2008, 02-26 Regular Meeting :1GEtiD:1 SPOI{.ANE VALLEY CITY CUUNClL REGUI.AR ME[:TTNG Coanril Rieeting #133 Tursday, Fcbruan• 26, 2Mit3 6:00 p.rn. Spnkanc Vaticy City Hull Council Chamberx 11707 E Spraguc Avenuc Council ltcquc4ts Plcjtse Sitence ti'our Cell Phones lluring Council Mrcting CAL.I.. 'i'O OItDER: INVOCATION: Fa.star Mntthew I.nrson, (;ood Shcpherd l.ullieran C'hurch 1'L.t:DGF OF AI.LEGIr1NCE: RULL CtLLL: .APPROVAL nR AGFiNDA: IhTRnDUCTtON OF SPFC.tAI. GUES'I'S AND PI2F.SENTATt(?NS: C0hIN1ITTFF„ BOARD, L[AISON SUMMARY RF.P()RTS: M11YOR•S REPUR'(': f'roclaneruion: Stppor'1 ojArnted Forcts d't :ltrosptrce ~W1/SF.!l117 PIfRLIC C.OMMENT'S: This is an oppnrtunity for the public to spcak on any subjrct not on tlic agcnda for aclion (itcrns 2, 3, •l below havc separatc; public comment opportunitics). W'hen yctiu cctime ta !he podlum, plcasr statc yuur nnme and uddrctis for thc rrcord and limit remarl:s to tfirec minutcs t. CONSENT AGENnA: Consists of itcnis considcreci roUtinc whicFi ttre approvcd as u guup. A Councilmember may remove un item from the Con.sent Agenda to hc considcrrd separaiclN•. a. Approval ofCLiitn L:xprnse Vouchers: tistdatcd 2)06112008. heginning with vourher 0 I3842 am1 rriding with vouchor 0 13850, for a wtnl amount S 1210,006.43 lf Apprvval of I'aymll for Pay i'eriud Ending Febninry 15. 2008: $210.78 1 21 c. Approval of Minutes of Fehruflry 12, ?UUS Rcgular Couitcil MLviing d. Approval ofRc.u?lution 08-001 for tipccinl .1nnivzrsary L,ogo 1.'sr n~eW nusnNFSS: 2 First Reading Pmpaseci Orcliuancc 08-(}02 Atncnding LTDC Far I]og Kcnncls Kathy Mcl lung (public rommratj f'rnpased Rrsolution 08-002 Numan Resaurccs Rlnnagcr-Mikc lacksan ipnbik commentJ a. Mofian Considcttltion: Poe Contmct Rcnrivsl - Neil Kergteu (pnblic commentl NUBLIC CO?1i1ITNTS This is an opportunity for thC public to spcak an any subjcct niit Lin the ngenda for action (itrms 2, :t, 4 above havc separute public cCmmcnt oppurtunities). Whca you cumc to the podium* Plcase statc ycrur nume and addrcas fctir thr recrrd irniJ litnit rcmarEs to thnL minuces AllMIrIISTRATNF RF.FORTS: 5. Governor Acknuwledgemrnt of Spukanc VaIley A(i(111cf~;ilT1 - C:1!'UIbCIIC Bfal1L11 6. Ad Hoe Committre Cluirtere - Mayar Muntinw'fkputy Mayrr Uenenn~- 7. Lrki.lativc fssue-s - D3\•c1%lrrcicr Cuuti,:il -1;:cn,i.i Rc.u!:: P.!r:tirt { u;;c ! r•t - INFUft111:1T(ON Q1LY: 8. Defiarimcnt keports 9. Lrniversl P:trk Consultant Sclccnnn i:XECIiTI« SESSInN: T'cndiiig I itiamtiun ADJOURNMEN'1' F'L'TL'RF. SCHEPULE Regular Counri! Mettings are generally held 2ndund 4t° Tuesduys, brginninK at 6: UO p.nL Cnrtaci! Slurtt- Scsslorcs arc gcnrra/!y held und Stb Tursdnrv, hegfnning at h: 00 p.m. NOTIL k: J11II1V1dLLGI9 pINTU1iI1g lU ,IICAd UIC iTttfti(Ig H h0 ltq[1!!'E aptC10I 354LSLWIL't 1U OCCqIiIJ(1pdlilC Ph}SICdI, hcaring. or otha I impairmenm ptease conta:t thc City Clerk nt (509) 921-l000 xs smn xc potisihle sn thst arrnngements mny tK msdc ~ C nuntii As:enda U~.>5•~fV P•.~~11I111 ~TC~fl11~ 3',~~;e : ol'' okane W ley~ "T" Vroclamation Arnaed 'Forces at,Aernspace 9Kuseum WIIERF.AS, Ihe Armed Forces cPr AerospQCe Museum (AFcPrAM) hcxs established a continuum of public educationa! .cervice jormerly provided hy the Fairchild Ileri[uge Museum, und huc transferred the co!lection of urrijacls frvm the P'airchrld NeritaRe Mu.ceum and other related irr.ctilulions; and WtlERE., 1S, the AFA~.AM lurs worked clusely with u hact of loc•ul nrga»rzutions to comnlement exisling i►rstitutions wirh a new museum of military htslory and te.chno%gy to provide jor currently unmet needs, ancl has reached nut fo residents ojthE.~ Inlunci A'vrlhwesl !o inrnrpnrate importartt reRrnnul sIories enrrched hv valuahle arlifrx-ts artd urchivaJ rilc~t~riu1,~, rirrd 11'H6RE'A.4, !he AF&AM has iiurked cuvperalively with S fyukairr lnternulianal Airport !o .sectire ci promrnent site, and has worked cooperatively wuh major insliJutions irrcluclrng !he Smithsnnian Inslilute, Seattle Muceum of Flighl, and Spokane's Museum of Arts & t: ullure to esrablish eo/legiality and a.ssure high opercuing slcmdards; and WHEREAS, !he AF'8c.4M ha.s retained an ezperienced museum plunning arrd desiqn team !n desrgn o crruclure of high quality, including u regional educational resource tu enrich learnrng, and meeting crnd event spaces within arrd without the musermr; and WHERFAS, 1he AF&AM has prnduced a Busrness Plcm fnr operalions with foresiRht to assure viable uperalions while altracling tourisls; and has uccomplished all this work with dedication und contributions from numerous volunteer.s over !he last decude, urul has attracted subslantial privnle fundinR from the community to evolve the Museum's highly professional pJans arrd designs; cmd if'H6REAS, all lhese exlremely valuahle assets have heen huilt up priar 1o asking for governmental capital suppar[ !v 1he project that is ready jor building. NOR', THEREFORE, 1, Richcrrd Mtatson, Mayar of the City of Spokarte Vulley, vn behalJ of the Spokune Yalley City Cuuncil and the citizens oj[he City of Spokane Yalley, dv hereby Qclrnowledge and encouruge the work and eJjorls of the Armed Forces and Aerospace Museum in requesting capital funding from the Slate of Washington. Daled this 26`" day ojFebruary, 2008. ► ~~-~r; ~ . ichard M. unson e Mayvr !V • P „ ~r07 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 02l0612008 10:23:27AM Spokane Valiey Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13842 2l612008 001081 ALSCO . LSP0326868 iuIATS: CITY HALL 6420 . LSP0338559 MATS: PRECINCT 13.13 Total : 77.33 13543 216/2008 000729 CH2MHILL INC. 3629152 40691 0009 - VALLEY CORRIDOR ENV. ST 7,892.40 Total : 7,892.40 13844 2l612808 000683 DAVID EVANS 8 ASSOCIATES 240453 - 41315 0016 - APPLEINAY - DAVID EVANS • 151.75 Total : 151.75 13845 2l6/2008 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-A7680115039 190 SULLIVAN RD UC PCCP REMAB 2,007.00 RE-313-ATB80115100 PINES/MANSFIELD CORRIDOR 1,437.37 Total : 3,444.37 13846 2l612008 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0050173 41409 CONTRACT NO 06-001, ST AAASTEF 10,631.00 Total : 10,631.00 13847 2l6/2008 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 20550 KOMATEX SIGNS: CD 28.13 Total : 28.13 13848 2/612008 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0712 BARKER RD BRIDGE 2,795.80 VLY0712 44937 PINESfMANSFIELD PAOU WITH COl 78,185.20 Totai : 80,991.00 13$49 2l6/2008 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3494762281 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CP 154.41 . Total : 154.41 13850 216/2008 001248 USKH, INC. 0103201-1 41918 PROJ 085 - TERRACE VIEW PARK • 4,357.50 01057700-1 41917 PROJ 053 - 24TH AVE - SURVEYINC 7,478.54 994300-001 PROJECT #994300 GREENACRES 1 4,800.00 . . Total : 16,636.04 • 9 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 120,006.43 9 Vouchcrs in this report Total vouchers : 120,006.43 . Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0210612008 10:23:27AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor ' Invoice PO # Description/Account Amourtt Z, the undereigned, do cEZtify under penalty af perjury, that the tx►aterials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as describEd herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid . obligation against the City c>f Spokane Valley, and that I 3zm authorized to au_tbenticate and certi,fy said claim. . Finance laixector Date Mayor Date Gounc7.1 Meraber Date . Par 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-26-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: (K consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending February 15, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Grass: $ 184,599.86 Benefrts: $ 26.181.35 TOTAL PAY120LL:$ 210,781.21 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS DRAF'T M1NUTES • ~ City of Spokane Valley City Council Rebular NTeeting Tucsday, February 12, 2008 viayor Munson called the meeting to order al 6:00 p.m_, and welcomed everyone to the 13211d meetina. Atte»dance: Cif1, Sfaj/: ' Rich Munson, Niayor I}ave Mercicr, City Manager Dick Iaenenny, Deputy A9ayor Mil:e Jacksoti, Deputy City iManager ttose I7empsey; Councilmember Mike ConneUy, City Attorney . Rill Gothmann, Councilmemhcr Cary Driskell, Dcputy City Attomey Gary Schiinmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Financc Tairector Steve Taylor; Councilnlember Kat1iy McClunff, Community Der•elopment Dir. Diana Wilt►ite, Councilmcmbcr Kick VariLeuven, Police Chief Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Jennifer Papich, Recreation Coord'uiator Carolbcllc 13ranch, Fublic Tnformation OKcer Greg 13ingaman, 1'I" Specialist Chris Bainbricl;;e, City Gerk RULL CAI.L: City Clerk }3ainbridge called roll; all Couneilmernbcrs were present. INVQCATION: In the absence of a pastor; Councilmember Dempsey rave the invocatinn. FLE.DGE OF ALLEGIAl\TCE: At Ma}ror Munson's request, Councilmember Taylor led the pledge. A1'PROVAL. UF AGENDA: It was moved by C'out:cilnaember Caylor, secorrded and waanimnusly agreed to approve 11te Anrerrded AgEncla as subnrilrecl. INTT20UUC'tION OF SPFCTAI.. GUF:STS ANl) PR.F.SF,NTATiQNS: n/a CQiN'IMITTEE, BOARD. LIAIS0N SiTiN'IMARY REFOI2TS: Councilmember Schimmels: no repnrt Councilmcmbe.r Taylor: repprted that he attended his second meeting.of the Spokane Clean Air Aaency, fornlerl_y SCAI'A, that during this se-cond meeting he was electecl Vice-Chair; he attended the Solid Waste Acivisory Committee wh.ich also electsd new officers and is close to issuing a recommendation to the Board of Couilty Commissioners on the solid waste plan. Qcpiat3v Mayor Denenny: statecl khat Ue attendecl the STA (Spokane "I"ransit tluthority) taslc force meeting which discussed ma.ki.ng a reconunendation to the Board regarding a sunset clause. Councilmembee I?empseyL said she attended the Liternational Trade Alliance meetinp today. Councilmember Gothmann: explained ihat hc attended the Government Affairs Vfeetina dnd that there are " several sehool bnnd issues anl.icipated for upcoming ballo[s; [hat he also attended a neighborhood center meeting at the Edgeclift Neighborhood Center, fornierly Pratt Elementary, cvherc ihcy announced some upcoming act.iviCies; he attended an Economic Ouelook Conferenee sponsored by the Chamber of Commcrce whicM sum.marized that the Spokane region is not in a recession; and during the Tourism Promotion F1gency meeting, S60,000 in func]s.were approved Iar disbursal to several agencies, that the . Rodeo at the fairgrounds was granted some funding, but Valleyfest was not. Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she Nvould have attended the GNiA mee.tinD but it was cancelled; she attended the Chamber's Government tAffairs meeting H=here they heard inforniation aoncerning bonds that some schools will be running as ballot issues this year; she attencfed the Chamber's Ecoiiomic Council Regular Mecting: 02-12-0$ Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT - Breakfask; and she reported that the Student Advisory Council is planning a gaming cpmpetition for this _ Nionday. ; . i1'LAYQR'S RFPORT: vlaynr Munson mentioned that he atlended the Economic Forecast meeting which included information that this area likely will not have a recession; he attended a CTED (Community "1'rade and Econoinic Development) sponsored meeting at the Spokane A.rcna on joint planning where be heard an update concerning efforts to put together some rules on how to work together and devclop Joint Planning Arens; he chaired the STA Operat:ians and Administrative Committee where they discussed some year-end issues; and attendetl a meeting with Mayor Verner and Commissioner Chair Mager regarding affordable housina 7 and the possibilily of development a task force to examine ways we can improve the situation in this regian. . PU'BLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited public comments; no commcnts "=ere offered. Mayor Munson took the oppnrtunity to comment on a letter received from a citizen commending staff for a great job of clea,ring their streets of ice and snow, and he oave kudos to Spokane Valley Street Superintendent Tim Klein and other stafffor a job well done. 1. CONSENT AGE\DA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as agroup. