2008, 10-28 Regular Meeting AGENDA SPOkANE VALLEYGITI' COUNCIL REGLiLAR MEETIyG Council hfeeting 0147 Tnesday. Urtokrer:8, 2048 6:00 p.m. Spukanc Valley City Iiall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague A%-cnuc ('mu,rriJ Reyursts P/easr .Sllence Ynur C'rl! Pknnpc Darfng Councll,llerting CALL TO URUER: IN'VOCA7'lU`: Gary Ilebden, Vallc. (-)pen Ciihlc PItFDGF OF ALLEGL•1NCF.: ROLL CALL: APFROVAL OF AGENbA: 1NTRQDU CTION OF SPECIAL 4iTF:STS AJVU i'RF:.SE.NTATIONS: COMMITTFF BOARD. L1AIS0-N SUT'[MAtY RFPORTS: MA1'O12'S REPORT: PURLIC COA111if:yTS: 1-hi7 is an apportunit} t<ir the public tn speal, an a»)' tiub)ctit ~iot on thc abcnda for nrtion. Vb'lien you cnme to the podiurn, please StDte your nsmr and addrz:, for thr rccc+r.f ar1d iimit rrniarks tn thtet minutes. 1. CONSEi1iT AGFND4: l'ansists ol' itrms considenxl routinr %hich nre apgrovcd u!; ugmup_ A ('ouncilmembcr me) remcive an item fmm the Corscnt Agcnda to bc considtred sr{arntcly. :i. :lppcvvel of tfic following Claim Vouchers: VOiJCHER L1ST YOUCI{T:R #s ' 7'01 AL YOLiCFiLR ~ DATF AIviOLJ\rT ! tW!2212008 15452 -15543 $532.765.60 10/1617-008 15722 - 15787 $1.995,974.89 I012012008 15789 - 15827 572,007.54 i GRANi} TOYAL S2,600.718.43 j b. PilrTUII fOT pf1y periud rnding October ! S, 2U(38: S?39.407.5.3 Cit\ liafl Sitr Pl~i'mini-, Corttr,►ct :1rnctuirnent Nr**N'eL'yINE.SS: 2. SecL-ind Rea,iinb ProJx?~,i ~-?(~lin.iri~e ~~S-U?? A~1~~Ptin~ :0{}+) I~uc1out -Krti Th~,t1~p::~,n (public rcimmenti PIIBL[C CUMR'if.N1'ti: 1 hiti i, an opporttinity for dic public to ,pca}, on any subjc.:t nt%t c«i the ngenda far action. When vou <omi tn thc p(wdium, pIensestr+t-r votir nan:c and atltlrrsi f.,r the rccnr,i and liinit rrnruri.s to lhree minun4~ ( ouncil As:r.rAi t1k.144J9 Rcmil[trMcNing- P4KC I °f 2 AnhiMisTRA7rvE REYURTS: 3. "TA'fDl. Rcpart - Ncil Krrsttn,'Eirucc Rawls -l. STA bus Serv icc - Stc% e BIas1;a, Director of Chxraiions 5. Frc Rmlutinn Amendmrnts - ken Tliompsan 6 l~niversal Pinyground Site Rrc:ommendeiion -Mike titone Dt:L1BERATION: 7. Sprxguc%ApplrwaN Rri•itxlization Plnn Book Ill, City Actions - Scuu Kuhta INFOR.MATIUN UNLY: 8. Spokanc Vallcy Fire Dcpartmcnt Quartcriy Report 9. Department Reports FXECi1TIVE SFSSION; l.and 4cquisitian ADJOURNA1EhT FU7'G'RE SCIiEDULE Regular Caunc•U Me.dtngs ure genernl/y /reld 2nd and 4th 7'uesdaps, heginnfng mr 6: 00 p.m. C~~~iu~~•il.S►u~li~ .S~~.ctii~~ns nrtc~erteral/t, /t: h! /sr. trd, rtn:l +tlr 7'uwcrlut•s, h<<~irt►rir~n al (rf)/) rm. Nlil !l 1: InditiiJwl_, pl,un;lne to ;ul,nd t;•,c mcclini• %%lnp reyuire '.rcci'd .r_;i:t:virr ;c vthr. I tf11~?~li;ltlc~7l.::, F,I.iur c+ritt.4l :h: l if•~ l.'cii, ul 1 ":0 . 142 1 .11 rul~ il• ~;~rt~l: ~~r ~+i~l::y~;i' ~r~ O7.f1 :itt.uiYC:l:•::~;• fl:d•, ho. t~1duC lol-I.1•4tti !1.;,:'..1l '•1rctir._ I'.L: 2 c,i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 28, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: [X] consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: • BACKGROUND: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER NOS. TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 09/2212008 15452 -15543 $532,765.60 10/16/2008 15722 - 15787 $1 995 974.89 10/20/2008 15789 - 15827 $72,007.54 GRAND TOTAL $2,600,748.03 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson AT7ACHMENTS Voucher Lists ; i _ . - - - vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptionlAccount Amount 15452 9/12/2008 000646 CMRS-POC 05320424 REFILL POSTAGE AAETER 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 15453 9/1212008 001377 COMBS, LISA Mileage AUG 08: MILEAGE 16.38 Total : 16.38 15454 9/1512008 001817 KELLER SUPPLY CO S002288832.001 PRECINCT D12AINAGE #096 881.10 Total : 881.10 15455 9/1512008 001817 KELLER SUPPLY CO 5002294617.001 PRECINC7 DRAINAGE #086 450.38 Total : 450.38 15456 911512008 000779 SOUTHARp, BRAD Auq 08 41928 AUG 08: ROADKILL REMOVAL 445.00 Totai : 445.00 15458 9/1612008 001818 GU17AR CENTER 0916200$ SPEAKER SYSTEM: CI' 1,715.84 Totai : 1,715.84 I - 20 , • ~A~aI : 468.-23 15460 9/18/2008 001585 SCOTI', 1=AITH 9/15 Payroll 9J15108 PAYROLL 664.93 Total : 664.93 15461 9l18f2008 001819 MILLER, LEAH 9115 Payroll 9115108 PAYROLL 189.75 Total : 189.75 15462 9/18/2008 001820 VEfER, KAY 9/15 Payroll 9I15/08 PAYROLL 153.33 Totai : 153.33 15463 9119/2008 001821 MORRIS, WEA7HER 9/15 Payroll 9/15108 PAYROLL 80.96 Total : 80.96 1-9lZ008-00941,8-G64kR4N~ON-KA-RE. 9W-5-PayralE--~~a 1 V 88-FAYRB1:+ J'J°"° ~ot2 4,826:69 15465 9119/2008 000418 CI.ARK-PARSON, KAREN 9/15 Payroll 9l15108 PAYROLL 1,817.60 Page: 1 . . _ A / vchlist , Voucher List Page: 2 09/2212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley ' Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amourtt ' 15465 9/19/2008 000418 000418 CLARK-PARSON, KAREN (Continued) Total : 1,817.60 15466 9121/2008 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COURT Filing Fees FIUNG FEES: HOWELL 200.00 . Total : 200.00 15467 9P2112008 000658 SPOKANF_ CO SUPERIOR COURT Filing Fees FILING FEES: PATRICK 200.00 ' . Total : 200.00 15468 9122/2008 001081 ALSCO LSP04542$0 FLOOR MATS: CfTY HAI..L 13.37 LSP0465295 FLOOR MATS: CITY WALL 13.57 LSP0469046 FLOOR AAATS: PRECINCT 14.06 ' LSP0469047 FLOOR MATS: PRECINCT 2.54 LSP0472808 FLOOR MATS: CITY HALL 13.37 ; LSP0476515 FLOOR MATS: PRECINCT 14.06 LSP0476516 FLOOR MATS: PRECINCT 2.54 Total : 73.51 15469 912212008 000030 AVISTA 090091047 AUG 08: U'T'ILITIES 7,101.28 ' 410102159 AUG 08: UTIUTIES 52.70 Total : 7,153.96 15470 9/2212008 000841 BCI CREATIVE INC 8879 42119 1,000 CenterPiaoe Pocket Folders 1,612.71 Total : 1,612.71 ' 15471 9/22/2d08 001648 BERK & ASSOCIATES 5682-07-06 CTED GRANT 390_00 Total : 390.00 15472 9/22/2008 001565 BERRETH THOAAAS PRINTING 25249 NOTE CARDS: COUNCIL 169.42 ' Totat : 169.42 15473 9/22/2008 001409. BEST LINE 053109032008 AUG 08= ANSWERING SVC 23.75 I Totsl : 23.75 15474 8f22/2008 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 8937542 UNEN SERVICE: CP 283.03 8939448 LINEN SERVICE: CP 279,04 8945114 LINEN SERVICE: CP 359.95 8947024 LINEN SERVICE: CP 357.89 ; 8948946 LINEN SERVICE: CP 277.95 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 09/2212008 12:10:00PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank i Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount ~ 15474 912212008 000918 BLUE RIBBON UNEN SUPPLY INC (Continued) ~ 8950873 LINENS: CP 393.18 • 8952797 UNEN SERVICE: CP 317.44 ! S0065479 LWENS: CP 102.79 Total : 2,371.27 15475 9/22/2008 001795 BRIDAL FESTIVl1L 10x10 Medium 2009 PREMIER BRIDAL FESTIVAL: ~ 625.00 Total: 625.00 ~ 15476 9122/2008 000572 CARTER, CAROL Expenses MILEAGG EXPENSES 27.23 i ~ Total: 27.23 15477 9122J2008 000101 CDW-G KVJ1068 42083 USB PRINTER CABLES 56.47 Total : 56.47 15478 9122/2008 000863 CEIdTURY WEST EfdG CORP 024073 41996 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SEF 3,482.01 , Total : 3,482.01 ~ 15479 9/2212008 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 104058 AUG 08: VALLEY TRANSFER 115.89 i Total : 115.89 15480 9f22/200e 001048 CfTY PARCEL 728077 COUI2IER SERVICE: CD 3$.12 Total : 38.12 15481 9/22/2008 001440 CLEARPA7H RE, LLC 83 CITY CENTER PROJECT: CD 1,751.51 ToLaI : 1,751.51 : 15482 9/22l2008 000109 COFFEE SYSIL-MS ItdC 61952 COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 99.93 Total : 99.93 ~ 15483 9122/2008 001137 COLLIER, BRANT Expenses EXPENSES WHILE ATTENDING TR, 23.87 Total : 23.87 ! 15484 9l22/2008 000606 COLUMBIA FI13ER SOLUTIOIdS 1812 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.06 ~ Total : 228.06 15485 8122I2008 001148 COLUMBIA PAINT & COA7INGS CO 2966-0 CM 42113 RETURN FOR CREDIT: CP 42,07 , 4034-9 42113 PAINT SUPPUES FOR CENTERPLA 589.04 , Page: 3 ; ' . vchlist Vouch r List g: 4 , 09122J2008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Vouchcr Dato Vendor Invoicc PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount , 15485 9122/2008 001148 001148 COLUMBIA PAINT & COATINGS CO (Continued) Total : 546.97 15486 9/22/2008 000508 CONOCOPHILUPS FLEE7 870166725808 AUG 08: FLEET FUEL BILLING 4,161_98 Total : 4,161.98 15487 9/22/2008 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN t1SSOC INC 25880 42068 CHAIRS: WR 1,232_22 . Total : 1,232.22 ' 15488 9/2212008 001754 CUSTOM 7RUCK 32321 WINDOW TIN7ING: CD 108.60 ' Total : 108.60 ~ 15489 9/2212008 000653 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 253703 42109 CON7RACT NO 08-025, DEA TRAFF 119.61 ' 253577 LNGlSHT PIAT REVIEW SVC: CD 4,248.00 25373 41993 CONTRACT fd0. 08-008 TRAFFIC EI 637.06 Total : 5,004.67 , 15490 9/22l2008 000912 DIX MEDIA WEST 200353924 JUIY 08: CP 255.61 200353924 AUG 08: CP 246.00 , Total : 507.61 ' 15491 9122/2008 001771 DOLLAR RENT A CAR 0708E3232 AUG 08: COSALT 1 RENTAL 434.11 08088251 AUG 08: COBALT 2 REN7AL 434.11 ~ Total : 868.22 i 15492 9J22/2008 000152 DOT ATB80710134 APPLEWAY AVE #016 62.38 , A1B80812067 SIGNAL ILLUMIIdATION MAlId7: PW 7,512.16 ~ A1'8$0812068 STAI'E ROADWAY MAIfdT: PW 27,336.04 Total : 34,910.58 , 15493 9122/2008 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST#1 02051000 AUG 08: UTIUTIES 1,110.46 i Total : 1,110.46 ' 15494 912212008 000999 EASTERN WA ATTORPIEY SVC, INC 16161 SERVICE ON: VANEPS 100.00 Total : 100.00 15495 9122/2008 000260 EWFOA 7REASURER Registration FALL 08: COMBS 30.00 ~ Totat : 30.00 I Page: 4 , . j vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 ~ 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley Bank'code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount i ` 15498 9/22/2008 001417 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 30760 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 44.80 30813 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 127.10 30829 LEGAL AD: CIIY CLERK 45.90 ' 34830 LEGAL Ap: CITY CLERK 37.40 Total : 255.20 15497 9f22/2008 000007 GRAINGER 9681133659 42092 POR7ABLE WORKLIGHTS: CP 317.57 9693332752 1-BF_AM LEVEL: CD 64.51 9703902$59 41925 PAARKING PAINT: PW 4.49 9704671313 41925 PUSHI3ROOM: PW 19.94 ~ 1 9720423756 41925 MARKING PAINT/SLEDGEHAMMER 30.80 9721216928 ELECTRIC HEATER: CP 42.96 9721216936 MISC ITEMS: CP 23.16 Total : 503.43 15d98 9/22/2008 d00321 GREATER SF'OKANE INC 62805 RECEPTIOM LUNCW: DENENNY 15.00 ~ , . Total: 15.00 15499 9i2212008 000011 GREATER SPOKAPlE VALLEY 201410 /aNNUAL MEMBERSWIP: M STONE 300.00 ' Total: 300.00 15500 9122/2008 000741 HONEY BUCKETS 0794901 SEP 08: RENTAL MIRABEAU PKY 151.40 Total : 151.40 15501 9/2212008 001018 HP EXPRGSS SERVICES WPG699425 42639 HP HARDWARE SERIVCE RENEW< 815.00 ~ HPE689955 42123 POST WARREMY SUPPORT RENE 886.00 Total : 1,701.00 ~ 15502 fl/22/2008 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUC7S, INC. 56128 PHOTO ID CARDS: WR 23.89 56145 PHOTO ID CARDS: HR 23.89 56148 PHOTO ID CARDS: HR 23.89 , Tota I : 71.67 15503 912212008 000070 INLAND POWER 8. LIGHT CO 94202,006 AUG OB: UTILI7IES 201.60 94202-002 AUG OS: UTILITIES 45.98 94202-003 AUG 08: UTILITIES 41.76 i 94202-005 AUG 08: U7IUTIFS 130.97 ' Page: 5 vchlist Vouch r List 1r~ege: 6 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15503 9122f2008 Oaa070 000070 INLAND POWER & LIGFIT CO (Continued) Total : 420.31 15504 9/22/2008 000388 IRV1N WATER DIS7. tt6 112500.0 AUG 908: UTILITIES 166.00 • Total : 166.00 15505 9122P20U6 001635 ISS FACIUTY/EVENT SERVICES 19560 JUL 08: JANfTORIAL SERVICE 7,136.00 19707 AUG 08: CP JANITORI/•lL SVC 7,136.00 Total : 14,272.00 ' 15506 9/22/2008 001070 LYMAN DUST CONTROL, INC. 30898 DUST ABATEMENT: PW 363.81 30904 DUST ABATEMENT: PWV 654.86 Total : 1,018.67 ~ 15547 912212008 001002 M& L SUPPLY CO., INC. 890097.1 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: CP 229.28 Total : 229.28 15548 9/22/2008 001684 MARKETING SOLUTIONS NW #10 CENTERPLACE MARKETING 1,037.63 #g 42093 CENTERPLACE MARKETING 7,557.00 Total : 8,594.63 15509 9122/2008 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 61256 41827 HARD HAT: PW 10.81 Total : 10.81 15510 9/22f2008 001546 NORCO, INC 10988920856 MSA FIL7ER: STORMWATER 40.18 ~ 10988921488 LEL SENSOR: STORMWATER 491.96 Total: 532_14 . 15511 912212008 000243 NORTHWEST SICN SUPPLY INC. 835637 PLOTTER PAPER: CD 200.48 Total : 200.48 15512 9/2212008 000058 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE ASSOC. A500163 PRE-EMPLOYNiENT SCREENING: F- 65.00 Totai : 65_00 15513 9/22/2008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 440246535-001 42127 Office Depot 198-361-449 FEL00724 107.80 . Total : 107.90 15514 9122/2008 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER JUL 08 CASM RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMAAE 76,996.61 JUN 08 CASH RECEIP7S JOURNAL SUNiMf 70.203.27 - Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 ' 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley i . Bank codo : apbank ~ i ' VoucFicr Date Vendor Invoice PO tt DescriptionlAccount Amount 15514 9I22/2008 000307 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASUREI (Continued) Total : 147,199.88 15515 9/22/2008 001133 PATRIOT FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 8-07-521 6ACKFLOW INSPEC710N: PRECIN( 173.76 8-08-457 , FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTION: CP 304.06 Total : 477.84 15516 9122/2008 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330041864 POSTCARDS: CD 1,037.06 Total : 1,037.06 ! 15517 9/22/2008 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 42760 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #08-001 12,965.76 ' 42761 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRAC7 #08-001 16,073.24 42762 41883 POE ASPHALT CONTRACTlt08-001 15,482.71 42763 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT 908-001 1,341.00 42764 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT 908-001 1,440J8 42765 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #08-001 3,745.98 42766 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #0&001 9,324.91 Total : 60,354.38 ~ ~ 15518 9122/2008 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS. ING 21750 MAGNETIC VEHICIE SIGNS 53.76 Total : 53.76 15519 912212008 U00322 QWES7 509-924-4707 740B PHONES: TERRACE VIEW 101.77 Total : 101.77 15520 9122/2008 000153 120LLER VALLEY 4028 42050 DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 187.50 ' Total : 187.50 15521 9l2212048 000415 ROSAUCRS 580765 KINDERCAMP SUPPLIES 5.98 Total : 5.98 15522 9/22/2008 000709 SENSKE I.l1WN & TIZEE CARE IiVC. 2865522 I.AWN CARE; CENTENNIALTI2AIL 1,977.28 2865523 LAWN CARE: CENTERPIACE 50,795.38 3052928 LAWN CARE: PRECINCT 42.35 3052929 LAWN CARE: PRECINCT 42.35 3052930 IAWN CARE: PRECINCT 42.35 Total : 52,899.71 15523 9l22/2008 000935 SERVICE PAPER CO 300428078 CRGDIT FOR OVERPAYMENT: CP -42.66 Page: 7 ~ vchlist Voucher List Nage: 8 ~ 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley ! Bank code : apbank ~ Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Descriptlon/Account Amount 15523 91'22/2008 000935 SERV1CE PAPER CO (Continued) 30428900 HYDRO DRYER FAN: CP 284.33 30433235 42116 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FOR CEPJTE 1,425.95 30433236 42116 JANITORIAL SUPPUES FOR CENTE 328.41 30433237 42116 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FOR CENTE 1,231.90 ; Total : 3,227.93 15524 9/22/2008 001260 SPOKANE CASW REGISTER INC. 20560 SERViCE CALL' N POOL 321.46 Total : 321.46 i 15525 9/22/2008 000710 SPOKANE CO BAR ASSOC 08-09 Dues 08-09 DUES: DRISKELL 100.00 08-09 DUES 2008-2009 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CC 100.00 . Total : 200.00 15526 912212008 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENCINEER VLY0807 40937 JULY 08: ENGINEERING 1,596.80 VLY0807 JUL 08: EidGINEERING 7,554.76 - ' Total: 9,151.58 15527 912212008 000308 SPOKANE CO. PROSECUTINC ATTY Jul OB JUL 08: CRIME VICTIMS COMP FUI\ 1,088.02 JUN OS JUN 08: CRIME V1CTIMS COMP FUP 1,004.22 ' Total : 2,092.24 15528 9122/20Q8 000459 SPOKANE CO. 717LE C4. 150923 42079 TCl'LE INS. BROADWAY-ROW #088 9,660.24 Total : 9,600.24 15529 9l22/2008 000323 SPOKANE CO. UT1LI71ES 015364l065384 AUG 08: SEWER/WASTEWA7ER 225.72 016631/066631 AUG 08: SEWER/WAST'EWATER 33.46 017022l067022 AUG 08: SEWERNVAS'TEWATER 106.04 024433l074433 AUG 08: SEWER/WAS1'EWATER 106.04 0271291077129 AUG 08: SEWER/WASTEWATER 51.60 031608/81608 AUG 08: SEWER/WAS7EWATER 260.97 034354/106428 AUG Q$: SEWER/WAS'ItWATER 68.46 037059l109325 AUG 08: SEWERMfAST'EV4IATER 68.46 0429031115953 AUG 08: SEWER/WASTEWATER 312.32 Total : 1,233.07 15530 9122J2008 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 227758 41930 08-003 L111NOSCAPING CONTRACT 157.47 227800 41934 08-003 I.ANDSCAPING CONTRACT 244.35 ' Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank i Vouch'er Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15530 9/22/2008 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE (Continued) 227801 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 162.90 227802 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 59.73 ' 227899 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 456.12 227957 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 58.64 228257 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 65.16 • 228258 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 146.61 228259 41830 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 80.36 228454 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 80.36 • 228670 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 342.09 228671 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COMTRACT 195.48 ; 228688 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 157.47 228731 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTT2ACT 244.35 ~ i 228732 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 162.90 ! 228733 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 59.73 ' 228917 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 456.12 ' 228976 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 58.64 229743 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 157.47 , 229788 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 244.35 229788 41830 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 162.90 229790 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 59.73 229887 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 456.12 ' 229942 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 58.64 ' 230365 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 65.16 230366 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 65.16 230367 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 65.16 . 230768 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 157.47 230818 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 244.35 230819 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 162_90 230820 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 59.73 230937 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 456.12 • 1 231023 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 58.64 231071 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 65.16 ' 231447 ' 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COIdTRAC7 336.66 ' 231448 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 434.40 Total : 6,498.60 Page: 9 ~ , . vchlist VOUCher List Pago: 10 09/22I2008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DcscriptionlAccount Amount ` 15531 9/22/2008 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 227670 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 43.44 227757 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 54.30 227809 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRnCT 39.10 _ 227959 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 42.35 228687 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 54.30 228739 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 39.10 228977 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 48.87 228978 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 42.35 229742 41930 08403 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 54.30 229795 41930 08-003' LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 39.10 229940 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 42.35 229941 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 48.87 230767 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COIdTRACT 54.30 230823 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COfd7RACT 39.10 231021 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COfdl'RACT 42.35 231022 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COIdTRACT 48.87 Intcrast 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 4.92 Interest 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 6.54 41930 Interest 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 6.84 41930 . Total : 751.35 15532 9/22l2008 000093 SPOiCESMAN-REVIEW INC. 52750 42117 NEWSPAPER AD FOR SENIOR WEl 798.66 Total : 798.66 15533 9/22/2008 000311 SPRIPVT SPECTRUM, L.P. 959698810-009 AUG OS: CELL PHONES 947.51 Total : 947.51 15534 9/22/2008 000202 SRCAA 4656 3RD QTR 2008: ASSESSMEN7 FEE 29,38725 Total : 29,367.25 I 15535 9/22/2008 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 25065 ANNUAL MAIM': CP 6,811.44 25197 JUL 08: PRECINCT MAINT 491.42 25278 AUC 08: PRECINCT PJiAINT 491.42 Total : 7,794.28 15536 9/2212008 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1388 CTED GRANT 7,100.00 Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 0912212008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley , Bank code : apbank i ~ Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tt Description/Account Amount i ' 15536 9/22/200$ 000773 000773 STUDIO CASCAqC, INC. (Continued) Total : 7,100.00 15537 9I22J2008 000418 SUMMIT LAW GROUP 38286 JUL 08: GGN EMPLOYMENT ADVICI 1,152.00 38358 JUN 08: GEN EP/IPLOYMENT ADVIC 331.00 Total : 1,483.00 , 1553$' 9122l2008 007056 TRIPLE PIJJ~Y 8152008 42054 pAY CAIIAP FIELD TRIP 1,273.59 , Total : 1,273.59 15539 9/22/2008 001024 UNITED RENTALS, INC. 76080471-001 41931 CLUTCH CABLE DRIVE: PW 49.86 Total : 49.96 15540 9/2212008 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0001-031971.02 AUG 08: UTILITIES 54.64 , I 0001-032805.00 AUG 08: UTILITIES 21.63 i 0002-001425.01 AUG 08: UTILITIES 63.60 0014-004275.01 AUG 08: l1TILITIES 25.23 0014-032971.00 AUG 08: UTILITIES 20.36 0016-007780.00 AUG 08: UTIUTIES 216.16 , 0099-000005.00 AUG 08: UTILITIES 1,714.40 ' Total : 2,116.02 , 15541 9/22/2008 000417 WESTERN DANCE ASSOC Spring OS SPRING 08: UTILITIES USE 138.00 Summer 0$ SUMMER 08: UTILITIES USE 168.00 Total : 306.00 15542 9122l2008 001610 WINCHELL, SUSAN EXPENSES CTED GRAN7 131.77 Total : 131.77 15543 9122/2008 000766 YMCA OF THE INI.AND NW JUL 08 JUL 08: POOLS OPS/MGT CONTRAi 78,755A0 Total : 78,755.00 91 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 534,749.43 91 Vouchers in this report Totat vouchers : 534,749.43 (58. 23y { l 82~ . cc ~ 53 Z, "l tQS. (Q.c7 Page: 11 vchtist Voucher List Page: 12 09122/2008 12:10:OOPM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Descriptlon/Account Amount I,,tbe under.signed, do certify under penalty af perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the serviceg rendered, ox the labox performed as described herein and that the claim is juet, due and an unpaici abligation against the City of Spokane Val,ley, and that I am authorizeci to authentacate and certify saiti claim. j Finance Directo.r. pate Mayo.r. Date ~ ~ Council iUiem.ber Date Page: 12 : vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 1011612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bankcode: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoico PO # Oescription/Accourrt Amount 15722 1019/2008 000030 AVISTA _ 589227067 SERVICE AGREEMEIdT: PINES/MAP 745.20 Total : 745.20 ~ 9•5727--•~{3/'F3~z008-69956~-V~kN _ -R4J6~9ANN6-{'~efafA Rii 9-(?ERMI-T-FEliS: V/lLNEE~A 13,2:X5_07 Total : 13,275.07 i ~ 15728 10l1312008 001847 TWOMPSON, SAM - Refund REFUND PERMIT FEFS: VALUE AD 13,275.07 ~ Total : 13,275.07 15729 10114/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4383 CC: WILHITE 689.22 ' Total : 689.22 ~ 15730 10/1412008 00160B BANNER BANK 4359 CC: TAYLOR 40.00 . ' Total : 40.00 ! 15731 10/1412008 001606 BAAlNER BANK 4367 CC: MUNSON 62.39 Total : 62.39 15732 10/14/2008 001648 BANNER BANK 0638 CC: G07HMANN 69.79 Total : 69.79 i 15733 10/14/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4342 CC: DENENNY 85.64 Total : 85.64 15734 10114l2008 001606 BANNER BANK a620 CC: DEMPSEY 40.34 . Total : 40.34 15735 10/1412008 001606 BANNER 13ANK 4458 CC: PASSMORE 1,310.62 Total : 1,310.62 15736 10114/2008 001606 BANNER SANK 4458 CC: PASSMORE 1,729.50 Total : 1,729.50 15737 1011412008 001606 BANNER BANK 4466 CC: GRIFFITH 458.57 Total : 459.57 ' 15738 10114/2008 001606 BANNF_R BANK 4466 CC: GRIFFI7H 1,365.66 Page: 1 1 , vchlist VOUCher LISt Page: 2 1011612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15738 10/14/2808 001606 001606 BANNER BANK (Continued) Total : 1,365.66 15739 10/14/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4391 CC: MERGER 118.49 Total : 118.49 15740 10/14l2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4474 CC: THOMPSON 2020 Total : 20.20 15742 10/16/2008 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 41129 41981 AAA VACTORING SERVICES CONT 33,397.20 41130 41987 AAA SWEEPING CONTRACT NO 08 .599.62 , Total : 33,996.82 15743 1011612008 001841 ALS ASSOC - EVERGREEN CH. REFUND REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 250.00 Total : 250.00 15744 10116120Q8 000874 APA 050281.080907 ANMUAL MEPJIBERSHIPS 430.00 202975.086807PBM ANIdUAL MEMf3F_RSHIPS 525.00 Total : 955.00 15745 10/16/2008 001807 APOLLO COLLEGE REFUND 2 REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 200.00 Total : 200.00 15746 10/16/2008 000030 AVISTA 000504785 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 126.86 ' 001811597 AUG 08: MASTGR BILLING 2,093.68 ' 001816004 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 2,424.82 002401987 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 1,195.85 002401992 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 351.85 002402002 AUG Ue: MASTER BILLING 125.63 , 002404741 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 167.88 002404752 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 3,451.74 ~ 002404756 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 2,927.46 . • 062404757 /\UC 08_ MASTER BILLING 788.96 002404759 AUG OB: hAASTER BILLING 1,495.48 . 002404760 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 2,141.12 Od2404763 AUC 08: MASTER BILLING 199.54 ; 002404766 AUG 08: MASl'ER BILLING • 661.15 002411210 AUG 08: MAS7ER BILLING 2,714.07 050071423 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 10526 Page: 2 ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 10/1612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valiey ' Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #1 Description/Account Amount 15746 10116/2008 000030 AVISTA (Continued) 090071422 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 85.00 ~ 090071424 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 120.41 090091047 SEP 08: CP UTIUTIES 5,983.82 170069443 AUC 08: MASTER BILLING 115.42 210071424 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 140.24 290069444 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 102.53 330071419 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 100.77 330103144 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 230.82 370071422 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 94.52 i 370071423 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 117.38 410069443 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 102.72 450051069 AUG OS: MASTER BILLING 328.73 ! 450071423 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 102.82 ~ 490071419 AUG 08: MAS'T'ER BILLING 121.28 • 490085074 AUG 08: MAS7[R BILI_ING 133.80 . 610112794 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 141.61 650071518 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 1,335.88 ' 690072835 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 156.07 730048421 AUG OS: MASTER BILLING 864_25 770087890 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 763.68 Total : 32,124.11 ~ 15747 10/16/2008 000030 AVISTA 000720215 AUG 08: MAS't'ER BILUNG 58.58 002344608 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 44.26 ' 002404738 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 32.22 002404771 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 85.92 ' 010071424 AUG OB: MASTER BILLING 3922 050036980 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 85.25 050072205 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 61.79 050111196 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 66.77 , 130071422 AUG 08' MASTER BILLING 90.02 ; 130071424 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 81.52 ' 170071420 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 83.4$ 170071421 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 34.72 : 210071423 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 74.39 . , 210071425 AUG 08: hAASTER BILLING 64.81 ' Page: 3 _ vchtist Voucher List Page: 4 10/1612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valloy Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor • Invoicc PO # Description/Account Amount 15747 10116/2008 000030 AVISTA (Cqntinued) . 250069443 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 71.17 250071421 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 45.08 290071422 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 35.51 330071420 AUG 08: MAS7ER BILLING 32.97 ~ 33aD71424 AUG 08: MAS7ER BILLING 52.90 ' 410071421 AUG 08: MAS7ER BILLING 86.41 ' 410071424 AUG 08: fWASTER BILLING 66.09 410102159 SEP708: UTILITIES 50.94 i • 450071422 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 51.63 450071424 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 94.03 530071421 AUG OS: 149ASTER BILLING 92.46 570071421 AUG OS: MAS7ER BILLING 71.26 610071420 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 70.29 ~ 690065830 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 91.15 690071421 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 45.08 , 730069443 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING ' 89.05 730071420 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 89.05 730071422 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 64.03 • 730071423 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 35.60 770036979 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 53.02 770071424 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 66.38 770112794 AUG 08: MASl'ER BILLING 34.63 ; Total : 2,291.78 ~ '15748 10/16/2008 000030 AVISTA OOU504799 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 25.54 002211503 AUG 08: MASTER BILLINC, 5.50 , . 002211503 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 22.13 002211707 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 30.22 002404754 AUG 08: MnSTER BILLING 18,89 ' 010071421 /1UG 08: MASTER BILLING 26.61 010085076 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 6.00 170086665 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 9.32 210067650 AUG 08: AMSTER BILLING 22.13 ' 330071421 AUG OS: MAS'fER BILLING 22.26 ~ 370069444 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 30.03 370084011 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 6.49 Page: 4 i • vchlist VouCher List Page: 5 ' 1011612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15748 10/16/2608 000030 AVISTA (Continued) ; 410085075 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 6.00 ' 450085074 AUG 08: MAS7ER BILLING 13.10 490069443 AUG 08: MASTER BILLIPVG -97.70 490069443 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 5.71 490086665 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 14.54 610069443 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 25.54 ~ 770020792 AUG OS: MASTER BILLIMG 6.00 ; . 770071421 AUG 08: MASTER BILLING 29.45 770085075 AUC 08: hAASTER BILLING 6.00 ' Total : 233.76 i 15749 10l16f2008 001816 BENTHIN & ASSOCIATES 1257 42143 BROADWAY AVE #0088 2,611.00 ' Total : 2,611.00 ~ 15750 10/16/2008 001648 BERK & ASSOCIATES 5682-08-08 CTED GRAIdT 1,072.50 5682-09-08 CTED GRAIdT 4,907.50 Total : 5,980.00 ~ 15751 10/16/2008 000904 BRANCH, CAROLBELLE F_xpenses TRAVEL EXPF_NSES 45.11 t ' Total : 45.11 i ' 15752 10/16J2008 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALI_EY 05631 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 4.34 05636 PEi"fY CASH EXPENSES 29.83 05638 PETfY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS 0.75 Total : 34.92 15753 10/16/2008 000326 CONSOLIDA7ED IRRIGATION #19 05859_0 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 105.90 ' 06377.0 SEP7 08: UTILITIES 51.79 , 06377.2 SEPT O8: UTILITIES 313.10 . 115342 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 29.25 , 11982.2 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 17.01 . ' 11983.2 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 23.55 ; 11984.2 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 19.49 12482.2 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 62.85 . 12483.2 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 37.76 12484.2 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 4225 Page: 5 - vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 10/16I2008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bank eode : apaank Voucher Date Vendor Invoico PO # DascriptionlAccount Amount 15753 10/1612008 000326 000326 COPISOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 (Cantinued) Total : 702.95 15754 10116/2008 001188 DANIELSON, TOM Expenses CDL RENEWAL FEES 80.00 Total : 80.00 15755 1011612008 001194 DEPT OF ECOLOGY 2009-WAR010146 2009 ANNUAL STORMWATER PERI 432.00 , 2009-WAR046507 2009 STORMWATER MPDS FEE 10,111.50 ' Total: 10,543.50 . 15756 10/16/2008 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST tt1 02051000 SEPT 08: UTIUTIES 1,738.17 ~ 09006100 SEPT 08' UTILITIES 540.47 08026100 SEPT 08: UTIUTIES 293.76 • , 09066100 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 349.93 09078100 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 82.37 Tota I : 3,004.70 15757 10N6/2008 001530 FIRZIAFF, BF_lZY REFUND OVERPAYNiEN'I' 10.00 Total : 10.00 15758 1011612008 001674 GENERAL DYNAMICS 187233 LAPTOP: KEN VAN DYK 3,370_25 , Total : 3,370.25 ' 15759 10J16P2048 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL H9042 SEPT 08: LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,283.34 Total : 2,283.34 15760 10/16/2008 000002 H& H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 082707 COPIES 125.55 177252 COP I ES 468.26 177253 COPIES: PERAAIT CTR 4.97 ' 177326 COPIES: PARKS 275.92 177327 COPIES: PARKS 75.13 . 177329 COPIES: WEST V1lING 67.07 ' 177338 COPIES 76.07 . ~ 177386 COPIES 597.78 177387 COPIES 122.67 177388 COPIES 320.77 ~ 177389 COPIES 68.33 177390 COP I ES 504.90 177391 COPIES 120.81 Page: 6 ' vchlist Voucher List Page: T ; 1011612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley i ! Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount i 15760 10/16/2008 000002 000002 H& H BUSWESS SYS7EMS WC. (Continued) Total : 2,818.23 15761 10116/2008 000715 HSBC BUSIfdESS SOLUTIONS 050215 KITCHEN SUPPUES 31.79 Total : 31.79 ' 15762 10/16f2008 000313 INI.AND ASPWAL7 COMPANY INC. PMT #2 42102 PINES1iVIANSFIELD CONGESTION 557,657.14 Total : 557,657.14 15763 10/1612008 000393 INLAND AUDIO VISUAL 10729 EQUIPMENT RENTAL: IT 364.90 Total : 364.90 15764 10/16/2008 001598 KNIFE RIVER PMT #Fi 41953 APPLEWAY AVE CONSTRUCTION 1,054,150.78 Total : 1,054,150.78 . 15765 10116/2008 001581 MCCLUNG, KA7HY Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 64.55 ' . Total: 64.55 ~ 15766 10/16l20U6 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500-01 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 93.07 ~ 04515-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 53.24 04553-01 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 81.33 - 04556-01 SEPT 08: UTIUTIES 94.39 04605-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 46.57 1 04639-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 46.15 04669-02 SEP7 08: UTILITIES 46.04 , 04691-02 SEP7 08: UTILITIES 34.14 , 04745-02 SEP7 08: UTILITIES 74.61 . 04792-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 65.19 ' 0483Cr02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 61.86 ' . 04966-02 SEPT 08: IITILITIES 6,036.90 ~04971-01 SEPT 08: IfTILITIES 148.09 06811-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 73.28 07099-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 71.86 ' 07247-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 68.84 07750-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 36.87 07850-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 36.52 07861-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 47.73 08297-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 69.16 ' 08343-02 SEPT OS: UTILITIES 85.61 Page: 7 . , , . 0 a vchiist, Voucher List Page: 8 10/1612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15766 10116J2008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO (Continued) 09779-01 ' SEPT 08: UTILITIES 244.00 09909-02 • SEPT 08: UTILITIES 78.53 09910-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 27.21 09911-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 72.44 ; 09963-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 31.34 10031-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 12.20 10038-01 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 48.00 10039-01 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 29.80 10040-01 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 29.80 ' 10041-01 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 29.80 ' - 10042-01 SEPT Q8: UTILITIES 22.60 ; 10046-02 SEPTQ8: UTILITIES 46.78 ! 10049-02 SEPT 08: UTILITIES 40.45 ' 10176-01 SEP7 08: U71LfTIES 22.60 Total : 8,108.00 15767, 10/1612008 0000662 MUNSON, RICNARD Expenses MILEAGE 79.56 Total : 79.58 15768 10/1612008 0•00193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCIAOOL INC Oct 08 OCT 08: RENT 36,467.84 Totai : 36,467.94 15769 10/16/2008 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 619314 ETHERNET 832.16 ' Tota l : 832.16 ' 15770 10I16l2008 000119 PIP PRIfdTING INC. 1330042355 BUSINESS CARDSINAME PLATES 434.63 Total : 434.63 15771 10116l2008 001089 POE ASPHALT PAVING, INC. 42796 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #0B-001 10,677.50 42797 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #08-a01 118,557.86 42799 41983 POE ASPHALT CONTRACT #08-Q01 2,967.00 Total : 133,202.36 , 15772 10/16/2008 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787 5116 PHONES: MIRABEAU MEADOWS 44.43 509-922-7091 0606 PHONES: h111SSION POOL 101.77 Total : 146.20 , Page: 8 i vchlist; Voucher List Page: 9 1011612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank ' ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15773, 10/16/2008 000415 ROSAUERS 702330 SUPPLIES: CP 24.00 ; Total : 24.00 15774 , 10/1612008 001785 SIAAMET, KATHI REFUND REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 ' 15775; 10/1612008 000779 SOUTHARD, F3RAD 301257 41928 DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP SERVICES 1,075.00 Total : 1,075.00 15776 10/16/2008 000090 SPOKANE CO IN1=0 SYSTEMS 50303040 AUG 08: IT SUPPORT 15,938.85 ~ Total : 15,938.85 ! 15777. 10l16/20U8 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 11000529 INSPEC710N: PW PROJECTS 1,940.83 , 11000602 GAS hAAIN INSPECTION #0081 247.59 ; 41500741 AUG 08: STANDARD HOUSING 21,872.00 ' Total : 24,060.42 ! 15778 10116/2008 000939 SI'RAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 49601 OCT Oa: RENT 123.00 Total : 123.00 15779 10/1612008 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. . 1383 CTEI7 GRAN7 7,920.00 Total: 7,920.00 ' 15780 10116/2008 000098 Wn CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY REFUND REFUPID DAMAGE DEPOSIT 75.00 Total : 75.00 15781: 10/1612008 000140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE 17352 POSTCARDS tt0003 1,153.52 Total : 1,153.52 15782: 10116/2008 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOICANE 0043872.2681.6 WEEKLY TRASH REMOVAL 66.10 2259737.2681.2 WEEKLY TRASM REMOVAL 624.55 ' 2259738.2681.4 WEEKLY TRASW REMOVAL 266.50 Tota I : 957.15 15783; 10116/20138 001848 WEB PROPERTIES, INC KOFMEHL-4377 DEMOICREATE WALKTHRU IN CIT 819.50 : Total : 819.50 157841 1011612008 001792 WHITEHEAD, JOHN Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 532.19 , Pag@: 9 . . ~ vchlist ~ Voucher List Page: 10 10/1612008 9:58:31AM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor - Invoice PO # DescrlpUonlAccount Amount ; 15784 10116r2008 001792 001792 WHITEHGAD, JOHN (Continued) Total : 532.19 15785 1011612008 000152 WSDOT 80911075 STATE ROUTL- ROADWAY MAIfdT. 