2008, 01-22 Regular Meeting ANtENt)Ft) AG€NI)A SP()ltAN-E VALL.Eti' CI'Clr' Cn!'ti('il. RN;CULAR NIEk:TIING CouncIl 'N'Iectiag 11131 3'ucsda-v.3nnuan 22,211418 6:00 p.m. Spokune Vx(ley City l.taA Cauncit Chrtmhcrs 11707 F: Sprugue Avcnuc Council ItcqucsU Pkbsc 5ilencr 1'our Ccll Phoncs Durfng Council Meitin% CAL.L T4 ORDF R: tNVUCATI4N: F'astnrJcrry Sjx~nwllrr. OPpotti.lnit}' 13aptiir f:liinth PI.F.DGE C)F ALLt:GIANLF: R(?LL C4L.L: :tPPROVAI.OF AGEVDA: ['VTRODt1t`170N OF SI'FC[AL GtfMS ANU YAF.SY-hrI'A'I'IU.NS: Ct)INL•'1iI'ITF'F- RUARn. LIAIS()ni S[►NI1►1AItY Ri-Pt1R1'1,: MAl'UR'S REI'OR'f: i'ifRLIC CQMNlEti'CS: Iluy is wi cfpp.!Ztit,IiitN t~K tite plklil~ tl> >pcalc LAI anV u,ili,:. \4'hr.ii ti.iu 1-0111c l,l the I.xtitim, plra--r siatr your namc and nddreis for thc rxorcf rtnd limit rcrrrmks to thnr rninute= 1. CONSFN"I' aCF:,tiI)A: Can.Si.sts of itniis can5idcmi tczutinr whicti urr upprovcYl as a grauP. s Cuucuitraembcr may remave an itcm frrnn the Crnr.ent AgentJA to bc cansidrrai sepnt3tcly- a. Ctaini ucwzhcrs: V41ICHf:R LiST UATE VOUCIIER #s '1'OTAL VOUCHi:R AAlOtJNT l 12-31-2007 13-~75-135i? I S696,885.h I ' 01-10•2008 13583-13655 51,946,890.04 t CLAIMS j ~.~z3,r5.9ta . .Y.. b. Psymll fcr Pay Ycrind Enciing Jnuuary 15.2008: S202,275.20 c. Apprornl of "AAA Swrcping•• C,ontr,wl d. Approval of Scnske Contnrt Rcncwal e. Appraval otnrmolisfort of Vallcy Mission 5'cniar Cui2rr f3uiIcIing P. Appxoval af Jnnunry i2: 2008 Minutcs of 5pecial Msrtitig Wuucjl Retrcai g. Approvnl uC7311uar%'S, 2008 Nlinuw~s of Rcplar Council R1ccting NE'W B USI1*4 ESti; Fits1 Rcadin¢ PraNstxi Ordinance ?tii- 06-001, ,1mcn,iin, S'►:ingzrous [)og, - l.-u,: Dti:k-cll (puhlfc cummcntl 3. Mation Cunsidcrniinn: Approval nf 1 a:i}ar l.ca-,c: - i'atti• Driskcll (Qublic commcot) .•,ini.i'.:? c:'I ~a `K i?:_;ul~t '.li~.iii_ • ~ - 1't-.iilAG CONMEN - TS Tltis !i iu► opportunity I~.u fi-w puLltr 10 spe. tan amv Iopic. Wieo ;:ou came Iu GtIC pQtilhSltit, (1lcSSC S1atc tioUf n:!rrte 3fli! acl~4rr:s 1or th._ -mld l11T11t fC(IlmIC' Ifl(ti' !Si;l!'1lri- 1.C)MINIS"1'EtA'I'TVE RE:I'ORTti: t, I'ublit Rcto[d Trainine -N1i1,c '+'h!i, 1}~~gis ~ tt~ ~3~Crr~ - naVC y~ ist~ !aci~;. ~n f 1'FORMAT7C1N (1NL.Y: 5. Ctbs:k Se:atling-Nril }:rr:trr, t,. CIrpar;mcfrt KcJr-xt• E:xFCI.mVc srSSTOti. :wJuuRNtii,Nr FLTURF, .ti'L'11ED t•'1_E Xrgular Cnurtclllllttlink•s urtgctterull}• hclrt :nd rrnrf 1" Tue.vJrcvs, Deginning at b: 0Oµnz Counrfl Stutlt,Sc-ssinrrs Rre genernlli! krld 1". 3'j and Srh TueFdays, heginning a! 6: f10 pan. nOT1{'E: lrnilsiduntt pTiuraing to xi.:;~f itx matiuy uEi.r CKql11CC TCCLII 1L7D1YSIIJICc w ui~~ius:,uld::~ phvctu~~, bcYEr.~ ,::Ihu 'ttnpalrmcstitx pE:iese rnrttwtt (h: City Ucak atI (504) fl: !-tfrQoay sacm as possibIc %D itiu urrnuem►cnu mar bc fnad-e. ~:_,~inc~E:1y;;-r.~f~ (11•3--1"n i?';,t~ltr 1~icct:•~a. i r::: , • ~ Agenda Iterri 4a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Nleeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information - admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : City Funding Options GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State Law PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The city cfluncil has reviewed city financial forecasts and is aware that action is needed to avoid deficits in future years. There are four significant projectslprograms that need funding. The council has been supportive of these projects/programs but a plan is needed to provide funding before we move ahead. BACKGROUND: The four most pressing needs are: 0 A. City hall construction estimated at $18 million B. City center improvements including open space, land, plazas, streets, and developer incentives roughly estimated at $10 million . . C. Street maintenance estimated at $2 million each year D. Pavement management program to protect the city's capital investment in streets, estimated at $4 million each year While no one funding source is likely to provide all the funding, we need to begin assembling • smaller funding sources to assist us in accomplishing city goals_ . If we do not have new funding • sources in place soon we will need to begin reducing our service levels to balance our budget. A 2008 council goal is "Formulate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses : ...................that institute sustainable budget- .balancing approaches and itemizes necessarv service reductions or revenue increases or combinations thereof.° ~ i ~ • Agenaa Item 4a At the councillstaff retreat on January 12 there was discussion regarding: A. Setting aside $800,000 each year for paying the costs of building a new city hall B. A voter approved bond sale for city center improvements with an increase in property taxes to retire the bonds C. A vehicle license fee of $20/year to be used for street maintenance D. Preparation of a funding plan to pay for the pavement management program OPTIONS: 1.) Direct staff to proceed with items A, B, C and D as outlined; 2.) Direct staff to . abandon A, B, C and D and look for ways to cut service levels; 3) Some combination of 1) and . 2). BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Projections of revenues and expenditures over the next six years indicate additional funding sources must be found or seniice levels reduced. STAFF CONTACT: Finance Director Ken Thompson J CITY FINANCIAL NEEDS ~ Ken Thompson, Finance Diredor January 22, 2008 \40ST PRE'SSING FIN. NEEDS A Ci'y Hall Estimeted at f 18 midqn +On hand $8 mlllion -GoundMmarnc bonda lor $6 million Use lease payments tor debt +Sg00,0031yr set aaide lor 5 yeare +Snortage o1 $2 million to De identified Most Pressing Financial IVecds B. Cdy CeMer ImprovemsMS est at $10 million +streels +tandscapir►p ~plazs +open spaoe ~Iand +developer Inoerrtrves 'Voter approved bond sale with an inuease in property tax to pey debt serviOB? a121m oi taxable velue = S21mo on $200.000 ProPertY 'Other fundinp souroes to be determined 1 Most Pressing Financial Needs - C. 5treet Maintenanae Est. at $2 millioNyr based on consultanYs study. + Vehide tab fee of S20 would raise $1.2 to $1.4 millioNyr + Other funding sources as needed Most Pressing Financial Needs Preserva Street Caprtal Investment esumated~ at 54 million eadi year. -Ut,iity Tsx? Or, • ProparM Tax (to rMiro bonds) at 50 Centslm ot :axable value would Day debt sarvioe for $3 milliorJyr. -oW►,er or a s200,ooo p►operty woua aar se.33m+onm 2 Flgenda ltem 4b ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check aU that appfy: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending Iegislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE': Legislative 2008 Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will continue discussion of upcoming legislative issues. ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS AWC 2008 Legislative Priorities - . . , . , _ . .'I - . ; " . A WC- L- egisla tive - Serv~ces~ a WA sra*A . , • ~ - . ° ~ Le, Iyt~b . . Legislative / AWC Legisladve Services / Documents / AWC 2008 Legislatlve Rriorities AWC 2008 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES The AWC Board recently adopted an ambitious Iegislative agenda for this upcoming session. The following 2008 legislative priorities focus an: , . Promoting ciCy fiscal health and flexibility. e Maintaining and developing quality infrastructure for safety and development. • Fostering land use and environmental stewardship • Promoring Community Safety and Justice; and • Providing for flexible general govemment operations. Major Priorities ' • I-747: Advance legisla'tion that establishes a cap tied to the Implicit Price Deflator or 1%, whichever is . greater. • Annexation and City/County Governance Transition: Advocate for changes to annexation statutes that will better facilitate annexations, and explore legislative ideas to encourage cities and counties to better coordinate boundary, Flnance and governance transition issues. • Infrastructure Funding - Increase Existing Grant and Loan Programs: Seek increased funding for infrastructure and economic development programs. o LEOFF 1 Medical and Long-Term Care Costs: Seek legislation that provldes financial assistance for cities in paying for these liabilities. • Community Economic Revitalization Soard (CERB) and lob Development Fund: Seek permanent funding for the CERB and the Job Development Fund. v Gang Task Force Recommendations: AWC will support local option tools and funding far use by cities. Other Priorities • REET: Seek legislation that provides greater flexibility for REET by expanding the uses of the second quarter REET to match the first quarter. • Housing Affordability: Seek passage of legislation addressing housing affordability through infrastructure funding and new fiscal incentives; oppose new mandates or pre-emptive zoning legislation; oppose elimination of Impact fee authorities unless replaced with something that provides equal or more revenue. • Local Solutions to Climate Change: Support proposals that provide citles with additional flexible tools to continue creating sustainable communities; engage in discussions about the most effettive means to meet's_.~~ Greenhouse Gas Emission goals established in 2007; oppose new unfunded mandates and "one size fits all" solutions to sustainability challenges, and; provide outreach and education to cities page 1 of 3 • Mitigating Medical Costs for Oifenclers: Seek passage of legislation to remove the 2-year sunset provision in Sec. 66 of SSB 5930; expand the uses of the extraordinary criminal justice account*to include extraordinary ~medical costs for offenders; support individual city proposais to provide additional funds for offender medical Cj costs. - • Increase Local Funding Options for Public Safety: Seek passage of legislation providing additionai local funding options for public safety purposes, including jail construction. • Financial Assistance for Cities and ToUrns with an Insufficient Tax Base: Explore options to expand financial assistance as opportunities are presented. • Municipai Phase II Stormwater Permit: Oppose new conditions that exceed Federal minimum standards, advocate for funding assistance to help cities Implement the permit, and consider legal/legislative remedies. e Publit Health Financing: Pursue legislation that increases funding for local health jurisdictions (LHJs) while. working to ensure cities arc not mandated to fund LHJs. • Puget Sound Clean-Up: Stay attively engaged in development of the Puget Sound Partnership's ACTION AGENDA and advance proposals that help restore and protect the Sound while preserving local land use authority and spending prlorities. • Local Infrastructure Finance Tool (LIFT): Continue to message to legislature to expand LIFT, increase eligibility, and make technical corrections to this authorlty, • Alternative Public Works Legislation: Pursue modifications to Deslgn-Build authority; repeal $lOM floor and broaden definition. e Filling a Vacancy in the Office of Mayor: Pursue legislation to clarify that incumbent councilmembers in mayor- council cities are eligible to be appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor without first having to resign ~ their council seat. • Balancing Environmental Protection, Economic Development and Protection of Property Rights: Continue to support efForts to provide greater deference to cities to determine how best to balance protection of proper-ty rights, local environmental resources and economic development, induding potential clariflcation on how to find, consider and apply 8est Available Science. Also engage in consideration of city eminent domain authorities to help insure appropriate existing community redevelopment tools are maintained. • Land Use/Gambling: Defend cities' ability to Fully ban gambling and seek legislation that provides cities Che ability to zone or partially ban gambling facilities. • Outdoor Burning in Small Cities/Towns: Seek relief for cities under 5,000 in population from the January 1, 2007 deadfine banning residential burning. • Expedite Grant and Loan Programs: Pursue/support legislation to accelerate the approval of proposed PWS project lists. • 61d Limit Flexibility: Pursue legfslation to increase current city bid limits and provide additional flexibility. Endorse • Citizens Initiative Review: Suppor't creation of a Citizens Initiative Review panel of random citizens to review statewide initlatives and issue reports on their findings, for inclusfon in voters' pamphlets. • Sex Offenders: Vlgorously resist any mandates unless sufficient funding is available; endorse expansion of monitoring tools; support services to victirns; review sentencing enhancements ` • Liability for Fire Department Standards: Clarify the statute to grant immunity fo clties if response time goals are not met, or pass legislation similar to HB 2881 (introduced in 2004). page 2 of 3 e Public Disclosure of Victims' Records: Support legislation exempting records of sexual assault on a child from public disclosure. • Civil Penalty for Malicious Mischief • Limiting liability for Local Government ` • Enhanced Penalties for Eluding Police • Courts of Llmited ]urisdiction 1Nork Group Recommendations • Administrative Warrants Authority • Creating a DUI Surcharge and Ignition Interlock Requirement • Increasing Penalties for Assault of a Code Enforcement Officer • The VA to Include Mental Nealth and Chemical Dependenc in Their Medical Center • Establishing Mandatory Minimums for DUI with Children in ihe Car • Jail Booking Fees: Support proposal to create a due process procedure so cities can continue to collect jail booking fees. • Victims Records Availability: Reaffirm the authority of local agencies to protect from disdosure sQnsitive criminal investigation records concerning sexual assault crlmes. • Elimination of Election Dates: Endorse a solutfon that local governments could generally support Strongly Defend Against • Telecommunications and Statewide Franchise Agreements: Defeat legislation that eliminates authority of . governments to issue franchise agreements. 1 ; . Taping of Executive Sessions: Defeat legislation to require local governments to tape executive sessions. • Pole Attachment Fees: Defend against any effort to implement a state pale attachment rate process. • Requiring All Judges to Be Elected: Oppose efforts to require that all municipal court judges, regardless of the number of hours they work, be elected. . Expanding Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Municipal Courts • Changing the Requirements for, and Expanding I..iabilities and Recoverles Under, a WrongFul Injury ar Death Cause of Action • Mandating that Cities Must Allow Tent Cftfes • Commissioning Tribal Law Enforcement • No Additional Diversion from the Public Works Trust Fund: Support more funding for infrastructure and economic development, not the redirecting of existing funds. ' • Reject All Bids Legislation: Oppose legislation that erodes cities' ability to reject all contracting bids. • Contracting Clalms Legislation: Oppose legislative that erodes cities' ability to recei've notice and manage contracts. • Authority of. Cities to Assume Water-Sewer Districts: Defend against efforts to eliminate the authority of cities to assume water-sewer districts. a LEOFF 2 8enefit Enhancements: Oppose costly LEOFF Z benefit enhancements. • Municipal Business and Occupation Tax - AWC strongly opposes any further changes to the municipal B&0( ~statutes that would reduce local authoriCy regarding the implementation of this tax or result in additional ~-J revenue lass to cities. page 3 of 3 f. AcENnA SPOI{11ri E VAI.LFY CITY COUNCI L REGUI.AR l►TCETtNG Council Mceting i#131 Tuesday, Jaaunry 22, 2008 6:00 p.m. 9pakanc Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E SprAgae Avenue Council Requcsts Pleasr Silearr I'onr Ccl1 Phooes Iluring Council Meeting C1lLL'1'U ORDF.R: LYVOCATION: Pa;ioyr Jcm. Sronsellcr. Oppc,rtunity BapUtit ('hurch P1,F,DGF: OF AI,LEGIANCF: ROLL CAI.i.: AP!'ROVAL UF AGF:yD a: ilr"TRQDUCTIOY OF SPECTAI, GLIF.STS A.ND I'RF:SEN'fA170NS: CO:ltMTITM BOARD. I-tAISON S[tNtl11ARY ltE:l'ORTS: ;1tAYOR'S RLPO[tT: PllBLIC C014MENTS: This is an apportunity fur lhe public to s}h:ak tin any topic. 1h'hen you come to the pcciium, pleasr titatc yuur namc and address toc the rriurd tutd litnit remurks to three minuUcs. 1. CONSFNT AGF:r`D;1: Consisis of items considercd routinc which nre upproved as a grt►up. A CounciinwmE+cr mny removc an itetu from the Conscnt Agenda to bt coasidered separnief}•. n. Clnim Vnuchtts: VOUC1iLR L1ST DATE VpUCtil:R ifs TOTAL VOUCI-IER A,'~tOiJ3'v-i' 1?-3 i-1-Uq7 13475-13573 S686,885.81 01-10-2008 13583-13653 $1.946,890.09 , 1'O'I'A1.. C[ A1MS 52,633,775.40 , b. Payroll fcu 1'zy E'criotl Cqding lanuuy 15. 1-008: S242,275.20 c. Approval of''AAA Swceping" Conttact d. Approwl of Sensl:r Cantract ReneR-al c. Approvul of Dt-matition of Valley Mission Scnier Centcr Building f Appraval ofl:tnuuy 12, 2008 Minutcs of 5pecial Meeting Council tZetrcar g. Approvul uf Janunrv 8, 1-008 Minutes of Regulnt Council Mecting NFAN' s1►4(ti E:SS; Fir;t Rcading i'roposed Ordin:uicc; :Vo. 48•001, Ainznding I?angrrous Dog - Cary f)riskcll (publlc commeali 3. I►4otion Consideratien: Approval of I_amar Lrasc - Cery Driskclt [pubtit comment] Agettd.i 01-22-(}812chnilnr %trcti:w. 3`,:hc 1 YUf3I.IC COM111H;1'TS I-1iis i5 ars opp+,rtcinit}-tnr thc puhlic tn sprak o❑ aIIY tnpIC. WI3l'fl \vOu tumc 10 thc rodium. pte:isr state yuur nivn~ -mid addrzss (i)r chc record aiid limit rcmnrl.s tu ttirrr niinutc,. AUAI[\[S'IRATiVf: RE:YOK'fti: 4. Puhlic Rccord 'Craining - Mike ('onneliy: +:'iin's Bainbricige LNF'ORALA"I'lUN UNI_1`: 5. Cr3ck Scsling - Neil Kersten 6. UePartment Reports EXECUTIVC SESSI[>N; AD.TO1TRlvl*g;ti1' FUTURE SelIFDULE Rrgular CouncU Atedingx an genesally held lnd nxd 4`b Tuesduvs, begirining at b: 00 p. n,. CoHnci! Sludp Sessians arr generally firld l", 3'f und S1h Tuacduys, btglnning at 6: 00 p.nit Tucs. Fch 19, 21OOR: Study Scssicm incluJes ~Mich.icl Freedman diccussing Aocik I11 Stih-ama Plan Nn71CE: indi%iduats plwsmng !o ancttd thc mecung xho rcquitc spccinl nssis:nn{:c tu ai:cornmodotc physi:,al, ticarittg, t2r atliu f nnTmiTmrnts, pfesse ccmtxt the City Clak ut 009j 92 1 40U() as sonn as pastibie sn thnt srruc►grments miy be mndc- ~ ('i)11RC;I A %Cili1 411.7 27.0 ~ ?r_CUI_* IN Sf,r'I~i_, .~EC 2 _ ) r~~ 1 t CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 01-22-48 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST DATE VOUCHER #s `I'OTAL VOUCHER Av10UNT 12-31-2007 13475-13573 • $686,885.81 01-10-2008 13583-13655 $1,946,890.09 'f0'i'AL. CLAIMS $2,633.775.90 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: f~ Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher List _i . vchlist - Voucher List Page: 1 01110/2008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Involce PO # Description/Account Amount 13583 11312008 000173 BIIdGAMAN, GREG Cell Allowance 4TW QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105.00 Total : 105.00 13584 1/3/2008 000060 DEPIENNY, RICHARD Cell Allowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 135.00 Total : 135.00 13585 1/3/2008 001009 GOTHMANN, WILLIAM H. Cefl AIlowanae 4TH Q7R 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 135.00 ' Total : 135.00 13586 1I312008 000069 MERCIER, DAVID Cell Allorvance 4TFi QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 105A0 _ Total : 105.00 13587 1/3/2008. 000062 MUNSON, RICHARD , Cell Allrnvance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 135.00 • Total : 135.00 13588 113/2008 000064 SCHIMMELS, GARY Cell Allowance . 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 135.00 Total : 135.00 13589 1/3/2008 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Gell AIlowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 135.00 ' Tota I : 135.00 13590 1/3f2008 000061 WILHITE, DIANA Expenses TRAVEL FJCPENSES 2,007.90 . Total : 2,007.90. 13591 1/312008 000061 WIWITE, DIANA Celi Allowance 4TH QTR 2007 CELL ALLOWANCE 135.00 Total : 135.00 13593 1/312008 000014 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 118488 EDEN (NFORUM GOLD SUPPORT 33,693.81 Total : 33,693.81 13595 114/2008 000193 NORTHWEST CNRIS7IAN SCHOOL INC 010420138 . JAr! 2008 REId7 29,433.49 . Total: 29,433.09 13596 1/7/2008 000090 SPOKANE CO. INFORMATION, SYSTEM: 50301690 COUNTY fT SUPPORT 13,439.01 Tota I : 13,439.01 13597 7!7l2008 000090 SPOKANE CO. INFORiJ1AT10N, SYSTEM; 50301821 • COUNTY fT SUPPOR7 19,075.56 ' Page: 1 vchlist Vouchet List Page: 2 0111012008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley _ Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO'# Description/Account Amount 13597 1/712008 000490 000080 SPOKANE CO. INFORMATION, SYSI (Continued) Total : 1%075.56 13598 1/7/2008 000090 SPOKANE CO. INFORMATION, SYS7EP/1; 54301925 ' COUNTY IT SUPPORT 15,351.35 Total : 15,351.35 13599 1/10/2008 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER pec 07 DEC 2007 SERVICES 1,359,127.48 ' • Total : 1,359,127.48 13600 1/1012008 000779 SOUTI-IARD, BRAD 301253 41495 QUOTE NO. 0003.07 DEAD ANIMAL 750.00 . Total: 750.00 13602 1/1012008 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 39499 41797 CONTRACT NO. 07-021-VACTORINI ' 5,372.61 39500 41579 CITY CONTRACT NO. 07-001 SWEE 15,534.82 Total : 20,857.43 13603 1/10/2008 000998 AIR FILTER SALES NW, INC. . 47321 AIR FILTERS: CP ' 183.86 - Total: 183.86 13604 1/10/2008 000150 ALUED F1RE & SECURITY SVC312147 SERVICE CALL. CITY HALL 93.94 . Total : 93.94 13605 1/10P2008 001081 ALSCO LSP0334700. MATS: CIlY HALL 64.20 Total : 64.20 13606 1/10/2008 001588 AM ADVISORS GROUP Refund REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE 13.00 Total : 13.00 13607 1l1012008 001012 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS 182012 . CaPIES: MAILROOM 315.17 186590 COPIES: MAILROOM 1,330.11 Totai : 1,645.28 13508 1/1012008 000030 AVISTA UTILI71E5 090091047 . UTILITIES: 2426 N DISCOVERY 7,261.67 Total : 7,261.67 13609 1/10/2008 000729 CH2MHILL IIdC. 3627319 41025 0003-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 15,635.71 _ 3628733 • 41011 SAFETY STANDARDS OF PRACTIC 9,680.00 3632457 41011 SAFETY STANDARDS OF PRACTIC 2,286.00 3632462. 41025 0003-BARKER ROAD BRIDGE 18,893.62 2 vchlist VouCher LiSt Page: 3 01/1012008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code: • apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoico PO # Description/Account Amount 13609 1/10f2008 000729 000729 CH2hAHILL INC. (Continued) , Total : 46,495.33 13610 1h012008 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 104058 VALLEY TRANSFER 424.90 , Total: • 424.90 13611 1/10/2008 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 55953 ' COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 358.26 56248 . COFFEE SERVICE: CITY HALL 83.23 • Total: 441.49 13612 1/10/2008 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 173343540-001 41898 CORPORATE EXPRESS-ROXANNE 24.65 174438685001 . OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN 16.23 Total : 40.88 13613 1/1012008 000693 DEPT OF INFORNiATION SERVICES 2007120218 DEC 07: MASTER LICENSE 11.88 ' Total : 11.86 13614 1/10/2008 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB71211034 I90 SULLIVAN I/C PCCP REHAB 2,806.53 RE-313-AT671211059 SIGNAL & ILLUMIPIATION AAAIPVT 12,363.98 RE-313-ATB71211060 STATE ROUTE ROADWAY MAINT 4,934.85 RE-313-ATB71211099 PINES/MANSFIELD CORR 941.97 , Total : 21,047.33 13615 1/10/2008 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHIMG INC 29769 LEGAL AD: CI7Y CLERK . 71.75 29772 LEGAL AD: PW 57.44 29775 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 30.00 29776 LEGAL AD: PARKS 25.00 29821 LEGAL AD: PLANNIfdG 49.50 - 28838 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 28.00 . . 29840 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 28.50 29841 LEGAL AD: CI7Y CLERK 25.00 29842 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 83.25 29843 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 84.75 Total : 483.15 13616 1/10/2008 000825 GEOLINE POSITIONING SYSTEM INC, GI 216054 41902 7RIMBLE GIS- WA STATE CONTRA, 3,555.59 • Total : 3,555.59 13617 1/10/2008 000558 GEORGE, CAROLYN Expenses REIMBURSEMENT FOR SUPPLIES 39.07 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 01/1012008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionJAccount Amount 13617 111012008 OU0556 000556 GEORGE, CAROLYN (Continued) Total : 39.07 13618 1/10/2008 001253 GORDON THOMAS MONEYWELL 12042 LOBBYIST SERVICE: DEC 07 2,191.62 . Total : 2,191.62 13619 1/10l2008 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INCORPORATED 4th Qtr 2007 4TH Q7R ECONOMIC DEV 16,250.00 Total : 16,250.00 13620 1/10/2008 001587 GUERRY, R013ERT Ecpenses ICC EXAM REIMBURSED 170.00 Total : 170.00 13621 1/10120U8 000002 H & H BUSIIdESS SYSTEMS INC. 095306 STAPLES 41.81 154702 SERVICE CALL 95.00 165784 MONTHLY COPIES: C3500 3,581.53 165785 MONTHLY COPIES: C3500 468.48 165914 COPIES: PERMfT CTR 177.43 . 166008 COLOR COPIES: HR 121,71 166007 BW COPIES: HR 88.67 . 166043 COPIES: COUNCIL 170.66 166059 COPIES. PW 90.37 166164 COLOR COPIES: FIN 643.88 ' 166165 BW COPIES: FIN 245.87 166311 LARGE PAPER 7RAYS ' 950.25 166719 COPIES: PARKS 2,874.98 _ 166720 COPIES: PARKS 355.07 , Total : 9,926.01 13622 1/10/2008 000505 H& H FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 1685 pEC LEASE PMT: COUNCIL 233.49 1686 DEC LEASE PM7: PARKS 307.34 1687 ' DEC LEASE PMT: PW 412.68 Total : 953.51 13623 1/10/2008 000441 HOME DEPOT CREDfT SERVICES 3074533 SUPPLIES: PRECINCT 20.01 3560688 FLEET SUPPLIES 32.15 5062659 PAINT SUPPL:IES: DCM 64.80 7062438 PAIfdT SUPPLIES: DCM 116.25 , 8062340 SUPPLIES: CP 62.54 _ . • o....@: 4 ' • , . ' - a ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 01110/2008 4:49:50PM _ Spokane Valley . . Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13623 1/10/2008 000441 aa0441 HOME DEPOT CREDfT SERVICES (Continued) Total : 295.85 13624 1110/2008 001314 IMSA IRASA ID#88164 IMSA DUES: NOTE 60.00 Total : 60.00 13625 1/10/2008 000313 INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY INC. PMT #5 41109 PAYMENT #5 - FINAL • 7,627.96 . Total : 7,627.96 13626 1/10/2008 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. 55604 PHOTO ID CARD 23.89 55605 PHOTO ID CARD 23,89 Total : 47.78 13627 1J1012008 000070 INLAND POWCR& LIGHT CO 94202-002 ELECTRIC: FLORA/TRENT 40.14 94202-003 UTILITIES: DISHMAN180WDISH 57.24 94202-005 UTILfTIES: DISHMAWSHAFER 137.06 91202-006 • S7REET LIGHTING 201.60 Total : 436.04 13628 1l10/2008 000632 INTL CODE COUNCIL; MEMBERSHIP 07-5219813 ICC MEMBERSHIP: MK MARTIN 180.00 - Total: 180.00 13629 1/10/2008 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 112500.0 UTILITIES: 13504 E MIRA6EAU PKY 166.00 Total : 166.00 13630 1/10/2008 000993 LES SCHWAB TIRE CEN7ER ' 584892 WINTER ChIANGEOVER: 38904D 56.47 , Total : 58.47 13631 1/10/2008 000073 MCCORMICK, GREG Mileage . P/IILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 38.80 . Total : 38.80 13632 1/10/2008 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00017471 TAX'fOOLS SOFTWARE . 