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchcrs: ]ist clatcd 01-24-2008; total amount $153,500.47 list dated 02-05-2008; total amount $1,766,496.38 b. Payroll for Pay I'eriod Ending January 31, 2008: S304,358.01 c. Council confrmation of Removal of Cable Atlvisory Committee imember . d. Approval of Minutes ofJanuary 15, 2008 Study Session Couneil Meetitig e. Approval of Minutes of January 22; 2008 Regular Council Meeting . £ Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2008 Study Session CounciLMeeting g. Council Approval to suhmit I.etter of Support for Farm Power h. Council Approval to submit L.etter of Support for Voicc Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) SB6884 . Although no councilmember asked to have a consent item removed, Couneilmcmber Wilhite asked about Mayor Munson's pnliey on a.aking for Council's apprnval ta submit letters of support, speeitically regardint, "h" abovE; and Mayor vlunson indicatcd that lie was asked to support thc issues, and wanted Council's decision prior to sending a letter. 11 was nwved by Depury i1fcryor Dener►ny, seconded und unaitimously agreed to npprave the Consent Ageitda. n`EW BUSfNESS: 2. Confinnation nPMavoral Appointinents to Cable Advisory Boxrd - It was n7ored by Cauncil»renrber bilillzite, sECOnded ca7d unaninaau.rly agreed to coi2firm the Muyvr's uppointment of Jenriie 6f'illurtlson to the Spokane Regional Cab1e Advisory 13ourd for a term beginnirlg imntediutely and expirirrg December 31, 2010; and to canfirirz the AlUyor's appointment of C17ristirni Trujillo, Sr. to the Spakmie Regiotaal Cable Advi.rnry Board to camplete u ternr through Uecember 31, 2008. PUBLIC COMMFNTS Mayor Munsnn invitecl general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATNE REP017TS: 3. 2007 Acaomplishments Reporl - Mike Jackson Depury City vlanager Jackson began by explaining that this report includes the accomplishments in suppArt of the 2007 budget goals, as well as general accomplishments of each Department; he reiterated Couneil Regular Meetinc: 02-12-08 Page 2 of 5 Approvcd by CounciL DRAFT wbat thase 2007 budbet gnals are, then explainecl the accomplishments of the executive and legislat.ive ;support, including a brief report on progress made by the members of the Employee Safety Committee. V1r. Jackson dhen proceeded dirough the "Operat:ions 8c Administrative Services" slides which included Human Resources, Contract Admuustration; and Public Inforniation. Finance Director Thompson explained the implementation and compliance accomplishments of the Finance Deparhnent, and ended by statincy that the six-ycar financial forecast has now been revisetl by incarporating prioritics idetitified in tlie six-year departinental busi.ness plans. Aecomplishments of the City Att:orney's ofFice were expla'►ned by City Attorney Connclty, followed bv a rcport from I'olicc Chief VanLeuvcn on public safety. Accomplishments explained by Community I7evelopment Director McClung included the goal to adopt. a sub-area plan for the SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan; metition that the Uniform laevelopment Code wa.s adopted, and she rcported on the improvements to our "process" followed by statistics from tlie building clivision, followed by before and after photos regarding Code Compliaaice. Recreation Cdordinator .lennifer 1'apich gave the Parks and Recreacion portion of the report, which included statistics ori aquatics; CenterPlacc, parks, Senior Center, and Recrearion cost recove•ry. Senior Engineer Worley completed the repori by going over the Public Works' 2007 accomplishments 3nd how thev relate to budgct goals, such as monitoring of wastewater issucs and adopting a street maste.r Nlan, follnwecl by an update on various aspects of stormv.,ater and street maintenance, and eiided by going over some statistics on Lraffc aiid capital projeets. Deputy City Manager Jackson wrapped up Ihe presentation by explaining that the 2007 budget goals set the stage for the 2008 budget gaals. Discussion followcd the report includinn mention of safety coneems, especially in light of the rec.ent trabedy in K.irkland Missouri; Chat Council felt the report was remarkable and extended compliments to staff; that Mr. Mercier mentioned concerning longitudinal measures, i:hat in the formulation of a new city, we all struggled in dlose first fve ycars to evolve to the point wfiere we can establish baselinc activities . and develop a performance tnea.surement system from 2Mere, and that he hopcs this year to research the ~ J right F:ind of bcnc.hniarking system ehat will work best for use. Vfayor Munson added that this reporl: will be the basis for his upcoming State of the City Address, which he will give to the Chamber of Gommerce and other service clubs. 4. Vallev Mission Park Sitc Plan - tilike Jackson Ueputy City Manager JaCkSOn gave a PowerPoint presentation oivino the overview of existing park facilities, potential improvements and costs as proposcd by the la.ndscape architectural firin Gavin and Assaciat:es, staff recommendations, and vietiv of the proposetl equipment. Mr. Jackson said the plan has an estimated cost of $900,000, and that there is approximately .$400,000 in the etisting park budoet; Uut that the pool re-bids have not yet bEen submitted. Mr. Jacl:s-on said staff proposes a phased-in approach. There was brief couticil discussion conccrning rcmoval of some of the fqliage for securiry reasons, full ligtlting; directional light:ing, and inention that our public wqrks department will be managing the project. There Nvas Council consensus to move forward with the phasing approach. S jJiiif'orm Development Cocie (1.ndoor pop, Kennels) - Kathv MeClunQ Community T)cvelopment Director McClung cxplained this is a proposal ta add dogoie daycares and ind4or kennels in the \ieiahborhood Cpmmercial, Kegional Commcrcial, and Corridor Ivlixed Use zones; chal "do-gic daycare" is not listed in the Codc and is a fair(y new concept; that the applicants followed the prQCedure Nvhereby prior to the adoption of die new UDC, itiey checked with staff and asked if Their facili[y coulcl bc in a mixed use commereial zone, and they Nvere told it waS 3IlOVJGd; however, after the adoption of the UDC, such was not included in the mixed use cominercial zone aiid as the applicants had noC aciually submitted their application, they were not vested. Ms. McClunp furtlier explained that the applicants asked her for an interpretatioii as allowed by Code, and thaf she did so for the Doggie Daycare ~-portion but she did not feel comfortablc including indoor kennels as they were addressed in other zones in the Code. Director VfcClung saicl that the applicants therefore applied for a Code amendment, which ' triggered a public hearing before the Plaiining Commission; that scaff fccls that is ati anpropriate use and Cpuncil Rcgular Meetine: 02-12-08 Pa~e 3 of S A.pproved by Council: DRAF'C . . staff and the Planning Commission recommends approval. Council coilcurred to bring this for-,vard for ordinance ainendment. , 6. Transportation $enef t Taistrict (TBD) - Carv Driskell Deputy City Attorney Driskell briefly summarized his February 12 itequest for Council Action which addresses the council°s previous questions. $rief diseussion included mention by Ma}ror Munson that the Ciry of Auburn ha.c developed an interesting TBD, and Councilmember 1 aylor stated that he feels this allows some flea:ibility in what we need to do eoncerning the local i.nfrastructure funding, and Dives us options without binding us to somc timeline for all jurisdictions to come tnbether to agree to form a TBD. 7. Poe Contract t2enewal Report - Steve VVnrley Engineer Worley explained that th.is is a report update and no action is sought; that the Finance Committee will review this issue this Friday to see how this fits in with the 2008 budget; that last year the contract was for S 1.175 million and we did a chajige order for S 175,000 additional work. M.r. Worley . said that Poe is very efficient, and Al►'. Worley said that Mr. Kersten suggested extendina this contract for another year for a total of $1.175 million, and to adcl an additional $500,000 for Street preservation Nvork; that based on the quantities used i.n 2007, the increase in contract cost is 2.75%; and that Mr. Kersten ' recommends approving the unit price increases ancl approving the balanec of the contract to Poe in the amount nf $1,475,119. Mr. `Vorley fur[her explained lhat the recent winter weat:her has resulted in makina the road maintenanc.e issue one that needed to be addressed immediately; and under the Ci .ty Manager's r-nnta-act authority; we iniciated a$200,000 contrae[. With Poe's requesl for a contract cost inerea.se, Mr. Worley eaplaincd that we will request a rcduction in the amount of work to compensaCe for the difference in the increase. 8. Fifth Year AnniversgrLgo lJse - Carolbelle Branch Ms. Branch reported that the Committee met and is wrorking to promote community awareness of and . participation in our celebrations; khat she is proposing tbat a special logo be adopted for this occasion; and as it is a deviation from the original Spokane Valley Cit}, logo, it is appropriate to seek Council anproval; and she asks which of the nvo suggested le~os Council prefers; adcling that she namo~+~ed the choice,s to these hvo afler presenti►lg several choiees to several people. After brief council diseussion, it was Council consensus to place a resolution on the next Council's consent agenda, and use the logo with the candles radier dhan the logo widi the large numbe.r fiive. Ms. Branch also remarl:ed that it is her hope that Council wears the pirl they see before theni on the dais, and wlien people ask about the ribbons; that Council will remind them of our upcomittg f.ifth year celebration and invite tlleir participation. Mayor Munson also mcntioned that chis year's Mayor's $xll tlreme will be a birthday party for Spolcane Valley. 9. Legislative Mattcrs - Dave Mercier Ciey Manager Mercier repArted that our lobbyist has for-A~arded information concerning numerous bills and the stal:us thereof; and thaC even though the fimdi.ng for one of the Park Capital Projects might not fare well, it will set us up well for a potential award the following year. 9a_.lv1uni6vahProccss~TcairiinQ~for~Couneiliaiembeis .='~9`~yor i~+tuns_on Mayor Munson explained that we have two Cnuncilmembers who did not have the opportunicy at the onset nf the City.to have training from Mr. Stan MeNutt on best practices of e.lected officials and how Councils function; that Mr. McNutt is well versed in this type of trainina, and Mayor Munson believes this refresher training would be beneficial to all Councilmembers; that the plan is for Mr. MeNutt to spend some time Thursday -md Friday interviewing Councilmembers Gothmann and Dempsey, then have a Saturday session for: all council, and that Mr. lVlcNutt's schedule suggests March 15. Mayor Munson asked for input from councilmembers; and after brief discussion, it was detcrmined that due to conflicting scheclules the Saturday mecting would not be rractic:al, and that the interviews and trai.ning will be scheduled for Councilmembers Gothmann and Dempsey only. Council Itegular Mecting: 02-12-08 Pacc 4 of 5 Appravcd by Council: ll1LA~~ T - INFC)it►a'l':COi\° nN[..Y: lU F'ire laepartrnent Quart-rrlY Report. October - December 2007. This was information only and was not reported ar discusscd. There being no further business, it was move,d by Councilmember Taylnr, seconded and unanimously agreed tn adjoum. The meeting adjoumed at 7:50 p.m. ATTEST: Richard Vlunson, Mayor Christine Bainbriclge, City Clerk Council Rcg;vlar Mceting: 02-12-08 Page 5 of 5 Annrove.d b}, Council: DRAFT CiTY QF SI'OKANE V.ALLEY ~ SPQKANE COUNTY, WASH]NGTQN RESOLU'TION NO. 08-001 ARESOLUTiON UF TKE CITY OF SPOKA`E VALLEY, SPUKANE COUNTY, WASH[NGTON, ADQPTING THT FIV"E YEAR ANNiVERSARY FRESENTATION OF TAE Cl'T'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEX LOGO AND ATJ'I"HOIYTZING JTS USE. WNEREAS, March '31, 2008 marks the fifth anniverary of the incorparation of the City of Spokane Valley; and R'RFRFAS, the Ciry of Spol:ane Valley Logo is a syrobol af the authority of the City; dnd WHERFAS, a modified presentation of the audiorized lo~o is proposecl for use to help identify and protnote inform3tion, activities and events thmughout 2008 in celehration ofihe anniversary of the City's incorporation; and WWEREAS, Chapter 1.06.030 0f the Municipal Code provides that approved use of the City logo shall be in accordattce tvith the City of Spakane Valley Logo Style and Standards Guide; and WfLEREAS, the proposed presentation is a variation from the Spol:ane Valley Logo Style and Standttrds Guide, and WE.iEREAS, the proposed presentation of the logo is professional, positive and descriptive of the anniversary; aitd V4'HEREAS, it would be beneficial to bave the anniversary logo used througbout the anniversary year by the City as a subslitute for the City of Spokane Valley Loao; and RT.W,REAS, non-City organizalions officially involved i.n planning and presenting anniversary i.nfiArmation, activities and events and would like to use the anniversary logo to promote Yhose efforts. NUW TNFREF'URE, be it resolved by the Ciry Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washinbton, that a modified presentation of the City logo, as depici-cd on the altachet3, is hereby autJiorized for Spoka.ne Valley City use as the fifth year anniversary logo, and further that such modified presentation is authorized to be ased by npn-city organizations officially invrolved in planning, presenting, and promoting anniversary information throughout the year ZOOS. This ResolutiAn shall be in full force and effecl upon adoption. At3opt:ed this day of February, 2008. City of Spokane Valley ATTh:ST: City Clerk Christine Bainbridge Mayor R.ichard Munson , Approved as to Form: " Offce ofthe City Attomey Resulutaon OK-UOl Fifth Year Aiiniversary Logo Use Faoe 1 of 2 nRAFr CITY OF a-ne ~ 40 Valley FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF INCORPORATION M a rc h 31, 2003 t o M a rc h 31, 2008 Ftcsolution 08-401 ! ifth Yenr Attnn•crsan I ogo ilx Pagc 2 uC 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 26, 2008 _ Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (~Zf new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending IegislaGon AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading of an ordinance amending the SVMC 19.60.040, 19.60.050, 19.60.060, 19.40.070 and 19.60.080 by permitting indoor kennels and doggy dayc,are.businesses in the Neighborhood Commercial, Regional Commercial, and Corridor Mixed Use Zones. