTZ' will coordinate with the CITY and take rcasonable measures to ensure that the Sewer Project plans are compaeible with the scope of work coiitemplated for the Briclgc Projeet; 2. Shall designate a"rtsponsible pcrson" who shal] represent the COUNrY'S uiterest during the construetion of the Bridge Project, and shall coord'ulate any modifieations or ehanae,5 needed by the COI,II\TTY in conjunction with cht work; The CITY shall be responsible for the inspection and tcsting of all work and iiiaterials vvhich are solcly related to the construe.tion of the Sevver Project. The CQi,FNITY shall provide a representative co perfom-k inspeceion duties relative to the consu-uction of the Sewer Project; as di5cussed abave. Tlle C(7UNTY'S representa.tive shall provide tabulations of pay quantities to the CITY upon 48-liours notice ta facilitace the preparation of Pay estimates by tlie CITY; 4. Any modifications or chaiiges to the Sewer Prujact by the COLJNTY shall be coordinated vvith and approved by the C1TY prior to implementation. Mamorandum of llndersmaiding }iul:ec Bfldgc -?003 Fage 2 of 3 \\S~+-l-"51 \Uscrs\CE;ai~ib,•idgc\sgrndapac~:cc 03-iS-OS\~iC,~U Rarkcr Bcidge- CQLNTl'.doc AYi'fICLE 3- Al,I..OCATION OF COSTS 1. Tlus Me.morandum of Understanding, once fully exccutzd; shall establisli a conimitment by the COLNTY to reuuburse the CITY for actual conslauction costs associated with the se,.ver unprovements, currently estimated to be $208?00. All additional costs assaciated v6th chariEze orders and/or valid claims for the Se"ver Projee•t shall be the responsibility of the COtJNTY; 2. The CITY shall prcpare monthly pay estiinxtes for tlle Se\vcr Project based upon the tabulaiions of pay quantities providcd by the Conaactor, The COUNTY shall promptly review each pay esdmatc prior to presentation by the Cl'I Y to the contraetor; 3. Upoti the signinb of each pay estimatE by the CITY mld the c•ontractor, the C:ITY shall ' send an unvoice to d1c COUNITY for those amounts to be paid to tl1e C] 1'Y for NN"prk on the Scwer Froject. 'I'he CTTY shall iuclude copies af the signeti pay estirnates as attachnients to the mondily invoices to the COUNFTY. The Cowlty shall pay the CITY, NAritlun 20 days of the n:ceipt of tlie uvoice, far all construction costs due lo the coniractor in association uTiih the Sewer Projcct; 4. The Contractor shall obta.in a pcrnut f:rom the CTTY to perforczi,,vork witlun the C1TY'S ri;ht-of-way for tlle Sewzr k'roject. The C11'Y is autliorized to charge its masonable administrativc costs incurred for preparing pa_y estimates, change orclers; etc., for the Sewer k'roject to the permit. ` fCITY UF SPQK.aNE VALLEY: By: Date: 2008. llave Ntercicr, City Manager Bv: _ llate: 2008. OfFic;e of the Attorney COUNTY: By: ~ate: 2008. Spokane County Public Works Utility Memora,zdurn of Undentanding 13arker Rtide,,c - 2008 Pagc 3 of 3 \\SV-1'Sf\lisers\CBa~iUridgc\agcndapackct 03-18-OS\ASOU Fiarker Biidg~- C:OU\rlYdoc viF~NIORA\llUM nF UnDERSTANDIIVG ~ RETN'NsEEV THE CIT~' OF SPU~Cr1►r1F V aLL~,Y Ai~rD ' Cn\TSOLIDATEI) iRRIGATIUN .DTSTRICT NO. 19 FOTt'I`lYE BLl")Di\jG cf CUNSTRTJCTION OF THE IiARKER BR1.UGE REPLACENfEENT PRO.IECT . WHEREAS as a pa.rc of its 200$ Transpnriation Improvement Progi-am; thc CITY OF SPOKANE VALLGY (tbe CITY) intends to construct the Barke.r Bridge Replaee.ment 1'rojecl (Bridge Project) ovcr the Spokane River. '1'he work includcs deinolition of the existing bridee alid widciung tlie new bridgc located bettveen 'Mission and Euclid Avenues. °lhe purpose of the Agreement is to allrnw aciequatc tune to cnordinatc aiiy relacation or placement of new lines. Any cosl that the conhactor may ineur by proriding itcros mentioneci below zhall be agreed by ai1d coordiilateci with the CITY and Cpnsolidated Irrigation District No. 19 Utility (District No. 19). WTIFREAS District \TO. ] 9 plans to construct an intertie (Waterline Yroject) beiwcen its -,vater systeul rfines north aiid sourli of the Spokane 12ive.r. Thc platuied Watcrline Prdje.ct xvill be a 12- inch diasneter duciile iron water main that extends from Rivenway Lane to uorill of the bridge. The portion of the watEr maui supportecl from the new bridoe structure will be insulatEd and contained vklthin a 20-inch diameter steel casinp- pipe supportcd beneath the bridge decJc behween the girders. l ~ ~ WHEREAS ihe C!'I'Y and District N0. 19 agree that the installation of thE `Vaterline Project in conjwiction xitl.i the Bridge Project woulci benefit the ratepayers, taxpayers aild the traveling pubiic. N01V TI-IFR.EFORE; the C1TY and the District No. 19 do hereby agree as follows: .aRT1CLE 1- RFSPQNSIBILI"I'iLS OF THE CITY . 1. Platis and specifications for tlie Rridge Project are being prepared by the Cl"I Y, aud the CITY intcnds to begin construction of the BridgC Project in 2008. Thc CTTY has pre.pared plwls for the Waterline Projcct, together Nvith techitical speciiYCations -mid an associated sehedule of bid ite•ms. Thc Cl'fY 11as inelucled those plans; tecfmical specifications, and thc a5sociated hici sehedule in the bid documents for the Bridue Project. The CITY anticipates openinc, bids for the Bridgc T'roject in [he sprine of 2008: 2. Upon awarding a contract .f.'ar the Bridp-e Project, the C1TY shall have fiill control ovcr the resultant construction contracl and shall be the administrator for the combined project; 3. Sliall be resPonsible for all aspects of ttie construction and construction masiaaernent relative to the Bridge Projcct includina, but not luiiiteci co, furnishuie aud installing casing pipe sunport systeui (concre.ie embcdded iuseris; haneer rods, pipe roll assemblics; horizontal struts, etc.): ,\Semochndum of Unr3erscansiing Barkcr Bridge - 2U08 Pagc 1 91'3 \\S\'-I'St\Llscrs\Cliainbridge\s~Wndapacket 03-t S-Q8\MC7U 13arket Bridgc- Distsict i9.doc 4. Shall provide circular blockouts at the bridge interniediate and abucment diaphrag,cn walls, as dctailed on the drawings; % 5. Shall be responsible -for fiinushing and installing 20-inch diamcter steel casing pipc, complete with a specified coatinp- system aiid lpngitudinal anchors. The casing M11 e?.tend approximately 5 feet beyond the concrcte bridge approach slab; 6. Shall be re.sponsible for furnishing and installing modular seal a..~sembly (T_ink- Seal") aroiuid casing pipe at abutlnent wall openings; 7. Shall be responsible to provide cxcavation; beciding; backfill, and compactian for buried portion of steel casing pipe; 8. Shall be responsible to provide continuous 45-calendar day work ~\indow (concurrent with work xk7ndows prUvidcci for 4thcr utilitics) for Disirict \To. 19 to install the 12-inch diametcr wate.r main. ARTICLE 2- RESPO\`SIBILITTES Ul+ CQNSOLTDATED DIS'1RICT NO. 19 1. The plans and sPecifications for the construction of tbe Bridge Projcct have been prepared by the CITY. llistrict No. 19 will coordinate with the CI1'Y and ial:e reasonable cneasures to ensure that the Waterline Froject plans are compatible with the scapc of wark contemPlatcd for the E3ridge Project; 2. Sha11 designate a"responsible person" ,,vho shall represeeni District No. 19's intcrest during the construction of che l3ridge Project, and shall coordinate any modifications or changcs needed b}r District No. 19 in cotijunction with the work; 3. Shall pErform desieu of water system improvements mordinaied with the bridge and roadway desion; . 4. District's No. 19's rePresentative shall provide tabtilations of pay quantities to dle CTTY upon 48-hours riotice lo facilitate the preparatYOn of pay estunates by the Cf°1lY; 5. Shall funiish and inscall 12-inch diaa»eter water mairi, insulation and skids (for installation witlun casing pipe), valvcs, and caiulections to eaistinQ 'water system; 6. Shall provide excavation, backfilL and rompaction associated with the buried water main installation; 7. Shall perform hydrostatic testine and disinfection of the new water main system; furnish and uistall casing pipc end seals; 8, flny modific;atioiLS or changes to che Waterline T'rUject by Taistrict I~~o. 19 shall be coordinated with aiid approved by the CITY prior to implementation. Mcrnorandum of Undersmnding Ba:ker Brid~,~c - 2003 • Page 2 of 3 \\S1'-1~S1 1Uscrs\C:B:uub:idgclagr nslapackcc 03-18-08\A4QU $arker liridgc- District 19.doc ~ Alt'T1CLF 3- ALLOCATI4N OF COSTS 1. This Me.moranduun of iJnderstandine, once fully executed, shall establisb a c4mmitment by Iaistrict Na 19 tn reimburse flie CTTY for those construcrion cost,s a.ssociated «ith t]ie Wazerline Pr(aject cstunated io be $214,200. All additional costs associatei with change orciers andlor \,alid claims for the Waterluie Project shall be tlie respflnsibility of I7istrict No. 19; 2. The CI'CY shall prepare monttAy pay estimatcs for the Watcrl'uie Froject based upon tlle tabulations of pay quantiLies provided by the Contractor. Taistrict NO. 19 shaU promptly revicw eacli pay cstirtiate prior co presentation by the C1TY to the eontractor; 3. UPon ttie signing oi' each pay estimate by dhe CITY and the contractor; die CITY shall send an invoice to Dista-icl No. 19 for tliose amounts to be paid to the City for work on the N4'aterlinz F'roject. "1°he CTTY shall vnchide copies of Ehe signed pay cstuiiates as attaclunents t4 the nnoiltl-ily in<<oices to 17istrict No. 19. 17istrict NTo. 19 shall pay the City, witliin 20 dLiys of the receipt of ttie invnice; for all construction costs due to the contrac.tor in association with tlie Waterline Project; 4. Tlie Convactor shall nbtain a pernut from the Cl'I 1' to perforrn work within the CITY'S rig,ht-of-«<ay Por the Waterl.i.ne ProjecL The CITY is aUthbnifd t0 Chaacge itS tEasollable admiiusvative costs incurrad for preparula pay e•stimates, change orders, etc., for the Waterline Project to the perniit. CTf"Y QF SPUIiANE VALLEY: By: Date: 2008. Dave Mercier, Ciry Mailager gy. pate: 2008. Office af the Attarney UISTRiCT NO. 19: gy: Date: 2008. Consolidated trrigation llistrict No. 19 Utility A4cmorandurn of Undt7standing Barkcr Bridge - 2005 P~2e 3 of 3 1,\S\i-1~51 \Users\CIau)bridge`agendaPacket 03-15-06\A4Ci1J Fia:kcr $ridge- Diatrict 19-dr.ie CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY .i Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑'consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Total vlxximum Daily Load (TMD[.,) Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEfd: BACKGROUND: Deputy Mayor Denenny will fead a discussion and give an update on the TMDL, Wastewater Treatment Plant issues. OPTIONS: L: RECOMMENOED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Deputy Mayor Denenny ATTACHMENTS , , i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. repo►t ❑ pending legislaiion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Uniform Development Code Amendments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: September 24, 2007 - adoption of UDC; November 7, 2007 - adoption of Ordinance 07-025 enacting emergency UDC amendments; December 11, 2007 - public hearing on emergency UDC amendments. BACKGROUND: On September 24, 2007 City Council adopted Ordinance 07-015 approving the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (UDC). The UDC was effective on October 28, 2007. After adoption, the City identified several instances where portions of the previously adopted code were unintentionally not carried forward into the UDC or where necessary language was inadvertently omitted from the UDC. The absence of these code provisions from the UDC has the potential of preventing the City of Spokane Valley from implementing and enforcing the UDC in a consistent manner and further could result in devzlopment that may be inconsistent with the goals and policies of the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. Recognizing the critical nature of the UDC omissions, the City Council adopted Ordinance 07- 025 on Novernber 7, 2007 enacting emergency UDC amendments to address specific sections of UDC Titles 19 and 22 and Appendix A. The City Council conducted a public hearing on December 11, 2007 regarding the emergency amendments. The Planning Commission reviewed the emergency amendments and held a public hearing on January 31, 2008. At the conclusion of the heanng and deliberations, the Commission recommended the emergency amendments be adopted with two changes (highlighted in the attached ma#erial). RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to move forward the recommended UDC amendments to first reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CON?ACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager Reviewed By_ D Parks and Recreation i ~ a Administrative ❑ Police ❑ Community Development ❑ Public Works [J Finance ❑ Other: ❑ Fire ❑ Legal ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Recommendation • 2. UDC Title 19 - amended sections only 3. UDC Title 22 - amended sections only 4. UDC Appendix A- amended sections only l ~ S`-Valley 11107 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Yalley WA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1008 0 cityhallpspokanevalley.org Memorandum . To: llAayor attd City Cauncil From: lan Robertson, Chalr - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: February 13, 2008 Re: Pianning Commission Findings and Recommendation: Interim UOC Amendments BACKGROUtdD On September 24, 2Q07 Council adopted Ordinance 07-015 approving the City of Spokane Va11ey Uniform D2velopment Code (UDC). The UDC was effectrve on October 28, 2007. After adoption, the city staff identified several instances where portions of the previousiy adopted cflde were unintentiona{ly not carried forward into the UDC or where nscessary language was inadvertently omitted from the UDC. ' The absence of these code provisions from the UDC has the potential of preventing the City of Spokane Valley from impiementiRg and enforcing the UDC in a consistent manner and furiher couid result in development that may be inconsistent vrith the goals and policies of the City of Spokane Va11ey Cvmprehensive Pian. A summary of the amendments are as folloYrs: : 1. Section 19.40.010 - does not include language specificalty prohibiting the use of rscreational ` vehicles as permanent or temporary dwelling units in residential zoning districts; - 2. Sections 19.40.090 and 19.40.100 - fails to address standards related to Accessory Dwelling Unlts (ADU) including sfze, appearance, setbacks or an application process; 3. Appendix A- Definitions - inaccurately defines Accessory Dwelling Units as Accessory Apartment Dwellings. The current def+nition is inconsistent with siate law and is confusing from the standpoint that botn attached and detached ADU's are allowed. 4. Section 19.60.010 (Table 19.60-1) - fails to identify setbacks for flanking streets in commercial, office and mixed use zoning districts; 5. 'Section 22.130 - fails to +ncorporate the standards and requirements for the designation of "future acqulsition areas" as had previously been set forth in the City's Interim Development Regulations Chapter 14.710. The Planning Commission reviewed tha interim UDC amendments and conducted a public hearing on January 31, 2008. The Commission received oral and wriften (atkached) testimony from the Spokane Home Builders Association related to the accessory dwelling unit and future acquisition area code amendments. At the conclusion of the hearing the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approvai of the interim UOC amendments wlth two modifications: 1. Remove 19.44.100 (1)(d); and P:1CammUlity OevOOpmenlTlanning Commission1200,8 Pdsettngs - Planning CammFsslont0l -31-0Bliteoammendatian Emergency UDC amendmonEs 1•31-08.doc , . 2. Increase maximum square footage allowed for an accessory dwelfing unit from 840 to 1,000 ~ square feet [Section 19.40.100(3)(a)(ii)}. FINDINGS Consistent with Section 17.80.150(6), the Planning Commission finds: 1. The proposed amendments are consistent wifh appficable goais and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and 2. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection af the environinent. RECOMMENDATION The Spolcane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that the interim amendments to the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code be adopted wifh the modifications noted above_ ,q l<D{~~..v`~ lan RoberEson, Chair I ~ R:4GommuniEy Develo{xnentlPlenning Commfsslon12dU8 Mseiings - Planning Commission\41 -31-QSkfteoommendaElon Emergency UDC amendments 1- 31-08.doc Title 19 - Amended Sections 19.40 DiStrict Purvose 8 SupDlerrental Use Regulations Res►denhal Zones 19 40 a10 Generai Provisions 1 No principal or aoaessory structure shaU be located within the dearview triangie. SVMC 22.70. 2_ In the distnds where the height of buildings is resricted bo tfiirty-five (35) feet caoling towefs, roof gables, chimneys and vent stacics may exter►d iw an additional height, not to exceed forty (40) fest, above the average grade line af the build'mg. Water stand pipes and tanks, church steeples, domes and spires and school buildings and institutional buildings may be erected tfl exceed maximum height requirements, provkied that orze (1) additional foot shall be added to tfie width and depth af front, side and rear yards for each foot ftt such structutes euceed the required height. 3. No struCture may be 8rected to a heght in excess of that permitted by applicabke Airport Hazard zoning regulations. 4 Rectejtio-ml vehicles shall not be used as aermanent or temaorary d"tlina unrts m anv re i~d ntirl zone Guests max park and/or occuoy a~nal vehiGe while visitnn the oc.cuaants of a dweflinQ unit located on the same bt for nat mom thgn 30 davs in onQ cnn+ec~ ~tie (12! month oeri4d The irttent is to accommodate visirina auests anc! not to al(ow the recreatwnal vehicle to t~e uso as a dwelhng un~t 19.40.090 ResidenUal Accessory Uses & Struciures t. Except for the sir oonditioning cornpressots of de#ached single-family residential, coohng towers end simitar accessory structures are required to observe all hont, sfde or rear yards. 2 The combined buitding footprint of all aiocessory permanent strixclures in residenhal zoning disVicts, incttsding-a ' apaftmept-dwell++kg; shall nvt exceed ten percent (1096) of the lot area. 3 The v+ertical wall of an tn-ground swimming pool shall be Iocafed behind front budding setback lines and et teast five (5) feet fmm the property line. All pooFs must be secured in aa:ordance with the requirements of the adopted building regulations. Temporary fendng is requined during expvation_ 19.4Q.10U DAoNkfki.-Accessory Apa~e~s Accessorv DwellinQ Unit (ADU) Attached and detached ADUs are cermitted in all residential Zoning d'tsMcts arfd sMl acfhere to the aMQa.anre of sinale-famiiv resrdencces M Attached ADU is an accesSOfY d Ilir►v unit that has orte nr mnro vert►ral and/pr hORZOnbI WeIIS iIl OOtilm0n wllh or attalched to tt►e Drinanat dwelling unit A Detached ADU is a fiee standina acmssorv dwellinq unit that is not attached or ahvsicalty connected to tfie nrincioal dwelting urnt 1 Puaose and Intent a To mcrease the suQalv oi affotdablQ t►ousina units and enoourage housing dn►ersitv through bettet use of the exrspna housin9 stock m neeahborfioods m a mannef that is I~ss intense than nevv develooment b To rrsake housina units available to maderate-income neople and soecial pooutations i udina the eldetty mentaihr ill victims ot domgstic abuse. aeisorts wittt disabiirties or ini►iripa artd the hOmeles5 who miqht otherwtse havs diffiCUftY find'InU hvmes wnthtn the citY that SupUOrts indeoendent Imnq, c To Drov►pe residents part►CUtariv sen+ors sing12 ABrenf, 8nd famUfcs with qrown children wnth a means to remain in their homes and neighborhoods bv Obtaminq, throuQh tenants in efhef Ihe ADU or !he DnnCipa1 ini?_ _extra ~nrome. companionship, Se~CUntV and se►vices, • . . . . . . . . . . . - , • ' - ~►S$ e To make better use ot existing nublic investment in streets t►ansiL water sewer, and pther ublities; and f To proteci neiahborhood stabilitv aroperty values ansl the single-famity ~si ntiai appearance of neicihbofioods bv ensurinq that ApUS are installed under the Condibons oullined in lhis Code- 2 Condibon$ and Vmitatfons a The design and size of the ADU shall conform to all standards in the buildinq, plumbmg, etectic-a1 mechanical fire heatth, utilities and anv other aDpficable codes: b An ADU miv be develooed in coniunction with either an exksUna or new residence c One (1) AOU a ched or detacheQ is al►owed oer bt as an accessorv dwellinQ uniE d The ApU must be a comolete indeoendent h4 sekeeoino unit: e The oombined footnrint oi all accessorv structures shall not exceed ten nercent (10°b) oi the bt area, i Home ogtEffiQns shaN be allowed anly witiiin the arinclpal dwelling unft not th ADU g The owner, as established bv the titlehQldsr, must occuov either the orinciaal dweifinq unit 4r ft ADU as tflelr oermanent res' ence but not both for tx (6) months or more of r1,P ratE•ndar vear, and at nQ Gme reoeive rent for the owner-oC=led_unit anri h Approval 01 an ADU witl be revQked it the AQU is no langer !n campliance wrth the deveiaorreni standards and cntena ouUined in 19 40 100(3) a DeweloQment Stanclads and Cntena M t-dwelNc~-~s--pefnztltecl +r► at1~s4ential ~~+r~{s+slc~ris :,ut;Ject to #:e tCS!: . WiR9= a All acc,ess,my c'wwt+~e~t- Jw~illnct wmEs ADUS oth attached and etached must meet the followl _ muirement5 ;ettu_4e_ I pne (1) paved oRstrvet parking Space 5hall be required br the dwelling unit in addition to the off-sireet parlcing requlred tor the main residence; ii The AOU mav nat exceed frfty aercent (50%} of the latal sauare fnQtaQe oi the pnnciwl dwelling uni nor be less than three hundred (3001 sauare €eet and not mare th n e'gM-#~dred {8001 one thous8nd { 1.0001 squara fqg iii The t4W number af individuals that reside in the ADU shall not excew the number of persorts that are defined as family, b.iv.The accessery-apactment dwe;Img lxsit ADU shall be a complete, separate housekeeping unit s.v.The entrance to tfie ADU shall be Eocated on the side or in the rear of the strvdure or in such a manner as to be unobtrustve in appearanoe when viewed from the frnnt of the street, and onlv ane l11 entrance mav be bcated on the facade of the princivl dwellina unit in order to maintain the aooearar►ce of a sing -family residence: and vi. The ADU unit sha11 not have more than two (2) bedrooms; and vii The ADU shall be desroned to meet the ao rance of a si nqle-familv residence and must be the same or visueliv match the DrinC:i2al dwetima und in the t1tDe size and placement of the followina 1 Extenor finish matenals 2. Roof pitch 3. Trim 4 Wlndaws in prooorion (retationshio Q# width to height) and orienta4on (horizantal or verbcan. b. Additional deveWnsnt standards ior detached_aGoe6so+3rapartmer3t-dWNNrtq ADUs: i Shall be locaied behind the front building setback line and placed on a permanent foundation; iI A►t sKJe-ard4ear y-wds-stsall-be rese+-+re~ Shall preserve all side vard and rear varO setbwks fer a dwelling uniL as es lished in Section 19.40.020 Residentia) 5tanda s in the UDC, iu. Shatl not be albwed on lots cantaining a duplex, multi-famfly dwelling or accessory apartment contained witfiin the prindpal stnxture: and rJ - IShall-havea-p+tc,hed rootwft#-a~ni;m fr"~esf-t 3. N Existing detached aCoessm strudune5 mav be canverted into detachee ADUs arovid that all develoc►rrent star►dards and criterie are met inGudina side vard and rear vard setbacks 4 Application pr4cess. a, Awliqilan far an ADU aermit sttiall be made to the Deaartment o1 Communitv np.,php„e,r In arcordance with the eermit aocOures adoated bv the deaar~rent b Shall mclude a letter of anolication a ina that one legal titiehalder will live In either dwQllina unit rt►eetina reQUltement ot owner occuflancx, c An ADU aooGeation shal aiso be filed as a deed restnct*n with the Soc►kane_Countv dQpa►+ment oi records and elections to indicate the oresence of an ADU, the renuirement nf oy,,,~ ~~~y and other siandartls for maintainino the unit as described 1n tt~i$ Gode: and d Gancellatian of an ADUs reuistraL)on may be a=mdished bv the owner flling a fetter wfth the deaartment ot communtty develaoment for rewrdinq at the department c~f fecords and elecbons or may occur as a rQSUIt of an enlorcemQnt action, 19.60 Dhark;t Purpose b SueQWmntal Use ReaulaUoRS Comrteer+cfal, Office b Mfxed Use Zonss 18.60.010 General Requiremmrtt 1. Non-residential development shall meet the minimum setback and tiie maximum buikling height requirements shown in Table 19.60-1. 2 Parking areas shall be paved and landscaped in aocordanoe with SVMC 22.50. 3. New devebpment exceeding three (3) sbries in height shall be provided with paved service lanes not less than sixteen (16) feet in width. 4. All new developmsnt shall provide for shared access with ad)acent properties. 7able 18.60-1 Coaunercts! Dsvalopment Standards Office Commerc.iat Mnced Use Indtrstrie! GO O NC C RC CC' CMU' MUC' 11 12 Mtnimum Front Yard 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Setback ' im FIa kin ~ ~ 20 ~ ~p 20 20 ~0 ~,Q 20 S eet Setbac Minimum Side and Rear Yard 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 adjacent to a residential use or zorte Maximum Building 45 100 35 35 100 Uniimrted 50 60 40 65 Height (in feel • Enc.ept as otherwise required Tttle 22 - Amended Sections 22.130.030 Required imptvvemenls and Dedkation Prior to the issuance of any approvats or pertnits subject lo the provisions of this chaptef, the Deve{oWent Services Senkor Engineer shap determine the ext8nt and type of roadvray ►mprovements, dedkabon oir ftj&ation of future isit}on ar~ requlred labe-coc+stafcted as part of the development proposal. The Development Ser+ices Senior Engineer shatl utdize the fotiowing in determining the scope oi the improvements: 1. The Comprehenshre Plan. 2. The Arberial Strwt Map, 3 The street construction standards, and 4. The functlonal, safety, efficiency and coordinaUed future expansion needs of the raadway systsm b se+ve the traveling public and emergency vshicles. The Development Services Senior Enginesr shall determine the extent of addilional right-ol-way needed to support tlwse improvements and the process of dedicating the required land area Q cfetermine if a(uture awuisdion rea snould be desianaW nursuant co 22130 o3s - 036 below. rne Development Services Senior Engineer shall also determine N the development proposal can participate in any City Capital Improvement Project as included on the adopted Six (6)-Year SUwt Imprrn+ement Pfan. In these cases, the development proposal will be conditianed io provide a proportionate contribution to the antidpated project. 22 130 435 f uAune Acauisition Area~ I When a°tuhire acauisttion area" is desian a'Tift NoUce" shaU be wmpleted anC remrded with the Covntv Aud'Ror bv the Pkanning Deaartment ar other aonroonate Thn nnhro ehall n un wrth the land and S II not be remeved ot arr~e~d~d ~a.~.,~.+.,,~.t4 V Y O{,(pMI{♦~iyp. i p[Lor !o anarorral Dy the establishinq,aoencv/de ent sInd' ted on t.he notjae. The nabce shal1 be recarded as sow as aassib{e and. in a!1 cases. gtior to the issuance of a buildinq pertnid. The notice_shall_ a Include ttze a oarcel n mber and the futl W descriotion. b lugce ceference to arrv re ted aoaroval file number or permrt numbers c Indk)de the neme of the street(s) or road(s) antlor maQ if aaoroanate; d Indude the dimensm of the future acaufsation area(sl. E (QdiCBtB U?8 Uildlna setbacks- (TOm the futule aoOUtSftn bound3rY(tes)f Intfentiiy any Iimitafions for imvrovements or teatures wrthin the aC~u~sjbon ba,unden►Iies1: y Indicate tfiat the tuture acguisitiQn area rs pnvate aroverty h Idertt'tfti► the respomMity for location or loss ot "iRtenm" features or- imQrovements within the future acauisition areas: and i Be nt3iled to ft oronerht owner's and taxnave& address as shawrt in the cautrwt SR9.karte Cmnty Assessors/Treasure's rec-ords if a camp4ete rrrailittQ addresg is r ted The "TiUe Notiae' shall be amended or removed witlh an Extinauished Fam wheri the Artenal Raod Ptan the Officia! Road MaD Qr other conditions chanae and the recorded "Title Nobce"is no loncief vali0 ProMrtY owners shall be notified of the chanqe 2 Buildinq Sethack The reauired setback qf buQdmqs as SAeGifived in the undertymq z.Qne clasVI►cabon shall be measured from tttie tut1lre awuisitfon afea boundaIf no reasvnabte sitg desiqn soluhon compl,yino with the full seiback is feas±ble exCtpl10f1S !p !h° full se!back maY b° _admirnstraVvely granted it a an exf5bn4 parcel or lol eqUals Or 15 uL) tr~ ~arger tnan !he mmimum IoS a+ea recLui*e~ i!i the underlvina zone: b an exrsting oarcel or lot has an existino buiklinQ Drpoosed tor ex ansion-or c th 5 n f w d velo ment or r elo ment ade uatej . demonstrates a sile d9sign Or uS8 Ilmitation for the exisbnq prope_rtv Such ex ns mav be grented provided that i The oroperttt i5 nQt oarl of a zonc reciassification andlor subdivrsion apolication, ii oroaertv has no reasonable attemative site desian soluUon feasible iii A"Tft NotiCe" is reCOrdeO DutSUant to 22.130 035 that further iden:ifies Iikely imoacts lsucb as noise crowding I m or relocation of improvementsl ro the srte when the ~wav is widened in the fuftreand iv The building is loc ted at the areatest setback ossibte but m anv case shall be no closer than one-QUarter (25%) ot tfie reQuired setbacic from the future acaursition area boundary artd shatl not be Ipcated within the futute acauisition area 3 Landscaping and Parkina a LandSCapina: Sianificant landscaae features such as trees shall be located in such a manner that when ttte roadwaY is widened in lfie futurQ a significant porL►Qn ot such lands- an4 features such as matured trees will noLneed t4 be destroved or relQrated. A maioritx oi the trees reauired m the ~,urrent landscaano areas shall be alanted eioht feet (8 ft) from the tuture aCquisit►on 3r8a boundarl Wrthin the future Dlantina StTtD and shall be spaC.ed no fts than sixtv feyt (60 ft) from ane anoiher b Parkmq AII on-site oarklnq reegutred bv the underlymo zQne CimificaUon shall be ~ located autsiclQ the future acvuis+tion area Ii no reasonable sfte desian sqlutlon comolving with Qarlcino loption reauirements is fpasible. excealians to _these requirements mat be atJmintstratively ranted ii I an extsti Q D~rr,el Oi_If]t_P_O1J215 Of i5Up IO fafaQr 'hafl_ihF) r':iM(71JR1 ICS:•_afGa Or'hQ underlvin4 zone, - - ii an exlstlno aarcel or lot ha; an Lxisting build~rq c~roposed fpr expansior, ar iii the sQ,onsor o( a nEw deveEopment or redevebpmFnt adequately denionstra-es a_site design or use Ifmitation fpr the existina oropertv Such exceptionS mav be aranted Droviqed that 1 TI►Q pr4Dertv is not vatt Qf a zone reclassaficahqn_p.nd/or subdivision apIkcation. 2 The pfovertv has no reasonable aliematnre site des~an solution feasible. 3 A"Titte Noi " is recorded vursuant to 22 130A35 that further iqeritifias IikeIy impacts to ttie site when the roadway is widened in the future : and Q The fewest number oi parking s Ils ts located in _fUture acQuisibun area as possible and, in anv case. shall cor.tam no_more than one-Qua-iter_;25°~ oi the reauired oarkino stalls for the site a LQr~tian ot reQUired site dramaae facihties All reauired 209 and/or surtace dralnaqe faant+es tor the site shall be located outsioe tne future acouisition area If ihe snonsor of a new devQlopment _pr_ redevelopment adec]uatelv demanstrates e 5rte desmn of use iimitativn for locabon ci such fac'llbes on the eztstinia procgr,v a oortion ot the dtaniWe facilitv improvern t mav be temDOrdOlv altwwed withln tfie future acauisition area it an internn oermit is tssued vursuaRt to ttte provisioRS of 22.130 037 Thg interim aermit shan nrovide for the rebcation of the drainaAe facfliiix t4 an attematrve site bv the prooerN owner when the rvadway is wOened The aermit shall identifv the attemate location and the means of relocatin9 the farality 5 Phvsica! sVuctures imnrovements anA uiiibes Phvsical structures (such as stnns fencino and architectural features) and improvements (such as site drain@ge '206' drainaqe swales tandscapmq and parkinq) shatl not be located witthin th~ 'u"urp acauisi#ion area unless an irtterim conditional use aermit has been issued pursuant to Syefion 22.130.037 If nermitted thev shall be owtsictemd "lnterim" and shall be relocated or removed / riaht-0f-wav is widoned in the future. subiect to the conditi~ons of the interim condftnal use pe~'it_ All develQpers aQendes and nurvevors instalfina uGlities in. adiacent to or across nahts-of-wav sha11 show the future acautsikim area and boundarvtcsl Qn construction Qians Qr drawinas. Impacts from the future roadw~v wideninq and other relocaUon cosi shali be considered when desianina and sitino utilnies and Imarovements 22130 037 Intwim Condkbnsl Use Permtt The DeY$loomenl Service Senbr Enqineer may femppranlv allvw, as an interim conddional use site feahures or improvements IocaEed wrthin or adiacent to the future aouisition ama tt,at are in confltct vOt "he ^m~~~ions oi this Chap r provided that a hardshio can be emonstrated and the use can be rr,,.sc^ably ;^rnditioned and m-cAtiCtW to uttimatetv accflmpUsh tfie intent of tttis 208 swales, parkmq stalls utitibes and siarts Interim Conc#itipnal Use Permits shal{ be {ssued administrati~elv ai o~ before the Gme develoQment aoDrovals 8nd Dermib are aranted (nterim cermHs shell at a minimum speciiv tt►e t@mvoLarv or interim use allQwed the condrtions of tt►e aennil the crovisions 1Qr and timing of remwal telocation or installation and the resportsibility for the cosl ot relocation, remova( or instaltatbn Anv atsaeaI fli the administrativ d ision resoectinq an ingrim use shall be h~d pursuant tfl 5VMC 7 90 AF~afs All inte~im perm~t~ shafl be relerenced ~ a TiEIe Nat~ce purs~ant to 5ection 22 130.435 22130 039 Parlclna Lot Tllvel l.arte Co-nnectbns Ro IRdincent Parklnp Lots 1 Travel lanes withm commercial and industrial developments- shap connect or arovi~e for future GonnecGon oi exlsting or future adiaoertt oarkma lots af to[rnnercial or industrial development Multip►e hamdv cfevelopments shaf! arovide similar connections to adiacent muliiole _ family devel pment Travef lanes shall be_ds5igned to afbw future expan5jQn of tfire roadwav and Lgt~_in parkina lot urCUlation betweenpartcing Iots without reawriLiq vehides acess the -to -aadwa.,y to enter the adiacent oarkinQ lot. CQmmercial ar industrial oarkirta bt traffic should ^-^t pass throuah r,esidential QarkMo lats_ SRa devetoament desig,n whictt arovides for minimum travel lane cqnnectFons mav raduce osrltMna reauirements bv two Qarki a_ s each travel lane conn2gAign (io a maximum of four stalls) If th$ soar►sQr of a new deveboment or redevebament adeauately demonstraies a site desian or use limitation for inslalliftn af the reauired travel lanes an the existirra oroaerty, exceeo ons to the travel lane reauirements rtiay be administ tivelv aranted. orovided lhat a The orapeMr is nat part oi a mne tassificatior► and/or subdivision aoolication b The orooertv has no neasonable altematlve ane design solutbn feasibtc c The Develoament Senrices Swfor Ettgineer finds that the travel lane and connection Iocation or an intenm ladc of c'AnneCif4n wili not negativetY imoact tile Dresent or future funcbon and satetv of thgparkin4 lot circulation mgresslegress the future roadwav or roatfwav network. d Hn int6nm permrt is issued under the Otovisipns of 22 130 p~ % for any required parkinq stalls that are to be removed m the future and the Qermrt reouires adiacent fiml tane r,onnections. end e A'Title Notioe" ►s rewrded oursuant to 22 130 035 that turtt,er bentifies Gke#y imp~CtS (sudh as loss or rebcabon of improvements teatures aparkma stalts) 4o the site when th~ travel lane 4onnection is made in the future. Appendix A - Amended Deflnitions E3wa14ng, .,4r,c.es~~ry Apanment Accessorv DwettinQ Unit A freestartding detached stnicture or an attached part of a structure that is subardinate and incidental tn tfie fnain-eFpx+rr-ify n~nc+p I dwelling unit located on the same property, providing camp{ete, independent living faulities exdusively for a single housekeep+ng unit, including permartent provisions for living, sleepittg, cooking and sanitation. Principal Uwellina Unit The pnncipal strudure on a lot that is the main residence to which the propertv is devoted. Department of Community Development El:; Planning Division City- Council Study Session Interim Uniform Development Code Amendments March 18, 2008 Dcpartment of Gommunity Developmenx - j Planning Division Background 9/24/07 - City Council adopts new UDC • 10/28/07 - New UDC effective . 11/7/07 - City Council adopts Interim UDC • amendments 12/11/07 - City Council conducts hearing on . Interim arnendments 4'*1/31/08 - Planning Commission conducts public hearing on Interim amendments ~ rmwilcMCrMV Department of Community Development Planning Division UDC Sect'ions ❖ Section 19.40.010 - Prohibition against using RV's as temporary or permanent dwellings; ❖ Sections 19.40.090 & 19.40.100 - Fail to address standards related to accessory dwelling units (ADU's); ❖ Appendix A- Definitions - inaccurately defines accessory dwelling units as accessory apartment dwellings; new definition for Principal Dwelling Unit; ❖ Section 19.60.010 - specifically Table 19.64-1 fails to include flanking street setback for commercial & office zoning districts; ❖ Section 22.130 - fails to address standards and requirements for "future acquisition areas" and other items contained in the Interim Development Regulations. ~n. I)evelopn~~i ~ De~aa~-~trorent o~' C+~~nmu Plan~~~g Division Planning Commission Recommendation ~ P1anning Commission recommend+~~ ~~~ption of all Interim amendments with two modificatxons: - Delete section 19,40.1 00( 1 )(d) Pur~~~~ ~~nd Ir~~ent • d. To reduc~ the isolatic~~ of househol~~ ~hat is a resu~~ of urban spraw~ ~d suburban Ia.nd use; - Modify section 19.40.100 (3)(a)(ii) Development Stara~ards a-nd Cr. iteria • ii. T'he ADU may not exceed fifty percent (50%) ofthe total square footage of the princI.pal dwe11ing unit, nor be less that thre~ hundred (.300) squ~~e feet and nat rnore than eight hundred (800) one thousand 1,000) square feet; !01 7Departmcnt of Community Devetopment Planning Division . Questions? CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Dabe: March 18, 2008 City Managw Sign-aff: ftem: Check all tttat spply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubiic heanng ❑ information 0 admin report ❑ pending leyislation AGENDA ITEM TiTLE: Spring Street Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOU3 COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion of the cument condition of City Streets BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUOGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS Presentation Road Report Spring th ~rrw;: ti . ~ _ - ~~°,?►i.*:a~,~'~~ , ~ :K 29 &McDonald Constructed 1992 ~ - • • ~ •w,. ~ ,~t-' ' `~'c . ~rR' a ~~~•Fi~rifa~.r•~.~~ ~ " ' _ - ~!Fr~•, ~ s. . ~ • A i - ~'La~~a+'~1 . ' ' ~ ~ - • t . , ' , , _ z • , r ' ~ . . • , , ~ ~ , ~ . ~1 , . . . ~ " , ~ • ,`,.I`' , , _ , • , , . ~ . _ ' . _ ~ ~ • . ~ ~ ' , - , . ~ , ~ - . ' . , . . . . . tir~....'•►• ' . . . . ' ~ T ~ • . ~ 7.01- 'e ~ti , •,r . _ . ' . I~"' ' .f, , , ' . . . • '`'-'r'y ~ , , . . . "r ` tt. ~ ~f ~ , Ay ~'r.. ~.l~r'' - . ~ . x~ ~ . . ` ~ ,r . ~ . ~w . S+ti Y'~'{~' lo `Lb~ ~t: ~ ♦ , 1'i.` .1'' ~ . . . -1„~n; f ^j~~ -t ! . -9 ~ . A_.~ . . r~~~'1!~ ~ ~ ~r ~ 1. f ~ ~`l1 1~ ` l.t~~ r;~`y~•• ~r~.n~tr~~ , ~`4i~j ~,1.}11~1:i'• . ~ j , } ~ ~ l1 ,.y1~tr.~~4~~iI' u1 l i , v~y ~j .l~i~a f .:^•~,J!f~ ~ ~ .~i'~► :S•~ ~i ~'..,~,C•.~l ~r° r -1,`t ' 1 ~ ' 1 , . `Y I~~,~. ~a..lt~'~ ~~\i ~ . _ ~ r~ f;~ ~y ~ ~,ti`, r, .r~~.-.;~~ . w.~ °`,.V►R'i 1 rti. ~S 1 i L'r ~Zv •~.t .I~T~ J~~~'w~ ~l " r _1 ♦Y, ' * ~ ~ ~:y~l+ ~ -1+ ) +J y ~r✓ ~ ~ ~.t~%~+ ~~j • d L'$i,+~ r.~~ ~~r I,' ^ ~~~~/~'Y~ ~'c.~ ~ti . 7"~ r. ,~.4. n' .~~1:i..K:~ n ~iy ~ yk. • 1 1V ir.`~„ k ti` ~ ii ~ ~ ~ i' .a 1 r y/~•F; ~r, ~ i . • "~r r~ ~ : ~ ' I - a , S} Y. , r•~ , e+= 1~,~} j•~ ♦ { ~ ~ ~r ~ i .J ~ ' t 1'l.~y~%'~+y:.X~..r~'sy-O~.TI~ .~~1 `s~'~` ~ . i~M1, ' ~ ?..1 t~ •:l~~~ r.A~~.~+L • ~ . a..~, ..!L~. I~_. ...i:'~-a3~ ~iyA*~_`'~ _s'~-,_--. _ Q_._: . , . _ . . ^Z . . ~•.i' i't r}'i'~~~f.~.r'~.: .~5~+ - ..1 h ~y i- r~ '6 , ~~4 rr - _ - . - ~ _ 1 • l rs `~e . . -r-r~~.. . ~ ~ ~ + . 1 . ♦ . ~ , ~.L.. I~"~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ t 91~ Appleway Constructed 1999 1A ;I ,Ii .'A:~•~ ~ a►i ~ ' _ . _ _ - ` ~ ~,,,,i• • -rr I~ - . • ;r~ <w , . ~ - ~ ~ _ ' • , _ r • _ . f.. ~vmp.~..' I' ~ , . ` - -'7•_ ~ - - RS• ~ •~'~r:: ~~r ~i , ~ Ih.A~.I~ . t~ f ~"nll - r• y ".r~ ; :,t. _ _ ~T~~ + ('}~'`r`~i`~~ rI~L}~ f ~ L,,➢.l,i~, , ~ ~ i • ' ` '~'r'} ~,l. "r ~ _ ' ~ ~ . j 1 rr ~ t%r~; r'. ~1~'~ S' i ~ i . ~ ` , ' ~ . . ~ . > .r • u'{'~ r' ~r: 1^`~+~?'"Y- -r'~~. ,~,I • . , • ~ ~~.~'V . I~.. 1 ~ r ~ ~y. . . . ~ , i. ~ . ~i;~, Y, ,M. A '7 ~ 4vi . ~ ; f ~w . ~tg ' ~ ~ i s~~ n ~ t~ ~ ~ ' f A ~ , ~ t, . " , . ~ Ir'~*.I; ~ • _ . . . ~ ~ . . . , _ .t,.~. • • ~ J. . C;. . . , ~ .1~'a 1 a► , ► ~ , AHEAD , ` 44 Broadway & Raymond Constructed 1999 ~ ~1 • - ~q. ~ ~ .r . . _ . . . J 1 ' r. ~ ;.~-J - ~~i'A'~ , ~r' - - `~ti-• ! ~ i,. ~ ~ F . ~ r• i.~ yi . 4i ' ~ . - . ~ ~1 Jt . ~ L ~ . • ~ I ~ ~ , • ~R ' ' I _ I ~ a ' - 4r- . ~ . - Euclid Avenue East of Sullivan ~ , . --oma. ~ . .~r _ •~~l? Q';, , - ~ . • ~ t • lj ~,4_ 1 ! ~i~i ~i$-''~' " ~ i."~' ~ ` ; ~ r s ;i- ~ •-i ~ ~~t r~~i~4 . ~ - - . . - ~ , f,. ` r~~ ' ' _ ~~~d~ ~ • I' " -a` . - ~ -4i i "-yiI I' - ' . - - - - . . a ~ . ~ • r, . . , ~ I i l 11 1 .a• Montgomery East of Argonne Constructed 1998 t ~ ~ - , -F . - ! ' _ . . . . • ~ 1-.