341.95 • Total : 341.95 13633 . 1/10/2008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04500-07 COMM L.IGHT: 721 N PINES 106.20 04515-02 COMM LIGHT: 13313 E 6120ADWAY 48.40 04553-01 COMM LIGHT: 167HIPINES 81.96 04556-01 COMM LIGHT: PINESlPAISSION 104.16 . 04605-02 COMM LIGHT: 8118 E MISSION 43.28 Page: 5 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 6 01/1012008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Descryption/Account Amount 13633 1/10/2008 000132 AAODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO . (Continued) • 04638-02 COMM LIGHT: 9122 E BROADWAY 42.07 04669-02 CONiM LIGHTS: 800 N UNIVERSITY 58.04 04691-02 COMM LIGHT: 800 N BOWDISM 32.48 04745-02 COMM LIGHT: 9707 E SPRAGUE . 65.54 04792-02 COMM LIGHT: 11600 E SPRAGUE 64.27 04836-02 UTILfTIES: 10 E SPRAGUE 59.20 04966-02 STREET LlGHTS: 12112 E SPRAGU 6,038.90 04971-01 CONIM LIGHT: SPRAGUE/PINES 151.11 06811-02 COMM LIGHT: ARGONNE/MONTGO 66.47 0709M2 UTILITIES: 10701 E SPRAGUE 67.80 07247-02 UTIUTIES: 8207 E MONTGOMERY 62.62 07750-02 UTILITIES: 12910 E SPRAGUE 39.26 07850-02 UTILITIES: 10920 E SPRAGUE 57.33 07861-02 COMIIA LIGHT: 1600 N MULLAN 44.71 0829702 UTILITIES: 13001 E SPRAGUE 65.04 08343-02 TRAFFIC UGHTS: 10700 E SPRAGI 79.37 . 09779-01 STREET LIGHTS: 10618 SR27 244.00 09909-02 COMM LIGHT: 9614 E 2ND 89.40 ' 09910-02 COMM LIGHT: 114 E 2ND 28,29 09911-02 COMM LIGHT: 213 E 2ND 74.35 09963-02 XWALK: 11123 E MISSION . 35.62 10031.02 SECURITY LIGHT: 108 E APPLEWA 12.20 . 10038-01 UTILITIES: HERALD/SPRAGUE 48.00 10039.01 U"fILITIES:IJVILLOWlSPRAGUE 29.80 10040-01 UTILITIES: FARR/SPRAGUE 29.80 10041-01 UTIUTIES: DARTMOUTH/SPRAGUE 29.80 10042-01 UTILITIES: 16TH/SALTESE 22.60 10046-02 COMM LIGHT: 13102 E MISSION 47.24 10Q49-02 • XWALK: BROADWAY SCHOOL 41.59 10176-01 UTILI7IES: 1607 S I'INES 22.60 , Total : 8,131.50 13634 ' 1/1012008 001586 MOLINA HEALTH CARE Refund DAMAGE DEPOSfT REFUND 130.00 . Totel: 130.00 13635 1/10/2008 000193 MORTHWEST CWRISTIAN SCHOOL IfdC 3rd Qtr CAM 3RD QUARTER 2007 CAM CHARGE 596.59 6 . . . . I,` ~ . . . ~ . 0 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 7 01/1012008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor ' Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13635 1I10/2008 000193 000193 NORTHWEST. C H RISTIAN SCHOOL (Corrtinued) Total : 596.59 13636 1/10/2008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 408960848-001 CREDIT MEMO: PO 41881 -5.97 411556633-001 SUPPLIES: FINANCE 58.63 411622143-001 41861 CHAIRS - BUILDING 340,07 . 412191521-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BLDG 211.45 412191521-002 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BLDG 33.43 412626010-001 41803 OFFICE DEPOT 180.64 , • 413459536-001 ARCHIVE BOXES: CITY CLERK 202.75 Total : 1,031.00 13637 1/10/2008 001258 ORB ARCHITECTS IP1C. 7 41599 - DESIGN OF POOL - PARK ROAD 19,347.91 7 41600 DESIGN OF POOL - TERRACE VEIV 19,347.92 ' 41600 , 7 41601 DESIGN OF POOL - VALLEY MISSIC 19,347.92 • 41601 , Total : 58,043.75 13638 1/10/2008 001579 PEPLINSKI EXCAVATION, INC. 113 41907 U71LI7Y LOCATES FOR VALLEY Mit 591.87 Total : 591.87 13639 1/10/2008 000041 PROTHMAN COMPANY 2007-1520 JOB USTINGS: COMM DEV DIR 240.00 2007-1521 RECRUI7ING ECPENSES: DCM 158.58 ' Total : 398.58 13640 1/10/2008 000601 RERC Subscaiption • SUBSCRIPTION: MCCORMICK 75.00 Total : 75.00 13641 1/1012008 000935 SEF2VICE PAPER COfbSPANY 30415034 JANITORIAL SUPPUES: CP 197.83 30416350 JAMITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP • 11.95 Total : 209.75 13642 1/1012008 000710 SPOKANE CO BAR ASSOC CB711048 NOV 07: COPIES 0.50 C8801042 OEC 07: COPIES 2.50 . Total : 3.00 13643 1/10I2008 000001 SPQKANE CO. TREASURER - 010020000600128 2007 ELECTIONS COSTS 73,592.47 Page: 7 vchlist VoUChe1' LISt Page: 8 01110/2008 4:49:50PM - Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank ' Vouchcr Date Vendor Invaice PO # DescripUonlAccount Amount 13643 111012008 000001 000001 SPOKANE C0. 7REASURER (Continued) Total : 73,592.47 13644 1110/2008 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 101-001 Progress 41912 GRANDVIEW ACRES - 2007 STEP F 79,348.01 121 -001 -Progress 41913 0058 TREIJTWOOD STEP PROJECI 77,282.07 . Total : 156,630.08 ' 13645 1110/2008 000862 SPOKANE ROCK PRODUCTS, IPEC. Application #4 41260 0039-45-017 ARGONNE ROAD OVE 19,498.47 Total : 19,498.47 13646 1/10/2008 000311 SPRINT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0141276664-3 MOfdTHLY CELL PHONES 894.47 0602678198-7 WAA FOR LAPTOPS 442.04 Total : 7,336.51 13647 1/10/2008 000085 STAPLES BUSWESS ADVANTAGE 3094482380 41871 WALL SCREEN AND WALL BRACKI 70.86 3095537301 OFFICE SUPPLIES' CD 4924 . . 3095537302 41871 WALL SCREEN AND WALL BRACKE -70.86 Total : 49.24 13648 1/10/2008 000257 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE L68241 AUDITORS 5,481.60 Total : 5,481.60 13849 1/10f2008 000081 STATE OF WASHINCTON 4th Qtr 2007 4TH QTR 2007 SALES TAX 821.59 Total : 821.59 13650 1/1012008 001469 S7EHLC0, LLC Tree Removal TREE REMOVAL 543.00 ' Total : 543.00 ' 13651 117012008 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 42365 CLASSIFIED ADS 374.95 Total : 374.95 13652 1110/2008 001248 USKH, INC. 10312M3 41829 TOPO SURVEYS & CONTOUR MAP 160.41 . Total : 160.41 13653 1/10/2008 000167 VERA WATEft & POWER 0001-032805.00 UTILITIES: 15008 E MISSION 23.88 OOU5-016348.01 UTILITIES: TRFC SIGNALS 65.32 0012-004137.02 UTILI7IES: 805 S EVERGREEN 65.12 0013-032589.01 , UTILITIES: BTHfEVERGREEN 46.18 0014-404275.01 • UTILITIES: SALTESE/MCDONALD 25.23 \ Pann: $ o Q vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 0111012008 4:49:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' • Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DascriptionlAccount Amount 13653 1/10/2008 000167 VERA WATER & POWER (ConUnued) . 0014032971.00 • UTILITIES:16TMIEVERGREEN 25.63 0099-000005.00 STREET UGHTING 1,714.40 010-003488.01 UTILITIES: SPRAGUElSULLIVAN 115.13 Total : 2,080.89 13654 ' 1/1012008 000409 WA DEPT OF REVENUE 4th Qtr 2007 4TH QTR 2007: LEASEHOLD EXCIS • 1,512.84 Total : 1,512.84 13655 1/10/2008 000061 WIIHITE. DIANA MILEAGE MILEAGE REIMBUF2SEMENT 297.80 . Total: 297.80 70 Vouchers for bank coda : apbank Bank total : 1,946,890.09 .70 Vouchers in this report • Total vouchers : 1,946,890.09 I, the undcraigned, do certify under penalty o£ pexjury, , that the matexia]s have becn furnished, the services rendered, or the labor per£ormed as described herein and that thc clai.m is just, due and an unpaid , obligation againat the City of Spokane Valley, and that ' I azn authorized to authenticate and certifyy aaid cl.aim. Fiuance Director pAte Mayor - Date Council Member Date ' Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List - Page: 1 1213112007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 13475 12/27/2007 000243 NORTHWEST SIGN SUPPLY INC. 812415 HEAVY MA7T CTD: PLANNING 236.92 . . Total : 236.92 13476 12/2812007 000028 FARMERS B.iJIERCWANTS BANK 5045, CC: DEVLEMING 87_98 Total : 87.98 13477 12/28/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 5078 CC: MUNSOPI 225.00 Total : 225.00 13478 . 12128/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 5094 CC: SCHIMMELS 120.00 Total: 120.00 13479 12/2812007 000028 FARMERS 8 MERCHANTS BANK 5060 CC: TAYLOR 561.34 Total : 561.34 13480 12/28/2007 000028 FARPAERS & MERCHANTS BANK 5169 ' CC: WILHfTE 845.40 Totai : 845.00 13481 12128/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 5052 . CC: DENENNY 120.00 Total : 120.00 13482 12/2812007 000028 FARMERS 8 MERCHANTS BANK 4484 CC: PASSMORE 1,037.18 Total : 1,037.18 13483 12/2812407 000028 FARPAERS & MERCHANTS BAMK 1217 CC: MERCIER 114.94 Total : 114.94 13484 12/28/2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1829 CC: GENERAL CARD 413.39 Total : 413.39 13485 12128J2007 000028 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1852 CC: GENERAL CARD 87222 . Total : 872.22 13486 12131/2007 000323 SPOKAPIE CO. UTILITIES 0726-003-FINAL 41316 ' 2006 SEWER PROJECT PAVEBACk 109,470.88 ' Total : 109,470.88 13487 12/31/2007 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 091G003-FINAL 41316 2006 SEWER PROJEC7 PAVEBACK 98,639.31 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 1213112007 3:56:50PM SRokane Vailey •Bank codo : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13487 12/31/2007 000323 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES (Continued) Total : 98,639.31 13488 12/3112007 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURII'Y SVC308479 41$03 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 132.86 . Total: 132.86 13489 12l31/2007 001081 ALSCO LSP0330795 MA7S: PRECINCT 13.13 Total : 13.13 13490 12131/2007 000335 ALTON'S 71RE INC. 6-30548 OIL CHANGE: 40201D 39.63 • 6-30712 OIL SERVICE/WIPERS: 35517D 98.36 ' Total : 137.99 13491 12l31f2007 001583 ARC OF SPOKAPIE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSiT 55.00 Total: 55.00 • 13492 12/31/2007 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. INV000953 JANITORIAL SERVICE: PRECINCT 2,082.17 Total : 2,082.17 13493 12/31/2007 000030 AVISTA UTILITIES 410069444 MASTER BILLING 21,393_70 Total : 21,393.70 , IJ..41bwaASe kl~~ ~er nTRCELLlILI-4WAAICE 405 nn Total : 105.00 13485 12/31/2007 000168 BLACK BOX 142284 PHONE WORK: CP 323.09 Total : 323.09 13496 12/31/2007 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY, INC. 8863809 LINEN SERVICE: CP . 380.07 8877498 L-INEN SERVICE: CP 447.33 8881401 • UNEN SERVICE: CP 386.16 SU049548 . LINEN SERVICE: CP 65.26 S0054848 LINEN SERVICE: CP 5.73 Total : 1,284.55 13497 12131f2007 001532 BRANDNER, MONICA K Hofiday Etiquette HOUDAY ETIQUETT/DINING CLAS: 208.00 . . Total: 208.00 13498 12/31/2007 001022 CARR SALES CO. S1010142001 LIGHTING SUPPLIES: CP 93.15 . ~ , ~ E~: 2 . . . . 0 O vchlist Voucner List ' Page: 3 12l3112007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice . PO # DescNption/Account Amount 13498 12/31/2007 001022 001022 CARR SALES CO. (Continued) Total : 93.15 13499 12l31/2007 000101 CDW-G HRV6225 41891 HP XW6400 WORKS7A710N 9,444.62 . ToL31 : 9,444.62 13500 12131l2007 000729 CH2MHILL IMC. 3629152 40691 0009 - VALLEY CORRIDOR ENV. ST 5,874.74 . , Total: 5,874.74 13501 12/31/2007 000968 CHARLEY'S CATERING COMPANY Catering: 12/07107 CA'fERING: HARRIS BIOMEDICAL 197.50 • Total : 197.90 , 13502 12l31t2007 001048 CITY PARCEL DELIVERY, INC. 110091 COURIER SERVICE: COPt1DEV 48.68 • . , Tota I : 48.68 13503 12l31/2007 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 55852 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 89.40 ' Total : 89.40 13504 12/31/2007 001137 COLLIER, BRANT Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 20022 Total: • 200.22 13505 12131/2007 000608 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLUTIONS 1161 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.06 1238 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.06 Total : 456.12 13546 12/31/2007 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC., INC. 24868 41875 CHAl12S FOR COMM. DEV. 2,488.53 • Total : 2,488.53 ' 13507 • 12/31/2007 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 83321947 41892 . CORPORATE EXPRESS - ROXANNI 6.16 Total : 6.16 13508 12131/2007 001564 CUSTONi PRODUCTIONS 50516 41890 CUSTOM PRODUCTIONS (VENDOr, 306.60 Toql : 306.60 13509 12/3112007 000123 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMN1ERCE 3198050 LEGAL AD: PW ' 95.55 , Total : 95.55 13510 12131/2007 000235 DATA BASE RECORDS DES7RUCTIOld 25813 MON'I'HLY DESTRUCTION.SERVICE 120.00 Total : 120.00 • - Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List . Page: 4 1213112007 3:56:50PM . Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 13511 12/31/2007 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES -237829 APPLEWAY RECOPJ STAKING 1,053.22 237928 41896 07-026 DEA TRAFFIC EIdGINEER SE 1,305.50 • Total : 2,356J2 0;-090069-0&NEt+FN~16F~A(~9 ~C~ 1D -GEII-Allowaar,e 1 cT nTUU rrEl,l,ALL41df.4NCrz 5..^.0 Total : 135.00 13513 12f31/2007 000693 DEPT OF INF'ORMA710N SERVICES 2007110209 MASTER LICENSE SYS7EM ' 20.63 ' Total : 20.63 13514 12/31/2007 000152 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION RE-313-ATB71113130 PINES/MANSFIELD 2p429 . Total: 204.29 13515 12/31/2007 000059 DEVLEIIAING, MICHAEL Expenses 1'RAVEL EXPENSES 91.33 Total : 91.33 13516 12/31/2007 000912 DEX MEpIA WEST 2U0353924 ONGOING ADVERTISING: CP 222.13 Total : 222.13 13517 12l31/2007 000278 DRISKELL, CARY Mileage MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 93.61 Total : 93.61 13518 12/31/2007 001384 FEMME SAFETY, INC Safety Class MOTHER/DAUGHTER SAFETY CLA: 439.00 Total : 439:00 13519 12/31/2007 001582 FILIPINO AMERICAN ASSOC Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSI7 179J5 Total : 179.75 13520 12/31l2007 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISWING INC 29794 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 64.50 29795 LEGAL AD: PI.ANNING 81.75 29796 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 52.50 Total : 198.75 13521 12131/2007 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 11042 LOBBYIST SERVICE: NOV 07 2,189.59 Total : 2,189.59 . 1-22 •"'"""'-G0?--OEN989-60-'FHMANN;-Wt6LI,4M-H---~e11-Allowaqce- 1~QTR-69L6-RL-L-OWANC~ 135^g Total : 135.00 _ Pa~P4 . . , ' 3 • t 1 0 vchlist VoiL~r List . Page. . 5 1213112007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13523 12/31/2007 001018 HP EXPRESS SERVICES HPE652991 41893 HP CARE PACK CONTRACT 91769( 2,131.00 ' Total: 2,131.00 • 13524 12/31/2007 000353 INTL TRADE ALLIANCE CSV42007 4TH QTR PAYMENT 5,000.00 ' - • Total : 5,000.00 13525 12/31/2007 040012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. INVO02225503 CLASSIFIED AD: PW 180.00 • Total: 180.00 13526 12131/2007 000864 JUB ENGINEERS, INC. 0049576 41720 CONTRACT#07-017 12,342.98 0049726 41720 CONTRACT #07-017 1,578.02 0049750 41409 CONTRACT NO 06-001, ST MASTEF 15,464.39 • . , Total: 29,385.37 13527 12/31/2007 000993 LES SCHWAB 71RE CENTER 291923 WINTER CHANGEOVER: 32810D 56.47 Total : 56.47 13528 12/31/2007 001581 MCCLUNG, KATHY EXPENSES EXPENSES 25.00 Total : 25.00 1362-9 12f34a2007-0OO9E39-ME-RQ&R-DA\149 A!!t0-AIIOVlaRC-0 ------;ANUAR-Y-A{~.7',G1.,qL-LO)A/AAIGF9 "00.00 -r-all-Allowaar,- - 6L-OW,AIdGE 'F06:00- Total : 505.00 13530 1213112007 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00017414 TAXTOOLS SOFIWARE RENTAL 341.95 Total : 341.95 13531 12/31l2007 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER COMPANY 09784-02 UTILTIES: PRECINC7 2,192.54 • ' Total: 2,192.54 43r.~ AQ1t2997-88A062-MWNS0N-R46kAR- JOIQ G@II-AdIOWSqG6 I rrn9-n~n`l I A.c "-vLV"v'TCi:aE -0~i6:80 . • . Total : 135.00 12922 • 'u-2007-OOA2113-N9RTMNf6SX-SIGNSURPL-Y-INC:--3816- V~~n f--lANGIS-GIdAEt66 a,bil- • Total : 3.50 13534 12131/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 409591543-001 41889 OFFICE DEPOT - CARRIE 143.18 410377190-001 .41894 OFFICE DEPOT 26.17 • Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 12/3112007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 13534 12l31/2007 000652 OFFICE DEPO7 INC. (Continued) 410377286-001 41894 OFFICE DEI'OT 38.54 : 411804914001 CALENDARS: RLDG 50.21 ' 412191671-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BLDG 23.61 413012195-001 ' 41908 OFFICE DEPOT- ROXANNE V11YAT 1.72 , . Total : 283.43 13535 12/3112007 000307 OFFICE Of= THE STATE TREASURER 10312007 CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMME 66,467.41 11302007 CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SUMMf 62,937.84 Tota I : 129,405.28 13536 12/31l2007 001258 ORB ARCHITECTS INC. 6 41599 DESIGN OF POOL- PARK ROAD 12,702.08 6 41600 DESIGN OF POOL - TERRACE VEIV 12,702.08 • 41600 • • 6 41601 DESIGN OF POOL - VALLEY MISSIC 12,702.08 41601 - Total : 38,106.24 13537 12/31/2007 000494'PRO PEOPLE STAFFING SERVICES 27.129 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,120.80 ' 27•27$ STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,131.20 - 27.413 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 1,141.53 Total : 3,393.53 13538 12/31/2007 000018 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 20509 NO TRESPASSING SIGNS: CP 21177 20548 PARKS/RECS RULE SIGPIS 282.36 Total: 494.13 13539 12/31/2007 000322 QVWEST 549-921-6787 5116 PHOPIES: MIRABEAU MEADOWS 43.08 545-922-7091 0606 PHONES: MISSION POOL 97.12 • • 509-926-18401946 PHONES: I'ARK RD POOL 97.12 • ToLaI : 237.32 13540 12/31/2007 000675 RAMAX PRINTING & AWARDS 15693 PLAQUE: REGOR 70.60 Total : 70.60 13541 1213112007 000341 RICOM AMERICAS CORP 08015335144 1232C LEASE PMT: HR 524.43 Total : 524.43 • . ~ D.,..E: 6 , , • i '~~i • , ' i 0 vchlist ~ Vouc:riC List Page: 7 12/3112007 3:56:50PM - Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # QescriptionlAccount Amount -TS 1~54z=r00864-&GHIN{(ViE6G-GA 74) t IhAllowawc~ I cr nTU rGi i ni L03MANCE .I,35,pa Total : 135.00 13543 12/31/2007. 000709 SENSKE LAW1J & TREE CARE INC. 1783678 • VEG MGT FOLLOWUP 51.04 1917807 VEG MC7T FOLLOWUP 51.04 Total : 102.08 13544 12131/2007 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30415490 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 116.25 _ Total : 116.25 13545 12/31/2007 001380 SERVPRO REFUND REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 . . Total : 50.00 13546 12131/2007 000067 SIGNS NOW 11620433 41895 2 SIGNS FOR PUBLIC HEARING 0N 217.20 ' Total : 217.20 13547 121'31/2007 001140 SI'ECIAL ASPMAL7 PRODUC7S INVC041213 41885 COLD MIX 2,814.92 . ' Total: 2,814.92 13548 12/31l2007 000230 SPOKANE CO. AUDITORS OFFICE, RECI QOQ274 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 44.53 0002825 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 135.00 . 0003339 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 241.00 0003773 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 126.00 0004177 RECORDING/FIUNG FEES 252.00 0004772 RECORDING/FILING FEES 244.00 ' 0004918 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 41.00 ' Total: 1,083.53 13549 12/31/2007 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0711 ENGINEERING SEf2VICES 95,47018 VLY0711 44937 PINESlMANSFIELD MOU WITH COl 13,138.60 , Total : 108,609.48 13550 12/31/2007 000308 SPOKANE C0. PROSECUTING ATTY NOV 2007 CRIME VICTIMS COMP FUND 990.80 OC7 2007 CRIME VIC7IMS COMP FUND 938.05 Total : 1,928.95 13551 12/31i2007 000001 SPOKAPIE CO. TREASURER 41500461 NOV 2007: GEIGER WORK CREW 1,737.17 41500473 NOV 07 STANDARD HOUSIPlG 22,929.00 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List , . Page: ' 8 12131/2007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vondor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount . Amount 13551 12/31/2007 000001 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER (Continued) ' Total : 24,666.17 13552 12/31/2007 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0153641065364 UTII.ITIES: 13525 E 24TH AVE 167.77 0166311066631 UTILITIES: 1901 N SULLIVAN RD 27.68 017022/067022 UTILITIES: 105 N BALFOUR RD 78.80 024433f074433 UTILITIES: 906 N PARK RD 78.80 027129l077129 UTILITIES: 12710 E SPRAGUE AVE 42_58 0316081081608 UTILITIES: 11423 E MISSION AVE 255.19 0343541106428 UTILITIES: 606 S PARK RD 62,68 0370591169325 UTIUTIES: 13504 E MIRABEAU PKY 62.68 Total : 776.18 13553 12/31/2007 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIST. #3 170-0040-03 UTILITIES: 906 N PARK RD 51.04 475-1495-00 UTILfTIES: 1508 S WOODRUFF RD 41.00 Tota I : 92.04 13554 12/3112007 000898 SPOKANE PROCARE 193498 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES ' 244.35 194493 41593 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 244.35 195196 SNOW PLOWIPJG: PRECINCT 225.89 195377 DE-ICING LIQUID: PRECINCT 117.72 • 195379 SAND/SALT ON WALKS: PRECINCI 96.00 - 195759 SNOW REMOVAL• PRECINCT 225.89 196047 SMOWBLOWING: PRECINCT 50.82 196187 • SMOW PLOWING: PRECINCT 225.89 196499 SNOW BLOWING: 12710 E SPRAGI 7254 • 196574 DE-ICER: 12710 E SPRAGUE 117.72 196655 SNOIN PL0INING: 12710 E SPRAGI 225.89 196970 DE-ICER GRANUTAR; 12710 E SPR 59.73 196971 DE-ICER: 12710 E SPRAGUE 117.72 Total : 2,024.51 13555 12/31/2007 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 11616 DEPOSI7 FOR AD: CP 765.00 ' Total : 765.00 13556 12/31/2007 001281 SPOKANE VALLEY ARTS COUNCIL 09042007 2ND HALF OF BUDGET ALLOCATIC 2,500.00 • Total: 2,500.00 13557 12J31/2007 000896 SPOKANE VALLEY ME/1LS ON WHEELS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSI7 305.00 vchlist Vou~ne~'List O Page: 9 1213112007 3:56:501PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8pbank Vouchcr Date Vendor . tnvoice • PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 13557 12f31/2007 000896 000896 SPOK6INE WALLEY MEALS ON WHE (Condnued) . Total : 305.00 13558 12131/2007 000939 SPRd1GUE & SULLIVAN UAINISTORAGE 35045 STORAGE UNIT: JAN 08 123.00 ' Total : 123.00 13559 12/3112007 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CON7ROLS 24153 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE: PRECIN 477.10 Total : 477.10 13560 12/31/2007 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3094482379 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMDEV 207.07 3095293505 . SUPPL'IES: CD -21.67 ' 3095293506 SUPPLIES: CD 21.67 3095293507 SUPPLIES: CD 59.88 . Total : 266.95 13561 12l31l2007 000419 SUMMIT L/aW GROUP 35939 EMPLOYMENT & LABOR ADVICE 391.00 Total : 391.00 13562 ~.2R~1...~J2A97-099~63-T,A~69R-~F~E ~O ~l~ 6ell-Allowans.^, e ~r nro nrlr"61=A3FVAN6E 135-86- Total : 135.00 13563 12/31/2007 000676 THOPJISON WEST 814982295 ' LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 494.64 Total : 494.64 13564 12131/2007 001464 TIPAE WARNER TELECONi 01903867 CENTERPLACE INTERNE7 886.00 Total : 886.00 .443.56~ -4 2 41,l9 W-000(3U -T-FL-E-Et-TE-6~-JN9L-96JE-SPJNCJ~ I~ 1a 8~188 .E-DE~-N.INROR1.1"A 83-84- • Total : 33,693.81 13566 12i31/2007 001444 UNITED LABO(2ATORIGS 40541 JAN170121AL SUPPLIES: CP 129.28 Total : 129.28 13567 12131/2007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0002-001425.01 UTILITIES: 177.73 OaQ4000755.01 UTILITIES: SPRAGUEIEVERGREEN 101.80 . 0006-033021.00 UTILITIES: EVERGREEN/6TH 21.63 0007-017753.01 UTILITIES: 601 S EVERGREEN 20.16 0008-010790.01 UTILITIES: EVE(2GREEN/6TW 57.33 ' 0011-010828.01 UTILITIES: SULLfVAN 42,20 Page: 9 vchliSt Voucher List Page: 10 12131/2007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 13567 12/3112007 000167 VERA WATER & POWER (Continued) . ' 0030-031842.01 UTILITIES: 51.39 Total : 472.24 A-M68--------- 1420W-0BAa61-~Al~Q,~.T ~~opr~ ~nnQ c-r ~/~T-18N--25=0- . Total : 250.00 13569 12/31/2007 000038 WASTE MAPIAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0039493-1518-2 TRA.NSFER STATION: AAA • 1,634.94 2037949-2681-6 TRASH SERVICE: PRECINC7 260.17 2054531-2681-0 ' TRASH SVC: 2426 N DISCOVERY P 313.33 2054532-2681-8 TRASW SVC: 12710 E SPRAGUE Alv 260.17 Total : 2,466.61 . . -13&70 1-2r3~1Q007-A80Q64-WlLF49:&-DIANA -ell-AIIOwer1^e ?S?-(~~AL-L-~WANGE +oc 90 Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 2,007.90 • Total : 2,142.90 13571 1213112007 000347 WORLEY, STEVE Registration : 2008 ASCE DUES 230.00 , Total: 230.00 13572 12/31/2007 001580 VVSU CASHIERS-SPS 5039129 REG SfTE SELECTOR CONSORTIUI 20,305.98 Total : 20,305.98 13573 12/31/2007 000089 XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 0220039665 PHONE LINES 1,593.11 Total : 1,593.11 99 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total • 686,885.81 99 Vouchcrs in this report Total vouchers: 686,885.81 10 . _0 0 O vchlist Voucher tist Page: 11 1213112007 3:56:50PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank • Voucher Date Vendor • Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 1, the undersigned, d.o c7ertify under pcnalty of perjury, that the raaterials hmve bcen £uxni.shed, the servims rendered, or the labor performed afi described herEin and that the clai.iu zs ju,gt, due and an unpaid obligation agai.nst the City of Spokane Val.ley, and that T am author.ized to uthenticate And certify eaid c1aim. L`inaince Director - Date ' ~.ayo vate Council DZe16r'y Date ' Page: 11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 01-22-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ~ oonsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisla8on AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending January 15, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: . BACKGROUND: . O OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACT10N OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $177,178.57 Benefits: $ 25.096.63 ' TOTAL PAYROLL: $202,275.20 ' STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ED new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street Sweeping Contract Approval GOVERNING LEGISLATIOId: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street Sweeping Contract Approval on March 3, 2007 BACKGROUND: ' The City conducted an RFP process in February 2007. In March 2007 the Council awarded the contract to AAA Sweeping by the follovving motion: iNTW BUSINESS O 2. A4otion ConsideraYion: Sh-eet Sweepina ReQUest for Proposals - John Holunan Engiueer Hohman explained i2iat this issue was previotuly presented to Council \'ovember 14 and Febniary 20; and that staff now seeks approval of the cougaci to AAA Sweeping in an auiount noC fo exceed $473,587. It was mrn~ed by Coacnc.alnrember Denenro, atd seconded to mvnrd the co►:d•act to A.4t1 Si~Jeepirag in an amount not to exceed S473, 687 arrd a7ithorize rhe C6iy Alannger to sign the conh•ac.t arrd fcitrire se+,en.-}Jear Yenewal options as prmfided in the RFP docunietits. r4ayor Williite invitetl public comment; no conuments were offered. Vo1e by Acc.lamatzon: In Fcrltor: U~ianimous. Opposed: Mone. Abstentions: None. 116tion casried. The contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City. AAA Sweeping provided a very good level of service during 2007 and I rec4mmend that we renew the contract for 2008. The annual renewal may be adjusted upward in an amount , not to exceed the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) or 3% whichever is smaller. The current CPI-U is 4.31 AAA Sweeping requested a 3% increase as outlined in their attached letter. I recommend that we approve the 3% increase as outlined in their letter. OPTIONS: Award the contract for $479,717.02 or not award the contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Award the contract to AAA Sweeping in the amount of $479,717.02 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the cuirent 2008 approved budget. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS' F~ . s "~one . . . 