8,224.37 Total : 6,224.37 15786 10/1612008 001580 WSU CASHIERS-SPS 5042260 REG SITE SELECTOR CONSORTIUI 20,305.98 , Total : 20,305.98 15787 10/16/2008 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS 0225513364 SEPT 08: INTERNET/DATA LINES 1,816.04 ~ 0226058158 SEPT 08: INTERNET/DATA LINES 1,812.70 ' Total : 3,628.74 61 Vouchers for bank code : aplaank Bank total : 2,009,249.96 61 Vouchers in this rcport Total vouchers: 2,009,249.96 13, °-7> ~ 1,~R5C 714-~ ' I, the undereigned, do certify under penaltY of perjurY, that the materials have becn fu.rnished, the serviccs rendered, or the• ]abor performed•as described herein and that thc claim is juat, due a.nd An Lwpaid obligation aga.inst the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to autbenticat,e and certia'y said claim. ' I~inance Director, Date M1yor Date Counci1Member Date ' Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 ' 1012012008 10:35:29AM Spokane Valley ' Bank code : apbank ; Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15789 10/17/2008 000197 AIR.INC 249$9 PRG-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 50.00 Total : 50.00 ; 15790 10/17/2008 001081 ALSCO LSP04887744 MATS 14.45 , LSP0491470 MATS: PARKS 15.20 LSP0491471 FLOOR MATS 2.75 ~ . Total : 32.40 15791 1011712008 000335 AL70Pl'S TIRE INC. 6-36791 04 FORD TAURUS: PARKS 33.83 ~ 6-36970 03 CHEVY MALIBU 39.65 Total : 73.48 ~ 15792 10/17/2008 000334 ARGUS JAN170RIAL LLC 2635 SEI~T 2008: VALLEY SNGRIFF 2,144.Cxt Tota l : 2,144.64 ; 15793 10/17/2008 001409 BEST LINE 053110022008 SEPT 08 -ANSWERING SVC: CP 20.00 ' Totai : 20.00 15794 10/17f2008 000918 BLUE RIBBON UNEN SUPPLY INC S0025381 ' LINENS: CP 49.96 Total : 49.96 ; 15795 10/1712008 000148 BLUMEfdTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUII' 698494 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV PD 4.34 702805 EAABL[M CMAN6E: COSV PD 4.34 Tota l : 8.68 ' 15796 10117/2008 001048 CITY PARCEL 9280070 DELIVERY CHARGES:CD 9.24 , Total : 9.24 , 15797 10117/2008 000109 COFFEE SYS7EMS INC 3820:005813 COFFEG SYS'TEMS 60.30 3820:006914 COFFEE SYSTEMS 195.06 t ' 3820-007915 COFFEE 131.75 ; Total : 387.11 , . ; 15798 10117/2008 001770 CONSOLIDA7ED SUPPLY CO s4743525.001 42121 FAUCET REBUILD KITS FOR VALLE 434_08 $4743525.002 42121 FAUCET REBUILD KITS FOR VALLE -208.12 ~ Total : 225.96 , Page: 1 ~ . ~ I ~ f f~ ~ f . V I ' vcWistl ~ Voe~cher Lis# ; Pag 2 i10t2012008 70:35:29AM Spokane 1lauey I ~ Bank cbde; aRbank 'Voucher Datic Vendvr Tnvoico PO # DeseriptionlAecount ~ Llmount ' 't5799 701171200B OCfl435 COFtPORATE FXPRESS 9()526694 OFFICE $UPPLIES 249.13 Totat = 248.73 ~ ~ 5800 1011712008 000693 UEPT OF INFO S ERVICES 2009090209 SERT 2008 27 _2S i Tatal: 21.2$ ~ I j 15801 j, 1017712008 000912 DEC MEDIA WEST 09-13-48 AD1lERS1SINC= P}kRKS 33.34 09-1B-08 ADVERTISING' CP Total : 2231-52 64,86 i 15802 , 1011712008 004232 FASTENAL CD PURCNASINC 'I 0-02-2008 41924 BL-ANi{E'T PO FOR MISC SM T00Lc 53,87 Total: 53.97 I 15803 1011712008 000106 FEDEX 2-933-37972 SHEP PIrAG CMARG E$- CDMW 55,9~ , Tatal - 55.90 15804 10117I2008 001750 FIRST $TUDENT, INC 10104732 AIJG TRAN$PORTATION -CP 1,641.4D ~ i Tn#al - 7,647.40 i 7590a1 1017712008 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLfSHING 1NC 31018 LEGAL PlIBL1CATION: CD 36.55 ~ 31019 LEGAL Pl1SLICA1`ION: CD 37_40 j ~ 31020 LEGAL PUBLICATION: CD 72_25 I , 31021 LEGAL RUBLICATIQM= CD 40_80 31022 LEGAL PUBLfCATIOM'Ca 94,35 31023 LEGAL PUBLICATtON; CI) 73,85 Total : 35&30 I' -15806 1011712008 6000137 CRAkIMGER 97418$9219 41825 Pl.l$HBROONpS & RA#{E$:PVV 85.59 9744829962 41925 PAI]L0C1C & 4CEYS 74_36 , 9746424762 41925 SPOTLIGHT; PW 78_75 Tatal: 189.10 75807 101171200$ 000327 GREATER SPOK,4NE INC 62772 RECISTRAT]QN - DIAMA WILHI7E 25.00 ' ' i T~tal: 26.00 ~ 1580$~ 1011712008 0 0 0741 HDNEY BLICkCETS 0924378 HONEY BUCKEf_ PARKS 161,40 To#al: 759.40 i ! i ; ~ i ' Rage= . 2 ~ . ~ t . ~ f , t ' uchlis#, Voucher List Page: 3 i ; 10120f2008 10:36:291#M Spokane 11alley ; . t - - ; ' Bank code - apbank j, Vnucher L3ate Vendnr invvice PO # dffscriptionlAccnurrt Amaunt I, 'I 5$0D 70J1712008 000070 INLANd POWER & LICH7 CO 94202-002 SC737R FLORA $s 7FtEPl7: PW 45.98 i I 94202-003 IRN SIC @ i]ISH M1CAV13QUVDIS11-1' i 64.44 I 94202-005 DISHMAN M1CA & SCHAFER= PUU 139,18 942OZ-408 STREET LICF{TING:PVtif 201.60 I Total : 451.30 ! 15910 1011 7f20D8 0003B8 IRVIN WA7ER D]ST_ #B 10-01-08 UVlISER: PARPCS 1,707,91 To#al: 1,707.91 FAe-r PCO" 1s911 ' 10f7712008 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINES$ INC`,_ 10-01 -2008 7.60 t. i i Total: 716D 15412" 1 /I 712008 0DD993 LES 3CHWAB llRE CF_NTER 313367 CHEVI' S10 -06769D 13529 Total : 195.29 15813 1011712008000258 M ICROFLEXIMC_ 00018069 TAXTODLS SOFTNARE 342_26 ~ . ~ To#aC : 342.26 15814 , 1011712008 001035 MEfVVORI{ DESIfiN & MhN1lGEMENT 16343 SEP'1'. SYS7EM N7A1N7ENANCE 2,892.50 ; Tota l : 2,892.50 ' r 15815; 1011 7l2008000283 NRPA 20DJMembership N7EM13ERSHIP:PARKS 165.0a Total : 165.0 ~ 15816I 10117l2008 000652 OFFfCE DEPOT INC, 443580029-001 OFFICE SURF'LIES 4.04 443SB6076-001 OFFICE S URF'LIES 715_07 ;i ~ 443984047-001 42139 QFFICE SUPF'LIES 26_22 443970904-001 42142 ITEM #531027- QUARTET STAhfD lh 353_21 9 443977020-001 42142 OFFICE S UFPLIES 70_06 444557088-001 42145 OFFICE S UPPLIES 192_64 444557086-002 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5_36 444557453-001 42745 OFFIC E BUPPUEa 53.71 444625554-001 OFFICE DEP07 57.23 I - 4-2 7 47 44462-5590-001 42147 OFFIC E I)]=- PpT 23.84 I 444QN048-OOi OFFICE SUPPLIES 29_31 444Q0E071-001 OFFaCE SUPPLIES 22_28 ' 445658873-001 42752 OFFICE SUF'PL1 ES 80,60 ~ Page; 3 i I i ~ ~ . . . . ~ ~ i vchlist Voucher LiSt Page: 4 1012012008 10:35:29AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apb8nk Voucher Date Vendor Invoioe PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 15816 ~1 10117/2008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. (Continued) 445829877-001 OFFFICE SUPPLIES 373.95 Total : 1,407.52 15817 : 10/17/2008 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 628258 INTERNET 844.94 Total : 844.94 15818 ' 10J17/2008 001827 SMARTSTUD 2005-1346 42153 SCWOOL TRAFFIC MARKERS 5,353.98 Total : 5,353.98 15819. 10/17/2008 801140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUCTS 044429 42154 COLD MIX- WINTER POTWOLINC: f 4251.70 Total : 4.251.70 ' 15820 10/17/2008 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER VLY0809 SEPT 08 ENGINEERING SVCS 38,029.73 ' Total : 38,029.73 15821 10/17/2008 001211 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 2nd Quarter 2008 Liquor Taxes 5,008.72 Total : 5,008J2 15822 10117/2008 000323 SPOKANE CO UTIUTIES 015364l085364 SEWER 225.72 , 0166311066631 SEWER CHARGES 33.46 0170221067022 SEWER FEES 106.04 0241331074433 SEWER CHARGES 106.04 ~ 034354/106428 SEWER 68.46 , 037059/109325 SEWER CHARGES 68.46 0429031115953 SEWER CHARG[S • 312.32 Total : 920.50 15823 10J1712008 OOOd93 SPOKESMAN-REVIEIN INC. 20869 ADVERTISING: HR 1,277.08 Total : 1,277.08 ~ 15824 10/1712008 001083 STANDARD PI.BG HEATING CONTROLS 25371 SEPT 08 MAINT. BILL: SHF_RIFF 491.42 , Tota I : 491.42 15825 ; 10/17/2008 O00465 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3108410462 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 65.15 ~ 3108410463 OFFICE SUPPLIES:CD 74_93 ~ 3108410484 OFFICE SUPPLIES:CD 147.72 ' , Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 10/20/2008 10:35:29AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank I Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # Descripflon/Account Amount 15825 1011712008 000065 000065 STAPLES BUSINCSS ADVANTAGE (ConHnued) Total : 287.80 ~ 15826 10117/2008 000676 7HOMSON VIJEST 575737 SUBSCRIPTION RENEVVAL: CD 182.45 Total : 182.45 ~ ' 15827 10/17/2008 000167 VERA WnTER & POWER 0010-003488.01 SEPT 08 UTILITIES 51.95 0012-004137.02 SEPT 08 UTILITIES 6524 0013-032589.01 SEP7 08- U71LITlES 47.59 0014-004275.01 SEPT 08 UTILITIES 25.52 0014-032971.00 SEPT 08 UTILITIES 26.80 " 0016-007780.00 UTIUIY BILLING 188.10 ' 0018-031941.01 UTILITES: SEPT 08 23.75 0018-032752.00 UTILITIES SEPT 08 20.71 0030-031942A1 SEPT 08 UTILITIES 17.20 ' 0099-000005.00 SEPT 08 - UTILITIES 1,714.40 Tota I : 2,181.25 ! 39 Vouchcrs for bank code : apbank Bank total : 72.007.54 Total vouchers : 72,007.54 : I, the undereigned, cio certify under penalty of perjury, that tre materialr have been furn,iahccl, the Rervicca rendered, or the labor performed as described herein znd that the claim is just, due and an unpaid , obligation agai.nst the City of Spokanc VaU.ey, and that I am aut1iorized to autihenticate ancl certiiy said cl.iim. . Finance Director Date , Mayox Date !Council Member Date Page: 5 . ' i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action J Meeting Date: 10-28-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 9 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending October 15, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS; Grass: $ 206,081.94 Benefits: S 33,325,60 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 239,407.54 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS ~ J ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 4ctober 28, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: (D consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hall Site Planning Contract Amendment GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council approved a contract witti Bernardo Wills/GGLO for C'rty Hall Site Planning services on July 8, 2008. BACKGROUND: City Council concurred on the selection of City Hall site plan D1 on October 21, 2008. The new site plan concept results in a new design layout of the streets in City Center. Attached is a proposal from Bemardo WiIIs/GGLO for development of a new City Center Street concept plan. OPTIONS: Approve the contract amendment or give staff further direction. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve an amendment with Bernardo WiIIs/GGLO for City Center conceptual site planning as outlined in their proposal for an amount not to exceed $40,000. BUDGETJFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funds will come from the Civic Facilities Fund STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS City Hall Site Plan D1, City Center Site Planning Proposal ~J ' BERNARDO i WILLS vrHl t[c'S F'- OCtOat'f 13, TOOB Mr. Neil Kersten, AtA City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Spraguc, 5uite 106 5pokane Valley, WA 94206 Re: City Ha1UCity Center Conceptccal Sue Plan [3car Neil: As foilorv up to our recent telephane canve{satSon, we are pleased to otfer the follawing addendum to our curcent agreement and expand the scape of woric as outlined: A. Ba r~uruf and Descriptiap of Additional Servfces: The current scope of work for site ptanning s;udies and anatysis foc,nes on the City Nall site and relfes on the previous plans Included in the Freedman, Tong 8 gottomley report far the overall City Center concepts. As worlc on ihe City hlali stce has progressed, it ts apparent thac proper tntegration with tfie Ury Center requfres bringing both the City Hall stte plannfng and the Uty [enter cnncept ptanning aivnQ concuttently co estabtish pretiminary character and layout of the Ciry Center street syrstem, opers space components, overall parking strategy (i.e. common parking lots vs. self contalaed on each parccl),iniegration with the City kiall site, parcel organizatfon witfi respect to ehe connectivity within the Cfry Centcr proje:t as welt as between 5pmg.je Avernre and Appieway as well as the City Hall s(te. B. Fee Pronosal for Add([ionat Services: The general [asks for ehe City Center wor'K w(ll be Ickntical to thase outlined far ihe City FEall site anatysts; however, the stope of work witl be expanded and Une ftem costs wlll be fncreased by tfie following amounu: ► prelfminary Sltc Plannlrtg $30,000.00 ► Prosect Administration Z►500•00 ► Preltm4nary Ctvtl Engineering 2,500•00 ► Cost Esilmates 2,000.00 ► Graahk Exhibfts 3s00-0.00 Tacal Additional Not-to-Exceed Amount for Expanded Scope at Wark 540,000.00 It accepted, the above surn will increase the not•ta-excead amount of $75,000.00 as outiined on our 06/0112008 fee propasal lettM to 5115,000.00. All ather terms and condtttons remain unchanged. If this is acteptable ta you, please tndkate sa below and return a copy to aur af/1ce so we can rnntinue work. If you have any questions, please let me knaw. Sin[ereiy, 6491110--- Gary Bernardo, AIA Principal Accep:eti: Signco Qate !U 5 HOMAfIU FUllk•li f;Gr.i °;tr O.AyE wA 49: r; i sos-sia•iSll FA► 509•~SB•~~r,u, ~ • ~ ~wp. - ~ - ' j ~ t-=:~~„-,-~;=.:t~:» ...;.~:~.:a.~~~ - _ . i ~ - ~ ~ ~ ii ~ 1 _ - LQ tn ~ - - - . o ~ i 3 = = _ - - _ • , : ~y;: cKiA ~ ~ ~ ip - ~ = • : T,~= - 1 _~.r ~ ~ ca,m f - ~ ~ \ - , ~ ~ ~ - - - 49 -=--~t'S . Y' 1~ p GP ~!7 ~ ~ ' , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ` - ~Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 28, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report M pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2009 Proposed Budget Ordinance 08-023 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Passage of an ordinance is required under state law to adopt the 2009 City Budget. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Public hearings on the proposed budget for 2009 were held on July 22, September 9, and October 14, 2008. Ordinances adopting the 2008 property tax levy for collection in 2009 and confirming the increase in property tax were passed during the last 30 days. The first reading of this ordinance took place on October 14, 2008. OPTIONS: The City Council could elect to consider the second reading of the ordinance adopting the 2009 budget at a later date. The council could also modify the amounts appropriated within this ordinance. However, the second reading must take place prior to ~ December 23, 2008 to comply Wvith state law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: A motion to pass Ordinance 08-023 adopting the 2009 budget. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Once passed, this will be the adopted budget for 2009. STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance/Administrative Services Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance 08-023, 2009 Employee Position Classification lr~ , _ CiTY OF SPQKAr'E VAi T.,EY ` i SPQKAi~°E CQUNTY, ~VASAL1i'UTON ORDINANCE NQ. 023-023 r1~\7 ORD.iNANCE QF THE CITY OF Sl'OKANF VALLFY, SPOKA111-Fa CUUNTY, WASHINGTON, t1D01''I'ING A B-UllGTT FOR TFiE PEItIOD .iAN1TAl2Y l, 2009 TAKOUGH DECLMT3FR 31, 2009 a.PPRUP1tIATING l+"l3\°DS ANll ESTABLISHINC SALAI7Y SCHEDULE5 FpR ES1 ABLISHED YOSITinNS. WHER-EAS, State law requires the City Manager to prenare a preliminary budget for the City of Spokane Vallcy at least sixty (60) days before the beginning of the City fiscal year beginning Janua.ry l, 2009 and ending Deccrnber 31, 2009; and WI-IEREAS, the City Manager in consultation with the Finance Tairector and Dep3rtment Heads has prepared and placed on flle with the City Clerk a preliminary biidget togelher with an estimate of the amount of mnney necess<iry to iiieet the expenses of the City including payment: of outstajiding obligations; and WHEREAS, notiee was posted and published for public hearings held on July 22, September 9 and October 14, 2008. The City Council in the City of Spokane Valley met antl received public comment in the City Council Chambers during each public hearing; and WHEItEAS, following the filing of the preliminary budget wit}i ihc City Clerk, notice oC the same and three hearings on tlie budget, the City Council desires to adopt the 2009 budget, including an appropriation for each funcl so that a balancecl budget, where appropriations are limited to the estimated ~ revenues includina beginni.ng fund balances, is adopted fnr the City. WldERrAS, the City of Spokane Valley property tax levy for 2008 for coliection in 2009, will be $1 A;500,000 which is $63 1,060 (6.4%) greater than the levy in 2007 for collcction in 2008. \'0W, I`HEREFORE, the City Council of the City ofSpohane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Adoation of 2009 r3udget. The budget for the City of Spokane Val ley for the year 2009 is hereby adopted as the balanced budget of the City with appropriations limited to the total estimated revenues arid beginning funcl balances of thc City. 1"he final budget for 2009 is attached hereto and by this refei-ence is incorporated herein pursuant to RCW 35A.33.075. For sunimary purposes, t1ie toial estimaied appropriatiuns for each separaie fund plus the aggregate total for all such funds is set forth as fol Ipws: FU iND EST [11'1ATED EXl'EN n l TURE REVEiNlTI:S & Fi7ND APPROFFtIATIONS BALANCE GENERAL t UND $49,288,955 $49,288,955 STREET FUTFI7 7,392,000 7,392,000 ARTERIAL STREET PUND 591,000 5912000 TRr11I,S & PATHS FIJNia 43,000 43,000 Qrctinance 08-023, Annuai Appropri,ition Ordinance 2008 Pagc 1 of 3 HOTrI..JMOTEL FUND 600,000 600,000 ~ DEBT SFRV[CE LTCrO DEBT SERVICE LTGO 03 650,000 6S0,000 CAFI'I'A I. PROJEC"1"S FUND ~,945,400 5.I4$ 000 SPECfAL CAPI'I'AL. PROJHCTS FIJND 2,930,000 2,980,000 S`["REET C,ANI`l'AL PROJEC"l'S PUiND 16,725,000 16,725,000 M]FtABEAU POlN7' CAPITAL FUND 370,000 370,000 STREET 60ND CAPIT.AL -0- -0- CD I3LOCK GRANT PWi ia 300,000 300;000 CAYITAL GFtfINTS FUND 1,573,000 1,573,000 D.4RKER. BRIDGE Fh DEk.4L PUNf) 5,977,000 5,977,000 STOf2MWATER NfAiNAGEMF.NT FUNID 3,440,000 3,440 000 PARKS CAPITAL PRC)JL-'CTS FUND 1,220,000 1,220,000 EQUIP,v1ENT R&R FU\'D 780,000 780,000 C[TY FACI[..ITIES RENI,ACCVIENT 767,000 767,000 R.ISK vIANnGEMCNT FUND 230,000 230,000 R.ESERVES: C1VJC FnCiLI"1'ILS 5,800,400 5,800,000 CENTERPLACE 340,000 `340,000 SERVICE LEVEL 5,400,000 5,400,000 W1\iTER WEATI-IEft 504000 500,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $110,914,955 $110,914,955 The total balance of all funds appropriated for the year 2009 is $110,914,955 Section 2. Posikions and Salarv Schedules. The various positions ancl salary ranges for city employees are attached to ihis Orclinance as Appendix "A." Ordinanoe 08-023, Annual Appropri[itiUn Ordinance 2008 Pa,e,e 2 of 3 Section 3. 1"ransrriittal of I3udget. A complete copy of the nudget as adopted, togeiher with a copy of this Orclinance shall be transmitted by ihe City Clerk to thc Division of vlunicipal CorRorations in t.he Office of the State Auditor and the Association of V1'ashington Cities. Secdon 4. Severability, lf any section, sentcnee, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of Competcnt juuisdiction, sucli invalidi _ty or unconstitutionality shall not affect thc validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section S. Effective Datc. This Qrdinance shall be in full f'oroe and effeec five (5) ciays after the date oF publication of this Ordinance or a summary t:hereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council this day of October 2008. Rich vlunson, Mayor A I'TGST: Chrisline Bainbridge, City Clerk Approvecl As To Furm: Office of the City ACtomey ~ I~ate of Publication: ` ~ Efiective Date: ~ I Ordin:jnce 08-023, Annual Appmpriation Oedinance 2008 Pagc 3 of 3 Appendix A EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE 2009 Salary Schedule Effective 1/112009 Position Title Grade 2009 Range Cit Mana er Unclassified De u Ci Mana er 21-22 58,013 11,415 Cit Attorne 21 S8,013 - S 10,274 Communi Develo ment Director 21 8,013 - 10,274 Finance Director 21 8,013 - 10.274 Public Works Direckor 21 8,013 - 10,274 Parks and Recreation Director 19 6.491 - 8,322 Human Rssources Mana er 18 5,842 - 7,489 Plannin Mana er 18 5,842 - 7,489 Buildin Official 18 5,842 - 7,489 Senior En ineer - Ca ital Pro'ects Develo ment 18 5,842 - 7,489 De u Cit Attorne 18 5,842 - 7,489 Senior En ineer - 7raffic CIP Plannin Grants 17 5,258 - 6,741 Aocountin Mana er 17 5,258 - 6,741 Ci Cleric 16 4,732 - 6,066 En ineer 16 4,732 - 6,066 Senior Plans Examiner 16 4,732 - 6,466 Public Works Su erintendent 16 4,732 - 6,066 Senior Administrative Anal st 16 4,732 - 6,066 Senior Planner 16 4,732 - 6,066 Associate Planner 15 4,259 - 5,464 . . CenterPlace Coordinaior 15 4,259 - 5,460 Database Administrator 15 4,259 - 5,460 Assistant En ineer 15 4,259 - 5,460 IT S ecialist 15 4,259 - 5,460 En ineerin 7echnician II 15 4,259 - 5,460 Muman Resource Anaf st 14 3,833 - 4,914 AccountanUBud et Anal st 14 3,833 - 4,914 ~ Administrative Anat st 14 3,833 - 4,914 Assistant Planner 14 3,833 - 4,914 Buildin Ins ecfor II 14 3,833 - •4 914 Plans Examiner 14 3,833 - 4,914 Public Information Officer 14 3.833 - 4,914 En ineerin Technician I 14 3,833 - 4,914 Senior Perrnit S ecialis! 14 3,833 - 4,914 IWaintenancelConstruction Ins ector 13-14 3,450 - 4,914 Recreation Coordinator 13-14 3,450 - 4,914 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator 13 3,450 - 4,422 Cflde Enforcement Officer 13 3,450 - 4,422 Buildin Ins ector I 13 3,450 - 4,422 Plannin Technician 13 3,450 - 4,422 De u Cit Clerk 12-13 3,106 - 4,422 Senior Center S ecialist 12-13 3,106 - 4,422 Human Resaurces Technician 12-13 3,106 - 4,422 Administrative Assistant 11-12 2,794 - 3,980 Permit S ecialist 11-12 2,794 - 3,980 Acvountin Technician 11-12 2,794 - 3,960 Maintenance 1Narker 11-12 2,794 - 3,980 Office Assistant II 10-11 2,515 - 3,582 , Custodian 10 2,515 - 3,224 ' Office Assistant I 9-10 2264 - 3 224 - 84 FF CITY 6kane 00 S ,;OOValley 2009 Preliminary Budget • • • • • • ♦ • ~ ♦ • • • • • , - • • • • • • ' , • • ~ ~ • ~ CITY OF SPOK.4NE VALLF.N' i • • • • • Cit} Couacil Members ~ • • • ~ Riehard hiunson, Mayor Diana Wil6ite ~ ♦ Position #5 Position #1 • ♦ • ♦ • • Dirk Denenny, Deputy Mayor Rose Dempsey ~ • ♦ Position Aositian ♦ ♦ • ♦ + Gary Schimmels William Gothmann • Positiori 14 Yositinn ii6 ~ ♦ • • ~ Steve Tuylor ~ ~ Position 7 + ~ Stllff ♦ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ~ Bavid Mercier, City Manager • • • • • ~ Mike Jackson, Deputy City iVlanager i • • . • • Ken Thompson, Finance Director ~ • ~ • ~ Kathy McClungs Community Develapment Director i • • • • • Mil:e Stone, Parks & Recreation Director • • • • • • Neil kersten, Public Works Director ~ ♦ - ~ • ~ • Michael Connelly, City Attorney • • • _ ~ Christinz Bainbridge, City Clerk ~ • ` • • ~ S "T okane p alle Vy Sl 40;00 Cety 1VfnnageT's Burfget Alessrrge Atrnual Budget For Fisca! Year 2009 Dear Citizens, :llayor anci Crty Council vf Spokone Valley: It is my pleasure to prescnt thc budget documcilt for the fiscal year of 2049, wfiich ropreseats thc cambined effrrls of tbe City Council, staft- anJ citizens. 'Ihis year, the City Council. Planning Caramissiun snd cituxns gave mucli attCntion to draftiug a completc t►verhaul uf the land usc regvlations thst govem all developrnent activities %kithin the bounciaries of the Gity of SpQkanc Valtey_ Iheir successful efforis to compose the UTniform Dcvelopmcnt Code stceamtined the development process and c!»rified ragulatory provisions thai 3escribe alIowable activities und stanclarcis to be met. Cammunity tepresenuitivcs stiso caneentrated gmt tffort on the SpragurJApplcway RevitaIiz,3tion Pltin that cndravors to creatc a City Centcr incorpurawig eommuaity buildings; urban, commercial, und housing opportunities; and spurs rzinvestmcnt all along the city's main carridor. Citizens are invited to track the prognc5s c►f both initiatives on the City wmbsite: wwzv.spokanevulfey.org. ,-lnniversarv Hig/rliglrls The City marked its fiflh anniversary on hiarch 31, 2048. A rammittee of votwIteers cr•Orked with staff to outiine and implement plans for camrnuniry rcIcbrutic~ns. A sgecial aniiver$ary version nf the City loco was creattd and u.5zd tlvoughout che anniversary yaar on Citti• rx,~~a ta identify anniversary celebration evenLs. Among the documents and Znnivcrsary cvcnts ~vcrc a community .`Hirthdny Party," and a 4Ammemaralivr planting af five ttees in :~lirabcau Park. Special _ , ;tnrytclliug e«nts were also urranged at the Niain Avenue Branch of thi: _ Sr!okane Counry Library District, and a historical extiibit at t}:c Spokanc - Valley I-Ieritage Museum providcd A look back at the cammunity beforc . and afler incorporativn. Netiti,s of the anniversary and its message "Five Years and Gmwing" were shared thmughout the area an nci 8I1I11VGf5SI}' b8t111tr CaITIBd lil local para&s bv %,otuntaers- - 1 - BuJget Higlrlight.t The 2009 budget rontinues to recognize the dy-namic and changing environment within wtiich the City must opemte during times of cconomic stress. The budget process 6as been used to rcinforce the City's rommitment to dalivering its core servicea in a rust effectivv manner. A sinnmary af key budget highlights frr ncview by the Cauncil mnd community follows: Revenue: Gerrlle Growth: Rcr%ente projcctions for the 2009 fiscal year tavc identificd decreasing sales tax and ganibling receipts. Both tre:nds vi-ill be trncked ctosel.y. The City's six-year fuiancial forcxa,st shows Aat or slow mvcnue growth bcyond 2009; however, lttase cstimates will t7uctuate according to chnnging trcnds in the econQmv. Eipense: Moderale Growth in Currrnt Opuotlona! EYpenxes: Inv4sting in the esstntial core services idetitified by the Cauncil and community creates haseline costs that are curmnily growing at a higher ratc than tax revcnues. Evrn tivith a relaiivcly sma11 city staff, qu:ility service delivery requires ongaing investment in k►asic cupas;ity to providc cfficient oncratiuns. As the Gity evalvcs into the sixth yeax of its ~cistence, personnet costs, along with the price of opzrating suppiies and charges for contract services, are escalating at the rete of six to cight parcent annuully. FarJ: Publlc Sdjety Cosis Doniinatc the Municipol Budget: In 2009, I'olicr, Court and Jail rzlaied serviccs wrill cost S20,84I,084-an amaunt equal to 195°1A of anticipated property tax collectinns for the entire year. That unswers the qU!'Stlo[I Qf I10FY Cl!}' tliX dOIIIiI'S II!'e Sptpf. CQj]!!Ql - - - - I Tr,ta{ CnpiOl C art.tnx:unn l;CCt11 Tn vesdnrirts: Successful Crantsittvnship Pays s z a:2 ~ 5:a n n Divldpnds: City stnff aa:tively pur5ues - - - funding conunitments from other soLUres ta help pay the caSt of neerlcd cagitttl I ~ P"-e,, impmvemcnts--roads, bridges and park,-that bencfit the commun.iry. "i'he 2009 street capital wlutructian program tutals $24,275,000 of wlUCh the City will contribute 59,119,000, or, just 37 pcrcent. Srreet Fi+nd: State Fundlag vJ Loca! Roodway htainltnarce Insufficlrnt: This fund derives its revenucs &om an allocation of the stntc kiotor Fucl Tax distributcd to cities and to%rrs. Current!y, tlie City receivrs only 3buut $2 million, or, lcss tlwn fifty percent of the funds needed to pa} for strect maintenance nctivitieS like snow ploeving, pothole rrpair, rcsurfucing erodtd lane,s, sweeping, ~vwd controI, street lighting, tmflric signals and a variety uf other repairs. The problem iacing Spakanc Valley for the foreseeable futurc will be closing that gnp betwecn street relatcd revcnues and casts. Any dcc;linc in routine maiutenancc expenditures will result in noticeshlc deteriorat ion in the conditions of local strcets. Pavenren►: In an atiempt to dztermine how bes-t to keep the surfaccs and bases (undcrground support) of roads in proper coaditian, A Street NfASter Plan wa; preparcd that itemi2es the posirive anti negativc cunditions of aur eit street - systcm, and identifies the r¢pa c need:3 and costs associated with maintninin_ otcr 437 miles of roadwsy. The repar; ' . ~ , , vetails the need far an ndditioniil 40, aaoual invcstiucnt of s4.3 millian iit street gteszrvstion work to keep the street :yswm Iiom dzteriorating and triggcring much morc expe-risive repair work in tlte turure. T'!re Current Fisenl Ycnr in Review 'Ttic fifth Full year of opetaling Washing,i,n's newrst cita fil:ifLZd ;idditiunil progress in addressine cummuuity issues and defining desirablc goals for the futcare. Citizen pariicipation wns amplc in dia proceedings of tI1C City Caunril, Placuung Cammissicm, nnd at community gatberings discussing the launch of a City Center initiative a.s the spark of thz SpraguelApple-way Rcriiali•ration Yl.3n. Rtsicients and busincsa pcoplc cantinuc to pruvidt _ tity officiats with t.heu vievws on the broad rangc of issucs tclated tu ;conomic developmcnt and land use regulations. 1he City Council _ elcomes public commeuts and «arks to balancc the various interests w ~~cxprzsscd when tnacting ordinanc.cs intcudcd for the protection and ~'-i, tnhanccmcnt of the yuality of life in Spokwc Valley. City . t - repra,seniatives embrace cantinuaus ?euming, attend to 3 hcav; %%orkload, nnd take plcasure in achieving rasults dlat affect che community in positive ways. Some of those results zre r;-t14+.1cJ iri tfic substantial progress in meeting thc 2009 hud,ct oouls. . ~...._~a. . Pragress in A ituiiuite»t of !/te Alajor Goats of 2008 Continue monitoring wasteivater issues, including govcrnaracc uf w351C-wdIC: tnciiitic-5, enhsutced citiztn mvareness of optiuns for the future, aiid pursuit of the most efficient and ecanomical use of allowed was-tewater dischargrs. Goal Accomplished: Cvuncil and stcrff collaborated with disehargers, enviroriinentuficts and regrrlalory ogencies. A 141itlgation Implementatfon Plan (A9P) axsociuled wlth an arceplablr Total Atarlmum Daily Load ruling was accLpled by the Washington Depcrrtmenl of Ftvlogy. 7'he Depmrment of Ecology has renewed a public comntenl period on their proposal prior to issuanee of adiscfrarge permrt. Meamvhile, City staff participates vn the DesigrrlBuild-0perate vendor selecNon tommittee. Explore the availnblc iclccucumunications iufrastructurc alonR the SnraeUe/Applcway Corridor ihat may be 2cces3ed by puhiic institutions= residrnts, and businetiscs witlvn Spol,ane Vallay. GoalAccomplislred: 7'he City ltas relevant dato on frle rM the Citv :lllarrtey's UJfice received jrom currenifitter optic franchise IroJders. Frunchr'sces are txtremefy sensitiva about sueh data beitigplucecl ingeneral cfrrrilcrtivn. Adopt asub area nlnn far tltc SnraeuelAnnlewav Revitalization_Plan and initiate the unplemcntatiou of achicvable recommrndntions. '~~~TJt~ ~~~.J ,~r?'• Oirgving Pragress: The Plariiting Cammrssiort completed 0~ d elibercrNons orr the adminlstrritlva• draft in July atrd has Resvitalt . . . _ _ forwarded reconimerrdatia►ts tv Councll. Cou»cil crdaption oj tlse SpragurJ.applewcry Carridor revitalization Plan rs Qntfcipaled iit September. Aniend the Comprehensive Ptan tu re[Iect accommodutiun of Snakane VaII_Cy poPtllslllop projeclioas within and adjacent to eity limits, and tt) outline annexntiuu polieies. Holding: Actin» pendlprg in rl:e jull as the Ciry au-atts Spaknne Counly afforts to updatt the counh7vick Comr refrer7siti•e Plan Tire C'otrnry n:m' rror address C'rhnrt Groi4th :lreux upttil lutz ?!?Llfi. adopt a Street ?Vlutcr Plan aud dra13 a iinanc:al str.iteg}' to l1ilp!zFliti]t i}IC pl,in Qprgoing Progress: A well-clef ned Streel AluslPr Plari hus been , preprrred and presai:ted 1o the City Courrril. The Flari identffrc.s the current condiNon ajcity srreeis and recomrirends appropriat,~ _ _~r' .''s^ fmprovemrtcts w t d main tenance t l r a t p r e s e r v e t h e va l u e an.! ,~r. ~ i: = sn-ucrural fntegria)- af the loeal transportaliai systcm. A,: upJvted cortdirion report is due in Srptemher. Forntal udvptln,. 01 the Plan ativalta Cauncil identrfiratron o.f'funding to addre3.~ C~~!'• :;1~`t''~' rhe recornmended remedtcrl and presen•ativs treatnrent vf city rransporcutran systern. Estabtlsh denartmcnwl nriorities and incorporate thcm inta a siz-year bus(atss nlan for rach denartmeot ttiat includes forwazd loolung budget and ficnding unglrcauon3. Cfaa! .9rcanrplrshed: 1he six yeur finaacial forecast now iricorporutzs the profPCted expen.ses relaled to departmental buvirrL'ss plans. Adopt a Unitorm Development CQde thAt implemcnt3 the Comprehensive PEan. GoalAccompti,i:ed. UUC ti(h)rwed in r)croher -700- •4 - The BuJget jar Fiscal Year 2009 Balanccd Budgct Adoptcd: One of the most important nscal goa.ls to pursur whrn operating a ~ g,overnmental entcrprise is the crcatiun and maintcnance of financiat rzserves that m3y be relicd upon over time to sustam cntical publiC servic4ts Z'}1e 2609 bt:dgzt reflects tuo natahle rransactiotls in tE?is regard. ~l. A S1,175,000 interfund loan tu the 5treet Eund is netewry to forestall i deiicit in tlie Street Fund which pays tor basic str~-et maintcnance services. -4~. + An additional S500,000 intcrfund laan to the Strect Fund ~ --~r~: ► !~"=~Lq►~.=*~'' is provided for in the proposed budgct so that the 1Vinter Reserve can be replenished aRer liaving been exhausted by ~ y the exgenscs expcrienccd during the hcaw snow5 in Janunry ~ . aiid Febrvary of?OQB. The 2009 Uudget is in balancc; expenses have he:n gaired with Qr reasoiiabiy predictnble revenues. The budg-et is desigued ta maintain the 17 ptrcent positive fiuid balance at year end that provides for the eity's cash t7ow liezds «rithout cosily lwrrow7ng. In pursuit of fisca) reWnsibility, spccial Attention was given to limiting the grov.-th in new progtants and f nancial coruminnents while Ciry revenue and cxpcnditurt patirrns futther stabitize. This appraacfz allows available rowurces to be put towrird s-waining sertiiccs that .:re CoII:+isief'.t u:ith thG City Cauncil's priorities fdr 2009 and beyond. Dcpartment AcWevcmcnt4: Each of the City's depsrtments undtrtook an aggressive work program in ?QO$. ^ The 6udget document wntains dcscriptions of their accomplislimrnts for the year and tlieir goais E'or next }•ear. I invita city rc.qidcnts tu acquaint thcrnsrlvcs with the tffurex madc by tnunicipul employees on your behalf. t tesve to the department heads the pica.5urc of sharing their rescnt successrs eLnd goals for the coming year. One point six (1.6) new positioas werc [ncluded in the budoet pruposal us wc strive to address the dcmands of a city t6at bus grawn to 88,920 pcapie. gincc incarporation, this ("ic}, hau t:ikcn a ronservative approach to adding new staff_ Spol:ane Valiey continuGS eo have die lo«<est emplo}•ce count of any Washington city over 50,000 in popalatian. (Please see the attached 2008 Work Force Comparisan.) r1s we approach the new fiscal year, the provi.sinn made 2or atiditional new emgloyecs is minimal at 1.6 fulliunc equivalent positions in the 2009 budgct. hiajor Gnnt S1Rteirreirts for 1 Dl)9: The 2009 budget rct7ects the distribution of rcsources cunsistent with the Ceuncil's cort services priorities. Thc folluwing goals represcnt just very braad art•iLs of conccntratian iinportant to the well txing of the cammunity: Continue mnnitorin8 wastcsvater issucs, ulcluding governance nf wa.5tewater fACilities, aiid pursuit of the mast efficieni ind economic~l melhods tu ensure the continuation uf wastewnter aisclYargcs licenscs. Seek fundin yources for Citv Center ihat builds upon the City's initial iuvLstment in n City Fiall to spur furtlier private in<<cstmznt in the development of n mixed useci City Crnter. IJeutifv prrformunce me•«urc9 for the Potice Denariment and monitar ptueress in their Attsicunent. lmnlemeot nad evaluate re-gulations speci6ed in thz Spraoue?appJc'w:►y P.evit:tllt_111oI1 Pl3I1 3S adopted and amendcd by thc (:ity Council. Evatuate the availahility, coyts and effects of privale sectnr ~-eE:dois perfurming winler ro-ad maintenanct for the City. Complete recnrdg inderinp, and phase Ia a document imaein svstem Ciry departrnent by Ci1y department wnilh the gaal of achieving city-Mde imptcmrnlatiou in 2010. Arknowled,gntenls: In closuig, it has hcen a pleasurz to work wi1h the Council aud individual City dcpartments to accumplish the goals they established_ I look ionvard to continucd work with the City's tetun ~i the caming year to deliver the scrvicts funded by citizcns of Spokane Va11ey. I genuinely apprcciate the ra►izens of Spokane Valley, the Ciry Council and individual staff mcmbers who have made it possible far the City ta succcssfully pursus a hri3ht future. Everyone involvc.i colllinucs to give genecuusly of thCir timc and eu4rtty during this period of hcavy warkloacls and pru;tam dtvcloptnent; they have risen well ta the maisy chaUcnges fncing a youno City. Thanks alsa iuc the gatiencc and itcdback from the mnny citizcns wiiu have sha~vn an abiding iutLre:=.i in lhe community or voluntecrcd their time to improvc the qu:ility of lifc in Spokv,c Vallzy. Respectfully, 1-)avid Mercier, City Man:,er -6- JC'1C111 <M~ 3~ ~ valley 11707 E Spraquc Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokanr Vnllry WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 504.421.1008 • cttyhallaspnknncvaltey.org 1'O: David Mercier, City Mannger and Members of Council FRUNt: Ken Thompson, Finance & Adminishative Services Director DA'1'L: lunc 22. 2008 SUB,TEC"T: About thc. Dudget and the f3udget Pracess The budget includes the 5naneial planning and leggl authority to obligate public funds. Additionally, the bwdgct provides significant policy direction by the Ciiy Council tu the staff and cammunitg. As a nsult, the City Council, staff mid public are involved in establishing the budget far the City of Spokane Vsliey. I'hc budget provides faur funcdons: 1. A PaliGy Document The budget funccions as a pulicy daCUment in thnt thc decisions madz within the budgct will reflect the general principles ar plnns that guide the nctians takzn far the future. As n policy document, the bucigct rnakes speciiic altcmpts i0 Illlk- dc;SIteLj LOaIS 3lld Fl7ItCy directinn to the actual day-to-tiay acKivities ot'the Citv 51aff. 2 Atl Qpggl011i11 GU1dC 'lhe budbet of the City retlects its oreration. Acti% ities of e3ch City tiinction :ind organizatian liave beea plunned, debated, farnializ.ed, and descrilxd in the folIotving seCtiotts. ilus process will help to maintain an undcrstanding of the various operatians of the City and how• thcy relate to mh other and to the attainment of the policy issues and goals of the City Council. }A Link with thi: Genera.l Puhlic Thc budget provides a unique oppottunity to allow find encourage public re~ricw of City upcratians. Thc budget describes the activities of the City, tlie rcason or cnusz ('or those activities, future implications, and the ciinct rctatioiistiip tu the citizenrr•. 4. A Lrgallv RNu.ireci Firancial Planning Taal 'fhe budgct is a financial planning tool, which has bwn its most traclitional use. In this light, preparing and adopting a budget is a Statc !aw requittment of all cities as stntcd in Title 35A of the Revised Code of Washington (RGW;). Tbe budget must be adopted as a balanc:eri budget and must be in place Frior to the begirming of the Gity's tiscaJ Sear. The budget is the legal auihority to cxpend public mQnevs and controls lliosc expend.itures by limiting the amount of the appropriation at the fund lcvel. The revenues of the City an cstimated, along tvith a<<aileblc ca5h carry-fonvprd, ta indicatc funds availablc. The bvdget ta}:es inta account unfureseen cantingencies and provides far the necd fur pc-riodic adjusimcnts. 10 'I'he City of Spokane . . . _ _ _ _ _ . budgeting approach that asswn-rs, far uias[ funcuons ui bovernnicnt, thai the current y'c:~. buagct is indir.ttitive of the base requimd far the following year. Any incrases incremental and ba.sed on need defined by the arganization's budget pnlicies, emerging issW. Council goals, and available resaurces. The formal budgct planning bcgins in the spring with discussions betcveea the City Mann _ and City Cuuncil during a mid-}•esr retrzaL Following the reireat, the City r1nnager and nepariment Directors prepun thc preliminary budgei based upot ' ThC City Council reviews thc pnlimninaty budget 1seginning in lu; 1n Junc, deparmients prepnre requests f'or new stafl~ pmgrams, or sigulicai►t iutiiCUSc:s tO tl;ei; curn:nt year budgct that will ttddnss emerging issuCs and other opercirianal needs. In thcir requests, the dcpartmenu idcntity the problem that thcy arc trying ta address, the recommc.-ndcd solution, impfementAtion plun, projected cost and expected outcomes. T!,:~ Finance Qepartment and City hlAnnger conduct un analysis af the departmental busc bud. and the revenue outlook for the coming year to determine the availability of funds far new iniriativcg. During vlay nnd June, tIic departments alsu devetop their base budg_ 'I'hcse budgct rcyuests are submittcd to the Finnnce Department by the micidle of May. In enrly July, the City Munnger roviews each depnrtmrnt's budget mqucsts and devclops a preliminary budget racommendntian. As mandated by RCW 35A.33.135, the first mquircment is iluit the City Managcr submit estimate:d revenues snd expenditures tQ the City Cauncil an or hefore the first N4aadey in Octobrr. The preliaun$r}• budget is presented to the City Council in late September ar early Uctnber. Public hearings are held ta obwin taxgayets' comments, and rzvision.5 as applicable, are madc. 1he Council rnaltes its acijttstments to the preliminary budget and edopts by ordinance afinal balanred budget no later than Der:ember 31. Ihe final aprrating buciget es adopted is published, distribcrted, and made available to the public during the firt thrcc montbs af the following y-car. After the bud6ct is adopted, the City eaters a budget implernentntion and monitacing staga. TUuroughuut the ycar, cxgenditures arc monitorcd by the Firancc Departuzent and depurtment dincturs to ensura that i'unds arc within the approved budgrt. F'uiancc pruvidas financial updates ta the City Cauncil to keep them current --vith the City's financial eonaition. Any budgrt amendmcnts made during the y-ear are adopted by City Counci] oniinance. The City Manager is autharized to transfer budgeted smotmts wittun a fund; however, any revisions that alter the total exFenditures QT a fwid, or Lhat aff'ect the numbcr of authori7cd emplQyeC' ~-i:i. . : t,i'~.; . . . , !l.` f' _ ~ll~.i,~nti tfr`i 1"It'•' .T.1.'.. !'P.1:! •;i11~'~', ] f''. city cUuncil. When the Cw,' dectease die appropriation far a particuIar fund, it ma% more than the majority after holdini one 1! S#,uilirant Changes to the 20U9 i3>>,1,; : A nwicNv „ff,.,. 7000 i„-oIin,,T,an• hud~•~:7 . i ~ ~ , • Itcv~t~ ~ . asse3szd value wlzich zvould gcnrrata an additionaJ Sbt?l!.