2008, 12-02 Study Session , ~i~ ~D~~IEn FD AGENDA . C1TY OF SPQKANT~ VALLEY CITY COUivCIL WORKSFIE-ET SfiIJDY SESSI0N Tuesday, December 2, 2008 6:00 p.m. CI1 Y liALL COUNCiL CHAME3ER5 11707 East Sprague Avenuc, First Floor (Ple9se Silence Your Cell Yhones During the Meeting) DiSCUSSION LEADER SiTf3JECT/ACTIVT'TY GOAL ACT.TON II`EM: A. Jolin Whitehead Holid9y Clnstire Approval Motion Gonsicieration + [public comment~ STUDY SESSIO\ ITEMS: 1. Eve \Telson. SRTC Smart Koutes Presentation/Discussion 2. Scott Kuhta Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Deliberarion 3. Mayor Munson Advancc Agencta lliscussion/lnformation 9. Informution Only: (ivill nat be discarssed or reportetl): a. Contract UPdares for Setiske cnul Y11CA Aquatics - Mike Stone b, Transportation 13enefjt Disirrct Upduie - Cury Driskell c. Draft Memorund2an of UndErstarzding for Prosec7rtor Services - Cary DriskelJ d STi1 Fzntds Regarding Intersections - Ner! Kerslen e. Spakcrne C'otatry I•ibrtn}j Districl 77zird Qtrcrrter Report f. Depurlmen! Reporls 5. Mayor Munson Council Check in Aiscussion/In.formation 6. Taave Mercier Cityvlanagcr Commenls Taiscussionllnfomiation AI7JOURN Note: Unless othenvise aoted above, lhere will be no public comments ni Council Stud,v Sessions. Aowever, Council nhvnys resen•es the right to rc(luest information from the public nnd stafins flppropri3te. During meeti.ngs hcld by the Ciry of Spo:kone Valley Council, the Cotimcil reserves lhe right to take "action" un any item ]isted or subsequeady addsd to the agenda. The term "sction" means to deliberate; discuss, reti7ew, coasider, evaluate, or make o mllective positive or negutive decisioa. NOT1CE: Indn•iduals plsnning to attend the meeting wfio require speciel essismnce to axcxnmodnce physical, kearing, or o+her impurmrnts, ptcase contact ttie City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 rs sooa► rs possils]e so that nrrangemenrs may be mede. c...a..c~....,..., a.......te n.,.....,ti-) 'mnc F'1EC I of l CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-02-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hall Holiday Closure Notice BACKGROUNU: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to close City Hall Friday, December 26, 2008, for the entire workday, and to remain open for the entire workday Wednesday, December 31, 2008. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: John Whitehead ATTACHMENTS issue whirh was presentcd at the Board af Counry Commissioner's mccting this moming as part oC the continuing dialogue on regionai nnimnl control issurs. Mr. Memier said he met wiih the Financc Cammittce lsst Friday and the Committce a$roed to the idea of closing the entiro dey Chrisnnas Eve, which is a Mar►d,ay: nnd to remain open the cntire day New Year's Eve: and asked if Council would bc amenable to placing thai an the nexi consent agectda Gaumcil coacurred. pl:ins far the w-inter reveat am beginninp, und Mr. Mcrcier asked Council ta check iheir calendars for possible Saturday meeiing dates uf January 12 Ar Februarv 2. We have also becn asked to consider hosting a five-member intrrnetional group this winter from places in the warld experienring the democrntic form of governmeat for the fust time, and Mr. Mercier said this would be an opportunity to share ow gnveruance el►perience w7th new mayurs andfor siaffof communities wfio are trying to fiEturo this out for the first time. Jt ivos mvved b►• Deputy Mutlor Tm-lar, sec•onded aytd rmanimauyly ugreed to exlend the meeting t0 9:10 p. M. Public VVorl-s Director Kerste❑ mentioned that the Broadway Project three lanes wus campleted last fali and Councii wss anticipating receiving those accidcnts statistics this Call; however, with the Sullivan ramp overpass closed for two months, traPfic was divertai down Braadway, so those traffic numbers would nat be the normal traffic numbers; and he said ht wauld W►c to come bacl: in six months in ardcr to get mare viable statistics; adding that nothing more will be done to the rest of Broadw•ay until Council has had a chanee to review the stAtistics. Council coneumed. INFORMATION ONLY; Althnugh the fce resolution proposed amendmeats, and the Appleway Avenue t3id Award wem informatian itcros, Deputy Mavor Taylor said he would likc to see how our fees campare with othtr jurisdictions. Mr. Mercier mentioned sinff would be glad to comply, but had the understanding Council was more fa:used on cost rccavery than w6at neightorhood jurisdictivns would be charging; and A1r. 'fAylor sAid he would like to keep the fecs in balance and therifore would like to see comparisons and cost rrcoverv frc rocommendutions. E1►'ECUTIVE SES.SION: I.ar►d Acquisition: there was no executive session. Thcre being no fiuther business, it was moved by Gorarcilmember Munson, seconded cmd umanimoti.slti~ agreed tn adjnunr. The meeting adjoumrd at 9:05 p.m. Diana WilhRc, Mayor A 1-f E S I-: Christunc Eiainbridge. Cit}• Clerk Council Regula Meetnig: 09-1 l-07 Page 9 of 9 Approved by Council: 09-25-07 E~ AGF.NU4 CITY OF SPOk.ANE VALLFN" CITY COtTNCIL V4'ORtiSUFET STL'DY tiF.SSIOti Tucsdny. Dccember 2408 6:00 p.m. CITY IiAI.L COCiNCiL CHA111BERS 11707 Eaat 5prague Avenuc, First rloar (i'leasr Silrnce V'our Crll Phuncs During the Meeting) UlSCUSS1()N LE4DF.R S11H.IECT/ACI"1ti'l'I1' GOAL i. Fve Nelson, SK R' Srttart fluutrs PrcsCnt.►tion.rDiscussion Sc,,tt Kuhla tipr:igue.Appleway RevitAIlLafii)fl E'lan f)elibcration Mayar Munsun Ad% riruc Agcndii I)i~,cus.it~ri/lnf't)rrnatitm 4 Injnrmuliun (Ah•: (w►li nnt 1ie ,Iractcs.vedor repr)rred): a. Contrtx:t Upclutks fur Se,uke and }:WA Aquutics - Afikr _Sinne b. 7rcmrportulion Beneft Distrlct C~ute - Cury Uriskell c. Druft Alerrmrandura of Lfiderstv+iding jar Prvservar Sen-lce.c - C'vrv Lyriskcll d.57:9 Funds Regardireg Intersectinns -.Neil ll'ersten e. Spokcme Carrnh, l.ihrvn, Ihstrwr 7hirJQua,•ter Rcpurr Ih:partmerir Repurn ~ Mayor Munswn Counril (.'hcck in f>i>cu;~iunintornt~ti~~n b. I>ave MLrricr l itti Man-ag-cr ('uitimcnts 1)iuus4i~rii tnt~umali~~n AllJOUR1 tiolr Iinlas o1Aemisr nuled alw%e, Ihrrc HHI tK au putkic cawneote at Cuwxil StuJt Soswns. tluwe+rr, (:ouacll alwa}s rexnn the right to rsqacst iaiormatioo trom the public snd saR es apprnpriafe. Duringmeetinps heid b) the City o(Spoknne Valfe) Council, the Cvuti•.,I irsrnu ittie tiglil tn tnke "bctirn" an any ittm Il9rd4n s4N.raurn1h addc:l tn thc a~n ihe ~erm "nc:i~m" mcsn~ tu deiihera~c. di~c~~s~. rc.•ic,~. cvnsider, cr•nlumlc, ur muke acollix-tivc pa!itivc oc rrzali.c ilcc•,wr, h'VilCF. IaGUrlrluws p4itai,-,t ki ttlw the rtueluig wha tNuut <<ecm mintrmc: t., ac.irii~u►;atc r~n. ,j!cnl Ii.:wrr.h, :,r nt.":r ir-pn:rrir.r,tc pi=_-:c :.nvttnil Ihe [lai u(509I 9-11 .1004 m won aM powble w tlut rrmrcmrm mny be made ~1:~d) Sefl:on.~~rtldn [~•nntr.*2.:C:iS i.t.~ I uf CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 2, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Q new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: SRTC Smart Routes GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Eve Nelson from SRTC vrrill give a presentation on Smart Routes. ~ OPTIONS: RrCOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS ~ Creating a Firs#-Class WaIking and Bicycl i r~~ ~ommu nity Spokane County has a significant opportunity to improve quality of 1ife and - crea~~ a more liva'hle community by decreasin~ residents' out of pocket costs for fuel, reducing air pallution, rmpacting the soaring rates of oaesity and s#iabetes, and pCanrrirtg for Gncreased pnputation. These irnportan[ - communil'ky goaIs can ae achteved byr increasing S 'I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~CTI'1E TF~A.NSF'l~ RTA~"IQN - ~ walking # bicyrcling ♦ corrnectin,g to transit 5RC]ICA h1E Half of adi trips to work, -5chool, p1rry, ar~~ ~hoppr'ng ore ~ess thcrrr 3 rni#es and one quQrter of tHps are less tharr a mrle. Th~se distances SnaartRoufes rs L'he Spokane can be cornpleted dn a20-minute brke rfde crr a 20-rrrrnute walk area's,plan to stgn~fJ'can#lyr respect#vOy. Ta ~~t more peopfe to partiripote, it has to [ae srrfe and increase trarrspor#atfort c'onv'errient, cho'r'ces Jor 6wrrlkrrrg and bk^ycleng by making -srrfer In 2007, the Raits to Trafls Conseruancy (RTC) invited the Spokane arca to artd more con venr`ent tralls, partieRpate in tFreir nakionwcde effort to double the actiue transportaxion s~~ewalks, and brke spendi ng fn the next federal Transportaticsn Budget. As part af the f"i1ltr'es. doubring, RTC envisions a 2 billion dollars progratn senring at least 40 cornmunitiest vrith 50 rniiripn dollars per communit+~ over six ycars, #o prc,mvte the grow#h of biEci ng, +walking, and eonnections to transit, SmartRou#es Rartners: Spokane Regkonal The SmartRoutes Plan will: Transpor-tatGnn Council * Add 15 m iles of sicle+rva]!cs to connnrct people to transit, employrraent Spokane Regionak Heaith ceAZ'tersy ~~opping lJestrnatiQnss schQolsr and entertadnment €]estr[ct a CompNe#e crutial gaps and rernovfng hazarclous crossRngs afong tha Inpand Northwest Tmals Centennsal Trai1 Caaririorr . Complete the Fish l.ake TraiE siection closest to 5pokane 5pokane Ciounty City rf Spakane • lnstaFi new bicyclej;pedestrian brldges tio iricrease connec'tians and Spokane E3icyclt Aclvl.sory 5~fety Bcsard + Exlend artd connect actave transportatiun facililties +with under-served The Lan& Councif cornmunitoes Flsh Lake Trail A+rtian 15 rou p * Implernent education and encour~~ement prograrns to increase Feiends of the Centennial traiR walking and bicycling 6reater Spokane Irreorporated hleighaorhood alkiance For just ovef the cask of afreeway Inter-charage (the new Sprague i nter- Bike to Work ~Campalgn li~erty ~al~e fhar~ge ++,nras $45 milJlor~), Spal~a r~e area resic#ents could sigr~if~ranliy Chene+~ i ncrease their c~ptio~ts to sa#~ely and canveniently vr~ahk ,~nd bike. Medieal Lalce This is a great ret~rn on an investment. Alrwrary HeIghts Spokane 1'rarisit Authority Turn the page to see a full map of the propased projects and the planning prvjects. SmartRoutes rnrill include substantial education and encouragerrtent progr°ams to increase use of th-e new fabPities, wvww. smartroutes,org ~ - ~ Md pakane Park SmactRoLItes - _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ w N~,~►~~~,~~~ PRtPOSE#J PR~~ECT TYPES eiCydB i pE~esbF3i1 ~t I, ldW~U~ . Sid9waEk Improv6tnffnl5 t Fr➢ L:' Bicydg L3r1e6i Sid#3Wc97k ` {I R 5h8ff]d US6 P8U1Way r ji. Conceptual PrGjects I I m! planning Projgcts 117"MSP~C ~ - c~ .4 IlLR .YhN•MOY ~p,f'[ V13RF.GC ~ - . ~ D N{y '~VFSK . ~ i 1L pva, ~`~rtr.~i- 4 ~ ! r . ~ " 7CSa 1t~11111af Tfall ~ EifESl7ng Nf19t'rprk • I R ~ ~ r~~ ~r~"` _ _L11 i • yT+~~ c„°~ PfohEbfted a " . ~r • ~k C O79.1E~y~ In ~ CCl41iJ~GS _ . ~ . . _ y . ~r f r • .R CiCy aP 5pakarsia _ ~ r - - ~ - QI 5Pokane Vauay ~ :vV CON5'tRUCY1081 PROJECTS ~ Ot336t J!!ri&dlQl4n5 [k 1 wrcetwrwn 9acyC* & Pedestnan hle"sk Rarks 1 9en $urr Tral I fc, Coritannial Tra411 Iran Bndga J ~ I i- . - ' ` , ~ ~ y • i 2 Mtet Features ~ i i ~ . ~ 3 I4smn Stree! Urderpass 4 GBntgnnial Traitl -Elcona f Summil lo Kendjall Ya~sis 5 Fish i.em Trall Ftailroad .0 ~ iHeMOlI I - 8 Cdy df 5pokarte, SI+Jewalk fnfill (ne! p IG~ep; f9R;nnda 7 6en Bur 1c~ 141t~t3n Psairia Elerrienl~`y Traif r a L1it.~anTrviC Mdfwor3dlo"apakaria+}aHcy % 9 31ItI St €fam Grail[I 131ud. Iu RA[aI Sl woq I vadlim !p PO~tSVeeiE~r4 11 !Cdy oi Sptkane, $+uyde Br~aleti~ards 3 ne~ ~r„r~) 12 Clx+ney Eia1re anrc1 Sir3ewalk ProJce'15 13 Gcnadian Tr&I 14 f4rway !•Isiyhta, 5idew¢k InT,ll 15 I.Ik1k SPakara7rail zr lfi Ldl" Ea1e TIaIIS 17 liGerty l.alD. SIcyd91Pad9slnan @ridge tnv1 0Airodj to I r'' 1 ~3 C-oy af Spakane Va19ey, Sidevn lk fnfdl (no1 picEUec!} P'1.ANNI 4"r PRsQJECFS ~ (Aza 21 C.nrilmnnial Tm l - 8arrwr`ISummol fo EFCC 22 LitLk9 SpokanB Trai ID N1andwman Cummcl4an ' 9 Ekler _ 23 Fairflehd AFS to NNray Hnl" Cannetxiorl ` t' 24 Fnre Mla 3_m{~t;edar Road Ccnt+eCtlcrn ~ 2Z rlifw&y Fldights Ct3rtp. Plan Prqeda 26 Fwwu1IF'mls'n Rid9 Cannecxin 27 G enrinsePrdlrle L ink 23 CenlorNalTraa 1 ~Hr. 28 GTB9iudm TPaII AirwNdp~ tQ Medir;dl Lake Trag SR ;p . 3.g_ - 30 Ahway Hsighlq 1t) CenRami~al Trall Gr3nixicliars _ " 31 lUrway FEeights • Pedestriw Cmsmnps J~r'R,~ra~~~a6rmT.r~m~ - 32 Dnsverslry Rd - Ped+miriarv 6rtdge I Major Bicycle and Pedestrian Prvject~ Dotmtomm Spokme gr'ry,ck Ak-!mr* with Trai7 jrom ftn Burr to Moran Prvirt Pedes#r'm fmprwernertts Flewentary _&c~ EstablisFi~s ia network o# koic'ycIe IaneS and 5eparated path cnnrrecting Mnran f'rafrie sipage In ihe Spokane Centraf Business Di5tr6ct SehGGI with 3 rteighbarhoad via Ben Burr T'raiN, and a tonnection ta the University Distric4 via a eIfminating srhool bu5e.S and inrCvding a new bike/pedeskrfan brfdge. Crea#es a safe crosswalk in fn0nt caf the school. crnssing of Flamilto n Street frorn the G onzaga Campus to student hou~i ng. TI`ke netwo rk a15o Urlrarr i'rall: Millwaod to Spokamee Vaffeyr proviries rrrany opportWnfties tp a[[ess transi#, Establish a5-rnile separa^tet1 path using old ONSF raiProad right-of-way and Spakane CouW 8en Su+rr Tro# conrrection to Ceni'eranial firrril sewer betvween FarSrher ~oiid to Evefgreen Create5 deditated bkeyel~ and pedeskrian Ftoad. Will create bEke and pede5trfan trail south facili#ies cnnnertJng the Centennial T►ail eas# of of riuer ferr easier eonnectians. Spokane Central Busaness rore wfth the Iower sauth hill horr4e5, and Libertyr and UrrderhilJ 37[h A v-enue Pr'ojet#fram Gn3nd to Rega! ParkS. The.5e iacsld#ies provide the only mean3 Qf 1V9ixture of Cfass f1J, shared-u3e lanes and infilt eonne tfion un de r the inte rstate, raiCraad 11ne, rnissirtg sldewalle5 tonttect6ng rreighbprhoods to and rrsajorarteriais_ Trt°re eoute fallows elernentacy, middie school, and retail, abandoned rall lirae and uzes existing streexs where pos:sib9e. The traik ennr~ects ter ihe Mron Post3treet srr'dge Bridge near Gonzaga Universiry, Pedestrian and bIke impeovernents to refurbish existlng vehicular bradge slated t~ ~ecarne a Centennicr! Trait. Mission Street Vrrderposs non-motorized 6ridge. Constructs an underpass ko route the Centennsa l Traik «nder M ission Ave nuaf Bkycdc 8oufevafd$ In City nf Spokarre [omnec#[ng Mission Patk and avoid'Ing a E~evelop b"scycle boulevards to -imprave bitycie dangerous irsterszction and raflroad erossing, eorraeraute safety and vosi9aility by calmingtraffic using skr-eet design techniq,ues. Kendalt h"ards t+a Boorrve & 3ummJt E5tabllsh a cIear and sirrMpPe extensiun of the Gl~nedtn trail pavirrg pro}eft C€ntennial Trail bekween the inteeseeti4n pf Create separax~d paths to conneet fr'rtira1 ]kriks Boone iand Sumrriit and the proposed Kendal.t in North Spokane such as lhe Aquatac Park, 1fards developrnent, 11+1idway Elementary and Pine River Park, F[sh toke rrall [rberfy iake Troils Pave and ranstruct the 4.4 m€le section o# the MEsfion Arr£nue 1/2 mile sL-parated path from. trail From the curren# paved sectivn on Spokane Liberiy lake to ValEey Way p~ovidingasafe County north to the City af Spakane. The trail connection Ko a retail center; Spr~gue Avenue urill connect fnto the Centennia1 Trail. Canstrutt separated paxFo from liberty I.ake to Valley Way: as rnuch of the remalning 5eckions as ppssyble. Lakeside 5epatrated path frbrn Valfey +,Nay south one mike: Indiana separated path Nodges to Sidewtrlk lnfilf Prpgram Harvard Road. Inventary and then comp1ete all rflissing sidewwa lk segments in the City nf Spokanek Uberty Lalre 8&7ycfe Qnd Pedes#rian Bridqe selected s'rdewa6ks in Cheney, Airw.ay Hekghu. Bicycle and pedestrian Gridge at Cor,ntryr "Jista arxd Sp+okane VaJGey'• frorn Missaon to App9eway. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 2, 2008 City Manager Sign-off Item: Check all that apply ❑ Consent ❑ Old business E New business ❑ PuhRc Neanng ❑ Intormation ❑ Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legislatlon AGENOA fTEM TiTLE: Sprague and Appleway Corndors Subarea Plan Deliberabons - Book II Development Regulations GOVERNING LEG{SIATION: The Subarea Plan must be conslstent witn the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). RCW 36.70A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND On September 16, 2008, Councd dectded to adopt the "hy'r,rid" option for Sprague and Appleway, speafically Oo malrttain the one-way couplet system between I-90 and Dishman-Mica and to convert Sprague and Appteway fnto a two-way system east of Dishman-Mica. This deliberation sesspn will begin by revisiting Section 2 0, Orientation StaN wilt review research companng current development proj2cts, such as the Winco store and the rehab of the former Rite Aid store at University, wfth the applicabil'tty sectian o( the proposed devetopment regulations Staff will also revlew non-conforming regulations adopted by Spakane Valfey with a companson to other cities (see attached staff memorandums) Staff wfll then present an overvEew of the development regulaGons includina conceFt redevelopment srte ptans prepared by ttte Spakane Valfey Chamber of Commerce SARP Task Forrx Following the presentation, Council will then begin deliberations on specfftc requests for individuai properties to be included ar excluded from the subarea ptan baundary. Attached to thEs RCA are letters from citizens reques6ng changes to the subarea ptan boundary. Also attached b thls RCA are a full set of public comments received by Council arganized by topic, allowEng Council to easily lacate letiers pertinent to specific dellberation topics Planning Commissian meeting minutes were distributed to Council at the last meeting- OPT10N3: N/A RECOMMENDEO ACTION OR MOTION: Subarea Ptan oeliteraUons will continue as dire--ted by Council BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS- N/A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Attachment 1. Revised Secbon 2.0 Orientation 2 StafF Memo LandlStructure Value Comparmon 3 Staff Memo Nonconforming Regulations Compansor 4 Proposed Zoning Map 5 Development Code Review PowerPaint 6. Letters requesiing INout of subarea plan boundary. 7 Pub1EC Comment Book I ~~~:~R~;ri►~t~+rvr-,Counci Changcs-Councill3eliberations Spraguc/ApplCway Revitalization Plan 2008 2.0. ORIENTAT'ION Book 11 contairts the Devclapmcat Rcgulations tbet go%vrn all futwc privste dcvelopmcnt ectians in the Spokane VaUcy - 5prague and ApplerAity Corridors Subnma Plan Area (Pian Aroa). Thesr standnrds wiI] bc uscd to evaluatr prn^ate development projects or improvement plans proposed for prvperties within the Plan Area. Guidellnes are considered recammendations for new development_ The Development Regulations are presented in the following sevrn sertions: 2.0 Orientation, 2.1. Dish-ict Zones Reguletions, 2.2 Site Develapment Regvletions, 2.3. Street and Open Spare Regiilations, 2.4 Parkia¢ Regulatioas. 2.5Architectutal Regulatinns. und 2.6 Signartr Regulntions. 1) City Center District Zonc. 7hese rcgulu:i(ins shsll [ippl}, ta: a Nciv coaswwdon. b. Additions gttater tfian 20% of the building floor arsa. c. Extcrior lmprovements ("facelifls") costing morc than 209'o of the ssse5sed or apprnised value of the building and land. Such cxtrrior regulations shall confortn to the architecturnl regulations eoniained fn Seccion 2.5. 2) AU Othcr DisMct Zones. Thcse rcgulations shnll apply to: a. ticw consduction. b. Extcrior lmprovements ("ficelifts") costing marr thnn 20°K of the sssessed or oppraised ralue of the building and lsnd. Such exterior improvements ahaU conform to the architectural regutations Contained in Scction 2.3. 3) New Construction. New coastruccion is defined as an eatirely new swcnrre ot the reconstruction, remodcl, rchnbilitatinn or expansion af a building costing mam than SO°b of the assessed ar aPpruised value I of the cxistinR structrre and land. 1) Ezisting Buildings snd Compkted Applkatloas• Nothtng conteined in this sectiun shnll require am chnnge w an existine building or structure for a•hich n tuilding pennit has been previousl}, i5surd nr applied far in the Community Develapment Dtpattment and the applicMion is dscmcd conrpletc prior to the effective dote of this Subam Plan. S) Owuershipaeaant Chnnges. Changes in pcupetty owncrship or tenunts of existing tiscs sha11 likew'L~c require na chnnge in any czisting building or structurc. 6) Limitations on Required improvemcnv Whare im}xovements and additi4ns arc mnde to existing hncildinp, requimmcnts for trnovatifln or etlergemeais sppiy an}} to net new floor atea. Iiregulstians to be applied W nct ncw flaor arza are not specified in thig Subarea Plan, thea the Comutunity Devtlopmeiit Director'Designcc stwll dctermine which regulauaas shall upply. 7) Non-ron(onninQ nxs shitll be regulatcd by Spokane Valley Mnnjcipal Code (5Y11'IC) Title 19.20.060. 8) Develogzmsnt rrticulations estabtished in this Plan are specified as eithrr Slandards ar Galdrlbrrs• Standar& sdciress tho.e sspects ot deveiupment that aro essential to achicvc the goals of the Subarea E'lan. Tbey include specifcACions far siu devcinpmcbt and building daign. such as germitted land uses. bnilding heigfit and setbacks. Coeformance wlth staadords is mandatorq. Such pravisions are indicased by use of the wards "shull", "must", or "isJis not permitted" GutdelJnes provide guidance for new dcvelopmeat In ttrms of aesthedc6 and ot6er coasidaatioas such as district charaeteer or design drtails. Tbcy're intendcd to direct building and aite design in a wsy t6st rtsults in the cantinuity oF the vafued charaeter of the City of Spoksne Valley. Whaeas cunformance w-ith the Standards is mandatory, conformnnce with the Guidetines is rccommended. Provisions thaat fall into this category are indicatrd by the use of words "should," "may" or "are eawuraged W." In various cases, t}u Guidetines provide a choice of treatments that wlll echieve the desired effect. Page 1 of 8 C:\Documents and SettingsNcaaosb\Lecal SetdngslTemporary Intemet Files\OLK4\Council Changes - 2 0 ORIENTATION 10-28-08 (2).da ~ -ma;f ~-t-•==:_~:~-•~':~~ 'uu cJ Cluingcs - Cuuncil Delibcrations Spragur/Applcway Rcvitalization Plan -to r 28. 2008 1) pa rpose l-hese ndministrstivc procedvr+es have two major putposes: ii To ensure thst developmeat in the Plan Aroe confornu to the Ptnn's rogulatians. ii) 7'o ensure that the l'iry's revic%% is ns expcditcd 3ti possible while rcmaining legal and proper. 2) Coator;nIty rrtth the Plan E.ach application will be raviewed by the City for conformiry with the Subarra Plan. Conformity has twu componenu; 0 Standards. Complianct with the Standards in the Plan is mundatory and the City msy not apgrove o project that fails to comply with the Staadards. ii.) Guldellnts. Canfocmance to the guidelines is rrcommended. 3) Pro)ect Rrvkw Appiication., f'or dervlopmeut approvals shall be filed with the Community Devolopment DirectorlUesignce. Applicatioas must mcet all items idcntified in the Plan a5 "Standards". Applicatians n711 he dcemed incampleue if they do noi conform to the Plan Standnrds a►d will be rctwned to the epplicnnt for rcvisiort. Applications that the Communit} I?evefopmeni Director/Designee hxs determined to bt complric consis?cr.i with S\'NtC Titles !7 :end 2: C'onformince tn the ntiid-lines ic Tttie Developmcnt Regulations in this document nre applicd to thosr propzrtics withir, t!-_- '~;-.k:;ir, nnd ApplewAy Cnmdors Subarea Ylan Arca as indicatcd an the Plwi Area map (see F:: i) 7bc Dryelop-mept Rcgulatlaas are dlvtded lnto sis tectlans: 2.1. Uisrrier Zones Regijlcrdons tstabll.sh a scries of District Zvnes as the basi, v,~,,cu~.>>:~ Frkn~ li~;L 104 development rr.gulations ttnd set fatth standurcla aad guidelines that are specific for each Distfict 7.anr, 2.2. Sirr 1)in•elolMae,u Regulutiortr gavern pcrmittcd and condirionally permitted use catogories, minimum and maximian buii(fing htight, huilding placcment,'dispositioq and each devefapmrnt's frontage conditions, 2.3. 5treet and Open .Spucr• Regulatiau set fur[h minimum requirements for the pmvislon, design, and configuratioa of ntw strects oad publicl), acressible spaces as well as regulations govrming tandscaping of Gont, side, and rrar rards and other on-site improvements to ensare that new dcvclopment crentcs attractivc and livablr Cit}• Centrr nnd Corridor eav'vcmments with cuncnitics for pedestrigns. :..t. Purking Regularloro set forch parking type, pror-ision, nnd design requirements to cnsurz thnt the paricing providod for new development contributes to each distria's envisianed enviroament :.5. Archtretlural Regulatlo►u' regul8[e buildittg maseing, compostrion, and design. 'itiey are provided to ensurr thei ncw developm=nt will reinforco the essential scale and character of each district within the Plan Area. 2.6. Srgnak'e Rcgulatiom govera signage types and their location, number and canftguration. Q) T0FWVkvv tbC ` ' Ste Fig. 2.0.1. "Haw to Use the Development Regulations" in addition to the tcxt below for instructions nn how to locate ond review the Dcvelopmcnt Regulations that apply to a specific property. Page2of8 C:1Documents and Settings\camsta\Laal Settings\Temporary Internet F1zs\OLK4`,Countil Changes - 2 0 ORIENTATION 10-28-08 (2).doc I stat'=~•~:r.~ttied u ci Chnnges - Council Deliborations Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan ~ 2008 a) ldcntify tbc propcrty'e District Zone • Locate the groperty in qaestinn on the Dtstrict 7.ones Map (Fig.2.1), Note which Ristrict ?,one(s) the proptrcy is in. h) Rerkv► Dlstrkt-Specific rcgolatjoos - Refer W the npprajxiatt District Zanes Regutations section in occier to revicw Disuict-Specific srgufatioas for that District Zons(s). Thcse regulations nre provided on the District Zoaes Regulatiom pages in Sectioas 2.1.1 - 2.1.6. The Disu-ict Zoncs Msp & Regularions are intended as a summary and da nat encompcus all mandatory• standards praeaccd throughout the Drvelapmont RcgulIItions. Rcferertce each appl'tcable acction on the pages that follau for deGaitions ancl specificatioas of each regulnted elrmenG c) Revlew repUtfons commoa to aU properties la t6e PlaA Area - Ragulations cummon to a11 propcrties in the Plen Area can bc fouad jn all sactions of the Dcvelopment Regulation-s. d) Regulatlon oompliance - Projects must compty wish nll stnndards fn acicr co achleve appraval in thc dc%,clopmontal review process. Projects are encourngtd to adberr to ffie rotommendatioas prescnied as guidclincs within each section. A'' Page 3 of B C:\Document and Settlngs\caoosta\Locai Settfngs\Temporary Intenet Files\OLK4\Coundl Changes - 2 0 ORIENTATION 10-26-08 (2).da Wley 11707 E SpraQue Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 504.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ~ cltyhall@spokanewalley.orq Memorandum To: Kathy McClung, Director Scott Kuhta, Senlor Planner From: Lori Bartow, Aasociate Planner Data: October 27, 2008 Re: Comparlson of Bulidtng Permlt Project v. to the 8ubarea Plan Applicability Sectfoi, I have revieNved the projects listed below and identified the new• project value and the Spokane County Assessed ti'alue of the existing swcture and land. The purposc was to compare the project value to assessed values as it relates ta the applicability section of the Sprague and Appleway Subarea Plan. The projects reviewed include the V1'inco Tenant Impmvement ( i Carl's Jr TI, Ritc Aid (New Building), Universit), City Tl and exterior improvements, and change of use (COU) for Sparky's Subs to an office. The table indicates that 3 out of the prajects would have beea required to comply «ith the full extent of the developnicnt regul.:: Contained in the Subarea p1An 6ased on the applicability langunge noted in 2.0.1.(a). The languaie states: The fiill extent of the developmenl regulatians rontained wlthln this secrion shull apply nnl1' fU 11fw constriiction... New construction is considered ta be un enlirely new strurture or signiRcant reconstrurtlon ojan e.risting struclure. .SJgn f rant reconstruetion sluill incJude remodel, rehubilftatioit op• additions costing more Ihnit SO' of the assessed o►- aPpraised i•alue ojthe existing structure. 11'the exterior improvements for the University City site were considered separately, the}' would not have been required to comply «7th the architectural regulations af the subarea pian, since the project cost compared to assessed value ~N-as less than the proposed 20% threshold noted. Section 2.0.1(b) states: "Erlertor improvemEmts costrng more lhurr 20% of the cusessed vr appraised vulue of the huilding und the lund, and additiau ta buildings lhat are greater than 20% oJthe existing floor areu shall comply »-ith the architertural regulutions c•ontained in Seetion 2.5. " 1t can not be determined whether the Carl's Jr. site «•ould have been rcquirecl to comply with the extetior regulations of the plan, since the petmit valuation included the interior and exterior improvements as one sum. Without researching any deeper, it appears that Carl's Jr. would not teen required to comply w7th the subareti plan. The Rite Aid site is unique in that the proposal is ta demolish the buildings and construct a aew building, hence that project would have iriggered the Subaren regulaiions. However, since the existing building values are relativeiy low, it is likely that any significant improvc.~ments would have triggemd the applicabitity of tlie subarea plan regulations . ticw Project Projcct # Total Velue Address ProJect Value Spo{caae County Asses.sed Assessed comparod to Dacription lApolBaliding Valoe Value cxisting vatues in Percent 9724 E Spragne Ava ~~00,000 S1,132,490/4r18$,000 S5.620,49i1 110% Winco - Tl 13920 E Sprague ~50,000 5248,660 1376,400 S625,060 40% Carl's Jr. - TI R3tc Ald - Demolltloa Parcel ts4521 I.OIQI 565,760 / 0 S65,780 and New Coastraction Parcel ts45211.0102 549.500/166,000 5215.500 ( thc site iavph•es S Parcel q45211.0103 S25,400159,200 S94.600 separate parcel9) 52,25A,000 Parcel #45211.0104 560,4501106,800 S167.250 304016 Pstrcel #45211.01015.5101,000/106,100 $207,100 Total $740.230 10722 E Sprague Uaivcrsity City - VI'tst 550,10 Tl Vallev School Dbtricl TI 5543,330 TI ~ 47189(1 / 515400 $987,290 10 % E: t. and Est 5100,000 improvemcncs Eitcrior Improvtmtnb 14916 F SpntQuc COU - 5parky's tiuba $90,IN30 5161 .200/ S255,200 5416,440 22% ta O!'flcr Since the project value is key to the appticrsbilit}' sertion oFthe }laii, I alsa rcvie%vcd threc: recent building petmit applir,utians sited along Spnguc Avenue. This was intended to prnvide a value refcrence to determine whether newer constructian may be raquired to comply with the regulatioas of the subarea plan at a later date. Based on the applicability section languagc noted above which considers cxterior improvements custing more than 20°l0 of the esscssed value of the building, and new ar significant conswcdon costing more than 500/o of the essesseci value of the existing swcture, the table below idenufies the appticable doltar thresholds. The values do not include any land valucs. With the exceptivn of the shell building, it is unlikely that newer construction will be required to comply with regulations contained in the plan in thr event that improvements arc propased sincc the values are so high. PaKe ? Eztcrior Sienltlcaat Projcct Cost basrd oa Improvemrnts Reconstructlon ProJeci aad iddress gplIding Pcrmit Fces ~ 20% of Strncturc SO•~ of Structurc ~ atnr, eYCludtag l.pnd Value, eicludiag Land Value Value Chacf: E Chcesc SI 588.000 S3I7,600 S794,0IN) 14916 F 5pr2guc INB Bank 51.340.000 5418.600 56;50,000 15015 F. Sptagae Dfsk BrLm (5hell- only BWa) S220,000 S44,000 5110,000 9115 E Sprnguc I rslso reviewed the assessed pmperty values of a onz block area of land that surrounded the intersection of Pincs and Sprague. ThiS TCVIew was intended to relate the 20% and SO% applicability thresholds to a random selection of cacisting strurtures to determino thc potential to be required to camply with the regulations of the sub arta plan if exterior improvements ar significant remodels were proposed. The interseciian was chosen since it had old, ncw, and vacant buildings. The area is depicted in the serial below. The strect addresses and property lines are displayed. 7he table that follows indicates ihe Spukane County assessed values for stnicture and land, and the 20% and 50 % threshold values as they relate to the property. Based on the older agc af many of the buildings, in canjunctioa with the fact that in many cases very little improvements have occurred, this seems a reasanable area where change consistent %vith the plan would occur. It appears that if the thresholds ss proposed w-ere imptemented, that the oldcr and smaller buildings are more likely to be required to comply since the value is low. Please see the table on the follow-ing page for specific information. , ~ - -----i-~':„''" - _ - - ~LL I ~ 1I ~ S 'virr y, • 'r~•• ' , j ~ , - - - _ - •`f~ ~ v.-_'~~ , ==='--5, a,, . - - - ~ cc t~ ~ ~ _ ~ • ~ . :A ~ _ -ae rr I urL 1!'t+ic~ :I n:] tiI,iaj~uL 1H tcrircUun I't:ge 3 AssessW Property Values for a 1 block Area Surrounding tha Pines and 8prague intersectlon Bullding Land Totsl 20%150% Year Strest Address Valus S Value $ Value $ Of TotS Value 8uilt 1 Remodeled NW Btock 12205 E Sptague (Counry Buflet, $307,934 !$769,835 1967/ 1991 .Ioan'a, Card Snop) $1,048,700 $490,970 $1,539,670 13 N Pines (vscan4) 3,700 41,600 45,300 9.060 / 22,650 12219 E Sprague (Payday t,.oans) 182,900 71,410 254,310 50,862 / 127,155 1967 12109 E Sptague (RiteAid,Aamnsetc) 3,171,300 969,310 4,140,610 828,12212,070,305 1979/2000 12025 E sprapue ( Beyond eeads stc.) 551,800 136,000 887,800 137,560 / 343,900 1954 / 1978 12005 E Sprague (VNAMU) 1,523,900 232,430 1,762,330 352,468/881,185 1978 I 1993 S W Block 12102 E Sprague (office) 92,000 26,000 118,000 23,600 / 59.000 1841 12106 E Sprague (parking) 2,304 50,500 52,800 10,560 I 26,400 12114 E Sprague (museum) 185,800 50.500 216.300 43.2601 108,150 1909 12116 E Sprague (Ichabod's) 195.000 50,500 245,500 49,100/ 122,750 1948 12118 E Sprague ( Pete's Hardware) 127,700 49,990 177,690 35,538 / 88,845 1922 12122 E Sprague (Rhapsady Salon) 86,200 25,880 112,060 22,412 ! 56,030 1922 / 1947 12124 E Spfague (Dave's BarlGrill) 92,900 25,260 118,160 23,632 / 59,080 1921 11994 Rite Aid Site (Values nated above) 740,230 1,148,046 1370.115 SE Block 306 E Sprague (V1laigreen's) 1,253,900 385,860 1639,560 327,912 / 819,780 2003 328 E Sprague (Starbuck's) 433,700 103,380 637,060 107,412 1268,530 2004 12404 E Sprague (Taco Time) 816.540 185,730 1.002,230 200,446 / 501,115 2004 12414 E Sprague (Sirip Malq 402,900 109,440 512,240 102,448/256,120 1979 / 2006 NE Block 10 N Pines (Aibertson's) 624,700 943,600 1,568,300 313,8601784,150 1977 / 1387 6 N Pines (Denny's) 367,700 191,800 559,500 111.900 ! 279,750 1979 20 N Pines (Str+p Mall) 170,500 147.100 317,600 63,520 J 158,800 1970 Pclize 4 5C~, 4 e Valley 11707 E SpraQue Ave Sui[e 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 4 dtyhallospokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Councfi; Dave Mercier, City Manager. Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager From: Kathy McClung. Community Development Director Date: November 18, 2008 Re: SARP - Nonconforming Considerations Nonconforming provisions in a zoning code are to provide some flexibilit}' for existing uses and development after codes change. The long-term goal is to bring the nanconformences into compliance wlth current codes. One vmy this happens is to grovide oppariunity to use the property in its current condition, but to encourage new investment to happea under current codes. Staffcompated the proposcd longuage for nonconformances in the Sprague Appleway Revitalizaiion Plan (SARP) and cxisting language in thc Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) with the Cities of Spokane, federal W'ay, Kent, and Liberty Lake. Therc were threc areas of focus: nonconfarming use, nonconforming development and the issue of wfien a huilding can hc reptaced after a firc or other disaster. Tyix's of Nonconforn»nce: (Jse- The use is no longer permiueti in the zune it is lacated in but %vas legally established prior ta the zone change. Detivlopment- Thcre is something about the site that does not compl)• %vith current standards i.e. parking, landscaping, design stnndards, setbacks, etc. Rabuilding ujter daniuge- Follnwing a fire or natural disaster, wfien can a nonconforming use or building be rebuilt H7th the same noncanformances. Com2mison of Codes: SARP Use- Refers to the SVMC. Nonconforming use must be brought into confomnance if the use is discontinued for 12 months. Another nonconformiag use may occupy the site if director determines that the new use is more canforming than previous use; the use has no greater demand on traffic and use does nat adversel}' affect neightoring properties. 13evelopment- 4pplies to new canstruction and additions grcater than 20% of building's floor area. Regulations also apply to praposed exterior improvements custing more thnn 20% of thc assessed or appraised value of the building and land. Damaged improvements- Refers back to SV'.viC. Damaged improvements may be replaced if: initiated within 12 months and damage is less than 80 ° o of mar4:et value. LIBERTY LAKE Use- Can vansfer non-conttirming use rights as loag 3s it is not discuntinued for 121 manths. No expansions permitted. Development- Naneonforming swctures cannot be made niore nonconfurming. Damageti improvements- If damage is more than SO% of thc replacement cost based an F3uilding Code it must meet netv stnndards. Planning Director can authorize replacement if alxwe is not practical. FEDERAL WAY Use- Can transfer non-conforming use right5 as lang as it is not nbandoned. vo expansion permitted. Development-Several triggers for bringing site into compliance, mostlv proportionate to the unprovement proposed. Must hring imgrovement up to code if aver 50% of assessed or appraised valuc of improvement. Damaged impcovements- Can be rcplaced ifdamage does not exceed 75% of assessed or appraised ralue of improvement No cost limit applies to the city center core and franie and director may require minor upgrades to the rebuilt impmvements that are intended to achieve a greaier level af compliance with the site and desiE,n guidelines. SPOK.A.tiE Use-Depends on what zone the use is in. Some zones require a conditianal use to continue atid may have a deadline for conformance. Other Zones rrquire compliance once the use is discontinued. Development- Depends on the wne. Damaged imgruvernents- Must be brought into compliance in most cases if dcinnage is more than 60°l0 of the value of the improvemeots. KENT Use-Can transfer non-conforming use rights. Pfanning Director can appmve expansions. Devolopment- Must be brought up to cade if there is a change in use. Daniaged improvements- May be replaced as long as it is «ithin one ycar. Planning 4+rc}mmisivn Recommend'ed Sprac~ueJ~►p►pleway District Zones Map ~ r~ - - ` . ~I~ ~ i ~.II`I.-~i~ -fl ' ' " . j f ,'l~ 7 ~ -L.~- _Y~ ~ . ~ ~ f ti.Y,~ I II ~~ie'~ _ ~ - i ~r ~ ~ ~ _t I~~~. :_s.y+. 'r r-.~.... t i,;~ ° 1 L U.I - ~ F"- ~.c..+;~ ~ t I I I_~u r :k.~~-.~• ~ a~„n _a~' r t I a-t" r z:-'~`--i~ I F I- , ~ ~ f.~,._~~ h r ~ ~r~ ~ - ~4•~r:li ~..r. 1_;~~,~~~' IF .I . I yad1Y. . I L.. f I r, ~ . . y' . . 4i, ~ ~ i ~ ~ T~ ~ ~ ~ I 1F ~ 44 I !i,,~!e_I~ f r I ~ J. le . ►1r _ ~ r . ~ M NLIi ~ _ ~ I ~ ~ 1 I = - - - I_ ~ . - - Zly 'I il-d 1s IF~~i G411ir~~~+yli~n ~ C7 I~SJ_LJ1Li s~ }l•~ ~ ~I v I ~ -4 L !7. t . . , - y! - . i '....1 _ . I . 1L _ ~ "r'■~ ~~~~7''~~.~'~,~Q~'{y~a3 ° ` ~ ~~T ~ ' ~"~i-itiUl s I 1'3r ! u F ~".i . . . ~ " : • , , . . s; F~ , ~ ~i~~ ~ I, ~ I ~ .~m9Ytd~ I I ~~d~ { Llp 7 I~~~!..~d NI=~ plenarF, I f I= rr _ i L4 ~+asa elYi% ~ ~ I r =:y I i r~ I i ~i P_~ F~af' - ~r .:1L a~ r r "-r r T ~'~,~~i~~ 1.3.., i .ti- _!ay~M~~~-;I, ~ ~..~.•N . I _L ~1 ~ District Zanes h _~:,~T --r.`~. 'L'`'~. M GakfaVVay CC1fdICllE'•.fG9aItGeflt-efS' ~,'.5idef1taI 13i711t9V8fd % 17, Ciky Genfer Mixed IJseAvenue ~ Removed From ?lan Aeea ~ . ~'~~k:: ; . . ~ i N~~#ew~U Commarc~alA,v~ ~ ee9hborktood Cer~ters ParceCs , rm ~r- . , . 71R k.'1 R • - ~ . . ,53I . .~~_.e, - T-^. . _ 'I . - ' L ~ . -Re Cif} {'rotrr DbStlet ia the hmn of ths tnmmuaity. Ii aN an trLrbua distria tluk cnpsim uta uidc "Il,e ftssldcntial Bu4fevard 6 a dlmirtcrirc resis9etEtial rarradar. ("oNi-stent Easgc„ Irx~dscaPEi ran$e nE tauildinff nTes nnd use4. 7hr di5T,-icl s whcre jrcdegtrian a ~ ~~mn npace bct,% ~n bui~din~s ~tnie f~e~stagdGns biwlrvHn4-sw1e h4usLn~, 5~~t wc tts~riplexs5, I~ic ixy u mflrl li~el~~ ~nc1 w9~rc tb~ ~ ~ mait pe&-svia6 o:wnisiea are lrtated, It lto u eare of cn.`rrtninnlcui. slmppmg as7d dining aF{3parted 1enLi- witli Semitivcly de-signcd aard exglicidx cr,mputirle aFficc bu;Edrngs. "fhe Prsideastial BouEavaxii hn~ n tteighbnrhaed of tuban ~pmEs end tis-trrkpifim. smrs us e rnedium dmsit% r€sid~iW rtlge Lif Ili.c Ort&-family nrIghhAiband3 svudt of Applcwsy Baukvmct Wirhiii the Ci,,y Cekfter Llisrio, eiiterte.irimcnt wt+t shurping uicnud Oty Conaer Crree Shxel SrFUt~ oF~kppl~w~y$uulc~°srd. a1~~,~!~lher ;Str~ct~, ~n7~11~ser~e avar.3r~d Le-ElEmit~~ tt~u{i[tp; 3r,~ r~rt~eail~+IIkullt p4 SilPTE1jR~L;La e,l}i~ 9i1i~F~911.Cti~ h7' C 1[ti~L€H'4f i~.J2.ht?C~C~1Ci41t~ ~tC~~t}~lil2~It 11,. loihPd 3lIIgiCffuAlly i111re5f(115h1h41fu[1sEti4f1 t0ibC fWE4[i~IG r;F,t&;llkiil TL]x~a~1L}hCl~ii~. tiaig6borbaad d:entcri urc higher dcosi4y. ]prgct w~le mbxGale+vmt ~C~mmrrrG,~1 Avcnueu ~`~I1eme~i" apec+tit, di3tcict ~al is d~~min~~IcJ b4° uus4~ :a~eF an3 ~ ~u~c llivxt{.u +;~th cutx,,~tra~~ui~s of A uril u~ ~trrr~.ra~ dc5iiut,u~d s€ t ~e l~ti~ns ct~a~?~~r~e ~ri~' i~sl3tn'~t f:~nf rnigh5nrhood-scn-tng canrrnidkce usa-s iintiludickg svpeEmakes1 regulcrly duiribusd tkunugnnm ihe ,cnisus ~ c1rr6dos at mnjs3s intersactivns. treatmeaks incEud ing vc'ticls disps4y 5pac€ and torresWMing it£cnt€faahls hullifng fatim Rgulzium 1i p belp ---1pport }nd svr¢sgthen thi_ rrgif,nal destin4ion 5maf[er setbWch-.m ard widrr side-vsulks mmpEemeit ~Octivity cctster-, tfppcr 110ar luaualr+g nnd oftic~ aver nmil IS enca~irage,i'lhc =Ew. viky nbt, hn4e larger srn1e mi+ccd-Tast building tFjit mm The disnist ls inw`sperssd with uutrrartensed dm-slopmvit nhd aPfrMprin& campatble uKes such M c~~~ir~~~ihlc writ@~ 1l~ a0i~~:4e~at ~iehk+ur~ir~,d sen-ing aeO desrlt,p~nert °'m.~iuEe; ~Cri' e~nnne~is! ~~lei enJ arnices. hlong t}x A}~lrr~m EtauCe4sr~ Edgc snd ~M~1ier:~ireets, r~ rqguiutisrro CccLS un bu!?eriisi! rtquirc,ncras tc. rsr.A,ee ecairpatibi9it; with ndjacrnt+!c,clnprn-vt. C;itea~iy Ca~meerinl Ctatrn, vai n~itic?n to tl~ tapir~l ~Cale~~~!• Lc~mmGSCiuI Aveaiu~ tutric, In ilie Ntkitt4•l!sr,3seu~n 5prque rl,eaug is ciaaacoerue~ hp lurh~~', L'~n~ia~~su i~ndsi,s~i~ sethneki centr~inn~ of aut~ theta~~vl r~urattit~, ~en~e~en~, re~:neadan m supped t~r 44:d:uu~i11t m [parking Ici5 J+x:d to 11e 4ide or re~r ar buildirtt};,c. T#ie rhnn~cter at'ranv n~iee, loc!gi~7g„ u~d pecmi< <`cir~ ~ ~;~ewaw~ Co~nmerL iud I~isuiGt's tule as s rrgiural d~l inatia~t, ~ritm a~rLan htildin~ i~s~ ~iig1'ar ~ r "~s r~l~il sal~s ~er~o~es is ~mgu tit~lr wo~r hnus4n~ izt builElittg fnrus ond aite ~,~z corer~ce ti~~i ~iJe~ sideu~lks dL~ir~guist~ Il~e ['er~te,~ fr~ntkreres~~~'~{rn~w~y c tfoarla~¢aent. This xnales 5~gue Ar~€nur an ~n~ia~e kictiida of l,arger se.~le hausit. 4Lc~i1 mu~5 Comrye~ial rlvKnue Uistriet mi4 recufnrxz iltie L'rnte9~s` Nn c~i e pedcMqri~rieas4d chnr~.~ler. 1affi1c~ un u~i aricn~ed ~ov+drds SpregEa A~nu~ cr~~i{a~reg tp t~e pri3marily msl~tinl deweiup=4 frehttrti 9ehiad it-W 5pr¢gue e7venue rdge, existing ruid 13rw GMha Stveb rcote u netwotk coCmadium-si;zed hlbcks weth uoried IiriJscap~ag 19mt suppart thp staullu sstbocks end higlwr fruntnr coveragc of delmlomrnt that is Icss nncEIted tosvmds Sprqguo Avcnue.'i'his llish-iL'I is prirnnrily a m9x vF ofFice. Iodging. W mcdiua dsns-iy Iwusu1p accammocd ~+~tlh~ e wide mnge of ~uilding tp~5 inel~ciing s€acksJ uikw und iownh-uma, ktnppr4xaa mri5,1,XE - - - - - - - City • D- ons Development . d• ds Review Spra ~ • • ~ r ~ Appleway ;i" ♦ , ,{-~p Y •r~ ►N 1. iZ. " • _ i _ 3t • ~ - « D • 00. i- • • - - e~ • - r- I • 1♦ I - 1 • ~ I FA~ Mf! ~1101'Ii11f J ~ ~ ..W. .,W j I Ll 7I ~ LLa fss~ fL ~ 1JJI M~ N~~ ~ ~r~MIM~~N~I r~r ~ ►1r~~~~ I •IY.~~ i ~ • ssw ~ ~ t r. IMw~ ~ _ - _ ~ + r-~~-. ~ lll l L • ~~r ~ . ~ ' ` i'-'u.M+ ial~ r ►i~..a.1 •it ~ aunMS ►•~swr+ j - ` lu~... 1 , I ~ ; e~,~ ^ I I . . . i I i-u w.w +a ►~~w ~ - ~ ' • , CR~w~ I tiJr r I ilaaM~~Y' ~s+'~+.~ti r M MM~r ]2 i- , ~ I u a 4m.• T District • - J~ , I ~ ~ T -~i 1- 1 ) ~r_1I , ~ , ~ +-r _ ~ f ~ r~~i p ' ~ ; _ i i t.~,~. Ki~~~~,~i~ _ j` ~ °t ~ 3;+ O__~~ .