~+~ • " . . - - ' ' ~ ~ • j,,,++~ - a -l, ~ , ~ - - 4 _ .t,•,,. ~ ' ' ~ , ~ . - ~ i • ~ . . ~ . . . . . _ t . Y . , . T.,`.. - , ; ~ ~ ~ ' f . ~ ~y - - l _ • r I ♦ ~ . " ~ 1~~~~ . , R ~~'i , . . 1 ~ . . , . ~ , . Dishman-Mica . uonstructed 1997 = y , • t T? ; ~ ~f'~ ~ ~j., . ' • • . ~i1C ~ ~ 1 -d f i.'1:.+ 4~~.~-1'~•. S~.'c~9t~ . . i ~ ~;~ycr,`i,-~ r•~ t' ••l + 'r~~ . .♦~p ~-Yy' "Z,L~~ ~ , : ^ . ~ 1~1.~~ ~ t '.t Mlti`~ 1~~ti • 1, ,f~ti'~~~' ~'r~t t{..t~' . 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Pavement Condift*on RATING c~o 100 Excellent (D a 85 x Excellent Q16-) Very Good ~ 40% drop in L QualitY Each $1 of repair 70 ~ ~ 7b9~6 of 11fe not done here ~.~~E:~ Good ~ Good v will cost p ° n. $8 to $10 if ~ 55 t~ ~ Fair Fair 40% drop delaye to ~ Poor in quality 40 here Poor ~ 12%Qf : o. Failed 25 Very Poor 5 10 15 20 Year 10 ~ Failed 0 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business public hearing ❑ information (R admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Legislative 2008 Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will continue oral discussion of legislative issues. J OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MIOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS - CITY OF SPO4{AIdE 1lALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting bate~ March 18, 2008 City N1anager Sign-off: ~ Item: Check al1 that apply' ❑ consent ❑ ald business ❑ new business ❑ Public hearing . ❑ informa#kon 0 admin, report ❑ pending legisla#ion ACENDA ITENq fiITLE; Discussion regarding amending ordinances gren#ing Sunshine and Waste Management seven year franchises - effective dates. GOllEfthilNG LEGISLATION: RCUV 35_02.160, RC1N 81.77 PREVIOUS CQUNCIL ACTIOId TAkCEN, S#udy session April 17, 2007, motion on fVlay 22, ' 2007, administrative report Augusk 14, 2007, first feading October 22, 2007, secand reading November 7. 2007_ I 'BAC KG ROL.1N D; On Novem foer 7, 2007, the C ity C ouncil approved twn ordinances granting #ranchises to Sunshine and 1Naste Management, Both hack eqective dates five days after publication. Also on Noverr7ber 7. 2007, the Coun cil autharized staff to send the 1+Vashington - Utilities and Transporkat+on Commissian {VUUTC} ietters notifying the WUTC of thc- terminatian of the existing tari#fs {essen#iall}r like a franchise) wikh WUTC: e#fective November 16, 2007. - - In ,lanuary 2008, the VVUTC notified staff that the City needed to clarify several issues in our notification le#ter, which we did_ In doing so, we had to revise the effective date of the notification o€ termination to March 10, 2008, Given khe gap between the ordinances and the ~ notification letter to V1?UTC, staff drafted amendrnents ta ths two ordinance5 khat would make , the ordinances effective also on Marcn 10, 20138_ RECDMiVIEtVDED ACTION OR MOTIDN- Put both arnendrnents an a future regulaE meeting for con sideration; potentially suspend rules at fl rs# reading, move ta second reading a nd adopt, BUDGETIFINANClAL IMPACTS; NA STAFF CDNTACT; Cary P. Driskail, Deputy City Attorney ATTAC liMENTS~ Draf# a rnendrnents to #rancnises for S unshine Disp osel a n d Waste M anagemerrt_ i ~ i ~ CI'n' UF SPOKAYE VALLEY SPnKANE COLINTY, WASIUTiGTUN ORDINANCE NO. 0&00• AN nRDINAIvCE OF "IHE CTTY OF SPOK.4,NE VAI.LF.Y. SPUKANE COUNTY. WASHIIVGTON, AMENDiNG ORDIIVANCE 07-023 BY CHANGiTiG THF, APPLICABLE DATF UF ORDINANCE OF THE SEVEN YEAR, NON-EXCLUSIYE FRAN('AISE TU WASTE MANAGFMF NT TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICF WTI'fIIN TI-lE CITY OF SPOKANE VALI.EI' WHEREAS, the City of Spol:ane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003, at w•hich time Waste Management of Wsshingtnn, lnc., d/bJe Wastc Managcment af Spokanc (hercafter "Waste Managemcnt") was providin8 garbage and refuse collection services in thr goographic area comprising tho new city; WHF.REAS, RCW 35A2.160 provides tfint when a new city incorporates, a company providing sulid waste and refiese collection sorvices within the new city shall be allowad to continue providing said services for ai least scvcn yeers following the exercise of certain steps to tcrminate thase statutcxy rights; WIIrREAS, an November 7, 2007, the Giry Council approvad Ordinance 07-023 granting a sc:ven-year franchise to W&ste Managament to provide c,ommercial and residential garbage and refusr coUec-tion service within Spoksne Valley. The City Council n}so gave appmval to give notice of tcRninstic►n through the Washingtun Ulilitics and Transpottaiion Commission: and WHFRFAS, City sla$ hsd communicatiQns with staff ai the Washington Utilities and Traiuportation Commission r+cgarding several clarifications neccssary in the City's rwticc af tuminalion lettcr. After issuing a second notice of termination letter an February 25, 2008, with a tevised termination eiate of March 10, 2008. it bocatnc neccssary to amend Ordinance 07-023 to mnke it ef'tective March 10. ?008 as wcll. !vOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ciry nf Spokane Valley. Spokanc ('ounty, Washingtott, does otdain as tollows: Sectioa 1. Amend Scction 3 of Ordinsnce 07-023 rcaardinit the efi'ective dat~. 7'his (lydinar►ce shall bc in ful) farce and effect.MI~V gtrh 10. 200 8 tlAr:-rkit+l+taf+t~.►#'-tj►r.+fdKtr,th~e I ~K-tt =rtttrt~►afy-~he~€~eet~~-4~-4~~e~ictie~~~~~te~'t4y t►i=~fi~~~3f~e--~~I~cw c:-; PASSED by the City Council this _ day of Man;h.'008. Mavar. Richard Munson ATTES'1': Christine Bainbtidgc, City Clark Approved as to Form: Uffice of the City Attorney Date of Publication: L'ffeccivc T}atc: ~ ~ . WASTE MILNAGF-I,.fENTI' OF j,17ASHII\TGTON, TNG , . ~ 'Cert. No. . d/b/a WASF~iGTON WASTB T-iALTLING &"iZECl'CLLNG, INC., G00237.~ 12ECXCLB A1ICA., RlJRAL SKA.GIT SANITATIONz. . . ~ ~ FEDERA.L WAY laIaSPOSAL, ~\IICK RAFFO. GARB AGE, . - ~ ~ R.S.T. DTSPOSAL, TRI-STAR DISi OS.AL; WESTERN REFUSE, . ~ \70RTH CA,SCADE.S DISI'OSAL, ST.AI\TWOOD CAMA-NO , . DISPOSAL,~ WA$T"E MAJNAGalENT, WASTE ?v.LANAGEMENU - . I~TQRI'HW.FST, V~TA.S`.I8 MAIVAGEMF?Nfi*= RAR\qER, VJAS'`E . , . ~ ~ . - MANAGEM.EN'T OF ELL.EN5BTJRG, VVASffIv~AG~\1'T OF" GRBA'I'ER; ZN`tI~T.A.TCH8L, SNASTE A~jAG ,~L-YvIEN1' OF ~ FC~,\~WZC:K, Wt1S'T~ M~AGE'IvJF~N'I` OR S~A.'~L:E, ~ WA5'1"E 1VSANAGEWN'T' OF SK1a.GTI' COUNTY, WASTE 1~TA.G 'i •\~T OP SPOKANfE.,"WASTE, ~_~1~1zAGEMEN'T' OF YAKMA, wa.s°rL rXIAGE~MEN'r,oF s?\'o-Ka\TG, VAGLAX GARBAGE, OLSON'S S ~TITA.'I7OIN SE12VICE, ' VITASTE IvT.ANAGE-M,72\7 OF ADDY, BREM-AIR DISPOSAL, . J:: . ~ . - ~ . , . • GF~~,i~~ - sb~'~ S0jJ'T~ , . . 13225 NP 126TH 1'LACE ' , , , . . . ~ . . ~ . ~ W , , jVA 98034 . . . . T',HIS CER7.'1FZCATL DOE,S NOT AUTHOR= RE.FUSB COT,LECTION SEIZVTCE RESTR.ICI'ED TO ~ t.MEL1' T~A_~1tD0 'LTS SF~tiII-SOL177 WA~TB,~I~TCLT.TD7I`~G-,-ACIT~S, -CHR-~CCALS, AND R-ES117UATS LN PIF'~CE, K1NG, _ SNOHOlMISH `:AN'D WHA'TCOM COUNMES ANn7 ~TiN1'I'EP~COUNT'Y- ..ANDJOTZ HA.Z_ARDOUS . lNDUSTR.ZA.L- ' L:TQUID, JNCLU-DNG --AQIDS, . C:C TEM.ICALS AND RE.SIDLTALS (NOTTO'-EXCgEl7 6,500 GAT LONS Il~z BUL:C PFalZ. SHaI'iMENT) n\1 Vr.'iiATC0I~I, ~ SKAGa, SvOHOiVII.SH, ` K~G, ~ KITSAP 'A1~1D ~PTERCL COUI`i'IIES ANTD rT\rrSRcoUrrzY: . . ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ cantinue ~ ~ (PID2m SOL.ID WAS'I'L COLL.ECl.~ION SERVICE zn Secdons 6, 7,18, tY►e nozfih Y2 of 19 and th.ose . porti.ons of Section=1 and 5 situated in ICing Coupty, a11.in Tr `j•/ R.-11 E.; and.Sections 28, 29, 30, 31,32 and fihe West Ih of Sec. 33, G]1 in,T. 23N., R. 11.B., in ki~g eounty. : (PID295) ALSO In that portion of King County, .described as follovvs:. Coinmencing at the northeast City Limits of Aubuui, and the•Green Rivei Banks ivithan Section T. 21 N., R. 5 B.; tizEnce easterly along the Green FZivez Banks to the north`vest coinez ef Section 20, T. - • 21 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; thence nozfih to the norhlzwast corn.er of Sei:tion 20, T. 22 N., R. 7 E., W.M.; therice due east to the northeast cornier of Section 24, T. 22,1\T., R. 7 E.; thence south to the southerly - boundary of King County; thEnce westerjy along.the soutkLesly boundary . of Kirig County to the southwest coinez of Section 32, T. 21.N., R, 5E., Z-V.M.; thexice noztherly along t"~e we'st lirie pf said Section 32, 29, 20, 17 ar►d 8 of T. 21 N., R.. 5 E. to*theGreen River Banks to the point of:beginzung. . '(PT17297) ALSO in that poxtion of King County descII.bcd as follows:, :Comm.encin.g at the northwest City Lasnits of 1?enton and the shore of Lalce VJashiilgton; thEnce northerly along the shore of Lake Washington to fihe Ciiy Limiis of Be1lEVUe (as of Septenzber 1, . 2004); thence east azong the south City Lim.its o€ Bellevti.pe (as of September 1, 2004) to tneir ~ infiersection Naith i3ze City Laulits of Jssaquah (as o€ September 1, 2004); ilience north al.ang the east . City liauis of Bellevue,(as of Sep tember 1, 20D4) to fihe intersection of the most nortItivesterly paint of the City linuts of-Issaquali. (as, of Septembex.x, 2004); thenceeayt along the, adjoiriig north Citp .:.lim~~s of Issaquah.(as of Septe?nber 1.., 2004) ~to its. intersection ~a~ith In.terstate 90; t~ience . easf along :m- . , . - . .,..ITIterst-a.te.90 un.til fihe i,ntersecti.on with Reriton Ro3d (Rentori Road=Issaquah R.oad)aL:;o Highway 900 ;;thence south along said raad to 'a line .common to T. 23 N., 'and T. 24.1V.,r1z. 5E., and th~ce ! westerly along vaid. line to the east~~ly bovndary of the Ca.ty Lin.uts of Rentoi'i; (M:V.G. No ;?20, Ju1y 7, 1964}; fihence along said CiLy Limits in a noxthweSterly direction to fihe shores of Lake Washington to the poant of begiutiin.g. Also i.nrluding Maple Valiey GolE Coiarse. (PID320) SOLID V1~'ASTE COLLBCTTON SERVTCE in tYiat portiox~ of Kizzg County described a.s follows- ' Conti:nue . . ' . ~ • . . , . Commencink4t the inter~ection oil t.i.e south a.ty limits of the City of S&attle and the intezsecaon of saici city liu~.i,~ cviin Lalce WasYungton; thence southeriy along the s.ures of Lake Washir4gton to t11e , , City o€ Rentan City lim.i.ts; thence alon; •the ~a*est41y boundary of fihe city l.itnit5 of ttie City of . . IZenton to Renton A` enue; ffience northwestErly alorig the nerly side of I7~nton 1a.v&Le to 76ffi Av6nue Soufh to SQUth Mt" Ssseet, thence east io -iiffi Avenue South; thence noit.i. along fihe e~t ~ szde of Avei-iiie.Soto South 1`L01~ S#ieef; theri'ce alon.g ~he naith e of Soiitti 120~Sti~et to 76'b Avenq`e 5ouIh; then-oe nartii. on 76th Avenuc South (6_st side only) to;116'b Sitreet South; thence . r. . west ozti 116th Sireefi South (no servi.ce beiV.Teen 116L4" Str. -kt South aud Coinell Aveii.iis); thence nozth alo~ng the east;z.de Af Carnel.I Averiue to Seaitle'City L~ thenbe* easy gong city 1iinits to the east bouiidary i3~erEOf, adj acent ta Lake Ridge Adc3iii6n; ther►ce northcrly along sazd city liniits to Soiifih 112t" 5fireet extcnded; thence Weste;rly alozi g said dtl Ii,~'ruts to 68`' .4.vei7u..e SoAn extended; thence northerly along sazd city limii-s to Ry~n Street ~xte'nded; thenee easterly alorig said, a.ty l.imits to the point of beginning, £rom filze described tesitory to diunps in King Ca-Lmty. ' (PiD373) SOLIp VVAST'13 COLL.ECTION SERVICE in that poztio-zi of- Ki.ng Caunty described as• toilo rJS: St~.-tiz~g. at the intersectioi~ of\jE 199=' Street and 84~ Ave. NE; then east on N`E 159~ Street to its intersecdori iviih 50,:, Ave. INt; then noz°th ori 90~ . A.ve: NL to 'a.ts iritersecEion with'NE 200th . Sixeet; then wesfi on NE 200th Street to ii-s intersection ivith 88lb Ave. NE; then nozffi on SP At►e. NfE to its iritersection with NE 202n11 Street then easfi an I\jE 202nd Stzeet to its izitezsection zvit-h 90L" Ave. ' NE; theri'noztn on 9d'h - A:ve. NE to i.ts intersec-tion wzth NTl3 205t" StsePfi (~so the King=Sn.ohomish County ]ine); tlien west on a~tt 205'b Sireet to iis intersection vwith 846 Ave.• NE (also the west range ' line of T26N, R5B); then soiith ori 84'h Ave. NE to ifis zn.terseciioh with iNE 199'h StzeEt, ffie poinf of beg in.n.ing- Al-so:'Sta.rting at the intersection of 84'-,Ave. NE and NF 180~n Street; tlaen east an I\jE 180"-' Stiect to . ifs infierseciion tivith $P Ave. NE; fh en nozth on $8-, A.ve._NTE to its~interseciiori w-ith s~1E 18 Z1-'Street; then east on \jF 1$11'• Street io its inter.section x.*ifih 90th Pl. NE; then north on 90th PL 1NTE to its :'ihtersecfian witl? 1~, 1$5~ Str.eEt; Fhen w=QSt ori NE 185ffi Si7eet fio a.ts i-ttersection ~vitia, 8$~ 1~ve. NE; . . fihen north or► 88ffi Are. NE to its snt&se'ctiQn tvith :192nd PI..NTE; then west oit 19znd Pl. -I\fE-to i-ts intersection with 8411, Ave. NL (allsa the w'est range line of T26NIJ, 'R3E); then sauiiz on 84~, Ave. iNE to i.is mtersecti.on zvitfi'NE 1801b Street, the point of beginning. . • Cantinue . . A]so: S~ar~ng at the in~rsec~on of 1~~ Bothell ti1~y. ~d 84~ Ave. ?~E; ihen esst on ~ Boid~e.ll Wy. to ifis intersection with 910- Ave. N`E; then north an 91~1 Ave.NTE to its intersection with NE 172na Sireet; , then east on NE 172"1 5freet to its izitersection w-ii-h 92n° Ave. NE; tii.en north on 42nd Ave. NE to its -iritersection vti-itn NE I73,d Sireet; aie~.~ east on NFs 173--d Street. to ifs izitersection w-i#~i 95131 Ave. NE; .tne,n norfh on 9511, Ave NE to 1731d. Pl. NE;'then iti est on 173"d Pl._ NE to i.t.s intessectiore v►►ith 93fd Pl. NL; then narth ozi 93~ Pl: NE to its intezseciion tvith NTE 175"Il Sizeet; fihen west on.NE-17511' Street to its ixttersectaozt with 931° Ar, e..NB; thEn north on 93=d Ave.N8 to its intersection"vAth NfE 176t', Stseet; ihe-ci e_ast o~n 1~~ 176~ Street fio its interszclaon v.~ith 95~' Ave: \T ; thFri north ozi 95AZ?e.- I~T6 to ats _ i.ntersectian with NIE 178~ Stree ; then west on NE.17$1h Street to ats intezsectionwith 881h Ave. NL; . tlzen north on 886 Ave. NTE to its intersecfion with TL 180-'~Street; thenwest ori NF 180~, Sixeet to its _intersection with 84-,Ave. \TE (aJsq.the:wesfi zange Iine of'I26N; R5E); then south on 84th Ave. NE to . its infiersection with NR Botheli.-,Wy., tYie pbint of beginnir►g. . . (PID374) IZFFUSE COLLECTiON SETZVZCL from'commereiat accounts or establishnnents in that poriion of King Courdy described as.follows: Stazting at tlle intersection of 92rl Ave; iNE and 18611, pl.. NE; fihen east on 186d, PI. NE to i.ts intErsecti.on with 43-d PL iNE; theil north on 93=d 1'1. NTB to its zaitersection vv-ith\tE 18711, Street; then east on NE 187'h Street to,iis iptersection with 95e' Ave. NE; ' then s~outh.on 95t!~ Ave. NE to its intersection Kdth 186th_PL. NE; fihen ea,_.-fi on 186c, 1'L.,\zS to ats intezseciiozL with 96th Ave. N-E; then nozth on 9611,,Ave. NB to xts.intersectioncti-ith NTE 188e~ Stree L,hen west on NE 188ffi Street to its intersecti on -,ti-ith 95Ave. iVS; then ri'o'rtli~on 9511, Ave. \jP,to its " intersection -tti-ifn NE 189w Street; fihen tive-ct on NTE 189'-' Street fio i`,.s int-6rsecti.on with 93ra PI. NTE; thznnort-h on 93"d PL NE to it-, intersection with NF, 190~, SiTeet; then west on IVE 190'h- Street to iis intersection v,rith 9213G Ave. NE; then south on 92nd Ave. NB to its iritersection wit-h NF 189t' Street; . fhen east on NB 1$9th Street to its intezseclion w-ith 93r' Are. NL; thPn south on 93d A.ve. NL to iis • intersection -vAth NTE 187--~, StTeet; then west oxi NE 18711' Street to iis izitersection witli 92~-d.Ave. NE; then sou.th. an 921a Ave. vE to its inte~EC~ion wiih 186~' Pl. NE,. the plact? of beguini.rng. , . . ;(PIlDt~.3,3) SULID WA.STE COLLEMON SERVTCE axi that.poxta.on of King'azld Piezee Counties described as follo ws: •Sta.i.-iing at tne point wheze.l5t Avenue South infiezsects witln ilie.shoxe line of Pu;et,Soun;d; thence snu;- oxl Ist Avercue Soufh to South 292-~d Streeet proj ected; fiherice east on South 292711 Street projected fio 8*-" A.t~enue South projecced; t'nexlce north on 8ffi Ad_nue Soutii. projecfied to South 288'! Street projeciec% thence eGst on South 28813' Strnefi projeCied fio 1211, Avenue South; thence , . ' Con--iue . l ' ~ vcnue S~uth . rojected to Sot~th 282'~ Streei projECted; thex~c~ eas~.o~ Sauth~ na north on 72 A P Str~et projected to i~ ~i~ersecfiion zvith the east cit}' li~ts o£ D~ a ori iMoines; d~tr~e t to th cele~ citY . soid a.ty luru.f~ ,to i#5 ~t~rSec~Onwath S. 272n Street; trtea~ce g ~ni~ to S. 30-~ S~'Eet; theaice east an the Sou~ thence sou~h along s~.d.city • ' . liui~ofFeder'Vay; , . • a-g.; th'ence ' so ~ v. bn i~e.ces~t~~e o~ Sec 11; T.'~1R " cied'fio pa 8ireet exiez~ _ - . . sicie of So.~•3 . ` C~n on.~Zoad;:~i'e~c~ e~~rly . 4 ~3. ~ t'o'~Pea:sley Y ce~~z].ine ~o~ Sections 1~.~ anci . Roa 1 to the in.tersection wi.th W. Valley Hti~,ry S.; th~ce north alon~ sai S~vee S.E. PEasley Canyon ~ e~:s~alo said stzeet to A _ ~rseclian ~witii. ~Iain Street '"West; thezi~ . ~ . ' the in aunty ' L-ine;the~c~ . ' fi~h on said hi' hvtiTay to t~ie King-I'iei~.C . (Auburn-Su.~►.ner I~ig~lience.sou ~ . . ' i~~r:.Lection line o= ~v~t ,zl.ang on said co.uz~ Iine arici nordzezly to its'ixttersection wifih ~e east'q _ izart~~ sec~ionli~ie'to south q~; se~on -ine o€ Sec. _ 3E.; then ce sou.th bn,said q : ' sec: 25, T. 21: i~s.; 12 . : . . : . ~ . - . t , . ~ i~ea.• sec~tioz~~liz~e of Sec. 26, ~i. 2J. N.;R- 3 s~ctioii Lne'to th~e titi~~=ss~ qu.a . 25;:thezi.cevTest on.soiith quarter stion Izrie~ofSe c 26; T. 2~. i~t., R. 3 E_; thelzce -E,.; the .=l.ce r.oith on said quarter.section liiie to tlie ec , , . . _ . west on said'/? section line to intersectionNvitl~i the Nvest lirie of Sec 26then e~a,,.st aloitg rth ]iri.e f • e ~ x~or~h~ of Sec: 23,'Z'. 21 N_,R..•3B. • along said seciiori Iin T w est cornez T. . line to along sGid~caunty . . ' ° ~i~ce noithtvesterly Sec. 23 to intersectian with Ku1g-~'ierce County T~isie; . the sh4relii.'-e of~'uget Souz~d;~thencenoi-t~heastezly alongsaic3. '~hore lii~e to.anQ %~ifili lst A.veiiu.e Soixth,.* tlie p1Fce of begir►~g• the use o f a atimp ti-uck' and . (PIDT35) S~LD VITASTL~ COLLECTTO~T SFI2VICE ziot =equiri~'~,a • _ ~ o~tiozi o£ King Courtity desaibeci as foLlo~aT~: Comm~cing at .excluding bioinedical iva.te, in ~t p: . , ttiezice on NB 108~ Street -to "tt-~e nd ~Ve. S~ P~S'11Y ' tlie intefsection'of 7E 108~ ,Stieet anci~ 132 . . • a 's a~na ~R oj.~#'herly, "southeastezl~T . ' ni.i~ in ednzond C~~y th'er~c~e follo~v'i~.g th2 Redmonci city ]i . d oifh. alori 132Da Are. i~rE to i~ int~ection wesfierly clocki^rise Girection to 132- d; "Av e. NE, ' th e~' i ce ri g ~Tit'n IVil 108th Street, the point of begizulit!g_ . . - ~ ~ . . . : ~ . - : : : : . . . . : . E, - thence follo -wing the . . ' ~ A1so, co~Fnctng at t~te u~Ltersect~.on,of NE 9~~ St=eet and i32~d Ave. I~T . t . Redaiand.rity li.mits in a southeasterly and v~*esterIy claelc the o be3~i~~~ z~ar~h , thence Po ~l.ang 132Nd Ave., I~rE to it~ i.ntersection ~ctiith NE 97 S~eet. con-unencing at the inteasectiozio£ NE 78t'h Street extend!ed east and 132n" Ave. NE; themce Also felloiving the~'~edmond city limis-in an eastezly, southerly and vJesterly cloclcwise ci.rection tp . • ' Cor_tinue ~ 132nr; A,ve. NE, thence north along 132r1 Ave. NTE to it;s interset-tian w-itil NE 781-11 Street extended . east, the point of begirqiing-. . . - . . . , . . . . . . . _ . . . _ • Also; cominenc~.ng at fhe iztersection of NE7O~.Street anc1132r~ Ave. INE; thEiice followirig the Redmond city li~.ts in a easterly, sout~iezly and ~vesterly'ciockivise* dii~ec'tion fio132n6 Ave. IVE 7.". fiherice norEh along 132:4 Ave. NE to its,iz1tersection w-ith NE 90!h Street, t-Iie point ef beginniiig. _ ' - . . . . ' . . . 4 I ' (P177436) REFUSE Q.Q LLECTiON SERVICE notrequ.iring the iise of a du~►p tiuck in that porti on a€ King Coia.niy. desczi.bed.as fol~o`~*s: S~rti.ng at ,the intersection .o.f S.W.152ad Street ex~cied an.d . _ . . • . , T'uget'Sound;.th~ee east aioztg S.W.152rd Street to i~ interseciion. wi& AmbaLimi Bhid. S:V17.; thence , southerly alozlg Ambaum Blvd; -S.jhT. to its inte.~section with S. 156~ StzeEt; tYience east to Des Moin.es; thence 'sauth aI.ong Des Moin.es Way fio. S.W.,1601" Street; ffieike southwesterly along S.W. . . 160t' Streetand'Sylvester Ztd to it.p intezsection vti-itji. the nortri city limits of Noimandy Park; thehce , , wesfiezly'and.~northerly along said nozth city,liniit~s to its.in~ezsection itizthJ.~ 1~.ve: S.; thence soia.th alorig-, 1-t•Ave. S. fio its intersectionwith S. 192'a Street; i-hence east aTong S: 192'a Street t0 its intersection with Paafic Highway S. (Intesxiational Blv d.); thence north to.S.1881:1 Sireet; thence enst alorig S. 188'~ Street ta its infiersection with.~the city j.i.uzi~ of fihe City of Sea-Tac az~d the' y af - . Tukw-i13; theiue southerly and easterl.y along the south city ]zmits 'of Tukw-iJ.a to ft~ ir►te'rsection with , tl,-ie city I.iaa.iiis of the City o# Kent as of january 1, 1987; tlience souiherly_ and eastezly in a~ . couztterclockvrise' directi an along.the city ]imi.ts of the City of Kent as of J'anu,3ry.1, 1987 to its intezsec~io~i with Stafie ~Ti.ghway 516 and S_E. Ken.t Kangley Road; thence 'southeast~erly alon.g State : Highway 516).Kent Kangley, Road....to 11611, Ave.lzence south along" 1161h Ave.S.E. to its ~~ett;.on-v~rith s. 277t~ scree{ exaea; thence uTest along S.27'7'h Streetextended to tiVe.st Valley . Flighway;: thenc6 south along said •Highw3y. . to . S. Peasley Canyon Raad; ~til~ice west along S. T'easley Canyozt Road; fio 591' Ave. S. thence north alor►g 591~ Ave.,S. to the poii,.t v~heze it intersects - wath 3041h Street exterEded; ther~ce vTest along 3041~' Street extended where, it intersects -,vith . .T~tQ-rstate Hivy 1-5; thence narth alang said Tnt.exsfAte I-Iighway to its rintersection with S. 272Ag Streefi; thence w est o)n S. 272na Street to t.he.ci.ty Jimits of laes yloines; thence'sauth along sai.d r,ity • ]imits to ffie poisttwhere it infieraecis Sti'ith S. 282,,111 s~~et extenaea; thence w6sf on S. 2824extended .~0 12~' .Ave. S. extEnded; ihr~ce south an 12~ Ave. S. fo t1.zE point Nvhere it interser~s wa.fili. S. 288~ Sireet; fhence west azi S. 28811' Street to its a.ntErsection ivith Ave. S.; thence south on 8t° Ave. S. in , SW_ 292r,'-' Street eactended; the-nce west on S.W. 292na Street extend.eri to 1L1 Ave. S.; ti.ience north on . . Continue • : , . 1" ~o ;h~ shoreliz~~ ol Puget Saund; th~ce z~orrhezly aloz': ~te ~ore~iite o~ Pugetso3ind~ia 152^d Street ~ded,.the Poiiit af be~g. , . . . _ ~ . . - , . - . {PID437~T 5C)LYD~WAS~TRCOLLEC TI~?~ §~VIC~ ~ ~at~por~.on of ~Cirig Co~~fp as'b6u~ided'ozt b~r as'fc+~Ia=~ s: ~g~ ~e ~oz, . y Pua t Sa~d; a~ th~ Ea~'by I.ake '4~aSvr~;'an ~ .S" k V• LLLh~.~L YYLJ~ , . ~o- e~i~ng a~ tlze in~ezsec~oziof E. ~4~- `Sizeet ~n~ t~ie sI ~~``s y,-, 7~7 ' o~~he sou~i §1' oL L}. 1~~ ~J~LL LkJ ~V~_ 1*!. ~-f ~enc~ noxth o~ ii.e ~re~t ~de'~f S'h-A,vi. E. to i L. Z~'SL ~he~cee.~~t on ~e n'`Lj Sicle of E. 775~ Streef fo 8'"` Ave, N_ E. erioe riorfh orE $a r.'~ ne~~a~nor~k+or+b ~i~~e:~.E..-(~utn.o~~incl~a,ding8tiAve;I~.h.},~Y90~''Streetf E- e~-E~rtde~ ~o'E_ ~~Y" ~~ee~,'~~n.ce eas~ oz~~~~ s~~ 6t E. ~O vtStreet ekd.edto fhe v,~es t side of ' :'o~ `1~~"A.v~. N. ~ ex~-ided to e wisf' ~xde . - . - Cot o~'sai~.•]isie io"~he 'sl~aie -of'~'u,~,et Ksiig-5~okr.oniis~~ the~ice ~x,e~t.o~'the`sou~ sid - • . . , r~;~nencin g atth' unteksect~on oso~lfh cii-y-]iu;itg of S ea~e ~d ~a~ce Wns~iangtoi~ ~~n ~o~io~vSxLg,ffie city I~,uts of S~ai~e_a.iz`a t~ocic~v~s ~ intersecUon v,~~.tlz 11G~' ~~reetSo~tYk; ~eace -east o~ 1Z~~' ~ixe~t ~auth f~o ~G~' A#e. ~outh; fihes~ce So-a~ ori~exitierlirte of 76lb .Averttl_e SClutki to Sau~h ~~Om S~eet ce~i~ezls~e; ~kte~ae east ozt ~enter~a:~~ vf Y th 1'20 h, Stre et'~o 77ih Avenue Soutli centezhl~e;-~~rice ceidltzline of 77tb A-7. E~ra,_e South to Soi.a~x 125'~ SiTeet cerE~erL~~; th~e "vest on ceii.ter]~ 'of 5ou~t 125'~ S~eet ~ 76~ Ave~~e ~o~.th centerlirie; thf-:-n ce souih on cerEt~trlin.a of 76t~- A ve-.nue Soulh to Renton A~eni_, e~auth centez].ina; ~ . r , . , . . . . . . „ - -~Aence east~rl~ a~ cen~line of Ren#an Av~uO Sauthto Re~tozt~Vest dtp iimv.i~ (as oE]'vste'7,,~961}; thence'soutlh~~Z;~ a.lor~gsa.~c~:~i~r,li~ru,fs fo "t~e ce~i~~tlin~ ol I~aidie Siz~~t; ~ience'gou~t-alor~g.~-~e . 'este~~ on cazit~liiie'of Sou~i 134 c~~ter]uie o~ s a~d ~ree~ to So~}h ~e3~~oe ~r ~ Siieet"fo 87.~' A~'ertu~ ~oukh centezline; .tiienc_ sautl~ ori'ct~rlixxe"of 81sfi~ Av~t~e'So~th to , Su~ ~oul~v~xd ~K ~i~rEio~r V~+Y) - j~r]izLe; T~ez~ce easte=ly #a~los~viiig said ~road t~o'~iniex -.~,ve. + -t {1'SI-~-~}~ thence fia~lowing er ~de. i.ri a ~ou~~zerYy di,~tciioz~ ~o soufh ~ir~e b~ Sec~on 19, ~.3 - :5-- „ - , R. 1.50~ S~r~~~I~CE eaSt n~' SO?E~.I~.Of S~[1•~EC~C~ri i0 th2rLce fo4D~ving:the CatY L ima,i~ G. l~entolt irE 'a countex-da~v;*isE d.i.zec~iori to ti~ poi~~L wlae~e at . *te_rsec~ wi~i ~a~1e ~~I~~ ~ug~iwa~;" tnence south~astezly'LOxLg 'saic~ tigl1"v~ray to ifie int~rse~.on of the' east ]a~ie -of i-le v,festk~a]t b# Se~iiori 24, 23 N,; R. (172-nd Ave: S.F_ extenCte d l'orth); tl-ience soutY► a-lorg sgd Iine ext--nded fn lhe 'soutt~•line.of Secdol L1; Ti_ 22, N.f'1R_-5 R_, W.NT:; Sou,thl~~t 2QB~ ~tM' ~t) dll~Rce west sloxlg said s61~41 liiie fo 148ffi A.va_ S.E,; thencl~ north, aaong 148, .Av~ S,E io S.~S 75~~~ Sfreet; ~i~rice wesES LLJ 140~ f'Lvi.. S-E,F riorth ~o Petrovitsky Rvaa (S.E.-176a,); . ~e - - CcmtL ~ . 1 , . . . ~ ~ fi1?ence west along Petrovitsky;Road to its infiersecEson with Carr IZoad arsd 108'1' Ave. S.L.; ihen.ce ~ line of ' west along Carr Road to State Hwy 167; thence sou~i along State Hwy 167 to fihe sou Section 6, T.2N., R, 5L.; t'V.M., (or Southeast 208'~ S~eet ex~~.ed); ~ence ToLov,itg saa,d dty linv.is an a clockwise direction to the northwest oomer of sazd city linu~, ext~?ded to.the wzst b~k of the guy}Tami eh tiZver; fihence nortl-tesly. aIong the w est ban.k of said T2iver to fihe r~orth line of the southwest Y4 o~-Section 2,5; T..23 N., R. 4 E. thenae east on said northwest lizie to its iriterseciionwith . West Valley Rd (State ~~vy. •181); thience.northerly_along West Valley Rd (State Hwy. 181) to the soutilline of Section 24, T. 23 N., R. 4 E., (Soufih 150th Sireet extended); thence tvest on sout'i line of _ said ~ectiori to the eastezly-ba.nk of the DuwainLqh TZirer; thence nortnerly 41ong the west bank of said River.to,the point Qz intersectiori with:the south line of the n.orthtvest_(conti.nued~ qiaaster o€ $eciion 24, T. 23 IN., R. 4 E., W.~.; thence east1alon; the soutii lizie of said nozthwes~ qizartesto the ' tyest side.of thatportion of the city of TZesiton as anngxed by aty.,dre3ir~sic~ No.17641yingwesterly _ of.the.east mazgin of TiNR12 Coznpdnp. mairi track rxght of wap af1..being'Iocated -ini the :south of-the W Ya of.Section 24, Tow-n~ship.23 North,lZpzige 4 East, thence east fronz the ea,st side _of.saad poztion.of City of Renton aieng,the south line of tne.northwest (confinued) quaiter of , Section 24, T. 23 N., R.. 4 B., W.M. to. the east side of the CIi;lrles MortstFS.Ro~.d; thence noztherly along the alozigthe easterly Si.de of said road to the Beacon'Coal Ivline road,; thence nprtherZy along . the along ih,e easfiezly side of s3.id road, to the. South 129=, Sizeet extended; tnence eastezly on South _ ..1291h Street to Statc Tlighyvay 900 {IV.Cartin Lutk►er King Jz. VVay} ceii*line; thence northtivestezly ~ f along said boulevard to Soufih-1201'' Street; ihence West along South 120ffi Sireet extendecl to SJ.-t Ave~_vE South; thenoe Nor~h a.long exte~..~ioa1 of 51~ .A.~j~iue Sou~ to Emp~e Way Soutli CenLerline; -thence nozthwesterly on i.ritersectiozt , of FsnpWay South to. Ryan Strzet. c~n.terline exteri.d.ed • _i:Ilence West a1orig.Ryan Street. extensioii ALo vcteri~.~ozi of 33. Avenuc Sou~y tli..ennce ~Iorth. along ' extension.'of 33,z,,' Avenue South to, exf~.cion of South'`z~tori`Street; ti~ence ~'Jeyt-alorig exteri~'ion of SoutkLTrenton Street to, East ~~argv.lat. VVay;..ihenc7e NOxthw estezly alor►g,East Marginal.Way ta exteslsion of South, Kes.yon Street; thence West alon; cxten,si.ozi of South..KejzLyon Street to excterLsion .:of..,12tb Avenue South; then.ce South along extension of.7.2ffi Avenue.Sauflch to tl~e West bank of . Duwan*hwaterv~Ly t-hance sauth alongthe Westbank of tl-Le Duvras-.ish Waterv,ray to a point of , infiezsec~.on v.*itlz Pacific ~iigh~svay South (Tzttei?nati on,al Blvd).; ~ence in a sflufherly.direction along Paci.fic ~igYtyvay~South (Intei.ztationai Bl.vd) to. its a:ntersection`w~th s. 128:str~~~ ~teiiaea; thence ~ west of S-128 Street extended to its a:n.tersectian v,%ifih MiIi I tarY. Road also the nai fieast point ci.ty limtis of fihe City ef SQa-Tac; thence south along Miliaary Road and said ci;y Iimits to its intersection Continue ' ~ i . . ~ tli 1'aoL-E.c I- 1 aghv~-aY south (Tz~t=Lation?J, BIvd)r theD ce souther],~ alo~g PaciBc I~gh;~aa~ S_ i~ t~ie i,nterbecUo~ of Pa~c ~~~'a~* arE ea~texly an.d southerl~r "cizection ~he (:;~ty of Sear''ac to a poanf v,~heretTne- City Lilatirifiarsec~ f~~ ;~e ~econd .-f.nzz the W. RJW 1~:rLe of TiLtersta-Le I~wy 05; ihexice south s aid Vif.'M'J]~ie"io, 5. 06'~ Str~e~; 7 " t rth side onl ce 9o~.~.ti 6ri'N~Zl.it~r~r-Ro~d .t~i.em~e west ox~: S.Stle~t (r~o~r) ~oM3J,z ~ . , (westLde only) to 5.1~8'~ ce v;~ ~st' on S'. 188~'~'Str~eE~: (si.oT "4id~~ to-P~~`I=~~ ~~e~ce south o~[,I 1'SA-1 (west side oply) ta S- 192 .a Sireet, ffience w~-St oil 5tree~ (110x6side anl~) to - 1r- A~e. S~.; iffi"ertice rtaA on le- Av'e_ South to a poir~t wheri~ if znte-rs ects wa;ih tt-se fiozthe-rly'city 3iuiit~ of I~Iorma.ndy c at apoi7nt v,~here'x~Ave_.S . ~'~ters ects ~~+~t~n ~6~~h S~ee~-f~~riceazl a~+,~e"s~r1y diEec~on ~on p oan~s+~ese 9~.~. aty ]it ].ia.~ ozth of No~n~.r~ei Pa.ri~ ~ - g ~e n. a_~' , , . Y inter.5ects vrith 5y1vestes Rd..; th'mce 3n a z~orffie-~isfesly rlirect~otiari Sylv~gt'er ~~a.d sez~`~~ the souheasterly,ciide.thereof to S. W, 1602, ~treet; ffiej~ce ea-c-L ozx S. W 160"L and So_ 160L-,, Streeis ide i~+ereof ~o.T~e~I~oir~e~ ~ a~r;t~n~tcenar~h ~nT~~sl~aaz~s 4'Va~ s~rizlg ~crc~ing t~ie,souL s, ihe . . - • ~ • , . . : . , , East si(k thezeof to S. 15 Gtl, Street; tT,-Ler~ce th&eof fo _AmUawxi B1vQ; thezice_rwrth azt Amb aurn BlVd, servmg the easf side thereoi Ea S. W. et; ii-jence weeston,SX I52;~d StE~et to"I',iget Sotmd. . e ~oL[o~xtg pa3ra~ aph is exduded fzott th~-aUo~*eSDL]~'~V.ASTE COL~L~M ON COi~L~PtC~L~ eL the }rL~~ eLtion Of MiJ,itiry Ro acl S. a.Tid M ghw a~ 516 (I<erit-D es Mo~~e.s Road) f LL 1d~kC~ lO1.LV 4+111~g 1.1, iC Qty Ib+`Ls Of KmL e direction4~ast~-xfy, saLt~iearlai~dx~0 rFh~l~=~ia~,~int~ec~oliv,~~I4tili~ry -_~oad S. at ~~0'~Street;.~`hez;ce na~,.h~~J.o~g (Kmt-?f-:-s Moines Ra ad), p aiztit of li~eoing'• : . . . . _ • . . , , . _ (,'~;D438) S~T?ID ~4~ASTE. COL~EMO~1 SMVICE iz, ~nat po'riion at County des~ed as - s, - ~ ~ C.o~ty -Hi~i~~r~~ ~~~d ;1~e fal~ows: -Star.i~rtig, , at -AJ.1e iiitersec6o~ of the Evexe~-~othe5 oi~ exice ea.st onSz~onaz nt~r ]~e ta a.fs li,ters ec~on with ~o~?~y line; ;..~~~v~= ~u~i~ 'smhomT sh-KI-Lg ~ c eaSf line. of T. 25 N,, JR- 7~.; m~ce £ou'tti'ox~ saicl lirie to 'its irLterse cULon wifih drie south ] itze of "X'_ 25N'., R. 7 E,;, thenCe wL5 ~ on s aid ]3z1e to die east liri6 pf T. 25s.,- FA E_;1`hence norEh bn s3~ld 1ine to the S_R. -comec of ~i.e I~I,E_'l•_. o~ fh~ I~T_E. ~l~ of Sectiarl,~6, T. 2.5~r.,'I~: ~6 E.; th~ce west ori a]i-ne pro j ecbecl ~rum said cunner ~a #he e as~ pho=e of .Lace ~~.~a~]z{ ihemc~ follawing s aid i.ake ~~re gelw_ral].y,;rL x-Lofihwesterly azid souther ly (cou~at e r- c l c s d~v&e) djze~on to the p~int wh~re.the souffi.eastem o.ty lbxdts of Red.mon d intezse c E the wes~ shore of take Sai=aaAsh; t1je-rLce Ccntnue . ti I - following t.ie city.limit.s of Redmond as of January 3,1978, in a clockw~ise daaecfion to the point where ~the Sammam'ash 12iver (waterway) iritersects ttiAth the nQrth c-itp ]inlits of Redmond;' thence foIlowing the east ban.k o£ said rirer in a genezally northezly direction'to 'its' iritenecti.on witi N.E. .145ft Street exten.ded: (afi this painta short section of PSH-2 is one and the sane a~ N.E. 1451~ Str~et; . thwAe-west-on IV:E. 1456 Sfreefi extended (no service to,b@ reld.P~d On P3t~lefSi~.e Of~T.E. 145~ . Street~ to 31s -in.terseci3on with 104_, th Avenue N.B.;'theince no'rtherlp on 104'h N.E. (renderiing service on both sides of 1wh Avenue N.B.) to its intersection w-ith 1051b A.ve. NTE; thence nortlierly fio the norrh lme af the south_;vest.qWater of Section 8, T26N, IR5B; thenbe* iti est alang said narth Iizte to the west line bf sa,i.d section; thence south along t3i.e west line of said secfion to the south city Jaxnits of Bothe]l; .thence follov,ring the a.ty limits of Bothell, dockwise, to i-ts ir►tersection ~~ith the . . . Everett-Bothell Coun~Hi~- wa t-hence nori-h to plaoe o€ beginnzng. -`I. . . : . p~. . . : ~ • . • (PID439) REFU SB COLLECTTON SETZVICE,not requiring the i~e of a' dujftp izuql:, in that porti.ozz . ~ _ of King County de.scn-bed as follows: Starting at the nortYieast corner o# T25N,:R8B; thence ~outh , . ong the east line of R8S to the south.lirie of'~'22IY; thence west ~lorig sld sou~ line to the ~v al. est ]irie of R 8 L.; thence north along said west line to the soutileast cozner of Section 12 `Z72~~, R7E.; thence vTest-along the sauth line of said section extended to thernorthezst comer of Section 19, 22~\T, R7.E; th,enee south along the east Iine of said section to iis iritersection w;th ti~e Green Riv ez; -7 :thenee,west~rly,along the ba.nlcs of said river to t3ie noitheast Cicy limi~'of Aubvrn wiffiinSaction T21N, RR 5B; thence south alang the 'west line of saac3. Secizori 8 exterided ro the southeast'coiner of - , Section 31,'T21N, R,SB, aLso the south boundaryof Kiztg Courity; thence west along chc south lixie of' said section 31 to i.fs intersec~on v,rithA Street SE; therice north along said street -to its inter~ection v,7ith West l~~fain Street; th~ce ~ti~est along said str eet to West Valley High~°Tay; theiice norirh along West.Valley Highway to South 277° Street; thence.east along said street extended ta 1161~, Ave. SE; thence north aIortg 116,h Ave. SB. fo SE. 25811, Str~et ezterided; fhence- east on said s~ieet extended to ' 1176~ PL SE extended;•thence-north along 117"'h PL, SE. extended to SE 256t" Street SE; thence we-ct • along said street to 11611, Ave..SE; theiice north along said street to SIf 2081~'*StreEt. SB; thenci east . along said street to fhe poirit of its intersectibn with 172naAve. SE vctm ded; fittence north alorig said Avenue to R"on Maple Valley Road; therLce wesfierly along said road.to i6iritersection iti-zth the Ci.ty limYts of Renton as.of Septenlber a., 1959; thence south along said City 1ia.i.fs to the norish line o£ Section 20, T23~T, R513, aTso rity lipia..ts of Re:~ton as of Febru.ary28, z961; thence-in a clockw-ise directiozti along said city ]a.mits t~o :ttie soufi]:i line of Section 20, 'T'23N, RSB; thenoe west along said . Cantinue y~ . • - I I . ~ ' . . soufih. l~ne bo i~s in~ersectionwith Siate I-~ighway'Ib7; th~ce nor-~alang said S~te ~Tigli ~,~ay to SV~~ SunsetBoulevard; thericewedt along saidboblevaTd to 81-t (OaK.da1_e) A-ve. SW;`.hencenaithtothe City Ijmit~ o€ RenfiQn as'of Augz35fi 4,1931; thence in a counter-clo~kivise dLrection along ski.d City lin-i.ifis of Rz~on 6 ~o_n Ayeniie South; th.enceNa~ erierlp,al.ong Rento'ri'Aveiiue S. to 76*1 Ave. Saut~,.; theai.ce northto S. 7.~~~'St~e~t extended; t~i~ice east on'S:1225~ Siieet ~xtenc~eri to 77~ Ave. S. i,ext~nded ihence ~Lorthlalong 7/'~` Ave.S. -Lo S. 120~ Stiee~; h`ence we`sf'on`sai:d. 'street t0 76'bAve. . Sou~h; thence north.alang said.A~enue to.S. 116~ Stree~k;..~ieit'c~e tve'st along S.•116ffi Street to i*.s ;nfiezsection s,vith.tne Ci.t-y liniits of Seattle; thexice in a clockv;Tise cl.irectzon along sa.id ~'rity liui.it~ to its . , . •izitersecfifiion v,~.tli thewest sliozeliiieof Lake Washirigton; theiice in a count,&=rlockv,yise direction along the shor `e1 ne of L-e W~hing~on to t-he po~it w~iere~ it intersec~ v,~th tYie riozt~ivest ci~ - limits qf Renton; the~-ice east hnd~sout:hezly along`t-he city ]~~of Renfioli*(_vi.v.G. No:220, 7-7-64) to . . . , a l.i.zle common fio ~23\7, and 12=. R5F; thence eastezly along said l.uje ~o RezltariTZaad (R.eiltoz~- ' Issa'quah Road); thence zior~ri alo~ig saa.ci road to the i►or'-~li Iine of Sectaori 29; 'I'24N, R6E; tli~ce east along said sectian line extended'to NW Gi]rle~ri l3oiAevard;'thenice easterly along I`IW GiUnuim BotLlevard to 1t Are., NAN; fihFnce north along said avenue to B. La-ke 5azn;namish PKWY; thence . noz~-herly along said PKWY to the point where it intezsecits Mth the north line of 5IV of Section 16, T~414, R6E;the,-ice urest to the shoseline of L;ake San,~h;*theiice in a-cloclcvvise dizecdon aloiib,fihe -qhoraline of Lake Sauiiannayh 'to :ihe.point v,'here it intersects ufi't-h NM7 4V- Stzeet exti!nded.; thence east along said s-treet to tii.e.east line of Sectien 35; T251N, R68;thencesouth. a?ang sa.id ea-Qt Iine to the nozihwesfi carner af Section 6 T2 4N;R7F;thenoe east aldng tlie norffi liale of said -section extended to the south~vest cozner of Seciion 31, 'r25NT, ItBE; thence norhJ-i alang the w, est line -,.of said.section 31 Px~~rid.ed'to the northz~vest coiiter of 56ctiori 6, T26N, J.2.SE'aTso the King azid . ~_Snohomi=.h Couiq► ]ine; thence east along said'county liiie to theriartheart corner ofl'25N, R8E, the of be'.,innzung. . . • , . , . , . , • . . . - point (Z'ID4-40) ALSO in fhat po,-L ion of Kiz1g county de,so:ibed as f ollow's: Stai-fing'ai:the poantvrh.P.re Fast MarginW Way S. intersec~ -kvi#h thg south Iine of Seciion 28 T24s~T, R-IE; thence southea:.l.y a.lang lEast . MargirLal Ntay S. to. S. Trenton SiTeet ext&ided, Aso theat3T ]imits of Tl.ak-vvDa); thence east and. sou.ti1 alona the city limiis af Tuk~vila to the poin.twhere it intersects with S. Ryari SireLk exter►ded; thence. east on sazd strzet.tn Lmpire VVay S(State High-may 900); thence sou.therly along said . hi.ghway to .Soui-h 129-, Streei; thcnce w'esterly` aloiig said streEt i:o 'the east•side cify lirnits of Tli-C'AdIA; thence southerly along' sa.Fd a.ty ].imits to the poirEt whQ.re it oarinects ca7ith Bea.can Coal . Caritinue I - . , N-iine Road;.fil.lence southqly alo7q; the, east side o¢.said road to C.lazles Monste, Road; the-nce continuSzig southerly atong Chailes Nlanster Road pr;ojected fio the south line of the npr'Lhwest 'qqarter o.£ Section 24, T23V, R4E, W.M.; thencesoutliesly alozig ~e eas~zly bank of Du`vpmish ..River to the south line of Seciion 24, T23N, R4B..(Soufih.160tb*St6eet extended); tliEiice e:ast on south line of said section to West VaLey Hi~,uvvay (Sta.te Highviay 7,81); tYience south aloiig said highway .to the nort-h LFrtie of the soutizwes -IL-1/4 of Seciipn 2~, T23N, R4E; tfience ~vest on-sai.d rioith lirie to the : west bank. of the T.?uwamish River; thence southerly along said Ri~- er to Soufih ~.80~ S~eet (SVJ 43~ Siaeet); thence.east along said si=eet to the east ~de of ,currenfi-city li~iiis of `T~ik~ti*ila; fih~ice in a dockv,7ise direction aiong s3id ca.ty limits to fihe poizit where it zntersects N~-Ith, tYie ~acific Highway : South (,Tntematior►~ Blvd.thqice northezly`alang said HighNvay to t.ie point v,rhere'it :nte=sects , with the Duwaaz~.i..sh 11~at~vay;'thence noztherly along tiie ~vest b ank af the Duwauu.:ti ~~at~way to the point where it intersects w-ith 12=' Avenue,S..extt~ided; fib;ence noiih on e.tend.ed 12'~ Avenue . , . j.., S. to ~i;he sou.th line o£ Seciion 29 T24i\; It~E; theince east -along said section line eztencieri-to its . . . . • ~ . . . . infiersEetion j~vith EaKt MarginalS.,.ti-re-place a.f beg'sniling. - , . + (PID44:1) ALSO i.n that parfion of King County described as follows:, Sfiaztirig at the poir►t -v~ere SE. 208'h Street,ixitersecis with 11613, Ave. SE.; fihence.south alang IZ6i, Ave. SE'lt-o its intersection with SE. 2281h PL also .the city lim.its of the.City of Kent as of Jamaaiy 7.,1987; thence wes`erly, southerly and:nort-herly (clockwise dizection) to its intersection with SE. 20P Streefi; 6tence east along s3id ~ • street ta the-poinfi were it intes~ects'v,ith 1161~ Ave. SE., the point of begjmning. : - .(PID442) ALSQ in:that portion of Kng Couiity ciesezibed as follows:* Si:azting at the point were 116ffi 9.. Street SE. iriter~ect wifih SE..2441~ Street, also fihe eity 1uni~s o.£ the'City of Kei~Lt.Gs o~ January 1,1987; fihence south along 11611, StreEt SE. to its infier'seciiori wi~tti the city Iami.fi~ of theCity of Kent as of January 1, 1987; ;hence westerly,.southezly, northerly and easterly (cloc.kwise) direction to its . interseciipn wifih 11511 Street SE, the point of beginrung. `(I'.I1.744=3) n.EFUSB COLLFC'ZION SFRVICE, nat reqv5nulg the use'of a d=.p ti:-zr1~(local cartage) in Vashon and Maurp Islartds. " . , . . ' - • . , (PID451) SOLiD WAS'1 E C(aLLECTION SHRVICE consasi3ng of recl..aimed lumber, bxack and other c.ast off materiaJs, fzom pren-uLes where construction or repaar job aze being or have been canducted, Coniin-,e ~V _ . i . . , or wl.zere stru.ctures Gze beina razed in ahe follo tia-ing: ~&iuy, Mercei-, and Vasron Island-; and in . tha.fi portio~ of King county dcs,cribed as follo~vs: .S~'~g Gt the north~'aest coms of T26I~j, R.BE; . ti.ence east.along ~e nprt31.]ane o€ said T26N, also tt1e King.and Snohoniish Coun4y Line fio*i.ts ' intersection w-ifiii Kang and, Chel, County, line; tfience sout-h 'alonb -said' caunty line fio its interseciion wath ICunc, arid Kitti tas Counfy Line; thence 6buthweste.zly alorig the King anci Kitt+.t:~LS . Coun line io i3ze sauthli3.i.e o€ 8~ction 33, T23I~T,'R11F;' tlieLe w est tote Vvest'lu~e'of tkie Ea:st'- of SQCtion 33,'I`231\;. R11F; thenc'e north along sc.id west Lne to the north lizte oi said Section 33, thence easfi on saia noith line to the, southeast'coiner o# Section 28, T23N, IZ1IE; thencenortfi a1ongthe east Jazte of said section to thenorth east comez *of saa.ci section; tYience west Aong the north line of s6.id ' R.11~•, thence sbu~Yi*along~e ~N e.,~ jsne of said - section to th.e northwesf comes of Section 3Q 'Z'23~T, . . - sectiozL extended to tk~e southv~~st corner of tlie \TW,1/4 0fSection 19, T22N;1Z1J.E; thence est alon; ihe south Iix1e o€ sGid NITVV ~ to LL'ie sauth.east. comer bf the \fEl/d of said Sectien 19; thence north along the east'line of s~id section exte~-idecito ihe norrliv,*estcorier of Sectiozi. 