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220. PREVIOUS COMMISSIOPJ ACTION: On September 24, 2007 City Council adopted Ordinance 07-015 approving the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (UDC). The UDC was effective on October 28, 2007. On January 31, 2008 Planning Commission held a study session and public hearing regarding this amendment. The Commission passed by unanimous vote to forward approval of this amendment to the C'rty Council. BACKGROUND: Prior to the adoption of the UDC, Jeanne and Lonny Kelp checked with the City that a doggy daycare and pet hotel would be permitted in a tenant space they were interested in located in the B-3 zone. The Interim Zoning Code permitted kennels in the B-3 and they were advised of that information. When tfie new UDC was adopted, the zone was changed to Commercial Mixed Use which does not permit r- ~ kennels. Since they did not submit a permit application for the tenant improvement and land use approval until after the UDC had been adopted, they were not vested to the previous code. The business owners asked the Director of Community Development (Director) to review the situation. On November 1, 2007, the Director issued an interpretation under UDC Section 19.60.050 (1) permitting the doggy daycare portion of the business in Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial, Regional Commercial, and Corridor Mixed Use with conditions (See Exhibit A). On December 20, 2007, the Director received a letter from D.J. Hume, representing Lonnie, and Jeanne Kelp and asking for an interpretation to include indoor kennels. (See Exhibit B) The Director issued a response letter dated January 8, 2008 denying the kennel use without a formal code amendment. (See Exhibit C) On January 10, 2008 the Kelp's applied for a code amendmerrt to allow indoor kennels in the Corridor Mixed Use zone as provided for under UDC Section 17.80.150. Doggy daycares have also been included in this amendment in order to formalize the Director's interpretation referred to above. Analysis: UDC Section 17.80.150(F) provides approval criteria that amendments of the UDC must meet. Those criteria include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent v►rith the applicable provisions of the Compirehensive Plan; and 2. The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment Staff Comment: The Comprehensive Plan envisions a future that would mix commercial and residential into more compact development patterns. Since both uses co-exist, it is important to provide the mix of uses that provide services and-jobs for the people living in the area and yet protect residential uses from noise or other controllable impacts. As people choose to live in or close to commercial areas and the economics and demagraphics of the community change to more single-persons, couples without C:IUocumcnts and SettuigslcacostalLocal SettingslTemporary lnternet hiles10L1:840UtCA 2-26-08 Doggie day eare ovd 08-002.duc; children, single parents and dual-income families, there will be a demand for daycare and boarding services for pets. Outdoor facilities are not appropriate to the commercial areas under the new vision, but - indoor facilities are in close alignment wi#h other uses including vetennarians and pet grooming. The following Goals in the Comprehensive Plan support the proposal: EDG-1 Encourage diverse and mutually supportive business development and the expansion / and retention of existing businesses within the City for the purpose of emphasizing economic vitality, stability and sustainability. NP-3.3 Encourage commercial development that is designed and scaled in a manner that is compatible with suROUnding neighborhoods. The proposal of permitting intemal doggy daycare and boarding facilities in some commercial zones with conditions that keep the business indoors, is adequately soundproof and meet noise standards for a commercial noise source bear a relation to the public health, safety and welfare by providing needed services to areas the city anticipates as developing with residential. Staff's opinion is that the interim UDC amendments meet the above noted criteria and recommend that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and forward a recommendation to amend tfie UDC by permitting doggy daycare and indoor kennels in the Neighborhood Business, Community Commercial, Carridor Mixed Use and Regional Commercial zones to the City Council. OPTIONS: Approve, approve with amendments or disapprove. RECOMMENDATION: Advance Ordinance No. 08-002 to a second reading. STAFF CONTACT: Kathy McClung - Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance C:UDocuments and Sectingsk;tiW3txlLocal SettingslTcmporary Intemet F'i1esl()LK890\RCA 2-26-08 Doe,,gic day carc ord 08-002.doc CITY OF SPOKAfdE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON . ORDINANCE NO. 08-002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE GOUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 SPOKAfdE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 19.60.040, 19.60.050, 19.60.060, 19.60.070, 19.60.080 and Appendix 19-A ADDING PROVISIONS FOR INDOOR KENNELS AND DOGGY DAYCARES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL, REGIONAL COMMERICAL AND CORRIDOR MIXED USE ZOfdES AS FOLLOWS: - WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted the Uniform Development Code (UDC) pursuant to Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of 8eptember, 2007; and WHEREAS, the UDC became effective on 28th day of October, 2007; and WHEREAS, the UDC does not address doggy daycares as a potential uss and indoor kennets are anty permitted as accessory usss to veterinarian and pet grooming facilities; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Planning Commission held a public hearing on this issue on January 31, 2008 and determined that the permitting* doggy daycares and indoor kennels with conditions in the Neighborhood Commercial, Regional Commercial and Corridor Mixed Use zones met the criteria fior granting an amendment including being consistent with the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan and that it bears a substantial relation to the public heaith, safety and welfare and protection of the environment NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAIIdS AS SET FORTH BELOW: ~ Section One: SVMC Chapter 19 shall be amended as follows: 19.60.040 NC, Neighborhood Commercial District ' The Neighborhood Commcrcial designation is intended to provide a limitecl number of commercial goods and services to surmunding residential neighborhoods. Supplemental Fermitxed Use Regulations: ' 1. Animal Clinic/Vetcrinary limited to smal) animals. 2. Carwash limited to a single bay. 3. Grocery or spec:ialty food store limited to nn more than twcnty-five thousand (25,000) syuarc feet of net retai) space. 4. Mobile food vendors with permission of khe property oAmer, health ceriifcate and pertnit_ 5. Below gmund storage nf fuel incidental to reuiil sales only. 6. All storage in the NC'district shall be within an enclosed building; provideti that retail products which are for sale or rental may be displayed outdaors cluring business hours nnly, so lona as the storage does not occur within any required front or flanking strcet yarcl or in any public slreet or rigltt-of-way. 7. Indaor kennels daggie da care facilities and kennels asso.ciated with veterinarian clinics provided tfiat: ~ a. There are no outside runs or areas; Ordinance 08-002 Indoor Kenncls Pagc l of 5 b. The structure(s) housing animals is adequatefy soundproof to meet the requirements of WAC 173.060: . c. One (1) Qarking stall provided for everv ten (10) animal canfinement areas: and % d. Compliance with noise standards for a commercial noise source as identfied bv - WAC 173-60-040 has been demonstrated by the applicant. 19.60.050 C, Community Commercial District The Community Commercial classifieation designates areas for retail, service and office establishments intended to serve several neigliborhoods. Community Commercial areas should not be larger than fifteen to seventeen (15-17) acres in size and should be located as business clusters rathcr than arterial strip cammercial development. Cammunity Commercial centers may bc designated through t'he adoption Af the Comprehensive Plan, Camprehensive Plan amendments or through sub-area planning. Residences in conjunction with business andlor multifamily develnpments may be allowed with pcrformance standarcis t:hat ensure cflmpatibility. Supplemental Permitted Use Regulations: ' 1.Indoor kennels, doqqie daycare facilities and kennels associated with veterinarian clinies provided that: a. There are no outsidc runs or areas; b. The structure(s) housing animals is adequately soundproof to meet the requirements of WAC 173.060; c. One (1) parking sta11 provided for every ten 0) animal confinemcnl areas; and d. Compliance with noise standards f'or a commercial noise source as identified by VJAC 173-60-040 has been demonstrated by the aqplicant. 2. Vdind Turbine Support Tower provided the provisions of SVMC 19.40.11 Q are mel. 3. All storagc in the C district shall be vvithin an encloscd building, provided that retail products whieh are for sale or rental may be displayed outdoors during business hnurs only, so lang as the storage daes not occur within any required front or flanking street yard or in any publie street or right-of-way. Vehicles, machinery or other items normally displayed for salcs purposes on an open lot may be so displayed. No inoperable or nat-c;urrently licenscd vehicles or remnan[s thereof shall bc stored or displayed out o1' dvors. 19.60.060 RC, Itcgional Commercial District The Regional Commercial designation allows a large range of commercial and business uses. Cnmmunity Design Guidelincs address design quality, mixed-use, and the integation of auto, pedestrian, and transit circulation. Supplemental Permitted i.Jse Regulations: 1. Caretaker dwelling unit limited to eustadial, maintenance, management or security of a commercial properiy. 2. All storage in the RC district shall be within an enclosed building or within an area screened by a'1'ype 1 sereen c;onsistent with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030, provicled that retail products which are for sale qr rental may be displayed outdoors during business hours only, so ~ Ordinancc 08-002 Indovr Kennels Page 2 of 5 long as the storage daes not or,cur wilhin any rcquired front or ftanl;inn street yard or in any public street or right-of-way. Automobiles, recreational vehicles, machines and nther it:ems normally displayed for sales purposes on an open lot may be so displa_yed. 3. Indoor kennels, doqqie davcare facilities and kennels associated with veterinarian clinics provided that: a. There are no outside runs or areas; b. The structure(s) housinq animals is adequatelv soundpraof to meet the requirements of 1NAC 173.060; c. One (1) oarking stall provided for everv ten (10) animal confinement areas; and d. Compliance with noise standards for a commercial noise source as identifleA bv WAC 173-60-040 has been demanstrated bv the applicant. 