2008, 02-12 Regular Meeting r• ~ :1G F;tiUa SPUkANE VA.LLf:Y CI'CY COUNCtI, ItEGULAR A'IGETL'VG Council INleeting 4132 'Tucsduv, Fcbruary 12, 1-008 6:00 p.m. Spokanc Valley f.ity Hall Council Chambcrs 11707 E Spraguc Avenne Council keque.5ts Please Sileace Yaur Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO (3RllER: Ilr'VOCATION: Pasior David Johnson, 16'a11ey linited Mcthtxiist Chun:h PLEDCE OF A1.LFGIMCL: RULI. CALL: APPROVAL OF 4GF.NUA: IN'TRODUCTIOh OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESEN'I'ATIONS: C'O'N.hQ'1TEE. BOARI). LIAISnN SUMI11AItY REPOR'I'S: MAYOR'S REPOR'I': PtTHLIC COMMFNTS: 1'his is an opponunity for thc publi.; w spcuk Lln aiiy topic. «hen you comr to the pmdium, plcnsc stutc your namc and addrrss for thc rrccsr+f and limit remari►.; to t5rce minutes. 1. C()NSFNT AGFhDA: Gonsisis af items cor►sidrrcd routine w7iich :ue approved as n group. .4 Cnuncilmrmbcr may remove t+n item frum thC Conseat Agcrida tn be considered scparasety, y. Approval nf Claim Vouchers: list dated 01-24-2008; taml amount $153,500:17 listdnted 011-05-2008; total amount $1,766,496.38 h. Approva) nf 1'ayroll For Any Pcrisxi I;nding January 31, 2008: 5304,358.01 c. Council confirmAtion of RemovAl of (.,ablr Acfvisory Cotnmimce Membcr d. Approva) of Nfinutcs of lartuary 15, 2008 Study Stssian Council Mcctin;; c. Approvai Qf hfinutcs of Jcuiunry 22, 2008 Regular Council Mcctiiig C. Approvxt of Viinutrs of Pebruury 5,2008 titudy Scssion Council Mecting g. Council Appro%,nl tu Submit L.rttcr of Support for Fsrm Pawer h, C'ounci) Apprcn•.il t,► Subitiit Lntrr of Support f~lr Voicc ! hrr Internet }'rciti-wol lV0111► S13 6884 r1EW B[JSLNESS: 2. Cc~nlinnaticm ef N[.~yural Appoinrments to Cable ~ldvisory Hc~arci (publir cnmment) YUBLiC CdNB'[ENTS This is an opporiunity for the public to s-pcak an any topic. Wlien }ou curne to the poJium, plCase SLate your niime anJ adJress fur the r"ord and limit remarkc tn thtec rninutcs. t'uu%d.lgerdl (12. 12.OS Rc,;iilnr 4L:r:utg P.IF:i I -,t 2 _whiltiISrRArnE REPuu'rs: 3. ?007 :lccnmpiisliments Rcport Mikc Jackson 4. V$Ilcy Missiaa Pnrjc Site Plan - Nfikc Jack;. ,ri 5. UniCcxm Uevolopmcnt Caic (Indoor Dag Kennck i -K::tf,~, RtLCII1!iL f,. '('ranspottutian Hcnefit District - Cary Driakel I 7. Poc Ccmtms:t Rcncwal Rcport - Steve Warley 4. Fifth Year Anniversary i.ogo Use - Garo{btlle Branch 9. Lcgislativc Mittcrs - i?avc Mcrcicr INFOR!NATIC)N ONLY: 14. firc Ucpartttient Quartcrlv Report. Octi!hrr - Dccrntber 20(17 AI)JUUItNMF.1VT I'UTURB SCHEDULE Regular Caunc}! Meuings are gencrally held 2nd and 4* Tuesdars, beglnning ar 6: 00 p.i►R. Councll Study Srsxlons aregenernlly kdd P. 3id and Sth Tursdays, beginning at 6:00 p.nR. 'i'ues. Feb 19, ?(M8: Study Session includes Michatl rrredmnn discussing Bouk III Sutrsra plan KO7'ICF: Indi,,idunls plauning w anend I}u mectfng Hiw require Vccial sssistancc to ecrommodale physiral. hraring. ot otfic: i impaltments, plcase oontnct the City Cterk at (309) 921•1000 as scxm as pt,ssiblc sv tlsnt urnngetttents mYV 6e nuidc. ~ i in:, . . • i ~ ' ° :~:I,'.i '+tr~'i•i: I`.:~': ` , 1_ ~d CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . . Meeting Date: 02-12-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of thc Following Vouchers: Claim Vouchers: list dated 01-24-2008; total amount $153,500.47 list dated 02-45-2008; total amount $1,766,496.38 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher List ( 1 vchiist Voucher List Page: 1 0112412008 5:16:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apb8nk . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # OcscriptioNAccount Amount 13594 • 1/312008 001585 SCOTT, FAITH 1/4/08 PY PAYROLL MANUAL CHECK 130.86 . Total : 130.86 13680 1/24l2008 0001 5U ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY SVC312504 SERVICCE CALL: CP 62120 , . • Total: 621.20 13681 1/24/2008 001081 ALSCO LSP0342431 MATS: CIIY HALL 64.20 Total : 64.20 13682 1/24/2008 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC INV001105 JANfTORIAL SERVICE: PRECINCT 2,082.17 , Total : 2,082.17 13683 1/24/2008 000796 SUDINGE12 &ASSOCIATES INC. M07341.1 41866 BUDINGER GEOTECH TASK ORDEI 2,842.00 • , Total : 2,842.00 13684 1/24/2008 001440 CLFJARPATFI, LLC 254 CITY CTR PROPERTY NEGOTlAT10 12,763.08 Total : 12,763.08 13685 1124/2008 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725712 DEV FLEET FUEL BILL 2,480.03 ' Totsl: 2,480.03 13686 1J2412008 000683 DIIVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 237542 SPKV0000-0011 PLAT REVIEW SVC 1,245.00 240403 41896 07-026 DEA TRAFFIC ENGINEER S[ 2,898.37 ' Total : 4,143.37 13687 1/24/2008 001311 DICKERSON PUMP & IRRIGATION 7323 41901 STORMWATER PUMPS , 21,930.49 Total : 21,930.49 13688 112412008 000106 FEDEX 2-455-18272 ' SHIPPING CHARGES 164.42 • Total : 164.42 13689 1124/2008 000735 FRCEDAAAN 7UNG BOTTOMLEY 60435 SPRAGUE/APPLEWAY SUBAREA 287.37 64436 SPRAGUFJAPI'LEWAY SUBAF2EA 192.80 Total : 479.97 13690 1/24/2008 000825 GEOLINE POSITIOPJING SYSTEM INC, GI 216263 41902 TRIMBLE GIS- WA STATE CONTRA, 1,459.27 Page: 1 vchlist VOUCheP LISt ` . Page: 2 0112412008 5:16:43PM Spokane Valley 8ank code : apaank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # OescriptionlAccount Amount 13690 1/24/2008 000825 OaQ825 GEOLINE POSITIONING SYSTEM IN, (Gontinued) Total : 1,459.27 13691 1/24/2008 000002 H 8 W BUSIIdESS SYSTEAAS INC_ 091523 _ TONER 92.18 154705 SERVICE CALL: 105.48 167071 CM COPIES: COMDEV 646.68 167072 B/W COPIES: COiUIDEV 95.41 ' Total : 939.75 13692 1124/2008 000864 JUB ENGIPJEERS, INC. 0050168 41720 COM'RACT#07-017 1,53025 Total : 1,530.25 13693 1/2412008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC V1IATER CO 04559.01 UTIUTIES: 11123 E MISSION 100.47 04582-11 UTILII`IES: 11423 E MISSION 128.39 ' 04732.01 UTILITIES: 100 N BALFOUR, 42.40 09784-02 UTILITIES: 12710 E SPRAGUE 1,190.16 Total : 1,461.42 13694 1/24/2008 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD MILEAGE MILEAGE: JAN 07 15.52 MILFAGE MILEAGE: FEB-APR 2007 15.52 MILEAGE MILEAGE: MAY 07 73.72 MILEAGE MILEAGE: JUN-AUG 07 126.10 ' MILEAGE MILEAGE: AUG-SEP 101.85 ' MILEAGE MILEAGE: SEP-DEC 110.56 Total : 443.29 13695 1/24/2008 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 15683 SER1/ER MAINTENANCE 2,535.00 . Total : 2,535.00 13696 1/24/2008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 413012045-001 41908 OFFICE DEPOT - ROXANNE WYAT 113.03 413142495-001 COPY PAPER 655.14 413205413-001 41908 OFFICE DEPOT- ROXANNE WYAT -8.32 . 413205414-001 41908 OFFICE OEPOT - ROXANNE WYAT 8.32 • 413519531-001 C/1LENDARS: FINANCE 38.16 413633025-001 ' 41910 OFFICE DEPO7 343.70 Total : 1,150.03 13697 1/24/2008 000307 OFFICE OF TWE STATE TRFJISURER DEC 07 CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMME 57,368.05 Paae: 2 . vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 0112412008 5:16:43PM • Spokane Valley - Bank code: apaank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice ' PO # DescripUonlAccount Amount 13697 1/24/2008 000307 OOU307 OFFICE OF THG STATE TRGASUREI (Cuntinued) Total : 57,369.05 13698 1/24/2008 001578 PACIFICAn 0017510-IN 41904 • I'AICIFICAD TRAINING -PE'I'k FISC 385.00 OU17531-IN 41904 PAICIFICAD TRAINING - RANDY BU 395.00 Total : 790.00 13699 1/2412008 001089 POE ASPWALT PAVING, INC. 42557 " 41677 ST & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 2,354.56 42558 41677 S7 & SW MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 378.54 Totai : 2,733.10 13700 112412008 000494 PRO PEOPLE S7AFFING SERVICES 27.679 S7AFFING SERVICE: CP ' 1,13120 27.680 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 832.35 . Total : 1,963.55 13701 1/24/2008 000090 SPOKANE CO. INFO SYSTEMS 50302034 COUN7Y IT SUPPORT 15,013.58 Total : 15,013.58 13702 1/24l2008 000308 SPOKANE CO. PROSECUTING ATfY DEC 2007 CRIME VICTIMS COMP FUfdD 847.47 Total : 847.47 13703 1/2412008 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 41500498 DEC 07: GEIGER WORK CREW 769.63 Total : 769.63 13704 1/24f2008 000898 SPOKANG PROCAR[ 197000 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 77.97 197170 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 225.89 197412 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 77.87 197593 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 225.89 197771 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 77.97 197837 ' SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 225.89 197927 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRACyl 225.89 Total : 1,137.47 13705 1/2412008 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DISY. 41 4th Qtr 2007 ' 4TH QUARTER FIRE FEES 11,533.56 Total : 11,533.56 13706 1124/2008 000093 THE SPOKES MAN-REVI EW INC. 42365 CLASSIFIED ADS 327.00 42801 41872 ADVER7ISEMEPIT 785.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Pago: 4 01I2412008 5:16:43PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher • Date Vendor Invaice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 13706 1/24/20U8 000093 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEiN INC. (Continued) Total : 1,106.00 13707 1/24/2008 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0001-031971.02 CM UTILITIES: CM -63.00 0002-001425.01 UTILITIES: SULLIVAN AI2EA 183.53 • 0004-000755.01 UTILITIES:*SPRAGUE/EVERGREEN . 107.82 0005-016348.01 UTILITIES 68.92 0006-033021.00 IJTI LITI ES 21.63 - 0007-017753.01 UTILITIES 26.18 OOUB-010790.01 UTILITIES 62.98 0016-007780.00 UTl LITI ES: 146.82 0018-031941.01 UTI LITI ES 54.17 0018-032752.00 UTIUTIES: 1604 S ST CHARLES 20.71 Total : 629.76 13708 1/24I2008 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0039652-1518-3 TRANSFER STATIOfd: AAA 2,218.50 Total : 2,218.50 13709 1/24/2008 000417 WESTERN DANCE ASSOC FALL HRS FALL HRS USAGE 168.00 Total : 168.00 : I, the underrigned, do certify under. Pcnalty of perjury, Bank total 153,500.47 Chat tho materials have been furaished, t:he services Total vouchers : 153,500.47 rendered, or thc ]abor performed as descr.ibod herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpttid obligation against the City o£ Spokane Valley, and that Ia-m authoriud to authenticate and certify eaid claim. Finan to Date - 1 ayor ` Date . Council Member Dat,e _ p~..o• 4 , ~ 0 0 vchlist Voucher List . Page: 1 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank codo : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DcscriptionlAccount Amount 13592 113/2008 O00069 MERCIER, DAVID Auto Allowance MONTHLY AUTO: JAN 2008 400.00 Total : 400.00 13601 1/10/2048 001377 COMBS, LISA Nlileage MILEAGE IZEIMBURSEMENT 46.87 ' Total : 46.87 13656 1/10l2008 400060 DENENNY, RICHARD Cell Allowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13857 1110/2008 001009 GOTHMANfd, WILLIAiJi W. Cell Allowance 47FI QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 ' Total : 105.00 13658 1/1012008 000062 MUNSON, F2ICHARD Ce11 Allowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13659 111012048 000064 SCMIMMELS, GARY ' Cell Allowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13660 111 Q1200a 000063 YAYLOR, S7EVE Cell Allowance 4TH OTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 . , Totat : 105.00 13661 1110/2008 000061 WILHITE, DIANA Cell Allowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13662 1/10J2008 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DEC P.C. REIMBURSE PETTY CASH 40.08 Total : 40.06 13663 1J1012048 000686 DEPT OF LICENSINC 04444 . GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 28.00 Total: 28.00 , 13664 1l1012008 OOa686 DEPT OF LICEMSING 04439 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 13.00 Total : 13.00 13665 1/10/2008 000696 DEPT OF LICENSING 789228 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 28.00 Total : 28.00 13666 1/10f2008 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING 04440 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 28.00 ' Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13666 1/10f2008 000686 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING (Continued) Total : 28.00 13667 1110l2008 000686 DEPT OF LICEPlSING 04441 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 13.00 Total : 13.00 13668 1110/2008 000686 DEI'T OF UCENSING 04442 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 28.00 . ' Total : 28.00 13669 1110/2008 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING 04443 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIP7S 28.00 Total : 28.00 13670 1/10/2008 000686 DEPT OF LICENSING 773132 GENERAL LEDGER RECEIPTS 33.00 • Total : 33.00 13713 1/29/2008 001361 SPOKANE CO. DISTRICT COURT Filing Fees SMALL CLAIMS ACTION FILING FEE 145.00 . Tofa) : 145.00 13714 1129/2008 000098 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 08103 MUNICIPAL INSURANCE PREMIUAA: 187,048.00 Total : 187,048.00 13715 1/3012008 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC 01302008 FEB 2008 RENT 29,433.09 Total : 29,433.09 13717 1131/2008 000028 FARMERS & MERCHAMTS BANK 4567 CC: GRIFFITH 513.44 Total : 513.44 13750 214/20Q8 000778 GUEST SERVICES Meal Ticket MEAL TICKET: C BRANCH 94.85 ' Total : 94.85 13751 2/4/20U8 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE Feb Rent FEB RENT: 1L46 123•010 Total : 123.00 13752 2l5/20Q8 001324 A.S.E. KIDS, LLC Stretch-n-Grow STRETCH-N-GROW 248.00 ' Total : 248.00 13753 2/5120U8 000150 ALLIED FIRE ~ SECURI7Y IVC20076494 KEYSlCLIPS: CP 35.60 SVC349192 QUARTERLY BtLLING: JAN-MAR 111.00 Total : 146.60 • Paae: 2 . ~ - ~ 0 0 vchlist Voucher List Payo: 3 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apb2nk Voucher Oate Vendor Invoice RO # DcscriptionlAccount Amount 13754 2l512008 001081 ALSCO LSP034672 MATS: PRECINCT 13.28 LSI'0353869 MATS: PRECINCT ' 13.13 LSP0357727 IUlATS: CITY MALL 64.20 Total : 90.62 13755 2/5f2008 000335 ALTON'S 71RE INC. C-►-31259 OIL CHANGE: 40206D 39.48 , Total : 39.48 13756 2/5l2008 000674 APA 096840 MEMBERSHIP: BASINGER 319.00 • Total : 319.00 13757 2/5/2008 000444 ARCTIC UGFI7ING & ELECTRIC 8547 LIGHTS: PRECINCT - 621.74 Total : 621.74 13758 2/512008 000277 ASSOC. OF WA CITIES 2008 Senrice 1=ee 2008 ANNUAL SERVICE FEE 57,282.09. • Total : 57,282.09 13759 215l2008 000694 AVISTA UTILfTIES 14350A12742 AERIAL MAPPING 5,821.14 Total : 5,621.14 13760 215/2008 000841 BCI CREATtVE INC. . 8493 2YR DOMAIN REGISTRATION: CP 19.90 Total : 19.90 13761 2/5/2008 001565 BERRETH TMOMAS PRItdT1NG 24605 POSTCARDS: COMDEV 10724 - 24627 POSTCARDS: CD 552.77 Tctai : 660.01 13762 2/5f2008 001.409 BEST UNE PROF ANSER SVC 053101242008 JAId 06: ANSVIJERING SVC: CP 20.00 053112272007 DEC 07: ANSINERING SVC: CP 20.00 Total : 40.00 13763 2/5/2008 001595 CARPENTER, KAREN Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 268.75 Total : 268.75 13764 2/512008 001022 CARR SALES CO. S1012087.002 LIGHTS: PRECINCT 74.61 S1012680.001 UGHTS: CP 58.20 Total : 132.81 _ ' ' Page: 3 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 4 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokano Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #i Description/Account Amount 13765 2/5/2008 000101 CDW-G JBJ07U4 41933 IT SUPPLIES - CD ROMS 45.93 . JBR1467 41933 IT SUPPLIES - CD ROMS 37.02 JBX5160 41933 IT SUPPLIES - CD ROAAS 1,17822 Total : 1,261.17 . 13768 2/5/20Q8 001048 CITY PARCEL DEUVERY, INC. 120028 COURIER SERVICE 13.90 Total : 13.90 13767 215/2008 000646 CMRS-POC 05320424 REFILL POSTAGE AAETER 3,000.00 . Total : 3,000.00 13768 2l5J2008 000957 COBALT TRUCK EQUIPMENT SS21409 41923 TOMNiY LIMT GATG 2,508.66 Total: 2,508.66 13769 2/512008 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 56705 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 222.99 . 56710 COFFEE SERVICE: CfTY HALL 355.26 57265 ' COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 120.00 Total : 698.25 13770 2/5/2008 001137 COLLIER, BRANT Expenses REINiBURSEMEfdT WHILE AT TRAIP 20.50 Total: 20.50 13771 21512008 001148 COLUMBIA PAINT & COATINGS CO 827047lF PAINT SUPPL'IES: CP 180.89 . ' Total : 790.89 13772 21512008. 001198 CONGRESS F012 THE NEWV URBAIdISM Membership CNU MEMBERSHIP: S KUHTA 185.00 Total : 185.00 13773 215/2008 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 870166725801 JAN FLEET FUEL BILL 1,845.46 Tctal : 1,845.46 13774 215/2008 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC., INC. 25149 41936 . CHAIRS FOR IdEW HIRES 2,715.00 Total : 2,715.00 13775 2/5/2008 000035 C012PORATE EXPRESS 174896121001 41919 CORPORATE EXPRESS - ROXANNI 200.62 176331922-001 SUPPLIES: FINANCE 40.62 176812819001 41944 CORPORATE;EXPRESS 143.86 . , . Paqe: 4 , . r i . . . ~ . vchlist VouCher List . Page: 5 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13775 2/5/2008 000035 000035 CORPORATE QCPRESS (Continued) _ Total : 385.10 ' 13776 2I512008 001594 CROCKER, JAMIE Reiund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 112.00 Total : 112.00 13777 2/512008 000123 D/11LY JOURNAL 0F COMMERCE 3199304 CL/1SSIFIED ADS: PW 259.00 Total : 259.00 13778 215l2008 000537 DAVID EVANS AMD ASSOCIATES, IN 240952 SPKV0000-0011 SHORT/LONG PLA' 8,980.00 Total : 8,960.00 13779 21512008 001194 DEP7 OF ECOLOGY 200&WAR046507 2008 STORMWA7ER PERMIT FEES 9,669.59 ' Total : 9,669.58 13780 2/5/2008 000912 DEX MEDIA WCST 200353924 ONGOING ADWERTISING: CP 218.85 Total : 218.85 13781 2/512008 001593 DIREC7 MAIL ENT INC 024784 PF2ESORT POSTCARDS: CD 500.05 Total : 500.05 13782 2/512406 000987 EC01./1B 4611561 SUPPLICS: CP 32,93 • 4701036 JANfTORIAL SUPPLIES; CP 128.06 ' Total : 160.99 13783 2/5f2008 000858 FOOD. EQUIPMENT INTL, INC. 5947 41922 STAINLESS STEEL WATER PITCHE 1,177.38 , Tohl : 1,177.38 13784 • 215J2008 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 2959 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 163.20 29879 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 84.15 29880 ' LEGAL AD: PLANNING 77.35 29881 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 9520 29896 LEGAL AD: PUBLIC WOF2KS 15$.40 29900 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 . 29901 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 69.70 . 29902 ' LEGAL AD: PLANNING 68.00 29925 LEGALAD: PLANNING 28.75 29926 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 25.00 29927 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 93.50 Page: 5 vchlist . VoUChe1' List Page: 6 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank code : 2pb2nk , Voucher Date Vendor Invoico PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13784 2/5f2008 001447 FREE PRESS PUC3USHING INC (Continued) 29928 - LEGAL AD: PLANNING - 55.25 . 29929 LEGALl1D: PLAPJPJIfdG 92.65 • 298G0 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 85.60 29962 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 25.00 29963 LECAL AD: PLANNING 5525 29954 IEGAL AD: CIIY CLERK 25.00 Totai : 1,208.00 13785 2/5J2008 000839 GENERAL FIRE EQUIP. CO. 0088570 SERVICE CALL: CP 101.27 Total : 101.27 13786 2/5l2008 001592 GILBRETH, BECKY Reimbursement REIMBURSED FOR SUPPLIES: CP 21.68. ' Total : 21.68 13787 2/5/2008 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL A1042 JAN 2008: LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,299.20 , Total : 2,299.20 13788 2/512008 000011 GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY 107200 2008 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 300.00 ' Total : 300.00 13789 2/5/2008 000505 H& H FINAPICIAL SERWICES INC. 1735 . LEASE PMT: 2045 233.49 1736 . LEASE PMT: 2238C 307.34 1737 LEASE PMT: 2060 412.68 Total : 953.51 13790 2l5/2008 000222 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. 2564 ANNUAL PLAN FEE 125.00 Total : 125.00 13791 2/5/2008 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 55696 PHOTO ID: R BUDANO 23.89 55697 PHOTO ID: F SCOTT ' 23.89 55700 • PWOTO ID: D POWELL 23.89 55715 PHOTO ID: K STANEK 23.89 55716 PHOTO ID: R HAMMOND 23.89 Total : 119.45 13792 2/5/2008 Od0401 INIAND NW CHAPTER OF ICC Membership 2008 ICC MEMBERSHIP DUES 125.00 aa~e: 6 • vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley , Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoico PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13792 2/512oQ8 000401 000401 INLAND MW CHAPTER OF ICC (Continued) ' • Total : 125.00 13793 2/5/2008 000288 INTL CODE COUNCIL 0624566-IN 06 IBC COMMENTARY SET 165.23 Total : 165.23 13794 2/5J2008 000979 IRS ENWIRONMErITAL RW-2744 SOIL SAMI'LE: 1405 N LOIdG ST 162.90 Tot31 : 162.90 • 13795 2/5/2008 000386 IRVIPI WATER DIST. #6 112500.0 ' UTILITIES: 13504 E MIRABEAU PKY 200.86 112500.0 UTILITIES: 13504 E M112Al3EAU PKY 184.43 Total : 385.29 13798 21512008 000012 JOURHAL OF BUSINESS• INC. INV002302079 - LEGAL AD: PW 280.00 ' INV002303502 CLASSIFIED AD: PW 280.00 • Total : 560.00 13797 2/512008 001596 KSPS PUBIIC TELEVISION Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 115.00 Total : 115.00 13798 2/5/2008 000472 LAWTON PRINTING 21977 2008 BUDGET PRINTING 1,835.88 Total : 1,835.88 13799 2/5J2008 000069 MERCIER, DAV1D 1=EB 08 AU70 ALLOWANCE: FEB 2008 400_00 Total : 400.00 13800 2/5/2008 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 58765 41927 BLANKEf PO FOR MISC SM TOOLE 95_57 Total : 95.57 13801 2I5f2008 000435 NCW CHAPTER OF ICC Registration - 11TH ANNUAL BLDG OFFICIALS 295.00 Total: 295.00 13842 2/5/2008 000344 NFPA 2512140 PJVEMBERSHIP: MK MARTIN 150.00 Total : 150.00 13803 2!512008 000193 NORTMWEST CWRISTIAN SChI00L INC Feb REnt Ste 304 FEB 2008 RENT: SUITE 304 6,175.00 • Total : 6,175.00 13804 2/5/20U8 001322 NW IMAGES 41251 PHOTO: ROSE OENIPSEY 88.75 41257 PHOTO: RICH MUNSON • 86.75 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List • Page: 8 02105/2008 11:04:40QM Spokane Valley , Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #1 • DescriptionlAccount Amount 13804 21512008 001322 001322 NW IMAGES (Continued) Total : 173.5U 13805 2/512008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 413832601-001 . CALENDARS: FINANCE 25.78 • 414257492-001 41920 OFFICE DEPOT 7.24 415078835-0U1 . FLEEf AUTO MILEl1GE LOG - 31.69 - 415357296-001 DESiC TRAY: MAYOR 38.90 415729824-001 PRINTER: CP 119.78 415729984001 PRINTER CARTRIDGES: CP 120.92 416181877-001 41935 OFFICE DEPOT 968_26 41935 Total : 1,312.57 13806 215/2008 001589 PARADIGM 0-93292 d1DVERTISING: AIRLINE MAGS 5,060.00 Total : 5,060.00 13807 215/2008 001591 PHILLIPS, SWERM Reimbursement PING PONG NET 14.65 Total : 14.65 13808 215/2008 000119 PIP PRIPITING INC. 1330040215 NOTE PADS W/ LOGO 106.95 Total : 106.95 13809 215/2008 OOD494 PF20 PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 27.798 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 896.64 27.920 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 678.58 28.048 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 989.51 . Total: 2,564.71 13810 2/5l2008 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 20640 LOGOS FOR WEHICLES 273.45 20681 ' LOGOS FOR VEHICLCS ' 54.30 Total : 327.75 13811 215/2008 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787 51113 PHONES: MIRABEAU MEADOWS -0.08 ' 549-922-7091 0608 PHONE: MISSION POOL 97.01 549-924-4707 740B PMONES: TERRACE VIEW POOL 97.12 569-926-1840 1948 PHONES: PARK RD POOL 194.13 Total : 388.18 13812 215l20U8 000675 RAMAX PRINTING & AWARDS 16138 NAME PLATES: COUNCIL CHAMBE 100.45 PaaP: 8 - - vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank codc: apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO t# QescriptionlAccount Amount 13812 2/5/2008 000675 000675 RAMAX PRINTING 8 AWARDS (Continued) Total : 100.45 13813 2/5/2008 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 2958433 SfdOW REAAOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 195.48 • 2958435 SNOW REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 195.48 • 2969494 • SP10W REMOVAL: 12710 E SPRAGI 97.74 Total : 488.70 13814 2/5f2008 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30414429 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 58.94 30417839 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 320.48 30417840 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PRECIfdC7 929.62 . 30417841 JANITOf21AL SUPPLIES: CP 181.58 30417842 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 335.16 30417843 • JANfTORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 56.75 34418155 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 256.48 30418322 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PRECINCT -320.48 • Total : 1,858.53 13815 21512008 001140 SPECIAL ASPHALT PRODUC7S INVC041287 41929 COLD MIX FOR POTHOLES 3,518.64 • Total : 3,518.64 13816 2/512a08 000230 SPOKANC CO. AUDITORS OFFICE, REC( 0005558 RECORDINGlFILING FEES 98.47 0005729 RECORDING/FILING FEES 135.00 • 0006100 RECORDINGlFIUNG FEES 94.00 Od07193.1 RGCORDING/FILING FEES 274.00 0007476 RECORDINGlFILING FEES 250.00 • 0007707 RECORDIPIGJFILING FEES . 137.00 Total : 988.47 13617 2l5J2008 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER Jan 08 JAN 2008 SERVICES 1,356,679.23 • • Total : 1,356,679.23 13818 2/5/2006 000323 SPOKANE CO. U7ILITIES 015364/0£5364 UTILITIES: 13525 E 24TM AVE 225.72 0166311066631 UTIUTIGS: 1901 N SULLIVAN RD 37.28 017022/067022 UTILITIES: 105 N BALFOUR RO 106.04 0244331074433 UTILITIES: 906 N PARK RD 121.80 0271291077129 U7ILITIES: 12710 E SPRAGUE 57.34 0316081081608 U7ILITIES: 11423 E-MISSION 315.83 0343541108428 UTILITIGS: 606 S PARK Rf] 84.82 , Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: . 10 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank , Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Qescr4ptionlQccount Amount 13818 215/2008 000323 SPOKANE C0. UTILITIES (Continued) 037059/109325 UTILITIES: 13504 E MIRABEAU PKV 75.22 • 042903N 15953 UTILITIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY PL 862.11 Total : 1,886.16 13818 215/2008 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Tota I : 50.00 13820 2/5/2008 000311 SPRIN7 SPECTRUNi, L.P. 0602678198-7 WAP FOR LAPTOPS 533.14 Total : 533.14 13821 215120U8 000202 SRCAA 4432 1ST Q7R 2008 ASSESSMENT FEE 29,36725 Total : 29,367.25 13822 2/5J2008 _000273 SRTC 12312007 2008 REMIT REVENUE 19,300.00 ' Total : 19,300.00 13823 2/512008 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3095829276 OFFICE SUPPUES: BLDC 181.36 Total : 181.36 13824 2/5J2008 000419 SUN9MIT lAW GROUP 36338 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ADVICE 322.00 Total : 322.00 13825 2I5J2008 000676 THOMSOPI WEST 815187319 DEC LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 494.64 ' • Total : 494.64 13826 2I5J2008 001464 71ME WARNCR 1'ELECOM 01977121 CENTERPLACE INTERNET 894.83 Total : 894.83 13827 2/5/2008 001024 UNITED RENTALS, INC. 65403815-002 41931 CREDfT MEMO -76.53 65403815-003 41931 CREDfT MEMO -61.48 65751274-001 41931 [3LANKET PO FOR MISC SM TOOL: 71.65 70981909-001 41931 BLANKET PO FOR MISC SAA TOOLE 1,627.92 70994499-001 41931 BLANKE7 PO FOR MISC SAA TOOLE 173.74 71272078-001 41931 BLAPIKE7 PO FOR MISC SM TOOLcl 23.80 , Total : 1,758.10 13828 215/2008 000337 UPS 000073F850038 SHIPPING: CP 15.51 , . . Page: 10 vchlist VouCher Llst . Page: 11 0210512008 11:04:40AM ' Spokane Valley Bank codo : apbank Vouchcr Datc Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amourrt 13828 2/512008 000337 000337 UPS (Continued) Total: 15.51 13829 215J2008 000167 VERA WA7ER & POW1lER 0010-003488.01 UTILITIES: SPRAGUE/SULLNAN 112.32 0011-010826.01 UTILITI ES: 39.95 0012-004137.02 UTILITIES: 65.12 0013-032589.01 ' UTILI'f`IES:8/EVERGREEPV 45.01 0014004275.01 UTILITIES: SALTESE/MCDOIdALD 25.06 0014032971.00 UTILITI ES: 161EVERGREEN 23.87 0016.007780.00 UTILITIES: TERRACE VIEW POOL 22.98 - 0030-031942.01 UTILITIES: 53.71 , Total : 388.02 13830 215/2008 001590 WA STATE COURT OF APPEALS 7339 PRINTINGlBINDING OF BRIEFS • 10.86 Total : 10.86 13831 2/5/2008 000100 WABO INC. Membership 20U8 AAEMBERSHIP: MK MARTIN 150.00 ' Winter Forum WINTER QUARTERLY FORUM 40.00 ' Total : 190.00 13832 2/512008 000038 WASTE MANAGEAAENT OF SPOKANE 0039286-2681-5 TRASH SERVICE: 2426 N DISCOVE 67.43 2073036-2681-7 TRASH SERVICE: 2426 N DISCOVE 316.48 Total : 383.91 13833 2/512008 000558 WCMA 2008 Membership 2008 MEMBERSHIP: MERCIER 170.00 Total : 170.00 13834 2/512008 000633 WCPDA ' Membership 2008 WCPDA MEMBERSHIP: MCCL 50.00 Total : 50.00 13835 2/5/2008 000255 WFOA 2732 2008 MEMBERSHIP: C GEORGE 50.00 Total : 50.00 13836 215/2008 OQU711 WMCA TREASURER Registration 38TH ANNUAL WMCA CONF: ACOS 425.00 Total : 425.00 13837 215/2008 000129 WRPA 08-113 REGISTRATION: PAPICH 275.00 ' • Tota I : 275.00 Page: 11 - vchlist VouCher Llst Page: 12 0210512008 11:04:40AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 13838 2/5/2008 000310 WSAMA 80887 , 2008 MEMBERSHIPS 40.00 Total : 40.00 13839 215J2008 000706 WSAPT TREASURER Membership 2008 WSAPT MEMBERSHIP DUES: 35.00 Membership 2008 WSAPT MEMBERSHIP DUES: 35.00 Membership 2008 WSAPT MEMBERSHIP DUES: 35.00 Total : 105.00 13840 2/512008 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 0220618743 INTERNEl7DATA UNES 1,616.70 Total : 1,616.70 13841 215J2008 001074 ZEE MEDICAL 161242897 1 ST AID KIT SUPPUES 567.36 Total : 567.36 113 Vouchers for bank code : 2pbank . Bank total : 1,786,496.38 113 Vouchers in this repart Total vouchers : 1,765,496.36 I, the undersigned, do oertify under ponaity of pery'ury, that the materials have been fumished, the servicos , rendered, or the labor performed as described herein ' and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and oertify to said clafm. Finance Director Date P e: 12 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' 'Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 02-12-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appty: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending January 31, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 194,565.71 BeneFits: $ ].Q9,792.30 TOTAL PAYROLL:$ 304,358.01 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTAC H M E NTS . CITY Ol+ SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date't 02-12-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appty: ~ consent ❑ old business x new business ❑ public hearing • ❑ informarion ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGF\'DA ITENT TITLF : Confirmation of Cominittee Members from Cable Advisory Committee GOVF,.R!