-- . ~ : of Spokane Valley properky is estimated to be $6.9 billion. Salcs Tax rcceipts for 2009 bsvc t-. . about 5304,000 from 2007 rcceipt_, 3. liutnbiing ta:x estimates hnrp h_- ~ competition From f _ ! -1. A sloiving of real. _ . _ : . . . . 5300,000) floN+•in,t to the city ior c•.apital purpases. r~penditures 1. One ncw position hes been praposed in the Finnnce Division ta assist keeping the accounting rccords cun-enL A.4 pIanninglgrant position in the Street fund has teen repleced w7th n full time Aasistnnt Fngineer. $504,000 has been set asidr to replenish the Wintrr Weather Reserve Fund which «'as depleted by sevem %Nvather in 2007-08. This transaction «-i11 be a lann ta be rcpaid by the Strcet fund to thc Gencral fund in futurc years. i. Sevcrnl capital strect projects and improvcmenis to the City's three swimming pools tequired additioiial funding in 2008 wlzrn bids came in gr4ater than anticipateci. These ndditianal costs %vi11 come from capital Cunding r<<enues in 2009 and later years which reduces firture resources for capital grojects. 4. 'Che most significsnt financial probiem remains in the Strcet Opzrating fiund where fuel tex receipts won't covcr thc cost of maintaining city strcets. Additionnl resaurCes of 53.0+ miltIun rach }ear are needesl. The 2009 strixt fund budget h- been ba.lancesl by using a ane-time laan of $1.175 million fmm the Gzaeral Fund 5. PCesCIlt8t3(`?l f?::T,+~v:i%- f('f :110 CiTf.T!.lct ctt il riloE]? ]T'C hPt'I? '.Pl'NdCil ^l ? i • ofs3a,0+~ . . • i i, ' - 1 , ~ . . i. : ' . . 8. A $75,000 study hns been buelgetrd tu edvise the Cit% scparating water from cositaminants in ctree! I , City of sPokaoe vauey Sclectcd Budget Policies Department directors have primury responsibility far fQrmulating bndget pcaposals in line %-ith City Council and City vIanager priority dircction, and for impleme.nting them oncc they are approvzd. Tle Finance Deparkment is resgonsible for cootdinating the ovecall preparation and administratian of t!e City's budget. This function is fulfilled in complinixe with applicnble Statc of Washingtan sttllulCS goveming lacal govcrnmcnt budgeting practices. T'tic Finunce Deparnnent sssists department staff in identifying budget problem, fcirmulntiug solutiuns and alternatives, atid implcmenting :aiy necessnry coneciive 3CUOAS. lntcrfund charges ~Nill be based on reecsvrry of costs associate.l with proti•iding thost semices. Budget adjustments rcquirin$ City CouncU approval «,iil occur thxough the nrdinnnce process at the fund level prior to fLScal year end- 1-he City`s budget presentalion «ill be directed at disptaying the Cin's senices plan in a CounciUconstituent-friendly format. The City wrill purstic encIing fwnd bnlancrs for oprratin, iun(i at a 1CVc1 uf nu lcss than 8°J6 of revenuz. Beginning in 2010, s1=ort teml debt sliall not caceed 10% oi rcvenucs. No tong tecm debt will t►e incurrrd without identification of a revcnuc saune to repay the debi. I..ang term debi will be incumed for capital purposes only. Jhe City wlll maintain equipmeat teplacement funds that witl receive budgzted cuntributions &om the operating ex}?enses of depr3rtraents using the capital cquipment in an anount neocssary to replace the rquipment at the end af its useful life. Lifc cycle assumptions and ncquired contributions %tirill be revicwed :innuslly as part of the budget proress. BASis oF .accoUvl-nvG Arru sunGEZ-tNc Accounrinp Accuunling rtcords for thc City are mAintaincd in accondxnce w7th mcthnds prescribcd by thc State Auditor under the authority of the Revised Code of VVa.shington (RCVI), Chaptcr 43.09'0, and in complianc.~ with generully acctptccl ascounting principlea as se2 forth by the Gavemmental Accounting Standards Board. Basi9 0f PresentAtion - rund AccountinQ 'f'he accuunts of the City of Spo{wne Va11cy are organizni on the basis of funds, cach af which is considered a separate accounting entity. Eat-h fund is accounted for w-ith a scparate set of double-enirv aecounts t}uat camprise its assets, linbilitics, tund Cquity, revenues end expenditures or e.xpenses, as appropriate. I1ic City's rewurccs art a1luGgted to and accountcd for in indiviciua1 funds depending on thcir intended purposc. The fo(la%ti7ttg are the fund types uscd by the City of Spoi:ane ValleN: Governmental Fund Tvpes Crovcminrntal funds are uscd to accaunt fur activiucs typically associated with statc and local govemment ogerations. All gavernmental fund typea tsre ticcounted for on a spendiiig or "finanrial 1Tows" mCasurement fcxus, which means that typically anly cument assets and current liabilities nre included on rcletrd balsnce sheets. The aperating stntenients of governmcnta) funds measure changes in financisl positiont ratlier than nct incoinc. T7icy grescnt incruases (revenucs und other !"uiancing sourccs) 3nd derrease.q (expenditures and other finmncing uses) in net currvnt assets. Therc arti four govemmental fund types used bv thc Citv vf Spvkane Vallzy: Genercil Ftrrrcl 'lllis funtt is thr Prim.try fiind of tl:e City ot' Spokane Walfcy. [t accountti for L-ll tinanri.il resoutces Lxccpt chrose required or elccted to tu accountesi for in ;in, ither tund. S~~c~~1u1 f+c>vettue f'unclv These funcis accaunt for rzvenuc:: that are legtll}• restricted or de;ieiiaced to tinancc: particular activities of the City of Spokane Valley. Special Kevenue funds inrlude the 5ttcet Fund, Artcrial Street Fund, Trails & Paths rund, IloteUMutel Fuud, CenterPIacc; Oprrating Rcserve Fund, Senice Levc;l Rcsrn•e l=und, Civic Facilities Re;crve Fund, and V4r'1uie1' WettihCi' ReSeR•e Fund. 1?ebt :1kn4c e Functs These funds account for financiat resourres which ar+e desigttated for tlie retircment of dcbt. Debt Sen•ice funds ar4 romRrised oi the Debi Service I_TGO 03. C~'aniral Pro&cr Fultcls 1bese funds account for finuncial tesources, which are designnted for the acquisition ar construction of genernl government capital projects. Capital ProJect Funds include the Capital Prnject rund, Special CaFitnl Projects Fund, Streets Capital Projrets Fund, l4 CDBG Fund, Capital Grants Fund, f3urker i3ridgc rerieral Grant Cund, anci Parks Capital Projects Fund. Proprietarv T'und Types Pmgrietary fund.s are used to account for activitics similar w those found in the privute srctor where the intemt af the goveming body is to 5nance the full cost of providing servicas, including dcpreciatinn, which based on the cammcrcial model uses a flow of economic nesources appm3ch. 1lnder this approach, the opcrating stt+tements for the pruprietary fwnds focus on a measuremcnt of nct income (revcnucs and expenscs) aad both cuncnt aad non-current assets and iiubilities are rcported on retatcti beilnnce shcets. Their reporied fund equity (net rotttl assrts) is selyegated into cantributed capital ttnd retai.ned enrnings componcnts. As descrilxd below, them arc two generic fund typcs in this caEegory: Enterprise Fuyrdx 1'hesse funds accaunt for operations that pmvide goods or scrvices to tlic gencral public and are supportzd primarily by user chargcs. The Stormwater 111anagement Fund is includcd in this graup of fundv. Internul Sen1ee Futtcls . illese funds eccount for operations that provide goods or srrvices to otlier depamncnts or funds of the City. Thc Fquipment Rental and Replacement Fund and Risk Nlanagement rund are included in this graup uf funds. Basis of AccountinZ Basis of accounting refers to when tecenues and expenditwes aTe recognizrd in the nccounis and nported in che financial statements. The City nf Spokaic Vullcy uses a moditied aecnuil bu.sis of accowtlin$. Modificd arcrusl recognizes rewenues when they becume baih measurable and availablc to finance expenditures of the current pcriod. 7'hc basis of accaunting for cntcrprisc und intamal servica funds is full accnuil. The appmpriate basis is used through4ut the budgeting, accuunrin¢, and reporting processes. Full accruel is a method uf accounting that malchrs revenues and expenscs w7th the period to whicu they rclate, rather than facusing an actuel cash flowg. In tlhis method, Cnr exatnple, an asset is depreciatrd as it is "used up; ` and the expeuse is recagnized in periodic incrcrnents, rather thnn a.ssuming the asset holds its valte until il is actuallv dispased af. Ha%%vver, since thc focus of budgeting is on tlie revenues and expenditure accounts, deprcciatian and amartizadon are nat considered budgetary accounts, and are excIuded frora the budgeting system. Budeets and BudgetM Accounting Annual appropriatzd budgets are adopted for all fuads. Thesc funds are budgeted on che modificd ca5h basis of accounting. The finnncial stateroents include budgetury c:omparisoas for thosc funds. Budgets are adapted at the fund level that canstitute$ thc legal authority for expenditures. Annual appmpriatiuns for a11 funds lapsc ai the fscal period end. 15 EXPLA.NATION UI' REVENUE SOURCES GENERAL F1Al) itI:VFNi F:S: Yrogen,y Tax - Property tnxes play au esseiiciAl rolc in the t:ulances u1 t'rcG rritinicipai bud6?zt. Sduce la,,% liuuLs che City to n $3.601evy per 51,000 assessed valuation, dr,ducting fram them the levy of S1.50 by cho SpQkaae Cnunty f ire Districb #l and 48, alang ~%ith deductinst 50.50 fnr library levies, «~ii;: l~ Ieavcs the Citv «•ith the authnrity ta Ievy $1.60 for its own purposC-s. l llc ?evyamount 111ust bc C:~I3bli5hCCl f)V (`C~l!ei,if'.CC ilti' No\"Clii~,:I' ~01h pf:oC ll) IIIL !G:''1' 1 :ti Local Rz~~i~l Sal~~ autl Li_r Ca\ '1-he lacul retail sales snd use tax is compriszd of twu separate .55-0 optiflns .4:l1, :1•.t: rcceiving 15% of c,~ch A~Tcr ::.l^iin*str~ti~•c effective rate is .84" Ia01 Crim0W Justi~ =~<zl~s 1 JA . . ; . Local SAles Tax for trinunal Ju~i:c.: i, 1 _ such as the City's !sw enforcement contract. This tax is authorized gt 1/10 of 1% nf reWl E-:i: transarted in the Caunty. af the total aznaunt collected, the State distributes 14°o to the Cour "-ith the remuinder bein& disiributed by population to the cities and the unincurporated area:: the Cnunsy. IIeginning in 200;. dcvoted to public safet,. - GamblingTa.K vcnti. Gacrtbiirtg ta.+c revrnur~~ ii„&,; i-ic ;j,::;i; gamblijig. Funds reni:,inine after uscd for any gcncra! Gumbling taxcs arc : ' ~ . - . _ ~ , . _ . . . . . , . , . . ~ luly and Octotxs. Ttic Gity imposes a tax oii the fullo%t•ing Conns-a garnblinD ai Ll.ie C3tl':6: B1I1g0 (5% gro55, 1SS3 FlT17Es); Raffl:i _7rnsti. le;z5 I1T17CS): (i::l1?CS l::- prizcs): Csrd p1FtVirsg (10°6 gra•s) Lt-aSeh0ld ExGiSe TaY T'axes on pmpcm Qv.'nCd b1' :lsle oI local 1o PrjL1lC .1AfEiC~ (0iv's <fl':ii C I. Fr:i_it}ti.,L: (;ab1C 'CV is ttsc only fsanchise fee levied in tile City at a cata ot 5°ro ot gross rcveuues. 1 his it':1 fee levied on privatr utiiirieN t;Or the r12'1t tn ust cittr streets. i11;ys. and nthcr publie prtinertieti. State-Shared Reren i: cti Stale-9hnit-d reveuu:,; are rneived Iuf I]qUUI' :ss;zs, a.uJ ttoutor %rhicle excise ta.ties inc.!udi-b: travel trailer and exmger c!ccise tax. Thesa ta.xes are c41lccted bv the Statc of Washinglon and shctred with loenl govcmmrnts based on popuiation. State-sharcred re<<enues are distributeci on either a monthly or quartcrly b.9sis, although not all quarterly revenues arr distributed ia the sumt month of the cluarter. 16 Thc 2008 population t3gura used in the 2009 Przlimuiary 33udget is 8$,920 ns determined by the Ofiice af Financial Nlanagcmcnt for Washington Slate. This #ieurz is import:ult wlicn de#ermining distribution of Statc shared revenurs on arr-r capita LiauQr B9atd PrQfits and Liquor Cxcise Ta•: C1t1eS t'CCeIYe 8 ShIIfC Of bOIh IiqIiOT fl03td }?Ct)IliS ::Iid i1,jU0: C::~'~ I~C I:i:% tIlc j'r~ iItt:; disuibutcd on the tast da}• of March, June, Septeniber, and Dccember. The excise partian i~ distributeci an the last day of Jrinuury, April, July, and Octobcr. Tn bL cligi6le to reccive th:,c revenues, a city must devote at le.:- ,,vn r,_. ~of t?i,~ i>?r:l~~:i~~ to ;ii,111,rc m rrr1-. L:.i alcohotism or dni, ;lcldiction rroLram. Service Re<<enuc Fees ure chnrgecl lor Servic::s lelidat~ by lhi: City o1 Spu;.fflc ti ullc~. Must oi 11w lc::s in tl:c Cieneral Fund 4rr cunstniciion inspections and pernitts related to services such ws planniri;, io>>inw irci inuildin-.i. F;lies.;nd 1-cqtct~lilt~ F1112S aIId pC"l.it'.s aIt; iol3CC*c'U ['OSi1l( '_~i :1ltlliltl}~3~ ~_~}Ufl :l:l!(1_~ 1111 ~':~l~i I7?i>~t'~~~lll~!~U`~ rule intracuons. Al! court hcies and ~xnal~~., . I ,f;. r ....-r.,: keeps less thaaj(1o of!h~• :~rnni;r~t c:~tiH<<tc; Rq 'on Program fi?, , Th~.• Parks anc! R:.-cre2ti i Che Parks and regional mectings, «-eddi]- grrAi roum and di,,c,,,_ investmcnt I.aierc_.: T}1CCItV'CaII1S:l:% L-:,i:il~2iii .:I:L I, ~ I..i: , !i~li•° i: .lf OTtIER FUrD kLVEr►UES: STFLLE"F R!`:~: Ntutoc Vehiclc Fue1 E, ~clkg Taxs,ggLtiL~ i The City ret:eiti•es gas tsix bsised on popuEstiun. (jas i~~x iuust he spcric on streets. I-he Cit~ e.axpects to teceive $23.40 per cupita in motar vehicIe luel excisc tax (gas tax) in 2009. Thc g~.~, ta.K has increased each yesr for several yean. Howevzr, the higher cost of gasoline has resultc.i III IIG:CS Cl1i1111,-) baCk- ol] (11~ ~I]lollJl[ [11Cv bU\' ',"I1!ifl llJt !lil:ltel"-` 1'cdL'cC~; lll,-- C:i`: fcN,~.i%k:.l hv thc L 1ty. 17 A.RTERLAL, S'FREET FUN17: Motor Vehicle Fuel Excise Tac (gm taxl All Motar Vehicle Fuel E.~ccise Tax is now directed to the Sseet Fwid. 1-ha only new mwenur !-0 - the Arietial Street I'i.mci «ill hc ~mall :imntmt~, of interest i^eom< <irnecl fr~~:ti t}« existung in this Fund TRAILS &t PAT[i F LItiD t1 SII18l1 pet'CC'iltcge OI the Oiti''y icx ?tlu~t be ;ci :ls!ijC i~~r %.:?p1T:fl ~,\pt'I1dSIli.1'~z, o*.1 ir.iils .311ij ~~eats «titil a~?Lqu:i1L Jollsl's a:O c1V~ilab.r patl]5. This munet «-ill li{:;iv :!cr~.~>>>~~14t:: f~~r Seti-rral . for a pmjerc. . . HOTEI/I`401-I:L F UNI This fund rezeives all reve»ue resulting tium the Hotel!Nlotel i ax !eti'icd upon charges rnadc fo; the furnishing af lodging by a hotzl, rooming house, towist wurt, motel, trniler camp and othrr transient accammodarians in the City. The taY rate is 2 perrent of the seUing grice or charge madL for the lod.ging. It is cnllected and adminis:ere,j by the Washingtan Stute Departmen[ oi Revenuc. State !aw rcquinccs that t}iesc taxes be crediird ta a special !'iind with limitativns on us,~, principally to generatc tour;~ C".. . 11-. prescribcd by RCW 67.28.31 i~. llEB7 SERVICE FLTTD - LTvU i► . Ttt2 PUbl1C F8ClI1tl6S D15V1Ct 1Y1II p[,,NIJL it:.~)ulil~ luC Itie i:~~•[ •~T~:cC iii C~•TI:~1"~'..:_~ The Citv's Caoit3I Pmjtcts and Special Capital Project5 Funds wi11 pruvicle fwidinQ t'L.r uht: cAr>i rAL PROJLCr: 1-1'z]): Linder VVashington Statc; Law. IZCW 82.46.UlU, the City is ~11~~~,,..! i. rach sale nf real pruperty at the retz oFone-quarter of one perrent as the selling price. The revenue geaeratecl is be used for financiag capital projrcts as spccified ui ii,c c.:piLd facilitics plan undcr the rrovvth Managment Art. SPL'CIA1. CAPITAL PROJEC7'S FUND: Under Washington State Lttw, RCW 82.46.010, the Ciry i, :ill~~~~ed to impose an additian:l excise tax on cach salc of real property at the rate of one-qututer af one pen:ent of the selling price. The revenuc generated is to be used for financing public works capital projrcts as spzcified in the capital facilitics plan undcr the Gro%rth Nianagement !1ct. 18 IvTERFwn rRANsr•uzs: Many fwsds rcceive their revenues fronl other fiinds in the form of an intcrfund hans.fcr. Thcse trarLSi'ers uuiy rcprescnt payments fur scrvice, an aperating trnnsfer. ar a cunccntration of rc~~cnues for a sgecific project. The follawing funds rzceive transfers £rom other iunds. Gtneral Fund is budgeted ta receivt tram,ters from ►he Strect Euud, Stormw'atrr 117anagement Fund, and tlie HoteUMotel Fund ot' S25,000, $15,000 nnd $90,000, r:,spertiveiy_ Stteei Fund is budgeted to rcceive a ioan from the General Fund af $1,175,000. Winter Weuther Rcscrvc fund is hudgete(i to receive a 5500,400 transf~r fiorn the ( reueral Fund Trails & Paih-i E"lllld 1s liLIdL?::iL'd St.) F.:CeIve : transter from tt;C SLi.CI I'Rllti lil IIIe .1iilotlri[ I)~ S13,000. Str"t Capital Prujecrs Fund (303) is buJgcted to receivc transtcrs trom :Lrtcria) Street Fund (102) af S591,000, Siormwatcr Ni_in.i~,=rrz:rnt. Fund of S?00,1100, m,d Sneci..il Capital Frojcccs Fund (302) of $2,875,000. Debt Serviee Fund is budgeted ro rcccive transt*ers tiom c::ch of chc Capi;.d ['Wj:.'.; F:uiA and thc Spccial Capital Frojr.:ts Fund ofSin;,tl()0 t:;,rh. Strects Capital Proj:.Cii filild (301) 1:; tll!dLCiCd Io T':CCIv4 ! tc.lr?s'Cf '[oilt iliC C::I'1!:l projects fiind (301) of $3,956,000. "Ibe CnQital Gran?s Fund iYii1 '•vill rrcci.: ;s tr:nsttr t;om !he t,~'nital F=mnd (30 1) ot S475,01 R3SI{ Nlan8gelIICllI E'11I1d Is U11t2gLIClj lC) CeCe1V~ $2130:u111.1 ifolll fhC (.Itiici.d 1:111ILl t~:r employmcnt security Psymrnts aiid City insuranc: premiuin;. STORMV►'ATER MANAGENIENT FEE; This fce is unposed upon evet} developed parcel of pronerty within the City snd is an annual chargc of P-1.00 fnr each singlc family uuit and $21.00 per 3,160 square fee of imprrvious swfact far all other propertics. Ibese charges arc uniform for the same class of cu.stomers and service facilitic.s. Thcsc fecs nre estimated to bz 51,600,000 for 2009. „ 2009 PRELIAIINARY BUDGET Major Revenue ASSUmption9 l. Itie 2(}08 population figure used in the 2009 I'relimiunry Budgct is 88:920 as deLermined by the Oftice of Finsincial 14fanagement for the State Qf Washington. 'l'bi.s figune is important when deicrmining distribution of Stale 5hared revenues on u per capitu ba.sis. 2. The 2009 estimatcd asscsscd valu;itian (AV) is $7.0 Uillian. Thc City's actual :use,sed valuc will bt assignr:1 by the Spokane Cotmty Assessar. 3. Propcrty taxcs are levicd based an assc-siscd valua and the City's authori:ceci lcvv rate. A ratc oi S 1.50 per thousand dollars af assessed value is anticipated. The City expcrts ta callect 95% af ta,KCS levied in 2009 realiziag the rernaining 5°fn will be callectcd in the folluwing ycars. 4. Frauichise fezs and business rcgistmtions ure hased on projected fzcs in 2008. 5. i_iquor excise taxes and liquor prflfits arc based upoa estimaitss fram the Municipal Rcseurch and Seniccs Center (MR.SC). b. Eines & rorfeiis are based on projecteci collecciQns in 2008. 7. Iiuilding pcTmit and lsnd use fees are estimatcd by the City of S}wkane VaIlcy, baseci on expertcd 2008 collections. S. Reat estgte excise taxes ete based on projected collectiuns by the City in 2008. 9. Gati tat revenues ure bascd c,ri estimatcs by the City ut Spokane V:illey. 10. 'lltc Stormwatcr Ntaiiagement tee is b:3.seJ un :in rquiv.ilcnt lZctiiifcntial f_'nit (ERU) rate of $21. ?IM+: )'I:E.1_1_~Il~~ \f:l l;i I)(~l i ~l.ijul 1'__~,pt'31l:litii L' U{7?iliiliil~ 1. Service levels are thc same ar ~~ater thasi pruvidc.d in 2008. Positions wid salsr}, rarigcs ara hased on the City's campensatiun and classification PtWI. 3. Benefit amounts arc based on the employce benefits plan. 4. 'Ihe contract costs for public safety, parl: maintenance, aquatics and strzet mainteoance are bused on estimatcs by City staff. i. State rcquirrd retircment (PERS) ir}creASes have been inctudcd. City of Spokane Vslley 2009 Budget Summary EAy"vd*d geg, • Atttlclpatsd f"n Fund Balsnu Rmnueo ExnenClWtsm gund Bsiartcy 001 Camnerel Fund t 12,116.644 f 37.172.311 S 48288.955 S 13.224,551 101 SttsN Furxf 1.542.000 5,590,OOQ 7,E~2000 3,228,404 102 Ailwlal Strset Fund 5E1.000 10,000 591.000 2QO,UAO 103 TnIIs b PnM Furid 34,000 4.000 43.D00 43,000 105 NolskMohi Fund B4.000 520.000 E00,000 100,000 120 CerderPlaos Operatiny Resarve Fund 330.000 10,000 340,000 340,000 121 Service Lewl Subiltratbn Fund 5.30Q.000 10D.000 5.400.000 3,400,000 t?2 MuOer Wealt+et Resatre Fund - 500.000 60Q.000 - 123 Cily Fscft" RepWr 6 WplRC:emenl 3S,'1.000 02.000 767.000 T87.000 - 204 Osbt SeMos LTGO 03 - 850,000 6b0,000 701 CapiUt ProMcts Furid 4.948.000 1,000.000 5.90,000 1.000,000 302 SpecW C=pital Pro*r,ls 1.e80.000 1.100,000 2.9e0.oan 1,000,000 303 Sinli CapiW Vrojeds - 18,725,000 18.726,000 - 304 Mktbuu Paittt Capitsl ProocLt fun4 3E0.000 10.000 370.000 3?0 000 306 CO 8lotit t3tu11 Fund - 300.q00 300,000 - 307 CapIt01 Grantt Furid - 1,373.000 1,573,000 300 AutMr Hrldpe Fedecal Fund - 5,977,000 9.977.RM J09 Packs Capltal Proj" FunG 5bD,Q00 670.000 t 220,OD0 - 310 Gvlc BuUW^9 CqM Afojncfs Furid 5.600.000 - 3.000.400 5.600,000 402 Stmmwstex Mau8e+nent 1.800,000 1,640,000 3.440.000 1.357,900 501 £qulpmeni ReMg! & Raplaagmeni Furid 700,000 80,000 Tatl.000 760,000 502 Fask ManaQer►nnt Furw 14.000 200,000 230,000 _ xb,GQ4_ s 38.406,644 s 74,50e,311 t 11 n_oia,M t 33,39e.90 ' 38.406,844 Total Resaurc+s S 110.911,353 The (7fy budpeta edl rosotqna of each fund. It a recopMzed thaf al resaufoes wltl ncg be s;enl • Thla calumn is ateRe best estimate ol the fund belance at year end, :5 City of Spokane Valtey 2009 Budget Resources by Type General Fund Beginning 6alance $ 12,116,644 Properiy Tax 10,675,000 Safes Tax 19,380,000 Gambling Tax 525,000 Franchise F8es18usiness Registration 864,550 State Shared Revenues 1,257,550 Service Revenues 1.965,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,300,000 Recreation Program Fees 512,070 MiscelEaneou6 8 Investment Interest 418,241 Transfers 174,900 Total General Fund 49,28 8.95r Other Fund:: lot Street FLt'-;; io2 Arterial Street Fund 591,000 la3 Trails R Paths Fund 43,00C', i05 HotellMotel Fund 600,000 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund 340,0C-0 121 Service Lsvel Reserve Fund 5,404,0C0 122 V'Vinter Weather Reserve Fund SOO,OC;u 123 City Facilities P.epafr & Replacement 767,000 2a4 Debt Service LTGO 03 650,000 sai Capitai ProJects Fund 5,948,000 3o2 Speciat Capital Projects Fund 2,980,000 303 Street Capiiial Projecis Fund 16,725.000 3o4 Mirabeau Point Project Fund 370,000 3oe CDBG Fund Revenues 300,000 307 Capital Grants Fund 1,573.000 -N)a Barker Bridge - Federal C3rant Fund 5,977,000 309 Parks Capital Fund 1,220,000 310 Civic 8uilding CapitaJ Fund 5,800,000 aoz Starmwater Management Fund 3,440,000 soi Equipment ReMal 8 Repiacement Fund 780,000 soz Risk Management Fund 230,000 Total Other Funds 61,626,000 Totai All Funds $ 110,914,955 26 c ny ot spaan. vra.y ZYQ! Hud9rl OKWl RownuN by TY" 2007 200N J1manded 200f Pnovosed Gannl Raa4 Rrwtwm Actud @udod eudoft lawrrVr=Fxd ~ :3.".Oic :ve,e„ s e~Js r~c,.,,, > >axo,ooo I io.saooo prowi TSO • Oofequnr itt3q 14wo.70 tTQW9 s,!?2,~EA 10,eBQ500 1C.EfS,000 kmhLl~ sor.rs 17.4937,4W 17.ie0,100 +100.000 Lu.. To - cnm.,r h,.+m. I.ar,usB 1.300,000 aso,ooo Sera Ta -?~atr 5dery ?De.071 750,000 aiOC.V]Q ~~,m,ao ~a,~~,eoo i9,3n,ooo GanMnn rne, p,e+c+ aow" i a,r r.a ez~e 11o,000 90,ow AnunnWr a.m.. zooa ,aooo xcoo c:xa a,m.s rr,,.ra eoaooQ aW,oan a~e,c. :~o,ooo sMnOo ~~.H a rrn,b a,,.~ uab., n,x7 s~,ooo so,oao F•sKtws F~ea a0~ KI.l40 D1.717 $0.450 BW,sO `~V'.Q~1'd~OYl41Y rJJETh.bnlrwJWi4-Aapu411eA fl,s1S i4SM 11,100 f tmu+j*l .hjslie Ams It • • ' •',.-mcssl Juxida kn 4 . . . UimMl ,ruauoe ArN U • • . C~tmrjW Ant= /ypN 1/T,1T~ ~04000 101,100 G Mntif iagem EDwM P, e4w. 61IW EOORIO lQ,OOC GW - CAIm 20.M1 14,000 i.".000 l.tW icwr0 6eew TRrz 40,00 ITS 070 A(QWO lISAr 9ood I'toAla ISMI:! K4006 OOO.WO CTmdrarx . t5~ii10 wst 214V R.rstu,sawswa e.»e eAWy ►xma, 1.2%,00 1,1entao »oot~c pi..s++Drp Psrnvs aa14 T2.J00 St,C00 c-=rrg wRmt. a.sM a,ooo Y,oao Mecwwnrcal PwnMS Of,406 q.000 !!Row D«nonUat P+rmrts 4.?RS 5.000 5,000 slnc ?stnlb a Fpe 124.W lB,M SS,A00 vunw Gnmck Frs :l1,Mi 230.OC0 2lOl,00Q PqrYdnpRaeo I~1.~11 34000 ?fIQM z tn.n~ , iea.noo ,.sas am Fr s.w,:f~t~aar Fnn E Ro1Mb • Ttafra iadAN l80,000 lOCAOC Cuhr CrWwd Non •Tuft Fbs 765.rte Too.aJO M.GDO r ,y1R,~1 1,fi0, 000 1,DOG.OOG u I1a1.xy iaw (fO:w a +epsacrrM Mcft) ~.2~ 1~DOO aS7,070 pec,oam i+ss (To DEWOM h s Drd?IO) SO.C64 77,~ 55= OLOIW x}p t14,E(Q tY'Qw Ht.t71 'SQt,DfO 512.0711 Llipot~trO~I Inrwlr~ l~e~d 4W.9YC ]t2,900 70Q,000 SatM 7n Irnretl Ti ai7 QS,000 413,641 prtrperty Tat MreM 20.]93 29,000 :5,000 MWafrrwCuB NWAWV 1LX1S 7 !L!0 Jt 410 067.'3i1 411,100 41/,N1 irarvNr ?te++ b~ Fuxd • t?inRwO MDOD JS= ?rnMw7riws i0orenwaar 1a.m0 t4,G00 I6,D00 TrarsilrA'om 51rw1 Fund -IWmD§mttb 44,900 7r~e~hr Avrn Ho1MMAont. Cr't~9i10~ 904~ 4D.C00 7~ ]]6 166.040 171,000 TnWlo+nnr►uaQllw-u 3~•024•OOt 2~36.W7400 117,02,213, f WW GrmfoI FanA Ilnsmw aMd SwOwA" FUnd "ol" S ~Q*74 f 423Il6,m ~y Ciry of Spokans VaNey 2CQ9 8udgat DsUil Revenues bY TYW 2008 Arnonded I009 Propwe0 OMMor Fund Ravenuss 240T /4cAta1 Budgrt 8udgat 101 Sbvet Fund Begmning Fund Balance f - S 3,677,872 S 9,542,000 Pr'oPeRY Tsxes 2,280 10,000 - Mabor Fuel (Gas) Tax 2,099,519 2.150,000 2,050,000 InvesUnent Inlerest 238.843 85,000 125,000 Laan from C3eneral Fund 900,000 - 1,176.000 Udltty Tax - - 2,500,000 tnau►artrx Premluma 3 Reoovoin 25,087 • - NiaWlaneoua Revenue 15.838 • - 3.278.356 6,922,972 7,382,000 102 Arbeial Stree! Fund Beginning Fund Balanoe - 850.000 SB1,000 Ccx►VibutlansDevebpmertt 8 Plarutlnq 14,400 - - Investment Inberest 45,111 - 10,000 tmprovemanfs to ArtalaEs - - ' • Tronsfer from CABG Fund - • ' 64,511 850,055 591.0w t Q~ T t f!aft FuM 6eginning Fund Bafance - 25.000 34.000 Mooor Fusl (Gas) Ttx 0,147 - - Investment Intaresi 1,036 - 1.040 Trans/er Irom Sbee! FunO 5:000 8 000 _ 0,163 30.000 43.000 106 HoteUMats(EUn_d Beg:nninp FunC 8afanoe - 280,000 80.000 HWaUMotel Tax 461,678 400,000 512,OQ0 Investment Intpreat 24,766 8,000 8.000 485,365 968,000 60D.000 12 , 'P,.e QaataUna R~jgnvs Beg.nnlnq Fund 8alenoo - 325,000 330.004 Irrtatfurxi Traneter • - " Investment Intorest 17,289 1D,004 10,04Q 17.269 335,000 340A00 121 5-nrvice Level Sabilizetion Resarve Begmning Fund 8alonce - 5.200~000 5,300,0W Trartslor from Genetal Fund 361,000 - - In:eabnianttnierasl 261,878 200,000_ 100.400 r2?..878 5400.0M 5,400,00Q 12:Wir:tet YledUe-f ~§.4EvA ,.a0,41'w geginning Fund Balancn - " Int*Aund Transfar - loan . - 500,004 InveStmtnt IntarYS! 28.636 20.000 - 28.836 580.000 500,000 12a rft Fac•1'tmn Raaair 6 Rent,t 3sg:nning Fund Bafance - - 355,000 Imrtsbr►ent Inttresl 4.257 - 5,000 39-? rnn 39' nr-Ct 40 ' ?0? , . r,,r-.-=. Ci1y of Spokans Vdloy 2009 BudgN Detsp Ravenws by Type 2008 AmanOed 2M PropoaM OlMr Fund Rewnues 2007 Aclual BudQSt Budg" 204 Debt SwIdQ9 - LTGQ 03 Basinninq Fund BaEence - Faclidies DiairSd Revenue 409,545 414,000 440,400 Dsbt Seivlu Transfer Noan Gapihl Projeds - - • Tranafer tram Special C,aplhl Projedn 93,245 - - and Spedel Capital Projects 93,245 188.000 210.000 596,035 600.000 650,000 301 st Pirol Funt! Beglnning Fund Balancs - 3.300.000 4,948.000 REET t. tsi -25 Peroent 1.300,988 1.000,Q06 1.000.000 tnvesbr►ent lrrteros! 213.937 120.Q60 - 1,514,902 4,<20,000 5.948.000 30: Snacial QORa[PSmI2=Fu+ Bayinning Fund 8atanca - 3.300.000 100.000 REET 2- 2nd .25 Fbrcent 1.288,716 1,000.400 11,000.0Q0 fnvestrnsntintere3t 226.705 120,000 100.000 1.515.420 4.420,000 2.98e.0oC 103 Street Canrtaf PfoIa~s Bayaninp Fund 8atanca - Oe-seIopnr Contributlons 33.821 • - Gront Proceeds 417,455 3,450,023 8,603.000 Tronsier from Btodk Grant 161,028 - 300,Q00 Transfer from Capital ptojacts Fund 162,311 1,627,000 3,956.000 Transfer itam Gsrterel Fund - 50,000 ' Trwsfer fran Arterisl Stresi Fund - - 591,fl00 Trartster hom Stormwatet Mana2sment Fund - 200.0Q0 200•000 Misrellanewus Ravenua 8,8M 7ransiEr fram Spedal CsObl Ptojeds - 2.427,O00 2,d75.000 1.091.463 7.354,023 18.725.000 304 Mkebou Pradecf Begmning Fund 8atance 414,000 360,000 Invesbnant Inlems2 18.097 40.000 14000 Dorations Insuraroce Recoveries ' ' - M'isoaitanoous Revenue - - - 19.097 454,000 370,000 306 C.Q B1otJc GrRnt Fund eaginning Fund Balente - 243,000 ' CDBG Grant Prooeede 300,000 Transfer from Streal Bond Fw►d - ' ' Inuestmentlnteieat _ 245,000 300,OdQ 307 Caaftal Gcatits Fund 9egkmMg Fund Batance - ' ' Csphl Gnn! Proceeds 202.528 2,876.000 1,496,000 Transfer fso+m Sttest Bond Fund - ' " Trsnafers from Artennt Street Furni 230,019 - - Translfers from Specia! Goprtnl Prqacb Pund - 2.440.000 - Trangfara (ran CeWtai Projacfs Fund - 6.471,000 475,0OQ M+atellaneous Revcnue 1•200 433.748 11.347,004 1.573,000 3' Clty ol 5pofcano Vellay 2009 8udget t}otail Ravenuea by Typa 2008 Mwndfd 2004 ProposM pM►er Fund Revenuos 2Q07 Aclual Budp*t BuOprt N-38 Berkec Bddas Recomirucilon - Fed Grant Federal Grant Ptaomad3 355.428 5.362.800 5.186,000 Trsrssfer from Capihl Ptqeda Fund - 300,000 812,6W 355.428 5.882,800 5,977.000 ; j~9 Parks Caaita! Prale~ts 6aginn}ng Batance - 3.400,000 5b{).c~-,:; InvestmeM Intstcst 53.5b'S 40,000 Sta1o Rec & Cartservation Crmrtt Rev 248,910 - Parka Grarrt - ~,000 Cpntributtan f►om Spoksne Cama 148,391 Tramier irom the CapHnl Projects Fund - 400.000 600 Transfef hem the Generel Fund 410.,L000 20000 'Q h~10 00'0 .22) C•C(i 310 Givic F dBtles Cecltai ProlW* Begi(1f1ing BII1Dt1Ce IrtvestmeM Interes! 234,106 30.000 - Tranafer fram Genefal Fund 3,779.400 - - Stnrrrxvrater l4anaannt Fv-, J Be9lnning Fund Batartca 3pokane Counly Ratmburranant Stortnwator Monayame+tt Fee 1,6$0,038 1.600.000 1.800,OC0 Invesbnent tnEernt $0,568 60.000 40.OOD 1.785.008 3.180.000 3.440.000 50,1 Eauiotnant ftntW 8 ReararernM Futxi 6eq;nning Fund 8alsnte - 700.0OQ 700,000 Investn?ent lnterast 2,812 29.751 n Transler from Ganarsl Fund - 39.66 i cTransfet from 3Uee! a Storrstwafar iund - 10.5Rr Vehicie Pvrthane Transiers " - 2.6t2 780.GOG r0' RFSk Marmoemen! Fund Beqlrtr►Inp Fund 8alanca • 15.000 30,00-:InvesUtteni Irttemi 810 • . EmplaymentSecuntyTransteta - 7,100 8.00'~ Tranater hom Gerwal Fitnd 178,903 145,OW 192.OCLG 177,713 217,100 230,000 Total Ravaaus a Beyinning Fund Batancs 17.245.461 62.387.895 61,628,0G"I All Other Funds TatalRevonusg $ 54,274,461S 99.215,M S tt0_~td,9Y., 32 City of Spokane Valley 2009 Budget Expenditures by DepArtment Gemra! Funs! Legislallve Brarech $ 330.900 Legfsletive & ExacuUve Services 1,433,321 Public Saftty 20,841,084 Operatiorts & Administrative Deputy City AAanaflw 681.420 Finence 878.437 Humen Resources 235,285 Pubilc Wotks 07.068 Planning & Community Oevebpment Admin 331.284 Plaimlrtg 1,062,1 43 Budding 1.325.213 Derve{opment EnQlneeiing 870.199 Ubrary 20.000 Parks S Recreadan Adminiatratbn d Mairttenance 858.833 Recreation 232.187 Aquatics 403.818 Senlor Center 94.194 CenterPlaoe 1,125110 General Government 18.069.581 Total General Fund 49268.955 OIltcr Funds ~o+ Streat Fund 7.392.000 ~n2 Meii81 Stteei Fund 591.000 i o 3 Traits end Raths Fund 43,000 i e; HaEeVMotel Fund 6A0.000 :20 CentetPlaoe Operetlng Resear+e Fund 340,000 121 Service l.evel StabCiraNon Fund 3.400.000 122 Wirtter Weather Reserve Fund 500,000 123 Chric FaciNty Reptacement Furnf 787.000 :a Detst Service - LTOO 03 850.000 aoi Capital Projects Fund 5,948,000 :u: Spedal Captta! Projects Fund 2,980,000 103 Swe! CepiUal Projecta Fund 16,725,000 acA Mirabeau Polnt CapilaJ Projects Fund 370,000 3os CD Block Grniu Furxt 300.000 xw Cepital Granta Fund 1,573,000 aoa 8arker Bndge • Federai Grent Fund 5,977,000 aoe Parks Capital Projects Fund 1.220.000 sso Civic Buildings Caplta! Pmjeds Fund 5.800.000 4o2 Stomtwater Menagerr►ent Fund 3,440,000 so+ Equlpment Rtrttal b Rsptec,emsnt 780,000 u: R+sic Martaflerrent Ftind '~,000 i otai Ali Funds S 110,914,955 33 City of Spokane Valley 2a08 Budget Genarai Fund Expenditures by DepaKment by Type ~ cfw4aL WMIUS Su Servim IntetpovemmeMal elnt rAmd ~ Total Qoera! Fund LegtstaUve Branch $ 126.978 S 10,000 i 184.922 $ - $ - $ - i 330.900 Legkelativs B Executive 691,331 18,6i10 123,390 - - - 1,033,321 Public Se4ery • - - 20,841,084 - - 20,841,084 Opexatlons 8 AcfmkliBWUve [?eputy City Mtuaget 579.020 5,700 78.700 - - - 681,420 Flnance 833.937 7,000 37,500 - . . 878,437 hluman Resotiaces 182,965 3,50Q 69.800 - 236,285 Aubft Wbrks 826.765 48.308 140.875 - 3,120 - 817,068 PlRrrnir►g & Community l7eveiopment Admtn 298.924 4.180 13.200 16.000 • - 331,284 Planning 754,093 12,050 221,000 75,000 - - 1,062,143 Building 1,059,688 28,675 98.650 65.000 - 75,000 1,325,213 Development Engineenng 681,259 8.900 155,100 45,000 - - 870,199 20.000 _ . . 20,OW Ubrary - ' Parks 3 RecreaOon Psr1c9 AdrrtinkstBtien 178.212 54.540 714,181 10,OOQ • - 958.833 RecrcaUon 143.908 9.940 78.339 - - - 232,187 qquabm . . 403,616 - - - 403.816 Senior Csttiet 10.989 8.850 16.555 • - - 94.194 GentorPtace 355,8+41 76.293 303,178 - 324.000 66.000 1.125,110 Genaraf Govemmant - 67,OOQ 1.572.000 329,000 15.952.581 150.000 18,089,561 Toted Genernl fund S 8,743.670 $ 368,216 $ 4,227,304 $ 21,378.084 $ 18,279,881 S 291,000 5 49288,955 k~s Fund: 001 Gonerel Fund sPokana ValleY QapC 011 Legisistiva Branch 2009 Budgei 011 - Lenislative Branch This departrwt acceunts for the cost at praviding effiective etected representatton af the cidzenry In the govemirtg body, The Cauncti makes pollcy deGsiong for the City and is accauntable to Spokane Valley citizens by making declsions regarding haw resources are altocated, the appropriate levets of sen►Ice, and establkshing goals and potlcies far the arganization. AGCOA1D!lshmertts f4r 200 • Continue monitoring wastewater iasues . including govemance of urastewaber facilifts, and purswt of the mosi efi►cient and acnnomical methads to ensure the continuatian ot wastewater discherges licenses_ Gaaf Aototnptls#ted: Coundl and etafF cdllelwratgd with dschergar's, environmcntall5ts and regutatary agersciea. A MiUgaUon Implemantation Ptan (MIP) assoc'tated with an acceptabfe Tatal Mazimum Daily Lnad ruling was accapted by the Washingtan Qapartmont of Ecology. DeFerimant oi Ecology has renewed a public comment parfod on their praposai Pricu ta lssuarrae of a discharge permit- MeanwhUa, City sfnfl partidpetes on the DaslgnlBuNNOperats vendor seleatlan commlttee. . Reflnet! InNal departments Sjx-Year Strategic Flnancial Plan , in order to bentity and incorporate fiscai impacts into a strategic financial plan. Goa1 Accompiishe.d: TT►e sbc-year financial farecast naw fncorporates the projeded expeneft related to depaMmMel businesa ptans • Formulated a Six-Year Strateutc Flnanc4al Plan that brecasts expected nevenues and expenses; Incorporates the cast eQements of departmental buslness ptans; identified ftscal constraints; and, proposed formulas for Gouncil cansideration thet insMut+e sustafnable budget-balandng approaches and item¢es necESSary servics reductions or revenue increase or CombinatlCns thereof. Ongoing Progreas_ The City Council has engaged In a transportaUon iunding Strengths, Wcakneases, Qpportunitles and Threais ($WOT) assessmanl, a gap anelysia, a six-year goal setting axtrdse, and ptloriilzatiort of fundlny options_ • InftiaEsd tmaterttentstion of the suD,area pran for the SpraguelAppfeway revitaiizaiian. 1mplemrntatNon efforts wiil begin onoo the sub-eroa Plan is sOoPteQ tsY Goundl In SWember. • Adoated atea wide tezonlrtc nrop"aEs consfstsa with ths Comarehenai_ve Ptan that reAected approprtate ad)ustments in zoning designatfons. • {dentHY and adoat future annexatton aress. Gaal esSablished on June 14: work to commerice in the hll, • Perform an InventorY anslvsis that will facilitate development af a Sharetfne Master Progrsm In 2010. Goal estabhshed art June 14; work to cammar+ce In the faU. 37 Fwnd: 001 General Fund Spokane VaQey Ospt: ot t Legisiative Branch 2009 8udget 011 - Looislstive 8ranch aoafs tor 2009 • ConUnue monltorina wastowates issues, including govemance of wasteweter facilities, and pursurt of the mast efficf8nt and er.onamicai methods to ensure the conGnuetian of wastawater discherges licenses. • Seek hmdlna source¢ tor City Canter that bultds upon the Clty's Initiaf investment in a City Hall to spur further pnvate invesUnent m the development of a mixed used City Center. . Iderttifv corfomiance measures for tfte PotM peaertment and monitor ptogress in their attainment. • Imo{ement and evaltiata reuutatlons specifed in Nte SpraguelAppleuva}/ Revitalization Plan as adopted and amended by the City Cauncil. • Evaluato the availability, rnsts Snd effacts of private sactor vendors performing wlnter road maintanance fvr the Ciry. • Canptete records indexina and ehase in a document imautno svstem City department by City depariment wlth the goal ai ach(eving city-wide impiementabon in 2010. BudQet Summant 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget 8u et Personnel • FTE Eaufvalents Mayar 1.0 1.0 1.0 Caundl u 1_0 u Total FTEs 7.0 7.0 7.0 Budqet Detail Salaries, Wayes, 8 Benefits $119,270 5 124,630 $ 126,978 Supp{ies 10,624 21,000 19,000 senrices a cherges 99.247 174.361 184.922 Interiund Charges - ' ' TOtal Legis{adve BrBnCh $2i la2 $ 391 $330 36 Wrud: 001 Genorsl Fund scQkane v■ll~r D"c: 013 Exectrtiva a LegislsUva 8upport 2009 eudgc: 03 - Ezecutlve & Laah4atlvo Sumot3 Thts 4epartrnent is aooountaole ta tr.e Ciry Camcu for the aperatinnal results of the rxganizat{~on. sftective suppart of elactsd amr.ials un athievtng their goals; tulfrllment of the statutory requlramen#s of tfie Clty Maneger, implementation at Cicy Counal policies, arxf provision of e communication finkage beMraan cstlzens, tha City Coundl. Crty deparSments, and othar gavemrt►ertt 8gendes. AccomaUahmanh tor ~ • Continue manitcrina wastewrstor lum, fndud+ng guvemarxe ot weatweter faduties, and pur5uit of the most effictent and economical meltlods tn artsure the oontinuatjurl of wasfewater dsdierge9 Ifcenses Goaf I4cccxrtpUahnC: Cavnal end ststi octlsbaated wMh d4chirqers. envIronunant+Iisls a+tid royulntnry aqencies A MHJgailon Impbmerdrtfon Ptan (MIP) aaaodaW with an aaeptabta ToW Maximum Daiy Load rulMq waa Accepted by tltia Washingwn DeGnranarrt of Ecofogy. Di¢artmarrt of Eooloqy has renoweA o pubMc comment DNbd an tt►elr propnsal pricr to beusnCe of i dl6Chatpe p6rtna. MeYmMhlte, Clly itatf partlGlpales an Lhe OesigNBuIIdPOperate verxlor sNectbn =ommrcts& • Ftefined Initlal daipartmetns Stx-Year 3trnbalc finartctsl P1an. In cxder to fdenUiy end Incorporate ftscal impacb Ittto a 3vaiegic firrancEai pian. Goal ArcampR.Na: Tno soc•yasr financial roreost rso* inc,orpo.Wes uft pro)aaod exaansQs relaSed to dt{orlmeriW busfness plens. . Fortnuraked a 8fz-Year Stratenic Financinl Ptan Shet torecasts expectgd revenuea end exp@n3ey, tncoipora;as ttie caet elemanth of dtpartmental busiroess ptans; Identfied ffscal coevstreirrts: and, proposed formutas tor Counal consideratlon ttat in511tuta 8ust8kneble dudget-ba}arrdng approaches and ltsmtzn rseaassaty servke redudWs ow rcvanue Increase pr combinations tfseseof Qnpoinq Pcngresw The City Councll has enqaged In a traresportsUon fund'+ng Shenp»cs. VYeaknesaea, OvPoftnfsie.s and Th►earts (6W°0T) assaesment, s gap analyais. s sa•yonr flwl seiting exerciee, and pirlorltizaiion of f►xxting optlons. • lnitiafg/d Imalemgntatlon of the sub-area plan fw the SpraguerApplaway revltalization. lmpfemantivinn tff+xts wUl bepln once the sub-araa plan ls adopted by Counclt in Saptamber. • Adoctsd *MM-wide roawnino arQUMks cQrots4ent wftfi th4 ComprahonaiYO Plan tha; reffected spProQnaiQ actjustments in zoning designAbons. • kUm1ity and adoot futu annarstion arsas. doal establishod an Juna 14; wock lo cammenoo in {he hp. o PQftOf'ftl 3(1 111VMU►N i111lYfh111181141l1 f&cWtft dCY'l10W8r11 of 8$hCf'efine M88t4r Progrsm in 7010. (3pg1 esfabiahed on Jut►e 14; wo►1c to comrrwbnos tn the hA, Fund: 001 f3enenl Fund 3pokan• vai;,: popi: 013 Executlvo S LegietaMve Support 2009 Budyec 013 • E tAve 3 Lsalslattwe $upwn Goals (of 2009 • Continus manttqctna vraslswamr MUM inctuding govemanre oi wastsvtztw bmwties, snd pursutt of irie most efffdent and economical methods to enaura the coMUttratbn of wasts+waier dischsrges Ikcenszs. 9 See1c tuw4Lnn sourtel fat Cltv Center that buNds upan the Clty's Initlal irtvestmeM in e Ciry Hall to spur ftn'mer prfvate InveahneM in the devalopment of e mfx$d usad Clty Center. .Idantih► periorman a maasures tor "Pulice Dwortrn+d~ end monitor proQress (n thelr attainment • Imolemerit nd evatuAte nauloitions epeutiaed in the SpragueJAppleway Revltattrattm Plan as edoptac! erNi amended by the Gty Coundl. . EvaiusAe " availeb+frty, oosls and efiects ot pnvste secbor venciors per#orming arlntet road maintenance tar the City . Complota records indexlnQ end iphase In s docuntent lmaQtna atrstam Cl1y deparimem by City department wsth the goal of echiaving dty-wide ImplerttentaUon in 2010. BUdpBt SuITIfT1AIY 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual 6udget 8udgtt Patsoml - FTE E4uivalents Cey Maneger 1.0 1.0 1.0 City Attamey 1.0 1.0 1.0 City Gkwk 1.0 1.0 1.0 Dewty Clty pttomey 1.0 1.0 1.0 peputy Ciry cEerk 0.6 1.0 1.0 Admanistrafive Asaistant - Lagal 1.4 1,0 1.0 Adminlstrative Assistant (CC) 1.0 1.0 1.0 AdminipMve Assiatant (CM) i:Q 1-0 IQ Total FTEs 7.5 8.0 8.0 lrftm 3.0 3.0 35 udo t Detau 0 Salaries. Wegas. 