19.60.070 MLlC, Mixecl Ose CenterDistrict The Mixetl Use Center designation allo,%vs two (2) or more uses nn a site that can either be vertically or horizontaliy mixed and includes employment, lodging, and retail along with higher density rf;sident.ial • uses. Supplemental Permitted Use Regulations: 1. The outdnAr storage provisions c:ontainecl in SVMC 19.64.050(3) shall apply lo the MUC district. 2. Front & flanking street yard setbacks shall 1ae twenty (20) feet, except as othcnvise pmvided. • 3. I'rojects with residential camponcnt shall provide two hundred len (210) squarc feet of open ~ space qer dtivellina unit conforming to the requi.rements of SVA~IC 19.40.020(5) and eligible for reduction for improvements on the same basis, provided that: a. The requirement does not Apply to the development of less lhan ten (10) new dwclling units; and b. Additinnal open space, is not rcquired tor residenrial developmcnt located within 1,300 feet of a nubl ic park. A fee in-lieu of land dcdication may be assessed for the development of public parks and open spaces to meet the neads of the residents of this district. This asse,SSment will be determined by the Couneil ancl reviewed en an annual basis. 19.60.080 CMIT, Corridor Mixed Usc District The Corcidor Mixed Use designation is intended lo enhance travel options, encourage development of locally serving commerciaUretail uses, higher density residential, lodaing anci otfices along major transportation comdors. Supplemental Permitted Usc Rcgulatip_ns_ 1. The ouidoor storaoe provisions contained in SVMC 19.60.050(2) shall apply to the CMU district. 2. F'ront & flanking street yard setbacks shall bc hvcnty (20) feet, except as otherwise provided. 3. Projcct~s with residential component shall proviJE Iwa hundred ten (210) square feet of open space per dNvelling unit canforming to lhe reyuiremcnts, of SVM(: 19.40.020(5) and eligible fbr reciuction for improvements an the sarnc basis, provided that: f . ; Qrriinance 08-002 lnd(x)r Kennels PaSe 3 of 5 a. Thc re:quirement dces not apply to ttie development of Ics, than ten (10) new dwclling units; b. Additiunal oprn spaoe is not roquirod for resideatisl dcvelopntent locaicd ti47thin I.300 fcxt of a public parlc 4. Indm k,ennels doQaie daMre facilities snd kennK4,s associated with veterinaaian Ginic-s DfOVlded th8t a Them are na outside nins or areas: b, Ttie SMrture(s) housina anim& is adeguately soundQrooi to meet the reauirements oi WAC 173,U60: c. Qne 01 aaricing staEll otMded fw every ten (101 animal c,gnfinement area' and d Cornphance with noise standaAs for a commercial noise_ saurce as identified bv WAG 173-60-040 has been demonstrated bv the apolipnt. ~ ~ ~ Sch4duiQ of ~ S a IN 5 ! m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 w • g ~ R~ Permf tted l~es u 2 E ~ 1 e E g ~ ~ LL = N ~ Z Ap~ndix 18-A ~~u Kennel. ~ I indoor see cc ~ kennel. ~ o a d • • Z°"'"q dog,gie dav d'sb'fcto for - care facilitv - ~ Ssction Two: Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrases a# this Ordinarwe should be heid Eo be invalid or unconstitutbnal by a court of campeteni jurisdiction, such invalkfity or unconstihrtionaiity shalt not afteci the validity or canstjtuUonallty of any other seciion. Gause or phrase of this Ordinanoe. SecUon Thres: Effectrve date_ This ordinance ahatl be in full foroe and ef'fect ftve (5) darys after the publicaUon of tfie Ordinance, or a summary tttereof, occurs in the officlal newspaper of the City as prov►ded by law. Passed by the City Councd this day of , 2008. Mayor, Rict►ard Munson ATTEST- City Clertc, Chnstine Bainbndge (h-dinxncc OS-()U' Incioor Kermcls Piwe 4 uf 5 AQproved as to Form: Offiae of the City Attomey Date of Publication: Effective Date_ Expiration Date: Ordinance 08-002 Indoor Kcnnels Page 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-26-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 08-002 Designating Human Resources Manager Position Classification GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.50.070 and 2.50.080 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The City currently has 98 regular full and part-tirne employees, and continues to grow. The Deputy City Manager currently acts as the designated Human Resources IVlanager. In order to develop a more fully operational Human Resources Division, a full-time dedicated Human Resources Manager was created. . The HR Manager will assist will labor negotiations and labor management relations, with emphasis on contraet interpretation and investigation of grievances. The HR Manager will also be responsible for developing and implementing short and long-range plans for the human resources program; administer the position classification plan of the City including the analysis of position description questionnaire and position audits, and will maintain and administer the compensation, benefits and retirement plans of the City. This position is responsible for all personnel files and records, including medical records. The Deputy City Manager will supenrise the HR Manager, and the HR Manager will supervise a full-time HR Technician. Staff recommends designating the Human Resources Manager classification at pay grade 18 in the City's Classification Plan. The draft resolution reflects this grade. OPTIONS: Approve Resolution 08-002; or provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 08-002, designating the Human Resources Manager classification at pay grade 18. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 2008 monthly salary range for a grade 18 is $5,700 to $7,307. There are funds available in the budget to cover an additional cost that may be incurred in 2008. STAFF CONTACT: Deputy City Manager Mike Jackson ~ ~ ` ATTACHMENTS: Draft resolution 08-002 DR4FT C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY • . . sroKAN-E CoirrrTY, VvASrUvGTOrr . . xESoLuTIoN nrO. 08-002 ; . A. RFSOLUTIOIY 1)CSIGNATf,PiG THF, EKPL[31`EE CLASS]FICAT~ON FOR T'.~fF,: ITUMA.N RFSOiJRCFS MAXAGFR ~~STT.IpN R'OIZ T.BX CITY OF SPOKA.NE VA.TfLEY. . ; WlEREAS, frorn lime io time, duties and responsibiliti,,s of city stafF pasitions are revie►ved i . and evaluated to assure that the classification reasanably reflects the current duties and re sponsihi] ities of ~ I the pnsition, and . W14CRE,AS, the City Cnunci] through Resolution No_ 03-03 ] adopted job descriptians fnr City , pnsitions; and I W1•ITREAS, since adaption of Spokane Valley iVlnnicipal Cnde 2_50_{}70, the City Council hss created varintis new emp loyee classi ficatio ns_ NOW THERE.FORE, bc~ it resoived by thc City Council of thr~- C ity of Spokane Valley, Spokane ' Caunly, Washingtan, as follows; - . Scctiou 1. fimployee Classification. 1'he City of 4pakane Valley hereby designates the em#loyee classificatian of "l-luman 'Resaurces Manager°' at pay grade 1 S. . Seetinn 2. cmainin Jnh Dcscr%ptinnc and CI_~s,,ific$tinns llnchan~. Thc remaindiz~r of . thc job dcscriptioiis conta iticd iiy lRcsol titioii No. 03-031, along with thcir apprqpriate cla5sifl cation, as . adoptcd or arnendcd xcmain unchanged b}+ this actian, 4cetion 4. 'JEffective Date. '1'his Resolution shall be effec#ive upon adoption. . Adoptcd this day of f ebrLtary, 2{]08_ Ci ty Ol` S p U[Cx►n e Yali Cy ATTEST: Richard lvYtiri son, M&yor C.hristine Baiabridge; City Clerk Approved as to farm: Office oI' the City Al.torney . , - , Raeolutinn 08-002 Classify Human Rcsaurccs Position Grudc 18 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action , , Meeting Date: February 26, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Poe Contract Renewal GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Approval on April 24, 2007 BACKGROUND: The City conducted a RFP process in March 2007. In April.2007 the Council awarded the - contract fo Poe Asphalt Paving by the following motion: 4. N[otion C:on.sidei-ac.iov: Contract Approva] for Street and Sruqnwater mazntena.nee aucl Repair -Nei! Kersteu. It ivas maved by Cuwnctlj,tetn5er Mintson rrnd sec.oiided to mvard ri`ae cm7tract to Poe.4sphalt Pavinp in crn arrtottnt not to eacceed 51,175,119, aizd atrt,ior•i-e the City Manager or- des•'gnee to sign the COlih'QC7 QPiCI fisture sevan year rene►+jabls options as prm~ided in ;he RF'r'' dacumenis. Public Woil:s Direetor Keisiev explained that tiie.re have been no changcs siuee this Nvas last ciiscussed before Cotutcil. Aepu'ty Mayor Taylor inxited public coumeuts; no comme.nis were offered. voie by.-Acclcr.nrnrion: Iir favor: Unrrnimous. Opposed: ATOne. Abstentioru: Rrone. Vation carried. , ` The contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City.- Poe Asphalt Paving provided an excellent level of service during 2007. Poe Asphalt has requested increases to their unit bid prices as outlined in the Unit price comparison spreadsheet. Base on the quantities used in 2007 the increase in contract unit price cost is 2.75%. The 2008 contract would remain at $1,175,119 in an effort to preserve the remaining Street Fund balance. The unit price increase will be absorbed with ihe current limit of the contract. In 2007 we added a change order to Poe's contract in the amount of $175,000 to provide for small street preserva#ion overlay projects. Poe's average cost per square yard was $ 8,90/SY. The lowes# cost we have received on previous bid projects was $10.22/sy (see attached spreadsheet). Based on this experience, I am recommending that we add $500,000 for street preservation work to Poe"s con#ract in 2008. These funds would come from the Street Capital Projects Fund - 303, Preservation Projects. As a result ofi the emergency nature of the winter weather, the City implemenfed a$200,000 contract with Poe Asphalt for winter street maintenance. I recommend that we approve the unit price increases and approve the balance of the contract to Poe Asphalt paving for a total of $1,475,119. OPTIONS: Renew the contrac# or not renew the contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the contract to Poe Asphalt Paving in the amount of $1,475,119 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the current 2008 approved budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS: 2008 contact renewal letter, 2007/2008 Unit Price Comparison Spreadsheet, - Overlay Cost Comparison Spreadsheet and 2007 Contract. SjWWZ;e valley ~ CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT NO: 1 4;00 DE4'ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: 5treet and Stormwaier Mainlenance and Repair CONTRACT DATE: 2/8/2008 CONTRACYOR: Poe As halt Paving, Inc. CHANGE ORDER R10: 1 PROJECT NO: 48-001 DESCRiPTION OF CHANGES The orginal contc'act only provide fior emergency road repair as a result of fhe severe winter. l'his Change Order will add the balancE af the aontract for the remaining street and stormwater maintenance for 2008. Total Amount of this Chan e Ordc?r: $1,475,119.00 SUBSTANTiAL COMPLETION Original Date: 12/31/2403 Prior to this Change Order. Including this Change Order: unchangetl THESE CHANGES RESULT Ifd Ti HE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT PRICE: ' ORfGINAL CONTRACT AFJiOUNT $ $200,000.00 TOTAL PF21OR CNANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ . $0.{30 CONTRACT PRECE PRIOR TO THIS CHAfVGE~ORDER (through_Ca...... .~"Ww.. S200,000.00 NET THlS CHAIdGE ORDER $ $1,475,113.00 .............~W.__.___.._..__.._......._.._.......---.. CONTRAC i Af'JiOUNT INCLUDING TH{S CHANGE ORDER $ $1,675,119.00 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: The contractor hereby accepis tnis adjustment under the tanns of the original contracl fot all work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 14ei1 KerstBn, PuL]ic VJor:tis Dirzctot APPROVED BY, DATE: Dave P:;arcier, City Manager ATl"ACHMENTS: Co of the original Contract DrstRbution_ aRIGINALS TO: Contractor, Ciry of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project Fife ;-COPIESTO: P:PtNlForms/Tempta;=_:JCO (tdovo6) ; . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 26, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Governor Acknowledgement of 5 year anniversary GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: March 31, 2008 marlcs the fifth anniversary of incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. Planning is under way to promote community awareness of, and participation in, community celebrations marking the occasion. Govemor Chris Gregoire's office provides two means for acknowledging the five year anniversary: 1. Proclamation honoring the anniversary of the City's incorporation 2. Letter of greeting from the governor that is read by one of the governor's representatives at a celebration event. The lead time for requesting either of these is three weeks. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus for staff to move fonward to secure a proclamation or letter, or other. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Staff time to submit request. STAFF CONTACT: Carolbelle Branch A't'I'ACHMENTS None l Page I of I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetlng Date: Febnuary 26, 2008 City Manager Sign-offi: Itsm: Check all tfiat appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ fnfoRnation ~ admin, repoct ❑ pending legistation AGENDA ITEM TiTLE: Ad Hoc Committee Charters GOVERNING LEGISLATiON: Govemanoe Manual, as revised by Resalution 07-020: ARTICLE 4- COMMI'ITFF..S, BUARAS & COMMLSSIONS 4.01 Committees. (a) All stauding Committees, k3aards, and Commissians «hich am requirod by statr law• shall tk appointcd by the Mayor with confirmation by tbe Counci). rhl A1l other Cownci! Conunittees, Citf-en Task Fare groups and rules or operating prmedures thereof sfaIl be eslablished by Coioci! Directive x•ith special atttntion [o RCW 35A.13,120, mnd rrfter cansultation with dir Citv ?biwwger. Such rummittees shall be commirsiared jor a time certain, not to exceed tKv (2) ►rara ar the term ojthe qppointurg Mayor, tirhichetier is less cnzd prorided with Q cleur lcuk description cmd "sunsKl " provision. appointneent slrall be by the Ma}or. Cowrcil mvy wan{e eonftrmation in the rnsrnamnl creating said concrnittee or group. Srrch Committees shall be srrhJect to reti iew, whent►►er Q nenv Council Is seated follmwing elections, so vs to detenrrvre whether tiir conrmWee mnd its fimctiorrs corainue 1o br apprapriatt and necesstry. Members of arrv Committee. Board or Canvnlsslon K-hich hava been vppointed or confirmed by tltr CownciJ, »tay be remavetl withow cause by o mujority ivle of the Counril. A copy ojthe mntinn(.v), ar as )ter€atter mne»ded, establishinK commillees, liaisons and citierr's task jorce groups shall be uitac-hnd heretv, cis Exhibi! A-S. lNee the Litlurlwd related c/rarts Erhibits A-6 & A-7.) (c ) UiIirr spccial ad 1wr rommiltees rvid C'owtril livisons fczT QpQTIit'Uj(r F►tlli?OSe mcrv br uppoinlcd bY thr Atayor. witlwut ccxqfirmation vf CouncU,for a IF»rc cerlcrin. »ni to e.ueeA the term n,f IIk cTj►polrilJ»g !14manr, alang K•itly d clear tcuk (lrsrrrprion anrl ".cwuct prv%,r.sion. PREVIOUS COUNCII ACTION TAKEN: Januarv 15 2008 Studv Session: In coniunction wrth a report on Panhandling given bv Deautv City AttomeV Oriskep: C ouncilmeniher (;olhmann state,d thw newly elected Plmmrng Cominissivn Chair Icnn Xohcrtsn» ntdicated u willingness to work as part of are nd hve cammitlee lv detivlop an educatian ,sti-ste,~m. Alayor.Wroucm also mentinned he would like to see an ad hcx: committee of two cototcilmemhers, some representvtion from the fuinc commwtily mrd other cxgani:ations, ro provide this rducvtion: that the C'iry of SpaiEurte and Liberry Lake taave progrants. )vt nolhing is being coordurated in thz area: crnd wirlr co►mcil permissiar, he'd like tv vut/wrirr jorming an ad hoc contmittee to 'flush aut this tark" wbh the primary job to coordmate all programs, to make contact wuh others to see fa►►, other cities fandle this siluation„ cind !o sel up u regional coordination effnrt. Mayor !llunsort said he wfll put tugether snme nanres cnrd have speciftc luslcs for t11is commillee; lh:u rt tiloulcl rumbt u j)'ivr or.c'rr t~~~~~~!e: :ind Ihul 1re siulyld publici: e!he desire jur cammunity volunterr.%. JanuarY 15 2008 Studv Session: In c:oniunction with a report on the Vallev Mission Senior Certter qiven bY Deputy Citv Manaqer Jackson: Depurv Mmwr DenenrV svggested jorming d park committee, and that issues such cu whri! 1o dv with this Icmd, K-ould be something for that commitJee ru ronsider. Mayor Mtauon caurianeJ that it is importcnrt how we structure suelr a committee, as they wm:t an advisary cumrreiuee onlv, catd stcrted that he would relv an Mr. Jackson mrd oro legal department ri) put thu comminee 1vgelher. Cmmcilmember Gothmmrn said he feels rhis would be a good kick-off to gei such ar advisory conrmiltee stmle(t cmd Deputy Mcryar Denewry ntentioned i1 i.r u good wQy tv invv1ve people in the decision making process. !41r. Jacksa» re►narAred that tltese ratnmittees are very common in manv cities, 1ha1 they are generally stnJCtrved arcurding [o an ordinunce, that cowwils select tlae mc mbers, and that the cormnittee generdlly meets orrce or tKVre a month, witli the Parks Director working with that Comminee'.s chair to gel items for the ronrminee's diccussion. Alr. Jackson said that slaff can prrt together some generol inJor»urtian to provide to Council. 77rere wrrs ulso mention oJ the recommendation wilhin the Master Plcm for sucl: a commiltee. It was council cansenseu 1o funw the informrttion referred to uhove hv A1r. .Iackscfn, plared nn rni tq)cnmirrg clgenda as vn "irrjorntntinn only" ilem. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACT10N OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFFlCOUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Munson and Deputy Mayor Denenny ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 26, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business El new business ❑ public hearing information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Legislative 2008 Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: - BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will continue oral discussion of legislative issues. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS ~ - ~ I S ~ a11ey 4;oO 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhal4spokanevalley.org Memu,a%,randum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Fin2nce Director Date: February 19, 2008 Re: DecemberlJanuary Report Finance cmployees worketi in the following areas during December and January: Fiscal yea.r 2006 books elosed Our financial recnrds for 2006 have been elosed and the audit has heen cdmpleted. The fiind balance in dle General Fund at 12-31-06 was $1.6 inillion more tlian our projections. This favorable resull was due to revenues coming in greater than expecCed and expenditures being less t]ian UudgeC. Good job departments! ^ Fiscal veax 2007 eariy finaneial results Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures to the 2007 Amended .k3udget ac December .3 1, 2007, are attached. Staff providcs information on selected operatitlg funds at month end and a more 3 complete report quarcerly. Overall, revenues have exceeded our e_stimates and expenditures are less than budgeted. Ga.mbling tax rcceipts for 2007 are Icss than projected. We have three significant accotmts that have fallen behind. We will continue t:o nionitor Ihc.se accounts but full eollection is unlikely. Investment ineome; PariJRecreationlCenterPlace incnme, Sales tax and Planning & Building fees have exceeded our estimates. The investment report is attaclied for your review. .Emplovee growth We have upgraded our telephone sy5tem to handle dhe inc:rease in our employe-c opunt. The additional o.ffice spdce on the third floor is being occupied as we move the Public Works lacpartrnent into the space a few employecs at a timc. Finance personnel chsnges . Our ncw AccountandCiudtet Analyst started in January. An existing AccountanUBudget Analyst recently left us for a position with Spokane County. Our Accounting "I'echniciaai plans to leave in March to be near fainily on thc east coast. City of Spokane Valley _ General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2007 Unaudited . Amended Tentative 2/15/2008 Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Revenues Revcnues evenue Reali General Fund Rcvenues: Unreserved Fund Balance S 7,068,000 S - $ 8,706,672 $(1,638,6i2) 123°/u 8 Property Tax 9,745.000 603,777 9,496,237 245,763 97% Sales Tax 18,986,800 3,178,902 19,672,640 (685,840) 104% Gambling Tax 910,000 181,767 726,882 183,118 86"/0 7 Franchise FeeslBusiness Licanses 904,170 237,966 946,180 ' (42,010) 105% - State Shared Revenues 1,201,000 305,196 1,277,568 (76,563) 106% Planning 8 Building Fees 1,887,000 84,876 2,203,659 (336,659) 1189b Fines and Forfeitures 11,250,000 126,975 1,290,856 (44,816) i03°ia Recreation Program Fees 447,700 47,521 555,105 (107,405) 124°!0 Investment Interzst 572,800 156,394 679,770 (506,970) 119% Operating Trensfers 75,000 74,300 700 99% Total General Fund Revenues: $ 43.027.470 $---4,923.396 S 45.6A1169 $f2.604,2991 QS% 8 Amen6ed Sudget DecePnber YTD Unrealized Peroent 2007 Exoenditures Expendttures Exnenditures Realized General Fund Eupenditures: Legislative Branch 296,393 25,144 228,969 67,404 779b , Exevjtive 8 Legislativ$ Support 892,854 72,403 751,422 141,432 84% Public S9.ety 18,256,400 1,643,702 17,201,863 1,054,517 94% Operations & Adminfsirative Svcs 1,470,608 97,031 1,068,451 402,557 73% Public VJorks 1,391,687 154,871 1,105,709 286,178 79% Planning 8 Community Dev. 2,411,276 392,670 2,424,718 (53,942) 101% Library Services 20,000 - 10,199 9,801 5M 3 Parks & Recreation 2,087,086 217,105 1,902,209 184,817 91% General Govemment 13.893,000 349,865 7,425,013 6,467,987 53% 4 Total Gcnorai Fund Expe»ditures: 5 40.719,5_04 $ 2.872.991 S 32.119.253 $ 8.601.251 m 212012009 2:24 PM City of Spokane Valley OtherFunds Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2007 Unaudlted Amended Tentative 211512008 Budget December YTD Unrealined Percent 2007 ~,iue,s Revenuea Revenue Real¢ed Other Funds Revenuss: SVeet Fund $ 7,658,000 $ 373,264 $ 3,279,366 E 4,378.614 42.8296 11 Arterial Street Fund 912,000 5,704 45,111 866,889 4.95% 5 Trails and Paths 21,000 8,285 9,183 11,817 43.73°,6 5 HoteUMotel Fund 658.000 71,555 486,365 171,635 73 92 % 6 Civic Facilities Replacement 397,000 2,855 401,257 (4,257) 101.07°ti Debt Service - LTGO 03 600,000 - 596,035 3,965 99.34°k Capital Projecta Fund 4,120,000 127,002 1,425,119 2,694,881 34_59% 5 Special Capftal Projecta Fund 4,420,000 130,665 1,425.638 2,994,364 32.2596 5 Street Capital Projects 7,602,843 461,199 776,091 7,026,752 9.9596 5 Mirabeau Point Project 441,000 2,601 19.097 421,903 4.33% 5 Street Bond Capital Projeda 816,000 - - 816,000 0.00% 5 Capital Grants Fund 9,300,000 8,901 118,134 9,181,868 1.2796 5 Barker Bridge Reconstruction 700,000 - 161,055 538,945 23.0196 5 5tortnwater Mgmt Fund 3,195,762 159,762 1,761,535 1,434,227 55.12% 11 Fr.ui~ &Replacement 944,375 (33.126) 2,612 941,763 028% '0 Risk Vanayemen2 217,100 1,104 177,713 39 337 81 135% Reserves: Certerp ace Operating 325,000 2,409 17,269 307,731 5 31°k Servica Level S:abiliza6on 5,200,000 37,306 522,878 4,577,122 11.98% Winter Weather 540,000 3,995 28,636 511,364 5.30% Parks Capitel 3,550,000 7,185 465,005 3,084,995 13.10% Civic Buiidinga 2,893 000 41,013 4.013,106 (1.120,106) 138.72% ToWI Other Funds Revenues: 5 k4~ZJ1,9$0 E 1.411.679 S 15.831.223 S 38.879.857 28.$4,% Amended Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent ZQL7 Exmendituroa Emenditures Exuenditures Realized Other Funds Expenditures: Street Fund $ 7,658,000 $ 654.383 $ 4,254,896 $ 3,403,104 55.56% 11 Arterial Street Fund 912,000 - - 912,000 0.00% 6 Trails and Patha 21,000 - - 21.000 0.00%6 HoteUMotel Fund 658,000 156,446 488,388 169,812 71.1696 Civic FaciliUes Replacemant 397,000 - - 397,000 0.0096 6 Debt Service LTGO 03 640,000 • 596,035 3,965 99.34% Capftal Projects Fund 4,120,000 309,072 559,607 3.560,393 13.58% 5 Speaal Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 - 93,245 4,326,755 2.11% 5 Street Capftal Projects 7,802,843 547,112 999,551 6.803,292 12.81% 5 Mirabeau Pant Projed 441.000 - 36,933 404,067 8.37% 6 Street Bond CaRtal Projects 816,000 - - 816,000 0_00% 5 GapNa1 Grants Fund 9,300,000 53,043 387.480 8,912,520 4.1796 5 Barker Bridge Reconstrudion 700,000 41,652 342,758 357,242 48 97% 5 Stortnwater Mgmt Fund 3,195,762 154,624 1,341,871 1,853,891 41.99% 11 Equip Rental 8 Replacemnt 944,375 (88,488) 5,117 939,258 0.54% '0 Risk Management ~ 217,1a0 394 181,225 35,875 83.46% Centerplace Operatinp 325,D60 - - 325,000 0 00`k Sernce'_evel Stabilization 5200,D00 - - 5,200,000 0.00% Winter Weather 540,000 - - 540,000 0.0096 Parks Capital 3,550,000 109,274 859,010 2,690,990 24.2095 5 Chric Buiidings Capftal 2,893,000 - 873,477 2.019,523 30.19% 5 Total Other Funds ExpendfWres: S 54.7-11-M S 1.937.714 & 10.999.593 S 43.711.487 20.10% 2'26.2008 2 24 PM City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of December 2007 Total LGIP' BB Money Mkt' BB CD Investments Beginning $ 39,840,963.02 $ 1,630,568.25 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 42,497,714.28 Deposits 2,015,388.48 - - 2,015,388.48 Withdrawls - - - - Interest 156,738.01 4,092,06 - 160,830.07 Ending 5 42.013,089 51 $ 1.634,660 31 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 44.673,932.83 Batances bv Fund General Fund $ 13,214,963.02 Street Fund 4,180,247.50 Arterial Street 796,890.37 Paths 8 Trails 23,320.12 HoteVMotel 522,424.37 CenterPLace Operating Reserve 337,415.79 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,225,087.99 Winter Weather Reserve 559,521.93 Civic Facilities Replacement 399,893.69 Capital Projects 4,511,870.48 Special Capital Projects 4,923,613.31 Mirabeau Point Project 364,248.11 Parks Capital Project 1,042,205.16 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,744,372.36 Stormwater Management 2,045,022.55 Equipment Rental & Replacement 766,295.59 Risk Management 14,540.49 S 44,673.932 83 'Local Govprnment Investment Pool ' Banner Bank FOOTNOTES 1 Received quarterly 3 Delinq. Tax from 05 levy 4 Much of this dept is for emergency use only 5 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 6 No projects planned in 2007 7 Two accts delinquent City may not receive all of this. 8 Error in amended budget 9 Interest earnings 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05 11 Includes beg. Fund bal. which reduces % realized 2120r2008 2:24 ann MEMU TO: Dave v[ercier, City Manager FROM: 12ick VanLeuven, Chief of Police - DATE: February, 19, 2008 ' FtE: Manthly Repart January 2008 Januarv, 2008: Januarv. 