11707 E Sp2gue Ave Suite 106 A Spokane Valley WA 99206 , • 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.10a8 0 cityhall@spokanevalley.org DecEmlicr 14, 2007 - AA.A Sweeping, LLC P O Box 624 Veradale, WA 99037 Re: Implementation af 2008 option year, Contract Ato. 08-004, for Agreemenr for Street SWeeping Services, No. 07-001, executed March 13, 2007 Dcar Mr. Sargcnt: . The City executed a contract for provision of Sheet Sweeping services on Vlarch 13, 2007. The ' Request for Proposal states fihat it was for one year, with 7 optional one year terms possible if the . parties mutually agree to exercise the options each year. ' The Cily would like to exercise the 2008 option year of the Agreement. The Compensation as outline in Extubit B, 2008 Cost Proposal, includes the increases you requcstcd and shall not - exceed $479,717.02. If you are in agreement with exercising the 2008 option year, please sign aa.d return tWs letter by Decexraber 27, 2007. This is the first of seven possible option years that can be exercised, and runs from January 1 through Dcccmber 31, 2008. . , Exhib'rt A- Original Agreement for Construction Serviczs No. 07-001 • Exhibit L3 - 2008 Cast Proposal A.ll of tlie other coniract provisions contained in the original agreement are i.n place end will remain unchanged in exercising this option year. - Please sign below to acknowledge thc rcceipt and concurrence to perform the 2008 option year. Please rztain one copy and mail the other one to the City. . CITY OF SPOTCANE VALLEY AAA Sweeping, LLC • . ~ '~!l C~' Name and title Name aud ti • l~ ~ /d ~ • . Aate signed Date signed , . ~ . ; AAA SWEEPING, LLC P. 0. Box 624 - . Veradale, WA 99037-0624 509.922.1363 i December 10, 2007 i . . . Mr. Neil Kersten . • City of Spokane Valley . 11707 E. Sprague Avenue . Suite 106 . ` , . • Spokane Valley, WA 99206 . Re: Agreements for Vactoring Service and Sweeping Service for 2008 Dear Mr. Kersten: We have received your letter for Renewal Options for 2008 on both the Sweeping and Vadoring Service contracts. _ As specified in the contract specifications, we are requesting a three percent ( 3%) adjustment ~ of the contract prices for the 200$ options. We have based the unit price increase on rising prevailing wage rates and rising fuel costs. We have attached the following items for your review: . - o Cost estimates for 2008 reflecting our proposed contract price. o The 2007 cost estimate. o A price comparison vvhich indicates the unit price and cost variance. . ' 0 A summary of the current 2007 contract which details invoice amounts and actual hours completed for each bid Item. . if you have questions regarding the attachments, please contact us. We look fonva rd to • working with the City of Spokane Valley in 2008. Please let us know the next step in the renewal process so we can complete the required documents by December 14, 2007. Sincerely, , - Brett R. Sar nt Member Encs. , , ATTACHMENT C - COST PROPOSAL SWEEPI(VG SERVICES FOR 2008 ITE.M QUANTITY EQUIPMENT LABOR LABOR UNIT ' NUf1lIBER (HRS) COST PER COST SUBTOTAL PRICE TOTAL COS • UNIT PER UNIT TOTAL 1 Mechanical Sweeper 900 $ 102.39 $ 38.71 $ 34,839.00 141.10 $ 128,990.00 2 Kich/3ngle Brooms ..200 $ 64.29 $ 38.71 $ 7,742.00 $ 103.00 $ 20,600.00 . 3 Regcnerative-Air Swee er 1200 $ 102.39 $ 38.71 $ 46,452.00 $141.10 $ 169,320.00 4 Water Truclc 1200 $ 63.90 $ 39.10 $ 46,920.00 $ 103.00 $ 123,600.00 5 Dum Truck/End Truck • SO $ 63.77 $ 39.23 $ 3,138.40 $ 103.00 $ 8,240.00 6 iLoader 40 $ 62.90 $ 40.10 $ 1,604.00 $ 103.00 $ 4,120.00 . Subtotal $ 312,174.60 $ 140,695.40 $ 452,870.00 • Tax 8.6°/a on c uipment only $ 26,847.02 $ - $ 26,847.02 GRAND TOTAL $ 479,717.02 ' ~ . ' ~ . c - bd ~ J; . , ATTACHMENT C - COST PROPOSAL SWEEPING SERVICES - 2007 EQUIPMENT LABOfk UNIT QUAPJ i ITY LABOR TOTAL . ITEM • (HRS) COST PER COST PER SUBTOTAL PRICE COST . . ~ UNfT UNfT TOTAL 1 Mechanical Swee er 900 $ 100.35 $ 36.65 $ 32,985.00 $ 137.00 $123,300.00 2 Kick/angle Brooms 200 $ 63.35 $ 36.65 $ 7,330.00 $ 100.00 20,000.00 . 3 Regeneratie Air Sweeper 1200 $ 100.35 $ 30.65 $ 43,980.00 $ 137.00 $164,400.00 - 4 VVater Truck - 1200 $ 62.50 $ 37.50 $ 45,000.00 $ 100.00 $120,000.00 5 Dum TruckJEnd Truck 80 $ 62.38 $ 37.62 $ 3,009.60 $ 100.00 $ 8,000.00 6 Loader 40 $ 62.47 $ 37.53 $ 1,501.20 $ 100.00 $ 4,000.00 Subtotal $305,894.20 $ 133,805.80 $439,700.00 ~ Tax (8.6%) on e ui ment only $ 26,306.90 $ 28,306.50 GRAND TOTAL S466,006.90 ~ . • . ~ i PRICE COMPARfSON FOR SWEEPING SERVICES 2007 TO 2008 2007 ' " 2008 PRICE 2007 2008 CQST - - - - ITEfNr DESCRIPTION~_ HOURS _ U(dIT PRICE UNIT PRIC VARIANCE ANNUAL PRICE ANfVUAL PRICE VARIANCE 1 MechaniGal Swee er 900 $ 137.00 $ 141.10 $ 4.10 $ 123,300.00 $ 126,990.00 $ 3,690.00 2 Kicldangle l3rooms 200 $ 100.00 $ 103.00 $ 3.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,600.00 $ 600.00 . 3 Re encrative Air Swee e 1200 $ 137.00 141.10 $ 4.10 $ 164,400.00 $ 169,320.00 $ 4,920_00 4 Water Truck 1200 $ 100.00 $ 103.00 $ 3_00 $ 120,000.00 $ 123,600.00 3,600_00 5 Dutnp Truck/End Truck 80 $ 100.00 $ 103.00 $ 3.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,240.00 240.00_ 6 Loader ' 40 $ 100.00 $ 103.00 $ 3.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,120.00 $ 120.00 SUBTOTAL • $ 439,700.00 $ 462,870.00 $13,170.00 SALES TAX ON EQUIP611ENT (M8_6 $ 26,306.90 $ . 26 47.02 $ 540.12 TOTAL • ' $ 466,006.90 $ 479,717.0211 $ 13,710.12 ; - . , . . • Ezhibit A _ AGREX NT FO S'TRE SWEEP G SERVXC~,S . AAA Sweeping, LLC TffiS AGREEMENT is made by and beiween the Ciiy of Spoksae Valley, a code City ofihe Stafi of Washington, beremafte's "Cit}~" and AAA Sweeping, LT,C hereinaftBr "Contractar,`-' jou►tiy refzrred to as . `"pmrtie.s." - IN COI3SIDERATI014 of 4ae terms aad conditioaas contained herein the parties ag= as follows: 1. Work to Se Performed. The Gontracbar s6a11 do all warl: and fiunish 2I1 labar, tooLs, materials, supplies and equipment for the Reqvest of Proposals for Street Sweepmg Services Contract m accordance wirb, and as descnbed in Exlubit I(RFP No. 07-0O1) and Extubit 2(AA.A 5weepitag - Street . Sweeping Pmposan, wfiich are by tiii; refereace mcarporated herem and made gart hereflf (`'Contract Documents°% and stiall perfbrm any changes in. the work in accord with the Cflntract Documents. '1'he CONTRACTOR shall, for the amount set forth in the Contracbor's bid proposal attached hereto, essume and be respbrasible for the cost and expense of all work requiied for providirig str~t sweeping services a.ed related activities provided for in the Contract I?ocnments, 6ceptthose items zrientioned therein tn be fmn6shed by the City of Spol:ane ValleZr. ' . Tbe City Manager, or desigaee, shall administer and be the primery contact for Contractor. Prior tn commencexnent of work, Contractor shall exeraise best efforis to coatact the Gity Manager or designee to ~ review the scops of woxl:,'schedu}e. and tima of completian. Ljpon uotice'from tUe City, •Contractor shall promptly c,omzn~ca work, complete the same m a timely manner, and cure any failure in perEormance tmder fh.is agreeMent . . , Unless otherwise direcied by the City,,all work sball be perfoTned in conformance with the Contract Pt.ans, Contract Documents, City an d State standards- Caatractflr acknowledges review of the Contract Plans and Contract Documents and accepts the same. Con:tractor sha11 exercise best ef('roris, including the selection of 1he b.ighest qualify materials, so that atl work performed shall be in compliance with cwaent related indusiry standas-ds.. . , 2. Term QfContrac~ 'I7us ag=m ent shall be in full forae and affect upon execution and shall t,emain in effect until December 31, 20~07. ' The City may terminate this agrecment by ten (10) days' written notice to ttie other perty. Inthe event . of such terminafion, the City shall pay the Cantracbor fnr all work previoii.sly autharized and satisfactori7y. 'perfonmed prior to the termination date. ' 3. Comocnsation. The City agrees to pgy the Cotytractnr on unit cost basis as set forth in the aitached bid up to a maximum he of $473 687.00 full mpe on for everything furnished done under this a~eeme~ a^"d ~ 04 ' C 1 4. Pavm ent The Contractor may eleet to be paid in monthly mstallments, S~pan p tation o 'an invoice to the City, or in a 1amp sum; upon completion ofthe work Applications for payment shaIl hc sent to the City Clerk at the beloNv-stated address. ~ ~ . . Agreetneat for Construction Services Pagc 1 of 5 . The City reserves the right to Riifihold.payment pnder this ageement which is detetmined, ia the • reasonable jud$ment of the City 1vlanager; m lie noacomplianf azfh 1he-Contract Plans, Conhact Documents, or City or State standards. . . • 5. Notioe. Notice shall be given in writing es follows: TO THE CTIY• . .TO)JE CONTRACTOR• . . Name: Christine Bainbridga, City Clark Name: Brett Sargent ' Phflne Number. (509) 921-1000 Phone Number. 509-928-4653 Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Mobil: 509-922-1363 ' . SpQkape Valley, WA 99206 Address: P.O. Box.624 . Veradale, WA 99037 6. Anvaicable Laws and Standards. Tbe parties, iu the performance afthis egreemen~ agree tD cmmply wrth aIl appl.icable Federal, State and local laws, and City ortlinances and regulations. . 7. Prevailiug Wages on Pnblic Worcs. Unless otherwise mquired by law, ifffhis cantrad is for al,`public work" which is defined es "~,+ork, constructiDn, atteration, repair or improvainenf olherthen'ardinary maintenance executed ai the cost of tha City," die followiqg provision applies: This agreement provides far ifie construction of a public wo;k and a payment of prevailing wages arcording tu Washiag~n lavv. . A.11 wor~is, Iabot~ers.or mechanics sUall ba Raid a prevailing rafe of waga that is set forth in an Fa~bit to this agreement ' Before any payment msy be made to Contra~tor a"St~ment of In4ent to Pay Ptevailing Wages" must be submitted to the City. Followmg fmal acceptance of the public works _ .project,.ihe Contractor and each subcontracior shaIl submit aa "Affidavit of Wages Paid" 1efore retained funds will be releas~d totbBCantractor. The affidavif'must be cerdf3ed by the indusfrial stari.stician of ihe Departmeni of Labor and Industries. . 8. Reiationshin of the Pariies. Tt is bereby unders-tood,, agreed and declared tliat the Conh-acbor sball be sa mdependent Contractor and not ths agent or employee of the City, that t$e City is~ in only , . the rmults to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular;manner, met3~od and means of the work is solely within ihe discretion of the'Conta.ctor. Any and all employees whoprovide service's'to the City under this agreement shall be deeme.d employees of ths ContracbDr. '1be Cflntractor shall be solely responsi'ble for tha . , conduct ahd actions of all employees under this agreement and any liability. that may ariacly thereto. . 9. Ownersh'to of Dacuments. All drawings, plans, sgecificarions, and'other relat,ed dDCUments , pregared by the Cantractor under this agreement are and shall be the property offlhe City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or other applicable public recard laws. _ .10. 'Records. The City or State Audito; or any of their.representa.tives shall haye full ~access to . and the right to e~camine during naimal business hours ell of the Contiactor's mcords with reipect to all matters covered in this contract Such representatives shall ba permitted to audit, examine and make excsrpts • or tremscripts from such reaords and to make audits of all contracts, invoices; materials, payrolJs and record of . matters covered by this contract for a period of ffiiee years.from the datc final payment i's made hereunder. • ~ . . • ` / Agrc=sut for C.oasSruction Services Page 2 of 5 ~ 11. Warran . Unless provided othercvise in the Contract Plans or Contract Documenis; Contracbor wan-ants ail worl: and materia]s performed or'installed uader rhis contract are free from defwA or failui-a for a pesiod of one year followmg 5na1 accegt'aace by the City, unle'ss a sapplier or manufaehu-er has a ' warranty for a greater period, which wawantY shall be assigned to ihe City. In the event a defect or feiltue oecurs in wor}: or materials, the Contractor shall azthin the wacr3nty poriod remedy the s3me at no cost or expense to the City. . . 12. Contrach►r to BE Licensed And Bonded. The Contractar shalI be duly lioeBSeti end bonded . by the State of Washingtnn et all times this agreement is m e&cti ' 13. ~nsnrance. 'Ihe Couiracbr sball procm amd maintain fnr the duration of 1hc Agrer,ment, iasurance against claims for injm-ies to peisans or damage to property wtiich may arise from ar iD connection with ihe performance of the work bereundei hy the Cantractor,. their agentr, seprzsentafives; cmployees or subcontracWra. . . . ; . , No Limitation. Coutractor's maintenance of insurancs as required by the agrzemeut shall not ba construed to lim.it the liabDity of the Contractar to tbe coverago provided by such instuance, or otherwise limit the City's reconise to aDy remedy available at law or in equity. - - A. Mfreimian Scope of Lzrurance. Contractor shall obtdn insnrance of the types descn-oeti below: . , ' - 1. Airtomobile Liabilitv mswance coveringaIl owned, noa-owned, hind and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Offica (ISO) from CA 00 O1 ar a subsfitiute form pro-Oding equivaIent liability caverage. - If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed fo provide oantractaal liability cbverage. 2. Caaaamercial General Liabilitv insurance shall_be Rritban on ISO occurrence form CG 00 O1 and shall cover liabilitj+ arising from premises, opciations, inctependent . contactors, pmducts-completed opErations, sboP gaP UabiUt3'► Personal injury and ' - advertising injutY; arid liability assumed undei an insurad cantract 1he Commercial General Liability'insiuanc.e shall be endorsed to provide the Aggfegabe Per Projeet ' Endorsemeixt, ISO' form. CG 25-.:03 11 85. ' 'I'here shall be no endorsement or 'madi5caiion of the Cflmmea~ial General Liability insuranc,e foi liabili4y arising from ' explosion, collapse ar underground property damage: The Ciiy shall bE'named as an ' insured under the Contractoes Commer~ial General Liability msvrancc policy with respect to the work performed for th-, City usiag ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 1010 O1 and Additional Timured-Completed Operations endoisement CO 20 - . 37 10 Ol or snbstitute endorsements providing equivalent coveiage. • 3. Workers' Compsnsaticoverage as required by the Indushiial Insuianoe laws of . fheStabe of VJashingtDn. - • . B. Minimum Amownts aflnsurance. Contrar~ shall maintain the foIlowing insurance limits: 1. Aulxrmubile Liability insurance with a mmimum combined single limit foi bodily . injury and property damaga of $1,000,000 per accident ~ 2. Commerci General Liabiiitv insurabce shall be written with liEnits no less ffiat $1,000,000 each occurrenoe, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a$2,0OO,ODO ' Ageemmt €ar Corestrustion SMicCs " Page 3 of 5 . products-completed aperations aggregabe limit . . ~ . . . • _ C. . Other In.surance Provisians. The.insurax►ce policies are bo cantain, or be endarsed tx) , • coutain, the following grovisions for Aubamobile I.iabmty and Camm£rcial Geiieral Liebffity : insurance. - . . . . 1. The Contrwtots msurance coverage shall be primary bnr.*Arce as'respect the City. Any InsLuance, self-insurance,.or insurance pool coverage mamtamed by tha . City sbaIl be excess of te Contra~mfs insurarice ~and shall not confibute wi1h it 2. The Cantractor's insurance sball be endorsed to stabe 93at ooverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after th.irfy (30). days prior written notice by certified mail, retum receigt requesbad, has been given tio the City. D. Accepiabiliry offirsurers. Insurance is tn bs pleced with msurers with a ciurent A.IVL Besk rating of not less than A:VII. . . . , E. Veri~'ication of Coverage. Contrac#or shall furnish the City with origiiial certificates and a copy of the amendamry endorsemeots, including but not necessarily limrted to the additianal iasured endarseinent, evidencmg tba insurance requirements of the Contractor befara cotnmencement of the work. . 14. IndemniSicafion and Ho1d Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indsmnifj+ and hold the . Ciiy, its officers; officiais, employees and voluateere harmless from any and aIl claims, injuries, damages, lasses or suits including aitomey fees, arising aut of or in connec:tion with the peifarmance of this agreement, _ except for injuries and. dama.ges cansed by the sole nagligen.ce of the City. . . . , - Should a cotut of competent jurisdiction.determine that ttiis Agreemeat is subj ect to RCW 4.24. l_l_5; then, in the event of'liability for damv,,es arising.out ofbo3ily injury to persons or damages to pragerty caused . by or resvliing from the cancurrent.negligence of the (;ontractor and the City, its officers, officiaLs, employees, and volunteer; the Contractafs liability hereunder sball be only to the extent of the Conhactoes negligence. It ' is .furthsr specifically and expressly, undersbood that the iademni5cation provided herein constitutes the Conhacbor's waiver of immunity under Indusboal Jnsurance, Title 5RCVJ. solely £or the purposes of tihis indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negahated by•the parties. T`be provisions ofthis section shall , survive tbe expiration or berrnination of the agreement . _...15. ..'PVaver. No officer, employee,,agent, or other mdividual acting oa behalf of either party, has the power; right, or auffiority to waive any of the: conditions or proYis'ions of this agreement No waiver in one instance shall be hald:to.be waiver of any other sabseqaent breach or nonperfoimanr.e. All remedies aff'orded in this agFeement, or by law, shall be taken and construad as cvmul ative, and 'm addition tn every atber remedy . provided berem or by law., Failurz of eifiher party to enfarce, si any.time, any of the provisions of this agreem°nt, or to requira, gt any time, performance by ~he o4her party of.any provuion hereot shall in no way be consiued to he a waiver of sucb provisions, nor shall it a$'ect the validity of this egreement, or any part thereo£ , . . . . . - - 16. .Assignment and pelegation. Neither pacty shall assigo, transfer, or delegate any or all of tho - respons~ilities ofthis agreeffien~ or t3~e bsnefits received hereunder, wifhout first obtainiqg the writtcn consegt of the oYher party. . . • 17. Jnrisdiction and Venue. T6is,agreement is entered info in Spokane County, Washingtun. Venue shall he in Spokane Couniy, State of Washington. : i Agtecmcnt• for Con.struction Sevices Page 4 of 5 ~ . 18. Arbftration. All dispuies arisimg nnder fhis egeement shall be resolved through arbitration pursuant to Stat.e law. Rules for arbdration shaIl be those pre.scnbad by 'the American Associabon of Arbitration. 19. Entire xreeno,em~. T6.is wriftcn agreemmt constitutes th- entire and cainpleYe ag~ment between fhe parkies, and supercedes any prior oral ar aritten agreemenL&. This egreement may not be changed, modi5ed, or altemd, except 'vs writing end siped by t3aa garties hereto. ' 20. Anti-ldckbsck. No officer or employee of the City, haviag tbe power or dirty ta per€orm an of.bcial act or action related to fhis agre-..ment, shall have, or acquire, any interest in this agreement, or have : solicitsd, accepte; or gtanYQd, a present or fuMregif~ favar, servic~e, or afiher thing of value from any persan wilh an interest m this agreement - 21. 13nsiness Re'stratian. Prior to cammencsment of worlc, Contractor shall regist..r with the . City as a business. , 22. 5eveiabilitv. ff any section, seatence, clanss or phrase of th.is a.ge;ement should by held to bee invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, suctx invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this agasment , 23. Labibits. Exhibits attacbad and incorporated imto this agreement are: ~ 1_ Request for Proposals for Street Swsepiag Services (RFP 07-001) 2. AAA Sweeping Street Sweeping Proposal dated February 6, 2007; 3. Insurance Cartificaxes. . . , IN SS VnEREOF, the garties have executed this agresment this,/-:~ aay of .2007. C1TY SPOKANE VALLEY: CONTRACTOR . Cify Managa ; Owner Tex LD. No.: A APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ . erk/Depu City Clerk Office the City itomey Ap,ieemeni fbr Constructioa Scrvioas , Page 5 of 5 ATTAC'IDAEN'r F-SCOPE OF WORK ' AAA Swaepireg is locaded at 1616 S Adams, Spolaane-Vallep, WA. This facility is used fior . a;n;~r've office, and stnre and service equipmeat • . The hDur2y rates presenbed in Attachment C take inta 10-hour days and overtime, wages will . bs. gaid in accordaar.e with L&I Prevailing Wage requiem.ea:t5 and as speci.fied in Appendit B of the RFP No. Q7-0U 1. . SrfLnQ Cleannxo Operatiems ' . . Sp;ing. cleanup wi11 bsgin as soon as weaffier pemit and be completed by June 1d. RBSidsntial . sfn-ets will be svcrept botween the hours of 7•am end 10 pm. Arterials wM be swcpt baween 3 . am aod •7 am lefiaie traffic becomes heavy. Crews will work 10 hour days.' There will be 3 . crzws available to- conduct the sprin.g cleannp ap6rations_ ' The sgiiag cleanup w7.1 have thB followuaa craws available to the City: 1. Crew #1 wUl consist of a mechanical sweepor which will be followed by a reganerative air - , 2 Crew -02 wIll consist of a mwlanical sweeper which will be followed by a regenerative aiz . . . ' 3: GYew 9 3 w71 consist of a Iacl: broom,. A water tcack will be used prior to the. meclan.ical snmper to cautrol dust as zequired in . . Seciion 4S. Afla flnslning the sireets with the wai-er iiucl, streets viill be swept wiihin 48 . hDurs. A]QCkbrooni may be used fnr shoulder mads at locations approved by the City. : ' Priaz to svveeping tha ioedway, sidewalk.s will be cle,med as naeded. Street svveeeping will . precede the striping operations doae by a separate conZracbar. The center' lanes will be svwept - f~xst aad only an es needed hgsis or as d.irected by the City. Priority wiIl be given to the ' ccnter]~e of princigal arkrials, t~aen to mi.nor arterials, and cflllectAT arterials. ' ~ . ; 'I'he City will provide us with the schedule.of the stripiqg crew. If rhe striping locations bave ~ 'no# been swept, we will mave the sweepimg operations ta the next strippin; location fo ens= ; sweePing Precedes t}ie striPPing QPerdtians. - ` i Surxmff Clegnup ODeratiQns_ • • . . ~ l . . , . . ~ Summer cleaaup w71 begin by Juns IS 'or as directed bq ffie City. Thc second summer cleaaup will be begin by.August 15 or as d.uected by the City. Unless directed otherwise by the Cify, sQmmer cleanup will concentrate on the arterial streets. Arterials wiIl be swept batween 3 am and 7 am before traffic becames heavy. There'will be a# least one street ~ sweeping Grew ava7able to conduct ihe suznmer cleamip operatioas. Crews will work IO-bour ~ days• . The ommer cleanup crew will consist of a regea.erahve air sweeper. . I VJ}aen requesl•ed by the City, a wafer ttuck will be used grior to the regeaeralive air swsepea to coatrol dust as required i.n Soction 45. ARez tlushmg the sttwirs with the water tuck, stEcts will be swept witihin 48 haurs. A.ldckbroo•m may be uszd far shouldfrr mads at locations appYOVed by the City. . . ` . . . imtions . . , . Faal Cleen~ ODf- Fall cleanup will bepn Aen directed by the City: Unless directed othmwise by ifie Crty,.fall cleanmp operations will concenhaiEd in the Pall pmDaty area slwwn in F'igise 2. ArtaaaIs will be swapt between 3 an and 7 am before iramc becomes beavy. Crews wilI wark 10-hmar days. Theae will be 3 crews available to conduat the fall cleanup Dperations. - 'Each of ft fall cleanup ereR,s will consist of a regenezative air soveeper. VJhsn regnesbd b3' the City, a water truck will'ba used prior to the regenerative' air swa~per ~to con~ol dust as • r,,~quired in Section 4.5.' After flushing the sf.reets with t~ie water trnck. 5~tre~" w~ll be -svrept . , . , withi.n 48 hours_ Street Swaenine Disposal and U-mdh-ng . . . The spring and summer sweepings will be tcuasparted to Chester Landfill, located at 4411 and Sands, Spokane Vallep.. This landfill does nnt, accept pine needles or leavcs. R~hen pins • meedles or leaves are pzesent, the sweapings c~viLl bs tal~ea to fbe tr=sfer station 1orated at Sullivan snd Trent Avanus. The Ci.ty wffi p3y the hpping .fees directlp to the owaea of. . ~ dispvsal lacation. The stotage• stations will be used to sbore the sweepings when -it wauld exp-,di.te sw=ping apeirations, unless directed ofiherwise by the City. oJe will let ffie Qity Iwpectar kaow v'vhen we inknd bo use these localians. The swe&gin,gs *ill be stm-+ed on the graval or paved surf.aces , at areas identified by the Cxty. All sweepings. will b~ remnved by the end of the week. Swpepings will be coned off and covemd when rain is expected- CammUnicafion • ' , . TU,e designated foremaan..:£o= this project will mect dai.ly wifh the City Insp"r or as required by . , the City to discuss scheduling or'City cancexns.with' tbe. project. The foremaa far'this groject is 1}ave Hu}me and liis cell phone number is (509)"999-6425. The fbr6man will have a c;ell phone at all times driring sweeping operafions. The foreman will report a;ry and all equipm.ent brcakdnwns aad repairs to the City,Immediately. • Tbis infomation will also be doaummted in the dailies inclvding but not lim.ibeci w ctAte, time of ~ breakd'owns, dowa timw, breakdnwn lacation, and ieason for breakdovvn. The foreman will~ coptact the City Inspector ai the end of the wcek to report prbductioz1, . problems, aud gcheduling.. , . . . . . . • • • . Our company ' will respand within: two houTs to any inquiry, ,telepiwae c,all or. emergency • . situation origiziating from City staff ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 0 Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation - AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Senske Park Maintenance Contract Amendment GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: - In 2005, the City contracted with Senske Lawn and Tree Care for park maintenance and maintenance of the Centennial Trail for a total annual cost of $608,681.21. This was a one year initial agreernent with four one year renewal options. In 2006, the contract was renewed at the same total annual cost of $608,681.21. In 2007, the contract was renewed with an increase of 2%, which brought the total annual cost up to $620,854.83. ~ The 2008 renewal of the Park Maintenance Contract was offered to Senske at the same total annual cost of $620,854.83. Senske has countered with an offer of a 2% increase in cost. This would resuft in an increase of $12,417.10 to the annual contract, bringing the total contract amount to $633,271.93. The breakdown would be $609,544.56 towards park maintenance and $23,727.37 towards Centennial Trail maintenance. . As per the contract, cost changes must be justified and mutually agreed to by the City and the . Contractor (Senske). Based on a Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase of at least 2% for the preceding 12 months and satisfactory performance by Senske in meeting the objectives of the contract, staff feels the request is both justified and mutually agreeable. