2008, 11-04 Study Session ~ i AcFNDA C1T1' nF SPOKANE VALLE1' CTI1' COUNCIL WORk.SHF.C't STL►l)Y SESSION Taesdny, November 4, 2008 b:UU p.m. C1TY NALL CUUNCiL CRAMBERS 11707 Eaat Sprsguc Avcane, First Floor (I'teaxe Sllencr t'onr CcU Phonc.s Uuring thc llYecting) D_I_SCU5S[()ti LF-AnER SI!iUFCT/ACITViTY Gl)at.. A'ew F_mrIotee Introdurlian,s: Accoutttcrnt;'Buit,~~e1.9ntJ1ysl Dutl Domrese bY I''lnctnce Direcli)r Aen Thorrtnson, and flrlnrarisrrative Mulyst Jvlur Pietro by Deputy C!ty jtifmiager Mikr Jucksdn. ACI'tON ITEM; t. Mayor N1umsonl[?cputy Mayar Tawl Matiimum I)nity l.oad (7NtDL) Matian Con,sideretion Denenny Legislativc Agenda (pnbtic comment) REGULAR 57UDY SESSION 1TE?►1S: 2. Krnnampson 2008 $udget Amrndmenis I)iscu5si~m~inti~rmiit1011 3. Lori Barlow Slrrc:t Vacatioai Reauc:sl STV 02-08 Uiscuisi.aii'lnfarmniion t?niinpro%cd purtion of 5i"Avenuc 4.1ohn HohmanlGloria Mantz Strcet ncsign Stnndards and Unife-rm Discussi«n'Information Dc%-clopmtnt Cocfe Reeomntendci Changcs 5. N9avor !'rluns-on Ad%ancc Aacnda Uiscussion/Informntion 6 lilhirm<ttiun On11•: (w!l( trut hr doccts.seJ or rcfxwed) a. SplcisluluHrn wrd KWCA .-1qualics (.'j?,icltt• h. Gnnrmuntly Sunv-y 7. Mayar Munsan Councif Che,;k in Discuiis ii,sifinfurmatian fi, C)a%r lMcrcier City Miinagcr ('i}tnmcnts laiscussionr'lnCortnasiun EYI:Ct1TIVE SL.SSION: Land Acquisition AnaouuN .ti'otr. liakss othcrnise noted abuve, tAcrw wiil be no puWk commenu At Coaocii Studr SasbaL Fia~.cver, Conncil ntwars reserva tbe rigat lo rs~quest lafsrnutiaa Irom the ~blk rad ataR u apptopriate. Auring mcetings bcid bq the City uf Spdcana Valtcy Camcil, thc Com►cil raservcs dha tigk to tnke "artlun" ua nny ii«n llstad cu subeec{ucntl. eddod to the agrndn The trnu "rcticro` n-nii-i w Jelfhrrutr, disam, rrvim, consider, cwa3imte, ot meke s oallecli-m pcxith-c w neyitiva docisian NOTICE Indnidunla plaroia~ w anand d+o meettng w4w raquaa spacW aalqanu w ux.uuuwdau rhytlaal hcwiu& ur adn lmpwtaaw~ plase eaaw dre Cxy ~ Clrrk *I a: t- t fafO n9 xxia iu paaiiblc sc+ that omngemcna may Ae mxlc 5'irS, SeL'inn ACrndrt Nu~e10'cr •1, :1Y:1t i'ag: :~,f I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 4, 2008 City Manager Sign-off- Item: Check aU that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old buslness ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pendmg tegislalion AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Legislative Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN. BACKGROUND: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated the State Pollution Standards are too stringent for currertt technologies to satisfy. A Use Attainabiifty Assessment (UAA) may be one method to address this challenge. Another would be to have the State Legislature reduce the Standards statewide. OPTIONS: Make an altemative motion; make no motion; consider further at a later daW or take other action deemed appropriate by Council RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move that Council add "Consideration of Methods to advance the Spokane County Wastewater Treatment Plant" to the City of Spokane Valley's Iegislative agenda. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: COUNCIUSTAFF CONTACT: Mayor Munson, Deputy Mayor Denenny ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: November 4, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that a ly: ❑ consent ❑ o!d business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng (~information 23 admin repoh ❑ pending {egisfation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Amendments to the 2008 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public heanng and an amendment to our budget when we believe we will exceed our appropriations. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City budget for 2008 was adopted in Odober of 2007. Amendments to the 2006 budget were made on May 13, 2008. BACKGROUND: Additianal amendments to the 2008 budget are needed to allow for costs of street maintenance and snowfice removal dunng 2008. The first reading of the ordinanoe is scheduted far November 18. The second readirtg of the ordinance will be scheduEed during the middle of December so that all needed amendments are captured prior to year end. OPTIONS: Options mclude amending tfie budget or not amending the budget. The budget should be amended to comply with Washington State law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No actfon is recommended at this time. This item will retum to the agenda on November 18 for a public Mearing and a first reading of the ordinance. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None at this time. STAFF CONTACT- Ken Thompson, Finance Director City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A Amendments to the 2008 Budget November 4, 2008 Revenue Expenditure Fund Increase Increase Explanation 101 Street Fund $ 500,000 Transfer from winter weather reserve fund S 500,000 Street ma►ntenance, snowAce removal Grand Total $ 500,000 5 500.000 CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Acdoo Meeting Date: November 4, 2008 City Msnager S1gn-off: Itcm: Chcck sll that appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information E admin. report ❑ pcnding legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 5N-02-08 - Request to vacate approximately 390' in length of unimpro%~ed 5" Avenuc. BACKGROiJND: On July 11, 2008, Breat Ellioct, on behalf of himself, David and Lisa Bowers, Larry Heller and Emil~ Poffenberger, applied for a sVcet vacatioo. 