8 genefft $700,320 S 875.27A S 881,331 Supptles 10,145 14,898 18,600 Setvices d Ch&rges 37,723 108,55i 123,390 Capdal0utlay ' ~T - Interfund Charges " Tate[ Executlvs a Leoislshwe Support S 748jOQ $7•s S 1,033,321 s 0 Fund: 001 Genetal Fund Cky o/ 9pokanQ Valley DepL• 016 Public 3afety 2009 Budget 016 - Publk Satettir The Pubtic Safety department budget provides tunds for the protection of persons and property in the dty. The City contracts with Spokane County ior law enforcement, dislrict court, prosecutor services, public defender servlces, probation services, jail and animal control secvices. See foliowing page fot detall iniarmation an each budgeted sedlon. Judiclal Systam - The Spokane County District Court is contracted to provide municipal court servicea. The contract provides for Ehe services of judge and court commissioner with related support staffi. Budgeted amount atsa incJudes Jury management fees. 8udgeted contract amount: $ 1,565,000 Law Enforcemant - The Spakane Caunty SherifPs Office is responsible tor mafntaining law and order and providing police services to the cammunity under the direction of the Police Ch+ef. The oPf'ice pravides for the preservatlon of fife, protection of property, and reduction at crime. Budgeted contract amount: $ 17,302,309 Jall System - Spokane County provides jall and probetion services for persons sentenced by any City of Spokane Valley Muniapal Court Judge for viotating laws af the ctty or state. Budgeted contract amount: $ 682,400 Anlmal Control - Spokane County will provide animal control servioes to Include Itcensing, care and treatment of lost or stray anlmals, and response to potentiaUy dangerous animal confrontatians. Budgeted contract amauM: $ 333,575 Flnes 8 Forfeitures 3tate Remktance Budgeted contract amount: $ 700,000 Communications Budgeted contract amount: $ 176,800 Interfund Transfers Budgeted contract amount: $ 80,000 Tatal $ 20,841,084 41 Cky ot Spakane Valley 2009 Budget 076 - Publlc Safety 2008 2007 Amended 2808 Actual Budget 8udget Judiclal System: Dliiric! Gouri Contract 881,787 820,000 787.200 Jury Management Contract 1.459 5,000 5,040 PubRc Oe€errder Cor►trad 250,788 335,000 351,500 Prosacutor Canirad 333,003 350,000 374.900 Crime Vidim Compensation - - ' Pretrial Servicss ConUad - 4$.500 47,400 Prcabatian Serviaes Contract - - ' 3ubtotal Judictal 8ystem 1,266,61; 1,558.500 1.568,000 Law Enforcemern System: Shefiifi Contrad 13.766.515 15,575.000 17,454.909 Emergency Menagamwt Contract 105.105 92.000 521,900 PtzttaU Servioes 48•163 Communk.atio~ 93,383 Cop(er Malnterence 3,440 50G Law EnL 81dQ Maintettence Contract 18•288 120.D00 120•000 Vehlde Qecatg ' 4•800 ' Clotfiing & Unifornts - - - Vehicte Usage Costs 5,483 5,000 5,000 Other Mi5Gepeneous Supptles 71.437 - - Cell Phones 305 Travel and Mlteaye 20 - Equipment Replacwr►ent Charge - - - Subtotal Law Enforcemont 8ysteem: 14.108.689 15,789,800 17,302,309 Ja11 Systam: Jail Contrad 341.865 376,000 4a4.200 Jail - Oeiger Cofreci)on5 Center - 292,000 278.200 Work Relesae (GQiger) 272,53$ - - St►btotal JaII Systam: 814,200 687.000 682,400 Ottfer. CapiteelOutfeyalGemmuniqUone (28,099) 104.000 178,800 Taxas snd AssBSSments 715 Flnss & Forf6ttures 5tete RemttttsnCa 719,022 888,400 700,000 Mimal Control G9ntrac! 327.582 400.000 333,575 Building RgpWcemeM Costs - 80,000 80,000 ConUr,qency Resorve 1,021,220 1.272.000 1.290.375 Total Publlc Safety S 17.00$,72Q $ 18,287.300 S 20.841,084 42 Fund: OCi Gonersl Fund 8pokane VaIley apt: oie Operaeions a Admtnbwtlv servtcee 2009 euftet 018 - Oceratiuns & AQmMlstrtttve 8ervlce~ The Operatione a Adrrtinistrative 3ervicns Oepartment ts compcsed at thrae dlvisions, the Depuly City Manager Dfvfalon, fhe Finareoe DivEsion, and the Human Resources Divislon. As of 2007, the Legal Division costs wfll be induded in the ExecuUve and Le4ialeUve SupQat Division. 013 - Qecutv City IMansaer plvls[oc~ TFe Qeputy City Managar (DCM) aupecvises the dperatfons b Adminlstrative Services DepartmeM, asslsb the Crry Mana$er in organizirtg and dlreding the cttw operations of the City and assumas the du!!es of the City Manager in hfsfier absence. AcGQmnlishments fof 2008 • IncorporateQ Buafness Plan knlo Sirataqic FinanrJal Plan. • FtnaUzed formal managed competitian program. • Implemerrfe-d audit program ior service cortvacts. • Conducted cammunity survey. • Planned and lmplemented communtty evonts (or City Five-Year Mniverserfr. coals to~ 2009 . Implement and monitor Cfiy-wlde per(ormance m8asurrs In Business Plan. • Util'¢e tlte Confratt Aucfit Program to ensure auxiracy and value• • Ut(iize Managesi Corripetition Pragram en evaluste service opUans. • ExpanQ successtul communicatian based on 2008 communky survey data. • Devefap Human Resouraes Intranei ta provid+e lnforrrsatian support tp City employees. iludn4t 8ummant 2008 2D07 Amendad 2009 Aeheal Bu~ Budgnt personnel - FTE EavivaJents Deputy City Managef 1 0 1.0 1.0 SenJor Admfnlstrative P►nalyst 0.0 1.0 1.0 Pub1ic InfamM1aUon Offioer 1.0 1.0 1.0 pdmilni0trat}yQ qria"l 1.0 1.O 1.0 Admirtistrative Assistant 0.5 2.0 2.0 Office Asaistant I 0.0 1.0 1.0 Offfce AssistarA II 1s 1.:4 i A Total FTEs 4.5 8.0 0.0 ¢udaet D~hil Salahes, VVages, 6 Beneft $401,39+t $534,844 $ 579,020 Supa}es 5.683 11.550 5,704 Sefvicea & Charges 18,458 76.700 78,700 CapltalOutiay Iniertund Chargea ' 4•084 ' Tota1(3epury City Mansger Division 3424,015 $ 8 $ 66 1,420 Fund: 001 Qenoral Fund spokane valuey oept: ota Operations b Adminlstrative Services 2009 eudget 014 - Finartce Divislon The Finance, Divisiori provides financial management services tcr all City departments. Programs incEude accouMing and reporting, payroll, accounls payat►le, purchasing, 6udgefing and itnanaai pEanning, treasury, infoRnation technobgy and investments. The dlvision is also responslbie for generating and anaiyzing data related to the Cfty's operativns. The departmeM preparas manthty, quarterty, and annual flnancial reports and budgets to ensure compUsnce with state laws. AccaMAlishments fo► 24Q~ • Conducted ressarch on new street tund revenue sauraas. • Reviewed City Center financing attematives. • Reviewed insurance recommendatbns suggested by WCIA. . implemented State Auditars suggestlons. Oosls tor 2009 • ImplemeM additionat State Audltar suggestfana. • Consider WA Cities Insurance Authoriry recommendations. • Refine the Praject Accounting System. Budaet Sumrnant 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Personne! - FTE Eautvalents Finance & Admin Services Directw 1.0 1.0 1.0 ActglRdm{natrative (TBD) 0.4 0.0 1.0 Atcounting Manager 1-0 1•0 l'O AccountartVBudget Analyst 2.0 3.0 3.0 A,ccounting Technidan 1,0 1.0 1.0 IT Specialfst 1.0 2.0 2.0 GiSlDatabase Adminietrabr 1_..Q I ~0- L Tote( F'TEs 7.0 9.0 10.8 Intern 1.0 1.0 1.0 Budaet Detail c,,afaries Wages, g, genefits $501,432 S 778,889 $ 833,837 Supplies 3,210 20,050 7.000 Servioes & Charges 36,053 25,300 37,500 Capital Qutlay - - - Interfund Charges ' " ' Totel Finance Oivision $ 540,695 $ 824,2149 ~ a 878,437 Fund: 001 GeRBt'al Fund 8pokans vatley nept: ota Operntlona S Administratlve Services 2009 eudgec 016 - Human Resources DivisiQn Human Resaurces (HR) is administered tfiraugh the Deputy City Manager (DCM). The HR operdtion prov(des services in compensation, bensft, training and organizetianal devetopment, staffing, employee relations, and communicaNons. Accomalishments for 2008 • Updated Website: web based HR Center and on-line applicaaons, • Researched classification review system. • Adopted City Saiety Pian in conJuncUon with Saiety CommittEe. • Estabfished initial emplayee devetopment opportunlties thrvugh oniine leaming. . Worked with PIO on media strategy for recruitment. Goals for 2809 . Expand new employee orientation and training. . Develop processes that improve employea access to infomnation. • Finalfze classificabon review system. • Update Human Resou►oas and Applicant Tracking madules. . Enhance Emplayee Recognifion Program. Budaot Summary 2048 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget personnel - FTE Eauivalents • Human Resource Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 Human Resources Technician L. Q 1.0 L. 9 Total FTEs 2.0 2.0 2.0 Budaet D$tail Salaries, Wages, 8 Benefits $ 95.419 $ 129.980 $ 162,985 Supplies 1,838 4,500 3,500 Servioes 8 Charges 14,566 69,800 69,800 Capiiai Outfay 11,324 - • lnterfund Charges ' ' - Totat Human Resources Divlsion $ 123,147 $204.280 $ 236.285 • F!umun Resourca IU++hst pos8lon waa repViced wieh Human Resarroe Minnyor 47 furW: 00i Ganaral Fund swmnQ Valley Dpt 032 Publlc Worb 2009 13u4Qet 032 - PubMc Woft TF►s PubiK Worics f3epartmsM prwldes owrutt planning or►d ov4rslght of publk works pro*ds in the Cky ot Spokanr Vulsy. The deputmem provkles engiroarin9 G{an ravbvr, Irtapection. ooordinatfon of inejor pubfic worka capital improvement projects, ionQ-rrnQo lranspoRstion ptannmp snd neqhAorhood trallic rranaqemerri Tha Publle Worka Street Mah*irtar►oa Secoon is rosponslble kr malrdenance ot aireets accomotlshmmb f~ 2001 . Workod with the Counry and DOE regstdlnq me Waslewater Troatmsnt FadJlty and TMDL Compkied deslgn: bulid propasal sebcfion. • Daaipned and con6trvcled funded cspllal pnjecta . YVotlced witlt Proied Tawn on Clty Centar tmptemantatlon. . Completod Crty Hall tatlllty Proqrann i9ito dasign, servbes and corstrucfiar►. Qoals for 2004 . yWAc w1lh the Coumy and DOE an nert phasa ai Wastawatsr 3 TMDL . k»plement date base program !o track capHel praJxts intartnifian ard imptement Edan Capilal Proped maduto to track project budqeta . Implement apprared cspital projeds. • Compkte dasi0n ot City Hsll FeclUty eudoot Summmft 2008 2007 Mroncled 2009 Aetual Bu+lget 8ude! Pmermol- FTE Eaulval2rits PLMte woft a;►eeeor 1_0 1.0 l.o Administri6vs Auistant 20 2.0 2.0 San►or Engineer (OevebapmenU 1.0 0.0 0.0 Ass+ate+tit Enqi+sar {DeveloQmentl tA 0.0 0.0 Senlor Engineer (CIP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Senlor Engineer 1.0 2.0 2.0 Enginear iDevelopmenq 1.5 0.0 0.0 AasistaM Engic+aer (ClP) 1.0 1.0 1.0 Umibar! Term Cortahuctlon Irspector-&klQe 0.0 0.0 1,0 Construcfion Inspectar (RdIM 0.0 1.0 0.0 ' ErBineenng Technfcian I 0.0 1.0 1.0 EnQlneenr►Q 1'echnlCian II M Z.4 2-Q TGtal FTES 120 11.0 110 @ulq,et DoUII Saiasies. Vhgey. & garwft S 872.008 $573,032 S 626.765 guppb" 31,233 40,900 46.308 Semce3 d Charges 190,425 146,060 140,675 IMarpovammsntal Rsyrnsnts - GapitAI Outtsy 21.b96 26,500 - tnbrfund Charyes 2.945 3,1:0 7o#al Pubfic 1Norks S 1, t~ S 7 $ 817.068 • How tn CarrtirwnnY Dovs►oqnv+t 48 fund 001 Gensral Fund Spokano v.ney wpt oea Communitr Oovebpm+al - AtJmF11VftfIVe 2008 eadget AdminlstrsUvt Clvkf,Qn The Rlannbng and Cort+munity Devn4opment Deqertmarst providss overaA msnagexnant and overspht to d++relopment sarvicta. induclinp curter►t and bnp-rarge ptanncr►g. coordination of reyfanal ertva'onrtteMal Issues, Culklln9 petmitting " fnepectlons, and code eMorrarent The Fennit CenRer provides coordinabetl, ona-stop adminUVaUon M all developmeM permih. Code wmpfiiance is responsible for tl+e anfomement ot zarimg ropulo6ons and nuisence abetement Actomollshmenb for 2DDe . Provided sdminlsuative support (ar Pfanning Comm.ns5ian and Stsff tn rscmr►mendatissn af the Spraquo AQpbway P1an by fvrmattinq ar+d maiiing stsA ropotts, reaponding to publlc oomrncns, praParing mtnutas. k6epln9 websile up to dale. etc._. • Pravided administratlve support tar Pianning Commiasion and retammended chsnges Do the 5pokane Valby Comprohareswa Plan and Spokane VaUey Munklpal Cod+s by lamssibny and rtsall'vV etaff tepotb, RroParing egendas and minutes, kzapGtig webarte up to datt • Partiropata:1 tn hirtnQ prooess for 6 posiibrtt within the dty. fnakJdlflg posltfons hrsplerflentfn9 the custaner service ptan. . InitlsOed staii Ira'aimq in tBam bWkflng and leadetship, wstomw sentiae aM tne nsw UOC rcqulroms~nts wNch has resulted in closer wadinaticn bsMrean dIvisfons, provided guldenoe and Mchniques for bet+.er custamer servfce and prepared gSafi for implomanttwn of ft UDC taquiremertta. • 1'he deflQrtmeM met wlth pemlt procvA atalseho{ders bo make Improvenenta to the permit proceas wtdoh has rtsulled In Proposad cha^9ss to tttia UDC, bettat cooM'wtian between the divWons on pivb, s#reamiming the boundary tino aAjustment procesa. C-alk ror zoaa . CorfSnus tn prwde dmpertrrwt wid6 traminp ro tsclUlM aemwoilc and efflcieney. • Pmvfda ataff aupport to the Planning Cammissian. I . Pte¢or$ a tds arcfilwa Pfan and t t a i n safl to ucttlw eteCtronk and paper Nlea to rtmt city "rircauons. Bodc.t summuy • 200d • 200T Amendsd 2009 Aatual Bud9ot Budgat Ptraonnsi - Fi`E Etutvakmb Communliy OevebpmarH D'ereclor 1.0 1 0 1 0 Adm+nistrarnreAsslstant tA 1.0 1.0 Offioe Assat$r►t 1 1.4 ?-9 1Q Tota1 FTEs 3,0 3.0 30 Budoel Dttait Salatias. VYapes, b 8e►►etib 140,935 S 241.112 f?98.9Q4 9uppl{n 4.000 4,000 4.1$0 Servlces d Charg" 15,585 15,585 13.200 Intargove.-nnlenlnl Payments 25.000 10.000 15.000 CapItal Clutley - 25,000 - trrtariurid Charges - - Tobl Budding Dlvltton S 15M 3 295697- $ 331,284 ' pepsrtmsM CDisl b mtea Paribons were ieoDxaW bir Etvtfiom. n0 6x7uie a► nuTeoef a1 Deo* ToEd n aowa 1M Pmn a 20Q8 ~4 Fund; 001 Gonenl Fund spaksne vauey Dapt: 068&059 Communfty Oevetopment - Ptanning Division 200e Budgi CommUnftY DeveloDmeM i Plannina D1vislon The Pfanning Division is cesponsible fof provkfing professional policy guidancs on kand use issues to the City Councit and Planning Commission_ Ptanning sbti partictpate at a regianal IavW on lssues such as annexatlons, growth targets, water quality, etc. It is also responsible for pracessing land usa pemiits, reviewing enviramentaily sertsitive areas, administering the State Enviromental Protection Act and reviewing home occupativn ficenses. AccQmoltshmentu hx 2008 . Factlitated sdoption o1 the Sprague/Appleway Plan_ • Coardinated Rtanning for City Center mciudtng the Purchase and Sale Aqreement for Ciiy Hall. • SeJected consuitanl for preRaratbn ot a City Center Plannad AcUon Ordinance. • Faciittated adoption ot Compreh$nsive P1an Updates through Planning Commission and City Council. . prepared 4-5 art►endments to the Spakane Va11ey Municipal Cade_ • PartlclEsatad in regionai discussions regarding Urban Growth Area Boundaries (UOA) boundaries fn Spokane County. . Administered the oounty grant for study at the UGA's. I • processed - requests br plats and rezones ttrraugh the Nearing Examiner process. Goals for 2009 • Work on impfementetion of the SpraguslApplerway Plan per City Coundl dlrection. • Comptete the Planned A.cfian Ordfnance for the City Center. •}Nbrk with ragianal siaPf on Urban Growth Aroa Boundaries and campi8te Joint Plann[ng Aqreements. • Prepare an annexabon process for trie Ciry of Spokane Valley. . Select consultant to perform Shoreilne Master Program inventory dependirtg an funding available. 50 ~i Fwtid: 001 Genent Fund Spokane VAllr-ii Dep►: 0583069 Community OevNopment - Planning Dhrisian 2001) Budges; Communtht Develoamerd Sw+►fces - Plennfaa Dhrision ~ Budaet SUmman I • Z008 • 2007 Amended 2009 Actuai Budget Budgot Personnel - FTE Enwvalents Senior Planner 1.0 1.0 2,0 Planning IVdansger 1_0 1.0 1,0 Associata P4anner 1.0 1.0 2.0 Asslstant Planner 1.0 1-0 3.0 Planning TechnicEan j-Q L-O 19 Tota! FTEs 5.0 5.0 9.0 Budaet Debii Salarles. Wages, 8 Benefits $ 234,891 $ 401,853 3 754.093 Supplles 12,000 12.000 12,064 Servkues & Charges 235.000 350,(}00 221,000 Intergovemmental Setvices 90,000 60,400 75,000 Capital Outlay Interfund Charges ' Total Planning Division S 571s891 S 8231853 S 1,062.143 ~ P'C3; - OEpBitRTef7t 1~i iS C4fiect . _ - . . ~ ; . ; Fund: 001 Genorsl Fund 8pokune vallnr pept 058 Community OevebpmeM - 8ullding Utvis[on 2009 8udgot Communitv Develogmant 069 - Buildlna Dlvision The Building dtvfsion Impbments the Washington Stato Builditzq Code. it ts responsibk for eneuring that bul{dinga and atructuree compty with adapted building code atandards through professionai ptan review and inspection services. The Permit CeMer receives appfications and coordirntea the review and processing of permits. Code comptfance staA enforce zoning and buitding regutations on a complalnt-driven basis Accomelisltmnts_tor 200Q •Pepared a deanriew triangie oampliance program. • Issued txdlding permits tor rnajor pmjeds Includtng_ Lowa's. Kohi's and the Wnrthy Rivcrview Otflce Building. . Workad oollaboratlvely wlth the Flra Distrid to updete the tnterlocal A9reMneM. . Davefaped en interagency brochure Nlth the Frre Dtsuict. Qapt of Health and Uquor Baard regardfng smoking ahelters- C,~oals fot 2009 • imPlemernation o! Clearview Triangla Compuance. . Develop a pertntt dmeltne repart ftt can be pubUahed on the Cityr's webstte. B4daQ! 3ummAnt • 2008 • 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Ptrsonne! - FfE Eau vale+tb Buiid}ng OfRcial 1.0 1 0 1.0 Buliding Inspector tl 3.0 3.0 4.0 Code Errfot,cement Ot[(ces 8P 2_0 2.0 2.0 ConsUuction Irtapecicx 2.0 2.0 1.4 Senicx PenMt Spedaflst 1.0 1.0 1.4 PerrNt Speciatist 3.0 3.0 2.4 Seniw Plana Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 Rlana Ezaminer 0,0 0.0 0.75 MainVConat Inspedor (R01fh 0.0 0.0 1.0 Ofica AssfIItant II 0-0 Q-Q 1S Total FTEs 13.0 13.0 14.75 @u0 eLDeW Saj~. Wages. & genefft S 610.717 S 1.044.818 S 1,059.588 Supptiss 30,104 76,450 28,875 Services & Chsr$es 110.000 113.190 96,950 (ntergoyemmerrEal Peyments 76,584 85,000 85,D00 Capitat Outtay - 50.000 75,000 Mterfund Ctlaryea - 11.313 - ToLat Bui1Q'mg Dlvfslon $ ~829.415~ S],360,771 S 1,3 .2 • pe9snment lutsl la certW. Poofflons wero reaAocated by dMrltinns, rw Mwaase in rxxm#.r oi peflpW. Toial it ediaut tf'e same aR 2LU18 52 Fund: 001 Cieneral Fund Spokane vatlsy DepL ose Community Development - Dev. Engtneering 2009 Budgat Communitv Develooment OnaineQrint~ Dfvisian Oevelopment Engineering provides the ravisw and inapection for stormwater, access management and olher publfc work.s improvements In dsvelopment appiicatlons and provide palicy recommendations for public worlcs Issues. Accomotlahmenffi tor 2008 • Facilitated adopbon of tlhe Stormwater Manual through Planning Commissian and City Councit. • Faclfitated adopBan of Street Standards through Ptanning Cammission and City Councll. Ooals far 2009 . Improve coordination with the Building Divieion on driveway appraach plan review and inspeciian. • Cross train within division to increase knowledge base and provide better staff covarage. •(mplement the pUblic educatlon piece by adapting new streei standarda_ Budpet Summarv • 2008 • 2007 Amended 2009 Actual 8udget Budget Personnel - F'fE Eauhral~nts Senlor Engineer 1.0 1.0 1.0 Engineer 3.0 3.0 1.5 Assistant Engineer 2.0 2.0 1.0 Enginc-ering Techniclan 2.0 2.0 2.5 Construc6on Inspectar 0.0 0.0 1.0 ptfioe Assistant I a 2--0 110 Total FTEs 11.0 11.0 8.00 Budgei t?etail Salaries, Wages. & Benefits $610,717 $ 1,044,818 S 861,2$9 Supplfes 8,000 8,000 8,800 Services 8 Charges 160,000 130,000 155,100 IMergovemmental Paymertts 80,000 50.004 45,000 Capital Outlay ' ' Interfund Charges - ' - Total 8udiding Qivislon $8.~ 38, $ 1.232,818 $ 870,199 • t7epartment lat3i is ooRast. Fosttions were reallotefad by dlvfsian8, no irrcreasa in number of peapZs. Totat is aboot the same as 2008 Fund: 001 General Fund Spokane Vatley pept: 072 Library 2009 eudge 072 - Librarv Ubrary services to VaRey residents are provided by the Spokane County Library Oistrict (SCLD). An independent special purpase district, its sole purpose is provlding Ifbrary services to the unincorporated county and effiliated municipalities. The appropriation reflects the amount due to the library districi for delinquent property taxes in 2005. Budoet 3ummarv 2048 2007 Amended 2009 Actuai Budget Budget Budqet Detail Salaries, Wages, & Benefifs $ - $ - $ ' Supplies ' ' " Services 8 Charges 10,199 20,000 20,000 Capital Outtay - - - Interfund Charges - Total Library $ 10.199 $ 20,0(}0 $ 20,000 55 Fund: 001 Gensnl Fund Spokane Va1My Dapt 07e Parics b Recreatlon 2009 Budget 078 - Parks 6 Recreatlon The Parks and Recreation Department Ls oompased of five drvls[ons, the Adminfec"tiart $nd Park Mainbenance D[vision, Recreation. Aquatlcs< Senior Center, and the CenterPtace Divisfon. The overal.l gaal of the department is to provide quaGty recreation proprams and acquisitian, renovation, deve{opment, operatbn, and maintenance of parks and recneatbn Facilities. OQp . pw AdminlstraUon b Ntalto-nonce DlvEeion The Adminiatratlon Otvisbn provides diraction and leadershlp for the Parks and Recreation Departmenl in implementing the goats and abJectivas of the Ctty Coundl and faciiitetes the general upkeep of parka anci pubtic arma of the Glty. AccQrrt Ifahments for 2009 • Campleted design wotk on VeHey Missbn Perk. • Applied for racteatlon arxi conservation grant for deaign 8 deveiopment of C3reenaues Park • Began design process for Childern's Universal Park. . Ce4clsrate0 Arbor Qey. • Investigated eocteditation through Natbnal Recreation and Park Associatlon. Goals tor 2009 • Apply far additianal state budget approptiation o( Green Acres Park developmenL • Cornplete coreatructfon of Children's Universat Reric. • Bagin destgn 8 construction a/ Green Aues Patic. • Celebr2te Atbor Da}I. • Compfete renovation of Val{ey Mtssbn Park. pudast Summsnr 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual BudQat Budpet Perwnne! - FTE Erjuivatents Rarks 8 Recreatlon Direclar 1.0 1.0 1.0 Administratwe Assistant i-9 1-0 1.0 Tatel FTEs 2.0 2.0 2.0 8 e1 Detai! Satartes. Wages, 8 Benefits $138,752 $ 186.866 $ 178,212 Supplles 41,550 48,295 54,540 Services & Charges 721,889 683.290 714.181 Intergcsvemmental Servioes 9,083 10.000 10,080 Capital OuUay 2,979 Interfund Charges ' 1.084 ' TotalPa*sAdminisVatfon $91~4~,253 5 529,535 3 956,933 Fund: 001 Caeneral Fund Spckana Valley pept: pTg Parka 8 Recreation 2009 Budget 301 - Recreation Qfivision The Recreatlon Oivision coorbinates and facitltates the Qefivery of recteation progrems and setvlces ttuoughout ifie City and the City's perk system. AccomQllshments for 2408 • Coordinetsd two summef outdoor movie n{ght in Mirebeau Meadows: 7117 and 8114. . Qffered adult scrapbooking pmgra►ns. Infarrt massage ctasses, mother-daughter safaty ciasses. Dance Car Dance Camp and LeQo camps all as rtew programs in 2048. • Coordineted Splashtacuiar paoi satety cfay for Juty 12 at Vailey Mlssion Pool using City approved contract for aIl conUact program insttuctors. • Advertised Ciry of Spokane outdoor programs in our Parks 8 Recreation brochure. Gosls tor 2009 • Revislt tfie Farmst of the Seasonai Recresiion Brachure to ses if chaRges need to be made. • Craaie consistent guldelInes fot cantraat recreation program instructors. • Cahast WA Recreation and Parks Assaclation Annual Conference in Spokane in April 2009. • Parfisr with the YMCA to hold an end of summer camival at Micabeau Meadows. • Investlgete of(ering art programs for a!1 eges. Budaet Summarv 2008 2007 Amended 2409 Actual 8udget Budget PersonneI - ETE EQUivalents Recre,ation Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 Budaet Qe1ail Salsries, Wsges, 8 Beneftts $129,378 $128,581 S 143,908 Supplies 5,145 9,630 8,940 Services 8 Cherges 44.715 73,338 78,339 Interfund Charges Total Recreailon Dfvlsion S 179.238 $ 211.549 $ Z`~7 • Oiret oasis of new programs wltl be reaorded 57 Fund: 001 Gensnl Fund Spoksne Val1 Oept 076 Par1ta 8 Recreation 2009 8udget 302 - Aauatics Oivialon The City of Spokane Valley owns three poole: Park Raad Pool. Terrace Vww Pool, end Valley Misston Pool. Services include open swim, swim leswns, swim team and facility renteis. In addttion, the Ciry laases a portbn of VaNey Missfon Park to Sptashdvwn Inc. for a water park. Tha City currently is conVacting wtth tfie YMCA for all aquatlc acttvities withln tha City. The YMCA provldes the fifeguercis and msintains the poals during the ssason. AccQmniiahmenb for 2008 • Implemented cash handting p4an. • 8egan renovatian construction af all three outdoar poois. • Hosted a Spiashtacutar Pools day event at valley Mission pool. C3oais tor 2M • Compiete renovetioNconstructron vf the outdoar pools. • Grand re-opening celabration. • Evaltcate and survey remodeled pools for enhenced programming oppo+tunities. Budget Summatv 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual 8udget Budget - Budaet Detei! Suppiies $ 9,201 $ - g - Services b Charges 223,006 351,150 403,616 intergovemmental Services 429 CapHal Outlay " - Totel Aquatics Division S 23~ 2o S 31 $403.616 58 Fund: 001 (3eneral Fund Spokane Valley pept 079 Parlcs b Recreatlon 2009 Budget 304 - ftniar Centes Dlvta{on T?te City ai Spoksne Vafley Parlcs and Recreation Depertrmnt assumed operaUonal contral of the Vailey Seniar Canter in 2003. Accompiishmertts for 2008 . Extended hours for the Seniar Center to indude evaning and weeisend activides. . Presented seminars on Medicare Suppierrtents and utiiized the Weliness Center for flu shots. . Encouraged retfrement cornmunities to became more intefactive with the Senior Center. . Nagotjated with the HUB for senior picklabaD thrse timea a week. C3oa1a for 204Q • Enhance avenMg and weekend actlvfUea lhet will appeel to /he 50-+• populaUon. . Focus prog►amming on changirtg shift in life sty{es af senlors for future pcogramming• • Provide programming that encampasses multiple dimansions of health and weilness. Budaet Sumtnarv 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Attual 8udget _ Budge! Personnel - FTE Equivalents Seniot Center Supervisor 1.0 1,0 1.0 BudQet Detai) Saiarfes, VVages, 8 Benefits $ 58,135 S 71.070 $ 70,889 Supplies 1,183 8,650 6,850 Services & Charges 5,375 13,295 16,555 Intesiunr! Charges ' Tolal Senior Center Division S64,673 90,955 S 94,194 59 Fund: 001 Genacal Fund Spabns Velisy Dept 079 Partics & RecresUon 2009 eudget 305 - G4nOotPlsce Dtyioion Construcibn of Mlcabaau PokM CeMerPlaoe beqan in late 2003, and was complatad mid-year 2005. The pr+ojed raptesent; the culmination of elght years of plannfng and iundtalsing by Mfrabeau Point Inc, and the Joint invoivemant of the Cityr and Spokane Coursry. The appraximafsly 54,000 sQuare faot faci~ity houses the City of Spokanm Vailey Senior Cenler, a great room (banquet facifity), numercws rneeanfl rooms, mutU-purpcse rooms. and a high tech lecturo hatl. The faciifty combine9 with Mlrabeau Meadcw9 Parks and Mirabeeu Springs to form aregional foca) Polnt tor Narthaast Washington and Noritiem idaho. gccomctish n tor 2008 . The mariceting plen was implemented. Adverliaing was done along wlthh ueavng corporate and hotel partner brochures v►oro ueated and rnalled. . The websJis vvas updatecf se th.it It was more uxr triendly and Drofesstongl. • 7he ianKortai servlces were oonb-acted to ISS taallty denricea. • Pmvided addidonal traininq tor seasflnal stafl ta improve cuslomer aervloe. ggsl for 2M • Research and instafl e4ectronlc marqueea br the lobby ta d►spley eventa. CCS dasma. senlor center activlties, and 10 rt18tk81 CMtEYPI@G8. . CoMinua Implementatien o( BusJness Pfan. • Conltad the tood services to ane cstarer so Mat wa have the capabifity of bettnr sarvlce corparabe cusiomere. Busloet Sumtr«rY 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budgat Pe~onne! - ~E Eou a{ents Customer RelstlonaJFadlitles Coordlnabor 1.0 1.0 1'0 Administrath+e A3sistant 1.0 2.0 2.0 Custodtan 0.0 2.0 2.0 Maintenarx;a Worlcer 14 9--4 L9 Totsi FT'Es 30 7.0 7.0 Budnet Q ail Salaries, Wages, 8 Bentfila $199,982 $ 438,936 $ 355,841 Supplies 69.428 50,795 76.293 Serviraes d Charyss 351,827 249,500 303,176 Caprtal0utlay (840) 5,000 66,000 ~nterfund Chatge_ 108 317,000 324,000 Tatal CenterPlace Dtvfslon $520.682 _ S 1.061,231 S 1,125.11O 60 Fund: 00i General Fund ioo►w+ Vail" py~ ~p CseMr81 GOVemmN/l 2000 Budset. 040 - C,4n" Gov:mmr~ 1'Rs Genenl Govemment Department comprises actm'des that encorroass servioes tu multipw depamnents. fnduded in thls depiAmarrt wa tfie cwL of Clhr Hatl and rolated uU"s, munegernent !nlortnWon smloes. Inauranoe r4sts, miealtaneovs cRy intsrgovemrr.antnl coets and copftsl equtpnnant arets that benefit mora Man one doperbnent, on0 outside apncy fundinQ C)uta{de asrncWs Wov►da naeded Pubiic satvicea on behatt vf the CUy. The outa.ide eqenues mwt provide an annutl tapott af how the money wes spent 6udaat Summanr 2008 2007 Amsnded 2009 Attual 8udget BudBe1 Budcet E)dWl Genord Cih/wlde Costt Accourn4lq s Aud1t 5etvir" S 64,163 S 145.000 $ 190,000 Advertisb+p Da,081 47,000 50.000 8uiinass RaQistr'ailotls 484 8,000 8,000 Copiv 17.558 25,000 27,000 Elactim Costg 73.592 110,000 118,000 EmPbM ReooQnitian Safery & BicYcie SaTeh 6.172 9,000 14.DOQ EQuaneM Reqak 8 Malntenanc+e 16 - - Fitinq 8 Rlco+dinp Few 33 Gss, OIf, b i'Ires 1.286 - ' R Suppoct - NetwoMc 8905 95.OQ0 102,000 Qmce Supplles 1.902 - Uffice and Opornbng 3WpNas 11.953 10,000 11,000 Prfrtlttq ard BJnMnq 4.708 5,000 5.000 Ragsstraflons 375 - Sman Taom and Minor EQulpment 39,758 12,000 38,000 SoRwatrn Lke~ and Mafntanance 84,744 ",000 47,000 Student lklvlscsry CowrAc11 • 1,000 1,000 Teiept►oneJOSL Charges 28,900 26,000 28,000 Vehide Replatement Cost 18,171 25.000 - Wsb Stta Servioet 1,800 0,000 20,OQ0 OUta C3ovemmerdal Seivloes 349 Misca4nneous 5,377 27.000 29.000 trthuAxid Inlerfund Laan Interest ' InterTUnd Risk ManaQemerrt Psyment 178,803 202100 Z3Q.000 Intetfund Lasn to Strest Fund S~nter w~eatlHIr rsssnrs) - . 500,006 Fap7iTies FsrJJ►ty Repa+m b Malnteaance 4,382 S,Q00 5,000 Compulsf5attwars/Hardwtrg 8,624 115.000 123,000 Officx Fumiture 3 EqviqmeM 27,044 18.888 - i rxnsfet to Capilal Fwu1 ♦10,000 20.000 70,000 Buiidinp CAttsulLnt - 113.000 ~ Cuy N$!1 lemirq Cosis: 480,800 CFty Hall ReM 366.743 a40,800 leaaehob Impramments 13.714 23 000 - 61 Fur+d: 001 (iwwral Fund spor,n• vvi.r , pept no Gsneral Goverrvnen! 2QDf Bud9et Outaide Servicas Atcahol Trtatmfnt 20.40 20,000 21.000 Bfp BrotherslBip SWsrs Intsnd NW 5.924 - • Cky Eoonomtc DavalopmMt 3.160 10,000 10.000 Communitq Survey ' 20,000 ~ Impatt Fee Sludy ' Interfund Copltml ProJecb - 50.004 . Membersi►ipA - SRTC 34.300 40.000 43.060 Protess+anal Senrlcaa - L.obbYisl 27.308 - - ~ Racordi AMinsgomen! - 500,000 40D,000 Requosss trom Outalda Agencias-Economk Qeveb¢nwnl 85,000 106.000 115.000 Repuests hom Oub►de AQer+c*%-Sodai SiKrloee 42,600 45,000 41.000 Siis SeLecla' (or EcanoriRic Oevalopment 20,306 - ' Spokana County kk Paputicn Aulfxxlty 119.187 120,000 124,OUQ Voter RegislraOOns 90,585 85,000 41,000 Continperwy d Roservss ~25,000 2TO,OOQ ResaTVe fot Rtvenue AcfJustmenta ' Tranefer to Clvic 8upding Reserve Fund 3,779,000 " ' Transtar to Crvic FacNltits Replacemknt 397.000 - Translar to Setvka Levtl Resesve Fvnd 361.000 - - Eetlmated Ending Fund Batenxe 13'224 '561 ppara~Jnp Tran,fer - CapKal ProKbc.is - - 53,000 I pperatmg Laan- &trasl Fund 900,000 - 1.175.000 ConUngenry - 500,000 340,008 $7.433223 S 3.417.488 S 18,064,561 Fund: 101 SErolt Fund 8pokano v.lfoy pept 042 20QO 8udgat 101 - StcW FunQ The SUeet Operating Pro9ram ia estaWlshed to pravide effisierri and eafe rwvement al both motortzed and nort-rnotarized vehicles, as wall as pedestriana wlthln tfie limits o11he Gty. and caordinate corsven{ent intetconned to the reqional transportation systsm_ 7he trangportatbn neMrorkB. under thia progrnm, sre deslgnsd, constructod, and maintained to improve the quallty of itie whAe pravlding Me eRfcient rtwvement of cemmeme. Accamothhrttant3 for 2008 • Updated tha 2007 Street Master Plan. • Opdmized trafHc sigrkab on s8leded corridora. • Implemented the new Public Mtlca Ssfety Program. . pngojng deyslopmertt o/ a long range plan for mana8ing streel maintananoe, siteet aweeplctg nnd lendscepinp services. . Appibd for giants and woticed wtth vatbua schaols W hzstall Mahing beaoons at crosswalks. • I,Aar►aged sirve! tantracM totaUng $3.1 mUfion_ • locata fadUty for siorage of materfai and equkpmenl for atreet maintanance. Goals f4r 2049 . tlpdeie the 2008 Street Master Ptan. . OpUrt4za trafflc signels on ae(aded c;ortidors. . Apply ta grante end woric with various schoots to ir►staU Rashing beacona at crc►sswellcs- . Rerterw Cantrads with prlvate contradora fur atreat msiMenanoe servlces. • Cortsider traneltbn irom Spakene Coumyr to pdvata cantradars for snow removal. Buduet Summan► 2008 2007 Amsnded 2004 Actual Budget Bu ot Qsr~rlr~el - FTE Eaul~alents Serttor Enplneer - TratBc 1.0 1.0 1.0 PubUc Works Superirrtendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 MeintenancdC.onbtnuction (nspedor 1.0 1.0 1.0 Assiatant Engineer - TraffirlPlanning 0.0 1.0 2.0 Senlor Engineet (PlannfngfGrenta) QA QA 0_0 Total F'CEs 3.4 4.4 5.0 Bugglt Deteii Salanes. Wages, 8 Benefrts $ 237,889 $ 373,792 $ 413.113 Supplles 44.98$ 61,400 52.784 Services & Charges 2.110,401 2.299,339 1.880.383 Gapital0utlay 25.630 13,888 40,000 Interpoyernmental PayTnents 1.778.889 1,432,485 1,777.316 Irderlund Charges and End Fund Bel 59.300 61,419 3.228,404 Totai Strest Fund 3 4.~ $ 4, 242,304 ' $ 7 392 •£nd►rtp hir+c! Calar" was addM t9 thb poye- 63 Fund:102 Arterial Street Fund spokanf v~lley Dept: 041 2009 Budget 102 - Arterial Street Fund The Arterial Street Fund accounts for the receipt and expendlture of the State-Levied Motor Vehfcle Fuel Tax distributed tv the City in accordance with State RCW 82.36.020. These revenues will be transferred to the Str+eet Capita! Projects Fund for the constructlon. Budstet Summarv 2048 2007 Amended 2009 Actusl Budget Budget Budaet Detail Trensfer to Street Capitat Projects $ - $ ' S ' Transfer to Capital Grants Fund 230,019 - - Improvements to Arterials - 850,000 591,000 Total Arterial Street Fund $ 230,019 $ 850.000 $ 591,000 Fund:103 Trails 8 Paths Fund spokano vaney Dopt 103 2009 Budget 103 - Tralts 8 Paths Fund The Treils 8 Paths Fund accaunts for the receipt and expenditure of ttte State-Levietl Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax distributed to the City In accordance with State RCW 47,30.050. These revenues originate from .4296 of Mator Vehicle Fuel Tax attributabie to Screet Maintenance. These funds are resUicted for constructing new trails and paths throughout the Cityr. Expenditures of $43,000 are budgeted for this fund in 2009. ,000 64 Fund: 106 HotellMotel Fund spokwns Va1Eey Ospt; 106 2008 Budge 105 - HotellMotel Fund The HoteUMotel F'und accounts for the receipt and expenditure of a speciai excise tax of two percent on the sa{e or charge made for tfie furnishing of Iodging under RCW 82.08. These funds will be used solely for the purpose at paying all or any part of the cost of tourist promolion, acquisition ar operation of tourism-related facilitFes, and marketing of special events and fesUvals designed to attract taurists. Budaat Summant 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Bu_doet Detai! Toudsm Promotian $ 483,506 $ 578.000 $ 510,000 Interfund Transfers - 90,000 90,000 Total HoteUMotel Fund $ 483.508 $ 668,000 $ 600,000 65 Fund; 120 CenterPlace Operatlng Reserve Fund Spokane Valiey Dept: 120 2008 Budgcat~ 120 - CeMerPlace OueraUna ReservQ Fund The CenterPlace Operating Reserve Fund was estabGshed to provide an emergency r+avenue source for the recently completed facility. Budget Summant 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detaii Reserve for CenterPlace Oparations $ - $ 335,000 $ 340,000 Fund:121 Service Lsvel Stabfiizatlon Reserve Fund 8pokane Valley Dept: 121 2009 Budge 121 • Service Levei StablltzaUon Reserve Fund The Service Level Stabilfzation Reserve Fund was established to pravide an emetgency revenue saurce to maintain service 4avels in the event af a downtum in the local economy. Budget SummarY 2008 2047 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Budget Detail Reserve For Service Level Stabilization $ - $ 5,400.000 $ 51400.000 tiu Fund: 122 Winter Weether Reserve Fund 9pakane Valiey Dept: 122 2009 Budget, 122 - Winter Weather Reserve Fund The Winter Weather Reserve Fund was estabi(shed to provide emergency services during an unusually harsh winter. Loan trom General Fund, repaid irom Street Fund. BudQet Summarv 2008 2007 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget 8ud et Detai Reseroe for Winter Weather S - $ 560.000 500,000 Fund: 123 Civtc Facility Replacement Fund 3pokano Valley, Dep~ 122 2009 Budge 123 - Clvic FaciIItY Reulacement Fund This fund was created to coUect dollars for the eventuai replacement of CenterPlace and the Police Precinct Bui{ding on E. Sprague. Budaet Summarv 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Oetail Reserve for Facility Repiacement $ - $ 3971000 $ 767,000 6 i Fund: 2ot Limited Tax General Obligation - Debt Service Fund sPok.rw valtoy DePt. 2M 2008 8udget 204 - Limited Tax Generai Ob11gaUon - Debt Ssrvlce Fund Tt}e LTGO - Debt Service Fund collects and dfstributes monies received and paid for long-term debt obligations. Revenue to this fund conslsts of monay r+eceived from the Public Faciifty Districi and City revenue, which wfli be used to pay annual debt obiigations on outstanding bonds. 8udaet 3ummarv zoas 2007 Amended 2009 Actuai Budget Budget Budaet Detail Debt Service on Mirabeau Bonds $ 408,543 $ 414,000 $ 450,000 Debt Service on Stree► Bonds 186,490 186,400 200,000 Total Debi Servica Fund $ 596,035 $ 640,000 $ 650,000 68 Fund: 3011302 Capital Projects 8 Special Capital Projects Funds spokane vauey 2009 Budge 3011302 - Caipital Prolects 8 Soecia! Capital Prolects Funds These funds account for the coltection and expenditure of the real estate exc'tse tax levied on al1 sales of real estate. The tax is Isvied in two phases of a quarter of a percent each. The first quarter percent of tfie real estate excise tax (REET 1) must be spent on capital improvements identified in a capital improvements plan. This REET 1 tax is accounted for in the Capital Projects Fund 301. The second quarier percent (REET 2) may onty be levied by cit#es tfiat are planning under the Growth Management Act. These funds must be used for a capiEai praject. The REET 2 tax is accounted for fn the Specfal Capital Projects Fund 302. Revenues accumulated fn these funds will be used as matching funds for constructfon projects and will be transfemed to other Capital ProJect Funds. Budaet SummerY 2008 2007 Amended 2008 Actual Budget Budget 301 - Capital Proiects Fund Tcansfer to Capital Grants Projects (303) 462,511 3,900,000 3,956,000 Transfer to Debt Service (204) 93,245 93,040 105,040 Transfer to ParCS (309) - 400•000 600,000 Transfer io Capital Grants (307) - - 475,000 TraRSfer to Barfcer Bridge Fund (308) - ' 812.000 Total Caprtal Projecis Fund $ 555,756 $4239 3,000 $ 5,9481000 _ 302 - S2e9101 Capital ProiBCts Fund Transfer to Capital Grants Fund (307) - 4,027,000 - Transfer to Barker Bridge Fund - 300,040 - Transfer to Street Capital Prajects (303) - - 2,875,000 Transfer ta Debt Service (204) 93,245 93,000 105,000 Total Special Capital Projects Fund $ 93,245 $ 4.420,d00 $ 2.980,400 69 Fund: 303 3treet CapfM Projecls Fund Spokane Van•y 2009 BudQot 303 - StrW Caaital Proiecta Fund The Street CapiW ProJects Fund accouMs for monies uaed tfl flnance the 6-year Transparta2ton Irttprovemenl Plan. Revenues aro tranatera from the Capktal Projeds Fund, Speciai Capital Projeds Furtd, and Stta Stormwaler Fund, Expentfitures are cften for match)ng funds [or 7ransportatiQn tmprovement Baard and other granta BudQet Summary aooa Amended 2009 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Detait Rbad Design & Consinicfion Projects plttes/Marsefieki, WVlbur Rd_ to Pines S 488,913 $ 4,091,193 $ 3.368,000 18th Avenue - Project 2 ' 10,000 - Park Road - Prooct 2 - 5,400 $ 352.000 Evergrmn Road 99•980 - 6roadway Avenue Ssfety Projed Pinss- Paric . • $ 933,000 V1rSDOT Urban Ramp Projects - - $ 300.000 Appleway- Unlveralty- Evergreen • - ; 837.000 Evergreen /Sprague Intersedion PCC $ 1,133,000 ~ $ 742,OOQ PinealSprague IMersectJon PCC • ' Indlar-WSulllvan IntetsectJan PCC - - $ 1,342,000 gprague Reswfacfrtg/University - Evergreen - - S 2,856,000 SulUvanlSprague PCC - - S 861,000 Braadwey - Fancher - - S 808,000 Roed PmservatJon Prajscts Other Preservatlon Prcjects 3.248 2,677,830 $ 1,293.000 EuWd Avenue Rehob • 8ullnrsn Rd to Flora Rd Diehrtun-Mica Rd Reheb -16th Ave io CNy I.lrtdh 32nd Ave RehaD • UniveraJty Rd lo Plnas Rd 500,000 5 500,000 Contingency ' Road Pav~eback (Septrc Elfmirtafian) 8roadway Ave. - Rapaving et Lowes 78.oe4 Veradale Helghts 99.672 - ' Vera Terrace 109,651 - - Electric Rallroad 32 - - Parks Road 2,633 - ' Grartdvierv Actes 80.164 50,000 - 241h Avenue • Sulllvan to 22nd 11.474 - jrentwood 78.228 20.000 • Misc. Roas! Paveback Pralects - - S 1,600,000 CAwrsrm Roddord M.rea, Valbay Vgaw, tnd West Rondeross Total Strest Capitei Pratects Fund $ 1.0 5 S ~,3'4.023 $ ~g,~ T25_000 • I.INKED 1-0 :008 CapEcP r' Ci Fund: 304 Mirabeau Point Capftal ProJect Fund spokana val I f•; 2009 8udg~ : I Dept: 304 304 - Mirabeau Palnt Capftal Prolect Fund I Mirabeau Point is a muiti-use regianal praject located at 2426 Oiscovery Place which will be operated by the City. The bond sale proceeds were speRt in 2003, 2004, and 2005. CenterPface provides space for a ConfBrence Centar Wing, Senior Center Wfng and a Gneat Room V1rng. The portlon of CenterPlace used for the Canferenoe Centar Wing and Great Room Wing is being developed as a"regionai facility" as defined in RCW 36.100 and 35.57.020. Budaet Summant 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Detail Transfer to Civic Facility ReplacEment Fund $ - $ - 5 370,000 Resenre for Replacemerrt $ - $ ' S ' - Construcilon in Progress 36,933 454,000 Tatal Mirebeau Point Project Fund $ 36.933 $ 454,004 $ 3701000 fund: 306 CD Block Grant Fund spokann valtey Dept: 30$ 2009 Budget 306 • CD Block Grant Fund lBudaet Summarv 2408 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Budaet Detail Transfer to Street Capital Projects (303) $ - $ 245,000 $ 300,000 Transfer to Capital Grant Fund - ' " Total CD Block Grant Fund $ 245,000 300~.000_ 71 Fwnd: 307 C+Pibl Csrsrtb Fund i00! 