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize City Manager to renew contract with Senske BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ' . ~ ATTACHMENTS . S CrrY o l~' . p Valley° 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityfiall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: City Council; David Mercier, City Manager From: Mike Jacksan, Deputy City Manager Date: January 10,.2008 Re: 2008 Park Maintenance Contract In 2005, the City contracted with Senske Lawn and Tree Cai-e for park maintenance and inaintenance nf the Centennial Trail for a total annual cost of $608,681.21. This was a one year initial aareeinent witli four one year renewxl options. In 2006, the contract was renewed at the sarrie total annual cost of $608,681.21. In 2007, lhe contract was renewed with an increase of 2%, which brnught the total-annual cost up to $620,854.83. 1 he 2008 renewal of thc Park Maintenance Contract was affered to Senske at the same total annual cost of .$620,$54.$3. Senske has countered lA7th an offer of a 2% increase in , cost. This would result in an increase of S 12,417.10 to the annual contract, bringing the total contract amoimt to $633,271.93. The breakdpwn would be $609,544.56 lowards park maintenance and $23,72737 towards Centennial Trail maintenance. The contract stipulates 1:hat "Cost changes in future years, if any, must be justified and . mutually agreed to by the City and the Contractor." Senske listed several reasons for the requestcd increasc for 2008 including a 20% increase in sununer st~, significancly higher fucl prices, sigiiificantly higher fertilizer prices and increases in disposal charges. l3ased on a Cousumer Price Index (Cpl) increase of at least 2% for the preceding 12 months, coupled with the satisfactory service provided by Senske, staff recommends approval of a 2% increase for 2008, effective January 1, 2008. Please note: 1. REfcrcnce to the CPI is for comparison only. There is no contractual reference , to the CPI in the City/Senskc agrecment and there is no bui.lt in mechanism for increa.sing the contract cost. The 2008 budget ineluties funds in the Parks and Recreation Services and Chargcs Flccount to cover the total cost of the contract wluch would bc $633;271.93. Please let me know if you have quEStions or would like additional information. . . Corporate Otfice 400 North Quay Kennewick, WA 99336 - (509) 736-0754 December 5, 2007 Mike Jackson City of Spokane Valley 2426 N Discovery PI Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Dear Mike, I would, with one stipulation, also like to reneev our parks contract beginning on lanuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 as per the terms and conditions of the existing Agreement for Provision of Parks Maintenance Services executed the 301h day of Decernber, 2004, the Addendum to Agreement for Provision of Park Maintenance Service on Centennial Trail executed the 15`h day of march, 2005 and the Amendment Co the agreement for the Professional services dated the 19th day of March, 2007. The ane stipulation I would request would be an increase to stated contract prices in the amount of 296 for the 2008 contract year. This minor increase is required to help off set increased costs incurred in the 2007 season. 7hese increases included a 20% increase in summer staff, significantly higher fuel prices significanCly higher fertilizer prices and increases in disposal charges. Should this stipulation be granted, we would enjoy participating in this renewal to the above mentioned contracts. Feel free to contact me with any questions and or concerns. Si rely, Dan Warehime . Vice President Senske Lawn & Tree Care . . , _ , . . . . . ~ JAN 10 2008 14:56 FR TO 96860144 P.01/01 *61&ne . . ,,;00VaIIey0 Parics & Recreatlon Department 2426 N. Discavery Place ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99216 509.688-0182 ♦ Fax: 509.688-0188 ♦ parksandrec@spokanevalley.org November 7, 2007 Dan Warehime, Vice Presidcnt' Senske Lawn & Tree Care, Inc. 400 N Qusy . Kennewick, WA 99336 . Dear Dan, I would like to extend to you a renewal option begirani.ng Jsnuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 as per the terms and con.ditions of the eacisting Agreement for . Provision of Park Maintenance Services executed the 30`n day of December, 2004, the Addendum to V eement for Provision of Park Maintenance Service on Centeiani.al Trail executed the 15 day of March, 2005, and the Amendm.ent to A,greement for Professional Services dato the 19`h day of Mazch, 2007. Please sign below to acknowledge the receipt and acceptance of this offer. Please return original and retain a copy for your records. . Sincerely, , Mi ackson P & Recrearion Director Dan Warehime, Vice Pxesident Date Senske I:awn and Tree Care ' • • :lckc Tf1TAf PAfzF. G11 "*c: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Old Senior Center Building Demolition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A • PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council previously authorized staff to obtain a detailed engineering report on the condition of the Valley Mission Senior Center Building at 11423 E. Mission Ave.; Staff presented results of the engineering reports at the January 8, 2008 Study Session and Council approved placing a motion on the January 15, 2008 consent agenda for the demolition of the building. ~ BACKGROUND: The old Valley Mission senior center facility at 11423 E. Mission Ave. was vacated in September 2005 when the Spokane Valley. Senior Citizen program was moved to CenterPlace. The building has been empty since that time. The Valley Mission facility is approximately 12,000 square feet and was opened in 1976. The facility is located within Valley Mission Park. - The engineering firm of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. (TD&H) together with the geotechnical firm of GeoEngineers evaluated the Old Senior Center building and parking area. The work included a structural evaluation of the building itself along with a soils evaluation around the building foundation and parking lot. In conclusion, the engineer states, "The cost to repair and make improvements in the old building is approximately $1.7 million, which is comparable to that of a new building at $1.3 million. The refurbished existing building would have a shorter useful life and higher operating costs." , OPTIONS: Demolish or remodel the existing building. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Motion to authorize the demolition of the old senior center building at 11423 E. 11llission Ave. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike JacksonlSteve Worley ATTACHMENTS nRarr 11aNUTES ✓ SPECTA_L 12LA TTtEAT MEETING SPOKAr VAI,LEY CITY COUNCLL CenterPlace 2°d Floor Cunfcrencc Room 2426 v I)iscovery Pixcc Spnkane Valley, Washingtc►n . January 12, 2008 8:00 a.m. -.1.:30 P.m. Alteiidunce: Councilmembers $tafP Rich Munsnn, Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Neil Kersten, Public Works Direcfor ltose Dempsey, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Cnmmunity Dcvelop. Dir. Bill Gothmann, Cauncilmember Ken 1'hompson, Finance Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmember iMike Con.nelly, City Attorney Steve Taylor, Councilmember Morgan Koudelka, tldministrative Analysl Diana Wilhite, Councilmeinber N1ary Kate Martin, Building OFficial ' Carolbellc Branch, Public Information Otl1ers: Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Mike Huffinan, Valley ITews Herald Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mike I7eVleming • viayor Munson opened the meeting at 8:00 a.m. ~ J. Review 2008 Council budget goals - Mike Jac:kson Gaal 91: C'ontinue nionitoring wastewufer issares, irrcluding gvvernarlce of ►vaste►vuter facrlities turd pursuit of the niost ecienu ru7t1 ecaiio»ucal nrethocls 1o etis:o-e the continuatiorl of wastewuter dischnrges licetzres. Deputy CiCy Manager Jackson asked if theee were any suggestions for any clianges to the gonls, and Mayror Munson asked Deputy Mayor Denenny to give an update on the wastewater treahnent plant issue. Deputy M3yor I7enenny explai.ned that he vvill give Council an update in Marcli, but briefly stated that dle Environmental Protcclion Agency (EPA) has some criticism about die ageeement, and there is some disagreement vnnng the attorneys and consultants regarding the direction EPA gave them in letters; that the criticism was not specified in the diseharge allocations, which was part of the Vlemoraiidum nf Understanding (MOin, and he stated that the Sierra Club and others miglit file suit regarding that agreement; that the Department Af Fcologry (UOE) controls and issues evcrything in this State and has delegated authority from the FPA; and that the EPA might not allow what the 170E agreed tn, and if suit occurs, it would go through the Ninth Cirouit, and we would be out of die winciow of capacity or beyond that window of having enough capacity to allow building, which could result in a thrust to put the discharge out on dhe Slatese. Mayor Munson said he discussed this issue with Governor Gregoire, that the Govenlor is aware of the pr4blem, and that he tolcl her that this could result in issuing a building _ moratorium if xhis is not resolved. There were no suggested changes for 1:his goal. Goal #2: Refitie initinl depurln2ental six year business Plans in order to identify and irrcorporate fiscal irnppcts inta a strategic finuncial plan. Deputy City ManaDcr Jackson exPlained that one of the infents of this 2007 Business Plan is to more closety align the Plan wi[h the Budget and the Strategic Plan; that Council needs to eYaniine funding possibilities to fund those stated goals, and he added that the numbcr of customer service improvements actually eYCeed what are stated in tliE plan. There were no suggested changes for this goal. Counci) Retreat MinuCes: 01-12-2008 Page 1 of 11 Approved by Council: nRaFT - Goal 93: Forntulate u six yECrr strategic fnrancial plan by July 2008 tl2at forecasts expected revenues and - ~ expensES; incorporntes the cost elements of cleparinrental business plan.s; JCICIt! f E3 f1SCQI CO)7Stl'Q1I1S; and , i proposes formula.s jor Couticil corisideratiort that in,slitute suslaiizable budget-balcmcitrg approuehes uncl ` itemizes i:ecessary service reductio»s or revenue increases or combrnations thereof. 'fhere were no suggested changes fnr this goal aild i'inance Direetor Thompson said we need to begin lo takc aetion on this and he will address dhis issue laler today. Goal 44: Lziliate Inrplemerrtatron of the sub-areu plan for 1he Sprague/Applewcry.RevitulL-alion Plan. Community Development Director McClung said that the nesC skeps are public meetings for February, including the ConsultanYs presentation of Baok 3 for ['cbruary 19, which will be t4 Council and the Planning Commission. Ms. hicCluna stated that a SEPA Deterinination has been issued on the City Center portion of the plan, zind we should have estimatcs on in&astructure cost soan. Publie Works Di.rector Kersten said that he and Gladding Jackson are working on those estimates, and should have some number5 wit6in the next few weeks, buC he estimates the cost in the hvclve Co fourteen million dollar range, and said that costs will cover streets, underground water and power, sewer, and lanclscaping down diat part of the Center; and that the City Center street by itself is about $3 million; he added that the numbers will include frontages but nnt the actua) ungrade of the whnle streets or new intcrchanges. Mr. Kersten also stated that the library is obligated to build their half of the street, and that there are some minor strcets which could be built by a developer. City ACtorney Connelly remarked that the condition of purchase and sale is the raad extending south to the library which has to be built, and there is no indication as to who or how thal will be accomplished; that they have had contacts from at leasl one devcloper coneerning the city, and are 6nally getting dovni to costs, and said he anticipates the nert month or rivo will bc productive. iVlr. Kersten stated that we don't have to use all $12 million to satisfy the library; and Mr. Connelly responded that we can start with the idea that the cfeveloper will build the streets. The issue of turning Sprabue and Appleway back to hvQ-ways was broached, arid Mr. Kersten • said that Glatting Jackson is working on that and should have some figures in the next few weeks and will consoliclate ehat into another report. Mr. Kersten also mentioncd we will have a list of all potential projects that it will take to haWe the City Center Projeet; and said some developers are interested who want to look at the project in the next few weeks, after which time Mr. Kersten said hc shoulcl know if those developers are genuinely interested. Mr. Connelly also mentioneci t.hat any developers meeting wich Mr. Munson should include Mr. Uenenny as well, and he (vfr. Cnnnelly) sent Couneil'a memo on what they can and c,ainot do regarding cleveloper contACt. There were no suggested clianges for this goal. Goal 5: AdoPt area-►vide rezonin,; nr•oPascils consistent with the conrprehensive plun that reflect appropriate adjustrnents ui aoning designations. Deputy City Manager Jackson stated that dhe just initiated qu3rterly updates for Council are in keeping with Council requests fnr opportunity for inpuC into future Comp Plan ehanges. Ms. McClung explainetl that they are putting tpgether a sehedule for the next "batch" of comp plan change reyuests, which are from eleven individual preperty oNvuers. In response to Mayoe Munson's question about Council nrotocol on how to address comp plan changes, it was mentioned that Mr. McCormick will be giving Council a report on lhis at the ne?ct councit meeting, and will subsequently give quarterly upctates. Councilmember Taylor mentioned that this is in response to I.iis and other Councilmembers' previous commenls , concerning giving input into the comp plan changes proccss; and Council concurred that they do not neecl ' written doeumentation prior to discussion of these quarterly updates. There were no suggested changes for this goal. [See Further discussion belotv for this goal.J Goal G: Perfortrt an analy,sis of a lancl owner initiated requesl for mrrlexation. Community Development Director vleClung explained that this is the end Af a process wllich begins with reaching consensus with the Counry regarding where the annexation bowidaries are going to be; she said , lhat a meeting is schecluled for February 6 as a"kick-ofP' meeting with us, Spokane- County and otlicrs, and she said that the meeiing notice explained that the Washington State Community and Economic Council Retreat Vlinutes: 01-12-2008 Page 2 of I l Approved by Couneil: DRAFT ~ Develapment Department recently awarded Spokane County, Spokane, Spokanc Valley, Liberty Lake, tlinvay 1•Ieights, ancl the Town of iMilhwood a grant that aUows the County and affected cities to move forward with coordinatecl planning for the metro urban growth area; and this meeting should be of assistance a,s there is a(ot of work to do so we know the process on taking in a neighborhood that may want to be annexed. City Attorney Connelly said that our eYisting comp plan does noC identify any urban growth areas (UGAs) as future growth areas for the City of Spokane Valley; and such needs to be incluclecl in oiu• Plan; that we intentionally did not include that in the first plan as we have to have the comp plan basis for movina forward; and once we agrec on Chose areas, we can move fonvard. Councilmember Taylor said that would be a;reat topic for the first quarter comp plan issues; ajid Mr. Connelly replied that these should be in conjunction with a joi.nt pla.nning presentation, and that we can move this issue piirallel with the comp plan process. Mayor Munson mentioned that provided Nve follow the County Wide Planning Policies on joint planning, we can annex; and Mr. Connelly added that Nve just need to do our par[ ta identify future growfh areas for Spol:ane valley. It was then mentioned that pcrhaps Gnal #S is completed and perha-ps should be re-worded. Ms. McClung suggested re-wording to read, "Complete the annual comp plan updatc" or to simply leave the goal as stated, noting that it is complete. [t was suggested to continue to improve the area-wide zoning proposals and include identifying the specific areas f.or annexation; or perhaps eombine goal S and 6; and it was subsequently mentioned by Mr. Connelly that the UGA is the planning tool, and anriexHtinn is the regulatiori that implements it. Councilmember Taylor said that before the end of this year, everythiiig the City needs to do needs to be in place to aecomplish this Goal #5) goal. For oal #fi, Councilmember '1'aylor suggested chaiiging it to read; "Adopt all neccssary amnexation policies and perform the analysis of land owricr and city-initiated requests for annexation." NVhen vls. McClung asked if Council wants analysis, cost, and proccdure, Councilmember Taylor responded that if a O member of dhe public asks to be annexed, we need to know the cosc for upgrading roads. Ms. McClung replied that i.n her previouS experience, approximately five years ago it cost $150,000 for a consultant to get together that inforniation, not to mention a great deal of staff work. Mr. Connelly added that a financial analysis, which prececles an annexation analysis, would be sevcral hundred thousand dollars to determine if there are suffcient tax revEnues Ca justify it. Councilmember Taylor responded that perliaps we don'e need a full financial analysis on evcry possible annexation, but as they come; to which Councilmember Godimann addcd that there needs to be a process that is timely for owncr-initiated annesations, and some people are inquiring already. Mr. Connelly explained that we have to havc those future growth areas ide►itifed. lleputy City Mana;er Jackson said that according to thc minutes of the last• June retreat, "iVfi-. Merciei• mentione(l the idea of performing an analysis for annexation as there will be a need to have our annexation operational policies sharpened as some potential areas are developing on our peripherals." Further comments were that part of developing this ;oal wauld bc a Cinancial analysis; that we need a process when determining UGAs, that it is easier tq annex vaca.nt land lhan cleveloped land; that any s.reas ws want to annex, whether already developcd or to be developctt, needs to be up to our city standards; and that we should include the bencft of looking at anncxations prior to clevelopment. There was nothing definitive statetl regarding changing this goal. Goul 7: Develop a Shoreliiie Master Progrcrir2 as required by tTte State nf Wusliirtgtorr to provide crdclilional reg-trlutoty protectioiz for ►vaters of stale►vicle significance; i. e., Spokane River, Shelley Lake. Community Development DirectAr McGung explained that this Shoreline Master Peogram must be updatect by 2013; and when this goal was first developed, there was some state funding available, but such funding did not materialize. Ms. McClung said staff will put together a plan for how to get the program completed and processed by the de_adline, but that lhis is not something they will bc working on this year, which prompled Deputy Mayor Denenny to inquire if this perhaps should not be an 08 goal. Mr. Connelly stated that if the County changes their program, we havc a choics to stay with theirs or have "our own; and that previously we hacl a draft shoreline ordinance before fhe Plaiining Commis.sion which former Community Dcvelopment .Director Marina Sukup had completcd; but the DOE said it wasn't Council Retreat Minutes: 0 1-12-2008 PaJe 3 of 11 Apnroved by Council: ' Di2AF1 going ro oceur; that there were specifias in the orciinance that DOE was not comfortable with and they put it as a low priority; adding that many thought we were a lot closer then we ended up being. After Further brief discussion, there was courrcil con.sensus to delete this as ari 08 goal and put tlris on the agenda in six moriths to caisitler as aa 2009 goal. 2. Pronosed 2009 Council Goals - Mike .Tackson Deputy City Manager Jackson ex.plained that diis is a type of brainstorming session to discuss possible 2009 goals. There tivas council consenscis ta wail until June to decide whether to inclucle the S6torelirre 1llaster Frogrant as cz 2009 goal. laiscussion ensued regarding the possibility of kceping the monitoring of cvastewater issues goal as a 2009 goal, and Deputy Vlayor Taenenny explained some of tlie pressing issues as discussed previously and noted above, but no decision was made to have this considered a 2009 goal. Councilmember Taylor talked about having funcling for the City Center as a possible goal. That led to further financial discussion including inention of the possibility of having multiple bonding issues on an upcoming ballot. Mayor Munson asked about developing an audit for vitrious contracts Nve have. Discussion on this topic inclucled mcntion that the Sheriff s Office would be the top contract audit priority-; whether lo have a performance and/or a financial Sheri.ffi's Officc audit; the idea of examining oCher options for law . enforcement anci wnethe.r that s}iould be a stated 2009 goal; Deputy Mayor Denenny's mention nf the nced for fui analysis of our "Iargest financial obligation" and that we can't examine alternatives widivut an audit involving the cost factor; disagreement from Councilmember Gothmann that the purpose of an audit is to see if our administraCive division is meeting its goals; with lleputy Mayor Dcnenny's counter- response that a performance audit is to look at control mechanisms, and we can't do that if we can'l eontrol any changes. That prompted an additional response from Councilmember Gothmann that we already have control over such xhings as asking foe re-assigning of patrol offieers in nccded areas, that we can discuss those nceds with the S1leriff; but Councilmember Taylor dis.agreed and said those are issues dealt with by thc City Manager and not something Council dcals with. Mr. Gothmann disagreed ancl stated that wc havc not set goals for our police, such as do we want more pr lcss craffic enforcemettt; and that those are policies we can set and turn pver to the Sheriff's Office; that our role is to identify areas to re-:issign or add officers, and to make policy decisions to best serve our citiZens. Iviayor Muuson statecl ' that in e4anioins the contracl issue with the Sheeiff's Office, there was a"water linc" and some things werc not negotisble, and some things were not deFined. Councilmember Taylor asked Mr. Koudelka whac is alloweci within lhe contract, and are there changes the City is looking to mal:e now after five years, such as something to change to give us more control and more autonomy? Administrative Analyst Koudelka cxplaineci that it becanie evident this pasC yea.r when wc had to select a new police chief, that there were some shortcomings as to ow perspectivre as how that process takes place; that at one point we had worked to come up caith a new law enforcement agreement that incorporated a lot of die model language of mosC of our othcr contracts already adopted by Council, and that we reached a point where we had a good clraft ready for review hy Sheriff Sterk, who resigned beCore the end of his term, and that process was put on hold; and at this point, Mr. Koudell:a-explained, we are trying to work through some building issues and get a bettcr understanding of what our costs are and get more specifics; and that all that would hclp us to understand if we are getting an efticient delivery of services, which Would help us to move forward to discuss options. For this yca.r, Mr. K_oudelka stated, there was a i-~ meeting set for next week widi Marshall and one of the undershcriffs, Mr. Koudelka, and Mr. Connelly, which meeting was postponed due to Mr. Vlercier's unexpected absence due to the death in his family; Council Retreat Minutcs: 01-12-2003 Page 4 of 11 Approved by Council: DRAI± C and that said meeting will have to be re-schedulecf. Mr. Koudelka stated that when such meeting does occur, thcy should know where dley stancl regarding some unresolved building issues; and said thaC staff plans to pull together all the items in the old contract that were deficient; and ta get input from Council as well as identify some new items or revisions to the eristing agreement, then movre forward to implement a model agrcement that will address all our needs. As an aside, Mr. Jackson said R!Ir. Koucielka tivill perform the performance audit of the Sherifrs Office. Mr. Koudelka also mentioned that Councilmember Gothmann seemed to be aclciressing a perforrnance measurement, but that the business plan hopes to incorporate that anti bring law enforcemcnt into the business plan giving the oppnrtunity to have goals; anci acfded that a performarice audil: would look at the efficiency of cfelivering that seivice, such as getting data of crime analysis on how quickly law enfarcement responds, how many units, etc. or to sce if perhaps dhere is a bettcr way to use time; staffing ' sehedules and levels sufficient to address call timcs woulcf also be esamined; and he stated that Nve don't have a developed system or procedure for perfornlance audits; but are warking on identifying what steps are needed to dp so. Poliee Chief VanLeuven menkioned that some of that ctatti is now available and is included in his mondlly report he submits as part of the Couricil paeket; and the data is analyzed by supcrvisors who rnanage the pcrfbrmance of addressina Cttose "hot spots." Councilmember Taylor remarked that the previously mentioried "water line" needs to bc diseussed, whethcr 1:hat includes the need for more r 1'E's, or switching officers fi-om one nlace tn another; and a diseussion on xvtiether thaC flexibility shpuld exist; t;hat so far dhere have been nn contractual changes, 3nd we need to see what headway wc ean mal:e, that a lot of C.his came to a head but the City backed awav from some qf the more controversial issues so we could gEt a new police chief. Councilmember Gotlimann mentioned that hc feels it strange to focus so much on personnel issues and not on the area df O enforcemeot, ta which Mr. Taylor replied that the area of enforcement is direcdy i.mpacted by the leve) of autonomy noted in the contract. Couricilmember Gothmann said he wants to focus on pcrformance issues, and that the SherifPs Office shnuld bring altcrna[ives to us. Deputy Mayror Denenny said he wants to st,ut the proce„ss for our own.department and Would like that as a goal; and Councilmember Schimmels said if we can`t come to a contract abreement, our duty is to talk to Mr. Mercier and/or Nlr. Jackson; and that we need to do a nerformance audit which will direct the financial picture and move from there to a(tematives. Mr. Koudelka explaine.d thal one of the work goals is to develop an audit plan for all c4titracts, and to have that designed to ensure eonsistency in our method of verifying costs we are eharged; and that concerning law enforcement, we are in the pracess of working wit:h the County to come up wit}i a method to more accurately determine costs, which will then be brought