'nce application rcqucsts the vacation of approacimately 390' in length of 5 Avenue locnted approximately 254' east of the iniersection of Progress Road and 5`~ Avenue. The strcet section is located suuth of 4°i Avcnue, north of 6' Avznue, and east of Progress Road That portiQn of S0` Avenue is unimproved and abuts properties owned by the persons listcd abavc. Piease referenec the mep below. Portion of 50'Ave. rsquestod to be vacatsd as _ ~ e Na - oa I rn s yl ~I ~n w~a1~ d~ ` ~1~ M~ insO ~ T . I ~sm' ' ~ mnw a~• wsm - - ~m a~c aw .uw O~O.Cnr 0 The I'lanning Commission cansidered the street vacation request, staff rcport, and testimony fmm the public hcaring. A motion to deny the requcst was actcd on thnt cnded in a split vote - Three Commissioneis votcd in favot of the motioa, and three Commissianers voted to oppose the motion. As a result the Commission will fonvsrd the request to the Council with no recnmmendation. Thc item will bc cvnsiderad by the Council at the November 18°i meeting as a First Reading of the Ordinsnce. RECOMMEN'DED ACTIOh OR MOTION: Coasidemtioo whet6er or aot to proceed with a Street VacaNon Ordinnace STAFF CONTACT: L.ori Barlow, Associatc Planner TTACffi4iEh'TS: Fxhibit 1: Planning Division Staff Rcpert Ex.hibit 2: Aerial Photagraph STAFF REPVItT PItOPOSED VACATION OF 290' oi 5° Avenae located approuimateiy 250' eut of the intersecaan afProgrrss Road and _'O Avcnue Prepared by: L.ori Barlow - ASSOCiate Planner Date: October 9, 2008 BACKGROUND: On Ju1y 11, 2008, Brent I:Iliott, on bchaif of himself, David and Lisa Bowers, Larcy Helltr, and Emily Poffenbergcr, applicd for a street vacstion. The npplicant requcsts the vacation of approximately 390' in icngth of 5~' Avenue tocatod approximatoly 250' cast of the intersecoion of 50'Avenuo and Progress Road. The sUeet scction is lacated sauth of 4°i Avenue, nortfi of & Avenue, and cast of Progress Raad. Thst portion uf 5ih Avenue is unimproved and abuts the properties ovvned b5, the applicrints listed above. Findfags: I. T6e chAnge of use or vacation of the street N•ould not better serve the public because the stmet is needed to proAde Access for the fall development ott6e propert}•. 2. The street Is accrssary for publlc use and pubtic access berause devrlopntent ia nnderwAy to improvc approzimately 250' ot 5° Avenue east of the Su Avenue sind Progress Road lnterscction to providc accesa to a resldential Iot. 3. A sutntitution of s ncv► and d[Qereat public way would aot be more asefnl to the pnblk because residentiat dcvelopment V nndem-ay that utilius 5'b Avenne for acccss, and 5" Avcnue 66ould bc continued to provide access for Inltll developmeot. 4. Conditiona mat cbange in the fatnre as to provide a greater nse or need than praeptly exjsts because inRll deveiopment of the large lots adjacent to the r[ght ot way is anticipated aad aupported by the Comprc6cnsh•e Ptan. 5. ho objectiona to the proposed vacatioa iwve beeo receh-ed trnm pmperty ow-nera, geoerul publir or agencies wit6 jnrisdiction, witb the e:ception of the City of Spokane Valley Pnblic Worlc9 Departmeat. The Pnblle Warka Department has objected to the vscaNoa biused oa pluas to improve the woat portion of 5°i Avennc, esteading frnm Prograa Road to the west tronndary of parcel nnmber 45231.1508. 6. Abatting Proptrty No. 1: Brent EUlott, appllcaot, ov+ns properly that abata the right-of-R•ay on the aorth and south and includes Assessur Parceis #45231.1510, 45231.1512, and 45231.1511. AbntNng Property 11io. 2: Emlly and Duane Poffenberger, applicxnt, own parcel kk 45231.1523 which abuts the right-of-way oa the nortfi. Abutting Property No. 3: Uvrrence and ShArop Helter, applicant, ow-n parcrl # 45231.1524 whic6 abnts the cig6t-of-way on the aorth. Abntting Property No. 4: Kxy Clover oR-ns parcel 0 43231.1404 w6ich abuts the right-of-w-ay on the enst Abatting Prnperty No. S: James And Nedrak Hunt own parcel 0 45231.4501 whic6 abub the rEg6t-of- wa3 on the esst. Abntting Property No. d: Ds-s-id and Lisa Bmrera, applicaat, own panrl # 45231.1519 v►•hich abub the right-af-Ray on the soath. 7. Utilities: a. Sewer. Spolane County Utilities has no objections and does not require an easement per (etter dnted August 14, 2008. b. Wnter. Vera Water and Power has no facilities located in the cight-of-way per email daied September 7. 2048. c. "I'elephono/Fiber Optics: Qwest has no utilities located in the right-of-way, and has no objections per letters dated July 30, 2008 and October 2, 2008. d. C;as and Eloctricity: Avista has no objection to the vai:ation per Icttcr datcd August 14, 2008. e, Cable Tclcvision: Comcast has no objection pet lettcr datcd August 18, 2008. A(1 of the ptilitv nrovidere have beea contacted bv the aoalicant and thelr corresaondence is Attashcd. T6e snecllic locatian of eaaemeats is a reauirement ot the record Qt iarvef, 8. Stormwater drainage faclljtles: No drainage faci(ities are loceted in the unimproved right-of-way. 9. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: No objections per lettcr dated October 2, 2008. However, future devclopmcnt a•ill be rzqu'ued to meet aceess mad, addressing, street naznm and hydrant standards. 10. ZoninglComprehenaive Plan: Surrounding properties are zoned R-3, Singlc Family Residential/ Low Densiry Residential 11. Land Uae: Currently the right-of-way is being utiliztd by the adjaccnt propecq, owners as part of their residential lots. In some cases the property owntrs have fenced up to the centerline of the right-of-way incocporating the area into their lot. 12. City's Pubiic Works aeeda assessment end trafftc circulation: The Public works I3epartment finds that the right of way msi, be needed for access to serve future infill development of the abutting parcels, and that plans to impmve 5 Avenuc cxtcnding east from 1'rogress are already undenvay to pmvide access to short plet on gerce) # 45231.1508. Public Works would consider the vacaiion of a poKian of 5`h Avenue if St. Charles Road vvere extended nartherf}, to connect 6`h Avenue to 4`b Avenue, with Sm Avenuc Froviding the east-west cnnnection to the strwt. Without the exttnsion of St. Charles, Public works is opposcd to the vacatian. 13. Condition of street: Unimproved 14. Assignment of vacated portions ot right-of-way: Pursuant to Section 22.140.0404.C of the Spokane Vsllcy Municipal Code (SVMC) one•half of vncated street shall go to each abutting property owner. Coaclnsions: Thc criteria set forth in Section 22.140.030 of the SVMC has not bzen met based upan the lindings set forth. Department of Community Developmcnt E!