\'7~i1G I:EGISLATTON: PREVIOCJS COUNCIL ACTTON TA.KFN: RACKG1tOUVD: Mr. Langford has been unable to attend cable advisnry committee meetings. Mr. Langford was appointed August 22, 2006, with a term endino 12-31-2008. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTTOIY OR MOTION: Ntovc to eonfirm the Mayor's intent effective immedialely, to remove Darryl Langford from the Cable Advisory Committee due to lack committee meeting attendance.. BUDGEI"/FTNANCIAL nWAC'I'S: STAFF CON1 ACT: ATTACHMEi NTS ' . ; D.aj~r M7.~YUTES CITX OF SPOKANE VALLEY C1TY COUNCIL STUAY SFSSION Tuesday, JAnuary 15, 2008 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed cveryone to the meeting. Preserit: Councilmembers: Staff: Rich Munson, Mayoe Mike Jackson, AepuCy City Manager i7ick Denenny, DepuCy Mayor Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Kathy \tlcClung, Community Development Dir. Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken 1`hompson, rinance Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Steve Taylor, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Diana Wilhite, Couneilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Airector Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Infornlation Officer Grcg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris 13ainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Munson asked City Clerk Bainbridge to call the roll. Ms. Bainbridge callett the roll, and all Councilmembers were present. ' Arew Emplovee Lztroductions: Ctirol Carler introduced Brantlorr Neivbill, CenterP/uce Aditririistrative ilssistant; arrd Steve YYorley introduced Darla A.rnoltl, Adrninrstrative Assislunl far tlie Cfl' Progrun:; Randy Budunq Engineer CIP Technician, and Krysta! Stanel; Assistant CIP Engineer. Council greeted atid welcarned the new en:playees Mayor Munson thanked fonner vlayor Diana Wilhite for her hard work, and prescnted her with aplaque whieh reads: "Mayor iaiana VVilhite. The first lacly of Spokane Valley. She served with grace, style and dedication." . 1. Panhandling_ Cary Driskell Deputy City Flttorney Driskell exp(ained tliat this issue has been discussecl several times in the past parciculariy where it concerned sggressive begging; that more recently Couttcil requested researclt on the effectiveness of public awareness campaigns io other cities, aiid wantetl an analysis of the legality of a licensing or permitting approach. Mr. Driskell briefly exPlained his January 15, 200$ Memorandum and pninted out other eities' practices in dealing with paiiha»dling, thaC snme cities have a downto-vvn core or . speeifc area where regulations apply, thereby making administration of policies somewbat easier dian trying to regulate the entire city; and he added that some cities focus on the "root" problem, e.g. substance abuse, rather than a perceived homeless problcm. Deputy vfayor Denenny sCated that he feels education acid signage can mal:e a difference; that our focus shoula be on abating traffic cooditinns at interseclions, or people standing along streets, and that there are specific areas which would see a significant reduction in tihe amount of panhandling should cdueaHnn and signage be i.nstigated; and that people have a natural tendency to help so if wre educate them Chat giving money is not helping, we stop the giving and tlle panhandling will stop. Councilnrember Gothmtrs:n stated . • that newly elected Plcnrning Cannussion Chair lun Robertsan irrdicated a, willingness !o work as part of ` - cm ad hoe commitlee to develop an edtrcation systenz. Alayor Munson also mentionecl he tiwould like !o see cm ad hoc commitlee of hvo cotincibnenrbers, some representation fr~om the faith communiry and olher Study $ession A4eeting tviinutes: I-15-08 Page 1 of 6 Approved by CounciL• Drnft organizations, to provide this education; that the City of Spokane rand Liberty Lake huve prograirzs, yet . nothing is being coortlinated in the arEa; and witlt couneil per»rtssian, he'd like to autharize fornting an : ad 6ioc commitlee lo `;flush out this tusk" with the primary job to coordinate all progranrs, !o ntake . contact with others to see how other cities junulle this situation„ and to set up a regional coordination effvrt. Mayor M:nzsan said he ►vill put tugether some names and have specifrc tasks for thrs committee; that it shoulcl consist of frve or six people; rnid that we slrould publicize the desire for community vahmteers. Deputy City Attorney Driskell then briefed Council on the possibility of the City adopting a licensing approach and of charging people a panhandling licensing fee; he said that such approach must be done carefully as we cannot impose an undue financial hardship and it cannot be a long licensing process as it cou(d be perceived as an infringement on protected speech; and he saicl he is only aware of a few places that have panhandling licensi.ng requirements, and that the Cincinnati ordinance was challenged; that he is very apprehensive on moving fonvard on this; and suggests we exhaust other remedies before considering a licensi.ng approach. . Councilmember Taylor said he would like to approach this more as a traffic safety issue; that people are not supposed to receive anything from someone in a vehicle on the road, and that any conlact with a vehicle on the mad is a poteriUal hazard; that this should be addressed and perhaps the person giving the moncy eould be ticketed as well as the one reeeiving the donation. Mr. Driskell said staff wrould need to work with the police to identify the scopc of the program from a traffic impact standpoint and show a safeCy issuc; and that data would have to be collected regarding the history of accidents while people are accepting money. In response to inquiry from iMayor Munsan, Police Cliief VanLeuven said that officers are briefed on watching for aggressive panhandling; that they receive numerous calls from businesses and citizens complaining about patiliandling, or trespassi.ng andlar obstructing traffic, and such is ineluded in his monthly report. Mr. Driskell said that any enfoecement of this issue must be done unifortnly, and activities such as the Fire llepartment's "fill the boot" would not be permitted to be in traffic, but they- could be directed to have such fundraisers in private parking lots. Councilmember 1'aylor said he feels the "fill the boot" activities are obstructing traffic and causing hazards. Mayor vIunson said that the licensing or registering of businesses is an cffort to identify busi.ness to make sure they are i.n the correct 'r,one,-that a criminal records check is performed, and that die license could be free but the process would ' give us an opportunity to check out the pan.handlers, which woulcl be beneficial for public safery; and dhat he 3g•ees to st:irt with a less intrusive aspece, ancl iF this problem can't bc solved, it will need furthcr " eraminfltion. Mayor Munson then recognized and welcomed the Boy Scouts of Troop 405. 2. Dangerous Taog Ordinance - Carv lariskell Deputy City Attomey Driskell explained that in January Council adoptecl new procedures for handling appeals oF administrative deternlinations resarding dangerous dogs and potentially dangerous dogs; and in December of last year, a Spokane County Superior Court judge issued a ruling on a City of Spokane dangerous dog case that causcd us arid Spokane County to examine our eode provisions regarding providi.ng sufficient due process and clearly stadng the rights of someone appealing-, and who would have the burden of proof to establish that an administrativc determination was conect; and that there may be room to challenge our provisions in this regard, and as such, he suggests amending our ordinance as shown in the red-line version. Mr. Driskell said this tvould bring our code into direct compliance and clearly state that !1r►i.mal Control has the burden of proof, and that the peeson appealing has the right to sec all records. Mr. Driskcll said Council can suggest further changes, or suggest we nnt change it, or wlien we come to that first reading of the ordinance, suspend the rules and approve, or proceed with the usual two readings. Counci) concurred to bring this forward for the usual two readings. Study Scssion Meeting kMinutes: 1-15-08 . Page 2 of 6 Approvcd by CounciL• . Drafl . • 3. Senske Parks Maintenance Contraet Renewnl - Viike Jackson Deputy City Managee Jackson erplainetl that this is a renewal of a full serviee eoneract, that Senske posts shelter reservations, monitors the shelters use, assists with the removal of graffiti, and prepares all the facilieies for the reserved use; that we are just entering our fourth year of contracting, and as in 2007, tliey are requesting a 2% increase. Several councilmembcrs remarked on the great job Senske has done in taking care of the parks; and it was Council consensus to place dlis item on the ncxt consent agenda for approval consideration. 4. Valley Mission Senior Center Updale - IVfike .lackson/Steve Worlev Senior Engineer Worley showed the slides depicting the cieterioration of the Valley Vlission Senior Center; azid ot' the subcansultant who performecl some geotechnical work and testing, and of the recommendatinn to demolish the building. Mr. Jackson added that they have not had discussions yet with the Fire Department to use the building as an optional practicc session, but will have tllose discussions; and that these figures are only estimates as there have not been any actual bids. It was Council,consensus to place this item on the next consent agenda for approval consideration. ]aeputy Mayor 17enenny suggestecl form.ing a park committee, and that issues sueh as wIiat to do with this land, would be something for that coinmittee to consider. Mayor•Munson cautioned that it is important how we structure such a committee, as lhey want an advisory committee only, and stated that he would rely on Mr. Jackson and our legal department to put this committee together. Co.uncilmember Gothmann said hc feels this would be a good kick-offto get such an advisory committee started, and lleputy Mayor Deiienny mentioned it is a gond way to i.nvolve people in the decision making process. Mr. Jackson remarked that chese commictees arc vcry common in many cities, that they are generally structured aceording to An ordinance, that councils select the members, and lhat the committee generally meets once or twice a month, with the Parks Director working with that Committee's chair to oet items for the committee's discussion. vlr. Jackson said tliat staff can put together some general inforrnation to provide to CaunciL There was also mcntion of the recommendation within the Master Plan for such a committee. Il was council consensus to have the information referred co abovc by Mr. Jackson, placed on an upc.oming agenda as an "information only" iteni. . . 5. "AAA. Sweeping" Contract Rennewal - Neil Kersten Publ~ic Works Director Kersten eaplained that the AAA Street Sweeping Contract was approved for one year with seven, one-year renewal options; And that he recommends the contract be renewed as this company has worked well in providing this service; and he also recommencls awarding the 3% as outlined in the accompanying letter as rising fiiel coscs for these larger equipments would justify such a request. It was Council consensus to place this item on the next Council's consent agenda for approval consideration. 6. Comprehensive Plan Amendinents QuFU-terly Update - Greg McCormick Planning Manager McCormick explained about the time frame set up in the current Uniform Development_ Code, and of placing November 1 as the due date for any appLicat:ions to amend the comprehensive plan; that they received eighl privately initiated requests all related to the map, and diat . staff is in the process of going through those; and that staff has identified some text amendments, the • majority of -,vfiich are to update data in the tables within Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9. Mr. McConnick said that the plan is to move these through to the Planning Commission as soon as there is an opening in their schedule, which is likely to occur in March or April, then come to the Council in May with an anticipated June adoption date. Councilmember Taylor asked about the procedure for Council directed text amendments and when to bring those forward. Mr. McCormick explained that stafl' initialed amendments are processed accordiiig • . to SEpA compliance, and that it might be awkward to eonsider additional amendments at diis point; that Study Session Meeting ]vqinutes: 1-15-08 Page 3 of 6 Approvtcl by Couneil: s I DJ'aft he would hve #o cl}eck with our IeQal department as any change to the Plan needs to go to SEPA; and , that anytli ing that comes up now will go on the 2 009 docket. Councjlmernber `i'aylor said t,hat #here needs to be a discussian af when does Cotmcil came forwafd wich initiatec3 changes, and Mr. Jackson Xcsponded that one of the intcnts of thesc quarterly meotings is to grve CorrErnunity Development opportuility to gathcr input, but that the window of opportunity has clased for 2008 amendnients, and Council can now provide input toniglrt or in #he fu#ure for amendments #o be considered in the 2009 cycle. Mayor Munson remarked that he would have apprmiated having pmviously knoum of thc~ Novembcr 1 deadline as Council was not awaxe, lM.r. McCormick rern in ded Council that as mentiorted in the Com preh ensive P1an, we are limited by Iaw [o chartges anly once a year; bat r.Yiat does not apply to the Uniform Dovclopinent Cod~ which can bc amendO at aiyy time and mo~re than once ayear_ iVir. Jackson said that tfie intent lienceforth is for Comp T'lan changes #v occur in June. CauncilFnember Taylor sx►id he would like to talk UO STaff 0ff-l'ii3C aS hC fCCiS t115 1S [lOt #CCCpt&blE.`r &S CO1111C1l k1a5 flOW rT11SSc~d thC dC#4dlIRe fOC ail e~nttre . ycar, and that it is dif.f'~cult for hiin to a.ccept that t}5ere is no way to have - that annual ri~view that was mksed_ 7, ~ity 5"` Yedr Anniversary - CaroIbejle Brdnch Public Information Officer Branc~h s#awd tha.e chjs information was presented lo Counci l- at last week's 'rneeting, and Council desired to conduct further discussion; and diat she is open to questions and direction. There ensued discussion amona Counciimembers concerning events leading up to the NUtrch 31, 200$ g`n Year Anniversary; of the po5sibili#y of asking #he Chamber for their assistatycc to get tbe word out to their members so they c= paAicipate in this process; that time is a large concern for this year's evont; that pcrhaps so=thing could bo included tn conjunction witit Valleyfest; a"message of the week" was cansidered; weekly events celebrating for a year ]eading up to the next ann iversary was also mentioned; farming a cammittee #o gossibly inciude Eldoiina Shaw and Fenny DeVleming; `°telling our s#ary°' with newsgapers clipping and archive information; and making this a community event. Council . ~ concurred due to i'he shortness oF time, xhxt they wouEd ask Ms. Branch #a develop a committee cancept, _ ; get people togefher, and tnoviz~ fonvard wittr thjs celebratian; adding that Councilrnembers sh ould ftej free I ta can#act IV1s.Branch if they have any ideas for the celebration_ . . Mayor Munsan called for a brief eecess at 7:20 p_m. and he reconvened the meeting at 7-30 p_in_ ~ S._WebcastlTel_evising_Council_meetin& - Counctlmcmbcr Ciothmann Courioilmcrnbcr ~'iothmarfn e?[plsincd ihat he atlended a confc;rence while in New OrEeans concerning con#emporary and emerging freads for local governuieot; and that iucluded haw tecli nolagy has, sliould or . could influencc ]ocal government, such ss hav ing a "virtual" town meetin g, on-line surveys, or web-based transmisstons; and that he feels we need to "mave iu#o the 21q" Century" and consider the why, who and what conceming webcasting_ Councilmember Gothmann pve exam ples_of what other ciEies brasdcast their council meetings, and sta#ed #hat by doing so, we would mee# the needs of thase who do not Iiave . computer access, and or wouI d be unable to physically attend mectings; and that by using the website, il' adds #o our #lexibility in reaching citizens. C.ouncilmember Csathmann mentioned #ha# there lias been sorne concern i n otlier jurisdictions of having people "grandstandinW' during the public commcnt seotion; butwe could always ]iave the option of not televising tli at section ofthe meeting, I Councilmember Gothmann rrientioned there would be specific Iiardware needed and of course, financial consideratians; but that he wauld le.ave those concerns ta a.dminiaratiQn. l]iscussEOn ensued regarding the cost of webcasting or televising cauncil meetings, especially for the start-up costs, including mention that there Fs no wa}r to review this issue without reviewing costs, Cuuncilmerrtber C'iothmann suggestcd a means to cast recavery might .include 20 ¢ #v 50~ sini ilar to what Comcast charges per home; artd stated that he feels this is samething adrninistration should determine, evaluate and report tu Cuuncil with infornation. an various kinds, types and costs. Courtcilmember Taylor men#ianed the otlier pressing needs such as a new Ctity HW1, ancl of the concern of plning a carnera in front of peogle who could make 5tudy Session MeecirgMinutes: 1-15-08 Page 4 aff Approvcd by Cauncil, Draft political statements, and suoh xk-ould change the working atmosphere; that at this point, the cc>,t is prohibitivc and that he is not sure he wants to place another cost on the ratepayers for cable. Councilmember Schimmels stated he feels this is not a priarity at this time, but is good to think about for the future. Councilmember (Jothmann countered that council is always seeking ways to get the message out, and the best method to do that would be television, followed in priority by w•ebcast. Councilmember Dempsey added that in this information age, cameras and microphones don't generally bother people, and that lhe public expects to be able to hear and see what their governmcnt is doing; and that she supports the need to explore this cost. Ma}'or Munson suggesteci, and there was Council consensus to leave this issuc tu the City Manager as a task to be filled or accomplished as time permits, including gathering inforniation on what it would cost for webcasting or having meetings televised, and report to Council later. Councilmernbcr Taylor added that he would like to see the cost difference between webcasting and television. Mayor Munson said that he spoke with scveral other local officials regarding the I-5 corridor, and positions the County wants us to take; that the County would like to know if we would support a County- wide Transportation Benefit District (TBD); and that how much to collect, and how to disburse those revenues would bc discussed later. Mayor ;viunson mentioned that Spokane City indicated a reluctant to have a Transportation Benefit District whereby all funds would be uscd for the North/South Freewa), thereby precluding the City to deal with othcr transportation projects; yet others feel this is a Fedcral highway and perhaps funding should come from the feds first; and that we realir,e the North/South Freeway does not compete with other federal highways with comparing cost or traffic volume, and we realize there are other freeways which have higher and greater needs. Councilmember Schimmels mentioned that the federal funding system has been flat for the last four or five years, that our "Bridging the Valley" had the best qualifications in the nation but we see the federal part diminished greatly. Councilmember Wilhite reported that she attended a meeting with Chris Marr regarding jurisdictions' conccrn for projects; and that Senator Marr and Governor Gregoire intimated that transportation funds arc in short supply and are based on need; and that there is a growing consensus from the legislature that communities must participate in funding; that there was discussion on whether we should contribute funds to the Narth South Corridor; and she added that the Spokane City Council and their Mayor don't agree on the direction to go. Councilmcmbcr Wilhite also mentioned that perhaps we should examine various funding ideas, and one such idea is a$20.00 additinnal fee for car tabs, or to add another V-0 to S3 0 to that and take it to the people for a vote, but erplain to the % oters h(-m, thc funds .vill be srcnt. Ueputy City Attorney Driskell outlined some of the issurs to cvnsicler, as per his memorandum of Januar)` 15, 2008; and he stated that he is working with the Association of VVashington Cities (AWC) on an analysis of the timing issue of the County or the City moving forward with a TBD; and if the issue were rTiulti jurisdictional, he feels an interlocal would be necessary to state the terms for each district. Ma} or Niunson asked if we agree to the Countywide district (multi jurisdictional) and it became apparent that was not working we(l for us, could we withdraw and form our own, and h4r. Driskell said he would have to research that, incduding what consequences may arise from such decision. Further discussion ineludecl bonding obligations; the need to know the benefits and drawbacks to having the County form the TBD; the need to resolve these issues prior to addressing the Notth South Freeway issue; that a TBD is a tool for local government's use and it should be thoroughly examined; that perhaps we should take care of our own projeets prior to considering a regional component; how to administer such a TBD whether regional or otherwisc; the question of keeping some needed funds for lacal jurisdictions and retain our autonom}; and that we may want the ability to form our own TBD. Study Sc,-sicn `lccting Minutcs: 1-15-03 Page 5 of 6 :lppro%e.1 by counc;l: Druft Mayor 4lunson said he would appreciate getting additional information next week about funding on our own; and that hc rccommends Council send a letter to be included as input on the County's January 22°a hearing, that we agree with a County-wide benefit district in principal, but we also want tu reserve the right to establish our own District; and that we will refrain fmm signing an interlocal until we know the outcome of the negotiations as we want to make sure our own interests are covered. Mr. Driskcll said dhat the January 18 deadline gives the County the first choice in deciding to do this or not, and if it appears wc want to form a TBD with $20 or less, we could use council manic bonds; or if the County «<ants to do a county-wide fcc on top of thc local fee, hc fccls it xvould have to go to a vote; but that this needs additional researcll. Futther diseussion included Councilmemher Tati lor remarking that the County is nut prepured tu adopt anything next week, but that they are putting on a hearing to obtain public reaction. There was Council consensus to inform the County that based on insufficient information, Spokane Valley kvill not rnake a decision at this point. 9. Advance Agenda - Ntayor N1un;on tilayor Munson said he would like to eonsider hm i~iki Nlr. l humpson di~)cuss lunding option. f'or thc nc\t Stucly SCSSion, .ind tci thcn _givc that tc) thc Financc (.~~~rnmiclcc rco;arcjin<: chc~iccs and recc~rn►t~cndati<~ns t~~ Council. 10. Council Check-in - Ntavor Munsai 11avnr Munson had no tiuilher iterns to di;cuss. 11. Deputv City Manager Comments - Mike_Jac}:son_ Mr. Jackson liad no furiher items to discuss. There being no fiirther husiness, the meeting adjOurned at 8: ±5 p,m. Richard Munson, Mayor ,a I"I'E:S'1': Chri,tine l3ainhridgc, Cih' CIerk 5*.udy ti:s;ioa N9:cting N9!nu?cs: 1- 15 . ri?i l'aac r) c, f r, Apprvvc;l bti lu-ancil DRA.Fi' IV1TNIJTES C ity of S pokane Valley CiCy Couiecil Regu lar Meetting ~ Y'ucsday, J'anuary 22, 2008 ~1{Iayor Miinson called #he meeting to arder at 6:00 p,m., and wclcorned cvoryon6 to thc ] 3lst meetiitg_ Atieridurace: Ciry S'tuff., Rich 1lrfunson,lvrayor Dave A'lercier, Cil~ Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Ma}ror Mikc Jacksan, Dcputy City Maiyager • Rose .Dempsey, Councilm ernber M3ke ConnelJy, Cify Attarney Bi11 Csot.h_mann, Councilmember Cary DriskeIl, I]eputy C ity A#omey. Csry,ry Sc:himmels, Councilmember Al~, il .Kcrstcn, -PubGr, NVorks Diroctor . Diana VJillii#e, Councilmember Kathy ]McC:lung, Community Develapment Dir. Ken Th ompson, i'inance 17irector Caralbelte $ranch,-PLLblic Information Offcer Ric~k VanLeuven, Polic~e Chief C hriq 13ainbridge; C ity C I erk TNVOCATrON: Pastor J"erry S ponselCer of Opportunity Baptist Church gave #1ie invocation_ PLED~~ OFA i,LEG.iA.NC.E: At Mayor Munson's reyuest, Councilmember Gothmann leci ihe Pledge, . R{7LL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; ail Councilmembers 'wore present except ~ Councilmember Taylor. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, seconded and unanrriiously agreed to _ excu,se Courrcrlmember Taylor from ton ight',s »teetirrg, APPRpVAL OF A.GEN.DA.: It was -inoved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, secorud~d rnid urrcminrously I agi•eed to approve the Ameraded Agerrda as ,submitfed. . .MT.ROD[FCTION OF SP~CUL GLTESTS A'D PRESENTMi'ATYO1V-S: nla . COMM'f 1-RE. ]36ARDA1_AISON SLTNII'lARI' REPORTS: . . SchimEnels; reminded everyone #o call City Plall for potltole problcros; said he made such a call and the probiem wa.s taken caro oF; 811d hC th8nked StaFF for their di ligence_ L7eputy Mavor Dcnenny_; qaid he aftended a Regiortal Hu lth District Execu#ive 'Nleeting snd thcy are 1) lann i n g for upcoming meetin9. . Catincilmember Dempsev= na repoet_ Counci lmember Gothinati n; reportcd that he atl+ended a Housing and Community Developmcnt Advisory . Committee meeting and mentione.d the variaus entities which were -Funded, su~,h as Rockwell $ewer Project for S [$5,000; that lte met wil'h l'he TatErism 1'romo#EOn geoup-where tb.e}° elected a new chair; that Che Weed and Seed Cammittee has been dissolved but that gt`oup is re-Cbnstituting another cammittee whicli wi1l be an advisory comm.zttee to the Spokane 'Va11ey Partners re¢arding activities in L'he Prakt Aleigh6orHood. -Councilmcm6er Wilhite; explained that during her tei p to Olytupia, she arid others met with delegations frottt the variotis disiricts, and lieads of various coinmi#tees; that there were approximateCy $0 people in $ftiendance, they rnet wifilS Democratic and Republication oaucus leaders.and rvith the Governor and disi~ussed thc NorthfSouth Freeway; that slie also atW-rided a farevvell For the Execufive Direc#or of the ~ MAC, and attcnded •an SR`I'C (Spokane Regional TransportatEOn Comrnission) A7eeting where C'ilenn - lviiles eeported he is interested in having the [egislation revised concerning- st-eet maintenance and - Cou0 d l Rcgu Car Meetinb; 0 1-22-0 5 . Page 1 af4 Apprvved by CounciL• ll1YAE'T properiy taxes, and that he'd like Co see fees, based on trip generations, and that will likely be discussed more in upcoming SRTC meetings; and shc mentioncd this City's Fi.nance Committee will be discussinD the pros and cons of that type of legislation. Councilmember Wilhite also distributed to Councilmernbers and Deputy Cily Manager Jackson a copy of a drawing of an enhyvvay she received from the Mayor of Liberty La1ce, and cxplained that Liberly Lake will be putting an entry sign on the Country-Vista Boulevard and they are inquiring if we would be interested in putt-ing our City's informationhvelcome on the other side of that sign. . MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reponed ehat he also received a copy af that Liberty Lake entryway drawing, and such was discussed'at the pre-agenda meeting where they asked Mr. Jackson to gather information on costs so that this issue could be placed on an upcoming agenda; he extended his thanks to Councilmember Wilhite for attending the Chainber's ineeting in Olympia; mentioned hc attended the SpokF►ne Transit Authority (STA) meeting where they approved a Memprandutn of Undersr,anding between STA and the SRTC; and Couneilmember Denenny acided that regarding the STA, they have allocated funds for purchascs of mpre hybrid buses. Mayor Munson also reported that rapid transit would be discussed this year as well. PUi3LIC CO r.<iV`'T'S: Mayor Munson invited public comments; no comments were offered. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items consiclered rouUne which are approvred as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers: ' VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCWER #s TOTAL VOUCHER AMOUNT 12-31-2007 13475-13573 $686,885.81 , 01-10-2008 13583-13655 $1,946,890.09 TOTAL CLf1INfS $2,633,775.90 b. Payroll for Pay 1'eriod Ending January 15, 2008: $202,275.20 e. Approval of "AAA Sweeping" Contract d. Approval of Senske Contract Renewal e. Approval of Demolition oF Valley Mission Senior Center Building , f. Approval of January 12, 2008 MinutES of Special iVleEting Council Retreat g. Appeoval of January 8, 2008 Minutes of Regular Cou.ncil Meeting It ►vas irioved by .Uepury Mayar .Iaeneniry, secorided and unanimously agreed to approve the Corrsent Agenda. NCW -BUSINESS: 2. First Reading Proposed Qrdinance No. 04-00 l, A.mcnding ]aangerous Dop, - Carv Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was n:oved by Councilnrember W113tite and . seconded, to suspend the rules und approve the ordinunce. Deputy City Atlorney Driskell eYplained that this ordinance clarifies our rcgulations that Animal Control has the burclen of praof to establish that the admi»istrative detenninatiori wa.s correct; and allows for sufficient due process of an appell3nt to review the evidence prior to the hearing. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no commcnts were offered. Yote by Acclamativn: In Favor: Uitanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: i`'one. iYfotion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Approva) Af I.,amar I easc - Cary Driskell Tt was moved by Councilmember Scliinrmels and seconde, to authorize the Ciry Manager or desigi:ee 10 sigrt the lease agreement as drafted. Deputy City Attorney Driskell e,cplained that at the last briefing session, Council authorized placing this issue on the Consent agenda, but that the agreement contained an . error in stating the yearly lease rental amount increase of 10% rather than by the correct 2%; and as such I Council Regular vleeting: 01-22-08 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: ' DRAFT this itcm is bcforc COuncil tc~night tt) niatc that diffcrcncc. 4iayor Munson inNitccl puhlic cortimcnt; n<i comments were offereil. l'ote by fcclamalionu ln H'iIvor: linanimvus. Oppn.se& ;Vone. :9bslenlinn.c :\TOne. Afotrai carrrecl. PUBLIC CObMiENTS N-layur r-funson invitcd gcneral public commcnts. Dick Iiehm, 3626 S Rideeview Drive: said that regarding the snowstorm this wcekcnd, he never saw a County plow truck in the early morning hours; that on Sunday he only saw one C'ounty plow truck; on Sunday aftemoon on University as he traveled to Rosauers, he slid throut;h an intersection and through a red light, and fortunately there were no accidents; that he spoke with Public Works Director Kersten who explained that the County operates on a volunteer basis on Sundays and holidays and that there were only there or four people working this weekend; and most of them were on the souih end of the County. Ltr. I3ehm said that he feels this is not what Council had in mind regarding plowing streets, and that this is not acceptable for this City; that the area was dangerous and many accidents occurred because of the situation. ADMINISTRATIVF. RF.PORTS: 4 Public Record Training - hlike Connelly/Chris BainbridQe City Attorncy Connclly cxplaincd some of the specifics regarding control of dcx;uments as it relates to Council, and that it is importajrt to understand that all "writings" are public documcnts, and that Council understands the definition of writing includes notes and e-mails, and that e-mails must be retained and archived when necessary, as we receive many public record requests for "any and all" documents, which could include e-mails located on Councilmember's computers. He also asked Council to take a few minutes to identify what records they have so we know what records exist when such requests arise; that a list of paper files is easy to «iake, but he suggests also having a list of electronic files, and he suggested Councilmembers meet with I'I' Specialist Bingaman to get archiving set up if that has not yet been accomplishcd. Aftcr going through the remainder of the Powerl'oint slides, Mr. Connelly said he recommends Council keep those e-mails sent and received, as requests are generally for e-mails within a specific time frame. City Clerk Bainbridge added that la.st year saw an increase ofover 100 requests from the prcvious year, and that all total, the requests amount to an average of seven every week; and that having lists makes it casicr to rctrieve ducuments. Finance Director Thompson explained there are four pressing financial needs: City Ilall construction estimated at $18 million; City Center improvements estimated at $10 million; street maintenance estimated at $2 million annually; and pavement management program to protect the city's capital investments estimated at $4 million annually. Mr. Thompson saici options include setting aside $800,000 annually to cover the cost of building a new city hall; a voter approved bond sale for city center improvements with an increase in property taxes to retire the bonds, a vehicle license fee of $20.00 annually to be used for strect maintcnance, and preparation of a funding plan to pay for the pavemcnt manabement program, or any combination of these or other options. Thc question of grants was brought up and Mr. Thompsan said thosc arc difficult to obtain and many require matching funds; thc idea of developer participation or leasing with an option t4 buy; and mention by Mr. "Thompsan that the biggest financial problem is the street fund and that there will be no funds left for street maintenance at the end of 2009; and said that the gas tax docsn't handle that, as we would need another $2 to $2.5 million annually; and that he feels a car tab might be the best approach to this problem as it would generate between $1.2 and $1.4 million annually. Mayor Munson asked about the City's ability to impose a gas tax and ('ih' Attorncy Ci>nnclly said he was not aware of that ability, but would research that yuestion. Further discussion inc:luded the $4 million shortfall in preserving our streets, and of the option to impose a utility taY or property tax or sell short term bonds; the mention by Mr. Thompson that a plan must be in place by July to offset most of these pressing needs; and that Ueputy R4ayor Denenny stated that the City Council Rcgular Mectine: 01-22-08 Pave 3 of4 Approved by Council: nxAF'r Center stands on its own, but the task at hand i; to place the argurnent for the streets to the public so thcy understand the situation and that we cannot allow our streets to deteriorate. Mayor Munson said thesc issues will be addressed at the Finance Committcc meeting as well. City Manager Mercier explained that in preparation for travel next week to Olympia for the Association of Washington Cities session, our lobbyist has been working to assemble appointments on Tuesday with a variety of legislators in our local delegation and those in a position to assist in our half-million dollar request for funds to develop the park acquired in the Greenacres neighborhood. Mr. Mercier said he intends to meet with I.surie Dolan of the Governor's office to gain coverage with elected ofificials on both side of aisles and cover the two branches of government. Mayor Munson added that it is anticipated Councilmembers will have an opportunity to meet with our lobbyist in Ulympia, and Mr. Mercier added that we are still waiting for a time allotmcnt for representative Ormsby, but that individual meetings will run consecutively beginning l'uesday morning. Deputy Mayor Dcnenny asked how the STA bill might imract us and whether we should inquire about changes in the Transportation Benefit District, that he received information forwarded from STA about pmposed changes dealing with tax issues and raising revenues for regional transportation agency; and Mayur Munson said he would send Mr. 1.tercicr and Council a copy of that information for their revie%ti,. INF012.IATi0iY ONLY: 'fhe crack sealing and department reports were for information only and were not discu:sed or reported. EXF:CLJTIVE SESSION: There was no executive session. There being no further business, it was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The mec[ing adjourned at 7: l R p.m. AI'TEST: Richard h-iunson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ouncil Re~ular Meetin~~: 01-22-08 Pagc 4 uf i :approwcd by Council: .Draft 17I~IUTFS CITY OF SPO1CAi\tE VALLEX `J CI1Y COUNCm STU1)Y SESSIpN . Tuesday, Februnry 5, 2008 Mayor Munson callcct the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., welcomed everyone to the meeting, ancf thamked those in the service industry such as garbage collection, mail service, police and Fre, and those N;qrking the snowplows to gei the streets so that they may be safely traveled. .Present: • CounciLnembers: Staff: Rich Munson, vlayor Dave iVlercier, Ciry Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Vl.i.ke Jackson, Deputy Cily Manager Rose ]7empsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney IIill Gothmann, Couilcilmcmber Kathy McClung, Communiry Development Dir. Gary Schimrncls, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Direetor , Stcve Taylor, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmernher ' Rick VanL.euven, Police Chief Steve Worley, SeniorEngineer Morgan Koudcllca, Administrative Analyst Ca.rolbelle Brancli, Public Infonnation Offieer Greg Bingaman, 1.T Specialist Chris 13ainbridge, City Clerk Netiv.Employee hrcroduction.r: O Deputy City Manager Jackson introduced Tammy Messing, new HR T'echnician; Engineer Worley introduced Craig A1dworth, Senior Engineer Project Manager in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP); City Attorney Connclly introduced Taiana Yowell, T.,cgal Intern; -and rinance 17irector Thompson introduced Terrina Marchajrt, A.eeountandBudget Analyst. Couneilmembers greeted and welcomed the new employees. Mayor iMunson recognized and welcomed County Commissioner Todd Mielke, and later Cornmissioner Mark Richard in attcndance at the meeting. 2007 Travel Dernand Vlodel Updakc - Glenn Mile.s anc3 Neil KerSten Nir. Milcs went through the PmverPoint presentation explaining t6at the purpose of the travel demand mode) is to examine the current and future travel demand, including exarnination of the entire roadway capacity, and to eaaminc intersection delays and how they affect the mocleL Mayor Munson asked for larger copies of the maps and projcct slides in order to better revicw the data, atid Mr. Miles said he would supply those. Discussion ensued inclucling intersection-based levels of servica vcrsus Mp time; - concurrency levels and how to izieasure the same; inention that the information has now been submittetl to the City's consuttant Glat[ing Jacksoia tvho will run scenarios with this model; and mention that people would likely not change tfieir traffic pattems until their desired roaclway reaches approximatety 18,000 cars daily. Council thankecl Mr. Miles for eoming to make this inforrnative presentation. 2. Cominunications InteroperabiliCy - Itick VanI.euven Police Chief VanLeuven began the presentation by introducing Fire Chicf Mike Thotnpson, County Commissioners Mark Richard and Todd Mielke, Sparling's Associate Information '1"echnologry FtF ConsultanC Spencer l3ahner, Spokane Police Department Planninb and Information Analysis Manager Bob Lincoln, and Spokane County Radio and Nectronie Cnordinator Ghuck Chisholm. Commissioner Mielke wcnC through scveral slides explaining thc challenges facinD the public safety communications systems in the Spokane Region, and as a result of the previously failed ballot issue, they realize citizens Study Session Meeting Minutcs: 2-05-08 Page I of 4 Appmved by Council: • Drnft - , want to know more, so they are working to providc that information. Chief VanLeuven explained about some of the shortcomings in the current system i.ncluding no funding for this FCC-mandatecl issue to have j conversion to narrow bands by the end of 2012, Chict' Thompson added that should they beain to make those changes now, it would take four nr more years to bring the system up to date. tllso mentioned was . that the current digital systcm is severely outdated as analog is going to be the reyuired system, that finding parts for such an old system is a challenge, and that the entire systern cost range is between S40 and $45 million ciollars; and that they feel the tie,st solution Nvould be the 1/10 of 1% sales tax ballot issue, with funds to bc usccl solely for emergency communication systems and facilities. Cornrnissioner Richard thanked Cnuncil for their suppArt of this mcasure last fall; mentioned that public safety is ahvays a top priority foe loaal govcrnments; that the last ballot issue only lost by a small percentage; and that he hopcs lhis project will happen with additional citizen understanding and support, alnng with added changes in this proposal to include a een-year sunset clause; that he a,.sks Council to have fiilure dialogue on this issue and/or hold a public hearina, and to give this issue whatever voice of support . , they can in terms nf getting the message out. City Attorney Connelly reminded everyone that tonight's agenda item is only to hear informaUon and/or clear up any questions; and that if Council desires, we can place this issue on a future agcnda to hear the pros and cons of the ballot measure. This preseiitation generated much discussion, such as how state laws including pending legislation interacts with inteeaperability; how these issues are funded in other states ancl communities; Lh1t 1IIIl05t all entities use same type of local fiinding; that there are some federal grant opportunities to "seed" this type of system but somc require matching funds or matching in-kincl Funds; the desire to not have . conPusing language on the ballot; dle idea of having only nne issue on the ballot rather than three (cri.me check, 911, and communications interoperability); the idea of building up 911 rather than re-introducing crime check; having one call ccnter to handle all calls whether eniergency or other; mentien of increasing ta.le,.s, either property or phone lines or other; that pcople were aceustnmed to using crime check and can ~ be re-trained; the value of crime reporting data; and whether thc plan will be put i.n place in phases. Mayor Nlunson mentioned that he would likc to see eYactly wfiat the money will be purchasing; what needs to occur first and how much it will cost, and of the idea of purehasing Frst only what is critical; and having aclditions later. VIr. Lincoln agreed that more detail is needed, and said that of the $40 to $45 million, only a small amount, perhnps $1 million annually would be needed for 911, and $1.5 million for crime check, with the remainder usecl for capital improvements. Corrirnissioner Richard stated that they will need.a committed source of revenue to bc able to bond against, and remincled everyone of the 2012 FCC deadline, which means the work needs to-be completed within five to seven years. Chief Williams also mentioiied the need for on-going system maintenaocc, and at the standard 1%, that would result in a neecfecl $400,000 just for mainteuancc; and lhat we also must take into consideration eyuipment life expectancy. Commissione'r Richard .stated that diey do not have funds tn have a complete engincEring analysis performed, but will get mvre figures to council showing the funding dctails of the system. City Manager Mercicr asked if ehere is an estimate of the amount of revenue to be raised if Voice Over Internel passes, and how would that affect his proposal. Chief Williams s.aid thc purpose of that . legislatioii is to address the loss in funding to 911 systems because of decreased land lines and increasecl cell phones, to aid in the anticipated gap in the regular 911 operations; but that he is uncertain if the 1/10 of 1% would pay for that, and that answer would require further research, and that the 911 Board has been advocating for that legislation. Mr. Mcrcier said that as only revenues associated with 911 would be affeetecl, it seems prudent to develop an cstimate if ehat measure passed, to try to allocate that to 911 to , see if it would alleviate the anticipatcd gap at least through the end of the sunset provision. NIr. Ivlereier added that he would appreciate seeing some pro-forma as to how any mcasure fhat woulcl ta.Y $7 or $8 million would be appropriated against a variety of purposes such as dhose describcd tonight, including crime check ancl fillin the 911 a. In addition Nir. vlercier said that concernin -~l ~ g P ~ g public .faciJitics finaneing and the "flow of funds analysis," it would be helpful to understanci how this would be Study Session Mccting Minutes: 2-05-08 Page 2 of 4 Approvcd by Council~ D.rlfi paid for; and askecl if we are comfortable moving forward on one measure wieh three parts; e.g. 911, crime check, and radio equipment, and if diat would satisfy the requirements of one item per ballot issue. Commissioner Richard replied that hc feels comfortable in that all three are widiin the frainework of emergency communications systEm, that nonE are stand-alone systems, but this is a fully integrated system. Mayor Munson said stafJ ►vill prenare u lisl of questiotrs und infurmcrtiori saisklit, and srrhmit that to tlie appropriule people as sovn ns possible. Commissioner Richard saicl he hopes questions eontinue to be asked, as he and others want to make sure everyone is comfortable with what thcy are proposing; and he asked Council to consider Moldi.ng a public hearing, and then sharing «+ith this Board, Couricil's desire on this measure. Mayar Munson called for a shprt recess at 7:57 p.m. anci reconvened the meeting at 8:07 p.m. ' 3. ContractQr Selection Outdoor Pools - AZil:e Jackson and Steve VVorlev Deputy City Manager Jackson explained that staff has been wroricing wit'h ORB to develop pool concept plans; dhat staff put out bids for ehe project, and that only one bid was rcceived last Friday, February and lhat bid was almASt $600,000 highcr than ORB's prnjecrions; and that staff would like to discuss possible alternatives. Engineer Worley added that i.n cliscussing this project, staffwas made aware that thc 150-day time periacl in lhe plan for completing dhe «<ork was felt by lhose in the industry to be too shoit . that the specifications callcd for the work to be peifonned during the seasori in which t.he pool would be open thus necessitating having the work area fenceci off; and that this area appears to have an enormous amount of pool work available. Mr. Worley said that staffi' recommencls we cancel dlis bid, which is allowed in the snecs, and re-bicl the project with changes mentioraed, and to also allow a longer period to complete the project. Mr. Worley said they are proposing having additions to each poo) schedulecl to begin after C.•abor Day this ycar, and have them work through the winfer and completecl prior lo the 2049 swimming season. '1'here was CQUncil consensus to move forward as described. ~ 4. 7oint Planning Area-Mike Connellv City Attorney Connelly briefly went over his February 5 Request for Council Action listing the history of this issue, and mentioncd tbat the e.Yhibits are on file widl the City Clerk sbould cnuncilmembers desire to ' examine those; diat we are trying to eYeeute a Joint Planning Agreement with the County on Turtle Creek and thcre will be a luncheon tomorrow to discuss that issue. Concerning the necessary steps to take to designate JPAs, Mr. Connelly said that cc>ncerninp the process of designating urban growtlt areas as JPA's that lias not occurred yet; as when the UllC was passed the UGAs werc not yet identifed; the next step is to identify those existing UGAs and that once the UGA identification is complete, they would became JI'As for our city, and tliat will occur some time durino this calencjar year and he will a,sl: Greg VicCormick and/or Scott ICuhta for that schedule. v1r. Connelly also mentioned that once we identify the UGAs as oiirs, the County has to accept that; but we don't havre specific dates for t:hat process; and we can enter into an agreement on Turtle Creek whene<<er the two entities desire. Mayor viunson asked that staff keep him posted as to the neYt step so that issue can be placed on an upcoming council agcnda. s Snow Qlowinp, and Budget - Neil and Ken (aclcled agenda item) . Public NVorks Director Kersten gave a brief PowerPoint presentation showing average snowfall during winCer 07-08, mentioned that we have had die fourth laighest amount of January snowfall in history; explaincd the current status of ttie city streets of gave an explanation of the current work plan; he mentioned future flooding concerns; and said that street repair and potholes are greater than nonnal. Mr. Kerscen also eanresscd thanks to Street Niaintenance Superintencfent Tim Klein, the City's receptionists and street maintenance inspectors, the County supervisors and crew, and the private contractors. Finance Director "!'hompson then esplained the financial sidc of this issue, showing the actual - expenditures for sanding, deicing, and snow removal for 2004, 2005, 2006; and 2007, with a total increased differenee from 2004 ta 2007 of over $400,000. Mr. Thompson said there was an error of Study Scssion Meeting Minutes: 2-05-08 Pagc 3 of 4 ApprUVed by Council: ' IDraji $387,000 betr,veen the 2008 budget submittal, and wbat was approvecl; that the budget should have been _ for $1,401,466, but was formally adopted as $1,014,466. Mr. Thompson said he is uncertain how that occun€d, bur the queslion now is how to pay For that and he suggested looking lo the screet fund; altliough M.r. Thompson also mentioned there could be a few hundred thousand dollars in savings in the 5ummer, and in closing the books for 2007, he feels comfortable there will be some leftover funds which cnuld be used for additional snow removal, or plaeed back in the reserves. Afi:er ciiseussion of the buclget issues, Mr. Mercier explained that the object is to avoid a deficit this year, even with the financial challenges of the street fund; that the conditions of the streets tonight are a consequence of natural elements, that our intent is to stay with Council's prioritizacion of snow removal; and that there are enoug areas with an "under-cxpenditure" to offset khis overage. DEputy iManager Denenny mentioned having a line-item of snow removal in future budgets; and VIr. Mercier said that option is available. It was moved by Cotrrrcilmen:ber Cofhmanrl, seconded cmd unaninrously agreed to extend the meetirrg to ! 0: 00 p. »t. - 5. Advance Agenda - vlayor Munson Mayor Munson mentioned there will be an open house at the Fire Department tomorrow; as well as the Chamber's annual economic Forecast, ancf the February 19 joint meeCing wiCh the Planning Commission - as we hear more'fran Michael .Freedman. City Managcr Mcrcier asked Councilmcmbers to consider a preferred meeting date for the summer retreat, and it was determined that the retreat will be held Saturciay, June 14 at Deputy Mayor Denenny's cabin. Mr. Mereier aclcieci that the Spokane Regional Council of Governments meeting will be held T'riday February 22, and that regsrding phase 2 of the CT'ED collaboration grant, individuals from Clark Coimty will be in town tnmorrow to work with the area group of elected/appointed officials regarding joint planning. 6. Information Only: The iterns of Fconomic Development Dialogue, Spokane County I ibrary District 2007 4"' Quarter Report, Street Acceptance, and Letters of Support were for information only and were - not discussed. Mayor Munson said unless Coimcilmembers have questions concerning the letter of suppert, thal item will be placed on the next Council's consent agenda. 7 Council Check-in - Ma}+nr Munson: no further comments. 8. City Manager Comments - I)ave Mercier Mr. Mereier saicl there has been some ongoing research on funcfing options to launeh a city center, including some technical research, and that a memo will be coming to Council soon to explain what the stahitES provicte for fiinding options. 9. Exeeutive Session: Lanct Acquisition and Penclin Liti ation i1a'ayor jYhunson inoved tn adjourn into Fxecutive Ser,sion for la.nd acquisitinn and pending litrgation, for an hour, arzd that no actior2 will be 1ak.en lhereafter. Council adjourned intn Executive Session at 8:52 p.m. Mayor \!Iunson declared Council out of Executive Session at 9:56 p.111. It ivas moved by Councilnrember Wil6tite, secorrded and unanirnotisly agreed to adjo:irn. The meeting adjounied at 9:57 p.Rl. . ATTEST: Richard Nlunson, Mayor Christine Bainbridgc, City Clerk . .J Study Session N4aeting Minutes: 2-05-08 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Couneil: S`FMff °F ~a.ne . ~ .O ;0OValley~ . 11707 E Sprague Ave Sui[e 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallE?spokanevalley.org February 13, 2008 . Mr. LeRoy Debes USDA Rural Development 8815 E Mission , Spokane Valley WA 99212 Dear Mt. Debes: . ' Please note this letter of support when considering the $60,000 grant for the Farm Power Gasification Plant. We view this project as an outstanding example of a Climate Control Project that provides a cost effective program that will provide measurable outcomes in our effort to reduce pollution in our region. It will also provide "green jobs" while providing a market for farm waste products. We strongly urge that your agency fund the requested grant. Sincerely, O Richard M. Munson, Mayor On behaff of the Spokane Valley City Council - RMiVI/skp Distributed: Judith Gilmore City Council ' ~ . . . . CrrnY °F kane ;0OValley~ . 