8, T2?NT,R1.].R; thence , east alo:n.g tiie n.arih lin.e of said section ta ii:§ intersection ~~,ith CoWity iirte; ihen'ce`souiiierly - ~ azid westerly alang 5ai4 county li-ae to its^izitersectioriw-tl, th.e -we~.~ lizie 6f T19N, IZSE; th.eace riorriz - al.ong said`-aTest li-ne exteaded to the southeast abfne!r Qf Section 13,22N, Zt7E; thence west a2ong . the south line of said secti on to fihe"northeasl comer of Se~ian 7.9, T'7', R7B; ti~encti' south along the eabt Iine Q#'said sectionto i-t-sintersection v,,ith the Green ~ver ban-ks; the-nce westerlyalor►g the ~ iGreen Rivez bastiks to ffie. northeast City linuts of Aubum: Mthin. Selcfion 8, T21I\i, 1.5E; thence soutn along fihe wesi line or said'Section,8, ext-eilded Co the bouizaary iane of King Couztity; tr!ence Nvest . aI.ong sa.id boundaz5' line to its intersection vr~tYi the southwest comer a.£ Seciion 31, T21\T; R5E; thence nor`+1n al.ong the we:,~fi jne of said sectiori to itsun.tersection -Arith NSair► Sb:eet West,' th:ence we5t alonb sa.id street to the intersec€idn with V1Test'Valley Hwy N. ;th°xice Soiith lalong sai.d highway to South Peasley ,Can.yon R oad; thezice',arest alorig said. road to its -intersection tivith the cent-Oline'of Sectian 14, T21N, 1'..4E; thence n'ordi. along said cEnterlizie of said section Extended to , thc north lane,of Sectiqn I1, T21NI, R4E; thei-~ce west along t1z6`riozffi Iirie'o# _.~aid seciion Octended to tkte czty Iiadt,s of Federal VVay; thence . northm a,counteT-clbc"lcvvise ciirection albngs aid rity ]iu3at3-to - , it izztersection N•vitli. Sout'h 282:111i StreEt projecte'cl east; thencc tivest alari.g'saidstieet fo 12', Aven.a e . Soui-h projecteci narth;,then.te south along 12'y' Aven Ge Sout11 to its iritersect:ion ivith Sou.th 2886 Street pzojected;.then.ee v;r~f along said sfYeet to 8th Avenue Sou.th projected; thence'south albng sa.id 8th Aven.uc'to South 292m--' Sfreet projected; thence west a?ong said 292--d Street to 1$' Avenue • Sauth; ihence norfih on 7.s:' , Avenue South exiended to tne shvretine bf : T'uget Sound; thence riorttie:dy Continue , . • ' • , \ :1~ a1ong saia shoreline to s.w.l5zn" Streefi extelded; fihence east along said streeL to A.n1bau.m Blvd. : S.Vt7; ; thence,sou,th along Arnbaum Blvd• to S. 156th Street; fihence east along.said street to Des Moiztes'VVay; thence south aiorig the D es IVloine's Wap to S:.16013*,Street tience ivest on said sfseet to . Syh7ester -Road S.W.; therice souii 7~alang Sylv ester Rood to the ci.ty ]jan~ of I\Tarularidy Park; thence . east in_a clocktivise dir.ection,along the city Ji.61its oi Narmandy Pazk to'ifs mfie~ction wi.th S.192aa Street,, thence east along S.' 1°2md Sfzeet fio Pacific Highway S. a]so the uite~tional Boulevar~d; . thence nozth an said boulev.ard to S.18PISizeet; fihence east along S.188ib Siiee} to Milit y az Road; , thencp fzom Mil.itary to the poirtit where it intersects with the' ci.ty limii-s o£ 2u-kwila; thezioe norffiezly r along the dty limits o.f T~..-ila to the po:r►t v.There it intersects wifih S.1.28w Street; thence east along said sfireet to Pacific Highway South (I.n.ternaiional Blvd.); thence north along said hi.ghway fio t.ie ban.ks of Dti,~ajamish Watertvay; -then;oe rsorthealy a1_ong the lianks o:£ said waterway to 129, Avenue South extended; i:hence n.oifih along said 12'h.Ave.; to S. Kenyazi Street ext-ezlcied; thence east on , extended S. Keny on,Sizect to Fast Marginal Wav; thence sotlth, aloilg -E3st Margizial •Wa~ to its intersection wi.th ti?e extension of Sou1:l,1 Trenton Street thence east oxz said stieetfo the eY*4on of 33rd A-venue Sou~:ii th~ce.sou% along said avenue to the ext~zori af Ry~ Street; thence east on R.yan stceet to .Eznpire Way South; therice sout'n on Pmpire Way South to ti~e extension of 511-' Avenue So'ith; thence south on said avenue to South 120t" StzeEt; tience east on said stieet tO SW Sunset.Boulevazd (MLK Junior Wl'); tize~ce south along said boulevazdto its infiersection with S. ,129'11,,Stre et; thence ;west on South 129-", Sireetto, fihe rity liu.uts of Tukv,Ti1.3;-thEnce southerly along said city Iarnits to fihe point where it inter.s.ecfs itiith Beaeon-Coal Atine Raad; thence southetly alordg . said road to Chasles ?v.~onster Road; theilce sou'th along Cha.rles ivlon~.r Ro~d ~o ~he porrii yvhere it ;:nt-ersects wit4 the south 1ine.of the Noz'ffiwest quartei of Seriion 24, T23N; rZ4E; thence'west along that porfion of city limiis as annezed by City of Renton, city ard~ce I\io.1764 to the bardcs of the • Duwan.-V-sh IZiv.er; tY►en~ce southerly aloii.g th& banks of sa.id. i:zver to the poant "Minere it zntezsects ia*ith the south line of Seci?on 24, T23V,*R4B; thence east to tli.e State T3WX 1801;'thence south along said higliway fio ffie north line of,the SouthwestY4'of Se0ion 25, T23\T, R413; thence vaest on-the iaorth. line of sai.d Section to the west bank o£ the_Duwa:Erich TZiver;*thence southerly along the b-zks of said river to S. 130'b Sfxeet; tence east a4longsaicl street to the ci'ry limits-of Kp-ttt as of Jaziuary 1, 7987; ti,ence southerly in a counter-clorlcwise ciirectiori alon.g the city Urnits of Kenfi to the north line of Se ction 7,,'I72~\~, P.5E; thence west along fihe north ]azie of said section extended to the southeasc comer af. . the west hai.f af Seciion 1, T.?2!\T, 5E; thence noxth along the east line oE the weSt half of snid section fio the IViaple Va]J.ey Highway; thenae norfil.lvTesterly al ortg fhe Viaple Valley Highvaay Cana_-~jie . ~ ~ to the city lin.u.G of-Rentoz; -t-henoe souih i-a a clodcwise c;:recfion aloi-ig s:sd ci.t-y 1 aiits to the hea~~ con~.er of Section 20, T23?~; R5fi. (S.E_ 160~ S~zet); thence ea~t along dhe souti-lme of s~d r sout .secuon fio the Stafie Highw ay 1&7. (1Zaa.ni,er Ave.); ~ence riflrth 31ong said hzg~+.v~ay fio its::r~terseca.on wi~ Southwest S~inset Boulevard.; - t-hence wes terly along said voiilev ard th 81-I Avenue Soufili; fihence 'norfh to 134th Street thence east 'ozi 13~4 Street to Fi~rciie StYeefi; ihence z~orth to the aty . limufis oa lenton (as of J~'ie -7.951); tYienc~e nortlzalong said cit~~'li.TitiiS~ to* 'lZ~tori A~e3iize -Sburh; . , thence rioxthwestezly alon- Renton Av~nue Southfo 76tWAv enue South; flience north bn 761, Ave. S. to S.125"-~, Streefi thence, east to 777t?" Ave. S.; fhence riorth a1 Qng 771h Ave. S.'b S.12r- SfTeet; fiiaence ,.s.. we: fi on said street to 761,11 Ave. S.; t'r'rience north ozi said -4treet to 116t' StrLEt S.; thP.nCe VJeSt On S31[Z street to:its intersection ivifilz 1-he soizth City ]5zTits of Seattle; tlience norPh izt a cointer-ciaclcvv,Tise direciian alon~ the city limiis of. Seati-Ie to i-ts intersectian witlz Lake VVashington; thencae in a . cowntex-rlock~tiise direciion atong fihe chozdine of L.a_ke Washin&ri to the north-,,Tesf tity limit of T:en.ton; thenoe 'southeasterly alon g the City Lifii.i.ts "of Rentoi~ . i-o the point v,rhexe the`dty liinits ef Renton intersects wifih ihe south line of Sec~on 33, T24\I, R513; ffience east aJ.ong the south line of said.. section extended to its iriterseclion w-ith Rentan Road (Renton Road-Tss*aquah:Road)`aLSo Highway 900; thence narth along said 12.oad to i.fs intersecfion ~vith I-nterst~te 1110(Suriset :Eiwy); - fihe-Tice nox-fhwest-erly along said Interst-ate to.the shoreUne of LF-keWashi.ngton; thence i-iorthezly in a cotiilter-clockw-Sse di,rection along the shozeline o£ La1ce tVashington to'its zr►tersectionwith 145th $-tr eet; 1;.ience c~~est along.said street to its azttei'sectian v,ri~ bt' Av e: N.E.; th~nce north alongon 5~' Ave. ~T.E.. to~N.B.175th Stree ; thenoe e-ast on said street'to 8ihAve. N.L. 6,ence north on said street . , e~ctendeci to N.E. 201~ Sizee~ extertdeci; th~ence east ciri sGid stseet fio 11'' Avz. N11. extend.eci; tilence north to the King-Snohomish Baund.azy (N•E.205~-,_ Street); thence' east aloing sa.i.ci.boundary fio the north e~t cornes o.f Sectia:~. l., T26N, R4L; tY~ence sou~h a1or~~ the.east'line of s~d sectio:~to ~ 199~ Street; thmce east on said s~eet fio i~ inter5ectian ~t°Om Ave T~TE; thence norffi on 90lh Ave:Nn3 to its iratezs ection iti-it'h ~,~73 20 0Ih Street; fihence vvest oin NL 2001h,Streefi to its iritersectiorn 8P Avc. N B; thence nort-h on 88t, Ave.1VE to its intersecuori *ith NTE 202,1d Str eet; thence east ori. NE 2021a Si:feet to i, s intersettion with 901"A7e: NE; thence no*_th azL S0'- A.~e. NTE to iFS intersection with NE 205th S#reet (also t1.1e King-Sxioho~t Coun.t.y lii►e}; t~~nce east on ia.i.d cou~ty line to State T-Tighivay 527 (Evereit-Bofihell County-Highway); thertce sou.therly in a courLter-clo &v~*ise direci3an said ha.ghway zo i.ts inters ectian vsith the ciiy l.imits of ]30thellas o€ J'anuauy 3,1978; thence following the ci#.y limifis of Botii.el]. in,a rnunter-doclciv;se d,arection to the southwest eozner of Section1'7, T251N, R5L•'; tlience . north along the west line o£ said section fio t-li.e north l.irEe o€ the southw~st qu.arter of SECtior18, Contittue - . ' . ~ T26N, ILSE; finence' east along the north ]ine of said section to 102-d Ave. NP; thence south along . 102-d Ave. NF to i#s intersection iti-ith 105!~, Ave_ I\TE; thence soufih alo,hd 1056 Ave. NTE fio' is .5 intiq~.ection w-ith.10413, Ave. NU; thence soutlito NL 145'' Street; 't3ice. east on said street to i.#s . intersecfion with t11e. east 16.nk of Sami ~~nush River(waterway); thenoe south along said Rivei to ifis intersecfion wath the aty Iiinits of Red~iiond; fihence in'a countei=c:lockwise duectoinatong'the city vith the~Nest shorel~te o~ Lake .limits of Redmond as of;Jan~ 3, 1978~ to its infipisection % SqTnmamish; thence riortheily and sotithezly in ac1.orlcwise dazection along the shore ]ane of Lvke Samma.mish to the poznt zvhere the ea'sfi sho're]ine of Lake Sam~sll int&sec#s -,tizfih the south Line of \rE of 1VSN IA qf Section 32, T25N, RbE;lilence east a.Iorig sa.id south line extended to the east line of Section 36,1'25N, RSE; thence sauth to the southrlest camer of Section31, T2:5N, R7E; tYience east-on along the south line of said section exi-ended to the southeaLt corhEr of T25N, R79-; then.ce • nozth alonb the.east line_ot said tovanship to ,the;Snohozn.i~..~-Kii1g Caunty ].izte; thence east dong . saa.d.county ]irEe to i.ts antexsECtiori wifih Kiiig-Chelan County line t-iie place o£rbegiruziiig. - ' , . - . EXCE.1'TIQM ~iiE FOLL-UWIING PAlZAGRAPH LS 8XCWDED FROM'1i-m ABOVL GARBAGB AND REFUSE COLLECTION SBTZVICE. - „ Sfastizi.g at the fntersection of NE Bothell W~y. and 84*-, Ave. NE; thEn east on NE Bothell I'Vy. to ~ - its int~sedion with 91st Ave. then north ori 91st Ave. ?~sE to a~ u~Lersection wi'~ NE I72'nd Street; then east on NE 172'd Street to its intexsection v,ri.th'92pd Ave. NE;`theii north on 92~d Av, e. NE fio its intersectiozl wiih I\TE 173r8 Street; then east oii I~T 173rd Strett to its infiersecdiori svi.fih 956 Ave. NE; trien north on 95th Ave NE to 173rd 1'LNE; theci iti-est on 173=d Pl. NL to its .intersection wit3i 93-d PI. NL; then nozth on 93rd P.T. NE to its. inteisection with'14E 175tb.SLreet; . then west, on `TE175tb Sfreet to its ihters ecl-ion with 93Za Ave. NE.; then nozth on 93,-a Ave. NE to intersection with NE 176th Street;'tlzeu east on NE 176'h Street to iis iiztezsection-w-ith 95th .Ave. NE; thezi narth on 9511' Ave. NE. to its intersectian with NTE 1~8th Sfxeet; thenwesf qn NE. T78-% Street. Lo iis zntersection with 88t, .A.ve.'NE; fihen nozth on 80 .FiYFe. NF, fio its intersection v,Tith NT3 180t Sia:eet; tl.ien'west on NE I$0I, Street to ifis zxttersection wi;h 8411, Ave. iVE (a]sn fihe west range Iine of T26NT, R5E); then souffi or► 841b Ave. NE to it-s iritersection vvith. NE Boihell Wy., the , point o£ begixixuna. . . 4 ' (pJTD452) Rq'L7SE CpLLECTYON SERVICL', not requiriilg the use of a dump tr.iclc,,,gocai cartage) ixi Continue ~ mat'portionof ng County described as follows:. Begizs.~ dng eic the intezsection'oi Kinb ~nohomash ' County Lne and 15th Ave. I`TE; tnepce sou~h,along 15~ Ave.. NE: to ifis intersecto~i v;zth_NL 175w ' • • aid Avenueeact~~ded . , Street; t~r ce ~ti es ~ along I~+~ 1'~.~6 Street to 8~ Ave. ~s.E.; i~ie~-ic~e nor~ a.Iong s , • - • to E. 201~ Stieet; fihqn.ce east on E. 201- St~eet exti~-ided. to +-e West side'of .A.r~. N.E. ezt-~ded; th~.ce north on t~i:e wes~ ~i~e ~of 11~' 1~de: N.L. ~xtezidecl to King-Snoho~ki Couiitg ]3ne; ther~ce easton the said 'Co~n~y liaieto 15~ A~;e: ~ie~poirii of begiriiiiizg: ` ' , . .s" ' - - - . .(i'rD453) ALSO: B e~nirt~; at the inters.ection of I~+~E 13ot1nell IN'y. Aiid 41';t Ave: NF; ther.ce north on 31-"' ]ktre. to its intersec~on w~li2'a Sfreet; tlzeri'east ori1\tE'172rQ Sfreel~ bo i~ zriters~eclzon vsit1~.92n~ . , Ave. . \rE;. ~ien. noitlz an '92~6 ' A.ve.' I~TF to ats intersection witii NE 173-e St'reefi; then ea,'sk on NTE 173--d . Stxeet to ii~ int~r.section with 95aiA~e. I4B; i-h,eii riorth ori 9511, Ave NE to iNt 175~,Streett~i~ce vvest t' : .h : . on NL •175'~ Street io its iz~tersectiozi withY93~ Pl: NS (also' c~ty luD.its of Boffiell); ffie iz'~oith on93~ . , PL 1\~E to it~ intersectiozi.~v~th 1VE 176~ Street; thence easf o~iI~ -176'Stiee~ tbiis' iriteFSectionwith L• 1 ' 95~' A.v e. ~]T; tlicnce narth on 95~ A.Ve. I~ to i.fs ~ritezsection -vith I`_E 178'1 Street; th~ west on NE_ . . 178th Street to its iritersection v..*idi 88e, Ave. NE; th;.n iiorth'on 88th Ave. NE ti its inte=sec#ion vait'n ti-te city llynitsof Bo'dzL (aL.so'DatvsohStreetextended); theTice in a.cotinter-claclcc~e'dazecdon ,along the ci.ty li?iii~s of BotheJ.l to ii~ u~teisection with NL 196'b Ave.; `fil.i.ence eastonUB 190ffi Ave. to 'v; • 92ad Ave, NE; thence norfili along said ar;.enue to ~ 192-,d PL; thence vvest on NE 192nd PL:to 88th Ave. I\zE;thence north on 88W Ave. N.E. fio its intmzsettion vrith d.-.e diy L'uzal'fis of Bothe]Vthence east 2. on said cicy linzi.ts to 92n~ AtTe. NE ext~_fiaia; thesire narth on 42n1 ?.ve. NTE extended to NB 200t" e.• 'Street extericied; thece east on ssid ezteiided si7eet to'NE Bof~iell thence jn a clo&wi.se . ..directio~; along tii.e NE Bo~11eT1 titi'y: •Eo 'its int~ssecciiiori wi;~i.91~~ve, ~TL, the po3nt o:f beginnulg. . , , . , . . . . - . _ ~ ~(P1D454) ALSO: Iii tl,.at poriion o€ Kz.ng'Couzlty desc~bed as,follo,~as: Starting at~ the sotr.thwest comer of Section 8, T26N, R5E; tlience east on the sauth line of said s cction to 104411'Ave:. TNfE; thence nozth alang 100' Ave. NE La its, intersection w-ifih 103-" Az,e. NE; thenoe northerlg along I05'h Are. NE to tli.e alorth line nf south westVu.azter of Sec#ion 8, T26NT, R5E; thence west'along said zorth line . to fihe west line of Section 8, T26\T, R.5E; thence south along said wzt l.ine to the south v►}est comer of said section iize pozn} of begiruiihg ~ ' . . . _ . . (PxD456) SQLID ~-:4'ASI'B COLLECTION SERVICE i.n. that porti on or Snohomisii. County descdbed 3S fOI.I.QwS: COTrimZeTt[nb at a poin.t where a north-south ]ine L"angent to th° west shorelaxte of . ContLriue . • . ~ Ballanger La.ke intersects with the Snohomas'n-Mng Cotnty hne; thence noriin o-ii said line to its intersection v.*ith (Brad_1ep Road). 2i6~' Street S.W. ~ctended; thence ~vesfi on (Bzad.ley Road) 236~ . . Street S.W. to 76th Ave. W.; tl:ience narth on 76e, Ave. W. (but not incluciizig stnicturP.s thereori);to U. S, 1-1ighw4 y.99;.thence n.ozth on U. S. High~vay 99 (but ribt i,-tcludzng sitructiires thereori) to 200 Street S. W.;* thence norih-on theeast si¢e oi U.S..HigYiwap a9 to a point 100 feetnoi-th of 148 St'reet S.W.; theiice west ori ~tiv.s lixie to. Puget Sou;nd; Follaw-izig PiFget Souil.d nArthesly'to fi~e poant where . , ~ the north ci.ty ]i.miis of MukdItko meeis Possession Sounci; thesice easterly and southerly-followizig . Mukilfieo. City-limits as of July 1,1961,.,to the sou13~ boundary~ of Section 3, T. 28 I~T., R. 4 B. W. Iv.[.: .r thence easfi to 40 Ave. W. extended;_theri.cE south to bouridary of Paia6 Field; tollowing ttie nortl.l ; boundaay of Paazie Field to fihe eastboun.dasjaf Pairie Field; thence south tio'a poinf 100,feetnorth of 90 Sizeet S. W.; ttiep.ce Past on ti-iis 1izie io 12 Ave: ~tiV . exfexided-(~*est boifndary of Skiion 13, T. 2$ .~V., 4 E:.);.thezlce sou~i on 12 Ave. W. e'xteaided to.I00 Sixeei S. W.; thenc~e.east on x00 Street S. W. , :(b,ofih sides) to Holly Drive; the.nce"isouiin on 911ve. W. (i?ixt ziot inclucliilg. 9 Ave. W.) to iriteTsection . . ; af US., llighv.%ay, 99 'and Broadway CutOff;" tfiei.lce -east, oxi ~roaciwaY.Cutoif to 8"Ave. W. (north-south line biseciing the v;=esfiern'~`i •of Section 24, T. ~,S I\f., R 4F-.); thence soiA on said line to . Sfiocksho:v` Road (7.X2 Street S. W.}; fihence eayt on the south side o# Stockshow Road to Paafic Northwest Tractiori xi.oht-of-.,,*ay; thence north en the east side'o.f thq right-of-~4y to Bzoadway . Cufioff; thence xtiorth on the Broadway Cutoff and Broadwaq,to the soufih Evereft City liniit,s (as of s july 14 1961);, fitlence follov.*1g the east and noith` czfiy. J~mit; af ~v~rett (as of july 1,1961) to Puget Sound; thence zzoztherly along Puget Soi.ui.d ta the paulfi where it intersects w-ith the Sn6ho3ndsli - . Tsla.nd County Jine; thence noztherly along_said cauaitp Iu?e to the ~ozeLne of Skagit Bay; thenee << north along s3id shorel~z►e to the Sriohoii~ ~h-Skagit Coiirity lirte; th'Er►ce east aloiig sa.a.d coiuity line ~ • . to fihe east Ime boundary of Snohoinih Coti-hty; 'thence south '~long- flze ezst boiindary of , Srtohom.ish County_to fihe King-Snohomih County linz; thence west aan said county line to the point , of begiru-Zing. . . . . . . . : . . . . : . . - • . (I'ID457),GARBAGE CQLLBCTION SE.RVICE an Can.iano Lq?and, L.s1a.zlci Countty. ; (PM4:58) REFT3SE COLLECnON SERVICE, not requi.xi:al.g the u.se o.f a diunp truck; {local cariage) in•fihat poriion of Snohom.ish Couniy descgibeci as foIlows: Staxting afi fihe norfiheast . cozner af Secta.on 28, T28N, R8E; thence,.v~est alang the north liue of sa id section extended to a . point 500 feet west of the.\T. E. corner o£ Sec. 25, T28 N., R 5 E.; thence saufh fio the soutti ]ine of ' Ccniinue . • _ _ 6aid section; erLce wes~ to the K.W. comez of Sec 35, T. 28 \T., R. 6 E.; therice soLtn_Qn the ~~~est li.ne of said section exdended $0164 Street; th~~ce eBst to-•Highway 2Q2; firienc~e soLthz~~ est~erly along said 1ughway to the Snohon-dsla River, thence souas}erly alorLg said ri:-%r er'and ihe'' ` . Snoqua]~e ltivex extenci.ed to the Point 100 feef nazfih of 228 Stmet; ~hence enst-to ffie east line of Section 28, T27N,., RBE; thence'n.orth al.on; said west liaie exte-r►ded to the northeast carner o€ Seciion.28, T28\j, RSE, the point of begiiuing. . . - . . . . . . (1'ID459) R.FFUSfi COTLLEdID,~,T SFRVICE, not req..~iriclg the use of 'a di~mp taucl4 (Iocal ~ . 2•; cArtade) in that pozdon of SnofiomisH Cguh iy da'_-cr~ied 'as iollojqs: :Coinzal(iHcinig at a poinL where a nozth-south'line tangent fio the vvest shoreI~~e of BaUingei''Like intersec-ts uith+ffie SnohomL--h-Ku.ig CoiLnty Lnett°-ericenaith on saidlirie to its iz~tersectian ~*i;~i'(grad].ey Road.) .236ffi Street S.VV. eztended;'thence west*on (Bradley Road) 2356 Street S.W. to 76m Ave.'W.; . . : : . • ~ thFnce nozth on 76~ Av,e. W. (b.utnot iriclug'stn~ctures ,thereon), ~o-LJ. S. -Hi;hvTap'99; thence norrh ozl U. S. Highway 99 (l?ut ziot inclu.c3.irig structYares fihereon) to Z00 Stieei S. W.; thelice . north on tl-ie eaSt sicie of U.S. Hit,ghi4=ay 99 io apQiizt 100 feetnoifila of 148-Stieet S.YV.; th.ence . west on this Iineto Puget Sound; thence southqly alang the shoreiine of Pugct Soiand to the . Snohomish-TCing County'3ine; tlaeaice ea'-zt along said couhty liile to the po!nt of begm,.nzng. . . . (PID460).TZEFUSE COLLECTIO\i SERVICB, not requ.izing d-Le.use of a dwnp frizck, (iotal cartage) in tha.t porliezl of Snohoiiii,h. Coianty descnbed 3s lolloivs: Startung at the pointwhere the noith ~ci.ty Ia~ o# IVlukilteo 'iheets Possess:on Sound; thence ezst~rly nnd-southErly . follo ~vir'~g' 1vlu-?ciifeo.C?~y liffiit~ as o~ T~Y ~.1961, ~o the ~outh boundary.of Secton 3,'T. '18 I~T., R. 4E. z Ivl.;'t~heice ea,st to.40 AtTe. W. ezterided; thence south,to bobiidary of P~ie'Fie?n;' followizlg the riai-th b'ouri.daa.y of'Paihe Field to the easL boundary of PaiYie ki.el.d; 'r-'nertce sauth ito ~ a po.izi:t 100 feet noi=1-h of 40 Siseet''S. W.; thence east oxi t~i.is line to 12 A've. ~rV.Iex~ded (west Uaundary'of Secdon 13, T. 2$N.,1Z 4 E.); th~~ce soubh ori 12 A-~e.-W:'exterided*ta 100`S#reet S. W.;1'herECe ta.St on 100 Street S. W. (both sideL) to HollY larivc; tki.ence south azi 9 Ave. W. (lamt . not including y At►e.,W.) to intezsection of U.S. Highv,ray 99 az2d Bruadivay Cutoff.; fhence east on Broadway'Cu'toff to 8 Ave. W. (north-south Ime bisecting fiHe westerri'h of Siction24, T: •2$ N., jL 4 B.); the-ce south on.said line to Stockshow Road (112 Street S. V1f.); th~'~ce,east ori ffie south side af Sfoclcshotv Road to Pacific Ncirthv.Test Tra6don right-of-waY; thence north on: the east sid.e of the ri.ght-of-way to Bzoadv,Tap"Cutofi; t-hence north on the Broad.«Tay Cutoff anci Continue ' . . r, • . ~ . BroGdway to the south.Everett City hnit~ (as af Ju1y_1,1951); thence follm~ing the east and nozth city Li~ilits_of Everett (as Qf ju1.~_1,14b1) to 1'uget ~ound; t3ien.ce soiit~i alonb the ahor~ne of Puget Soiind to the point of beguuung. . , - . . (Z'T461).ALSO; in the Jettv Lciana an.a (Pm4;62) Ar:so, izi Hat Lsland (GedriEy L-Slar►d). . . . PID463 SOLID VVASTI? COLLECTTON SERVTCE cozlsistinglof zedaimed lumber, brick and _ . eb ei~g or h:.ve been rnndutLLed, or . otli.ez r..ast off materiaLs, Where oonstnuctian or repaiz jobs ~ wher~e structures are beulg raied from pieznises in tiiat poriion o£ Snoho~ii~h Couttfp described as foLlows: S~aziang at the no4lieast comez of Sectioii 25, T28 N, R8 E; thence west on the noxtti line of said seciion extended to a pojnt 500 feet we.st of the 1'~. 14: comez of Sec.25,'I28 i`i., -9. 6 E.; fiheizce; south to tb.e,souih line o£ said sectioz~;`thence west to '4ie N.M: coiiler bf Sec., 35, 'T. 28 .iv., t. R 6 E.;. fhence.south oni:hevv, estline of sa.id-secliQZi extended to 164 SiYeet;-thPil.ce easf.to . . Highway 202;*thencesouthwes~erly..a].ong said Yiig~iway to the Snohomish Ra.r•er,tl~ence: southea,Ctezly albng sazd riverand the Snoqualmie 1Ziver ezterided to the poirif 100 feet north of 228 Street, thence eaLt to the west linebf T27N:, R9E; thence north along s~d west Iine extencl.ed fio the nortlieasf cornes of Section 25, T2$N, RBE, the point of begzning. . . . : . : _ . ~ . . . (P1D464) ALSd: in that portion of Snohor.ni.sh County descd.bed as follows: ComFnEncsng at a `77) pointwheze a north-south line tangent to the tivest shareline of Ballini-ez Lake intersects with . the Snoho)~ish-King Cou. . nfy Iix}e; -th~nce nartii an said line to its intersec~an ivith (BracLley . . . . , ~ Road),~23b4 SizEet S.~N.,extended; t~nence west on (BradleylZoad) 236~ S~~et S.V~. to 76~ Ave. W.; thence -north on.76th Ave. V17. to .U. S. ay 99; theitce rioithl ozi LJ. S. Highway 99 to 200 Siseet S. W.; thence il:orth on tYie eastside o# U.S. Hiay99 to a point 100 ieetnorth o£ 148 . Steeet.S:W.; tiZer'kce west on this line.to Puget Solind; thence-sout-herly alor.g the shoreline of . Puget Sound.tb ifS ?ntersection with the Snohob:Lish=FCiiig Cou_nty Lii.i.e; thes?cE. ezst aTong saad county line.to the point.of begulning. . • . • . . _ . . (PID465) ALSO: .7.n ihase Islands zdjac~nt to th,e shores within Snohomish.Counfy ar►d in that portiori of Szaohornish County ctescribed as follozvs: Starling at the poi-afi wllere the norl-h ci.ty limii;s of Mukilteo meets Possession Sound; thence easfierly and soufiherly follo,Vvixig 1Vlukilteo . City Exiiits as o€ july I,11,161, to the south bour►dary of Section 3,.T. 28 N.; R. 4.E. W. M.; thence . Continue - . . . i . east to.40 Ave. W. extended; thenct south to the nounda.ry of Paine Fie1d; fihence fnllow7ng the nozth baundary of Pazne F:eldto ffie'eastboundary of Paine Field; thenre's'o'uth'to a poznL 100 fee*_ narth of 90. St:reet S. W.; tffience east an i-ii'iis ]ine t012 Ave. W. exter.ded (-,.ve_stbo•md=- of Secuon I3, T. 28 N., R4 E.); thEr►ce soutn on 7.2 Ave. W.'extencieci to 100 Sireet S: W.;~theiite -east o.-Li 100 Street S. W. (both s:des) to I aolty Drive; thence south on 9 Ave. W. (but not iiicl-ddsig 9 Ave. VJ.) to intersection of U.S. Hi.ghway 99 and Broadway Cutoff; thence east on Broadiway - Cutaffto S A,~e. ZV: (nort-h-south,line,bisecting the westem'/z of ~ection 24, T. 28 NY..,`R.. 4 E•); : .,filie south sid.e of thence south on said lin,e to Stoclcshov,- Roz.d (112 StzeLt S. 4+'.); thence east.on: Stoc:ow rZoad to 1'Gcafic Noiihvv-est.Tractioi-t right-of-ivay; the,nce north on the ea:..~.side`o.f tYie right, of-Lkay fio $roachv a~ Cu~off; thEnce :~orth on ttae Broac3.wiy Cutoff ar:d troGd~ivay to the south BvErrefit.Ci;ry liraits (aso£ July'1, 1961); theice folloi-ng the.ea~t and*riorth cty limits'of .Everett (as of July,1,.1961) to'Puget Souiici; therice soiitti along theshoielirie`of Puget Sounci to . , . . ' . . . - . . the pouit or beginrdng. . . • . . . . . - - . . . . • - . • • . . . ' (I'ID466) REF-USE COLLEC'TION SERVZCT, r.at requiring ihe use of a dum.p tzuck; (local- . cantage) iz► 'rhat portion of Whidbey Island, in Lsland County descrz,bed, as followL: Staztiiig at the . northv,%est coiii~i of Section`19, T:'30N.;'R 2 E.; thence' east aiang north line oL*saici Section 19 extended to the shorel.ine of Holznes. F-iarborjli.ence southcrly,and northerly•along sail d . Lhozelin° to "the north line of Section 23, T30N; ].22E; thence'easfi to the eastein shoreli~-te of WUdbey Island,; tlzen.ce southerly, westdly an'd norffiezly along the sojsthern shoreline of sadid island to its int-ersection -A'ifil.1 the ea: t 1i?e of R1E; th.ence nozth on said east line to the shorelirte af sai.d iss ?arid thence northerly along the shorelitie- td its izltersection~vi'th fihe*~ west lune of - . Seciion 19, `i'3O~T, R2E; thepce nort-h.on:said west Liiae to the nort . hwest cbinez of Section 3.9 , . , . . T30N, LZ2E, tl~epoint of.beginiiu.lg. . ' -.(PID467) REFUSF, COLLECTTON SLRVTCE, not requifing the urse of a dumP tiuck, (local cai~abe) `o~ Baini;riag' e'Islana, azid in those poition of IG.tsap County d.esc'r.ibed as £o]].olNS: . . . . , (Plb468) Tn tin.e City ef Bzemcrton, ~PM4169) Tn t-he City, of Pnulsbo; ar~d (1'ID470) on l3lake Isl~ad: . . (PID471) SOLID WA.STE COLL£CTiONSERVICE, cor►sisti.ng of xerlaim.ed lwnbFx, br.ick and • ' Csniirtu,z , , . . other ca.Ct off matezinL, from pzem's?s on Bainbridge Island wheze con5tn.iction or repair jobs are being or have beerL canductec, or where.st'ructures 'aie being razed. ' " . . , (PID472) ALSO, in the Citq of Bre--5ert6n,, (PID473) ALSC7 in Paii.lsbo, and (PID474) :4J-S0 on . Bia.ke Islanci. , . . . . . . . . .'(Z'ZD473) REFTJSE COLLEC'i'IOI`T SERVTCE,'not reguiring the use of'a dump trick, (local carfte) in that. portion.of Mason Coiany describeti as folloK-s: Begirkning at the noi-theast cozneF of Section 4, T23N,.RlW; therice sQuth'along the east Izne-of sazd seciion il•so the Mason~ ~ ~CiisaP, Coun~y line to the souih Line'of T22N, R~W; then6e tivest aloiig said soufih line.to the : southwest corner of.Section 31, T22N, i21VV; th~nce no}th on ti~e w est lule of T22N, R1W in the southeaLt comes 6f Secfion 36, 'T~3v, Tl.~V~;tt~~ce v.re~t'on tYie south line of sazd corrier , exien.ded to the sau4"vestcorner af Seckian 34, '~2.3N,122~N;therice'riorth along the west ]azie of said secfion extended to the -Mason-Z<itsap County line; ihencE east along said count-y Une to -the paint af beg~~ning. . . . ' (Z'ID476) SOLID V17A,5T3 COLLECITON SERVICB Ln all Skagit County (Excluding. Service in the . Cities of Vioiant- VeznonBuiLiri.gtary Sedro WooLley and Anzcortes is Iimited ta'"drop--off box" serc►ice ozily;.excluding Guemes and Sin.cl.aax Lland; 'and etcludingt-he Town of Concrete; Skagit County, VVashin0 c~on, using.asa boLndasy the corpQrate ]imitg as of March 7.5,1965). . . . . , , . (1?11)47~ R:~FUSE .COL.L-ECI'ION SIIZVICE, not requi2ing'the use of,a dian.ip trur~ (Ioc-1 . < cartage) in thaf paziion o" Piezce County d.esmbed as fQllows: Beginning at tkie point vTheze the southwest cornez of Section,32, T21N, R4$ meets the Pierce-KingCounty line; thence e~t a.nd , soufiherly along the Pierce-Kin-Couiniy line to its intr.rsection vrithtfie south-lirie of Section 36, ,720N, R6E; thence west on the south line of said section to the:west line R6E; thence south along sa.id Iine to fihe. Outheast comer of Section 3.2, T19N,. R5E; theii.ce west along south line o~ said - Section 12 extended to tlze vaut lixieof IZ3E; thencP noith al.ong said lizie to t-he north 1-iiie'oi T19N; thence vwest alox~g said line ~ the west line af R2L; thence north alozig said line to. ~e southeast conzex of Secaon 13, T20N, IZ1.E; theiice west along the south ]ine a.f s3.id Seciion 13 . exfended to the zvest ]ine of RIE; thezice north a.tong said ]ine to the south line o€ 721N; i-hence west. along said Iine fo the southw est camer of Seciion 34, T2IN, R1W; thence ziorth along the Contini:e ' , . . ~a=e..t line of said Seciion 34 ~c~nded 'ro the no ~ line of T21N; thenc- west on s?ici noi~.i. Ii~e ta . the Pierce-Maso~i Couzity L'~ne;'tr~o~~nartl.ti along on said county luie to ihe'point, where it intersects witil the nortnwest comez o€ Section 15, T22\~, R1W aild Pz&ce-Kitaap "Counfy line; thenoe east along on sa id co~ai;ty Iine to Pieroe-Kin.g Cou~-z.ty ,e; thence south and ea.sterly alon'g. said~cou~ty~~c to ii~ ia.ite~ection w_fih the soutfi liri.e of Sectionl4, T21~T, R3E; t~ieiice . , , . - . . v~e~~ on sou~-h Iiiie of sa~dsectioz~ to ~fie`n6rthu*e~t corrier a.~ Seciiozi 23; T21N, .3B;'thence sou.ffi on the west line af s"aid section extgided tb the souih line of NtTA' a of Secaon 26, 721N, FZ3E; ;hence east on said south ]aiie toAie soLth eas# corner of~/4'of NtN'/4 oE s;iid section; thence. south: alorig t1.1e `east line of N`~~ 3/4 0£ SW d o£ s'a:~d sectioil to tti, southeastcor.~ez oi I1~'~ o£ • 5W '4 tiie'Ct.C2 @dSf On the SOL'th IZII.e 0£ Sc1d iWT ext&lded to the wz, t line of EIh of Sfi thence nqA on the zvest lin.e of said E.'A- to Piexce=Kirig County lazie; thence sout~ea.'sterly aieng said cou.nty line to ilze sou~i~arest conler`of Section. 32, "T21N, R4E, ~i.e paint of beguux~g (FIL7478) SO]'~D W? 45'I'E COLLECTION SERVICE, con. istir►g of reciai.naed lumber, brick Gn.d other cast ofE materials; frbm premises ??r► Pierce Coiint-~ -,a,hez& consizuciiezi or repaar jobs are being or have been conductedy,oz wlriere stn.ictLires are beng raz.erl. • ~ 9. . . . . FOLLOW11t G AUTHORITY TA'IiS U$TA]NED BX'IR_ANSFER OP.CER'TI'ECATE, NO. G135 . OM 1ZiCH~U D. ~IA1t12IS. . . . - , . , . , . . . . _ ~.(PTI7324) SOLL7a V~iASTE COLLfiC~Oi~z SERVTCE._in. ~ Tovvxi~ of Concret~, Ska~;~t Count~T, Wa. hingtQn, uusing as a boun.ciaxy the'cQrpozate`limits as of Mar6 -15,1465. 'IHE FOtLO'vATR\JG AU"THOR.I'3'Y IATAS OBT.ATl\iBD BY TR-LN SFF-R OF CERT7FTC.ATBi0. G91 F-RoM srA..~ooQ'eAMANa DIsPO.sAi, hvc. (T'117457} GARBA.GE COLLECTIUN SERVICE on Cam.ano Islas~d, Isl.and Coun[-y; (L'II7334) SOLID tiVAS'I'E COLLFCTION SERVICB on Guemes Island a:n Skag}t County. Continue - T~ ~ULLOWJ~?G AUTHO1tiTY .WAS .TR.A.~TSFERREIa TQ G-al; CEl2'r1FICATE G-237 NO LONGER A'tJTHOR~Z~S A.I~f1' SOLID I'VAS''E COL-LEC'I`ION SER`VtC~ IN'TH.4T I'OR`IT~N O~ , IQNG COUNTY. D~.SCI2IBBD AS FOLLOWS:. . (PID372) Starting at t.i.e ~t-ersection of East L3.eSa~+m~m;sh Parkway a,nd I\1W G1manBlvd.; thezi ~~ezt~ei~.+~ed.(also the sout3l nor~we~-~fi along NW G'~?m~Blv d- to iis zn.terseciioxi 1ti-ith I~T4V N.fall Street line of Sec. 21, T241\f, RbE); thenwest aJ.ong NW Mall Street., exteiicled, toits interseciion «zth 171h Ave. NW (aL.so R.Qnton-Tssaqual~ lZd.), then noa.-fih along 17~ .Ave. N411 tQ its interseciaon wi.th I-90; then west along I-90 to ~.e interseciaon of i88'' Ave. SE; ex;tended; tfien north along 7.88~' A~c~e. SL~ cxtendedto the shorelane.of'Lake Sani~~ then ea; t alpng the shoreline ofLalceSamma-mis b its irtte.rsection with thenortliboundazp of La.ke SarzL amsh State 1'az*; then eastalong the noai-h bouzidazy of Lake Samnam~sh S~fie Park to its izttersectioz~ widh EGstLake Sammam;sh parkway; then southerly a.l.ong the East Lake Saman~mish Parkway to its intersectionwith NVV Gilman Blvd., the poizlt of begirnilg. , THE FOT-LOWINIG AUTHOTZiTX HAS BEEN RLti'ISBD TO 12EFLECT A POR'TION TRANSFE12 TO G14 .AND TO DELETE DLTr'LICA'I'ION ]N TT i13 REMANTNG AUTHORITY. , . ,-77) (Z'ID325) SOLIP WASTB COL:LECIION SFRVICE in thGt portion of Whatmm County described as , . follows: Starting at the northwest co~er of Section 4, T4:ON, R10~IN'M; thence soufih on the west Line of said section to the norti►east cAmer of Section 20, T39N, RIOEVJ~VI; thence weston rhe north 3ine af said section LLo. the northwest come.r o£,Section 22,'T'39N, ]?9EWlv1; fihence soLfih on the v.Test line of said section to the northeast coii~ez of Seciion 33, T39\T, R9EWAR; thEn~e ~vest an t~?e north ]ine of said sECtion to the nori-hwESt comer iif SQCfion 36, T39I\; R8EVJIN4; fhence south ori the west line af sai.d section to the soufihwest comer of Section 36, T37N, RSE'VVivI (also the W_hatcQxn-Skagit Couzi.fy iine); fih~ce east along the south to►vxiship line oz T3~1(also:theNTI#tco'-Skagit County . Iine) to its in}ersectian with the V1tha.tcom-Okanogari Counfy li.rie (neat the south luie of Section 33, T37N, R17EyVM); tl.i,ence.northerly along said cotaunty 1-ine to i1s intersecdon with the norfih line af Section 10 T40N, R16]3W?vl); fihence w?.st a1o11g said tovaig-iip lirte to the nozthweSt comer of Sc-ction 4, T40N, 1WEWK the point of begi:nning. - THC FOI:L.OWLVG AUTH012iTY HAtS BFEN REVI,SED TO REMOVE T.?UPLICATTO\I Cantinue .'1 ; , . . , ; - RESUI,'ITi\IG FR(atii nIE'IR;.A.~VSFER OF AUIHORm FI70V.[ G38 BTZEIvZ-A1R DISPOSAL, LNTC. ,(PIp37b) SOLID V1~ASTE COLLECTION SERVICl3 iz1 Kitsap Co~nty EXCLL~DlI~7G the ~ollosvi~g axeas: Biak-e Is?aind; t3-ie C3.ty of Bainbzi.dgeTsland as of Februazy 1, 2002; ai~d the City b£ Poulsbo as , of September 12,1961; EX6LUD6J G: The Gity of Brernerton as ttie poazit of'ori*in and destination fioz the san«e sl,ipm°nt using as a bounci3i-y e coipora~e ].iazii#s~a"s'o:ESepLeiribe'r 6, .(riIU429) SpLIU jVASTE COLLECTTO\1 SERN7CE in tlzat portion of'Benten County described as follows: Begzruing at the southeast cczner of Section 9;T8N, R26E; tlnence west alorg the south ]ine of said Section 9 projected to the south+vest rnzner of Secti.on 7, T81~7, R2aE; i -~e z~orth along the west.line of sa.id Section 7and ~he Y~c.una-B~nnLonCounty line to the no'r~ttti,est conler af Section 6, --T9N, R24~13; thence east along the .i.orth line ef said Sectioiz 6 Px'Lendeci to the rdortheast ~corxi.er of Section 1, TR\T, 05E; therice south along the east liiie of 'said Settio~ 1eztezided to the sou.theast corner af Sectio~ 21~_, 71°I`j R25E; thence east aloiig tkie sauth lion.e of said Section 2L projected 'Lo the ' ' nor.theast cozner of 'Section 28, 1'91N, R26E; thence south ~long the east li_-~e of said S6ction 28 extep-ded to the soufheast corner of Secfion 9, 'Z'$N; TZ26B, fihe pl-ace of beginnulg: . . _ - , , . , . .(~'ID~28) SOLID V1~AS'I'B COLL~,CTYON SERVZCE in th2t-portion of Be~-iton Couzitydes¢ibed as follows: Sta~g at the point where the west line of Section 2, T5N, R28E inter sects ivith the nofth b~nk oi -_the Colurnbia RiC-cr (4Va.llul.a L.ale); t]iehce r:orth ofi fiHe w&-t ]ir►e of said sectiQn'projecfied to the . narthwest cornEr of Se~tio-a26,T61\; R28E; thence west on the north liz►e of said sectiori prajecEed to the soufikiwes~ comer 'of Section 24, T6N, R27E; thence northh on the ivest lirte of said; sectiorr projecte~d to the southeast rnrner of Secron 26, 'J."7N; R2713; thence ~vest on the 5outh'lTn.e of said sectiozt projected to the soutt-dwestcom er ofSecizon 291 T'7\T,*R27B; ~ner3ce nartli on t-lie v.~est line o# seld 'section pro]ectecz, tp the.soufihern boundary of the 'US Depaztment of En'ergy Hanford Site (~Adtr-dn Sectiozi 8, T10N; R27H); therice west al.ong the soui-].zem bourid.ary of the Hax.ford Site boundazy to ifs iritersecfionw-ifih the east ]zir!e oi Section 23, T11N, R2LL~, thence south alongihe easi line af saiid section to its s9t3theast comer; tbence west aJong the sou.th Line of said section exiended to tl-ie sotdhwest co~ner of Seciion 19, T11Ni R24E; thence xlorth aiong the w est line of said secaon •(also the Benton-Yalcima. County Line) ta its- itttez'sECtio.-Li vaa.th the norEh-,vest comer of Secf2on 18, Contimte . . ~ - . T-131N, R24E; thence east along fhe xiozth Iine of sa.id section eacfended to its infie~ectian wiih the Hanf4rd Si.te bound.ary (also fihe east line ef Section 17; T3.3N, 7224F); thence nozth~ alorig. sai.d boundary to its,infiersection jvith th.e cenierline of the Coluznhia River (also 1he Benton-Gzaztt Cou-nty Line); thenc~ ~easterly and southerl.y 4ong.said~c"rline 'to its inteiseciiori, ivith the Hanford Site bounda.zq (in Section 23, T1?1l, R28L}; thence . -west along. said bou.iid.azy to its ' intezsection wifih i-he wesierly shorehne cif,the Columibia Rivez (also in Sectian 23, T12N, °R28E); tl-ience soulilerly, easterly, azid wesfiezlp alorIg the sktarelirie o£ the Col.umbia River tb the westlane ' of Sectiozt 2, T5N, I~SE, :tlze point of beganning. . , . . ~(PD7420) SOLID. '"TASTB COLL.ECTON SER.VTCE Tn thaf pozti.on of Chelan Couniy described as fallows: Begiruling at ~e izltersecti.on of the centezline of~the Coluznbia River cl~ie Q1~1an Douglas i Cguniy, Une) a-p.d the south~line .of Secti.dn 21,T21i, r222E; thence west on'tli.e south line o$.said sectior~ e.ctended to the point tivheze it inteisects vJifih ihe Claelaii-Kii1?~as Cou.rity Line; (south~lane o€ Section 22, T21N, . R19E); thence.follov,dng said countyLne iz1 nortilwestexly ciireetion to its • ir►tersecfion w-zth the w.est lineof Sectiori 18, '`22N, IZ17E; thence noxth on the ~vest line'o€ said section extended to the ziorth line of Sec:tion 6, T25N,, R.17E; thence we.,fi an the riorrh_line o€ sa.id section exter.ded fio t11e southwest cor..ner bf Section 31, T26IV, R15B; thence riorth on the west line of ' said secti:on (including sezvice:alQng Stafie High~t,ay 2 to its intezseciion wifih. thP King-QZe].an ~ County Uine)'to #ne nor.thwestcozner of Section 6, T26IV, R15E; tlzence east on the noi-Elineof said ' seetion extended to the souchcvest camer of Section 31, T27N, R16E; thence nozth Qn the west Iine af sai.d section extended ta its intersection urith the northwest comer of Section 6, T27N, R16B; thenee east or► the north line of said sECeion e?ttendecl to the"northe.ast coz.ner of Section 1, T271\1, R18E; therace south on the east Iaii.e of said sectian e)eLended tq.the.southeast corner of Section_-36; T26N, R18F;.thence easfi on the soufih line af said section.extended to.fihe south'v.*est camer of_Section 36, r T26~F, R19E; thP.nce north.on thc west lin.e of said sect3on exterided to the northwest coziner of Secb.on 13, T2b~1, R19E; thence east on fihe north line of said seclion extended to its ixttersection wAth the Cxielan-D ouglas County Lii~e (a]so the c~ntelline af tl.-ie Coluin.b'ia lZivizthence soutll along the . centerline of the CQIun,.bia:River to its intexsectiori w-ith the sbuthlirie of SecEion21, T21N, R22E, fih.e poi.zit of begirinii~g... . . - . , . . • (1'IU421) SOLID:WASTE COLLECTION SfiRVICL in Douglas County BXCLUD.NG the follawir►g territoIIy: Bebi.nning at the northeast.comer of Section 1~2_9N, R?bE; thence west along the north CarltiquE . • • 1 'yA~ line of said Secaon 1. extznded to the ceiitezline o~ the ColLimbia River (a]so the O'_~:ari o~ri-Douglas County ]ine); t'nence southerly, westerly; northerlp, then southerly aga.En along the benterline of the Colvmbia. River fio its in.fiersecfiion with the &oti.iti. ]ine of Seckon 13, T2M, R.23E; thence east alono- the sauth Iine ot said Section 13 exterid.ed to the soutiieast coinez af Secfaon 13; T2SN, R26T; ffi~nce north a.l.ong the eist line of sa.id Sectson 13 exfiended to the noztheast comer of Section 1, 729N, . _ •1 . . ..ti ' ' , . . . _ , . . . . , - R25E, ti-ie point of begimniing. . . . . - . • . . _ . . . . . . . , . (P.. ,II7 1) SOLID ~'VAsSTE COLLEC~O~T SE.RZ+ICE in those Portions o£ Grarit Coiu~~desc3ibed as . - . . , C~ . . . . , . . j . ~ . . . ~ ' l -follows: Beginiung at *t~he int~ec~on a€ the ceri~ezl.~i~ of the Col uunbia F~iver and f~ie ri.orth line of -Section 6,'I'191\T, R23E extended.; thence east along said extencled nortYi line to tiie noztheast cor'ner - of sai.d Section 6; fih.er ce south on the east line Af said section fio the'squtheast rnzner of said sECaon; > thence e~asto~ the south line ofsaid section extez~ded tothe rortkieast co~ie~ • of Secti.on 12; 7:'7.9~1, . . . , . . . . . , : R23E; ~ence south on. fihe easfi J3ne of said section extended,to-~h~ sou.,ttieast eomez of Sectio-n 4, T13N,. R23E; fihence.west of1'the'soutI1 ].ine of said.section extErided to the northeast caiazer of 5ection. 29, Tl9V, R23E; tlzence soutli on the easf line.of sa3d sectioii'exLenifed to fihe nortHeast ,co.rner 0f Section 32, T181N, R23E; thence east on thE north aane af s`aid seciion extended io the noxfillea.st cQmer of Section 36, T18N, R2H; #h?ncesouth along the east line of said secfion ez;tended fio the narti"vest corner of Section.18, 'Z'16Nf,1224E; thence east along the nozHh line o£ seid secti.an exten.ded to the nozi3least corrter of Section 13, T16I\T,122~L; thence soufih along 01 e ea'stlirie of said -seciion ext6nded to*the ccnterli.ne of the Colu-tiliia RiGez (aIso the'GrGnt Bentori Co" lu~'e); tiierece westerly ancl northerly aloiLg saad.