~A I'Innnin Division Staff Report and Recommendation to City Council STVm02mO8 Project Description: 5treet Vacation Request to vacate 390 feet in length of the unimproved right-of-way of 5t' Avenue located approximately 250' east of the intersection of Progress Road an d 5 t' Avenue. N ~ :VavemhNr d. 2008 SIaff Repnrt anr! Recomr»endativn.s tn rhe City Cnunril fnr ,S7'i =lJ~-(IR Department of Community Developmenr , Plannin Division . . . Vicinity Map *V-02-08 l / O -dDll r+ ~ November 4, 2008 StcrJf Rcport mrd Rccommerrdallnns ru ihe Clty CorincJl far S'7'i'-02-08 Departrncnt of Community Development " ~f 1 PlAnning nivision Existing Con itions Poffenberger Elliott A` ~ ~ - - Heller us { ' ^ I r - ~ ~J ' 1~ . ` ~ .U rh~ ~F 'i 1 w , ~ _ ~ ; j . • ~ ~ , . i A:~~ . - - ~ 4 , s • ~ I ~ I' ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X ~ • t , ~ ~ . - ~ _ : BOWefS z -Q • i4. i ; ~ F . , ti;l ' n. - ElilOtt ~ Arcs tn be vACated ~ Propcrty ownerq who bave signed vacation pctition November 4, 2008 .Stuff Repnrt and Rernmmendvllons to 1he C14, Councll for .M"-1)?-(1N Department of Community Development ' 1 Plannin Division E4oooo East from Progress R~ F ~y . ~ ~ . 1 H" P` . . _ . , « _ - _.._._::.Y . ; c • , ~ _ „ r ; ~ : ,,.~~w~ ~~r~1i Bcginning point ~ ; . ~i. i~ ~ of right-of-waV . _ ;~W~~•~.~.'",`'~ r~►.~. vacation (250' fro m intcrsection) Nnvemhrr 4, 2008 .Sla,(jRrpnrr and Recomnrrnclurlons to the C'11y Cvurtcll ,lor S7V-42-08 ~ Department ot Community Development ~ ja~a Plannin Divisioa Facing West from Newer Street _ - ~ 5": AN-enue Dead Ln-J. . • N 11 _ 1 ~ • ~ _ . _ • ~ ,r.. • J. • ~ ~y~i-...~ , N~ ~ w~ ~ „ ~ C,rncral c;tiding . . , , : f l . . . ~ poiat of right- ~ ~ of-way vacatian ( 130' from intersection of S'h encl Ncwer) ;y'nvenncer 4, ?(10r` Slafj'Repnrr anc! Recnmmcndatinn.c ro 1hc ('itY Councll fnr S7"l "-(12-08 Department of Communitv Development j Flannin nivision , . . Facing North from 6th Avenue . R_ !I ~ ~ ~ ~ M • ' ~l _ \ Zf.~r ~.rl , ~ ~ ' A -1. ~ f • _ . "~1 . r i I -r • er - , . i z . i - - - It ~ :ti'nvember 4, 2008 .S1u~j"Renr~rl u~lt! Rc~cmm~tc~ndurfu,r.c rn rlrr Clly t'uuncil fnr STF'-01-/I8 t •i•.. ~nf~~ Department uf Commun• ~ty Development j~za l P1Anning Division n , Review Criteria 1) Whether a change of use or vacation of the street will better serve the public. 2) Whether the street is no longer required for public use or public access. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public. 4 ) Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists. Whether objections to the proposed vacation were received by owners of surrounding properties or other governmental agencies. Noventber 4. 2008 .CraffReJxir1 rincl Rccummencfutions lu lhe Citv Cntincil Pr ,S'1'6'-(1'-08 Department of Communit3, Devclopmcnt j _ Plannin Division ~ Findings & Conclusions: ❖ The vacation of the street would not better serve the public because the street is needed to provide access for the full development of the property. ❖ The street is rrecessary for public use and access because development is underway to improve approximately 250' of 5th Ave. east of the 5th Ave. and Progress Road intersection to provide access to a residential lot. °o• A substitution of a new and different public way would not be more useful to the public because residential development is underway that utilizes 5th Ave. for access, and 5th Ave. should be continued to provide access for infill development. :'1'm-emhcr 4, 2008 .Stn1I'Rrrnrl u,u/ Rccomnrenilutlvrrs Ir, Ihc• CiJY ('uuncil fur ,S7'!'-/)2-(JS E>v~Departmcnt of Community Develope - - 1 0 al Planning Division Findings & Conclusions: Conditions may change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists because infill development of the large lots ad j acent to the right of way is anticipated and supported by the Comprehensive Plan. ❖ The Public Works Department has objected to the vacation based on plans to improve the west portion of 5th Avenue, extending from Progress Road to the west boundary of parcel number 45231.1508, and the need to retain tbe ROW to provide access for future development of the abutting parcels. :'Yove°mber 4. 2008 .SrafJ~Repnrl and Recvnrmc nclntinn,c m!hr C'iti, C'nrrnril fnr .C'1'V-OZ-(l8 Department of Community Development Pliinnin Division Staff and Planning Commission Recommendation to Counceil for STV-02-08 Staff : Recommend Denial Plannin2 Commissiolia No Recommendation due to a split vote November 4,2008 ,SluJj~Reporr und RccnmmenclaNnns rv nce C71y Cuuncil fvr 5Ti'-02-08 Department of Communit`r Developmcnt c Planni.ng Division STV 02-08 - , - • R.=_ ,a ~-,.r ! , ~ _ ~ •r t'. ' S rl wh ` 1 i 11 ~.t~►' . _ : ~ . ~ 4 F - ' ~ ~ rr''' ~ J~ 1 ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~a~• ~ ~ • 4 '~~y - ~ ' ~ ~J }1 ~ ~ ~ . Y4 , I I~'. ,f;~, ~ •t _ • ~ i ~l ~ ~ w~ ~ • ~ - 1 ~r i"; • . i i t I ,r ~ ~ I ; .1, ~ ~ ~ ~~..~i~ r .L. ± ~ `r r'_~ ' . - ~ ia Cl.'.:1' _ ~ ~ • 4 `ti' • , . . ~ ~ _ . . ~ .1 :-....