11707 E Sprague Ave Sui[e 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cityhall@spokanevalley.org February 13, 2008 Senator Lisa Brown PO Box 40403 Olympia WA 98504-0403 Re: Senate Bill 6884 Dear Senator Brown: Spokane County 911 is experiencing a decline in enhanced 911 excise tax revenue which funds the critical operation of our Primary Public Safety Answering Point. Declining revenue can be attributed to Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephones and the lack of a taxing mechanism for that technology. This dedine is also impacting the State Enhanced 911 Program Office and their ability to fund existing statewide networks and changes to the network that will be required for Next Generation 911. . . The Wasliington State Enhanced 911 system, while working well, -is at the point where it requires upgrades and equipment replacements in order to be responsible to Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP). VOIP has impacted the methodology of prooessing enhanced 911 calls and further impacted the equipment needed to support receipt of those calls. Currently there is no excise taacing mechanism in place that allows the application of RCW 82.146 to VOIP. 911 seryices in Washington State need legislative assistance to amend RCW 82.14B to ensure tax parity for VOIP telephones that access enhanced 911. Currently landline and cellular phones remit a monthly excise tax of $.50 locelly and $.20 state. An amendment- would ensure the current mechanisms would be the same for all three technologies. S66884 addresses this critical need by ensuring that VOIP telephone providers are authorized to. collect the excise tax from their customers to support the statewide enhanced 911 system. . We urge your support of S66884. Sincerely, Richard M. Munson, Mayor On behaff of the Spokane Valley City Council . RMMlskp . . J • ' sclrTyo:kane Valley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cityhall@spokanevalley.org February 13, 2008 Senator Bob McCaslin PO Box 40404 • Olympia WA 98504-0404 ' Re: Senate Bill 6884 Dear Senator McCaslin: - Spokane County 911. is experiencing a decline in enhanced 911 excise tax revenue which funds tFie critical operation of ou'r Primary Public Safety Answering Point. Declining revenue can be attributed to Voice Over Intemet Protocol (VOIP) telephones and the lack of a taxing mechanism for that technology. This decline is also impacting the State Enhanced 911 Program Office and their ability to fund existing statewide networks and changes to the networ{c • that will be required for Next Generation 911. . The Washington State Enhanced 911 systEm, while working well, is at the point where it • requires upgrades and equipment replacements in order to be resRonsible to Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP). VOIP has impacted the methodology of processing enhanced 911 calls and further impacted tfie equipment needed to support receipt of those calls. Currently there is no excise taxing mechanism in place that allows the application of RCW ' 82.14B to VOIP. 911 services in Washington State need legislative assistance to amend RCW 82.146 to ensure tax parfty for VOIP telephones that access enhanced 911. Currently landline . and cellular phones remit a monthly excise tax of $.50 locally and $.20 state. An amendment would ensure the current mechanisms would be the same for all tfiree technologies. S66884 addresses this critical need by ensuring that VOIP telephone providers are authorized • to collect the excise tax from their customers to support the statewide enhanced 911 system. We urge your support of 866884. . Sincerely, - , ' Richard M. Munson, Mayor On behalf of fhe Spokane Valley City Council RMM/skp - , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business N new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ adrnin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Cauncil Confirmation of Mayoral Appointments to the CabIE Advisory Board . GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A BACKGROUND: The current cable franchise with Comcast was inherited from Spokane County upon the City's incorporation. The City is currently negotiating a new franchise agreement with Comcast. The Council felt it was imperative that it participate and secure representation on the regional Cable Advisory Board. The City secured three positions on CAB. One of the positions is currently vacant and one current appointee can no longer serve O Mayor Munson recommends appointing Jennie Willardson to fill a vacant position on the Spokane Regional Cable Advisory Board with a term through December 31, 2010. Mayor Munson also recommends appointing Christian Trujillo Sr. to complete the term of a vacated position lasting through December 31, 2008. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Jennie Willardson to the Spokane Regional Cable Advisory Board for a term beginning _ immediately and expiring December 31, 2010; and to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Christian Trujillo Sr, to the Spokane Regional Cable Advisory Board to complete a term through December 31, 2008. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst ATTACHM ENTS 1. Application of Jennie WiIlardson 2. Application of Christian Trujillo Sr. , • - ~ - . F . i. / . Applic . ene ation Form for qTyp~ Committees/Boards/Commissions S l ~ D ~ . . Val~:eY. No~. f6 z~~ _ . . Return campleted form to: CVTY DF gpp}CAtQEVALIEY' C1?Y CLERK ' Office of the Mayor, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Vailey, lNA 99206 NOTE: All information on this form becomes PUBLIG INFORMATION when submitted to the Mayors Office. Pasition appliEd far: q/? Applicant's name: Home address: a~~ 3 rc) AVL, Zip code: 9 9 a 1~ . Home Phone: ( S OT ) 32, (p t~f gy Email: 'N(AJi /1A 1^ SDi1 Ct~ EMP11.OYMEPdT HISTORY Present or last - employer: Posi6ori Held: Dates of Employment Address: aS hQme-, Phone: Previousemployer: fAQk)W+ W11106(j-61 - Add'ress: Phone: . EDUCATIONAL SACKGROUND ' ' - ~H'sgi~Chea~- ' ; . • .j . 4k Diploma ~ . , College/Unfversity ~q. wa t ~"t7Y1 i I(Degree o .a ` y- ° . j.yl,~h. o Y' • . College/University yi (,iq,g I ~ q--tQyj Degree QdY ~ . COP•1MUNITY REIATED ACTIVITIES • / ` . ~ - ~ i ~10 , c~.n, . r ~aw~ YI-o-P ~he, {~m vIean l~eva (~.-f{&r~ f pve . . . . , ~ c~`e rr5 a-~' s o ~ra le. 1~Q, GI- Y~ Ohe v ~ ~ . yn e m bw j R o arc/ o-P ea o'P (nJ o meln V a4-er;s p-P 41i.e. b rarb' ~ Scc re.+aAa Spo lvol_ple Oem-e GJo mEv+ 3 C~~~ ~ j ~ern fpco . ~ . , . . ~ . . VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES ~ F, G l,e~ ~ QV- e, eJ e- u / ~ I ` - ~ rr.l e~► Er'o . SKILLSlSPECIAL INTERESTS ,v4 Gve A ` s s Lee,& ` .lfv'-M_q01 4vatis or4Ailol ✓zeCl' n Current and past posifiions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circle one): 'f(?e. From: To: ~ L From: Q 8~ To: ~6)q Lml_ "Li YYU" Y` f;3 +l.(A Yt From: To: Hoi'v forig ave yoou ontinuously~ IiA d within Spokane Valley city Iimits? NOTE: YOU MUST BE A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already . furnished on this application? ' r ava.. e a dive. 'ne r borh o el EQItA e~. a . - ~ I r 1/e. A 10 6 LA, ~~~1 i h ~O~.al iY►,e w he; bQnr h Q-tre . Why do you feel you are quafed to act as a m c of thE Board Committee or Commission appli d for? ' ~ ~ ~ e e - e c~ rljoll~tm o - e ~ a, ~v~ e, GP4 fq M de b~f A sc~ e~ fi zev\ wa z~ c141rve, i rea~l . c~ ti b I iC. C GI'+1 iytp, h~ ~~kQ, S r V .,!'1 ' A a Y~ ~ e,~-. ~ h aUe Y'u Y\ eJA'\1,%U2CCZyd1~)& +n FobW76 M~~ 0- e~~- . V~ o~ uld your appointrnent to this po ' on ueate a confiick oP interest or an appea ce of a p .t~ oonFllct of interesk? , a V►~1 ~ C?YYl l'~' (3 -P "~"~1~ L~G~~ ~ e r hnZ!~g 01 Y~ I 11 a~~ ei~, :1 t' , ~eces~~ ~'wc~.~l ~~Sr~ ~~ve, c~ 4low~Y1~I, cor~mr~srcA, It is the polEcy af thve y of Spokane Va~ley to acl~"~ve cultUral and ethnic dfverslty on Committees, Soards,Ynd Commissions. Informatlon an khEs sec#ion v411 assist in achieving this goal and fs votuntary on your part. • ❑ Asian ❑ Hisp.anic ❑ Afrlcan American ❑ iJative American )~JVdhite ❑ Other . - .r J . 000 o ~ Application Form for sTY o Committees/Boards/Commissions . ' . Valle Y Return completed form to: OffPce of die Mayar, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 HOTE: All information on this form becomes PUBLIC INFORMATIOP! when submitbed to the Mayor's Qffice. PosPtron applied for: C~ ti- A r~ vis oi •~~l ApplicanYs name: chf; c~ZA; Ccam Home address: 111a 'I 1 r 44h AuPt Spflnanr ~r~_~ ►~y Zip cade: q_qw~~.~ Home Phone: )~qa-~.~~„ Email•~+;,a4~, h n,;~P~aa ~.,Ah~ • --------r-- -to.^r~ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY ' Present ar last ' empfoyer: Position Neld: aates of n ~~c,S e Empbyment e~ i acn~ O Address: - F ~;,p», _,r_.j~ Phone: ~c-aw4-a~u-J, Previous employer: --N%jP~~ Address: L~A Phone: ~-a~, _•~-~~~5 ~ . EDUCAT[ONAL BACKGROUND • High 5Ch001 _Q».r r~r_ i t h ON( r, ~m) Diploma . ~ ~~s c ~ • . ~ College/University 2~a41-yP C' 1-itie9e Degree 2- Lsc ~ !ti el`itnj~~ 'T_[1 College/Unfversity Degree COMMUNITY RELATED ACTTVITIES . • . _ i, VOLUNTEER DCPERIENCES Htch lnnA VIf1D\og} 0 hr[t-, ;t-, C rr'G m nn a ~ h • fA fYl~mt~(' Srmn F-It1tmP_~ :n Cr,. c.m c~,0ti Tfl :~AS; r AL~niin~ c.na- - CN ec. ' SfQLLS/S L INTERESTS ~c~on:,-i inar~e~~-• ~~,~~rmP~~ ^ . Current and past positions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circie one): From: To: From: To: From: To: How long have you continuously lived wiifiin Spokane Valiey city limits? NOTE: YOU MUST BE A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKAidE VALLEY. y i What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be Evident from information already fumished. on this application? 1 n~~f~ r,~ r_1. L~ ~~n r\ Pc gt nn r1 n~ri~ ne e.~~ •o•G ~lc~ o p j+uaty : E ~ b» k =~e_ a,. rn'ru-, ~1e ~g• ^,nS ~t,~~ m„~~ hp hpkf~vv A nca nn~. ns~ lpAe-_ J ~~vxr %ca -Fl,e PrLh»CP - , Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Comm(ssion applied for? exr-oni inkernPfomhe1 gKl11S, icti-!j~}uu U,ktg.ia"l)LL~~II_C\P}n,t. • snA Fo»c~~~ Would your appoinGnenC 6o this posttinn oreate a eonFlfct of fnUerest or an appearanoe of a aonflict of interest? It Es the pollcy oF the pty of Spokane Vafley to achieve culhrral and ethnBc diversity on Commfttees, Boards, and Commtssions. InformatiQn on this sedion will asrist in adUeving ffils goal and is voluntary on your part ❑ Asfan Hispan(c ❑ Afican Amerlcan ❑ Nadve American ❑ White ❑ Offier ' Slgnatu~ ~ ti~ Date ` J~ , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2007 Accomplishments Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A _ BACKGROUND: Staff will present the 2007 Accomplishments Report. The report includes accomplishments in support of the 2007 Budget Goals as well as general accomplishments of . each City Department. . OP710NS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: ' BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS - Power Point Presentation ~ ~ !T! iW j%idksy- 2007 Accomplishments ~ j~all~y• 2007 Budget Goals Continue MonttoHn9 Slgn}IfcsM Wastewater Fssuss ireclud~~g Qove~ance o1 wastew&ter facilaies, enhanceO ctttren awareness o~ optiarss for the fuluro arrd pursLK ai the most e.Fnaent a*►d ecanomical use ot agowed wssirwater discl:arges Exp4ois the ava13ab1e ts{ocommunications irtfrastnxiun s{ong the Spragu~lAppleway Cortidor uiat may be accesseC by pubMc instauttons, reside:,+.s and busmesses wr.hin 5pokar+e Valley. Adop4 a suh-arta ptsn fvr ttw ~fway Rt+rlWtmtlon Ptan and inhiaie Me rnplernondsiion af acfilevsbb aborts. Amend tM CotnprrhensFw Pfan ta relled acrrommoditlon of Spokstx Valle~l on projee!laea wnfwn and sd}eoent to dty 1imRS, and to outfine annezation Adopt a Street Mssler P4n ar+d Craft a Anandal strMspy to inObrnerrt Me plan_ EstsbUsh departroonbl prioriWs and incorporatlon tMm fnto a slx-y~ar businsss pian lor eacf~ deparUnarthst frxiod~n fvrward lookinp budget and fundlrig "lk-2'00r.s Adopt a Uniform Development Code that impldnnerts ihe Canprehensrve Plan. 1 ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY DEPARTMENTS :a~~ne SOW 4;00%1ky- Executive & Legislative Support - . ; . 2 Executive 8 Legislative Support Legisiative Support Provided support to Council at over 50 regular & special meetings, and study sessions • Regular Counal Meetings 22 • Resolutions enacted 22 • Study Sessions 17 • Ordinances enacted 27 • Speciai Meetings 17 • Contracts slgned 113 • Total Meetings 56 ~ane~ SP~`~' j~ Executive 8 Legislative Support r~~"~ ~ Records Records Management increasing Demand Responded to 358 Public Recnrd Requests • Abaut 7 requests per week ~ • An increase of 131 fror, --)~j:)i2-'- Records Managemeiit • Severdldepartrnents n; ,a r~y... .-,e , --c•~- archiving paper documents . Y> ~ r . 3. _ . 1•= i 3 JT 00100~ Lilf< ~W Lay. Executive & Legistative Support Employee Safety Committee Committee made signifcant progress during 2007_ Plans and Procedures • Accidertt Preventlon Program • Facility Security/Panic Protocol • Personal Protective Equipment needs • Evaauation Plans Training • New Legislation Heat Stress Ruie • Addressed Safety Concems of City Hall and Parking Lot Acquired First Aid Kits for CenterPlace, Senior Area, Permit Center, and City fiesr4,o Hall $W5ne~ ,;o`Valk-ly . Operations and Administrative Services 4 [71 ~ VAky. Operations & Administradve Services 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Establish DepartrnentaJ Pnonties end Incorporate them mto a Six-Year Bus{ness Plan for each Deparbnent • Developed first draR of s+x- year business plan - SWOT Analysis - Mission Statement - Descniption af Programs - 6 Year TimeNne - 6 Year Budget and Staffing Impad Summary OperatioRS 8 Administrative Services • Assisted with re-engineering of the development process and other customer servioe improvements • Finalized citywide policies and procedures - General - Human Resources - Operations and Administrative Services - Community Devefopment - Parks and RecreatJws 5 r~ w ~`~Operations 8~ Administrative Services ~ j rd-~~~ Human Resources • Personnel Policies and Procedures - Incorporated into New Empbyee Manuaks • Managed recruitment process for 34 new positions and 25 replacement pos+tions - Instalfed and utilized Applicant Tracking module in Eden • Conducted employee wellness campaigns - HeatthChedc Plus Voluntary healtfi screenii for empbyees - Watktober Fall Fitness campaign • Conducted city-wide trainings - Anti-Harassment - Personnel Policies and Proaedures ` - Anti-Re#aliation for Su~cvisors ~ r and Managets Operations & Admintstrative Services j VaUeyContract AdministratiQn Efficiency and Cost Control • Participated in the development of a regional animal control system that will help control animal conirol cosU and sustain a high level ot service • Identified and dupticated conUact charges for public safety and worked with Courtty to corrvct • Helped facilitate the completion of the City's first Business Plan • Provided support in devebping proposal for earty payafi of tha Police Precinct Building • Too4c over administration of maintenance af the Polkce Precinct Building from the County • Assisted with the review, editi and presenta:ion of tha Ciry's new Commute Tr(p Reduction (CTR~ Ptan incorporating the rcquirements af the state's new CTR EfficieRCy Act 6 nn Operations & Administrative Services j rd~ey. PuDlic Information Provide Publlc lnfonnation Support of Council Goais SpragueJAppleway RevitalizaUon Ptan Street Master Pian Adoption of Untfortn Deve{cpmertt Code ~ at10. Media ooverage inGuded: I Z . . - 87 print medEa articles/mentions R~~ pla~ - 10 tetevision storiestinterviews - 2 radio intenriein►slsiories - 13 Bfog storiesJmentions • Ptaced communrty meetings on - various web communrty calendars and sent caler►dar request media releases - • Video-tap?d two community workshops ~ Operations & Administrative Services Public Information • Revised Crisis CommunicaiioRS Pian to lncorporate cammunications in che event of an emergency triggertng the National Incident Management System (NIMS) • Provided general public information support to aN departments Item j 2006 2007 Media re►eases 56 ; 521 'Eamed' medie sbrias 68 146, Number of inedia stories 536 598 Tatal PIO media oontads 307 260 Incfudes al! P!Q medla acbvity for a!1 dapartmenfs. 7 3POKane . . Finance • . . ~ v `-,d►- ,0;000 IM Lay, Finance Implementation and Compliance • Reviewed and implemented Washington Cities Insurance Authoriry suggestions. • Reviewed and implemented suggestions made by the State Auditor's office. 8 0-100 ~lYY V ~ Finance 2007 BUDGET GOAL• Establish Departmental Prionbes and Incorporate them into a Six-Year Business Pian for eacn Department • n.~•Ji;Ld Six-year fmanci~sl •~y~--~ forecast by incorporating priorities idenbfied in six- . : year departmental business plans. ~~IIE WY. Ofifice of the City Attorney . 9 ^'t ~r ~/q~p` ~J /\r Office of the City Attomey 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure along the SpraguelAppleway CoRidor • City Attomey's office has heen in contact with :iajor fiber providers _ . a = • Written corresQondence - • Phone cails • Completed inventory of fiber tor intemat use c ~ Office of tlhe City Attorney Improving Regional Coordination • Finali2ed a Joint Planning Agreemeni and proposed the same to Spokane Counry. • Sua;essfully renegotiatetl interbcal conVacts wtth Spokane Coun,y Legal Support for Current and Future Devetopment • Particlpated in the efforts to create the new city center development and the negotlations with approprlate properry owners. • Prepared artd presecuted appeal in ths Appleway corridor dispute. • Finalized all outstanding street vacations 10 SO&Lam ~ Office of tfie City Attomey Process Improvement • Continued to streamline pnnr.edures for enforcement actiflns, approxfmately 30 new enfarcement actions were initiated and 52 enforcement acti~ons were concluded. Training and Support • In conjundion with the City Clerk, conducled Public Records training with City staff. • Conducted training on "Imposjtion of Conditions on Devebpment" with all pertinent sbff. • Prepared numerous administratnre reports bo Counal. • Provided {egal support and assistance to all depaRments. 000^ 4;00 r`lky. - Public Safety ~ ~ 11 ~~%CM ~Wk,y. Pubfic Safety • Improved interaction with community businesses - Appotnted a detecti++e to act as liaison with Bank SecuMy Group in Spokane Valiey - Initiabed more bank and other business contacts - Provided depubes with business cards for prowi check confirtnations • Enhanaed Spokane Val{ey identity with more visible vehicle and logos and ordered shoulder patches with Spokane Vailey logo • Continuing research with Communications Interoperability Project to meet 2012 mandates • National lncident Management System (NIMS) compliance up to date ~04 W~ Public Safety • Department of Emergency Management Restructured - Enhanced emergency management services within Spokanz Valley - County-wide evacuatipn plan has been completed • Increased the amount and variety of training brought into Spokane area - In-service trainfng opened to entire region - Established ongang leadership training for all supervisor, including participation in die FBA Nationa! Academy • Completed department-wide training in Excited Delirium protocol, enhancing our first responder collaboration with Fire Department Personnel 12 ~ )1.l~sillT Public Safety • More than thirty Spokane Valley police officers were named in commendation {etters from citizens and supervisors during the year • SCOPE - Nerv director appanted with oifice in Spakane Valley Police Department facitity - Detedives and SCOPE interaction encouraged with detecWes assigned to each of the four Spokane Valley st2tiorts • Established Security/Safety Committee - ImpVemented improvements in front desk safety - Obtained grant funding through HLS for fortificadon of hont desk - EvaluatiaNshelter-in-lace plan establkshed for use m event of disaster , - - j` : r'_~~'•t~ Community - - ~ Development ♦ L t".~ - 13 nn u ~ ovu~ Community Development ~ kY BUDGET GOAL: Adopt a sub-area plan for the SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan • Completed draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan • Completed DRAFT City Center Plan <7t~ ,a. ~ Revito~zat~on . - P.Ian . ~ ~pO~ne Community Development jValkyLong Range Planning 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Amend the Comprehensive Plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population projections • Completed first update of the Cit}r's Comprehensive Plan ~ , I 14 TT! (1 ~ 1~~,,~,,,, Community Development j~r~J Long Range Pfanning 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan • Completed new Uniform Development Code Ut~sform Develc%P•-nc'nt LC_'. .,.~.~I - ~ ~ ` Community Development j uley Long Range Planning Washington State Qepartrnent of Cammunity, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) Planning Collaboratnre Grant for Urban Growth Study (UGS) interiocal agreement 15 m tr ~ ~j~J~ Community Development ~ Development Services Process Improvements • Worked with a citizen's permit stakeholders group to improve the permit process • Implemented an over-the-counter permit process for certain types of appiications •(mplemented a staff training program for the new U DC • Incorporated development engineering into Community Development process • Developed databases for project tracking and reports ~m SOk Community Development j ` ~",'~LJ - Ptanning Divrsion In 2007, the Planning Department received and processed: • 56 Boundary Line AAjustments • 1 'Preliminary" Binding Site Pian • 1 Fnal Bindfng Site Plan • 41 Preiiminary Short Ptats • 36 Final Short Plats • 10 Preliminary Subdtvision5 • 5 Final Subdivtsions • 23 Rezones • 2 CoRditional Use Permits • 3 Temporary Use Pzrmits • 6 Appeal Applications for a total of 184 executed land use actions. 16 WCommunity Development Commercial and residentiai figures reflect an uptum in " commeraal projects and a soft - housing markeL . • _ _ - - r CAICdOt F i,Alt - Buikiing Permits indudes ' ~ - - new, additions, : and afterations. ~ m m ~ i ic p~Lr~r•r ~~wa.ca ka.'~ u••trr ro~~r ssra I~f..~ -c1'+[.4~ -l.w.7~^7Tt 7 ~ Community Development Building Division • Ths City has performed an average of 45 inspeciions each woricday over the past 4 year5 8uliding hspectrrin Surmtiary i 1 5.000 - 10,000 - - 5.000 p - - 2004 u0~, ris~ections 1o.o1:~ to.t~91 12_e70 13071 17 ~ Community Development j k,y Building DivisioNCode Compliance Through education and znforcement, the community has become more aware of the City's roie m woricing wfth landowners to Provide a safe and desirable iiving and working environment in Spakane Valley. _ _ ~i ~ - - - ~ ; - - ~ ~ . - . - - - NOT£ Sign Enforcement no longarindudrd in Uo+npJaints « ~ \ Community Development jValky - Code Gompiiance -.s AW- - c . ,-4 - - . "t_~,t•_.~~ - - ~ i - ' - - : - , - - - 18 i ~r ~ ~ Community Development j ~ Code Compi;ance t 1. + s - • „ ~ . . n 000000* Community Development Code Compliance • . 19 ~000,.,, Community Development jValkyCocfe Carnpliance - , -,i ~~3 y--- _ i'•~r~ ~ ~ - ' _ _ ~s ~ ~ ~ Community Development j )ey Code Compliance ; ~ . - . - : . ~ r~' ~ 20 Community Development j rdl~~" . Code Compliance " r _ ~ ~ _ + F • , i~'1 1: • 7`~ ~ f - ' . . _ l . c~art ^cr' ~ Parks & Recreation - . ~ 21 T1T 0000 Parks & Recreadon AquaGcs • Completed public input pracess, design plans and initiated bid process to renovate the three existing outdoor pools • Purchased cash registers and electronic accounting system fot pools _ tPnl ~wllYlf ti/ 5~01 b SM1 • (ncrease pool revenues by 27°k in 5 years . m. ~.:.f`I I4 f-- _ _ m.S• :Y•GL 1.-_ _ - I . :`:xl c:n: ai ~ ,':S! . ~ ~c -3_ ,•_ZV'. nrtnr.u..-. yM ~K:1 Parks & Recreation ~ CenterPlac.e Increased Customer Service • Added Customer Relations/ Facilities Coordinator - • Added additional maintenance and . administrative assistant staff to ~ improve overall customer service • Completed and receiveti Council - approval of CenterPlace Marketing Plan • Increased mufti-day use by 118% ' - and mid-week use by 65% • 672 reservations for 2007 - ~ 22 ~ Parks 8~ Recreation j `'~~T GenierPlace - CenterPlace revenue - exceeded projecbed ea _ - : revenue in 2007 , - _ a s C.Wr/rintLl~uI+aI'W CenterPlace expenses were less than ~ projecbed in 2407 Parks & Recreation CenterPlace ~ Qmwftft~ I--JM •n* CenterPlace has - ~ - increased room - rentalfor ' meetings/seminars a ; , _ - by 95% frOm 2006 t0 2007 ~ ^ u I~w~ ti~ • Ml7r~M • 1l~~ 23 m, ML.aw Parks 8 Recreation Parks • Purchased 8.3 acres of property for the Greenacres Neighborhood Park • Developed a Park Ambassador program to increase customer service and representation of City presenae in parks • Received an $800,000 direct appropriation from state ; legislature for development A of Children's Universal Park - ~ • Completed construction of Mirabeau Springs overiook - ' • Held City's first Arbor Day celebration = ~ - ~ Parks & Recreation Parks • Developed year-round preschool, - indoor gym and Counselor in Training program • Increased prpg ram participation by ' `105% ftom 2006 to 2007 • Published SpringlSummer and FalWVinter recreation brochures • Hosted a camp counselor skill- builder workshop for Washington ~ Recreation and Park Association which had members in attendance from Cheney, Colville, Ellensburg, ~ - Ephrata, Liberty Lake, Pul{man and ~ Walla Walla 24 m ~ Z~~ Parks 8 Recreation ~ ~Viii~'S' - Recrea,ion J7Y' y.f Cal M~vy ~r~~► ~ Direct Cost Recovery for 2007 `x m dn recreation programs ~ ~ averaged 117.69% 4Ta ' - • f for the year. 7C7C.' - DE1 2007 Sessions Dired Gost Recavery ' Direct Casts inciude: Wlnter Jan. - March 135.46°1o Program s:affing, Spnng Aprif - Jwre 181.9396 SuPPlies, advettismg, transportaban, msVuctaf Svrtxrw Jurre - Aug. 118.149b costs, fieM Ujps and Fap Sept. - Dec. 90.85q6 trainng ~Parks & Recreabon Senior CenLr • Estabiished a cafb atrnosphere in the lounge area Monday and Wednesday mornings. Selling coffee, bagels and pastries and using funds for Senior programs • Partnered witfi Valley HUB to offer pickleball for more active seniors • Developed billiard and greenhouse policies :♦v ~ ~ - . • - ~ ~ 25 S %7n~-Aw^~ l)lti11IC ,,;WA, _ - . Public Works . . ~ - , • ~ SO~,AM~ Public Works ,;oOVaiky. BUDGET GOAL: Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues • Continued participaUon in DOE Spokane Rivw Dtssotved Oxygen TMDL (Total Ma)imum Daily Laai i Advisory Grolip_ • Cantinued involvement in the County's DBO setection process for the new was;evvater treatrnent - (acility . 26 ~Tn ~Wley. Fublic works Budget Goal: Adopt a Street Master Pian • Evaluated the current condition of all City streets. • Prasentation of the Street Master Plan and funding options to Council on July 17, 2006. • Follow-up Presentation to Council on the Street Master Plan on October 16, 2007 • Council approved Contract Amendment to JUB to update the Street Master Plan in 2008 an November 7, 2007. S`~'p `o`kane~ Pubiic Works Stomnnrater - General • Regbnal Sto►mwater Manual with City of Spokane and Spokane County met equivalency with DOE and now will got through process for adoption • Updated 2007 tax roll • VisitQd 6500+ st~vctures to update the stormwater invento . The v City owns approximately 12,700 drainage structures. Inven ory is being used for U1C compliance • Registered newly cansiruCted dryweils for compliance with UIC regulations • Invesdgated ctizen oomplafnts • Began implementation of NPDES Phase II Permit requifements • Prepared Renewal Contracts for landscape, vactoring, and drainage improvement conUads. Projects were av►rarded to Spokane ProCare and AAA Sweeping. 