~___'wH ~ ~ ~ _ _Si . ' . ~,r-- ~~-I~lat_• !n S H I - 4 ~ _ . _T_ .t:•wa~=-_ _ nr_ = .-r.- ^ - - - . ~ . . Str~at 1 Straet Ca1~y<xy spra919 Gthnr Ave. Strws 24 a utreA ol nut re uirtd "J~~+~~ 2~2NviidFr►p Lhe i ; v ~„a b N' bn'►ood Cestrr Reaif tu+uod Pow-W ciMiu44'srktesue!lr~ai - - d1(bner Stvre F[euil - - ♦ G,iraop% Coswtrcia! Arnvr R - - r.. c.en.ss ca..rrci.l ct..R itt,u - - ('hk. nadl'Fric.! f.rMoral rrtus:n! ua: fMkr rtnneed r,mr•. l~drhw M , t i,e-wr►k pccir,r,r ~ R:riAeftial r i%Iwk~-f ssiily wi Cosnon tatry petaumII 1,ermi''r.' bltuutW SiwgM-FanWy w+Ie+Ihi/rsl petni"r: t Dear►ed Sia 1r- Es mn - - 2.2.2.Building Use 1 Ret:iil a Citv Center Retail b Nei hborhood C:eater Retail c Mixed-Use Avenue Retail d Coraer Store Retail e Gateway Commercial Avenue Retail GateW.IN, COIllillercial Ceiiiec- Retail 21!lulEl {M phl et I ' 1 1 1 ' , •um~m ~t f~ ` 10 r. ~1►rJ nr Do1 Yralrk i.. ,me± rc ~~.~i•i d "n wut l = Y a. !:la7ePOMM 11 S` ■1 Pr^:t~•~~ - ' ~ I f «'Kf C1In 1 Atcede prrcmlmd pcr.mltrJ 1 Gned ►+rOm pamituil imm:md 1 Tofecwft ➢vTmJtn1 l'enhirsS ) Gt221 Eafty yvmuncJ . neA i Coaeun 4oY ~um'a~1 Imx~a! ~ $~~n mttnd .n-•I ~ rurrh - Oi FrnM Qnor ~ 1( tarkfe Saornn Fwtry ~ nu~ad IL % elikfe Dbr" ~ ` Opcitm 1 - 13) Vr►kh Dia{+h)- (ptloe 2 - - 41 FAv 1rtNmrN: Proced per~ttrJ 131 F.ICr 1rralmrM:Trmced i - . ~ ~ - - • i ~ . • . • 2.2.7.Frant Street Setback Iitlil11I111it! ~ (llJ V Itlil Ill 1~ ; ` t' 2.2.8.Side Stteet Setback minlnium / rnailmum U!! ~ I(! fi S 7 I S u 2.2.8,SIde Yard 8etback minimum li%ing s oce j%'indnj+ti I0 R IC~ I, minlnium k% -«ut li%in . acE nindon s 5 ti ti 2.2.10Rear Yard Setback niini►nuw %r(hack 10 f• ti, N 2211 Alle minimum .cthack li 2_2.12.Fronta e Covi - - e itiinimuni I)rr:cntu rLu% rrrtl 2.2.13.Build-la-Comer rti uire(i rir not rc( uirrd reyu~rtd ta u;rc.l 2.2.14.Maxlmum BWidiny LtAWth maiinium buildin len t6 hA :4-) Ci r.~. _ _ - _ • e District _ _ ' _ _ 1 ~~e~~,~a~ - ' i~t Matrix ~ Street I , .,a,,• 1 ~ _ ' • pen Space ---T_ - - - . j - ~ ~ . • ~ ~ • r . ~ . ~ Street d Sprague • ■ _ _ Op `t d ~.1.1.Strcet Stondsrds I ) tirrcrt PtuNi;lun ~c~uua! t:,,n:~c 1 PrrL(Katcd Stirct iC. ~.uaJ t c wicJ ) Matlmum Bk.ck Slr: A eaes I u~e, ) StrcH Cunfl uratMn re irrd ge iterl ;1 tilrecf Ty e a i Finza Drice N'A - bl f ity Clreet .`:.'A c:uu!tcd cl N'd bf►orbood Sttset K'A nttuttol d) \r hbnriwod Gntea Strest KA cnu~rad C1 Servke Sircel N'A - tl Alleti I:!A - 1 Pois 2:~A - .320 rds ::r- - +,s=_ • ' , Mr _ _ - - - _ •t+ae - _ - :w... ~ - ~ - r ~M - ~ - - _ - - ~ _ _ - - - - ~ I - ~ - - arking Standa / p : gue 2.4. Parking r. d. ds Other y : a: Ave. 2.4.1.Parking Types 1► tiurfa+cr Parkin n) r'ront lut rrnwtc,3 b Side lot pemiitted pennitted c ReAr lot rnuttcd criuittecl 2) Parl.-in Structure a) Ez srd auitted ctiu,ttrd bWta ed - Groupd Lt~'el ermittcJ erniiltcd c R'rs ed - All Le~~els xtuiine.i rmitteA ci) Pnrtinlly Suhmcrged Podium pcctiiitted prriiiittect ej iindergroun~l Yarkin~• ~~~~iutted )rtuiirr"t 2.4.2.Parkin Standards w« secr,,,u 2 •1.2 - T- o ' District L- } - - - - - - - - - Matrix - ~ . - ~ - _ ) - - r7- Architectural . ~ • . e - . d Sig . • e . d. / r g Other M ts Stand. d 21.2.Height Massing 8 ComposiHon {1;«r rryiuc.1 i:•~ ~~nr:! 2.5.3.length Massin & Com ositlon ;trectINull tu;rcn,c•nt I~~~ir► ~r:~c Sidca-pll & Rearrnll Iucremeni NA N+A ~ . ~ g .g• d. d - Other r -•a Ave. 2Types Valley Chamber SARP Task Force Redevelopment Site Plans T ' n r.lk~ ~ ~ ' "~l'~[, Y --f Y _ ' ~ _~1~ • ' I_ : • ~t IL - ~ ~ . r r ~ t • ~ ~ _ <'; ~.y~- ~ ~ ~ ~z 1 _ ~ ~ ~ - , .i.` ~ •~f _ _ y~ ' L T ~ ' t: • ~ ~ ~ Sprague and ArgonnelDishrnan Mica ' : F.,SO ~ I l : - , : I ~ 1 S ra ue and Ar onnelDishman Mica ~ F~~T _ r+- . _ " ~___~~.o.+r~-~ ~r- - ~ i u , ' ~-1•.~' , % ~ : _ _ ~►'~-s-~ . ~ . : _ ~ ~ ~ ~.1• l I , ~ _~r~i~,~; W ~ ~ M 12816 E. Sprague - Bank of America " l~IAi9E I~(Uj i ~uen s rsu»~n l[nn ~ 12816 E. Sprague - Bank of America r Ti . ~ . i " ~ . LL. c= ~ , . - 4~-~ - ~ - - ~ t: Arby's - Sprague and Baifour ~ sruoio 4 IARTMENTf` ASOYF c ~ 17 ~ ~ = ~ , co~ME~ nSE ~rF lTORf ~ITUi 'lr aEtAll ~.511l/ ~ _ rill! orrict ~~ort - ~r> Arby's - Sprague and Balfour , ; rr ~ , - ~ • c' , _ ~ , ~ ~ t ~ - • ; ' . 'ti i ' ► 1 ~ • ' 1 Y . _ ° ~ - ~ ~ Jennifers A:,:_- Sprague and Progress - " - _ - - ~ ~ . a a - : - - , ► : _ L . -L i._ It }'•r~ ' . ~ _ ~ b - Jennifer s Auto Safes - Sprague anci Frayresi., GENERAL GRAF05 INVESTMENT, INC. COMMIRESIDENTIAL ^,ONTAACTOR CONSTRUC7ION ~ • REAL ESTATrz . LAND DEVELOPMENT ~ 7/29/08 ~ i i My name is Dean Grafos and over a period of almost 40 years I have owried and ; developed property in the Spokane area as a business owner, Real Estate Brok.er and ! builder. i 7'he parcel whieh T would like to discuss today is located on the corner of Conklin Rd and ~ Sprague Ave, It has 635' feet of frontage on Sprague Ave, 700' feet of frontage on , the Appleway corridor ancl a depth of 560' feet along the Conklin Rd arterial. As such, ; the approx. 8+ aere site zoned commercial and bordcred hy Sprague Ave on the North, ~ Conklin rd. on the East and the Appleway Couplet on the South lends itself to future I cAmmercial activity. The currcnt zaning on this property is now Community Commercia:l ancl has been downzoned frotn B-3 commercial and Light Industrial as rccently a.s October 2007 as part r af the Connty ComprehensivE plati for Spokane County. I surniise that the 2007 zonc ehange to our property was not satisfaetory or restrietive en4ugh to accomplish the new city's goals, as Nye are faced with anot}ier proposed downzone from current Community Commercial zoniiig to Mixed Use a.nd Residential Boulevru•d zoning within a one year time frame. As a matter of interest, just a very shoi7 list of some uses chat would become non- conforniing under the city plan are listed below: Vetcrinary clinic A.uto and truck sales Boat sales mld service Equipment rental Garden center or nursery Funeral home ~'Ianufactured home sales ~ By the way, all oFthe above uses are permitted in the Gateway Commercial Zone (auto row). As we sit here in the rnidsi of ai economic dotimtum, ynu can evidently predict the future needs for commercial property in ihe Spokanc Valley by down znning ancl restricting the approved uses for my property. These chauiges will nullify to a large measure the significant investment made by me and my family over the last 30 plus years. t ~ 16120 E. SPRAGUE AVE. • SPOKANE VAILEY, WA 99037 •(509) 922-2912 • FAX (509) 922-2933 ~ ~f l\ ~ I have passed out a site plan of my specific property so that you, as a council, c.an fully comprehend the ramifications of your plan on your fellow citizeni employq&md IIes, taxpa,vers. As I am limited to 3 minutes of testimony, the following issues are only a partial list of the impacts to my property. These issues will also impact any property owner on the k tirterial v6th similar zoning. I I Please determine if you need a 60' right-a-way, a 75' right a way, or a 100' right a way ~ along the npplewdy corridor. Your new plan is premised on what }rou perceive as a lack o£development, or interest in developing the properties fronting on the couplet. We have becn wait'nQ for over 30 vears fox someone to straighten aut ihe nrotIerhX lines that boeder these propcrties so that they can be utilized in a sound economic plan which benef.its the community, protects the tax base of the community ancl provides jobs. The 60' strip to be set aside in the ItE5117ENTIEIL BOULEVARD 7QNE for futtue , residential coiistruction is un-buildable. The required setback from a county road to secure a builciing pennit is currcntly 25 feet. The rear yard sct-back from the re- positioned roads required to be build at the properry oNvnezs cxRense upon redevelopment of tiie nroperiv would also reguire a set-baek. Therefore, the realistic residential boulevard avenue bordering the arterial would need to be at least 135' in clepth, not 60 feet, Additionally, your development plati does not clarify if a vehicle i . traveling east on the new couplet caii malce a left hand turn into their new residential drivetivay, or if a new cotruner.cial building bordering the new pre-existing street can even Access the arterial. The city plan; as Proposed with your downzone in this single property would result in 70,000 + square feet of existing buildings anc! 164,000 square feet of valuabie commercial properry ultimately being removed from the tax rolls. 1'he current usable 560'foot commercial depth of the property would now be reduaed to 325' -Iect, a . reduction in size of 420/o. Conklin Rd. is designated as a North, South arterial ancl this has prompte.d the installation of a traffic signal at the corrser of Sprague and Conlclin to be installcd in less than 1 year and paid for by the adjacent property owners including myself. 1'he commercial developrnents on Broadway avenue which include Wal-Mart, the new Lowe's super center and the Kohl department store sit at the corner of Broadway and Coril:lin rd and txaffie moving south out of the parking lots of these major retailers moves south on Conklin rd annd to Sprague Ave. Lcss ihan 2%, not 200/n of the property in the City of Spokane Valley is zaned commtinity commercial as per. the Spokane Counry comprehensive plan. 60% of the property within the city is currently zoned residential. To remare millions of dollars in commercial properties fram the city tax base does not seem to rne a sound economic clecision benefiting the mx payers ancl citizens of our communiry. , - i i ~ .r%Tlle removal of ancl down-zoning of commercial properties, which cven in their interium uses are contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee salaries, utility taxes, sales tax, B&0 taxes, supportino our local schnol bonds, library bands, fire districts, etc., and yes, cven the salaries for the boazd niembers sitting at this mecting, is absurd. In F3ook #I under the heading of Community Intent, I quote: THE LEATaERS OF TI-E NEW CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY HAVE ESTABLISHED 'Z`I-TIS PLAN TO RE-CENTER THE COIvIMLNI'I"Y AIdONG ITS CE'N''I'RAL SPW, AND RE-POSITIO\ PR4PERTIES 'I'0 CAPTURE AND ENHANCE THE DEVELOPiVENT VALUE OF THE PROPERTIES CURKENTLY ' L1NING THE UN7llEVELOPED APPLEWAY CORR.IDOR, ANID TO SUPl'QR"C THE CONTINUED GROWTH AND SUCCESS OF AU'CQ ROW AS THL PREiMIER DESTINATIONT FOR AUTO SALES. 1 iv.iIGHT f1DD: SOON TO BE THE ONLY DESTINATION FOR AUTO SALES Iagee with the city fathers, you will certainly reposition properties to capture value. Unfortunately the majority of the propcrtics affected by the city plan are not in the higher vaIue Gateway Commercial zoning. We respectfiilly request that this property be rernoved from yoiir Mixed Use and 'Residcntial Boulevard downzone, and Nve retain our current Community Coinmercial Zoning. lleaii and E-lir.abEtli Grafos • t ~ I[jA]R:K , X NC . C Box 183 • 205 S. Evergreen Rd. • Veradale, WA 99037 •(509) 922-3610 • TOLL FREE (866) 508-7701 • FAX (509) 922-3389 I 7/29f2QQ$ Spokane Valley City Council Public Hearing on the SARP TESTCMONY: My wife and I oNtin a piece of pzoperCy at 245 S. -t-vergrF;en Road. It is currerritly zdned community cominerciai and has been used eommercially for 68 years. We liave oumed and operatod our business, Lark, Inc., there for nearly 30 years. We predate Target and Safeway. This plftn takes away otxr long standing commercial z.oning and replACes it wi.th residenrial boulevard. Your own econom.ic study says it wil.l decrease the value of this property by as much as 801/o. This down zane also limits tlie allowcd uses. . {Tt is eomrnnn knowledge that the city will have to piu-chase some of our property when Appleway is extended. For the city to dowzizone us prior to this so they can pay penaies ; on the dollar is unconscionable and just plain wrong! I urge you to move the soutii.ern boundary of this plan tA eaclade our pmperty as the st'a.ff and planning commission have done for ather parcels. The consultant ba.s already stnted that it would not he detrimenta( to the plan. Fuzffiemiore 1 personally tlvnk that fl plan of this magnitude and this many millions of doliars should be put to a vote of the pcople. I thank you far this opportunity to speak to you lon. ight. ~ . 3~ Jim Scott Lark, Inc. 1 ~ Quality boat docks, boat lifts, swim ladders, dock hardware and accessories. ~ Visit us at www.larkdock.com ARAFT tIDVANCF AGEN`DA For Plannin~ Disciission Purposcs Qnly as of November 25, 2008; 3:10 p.m. Please note this is awork in praoress; itcros are tentative To: Council & StafF from: City ivianager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings December 9, 2003, Regular MeetinQ 6:00 p.m. idue date vlonday, Dec lJ 1. PiTBLIG FTEARINC: L•mergency Ordinance 08-021 Amending SVMC,; Surveying and Aur Eleelronic Subrnittal Requirements for Subdivisions -Vlike Connelly [5 minutes] 2. Consent: Clairns, Ivlinutes, Payroll, Resolution Set Public Mearin? S'I-NI 04-08 [5 minutes] 3. Second FZeading Proposed Ord 08-024 Code Compliance t\mendment (gratYiti)-Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 4. Second Reading 1'roposed Ord 08-025 UDC Code Compliancc Related Ordinarice - Cary L7riskell[10 minutes] 5. Second Reading f'roposed Qrd 08-026 for Codc Amendments - Christina Janssen [20 minutes] 6. Second Iteflding Proposed Ord 08-027 Amending 2008 Buclget-Ken Thompson [IO rninutes] 7. Second Reading Proposed Ord 08-028 for STV-02-08 - Lori Barlow [10 minLrtes] 8. Propnsed resolution 08-021 Amendina Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson 15 minutcs] 9. Nlotiori Corisideration: Viayoral Appointments: Planning Commission (2 posiCions) - vlayar Munson [10 mins] 10. 'Motion Consideration: Hntel/A/lotel Grant rVlocations - Cuuneilmembsr Wilhitc [10 minutes] 11. Motion Consideration: AAA Sweeping Services - Tim 1Clein [10 minutes] 12. Motion Consideratian: YiwCA Aquatics Contract Renewal - Mike Stone [10 minutes] 13. Motion Consideration: Senske Conti-act Renewal - Mike Sto~nc [10 minutes] 14. A9otion Consideration: Acceptance of STA Funds rc Tntersections -Neil Kersten [I0 minutes] 15. Admin Report: MOU for Prosecutor 1nterloc:al - Cary Driskell I'S minutes] 16. Trifo Only: Finance Housekeeping Items - Ken Thompson EXECiJTiVF. SESSIOV: I_and Acquisitian ["'estimated meeting: 150 minutcsj Decembcr 16, 2008. Stutlv Session 6:110 n.m. [ciue dste Monday, net s] Ac I'iON iTrMS: 1. Vlotion Consideration: MOU for Prnsecutor lnterlocal - Caay Driskell [S minutes] 2. Proposed Resolution: Finance Housekeeping ltems - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] RI:GiJT.,AIZ S I UD1' STSSTON 11 EMS: 3. 17eliberation: SpragueJnppleNvay Revitali-r_ation Plan - Scolt Kuhia (160 minutcs) 4. Lifo Only: Response to PuUlic Cqmments 6th ancl Pines) - Inga \'ate TQTAI:; iVI:11`UTLS: 170 minutes Decembcr 23, 2008: No 1Vleeting - Christmas weck Dece.mher 30,2008. Study Sesxion 6:00 p.rn. [due date Friday-llec 191 1. Action Item: Mayoral Appoint:ments: Councilmembers to Variqus Committees [10 minutes] 2. Action Item: blayornl Appointments: 3 vacaneies on Lodaitig Twx Advisory Committee [5 minutesJ Rep_ular Studv Session items: 2. Airport Overlay Preposed Amendrnents - Karen K.cncltill (30 minutes) 3. Deliberation: SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan (SARP) - Scott Kuhta (120 rninutes) 4. Info Only: Uept Reporls TOTAL MLYU'1"E5: 165 minutes ~ ~ WittlerRetreal: COA`FIRMED: Monday. January 5.2009,5 a.m. to 9 p.m.. CenterPlace Tenculive Tnnics : Revie►v 2009 Gnurtcr! 13trdget Gocrls; Fiiiaricial Fnrectist; Si,x-Year 13usines,c Plan; Finrdirrg Oplior7s/Borid l.ssties; Impuc! Fee Stcrdy; 13rairtslvrming; Irrfo Only Itent: Workplcur Draft Advance Agenda 1 1/25/2008 3:08:14 PM Page 1 of 3 Jaouary 6, 2409, Stutlv Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Manday, nec 291 Sprague/AE3pleway Revitalization Plan (this mceting decficated to t:his item only) (150 minutes) Infa Only: Cent4lace Catering Contract - vlike Stone Info Only: Universal Playgrround Update - Nlikc Stone January 13, 2009, Re_ul<<r Mcctint! 6:00 P.M. [due date Monday, J.in 5] 1. PUBLIC HEAKIENG: SAItP - Scott Kutita 2. C:onsent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [S minutes] 3. First Reading 1'roposerl0rdinance A.mending t~lirport Overlay - Karen Kendall [20 minutes] [*eslirnatcd meetin;: minuics] ,Ianuarv 20, 20119, Sludv Session 6:00 n.m. Idue datc Munday, Jan 121 1. StreeC MasterF'lan UpdateJJU13 -Neil K.ersten (30 minutes) 2. Cit:_y I-tall Desijn Services - Neil Kersten (30 minutes) 3. CenterPlace Catcring Cant.ract- iVlike Stone (15 mintitcs) 4. Universal Playground i3pdate-Mike Stone (]5 minutes) TUTAL MliN'[JTTS: 90 minutes Januarl' 27, 2009, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m, (due cfate NIonclay, Jan 1.91 1. Consent Agenda: Clairns, Yayroll, Niinutes; Finance Housekeeping Resolution ltems [5 minutes] 2. Seeond Reading Proposed Ordinanc;e Amending Airport Overlay - Karen Kendall [20 minutes] 3. First Reading Proposecl0rdinance to Amenci Comp Plan (SARP Book I) - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 4. First Reading 1'roposed Oruinance to tlmend IJDGIAdopt Subarea Plan R Map (Booh IT)- Scott Kuhta [30 min) _ 5. Motion Consideration: CenlerPlace Catering Cnntract - A1ike Stone [ 10 m inutes] 6. Motion Consideration: City Hall Design 5ervices- \seil Kersten [15 rniiiutes] 7. lnfo Only: Depaftment Repoits (*estimaled mccting: 100 minutesl Fcbruarv 3 2009, Studv Session 6:00 n.m. [clue date Monday, Jan 261 Februar-v 10, 2009, lte,_,ular Meetittg 6:00 n.m. Iduc dute Monday, Feb Z] 1. Consent Agendl: Claims, Fayroll, ulinutes (S minutes] 2. Second Reacling I'roposcd Ordinance to Amend Comp i'lan (SAltl' Book 1)- Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 3. Seeond Fteaclina Proposed Qrdinance tt) Amend UDC/Adopl Subarea Plan & Map (Bnak ll) - S Kuhta [30 rnin] 4. Propose•d Resrihution Adopting Subarea Plan Book TII: City Actions - Vlike Connelly (20 minutes) 5. Admin Report: 2008 Accomplishments Report - Mike Jackson [30 minutes] ("`estimated rnecting: 100 niinutes] renruarv 17, 2009, Study Session 6:00 p.m. idue clate NIonday, Feb 9J F'ebruar-v 24, 2009, Rcgular Mcctinl,, 6:00 u.m. idue datc Monday, l+cb 16] 1. Consenl Agenda: Payroll, Cltiims, Minutes [5 rninutes] 2. Info Only: Uepartrnent Iteports • C)rsft Adv:ince Agenda 1 1/25I200R 3:03: i4PM Page 2 of 3 March 3. 2009, Stu(lv Session 6:00 p.m. [due dale Monday, Feb 23] OTHF,..R PENDIiNC A-NllI`OR iJPCQ►vLhNG ISSTIIZ~S/ivIEETINCS: AcceSSOry D«rclling Units (Ord 08-006 modificat:i6n) F3roadway/FancherlConcret:e lntersection (2009) CcntcrPlace T'ce Structure City Center keport to Council City Hall Sales Purchase Agreement Community Survey, 2005 Cornp Plan Qrtrly Update( Jan, April, July, Oct ) Cornp Plan UpdateJUCitVJPA Concurrency Eiist Gatewiiy Monument Striaeture n Fmergency Qrd 08-021 cspires April 14,2009 (Arnencls SVMC, Surveying Requirements f4r Subdivisions) G,`9A Joint F'lanning Interlocal Agreement (spring?) _ Governancc Mtinual Impaet Fee Reque.st CenCrat Valley School lais[rict Indiana/Argonne Intersection Follow-up TT Specialist Classi(ie<<tion ftesolution Joint Mecting w/City of Spokane Counci! (pnssible topics: waste ivarer claallenges; mtmicipal court challen,Qes; re.groncrl transportatian plannin,q/soltttions; GA9A policies R implemeratatio») Legislative Action Conf, Olymnia, Feb 18, 19; 2009 # Northeast Housing SolutiUns City Membersllip 9 Over,~veight/over size vehicle ordin:ance (2009) Panhandling Ordiriance Poe Contract, Slreet Maintenance Services Resolution Amending Resolution 03-040, Banl:ing Audiority Solid Waste System (May, 2009) . Splashdowri Agreement SCrategic Financial Plan - Dave Mcreier Street Standards Schedule SLu-plus ltems - Ken 1'hompson (Jan 2009) Tramsportation Benefit laist (2009Za. Fsiablish ord.; (b) set puhlic hearing; (c) draf't resolution; (d) ballot language Transportation Impacts UDC Cocfe Amendments Title 20 batch Use Agreement (Cm), L)riskell) Awaiting action by others; * 17oes not include Cime for public comments.] f ~ ' J DraR Advance .Agenda 11/2512003 3:08:14 M Page 3 of 3 S061raoon-oe- Valley° 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley V'JA 99206 49;00 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ ci[yhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council Members; David Mercier, City Manager From: Nlichael D. Stone, CPRP, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: November 24, 2008 Re: Contract Amendment Updates Staff has been working on contract amendments for 2009. These contract amendments will be coming before the City Council on December 9 for your approval. Both of these service providers have done an outstanding job in 2008 and their performance warrants a one-year extension for 2009 as allowed by the original contract. 2009 Senske Maintenance Contract Amendment: Staff is exercising the fourth and final one-year renewal option with Senske for park , maintenance for 2009 based upon their satisfactory performance in 2008. Senske is proposing a 2% increase from 2008 for 2009 due to increases in wages, medical insurance, fuel, and fertilizer. As per the contract, cost changes must be justified and mutually agreed to by the City and the Contractor (Senske). Staff has reviewed Senske's request and feels that request is both justified and mutually agreeable. The 2008 total contract amount including the Centennial Trail addendum was $633,271.93. The 2009 contract for City Council consideration will be adjusted by 2%. 2009 YMCA Aauatic Contract Amendment: Staff is exercising the fourth and final one-year renewal option with the YMCA for 2009 based upon their satisfactory performance in 2008. With the addition of our new - features at each pool, it is critical to have the YMCA operating our pools due to their knowledge and experience with our facilities. The YMCA has been offered a management fee of $29,000 for 2009 which is $1,000 increase over 2008 and is consistent with our previous discussions. As per the original Agreement all other costs will be invoiced based upon actual cost. If you have any questions or need additional information please let me know. Thank you. cc: Mike ]acksan, Deputy Ciry Manager ` i Ken Thompson, Finance Director CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 2, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing Z information ❑ admin. report. ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Transportation Benefit District update regarding amendment to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council's Metropolitan Transportation Plan. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.73 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Oiscussion at winter retreat January 12, 2008; administrative report January 15, 2008; administrative report February 12, 2008; Council discussion about infrastructure funding options, instruction to staff to proceed with drafting legislation allowing for establishment of a transportation benefit district; April 8, 2008 discussion and update on formation of TBD, discuss draft ordinance; April 15, 2008; administrative update June 10, 2008; administrative report July 1, 2008 BACKGROUND: As the Council is aware, the Legislature recently amended RCW 36.73 to provide that local jurisdictions may assess a car tab fee and use the funds for capital projects, and also for maintenance of the street system so long as the applicable regional transportation plan specifically provides for such. For Spokane Valley, it is the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) adopted by the Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC). On June 10, 2008, staff advised the Council that we (in conjunction with the good folks at Association of Washington Cities) were discussing potential changes with the staff at SRTC to the 2007 MTP that would meet the statutory requirements. These proposed changes were adopted at the November 6, 2008 SRTC Board meeting. The specific language is attached for your review. Local Option Vehicle Registration Fee. This local option considers the imposition of an up to $100 (the maximum allowed under RCW 36.73) annual vehicle registration fee for vehicles registered in Spokane County. The funds can be used for projects or programs that support local road construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, preservation, or the operation of local transportation systems. These funds can also be used for state highways, bridges, regional arterials, high capacity transportation, public transportation, and transportation demand management purposes. As a result of these changes, the City can adopt an ordinance allowing imposition of a vehicle license fee increase in the future for capital projects, maintenance projects, or a combination of the types of projects. OPTIONS: Consider adopting ordinance authorizing City to impose vehicle license fee pursuant to RCW 36.73. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to instruct staff to bring forward proposed ordinance authorizing establishment of TBD. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: To be provided at a later date. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 2, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check aU that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisladon AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Prosecutor Interlocal Agreement - Memorandum of Understanding Clarifying Cases Covered. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County in February, 2006. BACKGROUND: Under our Interlocal Agreement, Spokane County has represented the City as its Prosecutor for gross misdemeanors, misdemeanors and infractions over the past several years. Several cases have come up recently that were violations of City code, but which are different in language from similar RCW provisions. In reviewing the contract for services to determine if this was an issue, it became apparent that there is language in the contract that _.could be interpreted more than one way regarding such cases. In an effort to resolve any ambiguity as to what cases are covered and which are not, if any, the parties decided to draft a Memorandum of Understanding clarifying these issues. This has not created any difficulties to date, but the respective staffs wanted to resolve it prior to there being a problem with a current case. In short, the MOU recognizes that the City has some criminal and infraction provisions that differ from state law. It clarifies that any cases arising from such charges would be included under services provided under the interlocal agreement, except two specific types of cases: zoning violations (code compliance cases that can be charged c(iminally as an altemative to our Notice and Order provisions), and aduit entertainment cases. These are exempted out because they invariably take a tremendous amount of time, and are vigorously defended. The parties can still agree that these cases will be handled by Spokane County, but it would be dependant upon their staffs availability for such a large case. If they cannot prosecute a case like this that came up, the City would look to contract with another entity or private counsel to handle the case(s). OPTIONS: Consensus to place on agenda for motion consideration RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NA BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA ' STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: r • l7cturn to: llaniela T:riGkson, Clerk of the Tioard Board of County Commissiuners 11161V. Bro:tdway Spokanc, Wttshington 99260 1NTE171:OCA.L AGKEEMT\"T F0R PROSECU'CL,~G r1'T'i'0lbiVE-Y S.r:RVICES . iN 1'HE CITY OF SYOKA\'E: VA:LLEY (.1anuvey 1, 2005 -Uccember 31, 2005) 6 0194 7'H:[S AGREi:;M'.EN"1', made artd entered inta by and among the Spnkane County Prosecuting Aflorney, having offices for die transactiqn of business as 1100 West viiillon, Spokane Washington 99260- 0270, hereinafler referretl to as "PROSECUTING A"["r0'Etj\'FY," Spak:inc County, a political subdivisian of the SUtite of 1VashinLqon, having offices for the transaction of business at Wcst 1116 Broas1way tlve11ue, Spokanc, 1'Jashington 99260, hereinalier referred to as "COllNTY," together somctirnes referrcd to fllong widi Ihe I'ROSECU'I'ING ATTORNEY fls "COWi TY," Find the City of Srolctine Valley, a municipa) corporation of the State of WashingCOn, haviiig ofFces for t.he cr7nsaction of business at the Rcdwood f'laza, 11707 ,F.ast Sprague Avcnue, Suite 106, Spokane Vnlley, VI'ashington 99206, hereinafter referred to as "CI'fY," jointly hereinafter rcfcrred to as the "PAItT113•S." 1'he PR.OSrCU"I'CNG ATTORNEY; COtlNTY and CI'I'Y a grec as fo{lows: $F•GTION N4. 1: RFCI'i"ALS AN1) F,T.(YnI\`GS (a) '['he Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the cnre of COtJ\TY propcrty nnd thc management of COINTY funds and business undcr RC1V 36,32.120(6). (b) Counties and cities may contract with each other to perForm eertain Funclions which each may legally perform untler chapter 39.34 R,CW (lnterlocal Cooperaeion Act). (c) • The City of Spokane Valley pursucmt to Lhe provisions RCW 39.34.180 is responsible for the costs incident to (I) prosecution of misde+»ca»or ancl gross misciemeanor offenses which ar2 violations of scate. siatutes that occur within its jurisdiction and rJiat are commieted by ad►iIts, (2) tr3ffic oFFenses comniitted by juveniles pursuant to RCW 13.04.030(I)(e)(iii), and (3) misdemeanor or gross misclemeanor offenses which arc n violation AfCiry of Spof:ane Vallcy ordinances and committed by adults. (cl) The City of Spokane Valley desires to utilizC the scrvices of the Spokane County PROSECUTING A'1'TORNF.Y for the purpose of prosecuting cases w1iere the charge is (i) an infraccion; andlor (ii) a violatiori of a state statute pwiishable as a iiiisdemeanor or gross misdemeanor offense committcd by an adult; :uidlor (iii) n violation of a City of Spokwie Valley zoning ordinance punishable as a misdemeanor, aIl of whic-h occur within the .jurisdiction of the City of Spokane Valley ajid which are forwarded to the PROSECUTIIG A"ITORNEY, hereinafter referred to as "Prosecucion Services.° lncertocaf Agrcement, Prosecutor f'age l of 20 C06-17 . , . SFCTIQ\' NQ. 2: DFFI1'1'1"1pNS (a) Agreemenc; "Agreement" means this lnterlacal Agreement between the CI'I'Y and COUNTY rcgarding public dcfcnder Ic~al scrviccs. (b) . Citv: "CI'1"Y" means the City of Spnkitne Valley. (c) Countv: "COIJNTY" incans Spokanc County. (d) Maintenance and Operatinns: "vlaintenance and Operations" and "M&0" shall inean (l) those class cAdes (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its bud-etary proccss as prescribed by the BARS manual adoptecl by the State of 1'Vashingfon unde-r chapter 43.88 RC«' so long as such expeiidinires are directly attributable and proportion7fe to se.rvices reaidered to CITI' under the tcnns of tliis Agree_menc. (c) Serviccs: "Serviccs" mc.ans those servicts identifiu.l in Exhibit l. , Compensation: "Campensation" means that methodology sez forth in F_xhibit 2A, 28 and 2C used to establish the amount of mone}J which the CITY will pay the COl!\~TY for providing Services. , (g) Capiial Improvement: "Capital 'Improvement" shall rtiean flny expenditure in cxccss of $1999.99 or such highe'r figure 1s set by the COUNTY as the cnpitali2ation threshold durinb the temi oF the Agreement. The COUNTY shall give the C1TY advance notic.c. of any increase in lhe cnpitalization thrzshold. 'Che IIARTIES agre.a to meet and cliscuss the impacts of any change in the capitalization threshold which will cause sn increase of costs [o lhe C1TY ir► excess of 550,000.00. Any sucli . expenditure will be caded as provided for in the BARS-m,tnua) adopted by the Stace af 1Vashington under RCW 43.83. (h) Uncont: Ilable Circumstances: "Uncontrollable CircumstanceS" means the follnwing events: riot5, wars, civil dist:urbances, instirrcctions, acts of terrArism, external fires And floods, volcanic eruptions, liglunin~ or earthqu.ikes at or ncar where the Services are performed and/or that directly 7ffect providinJ of such Services. (i) Report: "Ftepar[" means the Proseculoc's record managemant system commonlv ref rrecl lo xs Cnsuman. , (j) Nrosccutirz3 Attqrnev: "1'rosecuting Attorncy" means that ptrson appointsd 1s a prosecuting attorne}' under chapter 36.27 RCW ;ind his/lier depulies/assistrints sppointECl undEr 1'ZCW 36.27.04 4 and ItCW 36.16.070. SFCT14\' \'O. 3: P'Ultl'USE The purpose of this /1greement is to reduce to writing the PA.RYI.CS' understiinding as to the tenns and conditions under whir.h the PROSECUTG\'G ATTORNEY will provide $e-rvices on behalf ofthe CI'!'Y, lt is the intenc of che PA.R1'1:ES that Sm,ices to be providect by the P.ROSECUI'1'NG A'ITORNEI' will be consistent wieh the CI'I'Y'S CouneiUManagcr form of novemment provided for in cijapter 35A. 13 KC4V. IntcrlOCal AD reincnt, F'rosecuror Pagc 2 of20 - . , SEC"I'[ON iNO. 4: DURATlON/N1'[THDRA«'AL This Agreement shall commence on January l, 2005, and run through Uecember 31, 2005. At the conclusion of 1.hc initial tcrm, lhis Agrecmcnt slisll automatically be renewed from yeor to ycar flicrca(1cr cffcctive January I" to Dccembcr 31"' All renewals shall be subject to all ternis ajid condiriaru Set forCh hCrcin cxccpt fqr fxhibit 2A, 2B and 2C. The NA,12TfrS rocflgnize it highly unlikely thAt Cxhibit 2A, 213 and 2C setting forth the estirnatecl costs for eath year's Services will bc 9vailablc ac the scart of any rencNvai time framc. Accordingly, until nc~~~ Exhibits 2A, 28 and 2C have been prepared and agrectl to bztwc.cn the PARTt.F_S, the PART'I.rS agrcc that the COLJiN7'Y will bill the C1.TY and the CiTY will pay the COUNTI' at the samc mont}ily payment rate usecl for the previous year. Upon the PA.RTIES anrecmcnl on new Exhibirs 2A, 28 and 2C, the CITl' and COWi TY will reeoncile paymcn[s to clate under the nrcvious year's payment sclticdule with the new payment Sthedule. Any undcrpaymcni Fqr ariy Scrvices will bc due in the first hayment duc folloNving reconciliation. Any overpayment for any Services will be ci-edited 10 lhe first monthly paymeni due follo%vino the rccqnciliation. The PARTI:f:S sgree that no interest shall be 0N<<ing by eithcr Party eo the othzr Party for .3ny overpayment or underpayment determined as a result of the reconciliation. Any 1'7rry m7y :vithdr7w at any time from this Agreement for aiiy reason whatsoever upan n minimum of 180 days written notice as provided for in Section 7 to the other Party. • ln the e<<ent of ternination, at CI'11''S option; PROSECU'I'l\'G A"1"I"OIt1'EY shall continue to provide ServiCes to completion for those cases filed prior to the effective datc of ttie termination. J SEX"CCO\' NO. 5: COST OFSEMr1CES A~\`D YAYnIEn''fS 7"he C17Y shall pay dic COi.J-NOT1' the actua) costs For Services providecf Lmder this Agreernent. 7'he cstimmcd cost for 2005 Scrvices undcr this Agreement shall be as set forch in 6xhibits 2A, 2B and 2C; artached hereto aiid incorporatet4 hcrein by reCerence. 'C'hc metliodology usLd to arrive at fees fAr misdemeanor services in Exhibit 2A uses the last six (6) mand►s of Itcport numbcrs for 2003 and first six (6) months of Rcport numbers for 2004 and averages tiicm for a hvelvc (12) month tirnc Frame. Tha resulting numbcr is usecl as a basis to estiniate the 2005 cosc of service for cnisdemeflnor services in Extiibit 2A. Thc COUNTY CEO shall advise the CI'fY lvianager as soon as rossible of any anticipated or unanticipated capital i«iprovement cosls rhat arise during the contract period. The City Shall pay capital improvemenC costs eilher (1) under the Cost Allocarion I"Ian as an iiidirc;ct casc amortized over the usefui life of the improvement ucilizing straigiit- (ine depreciation and incorporating the expezted sslvagc valuc of tJic improvement al the end of its usefiil life dr (2) as a direct cnsf in the fonn of a contribution made to the Cquipment Renuil and Revolving Fund. The CI'1'Y sh.ill be responsible only for c<7piYal improvement costs incurred aRer ~~tarch 31, 2003. Any portion of a capit,31 impro<<ement that was paid for or nequired thrnugh separate agreeme:nt or with grant proceeds, bond proceeds: user Fees, donations, or any olher acquisition method that reflects a eontribution on behalF of Cl"fY shall not be included in the depreciation scheclule applied to the CfTY. Any capitat iiliprovemeni for which the COUNTY seeks reimbur5ement from tl►e Cl`I'Y must be necessary io fulfill the requirements of this Agreement. At the end of thc calendar ye.1r, using the methocfology set forth in Exhibit 2A for misdcmaanor scrvices and ' Exhibit 213 for civil infraction services, the PARTIES shall flpply du aetual expenditures and the actual Interlocal Agrcemcnt, Proseculor Yage 3 of 20 usage percentage, wliere applicable, to cieterniine the final cost. There is no adjustment for Fxhibit 2C for , Civil 17epartment rnisdemeaiior zoning ordinance services in as much as they are billed otit on an hourly ratc. 'It is the }'A.~"I'I:FS intent that. any ndjuslment t~►ke place as soan iis pos5ible and ac:cortfingly will use their respective bea~t efforts to timely prePare; disseminate and review all expcnditure dacumentation. Thc CITY will liave sixty (60) calender days frorn iis receipt of the expendicLire dacumentatian to providc the CQUNTY %airh any writ2en objections(s) to such documenta[ion, lfie written objection(s) must spccifically idcntify the cxpcnditurc(s) in question. Thc COUNTY agrees to con$ider aII written qbjections reccived ' from the CIT'Y within thiriy (30) calendar days oi' rcccipt of the objecl.ions(s). (.n the eveni thai the PA.RTIFS cannot mucually resolve anv written objection(s) submitted by the CITY within the thirty (30) calenditr clays [ime Crnme, or such other time fcame as the PAtTIES may mutually agee, the objections shall be resolvecl ptirsuant to the Dispute Resolution provisions set farch in Secrion \to. 17. Pending resnlution of the objections(s), the PAR"rfES agree that the Cl'1`Y shall p7y tliat portion of the biil that is undisputed. To dic cxtant thni. the CITY was over billed in any ycar and the n&Teement is still in effest; the COUN'I'Y shall credil thc CITY for such overpnyment in the nexl' monthly plymenc owing by the CITY. T'roviaed; howcvcr, in che cvenc Lhe Aaree-meni is terminated nt such time thac the overpayrnent is determined, the COWTI' shall rcimbursc the Ct'('l' for any overpayment within thirt}' (30) calentlar days. "1'o the exient that the CITY was under billed in any year and the Agreement is still in ef('ect, the CI'I'Y shaU reimbursc the COllNTY for tuiy underpayment in the nexe monthly paynent owing by the CITY. f'rovided, however, in the event the Agreement is temiinated at such time that the underpay»ient is deiennincci, dic CITI' shall reimbursE t11c COUNTY for any underpayment wicisin diirly (30) calendar dsys. Eithcr Parcy rnay at its sole optian charge interast on any overpayment or tindErpayment ba.secl on Iost interest c.lming hatl Ilie amount determined due been invested in the respective I'rVtTIES inrestrncnt pool at the cnd of the diirty (30) day lime Prame providetl for hereiijabove to the da1e c,f payme•nt. Any resolutinn of a disputed amount through use of the nrbitration proccSS idcntified in Sec[ion 17 shall include at the request of either Party, a de.tefimination of whether intercsl is appropriate, including the aniount. The CQUN'fY will bill the C1"l'Y For the cost of services as outlined, monflhly, by the 1 SL~ of the mnneh. Monthly pa;rments for (1) misdemeanor services fi„d (2) civil infraction scrvices will be calcutited by dividing those anrnial costs set fnrth in Exhibiu 2A and 2B by hvelve (12). Payments b}' the C]TY will be ' duc l)y the 5'h dfly of the follU%vinb month. '1'hc COUN'I'Y, at its sole opiion, rnay char,e inicreSt on Any late paymens calcufated on any lost interest carning had the aniount due been investecl since the dotc due to the . date of payment. in the COUN7'Y's investment pQOI. SEC'I'IO\' Nn. 6: RT:I.,aTF;n R,r•.sPoNS:03'I;u'l'm5 -li\` CON.IU!\`C['[OY W1TEJ, .1?:ROVIDlNG SERVICF,S 'fhe CUUN'I'Y and I'ItOSECUTING ATTOR3,4rY or their designEes agree tn il11C11d s4aff ineetings AS rEquested by the Cl1Y Manage.r. The COU\TY and PFtOS1:CUTUNG ATTORN'CY or their designec aa ee to me,e-t upon rcquest by lhe CITY Maniger or hislher desismee to cliscuss any Service provided undcr the terms of this Agrcement. The CITY Agrecs the !'ROSLCU'T[T~G ATTORNEY may use the COUiNTY'S st,3tioncry in conjunction ,reement. with providing Services under the ternis of diis Ap lntcrlocal A-reement, Proseeusor Page 4 af 20 , • . . , . .J SECT10\' NO. 7: iNOTICE ~ All notices or aiher communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day such notices or other communications are rESCeived xvhen senc by pcrsonal dcliver}; or (ii) the third day followinct the dey on which the sane have been mailed by firsr class delivery, posCabe prcpaid addressed co the COUNFTY or ihe CI'I'Y at the address set forth belnw far such Party, or al such other address as ci[her Pariy sHall from timc- taAime clesipace by no(ice in writing to the oiher I'~t),: CQUNTY: Spokane County Chief Cxecuiivc Offiecr or IiisJher authori2eci rcpresentative 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, 1Vashington 99260 C1TY; City of Spokane Valley Cit~, Manager or his/her suthorized representative itedwood Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suile IOG Sppkane VaIley, Washington 99206 P}20SECUT.IiNG ATTOItNEl': Spokane Coimty Prosecuiing Attorney i 100 West ivlallon Spokane, Washingtan 99260-0270 SECTIU\` NO. 8: REPURTINC . . ,-Itcn°rts - The PROSECUTT.NG ATl'O,RNFY shall prDVide- the Cf,TY with reporls docurnenting 3ctual usage under this Agreement. The Partics flgrce Ihat the terniinology "reports dcKumcntinc, aciual usugc" rneans fhal type of infomiarion provided by tltc PROSECUTI~lG ATTORNIEY to the CfT1' in the 2004 agreement for Services. An updated report shall bc submittcd quarterly unlcss othenvisc muiually agreed by the Partics. Sttch reports shall be in a format as mu1u111y agrecd to between the 1'Firties. 1'he conlent and/or fonnflt for such rcportS mny be changccl from time-to-time bv wriUen agreemenc between CITY and COl1NTl'/Pf20SECUTING ATTO.R\iF.Y stAff. Ctecords Review - The C1TY shall be allowed to conduct random revicws oF the records generated by thc COUNTY/PR0SGCUTI?1G A"["I'OItNL'Y in pErformance of this Agrec.ment. The CfTY .vill provicle: the COIJNTY/PROSf-_CUTfNC ATfORNEY cvilh reasonabic advance notice of the records reviEws. "I'he !'lriies agree dhat they will mvl:e best eFforts to achieve a resolution of Any potential rccords confidencicilicy issues, including enlering into confidentiality agreements or other similar mechanisms chat will all4w disclosure of the necessary infonnnYinn to accurately conduct a records review. lf the CI"I'1' will be allowed to view onl}, thdse retords directly eelaring to Services provided within CITY's corporate boundaries, then the COUNTYlPROSECUT.I\i TG A7'I'ORMEY must keep a log oF original docunients used to charge the CiTY, arid those c3ocuments must have identifying numbers or Ictters so the original source documents can be easily reu-icvcd. SF,C.T.T.ON 1i0. 9: COIT►\TTk:ltPA:127'S This Agreement rnay he executed in .iny number of counterpartsj each of which, Nvhen so executed and delivered; shall lze an original, but such counte•rparts shall tooe•ther constitute but one and the sarne. Imerloca) rlgreemem, ProsecuEor Pqgc 5 of20 5El.rJ,1QN 1,O. 10: !1.?JJl7NW:.`' 1 . 