~~+s'~!.., r• ~ ysi ~ :ti'm~ember a. i(1lhti, ,Sta1~'Repor► and Rccomnre»rloliom,~ rn rhe Citt~ ('nt~ncil fvr S7'1'-f1'-08 ~CITY OF SPDMtANE VALLEY Request for Counc'rl Action Meeting Da#e; hlavember 4, 2008 City Manager Sign-off_ _ ltern: Check aIi that apply, ❑ cansent E old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ~ ❑ informati4n 19 admin_ report [l pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street StanrJards & UUC Recommended Changes I GO1fERNING LEG1SLA71ON: PRE1fIQUS COUNCIL ACTIDIV TAKEN: Ordinance 03-033 adopting the Spokane Coun#y I Standards far Road and Sewer Construction; 9-26-06 Information only memo regardirrg a - , proposed amendmen# to the Stree# Nlaster Plan contrac# with JUB Engineers to prepare ~updated Street Standards; 10-3-05 Study Session to discuss amendment; 10-10-06 motion consideratGOn #o autYrarize the amendment, BACKGROUND: Ordinance 03-033 adop#ed the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction by refeTence. Since #ha# time, aII developrnent and capital projects have complied with the County's standards, This provided consistency during the €nitial years af incorporation. How2ver, the County standards are focused rnore on rural developments and have been difficult to work with on aur predominately infiA de+relapment. In late 2006, Cit}+ Council authorizeci the amendment of the Street Master Plan contract with JUB Engineers to Gnclude the development of #he City's first street standai-ds. The skree# staridards have been finalized. Staff will seek public commen# Novernber 2008 through January 2009 and will hold a developers fprum in IVovember 2008. In February, staff wtll hald study sessions with Planning Cammission, The follawirrg are proposeti changes ko the curren# street standards; ■ A sectian describing typical requirements for land actions and commerciai permits • Defining thresholds tYrat trigger requirements for cornmercial permE#s •Changes to the requirements for private driveways and streets to address Fire Code requieements; * Requiring connec#irrity + Access management . Traffic calming requirements * Requiring private developrnent construction #o be inspec#ed by #hird party inspection firrns rnanaged by the Ci#y; •Changes to pavement design and construction ■M oving a II tech nical requiremen#s currentl}r in UCIC to the Street Standards ~i iIn addition, staff is proposing changes to UDC title 17, 18, 20, 22, and 24. Changes are necessary because of the sections that will be moved to the Street Standards and to address minor inconsistencies. ~ OPTIONS: Standards discussion only. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Standards discussion only. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. ~ I ~ STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Senior Engineer - Development Gloria Mantz, Development Engineer ,ATTACHMENTS Presentation materials Street Standards John Hohman, PE, Senlor Ertgineer GIoHa Mardz. PE, bevelopment Engineer Objective • The Street Standards is a manual tfiat establishes - A review and acceptance process for Qevelapment Engineering - Technical requirements for pubiic 8 private developments to: ■ Establish standardized design, mateMais, constructian, maintenance, and repair cxitena ■ Provide inspection critena to insure proper consWction techniques • Improve local circufation and emergency access • Minimize negative impacts from transpartation systems ■ Preserve community charactef - Includes a11 street-related engineering technical requirements 1 Why Update our Street Standards & UDC? • Upon Incorporation, the City adopted the Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction (County Standards) ■ County standards lack specific information regarding requirements for buiiding permits ■ County standards work better for rural areas and not for in-fill development • County Standards do not provide guidance for whether residential streets should be publicly owned or privately o+rmed • County standards are not specific in many areas of street layout and design • Title 17, 18, 20, 22, and 24 need to be revised to remove technical requirements and some minor inconsistencies. All engineering technical requirement will be in the Street Standards. Adoption Schedule ■ Public review period Dec 15th, 2008 - Jan 30th, 2009 ■ SEPA checklist - December 15t", 2008 ■ CTED review - December 15th, 2008 ■ Study Sessions with Planning Commission in March 2009 ■ Public Hearing with Planning Commission - April gtn 2009 • Study Session with City Council - May 19th, 2009 • First Reading with City Council - May 26th• 2009 • Second Reading with City Council - June 9th, 2009 2 \ I • Street Standards Organization ■ Chapter 1 - Introduction ■ Chapter 2- Process Overview and Requirements . • Chapter 3 - Traffic Analysis ■ Chapter 4 - Submittal Requirements ■ Chapter 5- Clearing and Grading Requirements ■ Chapter 6 - Utilities ■ Chapter 7 - Street Design ■ Chapter 8 - Pavement Design ■ Chapter 9 - Inspection & Certification ■ Chapter 10 - Maintenance Chapter 2 - Process Overview & Requirements ■ This chapter is new and clarifies the provisions of SVMC Title 22.130.030 ■ Provides an overview of the approval process for Development Engineering ■ Specifies typical street requirements for land actions and commercial buildmg permits • Establishes thresholds that trigger street requirements for commercial building permits ~ ~ ~ \ % Chapter 2 - Typical Improvements Current Requirement New Requirement Short plats (4 lots or less) Internal public streets can Design and construction of be paved to a narrower internal streets to applicable pavement width. It does standard not meet Fire Code Improvements to fronting Design and construction of streets can be deferred fronting improvements prior to through LID. City does not final acceptance have a LID process . i Chapter 2 - Typical Improvements Current Requirement New Requirement BSPs. Lonq Plats & Short Plats (5+ lots) Design and construction of No change new internal streets & half- street for fronting streets to applicable standard Buildinq permits Fronting improvements are County Standards and UDC based on size of building, lack specific guidance for number of trips generated building permit requirements by projects, and number of parking lot spaces proposed by project \ 4 Chapter 2 - Typical Improvements Current Requirement New Requirement All land actions and buildinq permits Unimproved offsite streets pffsite street has to be used to access project has improved to applicable to be paved with at least standards if less than 28' wide 24' wide pavement. It to meet Fire Code does not meet Fire Code Chapter 2 - Typical Improvements Current Requirement New Requirement Requirements cannot be The construction of waived & fee collected requirements may be waived from developer unless a if a fee is paid in lieu of the project is