27 m u ~y Public Works ~~M~'ey- Stormwater Maintenance & Projects Prob{em: _ Flooded raadway Provided (iwding S54,s99 solutbns to many locations by instaliing 24 pipe sumps Cieaned 149 drywelis 593,403 and 164 catch basins 5olutbn: Street sweeping ~ $474.177 Pipe Pump Station ~ S52.4-36 Sum:; mainter►ance and ~ repair ~ ~ r + Landscape services 559.762 artd wesd control i Spo~kane~ Public Works ,,Oo*Va1ky. 5tormwater Improvement _ J 4 ' - t_ s 1 Beveriy Hills Stormwater Project - + - Construction , $354.168 ~ . . 28 Spokal~e Public Works Stormwater Improvement Sewer Project Design and Construction Grandview Acres Trentwood $73,000 IP4 . ~ ~ ' - ~ i' 's ~t ~ • - ..~~i,:A?' _ ~ m / ~ Public Works ~ Street Maintenanoe fTEM ' CountyMfSDOT ~ Prhrata Pothale patching, cradc sealing, i pavement replaoement $245,593 I $1,447,242 De-+cing, sanding, snaw removal $752,185 SO Sweeping, brushing. weed control $16.429 S569.287 Stormwater repair 8 maintenance $3,931 ~ $242,474 Traffic signals, signs 8 striping j 5684,555 ~$34,916 Total tor 2007 $1,702,693 ~ 2,293,919 29 km11~.1 jWley . Public Works Street Mairitenance Appleway Before 2 , Avenue Shouidering ; ' , ' ~ - - Project '.-~r. Easi Qf Coffiin AYcnuo 4Veriay - Cam3f~?~n fo_Havana . AlEef ci-r_, ~.r~__r-• ~k~..s T` _ ~ Vista Raad OveHay at Valby High School ~ ~l Public Works ,oOValley. Traffic • Signal Coordination Projects: - Evetgreen interchange during Sullnran Bridge Project .a; - Pines interchange with Mission and Sroadway - Extended hours of Argonne coorciina6on and added Broadway intersections • Wrth Community Development staff, reviewed and approved 194 traffic control plans for ROW permits. • Recenred over 300 citizen requests/questions on signals, signing, sUiping, crosswalks, traffic volumes, etc. 30 L;;„~.~...,. ►.7~1./l1~L11C Public Works j Valley- Traffc • Spokane County installed 265 red and green LEDs at 26 intersections. • 38% of equipment cost reimbursed by Avista and Vera, for a tatal of $11,250. . • Savings to date: - $427/month on ele--:ric Uifls - 28% reduction in electricity use ~ jw~'' Pubiic wo~ rffi c • Modified Sprague/Mullan 8 Sprague/Argonne signal timing to reduce collisions. ~ Nistorically 12 red light running collisions/year. , , • Implemented fixed-time signafization at 4 intersections on Argonne 8 Mullan to reduce collisions. Historicalty 6-10 red light running collisionslyear. 31 %.-I Lr ~ Public Works Traffic J, '1~1• • Received $25,0$6 grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for 3 schoois in 2007-2006. 20, • Impact of 2006 installs: - Beacon + Speed Boarcl 85'" percentile speed reduced by 269'0 - Beacon onty 65'h percenble speed reduced by 149'0 Ak S~~ite Public wor {cs Caprtal Projects Rtanning • Completed 2008-2013 Six Year TIP • Applied for and received approximately $8m in grant funding - TIB: Broadway Ave (Moore to Flora) -$2.4 million - STP(E): 44th Ave Pathway - $355,000 - CDBG: Trentwood STEP - $77,700 - STA: • Sprague and Bowdish Intersection $709,100 • Sprague and Pines Intersection - $569,900 • Indian and Sullivan Intersection - $1,178,300 • Sprague and Evergreen Intersection - $900,700 • Brvadway and Sullivan Intersection - $977,940 • Sprague and McOanaid Intersecctisan - $849,800 • Continued coordination with SpraguelAppleway RevitaliZation Plan 32 ~ ~ Public Works j ley Capdal Projeds Design PROJECT ~ By COST 8arlcet Road Bridge F1nal Design ~ CH2M Hip 510.Om Pines/Man6field Pmject County / WSUOT $4.5m 44th Aver►ue Palfiway In-House $222,500 Appleway Avenue RecortsUvdion DEA ~ $3.5m Pines•11-: °aricer Rogd Bridge Rznd?nn,3 . I.~ ~ , d• ~,~a 'Y- , _ ~IQpe~ j`~' Public works ' r~)ey- Capital Projzcts Consirudion 2007 Sewer Projects • Verada{e He+ghts • Vera Terrace • Grandview Actes • Trentwood 33 jValky. Achieving 2007 Budget Goals sets the stage for achieving 2008 Budget Goais SOMa~ne~ jVajley• 2008 Budget Goals ConUnue monitcring vrastewater issues) ~tiGuainq gwecna~x d Knstews:ar 'xairies a~d p~riuA d me mos: efM1~+M ~n'1 ~nnmipl R1~R~Dpi tc enuue t^e oontnuaum M . wlis?ewiW diSG^,irqE ho2r5e1 • Reflne inttlal departmenhl six-year business ptans tn o,zier mrjenr,y and mCOrD"E 4iC* Irt1poG1 IMO ) 61MIpc 5r.3naal F{ar, • Fortnulate a S(x-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008:r,a, Focecesti er7ectsd revenwn anC expenses, mcorporutes :he cost e+emerr.s of oeOaRments+ Dullvss phinis iOentiCya fiocat const-mnu; and. Droposes tvmwias ta Counea coieieeranm v~f irntnvta ws:NnabMe b~pet-L~rnanp appruoCws xr,1 rtem:tsi neaesury• sarvKat reducions or evenu* tnaeesea o` ayTtunat~pns Mwed InttEate Implementatio~ uf " s6ja~w*A pi.r +ot r* sotaaudAppleway Arvulinlr.,r alan • Adopt area•wide rezoning proposals consistent with the comprehensive plan me, zfre= aapro"e.drisvneru ,n z.-„nq ,~nawrs Perform an analysta x wnc :v+rer nmaece ,epuess tor annexnWn 34 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 City Manager Sign-off; item: Check ali that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubiic heanng ❑ Informadon 0 admin. report ❑ pending legis►ation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Valley Mission Park Site Pian GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Staff has beEn woricing with the Landscape Architectural firm of Gavin and Associates to develop a site plan for improvements to Valley Mission Park. The plan includes current and future phases and funds are nat budgeted to implement the entire plan. Staff will review the site plan with City Council and propose specific improvements for completion in 2008. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOT10N: Discussion BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Funds are aveilable in the 2008 budget_ The final scope of the Valfey Mission projed may impact funds available for other Par1c Capital Projects. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson ATTACHMENTS PowerPoint Presentation - Valley Mission Park Improvements Probable Constn.ictian Cost Opinion Valley Mission Park m prove e Overview • Existing Park Facilities • Potential Improvements and Costs as Proposed by Gavin and Associates • Staff Recommendations • Council Discussion and Recommendations dabOl ~ ~ - _ b: ~ . - ~ , . ~ , : _ I"``• A t_ ` 1~. . ~ . ' ~ m t ' y c~. Y L ~ ~ . - - •.X . x . - - • ~ir,,,- ~c ~ _ .e . . + _ . .y.1` _ • ~ -Y r. ~ ~ _ -a~ ~ ~ 4~lw~ EXISTING SI'TE CONDITIONS 1Hl1SSION VALLEY PARK GA1+'IN ASfiOCIATE S , LA+tDsCAp~ ARCHRo EC rrl'r^ riR APCMKANR VAL1 EY. 'irA PA.R..k PLx Kr;,r„ ; ~ Vr - ~~c . . _ _ • - + - - .e y~ , ~~~Kf _ . . ' • i.' _ ~ - - - " ~ , ~ 1 ~ \I ~ ~ ~ t i • v . ` • _ • ' _ " . _ _ _ ~ • ~ ~ ~ r ~t- s _ • -r % •~c.ne wa~a ~ rv~ossnm i 4r.w . 122 rr1,! rmmpa~M!!lTfa~w ~ MOP~~ ~1~ ~C~1~1~ ~ MOrQfED LNNTi/i0 NI 7..411L MASTER SITE PLAN GAvINAssocaTEs... La,%#0Sr.Aaf rRCH+TFC, o::; MISSION VALLEY PARK a~.RK _ijf.! •':L U TY QF BPOKANE VALLLYi 1NA REMOVE SCREENING PLANTS FROM NILLSfDE - SEE AT LEFT THIS OPENS V1EW TO HILLSIDE, , - ~ SEE BELOW _ . . ~ ~ ; ~ - - - - - - . - . ~ a■~ t 'x' ~ , 2 TO 5 YEAR AGE GROUP + ' S TO 12 YEAR AGE GROUP •1 " • 7i ~1~ - - , , SWINGS ry . h ~ CLIMBING ROCKS " - - - - - - GROUP PICNtC SHELTER P LAYG R O U N D EQU I P M E N T r,AVtN ASSOCiATES... MISSION VALLEY PARK cIrY r.~F SPOKANE VALLEY, WA ..-TY Playground Equipment - ti~ - A~rM~r t :-a I rOWi~R~RD ~y i 7i Mr ~ICnPE \ yk- - ~ J l•~ ~ QSTS7illi - ` , i _ 1 ' ~ ~~"~1~'~ stt q~, cmu~w tsaaa Discussion • Phase Work - First Phase • Planned Improvements - Playground Equipment - Picnic Sheiters - Walkways - Tables/Benches Drinking Fountain - Site Work related to construction - Minimum Security Lighting • Additional/Optional Work - Landscape Development » NW Hillside Improvements » Shelter and Playground Landscaping Discussion (cont.) • Future Phases - Parking Lot Repairs - Parking Lot Expansion - Full Lighting Plan Next Steps • Refine project scope and budget • Finalize plans and bid work i, - Z$th ~ "f ~4 i`~,•! _ ~z~ 1,. ~ . , ' ~ ~ I : ~ • ,~y ' ~ M1 ° ~ ~ l V O 4 ` O x _ - . ~z~- ♦ . ,1 ~ i `4w • . : ~ j~ j~f ~.y y~.~~~ • r ~ y ~,t , _ .1 ~ Clearing and Grubbing Areas Roadstda Apprvach ~ y • ~ Pond Bottom Stde Slopes (10' buffer) ~ Access road 100 50 ° N Chester Creek Borrow Pit Maintenance Iuf1aY 1V ~•!<~rIT R R~ ~W w E 2005Aerial Photo Date: 9/11l06 Drawn bY:A- lary q p.nu. .baa fN wmv r ar"" r !~i 11~P i~C 141~M I~ ti!WI MWp ~lky 1Y" PAW 14wb City of Spokane Va/ley PublJc Works ~ , :~frw~Twy.!S:YILt iCIIP . PR08ABLE CONSTRUCTION COST OPINION - ~ ~ - - PROJECT: NUS310N YALLEY PARK DATE: ifT8J08 CUEHT: Spobno Vallwy, WA _IACCT. p 07-016 PREPARED BY: (iAVIN ASSOC...l.A - - i - - ~ DEVELOPMENT ITEMS UNITS I QUANTITY COSTNNIT TOTAL strE oEVO,QPkV-W woRt = - - GEhfE7iRL I,1viilLl:y,tlvN ~ LS ! 11 ~ 37,000.00 1 $ 37 OW.uo EARlliYYO/tK Cl[AR S GFtUg AC 21 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 DEiUtOUiION - STRUCIURES L5 1 I S 10,000.00 $ 10,000OD E.AHTHWOHK - CY 555 ' i 10.00 $ 5,550 00 - SURVEY, T'EST 8 TRAFFIC I Ls O;i 10,000-00 $ SUfifACM - ASf'IiAI.T PARKING LOT - FIX LS 1 S 01,500:00LS 91.500.00 ASPHALT PARKING LOT - NEW SF 5,6005 8.50ji 48.750-00 ST'RIPiNG -l- LS 1s 500 005W.00 CONCRETL• WALKWAYS - 81N ' LF 180 y 40.00 ~ $ 7,200.00 !liR.RES SITL- ELECTRICAL I EA I 0 - [_5 SL'WER LlNE - 0" OIA. PVC LF ' 0 $ 40.00 ! S Si=W[R AMNHOLE - 4' Dia EA 0 S 9,000.00 s - F=1RE FIYDRIINT EA 0 S $ - - SENER SERVICES EA 0 $ - - i WATER LINE (8") LF 0 $ - IRRIGATION METER 8 CONNFCTION EA 0 $ - $ WATER SERVICES EA 0 S i - - WATER VAULT L5 0 $ - I $ Dft/IINA(iE SWALE GRADING I LS 0 S ks - QRYWELLS (DOUBLE) EA S - -3 _ INfSCQt.ANEOUS I'ICNIC SMELTEHS (4(7 x 801) _LA8 NOT INC L5 _ 1j 34,376 00 i s _ 34.376.00 P1CNiC SHELTER5 (30' x AO') LAB. NOT INC LS 1 S 21,630 00 $ _ 21.630 00 SHELTERS - FREIGHT LS 2 S 7,500~00 S 15,000.Q0 SFI[LTER INSTALLATION LS 1 $55,000.00 $ 55,00000 CONCRETE 5WElTER PADS SF 3,600 ~ 5 00 $ 18,000 00 NARK - MINIMUM SFCURITY LFGHTINCi - 8 I.S 1 S 18,040 00 S 19,000.00 pf1CtK1NC LOT LJGH i1NG - 19 LS 1 I $ 48,025.00 S 48,025.00 SIOEINALK LIGHTtNG - 15 L3 1 S 35,700.00 ~i 35.700A0 PiAYGROUND EQUI!"'MENT 8 INSTALL L5 1 $ 100,000.00 100.Q4040 SAFETY CUSF!ION PALI t,~tA7[RV1L - 12" D. LS 11 $ 10,50000 ~ S 1D,SOO.l7J LANDSCAPE DEYELOPMENT ~ sori PREP. s FWE cRAnE . GP.AS:i SF 451000! $ 0.25 $ 11,250.00 SHRUB E}ED`a SF 8,300~S 0 36 S z.mi.00 fRR1QlITiON SYSlFAI Gwkss sF 45,090 S a.85 ! S 28.250.00_ SNRUB BEDS SF (i,300 S 100 S 6,~-~ TREES - EA 20S 15_00 300.00 PUW7AYO GRASS SF 45,000q $ 0.081 S 3,60Q.00 F[NCE - 3.5' IiT- CHINLINK lF 345~ B.DO $ 2,700.00 :;HRUB BEDS --SF 8 300 S 200 i 12,000.00 TRELS 0 T CAL EA 20 ~i 300.00 ' f 6.000 00 CONlFER 7T3[L'S 9-8' HT. EA 0 S 250.00 i - MOWING STRIP - CONC iZ"W LF 345 i 8.00 $ 2,760.00 N-WNILLSIdE - DEMO 8 SOIL PREP LS 1 S 5,500.00 s 5,500.00 N-W HILL5fC7E - IXTEND IF2R SYSTEM LS 10,500 ; 0.50 = 6250.00 1,260.00 N-W HIL1.SiDE - HYOOSEED GRASS LS 10,500, b 0.12 $ AXSC$.l.IRNEDUS . PICNIC TA(3LES (81) IN SHELTERS EA ~ 42 S_ 75000 I i 31,60D.00 - BBa GRILLS S SERYING TABLES [A 0 $ 5,00000 ' $ PICNIC TABLES W1 CONC PAD B GRILL EA 0 i 2,000.00 $ - EIENCNES -EA 2 $ 1,000.00 .S 2,000.00 DRINKING FOUNTAINS EA 1 ; $ _ 1.00U.00 5_ _ u00.00 - - EA - 0 SUE3TOTA1 . . f 882.286.00 16X CONi1MGENCtES f 102,339.76 - - TAX 8.0% ' S 89,04522 DESIGN FEES 0 10'Ir' , f 66.386.00 TOTAL = 939,014.98 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: _February 6, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubfic hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation • AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed amendment to the Uniform Development Code to permit indoor kennels and doggy daycares in the Neighborhood Commercial, Regional Commercial and Corridor Mixed Use zones. GOVERPIING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. ~J BACKGROUND: Planning Comrnission held a public hearing on January 31, 2008 and recommends approval. Additional background is in the memo attached. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to bring this forvvard for an ordinance first reading at the February 26, 2008 council meeting. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Kathy McClung, Community Development. Director ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from lan Robertson dated February 6, 2008.and Planning Commission January 31, 2008 meeting minutes. ~ So'olzane Va11ey ~ . , 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum . To: Mayor and City Council From: lan Robertson, Chair - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: February 6, 2008 Re: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation: Proposed Uniform Development Code (UDC) Amendment to permit doggy daycares and indoor kennels in the Neighbofiood Commercial, Regional Commercial and Corridor M'rxed Use Zones BACKGROUND On September 24, 2007 Council adopted Ordinance 07-015 approving the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (UDC). The UDC was effective on October 28, 2007. Prior to the adoption of the UDC, Jeanne and Lonny Kelp checked with the City that a doggy daycare and pet hotel would be permitted in a tenant space they were interested in IoGated in the B-3 zone. The Interim Zoning Code permitted kennels in the B-3 and they were advised of that informatioi,' , When the new UDC was adopted, the zone was changed to Commercial Mixed Use which does n~~'.. permit kennels. Since they did not submit a permit application for the tenant improvement and land use approval until after the UDC had been adopted, they were not vested to the previous code. The business owners asked the director of community development (Director) to review the situation. On November 1, 2007, the director issued an interpretation under UDC Section 19.60.050 (1) permitting the doggy daycare portion of the business in Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial, Regional Commercial, and Corridor IVlixed Use with conditions (See Exhibit A). On December 20, 2007, the Director received a letter from D.J. Hume representing Lonnie and Jeanne Kelp and asking for an interpretation to include indoor kennels. (See Exiiibit B) The Director issued a response letter dated January 8, 2008 denying the kennel use without a formal code amendment. (See Exhibit C) On January 10, 2008 the Kelp's applied for a c4de amendment to allow indoor kennels in the Corridor . Mixed Use zone as provided for under UDC Section 17,80.150. Doggy daycares have also been included in this amendment in order to formalize the Director's interpretation referred to above. The Planning Commission reviewed the interim UDC amendment and conducted a public hearing on January 31, 2008. The Commission received oral ) testimony supporting the amendment from Mr. Kelp. At the conclusion of the hearing the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the intei~-1 , UDC amendment. H:lagendapackei 02-12-081Council memo doggy daycar2.doc DINDINGS Consistent with Section 17.80.150(6), the Planning Commission finds: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with applicable goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and 2. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relation to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the environment. RECOMMENDATION The Spokane Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council fhat the amendment to the Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code be adopted to permit indoor kennels and doggy daycares in the Neighborhood Commercial, Regional Commercial and Corridor Mixed Use zones. ~ ~ . ~ H:1agendapacket 02-12-08lCouncil memo doggy dayc2re.doc DRAFT Spokane Valley Planning Commissian - Draft Minutes Council Chambers - City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Special Meeting January 31, 2008 1. CALL TO ORDER . Chair Robertson called the meeling to order at 6:00 pm. H. PLEIJGE OF AT.LEGIAn`CE . Commissioncrs, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. M. ROLL CAr.L City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; Cvmmissioners Robertson, Beaulac, Carroll, Kogle, Sands and Sharpe were present. Chai.r R.obertson exeused Commissioner Egglcston. Commissioner Eggleston arrived at 6:26 p_m. Staff attending the meeting: Community DeveloptYient Director Kathy McClung; Planning Maiiager Greg McCormick, Development Senior Engioeer John Hohman, and City Clerk Chris Bainbridge. W. APPROVAL OF AGFn'DA. It was fnoved by Conrtrrissioner Kogle, seconded and tuianifnourly agreed 1o approve the ugenda as Presented Chair Robertson mentioned he would like to change the order on the agenda to have the "Doggie Daycare AmendmenY' presented prior to the "Emergency Amendments." There was no objection. V. PUBLIC CQMIVZENT. Chair Robertson invited public comment no comments were offered. VII. F0121HE GOOD OF THE ORllER As staff inembers ~vere making presentation material copies for the Comnlissioners, Chair Robertson took a few moments to explain the Public Heari.ng proccss. Commissioner Carroll asked abouC the status of the storniwater defnitions, and Enginecr i-Iolunan responded tliat part-time employee Gloria Vlantz continues to woric on that, and it is anticipateti to have, those definitions completed within the next few weel:s. Chair Robertson also mentioned that U.S. lZepresentative Kathy McMomis Rogers wil.l be in town tomorrow to visit the new sports center the "HUB" and he invited everyone to the HUB at 2:30 tomorrow for that occasipn. VT. CONLNIISSiON BUSP TESS: New Business - Public Hearing - Uniform Development Codc Amendments 1. PUBLIC HEA.RING: DOGGM DAYCARE AIvfENDMTN'I': Chair Robertson declared the public hearing open at 6:07 p.m. and asked for staffpresentation. Community Development Director McClung thanlced the Commissioners for their attendance during such «rinter conditions. She said this is a proposal to add Doggie Daycares and Indoor Kennels in the Neighborhood Commercial, Regional Commercial, and Corridor Mixed Use zones; that "doggie daycare" is not listed in the Code and is a fairly new concept; that the applicants followad the prcreedure whereby prior to dle adnption of the new UDC, they checked with stafF and asked if their facility could be in a Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of 1-31-08 Page 1 of 4 DRAFT ~ mixed use comroercial zone, which at that time was B3, and they were told it was allowed; however, after the adoption of the UDC, such was not included in the mixed use commercial zone and as the applicants had not actually submitted their application, they were not vested. Ms. MeClung Further explained that the applicants asked her for an interpretation as allowed by Code, and that she did so for the Doggie Daycare portion but she did nol feel comfortablc in including indoor kennels as they wcre addressed in ,other zones in the Code. Director McClung said that the applicwrts therefore applied for a Code amendment= which trir,;geretl this public hearing; that staff feels that is an appropriate use and that there will be more residential incorporated in commcrcial areas and people will be using those types of services; that stafffeels this meets the criteria set forth; that to approve a Code amendment, such (1) must be consistent wikh the Comprehensive Plan; a»d (2) must be good f'or the generai health and welfare of the community; and that staff i:hercfore recommends approval. Commissioner Kogle asked if this would become part of the land-use matrix, and Ms. McClung responded it would keep the Code consistent; and she mentioned that the applicants are present if Commissioners have questions for them. - Commissioner Robertson invited public testimony. Lonny Kelp, 2724 South Man-of-war I.,ane, Veradale, WA. M.r. Kelp said he is with "Jeannie's Doggie 17aycare and Pet Hotel;" said that their "kennel" is not a kennel but more of a type of "17avenport Hotel." There being no further comment, Chair Robertson declared the public testimony closed at 6:12 p.tn. and asked for a motion. It was moved by Corntnissioner gob[e urid seconded t/ru111iey recommend uduptiot: of the permitting af intluor kennels anct doggie claycare businesses in the A'eigliborhood Comnrercial, Regiotra! Commercial, and Corridnr.Mixecl Use zones. Brief Commission discussion included diat tliis would be an all-indoor faeility, and t.hat Commissioner Kogle mentioned that while she supports this type of business, she is not cer[ain she favors kennels all "up and down" the commercial areas and wondered if ~ there is a way to make this distinction as allowing this business, would mean allowing others. Director McClung explained that this must be entuely indonrs, and many kennels woulcl not fit that classifcation, and they must meet the noise requiremetits and other conditions in die Code, and that this does not include all commercial zones; and in response tn question, there will be no external runs. Director McClung mentioned that when she was originally asked to give a formal interpretation, such request came from staff ratlier tha.n the applicant and it was staff's impression that the applicaiit was asking for sliort- term doggie daycare anly; and that Ms. McClung said she felt comfortable in makin' dhat detenniiiation; but once it moved to more of a kennel area with longer stays, a code amendment became necessary. Vote by Accla-tnation was turaiiimous to recomnzend adoptiofr to City Couiicil as stated nhove. At the request of Chair Robertson, Mr. Kemp gave a more detailed description of his operation. 2. PUI3LIC HEARING• EIViERGFNCY AMEND .ENT_S PASSED BY COUNCTI 11-7-07: Chair Robeilson npenecl the public hearing at 6:19 p.m., a.nd asked for staff's presentation. Planning Manlger McCormick eaplained the history of the interim amendments to the UDC, and said that thcse will remain interim until officially adopted by Council; and that the interim ordinance expires May 7, 2008. Mr. McCormick said the UDC sections of concern include 19.40.010 regarding use of RV's (which includes travel andlor camper trailcrs) as a tcmporary or permanent dwellina; sections 19.40.090 and .100 dealing with Accessory Dwelling Units; t\ppendix t1 I?eFnitions and the conection of the definition of ADU; and section 19.60.010 which is a table which omitted a flanking stre.et setback in tlte cnmmercial and office zoning district; and section 22.130 which did not address areas for future acquisition; and he mentionecl that Mr. Hohman is here should there be questions in regard co fi,ture acquisition, that Devclopmcnt Engineering uses that on a regular basis to address development. Concernina section 19.40, Itesideiitial Accessory uses and structures, M.r. IV1cConiiick explained that this is tiie change dealing directly with the accessory dwellui- unit (ADU), and tlie revisions in 19.40.100 ~ adds a purpose and intent statement, iocludes conditions and Iimitations not previously provided, includes Planning Commission Mceling Niinutes of 1-31-08 Pa;e 2 of 4 DRAFT development standards and criteria for those ADUs, and provides the appropriale application process. , It was also mentioned that in section "All accessory apartment dwelling units. Mr. . f iVlcCormick said that change will be made to make the language consistcnt.. Commissioner Sands suggested including the acronym ADU io the definitions; and Mr. 1vlcCormick said he will check to make surc we have a list'of acronyms, or to include "ADU" in the defi.nitions. Chair Robertson then opened the floor to public testimony. Sara Orranize Spokane Homebuilders and Spokane Assaciation of•Realtors 5814 East 4'h, Spokane Vallev, WA 99212• Ms. Orrange read a January 31, 2008 letter (see attached) from Joel White, Executive Officer of Spokane I-tome Builders Association, addressing 19.40.100 Accessory Dwelling Units: purposc and intent; standards ancl criteria, definition of "family;" size of the AAU, and the application process; and 22.130.035 Fulure Acquisition Areas. Chair Robertson invited further testimony and after hearing none, he declared this part of the heazing closed at 6:55 p.m. Mr. MeCormick mentioned the size of the AIaU as recommended in the IeCter, and metitioned tliat the intent of the ADU is not to create duplexes, and that many of the single family residential areas are not designed to have mult.i-family residences; and of the recommendation to increase the square footage from 800 to 1200, that there are many single family homes witb 1200 square feet or less; and such an increase in square fooiage is likely not in keeping with the Comp plan goals and policies concerning neighborhood preservation. There was some discussion concerning this unit size limitation, perhaps to have the size a maximum 1;000 square feet; that given the purpose and intent of the ADU, the purpose is not to reduce isolation and urban sprawl and infilling, but rather the purpose is to maintain that single family unit and that the st;atement of purpose and 'tntent "to reduce the isolation of households that is a result of urban sprawl and suburban land use" should be deleted. Regarding the letter's commenc on the application process, ,Mr. 1vlcCormick explained that there is an identified process and it is not a conditional use, but is a simple ADU application that the owner provides f,he information so we know wfiat is being proposed is consistcnt with the adoptcd regulations; that tliis is an administrative review, and once everything is satisfactory, there would be a sigm-off on the process; and tfiat is currently provided for in Title 17; and that we are not proposing any changes to Title 17. Mr. Hohman mentionEd that the letter further states that "stormwater facilities located within the I'AA must be relocated once the city purchases thc property for public use. sn, in essence, dle ciry condem.ns the nroperiy and takes away its available use;" a.nd he mentioned that there is no condemnation of property, that die language is in the interim zoning code and was in Spokane County's zoning code; and this was an oversight in not includi.ng it in the UDC; that it does not condemn or dedicate the property but sets it aside for fiature road improvements; and is typically used on major arterial road projects and not on local access streets. Director 1RcClung stated that the definilion of "family" is included in the Code, and she read that definition. Chair Robertson closed the public heariog at 7:06 p.m. and asked for a motion. It wus moved by Commissivner Kogle and seconded that tliey recotrrmend to the City Coiutcil, ernergetzcy uniforni • develupnicnt code rzmendments as listed, dral they are from title 19 and ll, sectinn 151.40.100; seclintY 19.40.090 irnd.100, Appendix A, Sectiofi 19.60.010, and section 22.130. 17iscussion ensued regarding the size of the A.DU, including the number of bcdrooms, and the intent to preservc the single-family residential area; and to perhaps start with the lower square footage and change in the future if needed. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of 1-31-08 Page 3 of 4 DRA FT O It was moved by Conunissioner Sands and seconded to an:end tfie squcue footaRe to 1,000 and keep dte unit at two bedronnzs. Vote was jaur in javor; tltree oppased Motiart passed Commissioner Sands moved tu clra,rge the language under 19.40.100 accessory dwelling utrits section l.d purpose and intent, tn remove the lunguage "to temove tfee i.solation of I:ousehulrl.c that is a result ojurbar: sprawl afrd suburban lared use" because rt does not meel the intent ujthe accessory dwellit:g unit purpnse. 