'Nie Party m1y nssign in Nvhole or part its interest in chis Aereement withour ttie writtcn approval of the other PARTY. S:h CTIQN \'O. 11: COUi\''TY rAKFLOYLES PROS.CUTING ATTOR,\F-Y s11n11 hire, nssign, retain and discipline all eniployees performin~ Scrvices under this Agrccment accordinb to applicable collective bargaining aareements ancl :+pplicable state and federnl Iriws. PR,QSFCUI'I\'G t1"ITORIdF_Y agrees tn meet and confer Nvith the CiTY with respect to staff thal is assigned to provide Services. lssues of discipline or perforniance will be specifically handled according to PROSECU`I'ING A'C"I'ORNEY policies. sr.cTIoN No. i.z: LTAJ3ri..IT1- For the pLimosc af this Section, lhe ierminolo&y "COUINI'fY" shall als0 include the "1'KOSECUTTNG /A'CTO R\' FY.,, (a) 'l'he COUNTY shall indemnify and holci harniless the C11Y ancl ils Officcrs, agents, and employees, from tiny and .ill claims, ections, suils, (iabilily, loss, costs, expenscs, and damages of any nF►ture wfiatsoever, by any rE:ason of or arising out of any ncgligent act or omission of the COUN'fY, its oCficers, agents and emnloyees, rellting to or arising out of perforniirig Services pursuant to thiq Agrzemene. ln che event that any suit based upon such clainy, aetion, lo>S, ar damages is brought against the Cl'l'Y; the COUNTI' shall deI'end thc samc at its sole cost and cxpcnse•; provicfed that the CITY reserves the right to p:lrticipate in said suil if any principle of governmenlal or public law is involvE;t1; and if final judgment in Said suit be rcndered •igainst the CITY, and its officers, :1LEnCS, and employees, or jointly a0gain51 the C1l`l' ancf the COUN'1'Y and their respective offiiccrs, agents, and cmployecs, the COUNTY shall satisfy the same. (b) The Ci"("Y sh<<II indemnify and hold harmlESS thc COUNTY and its ofTicers, agents, and employees, Crom a«y and all cluiitis, actions, suit;, linbility, loss, costs, e.xpsnscs, and darnagcs of any nature• whatsoever, by any reason of or arisiiig out of any ncgligent acf or amission of the CITY, ils officcrS, age•nts and cmployees, relating to or arising out of performing Services pursuant to this Asreemenl. In taie event that any siiit based upan such cl;+im, action, loss, ar damages is brought against the COWi TY, fhe CITY shall det'end the same at its solc cos1, and e•xpen5e; providcd that the COUNTY rescrves tlic rish< <o participate in se+d suic if any principle of goveiiimental or public Iaw is involved; tuid if 1'inal judgment in SAid suit be renderect ag.►inst the COl1N-C'Y, and ils of:Ficers, agents, and employees, or joincly against thc COUNTY and thc C(TY and tlheir respcctive ofFiccrs, agents, and employees, che. CTTI' shall satisfy the same. (c) If the comparacive negligence of the 1'anies and their officers and employees is a cause of sutti damage or injury, the liability, loss, cose, or expense shall be shared bctwecn the Parties in proportion to their relalive ctesrcc of negligence ancl the riaht of indemnity shall apply to Such proportion. (d) Where an of.Ficer or emplayee of a .Party is acting under the direction and contro) of the other Narty, the Party directing and controlling the officer or emplo_yee in ths activity andlor omiSSion giving rise to liability shall accept all liabilify for the other Parly's officer or employee's negligence. . lnterlocal Agrecmcnt, Prosecuror Nage 6 of 20 (e) Eflch Party's duty to inclcmnify shall sun+ive vie terrnination or cxpiration nF the Agreemenl. (f) 'Che foregaing indcmnity is Spccifically in[ended to constirute a waiver of eiich Party's immunity under 1Vashington's Industrial 1.nsurance Ac:1, chapter 51 RCW, respecting tlle other party only, anef enty to the extent necessary to provide die indemniFied Party with a ful) and complete indemnity of claims made by ze thac these provisions Nvere specifica.lly nagotialetl the indemnitor's employEes. The 1'A.RTI.FS acknowletlp and agreed upon by diem. (fi) The COUNTY ancJ the Cf`I'Y agree to either self insure or purchase policies of insur7nce coveriiig the matters contained in this Agreement with coveruges of noi less chan $5,000,000 per occurrence with $5,000,000 aggregnte limits including profcssionsl liability and auto liability caverages. SECTION \'0. 13: RL•-LAT.fONSTItP Oh' TAE PAliTLF-S 'Che PARTIES intend that an indcpendent cdnlxactor relacionship will be creflted by this Agreement. The COWi TYIPKOSFCUI`ING ATTORN LY shall be an independent contrtctor Rnd not the fineni or employec oF the CITY, that the CI'I`Y is incerested Gnly in the results [o be achievcd and that the riaht to control the particular ma.nner, rnethod nncl means in which che seivices.are perfornied is solely within the discretion of the COUN"I'YlPROSECU1'rNG ATl'O1tAKEY. Any and all employees vvho provide Serviccs to the CITY undcr this Agre£mcnt shall be dectiied employecs solely of the COUNTY/PROSFCUTING ATTORNT Y. 'I'he COL1NTY shall b£ solely respons+ble for the conduct and actions ot all emploNlees under this AgreerrsFnc and any liability that may attach chercto. Likewise, no agent, employet, servant or representative of the GTY sliall be dccmed to be an employee, aeent, servant• ar representative of the C;QUNTI' for any purpose. sr.cTioX Na. 14: Monxr: rcA,rcvV This Agi'eement rn,iy bc madified in writing by mutual written agreement of the I'ARTlT:.S. SCC'1'10N Nn. 15: 11120PFRTY A10 EQi)1PA-1L'\7 "I'he owrtiership of all property and equipiiient uiiliicd in conjunction wilh provi(ling the Services Shall remain with the original owner, imless otherwise spccifiaally antl mutually agrced to by the 1'nRT1rS t4 chis Agreemerit. For the purpose oF dhis section, llle terniinology "oxNner" meAns chat Party which paici the full purcliase price for the proRercy or equipment. SF-CTT.ON iNO. lG: A.T.,L WEti"lI3qGS CON'CAL~1iFn iiZRl:lV/13.i\'DIlYG EFEECT 1'his Agrecment contnins terms and conditiqns agreed upon b), the PARTIFS. "fhe YAR"T'16S agee thnl thcre arc ieo other understandings, oral or othenvise, rcgarding the subjcct matter of Ihis Agreement. Nlo chanscs ar additions to dhis Agrecment, shall be valid or bindiiib upon tlie PAR"CI:ES unle5s such chanoe or acldition is in vvriKin~G execuced by the I'Ait'I'I~S. This Agree.ment shall bc binding upon the l'ARTIES hereto, their successors and assigns. Interlocal Agrccment, Prasecutor Page 7 of 20 ' . , • . SE010N \O. 17: DISE'UJ.'F. RESGLUTION Any disputc behve;.•n iaie PARTfFS which cannot be resalved betwcen the PARTiE5 shai) be subject to tirbitration. 'Except as provided far to the contrary herEin, such dispute Shflll first be rcduced to writing. If che COUN7'Y CEO or PRO5ECUTlrlC A'l'TOR\'!:Y respectively and dic Cl'1 Y Manager eannot resolve the dispute it will bE Submitted t4 arUitration. Tite provisians of chanter 7.04 RCW shall be ftpplicable to aiiy arbitration proccedine. 'f'Fhc COUM'Y with regard to financial matters or PRnSECU"ff~~G A'I"l'OIL\'EY for Sentice iliatters and the CITY shal{ have the right tn de:signate one prr5on each to act 7s an 1rbitraror. Tiie hwo selected arbi[rators shall Ihcn ,jointly selecl- aLhird arbitrator. Ttie dezision of the arbit:ratian pane) s>>aII be binding on che PAR'I'I'k,S und shall be subjcct co judicisl review as provided for in chapter 7.04 RCVJ. F'rovided, the PART(rS agree that the 1'ROSCCUTING ATfOlti\~EY cannot submit to arbitration any item which concerns his charging clecisions through cornplete dispositio» oF tlhe case, including .ippe:tls to Superiqr Court, Wiuhington State Court of Appe€►ls; or Wasliington Sttice Supreme Court. "11ie costs of the arbitrjlion nanel shall be equally splic betNveen the PAR"CIES. SF-C'1`lON Nn. lA: VEs;UF- STU'tfLATTOiN 'I'his Aga-eemEnt has been and shall be construed as-having been made end delivered within Ihe State of Washington anci it is mutually understood and agrec;d by each partl' that this Agreement shall be , govcrned by the lakvs of the StAte of Washington both as to interprelation nnd perfonnance. Any nction at law, suic in equity ar judicial proceeding For the enforc_ement of this Agreemcnt, or any provision licreto; shall be inscituted only in courts of competent jtirisdiction within SpQkane County, Washington. SECTIUiN NO. 19: SH VFRABILI"t'Y 7'he PA17"t'l'ES a~rcc that if any parts; lerms or rro~~isions of dhis A~reemcnt arE; helcl bp die courtS [0 bC illegal, thc validity of [hc remiiining portians or provisionS shall noC bc tiffected anc1 the rie,.}its and obligatiori5 of the NARTICS shall not bc aPfected in regard to the rCmainder of the Agreement. If it should ap{zear chat any part, term or provision of this Agreernent is in contlict with any statutory provision of the State oF Washington, then the part, lcnn or provision thereof that may be in conflict shuil bc deemed inoperative nnd null and void insofar as it mny be in conflict therewit.h and this Aereement shall be deemed to modify to conE'orni td such statutory provision. SrCTIU\ NQ. 20: RE: C012I)S All public records preparecl, owncd, used or retained by [he COUNTY/nI20SECUTWG Al"C01'ta'NCY in conjunction widi providing Scrvices under the terms of this AgreQment shall be deemed CfTY property and shall be made availtible to tlie CI"I'Y upon re.que=t by the GTY Manager suUjECI' co the attorney cliant and attomey work procfuct privileges set forth in st7tute, court rule or case law. 7"he C0UNrI1'1PR0SEC*UTL~,'G A1"rORNI:Y will notify the CITY of any public disclosure request under chapler 42.17 RCW for copics or viewing of such records as well ps tlic COl1sTl"SIPItOSECUTI\G F1'fTpR\'EY'S response thereto. InLerlor.al Agrecment, Prosecutor Pb~e 8 of 20 % ; SECTIOtY iNO. 21: Hk;A.I):INCS - "fhe seclion headings appearino in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purposc of convenience and ready reference. l.n no «<r►y clo they purport to, and shall not be deemed to det`ine, limit or extend the scope or intent of the secfions to which they pertain. ~~cTr4N NO. 22: TiNJI; O1z EsScNCL Op AGRr:vviEmr. Time is of the essence of this Agreernenl and in case either Part), fails to parfonn the nbligalions on ics part to bc perfomiod at the time fixed Cor the per('orniance of the respective obligation by the terms of this Agreement, the other Party may, at its electioti, hold the other Party liablc for aII costs and damages caused by such dclay. SI;CTTQ\' \'Q. 23: UNC0NTRULLABLE Cl:E2CUN.[STriNCF,S/,[.JVTPOSSI[a11,,TTY A delay or inrerruption in or failurc of pcrformance of all or any part of this Agreement resulting from Uncontrollable Circumstanccs shall be deemed not a default under this Agreement. A delay or interrvption in or failure of performance of all or any part of. I.hiS Agreement resulting from any chanbe in or new law, order, rule or regulation of aiiy nature which renders providing of Services in accordance with the Cerms of this Apreement legally i►npossible; and any other circumstanees beyond the coneral of lhe COUN'1`,l'/PROSECUTI.~IG A'1"'C'OitNEY which rencfer legally impossible the performance by the COWi TY/PROSECUTING A'I"COCtNEY of its obligations under this Anreement, shal) be de_emed not a dcfault under this Agreement. ~ SH:CT.tOiN ,\'0.24: 101:;1NG - This Agreement shall be filed by tlie COlJ~T1'Y with such offiees or anencics as require.tt by cltapter 39.34 RCW. SrC'1'InN iNCa. 25: EXECI!'C10'N At\ru AYPROVAL The PAIt'1'IES warriint thac che ot7icers exccuting below have beeii duly authori7.ed to act for and oii behnlf of the I'arty for purposes of cOnfinninD fliis Agrccmcnc. SEC'T[O\' NQ. 26: L\`.IT.IA'L'1.V'1:8 Tlic f'r1RT1.ES recagnize dhat revenue reducine initiative(s) passed by the votcrs of \Vttshington raiay suhstancially reduce local operating revenue for the CITY, COIJNFTY or both AA.}t'f'i.f:S. The PA.RTI.ES agree that it is necessary, to have flexibility to rrcluce the contractcd amount(s) in tlhis Agreement in response to bLidget constraints resulting from the passagc of revenue reducing in+tiAtive(s). If such an event occurs, the 1'Att71C5 agree to negotiace in good faith co Rchicvc a mu[ually agreeable resolution in a timely fashia». STCTION NO. 21. C0M:P.LLM'CE W1TH 11AVV5 The Parties shall observe all federpls State ajid laral Iaws, ordinances and regulations; to the extent that they may be applicable ro lhe terms ofthis Agrccmcnt. , , - lruerlocal Aereemeiu, Prosccutor Page 9 of 20 SEC1'10\' NO. 28: nTSCLAINIER •Exccpt as othcnvise provided, this Agreement shall iiot be construed in eny nianner that would limit 'cil:her Part,y's a«lhority or powers under laNv. SECTION NQ. 29: ASSURA\'CE 'Che CI'I'Y shall pay lhe COUN't'Y the tnie and fiill cast of all Services provided under this Agreement. The intent of the !'arties is that neither Parry will subsidize the olher and that the Cl'fY will not subsidixe any other jurisdiclion that is reeeiving similar services. ' :IiY NVJ'I'1V.I:SS 1V.E:I:F;REOF, che NAIi"1'I0 have caused this Asreement to be executed on dace and year opposite their resnectivC SignacureS. nATEI)~~~ ~\C~ f30ARD OF COUN'1'Y CONIMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COU~!'fY. WASFI'l'NGT0N s~ O~ 40~ ~OG.,' 0~~ ~ s TOD M1ELKE, Chair A"l'CES'C: ' ~ ~ ~ Clerk of thc Board sF..~t..• '9 1vtARK i2JCHAR.D, Vice-Ch.tir 6.Z. ~_A • ~4k~ r-" Daniela rickson . 1-(ARRIS, Commissioner UATEU: -,3//2 SPOKAN(: COUNTY PROSECUTfNG A7"1"OKNEY [3v: its: ~i2o l~.c7'a 1'L ' (T;clc) ' 'llATE D: 111,06 GTY Of SPOKAiNC VA.LLEY q T)avid Ntercier, City Manuger JA-A_ fA Christine 13ainbridge, City Clerk AI'1'ItUVED AS TO FORM ONI,:Y: ~ Of ce of t City Attorney ' Intrrlocal Aoreernenl, f'rosecutOr Pagc 10 Of 20 - . E\',l:n.EiTT .1 1"or the purpose of this Agreement, P[tOSE:CU"1"lNG Al`t OftNE:Y Serviccs shall include proscculion Af violations of s[ste sls[utcs ttiat arc punishablc as misdemeanor or gross mistiemeanor offenses that occur wittiin CI`lY'S jurisdiction and that are wmmilted by adults as well as tiny appeals to Superiar Court; 1Vashingt:On State Courc of nppeal, or Washington State Supreme Court. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY relains sole proSecuYOrial discre[ion in conjtmction wich providing Services under tl-ie temis of t7his Agreement from cht►rging tleciSionS thrbugh complete dispositian of the case, including appeals to Superior Court, Washingion Stace Courl' of Appeafs, or Washington State Supreme Court. Provicled, however, CI"I'Y mny take over prosecution of any misdemeanor case upon xvritten nntification to PftOSECUTCNG ATTORNEY. For thc nurpose pf t:his pantraph, misdemeanors shall include criminal violations oFCI'I"Y animal control ordinaiices. PRUSECUT{NG A'IT(7R'L-'Y Agrccs to rcprcscnt CITY in contcstcd traffic infractions. PROSECUTTNG ATTORNrY also agrecs, when requestec{ by CITY, to represent Cl7'Y xvith respecr to criminal violatiorts of its 7Aning OrdinanceS at the hourly rare set forth in Exhibits 2A, 2B and 2C. PROVI.DED, such rE:presentation shall not include challenges to the constitutionaiity of Any 'r.on;nfl ordinance. "I'he CCl'Y shnlV recFiin respaiisibility for de.fending any constitucion3l chAllenbe co any zoninti ordinance or other C['C'Y ordinance which may be involved in providing Services. C1'I"Y agrces to take appropriate accion to eitisure police oicers and CI'CY staff are available at no cost to PR4SCCUTING ATTORNEY ror all trials or judicial proceedings wfiere PROSHCUTING A`I`I"OIt.NI:I' determincs tlieir presence is neccssary. All misdcmeanor, grass misdemeanor, and zoning services co bQ provided b4f Pf20SF:CU`I'I'~!G 7eement shall be provided in courts Ioccatcd wichin thc. A'(`i'OR'EY in courts under lhe tenns of tfiis AL Spokanc County Courthouse Complex. A11 traffic infraction smicPS to be pravided by PR4SECUT(NG ATTORNrI' undfr the terms af chis Agreenient shall be provided in either court.s located within the Spokane County Courthouse Complex or caurtraom(s) in the Spokaiie Valley precinct, I.n the cveni CITY requests stich court services be providcd at a location othcr than tliat provided fon ce-rcin, the PARTIES agree to meet and mutually negntiate ~ ~ Interlocal Agreement, Prosecutor • Page I I of20 EXN.C01T 2A ; NliScierneanar Scnlices Coa►puncnt A Comnonent l~ Compoocnl C I'roscciitur i3udgct ' AUocable Perccntagc to lVlisdemeanOr $erviccs'' S pol:anc Vi►Iley Cunlraet Amount Salary ' 870,965 27.64%~ 240,429.71 MRO 65,653 27.60% 18,123.45 Cupicnl - lndirczf Cest 61,1421' r- 27.60%. 16 878. 0 997 764.~ 275,43133 :i . Component A represents tht amounc of Prosecutor buclget attributed to Misdemeanor Services. Sec Nlisdemeanor Attachment A for methedology allocating ('rosecutor budget to vlisdet»eanor. 't'he percenvlge of y9isdemeanor Serxiccs auributablc to the City of Spokflne Valley +s 27.18%. See Misdcmeanor AttaLhment 13 for misdemeiinor st. Listics. 'I"he Inclirect (Overhead) rate of 7.02% is applied to salaries only. 'fhe indirecC rate is based on Spof:anc Couisty's QwNl.13 A-87 Cosc P11n Escalatetl 2003 fbr 2005, adjustcd to only intlude depreciation of capital improvemcnts acquired after tha City's officiai date of incorporation, prep.ired by PR,~4 Graup, fin independent pl,ui prcparer. Incertocal Agree.ment, f'rosecutor Pace 12 of 20 • . ~ • ' . E XffT13,iT 2 A Misdemeanor $ervices County $uppotted A[torneys: Criminal 39 , Civil 5 Grant/Other SuppoRed Attorneys: Criminal 12•8 . . Civil Cammitment ~ Civil Family Law Grand Total ull atcprncys 6$.8 INiisdemcqnor S31 S i3en kT1; Adj Salary Davis 56,822 1.00 56,822 Rasmussen 66,587 1.00 66,537 Rio 58,533 1.00 53,533 HLighes 53;533 1.00 58;533 . Cordts 581533 1.00 58,533 Utgaard 62,823 1.00 62,823 Grigaliunas 60,604 0.60 36,362 Qbrien-Sup€rv _ 95,137 0.94 89,701 517,572 7.54 437,894 487,894 $u Liort Wilbur 3 1,293 1.00 31,293 L.•+tus 43,662 1.00 43,662 I.,ef3:owski 37,754 1.00 37,754 ~ycyers 39,742 1.00 39,742 Misterek 34,750 1.00 34,750 Nicholson 28,577 1.00 28,577 Burgner 38,746 0.80 30;997 Ornee , 36,682 1.00 36,682 Ramey 38,694 1.00 38,694 I-lansen.R 44,187 0.41 18,039 374,037 9.21 340,190 340,190 Chicf Crimina) Dcputy - stlloc:tfion ratio N'Tisd 1f I'E / Tutal Crimina1 T'fE IDriscoll 109,913 1.00 109,913 0.14616,005 County'Yrosecufor - alluctition "ilat" 55,000 plu5 bcncfits 'I'ucker-Salary 105,972 5,000 5,000 Tucker-Benefits 14,528 5,000 0.140 700 120,800 Admin SL-kt1'- allacntion ratio i1'lisd FTT / Totil AttorneY FTL t3owman 59,747 1.00 59,747 Kurbitz 62,895 1.00 62,898 Lundquist 46,290 0.80 37;032 Itenner ' 33,483 1.00 33,483 202,418 3.80 193,160 0.110 --'Pa~e 13 of2Q lnterlocul Agreetnent, PrASccucor a 21,177 Subtotal Sa Ia ry 870,96 5 Indirect ratc 7.02%on (otal salary And bcncft. 0.07061,142 °►v1 R O- allocation ratio Nlisd FTE / County CriminiI+Civil FTE ' . 382,975 0.17165,653 Alisdcmcanor Butlbet 9972760 ~ In[erlocal Agrcrmcnt, Prosccutor Pagc 14 of 20 EX7IIi3YT 2A - M:isciemeaoor Scrviccs 2003 2004 12 I,luly Aug Sept Oct Nov Uccl Jan Feb iVlurch Apr Mny Junc 1•lonths Spokane Valley Cases 2S7 239 222 25S 197 248 275 226 338 292 270 192 3,044 (exc valley ti'Sn cascs) A!I Counry c89es 903 S7S 1033 938 755 1155 841 SS2 1096 941 895 705 11,027 (including WSP cases) • * . VaIIey % of all 27.2 cases 31.78 2 21.39 21.51 26.09 21.47 32.70 25.62 30.84 31.03 30.17 27.23 27.60% . "I'ntal cnses including WSP rnusl be used ns base total number oFcases in • " cletermining percentage servecl. ~ lnterlocal Aareement, Prusccutor PSgc 15 of 20 • ' i .M.XHIBj r ZB ~ • Infraction $crvices lnfractinn Contrnct * Sa1ary 24;042.83 MK. O 657.99 Capita) - Indirect Costs 1.687.81 z6,a i s.63 Nntes * The Prosecutor's OfFce clianged the meihodology used to calculate the concract for l.nfraction Services. See inFracl.ion Attachment C. "7tic lndirect rate of 7.02% is applied to salarics only. The inclirect ratc is based on Spokane Cowity's Ovl.I3 A-87 Cost Plan Escalated 2003 for 2005, adjusted to only include deprcciation of capita) improvements acyuired afier che City's ofTicial dale of ineorporiition, prepared by YRAM GrouP, an indeliendent plfln preparer. ' Inierlotal Agreement, Prosecutor Hage 16 of20 : EXJ:.WJT Z B infruction $erviceS i Spokanc Valicy Infractian 1)chuty Deputy Average A,inual Salary& 13encFit (Cordts R GrigaliunAS) 59,568.50 Dividc by Hours Worketl pcr Ycar 1,950 Equal :Deputy Cost per Hour 30.55 Ueputy'fime Spent at Spokane Valley: Dijys per tiveek 1.5 Multiply by hours per day 7.5 Equals hours pe_r we.ek 11.25 vi.ultiply by weeks per year 52 Equals hours per year 585 Depoty total Cost to Spokxne Vnlley 17,870.55 S iol kane Coun", Infractiori Departrnent Infractian Iiours per \Veek \Valk-in Infractions (3:30 to 5:00) 7.5 Discovery 5 Motions/ Appeals . 3 (nfraction Hours per \Veck 15.5 ivlultiply by Spokane Valley 1'ercentage of . Infractions 19.76% I F.quals Spokflnc Vallcy H.ours per Week 3.06 Multiply by \1leeks per Year 52 Vtultiply by Deputy Cost per F-lour 30.55 Spok:►ne COunly 7.nfrutliun Cdst to Spok:inc Vullcy 4,865.44 Supcrvisor• Supcrvisor (0'13rien) Annual SaIary und 13rnefit 95,137.00 Supcrviscs .4 Infraction .Ucpucy out of 7 Misttcmeanor l7cputics 0.06 Equal Cast of t:nfraction Supervisinn 5;436.40 Multiply by Spokane Valley Percenkage of InfractiAns 19.76% I Supervisnr Cosc to Spokane Valley 1,074.28 AdminiSfrntiqn Administratinn Annual Sz11ary anc1 Benefit 202,418 Administers .4 Infraction Depury out. of 68.8 Total Denuries - 0.01 Equal Cost of Infriction ndmir►istralion Irncrloral Agrccmcnt, Prasrcutor Page 17 of 20 . _ . . i . . . ~ 1,176.85 M,ultiply by Spokane Vallcy Percenttiee of % lnfrnctions 19.76% I Administration C'ost fo Spokane Valley 232.56 Subtntal Salarysind Bcncfits 245042.83 Indirect rate 7.02% (fipplied to sal:try and benefits only) I,687.$1 Muintenancc Ant) OperationG Total M R OBud~et 382,975.00 M&O .4 lnfrac:cion f)eputy out of 44 Civil and Ceiminal :Deputies 0.01 Equal Cost of infraction N1&O 3,451,59 Multipfy by Spokane VaIley I'ercenlagc of InPractions 19•76% 1 Nlainten:ince Cost ta Spokaric Valley 687•99 7'O TrtL COST UF I:IY.F.Rr1CTI0 N CONTRACT 26,438.63 District Court statisl.ics la,5t six months ef 2003 first six nionths nf 2004, scc Infraction Attaehment D. Spokane County employees work 7.5 hrsldy, 5 dyslwk, 52 wks/yr- 1,950 hrs/yr-Administracive costs includina N'IRO provided Spokane Valley ' ~Interlocal Aereemeiu, Prosecutor Page 18 oF20 - y , . r EXHIBI'I' 2A infrstction Sen°iccs District Court Casc Stxtistics* Ofl'ensc Csit'eu~ry S o4:ane. Vallev Spolcanc CountY Spokane VulleY % Infractions 11,799 59,709 0.1976 DV - vlisde-mcsnor 400 927 0.4315 DUI 178 2,793 0.0637 Criminal TratTic (less DUl) 1,661 5,443 0.305 Criminal \'T (Icss misd 749 2,776 0.2770 . DV Subcotal 14,807 _ 71,648 - Stacislics from last six months of 2003 t+nd firSt six rnonths of 2004 , Paee 19 oC2U (nterlocal Agrcemeni, Prasecutor EA'ki:1B1T 2C ' 7oning Scrviccs . ~ Direct ' Lsbor NNi&O Cost 2005 Aduplecl Cost pcr 1,ndircct Pcr Per 'I'osition Costs Budget Huur Per 110ur 1lnur i•lour Senior Atiorncy-Kinri I 94,141.00 4828 3.39 4.46 56.13 Parale&fll-Hanson I 41,092.00 21.07 1.48 - 22.55 - 2 135,233.00 69.35 4.87 4.46 78.63 indirect IndirecU1-1o Indirect Cvsls DirecUHour Ratc ur Senior Attonicy 48.2$ 0.0702 3.339076 ('aralegsl 21.07 0.0702 1.479312 Nqtc: R;ite based on indireCl:costs per A-87 Plan of 7.02% 'jvlsiintcnancc & Qperition Costs ' 2005 Adoptecl M& 0 382,975.00 vivided by crim R civil anys supporied 44.00 F_yuals MJO per atty 8,703.98 Divided by hours workcd per year 1950 Fquals M/O hourly rate. 4.46 Annual Hour•5 Annual Flaurs Wor1:cd 1950 Note: Spokane County employees work 7.5 hours per day, 37.5 hours per weel:, ond 1,950 hours Einnually. Spokflne Vulley does not use ;tn entire cieputy or paralegal with respcct to the Civil Departrnent, therefore tin hourly rate is consistent with 1:11e Count'y recave•rino actual costs for Civil Infractions. Intcrlocnl Agreemenl, Prnsecutor Page 20 of 20 . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 2, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ~ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: STA Cooperative Grant Agreements GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Informational Memo regarding SRTC Call for Projects utilizing Federal 'rransit Authority (FTA) 5307 grant funds, February 6, 2007; Study Session reviewing proposed list of projects, February 20, 2007; Approval of list of project applications, February 27, 2007 BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley received funding from the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) for replacing the following intersections with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). • Sprague Avenue and Evergreen Road • Sprague Avenue and Pines Road • Sprague Avenue and McDonald Road • Indiana Avenue and Sullivan Road • Broadway Avenue and Sullivan Road The total grant amount for all five projects combined is $5,516,000. Replacing the intersections with PCC ensures long term durability especially given the high vehicle volumes and heavy truck and bus traffic these intersections receive. These projects will also upgrade the sidewalk curb ramps to meet current ADA standards to provide safe access for wheelchairs and visually-impaired pedestrians. We have started the design phase of the first three projects listed above and anticipate construction to begin by July 2009 with completion by September 2009. The last two projects are scheduled for construction in 2010. STA requires that a Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreement be executed for each project. The agreements outline the terms of receiving these grant funds. Attached is a copy the agreement for each project. Copies of the o(ginal Project Grant Applications are also available if needed. Staff proposes to bring these agreements to Council for approval on December 9"'. OPTIONS: 1) Consensus to move forward with approval and execution of agreements; 2) Provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to move fonward with approval and execution of agreements and place on the December 9, 2008 Consent Agenda. • ~_J BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: These five projects and their associated STA grants have been incorporated into the 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The total amount of city funds used as local match for these grants is estima#ed to be $1,130,800. The three projects scheduled for 2009 are included in the adopted 2009 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, P.E. - Senior Capital Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, AIA - Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: STA Cooperative Funding Inter9ocal Agreements (5) ~ . , ; , ~ ~ Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreement 1) Agency: Ci ty of Spokane Valley 2) Contact Person: Steve M. Worlev. Senior Engineer - Capital Proiects 3) Telephone: 509-921-1000 4) Fax: 509-921-1008 5) Address: 11707 E_ Spraque Avenue. #106 Sqokane ValleY. WA 99206 6) Project Description: Spraque and Everqreen Intersection - The intersPction will be reconstructed with Portl2nd Cement Concrete. ~ T) Project Costs: PE: S110.400 RW: S 0 CE: S110,400 Construction S912200 Total Cost: $1,133,000 8) Project Revenues by Source: STA Cooperative Grant $ 900.700 SpBkane Vallev 232.3QQ TOTAL REVEIdUE: $1.133.000 , Page 2 of 2 9) Project Construction Year: 2009 10) Fund Demand: Anticipated date(s) of reimbursemenE: Request: September 2009 Amount: S900.700 $ STA+rrill pay after 4he work has been completed and certified by the respective agency's engin2er. 6illing shouid be limited to reimbursement requests of no less than $ 50,000, or may be requested for completion of each phase as long as the arnount requested does not exceed 79.5% of the total spent to date. This agreement is entered into this day of , 2008 between Spokane Transit (S7A) and Spokane Vallev in an amount not to exceed S 900.700 or 79.5 percent of the project total, whichever is less. Sqokane Valley agrees to follovr all local, state and , federal requirements for the project and certify same to STA upon project closeout. All projects are - subject to prior STA approv2l of final design and location. Please note that thrs project is suhject to S1:4 Board approval irt tdre artnual budgEl und is at lh21Y CfLSCPE!lOYl. By: By: Name: Susan Meyer, Chief Executive Officer David Mercier Agency: Ci of S okane Vallev Date: Its: City Manager Date: ' iCooperative Funding Interlocal Agreement 1) Agency: Ci ty of Spokane Valley 2) Contact Person: Steve M Worlev, Senior Engineer - Capital Prolects 3) Telephone: 509-921-1000 4) Fax: 509-921-1008 5) Address: 11707 E. Spraque Avenue, #106 Spokane Vallev, WA 99206 6) Project Description: SpraquelPines Concrete Intersection Project - Spraque Avenue at Pines Roacf east and west approach lanes of the intersection will be reconstructed with Portland Cement Concrete. 7) Project Costs: PE: $75,136 RW: $ 0 CE: $75,136 Construction $591,728 Total Cost: S 742 Q00 8) Project Revenues by Source: STA Cooperative Grant $589.900 Spokane Vallev $152.100 TOTAL REVENUE: $742 OOQ ~_J Page 2 of 2 9) Project Construction Year: 2009 10) Fund Demand: Anticipated date(s) of reimbursement: Request: September 2009 Amount' S589.900 . ~ STA will pay after the work has been completed and certified by the respective agency's engineer. Billing snould be limiteti to reimbursement requests of no less than $ 50,000, or may be requested for completion of eacti phase as lang as the amount requested does not exceed 80% of the total spent to date. This agreement is entered into this day of between Spokane Transit (STA) and Spokane Vallev in an amount not to exceed S589,900 or 80 percent of the project tofal, whichever is less. Spokane Vallev agrees to follow all local, state and federal ~ ~ .i requirements for the project and certify same to STA upon project ciaseout. All projects are subject to prior STA approval of final design and location_ Ple.ase. note tliai tlrrs projec.t is subject to .STA Botu-tl trpprvval irt the cn-iriuul Grtdget and is ad their discrelion. By: By: Name: Susan Nieyer, Chief Executive Officer David Mercier Agency: City of Spokane Vallev Date: Its: City Manager Date: . Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreement 1) Agency: Ci ty of Spokane Vallev 2) Contact Person: Steve M. Worley, Senior Enqineer - Capital Proiects 3) Telephone: 509-921-1000 4) Fax: 509-921-1008 5) Address: 11707 E. Spra4ue Avenue, #106 Spokane Vallev, WA 99206 6) Project Description: Spraque and McDonald Intersection - The intersection will be reconstructed vrith Portland Cement Concrete. ~ T) Project Costs: PE: $102,160 RW: $ 0 CE: $102,160 Construction $864.680 Total Cost: $ 1.069.000 8) Project Revenues by Source: Sl'A Cooperative Grant $ 849,800 Spokane Vallev __S-219.,20U TOTAL REVENUE: S1.069.000 I , I'age 2 of 2 9) Project Construction Year: 2009 ~ 10) Fund Demand: Anticipated date(s) of reimbursement: Request: September 2009 Amount: $849,800 ~ STA will pay after khe work has been completed and certified by the respective agency's engineer. Billing should be limited to reimbursement requests of no less than $ 50,000, or may be requested for completion of each phase as long as the amount requested does not exceed 79.5% of the total spent to date, 7his agreement is entered into this day of between Spolcane Transit (S7A) and Spokane Vallev in an amount not to exceed $ 849,800 or 79.5 percent of the project total, vi'hichever is less. Sqokane Vallev agress to follovr all local, state and fetleral requirements for the projeci and certify same to S7A upon project closeout. All projects are - subjeci to prior STA approval of final design and location. Please rtote thut tliis project is stibject to STA Bnard trppraval in the nruzt.eul brcclget and is cii their discrerioti. By. By: Name: Susan Meyer, Chief Executive Officer David Mercier Agency: City of SAOkane Vallev _ Date: Its: City Manager Date: ; Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreement 1) Agency: Ci ty of Spokane ValleY 2) Contact Person: Steve M Worlev Senior Engineer - Capital Proiects 3) Telephone: 509-921-1000 4) Fax: 509-921-1008 5) Address: 11707 E. Spraque Avenue, #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 6) Project Description: Indiana and Sullivan Intersection - The intersection will be reaonstructed with Portland Cement Concrete. ~ 7) Project Costs: PE: $125,773 RW: S 0 CE: $125,773 Construction $1,090.454 Total Cost: $ 1.342.000 8) Project Revenues by Source: STA Coooerative Grant $1.066,900 Spokane VallsV $ 2.7-5-1QQ TOTAL REVENUE: 51.342,000 O - Page 2 of 2 ~ r 9) Project Construction Year: 2010 10) Fund Demand: Anticipated date(s) of reimbursement: Request: September 2010 Amount: S1,066.900 $ STA will pay after the wark has been completed and certified by the respective agency's engineer. Billing should be limited to reimbursement requests of no less than $ 50,000, or may be requested for comple[ion oi each phase as long as the amount requested does not exceed 79.5% of the to4al spent to date. This agreement is entered into this day af behveen Spokane Transit (STA) and Spokane Vallev in an amounf not to exceed S1,066,900 or 79.5 percent of the project total, whichever is less. Spokane Vallev agrees to follow all local, state and federal requirements for the project and certify same to STA upon project closeoUt. All projects are subject to prior STA approval of final design and location. PJease rrate that fhis project is subject to STA Board approval in the annual budgef and is at their discretron. By; By: Name: Susan Meyer, Chief Executive Officer David Mercier Agency: Citv of Sqokane Vallev Date: Its: City Manager Date: , ~ 1 _J . Cooperative Funding Interlocal Agreement 1) Agency: Ci tv of Spokane Vallev 2) Contact Persan: Steve M. Worlev. Senior Enqineer - Capital Proiects 3) Telephone: 509-921-1000 4) Fax: 509-921-1008 5) Address: 11707 E. Spraque Avenue, #106 Spokane Valiev. WA 99206 6) Project Description: Broadway and Sullivan Intersection - The intersectian will be reconstructed with Portland Cement Concrete. ~ 7) Project Costs: PE: $119.800 RW: 0 CE: $119.800 Construction S990.400 Total Cost: S 1230100 8) Project Revenues by Source: STA CooAerative Grant $ 977,900 Spokane ValleY S 252.100 TOTAL REVENUE: $1.230.000 ~ . Page 2 of 2 . ~ 9) Project Construction Year: 2010 10) Fund Demand: Anticipated d2te(s) of reimbursement: Request: September 2010 Amount: S977,900 STA will pay after the work has been completed and csrtified by the respective agency's engineer. Billing should be limited to reimbursement requests of no less than S 50,000, or may be requested for completion of each phass as long as the amount requested does not exceed 80% of the total spent to date. This agreement is entered into this day of , between Spakane Transit (STA) and Spokane Valley in an amount not to exceed $ 977.900 or 80 percent of the project total, whichever is less. Scrokane Vallev agrees to follow all local, state and federal requirements far the project and certify same to S7A upon project closeout. All projec#s are subject to prior STA approval oF final design and location. Please rlote that this project is subject to STA Board approval in tlle annual budget and is at their discretion. By: By: Name: Susan Meyer, Chief Executive Officer David Mercier Agency: Citv of Spokane Vallev Date: Its; City Manager Date: Spokane County Library Uistricl• ' Spokane Valley Library Services and District Support Report to the City af Spokane Valley 3id Quarter 200$ GREATER • gRARY SERVICES Customer use measures Usc af the three greater Spokane Valley libraries continuES to be general.ly higher over l•he same period in 2007 with the largcst percentage increases at Argonne. Total circulation of library materials is up 3.3%, reference inquiries are up 12.2%, program attendance 9.5% and sofhvare station booki,ngs 3.9°/u. The door count, however, shows on.ly a 0.8% increase. For Spak3ne Va11Ey L.ibrary circulation is up 1.9%, reference 6.0%, pragram attendance 1.4°,6, and soEhvare stakion use 2.5%; the only negative measure is the 0.1"/a deCrease in doox count. Selected 3rd Quarter 2008 Year-to-L7atc Statishics Circulation Door count Iteference Program Svfhvare Station In uiries Attendance Bookin s Yl`D 1"117 ta Y`CIa YTT) to YTD YTD tn YTD YTD to YTD YTD to 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 SCLI) 1,627,274 4.39'0 973,740 2.9% 191,231 8.73b 44,583 9.5% 179,450 3.996 S o Valle , 411,483 1.9% 231,478 - 0.7 % 61,345 6.0% 15,044 1.4% 56,660 2.5% ~ Ar onne 112,318 9,3% 63,721 5.5% 13,633 22.7°6 2,257 35.4% 1.6,755 15.8°,`0 ~ Otis 61.,777 2.3R'o 41,619 - 1.596 10,202 47.2% 2,752 51.6% 5,594 -112% Subtotal 585,5783.39b 341,818 0.8% 85,180 12.235 20,047 9.5% 79,009 3.9,6 % SCLD 36.09'0 - 35.19fi - 44..5% - 45.0% - 44.0qb - Registered Customers by Branch of Ttegistration 2008 % af YTI7 Change % Adult % Youth YTD SCLD from 2007 $CLD 111,540 - 1.096 76.090 24.0% S o VaUc 35,583 31.9% 0.096 77.49'0 22.6% Ar anne 9,882 8.9% 1.496 78.2~'0 21.8% OtiS 4,852 4.4°0 -4.7ro 71.2"l0 28.856 Subtotal 50,318 45.1 % - Q.2% - - 3rd quarter activity highlights at Greater Spokane Valley branches Spakane Vailey [.ibranj • Installation of a three panel,l8-foot mural in the picture book area as an Eagle Scout project was well worth the wait; there have been many positive comments about it from customers. • The new DVD/CD dispenser and Self checkout rnachine was plagued by technical problems dtu•ing its first manths of aperadon, but by m.id-Septembex was operating normall}'• Providing this type of security for high-theft items has substantially reduced their loss rate. • Baoks-7'o-Go, m.ulkiple copies of high-demarid Uooks displayed near the checkout desk, was implemented a.nd has proven to be popular with customers. Page 1 of 5 • SCLIa's ValleyFest booth attracted 540 people and 50 new children's Iibrary cards were issued. 1hTe also pardcipated in the previous ewening's parade tivith a book cart• drill team. _ •$taff attend_ance at two Greater Spokare Valley Chamber "Biz Buzz" nenvorka.ng events resulted in follow ups from some non-profil groups who have contaCl•ed us about handout disiTibution `f and pasters. Argoririe. Library • Ara;nrule had a.l.mnst tvviee as many children fuush Sum.mer Reading as last ye3r. • One day there were so many people using our 41tiFi ihat wc had to cre7tE places for them to sit. • Thc, Friends supplied funds to eonl•ribute adtilt summer reading ~ift baskets that tirere given away at each library. • The variety uf uses for the meeting room is illustrated by a Saturday wlten it was used first by the Toastmasters giving speeches and then right after by family and Friends who had reserved the room for an after-funeral reception. Utis Orchards Libranj • The loeal ECE.Al` teacher was contacted a.ncl a new storylime schcdule was set up. • A stolen car plowed into the sauth Cence line, gettYng hung up on the row of shrubs that had to be cut away from tht und.ercarriagE. The driver was found. • We sel• up a craft tahle for iNational Date to Create (August 8) a.nd displayFd some of the artwork i.n our display. • A yaung girl with a tiisabilily visits using a wheelchair, and while she can'l• walk, shc ca.n sCOOt onto the Early Literacy Statinn seat and feel normal as she pla}°s on the computer. o . Customer usc measures We're cont7.nuu1g this year's positive statistical rall. All of our major measures are up, some significantly. By the end af September the door cou.nt was alrEady at a]_mnst a million visits, we've had nearly 180,000 software station baokings, and over a million web page >>iews. Reference inquiries are holding steady at 8.7% higher year-to-date. lt's looking like 2008 circulation will fall just shor.t of 2.2 million. Adult services I'rogra.mming: Final statiskic.s for Adult Summer Fcad.ing were 2,678 sign-ups ivith 648 finishers. The 19 programs were attended by 181 people. Our collabo.ratiori with the MAC provided hvo-for- ons visits to our ]ocal art inuscum and was wcll.received by the participants. The four book clubs canN.nued lo mect a.nd there werc, 14 in-library computer instruction classes (total attendance of 73) as well as one for an assisted liviclg facility with five attcndees. Cornmunity: Staff vi.siled 36 adult faci.l.it7es during each of the two sum.mer months antl 37 in September. The first visit to a Spokane Valley Meals on SNheels si.te was vcry successfuL Staff pai•ticiptitccl in the Chcncy Rodeo and DEEr Park Settlers Day parades as well as sta((ing a booth at Spokcan, a science fiction/fantasy convention held at Gonzaga Un. .iversity. Youth services 1'rogramminn: Final youth Su.m.mer Reading statistiCS are 6,168 children's signups with 2,341 finishers, and 7,515 teens with 4$7 finishers. "C?iis is the first year su-ice 2005 thal there was a decrease in the number finish.i.ng in spitc af an i.ncrease ul the number of signups. SPptember kicked ofF schonl year prograrnmi.ng, with storytimes and Afterschool SpeciaIs across the District that celebrate a diffcrent author each month. C:ommunity: lNe provided 36 storyl•i.mes at 16 different childcare faeilities in July, 21 slorydmes to 14 facilities in August, and 22 storyti.mes at 5 facilities i.n September. Youth services stafi also partieipated ut the Cheney and Deer Park parades. Confirmation letters wEre sent to a.1J t11e daycares Pagc 2 of 5 currently receiving quarterly storyiinle visits and f.lyers to the many more ch3ld.cares who have not ~ y@t signed up. DistRI&AD • Buard nf Tnistces action, July-September • Approved the purchase of approxunately faur acres of l~nd at t•he corner of I-Iastings and Perry Roads i.n the NortY► Spokane zrea as a fufiure branCh site. • Approved a conlract wilh St-rategic ResEareh Associates for facility master planni.ng community input. • Approved a new I'ublic Recorcis Poliey, revisions to the Collectian qevelopment and Fund Balance MIlnagement Policies, and reaffirmed the Custamer Use of Internet Resouxces Policy. • Heard an overvietiv of anticipated revenue and expense changes &om 2008 for the 2009 budget. • T'he August regular meetiing was cancellEd. Facilities master planning The coiYUnunity research phase of facilities master pl•in.ning, a Distxict-wide look at capital facililies neecls ovcr the 20-year Grawth Manapement Act plan.n.ing horizon, began cdncurrendy wzth preparataon of a ma.intena.nce study bEing caorduiated by Intea us fl.rchilecture. tiVurk also began with Spokane County GfS on cusromer adciress and population projections mappin~;. By the end of the third quarter., the customcr r3r►dom sample telephone survey was completed, a community survey Uegun, and plans were made for OptionPawer regional focus group sessions to be held in Novembcr in Cheney, North Spokane, and Spokane Valley. Commtulity leader intervictivs, the fi.nal aspect of community research, will be held in early December. ~ Gates faundation grant Wc'll be receivulg a Bill & Mel.i.nda Gal•es Founclation Opporiunity On1u1c n-tatdiing grant to rcplace outdated compucers. Branches meeting the foundation's criteria for receivi.ng the equipm.ent axe Airtivay Heights, tlrganne, Cheney, Medieal Lake, yloran Prairie, and Spakane Valley. The Gates Foundation wiJl pravide $33,800; our match is $18,200. 7'he grant ties in nicely with our previous plan for a large-scale replacemenl• of public computers this fall, thereby reducin& our cosl's. Sales items in branches Nrith an increasing number pf custoirer inquiries, we began selling Earth-friendly reusable book bags in all branches for peoplc, who don't wanh the plastic babs that we pravide. Also, bc-cause publie software station computers being replaced this fa]] won't have floppy disk drives far customers use in saving files, we're goi.ng to he-gin selling low-price flash drives Eor people who don't rememUer to bring nne and would othen>>ise lose their work. Spokane public library reciprocal use 2007 reciprocal barrawing statistics wikh Spokane Public Library continuc to show a fairly even balruue, with cross-use comprising 7°io-8°,6 of each system s total circulal-ion. Diskrict resident use of Spokane Public LiUrary Uranches is evenly spread across their thxee largest branche.s: Downtown, Shadle, and South Hill. City resident use of SCLD branches, however, is concenkrared. in h,%ro- Moran Prairie and NQrth Spokane-khat comprise approximatcly 76% of the cross-use total. 2009 budget Staff work on the 2009 budgEt proceeded, with ma.nager input completeci by September 29. `T'hat information, along with the Assessor's Office pxoperty tax levy estimate, canfirmed and projected rate increases for emplo}°ee bEnefits, majAr contractors, and utilities is being input to create the uutia.l budget docu.menl• that will be first presented at the Octaber 21 Board meeti.ng and fine tunea over thc nExt few months. 2010-2013 budget projechions ]7age 3 of 5 Using a conservativE scenario, il• appears thaY we will bc~ able to maintain a balanced budget thxough 2010 under the ]."w (e-vy lid, rathzr th2n only through the 2009 date orig-ulally projected in the 2006 levy lict lift plan. With a more modcrate (but still less apti.m.isYic than otu actu.al experience in recent ~ years) scenaria, the same could hold_ krue though 2012. ThP caveat cvith both scenaric,s is that they - assume just a contuluation of Current services: no utcreases in hours, no new service programs, and no significant inerease in current mater.ials purchasing ]evels-ordy inflationary adJustrnentis. 