in the 6-year improvements in the amount capital plan of constructions costs. Allows certain projects to better integrate into the surrounding areas by not improving the streets or adding sidewalks ~ 5 Chapter 2 ■ Requirements established in Chapter 2 can be waived or reduced through a variance - Title 19.170 U DC • ■ Technical requirements in the remainder of Street Standards can be reduced through a design deviation Chapter 3 - Traffic Analysis ■ This Chapter specifies design criteria and requirements for Traffic analysis and Concurrency ■ Requirements in this Chapter are not new. . They are currently included in the County Standards and UDC 6 ' • \ Chapter 4 - Plan Submittal ■ This Chapter specifies requirements for Plan Submittals. These requirements are not new ■ Addresses plan contents, formatting, etc. ■ Requirements consistent with Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual ~ Chapter 5 - Clearing & Grading ■ Specifies requirements for clearing and grading, erosion and sediment control, and geotechnical evaluations ■ The technical information currently provided in the . grading ordinance (UDC 24.50) is incorporated into this Chapter ■ New criteria and requirements are included for setbacks, ground preparation & fill/cut slopes - consistent with accepted engineering practices ■ Specifies when a geotechnical evaluation is required i 7 a Chapter 6 - Utilities ■ This chapter specifies design ~ requirements for utilities ~ ~ ■ The Regional Pavement Cut Policy is ; incorporated in this chapter and removed from UDC / Chapter 7 - Street Elements • This chapter specifies requirements and criteria for street design ■ New to chapter are private street and driveway design criteria, clarifies requirements for turnarounds, access management criteria, and traffic calming requirements • Valley has historically developed with many private streets and dead-ends. The Street Standards establish connectivity requirements by using the new "Local Street Plan". City has final approval for use of private streets (not up to developer) and access points 8 \ / Chapter 7 - Private Streets Current Requirement New Requirement Access 4+ lots Access 3 to 9 lots Wdth depends on the Width depends on street length number of lots served (20 (20 to 26 ft) -consistent with Fire to 28 feet). Width does Code. Fire Dept. approval if > not meet Fire Code 750 ft long Private streets can be Access is limited to properties used anytime. Limits fronting private street. efficient infill Can be used only if public street development, difficult for is not planned or possible. emergency vehicles, Cannot land lock present or destroy grid opportunities future parcels Chapter 7 - Private Driveways Current Requirement New Requirement Access up to 3 lots Access up to 2 lots Driveway width is 20 feet VVidth depends on driveway length (20 to 26 ft) -Fire Code. Fire Dept. approval if > 750 ft long Can be used anytime Private driveways can only be used if public street is not planned or possible. They cannot landlock future or present parcels ~ 9 ~ Chapter 7 - Public Streets ■ Requirements for pavement width, curb type, sidewalk, right-of-way, and border easements remain unchanged for all public street classifications cURe t cuAa n currat GUTTER SVhLE ASPtY1L1 S~ lE SCC£4'! If ~ ~~~IS - Typical Residential Local Access Street Geometry Chapter 7 - Public Streets Current New Requirement Requirement Cross slope is 2% for all Cross slope for local access street can range 2- 3% and 3% for arterials to improve drainage Design elements per Horizontal, crest and sag vertical County Standards curves requirements modified per AASHTO Permanent turnarounds A permanent dead-end street only allowed on public streets allowed when connection is not Cul-de-sac bulb diameter is possible or needed 90 ft. Doe not meet Fire Cul-de-sac bulb diameter is 96 ft to Code meet Fire Code. 10 Chapter 7 - Public Streets With connectivity 1 - - ; , -.Z ! .•~n ~:,r; ' •"r ~ .k ~ W, 1 ' •''I _ r-• ' y_ 4~~ 'c • ti~=~~ ~'~iiy ~t _ ,~~I;~ 'il'~x:e ~3 :~.fi i ~,Ztyy= L Chapter 7 - Access Management Local Access Intersection Spacing (ft) Principal Minor Collector Local Arterial Arterial Access Current 300 300 150 150 Spacing Proposed 660 330 150 150 Spacing UDG Title 20.20.090 requlres blodc lengths to be 800 feet long. Conflfcts with County Standards that require spacfng to be per Table above ll Chapter 7 - Sight Distance Current New Requirement Requirement Requirements are This information will be deleted in in UDC under UDC and placed in this chapter fencing/landscaping There are mistakes Clearview triangles modified per and unclear Intersection Sight Distance criteria in information in the AASHTO & City of Kirkland criteria provided in Clearview triangle will be located UDC within the ROW or an easement Clearview triangles required for all new intersection and commercial approaches ~ . Chapter 7 - Access Management Current New Requirement Requirement Corner clearance is 5 ft Corner clearance requirement is for residential & based on the design speed, 30 ft for commercial intersection type (stop or signal), & approach location. Flexibility for limiting conditions UDC requires stacking No change, This information is length deleted in UDC - , . 