Fonward to Council later th is year. Mayror Munson saicl for 2009 alternatives, we should hsve current cnsts to mal:e comparisons; and vtr. Koudelka erplainecl that the County lias a consultant to develop a cost plan for the Sheriffls Officc and for direct costs such as telephone, yet he added that a let of the support costs come to us in a Simplex i1iet}iod, so there is a nccd for a greater in-depth eomparison. Councilmember Gotlimann said he would like lo have Cauncil ask the f'olice Chief Co bring a plan for policing the city, and to present diat along with atternatives to Council; that such repoi-t has never been done, and he Feels that is wrong but is something that Sheriff K.nezovich said he would clo. Mayor Munson said he sees no rGason why Nve can't ask for that this year, and Deputy Mayor Denenny agreed, as well as to acidress those issucs previously mentioned. Mayor Munson asked if a 2009 goal should be to develop a cost model for law enforcement and Councilmember Taylor said he feels it prernature For Council to state specific goals until staff has had that discussion with the Shcrift's Office, «fiich meecing was mentioned previously Uy V1r. Koudelka, aiad he added that we don't want to send a misleading message that we are no longer cortfident with our ,r--~ current contract. Deputy Mayor Denenny said he fcels we neecl to havc a law enforcetnent analysis and cost out the alternatives; and that this should be discussed in June. Councilmember `I'aylor concurred that this should be postponed until the suminer agcnda; as did Vlayor Munson. Councilmember Tayl'or then Council Retreat Minutes: 01-12-2008 Pa?e 5 of 11 Approvetl by Cotmcil: nRaFT suggested the optien of inerely poscponing this issue until we can get a report from staff on how thc contrac;tual negotiations are coming, as part of this issue centers on performance and part is governance; ; and that it rehirns to the autonomy issues which -vvere not resolved before. Councilmember Wilhite also subgested putting this on lhe agenda for June to examine how in-depth Council may want to have this as a 2009 goal. Vlayor Munson saicl hc feels this issue will take several rneetings to resolve, and - Councilmember Gothmann said we need to iclentify what it is we arc contracting, and what are our goals for the community regarding law enfoecement, that we need to identify those goals before considering alternatives. There iras cventual corrsensus to put this as an upcoming study sessivn agenda item, and that Folice Clriej VunLeziven and Mr. rLfercier could give Coxincil a list of wJurt Co:oicil has control over, ai1d of suggested areas ar gouls for lmv enfarcernent to achieve, and that dhis is separate from the cqntractual baseti issues which will come back later. To recap, Mr. Jackson stated that possible 2009 goals inelude continuinD thc monitoring oP wastewater issues, the police department, and securing funding sources for the City Center. Mr. Thompson said it is his perception from speaking with Mr. Mercier on this topic, that we need to move forwarci with ►najor decisions for securing tiunding sources for the City Center by July 2008, and s-aicl if we don't get f.nancino started soon, we will lose ground. Councilmember Taylor said that rather than the suggested 2009 goa) of securing Punding sources fnr the City Center, that perht►ps a better 2009 goal to add during the June retreat would be to furtlier refine 2008 Goal number 4. Brief discussion continued regarding using the private sector contractually for other public worl:s issues; dhat Mr. Kersten said the only area left is snow removal which would be very diffeult and extremely expensivE to do ourselves, but that he could eYplore that option at Council direction. Mayor Munson suggested keeping these issues in mind for possible goals to discuss rit L'he June retreat. • ' There was a brief break in the meeting at 9:30 a.m., and the meeting reconvened at 9:50 a.m. _ . ~ 3. Financial Forecast - Ken Thomnson - Finance Director Thompson explaincd that the purpose of this item is to bring Council an update on projections for revenues and expenditures in the general fund and otFier areas such as the street fund, but he said it would not include the stormwater fund as they have a fixed income source which flows through the County. In looking at areas we lrack, he explained, general, street, and capital Pund, there will always be more projects then we have money for; and we ean spread those prnjects over a sia-year period. Mr. Thompson then hiohlightcd tlie packet document "Significajrt f'oints" under general fund, strcet fund, and "capital. Mr. Thompson mcntioned that in the general fund, there are no, funds for the City Center; and also in the general fund, he mentioned that addirional Uansfcrs to die Civic FacilitiES I'und will lessen the facilities' need in futtare years; and that the bottom line is, iFwe keep putting funds aside we can probably handle that; and if we dan't put tunds aside, we v,rill have an approYimate S6 rnillion prnblem; that we need to get startcd and he Wroulct like direction from Couneil to keep putting Funcls aside for.the next fve years. The Street Fund nee.ds an adciiCional $2 million a year for maintenance, and Mr. Thompson reminded Council that we no longer move funds from the general Pund to the street fund. Finance Director Thompson said regar<ling Capital, the 2008 figures look pretty gootl, but beyaid that there arc too many variables to make a good funding prediction. Mr. Thompson said the General Fund Sheets with tlie "B" on the eop include the business plan, and the ones without the "B" clo not; that property laxes ttave gone up mostly due to increases in assessed value; but Gambling tax has decreased by several hundred thousand, and he feels that perhaps banning s►noking in the c,asinos makes it difficult for them to keep customers; or perhaps people simply prefer the larger gambling establishments. Mr. Thompson said that the general fund is not as a big concem now as the deficit rnove_s around we should be in good shape for another three or four years; and added that every year we budget a half-million dollars for a contingency; that we typically don't spend it so that gives that that much more eaeh year to apply to the defeit in future years. Council Retreat Niinutes: 01-12-2003 Page 6 af 11 Approvecl by Cotmcil: llfLAFT 0 Conceming the S#reet fund, Mr. Thompson said there is perhaps one more year before we are out of funds; and we can't wait another year tn address this prnblem as it will take sis months tn a year to get annther fiinding source; that a decision needs to be made by June or July of this year for a funding source. ~1~1r. Thompson added it will take anproximately $6.5 million to fund the Strect MasterPlan; that the gas tax is a fixecl number per gallon rat:her than a percentage, anci as the price of gasoline inereases, people drive less. Vir. Thompson said it is difficult to predict what will happen to the future price of fuel. Finance llirector Thompson also mentioned that Capital includes such tliings as parks projects, the University Park, swimming pool, and the recently added funds for the art work on the bridge, and that he anticipates dhere could be a future desire to appropriate more funds for art in the City Center; and that we need to pul' aside ftinds to get started on the ADA Plan; and that the pavement management program added another approsimate $4 million. Concerning the Transportation Improvemcnt Program (TIP), I'ublic 1'Jorks Director Kersten explained dhat the figures show our match, and dhis assumes we wil) get what we appliecl for, whieh Iikely won'c be the case for all projects. Finance Direetor Thnmpson said the- real estate excise tax (R.EE7') generates about $2.2 rnillion annually; that it cannot be used for road maintenance, but if a street were uiken out and replaced, or a street needed a grind or overlay, Nve could use R-EE'I' funds, but we cannot use any RrET moiicy on the strcet fund itself. Public Works Director Kersten said tt►at in Problem Scatemenl #2 etpenttiture line item of $4 million, that is what he spends on sh-eet maintenance now like snow removal; aiid just in street maintenance there will be an approximatc $2.5 million shorCfall beginning 2010; ancl that the capital bottom line pavement management program shows the dollars we need to maintain good conditions of our existing strcets and cloes not inelucle £br extimple, changing a ltivo-lane road into a four-lane road; vid to maintain wfiere we are today, we would have to fund $4 million now, which still won't kecp up entirely hut would allow for some roacl ~ cleterioration. This iCem ended with brief discussion on the rate of taxes coming in and the slow down of buildings. 4. Six-Xear Diisiness -Plan -1Vl.ike J9ckson L7eputy City Manager Jackson said this is an opportunity for a quick look at various portions of the 2008 Business Plan, and to align funding sources with the business plan; that some things on the pending list have already come forward; that there has been overall cu.stomer service improvement; that a challenge is to try to align the Plan more closcly with funding and to have the Strategic Plan work together with the Six-Ycar Business Plan; thaC the Business Plan is Council's direction to stnff and staffls best atternpt to lonk at programs and services they feel ineet council's and the community's expectaCions. NIr. Jackson said thaC. staff doesn't always weigh exactly what is feasible as they try to make Council aware oF other things available in other coinmunities similar in size with ours. Vir. Jackson eYplained that staff Iooks forward to develnpiog the next business plan, aid is looking at recommendations that are feasible in • keeping witli funding items. 2egarding tlie Public Works clepartment, iMr. Jackson mentioned fimding options will need to be exarnined for city hall, street maintenance, city center; and as noted on page 26; they want to look al the process to see if Council wants to change the way we are appmaching the plan, as any chaoges will need to be addressed prior to development of the 2008 and 2009 business plan; that we want to develop a mission statement for each dePartment, ancl in cases widi multiple divisions withiri deparhnents, there may be multiple mission statements. iVfr. Jacl:son said that staffworks hard ta identify the realm of their program, and he feels it is important that Council reviews those pages. He pointed out the detailed goal list on page 23, and said there are the projects which will drive discussian on possible funding sources. f'age 30 was highlighted by Mr. Jackson, and he said it shows all areas previously approved by Council, and that the programs will continue once implemented. Mr. Jacl:son also recornmended Council review the appendi:Y for updated versions of some of these fgures. Deputy City Manager Jackson saicl that these recommendations are all incorporated into aod arc fully fiinded in our 2008 budget, Nvhich has all heen previously authorized by Council. We reminded Council that some "big tickeY" items are not included, sueh as funding for City Hall, the Street- MzsterPlan, and City Center, and Council Retreat Minutcs: 01-12-2008 Page 7 of 11 Approved by Council: . DRAFT recomiiiended Council review the updated financial chAri just after pagc 40; and said that Council will w2nt to discuss possible funding options to implement the 2009 plan and to further refine the plan to the , pqint of recommending achievable programs and projeCts. Mr. Jackson also mentioned that these issues cao easily be incomprated into a study session. In :Further rcview arld discussion of the materials after page 40, those in the "Attachment to Business 1?la.n," Councilmember Gothmann mentioned page 17 and at the top of page 25 to perhaps cxamine what affeet an "Edgeclift Neighborhood Centee' would have on scnior services, and how it might affect our City's senior program. Mr. Jackson mentioned that the Senior I'rogram is run out of the CenterPlace, but is not run by the Ciry and the City does not provide the senior programs as that is provided by the Senior Association liotued at CenterPlace. Councilmcmbcr Gothmann remarked that perhaps this would be an opportunity to coardinate aU senior activities, and perhaps have the City offcr some prAgrams at rdgeclift; that he spoke with Ian Robertson out at the H[J13 where they have some representatives from otiher senior associations starting a recreation progrun there at no charge. Somc mernbers Af Council agreed that it wnuld be agood idea to coordinatc senior activitie,s with a11 community entities that provide senior prograinmine, but Councilmember Taylor suggested that be done with caution as perhaps things to coordinate would be better ways to transport seniors to and from activities, and we might not bc in a position to expand our direct responsibilities. Mr. Jackson said that as we start to look more closely at performance measurements, in the future, we realize that each adds work and time and we must be eareful . about manaoing our time and resources. 5. Funding Ontions Bund Issues - Ken Thumnson Finance Dii-ector '1`hompson said thaC one oF the upcoming pressing financial problems is City I-lall; that he estimates the project at S 18 million; that we have six million plus interest; we could have a bond salc for another six million when we are ready tn build (Councilmanie bonds), and could use w}iat we eu•e , paying for rent at the current site to retire the 20-year bond debt; but that still leaves a shortage of about ' six million; and that if he eontinues to set funds asidc cach year at the end of the year, that would amount to another $3.5 million, thereby only leaving a$2.5 million shortage; and khat we could manage a$2.5 million shortage but not a six inillion dollar shortage. There followed discussion on setting aside $700,000 annually, and of amending the budget when necessary; or examining oxher altcrnatives. The idea of grants was mentioncd, but Mr. Thompson said that grants are not likely for this type nf financing issuc. City Attorney Connelly said he is working with our bonding altorneys in discussing funding mechanisms, that they are wailing for some cost figures and should hflve a report for council soon on diffei-ent ways to fund a cit}, hall; anci that options sue.h as other bonds, pcrhaps some grants, and taxes are still being explored. Although grants may be available, Mr. Kersten menlioned I:hat havino someone with the time and Exrcrtise to explore grant options is not ahvays an easy t-ksk, as you need someone highly skilled and it could be costly, but also could be worth cxamining. Mayor Munson said dhat he prefers keeping the reserve, but wants to have the ability to change his mind; Co which Mr. Thompson replied Council ahvays has that option. iVLr. Thompson also mentioned the $2 million needed for potholes plocaing, etc. and he sugge•sted lool:ing at a vehicle tab fee, and mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce committee would like us to dedicate such to the North Soudi Freeway. There follnwed lengthy discussion concerning possible Transportation Bencfits Districts; that Mayor vlunson spoke with Senator Chris Marr- who feels avehicle tab fce should be imnosed aiid dedicated to the North South Freeway, and such could generate $150 rnillion for that freeway but would require a matching fee; Chat our own priorities include completivn of that fi-eeway; that the County will hold a public hearing on this topic January 22"d; that perhaps a staff member could attend the hearing; anci that Mayor Munson mentioned dhe County indicated they might ask for a tab fee greater t'han $20.00. CouncilmembEr Wilhite explained that she attended a telephonic cnnversatian with Chris Marr, «fio indicated he has to convince the rest nf the legislalure Co go along with that previous suggestion, but it seems to be a growing consensus that $20.00 is not amplc for the needs and tllat the Couacil Retreat yIinutes: 01-12-2008 Paee 8 of 11 Approved by Council: v :aitaFT ~ message is that communities must help fund these enormnus transportation costs, and if more thsin $20.00 . per tab is souF;ht, it will have to go for a public vote. Councilmember WilMite also mentioned the . frustracion in tryina to esplain to the public about the imgortance of having freight use the Nnrth South Freeway versus roads such as Barker; that an option is to increase the $20 fee an acldilional 20 or 30 dollars, with half of the additional amount being dediGated to the North South Feeeway, and then generating a project list of «fiat they'd use the othcr fees for, adding thaC they could only be used for capital projects. Furiher discussion nn this topic ensued, generating fiirther questions on dollar limits, timing, can the County impose a feE before the City or vice-versa, when does.such fee require a vote of the people; shauld this be a regional eff'ort or does the City of Spokane Valley act alone; can there be co-existing Transportation I3enetils Districts; if the fiinds are to be used for a tederal highway, then why not usc federal funds; would sueh a fee reduce potentia) funds for our own street maintenance; are there other options not yet e.cplored; whaC are the advanCages and disadvanLages of goiiig wilh the County or forming our oHm TBD; what can we do so we don't jeopardize our own ability for a$20.00 eounc:ilmanic bond; are we running out of timc; and is it feasible to have rnAre than one ballot issue for this item. These options will be fur[her explored and reported back al the.neYt council meeting, and Iklayror Munson said he will endeavor to find out what Spokane City's views are on Lhis issue, as he believes they are having their qwn retreat today as well and will be tliscussing this issue. 6. Brainstorming-Mike Jackson It was decided that the "brflinstorming" would be postponed to another date, the group took a quick break at 11: lp p.m, and moved dowmstairs to room 109 for the Planning/Visioning.presentation. O 7. l3ernardo Wills: Citv Hall facilities Planning/Visioning Rcpresentatives from Bernardo 1Vills said that the purpose of this visioning process is to develop a program in xvritten form in order to have a clear understanding of what to accornplish in City Hall, and that after Council has resnoncled, they will show Council staWs responses. They explained that they arc scheduling this prograrnm'tng in phases, and anticipate presenting again to Council in February or March; xhat et►ey are still in the gathering mode for specific needs of each deparUnent, and that they anticinate having a rerined schedule aRer next week's meetinas widl staff. Below are the queslions and some of the responses: . . I. What imaQe do You believc outsiders have ofthe Spokanc VaIIey: Bedroom community of Spokanc Shopping area Job variery Nice place to live Pamily-oriented - goad scliools Affordablc 2. What mskes Saokane Valley uni4ue: Easy acecss to recreational facilities Friencily people Accessibility to local tovernment We work hard and play hard Coimcil ftetreatMinutes: 0 1-12-2008 Page 9of 11 Approved by Cotulcil: . DRAFT 3. What a..spects of Sgokane Valley are citizens most proud of7 - River ' Close to cverything - not all sprcad out . - Schaols Roads Friendly community `Ve retain open outdoor areas Safe communit'y 4. I-Iow would you characterize the area's residents? I7iverse aae Independent ConservaCive as in slow'to change Great kids 5. I-Iow import{7nt is t;hc acknowledgement of local historv in the new City Hall building,? Need to add the "incorporaCion story" ' 6. What do you Nvant i.n a cily hall7 Something indicaLive of openness; the sky, open space . Want City Hall different fTOm the library Jaon't want a colossal building but something formal and respectfull Something beCwcen traditional and modern Outdoor plaz.a/public space 7. What othcr city halls/builclings do you like? i Oregon State Public building Hagadone office building Coeur d'Alene R.esort 8. What industrie,s/institutions are eonsidered most important to Snokane Valley's economic and culhual development? This question was briefly discussed _9. City's mission st3tement: how dyou envision hhis being expressed in the new CitY Ha117 Perhaps having an interpretative center . 10. Imapine it's the year 2028 and the Citv Hall is eompleted. 14ow would vou describe that? They thought ahead . 4Varm and invit'inp Had great vision Enjoyecl by all generations 1 he sound of water 1'ies the Ciry together - creative 11. As a communitv role model, how do yrou envision the Citv Hall expressing its leadcrship in promotin~ sustainable developmenth , . Good stewa.rds of tax dollars - wttich led to a brief discussion nn various levels vf "e,}-een" for the building ._J Council Retreat Minutes: 01-12-2008 , Page 10 of 11 Approved by Council: DRAFT ~ S. Informatian Qnlv: Wc►rkplan (information only, was noC discussed) For the remainder of the lime, discussion was about suggesYed uses of a council ahamber, including a small eonference roo►n for prc-agencla meetings, or executive sessions, or other uses; metition that there will be some upcoming public meetings to get public input, mention and distribution of the "Employee ilist for Furure City llall; ' and that there will be an intense riwro-day effort to disc:uss needed work stations. As time was lirnited due to khe 2:00 p.m. funeral for former Councilmembee vlike Flanigan, lhe meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. nrrEs°r: FZicliard Niunson, A([ayor Christine 13ainbridgc, City Clerk Cou.ncil Retreat Minules: 01-12-2008 Paoe 11 of 11 Approved by Cotmcil: DRAFT ~ NLiN`UTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Tacsday, January 8, 2008 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 130"' meeting. Attendnt:ce: Citv Staff Diana Wilhite, Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Steve Taylor, DepuCy iMayor Mike Connelly, Ciry Attomey Dick llenenny, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Dcputy City Attomey Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Bill Gothmann, Couneilmember Neil Kersten; Public Works Director Rich Munson; Councilmember Kathy tileClung, Community Development Dir. Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Carolbelle Rranch, Public Information Officer Rich VanLeuven, I'olice Chief Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk , iNVOCATION: Pastor Lee Hunt of Nfew Hope Christian Center gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Wilhite led the pledgc of allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge aalled roll; all councilmembers were present. 1. E:LECTION OF COiTNCIL OT+'FICERS: Prior to thc clection of officers, Mayor Wilhite said that ' ~ she has had a wondcrful time as Mayor, enjoyed many great interactions widi citizens, and said it was a privilege to sen=e as Mayor. She dtcn asked City Clerk Bainbridge to conduct the election for Mayor. City Clerk Bainbridge opened the floor for nominations for Mayor. Mayor R'ilhite nominated Councilmember 1v7unson for Mayor. City Clerk 13ainbridDe called for ot:her nominations; nonc being offered, Ms. Bainbridee closed the nominations. vls. Bainbridge explained that as per the procedure for electing officers as shated in Council's Governance vianual, since there is only one nominee, there is no need for written ballots. Ms. Bainbridge called for a show of hands for all those vroting for • Councilmember Munson as Mayor. The vote was unanimous in favor of Councilmember Munson for Mayor. City Clerk Bainbridge turned the floor over to Mayor-elect Munson; who asked iMs. IIainbridge to conduct the eleciion For Deputy Mayor. Ms. Bainbridge called for nominations for Deputy vlayor. Deputy Mayor Taylor nominated Councilmember Denenny for Deputy Mayor. Ms. Baiiibridge called for other nominations; none being offered, Ms. $ainbridge closed the nominations. Ms. Bainbridge called for a show of hands of all those voting for Councilmember Denenny as Deputy Mayor. "Ihe vote was unanimous in favor of Councilmember 17enenny for Deputy Mayor. Mayor Munson ex.pressed his honor in being chosen to the position of Mayor; he then called for a brief recess at 6:12 p.m. and reconvened die meeting at 6:21 p.m. A.PPROVAL OF AGENDA: 1t was maved by Cauncilntember Cothnrann, seconded ai:d unaninrously agr°eecl lo approve tlie agenda a,s submitted INTRODUCTIQN QF SPECL4L GUESTS A~\`17 P1tESENTATIONS: NI/A COMMTTI'FF. BOARD. LLAISON SU'AIIVIARX RF•PORTS: Councilmember Schimmels: said he.attended a Solid Waste liaison meeting yesterday. Couneil ReJular Meeting: 01-08-08 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: DRAFT Councilmember TaYlor: reported that he attended the Convention & Visitor Bureau's last meeting of the year several weeks ago; and attended the Council of Governance meeting where transportation emergency communication financing and upcorning ballot issues ~~~ere discussed. DeoutY ►'Vlayor Denennv: no report Councilmember Wilhite: explained that she also attended the Council of Governance meeting; and the Chamber of Commercc Gpvenunent Affairs Meet'tng. , Councilmember Gothmann: said he attcnded tfie Chamber's Government Affairs meeting, and he extended congratulations to Councilmcmber Wilhite as being chosen Uy the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce as tlie "Person of the Year." He also reported that regarding the_Frati. School, the entities continue to work on contiract negotiations; that District 481 want;s Spokane Valley Partners to find rcnters but has not determincd the rent amounts; and that he received an e-mail today from the Housing and Com.munity Development Committee that there is $858,000 available for WUD grants this year, compared with over $1 million available last year, and that the committee will meet this Thursday to consider reeommendations. Councilmember Dempsev: no report iVLAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson mentioned that in his capacity as Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Fresident, he met wit11 Governor Gregoire to discuss infrastruciure funding, and mentioned that AWC feels we will be facing tvugh times in the next few years as 1696 and 1747 resulted in funds being removed from City coffers which will result in continued deficits in funding street maintenance; and that a committee was formed to identify potential resources. Mayor Munson also mentioned that this Saturday, Cowicil and staffwill hold their winter retreat; but he would lil:e Council to consider changing the time of the retreat from its current schedule of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., to move that to 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. thereby allowing time For people to attend former Councilmember Flanigan's 2:00 p.m. funeraL It was also mentioned lhat rather than have a lunch break, they could have a working lunch while consultants . give their presentation on City Fiall visioning. Therc vvas CounCil consensus to movc the retreat time to ? begin at $ a.m. and end at 1:30 p.m. 1'UBLiC CONIIVIENT. S: Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a goup. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Following Claim Vouchers: Voucher List Dated 12-14-2007 for $543,488.66 b. Paymll for Period Ending December 15, 2007: S196,27137 • c. Payroll for Period Ending December 31, 2007: $282,597.66 d. Approval of Purehase and Maintenance of 12 Computer "Tablets" for Council and Staff e. Minutes of December 4, 2007 Couneil Study Session Meeting f. vlinutes of December 11, 2007 Regular Council Vleeting ' g. Minutes of December 18, 2007 Council Study Session Meetine It ►vus moved by CouncrTn:en:ber Wilhite, seconded arid rirtunimotcsly agreed to. approve !he Consent .4genda. NEW BUSINESS: n1a • PiJIBLTC C01M!f.ENTS: Mayor Munson aLain invited public comment; and no comments were offered. _ ~ Council Rejular Meeting: Ol -08-08 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: D1tAN'T 0 ADIVIMISTRATIVE REP012TS: 3 Admin Repart: Spol:ane Valley's Fifth Year An_n_iversarv - Carolbelle Branch Public lnformation Officer Branch went through her PowerP.oint presentation on the options for celebrating the City's fifth zinniversary, which will be March 31, 2008. There -was brief discussion and some suggestions, including usin- every weck to "tcll our story" and discuss groHRh, ehange, what occurred prior to incorporation and what lies ahead; that we shouid promote the City Center; have a(or several) kick-off events at the end of March; havc a weEk-lont, focus Ending on March 31'; and of the possibility of having the Chamber involved. Mayor Munson suggested Council consider these options, and_he_suggested_Che pos.sibilita! of-forming an ad hoc committee for these aclivit.ies: and asked staff to bring this item back soon on an upcoming agcnda to discuss again. 4. Admin Report: Billboard Lease - CarY 17riskell Mr. I7riskell explained the billboard lease situation involving Lamar Outdoor Advertising, and said that as part of the widenino of Mullan Road, the Counry acquired land upon which the billboard was sited, and the County agreed to allow Lamar to maintain the billboard on what was then County property; but when Spokanc Valley incorporated, the properiy bccame the propcrty of the City of Spokane Valley; that this issue was brought to CounciPs attenrion back in August 2003, but Council elected to removc il from the agenda to discuss later. Mr. Driskell said he has discussed this issue with Lamar Outdoor Advertising, and they have the proposed lease agreement as a result of those discussions. Mr. Driskell said some options for Council to consider is to grant a]ease, sell the right-of way to Lamar, or require the removal of the billboard. Council discussed the options, and Councilmember Gothmann mentionecl he feels we cannot afford to sell the right-of-way, and said he has no objection to require the removal of the billboard, or in the altema[ive, to move forNvard with the lease_. City Attorney Connelly added that if we ask them to move the sign, we would have to move c,arefully in our role as property owner versus ow role as siVi ~ regulator. Mayor dViunson asked about including language into the lease agreement concerning allowing 180 days' time period to have the billboard removed if Council later wanted to inake that decision. Deputy Mayor Denenny said he feels there is no reason to remove the sigr►, and therefore sees no reason to lose the poCential income from the lease. Councilmembers favored moviiig fonNIard with a lease agreement to bring forward for a future motion. 5. Admin Re2ort: Sidewalks (ADA) - Mike Connelly Cit), Attorney Connelly explained that there are lengthy materials included in tonight's council packet, including a memorandum giving the background of the discussions of this topic; the pertinent Wasliington statutes that affect and regulate sidewalks; the secrion of the Spokarie Valley Municipal Code which addresses nuisances; a memorandum conccrning snow on sidewalks, a draft ordinaoce from 2004 which was never adopted, minuccs from psist counci] meetings where the topic was addressed, and examples of other c'rties and municipalities' ordinance concerning removal oi' snow and ice from sidewllks. Mr. Connelly said that Council has several options: (1) to do nothing and a.llow snow and ice to build up . and if we want to prosecute, to do so a..s we do for other violations of Code, which is on a complaint- driven basis; (2) we could "beef Lip the enforcement side, define the duty and offense more specifically rather than just have it buried in the nuisance ordinance, and perhaps add some timelines likc penall:ies would follow if the sidewalk is not cleaned in 24 hours; or (3) take a more glnbal apprpach and have a more expansive ordinance which could address the various circumstances differently; and Nve could even assume responsibility to clear specific high-risk pedestrian areas,'discuss plowing procedures, and identify where 'we don't want the snow and ice accumulating on sidewalks. Mr. Connelly rcmindetl Cnuncil that dle more expansive ordinance not only allows more flexibility bui adds more responsibility. . Mr. Connelly mentioned that he has verbally aod in writing asked Spokane County for their ADA feasibility study, but that request has not been g;ranted yet, and said he will be sending the County a > Public Record Request to ask for the documenY Concerning other ADA requirements, Mr. Co»nelly Council Regular Mecting: 01-08-08 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: D12AFT - mentioned that Finance 17irector Ken Thompson is the City's designated responsible official to receive ..,1 A.DA-related complaints. Concerning specific ordinance options, Mr. Connelly said we do have the right if Council desires, to make abutti.ng property owners more responsible, or we could charge them and =l could even attach that as a lien if we do the work oursel<<es or hire someone to do that (cleaning the sidewalks); and in response to council's questions about complaints, Mr. Connelly said we do get a few; including some complaints that the properiy owner shoveled the sidewalk and then the sidewalk got buried by the snowplow; or complaints of vehicles throwing up water and creating ice berms, and complaints about the inability to walk along parts of Sprague and the difficulty of maneuvering a . - wheelchair-,,N,hen-pcoper-ty-owmers_dan_t_shavel_dieir_side,NN,alk;_and_that_l1e_feels w:e_get_f-Ke_ rsix complaints a winter. Depury Mayor Denenny suggested perhaps we should forrn an ad hoc commiriee to address this issue, including eaamining who should be responsible, bus routes, high traffic areas, and areas where children walk to school. After further discussion, there was Council consensus to form an ad hoc committee to work with staff in the areas mentioried above, and ARayror Munson appointed Deputy Mayor Denenny as the committee chair, and i.ncluded Councillnembers Schimmels and Dempsey as committee members. Deputy Mayor Denenny said he will communicate with others and staff, and that perhaps they could get a map of the number of miles in order to get a sense of the areas of responsibilit`y. 6. Admin Report: Aviation Ordinance Discussion - Mike Connellv City Attorney Connelly explaincd that there have been a number of citizen questions and concerns with the density restrictioo set forth in our adopl.ed airport nverlay; that the primary eoncern is the prohibition to create any neNv lot, regardless of the underlying zoning of less than 2.5 acres, and that Council has asked for additional information concerning the requuements of this ordinance, and of the State requirements of both adjaeent jurisdictions and oCher jurisdictions. Mr. Connelly pointed out his _ memorandum also contains details of what other jurisdictions have for airport regulations, and mentioned . that other Spokane County jurisdictions have less stringent airport regulations than our newly adopted ordinance; «<hile some othcr Washington jurisdictions outside Spokane County have similar provisions to those we recently passed, and he mentioned in particular Skagit County and Tumwater; and st,ated that some options for Council include doing nothing, or refemng this* ordinance back to the Planning Commission for review of the density provisians. Council discussion included what Are and are not tlie primary crash zones; mention of concern about heiaht or about noise and nuisance; with Mr. Connelly remarking that Council can choose to focus on or express concerned about whatever they wish, whether safety and community, or title notice about some risk and noise. Councilmember Gothinann said he would like the accident data of Felts Field. Other remarks included discussion on having some mechanism to make sure people who move in the area or buy property in the area reali7.,e they are i.n a fly zone; mention of the need to look at GIS brEa}:down of what densities are residential zones built now and what lots already have housing; and that there are hundreds of potential new lots tihat could be formed if these restirictions were not in plaCe. Councilmember Taylor said he would like to examine the current density, would like to see what zone 6 covers relative to current residential areas, and see what is the average density currently in place. Mr. Connelly said we can keep the ordinance before Couneil for furcher review, but any change will ultimately need to go back to the Placuiing Commission. There was Council consensus to bring the data back to Council that Councilmember Taylor asked for, then to send the ordinance back to the Flanning Commission for fiirther deliberation. 1NIFORMATION QNLY: The items of (7) Aquatics T=acility Update, (8) Dangerous Do~ Ordinance, (9) Private ltoads Map, and (10) Deparl.ment Reports were information only items and not reported or discussed. , Counc.il Kegular Meeting: 01-08-08 Page 4 of 5 Approvccl by Council: DItAFr EXFGiJTIVE SESSTON: Land Acquisition; Pending Litigation. ~..1 It was moved by Alayar Munson, secondecl und unanimously agreed to adjourn into Erecutive Session to discuss land aequisition and pending litigation fpr approximately forty frve minutes; and lhat upar mo>>ing out of Executive Session, thaf no decision is anticipated. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session at 8:45 p.m. It wcu tlien moved by Deputy 111avor Denenny, secoyzded and uncmirnvusly agreed to adjourn. `1_he meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m. A'ITEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk , . . Council ReoulEtr Meetin~: 01-08-08 PaDe 5 of 5 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKAME VALLEY O Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITENi TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 08-001: Dangerous Dog and Potentially Dangerous Dog Appeal procedures GOVERNING LEGISLATION: *SVMC 7.30.035 and.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of Ordinance 07-003 in early 2007 created city-specific appeal procedures separate from those adopted by Spokane County; information - only January 8, 2008, administrative report January 15, 2008. BACKGROUND: In January, 2007, the Council adopted new procedures for appeals of administrative determinations relating to dangerous dogs and potentially dangerous dogs. This became necessary after the County Commissioners advised the City that they would no longer hear such appeafs for the City. The City operated under these procedures over the past year. In early December, 2007, a ~ Spokane County Superior Court judge issueti a ruling on a C'rty of Spokane dangerous dog case that caused us and Spokane County to look at our code provisions relating to such appeals. In essence, the Court ruled that the City of Spokane's code did not provide sufficient due process because it was not clear what rights an appellant had to review the evidence prior to the hearing, and it Wvas not clear that the City has the burden of proof to establish that the administrative determination was conect. In reviewing our provisions, there may be room to challenge on the same basis. As such, +rue advise amending our appeal provisions to clear up these ambiguities. - I have reviewed these proposed changes with Dan Catt, the County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney responsible for animal control issues, as well as Nancy Hill and Hearing Examiner Mike Dempsey. They all concur that these proposed amendments appear to address any concerns raised by the recent court decision. OPTiONS: Suggest changes; move to a second reading; suspend the rules and adopt tonight RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to advance Ordinance 08-001 to a second reading. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ~ ATTACHMENTS: Proposed ordinance 08-001 DRAF7' ClTY OF SPOK+LN-F, VALL.EY SPOKANE COtTNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINAN'CE NO. 08-001 AN ORDINANCE AMENDII`G SPOKA."E VALLEY'.VIUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 730.033, RF:LATIJNG TO DA,IGEROUS DOG DETER'KLN4TI0NS A,'vD APPEALS RELATED TFiERETO, AND 730.040, RELA'TING TO POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS, AtiD rtPPEALS RELATED THERFTO. WHEREAS, the Ciry of Spokane Vailcy pmviously adopted rogulations relating to appeals af administrative detarminaiians tfiai a dag is dangerous or patentially dangerous; and WHEItL-AS, the City df Spokane Valley recently became aw-ane of a judicial intcrpretatic~n nf another municipality's dangeraus dog appeal provisions which may impact the City's Codc provisions; and WIiEREAS, the Ciry of Spokane Valley dcsires w avoid ambiguity in its Code provisions; and NOW THEREFORE, the Ciiy Council of the City of Spakane Valley, Spokane County, Wa.shingto% ordains as Collows: Section 1. EgMg . "rhe purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the appeal provisions for administrativc dctcrminstions that a dag is eitber dangemus or potcntially dangervus to clarify thet animal control has the burden of proaf at a hearing before the hearing examiner, and matters pertain ing to access to tecords of the animal contnil director. Sectio Amendine SCx?ti:ane Valle%• Municipal Code sertion 7.30.035; SVMC 7.30.03i is amended as follaws: 730.035 Ektlnration otdangervns dog dcterminstioo - Appeals relating tLer+eto. A. W'hen the animal control director or designce has sufficient inf'ortnation W dctermine that a dog is dangerous as defined by Spokane County Code Sectinn 5.04.020, the animal cantrol directur or designea; shall make a prcliminary declaraiian ihat the dog is dangtrous. in the event a preliminary determinatian is made that the dog is daagcrous, animal controi sliall notify the dog ow•ner or kocper in vvritin& either by pcrsona) dclivery, or by regular mail and certifiod mail, retwn r+ezeipt requestod. Any natice ur detrrmination mailed pursuant to tfiis soctian shalt be dermed received by the party to v.hich it is addtrssed un the third day after it is piaced in the mnil, as set forth hy dectarution of the sendcr. B. The aoticc must state: 1. Thc staiutory• basis for the proposcd action; 2. A description of the dog for w•hich the deelaraiian is sought (breed, colcx, ser and license numher, if any); 3. The reasons the animal contm) diroctor or designee considers the animal dangerous; [f the dog Eias been datermined w be dangerous, then the conwls stated in SYMC . 0.045 shall apply; and 5. An eaLplanation of the owner's or keeper's rigtits and the pmper procedure for appealing s dcclaratinn that a dog is danerrous, including an appeal form. Chdinance 08-W 1 Uangervus Dog Amernicncnt i'age I c,f 5 DR.-i F'"1' C. Administrauve Review Afizr Preliminary Adminisuative Determination. l. Preliminary Determination of Dangerous Dog. Prior to the snima) control director or design:#: issuing a finel deiermination tfiat a dog is dangerous, the anima) control direcior or dr.signx shall notif}• the owner or keeper in writing that he or sbc is entiUed to an opportunity to mert with the animal convol director or designce, at which administrative ttview meeting the owner or keeper may give, orally or in writing, any reasons or information as to why the dog should not be deciarod dangerovs. The notice shall state the date, time, and location of the administrative review mceting, which shall occur prior w the cxpiration of 15 calendar days foilowing receipt of the Qotice. The awner or ker,per may propose aii alternative moeting date and time, but such administrative review maeting sbal) occur within the I S-day time period set forth in tizis ser•tian, and shall be an a date and time acceptable to the snimal control diractar or designce. 2. After such administrative review meeting. the animal control directnr or designce shall issue a final detcrminntian, in the form of a written order, within 15 calendar days of the administrative rcview meeting. ln the eveat the animal control director or designee declares a dog to be dangerous, the urder shall include a tecita) of the atrthotity for the action, a brief cancise stntemeat of the iacts thai support the detcrmination, and the signature of the person who madc the dCtermination. 3. M order declaring a dog is dangerous shall bc dclivered to the dog owncr or kcerer in riting either by personal delivery, or by regular mail and certified mail, rrtum receipt requestcd. U. Any dog that is doclared dangcrous by the animal control director or designee, whethc:r prcliminarti or final, shall be immediately impoundcd until the owmer or kccpcr rcgisters the dvg as dangerous in accordance with SVMC 7.30.045. The owner or keeper will have 15 days from the date the dog was declarod dangerous to registtr the dog or appeal the determination pursuant tu subsection F of this section. lt the owner or kxpcr fails tn register the dug or apgeal the determination, the dog will br euthnnizod at the direction af the animal control director or designee. If the owncr or keeper appeals the ciangetous dog declaration, as set forth in sub$ectinn F of chis section, the dog will be held pending the ouicomc of the appea) gt the shelicr at the ow•ner's expensc at n rate establishM bt• the animal contrtd authorit% L. I?)e o%%;wr or kez[vr 1'a t3oc >.ubjrct to a derlaritic,n th:it thcir drs: i5 i1angtrou, risl aPpcai ttlc final writtcro determination to the hearinb examiner within 15 days after issuanc.e of the da:ision by filing a notice of appeal with tfic animal control authority. Thc )icaring Lxami►;er mav~ .td~l ul-VprOpriate hrai ~w.." I-t,x;cdures«hrre pruccdurc4 :~re r.~~t othetv~'isc ~n,~ itle~ 1,%:irln._The hearing shall be 6cld within 20 days af'tcr receipt of the notice of appeal, unless it is continued for good cause shown. The animal control diroctor or designee shall notity the oa-ner or keeper in writing of the daie, timc and location of the appeal hearing befare the hearing cxaminer, and said noticc shall be roceived at least fivc days before the hearing. Thc appeal hearing shall bc rocordecl, and the hearing cxaminer may allow testimony and documcnts that are rclevant to the edministrativc drtermination that the dog is dangemus. Thc o..ncr_, r kceper oi the, dog iiiav ree~uite. h a~t least t}~e!_dxts %tiritten noticeiLthe ofliicr compilin¢ the rccord hc present nt the henring_ The owncr vr F:e: per nf the 4~ot., mav rresrnt tvidcncr snd exuminc witne, . presrnt. Thc burdcn shall be on the c% ideacc thAt ?hc dug is ti clanizerous de,. F. The hearing examinet shall issut a%tiritten d~.~ision, and tnail a cop}' ot the deiision tu the dog, owaer or keeper, and to the animal cantrul dircctor or designee, within 15 days of the appeal hearing. The hearing cxamincr's decision shal) accepl, reject ar modify the administrative determinativn that a dog i; dangccous, and shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law tliat support the doeision. The hearing examiner may modify the determination thai a dog is dangerous tu a determination lhat the dog is patcntially dangeTUUS, if the facts warrant, and impose any of the requirements set forth in SV%1c' 7 10.0411)(L)). Ilie decisic,n tiha!I tn eiNen the effect oFa final decitiion hv the citv counciL and shall titatc I)l'~I11:i11~C Of{-111~~ ~ CC~I U" Itu_Nrlltaa,mc'C? E~.-:nr '~~J < DR.9 fT that tJic du:isiun may be appe.alc;d tu superiur cuurt pur-suant tc, Cfiagter 7.16 KCW Nvitliin 1-0 da~s fnom the date the decisian was raceivod. If the decision upholds the sdministrative dctetmingtion that a dug is dangcrous, and the dog owner ar kceper faik to timely regisier the dog or appeal the decisian to supcriar court, the dog v►iU be euthaniud at the direction of the animal control director or designee. lf the dog owner or kceper timely appeais the dangerous dog dectaration, the dog will be htld pending the outcome af the appeal at the sht}ter si the owner's expense, at a rate establishod by the animal cantrol authoriry. Section 3. Amendin _Spokanc Vallev MimiciM Code s4ction 7. ~0.04Q: SVMC 730.440 is amended as follows: 730.040 Declar-stion ot potrntially dangcrnus dog determinAtion - Appexls relating thcrcto. A. When the animal conwl diroctor or designee has su8"icient infarmation to dciermune that a dog is potantially dangerous as defined by Spokane County Code Scction 5.04.020, the animal coacroi diractnr or dcsignec shall make a prcliminary dxlaration that the dog is patentialty dangeraus. [n the event a preliminary detcrmination is made that the dog is potentially dangerous, anirnal conhvl shatl notify the dog oa7er or keeper in writmg eithcr by pcrsonal delivery, or by regular mail. Any noticc or detcrniination mailod pursuant to t6is settion shall bc deemod rr,ceivod by the party ta which it is addmsod on the third day after it is placed in the mail, as set forih by declaration of the sender. B. The kotice must state: 1. Thc statutory basis for the proposed action; 2. A dcscription of the dog fcx which the declaration is sought (bt+eed, colot, scac and licrnse number, if sny); 3. The reasons the animul control dirocWr or designee ccrosiden the animal potcntialty dan gerous; 4. A statctttent thai the registraiion and conmols sct forth in subswion n of this uction ma}• apply; 5. An explanation of the owncv's or ker,per's oppommity and right, pursuant to subsoction (C)(1) of this section, to pareicipate in an administrative revicw with the animal control director or designce to present infornation on why the dog should aot bc declared potentialty dangerous; 6. A statement, pursuant ta subsoction (C)(2) of this soction, thst a failure by the dog owrer ar keeper to request and aitend an administretive review with the animal control diroctor ar dcsignee shall constitutc a failure to exhaust a11 administrative remedies, and thas such failure to cxhaust a11 administraiive remodies shall preclude any appcal of the administrat'rve determination to the hraring cxaminer nc to court; aad 7_ An explanation of the uwmer's or kcc,'s rights aad the proper proccdure for sppealing a dcr.laraiien that s dog is potentialty dxngerous. including an appcal form. C. Aciministrati%e Re-vic%v Aflrr Prefiminary Administrsstive I?cterminatir.n. 1. Preliminary Determinaiion of Potentially llangerous Dog. Prior to the animal cuntrol direc:tor or dcsigncw issuing a final dctermination that a dog is paientialty dangcraus, the anima) cantrol director or designee shall notify the owner or keeper in -ATiting that ho or she may roqucst iw writing to mect w-it1i the anunal cantml director or designce for an adcnininrative review meeting within 1$ calendar deys following receipt of the notice, at which administrative rer•iew mecting the owrnet or keeper may give, orally or in wTiting, any reasons os information as to why the dog should aat be dcclared potcntially dangerous. Oncc an administrative revrcw meeting is tequested in writing by the owner or keeper, the animal contrial directar or designee shall provide written notice to the owner or keqer of the dat+e, time and placc of the administrative rcw•iew• mceting. Actministrativc review meetings may bc conductccl lrlcphonically. Ordinanrc 08-00 1 Dangem:u Uog Amendmcnt Page 3 uf' -i DR.-IF•r 2. A faiiure by the dog owner or keeper to royuest and attetid an administrative revic%v mrCtinc with the animal oontrol director or designce shall constitute a failure to eachaust all udministrati%e remedies, end such failure to exhaust al) administrative remedies shall preclude any apprc!l of :he administrativa dctcrminatian to the hearing exatninet or to court_ 3. After such adminisTrative review meoting, the animal control director or designee ;h,31I i:~?ue J f"inal detcrmination, in the form of a written order, within 15 calcndar days of the admini5tr-dtivc rcvie« meeting. In the cvcnt the animal centml diroctor or designee dcclarts a dog to be potcntially dangemus. the urder shall include a recital af the authority for the action, a brief concise statement of the facts that suQport the determinarion, end the signature of the person who made the detcrminalion. 4. An urder determining a dug is potentially dangerous shall be dclivcrcci ti► die dog ovner or keeper in wrirting„ either by persanal delivery or by regular mail. D. l'he ov%mer or kecper of a dog deterniinod to be potentially cianbcrous under this chaptcr Shall comply with certain requiiements, vvhich may include, but are not limitod to, the following: 1. Crcclion of new or additiona) fencing lo lcep the dog within owner's c+r keeper's propert} ; 2. ConswcUon of a dog run consistent with the size of the doLz iihin «hich clie ljoL' ii1!fsi E)t 4iZPl; .ii yn; 3. Micmchip identification, as set forth in Spolane County Codc 5.04 4. Keeping the dog on a leash adcquate to coutrol the dog ar sacurety fastenod tfl a secure object when left unarieoded; 5. Keeping the dog indoors at all times, except when on a leash adequate W control the dog and under the ectual physical control of a wmpetent persan at lrast 15 years of age; and b. The posting of the premises with at Icast ane cleariy visible warning sign that therc is a potentially dangemus dog on the property. In addition, the ovmer shall conspicuously display a sito ith a warning symbol that informs childron of the prosence o!'a potentially dangerous dog. E. Tbe oAmer or kecpcr of a dog subjert tu a dcclaratioo ttuit their dog is potentiall}• dangeruus may appeal the final 'written dctermination to the hcaring cxaminer witfiin 15 days after issuance of the dccision by filing a notice of appeal with the animal control authoriry, subjec;t to the limitntion statcd in I SL1bSeCt.lOn (C) Of th15 SOCtlO[l. I fle_hCaf111: CC:If111I1~f ii17N _3iUl~c ~n .~t. t_I1Cdflli` }tttl'flllCti 1%l!L' _ b1fyiedtlfr5 arr i:ot rthcn~iseptntiiilrci t,<<<I n. Tho hearing shall be held wittiin 20 days after receipt of the notice of appeal, unless it is continued for good cause shown. The animal control director or designee shall notify the owaer or keeper in wrising af the date, time and location ol'the appeal hearing before the hearing cxaminer, aad said noticc shall be roccn•ed at least fivc days before the hcaring. The appeal tyeering shall be ra.arded, and the bearing cxaminer may allow testimany snd documents diai are relevant to the adminisv~e determinaLion thai the dog is potcntially aaagerous. l'he :,%%nc r or l.eipcr ot the.!