2009 non-resident library card fee F1 Board of Trustees resohition adopted "ui 1999 establ.ished the formula to be used to caleulate each year's nan-r.esident library card fee. Basical.ly, it's budgeted property taxes plus payrnents u1 lieu of properly taxes divicled by the number of Dislrict hauseholds t•o arrive at the average annual propert}, tax paid U}, District households to support SCLD. As SCLD's buci~et has incrcased over the past several years, particulaxly tirith the lcvy ]id lift, the fee haS inched up ir► the Eive dollar incrEment,S required by the resolution. For 2009, lhere's anokher Five dallar ju.mp to $100 pcr household. NotE that it's a per houschold fee, not a pcr library card fEe and payments may be made quarterly rather tl-ian u1 a hump sum. Collection agency continues to show results A rECer►t periodic cumulative recovery rcport for the nine yeazs that library collection agency Unique Management SErvices, I.nc., has handled SCIdl7 delinqucnt accounts (both nan-relurned inaterials and fees) c4ntinuEd to show impressive result's. Tlie AssEt Return on Tnvestment (]ZOT) is 6:1, meanincr that for cvcry dolJar we pay, wc have a$6 return in the value of lang overdue materials ar►d fees. The total ROl includes charges thal• were waived for various reasons. Nle've paid an average of about $18,000 per year for kheix senices. Briefly • SCLD's share of the total $2$1,143.47 March 16 special election cost is $53,383.48. The original ; estiniate from the Elections Office was $$5,000 to $135,000. D Collection Services • prdered 4,385 titles and 19,5$5 copiES duri.ng hhird quai•tcr; 22,242 items were processed and scnt l•o branches o tiVe're now 10.7% ahead of last year on items added to the collection with the net increase, year- to-dale, in the print/nonprint callECtian of 12,895 items. • District-wide bo4k displays and book lists were: "Road Trip! Takc Off with This Nabulous Ficlion;" "How Yow• Garden Grows;" and "O Pioncers! Take a Closcr Look at Frqnlier & Pioneer 1.ife." • Pla.iuzing eontinued for implement2tion of iPnd-compakible audiobooks (caJled (7verDrive MI'3 Audiobooks) tentatively available ta the District's customcrs in late October. 'hutizil opening-day colleetions of ehilciren's, teen and zdtilt Htles have been ardered. Cominunications • In camm.uriity relations/public in.forcnation, coordinaled ValleyFest particip2tion; continuEd planning Eor the fall first grade librai-y card drive; provided Unity in the Commuiuh, with neNv early learnuzg signs, Flyers, and promo items; illet ;h'1tll youth services team to rcvicw Su_mmer Reading 2008 and begin planning for 5ummer Reading 2009; worked tizth Cheney and Deer Park staff on ariniversai-y promotion ideas. • ln media relatians/publicity, discussed early results oi Sum.mer Reading with Spokesmtnz-Revietl►; provided lrclrrn(ler with fall programm,ing highlights for the Fall Arts Previe-.v issue. • Carried out planning and publicil), for October Spoknrce is Rprrdirtp activities with authar Sherman Alexie. Page 4 of 5 Human Resou.rces • Recnutmcnt taak placc for foLu positians, there were seven employment rermi.nations, five stafF ~ ' were hired, l•here was one transfer and one promotion. • Spokane Teaehcrs Credit Union presented a breakfast session, "Saving on aBudget," to h>>enty SCLD cmployees. InformaNan 1'echnology • As part of the p1anning for public website enhancEments, usability tests were conducted with customer volunteers. • The new Medical Lzke znd Cheney fiber optic circuits were tYirned on in mid-July, with only 17eer Park ancl Fairfield remaining an the older point-to-pnint lines. • A Sunday powe.r outage that includ.ed the 5pokane VallEy LiUrary Uuild'u1g clnsed down computer operations and phone sysl•em.S for the f7ve branchcs opcn on that ciay. Bcsides providuzg an opporttulity to rewisit our procedures for events such as hhis, il caused us to L-ike anather look at backup power, especially fox the communieation eqtupment. • Thc staff nloiutor replacement-a dlxee year project-was completed. Cinance, Facilities, & Ptuchasing • hz facility maultenance,l7eer Park branch exterior painting was completed; ivark on a i7istrict- wide facility maintenance shidy projECt bEgan, with the rcport completion targeted for late Septernber; a second air conclitioning unit was inst-alled in the IT scrvcr room to bettcr handle peak cooling needs. 0 1"he car thal hit the fence and shrubs at C7kis Orchards caused $900 in damage to the landscapinp and shnibs and anathEr $1,400 in damage to the fence. •"L'he second. mid-year budget review tivas com.pleted, with revision recommendations to be presented at the October Board af Trustees ineeting; the firsl• draEt of the 2009 General Operatinp - Fund budget is approximatcly 95% complEte. Page 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT moi LONG RANGE PLANNING: Planning Commbaton The Spokene VaUey Planning Commission met twice dunng the rnflnth o! Octobar. The Planning Commission conducted public heerings on proposed emendmertta to the Alrpat Hazard Overtey aree and a proposed street vacation tar e portion of 5°i Avanue near Progreas Road. SpraguelApplowsy Revitsllzatlon Plan Council cantinued with deliberatlons on the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subaroa Plan, finishing Book I: Community iritent, moving on to Book Ii: Deveiopment Regulations. The Community Development Web site now incfudes a aeparate page on the SARP, with dowments, videos and other lmpoRartt informatian In one location City Certtef Project Nell Kersten presented altemative Ciry Hail sites tor Council considerabm. Council directed Mr. Kersten to proceed wtth detalled slte planntng for a new location wlthin the U-City MsJI site, roughly east of Percy's and south of les Schwab. City He11 property negotiations continued during the month of Odober CTED Reglonal Collaboratlon Orartt Pro)ect On October 1, a Luncheon was held st Certter Place to get though's and suggestion5 on various aspeds of the Collabarative Planning Grant. There was a presentstion on the proposed development regulations end rovlew process for the Metro Urtian Grnwth Area. Orowth Management 8teeNng Canmtttee of Elected Officiala The Steering Commtttee of Elected Offidals (SCEO) met on Odober 1 to continue the publlc hearing on Spokene County'a 2008 Annual Compreherrsive Plan Amendmenta. The Steenng Cammlttee recommended egainst 08-CPA-06 thal would have in eifed expanded the Urban Growth Area and concurrerttly desfgnated the property Low DensRy Residential (LOR). 2008 Comprehensive Plan Amendmettts/Updates The City of Spokane Valley will accept applications for the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle untll Novembef 1, 2009. The Spokene Valley Comprehensive Plen fncludes en annual amendment cycle thet runs from November 2 to Navamber 1, of the tollawing yerar. The Ptanning Commiss'son conslders applications received prior to November 1. In late winter/earty spring of the foilawing year, with e dedsion by City Council in late spring/earty summer. Page 1 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT CURRENT PLANNING: Revenue for the Pianning revenue for the Planning Division' is $34,746 which is a 7.87% inctease for the month. The yeat-ta-tfete total revenue for Planning ia $236,256; the year to day tatal fw 2007 through October was $276,511 which shows a percant of change of -14 5,~°S for tfie year-tadate 2008 Planning Revenues s6o.oo0 f30.000 _ ~ ` 520000 $10.000 ~ so Jan Feh AAar Apri May June Lly Aup Sept QCt tbv 4C ; I ~ O Rerenue 2008 , Ftevenue 2007 -6- Rerenue 2006 QU'IfIQ ti1e r1Jr;rCi C, ;IQbetf F'Ic!+1f11""~ 1)I'JIS'=ir! Slcl`i f'cic c1 v:if1ll11~f=i-~Z. Fifc-cj'plI`'cl'iCn f11eE'I7g5 af1C revlewed 6 commercia: bwld+ng permits Rre-appficaUons inctuded a 4,8+70 sf siorage butldirtg wloffire space and 5,000 sf siloJwarehouse tor Asiin Ffnch. Planning Oivis)on staffi epproved 12 commercic building permits, whlch includes a 45,000 sf officeJlnrarehouse for Intermountein Suppty at 7017 E Mlssier- Ave., the rebuilding of Savageland Pizze located et 700 N. Dishman Rosd, and 18,855 sf office/labarator, for WashinQton State Department of Fish 8 Wildlrfe located at 2315 N. Disoovery Lsne. Six SEPt determinations were Lssued Including 2 plets with a total of 34 lots. The Divislan answered 237 phon•_ c211s in lhe permtt center, and helped 232 customers et the a►untev. Aa of Odober, the Department ha< Issued e total of 205 Commercial Building permits for the year 2008, compared to 191 for 2007. 7h _ Indicates ar increase of 7 33% percent of change between the two year5. 2008 Commercisi Petmfta laaued ~ ao - .o 20_ ni rti o ~,o ~r t~y ~ ru~ s~o aHo,~ ~ om 0 2ood ZS 20 18 te 12 I za ' t: 47 17 12 E~ 2G47 97 13 18 ts ~ 20 ( 15 la Ia 6 0 1t 14 _ ~-44 25 --~--u ; zs 32_ . 35- ~ 21 . ,g 50 CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT In the moMh of Ociober, Plannfng Departrnent stePf axepted fnre boundery tine adjustments and one Temporary Use PeRnit The Departmortt also completed one final short plat, one final plK one binding slte pien and three preliminary short plats. StafF conducted aeven land use pro-application meetmgs and there were two public hearinga conducted by the Hearing Examiner tn Octobet. The Planning Department haa (ssued a total of 105 Lend Use permits for 2008 which !s a:s5 98% decrease from ttie same period Iast year. 2008 Now Land Use Actions 40 'JO ' - ~s-- 20 - - - a ~ 10 . - _ - - _ ~ ~ ~Ja+ faa 'Var AR Oft Ain b ~Aug s.c ' aa w. ox I~:flp~ t0 p 11 12 1• 18 i 11 t• S1 12 6 -2;ii~l-~• 30 54 v ~s 25 s 9 • aurLv►n+G orvrsioN: The Building Division issued 318 peRnits in October 2008, compared with 471 for the same period last year. One of the building permits issued was the addition ot the Fish 8 WiIdINe ofice. Neiw ene and two dwelling unit structure permits tota{ed 28 end new commerclal siructure permtts totaled 8 for the month of Octaber This is a' r` percentage of change for tne yezr-to-date. 200e cavsrauctwt+ PEr#wRs ,ft _ - - _ - - ~ - i ~ J'A I Ii Mr /yr W Jrti hM M L4 64 6. C1M i Ad rwb l Kf 7M Yf 10 2! ~t 1 ~~t /M I ~t Qt/ ~e11altls im so fM yq 761 70 !H Oi4 itl iN f1~ I L ~ Clli /wN~ af ~ m 7! 71R m m w► td = !N M~ .I 2008 llow 8truawnslUnits Pormitbd - - ~ ~o ~o - - - - ~o ~ ww o.~ ° jen ~ r. ~ AR • ..e, ,x. Aw n4,. a,a ~ ~,c~ O IMn 1a t Or~~q Mb N 1■ tl 31 i I 27 bt 76 i 2~ Is I {rw t ! 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 ] o 7] ~ 4 ~ ro_ e Nrw ccxrw~d~l ~uw 3- - ~ 6 ; ~ ~ - - - ~ - - Page 3 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT In October 2008, buildmg inspectora perfortned 1,212 inspections In 22 days which averages 52.7 inspedions per day. Four hundred and seventy-nine Right-of-Way inapections were performed for the month Plens Exeminers revlewed 79 proJects in the month of October and 19 projecis wsre aweRing review at the end of month. Staff also isaued three over-thc-counter permite for the month of October. A Certificate of Occupancy was lasued for L&W Supply ~ - 2008 BuNdM9 fnsgwetbns - t~ tma _ ~ . - _ ~oe r - - ~ ° aw h► Mr ~,n ~ y,~_ • t r ~~a y~ Mr or r~ 7!1 • n. tq M f~0 , ~~M 1 t7~1 ~t w iru tra tin tai tie . u~ W t~M o M ~If wpw. • N! Y~ ~ 1~ 11 M . tJ7~ I lp t~ , 1 W f7N il! q I . . - _ _ . . The reported value of construCtion, ir,c;udiro new structures and add.lions'alteration is shown in the fallowing chart, campanng these values witn 2007 Ne:vo value far Octeber, 2008, totais 56.237,228.00. - - ~ 2006 Valuatbn of Conatrucl3on sso,aw,ooo s+3:ooo,oao s40.0oo.0oo Mooa.ooo - sao.oUa.ooo aWev*.+ouonI M000 000 - 1-7 7D07 VahA0w 52Q.000.000 . 20041AaAaoon I S15.000.040 : r - ~ 1- .rl E f O.OOO.OQQ n----' La::-a]-- f3.tJ00,000 m l --u-~ l Jm FeD W Av► MY "M .4* A++D Sept Oct Nw Cec - - 8uilding revanues for the month of Octaber were $180,869. Revenue for October last year was $191,164 which ts a-11 75°,: percentage of char,ge For a year-tn-date figure, 2008 as ai OctQber is S2,038.820 ovet 2047 et $1.161,595. Although the month is dawr, the year ta date total Is up at 26.12% - - - 2008 8u1{ding Revonuos nee~ec i HmO~ - - - - Qtl4104 - - tlOG07C - awamo - , _ I ~il I ~ - . - _ aw fr Me N w +M M y sM Or Mv Ow ~-~70~ Mwr~w aE7no 1Mr -t-~1Bi Wwww _ Rage 4 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT IF CODE COMPUANCE: The number of 'Vloletions Reported' on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Veliey Zoning Code violatlons, plus camplaints recefved which were not violations. The camplaints received are added to the totai because they reflect Ume officers spertt in the field conduciing irnesdgetions. In addition, the 'Invnstigated' and 'Pending' calumns accuratety teflect Code Compliance'e current ebility to process and invastigate backlog cases. The total number oi violedons reported for October is 91. Code CornpNanoe Rks h Praeaa too , i - - - - ~ I ,r o If ~ GcS-C~1 i►ku-07 C~ex.-!, ,a*~3 Fe`_~.- I.~ Jb A~r-G? ' I.}~,-Ca h. .!i{le ~c :~Y-~C ,_ct=.~ i d7 81 ■ Vbiia+s iipabd ! 6 3S 21 2S { 1! 18 ~ 9 62 Id t.. ~I~,,,ft 66 21 3! N 67 IA M /0 11 M !S ■ Ap o~~„~„ a : > > 1 + o 1 ia e m ~1 1~1 10 D6 9 b1 0 5~ 67 a I Page 5 af 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT The following chart provides a monihly comparisan of the typss of Spokane Vai{ey Code violatiQns moRed. Violations are reported based on the primary compkaint received, rather than the number a1 add'Rional violations Ideritified on any fndivldual premfsea. The investigation oi a complafnt oi )unk vehides, for example, mlght elso resuft In identification of addkionai vfoletions such es the accumutetion of trash or harbaring of Iiveatock. These are not included in the summary. A total of 81 new complefnts were processed 1n October. Total yeer-to-ctmte reported vlolatiens are 885 compared to 625 for the s8me period laet year. ~ 2008 Code Total Vblations RepoKed • by Cetegory ~ ,so 1 I 140 - - 120 - - - Iao 80 - - - - gp 40 - 20 ~ ~ iUn-0 Feb-0S ~ W+-06 ~ Mr-08 ~Muy-08 I jue!-08 JtStt 'htq-0 S!p-Ofi i Oci-05 N.~•rGc Qec.~6 ~ - - SaWyylpslr S 14 {S + 2E ?O ?3 ti ~ fi tA 1 5 D y~ 7 72 40 » D t~_ fi 96 40 62 ~ v p 6 13 21 ~3 20 37 I 23 Y ~ 2 17 12 n,~xry pluniAu+b 2- 10 ~ -14 24 9 Sb 88 12 6 •anmenW i Z 1 3 1 O 0 1 O 0_ tn Gom ptan+i - Nc 1AotsW 9 6 11 7 6 14 tl ' ~t7 C1COf V4MAr i ~'f1+~]~r ~ Z 7 3 - 1 - ' antmel and nuisance violations), Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous bwlding, landlordhenant, iilegal business and slgnage violations); Junk Auto - SoJid Waste (solid waate, Iltegel dumping, and houaehold waste violations); and Clearview Trrangfe arrd Complalnt. The Spokane Valley Police Department, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assisEence oi Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned wftfiln the right-0f-way. SCOPE volunteera tag the vehicles Vehides which have not been moved by the following Fnday are towed. Page 6 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,=OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT DEVFLOPMENT ENCINEERINQ: The Development Engineera processed 30 files In Ottober. The significant files are 9 commercial eppNcatfons, which include e 8,500 st roataurant rebuild for Savagaland Piua and a 5,000 ai warehouae for AP) Orywall. Eleven commercial pre-application files were raviewed Induding a 5,275 af officeMrarehouse for Andersori Masonry and a 4,840 sf storage buitding with futuro offlce space for Jennifeee Auto StoraSe, Phsse II oi Granke Pofnte Apartments which Includee a 240 unit, 10 building epartment compiex. Mro finel plat spp(lcetfons, five (snd use pre-appa, and three ahort ptat final spplicat3ons. c.r.bv~e~r»•fftwerkbr TW+ ~Mx - ~ - - e ; 40% , W% - W47 !bv-07 Ooe-Qf JY►-= Feb-0 Yar-0 Apt-O Yp-ft An-M J" AuQ-0 StaM Oel-0/ I ~ r ewing sw p.r+ ■ eouna.y uW. AdIlusumero ocrow o► use ~ s Cammercfal ■ Camrt+arcid Pra-llppe ■ Candrtfonal Usa Prtnt ~ ~ Ftttal Sua31+h1on Q lsnd Uts Pre-Aap • Wtom , ■ ShoA Subdl+kbn 08Uw1 Vwatbn I ~ - - - - Page 7 of 8 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OCTOBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE: Permk Center The Permit Center staff assisted 727 customers at the courtter and handled 632 customers' Inquires by phone in the permit cerrier. Building PermFta The fullawing teble summanzes the performance of the Permit Certter for those permits entered in lhe PLUS system, measured from the time tfiet the applicstlon is deemed "countef-complete' to the time that e permit is issued. COMMERCIAL TIMEFRAME SUMMARY Submittal to tssuance ~ J! ~ I ~ v,lue m Apt 3 Slary or leu CvAR:.,r,c5 2 S65.892 Uu 25 .5 24 _ Industri8l Bull 2 5435.00000 34 23 47 Mi¢oellsneous FOUNOATION 2 5672.600 04 35 17 52 I OfAtelF'ro'easlann~ - 2 1,550,82, 00 64 'r 67 7; Halpitalllnefstuban , 1 540.60G GC 79 79 IndusVisl BuUd 2 S6b,092 GO ' 21 15 16 _Memarttlle OTC 3 54,500.00 3 2 4 G'~-z'Prottesicrol E $575.L00 ~JO 20 3 •n I S:tu~tuto 1 11 S14.5fJ0 G= 48 dE 41 Fd ~cati~~nal - FubTic 1 25 L~r:1.tiU _ _5'S jj 57 53 I ~ UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST: November 1 Deadilne to submit 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendmenta November 6 Public Hearing - FEMA Preliminary Map Revtslons Page 8 0( 8 S`p61&ne - ~ - % Val.le y 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley ti"!A 99206 569.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 0 cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Nianager, Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dat@: November 25, 2008 Re: October Report . October highlights in Finance included: F-inancial reporis Reports showuig a comparison of revenues and expcnditures, to the 200$ Budget, are attached. Sales tax revenue is down around 5% for the year ($14,684,040 in 07 compared to S 14,025,150 in 04). I-Iowcver, Nove.mber salcs tax receipts will show a steeper year-to-date decline (6°/u?). }3egimling Fund Balance was signiFclntly greater than expccted which vvill offset che sales tax revenue dccrease. Gencral Fund expenditures wiU likely be le5s than our buciget which -"iTill help offset the dccrease i.n revenue mentioned above as well. The investnaeni reAort is attached fqr your rcview. Street fund revenue source A tclephone utility tax was passed by the eouncil in August. Organizations providing telcphane services were advised by letter of thc January 1, 2009 e~tective datc. Additional follow-up with telephone companies will tAkc place during the next few months. This tax will be dedicated to the Street Ftuid. l 2009 bud~:et prenaration . . The 2009 Buciget was adpptcd in October. 'Ihe total budget of Sl 1 l million is $5 rnillion greatcr than the 2005 amended budget due primarily to changes in the budgeting proccsses. "I'he $111 million total budget is also within the limits nf' our rnulti-year projections. 2007 ailnual fuiancial report & audit R.epreseutatives of the state auditor's office will re.turn after the first of the year tn finish their review of ciiy tinancial statements. . , tax for tourism promolion Allocations of lodging °1 he T..odging ~ldvisory Committee has fanvarded thcir recorrunendations for lc~dging ta~~ allocations to the City Council. Thc City Council will art on the recommendations on Uecciuber 9. Capital pro4ect accounting "1'his arEa seems to suffer every time. wc have tLirnover in the department. Adding to the problem are aclciitional projecls in bnth public works and parks wid reereation. FinaneE goals for 2009 include updating this accoiznting system for mUre efficientuse. Ciood prvgress is be.ing made in this area vid we expeci to be up-to-dace by the enci of the current ye.ar or early in 2009. Nlulti-year financial proiections These projcctions need updating prior to the council retreat in early January. We know thcre are reductions in gambling Uu and sales tax. 1 douht these will be significant because our savings in expenditures each year, Nvill likcly offset revenue decrcases. . City of Spokane Valley . . General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended October 31, 2008 Tentative Amended Budget Octaber YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 svenues Revenues Revensre Realized General Fund Revenues: Begining Fund Balance $ 5,167,000 $ - $ 12,000,000 $ (6,833,000) 232.24% 8 Property Tax 10,496,500 136,736 5,563,027 4,833,473 53A0% 4 Sales Tax 19,165,800 1,549,522 14,025,150 5,140,651 73.18% Gambling Tax 720,000 143,640 565,192 154,808 78.50% Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 853,450 236,957 749,378 104,072 87.81 % Stafe Shared REVenues 1,320,550 171,605 11,091,830 228,720 82.68% Planning & Building Fees 1,965,000 131,936 1,774,308 190,692 90.300/o Fines anrJ ForfeiFures 1,300,000 543,304 1,309,539 (9,539) 14Q.73% Recreation 8 Centerplace Fees 507,000 56,769 624,000 (117,040) 923.08% 19 Investmenf Interest 414,100 39,267 382,997 31,903 92.49% Opera#ing 7ransfers 165,000 - 40,000 125,000 2424% 3 Total General Fund Revenues: $ 42,074,400 $ 2,609,738 $ 38,125,421 $ 3,948,979 90.61°h Amended - Budget October YTD Unrealized Percent ) 2008 Exoenditures ~end' ur F_xt~enditurES Re2lized %`ueneral Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 319,991 18,251 215,952 104,039 67.49% Executive & Legislative Suppori 997,076 85,539 740,734 256,342 74.29% Public Safety 19,297,300 1,597,839 14,553,753 4,743,547 75.42% Operaiions 8 Administrativ2 Svcs 1,855,707 112,232 1,024,484 631,223 61.88% Public Works 956,437 521,871 660,132 296,305 69.02% Planning & Community Dev. 3,713,139 307,553 2,640,366 1,072,773 71.11% Library Services 20,000 - 3,661 16,339 18.30% 7 Parks & Recreation 2,644,420 28-13,044 2,D48,654 595,566 77.48% General Govemment 3,417,988 271,757 1,572,054 1,845,934 45.99% Total General Fund Expenditures: $ 33,022,058 S 21803,486 5 23,459,990 $ 9,562,068 71.04% 1 i/2512008 i 1:49 AIA City of Spokane Valley Other Funds ; Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended October 31, 2008 Tentative lvnended 9udget October YTD UnreaGzed Percent 20Q8 Revenqes Revenues Revenue R.e i7ed Othcr Funds Revenucs: Stresi Fund S 5,922,972 $ 986,964 $ 1,573,668 $ 4,349,304 26.57% 13 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 1,941 14,116 835,884 1.869fo 5 Trails and Paihs 30,000 87 843 29,157 2.8196 6 HotelAl4otel Furuf 668,080 61,624 375,518 292,482 56.2295 Civic Faciliues Replacement 397,000 804 404,899 (7,899) 101.99%9 Debt Sarvice - LTGO 43 600,000 - 203,436 396,564 33.95°6 CapiiaJ Pro3ectS Fund 4,420,000 73,819 790,913 3,629,087 17.89% 5 Special Capital Proyects Fund 4,420,000 74,968 7a6,696 3,633,304 17.8096 5 Street Capital Projects 7,354,023 77,517 671,338 6,682,685 9.13% 5 Mirabesu Paint ProyeG 454,000 732 7,595 446,805 1.5896 6 Community Developmt B7ock Grnts 245,000 - - 245,000 0.00°fa 5 Capital Granis Fund 11,347.000 - 359,841 10,887,159 3.17% 5 Satker Bridge Reconstructio,l 5,862,800 - 75,202 5,787,598 1,28°!0 5 Storm-.vater A4gm1 Furtid 3,160,000 14,371 1,018,580 2,145,420 32.23% 13 Eguip. Rental & Repfacement 780,000 1,681 16,546 763,454 2.1296 13 Risk hAanageifiien! 217,109 29 188.252 28.818 86.7396 12 Reserves: Centerplace Operating 335,000 678 6,686 328,314 2.0095 9 Senrice Level Stabilization 5,400,000 10,501 103,205 5,296,795 1.91% 9 WinterVeather 560,000 5.124 11,052 548,948 1.97%9 i'arxs Capital 4,260,000 384 35,012 4,224,988 0.82% 9 C+vic Buildings 5,085,000 11,411 112,587 4,972.413 2.21% 9 Total Other Funds Revenues: 62 36, 8,,~9' S 517.835 S 6.755,613 $ 55.612.282 10, 8.31n Amended &idget Odober YTD Unreafized Perceni 2008 E-gr2eroditures Exasnttitures Exoenditures Realized Othor Funds Expenditures: Sireet Funci $ 4,242,304 $ 355,315 S 3,660,732 $ 581,572 86.29%2 Arerial Street Fund 850,000 - - 850,000 0.0096 5 7raits and Paths 30,000 - - 30,000 0.0096 6 HQiellMotel Funcl 668,000 30,0D0 296,551 371,449 44.3996 1 Civic FadlitLls Replacernent 397,000 - - 397,460 0.00°6 6 DEbt Service LTGO 03 600,000 - 203,436 396,564 33.91% 16 Capiial ProyeCtS Fund 4,420,4Q6 - 22,338 4,397,662 0.5196 5 Special Gapital ProyeGs Fund 4,420,000 - 22,338 4,397,662 4.5196 5 Street Capital Projects 7,354,023 617,356 2,709,606 4,644,497 36.8596 5 hlirabeau Point Praject 454,000 - - 454,000 0A096 6 Street 6ond CapOal Prajects - - - - 0.00% Community Developmt 8lack Grnls 245,000 - - 245,aa0 0.00%6 Capital Grants Fund 1 i,347,40D 1,547,989 5,069,518 6,277,482 44.68°k 5 Barkor Bridge Reconstruclion 5,862,800 C~8,881 152,755 5,710,045 2.61%5 Stormvrater Mgmt Fund 1,983,944 90,385 952,135 1,031,809 47.99% 13 Equip. Rent?I 8 Replacemnt 780,000 - - 780,000 0.0496 14 Risk A4anagement 217,100 - 187,048 30,052 86.16°k 12 Reserves: Centerplace Operating 335,000 - - 335,000 0.0095 S7 Service Level Stabilization 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0_00°r6 6 Wintec Weather• 560,000 - - 560,006 0.00°,6 18 Parks Gapflal 4,260,000 727,575 1,596,270 2,663,730 37.47%5 Civic Facilities Capital 5,895,000 12,662 97,559 4,987,441 1.9296 5 Total Other Funds Exponditures: ~ 59.511.171 8 3.450.761 E 14.970.286 S 44.540.8$5 25.16ek 11f152006 11:49 AAI City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of October 2008 Balances Are Tentative Total LGIP' BB Nioney Mkt B8 CD Investments Beginning $ 42,048,887.07 S 1,660,830.07 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 44,773,058.06 Deposits 2,048,478.63 - - 2,048,478.63 Withdrawls (4,900,000.00) - - (4,900,000.00) Interest - 2,785.29 - 2,785.29 Ending $ 39,197,365.70 $ 1,663,615.36 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 41,924,321.98 (prepared 11125l2008) Balances bY Fund 001 General Fund $ 14,987,618.64 101 Street Fund 1,688,006.66 102 Arterial Street 580,729.36 103 Paths & Traiis 24,242.64 105 Hotellil4otel 464,207.99 120 CenterPiace Operating Reserve 345,252.08 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,346,105.21 122 Winter Weather Reserve 572,480.91 = r 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 409,155.56 301 Capital Projects 3,808,751.08 302 Special Capital Projects 4,483,277.11 304 Mirabeau Point Project 372,684.37 309 Parks Capital Project 195,514.47 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,809,541.68 402 Stormwater Management 2,035,565.76 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 785,454.19 502 Risk Management 14,872.18 41,923,459.89 8.62.09 $ 41,924,321.98 "Local Government Investment Pool Banner Bank Minor adjustment pending % 1 FOOTNOTES 1 Most costs are typically late in the year. 2 Winter weather & costs in January and February were excessive. 3 7ransfers made in October. 4 Large property tax receipt expected in November. 5 Capital pro}ects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of wa}r and construct. 6 No projects planned in 2007. 7 Small amount of 05 library tax due district. Budgeted amount is too high. 8 Estimated, pending 07 revievr. 9 Int2rest earnings. 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05. 12 Ins premium paid in Jan. 13 Beg. Bal. included which understates realized amounts and 14 For replacement of vehicles & computers. 15 For capital projects during summer months. 16 Only interest paid at midyear. 17 required operating reserve, not likely to be expensed in a typical year. 18 Transfer to street fund pending. 19 Revenue for 2009 events will be moved to 2009. 11/2512008 11:49 APJI iVIEMO ( ~ --'TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police DATE: November 24, 2008 T2E: Monthly Report October 2008 Octobcr. 2008• October, 2007: CAD incidents: 5,556 CAD incidents: 4,736 Reports taken: 1,496 Reports taken: 1,432 Traffic stops: 2,210 Tragfic stops: 1,549 Traffic reports: 329 Traffic reports: 325 CAD incidents indicate calls for service as well as self-initiated officer contacts. The comparison of incidEnts behween October 2007 and October 2008 shows a significant increase in both CAD incidents and traff a stops. Hot spof maps arc attached showing October residential burglaries; October commercial burglaries; October traffic eallision hot spots and October vehicle prowling hot spots, along with September and October stolcn vehicle hot spots. Also attachcd are nine bar graphs for 2006, 2007 and January through October, 2008: commercial btirglary, garage burglary, residential burglary, forgery, malicious nuschief stolen vehicles, ~ theft, vehiclc prowling, anci property crimes comparisons. ~ ADINIINISTRATIVE: ♦ An Open Government Forum was held on October 2 with a panel that included represEntatives from the Statc Attorney General's Qffice, law enforcement (Sheriff Knezovich), the media, and attorneys, to provide an opportunity for people to ask questions and get information regarding `Vashington State's Open Fubic Meetings anci Pubic Records Acts, Chief Vanlleuven attended the forum. s The 100' anniversary for Hope House; a local women's shelter begun in the late 90's when a serial killer terrorized homeless women in Spokane, was celebrated with a luncheon and fasluoii show fundraiser for the faeility. Law enforcement members of the Homicide Task Force were the first models for the fashion show when the event was first begun. Chief VanLeuven represented ihe Spokane Valley Folice Department again this year by participating as a model in the fashion show. ♦ Occasionall}° our officers re.c•eive recognition from our citizens / conununity through letters, e-mail or phone folloNving police contact of some type in which the ciiizens were impressed ~,Nrith the manner in which the officer handled a situation. Jn Octobcr; Crime Frevention Officer Greg Snyder was commended by a representative of Vera WAter and Power for the excellent employee safety sessions he has presented to their organization. ~-1 At an October meeting of the Central Valley School Board, members rccognized School Ttesource Officer Jeff Duncan for the "outstanding leadership, in.itiativc and professionalism" he showed during A situation that occurred at Un.iversity High School, Page 1 leading ta closurE of the school for student safety while the situation was further investigated. When our officers receive any of this type of recognition or comment, it is the ChiePs practice to -write the officer a letiler of commendation. From January through October 2008, Chief VanLeuven has wzitten 40 commendation letters to officers of the Spokane Valley Police Departrnent. ♦ Chief Vanl.,euven attended the monthly Citizens Advisory Board meeting. ♦ Chief VanLeuven participated in a"Vets at Risk IZou.nd Table" at the office of Representative Cathy McMoms Rodgers; where potential solutions to problems faced by local veterans were discussed. ♦ During the month of October, Chief VanLeuven was "on call" for a total of fourteEn 12-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. C011ENII7NITY ORIENTED P()LICING: ♦ 1fie annual S.C.O.P.E. Appreciation Banquet was held in October, Nuith numerous outstanding volunteers, citizens and sheriff's office employees recagnized for ttieir efforts in making Spokane County a safer place to work and live. A1 Fisher was . presented the first annual "Spirit oF S.C.O.P.E. Award" for his outstandina service and enhancement of the S.C.O.P.E. program. Several Spokane Valley residents and volunteers were arr►ong those honored, includin€ presentation by Chief VanL,euven of certificates of appreciation to S.C.O.P.E. Director 12ick Scott, volluiteers Paul and Linda . Nilson, Sheryl `Vomble, Norma Rosenberger and Jerry Disotell for the many hours they conlribute each year to work at the Spokane Valley 1'olice. Department. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers participated in the llrug-Free Sgokane Month of October Kickoff, Nvherc Cbief VanLeuven was a guest speaker. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers xlso participated in the Spokaiie Corrununity College Learning Fair on October 3. o Chief VanLeuven met with S.C.O.P.E. Caordinator Rick Scott, Sheriff Kiieznvich and Eric Walker to cliscuss graffiiti abatement. Walker is the newly appointed Graffiti Abate,ment Coordinator who NN111 be working Narith COPS and S.C.O.P.E. through grant funding to help combat graffiti in the Spokane city, County and Spokane Valley area. ♦ S.C.O.F.E. Trentwood had three vehicles patrolli_ng and S.C.O.P.E. Edgecliff had one vehicle patrolling on Halloween e~~ening. Trenh~vooci volunfeers gave out more than 450 safety blinking lights to children and adults at the Va11ey Elks facility and in their neighborhood. Edgecliff volunteers opened the Edgecliff Neighborhood Center for safe games and refreshmcnts, and reported that they had a eood turnout of children and adults. ♦ Fourteen S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Te.am (SIR1) volunteers contributed 25 on-scene hom-s (including travel time) in October; primarily responding to motor vEhicle accidents. Including stand-by and training, the volunteers contributed a total of 512 hours in Octobe.r. Page 2 • S.C.O.P.L. voluntec:rs who monitor disubled parling in the Spokane Valle~issued 42 infractions, along with 87 waraings, in the month of 4ctaber. Eleven voluntecrs contributcd 317.5 hours to the program this month. ♦ Forty-tine abandoned vehicles were tagged for impoundment in the Spol:ane Vallcy in July by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers, with twclvc of the vehicles eveniually towed and twelr•e citations issued. Fifteen vehicle hulks a•ere alsa processed in October. ♦ The four Spokane Valley S.C.O.P.E. stations contributed a total of 2,760 voluntcer hours in October. Breakdown of the hours is as follows: Ccntral Valley, 838 hrs.; Edgecliff, 908 lus.; Trenhvood, 393 hrs.; and LJniversity, 621 hrs. OPEFLATIUNS: • Update an Pharmacy Robberies After Rite-Aid pharmacies were robbed in various parts of Spokane County and ldaha, including the City of Spokane Valley, a 23-year-old suspect w-as arrested and charged with scveral counts of 2"4 Degnee Robbety. During the search for the suspeet, a Spokane Valley Police offccer became suspicious of two subjects he observed in a type of vehicle that had been mentioned in possible connecdon w-ith the phurmacy robberies. Although the hvo tivere aot found ta be connected with the robbcries, they were arrested in Washington after shoplifling in Coew d'Alene. Further investigation led to inforniatian concerning prescription medicatian theft, resulCing in a third arrest and the seizurc of S91,000 worth of prescription convolled subsisnces, more than $13,000 iw cash, and two vehicles. Later investigation resulted in the arrcst of a female pharmacist tech in Spokane Valley who had bt.en stcaling from the pharmacy where she was employed, a.nd recvvtry of another S92,000 worth of prescription medications as well as $7,500 cash and seizure of her vehicle. • Trio Nabbed ia Vchjcle Prowling. VandQlism [ncident After obscrr.ing a 21-year-o1d male using a flashlight to look through windows of parked cars and then attempting to steul the rndio fram one af the cars, Spokane Vnlley Police Officers Rustin Olson and Todd Miller arnested the malc and twa accamplices for T'heft and Malicious Mischief. 7'he accomplices, a 20-year-old male and a 16-year-old feraalc. had spray-painted sexusil slurs on a fence and two additional vchicle4, with totril dnmage to thc fence and pa.inted vehicles of at least $4.400. • Arrcst Made in U-ft{gh Tbreat Csse A phone message left on a Univetsity High School female student's phone by a male caller who threatened to l:ill the girl and her brother led to closure of the school for a day while an investigation was conducted to find the caller. School Resource Officer Jeff Duncan and Detcctive Dalc Toliver were able to determine ownership of the phone used to make the threat, and the 15-year-old University High School male student who had made the ralls %vas arrested, facing riva felonti• counts of Harassment-Threats to Kill. Page 3 • Drug Traffcking Urganiz,ation Investigation Attached to this report are photos showing drug-s and cash seized eariy in Uctober when a large-scnle take down of the upper echelon of a very large drug trafficking organization (DTO) was conducted. Deteetives of the Spokane Regioaal Drug Task Faree had identified distributors of the DTO, which is bssed in central Mexico, working in thc Spokane area who were directl}' responsible for importing approximately lOQ lbs. per week and up to 400 lbs. per month of crystal methamphetamine. One of the principal targets was a cesident of the City of Spokane Vtilley. Members of the Spokane DEA and the SRD1F, assisted by a dozen other law eaforcement agencies in eastern Washington, cxeculed 25 search warrants, 13 of which were in Spokane and the City of Spakane \'alley, and thc other 12 in the Tri-Cities, Washington area This resulted in 24 arrests and 34 individuals indicted. Twenty-eight and one half (28.5) Ibs. of suspected crystal methamphetamine (Spokane street value $547,200) and 3.5 Ibs. of marijunna (Spokane street value $9,100) were seized. Assets seized included 28 vehicles valued at over $350,000, $224,000 in U. S. currency, and three real propeny, includine ane valued at $300,000 located in Spakane VaIlcy. w. ~ ._4k• ' - f • ~ • Y- . , i- ' / - 5204.400, Scales 1 ID MJ ~ Ibs meth ~ ~ L4~ ,i 1 Ib., 1 oz methamphetamine 1 Pagc 4 . . - - _ 20 + Ibs. methamphetamine ; 20 + Ibs methamphetamine, $200,000 cash ~ • . . - . • M ~ N . . , ' ♦ 1 _ N ~ • Crime Check to Return Januery, 2009 has been set as the goal for the retum of Crime Checl:, for reporting non- emergency crime that does not require an officer or deputv at the scene. Fsnergencies and crimes in progress will still require a call to 9-1•1. Staffers for 9-1-1 and Crime Check will be cross tra.ined, sa they can fiIl either role and screen and refer c2ills that are more appropriatc to thc other system. Crimc Check's number wiU be 456-2233, the same as before. • Eddie Rsy Hall Captured Once Again Detectives assigned to the sherifl's Investigative Support Unit were conducting a methamphetatnine investigation in the Spokane Valley when they spotted elusive fugitive Fddie Ray Hall driving in the srea. Knowing he was wanted on a Departmerit of Corrections warrant for Escape, the detectives attempted to stop the suspcct. in his attempt to flee, Hall smashed into an undercover detective's vehicle that had been positioned to block his escape. lnvestigators took Hall into custaiy. (Addtndum: At the time of the writing of this report, news media has reported thst Hall has once again escaped from a Yalcicna corrections facility and is probabl}• heading back to Spokane.) Pege 5 • Halloween BATI'S Spokane Valley Police officers joined representatiN-es from odier area Iaw enfi~rcement agencies on Halloween in working to nduce vehicle-pedestrian collisions and provide positive c.ontacts v&ith local children and their parents. B 4TTS (Bringing Area Trick-or- Treater Saf'ety) was started threc years ago by Spokene County Sherifl''s Traffic Unit, with local businesses donating money to pwchase candy and glow slicks, glow nec:klaces and bracelets aut to children. Childrzn were allowed to sit in patml cars, w1th the idea of helping them overcome fears about cantacting police in an emergency. PedesViaa- vehicle collisions on j-lalloween have been %-irtually etiminated since the inception of the program. PANHANDL1NG: • Chief VanLcuven «•urked «ith Councilman Gothmann to discuss strAtegies to address law enforcement methods of dealing with panhandting in the City of Spokane Valley. Page 6 2008 OCTOBER CRIME REPORT Oct-08 Oct-07 OS to date 07 to date 07 Total 06 Total OS Total Od ToWI BURGLARY 56 52 637 475 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 24 27 295 325 365 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 75 175 762 1.123 1,265 1,122 804 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 101 8811 811 690 839 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 67 90 716 780 890 982 1,154 1,685 RECOVERED VEHICLES 33 22 288 295 343 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 37 21 446 407 478 711 603 5T7 THEFT 185 188 1,580 1,609 1,881 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 1 1 3 6 8 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 1 1 4 3 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 67 50 939 557 682 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 627 695 6,481 6,270 7,338 7,916 8,1T8 10,519 ASSAULT 64 51 734 717 853 848 894 880 DOAlSU1CIDE 30 16 206 189 221 167 159 164 DOMESTIC V10LENCE 78 68 886 726 874 738 762 755 HQNIICIDE 0 0 3 0 1 S 1 5 KIDNA.P 1 1 15 21 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 29 22 306 298 350 425 425 388 Mf' 8 7 78 88 83 88 97 108 PERSUNSOTHER 138 96 1,151 1,112 1,337 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 7 2 67 54 60 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 10 B 70 68 73 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CR/MES 365 271 3,618 3,261 3,876 3,689 3.7T7 4.192 ADULT RAPE 4 5 43 37 43 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 5 8 124 86 104 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 14 5 70 83 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 0 3 4 4 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 1 10 15 18 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 7 3 57 36 46 89 67 77 CHILD RAPE 4 2 37 24 31 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 43 28 305 257 295 349 311 437 SEX OTHER 12 12 155 163 194 203 181 162 STALKING 1 0 20 13 17 17 27 35 SUSPICfOUS PERSON 17 12 122 134 152 177 244 341 TOTAL SEX CR/MES 108 76 946 852 996 1,067 1,108 1,475 ORUG 67 65 728 686 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 TOTAL ISU 6T 65 726 687 808 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFRC REPORTS 329 325 3,228 3,170 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,7T6 TOTAL REPORTS RECEiVED 1,496 1,432 14,899 14,230 11 16,817 16,682 16,357 19,962 Spokane Valley Commercial Burglary 35 - ~ 30 - - - - 25 _ - I ~ 20 - - - - - ~ - - ■ 2006 ■ 2007 ■ 2008 : . - - - i , 15 10 - - • I 5 - - ' I 0 JAN FEB MAR AFR M/,Y JUN JUL AUG SE P OCT NOV DEC 8 An CI sed f, JmI r- a~ • t Q ~y~ ~ f.:~~.- - , ~ ~ ~ 1 k ~ 1`'~ ~ ~ ~ z > • f C R r Y C _ ~ _ CucAd ~ , qc J. ur(~2 S ` FreJ~~. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ _tl ' j l.i F' • _ . - - .1 •1~ yV„t-; f - -~`9,~ C~l~ irt~ ~ . I w~ ~ O1id ' t k~ yl~ u. usi- , ~ e y~ - - ~ ~ ~ 1--~~1 A1.1 ;.u e - ~ t - ~ R ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ m ` - "r • ~n~ . ~ T r I I j ~l m ~ wt g~■d u - r ' _'r •r. ~1 nund~ , • ~ nf¢+ ~ ~ N7?- - ~ {,•.m: e r.~„ • ~trr'- , v, r~~ ~~r , a.~,.,~~ ' I s ` ~ t.i_~nA • ~ ,I ~M G ~ j-T ` - _ ~i~ • ~ ~ M~h ~i $PdMp;4~~ J ? 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AUG SEP UCT NOV OEC • c,•m.m 5 T • ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ca„ 7 Gu~4'_ • i _ it Y11o~v1 Wo J~ ° ~ ` t~ 6 - : ~Q E ` H/1 Lacr°~' i • -r 0 < bw R,~ K • ~ CpuU nd . a ► - ~S " ~ C~hot y~ i ` ~ . ~ Flifi, ~ 9 . • - r ;~~-_11ry~'~ `°'w•~~-~~3! . ~ w. i~ ~ 1 V FtrAe - 1 1 r~l• C Q ~ 1~.. '11t►fiPo1A ~ . t i Tl . - Ilb1 • lAa '17- _-T7^ - ~ ~ +1 5 R ~ : wsr a~~•.,:s'• • ~ - ` v° - Ln • - ' L'~lis ; t ~1w~ ' - T ~ _ u . •g- - . ~ 3,? ' ~,4 _ . ~ ' I x'~jL'~; • ~ - ~ ~ ' _ C aMa sb o ~ t ~ a 1-.'. • - - ' ? AfN o tl :~C- I ,.y,., ~ _ A ~ • / • ~ - ~ : o - Ui''~y: c - • ~ _ - -u I e ii ~ - A [if'--~ - =j ~ _ ~ ~i {j•11 ! e ~"1' t • ~ u • i Il - . `?~-~--i r ~ T , ~ 'L 3~ , ~ . - ' - - ~ ~ ' • j ~ ~ ' ~ jy 5 ~ ~y, ~ ~}~-r : ~ - - I ~ • , ;nf;,- , ~ ~ ' ;f- e ► ~ - ~ E' I _ YlRtlt " ~ 29 StOlen _ ~ , ~ 4 vk VSehiClCs e 1 10 ~ ~r ■ r _ . I . a.~ 02 - 3 I Mt' - " i 4~ts y~pV~ ¢ ~ S.e" • ~ ~ a ~11 - ~ ` u. e O a Wow •Medium MHigh •1~,, ; ~y _ _ P--. ~ , -~r~~ ° ;m" 2008 September & 4ctober Stolen Vehicle Hotspots 12 ~arremDer~2008 ~ Spokane Valley Theft 250 200 ~ 150 ~ - - ■ 20QG ' ■ 2007 ■ 2008 , 100 - - - - - 50 ~ p , _ - - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG S`F' OCi NOV DEC Spokano Valley Vehicie Prowling 140 - - - I I 120 ~ - I 1 ~ - - - - 00 ~ ~ BO • ~ - - - - - . E2006 ' ■2007 ■ 2006 60 - - I 40 ~ 20 ~ - 0 JAN FEB M:'tP" Ai'R PAi+I' ,1UtJ _IUL AJi_I SEP OCT NOV DEC i ~ ♦o ~a, ~ ~raelr ~ Q '8~► ~ ~ e d•-a _ti._13~' ~nw O y-~ ~ ~ ■ ~ 6 11 1 4~ ~ ~n - - K ~ iAE t w ~ N ~ - F ~ ► e ~i 1( t ~ rtl e/ e K - ° T~'„~~ ~ ~~C ~ E~3.9 ..rryf i'` L~iw - ' ► ~ ~ rx'~y . 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G J. ~ ~ ' A f V~Yttr+?.,,,,~ R( c~ a K ON~ ~ ~ 1 ) ~yy Y i b Aaol i ~ ~ ' ~ ~ w ; s " • ~ y = ~frult _ n N ~ 5 CPW ' r,~ ~ _ - 6 ~ • = j ~ ~ ~ • ~ W ' e ~ ~ CeuU M ~ e~ l'v~ Etlalit I~ • ~ .i1 j~~~+ - -~'r;,,~ L. ~ t~ \ " • • - • n~,i -{_1 4''~-_'_- -H . wlh 1M1bnl ( W M~lun ~ • • - r ' o.' !Mt! 5 e - - ~ • ~ M - 6AU ~ -}-~•t L~ ~ T ,p s ~ rA1N I I e t i iu► 1. f-1- _ w.in.. ~ • ~ r-- ~ T ~ R 4 ~ ~IR C ~ .M ~ 7---1 A 1mi'.w ~---Q ~ • c~,►~ _ _1 _Q . , C~ o ; i S1~ ~ 1 _~.I • F- o •yvl ~~T~~'~ ~ I ~-4 tf • ~ I _ _ ~Tr ,;l~Rd.