-cFntdli:ne to its intersecti on with thenorth li.ne'as Secti.on , 5, T19i \1 i . , R23B- extezided, the point of begiriz~.iz~g. '(PID423) ATso, Se.ction.s 28, ?9, 32 dnd 33, 'Z"19i\T, 'RAE, and. Sections 5 and 6; ,'Z'18N, R2~E. (PTD424) A1so that poxtion af Grant Codnt j kzi.own as Creyoer►t B ar in Secfions 7.9 ~nd 30, T20I~~, R23B. (I.'._25)'r~lso,:tliatpartzozi. of GSari't County ivithizi . . . , _ . . . . . . . . . , . . .'I28N and 1230E. - - . . . . . . . . . .:(P17a426) SOL-ID,.WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE in those portions af Okaziogan an.d Lincoln .-Counties des6ribed a's follo~vs: Beginning at the southeast caizier c# Section 36, '1'?SNT; R31E; thence west a].ong the sauffi ].ine of said secfizon to its i,ntersectiozt v.fith the SoufihUl_est comer 'of SeCfion 31, T28\f,P1E; thence north along the w . est line af said seciion extended to iis izite=seciioii. ivith the cenfierline of 'me Columbi.a River; then ce northerly alozg said cEnteriz_*iE to its ir«ersection vAfih tt-te riorth Jane of Section 2, 'I'29'N, R30E; thEnee ea-r-t along the iiorth line of said sectiari exfieilded to the . Cazitinue i , . . ~ . , . . norffieast comer of Section 1, T291N, R31E; thence south ?long the east line o# said section exte-nded ' . to the southeast comEr of Sectian 36, T28N, R31L,'the point of begiruvng. . (~ID42i} SOL~D TAtASTE COLLECITON SERVICE in Kit~tita.s County. ' . . - . . . ~ . ' (PW410) SOLID WAS i'E COLLECTION SERVICE in that,portion of Spakane Coun~.-q described : as faLows: Beginnang at the southwest comer of Seciion 31, T211\j, R409; thencenozth '3? orig tne west line of sai.d,section extended,(aLso the Spokane-Lincqln. . County Line) fio zfis int Frsec#ion Nvith the . . . . . . . . . , . ; . centexline of.the Spokazie Riyer; therice ea,sterly along said c~terline (also the Spokan~Sfie~%.s County Line) to iis Sztterseciiion with the Spokane-Stevens Coun.~ Lizte (within Section 32, T27N, R42E); thence nozth along sRid county liiie fio the norFh 13ne -of Section 5, T28\T; R42E; thence ea,..i: L' I.. . a1.ozthe nortll l;ine of 9aici section ~XLen.decl'~fo filie ci{y liaiii~ of T~e~r lya~k-(in Sec~ori 34, T`2°T~; < < .R42B); thEnce ztortherly,and easterly in a doGkwisedirecFion aloiia said city liiruts to'is*interseciion wifih the,soufll line of Section'32, T29N,, WL; thence east'~lon.g~tlie eact~endeci 'souffi line of said Sertion 32 to the souti~ItiTest co'riler of Seciion. 34, T29N, R43E; tJ.-ience noxth al.ong the west ]ine af saici S,ection. 34 to the nozthwest corrtex of Said Section 34; thepce east a1-ong said. Seciion 34 to 'fihe . rtorrheast comer of said Section 34; fihEr►eesauth along the east Iizie of said'Section 34 to the southwes~ corner of Section,35, T29I`7, R43R; thence: east.along the soudli line of said Section 35 "tended to the riartheast comer df Sectian 1, `T28V, R44T3; thence soufih a.long th.e 'e'zst line of said .section Pxterided to the soufiheast corner of Sectian 72,'I'28N, 944L; thence e~t' along'the sout~h ]azie of sa.ici section extetid.ed to the nortiieast ct?mex of Sectio~.16, T'28N; R45F; fil~ence south along the eaLt lizie of ~aid section to the southea~.~ corner -d'$ectioh 33, ;T28I`i, R45E; theric.... a*est aJang the south line af said seetic~ii"to the southeast cornei of Sectiori 37., T28I\T, R45E; thence south along-the • east+line .of said secti.oii to"the southe-ast comer of Section 7, ''261V, R45E; c~reea.-`t along the South . line of said section extended to the northeast comer o€ SECtion 17, T26N, R45E; thence south 'aiong. the east line of said seciaon the southeast corner of said seciion; theai.ce e3st along the south ]ine of .s aa.d section extended to ti-ie nozkheast comer of Section 22, 726N, R45E; thence sautli along ~-.h,e east line of-sa.id sccti.on to the,porthwest corner of the southwest-quartar of~Secaori 35, T26N, R45E; fihEnce east along #-4e noi-th'line of said quartW section to the nortrieast comei' of the sautheast quaztf_r of Secti.on 36, T26N, R45B; thence south alorig, tiie:east Liz1e of sai.d qi~axter sectian exLended to the southeast corrier of Section 25, T25N, 945E; thence vvest'along the south line of said secti.an extezi.de d to the norffieast cozner of'Sectioz~. 36, T25N, IZ44E; fihence soiith a,lang ihe eastline of saa.d - Cantinue • • . . oI section to the nozth`a*est comer of the sou.thwest qtaaxter of Section 31, T25N, R4,.5L; 'thence east alor►g the north line ol' said quarter secdon extended io fihe northeast com°r o.£ the so ~-li°ast qua,er of Section 31, '1'25N,R45E; fi$ience south al.ong fhe east ]ine of said quarLer section extended-to fhe southeast comez of Secti on 7, T2:41N, RA-~- E-; 'u1ence west along the sou. th ]iree of said sLkton extEnded to the s ou#heast cornEr af Section 1a., T24~~, R44E;.+hence noath'alorig the east line of said section to . • ~ . . ; • - - . _.y _ , • _ . . . ':t'.: . tilie nort-heast comer of said section; thence west along the rior:th,luje ;of saa.d'section ffe noithr'iest rnmer of said sectian;,,thence south along the w.~tline of sa'id section to the 'soi.athiv~st`coiner of said section; thmce west along tYie south Iine of said sec(ion ~cteilded (Tndudin.g sErcice on . Dishnan-M:i~. Ro~d to its intersecfiion wi~.z Madison Road) to the sou~'~;~aest co~.zer of Section 7, . T2d1~T, R44E; ~ezice south on the west Lne o.f 'said sec~on Pxteii~d ~o ~the southeast camer of Secaan 13, T24N, R43E; fihence ivest alonb the south lirte of said secti.Qn to the southwest corner of said section; thence south along the west line o€ said seciion extEzded to #i1e soutYieasfi corner of ' Secfiion 35, 'I'24-j\T,1243E; 4-hence west an the.sauth line of said sectiori extended to the soutizwest comer of Section 33, T24N, R43E; thence sou.fih along the west line of said sectian exfiendect to ihe - southeast cozner of Section 20, T221\T, R43E; theai.ce wesfi a1Qng the sou;-.h lia-ie of ilaid section to tlze zior'-+heast corn.er of $ecti.on 30, T22i\i, R43E; 'rnence sou.th along the east lixi.e oi sazd section ~o the soutPi.east corner of said section;thence <<,=est alpng the sauth. Line of said secEien to the northeast caxzier of Section 34, T221\i, R42E-; thence south along zhe east line of said section to the southe.~st corner af said section; t.ience wesi a.1ang the south line of, s3id sectioi-. exten.d.ed tne n.oz'rheast mrner ' of Section 1, T211\T, R41E; thence south on the east ]ine of said section exfiendecl to +-e southeast ebmer of Section 36, T21N, R42E; fihence wes.t al.cng the south l-+ne of said sec+ion (also the Spokane- YJhitmP-n Coun 'ry Lazi e) to the s o u thv,=est eomer of Sei;tion.31, T21N, R40L, the point of be'wining. (PID411) SOL.IDWAS7'E COLLECTION SERVICE excluding servi.ce in contairiers of tcveny (20) cubic yaz'd r.apacity oLr ovex in tlZp-t porti.on o£ Spokane County dP..scsibed as follows: Beginning at the noriheast corner oi Section 30, T26N, R46E; the.rLce south al.ang the east lin.e af said seciion (also the Washingkon-Idaho 5tafe 1ine) to-the s0utheast carner af Section 30, T25N, R46B; thence wesT along &ie south ]ine oi said secti.an to irhe southwest comer of said seciion; thence north along the west Line of said secction to the southeast camex of the nartheast qu.azter af Section 36,1'Z6I~~, R45E; thence we.t alezig the south line of said qu-arter secLi.on extenc'zd to tiie wesL• Iine of Secfdon 35, T26V, R45B; thence narth al.ang fihe west line of said sectian to the nozthvvest cqmex of Section 26, . 7`26N, TZ43E; thence east al,ong fi-ie nortii line of s3id secti.on to tti.e northeast comer of Section 30, Ccmtinue . . i . . . . ~ ~ 'I'26N, R46E, tne po#-it of begiztning. , . • ~ . , , • . . (PID472) Also, the_noz-ffi half of ~Section 31, T75NT, R45E. . . TO THE'LXTENT 'IHAT;THLE AU`IHORITY GRANTED W 'IHIIS ORDER DtJPLTCAIES ANY ~ - ~ ~ AUTHO,l~i''1 Y PRb'VZOUSLY GRA!~ITED OTZ I~70Z'~F~ HELD SH.A.LL \~OT-'BL GOIVSTRtTED AS COI~~FF~2RIl~IG MQRB 'I'I-iAl~T ONL*OPETZ.ATTNG RIG~I.T ~TOR~SI~ALL'ANY ~UPLICA'T'I\~G RIGH-rS BF, AV .AITIAB~.L,~ FOR.J?URPOSES OF TRAIVSFFR.,. ' . . . ,Note: PID re€ezenc~e.zlu.~nbcrs, are uFed bp the Comuzission foz azdappirig purposes.only. ~ • . . . : . ~ • ~ • . . . TG041942 . ' • . . . . . s . . , . ~ . . . . _ , ~ , . ' ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ . , , . ~ . ~ . _ ' ~ . : . . . . ~ ~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ Continue ~ grii~o Tide~PaP ' Tariff ND. 15 - Tariff No. . , - . . . . _ ~ - ~~tel~a~~eme,D #of ~J (game of Solid WEstf, ~oll~~on Company) . Wastf, ZvlP-Dagemeat of SP akane, V ey C'r~rb~g~ Sexvice Ca, ~~d ~e~r~ Re~se Co. . g..egi:teFed fradi-, mame of So1id W4sta Ca1]ection Compmy) 'Certi€icate hrumb u 2- 37 , . , . , . - NAMiTGRATES r- 0R THE COT~CTION, TRA-NSPORT~~GN,AND DISP OSAL OF . SOLID WA5TE. AND W NOT~D, R~.CYCLXh G AND YARDWASTE I~j.TaE FOLLOW110 DESCEtIDFD TERP1T'OR;f: , • As dnsnbcd yn Append;x A• ' . - - , QTE: If tblS taiff ap-pl1°: ;n 0i]1y a. p4T11DII of a cDripau}~~ b- catic aL~orit;r, (N a mag ~ceur~ly ~tc.~rs; ~e srca jn ~1`,ic,~ rth Y-ar~u ~g~li ~s nu~ bc ~%~e~ ~ t~e t~ri~"~ I - N;me of person issuin- tari~: ch ze] A. e.i~s~.in ,or~umer q~ons Eu.d1or _ ~ou1d be re~`errad #o tb~ . _ : Fh:-:p-(509) f'~ r~ves t for ~fornaation ' ~ - , ~aiiing addrass af iss~isg a~=t; _ 13225 1.E. i2 ~co~p~y represen~ive- City, 5~a#erZp Code- ~~l`~hin-[oa843 ve cf T~f27 Tblepho=.e numb :r, inc.lUEing are~codo: ~291-0.i8-$2~.6 A FAX n-mber, if ~y: 7866 • , _ ~t; 509 ~08 3 I ~-u]a1 ~dc~rCS5, tf2ny= Tssw-,d by: ~vqich~.e~ k Wesr steux, Senivr Fi-I c}ng Mianager, Pacibc MaFlc~,t Area , ~ffecti~e d~e: 1s~ue date; I • • F i}-R V FFIM.4 U il.E V1 IrL Y Doc,~ret.` TG-070410 - EffectTue, D a~--- May I, 2 0 0 7 I , , T3Iiff N0. 15 , OT1 Ral P5~r, b10. 2 Compan}.Name1.PCrMit INsunb°r: Waste Management of Wasbingto-LI, TncJG-237 Reaistered 1 ri-;de Name: NTaste NlaApgp-m ent of Spolane, Vah ey C`rarbag~ ~ervice Co. and Wi-,swrn Refoe CG. ~ • ~ CRECC SHBET AJI pages roiitain_ed i~i~is tariffaxe listed belaw 3n conse~utive order. Th° pages in tl~e~i~`a~dlor an}~ . suppf~men#s to iNetariff listed on tbi s.page have issua datis 1haf axe thc same a-,,, or are before, the issue &fe o#` - tU s page- 0ia ihe revasi on column indicates an c)riginaj pa,ge. Current - - ~ cllr-renk Pagc Number ' ~e~zsi~n Pa~~-Nurnb°r Rev~ionPaga Numbe~Re~isian Tide Paga 0 21 0 Cb°ck sheefil2- 0 22 0 - • ReaR End(-,x13 ~ 23 D Subject-rndexf4 , O.. 24 D ' Sub,f ectInd exJ5 0- -25 ' ~ Taxes Sheef16 O . 26 O ~ . 7 p 27 0 . 8 0 28 O g 0 29 0 . 10 . C) . '30 p . . . D3~ 0, 13. . -0 33 - D • 14 34 C) 15 0 35 0 AG' 0 36 O 17 0 37 0 . - Is 0 38 0 ..19•' 0 . 39 0 - 20 O 40 O Sun-oZemPnts 3n Effea ` Issued by: Mchaf,I A._ $,TeinstATi, S enior Pricing IVlana-gcr, Pacific Nozfihwest Mazket Azea ;zssuedate: _ ~~6,Fj1z-~CL4L UEE 02&y ' Dockst: TC-07PIO .~',~-~'ective Dute: Moy I, 2007 ''ars.ff?~'o. Original PageI~o. 3 Cornpany NamefPermit Number: Waste 1Van atment of Washingtan, IncJG-237 ~ . I Re~stered Trade Name: NVasfie Mana,:geinent of Spok~~, V e:lley G~bage Sezvice ~Cfl. ~d ~Test~sn Refuse Co. ~ . • ' Index of Ztems i.n This Tariff - see next nage for list bv f~nic Item 5 - Taxes ' . . • . Item 10 - Application of Rates - General . " Iten 15 Holiaay Pict-.-up • . . - Item 16 - Chaage in Picki!p Schecii.3le , . Item 17 - Re£unt'ss . Item 18 -$illing, Advance BiIling, Pfiyment De'tinquency Da4:es, Late ebarges ' Item 20-DefLnitions . . . - Item 30 -Limitation of Service . . . . Item 40 - Material 'Requiring SFecial EQuipment, PrecaiAions, ar Disposal . . Item 45 - Material Requixing Specjal Testing and/flr Analysis , Item 50 - kZetuned Check Cbarges . . ' T.tem 52 -Re-delivery Ch2rges . : , Item 55 - Over-sjzed or Over-weight Units Item 60- Overtime . Item 70 - Retum Trip s Item 75 - Flat Manthly Cbarges Item 80 - Carryout Service; Drive-Lns . Ttem 90 - Gan Carria.ge, O-verlaea.d Obstructians, Suz~~cen or elevatod cansl9.:nits , Item 100 Ca.nf[lait Serctice, Residential- ResideatiG1 Curbside Recycl.ing-Residehtial Yard.was~ servlcc Item 105 -Multi- fam-iIy raties Item 120 -l?rums . _ , Item 13,0 - T.itter Receptacles Item 150 - Loose andtor Buhcy AZaterial . Item 160 - T:me Rates • . .Item 200 - AppLca:ion oi'Cont.ainea and/or Drop Box Rstes - General - Item 205 -Roll-Out Charges -,Containers, Autom~ed C~, and Toters • Item 207 - Excess Weight-Rejection of Loaci, Charges to Ti-awport ' Item 210 - Washing and SaniLizing Containers and JprapBoxes Itexn 220 - Cornpacfior Reafifinll Item 230 - Disposal Fees . , . Item 240 - Container Serv;ce - Non-compacted - Cflmpany-o~ned conta.iner . . Item 245 - Con.ainer Service -N'on-compEcted - C'.lstomer-ovimed container . Item 250 - Container Service - Compacted - Comipany-oRmed confainer Ttem 255 - Cont.ainer Service - Compacted - Cusiomer-owned contaiie.r Item ZGO -Drop Box Service -NTOg-Compactei - Company-owned drop box Item 275 - Drop Box Senrice - Compacted - Gustomer-owrmd drop box Item 300 -List of Abbreviasans and Symbols TJsed inTariff Xssued by: Ivl'ichael A. NxTeinstein, Senior Pricing Mmager, P3GL1C NOTII7iv05C Nfarket ArE3. IssLe date: ' . Efi' `A=~1 CLiL USE Oh'LY 1?ocket: TG-0704I0 . E. ffschve .Dafe: Alay 1, 2007 Tariff. No.15 Oripinal Pagz No. 4 Comp~y Na.~?ermstlvuTiber: Waste Management of Wa.shington, IncJG-237 el R-eg ~,~i 'Tr~e~ i~jame; Was#.e M~ae~ement ef Spa~ie, Valley Garbage Service Co: and Westem Refuse Co. 7ndex bv topic Item 10. ' Abbrevia~ens used in ~riff .....:::....:......................:.....................................:.:..................:...................3d0~ Advance billin ' ..............................................................................1.............................18 ~.imals ~ ....................................................................................:.................18 : Billin.g periods authorized Carryout service 80 • Commercial c~-~ servzce :..245 . Compactor rzg#al .....:.....................220 Confainer service, non-compacted., company-o-wmed .....................................................................:....:240 .Contaj.ner service, nen-compncted, cjsstomez-ownecl * 245 Confainers aiad/or drop boxes, aveilabilify ................••.............................................:.........................;..200 . Containers anci/or drop boxes, general rules ..:200 ~ Containers ana/or drop boxes, wasbin; ~and sznitizing :......:.......:....:.......210 Czedit due the customer . • 17 ~ . • Damage ta eustomerpropert} .................:..................................:..:....:..................:.:......:.......30 Definitions .......................r.....---..............................:........................................................ 20 Delinouency dates .................................................................................................................................230 ~ Dispasal fe.es . 37rive-in service . . 90 . Drop-bax sezvice, compGcteci,.cus~r~e~-owned ..............:....................................................................275 ~ Drop-b~x serviee, n~n-co~acted,'com~any-ov,med .........:.:........:............................:.................2b0 ~ Excess weight.'rejection of lo3d; charges to tra._isport .........................................:.....................:..........207 . ; ..........................................................................................................75 ~ . . Flat nonthly chasges ~ I-Iolidays observed .............................................................................---..........................:...........:....:.......60 • Late cbarges . . . ..................................*......~..................:......:.:............50 . . . ...........30 ~ Limi~ions of sesvice Litter recepfiacles 130 150 Loose amd/or bulky mQterial Material roquiring special d.isposal : ............................:............:.............:.:.....................40 . : . . Material req}iring specia] equjpment .....................................................................................................40 Material requirin-g special p;ecPlu-tions 40 Vlatezial reqi.ii.ring special *esting/an-alysis .............................................................................................45 Continued on next pap Lssued by: _i'vf,-haEl A.. Weinstt,i.i-,, Seaior Pricing MF-nager, Pacific NOrtbvriest Market Area Issue date: . ~fWM~~jCL4L USE 014rLY - Daclr.ei: TG-0704I0 _ ~ EffecPive Date: May I, 2007 'z'EZi.ffNo. 15 Oziginal Page No. 5 Gompany I~samelPerm3t Number: Waste ganageraent af 'VlacbinrLon, IncJG-237 R,egistered T-adel~~e: ~'aste A~Iana~~eYnent oI Spokanc,.V~lley Cs~s.je Service Co. and 'Jester~,Reiuv.Co. Inde.x by totiic. ~coniinued . •Itz,m No. Missed pickups, weaiher oi boad oomdi~ons 30 105 IvSulti-faniUy rztes . . ...i.............. - ~ ~ Multi-family reside~.tial reeyeling fas b e customeis usiag ci~op box service . - . , . . 0 " . , . 195 Multi-family residential }~arc~ waste collectian . , NST~ checks : . 90 Overhead 'obst-ructions . . ' Over-s='zed Units .............60 Overtime . ..........................................................................................................55 Over-weight units . . .....................................................17 . Rend ofovezcharges : . . • Refumd of FrePents ..............................17 a}'m , Re 17 ~nds .30 lZe~sal to make pickup Residential recyclinr; . ,100 Residential service ................................:.........................~00 ~ . ...................................100 Residential yardwasU . - ~Ze-delivery chQrges ' .................................................................................................................................52 Rebsrncd cb--ck charges ..........................................50 . lrips .........................................~7~0 . . ~ Reiz~rn . Roll-out charges ~ ` Sta1T5 OI StCpS . . . . .....,............9~ , Sunken ar elevated canslunits. 300 Syrnbols us~ci Fn ~--iff . Taxes Time rates 160 . rssued hy: Michael A.. 'Weinstein, Senior Pricing Nlanager, Pacific Northwest Market Area ~ Issue date: ~ . E-f5F~~aG".TCW USE OAEY ~ Doc et: 7'G-0704I D • ~ LG',ffieciive Date: May 1, 2007 Taxi. ff I~TO. 15 Oriein~1 Pzge I~o. 6 Company NamerPermit I,,Tumber: Waste Management of Washington, T.ncJG-237 . Registered Trade.Nzme; Waste Managemant af Spoka;rne, Va1ey Garbage Service C6. and West=Refid~e Co, _ . . . . • . . ~ . . . . - Xtem 5- Amnlication of k2ates - TaxES Tn addition to t3le rates shown in t~ae remaindez of the ~rif~, the foliowing t~c~ apply: Enqty Orc~inauce Amoui?t . . APplicataari • . • . : . . . im osin tax: number: of ta--~: (Commodities'andtei-ritory) . , . . - . Cit of S oka!Le C-33117 20.4$0/o Utila tax on all se'rvices within the City . Issued by: Michael A. R'ei.gsstei.n, Seniar Pricin ; Iv.[anager, PECific Northwest IV~et Area Issue date: - ~fWMQOMXCIAL i'1SE 011tLF - - Doc pxt: _.TC'r-070410 EffectiveDate: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. I5 Orimal Ps.ge~jo. 7 . Comp~ny I~TemelPermit -NTuilber: Wasbe \janagement af Washington; IncJG-237 ' . Registered Tr-e I~fanie: ~Vas:.e h~age~ent of Spok~:ne, VallLy Garbage Suvir,e.Co. e.nd ~►'este~ Re~se Co. ~_.i . Ztem 10 - Annlication of Rates - General _ Rates niarned in. tbis tariff cflve.z ~~'Se collecuon, trans2ortation, aud disposal of solid waste. 'V3bm specificzily refp-rfed to, rates also cover ffie coll~ction and ira*ortauon of recyclable naterials ancUor yardwaste. Titlc 81.77 of the Rev ised Code o£ Ws.shington.(RCNV) aad Ch a~ior 480-70 of the a+"ashington AdminLstrative , Code, ffAC) go~-azn operations of solid wasfe oollection compaaies and the taziffis corbpanies must file with the WasHinb on Utilifies a.Dd Transpflrtation CoznFnission (WC)TC). Unless exeeptions sre shoum; aIl maicrials rnusf be placed om the same level -as the s#reets or a1leys. 'Ihe company may charge additional ambunts for disposal fecsoD.iy ~vhLn specific2lly stiated in the tExiff and separately shami en cz st4mer bsls. _ Iteni 15 -Holidav Pick-up -~.2eguIarlv Scheduled Service ' When a pickup is missed due rp the company's obserrance oi sholiday, the compEny will provide ser,+ice, aE no additional cost to the cusWirier; on an altemate d3y. -A list of the holidays s.he caanpany observes is shoRTn in Zteiii 60. For apphcatipn of rates i.n this tariff, the cou'ipaay defin-as altemate ciay to me~ ~ the follawing. _ ~'CSgiViJlg day, Cbritraas Pick-up days are Ivlonc€ay +h,zoug}a Fric{ay including ell ~olidayS except 7.J1_~ day; end 1\Tew Year's day. If the pick-up day falls on or a:`ter my of thase tbree holidays, tbe altemate -da.y will be oi~e.day lp-te ihp-t week, foi fhe balannce-of Jae NN'o-ek thirough 'Sa:'day. . . . Ttem 16 - Change in Pickup Schedule . When a company changes the pick-up date for fts certi.{icate area, or a portion, o£ its eerff.icete area, the compzny must notifiy ali customers in the 3fftcted area of thp-t change. Notice must be rnade at 1eas: seven days before implemeniation of the new picR~tp schedule and may be zrsade . via mail, penonal coniact, or by a notice being affixed to the customer's solid waste receptacle. . ~ . . . Issued by: Nf chael A. Weinsteiu, Scnior Pricing Manager, Paciac Northwest 1V~et Area Issue date: ~ <J CLAL USE OIJZY Doc st: TG070410 1~ffiective .Date: Ma.y. 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Ori~mnal PageNo. S Company I7sm-tiJPermit Number: Waste Mznzgement of VJashing`Lon, IncJG-237 , Registered Trade Nase: WasLi, Management of Spokane, Valley Crarba;e Service Co. and Westem Refwe Co. ~ . • • . - • . • xtem 17 - Refu n ds , Credit due the.customer. 'QV'hen there has bePm a tr~asactiou that resuf#s, i.n a credit due the customer, the . followinQ apPly: . , A. If the.amount due is five dollsrs or less,,aa adjustrnent will be made to.ibe custorner's aceount 'Ihe ad}u.slinent must be shown on thL neact r'egulai bill. , . - . - . . B. If the emounfi dLe is more than five dol.lazs, fihe custemez Ynay ac-cept zn account adjustment or may request a'refund. . ' a. If the customer elects to bav'e an accaunt adjustrnent made, fihe adjustment znust show on . , tFie nert regular billing. . • b. If the custom:.r elects to receive a refund, th e compaiiy must issue a cbeck w-ithin tiirt.y days of th e request. Overcharges. OncE a compeny becomes aware that it has overcharged a customer, it must provide a refund or an account adjustment credifi totlie cusstcizuer. The cusiomer must Ve given a choice as to which optiom is • p.reierrecL The refiaad ar cred;t must be the amount overcharged in the tfiree yearn before the date of discovar , c. If tne customer elects to have an account adjustrnent made, the adjustment must shbw on ' the next regular billing. • d. If fihe customer elects to rer,eive a refiand; the company nnust issue a check wifihin tbirty da-ys of the zequest. ' . ~ Prepayments. If a custamer Lias pasd servics £ees in advance, servicc is discontinued duri.ng the pre-billed Feriod, and the, customer i.s due a reftuid, the following appiy: A. A coanpany mut honor.all Yeques`ss for refu.ncis o£fhe unused portion of przpayments. . B. If the customez provides a~orwar~g addxess fio-the coiijpany or one can.be obiained £roxn the Post Office, the compa.ny inust issue a refuzid check no moze than thir'ty days folloRring the . cusfiomer's request ' C. If the custorier cpnnot bs loeated or did not provide a forwarding address and the U.S.1'ost Off'ice cannot fiimish afo-rw-arding addcess, the au-ZOLni may be presumed ¢o be abandoned and is • su.bject to the Unifomn Unclai-med Property Aed after one year. Issued by: Michael A.Weinstein, Sen,ior Pricing Manager, Pacific NTOrFhwest M.ar.ket A.rea Is sue datz: EfER0II'o0JWJCI4L USE ON.LY . Doc ef: T'G-070410 Effective 17ate: 1vlay 1, 2007 Original Pap No. 9 Tasiff No. 15 . Cou~pa.tly Itfame/Pe~iit I~7umbEa: ~vTaste M~~er~e~t of ~~TFishin~o~, IncJG-237 : Service Co. and Westi,-m R,-fuse Co. ! R,~j ~te=ed Tr_de N~me: VJas~ M~~eraent of Spok3ne, Valley Crarba,ge ` • - Item 18 Billina 4dvan ce Billiu6 anrl Pavznent Del.inquencv bates • $illi.ng periud. A conip~~y may bE.li ifis customers for one, two, or three mo:ith5 oI Ser-Vic.e. , . . AdFance billing and pagment clei.inquency dates. ']`he following charE define5 thz II73?iimL1.T'i7 pCrlpd SllOWetl for 'Rdvance blling and the da-tz when a bill may be considered delinqjse*it: . Billing period Max.imum advahce-bill.ing Delinquency date enod allowed One mon&s sz.rrvice \TO acivabce billiug May not be less -than . - (morithly) allowad . ` tvven'ty-one days afier . . • - the date ffie aill is . . • mp-iled - ' ' Two months' servace On1'e'mon~` adv"aiicetl May-not be uziti.l the hast ~ . ' bilLin allowed da o£the second month 'f'hree morsths` service T~~o monr~c' adVance May nbfi b~e untiI tl7e last billin aLaw ed da of the ffiird mon#h The billiTag period chosen by ihe company ope-rating under this tariff for residential solid waste accflunts is:'Three months' service. , - x.ate charges. . Customers with past. due accounts after 1be delinquency d~s spmified i.n the claart above will bc cbarged a late fee of 1% pe= rrionth on autsd~-.adin6 balances. , The miuunLm charge per manth is $1.00. `I Issued by: Michael A. Weinsiein, Senior Pricing iv.l'anabcr, Pacjfic Northwsst Maricct Area . Issue date: . . EfMRe0W1CI4L USE ONLY Docket: TCr-070410 . . Effective Daf~!: -May I, 2007 . Taiiff No. 15 OFiginal Page No• 10 Ccmpamy Name%Permii Number: Wastx -Nfanage~~eat of WashingCon, LncJG-237 Registery--d Trade.NTame: Waste Management af Spokane, Vallay Gazhage Servir,e Co. a.nd Wes#em Refvse Co. . T_tem 20 - Aefinitions NO7E: ~34e si~rrir.ars shown on 1Fe ftrs7 f}v-ee pages af ~us i'~ me s;an~m=d,- in masi'c.~s~ presv'ibed by ni1~. Companies may iwt a>r.naid theS'e u'eaiLt7lJPIS. CO1TI~miL3 WIS.~II!b tA QQd C~JLr21171~15 SjJEC'a~2C i'D Ih..°_2J' CJT~Ariy `s opa~a~'ians must inc7vde t~^.ase . d eftmitioru on a seprn'ate page, entitle,~ "Co%nPrray-sp=r,fi.c deftl+eians. " 11r1mk sheet {.s provrded j or tF~.at purp-ose. , . . Sale: Material compressed hy machine and secvreIy tarped or b2uded. Bulky Mp-terials; Empty carriers, c,artans, boxes, cz-a.tes, e-tc., or zaaterials offered for disposal, ell of which _ may bp- rcaEy handled without shoveling: , Cbarge: , A set flat iee for pezf'orming a se-tvice. Or,.the result of muliiply°ing arate fer a unit times . the number of wits transgorted. , Commercial . gillinD; • Service billed to a commeTcial customer or billed to, and paad for, by a propezty manager • or ow-ner rather than a residential teiLant " Comgacted . ~ - . • . ?vlaterial: A7aterial that bas been compressed by any mechanica] device eithear before or after i# is . placed a.n the receptacle bazidled by the company. ' Compactor Discflnnect/. , Reconiaect Cha.rge: A flat fee esfiablisheti by the solid ~~vaste collection campany for the service o~ . discorinecfi.ng a compactor from a dzop box or contaiuer beforp, taking it to be dum$ed, _ , Fnd then reconneciiig the r-ompactor when fihe drop, box or container is refifineci to thb customez's site. G-ate cba_rge; A#Iat fee claargad for open.ing, unlacking, or closing gates in erder to pick up solid waste. • I.flose imaiezial: ~Iaterial not set oiA in bags or contaixrers, including matezials th6t must be shoveled. . . Multi-farnily . ' residence: Any siructure hos.siug tv,+o or more dwelling units. - Packer: A device or vehicIe specially desigreci to pack loose mGierial,s. Pdss tbzough fee: A ze° collected by a solid was`+e collecti. on company an behalf of a third parEy when fiae fee is billed d.irzctly to ihe custoLner without markup ar me.rlcdown. • Issued by: Michael A. weinstein, Senior Pricing MFnager, Pacific NOrthwest Market Area Tssue date: Ef MR eGMCXr4L U'SE OAE Y Z?ocket: TC`r-070410 . Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TafiffNo. 15 Ori-g-mal Page No. 11 - Company?'ame/Pe='t N=ber: Waste Management of Washangton, Ta1eJG-237 ` . - . . Registereci T'r-~de Nanie: Wast.e Man~gemett of Spokazie; Va11ey,G?rrbage SeNice :Co; and Weste;n Rafilse'Co. Item -20 -'Definitions.conti-riued . Permanent serv;ce: Ct?ntai~ea atd d~-bp=box servace provided at the custor,ier`s se~uest for more ii~~n jainefy " - days, . Rate: , . A prce per ur~it or per service: A r"ate is zrsuitiplied tiu--les the nu:mber of units ixmsported or the numbez of wmes a service is perforr~aed to de'terrmine a char,~e. ~ t. . . • . . • Solid waste, . . . . . . • . . . rec,ep`,.2icle: includes tiie foLlowing stems, with tbe followi.ng mean;ngs: Autom.afed cart nieans a c,artdesigned w b6 picketl up -and einptied by mecbanical mea-li. The spccific type und`size are to be defined ui'tate ztem§. Can 66aris a receptacle~ made of dirable; corrosion. resist-nt-norxabsorbent material that is watertgh~and h'~s a close-fiftizig ~oN~er';; nd two bandles. A can holds more Lan twenty gallozs, but not nore than thFrty-tuin.galloiis. A can may not weigh mo=e than 65 pounds when filled. Carf !aeans avv~heeled plustic coni'ainer. A eart may also bti referred to as a toter. If supplied by a eustomer, a cart must be coMpatible with the coznpany's eqaupment -The . . size and type of ca.rt thmt is cempaible will be esfablished in each compa.ny's tzriff. : Conta,izier mti.ens a detaeh3blc recaptacle (nornially designed to hold at least a cubic ya.-d oi so!id ~~,aste) ft-om'wkic~ maerials are coLected by. mecba3iiezlly iift-ing the receptacle aad emptysng d1e contents i.nto ihe company's ve}icle. . Drop box means a detachable receptacIe used to provide solid waste collectimn seivice by th. e receptkcle being placed an th-6 conipiany's veliicle by-mechanical naeans end osal site. - " ' - . ' tanspo'r.~.Ed to disp Drum means a metal or plastic eonta:meT oj'dppi-oxim3tely fifty-;aloa capacit}r, . generallyy, used foz oi1_s ar solvents. A drum mzy not weigh more than _ when fLled. Xitter receptacle means a container not over sixfy-gallon capacity, generelly. placed in ahopping centers and aIong suee•`.~ Qr iugliways for litter. A-li:te.r zecepi.Gcle may not weign more than 65 pounds when filled. ' • . ' _ - Yssued by: Michael A. Q4Teinstein, Sen.ioz Pricing 1V1'ar.ager, Pacific Northwest Mar<et Axea ' Issue date: EM- i9i_1ZeOW1GL4L USE 011L Y Dockef: T'G-0704 10 - Effecti•ve Date: Mcry 1, 2007 Tari.ff No. 15 OriTinal Page No. 12 C;flmpany 1~,Tarne%1'ermit Number: Waste, Ivlanagement of Washington, IncJG-237 . Rsgisunaed Trade I~7ame: Waste IVlaaage?nent of Spok.ane, Valley Garbage Service Co. dnd Westem Refwlse'Co. . . . , _ , - - • Ifiem 20-Defi.nifions. continued ' Micro-mixii.can means a can ma& of durable, corrosion-resistallt, 13on3bsorbent material . tF~.t is wabertight and lias a close=fitting cflver. A micm-can uaay not ~old znore than ten gallons. A micro-ms.ni.can may not weigh more than 2U pounds w-hzzi filled-. ' . t~'Tini-can ffieans a can zna.de of durrable, corr . osion resisia.~t, non absorbent m~eriGl that is watertight an.d has a close-fif~ing cover. Ar~~i-ca~a ma.y ~not hold more than iwenty Crallons. A mini-can may not weight rnore tlan 35 pounds when filled. Recycling bia or contairier me.asas'a bin or container de-sigued or desiLc-nated for tne . collection of.recyclables. The size and type of rpcycling bin or contauiez will be • eszablished in, each.company's tariff: . . Toter meaus a wheeled plastic container. A toter may also be refzrred to as a Gart. If supplied by customer, a'L•oter must be compatible with the company's eqpipment. 'Ibe size and type of toter that'is compaiible will be `esiablished in each company's tar?ff. Unit means a'receptacle made of durzble, corros:on-resistaat, nonabsorbeni material, th-a ~ •is,watertight, and bas a close-fi~ing cover and ~ro handles. A unit holds nore than ..t~te~ty-gal.lons, but not more than'rhirty-t~~vo g~11oE►s or four c~bic iee~. A unit aray nat . weigh more.tbau 65 poiuids when filled. 'Nhese ageed on betvveen ihe company and the . custarner, and where allowable uader local ordinuice, a box, carton, cardboard barrel oz gther,sui+.able container may be substituted for. a solid w:_ste cm, f.oz a single pic:k-up thai , , includes renioval of the co.n'tai.ner, if it~m~t~ the size aiid wei_#t Iimits establi.shetl in the company`s tatiff. . . ` • Yardwaste bin or coufairicr rgeans. a b;n or containcr specific?Jly designed or • . designated.for.the collection o€yarciwaste. Each compaziy's~rit~v~~l refzr Lo a speci,mc type of yazdti~~aste bin or containei to ~be tised by ct!...mers in a service area. 'T.'Ias iype, siz.e, weight, etc., ofthi.s type o£bin or container will often b-e'set by local goverpruent • plans oF qrdinances. • ' Specia110n call pick-up: A pack-up requested by the customer at a time other ffian the regularly scheduled pick-up " time or that zequires the s~ecial dispatcIi of a~uck. If a special dispRtch ~ requir~d; the company wiIl a,ssess tixne rates establisbed in the comipanY's fiariff. Lssueci by: Michael A. Weiaastein, Sen.ior Pricing IvTanager, Pacific Northwest MarkeL Area Issue date: . ' F-f tWR E~.~'.~.~CIAL £TSE OIJLY Doc _et: 7'G-070410 ' Efjeci7ve 1..7ate: Irfma 1, 2007 Taria No. 15 ' . OriRinal Page No. 13 CoYnpany Iam~,/PezmitNumber: Waste IJanagement of Wash ingEan, IDcJG-237 Re~ stered `Trade NaFne: Waste VIaYia~e~ent of Spokane, Valley Cra.-zbage Ser4°ice Co. and `Vesqern Refuse Co. ' Xtem ZO -Definitions. conti.nved . SuppleFnemt: , _A p~g"e added to the begimbg of a tariff;-norcnzily to cover emergency, ternperary, oa specieI sitilatioriy. ~n ~.a~?ple is a page 3s~ue~i tn skow a special surcbarge imposed by a . . • , , . . r ~ - . cify. ' - Te,mporary service: Teniporary service means praviduag eflntaiDe* or*drop-box service F-t the cusiomer's ' reques~ for a per.ind of niz1ety days or les5. ' ~ . Uniatching: Anotiier term for.a gzte charge. 4 flat fep- imposed by a solid wa_stLe ccllection company Vr~en fhe c,flmpapy's personnel must.w.la&h..z gate or deor.`io perform pick-up sen~ioe. Unlocking: A flat.fee i.r~posed,by a solid waste cfllIectioa company vvhen the co~awy's pezsonnel must unloclt'padlocks or afher locking'devices to perfQrn~ packup servir,es. ~ ~ . . Issuced,by: NLichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Munager, Pacif c I\zorthmiesf '-kMarktt Area . Issii-e date: . . Eft;-3Me0?~KCI4L USE OjVLY _ Docket: 770704I0 Ej'ective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff 'No.15 . Ori ginal Pa ;e NO. 14 Campany 1vTamelPermit Number: Waste.Management of Washingtou, IncJG-237 . • 'Registered Trade Narae:.Wast.e Iv4anagement of Spokane, VaIley C'.'arbage Service Co. and. Western I.tefiise Ce. . . . . . . . . . ~l , - - 3 It.em 30 - Limitgtions of Service Refnsal of service. A solid wasW caLection com'pany may to: E.. . • ~ . - , . (a) Pick up m;ateriaLs from gaints wh~re- it.is hazardo~, un'safe, or dan~erous to persons, proper[y, or eGuipment to operati vehicles due to the r,flridi4~ons of sfrceis, alleys, az roaci~. (b) Pick up ma`Lerials that ue not a.ccepted by the disposal site named in the company`s t3xiffi, or materials that, in the company's judgment, ai-e bazardous, uns-afe, or pose a danger A pessons,. . ' groperly, or equipment (C) , . . (c) Drive izatfl private property wben, in the compasy's judgment, driveways Qr ro$ds are ianproperly constructed or ma.intained, do not have adeauate turn-arouids, or bave other unsafe coudFtions. (d) Enter private proper,ty.to pick up material While dn aiiin?al con=ideseci.or feared to be viciods is loose. . The customer will berequired to cflnfine the an.izn-al ou pickup d.3ys. Schedules. A company's schaciule will meet reasorable requirernents and will comply with lacal sezvice level ordinznces. ' Missed pickups dne to weather or raad conditions. Piclcup of rnateria-ls may be missed due to wea.ther or road conditions. Ti the accumulated material (soiid waste innd/or recyclahlss, andlor yasdwp ta) is collected on ~ the next scheduled or available piclcup dp-te, the company is not obligated to extend eredit £or the missed piekul; 11e customer will not be charged for overfiiled recepta-cles, or for rnater.iaLs set out in bags on top of az next ta tlae cusiomer"s riormal r:.cept.eles if the arnount of exta maierial does not cxceed the amotmit thhat would hsve reasonably heen expec:ed to accumulate due to missed pickLips. . ]?ue care. Other than to offer reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibility for articles left on or near solid waste recepta.cles. Liability for damage. When a custorner requests that a coIIipany pravide service and d:..mage oceurs to the custorraer's driveway due to reasflns not in the con-trol nf the company,1he company wall asswne no recponsibil;ty for the damage. . ' Issued by= Mi chael.A. Weinstein, Sensor Pzicing l~-ager, Paeifc Northwest Ivlarkef Area. . . . . . . Issue date: - EffgMeOWIML USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 . E~'f'ective Date: May 1, 2007 ~'sriffNo. •1~ Original lPage I\TO. 15 Comp?ny N ame/? ern.it I\TUnbe_: WaAe Mana...gement of Washirigton, lucJG-237 ~--5~- ' I Regis`u°red Tra.de Narne: V~aste Mannageient of Spaka.ne; Val.l.ey Ga.rbage Servicz, Co. an-d Western. Refize Co. ~ - Item 40 11xaterial XZequirillE Speclal ~4uirimen~ Precandons. or Aisvasal Transgoqation of solid ivaste rNu1-ing specia.1 eruipment os precautiens iri ha.ndLng or eisposal will be subject to time rates n-ned in Iten. I60,:or ta otier spe~Gifzc ra.tes confiained'sn this trriff. • , - Cflmparsies musi: mzke every effort to bv aware of the commadities that require special hsndling at die dasposal Site , nam ed in ~.~e compa4y'S tai;-;ffc.- 'Tt a coinpemy shall main#a-ib a list of those cosimodities and Luake it available for pj1blic inspectian at 1he compa.ny's office. Comoanies must make every effort to be atvare of the commodities tba-t are nct accepted at tne disposal Sites named in the campany.'s r.ariff's, and grovide the public with access to such lists, as gubiished and updatby disposaI sites. Additionaily, COF-T1p2F1izS ITaj-Lst u1a711taLn S J.LSt 0f aTly SpCCITC COII7Il10d1~ez whiich are considersd haz€zdous, unsafe,.or pose a danger tn persous, praperty, or equipment. . xtem 45 Material Requiriniz Snecial Test-ing and/or Ana-sis When a sobd waste c411ection comp~:ny ar disposal.fGcility determines that testing aadloz anaIysis af solid wasfi: is requi.reri to determike whether dar~gerous ar prohibited substances axe present, tkie actual cast for such te.;tin; znd/or analysis will be paid by the custoFner. Thc company must providc th-, custamier,,Ath a copy of ~ any bill or invoics fo- aosts iuculrnel for testing and/or aztalysis and also must retia,in 3 copy in the company's fle ~ ior at least three years. Tltiose costs sha7.1 be passLd ~:rough to the customer without marku.p. The compz.ny must rnaintaiD records of t7me sgent to. accomplisfi the special ~~g andror analysis, and ni3y bill the cusfiomer for that lime under the provisions of Item 160 '(Time Ra.tes). -Xtem 50 -Retiarned Claeck Charzes Refurned eheck charge. If a customer pays wi.'.h a check, and the eustomer's ban.k refiises to hozor thai check, $'ie CuStOmeP Zi'ill be assessed a returned check charge in th-e ~,-ioj.ant of S 25.00:. ' Ztem 52 = Tle-deliverv Chames ' A Fe-deiivery fee of 51.5.00 will be asses sed to cart eusfiomer w-hose service is discontinued for El oil- payruent or c€rt custamers vtho rNuest re-delivery f,or services previously cancalled. Pleass see Iten 100. . A. pickup a.nd re-delivery iee o£ S 25.00 wili be assessed to customers wlzo request tl~ their container or Drap Box be washed; steam cleaned and sanitized. Please see Itern 210• ` Issued by: 'ivEcheel A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Mauager,1'acific NOrthwest 114a*ket Area Issue c;a.te: . '_ffKTCL4_L Z1SE 0_NLY Doc,.wt: 7'G-070410 Effeci-A, e Date: May 1, 2007 . TariffNo. 15 . Original PageNo. 16 Corn.pany N~me/Permit Njmber: Waste Managemvnt oi Q4'a.sh-ington, IrcJG-237 • Rcgist°rei Trade _Name: Waste Mauag(rement of Spokane, Valley Cr~._rhage Service Co. and Wey`l.ern Refuse Co. - . . - . . ~ Ztem 55 =O~er-sized or Qver-weight Cazis or, Units . `Ihe company reserves the right.to reject pickup of auy resideBtia.l reeeptacle (ca.n, unit, bag; min-i-can, or micro min i-cen) which, upcn raasonable inspsction exceeds the sizs and weight l.am:its'shovm in Zteiii 20. (a) I€tI?e recep,t.qjcle exceeds the size.andlor, lim.its staficd in IteFn 20, is overfilled; or tbe top is unable to Ue cIosed, bLt t]Ze company transporls tbe'inaterials, the following additional charg~ wi11 ~ply: S 3.30 ner unit Note: For chargss crp,plying on overweight toters, ccarjos, contaircel-s, or,drbp,bozes see item207. . ' • Xtem 60 - Overtime Periods , Companaes wiIl.assess additional charges whem providing senjices, at customer request, during overtime ' periods. Overtime periods i.uclude Satundays, Sundays, and the followuag holidays: INTew Ye~'.s Day . Lp-boz Da Washi.neton's Bu-thda~_ , Veteran's Day ' ' . - . • NSemori3l Day ThanksgivinL7 Day , ' zndepend-pnce Dav _ Christnas Day Nlartin T,uther Kina DaY Time is-to be rFCOrced to the nearc_Qt increment o£ 15 minutes f=om ihe timc the companys vehicle leaves the . terminal until the time it retums to the termijaal. ' No adclitional chazge will be assessed to cwtomers for overtime or holiday workperforned solely for the company`s convznience. - Char.ge per kour S 60.40 • • M[iiArnwn Charge S 30.20 . y Tssued by:• Mic.hael A. VTeiaastein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Ndrthwevt ALarket Area Issuz date: • . ~P-F01'?00WIGI4L US'E OIJLY . Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: May .l, 2 007 Tari.ff No.15 ~ . Qri~nal Page I~so. 17 Company Name/Pe=it Number: Waste Ajn~ement of Wasb.ington, lncJG-237 ;!t 'Registered TradeName: Wa.ste Alanage~nen: of Spok~ne, Vslley~G~bage ce Co. and Westen~ ReiusL Co. , Ztcm 70 - Rettirn Trios . %en a company is required tfl make Z zet-iM triP, that does nof require te special di~patch; of 2 truck, to piclt up materipl thai e~~as una ~~ai]abie for collec~io~ for re~:.soi~s u~-~der the con¢ol.of ~e cus`uimes,~the €oilowi.ng adclitiona] chargea, pe.r piclc►ip; wfll apply. . _ ~ cau, tin;ty Miai-cari, or'ihicro-mI-911 can S 7.40 ~ . - . . . . . . . - Cart . ..S 7.40 Liiter Recepfi.ac1P S 7.40 . . , . . , . . 530.20 ~ Drop BoX ' Contaimer.. . . ~ 1..1..70 ) , . NOTE: Retum irips requiri.ng the specjal dispFtch oi a tnick are considesed special pic-ups and aae charged for us-ider the provisions oi Ttem 160 (Tu-ne Ra.tes). ' • . • ; - Tssued by: Michael A. Wein~;n, Sen.ior Pncing Vl~nageF,*Paci.-fic Nordlwest Market Area ~ IssLe date: • EWORamulCIAL USE O1l~.~Y .r?ocket: ?'G-070410 Effect'ive 17ate: 1VIay 1, 2007 Tariff~jo.15 Orieigal Paje No. 18 Company NTanelPermit Nhimber: Wast te Mugaagernent of VJasbi.ugon, I.icJG-237 Registend Tradv N3me: Was<e Managemerit of Spokane, ValIey Garbage S,.sviee Co*. and Western Refuse Co. xtem 75 - Flaf D'Ionthlv Charges ' Thi.s rule applics in connection wiih Items 80, 90,120; 130, 240, 245, 250, •255, 250, 265, 270, sud 275. Aflat monthly, cliazge'rnay be assessed if cozriputzd* as follows: (a) If Rjeekly service is Frovided: Mulfiply ihe rate times 4.33 and tbm multiply th# figure times fihe number of unit.s picked up. '(b) If eveay other week service is provided: Multiply the rate times .2.17 and then multiply that fgu:-e times the auniber of uniis picked up. . . (c) For Irems 2,10, 250, 260, and 270: For pernoanent, reguIarly schECiulad pickmps, a ilai monthly chsrg-e may be assessed if computed as fol]ows: a For werkly seraice, ea.ch container provided: i. If monthlv-rent is sbown: monthly rent plus (433 fiimes pickup rate times Dumber o£ pickups per week) . ' ii. If monthlv r-eut is not shown: lst gic?aFp rate plus (3.33 times additional piclip rate) pIus (4.33 times additional pickup rate times additiop-al weekJy pickups). • b. For every-other week service, each container provided: i. If monthly rent is sfiown: montta.ly rEnt pIus (2.17 times pickup rate times numher of ~ • pickups per week) ii. Ti monthlv rent is nof showb: 1 st pickup rate plus (1. 17 times additionzl piclcup rEte-) ` plus (2.17 times additional pickup rate tirnes additianal weekly pickups). , . Yssued by: I~Gchp-,=l A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing M3nager, Pacific Northwest Nlazket Area • ;f rssue datz: • ~ftp-m~"iCI.AL USE 011TLI' Docket: TG-070410 Effectivs DQle : May 1, 2007 Taiiff No. l.~ - Ori~inal Pa?e No. 19 --y:, Conzpany Narna/Permit Nfurnb-er: Vlas`S,e MaiaagemeDt of Washinngton, JncJG-237 . Registered Tr-ade Name: Wc:ste l~an~ement'of Spo~Cane; 'Valley Gaxbage Service Co. ~d R~esttrn Refuse Go. Item 80 -Carrv-out SErvire, prive-Zns . Compcnies will assess the followi.Dg additional chasDes when customers re.quest that c.ampa ny pers4nnel provide carni-out service af cvnsluuiLs not plae,ed at the ourb, the alley, or other poiL-it whm the eoin.pany's vehicle can be arsven uowithin five feet oi thL cansJun.Fts usiag irnproved accPSs roads- commanly aveiIable for public use. Drivzwuys are no'L consi2erec3 imprc►ved access roads ccnLrlonly available for public use. . . , . _ Rate Char a fo: Cy:r -outs . . . . . . Residenfizal Cammercial . Per.TJnit Per Picku Per i3nit Per Picku Caas, unies, mini-cans, or micro-~i cains . . . ` . that muut be aamied out over 5 feet, buf not over 25 feet . • •S0.40 S 0.40 • . For each additiona125 £eet; or £raction of • • 25 i6~t; a.dd $4.30 N0TE:T'he company may elect ta ds-ii~e in at the rates shown above, exce.pt ihe charge will be Limited to'one can, unit, mini-c:.us ar micro-r,nir can. U cans, *.ts, mini-cai-ZS, or mici-Lo-m.ini cans are cQrried over 125 ieet, buY are safely e.ce~.ss~~le to ~e co;npar,y's vehicle, the darive-in charges shown belo« m~:st be cssessed instead. ~ J - xatB Ch e ior Drive-ins er ickL . Residential Com-mercial Per Picku . -1?er Picku - Drive-ins on drveways of over 125 fect, bLt less t31an. 250 feet $1.50 S1.50 Drive-ins on dr:veways of over 250 feet, • but less than ino milE.- $2.00 - $2.00 For each 1/10 mi-ie over 1/10 mile. $3.00 $ 3.00 , Note: For thh, e purpose of assessingr drive-in fees, a dnvewaY is defined as providing sccess to a single resideLCe. Tf Adriveway p=ovides acce: s to multiple residences ar accflunits, no cirive-in fees will be assessed. ' , . Issued by: ?~Aichael A. Areinstein, Senior Pricing Mana$ei, Pacific Northwest Mar;cet Area • ' , Issue date: EfWM_*1W4W_ICL4L USE ONLY . . 17ocket: TC--070410 - Effecfi%e Date: 1vfay 1, 2007 Tariff 1~Fo. ~ Qri~nal Paga I~7o. 20 Campany NameJPermitNtuunber: Waste Mk nagement of'PVaslin;tom, LncJG-237 RebisteTei Tra.de Name: Waste Managevient of Spokaae, Valley Garbage Se;yice Co. and Westera Refuse Co. . . . _ . . . . , , . . Item 90 = Can Carriage - Special Services . . 1Zu_tie ~ Resideniial Comnercial Per Unit; Per Picku Per Un2tPer Picklu Sfairs or ste s- for each ste or down` S0.06 $0.06 ' Qverhead obsh-uctions - for each • . overhezd obs±suction Iess then 8 feet from the: ground . . . . . S 0.20 $ 0.20 Sunken or elevated cans/units - for caw, . . . . units, mini-cans, or micro-min.i cans My . , . or partially under graund or over 4 feet • . above ground, bufnot involvifig sfai.rs or' ' . ste s . ' $ 0.20 . S 0.20 . . • ~ Yssued by: Michael A. Wcins#eiu, Seniar Pricing Manager, Pacsftc 'NOrfhwes~ 1,farket Area Tssue date:, . Ef5~0A~~1CLIL USE O~VLy . I7ock..et: TG-070410 .EJJectiveDate: M-ay X, 2007 TariffNo. 1~ - Oriei.nal Page I\Io. 21 Co~~~ny ~ia~eJPem3i~ ?T~:mber: Was.e ?Vl~agement ef ~Vasliu~gton, IncJCr-237 . ~ I Registerad TradeName: Wa.`te IVia~~genent of Spok~e,, Val.ley G7sbaAe Se~=ir~ Co.-aad R1estecrnRefuse Co. ; Item 100 ResidenYial Service 1!'IOnth1V l2ateS (Continned on next pa°'e) R:ites in this item apply: , (1) To soli~ ~~ast; cr~lle~tion, c~bside Tec~~cling ~d ya.~+i'es#e aollsC.t]oA S~•Nle~-.ti- for reSide~Li21 pNptstj~. This i~Gludes Sit3Ele famiJy dwelluigs, d4lexes, martnents, mobiie 1nom-es, eornRominiurns, et.., waer-, sev'ice is bLIled di; ertly to tbi- occupant ef eaci residen421 ubit; antilol - • . • . , (2) Ytt'~e~ regu~red by a lot;21 govcmment ser~~ice Icvel ordiz~ce spL~d was~ colle~on, curbs~de rrcycli ~ a1d y2rdv~•2st~ s-~nrtee mu_-tbe provFd--A for single-fimiiy 6wcllings; d•:iplexes, mobilehones; condominiu-in and aperfme-nit biailcings of less'than. S residential units, where servics is'bLled 8o the pro~zrty owner or maazg~ct. , - tec beiow sunlv in the follotivine service area: 'Ibe garbap serv'ce s'ates aPP}Y to the servicetesrstDry o3i t~e atach°d map ``n'aiz B. Pur~4 to tbe Spo~•ma Coan:}* "R-ycling Senix I,evel Ordi~2acs° as adop`~ed~e ind czfied desi~ztLd es ~ . Q}~ Cf6a P "I' tY"~~.. li-.1_l'~r' es ~ba~#°r 8.58 oi ~e Gounty Code, ihe descn''ued on the z~G1ea mp;~ desi ueci as-A '°~~ix Du;• uiredto rece:ve Senice. . • . . . • " 96 GAon~Yarcke-te, J~TL~w of Ll3its cr 'IY~e af . • Ciaah~ Sezvicce ReCj'cJe Smice - SmNice Rafe . ' • . • • Co~i~ - . ' ud -acy of ~ice Rate Raa~ (~r°iD Q\btEs 4' . 1 C~n • - . A~~ - ~.10 $3.35 . Sl??S II N~~'R . • ~25 53.35 S12.ti N'~i~(20 ' . 1Cah ~VC~W:t $11.95 $3.35 $1225. , ZCaiis - ~~VWR $18.45 $3-3~. $I2.25 3 $24.95 . $335 $12ti ~ • u~~'JR . 4 Gm~- ~,~'R S31.45 $335 51225 7.ss ~ss s12Z . : s c~' : - w~R ~ - ~ ~ . . . $44.45 S335 $1225 135 g~Eon cart ' \`~UAR $1295 . $335 $12.25. . . . . . ' 1.64 gallonca.*~ 7 I~+GP'R. 519.45 $3-35 $1225" 196 ~~cwt - - WG'GN'R. S25.95 $335 $l= Fr-equarcy of Senice Codes: R C=WeeUy Gzrbage; EQV`%G Fv, eFy Other.W ee{ Cr-rb Jge; hiG \aaLihly Carb age; . NVR=WCe{J y Re cpc1:,, g; EOWR=Ev°ry OtS;x Vi'eek -Recycling; ?~a=N ~.o ri6l y RecycL"•ng ' Z.isE otaars used: l FLecycling ra.ties shown above are subject to a recycl;ng <credit>fdebit of <S0.46> per month. Notes for this itzan Gre c+n page 25. Description/rules rela#.d fa recycl_ing pzogam ax'e shown on page 26. Descripfionlrules related to yardvrayte program are sho,,;%m an p2ge 26• Q7_ Recycliug <credit;qde,bit adjustmenfis o-bove on tvls page expire: Julv 31. 70 • ?l Issued by: M.ichael A. Weinsteiri, Seniox Fricing Managar, Pacific Notthwest Market Area Tssue cate: . . E~~3'~-~O-EF1GIAL U$E ONE Y Docket_ TG-(170410 . ~j~`'ective Date: _May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 . . (?rimal,Page No. 22 Company I7amelPertn.it -Nlumber: Waste Mmageinent.o€ Wash.i-ogtion, IDcJG-237 Regist,ered,Trade Name: Waste IViarip-°,em=t of Spokane, Vailey C'xarbp-ge Service Co. a.nd'Wes.~ern R.efuse Co. . . , . , . . . ,r • Ifiem 100 Resideatial.Service L. 1Vfonthty'Rafes (conti.nued oa next paae) Rates in this item applp: . . (1) To solid waste. collectian, cubside rec}ic1ing (where nol:ed) and y€.rdwaste collaetion services (~herenoted) for residential property. 71us i.ncludz; single iemily dwellfngs, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes; condom.iniums, etc., where sezvic.e is billed dizectly to the occupant of eacb residential Lnit; andlor (2) When required by a local governrnent ssrv-ice Ievel ordinance soli-d waste collection, curbside recycling, and yardwa.ste service must be provided for single-family dwellinb , duplex'es; mobile homes, cond.om.Eniwns and apartmznt build'uags of less Lhan 5 residential units, vrhere service is billed to the properCy ov,mer or manager. Rates below anc►ly in tbe fonowin~ service areB: Rcaral Spokane County es descsib~ on ~ue aftached nap de5~ana.s`ed es - endix;BL~ • • . Number ofi Units or T e ofi Confainer Frequency of Service • Garba e Service Rate • 1 Can MG $6.10 Mini-Can • . . . WG . . . . °$9.25 1 Can . WG ' $11.95 . 2 Cans ' , WG • ' ' $18.45'' . 3 Cans - WG* $24.95 - . . Q Qans ' WG - $31.45 5 Cans " VIrG $37:95.: 6 Cans . , . WG . . $44.45'. ~ 35 allon cart ' - . MG " . $7.10' 1 35 g~llon cart • . ' . WG ' $12.95 1 64-a6llon cart • . wG '$19.45 1 96 gallon carf • . WG_ • 325.95. : FreqePncy of.Seivice Codes: WG=Wee,k1y Garbage; EOWG-Every Other Wct.k, GubW; MG=Moathly,Crzrbagc: tiVR=NVMkiy , Recyeling; EOWIZ=Every Otber Wtek Recycling', MR-Menthly Recycling List o-ffiers uset$: Notes £or 1his item aze on page 25. _ ]7--scription/rules zelated to recycling prograan are shown an psae n/a. . Descri.ption/rulEs related to yardwaste proo am. aze shown on page nla. Issued by: Michael A. NVeiristein, Senior Pricing Iv.iaua.ger, Pacific Northwest Market Area T%CL4L USE OyLY Issue date: . EQTMe6% Doclpat: Y`G-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 - priu'-~] Pa.gaNo. 23 Tariff No. 15 i ' Waste emeutof~T a~ ~ ,~-??-~nn; Inc.1G-237 . - ~ Coarip-y I7arzeJPernut \umbei : . Mzr~g Registered '~~^~de ?~~ame: Waste N~~gement of Spolcsne, Va11ey Garb~e Serv:ce Co.• and Wesi:zn R.ef~se Co. Item ~00 k2e~i~2ntial Sez-vice lxonthiv Rate.. fContinued on riext pagel . , , . Rates in this item, apply. . . a C11TtilcIG'~e n~C e.ia~ ~d yardw~i~ coll~~on s~Tvices fur residc~tia] p~o~e: ry. This includ°5 sing!e . (1) To :olid r~.. ~llection, Y . ianilty dw6iliz3gs, duplexes, apartim. ents, m6b1e homes, coD.deAIMums, etc.; wbere s:a-vice is-billed dir~y bThe, occupant o: -=h r~.iden4a1 usit; azidlor - ' - • . • . (2) When reqTaiied ~y a local eaverament service level orid:nance solid w•astz cx+Lxtion, carbsida re.ycling, md yiYa•aastd service . nj.ist be ~m«d$d for si~gie-~ily dweli~gs, d-~pl°xes, mobile hflmes, can~doini~iums end ~sar~.ntnt b-:~dings o€ less than 5 Fesieeytial umts, i;here sarvice u bi21c*1 tn tfie gmpety ownrr or manager. . ates 12elow a oJ in e fo owina service arP4: 'Ibe garb~e yer~ice rai~ a~P1Y ~ Lae se:vec,eUe,m_nry en the z~~ed map . z:' "R.ecycling Sen~cir T,es`eI ~Ora..~ance" as ~o~:ed en~ cbdif~Gd ' d~i ~ed as ~A. ndi"X C'~t~.~ur~t tD ihe Spokans Cou gn^ P~ ' ' as Chapter 8.58 of tdhic S~Iane Couaty Code, th- e.rrz de=cribed oa the attacbed m4 de"sien.a-ed as~'4p.-ndi.x D, ss . required t,o rcc°.i-vc cliA service. , . . . , . . . • , . • . 96 CnllonXartt,~ast ' ~~ae Sexvioe Re~.e Scati~im Servic-R~ Ivu~x ofTJ~its az'Iyp of - • . Rate gate (NDte 4) Nai.es 4. 3 . • . . , • ~ of Seivice . . ' 1 0-pa . , . ~ . A0"WR ' $6.10 $335 $12.25 1.15 $335 ~1Zti . J~Tmi , 20 gaUon 1 C`an . VFCAYRSI4.10 S33$ $1225 ~,TCr'JR $20.60 $3.~5 S~ . , 2 ~ 3 Cai3s $27.10 $3.35 ' $1225 . ~'~►'R , - . 4 Cws . ~ T'NVAERR R $33.60 $335 $1.2.ti . . 5 . S440.10 S3335 S 1225 ' . 6 Caxi . s WC'rTVR ~ $45•60 $335 ?i ' 135 a~catt ' MC~dGG'R~.10.. ~.35 ~1225 >s 135 oonca~f WGaWR . $15:10 ~35 1 S~ ~]lan cazt WCAR S21.60 ~335 ~$12.?5 • R~C`r`G~►~ • $28. J.0 . : $335 $12.25 1 ~ ~QnC~ r Ot]aI ~~EP1{ G3Tb' MC.T~`SOII~'~ J'27b'.~F~°.; Frcque,nay of Ser,~ice WG=Weekly G+bag~;g; ~EO~Evr~y Other WeekRx-ac°ling; N~.~2r'onth3y RecycLng ry' , R'IZ=W aekly Rc List others usEo: • Recycling rates shown above ~e s.:bject to a recycl~g ~-*~i~ldebit of ~0.46> per mo~th. ' . Notes for ;his item are on pagee 25. ' - DescriptionJrui-es related to recycling program are shown Qia page 26. . l7escriptionlrulss reiated to yardwaste pragam are shown on Page 26. . • I2ecyciing<credit>/debit adjusfrnents above on this page edpire: J'utv 31, 2007 Issued by: Nlkchael A. Weinstzin, Senior Pricin- ManagzT> Pacific s'~jotthwest Markef Arza E~~R~~1cr~ vsE oIv~Y , Issue date: ' Docket: 70T10 ' Efj'ective 17ate: 111'cry I, 2007 Tariff No.1a . • Original Pags No. '24 Company NameJPezmFt NUmber: Waste,M:~agememt of Washington, IncJG-237 Registered Tr'ade Name: Waste IVlanageuzent of Spokane, NTalley Garbage Service Co. ana weSt~m itefuse co. xtem 100 -}.2esidential Service - Monthlv Rates fconfinued on next pa.gel . . . Rates in this item afiply: . . . . . .(1) To solid waste collection, cur3side recycling (where noted) and yardwaste cellection senvices (where noted) for residential pToperLy. Tfaas ineludes single family dwzllings, duplexes, Gpartments, inobiie hbmes, . condomin.iums, ete., whe-re service is billed directty to #he occupant of cach res:dential unit; and/or. (2) When re-quired by a Ioral gofiernment service level ondinance salid wast~e collection, curbside,recycling, and yazdWaste service must be provided for single-£a.~nily dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condomini~s ar3d apartrnent buildings of less tha.n 5 aesidential units, where' service is billrxi to the propeity owner or ma.nager. , . _ R.ates beIow applv in the followina service-area: ltus-al Spokane County.as.described on the attac1~ed map ' c~esi- ated as A endix C. • . . ' - - . • . Number of Unfts or T e'oT Container Frequency ofi Service Gatba e-Service Ra#e . 1 Can . • . fAI G ' $6.10 Nini-Can ' - - WG 1 Can • . - • . . WG. $14.1 D 2 Cans ' . WG • ' $20.60 3 Cans - WG $27.10 , . 4 Cans • ' • WG - $33.60 6 Cans . WG W.10 ~ 6 Cans ' WG • W.60" , , . 1 35 gallon'cart MG $7.10 1 35 , allon cart WG. $15.10'.--. 1 64 gallon cart ' WG : $21.60. ' • ' 11,96 gallon cart 111+G ,•r • . - $28:10 • . Frcqueacy of Seavicr Cod es: W, C=We°...)dy Crarbagc: EOWG=Every Other Wezek G".rbagge; 3✓G=Montiily G4rbagme; WR Week1Y . ..Rmycling; EQWR-Evray Ott,er V1eekRecycU- N'1R-4iontflaDy Recyc.ing ' . . List otfiers usai: ,Notes for this itezn are on page 26. Descriptiorn/rules rela#ed to recycling prograrn are sbown an pac,,,e n/st- . Description/rules related$ to yarciwastepr-agFain ue showm onpage nla: . • Lssued by: Ivfichael A. Wcinstei8., Sezuor pricing Ivlanager, Pacific Nortbwest Market Area , Tssue date: WICL4L USE ONLY Doc t: 070410 Ef~'ective Date: 1Way .I, 2007 0r'idpa1 Page Isjo. 25 Tacifr No. 15 ' . . - . - ~ . i~ Comp~y a~IamelPerr~tlNsumber:.~T+''a i IJ,an~;a~±en't of Washin'gto~, IncJQ-237 ~ Regisfiered Trarle I\Tame: ~4~a..~ ~~ana;cnvnt of Spokane, ValIey Cr'~ba.~e Serv ice Co. ~d ~~es`ern Refuse. Co. . Item 100 Residential Service-Monfhlv Rates (continnedl . No~ 1.: Cts`+.orF+~E~; ~~~ill be cb~~ed zor sexvice requestecl even if fewar uniu are picked up en 3~~~.icul=r trip• : ~o cre~t will b~ giv~n for par~iallY-i!led cans. '310 c-edit;,jill be given ifrustomez fails to set - receptacles out for colledian. ~ . . . . . . . . NTote 2: For seryice more frequentiy ihan weekly, mi.EltiPIy the above rates by the number of ~~nts per week service is requi,.cd. . . . . . . - . , _ • . l~fote 3: A re-delivery f~_- of g5.04 w-ill.be assessedto cart customess w-hose service is_d:sconunusd tor nan- payment or cgst ctistomers wjho request redelivery. See' ~lso Ttem 52. '\TOte 4: Fox those c_i:.sto.iners whQ. dn nof receive gaLtage service, add SI:QO io tbe~cates=bn s 21 and 2S . . , :for ba6 recycli.ng and, yarti waae se'rvices. . , . . . . , _ , , . . IsTOte 5: The service rates apply oriIy wlzen the weekly collection af yard Nvaste servi = is provided ('March- NOVember). Custoinners -vvill not be billed for Yard Was►e collection !iervices•during the rn.ond-is af -December; Januas,y and FebsuP-ty: Note 6: RegulQrly schedwied yarcl waste c,ustomexs vvho request a.n additioiasl 96 gailon'c,art will be assessed a monthly. fee of jj~ for each addi~ional cart requestzd. • . , . Note 7: The char.-ge foi an occasionp-l exra reTeptacle as describ°d tielow on aregular pickUp is: ' , • . , , . R re,ceptacle, p°r . . , . , . . . . . ate ~er T e of Service l e of rece tacle.' , . . • Oicku G-arbagc Collectaon 432--galloa 2-galloIl canor i~it. Wasfe Collectioi~ can or w3iL . $2.45 ` Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Priciiig Manager, Pacific Northwest Market.Ar.ea Issue date: . EMM aNW? CU L UEE OIl L Y Docir.ei: TG-070?10 • - Effective Daie: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 15 Qriginal Page No. 26 Company Ngir_eJPermit Numbur: 'PVaste Man~,~ement of VJas4ington, IacJG--23 7 . Regi.stered Trade NTame: Waste IvianGgement of Spok3ne, Valley G-arbage Serv.ice Co. and Western Refiise Co. . . _ . . . . . . . . ' . ° • . , . . ; xtem 100 -Residezitiai SErvice- Monthlv RatES (contillnedl . The curbside collection of recyclable mate'riaLs is provided to all cust6mers in the folowi.ng service area: Pursllant tfl the Spokane County. "R.ecycling Service UvelOrd;nziice' 8`s-adopted a;id cociified z.s Clypter 8.58 • of 1$~e Spo'.!cane Coundy Code, the areas contained ink?` 'a.nd as described on the a~.`teched map - desagnatedas Appendix D, is required to receive racycling service. ' - The foIIowing is a descripiion of the recpcling program (tyTe of contaiuers, frequeney, etc). Tlze progr~m ' is provided in accardance witz the ordi.uances described above. The cj.rbride collection of recyclable materials is proYFded on a weekly has'is -to all customers in the above sezvice area. Each customer is provided w-ith one 14-gallon pla.gtic bi.n.-The customvr is zequested bo place ' newspaper (inside paper bag) a31d commingled aluminum, tin, glass aad plastic i.nsjde the bin at the curbside. Used heusebold bafteries Pse alsA"accepted if they are glaceii in a sec-thrbugh plastic bag with a seal and pufi on top o£the bin so the dzivez can see them. The sorting of the recyclable maferial is p6i!ori~aed by the driver at the curbsjde: ; . . . Special rules reIatied to retycli.ng programs: • - Pick-up will be refiiseci if cart P-nd/or bi.za contain trash, ysrd debris, or other nom-accepta.ble coniami.nants. Castomers may obt~n a cuirent listing of acceptablz rzcyclables a.nd noa-acceptable items upon reques-t. . . . . . . . ~ The following is a description o£ tlze Ysrd Waste prograz~i (tgpe of contaiiiers, frzqneney, etc). The pragram is provided in-accerdance with_the oi-di.na.nces described above. Yard waste service is a sip-up grogr2m that is provided on a weekly basis,-except during the ziaonths Qf ]aecember, Ja~-iu2ry pnd Februar-y when the service is providad on: a inonrhly basis. Customers who sign up far t.ws progra3n will be provided 'with a 46-gallon cart. Ti adciitioual 96-gallon caris are requested, an a.ddition=l monthly fee will be;cha'rged for each cart reqiuested (See Note 6 ori page 25). Custoniers wil.l be bilIed for service at the applica@e raEes only when servicc is ptovided.on a weekly basis. (See Note S oii page 25) Special rules related to Yard `'Vaste progrAm: • . Xard waste ean.not be in plastYC bags. pic'k-up will be refused if containcr contains eny i-ttsh or other r.ontaminants. Customsrs mAy obfain a curreiit lasting of acceptable yaxd debris upan request. Issued by: Michael A_ O4reinstein,Senioz Pricing 1Vlanager, Pacific NorthR-est Markct Area Issue date: EB-MRC019FICIAL i7SB ONLY . Docket: T~'r-070410 Effecrive Date: ,tv.tay 1, 2007 Z'e..Ti~'r I~so. 1~ . Qri~:1 P~.~e 1~o. 27 . Co~p3ny ~l'a~eJPer~it I~Tt~mbe,: Waste A+-~agement ~f ~V~hi~~ on, IneJG-237 . _ Registereci Trade Nlame: Was#p Nanagement o€ Spo~e, Valley Garba.ge Service.Co: and Westerm Refise Co. . Ttem 105 -syfuifi-fa.tz►ilv Residenfial l2ate.s coznnan -o~~ axb "6e confainer - er ick u Ratrs in this item apply: Structuzes" as e-efned in Sno'~~e Co=ty Reso?ufion No. 92064$ as fellowr: "Ary stni:trtte, hoj15.Ilg fiYe Or IIoie ~.~its or ~y premis~ vsed for residcn~al p-poscs aflt incJuded erisovtrsc.' ~ Itesn Nos. 240,245,2~5,250 ms~ 275 of '(2) 'I7~e;z~ end cbarges «~n~ea3 ~ this ~ 2^e m be ediej tn those r~s cbz~ed ~ . . . . . : Rafes beIow aul?Iv ia the folia"Znsser~"ier ~ Purs` '~t tx) the S?ok2AC Cot*b1y`RceS°cling Service Level'O;din&n!'ce" as edflptzd . and cod'afied as ChWter 8.58 of the Spokanc Cou.nty Code, thc area oontaiinod in AppendiX A. anti 2s desrxibed on the e.ttachsd mab desio-aaied 2sA.Qp~endixD, is r4uirccl tn recei<<e cy. se;vice. • ' Size or. T~ e of Caii'ainer 64 G af 96 Gal - SesvJI'ce ''}pe~ Caa ' Czrt .Cart 1 Yz*d 1.5 Yard -2 Yerd 3 Yard 4 Yard 6 Yard 8 Yasd . PermanentSeinice: . • . . , • . • A'ioLthly ReF't; if • , . • . - . . . • • licabl p, . . . FirstPicb $ 0.09 $0.18 ~0.27 $O.63 S095 $1.26 $1.89 52.52 $3.78~aS.Q4 EzA Additional ~~cku $ 0.09 $ 0.18 S 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 S 1.26 $ 1.89 S 2.52 S3,78 S 5.04 S ecial Pic~ S 0.09 $ 0.18 S 0:27 S 0.63 $ 0.95 $ 125 S 1.89 S 2_52 $ 3.78 $ 5.44 TermuprarY Qervic~e: Initizl Delivcry Cha: ;e I'ickti Cbzr e $ 0.09 S 0.18 $ 0.27 $ 0,63 $ 0.95 $ 1.26 S 1.99 S 2.52 S 3.78 S5.04 NetCommodityPrice See\ote SeeNote SseNote S=lsote SeeNTota See\ote SeeNotc See\ote SxNote SeeNote ' Ad'u~en# erPic~+~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ' . 3 Note 1: PerTnane3t 5ervice: Strvice u detmed as no lcss ta:.3 scbeduled, every other w$°15 gid..rup, Ln!css locd gavemmen_ - rcqi:ires morc freql1cnt setyiee or unless put-esciblcs ere =:nwlved. Cusfomer.wii.l be cbL=gpd for serv~ica iequested, ovea if f wcr oontainars sre sel-v;ced aa a particuIar trip- NTO credit will be given for pucti-ally E-Lied cor:tainers. ' . Note 2: P-ermancnt crvica• If'reni is shown, t13e raie fo,- the rrSt piokuD and eajrh BgGiti0Il21 pickup must be the saaie. If rar.t bs not sbown, ;t is 4o be inciudel in tha rate ior the nrst pic`s'up. No`e 3: Net Commodity Pnce Adjts^lmeat ~ Piclcup wili be a G=edic of ~:0. > peT y~. Cus+~cmer whosa smr.rice is i= than . one yard wili receiv-. F_ r,:edit on a pro rata porhon af a yard. . Gtias?omers who ]savo gerbagc celleGHfla s°rsrices reflectDd in I?.ems 255 and 275 vrill r&xive 3 c=edi# of -;M.27> Fcr }'ard per P`-okup. . Note 4: Custome=s wb4 have garb2ge coUection.services retlecfod ia ltcms 240, 245 and 260 Nvill be cbarged ior recycling services zt the ratz oi 50.63 pe► yerd pet' pic'up. Gu-`tom`rswbo bsve garbp-ge cDlltction servim ;eflcded in I.ems 255 and 275 wil] bc c]a3.TgCd for rxyciing servim at tb e rate ef 51.8 p er yzid pP-r Pir-'tp. i>esca-;pcionlrules re!ete3 to recyci..ibg pragam e.re shown on page 28. . . RecYCliag <credif;qdebit adjastnents above on this pagz exPire: ulv 31. 2007 Issued hy. Mi 5 chael A. PJeiustein, Senior Fricin~~ Manaaer, Pacifc Northwest Nlas-ket A~a . Issue date: ~QF&_'1~-TVUTCJAl IISE Oh~Ly 17oc t:3-G-07041G Effective Date: .May 1, 200 7 • Tariff No.15 . . • 0rizi.na1 Page NO. 28 Company Name/Permit Number: QVaste Mana,;=ent p£ Washington, TncJG-237 -Registerai Trade Na.me: Waste Mana geinent of Spokane, Velley Garbage Servire Co. an.d Wsstem Refuse Co. Ztem 105 -Ntulti-famiiy Residential Ser-Oce (cnntinued) The cnrbside collection of recyclable materials v provaded to flll customers in the following servics a.:.rea: Pursuant to the SpoI:ane County `aecycBg Service Lev.al Ordanance' as"adopted and codified as Chapter 8:58 of the Spokane County Code, the aseas contained in Appendix A aud as dmribed on the ai,ached map. •AESlgnBted aS A~p~.IId?X D, is rpquireci to,receive recycling seivice. ' The folloWmg is a descriptiom o£fhe recycli.ng program ("e of containei-s; frequency, etc). The pi-ogram ..is provided in accordsnce with the ordin~mces described above. ' The collectioA of recyelable materials is provided on aweekly baHs to all mulii-fa.mily customers wha sign up for the service. Glistomers who sign up far the program will subsczibe for the number of 35, galldn c:aits desired aiid shategically placed w=si:hin thcir complex. TI2e cus#omer is zequested to place new'spaper, rlixed waste paper, ancl battles and cans separately u-ito each designated cart provided. • - Special rules related ta recyclink prozrazn: Pick-up will be refused if recycling containers contains trash, ya.rd debris, or other non-acceptable _ clonsuminazits. Cus-Wniers may obtai-n a curremt listing of acceptable recyclablzs and noa-acceptable items upoi,; request, , Special rules related to recycli.ne prqgram: Fick-up will be refused if recycling containers contains #rash, yard debris, ar other non-accepta~ble contaffiinants.. Customei3 inay obfG;n a current listing of accep`s.able reeyclables 2nd nozc-acceptable items'upon requesC. , ' . Tssued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senioz Pricing IVfanager, Paci~'ic Nortvwest Market Area . i Issue date: FQEOPzq91_1_71CL4L USE ONLF Docket: ?'G-070410 Effecteae Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No.15 . , . Oriainal P~ae 2~zo. 29 . Cor~pany 3~Ta~-,e/Pemut Nua~bvr: ~~aste Ivfan~ea,-ent of Wash-mgton, I#10-2-37 Registered'I'rade Name:-Waste MAnagement of Spokane, Valley Garbzge.Seavice Co. and Western Refus'- Co. Itiem I20 - Drums . ' . T~e Af Seivice Ratc Pex D z Per Pic 4 . ' ReguIar Roufie Se.rVice $ ' ~Y~- • . . . _ Special Pi*Up , $ ~ ~ . . . ' xtem 130 -Litter Recentacies and Litter Toter Custoixiei-ow~etl Rece"tacle Rate Per Rece tacle, Pe;r Picku ' ' Size oi T} e:_ ' . . . Size-or- , e: • . . Com an -owned Rece ~cle . . . _ , . . . - . Size.or Ty 64 Gal Toter Size or T e: *96 Gal Toter Item 150 -X,oose and :f3ulkv Material Spi~;cial, tTiDs: Time ,--I-es in Ytean 1E0 apply. , ' Regulax Route: • . Addiiional cubic Gaz-•y Charge 1 to 4 cubic yar.ds yards Nlinimwu Charge Pei each S fep-f over . R-.te er Yard . ZZate er. Yet`d Pez P;cku '8 feet Bulky materials $13.95 $13.95 S13.95 : ~ 6'40 . . . Loose mate~.isl - Customer.load S • - , s S . Loose material (Com any loa $ xG.80 $16.80 S16.80 _ $ 9.00 . . Issued by: Micha.el A. VJeinstein, Senior S'ricing ~l~nager, Pacifc Northwest A~xket A-ea Tssue date: EfP-;'~~GOIa-FICXA1: t1SE OATY Docket: 7'G-070410 y 1, 2007 " . Effective .Daie: 1tfa- .TariffNo.15, OrigjnalPagel~o. 30 CflmpG..ny Name/Permii Number: Waste Managemen t of Wa.shing.on, IncJG-237 Registered Trade ?Jame: Waste Managemenf of Spokane, Valley Garbag•e Sezvice Co. a.nd Wes,tem Refuse Co. Xtem 160 - Time Rates When.time rates applp. Time raiss nemed in this Item apply: , (a) When mafierial must be taken to s special site for-d'isposd; -(b) W]xen a compaz,y's equipment must wsit at, oz return to, a custorner's site to provide scheduled servir,a ,Ugence, on the part of the r:ozn.pany. A.ctual wait.ing tine or time taken due to no disa.bil.ity; fault, or neg in retumn' g to the site will be cbarged for; or. (c) When a customer orciers a sinFle; speeial, or emergency pickup, or whea other items in this iFriff refer to this Iiem. . . How rates are recorded and cha bed. Tune must bc recorded and ch3rged far to the nearest i.nerement of 15 minLtes. Time rates ~_pply £or the period fzorm the time the com~any°s vehicle leaVes the company-'s terzn.imal until it rzturns to f32e terminal, excluding interriiptions. Ari interruption-is a situation causing stoppage of service that is iu the control of the company and not in the control o€ffie -customer. Exampies include: coffee, breaks, Iunch bre~.ks, brzakdown of~equipment, and sim.ilar dccurrence~. Disposal fees in addition to tino.e rates.. Zfenz 230 disposal fees for the specific d'asPosal site or facility uszci will apply in addition i.D ti.me rates. R.ates per houa: ~ Rete Per Hour . . ' Eacfi F..x+.ra Minimum - T a of e uipment orderecl Truck and_ driver Person . Cber e Single rear drive a.x.le: I~fon-packertruck .$:66.44 $26.50 - 566:40.. . ~ .Packer truck ~5'66.40 $26.50 ~ $66.40 Dro -boX hvck ~ $66.40 S z6.50 S66.40 . Tandem rear, drn~a axle: ' . . . ' Non-packer trucji S,66.40 -s26.50 $ 66.40 ~ ,1'acker fii-LCk . S6b.40 $26.50 .$'66.40 Dro -box truclt.............. :$66.40 $ 26.50 S66:40 Issued by: Michael A. VVeirastein, Sei-lior Pricing Manager; Pacific Northwest Markat Azea Issue date: . ~ EMM'9_QGjEFj-C.TAL rISE ONLY . • Docket: 77-0704I0 ' - Fffeciive Date: 1VIay 1, 2007 ''ariff No. 1~ . • OTi~nal P~~ ?~Io. 31 Company Name/Perniit Nuznbr,r; Waste Management of Washington, JacJC-237 - yl~ Regis' tered Ti~de Name: Wastz Man agement of S.pokaae; Va11ey Garbagi-, Sesvice Co. and Wesfiern Refdse Co. ~ . ~ . - Xtem 200 Conta,iners and/or nron Boxes - Genera] Rules Avai:Ialiility. A. company m►?st raain in., a suPFIY of all sjzes of contaimi ers end drop box°s foa whi-ch ra.ies are listed zn Ls tariff. If a cwfo mer re qusszis a con#ainF.r or ch-op box of a size lis~..ed in the'company s tsrif ~ and th e company is u.nable te provide 4he xequest-'d size R~`~hin 7 days o£the customer request~ thE`customer must be notif ed in writing or by telephone. Alternate-sized containers amdlor drop bo-xes. If the company csnnot provide the requested-sized cflatainer or drop box (and that siz.e is lisfed in the compan}'s tariii), the company miist provide alterr.i_~te-sized cor,tasner or drop boxes, sv$icieaf to ;neet ihe capacity ar_ginally requested by the cj.IStomer, eL the same rates es would have applied far the requested corstainer ar drop box. 'Disposal fees due on alternate-sized drop boges. If the cozFsgaay.pmvides alter.nare-sized drop boxes, the cusuomer i s resp . onsible for ell Ia,AU ly 'a~plicable dispos~l £ees resulting from *he use of the elternate drop boxes. Rates on partially-fiJJed containers and/or drop boxes. T"ulI piekup' and renW r~es apply'regar6less of the amount of wasti,- usaterla1 in tbe contaamer or drop box at pickup time. Rates for compacteci materials. Rates for compp-cted maierial apply only when ihe mp °rial has been ~g,, compac#eci befose its pickup by tfie campany. -Rafe~ for lqase material. Loose materialdumped jnto the coropany's pacl-kes truck is subject to the rates for non-compact2d matenal etjen though ihe material may be compacted later ia tne packerlizck. • Yermanent and teznporary serviCe. T`he followi.ng rules 4ply: (a) If a cust, tamer rEquests a container or drAp.box ior Iess than 94 days, the customer will be billed at temporary service rate:;. (in) I.f a fienporary servjce customer notifies the r-ompany thax it bas decided to refain the cflntainer os • ' drbp boX for more thab 90 days, permanentservice rates will-be.s.ssesspr.i from ihe 91~.day until • 'the end o£the period the customer L-et.ains the conta.inez or drop box. . (c) If a customez reque~.sts a coniainez or drop bex for more than 90 days; i.hv_GUstAIDP.F,,?r'ill be biI1e1 , . under perma.nent rates. If that ctstoiner caucels servics before the end oftffie 90-day pezioci, Chc connpany inay nofi rebill th-e custamer at temporary service rat,:s. T-he intent of tbe cust.omer at the tixne service was se,nLsted appiies. • . Issued by: Atichael A. Weiiistein, Seuior Pricing Manager, Pacific NOZthwest Narket Area - L-sjse date: T-H9F*R~~1CIAL USE ONEY ' Doc~',.et: 7'G-070410 EffOct'ive Date: 1vlay 1, 2 0Q7 lariff No. IS Oi-igrinal Page NTo. 32 Comp~ny IsTameJPcrmit Number: Was#~, Management of 'Ssdasbi.ngton, Inc.1G-237 Registezed Trade AIa.me: Wasfie Mana.gemeutof Spokame, Valley Garba.ge Servicc Co. and Westezn Refiase Co. . . . . . . . . . • \,Y. Item 205 - Roll-Ont Charges - Containers. automated caris. and toter5 ' Charges for containers. The company wil1 assess roll-out charges Whezz, due to circunstances outside ine controi of the driver, the driver is requi.red ib move a co~ttain er more tbaTi five feet but ]ess ih3n 25 feet in order to reach the iruek. The cllarge for tbis'%QIl-011t-SEiViCe is: ' S 2.10 per coitainer, autemated cart or toter, per pickup dver 25 feet, the charge will be,the charge for 25 feet, plus S 0.50 per ~increment of 5 feet. . Item 207 - Excess WeiQbt- Reiection Af Load. Charges fo Transport The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any cont;n ei, ststionary packes, or drop box -~XCch, upon reasonable inspection: . (a) Appears to be overlop-ded; . (b) Would cause applic2ble vehicle lo€d limitaxions,to be exceedeci;, (c) Would cause the ccmpany to violate Ioad liinitatians or safe vehicle operaiion; andlor (d) Would negatively impact or otheiwise damage road sus-face integrity. For the purposes af this #ariff, the following maxiniun weights a.pply: TypelSize of Maximum Weight TypelSize of Maxinum Weigobt Cozztiiner, llmp Box, . . Allowane.e. Container, Drop Hox, Allowance ' Toter, or Cart (in ounds Toter, or Cart in liounds) Carts-All Sizes 2Q0 Ibs. • I to 6 ~ d. ' - 1 _2001bs. . ' . Drok~3~xes-All•Sizes 20,000 lbs. • , • ' . . ' • Overfilled or overweig}it, charges if transported. .If the can`eauiez, drop box, toter, az c~~t cxceeds the limits stated above, is filled beyond t1ze marked fill li.ne, o'r the top is unable to be closed, but the company transports 'the mate'rials fhe followi.~ additional cbar es will apPly: T~PeJSize of Charge TypelSizeof Charge Container,Drop Box, • Conxainer, Dzop Box, xoter, or Gaxt " - Toter or Cp-rt 1 ard S 75.00 per icku 3 yard com ectoz 150.00 per pickup Z yards S 100.00 er icku 4 gsd coin actor S 200.00 ~ er icku 3-8 ards S 200.00 ei icl~u . Issued bp: Mi.c} ael A. "Yeinsteuz, Scniar k'ricing Managex; Pacific Northwest Mai-ket Area • , Issue date: .zCTAL t1EE ONZY Doc et: W-070410 Effectrve Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff'iJo. 15 Oriqinal page 1,16: 33 Company Na;neJPerinit Nuinber: V,taste Mamagemeat of WashiJigton, IncJG-237 Registered Trae N~e: ~Tz~~ ?~Z~a.gzmPnt of Spokana; VaLc~~ G~-bage Service Co., and R~estem Refuse Co. I , . ~ . Item 210 - V1'ashi,ne and Sanitizin.e Con'tainers andlor Urop Boxes Upon.customer requ--st, tIis ca'mpany ,~,,illprovide w-as3a,izag, steamcleaning a,nd sani`~ ~~~g servica at the followi.ng r?tes: . , - . . . • . . Size oz 'I),pe of • . . : . • ' Containar or Dzo Bax . . Rate Ivfinimuua Cbar e:UI Sizes -Steam Cleanin $ ~.S0 - er ard S 11.00 A.11 Sizes -Saaitizin S 3.X0 er =ard - $6.20 ' ~ . . I. . . . . ' • Xtem-220 - Cumpactor Renhal Gtisstorners must pay ihe foilo~t~ing additional ch~zs for campactiors funished by the company. Cb-arges nameti are for com.pactors ouly and dfl not include drnp box ar caiitain'er chargas. Set items 250 and 270 for contai.ner charges. Cwtomers must pay the costs of instailation. . . Ra.ted cubic yard r Ca aei o£ char ~ e box Monthl rental char e: - • . 1 cubic yard ~ - 2 cubpc ards S . 3 cubic asds S 4 cubic erds ~ ~ _.•,A, . :[ssued by: Michael A. Weiristtin, Senioi- Pricing ivla.nager, Pacif c Northwest MarkeL A.rea Tssue date: . • ~~GiReo-MUCUL USE ONLY _ Dock--t: TG-0704I0 ' ' Afective Date: 1l:~ay 1, 2007 f Tariffl1,jo.15 Origizja] PageNo. 34 Compa.ny NamelPem3itl~iumber: Waste Ivlanagement of Vvashington, Inc./G-237 . Registered 1rade Name: Waste Managementof Spo?cane, Va.lley Garbage Ser'v;ce Co. and Vlestern Refiwe'Co. . . . _ _ . _ . . _ . . • _ . . ' . • . :[tem 230 - Disnosal Fees , • . - . • . . _ . . ChFrges in tus item, apply when other iteans in the tariff specifically refer to this i_em. Dis osal sf ie ziame or location T e of Material Fees 6oz dis sai • S okane Tzansfer S6tion Msw • ' S 103:00 per ton S okane Waste-fo-Ener msw - S 98.00 per ton Suvsbine lZecyclers MSw S 103.00 per ton Crzahain Road. Lau::df~ill cDL waste s 32.00 per ton Tnduslzial Processing,RTasfie S 24.05 per toii Foundry Casting Slag $17.00 per toza State whether fees are per yard, per ton, eta I.nciude charbes Fssessed for speci-al commodities (tires, appliances, asbesttos, etc.) or special conditiorlis Gt each specifie dispos:l site. At. ach additional sheets as necessary. . . . rssued by: Michael A. Wei.nstein, Setior Pricing IManager, Pacific RTOa-thwest Market Area Lssue date: EQF9R:~CI4L UsE ONLY • • 17ocket: TG-070410 EJ~'ective Date: 14lszy .I, 2007 Tarifi IN''o.15 . Onein1•Pap No. 35 Company Nme/Peirnit Number: Waste Manage=:jfi oi Washington, Inc:IC-237 -vice Co. a~d Wes`,.~~Re~se Co. Regi;tered T.de 3~Ta~c: ~}a~-tv AIa~~agement of Spok-n~; Valiey Garbage Se Ytem 240 - Container Senice - Duxnped in Companv's Vela.icle I~Tor~-Coanpac~ed ~~teri~l (Coin~ziiy-o~ned container) . RAes s¢'ted pLr confia~er; per pic?a.ip . ~.2ates in this item a.pply; : , • • - . (1) in tka, following service area: 'Ihe senice Grea as dese,ibea in Apnendix A. 35 ' --Siz° or * o of Contai~ca - • Se~~iee Gal l ° T e Czrt Ca.rf Cart ' 1 Yarti . 1.5 Yard 2 Yerd 3 Yzrd .4 Yard 6 Yz.*d 8 Yatd Permanent . , _ • Man~H~ Rc,-aE, • $5.00 $6.40 S'7.34•,. S8.40, •S9.50 $E2S0 $I5.60 - PickUp . . . Charee $3.49 56.00 58.65 ' $13.43 519.95 $24.93 $~4.45- S41.93 $36.95 $68.45 Specinl Pickup Charee $6.40 S9.00 $11,65 $15.45 S22.95 $2 7.95 S37.45 g44.95 $54.95 $71.45 Teeanorarv Serviee• Iaitis] Deliv-iy • • • • ce;g, . 544.00 S40.00. . $40.00 $40.00 •.g40.00 S40.00 S40.00 PickUp ~ . Cb526.95 S32.95 $37.95 $47.45 ' I $54.95 '$59.95 S81.43 Rrac Pcr Day $1.00 51.10 S 1.20 ' S]. 60 S1.90 $2.1 0 52.60 Not, l; Qeroanont Servicc: Senice is definrd as no less fh~..n scheduled, every oihes week pic`-up, t:nless local goverzucnt requires more frequenf servirr or unless putrescibles are iuralval. Cu-fimos walI be cbarged for service reques#ed, even if fewer coniainets ?re s~r.~:~:etl Qn a pariiculsr trig. No credit will be givcu far pardelFy fil!cd eontainess. \7ote 2: Pcrnaaent Scrvice: Tf rent is =hown, the rate for the, first pjckup and each additionai pickup miast be th-e same.' If rent is no4 shoNvn, it ns tn be includmd in the ratz far the first picknp. - A,ccessorial charges $ssessed (lids,.tarping, unlDcking, unlatching, etc.): . Note 3: A gaTe or obst-tict:on charge of S10.60 w?ll he assessea for opening, unlocking or closi~a gates, or -rr-oving obstructioiis in orriet to pick up solid was'.e. Note 4: In aadilion #o aIl other applicable cbarges, a-chBrge of S13.95 pe; yard (assessed on a pro rata basis) will be . assessed if coritaibei-s aree filled past their vis;ble fi!il limit coutainer lids Nvill not close due to overfilling or if adiiitional maLeriais aye placed on or near tfie confainers. Issu-d by: Alichpel A. Weinstain, Senior Pricirig Mana;;er, Pacific NTOrthwest Market Area Issuc da.te: Ef PF&Ae~-`CUL LISE OIJLY Docket: Z"U070410 , Effective Date: AIcry I, 2007 Tariir N0. IS Ori agiaa31 Page.?%TO. 36 Coinpany ATamelPerm.it I,1umber: WFSte T' r'agrement of Washangton, IncJG-237,. ' . - Regis~red Tr~e I~Tame: VJast.e IVlana~ement of Spflk~e, VaIley Garbage Sezvice.-Co; snd Western Refuse Co. J . Ztem'245- Container Service -Dum~ed iri Ccimnanv's Vehicle - ~,TOn-Co;Rpacied Iv.Caterial ~Customer-o;uned contai.ner) ' Jnci_~des Cfl'mzriercial Can Suzvice . . 12ztes 5tz-ted peT c:onta.i7Ze*, Per piclcup un]ess otherwise noted Rates in fhis item apply: .(1) In the Tollorhng service 2.*ea: `I'he service area as.described in Aupeneix A. • , . . . . . . • Permazent Service 32- aLlon can or wit • . . . ' Eacb Scheauled Picku $3.15 . ' ' . ' Minimum Charga per . . month ' Si8.90 ` . , . . , . em'o Servsce . . - Pick1F R.ate$3.15 rary ' Note 1: Pezsanent Senrice: Service is defi.ned as no Iess thm scheduled, every, otber week piclcup, unless . local govem.ment zaquires more f.requent service or unless putrescibles are involvBct. Customier will be • cbarged f.or sei-vica reqUested, eveii if €eaver centainers are serviced on aparticular trip. I`7o credst wif`~ be given for partially fillzd containers. : . - Issusd by: Nric}ae1'A. Weinstein, Se-aior Pr.icihg Mamager, Pac~c Narthwest M~rket A-ea . ; Issue date: EfVOROOY`'.~CI4L USE ONLF - • Dockei: TG-070410 , Efiective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff NlO. 15 , . OL-ip-inp-l I?age No. 37 Co~pa~y I~Ta~neJPerrnit Nvmber: ~T~ Man~unent of WashLngton, Tnc./G-237 • . ~ : ' . Regist:red'IrF-de I~Tanze: Wasfie It/ianajvment of Spokaae, VGlley Crajbage Service Co. a.Dd Western Reiuse Co. Ztem 255 - Container Service - Dnmped in Comnanv's Vehicle . . ' Compffcf.ed Matexial (Customer-o~ed cont.auler) • R.afes stated"per contaiinLr, per pic~:*up Rates in rhis ifiem applf: ' . . . (1) Tn the follow?Dor sz*tizce area: The senict araa as describeci in Appen dix A. PercnOent Service Size of Coutainer . . 2'Yard 3 Yai-d. 4 Yard S Xard 6 Yard . . Each Scbedui_ed Pickti S71.95 $103:95 $1.34.45 $162.75 S195.45 . S ecial Picku s 574.95 5106.95 S1.37.45 .