2007: Ct117 incidents: 4,2$2 CA.T) inc•idents: 4,342 Rcports taken: 1,3347 Repvrts taken: 1,408 Traffic staps: 1,233 TrafFic stoPs: 1,512 Traffic reports: 323 Trai:fic reports: 3 12 CA.Ta incidents indicate calls for service as well as self-initiated officcr contacts. Att3ched hot spot maps show January residential burglaries; January commercial burglaries and January traffic collisions, along with De.cember and January stolen velucles. Also tlus month we have includcd charts with comparisons of variaus proPerty ca-imes that have occurred in the City of Spokane Valley for the yean. 2006; 2007 and January 2008. ADA'IINISTRATIVE: ♦ Chief VanL•euven aCtended the Januaty meetuia of the Spokaile Valley rixe [7epartment Coiiunissioners, Nvhere inforniation concerning the Comtnunications Interoperability project was prescntcd. ♦ The Cluef was amoug the staff of ttlc City of Spokane Valley Nvho took part in the vy-inter retreat held on Jaziuary 12. ♦ Governor Grzgoire came to Spokaue in January to review ttie snow and ice damage f'rom NNznter stonzis, declaring a state of einergency in the area. Chief VanT euvcn joineci other officials and dignitaries Nvha met vvith the Governor. ♦ Chicf VanLeuvcn and oihcr core planners continued tp develop plaiis for the '7 able Top Lxcrcise scheduled f'or mid-May. The primary purpose t'or the exercise is to tcst the rccently completed Spokane County Evacuation Plan, and the exercise will involvc the Ponderosa area as the focus af a simulated wilrifire aiid resulting evacuation. ♦ Five deputies completed i'olice Academy training for the Spokane Cotuity ShcriiPs Office, tluee nf whnm are now in training Nvitll PTOs (I'icld Training Officers) in the Spokauie Vallcy. Chief VanLcuven met with the deputies for a briefing and to provide uiformation specific to their work at the Spokane Valley Police Departmcnt. , ~ ♦ T)uring the month of January, Chief VanLeuven was "nn call" for a total of seve.n .l 2-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. Paee_ 1 COIN[MTJNITY Ol7IENTED POLIC]TiG: _ ♦ Chief VanT.,euvcn and Lt. Stevc Jones attended a portion of the scmiaiinual SpokanE Valley Fire Department all-officers' meetina on January 14. Tlie Spokane Valley Police Dcparmient and thc Spokane Valley Fire Department personnel continue to develhp interdepartmental relationships which cnhance their collaborated response to incidents that may itivolve hath law enforcement and medic respanse. ♦ Det Kirk Keyser and Lt. James Gladden of t6e Spokane Valley Police Department reccived community service awards from the Spokane Valley Fire Department for their dedication, assiseance and service diuing tlie t;ourse of several arson and related investigations conducted by the Fire Investi€ation Unit of the Spokane Valley r-ire I7epartRient. Thc ativards were among those presented at the SVFD's 2"d Employee Recognition Din»er. ♦ Central Valley SCOPE held their annual holiday potluck d'uiner on January 10 at the Birch Tree Manor recreation ha11. Attending from the Spokanc Valley I'olice Department were Chief VanLeuven (accompanied by his wife, Diana), Detcctive Roger Knight, and Staff Assistant Sharon Jones. All enjoyed great food and the hospitalitti, of CV SCOPE members. ♦ Li January a total oF 17 abandoned vehicles ~Nwe tagged tor impoundment in the Spokane Valley by SCOPL volunteers, 10 of which were eventually towed with 10 citations issued. 48.2% of all abancioned vehicle activity in Januaty in Spokane County occurrcd in the Ciey of Spnkane Valley. ♦ SCOPE Incidcnt Response Teacn (SIR.T) contributed a total of 86 on-scene volunteer hours / (including travcl time) in January for SCSO Dispatch. Response iu Spokane County Spokane Valley, responding in thc Spokane Vallcy to IIlotor vehicle accidents, traffic lights out, and assisting with trafEic control on icy roads. ♦ The annual Crime Prevention Con.ference; sponsored by Neighborhoocl Watch, is scheduled f'or March 5, 200$ at Ceater.Place. Class information, agenda and registration forms are available ai the Neiehborhood Watch liak at w~%-,w.Snoka.neSheriff.orP. Additional infarnlation can be obtaincd by calling 509-477-3055. OpERA'1`IONS: ♦"Panhandling" incident: Awoman and her child were wallcing out of the Mirabeau Hotel restaurant when a male subject approached her wid asked for mnney, then followed her and . her child to their car and attempted to get in. The female tnld him no; but they would check at the hotel for assistance for him. The involved female did not want tn press any chdrges or have furthcr cnntaet vvith law enforccment regarding the incident. It Nvas later learned that the male subject did disPlay a laiife but did not threaten the female, but he did mention that he waiited to rob someone. 1fie subject appeared very intoaicated. He was trespassed from the Mirabcau Hotel. Pagc 2 ♦ School Lockdown Due to Suicide Threat A threat by a suicidal Spokane Valle}~ man to shoot huiiselfi at East Vallcy I-Iigh School put i aJl three of the district's schools uito a tv~~o-hour lockda~~i, followcci b~~ cancellatic~n of classes for the day in tEie East Valley School District. Officers spent several hours loolcing for the man at the homes of various acquaintances and businesses, but «<ere unable to lncate him. Later thc man's body was found in the viciiuty of East VaUey Jtuuor High School. Our School TZesource Officers (SROs) were insidc critical assets to the School District and Spokane Valley Police Department. . ♦ Winter Storms Causc Problems Heavy snnNvfall a,nd icy conclitions braught normal business routines to a halt, ~Nrith conditions causing numerous acciclents and making it impossible for many people ta gct to their workplaces. Spolcane Valley Police Department continucci to f'unction, and our officers continued to Perfortn their duties and respand to calls for service in a timely manner. . Fage 3 2008 JANUARY CRIME REPORT . . Jan-08 Jan-07 07 Total 06 Total 05 Total 04 Total BURGLARY 54 56 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 42 32 365 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 55 115 1,265 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 80 58 839 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 50 64 890 982. 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 25 30 343 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 34 49 478 711 603 577 THEFT 131 162 1,881 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 1 1 8 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 0 0 3 3 5 44 VEHICLE PROWLING 95 7711 682 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRlMES 567 644 7,338 7,916 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT . 68 57 853 846 894 880 DOAISUICIDE 19 17 221 167 159 164 DONiESTIC VIOLENCE 77 78 874 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 0 1 5 1 5 KIDNAP 1 1 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 31 25 350 425 425 386 MP 8 511 83 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 106 110 1,337 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 4 1 60 58 56 58 TELEPNONE HARASSMENT 4 10 73 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRJMES 318 304 3,875 3,589 3,777 4,192 ' ADULT RAPE 7 3 43 . 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 16 911 104 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 8 5 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 0 4 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 1 18 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 4 3 46 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 2 2 31 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 28 3211 295 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 19 13 194 203 181 162 STALKIMG 0 2 17 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 4 10 152 177 244 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 89 80 996 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 50 68 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 1 0 0 1 TOTAL ISU 50 68 808 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFF/C REPORTS 323 312 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVEO 1,347 1,408 16,817 16,582 16,357 19,962 a ~ ; - ~l:ln i Z - ' 7 Cfeman ~ Irr, , K~ U . Fty~►-ei ~ 1-~ - Jtiae a - ~ r - ( d P~'~4S v m - ~ ~ ` - U vet ~ C I . r'~'_r t~cto 1~ :I'•J~ ~ . I .J ' ~ , ~ n..~~ ~ t_~. tT ~ G- / w 7 ► -~I{~_"~ ~ ' ~ ~T] ~ EutF~d ~ k ~ p ~ S ~ral►Qa~ - - F r E id o~ ~ ~ k~p e i! ~1Mro erck M o~ ` } J _ - • i~.~`~ir.~I'n tiiim~~r v ~ _ i f ' ~ a,.~1 IG,~ I('t ~O 1, I ~ ! i RJ JriW , 4r►If{0na 1N)f ~ L_ ~ I1 ] 4 i L-~Iltl ~ O1' - - ; ~ - `v _ i •-l~ kuos~uni ~ ~ ~~1 ~k,wl: y ,d ~ - 2 __r, j' + , ~ Elut ~u'.~ pc~.,J,' ~ 3Cr . ~-M.. - ~,~p~ur_ ~►t' _Galo ~ shar i~ ~ 1 : i I ' ~ ~ • ~ ~ l~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~qIk f - ~ e z ' ; ~ ~ ~ t) I In - I I- W ~ I to~d~_1~ ;'~~'F~~~ al►n yv~ ,1 ~ ,J , - ~ ~ F I u,u,i I . ~ ~A1'~.1 I i _ ~ , ~ l t ' `r~ ' 4 , . U ~ i.~ar , i~ i 1~ _ ~ ro- i :fJl~lI'..~+A~ ~ f 4 t ' 1(n; id° ~u i Adi r- ;,~i~~ .~~n~`~' I ' i 4 N ' _ 4u ~ . , ~ ~ ~ ~ , l ~ - ~ lllh 41 ~~--L`'I ~.m I. ~t~iID`- I~ I ~ 1i►~ ~ ~ l~L ~ 1dlt~ -1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ / 3 } • L4Ui a ~ t ~ 4 isfli I~ - ~ - -~1~~. ~~I ~ ~ , ir~ 1 t51 1 ~ ~ - - _r-:41# na d - A. 1-1 G1 i J_ }hllL • , t;Pi ' AoI~'- ` ~t - ~ rrra►r~1'~ 119 y Je~~n~n---Q~~9 p1rAl •'yf , 1 T`'T'v ~A ~ti } ~ ~ ~►x. 1 ._~~r ,l:rnl ~ r V,`% ` l.,~ :itttiT t $18! T 39 r(~ ~ m 1 l/ 40t ~nile Te 9 1 TffiflC -1 ~ 37u CoNision 141h ~ nir 17-1 44W w 1=1 LOw -`lc =Medium Low C, 5 Nb a edium a. . , Ac'►'.sr ~High t~ J i•~,,, , ~1 ti. . . ~ , I ~ •-;i; 2008 January Traffic Collision Hotspots Map Produoed: 14 Februery 2400 clnmon ~1 _I ~ T _ t) l l Jose~l I 5W16 l t a ~-J ' w 4 ~ ; I J ' c~ 9Spt~~ ~ ~wc l~ . . Ft~R ^ ( "m} _ r m ~n c ~ 9 -~u dver LaL= gL ~-tacr° 5e ~F1{_f~ I au 1 ,e - - - ~ ~ C. H~- Lur11d i - - ~G~9!~ I tlt 01IP41k u~~ ~~lirnbn~i 3 F irvnw~ _[ult~if - ~ ~,~Y° • ~ II' 1 • ~ Iuca - ~ - , M i = ' @~ ~ ~ ~1; s J F.{ QrKk ~ NQt'+~ Je J. y.s.- n I 1- C~l~ i ~L ~ MR r tr"~~ i 4 ~ ~ Y_ ~3 ~ lr ► _ - i ~ Min<<nn , Idic~~nn ^ I a ti Idu c -alA l a4 ~utL P ~ 2 - ~I r'i ~ S - - m - - ~ - I qirt-= c~-AJ - i ~ aµyw 3 epY K ~ j 1 I N T..~ : . ' I Dn~~~:~r. g. ~ .~.~ii.• wa 11 _ ~ F.tT~!~ ~fi"'~ I •~N ,r 0Uaff _ i~'~ (i n ~q ~ I • i 1,! ' - 7 - ~ a~7 - - 5 ~ [T4'lld1~ '1 41~ . ai ' N1A t ' ~~1 p . ~T ~ ~ x c~. _ _ ►~I _ I ~ +~w~yls ~ a~- - - a io3 rU~~F I 'fn i'd~} _~"r ` ~ ~ 1 II Ii ' i,~ ' 1 v- riso`, t 8k~ I ~u <~3:11 ~ 110~5 ~ ~ ~ 1_ ~ 1 Ij - - ~ In , ~ 1 ~ ~ i~_ )1 `~1 ~~•..r I ~ ~,I ~ t •i';~~~ d ~ ~'C' I~'•~ 1T1 I-~ 1~ ~T 1_. _ ~-~~~I~ - r_ 3►+~-- G 216i ~L~'..~, 184tt , ~ ; ~ 1 r~_~ 1'~ f I ~ • ( ' ~ y H 4 1, 1' 1 ~a~ ~ Jonn T ~ z ~ a ~L25 - 'r ~ ~ ~j _ d w ~JI~_ t i3 n 3 ~r. 41►h 99 1 31st aUth`i' ~ 'r:,.. bette TBR y e ~ Commo~la! 37~i s}y~,~~~ aai 3 a eu ~ + r9tuY 44th 3 • ' ,i9r 1 a F ~ ~ ~ r. ~ - p 1~`~ 4lh t _ ? 4AU% ED 73 ~1~ , ~ . - . ♦~f ~ ~ inIc c-, =Mecrium 1~ ori =H~ h ~ ~ ~ u~ 2008 January Commercial Burglary Hotspots Map Pivduoed 14 February 2008 7 Glrmen ~ - ; 4 - - . 1 rr,~ Jaoe n T , .~m , r~- ~•,Lf ~ ti. ~c~r'j - - - m 2 ~ - ~ ~ r _ . . - I. ~ c~~l 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~A = Woien Y 9. _ r klMvY . ~ ~ ~ ~~y . 