8uop*t 307 -Caoital Orrirb Fund The Capltol Granss Fund acaounh far caoIW Impvvwxnt W01ecss kwAded Pwddy bY yrani proceoda trom oUw qovernmensal agendn. such as TIB. STJL STP, and CD6G Rsverxm to this tunQ are Nom gant Dmoeeds and transfrra trwn MM+ spscyal ravrnue B+~art 9um_marv 2008 2007 Amendod 2009 Actual BueQM Budgvt 44th Ave Paffrmey: VjoO," Rd ta Sands Rd. 8,140 30.000 328,000 &n Avenue - Fon Rosd to Univarsity RooQ - ' " 8th Avain,e - Navana fo Park Road - ' - Appleway 8tvd • tscMrloy Road in Hadges 157.715 3.5W.000 ADPl@w*Y'rEq"9u&Dshman ITS 180-OisMnan-4066 124.000 Arppxtin Road Qyettey - Irians to Monfpomey 58,881 - - 8atker Road - 6oono to Spoluris fiive► $ 78.820 - - groadway Ave. Rahnb - 6a1es !n Sullivu► 27.811 - • 9roaolvay Ave. Rehab - Farticher-TheQOian-066 - - - &oaCwaY Avs^tise IntaY 1•90 EB Ramps !o Park Ftd - 741.000 - &oadway Far'►cher PCC -087 1.144 - Ts31.t)OC'i Btr,adway - Maoro fo Fiora - 400,000 60,000 Cantu''0+^cY - - 300.000 Dlahunan Wa Rehab - 1 %t Ava to Spragur - 600.000 ' Mortgorrwrry Avarwe tnlay 2/lrqarnie to Unltirerslry - - ' Partc Road - Brldgin9 the Valiey - - - Petk Road - Prayad 2: Broadway to udiw Pattc R6ad - f'►o1x13 :&Prsgue !0 Brosdvviy I S",pna► Canb,ptler Upgradee S4van RoW P'CC: NNasloa to t-90 E3 Ramps 19.282 - - s0vw, Road wiest e►saoe - s@ saora►,e ww - • . Tratnfer tn the 3lreet Bond Fund - ' ' UnvatsltY Road Inlay 1. Dislvrssn-Mka tn 1 Bth Awe. Urweraity Road INay 2: 15lh Avenue to <ih Itven+e - - - Vadey ContdW ProlBd•FrrvlrCtettarslsl Study 71.251 - ' VisAey CvntiOtx. Projtd 02 - 100.4D0 - Total Capitsl Grorrts Fund $451,113 _ 5 7,2000 S Ij,,000., 9arkor &idgf - Fadorsl Gmnt Fund spo"r» v.r:.. ~ ~ s009 Hudq-~ 308 Barker BrSdoe • Fedwni GraM Fund The Barkcr Bndpe - Federal Custn Fund was rfesSed E4 accounl mi r Pro~nTTds Pro ~ tqenduurts asaociated wltl~ the Barl~er Road Bridge Rapisaeme lect Is fuEy fur+Gcd by BHAC yroM pcocesds and wltl rost spprozlmeoNy t8,OQ0,U00 over lhe ooum or a,e nexf few years. Sudam $uIImam 200a IOQ7 Amendod mm Aetual BudpOt 6ud4et ~ I Budgal DQtaU BarAer Road 9ndge Rsloonstructlon $ 353,428 5 5.~2.8W $ 5.~ 977,DDO i Fund: 308 Parks Capital Projects Fund spokarn vsucy! Dept: 309 2009 Budge~ ~ 309 - Parks Cavital ProZects Furtd The Parks Capitai Projecls Fund is an allocated reserve ot monies specifically designated far the Parks and Recreatlon Capital improvements. Budget Summarv 2008 ' Amended 2008 2007 Actual Budget Budget Budaet (}etail Swimming Pools 147,371 1,866,475 S 555,000 Various Improvements 142,371 1.111,525 115,000 Gteenacres 571.944 57,000 200,000 Valiey Mission Paric - 225,040 150,000 Universal Park - 1,000,004 200,000 Total Parks Capitai Protect Fund 8611686 S 4.260,000 $ 1,220,000 Fund• 310 Civlc Eacilities Capital Projects Fund $pnkane Vallay ~L'310 2408 Budget 310 -Givlc FaciUtles Caipltal Prolects Fund The Civic Buiidings Capital Prujects Fund ls an allocated reserve ot monies spec:ifically designated for future construction of Civfc Facilities. Budget Summarv 2008 Amended 2009 2007 Actual Budget Budget Total Civic Buildings Capital Fund $ 873,477 S 5,085,000 $ 5,800.000 73 Fund: 4Q2 Stormwater Managemsnt Fund spoksne YAil:, : Dpt 402 2009 8udg. , 4Q2 - Stonnwater Manaaement Furd I The Stomwater Menagement fund acLOUnts far receipt and expenditure af the StormwaW i fee. This fee ts tevled an an annual basis based upon a number af equivalent residential untts attached to the parcel. The expenditures are used for starmwater consUvdbn and management through both I the Street Department and Spakarte County. pcrompiishments for 2008 . Implamented the Reglonal Slarmwatet AAanual, • Developecf a six•yeser Stortnwatsr P1an for oomptiance wtth Underground Injection Control Programs. • Managed atortnwater tQtaling $765,000. • Complete0 stnmswater tax rolfs. (3oafs lof 2009 ~ • Continue work an the (NPDES) Phase II Stammater Permit {completlon In 2012}. • Continue work on the DOE Unclargmund Injectlon Cantroi Program (campletion in 2013). • pevelop long range Stormwater Ptan in conjunctbn wfth compfetion af abave programs • Canstruct a treatment faciiity for the dlscharging o/ vsdoring liqukia. . Renew rnnVacts with privats contractors fot stamwater meintenance servJces. • Compiete siomwater assessment rolEs 8udaot Summarv 2008 Amsnded 2009 2007 Actual Budgst Budget Personnel - FTE Eaulvalents_ Enflineer 1.0 1.0 1.0 ErsplrveerinQ Tecfink3an 1.0 1.0 10 Assistant Enginaer 0.0 1.0 10 MamLenancelConstructlon Inspector 1_0 ZO 1.0 Total FTEs 3.0 4.0 40 Budge Detail Salanes. Wegas. & Benefita $ 204.193 S 347.079 $ 360.317 Suppiles 11,950 24.380 25,980 Services 6 Charges 702,881 980,962 1,040,259 Intargavemmental Peyments 47,939 44,000 46,840 CaptfalOuUays 378,118 370,825 393.075 Interfurtd Transfers 8 Ending Balanca - 216,698 1,573,729 Total Siormwater Fund S 1,343s081 S 1.983,944 S 3,440,000 ;s Fund: 501 Equipment Rentat 8 Replacem8nt Fund Spoluma vaitay Dep` so 1 ZOOS Budgat ¢01 - Eauinment Rental & Reptscsment Fund The Equipment Rental 8 Replacemenl Fund (ERBR) accounts for ttie cost of maintaining and repladng City vehicles arxf equipment tor all Ciry departments. The ER&R fund is an Intemal Servioe fund. The fund accumulat$s the resouroes for vehicie and equiprnent replacements in the fund. The funds or departments using the vehlde or equipment pay the scheduled replacement fes. Repfacement funds are being collected on the telaphone system, computer network system, desktop computers, and vehtcles. Mainten3nce and service charges for coplers, telephanes, and tfie intemet are also charged to funds through this department. The fund also financeg and admin{sters a tieet of pool cars for use by City deRartments. Accomaliahmeots fQr 2008 (3oats for 2009 . ComWne t1Us tund in tize General Fund with funding intact Budaet 3ummant 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budget Budget Budget Qetail - Supplies $ 4,878 $ - $ Services 8 Charges 239 - - CapiialOuday - 780,000 780,000 Total ERRR Fund $ 5,117 $780000 i = $7~ 80 Q 75 Fund: 602 R(sk Managetnent Fund Spokano YalIaY Dept: 502 2008 Budget 602 - Ris9k NtanaaemQrtt Fund ~ 7'he City at Spakane Valley Risk Management Fund {s established to account for ~ insurance costs. cfalms setiiement and administration of a Rfsk Managemenl Satety Program. This fund also accounts for the funding of unemploymertt datms thraugh the I Stats of Washington_ Accompltahment for 2008 • Conanued tv admEnister and refine the risk rnanagement intemal service fund accaunting system. 13udaet Summanr 2008 2007 Amended 2009 Actual Budge! Budget , 8udaet Detail Serv{ces 8 Charges $ 181.225 $ 217.100 S 230,Q00 Tatal Rfsk Management Fund $ 181.225 $217,100 $230.000 76 City of Spokane Valley General Fund Capitat Expenditures (or 2009 Departriierit Capibl Outlay DeSCrIptIGil Tota► 059 Buitding Vofcr Activated In.pect+an System 75 000 490 Genaral Govemment Computi.r Hardware: Soffiware 123,000 Otfice Fumiture & Equfprnant 27,000 076 Centerptace Presentatlon System - Great Room 30,0-v~ Electric Marqees Sound System 15,Go, Repiace Carpet 101 Sbw 1 Ton truck with dump 40,000 Tota) Capital Expenditures S 331,000 7'1 Poa4tson Uannp (~J!y a! SooM" Va- . -n•- r Fiil;-.{ c . s J TWo Unfilled L~' ~ ~ ~ vQ ACCQUHTAKTMULGE-i AIiALYST ] 0 Ar_COUPfT1MG MFKaIGEH t 0 nCCGlfflTTNG 7Ei. HNiCtAN 10 AL1MINl37R/171VE AVlYST 10 AOMINl6TW+TIVE ASSISTA,MT 30 20 10 00 10 AS5ISTANT cNr11VFER 1 0 A55ISTAkT PLA kN ER ASSpC1JtTE FLAN4ER • GURitEhfT ISSOCIATC F11.N14FR -4QM(3-TERW 9UIl.DiNG INS?FCTOP. l BUI4DING 1K5 r ECTi j F.11 BUIIDIFK? OFFICWL CtTY ATTGRHEY 1.0 L'1"CY ClER1C 1,0 CfT'f IsW1AQER 1.0 COiIE EHF-3ItCEfil4zh7 OFFIGEA COA11~1UNITY pEVELOPl.1ENT C11EtEC7OR t ~ CONST'riUCTl(JN IN£PECTDft t ~ CU37ClOIM1 CUSTOMEA RE1AT1Oh1SrfACiLR}E3 CO0RDiNATOR CFF'UTY L'ITr ATiDRN£Y 1.0 DE-K'l{T'f CITY GL£FYK 10 ::F~ ~ ~Tr C'lY MANAGER t 0 c`kGaN~R 0.0 a ENiG I'eE EFUNf3 TEGNHICIAN 1 t 0 = n(i i!E=_£RiNO TEGiNICUN ft ' FL►Ul11CE DIREC7DR ti a QiStUtT+lBASE AS.MfNlfiTfiATOR t 4 ►iU7MN Rt30URiE MANr+GER 1 0 FIUANH RE60Uf2CE TECHMCWI "'0 IT SPEClA115T 20 UIrtiNTEN/VNCE NK3ftKEA MAtHTENIJ~iCE.tiONSTRt1CT1QN tNSF£CTOR ~ ~ OfFtGc A55JSTANi I OFFiGE ASSlST&VT {I + D PARKS 3 RE[REAI)ON E}7Rr~-CTOA P£f!MiT 3PEl'-U1L151 Pl./►NN1NC3 M1A►U►-riER ;:tANNING ieCNMCLl11 ; LNNS EY.AMiNER ?USt.iC tNFaRhNT10H OFiICER 10 ?UBUG WCSRKS OEftECTO{t I D PUBIIC V~oi2K5 SUF£RIKtr-HQE2lT R£CREATIOti GOOfl01NATOR >EN4C~R l40MItdiSTRA'TIVE Atil,L'IST t ~ SENiI1R C6NTER SFEClALCSS S~l/IrJf2 EF4~It~EER • D SENIC1Ft Eltf INE-R -:tmfft CIP Phrnrv'arw+uMl W^t : 0 'i SEHIOR PERARiT SPECIALIST , 5£Nlf}R PLANNEA ~M1OR PLANS EXAPWNER ~ Totpb i.9 9.0 18.4 2~9 11.0 7' I S.? Permcn Lranr,7 ciry d sookme veuL; : J 0 B,x!aetex+ P~:it~::r, ~Y : ~ ~ ,a I.U 1Q 10 D.6 D~ 10 20 1~4 ta z.a +o sQ 30 sn zo o~ .a 1_D t4 `U zo !D 10 t,0 7.9 2 0 24 t ~ 1.0 t0 1.0 10 1.5 10 2_5 23 1.0 4.5 20 10 10 10 10 Zo 2.0 20 10 10 ~.n 10 10 10 10 Ig :D s.o ~ o 10 a 76 075 t.C SO ~o ~a 10 i.o 10 3.a ,a 30 ~0 10 z: =0 10 to 7.0 s.o ~.o si.zs ~o wa e.uo :.o ~.o 1.0 at ' ' '3. !I~r " " ' . vw i1~~ _1~ Sto►nsw~1~~ Mo~~1 301 R" E.state Real Estats Tansponac- 2"pnrnt tel Ovtla Omv1 n T~! Fund SttM Fund Ecclw Tax 1 Exclse Tts ] P n, - 703 Mnw GWIM ivns fwt~auu~ 6 Cor.atrxllan Proie= BtoadwaY Avarxia SaetyPTojed Rn[ S 933,000 ! . j . t 1E7,000 6 ' i - • Pfnee J Marxtiold -046 3.388,OC0 • 63.04D 174,000 A.DPkr6vY-Unlvenlty•Ever9rsWv• 02a 937.000 - 121.OD0 - • o~s,~oo - - WSbOT• Urb+n R,mp Pr+ajacb 304,000 - - 3D0,000 EvarprqerYSQraque MterDectlnn PCC 1.111.000 - 713.000 • - • 152.O+JC ' ' ' Pin~ue Intl~CC 74:.000 lruftnalScAflvon IMxs9ctbn PCC 1.347.Q00 273.000 • gDmr.%a RgsurucwqUrwnrsay - Ew 2.E5B.000 • - 1.458,040 - • PorM Road - PrOjeCt 2• BfooO+voy - iro 352.000 - - 48,000 - 304 a`" I Su111vsNSWSpuO PCC 601.000 . . 116,000 - " I Mbe Road ProwvOGm Projecta 1.243.000 1,321000 ComVe^cY 500.000 5W.000 - gc-d Pa4ebarAi r-r4wts,~ 7wk EMmindm Procnml ' 1•~,000 Sl'EP PaveGack (a) 1.5DC,000 200.000 . aNg-pi a}er+a~4~+ P(nects_ 8ros,d~v~y Avo. tiot+a~Fanr~-1'Twil 548,000 - • ' 30.1 Str*t Capibl Fund Subtota! 16,725.000 M600 Se1,000 7,95b.G00 2.675.000 2 ~Yt u.~)o? capNw annh Ruad i 7 - ' 1~AP~+~Y~'~4udOlsl~f~►~^ tTS ~90. 12+1.000 . . ,00d 44th Aw Patl,wiy sim~•MaodruQ -C Ha,ppp . - ~a'400 • ~D~1.DC~, - Brarlrwy Awc Iloue- Frxs-O6A 60,000 • • 42.000 erybrww BtowwoY,lFmnctw PCC-U97 761,000 • • fQ2.ODC - ' Cort~ 300 D00 300.000 - 307 Capitsl tkarts fund dn►btctat t,i7a.000 . - 4I5.000 305 ew.w sdso. • vie oms I Barlur Raad E+td4e Reoomtrtxdon 5.977,000 - - 812.000 - - ue Fkw" C+q+►w 11m).eu 555 DOQ • . S~tunlnU Poo1s ' . Gths Patk Imptwamsrrts t 15,800 - - " " • 2DO.OOI' - r 200.000 fO°~~~ . 70D.000 Uruversal ~,N* vsaoy NtEson Putc 7 S0, DG9 - - ' _ • - &aa,ooo 7G7 Gp+uJ c3runs FundlfuMolii 1.224.000 Y.+ Octr. Tin Ica Dsd Swrsto 210,000 • - f 03,00G 10S 000 3 1 o qvle OudA" CspIW MI"c" . F@cM" S,E~OG,ODO - • . ~ ..,.s C~.•: f_r-riL•u•.+ 1_ :I.LI'! n^C .3 :QO.:uG t 1-91 (w, i d.9deOGf1 •1 ..99^^M1 . i I~F15.OLL I 41"~ :,1 .P.pcl,anu Va!iry C:4,4tal fr,r sD04 TrsnaponrUon Epokane ConpMUon Wwloper fsdoral Bridpo ImptawmeM Tnmk Matugemerrt Afr PMa1rf RsplooartwrR Nnt 309 Porks 716 Gvlo Gfnaral gpwd AutAn Qusll contrlbutlons 306 CDW VYSDOT C,aplfal Fsc!lEtlb Fund 1 740 000 I . ~ • I - I - 9 - • • t . 19`M.000 00,000 ~7006 tI1.000 - - • - - fAQAO~ • - • • - • . 90R~00 - , . . ~.Oi7.D00 - • • - - . I : _ . . . . • • - . - lOnoDO - - - . 2.JM.DOQ I.ia7.00D O3.000 ~22.000 ~CC000 . - - - 107.000 M.OOQ - - • - • . • - 06i.000 ' . • . • u o0o a~a9oo ro~,ooo • . . - - 1115.0ao • •.~raom - . . - 311e.000 ' " : . _ . ~lmc • ~n.oci_, , . . ' ' ~ ssaaao • ~ eeo,ao • r~on,, . . - aeW o00 - •,i.ooo ~ ~ un 000 • &",aoo i +.eoo 000 ~ o0o I s x oo~ s L t •ranoo i t Clry ot Spokane VaIMy FTE Count by Year 2009 8udgot 2008 2008 Budpel 2009 Budget Aubharizaf Changea Lo Propas" Interns DQPirbnent FTEs FTEs FTEs tor 2009 Exe-vupve 8 LegislaUve 5upport City Meruager 5,0 - 5.0 1.5 Legal 3.0 - 3.0 30 Oterat►ons & AdminlsuaUve ServWAe- - l?eputy City Manager 8.0 - 8 0 - Fmence 9.0 tA 14.0 1.0 Human Resaurtes 20 - 20 - Pubbc 1Morks 11.0 - 11.0 - Plannaig 6 Community Develepmer►t: 34.75 - 34-8 Parks & RecroaUOr►n Parka Admin 2.0 - 20 - Reccealian 10 - 1.0 - Scrlwr Cenfttt 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 CeMerPtace 7.0 - 7,0 - Streel Fund 4.4 0.6 5.0 - Stcrmwatet Furid 4 Q - 4.4 2.0 7dTAL 8216 1.80 93.75 8.60 82 Appnndlx A EMPLOYEE P051TION CLASSfFICATION MONTHLY SI►LARY SCHEnu!_ F 2009 Salary Schedu: EHective 1/1f2009 Poattlon Tida Grade ~ 2009 Rnn e i Cit Mena ef Undesslfiei ~ F• I [7e u Ci2 Mana 21-22 $8.013 - S 11,41 Cf Attorrre 21 $8.013 • S t0.27a Communlt Deveb nt Oiredor 21 8,013 - 10.274 Finance Director 21 8.013 - 10,274 Publir. Works Directot 21 8,013 - 10,274 Parics and Rscrestfon Directw 19 6,49 1 - 8.32= Hummn Rtsouraes Ili'1Q; 5,842 . 7 48r, ' Plannin Man er 18 5.842 - 74A . Bul(din Official 18 5.842 . 748c. Senlor En ineer - Ca ~ ai Pro'acts Deve cnent 18 5842 - 7,48 r, Cle u Ci Attome 18 5.842 - 7.4E1= Seniar En inaer - Traftic G!P Planni Grants 17 5258 - 8 74' A=untln Morta er '17 5 25" ' 6.741 Cit Clerk 18 4,732 - 6.0&: En Ineer 18 4.732 - 8,06fi Senior Ptans Examiner 18 4•732 ~ 8 Public Works Su eritYtendeM 18 4.732 - 6W. Sgnior AdministrAtive Anat t iB 4,732 6, CIEJ ' Senior Pfonner 16 4.7 - 6_(kF A55oCt.T.r. Ranrwr 15 4.259 - 5,46r ' C!~r►terPlnco Coordkmw. - 15 4.259 - 5,460 Assislant En inettr 15 4.259 - 5 46C i iT S alist 15 4,258 - 5.46G . En Ineertn Technlclan II 15 4.258 • 5.46t1 Human Resource Annl nt 14 3 833 - 4.91" AccountanUBud et Ana st 14 3,833 - 4 Qt-1 Adminlstrative Ana t 14 3,833 • 4.91 :Assistant Planner 14 3.833 - 4,41 = Bulldin Inspecim II 14 3.833 - 4,914 i j Plana E+caminsr 14 3 833 - 4,914 Public IniormaUon OffEcer 14 3 833 • 4,914 En Ineerin Technlcian I 14 3.833 - 4,91.: Senior Permit S ecintist 14 3833 - 4 9t`' I lnspeCW 13-14 3,450 - 491-, Rr,treation vaordlnetor 13-14 3,450 - 4 81.t ~ Cvslom8t Rt4atforis/Fat111fis* C.tlbed~Ot%~ ~ i•~r i~" 13 ' 3460- 4.422 Coda Eifatcement Ufficet 13 3.450 - 4.A« I Buildin Ins dor I 3 3 450 • 4,42%: Ptdnnfn Technidan 13 3 450 - a a2:, ~ De u Cit Cterk 12-13 3,106 - 4 d?: I Sert►or C,en;ar S alfst 12-13 3,106 - 4 42:~ ~ Human Resaurces Technidan 12•13 3.108 - 4,A?= ~ Adminiyrative Asskstanl 11-12 2.794 - 3.980 Permlt Saeraalist 11-12 2.784 - 3 98:~ , Accourstin Technidan 11•12 2,794 - 3 38(i ' Mainter,ance Watker 11-12 2.794 - 3 98,--, Office Agslstant II 10-11 2,515 - 3,58: Custodian 10 2515 - 3,224 Ofiioe A.ss+stant I 8-10 2 284 - 3 22a 'GISIOa~abase Administrntor Pendlna Pendi 94 Appendix B OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBIJGATION BONOS DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Total Year Principal Irtterest Requirements 2009 205,000 401,173 606,173 2010-2014 1,200.000 1,885,112 3,065,112 2015-2019 1,655,000 1,612,068 3,267,068 2020-2024 2,480,000 1,135,250 3,615,250 2025-2029 2,090,000 519,250 2,609,250 2030-2033 940,000 112,500 1,052,500 S 8.760,000 $ 6,072,225 $ 14,832,225 85 City o! 5, Valkay Mutttyear Financial Ptan-General Fund - Probiem Statemont S t !l-4-06 2008 2000 2010 2011 •012 2013 4014 Esumnis Esc►enat. Esunsale Esnmatg Fs.l►riste EstlmMv tEs imatc Geneml Fimd Rswntws: Sa" Tac S 19.38D.000 x i 1913HO,WO $ 1a,5D0,OG0 $ 18.870,DOQ $ 19,247,404 i 18.832,348 S 20,024,995 Pnoperty 7ax a I0.000.000 i 10.878,U00 Z 10.581,7501 b 11.OW.5ts6 $ 11,301,474 S 11.514.4139 S 11.527.91J3 Gamhling Tax ! 625.000 i 525,000 i 525,ODp 8 525.400 $ 525,000 $ 625,000 8 625,400 FrandNse FssrJFlus. Rey. S 055,000 S 964,650 S 074,108 t U83.838 ; 993,777 $ 1,003,716 S 1,013.752 5ffite sharod Revenuee ' i,ZZZ.UW S 7,252,530 3 1,2II3.D84 E 1.315,981 S 1,318,880 S 1,382,582 S 1,417.147 Service Foto $ 1.950,OQ0 $ 1.9fi5,000 $ 1,050.000 i 1.965.000 S 1.965,000 S 1.900,000 S 1,900,000 Fmen d Foiteilwe3 S 1,340,000 $ 1,300.000 S 1.300,000 f 1,300,000 S 1,300.000 S 1.3W,000 $ 1,300,000 Rocroetbn Proprsm Feea i 507,000 S 512,070 S 517.191 $ 5M.363 i 527.504 $ 332,8&2 S 538,191 tntwfund Tronstets f 165.000 8 174.900 $ 185,394 $ 188.516 S 20B,3D9 $ 220.807 $ 234.058 Inve6tmenl InL a Mlac. = 414,100 S 418.241 5 422,423 y 424,647 S 430.413 $ 435,222 S 439.574 CarrywerimmPrior Yr i 13.523.812 S 12.I60,044 S 13.247,861 S 12.429.02$ S 10.474,185 $ 5,918.791 6 (1,430,194) Totaf Geneml Fund S 49.941,712 49,133,955 $ 46,787,378 6 44,6Z3.023 S 48.322,90d i 44.365,876 S 37,448,021 , GenwW Fund Enpondituras: Le0►slative 5 319,991 ; 330,900 $ 357,372 a 386,062 S 416,830 i 460,168 f 450,165 ExacWve a Le91elathre i 997.070 i 1.033.321 i 1.115,987 $ 1,265.:15B 3 1,301,657 S 1,405.822 3 1,405,1M PubUc &efety $ 19,207.300 S 20.841.084 $ 22,508,371 $ 24,306.040 5 26.253.764 S 29.354.065 i 28.354.0655 DePuty CdY Mw►sgar S 6V.178 i 681.420 S 714,334 i 771,400 S 833.188 5 889.885 S 899,855 Fktiance $ 824,2459 S tl"18.437 5 940.712 S 1,024,609 S 1.106.578 S 1.145.104 S 1,195,lUJ W++man Reaouroea $ 204.290 S 236.285 S 255.188 !l 275.503 3 207.651 $ 321,483 $ 321,463 NublkWorka S 789,437 S 017,068 S !3M,433 $ 959,028 S 1,4k'fl,270 i 1,111,612 S 1,111,612 Dev. En9inearing il 2,627,980 3 670,199 S 939,815 $ 1,015,000 S 1,0913,200 i 1.153,886 i 1,183,896 PlanninQ i 696,322 $ 1.393.427 $ 1.504,901 II 1.825293 5 1.765.377 S 1,B85,742 $ 1.845.742 Bwwk9 5 230,85? S 1,325.213 S 1,431,230 S 300,M $ 324.862 S 350,SSr9 S 379,038 Parks AdrNn s 929,539 $ 056,033 S 1,R33,488 $ 1.118.597 $ 1,205,400 3 1,301,697 S 1,301.697 Recroauon S 211,549 y 232,197 $ .50,762 S 270,923 $ 202.489 b 315,888 $ 315,8e9 A4ualke S 351,160 S 403,816 ; 435,885 S 470,778 f 508,440 i 549,116 S 549,115 SomrCanter S 90.955 5 94.194 8 101,73() S 10D.888 9 118,057 !5 129.150 $ 128,150 contaPL"o S 1.081.231 S 1.125,110 $ 1.275.119 11 1,312,328 S 1A77.315 $ 1,530.700 $ 1,530,700 Tmnsiw to CapNil S 70,p00 3 20.0p0 S 20,000 $ 70,000 S 124,000 $ 129,800 f 120,000 lm Bu9. Plano i - f • $ 393.003 $ 424,702 8 535.087 i 577.B9M S 700,UW Gemrol Governmoat $ 3.437,999 ' S 4.E67.OpU $ 3,250.000 $ 3,510,Ot10 i 3.790,BQO 6 4,091,044 $ 4.094,064 ToGsl Caotwro! Fund 32, 5, 38. 37,358,351 39,160,M 42.403, 13 i 46,796, .936, N+t 17.166,6" 1J.247,561 12,429,020 10.474,185 5,810.791 (1,4 .1B+t) (0,446,570) l.eu cesh ttOw teserve (S,DOO,DOQ) Curryovar to naxt n 12.156.644 i,s 2475&1 12 429.0215 10.4'14.t85 6,910.791 (1,430_24) f8 d46,5701 x Law :cemunt ;.akts tax ond5 affer 20Q5 " y - - LU SUaet F~l-W • m Statament # 2 9-1 Q-2008 20p8 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 _ Estimttn Eailmaie EsNmate Esdmatn Estlmalg Est{mate Estirraw Street Fund - 02 Be9inning Fwnd Ow S 3,735,GiwZ S 1,542.000 5 3,1W,000 1 3.016.000 f 3,0T7.1:0 S 3.348,330 ~ 2,612,27b Oivaiod Road Tex 2,000 _ lnlerest Incame 155,000 125.000 25.000 25.000 25,000 25.000 25.000 UtUiry !m - Telephonas • 2.506.000 1,000.000 3.000.000 3,000.000 3,000,000 3,150.OQ0 Loan trom Gerteral Furid' . 1.175,000 - - Motnr tual bc & miac 2,060,000 2,050,000 2.050,000 2.050,000 2,050,000 2050_oCw z.05o oc~a 5,04.2.000 7.382,OD0 8,267.000 6,601,000 8,752.120 8.421.330 7,817.276 ~iftm 4,400.000 4,200,000 4,636.000 4.8m,880 5,290.780 5,714.054 8,171.178 RepY $500,000 Loan - - 115,000 115,000 116.000 115,000 115,000 Eofta Fund SaWnm t 1,542,000 E 3,192,000 S 3,618,000 = 3,677.121) S 3,St6,330 i 3,692,276 S 1,651,09If ' 41,178 mfllion authorizod in 2009 but may nat tre needcci 87 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10/28/08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ~ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: TMDL Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Bruce Rawls, Spokane County Utilities Director, will report on the status of the Regional Water Reclamation Project. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS . ~ . l CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY : Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 10/28108 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 9 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: STA Bus Service - Barker Road Bridge GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Steve Blaska, Director of Operations for Spokane Transit, will give a presentation on STA bus service during the Barker Road bridge closure. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A ~~--J BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMIPACTS: STAFF. CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS PowerPoint presentation ~ .J 1 Barker Bridge Closure • Construction Planning Process - Coordination with Jurisdiction - Assess Impact • Passenger siops affected • Schedule / Connections • Neighborhood - Develop Options • Equipment • Operators • Cost ~ - Decision own Barker Bridge Closure 7t- f~. +l~ ,'1 J: _ _ I ~ ~ f .r _ : II IPd11ob R? k t ~ ~ _ ~ rt'~S ~M » I ~ wr~,►•- ~ `~~I ~~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . I ~ I ' _e+:' LOd~~+I'. e.~~...ww~~ -~~.i lrru~ ~ ILII j~'t~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ r ~ ~ - I T . ~ AW y . ~ ! LLalfllR..--_,r~ . ryM1~ 'i'`• ` '~i 7 ~ ~V~ • ~ s~ M~ ~ - _ I ~ s~s(,•7--• . ~ mkcbeau - - ~ .s ~ E....... ~I !'l.,~ ~ra~~c ~~ac~ J ~v . ' , ~~~e~1 Md ~ II ~ U (yL-icz ~'~~`j~ ~_~..J_~~~w I ~ ~ - . ~ - _ ` _ ~ ~ - ; ~k,-~r.~.. _ - • , - J = -C''~~~.o: ~MUw..~: . . I- • 7 ~ 1 1 _ k.AYr j vwf Aft. ll.J L.~~--. J ~ I` ~ _r ~ ►ra.f.- i _ . II ~ ~:~~L. , • 1 iL, - ~i r " i'~~ r'~_•~.=,~ f- II ~ Barker Bridge Closure ._,,.crv" Barker Road Bridge to Mission PQr1d 6Ot'k9t~~`'~►--;~ o'= - - f ~ ~ II - E uorea«+,.rr n%v N ~ ~ , - _ . C w~r►ah~e - _ i- f8SIO~^ "v° Approx . 6 M l (3168 - _ -+o ArVrQi Acm ^.E &e.er..yAve „ - ~ ~ - ~ E N&ov Ar. I f WwAwr- • f~ Qy~ a 1.~• I~ ~ dC~- U- -=sa•.,,,.~►.q=W~ ~-7 ~ . ~~7~~ Barke r Bridge Closure ~.~•.'Q,Y" ~•;F ~ ' + ~ _ 'I & I I _ ~i ~ I ~ " It~ POW- ;'t~ I'~ -►iwr..~~.-iJi~f~a:Mr~1. } ~~.--~i-', c~ _,,,,.,sa,,N,_+ti Y~ y - ~ ~ r"; = T~ =;i!C01...~;~~MJ~!.~ - ~ ii~'~ t_~ : - 1 ~ „~i- , •..;,M*,s-~ ~1 . ` ~dM~ ~ ~,.r~ ~ I( •t T ~'~'t~ { T~~?~ ~ ~ i!~-♦ ~ I _ ~ }j! S ~ ~ ~ ~rVt~M~h... - ~ • ~ ~ . IItCbeou ~ r I' . - ~ . =.MGr1dRiCle.:- i ~ e ~ f +COr"O... ll ~ _t Mo _ ^ ~~.1-~ / . `~'T1~.r ~ , _ - - I I.J[_ ` ~ ~ I ~ . ~'~A.r. ~~!'-~l~~l ~ I'I' i, ~~'Aaf~f~.. ' - [ALAw i3n+M I . II ~ - - ►~v:..r n., _ ^ v~,.. n. - _ TI-_. ~«'~'~''~5'_~_''"'! ~L_:_-- • .r►,... - ' - _ " ~ ~ ~ ~ l JL- !~r► -t I IT1 . ~ Barker Bridge Closure • Impact - Route itself not affected • Pedestrian traffic north of bridge • No re-routing option - Low boardings / alightings ~ Subset of 4-14 per day - total ~~ON~IeTran~ i r Barker Bridge Closure • Option- Special shuttle route - Dedicated vehicle - 1 to 2 operators per day - Cost • Weekday / Sat / Sun = $2859000 • Weekday split peak = $125,000 • Extends Paratransit Service Area Barker Bridge Closure ~ Conclusion - High cost w/ low public benefit - Not j ustifiable use of resources , , ' CITY OF SPOKANE 11ALLEY Request for Cou nci l Ac#ion M oetirtg D ate: October 28, 2008 City Manager Sign-off; Item: Check all that appiy, ❑ oansent ❑ ald business ❑ new bLFsiness ❑ public hearing ~ admio. report ~ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Changes #o the fee eesolution GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The curren# resolution is 07-017 which was passed in October of 2007, and wes effective January 1, 2008, PRE1fIDUS COUNCIL ACTIOSV TAKEN: Each year the council passes a resolution to adjust fees so that rnos# ci#y costs can be recovered for services provided to o#hers. Staff also recomrnends the deietion an[i addition of fees when conditions warran# the change_ There are many changes proposed to tYre fee resalution. Most are rninor changes. A"firs# touch" occurred on Oc#ober 14_ An addktivnal touch sesrned reasonable because of the numerous proposed changes. Therefore, this item will return to the cauncil agenda in ~November far firral actian, BAC#{GROUND: Staff has reviewed tYre prapased cYranges and grouped them into three categaries: 1. Additions - new fees 2. Changes to existing fees 3. Acost of living increase on all fees , Departrnent heads have not reviewed #he5e changes so there may be modificaEiQns before this documen# is firraGzed in November, i DPTIONS: Options include; 1) Direc# staff #o proceed wikh an updated resolution; 2) Proceed with sorne of the fee changes; 3) Da nat malce any changes RECOMMENDED ACTLON OR MOTIOhl: Consensus to praceeti wi#h an updated resolution a nd ad vance to the N ovember 1$, 2008 C ou ncil meeting. BUDGETtFINANCEAL IMPACTS; An increase in city revenue {up to $50,000}, to cover ~ increased costs, is expecked during 2009, I - S7'AFF CONTACT_ Kerr Thornpson, Finance Director - - - - - - - ! /r CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANT, COUNTY, WASHZNGTON RESULUTION \°O. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHfNGTON, AiMENDiNG RESOLIITION 07-017, AND APPROVli\7G AN A.MENDEl)1VIASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, it is the general policy oF the City to establish fees that tire reflective of the cost of services provided by the City; and WBEREAS, the City uses a resolution to establish fees for City programs, permits and services, and pcriodically, the fee resolution must be updated to incorporate new or modified services; and NVHEREAS, Council cfesires to modify the Resolution and accompanying Fee Schedulc. NOW THEREFORE; be it resolvcd by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: SecNon 1. Thc changes needed at this time are incorpomted into thc atCached schedules, and _ include (1) new fees; (2) changes to e-.Yisting fees; and (3) cost of living fee increases for 2009. Section 2. ltepeal. To the estent that previous fee schedules are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Section 3. Effective patc. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on January 1, 2009. Approved this _ day of October, 2008. ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Richard Munson, Mayor Approvred as to form: Office of thc City Attorney r ~ AMENDED MASTER FEE SCHEDULE Fee Schedulc Page No. ~ Schedule A: PlsinningI1~,-- 4-. 3 Schedule B: Building 5 Schedule C: Fire Code 13 Schedule D: Parks & Recreation 16 Schedule E: Administrative 19 Schedule F: Other Fees 20 F14,z ? of 28 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE I Sc6edule A - PlanninEDE-V~4-4--44P:}IE-**T AMENDMENTS I Compnhen5ive Plan nmendment S1.SOQ 7onin~,, ; Appeal oCAdmintstrativc llccisiun ~1,Ut}U Appesl of Hearing Exnminer findinga 5304:1v TranscripUrccord dcposit [ce on appcals of Hearing Eiaminer'a decblons S15043+1 I r4ppeal o€dt . . 3!00 , iktc~~NS["\ lA i ktf \ tf.N\ Statc Enviranmentnl Yalicy Act (SLPA) Single dR•elling (wheo requirecl) S100. All other developmeats Eovironmental Impact Statement (E1S) RevteR. m;°• denosit Add, nda ~,l j~- R,. Stiorel i ~ Substxatial 1)etie)upment 1'crmit CriticAl Areas F7oodpluin Permit r t OTHF,R PER117ITS Home Occupation PeRnit & Acc. Dwelline un[ts 580:~)t► Coodidonal Use Permlt SflQO:uA •L.A11) l ')L• Al 1 ll)\N Sulidivisions PreGmiaary plat $2,324 Plus 540.00 per I<<, Finsil plat S1,424 Plas $10.00 pcr ho (=?ime extcnsions - filc tcview . d lctter S$U Pagc 3 of 29 Short Plats Pretjmiaary 24 lots S1,224 Fioal Plat 24 Lots $924 Preliminary plat 5-9 Lob S1,424 Plas 525.00 pcr lot Final Plat 5-9 L-4)Ls--- 51,224 Plus S10441-per lot Time eztensinns - file miew And letter $80 Plat Alteration I Snbdivisioo plat S650:04 Short plat S265.00 Hinding Site Plan I Blnding stte plas alteradoa-modi€ieufst,n S1.474 Change of Coodidons S6S4:40 Pmliminary bindiog site p1Rn S1,674 Final binding site plan 5924 Aggregati o n,r Segregati on Lot line adjustment 5100.04 Lot llne el[mfnadon S100.00 Zero lot llne S100.0 Plus Sl0 ~4per Iot ( Plat <<acation - - - - $1.474 SIGNS ( Review of permanent sign S50:0i+ Plus $25~~+~~ if Public Works revieR is neecled ~ Review ottempacary siga S50:00 ~ SITF PLA'` R~\-'1EW SSSU:ls." ~ STREET VACATlON APPLICATIU\ S1,300.11?> QT~JERVARIAM4,S Administrath'e F.x paon 5300:04s Varianc $1,~ PM&Dvlicatlon NleetingA 5250 AdminiStraNve IntervretatiQnjF*bH"eetinw ~,04' ZONING ~ 7.oning map amendmeaus (rezone)" S1,650.f+i+ Pas;~ 4 o; ? 6 Plaaned resi. dcvelopmentt '_nhn ' S1,504► }>1u- c25', ~ rer Int Planned resi.Develonmenr 1;; +.A.,,., . Zoning lettcr "If rezoneiscombincda~i:i. ~ , , otbcr actioa(a) Ls addition:i ! ~ S-chedule B - BLTILDING ~ r~ G am Hvu.rRav rate for CW Em io-vee S58 Or°er}timg rote for C'ity EIInnioveea $87 1in3•'~t3ga~ion fee: Wark ccrm~eenced wi.thou# ceauired ~eEMik 'K.+qusl t4 ft-0 RcV9scempnt_ af lost germit clorurhentli liourt raft with..1 ~r min, k2115 2M to plans `~~ucsted by the ~piplicant or permit laarlder ~~~ift be cba ~d the hourlA ~e with 31 minimum, of 1 h~ur. evi:sef laas ~ub rt-ted in co tian lettern a~Ec ng1 su~bject tcr thr hour~v assessmeat,$ - Pian neview fees am collec~ed ao ihe time of application. Stich fees may be adjusted during plan review. Overage-s or widea ~aym,euts witl be appFCagriatelv adjuste-d at thc time of pcrmii i~~uance. l'1an rcview fms ere s-epame Crom asxcl ii~ ~ddition ta builci~ pemlit fmw Permi[ fee. anc4 nny other unpaid fecs are c(,9itwEed ptiot to issuftric4~ cif if7c pdrinic, ~ees, for oulside prnfessiona6 sm-atc~ required duri«~ ~e permit prk)cess walV tv paid hy the applicatyt. Examp1as oT ouiside professiotW services include re~~iew bv cotatrac.t re}-iesven, spp:cia4 insgeclion or constrsct,ion ser°vices, comquidar1t scn'ices, sur-vcying oT othc€ servicos reyuired to dcterniin~ comptianec %6th app1icable codes. Fec Itefund I'Q1i~ Plarj rcview fm are non-refuadablc once any p1an revim v+,'~rk has bcrn started. ~ ~rk auth `xtd bv #heRczinit has beoun. Pcrntit fe~s ar+e on-refundable onc 3~ antV ~erm~t ~i~~r~~rs ~f pJ~"~~ cli~+able for re~'und ~u.~i~uest a refund i~uTiti#ip- tirvithit~ Applif I 8iD caicndar da•s of a h+e4o itt,al ar rmit i~suanu. RSquests rectived +r,[ 180 calendar d~~ are -not el1'gib1e for reftmd. Plan review fees %vill be mfunded at a mte of 100% less ~~5 administmtive fee when eli ig, bic for a funci, :'ay,e 6 of 28 Permit fees wiU be refunded at the rate of 95% «1th one hour of staff cime retained wficn cligible flnd requested «ithin 180 calendar dm of nernut issuancr. f3uiidingpcrmit fees fer cacia gMject are,~et by the following fce schedule. 7,he ~,able below is to be u ro determine the building.,pennit fees and plans shcck fees based on the valuc of the cuttstrug tion work w Stated by the applicant or the value calculateJ bv the Buildine Officia) usirlg_the latest valuation d ~ published in tli: Valuation Tut i,. ' ulal ~ alu.tliuu LL S1 to $25.000 ,$69.25 for tbe first $2.000 nlu. N i-s tor cu. ii odclitionul 51.000, or fraction thereof, up tu i, includina S25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 5391.25 for the first 525.000 plua 510.10 for m_+l additional 51,000, or tractjon thereot, ua tti r~, ; includinQ $50,000 $50.001 to S100,000 $643.75 for the first $50.000 alus $7 tor tauii addjtinnal $1,000, or fraction t6ereof, ua to a n,' includins! S10D,000 S100,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for thc t'irst $100.000 nlus $5.60 for e~t-__h additional S 1,000, or fraction thereof, ua to an~ i ioci~dine $500,000 $500,001 tu S1,000.0UU $3.233.75 for the flrst $500.000 plus S4,75 f4r- ~ additiunal 51,000, or fraction thereof. un to u,: ' including $1,000.000 $1.000,000 and ua $5.608.75 [or the first 51,000.000 nlus 53.I5 for each additional 51,000, or fraction thcreof Vsluation ExceptiQns Fee Per Sguace Foot Prn•ate earAg,g (waod frame) S1Q Private eamp-cs (masonry) S22 Pole buildia~s S19 Oaen carnort, decks. porehes lu Over the cownter, auick tumaround.pCrmit fccs for simpleproiectS, an additiona] S58 Pgge 7 of 28 Plans Revicw Feci Far other thAn 5igps. one aod nwo family residentisl structures and the associated acc-morY' buildinst~_Q,t tctures a Plans Rcwiew Fee L)ccxisit 9 S1,00 shf►li be collecied 19 tfie time of eccevtanct of the Buil ' Permit Application The @pplication shnll bc acceptcad onlv whcn thc aavlication is dotcrmincd to be compictc bv Cjiy gaf~. FAi Slans one and h+•o famil}• resideatial swctum and assmiatcd eccessoa buildings or structures po nlan review dcnosi w•il1 be required at the time of Buiiding Permit Application submittal. jbg,~laace Qf the Plan Review Fee shall be solkcud at ths time of Building Permit isswnce nlongwith the R'SBCC Fee Any ~xcess d_eposit coltected durina tha application process shall be analied tQ the 8uilding Pcrmit Fce. Plans Revie►v Fecs are nat reftndable_Qmce the alan rcview has betn started. Pians Rcvicw Fm sm additional to Building Percpit ee Plaaa revfew fee (eeneral) S~° Qi blda aermlt fee Plans mim fee - Groun R-3 occuanncies (sInele 40%, Of bldt permlt fee famIly less t6Qn 7.999 tia. ft.) Pls+ns rr% ien- fee - Groao R-3 occnpAncies (sinelt ¢M Uf bldz aernit fee CamilN 8,000 sa. R. or greatcr) Plans rniew fee - U-1 or U-2 occaaaacfo (shecs. 250/o Ot blde mrmtt f~~c barns, ctc.l Ptsns review fee - temoomrv tent or structure S~°s Ot bldQ nermit fee Initia) 1'len Review Fecs shnll be ca,pred pt $~5.000 meximum with the followin$ exception~ Exccptian 4 t : If additiunal nmf'essional resounes nre rect4~i~ed_ for individual proitct plun review for those projecjs_thot reach the maximutn Plan Review Fee the Building Qfficial 5hall he aiithorized to TCqL11fC (hc pcrnlit apvlicent ta R.ovide those resourccs to_ft Cil), of Spaksne Vallrv. If a set pfplans already chocked and aDptQved is mubmitted bv the owner or hict'her agcnt, an b-ourlyLte of $58.00 will be spplied far the rarevieH GRADING Permit Fees Cubic I'ards FEE ~ 100 or less 101 to 1.000 S20 !or the first 100 Cu. Yd., alus $7 for eACh $dditional 100 Cu. Yd. 1.001 to 10,000 $83 for the tirst 1,001 Cu. I'd., nlua Sb for each additiqnal 1.000 Cu. Yd, 10,001 to 100.044 S147 for !he firat 10,090 Cu. Yd. olus S15 for each additional 10,000 Cu. Yd. Paxc 8 uf 28 100.001 to 200.000 5368 for thc first lUO,t}DO Cu.1'd. p,lus $15 for each additional 100.000 Cu. Yd. 200,000 or more $403 for the ftrst 200.0(1(1 Ca. Yd. nlnc S 15 fnr each additional 2W`.~ I'lans C:Gecl:ine 1 , _ . 50 or lcss No t'ec 5 to 100 $1' 101 to 1.000 $21, 1.001 ta 10.400 10.001 t0 100.000 S24 addltlOnal 10.000 CU. Yd. 100.001 to 200,000 $98 for the first 100,000 Cu, 1'ci. plu~ S6_i<<. additinn:31 100.000 f'u. Yd. - 200,001 or more 515S l.,and Claaring onlv (withaut earth bcing movcd) NW; ~~Ciflil! I:II'.:!~I Z!1:1'1 Il:llf C~ - t~C1 ~+.!\I'_ t fl~t ~ `.~{II Pl..1.1NIU11,1G l-IGRl•1I I Thc_plumbing code fei~ %%iii t- ~ 'I.. •,~.,,.,r ~i . ~,~~~~~i i, u:._i i~ i~'~.~:.:~:~._ IfI:~1n1C:1 Ili II-i~ 0;lil jlil. f'CIIIIIi l1ic 1.1,., .'iJ. {W! 111+1 •.I!L 11:s•,!~ ~ 1,j Basic frc fur issuing r.+c1iJ,mrmit ~3 5 21 Basic for tacb supplernental nerrnit 8. Unit fees (in addjtion to the basic feel Ij For each Qlumbing fixture on garbaer disposuls, dish wushers, Uacl: Aov device, drainngc, hot tubs, bnllt in water softencr, Rater clvscts, lavatarim sipks, ti j,! etc 2,1 PrivAte sewaQe djsaosal avstem 31 V4'ater heAter ~ 41 Industrial w•aste arytreatmenl intcrceptor includine its trae and vent, eicept kitchea t% i grease intercentors tunctionlne as fiztury 1rs<< 5] RepAlr or Aiteradon of water pinine, drainas,-t, _ t:: or ventp(glnz ¢I Atmospheric tfpe vacuum breaker L6 I,, ?1 Racl.~li,iN t}r~~te°ctiN e (1(-~~ice r~the~r t1,,~r~ ~f• r:~, ` m(mosn6eric tvpe vacuum breakcis Medlcu! eU er outlet Q~ Interceiitora Each MECHAIr'ICAL PERM[T 'tlte mechanical code fas will bc collected when the mociated permit is issued. lf it is included in thc Auilding PertniL the unit costs am added, but not t6c basic mcchanical permit fcc. ~ Bask fea 11 Bjaic ft tor isautag eac6 permlt ~,35 11 BWc for cach snvplementnl oertnlt S7,50 % Unit fecs (in addltion to thc bnsic feel ~ Furnaccs & suapended beaten - LastRURtfon or relocation p_ ui) t4 and incladine 100.000 bta S12 b. over 100.000 bhj $1.11 21 Auct w•ork siatem 10 ~ Hcat aumi) & Air condidane~ & t 3 t ns ,2 over 3 to 15 tops $20 ~ m cr 15 to 30 tons SLIS d m•cr 30 to SO tons S35 S. over N tQna ~6U 1 Gas n'ater beik er S_0 S,1 Gs►s ainlng st-stem Ll er outlet 61 GAS IoQ, fireplnce. Rnd eas iasert instalfatfon m ~ A,palia cc veats installation: mlocadoo: 11 U Each realacement ~ ]tenairs or additions ~ 41 Builers. comamssor5, and absarntion svstems a. 0 tu 3 hp -100,00U btu or less S12 ~ Qver 3 to 15 ha -100,001 to 5 0,090 btu S20 ~ Ovcr 15 - 30 ha - 500,001 to 1,000,000 25 him d over 30 hu -1.000.001 to 1,750.000 btu S35 c, over SO hn - over 1,750,000 btu S60 1Q1 Air Handlers ~ Each unit uD tu 10.000 cfm. inctudtng 12 ducts Etic unit over 10.000 cfm _ .L11 Evaporative Goolers (other thau DortAble) s10 1-21 Ventilatfon and sxhstust gs Fnch fan ec►nnected la AsfnEle duct 1 1 b. Each ven(ilation svstem ~ll. c, k:ach hood aerved bv mechanical exhauat U2 131 Incinerators gs Installation or relocation of residenttal _ h. tnstallation or relocation of commercial $22 Page 10 of 28 Anoiiances. each sio ~ Unlisted appf'rances a. under 40D.000 btu ~ b, 400,000 btu c►r over 161 B_Q_o d P-. Tx ne 1 ISSO b. Tvpe 11 5 I ll 17" ldP ~tar~ge tsn~ 5-LO IM Wo 9 d o r Pci Eet, insert sio S25 19 Waod stove svstem free standini! T}edc,,.:~:tf~~~~~:-~+~R#~~«,:~-~ u~-z1~~ ~t~r=+~: ~~~~r~-i~~~°~:~=~~~~•l~ui?~~t;~~~~:. OY.-as 1~r7C' .y 4.e ee1T 1F~.~.ear~GTG'SF i .~.i 3 „ ~kt~~, H~~i~;"'p~~;-c-: ~L L~f~~ tlf, . ~~e Te-1"~-i:! ii A7r[l.A'f37t'4 . ~ . . `i _ „ c,?. . ~ arr-~s &20-M -~r~t~i v s~~~~•'~~~3~-~tPgf-~~~~-~#~:~~~t~-~'~r~la ~a:; . . . , S6.00 , , , . ~IFf t~~~~ ~E~~-£~•.~-~ : c~ ~-~~~tiaH#~;~~"~`,~~' , 9r►alo", 41U ~~r8~~4=€~= 'E~~~►E-~r$~~~: ~'ti -x e , ~ a_r;, 2011,000 iai° morc- 1~503, 4 a.`. r-~"i=C~ ~'t.~'~:.''e~::~ ~Y~~#;~~~~~Y~•-`.:~ ~ ~.F. ,C~`._'P'=ti3 5v -oa=4esi iq 1 so M~ ~ E3 520:01) S25 r10 i:... .o,:. tal~Es '~7of.~s,a i~is;° . ~~i P8ge a i o#'A ~E►E},-~F~-lt~-?~;H41H ~c~~-t~tr4~rs~-}~l1;8Hf1 ~t~. ~ ~:.-~~~it-.-~h.~st► ~rte~eh-sti~#~t~fit~~~~E~1 ~r.-~'-~. I-and-E~e9FF~~z--;r,-;,:~::. Pate 12 oi'ze ~,=~RAllC+~lW '~.►4f_,,.: ~14'«~'- ~"ti'st•~r~:._=. i~i_ it•i;=-~~^~fkt`L - buildiiig . : z , l3~.~~"y,ls~'~t ~ ~..~,•.~a na .s.~ .~„sr.., r,* rl.,. r~..,~-:~..,a~.,.,. ~yL~,, . . . . . , , _i. . , : . , . . r. 1f.~'~....wa-`,.m. `1":t ,Lt+u~ .:et~~~3l~P-j f~~3~I~3~~kl~° °~I3i} . _ f r::.; ~ r ~ e n r►n ~ ~~t`~~~~'F~~~ , ~ , . , . , } t° crptt., ~',,`ru ~fer- eiii=iim~~~'~!#51'-~~ i• . Y ti~~.; S l,OU0a000 ~?.`~.~~,~.T_~•-~-r-,'~'',~'~ft~~~~+9~,~1~~-~:~~~~ ~::~~~i ~C11dRfti~-*~=i~~w.{'~1+4~1r~~4f'-P'-t'~FCW.F;p. iY7rfilt3d# y . , } . 00 S 5mb'~~~S-rfrr-Ehe-~'~a NiOlPfI~r,~~:~:: -f ~$C'd'CxiT'IFU~f'U'i a'1. ,.og 544.00 $2-2.4NE S% 1-9.9! 0 1"ef i~:`C4''i-'~:~t:,:.~;',}~ d~eCi'li 7~ ~ W&U4..Isrca-srcz a " . . . ~ . ~ . , , _ S204 . . - 4 , , . u 1 =~a,...,.,,-.~.. ~,a, , ~ ~ _ . . . . . ~ r'`e.Pe 13 l7e 2 * i I ^re ke :°+kn4rer~e5~ d a petiiftifig h .t''-3.. _ < . Bt+iwi„` i1a Fr_1C~ Cp.;,. - 14a; . . . 6_ F r p6m, rt-r`iE'Wi''-f€'e Cr8u 40% ~Mdc,~ 65% o ~ ke "e& 26.46 QfMdgperml#f~e ~eie, Plfl~l.i- icw fee - iemperary fevto-ff-stmeftre 28% OFbidgPeYmigh 4.fitSfl~at. .e Ff.lt.,,.~ a ! 411K.. ~pcc~ =i ~p r'l 2; ~'1 il mrrmry-sflt-~ c ir; : [.`~cea ~4-P e . . ~ F2~1'~ ..tR4 li - e..~ & . . + r . . .N ~ , t }:g:~.Er~ r.~:-~~a_ , .o , d3',,.~-;;":'~i-~~ _t}~;• 7 :c. ~m~':;s., .a=-, fm~ ~ ~ "infludifig, ~ i4f4e, atsr g ~ Privoic snivg"6persal sysiem S?4M ~ &6.00 EaA 4) 14"SF~s~~m,...,c-~`r-ifr*ceireeplfm SM~ all 3VIE a* ag s~a-~►~~~ic a~~-~€~~t~-~~~t~i~~~•~ Page 14 of 28 _~M1 R: `.1 . .~A. i .::-t" _ `~t ~~~.t`~tt=~:;. =r', ~rt~;~l'~i F~_.:~?'~ 15 crs'~;i ~ .;::~.!.1~..__ ~iti?'r. Ltt~' .f.li..'~!•c'.'::..-'~-: ~••J l'y:-i~-:i::_::i~:~t_..~. ..ic ~ff~t' ~f~~trl'-t: :rrc{-~-2:TCr.i1[iCtt. t~t}( j}('i-i!!L_.t:-1-•;'r-:':"': lcci•{Z:St.~'C•:t :t~ fiC $asie-~<• (r>r- i~-:ttitw-cttc~;r~n-=ri~+: ~;-(4+1 ~ A~is! (~e~-f~rs t=3+? ~~,KIt ~ 'J ~j ct's- It~stu)i~{ru:r+~r rdeenliee i% a b, SOWu+ 2) $mei wai`k sj`3te~ S~► 3) Hee!'F~ gh 0-Ee-3Iess Mvo0 lh _ 620.00 h 625.00 tk WIA A Over 90 tons 660.0{1 4) Gas %mer bette R"{I 9) Gas pip'eg'sys}m &}sO4) ~i-f~i-i~fli•i ~ sios0 610.00 VRt'l1 1'!`#!E!ltCffS!'M RepaMs~dditien9 Boilers, , , a: 51 ?.l►U b- , S?~~1 e-. 6wcr 15-.48-bp-599;8934o-ha8O~900 62649, bft d6 everMhp , , $45.0() !s @ti'E _ 1,750,000 ~bB:Elli 4% AlrHw"e34ctx et Fael:- rineled+ftg &12. E, " dueb by ~~~►s► ~ able) ~ , • s~ ~ logle-dttel Sl-A:Bt~ b: &-?:ol) r , 43) ll--~ Im4a ftResidcatia 5MO+1 b: toe*4ien-ofeomntcreW smA 44) Applismecs, ft+ N"i(►;i)(a 44) 1:-nAisted-apph*nF e > s: tt~er-4E1(1~41411~ }>ttt 1.1~4F:~~4a 4~. •~~;il~~Si #~itt ~~~t~~-cr `~1{t+~,s~t► Fage 16 of 28 ~i0.#W E P S;Eorage tiaiak 3i`1 j; Z t~'•~'~"'~^i'~r`T~TIIT7'cTF }4 ' :W ertr;}._y. t, pi~'.~+;~r~r4.! I - t-~~. I c 7et-~:. r.... k t ti;A . EiL~i~GY CODE Energ,v Cade Plans check fee is also establisMe+# to cliec.k to rncet t]7c requircmerals of R:CW 5 1 -I ]WAC, 7'hi~se are in additinrr Eo Builciing Cade Fees, if C'it)' inspzctors nre as-signed to verify Energy PIans, tlae following fe-es Qpply. If nn ousside ener~~~ inspecxor is required, that fee will be detcrmined by thi; outsidc nciwy and the *es b,elow o;=i1f not apply. Residential RemodeUAdditi~~ $4)- New SingEe Family fi -0-- Tenani Tmpr4vcmcnt I A. 0 ta 10,000 syuare fe-et S35-M ~ 13. yON ~ ~~~s re feet snd over ~5--Mi I C . 