12 Chapter 7 - Traffic Calming ■ This entire section is new ■ Traffic catming features will be required for local access streets. Details of acceptable traffic calming features are provided ■ A process of incorporating traffic calming features on existing development is provided Chapter 7 - Traffic Calming Traffic calming is defined as a combinatlon of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative efFects of motor vehicle use, atter driver behavtor, and improve conditions for non-matoriied street users 6camples Irxlude: Trafti[ Clrtles,/Roundabouts 1~ i Chapter 8 - Pavement Design Current New Requirement Requirement Private Drivewav UDC requires private The requirements for private driveways driveways to be paved. No will be in the Street Standards. criteria is given for pavement Minimum pavement section is 2" HMA thickness over 6 in of CSTC Residential Local Access & Private Streets Minimum pavement section is Minimum pavement section is 3" HMA 2" HMA over 6" of CSTC, over 6" of CSTC. Soil investigation Minimum soil investigation is and testing is required. If site soils do required. Pavement section not meet criteria, pavement design is is determined using soit required matrix Chapter 8 - Pavement Design Current New Requirement Requirement Arterials Minimum pavement sections No change is 4" HMA over 6 in of CSTC. A pavement design is always required Commercial Local Access Minimum pavement section is Minimum pavement sections is 4" HMA 2" HMA over 6° of CSTC. over 6 in of CSTC. A pavement design Minimum soil investigation is is always required required. Pavement secfion is determined using soil matrix \ i 14 Chapter 8 - Pavement Design • New to this chapter is a section for material specifications recommended by JUB to reduce pavement failure - Increase geotechnical investigations for soil characlerizations - Accurate assessment of trudc life for pavement design - Require Engineered pavement seGion design - Stringent asphalt cement mix design procedures - Increase the minimum pavement seclion for local streets - Increase the fractured face in crushed rock specification - Verify moislure and oompaction compliance through increase tesUng - Enhance jofnt density testing - Improved asphalt temperature monitoring and placing techniques - Consider stabilized subbase such as Asphalt or Cement Treated Base - Trained or experienced constructian inspectors - Full time constructian inspection Chapter 9 - Inspection & Certification ■ This chapter presents the inspection and certification requirements for development projects ■ This chapter also incorporates existing requirements from our templates and UDC such as required notifications, pre-construction meetings, inspection of swales, paving dates, etc. ■ Current required testing methods and frequencies remain unchanged from current practices. American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and Spokane County developed the current guidelines for private development construction • Per the Pavement study, pavement joint testing is required. Not currentl a re uirement , 15 Chapter 9 - Inspection & Certification Current New Requirement Requirement Counry Standards require No change inspection of all street construction for land actions County Standards are vague Any new streets, fronting impravement regarding inspection of street or onsite drainage facilities associated construction for building with a building permit require permits inspection Full certification is only Full certification is required for alI new required for new streets streets, any fronting improvement on existing streets & onsite drainage facilities for building permits Chapter 9 - Inspection & Certification Current New Requirement Requirement Developer selects an The City select and manage the inspection firm. Project construction inspection firms in lieu of engineer, contractor, and developer making the selection inspector all report to the developer. This has lead to relationship difficulties Testing methods and No change frequencies per ACEC and Spokane County guidelines for private development constructaon ~ 16 / ~ Chapter 9 - Inspection & Certification Current New Requirement Requirement UDC requires that 95% of Require that improvements be improvements be completed suastantially completed as to allow prior to final acceptance. proper function and operation of the Difficult to achieve 4ransportation, sewer, water, and stormwater systems The City does not have a Adopt the following process: process for establishing •Provisional acceptance as soon as streets possible after construction, with developer posting a warranty surety for 2 years. •Ownerlcontractor repairs any failures during vrarranty. •Final acceptance afier warranty period assuming all deficiencies have been corrected. i Chapter 10 - Maintenance ■ This chapter describes the maintenance responsibilities for private and public systems ■ The requirements presented in this chapter are not new ■ Requirements consistent with Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual ~ 17 Definitions & Abbreviations 14ASHT0 - Ameticsn Asaociatlon of State Highway and Tranaportation Otticials BSP - 81nQinq Site Pban Clearview Trtangle - Comer preo ot a Intersection or drivawoyapp roaci~ which must be hee irom sight obstrudiona, such as landscaping, parked vehkJea, buHCings, tencea, etc. CSTC - Crush wrfadnp rop ocarse CTED - The Wsshington StMe Cartvnunity, Trade, uW Economda Developrtienl DepaRmern HMA - Hol rm aaphap UD - Local Improvemer►t Oairlct Reqirmal Psvemant Cut Pdky - Polic,y devefoped by tsgfonal canmktee to protect naw or newty paYed sheets that imposas a pevemem cut moratorium for threa yaara. ROYV - Riyht-oi-way Sbddng l.ength - Stadcing lenqth Is tne srea In Ihe dnve aale that must be kept ckar so vehicles can manewer oompleiely wiMin private propertiea, do not knpede pedesUtian oooess to sldewalk or vehidea in the pubfic atreet SEPA - StQfe Emiroranentai PoUcy Aci SVMC - Spokane Vaesy Munidpal Code UDC - Unllortn pevelopment Cade QuESTiorvs? YTF • ~ ~ J. y~,_ : •~-g~ ~J. I~-T-' _s~ _ fi- • fy~ : ' L i1d~ • ~~"'V ' , t ~,~~.~~;;t`i •r..4... D12AFT AllVANCE AGEn'DA Por Planning Discussion Purposcs Only as of October 29, 2008; 1:15 p.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Colmcil & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings NLC Meeting Nnv 11-I5. (3rlcrndo, F7orida Nnvember 11, 2008, NO NJE.F,TiNG: Veteran's Day November 18, 2008, SpeciaUl2egular Meetiny, 6:00 p.m. [due datc Monday, Nov 101 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Amending 2008 Budget- Ken Thompson r10 minutes] 2. Consetit Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. First Reading 1'ropnsed Orclinance for STV-02-08 (suspencl rtdes?)