1~ - , ~ - ~ , ~ ►<6 - d r , -tu V-°f uo o. R m • ~~''Pb ~ ~ r ~`T=~,~_._ _ - - - ` EIKJb ~ - - ~ I ~ F m[u ud a aD4A°r° ] ~ ~r rx:Y - ~",~,ht T*~ ~ • ~5 r -~r- . ~ptfl~ty Jtl~ i:~i~ ~ - N ~ ~ i }itti iNl~~/ T- ~ryJhliln ~ m ~ . • i~ ~ l ~ i - . - f yn -~~rr~ w ro; . ~ ~ • , i Et~ cn~ o Ir1991G11 - r -in - yu,I~. ~I ; I'=.• - ~y - Shar ~ ' K-r~ ~ A ~ . I I Bra~di ~ ~ t ; 4 r !1 iti - p ~ (h~il 9 ~ - i -r ' ~ , ; 1 A~ -Vltin ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~M t~tau 1:, I,t~ ~ I ~ y _ - - , ~ ~nd ~ ~ ' gt ~ fl ►1 ~ •.~.~r ~n~u ~ q ~I i f tAM ~ F*ia =4 _ ~I~i_ ? n `,I~~',•,~lo:v:a.~ _ 4, i~c_Tr- _ :11U ' - iri~. ~ 111 j to i llh ~ ~ ~ r, . 1Ih I'~~ , 4i1u p ` or, -~{I l, ] ! I _ Y ~ ,Df 21st I.t rl„ ~ r f a ~ J ~ ~ t , ~ v i n ~1n t 11M a 25lh t I .1y1, i.. ~4~,{(. N 3 h ; 9!h . ~ ~ l ~ ~lst -n ~ ~ ~►~~.1: ~ 3~~1':r~i- auIb'"[: ~ eotrTor ~ ~ y - D ~ m '`l.L l~ . ~37u ~ . i I j~~ rg4 YI Y~ ~ 44tti - - ~ w q ti p CJ 1 W" Jl n~lc LOW C~ r-r ` I =MediUm 9 ~ .1 1~ '~►xr ~ a ~r~M~n~~~~ ~ ~ ~ High iti ~ I ~I•,~. .N~ ~ ~ _ ~ " ~ ~ 4~' r ~ I ~ ~ ; ~ N~ 2008 Jaiiuary Residcotial Burglary Hotspots ~Pp~m~~ 14 Folxuary 20~5 ~ ~ ~ r - - ~ ~ ~,f ~ I~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I• _ ~ ~brnell JtlS6 1 SiflfU ~-4, ~m l~' _ ~*~^:T~ 4~•' 1-7 j 1„IW.~weby e1rtc _ Y VY = - ll- _~f v 0 ~ I _-~u ver _ f ti _ ~ra3se 1~ ~ I o ~ - - ~ ~I ~ I tl 1(~fll ~ ~ a ~ io.~ c ' Eyclid - S r~' jj S r-•~-; - I ~ ? ~~OYe ~ - n.,.:; ~ F rv'e'H e - -}•f ar ~i.1 _ i lA l~ "TPffy 4 M Ol~t~~ !g{7 ~ ~ • 1~k 0 t~ "e l_ _ - 1~0~_ t - ~ - . o ~-1 i - fi , ~ qo~ 14~1~ ._~Cate o BS [}ir k1 o ~ T ~ 1Rqon~ ' yy''}_,~ I , ~ m ~W L - _'T ~ - _ - - •~{_~~S . CL ` Y ~bv~a _A.r- 1_~~l:~ - i~ ~..,~I' iu 1 i 1y ~ _ I ~:J.~,c~ v -~_l _ ~ E- -I~.I`'~• `n~~l~ ~ t , ti n p~' ~ . 2 _ ~ 7 I IT rol T 4 ~ ~ f~~ I ~t 1- I ~ ' . _ - ~ _ _ 3 G ~ _ 70 ~ ,y, v . ' t ~ ~ ~ , rL s~.. _ ~ L' n} ~r' ~ `i ~ c~ • L ~ ~ _ IP ~ I `l , ' 'i ;~Sj ~lli i' . ~111 -t~t 11 ~ i a 11H~~ A•.~~ : . i. ~ iy ~ ~.i_ .-i .di~..-. q- _ ..u - t~IE~- ~ - ~~[f ~ ~ _ f_ ` y,. _ T 3 -t" ~L - _ ~ c' ~ ~~~s~ ~ tiau+ ui " 47 ` , Wt ; , _ ~ ~21u1 . T• Y z Joni~` Qe~~~f-' ~ ,F, ~ _~►h t ~ 1 !~,ya ~ - - -1"lrxl r~~ ? - - J o xsu~ _ _So. I~ - r~ C ll._1 I ~ I 1JRiA°`_.~ 3 I j . ev~ i 3 - $ ron enua ~ ao~k. z i 3tolQn Dol 11 1s7u ~ - i 44[n Vehicle a 0 3 ~ ~ ~ a 1 ~ ? "`~~b V~a I i i !I ~ A 3 t , a I 3 ~ ~ • ~ • 4 ~ ~ 4 h 6 ~^4 J= . ~ ~ K 44111 tinW q 7~ LDW CL tlal(i~n ~eR L m~~~{r- 111111111IIlAedium ~ 9 ~High ~ ,0 us ;M" 2008 Jan And 2007 Dcc Stolcn Vch icle Hotspots M~ ~~uced 14 rebutwiY 7008 ~ Spokane Vailey Commercial Burglary 35 - - ~ 32 30 • - ' 28 25 - - - - - - - ' S - 3 22 21 21 21 20 - - - - - 19 19 ~~2006 ~ 18 _6~ 2007 17 -*--2008 15 - - - -16 - - - - 014 14 13 ~ 2 i 11 ' 10 - - 8 5 ; - - - - - - - I p - - , , - . - - - - - , I JAN FEH MAk APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Garage Burgiary 1s - 15 14 014 - 14 14 I 13 3 12 - - 12-- - 11 10 • - - 10 ~i 10 10 ~ 9 -+0-2006 g - - 8 --t►- 2007 7 7♦- zoaa - 6- - 6 - -6- - - q ~ 4- 2 - - I . - 2 I p ~ - • JAN FEl3 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC7 NOV DLC Spokane Valley Residential Burglary 60 - - 50 j _ - - 50 - - I 40 • - - 35 35 I 33 33 33 .."..2006 30 - - - - - - ~ I 0 2007 i 28 27 2009 I 4 a 3 22 22 20 - - - - - -2a - ~ t8 ~ 14 10 - - - - - - I p - - - - . , - - , , - . I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Forgery 60 7 50 49 - - • A2 40 -l 40 -)39 4 -+4-2006 32 3'~ 3 3 ~ 32 30 - _ 'fcr-2007 28 ~ 27 26 -o-- 2008 25 23 21 6 O 18 18 17 15 10 - 0 , JAN FE8 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 5EP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Malicious Mischief 200 - - 180 - 175 - - 160 - - 140 - 134 31 125 ~ - 1 120 - - 1 115 13 108 '-NM-2006 100 - - - - -E►-2007 , 93 ~ , 2008 gp - .n - 72 gp - - - - - • 55 53 40 - - 20 - 0 , JAN FE8 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Stolen Vehicles 90 ; i 83i 80 - - - 70 - 71 67 64 60 - g - 53 50 • - - - - --~2046 -0 2007 ' - 2008, AO - - 41 - - - 37 a • 34 33 33 30 Zg- - - - - - - 25 20 21 10 p - r . - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Theft 250 - i Zoa 187 192 ~ 188 177 175 1G 162 1 161 1 150 g 44 - 49 145 134 135 132 '-!l-2006 ~ 131 12 -0- 2007 -*--2008 100 - - 50 - 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SCP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Vehicle Prowling 120 ~ 114 I - - 100 95 96 80 - 87 - 7 71 I 70 72 l 71 70 I 66 68 -"-2006 60 - - - 58 - - - -rr 2007 55 5$ 20086 45 40 • - - - - 38 41 - - , I 20 - p - - - - - , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC'f NOV D[C m J~1LinG jValley. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT January 2008 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Streei MaiMenance - County Street Maintenancs interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA completed the fall sweeping in November. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contrad -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has stopped worfcing during for the winter. • landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare has stopped wortcing for the winter. • Vactoring Cortitred - AAA Sweeping is cleaning drywelis. • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with {xivate engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines 8 Trent) - WSDOT Interiocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for thair Wastewater Facflitiees Plan and conducting the RRP process for a new treatment plant The public comment period for the Spokane River Dissotved Oxygen TMDL ended in November. Ecology is cuRently reviewing the public commertits. http:/Iwww.ecy.wa.gov/programshnrqRrndUspokaneriver/disso#ved_oxygenrindex.html CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Project Bemardo WiIls PC - GGLO conduded the programming phase with Crty staff. They met with the City Council on January 12, 2408. Space planning corrtinues. • Valley Corridor Project Projed on hofd pending outcome of the Sprague/App1eway Corridor Sub Area Plan. • Street Master Pfan JUB Engineets is currently woticing on the TIP portion of their updated scopa of work for 2008 in preparation for developing a draft 2009-2014 T1P. Work associated with the Pavement Management portion of tfie 2008 scope oF work is on hold until the weather allows evaluation of the road surfaces. • Pines/Mansfield Necessary right of way was acquired on one parcel; Spokane County Right of Way agents are continuing work with the one remaining property owner. The final project cost estimate is now approximately $5.5M. TIB has preliminarify agreed to approve 5329,034 in additional funds. The project is currerttly scheduled to advertise for bids in April 2008 with construction schsduled to begin in June 2008. • App{eway Avenue Reconstructlon - Tschiriey to Hodges Bids for the projed were opened on September 28°i. Knife River was awarded the project as the fow bidder for $4,565,859.95. The prajed is scheduled for an early March start. • Barker Road Bridge Project Design is at 99°k complete. Aoquisition of necessary right of way continues. Utiiity agreements are being finalized. The Hearing Examiner approved the Shoreline Development Permit. This project is scheduled to advertise in February 2008 with consfruction scheduled to begin in Aprii 2008. • 24"Avenue Reconsttvctlon Project Completing Environmental Phase, Topographical Survzy Camp(ete and GeotechECal Report is being finalfzed. Project is scheduled to Advertise fflr bids in Apri1 with construction scheduled to begin in June, 2008. • Broadway / Fancher PCC Intersection Gompleting Environmental Phase, Topographicaf Survey and Geotechical Report are being finalized. Project is scheduled to Advefise for bids in May with consttuction scheduled to begin in Juty, 2048. CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overiay Project Project complete. Project closeout has begun • Baricer Road Project Project Camplete. Punch Ifst complete Project closeout to begin Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90% complete with a bid date scheduled for 2008. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The canVact was awarded to Knife River Co_ Construction beyan on July 9, 2007. The project is approximately 75% compfete. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Constn.iction began on June 5, 2007 Tha project is approximately 60% complete. • Rockwell/Summert"ield Sanitary Sewer Project Phase I Spokane County is designing project. A bid date is scheduled for late February. Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Project Taylor Engineering is designing the project A bid date is scheduled for la`e Spring • Summerfleld Sanitary Sewer Project Taylor Engineenng is designing the projed. A bid date is schesiuled for tate Spring • Sutters Sanltary Sewer Project Century West Engineering is designing the project. A bid date is scheduled for late Spring. • White Birch Sanitary Sewer Project Century West Engineering is designing the project A bid date is scheduled for late Spring. TRAFFIC: • Programmed AM peak hour timing plans for the Evergreen comdor from I-90 to Sprague. Still working on PM peak hour plans. • Deve(oping lunchtime coordination plan on Sprague from Pines to Sullivan. • Develop+ng coordination plan for SpraguelCostco signal and talking with Ciry of Spokane about adding Havana and Freya irno our coordination p1an. • Almost finished with a draft Local Road Plan for locations of future residential streets to improve connectivity and enable better infiil devetopment. • Worked on new traffic impact study, traffic calming, and access managemerit guidelines with Community Development staff. • 20 New cit¢en requestslcomplaints were received via phone arxf emait. These typicalty involve traific signaEs, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concems, strestlight outages, requests for new streetlights, Vaffic oount requests, and parlcing issues. STORMWATER: • Finished and certified stormwater tax rolls for 2008. • Updating and prin6ng Stonmwater Inventory mapbook showing drainage strudure locations. • Presented at the Aquifer Protection Council meetirtg, attended DOE NPDES report training, and attended Swale Altemative Demonstration Projed. • Signed up to represertt Spokane Valley in the upcorning Stomiwater Atlas project, scheduled to print Dec 2008. Will work cooperatively with other agenaes. STREET b STORMWATER MAlNTENANCE ACTfVITY: STREET: Through the end of January private contracts invoiced $7,537 and the County invoiced $492,216, for a total 5treet Maintenance cost of $499,753. STORMWATER: The County invoioed $385 and private contrads invoiced 5436, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $821. The overall total for 2008 through January is $500,574. Street and Stortnwater Mairttenance Private and County Compacison ra~o.~ao , i+:n.o~ - - - - - - - - - - i L'~],d10 ~ - - - i •7?.000 - - - - - - I 37,S7T ft31s 5383 FnviKn Stru~t I.ta~rnnn;~x Gam1r `:itir3t f~iL-ssi.:e ~i~rnt :.S~rmwa~~ Id~i^taran;x G~,nry S:rr,m~toi Atx~hna~cs January 2008 Pubiic Worics Street Maintenance. With record snow falls the county c.rews, private contradar and City Staff worked to remove snow through out the City. This effort was around the dock during the last 2 weeks of the month Vadoring services were also utiiized to remove standing water during melt off periods. 4-i(T Ui ,,O;ooAF W lQy - Capital Improvement Projects 2007 8 TWO PROJECTS Ptopwed EaUrnatod Daslpn ConsWcUon 2000 T'otsl P►o)ecl Cwt Fundlnp ftwW ComkucUun Proloda llroJoct LocsUoii Bld Wle ComplNlon Dnte CwnWoW Comolela Fundina Road Dosipn Projscb TIFiJCht!►1] PineslMansflokl ProeG VYIVu F2d_ b Pinea Fid. Wtec lo 190 Apt-00 1011l00 45°]G 0'K $ 1,032.015 i 5.370.372 !~rp(U) ADDkmaY Arerwo ReCnnaWclbtt Tsdi6laY Rtl. lo Fialpos Rd SoP-07 UI1f08 100°/. 0°!. $ 009.000 S 0.099,508 IU4 (]a►ker Road Qritlpe itapboement [iwker RU. W Spokarn Rhrot Feb-UD 171110p 0976 D'X. S 998.101 t 10.000,000 Cely 2401 Avonua RooortstruGlon SuYWan Rd io Veraueet aiu122nd Aw. InOen. /1pr•00 W1/08 38% 0% $ 900.000 1 1100,0U0 10/1100 10% 0% $ 551.000 f 581,040 4 t PiU} (kosdwap/Fancher PCC Inlcrwcllon OroaQwoY ond Fandiat IrNarseGion MNY-M 5TA 5ptapuelBowdists PCC 4ntarsecHon Spropiw atd Llowdsll Wenecson hhtayy-00 8!8lOd DY. 0% f 162.900 S 1192.1JUU OevebVen SvMuelCrxiklin Slpnel SDraGm and CatYJin Inlas6ction nla 1QINOA 100% 0% $ • $ 250.000 Se"r Projxb CJtY Spnldaips • i'avepadk tndiona West o1 hbtliomery May-07 11111U7 90% 0% t • i Clty Grarxtvlew /lcrns - F'avebecA EiuUer lu Canenl Feirvbw lu Cnwiro /1pr-01 al1N? 100% 8096 $ - $ Cpy Trentwoat - Pavabedk Varclor b Evarpreen. Trnnf In Welesley Apr-OT 011J07 100Y. 7514 S - S Cdy RockwaWSunirnwfieid Phasn t- F'aveback F2ockwvY. Everyreen 1o Sutbvai Fetr00 11/1J00 0096 0% i - $ CHy Ratikweil • Paveback Avalm b Adat►s, l renl0o Webaels Ap-06 11/1f00 309L 0% i - i - City Surtxrierfield - Pavabaclt Adwn81v 5ulw►an. Trml Mi OMttplt /lpr-06 1111NE 317ti 0% i • S C%y Superi - f'avat►ock Everproan lo Proprea. 