~ ti / ~1 q }L rl' _ 21a! cc ~ ✓ ~ - ' ' y+ I \ ~ ~ ~__,_i~~~ ~ < ~ • • ~ ~ y c ~ / ! 2fM TfBffIC ~ nd ` 1 • ~ Mir j a COflISlUf15 ' 10 02-0 Vk4 t a ~~1N 1 ' 1]rtl c V' µ F• ~ P - ~ rn E ~ • • 4,' T ~ ~~c~ ~ • ^ ~ MMedrumLow n ~ L~ y ~ • ,,,~,ti ~ ~ OMedium n u AD~, $ i a • WHigh 2008 Octobcr Traffc Collisions Hotspots 12 °~«~8 * _ Qpo~e . . . .~~W1ey PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT October 2008 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA winter/spring sweeping. Spring Sweeping is complete. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. worked on Street Preservation Projects and Pavement Removal and Replacement. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare is working spring/summer 2008. Discussed multiple areas that have swales that may be required by Home Owners Associations to maintain. • Vactoring Contract - AAA Sweeping removed ponding water around drywells. Contract Monies are nearly expended, working on Change Order. • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal . • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal - Public Works was on the selection committee for the Performance and Financial Audit for the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System. Recommendations are scheduled to be sent to the Liaison Board on September 15, 2008 for their consideration. ; ASTEWATER " e CH2MHill was selected for the design, build and operation of the Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The County is currently in negotiations with that firm. • On September 26th EPA issued a statement that the TMDL and the Idaho permits must be revised so that the limits in the river do not exceed .20 mg/I decrease in dissolved oxygen. CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT • Neil is a member of the Facilities Committee to assist the district in the development of a Study and Survey of the various schools and administrative buildings. The committee meets on a monthly basis on Wednesday evenings. SPOKANE REGIONAL SOLID WASTE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AUDIT • PVeil is a member of the Technical Work Group overseeing the performance audit. The group selected the consultant Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDK) through an RFP process in October. The kick-off meeting is scheduled for November 3`" and the project is expected to take 8 months. STREET MASTER PLAN • JUB Engineers is continuing work on the update to the Street Master Plan. They vaere scheduled to meet with Council December 2nd but that has been postponed to January 20. CAPITAL PROJECTS ROAD CONSTRUCTIOId PROJECTS • Barker Road Bridge Project (0003) Bridge was closed starting July 7. Contractor has been acquiring materials and has mobilized equipment to the project site. Contractor has removed barrier from the bridge. A revised Hydraulic Project Approval was issued September 15, allowing work in the river throughout the year. The demolition plan has been approved and the contractor is placing temporary supports under the bridge from north to south. Girders are being fabricated and stored off-site at Central Prestress near the Fairgrounds. • Pines/Mansfield (0005) Construction started July 23. Contractor has rough-graded Mansfield and has completed installation ofdrainage pipe. The base layer of asphalt has been placed in the roundabout. The concrete intersection at Pines and Mansfield has been fully placed; paveback to adjacent asphait will occur in November. Work continues to place sidewalks and driveway approaches on Mansfield. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges (0016) Knife River was awarded the project as the low bidder for $4,565,859.95. Construction began March 17th. Project is complete. Punch list items remain. The street trees are being installed. • 24th Avenue Reconstruction Project (0053) Project construction is complete. e Sprague/Appleway/Dishman-Mica ITS (0062) Bids were opened Septernber 18 for $372,104, 33% below the Engineer's estimate. WSDOT is administering the contract that will install fiber optic cable, a dynamic rnessage sign on Sprague Ave at I-90 and three cameras on Appleway: Park Rd, Dishman-Mica Rd and University Rd. Delays in material delivery have pushed start of construction to spring 2009. • Broadway 1 Fancher PCC Intersection (0067) Project plans are being reconfigured for a two phase construction that will close Broadway Ave but keep Fancher Rd open continuously. • Broadway Ave Rehab - I-90 EB Ramps to Park Rd (0068) . , Construction complete . . • Signal Contraller Upgrade Project (0071) All controllers were delivered in August. Spokane County and WSDOT signal maintenance crews will test, program, and install new controllers under existing engineering services contracts. • SpraguelConklin Signal (0077) The change order has been signed by Knife River. U11ork began on October 13, 2008. The signal poles have been ordered. All undergroung work is complete. New curb ramps have been installed. The signal poles will be installed when delivered in the spring. • Sprague / Bowdish, PCC Intersection (0092) Construction complete STREET PRESERVATION PROJECTS • Dishman Mica Rehab - Appleway Ave. to 16`" Ave. (0093) Project is complete. • Montgomery Ave. Rehab - Argonne Rd. to University Rd (0093) Project is complete_ ROAD DESIGN ' . . • 44t" Avenue Pathway- Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) Starting final design. Budinger will complete pavement design by December. • Broadway Ave Safety improvement - Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Staff recommends not moving ahead with project untif more accident data can be evaluated. Council directed staff to wait for more accident data. • Broadway Ave. Rehab - Fancher to Thierman (0066) Will start design early 2009 for construction in 2009. Coordinating with utilities. Qwest will move poles on north side of Broadway out of sidewalk. SEPA complete • Broadway Ave Reconstruction - Moore to Flora (0088) Survey complete, Cultural Resource Survey complete, SEPA complete Starting Final Design to prepare ROW Maps. • Evergreen Sprague PCCP Intersection Project (0102) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech field work to be done on October 22nd. SEPA complete, Survey and Pavement Design will be complete by Thanksgiving. • McDonald Sprague PCCP Intersection Project (0104) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech field work to be done on October 24th. SEPA complete, Survey and Pavement Design will be complete by Thanksgiving. • Pines Sprague PCCP Intersection Project (0103) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech field work to be done on October 23rd. SEPA complete, Survey and Pavement Design will be complete by Thanksgiving. SEWER PROJECTS J• Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project (0056) The project is 100% complete. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project (0057) The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began June 5, 2007. The project is 100% complete. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project (0058) The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on July 9, 2007. The project is 100% complete. • Rockwell/Summerfield Sanitary Sewer Project Phase I(0091) This project bid with Summerfield. The project was awarded to Knife River. Construction began in May 2008. The project is complete_ Punchlist items remain. • Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Project (0094) The project was awarded to SI Construction. The project is 90% complete. Construction will resume in the spring. Punchlist items remain on the completed roadways. • Summerfield Sanitary Sewer Project (0084) This project bid with Rockwell/Summerfield. Knife River was awarded the contract. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. Punchlist items remain. • Sutters Sanitary Sewer Project (0082) The project was awarded to SI Construction. Construction began on May 8'~. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. The project is 100% complete. • White Birch Sanitary Sewer Project (0081) Owens Construction was awarded the project. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. The project is 100% complete. ~ i PARKS PROJECTS • Old Senior Center Demolition (0072) Contract awarded and NTP issued on 31 Oct_ NOI and Permit from CSV has been issued. Asbestos abatement scheduled to be completed 21 Nov, demolition scheduled to start 2 Dec. KTR stockpiled fill material. • Park Road Swimming Pool Upgrade (0073) The contractor has basically finished the project. A+,valk-through was held on 17 Oct 08 with representatives from the design consultant ORB, Health District, TMCA, Parks and Recreation, Contractor and CSV. A final punch-list has been completed and the contractor is in the process of completing the items. • Terrace View Swimming Pool Upgrade (0074) The underground concrete work, wall blocks, and roof extension for the mechanical building is complete. Contractor is installing electrical and mechanical equipment in the mechanical building. The lazy river pool underground piping is installed, concrete floor slab has been place, outside walls are currently being erected. • Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade (0075) The contractor is constructing the training pool, the under ground concrete work and wall blocks for the mechanical building is complete. • Valley Mission Park Upgrade (0076) _ The Agreement (Contract) has been finalized and signed by CSV (20 Oct 08). Consultant (Gavin) currently starting the design. • Children's Universal Park (0086) The location of the Universal Playground (new name) on the south end of the Mirabeau Point Park was presented to Council anci approved. e Centennial Trail Restroom Water Service Coordinating with parks on providing water service and eliminating the well. STORMWATER PROJECTS • Stromwater Decant Facility Working on project scope. • 16th Avenue and Bettman Rd Drainage Improvements (0100) Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. Working on project scope. County gathering additional drainage easement topo data. Krystal has developed preliminary stormwater rnodel • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Worlcing on project scope. . • West Ponderosa Drainage Improvements Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. Working on project scope. OTHER PROJECTS • Sullivan Bridge #4501 Inspection over Trent(0095) Coffman Engineers has submitted the draft report, comments from Spokane Count (Neil Carroll) and , CSV have been sent (16 Oct 08) to Coffman. • City Hall Project (0089) The City Hall Program was presented and approved by Council on June 24h. Preliminary site concepts were presented to Council on October 215'. • Street Maintenance Storage Facility Working on praject scope. • Valley Precinct Building Floor Drain (0096) Consultant contract awarded to DEA. The 15t Phase- has been completed, the Phase 2 shall be a complete design to dispose of the water in the sewer. Design Started for this phase on 13 Oct 08. • Sprague ADA Improvements (0098) Began evaluating and developing plans for 2009 construction TRAFFIC Starting to wark with Capital Projects on design of next year's construction projects. • 25 New citizen requestslcomplaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concerns, streetlight outages, _ requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. • Made signal timing field adjustments to several corridors to address changes in traffic pattems. • Reducing backlog of old citizen requests and logging them into the CARs system to improve our tracking methods. • Working with Central Valley School District on several traffic and pedestrian safety issues. • Updating and adding Traffic Volume, Speed Limits, No Truck Zones, and other maps to the Traffic Engineering website. STORMWATER • Have done extensive research and continued planning for implementation of the NPDES Phase II and UIC requirernents. Coordinating with Spokane County and the City of Spokane to develop a Public Outreach Program. • Presently wor9cing on the "Eastern Washington Stormwater Coalition Websiten ie. City County. Projected primarily for satisfying NPDES Phase II requirements. • Wortcing in Coordination with City of Spokane, Spokane County, APC, DEQ, and Department of Ecology on a Stormwater atlas. • Discussing Decant Facility options. • Received, processed, and prioritized complaints from County and CSV for Dave Randall. • Retained Dave Randall, P.E. to assess and propose a solution for 4 residences that have flooded repeatedly. Agreement secured. • Working on tax rolls. • Working on puddle and drywell inventory field work for coordination with CIPISewer storrnwater improvements. v Drainwater account investigation to decide if required to collect. • Conducted Chester Pit survey of test holes to look for silt deposits. • Sent ProCare out to fix damaged irrigation pipes. • Met with Budinger & Assoc to line out Full Scale Drywell Tests • Looking into hiring consultant to provide NPDES training to City, City, County staff. • Flooding complaint response at Raymond & Valleyway. / STREET 8 STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public WorlcslContractor maintenance activities in the Ciry of Spokane Valley for October, 2008; • Tom and Brant inspected contractor wor9c, trimmed bnash and patched potholes. • AAA Sweeping is in the process of doing the Fall Sweeping Program • Poe Asphalt graded dirt streets throughout the Valley. • Bridge Maintenance is being reviewed. Estimates for maintenance are being prepared by Poe Asphalt and their sub-contractor. STREET: Through the end of October private contracts invoiced $1,199,034 and the County invoiced $1,471,687 for a total Street Maintenance cost of $2,670,721. STORMWATER: The County invoiced $5,033 and p(ivate contracts invoiced $681,713, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $686,746. STREET AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE COMPARISONS THROUGH OCTOBER Stormwater a4'aintanance Spokane ~ounty , po Told 2008 $5,033 "8 33,360,000 4 2007 $6,551 p 1 - Sto ~ viater Maintonance W'Wo 53 Isoooo I Piivate Contraciors 2097 0M 3 2007 $593,0 2 . treet Mainten nce iSpokane Cou~ ty 2 a o 2007 $`5,072,762 Street Maintenance Priva& Contractors 2007 $1,572,795 S- S200,000 $400,000 S600,00U $800,600 51,000,000 31,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 i! I SrpOla.ne ,..;wOValley, 2008 PR0.IECTS Funtling PraJect Proposcd Do3l9n Cons[ruelbon F-ntimatod 7otal Project tAnnogar Bid Dato Complete Gompleto Compleibon Gost u Road Conatnictloo Pro ect9 0063 Barker Road Bridgo RcpfNOamcnl- F3erker Rd. et SpoY.ane R?ver BR IGw'«.on Fab-08 100% 546 121l09 $ 11,317,000 0005 Flineslldansfieltl Project • 44illmr Ei) Pfnra, to I-90 TIBtCMAO Kn-itson Apa09 10096 40% tOftlL19 E 5,900,143 0016 Applovray Auaniue Reoonsbuctinn • Tsctmk:flo Hadpaa STIryV► AfIi Sep•07 10096 flJ% 12J1fOq $ E.099,568 0053 241h Avenue Reeauis7nnifvn - Sulltvan lo Veratresa & 22ntl CEty, /NAwoHh Apr-08 1G696 1DD96 Eif21/OB $ 980,001) 0ce2 SpragveJApplewayushmanRS - SDngucJAppte~,vaylDlshman G~MO Knutson 50696 0i5 411M g 830,70D 0067 BroadwaylFmidier6CC Inlarsectfan •(7foamtvA/ ntnf Frinchr,r S7fi(U) AtdNroaFh I.Iay~08 9D3b 04S 811M9 S 1,295,000 0068 F3raaclway Avc. GrindlOvartay- I-90 to Par3c Rd. (CM AtUN~orth 10096 100°s6 11I1N8 S 351.000 0075 Signe! GonCrollrJ UpOrn4c C64AQ Inpa Note 100% 4096 91l9/0A g 258,400 0077 SpraguelCon`cVn Sfgnal • SSxSgnlc andCnnkl§n Devvtopcra Mt nlo 100% SD% sf1ro9 5 300,000 0092 Spraquol8ovrdlsA i'CC Intareectfon - SQragine and 9owdish STA Aldk^raUi IdayOB 10096 106°b 11/S1U8 S 802,000 Sueet Proscrvation Projmcts S 5.290.000 0090 Dishrn:si Idici Rchnb - Applawaq Ave ro 16Ui Ave Cily Klefn nla 0% Bf1ID6 $ 239,508 0093 A4oaqpomery Ave ReNab • luyorcrie Rd to Univctslh/ Rd Ciry Klcin nfa 046 811108 S 242,000 Rood Dusign Projor.7s pOSC 441A Avenua P:thway - 4'4bodndf W SarM9 (PL•`) S't'i'(E) Aldaorth 1046 0% 411109 $ 3.50.000 0063 Broedvray Ave. Saiely hn{uovemenm - Park Rd ro Pines Rd TIB Notr. o% 096 0086 9roodvny Avo. Reheb - FewAer Oo Tlfteraisn (PE) STP(U) AldavoAh 596 04S flJ {A09 $ 500,000 OL+08 Broa&any Ave, - Aloorc io Flora (PE. R" 'YlB Afdwnrth 1 S36 0'6 101"1109 $ 2.1 fl6,000 0102 EverpreenlSpr&pue PCCP InlcrcCion PmjeCt STA A9dwalh ►Aer-02 1055 tOf1109 Ot04 IdcponaldlSprapuo nCP Intersec0on Project S7A Aht•aoath M:fr•0£1 14aS 10/1109 0103 Piners/Spraguc PCCP Intcraoctlon Project STA AkfNeeth 1Aer•08 10% 7011/D9 Sc-vrcr Projocis C058 Spatdings • Peve➢aCc - Indimia weat of Alontpanery Ciry Mt IAtry07 100% 50096 11/1A00 S 16,043 0057 Grandv@eN Acres - Pavehac& • Butler to Cr,mcnt, Fairvvew [o Fsnpdre Ciry Arlt AprA7 10096 100% 711106 5 7.278 0053 Tir,nfivmcl - Pamback- Vercler to Evergraeri, Trr,td po WoSlecloy City ArU Apr•07 10056 100% 7f1106 $ 8.000 0091 RodcwelllSurnrnCrfiCld Phaso I- Paveback - idotlcwell, rvergrecn io Sullivan City Ar11 kyt-08 10Di'a 10096 1111 m8 S 63.327 0OD4 itockwell - Pavebnck - Avmlon to Adams, Trent W Webash City MI 61'ay-08 10D3S 9696 11f1A8 S 324,500 OOBt Surnmartlold - pave0adc • A.dsttik Oo 9ullivan, Tmnt to Olymplc City AAi ltyr•OA 10055 1 DD% 11f1f08 $ 150,885 0092 Sulicr.: - Pavcback - Evaryreen to Pro{yess, 162h to 8th Ciry Artt Apa08 10p96 10D3t 811548 $ 157,517 0081 ~Anise BircYi • PavebacY. - Sullivan to F'lora, 4th to BroaQNay City lutl Apr-06 10096 100SS 1111108 S 157,205 PaAcs Pro3eees 0092 000 Seniot Centcr pcmotlion - Hdsslon and Bowalsh Parks 4VCat 100% 096 8f1108 S SD,ODD 0073 Potk Rd Satlrmttrig Poal Upgmdc - Parlt Rd. Parks West IAar-0£I 100% BS% 8P5A09 0674 Terraae Vics+ Swiimminp Pool Upgrade • 24111 and Temoc Vicn Parks 4VOat Mer•08 100% 23% 66100 S 3,379.773 _ 0675 VaP1ey AAi5slan 3winvring Pool UD9rade - Misslon Ave. Pnrks Vuesl lAar-08 t00% 2396 86m p076 Vi41oy J/iissbn PaAt Upgrada • hlissian Ava. PaAcs West Jun-OB 0R6 096 8115419 S 372,000 8 OOW Cltiltlran'. U4ii-mrs;d Park - M(rabeau PaA:way Pork&lStete WoAcy DecsM 0°.b 646 0f1iD9 5 1,000.000 Contennlel Yrail Restroam 1rtCimr Satidce Park» lult 2009 Siormwater Vrojecta Scamvracer oeear,l Fadrti (oHro9) Ciry wisf nra oss 0% 1011100 reo 6100 1Gth Rw and Betbttan Rd 8 Orsinago tmprovcmcnt, Cliy A1dvroM M.1r-09 596 0% 911J09 160 2000 Problematir, F1ood Area3 Project City Vklast hl2r•09 CSi 0% 6JtlD9 TEO VJest Panderosa DreW+gc Imprm~cmonts Ctry AldwroM A1arA8 U°Aa 0% v1108 TEaO Other Projeels 0095 Sullivan Rd Hridjc o-.cr Trent tn:.peclion Ciry West 10% $ 15,000 OD89 City Hall ProprarvTinglSite PlPnniny City Kcratcn Slrect Idalntnnanoa Statape Fmeffiry Clly Keisltn 0095 Vailey PecGrvcf 81dg Flpoc Oraln I'erka Vdes! 10% OLuJB Spr.xtuc ADA ImDrcrvamenb CnBG Aldworth t OSb ' Partlal FuntllnW Tote.l $ 38.164.329 Oct 2008 Conatrucllon pro*ts CITY COUNCIL ' - - - CC-126 ~ A~ Y NC - Box 183 • 205 S. Evergreen Rd. • Veradale, WA 99037 •(509) 922-3610 • TOLL FREE (866) 508-7701 • FAX (509) 922-3389 RECEIVED 8/29/08 AUG 2 9 2008 To the Spakane Valley Ciry Council SPOKANE VALLEY 1tE: Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan Comments CoMMUNf TY DEVELOPMENT I took advantage of the opporlunity to attend and observe all thc planning commission deliberations on the SARP. During that time many questions came to mind that were aot asked. There were also some questions asked thai were not adequately answered or explained. I can appreciate that the commission is a volunteer panel of citizens who may not have the authority to request certain things from city sta .ff•. I have been pleased to see that you are requesting some research and comgarisons to aid in yow delibcrations. The chart you requested comparing the currant Comprehensive 1'lan non-conforming standards Nvith the proposed applicability standards will answer a lot of my questions. I believe you also have already requested an overlay of the existing zoning - iacluding the parcels surrounding the subarea plan which would be extremely heipful in determining if the proposed plan is indeed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A rational for the boundaries of the plan and various c3istricts would also be helpful. Since this appears to be my last shot at questinns and consideratioIIS I've included list. 1. What was the criteria fnr the selection of the focus group members. What are the names and business affiliations of those specificaily invited to the closed focus group meetings. 2. What is your defnition of a"Stalceholder". 3. Please explain exactly how the property owners included in the SA.RP were notified. a. Notiv muGh was paid to Studia Cascade to provide notification? b. What was the content of the notification? c. When and where was the term "zone change" first used? 4. What are the effects of non-conforming status wlth regard to: a. Commercial insurance coverage (see attached) b. Banking and lending c. Real estate values d. I.,eases and tenant issues 5. What is the e4st comparisons af a project built under the currant comp plan and ~ building cades and the same project under the proposed new form based code. Qualiry boat docks, boat lifts, swim ladders, dock hardware and accessories. Visit us at www.larkdock.com • ~ 6. Is there any appeal process with regard to the regulations in the plan? 7. Utilities in all the pictures appear to be buried yet this is not addressed. Will property owncrs also have to foot that bill? S Book 111: City Actions a. Sections 3.1 and 3.1.1 were supposeci to be dcvcloped i.n conjunction «Tith rcports frnm cons-altants Robert Lawson and Robert Ctibbs. So far there are only staft'recommendations. Whcrc are the reparts? 9 Circulation b. There seems to have been no consicleration of north/south traffic. c. The plan does not appear to address the problem of the failing or near failing major intersections on Sprague. d. Was there any inpul from police, fire anci emergEncy services with regard to the proposed traffie calming devices and lane restrictions on Sprague and Applcway in the event of a traffic bloel:ing accidcnt? e. Notiv about the addeci cost of snow remaval? T'he liability of snow plows throwing snow and ice through the windows of the buildings lhat are snuggecl up to the sidewalks. I appreciate your time and the attention given to this deliberative proccss. Suicerely, ~ z Susan Scott Lark, Inc. UB/Of/'LUGH 12:06 FRX Q001/001 All Spoken0, llC dbo ~ AnthonY, Baker & Burns - ~ nreFerred rates for oll linas of insuronce. ~VI c~ Sirvce taE2 r1o0" o~ 8/7l2008 . ~ _ wxce. • ceP~~~e Lark Enterprises lnc 6-e-k,O'C Pn Box 183 Veradale, WA. 99037 Hi Susan, The replacement cOSt covera;e amou'nt on the building would only be paid out if you - were to reb'ai d, o hena+ise the policy pays for the building's actual cash value of the building at the time of the loss and would only inciude the value of the building and not the land improvements. Further more, if you were able to get the insurance company to rebuild at a different site the insurance policy would only replace the building. You - vdould have to pay for-the cost of site development. . TheSe situations take into. account what would happen if your building was to burn completely.' One other, more troublesoms situation is if you have a partial loss and the ~ City says that you can'c fix it. You should find out how they would dea.l with issuin buildin" permits in srtuations like this. Let me know if you have any more questions. ~ Sircarel . , mith 6606 N. Wan, Ste 200, Spokane, Washingtan 99218 •(309) 468-9991 Fax (509) 468-2254 , CC-125 ~ RECEIVED IAUG 2 9 2008 DEPARTMENYLpEF COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT P.tt gU St 29, 2008 City Cou3ici7. Planning Commissian City of Spokane Va11ey 11707 Bas'C Sprague 4ve.. Spokane Val:i.ey, WA . Re: ProposEd Zoning Changes . Dear Gitv GounciJ. Persons and F1ann~.ng Comr;a.ssion: '1'he undersi.gnecl oppose your proposed Amend.inents to the -zani»g . rzgul.iza.ons e-c t1zE City of Spoka-ne *Va:l ley, a.nc:l.uclin.g hut not ^ limiied ta: 1, pne yeaT nonconforming - use. 14,-.ni tati.op,. Ther.e.. shnulcl be Gt . le;3st s thieE t3j :>Te.ax. liiiiiration. -j't• is,rot'uriusual: along Spr:tgue one tJajT that propertdes.'remai-ri:`vac.3nt'*for' 2- to 3 . - years at one ti.me. . . - - • " 2. On builda.ng dest.royed by fire your. -zoning conflicts wi th most a.nsurance poa:icies. Most insura7lce po].icies cover replacement of the bua.lding Lhat pre-e:ixtcd the fire. i would suggest fihat you read several policies and a.f you cl.on't replace the bU].7.d7.ria you can onl}= recover actual cash value. Actual casn tita7.ue caculates a substantial deduction ,f:or deprcca.c:tron. Your p: oposa:L is not accept<<ble. Ver.y truly yours, ~RJ , - - Page 1 of 1 i CC-124 Heather Morris ~ From: darmarich@juno.com Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 12;26 AM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Re: Planning Commission Agenda I still fecl Spokane Valley would be much better off if they sent Scott Kuhta back where he came from and save the Tax Payers thousands ofdollars. The residents of S.V. know what we need and wasit. `Ve cauld have had more done by now on the construction of the City Hall, rather than a bunch of meetines. The Commission isn't listenin~ or hearing our ideas. I~~o ~uonder people don't attend the nieetvlgs. The full page page letter in the Valley Voice on Thursday August 28Th, hits the nail on the head. The Zoning is outraEeous and certainly ha,s riled up the Valley resideuts and property o\vmers. Tt is plain stupid and out of reason. IC.now I arn wasting my time, but thought I should put in my nickel's worth. Thanl: you for your tiuie. Darlcne Rictunond ~Te~n is here! Click now for sim le a.nd easv Flnancial Acivice. 9/9/2008 i ~ . . . , . . CC-123 , ' August 28, 2007 City of Spokane Valley City Council 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Dear Honorable Mayor Munson and Councilmembers, I appreciate the time and effort that has gone into planning. Due to the recent Appeals Court Decision that states Spokane County owns the Appleway right of way, I cannot support adoption of this plan that plans what we as a City do not own. We cannot legally plan someone else property. I believe a smaller vision of the plan would be more in keeping with our community and stopping the Appleway portion where there is not enough road room to extend it any further. The fact remains this belongs to the County. r It would be selfish of our community to ignore the overall regional needs of keeping this transportation corridor intact, of the abandoned railroad right of way. I support keeping Appleway a one-way road and returning Sprague to a two-way road since that would be helpful to Sprague Businesses. I am object to down zoning of property since it destroys property values and commercially owned property should be able to utilize their property without the cloud of being "grandfathered" over their property. That would be a distinctly negative factor in the event a business needed to sell. While this plan is aimed at creating a healthy future, it cannot be built on the backs of the very owners that have paid taxes all these years while depreciating the value of their life's work. ' I am not aware of a report that lists all effected properties and states the impact to all properties monetarily and in uses. This vvould be a ' helpful tool in evaluating public need vs. private property rights. . It is also troubling that as easements are created and loss of net ' property results, property tax does not go down, as mentioned by A gentleman at August 26, 2008 City Council Meeting. Public Projects should not be exempt from the Plan. Wider sidewalks have nice street appeal but the problem of parking behind buildings with alleys is a safety feature many consider negative. The Planning Director has been given the right to decide who is vested and it is ambiguous. The plan is very ambitious but is not a good fit for Spokane Valley. Many of the business owners are unhappy with the plan. The process has ignored the copious amount of hours that small businesses put in to stay afloat especially in this economy. I personally visited some of the businesses near University and they remarked they did not have time to go to the City's meetings and if things became too adverse, they will leave an do business i somewhere else. If someone buys that business and needs to remodel they will be facing meeting the new standards that makes that initial investment plus the criteria to meet how they must look harder to sell their business. Also, from the beginning the consultants stated that it is ideal to have a freeway exit that lines up with your City Center. We do not have that. If we come from Argonne or Pines it is more traffic than people in a hurry care to put up with. There are many options for shopping that are close to freeway entrances such as Spokane Valley Mall. The plan calls for a more direct access but currently D.O.T. does not have money to even complete sound walls along residential neighborhoods adjacent to the freeway. This necessary piece in place near the beginning could spell failure of businesses and detract use of this area beyond the initial grand opening. Considering these factors, I cannot support the plan in its present form. Thank you for considering our remarks. I reiterate the remarks of Stacy Bjordahl`s legal concerns, dated July 29, 2008. These should be noted and addressed. In closing, I do not believe we can legally adopt a plan on dreams of owning what does not belong to us. The plan should be scaled down to the reality of what we do own. It would be better not to extend beyond Evergreen. Also, how is the City going to compensate commercial zonings that are changed to residential? Sincerely, James & Mary Pollard 17216 E. Baldwin Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99016 CC-120 - ~ August 29, 2008 Nancy vishimura Owner GrECn Thumb Nursery E. 16816 Sprague Veradale, WA 99037 509-927-0990 cell 509-475-8406 Hnme: E. 15103 Valley Way Veradale, WA 99037 509-928-7775 To VVhom It May Concem: I fe.el that the issues concerning the Rcvitalization Plan for the City of Spokane Valley are multi faceted to say the least. Thesc issues are estremely imgortant to preserving t11e life blood ofthe business district and tax basE for the City. In so stating, they are iu need of much more study than Nvill he able to bs complctcd before the proposed vote in October 2008. I ain dividi.ng the issues inio the folloNving parts: 1. I think that the city should not create a residential area using the commercial property of businesses on Sprague. 1 see this as short sighted and discrinunatory. You simply cannot take someone's property for a project that is not yet fully formed, that urould occur on property that the City does not yet even own (The railway cut is currently still owned by the County, isn't that correct?) You can't expect support from the businesses, if you are cutting off their means of livclihood. 1 see a lot of law suits in the future if'the city pursues this course of action. Where would you he gettin; your taxes from if all of the businesses on the North side of Sprage were changcd to residential use? NVliy would they want to continue to suppor[ tlle city7 2. I think that the deeming of greenhousE rnusery busuiesses Aud lumber yards non- confornun; use is absurd and discriminatory. In the past I aske_d why the city was making it so hard for businesses to conduct business and contact their customers when 1 was on the SiLn Conunitte.e. I statied that since we seemed so urlimportant in the scheme of tlungs that we wouldn't be missed if we went out of business; that ma}°be our tax dallars weren't needed and therefore maybe we should therefore stop paying them. I said this in jest, but now after you have deeined my business a second time as non- conforming, after reassuring me that I wrouldn't be non-conformine I fcel that my assessment of the city's attitude (cavalier) was eorrcet, and my deduction that my tax dollars aren't important was also correct. I volunteered munerous hours to attending Sign Committee meetings and put up with the rude behavior of tbe director and her right hand man (D. Crosby) I think that this is incredible. You also did not let property o'Vvners know that you werc doing the rezoning. Arz yrou aetually a monarchy? 3. I tlunk tllnt the city should have a city center. It sllould own the land. The city should i not have a one way strect runnin~ through thE business district It has been studied and lived tlirough and found to be horrible for business. I have a lot more thouekits, but time is running out. Please listen to reason and slow clo,Aii. Thanks, Nancy Nishimura Page 1 of 1 , , CC-118 ~ Heather Morris From: Rick McCartney [rick.mccartney@valleybest-way.com] Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 3:18 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: REVITALIZATION TO MAYOR MUNSON @ COUNCIL MEMBERS IN REGARDS TO YOUR REVITALIZATION EFFORTS. I AM OPPOSED TO YOUR EFFORT AS I THINK ITS WAY TOO BIG OF A UNDERTAKING. THERE ISNT A CITY IN WASHINGTON THAT I KNOW OF WHO HAS TRIED TO REVITALIZE A WHOLE CITY CORRIDOR.WE IN THE VALLEY REALLY DONT CARE TO BE THE FIRST TO TRY SUCH AN AGGRESSIVE PLAN. MY BUSINESS WHICH IS VALLEY BEST-WAY BUILDING SUPPLY IS LOCATED AT S 118 UNION DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE PRESENT CITY HALL. I WOULD LIKE TO TELL HOW YOU HAVE AFFECTED MY BUSINESS,FAMILY,AND EMPLOYEES.VALLEY BEST-WAY HAS BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR 40 YEARS EMPLOYING APPROX. 50-60 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES. WHEN WE PURCHASED OUR PRESENT PROPERTY IT V11AS ZONED I-2 LIGHT IPJDUSTRIAL.WE MANUFACTURE ROOF TRUSSES ALONG WITH A RETAIL STORE.WHEN WE WENT TO THE BANK TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY IT WAS I- 2 ZONING. BUT MUCH TO OUR DISiVIAY WE WERE DOWNZONED TO itiIXED USE ZONING,WHICH LIMITS OUR ABILITY TO DO 1NHAT WE D0.1 AM WELL AWARE OF THE FACT THAT WE ARE GRANDFATHERD IN AS LOPJG AS WE DONT CHANGE ANYTHING.BUT I AM SURE YOU ARE NOT GOIMG TO LET ME RUN OUR CRANE TRUCKS @ SEMI TRACTOR TRAILERS ON YOUR STREET WHEN WE NEED TO BLOCK TRAFFIC TO GET INTO AND OUT OF OUR FACILITY.SO I ASK YOU AM I REALLY GRANDFATHERD IN ? I THINK I KNOW THE ANSWER.YOUR STAFF TRIED TO CONVINCE US PROPERTY VALUES WOULD NOT BE AFFECTED. I HAVE TALKED WITH NUMEROUS BANKS AND INDEED IT DOES HAVE AN EFFECT. WE ARE IN NON CONFORf1flING AND ALSO WE HAVE NO I-2 ZONING.I ASK YOU WHERE DID YOUR STAFF GET THIS IMFO.A LOT OF US ARE PROBIBLY IN DEFAULT AS THEY HAVE LOST THERE COLLATERAL.A LOT OF US BUSINESSES PURCHASED OUR PROPERTYS TO USE FOR OUR RETIREMENT ONLY TO HAVE IT TAKEN AWAY BY THE STROKE OF A PEN.WE HAVE NOTHING NOW DUE TO A FEW AMBITOUS PEOPLE THIiVKING WE WANTED TO CHANGE OUR VALLEY AS VUE KNOW IT. YOU HAVE AFFECTED MY FAPJIILY AS NOW WE CANT PASS THIS BUSINESS DOWN TO OUR K1DS @ OR EMPLOYESS. IT APPEARS YOU HAVE RUINED A NUMBER OF LIVES WITH OUT ANY FEELING OF REMORSE.. YOU HAVE TORN APJD DIVIDED THIS VALLEY APART IM NOT SURE HOW OR IF YOU CAN REUNITE US AS ONE VALLEY. WE NEED TO REMIND OURSELVES THAT WE ARE 5 YEARS OLD NOT 50.AS V1lE TRIED TO TEACH OUR INFANTS THAT YOU NEED TO LEARN TO WALK BEFORE YOU RUN. MAYBE THIS IS WHAT OUR NEW CITY SHOULD SHOULD DO. TO SUM THIS UP I HAVE COUPLE OF QUESTIONS TO ASK THE COUNCIL. PLEASE ANSWER THESE TO YOURSELVES BEFORE VOTING ON THE ISSUES #1 WOULD YOU LIKE SOPAEONE TO COME IN AND TELL YOU THAT WE ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR RETIREMENT AWAY AND TO JUST SUCK IT UP AND TAKE IT. #2 WOULD YOU LIKE SOAlrEONE TO TELL YOU AFTER YOU HAVE SPENT THE LAST 20 YEARS PAYING FOR YOUR HOUSE THAT WE ARE GOING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR ABILITY TO SELL YOUR HOUSE FOR YOUR PERSONAL GAIN.? PLEASE BE VERY CERTAIN THAT YOU ARE MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION AS IT HAS LASTING EFFECTS ON ALOT OF PEOPLE RICK MCCARTNEY VALLEY BEST-WAY S 118 UNION gi9rzoos ~ CC-115 i, OBJECTIONS TO DOWN ZONING ALONG THE SPRAGUE/APPLEWAY COUPLET I have no objection to the revitalization plan the City is tontemplating, but 1 do abjett to one of the methods being employed. Historically, local governments have been able to take private property for public use. Until the late 19'h century, the local government had to show that use of the property was either a public nuisance or condemn the land. In a condemnation process, the local government has to pay the falr market value of the property it takes. 2oning is a not too subtle way of taking private property without paying for it. In 1926, (the year I was born) the United States Supreme Court put is blessing on local zoning ordinances provided they are not arbitrary and tapricious, and have a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, morals or general welfare of the community. It is difficult to see how the down zoning of so many properties along the couplet fit any of these standards. It has nothing to do with public health or safety or morals. Perhaps with some difficulty, an argument could be made for general welfare. And that is the point I want to make. Ostensibly, one of the goals of the plan is to beautify the City. This is an admirable goal because it does in some way redound to the benefit of all citizens. That being the case, how moral is it to put the cost of the generai welfare on the backs of a few property owners. If it is in the general ~ welfare of the citizens to have the City beautified, then perhaps the citizens should step up to the plate and purchase the private property they so dearly desire. It is my understanding that in at least some cases, particularly along the future Appleway, some properties that are currently being used for commercial or industrial use will be zoned into two different zones, i. e., commercial/residential or industrial/residential. These designations may not be accurate, but the point is that properties that are currently all one zone designation are being bifurtated into two different zones, one of which will be non-conforming. I am sure that the arguments have been made over and over as to how this affects the value of the property that becomes non-tonforming, so I won't belabor the fact except to say it is true. But the fact is, the loss is no less real to the property owner than if the property were to be at least partially condemned. I understand that this is a long range plan and maybe some of the current uses will phase out naturally. But that phase out will be accelerated by being non-conforming. I have lived in the Valley long enough (Since 1942) to know that no one can look forty or fifty years into the future with any degree of certainty. Why burden these property owners now. We don't know when, if ever, the City will acquire ownership of the right of way for Appleway or light rail. You can say it will happen because we are planning for it to happen, but ask the County what happened to its long range plan when it was in control. ~ Why not wait until the roadway can be built, and then condemn the property that is needed at that time. Don't devalue a citizen's property prematurely or on speculation. Howard Herman CC-113 . ; , - RUBY STREET MOTORS RECEIVED ~ 9020 E. Sprague Avenue AUG 2 9 2008 Spokane Valley, WA 99212 OEPAA~EEN7 OF 509-327-6229 Office COMfAUNIjY DEVELOPPAENT 509-325-3504 Fax Spokane Valley Planning Commission 11707 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Comments on the Sprague & Appleway Corridors SubArea Plan Members of the Spokane Valley Planning Commissian: What was the community's intent? My understanding, along with the vast majority of people in the Spokane Valley was to build a new City Center and complete the SpragueJAppleway couplet. This alone was the communitv's aspiration! i I was shocked to discover that it also included a Corridor Subarea Plan that is'/a of an inch thickH It also inctudes re-zoning major portions of Sprague and Appleway. T absolutely believe most people in the Valley also don't know this. In fact, Y meet people every day that have no idea of the scope and magnitude of the Subarea Plaa. Parts of the Plan discriminates specifically against used-car sales. Yn the mixed-use area in which we are located, my property would be down-zoned and become a non-conforming business. This will create undue hardships for insurance, mortgage and future use of the PraPertY- I have lived in Spokane for 40 years and Sprague Avenue has always been known as the area to shop for a car. Yt is in my view that no zoning changes need to be implemented, since this is not what the community intended. They wanted a City Center near University and Sprague, not an anti- business, regulatory burdensome plan that drives businesses away_ At the meetings I attended, the overwhelming views of the people also opposed any re-zoning. It seems that we are being sold a bill of goods. The proponents of the plan are looking through rose-colored glasses and refusing to believe that there are consequences to the Plan and that a lot of people will get hurt . Not enough consideration has been given to the negative impacts because those issues such as ~ cost, down-zoning, non-campliance, traffic Gongestion, etc. are just swept under the rug. Respe fvlly submitted Damel Harter Spokane Valley homeowner Spokane Valley business owner ~...i' CC-112~__111 RECEIVED _ August 29, 2008AUG 2 92a ~ DEpARTMENT b~F COMMUNIjY DEYELOPMENT To the Spokane Va11ey City Council: This letter is to reiterate our total opposition to the Sprague/AppJ.eway Revita].a.zation Plan and the proposaY to alter and "choke-down" traffic flow and downzone and restrict hundreds of commercial-type properties in an over 6 mile swath through the entire Valley. Tt will slowly degrade and destroy the core of the Val].ey business and commercial tax base, shzfta.ng the tax burdens more and more to the residential parcels of the City. I cannot imagine that anyone with any economic expertise caoul.d support this unless our destruction is truly the goal of this proposal in order to favor and px'omote the city center area. Discriminatory? And, as the owners of several parcEls of commercial-type properties, cae are totally opposed to this effort which constitutes a"taking" of property without compensation. We fully support true' revitalization, bua.].t by consensus , cahich includes economic incentives, and communication with all of the busa.nesses and property owners affected. We also favor limiting the scope of this $42 million plus unfunded project ; (though we a11 know it will cost much, much more!) to the creation and development of a new city center, limited to a specific geographic location. In conclusion, we would like to state that we are also "future-thinking"----our business investment demands that we change and grow! This is our agenda, and efforts to "paint" us as "anti-incorporation" and "negative, progress-blocking oldtimers, is at best wrong, and at worst, poa.sonous. (Is this how disagreeing citizens and taxpayers are treated?) We ask you once again to reconsider the ramifications of your actions on the community you sErve and the checks you cash. Thank you, i, E1iza eth Grafos Grafos Investment, Inc. 16120 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, <<rA 99037 . ~ Page 1 of 2 ~ . ~ / • • ~ ' CC-111 Heather Morris From: info@polkadotpottery.com Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:49 PM To: Deanna Grififith August 29, 2008 Dear City Gouncil Niemhers, For the past sevreral weeks I have been dealin~ ~vith a verv ill parent. This has kept n~e frc~rn dttcnding yoiv meetings. Iwanted to take this opportunity io eaplain my position and reyuest a response regardin~ the prpposed SATZP. viy husbanci and I oHm the property at 118 S. Pines fZoad. I also operate a business at that lacation; Poll:a Dot Pottery. This letter is directed to you based upon our land ownership. I liave spent much [ime and energy learning abotilt the proposed plan. This process has left me disappointed and diseafranchised wiLh the Spokwe Valley govemtuent. NVhile public testimony has been allowed, there has been no intenction between jovernment and citizens in a publie forum. I realiz.z that yrou xre a new eovernrnent enticy as Spokane Valley isn't that old of a city. I have watched the city of Spokane c4en1 with I.