1Nulti-Famiiy S60AW Per building ~ D. New Com;mercial ant~ ~nduOrial OTHER BU1LDING CODE FEES I A pp roach Pemi it Dernotition Permit Siegle Famih, Rcsidrnce S44:'-:= ~ Ciamm.erelnl buRdiap S125.4- Grir,tgt- oraece.qsnry buBdiag a-mociated w-ith a 520:#,:: resedence or c4mmerci.al huildin~ Earlr~ Start Aurtemcriti (Tc,uradatioris) 25'"i;, C1t hldg purmit fet Right-of=way Fertnit: Categor} I Noa-cut obs#ruction withnut clean-up 570 2 Non-cut obstruckion with c1ean-up $105 3 Pavemeat cut abst~ction non-winter S160 4 Pavemeat cut obsEnertion, winter S200 5 Long-duratic►n ar lar-ge proaec#s 5160 A traffic caatrnl glan review is required if raore #han pgge l7 cr;` 2 9 50% of the width of say gtreet is closed or iF a single arterisil lane is cloaed. Flaa review 8ee S54 If a eategory 5 prrmlt reqiuires addi#ionai titne, the additionai fec !s $40 fQr each additianQ 3 dayii or piart thereof. Mui#iple-use and 1ang-duratiaa permits slaag requir~ a minimuaz deposi# of S1t400 Sign F'ees Tecs coUecked for a s3gn permit ancl a planscheeck fee for signs ere+uted iin accordancc with tho Sagn Cade. Thc fee be1ow plus the WSHCC fee of $4.50. ~ Signs mou.nte~ on bulldin~ ~455,00 Sign and poIe maunting S654M ~ Tumporary Certi~cate ofOccupancv S50414y Washing#ua State Hullding Cade Council (W.S.B.C,C.) Sur'charge A Ilflt fee Qf $4,5(} wkll be colleCwd oII eAch pCmitiT for approved pl~ ~r any cther permit txat is is5ul~d in a~~ordance with the ~pokane 1Ialicy Huilding Code. E,7iCEPT: For mu1ti-fannily pra*%, the fee 'ss $4.50 I for !the first lzVing Lin.it and S2.0{1 for each addit€onal unit. The City Fi.nance Deparrtment ~vil1 forward t~is fce to the W~BCC on u +quaaerl}' basis. O'THERMISC'ELLANEQLtS FEES A. r;oF Ciry penonnet ~ T) Hourly rate set for City Emp1oyeti (uuless ssa=t+o atherwise 5pt4lficd) (.vertime chargvs 1.5 times negahtr rRtc B. Hourly rate fiar coatrracted sea+rices 5ct according to rnniract rg#e E. House Moviag Fee 1) Class I, lI, o.nd III -~oving permit ~ 2) CXas.s I, II, and III - Inspectiun fee S~?:€~9 3.} Class IV (if axready pcrmitted by Spakea~ S-4_ County or Spokauc City) * I'ita basetrtentf'e`rrwdspuce vaJiaarfcrrr perrnit f~e :«,Plr.rs $58. 00 per hrrur aftr the 1' hosir, and S. 30 per rnife the buildirig to be moved into the CiV xs ourstde ihe Cit}, ltmits C. Wnrk ou any structu:te or bLiikl~gwithaut s Paga I8 of28 permit if a Spokane Vallcy Permlt is required: ~ 1) hiinimam investigntive inspecNoa fee $S" 2) Total [nvesdgnNve fee to be equal to the permit fee determined for t6e value ot the iqegal work nccomptLshed ( 1. Excess [nspections for a given project created by $580► Per Inspection or the developer, uwner or contractor re-inspectioo J. Condomininm converaion pians reviewlinspection Based ae vnlue of fee project and bldg cale vnluatloo 1... Enclosing an ezisting deck or patio 1) P1ans check fee 40% Of t6e bask !ce for plans e=amination 2) Basic permit fee Besed on value of project; minimam 53,000 ( M. Swimming pools (Over 5,000 gallons) 554.Itli Pluit piumbing fers N. Re-roof Permit: Fee based ou the value of the project. No plau re~ i~,, Ek,,~ ~ 11 R,;; unless plan.+ sre aubmjtted for rrview. ~ O. Change of Use or OccupAncy Classification pcrmjt $5s P. Towcrs, elcvated tanl:s, antennas W-wd projcct t~-isLtSY~~c3---lt iitC-°LS~llti.ki:t~i+iin:si~:i-**I►'t:i:~;~icv-~:su,c -iK-ic~rrYCV--ui-iuxr ~~~•kuiic- -rzilit~r l~r~i~: 19- . day-s ,.F tI.z ?+=1?ti!-~t'~??FF-~c'~-n:?f~-~= . Yage 19 of 28 Schedule C - FIRE CODE FIRE ALARM, SPRINKLER AND OTIiER PROTECTIOti Slc'STEMS City ptocessing fce of $35 is added to these Firc District 1 fees. Plans check and review fees, inspections, and ptrmit for installution of separate fire alarm system or sprinklcr system applications, and other fire protection systems. Fire Atarm System New instaUadon 14 de4•ices 5-100 dcvices $275j4s Additional 100 devices s 51i ~ Each additional panel $ W Sprinkler supervision only S 83-7--- Esch additional floor $ 44 : - ~ Fire Sprinkler Syatems 1-9 heads ~ 5$ * 10-49 $1$265 50-100 $3Q ?7-5 101-200 $ 3 5 8 ~ 201-300 $3~301400 401-500 $469-2-5 500+ $5500 + S30 per head For hydraulically dcsigned systems muldply the above feee by ? New Suppressioa Syatems Range hoods, halon. C02, dry• chemical, FM 200, intetgen spray baaths, e[c. Unit 1-5 nozzles $11 00 O<<er 5 nozzles S 11004) +S 110 per nozzle Aottle(s) $310 per bottle Firc Pnmp Iastallation ~ P1an review & insnection fee $5~80 ( Undergrouod Fire Malns - Plan review and inypect $165 Standpipes not w pnrt of Rutomatic supprcssion aS-stem ~ Plan review and inspection S 165 ~i}'age 20 of 28 Othcr Proteekinn S}-siem-% I Fire exti.nguishing system (other 61han spn-Alers) - '6 55.~ plus S I.50 per rtozz1e S1andpipe irstallation ~ Class I and CIam 11 Class LU S 7 i;.~ Twilc installation - per iank Flammable and cvmbustibZe liqtiids - storage tank-s itzstailatian s pG~ Hazaedcrus materials - s#orage tanks sne-talla-tion $ 70 Liquefied petroleusu s 260 Gaseous a'}fgen sys#em s 760 1r3I'frt?t15~ systeti]5 $ 160 Me&~al gBS 5wr`9IL'Ii75 s 26,0 Hazardous tnaierial recyc1ing systern~ ~ -740 Vapor recovery system ~ C"r~~genie S 76-0 Remvval , akrandonment or any combina#ian thcreof af flmzrab1c or combrustibYc [ [iquid storage tanks ~ 1005 Emergenc~~ ~r standby comrriereial power ` gcnemtcrr rinstall P'CR14fITS Conditionsl i.iRe F+erinit Temporan' 11-se Permit Tentslcanopy Permit ~ 70 Evenl Permit 'E`HD(u~~ w , PLANs CRE, cK ANn REVT[:W DI' T"Hr BCiREAU OF FYRE 1'REVENTION New commercial pkans ebeck and in#pecfiun (for projects nat mcntianed e1sew~er+r) ~ 60 LAA6D 1.1S~'. ~uMh--isioallPUiI 1 Preliminarv ~ Final s 76C1 Shart PI,ec I Preliminary $ 1 ~-"0 1'ir~~ ~ W-.0 F"age2l nf 28 Schedule D - PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Basic fees to be considtrcd when apply7ng raies I Adminbtrativs Fce SX00 Rcfnse Fee S50.-00 AQUATICS Pool admbatoo (age S snd under) free Pool odmlsslon (age older than 5) S1m! Pool punch pass (2S swims) S20:00 Weekead famlfv disrouat 1 chlld nnder 13 free ~ with paying adalt Ss+-immia8 Iem ns S30 Swim Team Fcc $35 Reservation (lcsa than SO peopie) $104110 Per hour* Food tee (if spplicable) S2S01 Reservatioo (50 -100 people) $125;W Per 6anr" Food ke (ti appiicable) 55040U Resen•adon (101- 154 people) S15404, Per hoar* Food tec (if applkable) 575.t►0 •?tlinimum ? hvurs ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PF:RMIT ~ Alcoholic Bevetage Permit Fee S10:41A, CEhTERPLACE Confcrence Centcr VVing Auditorium S7&04► Pcr boor Auditorium $450M Per day Anditorinm S22S.1K► Per haltdny Auditorium w/Prescatatiaa System ~15 (M R) Per bour ' Auditorium w/Preseotatiaa 5vatem 530WJO Per day ' Auditorium w/Presentadon Syatem 5150.8t! Per 6aUday Auditorium Depasit S-(9) Esecntive Confereace Room SSO:W Per 6our Eiecutive Confereoce Room Depoait $Sa(W Meeting Room (DAy &Evening Use) S40:(91 Per boar Mectjng Room 5250 Per da}• Lar¢e Meetia¢ Room S75 Per 6our $ZIS Per helCdav Ecr 9 hr dav HN.-OO Mectiug Room 5125:00 Per 6altday F'ugc 22 o;'8 I Meeting Room Dcposit * Rrquires rental of presentation sys-tem on page 16 ~ E'age 23 of 28 GreAt Room Kitc6en w/Dinlag Room Rcntal S100.O41 Per ase Kitchen - Commerciel Use (2 hour mio.) SSOa;►n Per hour Kitc6en Deposit SS&(O Mnlti-Uee/Banquet Hxll 510(k(W Per hour Matd-Usc/Banqnet Hall S8a4:00 9 6r setaioa MntN-Use/Bxnqset Hall S1,30U4i4) All day (6am-14m) Small Dining Area S30,00 Per hour Depasit S200-00 Stage S20 Per section per day Stsge Removst! ~~•s10 Tnble Settinga (lineas & tableware) 532:A►O Per ptace settiag Seojor Center VYing Loangc wits Dance Floor $10400 Pcr hour Lounge with Dance Floor S80001 Per day Loauge Deposlt S20WI41 Meetiag Room (Eveajag Use) 540:00 Per hour Mceting Room (Eveaing Use) S125.19► 4 6r:ession Meeting Roan (Wcekend Use) 5250141 Per dRy Mcedng Room (Weri:end Use) S125.40 Per half day Meetiag Room Depaslt SSaJAl Private Dining Room S50:011 Per hour Private Dinjag Room Deposit 554:00 WeUness Ccnter S100.}►41 Per hour Mjscellnneoas Cleanup fee S50-300 Per ei•ent I HostlHostess (aher houra) $IS:t►U Per hour Preaentadon Sysiem (iacludes prnjector/podiam/ 52504; Per day DYDNCR/aonnd aystean/cwmerq aystem) Room Setup S25-.1441 Per 6our SateUite N'ideo Conferencing S250:04► Per hour Sound System 5440) Per da}• Technlcal5upport $40J++► Per hour 'te{oUMaNCR 574-OFj Per day Toncb Pad Yotiag 5yatem SI1S.04' Hase atadou pcr +$iS day Per keS-psd per day LCD Proiectar $25 Pe ur S1(1t1 e dav Cofte Servict SZS Serv' e Ltnens onls SS 7a61c Winc eiass onlv rental er Glass S.50.110 EVENTS - inctudes Psvilion Events include but aro not limited to activities such as car shaws, tournamenu and activities invole•uig 200 or more people. The Director of Parks and Recreation will make the final determination. Page 24 of?8 General Fee S154+40 Non-protit appUcadons with more thnA SQ in SSO Ur free with atteodance eponsorehip• Non-orotit applidttioas witb SO ot Itas ja attendance g:00 • . , . Xic,n-ihlf}!-lltr-E-'Ni-_' ='"r•i::~t;`-►YKlcTwfr'r I. rM'r.~t i i f• I FIELn tz.en-rAL ~ L1se Fee 525:00 First honr plus SlS eac6 additionAl hoar INDOOR USE I Open gy-m sdmission 5IAM Plpygronnd program admission (10 eatries) 520.44► MIRABEAU Mirnbeaa Sprjngs I Small ahelter and waterfall 5150:tP, Maximam 4 hours Refundable deposft (leas ihan 200 pcopte) SSO:{►+i Mirabeaa Meadows Shelter (less t6an 200 pt-ople) S80tfs+ Shelter (200 or arore pcople) S150:4"W Refnndable deposit (iess thsn 200 peopk) S54:r>E► Refundable deposit (200 or more people) S250.04+ PICNIC SHELTERS Picnic Shelter (less than 200 people) S30•0'• Picok Shelter (200 or more peap{c) 5150:44'Refnndable dcpaait (icas than 200 people) S5O:0+-$ Refundable deposit (200 or more peoplc) S25% PROFESSIOVAL PHOTOGRAPHI' ~ Pcrmit Fee S25.04: Annual RECREATION Recreption program fees ure set to recover costs as sperified in the Parks and Rtxreation revenue policy. VALLEY MIS5ION ARENA I Renta!' S100z(.)Ej Per weekead Refundable dcpaek S50-0► *Renter responsrhle jor oir-site preparutrat Rental reguires liubilitt- insurance. Pugc 26 of 28 Schedule E - ADMIMST~ATYVE COPY FE~S Copy of studto U,pes, video ta"t phatus., mapis of Gth+er At cost reenrds needing reproduction copy +o f written r*cor+da 50.I5 Per pnc ~ ~opy - lgrge fotinat $3:194 Per puge Cppy of full docu:ments .4t+eost O`Y'IIER ADIMff+tISTRATI"'VE FEES I NSF ~heck S.ti Fas Fec S1:00 Paille ETagc 27 of 29 f) I., ! . 1 ? . %i d. ~ . 'L 4 I ; U ~5 .''t L .s I I.. Estsblsh me nt L~L•:~k Live Adult Eotertruua3ent ~~,~tlly Aedull Arrade Otber Aduit Enlerti.Wament Licenms Adnit Armde Device Liaessec Manne.r Lecease MSO494 EaterWaer LEitewc 51%ftt Late License Fee- Charged in additian to liccnse fee. I'ercent nt Past Dae Cg,Icndar [lavs IAcease Fee 7 - 30 ~ 25% 31 L 60 SO°lu 61 stad aver 75% HUSIlNESS REGLSTRA7`~ON FEES Busincss rcgistration $13 each year Nonprofat registration $ 3 cach vear SEC LiltUY FAL.SE ALARNi FEES Repeated rtaffunctioning s=urity false alarms in a given six-mnnth Nriui. First aJarm NG chiirge Seceand aIarm Thirc4 glarm Fourih and subseqate~t sUroQS 5120-IA) S'Y'ORM WATER UTILEiTSr' CHARiGE ON DEVELOI"ED PARCEI.S Em c h s biagte-famiiv nait each }-ear $21 All other prapcrtks ea+ch S21 Fer 3,160 sqttare fter o[imp~et~risru~ §#arnvrrater rharge ~'nr trrt'~► etleclF~~ n~~;'~nrb~nssc~.s ~ ~ TOW OPEP-ATOR ANNLzAL REGiSTRAV(lN F'EE 10749 C1VFRSIZE-D LOAD P'ERMIT FEE Fase 28 v9' 2B , ; FEE PROPOSED ~ 2009 FOR RESOLUTION , , Spokane Valley Council Meeting October 28, 2008 , 0/22/2008 , i ~ Fee resolution changes..... 01_ ~ A. ADDITIDNS 1. Special event fee $5 for 50 people or less 2. Centerplace +Large conf room $75/hr, $225/half day, $450/9 hr day +Projector $25/hr, $100/day +Coffee service $25lservice +Linens only $5/table +Wine glass oniy rental $.50/giass +Stage removal $150 3. Planning subdivision/etc. time extensions & letter $80 4. Preapplication meeting $250 5. Admin. Interpretations $100 , 0rM008 2 ~ Fee resolution changes. . . . . . . . . B. Changes ~ 1. Swimming lessons from $25 to $30 2. Swim team fee from $28 to $35 3. Centerplace table settings from $2/place to $3/place setting 4. Where some fees reside in resolution ~ 5. Policies "after 180 days planning fees are not refundablen "plan review fees are paid at application~ "permit fees 95% refundable less 1 hour staff time 6. Fire District fees are increasing 10% ~ 1 pR2r2ppg 3 I , Fee resolution c anges......... c Increases 1. Seattle, Tacoma, Bremerton CPI Urban 3 yr avg 3.46/yr 2. Seattle, Tacoma, Bremerton CPI Wage 3 yr avg 3.5/yr 3. Portland, Salem CPI Urban 3 yr avg 2.97/yr 4. Portland, Salem CPI Wage 3 yr avg 2.97/yr 5. Select City Depts in Gen. Fund 3 yr avg 16%/yr ; Proposai: 10% increase ~ 10/22l2008 4 CITY t)F SPOKANE 11ALLEY Request for Council Action IVleeting Date: 1012810$ Gity Mar►ager Sign-off. Itern. Check aif that appty: ❑can-s-ent 0 oId business ❑ new busine;~s El Puhllc hearrng 0 inforrna#ion E admin report 0 Pending legislation AG€NDA fTEM TITLE: Unauersal Playground Site Recammendati~n GOVERNING LEG4SLATION: PREl+'IC1US GO9alNClL ACTION TAKEIW`. CItf iCoL]ncpI aLfkhC►fl~~d the c.ontra€:k with the tearn of EcoPlan $ Oesogn Concepts for the design of the Uniuersa! PEaygrcaund, B,~CKGRO4lhiD: Three public rrreet6ngs have been held lo discuss the design and locatiort of the riew UntversaP Piaygruund varith EcoP'IanlDesigln Concepts faeilita#ing each meetirg. Each of thesse rrreetprags had a S~akeholdefi e17'Ipt'135IS, Ov8f° 25 8t2k8holdef Ofgaf"lizati[lns dealing wx#kt children, aduGation, Frealth care or popu€ations of special needs were invi#ed to aftend We need to get a topDgraph6cal sunrey done beFore +n~inter sets in to keep on schedule. Therefare there is a sense of urgency #a make a dec►sion an the site as svon as possible. Our schedu9~ to corrtplete the public design pracess tfitis wirrter, btd the pmject next sprirtg and complete the constructinn nexi year depends upon se1ecting a sike qtjickly. The recomrnendation from our ransultant team. the publir, and sta#fi ks ta tocate the Unrversal PEaygraund on the souEh site of the park (Opteon 1) for the fvlkowing reasons: i Adjacent to adeqtta4e parking ■ AmpEe site size - a11aws for expansdan R Connectivity to Children"s Hame Society, YFJICI#. C~~~erPlace and Washingkon State Fish and tilVildllfe - Wilf camplete and enhance the #ront errtry of the Cen#erPlace site ■ Location wiik help market CenterPlace • Location has more visilaility to attract users ■ L.acatEOn is mare observabte frorn a~~cuety and Iaw enforcement perspectiae OPTIONS: Proc.eed with recornmenried s'rRe or provide additranal dir+ectwon to staff. ~~COMMENDED AC"flOht f1R MOTION: Consensus to authorLze staff tcr proceed with the recornmended sRe. BUDGETlFfNJA►NCIAL IMPACfiS: None STAFF CONfiAC7; Michael D. Stone. Director of F'arks and RecreaRian AT'TACHMENTS Site Recommendatlon Nlemorandum and PowerPoint presentatio!n 1 kane ,,;oOValley Parks and Recreation ~"9'-l°~.~~ 921 ~~~ne Vatley WA 99206 tyhaU6spokaneva tley. org Memorandum To: Mayofi and Members of the Gty Council Dave Mercier, City Manager Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager From: Michael D. Stone, CPRP Director of Parks and Recreation Date: October 21, 2008 Re: Universal Playground Site Recommendation Staff is bringing forward to the City Council a recommendation (Option 1) to site the Universai Piayground on the vacant property just south of CenterPlace. This recommendation is coming from our consuitant team and input from public meetings and is based upon the following (nformatlon: Three public meetings have been held to discuss the design and locatlon of the new Children's Universa) Piayground with EcoPlan/Deslgn Concepts facilitatlng each meeting. Each of these meetings had a stakeholder emphasis. Over 25 stakeholder organizauons dealing with children, educaUon, health care or populatlons of special needs were invited to attend. Although attendance was low, the input and discussjon was extremety helpful in arriving at the recommendadon befng made. Pvb/k MePtlno 1 and 2: Auaust 14, - EooPlan & Design Concepts led two focus group/stakeholder discussions. Separate times were scheduled for educators (Group 1) and heatth care providers and special needs (Group 2). For each group, EcoPlan & Design Concepts presented a site analysis for eacfi of the tfiree potential sites within Mirabeau Springs. Site Option i Is located at the most southem end of the Mlrabeau site just south of the existing CenterPlace parking lot; Opdon 2 is the site of the original Master Plan location; and Option 3 is on the north end of the sfite at Mirabeau Meadows Park, adjacent to the restrooms, near the stage and parking area. The pros and cons of each slte were reviewed and discussed. Theming and program elements were also reviewed and all comments were documented. SpecIfrc reasons 4ptian 2 os not the 1deal site Incaude: ■ Marrow, small site urtable to accommodate proper design ■ InsufFicient parVing ■ Area~ ~f extreme grade + Adjacent to busy road ■ This site has become a revenue generator from weddings Based an the feedback rece9ved and the site analysis presented bp EcoFlanJDesign Concepts, the graup decided that the site chosen for the vriginal Master FIan (Option was not sufflcienk far the new UnGversal P[ayground. For the next meeting, tt wras requested that only Op#ions I and 3 be explcred further as potentiai site aptians. Eub~';~+ J~f~~~lr~~ 3, G1n`#lrEr 3, 21~+~8 -Eco Pla n &[~~esign Concepts recapped 1fie previous meeting and revaewed the site analysis and why we were focusing on the soLith and north ends of the park. Four bubble diagr ms were presentedx two optons for each Iocation with assoclatted therneso We dIscussed at length the pros and cons of aII the potential site Iocatians. It uvas decided that the sauth site of the park Optiora 1 was the preFerred Iocation for the Uniuersal P6ayground for the €o1lowjng reasons: ■ Adjacent ta adequate parking ! Ampke site size - aGlows Fo~ expansion ~ConnectVity to Ghildren's Fforne Saciety, Y1w7CA, CenterPlace and Washington Stake Fish and 'V"w"ildlife ~ Will ~omplete and enhance the front entry of the CenterPlace site ■ Lacation wuieE help markek CenterP'ace ■ Mvt'e visibility to attract users ■ More observabie from a security and law enFnrceme~~ pe-rspective # Optian 3 - Mirabeara Meadows is aIready fu11y util9zecf with current groups ^ 1!allWe.st, stage use, cars shovvs arad weeldtngs. l`his paayground based upon size aIone rrvould dksrupt the current use and flvw of the park. `flm9ng on a slte declslon is cdticai ta stay on schedule to have thls b1d ar~~ ~onstfucted next year. We need to conduct a sike specific survey prior to the snow faIling to keep the des#gn process on schedule. If you Fiave ~uestions or need addatioraal inforrnation, please call me at 688-0040 or email at rriskone@suokanevalley.,ora. Tbank you. Ci of Spokane Valley tY o e - p Pa ks a dR tion , Universal Playground 1 Universal Playground • Universal Playground will be designed specifically to include play opportunities to enrich the play experience for people with special needs. • This playground will provide imaginative, cognitive and motor skills play events for individuals, families, therapeutic, and educational groups. • The playground will also provide outdoor educational opportunities where classrooms can pursue physical, earth and life sciences, and heath and fitness. 2 POTENTIAL PROGRAM ELEMENTS ~ Gateway ~ Water Feature/Splash Play ♦ Shade Structures ~ Climbing Features * Restroom ♦ Sand Play * Open Play Areas (Sod) ~ Sensory Garden ♦ Picnic Areas ♦ Maze * Play Structures ~ Paved Trails ~ Alternative Play Features ~ Educational Elements ~ Musical Elements ~ Sundial ~ Observation Deck into Spokane River e Art 3 _ Climbing , Features ..,,.,1.~' z ~:rc+'i. t. I.:.r'n .r::.~t.y~'r~ _ ; y . ~ ♦ ~ ~~v.w r'~- •'~e,-.'"~ I!"r.-'~~ 1•., • ♦ j : ,~r/ ti ' ~ • ~ - •I ' : ~ v~ ~ :•if ~ r' t f ~v:~r.~• . ~ ~ . ~^'n~` ' •_rr:• ' . . . , .J ~ y . _ _ . , . ~ i • }r - , ~ .Aq rr~~• , `i . : L I Y~• L ! • ,r. ~1~.•' ' ~ R ' 1'~r,~ ~ w .,~.,r . tiw . ~-...,i~ d~~ ' •1~~~' . ~ , . . ~ . - . .i,..~l ~ ~~~yy~~ y i • t; ' _ ' / ` Gateways ~ . - , ~ _ , . ~ r ' ~ ~ ,f~ I • . ~ . : ' r - _ I ~ -'~-~T ^ r Sz ~ .y , . I ~ • ~ - - - - _ i ; _ • V - . ~ W.►'~t _ _ YI ,~~K~~ ~ . , . _ r - - jt-A 1 Cv r~~• ~ ► ~ • II ' ~~.,,y-~.=.41~ . - ~'64 f ~ rk. ' • `,r"~`~'t [sA ~ ~ N -~r ~ • ~ . j: . 1 Gardens (Sensory, Butterfly, Wildlife) ~ ~ _ . ~ - . - ~ i f.1 4~tl „y~ 44 ~~t`,'~'~ h•~ i~~ ~ - - - ' ~ r ' ~ ~ . , j r~~ . I _ ~ r , ` : • ~ ~ J _ _ - . :1'[Y?~~•, `f ' ~l~ : ~ , ~ ~i1G~4`r' " _ • ~ • ~ ~ r~~ . ~ . ~ '"c. ~ ~ i : ~ ~ ~ ' ' ♦ I ` • ~ ~~'l'~ Y+ - . 1 i ty . ".,'"~l, . A• t . r . [ ,a '1 ~7~ ` u - } M ~ - ~ . , , • ~ r; I . ~ ' •+T 1 1 • 1 1~~1 r• ~ ~ •y ~ : . ~ . - - - 6 - - ~ . . - - - i ;1 .f ~ • _ i . y~+ "i; r'~ r , 1" r r i c - ~ ~ ,r' ) 1 i' ~ ~ . ~ y l ' ~ i ~ • ' r t ~ ~ • ! j t ~ • r i1. _ ~ _ ~ . +-e~ ~ ~ v_~~~y~rT,~~ iYYY~f ~ ~ .1 ~l ~ ~ ••r~"r ~ 4 ~ Public -y~1 ~ i l t ~~t;~w_ ~ • ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' 'F ( 1/ ~+i~~ " . Art -NI ~ • ~t~y~~ ~~i_ ~ C' . r_. : " • . - _ _ . . r,~ _ . , -`.J~ ,•J: , t _ k ' • ' - _ ~ . _ Q 'r~~ ' . _4 ~1~-_~ ~1~"2'•' ~j ~`?a - _ . l---• i f~ Ci s'T CT A! W `~•-~l~ r.. . r~t ~ ~A~riGtrR Q~I'•GG~.~-M ~i^ y~-..- - ~ , --,-r. Water Splash Play ,1.. ~ / - ~ ~ ~rr . ~ . ' , ' ~ , , - ~ ~ I• ~s-~t,~L~~ _ ~7'~1~r' > _ ~ ,~y~ .~+.r~ t . - ~ " _ l4 •~+F-f - _ ~ r ` ~ ; t ~ - ~ { ~ •h.. I ~ I t ~ ~y. • a ,F_ p 4 ~ • ( ~ T, ip r .w_ - _ . • ~ t ~ - ~tr' - - `°N; . , . ~ _ . . " ► ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , j~ ~ ~ ~l+ _ ' _ - _ ~ • ~ ~ ' ~ AM 8 Outdoor Gathering Spaces . . a. 'd~ > 7. ^ L ~-i. Y L'•y.~. . ~ ~ . y ' pp, IL _ ~ ' .•i 'r ~ r - - _ v - - ~ . ~ ~ ~`~.i. - - , ~ `_M~, `.r~1, • ~ ` . ~ ~ ~a _ i~ o ~ - ( 1` - ~ ~ i ► - ~ - r Creative Play r r-~ . ~ ~ ! w - . I ~i ♦ - - y • ~ ! . ~ ~ - < <_L.~►~r~ ,~a~ v ~ ♦ •l.,A, s ~ . r/7p ku~,"_a,f!"•''~:i~~~ . y R ~ _ . ~ 1ft.~ ~ ~ _ _ . . ~ _ _~i L ~ ` ~~~~•f' • r f~ ~r~- ~ ,ti. L1~~' -~5.:• ~ ~~i w ~ Mr~.. ;00, • 4- . ~ 41r., 4~ ~q _ 'a :1~ 4~' f I~~ ~ • ,i I s~ 5~~~~`` ~{p :i i ~ Natural Areas 4SkA~ r- ~ . _ , ~ -1.~'~ •2. - - ~ ~ s~`- - - ~ i - - i . ~ - - , a r~ ( ; ~ ~-~1 ~ ~d; . ~ ' { i a:~`'~-' ~ ~ ~ "~ft f~~~,~ -Ti' ~ ■~~qM . • ~ t d y ti" n ~ p . d ~'d 1 Ir ~ ~r.' p~d YA ~~'14t~~r`~~'a¢ _ ~b . r~ ~ r,~_~ , ~ p , Iy ~ _ ' y~l I `k . AAfF, ~ " •,i• ~ +it~ ~ t~ " ~ . r;t i~ ' ' + . j ..p~a / l~:~I+Y ~(y . ~ 4.; ~~c ~7 1 ' . ' - ~ ; _ ~ • ~'G~-~?~.. _ 4, N w.t . 1! r _ • ^ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` y . . y ' ~ t VS t ~ ~ ^ ~ I • 1~ Existii7g Parking Lot + " O . ' " .i ~ A R ~ ~ ~ + • y~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r ( y ~ ~~.i.~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ l ~ ~ ! , Swale --j SOd ' s of ~ , i ~ „ y ~ ~ • ~ ~ Native Seed Q Ii p, ~ ' , ~ 1 s ~ Potential ~ • : , - - , ~ . : . R~ckyv~lil ~?f' Site eaftt,";4und", &~tu're'~ Rock wnll/ . o ~ Zearth mound o~ fieature - o, ~ ~a ~ a ~ 7; c Site is open and : ~N U re(atively fiat .,.--1`z_ - ~i : .h G' ~ y ~ • - ~ _ ~ ~ ~s. ~ ~ = . - ~ ~ ~ ~ , _ ~ t 1~ ~ G . ' 1 East Mansfield Avpnue ir • r ._..~n. ~ •~r..." =T- ' - _ . ^ ~ . "p • ' . ~y , : I ~ . ~ . . . , • s ~ . J-f-iorizan Office Quildin4 4 _ ViEws into CenterPlace M ~ ~ ' ~ ~ s .1 J65 M.C ✓i r . . ~ • • ~ ~ _ + r> , A _ : ~ cyl 0 r = ~ i. ~?c! ~ x ` , ib. : _ • ~ . _ E>>tM - ► ? , i IL ~ rL•L I r~ J ij,,, ~ ~ a ✓i ~ I C g 6 ~ Pi . ~Ja R . L~4 e ~ _t-~•~ ' ^ ~ ~ ~ ' J •a ~ ir~ ~ ~ • L/ ~ ~ } A' 0 ~T • , • ~ . ~ ~ / t 4 ' 20 ~10 - Stin-.~ ~ ~ . ~ .p Exist-"ifi'c .~t ~5arkin ng; ~ Yoo Lot o , \6e<<< , ' , • CenCp~~ ; . . A Potpntial ,x ~ . SitC - { _ ` 0p' ~ wn ~94 r~ -t ~ r I-~ • ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' `i. Potenti ~ ~ ~ - Site -1 ~ r~ 'W. ~ - , y ~ . ; S ~ _ , ~ - r _ - ~ , v~ : p»'- . ' na~''"~ •Sc~ ' + • - ' ~ ~ . ~ ~ w ` •~r ~ k ~ , ~ •1~. r~• " ti ~l• ~w ~l • ~ 7~~ ,'r. ~ V i O ~ , . ' , • ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L • ~2 ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~o • ~ ' ~ , ~ ,t. ~ ' ~ 1 ~ a . k . _ 1~ ~ +~,f ~ • ` ~ ~ r• ~ • ~ +U~' . ' h,~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ M'~ Universalar Site Recommendation Option #1 - South Side Location Adjacent to adequate parking Ample site size - allows for expansion • Connectivity Location wi I I : - Complete and enhance front entry - Marke# CenterPlace - Visible to aftract users - More obserrable for security CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Councii Action Meeting Date: October 28, 2008 City Manager Sign-offi It@tri: CheCk all that apply: ❑ Coneent ❑ Oid business Z New business ❑ Pubiic Heanng ❑ Iniarmation Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legtslation AGENOA ITEM TITLE: Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Deliberations - Book I I I City Actions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Subarea Pian must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Pian and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: CounGf continued deliberations on Book I(: Development Regulations on October 21, 2008, focusing tt►e discussion an Sedion 2.0 Orientation Counal directed staff to revise the definition for "new construction' to include the value of the structure and land when determining rf a remodel, reconstruction, rehabilitation or expansion of an existing building must meet the requirements of the new code. Council also decided to begin deliberatians on Book III: City Actions, specfically to discuss the recommended transportation circulation and street design. Attachesi to this RCA is a memorandum presented to Council on September 16, 2008, whlch includes the recommended phasing schedule to extend App{eway and to convert the roads to a twaway system OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Subarea Plan deliberatians will continue as directed by Council. BUDGET/FtNANCIAL IMPACTS: NIA STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Attachment: 1. Revised Section 2.0 Orientation 2. Memo: Cost Estimates for Sprague and Appleway Ghnnges - Council Deliberations Spraguc/Appleway Revitalization Plan Ck ,b r 2 2008 2.0. ORIENTATiON Book 11 contnins the Development Regulations thni govrm nll funue priv$te developmcnt actions ia the Spoknne Valley - Sprague and Appteway Caridors Subarea Ptan Area (Plun Arta). These stanclards will be ussd to evaluate private development projects or fmprovcmeai plaas proposrd far pmperties within the Plan Anea. Guidelinea are coa9idered mammendativns for new dcvelopmmt. 'Ibe Developmoat Regulatiuns are preseatrd in the fo1}owing sevcn scctions: 2.0 OrieMation, 2.1. District Zones Regulatians, 22 Site Developaxns Regulations. 2.3. Strcet and Open Space Regula!ions, 2.4 Parking Regutations, 2.5 Architectural Regulations, nnd 2.6 Signage Reo latians. 1) City Ceater Distrlet Zoae. These regulations shaU appiy to: a Now consiruction. b. Additions greaur than 200,b of the buitding tluor aeea. c. Exterior Iinprovements k"facclifts") costing more than 200/a of the assessed or appnusod valae of the buIlding and }and. Such exterior rcgulations sball conform to the archhectural rcgulations eancained in Section 2.5. 2) All Other District Zoaa. Thcse ngulatioas ahnU nppty w: a. Ncw consoruction. b. Exterior lmprovcmeats ("facclifts") costing ma+e than 200A of the assessed or appraised vabe of the huilding and land. Such exterior unprovementa thnU rnnform ta the architectural regulntians contaiacd in Section 2.5. 3) New Conatruction. New construction is dcf'med as an entiroly neH- structun or the reconstruction, remodel, rshabiliteiion or cxpansion of a bnilding costing marc tban SOy'o of the assessed ar appraised value I of the oxlsting swcture and lend. 4) Fslst[pg Ballding6 and Completed Appllatlona. Nothing contained 'w this section shall require any change ta an existiwg building or swcturc for which a build'mg permit has been previously issued or appliod fot in the Communlty Devclopment Uepartment and the application is deemed cQmplete prior to the cfFoctivc date of this Suberea Plan. S) OwnenhfprTeqadt Changes. Cbanges in proprtty ownztship or tcncunts of cxisting uses shall likewisc roquirc ao change In tny cxisting building or structwc. 6) Limitstloas oa Itequtred Improvemrals. Where improvcments and ndditions are madE te cxisting buildiagx, requtrEments for reoovation or cnlargrmcnts appty only to nct ncw floor area. lf regulstions to be appl'trd to net new floor arte are not spcci5ed in this Subarra Plm then the Communih• Devclopment DirectorlDesigncY shal] determinr which rtgulations shall apply. 7) Noa-eonformin; uses shill be regubted by Spokr+ar VaAey Munlcipd Code (SVMC) Titk 19.20.060. 8) Dcvolopmont reguintions ostablished in this Plen ers specffled ss eithcr SYandards or GLtdeltnes. Standords address thosc aspecLs of developmtnt that are essmtieJ to nchieve the goals af the Subarea Pian. They includc epecificatiaas far site dcvclopment and building design, such ss pamiued lend uses, bvIlding height and setbsclcs. Contormance witA staadards is mandatory. Such provisians are indicated by nse of the wards "shall". "must". or "isfis not permiited„ Galdcllnes provide guidance for aew development in ternis of sesthetics and other considreatioas such as distria character ot dcsign details. They're intenQed to direct building and sitc dcsign in a way thas results in the continuity of the vnlued character of the Ciry of Spokane t'aIley. Whereas confonnanct with the Stsndards is meadatory, conformance with the Guidelines is recommersded. Provisians the fail 'mto this calegory are indicated by the use of words "shauld," "may" or "are encouraged to " In various cascs, the Guidelines provide a ehoice of treatments that will achievt the desired effect. Pag e 1 of 8 C:\Documents and Settings\cacosta\lnca! Seitings\TemporaryIntemet Files\OtK4\Colincil Changes - 2 0 oRIExrAnav io-zs-oa.d« ~ ;1,rt--::#rnCouncil Changcs - Cauncil Deliberations 5prague/Appleway Revitalizaiion Plan 28, 2008 1) Purpox "I-hcsr administrative proccdum havc two major purposes: i i To casure that devetopmeat in the Plnn Arca conforms to the Plan's ngulations. ii) To casurc tha; the City's review is as cxpcdited as possibte while rcmnining Icga1 end proper. 2) Coatormity K"0 W Phb Each applicaiion will bc review•ed by the City for conformiry with the Suberea Plan. Cuafarmiry 6as two companrnts: i j Stmtdardx Compliance w-Ith the Standerds in the Plun is mandaiaey and the City may not approvc a project that fails to comply vrith the Standards. ii } Guldeltna. Conformnacr to the guldelines is recoramended 3) Projtc! Rrvtew Applicatians for devolopment approvals shall bc filcd with the Communiri• Dcvelapmcnt Uirrcior/Designer. Applications must meet all items 6dentiGod in the PlEUS as "5wndards". Applications will be deemed incomplote if thay do nat conforni to the Alaa Siandazds and will be retumed to the applicant for revisian. Applications that the Community Dovtlopment DirectodDcsigner has detrrmined w bc complete shall 6r proccssed consisunt %ith SVMC Tidcs 17 aed 24. Conformance to the guidolincs is recommendcd. 'Ihe Deveiopmcnt Rcgulatinns in this document are applicd to those propertits witbin the 5pokane Valley - Sprague artd Anpicway Corriders Subarea Plan Arca as indicated oo the Pinn Area mep (ste Fig.i.l in the Iniroduction.). 1) The Develapmeat ltegulatlons arc divided lato six aectloos: 2.1. Disrri.r "lurres Rebulatrons estnblish a scries ef District Zones as the basic otganizing principle for drvelopment rcgvlations anA sct fonh standards aad guidclinos that are spccific for each District Zo: 2.3. tiite Develupnrent Regxlutlom govern pcrmitted and conditionaUy perrnitmcd use rntegaries, minin and maximwn building bcight, builft placemenUdisposirion, and each dcvtlopmcnt's front. condirions. 2.3. b'treet and Open 3ptice Regulatlons set forth minimum rcquiremeats for the ptovinion, design, a:;-.: coufiguration of new atreets aesd publicly eceessibla spaees as well as ngulations goveminE Iandscaping oF froN, side, aad rwr yards and other on-siio improvements to easurc that ncw developmertt crcatcs attraciive snd livab{z City CrRter and Corridor cnvironments with amcnlties for prdestrians. 2.4. Parking RegrelQtions set forth parking typc, provision, and design requirements to ensure thxi parking provided far ne«• development conlributes to esch district's envisioned environment. 2.5. Archirectura! Regulutfora regulate bullding mnssing, compasition, snd dcsign. They are provided ensura thni ncw dcvelopntent will reinfarce the essential scale and chsracter of each district within the Plan Arca. 2.6. Stfinare RegulJrinpxs govrni sipage npes and their location, nttmber at►d canfiguration. Z) To revkvr the reguhtlaas tor acw developmeat: See Fig. 2.0.1. "Hu~k tu l'se the nevclopment Regulatinns" in addition to the ttlct below for instrvccions on hnw to locatc and rrvicw tJie Dtvelopment Regulations ehai apply to a spcrific p*apertN. Page2of8 C:\Docvments and Setiings\cacosta\Locai 5ettings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\OLK4\Coundl Changes - 2 0 ORIENTATION 10-28-0$.doc I =~-==--~<.:;,.j~+•~...~~:_.•~,;~~o~r~4l~ Changes - Council Deliberations SpragutlAppleway Rcvitalization Ptan I `'_.•J•~-. Cktot►er28.2008 a) Ideotltb the propcrty's Distrkt Zane - Locaic thc propcrt}in qucstion on the Uistrict Zones Mup (Fig.2.1.). Notc whirh District Zane(s) the pmpect}• is in. b) Iln-iew Dkstrict-Speclfk regnlatfees - Refer W the approprinte Disuict 7.ancs Rcgula[ions st-ccion in order to rtviow District-Specific ragulations for thni District Zone(s). These rcgulatiotu are provided on the District Zoaes Regulations poges in Scctions 2.1.1 - 2.1.6. '!hc District Zones Map & ftcgularions nre intcmded as a surnmary and do uot cnrompass aU mandatary standards prescoted throughout the Devclapmrnt Regulations. Rcfereace each epplicable sertion on the pages that follow for defmitivns and spccifications ofcach regulated element c) Review regnhtloas commoa to aU prnpcrties In the Plaa Arw - Regulntians common to all propcrties in the Plan Arca can bc faund in all sections of the Developmens Regulatioos. d) Rcptatioa comptiance - ProJects must comply with all standards in ordtr to echicve approval in the dcvetopmcntal review process. Pmjccts art encuuragrd to adherc to the rccommendations ptrsented as guidclinCS within cach scction. Page 3 of 8 C:\Documents and Settings\cacostallaal Settings\Tempcxary Irttemet Fi1es\OLK4\Counci1 Changes - 2 0 ORIENTATION 10•28-08.da S kane Po Valley 11707 E Sprapue Ave Suite tOd • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Councii; Dave Mercier, City Manager; Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager From: Scott Kuhta, Senlor Planner CC: Kathy McClung, Community Oevelopment Director Date: September 16, 2008 Re: Cost Estrmates for Sprague and Appleway The total pro)ected cost to convert Spregue Avenue and Appleway Boulevard into a two-way system between 1-90 and Sullivan Road, as recommended in Book III af the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan, is about $42 million. The following table breaks this all- incJusive estimate into major categories. Two-way Appleway Lane Sidewalks, curbs Total Conversion Extenaion Narrowfn landsca in atrsetsca e S ra ue $1.5 million $500K $9.8 millfon' $11.4 million A lewa $1.4 million $24 million $4.9 million $30.3 million ; Total $2.9 million $24 million $500K $14.7 million ~$42.1 million _ ' Includes $600K for City Center cutb enhancements_ The tables attached to this memo provlde a detailed breakdown of the cost estimates per the recommended imp{ementatian stages as presented by Troy Russ of Glatting Jackson at the February 19, 2008, JoVnt City CounciVPlanning Commission study session. A grapfiic depidion ls presented for each stage, followed by a table showing projected costs. Please direct questions to efther Scott Kuhta (688-0049) or Steve Woriey (668-0191) STAGE 1: TWO-WAY CONVERSION OF SPRAGUE AND APPLEWAY - DISHIMAN-MICA/ARGONNE TO UNiVERS(TY ► L 1 4= s,.~ I ~\t~ r, t I I r 1 I I I 1 I 1-~' 1l ~ I I I • ` ' ' . . CURBS, SIDEINALKS, STAt3E 1 m0-WAY INTERSECTION ~pNDSCAPING ANO TOTAL CONVERSION ENHANCEMENT MULTI-U3E PATH' Sprague $611,400 $840,000 $1,757,016 $2,968,416 Appieway $653,867 0 $1,688,568 $2,342,255 Total $1,265,087 $600,000 $3,445,584 $5,310,671 'lncludes multi-use path along the Appleway STAOE 2: EXTENO APPLEWAY FROM UNIVERSITY TO EVERGREEN - REDUCE SPRAGUE FROM 7 TO 6 LANES 3~- 1 ~ ~ - 3'- g l~ 1 I 1~ l I; Wi ~,I ~ I I ~ ~ G 1 I I STAGE 2 EXTEND LANE NARROWiNG CURB3, SIDEWALKS, TOTAL APPLEWAY' AND RESTRIPING AND LANDSCAPINO Sprague 0 $369,360 $3,217,708 $3,587,468 Appleway $12,155,837' 0 $633,600 $12,789,537 Total $12,155,937 $369,360 $3,851,308 S16,376,605 ' Includes mufti-use path afong Appleway STAGE 3: TWO-WAY CONVERSION OF AUTO ROW s f- 1 1 1 :i °'`6 I " " ° I~ ~11~ . ~E I ~ ~1 I 1 I ~ 1 1 I 1 . ~ _ . . . STAGE 3 TWO-WAY CONVERSION CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND TOTAL LANDSCAPING Sprague $858,874 $2,512,032 $3,370,806 Appleway $760,247 $2,600,795 $3,381,042 Total $1,619,121 $5,112,827 $6,731,946 "Does not include proposed I-90 Ramp Extension. STAGE 4: COMPLETE THE SYSTEM - EXTEND APPLEWAY FROM EVERGREEN TO TSCHIRLEY, CONVERT SPRAGUE FROM 7 TO 5 LANE3 BETWEEN SULLIVAN AND EVERGREEN 1 ~ I 1 I I I z ' i Iz ~ I _ IL I F ! _ ~ ~ i f l 1 I I I . ~ . . . . STAGE 4 EXTEND LANE NARROWING CURBS, SIDEYVALK3, TOTAL APPLEWAY• AND RESTRIPING ANO LAN03CAPING 3prague 0 $184,320 $1,699,204 $1,883,524 Appleway $11,651,471' 0 0 $11,651,471 Total $11,851,471 $184,320 $1,699,204 $13,534,995 'Appleway is extended to Tshirley and Includes Multi-Use Path E V ~ p Your Spokane Valley Fire CiQ FIRE ~ , Needs DEPARTMENT Be I~ Youl We are asking the citizens to provide us information on how we can maximize safety in your neighborhood by developing a long term plan. Therefore, we ask that you complete and retum the survey on the following page. Much of the iriformation we gather through this survey wili be used in helping us develop a Spokane Valley Fire Department Strategic Plan that will cover a 5- year span. We will start thls process in the spring of 2009, using a Strategic Positioning Model to create our Strategic Plan, The value in usfng a Strategic Positioning Model is the flexibility that is buifit fnto the final p1an. This plan will allow the dapartment to react quickly to changes in the community such as; local economy, growth, the need to add or reduce programs and services, etc. We will be including key stakehotders, community leaders, and technical experts in helping us develop our plan. ~ agm :.ur.rs Hn CMlN Fire Dsn9era Fire dangers remein high throughout our region The hoi summer hes dried out the fuels In our forested areas and the slightest spark can start a frre. We witnessed this wfth the large, devastabng Valley Vlew Flre this past July. We ~need to be very carefiil with fire. We have en alannin8 number of flr8s a{so . occuRing in our homes from a very preventeble source - smoking. As we are growing as a society, we have become more aware ot the health issues related to smoking. As a way of not subjecting our famflies to secand hand smoke, we are smaking outside. However, Imptoperiy extinguishsd cigars/dgarettes are causing numerous fires. Just tfiis year, we had six fires caused by the discarding/exdnguishing of smoking materials in potted plants. The potting soil is made of combusUbie materials such as wood chlps, bark, leaves, etc. The clgarette smolders for a few hours, even days, and we have witnesses teil us they have been sme!