- Lori Aarlow [10 minutcs] 4. First Rcading Code Cornpliance Related Ordinance Amendment (graffiti) - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 5. First Reading UllC Code Compliancc Related Ordiiiance - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 6. First Readiiig Proposed Ordinance for Code Amendments - Christina Janssen [20 minutes] 7. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 2008 J3udget -Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 8. Proposcd Resolution 08-021 Amending Nee Resolution - Ken 'I"hompson (10 minutes) 9. I7eliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan - Scott Kuhta [60 minutes] 10. Admin .Report: WotelMotel Grant Committee Recommendations - Councilmember Wilhite [20 minutes] 11. Info Qnly: City Hall I7e.sign Services -Neil Kersten 12. lnfo Only: Vactorina Scrvices Update - Neil Kersten . 13. Info Only: Slreet Nlaintenance Services Update-Neil Kersten 14. Info Only: 'I'BU Update - Cary Driskell 15. Info Only: Senske Contract Update - NIike Stone 16. Info Only: Responses ta Publie Comments ['"estimatecl meeting: 165 minutes) November 25. 2008. NO MEETTNG: Thanl;saiviug Week llcccmbcr 2, 2008, Studr• Session 6:00 n.m. (due date Monclay, Nov 241 1. Street MasterF'la.n U date/JCTB -Neil Kcrsten (30 minutes) 2`, Smar ~R~iute's'!s iidlr~i,r:GOr~f~llnafrDn);1~- ~ ~ ~ ` ~ y - ' (1.5 rniiiutes) - - - ~ , 3. Deliberation: Spraguc/Appleway Revitalization Plan - Scott Kuhta (60 ininutes) 4. City Hall Design Services - Neil Kersten (30 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Vactoring Services Update-Neil Kersten (10 minutes) 6. Admin Report: Street Maintenance Services Update-Neil Kersten (10 minutes) ' 7. Adinin Report: 1'ipeline Franchise - Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Contract Updates: Senske; YMCA Aquatics - Mike Stone (10 minutes) 9. Info Only: Uept Reports TOTAL MINUTTS: 175 minutes lleccmber 9, 2008, Rei►,ular Nieeting 6:00 h.m. [due date Munclay, Dee l] 1. PURI.,TC AF,ARTNC:: Emergency Ordinance 08-021 Amending SVMC, Surveying and Electronic Subcnittal Requirements for Subdivisions - Mike Connelly [5 minutes] 2. Consent: Claims, Minutes, Payroll [5 minutes] 3. Mayoral Appoinhnents: Planning Commission (2 positions) - Mayor Munson [10 minutes] 4. Second Reading E'roposed Ordinance for STV-02-08 (suspend rules?)- Lori Barlow 0 minutes] l~. 5. Second Reading Code Compliance Related Ordinance Amendment (graffiti) - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] j' 6. Second Reading UDC Code Compliance Related Ordinance - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 7. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance for Code Amendmcnts - Christina Janssen [20 minute,s] 8. Secand Reacling Proposecl Ordinancc Ameiiding 2008 Budget - K.en Thompson [10 minutGS] Draft Advance Agenda I 0/29/2Q0$ 1:1436 PM Page 1 of 3 9. Mntion Consideration: 1-iotelJMotel Grant Allocations - Councilmember Wilhite [20 minutes] 10. Motion Consideration: City Hall 17esign Sen+ices - Neil Kersten [15 minutes] 11. Motion Considcration: Vactoring Services-Neil Kersten [10 minutes] `12. Motion Considerarion: Street Maintenance Services-Neil Kersten (10 minutes) 13. Motion Consideration: YMCA Aquatics Contract Renewal - Niike Stone [10 minutes] 14. Motion Consideration: Senske Contract Renewal - Mike Stone [10 minutes) 15. Info Oiily: rinance Wousekeeping ltems - Ken Thotnpson ["estimated meeting: 155 minutes] December 16, 200$, Studv Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dec 8] 1. Action Item: Proposc,d Resolution Amending Resol. 03-040, I3anking Authority - Ken Thompsnn [15 mins] 2. Proposed Kesolution: Finance Housekeeping Items -Ken Thompson [5 minutes] ReQular Stuclv Session Items: 3. Deliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan - Scott Kuhta (120 minutes) TOTAL MIN'iJTES: 140 minutes December 23, 21108: No Nlceting - Christmas week Deeember 30, 2008. Studv Session 6:00 p.m. (_duc ilate;Frida~ nec~1:9 1. Action ltem: Mayoral Appointments: Councilmembers to Various Committees [15 minutes] 2. Airport Overlay Prpposed AmendmenLs - Karen Kendall (30 minutes) 3. Deliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization f'lan (SATtE') - Scott Kuhta (90 minutes) 4. Into Only: Dept R.eports TOTAL AqiNUTCS: 135 minutes .Tanuar-y 6, 2009, Studv Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, llec 29] SpragueJAppleway Revitalization Plan (this meeting dedicated to this item only) (ISO I1llIlUtES) , Winler.Retreat - Date Ta Be il rinouncec! Tentalive lopics: Impact Fee S1uc4, J_iinuHry 13,2009, Regulsr Meeting G:UU p.m. [clue dfite Mondsy,,Jan SJ 1. PUBLIC HEA12IlNG: SARP - Scott 1Cuhta 2. Conscnt Agenda: Claims, Payroll; vlinutes [5 minutes] 3. Firsl Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Airport Overlay - Karcn Kendall [20 minutes] (#estimated meeting: minutes] Januai-Y 20,2009. Stud7v Session 6:00 p.m. [duc datc Monday, .Tan 121 Jsnuarv 27, 2009, Regular Meetinp_ 6:00 n.m. ldue date Monday, Jan 19] 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutcs [5 rnimites] 2. Second f7eading Proposed Ordinance Amending Airport Overlay - Karen Kendall [20 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend Comp Plan (SA_RP Dook I) - rZike Connelly [15 minute.s] 4. First Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend UDC/Adopt Subarea Plan R viap (Book I.I)- Scott Kuhta [30 min] 5. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 70 minutes] Februarv 3 2009, Studv Scssion 6:00 p.m. [duc date Niontla,y, Jan 261 , Draft Advance Agenda 10/29/2008 1:14:36 PN4 Nage 2 of 3 Febru9rv 10. 2009, Regular vieeting 6:00 p.m. [due dste Munday, Feb 2J 1. Consent Agerida: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutcs] 2. Second Reading Praposed Ordinance to Amend Comp Plan (SARP Book n- Mike Connel ly [15 mi.nutes] , J 3. Second Rcading I'roposed Ordinance to Amend IJAC/Adopt Subarea Plan Rc vlap (Book Il) - S ICuhta [30 min] 4. I'roposed IZesoluCion Adopting Subaraa Ylan IIook III: City Actions - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 1"'estimsted meeting: 70 minutes] Februarv 17, 2009. Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due datc MondAy, Feb 9] FebruHrv 24, 2009, Reaular Meetiny- 6:00 p.m. [due datc Monday, Feb 161 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims; Minutes [S minutes) 2. t.nfo Only: Departinent Reports 07'HER PENDIAG ANll/OR I.TPCONIING ISSUFSlAIETTING5: Accessary Dwellin Units Ord 08-006 ntod"►fication Acca lishments e c~rt br 20U8 (~Tcntative: . ebruar,y 0 200~., Broadway/FancherlConcrete lntersectiori (2009) CenterPlace T'ee Structure City Ceriter Report to Council City Hall Sales Purchasc tlgeement Community Survey, 2008 ~ Comp Plan Qrtrly Uptjate( Jan, April, July, Oct ) Comp Plan llpdatelUGA/JPA Concurrency East Gateway Monument Structure # Emcrgency Ord 0$-O21 cYpires April 14, 2009 (Amends SVMC; Surveying Requirements for Subdivisions) 694:A Jt~int P~lar~rtin k lnter`lCal:. ~reerii ent-. l rlg~j Governance Manual Impact Fee ltequcst Central Valley School District Incliana/Aroonne Intersection Follow-up IT Specialist Classification Resolution Joint Meeting xv/Ciry of Spokane Council (possible ropics: ►v(rste water challenges; municipal cotrrt chcillenges; regronal trunsportafiOn plannittg/.sDlttlions; GMA policies & implemeraatlon) Legislative Action Conf, Olympia, Feb 18, 19, 2009 # Nartheast Mousing Solutions City Membership # Ovc;nveighdover size vehicle ordinance (2009) E'an.handling Ordinanee Solid Waste System (Tvlay, 2009) Spokane Co Prosccutor MOU Strategic Financial Plan - l7avc Vlercier Street Standards Scheclule Surplus Items - Ken Thompson (Jan 2009) Transportation Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish ord.; (b) set public hearing; (e) draft resolution; (d) ballot lajiguage Transportalinn Impacts UUC Code Amendments Title 20 batch ; i Use Agrcement (Cary Driskell) Awaiting action by others; * Uoes not include time for public comments.] Draft Advance Agcnda 10/29/2008 1:14:36 PM Pape 3 of 3 Scp~oka.ne Valley° 11707 E Sprague Ave SuiCe 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spolcanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council Members; David Mercier, City Manager From: Michael D. Stone, CPRP, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: October 29, 2008 Re: Contract Updates Salash Down Contract: The Parks and Recreation staff has been working on the development of a Splash Down contract with the City Legal Department. Several meetings have taken place where terms and conditions have been discussed. Currently the City is waiting to reteive audited financial statements from 2006, 2007 and 2008. This information is critical to the discussions since Splash Down is asking to reduce their payments to the City. Our goal is to complete negotiations as soon as possible and bring a contract recommendation forward to the City Council. 2009 YMCA Aquatic Contract: Initial conversations have begun with the YMCA regarding aquatic services in 2009. StafF intends to exercise the fourth and final one-year renewal option with the YMCA for 2009 based upon their satisfactory performance in 2008. Vllith the addition of our new features at each pool, it is critical to have the YMCA operating our pools due to their knowledge and experience with our facilities. Our goal is to bring a contract renewal recommendation forward to the City Council later this year. If you have any questions or need additional information please let me know. Thank you. cc: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney C111 pokane . Valley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallOspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council; Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Date: October 15, 2008 Re: Community Survey Update As part of our commitment to apen, collaborative govcrnment and an emphasis on provid'uig quality customer service, che City of Spokane Valley has budaeCed tn c:onduct a cotnmunity survey, which will be perfonned by phone-data collection. After researching available options, staff has chosen to participate in ICMA's Nalianal Citizen Stirvey. The Nlational Citizen Survey (NCS) was developed by iCMA in collaborataon with the vational Research Center, Inc. The NCS provicies communities witli affc►rdable citizen sLu-vcys that are statistically valid vNithui a margin of error aCne more than 5 percentagc points. The NCS was also clesigneci to coordi.nate %Aith ICMA's Ccnter for PerForniance lVleasurement. Currcntly, 220 cities and counties in the Ucuted States and Canada participate in the ICiv1A Comparative Cities Project. Washinf-ton State is representecl by 19 cities who participate in the proaram. Established survey practices through ICMA will help enstire the cin, is comparing "apples to apples" with other participwit cities. The survey will be custonuzed for Spokane Valley to refle:ct our coriunuiuty and City of Spokane Valley services. Ttie survey questions are designed to provide infonuatiou that Nvill: • Help assess areas af community satisfaction • Provide measur.emcnts and benchmztrks toward i►nproving services and correlate wich Business Plan PerFnniiance Measures. ' • Set goals •Assist in program plan.ning aild work plans Upoti survcy completion, the National Citizen's Survey provides a comprehensive report tliat ineludes: statistical analysis; charts and graphs; comparison with results of participating Washington cities of sim.ilar size; demogaptuc and gcographic cross-tabulatinn of results. °l"he cost for the surve•y and available options is S 19,100, which includes a reduction coupon for $ 1,100 obtained at the 2008 ICNL1 Conference. The survey process takes 18 weel:s from start to finish. We will begin the procKSS on November 1, 2008. Actual surveying would begin sometime in January, vvith the final report deliverecl in late Viarch of 2009.