6'ote by flcclamalian: Unani»:ous itr fmor. Vote hy Acelariation to reeommend this to City Council as crnxended: Uitat:imously irt favor. Ms. McClung reminded Commissioners of the upcoming open house February 14, 2008 meeting, and of the joint meeting/study session with the Council on February 19 on I3ook 3 conecrning the corridor. lt was n:oved by Vice Chair Beuulac, seconded and unarrimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m. SUBM.ITI'ED: APPROVED: Christine Bainbeidge, City Clerk lan Robertson, Chair ~ 1'lanning Commission Mecting Minutes of 1-31-08 Page 4 of 4 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ED consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubfic hearing information X admin. repart ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Transportation benefit districts - updated information GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCV1136.73 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion at winter retreat January 12, 2008; administrative report January 15, 2008. BACKGROUND: The Washington Legislature amended RCW 36.73 during the 2007 session to provide additional means for local jurisdictions to fund local road infrastructure improvements . and maintenance. Staff drafted and presented a memorandum explaining use of the new provisions on January 15. The Council had several follow up questions based on that presentation and information it received from outside sources. All of the discussion to this point 0 has related to imposition of a car tab fee under the new amendments. The Council's questions can generally be summarized as follows: 1. Assurning the County formed a TBD, could the COSV wifhdraw from rt affer a few years if we did not lrke how rt tivas berng done, or hotiv fhe rnoney was berng spent? The legal answer is no, and the functional answer is that we probably would not need to under those circumstances anyway. The point of securing such funds would be to bond for the North/South Freeway (NSF). Once bonds are purchased, we could not take unilateral action to impair the bonds, as pulling out of the TBD would do. There is a provision in RCW 36.73.170 for the dissolution of a TBD, but it descnbes a winding down process once the construction of the transportation improvement is completed. As you reGall, any such TBD involving the City and County must have an interlocal agreement outlining the nature of the improvements. RCW 36.73.170 further provides a mechanism for the TBD governing body to develop a material change policy to address major plan changes that affect project deliver or the ability to finance the plan. An annual report is required from the District setting forth the projec#s, costs and material changes. Any material deviations (deviations in excess of 20% of original cost) must at least have a public hearing, and approval of the governing board. 2. Can the City have its own TBD, independent of one for thQ broader Count}/? . The City can have its own TBD, and could either form it before or after any the County forms. If the City forms one first, it can choose to put the matter to the voters of the City or not (if not, it must be $20 or less). If the City imposed a$20 tab fee without going to a vote, and then the ~ County imposed a$20 tab fee without a vote, our citizens would receive a$20 credit. In short, the total that can be imposed by one or more jurisdictions without a vote is $20. The credit would not apply if the County took theirs to a vote, since the voters would be aware that their action would have the cumulative effect. As mentioned before, the deadline for the County to act first has passed, and now the City could act to form a TBD. 3. What are the benefits and dravrbacks to having the County form the TBD? - The main drawback is that funds would be pooled for projects outside our City limits, thus having less direct benefit for the City-specific projects. I spoke with Ashley ProbeR of the Association of Washington Cities regarding potential benefits to the County forming the TBD. He identified five, including that it would allow for the pooling of money for better bonding; greater purchasing power for buying materials for projects in larger amounts; uniformity across jurisdictions and impact to citizens; it allows the County be out front . , on what may be a politically sensitive issue; and the Legislature wanted to give counties the first shot, as seen by the preclusion by cities to enact this before January 18 of this year. The last issue is no longer in play, given the County's lack of formal action by that date. OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NA BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell . • ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum dated January 15, 2008 S1i01fa0&n*"v0e- ..;wOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suitc 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum. To: Ken "rhompson, Finance Directox From: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City AttornEy CC: Mike Connelly, City Attorney; MikE faCICSOIl, Deputy City 'Manager Date: January 15, 2008 Re: Issues relating to transportation benefit districts ISSIJLi S F017RE SOLUTIQN ~ I.n 2007, the Legislature adQpted substantial changes to lhe statutes regulating the fozmation of transportation benefit districts ("1"BD) uncier RCW 36.73. Questions have arisen as to how TBDs may be formed and regulated wfthin the new statulory &amework. The specific questions aze as follows: 1. yV/tul tr.re t/ie dollar limifs to w/tat can he added ort by a l.octfl jurisdictron to t/ie state vehicle tab fee? 2. Haiv fnuch ti»re does ri corurty have to impose sucji a fee hefure a ci .ry can move aherrd? 3. /)oes sucli ari actio» by a coiuity or rity recJuire a vote of tlre peaple7 4. 1's tl:e forirrritioi: of a TI3D subject tU a referendunt vote? AiNALYSIS A brief backgroiuid on TB77s may be helpful. The inemorandtun is based upon a review of 1ZCW 36.73, and a joiut informational meinoratidum from AWC and `'VSAC (Washington State tlssociation of Counties). t1 TBD is a quasi-municipal corporatian and independent taxing dish-ict creatcd for the sole purpose of acquiring, constructiiig, improving, providing, and funding. transportation improvements within a defincd district. One can be crcated by either a county or a city, or a combination of cities, counties, port districts or transit districts. 1.f more flian one t j jurisdiction is involved; an interlocal agreement is rcquired. IF the TBD is entirely witlun one jurisdiction, the legislative botiy comprisES the TF3D goveining board. It' more than one jurisdictian, then each of the jurisdictions must have at least five members, Nvith at least one elected person from each jurisdiction on the governing body.' . IF a TI31a is to be formed, and "to the extent praeNc;able, tlie district shall consider the following criteria when selecting tra.nsportation improvements" to perform: 1. R_educed risk of transportation facility failure and improved safety; 2. Improved travel time; 3. Improvcd air quality; 4. Increases in daily and peak period trip capacity; 5. T.ntproved moclal connectivity; 6. Iuiproved freight mobility; 7. Cost-cffectiveness of the investment; 8. Optimal per.formance of the system through time; and 9. Other criteria, as adopted by the governing body. The creatYOn of a TBD is done ttirough ordinance, which describes the boundary of the district, khat it is ui the public's interest to form, a description of the improvements to be done by the TBD, aud the proposed taaes/feesleharges that the TBI7 will 'impose to raise revenue for the improvements. With this background, the above questions will be answered. . 1. What are the dol.lar liniits to what can be added on by a-local Juriscliction ta the state velcicle tab fee? - There arE four options that are subject to voter approval. 1. Imposition of property tax - a 1-year cxcess levy or an excess levy for capital purposes; 2. Up ta 0.2% sales and use taY; 3. Up to $100 annual velucle fec per vehicle registered in the di.strict; a,nd 4. Vehicle tolls. There are two options that are not subjcct to voter approval, but which are subjcct to additional conditians. Please note that w}ule a vote is not required, a cicy may still choose to put it to vote. 1. Elnnual vehicle fee up to $20 per vehicle registered in the district. The fee is collected at the time of vehicle tab reiiewal and has aclditional restrictions relating to use for ferry service. Tf a county creates a- TBla lo impose up to a$20 fee, it must first atfiempt to impose a countywide fee to be shared with cities by interlocal agreement. 60% of the -cities rcpresenting 75% of the incorporated population must approve the interlocal agreement for it to become effective. If such an interlocal ageemerrt cannot bc reached, then the county is authorized to create a TB17 and impose the Eee, but nnly in the unincorporatcd portion of the county. ~ 2. Transportation impact fees on conlniercial and 'uidustrial buildings. Residential buildings are Excluded. In addition, a city must provide a credit for a commercial or inciuslrial transportation impact if the city has already ilnposed a tra.nsportation impact fee. In short, no doublc dipping on impact fees. The City Council already adopted a code provision allowing for these types of impact fees, but has never utilized this mechanism. 2. How »:rcc/i time does a county have to inrpose serclc a fee hefore a city cart move afiead? Spokane County llas until close of busincss on January 1$, 2008 to :form a TBD. If they do not do so by that tune, the cities in Spokane County are legally pennitted to form their own TBDs. 3. Does strclt an acfi.oti by a coirnty or city reqrtire a vote oJtlie people? This question is answered as set forth in the first question. 4. !s the fornration of ri TBD scrhject to a referendunz vote? Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.090, there are a number of actions which arc cxempt from reFerendwn. It may be that formation of a TBTa by the City is eYempt undcr the listed, but not certaui. 1liere are additional means by which a lcgislative aclion is determined eYempt. Hcrc, the authority to form a TBll is expressly set forth in RCW 36.73.020, and is granted to "the legislative authority of a colulty or city". As such, the power to establish or de-establish is reserveci exclusively to thc city council. if the authority was for "the people of a city", or "a city", theii it most likcly woulci ~ hc subject to referenduni. Please let our office know if wc can provide additional assistance in this matter. ~ Summary of 1990 Local Option Taxes (Chart) 'Transportation Funding Legislation -1990 Sessiva , TAX PURI'OSE RATE J'URISDICfION VOTETt EXEiE'TIONS • ' Al'~ROVAI. . OTkiER PRqVISIONS. Fuel Tax Highway Purposcs 10% of Statc itate er 18th Amcnd COunty'(U°~~ & Inc) Required Same as statewide fuel Must bc applied to both motor end specinl'faei . Vehielo Liccnse Genem! ' t~ Foe Up to S15 County (Uninc & Inc , Transpottation ) N0t ~l~rea: County may exempt County must delay effecte~~e dale at least 6 . referendum Process person.s over 60 or with months from clate of enachnent for DOL s ec~ed disabilirie,v im lomentatiop Comrnercial Gencra!' NO Fxcd ratc - Partcing Taac Transportation City or Counry (Uniec) Not nequircd: referendum process MaY provida exemptions for ta~c-exempt s ecified Garpools, vehicles with }iandicap dcaals, and Streei Uti liry Street Mafntensnce Up to $7Jem lo ecJmo Ciry overnment vehicles Charge • and OperatioRS p Y I~`ot rcquircd: Entitics excm t from • iJp to S2/houschold/mo ~fcrendum proceSy ~ p Credit to businesses payiny employer/contmuter s cified p p~'Rcasehold tax taxesfor transp: n;venuc limitecl to 50% of M&0 Employer Tauc High OocupFmcy Up ro$Z/employee/mo King, pieret, Ssohomish bud et countics • • Vchiele Lones ' Totat of I-iOV taxes c;~nnnot cxceed revenuo from Motor Vehicle I3iIIh Oecupancy Up to 15% of IviV$T TCing,.picrce, Snohomish . I S% MVET alono: reludes HC7' em lo er tax ~ Excise Tax Vehicle J.anes base rate (2.0 ~~ti~ 9~d Tnicks over 6,000 lbs. Total of HOV taxes cannot exeeec! rcvenue froin ~ Unladen wcight ' 15% MVET nlone Employer 1'ax kIigl1 Capac;ry Up to $2/cmployeelmo RTAs: pierce, KicEg, Re uued Transportation Snohomish, 7ransit agcncies, q Not ailowed ifHOV cmployer tax in effect Systcros . ' Clark, Spokane, Yalima, . Kitsa '1°hurston Noic: RTA is ~cronym for ILegional Tr~nsit Motor Vehicle Hi h Ca aci o Authoriry F:~ccise Tax ~ p ri ~ ~P to 0.8 /o of velucle Some as above Trans ortation ~~apve . Requued , Trucks over 6,000 lbs. ~1VET for FIOV and HCT cannot excaed 0.8% Systems Unladen weighc V1VrT ratc (wheu used for I-ICT, rrtusC bc at Salcs d; Use Tax Mgh Capacity Up to 1% of purchase Sa7i1C 34 8E1pV8 y~e ~te for eli ib]e ad'ecxnt counties Transportatiun price of tax,~ie items _ ~quired Same as statewide sales Tax limitcd to 0.9% if 0.1% local option sales SYstems tax tax for ceimuial justicc is in effect " Found uncunstituhonnl by Washington State Supaeenc Court *"Rc ea]ed b Initiaiive 776 . 138 • Local Taxes ' Transportation Resource Ma~~°~. , - s~~£.; C c s~ ~rC. s~~. . • ' • ~ . ~ ~ . ' + TIZAa TSPOR;I"ATiON FUNUING O;PTIO?~'S Jataary 25, 2U05 AU'PEORiTy 'COIIIYTYlCr1'y ' - TIPE . RA1'E • pOTENTfAL 1~OTjc4TjAL Y'PTAL POT12qTIAL 1'_A.D. COt1N1'YtVIDB LICF,N3S 2A8 S G$RERAIBD/YR. BOIv~TNG CAP 1tE~VEe~'i~ ACfJON AUTENTiAL ' . $3.000000 S65.e00,000r ss lssu~;t • . qooo,ooo ~Q,D aoCC . . covcrnuuc~ COUNG~[,1~.~AMC Vo1c-wcarym,~sa T.B.[?. No Lxvacdi:+tc impca! UOLT3~T1'YWIDI3 LICI~79E TAI3 3~a ' io~VCit nned~ ewn ote S10~1~J~,EII(,y~ TqO,opp,0o0 . 532$,000,900 5400,OOp,Opp , • . VOT1iA3 pr,~u,~ Votar waay;=i TA.D. C1TY\VIDS No IInnudiat. cnpaet . I3C&*fSQ TAH T.B.D 340JVIiFIIG~.B - Stoto/Rc ~esmUC~t needa cum te S4,000.000 . g32,50a000 p 000,000 CiT'YOOU'~C11, ~5 . GTfYWliJII . $S • If • . •MAN[C Vot:t wa Il'Sfi Tl~ sI~~Q$ C6UNC T.B.I.I StntrJRertioaa! needs nst fundod 320t000,000, 316,250,000 5240;p00,Op0 QTY~~~. Vot¢rweerynqs . Cl?Y/OOUNPY ~ - ' C~DUNCII.MpMC StatelRe 'onal txe mt fwidod . FRO . ~3R'E'Y TA,I .~is ? . 3 YRLHVY p . ? • p . . . ffOSS OB 403: ON VOTBR3 Voecr wenryn:as 31:xi implemicianUCUS pe;ial . T.B.D. C1TY WIDII rieqveni olec;ians . SAIESrUSl3 TAX 0.2 OP 1% rNt lOYR Ab reletinrahi !o usera . S6,000.000 3+18.75p,000 360,000.000 . . Va1TiR/3[MPI.B MA) Rrgmiuve T.B.D. • No i~e2atiavAip to us~a ' 00t7N1'YWL[}II SA[.WVSBTA}L Vderwcrsmcu 0.2 OP 1% Fp8 ] py}t , 512,000,000 . . S97.50Q,000 5720,OP0,000 VOYm/3l?+n.ESATp,) , ReRjeu1Y0 T.B,D. No re]ntiacuyp L. ~yy" • . PItOJLCl' ORIffiT!$p $OAD TOLLA'o Vo1cr wezrvncza . ~ ? . Y OOUNCII.LSqMC . Aowas aau.^cl 1.BCt]S[,p•Plyg 4wernnnce PRO1ECf 0RM2Tpgp IL!PALT FBS ' Stnto/Rewionn] mxds not £undad ? aRDINnNce DaS'aLapec taeistaLlce . , , . - spw.tiing w;uti,i Wm1;r: o 1.$GLSI.AITlB L'cnikd Bondin3 cnpacity C1Eh70$LIflAON0.4 PitL1PBRTYTAX 'firnim•ofrovern~evsaM wwrssra _ 59iQPA83]333BD q VALUD 7 ~ V03E'.RA1'P1tfJVIID VotuwcntyR•3s • 601. OF 40% . Na re.Wicu:Ldiip ta m~js . No'unrnadiak bar:.ft ' LQ4IS1.A1IV8 PROJDCf Oi{MD71ED B73VHNSdBBONDS ' Coosvrnes c neit £aroll:errneds , Q 7 p • . ~ VaMft APP120 V}iD • B +v=a . auu.-w rtvcnue ~iYLLMP.30&LT'Y Volar w~encynes1 LSUiSI.h1'IVfi ' ` No rolnliomti~p to usen pR01LCf O~'gp TAX1NC~y~p 7556 Ox YACAI.' Tlo+rnmediale bcnefit 7 . . ORDAIAt,'CII SPeltdingwithintimetun.s . . _ ~~U cc ~E'. C~-._. C ~ , a-aG .S ~-✓o k~i+~ ~ . . _ • AGENDA ITEM IJ6 Page crro uf "Transpor[ation Funding Options" , Source: City of 5pokane FWANCM YX3P TAY t.UnLL&d Bood4 .r"aay L83381.A1Yyp ppU,t~~.Y rg~ ~P ~ iAX ON VMU= 7 ~ T 60~C Vota rnrymm LHOL."Un WfATS AAL88 UY Ct naadr rot R~nd~d MLQffiM iZ13,000,0W Di11I81AOIN„/rJW 9tau trudyl ~ coapeaV4 ~JlTLVB (r7'Y Ud8 TAY ~ ~ ~ Mclea . PAAAtiO DTAL(.Y t ~ ? ORaIIZA?N.B tluW aqd whms rpow :.~°niL'IIATI VL+ Buuw ~i °°m~ ~~+I1t~TY • GAS TAX S1G3; ~`C+E,:. 13,OC~7.xkl ' V G7fiA APPRGYAL Awquitti ppunj' MIy wLe °ati'L-l MNl?ltIl'Y G-MMWAO _ l:wu~rratican ~BcuL :~:,~~e :eretwe l ~EYnl/ctaSa reccuc itt~rr. , II CITll OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Actiort ~ Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 . C ity Mana geF S ign-off: ~ . Item: Check a11 that apply: 0 consent ❑ okd business 19 new business ❑ public hearin g ' El infarrnation ~ admin_ repor# ❑ pending legislation ,4GENDA 1TEM 7`ITLE: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Renewal ' GOVERNING LEGISL,AT10N: PREVEOUS CO U N C CL ACTfO N 7A KEN: Stfee# a nd Stormwater Maintenance Contract Approval on AprGl 24, 2007 BACKGf201lh1D: , - The City canducted a RFP process in March 2007, ln Apfil 2007 the Council awarded the contract to Poe Asphalt Pavirig by the following mo#ion: 4, Motion Coiissderatiosl- Coritra.ct Aumo{=al for Street and Stonnwa#er maiztr-uance and R air - 2Neil i~ez~te,~i_ It ivcz.s tnmod by Cot{rrcidni enihe~- ?4furrsan and secor+ded lo m„ard .fhe con fi-act to Pve f4,sp7talt I'mxing irr an umour+i not to exceed$1,1TS,l19, and alrthorr`ze t1ie C-i1y Munager ar de.signeg to si." fhe c.ontract and furure seiwr year r,eneh,rable optzon,c as prordded in the RP-P dvcrimena. Public V4TorL- ~ Directcri Kersten explained tb at there liave been na cbanges since this was last disc►tssed beforc Council, Depufy Mayor TaylQr i~ivited public eom=n[5: 11o Coff].umnt5 wm ofi"ered_ Vote by Acedorrxalion' in fai+or: Una+zimotts_ Oppo,sed,-Norte. lbsfenrivrls: Norte_ Motion r:arried_ The contract was for one year with seven ane-year renewal optians which may be exercised by the City. Poe Asphalt Paving provided an excellent level of service during 2007. In 2007 we added a change order to Poe's contract in the amount of $175,000 to prvvi[ie for small street preservation averlay projects_ Poe`s aveeage cost per square yard was $ 8,9oiSY _ . The lowest cost we have received an previous bid projects was $'f 0.221sy (see attached spreadsheet). Based on this experGence, I arn recommending that we add S500,00D for street presenration work #o Poe's contracA €n 2008. Poe Asphal# has requeste[i increases to their unit bid prices as outlined in #he Unit pnce camparisan spreadsheet. Base on the quantities used in 2007-the increase in contract cost is 2,75°l0. As a result of the err►ergency nature of the winter weether, the City irnplemen#ed a $200,000 contract with Poe Asphal# for steeet maintenance_ I recommend that we approve the unit price increases and approve the balance of the con#ract to Poe Asphalt paving in the arnount af $1,475,119, . OPTiO NS: Renew t he contract, nat renew the contract or p rov ide further direction_ . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOT1ON: . BUDGETfF4h1ANC1AL IMPACTS; The contract will lae funded by the current 2008 approved ~ budget. STAFfi COh1TACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENYS: 2008 contact renewal ietter, 200V2008 Unit Price Comparison Spreadsheet, Overlay Cast Compadson Spreadsheet and 2007 Contract. ~ Spa`~k,ane Va11ey CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT NO: 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . PROJECT: Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair CONTRACT DATE: 2!6/2048 CONTRACTOR: Poe As haft Paving, Inc. CNANGE ORDER NO: 1 PROJECT td0: 08-001 DESCRIPTIOId OF CHANGES The orginal contrac4 only provide for emergency road repair as a resutt of the severe winter. This Change Order %Yiil add the balance of tfie contract far the rBmaining street and stormwater maintenance for 2008. • Total Amount of this Chan e Order: $1,475,119.40 SUBSTANTIAL COMPIETION Original Da6e: 12I31I2008 Prior bo this Change Order: Inciuding this Change Order: unchanged THESE CHANGES RESULT lN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMEPtTS OF CONTRACT PRICE: ' ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUtdT S $200,000.00 .W..._._...~.......~.__ W_....._..._....._...._....._.. TOTAL PRIOR CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $0.00 CONTRACT PRiCE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (through CO w~$., $200,000.00 NET THlS CHANGE ORDER - ^ S $1,475,119.00 ._..._.._.._.__...._....e........_...._._................d.__._._.......__._..W_..._ . CONTRAC7 AMOUNT IPdCIUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ $1,675,119.00 ' CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: . The oontractor hereby accepts UWis adjustment under the terms of the original conVact for all wOrk perforrsed. RECON9MENDED BY: DATE: Neil Kersten, `u4'c orks Director APPROVED BY: DATE: - ' Dave Mercler, City Maneger ATTACHMEIdTS: Co of the original Confract 71 D13bibutron: ORIG{NALS TO: Gflntractar, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project Fiie . COPIES TO: ' P.P1NJFams?empE3h_slCO (Nov 06) • 090 ne - - S `~o~;a ~ . Valley a 11707 E Sprague Ave SuiCe 106 * 5pakane Valley WA 99206 509.421.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.421.1008 1 ci2yhaUespokanevalley.org Februazy 6, 2008 . Poe ttsphalt Paxin~, Inc. 2732 N Beck 12oad . Post Falls, ID 83854 Re: Imp[emeniaiion of 20118 optian year, Contract A'a 08-001, for Agreement for Street and Stormwater Mairdenance and Repair Servzces, R'o. 07-008, executecl Murch 13, 2007- T'his is a - parlial coiztract implementatian for emergei:cy wirzter mcxintenance. Dear Agr. Gri.ffitli: . The City executed a cnntracl for provision of Street and Stormwatec Mai.ntenance and Repair Services on May 11, 2007. The Reyuest for Proposal states thaf it ,Ams for one year, with 7 ~ optional one ye~ar tenns possible if the parties mutually agee to exercise the options each year. The City would hle to exercise the 2008 nption year of the Agreement. At this time b6cause of the emergency nature of the current Nvinter cnnditions we would requE;st an initial contract amount not to exceed $200,004 for winter street uiaintenance. Please aktach the new 2008 Unit - Priu: Cusl Pruposals. If you an in agreemeut with exercising the 2008 option year, please sign and return this ietter, with attachmeilts, to the City of Spokane Valley, Fublic O4'orks Department- . This is fihe. fi-st af seven possibie option years that can be exercised, and runs from January 1 tii-ough Decembcr 31, 2008. All of the otlier cnntrac;t provisions contained in the original agreetnent are in place and will remain unchanged in exercising this option year. Please sign below to aaknowl.edge Ehe receipt and concurrence to perform the 2008 option year. Please retain one copy and mail Che ather one to the City. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Poe Asphalt Paving, Inr,. . Name and title NaLUZ and title Date signed Date signed Attachment: 2007 Contrect ,y. 4'"-1' . r ~ AT'i'ACHARNT C -'COST PR0POSAL ~ . Contractor's Pay 'roli Cost . . • ' ATrACri1WENT C - PAt2T 2 . Coniractor to list a11 ersonnel e ccted to work within the Ci i ~ . ~ - ~ ~ Personnel Classification and DeSCription Hourly Rate ~ . O.T. ~ . Sugemntendevt - Prirnary Cifiy caa►tact, organiz,es,, schedules, and $5=4465-%. menages contactors work • ~ Foreman So 5aoo ~ 0 erator go 51 ^a Teamster $34.00 1 $46-80 Laborer . . • 3~oe vo . • . , • - l . / - _ • ' a ATTACHMENT C - COST PROPOSAL Gontracboes Equipment Cost ATTACHMENT C - PART 3 Contractar to tist all equipnent expected to worbc vuftfn the Gity aipmemt IDescriptson • . afl3' Rhte - 438 1993 FL'W T8U0 Tzactur &55-.00 520-,P . 9224 1985 Ford F500 Damp "Irucic SO.= 43pO . . *22' 1999 I,.'N'I800 Fnd DuniP • 5gea . . 1499KVV 1'SUOEndI7TM3p 85r.9~ r-J~co ' 440 1999 KWW T8O0 Fmd Dump $55:wS3°-° r_ 1993 Fete 357 F~d Dmnp 0 1998 KW T80i0 End Dump $5-5°w 5$°O 200? Pcte 357 Supsr D=n a Zom Pek 357 supcr rnump *25 2007 Peta 357 5aper Dttmp S?"O- . 7 2007 Pce3V super nmnp 29 2007 Pete 357 Super Dump rf 9`0 . ~ 7 1979 Ford L$90O WsEer Tmck 2000 G~Il= 64"or *259 issa Kv rWa water 'rrack 400o cam $554 53°b - 4294 1974 KlY C5G0 Wa#er 'Ltuclc . ' . , OS 2004 Ford FSSO Tack Tcuck ~430-c' 3$~ # 73 1999 Ford R454 Serviaa Truck ' 1-9 - s-07ee- lo2s ~Z 921_9 zss~ Fac-a xan,er h,221 2003 Chs-%y C10 4230 2000 Ford F250 4300.2007 ForaFiso 003 Zooo cbs,ry cso 9304 20U6 Chevy Co]csa& S+O'Oa 1 t~25 1Z` ~ 0306 2004 GMC 1500 - ffs.40- I 5 y S Y' . ~m2Q2 ZaM Ford F450 ~ "ZOS 2006 Ford F450 ~8 ~~'75 • . #247. 2003 Ford FSSU `i . 73 2007 TiaiIfdng Lowbed o0 , ;I02 2001 MrUsmsj.rn4AglePup . $20_00 ~ ~ 103 2001 W'il}iamsffi 4 AxEe Pup $20.00 . • ~ .a. ,c-- . • . . ;'''~r'~ ~s~~ x y~i. f_~:,~-~'~;:t?iYr.Z• i` .Y. \w~"•' ~ ' [~.meat Desr.riptfon Cont'd HantfiyRate i~~ ~ "t•';r.;.^' . . 187 1999 4AxkPuP y t\_~•:k7L~,',•f,'. #188 '1999 WTiffams= 4 Axla Pap • ~ a G~ :~~t:~ • 1 E9 l 999 Wffsmsen 4 A3de Pap 197 1497 Rway Belty ]7a= TraUer #144 2003 Olymplc 3 Axle T'il# Ttailer I31 1948 Traclmea T12LTT TraUtr 132 I998 'Iraftms~c T1.2U'T Traa~Gr • ' • 8" ~ 149 2006 Tra"lmagTl2Uf Traler ~ ' 7 1977 Shop Bu~7t Saw h'ailcr 4-5 ~0 2004 Fox Uiilrtp Tnilu 127 Frt:uhanf Tack TraDer 61 1998 cat cs5 c Ciraaexelier 00~* 53`co PA06 2004 TRDD34HP Roiler ~ Y3°-° 11 aooa Dynapac oc io2 Roner 18 2006 IR DA70HF Rolla ,0416 20aU IRDDIl OHF Rflller • $~8Q r7 30° ' OS 2005 Bamag 7p`,0 4 2000BLzw-KnogPF5510 fl1 2002 Cat 972GII 2405JohaDem 21 0I.F • ~L}gcb , . ' 718 1974 Flvbsr W750 ; 11 1998 (aii 160H • $aJ-° ' 8 2006.Brox Aroom $54.~- 5;00 ' 1998 Tacg Tralla Mnltiquip S3w r)-5'7s . 2l PlaDe Wackas , roam - pick ug AAA ac]choe 910 - Rentsl . I . _ ~ ~r~ ~ ~ t~~ ~ _ _ . . . . . . '~3q8,•~~.. ~>=t?r .~P' -r ~~'-'3.~`~'-~:,,.,'•'',' - 4V:,'~~~R~~se _ • . ~A 3.~4~.E\ ~ l.. ~l..OST Pi~OF.OS~-~-+ ~ r~~ Coutractnrs Materials Costs - ATTACIEMEN7C C PART 4 ' H~. . f Item llescriptio~ - Unit Uuif"CusE•' 11MA . Ton ofl ~43-88 t~.t+ NIiY:w~ • . ~ . 2 CSBS TOII . r . , . . f4 `~J A'TTACIEiIENT C - COST PROPOSA►L SUBCONTRACTOR I.IST AZ°TACEMENT C- P 4RT 5 Contractor to Ii,st aIl subcoatysctors expected to workvaithin the C' WOODY'S ASPHAL'F SEALCOATING, INC. . . ~ FR.ANK GURNEY, INC. . ' . . , IvID1yi COIv STRUCTiON, TNC. NORTHW'EST FFNGB ' NORTHVEST I.AND5CAPE . . • CADEtON CaNTR.ACTTNG, INC. - ~ . , G. . t-a4 S le- C ~ • . ; ~•r,•, ~4 ';S'[~ • ' ,r '+3`` ~ • -~~L+~ • . "`4'x , Subconfractors.- Conhactor to provi L1S~ -fOI,: de a list of a.il. subcoatra~ors arificipated to be •~y~i ~_~;w~. ' ~ . . . .,;w , '.t:t~ scribed services. Contractor to list the over~ead. ~ ~ :perfozmi~ag the de ,:~rofif Q~~ n~subc's?itra.ctors in. Item 2 Part 1 of Attachment C. . ) ~tt~ t i'Y" , F: k((. v} .1'~ t ~~~i"'Jr t ' • ' ,d aCJ 1~~%•..~ ' L`?:~' 't ' `:r. ✓ ->b • . ~ -3 •r~4~T^~.~ A ~~A ~ L ~ Y~ ~ ~ ~;n ~ ~ 4 ..3 ~4`~',~+.~,.a4.~~.,a°~~«~~.:~~'t:...~?;~..r_y.SYs.I~X i~at~~F' r~k'•2.~-. ~ :v:,ark ='tx~-~' . ' • I ~ ~~ACdJlT • • -.NA V ~ COST PROPV L7AL . Subcon#ractars MateriaLss Costs - A'TT 4G'1~1~tT C-~'AR''6 Iteffi Desrxiption • IInit Lfnit ~ost= 1 Quan3' SPans Tan 2 CTack Sealanf Poumd Wa '-$A. Ne ' 3 PCC Cubic Yard $92.00 . 4 Gniardzail ' I`F rS $12--* $ : 6 "G`haiu link Fencin.g ' LF 6 $`Chain iink Fmciug LF 5-R- . 7 Typs A Drywell Ia R.oad Prism EA . ~o . g Type B Drywell In Road Prism . EA. ' g Tyge A Drywell In 5`wale E.A ~i3$ d° $620:06 10 Type B I?rywell In Swale FeA h 55~ ~ 11 . Cairb6asin Typc 1 , EA 5Q'~. fiu 4499:80- 12 Catchbasin Tyge 1 w! Oil VJater Scc,ar~-~r EA 432"9' • . Z3 pipe S„mps ' - ' F-A 35" . • 14 10' SDR-35 PVC Pipe LF sr . . 15 12" SDR-35 PVC Pipe , ~ • is 12" cw ~ ~ y. 4s . 1~ ~ 1'-P" RCP • LF ' $20.00 18 DrainRack G~.ibic Yard ~ ~ ~5 ' • - , 19 Pilter Fabac ~ Sq Yerd $0.$4 20 .Seeding, Mulcbi.ng & Fer'dli.zing S4 Ft $0.10 -21 Sod 5q Ft ~ Unit cost include overhead aud pmfit for the subcontmctor. . i . • • . . • • . w i t~~' • i , . ' i . I ` . • . • AdGltEYAW' FOR SERVICES FILE COPY Pm Asphatt Pavmg, Iac. . Contract No. 07-0O8 . e . TZ3LS AGREEMDJT is made by and between ffie C'rty af Spukane Valley, a code City oi ffie Stak of Wsshiugtnn, heieinafter "Cifp" and Poe Asphalt Paving, Iae- hereinafter "Contractor," - joinifly referred to as -parties." I,N CONSIDERATTON of tbe tPams and oonditions cantained herein the parties agree as foIlows: 1. Work to Be Perfprmed. Ths Cantracbar shall dn aIl work and fvrnisb all labor, tools, matetiels, supplies and equipmemt for the S!