{ing smoke for some tfine but could not find tt►e source. These firas have caused the total destruction of 3 homes and 2 others were on decks of occupied apartment complexes. in the other flre, the plant was far enough away Rom the home only to bum itseli out. So please be careful with your smoking materiais, and I suggest getting e metal bucket fiIled with clean sand for the discarding of cigars/cigarettes. Be Fire Safe, Kev10 U1a ~-1l~~ ~Af f Y ~n YuqiU ' II ~ ~ alle e I'Ia . ,.I I I Fflling out thls aurvey wlll help us maxlmize aatety In your neighhorhood ~ ~ 1. Did you vote for the lasl Spokane Valley Fire Department Levy? If not, please choose the ~ answer that best describes why? ~ 0 I don't vote C] I did not undensiand tne purpose of the levy ' 0 I did not waM my taxes to increase ~ O I am a registered voter but did not recefve a ballot ~ 0 1 am unsure whether or nat I voted on the last levy ~ 2. Would yau vote In support ot the Spokane Valley Fire Department Malntenance and Operations ~ Levy in 2009? ~ ❑ Yes ~ O No I 3. Which of the iollowing services do you believe are provided by the Spokane Vailey Fire ~ Department? (Please check all that you think apply) ~ OFire Suppt'essian OFirelArson (nvestigation OVehicle Extnca6on (trapped victims) i DPlanlPiat Review OJuvenile Fire Stopper Program OSalety Santa ~ ❑Children's Fire SaFety House C7Junior Ffre Marshal ❑Public Education CD41 OTesting/Maintenance af Fire hydrants (7Hazardous Materiai ResponseMAZMAT N ~ OTechnicai Rescue (Rope Rescue, Trench Rescue, Confined Space) ❑Station Tours OPrevention/lnspections ❑Fire Extinguisher Training to Businesses DCPR Classes (D~ m~ 4. Wouid you vote to cantinue the existing setvices provided by the Spokane Valley fire ~ Department? ❑ Yes ~ [3 N o I 1 5. Please rank your preference on how you would like to be made aware of important iniarmation ~ from the Spokane Valley Fire Department: Mail Neighborhood Meetings ~ Intemet Newspaper ~ Brochures Other. ~ Demoeraphics: Help Us ldentify Who We Are Serving Please Tell Us More About Your Househ4ld. ~ How many indMduals reside at this address? ~ How many individuals work outside the home? ~ How many children are under the ege of 18? I What are their ages? ~ Thank you for your time and support ot the Spokane Valley Fire Department. If you have any questions ~ or would like to talk to someone in person about this survey please contact: Spokane Valley Fire I Department at 928-1700, ~ -Please delech fhis survsy, fold end mail in !he accompanying envelope. First class pastage is ~ reqUired. ~ ~ The Information obtalned through thls survey ts intended to be anonymous and wlll be used by ~ Spokane Valtey Fire Department to gulde future planning declslons. ~ I • ' P ' I caiid satetV Children have a naturai auriosity about firo. It has s magical appeal, which captures their attentian, They sEe adutts start the barbecue or light a dgarette. Since chlldren mimic edutEs In many ways, they want to mimic flre starting behavlor es well. Childhood curiosity about fire should not be discouraged, but channeled into approprfate behaviar. Childreri are at high risk for bum injuries largely due to their own experimentation with matches and flre. Since children have difficutty apprecaating the use of matches as a tooi, they most often will misuse them. Chifdren nee0 to understend that big fires start small They need to disfinguish beNveen appropriate and inappropriate use of matches and lighters and the risks and dangers associated wfth their use, Young cfilidren should not handle rttatches and Ilghters and should be taught to "teil an edulY' when they find matchas or lightera. Adulta should teach chfidren to "7eave matches and lighters where they flnd them" and "get an adult to come back and pick them up." This avoids the problem of a child handling matches or a lighier and passibly ettempting to ignite either. Be sure the child knows that matches and lighters ere too(s, not toys. Some toys look like lighters and should not be given to chlldren. Adults have been known to give a lighter that no longer works to children as a toy. This should not happen slnce the child doesn't know the difterence between a lighter that does work and one that doesn't Many fires have besn csused by children piaying with matches or Iighters due to curiostry, carelessness or anger. Teiiing a child "Don't ptay vAth matches" may not have the desired effeci, and, in tact may encourage tfie apposite. In some cases, children may exfiibit more than just e simple interest in fire and may fiequendy discuss ar experiment with flre. Sometlmes when a child hae a probiem with sLarting fires or playing wfth fire, the chlid may be responding to problems in the home, at school, or with peers. Fire setting problems can be prevented if Identified early and the child is pravided with profess{onai caunseHng. If you discover bumt matches or paper, or belleve a child has been playing with Iighters or setting fires, cail the Preventlon Bureau with Spokane Valley Fire Departrnent at 928-17Q0. sp' C'M'ro CERT o".ar An 00" fio ps we wind down from thls summer, we heve besn expo5ed to major fires, thunder storms, and other types of 'disasters-' Looking back on our biggest lnddent thla summer, the Vatiey Viaw fire, there wae tremessdous caaperetion between Lew Enforcxmcnt, Fire, end dtizens It hes aeen stetad that during dlsasters, humen nsture is ~ very caring end wNling to hefp thelr neighbor. So what do we have lo ~ do to continue that lhouDM? One way ia to be prapareei I hed the . oppoMunity to talk with many at the citlzeRS who were evawated ~ Moat cRizena atated whetrier they had r►o natice ot one hotrr, thry were 6GU caught by surprise. How do we counier lhia 'helpless' fesling? My view ta to ba prapared by hsvinp a plan to indude evacustion. Yaur p{an ahauld Itsi what is irnportaM end needed tQ teke such as imprnlant documenta, rnedications, and ot coursa tsmiiy pidurea. Whet abaut ap your animels? Not only dogs and io cats, but Irvestoclc es well. Most d us cauld survive tor a short pwbd af tvrte with the watet and forad we have In the house. But this was e reminder of the need to be prepared on e larger "e_ Hopetulty thia ~ summer is not an exampk of whet wkrtter will brinp. H you em fnUeresied In {eaming more ebout our Communliy Emet%ency Raspons8 Tesm lraining, our nwd dasa starts on 5eptember 9 end goes tor 8 consetutive weeks. (f interestad, please coritaci au Administration Office et 928-1700. tm= gmmner ► ~ ~ ~ ' SYFD CE1T hNrr WrodLr Fire 1 e t, I Fln Preventlon Wioic Commenronting a Conflagrstlon October 5-119 2008 , Fire Prevention Waek was established to cammemorate the Great Chic,ago Fire, the traglc 1871 corrflagradon thet kif{ed more than 250 people, lett 100,000 homeleas, destroyed moro then 17,400 structures, and bumed more then 2,000 acros. The fire beqan on October 8, but contlnued into and did most of its damage on Octaber S. 1871. Accordinp to popular legend, the fire broke out after a cow - belonging to Mrs. Catherine O'Leary - kidced over a lamp, settJng first the bam, lhen the whole city on fire. Chancas are you've heard aflme vcrslan of this story youraetf; people have been blaming the Great Chicago Fire on the cow and Mrs. O'Leary for more than 130 yeers. But recent research by Chicsgo hlstori2n Rohert Cromie has helped ta dehunk this version o{ evenis The 'Moo' Myt i Like any good . Mre. O'Leary kcpt TIEr II'JC lTillr;i(l6 GGY1.5. ~'.Ui lneCC i5 f1U F1fUC:i I!13: U Leafy ':✓a~- i'1 ln`_` barn LVI'IE' ' that a jumpy cow spariced the blaze. Mrs. O'Leary hersett swore that she'd been In bed earty tfiat r . were etao tudced in ior the evening. But if a cow wBSn't ta blame for the huge fire, what was? Over tha years, journellsis and historian: ~ theories. Some blamed the blaze on a coupJe of nelghborhood boys who were near the bam snealung ugarettes. Gtheis befieved that a nefghbor of the O'Leary's may have started the fire. Some people have speculated that a fiery meteorite may have faflen to earth on Octaber 8, sisrting several firas that dey - in Michigan and Wisconsln, as well es in Chica,: The Btggest Blaze That Week While the Great Chfcago Flre was the best-known blaze to start during this flery two-day stretch, ft wasn't the biggC_' That distinction goes to the Peshtigo Fire, the most devastatina fores! fire In American hisrory The fire, which a1_ occuRed on October 8, 1871, ►oared tr scorching 1.2 milllon acros Defore R end~Historical sccounts of the fire say tt-- , . . . unintentionally atarted a brush fire. Be(cie long, tr~e fast-rnaving (lames were whippqng tt+rougn .SOR16 SUN1VOf8 681d. It W28 th@ S!11211 lown of PEShNgO WSCOnSEn. that guffEfed lhe worst darr:%: ~ entlre town hed been dastroyed Elght Decades of Fire Preventi, Those who survived the Chiceg- L,.~ . I counNess teles of bravery and heroiam. But the fires also changed the way that firefighters and public ofticlals thought aboui fire safety. On the 40th anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire, the Fire Marshals Association of North America (today known ee the Intefnationaf Flre Marshals Associebon), dedded that the anniversary of the Great Chfcago Firc ehould heRCeforth be observed not with festivities, but in e way thai would keep the pubBc informed about the fmportsnu of fire preventlon The commemoratlon grew incrementally ofTcisl over the years. In 1920, President Woodraw Wilson issued the tirst Netional Fira Prevention day proclamation, and alnca 1922, Fire Preventlon Week has been observed on the Sunday through Saturday period tn which October 9 falls. Accarding ta the Natlonaf Archives and Records AdminfatraUon's Library Information Center, Fire Preventian Week is the longest running public health end safety observance on record. The Preaidertt of the United States has sfgned a proclamation prodafmfng a national observance during that week every year since 1925. Please help Spokane Valley Flre Department prevent home fires bv making fire safety part of your da(ly (ffa Article: NFPA (www.nipa.orq) ~ 20116itlnn Awirfs ~ The Spokene Velley Fire Department Issued tweMe Outstanding Cidzen Awards to Indhriduals who portrayed unselfish w111ingness to render assistance in an emergency situation. , il I PhCtlCo NakeS Perf6Ct ~ In Juty, Spokane Valley Fire Depertment rrtembers particfpeted in treining which aimulated r+eaponae to , ~ - fncidenta Irnolving victims trepped in conf'ined apaces Typically found in induatrial aettings, many confined 6pace~ exiat in the Spokene Valley, and operating in these environments represertta e very hazardous undertakinQ icr firefighters. Also in Juiy, the SVFD acquired access to th;- former Spokane Valley Senior Center on Misslon Avenue - Fire department pentonnel uaed the sVucture to practice - rappeliing off of a roof and al6o the searchinp of larpe - buildings. - In acfdition to regular monthty training, in Auguet SVFD personnel part,cipate(J in a simuisted hazardous materiais incldent. Whfle larpe scale hazardous materiels respanses are relatively rare (thankfully), a high volume of such materials pass over the roads end ratis of the Valley on a dalfy basis. SVFD personnel prediccd epplying foam to suppress hezardous vapora and protected other crews who were perlorming a reacue. - During the month of Seplember, lndlvldual crews were callad dawn to the ttaining center (just off of Sullivan Road) and asked to perform e series of - tasks. Crews were evaluated on their abilEty to effectively and efficienty comp{ete thelr assignmenta. Thase evsluetions aNaw the Trafning end Operations Dfvisions to identify areas for improvement for boih individuals and crews R1ch uernllm Trderoe Imcer ~ireflehtars FIII-tha-da9t for Muscuhr Df~atropry On August 2n°, epproximately 48 firofighters and staff heid the annual FiU-the-8oot for MQA CampaJgn. Thia year through worising with the City of Spakane Valley, membera of IAFF Locel #876 wgre eble to work to estabiish s permit process to easure the conUnuation of the fundraiser. Members oonverged on the intersectlon of Pines & Sprague, setting up signs, bannars and cones. The event ran from 9 am until 4 pm. We would Hke to thank the communfty for the poaltive aupport and comments. It is tfirough the generosity of this communiry that we were ehle to ralse over $17,000 that witl go taward the purchase of equlpmertt, famlly counseling end treetment support, and help to send kids to summer carr!) Al1 of the money s?a;s locaily in thL rsgion Eo ass:st ourfamiUes here. , - - - ; (I Mey 8tatlon 9 SUtlon 8 ourrenUy located at 11514 E 1ff wtll be ralocated io s NEW Firo StsUon beir►p oonstruded st 12121 E 32"1 oind wpf be in apereliw Fali of 2008. It wfll be etaffed and in operetian to better cerve the south W of Ihe Vadey. EMS i ,o Gntrslled sursUnce lsp Approxirnately nine months ago, the Spokane Valley Fire Departmerit eBtablished a system for tracicing 4 medications which wene Iderrtified as possible medications ot abuae and would have resale value N stolen and sold on the streeta. The 4 medications were Ideritified as Morphine SuKata, Demerol, Versed, and Ativan. The Department developed a trecking system in our rocords management program (see bebw) which ires daity inventory o( these drugs. Every eMry raqufros confirmadon of e lockfng seal with a tracklnp number and name of the person makfng lhe entry. If the seal !a broken for eny resaon, ihe 4 medicatlons heve to be invento and a new seel has to be epplied. All of this is done wtlh a witness presant, who then has to eledronicalty canfirm inventory amourit and the new seal with tracking number_ Because the tracking eysiem is eledronfc, any ernpll e can look in the records management syatem nnd aee what the current emour~ts of these drugs ere on enY of ou~ ALS (Advanced Life Support) apparatus that carry these me~dicatlons. ` The Departmant haa physical security mesaures ea weJl. Eech A~lvanced Support apparatus has an electronically activated drug safe in whlch the medications ere loclced. Once the safe ls pened, the medicationa are sealed in a clear herd plastlc box which is locked with the numbered seal mentioned e The entire process has made ft easy ,~laced to track these drugs and to physically safeauard them from being sbolen or m Budy B~tt~il@e Chlef - EMS I .~lVf~Wlsr:~e1A7• ~1~ MIrl~i~jN-T Iw.l~ ~+.1tiwYf~~ty\w+•• wrc~vr~~~i~~++a srr. wrnnr~~m~~t~.wr+...` ++I~.?'• wE"_ w~~'r' . w ~ . SVFO aoner 6rard/Pipe a Drma t.rrrsar.at~.1...w.•t ~,r~,,..~~ Members of the Spoi%ane Valley Flre Oapartment Honar GuardlPlpe and Drum "''"'"s'•°`"'"'~'""'' I .,.~....,,.t w. Corps presented calats and periormed at i..~v~+~~~a►..o~.......• ~•~•••F" R■_ - A'' these local events: ......-m.~~...••..r..r - . •..•IM1~11►1~I~:Y~~• •~~Wr~Y~wT~Y~ub~ Wf9~flP~~1h/►rw~ MrV~^^. • • Publlc Safety Officer Memorial 1w/Mt'dWR1W~wllrlye. r•• 1/Yt ~I~ 1 M~ W • Vietnam Traveling Walt `•"`'°~°Y`""t"'""° ~..ti....~~., r-- , , • ~x Two LODD DeaEhs for the State I~~lH ~~r~aNMY of WashMgton Flre SerVrce Funerals ■ . • 9111 Representatlon ai the Spoicene wr saa~ an c.~. [ rr.r~ County Interstate Fafr ~ I.w.1 ~.1 4 .11 .t~ 11M~ ~~r nu ~ain~~r ~ • maeK iolro Caimlndor Spolcane YaIley Firofighters' Benevolam Associadoa The Spokane Va11ey FiraSghters' Benevolent Associetion Is an IRS 501c (3) dharitaWe organitation thal was uested tc asaist our tireftMars and communky In times of need Since its inuptlon over 10 yeara apo, the Benevoler,t Association has halped area firefighters during times of family Ulnrss and emerpenciea. 'i'he Associstian elso has g}ven sign'fiicant amaunte ai rttoney to community needs rarigirsg irom tire recovery assistance, fllnessea, medlcal financtel help, local food banks, school supply drives, and ather chadtable orQanizatioria lhat saslst the community. Funding comes irom lJntted Way contnbutfons, individual contributior►s, and Nvo fundralaers a yesr. Every March we hoJd our Casc a Ksg wlne testtng euctbn and in October we hold e gun/sportinp yaods refile All money received goea badc out into the communlty as lhe officers and board take no wagas and ovethead axpensos ere kept to a minimum. Over the Banrvolent AssociaUon's hislory we have given out over 5140,000 including S20.000 this year elone. The Benevo{ent Aasaciation wAI have a wehsite set up this tall that will fnclude more iniormstbn, have a danetion link, and our parametars for giving with the abiGty to contact us oniine with requests_ 1t6m NoIsni Trsawret a 1 r1 1 - - - . . Q • ~ ~ v - ~ ; . YatleyYlewFire 11410.2008 The day started as any other summer day. However, in the forecast was a"Red Fiag" wamfng for the aftemoon. Red Flag wamings are Issued from the National Weather Servfc:e and means that strong winds accompanfed by low humidity are in the (mmedfate forecast. The Red Flag for the aftemoon of Juty 10 was far wlnds of 50 miles per hour. Close to noan, the winds arrived in the Spokane Valley area. At 3:23 p.m., a cetl came in to 911 from the south 1900 block ot Eastem Lane reporting a fire in the foresied area behind the resFdence. The fire was located in the jurisdiction of Spokane Caunty Fire District 8. Units from District 8 and ttte Spokane Valley Fre Department were dlspatched to the scene. On their amval, they quickiy observed that this fire was blowing from tree to tree and beginning ko explode. Crews were able to save the homes that were in the fmmediate vicinity of the fire's start, but as the flre grew, it beceme apparent that the homes in the Park Road nelghborhood were in serious dan9er. A Spokane County Sheritfs Deputy and a Fire Inspectar irom the Spokane Valley Fire Department went into the nefghbofiood and began to notify the resldents to evacuate as the fire approached. However, before many could evacuate, the fire quickly bumed over the anly read leading into the neighborhond. The Deputy and the Fire Inspector gathered up the trapped residents, (as many as 30), and all taok shelter in the neighborttoods' baseball field, whlch was flat and green allowing the fire to bum around them. After a tense hour of waiting, the road was again safe for passage and the reskients were ssfely led out of the field Eventually, tire crews from all over Spokane County and some hom Kootenai County responded to assist in the firefighting efForts. By the next day, under the Washfngton State Fire Mobflizatlon Act, fire crews from all over Washington arrived to assfst the local flre departments with the mop-up of the fire. In all, 19 homes were lost and 1100 acres of forest bumed. Luclcity, no lives were lost. For infoRnaban on how to protecl your home irom wildflre, go ta www.saokanevallevfire.com and cllck on Fire PreventionMfild Fires. IcwbMuler Rro M~ts6~l r-~•" " , . _ , . . 44t ~ . ''nP Z i C I L 9-1114 PI-i • 1 t -i ~r . :7;. ' , • ' ; ~ ~ k _ ~ i.c; ~ ~ . ' - . ► ` _ - ~,r. - - - ~ ° _ , ~ ~ ~ • ~ . - _ . , ~ 22~ C N~~►7by ♦ ~ a Mwl,n 7 ~ ~ttl[..H'tsel~• O ~ ~ - ~ •~.a.w ~ ~)c~o [ wnnu ~f~~-` ~ _ ~:~~~}?uJ _ I ~ / ~ ~ 7 aa,~.•., to ~ ~ 17~'l~<{~fyY1 ~ • ~i/~MKY~MJ ~ / 1 j . I. {~W L M~~p~ 1 . . _ t 1 St [ f~y►~w I ~ • ♦ .\i • r , l~~Ilrw~ II ` • . ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ,Lf~ ~ ~ - ~ n4 IL 2.4 [3FIre Dept Boundary Fire Stations t,^~~:.~:~. ~~-,c. ~,~,~c•~.~ cnr, www.spokanevalleyfire.ca--r; Spabno VSqOy Hro eegaronat 10318 E_ Sprapue Ave. Spokone Valley, WA 98206 New Business Hours: 7:30 A.M, - 5:00 P.M. Mondey-Thureday 7:30 A M. • 4;00 P. M Frlday Phone: (509) 828-1700 Fax: (509) 8924125 loord n Fin Commfalmts Jce Dawson, ChaiRnan Ron Schmidt Kolby Hansan r Bill Anderson ~ PJlonte Nesbitt ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANNING: Plannfng Commisaion The Spolcane Valley Ptanning Commission met one time during the month ot September. During that meeUng they recammended severai emendments to TiUe 19 of the Uniform OevelopmeM Code including reduced sizes for dupkx lots, setbacks from privete drirrew8ys, outdoor Nhting in a residerrtlal zone, ai{awed proJectfona into 6etback eresa, such as canopies and concralment of refuse in commercial zones. Sptague/Appleway Revttalizatlon Ptan Council oontinued with dellberations on the Spragus and Appieway Corridora Subarea Ptan, finishing Book I: Community Ir►tent, moving on to Book II: Development Regutatbns. The Corrtmunity Davebpmertt Wsb slte now Includes e separata pege on the SARP, with documents, videas end other Importent information 1n one locelion. City Center Project City Hall property negotiatwns continued during the month of September. CTED Reglonal Collaboratlon Grent Project On October 1, a Luncheon wlll be held at CenterP(ace to get thoughts and suggesiions on various espects of the Colleborative Planning Grant. There will be a presentetion on the pr+oposed devebopment regulations and process br the Metro Urbsn Growth Area. In addftion, as e foilaw-up to the May 28, presentation, there will be en update on the revenue and service detivery issues for tha Metro Urben Growth Ateas Growth Managemertt Steering Committee ot Elected Officlals On Septembar 17, the Steering Cammittee of Elected Oificials met and detiberated on 08-CPA- 06, an Utben Growlh Area (UGA) Amendment, with concurrent zone reciassificahon The Stesring Committee continued the public heering until October 1 2008 Comprehenstve Plan Amendments/Updates The City o1 5pakane Valley is now ectepting sppfications for the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle. The Spokane Vatley Comprehensive Plan includes an annual amendment cycle that rurts from November 2 to November 1, ot the followfnfl year. The Planning Commission considers applicaUons recelved priar ta November 1, in Iate wintedearty spring ot the foliawing year, with e decisfon by City Council In late springlearty summer. Page 1 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F~~SE~PTEMBER 20089 MONTHLY REPORT CURRENT PLANNING: Revenue for the Planning Divlsion for the month of September was $23,287.00. 2008 PlsnnMp Revenues Uo.ooo s4o,ooo - ~ ~,ow I 00.000 $10,000 so Jm FOb Mrr AFtY AIry lune ,Aily Auy Sepl Cct I~VMy~ ROQt AOOT iiwr~eil! ~'OOi ~ During the month ot September, Plenning Division staff held 10 commerc181 pre-spplicetion meetings and reviewed 14 commercial buiiding permits. Pre-epplicationa included an S,OOOsf daycere and 110,000 sf warehousE at Spokane Industrial Park and e fire station at 10319 E. Sprague. Planning Division stafl epproved 17 commerclal building pertnits, whfch includes a Chuck E. Cheese Piue restaurant at 14919 East Sprague, Wake-Up Cell espresso stand locate ' to 1106 N. Pines, and a 3,000 square foot warehouse addition for Sun Rental located at 117'~7 Sprague Ave., Winco Foods and Virtual Gotf. The Divfsion answered 287 phone calls in t~ - permit center, snd helped 245 customero at the couunter. zooa Peffntts Ibsuea Zo - - n J.n r-eb iw► - Av, m,► Jm iLg~ nug s.p oci ~ nov on o2ooe 21 20 1e ie 12 47 n ms-_3 2007 s> » >e ~e ao ~s 'm ie e ~ » ~ 25 3a 1 34 - u 36 ~ z. z, ,s u Page 2 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT (n the month ot September, Planning Depertment 6taff accapted 3 boundary line adjustments and 3 Appeal Applfcadons. The Department also complele;d 2 final short plats, 1 bindinp site plan and t finai subdivision. Staff conducted 5 land use pre-application mest{ngs and there wea 1 public hearing conducted by the Hearing Examiner In September. 2008 New land Uae Actions 40 30 . . •1 20 - 10 Ifl - - - - 1 O .bn ' Fet+ ~ bM Ap bby Jn hd llup Se0 OG Nov [3ec O2= 14 13 i--10 ^ 13 11 6 12 f ~ - 11 1s ~ 17 12 ~2ppT 16 1 27 17 12 1! 15 i I = ZQ t! ~0 21 2t 1! !5 20 1? SY i ! BUILDING DIVISION: The Buitding Divlsbn issued 381 permits in Seplembtr 2008, compared with 324 far the same pserlod last year. New one and two dwefling unit atructure perrnits tata{ed 28 and new commercial struclure permits totaled 16 for the month of September. 200a COttBTRUCTION PERMRB ~ao ao - ~oo ° im rn o. ~v wr +r +~a A&n ' oe Ka ~ oK [ l]YDa ~~a 74 IH m 1S1 ait ~ll !fr f1~ 7U ~!1 f4 7M ql bf ~1 ~M fil Rl 3" -r-0001►wnb ~t~i 70 7Y 3'fl w 7i! 371 7~► ri3 ~It 7N tfi ~ l 2008 New 3tructuroslUnits Pennitbd ~ so 40 - - - - 20 ° r.e iLiar Av Unr Im Aqr Auc_ oc+ ►a ~ o.c o Nw. I a: owiap uM. 19 J 14 40 37 sa 22 st 2e te . I. ~rry t~. ~ 2 o o a 11 > > as ~t1r~, poa~1/ Blrvc~+rs i • 6_ 7 ~ D 4 • ti _ Page 3 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT In September 2048, buiidin8 inapedors performed 1,162 inspeciions in 21 days whicfi averages 55.3 inspedtona per day. Faur hundrod and three Right-ot-Way Inspectiuna wera perfarmed far the month_ Plans ExamiRers reviewed 83 projects In the month of September end 25 proJects were awattlnfl review at the end of moMh. One pending appHcatiori includes Shelley Lake Apertments (218 units) at 215 Caiklin Rd. Stafi also fssued 6 over-the-counter permits fcr the month of September. 2008 Bulldlnp Inspeetlons nm ~ - - 1 - ~ i- I ~ _ - - - ~ In M Mp /yr m1 Jw M 011 Mp 4s w- Lr ~ Ol~wMam fA p1 ~tR !M t4 wa til tt• tW I' Iw ; uu is+ nr uw w Mi ?fY IUt 136 ItU tW _ Iff/ {=I f/M M Tha reported value of construdlon, including new structures end eddit'tons/eheration is shown r. the follawing chart, oomparing these valuea wlth 2007. New value for September, 2008, tata!~ 516,169,548.00 2008 Valuatlon oiConsWctlon s5o,ooQ,aoo tss,ooo,ooo s40,000,0oo sas,000.000 MoW,aa_~ - 2" vaiu"- s40Moa zooi v,~,dior s20,000_000 - • ----r~ F - ~ ~ 2" v.kuuor. . I S 15.000.000 r- 7 ^ 504.OW.000 I ' • - f ~ - - 56.000.000 -i ~ -i - $0 ~ ' Jan fao Na Apr %b> iuro Jdy Iag sW occ Nov Dac Bwlding revenues for the month af September were $217,300. ~ 2008 8ulldtng Rsvenus; scaaoo aoaaoo o zoa a.wram' txaooc _ ~9--m toG7 Ra•wrrrs I f tG0.a0C - 2445 Wwrism , 3ell - T'W.ft - - f0 Lr+ Ro! Yr AI► kft Ju- J* w{ S~P~ W Iw Qm Page 4 ot 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT CODE COMPUANCE: The number ot'ViOlatioris Reported' on the following chert reitects edual Spoicane VaUey Zoning Codc viotations, plus camptaints recehred which were not vfolatlons. The complalnta recehred sre added to the total because they rofled time officem spent in the fleld oondudJng invaatigffilons. In addition, the 'Investigated' and 'Pending' calumns eccura#ely raflecl Code Compllance's current aWlity to process and invesUgate becklog cases. The following chart provides a monthly comparison ot the types af Spokane Valley Code violationa reported. Violations ere reparted based on the primary complaint received, rather than the number of additianal violations identified on eny indlvidual premises. The investigetiort of a complairrt of junk vehic{es, br exampie, might also resuit in identiflcation of eddibonal violations such as the accumulation of traah or herboring of Inrostoclc. These are nat InGuded fn the summary, A total 0187 new complaints were praceased In September. Code Compilanee FB*s 2008 - 200 ~sa • - , c~~ - - - - 50 C. tLT Ftrv97 ,0r_~71.ti1-Ql ~ FeC-Or 1.1h,.J~ ; NV.(.t WfCe 1un-Qn .fuk .t; hq A bep-C4 1 •yfrw ftwq~ppMd Ti ~ b3 15 11 7s 11A 74 42 6: ~ i'i5 !Q 141 p Ab@Mrwft N 66 !1 38 16 67 - ~ M N 40 <i 71 N! 44 O fi T►anMus 1 0 J J 1 1 1 0 / 4 t C 3 o a^d+O Fie, N 56 f0 34 a! ~0 66 p 6a aT bl 61 61 The Spokane Velley Potlce DeRartment, in conjundion with SCOPE, has requested the assistsnce of Code Campilance in identifyring junk vehlcles abandoned within the right-of-way. SCOPE voluMeers tap the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the tollowing Friday are towetl. Page 5 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT Activity is consolidated into the follawing six categories. Enviranmenta! (sewer/sepUc, cr+tkai areas, enimal and nuisance vioiations); Property (Right of Way, property uae, dangerous building, fendlordRenant, illegel buainess and signage violetions), Junk Aub - Solid Waste (solld waste, illegel dumping, end household waste violations); and Clearview Triangle end Complalnt. I ~ 2008 Code Vialatlons by Category 180 UO - 120 - - - - 100 - - 80 - ~ 40 - 20 0 .i.rvre I F.o oe ~Or-= AP-0e wr•oe .~r►a A#~M RAup-oe SCPae ocs-ae ►bv-M Dec-ae .8 sr+a va..l. ~3 I14 ~9 ---t~ io 23 19 10 t• rs ao 37 o a 40 ~ RopMiy 6 U 22 q 20 37 D 22 17 o~~p 2 10 ts 21 9 16 1 • l2 a g~y ff~ t 2 1 ~ 4 0 0 1 b ;a Carryl~Yri • Ho YY7Yoqn 3 6 11 7 6 tt 11 1 7 I o t?~.w Y~w._ . 0 2 a 7 1 l - - Page 6 018 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING: The Devaiopment Engineers procesaed 27 files In September. The signficant files are 8 commetclal epplications, whlch Indude a 17,340 sf one-story retail building for Rite Afd, a 5,040 sf office for Lumber Yerd Supply and a new M+o-story 11,990 sf buflding for Banncr Bank. Seven commerclal pre-application files were reviewed including an 8,000 sf daycare and 110,622 si warehouse in the Industrial Per1c, a 3,321 sf pole building for an RV and boat starege, e 5.000 sf warehouae for Aslin-Finch Feed, four land use pre-spps, three short plat final epplicetions, and one change af use. pmtopn»rrt Er4A»erfnp wak b1► 7ypw 100'~ j' ~X l01~ ~ . 40'% ?OX ~ - - ~ 30% i J 10lL i . d% ~ - - _ - . !ep47 Od-07 Nov-07 Ovefil Jm-08 ieb-M Yr-0 Apr-0/ Yhr-a Jun-08 JW48 AYp4/ Dep4t o Bmdlnp SRe Plan ■ Bnuncluy Una Atlustment O ChanQa o! Use e CcmmercW ■ Cartxnerdal Pre,AM • CondcTkxsa! Use Permn o Fin~l Subdn4ion G Lwnd Use Pee-App • Razone go BAoR 6uCdhAs4On pSt►aM Vacotwn The Oepartrnent was vtslted by Ted Olson from the Department of Ecology, who parferrned e Flood Plein Mansgement Program audit The Department passed the eudn with fty}ng colors with only e comment that an "fn hause' Flood Plain Manager would be preferable to the Consultant we are curreMly utilizing Page 7 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FSEPTEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE: Planning The ptenning atau ii5s 5'%•1 ?_45 rtictpl'-G a* thr- r,,^.ttir _a,nd hanc!lo,~ 297 t'u5tome-. fnquires by phan _ Buliding Permit . The tollowing tab~E SurlZla f1''.85 ihC FC'TG((`i7~IG:. G: i(1F t"C"(ii,,, L.Bii(C( t:1JSE pCm" Cr"'C(: in the PWS system, measured from the tfine that the appifcstion is deemed 'caunter-completF to the time that a permit is issued. The buftding staff assEsted 450 cus' ' handled 433 phone 1,r 01-Ie n•,,^r+h Code Compliance Bill Schultz received . . . , . _ . was having with her neighbor COMMERCIAL TiMEFRAME SUMMAR r Submittal to laauance Se -08 Z O G t G Velue a NEW CONSTRUCTION Apl 3 StLro, Lpss RRlRVIHC 3H 5780123 57_ 13 lnQustrial Builcing 2~ $1,244,938 76 30 1' h4ercantlte ' 3 $1877,931 86 43 1' Recxeetlonel Bulldl 2 5234.6+8 128 85 1:• REMOQFL - Hosp+taUtnatitution OTC t S35.000 1 1 Induatrial8ulcdl 3 S11 o7,361 40 1 6 Msrcantllc 6 $6,445,200 48 1 9 pmcelProtesalanat 8 E808,758 17 1 Rt(I ious Eiuildm S?~0.^j p 3~ 37 UPCOMING DATES OF INTERES'F D - - - - October 1 CTED Luncheon at CenterPiace October 13-15 Planning Sta1Y will help host the Weshington State Planning Conference In Spukene October 30 End of 30-day carnment perlod to FEMA regardmg new maps November 1 Deadline to submit 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Page 8 ot 8 00 S",po~ka0000 ne Val ley 41;00 11707 E Spregue Ave Sutte 106 • Spokane Valiey WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ dtyhallgspoicanevaltey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Dep City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: Octaber 17, 2008 Re: 5eptember Report SeptemEier highlighis in Yinancr included: 5entember financial repc)ns Kepotts shawing a comparison ot' n:venues and expcnditures, to the 2008 Buclget, are attachcd. Gambling taX rrccipts for 2008 are erpected to be 5150,000 to $200,000 less than budgeted. Wr huve three significant accounts that have falien behind. We will continue to monitor these accounts but full callecUon is unlikcly. Our budget pro.jcctions for 2009 gambling tax rccCipt5 are $200.()00 lc:ss than fi,r 2008, F.xpenses for the yesr zire ninning le5s than budget Which ufl'srts the Im«er gsriiblin~~ tax rcccipts. The investment rcpori is attached for yuut revicw. Street fund revenue scsurce A telephone utiliry tax was passed by the rAUncil in August Organizatiors providing telcphonc scrvices were advised by lctter af the January 1, 2009 efl'ective date. Additional follow-up with telephone comptunies will take pluce during the next few months, Ihis tnx will be dedicated ta thc Stnet Fund. 2009 hudget pr~~a~:tti~~n Budget preparation usually staris in April of each year for the cumiiig year. Sta.ff is well down the pnth of finishing the 2009 budget. Three public hcarings have teen held. 7-he council w111 ronsider the second reading of the urdinance on October 28. 2007 aiuiual financial repurt & audit Represenlatives of the stnte auditor's oflice will retum in late October to tinish their review af cit~ linLuicial ;taterncnts. «'e cxpect thc audit to hr complct«l hy the rnd of the yrar. Apnlicatiuns tur tourismprumotion Staff provided notice that appiications for tourism promotian grants would be available September 8. The deudline fi~r suhmitting applications was ()ctciher 31. Thr lodpine t3x advis, cnmmittee tNi1) mvie~v thesc a.anl uccuuiitui~t pu~i ~ ~'h15 Y8CA1ll F10S1110O WIIS ill i1.I;i lloti;it~,: :Ll:LiO,i 11011, t yualified applicants. Dan is an accounting graduate of Eastem Washington University and hol ("rrtilie(i Puhlic Arcountln! Certilicate. l1C i[L: U~I11~: i Eifll~)O[.ti) 14) klk:i}' tlt L11l:, afL:.:. .d.iu~:u .idulilo;lal found we needed to boost our staffling to keep ur «zth the volume of invoiccs received by the citv. Capital project accounting "I'his area seems to sufl'er every lime we have tumo<<cr in the department_ Adding to the problcm are additional pmjects in both public works and parks and recreaiion. Finance goaJs for 2009 include updating lhis aceountinfi system for more efficient u_se. City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended September 30, 2008 Unaudited Amended Budget September YTD UnreaHzed Peroent 2m Revenuaa Revenues Reverwe $ealtzed Csenersl Fund Ravenuss: Hegining Fund Balance $ 5,167,000 S - $ 12.000,000 $ (8,633,000) 2322496 8 Proparty Tax 10,496,500 32,108 5,428,291 5,070.209 51.7096 4 5ates Tax 19,165,800 1,582,049 12,475,628 6,690,172 65.0996 GamDllnp Tax 720.000 204 421.552 298.448 58.5596 Franchiae Feea/Business L)cenaes 853.450 5.348 512.421 341.028 60.04% State Shened Revenues 1,320,550 148,544 820,225 400.325 6968% Planning d 9uiidirq Fees 1,965.000 178.556 1,642.372 322,628 83,58°k Fmes end Forfe+tures 1,300.000 133,722 1,166,234 133,766 89.7196 Recreatlon Program Fees 507.000 48.046 567.231 (60,231) 111.88% InveSVneM IMeres! 414.100 40,091 349,520 64.580 84 409b Operatmg Transfers 165,000 - +10,000 125,000 24 24°k 3 , Total Oenersl fund Revonuea: f 42,074,100 f 2,148,670 $ 36,621,473 S 8,652,927 84.439G Amende6 9udgei September Y1D Unrealized Percent m Exnenditures Expettddures Exnenddures ftealiz@Q 3enorai Fund Enpendlturea- LeqGSlabve Branch 319,891 14,231 197,701 172.290 61 78`%6 Exewtive 8 legislative Suppon 997,076 73.931 654.795 342.281 65.670,b Pub1iC Safety 19,287.300 2,689.122 12,955,914 6,341,388 67 14°k Opereriorte 8 Adminiatratlve S1res 1,655.707 113,805 912,252 743,455 551096 Pubtic Wortcs 956,437 48.898 538,261 418.178 5628% Planning 8 Community Dev. 3,713.139 266.678 2,332.813 1.380,326 6283°h Llbrary Services 20,000 - 3.681 16,339 18.3096 7 Parfca b Recreatlon 2,644.420 324,988 1,760.810 883.610 66 590k General Gavemrteril 3,417.988 93,760 1,300.297 211T,641 380496 Total GQnQroI Fund Expandlturrs: : 33,022,068 f 3,621,813 S 20,858,504 s 12,386,651 6266'16 1 u~:2,7 CQ8 4 01 PM City of Spokane Valley Otfier Funds Budget Variance Report For tho Poriod Ended September 30, 2008 Unaudtted ivnenr!Ed 8udget 5eptember YTB Unrraflzed Peraent 2008 Revenues Revenuee Reven,e Reatized Other FunCs Rwenues: StraelFund 5 5,922,972 S 193,318 5 1,387,090 $ 4,535.882 23429613 1Lrtenel 5treet Fund 850.000 1.046 12,875 837,025 1 5396 5 7raifa and PaUts 30,000 46 T58 28214 2.5296 8 HoiellMde! Fund 868,000 51,608 313,695 35I.105 46.99g6 r,ivic Fsatipes Replecemern 397,000 737 404,098 (7,095) 101 79%9 Dc-Lt Service - LTGO 03 800,000 - 203.436 398.564 33.919L c;apitei Prqpci8 Fund 4.424,000 75,606 717,094 3,702,906 162296 5 Speaal Caprtal ProJecls Fund 4,420,000 75,886 711,728 3,706.272 16.109G 5 SUae! Capiin! NrojesU 7.354,423 354,889 593.821 6,760,202 8.07% 5 MlrHbesu Pdnt Prapct 451,000 871 6.462 447,538 142°A 6 Cortmxxrty Deveioprtu 8bck Gmts 245,000 - - 245,000 O.OOX 5 Capitnl Grarita Fund 11.347,000 100 339.841 10,887,159 3.179G 5 F3arker Bndpe Recaisvuction 5.662.800 • 75,202 5,787,598 1.28'14 5 Slormvraler Mpml Fund 3,160.000 17,743 1.004.209 2,155,791 31.7896 13 Equtp Rental 8 ReptacemerN 780.OOD 1.484 14,886 765,135 1.9196 13 Riak Manegement 217.100 27 188,253 28,947 88.7196 12 Re"rvos: CernerplBCe Operaunq 335,000 B22 6.008 328.892 1.79% B 5ervioe LevH StHbiCuation 5,400,000 9,629 82.704 5,307,296 t 72%G bMnter VVeather 560,000 7,031 9,927 550.073 1 77%'_, Farka Cepital 4,294,000 983 34.828 4,225,372 0.81N. 9 Cnnr. Buildings 5,085,000 10,464 101.175 4,983 H25 Tatal OtMr Funds Rovonues i 82367.8%5 i 715.744 ivnenc . Budg- 20n£~3 , I--x:w_i:~itui~:: Lx:•_~i:~'iltc~ t+Gc~10~(U~i;~ fi~!!; ° Other Fund! Expanditures. Sn,r,e! FuM S 4,242,304 S 220.103 $ 3,305,<17 $ 936,887 77.9: Arterial Street Fund 850.000 - • 850.000 0 OU':: - I raltd and Petha 30,000 - - 30,004 O.W% i. flotoVMotelFund 688,000 25.500 268,557 401,444 39.80% t C,wc Facillties Replacement 397,000 - 397,000 D.OD% r Debt 5orvlce LTC30 03 600,000 - 203,436 399,564 33.91% 1~ Gnpitnl ProJeds Fund 4.420,000 - 22,338 4,397,662 O b156 Spedal Capltal Pro4ccla Fund 4,420,000 22,338 4,387,882 0.51% SUeet Gapitel Projects 7.354,023 688,407 2,092,250 5.261,773 28 459k " Mlrapeau Polnl Projed 454,01)4 • - 454,000 O 0096 t~ Communlty Oevelopmt Bladk Gmte 245.000 • - 246.0OQ 0.0096 6 Capitel C,renta Fund 11.347,D00 783.614 3,521.529 7.825.471 31_039t ` 8arker BridQe Recflnstrudion 5.862.600 3,809 83.874 5.778,92£> 1.1396 StomwraterMg+nlFund 1,983,944 43.677 861.152 1,122,792 43.4196 1 Equlp. Rontei & Replaoemnt 780.000 - - 780,000 0.0096 KiskAAenegement 217,100 • 187,048 30,052 861896 t. Resorves: Centerytace Operabnp 335,000 - - 335,000 0.00'Yo 7 ~ Setvoce Level SWizebon 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0.0096 6 Wcrtter VYeather 580,000 • - 580,000 0-00°k 18 parks Cspital 4,260,000 5,810 868,655 3,391,305 2039%5 CiviC Fadlibes Cepital 5,UB5.009 9,898 84,898 5.000,102 1.8796 S Total OBwr Furtds Expsndituros: S 58_311.1T1 2 t.MQ.14a i_ tt1119.526 1 47.941.84 ~ iLm Ctty of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month ot September 2008 8alances Are Tentative Totat LGIP' BB Money Mkt" BB CD Investmenis Beginning $ 42,524,764.06 $ 1,658,138.99 S 1,063,340.92 $ 45,248,243.97 Deposits 1,943,302.98 - - 1,943,302.98 Withdrawls (2,500,000.00) - - (2,500,000.00) Interest 80,820.03 2,681.08 - 83,511.11 Ending S 42,048,887 07 S 1,660,830.07 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 44,773.058.06 Balancea bv Fund General Fund $ 16,528,733.23 Street Fund 1,707,696 72 Artgrial Stneet 579,588 68 Paths 8 Traits 24,155.50 HoteVMotel 437, 584.30 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 344,573.93 Service Level Stabilizatfon Reserve 5,335,604.30 NVinter Weather Reserve 571,356.43 Civic Facilities Replacement 408,351.89 Capltal Projects 4,307,552 45 Speciaf Capitai ProJects 4,981.929,30 Mirabeau Point Pro}ect 371,952 34 Parks Capital Praject 545.130 44 C+vic Buiidings Capital Projects 5,798,130.49 Stormwater Management 2,031,239.63 Equipment Rental 8 Reptecement 783,773.37 Risk Management 14,842-97 Deposits Yet to be P.ecorded 862 09 S 44,773,058 06 'Local Govemment Investment Pool Banner Bank Minor adjustment pending FOOTNOTES 1 Most costs are typically late m the year 2 Winter weather 8 casts fn January and February were excess+ve 3 Transfers made in October. 4 Large property tax rece+pt expected In November 5 Capitaf projects often take a number oi years to plan engineer, acquire rfght of way and construct 6 No pro}ects planned in 2007 7 Small amount of 05 library tax due distnct Budgeted amount is too high 8 Esdmated, pending 07 review 9 Interest eamings. 10 Most equipment fully tunded in late 05. 12 Ins premium paid in Jan. 13 Beg. Bal. included which understates realized amounts and % 14 For replacement of vehicles 8 computers. 15 Far capital projects during summer months. 16 Only interest pairf at mldyear. 17 required operating reserve, not likety to be expensed in a typical year. 18 Transfer to street funci pending 1012212008 4 01 PM crrY ,;oOVaHeye 11707 E Sprague Ava. * Suite 106 • Spokane VaIIEy WA 99206 509.921.10U0 o Fax: 509.921.1008 o atyhalt(Mspokanevalley.o Memorandum To: David Mercier, Gity Manager, and Mcmbers of Council From: Mike Jackson, Dcputy City Manager DAte: October 2, 200$ Re: Quarterl}' Report - Summary of July - September 200$ Acti%7ties Numan Resources: Recruiting/Employment : l~e~rrwi~awt A ts Infervkwa Adminisvative Analvst 161 25 Recteation Assistant I 0 Accountant Budget/Analyst 48 7 Accountnnt TechnicianlPart Time/Ternporary 4 1 Stormwater En 'neer 6 0 TOTAL thru September. 220 33 Poattian - Status - Administrative Analyst Interviews conducieci, considering options Dxtabase Administrator New P°sihon, recruiting, posted to Worksource, Spokesman Review, and Spokane Valley website Fagineer, Stormwater Replacement, recruiting Accouninat/Budget Analyat Replacement, rccruiting; intcrvievvs conducted, ronsidering options. PTITem Acct. Techaician Re lacemene, emndidate selected DON• 1011/2008 Special Pmjects: Preparing information on Pilot Flex Time Program for non-represented persannel. Fle.r- schedules (as approt-ed) anticipated to tiegin I`ovember 2008. Deputy Cit-r Manager Qusrtcrty Repart - cuntinued October 2, 2008 2 !'ublic Infvrmation: Kgy reporting areas: • Mcdia relations o Media contacts: 71 (does not include those lhat K-ere sijbsequenrly referred lo arrother C'ity resottrce) o Media releases: 25 plus 21 Traf~ic Alerts for a total of 46 o Earned media storics: 43 (does not itulutie all telei~isionlradiv.hti•eb) o Tatal media stories: 147 (daes not include letters lo edilor/adc, nor all televlsio»lradinhveh) • Hot "ropic Community ENewsletter Subscribers: 101 • Googlevideo views of Spokane Valley videos (see chart): 244 TM Paw Views DownWaQg 2008 $pQlcsne Vallev State ot the Cmr Addrg~ 21 0 reft ot Sookans Vsllay -&QrpaudAcolewav RevHatlzatlon aesenA~R+ 212008 66 0 cdy oi sooksne vallev - lntwmatol,atdic on roundebouts as o Sookene VaUev Cttv Centet Gonoeot 48 1 Sookane Vellev Mavor Rid+ Munsan dlsaAszs SARP 7112107 12 0 Sookane Vatlev Planner summanzes.MRP 10/18J2007 21 0 Tobb 289 1 ~ C)ther o Assisted «ith public informatian for the Vallcy 1'iew Fire Worl:ing with counri• EOC ta refine cmergency public information process C, Createtl ne%v SARP wcb page o Extertded puhlic information intern into March of 2009 Central Rtreation: IIusiness Registr-ation: • 425 New registrations • 914 Annual rcncwals (Due annually in llecember) Call Volume Call Log Hlstorv 3rd uarter 2008 Ju4- Au ust Sc tember Communi • Develo ment 672 585 624 . Council 62 93 84 Human Resuurce 33 20 21 Le al 23 31 4? MisceUaneous 332 323 349 U erations/Administntion 146 42 98 Pxrks/RecreAtion 39 51 45 Deputy Cit}- Alaauger Quarteriy Report - continued Uclober 2,2008 -3- 'nblic WorWs 18? 