$165.75 S19$.45 ,Note 1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no less than-scheduled; eveay other weekpackup., unless , local government requires morz irequent service or wnless putaescibi_es are in<<olve& Cutomex wi.ll be . ' charged for service sequested, even. if fewer containers are sezvic&d on a particLil2r trip. No cr'edit will be ;iven for parcially filled conYainers. ~ . : . . . . . Accessorial chargcs asse.ssed (lids tarving. nnlockinQ. nnlatchine, etc.): . Note 2: A gate or obsirsctioa charge of S10.60 will be assessad for openizag, unlocking ar closing gates, or ' movi,ng obstructians in ordes vo pick up sblid waste. • . Note 3: A fee o£S16.40 per pick up will be dssessed when containers with atfi.acked compactors require disconriecting or reconnecting. , Tssu--d hy: IvEchael A. Weinsteizi, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacif c Northwes-t Market'Area - yCIAL tIS_P.ONLY Isrue dafie: . . Eff; ~10~~M ' Doc t: TG-070410 ' . EffectiveDaze_ May I,,2007 • Tariff No. IS - • Original Page No. 38 Compa y NamelPermatNunber. Vk'aste Manageanerai of Washington, IncJG-237 Regis.'zred Trade N2me:Waste Msnzgement of Spoka.ne, VaLay Garhage Servic,s Co. and Westesn Refuse Co. 'Ztem 260 -Dr6 Bag Service-'x'Q Disposal Site and Reivrn . Non-Comgacta:d Mp-xerial (Company-owaed drop box) Rates stated per drop box, per pick up • Rates in this item appty: (1) In tbe foLowing s8rvice area: T"ne seac'ice area as described in Appendix A. . ' • Size or Type of Container . . 10 Yard 15 Y3rd 24 Yard• 25 Yard 27 YFSd 34 Y°as-d 40 Xand ' )?eManent cervice: -Mon#hly Ren - if applicablee' .$33.90 537.54 S44.60 . 557.10 $58,90 . . ,$b0.80 $74.30 . First P~c L, ~ 565.10 $65.10 $SS:IO $55.10 $65.10 $65.10 $65.10 Each Additioaa] Ficku $65.10 $55.14 $65.10 $55.10 $55.10 I $55.10 $65.10 S wiall'ic s 568,10 $68.10 S68.10 $58.10 • $68.10' ` 568.10 $68.10 'Z'ennnnrarv Service: ' . . . - . , - Delivezy $40.00 $4d.00 $40.00 $40.40 $40.00 544.00 $40A0 ckvp Rate S85.10 $85.10 S85.10 585,10 $85.10 585.10 $85.10 iRentPnrCelendarDa $2.30 52.50 S3.00 S3.$0 $3,90 ~'4.10 ~5.00 Note 1: Rates in this item sre suiject fio dispoW fces named in Item 230. ~ Not°. 2: Rates named in shis :ten apply fnr e11 haulss not eacceerling S miies mPasvred from the point of pickup ta the disposal siEv. Excess miles s}xall be rfsarged for at $ 3.70 prr aaile or €scfiion of a znile. INUeage caarge is in e.~3's#ion to ail regular charges. Not.s 3: Pr.rmanent Serrice: (a) Sesvice is defined sno lcss than sc}aeduled, once a maAth pickup, unleas local govemment requi-es more frequent service or untess puiresci`bles are iavoh--d. (b) If a dsop box is retained by a ci:ssYO-mPS fc)r a:ull month and no p;c'ups 2; e ordered, Th-- IDOII`~'ily _CIFt SF12II j?e cbargeck but nfl charpes will be assessed for gick-aps. ?vTosthly renta1 charges ;iil be proratsd wben a drop box is retainal foa onIy a partiog af a monih. (C) lf rent is shown, the yatt fnr ths first pickup and ea--h addjtional gickup must be the same. Ifrcni;s aot shawn, if i's to be iaclnded in the rstc tor the firsf pic?tiip. . . ' , , . ' Acces& rial charees assessed (lids, tarqi.ne. nnlockinLr, untatc6ine, etc.): • Notc 4: A ga`.e or obstrucflon ckarge of S10.60 wJ1 be Fssessei for ope--ig, unlock-Lng or clos'sng gatts, or moving obstructiors in order to pick up soiid waste. • Notc S: A iee of $21.00 per mon`h iYil! be added to reeL wben l;d is reqLired oa coutainers Qver 15 yards. Note 6: A f&-- oi 514.40 will be assessed when cusbom-er require; sfllid waste collection cornpany to pasitian lids open a.f= retvra~ng einpiy container to custoTner si3e. Zssued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, l'acifc Northwest Market A.rea Tsi~ue dafe: F_f2~~L~`.qtICL4L USE OnY - Doc t: TG-070410 . • E~'ective .Date: 11ga}:1, 2007 . 'TariffNo.15 Orieinal-PageNo. 39 _ Company Ija,neJJ?ermit Number: Wa5te'-Mana;ement of WashingtRn, Inc./G-237 . ' Register~d Tr~de Name: ~V6sie ~~anageme~t of Spoka.ne; V~.lIey G~:rb'a.ge Seivice Co. and We_rtera Re~use Co. ~ ; . , Ztem 275 .-Droo'l3ox Sei-vice - To Uisposal Sife and Rcturn Comparted Matterial (Customer-owned drop box) RaLes suated per drop ?eox, per pick up 12ates io this item apPIy: . . . (1) In tbe follovving service z,-e.z The servFCe area as described in Appe,7dix A. . Size c+_ 1 e of Con-tainer 10 I'ard 15 Xard 20 Yard 25 Xe.rd 3 0 Yard 40 Yard Permanent Service: . . . • Each Scheduled Pic u $92.10 $92.10. 592.10 S92:10 $92.10 $92.10 S ecialPicku s $92.10 ( $92.10 S92.10 •$92.10 592.10 i 592.1Q TeTriporary Sen7ice: . k'icicu. Rate $ $ $ ~ ~ $ I~Tote 1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in Item 230. ~ Note 2: Rzies z~?.~'ned in this it.em ~~ply for all ha~ls not exce~eding 5 miles measured fram the point of piclcup ~ to the disposAl s:te. Exc,ess miles sh^.il be charged for at $ 3.70 pe; mile os fracuon of a mile. ?~Zleage ' charga is in zddition to all regulat charges. rjote 3: Pemnarient Service is defined as no l.ess rhan scheduled, ouce a naonth pickup, unless local , governmentrequixes more frequcnt sezvice or unless gutrescibles are involveci. • 4cce~sorial cbaraes assessed (lids tarpi,n unlockin~ nnlatiching. etc.): N'ote 4_ A fee of$ 16.40 per month will be assessed when containers Mth atLp ched compacfors require ' discnns-iec*ing, reconnecting or iunung around. • Note 5: A gafi.e or obstruction charge of S10.60 will b- Gssessed for operiing, unlac?,ing or closing gates, or movi.ng obstructions in order to pjck up solid waste. _ • Issued by: M:ichael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing M~~er, Pac~c Northw:st M-rket Ar:a T.ssue ds;.e: ~~~~~jC.IA.L, I7SE OtVLY Dacket: TG-070410 EfJ'ective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No ; 15 . O~ieinal Page No. 44 Company Name/Pernait NuLnber: WF-ste Managemmt of,Washi.rigton, In61G-237 • . Registe~i. Tra.~e N~e: Waste R~ia.~iagement bf Spok.e~, Valley Garb•-e Service Co. and Weste~n Refu.sv Co. ~l . . . . . . : . : . . - Item 300 List of Abbreviations and Svmbols Used in Tbis'Z'ariff . • . . . . (A) Denotes increases. ' • • (R) Denotr,-s decreases. (C) Denotes changes in wordinM, resultii-_19 in neid.her increases nor decreases: (IND 17anotes new rates, services, or rules . Denotes that material greviously sho-wm hfis been deletsd.. Yd: or. yd. are thb.reviations for yard . • , Cu. or cu.'are abbreviations for,c'ibic. _ . - . . -7 Tssued by: Michae1A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Mauager, l'acifie Nor`Lhwest Market Asea • Issue cate: Ef%MeGL&WjCIAL rJS`E ONZY . . Docket: TG-070410 Effective Date: Mcry 1, 2007 CITY UF SPOKANE VALLF.Y SPOKANE COt1NTY, WASIiINGTON ORDI.NANCE NO. 08-00* AN ORDIN1VNCE OF TIiE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY. WA,SNINCTON, AMENDING ORDINMiCE 07-016 BY CHANGING TIiE APPLICABLE DA7'E OF THE SEVF.N YEAR, NON-E.XCLUSIVF HIZ4NCHISE TO SUNSHIr`E DISPOSAL, IIVC., TO PROVIDE CUMMERCIAL GARBAGE ANI) REFUSE CnLLE:CTION SFRV[CE WITflIN THE CITY OF SPOkANE VALLFY WILEREAS, the City of Spokane Yalley incorpcx'sted on Msrch 31, 2043, ai which timc Sunshine Disposal, Inc., was providine garbage snd refii9e cc►Ilection smiues in the grngraphic arca comprising the new city: %k'1iE1tE,1ti. RC'W :;.U?.IGU providcs that %+hUn a nc%-, city incorporate;. a c<xmpany prm~idin~ ~Aflid waste and refuse collcx;tion services within the rtew city shall be bUowed to continur providing said services for at least sevcn years following the exercise of certain steps to terminate those stamtvey rights; WHEREAS, an Novcmber 7, 2007, the City Counci) appmved Ordinance 07-0I6 grsnting a uvcn-year franchise to Sunshine Uisposal, Inc., to provide cammercial garbage and rcfuse colkctian service within Spokane Vallry. 7'he City Council gave appnval tc) give noti►:c uf trrmination through die Washingtun Utilitics and Transportetion Commissicm; and W}-IEAEAS, City stafl' hed commemicalions with stnff at the Washington l.ltilitieti at►d Trunsportation Cammissicm rogarding several clarifications necessary in the City's notice of tsrminntion lctter. After issumg a second notice of te7mination {etier on February I.S. 2008, with e re,wised termination daie of March 10. 2008, it bce:ame necessan. ta smend ()rdinaner 07-1116 t(i malcr it eFfective M19atch 10, 2008 as wcll. TvOW, T1lEftE.f~ORi:, the City Couneil of the Cil) of Spokane Vallry, SEx)kane County, Washington, dces cndain as follows: Section 1. Amend Scction 3 of Ordit~tce 07-016 regardin~; the effective date. I his +~~~+f~~r ~+}~,4~,~+A++~~~#ir-E~re#+f►~r-:-. ,2Q914 I Ordinancc shsll be in full force and effoci on MaMh t0 e-~;a~e~-4l►erz*c~€ae~arsftt~~te-~t~~w-Weper- wfi#eFit~-<~-~#►•~konr-~~~lr~ a3 ro+++elrd-by-Itw-. PASSEU 6y the t ity Cuuncil this dsy of March, 2008. MaYur, Richard Munson ATTES"T: Christine Bainbridge. City CIcrk - Approved as to Form: UtTicc of the Citv Atiornev Date of Publication: _ Effwivc I ~ . - • SU-NSH1NM, DISPOSAL, TNC. . . . , Cert. 1~1o. UB/A St~zSH]NE . DISPOSAL & RECYCLI]NIG G-I99 . 2405 N. LJNIVERSITY ROAD,• _ . - , • SPOICANE VALLEY, WA 99206 _ . • : • • . , - _ ' . :t~ . GARBAGE ANb REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE, Iiinited to service in.containers of twcziy (20) cubic yard capaciCy or over ul thai portion of Spok.ane County described as £ollows: T-he territory bounded on the west by Havana Street (the easterly city 1i,nzits of the City of Spokane); on the north by Rovvan Avenue extended; en the easfi by the Tdaiio-'~Tashingto.n' Staie line and on the south by 44fh Aveaue , ex:ended. A1_so, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., l.Z.45 E., and Sections 30 End 31, T. 26 N., R. 46 E.; and within fihe corporate ciry jimits of Spokane as of SepteinUer l, 1962, PROVIDED: Ssrvice permitted in Spokane does not m!thorize the duplicaxion of or any encroachu-~egt on services rendered by the City of Spokane or coiitrac*~d for by it . - TG-040612 04-02-04 r-. _ • ~ . .J • gECEIVED JTTI: 125 2406 WA. UT. &TRA-NS. CONBI. ORIGUqAL TG-061142 - Orieinal ttie Page . . . • . . Tarififi hlo. 7 , Cancels . Tariff No. 6 . of - Sunshlne Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B ' (NamsfCerti;icate Number ef SoIIJ VJzstee ColtectiDn Company) dba Sunshine Disposa) and Recycling (Regis'ered lrada nama af Sotid WesEe Collecu'ors Goenpany) . ' NAMING RATES FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISP05AL OF ' SOL1D WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYCLING AND YARDWASTE ' IN'fHE FO1J_OWING dESCRIHED TERRITORY: • , ~ . (Nofa: ff th?s tsrW epp!!es m only a porff~n af a companJs . 0emfc6'1e atitha~.a mgD ::ccurafalydepi~Grng the eraa in whfQ5 ths h..rffi a,apras mvst b~- adachod ro this f3rrnl , . See Appendix A- Permit Copy and Map . ,I Name of peron Issuing tarftfi Narc B. Torre OficEal UTC requesis for informaUon regarding consumer questions endlor Mailing eddress oi issuer. 2405 N. Universityr Road complairsts should be reforred to the . foflwring camparry represenfative: , Ciiy, StatelTp Code S okane, VVA 99206 Name: Marc B. Torre • ' Tzlephone Numberci+:i-:ik,;wtac_-d-y (509)924-5678 Titie: Vice President Phone: 509)824-5678 ' FAX number, if any 509)924-7448 E-rE-ieil: mto @sunshi edisposal,ca . Fax: 509)524-7443 E-mail address, if any: mtorre sunshi edis Qsal.carin Issued by: Marc B. ToTre • ' Issue date: Juiy 13, 2006 Effactive Date: Sep#IImber 1, 2005 • (For off'rda1 us.s oRly} . Docket Kto. Date: By. 14'OR OFF7CIIL M.P. CilYil' • . • Docket: TG-061142 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06. Eff'ective Date: 09-01-06 RE . U. 2 2006 WA. Ufi. & 7RAxS.* COI~IlV1. ORYG~TAL 'TG~=061142 Tarifi Nb. 7 • Original Fagz Nfl. 2 Company Nema/Petmit Number. Sunshine Dis;sal, Inc_ - G000199 8. . , . Reqistz-zd Trade P.'arnB s dba SUnshine D#osaf and R c1inQ , . . Ci-icCK SHEET ' pJl pages contained in this taritt are lista9 belrnv in conSsWtKFe Drdet. The pat~es ir, the taiiff andfpr aT~y sugplements to th° tarifr list?d oR this page have issue dates that are the sane as, ar ate beobre, t;ne issue date of t-ii5 page. "0" in the revisfot-i colur.nn : indica::s an ariginal page. , • . Page CurrenE- . Page_ Current Page Curent • Number Revision Number REVisbn Humber REVision . TPde Pa e 0 27 O 2 O 2$.. O . 3 . O 29 O . 4 O 30' O b O 31 O s o 32 0 - 7 •O 33 O S ' O 34 O ' 9 O 35 O ' 10 O 36 O . • . 11 O 37 O . , 12 O 38 O ' . . 13 O 39 O 14 O 40 0 - 15 O 41 O ' 1 18 O . . 42 O 17 O 43 ' O . 98 O 19 O , CO O - , . 21 O . . 22 O , ' 23 O 24 O . 25 O' 28 O . • SlipplemEnfs in Eieect . . issUed By: Nrarc B. forre ' - Issue Date_ Jul 13, 2006 • - Effecuva Dafe: Se ien-iber 1, 2006 , (For africaal Use Only) -Dacke# No. TG pate: By: ,S` OJVLY . octwt.• G-0611 42 .4genda Date: 08-30-06 , Effective Date: 09-01-06 .xEc~rvEn JUL 12. 2006 wA. UT. Sc xRANs. comM. oRzGDj{4I. TG061142 . . Teriil No. 7 Original Fage No. 3 Company NamJPermit Numbez: SunsSine Disposal, (nc. - Gfl00'f 99 B Ze isterd Trad~ Nam s dba Sunshine Dis osa) and RPcyclin • ~ Index of Items in This i ariff - sae next item for iist bv topic . Item b Taxes . . Itpm 14 Application of Rotes - Genaral • . Item 15 Holiday Fickup Item 16 Change in Pickup Scheduie • Itern 17 Reiunds . Item 18 Bill[ng, Advanc-- Billtno, Fayment Delinqtlency Dates, Late Cnargea- Item 20 ~ -Dzfinitions . Item 30 Limitation of Service ~ . Item 40 Ma#eri:.f Requidng Special Equipment, Przcautions, or Disposal . 14ern A. 5 Material Rec{uiring Special Testing andfor Anatysis . lfam 50 Reivmed Check Charoes . • Item 51 Restart Fees - • ' Item 52 ' Redelivery r-ees . , Item 60 Qvertime - Itern,70 Retum Trips , Item 60 Carryout Service, Drive-Ins Item 90 Can Carriage, Oveihead Obs#ructions, 5unken or Efevatad cen5/unifs Item 100 CanlUnit Ssrv1+x, Rssldantia! - Residential Curbslde Recycling - ResidenUal Yarcfv•aste Servica Item 120 Drums . . Item 130 Litter ReceptacEes - Li~ier i otei-s , • ' Iteern 150 Loose andlor Bufky Ma'Lerial Item 160 _ Tirne Rates . • • -.77. Item 202, AppiFcation of Conbine~ andlor Drop Box Rates - GEneral Item 205 Roll-0ut ChargES - Container, Aafflmateci Car#s, and Toters • I ten 207 Excess VJeight - ReJection of Load, Charges to Ti rnsport . . . Ikarn 210 VJashina end Sani4zina Gontair~crs and Drop Boxes . Item 220 Compacbr RenLLal . . . Itern-23Q - Disposal Fess • , ' • Iliem 240 Cantainer Service - Non-compGcted - Conipany-owned Container • - • lteroi 245 Con#einer Service - Non-compaoted - Cusbmer-ovrned Conta6ner ' . Itern 250' Gontainer Sen ice - CompscfQd - Gompany-ewned Cont-ainer ~ Item 255 Canfainer Servio9 - Compacted - Cusforrier-ownEd Contaftter . Item 260 Drop Box Service -NonZompacfrd - Company-mmed drop box Item 265 Drop Box Servics - Non-Compacted - Custnmer-owned orop box Itern 270 • Drop Sax Service - Compacted - Cnmpany-c3wned drop box Item 276 Drop 8ax Servics - Compacted = Cusionier-oti:fied droo box Item 300 List of Abbreviadona and Syriibols Used in Tariff ' Issued 8y: MFrc B. 7orre , . fssue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effteective Date: Se temb2r 1, 2006 - - (For Officia/ Use On1y) . Docket No. TG- Date: BY: P'M ry~ _ U 1 V1TJ-/i, ocxet: -0611 42 Aggentla Date: 08-30-06 _ ' - ~jective DaPe: 09-01-06 RE. ETVED J~LT.L 12, ~Z-OOG WA. YTT. &.fiRANS. COllBI. 0RIGL-N.A.T~'Z`G-061142 Tatff No. 7 D7glnal Pag_ No. 4. . ComF~ny Nar,e!Permit Nlt!i-iiber. Sunshins bispasal, Inc. - G40D 199 B • - Re isE~re~ i rad~ N~~e~~} eba Sunshine Dispasal and Re ciin - Index bv tooic . ~ • ~ It=m Nlo Abbreviabons used In tariff:................................................................................................... 300 Adv=nca bi119i-ig . . . 18 P.nima3s 30 E'les , 140 ~ BiPlirrg periods authorizecl............ 18 . CaTYQUtsenice 8Q _ Comrnercial can sei-vice............. 245 220 Compactor rer,tal Canta€nerservice, compactad, company.owned 250 Container sevice, coti-ipacted, custoifler-awnEd 255 ' Containsr servFCe, non-coir~fl3cted, company-oivned 240 Gontair,ersentice, nan-cDrnpacted, cvstomer-Dtivried , 2•45 ' Cor,tairiers andr'ordrop baxe;, availabii'r'ry 202 ~ . . . ; Cont2inEt-s anelotdi-op baxy..-, 9°neral ruEes ''200~ GonJafner andlardrop bexes, vJashing and'sanitizing 210 Credit dUe the ousfomer . ~ 17 : Darriage #a cusiflmer praperty . . . 30 Dc'fin1ti01'is ...1 20 aefinquenc/ de`.es 18 Disposal [zes 230 Drive-In servlce 90 Brops-box service, compacted, Gotnpany-owned........... . 270 , ~ Drop-box service, compactad, custornzr-own?d . 275 Dron-box servlce, non-compactzd, c,ompany-a:."nrd 260 Drop-bex seNice, non-compacted, custDmer-owned 265 Excess vreighk rejecUon of Is?d, charges to trarrsport 207 - Fiat rnonthly charges 75 Hoiidays obsewed 60 Late aiarges : 16 . . Limit-2tions af service 30 Lifter re,~eptacles 134 1►9atErial requiting specfal disposel 40 h4ajerial requiring specialeG,uipment 40 Water+Gl requlring spECiGI precauyons 40 MGferial requiring specfFf 'testinglanaEysis 45 ~ Cor~tinued on tiext paGe Isst!ed By: It4arc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 206S ' Eftecave DFte: Septerrtber 1, 2006 ~ (Far Orttclal Use Orrly) ' Docket N'o. i G- Date: " By: i-OK =0'e S ~ OArLY ~ r:! ~-061142 . Agenda Datz: 08-30-06 , . E feciive Dare: 09-01-06 R-EC~IV-En JCTL 12. 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. CONM. ORZGLNA-L TG-061142 • . _ Tariri Nfl. 7 Original PagE No. 5 • Comp?ny Narr,el'PernPt Number. Sunshins bisposal, Ina. - GOD0I99 B • Re istered 7rade NGm s) dva Sunshine Dis osa] and R cling . ~ Index bv toDic. Cd(lUnll°d ~ - • - Item No ~ All.issed p(ckups, weather or road condEtions 30 54 , ReLtrned checks Overhead obstrucUons............................................. • 90 Over-sized unitt 55 ~ . Overdme . . . . . . 60 - Over-waightuni~s 55 ~ . Redelivaryfees 52 ~ neiund ofoverch2rges 17 ' Refiund af prepaymsn 'L~ 17 Refunds 17 Refusal to make pickUp . 34 Residentiai recycling . ~ 100 Reside~tial servicp 100 . Residentialyardwastz . 140 Re#urntrips . ~ '70 ' Roll-outcharges 205 Stairsorstzps . ~ 90 Surilcen or elevafed cansJunits 90 Symbols used in tariff 300 . ~ Taxes 5~ 'llms rsLas 160 . ~ _ Condnued on next page fssued By: . Ararc B. Torre ~ . , Issue Date: Jui 13, 2006 Effecbve Date: Se VLember 1, 2006 (For Oifrcfal Use Onfy) ~ • Docket ido. TG- Date: ~ By: - S . . ~ - • . oc et.• -061142 ~ A.genda Date: 08-30-06 Effective, Date: 09-01-06 RECE:[VED JUL 123 2006 WA. Ti-T. &'T.RANS. 'C011TAI. ORYGINAL TG-061142 ~ Tarth No 7 Origiraf PaGa Na. o CompaRy NamelPermit Numbar. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G0001°9 B' Re ;isterztf Trade Name s) cba Sunshine Dlsposal and R~jcling 1`am 5- kpolicatron of Rates - Taxas En5 fin esi~ ta)c Ordinance number.' kmount of tax Anplici~-Uon Conmodlies and terdtory) . . - I . ' . . ' t lssued By: ft4arc S. Torre Issue Date: Ju 13 2006 ' Erec`~iva DatP-: Se fembFr 1, 2006 . (FOr Omcral Use Only) ~ DocY{st Nb. TG Date: ~Y - r, r r O14ry Docket: TG-061142 . ngenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 . RECEIVED JUI, 12,.2006 WA. TJT. & .TRANS. COALM. ORIGYNAL 'Z'G-061142 - " ' 'This age has Cj added wordtn Tariff No. 7 - _ ' 'Oriaina! Pag- Ro. 7 Compamy NamelPermit Number: Sunshine Dlsposaf, inc. - GGOOti 99 B R istersd Trade N3me(s) dba Sunshine Dis ,:~s=.J 2nd Re clin • , . Re isterea Trede Nam--(s) dba Sunshine Dis DsaI and RP cdin Ifem 10 -Appiicaaon ofRates GeneralRates named in this tariif cflver the collecfion, transporta`ion, ajid dispcsal oi solid wmste. •L1man speeifically . rzfered to, rates also cover,the colleeLiori and transQortation of raryfciable maferials andfor yaMwasie, . Titie 81.77 of the Revissd Code of 1rJsshingtan (RCV) and Chapter 480-70 of the V'Jasttington Administrabve Coos (1NAC) govem opPratiflns of sofid tvaste colle-;tiDn cDmpanles end the tariffs companies musd nle with L''►e 1Nashing4on Utfliiies and Transportation Commission (WUTC). : : Unless exceptions ace shown, ail matsria}s must be plac.,d on the sama levrel ast'ie stmets or 311eys. . i he cornp?ny majr charge addr.Jorsal arv►ounts for disposal fees only when spzcificalfy stafed in the Wff and separatefy shown on customer biEls. • • . - Item 15 - Holidav Pickua = Reoularlv Sche~ulsd SerAce . • ENhen a pickup is missed diie to the company's obSeNance- of a holiday, the company will provide service, at no eddiiional cesf to the customer, on an F-liematg day. • A(ist of the hofidays the cortpany observes is shown in lfem 60. FDr applicdtion of ratas in this tariff, the compsny dennes alternate day #o mean the l'atlowing: The following business cay - [C] i~ • Item 16 Chancis in Picictto Schedule When a company changes the pic:-up date ior ifs ceat#)ftcete area, er a portion o# its certificate area, the compeny must noafy ell customers in the eiiected area of that charrge. Notica musf be made at IEast seven deys before implemerttation of a ne pir.E:up scheriule end may be made via mail, personaf contact, or by a nodce being amxed to the cusEomefs solid :vaste receptacla. . Issued By: Marc B. Torre . . Essus Da#e: JuE 13, 2006 Effec#ive Date:.Ss ternber 1, 2006 (For Official lJss Only) DQCket No. 7G- Date: BY ' ocUt: -061142 . Agen.da Dats: 08-3.0-06 Effectrve Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JTJ.L 12 2006 WA: UT. & TRA-LNS. COIYIM. ORIG.INA-L 'I`G-061142 Tariff No. 7 . Original Page No. B Compai-iy tJame/Permit ;umber. Sunshina Dispos2l, Inc. - GOOD4g9 B - j. Fcegistered Trade tJame(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re c(in . • " Item i7 - Refunds Credit due the customer. Vdhen there has b°°n a fransacboii Jhat resulfs in a Greaid due &te cus5orner, thz , foArnving apply. . . ' (a) If ih.. amount dus is fn~z do1lar er 1?ss, en sdjustment ~0I _be nade to the ctistomm-fs accounf. The . aajustnent must be shbwn on the next figular bill. . • ' (b)1f the amour-it due fs mere t~an five doilars, the a:stDmet may accEpt ari atxount adjustnent ur mcy rsquest a refiund. - (1) Ifi tha customer efebts 'to h"ave an amounf adjusiment made, ti`,e adj4st ment must shcvr on the next reguiar bi(ling. • (2) If the cus#Qmer efec#s fio receive e refund, Ehe company must issuea check wifiin ehirty eays of ti~e rzqusst Overcharges. Oiice a eo!mpany becoines awa2 th'at it has overcharged a cus.'amer, it mus` provlde a refLknd or an eccount adiust'neii► etedit to tfte customer. Tne customer must be given'a choice 3s to tvhich option is pre;erred. The refiund or credit musf be the arnoun# everchFrged in tne Ehrae ya3rs before the date of discovery. (a) If the custflmer eJects to have an accaunt aejustmcnt made, the adjusiment must shrna on Lhe next regular billing. - (b) if the customer efec}s tfl receive a re;und, tiie compt-Atty must issue a check writhin #,iirty days of the • reauest Prepayments. li a vJStomer has paid servica;ees in advance, service (s aiscontinuyd durirfg tfie pm-billca periad, and thn customer is dua a refund, tho follovring appfy. : . , (a) A company must honcr all requests fQr refiunds mi thp unused pottian of przpaymen5. (b) Il'the cust4rner provides e sorw3rding address fo J'te company or one can be obtalned fiiom the PQst Offtce, fiie c;ompany rtiust issue a rtitlnd check no mora than Ehirty eays follotiving #he cusfnm2r's reauest. (c) IT the custorner cannof be Fcicated or did not provica a foT,varaing address and the U.S. Posi Omce cannot furnish a raivrarding address, tie arriount nay be presurned to be abandoned and Es subjec# to the lJniform Unciaimed Properiy 'n, ct aner one year. ' Pssued By: MeCC B. I OR° ' Issue Da#e: JljI 13, 2945 Efrecflve Dafe: Sn aenber 1, 2406 - ; (For Officia! Uss anly) ~ ; ' • - Dacket No. TG- DatP: $Y' 1+ ONEY - oc- : -051142 ' . . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Ejaective Date: 09-01-06 RE IVR J~[T.L.12. 2006WA. UT. & TRAiNS. CO11M. ORIGINU.L TC-r-061142 Tariff No. 7 . Original Page No. 9 Coinpe7y Name/Per~t'rt Number. Sunshine Disposal, (nc. - GODU'f?9 8 ~ t Registered Trade Namn s dba Sunshine Dispcsal and Rec in9 itnm iB Bilfina Advancp- 87lina and Pavment Delinouencv Dades Billing periad, A com pany may bill fts clstomers for one, two, or fihres mortns of seMoe. , Advance billing and payment delinquency dafes. i ne follovring charlt defines #he maAmurn perifld afloved for ~~7~`,Maximui~n~ad)ran!~ee.biili' eriod~~lioti~r.e~~• ~3eli6Gaen .data?~, . One rnonth's service No advance billing aliowed May not be less than (monthiy) ' • 21 days aftertha . - dsie the bill ls m=ited . ?wo rnondhs'szrvice One month's advanoa billing aliowed htiay not be untl the la5i day Of t1$ • , - sacond mbnth Threa months' Two monfi's advance billing allowzd May r~ot be until the . ssrvice fastday Qr the . third month ' The billing period chosen by tihe oompany operating Lnder this tariif for it-b residential. solid waste aa;ourits is: Monthly . . ;.l Issued By: PJiaro B. Torr` fssue Date: Jul 13, 2006 - Efiectinre DEite: Septembpr 1, 2006 (For Oftral Use Only) . " Dodket No: TG- Data; BY FOR D.FFIC.L4..L U~'.E - Docket: TG-061142 . . Agenda .Uate: 08-30-06 _ ' Effective DatP: 09-01-06 . ~CE~D JI:T.L 1.25 2006 N~'..4.. ~[J'T. & `I`~'lTS. COiVJM. ORIG7N.~L TG-061142 Tad=l No. 7 • Criginal Fage No. iD ComFany.N¢nelPetmlt Nlumber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GD00999 B Reoistei-ed Trde 'ame(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and R? yclin . !'Le ~m 20 - bennitions - NO i~: 77ie dermi5or+s s9awn on the fr.s! fi5ra°pages of thfs fta„r,~ arn sfanda.z! u; r'iost c:sas prescribsdbyrulo. GpmpGnies rttay not amsnd O°s° da5trffions, excspt'to Rtt ln b1anG:s for m2ximum waights of varfous roceptades Caqpanres wrAing b • add der;nitions sp°crtrc ta fhetr vAmpany's opeiotions must indLde those definhons ai e sspora,`e paga, entr'7ad 9Campany°- , ecri~ da~nftions." A blank s,~resf is tovlr~ad for fhaf asa. ' FJ1aEerial compress£d by mach(rre ano sezjjrely tarped or handed. ' • Bullry ttip-terials: Erinipy caiTiers, cartons, baxas, etaltes, etc., or rr,atteriafs aftered Yor disposai, ail oi whicl~ may be ieadily hanaled GAthouf shovsling-* . • Charoe: A set r'1at fee for performing a service. Or, the r?suft of multipJying a rate fo; a unit times the nunber of uni:s transported. Commerciel billEng:; Service billad to a comrnerci?I cusltomer or bilfed to, and pafd for, by a properiy • manaaer . or owner rather than a resideniial ten3nt. . Cfltnp2cfof diSCOnnecf/ . ' • ' - - . reconnect chArge: Aflat iee estabEished b'y the solid waste collection company 7ar th' e senvicP af disconnecting-a compacbr srom a drop_ box or aoritafner before fa}cing it 4o be dumped, and then reconnec'•aRg the ,ompacdor when 'Lhe drop bcx or con+.ain-ar is raturnecf to the cusfomer's si#e. ' Gate charge: A ffas fee charged for opening, un4ocking, or closing gates in a-a-aer io plck up solld waste. Loose matsrial: tAaierial not seE out in bags or oontainers, fncluding tnafetials that must ba shoveled, MuItk4t;sily residcnm: kny st;uciuPe housing h,,,o or rnore dwelling units. Padcer. •A devlce or vehicl-3 speciatly designed ta pack Ioose materiels. " r ass through fee: A fae coilected by a sofid wssta c~ollec4on company on behalf ofi a third parf, wtten the ;ee ;s billed dire-atfy to tne custompr withou# tnari:up or markdov;n. * Permanznf service: ConEainer ana drop-box service prov9Getf ai ths customer's request for mflre than 90 days. Rate: A p7ce pet uniT or per servlce. A rats is muliipl(ed Urr+es #hc number of unets iranspoited ' oc fh-- number oi U-mes a ses-vic? Is pertarmed to d°tei'TTlifl? 2 Cil3fgB. SOI1Q WaSfB . • . rece2tacie: !nc(udes the folloWitig ltems, witili the io1)owing meanings: ' Automated cart means a cart designea to be picked up and emptied by tnechanic=l meGns. The specrfc type and slze sre ifl be defir~c-d in rate items. ConUntlytt on next page Issued 5y: Marc B. Torre - ' . Issus Date; July 13, 2006 Effecfive Dafe: S.eptember 1, 2006 (For OfficiaI Use Only) ~ . h--' Dookee No. TC-- Daie: gy: P'UR r1 ONLY -061 142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 - RECEMD JTJI,12, 2046.WA. UT. & TRA~TS• GONM• 4RIGIl~T.A.L TG-061142 ' This a e has jC adrfed wordin in two faces . Teriiff hb. 7 Original Page No. 11 Campany NamPrPertnit Number. Sunshine Disposaf, (nc. - GDOD199 3 Re isfeted Trade Narne(s) dba 5unshine Dis osal and Rz ycfin - - - Item 20 - DeSnitions. -cor~finued ' Soliai v.•asie receFtacfe, cont`d: Can means a racepbcie mads of dut-able, corrosion-re5istant,'Ror,absoi-bent maferial :.hat is watertighf, and has a clflse-fitting cover and Nvo handies. A can Frolds morz [C] . #h,an hventy E3lfons, but not more thzn thirty-two gallons, A can may not weigh mora "F,en 65 potrnds wfien filled nar rflota fhan 12 poands when empty. • , Catt mea,ns a wheeied piasdc eontainer. -A cari may also b° refermed to as a tot-ur: !f supp-fied by a clstamar, e cart rriust he compatfble with ths cornpanys equipment. . . The size and fype of cart `Jhat is compatibie will be established in each cornpany's Container ire3ns a detpchable receptacle (nflrmal)y designed ifl hoid at feast a ' cubic yerri of solid waste) from which maferi3ls are coilecfed by nechanically i'tfting . the raceptacle and ernptying the contents Into the compony's vehic(n_ . Drop box means a detachabfe receptacle used to provids solld wasfe c-,ollecton , ' servics by the receptacle being placed on ?he companys vehicfe by m?CF13iliC3l means and transported to a dispos2.l sife. . Drum means a metel or plasiic container of approximateEy fifty-five galion capaci`y, ger-ierally used.for oils or solven#s. A drurn rrssy not weigh more t~an pounds wfien fllled. ' Lltter receptacle means a con#ainer not over six#y-galloei capacify, ge,7srally piaced in shopping ce:titers and along stree#s or hightitays for litter. A litter rAaeptacle may not weigh more than pounds when fiIIaid. ' . Micro-mini can means a can Mede of dutable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent mateilal that is v.,etettight P-nd hss a close-fitfing cflver. A ar,iGO-mW can may not hoEd more dhen ten gallons. A mlcro-r+'iini can may not weigh more than posinds when fi!led. • Minl-can means a can mada of durable, corrosian-resistznt, nonabsorbent rnzisrial [CJ thaE is wa#erticin; and has a close-fltting cover. A mini-can may not ho)d more . . • than iwenty gallons., A rr~ini~an may not weigh more tiaan 20 pounas wtien fified, nor v~eigi~t to exaseei 35.pounds. _ • Recycling bin or container msans a bEn or conEainer designed or designatted far tfie , , collecflon of i-acyclebles. l"he stze and Eype of recycling bin or oontainer wiJ1 be established in each cornpany's iarifi. • . Conflnued on next page Issued By. N+arc B. To~-ia . . . IssUe Da'ie: July 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember'1, 2006 - (F6f OiffCIal U5° OP.fy) Docke# No. TG Daie: By: • OR OFFI XAL USE Docket: TG-061142 - , ngEnda Date: 08-30-06 Efjective Date: 09-0I -06 RE~EIVED JTTL -12, 2006 NVA. ~'I'. &~TRA..S. CONA7. OI~GA7AL TG-061142 ' This page has [CJ added wording in two places. ' - Tari7 No. 7 Originai Paga Nlo. 12 C.ompany Nei-iia/Parnill.Ltmber, Sunshine Das;>as31, Inc_ -G-0001 S9 B R~ is;ercd Trade Narne(s) db3 Sunsillfne Disposal and Rer}~clln ' Itam 20 DefinNons. cxontinueti Solid v,asia • rec_ptac3e, conVd: Toker meens a vheeled plastic vontainar. A teLer rnay.al3o b-3 referred to as a cart Jf sunplied_by customer, a toter must be ~mpabbla vti'~ the c;ompany+`s equipm~~t The ' sizs and ay,~e of to~er t-cat is:eompatibEe will be estabCished in eacdi ccxr~pany'S tarii. Unit rneans a rECeptzcle m3dp- of durr5le, oarrosion-resis#an!, nonabsorUent materiaJ, that is watertight, and Fas a closa-fitting cover and iwo handle; .A unif holds nar? ihaii th.,enfy gellons, bu# not more #han ihirtyz`wo galions or four cubic ;eet A unit . , may nDt wz.igh more than 65 pounds wfien filled, nor more than 12 pcunds when empty. [C] LNhere agreei upon bahveen the company ajid th° cus?omer, and vriere Gllawabla under 4oca1 ordinence, e box, carton, c--rdba@rti batrel, or ofner suieabla cvntainar may be substi#uteci for a solid wastz can, for a singla pir-c-up that includes removal cf the contriner,.if ►f mee-s the s9ze and weieht fini?s established in the company's tariff, a; desctibed in the preceding paraer3ph. LCl Yardwaste btn or contafner maans a bin or contairs°r saecincaily designed or ' desicnated for ihe collection of yardwasta. Each oompart}'s t.ariff wiil rafet to a . spDcific type of yaycftivasEe bin or confainer fo be used in a service atn fhe iype, , . . size, waloht, e:c., o; this Eype af bEn or containzrwi!! ofien be set by lor,al govemmEnt plans or ord inances. N Specfa) pick-up: A pick-up requested by the cus€omer at a time o`her than the regularfy scheduled pick-up Lir~e, thst raqvirez the spECial disp2tcti of a truck. If a sge;fal dispatch Es requi;tcf, the com?any vrill assess time rtes established in the company's PariR, as . sho•wn En Ite-n 160. Supplement fi page added to the bsginning o~ a tariffif, normalty to cgver emergency, tempoary, ar specia) situatians. iin example i5 a page issued fo shotiv a specia) surcharga imposed by a ciQy. Temporary service: Temporary sarvic-a means providEng conteiner or drop-bax senrica at the austomer'S requesr, for a per1od ol'ninc-Ey d3ys or less. Unfatyhina: F,noihe; terrc~ for a g?te chatge. A flet `ee ilnposed by a solid :vasle r:oflsction company vvfien the company"s personnel inust unlafch a gate or daor ro per-laao-m ' pfc{up service. - Unlockfng: Aflat tee irnposed by a sofid vra sio c011vctfon coi-eipany <<rfhen the company's personnel rusE unlowk padlocks or othe; lockirig devices to perform pickup sec-vices. Issued By: Marc B. 7cri a , • ' Issue Date: Jul 13 2006 EfccUve Daie: Sz tembef 'i, ?_UQb (For OrTrciad Use Only) Docket 'o. TG- Datz: BY FOR ' UL USE NLY ocket: - 1142 . . ' - A,gerda Datg: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-05 RIECE1VED JUL.12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRAN'S. COMM. O~GP~AL TG-061142 This a e has [C] added wordin for ahe compan -specific definition. - Tanii Ro. 7 06ginal f'age No. 13 Comp3ny NemelPerrnit Number. Sunshine Dlspasef, Inc. - GODO i99 B 1V . Re isteretl Trade Nam s dba Sunshine Dispasal and Re clin - {fem 20 - Definwtions. continued . • Company-specirc de7nitions: Compacted ?Jlaterial: , htoeieriaJ that has been compressed by ary mechanjcGl dsv9ce [C] • either befoie or 6fter It f5 plaCed 'In tihe receptaCle by fihe solid taa5te company. . ' . ~ Issuvd By: Marc B. Torre lssue Dete: Jul 13, 2006 Effective DGte: Se t2mber 1, 2006 , (For Omcia! Use Only) Dacket IVo_ TG- Date: By: FOR DFF7CIAL US Gi'- . . • . oc t: -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . " _ . Effective 17ate: 09-01.-06 REcF,rVF,.D J-LJL 12~ 2066 WA: vT. 49z T~Ts. CoMM. aPz~~AL TCv-o61x42 Tariff, N0. 7 Origii-ial PagA No. 94 Campany h'arnelParrnii tJumber. Sunshjne. D9spasal, Ina - GODO199 B R i,derea 7Tad° N2(il s) dba Sunshine Dis saf end R lciino ge( It:..ri 30 - Li-nilta5ons oT Service Refusal of service. A solid wasFa coNection comp=ny mayrBluse to: '(a) Pick up matterials fi-am pDin#s where i# is haza~ooUs, unsafe, or.dangBrous to:peimon5, p+roperfii, or enui,pment in operate vehicles due 'to the conditions of streets, alleys, or roads. (b) Dm~a info prnrata properiy wfien, in the comVany's Judgment, drive-wAys or raads are tmproperly _ cons#r.icted or.meintais-ied, do nat have adequ~te fiim-arpunds, orhGve other unscfie conditions. - (c) En tAr private property to pir-k up matariGl whiis an animal considzreA or fecred to be vfciaus is loos?. Thn customer will be requirrd Eo confine the artimal on pickup days. Schedules. A companys schedule will meet reasoi-iabfe requfrements and will campfy vrith loc.aJ service lsvel ordinances. ' ' • , . . . . Nissed plckups due to weather or road conditions. Pickup of m2teNal5 may be miased due to wzather or rcad condrtiens. Ef the accu,mulated materiaf (solid ,vaste andlor recyclables, andlor yardivaste) is collecEed an the next sctieduled or ayailabfe pic,up date, thL company is not obfigated tD ex~end G-zdit for thz 7issed pic}cup. The cusfomer A71J noE be charged for overfifled ra-cep€aclss, or for materials set out in •hags,on Eop of or next it the cusfiomees normai receotp-cles if Jhe amounf ofi ex#ra mafieriai does not excsed the amount that vrflufd have reasonably baen expGcted to accumulate aue to missed pickups. . % Due care. Other than ta affer raesoiiab6e care, the company assur,es no responsibilifij for artidDs left on or near solid %%--ste recPptaclas. . LiabiEity far darrsage. Wnen a djs'lomer reques`s that acompany providA sen,ice and damage oacurs Eo fie . cusioinet's diivew3y dun. io reas4ns nat 9n t„e oontrol of the cflm ~a'riy, the compaRy will assuine no ' responslaiiihyr {or fhe damage. lssuzd By: Narc B. Torre . . Issue 7a~e: July 13, 2Q06 Enective DQte: SEptember i, 24D6 . (For Officra! Use Or,ly) Docket No. TG- Date: BY P u~ 02gy oc.Ker: i - 6I142 • -4gerzda .Daie: 08-30-06 - Effective Date: 09-01-06 . RE~EIVED ,7TT.G 12; 2.006 WA. UT..& TRNT5. CONIlM. ORICCLNAL TG061142. ' • Ifem 50 has °j one rtew cha e. ' • . Tariif No. 7 06ginal Page N0. 15 Company h'amelFermbt Numbrr: Sunshine Dispos*al, Inc. - GOD0199 B Re iste;ed Trade Name s. aha SunShina Dis osal and Recyclin - ' iFem 40 - MateriFl Reauirina Special EouiDment. Ptecautions, or Disposal • Transportation ci solid vraste requfring spectal equipment or precautions in nandling or dispos21 wnll be subjsct to'tirne rates named in I#em 160; or ta,other speci ►c rates'contafned in this tarPZ. ' Companies must nake evzry effort to ba awarw of the eommodities that requfre speciail handling et the disposal sites named in the company's fariffs. The company-sh-Pll rrzaintain a list oi those- comnoditin-s end ma};e it avaflabEe for public insg6con at the company's office. - Item 45 - Matetial Reguirino Special Tastina andlot Anafvsis ' wJhen e soltd ~%^as`.e aoflecUon company or disposal facilify determ'tnas tiiat festing and/flr anatysis of soGd waste fs required Ro determinz tvhettier danQerous or prohfblttd substences are preseni, the actaal cost for ' such fesUng andlor anatysis will be p-nid by the customer. The c~-npany must provide ths ca:sfamer with a aopy of anjr bill or.invo9ce for crostt-, lncurred for tes#ing and/or analysis and also must reiain a copy fri th° compar~ft file for at leasi fhree year. Those cosis sha!l be passed through to the cUStomer v.thout markup. 7'he ~ company.must maintain recards of tima spent so eccomp[ish'the special testing andlor anafysis, and may bill the customer fot that tiroie under the provislons of Ifem 150 (Time Rates). . ' . . . ' ltem 50 - Return?d Check Charoes Retumed Check Charge. ii a customer p?ys with a check, and the customees bank refiuses to hDnor that chc-c'k, the cus'omer Wll be assessed a rahum check charge in the amount of $25.0. ' . [N] lssued By: Marc B. Torre ' . . Issue Date: Ju( 13, 2006 Effec#Kle Dafe: Sep'Lember'9, 2005 ~ (For Omdal Use Only) • Docket 'o. TG- Date: gY: T x (J V1YL1 oc .et: -061142 Ager.drz Date: 08-30-06 Effective .Date: 09-01-06 REC;EIVED JUL 12, 2006 N-VA. UT. & TRAjS. CU-MM. aRIGI\i jAL 'I`G--061142 Tarif, °o. 7 ' Oricinal Pag_ No. 16 Conpany NamJ^rarrnit Nunber Sunshine Disposal, Irrc. - G000199 B . . Re, istered TradP Nafne s) dba Suishina Disposal and R ~cffn Item 51 - Restart Fees , . . l'ransportation o; solia wasfe requiting spoal eaufpmen# or FrecaUf9ons in hand(inq ord.isposa1 will be subjJct }o time ra;es named in Item 160, or to otnpr s?er-mc rrtas cantained in this #efln. . Goi-rr,paniss rnust tra; e every erort io be awaR_- of the commoaiues that requir°e specia1 handHng at the dbpDS31 sites naned in the crn-npar~ys €ari(fs. .fhe company sh~ll mair~~in a list of `~}tosa ao~r~modi~a9s and ma}:e it avaiiable ior pubiic inspection Ft ~e~mpany`s ot~ce. . . When e solid wasie collection company or disposFl farality tfzte_rmi~es t~~at tes6r~g andlor analysis af solid waste is requirzd to detetmir~e witieiher drngarous or prohibii~d substances are present, the ae-tual cost for . such #ssting andfor anasysls tvill be paid by dhe customer. Thz company must provide the cus3om-r wM a copy . af any bill or introice far costs incurred for, tasting andlor ariatysis and also must fe'Lain a c-opy iAi the conpany`s . ' fila for at least three ya...ars. Those cos:5 shellbe passed through 'to the cusiomer witha+-it markup. Tha company musf maintain ramrds of time spent to acxomplish the speciai 'testing and!or analysis, and may bIll G'ne cu6ton, er Tor thaE Eime under the nrovisigris of I#em i 6D (Time Rates). • Item 52 - RedeWerv Fees ~.,..J . Cornpanies asssssing redalivery i'ees must describe when the ;ees apply, and must state the amount ci the fzes in th(s ifean. Issuad By: Marc S. 7orre . Issue Da'Le: Jul 13, 20D6 Effec#ive Date: Se temoQr i, 2046 (Fct' O~rr~a! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: BY: - - FOR OFFICIAL O1JLY Dock'-e: TG-061142 Age?&a Date: 08-30-06 - E)ffiective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIV.ED. JTJL 12; Z006 WA. UT. fiRANS. CO-41EM: ORIGlNAL. TG-061142 Item 6D has [C] added worcling 9n two iaces and [A] one incrp-asb In charge. - - Tarfff Nfl. 7 . Origlnal Paae No. 17'. ) Cort,oany Nsm, zlPe m it Number. Sunshtne Dispasal, fnc. - GCi001BS B ~Re2isteted Trade hrrr,c-(s a"ba Sunshine DisposE1 and Re clin ' • Itam 55 - Ovat-sized or Over-wziqhi Czns or Ue,its . The company; reserves ttie right tA `eject pibkup of any r'esidential receptade (c=..n, unit, bag; rnini-can, or or micra-mini-can) which, Lipon raasonabte Insflacton exceeds the size and weight fim'sts sh&v:rn in Item 20. ff tha receptacle excssds the's6ze analor lir6its statetf in item 20, Is overfiEled, ' or the top is unable to be cGosed, bui the conpany t4#'1spDrfs Lhp- mafzrials, the fo1lowing addihoRal ch3rges All apply.. ~ per - NOTE; Fot c,`targes a nt yirrg on ovenvSichf toters, ca &Ls, container'33, or dro,v baxes see rtern 207. ' Item 60 Overtime, Padoas • - ' Gompanies will asszss addi4ional cherges when providfng servic-es, at customer requzst, dunng over`ame petiods. Ovartime periocs incl6de Sa~ufdays, 5undays, and the following hofidays: ' New Yeaes Day (January 1) ' Labor Day . [C] , ' Memorial Day l'{hznksgNing Dsy . " Independence bay (July 4) Ghris#mas Day ( Decembef 26) WhEn a holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the folfo}ving Nonca}r vriil be observed: Vdhen a hoiiday listed [C;, above f211s Dn Sattirday, the pre,ced9ng FMay shall he the legal hoRday. Time is #o be rzcordzd to the nearest (ncsen°nt of 15 minutes from the time the como,ny's vehicle leaves the Eereninal until the tim-3 it retums to the tarmin3l. tJo edditional cF,arge will be assessed io customers for ovei-time or hoVfday wer{ periormed solely tor the company's convenience, . Charge per haur: $ 65.00 Truck and one driver [A] F✓einlmum charge: $ Issued By: Merc S. Torre Issue daty: Jul 13, 2006 • Effective Date: Se tember 1, 206 ' . (For Offlicfel Uss Only) • Docket No. TG- Date: ' BY= . I, . .