2008, 02-19 Special Joint Planning Commission Meeting CITY OF SPUKANE vALLEY AGENDA SYECfAL JOINT MEETING/STUDY SFSSION Spokane Valley City Council/ Spokane Vallcy Planning Commission Taesday, Fcbruary 19, 2008 6:OU p.m. Spokanc Valley City c;ounCil Chambers, SpokFtne Valley City I-1all 11707 E Sprague Avenue AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Cali to Order and Welcome: Oeputy Mayor Denenny 2. Joint City CounciVPlanning Commission Study Session - Sprague and Appleway Conidors Subarea P(an • Presenkation by Michael Freedman • Question and Answer 3. Other Items: Adjaum Nob: Unlass otfioryrrise notod sbovu, no pubUc commonts will bo hken at this mootfn9. Hovrovsr, Cauncfl alvrays rosarvq !he ripht to roquett lydormatfon fi^om tha puhl{c artd otsit as •ppropriots. Quring meetings held by the Gty oi SpNwne Vattey Counal, tiia CounGl resenies tha nght to teke 'actian' an any rcwn llsbed or subsaquently addecl to the agenda. The term 'ectlun' mearts !o dellberate, discuss, review, cor.5lder, evalueta, or maka a caliectivo poeitivo or nagaGve decision. N01'tCE, Indtvldurrls ptanning b atterxl !he meeting who ricquire spxisl assiatance ta aocommodete physical, hearing, or oftr knpairtnents, Please oontact the Clty CteAc at (509) 421-1000 as aoon as possiWe so that arranr3cments may be made Febrenry 19, 2-003 Soint Meehng Ctitm:il aod P'annmq Comm:ss~on