<'tnei Use, "/_oninE, Plann.ivg and other business issues. Mr. Apple and many otliers in Spnkanc have t-ilceu the time to truly understand the issues that come before ibem. They are able to spealc on subjects immediately ai the mcetings, not in private, or by letter. They know what is goine on. By you choosing to not iuteract in public with business ancf land oNwers, . you have caused many to feel you are erying to avoid the tou~h questions. To keep it simple, I havre itemized the cqncecns below. Iwould appreciate a response as I feel that all are valid points. Thank vou. 1. Pines Road is a highway. NVhy would you even consider re•r_oning my property inio Residential. If you want to add the Residential Use to the zoning and let the market place drive demand, fine. 13ut, to dolwl zone, rexone, or what ever you want to call it, is insanc. 2. ?3iere hsve heen dozens of changes macte to the j~rop~osed plan. Throughout this process I ha<<e watchecl Scott Kuh[a bring changes to the plan during deliberation, and the commission okays them. [ rarely saw deliberations thaC resulted in chanees, rather Scott's reeommendations resulting u~ changes, «'ere not diev supposed to detiberate u~ public? 3. Ivir Munson's recent interview on the radio is furiher insult to business owners. So he is able to answer questions af s radio personality directly, but refiises to dral directlv with those that this plan will directly affcct. How is this allowed? 4. Please reconsider the s00pe of tlus plan. Offer incentives to prnperty oNvners. And keep in mind that success i; determined on the market. A beautiful facade doesv't mean people will shop i6ere. If you are intent on spending tax pa}rers money on a city center, then do that. If that u successful; others will fo]low. 5. I have never seen the RFP that you put out before hiring the design firm. I would lil:e to have a copy of that. Please feel free to call me to discuss these concerns. I do believe in beauiification. I have becn complimented many times by people regarding the things that we did to our builcting prior to opening our business. Can the oNvners of U City say the same? Govern.rnent should nevar dictate ~ market conditions. 1klhile I have not personally met any of you, l am confident that as council memUers, you take ctus as seriously as we do. Dest Regards, 9/9f2008 CC-10iR RECEIVED AUG 2 9 2008 $OEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT p.U gU 5t 29, 2008 City Council pldn:zing Commissicn CiCy o£ Spokane Valley 11707 East Spraaue Alre. SpOkc111° Vr1la.eV , WA Re: Pr.oposed ZaTiing Changes Dear City Coun.cil Parsons ?nd P1alining Comrassion: . Thc ienders3.;ned aPpose your Proposed amenaments to the zonii;g regulati.ons o-LE t.hE Ciz>> of Spokane Va116y, ir.clud•ing but not limited to: - 1. One Year noricoriforming use ldmi tata.or.. TherP, shoultl be a•t ' ?e:st a three (3) }'e.3:C. 1iTi1'ltr''..ti.oYI. IL :i.s ?2ot unusual alon; Sprn _ue one w;iy that pro-perties 'remaiii vaeant for 2 ta 3 years ::t one ti.me. • . 2. C3pi building destxoyed by fire your•zoning canilicts with most insurance pola.cies. i.9ast insur;srZCe poizcies caver replacemezit oIL the buildir►g that pre-eaxted the fire. I would suggest that you rend several policies and if yau don't replace -the buildzng vou cnn only recover zctual czsh »azue. actual czsh va].ue caculates a substanti<<1 declticrion for depreca.ation. Your propo.;al a.s not acceptab1e. . Very truty yours, Po:Lar Enterprises, LL~ INSagnoI ia Ei ter a.s& LL.C . . ~ ' o5e}yh p. e1ay, A9anaaer 5426 S. Quai.1 Ridge Circ Spokane, 1VA, 99223. c Property Addresses Afiected: E. 10001 Sprague .Av°nue E. 8121 Sprague ?lvenue E. 8125 Sprague Avenue cc-1c7 G12EATER SPOKA'N~ i VALLEY ~ ~ CHAMBER- OF C O M M B R C E ~ D/jfctrr. Rusjin I la11.1;h:drm.ui of the B1rarJ. r11SC Atchh«:is !h. Pninp audy, ous. August 29, 2008 cnni~ ua, EU~a shm. r•fayor Richard h4unson vrc'aaent a cio. st"dsn_ V.CL-yl'hmctilir an<l Members of the Cicy CUUncil ~irwhAnbm.11`rc,,~ City of 5pokane VaUcy Acdr.-aoniK,g 11707 East Sprague Avenuc Brad F•anE.sm„ay. Spoksne Valley,WA 99206 I'ricg t'ntp;.radon 1i0 ~IC~B, `'i'e M"- IrU Re: $upport for the Sprag4e & Apple«•ay Corridors Subarea I'lan rari .wm:mn, v' ke Ozk, Spd:an-_ Eye Clinir 17ear Mayor and Members of Cit), Couneil: dlwiPnw• I:a,cr~ Pusi f:hair. hd=A Liqpire [kslritt^.iw: [Lur.m Smf[D, Membe. m 1~m. On August 27, 2008, the Board of Directors took action to approve the reconimendation presented by LCi ~~mm, the Chamber's appointect taskforre, basccl on the results of a poll of mcmbers to be concfucted by email. I'tie standard was sct at SS% of inembers ~vho responcled to the poil voting in favor of the ~~ire~ton: recommendation. The poll was elosed at 12:00 noon today with the stfandard being mct. Chs6 Anu>inxv - Vbllc} C1I;+e11 Nihl: l.oe Csma+m-\I?cthvu ParA Hocl The Chainber suppores the plan as an iinporEant step fonNrard to develop SpoE:flne Valley as a vibrant ciry. It ".1`ld `m`"' An is recoUnized that the plan is lone term wtucl~ ~vill requirc attention to specific details [o be determined u~icsa I~rcam H~xnec Maraly Dc~pivs:l:ir,r- tVa~Nngmn Trust as the plan is implemenced. The Cliarnber recommends support for the creation of City Center without ~ Pal.,• caya;i specifyinD the exact location of City Hall or other piiblic bnildings to be pl9ced within City Center. "~5' u"""' The Chamber fvrther recommends the creatioti of Business Imnrovement Districts to facilitxte '"1111C'IA051 e~ Ik:n'Q1CCi & V.IIY{' IA'illlh:at I'I.CIIIti, public/Pfivvate ParenershiPs needed to develoP business centers alonU the corridor and to ive AroA' m ~ na,ry .,,k,a L.eiriie, owvers and business ovvrners greater voice in the development of their respective neighborhood centers. JefmifPr kdmvm - Jcm81nAwn Sate. amu KeukY- iroa inc On behaif of the members of the Board of Directors, I respectfully submit this letter of support_ Dimg Rnmalcll - II_I? Inr Kcvin Ra+lct I °lmJ F"y"rc rjp'c° SinCeeely, ShclDeyRundfam - i'mOiim Ctrp;t% ChurA tiwcl.r - InSu:S Purcr Ml,ighi Anih M• 5l'arkk.l; - Qttc2~Nnic Conr Steve 1'ucbn UnAN <;natlnF~ \tan~:rcturing EIdOIVIFI SFIa\V Fx afjf f;o aircr.lorr, President & C1-"10 iLarry siaai.ii SIX3nnc Re-,. rV8 \tirl: Pcan Immjuiinnrl'I'fzJc ALlinnm n_n nh-Iaa -AuANA K.n krgp ~*,t=e Volk-y vamirm kK wilrz - UCAP. rUr.rimAr•n Sce~e Taylca Ciq af Cr+nftnne Volley N'rndy Von Ommn -CUy u( LiNn; lake ILudel Wrl: - Tvan of klillu•md A1ad Rnl•arJ - Sjnlanct;cmm) lim Nw[n.mniq (,iicaicr SNd--w Incurrxv-.'~1! ~ CL•:TASicvum ' , . .ane b'nllry Bucines>.t vrci:nim 9507 E Sprttgue • Spokans Vxlley, WA 9920f •(509) 924-4994 • Fax(509) 924-4992 ~~~%,\v.spok8nevalle}'chamber.org • info aC,spoS:anevalleychambcr.org Fage 1 of 1 CC-106 Heather Morris From: robert cann2ta [rrcan@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 3:12 PM To: Deanna Griffitfi Subject: Devitalization I voted against incorporation for this very reason: They want to flx what isn't broke. I saw this with the small municipalities around Seattle, Cincinnati and St. Louis. It is the nature of the political beast that it has to do something, especially something that may further their political ambitions. I can understand the self-interest groups such as the Realtors and Builders participation as it is their livelyhood. I suppose the others get involved to make , eventually politics their livetyhood( EG: Nethercutt). Incorporation was all about sraving money not empire building! Robert R. Cannata 10920 E. 35th Ave Spolcane, 4VA 99206 Get thousands of games on your PC, your moblle phone, and the web with Windows0. Game wi[h Windows 9/9/2008 - • - P4ge 1 of 2 . ~ _ . CC-105 . Heather Morris r From: Maggie Cahalan [maggie.cahalan77@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:17 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Sprague-Apple~way Revitalization Written Comment Hello, I would like to submit this comment to be included among the others regarding the Revitalization Plan for the Sprague-Appleway Core. Thank you, Maggie Cahalan In response to the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan: • My involvement with the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan began this past summer when I returned to the Spokane Valley after spending four years in Puliman studying Architecture at Washington State University. I came across the plan when searching the City of Spokane Valley , website, sent an email to Scott Kuhta telling him I was interested in learning more, and he instantly responded inviting me to stop by City Hall so that he could explain the plan to me personalty. I was definitely impressed by his level of commitment and the confidence he had in the proposed revitalization. My interest and concentration in architecture lies with sustainable design practices. Niore than any other form of design, careful urban planning is essential to making a difference in globalized sustainability. With this plan, the Spokane Valley has the chance to be at the forefront of such a movement. A centralized, pedestrian-friendly core is exactly what needs to be in place in order to form a community that can sustain itself, and that is what is ultimately being proposed by Kuhta and the rest of the planning staff. I attended the public hearing discussing the couplet and I couldn't believe the negativity in that room. The entire point of this project is to create a livable community at the forefront of ecologically friendly urban design, a type of design which does not give preference to vehicles. The point of such a design is to make it less convenient for people to use cars when compared to other forms of transportation. Furthermore, is not the point of this revitalization to create a self-sustaining city of Spokane Valley? Why then are we concerning ourselves with easy access to Downtown? As designers it is their goal to keep people in the Valley, to provide them with employment, entertainment, and basic needs. In twenty years, this will not be a choice for my generation. V'Ve will be mandated to make these changes at expenses much higher than if the decisions are made today. If there is no answer found in ~ the present, then regulations will be placed on us regardless of what we want as a community. These changes are exactly what the people of my generation are looking for. We want forward thinkers that consider us in their decisions. Many young adults today may not be land-owners, but that day is 9/9/2008 ~ ~ Fage 2 of 2 coming soon and as of now, very few have a desire to live in a place that is afraid of taking a stance against our current environmental situation. The detrimental effects of leaving things the way they are i will not be seen by many of the people who oppose this plan based on reasons of convenience, but they will be seen by me, and convenience at that point will no longer factor as a choice. It is here that the decision the council must make lies. They have to decide whether or not they are going to initiate the strategy for change or wait until it becomes a matter of responsive tactics. I want to conclude by thanking Scott Kuhta for making an effort to personally involve me in this process. I think it is great that they community has the chance to voice their opinion and that the council is taking the time to consider them. It is because of these leaders that I remain confident in the future of the Spokane Valley. Thank you, Maggie Cahalan 9/9/2008 Pate 1 of 3 ' c/ . ~ c:.c_103 Heather Morris From: Janice Austin [greenacresJan@hotmail.comJ Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 3:36 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Re: SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan Spokane Valley City Council CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Dear Mayor and Niembers of the City Council, The basic premise for incorporating this new city was that it would be founded on the wishes of the people, that we would have 'local control.' I attended the first neighborhood focus group meeti ngs,where citizens with no particu/ar agenda or politica/ alliance to other members in fhegroup, were asked to list the issues that were most important to them. They were given a list, I recall, of possible items to rank. Amongst them was 'a City Center.' Results of group rankings were tallied by placing a colored adhesive dot on the large paper sheet provided, all groups' results taped along the wall adjacent to each other for everyone to see. Not a single group put City Center as the most important. In fact, it rarely got votes, period. Surveys and comments that address the comment/question: 'Do you feel that Spofcane Valley lacks an identity?' somehow became magically translated to mean "We want a magnificent City Center, above all!" Yes, we should have centralized, easily accessible city government. The current location serves that purpose admirably. (Is annual property rent rea//ytaxpayer money poorly spent, considering upkeep, building expenses of 'new', etc??? For a small business owner, it makes sense to own. Nothing I've seen tells me that this City is being operated as a prudent small business owner would! ) People were given a list of 'preferred choices' (all, curiously, along Sprague Avenue). Interestingly, there was no mention of Center Point, which the City already owns, and which already functions as a facility that serves multiple community groups and has easy accessibility and which is not dumped down in the middle of a commercial area, although almost immediately accessible to the Valley Mall, by direct roads already in place and not in need of upgrading! This location should be a no-brainer for the City government buildings (a.k.a. City Center). The City already pulled out all stops to bow to the development of the Valley Mall, which contributed mightily to the decline of what remained of viable businesses along Sprague Avenue, afrer the City did their best to put people out of business with the changing of westbound Sprague to one-way and creating the dead-ending 'Appleway couplet'(what did all that cost?). Personally, I hate the one-way Sprague, but to even contemplate switching it back after all that is unconscionable! 9/9/2008 ~ Page 2 Of 3 . Who in their right mind could think that people want to have a meeting place centered around their government buildings must live in a delusional world. No one's going to say, "I'll meet ~ you at City Hall, then we'll go over to such-and-such for espresso, shopping or whatever". We certainly don't need to be reminded how much a part of our lives, like it or not, our government has become! And certainly not in this manner. If anything, I would think locating City Hall adjacent to pleasant shops/eating places/green spaces would be a gigantic deterrent to heading there. However, if located at Center Place, they might say, "I have to run over to City Hall, then I'll meet you at the (Valley)Mall." In overview of these "visionaries' " view of the Revitalization Plan, this is merely a return to the 50's! The very thing that previously 'wasn't good enough' and all the Big Boxes, etc. along Sprague were supposed to 'cure and modernize'! With our air quality problems (air inversions will be with us, no matter how aggressive the exhaust emissions programs get. More traffic = more pollution. No way to 'spin' that!) They must also know of a new breed of people coming into the Valley who will purposely want to live directly along a pollution-generating corridor, willingly, that is. Is this to be your "affordable housing" quota? The wonderful, expensive artist's renderings of tree-lined streets and all these spiffy buildings is a glorious pipedream. However, if we wanted to live in Seattle/Portland or wherever else it is that planners are picking up these grandiose ideas, we would be living there! Stop the hemorrhage of funds for this and your destructive down zoning, split zonings, limitations on upgrading and/or improving business owners' properties! It seems our City officials have rapidly lost siight of the demographics of the citizens, the struggle so many with familiie sare already having (and what about seniors on fixed incomes?), without the upcoming expenses of winter heating and food and other utilities. The citizens don't have the option of just throwing on a tax (unrelated to purpose even!) to cover not having made allowances for unforeseen contingencies (ex: utility tax tied to roads! Outrageous!!) Furthermore, quickly our elected officials seem to have shifted over into believing it all comes from a Money Tree---not out of the pockets and on the backs of each and every citizen in the Valley, whether they can afford it or not. In reading through the short versions ofthis Revitalization Plan that are available via city website, it speaksof being unfunded as well as years and years to implement. So what is the rush to rezone anything now? You should be concentrating your efforts on locating your City Hall ata practical location and let the rest keep until such a time as thecity itself and the economy all over has picked up and pulled itselftogether! You'd go a long ways to 'revitalize' Sprague by giving business owners a tax incentive to plant trees. We'd all be appreciative.. and happy about both the means and the results = a vast improvement! I've read quite a number of the submitted comments and there seem to be quite a few who are saying much the same thing on a lot of what I've covered here. i Please listen to your constituents, as you promised when elected. ]anice Austin 9/9/2008 ( 't Page 3 of 3 t0 3 ~J , - , (formerfy) Greenacres (now addressed as Spokane Valley) , 926-8140 Talk to your Yahoo! Friends via Windows Llve Messenger. Find Out Hotiv 91912008 ~ . Page 1 of 1 CC-102 Heather Morris ~ From: Gary Austin (mobilecorral@sisna.com) Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:57 PM To: Deanna Grifftth Cc: Gary Austin Subject: Revitalization Plan Dear City Council. I am against a re zone for a 6 mile city cenfer. The logical place for a city cenier is Center Point. It has a YMCA, walking trails and parks close by plus the senior center is therz. It looks like the grouth is going toward the north side of the freeway between Sullivan and Pines. If you do elect to have the center at University City then I suggest that only that portion of the center be re zoned and do everything In Phases. Once the City center has or is close to being completed then go to the next phase of the plan but do not do a complete zone change for the whole project. Gary R Austin 15906 E Sprague Veradale Wa i , 9/9/2008 CG-R5 v .Attgust 28, 2008 To: City of Spokane Valley - Deanna Gri .ffit}1 Re: Sprague Aventie-Appleway CoupleUSubarea lZezoaing Plan Dear Ivls. Griff'ith: Avista owns approximately 3.68 acres of land situated about midway belween Farr R_oad ajid University, and between the Applecvay Couplet and 40h Avcnue. This property, originally intended for a substation site, had been declared surplus and readied for disposal. During the aourse of marketing our property for sale, it eame to our attention that the COSV had ~ changed the zoning to Cr (commuiliry Facility) which was inconsistent with the zoning for the ncighboring properties. \~~e were not aware of this chaiige and this particular zoning impe_ded our ability to negntiate a salc. \iow, under the Spraaue-Appleway subarea plan, Avista's property has been divided into two different zonin~ classifications - one portion Cit~., Center vid the other Resiclential Boulevard - with proposed access restriations to Appleway. Again, lhis scenario restricts our ability to effectivcly market our prnperCy. Elvista respectfully requests that our property consisting oPapproximately 3.68 acres be zoned as one parcel undcr the City Center classification. Further, we do not supporC any restrictions to access Applewav from the properties adjoining on the South and feel tllis fiirther impedcs development of this propervy. Thank you. Ted Baker Real Estate Representative Avista Corporation Real Estate .Dept. MSC-25 P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, NVA 99220-3727 1 RECEIVED CC-92 ~ AUG 2 8 zOQ$ August 28, 2008 SPOKANE VA4LEY DEPARTAIENT OF • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: SPOKANE Vr1T..T.EY COUNCIL; ' We own property in AIJTO ROW. E 8014 Sprague Ave, now rented to Grizzly Glass Inc. We operated a Firestone Store there for 25 years. After we sold the business, we became a landlord For thc last 18 years. We are 77 and 78 and this is our entire incomc, so to limit us to NO USED CAR LOTS (we have rented to useci car lats two times) would limit our lea.sees. This property has never been vacant in 18 years of rentinD. (except 2 montlis when Sprague was under construction. At this time in our life we do not have funds for remadeling. Please consider r the retired people that awn property on Sprague, The meager profit we earn is used for livinb expenses. This progerty was our savings plan for retirement. We're too old ta find gainful employment. Yes, the center for Spokane Valley City has to revitalized, as this center was developed 40 years abo, and in another 40 years Sullivan area will be trashed and then where do the businesses and people go up 1vlica 1'eak and on and an and trash as they go. Times bave changed very few can afford cars and live on ac;reage. Too Uad but that is the way it is. There is way to do this, it will take time and thought until everyone comes together. My first meeting was 8/26 see you on on 9/2l08. Henry and Evelyn HaLseth ' 3715 S Loretta Rd ~ ; Page 1 of 1 . CC-85 ~ Heather Morris From: HEADNiANfV@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:40 AM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: (no subject) I WOULD LIKE TO VOICE MY DISAPPROVAL OF THE WHOLE SUBAREA PLAN. AS SPOKANE VALLEY INDEPENDENT USED CAR DEALER AND RESIDENT ! WHY ARE SO MANY BUSINESS PEOPLE AGAINST THIS PLAN ? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T HELP US. AS A MATTER OF FACT , ITS WASTE TAXPAYERS MONEY AND WILL FARTHER ORIVE BUSINESSES OUT OF BUSINESS . WHY IS THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS NOT LISTEN TO TNE PEOPLE, WHY THE HARD STAND ? WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO GAIN ? NO TO LOWERING PROPERTY VALUES, NO TO CHANGING SPRAGUE AVE. BACK TO A TWO WAY, NO TO THE SWEET HEART DEAL WITH THE AUTO ROW NEW CAR DEALERS ! THERE NEEDS TO BE A PUSLIC VOTE ON THIS PLAN. SINCERELY WILLIAM HEAD. OWNER OF HEADS UP AUTO SALES. IYs only a deal if iYs where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. I 9/9/2008 _ _ . _ . . . . . CC-84 ■o ' DOUGLASS P 0. O P E R T 1 fi S August 27; 2008 City of Spokane Valley City Council 11707 Cast Sprague Spokanc Valley, NVA , City of SE►t)k:ine Valley Planning l)ivision 11707 Cast Spraeue Spokanc Valley, WA Fax: 921.4008 i7ear Members of ihe City Coiuicil & 1Vlembeis of the Planning Division: ~ Plcase be advised that T am the owner of 17 parcels of commercial real estate in ihe City co of Spokane Valley, `VA. ~ ~ 1"he undersigned hereby appose any wid all zone changes npw being proposcd by the City 0 of Spokatie Valley pertaining to East Spraguc Avenue. ~ I have eonsulted with my attorney and it lvs opinion that this downzonitig N,%zll o substantially decrease the uiarket value of my commercial propcrtics. ~ N ~ Should the City of Spok~uie Valley do~vnzone any of my properties 1 intend to bring lEgal ~ action to challenge Nveather or nol lhe downzoning constitutes tAl:ing of private pr.nperty , e. ° without compeiisation. o If you nccd aiiy fiarther inforniation plEase do not hesitate to contact me. C) . m ~ Very sincerely, m ~ ,t Y O L ~ - ~ Har au D. Aouglsss , iViaxinc U. ncauglass > a ~ a 0 m cc: Ioseph Y. lletay ~ GOl West Main, Suite 1212 u' Spokane, `VA 99201-0684 f www.spokane-rentals.corr► ~ .Page 1 of 3 CC-78 ~ Heather Morris From: Kathy McClung Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 8:46 AM To: Deanna Griffith Cc: Deanna Griffith Subject: FW: Planning Commission Agenda 8-28-08 Attachments: image003.jpg; ATT37096.htm; Deanna Griffikh (dgriffith@spokanevalley.org).vcf; ATT37098. htm Please add 4o commenfs. From: Dave Paperd [mailto:dppaperd@mac.com] Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 9:32 AM To: Kathy McClung; Scott Kuhta Cc: Shaun Wi Meeds Subject: Fwd: Planning Commission Agenda 8-28-08 Kathy, Shaun's comrnents below renect the attitude that I hear from brokers, developers, and awmers. N'Jhen I looked at the plan, I felt that the city was taking a lot of the rights of ownership. I felt that it was going to cost a fortune to develop & re-develop properties. (huge rent increases!) I also . felt that as a result many property olvners would not do it. That you were going to get a lot of ovvner resistance and a lot of run ciown buildings. That if you were lucky it would get done in 30 ycars. Then when I found out it was goin„ to cosi $40??? (my mind balks at that number, but even $4 nullion seems too much) million to redevelop the road system. I could not imaginc gouie any further ,~Nhch the transportation part, particiilarly since (you will not be able to get it paid for; ewer!) the way it works and Nvill work w-hen done fi.uinels a huge amount of traffie parallel to the freeways. 1t makes sensc. The business commtulity lost its anchor when the regional mall mnved north of the freeway. That caused a natural inovement by all subsequcnt retailers to that area. Thc buildings along Sprague will now re-fill through timc Nvith ciestination tenants. The city of Spokane Valley developed as a number of major arterial's, and was never planned to be a city with a cute central core. The idea of limitine uses along the car dealer corridor what is that? I know from expcrience that you can get yotirself a11 excited about some use for property, and it vvill never materialize. . Furthcr Iwonder where ttiis iciea of havine the buildings jammed up agauist flie road came from. They are not necessarily attractive like that. We have a ncw `Valgreen's in Libcrty Lake. The planning departnient did that as well. Now we have a huge wall alorig our view. Considering the rcnt resistance I am aware of from prospective tenants, I am glad that I do not own land in the valley; that I do not have to dcvelop property i_n the Va11Ep. ' Lzissez-faire (pronunciation: French, [I€seftg] ; Fnglish, ,leisei'fE3r ) is a French phrase literally meaningLet do ("allow to do"). From the French dictum first used by the eighteenth century physiocrats as an injunction aeainst governnient interfErence Aith trade, it became uscd as a 9/9/2008 PaLe 2 of 3 cconomic ideoloQy wluch advocates m.in.imal state intervention on the economy. Many writers suggest that laissez-faire capitalism never existed.[2][3] It is generally i understood to be a doctruie that maintai.ns [hat private initiative and production are best allowed a minimal of e.conomic interveniionism and taxation by the state beyond what is nece,ssary to inaintain individual liberty, peace, security, and property rights.[4] Z)aae ;VC;&'Md dPpaperd cr mar.rom The Green Ridge Fund, inc. Vice President, Designnted Brnt:er Cell # 549-879-6789 Office k 509 255-6638 Begin forwarded message: From: Shaun M Ib9eeds <smeedsQptud.entialcrQs_sp4kane.com> Date: August 22, 2008 6:43:45 PM PDT , To: dpRaperd@m_ac c4r,~ Subject: FW: Planning Commission Agonda 6-28-08 This plan is a disaster for thc Valley Businesses aud Real Estate in general. I would encourage everyrone to send in comments! Shaun M Meeds Principal Broker Prudentiai CRES Commercial Rea) Estate Voice 509-216-0931 Fax 509-277-2118 From: Deanna Griffitfi [mailtodgriffith@spokanevalley.org] Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 1:48 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Planning Commission Agenda 8-28-08 . There is nothing on the Planning Commission agenda for the regular meeting date of August 28, 2008. Consequently the meeting has been cancelled. Note on the S ra ue Ap~leway Revitalization Plan: The City Council has determined it will accept written comment regarding the Plan until August 29, at 5:00 p.m. Please send all comment to dgriffith@spokanevalley.org or by mail to the address below. All comments received by close of business on 8-29-08 regarding any aspect of the Plan will be entered into the official record and forwarded to the City Council. All comments are currently being posted to the City's website and can be viewed here. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, 9/9/2008 CC-76 ~ nIr.rcl3AEL J. DELav, P.s. • A'ITORNEY AT LAW PEYTON L;UILI)IIdG 10 NOR'Mi P037", V301 S PO}:AN@, WASt[L'JGTON 99201 R E C E I V E D Te,lepbone 509-624-3300 Facsimile :UM24•3473 auc 2 5 2Ms August 21, 200$ EPAR DTAlENTL F COMMUNITY nEVEL~PMENT Plaunule Commission Cit>> of Spokaiie Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave.; Sic. 106 SPolcanc Valley, WA 99206 Re: Down %oning of: 8125 L. Sprague Avc. 8123 F. Spi-ague Ave.. Spokane Valle_y, WA 99212 Dear Vlembcrs of the SpokaiYe Valley T'lanning Comiuissioil_ I spoke at the hearing before the City of Spnkane Valley on Tuesday evelung, August 19, 2005. ~ 'I'hank you for allowi.ng me to address my concerns as a resident of the city nE Spolcane Valley. I am in support of a city center f.or the Spolcane Valley. 'Che former University Cily shopping center seerns a viable candidaic aid if built with the support oE the coinmunicy, which I do support, it Mll be 'ai ~►-eat assct to dle city.. t1s for tlle prdposccl rLiles and regulations concerning zorung, diei-e w-e inany issues ro bc addresseci. Cciltral to the prqposcd zonina is the clowii zoivng that occuis undei• the proposed rules ancl regulations. Wheil I spoke `I'ue.sday even.i.ng, 1 rnentioneci thcre are mariy ways fo achieve mixed-use dcvelopntent, green Uuild'ui- practices, and otlier desired zoninb results. Some ot the ideas I suggested are to entice the property owners with temporary ta;x relief for converting existing buildings aid structw-es to the uses desired. Additional e.nticemcnts, ilot limiced to tax incentives; is co be flExible on the required nnmber of pm•Icing stAs required of the property o«mer wfien det-elupin; hi'5 propErty for the desii-e.d Pili~Pos4J. The.;-e are rnviy ways for the Cihy to ac.h;eye t1,~ desircd result lh.rough cnticeiilents to the propei-ty oxvier that allow the Ciry to avoid eXPpsLu-e to tlie propErt), oNvners 1'or daniages tliat occur c}u•ougti clown ioning of their property tuider the proposc.d ZOill11b. Under tie purposeci zoiung the propertiy refcrenced above wi11 be substailtially affccted by limiting the usc of the properly. This lias a negative affect ou t1ie value of the property. This ]ciiid of loss 1o a prnpe.rty owner frocn unreasonable zoiuiig result.s in vacancies and neglect of the propcirties. This is evident in the City; today, due io the chatlge from lwo-way to one-way clirection of Sprague Ave. i Busincsscs have hact io either sliut dnwn 4r reduce the space they occupy. This clicl occur at our Planning Commiti;ion ~ City of Sp»lcane Valley August 21, 2008 C'-;. 2 . lvc•ation, S 125 E. Sprague Ave., where Pizi,,:i Hut had obtainecl a rent reduckion for tlie decline in business and tliereafter still closcd thei_c doors two montlis aa(). Very [nt y y l~rs N[ichael J. e ay jhlat[ymis0PolarEnfU3:ih \'FryC Inicrimiional.itrl.doc i 0 - Page 1 of 1 ~ CC-73 Heather Morris , From: Susanne Phipps (sphipps409@earthlink.net] Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 10:38 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: revitalization plan. first of all, I definately oppose a return to the two vray streets, a deliberate move #o slow the traffic is insane!! we don't need a city center placed in an area where efficient traffic flow is important! Our econorny is ureGk right now and spending one penny on undoing our one-Nvay streets is irresponsble. For that matter, even considering building a city hall in the near future is mind blowing! we need community leaders who work for the citizens. I don't feel that you're doing this! please don't "decide' urhaYs best for us, then shove it down our fhroats. $I(1G°f@ly, a citizen of spokane valley s. j. phipps 518 s. hawe rd, spokane valley, wa 99212-0381 i i 9/9/2005 I'age 1 of ] , CC-70 ~ Heather Morris From: mndamascus@comcast.net Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:50 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Opposition to Revitalization Plan Mr. tilayor and City Council Nlembers: 1'Je are Valley residents and taxpayers who are adamantly ogposed to the reviYali'r,ation plan as presently conceived for numerous reasons, som$ of which we will list below: L The plan will downzone certain prorierties, robbing owners of their commercial value. Many businesses will become nonconforming, affecting insurance, leases, and ovcrall value. 2. The plan will impose restrictive and expensive architectural standards and zoning regulations that severel}' limit expFUision and remodeling plans. 3. The plan is bascd on many unl:nowns and assumptions. 4. The plan will limit signage ancl the ability of businesses to adequately advertise 5. The plFUi will put our Sprague/Appleway corridor businesses at a HUGE disadvantage as they trv to eompcte with the Valle}' Nlall and businesses 11ong north-south arterials (Sullivan, Argonne, etc.) 6. The pla.n will result in higher property taxes for residents. `Ve, too, want aii aestlietieally-pleasing c•ity. We want aiiice hub at University City. But stop there! See how it goes. DO NOT encumber properfies up and doNvm the Corridor for 6 miles in order to limit competition from i these businesses. This is unfair to the business owners who pay a variety taxes (property, B c4c O, etc.) and wfio will be adversely affected financially. Gan cve afford to lose the revenue and hurt people in these tough economic times? Who will make ul) the tax revenues we lose from the businesses? We have no Nficrosoft or i3oeing. Don'i feel pressured by your consultants to go with this plan because yo« have spcnt a lot ($750,000?) in this fact- finding phase. Take your time. Move cautiously--step-by-step. Start with the City Center, and thoughtfully proceed. Our preference would be tn put this plan to a vote b}' the citizenry who pay taxes and live flnd work ilere. T.n other words, those who will be directly impacted by this plan. Wheo the people have spoken, you will be able to proceed with a clear maiidlte. Ynu will have the backing of the community. Don't rush this thing through--it needs to be examuied by your constihients--many of whom do not even know wliat is happening. lbtost of us have just found out. «'e believe you have the best interests of your citizens in mind and will not betray the trust they have put in your leadership. We're counting on you. T}lank you. Sincerel}', \Ticholas and Mary Damaseus 11121 East 48th Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 l 9/9l2008 Page 1 of 1 CC-68 ~ Heather Morris From: dwnanok@cs.com Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 9:46 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: S,pragruelAppleway Revitalization Plan After attending the council meetings on the Revitalization Plan it should be obvious that parts of the plan are flawed and parts are very unpopular. The proposed zoning along the corridor is rediculous and uniair as pointed out by a number of businesses.lt should be completly redone, or better yet, left as it is, Changing Sprague and Appleway to two vday streets is not favored by either the public or the majority of the business invlolved. If the intent is to attract big stores that is a pipe dream. Costco, Home Depot, Lawes and Sams Club are not going to move nor are the stores in the Valley Mall and on Bro2day East of Sullivan. Building a City Center Gt U City and extending Appleway beyound University does not seem to be opposed by the people. You had an open meeting, norv listen to the people. David W. Orahood 10620 E. Cimmaron Dr. Spokane Valley WA. 99206=8611 9/9/2008 Pagc 1 of 1 CC-67 ~ Heather Morris From: sherri judd [loopjet@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 10:36 PNv To: Deanna Griffith Subject: city revitalization plan I just evanted to add iny comments t4 the council so that my voice ean be hcard. I have been following the revitalir.ation plan for a lone time now, and acn excited to see our city doing somethuin proactive to both plan for futiure grawth and to unprove the quality of lifc for its citizens. Every great city must create civic places for people to go and meet to ;etlier, the plan as it has been outluied 'ni each of the bnoks does this for thc most part, althaugh I think there should be more public spacES such as plazas and foluitains and par.ks for Spokane Valley residents to visit. Trcc lined streets and improve.d aesthEtics can only attract new businesses, and create pridE in the city in w1i_ich we live. I have been disappo'vnted by the comments of those who thinlc it should all just be left alone. Suice Spok.ane Valley is going to grow anyway, a failure to plau isn't a plan. Peoplc wairt to feel good about where they live because it has a city government that pays attentinn to how the commtuuty looks aiid f.eels. INvould likc to see iucer signs welcoming people to the city sucll as thbse that Post Fa.lls is creatina - ones that show communit), pride. I would alsh like to see somc freeway improvemenes such as plantings along the lenglh of I-90 through Spokanc Valley. Driving []trough Olympia, there are beautiful trees and plantings, and these Nvould help Spokane Vallcy seeui uivitinj and not just an aftcr thought of the city of Spokane which we are not. I applaud the city council for it's work and choices in planninE thus far. Please t'ollow through NNrith ihe creation of a downrto~~-m and the SpragueJAppleyway revitalization plan. Thank you. i Sincerely, Sherri Judd 1 9/9/2008 ~ ~ ' • CC-65 i To: The City Cowlcil of Spokane Valley, WA My name is Ginger Collins. The City of Spokane Valley is where I live and something dishirbing is happening at home. City Planners arc prohosina a eevitalization project diat has niven risc to much disapproval. Alarmed citizens are speal:ing out against a niunber of the proposed plan's key points at City Council Meetings. I have an opinion for cQnsideration. I'm not a city business o«mer. 1 don't pay my way in khis world with profits from a family o-\vncd business I've worked 30 plus years to grow. And much to my personal embarrassment, I hadn't known until quite recently that business families-as well as those like mine who are sustained by monies e3rned by other means-were about to be neoatively impacted b}r wi imprudently designed revitalization modcl. T'm «rorking on t11is but I'm late getting started. 1 should have k.no-smi «fiat's going on at bome. , What I've le3rned, so far is that our City Caiuicil has not only committed us to a whoppinL $500,000 for a revitalization plan, but has set an expectation in motion assuming we will also pay the cost for bringing that plan to eompletion. VVow. That must be some stellar plan of achievement for one half of one million dollars! A memo you've distributed outlines a<<ague part of ihat plan and, frankly, it reads as thoug}I it could have been produccd by a callege freslunan for a Craction of t11e cost and, perhaps, an even better chance of realizalion. "1'hc Revitalizatiou Plfui seems inherently problemfltic from the beginning. But, surely homework has been done. Surely keystone retailers are lined up and lacked down for choice properties. Surely the City already owns key real estates for beginning construction. Surely we're set to htre gargantuan portions of the consumer dollar a-svay from the Valley vlall. Truly, I don't believe it has, tliey are; we do or we can. In fact, we've no assurances, and less of aghost of any chance, of pulling offtllis magic show. ti 7,, , ~ 1'm still trying to make sense of this curiosity, so let me get this straight. By way of analogy, f Spohane Valley residetits now have a huge, gaping hole in the wall of their "living room." '1 hey - are paying a huge sum to have it gouged. A majority of residents disapprove ofi much thai this hole represents-if the voices speaking Aut against it prove its undesirability. Resiclents further believe it was a hasty and irresponsible approach to remodeling in the first plaee, gnd they say that's not half of it. Not nnlv are gob-smacked taxpayers being told to sivallow a bulging mouthful of existing expense, they are also being fbrce-fed an equally unpleasant and astronomically expensive bitter future of "revitalization" and there are no coiitractprs or builders on board to get khat job done! Well, that's A fine mess. What reasoirable homeowner manages affairs in such a Pashion? Analogies aside, I widerstand that our proud goal is a City Center of which we may all be proud and directly or indirectly prosper, but at what cost and at whosc expense? Must we gain on the backs of retailers who helped build what we eurrently have? How can we justi.f~, reclassifying them as "non-conformin~" busiiiesses and penalizing them for being proper shops? That smacks rudely and unconscionably of avaricE and apathy. Is that who we are? Is that how we want to be defined? Oh; yes. 7'hat will certainly attract traclers to our markctplacc. ~ E111 due respect, I believe it is your dury to lead dhis community «rith the steady hands of responsible stewardship, as opposcd to tlrivirrg it without your hands on the wheel! I'm clearly feeling the push of a lacomotiv-e at my back and a long, dark and unending tunnel consumes my view. Ways exist to Nvork through difficulties. Lct's approve a design thst fnirly meets the needs of all eoncemed. That's my expectation of aonflict resolution and of you. That's good govenn.nient. And, khat's my opinion. ' Ginger Collins 13906 E 23`a Ave SpokanE Vallcy, WA 99037-9329 509-928-5082 Note: Reduced version sent to the Spakesman-Revicw Editor , Page 1 of 1 CC-62 ~ Heather Morris From: Paul Allison [pja2go@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:51 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Zone changes/ restrictions As I drove down Sprgue today I taok particular note of buildings that were built nght up to the property line and those that were set back, often with parlcing in front. I prefer the appearance when they are set back. Paul Allison 11315 E 44 th Spokane Valley, WA ~ . I 9/9/2008 ~ ~ HECEIVED August 18, 2008 AUG 2 1 2008 CC-60 To the Spokane Valley City Council and Mayor Munson, City of Spokane Valley I feel there are many flaws in the proposed Sprague-Appleway revitalization plan. Number one it has been estimated that the proposed project will cost around $41, 000,000. Considering the economic crunch we are all in, the idea of funding . such a project when we can't even pass a school bond seems impossible. Having talked to the people organizing Friends of the Spokane Valley, I have been made aware that little regard is being given to existing property owners who have been the backbone of the valley for many years. I am in favor of trying to beautrfy and, rebuild the old University City area but the total plan should be put to a vote of the people. While council members are elected to govern our city, it is the popular vote of those people they represent, that should be required for a project of these proportions. Sincerely, Barbara W. Schmedding ~ i , . 