240 225 -j t Monthl~• Totsl 1489 _ 1_3 95 1493 ~ Visitor Volume: Visitor Log Hiatory 3rd Quarter 1008 _ Julv Au ust Septembcr 1lionthly Tntal~ 387 376 ~ 425 Web Site: i Web Site Sum.mary, ~ 3rd usrter 2008 i Julv Au ust Se tember Year to Date Uni ue Uscr Sessions 46,968 43,639 38,835 129,442 ~ To Five Pa es Vlewed ~ Em lo ment 6,375 4,304 1,227 11,906 GIS Ma s 1,279 732 136 2,147 I Pazks 1,238 778 125 2,141 ' Communi y Develo mcnt 751 849 143 1,703 Bldg. 697 737 169 1603 I To Five "Referrer" Web Sites ~ S kane Count jobs 688 445 708 1,841 Municipal Rcsearch MRSC 262 234 236 732 Coun -ldeas 186 164 198 54$ I S okane Vallev Online 250 196 61 507 : Yarks & Garden 174 124 57 355 .1 ? PARKS A.ND RECREATION THIRD QUARTER REPORT 2008 ADMINISTRATION AND PARKS: • The Greenacres Nelghbofiood Park grant request was presented In Olympia In August. Unfortunately, the compedtion tlils year was extreme and we were not successful In obtaining grant funding. • Two pubiic meetings were held on the Chlidren's Universal Pfayground project. Stakeholders were Invtted representlng the areas of education, children's organizations, and peoples witli disabilities. The selection of a suitable site has been a major focus and a recommendatlon will be coming to the City Council In October. • Contract negotiatfons wfith Splash Down contlnue and have Increased In intensity since the closure of their season. Severai issues are being discussed so progress has been slower than expected. • Our summer aquatic program completed another successful season In August The YMCA and Reueation staffs did an outstanding job working through the challenges presented with the ongoing poo) renovation work this summer. . The pooi renovation projects are on schedule. Park Road Pool is 90°k complete and the new slide ls installed and ready to be tested. At Terrace View Pooi, the lazy river feature has been excavated and the plumbing and foundatlon work ls progressing. Work at Vailey M(sslon began after the summer swim season and to date, the existing concrete decking has been removed and they are currently excavating for the mechanical buliding and zero-depth entry pool. • Staff cortbnued to work on the plans for co-hosting the 2009 Washington Recreatlon and Park Assodation's state conference next ApHI In Spokane. • Plans are being finalized for the renovatlon of Vailey Mission Park which should be compieted by June 2009. Improvements inciude a new picnic shelter, new ptay equlpment, new circulation and security lighting. • Staff has been working with other Ctty Departments on a variety of issues including street trees, legistative projects, contracts, etc. • Discussions with representatives of Auto Row continued. They have been asked to provide their proposal and what they are seeking from the City in writing. • Our mafntenance staff reconflgured a rooftop unit for the Spokane Valley Precinct, which enabled coolfng In the deputy Iocker rooms. • The Parks survived the summer season very weil. Reservations and park usage remained steady th{s summer. Reservations for Valley Mission Park were not taken this summer because of the constructian. • Senske, our maintenance coritractor, did an outstanding job witfi watering, mowing and general paric maintenance. . - t CENTERPLACE: • The development af the partner kits Is complete. We are in the process of getting CenterPiace's logo registered so we can move forward with forming partnerships with local hotel/motels. • The CenterPiace website update is complete. The updates include virtual tours of the great room, lounge and auditorium. • An RFP for a Food Services contract provider at CenterPlace Is complete and posted on the City's website. We intend on awarding the contract by the flrst of the year. • CenterPlace hosted a variety of programs for Valleyfest on Saturday, September 20, including a pancake breakfast along with day long acdvities for chlldren and seniors. • The first annual ]azz/Blues Festival took place at CenterPlace in conjunction with Valleyfest. Nicole Lewis performed and Curtis Salgado drew a crowd of 150-200 people, It was successful for a first time event with the weather not completely cooperaUng. We have met with Valleyfest and Convention and Visitors Bureau representatives to make it an annual event with the intent of highlighting CenterPlace as the main venue. CenterPlace staff took 304 reservations this quarter which is up from the 218 taken in the second quarter. The breakdown of 2006-2008 events are as follows: CenterPlace Events 1st-3rd Qtra 700 850 E100 550 580 450 ~ 400 ■ 20081 350 ■ 2007 30O ~ 2008 250 - - - 2uJ 150 - - - 100 - - 50 Q - - - cp'J~ ~t.a~~ xe~ JP~c COa 2 CENTERPLACE cont'd: i - - CenterPlace Year-to-Date Revenue uoo,ooo.oo ~ s350,000.00 E300,OOOAO I E250.000.00 5200,000.00 _ Fe Totm Proj~cted Revenun ior tle Year ■ Ravenue Received Year-to-Dde f160,000A0 i1Q0.000.00 - $50,000.00 S. 2007 2008 I Cent,erPlace Year-W-0aCe Expenses I $800,OOQ.00 5761,231,00 ; a700,ooo.00 ' saoa,ooo.oo sM.883.21 s6oo,o00.00 ~ s400.000.00 ~ 3300,000.00 a00,000.00 ~ s100,000.00 s- , 2008 Proected 6rpensas Yea►-to-Lbte 6cpenses , ' Expenses do not include the building replacement fund. z RECREATION AND AQUATICS: • Held first outdoor movies (two) with over 500 people attending total. • Had two successful week-long Lego Camps. • Summer Day Camp was full with a waitlIst each week. • Participated in Valleyfest by holding a chalk art contest, coloring contest, water balloon toss and Wii gaming. • Had a successful Spiash-tacuiar water safety awareness day July 12t' at Valley Mission Pool with games, information and lifeguard demonstrations. 5umrter 2007 knondance wwnv! Ex nses 'h Coat Recovo Summer Ds Cenv 420 $38,231 00 $28,000 QrJ Kinder Cam 68 S3 630.00 S4.260.QCj• Perk Pr ram 746 $0 00 $5.280.OD Cheer Cam 14 $810.00 $840.00 LItUe S oR Cam 15 $900.40 $825 00 LlWe T ke ~ d S~23GO S500001 TOTA 265 t43 7101. i37 706.00 116.14X, Summor2008 Attsndanco Rewnw Ex enses Cost Reccvo ~ 5ummsr D Garn 478 $44.545.04 $30.489 B8 146 20iG Kinder Co 84 S4.624 00 i 56,130 C3 75 37°k Lego Gem 39 54,085 001 53.268 04 125 GGV, Feb. Fun Fitnesa for Girls noelled Summer Ovtdoor Maviea 575 50 OQ $5 41.2 65' _ G 00 )v' S last-tswlet 3-0 $Q OQ~ 5131 301 0 OOSb PaTtc Proram 783 SU W $5,07343 000% ummer Cnter Cam 15 $975 00S500 00 108 33'f6 L'Rtb S R C8m 14 $910 00 $840 00 1 Oa 3396~ Chegr Oanoe 7 ~490 00 54rH GG 107,69Yo 2023 f63 625.OQi 63,680.69 103.62'N. 'jrcludlnp no cOSt prOqrArrts $55 626.00 P2 082.01 132.26% 'r ot Induding no toat proprartss ' 2008 ia lneiudir.g the no cast programs Spiaah;aci;tar. 5urnme- Uucdoar Mo,ries dqd tr,e Paik Pregryms 8ummer Day Camp (ipistratfon ~ I wo - Genersl ~ eoo - I Admlision Swlm Lessotu Swfm Team Total 2003 16,913.49 23,978.50 2,287.00 43.178.94 ~ 2004 16,083.04 25,27750 2,128.00 43,488.50 . o00 S 2005 18,687.20 24,237.50 1,988.00 44.912.70 ?'0 2006 23,611.93 24,635.50 2,744.40 50,991.43 - 2007 25,484.10 25,510.00 2,576.00 54.07010 o I . 2008 24,180.18 32,636.00 2,821.00 39,639 19 nrIW. ..N.Me W&M roaz v..rxaoe r..r. Q RECREATION AND AQUATICS aont'd: I Rbcreatba Program Attendance I ■ Total 0 of Fiec. Parkoenta i II ■ 317 h 2004 w274 m Total M ot FZec Plartkipante in 2005 ' • 1352 0 350 O Total t of faec_ Participanls in 2006 I O Totel p ot Faec ParticJpanta; 4f ~ ' in 200T 0 720 a Total 0 af Rec. Par6ciEsants I In 2008 ba-dafe SENIOR CENTER: • Pickleball at the HUB has 54 paficipants. • Columbia Hearing (associated with Spokane Ear, Nose, and Throat) comes the fourth Wednesday of each month to clean hearing aids, replace batteries, and conduct minor hearing tests. • Staff worked with the association board of directors and the WA State Gambling Commission to ensure the Senlor Center is in complfance with RCWs, gambling Ilcense, and appropriate paperwork. - Scheduled two WSU nursing students to be in the Wellness Center every Wednesday for the semester to check blood pressure, blood sugar, and offer general heaith information. They also have specjal activities pfanned, and they take part In the routine Wednesday activities in the Senior Center. • Staff hosted a tabie at khe Senior Wellness Conference and gave two presentations during the day regarding the future of Senior Centers and the Baby Boomer generatlon. • Staff served on Valleyfest tommktee and hosted croquet and Bocce bail during Valleyfest. • We continue to welcome many new members-16 in July alone. New members have an opportunity to get acqualnted attending the all member potiuck which is heid on the last Friday of the montfi. Generalty there are 40+ people in attendance; ]uly and August are typically 30. • Meals on Wheels program has dropped In attendance by 40%. Hoping to attract more partidpants, they have modified their program by adding a daily soup and roll to the Senior Nutrition Meal and no sign-up required. • The Senfor Center sold their bus, and day trips are now offered through Inland Empire Tours. The associadon recelves 10% back for each person who signs up. • Integrity Insurance, who selis Medicare Supplemental Insurance, held informational seminars every Thursday in luly to help seniors clarify their coverage and choose the appropriate coverage for their individual needs. • Medlcare Supplement Insurance programs will be offered through the end of the year. Open enrollment is November 15 through December 31, 2008. ~ The pool room generally has 13-15 men playing pool on the 11, and 3d Saturdays from 1:00-6:00 p.m. • Many ongoing activities include: music and dancing on Wednesdays, greenhouse activiry, Iibrary organization, AARP driver refresher courses, and fitness, art, Spanish, and Tai Chi classes. s MFNf0 TO: Dave Niercier. City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven. Chiet of Palice UATE: Octabcr 20, 2008 ItE: Nioothn- [Zeport tieptember 2008 September. 2008• Sentember, 2007: CAD incidenu: 5.487 CAD incidcnts: 5,247 Cteports takcn: 1,458 Report-s tal:en: 1,34> Traffic stops: 2.054 Traflic stops: 1,4-56 'I'raffic reports: 331 Tratfic mports: 364 CAD incidents indicate calls for service as well as self-initiated ofticcr contact.s. Hot spot maps are attached shawing Scptcmber residential burgluries. Scptember commercial burglaries, Septembet traffic collision hot spots und September vehicle prowling hot spots, alQng with August and Septcmber stolen vehicle hot spots. Also nttached sire nine bar graphs for 2006. 2007 And January through September, 2008: commercial burglary, garage burglary, residential burglaty, forgery, mnlirious mischief, stolen vehicles, theft, vehicle prowling, and p roperty crimes comparisons. ADMINISTItATIVE: • Chief VanLcuven w-us a euest sp<<tl;er l(Ir a la~% cnlorcement class at I-I-T Trch in t1ie Spc,kane Vallcy ♦"13ank socuritN chtr4cs' arc a ruutine part of a patrolmiin'ti duties i►istigatc:d h} ChicC VanLeuven months ago in the 5pakane Valley, but recently a sherift's deputy performing a banlc security check in anather psirt af Spak:ine County «'as reported to 9-1-1 as a suspicious person, even though he was in uniCorm and driving a marked patml car. These types of business checks are encouruged as they ftuniilitui7x deputies with the layouts of the tanks and allow friendly interartion between law• e;nforcement and ban: empluyres a11 of which coutd be helpful if a crime occuirccf in the future. Bstnks, credit unions tirid convenience store employees can expect more of these security "walk-throughs" as the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiciays apprcaach, since an increase it) arnicd rohtxrirs usually occurs during this season. ♦ During the month c►f September, Chicf VanLeuven was "c.,n call" foc a total of 12 twelve- hour shiftt for patrol lieutenanls. CUNiNIUNITN' OR1EN7'Ell POLICING: ♦ Vulleyfest was held in September, und the Spukwic Valleti• Police Departmcnt partic;ipated in the annual event. They providecj traflic contrfll for the parade and sup}xirt Page 1 for the <vcnt ~vith trallic mutorcvcles, kesene i►iticcrs .ind S.C.O.P.E. vo~1umcrrs. Chief VanLeuvcn served us a Grand Marshal in the paradc. } ie ulso aticnded the event on Saturday, along wilh motorcycle deputies and bicycle patrol. ♦ Awresth ceremony was held on Patriot's Duy (Sept. 11) at the County Fairgruunds. Chief VanLeuven attcnded this ceremonv. ♦ Along with other cummunity 14aders, Chief VanLeuven participated in the annual Ldgecliff "Walk for Success", a cammunity celcbratian uf the Edgecliff ncighboncood's successes in crime fighting and community safety. ActiN7ties included a walk araund the ncighborhand to see and celebrate the SCOPE progrnm's many successes. [n addition, Eioth Chief VantJeuven and Sheriff Knczovich were on the program agenda. • Chief VanLeuven titso attended the munthly meeting of S.C.O.P.E. Edgecliff, where he spoke briefly regarding the issues af gangs and graffiti, •('hief VanLewen attended fl Spokane Valley Ministeria) Assaciation lunchean in Septemler. • Twenty-eigllt S.C.O.P.E. Incident Respanse Tenm (SIR7 ) volunteers contributcd 101 on- scene haurs (including travel time) in September, respanding to motor vehicle accidents, %vildlands fires and othrr incidents. Tbcv also assisted with the Val(eyfest parade nnd cvent and Edgeclifl's "V4'alk for Success". Including stand-by and training, the volunieers rontributed a total of 659 hours in Septemher. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers who monitor disabled parking in the Spokane Valley issued infractians, alvng cvith I03 wamings, in the m:,-1, ~.rr:•r-~f~.., ~;;,1,1 contributed 604.5 hours to the program this monw ♦ Twenty-nine abnndoned vehicles were tagged fo: n;~. It, L,~ "'.E~. s~I;, •,ll July by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers, with six of the vehicles eventunlly towed and four citatiaiu issueri. 7-hirteen vehiclz hulks were also processe.~d in Scptember. "1'he nuinber of abattdaned vehic;les proeessed (wgged, gane oa arrival, towcd, ete.) for the first three yuarlcrs of the year is 1.033 in the City of Spokanc Vallcy. ()PERATIONS: ♦ Valley 111iii► 1)iv, Uw-in,g 13urglurN An 80-yrar-atd Spokflne Valley man was killed, apparently by a burglar who had broken into the victim's hamc in the Spokane Valley. When the victim did not arrive as expected at his girlfriend's home, she became wamed and went to his residence to check on him. She and a neighbor lacated the t?ady in a closet. Officers were notified, and in checking for eAdence found that entry had been forced into the home, there were signs of s swgglc and seversl areas of the homc had been ransackcd. Uetectives from Major t'rimes, the I;orensic Unitt TratYic 1'echnicians and Washington State Patrol evidence experts xssisied in the investigation of the homicide. Further investigation and evidence trom a search warrant led to the arrest af a cnale suspect, after he was located by a member of the Eastern Washington Fugitive Ttt.sk Force in the parking lot of a north Spokane conveniencc store. I'age 2 • Pharmacy Robbcries Prompt Joint Poljce Action A Spokane Valley Rite Aid Fharmacy was robbed a seccmd time in September, wilh the first rohtM tal:ing plnce in August. It was suspected that the same person hnd committed robberies of nine arca pharmacies for potent pain medications since the streak of heists began lune 4. The mbberies prampted Crime Stoppers of the Inland Northwest to offer a cash rcward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest ot the suspect. By the end of the manth, a plan had been coordinatcd betweea the Spokane Police Dcpartrnent, the Spokane Valley Police Department and the Spoknne County Sherif('s Deptutment, including use of the Sheriffs Depfutment heliwpter in an attempt to locate and arrest the suspect. Ultimately the auspect was cnught in the act of robbing a south side pharmacy and was arrested. ♦ Deserters Nabbed in Mini-Crime Wave A pair of L►. S. Army dcserters were arrested after Spokane Valle}• Yropcrt}• Crimes detectives iinked them to a series of thefts and other criminal incidents committed during the past hvo months. The 21-year-old and 22-year-old male subjects hAVe been living a transient lifesiyle in Spokane since deserting from Ft. Lewis Ia.st July. After a rash of t}lefts began occurrin$ in the Spokane Valley, Sgt. Dave Martin gssigned a team of property crimes detectives to the cases. The team eventually linked the two suspects to morc than six sepurate affenses, resulting in arrests of both subjects and charges to one of 2°a Degree Identit~~ Theft, 1" Degree TheR, Forgery, Theft of Rental Property ~ l'' Degree Trafficking Stolen Property. 7'he second subjeci was baokesi on charges af 2°a Dcgree Thcft, 1' Dcgree Tratficking Swlen Property, and 2"d Degree Theft of a Credit Card. Sgt Martin said additional charges of theft, traftic}:ing stolcn propcrty, forger}, and failure to retum rental/lcasc property arc anticipated. • Fugit»•c Arreatcd After Nours-Long Staadoff A fugitive wantcd on threc loc;gl wamuits nnd several others from outside jurisdictions hcld Spokane Valley Palice At bay for several hours by claiming he had a high-powered rifle taped to his hands. He claimed he had harricaded himself inside his father's hasement in a resideocc on South Bowdish. He sun-cndered aficr the Sherifrs SWA"C 'i'cum introduced pepper powder into the home. Uther supporting specialty units involved in the standoff were the TAC team, Hostage Negotiation Tcam Futd Explosives llisposal Unit (EDIi). No onr wss injund durini! the standoff and arrest. ♦ Urug 7'rafficking Organization Investigatioa A long-term inve.5tigatiun into n very large drug trafficking arganir.ation by the Spokanc Regional Drug Tasl: Furi:e, in partnership H•ith the Spoknne Drug Enfarcement Administratioa, Spokane County lnvestigative Support Unit, Spokane Police Depanment Special lnvesiigutions Unit and the Washington Statc Patrol, culminatcd at the end uf September with arrests planned for the first of October. Further information un this investigatir►n will bc suPPlicd in the nctoler, 2009 monthly report. • Armcd Suspect itobs Laundry Firm A man nrmed with n cuiting taoi rubbeci a ciry cletning firm in the Spokane Valley nnd escaped w7th an undisciosed Funount of cash. Officers respanding to the robbery alarm f'ound several employees wt1Q had locked themsclves inside the business after the suspect's exit. They reported that the suspect entered the store find brnndished the bladed P3ge 3 appliance on a multi-plier tool. The suspect demanded cash and a lemale emp! handed him bills- from the register. 1' 1 , _ ~ , I~,~ r~,:.~~-~~•,_, ♦ Fraud Suspect Bilke Area Businc~~t A TI1aI1 claiming IO rcpresent the 1}~~-!h.tl:~' ~,~11~1 J~illl~~! `i~~~Ci _~>~~•~iJil_~i~ ,tii~l Spokane Youth Sports Associates bilked area businesses out of hundreds ofdoliars with phany donations pitch by appcoac:hing business owners and soliciting donatians in il form af a business ad to be printed in a local sports magazine. This type of scam appr,+ in the aren annually and is generally successful until the ruse becames known through,.~ the busiaess community. Pcrsons wha are asked to mtske similar donaiions should tii obtain a phone number so they can contact the benefit t'.i..., :~~~.li+,~-,},. F1..'ijil'._-~'i.'f'.I" i_,. ~1, i•~i;•i~.. ~t , VYf'. are 5ti1l l lc,wever. thev have decreased somewhai. pc+ssih' . . : . . _ , , . ~ - 2008 SEPTEMBER CRlME REPORT 8sp-08 Sep-07 08 to data 07 to date 07 Total 08 Tota! OB Total 04 Total BURGLARY 67 45 581 423 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 23 30 271 298 365 334 464 485 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 83 78 687 849 1,285 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 84 59 710 622 839 811 749 818 PROPERTY OTHER 73 69 849 890 894 982 1,154 1.865 RECOVERED VEHICLES 28 22 255 273 343 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 53 27 409 386 478 711 603 577 THEFT 167 132 1415 1,421 1,881 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 0 0 2 5 8 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 1 1 3 2 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 61 41 872 507 682 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 640 604 5,854 5,675 7,338 7,916 8178 10,618 ASSAULT 62 68 670 666 853 846 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 15 21 178 173 221 167 159 164 DOMESTIC V10LENCE 77 78 808 858 874 738 762 755 HQMICIDE 1 011 3 0 1 b 1 5 KIDNAP 0 211 14 20 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 35 2211 277 278 350 425 425 388 M P 7 611 70 59 83 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 127 11411 1013 1,016 1,337 1.159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 8 611 60 52 80 58 58 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 3 6 80 60 73 83 82 180 TOTAL MAJOR CR/MES 333 323 3,153 2,980 3,876, 3,689 3,777 4182 ADULT RAPE 5 1 39 32 43 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 12 7 118 78 104 78 101 128 CUSTODIAIINTERFERENGE 6 8 56 78 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATtON F 0 1 3 4 4 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 0 1 9 14 18 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 6 2 50 33 48 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 8 1 33 22 31 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 19 27 282 229 295 309 311 437 SEX QTHER 16 15 143 151 194 203 181 162 STALKING 3 311 19 13 17 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 13 1311 105 122 152 177 244 341 TO7A1 SEX CRIVMES 86 79 638 776 986 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 88 75 659 621 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 a 0 1 1 0 0 1 TOTAL !SU 88 76 859 622 808 666 881 1,00U TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 331 364 2,899 2,845 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1,468 1,345 13,403 12,798 16,8171 16,682 16,367 18,962 Spokane Valley Commerciai Burglary 35 - - - - - I 30 - - - - 25 - - - t 20 - - I 206 i ■ 200; 1 1 IN20D8 15 ~ . . 10 • ; : - ~ I I r ! 5 I ~ - I ~ f ~ o JAN FEE3 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC -Via a_ut 777-7) e ~Q !+c w C~A / i . 3.~j+,►Pt' "~lI - Jau ~!1 9-1'.;-,' vn b~~',~•' y4j ~ . a > ~ G _ ~ ■ 1c 9 ~ ~ g T,~ ~ t ~~n • d 8 fvw + ~ p ~atr~IW e ~ s I< f,- _ J•~~ ~ ~ • j i ~ K ~ I C eun a ~ ~ } l$ ~ B 6d1 • (J Tw t ~O ~f ` ~ . ~ Y ~ • :a:~ uck~ i{tY • M ~ ut ~ nd f ~ ~ !•+~w 1 ~ ' ' U ^ ~ e ~ ! i- ~ A1.►i " ' - i r ot ~ M~~n, k""s I d ~ard~ sv t_ M.A. i . $ ~i 1..OPhw Y Ld 1 1 : • ~ f ~ ! i r~_ ~ r ~i'~tt-_'__ . ~ ~ ~ - ~ N s PA _ b r 1 • , ~ t' IF.i~sn~+ ~ - Is ~ • ~ ~ i • T ~ • e ~ • i ~ 4; ~ t r •l • ~ i 16t } t , - _ G ~ ~ 1 i " ~ ~ ~ ` 1 - ~+N" ~ ~ _ • i Ccmmerae! - - ~ O U a►~,► ~s g 0, r-, -.L-u lm • ~ . ~ . w 02-4 -t~ow ' e OLOW OM@dUITI 5 6~ ~ Z ~ ,~'i r ~ °~►a►p 1 % 4'►•,~ `~i0+~ WHigh ~ ; 2008 Septcmber Commercial Burglary Iiotspots Mypprvduced:160cbber2008 ~ Spokane Valley Garage Burglary 18 -r - - - 16 - - - - - ~ 1A = - - - 12 • - - - - I , 10 ~ - - ' - - 02006' _r I ■ 2007 g ■2008 I E ~ 4 2 . _ I - • - - - ~ I I ~ ` . - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Realdential Burglary 60 I 50 - - 40 ~ - . -02006 30 - - - - ~ M2007 102008 20 .i i ' • - - - 10-, ~ I ! 0 - ~ - - - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ~ W& 0 ~ s. . , uM W ~ ` L.~ ^ 'b Ja" _ A M" / g ' S' ° ,,.i~,••, a oa o _ i a C yw : 9Q ~ a ~ n ° - ❑ u id EudN vi 9 ~ 1 QQQ/ ~1 ~ _ ~ \ yk~' ~1 • /~T' / ~ _ _ _ ~ n11 L` L ~10L/.--`. d.,tk, :nj1 ~ - - o N 11•M n. - • u +f ~101 K .`p7 J~={~ - -.r ~ ~a~"~ ° a „ - ; .:1: ~ 2 ` - •r ~ ~ , : Mw.~i~ n - ~ : U ~ ~ ~+71 J ~ K ~ - i ~j,~. ~ ~ ~►.i~M , ~ . _ -1. . ~ ~i~- ~ ~ MYabn r . I , r• ~-J~'~¢~ - : I- -~;,n'. _ ~ • ~ f a ` ' ~ T 1 ' {f I 1 ' - o mu x ' ' e - ~ _ _ G N~ ,o' ~ i.1'~ . e ►tr•y~M Atkil ~ I I • - - BioMa ' I ~ „~Y~ ~ , - -•Y - J ~a •I ou.d~ r A k ~ 1 , ~ ; • Yam1~i- w~~ i~ ~ ~ ~ • ' A j- ~ I~ ~ p u R W~~r1 t^ . 4M C w iyu ~ ]rd c : - r • i ._---sS • ' r. ~ 16 ` ~1 r J / ~ _ ~ z'°~ ~ • ~ s : m • ' St~t ~y ~ _ ' I Y~_ - ~ ~ ~ e _ _ ' or - ~ trw " ~20 M i 3 ~ RB8fd9Ab81 - _~J~ ~ 1 ll t.w. ~ ~ &►~9~Y g y „ 02-3 ~ ~ : ; ' ~ 7 1 ` • ~ w ¢ wW ~ w ~ v . j - a E 4~a ~ ~ t~lM.~. T • gd1~ • ~ ~ h , OW 1 G ! la Yn ~ W g' ~ ~ E , A~ _ - ol( ~ - ~'s,~ t oMedium Fiigh ~ 2 V4•; 2008 September Resiclcntial BurgiAry Hotspots MepProctuced:150c1ober2008 ~ Spokane Valley Forgery so so 40 - E2006 ao ~ - ° E 2007 ~ !02oos; ao ^ - . - - lo • - o Jr>N FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Malicious Mischief zoo 180 160 - 140 120 - - - - '~2006 100 - - ■ 2007 ■ 2aoa ~ ~ so --T - - - . 77, so ; ~ ; - - 40-1:~ . zo . ~ o JAN FEEi MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEr^ OCT NOV QEC Property Crimes Comparisons (2008 is January - September) zooo 7soo - - - - - 1600 1400 1200 - - - - i ~ ■ 2006 1000 ! ■ 2007 02008 800 ~ - - - ~ 600 - 400 i ~ 200 - - 0 Cammenciel Resldential Forgery Malicloua Stolen Vehicle Theft Vehicle Prowling 8urglary Burglary Mischief Spokane Valley Stolen Vehicies 90 80 - - _ j 70 , _ - 60 - ~ i 50 ; - - - ■2006 , I ■ 2007 40 I _ ~ - - ~ I - - I11112008 ` I 30 : ~ ; - - - - 20-~ i - ~ i 10 - - i 0 T - • JAN FE[3 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC _ _ - ti 00T, c ~ r 7 8 . i p ~ ~MM pr ' i • a ~ a = LKp u ~ i : gcoon ~a x rc 6 m~ neefyck^~' ~ • •n6r~~x- f c - - ~4 J~,- -~,~.,~~,~z. ui~t~, hi•~° ' ' - •b _ TI' ~ .r^, R _ _ -~n■ w!4~L ~ ~ Z _~~,ri"_~ ~ , r...,~ t_ 1i ~ Yw~g!! ~ a .1a~~f~Tn,.'• - ,e•,, ' -.~.,~t!r>_- MN~ Ji~ '~F~-. .,~Nrn+ - - ' •.i}o. U c -1;-. - ~ ~ - _ :,j ri e r1i9~ i p~ s l ' _ im-~ ° a s a - i. -llf - ~ Sad a u? I r ~ I~ I ~•t ~ l~ - I ,~l~ ~ 41A L. ;'K~ : !°_•lt~['~ p~ !1~ c A ,A , " • ' • i 8`I ~ ~ ~ • r'' • c ~ L.L _ \ - ' ~ T It ~ ow • ~ydi ~ o - - ;r ~ ft 210 t 7~t t ~ w L $blQft !1 w e':' ~ ~ ~~~Tan VBhiC{65 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ . • ~ 02-7 Sad O w Mlh ~ ~ •Q - w ~ • , ~s ~.r, y~ p ~ ~ I°~ ` ql. 7~ • ~w ~a , e J h w G; ~ 1q ~ ~ ~ , • SMedum 004 • ~ ~w~,~ _ ~ WHiph ; 2008 August & Scptem ber Stolcn Vehicle Hotspots Mep Prvduoed- 15 Ocbber2008 ~ Spokane Vailey Theft _ 250 ~ 200 - ~ j~150 - - - . i ~ 1i200G ~ ■ 2007 ~ 0 2008 I 100 - ~ ~ 50 . ( - . ~ 0- - - - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL nUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Vehicle Prowling 140 120 - - - 100 60 - - _ ' " ■2005 I ■ 20(17 02008 I 60 4C - - 20 . i i ! I ~ . , II 0- - - - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC • ~ ~N+J-p~r~r er G~n il io Co~ R~= ~~~~1M-~nY A~ ~ l7 • i d d el~ ~ ` .I ~ ~ s i~ ► $ f ~ ; S ,r ' • a ~ E 8 s tl'+~ p , \ n ~p M a 4 < r E r K O c It 2 c • ciyp___. : ~ ~ ~.~°r.L G'!n•r - f L: r t' . ✓:1-r--~' ~i ~ ~ - ' 7~ti1'~ ~Vsd- - e l 1 •T~ .;/1= yV ,~l'4~' l.- ~ ~ ttl~l I ~l~ i ~q!'..n ~ ' ~Q a ~1n YA~~~ -rr~s':r:~'i~. - _ ~ ~ c - S~- - ~ 1 4 r• ` ~ - , ~ ~btlo 'A1 ~ n ay v _ ~I I ✓ ~AW, N • ~i . R ^A' y Att Mrln~ - dN~~~w h"~- ~s ~ J ,t, • FKsIn - ~ 40 _-;-1 ~F ~ ~ , r~~ t ~ - ' ~ 1 a~ ~ - .~,o dp ' $ ~ L'~ - \ ~ ~ r , I ow . ' . w - i Is 1 ' L ► l x p° a \ Z ~d sr _ t. r Vehide P!oWIng rn~ ~ 10 02-5 I a Rl ~ rl ~ ~ ~ b j ~ oLow u oMedium ~ r ~5 r' ~~~"by . I+~►.. - " ~y oHigh 2008 Septcmbcr Vehicle Prowling Hotspots ,,tm P,od„ced- ,5 amber 2008 ~ i • a+~ ~ ~f~ • C 6u~ _yp ,tL~ G ~it - U~' • ~ ~GM a • Q ~ ~ . w . ' ` y ~ _ ~l 4 ~7~' 8 • ~ 3 ~ R s ~ ! ~ • < Nt N ~ v~~ ~ _ a # 3 - ~ a r Y ~ gCern ~c9tl syi C. ~ ~ 4 - ~M ` F m r ~F~' uct~qr_, vl 1 ! ~ ~p _ i ~~r- i ir'~•: 'n[~r- rI~°~ r J • : h4~Ml~slan f ~ G 1 CQ 7nrt 1'1 q 1 ~ v ~ i , cc " v Nlssbn hldo enna~~_ _ ~ • ~ ~ C VI~ Etisr E •mo~ M6t - ~ ( .r F •~1 ip C ~ B 1--T' 2E E ~a+ n _ ~U►1 - • i I!,_. _i . ~ . _ c _ _ t - -i~1 " A al tmdt Ay -1i: ~ "~~~Qr • f-4 ~ - R:c.,.~ w .a a.. - 4'__ ~ ~ c S.'y~='!_• i - ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ _ + ~ ~ r ` ~ ~ e ' ~ - ~ ■ k a • ` ~ ~ ' ~ , ~ ` ~ 1L - . r Y ~ r ~ ( • ; ' ~ ■ ~ P r ?estl~~ ~'~.y ~ in 5 Tfi!{IC 1 3 ~ 1 I a Ci0rr10E0115 10 ~ P 9 01 - a 02 - 5 l ~ • i►i 01 ° I ~ E3 '09 ~ tl n MM ~ ° ~f a • ~ • • ~ C%oW , 1. ~ a G~ns r' i ~ ~1O • y ~1 1. ~'j~ • W • wMedlum Low tth nfei~ ~ M - ~ 0 mMedtum Wigh cs ar I - l 2008 September Traffie Collisions Hotspots MepProduced~ 150cbber2008 ~ (7'I 1 t 4&W 0000 ;o0valley. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT September 2008 ACiREEMENT3 FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION • Street Maintenance - County Street Mafntenance Interlocai • Street Sweeping - AAA winteNspring sweeping. Spring Sweeping is compiete. • Street and Stormwater Mafntenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. woriced on Street Preservation Projects and Pavement Removal and Replacement • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare is working spring/summer 2008. Discussed mufNple areas that have swales that may be required by Home Owners Assoclatlons to maintain. • Vactoring Corrtract - AAA Sweeping removed ponding water around drywells. Contract Monles are nearly expended, working on Change Order. *Engineering Servic,es Support - Agreements with pr(vate engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interiocal - PubNc Wor{cs was on the selection committee for the Performance and Financial Audit for the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System. Recommendations are scheduled to be sent to the Liaison Board on September 15, 2008 for thelr consEderation. ASTEWATER • CH2MHi11 was seleded for the design, build and operation of the Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facllity. The County is currently in negotlations with that flrm. • On September 26th EPA issued a statement that the TMDL and the Idaho permits must be revised so that the limits in the rfver do not exceed .20 mg/l decrease in dissolved oxygen. CENTRAL VALLEY SCHQOL Dl3TRICT • Neil is a member of the Facilities CommPttes to assist the distnct in the development of a Study and Survey of the various schools and administrative buildings The committee mests on a monthly basis on Wednesday evenings. SPOKANE REGIONAL SOUD WA3TE SY3TEM PERFORMANCE AUDIT • Neil is a member of the Technical Worfc Group overseeing the performance audit The group selected the consuttant Camp, Dresser end McKee (CDK) through an RFP process in October. The kick-off meeting is scheduled for November 3'd and the project is expected to take 8 months. 3TREET MASTER PLAN • JUB Engineers is continuing worfc on the update to the Street Master Plan They are scheduled to be complete for Decrember 2`' meeting with Council. CAPITAL PROJECTS ROAD CON8TRUCTION PROJECTS • Barker Road 8ridge Project (0003) Bridge was closed starting July 7. Contrador has been acquiring matenals and has mobiiized equipment to the project site. Contractor has removed barrier from the bridge. A revised Hydraulic Project Approvai was issued September 15, allowing work in the river throughout the year. Waric in the rivar wfll start upon approval of a demolition plan and work bridge plan. • Pines/Manafield (OOOb) Construction started July 23. Corrtractor has rough•graded Mansfield and has begun installing drainage pipe. Curb and gutter has been Installed in the roundabout. The southeast comer of the concrete intersectian at Pines and Mansfield has been paverl back. Woric continues to plaoe conuete on the northeast comer. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschiriey to Hodges (0016) Knife River was awarded the project as the low bidder for $4,585,859.95. Construction began March 17th. Project Es complete. Punch list items remain. • 24"' Avenue Reconstruction Project (0063) Project construction is comptete. • Sprague/Appleway/Dlshman-AAfca ITS (0062) Bids were opened September 18 for $372,144, 33°k below the Engineer's estimate. WSDOT is administering the contract that will install fiber optic cable, a dynamic message sign on Sprague Ave at I-90 end three cameras on Appleway: Park Rd, Dishman-Mica Rd and University Rd. Construction expected to start in late fall. • Broadway / Fancher PCC Intersection (0067) Project design is complete. Looking for additional funding. Construction delayed to 2009. • Broadway Ave Rehab - I-90 EB Ramps to Paric Rd (0068) Project paving should be complete by October 20th and the project will be complete by November 1, 2008. • S19nal Controller Upgrade Project (0071) All controllers were delivered in August. Spokane County and WSDOT slgnal maintenance crews will test, program, and install new controllers under existing engineenng services contracts. • Sprague/Conklln Slgnal (0077) The change order has been signed by Knife River Work began on October 13. 2408 The signal poles have been ordered • Sprague / Bowdlah, PCC Intersection (0092) Project is under construclion and is scheduled to be completE by November 1, 2008 STREET PRESERVATION PROJECTS • Dishman M(ca Rehab - Appleway Avs. to 16th Ave. (0093) Project fs complete. • Montgomery Ave. Rehab - Argonne Rd. to University Rd (0093) Project is complete. ROAD DESIGN • 44`" Avenue Pathway Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) City is executing contract with Budinger & Associates is executing contract for Geotech expforation and Pavement Design. County has completed additional survey • Broadway Ave Sa" Improvement - Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Staff recommends not moving ahead with project until more accJdent data can be evaluated Council directed staff to wait for more accident data • Broadway Ave. Rehab - Fancher to Thlemtian (0066) Will start design early 2009 for construction in 2009. • 8rosidwsy Ave Reconstruction - Moore to Flora (0088) Benthin Associates is surveying for topographic map and properry boundary. City is executing contract for Geotecfi exploration and Pavement Deslgn with Strata, and Plateau Archeological InvestigaNorts will conduci Cuitural Resouroe Survey. • Evergreen 8prague PCCP Intsrsectlon Pro)ect (0102) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech field work to be done on October 22nd. • McDonald Sprague PCCP InLersection Pro)ect (0104) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech field work to be done on October 24th. • Pines Sprague PCCP Interaecdon Project (0103) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech field work to be done on October 23rd. SEINER PROJECTS • SpaldinQs Sanitary Sewer Project (0056) The project is 100% compiete. • Grandview Acrea Sanitary Sewer Project (0057) The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began June 5, 2007. The project is 100% complete. • Trentwood Sanltary Sewer Project (0058) The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on July 9, 2007. The proJect is 100°r6 complete. • RockwelUSummerfield Sanitary Sewer Project Phase 1 (0091) This project bid with Summerfieid. The project was awarded to Knife River. Construction began in May 2008. 90% of the mainNne is complete. • Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Prolect (0084) The project was awarded to SI Construction. Sewer mafn placement will began the week of Juty 14"'. 80% of the project is complete. • 3ummerfield 3ankary Sewer Project (0084) This projed bid with RockwelUSummerf'ield. Knife River was awarded the contract. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. Roadways will be paved back by the end of October. • 8utters Sanitary Sewer Project (0082) The project was awartied to SI Construction. Construciion began on May 8"'. 100°i6 of the sewer main has been placed. The project is 1 a0°r6 complete. • White Blrch Sankary 8ewer Project (0081) Owens Construction was awarded the project. 100°y6 of the sewer main has been placed. The projed is 95% complete. PARKS PROJECTS • Old Senior Center Demolklon (0072) ProJect has been approved by councii on 14 Oci 08. Contract agreement has been signed by the Contractor, package fs currentiy in the process of being Finalized and ready for signature by CSV. • Park Road Swimming Pool Upgrade (0073) The contractor has basically finished the project. A walk-through was held on 17 Oct 08 with representatives from the design consuttant ORB. Health District, TMCA, Parks and Recreation, Contractor and CSV. A flnal punch-list has been completed and the contractor is in the proc;ess of completing the items. • Temce Vlew Swimming Pool Upgrade (0074) The underground concrete wortc, wall blocks, and roof extension for the mechanlcal building is complete. Contractor is installing electrical and mechanical equipment in the mechanical building. The lazy river pool underground piping is installed, concrete floor slab has been place, outside wal(s are currently being erected. • Valley Mission Swimming Pool UP9rade (0076) The contractor Is constructing the training pool, the under ground concrete work and wall blocks for the mechanical building is camplete. • Valley Miasion Park Upgrade (0076) The Agreement (Contract) has been finalized and signed by CSV (20 Oct 08) Consultant (Gavin) currently starting the design. • Chlldren's Universal Park (0086) A second Stakeholder meeting was held October 1. The Consultant presented paric cancepts at two locations within Mirabeau Point Park. The response from the meeting resulted in the selection of the concept lacated at the south end of Mirabeau Point Park. • Centennial Trall Restroom Water Service Coordinating with parks on providing water service and eliminating trte well STORMWATER PROJECTS • Stromwater Decant Facility Working on project scope_ • 16`" Avenue and Bettrnan Rd Dralnage Improvements (0100) Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. Worlcing on project scope. • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Working on project scope. • West Ponderosa Dralnage Improvements Work to be done wlth 2009 sewer projects. Wortcing on project scope. OTHER PROJECTS • Sullivan Bridge #4601 InspecUon over Trent(0086) Coffman Engineers has submitted the draft report, comments from Spokane Count (Neil Carroll) and CSV have been sent (16 Oct 08) to Coffman. • City Hall ProJect (0089) The City Hall Program was presented and approved by Council on June 24`h, Preliminary site conoepts will be presented to Council on October 21 °t • Street Mafntenance Storage Facilky Working on project scope. • Valley Precinct Bullding Floor Drain (0096~ Consultant coMract 8warded to DEA. The 1 Phase- has been completed, the Phase 2 shali be a camplete design to dispose of the water in the sewer. Design Started for this phase on 13 Od 08. • Sprague ADA Improvements (0088) Began evaluating and developing pfans for 2009 cansVuction TRAFFIC • Spokane County has completed LED installations at 17 iritersections for the year. Rebate requests have been submitted to Vera and Avista. Avista's rebate has been received. • Assisted Capitai Projects with desfgn and construction issues on Broadway/Park, Sprague/Bowdish concrete intersection. CMAQ grants, Pines-Mansfield, and sewe► projects. • 30 New cttizen requestslcomplaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign r+equests, speeding compfaint6, bus stop concems, streetlight outages, requests for new strestlights, traffic count requests, and paricing issues. • Installed new signal timing plans for SR 27 to run coaniination most of the day. • Modified signal timing plans on Argonne to address congestion issues during Pines-Mansfield construction. STORMWATER • Have done extensive research and continued planning for implementation of the NPDES Phase II and UIC regufrements. Coordinating wtth Spokane County and the City of Spokane to develop a Public Outreach Program. Developing a training program for ctty staff, • Presently working on the "Eastem Washington Stormwater Coalition Website" ie, City County. Projected primarily tor satisfying NPDES Phase II requirements. • Presertted the need for a regular vactoring schedule at counc11& shed Ught on the future needs • Working in Coordination with City of Spokane, Spokane County, APC, DEQ, and Department of Ecology on a Stormwater atlas. • Discussing Decant Faality options. • Retained Dave Randall, P.E. to assess and propose a solution for 4 residences that have flooded repeatedfy. Worlcing on agreement. • Working on tax rolls. STREET 3 3TORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public Worlcs/Contractor maintenance acEivities in the City of Spokane Vallsy for September, 2008; • AAA Sweepfng operated Vector cleaning Priority #lstorm water barrels. • Geiger worlced through September doing vegeta6on and litter control. • Poe Asphalt completad various paver patches, city wide. • Tom and Brant inspected contrector work, trimmed brush and patched potholes. • County is in the process of preparing wlnter operations equipment. STREET: Through ihe end of September priwate contracts invoiced 51,183,6G4 and khe County knvoiced $1,449,473 for a #otal S#reet Maintenance cost of $2,633,077. STORMWATEFd. The County inuviced $5,033 and privaxe contracts inuoiced $647,583, for a total Stcrmwn±~-r 10ainierlanc~= cost of S652.6 16- STREET A►h1D STC7RMINATER MAIN~ENANCE CC3MPARiSONS 1`HROUGH SEP7EfuIBER WrmwaLer M~ ter~aneo 5p#~Ct~no ~cunty - 2Wt ~~r,D33 a ~ 2001 $6,551, J I ScorrnweterMainlon nee " ~rlv~to C~xn~rn~to~s ~ ~ ~1 D7 $M 3,914 { ~ I 6truralMainiflrtancc ~ i b I Spsakane Cc+unty 2 2~:~r7 ~~~~,~13 N N - - - ~ PrMwala 21317 51_43&A~ld ~ - - _ ~ - ~.1- - .m ,;oO Valkly. Fundln0 Pr*et plopcwd Daaqn Gbnstnxtlon Estlm~Yd Tdal Ipro)~ct Yr~q~r ~IOau CpmpNb Cnmphb Comqutlon Cwt r ttoea conawcno~n r H q007 l1artae Rnacf flrfOpe R4vCaamrorN - Borts R. d Spotare }tlvel Lq< KitAam rgbM tOp'11 3'M 17/1A4 S 11,317,Of)fi aom FVns&A.uAu rrood - wMnv M ak,w roI-ao TNLCMW K,r,ann na-on 1ao% 2ox lavoo i 5.300.143 mw Ap,awer +►wm. R.cmuaoae,n - r.u.lar eo ►ioaose sTP(W Ail sW-07 Ioo% N% u)1,ae t e.oeo.see ooeo :nn Ar.n,. Reconruum, - a.-wo w wsa..a s nne cft Akkoam nor-M tam ,ov+c nnvae s9en,aoo 000 &►aauMAPplaimiODINIRM ITS - 5ipraRdAppwwoMfnon CI1AA0 ISMann tOD'14 0% 4It109 j 830.700 oop BrorfwaypFarrlw PCC tMersrclk- Browlwy and Fancf+ar STVtU) /Ydwcxtti Mr,►OS ta0x Ox utAO i 1205.000 OM era.a..y Aw. aewxrror.nq. M e Psre Ra (CFO Aki." Iarx oox iuuoe 6 361.000 am s+pnr Canaoarr Worsee cww )no. Now Iara m+o 1111i3e i 2se.400 oU77 SRevuWf'.anWH sl¢W • 8PtNM +id COMM DwAiloDm MI Ns 100x 5% &tAoo 4 300.000 OM 6proptwJBowduh i'CC Inlertllon • 9pnpir aM IIONso STA Aklwaft mroOD to'Y 50% 111t/t10 t vv,000 ftem Prfto"xtkm proob f 1,200,OOU OOB] Oiawron Mka RNteb - ADpkway Atre eo tdh Ave d/ lOeln Na 0'K SIUxis = 230.088 0003 Ma,►urnn.rr nv. Rohab -+vpan. Ad e Lkrvw.ry aa GRr x3sin nr. v% anioe s 24a,oaI Rwd oaWe Prol.cft flO54 ltfh Avotue Frhww/ • WoorluR b 5anfs fPEI STP(E) NdrdN 5% D% O+tAO S 36d.D00 oo87 BrosEMeY /1ve. 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