~y FOR OFF7CLIL TlSFs GIVL.r- .Dacket: TG-061142 . • Agen.da Date: 08-30-06 ' Ej1 ecz'ive TJate: 09-01-06 R-EcErv~D J-LJL 11, 200'.6 WA. Ur. ~ TRANS. 'co)INT. ORIGLNAL TG061142 Item 70 has A one increase in char e ~ . Original gage No. 18 ' Tarifi No. 7 ~ . Company N13T,alPermit Nurnber. Sunsiine Disposal, Inc. - G00O i 99 B R5 is'tered'Trade Name s dba SGnshina Dis a5al and ftA- clin 1« n 70 - Return TriDs . , . Wnen a rnnpany is requirmd to rnake aratum trip, hat ooes not requira ttte specfal dispatch of a Eruck, • to pic"{ up matEtiaf thGt was unavailabie for coliection frx reasons under the'control o; ihe cUStomet, the • iolloVing additianal charges, per pickup, will app6y. ~ iyae of rceDtacle Rate for Retv,rn T7o Cpn, uniL ininP-can, or mfLro-miri--can ~ . prum $ . . . Bafe $ . Liter Receptacfe $ ~ ~ . . Drop 34x $ 45.00 (A] ~ . ' : • . . ~ • Container $ . . To'Ler, gallor.s . . : ioter, ~ gallons 5 , Recyciing contafnArS $ . other 4 . ' `'r Other $ • . . N 0 i E: Returri #tips rec}uiring tiz s}iecial cfispatch af a truck ate oor~sittered special pickups and are charged - ;or c!r~der t~~} provisions of Item 180 (Tima Rates). issued Fy: Marc B. 7arre • _ ~ IsSue Date: JU1 43, 2006 ~ ETfeCtYVe Date: Se iembei' 1, 2006 (FGr O1T1Ciai USB OlPly) Date: BY. Docket No. 7G- ~ FOIt OFFICL4L US ONLs' - 1Joc ..er: TG-061142 , fl,gendn Date: 08-30-06 ~ Lffective Date: 09-01-06 REcErvED JUL 12 zao6 wA. 'U-T. 81 xRAXs. coMM. oRIGnv~~TG-o61.14z Tari;i No. 7 . . . Original.Page No. i9 Company NamarPermit Number. SUnshirre Dispas?1, Inc, - G000 iP9 B Re istered Trada Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposa) and Rec cfin 1#em 75 - Flat Monthlv Cha►aes , . Thfs rule appiies in oonnection wit.h ltems 120, 130, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, and 275. A tiat moritely charge m2y be assesse-J if complted as foliov,s: 1. If weeldy servlc-_ is provided:Muitipfy tfie ralm times 4.33 and tien rnuESply'Jhat ngure tines the number of uni#s pic?ced up. . • . ' 2. fz every osher vreek ser.1ce is pruvided: AlJutbply the rts times 2.17 and then mui5pty that figure times the numher af unfts pickEd up. ' 3. For Rems 240, 250, 260, and 270: For pwmanert, regulariy scheduled pickups, a flz-t monthly . charga may be assessed if computed as follrn,+rs: . a. For wze.'kly senrice, each container provideci: - I. If monthly rent is shawn: month}y rent plus (4:33 times pickup rc-te Umes numher • of pickups per week) ii. 6f monthly rent is not shown: 1s# pickLip ra#e plus (3.33 times addibonal plckup.rate) . plus (4.33 times edditiDnal pickup rate iimes additional weeKF,+ pickups). b. For every-o~r~er <<reek sen%ice, each canWner provided: i. Ifi monthly rent ls shawn: monthly ient plus (2.17 times pickup ra'te times number af pickups per week) . ii. If monthly rent is not shown: 1st pic;cup rate plus (1.17 times additiorial picklip rate) plus (2_17 Jmes adftonal pickup rate times addEEional tiveekly pickups). , . • ~ ~ IsSUed By: NatC B. TOt7L' Issue Dat2: July 13, 2006 Efoeative Date: September 1, 2006 (For Oi rcts! Use Only) . , ~ DockeE No. TC- Da#e; BY ` G~r~L.. . . TUR oc t: i 061142 . A,gendaDate: 08-30-06 ' ,Effective Date: 09-0I -06 RECEIVED fUL 12,206 wA. Ti-T. & fiRAl!'S. CONDLORIGTNAL TC`T-061142 . Tariff t1o. 7 Odginal Pa3e No. 20 . , . . ( Cornpany NamelPertnit Klurtiber. Sunshine Di>pDsal, Inc. - G1?{}D4993 R isteted Trada Neme s) ' dba Sunshine Dis os:f and Re- clin ftem BO Camf-QUt Sen+iGe, Dm+e-Ins . Comn3nies will as5e5s Y,'~e tiUowing additionz-l cnames when custor,ers request tiat cnmpar~y p:rsonnel previae Ratt . . ` - . Residetitial Commarcial Char e for Ca uts lPeir Unit., F6r Picku - Per Urlit, Per Pickup Cans, units, mini-cans, or-mEcro-:mini cGns th,at must be carried oui over 51'e~', but . -iaf ovct 25 4 =1. For sar-h addiffional 25 f?et, rr fracdDn of 25 feet, add ' . ; Np TE: The company may elect to driV@ 1(i Gt t1$ f?ta5 6I1mwn above, except the ch2rge will be limfted to one can, unit, mEni-c-an, or micro-mini can. If cans, ' units, mfnf-cans, or r-nicro-rnlni-cans ar2 carried over 125 faet, but are safe)y accessibfe to the company's vehicle, the d(jve-in cnarges shawn beJovi . mus# be assessed instead. . • • RGde . . Residzr)tial Gommercial ' Char e fbr Drive-Ens ( er icku ) Per Uni Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Pickup Drive-in on dNveways of ovar 125 feet, . but less tf►an 250 fzet Dtive-ins on arivevvays of ovar 250 Taet, , . but IDss fh¢n 1190 lilile For each 1110 mile over i! 10 mile I NOTE: For tiic- purpose et assessing driv1in fees, a diiveway i5 dcjlnc-d as providing • acmss to a singie residence. Ir a drivevmy provides aacess tfl inultipls fe::idence5 or accounds, no drivein fees 4vi11 be assessed. Issuc-d Sy; h4arc B. Torre lssue Date: July 13, 2006 ' Et'fective 17Gte: Sm-piembar 1, 2006 (For OmcW Use Only) . pocket No. TG- . . . ` . FOR 0FFICUL USE 0N7 I' Docket: TG-061I42 Agenda DQte_ 08-3 0-06 EJjecuve Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12 2006'~A. U'I'. & TR.A.NS. COMM..ORYG~'~Ti AL TG-061142 T=rifF No. ? Original Page No. 21 _ Company NamelParmit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOOGSBB B R isfie-red Trede Nzme(s dba Sunshina Disposa1 and R ciin ) Item590 - Can Carriaoe - 5pecial Services - Rate Residential • Commercizl SQ;yice Per Uni Per Picku Per Unit, Pec Picku Stair or ste s= for ezch ste u or dotivn Ovsrhead obs;ruclions - for each overhead , ~ obsttvctlon less ttian*8 fiee#from the round ° - ' Sunken or eleva:ed canslunits for cans, unir, minf-cans, or mic-o-mini-cans iuity or parfially underground or over 4 feet above round, but not involvin stairs or ste s • . . . . ' 7~ Issued By: 1Ufarc B. Torre ' . ' Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effec#ive DGte: September 1, 2006 , (For OfFrclal Use Only) Docket No. l"G- Da#e: ' BY: {f r ;'~9-t061142 oc . Agenda Daie: 08-30-06 . Effective DQte: 09-01-06 REcEz~D JUL 12, 2006N-NIA. UT. ~ TRANs. Co-MM. oRIGIvAL TG061142. Tsriff No. 7 ' • Original Page 14o. 22 GDnpany NemelParrnit Number. Sunshine Dispcsel, Inc. - G000199 B . . - Rt- is`-ared Trade Nams(s) dbG Sunsh6ne DisposaJ and R c(in Il-am 100 Rasid?ntial 5ervice -Mqn`hlV Rates (coritinued on next oaoe) Ra'tes in ihis iiern appiy, (1) To sfliid was°e ooliection,,curbsidn recyciing (vrhery not-ao]l and .y?ril+vzsta servi---s (where noted) fo, residen5al property. -jhis includes sin61= #amily dwellinc;, duplexas, Apat#m.ents, mobilz' ~ornes, condflminiums, aEc,, where szrvce is b6lleu dirct#y to,fF►a oc~cuper,t af each resi~Iential unii, andlor (2) VA, on required by a local govemn-ant service level ordinaice, salid waste callec6on, curbside r?,zyclino, and-yardwGste setvice ra►us4 be providnd l'or singie,`ami.ty dwailina5, duplexzs, mobile hones, condor, iiniuns, arid aparu t::nt'buila-irics.oY 1e" than resid_ntiol, units, wfigre'seTvicals 6i1{ed fo ihe prDpcrty mvner or manaGer. Re}es beloti-r appiy in the fbllovring sarvics are3: NlurrEby. of Frrquency Garbage Rs~cle Yardavas•.e Number of Frsquenry G648pe Recyde Yarchnssie Units M Type of Se,-&x Sa.O-e 5endx Uni:s or'T~n?e f Sen4c's Syavk° Service nf Corstainets SF.avice R3fa R aFe . Ra►.e . of Cw-wflne, Ser.7ce Ra'._ Rat9 Reta , • ' r , Freqliency of 5ervicz Codes: 'A'G=V►'e--kly Garbage; EOtirJG-E-Very Ot1r..r Weet Garbage; P/iG=Month3y Gataae; 4VR=lkfeei:ly Recy~Jing EOVJR=tvAry Qiher Week :2e:;ycrhg; PdR=NrmUtify RecYcrmg; list other l.iseI by compEIrry: • • , ~ . Note i: Descripilon/rules related to recycling progr-am are shown on page Note 2: Deycrip`:io:s/ruies rala:ed ta yardtivaste program are shown on pa3e Note 3: In addiu~n t'o the rRcyc[(ng rtee sho~vn 3bave, a recycling deb6t.1credit-ofi,$ appIiES. Rscycling service rates on thEs page expirz on: Issued 8y: Marc B. Torre Issue Deie: JuI 13, 2006 Erechve Date: Septemoer 1, 2008 . (For Officiat Use Onty) . ~ f3ow-ket No. 7G- DaFe: BY: y F0R (JFFICIAL USE 01~Y Docket: TG-061142 Age)3da Date: 08-30-06 E}~f'ect'rve Date: 09-01-06 RECtIVED JUx. 12, 2006 WA. U-'I'. & TRANS. COiNBI. ORIGTNAL TG-061142 . , . . , . . Tariff No. 7 Ori6inp-l Paga N6. 23 Company tv'arnelPerznit N~~mber. SunshEne Dispcssal, lnc. - GOOD139 B f , Re istei-ed Trace Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and R clin . Ifern 160 - Res6aa tia1 Senrlcz - Nontntv Rates (continued frorti previous 4aae) Noxe 4: Customers will be chatged fbr s?tvicA requeshd even ii fawer units are pScked up on a partlci:lar . trip. No crzdif wiEl be given ior partially filfed c2ns. h'o credif will be gii~en 'rf custorner'fails fo set receptaGe-s but for collection. Mote 5: For customQr on all#onnated service roufes: Tns aornpany ~vill essess rol{-out charges where, - due to circumstancees oltside the control af the driver, the driver is requirzd to rto`re 2n autamated ' c2rt or tofer morz than feet in order to r~ch `~he trur,k. The cbarga for this roil-0u# service is: $ per cart or tofer, per pickup. Note 6: The charge for an o.,asional ex#ra resider~iial bag,.can, unit, fafet, mini-caii, ar micra-rnin(-can - on a regular piclc6p is: Rate per receptacle . . . T e of rec°ptacle per pickup- • 32 allon can or unit S 'Mini-can ' S Micro-mlnican S . . ' 60 3I1D1 tOte!' • S 90-D2Sl0n QOtBf $ . $a $ DtIEf S ' 0th@r • ;,i Nota 7: Cus:omezs may request no mote tiian one pfckup per month, on an "on csfi" basis, at $ per caNunit Service wlfi be rendered on the riormal scheduled pickup day for the area fn v.shich tiie custDmer resids5. Note: If customer re~quims senrice to be provided on ather than normal scheduled pir-kup day, rafes for spec6al piclcups will apply. - Issued Bjr: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Julv 13, 2006 Effecfi,s 0a?e: September 1, 20D6 (For Otirciel Use Qnfy) Docket No. TG- Date: sr ' .FOR OF.~ CIAL li Ci! vi.i oc .et: 061142 Ager; da Date: 08-30-06 , . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIV.ED JCL 123 2006 WA. U``C. & TRA-NS. CQIt!W. ORYGFINAL TG-061142 i erin No. 7 06g9nal Pa~3e No. 24 ~ }I Company Name/Permii Nur,b;r. . Sunshine DisposaI, Inc. - G000i oo g Re istered Trace tvain s dba S!mshine Disposal and Re c1ing . Re~;~ 1 DO - R?sidential Servicp- - Aa1ontt-elv Rates fcanflnu°d.1 ' - Curbslde recycEing pnovisions'shov'✓n an this page epp1y only in thz following servics Grea: • FoJJrnAng is a description of tha rkycling program (type 01 conta{nei-s, itaquency, eit.). Program orovided in accordance vAth Ordlnance No. cf (narn° of County ot City). SpECIaI nules related tor recycGng program: . issued By:, «arc B. Torcz , ' . • . fssue Date: Jt!I 13, 2008 Efrective Date:. Se tzmber 1, 200S ~ '(For OiTicial Usa Only) ~ ~ . ~ bocecet No..7G_ Date: gy 1- MR0 DIl Y 61142 - Agent,IaDate: 08-30-06 . ~Effective Date: 09-0I -06 -xRk1EJCErVEA JTJL 12; 2006 WA. UT. &TRANS. CONrM. ORICTLNA.L TG-061142 Tariri No. 7 . Origina! Page. Nfl. 25 Company NsmefFemit Evumber. 5unshine Dis.posal, Inc. - G400199 S ReG6steied Trade Nane(s) • dba Sunshine Dis sal end Re clin 1DD = Residentia! Service - Monthlv Rafes (cQntinued) YardwasEe provisions shrnwn on this page apply only in t;ie follawing servicss area F011ow7ng Es,a descripbon of trne Yzrd-Naste progTam (fype of contafners, frequency, e#c.). Program provid?d • {n accordanc--* vath Ordinance No: of (name of Couniy or City). ' Speda) rules relalted tor yardwaste program: ~ Issued By_ . Niarc B. Torre . , Issua D-te: Jul 13, 20D6 Efiective Dp-fe: Se tAmber'f,'2006 - (ForO~rtclal Use Or1y) . , ~ Dodke# No. TG- Date: BY: r - y` 1 G:,.ti . - 61142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 - .EjJective Date: 09-01-06 . . . , . REcEINED rUx, 1232aa6 WA. UT. & T~~s. coiNM. ORIG]NAL TG061142- i ariff No. 7 Oricinal Pags No. 26 - Comp-ny Name/Perznit humber: SunshEn?,DispoSal, Inc. - G600193 B . Re istered i raaa Nlarn= s' dby 5unshine Dis os: I and Rcling ' itzm105 - Mui7-farniK, Service -PJlan:h~, Rflt?s . SerAce Area: gallons _ gatlans _ gallons cFlicons _ aailons o`,ier oiher _n=ier a:het . Number of . ~ . Receptaci:,3 ' . FraquEncy ~ of sf-'Mze Ink'ral Delivey Chatr~e Rent Fpr . Day . Rent Per ~ . NonI$ Phc~itUp Charge See NotQs 1,2.&3) 5pacia[ Pic~}cup Charc,~e _ Note 'f: The charge included in firiis rte for r?cycting is . Descdptlonlrules related f4 reqciing program are shov~rn on page Nofie 2: The charge inclUded In this ratee Foryardwaste Is Descriptionlrules related io ' yardwaste progratn ere shown on page tJa`e 3: Rec,cling craciit1debft (6f applicable) incfuded in fihis rate fs; S . Np~e 4; CUStOfi'icr., Y411 be c5arged for service reguested even ir iewer uniFS are picked up on a ' particu(ar frip. No crzdit Wifl ba gfven for partialfy filied cans. EJo crzdits wiit b-- given if cusbmer . fails to sei ref--ep3des out fnr collaction. • " Note b: The charge tnr an occasional ex4ra resid-Bntlal ean, unit, totar, mini-c:zn, or miuo-mini-can on a recular ickup Is: . Rat-a per receptacEe Ra'te pEr 2ceptaclz. . T pe of recepfiacla Per ickup T e of rece tacle Per icku 32-caAon can or ui-iit ' 90{sallon toter Mini-can - Other ttriicro-mini-can' Ofier. 6 allon toter pthar. Note 6: Customer may request no rnore than vne p6ckijp per month, on an "on cail" basis, ai s per canlunit Sen~ice ~vi(I be rer~d~red on the normal schedul?d pic}cup day for thG _ • F-rea in which the cus#omer resides. Note: If cusfomer requires service to be p;ovided on o;her thGn narrr~al scheduied pic:{ua day, rat?,s for special pic,cups will appty. ' Recycling rates on this paga expire: Issued Fy: Marc B. Torra . Issue Dade: Jul 13, 2006 ' . Effecp.ive Date: - Se tembeT 1, 2006 r (For Ofrrcial Uss onty) ~ Dacket No. TG- Daie: Bf. E 01~rLY ~ -061 142 . . , Agendu Date: 08-30-06 • , Effective Date: 09-01-06 REcETVEn .rTJL 12, 2006 wA.. uT. & TxANs. coNBs. ORIGlNAL.TG-061142 fariffi Na. 7 "Original ?age No. 27 ' , Company NameIFerinEt Number Sunshina DisposaJ, Inc. - G4DO1g9 B Raois#ered Trade Name(s) dba Sun~hina Disposal and Recyciin❑ , . 1#em 105Multi-fiamiN 5etvice -1Oondhlv Rates fcontinuedl Curbside.recycling prnvisions shown on #his page apply only in the foEiowing ser'0ce area: FolioAng is a description oi ihe recycling prograi-ii (tYPe of containers, rrequ°ncy, etc.).. Program proAdad ' In accordance with OrdinanDea No. " of (name ay Counfy or Cifii). Special rules related tor rQCyding prograi-ii: f Issued By: FJI :rc S. Tvrra • Issue.Date: Ju! 13, 2006 • . E iec'tlve L?ate: September 1, 2006 (For Otircin! Use Only) • ,i) Doc#cet No. TG- ' Date: . r G - • Ciiv:Li. " . ~ 61142 Agenr,la Da±e: 08-30-06 .Effective Date: 09-01-06 rtECEMU JUL 12, 2006 WA. U`:_r. & TRANS: CoMM. ORIG1NAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Oilginal Page* No. 2E Ccmpar~~ Nam~lFerrn}t ~'~.+mber. . Su~shin2 Disps~sal, Inc. - GD~J~O,t89 B . ' Recris#zrzd i r°ada idame(s dba SUnsi14ii8 D'IS '.Sc31 a'nd Rpcyciini - Item 905 - PJIu ti-farnil 'S~ fbe - Month1y Ratas cflnti ued] Yardwaste provisions shown on this page apply only in the foIlavr'ir~g service area: FoIlowing i3 a dBscr iption of tha YardwaSie }?togr'cfil (tYPB di GDf1t'e111E(5, frequency, eEc.). Prr-vgram provide-12 En acoDreance with Orjinance No. ofi (name of CounV Dr City). . - . , , . . J~I SpECial rukes related tor yardwastse pragram: . - - lssued By: PAarc B. 7orre Issue Daie: Juf 13, 2005 • Enactive Defe: 5eptember 1, 2006 / (For 0'rfcial Use On1y) • ; Docket No. TG- Date: B'' T,DIVLY 61.1'42 ' . - ,Qgerada Daie: 08-30-06 " - Efj`ecGive Date: 09-01-06 ' RF'~CEIVED JUL 12, 2006WA._U'I`. & TRANS. CQAxM. OJPGYNA.L TG 061142 Tsrm No. 7 Original Page No. 29 Gompany tlamelPerr-iit Number. Sunshine DispDs31, Inc. - GflOD i99 B ' Re isiered Trade haine s dba Sunshine Disposal and Re.. din Ifem 120 - Diums T a of Services Rate PerD;um, Fer PickU Reaular Routa Sernc? ~ - . Special Picku S Itern 130 - Liiier Receptacles 2nd Litter To`er - • Cus#omer-ownwd Rece tacle Rate Per Rece tacle, Per Picku Size or T e• $ ' .Size or T pe: $ ' . Cnm an -rnvned Reoe tecle: . Rate Per•Rece *le, PerPicku . Siza or i e: $ Size or T e: S - Item 150 - Loose and Bvlky tJiaterial Special 7rips: Time raE--s in I#em 180 appFy. Regul-=r f2ouie: ihe folfowin rates a pl y, . Additional cubic G-rry ChaT9e, ' - 1 to 4 cubic yards yards, Minimun Charge Per each 5 ft- over • Retp er ard Rate er ard Per f'icki-lo B feet 8ul A9aterials Loose material , customer load) Loose mafsrial - • com an load) issued By: . Marc B. Torre lssue Date: Ju) 13, 2006 • Effective Oate: Se 'tc-mber 1, 2046 (For Otircia! Use Orly) Doc:<et No. TG- ' Date: aY: • • ;J • FOR OFFICIAL USE . Docket: TG 061142 Age)?da Date: 08-30-06 E,f'fectivP Date: 09-01-06 REcEx~D J-UL 123 2006 N-YVA. UT. &°r.RANTs. coTYMI. oRIGnNAL xG-061142- ItEm i6O has [A four increases in charges Tariff No. 7 _ Cirigina) Paga No. 30 Company N=melPenit Numbei- Sunshin-2 Disposal, lnc. - G000 i°Q 5 . . Regist2red Trde Ta'3rne(s) aba Sunshine Di~ Qsal and Racyclin❑ Ite=n 160 Tirne R2t?s . . Ydhen time ra±es appfy. 7im? rtes nartied in this lt-em appEy: (a) Wn?n matezal nu-t ba takeri to-a special slte fordLsposal; . (b)1Vh°n a company'a eo,uipment must wait a#, or return to, a cuslomers site to' provide schailluled ' sQrvics due totno diseblifiy, fau)t, or.n°gligence on the part of dhe campan}+. P.cEusl waiting tme or ti,-ne tGken In re`.urning to 'the site will be charg&d-for, or (c) Vv'hen a cusfntner ortie,ts a bir,gEe, spectal,..ar emerg°ncy pic'r:up, OP when otier i#ei-ii> in this tariff refer to fhis Iiem. ' . . . . , fiow ratES ace recorded and charged. Tine mlis't be re=ot-deti and charged for to the nearesf increment oi 15 minutes.'-Tme ries appfy for diE period frbn the 6-ne the coinpany's vci-i(cle le•3ves the coJtip: n)(s term(nal uniil it retums to t,`ie':emi3nal, Excluii-16g inteirup`ons. An in#erruption is 3 siEua`ioti causing stoppage off • servEce that (s in tihe cor~trol 01 the cempany arzd not in the contral ai the cus'Lomer. Exampiw.- inciude: coffae breaks, lunch breaks, breakdown ol' equipmenf, Gnd similar oocUrrences. Disposal fees in addition to timz ratss. Ifam 230 disposal fees for :he specific disposaJ s.ite or facilitiy used , will apply in addition ta time rates. RF-tes per hour. • , 'Rat2 i'er Hour' ~ . Each .tra 101inimum 7 e of E ui ment ordefad i ruck and Drivzr Person Charqe Si,ale raar dri'de axle; • ' ~ - -Ron-peckertru~kc: S , . ' Pacecertuck ~ $ ~ . . 17ro -5extn~ck . $ • 65A0. [A $ 42.50 [AI ~ Tandem rear 6rhve axle: Non-pac;er trvck $ ' $ . ~ .Packertruc;c $ . $ . . - Dra -box truck........................::...... $ 05.00' A] 42.50 A) Issued By: Marc; B. Torre . • • IssUe Date: Ju! 13, 2006 • Eifective Qate: Se tember 1, 2006 ' ~ . ~i (For Offcial Use On1y) Docket No.'fG- Daie: BY:1 i lr' 'p ONLY ' . - 061142 14geruia Dats: 08-30-06 ~'~`'ective Date: 09-01-06 . -REcErv~~ Xn 12,2006 WA. Ur. & TRANs. coMM. aRrGLNAL TG061142 - Tarfif No. 7 Original Page NQ. 31 Compa,ny NamelPenn'rt Number. Sunshine DiSposal, (nc. -G040i99 B Recisterd Traoa Name s dba 5unshine Dls Qsa) and Re., cfin - (tem 200 - Gontaiiiers and/Qr Drop Boxes - Generrl Rules • - , Availabiliry. A company mus# main"Wn a suppfy of all sizes of containef5 2ila dl'Op bDXes iOT Wh3CI1 r2tE5 F-r8 lisied in ihis tariff. If acuslflmar requesW a container or drop box of a s6ze.llsted in th-3 company's tanffi, antf :hs company is unable dfl proti~ide ttte r~uest~d size wi~in 7 da3~5 of ~e custDmer requesa ~~stomer r,~ust be notifled in writing ot by telephone. , . AlternaEe-sized contaf nsrs andlor drop boxes. If tlie company cannDt provide fihe rzques~d-sEzed rontainnr or drop bax (and that~9ze is listed in ths com~ny's tarif~, t3°~e company rimust providz al~mate-sized con~ainers or drop boxeS, surncient to meet the capacity originally requested by the cus`on=r; at ttie same rs#es as would have appfted for the requested container or drop box. Dispasal fees due on alternate-sized drop boxes. .If the company providee aitEmate-sized drop boxes, the custamer.is resportsible for all iavrfully applicable disposal iees resun'ng irorn Ehe use of the aifernate drap boxes. . . • • - Rates an partially-filled containers andlor drop boxes. Full pickup* and rentp-l rates apPly regartfless of the amount of waste ma#erial in ffie container or d,op box et pickup bme. • - , Rates for compacted materfals. Ratzs ror campacfiad material apply only vftien U-se mat°rial has been cors,pacted before Its p9ckup by the coinpany. Rates for (oose material. Loose matzrial dumped fntQ the company's packer t-uck is subject to the ra+.es ior nor,-comp~cted material even t~~t~gh the-rnaferial may be cornpacted later m he packer irick. : Permanent and t?mporary service. i he follewing rules apply: . : . ~ (a) Is a custqmer requesEs a container or drop box for le5s than 90 days, the cu.stortier \4411-ba bil{ed st t?rnpDrry service rates: . ,•(b) If a tempora'ry senrice'customt-r natifies the company that (f has decided #o retain the eonta9ner,or drop box for more #han 80 days, psrmanent se-wice rates will be assessed froiii the 91 st day wntil'the end af ifie period tha customer retafns th-3 contain6r or drep box. . (c) If a cusliomsr rE!questS a conbinei oe drop box for more tnan 90 Gays, Wa cus#omer will be bElled under pernanent rat.es, If ihat customzr cancels service before the end oT tne 90-dEy peflod, tlie company may r.at rebill the customer at teni pflr3ry service rates. The in4ent of the cusbomer at Ehe time seivice was requested appfics. . IssUed By: Ariarc B. Torre • - • (ssue Da:e: July 13, 2006 Effective Dafe: Se gember 1, 2006 . (Far Officia! Use Only) ' • . , 6ocke# No. TG- •Dats: By' -L-zro r TS peekg;r - 61142 _ Agenda Dute: 08-30-06 Effective DaYe: 09-01-06 RECEIVED .IUL 12, 2006 VVA. UT. & TRANS. CONM. ORIGi~i TAL TG061142 Tariff tJo_ 7 079ina! Fage No. 32 Cornpany ti'ame/rPrrnit Number. Sanshine DispDSal, Inc. - GOu0199 8 . , Re~gisterGJ Trade NamP s) dba Sunshine Dispos2l and Recyclin Item 205 Roll-0uf'Charces Cont2iners. At!tom~ted Carts. and Tot?rs Charges for contaie.nrs. 'fhe company wifl assess ~all o!.ft charges -art}ere, due to circurnstances outsid= the cflntroI of tfi? Cj(1var, tie driver is required to move a contaisier morA tian flvp. fee~ but less than 25 feet, in oMer to reach the tsick. i he chatge for thfs roil-o1t sEtvice is: per containEr; per pickup • • • • Ovzr 25 fee~ the cii~rge ~a~il ba t'~e charge for 25 fett, plus ~v per incremeri' af 5 ia?l Charges for autematzd certs or toters. 1 I're compaiiy will assesS F'Op-Di-it chaCgeS Wbeje, due to circurnstanc-_s olitside tlie oontral of the driver, the driver is required tD move an autflFna#ed cart ac bote r mare"than ieetdn order to reacti the truek. Tha ch.arge for this rofl-out sacyice Is: . g~ par cart or fotei, per pickup. . ' . . issued By: Marc B. Torr • . Issue Date: • Ju 13, 2006 . EfFectiva Date: Se ter-jiber 1, 2006 (For Off.cra! Use Only) ' . . - . _<e DDcket Na. TG- Date: By~ i^' Lj.L O.I~TLY . - 6114z flgenda 17ate: 08-30-06 , Effective Date: 09-01-06 REc~IVED Juz, 12, 2006 vvA. Ur. & TRAvs. coAIM. ox~GINAz, TG-061.142 Itm 207 has added worciin in one I3ce. ` Tzriyt No: 7 'Original Paga No. 33 Company Name/Permit Numbe; 5~lnshine Disposal, Inc. - Gd0G99Q B Re isfered 7ra-de hame(s . dba Sunshine Dis osa! and Re clinq - item 207 Excess VJeiqht - Re4ectian of Lnad Charnep to Trns=ft The conpany rzserves the right io reJect picEcup of any cantziner, sta-danery par-1ker, or drap box whSch, upon . reasonablz inspecti=• - . . - ' (1) Appears ta be ovedoeded. . . (2) VUould cause applicab4e vehicle load limi#ations fo be cxceYded; (3) Wou1d cause the company to violate load lirtiif3tians or re~ult in unsafe vehide opertion; andlor (4) Vlroufd negativePy impact or o`.herAise darroage rocaid sur2ce integt'ity. Fa the purposes of fihis tariff, dhp iollflwing maximum wzfghfs appty: FJtaximum gross vehicfe welght of 48,00U pounds. . [C] Typa'Size of Ma)dmum We6ohf Type/5iza of A4a)dmuir 1'V_lght Con`ainer, Drop 6cx, A1iv.vsnce per Container, Drflp Bax, Aliowance par Tcter, or Cat R~ lade (in pnunds) • To;er, or Ce, RecWacle n povnds) All DroBoxes 20,000 pound5 ` I Overfilled or overwaight, ctiarges if transport,ed. If tt1P oone`airieP, drop box; toter, ot carE excp-eds the fimits s:at?d above, Is filled beyand the marEced fiU Ilne,'or the top is unable to be closrd, but the company transports the meteriafs, ths foffovving addibon21 charges wiU apply: • TypelSize of Type!Sfrce af . Container, Drop 6wc, ' Corltalner, Drop B", . Tcter, or Catt Chaege Toier, or Cart Chzrge $ i'ar ~ Fer . , $ Per $ f'er ' $ Per $ Per • $ Per ~ Per $ Per S PGr • ~ Per S Per Issued 8y: Narc S. ToRe • Issue Date: Jul 13, 2406 EiieCtlVe Date: Se tetnher 9, 2606 (ForOfilcial Use On1y) - Date: • ~y= DoGkctTRO_ TG- ~ . , • ~ (l1Y~t' , - . -061 d 42 . fl,genda Date: 0$-30-06 Effeciive Date: 09-01-06 REcErvED rrrL 12, 2006 WA. Ur. ~TRANs. coAam. oP.zGnqAL TG-061142 ' - This page cont:izs C~added wording zrid A:vro'~mounts with increa'siss. Tariff Na. 7 . Original Pzgga. No. 34 Gompany t~e;neJPe,-rnit Number. Sunshine Disposzi, Ioc. - GODD1 °9 B Ragfs:ered TTvaa Na-ne(s) dba SLa;ishine Dis osaf and Re ciing . Ifem 210Wa-hina end Sar,itizina Containers andlor Droo Boxes , Upon cus'Winer reeuest, the company vril1 provide w2sh'tng znd sani'tizing ser.7ce e► the fol{owing rates: , S'sze or Type af ' Container or Drop.Box Ra'te • ' ' Ail Drop Boxes - Per Yd tviininum Charg? , [C] Irdashn S 1.i5 $ 23A5 [A] . ' Staam Claanin . S 3.00 , $ 30,68 [C] - sanitizinn S. 1,00. $ - • IA3 . ~ PIcku end DOive Charese: - • • " Over B Ya;cs S-4 4$ [C) Service to be provided cs required by local ot state health or solid waste tvles, customer - [C] . request, ot at the aiscretion of thp- carrier if in the carriar's judgsment the cAr~tainer or drap box is in such ~ candition as to violais said la,.%s. • - • rtem 220 - Gompactor Rantc-J Gustomers must pay the follawiing additional chargas for compactors fumishad by the company. Chargas named em ior compactars oriry and do noi include drop box ot container charges. Sae 14e+rts 250 snd 270 for confainer cjiarges. . CJStomers must pay the costs of irs`.ailation. _ Size or i ype of , . . Gori`sfner or Dro Box REie Issued By: Mst-c B. ►orre Issue Dete: Jul 13, 2006 Eracfiive Qafia: Se ternber 1, 2006 (For oiFiciar Use onry) Docket No. 7G- Oete: BY: - FUR • 14141 ONLY • ' prk°t: -061142 Ag??8d'a Date: 08-30-06 Effschve Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 123 2006 WA.. TJ`I'. & TRAN'S. COIt'.M. 0RIGINAL.TG-061142 Ti nis paga has A] four incrzssns in ass-tiiru dum fees. Tar'ifir No. 7 Odgina) Page t1o. 3 . Gonpany NenePermEt NUmber. Sunshine Disposal, lnc. = GOQO i B9 B Registler-ac! Trade 4ams(s) dba SurtshinA Dispasal and Re~ycling • - Itei-ii 230 - Dispos?i Fees ' Charges in this iten, appfy avhen otner I'Lems in fhe tzriff specincally rz;er to this ttem. ' Disposal sit-e (nafie or location T e Df Matedal Fee ior Di sal per SufGvan Road Transfei Sfaflon MS1^J Reitlse ' ~103.00 per l"on A $ per Ci, of S okane Waste ko Ene, Plant MSW Refusa $ 98.00 per Ton A er Sunshine R. ers 7ransfer Staiion MSVJ Ren:--- $ 98.04- er i on [a] • $ per ' Sunshire Re yclers i ransier Stailon CDU $ 59.50 per 7on [A] ' . $ er " . ~ • per ' $ per . . . ' - $ per per $ per . $ per . $ per $ per . $ per ' $ per ' s ' per s per $ per $ per • , $ per _ . ' . . . - $ per $ per ' $ per ' $ ei . Stafe wnether iees are per yard, per ton, etc. lnclude charges assesseed for special commodiues (:ires, appliances, asbes#os, etc) or special conditions ai each.specific disposal sife. Attach addibotz :I sheets ss necessary. . Issued 8y: ' Marc B. Tortr - • • ' • , Issue Dats: JuP 13, 20D6 EfieCt1Ve D"a#e: Se tsmber 1, 2006 (Far Officra! Use On1y) Docket No. TG- - Date: gy:.nnn,~ ~ T GlYLl - Docket- -0611Q2 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 EffzctNe Date: 09-01-06 ~CEI-V.~D RJL l2y 2006 WA. UT. & ~~~s. COININT. 0.RJG1NAL TCT-06l~42- TGrin No. 7 Origina! Page No. 35 Campany NGn:lPei-inii Nui-oiber: Sunshine Dlsposal, Inc. - G000199 8 . Recistered i rada Name s dba Sunshine Disposal and Recvclin - Iter7i 245 - Confiainer Sarvlce DumDed in CotnE)anVs Vehic9e Non-:ompacted Material (CusItamer=owr,sd oontainer) Inc'rudes CDmmerciad Can Service Rates sf #ed per mntainer, per pickup • Service Area • . • Size Dr T e of Containcer . Permanent Service 3z ra1 c3n aaL zotR Yard I Yard Yeid Yard Yard Each Scheduled Picku ~ $ I$ $ Is S Special Pickups ~ S s - - s . s • $ S Tem Ofd .S@NIG@ .,?,,,~~~+~:)i~°"i~..~',7-~*;,tR•~'+o~i'-~',t~r,,~~'*:i:. .b_g~.{ ~~~d~efiq,,,A,,;~~ Picku Rate • S - 5 $ 1$ ~ - P r $ Note'f: Permaper,t Seivice: Service fs defined a's no Isss than scheduled, every ather weyk pickup, unless lacal govemment requires nore irequenk szrvice or unless puErescibles are irvolveti. . Customer will be charged for service reque5ted, evzn if fe-vrer containers are serviced on a p~ar~~cuiar trip. Nq crerlii Wll be gn~en for pz~rrtally-filied containers. ACCI'.5s0d2I Cll2fges assyssesi (lids, unlocking, unlabching, et::.) : • Issu-ad gy: Marc B. i erre Issue Qate: Julv 13, 2006 Eftective Date: Se fember 1, 2006 • (Fcr Orrrcia! Usa Only) . Docket No. TG- Date: ' BY . . , ~ FOR OFFI-CLAL ~'ISE 01VLY _ .Dack.et: TG-061142 . . Agerzda Date: 08-3 D-06 Efj"ectNe Datz: 09-01-06 . xEcEIVED .rcrL. x2r 2006 WA. Ur. & TRAvs. CoMM. ORIG]NAI. TG--061142 TGriiT No. 7 - Origin?l-Page No. 37 Conpany Klame/Fermit Nurnber. Sunshine D(sposal, Inc. - C-DD0199 B Registared i tade Name(s) dbz SurisE,irie Dis osal and Re cfing • E Ilem 250 - Container Servica pumped in Cflmoanv's Vehicle • Compactid Material(Gompany-owned 6on tainer) ' Rates stafed pet containet,per pickup ' . SerJice Ara: . - 5iae or T e of ConWne; Permanent Service Yarcl Yard ~ Yard Yard • Yard Y: rd Yard ~ Month Rent if a licable $ $ $ S s S First Picku $ ~ • $ $ - . ~ . . $ . ~ • Each Additional Plc3cup . ' $ $ $ $ $ ~ - SPeCial i'ic:{u s $ $ $ ~_a'•:• •C:'s"r ,~s~y,'~;~;.q' y~%,r v x~;ti+~"• ~i~ ~ Tempo~a Servics . ~ r •s• rY`•. •L. Initiaf Delive $ $ $ $ is Is Ficicu Rate $ $ $ $ ' $ $ $ Rent Per Calendar Da . . $ $ $ $ $ 1$ Rent Per Month ~ S $ $ $ Notei: Permanent Service: Service is definer! as no fess thsn schedule~'J, every oU-,et vraek pickup, , unless local gflvemment r$qUires mDre frequent servlce or unlsss putresubles are involved. . Custnmer wiii be charged far servica requesbed, even i0 fewer containers are serJiced on a parUcular trip. No credit will be gR~en for pattially-fiiled cant--ainers. _ No'te 2: Perrnanent Sesnrice: Ir rent is shrnvn, the rate for ttie firt pickup anci each 3dditonal pfckup must be tie same. !f rent is not shovin, ft is to be incJuded in ine rate for the first pickup. Accessorial charges sssessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) fssued 8y: hrarc B. Torre• ` • , - , Issue Date: Jul 13, 2000 E1fecfive Data: Se tember 1, 2046 (For Orrcial Use On1y) . DocketNo.TG- D4t8: By: ,~r,n /1r,T,+YrTAT rm ~ • Givii Peeke.- ~ 6114?_ Aaenda Date: 08-30-06 Elj'ective Date: 09-01-06 RkCEWED JTJL12, ~006. WA. UT. & TRAiNS. CONxM. ORYG7NA,L TG-061142 i arin No. 7 ' . . , Original Page No. 35 Company Namatrei-rnii 'umbm-r: 'Sunahin? Dispasal, Inc. - GOOGi89 B Re i_iamai Trade Narne(s dba Slinshine Disposal and Re c(in '(cem 255 - Continer Seivice - Dunoed in ComDan+/s Vehicle. . Conpzcledd_h7aterial (CusEom?i-awned contairier) . ' Ret~s s-tafed per cont~-_-iner, per pickiap Senice Atea: Size or T e of Container . Fermanent SzNlce ' . 32 gal can . 1= gal. Tofe Yard • YGrd YF,-d Yard Yard Ea6h Scheduled P'ickijp ~ -js 1$ 1$ $ ' s s S ,.cial Pfckups • ~ . . ' . $ ~ $ ~ Temparary Service ' ' ~~:~~~~'-.~~~i~a:?~'~T~.t- Y'..~.~a :~Cr=~=~~?~~ ,~'''.~ti':' -.~:g ~?:•iy~;~'~~~-a~'r-~~tv . P►ckup Ratp- $ ' ~ ~ . ~ $ . S ~ REoEa1: PetmanenE Servfx: Sen+ice is iie5ned P-s no less thanscherluled, every oth2r v:ee,c piclcup; unless IocGl gove,=nment rea,uires•more,;requen# serv.ice oi un(ess pu:rescibles are involved. Customer vJll be charged for sxenn+^:e r&&que,sted, even if fewer coritalners ara seniced on a . pailticufar.irip. No credit\vill be gn,en -,'or pardalip•-nlied contaIners. . • ' i • Aor -essorial charge~, as~e3sed {(ids, u"n1oc;~ino, un6_Lching, etc.) issuzti Ly: ' Msarc B. Torre . ' fssue Date: Jul 73, 2408 Eitectivz Date: Se ternbar 1, 2006 • (Far Offlicial Use dnly) ' Docke'L Na. i G- CJate: 6Y: • . - FOP OFF1 CL4L USE OiJLY . Dorlet: TG-0611 42 . Ager,.da £Jate: 08-30-06' Ej}'ective Date: 09-01-06 RECEI VED JU.G 12; '2OQ6 WA. UT. & `I`RANS. CQN11VI. ORZGLNAL 'k,.G-061142 , • This page has [A] sbc lines w•ith incrases in each {tlled-3n column, plus (A) 2n incrase in Note 2, • and the insertlon of Notes 4, b and 6 wfth A'] new rates in 2ach. l"atifi No. 7 . ' Original Page No. 39 . ,.1 / - Company NamelPa,-mit NumbEt: Sunshtne Qisposal, inc. - GdDO199 B • , _ Reg:sterad Trade Nlame(s dba Sunshina Dlspasal and Recyclin 'Item 260 -DroD Box Service - To Disoosal Sita and Return • Non-GomFact6d f-haterial (Company-owned contalner) ' R.at?s stated psr drop bex, per pickup Servicz A.-ea: Ses Apppendix A= Permit copy & map Si:ze or T pe of Container Permanent 5ervice 20 Yard . 25 Yarci 30 Yard 40 Yand . ' Monihl tZBflt if appllCable S 55.00 $ 57.90 $ 60:80 $ 74.00 $ $ A First Pickup - $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.Ofl $ . $ : [a] Each Addi`ianal Pickup $ 65A0 $ 65.Q0 85.D0 S 75.00 $ ' $ [A ' S eqal Picku s r., ~ P4-~ri~'9.4..',".,..,,. :iT;.~:• L' z; a Tem ora Servtce Initis)17elive $ -44.00 $ S 40.04 $ 40.04' $ • [A] Pic;tu Rete ' . $ 85.00 $ $ .-95.0$ S 95.08 S - S A . Rent Per Calendar Da ' $ 4.00 $ - $ 4,50 $ 5.00 $ S (a] - Rent Per tJonth S ' S S $ 5 s . Note 1: Rafes in this iiem are subJect fo disposal feas na,-ned in ltem 230. . ND#e 2: Rates r~ant eJ in tnis it: m apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles front the point af pickup to the disp;sal site. Gccess milPs will be cfiarged for at $4.00 per mile or fraction flf a [A] mile. Mifeage charge is in addibon #o ail regular ch3rges. . • No°e 3: Permanent Service: (1) Service Is defined as no Iess ihan scheduled, once a raonlh Fickup, unless local government requ6res more frequent servce, or unfess putrescibles are involvsd. (2) if a drop box (s retained by a customer far a full month and no pickups are ordered, the monthly rant shafl be charged, bvt no chargss Mll be assessed for pickups. Monthly r2ntaf charges 011 be prorGted when e drop box is retained fot aniy a portion of a rrionzh. _ (3) If rent is shown, `Lhe ra:e for the irst pickup and each addi`ional plckup mus# be the same. If rent is not shown, it is to be inclurSed In the rafe for the flrst plckup. A.ccp-ssorlal charges as>essed (lids, tarping, unlocking, uniatching, eEc.): • Nofe 4: A gafe or obstruction charge of $10.00 (N) tvip be assessed for apening , unlocking or [A1] closing gates, or moving obsti-uctQns in order to pick up sofid waste. No+e 5: A fee as $17.86 (N) per month will ne added Eo rent when a lid is rzquited on a drop box. [N] •No#a 6; A Tee of $10,00 (N) vAll be asse5sed when a customer requires the solid vrGste compsny [~1] to posibor lids open after pickuA. • , lssued By: Marc B. Torre • lssue Dalte: Ju! 13, 2406 EffecJve Date: September 1, 2006 (I"ror Omcial Use Only) - , DQCket No. YG Date: BY ELL T G1VL.C ' -f: 0611 42 Agenda Dcrte: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 -n-b-cEz~D YUL 12, 2006 wA. Ux. & TRA-vs. conTAI. ORIGNAL "C`G-061142 Tariri No: 7 Driginal Page No. 40 f ~1~,~ ~ • • . Conpany Nam=lPannit tr!umber: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOfl01 J9 B Reaister-ed Trads Name's dba Sunshine Qi>PosP-l and Re yclin - fe 265 - Dro6ox Setvice - Ta UsDosal Site a d'Rebim Non-Compacte,d M~aterial (Cusinmee-e%amed container) ' Rates stated pGr drop box, per pickup . Service F.rea: . . • . • " - • Size or T e of Container ~ Permanent Service Yard Yard Yara Yard Yard Yard . Yard Each Schetfuled Picf:up ~ S $ 1$ s s S ecial Pickups ~ $ $ • ~ ~ ' ' ~ . ~ ' ~ ~r r+• ~,_„SriR. ry,~} T2R1 OC2 Service ':.cii°y -:",~"•~i?~;,3~`as~;' i~i~'~:--°ii~~~`:.:rp~F~;.~~°•~°~"a±~r'.~- f's~1 Pickup Rafe $ • $ f 1$ ~ . Note1: Rates in thfs IEem are subject to dispasal sees named 'in lfem 230. , • Note 2: Raies named in ihis item apply for a!i hau1s not exceeding 5 miles from tha point cf.pickup, ,o th-3 d9spesal siie. Eccess mifes will be charged for at $ per mil_ or iaction of a . mile. Mifaage hargn is in addition #o zll ttguiar charges. ' No'Le 3: Perm dnen't Sen+lce fs deflned as no less t~'~-an scheduled, onces a month picJcup, urdess locrl • gave; nment o;dinGnces require rriore frequent ser✓ice or unies pu'Lrescibies are involved. _ r . . . qccessorial chatges assessed (Iids, Lonlflcking, unlatchfng, e'Lc.) • Issued sty: Narc B.1"orre . Issue Date: Jul y 13, 2046 EfrecUva Data: September 1 2006 (For Otrrcfal Use Only) Docket No. TG- DGfie: By: . . . FOR OFF.ICL4L t1SE 01VLY • Dockei: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 • C.fj`'PctiveDate:09-01-06 REC`EIVED JYTL 123 2006 Wk. UT. & TRANS. COnM. ORIGINA.L TCv-061142 TariFi No. 7 Ori3inal Page Nio. 41 Cflinpany NameOernit Numher. SunshinA DlspQSal, inc. - G000199 B Registarei Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine DIs osa-l and R cfin . . ~ Etem 270 - Drop BflxSer✓ice - To Disoosal Site and Returi Gornpacted Ma#erial (Cornpany-awn--d drop box) . . Rates sta'-~d per,drop bex, per pickup SsnA>e- Area: ' . . . Sizs o, Tpe oi Container :Perrnanenf Service Yard Yerd Yarr! 'Yerd Yard Yard Yerc1 Mohtfi Renf ('if 2 licable) ~ ' S $ S s S.. . • $ Eirs# Ricku p $ $ $ $ . Each Addibanal Plckup $ • $ $ S $ S ecial Picku s $ - Tempora Servfce "~~'r~~ T.v~~~ {i'~. ~ '~7%f~4 ~Y~. a^AY:S?~ •:?T.:T.7~.uY~'I'J.'i~• lnittcl DflliVE $ V , 4' W $ !'idcup Rate $ $ $ $ S $ $ Rent r er Calendar Da $ $ $ ' Rent Per Month • ' ~ S • : a $ • ~ • . . ~ $ ' . . . Notei: Rates in this bm ara subJect to disposal fees named in ldem 230. Note 2; Rates named in this ftt=m apply fcsr a11 hauls not sxce--ding 5 miles from #ha paint of p(ckup to the disQosal sfEA. Excess miles Wll ba charged for at S per inIle or'iracqon of a miJe. Mileage harge is in addition to all reguiar charges. ' Note Permar~ent Sz vica: (1) Service'is de5ned as no fess than schnduled, once, a month pickup, unlm-ss local govemment require5 more frequeni serV{ce, or unless putrescibles ere invoived. (2) lf a c(rop box Is reta(ned by a customer for a full. month and no plc€cups are orde;ed, the monifily reni shali be charged, but no charges vril) be assessed far pickups. Mon;hly renta) charges vAll be pror-alted when a drop box is retained for only a partion of a manth. . (3) If rent 1s shawn, the ratn tor tha fitsk pickup anti each additional pickup must bP the same. I fs rent fs not shown, it is to be included (n the rate; for the first pi;;}cup. Accessori-sal charges essessed (fids, tarping, unlodking, Unlat'ching, etc.): Issued By: Matc B. Torre _ (ssuP bate: Jul 93, 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (Far Orircia! Use Only) . . . DoCket (`o. TG- D2f2: By: r: n n n r, z;rer 4r r r, G Deek--;-- 61142 A_genda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 X%-F--"OcF,rv~D JUL 12, 2006 WA. L~r. ~ TRANs. conn 1. oRIGzNA~ TG061142 i his page has jAj Increases to 1'ermanant Service for 20 yard and 30 y3rd confiainers with no changes to rades for tha 30 yard and 40 y3rd containers. This page also has [A] an increase fo fhe r,~lleagp rat~ in ?~ota 2, irtsertioti oi Note 4 u fth jN] Qne new raLe, and frtsertion of t~fa1e 5 vrith [C] chan es in wordin only with no chan e to thaf rte. Tarfi No. 7• Original Page No. 42 ' Com~ny NGmelPermi: h'jm5er. Sunshine DisoQSal, Inc. - GO001°9 8 . Registered Ti-ade Name{s) aba 5unshir~e Disposal P-nd Recyclilg item 275 - Qrop Box Seivicc- - To Dispasal Stt.a and Return Compactad Nlateria! (Customer-owned container) . Rates stated psr drap box, per p9ckup ' - Senrice P.rea: See Append?x A- Permit copy and m?p •A [A] • . ' Size or T pe'of Container ' Permanent Servico 20 Yard 7-~ Yard 30 Yard 40 Yzrd Each Scheduled Picicup . $ 112.00 5 112.00 $ 912.00 $ 135.05 $ $ ~ . Spc-ci21 Piaups S ~ $ • Tempora S8NIC2 •t~:..s~;i~~~:~?~':.TMq ~'~i:~~=°s,~r'~~~.~~-•~ :ti' :r~:~~r~i:S:S~,~'" ~~'~~fr~~•-,~5,.,'L' PiGiClJ R8tt' 1$ $ $ ~ Note 'i:. Rates in fiEs iten ara subjact to dfspos-al feas rsamed in Item 230. Nate'2: Ratas namzd in this itAm apply for all nauls not exeeeding 5 mifas frcm ihe' pBlnt of pickup . to the dfspasaI Sfi°. E70C25S fT1PIss viiII ba charred for 8t $4.00 per mile ar fraciion of a [A) mile. Nafleaae charae is in additlon to a!i teovl2r charges. - - ~.^Nota 3: Permanenf Servica 9s dEfined as no less 'Uhan sthedu(ed, onca : month p(cklip, unless local ' gevet-nnen# ordir~ances ra~:juite more frzquent sen+ice or unles putresciblas a;z invoNed. • ArressoHal charges zsspssed (lids, unloc;{ing, unlatcfiioia, etc.) Note 4: A aate or obsErucbaii cherge ai $10,00 (N) will be as5essed for opening , unfocking er [Nj ciosing cates, or movi,g abs:rvcfions in order ta pic,k vp solid waste. Note 5: A compac#or'discflnnecJreoonnecf chai-ge of $25.00 will be assessed. ' (C) . Issued By: Marc B. Torre , , . • • Issue Date: July 13, 2006 Efsecuve Date: Se ten-iber 1, 2008 • (For Onrcial Use On1y) Docket No. TG- Date: By. _ Mn a n17?