0 ~ Spc►kane VaI1e Revitalization P1an ~ ~ ~ , Christopher B Polito CC-59 1313 South Mica Park }7rive Spokane Valley, WA 99206 - Concept (Dvivntnwn Plan Nice) It is wronder.ful to see activc interest in a Spokane Valley Revitalization I'lari. Happy to see the old University City Mall area selecteci as the location. It is an area that neecis an economic boost aad is centrally Iocated. ---'1"he artistic vision of what this new City Center would look like is inspiring. In fact my family would even be interested in residential property within this new downtovvn given that it is realistically priced. - IZoads (Please Lec,ve tlzem as is) It has been indicated in the report that travcl time fi-oin Argnnne to 1-90 via Spraguc would only ulcrease by 2'/7 minutes by making each riwo ways vs, the current one ways. However, as one who drives this route daily from ilome this "0iNI.Y" is 72% increasc over the current 3%z minute travel timc. We see it as un.realistic to think that by chan,ging the traffic on Appleway and Sprague from these wonderfully efficient one ways to cwo ways will makc business and houses simply spring up along its route. Qver time this land WIL:I. develop, but wc need to be fncuseci on the Revitalization of the Spoka.ne ` Valley itself anci the best ways our tax dollars can be invested to start. rhe problem here is not Sprague and Appleway being one ways, but sunple lack of destination. For example: Even with today's ga.s prices; my pareuts on a routine basis vv711 travel from Soutli of Spokane to Coeur D'Alene simply to have dinner at -Red Lobster. My family will drivc froni Dishman to the Valley Mall and Sullivan stores due to the fact that is where the stores we shop are at. A.n example of current success within the discussed corridor as mentioned in the last meeting the new restaurant "Cottage Cafe" on Appleway. It has an attractive designed and is packed when npen. - Zaning Why is the City trying fo micro-manage miles Qf zoning prior to the ncw dow~-itown being developcd? Could not nne ar two niiles around the new city center be addressed first for zoning? "I`hen, as the downtown grows readdress the zoning outside of that area at a later time of'as requested. - Suggestiuns (S) If you have Federal/State funding xud authorization for the expansion of Appleway, please espand it as a one way all the way to Liberty Lri}:e if you can Bring in the light rail As a city... instead of spending our tax dollars to change a worl:ine mxdway we havc already paid for, pleaSe provide the basic builciing blpcks for our new City Revitaliaation Plan by iiivestina the money carmarked for the Sprague . ~ ~ f and Appleway rcdesign to proviae major city csntcr infiusri-Licture(s) lo draw the people and businesses to tlie area. How about expanding bike paths North and South that convcrge into the new City Center wlule atso having access to link into the Centennial Trail? Finally, provide economic: incentives to cYisting owners wikhin lhis corridor to revitalize tfieir eYisting properties to work towards new constructian codes. Exampdeti for City Center Infrastructtire(s) Park Convcntion Center (Perhaps revamp the old Nome Base) Vtovie Cinema Acapular Family Style L7ining (Recl Lohstcr, I'rospector'slFtusty Vioose,1`wigs) Stadium Parl:ingl i See ...Redmond City Ccnter id=64n http://,,v,%"v.vi-seattle.com/pag~gs/browse.l)llp?cat a CC-56 / KEARNS PROPERTIES, LLC Augusc 20, 2008 Cicy of Spokane ValEey RECEIVED Ciry Council 11707 Fast Spr•iguG.Ave., Suit:e 106 AUG 2 1 2008 Spokane Valley, Wi1 99206 Re: Pioposcd Sprague/Appleway lte.vitalization Plan City of Spokane Valley Dear. Str. Or lk[adam: I own two self storage propcrtics ui che Cicv of SpoRane Valley. Valley Self Storage is locatecl neir. Universiry Ciry, which is «it#iin the core ar.ea, ancl Valley FaSC SCif Scor.age is on Appleway just outside the easfern bound:uy oE the planncd revitalizadon arca. 1 am concerned about sevc;ral aspects oF the plan char. I believe will have adverse eCfects on btuincsses within dic cit}'. First, taxes ol>viousiy are going to have to bC incrcased substantially u1 ordcr to fund the irnprovements plinned, i\4any busmesses along Sprague, as the plan indicaCes, :;re struggling npu; ary[l am incrcasc ui pioperty raxes will prqbably For.cP sorree, to eicher relocate or go out of businGSS. '1'hat will not have a positive :+Efect on the city. Annther huge pocential cost is the reqi2irement t:hac landowners will only be able tn invcst up to 15 l Percetu of the property's assessed -aluc isi renovatuig r.heir Properry or they wil] have to bring theu . btuldings up to the sra»dards ciesexibed in the plan. Tlvs will be an insurmountable bucde» for. tnosc L1ndo,wneis, who will chaqse noG t:o renovate thrir builclings. Nlo nne will want to incur c}ie espense of :adc~ixIg Unto tl~eii buildings u1 ordei to cnove t:hem cl~~seK to the str.eet right-oE tvav Addicionally, che costs associaGed wir.}i CFie irnproveineat oE the roads ui front of their properties will :tlso be earaordinarily cxpensicc. 7'lvs burden will be inereasetl by the demand that the laadowners create landscaped arens and plar►r. t:rees that theti, w-ill havc. to maintain. Landowners with more than Eour actcs, and potentiallF others as well, will also be responsible for giving up a poraon of cheir land and buildi«g icit;erior r.oads t1inC mecC city standards. Think about the casc of adher.ing to CE►is recluucment. Tlus also raises 1n issue of cpndemrlaCion Ivitliout compensauon; which needs ro be looked at more closely. "1'his conccm holds true also foe ptoUerry owners along the praposed Applevvay corridoi, as r.hey will exper.ience a dowruoning Erom cAmmrrcial to residenqal under tllc plan. The whole concept oF a centzal corc, vibrant 'With pcdcstriao activity and alive mirli civic funetions is acz unrealistac dream, in m}* estimation. The Ciry of Spokatie Valley is riot San Fr.aocisco or Scatdc. - 7"here ale no atuactions downtc,wn [o ciraw reople in. San Fr.incisco and Seattle have wareKfront locauons anci many tqurist: aetraetions that act as magizcrs chat draw people into visit.ing the tore areas. Ver.y Eew people, in my esrimarion, arc going co want to visit dowmcown Spok;►ne Valley, cven if it has a nea, city ceiiter. I also don't believe anpone woutd vr,►nt eo live on the second lcvcl oE a building lncated on Sprague A<<enue. "1 hc single EarniljT homes shown in die plan appear to bc brick mansions located along a Cr.ee- Iined boulevard. It i: apparent that r.his is the envisionett view of a residc:ntial Appleway. I don`t diink , 3n}'one wi[h the moncj* to build a brick cnansic~ti ~vould choose to pl~tec i[ on Appleway. T tlunk it would C 02- - 2 - ~ugiist Zo, zoos be leeacecj on :t hii] wiCh a vie,,N, or along a lakc or civer. There are 3nany sites ui oudyin,s~, areas that -'vouid ~ be moce suicat>le for sucll a hoinc than ilppleway. I dan't tlunk ie is realistic co betievc that a city centec is going co t.i•sn=_forni dus relaci<<cly low income sren icito a Mecca oE «<inc tasting shops, eofFee bars, aud9ue stores and bagel scands that the platiners CI74'1510C1. 1 IiIIOtV btuinesses will not,,vant to incu.c the eoscs of bringiiig this t*isiAn to liEe, and I erpcct ar.ea residesits won't waflt theu ta-xes to increase r,o pay fox the vnpiovcmcncs eithcr. The concepc oE a"finc-gr:sined" cicy eore is a good one for ciues ltecky enough to h:ive a populatio►i of liigh-income individuals and pro6table businesses, borh af which this ut}* lacks. 'I'hc higlrcosC improvemeats envisioned in the plan are beyond dic budgets oE local eitizens and shoulcln't be pla»ned. .A rnore iricaclesc Proposal should be prep.tred thit t:ake,s inco account market foices. One tliat doe.sn't imposc untcnably high cO5CS Un businesses or residents and one dhac is .villing to 1CCL'Elt tF1C Ciry of Spok:tne Valley for \.vhat ir. is, noE what it cannot be.. Iwould recommenci ehar, a sealed-c3own ciry cenr.u• be builc at the Uniccrsity City sicc;. 1t eould be integrated into a semodeled ccntcr that could bc dc:veioped by a real escate cievzlopment co3nPanp. ,As a final pc,int; T question whetlieL or not comrnercial strip centeis :ecc r.eally a dead toneept. If eommcrci3l strip cenCecs are incler,d clead, xhy were they built aEong Sullivan betwccn Sprague and the I- 90 Ercewaj*? Stup centcrs also secm to be the preferred choiCe fOr, eOmmPrc:ial users around the V-iiley Ntatl anci along the norcli sicie of I-90. Tn cnnclttsiUn, TbeliP.vC the plan, although superb u71 itself, fs unreaGsdc for the City of Spokane Vallej*. The cit}' cannot aEford to imPleincnt the cha.nges proposed by the plan.ners Evho vvtote this plan. A mnre modcst propnsal shOuld be pursuecl, ene dhac will tint causP the ren,aini,ig busi,iesses co lPave the cor.e area. IE ehis plan is aclopr.ed as proposed, 1 uould Plan on ~vitnessing a conrinuing exodus oE busuiesses frocn che ciry. Sincexely, ]o} J. K.earr~s l PO BOS 21)26 • COEUR D'ALENL. ID • 83816 PldONG: 208-615-1311 • F.4X: 208-665-1312 EAtnic.: jkearnscdaQyahoo.com ~--CC-55 ~ . gn . , . , August 19, 2008 Mayor Munson Spokane Valley City Council CITY OF SPOgA.ArE VALLEY 11707 E. Spragcce Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: Sprague/Applefvay Revitalizatiai Plan Dear vlayor tuid Members of the City Council, This Icttcr is to express my concerns about the Revitalization 1'lan (in it's present form) and to (respectfully) of~f'er some suggestions w-hich may go a long way to forging unity and ownership -Mthin our commtuuty. C01°CERN'S Restriction of Property Usage • Doivn- zoning (which will result in).. •Loss of praperly usages and current rights (which fvill result in).. • Loss of proPerty valucs .scal RAmifications ~ This is effeetivel,y an unfounded mandate (ivhich begs the question).. • Where is the approximately $42 MNI clollars coming from (which in reality may be much more than this figure by thc time all of the "unl:nowns" are dealt with) except throu;h a.. • Huge public investment (whicli equates to inereases in propei-ty taxes) at a time when everyone is struggling with a.. • Weak (if not failing) economy Public Awareness • The case could bc made that this prnjert has noE been done in a corner somewhere but has hee.n hroadcast in evcry venue possible. The only problem is that I just was made mvare of what this "Revitalizarion" entailed in the latter part of April of t6is year. Immediately 1. endeavored to educate myself on wbat was going on (including getting a copy uf the plan from the City). lmmediatety (upon secing the ramifications)1 contacted thc lxrger clients in our customer base about some of the items of concern. NOT A SINGLE O1VE had any= idca this project had anything to do with t6em outsicie of the one- way/rivo-way traffic issue and the new "City Center". This includes (but is not limited to) CEOs, Presidents and Vice Presidents of banks, credit unions, grocery stores, etc. within the City limits. ~ Upon "raising the alarm" to my counterparts in the Advertising Industry, they found the same to be true when they approached thcir elient base. NOT A SIiNGLE PERSOV we have brought this up to kne,,v anything about what this plan invulved. D hile as a small busi.ness o~vner I coulci be accused of being seliorbed, 1 do find it hard to VV believe that all of tbese othcr peaple could be painted with the same brush. As a result, Iwould like to respectfully offer the following as what I would like to see. SUGGESTIONS Create a Viable City Center • Start with just a"City Center" Campus (1 believe tbis is what the ariginal discussion was about anyway). Tf this work.S ivell, then more could be done... ~ ln Phases. T_f tliis warks, then more parcels could be incorporated into this evolving City.. •`Vithout destroying property vnlues (and retirements). Also the Tinancing could be accomplished gradually,.. • `Vithout large tax increases. Get More Invotvement (and input) from the Business and 1'roperty Owner community. • Most of the "advertisinb" of this project h~►s been in the farm of local ne~vs "~~enue" co~~crage and on the City's website. To really get the husiness cornmunity's invulvement I would su;gest that the City send out a letter (on City letterhead) to all bucinesses and property owners within the "effected" area. This Ictter would alert these partics as to what the City is considering and invite them to educate themselve.,ti and Uerhaps attend a questinn and answer session with the City. This approach would certainly be the must direct (ancl ef'fective) approach to getting the businesses community's attenNon and invoh'ement. In conclusion,l do believe that each of you care deeply about the City, the people ui ttie conimunity as well as ~ our economic viability. Perhaps a inore cautious approach wrould ensure that yotir concern for our conununity would not get drowneci out by anbry accusations (after the fact) of having a"ready, fire, aun" process toward this mosi important subject. Thank you Por your consideration. Respectfully, PRU SIGN Steve tVir:eiriger Presidet:t WASHCNG70V • IDAHO • M0NTAi1A • OREGON 10021 F, KNjOX SPOICAz\xE, WASHINGTON 99206 PHONE (509) 927-3925 FAX (509) 927-4685 . . ~ AL ]Et:K 0 CC_54 x~c r^ Box 183 • 205 S. Evergreen Rd. • Veradale, WA99037 •(509) 922-3610 • TOLL FREE (866) 5Q8-7701 • FAX (509) 922-3389 City Council Public Hearing 8/19/08 RE: SARP I c.an't bcgin to tcll you how fivstrating it has been to tiy to keep up with all the changes being made in this plan. I have availed myself to every workshop, open house, meeting, hearing and study session in an attempt to unaerstand this plan and the masoning behind it. We are now down to the final stages wif.h the hearings on Book 3. Wbere are sections 3.1 and 3.1.1 on the City Center and City Center Civie Facilities? These seciiuns were mentioned in the Nov 2007 draft and were to he developed in conjunction with reparts undenvay by cnnsultants Lawson and Gibbs. Where are they? When will r.omment be taken on these? In my opinion, the planning department is more interested in fast tracking this plan to adaption than «orrying about details, and unintended consequences far small businesses and citizens. They seem to feel the public had their chance to weigh-in at the workshops. They have concocted their vision and we'd better "just get over it and move on." ` . You as the council represent the elected voice of the peaple. Has the planning department given you satisfactory answers ta your questions? Have they told you yet how many businesses have been down-~..oned? Or how many businesses will be made non- c;onforming by this plan? Have they explaincd the impact of being deemed non- conforming under the draconian applicability standards of this plan? Are you aNvaze of tbe serious insurance and lending issues non-conforming buildings and businesses face? It seems the planning departments answer was to coin a new term, just far this plan, called "the right to continued existence" just to make everyone fael good and quit asking the hard questions. Did they point out how incredibly expensive the axchitectural and development standard..~ are for this area? Did they mention the per capita income it will take to make their envisioned city center successful? Did they explain why millions in tax dollars should go towards developing the city center district and enriching a select few, setting them up to then compete with other retail developments that were built with private dollars and exist through free markets?. Have we learned nothing from the River Paric Square Parking Garage fiasco? Quality boat docks, boat lifts, swim ladders, dock hardware and accessories. Visit us at www.larkdock.com ~ Iwould implore the council to please slow down and careFully consider dll the ramifications of this plaii. Hear the voices of your citizens over the sales pitch from tLie consultants and planning deparimcnt. Don't let Spokane Valley just become another notch in a consultant's or planner's belt. `Ve're the ones paying the tab in one way or another. Not tliem. You may find the best solution is to build a civic ecnter; library and city hall, on the land you alreaci,y own at iMirabeau. Extend the couplet and givc the Comprehensive Plan you just adopted a chance. Sinc;erely, / Susan C. Scott I.,ark, Inc. . -5a 0 ('J ~ ~ t E.C' . ` D J HUME Land Use Planning Services 9101 N. MT. VIEW LP.NE Spokane, WA 99218 509-435-3106 (V) 569-467-0229 (F) 8-19-08 Spokane Valley City Council E. 11707 Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ref: Proposed Sub Area Plan iVlembers of the Council: I am a land use planning consultant with some 40 years of land use planning experience within this local region and I have had personal experience with no less than 4 comprehensive plans for the area in question where now, a fifth sub- area plan is being proposed. I must add that while this is the most sophisticated plan I have yet to see, it is also by far, the most difficult to comprehend and it is at best, feared by most business owners due to this ambiguity and in some ~ cases, damaging consequences to their properties. Like you, I have attended numerous planning sessions, paid my dues to obtain a copy of the sub-area plan text, read the same and have attended workshops where Mr. Freedman and his entourage have added further explanation, or to my surprise concessions, whenever, it was deemed politically prudent to do so; which brings me to my point of greatest concern, namely; why should this plan impose so much on so many if the master designer is so quick to concede that it doesn't have to be this big? Shouldn't we start with a City Center and then, if all goes well and it therefore has proven to be desirable in the market place, expand to the west and east with phases? Mr. Freedman has said to both the Planning Commission and the Council that he was charged with the responsibility of creating a viable downtov+rn core and that this required key entertainment and civic uses, which if not controlled by zoning, could otherwise land outside the core and thus undermine the success of the core, hence the control of all uses from Conklin to the I-90 cross-over of Sprague. To which I would suggest the following: 1) Place an overlay zone on the remainder of the sub-area restricting these essential uses until you feel they are of sufficient number inside the core that you can then lift the restriction elsewhere. ' 2) Plan an aggressive and strategic street-scape program that implements much of what this plan attempts to accomplish, namely aesthetic 0 ~ Page 2 Sub-Area Plan Comments improvements to the stark urban scene of buildings and parking lots that will otherwise, never go away. If this were done, you would avoid: a) non-conforming impacts from the down zones soon to occur; b) split zoned parcels, and c) the engagement of over 41 million dollars of urban renewal, much of . which simply serves to implement such extravagant visions at these business owners expense. I would therefore urge the Council to proceed with caution and let the market prove the success of Form Based Zoning for the City Center before imposing it across such a vast area. Sincerely, OGU!lgk J'W"nle Dwight J Hume ~ Land Use Planning Services ~ ~C-51 . ` D J HUME Land L3se Plan.ning Sezvicos 9101 N. MT. VIEW LANE Spokane, WA 99218 509-435-3108 (V) 509-467-0229 (F) 8-19-08 Spokane Valley City Council E. 11707 Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Ref: Proposed Sub Area Plan Split Zone Policy Members of the Council: Notwithstanding my recommendation to phase the plan into existence,(see other letter of 8-19-08 addressed to Council); there is also the issue of split zones caused by the Residential Blvd. category consuming all frontages of the Appleway Corridor. I would recommend that a policy be written that addresses a split parcel where a majority of the parcel is otherwise conforming by use under the proposed zone but has the minimum 60 ft. encroachment of Residential Blvd. along its south border causing inflexibility for expansion and non-conformity for that portion of the site and use. I would suggest that a policy be written that gives the land owner the ability to use that 60 ft. strip as if it were zoned per the remainder of the site provided that landscaping along the Appleway frontage be provided as a screen, presumably street tree screening. My suggested policy language would be as follows: A split parcel having a conforming use by the majorify zone shall be entitled to use the remainder as if it were fhe majorify zone. Provrded that the App/eway fronfage must include street tree plantings consistent wrth the landscape improvement requirements of fhe Residential Blvd. zone. If such a policy were included, you would still accomplish the aesthetic affect intended for the Appleway Corridor while avoiding the burden of split zones and non-conformity on the last 60 ft. of the parcel. To conclude, it is my understanding that Scott Kuhta has discussed this with Mr. Freedman and this concept was acceptable to Mr. Freedman and Scott has 'assured me that this is the case. Nevertheless, I wish to bring this to your ~ Page 2 Sub-area Plan Split Zone Parcel Policy attention to make sure it is not lost and forgotten during deliberations and action on this plan. Respectfully Submitted, ~G!!!~~1~ d' ~~~l.Gf12e Dwight J Hume Land Use Planning Services CC: Scott Kuhta Chuck Hogan H&H Mold i CC-49 ' AUGUST 19,2008 "T'O COLNCT.L viEM113LRS OF THF CITY OF THE SI'OKA\TE VA1.,T,,EY FROibi RICHARD GIME'Np, CHAI'TER PItES117LNT, WASH. STATE hNDEPENDEV"1" AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIAT.ION. (WSIAUA) IN REGA.RDS TO TI IE GA 1 EWAY COMViERC1AL AVENUL RF-Tt1IL SECTION `L' IlN 2.2:2. BU11..D1TTG iJSE, (AUTO ROW), IT AUllTtESSES USE:f7 VEHICLCS SALES ONLY BENG PETt,rvITT7"E1.7 ]3Y NEW VEHICLE DEAL-ERS. TI-ITS RES'1"171CTION IS INCOIVIPR.Ei-IFNSl=13l:E. (FAIR TRAllE? MONOPOLY?, PREJUL)1CING7, LTNCONSTITiJTIO1NTAT NVE FEEL TIIAT ANY 17EAY..LR I~~EW (7R USED SHOUT Ta l3F ALLOWED TO SELL USEl7 VEHICLES AS LOVG AS THEY ARE N CONIl'LIANCE W1TH ZON1NG. «TE ALSO BELIEVE THAT RESTRICTLNG NEW QR L)SED VEHICT..E SALES IlN' TI-LE "MIXC-ll USE 'LONL" 1S PROHIBITIVE IN OUR 1NDUSTR.Y AND SkIOULD BE RE-FVALUATED. . TH.ANK-YOU FOR YOUR CONSl]7ERA7'I0N IN THIS MATTFR. F0R Ai~1Y FURTPIER CONTTACT FEET, FREE TO EMA1L iME AT BVERGK~~ENACJTq(a)H()TMATT_,.COM . SLN ERE, ~ - / - RiC ARD GIME• O, WS,iADA / d . ~j, ~ N ~ ~ r- / ' CC-48 ~ 8/1 s/o8 TO: Cl:TY OF SPOKANE VAT.,T..EY CITY C;OLJNCIL SUI3JECT: APPLLWAY CORRIDOR PLAN . From: Dcau Grafos 16120 C. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, 1,Va 99037 I am opposed to the imposition of City of Spokane Vallcy's Corridor Sub-area transrortation plan. As a taacpayer in the Spokane Valley with commercial property which will be downzoned and become non-conforming under your plan, I ask that you please address the folloxuing issues: 1. Street construction under your plan calls for expenditures in 2007 dollaes in exccss of $41,000,000.00. T'liis is an unfunded manciate. Obvinusty, this means a tax increase for valley propErty otivners. ZOn your website Titlcd: Street fund problem #2 lherc is a shortfall in funding over the ncxt several years aE$10,000,000.00 per year ju.'it to mainlain and repair the existing roads in the Spokane Va11ey. How will you funcl thE maintenance ofjust the exiscing streets without TaY uicreases? f 3. 14ow does the city plan to fund the millions oFdollars #or the revisions of off-ramps at I-90 proposed by your traosportation plan tivhen a letter from the Washiqgton State Department of Transporlation sent to your planning stafFnot oiily 5-tates there is nu funding availablE from either the D.O.T. Ur from FEDEItAL HIGHWAYS? You are aLscw told to c;ea.se and desist from portraying this modification as a WSI70T improvement. (letter to Scott Kuhta dated March 12 2008 encloscd). Obviously, any taac increases required by this gandiose tra,nsportation schcme would not be sharcd by our city manager whose residencc is in Battleground Wa., our City Communitv Taevelopment 17irector who lives at Liberty Lake, or by our Senior Planner Scatt Kuhta who is said to reside on Spokane's South I-li11. Sincerely, Taean Grafos "1"axpayer 0 1'age 1 of 1 CC-47 ~ Heather Morris From: Dick Behm [dick@divasales.com] Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 11:17 AM To: Dick Behm Subject: Fw: Sprague/ Applevray Importance: High 08l19108 Mayor Munson Spokane Vailey City Council "The Public has had unprecedented opportunity to participate in the planning of the SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan. There have been more than 136 news media items on this project since the project began. That includes stories, mentions, calendar items, and much more. The media outlets covering it includes the Valley News Herald, Spokesman Review, Journal of Business, Building Magazine and various radio and television stations. In addition, there has been a link for information on the front page of the City website. Surveys were conducted by mail and telephone asking citizens what , their vision was for the new city of Spokane Valley. Their answers were seriously concidered and many of the citizens idea were incorporated into the plan by the consultants As of August 19th there have been 24 public meetingslpresentations to the City Council. That doesn't include all the planning commission meetings during the deliberations, and doesn't include all the public workshops held by the consultants, which hundreds of citizens attended and presentations made to organizations like the Kiwanis, Rotary, Chamber, and the SVBA. All of these meeting have been well attended and the majority of those attending have approved of the plan. It is to be expected that not everyone is in favor of all aspects of the plan but the majority are in favor of moving the City forward. Now is not the time for opposition, everyone has had more than enough time to participate in the planning and voice their concerns and many of those concerns have been addressd. As the plan is implemented we are sure there will be problems and there will be flexibility to address those at the time. Those who have legitamate concerns, had the opportunity and were invited to participate in the planning and did not, should not now complain but work with the "City" to resolve their problems. As Larry the "Cable Guy" says "GET ER DONE!" Spokane Valley Business Association i Dick Behm, Treasurer 9/9/2008 UQ ~(ey ~.1Jo tc ~ ~ 3 0 ~ CC-44 4 REVITALIZATION Oft RU1N YOUR TAX DOLI..ARS AT R'ORK t1s a life-long Vallcy resident (CV'62), whose faniily settled hcre in the 1930's, I feel compelled to speak to the egregious e.cercise of political power titled "revitalization" which is about to be perpetrateci upon the property owners in the Sprague/Appleway Corridor. It is a "stealth," hurriod campaign, burietl within the legitimate debate over a city center and thc Valley arterial, characterized by goals emulating much wealthier suburbs like Seattle's Redmond and A9ill Crw. k, regardless of cost and eaconomic loss. With questionable economic principles, the plan calls for massive do%;•n-zoning of over 1300 properties i.n the Corridor, often changing la.c-rich commercial pareels to residential usages. Properties north of Sprague are included as well as hugc ehunks of land to the south. The result will mean significcant loss of revenue for the city and adclilional burdens on,aur residential tax base. Questipn: Why the rush tp down-zone productivc cntities? ls it planning run amok combinoci with eaivy for more aestheticslly pleasina communities and the need to be "visionary?" Or is it more about accorrimodatinns for a select Pew, including new car &-derships and large developers. 1'he details are complea, but a map of the changes makes it simple to sec. One example, our properiy: Bordered by SPrague tlvenue (north), Conklin Road (east), and the proposed Arterial (south), it is miles from the proposed city center. It is approximately eight acre.s, 330,000 plus square fcet of commercial type zoning. In 2007, we paid over $68,000 in properiy and 13&O taxes. We employ 7-3 people to benefit the lacal economy. Senior planner . Scott Kuhta proposes to take Qver 40% of this lucrstive roning and change il to residential, aclding new, never drztwn streets crisscrossing our` entire property. Future changE:s due to cataslrophic physical forces, or illness, market competition, etc., will restrict our use and the city wilJ lose aeeordingly. So, when Mr. Kuhta ancl others tell you: "Don't wrony, you'll be 'grandfathereti' in the new plan"---you should be worricd! 11'S ALL ABOUT THE "LONING! If you change your busi.ness, build or alter to any appreciable degree, or fail to.find a like buyer, you will lose your zoning! You will become a NOTi-CONFORIMING USrR with economic loss zind restrictions. Another question: Why interior street,s on top of a down-z,one? Possibly because of massivc poles supporting the 135,000 volt Avis[a main feeder lincs crossing the Valley joined by VerLi's 13,000 volt lines. Not wanting eastbound Artcrial traffic making left turns into homes, and knowing the undesirability of huge power lines near front yards, these re,sourceful planncrs choose instead to carve up valuable property, facing homes inward, with power lines bordering back yarci.s and play areas. Problem solvad! In conclusion, It3m shocked by a lack of appreciation for the Valley pr,operty owners. Most " only want to earn a living, and leave something to thcir children. WE A_LL WANT AN A`I'TRACTIVE C1TY! 1 Iowcver, businesses die like people. F'uture c;hallenges require cliange. Evcn more outrageaus is that some of these hig}ily paid qfficials inaking thesc decisions do not even live in our city and havc no stake in our future. This will poison our cammunity, shift the tax burden to residenfial properties, and create unusable expanses of properties shunned by banks and builders. The final irony is that this $11,000,000 plan is unfundcd--no money! It eould take ovEr hventy years to complete. "I'here has to be a better way! I have worked too long and investetl too much to acccpt the planners dcseription of our community as "shabby." I recognize that the city has the power and the right to do as they desire, but I ask that their decision consider the negative implications of their action_s.r-% ~ E C E I ~ E D I AUG f 5 2008 City of Spokane Val ley 0 ~ CC-43 . August 14, 2008 ~ Spokiine Va7.1.ey City Council Planning Commission City of Spokane Valley RECEIVED 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 AUG 1- 5 2008 RE: Down Zoning af SW Comer Gity pf SpOku^;; `v`a.'ey of Sprague and V6sta Spokane Valley, WA My File No. 08-001 Dear Members of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission I hereby oppose the proposed down zoning of the property at the Southwest Corner of Sprague and Vista, Spokane Valley, V'Vashington. This property has already been seriously affected by the one-way traffic of Sprague Avenue. The restaurant located at the Southwest Corner of Sprague and Vista has closed and is no longer operating out of that ~ ' - location. It would appear that your proposed zoning to prevent used cars and other uses constitutes a down zoning, which will again substantially affect the value of this property. I wish to call your attention in determining whether invasion of prope;ty rghts by zoning ordir!ance under ±he purported polic? power is unreasonable and confiscatory. The courts must consider extent to which the property values are diminished by the provisions of the ordinance anci give due consideration in that regard. Our Supreme Court said in Hauser v. Arness, 44 Wn.2d 358, 267 P.2d 691 (1954) at Page 369: Zoning laws that result in relative little gain or benefit to the public while inflicting serious injury or loss on the property ouvner have always been held by this Court to be confiscatory and void. August 15, 2008 ~ ~ Pa-e 2 The Spokane Valley proposed down grading of the property at E. 8122 Sprague Avenue results in little gain or benefit to the public and does inflict serious injury and loss on the property owner. Please consider this letter as opposed to any down grading by the Spokane Valley-Planning Commission. . Respectfully submitted, , . Jack Riley ( Delay, Curran, Thor..N~on, Pontarolo & Waiker, P.S. 1O5EPHP.DELAY CC-42 J. DONAL17 CURRAN Attprneys at Law ROBERYJLTNOMPSON 601 Wcst Main, Suitc: 1212 • Spokane, WA 99201-06$4 ,nIcIrnei.J. PON•rnxaLo Yhone (509) 455-9500, Toll-Frc;c; Number 1-800.572-0933 MICNAEL J.wnLKER•• ' Facsimile (509) 623-1446 Smidi Tower, 506 2" Ave., 25" Floor • SeFittlc, WA 98104 • 1'hone (206) 343-$535 CuRENcE A. nw,tNC (i 728. i9n) All Correspondence to Spokane Office ••Admir.rd ir. IYQaMngtcn cQldcho August 14, 2008 Spokane VaXle:y City Gouncil k<O IVED 7 t Planning Commission City of Spokane Valley AUG 15 2008 1 1707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 t.:i y' of Spokane Va(fey RE: Down Zoning of: E. 8125 Sprague Ave. E. 8123 Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA My File No. 08-001 Dear Members of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission As Manager of Polar Enterprises, L.L.C., Polar Enterprises, L.L.C. is opposed to the proposed down zoning of the property at E. 8125 Sprague and E. 8123 Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington. This property has already been seriously affected by the one-way traffic of Sprague Avenue. The pizza hut located at 8125 E. Sprague Avenue has closed and is no longer operating out of that location. The tenants at E. 8123 Sprague Avenue have had a rent reduction in order to continue their tenancy due to the one-way direction of Sprague Avenue. The rents are decreased substantially by almost approximately 50%. This rent decrease has taken place since one-way Sprague Avenue has been implemented. It would appear that your proposed zoning to prevent used cars and other uses constitutes a down zoning, which will again substantially affect the value of this property. ~ August 14, zoos f~q Aage 2 I wish to call your attention in determining whether invasion of ~ proPertY ri hts b zonin ordinance under the g Y 9 purported police power is unreasonable and confiscatory. The courts must consider extent to which the property values are diminished by the provisions of the ordinance and give due consideration in that regard. Our Supreme Court said in Hauser v. Arness, 44 Wn.2d 358, 267 P.2d 691 (1954) at Page 369: Zoning laws that result in relative little gain or benefit to the public while inflicting serious injury or loss on the property owner have always been held by this Court to be confiscatory and void. The Spokane Valley proposed down grading of the property at E. 8123 and E. 8125 Sprague Avenue results in lifitle gain or benefit to the public and does inflict serious injury and loss on the property owner. Please consider this letter as opposed to any down grading by the Spokane Valley Planning Commission. ( Re -p'ectfully submitte , ~ SEPH P. DELAY JPD:mgs s 0 0 ac,41 University City, Inc. ~ P. O. Box 2288 Coeur d'A1ene, ID 83816 Telephone (208) 666-1596 Fax: (2o8) 666-1700 ~~~~IVED MAY 16 2008 Niay 14, 2008 City of Spokane Valley Richard Munson, Mayor City Council Members - City of Spokane Vallcy 11707 E. Sprague Avc., Stc. 106 Spokane Vallcy, WA 99206 Re: Sprague & Appleway Corridor plaiming ivlayor and City Council: ~ - T am writing to thank you and City staff for your hard work on tlle Sprague- Appleway Cnnidor planning process. Over the past year, your staff and consultants have conducted an impressive public participation process and arrived at a plan anchored in ]audable puvlic policy goals. My hope would be that this same lcvcl of thoughtfulness and public transparency is cont'►nued as the reconunended plan movcs forward in the legislative prncess. While some of the details of the regulatory aspccts of the plan are scill in development, the reconfiguration of Sprague Avenue to two-way traffic has been identified as a preferred altemative by staff. I believc that this decision should be t'ully supported. Traffic access for businesses on Sprague Avenue would improve and, after the reconfiguration, Appletivay woulcl be better positioned to become a primary residential boulevard as envisionea in the FTB and Glatting-Jackson plan. I am also fully supportive of planned sireetscape improvements on Sprague in order ta support better pedesti-ian connections behveen what will hopefully bccome the new City Center and residential neigliborhoods to the north. I believe that these are good policy decisions and I would be pleased to lend nry support to thcse concepts in any manner deemed . appropriatc, recognizing the need to be sensitive to the onaoing discussions between Spokane Valley and U-City regarding a potential sale of land for a new City Hall and other civic uses. i Richard Munson, Mayor City Council Members City of Spokane Valley 'May 14; 2008 Page 2 Thank youu for your consideration and your leadetsllip with respeet to this ciitically important initiative within the City of Spokanc Valley. Sincerely, . . ~3~'s`i~Ia nus , HJM:slb cc: Jim IZeinhardsen Scott Kuhta , Kathy McClung Gree McComiick 0 ~ page 1 of 1 Heather Morris CC-39 i From: Pappy PARDEE [pardees1 @msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:12 PM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: Your Plan The sprague/appleway couplet works flne the way it is. I have been against spending money changing something that was JUST CHANGED. If you want to spend money put In a Ifght rail system. If the business owners along this area want to change it then they can pay for it. I also feel the same way about your plan to buy up the old U City property to make a clty hall. The owner of thls property let it go and is looking for a sugar daddy to come in and take it. We could still have a mall if the owner would have opened his pocket book years ago. Oh, remember the big snow last winter, we had ONE snow plow come through our neighborhood the entire winter. The county visited more often when they were doing it. This new city is working great!! J. Pardee 9/9/2008 Page 1 of 1 CC-38 Heather Morris i ~ From: GARY E WHEELDON (garyvr49_1@msn.comj Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:04 Aiy To: Deanna GrifFith Subject: Sprague/Appleway plan Gary Wheeldon, COL Ret. 2111 S. St. Chorles Rd Spokene Valley Plense include ihese comments in the public testimony for the meeting August 19, 2008. The Sprngue/Appleway corridor is THE major eost-wesi commuter byway, excepting I-90. To render it nn inefficient, two-woy, traffic light riddled, 30 MPH road seems regressive in fact and lacking nny common sense. All one needs to do is compare Sprague eost of Universi4y and ensfi of Foncher to see hoa) trdffic is congested in these areas and not on the one-way Sprague and Appleway corridor. Further, the consideration of building a°city center" without any of the accouterments a city center requires; lodging, fine dining, parks, entertainmenfi and shopping; sounds like a"builci it and thEy will come" iden. This type of tiwishful irhinking worlcs vaell in movies and books, bufi falls flat in r¢ality. f A city center is a good idea but the location you and your consulionts have chosen is the wrong place, as I used fo iel) al) my subordinfltes in the Army..."If it doesn't pnss the common sense test, don't do it." Common sense says a tity center needs to be located where the previously mentioned accouterments nre in ploce, i.e., on the properfiy the City o¢ Spoknne Valley alreQdy owns near the Valley Moll nnd Center Place. 9/9/'2008 0 ~ Page 1 of 1 CC-35 Heather Morris ti From: Joe [j3judd@yahoo.comJ Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 1:47 AM To: Deanna Griffith Subject: comment on the spregue revitalization "Without vision a people perish." First off, Iwish to compliment the Citp Council on their efforts to improve the image and quality of life for the residents of the valley. I think they have been NNise to select good consultants with eYperience in creating ciCy projects that are invitinb and economically important to tlle devzlopment of the city. People need to bc able to feel gaod aboui wllere they live and know that a proactive Mayor and City Council are constailtly looking ahead to ensure that they put in place those things that a growing city will need (and want) in the coming years. I support the plan to create peciestrian friendly, tree lined streets aiicl a doNNntov.rn to providc an identity and gathering place for it's citizens. Having building ordinances that create nicer looking commercial and business environments will artraet businesses and those interested in responsible development because thcy.«rill wish to proteci Nvhat the city has goina for it. I bel.ieve the revitalization plan will do inuch to help create a stronger identity for tlus cit)< we love. Just to add to what is alrcady a strong plan, Iwould also like to see somc nicer signage,.vElcoming visitors to the city from I-90 and Sprague/Appleway. Thank you we support your efforts. Sincerely=; Joseph Judd and Fainily i l 419I2008 0 0 CC-27 WebSite: www.poolworld.bh Pool Wfflll E-mail Address: rba,5, spos, se.Nrernula«essoneA service@_poolworJd.biz July 31, 2008 Ms. Deanna Griffith City of Spokane Valley Corridor Plan Comments 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 I attended the last planning meeting on Tuesday, July 299(along with most of the previous meetings). I am not sure if I can really add anything new to what was already relayed through.the speakers that night, but I will try and address my issues and concerns in this letter. First, let me adamantly state that I do not see how a decision and project of this scope and importance can be decided without putting it to a public vote. The people of Spokane Valley need to decide this, not any one person, group or special interest. I am a Spokane Valley citizen, born and raised. I love where I live. I do not want to live in Anytown USA. I want to drive down the road and see unique items to Spokane Valley. The White Elephant sign, or the castle at Vera Power & Water as examples. A speaker the other night said that he moved here from Salt Lake City, and wanted us to be more like that. We are who we are and that is a good thing. Adding these new buildings, signs and zoning restrictions makes no sense to me on a community level, business level or tax revenue level. You seem to be trying to take away any freedom or creativity that allows Spokane Valley to have a unique identity by imposing strict building, sign and zoning restrictions. When you think of Seattle, what is their visual identity... the Space Needle. St Louis has the Arch. San Francisco has the Golden Gate Bridge, LA, the Hollywood sign. How about Bellevue? Anybody? Anybody! Nothing, right? It is Anytown USA. You could be in downtown Bellevue, look around, and it will look the same, and you could be in hundreds of other so-called Modern US cities, with no identity. My point is this, don't try and sell the same thing that everyone else is selling, sell something unique. We have something unique now, don't take that away. Quality Products and Dependable Service Since 1976 Pool World Jnc. M9ailing Address: PO Box 14927 • Spakane, WA 99214-0927 Coeur d'Alene Stare Spokene Vafley Store Northelde Spokene Store Central Spokane Store ~235 W SunsetAve 13524 E Sprague Ave 9111 N Coun',ry Homes Elvd 4E09 E Sptague Ava Coeur d'AIEns, ID 83315 Spokenc, VL'A 89216 Spokano, WA 89218 Spokane, 1N.4 09212 (208) 765-6220 (609) 928-6595 (609) 466•8220 (509)534-48]] Fax (205) 878-1430 Fax (599) 338-9489 Fau (1505) 48°.2187 Faz (509) 535-4059 Toll Free (800) 876-4340 Vdashington State Gontro:tofs Reg. FO-OL-Wi-`241GP - Maho Pub'x Works ContraGO/s Reg. M 13698-A4(47) City of Spokane Valley ' Corridor Plan Comments J u ly 31, 2008 Page two I heard a couple Sprague building owners talk about how they need this or that change to help their land be worth more, or to attract tenants. This is the kind of thinking that lost them their last tenant and lowered their property values in the first place. The tax payers of Spokane Valley should not be footing the bill to make those land owners money. Those land owners need to invest in their own properties to attract new tenants and improve their own property values. Lastly, as a long time land owner and business in the Corridor, I felt it was important to relay to you how this process has effected and is effecting us. We have been looking at expanding our location at 13524 East Sprague, or purchasing land and building a new Iocation for the last two years. Due to the proposed zoning changes we have chosen to shelf any expansion plans and if we do build a new location, itwould be out of the Corridor. The proposed sign and building restrictions would be too restrictive for the store and signage we want to end up with. iVlany things you have heard and will hear are speculative. What I just told you is real, not speculation. We are an existing business in the Corridor that you would be driving away by making these proposed changes. I hope what I am saying in this letter does not fall on deaf ears. We support completing Appleway to Liberty Lake and leaving Sprague / Appleway each as one-way roadways. We are opposed to the proposed changes you are considering n ow.. Thank you for your time. Best personal regards, Pat C. Flynn Business Manager & Citizen of Spokane Valley PDF:am uc.rav~w~.