1691 lu 8Ut Apr 06 11/1A8 yD% 00Y6 i - _ Cily VNii{a f3kth - f'ovobock Sullivan to Floia. 41h b E3roedwaY Mr-00 11/IJDO 30'6. 00Y9 $ - 3 - ftnnM0 ProieCb STP(U) Va6ey CancSot Emlrnnmwtla151udY Univeroft to ApPlewxv Iva Jwi-07 0`S4 0'K $ - _ - 5Tf'(U) VaNey Cuuplal - Project 2 UnivweilY eo Evorptom U`ti, 0'Y: Total i 4,201,016 S 24,100,840 STP(U) - 5urface 1 ranaportouon Prnpcem (Urban): 11ij • Tiansportalbn Irr[prowmonl Eioeid; f1F3AG - UrWipe fte{lacsinont /ldvisory Comrtutkte. C:OtiG • ConKtnuWty Unvnlo{xnent BMu* Grarri Proymm CA7AQ •('~ortpesUcui ManapemenVAi10ua1Ny /'royrom: STl1- 5pokano Transq AuOxonly Jan 2t :tnx:Ucm Prnlecb CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JANUARY 2008 MONTHLY REPORT The Comrnunity Oevebpment Department is focusing on staif training 1or the first quarber of the year_ In January, tfie deparbnent had a series of ciasses on the new UDC chapters. All staff also partic.ipaled in a ieadership devebpment dass. Through a senas of exerctses, the departrr►ent learned the complexities of each division's respansibilities and 2dopted and committed to departmertt-wide values. LONG RANGE PLANN/NG: Planning Commisaion The Spokane Valley Planning Commission met twice during the month of January. The Ptanning Commtssion heid a study session and then public hearings on the Regiortal Stormwatei Manual (RSM) and proposed amendmerrts bo the UDC, 22.150 to incorporate changes necessary tfl implement tt►e RSM. The Pianning Commission weicomed Crafg Eggleston and Art Sharpe as new Commissioners, eitectnre the firsi of the year. Spngue/Apple"y Revitalizadon Plan Staff began its public education progran ln-lanuary. The first forum was January 18, at 7:30 am, with an attendance of approx. 45I50 people with a posbtive atmosphere. The second meeting was on January 23"' at 6:00 pm, with a crowd of apQrox 20 people, City Cerner ProJsct ClearPath, LLC, contlnues negatiaboRS with the University City property ov►mers on the west side of University Avenue. Staft has worlced closety wiih FTB and the Spokane County Ubrary Districi in creating a masier plan for the west side and Bob Gibbs has a marketing package ready to deliver to potential developefs. A letter of intent has been draRed fa the pcoperty aamers consideration. Stsff issued a Request far Quaificatians trom consultants interesbed in the Ptanned Action Ordinance for the City Center Pmoct CTED Reglor►al CoQaborstion Grant CD Staff is in the prvc,ess of fnafizing the contracts with the consuftants for the Grant Staff recently attended a Public Offidals luncheon on 2-6-08, which was sucoessfut and Inslghtiul. Consuttents, Bertc and Assoc;iiates is planning on meebng with County service providers, and possibly City flnance directors, by the end of February. ConsuttaMs, Studio Cascede is working on an updated SEPA master contaet list to snsure the nght people are notified on regional projects. Pago 1 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Communfty Development January 2008 Monthly Report CURRFNT PLANN/NG: Revenue for the Planning Division for the month of January was $17,840. 2008 Ptanning Revenues sso,ooo . s+e.ooo i - ~ $10000 YJ - iw rob Nbf Aptt Ntay June Juy Aug Sep! &-t tJc,w O Povwua 20D5 t Firvertw 2007 --a- Reverxr 2008 During the month of January, Planning D'nrision staff issued SEPA determinations for an office bwlding, 175,000 sf self storage facility, a retirement home, a 9,700 sf retail project and the SpraguelAppleway Revihali2ation Plan Final Ptats for 33 bts were appraved es wetl as a Binding Sfte Plan. Statf conducted 6 land use pre-applicaGon meetings. 4 pubtic hearings were conduded by the Hearing Examiner in January. Planning Division staff also reviewed and appraved 6 commeraal buiiding permits, conducted B commercial pre-appiication meetings recenred 2 new permit appliption, answered 286 phone calts in the permit centef, and helped 245 customers at the counter. 2008 Pennits Issued 5~ j . ~irf~~'~!~.ly'~•: f• - ~ t ~ ' 40 • r - 20 1 o' .aa, I reo r,U i np. Mar rui Aug $ap oci rav oec ~ o zooe 2s I 20Q7 I 67 13 18 I 18 20 16 19 18 ~ 6 ~ 9 11 , I--tr- 2006~ 41 25 ' 38 34 32 23 32 38I YI 7 21 19~ 50 I 2008 New Land Use Acttons 40 30 °p _ _ ~ ~ _ ~ - - - - - 10 - € - w- 0 Jan Fsb MW Apr A3y .km ,A1 Aup 59p Oci Nrv ' Ibc a 2008 14 - - I----- - . . . . . . 1 ~ 2007 16 27 17 12 18 15 9 14 1 19 17 12 20 18 ' 30 24 77 15 ~ 25 20 719 9 ' B - - - - - - ~ , City of Spokane Valley ~ Departrnent of Community Development January 2008 Monthly Report i ~ SUILD/NG DJl/1SlON: The Building Dept revetiue br January was $71,343. 2008 Buffding Revenuas sw aro - - - cm.mo - - - •f- s~eo,P7o- - ~ C~ZDOeR. , s:D0.00~ - r- - - rl-l 2Wr ROYertCe ?DOE Rwnm p ~ ►+s A:p i+" sta .J* Aup 6o p..-~ r.. r The Buiidinp Divfslon issued 242 permits in January 2008, compared witfi 213 for the same period test year. no CONSTRLOCTWH PERU" ; - ,m - - : x _ . 1_" ~ . _ ~ ~ Q ~ :.o rr ti ~ I AM M ~,Q b m~. us., ~-rMi v 7~o tis ss m i m aan iv as s ~v s4 ~ r s+i 2008 New StructumsNnib Pertnitled :tJ - - - _ •5 . ~ ~ Jan FeD Mx AA► May Asr .lu1y Aup Se't OC Npv Dec C. New 1 S 2 D+bUuq Urab 19 ~ - . . . . . ■ Mull►-rmMy Un11s 1 ~ t ~ " ~ - Nv.+ Oornmerclal Stnjdues `3 In January 2008, building inspedors pertormed 753 inspections in 21 days. Thls averages 35.86 inspections per day. The Pkans Examiners reviewed 64 projects in .lanuary 2048. At the end of January, there were 13 projeds awaibng review. There were 71 right-of-way inspeckions performed during the nonth of January Four ovef-the-counter peRnits were issued In khe month of January Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Vai{ey Deparhnent of Community Development January 2008 Monthty Report The reported value of constructiori, tncluding new sGvctures and additionslatteration is shawn in the following chart, comparing these values with 2007. New value for January 2008 totals $3,534,071. - - ~ 2M Vatuatbn d ConstrucUon s~mo.ooQ po.a~o,u3' 20DSVrluwson ~ I ML-1 ?001 LtWion {1Q,W4~~: , - ~ - ~ ; ?DI)6 VMudlo~ ~r-- - - . itl I .Mn ('~O Nr•:r 1otn Asn J.ty hvJ `-~:n r •tti :r: CODE COMPLIANCE: The number of "ViolaUons Reported" on the tollovring chart rcflacts actual Spokane Valley Zoning CoJe violations, plus complainLs received which w2re not violations. The compiaints received are addsd to the total because they reflect time officers spent in tfie field oonducting investigations. In addition, the 'Investigated' and "Pending" columns accuratety reflect Code Compliancx's current ability to pra:ess and investigate badc4og cases. The following chart provides a monthy comparison oi the types of Spokang Valley Coda violabons reported. Viofations are reported based on the primary complaint reoeived, rather than the number of add'Riorral violations ideritified on any individual premises. The invesrigation of a complaint of junk vehicies, for exampie, might also result in identtficatjon of additional violations such as tfie aaximulation of trash or harboring of livestock These ere not inelud?d in t;re summary. A total of 43 nFw aomplaints were processed in January Gode Compllanca F11es 2009 i~ l._ ~ .ful-:! r' 07 07 or ~ or_ o~ ~ 07 - 07 07 07 07 `07 oa a 41olaGans RepoAed i 30 1 59 78 ' 71 I 80 I 53 I 71 ~ 60 78 66 35 21 ~ 25 n Pbalaments 14 1 18 82 42 I 49 51 87 42 I 49 I 55 I 24 1 38 I 18 l. ~ ~ ❑ File Tranetett 0 I 2 0 ~ 10 08 2 2 1 0 2 7 i 1 Pending Fks ._45 _60 ' 61 88 25 47 48 I SS 83 1 68 1 80 38 43 ■ Vfolations Repartr.A ■ Pbalemeti+s ❑ Frl-3 iransbrs s Parx9ing rles Page 4 of 7 City of Spokane Vallay I Department of Community Development January 2008 Monthly Report The Spokane Valfey Pollce Departrnent, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying junk vehldes abandoned within the right-af-way. SCOPE volunteers tag the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been maved by the follow(ng Friday are towed. Acdvity Is consoiidated into the folbwing six qtegories: Environmental (seweNsepbc, cntical arears, anirrtal and nuisance violatbns); Property (Rlght of Way, property use, dangerous building. IandbrdJtenant, illegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solld waste, Hlegal dumping, and househofd waste violations); Clearview Triangle and Complaint - Na Violation. 2008 i Code Vlolatione by Catsgory 30 - 25 • - - - 20 - - - 15 a 0 ~,or►-oe Fe" ~ wraa Aa-ae Morr•oe .run•oe .e,t-os 0,wq-0e I 5n-0e oct-aaQS MN-oa De-c-oe ■ Salb tr~ate 3 I ~ - - - - - ~ 1 ~ _ - s Rnp" d I~Jur+icAWO ~ 2 j I ■ ~iwtnmrnta~ I 1 ~ I a Ga,plvx - w vkMEon ~ 7 , - - - Page 5 of 7 City of Spokane Valley ' Departrnent of Community Development January 2008 Monthty Report DEVELOPMENT FNGINEER/NG The Develppment Engineers processed 32 files in Decembar Some signrficant files are 2 commercial applications, Secure-it Mini Storage and Sf>okane Valiey Fire Station, 12 commercial pre-appfication fiiles were rsviewed, eight tand use pre-apps, three subdivisions, and six shart subdivisbns. aM.lopmranl s.rvices work by Trpo 90% 701t W%I 6Q'!fi - 4D% 30% p% I _ Jun-07 .iUl-07 Auo-01 ssP-o; oa-07 nnw.oT ac-o~ Jan-oe ■ Bindirrg Srts Plan 0 Bou-dary L,ne Aaj;istrrs:rit ;r, (~.ange of ltse p Commarzlal • Comrnemial Pre-ApFs ■ Candioonal Use Permrt ■ F'inal SLbdimsion a Lsnd lFse Pie-App ■ Razona ■ Start Sub6hiaion O Streat Vacatien CUSTOMER SERVlCE Planning The planning staff assisted 286 walk-m customer at the counter and handied 245 custumers' inquires Cy phone in the peRnit center Buitding: Permits The fol{owing table summarzes the performanca of ttie PermFt Center `Or thOSe permits entered m'.he PLUS syStem, me3sured from fi7e 'ime that th° application is deemed 'caunter-co;nplete" to the time that a permit is issued Page 6 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Devetopment II I January 2008 Montfily Report commrdai rrrwftwm sunvnary submRtal to Issuance Jan-Oa a ~ C G S VOlue `o ~ NEW CONSTRt1CT10N OfficNProiessbnal 1 W738 53 53 53 ~m i 47110 24 24 24 REMODEL ~ Apt 3 Sto orLess 1 54000 12 12 42 Industnal Bulldi 1 8918 1 1 1 µo~b~ 7 41610D 47 10 131 N4lsxltaneous 1 70000 ~ " 286 _ Offioe,Professional 8 395200 22 1 78 Values stwwn are thase on whic~► Plan Check and Building Permit fees ara based. The chart includes ave►age, minimum and maximum Umes. The Permit Center has been tracking tumaround far Right of Way Permrt Applications arxf the faced Mechanical and Pfvmbing Permit Applications. At present the City responds to applicatbns within 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day. Permits for those application types are generalty issued within two days Building: Inspections Inspzeiions are conducted the day fiolbwing the inspection request except for weekends and holidays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are conducted witlhln 24 hours except those received on Friday which are investigated before the end of the next business day Permit Center There were no surveys retumed during the month of January. Page 7 of 7 SnTti• c~ p0lane ~~1ky 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.92 1. 1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 4 cttyhallespokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: Fabruary 19, 2008 To: David Mercler, City Mansger and Members of Council From: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Jennifer Papich, Recreatlon Coordjnator Steve M. Woriey, Senlor Engineer - Capiql Projects Re: Chlldren's Unfversal Park - Conaultant Selectbn in accordance with Council's direction on proceeding with the development of the Children's Universal Par1c staff issued a Request for Proposals on November 28, 2007 Four proposals were received from the following consultant teams: 1. David Evans 8 Associates, Spokane, WA 2. EcoPlan and Design Concepts, Wenatchee, WA/Lafayette, CO 3. Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG), Portland, OR 4. Sherry Pratt Van Voofiis, Spokane, WA Interviews were held and staff has identfied the EcoPlan and Design Concepts team as the most highly qualified firm for this project. Upon completion of reference checks, staff will begin working with EcoPlan and Qesign Concepts on the development of a draft scope of worlc and fee. Once compteted, this draft will be brought to Council for review and comment during a Study Session +n the near future. After incorporaUon of comments and/or revisions from Council, a fina) consultant contract will be brought before Council for approval at a regularly scheduled meeting. Please let us know if you have any questions.