*e?t and Starmwatec k4ainttaane_e and E-epair Servicea (hereinaftea "vark*) in eccordance with RFP No. 07-0D8 -Street and StormwatEr MsiuYenanoe and Rspaa (Fxbibit 1~ Poe Aspksalt Paving - Street sad Stnrmwater Maintcnance aad R.exair 5ervices Propcrsal (5Chibit 2) and 2006 Standard Speoifications fnr Rnad, Bridge and 1vlunicipal Canstruction of the Washingban State Depsrtment of Transpartahoa, which aie by thas reference incorporated hemm and mads part hereaf (=`Contiart Documeats°}, and shall perfornx any cbanges in the work in acc:oid with the Contrwt Documents. The OONTR.A.GTOR shall, foz the amonnt set fuTib m the Cantactar's bid prapasal au-ached hmt,o, assume. and be msponsible frn the cost and expense of all wark reqnaed for canstnicting an& • completvng ffie wotk and relatsd ackvities provided for in the Cantact- Plans and Coatad Dorumeirts, except tinose itams mantioned tberein to be fiunished by tbt City of Spokane Valley. , . Tbe City Manageer, or designee, shaI] administEr and be the primary contact for Cantactar. Prior - ta camineacement of wadc, Contraactar shaJ] exercise best efforts tn contact the City Manager ar dssignee tio review the scops of work, schedule, and tine of completian. Upon notice fr= the City, Contraator shal] promptiy commence worX cflmplete the same in a timety manner, and cure any failiire m perfaimance wader this ageemeat TJnless othezwise directed by the Eity, alI work shall be peformed in coafoimanw wi8s the Contract Plans, Contract Documents, City and Stats standards. Cflntractor'acknowledges review of the Contract Pls,ns and Contract Doeuments and accep tho same. Contractor shall exercise brst efforts, iacluding the selection of the highest quality materials, so that all work perfoimed shall be in complianca with clnrrent related 'mdustry standards. 2. T'erm of Contract. Tbis ageement sball. be in fulI force and eff6ct upon execution and shall remain i.rt effect unhff December 31. 2007. The City may teiminate this agreement by fen (10) days' written notiee to the olber party. In the event of such termination, tha City sball pay the Contracxor for ail worl: previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. . 3. CODIDESLSRt701L- The City agreES to pay the Contractor for the CosE af the VJork plus the Contractnr's fee for overbead sad profit as definad in Schedule A(Exhibit 3). A. The Coatractor's Fee for Costs of the Work as defined in Schedule A Section 2.1 .i' Dired Costs wi]] be a peawatage of the Cost of the Work and shall h8 22% - • i • . i ' ~ • I . , . i ~ B. The Cont-actor's Fee for Costs of the 'OrJark as defined in Schadule A Section 22 . Subcontracto~ Costs will bo a perenlage of the Cost of the Work plus the Over}aead Rate • . . and shall bc Sgfo. • C. The snm of the Cost Qf the WoTk plus The Contractor's Fae shall not exceed ane i million one hundred seventy fve thDusand ane himdred niaetesn Dollars ($I,175,119), : subjed to additions and deducdons by Chanp Order. • 4. a n~eRt 'Fha Contractor may elect to be paid in monthly insta.llments, upon preseatatian of an invoice tD th~ City, ar m a lump sum, upon campletion of the work Applications for . paymeni shall be sent to the Cify Clesk at the below-ststed a3dress. The City reserves the right to withhold payment tn.dea this agmmant whirb is detanmiaed, in the ' reasonable jud.gment of the City navsr, to be noncampliant with the Coattact Plans, Contract Doct~nents, or City or State standards. , 5. Notioe. Notice sha11 ba given in v~Titing as follnws: Tp ~ C~y~. TQ THE COAITRACTOR; Name: Christine Bainbridg6; City Cleaic Name: Bzad Griffith Phone Number. (509) 921-1000 Phone NTtunber. (208) 777-0498 • Address: 11707 Esst Sprague Ave., Suite 105 Addrsss: 2732 N Beck Road ~ Spokane Valley, QJA 99206 Post FaILs, ID 93 854 6. Anniicabje Laws and Staa_darda. The parties, ia the perfo:mance of thfs ageement ' agree tio cozrpty with all applicable Fedwal, State and local laws, and City ordinances and regulatians. 7, Ptevaiiine WaLyer. on PnbGc Worl~. Unless.othernisc required by law, if this coniract is for a"public work° which is definad as "work, constauctien, alteration, repair or improveanent other than ordinary maiziteIIance executzd at the cost of the City," the following pravision xpplies: ThiS agreeanent provides for the consiruction of a public work and a payment of prevailing wages accord'mg tv WashingtDn law. All wor}:ers, laborcrs or mecbanics sha11 be paid a prevailin.g rate of vvage that is sct farth in an Exlu'bit to liiis agreemenk $efore any paymcat may- br, made tnn Coatractor a"Statexnent of Intent to Pay Prevailing VTages" must be submitted to the City. Following final•acceptance of the pnblic works project, the Contractor and each subcontractar shall svbmit en "A$adavit of:CJages Paid°" be£ore retained fimds wiIl ba released to the Contractnr. The affidavit mvst be c$rtified by the indvstrial statistician of the T}epartment of Z.abor end Indnstries. 8. Relatianshia of the Parties. It is hereby understood, agreed a.nd deelm-ed that the ' CoDtractor shall be an independent Contractor and not the apnt ar employee of the City, that the City is inte;-ested in only the resuhs to be achieved, and that the right to cantrol the parrticular menner, rnefhad and means of the work is solely within the discrelion of the Contactor. Any and alI employees wiio _ pmvide services to the Ciiy under this agreement shall be deemed employees of the Contracbr. 'rhe ~ Contractor shall be solely rrsponsible for the condaci and actions of all employeas under this agreement and any liability that may allach thareto_ i - B. hfv:imtan Amotonts oJ bcsurmcce. Coniractor sball maintein the following insatta.nce linuits: 1. Aut6mobile Liebilitv msurance with a minimum cambizred sin,gle limit fca 'bodily in]urY and ProPertY dmnW of $1,080,000 per accident ' 2. Cammete'sel Genetal Liabilitv insnrance shall be wriifen with limits nfl less tfiat $1,000,000 each occaurence, $2,000,0UO gener3l aggegabe sad $$2,000,ooQ Products-comPlebed operations aggregate lmit. . C. OthPr Insrozmce Pravisians. The insuiance palicies ar$ to cantain, or be , endorsed tD ccmtain, the foHowiag provisions fbr Automobile Liability aad Canmercial _ General Liability ins~n~: 1. ThB C.onh'actor's iasnrance rovera.ge shall be primary insuranm es respect the City. Any Insursnca, self-insurance, or insarance pool coverap maintained by the City shall bo excess of the Con]racto?s insui~ance and shall not contribute with it. . 2. The Contractor`s ircu»nce shall be endorsed to s-tafe that cavarMe shall nut ba cancelled by either party, except a$er thirty (30) dAyS prior wntten nohce by ' certified maiL retwm rectiPt rtquestba, has be= given tD the city. D. Acceptability of Iwrrers. Insurance is to be planed with insureas with a curreat A.NL Best rating of not less than A;VIL . E. Yeri, f'ication of Coverage. Coniractor shall furuish the City with original certi.ficates and a copy of the emendatory endorsements, iacluding but not nwessarily • limited to thc additional insured endorscmeat, cvidanciAg the insuranac roquiremcats o£ the Contrac6or before commeiiccznent of the work. ' 14. IndemnWcatilaat and $01_ HsriaJess. Ths Contractor shall defend, mdemaify end hold the Cify, its officers, officials, employee3 and volunteers harmless from aay and all claims, i.njuties, damages, losses or svits including aitomey fees, arising out of or- in connection with tbe psrfrnmanca of ffiis agroement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole aeg3igence of the City. . Should a cotut of coznpetent jurisdictian determirae that this Ageement is subjed tn RCW 424•115, then, i.n.the event of Iiability for damages arisizig otrt of bodily injury to persons or damagcs to property cause,3 by or nsulting from the conoiuzent negligcnce of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, emplayees, and voluntaen, the Cantracmr's liability hefeunder shall be only to the extent of the ContracXor"s' negligence. It is futther specifically and expressly einderstood that the indemni8cation provided herein wastitutes the Contractor's waiver of imffiuniry undcr Zndilstrial Insurance, TzYla 51 Rcw. solel.y for the purposes flf fliis indemnification. This waiver has been mutally negvtiabed by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or term.ination of the*agreement 15. W9iver. No officer, emplayee, egent or other individnal acting oa behalf of either party, has the gower, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agrsemeut No waiver in one instsuce shall be held tn be waiver of airy other subsequeut breach or nonperfozmance. All iemedies afforded in ibis agreement or by law, shall be taken aad constived as cumulative, and in - addition ta eveay other remcdy provided berein or by Iaw. Faiture of eithea party tn eufarce, at any time, . any of the provisions of this agreemF:nt, or to require,, at arry time, performance by the other party of atty ~---'provision herect shall in no way be consnued to be a waivzr of such provisions, nor sball it affect the vaLidity of this egraement~ or gny part thereof_ ~ Scbedule "A" 1. Cast of the Work. Cast of the Wark means the svm of costs incurred and gaid by . Contractar in the propa performance of the Work- Costs shaIl be in amounts ao higher dian ; those prevail~ in the 1QCalitY of the Project, and shaU include only the fiDIlov%zng itans: 1.1 Di.re~Costs . 1.1.1 PaproIl Costs. Charges for Payroll Costs Rill be Iimited to actual costs of ConuactQf s construction persflnnel statianed in flie f eld. Payroll costs shall . include, but not be limited to, salazies and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social sxuritp contributions, unemploymemt, excise, and . PaYrou taxes, vvorkers' compensation, heahh and retirement benefits. The expmses of performing R''ork autside of regular, wordng hours, on Saturday, Sunday, or legallaolidays, shall be inctuded in the abave to the extent aufhorized by Owner. The labor rates sba31 be ger Atlachment C- Part 2 of Exhibit 2. . 1.12 Fquipment Costs. Cbazges for F.quipmeni Cests vs$d bp the cantract to complete ' . the work in the field. The eqUiprment rates are includeci in Attscdiment C- Part 3 of F.xhi.bit 2. ' 1.13 Matmial Co-bts. Charges for Mateiial Costs. furnishod by the Confractor and . incorporated in ihe Work. The City and Contrwtor agree that msterials listed orized ' under Attacbment C- Part 4 of Ex~~ii 2 repnsent the maximum auih ~ iypes of mafierials and uait ra:tes which wi]1 b° considm-ed rr;imbutsable under the teams of the fhis cantract unless subsequeriily changed far ressons approved by fihs City by a fonmal change order to the Contract. Matzriai rates shall be in accordance tivith the mateiial types shown in Attaehment C- Part 4 of Exhibit 2. 1.2 Su.bcnntractDx Qosts 1.2.1 Attar,hment C- Part 5 has a list of all subcontractors expecied to Roik for you - under this contract If requized by the City, fibe Coniracctor shall obtain comp°titive bids fram subcontractors acceptable to the City and Cfln,izactar and ' sbal.l deliver such hids to the City, w-ho will then determi.ne which bids, if any, vrtill be acceptable. 1.2.2 Mfaterial Costs. Charges for Material Costs fiimisb,ed by the Subwnixac#or and iacorporated in the Work. The Ciiy and Contractoi agree that materials Usted under Attachment C- Part 6 of Exhibit 2 repzesent the maxi.mum a.uthorized types of materials and unit rates which w°ill hE considered rei.mbursable under the terms of the this conhacfi untess subsequenfly cbauged foz reasons approved ' by the Ciiy by a formal claange onder to the Contract Material rates shall be in accordxnce with the material types shown in Attachrnent C- Part 6 af Exhibit 2. The City and the Contractor agzee t~at the raies listed in She Attachment inClucle - . overhead and profit for the subconlractors. 1.23 Payments mado hy tbe C.ontractor to Subcontracts may be based on a I.umP swn price from the SubcoIItractor. 2 Oserhead and Profit. Contractor's fee means a percentage over the duect cost;s (Itenls 1.1 and 1.2 above) to accflunt for the contrac~r's overhead and Qxofit . . . _ . . . i ~ - RFFP FACRET ~ . . City. of S`pokane Valley . ~ Street and Stornwater Maintenance axtd R.epair . ~ Services . ~ ~ Proposal No, 07-008 • We appreci.ate the Apporhuliip to give yon this gragosal and look forward to a positive relabionship.' . ~ Thank You, . . Brad Griffith . /001 FAWMLTIPPAIVVIG uC. . Serving Washfngfan & Idaho since 1953 • AT'I'AC'HMENT A- PART 1 i. - GENERA.L I2TORMATI0N , ' i A. T,egal NTame of ApPliaant CanxganY . I _ PM Fa,SFMTfP 'PAVTi~"~ 'rW B. I`jmme of Contid Pa-son - SR..a4 G'R3FP'tTfi . . ' Tlfle VItE PRF5M11' TelephanEWum.bcr induding area code 208-777-0498 e-mail eddress hradonaMsrh At . . C. Did outside ind.ividualslagencies essist with pTegaratian of thi'prOgranz? YES X NO If "Yes". Please descn.bc:. ~ . D. RBCEIP'T OF ADDEIdD?i: Fum acYnawisdges recci.p# of ths following add.end.a if any: . Add=dima Aso. t AddendumNo. . Addendum 230. AddandmmNo. 17ated 3/ 1 6/ 2 Q 0 7 I?ated Dated DsFsd. I certify that tn the best of my kmowledga the infonuaxien oontained in thi,s RFQ for qualif cations is accurate and camplete and that ihave the legal authority to commit this agancy . to a oantuctLml agceemrnC' Z realize the fioal fvading for any service is based ugan fiun inw . leyels and tbe appmval af thi; Spokaaa Va]ley City Council. ~ r Jfj V. ' P=in.t Nanie - Titie . 0 . r, or pplicant Agencp Dato . . ~ ! ' - • - - - • - . . . . . ~ . ' . • 1 , . I poe !{mp2seif Pasing, Iam has baen ia husSaess sfnce 1853. We pridootueelves aidelivering YmiUtY Prolects, on ttme, and un)dex bndget Ottr projeots za,aga In sir.a trom pttvate • driceways to 6'tate / Federal l3"sghwaps 4a Washfng-toa and Ida}w. , Po8 Asphalt bas conzpl..;ed amtacts wifh oarions mmafcfpelittas oves ffie pams. Wa have ' g=tnere3 with snch ageadss = . • G`ftp of Spokane VaIlop • Csty af lbberty Iwke • city of Coeur d'Rlene ~ ' • GUty of &atLdzum : . • aty of Pttlhm;1-n • Ctty of B2oscow . my of Clarkstoa , • ~ Citg of LevdsUm . • • Wasbfn~ Stste Universftp, • See ptEwnl,md sheefs bor zefeseaceS, A11 of ovr Enaploqees 2tave tha a.ppropttafie- licenses =d cextificaiione ta aperabe ths a3uiPmemi neoessarY ta exacmte tha vrark a--Ddrd bo oompLte thfs canlzaoL The management . tesr.n has sab.~~nt£ai expezienccs and has atteaded v2af ous leadership senihiaza. qualify ; coatzol class~, safei)r dasses, and ecmpntez softvJaxe clarses. BelvQV is a list of the 1my . pexsozuel mat w71 be Invotv2d fn arcuiiag this aantract: . • Brad Crriffith - v'm Presidsn2 ' - 30 psam of eapsxfa^rt~ . IOMe Iehnssn 61ivexf¢Ltendent . . -18 yeam of mcpertenca • Taj An3erSaa ProjecE Manager -S yeass experieace • jody q'odhnater Cenlsa+at Adxt'saistratica - 20 pears sxpeatence • Jo2m Ti'mss - Paaiag Pazani.a ' "30 Ye~ expa6exLca • Dana Kangen - Prep Foreman ' . SSyeaxs a2mezienoe ' _ , \ i !i . ! ~ • . At~achment B ~Work Plan , Frelinzinary scheanle: • ThiB s,:h--dnla is a ganeral antlfine ai avaflalale time 40 •be spea# on the Pz'°j9ct- . Rg27 fhra jone: $-10 vroxkJng days ondW 8- 7 vmr7ring daps o~si#e f aly thru Odnb. 3- 8 wczldng days aasita 7-12 wos]dng days offsite . The teutafiva date for oi:r asphalt n13nt to opea ia An_s1 22d. R'he plaw typicaIlY staYYS QPen . fhrough Ydovembem 9Tark reRuken~..^tB w-ID bs accoaplished bp ffie S~berhteadmt comrnmnfcating wl& 't4sn %leim an a regvlar basis bo schedule war9c to be daae. `I`ha ' SmeaabendEat wiIl thr"n set up fhe wurk bp noti€ymg the ProjEd Maaagar af ftie schedBie, allawing him to ozdac matszials if needed. ni? Smer:ntendent ~t A~~ m4ug th. , mobs'1'sEat' '=on of the equipmaat aad peasannsl nreded En e.gecate ths wczk. Ttie ProjecE ' Manageat w71 txw* tha wnx'k via the I?sDp' Reparis. He cviil a3sfl eemmaniaate Ette scope of work 5o the Conhacts A.dmiufstratian percon who vrM Oiea tztqaice v7oric cbne ori a manfh2y . basis. • Qur e3uipnsert msete all federal. state, and laml regul3tians. Vil'e prkle m:f.-gelves fn m-'g 'ag clesa, up :o date eqsupment in gaod vazldnq cflndifieaL We 2aava an extensive przvesitafte rnabdexanc° prcgsan► which ]eeps aII af our eqnipment un to s2auda..ds. &ee attaehed F.qulgment list: . . ~ The S•zmeziitaaateat wM be Pa touch wifh Rim ffieia on a rag-ular hasis and He can be reachesi by cell phnae bet9vesit tItg heurs of 8:30 am - 6:30 pm Nlonday - FYidap. Bdemages caa be Zeft on his call phone a$er 21eurs. FIe ariI! re.'urn afms haur messagw at Fha begstoag of Ehs naat • vaork dap. Mesmges left durmg v.-ork hflurs cvM be rehmied wftin S hou=s. Fi fhe Sme-,;,,+a,apnt cannnt be raached due to iwues bey-ond our comtrol, the Project Man" agas can be raached fhFOagh the office and / or his cedl ghons. . Poa 1r.spkalt WM analpzn the wazk aa3ivify ta be daae and suppIp I3bor sud equipmsat to comgFabe the v.*ar]c in a safs mannesvriih the Ieast smomtt af impact vn th5 pub?.i.c a.s pQs-nible. Poe Asphalt guszantees our v.rorlmanship and materi~ nsad to be in eccozdance wih specifica#iona: We wiII rEpalr or rap2ace anp of ouz vFCrk thaksngy provc to be de%Cfve in Itg workmansht,,o fflz ame (1) pear frmm date of accegtaace. ' . . . Tha sa5etp of mu pezsonaal and the p.ublic fa onr bigg-ast conccm VJo attoad to be very datailed ia oar traffic confzol gmcedures. Pracautionaiy measures era pzrt oi otsr dalq op:era~ns to assure rniblio safety Le.: tempozPSy ramps for aocess, uaevea edges, ett. ' 7ho Foxeaoan Rri2l Sil a:Lt the Daflp &egaris, turn them inlo the SuperSatendent foar revfecv / , approval, tae Project Mettager w71 receive daSly rnports i+rom the Supcrfittandent aftei anprovml and then osganiza the Daily Reporte iato weeMy repo=fs for daHvary to die Cily Qf 6pokane Valley. • . See attached da.ilp zepozE: . We anprecfate Oia opportvaity the Cit}r of 5pokane Va12e3 has given us fn pmvidiag tlu:, g=pasal T3xrough the cvIl :bDratlan af owc staff we were able to chelleaga oureetves ia aur oemmunicafians, vroak flaw, eafety, equipmemt utflzeflon. aztd repozting. 'iliis prvnoszl ~ . ~ . EQUIPNENT LI5T . . . . . Page 1 UNIT ~ DESCRIPTION CONOfTfON 0000 . 36 1993 KENWORTH T800 TRACTOR G04Q 224 1985 FORD F6W DUA4P TREJCK dOOD . . 226 2000 FORD FsDD DUMP TRiJCK EXCELLENT . 22 1,999 KEh!'WORTH T8OO END DUMiP EXCELLENT 29 1399 ICEAlWORTH TBOD END DUMP EXCELLENT . 40 1999 KENWORTH TBOD END DUMP DCCELLEMT , 55 1993 PETERSILT357 END DUMP . COOa BD 1988 KENWORTH T800 END DUMP . OdbD 23 2007 PETER8ILT 357 SUPER DUMP • EXCELLENT -24 2007 PETERBIL7 357 SUPER DUAJfP IXCELLEAfT . • 25 2007 PETERBlLT 357 SUPER DUMP ' DCCELLENT • 27 2007 PETERBfLT 357 SUPER DUMP . IXCELLErfT . 28 2007 PETERBIL7 357 SUPER DUMP EXCELLENT 251 9000 EORD LBD00 WATER TRUCK 20D0 GALLOlJ IXCELLENF 257 1978 FORD LB0D0 WATER TRUCIC 2000 GALLOIJ QOOD 259 1998 KENWORTH T800 WATER TRUCK 4000 3Al10N GOOD . 284 1974 KENWORTH C500 WATER TRUCK GOOD ' 205 2004 FORD F550 TAC6C TRUOlC EXCELLENT 273 1999 FORD F450 SERVICE TRtJCK EXCELLENT 21e 19e7 FOfiD RANtIER - ' C.~OOD 221 20D3 CHE1/Y c1o 200o FOfiD F25o DCCELI.EEYT 230 2000 FoRD F250 EXCELLENT ' 340 2007 FORD F150 EXCELLENT 303 2aDU GHEVY C1 D ' EXCELLENT 304 2008 CHEVY COLORADO ' DCCELLENT 308 20O4 GMC i 500 EXCELLENT • 202 2004 FORD F450 EXCELLENT - . 206 2008 FORD F450 ' EXCELLENT 247 2D03 FOftD F560 EXCELLENT 75 2007 TAAILKINQ LoWBED ' EXCELLENT 102 2001 1NIWAM5EN 4AXLE PiJP EXCELLENT 103 2041 WILl1AMSEN 4 AXLE PUP ' . EXCELLENT 187 1999V1lILLIAMSEN4AXLEPUP • EXCEI-LENT - 188 i 988 V4'ILLIAMSEN 4 A?LE PUP EXCELLENT 189 1999 WILLIAMSEN 4 AXL.E PUP EXCELLENT 197 1897 RUMNAY BFLl.Y DUMP TA,AILER GOOD • 144 2003 OLYMPIC 3 Axi.E TtLl' TRAILER EXCELLENT 131 1999 TRAfLA9AX T12UT TRAILER COOD 132 1998,TRAILMAX T12UT TRAILER _ GOOD . 149 2006 TRAllMAX 712UT TRAILER EXCELLENT . 67 1977 5AW TIWLER GOOD 70 2004 FoX UTlUTY TRAILER EXCELLENT 127 FREUHAUF TACK TRAILER GOOD 461 1998 CAT CS5WC GRADE ROLLER . C300D 406 2004 IR DD34FiF RbLL.ER DCCELLEM 411 2004 DYtdAPAC CC102 ROLLER DCCELLENT ' . ~ - • ' . l • ' . , POE AS!?HALT PAVlNG, INC. . u~~=~~+~ 'IbclpTu~artt caEnr cAao I ~t,ETERA0AWN0 QRTE: • ENu - ' 9TAF1T - ~spaAasAmmhe• • JOB NO. NAME: roPM wE,a'r►iER • FaREn+,aN"3 ' . ATlI: P.M. 6MIFT: APPROVAI VER 0 . ' G1A?EIIIAL.B ' NAME ~APWV~ s►x3t w[aii PHABfi cu~ee Fauift Aana„d - m~vmRO. . NUtd8EI1 11u f LN Tid'P 87 OT CODH lTOt16 Ilfl'J. CaYii'setn . AU 6A4019 W~o:~~tr q 0000 1oM~~ ' G9TC ImNcmes tiaraaMnA ~ Fbldtp Y/ b`ylu°me B'~cldon lutilu~aa ' . . • ' BOxm 4F . • ' ' Weto I..f+ . atww - ' LA . IXEA reem T. CDpaPLGip ,108 OIARY ' / ~ . Q,q-rCH; pqW! pp 7p'fALHOUAS: • TOTALPRODUCTION: CHECK6O DY: r~'^ _ / A'I°TACHIIMNT C - COST PROPOSAL . Contractor's Papro[1 Cost . AfiTACffiVUNT C PAR.T 2 Contractor to list all arsonael ecW to work within the Ci Persemml C2assification and 1?esciiptiQn . . I3oxidy Rabe ' . - Re O.T. Primary CiRy cantsc~ organizes, srhedules, and $52.00 / $65.00 mmagcs contractrns a►ork ' . S38.00 J $51.00 Foieman • $37.00 / $50.00 OPCTatDr $37.00 / $54.00 Teamstat ' $34.00 / $46.00 Leborm , . i . ~ . ~ . , ~ ATTA.C'HlYLEN'I` C - COST PROP4SAL SU'BCONT'RACTOR LIST - A'x°TACSAMNT C- PART S . Contractor to tist aIl sabconfractors e bW to work within tbe Ci ovaonY's AsPI-IALT sEAr,coArnsG, zNC. . ' FR,ANK GURNEY, INC. MDM CONSTRUCTI021, INC. NQRTHRrEST FENCE . NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE . GA2,MON CONTR.4CT'ING, INC. ECLLPSfi TRAFFIC O(3NTROL & FLAGGIN, IAfC. ~ . . . Subcontractors - Contractor tn provide a list of all subconh-actors anticipated to be used for performin.g the described services. Contractor to list fbe overhead and profit on subconh-actors in Ybe~m 2, Part 1 of Attachment C. ATTACHMEh[T C = COST PROPOSAL , Contractofs Equipment Ccst . - , ATfACHMENT C - PART 3 ' Cantractar to Itst al( equ merrt expected 6o work vvEihin tfie Cify aipment Descriptinn ~urip Rate 2038 1993 KW T'800 Tractnr $55.00 , 1485 Foad F600 Dump I7uclc W'00 ' 19" KW T80D End Dmmp 1999 KW 7800 End D=p 555.00 1999 Kw T&30 End D=p . 5.(tU 1993 Pete 357 End Damp , . . ' 355.00 1998 gW T80D End Dumip SSS.DO M 2007 Pete 357 Supra Dumnn S75.00 . 24 2a07 Pete 357 3vpa Dmap $75.00 2007 Pata 357 Sugsr DmT - 57100 . . ZaOT Pate 357 Super Dump S75.00 20:17 Pe6s 347 SvPr.r DamP . $75.00 . . 9257 1979 FosdL8000 Watw Trar* 2000 00on oo i988 RW T800 Weter 7ruc~ 40D0 Gallan ' j$3 0'ZB4 1974 KW C30D Waer Tiadc 5.00 42DS 2004 Fo7d F550 Tark Truck 0.00 73 1939 Ford F4SQ S$rvioe TY~eck 5.00 19 1997 Rard Rengec' Q.~ 1 2003 Chwy C10 5-00 w0 20OOFardF250 S15_00 ' M0. 2007 FaTd F150 $15.00 . • 3 9304 03 2000 Cbevy CSO 15.00 2006 E%vy Celorado ~10.00 ~ 306 2004 GMC 1500 $15.00 - , ' 2004 Fani F454 $7-5•00 • 208 2006 Ford F450 $25.00 . . . M7 2003 k'oad FSSO - ' $25.00 W5 2AQ7 Tisi]foagL.owbed 535.00 #102 2001 Wi.llismasexi 4 AxIc Psp $20.00 , i-fI03 2001 William= 4 Axle Yap $24.00 ~ POWER ~JL~• ' . oF nrra~r ~ti~ Z4.,sm . ~ ' Na lWOiiN AL!- gY?KE'a' PRM3EXM ' Ttaa SAFEDO QJSURANCE GOIPANY GF AbEEMCA md GEIIERAL D1SAJRAFtGE CoMPAEPf CF ALIS21GL eacfi e YYest~ mtpmz§= Qxs tach hmb!► app*d • . • , 1. ALLHX QHERYLA ASHB1; J.4MS M. HFWtTT; D0N MCQt114RY: P9iLSTOWMAKSt ' dari~n. • . ' ft e,ra ana bndd anwcyts?4rAact w~ U c*om5f t° rwrmrlc oa, as bchalr 9oe9ty ar,a =r.Vba~ or urKlwtaMngs ana o8w ' dancrcrft of a smolau dorddw imx:4 In ft cmam aFBs mid b Ob+d i!r_ respecfi+a mmRwd Uwebf. IN wn'DiFSS VAIEPeOF. SIlFECO R+T+i1RANCH COiPANY Qr A1mitCA eae GF7+I..ii!►!- BtuitAJ3CE COwANY Of qmERjr:Ahor each eotOCtftd taid ~d ~ patz*nft . . 27tfi Och°bff 2WS ' ~ deY cQ . • s,rFaF. ~ ALEti-'.JAT'Sd1L cRE:rfiiZY Nfil(EPc _PP.ESSpElIT.S1IRr'7Y CERTFFCAI'E • Elt2d fratn 4-a 8y3~- of SAPECO Q35URAlaGE COlIPA1JY OF AIlEWA end d GEIERAL [tsSURA#tCH DODWANY OF AiREWClr • Aci'ria V. Se-chm 43. -Fql3lil' AND S'UFETY 80ADS _tin Pmdd+►t anY Y ~ appa~t fid'nF~~ ~ . . Pr~d a7~Aafr+1w far Itd pupoe'.e b~l ft offs~r In @saa~ of a4~e~~. ~ Isovs • at~r~s,ln.€ari or undEr a5ar appavpabEn Qlc wam eutuft !o cno on Dabad aF tle n.~ri;r.ny fidaiiy md aazly 6ands end , afir~ d=,a,crds at saa8ar d=mcfer i~sd dY thc mrsp=Y fi e» cm= ad ft b-airmum on any 6mtrimeid ataft cr avidetckg mcb app6mtrml~ ft 0gw4s= mw pg tdfmo-3d by P I ne. Om avq hstnmwd ccxft.b g cudt asi?cdy ar an arry bosia ex , mvimfWft of 8x corrqarry. tho ccaS, tx aI=hr&e em-cof, tccry be fiRV6sd cir ~ or in mry a8= m3t= Tcatodu=d; prpvkl~d, toMraKx. 00 d+e saa1 " rtat bo rc=:wry 1n tln vatft of et►Y ach lrmi=ad ar undcrsakbM,' 6dr=t frwn a Rcsohism of fhe Bc'sad dDkcdry W SAFZ-CO Q0.SttRAA1CE COMPANY OF AtdERlCA . and cs! GENERAL R+IStIRANtE CaNlPAatY OF AMERICa o2ma Ju&►za, tsra 'On arty vw63'=ls examftd by tlw Sevetary ar Fn k-t seogsY o! Qse Car76vm mlft °w. , 0) TTe provisi= aiAr4cL• V. 5ozfm1 13 of Qtc By-Lrms. a,d . (uD A cop'J of 1!g PowwcF-atam-"Y 9PPobtmerd. c=mftr1 Purmasd Dxaeto. a+d • Ccxgy" M smid pwwat~t:x.y op~t is {n (tO faffm md atfecL . the tagrvmflce of !ho cetgylrg offrrr razy b9 by :a=ln►D-- and ft scaf of ft GoarVany n►aY be a ta*n%e Bp-ea' 1s~}=m Q~ey..y~ta~t Se~ntaty oE SA~00 [l~S1RANCE COI~iLPA1,iY OF Al6~CA mid at G~lERAL RiSUf2ANLS , l70ldPIlNY OF Ail16tlCA. do 1sctcaY ccrWy Umt cee foregdr"a wt-=is d ST+o By4m= arid of a RrsluBen of Qs4 Baord Gf Dir=doss . • af Ume r.atpozaticns, md of a Power ct A2rrey bs+ed pvrwzi 6r.=ta aae tsu; ero o=cck utid Cat bMN Ae ay-iarvE, ase R=okAbn and Qib Pawer ad Anaaf+ey ate EM itr fu0 forsm and eRect. I!i Yft{TTESS VAUgtEDF. f haie beresude xt ery h*nd and affcmi tne iarEtmilo enat of s3id eaQporn4iea . g~ ~ day of ,.~.9~- ~ ~~y¢. • . ~ ~ x 1953 ~ Isi~ sIU%WnE naLEr~sric~. sEC~ra~r Ddk=O iLid ft sasrm iow ws rsalcarae vaa.v,s d sml~:m eacpo4fim Kr"B. P0~ . S-Q474fJ~S GfUS ' ~ . ~ ' • Bi~eis Pec~ 5t~d and Sta=aats Rapafr BFP ' . - . • A'I°TACH1I+.EN'I' E - SIGNATU.RE PAG"E . Dsft: KARcH ifi. z o 0 7 Tbe under.signed biddei h=by pTvposes aad agrees to daiver the aqutmant and/or servim pus.sumt ta the 2007 St=t gnd Storanwater Atiaiatmance and F-ePair Servic-rs anti alI ot= fiermrs and =Aitious of ifiis Req-►r..°st far Bids witWn tbiztp dgys of fnll executian of such Agteemmt. 23o biddear mgy withdraw his bid for a peaod oF nbetp (90) days afimr thc day of bid opcning. . •`Ihe reqinted bid s=ritp wnsisbmg of a cetified cbeck, bid bond, or cashi&s check in an . emotmt of nDt less thaa five p=emt (5%) of the totsl amnturt tivill be ddivaed tn the G`ify. Tb~e tmdoxigned individual represeuts and ww:r that hc ar sha is dgly azdiorizad to execute ffie bid on b6ha7f of Eay PsrtnersbiP.3omt v=tLue or corparatian. • :DOE AsRgAZ.T P vznc zlqc. . Company - - (Delete Two) ' ' • ' . ($56( BR)GRIFFITH ) • . v i ~i ' . . • , crifl--) ' 2732 N. BECR ROAD P ST FAL S IDAHO 83854 (Address) (208) 777-0498 ' . . (Telephone N=bez) . - CfTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY JOB # 95177 DAILY ACT(ViTY REPORT AGT1VfTY: YeaLtz Toialt OT QAT'Z: l.Or~T10N: mp{ P"mr fcru pacc 0 ot Empkpy*m Hows Exli OT Na+s Fbu Cos OT Coat TOtAi t Ccst OT Caet 70TJU. 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Di01At16saN 1 104.15 10975 S 25.00 31-1477 f 25.iS t 4.1:1 fM ]C.? p. pp 5000 081.25 f ~ Ii% MATFxRN1t-5 ~ Daicrt -n T ! of UNh Cad Of LMII 707AL TUTAL r sh 12 trrh A alt rix+l bi04 SS t+q.DO LMt i ~f 00 5 3LLQ 904 80 2339: T• Cc.urse 5Je1 R~ ~1 14 Sd 42 S600 Ta.T]d 52 i d 13 f ! 95e e4 2 S~ CSSt Tack Ofi 2: 45.00 S! 35 9371923 S3,71926 U Oo9:~ Walar Val.ro Rbws t 15 DO 92000 f70a 00 ZJOO OG 0,00% toew eo.e a Actwltr, 17BZ451 n w►1MAL eosTS : 5374-%7n ew+a.w 230x Tatal tost wlrrtarkua 59"1.G0 i lit.ril bB SuDCOetsfctors 175,097.81 f Ju 15t.2D 2.30% I'-007 Totat 31 SaS,l01. 276% Yrcrom baaaC an 29QT quortlies f 1 !1 2 TSk 61D TA9ULA7tON • Elmadwmf Avrnue OvtAat Peolect RROJECT fd0. 05-019 BID OPENING DATE MareII9. ZbQB. 91:OD AAd. HIDDL32S E~• FsOnme Inafnd AaBhaT CamWM . I A1 6U36'liTALi . ' . . Ilcm 6 Descti iml UM[ Cly a Tota1 nN Miee TCOA 9 NABILIZATHOK LS S 45.OOOA~ 5 t500C~.OD t 37,00],DD f 27.OOO.W 2 ? V-4ialT R~EPALQ FJOCAV. 770D11NGL M/1UL 2e9S 7.06 S " ES.00 i 8, S 19 16i.7J 3 AOJ WUIH6LECATCM BA.`1HIOR'YWELL EA T< GoU.00 S 35.OOO21D f. 529.00 9 812A, 4 P{,AMKG FMRQMUS R\VEHENT G./7 FT &Y. 57.001 1.76 t 101.328.75 6 0.73 f 42,267,73 5 NrM Cl. 17 PO 7 0.17 FT. DWiT1 S.Y. 879Dt S.OO S 2840505.00 S ~ tB 5 3N M49 B HM4 FQR VhVEMFNT i2FPAli2 CL 92' pG 78 TDN eJJ 5500 5 54.45D.D S ffi'ia➢ S 59,400,00 7 q T VALVE 2aX ~A 87 allQOJ L 30.8110.nO f 40E.0A S 295.00 0 RY PwYEit&JT h1A ~ Li. tB 025 S i/ 7'00 m d1D S 4633,50 9 PRLIIECT LE&9FORAR'YTR4FM CaNTkOL LS. 1 fi,U00A0 B 5306.00 f 600020 S B,40G.00 SO OTHFR TRlFRC CONTSLDI 1A90R NR t.zUD 42.00 S 50.4Q0.G7 i 99.50 S <3.80200 Cost Tnn Coct pv SY 6 CaG3,~ f 631.7GY.7C S 07.09 [ 1Q.22 BED TABULAT[OM - pia'.