~ra,~...+raw. tr. a.a O ~ Pa€e 1 of 1 CC-24 Heather Morris From: Ilydeemer@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:36 AM To: Deanna Grifiith Subject: QUESTIONS re: SpraguelAppleway Proposals Thanks for offering to direcC my specific questions to the rzsponsible of.ficial. 1) Was the old SAFECO building ever available to the City? Tf so,why «7as it not purchased? 2-5) What are the sources for the city's conelusion khaC there is eommunity support for the proposed city center? fte-conversion of the couplet to two-way traffic? The "re-vitalization plan° in general? Can you provide me with copies of speci6c portions of these documents (e.g. specific survey questions and responses) that the city interprets as evidence of such support7 6-10) i7ae.s tbe city consider residents' interest in building an "ideniity" for the valley as support for a particLtlar plan, a particular city cenfer configuration, re-converting the couplet to t«ro-way traffic, or any specific feature (such as the specific location of a city centcr, the unitary gateway concepi, specific lncations Af retail clusters, the specific length of the affected area, the promotion of "auto row" businesses, any specific level ot' fiinding to acllieve an "identity", or the enshrinement of a major policy goal like "sustainable developmcnt")? ~ 11-12) Cost of the following: E1) RevErting the cnuple[ to rivo-way traffic? B) Consulting fees (actual a.nd projected) for all aspects of what is now the "redeveloPrnent plan"? 13-14) Shortfalls: A) the ge,neral budget foe 2007, 2008, 311d ZOOgry B) snow removal and street cleaning allocation for 2007 and 2008? I was preparcd to ask these questions at the July 29 hcarinf-, but was persuaded by your assurance thal' specific questions wrould be answered through this submission process. "lhank you, Larry Deemer 6008 E. 18th Avenue 99212 534-0304 The Famous, the Infamous, the Lame - in your browser. Gei the TMZ Toalbar Nawl i 8/1212008 AL ~ 0 0 CC_23. I NC ( Box 183 • 205 S. Evergreen Rd. • Veradale, WA 99037 •(509) 922-3610 • TOLL FREE (866) 508-7701 • FAX (509) 922-3389 Spokane Va(ley City Council Public Hearing on the SARP 7/2912008 TESTIMOPtY: You have heard my husband speak about the impact of the down-zoning and right-of way acquisition for Appleway. Our business, Lark, Inc. and property at 205 S. Evergreen Rd wi[I abso have issues of non-0onformity in use and buihiing, as well as problems with the nevi regulations for developtrzent Because time is short i'fl only address how the ne+nr regulations wili affect us. Our property is long and narrow bordering the proposed Appleway Boulevard on the north, and Thir+d Avenue on the south. tt is at grade on the Appleway side but elevated above grade on Third. Our acoESS is off Ev2rgreen on the west Our awn plans for redeveloprnent will be rendered void by this plan. As ptanned, Appleway Boulevard wi11 prohibit any access to the properties on the south side, at our focation. The proposrd regulations atso specify the building to be buiit to the Rew setbacks requiring it to front Appleway. A buiEding built to the new code wifl block our only access from Evergreen. The cityr doesn't even own the right-of-way for the proposed raad. The consultants and planners have stated that the project will start at the city center and then work outward. They have admitted it oould ; take years or even decades before it gets to tlhe outer reaches of the crorridor. Wfiy encumber properties naw, with regulations that are predicated on a road that doesn't exist? It places a cloud over the propErty that immediatety negates even the residual value left us under ths down-zone to residentRal boulevafd. The plan essentially ptaces an open ended moratorium on any devetopment or redevelopment of our prop2rty. Under the new applicability standards we coutd easily be put aut of busirtess, 12ft with no devefopment options or value what so ever. There has been much discussion and ankering with tfie city oenter reguEations to entice development and minimized developer risk and expense. I implore the oouncil to !oolc beyond "the vision" and see the unintended lagistical and economic oonsequences this plan will have on ttte existing businessQs and properties included in tfiis plan. Due to the unique configuration and topography of our land and the inordinate number and magnitude of negative impacts this proposal will have on us, 1 join with my husband in asking that you simpty draw around us and take us out of the plan. We appreciate your consideration and opportunity to voice our ooncems. Susan Scott Lark, Inc. Quality boat docks, boat lifts, swim ladders, dock hardware and accessories. Visit us at www.larkdock.com )E,AL ]R:K 0 0 cc-22 ' .T. NC Box 183 • 205 S. Evergreen Rd. • Veradale, WA 99037 •(509) 922-3610 • TOLL FREE (866) 508-7701 • FAX (509) 922-3389 7/29/2Q08 Spokane Valley City Council Public Nearing on the SA.ltP TESTTMONY: My wif.e and I own a piece oFproperty at 205 S. Evergreen Roarl. It is currently zoned community cammercial and has been used commercially for 68 years. We have owned and operated our busiuess, Lark, Inc., there for nearly 30 years. We prcdate Target and Safeway. This plan takes av►Tay our long standing commercial zoning and replaces it with residenrial boulevard. Your own econnmac study says it will decrease the value of this praperty by as much as 80%. This down •r.,one also limits the allowed uses. ` It is cammon knowledge that the city will have to purchase some of our propcrty when Appleway is extended. For the city to downzone us prior to this so they can pay pena.ies on the dollar is unconscionable And just plain wrong! I urge you to move the southern boundary of this plan to exclude our property as the staff and planning commission have done for other garcels. The consultant has already stated thai it would not be cietrimental to the plan. Furthermore I personally think that a plan of this magnitude and this many millions of dollars should be put to a vote of the people. I thank you for tvis opporiunity to speak to you tonight. A., -3;;;~ Jim Scott T.,ark, Inc. Quality boat docks, boat lifts, swim ladders, dock hardware and accessories. Visit us at www.larkdock.com 0 - CC-21 WALTS AAAILING SERVICE 8610 E. 1st SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99206-3686 (509) 924-5939 July 29, 2008 Spokane Valley City Council Ciiry of Spokane Va.11cy .11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokanc Valley, WA 99206 Dear Council Members, In Regards ro the Spragtte-Apple«ray Sub Area Plan, 1 have the follo,~ving comments, concerns and questions. RE• No resRonse to specific technical concerns: The property on which Walt's iVIailing Service lies has heen do«Tn-zoned to kesidential Boulevaxd/Mixed Usc Avenue classification. Tn a letter 1 sent to the Spokanc Valley Planning Dcpartment in March, 1 asked specific questions dircctly relating to I:hat downione and questionable langtiagc rega.rding nur possible future expa.nsion options. Plannei- Scott Kuhta, going over the issues witli me, stated he could nok give a definite answer to my qucstions and encouraged rnc to direct a letter to the Planning Departmenk. I did s4 but have yet to rcceive a rcply or acknowledgement fhat my concerns are being considei-ed. Overview of my concerns: I find this plan to be averly a.mbitious and attempts to take on rnorE challcnges l-han prudent, based on the sheei- scope oI the project. By proposing such massive and demanding chaizges over such a largc and diverse gcographic and mixed use area, thc plan will creake far more demands and conQicts than are anticipated. All of these mandates anc{ the resulting fallout thEy will create arc complctely wikhout funding. Questions about where thc money «Till come fi-om ai-e brushed aside. Very clisturbing! The lack t>f full public di5coui-se a-nd resistance to offering thc plan to voters for approval conjures a soviet/ technocratic government that feels and acts as if it is smartcr than those who thcy servc. Direct MailAdvertisrng Doesn'P Cost It Pays ti r , Public hearing process: I find the «hole S-A Sub Area Plan public hearing pi-ocess very troub]il1g. It seems thac lcldership has tied their ropes to the dreams presEnted by thEir hired consulta.nts 1nd will not consider ohvious dangers or even contemplatc adjustment or a sca.ling down af the enormously ambitious, fantasyla_nd-likc oUjectives/hopes of this pla_n. The process of public involvemenr, while following the "form" of correcl-ness, is entirely driven from the top dow-n. The planncrs/lEaders/proponents drive home tlie same mcssage at the meetings, presenfiatipns 1nd in inclividual discussion. "This is the plan, we're gaing wit'h it, you can comment or ask questions." What is left unsaid and has become apparent is that comments arE not heing seriously heard or considcrcd and questions arc being ignored or deferred to other "expei-ts", who, using questionable assumptions Znd projecfions, keep uttering phrases like, "This is a long term plan, it will fall into place if you give it time." "What we did worked at MiraUEau; this pla.n wil] work here on Sprague/Appleway too!" It is obvious that the minds of our leaders are solidly determined to "do this becausc they can" and will d4 all thcy can to maintain the pi-oject's inomel7l:um. No one wil] consider the concern that the King is wearing no clothes! An example af the kind of inaetention to public response by pi-oponents, 1 cite the puhlic responses on the SpragueApplewa.y.com websitc. Thcrc is ~ bverwhelming public comment against returning the couplet to a two way traffic configuration. Only a very fe«r vested intcrests demancl it. Dozens of well informed, wcll reasoned and r-ational stateinents in defense of the one-way traffic scheme arc being totally ignored as we lurch on to implcmenting this project. Funding for the project: 1t is particularly galling to have legitimate quesCions about sources of funding for this project reb-uked so causa.lly and dismissively by presenters and officials. If the city govea-nment finds it necessaiy to impose a 6% tax on all phone bills in the city in order i:o pay for currcnt sta-eet maintenance, where will the lOs or 100s of Millions of dollars be found to fund all the different aspects of this plan? Whether khesE costs are paid for by the city directly or propErty owners, the money all musr come from basically the sarne sourccs: taxpa}Ters, property owners or consumei-s un the ciky. All funds diverted from the cconamy by higher taxes, diversion of business resourccs for mandate compliance or lost in sales of rc-zoned property -%vhds value has plummeL'ed for this projECt arc then not availablc for purchasing goods and serviccs in this community, creating a downward spira.l of the local economy as we attem.pi to pay off a hugc dept with less availa.ble income. I ask again, what are the costs and how does the city plan to pay far them? ; . 0 0 -4 The Down-Zone of entire districts of private property: What democratic values are beinb observed in the takinb 1way of the property values and dcvelopmen.t potential of properties down-zoned in the corridor and transferred to thase property owners givcn favorable treatment, either by clcsign pr geographic good fortune, by this plan? What democratic values are Ueing observed if elected off'icials, supposedly representing the public, hire an out'side consultant to choose the lucky scction of the city for Lhis favorable trcatment? Why was the public not consulted (a vote) as to possible sil'es foi- city hall and associa.ted intense devclopment? The Plan: '1'his plan has all the looks of a"cookie clxtter" plan, perhaps one originally designed for boutique tourist towns such as T've seen implemented in I'alm Springs, CA or Aspen, CO. While it has bEen effcctive in such small com_inunities with a tight business or corr~muniry core of a few blocks, the huge scopE proposc.d of'slreL'ching this concept over six plus miles of mihcd use transporfiation coi-ridor whilc sacidling sca many properi;y owners witih the onerous burdcn af compliance costs temps a cruel and unhappy fate. ~ History and Realit9: Like hundreds, perhaps thousands of other communitics that the building of the Intersta.te Freeway System bynassed 50 years ago, the old US Highway 10/Sprague Avenue strip has been replaced by new shopping, di:ning, entertainmcnt and leisure destinations in other, morc convenient or prafitable loca.tions. This plan seeks to slam the barn door SO years after the horse was let out. This plan proposes ro return vitality, by legislative fiat, to a corridor as a.ttractive to viable new retailers and businesses as old Route 66. Spcnding millions of dollars, clisrupting a popular and efficient craffic corridor and effecting a propercy values and property rights gra.b anci redistribution scherne of calassal prQportians to the bencfit of a few land owners, developers and officc seekers is recklessness in the extreme, 13ut the sad habit of purnping those seemingly endlessly available public funds inta ta.ntast:ic schemes to revitalize areas long past their- primc secros to be irresi5tible. The econemic voties of this community ha-ve long ago voted that the centcr of the city, is at the Valley v1a11/Pines to Sullivan section of the valley, north of the I-90 and south of the River. That is where the development is going, based on convcniencc, room to build, access Yo the freeway and many other factors. What if they build a citu center/traffrc corridor revitaiization plan and no one came? . . Mp Suggestions• 1. Limit the scope of this revitalization/investment incentive project to a sin le core city center area. If the voters agree upon establishing a designated core area, let's fund, plan and complete the city center area first. 2. If a core area is chosen, then, and only then, begin having targeted, direct focus meetings with neighboring areas to begin a staged and coordinated planning effort for incorporating design elernents to blend into or compliinent the core area in those neighborhoods. 3. Whatever you hope to do, be it a simple "core first" approach, the two way traffic conversion, or the entire plan as currentlv envisioned, take this to the voters!!! If the ideas are good, the people will concur. If not, the whole approach will be seen as arrogant and self-serving to the leaders and owners of the chosen "incented" lands. The resulting project will suffer on-going opposition and perhaps even lengthy and numerous legal challenges. Thank you for allo«ring me io present rny sincerc opinions and concErns. J ovanovich Gen.eral Managcr ~ C ( WALTS Mwms AILItJG SERVECE ECEN ED ~ 9610 E. Ssl SPOKANE, VVASHINCTOh 98206-3686 ~R ~ 3 ~,008 (509) 824-5339 Planning Departmenfi city pf spU4:~'.,~~~~ ° ' Sprague and Applewav Corridors Subarea Plan Manager City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague, Suite 146 Spokane Vallcy, WA 99206 Dear Sir o.r Madam, I:egarding the SprnguE dnd Applewrly C:orridors Subarea Plan, specifically new zoning requirements. It is my undei-standing t11at the proposed re-zQne of the AppleUjay corridol- will spiit our prGperty locaied at 9610 E 151 Avc. into G combination RcsidentiaI ]3oul.evard/Nlixed Use AvenLie classification. As I understand it, the front 60 fect facing Appleway Blvd. wil] be residential; the remainder north to lgt Avenue will hE classificd to the n-iixed usc Zone. I have discussed same possible rarnificaiions of fiitu.re expansion oc• rernodeiing of our building with a cil-y planneT at City Hall the other day in light of tt-ie proposed new builciing rcc;ui_rements the pz-ogosed coa ridar plan would contain. Qne troubling issue that I ask yau t'r> address is llze wording of tYie. 10 f.ooi z-ninimtan-i/20 foot maximuill set back .reaui1-ed for ner✓ construction on streefis other ttian Sprague Avenue in the Mixeci Use zone in Section 2.2.7 of the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. Our current builcling sets back approximately 6$ feLt f.rom the cut•b on ' .1 St /1vei7ue. It appcars to me, fa-am my reading of the proposcd language Znd ciiscussions with a planner, t.hat should we wisl-i to expand our cura-ent buildFng norEhwards beyond its currEnt walls towards 1st ; Avenuc, say an addiYional 20 to 40 feet, we wottld be prahibited from j doing so by the new code. The way wc understand tl,e language in the ! proposal, any new bWlding in this Nlixed Use zone must be no further ; back than the 20 foot street set back. A.dding aii addiCional 20 or 40 feet " : Direct Mail Adverfising Doesn't Cost It Pays • ~ ~ , t.C-20 GENERAL GRAFOS INVESTMENT, INC. COMM/RESIDENTIAL ',ONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION REAL ESTATE LAND DEVELOPMENT 7/29/0$ My naine is Dean Grafos and over a period of almost 40 years I have owned and developed property in the Spokane area as a business owlzer, Real Estate Broker and builder. The parcel Nvhich 1woulci like to discuss today is located on the corner of Cocilclin Rd and Sprague AvE. It has 635' feet of frontdge on Sprague Ave, 700' feet of frontagc on the Appleway corridor and a depth of 560' feet along the Coiiklin Rd arterial. As such, the approx. $-t- acre site zoneci commercial and bordered by Sprague Ave on thE North, Conklin rd, on thE Easl and the flppleway Couplet on the Soutli lends itself to future commerc:ial activity. The current zoning on this property is now Communiry Commercial and has bccn downzoncd from B-3 commercial ancl I.,ight Industrial as i•ecently as October 2007 as part r of the County Comprehensive plan far Spokane County. I surnlise tliat the 2007 zone change to our propcrty was not satisfactory or restrictive enough to accomplish che new city's goals, as -we are faced with another proposed clovvnzone fram current Commuriity Commercial zoning to Mixed Use and Residential }3oulevard zoning within a one year time frane. As a matter of inierest, just a very short list of some uses that woiild becomc non- confonning under the city plan are listed below: Veterinary clinic Auto and truck sales Boat sales and seivicc Equipment rental Garden center or nursery Funeral home Manufachu-ed home sales l3y the way, all of the above uses arE permitted in the Gateway Cornmcrcial Zone (auto row). As we sit here in the midst of an economic downturn, ynu can cvidently predict the fulure needs for commercial property in the Spokane Valley by down roning and re.stricting the approvcd uses for my property. These changes will nullify to a large measure the significant investment macle by me and my family over the last 30 plus years. 16120 E. SI'RAGUE AVE. • SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 •(509) 922-2912 • FAX (509) 922-2933 I have passed out a site plan of my spccific property so that you, as a council, ean fully comprehend the ramifications of your plan on your fellow citizens emplovers, and ves, taxpayers. As I am liinited to 3 minutes of tEStimony, the following issues are only a partial list of the impacts to my property. These issues will also impact any property owner on the arterial with similar zoning. Please determine if you need a 60' right-a-way, a 75' right a way, or a 100' right a way along the appleway corridor. Your new p11n is premised on what yau perceivc as a lack of devclopment, or interest in dcveloping the properties fronting on the couplet. `Ve have been waitinp- for over 30 vears for someone to straifzhten oirt the propertv lincs that border these properties so that Ihey can bc utilized in a sound economic plan which benefits the community, protects the tax base of the community and providcs jobs. The 60' strip to be set Aside in the RCSIDENTIAI.. BOULFVARD 7_,ONE for fiittire residential construction is un-buildablc. The required setback From a county road to Secure a building permit is currently 25 feet. The rear yard set-back from the pre- positioned roads required to be builci at the propertv owners expense unan redevelopment of the property would also require a set-back. Thercfore, thc realistic residential bnulevard avenue bordering the arterial would need to be at least 135' in deptli, not 60 fe_et, Additionally, your devclopment plan cloes not clarify if a vehiclE traveling east on the new couplet can make a left hanci turii into their new resiclential driveway, or if a new corrunercial building bordering thc new prc-existing street can even access the arterial. 'I'he city plan, as proposed with your down°r.one in this single propcrty would result in 70,000 + square fcet of Etiisting buildings and 164,000 square feet of valuable commcrcial propert•y ultimately being removea from the tax rolls. The current usable 560'foot commercial depth of the praperty would now be reduced to 325' feet, a . reduction in size of 42%. Con}:lin 1Zd. is designated as a North, South arierial and this has prompted thc installation of a traffic signal at thc corner of Sprague and Conklin to be installed in less than 1 year and paid for by thc adjacent property owners including mysel£ The commercial dcvelopments on Broadway avenue which include Wal-Mart, the ncw Lowe's super center and the Kohl depariment store sit at the corncr of Broatiway and Con):lin rd and traffic moving south out of the parking lots of these major retailers moves south on Conklin rd and to Sprague Ave. Less than 2%, not 20% of the property in the City of Spokane Valley is zoned community cominercial as pcr. the Spokane Cotmty comprehensive plan. 60% of the property within the city is currently zoned residential. To remove millions of dollars in conunercial properties from the city tax base cioes not seem to me a sound economic decision benefiting the txx payers and citizens of our community. • • . 0 0 oThe rcmoval of and down-zoning of commercial propcrties, which Even in their interium uses are contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars in employeE salaries, utility taxes, sales tax, BcecO taaces, supporting our loeal sehool bonds; library bonds, fire districts, etc., and yes, even the salaries for the board membcrs sitting at this meeting, is absurd. in Book #I under the heading of Community Intent, l quotc: THE LEADERS OF THE NTW CTTY 0F SPOICANTE VALLEY HAVF ESTABLISHED THIS PLAI~~ TO RE-CENTER TI-!C COMMUtNITY AL0NG ITS CE'N'TRAL SPTNE AND RL-POSITIpN PROI'ERTIES TO CAP I'URE ANrD ENHANICE THE DEVELOPMENT VALUF OF TH-E PROPERT[ES CURRENTI.Y LINING TIIE UiNDEVELOFED APPLEVVAY CQR,Ft.IDOK, AND TO SUPPORT THE CONTINUED GR01,VTH A~TD SUCCESS OF AUTO R01,V A5 THE PREMIER DESTINATIQN FOR AUTO SALES. I IvIIGHT ADD: SOON TO BE `l°HC ONLY DESTINTATIONI FOR AUT0 SALES I agree with the city fathers, you will ccrcainly reposition properties to capture value. Unfortunately the majority of the properties aFf'ected by the city plan are not in the higher value Gateway Commercial zoning. Wc respectfully request that this property be removed &om your Mixed Use and Residential Boulevarcl downzone, and we retain our currcnt Community Commercial Zoning. Dean and Elizabeth Grafos CC-19 1*1or Engineermg, Inc. - Civil Design and Land Planru.ng l Prinupals: Perry, A4. Toylor, /'.E. . Stan[ey R. Stirling MnrkA.flrwuan, RE JUly 29, ZOOH Uauid C. Larsen, P.E. Konald C. Pace, f'E Chres H. ,11ansfield, P.E. Associates: Mayor Munson and Members of City Council sconM. *a«sch, P.E. City of Spokane Valley Frank Klde, a.s.rA 11707 E. Sprague Avenue 77w»,as K sr;run8 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Chief Einancial Officer: RE: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Exhyin C_ N'agnrfd Gateway Commercial Avenue Development Regulations as they Affect . Appleway Toyota Re-Development Mayor Munson and Members of the City Council: Taylor Engineering has recently been retained by AutoNation to provide assistance in redeveloping their Appleway Toyota property located at 8600 East Sprague Avenue. The property being redeveloped includes seven acres. It tias approximately 350 feet of frontage on Sprague Avenue and over 750 feet of frontage on Appleway. If you recall, Appleway Toyota recently applied for and the city council approved the vacation of First Avenue, which bisects their property. The vacation request was due in large part to AutoNation's site standards and Appleway's need to modernize and redevelop their site in conformance with these standards. A copy of the Appleway Toyota.property is attached for your review. Taylor Engineering, AutoNation and their architects, Avanessian Associates of San Francisco, have reviewed the draft SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan and applaud the city for specifically recognizing and accommodating the unique retail needs of the automotive sales industry. With the approval of the vacation, the team is beginning to prepare a master site plan for the Appleway Toyota property. The-Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan will provide the development standards for the project. The Appleway Toyota project is located within the Gateway Commercial Avenue District zone, which is largely geared towards automotive sales. The Plan proposes many architectural and site development standards that will enhance the appearance of retail buildings and dealerships along the SpraguelAppleway corridor. There are a few standards, however, that would hinder Appleway Toyota's (and other dealerships') ability to redevelop their property. The standards in question are summarized in Matrix 2.1.5 Gafeway Commercia! Avenue Distrrcf Zone Regulations and include Ch. 2.2.12 Frontage Coverage, Ch. 2.3.1 2) Pre-Located Streets, and Ch. 2.3.1 3) Maximum Block Size. 1 Pultman, YJA 106 W. Misssoon Avo. • Spokane, WA 99201-2345 •(509) 320-3371 Coeur d'Alene, ID FAX (509) 328-8224 • E-MAI! spolcane@Eaylorarvgr.com A. Frontaqe Coveraqe. The Plan requires the lengths of buildings adjacent to Sprague Avenue to be at least 40% of the width of the lot. In Appleway Toyota's situation, the frontage is approximately 350 feet. This requirement would mandate that the building have at least 140' of frontage adjacent to Sprague Avenue. Recommendation and Justification. We propose this frontage coverage requirement be reduced to 25%. As is the case with many automotive dealerships, their property has frontage on both Sprague Avenue and Appleway. Appleway Toyota would like to orient their building north-south to be more welcoming and visible to both arterials. Requiring 40% of the Sprague frontage to be building would not enable the building to be oriented towards both arterials. In the case of Appleway Toyota, 25% coverage would result in at least 88 feet of building on Sprague Avenue and enable the dealership to extend their building towards Appleway. Further, Appleway , Toyota's lot depth varies between 450 and 550 feet. Enabling a building to extend into the central portion of the lot makes the building more accessible to their customers from all points of the lot. B. Pre-Located Streets. The Plan identifies several roadways that should be constructed as part of a proposed development action. One of these roadways is Sipple Road. Recommendation and Justification. We propose that Sipple Road be removed from the list of Pre-Located Streets. The City of Spokane Valley recently approved the First Avenue and Sipple Road vacation. This proposal ' would reverse its decision. Vista Road is situated less than 600 feet west of the Sipple alignment and Sargent Road defines the eastern boundary of Appleway Toyota's property. Vista and Sargent can provide adequate vehicular connectivity and, being as this is an automotive sales use, pedestrians will not be restricted from walking between Sprague and Appleway. C. Maximum Block Size. The draft Plan proposes a maxirnum block size of four acres. The Appleway Toyota property is 6.1 acres. Adding the soon-to-be vacated First Avenue increases the area to nearly 7 acres. This maximum block size would require a new road to be constructed somewhere within the praject. Recommendation and Justification. We recommend either eliminating the maximum block size or exempting auto dealerships. Requiring a maximum block of four acres would negate the Council's previous vacation action and result in the dealership being bisected with a public road. This would be unsafe for employees and customers, which is a primary reason that First Avenue was vacated initially. The SpraguelAppleway plan contains many exciting architectural and site design standards that Appleway Toyota has been planning to incorporate in their redevelopment plans. A reality of new development codes/ standards is that the ramifications of the standards are never fully realized until tested on actual projects. This Appleway Toyota project provides a perfect opportunity to evaluate the proposed standards on a real project - before the plan gets adopted. We have done this and discovered only a few items worth revising. 'I~aylor Engineering, Inc. 2 Pullman, WA 106 YJ, Mlsslan Ave. • Spokane, N!A 99201•2345 •(509) 328-3371 Coeur crAlene, ID FAX (599) 328-82241 E-MRIL spokane0tnyEorengr.com - On behalf of Appleway Toyota and AutoNation, Thank you for ths opportunity to provide our concems and recommendations for your consideretion. Respectfuily submitted, TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. Frank R. Ide, ASLA Land Pfanner Enclosure , cc_ Doug Taylor, AutoNation George Avanessian T*w Etigl[Ieeilil& lllC. 3 PWmon, WA 106 W MYo0nAYe •SpOkOnB. WA99201-?315-(300)329-)}71 :..eur ~qlFr.a IC, FAX f9091 328 F224 ; f. MAII spobarwOlsylorMyr.ecr:~ - - - ~ - ~`~',t'► _Y~ ~ , ♦ - , ir , ~ ~ , _ • ~ r u.. . ip I~ ~ ~ '"'r"`~► 4w~ 1 0- IL ~ r ~ ~ - ~ • " ' '1 . • c ~ ( • i i . ~ ~ ~ ~ ♦ ~ r-~.~ ~7f~r ~su . ~ ~ . • ~.w ~ ~ ~ t• u r ` 44~, r r. • ~ • i i. . ~ 44 s t. ~ • r~►~~s"~ `h~.'' y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ; ~ ~ -t b~ 1 - ► . ' 'L ~ ~ • r t • - ';,E~"~. r . ~ ~ ♦ ~ - '1 ~ , ~k ' M ~ r ~ ~ S ~ ~ • . ~ r / ~ r • t .l . f _ i . _ ~ ~ + 1 ~ _ ~ . 1 ~ ~ , y' , .r/~'" • . . 4ir - +11 I Jr ! . , . _ • ~ ~ . • _ r ~ ' • ~ 4116 ~ ,t • ~ _ ti » 7 ~ , Y. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; . .LI+ ~ _ r _ . ~ T 4 ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ _ • • ` ~ _ Page 1 of 1 ~ CC-18 f Heather Morris From: Greg hAcCorrnick Sent: Tuescfay, July 29, 2008 8:35 AM To: Soott Kuhta Cc: Deanna Grifnt?r Kathy McClung Subject: FW: Lark Building Supply Didn't know if you had received this. From: Chris Thompson On Behalf Of City Hall Sent: Tuesday, ]uly 29, 2008 8:33 AM To: Sue Passmore Cc: Greg Mdormick Subject: FW: Lark Buflding Supply Chris Thompson City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 106 Spokane Valley, 99206 Direct: (509) 688-0171 Fax: (509) 821-1042 cLpmoson@spokarsevalley,.4t,g Web: tvNM/,Spokanevalley.ora From: Topcopop@aol.com [maflto:Topcopop@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:07 AM To: City Hall Subjed: Lark Buflding Supply To the Spokane Vsllsy City Council. I recenUy talking vrith Jfm Scoft about the proposed change from oommen;ial to residential zoning for his prope►ty on S. Evergreen. I would like to request the Council to leave Lark Building Supply zane for commercial use. There are numerous exoeptions to the residential zoning changes along the Appleway carridor. Mr. Scott's businsss certainly deserves to be one of those exoeptions. He has been located on S. Evergreen for more than 20 years and has been a valuable Valley business. The city vias formed to protect ihe Valley residents and businesses from jus; such nonsense as changing the zaniryg. Navr Mr. Scott faces the possfbility of his life long business being de-valued by the very people w'ho were eledted to represent him in govemment. It doesn't seem right_ Please aonsider Mr. Scott's plight as a small buslnessman and a valued Valley resident and leave Lark Building Supply zoned commerdal. Sf ncerely, Walter and Ginger Collins 13906 E. 23 Spokane Va11ey, WA. 930,37 . A-Y Ge4 fantasy faotball with frea live scoring. ~iSn up for FanHouse Fan#asy Fo_oi, AILLoda ~ 8/12J2008 Page 1 of 1 cc-17 T Heather Morris From: Dick Behm [dick gdivasales.com] ~ Sent: 7uesday, July 29, 2008 5;58 PM ~ To: Qick Behm Subject: Fw= Spraguef Appleway I Irnportance: High ' Origina! Messagt From: aiclc Behm Ta: bick Bnhrrr , Sent: Tuesday, July 2 9, 2 048 10;16 AM Subjec4; Fw; Sp raguelApplerrjay Mayor Munson Spokane lfalley City Council "The Public has had unprecedentecf opportunity #o participate in the planning of the SpraguefApploway Revitalizatian Plan. There have been over 136 news media items ort the plan since the praject began. That includes stories, mert#ions, calendar items, and rnuch mare. The rnedia outlets covering it includes the Valley IJews Heraltl, Spakesman Review, Journal of Business, Builtling Magazine and various radio and television statiorts. [n addition, there has 6een a link for information on the front page of the City welasite. 11s af July 22nd there have been 22 pubaic meetingslpresentations ta the City Counci1. That doesn"t inci ude all the planning comrr3ission meetings during the deliberations, and doesn't include the publGC worFcshops heltl by the consu€tants and presentatians made to organizations like the Kiwanis, Rotary, Chamber, and the SIIBA. Most all of #hese meettng have been well attended and the vast rnajority of those ~ at#ending have appraved of the plan. It is to be expected that not everyone is in favar of I all aspects of the plan, but the majority are in favar of moving the City #orward. ~ Now is nat the time for opposition, everyone has had more than enaugh time to patticipate in the planning and voice their concerns and many of those concerns have been addressd. As the plan is implemented we are sure there will be problems and .thare will be flexibility to address those at the time. Those who had #he opportunity #o participate in the planning and did not, should not now complairt. As Larry the "CabCe Guy" says'"GET EF2 DONEI" SVBA l 8112I2008 CC-16 _ PAR5 U1V.S1BUmV~'TTIBjO.IZax1HL ~.~.~A 7-ronNE)~s stacy A. Hjordal,i sbjordah! tz pblaw.bi'r. July 29, 2008 City of Spokane Valley City Council . 11707 F. Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 - IZe: Spra,;zrelAppleivtry Revitalization Pleiri Dear Council Membcrs: Than.k. yot2 for the opportuiuty to present testimony and %vritten commcnts regarding the . proposed SpraDuelAppleNvay Revitalizatioii Plan ("SA12P" or "Plan"). I represent scvcral property and businesses owners including Tdark, Inc (Jim and Susan Scott); Grafos investinents . (Taean Grafos); and Folka llot Yottery (laan ancl Kimberly Geiger). Each of these individuals • will testify either in writin; or verbally as to the darnaging effects the Plan will have ou thcir , prnperties and businesses. The purpose of this letter is to present sonie general eom.ments and legal concems regarding the Plan. I note that this is not intended to be an exhaus[ive list, but to simply provide e:cacnplES of some of the perceive.d t7aws of the Plan. EYemption for Public 1'rol'e C[S 7`he Plan eaempts all public projccts from the Plan, which vmulci include City Hall and all other public projects. It is unfair that only the City's landoNvners anci businesses must comply witli the Plan, yet the City is immune from the very same Plan it drafted ancl promotes as serving the best . interests of the City. UnCertainty of ApplewaY Road Improvements The Flan is premise.d on the construclion and estcnsion of Appleway. "Sprague Avenue is poised to beeome Spokane Valley's Main Street ancl indeed is one of the primary streets of the proposccl City Center. In order to enablc the City Center. the City will reclaun-Sprague Avcnut to better function as an urban retail street; a.s this reclacnation hapnens, Appleway Boulevurd inrist be Weirderl and conf Durcd to two-way kraffic to complement Spra;uc Avenue and cnhance the overall capacity of the strcet network." 3-IoNuever, the Washinaton State CQUrt of Appeals recently issued aii opinion holding that Spokane County, not the Cit}r of Spakane Valley, owns the Appleway right-o.f-way. Until the City (1) either o%Nrns the Appleway riglit-of-way or has legal right to construct Appleway; ancl (2) has funding for the construction of tlppleway for the entire Ylan area, the Plan should not be adopted. 505 W. Ricerxi& Ati•e, Suice 5()0,Spokans W.A 99201 • T(509) 252•5(Ksb • F(509) 252-5()67 • www_p61aw.6ir. - ~ A l.imieed Limbiliiy Narcn~rrshi wich officec in.. oknneand FSr.llmrc Cir.y Council Merrilxrs " • . juiy 29. 200$ Pagc 2 • Dawnzoninp , of Proncrtv The Plan proposes io downione a substalitial number of properties. Downzoning property is an action that shoulci not bs taken liglitly alid is rarely c14ne by communities, espccially a downrone fi-om couimercial to resiciential A ciownzonc is concrary to one of xhe most fitndamental goals of thc CGrowth Nianagement Act: thc protection of pronerty riglrts. The GMA provides in pertinent part: "the property rights of lanclc~,~vner.s sliall be protected from arbitrary aiid discrim.inatory action." RCW 36.70A.020(6). The GMA, as Nvell as the City's Comprehensive PIan, ericUUrage economic dcvelopment anei a diversc economy. T)ow-nznnina a conunercially zcmed (and developed) parcel of property does not promote or maiutain the economic benefits tliat the City presently enjoys in the form of commercial propert;, ta.Y base, jobs, and sales tax. Leaal flrpuments A. Void.f'or Vagueness There are mauy terms or concepts througliout the Plan that would be considercd void for vagiaeness. "1"hc purpose of the void for vagueness doclrine is to limit arbitrary and discretionary enforcements of the law. A statute which cither forbids or requires the doing of an act in terms so vague that men [a►id women] of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its application, violatcs the firs[ essentia] of due process of law. Araderson v. lssaquah, 70 VVash. App. 64 (1993). The following are representative eYainplcs of vague terms or concepts thal may be found in the SARP: •"A11 new development shall be configured and design [sic] so that it preserves/en/:airees tlre pro►ninence aiid visibility of esistuig or p/cuuTed civic buildinSs." Seclipn 2.1, pg. 6 • Neighborhood-service retail and scrvices for which nearby resitletrlinl . nei;hbor/roorl.s are t/re pri»tary ctrstoireers: Section 2.2; pg. 5. - - •Business scrvices; businesses that generate a si;nificat:t amnruil nfJ'uot traffrc. Sect'ion 2.2, pg 6 • "Medium Box" • "Largc Scale Goods" . • "Big BoY" wxrchouse ' In those iristances when prnperty has been downi.nncd, it is typically from a liigher density resiclential or a?rictilhiral zone ro a less intense residential or agriculturdl zone. Cicy Cavncil Vlembers ~ July ?9, zoas Page 3 • lndividual uses larger than 2,500 square feet provided thai the use xc rutique and not already provided w-ithin a 1 mile trade area. Section 2.2, pg 7. • All fences and walls should be built xvith ttttractive, durable rnaterinl that are rary:patible ovith the ckaracter oJSpokane Valley. Section 2.3, pg 19 B. IJnfel[ered Discretion to Dire.cto.r • Each applicant is rEquircd to comply with the 1'lan's Guidelines; which gives substlntial discretion to Director to evaluate project compliance. See 2.0.2 However, under 2.0.1 (f) the Plan says compliance wilh the Guidelines is only preferred or rzcommended. Which is it? C. Defacto Nloratorium on Development in City Cenier Designation • The Plan iinposes a de facto moratoriuin on retai] development until there is continuous o ound level retail linino F'laza larive from Spraaue ta the library. Sectipn 2.1 , pg 6. There is no evidence o.f when Plaza Drive or the ]ibrary may be constructed, or how long it will take to achieve "continuous ground level retail" along Plaza larive. This restriction could be indef nite.. Such a restriction would also likely violate equa) protection rights by favoring certain properties ~Nit]iin the City Center nistrict over others. D. Equal Protection . •'T'hc Plan does not provide uniformity within zoning classcs. Uses and requirements differ within the zoning class (e.g. City Center, Mixed Use) depending on wfiether a prpperty is on a certain sfreet, a corner lot; etc. Requiremenls must be uniForm within azone. ' • Used car sales are prohibited in Mixed Use Retail: new car sales are . perniittecl. It appears unreasonable to allow new car sales, but not usr;d . cars. Car sales shpulci be nermitted regardless qf whether it is new or usecl cars. We note thal in Gateway Corrunercial Avenue Retail, used cdrsaIcs are perrnitted by nEw vehicle dealers. F. InterF'erence with Vested Rights • The 1'lati allows the DirECtor to reject, as uicoiiiplete, an application that does not confomi to the Ylan. 2.0.2(3). Other projects are vested when a complete applicatioil is submitted: compliance and couformity is achievcd tluough the plan review process. Under the SARI', projecis can.not vest unle.ss the application conforms to the Plan: this puts devclopmcnt within thE Plui xrea at a disadvantage and subject to the whims of the City as lo Plan compliance. _ cc✓ . C.ir.y CUuncil Nlcmben - Jul}• 29, 2008 . P1gC 11 . Creation of Non-conformi»g Status of Businesses As noteci abovc, maziy of the properties writhin the Plan will be do«nizoned. 1n t'act, many will be downzoried from conunercial to residential, which recrcates sigilificant issues. A non- conforrning stan►s is cxtremely problematic Fbr property_ owners because lenders are very reluctant to lend muney on such property. This makes re-financing, borrowing aild selling of xhe property very clifficulc. In-Lieu Fce The Plan proposcs to require properiy owners to pay an in-licu fec to fund streetscape improvements. E1ny in-licu fec scheme is require.d to meei the requirements of RCW 82.02.020. A blanket in-lieu fee proposal is not permitted: it must be applied on a casc by case basis aiid rneet the statutory requiretiieiits of RCVV $2.02.020. _ Public Open Spacc 1Zequireillznt and Sh;ired Parking. The Plan appears io rcquire open space for public u5e in residcntial developinents. Section 2.3, pg 16. The Plan also reqttires shared parking open to the public. Section 2.4, p~. 7. ' Each of these would be an unconstiiuiional tal:iug of private property in that requires a landowner to allow the public xo trespass on privatE property. This lias been lield unconstitational uncler the Washington State Constittition as it deiiies a property owmer the rieht to cxclucle othcrs: one of tbe niost es5ential sticks in the bundle of rights that are ehmmonly characterized as property. U.S. CONS7'. amencl. V; Wt1 CONST., art. T, S l f("No pri'vate property shall be taken or dainaged for public or privace use without just compensation having been first roade."). . in Guimonl v. Clurke; the Waslungton Supl-eme Court sct forth the staudard for takings analysis. Gtrimortt v. Clut•ke, 121 Wash. 2d 586, 854 P2c1 1(1993). I'he Court creAted a twa-nrong chreshold lest: 1) does tlie alleged tak.ings infringe upan a"fiindaiiental attribute of oNvnership," and 2} if'not, docs thE regulation `°go beyond preventing a public harin to producing a Public bcnefit." Itl. at 601, eiting T'reshytery oJSeattle v King Co-unty, 114 Wash. 2d 3 )20, 787 P.2d 907 (1990) ancl 1 uerrs v.. So. Cnrolirta_Coastal. Cotrncil, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992). The Court deiined the. "fiuidamental attr.ibute.s of ownership" as "the right to possess, lo exc.lude others, or to dispose of property." Id. at 595. Under Guimont, any reyuirement For public open space or shared public parking in a privlte development is a pcr se tal:ing because it infringes upon a fiuldamental at(ribute of owmership: the priva.te owner's right to cxcludE othcrs. Ciey Cowuil Members J, C V \ . )Uly 29,2008 . Pagc 5 Sttmmany We understand and appreciate the City's goals with respect to the creatioii of a City Center and imprdving the overall appearance of'the City. .However; we believe there ncecis to be additional , study and consideration given to the proposed Plan and the itEms discussed above. rurthermore, we believe that the economic burden (c.g. landscaping, arclutectural design; street improvements) of impletiicnting tlie Ylan should not be placed upnn the few located within the Plai, bul borne by all propcrties within the City. `Chaii: you for your time anci consideration to ihis very important issue. Sincercly yours, PARS4IUS%13UR1VE71 AIDRL)ARL, ILP Stacy A. B' rd 1