-_ mav rcL uirC, bV at le4-t n%r+ k1M> %~ritten_nui[ce. for tltc ufliccr cumpiling the tscurJ lu be presCnl At tlii li4arinu. l hc oti% ner or keepcr of tlic dug niav uresent cvidrncc and examino %vitnctiscs pr+esent_ I burden shall bc on Spukanr~Coun animal con?r:,I -,r~..:,:.:!+r,•r~•,• .,t• _ :viclence_thet the do3 is a pc~tcntiall~• danicrauq d~~ F. The hearing exltminer shail issue awritten decision, a;id niail a cop} uf the deci.siun to the dok oN•ner or keeper, and to the animal control director or designee, within 15 days of the appeal hearint, i tit hearing examiner's decision shall accept, reject or modify the adrninistrative dcterminaiion t?iat a dog is potentially dangemus, und shaU includc findings of fact and conclusions of luw that suppori the decision. The decision shall be given the effxt of a Fuial decuion by the city council, and shall state that the dacisiQn msy be apF►ealed ta surerior ccsurt pursuant to Chapter 7.16 RCW witfiin 20 duys from the date the decision was rec.eived. Ordinance 08-001 Dangerous bog Amcndmcnt Pagr 4 of 5 DRAFT ~ Section 4. Severabilitv. If any sectian, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or uneonstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect tbe validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentEnce, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall bscome efl'ective thirly days aftcr publication of the ordinance, or a summary thereof, in the official newspaper of fhe City. Adopted this day of , 2008. City of Spokane Valley Mayor, Ricbard Munson ATTEST: City Clerk, Christine Bainbridge ~ Approved as to Torm: Office of the City Attomey ~ \ . Qrdinance 08-001 Dangerous Dog Amendment Page 5 of 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business ❑ public hearing information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Lamar Outdoor billboard lease - motion consideration GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NA PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: First touch was in August, 2003, at which time the Council took it off of the agenda. Information only to Council on November 7, 2007, Administrative report January 8, 2008. BACKGROUND: Spokane County constructed Appleway Boulevard around 1999-2000. As part of that project, Spokane County redesigned the intersection at Dishman-Mica and Sprague, adding in Appleway. Part of that reconfiguration included widening Mullan Road at its point of beginning at what is now Appleway Boulevard. In the process of widening IUlullan Road, the County acquired land upon which a billboard was sited, owned by Lamar Outdoor. From what ~ stafif can gather, the County agreed to allow Lamar to maintain its billboard on what was then County property. Attached is a map showing the location of the sign, along with several photos of the sign, both from the north approach and south approach. At the time the City incorporated, we became the owner of the property. We were in contact with Lamar right after incorporation to discuss the terms of a potential lease, and a draft was circulated. When it came. before the Council at a study session in August, 2003, the minutes indicated it was removed from the Agenda. It has not come back up since that time. Staff re-initiated discussions last year with Lamar to determine an appropriate course of action. Staff then tabled the discussions again because the City was beginning serious discussions on the Uniform Development Code, which includes billboard regulations. Staff wanted to let Council arrive at its collective policy determination with regard to how billboards would be treated generally in the context of the UDC, rather than the policy discussion being driven by the fact the City owns property upon which a billboard sits and from which the City would derive some income. When staff discussed the three options with Council on January 8, the Council instructed staff to prepare a motion for consideration for adoption of the proposed lease. There were several questions about the 180 day termination period, and what affect, if any, that had on the lease payment. I spoke vwith a different company about marlcet rates for similarly situated billboards, and I am confident that $1,000 per year, with 2% annual increase is reasonabfe. As such, staff recommends approval of this lease agreement. . OPTIONS: Authorize staff to sign the lease agreement as drafted; authorize staff to sign lease with changes; instruct staff to continue working on this matter. RECOIVIMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move that we authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the lease agreement as drafted. • ~ BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $1,000 for the first year, with 2% annual increases. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: 1, proposed lease 2. photo _ ~ ~ LFASE AGR:EEMFN'I' BETWEEN CTTY OF SPOKANTE VALIIEY .AND LAlVI•AR OUTD0012 AI)VERTISING FOR RiGHT-UF-WAY BORDEREll BY APPLEWAY BOULEVAR.D, FIRST AVENUE, WILLOW ROAD AND ARGOiNNF ROAD FUlt ' PLACEMENT OF A BIT.,LBOAIZU, SPOKANE VALLEY, R'ASHINGTOri THIS AGEtEEAENT is made by and betwecn the City of Spokane Valley; a code City of dle State of Washington, hereinafter "City" wid L,amar Outdoor Advertisinhereinafter "Lamar," jointly reFerrcd to occasionally as "parties." ' [N CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein the parties agree as follows: 1. Term. City grancs to Lartiar non-exclusive u5e of the premises, identified on Exhibit 1, for maintaining a single or double faced nutdoor advertising structure for a period of ten years from fuU execution af this agreement. The parties, upon mutual agreement prior to expiration of this agreement, may extend this lease agrceinent for one addilional ten year period on the same or mutually agrceable terms. Eithcr party may terminate tllis agreement by 180 days written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, shall remove any structure and any other personal property related in any wa}, to the cieing, maintenance or opcration of the structure from the premises by the eYpiration of the 180 days. The City has informed Lamar, and Lamar has ack.tiowledged, thal the City is highly likely to need the right-of-way upon which the struerure is lacated for transportafion purposes withi.n five years of ~ execution of this lease. 2. Use. City grants to I,dmar access to and use of the premises as reasonably necessar_y to repair and maintain the structurc, including changing advertising copy on the structure. The Cerm structure as used here shall mean a structure for the purpose of leasing advertising space to promote an interest other than tfiat of the individual, business, product or service availahle on the premises on which the structure is loeated. Structure also means the posts or eolumns and the anchors and bolts that structuraUy support the sign attached to it. 3. Lcase Amount: The rent shall be $1,000.00 pcr year, payable in advance by clase of business on December 1 of each year. This rental amount shall increase each year by 2%. 4. Obstructions: The City, including its agents and cmployees, shall not place any materials, equipment, supplies, vegetation, or obstructions under or adjacent to the strueture or in the immediate vicinity of the structure which wrould interfere with or impede 1 amat's painting, posting, nr servicing the structure, or which wrould wholly or partially obstruci the view of the advertising aopy on the structure. City shall move any such materials, ecluipmcnt, supplies, vegetalion, or obstructions within 10 days of notice from I.amar. lf City fails to do so, Lamar may reduce the rent to tv,,elve dollars per year while such condition continues. City also agrees, that Lamar may, upon ten days written notice, trim or remove trees or other vegetation on the premises immediately adjacent to the structure as reasonably neccssary to prevent obstruction of the structure. lf the City objects to the trimming or removal of vegetation, the parties will work in good faith to resolve the objection tn arrive at an agreed resolution. \ I.amar Lease Page 1 of 4 5. Notice. All rent pa}inents and other official natices required under this lease agreement shall be sent to the following addresses: ~ City of Spokane Valley: Finance Department 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Lamar Outdoor Advertising: Lamar Outdoor Advertising 1015 East Cataldo Avenue Spokane, WA 99202 6. Insurance. Lamar shall procure and maintain for the duration of the agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with this lease agreement by Lamar, its agents, representatives, or employees. Lamar's maintena»cc of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of I amar to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available ai law or in equity. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Lamar shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Commerciul General Liabiliry insurance shall bc written An I50 occurrence fonn CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The Ciry shall be named as an insured under the Commercial General Liability insurance policy. _ 2. Workers' Compensatiort coverage as required by the Industrial 1.nsurance laws of tlie State of Washington. B. 3Vlinimum AmQunts of Insurance. Lamar shall maintain the following insurance liinits: 1. Cominercial General Liubiliry insurance sliall be written with linlits no less than $1,000,000 each. occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregatc. C. Other Insurance Provisidns. 1"he insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. Lamar's insurance coverage shail be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-i.nsuranee, or insurance pool eoverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the insurance held by Lamar, and shall not contribute with it. 2. Lamar's insurance shall be eodorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior w7itten notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D. Accentability af J.nsurers. Insurance is to be placEd wil:h insurers with a eurrent A.M. Best rating of not less dian A:VII. Lamar Lease Page 2 of 4 Q E. Evidence of Coverage. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this contract, L.amar shaU fumish acceptable insurance certificates to the City at the time , Latnar returns the signed contract. The certifcate shall specify all of the parties who are additional insureds, and will inelude applicable policy endorsements, the thirty day cancellation clause, and the deduction or retention level. Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to the City. Lamar shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured retentions, and/or self-insurance. 7. Indemnificatinn and Holcl klarmless. Lamar shall defend, indeinnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and vrolunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fces, arising out of or in connectio» with the performance of this agree►nent, e.ccept fnr injuries and danlages caused by the sole neglige»ce of the City. . Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to RCR' 424.115, tlien, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of Lamar and the City, its officers; officials, employees, aild volunteers, Lamar 's liability hereundcr shal] be only to the extent of Lamar 's negligence. It is furlher specifcally and expressly understoad thal the indemnification provided herein conslitutes Lamar's waiver of immunity under Induslrial Insurance, "1'itle 51 RCW, solely for the purposcs of this indemnificatinn. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by.the parties. The provisinns of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of thc aareement. ' 8. Waiver. 'No offcer, employee; agent or other individual acting on behalf of either party has the power, right or autliority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agreement. Nn waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonparformance. All remedies afforded in this agreement or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition • 'to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this agre.ement or to require at any time pcrformanc•e by ihe other pariy of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor sliall it affect the validity of this agreement or any part thereof. 9. Recorcis. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to alid the right to examine duritig normal Uusiness hours all of Lamar's records with respect tn all matters covereci in this contract. Such renresentatives shall be permiCted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to mal:e audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls and record of inatters covered by diis cotih-act for a period of thxee years from the date final payment is made hereunder. , 10. Assienment and DeleRation. \jeither part}, shall assign, transfer or delegate 3ny or all of the responsibilities of this agreement or thc benefts received hereundcr withoue first obtaining the "vTitten consent ofthe other party. 11. Jurisdiction and Venue. This agreement is eotered into in Spokane County, Washington. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of Washington. 12. Cost and Attorney's Fees. In the event a lawsuit is brought with respect to this ~ agreement, the prevailing party shall bc awardcd its costs and attorney's fees in the amount to be determined by the Court as reasonable. Unless provided otherwise by statute, L.amar's ariorney fees , payable by the City shall not exceEd the total sum amount paid under this agreement. . I.amar Leasc PaEe 3 of 4 13. Entire AEreement This written agreement constitutes lhe entire and complete ~ agreement behween the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written ageements. This agreement may not be changed, modified or altered except in ,vriting sigmed by the parties hereto. 14. Anti-kickback. No officer or employee of the City, having the power or duty to perforni an official act or action related to this agreement shall have or acquirc any interest in this . agreement; or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, servicc or other thing of value from any person with an interest in this agreement. 15. Business Reeistration. Prior to commencement of work under this agrcement, Lamar shall register with the City as a business. 16. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or ph.rase of this agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction; such invalidily shall not aff-ect die validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this agreement. 17. Exhibits. E:chibits attachetl and incorporated into this agrcement are: A. Jnsurance Ccrtifc,ates IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement this day of _ 2008. CI7"Y OT' SPOICANE VALLEY: Lamar Outdoor Advertising: . David Vlercier, City vlanager Authorized Representative . Tax IIa \To. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FOR.M: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office of the City Altorney , , Larnar I,ease Page 4 of 4 ! 1- y i\~•Ir 3 ~ .F= ~ . _ _ ~~'1 _I_~ _ ~r - _ ~ I r. _i ` ' • ~ ~ a,•s - . _ - ~4+~ - ~ ' r - - , . - - _ _ - T ' ~ - ~ ~ ``y'.y.,. - - . . A~~ . . - ' - • ' ' ' h • , ' '~-~~~`~=•~d, , ~ ~ ~ , - - ~ ~ ` ~ _ _ - - - ; y-z- ~ . ~ _ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 22, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Record Training GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 42.56, WAC 44-14, SVMC 2.75 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The Spokane Valley City Council adopted ordinance ' 07-006 effective 4-24-07. BACKGROUND: To maintain compliance with the public records laws of the State of ~ Washington periodic training for both staff and elected officials is provided. This administrative report is intended to reaffirm the mandates of public records laws and answer any questions that may arise. OPTIONS: NA RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NA BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA - STAFF CONTACT: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk, Mike Connelly, City Attomey ATTACHMENTS ~.1 1..Power Point Presentation . ,2. SVMC 2.75 Public Records 3. Administrative Policy No. 300-505 and 300 510. i PUBLIC RECORDS - > What are they? ~ How do we handle requests from : o• the public for documents? • _ WHAT ARE PUBLIC RECORDS7 . "Public record" includes any writinQ containing infoRnation relating to the conduct ot govemment or the performance of any govemmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics. S- . n " means handwriting, typewrit:ng prinhng, gTstatting, photographing, and every other means oi recording arry `ortn of communication or representatan, mGuding, but not limiied to, letters, worda, pidures, sounds, or symbols, or combination thereof, and all papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic fdms and pnnis, moGon picturo, film and video recordings, magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, diskettes, sound recordings, and other documents inGuding epsGng data compilations irom which IMormation may be obtained or translated. 1 Making a Request for Records . Requeats can be made by phone, in person, by letter, faxed, on Ihe Public Record Request fortr~ oF by e{rtail. . Form avaNable on our webafte . If you get a requesl, be sure to get the . Narne af roquest« . Camplele maurp eddnss of roquestor (mGu0lnp zlp ooae) . C«dsd iNO such as phae numDer, e-msll aadreu . WaM to vlew C+e fik. or Iwve copiesT • Vfe.r. Make appotrWnsrN wrlh PuMic Recads blM1osr • OocvrttuM(y reQuested: n00C Oo De speGlSc • Fa e pamrt7 Whst klnd of psrmit7 . Fn a leuer? What letim. Iran whom9 • Fa s mep co~Y+ 14hs1 msp? • Get dobib d ifro request Oates, sdCrefses Processing the request . City charged by statute to provida 'fullest assistance.' . . Must acknawledge receipt oi requesf five business days . Need more info, darifiCaUon (may be done vta Pho^e) • Set eppokttment to view documerrts . Nead additional timQ to gather documents REQUESTS FOR rouwAW ,i "ANY AND ALL" \ '.yvwaT wHEN? . Must disclose all records . - ~ ' • t,pt in different location (basemen;, archives) • Includes records in computer, databases, etc. . Cannot ask inquirer to disclose reason for request . We do not have to provEde reason for giving time estimate to gather documents 2 , B E-mall ~ m, ~~<>4 . No need to tell pers9n to complete form for public record request . • . The e-mail itsetP, is the request . Simply fulfill the request, or send it to ptiblic records officer . If you complete request, sand oomplete e- mail to public records officer (all public record requests are kogged into a database) , I WHAT NOT TO DISCLOSE • : . Some pQrsonnel records are e~cempt (rom dls ro - when in doubt, chedc with City a9lorney's df(ico . Employee medicel reoorcfs are excmpt • ' . Real estate appraisals exEmpt O . Tax returrms and athei tax information • . Conlidential Attamey-Client Privileged materiats . Doarments Related tfl Exeditive Sessaon hAetbers . Invesligative, law enforcement, crime victims: • In:o tha9 may reveal IdenGty oi parsans %%Bw oro wfUr_.ses or vlctlms a crima cxempt from public disCWsure IF disGosurc wou11 enaanger person's IBa, physical sa:cty or property ~ ~ . 3 - ' • Chapter 2.75 I ' PUBLIC REC012D5 ~ ! . Se.ctions: . . . . 2.75.010 Authority and purpose - Compliance • ~ with Public Records Act, Chapter R 42.56 RCtiV. . ! 2.75.020 City description-Contactinformation ~ - - Public records o£#icer. I _ 2.75.030 Availability of public iecords. . ~ 2.75.040. Processing of_public records - ! General. • ~ 2.75.050 Reserved. 2.75.060 Exemptions. 2.75.070 Costs for providing copies of public records. 2.75.080 Review of denials of public records.' ~ 2.75.010 Authority and purpose - Compliance with Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. ` A. RCW 42.56.070(1) requires each city to make available for inspection and copying nonex- empt "public records" in accordance with -pub- lished rules: The act defines "public record" to ' include any "writing contai.ning infarmation relat- ~ ing to the conduct of govemment or the perfor- . mance of any governmental or proprietary functiori ~ prepared, owned, used, or retained" by the city. ~ RCW 42.56.070(2) requires each city to set forth "for in.formational purposes" every law, in addition to the Public Records Act, that exerripts or piohib-; its che disclosure of public records held by that city. B. The purpose of this chapter is to establish the i procedures the Ciry will follow in order to providc - j full access to public records. These rules provide, , i information to persons wishiag to request access to ; public records of the City, and establish processes for requestors and City staff that are designed to - . ; best assist members of the public in obtaining such access. ' . C. The purpose of the Public Records Act is to provide the public full access to information con- • cerning the conduct of govertunent, mindful of • ; individuals' privacy rights and the'desirability`of ~ the efficient administration of gove`rnment. The . : Act and this chapter will be interpreted in favor of . I disclosure. In caiiying out its responsibilicies under the Ace, the City will be guided by the provisions' of the Act describing its- purposes and interpreta- ' " N tion. (Ord. 07-005 § 2, 2007). ~ J ; :-18 Spokane Vailey Municipal Code • • 2•75•040 ~ 2.75.020 City description - Contact protcct records from oamage and disorganization. information - Public records A requestor shall not take original City records ~ officer. . from City offices. A variety of records is available A. The City is a noncharter code city governed on the City web site: : by the provisions of Chap[er 35A.13 RC"A'. The http:/hvww.spokanevalley.org City's central office is located at 11707 E. Sprague Requestors aree encouraged to view the docu- _ Avc., Spokane Valley, VJA 99206. TF►e City also ments available on tae web site prior to submitting has offices at CenterPlace localeci at 2426 rj. Dis- a records request. • covery Place, Spokane Valley, WA 99216, and the D. A1aking a Request for Public Records. Spol:ane Valley Precinct ]ocated at ]2710 E. Spra- 1. Any person wishing to inspect or have gue Ave., S,pokane Valley, WA 99216. . copies of public records of the City should make B. Any person wishing to request. access to the request in writing on the City's public record publac records of the City or seeking assistanca in request form, or by lettcr, fax, or e-rnail addressed making such a rquest should contact the public to the public records officer, or by telephone or in records officer of the City: . person. The request should include the following - information: name of requestor; complete mailing Ciry Clerk address of requestor; other contact informatzon, City of Spokane Valley including telephone number and any - e-mail 11707 E. Sprague Aue., Suite 106 address; identification of the public records ade- Spokane Val]ey,1TJA 99206 - quate for the public recocds officer or designee, to Phone: 68$-0177 locate the records; and the date and time of day of Fax: 658-0194 the request. Within five days of receipt, the public publicrecordsrequest@spoltanevallcy.org records officer or designee shal] confirm the sub- Information is also available at the City's web stance and the receipt of requests for public records sitc: at http://www.spokanevalley.org by telephone or in person or in wridng. 2. If the requestor wishes to have copies of ~ - C. The public records officer will oversee com- the records instead of sirnply inspeeang them, he or pliance with tbe Act but another City staff inember she should so indicate and malce arrangements to ' may process the re~quest. Therefore, these rules wil] , pay for copies of the records or a deposit pursuant refer to.ths public records officer "or designee." to SVMC 2.75.070. The public records officer or designee and the City 3. A form is ayailable for use by requestors will provide cbe "fullest as5istance" as set forth in at all City offices and online ac: SVMC 2.75.040 to requestors; ensure that public http:/lwww.spokanevalley.org ' records are prot.ected from d,amage or di:sorganiza- (Ord. 07-006 § 2, 2007). . tion; and prevent fulf"illing public records 'requests ' from causing excessive interference with essential 2.75.040 Processing of public records - func[ions of the Ciry. (Ord. 07-006 § 2, 2007). G-eneral. . A. Praviding "Fullest Assistance." The City is 2.75.030 Availability of public records. charged by statute with adopting rules which A. Hours fos Inspection of Records. Public describe how it will "provide full access Go public . records arc available for inspection and copying records," "protect records from damage or disorga- durin; normal business hours of the Ciry, Monday nization," "prevent excessive interference with through Friday, 8;00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (exclucling other essential functions of the City," provide holidays as defned in Chapter 2.60 SVvIC). "fullest assistance" to requestors, and provide the Records must be inspeeted at City offiet;s by "most tirnely possible action" on public records appointinent. requests. The public records officer or designee B. Records Index. The City finds ihat maintain- , will process requests in the order allowing the most ing aLn index is unduly burdensome and would requests to be processed in the mose efficient man- interfere with City operations due to the diversity ner. of City departments aiid information syslems, bud- B. Ack.nowl~dging Receipt of Request. Within get restrainLs and the unavaalabiliry of staff. five business days of receipt of the request, the ~ C. Organization of Records. The City will public records officer will do one or more of the . maintain its records in a reasonably organized following: . manner. The City will take reasonable actions to ' 2-19 (Rsvised 7rm) . . - . , . 2.75.050 . 1. Make the records available for iaspection 2. The requestor rnust claim or review the - or copying; assembled records within 30 days of the City's ' 2. If copias are requested and payrnent of a notif'ication to him or her that the records are avail- f deposit for the copies, if any, is made or texms of able for i.nspection or copying. The City will notify payment are agreed upon, send the copies to the the requestor in wri[ing of this requirement and requesior; inform the requestor that he or she s6ould contact • 3. Pravide a reasonable estimate of when the City to make arrangements to claim or review . records will be available; the records. If the requestor or a representative of 4. If the request is unclear or does not *suffi- the requestor fails to claim or review the records ciendy identify the requested records, reque.st clar- within the 30-day' period or make other arrange= ification from the requestor. Such clarification'may ments, the City may close the request and refile the be reque.sted and provided by telephone. T'he pub- assernbled records.