~rmanaVkl Road OvMav Proke~ PRQIriCT P10. d6-01 a ' BiD OPENIkG pATE Jadv 7. 2f106. 11:D0 A.M. ~ 6tytnurls Estlmatc EpOmo Racl PmGUds ALL RL-OUIREp SLUUUrr AL5 Yes IIemO Ocsz1 ip tlnN PRec 7aAat WltPrlce To1d 1 bAOSWATILDI L3 1 00201SU DOO,Op ] 25326 I S % 2 AU.IlRiT1Fl. BoX nna 1 :AO.W 65WA0 4U]:30 I f 4nQ.Oi3 S OBiil 5 375 2.75 S14791 25 2.9Q S 1362L0 ! HMA, GL 112' PG?628. 0.17 FT. OE3'TH SY 5 375 8,50 f94, 37 50 8.40 S 94«bD 5 TFJ~lr~0.-aARY FAVEMENT OAARI4V : ~S 9mD 0.28 f997.50 020 f 79fJ0 6 PRQIECT 7R1r OaAR RAFFIC (bl.`7A01, 1 3 0 00 50Q00 3 SQO.n7 S 9 97oAn e~.zl r we 200 <].M 511,40a00 3ILD0 f 7 87U,UD y ost Ton Cos1 Y TOTAL 571,9U6 ' S 62109.16 f B9_69 f 11.~ 9,1D TABULATION - Amonne Avennn OveAav Proieet PROJECT NO. 95-017 61D OPENR06 OAIE Juh 14, 200fi.11:OQAAL HIOrIER.. . ' 00r-isCetaac. SPak2netinckPro6uW,Nc. J' ASl FC-0.UIRe0 SU61L S Yes nfsr :rLr aC^.OtlP1tON unt 41 llnh Wke Taut UnE Pv1:e imial 1 N~TIDN L5. 5 29.OP2AU S Z➢ OO~AQ S AU.00 5 29.QP7.04 Z p,l j !lAKMpLFJppy1NE~,LC',A7p1qAaW ' 5 qt1,Uq S 3m0.00 f 9AC00 S 8.OR7.00 S PIJ~Mtd'a HfiL011NbUS PI~ L~I~t- Erii C.17 FT. ou,. S,T. t9 m 11.75111 1 799.5D f 1 T5 b 78 TB8.50 4 HM40.1CI DEPTH F>Y. 5734 7.50 S 64 5500 G B.9Il 4 7693110 S E,toQOD 6 nDJtFs7 vnLVE EA 18 42100 f 7.ssn,aa c 450.00 6 F907ELTTt3tPORARYTRnFFEC OL L8, t 25.050.00 G 35.anff.W f SO.O~O.m 6 SOOOO.OD Cas/PU on Cost SY TOTAL Li4S'E EUP FS11MA7'E ~ TY~ Tt4.50 i 187 831.70 S 139.74 S 162b ' M4=8.65Y pea T POE AsphaR Pavin - Overtay Cost fnr 2007 SY Tarts COai ~C pm an Cad t SY ' alh A•0. s'-m 970 S OYS.lYU S ~.39 f 6.6D 3 £b67 ti27 L 721.(M S 9h. i 10.67 Thioman 7~53 869 f 0.1.831,00 S 94.97 f 7.54 MJrsion tr" 91t3 S 1,20300 S 79. i 7.81 Avorago Co.t per Squarc Yard 5 8.90 \ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: ttem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ oid business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informabon X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Fffth Year Anniversary Logo Use GOVERNING LEGISLATION: City Ordinance 06-013 PRE1/IOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: March 31, 2008 marks the frf'th anniversary of incorporation of the City of Spokane Val{ey. Planning is underway to promote community awareness of, and participation in, community celebrations marking the occasion. Twro Eogo options are presented from whicfi you are asked to select for adoptifln as the fifth year anniversary logo. The adopted anniversary 4ogo is proposed for use in promoting and celebrating the anniversary throughout 2008. It may be used to promote and identify five year anniversary events and commemorations on promotional materiafs such as flyers, advertising, media reieases, pasters, city corresportdence, city website, and other means by the City and by organizations officially involved in pianninglpromobng the anniversary. Because both op4ions for the ftft anniversary logo modify the authorized presentation of the logo as specitied in the City of Spokane Val{ey Logo Style and Standards guide, Council authorization of, and permission to use the adopted fiftfi annhrersary logo is required. Authorization fs also requested to provide tfie logo as appropriate to organizations officially involved in planning and promoting the five-year anniversary in accardanca with Section 1.06.050 of City Ordinance 06-013. OPTIONS: Authorize that staff move forward with one of the options listed: 1. Courtcit ooRSensus to have steff prepara a resolution for next council meeting, authorizing the logo of choice as the Fifth Anniversary logo and authorizing the uses as outlined above or with modficaNons; 2. Council consErtsus not to consider a resolution authorzing a special logo as the Fifth Year Anniversary Logo; 3. Counal consensus for such other direction as deemed appropriate. BUDGET/FINANGAL IMPACTS, none STAFF CONTACT: Carolbelle Branch ATTACHMENTS Five Year Anniversary Logo Options A and B, City Ordinance 08-013 Pai;e I ot ~ Five Year Anniversary Logo Option A CITY OF 40 Valley FIVE YEAR ANNNERSARY OF INCORPORATION MARCH 3 1, 2003 MARCH 31, 2008 - i'ae~ 2of ~ Five Year Anniversary Logo Option B ~ CITY OF K 40 Valley FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF INCORPORATION M a rc h 31, 2003 t o M a rc h 31, 2008 f a-,z 3 t,t ~ Chapter 1.0Q CITY LOGO Sections: 1.06.010 Legisia#ive findings. 1.06.020 Definition. 1.06.030 Official use. 1.06.040 Penalty for violation. 1.06.050 Permission for use. 1.06.010 Legislative findings. The city council finds that the logo of the City ofi Spokane Valley is a symbol of the authority of the City and is a valuabfe asset of its population. It is the intent of the ciry council to ensure that only appropriate uses are made of said city {ogo. (Ord. 06-013 § 1, 2006). 1.06.020 Definition. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definition in this section applies throughout this chapter. "City logo" or "logo" means that logo recordeti under State of Washington Trademarfc No. 31689, with "City of Spokane Vafley" and depicting a l~ Kane ..~W1ey, mountain and river, as illustrated below: (Ord. 06-013 § 2, 2006). 1.06.030 Official use. Use of the city togo shall be for official purposes as specfically set forth befow: A. The following uses have been explicitly and expressly approved without the need for further City consent 1. Use of logo on any official City of Spokane Valley document, including but not limited to stationery, lettefiead, report and report covers, envelopes, memorandums, faxes, employee and elected officials' business carcis, name tags, and name plates; 2. Use of logo on student advisory council (SAC) stationery and items of recognition; 3. Use of logo by Greater Spokane, Inc., for their marketing materials, on their website, and in their printed materials that are used in recruitment, expansion and retention efforts for marketing for business attrac#ion and development; 4. Use of logo by the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce for City of Spokane Valley promotion of the mayor's State of the City Address; and for the Ciry's general promotion through the Chamber's map; 5. Use of logo by those officially involved with and for the planning, promobng and decorating connected with the Mayor's Ball, including but not limited to event wine glasses, napkins, tickets, invitations, and other promotional materials and decorations for the ball; l'agz •1 of 5 6. Use of logo by an entity approved by the city manager for apparel purchased by City employees and elected officials, provided those purchases are Vansac#ed while those employees and elected officials are still serving in their City capacifies; and 7. Use of togo by those officially invoived with and for the planning of Valleyfest and accompanying parade, including but not limited to event decorations, promotional materials, advertisements, posters, and temporary signs. B. The logo may, with City approval, be used for other specific events that benefit the City of Spokane Valley community and are not prohibited by subsection C of this section. C. Approved use of the City logo shall also be in accordance with the City of Spokane Valley Logo Styte and Standards Guide, which shall be approved by separate resolution. D. The City logo sha11 not be used on or in oonnecfion with any advertising or promotion for any product, business, organization, service, or article, whether offered for sale for profit or offered without charge, without the express consent of the city, pursuant to SVMC 1.06.050. The logo shall not be used in connection with any e{ection issue, or campaign related thereto. E. It is a violation of tfiis chapter to use any symbol that imitates the logo or that is deceptively similar in appearance of the logo, or in any manner that would be an improper use of the logo itseff. F. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the reproducfion of the City logo for illustrative purposes by the news media if the reproduction by the news media is incidental to the publication or the broadcast. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a characterization af the City logo from being used in political cartoons. (Ord. 07-008 § 2, 2007; Ord. 06-013 § 3, 2006). 1.06.040 Penalty for violation. Any person who vio(ates this chapter shall be subject to any and all remedies available to the City under the law, including but not limited to a sud for damages andlor injunctive relief. (Ord. 06-413 § 4, 2006). 1.06.050 Pemnission for use. Any request for use of the City logo shall be submitted in writing to the city c{erk (or designee) in advance of the date needed. The mayor (or designee), in consuitation with the city manager (or designee), shall decide whether the requested use shall be approved by the City. The city cleric (or designee) shall send written response to the requestor within three business days of the decision by the mayor. (Ord. 06-013 § 5, 2006). Paoe ~ nf 5 DRAFI' CIT1' OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPUKA,tiE COL;NTY, WASHINGTON EtESOLtTION ti0. A RESULIiTIUN OF TAE CIT1' OF SPOK.ANE VALLI:Y, SPUKA:r-E COIJNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPT[riG THE FIVE YF:AR ANNlti'ERSARY PRESCNTATi()N'UF TAF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY LOGO AND AUTHORIZING ITS USE. WIiEREAS. '.til:irch 31. ?OOR marks ihe (ifth anni~'crsary of the incorporation of the City of Spokane valtcy, a,d NN`HF.REAS, tlie ('icv of Sp+,k:i31C Valley is ;t s~mbul i)t the ,sutliority rifthe Cit,,. .:ncj WdEREAS, a moditicd presentalion of tha authorited luga is propo5cd for use to help identify and promote infotmation, activitics and evenu throughout 2008 in celebration of the anniversary of the City's incorporation, and WHERFAS, Chapter 1.06.030 of the Municipal Codc pravidcs that approved usc: of the City logo shall Ix in arcordance «iih the City of Spukanz Vallcy i.ogo Style and Standards Guide, attd WHF,REAS, the proposed presentation is avariation from the Spokune Valley Logo Style and Standards Guide, and WHFREAS, the proposed presentation of the logo is profcssionnl, positive Ynd descriptive of the annivcrsarr. ttnd R'IiEFtEAS, it would be brneticial to liave the annivcr>ary togu used throughout tltc annivrrsary ye3r by the City as a substitute far the City of Spol:anc Valley Loga; and WHF.REAS, non-City organizations officially involved in planning and presenling anniversary information, acticities and events and would like to use the annivcrsarv logo to promote thosc efforls. NOW THERF.FORE, be it resolved hy the Ciry Council of the City of Spokanc Valley, Spokane Cc,unty, Washington, thai a modified pmscntation of the Ciry (ogo, as dCpicted on thc attachcd, is herzby -iuthorilxd for Spokane Valley City use as the fifth yettr anniversary logo, and further thet such modificd prrsentation is authorizEd to bc used by non-city arganizations officially im•olvcd in plnnning, presenting., and promoting anniversary infocmation throughout the ycar 2008. This Resulution shall be in full force and effect upon adc,ption. Adopted this day of Fzbruary, 2008. City of Spokane Vallcy ,A ["('EST~ City Clerk Christine Bainbridge 'Nayor Ricbard Munson Approvecf as to Form: Oftice of the Ciri Attorney ReeMution I18- Fiith 1'cnr Anntvers:uy I ogo L`se Py;e t uf I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 12, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ oId business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ information Z admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Legisiative 2008 Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREViOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will continue oral discussion of fegislative issues. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS NE VAt4F, ~CA o Q FIRE DEPARTMENT . ~i Serving the t;ities ot Spokane V311ey, Liberty Lake, the i owm of Miilrwod and Unincorporated tveas in S~okante CaijRty QUARTERLY REPORT C1CT-DEC 2007 WW W.SF'QKA iVE V A L L EYFit2E.C 0 M ~Q~ C~Paga 2 oi 10 5 FIRE y DEPARTMENT Niks Thompson, Fire Chief ..~t Octobar - Deceanber 2007 Lr~11 I Bj' F-r ~ ~ ~ R[O T ~ I~ E C I~' . Thank You Citizens f or Your ; -Continued Support The Board of Fire Commissioners and all tlle members of the Spokane Valley Fire Department would like to thank the citizens of Millwood, Otis Orchards and other unincor- porated areas we serve, Liberty Lake, and Spokane Valley for their support on the November Ballot in passing the ChiQf Miko Levy Lid LiEt. As we condnue to look at ways to meet the intreasing demand for programs and services, the location of our fire stations is a cridca] component of this efforl. (See page 5; our calls for service increased bv 8.79'o in 2007.) l-he funding frum the Levy Lid lift will help us in locating fire statiuns in the right areas ta meet nationally recognized respunse time standards to all emer- gency ca1Ls. Those response kime standards call for medically trained personnel to arrive at a medical emergency within 8 minutc.?s 90% of the time and the fixst fire suppression unit to arrive at a structure fire within 7 minutes 90 '/0 of the tinle. The total time is determined from the time the call is received at 911 until personnel and cquipment arrive at the emergency call. We are in the process of monitoring our response times on a quarterly basis to evaluale our effectiveness. The first station in the 6-_year Capital Farilities Plan will be the relocation and con- struction of Fire Station 9. The exisdng Station 9 is located at 11514 E. 16th Avenue and will be moved to the new location at 32nd and Whipple. We will be hosting a community meeting the first part of February at University High School to pro- vide information on station design and timelines for construction. It's our goal to have the new station operational before the end of 2008. We, again, thank all the citizens we serve for your continued support. QDMNE Pao? 3 ot 10 5 FIRE DEPARTMENT Mike Thompsan, Fire Chiaf ~ OctQber-0ecember 2007 4th Qua g h' 18 r- ~t ' ~1~- hr_ v r~fn. ::1' ♦ lt ' r 11 ;'IM 11 •l/ 1~. o tl ' 1 •I s • . 1.m 1 ' .1 = •I O•i 1.• _ 1.• 1 1/ ~ 11,eiI It et g Ittt~~ r~ cn• E~ _kil . vwhh th- he • • li - i ~ - n• crevm h- - _ b: 1.• • r. • • h e u•1i •ut t ' D' p:1 1n' nt o :..:i t 1m •Ili .J =:It - qtll• m' c _ - .It • • • rom' fandlia h - 11 ' • ff: • t areas . nd a] •1~ • u ~ • • • = H . v ~ our a• tm= te s1 ' , • ' 1 • w 1 e• ' JI iN : x1dVatk11 M'• n • w u't11n• I:K M 1=fi•! e{. •1 6i:{'e• 11• ell IiJI skffl . 1 .~11 • • • ' O / b elll ) ' - I11 /1 : 1 { t. • • : • • , 1 •t s-~•s _ z . m{ l 1 1 { t M M • :.J 1 4_ Mevef e11 . d e_ ~R ` ere c11 :1 •twin • h_ • .1n11 . n the mo1 1 m' 1• ll " t t b - •11 - .1 .11'.• rescue 1 -'uu t1 m .11 • - t - • •11~,• • 11f1 n• • 11 •1 'g/: ! :1n • rappelling ' •?1=.11 D'Iz n• , ' moIil t 1~ J1.~111(m : • ~ r.ln: • ' IIt md • • V': m cerdfmd 1 l 11 ' 1 o _ 1 • : M a: 1 " • urch. ' e• in ' • - t ~ ~ • em• e) h- •uM "_I n w - b- . m i ~ ' .c.~ be Th_ . p : • .n►.. ,uftft o n . ns W~ ' =-1 gt = itl 1 f r• 1 • ' M_f III ck• o) U ■ : • nn' n t : t - 1 Pack& =z:t • •l/ : M:ftm - :1 ' 1,e' :tl • • pm: bm' ec' Ifir tioi : o mp - t- d. Vr ~ ' ne-]ffa - o* - 1 t ftg t a QpK~E VALz~~ ,~3~~~ : ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Mtke Thompson, Flre Chiet ~ October-Decomber 2007 I ~ 4th Quarter Er~M sm ~ ' ~ J The ti Pokane N'aliry Fire [)eparcmcnt had reprr.enta[tori in the planning anJ itnptementa- tion uf the Neighborhoad Emergencl+ Nelp Centcr Triage Excrcise hrld at the [D5 Church located at 29th and Pittsburg, ou 1'ovember 1, 2007. The ex- errise -,vas cunductrd in ordrr to assrss the ahility of the Spnkane Regional iiealth Uistrict, in coujunction with volunterrs and voluntecr organizatinns, ta yuic{:ly sort Patirnts R•ho may bc cxpericncing .•zrying symptoms during I_p InfiuMzDS[3idI-P k,• ASSrRXlp [*14}' 4-0 .`S1Si1-f1LV' U*li'Hi 12 t-hH1 14ghERFhRRd E-Y ff- gencw Help Center INEHC) and had to he quicklv sorted into i categories. Depending an the Physical assess-ment of tach patient, they wcre either sent homr «-ith a Fcver/Flu kit, sent to an .4cute Care Center for further evaluaric,n and treatment, or transpc►rted tci an area hosPital. t ith the potcatial largc sutgr of paticnts during apandcmir autbrcak, tbcrc has to be a sorting mechanism in place to get patien~5 to the pcoPer treatment crntrrs Witfiovt ovrrloading the arca hospitals. The cxcrrisc accumpliShcJ the sorting a-sPrct of patient carr in a iairl,. r.1l-oid pcriud of'time. l tollow-uP committec «•ill be dealin9 with such issues a• better ways to protect medical persaancl and patients Is • ~ from sPrcaciing the inf'crtion bctwecn each other. Thr F~laa is to ha~-e more of these exercises in the future in or~ier to br ~rr~ared ~~•brn the in(luen~.a F~anc~emic ar- - Randy Olson-EMS Chief ; - .i• e:.: ~ . ► : ~ .77 i h:.t ~ •I~ r - ~ f: _ il I;c -7•: 7 . • r :{i~' U~ 6 - i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r. • • ~ _ . : .r: • : : r _ • ~ ~ 11 AQfv" 'C vA-1Page 5 of 10 FIRE DEPARTMENT Mika Thompson. Fro Chiof ~ f Octnb!►r-December 2007 YFAR O DATE ONSE TO ' OKAM NLL,- UBBM u 1 - o , ' ' I~J♦~V ~1S•fL 4ti VALL" ' ' ' • ' LPJM Ar~ .lan. - E)ec. Jan, - Qec. Change ~~•:_'-_..t rt: 11! il! ' ll'- YTQ YT~ 'fTQ - - - r y t a~0 -F J6't, 60• x a 0 r3 1~r ~1.45°6 <5 ~.i ~n? ~~J^a : , ' :7 1 •6 ir 7~[+5 31ASKSEMSAIMM 005 71 - 230 4L7Q5 3+35+1 15 45"5 r ALS a :3 394'9 37Q3 134~:, « , 0 0 a 0 - ~xV- M 21 ' 0 ~ d i 5 409ro W-FTech 3 0 0 : 50 404f, 4110ho 3t a2 •t 22% W . 0 Z3 2i! 1 ~ 4a~o _ 25 25 i. -~;2 771 -S - ~ - 39 p5 tci,d7'~, : " c ' 6 9 19 17~] 157 6 :99< VEAR • DATE TOTALS - 9,977 9,Q9Q 8.7Qti. respon" oubdo Bw Chy of Spftm VaNey. MilWmW w 5-Year Analysis of Response Totals 11000 10542 } 9698 10000 ' 9165 " Number of 8530 c000 " ~ calls v ' ' 8151 ~ 8000, . ~ 7coo' 2003 2004 2005 20 0 06 2007 • Percentages represent call increasa from prevlous ysar ~Oy,.AIVE YAt l46)- Pag~3-,f1n FIRE ` 5 DEPARTMENT Mlke Thompson, Fin ChiQI Octobnr-Wcember 2007 F0Lre a fety T3* The Pro's and Con's of SMOKE A~LARMS Smoke alarms are a powerful and effective fire safety tool. They are the first lines of defense aga.inst smolae and fue. They may awaken those who would otherwise have been avercome by smoke and toxic gases in their sleep. Most importantly, they provide an eazly warning, alerting individuals of a fire and allvwing them precious E time to escape. Accord.ing to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 75 to 80% of all deaths by fire happen in the home. More than half of these deaths occurred in buildings without smoke alarms. By in- stalling a smoloe alarm, individuals can reduce the risk of dying by E almost SO%. Bili Clifford-PIO ' TEACHING OUR CTI'IZE,NS ~ Hpproximatelq 800 citfzens were instructed in both bnsiness and home flre safety dnzinq 2007. . - . R neighbor in the 7800 block Qf c,t in the Spokan•, noriclid vnokj-I coming from hif nf}ghbor'V houVi and grabbHd thH N garden hose to douse the flames on the roaf as sotneone eLse called 911. t hen emergency crews arrived on scene she had extinguished most of the flames. Shirley Ahern received a Citizen Award from the department for her eSorts on that day. ?OMNE YACEPag3 i a110 5 FIRE ~ DEPARTMENT Mike Thompson, Fire Chisf ' Octobar-Dscembet 2007 !;m(DkfW11.- Ala-llrmaZ6 1 • • • Alarms o Different Typ • 0 0 • fim are the sanuL Them are two ki a r o, ic.r • ~ r - r• o • 1on and Photo:.=«1 o : tl o - akmm .mortitor ,w : rt rr: ri • _d . arw.c i : i r • t: a:. 1'ap.. '1" i t I - qb- g r nb:. n r g1 1 :.ni "■-::•n r- o` 1 - air rbsb rling 1 ftw o' the M 1 ti p' ' x~~ 1 "o• nd t g' s :oo t w. lo' I: 1 ►n smoM . 1:: ~ pmW fh* / " - n fire 1': • combusfibles .11 ' ' p ' ds k! :i d g_ :t: m-• i Y r :1 ft f•tl ' tk ! : I • m1' f. " ' _ " b: ' ' 1 W. ~ ~ ic &f:'i •o iI ib _ - i,: b, _ f.Wk:c :•r~:l~'~- ro• kI g rr cCr,l ft ;'bk lim eft ' ' 1 II. l!: 1 o. =.a . oi) g 1 P." p/ 1 p:. . 1 W 1 . ;d I:,::._ wk: t.h/ / l o t: ftM . 1ft d • • ' M, *4* ' r oi: W • it - r',N bot_ 1 ir a MI a oke p•:. I.r : o- r r bo Ai b:_ W -✓.:rcc. i t. st .W.sir.lly p -t r.. .i .tnif •r * ► or t m . D.: - r:'ti:.: t d ,n M i r .i bt pre-sel krM of W sWkes r ~ ol• d' od• i : wo .1 1cL P' W • : t • f: aWms _~l ond Insl 1 k. .a~~'_: ~ 1re 1 ' ! 9 g' ;1':.. arg: .il m' Il_ 1 iK b': ! Y .oke wk We heat f iokW W 1 befo e h :•.1' t > ftmaL i 1 . .;.sft -I :t C od' • c W ro i. • w b:dror d tr b:.s i , oo. ti oft cut: fo qo r,-c.am of fimrAu ,w =:r,._ K r.i: ftv'z-. .mi ;i p._ :1 1 . W 4 r. at' m okip g,sma ~ wb: :.Nf s fk: m kw'prom te r: - I t r Ir o- ioi i•l:ft. . I awms- The oo a b• f ♦ ► . • - nd p • • - - rtft snio • m • • o - i~ nmimtsm p•' - rli♦ d - - V - - I g 1 - event o - fbvNFPA rvo: d a - - i v,r. W .7R • x e ama • o • w• ir c1.: pro eh1 on. Fo r: t~ pngeni o h. i l:r: k rr ( o, / I o • _ ' M. ft s oke alarm o ' t our home. ! o d Q0Kp,NE VqI~~~ ~ FIRE DEPARTMENT Mlke Thompson, r-ire Chiof ~ October-Decombar 2007 4 FtRE iNVESTIGATI4NS S+" Q+:~rtcr, ~Ot~T Ts, zvtaf inYcs"r.tonsw+ih an asxtmated S531,600 in p~opdk:Y dxt'a~o, 5 - trr~+(+ts~nal ~ Ctiminal fires, ~j accidor;fal flres, 2 0l whtrh witrti aaused by mearss of htadng tWinces:.2 r,iuud by, a4*(t*A1 tnstfurcL`0ns:• . . Ycu_ta Ue.100T • ~'`.r., 1711 - Tatai Imvtlgjoor►.~ wc#t► an esUmaW S-7.S m~.ilir.n '.rt propsry damvje. ~ 33 - xcd*t~l ~a~[~ 5t • lP~tto~al 1 Cr~min~! . U '~YQ~,I~tlf~eC~i NKr~ ar ~ 4'fi~g a 404ib a.'1d12 JiN4s?ties. .r `~s i.. 4 •'~ti _ , tha tvw 3~3¢ing ~,~r~ v~3 ~ac..,cAl oilian~ces and heating appliantrs ~pace nea,~ere, wood ar~d rhEipF'seysjl wW►'ltte sti~!!►e Aies xcur*1nqln resldential occvp,wcies..The estirnatrd propery darna3e ,~tivestjg~et~.~fa at ucedc~il raU!m c#acded S1.5 niltUoz R ~014A! FWE S: Fc;c;r .,ntm of tlie Spatuna VAlicx r:: e QeparcrrtrrsYs P-Wver►tion Bdrbav ara speclAl dcpudes cammissionrJ L-y tfis Sp:.- T-kane !::,;~rry St►erifl. By rmsns of arrcat and accrpaonil de,arance, the cira;ance ►ate tor crimiml atts witttiin th¢ purvitw ot ir~-~ firs do{s#rtment WR3 W4% cornpmrd to the natioRal'clegarrr.r ratz+ d 1111%. E In 2t)177, the txt af u'sott wn►h'.n the Junsdicvw rras 49,Itte~0on"y set tires pcr f 00,bOD inhabicsnts, wh,le tne nrJnnal ne-z;,s .'u IA4ff was 25.H 1"6'►tlty a'A fltes per 100,006 lntiu4ll.~7ti The est3rtuted property dunage far irtvastigatesi R fire's t1 lhSeirtronal causa w:a #1QT,OOb, Ciit'tom 114ehaffey-0epvty Fire Ma;shal PREVENTION STATISTICS r = - ~ October-December of ZOOT PERMITS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 50 PLaTS 3 HEZERD COMPL3INT8 17 FIRE SPRIIJHLER SFSTEMS 166 BUSINESSES T &I,ARM SYSTEMS 8 FIIRE W3TCH 37 HUIIaDINC3 PLJiN REVTEWS 9 FIRE AiJ[RM HCCEP?HNCE t CHANGE OF USE 32 BUILDING gCCEPTIl.NCE 0 FIItEWOR.SS 2 HOOD SYSTEM SCCEPTHNCE 31 TENEN'P IMPROVEMENT T SUPPRES8ION HCCEPT3NCE 3 TEMPORaRY STRUCTIIRES TOTAL PERMITS 146 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 227 AOrv " 'G YkC~ Fa~s 9 of 10 FIRE DEPARTMENT Mlks Thompson, Fiz Chinf ~ October-Dscasnber 2007 Interesting Responses-4th Quarter • Spol:anc Vallcy T ir has n-sfx-indcd to s,:%z,al ca!!ti t.► thr Sgukani Ri%cr tu I.w-atc .ind rescue rrj,i~ned ~.-notu in tbc waier. ln a coupk of emergerscies ur have saen a jel sli flosting uncaitroltably dowa the river witfi thr owner shivcring on die sfiorc arxf thc ot#►er wa.s a sttandad bask-ctball which we aamed Wilson 11 frorn the movie Casi Away. ♦ Un May 3 1 " a man had sluppod on Mullan Rd to asist a strandcd motnrist with $ flat tirt_ As he %,,as trying to get the sp.zre tire doun frvm under thi: vchicte it trad slippod off thr jack xrfd pinnod him ta the graund squerzing ihc la%t brcsth of air out oChim. Anothcr citizen heard screams fmm the pamicl;ing motarist and wam to hclp: she had someonc c;::ll 911 and replacrd tttic jaclc undcr the vchicle to raise it off the man. He was tFSk-cn to a Iocal hQSpital and rclcased v%ith some major bruising and nn tnvlccn bonts or inscrnal injurirs. tipol►s»e Vallcy Firr rommendrd the citi-rsn for snving his fife. HONOR GUARD and PIPES & DRUM$ The last few rtwnths heve been pretiy busy. On Septernber 11th, tha Honor Guard and Pipas and Drums perforTned a wreath cerernony at the Interstate Fair to remember those lart in 2001. We aiso sent two representatives to the Washington State Fallen FireFighters MemoriaI and three represerttatives 1D the National Fallen FirefigMerS Memo- rial in D.C. The Spokane Valfey Fire Pipe and Drum Corp assisted with the Spokane Fira Department Color Guard whife pressnting coiors at their 2007 awards aeremony. In Odober we hebd our semi-annual meeting where new officers wera voted in and Bitl Clttiord Eook up the re'sns of Unit Commander- In December tha Honor Guard per- fortned cobr preseMaiions et two Gonzaga BasicetbaU games (one men's and one women's), As my tast Quarterty Report, I would Iike to thank those who give oi the+r frse time to make the Honor Guard and the Pipes arxl Drums happen_ Without their willingness the lionor Guard ar►d Plpe and Drum Corp woufd nat exisi. Right now thera ara a handful of individuals theed are malcing it wor4c. We are always boking for a few mora incSividu- als (active duty or ratired) to share in the cameraderie of tfie unlt and to help keep this new tradition to SVFO going stroctg. Rob Proctotl-Nonor Guord Cammander ~ We have been fcriunate this winies thai Mother Nature has not interrupted our inbra- ~ -Z~_.;. , ; j sutictuze with seveze storms. 'I't►e snow vRO have had may create havoc on our driv- ing. but that is just a nuisaace. As we all lrnaw, no one can predict Mother Natuue. Are you pzepazed to rv.rvive iishe deddes to throwsome heavy winter at na? Wt+.at about a majoz snow storm whera you cannot Qet to the atare for food, medicine or _bout anothes ice storm as we had in 1396I Do you have enouqh food, water and medicine ta be seli-sufficiznt fQr 12 hcura, 1 to 4 daqs? Now let ua talce thia outaida yaur immediate home, what about your nsighDoris? Ase you prepared to rome together with your neighborhood to help each other7 And how aboui the simple thinqa? ti you had to leave yaur house quickly in the middle ot the niqhi, can you survive Ier 19 minuMb ouWde belare help g-rives? MoaWvill srV "pea" unW you menWn VrdAVey wal noW have time to go to the clothes cloeet. Do you have something for pour feet bq yosu bad? What do you wear to bed, will you be able to tolerate the weather in your aleepvaeaft Do you want to laarn how to be betier prepared? Maqbe our Community bmerqency oesponae Team (Cbn training is what you are looldnq for. The Ppokane g alIeq Fue Depamnent will be holdinq our next class starting in Msrch. with othe.r conntp vride classes staTtinq in Febiuary. U you are interested, glease call our fu'e department administration at 828-17t1M Bruce Hamner--CERT Program Director 9Oi~ ~~E Yk`L~ Page'Oot ;0 FIRE c-3 DEPARTMENT Mlike Thompson, FEre Chief October-OQCenber 2007 All in a Day's Work The following gives an outline of SVFI)'s role in providing emergency assistance. Oeaders might be interested in seeing what Ss Fa s firefighters respand to on an ac- tual day-in this gase DeFember 25th. The folloaving summary does not include daily training or community events that firefighters participated in. Total calls for this day were 34. imift"l Begon Tkft inewed TV* a i 11 1 1 5 Sounding rWT 0. ti W 0 . O . : rO ,M-0 M 3 . o drKM Wf M .h 1': - I . 124M&M O_ ~ 0:47 31-8 EMS cal 12WA( - 4- rI{ 1 rl W 1223 3143 EI • ~ ~ 'r iwsaw . 2. / 1 1 ' , AS " t.l M . 11 i 15.50 1 I-F SI nhm - ~ 2/ 1 ~1 31-0, EW cad ► I I. a1 1 O . . s ~ EM W 18,26 31-8 EM 1'1 / W 19:56 31-8 E • ~ . W .i . , aW.► W . ; W_ r ~ 1 1 1 - U. .r . ' 122 11 1 1 M&"Vd**Acdfti 1' 1 • / 11 1 = .1: 31-0 EMS 12MV2W" y.l. '1 1 { I7 1 f M . ~M il 1 : E. ri. ~