--inr4r r, . 10 Dee 061142 - ~gen.da vatz: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECErVED.JUL 12, 2006 WA.1JT. & 'Z`RANS. COMM. Q►RJLG l TAI, TG061142 Tadff No. 7 . . - . . . . . _ - - - - --Original Page ho. 43 C4mpany Narrre[Per+niL Number. Sunshine Dispasal, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name s) . clba Sunsh9s-ie D3spos~=l and Re ~ cling • . Ifem 300 - List of Abbreviations End Svmbofs.Used In Thfs Tarin (AJ denotes increases ' . . - . (R] denotzs decreaszs . "[C] denotes changes in wording, resuiing .in neither 9n6sa-ses or decrezses [N] denotes nzw rares, services, or rules ' [*`*J denotes that material preViousBy shown has been deleted Yd_ Or yd. lrre abbrzviations for ysrd ' , . ' Cu. Or cu. Are abbreviations for cuhic ' . . ' . . . . J . ~ . issued By: - tJlarc B. Torre, • . Issue Date' July 13, 2008 Elfective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 , • • (Fw Ohficisl Use Only) . -fl ~ Docke# No. TG- 8}r Fn R nFr. ~rr,r r ffaA61142, . • Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . Effectivz Date: 09-01-06 . _ . . T `~~s~-Is.~!~t~~t~~~•~3~ HS ~ .~'~~~3t~'cz~~~ ~.."3T~~~a&L t, ,s~,,z , ' ` ~'I t~i~&lDIr ~ ~R'r`LSHIII~GTOiti UTILI:PES A~'dU T~R.liNfiPQt~TA'TIC}+I COiri Q % - • . - ' For the operation of.M4for proPelled Yehicies . , . . ~ pursuapt to th, prov3slens of Ch3p€.er 81 RCW • . D TH?S IS TO CERTIrY that authority fs grant'p-d tn opera{..e as a •It30i0?t CARRIEFt iy fha . transpartaCon of thA comrEiodiue's and in tf:e tirritory aescrlbed her'e4n i.o • • . p a, , • . . . ~ . . . . . 5unshi ne Uisposal, Inc. ' . • • ' CEHT. ' NU.14ZS NW BalZard Hay . ' . • . G-199 ~ Seattle, WA 98107 • p-1 . GA.itBACG 11hD RF:USfi COLt,ECTIQN S~TMCE, 3.i+, it 2d to s:; vice in ~ . contairtcrs of t~'eRtj' (20) 'CUbiC yar~i capaeity oe over in that gort~.o,-n . ~ of Spokane Cvu:etiy described as follows: The territoty bounde~i on tl}e weat by He.vanF Street '(the easterly cx tiy lzmi-ts. of the Cf ty o'f- ~ Spakane); on the north by Rowan AYenue extended; on the east.by tlie T ?daho-WashingtoII 5tatc ].ine and on the -south by 40th Avenus exCended. ~ 1 ~ . AZso, Sec tiona 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., R. 45 B. , and 5ections 30 and 31, T. Zb N., R, 46 B.; and wiihin the corporate ciFy 2lmits of Sho'.{ane as of Septe~ber 1, .1962, PRO'JIDBD: 5_rvzCe permitted in 4pokane aQes not authoriae the dapliGatfon'oL or any encrQGchmenIt nn sesvices xendered •by'the Czty of,Spokane oF coratracted ror •by i•t.: . . ~ . i ' • • M. V. G. Tdo. iL'47. 8-24-83 : ' - . . ~ . • , . . • ~ . . . • . . • ' ~ . . . ' 1 ~ . . . _ . ~ ~ • • ' • ' WASgi7hGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTAfi10N ~ STA~~ • . CoraMrsSfoN , . ' 33y 6 MOVISIV; o'~ r ./S r • ~ . ' ~ ~ ~~~~:~~[l~Y L . 1•ll~~u~... LJti 1R( }L.C 061.1.42 . • - ' . ~ ~1~1,~e~fda ~l°: 08-30-06 -01-06 . ' ~~$::s~ie::'.Ir _ y~Ca..~i~mt~ "R Ct- ' _ r5 ~ _ , . . C VS- Ulu ~ 1.I42 a~.10 ~ . - ~ • ~ c =~~r'~ k DcA ~ ~ _ rr~ , •1- ' i ~ , ~ = • F; ' F~' ' ' - lt1 . ~ • ~ o _ c • ` , ~ • • • . . ~ .ri~~~J~ _ _p- i 3t'' . . . • ' ~ r. ; ~ ~ • ia~ . , . , . . . . . ~ - ~ ~ ` . . ~ t•1~ti , ~ _ ~ V~;.~ ' • . • r ~ ;L .e t ~ ' • ~`~"'~y s ~ . . ~ ' i • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X o -~~J ~ . • . " • 1. ;Zr ° c ~ °~-'z:' °u ~ ♦ ~ ~r. t• ~FJ u~.=~ ' . ~ n t~ ~ g tN7 u v . ~ .I_•-~ a' . .i'~~$ . ' . „ , :t:~.;i' 7~" ~ • ~ ~ n. ~ ~~tr►~ • , ' - , • T. ~ ; --r j ` a ,C ` - LK-- . • ~ ~ ~ J~ ~ _ . . • . t ,•r•,~(t",~ j _ 1 ~.l. • , . . ~ • ; e~. y ~~.e4~4 1 4 ~ • ' ~ , ` 1;3^, _~r~ f..~~ _ ..r ,`c ~ • ~ . ~ ~ '1= • a ` E 1 '41 ck('~ ~ . . c-~ t'g _ • 4 ~ . . • ~ F • c , c c~ E~ : !a- a ' :~a _ i 'c• t..F ' .t~. ~r ~,~1~,'ti~ • j=•~- - ' w • • • J T • •i ~ o I~ i ' t j~~ ~S~ h 1 . . . • Ca' ~w` • ~R O•-_ ~ t4 1 ~ t • ~ • . _ ~ ~~,y7~~,j~ 1 ~ ca "i o `t":; { r~~. ~~_l ~jr[ -1~ , y• c = K ~ ~ ' \ ~Y tJ l ~ i • : ~ C-' _ ~ 4~ L7 • ~ ~ tl t Kj l.ti~ . . . y ~ f~-.,~ ' ~ t•~',•C~'~'+' • ~ - i ~ ~ ~ Y q ~ ~ n _ ~ e. r~'' - •~i\ ~ , _ ~ C , . ~wu^~ ~ - ~ x . ' ~ ' . yt~ - ~ O Y d 6 qA ` : • ~ ' o c u - - ` r~ • . , • r ~ a,.W1 VGj ° ~5.~'. o ~ :F.~~ . `1 . • 'r ~ ' l - r• - ~a ~ ~o. ~ _ _~~c - ' j ty , ~ ' ~•~-1 ' L- ' • LLJ r , r • ~~4 ~ ' a . ~ . N "-~c - ~i' ~ r = ' ~ e •`,;~r • . ` I . ' -'i~~'l.:-~'~ 's~ ~ _ _c~l-. • . 23 -061142 4. ' _ , ' 08-3 0-Qb • ' ' . - - - ti, ~ e- ~e: 09-01-06 , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Potential approaches to addressing graffiti. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: No action taken to date. BACKGROUND: As the Council is aware, there appears to be increasing amounts of graffiti lately in the region, including in our City. The Council has heard from some citizens concernetl about graffiti, as well as their requests that the City try to do more to control it. Staff has researchetl what currently exists in the City, as well as approaches other jurisdictions are using to address graffiti, which are outiined below. The Council should note that there are two broad purposes in applying graffi#i to a property►. One is related to communicating gang information (territory, etc.), and the second reason is probably more related to somebody wanting to make their mark by vandalizing somebody's property. Although this second form of grafFti ("tagging") is often refeRed to as an art form in many places, most of the tagging seen in Spokane Valley has no artistic value. Currentiy, response to graffiti is handled primarily by SCOPE. When graffiti is found, it is photographed and analyzed 4o determine if there are gang-related components to it. If so, then the photos are tumed over to the gang unit. If it is not gang-related, SCOPE provides the property owner or tenant with information on how to remove it, or will help paint over the graffiti. When graffiti is spotted on somebody's property, SCOPE will leave a notice on their door. (See attachment 1) The City Police Department tracks the number of graffiti incidents each year, with a dollar estimate of the damage caused_ (See attachment 2) At this time, tfie City has limited legal means to respond to graffiti. It is very difficult to catch somebody in the act of tagging. If we do, that person can be charged with Malicious Mischief in the third degree, which is a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a$5,000 fine. (See attachment 3) Having this as the primary weapon against graffiti has not been effective to date. Other cities have experienced the same lack of effectiveness in trying to catch taggers. Given these experiences, other cities have geared programs to removing the graffiti as soon as possible, the theory being that quick removal will deny the taggers any time to admire their work, and thus, in theory, reduce the incentive to do it in the first place. Attached please find examples of graffrti abatement programs from other cities. (Attachments 4- 6). The Council may want to consider adding a provision in the Nuisance Code, Chapter 7.05, that requires property owners and tenants to remove graffiti. The City's code compliance officers are very skilled at enforcing the nuisance provisions, and are accustomed to discussing similar issues with our citizens. ff the Gouncil chooses this approach, it may also want to consider proactive enforcement of graffiti abatement, rather than waiting for somebody to complain. Components of successful abatement programs appear to include the following: - immediate notrfication to the city; - immediate notification to property owners; and - immediate removal of the graffifi. Ways these steps can be accomplished include the following: 1. Encourage neighbors to notify each other when graffiti is spotted; . 2. Provide the public with a phone number and website at the city to report grafFiti; 3. Woric with impacted property owners on effective means of removing graffiti; 4. Have the City purchase products that have been proven effective in removing graffiti; 5. Encourage volunteer groups to assist in graffiti abatement with permission of owner/tenant; 6. Seek donations of various colors of paint and painting supplies from paint stores; 7. Encourage residents in graffiti prone areas to keep extra matching paint on hand; 8. Educate citizens about products to paint on that are graffiti-resistent. _ OPTIONS: Instruct staff on whether the Councal would like to pursue any of these options; or, whether the Council would like additional information. . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOT{ON: NA BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attomey; Mary Kate Martin, Building Official ATTACHMENTS: . In case you haven't noticed, graffiti has been placed on your property. ❖ It's important to remove or cover the graffiti immediately. Graffiti attracts more graffiti, and more graffiti attracts more vandalism and crime. ❖ Most graffiti can be removed by common products available at your local hardware store. Graffiti_can also be covered with paint or stain. Most property owners keep paint on hand just for this purpose. ❖ For more information, please contact the Sheriff's Graffiti Hotline at 477-GANG (4264) A-71-"kc-)A M e NT ~ . ~ Ly ~OY Graffiti 1ncidents by Di7tricl $20,000 1,510(~(~ vl~:j! . F 4f' ~ 12% $10,000 s amQ unt of damage ~ $5,000 e. ~ % x ~ , r. $0 1 L 3 4 5 6 Dkstl"I ct District 1 = 29 reporks $32,000 to#al damage District 2 = 10 repvrts District 3 = 70 reports District 4 ! 7 repor#s rNstrict 5 _ 20 reports S,gt. Kittilstved, i 1. Graftiti matcrial. RCW 9A.48.090 Malicious mischicf in tlle third degree. (1) q person is guilly of maliaous mischief in the third degree 'rf he or she: (a) Knowingy and maficiously causes physical damage to the property oT another, under cir:;umstances not amounting to maliaous mischief in the first or second degree; or (b) Wntes, paints, or draws any inscription, figure, or maric ot any rype on any public or pnvate building or has other structure or any real or personal properly owned by any oth derrc~cumsean es ot~amo nting to1n~ the express permission of the owner or operator of the property, n malicious mischief in the flrst or second degree. (2)(a) Malicious mischief in the third degree~ua ee~unt exceeding fifty dollarsion is a gross misdemeanor if the damage to the propertY ' ` (b) Malicious mischief in lhe third degree under subsection (1)(a) oi ihis section is a misdemeanor if the damage to the property is fittY dollars or less• (c1 Malicious mischief in the third degree under subsection (1)(b) of this section is a gross misdemeanor. City of Pasco. WA (Departments - Grafiiti ikl ~ PLA`? Hor»e Oepartments I Wa~N To • A~ril1L~.A Cp,tytt Informatr-in r ivp~ ~r ,;,ommunie~ Graffiti Abatement KCk Stlftus Of • ni~`mAL ~ FAdaY 8_OUam ro S:ODDm (excl:s.~ 6rafftti HoRline y =;~tml Nours: Montla through n~~0 •t~ijild n, irsoet4~ »iiQwl 525 Pas~ N e, WA Thlyd r,~.'~ A'?, - eV Ni _ 1 ~ ;anr ~ eglstcl •pcj~ , y.ltar~ ' _~ei~Y T~ d PaSto has irunateG the Graffiti Abatement Procyram (GAP) to ;u. Q R~~iocal+e ~ e Er~ me t helP local Dusiness awners and resideMS In the rt+nwal of qrai(fitl fmm ther property. ~ . ;~D?~~dtt4_S :.,I. • la'2'~.5~._1R1L~ Rd,i:rd Lln4•. ~ 1^''~ Thls serv~ce may be ~cessed in several ways. You may t~ ~ Police Drveluomerd pepanmesit and re4uest triat a re"t be tnkPly at which Cme the vo~~ Go~„m ~n~;y •<<-?~mer rvice Offvcer wui advtse Ycw af the pro9ram or You maY contact ttle GrsMRf • Fi~p{t Hotline at 544-3090 to report the mddent and requesc assisUm-ce. irtvolved BDatemef~ The program prwdes labor arr0 maieriaK to remove the qraffid with ~ ~ ~ ff =,at . Human Rt~55 labor bemq prw+ded M kn'eNies com~icted of vandalisrn and other M ~:,r~yl Cnurt D-PMY ret&W cnmes. ln all cases the ProDertY ow^g must P9n a •egke releaselwaiver aut.honzinq the rcmvvai ny the GAP pro9rar^. The worlc •~IIGG_3~2~5 About uz Uew 6 wp2rvi5td bY an emObY~ MuruUpa! CouR wh0 e~~''~~ arersees the removal Proctss and manages the propram• ' . ~r Wp(~S _ • Rg ti ~ _ Studles show the netessdY af the rnc„ed.a:e remeval of qcaffitl- - RemoNnp It quickN tan reduce 1Kour rx.^s :)f conpnued Inuderds. 1o reduce fuRher +i5k we reCAmme^C Cnat the nraffi' z)e 'pmoved bv ~ Patcl+y r fnszmq Fofl r h S£'F ~.r .1 . : w; 2,,`F . _i',y i! i.A .l, 9.4Y•, :r1•_. A-7 -rA C~ r~ rn c~-t- lilr':Il ~llll^ P.ikc l c,i , Seattle Puhlic ['tilitics Grafftti Frevention & 1Ze111ol, al - - - - - _ - - - ~ AbaA Seawe.`ov ~ CHy Conta:ts 5E4TTl.E.60Y CitY ServKes Deputner.,s StaB Dltemry T SEARCH: f' SeaClu.gov r Tlrois Deqartmen= Greq Nitkels, Msycf -yhome ~ Contact Us ~ ~ • 1 - - - - Hdiabk w anr. er, dr~iaa..^e S~+l~d~ ma rer►icec 7- - I gefvlces About SPU i Enginoering ' Dlrectory ~ -Bi~ling ' Gsrbage i Recycling' Yard , 1^Jater Drainage & Sewer ~ - 5ervicES> Ga~b~e> Red~~e aoe 6 litte'> Graffitl Prevention b Remmal Graffiti Prevention & Removal Taking prompt, proactive stePs to report and remove graffiti is the best way to prevent it from occurring in your community. Follow these steps to get rid of graffiti- Graftitl Preventicn A Removal_Ho_m4 Repotgraff ti. Call the City's Graffiti Report Llne at (206) 684-7587 or use the Online ~or~craf~s! Repqrt Form to report graffiti on public property, or on private property ice Prev n Qaffiti that has persisted for a period~ f ~ni ouMproperty. Ilf you seetan(a06of L,raff~ Nuisanoe Ordinance 625-5011 when graffiti appe graffiti vandalism in progress, call 911 immediately. ~'rd ~ IL~R~lfY Re v rsffitign Private Rem ve raffiti. r~'o~nY After the police document the vandalism, remove or paint over the c;-affdi Prev n o Pro m graffiti immediatety. For free paint call ttie ReUse Store (206) 386-4093. ?DF File) =4-ic ~Ou? Brec-nure Volunteer t0 paint o. ut 9raffiti in your community. Get written permission from property owners to paint out graffiti on their property. and get a group together to paint it out! The City assumes no f3,;`k I o xtiJ Ll`` liability for work related to volunteer paint-outs. Call (206) 386-9746 for c;.~rt~~~zr more information Ggt a Litter S Graffiti Matching Funsi_Grant, 4 Customer If you have an idea to clean up or prevent litter and graffiti in your Service community, the City may have up to $1,000 in grant suppon to help Call (206) 68y-3000 make it a reality! Call (206) 386-9746 for information about this program. Make your ro e graffiti-resistant_ Quick fixes that are known to work include: • Installing improved lighting and motion sensitive lighting. • Growing vines or appropriate vegetation to cover unpainted retaining walls. • Installing a graffiti resistant coating on your walls. • Keeping matching paint on hand to quickly paint out graffiti. Additional Resources Graffiti Prevention Program (PDF) - - ATT~~Mt~T S • - - -.:~'~'--...._..:i~....I..,...~;Do,~,~v (:orhono .Rf T ittrr (:raft'tti PT 1 01-10 ~01)7 f'are _2 ~~f ? Seattlc Public t'tilitics (Jrai'iiti Prr\ ention 8& Rzm~~% a1 Paint it Cut Brochure (PDF; ~,ratclc Pul~li~ i ailitir. • -(Nr Fiflh A~eoue.5uite J9(10 • PO Bo~ 330{R>eanlr. ~ 9Yl.d-SIiIF • i_iu,! bN4-;!~~~(~ •~~~~~~N~r 1. Seattte.gQv_: Services J Departments I Staff Dfrectory I Mayor ~ City Council 11111111110 uestion5:~~'n6~~intg ~ Pr;9CY_4 _ccu`i;y?ol~:. PaLc 1 r~i, , Graftiti I:r~idication Yrouram ~ Cornmunity aD++u^m*z )obs I [ S.rvlus ] Noeno l[ G*I*ndar )I City Gor J( Graffiti Eradication F't"Ggrail~ The City Councll and City staff take [he Dosltion that Me existence of graff+ti ~c"irv store is detrimental to property values, adversely affects qua►ity of life and _ ~code Enforcement communRy attractjveness, and discredits the CYty's reputatlon for ilvablllry ~ w When graffitl 1s allowed to remain, It invites yet more graffitl and may lead JF~Liliti-f~ to an increase In vandallsm and other criminal actlvity. Rapid removal is ~ordinances consldered key W controlilnq and eradicatlny grati;i. City of Santa Clara groPRU eradicatlon eMorts are outlineG below, and are ` ~v-olun.tep-rs considered a joint effort by the City, Its dtluns, and other aqenaes, with educatlon as a strong component. The City is par[icipatln9 wlth the County and wtth other cRies In the County in regional 9rafflti eradication eifores. ~iry Manaqera's OfHce Co p a nt Ombudsman at 615-22 ~515-3D80 or che Other Useful Phone Numbers P~rs(IE' Nuf'1'?Zf , Agency Santn Clara Valley Water District (qpg) 265•2600 (qrafRU along creeksJcreek beds) (408) 271-355" Amtrak propertY (408) 299-3330 County Expressways N'rA (408) 977-52b5 ,bus benthes & enclowres) Consisient with the CFty's COde ~r=~rcemam effo•-S, '-n° C;ty `-,r~`~ e-adi:a' o-) p-,c•a-n s deslgned to: ► Maintain a heal[fiy, safe znd dean envircnne-it; o Preserve the City's quality of life; and o Involve working with our residents and businrsses qn integral paR of tfie proqram is the C1ty's Graffitl Watch progrzrn and Graff ti Hotiine 24 hour tctcphone number (241-9495). Information leading to the i0entlty and aDPrehension of a person ,v-o defaca any buildinq or property with 9raffrc' in tne Ci.y of Santa Clara R'sY quali}Y for a -onctary rewerd of $250.00 tfirough thE pro9ra^' Cty Lfforts p The Street Department conducts a Graffiti Abatement Pr awners of the etxistence of qraffiti proOeKY• Street Department personncl notifies propertY on their property and requests that it De removed as swiftty as possible. Approximately 75z~r. of graffiti is removed by property owners within two weeks after the inlt+al notiflcation. Contact the Street Department at 615-3080 to rePort 9rafflti on prlvate property. p Employees of all City departments have as a goal the removal of graffiti from muniuG?I facllities, equipment, signs, etc. less [han three days after it is siqh[ed, and usually rcfn3"i uccurs wlthin a sinyle day. Ail departmen[s particlpate in qroffiti remaval, p Fire, Police and Street DepaRments currentlY track inddents that inciude grafffti. Ille9& dumping, and the ilieqal placemeni of slgns. The Street Department provides monthly reports to the City Manager's Otflce• Coordination of department effats is made [o mi:iaimi-e graffiti aba[ement Impacts. p The SET (5pecial Enforcement Team) of the Police Department phaographs and tata,oys graffrti vandalism (for potential fu[ure prosecution and cost recovery); undertakes s..rveiltance, stakeouts, and stings in problem areas to apprehend qratfia vandals; a•ia artively seeks to arrest 9raKitl vandals. p Gra`fiti observed on non-City publlc property is reported to the resDonsible public agercr :t' some cases, the City works directly w+th these other a9endes to assist in the cimely re-r• c-a of this yraffiti• o The S[reet Department fias ass+gnetl an -malcye2 to s-,iend 250M o!'heir tlme nn a combinatlon of tht mitiqadon of illegal •v pcs:ed si9^s and T-i' `"-'t',)r 'r~ -?~~n-- ng ,i grafflcl for removal. ~ A-~ TA C-~o~ T . ~ _.._m.• 1 n .nV1 i~n-7 Page ? of ? (Traifiti Eradic;ation Prouram t 7h2 FoliCe Depar.rie^t ulilizes PGP (P':b e;7' Cr en;e;7 PGIiC.n~j :i~ :eek r=~Cl~tiaf .t : ;r _<fi' problems and Solutions to preve-1t fu.ure qraffiti vandallsm in cert-am pronlem areas F~r exampte, Police personnel will work wltli other departments and the nefqhbo^hood o- buslness to identify end have instatled better Gqhtlnq in an a2a andJor trim ad}acen; vegeta[lon in an ettort to decrcase future incldents of qraffitl vandalism. o The Pol►ce Department has assigned a Community Service Offlcer (CSO) whose pnncipal responsibllity is to act as a clearinghouse for grattitl eradication. The C5O works witn the Code Enforcement Committee, and provides informatlon to assls[ wtM the promoUOn of graffiti removal Mrouqh such avenues as the Gity's newspaper, [his website, Munidpal Cab'e Channel 15, etc_ • C,ty Coundl has Dassed a Grafiitl Ordlnarxe proposed by the City's Code Enforcement C,ommittee• The ordinance emphasizes empowerment, educaUon, eredicaUon and enforcement - ihe "4 E s of Grafflti Eradication." The ordinance is desired to help strengthen tlhe City's efForts toward tne eiimination of qraffiti and addresses a nurnber o! Issues including praffiti on private property. r r,rouqh the Youth Outreach programs of the Police Departmen[, and warkinq In conJunctiflr vritn other City departmen[s, juveniles periodically participate in grafFitl abatement to rrseet aitemative sentencing requirements, workln9 on weekend work crews. r vrorking with the Santa Clara County Cities Assodation, the Gty is partldpaUnq in "Ta5 i,_,.j Lose," a counry-wide proqram bo hold youth accountable for graffitl by suspendinq drtver-, iicenses as punishment tor tfie conviction of a qrafflti offense. The Pro4ram wlll assign convicted tagqen and their parents a sDecif~c area to keep clean oi graffitl for up to ane year. The prograrn states "Tag You Lose nr_ jroffi~+ -3rid ose y.mjr d-ivers 'iccnse, Iosr y-u" weekends, and lose your money. It's the av, ' Commurncy Efforts - ► Property owners are encouraged to paint aiL gra'fi[i a~ soo:, as r. aPGe,3 , Tic DeDar[ment foifows uD With Property owners to encouraqe thern to comply; In the cas- absentee landlords, to noqfy Mern a5out [he graffiti and needed removal; and in *.hc casc •:,f propeRy owners who are unable [o remove trie praffiti themselves (for example, Infirm citiurts) to assist In locating volunteers to paint out thelr graffitl. ~ lhe City's "Glve A Uttle...Help A Lot" muniupal uLllty bill insert proqram accepts donatlons `or Keep Santa Clara C1ean, an endeavor of ttte Gty's Cultural Advisory Commission. Community donations are used to purchase paint, supplles and equipment for graPfltl paint- out. r'he Police Department works with prn;:er, y o.vnA-s t^ doc_menc and inen,ifyltrack gra ' rags and possible qang-related taygi-(? '-i a-rcst, o- 't en:: recovery. tdu-aGOn . The Cfty's Cade Enforcement Cammlttee, established in :997, has made it a pnor-ity ' increase public awareness and eHectiveness of aH code enforcement activities, inUudir_ qraPfiti removal. City resources, indudinq utilMty blll inserts, che quarterly newspape: distributed to all resldenu, etc., are including information on code enfortement indu::iri) graPfiti eliminahon. The June, 1999 iswe ot the newspaper contained an erticle on qraffit vandalfsm, and how residencs can help reduce/eliminate it. This issue aIso promoted Mr- Gratfltl HoUlne and rewara program. r The Glty's DlaI-A-Tip/Graffiti Hotline (241-9495), has been In exlstence for more than lo years. It is listed yearly in the Phone Directory inslde the City's Annual RcporUCalendar, ari is included in a number of o[her publicatlons, includiny the new Code Enforcement brochure. TTi[s brocnure was mailed as a utility bill insert to all customers in November, 1999. ► The Pol►ce DepaRment also undertakes community education about qrafl9u eradication through programs in the schools. Thls samc educntlonal efforc is utilized in Neighborhood Watch, Business Watch and the Youth Outreach (alternative sentencing) program5. ► Other educational efforts indude announcements and 'rnformation placed on the govemmenc cablr Graff!i Hnri ne pr.sters distnhuted to local bus+nesses, pe"iodic Police ~r-,T ~ur~~=r st_,r.er5. v.ebs,:~ rn-,ai _ , p;,F f hlcrz Lir'K=. 1 i_0,- rCi'i"7` i ,de Enfo~CQL4.[1CLP5 : ehicle ConIr4! 4U1z V~ILIIWY T1WPo9,3m City Hall: 1500 Warburton Ave Santa Clara, G► 95050 tel: (408) 615-220.3 fzx: 408) 241-6771 c3c,.~.S ~~nti3CY P^IiCy i--7'i_•~ ~it~M~I-~;ir 1f1~:I1J'1(lI1 J DRA FT AUVANCE AGFNUA For Ylanning Discussion Purposes ( )nly as of March 12, 2008; 12:30 p.m. Please note thiti is a work in probress; items are tentative I o: Council & Statf From: City Managcr Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings Mgrch 25.2008, Reeular Neetine. 6•00 n m. [due date Monday, Marc6 171 l. Consenr. Claims, Payrall, \+tinutes; P&R,& Panhandling Ad Hoc Camrnittees [5 minutcs] First Reading Re Interim Ordinance 07-025 Amendment - Gn;g McCormick [10 minutes I 1. First Rcading Stormwater Ordinance - John Hohman [10 minutes) 4. First Rcading Solid Waste Ordinanc;e Amendmcnt - Cary Driskell [ 10 minutes] 5. Resolution f'or Senior IT Specialist Classification - Mike Jack.son [5 minutes] fi. Motion Consideration: Strcet Acceptance John [fohman/Mike Connelly [10 minutes] 7. Motion Considcration: Turtle Creek JPA - Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 8. Motion Consideration: Letter of Intent - Deputy Mayor Denenny [10 minutes] y. Admin Report: Streei Utility Presentation - Councilmember AI French [30 minutes] 10. Admin Report: Legislative Matters - Dave Mercier [15 minutc.~s] 11. Finance Committce Report: Funding Uptinns Mayor Munson [20 minutes] I?. lnfo Only: ncpartment Rcports; "1'(P :'_fl(IH amencirncnt memo ('"estimatcd meeting: 140 minutesj Anril l. 2008, titudv Session 6•00 n m. [due date Monday, March 241 f. S"I'A Presentation, Information Re-authorization of Funding - Susan Meyer (20 minutes) Comprehensive Plan Amendments Quarterly Update- Greg McCormick (30 minutes) Anima) Control Ordinance Uiscussion - Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 4. 1 1DC Amendmcnt: Loading Doors - Grcg McCormick (10 minutcs) 5. Webcasting'television Council klcctinKs ('osts An<ill'sis 13ing (20 minute,) TOTAL M1NUTES: 100 minutes ,S'clture/un'. :•1pu•il 5, 200,`': ,1/crYor', 13u!!, ;I1n-abcuu Purk //wr°l Aoril 8. 2008, Resular Meetine 6•011 p m. idue date Monday, :Narc6 311 1. PUIiLIC HEAKING: ST'A Funding lssue [20 minutc,] 2. YUBLIC HEARING: Interoperability Funding Issue [30 minutes] 3. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [S minutes] 4. Second Re.ading, Intcrim Urdinance 07-025 Amendment [5 minutes] 5. Second Reading Stormwater Ordinance - John 1 iohman f 15 minutes J 6. Second Reading Solid Waste Ordinance - Cary L?riskell [5 minutes] 7. First Rc•ading, UDC Amendment Loading [)oors - Kathy McClung [10 minutes) 8. Admin Report: TLiD Interlex:al Agreement Cary Driskell [15 minutesi 9. Admin Report: Cable Fr,inchise Urciate Can+ f)riskcll [15 minutes] ~ *estimated meeting: 120 minutes►i April 15, 2008, Studv Session 6•00 a m. (due date Monday, Apri17) 1. Commute "trip Reciuction (C"I'K) Update - Margan Koudelka (15 minutes) 2. Budget Amendment for 2008 Budget - Ken '1'hompson (15 minutes) 3. Customer Service Improvement Plans/Permit Process (CDI)) - Greg McCormick, John Hohman, Mary Katc Martin (20 minutcs) .3. Customer Service Improvernent 1'IanslPcrmit Proccss (Cll' of PW) - Steve \S'orlcy !Ncil Ker;ten (20 minutc,) (>mti Ad%ancc A.L!cn:Li 1 . 12 ,U{I}i 12:30:53 P`1 N.iec Iot 3 City tlall I'mjW Status IZeport \eil Ker;tcn ( I~ rninutesl TOTAI: 1-11NUTF.S: 85 minutes r April 22, 2008, llcp-ular Meetine, 6•00 p m. (duc datr Monday, April 141 1. PUBLIC HF.ARiNG: Proposed Amended 2008 71P 2. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes 15 minutc,j 3. Second Reading IJDC Amendment Loading Doors- Kathy McClung 15 minutes] 4. Mation Consideration: SI'A Ballot Issue [5 minutes] 5. Motion Consideration: Interopcrability Ballot Issue [5 minutes] fi. Motion Consideration: Sales Purchase Agreement Mike Connelly/Scott Kuhta [15 minutes] 7. tiprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan - Scott Kuhta 160 minutesI R, Info Only: nepartmcnt Reports; Draft Resolution Re Arca Wide Rezone [*eatimated meeting: 9.5 minutesj April 29, 2008, Studv Ses.giun 6:00 p m. [duc date Monday, April 211 I, Accidcnt Statistics Along 13madway - Ncil Kerstcn (15 minutcs) 2. Mirabeau Parkway Speed LimitslT-raffic Control rxvices - Neil Kersten (20 minuteti) 3. Infi> Only: Greenacres Statistics - Kathy McClung TO'CAI. ML'VUTES: minutes Mav 6, 2008, Studv Session 6:40 o m. idue datc Monday, April 281 1. Comp Plan Schedule - Kathy McClung (20 minutes) I'roposed 2009 TIP - Steve Worley (20 minutes) Mav 13 2008, Keeulur Meeting 6•00 o m. (due date Nonday, May 51 1. First Reading Proposed Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plar► - Scott Kuhta [20 minutes] Resolution Amending 2008 TIP - Steve Worley [ 15 minutes1 3. Mea VVide Rezone (UDC Lot Si7e) Yublic Commcnt [60 minutes] 3a. Area Widc Rezonc (U[)C Lot Siz.e) Council Discussion 160 minutcs] I *c.-tirnxted meeting: 155 minutes N1a,. 20, 2008. Studv Scssion 6:00 n rn. [duc date N'londav. May l?I 'viii - May 27. 2008. RcQUlar Mcetine G:[IO u m. iduc date 1•tonday, May 191 1. l'UBLIC HF.ARIN(:: 2009 "I'IP Consenl Agenda: Clairns, Pavroll, Minutes [S minutes] ~ *estimated meetiog: _ miautes] .Iuae 3, 2008, Studv Session 6:IHl n m (due datc Tuesday, May 271 l. ('i,mp I'lan rlrnendmcnts I)iscutitiion (irr,-, Mc( ornii.:l. f;"Il minutcs] Uratt Aevance Agenda 3.12 ?i iC;i I1 '10 iI I'\I Pa`,` Junc 10. 2008, ltceular Nleetine 6:00 a m. idue date Monday, June 21 i. Cansent Agenda: Claims, 13ayroll, Minutes [S minutes] Second Reading 13roposed Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan - Scott Kuhta [20 minutes] 1. Firsi Reading Proposed Ordinanee Amending Comp Plan - Greg MeCarmiek 5 minute,I Saturday, .Iune 14: 9 a.m. to an[)rox 3 a m CounciVStaff Retreat iduc date Monday, June 21 I)eputy !~4ayor I3cnenny's Cabin 1,011cltivc_7i~l1!(•,S•- Shoreline Mastcr Pro~rain: 2009 ('c,uncil Gu;ilti June 17, 2(N)8: No Meetiny- or Studv Secsion (June 17 20, .=1V4'(l Annual Conference - Y"akiiria) June 24. 2008. RcQular Vleetiniz. 6•00 n m. [due date Monday, June 171 l. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed prdinance Amending Comp Plan Greg McCormick 120 minutesI ['roposed Retiolution ,Adoptine 1-009-201 4'I'll' Steve 1Vorlc\ [1 S minutr,j O'I'fIFR I'I'VI)INC AIVD/nR I,PCOM l\(: ftitil f ` 11F:F1 ItiGS: AuQust 19, Prrmary Electian November 4 6eneral Electron 1'I~~i~:,: El,i.. i,i,: I ~~i~t I ~Atrr Attordablc Housing Presentatiun Airport Overlay Zone (Sept) C'ity Centcr Report to Council Code Compliance Amendments (l l f)c' ) ('ump Plan Amend-Quarterly Update ( July. Oct, Jan, April) C'omp Plan Update/UGA,'JPA Fast Gateway Monument Struaure Impact Fee Request Central Valley Schoul I)ktrict Law L:nforcement Contract NLC Mccting Nov I I-15, Orlando, Florida Northeast Housing Solutions City MemberNhiE) OvenvcighUover size vehicle ordinance F'ines/Mansfielci Contraet Awarci Steve V4'c,rleN (.Ma} ) Strategic Financial Plan (luly 2008) Street MasterPlan Adoption Street Design Stanciards (Aurust, 1008 ) ('ranspmrtation Impacts lJsr Agrccment (CarN l)ri,krll ) [)ocs not include time for public comments.) I)ra't ;1d\ai:ic ;1gen.l;i 3J12'21108 12 ill i i Pb1 1'agc 3 o 1 3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing (E information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : UDC Manufactured Housing Questions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 19,19.40.120 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: ln the past few weeks, yuu may have been contactcd regarding the manufactured housing requirements of thc Uniform Developmcnt Code (UDC). There an: nvo issues that citizens are yucstioning. Washington Statc law rcquires that cities permit mmiufactured housing on single lots but there are provisions that can be aciopted in city codes in orcler to make them compatible/comparable with other single family homes. UDC Scction 19.90.120 3 deFines a"designated manufactured home". Within that definition it requires diat the roof be a minimum nf 4:12 pitch. There are practical and legal reasons why this exn't and prohably shouldn't be requirecl. 'I'he legal rcason is that the state clefinitiori for "designated manufaelured home" calls for a minimum of 3:12 pitch roofs. The City cannot dcviate from the state ciefinition if it is uscd in the UDC aiid lhereforc, thc 4:12 pitch is not enforccablc. The practical reasons for not rcquiring it is that in order to get lhal mof nitch, the home woulci have tq be custom built and then would require special crews to mnve it to the 6nal clestination because the roaf would interfere with traffic lighLq. Once the home was placed, a new roof coulcl be Uuilt over the existinb roof but it would be a aimbersome process since the Department of L& 1 ha,s to bc . involved in any alteratinn of manufactured homes. - '1'he sccond issuc is that in order to loeate a manufactured home on a sincle family lot, the structure has to be "new". The definition for "new manufactured home" is n rrranufacturecl ho»re rcquireJ to be titled under RCW 46, which has not beet: previously filled to a retail purchaser and is not u"used nrobile home" as defned in RCW82.45.032(7). This de(inition is consistent with state law. Iri order to locate a manufactured home on a single lot, the UDC requires that the structure be "new", be manufactured after June 16, 1976, be on a permanent foundation, meet state encr,y code requirements, must bc a minimum of 24 X 36 feet anci have siding materials commonly used on conventianal site built residences. The UDC docs not currently have an avenuc to permit manufactured homes that do not meet the "new" definition on single Iots. Variances can.not be granteci for Ihis situation. Citizens can apply for a UDC amendment to revisit the issue or city st«iff ean add it as a potcntial code aunenclrnent in their routine baleh amcndmcnts if that is council direction. '1"hetit rules do not apply to mobile home parks. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None required at this time. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Kathy McClung, Director, Community Development ATTACHMENTS ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent C) old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing Q information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2007 Comprehensive Plan Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 17.84.140 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Staff is in the process of preparing the second update to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Included in the update are eight citizen initiated map changes and text changes to adopt the Urban Growth Boundaries and other minor text updates. Attached is the tentative schedule. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None required at this time. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Kathy McClung, Director, Community Development ATTACHMENTS: Comprehensive Plan Update Schedule . 2008 Comprehcnsive Plan Schedule (Dates are subjcct to change) -Jan Feb Mar April May June Site visits, inaps, & pictures 11 SEPA Routing 18 CTED iVotif7cation (60-days prior to X ado tian SEPA I,.egal Notice (ti) Chris B) 12` ' Issue and post SFPA 15~ Statf repurt 28` Contact Applic€int (NOPII) 28lh NUNH Planning Commission (to Chris 14 ' B. ' 12YCA & presentatioo for PC review 16 session ackct to D Post lYOPH 18 ' Planning Commission revicw session 24` Rl'CA, CPA applica[ion, staf_f reports, 30 ' & ma s acket to D Ylanning Commission public hcaring 8` Cont. YC punlic hearinfi 22" RCA-PC Findings iVlemn to CC X RCA - CC admio. report X City Council administrativc rcport X RCA/Urdinancc - CC 15f reading X City Council l' reading X RCA/Ordinance - CC 2" reading X City Council 2" reading X (;'TFD (scaiined copics uf ordinances X within 10 da,ys of ado tion 3/12J200H CITY OF SPOKANE 1fALLEY Request for Council Action ' Meeting Datie: March 98, 2008 City Manager Sign-off, ~ Itern: Check alf that apply' Dcansent ❑ okd busrness ❑ new business ❑public hearing " ~ information [I adrnin_ report ❑ pending legislation AGEfVDA ITEIUI T17LE : 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships - GOIfERNING LEGISLATfON: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: In Jarauary of 2006 Council offered a commitment of financiai support in the amount of $30,000_00 ta the 11VashRngton State and "Team Spokane" brd Ied by Star EJSA, to host the 2 009 Woeld Fiqure Ska#ing Champianships. If awa rded the bid, the C ity affere€1 to make a $10,000 payment cluring each yeaf of 2007, 2008 and 2009. However, Star USA was not successful in their bid and no payment made by the City. S#ar USA is asking for the same commi#ment and financial suppvrt from Spokane llalley for their bid for the January 13 -24, 2010 U_S_ Figure Sftating Championships . OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTIOid: BUDGETfFINANCIAL IMPACTS: $30,000 STAFF CONTACT: M€ke Jackson, Depuky City A1lanager I A7TACHMENTS: - 1_ Outline af Request 2_ January 24, 2006 Spakane 1laIIey Council leiter of support ! TUSffGURf /SXAT/NG ~ vtfncouvCr 2a1o Outlino for tht City of Spokane Valley The Objective: Leverage the Vancouver Olympics to capture tourism and the most awareness possible for Spokane & Washington State . How? By hosting the event that determines the U.S. Figure Skating team who will compete in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics The Event: The 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships - January 13-24, 2010 Current Status: It is very important to the bid to show support from the entire community and region. We are meeting with all of the entities that supported the 2007 Championships and the 2009 Worlds bid to garner support_ Thus far we have received unanimous approval to support the bid from: 7he Spokane County Commissioners - $100,000 The Spokane City Council - $75,000 The Spokane Public Facilities District -$100,000 We have a verbal commitment from the Spokane Regional CVB for $75,000. The Request: We are requesting the same commitment the City of Spokane Valley provided for the Worlds bid of $30,000. The bid would not need to be paid until 2009 and/or 2010 and can be split into two payments. If eve do not win the event we do not pay the bid fee. Why now: . The timing is perfect to create rnaximum excitement. The Winter Olympics in Vancouver will take place 18 days after the U.S. Figure Skating Championships (February 12-28, 2010) • Having witnessed the excitement first hand, there is nothing more powerful than an Olympic Games in your backyard. • Figure Skating is the most popular sport of the Winter Olympics generating the highest television ratings, and the most demand for tickets. Why Spokane: , . • Mast recently, Spokane received national acclaim for the phenomenal success achieved hosting the 2007 U.S. Figure Skating Championships • The 2007 U.S. Figure Skating Championships attracted a record attendance of 154,893, and received the prestigious honor of being recognized as the "Sports Event of the Year" and "Amateur Sporting Event of the Year' by Sports Travel Magazine. • Spokane also holds the attendance record for Skate America set in 2002 Benefts to Spokane and the State: • The 154,893 spectators delivered an estimated direct economic imRact of 30 Million Dollars • The 2007 Championships generated 14,935 room nights in area hotels during Off-Season The Opportunity: • Create tourism revenue similar to that attained when the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City resulted in $100 million in tourism revenue to nearby Boise, Idaho. - • LIVE Network Television coverage on NBC on two weekends in January 2010 • Utilize this event to shov/case Spokane and Washington State in a very positive way to the entire country. 000, CIT, S 6ra n e p , 99206 ,,,;OOOVa11ey 11707 E. Sprague Ave. . Suite tOb • Spokane VatleyWA (509) 921-1400 • Fax (549) 921-1008 • cityhail@spokanevalley.org January 24, 2006 Site Selection Cotnmittee 3009 World Figure Skating Gtampionships U.S. Figure Skating 20 First Street Colorado Springs; GQ 80906 RE: Worlci Figure 5kating Championships 2009 Dear Cominittee Members: • "1"Iiis letter serves as the commitm.ent by the Spokane Valley City Council for t}ie City of Spokane Valle}''s support af the Washington State and "Team Spokane" bid led by Star USA, to ;iost the 2009 Worid t'igure Skating Chanpionships. At the December 20, 2003- Council meetina, Spolcane Valley's Citr Council unanimousiy approved a cash cqmmitment af S30,004 over the three-_year period of 2007, . 2008, and 2009, ta support ihe efTorts to host the 2009 World Figure Skating Championships. tf we are awarded the bid, the City of Spo{:ane Valley will maF:e a S 10,000 payment during each year of 2007, 2008, and 2009 to U.S. Figtire Skating. We are pleased ro be able to cantribute to this event, and are hopefitl that Spokane will be chosen to hold this prcstijious, and ex[ensively Ropular sport and all-family show. Sittccrelv, ` , Diana Wilhite, Mayar City of Spokane Valley DW:cb C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 18, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: El consent D old business ❑ new business i] public hearing (D information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : City Center Environmental Impact Statement and Planned Action Ordinance - Consultant Selection Process Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 43.21 C.031 and WAC 197-11-164 and 168 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: As a part of the 2008 budget process, city staff proposed a project that included the preparation of a draft and final environmental impact statement and a planned action ordinance for the proposed City Center. The Council adopted the 2008 budget, which included this project. _ Staff issued a request for qualifications in January and received responses from three qualified firms that included Perteet Engineering, ESA Adolfson, and Berger/Abam. Staff is in the ' process of scheduling interviews/presentations with the three firms tentatively scheduled for March 28'". Staff anticipates selecting the top firm by April 4`h and begin negotiating the final scope of work and contract for the project. Staff estimates negotiations taking thirty days. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $150,000 Budgeted STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager Reviewed By: ❑ Administrative Community Development ❑ Finance Fire • ❑ Legal ❑ Parks and Recreation ❑ Police ❑ Public Works ❑ Other: ATTACHMENTS None.