- lic record5 officer or designee may revise the esti-' G. Providing Copies of Records. After inspec= mate of when records will be available; or tion is complete, the public records officer or des- 5. Deny the request. ignee.sba.ll make the requested copies or arrange C. Consequences of Failure to Respond. If the- for copying. . City does not respond in writing within five busi- H. Providing Records in Installments. When ness days of receipt of the request for disclosure, the request is for a large number of records, the the requestor should consider contacti.ng the public public records officer or designee will provide records officer to determine the reason for the fail- access for inspection and copying in installments, ure to respond. if he or she reasonably determines that it would be D. Protecting I2ights of Others. In the event that practical to provide the records in that way. If, the requested records conlain information that may within 30 days, the requestor fails to inspect the affect rights of others and may be exempt from dis- . entire set of records or one or more of the install- closure, the public* records officer may, prior to ments, the public records officer or designee may providing the records, give notice to such others stop searching for the rema.ining record.s and close whose rights may be affected by the disclosure. the irequest. ` Such notice should be given so as to make it possi- I. Completion of Inspection. When the inspec- ble for those other persons to contact the requestor tion of the requested records is complete and a11 and ask him or her to revise the request, or, if nec- requested copies are provided, the public records essary, seek an order from a couri-fo prevent or officcr or designee wi.ll indicate that the City has limit the disclosure. The notice to the affected per- completed a diligent search for the requesled sons will include a copy of the request. records and made any located nonexempt records . E. Records Exempt from Disclosure. Sorue available for inspection: records are exempt from disclosure, in whole or in J. Closing Withdrawn or Abandoned Re.quest. part. If the City believes that a record is exempt if the requestor eitber withdraws the request or frorn disclosure and should be withheld, the public fails to fulfill his or her obligations to inspect the . , records officer will state the specific exemption records or pay the deposit or final payment for the s.nd provide a brief explanation of why the record requested copies, the public records'officer will or a portion of the record is being withheld. If only close the request and indicate to the requestor that a portion of a record is exempt from disclosure; but the CiCy has closcd the request. the xemainder is not exempt, the public records _ K. Later Discovered Documents. Lf, after the off'icer will redact the exempt portions, provide the City has informed the requestor that it has provided nonexempt portions, and indicate to the requestor all available records, the City becomes aware of why portions of the recard are being redacted. additional responsive documents existing at -the F. Inspection of Records. ' time of the request, it will prompdy in.form 'the 1. Consistet►t with other demands, the City requestor of the additional documents and provide shall promptly provide space to inspect public _ them on an expedited basis. (Ord. 07-006 § 2, _ records. \yo member of the public may remove a 2007). , . document from the viewing area or disasseanble or alter any document. The requestor shall indic2te 2.75.050 Reserved. which documents he or she wishes the Ciry to (Ord. 07-006 § 2, 2007). , copy. ~ (Fievised 7/07) 2-20 . Spokane Valley Vlunicipal Code 2.75.080 ~ 2.75.060 Exemptions. `I`he petition shall include a copy of or reasonably A. The P4bl:c Records Act provides that a identify the written statement by the public records number of types of documents are exempt from officer or designec denying the request. public inspeetion and copying. In addition, docu- B. Consideration of Petition for Rsview. The ments vre exempt from disclosure if any "other public records officer shall prompily provide the statute" exempts or prohibits disclasure. A list of petition and any ot]ier relevant information to the . the laws and reguiations, outside the Public public records officer's supervisor or other City Records Act, that restrict the availability of some official designatcd by the Ciry to condoct the . documents held by City for inspection and copying review. That person will immediate]y consider the -is kept by the public records officer. petition and either aff3rm or reverse the cienFal B. The City is prohibited by statuts from dis- within two business days following the City's elosing lists of individuals for commereial pur- receipt of the petition, or Narithin such other time as poses. (Ord. 07-006 § 2, 2007). the Ciry arid the reqUestor mutually agree. ' C. Judicial Review. Any person snay obtain 2.75.070 Costs for providing copies of public court review of denials, of public records requeses records. pursuant to RCW-42.56.550 at the conclusion of A. Costs for 1'aper 'Copies. There is no fee for two business days after the initial denial. (Ord. 07- ' inspecting public records or for providing docu- . 006 § 2, 2007). ments by e-mail. A requestor niay obtain standard black-and-white photocopies for $0.15 per page, and $3.00 per page for large maps, and the actual • cost per disk for CDs or other electronic storage • . device. There will be no charge for docuraents pro- vided electronically. Document copies mailed to thc requestor wil] not be mailed until the fee, plus postage, has been received. There shall be no ~ charge foe document copies faxed locally provided . therc are 10 or fewer pages; a.nd the $0.15 per page fee will not be charged for less than seven pages per request, unless the documents are mailed, in which case the fee and postage will be charged. ' Beforc beginning to mal:e the copfes, the public . . records officer or designee may require a deposit of up to 10 percent of the escimated costs of copying . . all the records selected by the re9uestor. The public . records off'icer or designee may also require the payrnent of the rzmainder of the copying costs . beforc providing all the records, or the payment of the costs of copying .n installment before provid- ing that installment. The City will not charge sales . tax when it makes copies of public records. }3. Costs of Mailing. The City may also charge actual costs of mailing, including the cost of the shipping container. C. Payment. Payment rnay. be made by cash, check, or money order payable to the City of Spa- kane Valley. (Ord. 07-006 § 2, 2007). ' 2.75.080 Review of denials of public records. A. Petition for Internal Administa-ative Review of Denial of Acmss. Any person who objects to the initial denial or partial denial of a records request . may patition in wriring (including e-mail) to the public records officcr for a review of that decision. 2-21 (Retised 7/07) ~t ~`J • Sffo ee :Administrative Policy &Procedure No. 300.505 . = VaHey~ Records Management . . 1. P4LICY ' . Ciiy records are maintai.ned; stored, transferred, destroyed and otherwise managed . according to the provisioDs of RCW 40.14, unless othenvi.se provrided by law. ' 2: REFERENCES • RCW 40.14 . . . • 3. DESCRIPTTON AND UVrPLEN.CENT'ATIO\T . a) Public recozds are t}ae proper[y of the City. City records in the possession of • outgoing offcials and employees are delivered to their successors or oiher ' appropriate City employee. . ' b) Responsibilities. . • . i) City Records O.f,ficer. The City Clerk or designee is the City Records - Officer (CRO). The C1Z0 ,assists departments i.n the r.nanagement, . preservation, and/or destruction. of public records, including transfer to City's on- or off-site storage sites, or to Yhe State of Washi.ngton's Division of Archives and Records Management sites. ii) Departaient Records Coordi.nator. Each department assigns a Records Coordinator (DRC) and authozizes the preservation and - deshvction of records according to approved departmen.tal rECOrd retentio-a schedules and the provisions of RCW 40.14. The DRC woxks in conjunction,-,,%rith the CRO to correctly maintai.n and store the , department's records, including preparaXion of YZecords Tnveniory fomzs, coa'ectly boxing records for storage, and identi.fying and . remaving records to their ulumate destination or destruction. ' c) 12etention Schedule. Each deparbment develops a retention schedule fox • departmental records based upon retention periods established in the Wxshington State Local Records Committee guidelines. 'PubJ.ie records aze znainta,ined unti.l the end of their approved retention pexiod. The CRO • ' mai,ntains a complete list o£ docu.ments. . -d) Storage Supply Tioxes. Records for aff-site storage are placed i.m staudard 10° X 12" X 15" storage boxes Nvith lid closures. Exceptions for oversized maierials are granted only by the CRO. Polic.y Nn. 300.505 Recards r7anagement Page 1 of3 . Effective: 6/1/2007 ' e) Prepari.ag Records for Off-Site Stora;e. i) Remove contents from any bi.ndings and/oz Pendaflex folders. Remove any unnecessary paper cl.ips, binder- clips, sheef protectors, andlor • ~ . rubber bauds, and place document into file foldezs, designating the ' , . name and, if passible, t}ae daie of the file. ' - ii) Each box must contain records that have the same' zetention and/or destruction date. ' - iii) ; Each box should have ai least one or two inches of freE space i.n order . • to allow easy access for retrieving and re-filiug of records, and in order to al.low lifting of the lioxby its handles. Boxes packed iniproperly or - over-packed are returncd to the dePartment. ' iv) ' Write the box number (at least one=inch tall) on each end of the box usmg a black permanent marker or printed label. Boxes are numbered ' using the following format: the f7urst two digits represent the year; the . center threE digits represent the department number, and the last three • digits represent the individual department box number. Boxes for the yeaz are numbercd consecutively. (Example: 06-013-001, 06-013- . 002, 06-013-003.) for purposes of this.policy, the followi.ng ' - dEparlment raumbers apply: ` . • , . . - Le 'slative O11 . Executive 013 Fiaaance 014 ' Le al - ' 015 - 14uman Resovrces 016 . General0 erations/AciministratioA 018 Public Works 032 ' Plannzng Communi Develo ment 058 Pazks & Recreation 076 , v) Complete a Record Inventory form. Be sure the Disposition Authorify 1Vumber (DAN) obtained from the departmental retention schedule is ' . listed on the'forr.n. . vi) Make th.ree copies of the Record Invcntory form: one copy for , placerraerit in the bax; one copy for the deparlmenti's zecords, and one copy for the CRO. , . vii) Coutact the CRO to coordinate the transmii•tal of the boxeslrecords to , the storage site. 1) Retrieving Stored 12ecords . i) Complete a iZecord Request fonm and e-mail it to the CRO. TZecords are generally delivered within 24-hours, unless the request is • considered aii emergency. n) An authorized employee veri~'ies correct delivEry and sigu.s and dates , . both copies of the delivcry slip form. The employee and the CRO cach retai.n one copy.- - g) Records Destruction . ~ Poliey No. 300.505 Records Management . Page 2 of 3 v Effective: 6/1/2007 Wben records reach their legal retention level, document the records infended for desiruction on a Records Destruction notification and Cerlification forra. Scnd the completed form to the CRO, who reviews it for compliance. The requesti.ng Employee is notifiecl of the oufcome of the rcquest. . ii) Records containing conf dential i.nfoimation, such as personal and/or health i.nfonmation, and personal identifica#ion numbers must be ' destroyed by shreddin.g, redacting, or ot}ierwise mod.if'ying it.to make . , the personal infonnation unreadable or undecipherable through any reasonable 'means. Contact the CR,O for assista.nce. . ui) Requests may be made to destroy non-current public records having no . further adminisfirative or legal value; by subrraitting Lists.of such records to the CRQ. Necessaryforms can Ue obtained from the CRO. iv) According to the State Records iVlanagemcnt Guidelines, some records could be canclidates for preservation at a Regional Archives Branch. In those instances, the CRO makes the appropriate contact and informs the l7RC of the outcome. , ~ ~ . City ManagerlD ' 17anager ' . . i ~ . Policy No. 300.545 Records Management Page 3 of 3 Effective: 6/1/2007 • ' CY cizv ~°r~~~_ ,~dministrative Policy & Procedure No. 300.5I0 .Sp~ V~~, a ~.'ublic Records Request . ~y . .l_. POLI~CY . City records are maintained az►d made available to the public accordi,ng to the provisions of RCW 42.56: 2. REFERE\TCES , . a) RC`V 42.56 . b) SVMC 2.75 -c). Administrative Policy No. 300.505:.Recortis ManagemeDt 3., DESCRIPTYON AMA IMYLENIEEN'TA'I'IQhi -a) Public Record Requests may be made by completing the Public Request rorm . (s`form"), or by e-mail, fax, telephone, or in pcrson. If a form is not complcted ~ by the requestor, the form should be completed by the Cify employec receivi,ng the rEquest. b) If the public record request can be responded to within 24 hours, the departme•ut receivi.ng the request should provide the documents and file a , completed form with the Public Records Officer. - A completed fornn should contaiz► a description of the documents requested and either specifical.ly , identify the documents provided or have aitached a copy of the docLUnents . pzovided. c) If documents ase exempt from public disclosure oz legal quesfions arc . associated with the rcquest, thea by the next basiness day provide the rEquesi: to the Office of•the CityAtt.orney. The Cify attorney's offce should complete the response to the request and seiad the completed request forra to the Public Records Officer. d) If the public zecord request cannot be answered withi.n 24 hours then . i.mmediatcly send the request to the PuUlic Recozds Officer. Provide on the request form the name of any City employee who has knowledge that may be helpful i.n answerin; the request. e) Prepr3nted handouts, web docuaxents, code pzovisions, or other docuznents prepazed for the purpose of being distributed to the public may be prov-ided . 'Aitlaout completion of a fonn or maintaining a record of the request and respOnSe. f) Electronic records are public records as defxned by RCW 42.56 and should be provided in the same maxuler as set forth above. Sucki records include all e- l mails, folders, files, or recorcls stored eleetronically. • Policy No. 300.510 Pablic Records Request • page 1 oi 2 Effective: 6f1.12007 ' g) Public records thhat are considered to have no retention value and may be destroyed immediately are: . i) Advertisements, newsletters, catalogs, trade journals, videos or other . pxi.nted materials received from other entities that do not'require'any _ action or response and are not necessary for docwnentary purposes. . ii) I.nformational copies provided for referen. ce or i.nformational distribution. . iii) Letters of transmittal that contain no additional i.nformation. iv) WritinLys that do not relate to fhe functional responsibility of your depar-tmen't, i.e. notice of community affairs, employee meetin,gs, public hcarings, holidays, etc. - v) Preliminary dra$s of lctters, e-mails, memoranda, reports, worksheets, and i.nformal uotes arhich do nof represent significant steps in the preparation of recozd documents. ' _ - vi) E-mails that convey non-policy i.n.formational messages. vii) Personal messages. . , h) E-mails are public records and should be mai.niained and/or desitoyed in the same manner as other public records. As a geaeral rule, employees should - retain all E-mails sent by that employee oz e-mail received from a third party not a city employee and delete all e-mails received from ofher employees witban the City. E-mails contaiaaang records from secdon (g) above, aze corasidered to have no retention value, and may be destroyed im.mediately. •i) All e-mails deternii.ned to have a retention value whethcr oziginating by tlze employee or received by a third party outside of the City should be kept by the ~ employee either in an electronic file or as a hard copy.. _.%j) E-mails not immediately•destroyed puTsuant to the provisi.ons of section (g) . above should be retained or destroyetl pursuant to the records retention • poUcies for each departriient. PoUcies and procedures governing ilae zetention ' and destruction of records axe found in Admini.strative Policy and Proc,edure NO: 300.505: Records Maraagement. ' City Managcr uty City iVlanaber . , - ~ , Policy No. 300310 Public ltecords Request Page 2 of 2 Effective: 6/1l2007 Sc'~oka.ne Y 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley V'IA 99206 Valle ~ 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallC~spokanevalley.org Informational Memo Date: January 8, 2008 - , To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Re: Crack Sealing The County provided crack sealing for the City this last summer. In previous years their work has been excellent and we have not had a problem with the material peeling out of the cracks. This year the County used a new product which unfortunately did not perForm well. The material is peeling out of the cracks and causing a considerable mess along the roadways. The County has agreed to reseal any cracks next summer that fail during this winter at no cost to the City. They have also agreed to attempt to sweep up the loose material in an effort to clean up the streets. Some of the worst locations are on Sprague between Bowdish and Adams on the east bound lanes, Dishman PAica south of 16th on the south bound lanes and Sprague between Vista and Par1c on the west bound lanes. S~poka.ne Valleys, 11707 E Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1008 0 cityfiallftspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: DavidMercier, City Manager, and Members of Council From: Mike Jackson, lleputy City Manager Uate: December 28, 2007 Re: Quarterly Report - Operations and Administrative Scrvices -Summary of October - Uecember 2007 Activitics Administrative Analyst • Preliminary "Settle-and-Adjust" reconciliation on 7 County Contracts -$146,000 credit lo City. • Identified Public, Educational, and Governmental programming needs for use in cable franchise ncgotiations. • Assisted w7th completion of 2008 Busincss Plan. _luman Resources R ecrui ting/Employment •'I'here are a number of ncwly filled positions and recent position openings. Positton Slalus AccountanL`I3udt_et Anak st New Pvwtiun, { lired: f errina Marchant, stari date 01l16/2008 Accountin Mana er Re lace Johnson, Hired: Dan Uuffe 11/12/2007 Administrativc Anal yst Re lace Koudelka, osition o en Administmtive Assis[ant, Public Works iVeir Posrliar, Hircd: Darla Arnold, start date 11/16/2007 Administrative Assistant, ( s& Admin Re lace McRoberts, osition o en Assistant Engineer New Positinn, Hired: Krystal Campbell-Stanek, start date O1/01/?008 Uatabasc Manager A'ew Position, o enin mid-July(estimated) Ue ut Ci Clerk 11retiv Positiorr, Hired: Carrie Acosta, start date 01/01l2008 De utv Ci y Mana er Ke lace Re or, Hired: Mike Jackson 11/16l2007 En ineer, Stormwater Re lace Mantz, osition o n Engineering Technician II - Public Works A'ew Position, Reclassified: Shane Arlt 10/09/2007 En ineerin Technician I- Public Works A'eiv Position, Hired: Rand Iiudano, start date 01/07/2008 En ineerin Technician -.5 F'I'E -Comm. Dev. Rc lace Gow, Hired: h4ary Mav 11/13/200? HR Anal st Re lace Burns-Hart, recruitin for HR Mana er, un lled HR Technician New Pasitian, conductin second interviews w/ 3 candidates HR Mana cr New Positioyr, osition u n IT S cialist Ke lace O'Brien, osition o en Uffice Assistant UCentral Rece tion Re lace James, Hired: Christine Thom son 11l13/2007 neputy City Manager QuArtcrly Report - continued December 23, 2007 -2- Officc Assistant 1, CD Rc lacc .lrnold, osition o en Parks and Recreation Director Re lace Jackson, osition o en Senior Planner 14'ew Positioti, offcr cxtcnded Senior En ineer - Pro'ect Mana er Reclassified, Re lace Graf, Hired: Ken Knutson 11/13/2007 Senior Engineer - Pro'ect Mana er New Position, }lired: Crai Ald%vorth, start date Ol /15/2008 Tem orarti C'onstruction Ins ector _1`c>ir Yositrnir, f lircd: Kcnttcth Van DN k I 1:'I G"?DO? ra1~1111111~I1'iit1011 • Prepared Cola increase Personnel tlction 1-'urms tor al lemployecs • This quarter with the open recruitmentt ancj filled position; thC t\~ 0-Per~;On I iunlan Kesourcc: I)i\ i;iOn • has produced the following statistics: o Processcd 622 applicaiions o Coordinated R ronducted 55 intcrti 10\ s Public Information Key reporting areas far tlle fotirth qtrdrtcr include • 'vlcdia Relations o Media contacts: idocs not riiclutle 1110.`C rhat L°rC Y1.hcC4/1<<?nu1Y rc,itrreil <o (nrotirLT o Media rclcascs: 13 o F.arned media stories: 41 + weekly traffir aiert,~ ilurino con;tructiun sCasc,n W 'oes Prut iirc,'iIcle C111 televisiorv'radio) c"Total media storieti: 1?4 /doe.c not include all releti•i.s•inn%'radiol REPORT • Tatal ciuciibcr of'niedia rcprcsenlatives in coiitact listin~~: 1 • Message of the Month c. Spcakers Bureau • Sent draft brochure on topics to departments for rcview ■ Drafted Couneil version of brochure; sent to Council members for rc-,i:%\icomment o Hot Topics community newsletter - November December edition ■ Researched & subscribed to email distrihution 5crt-ice for romn;;initv nc~\ ~~lct-cr • Community Devclopmcnt projects o SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan • Llpdaled talking points on the City Center proposal ■ Updated talking points on the SpraguelAppleway IZcvitaliz-ation I'lwl ■ Attended Oct 2 Freedman presentation to Council & Library Board ■ Set up Kuhta 10/18 I.ocal Edition/Comcast intervieNk, updatim g on Cit` ('rnter a►ld S:%hY ■Media release on November 20 Freedman presentatiorl ■ Posted forums and public hearing information on KXLY. KR1A1 c;dcr:.i~lr ■ Sent Calendaz Request to media cnmmunity calendars. Transfcrred De~~elopment Ln`~ll7ce]'itl~ %~'eh Pal_les ,Iil~j :~s>()Ci~:i~~ clu~u~;l~llls 'i~ ('i~tt~t»un:l~' Development web sectiori o Created new RUW page o Pending department response;'review un new Code Coilipliancc brochurc o Pending department responselreview on proposed text for ne«~ rc.sidcntial penni;ting, hruChure • Public Works projects ~ Media release on public hearings on Strcct Master Plan = Devclop/update Puhlic infonnation campaign plans on 13;irkcr Rrid`,~e. Pinc, Man.iield, tt. z\pplcNNa} Deputy City ManaSe.r Quarterly Report - c4niinued December 23,2007 -3- 0 1Vledia release on leaves in storm drains (D o Updated brochures on Pines Mansfield & Appleway projects .o Drafted new brochure on Barker bricige project o Research state agencies and transportation organizations/entiries to notifp about Barker Road restrictions o Media release on Barker Bridge restrictions ■ Included reminders in weekly traffic alert o Create new web pagcs for Bid lnformation o Updated TIA page/documents on Nvebsite o Reassumecl week:ly Traffic Alert media releases from O&A floater • I'arks & 1Zecreation projects o Mcdia release on Safety Class • Finance projects o Updated web pages, assisted vvith preparation of budget document for wcbsite and posted to web • Miscellaneous Mcdia RclEases o Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointment o Seeking Plannino Commissioners . o Planniiig Corrunission Appointtnents • . o Jackson DCVI appointment ' o Holiday closures/schedule changes (Veterans I7ay, Thanksgiving, New Years, Christmas) o . JaeVleming last meeting • Nlisccllaneous ~ o Create recommendations for staff trauung on tivebsite uploading, media policylprocedures, media training aiid logo usage o Update public infonnation section of new Councilmember orieniation packet o Research and prepare report on empathy signage o Review & update 2008 work plan o Train CD Admin on web pnsting oTrain OA Admiii on web stat reports o Research & prepare presentation on five-year anniversary public information o Reassumed new employee interview a.rticles fnr employee newsletter • Media relations o Sent introductnry note la new group of news producers at KHQ. o Assistecl SR tcmporary assigned correspondcnt Holly Sonneland with information on City organizationslpolicies/procEdures/pro cesses o Made introductory contact Nvith new SR Valley goveriunent reporter John Craig • Website Miscellancous o Misccllaneous end af year updates & new employce updates on departmcntal pages • Emergency communications • - o Revised Crisis Communications Plan to incorporate Emergency Communications plans in the event of an emcrgency triggEring thc National Incident Managcmcnt System. o Participated in online trainina to use Spokane County WebFOC o Participated in statewide Washington State Annual IIioterroristn Exercise Joint Information Center activation o Accepted for training into FEM.A's Einergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, MM in ~ February . Deputy City Manager Quarterly Rcport- continued . December 23, 2007 -4- Business Registratian • 5E3 - New registratians • 14592 - An.nual renewals (Due annually in December) Web Site Web Site Summary 4`h Quarter 2007 October November December 4` Quarter Uni ue User Sessions 39,069 33,326 26,805 99,200 To Five Pa es Viewed* Em loyment 6,537 5,430 3,839 15,806 Community Development - 1.352 932 676 2,960 13uildin 936 553 459 1,948 GIS Ma s 897 518 4$9 1;904 CD Forms 789 545 367 1,701 To Five "Referrer" Web Site.s S okane Coun - Jobs 424 352 260 1,036 S okane Coun y - Gov't Em lo ment 370 391 277 1,038 Coun = Ideas 226 200 127 5 53 Goo le 191 131 188 510 Munici al Rescarch (MItSC 163 167 80 410 00 SpCITYoka.ne ;OOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director , Date: January 14, 2008 Re: December Report . Finance employees worked in the following areas during llecember: BudLet variance/invesCment reports Reports showino a cornparison oFrevenues and expenditures, to the 2007 Amended Budget, at December 31, are atCached. Staff provicles information on seleeted opei-ating funds at month end and a more complete report quarterly. Overall, revenucs will likely eYCeec1 our esti►nates and expenditures will likely be less rhan budgeted. Gambling ca.c reccipts for 2007 ru-e less than projected in our budget. We have two significant accaunts that have fallen behind. \Ne will continue to monitor thesc accounts but full collection is unlikely. Most other rcvenues in the General Fund will be in e:ccess of our budget estimates. Fund balance (clollars left over from prior years) will increase significantly from our preliminary estirnates as we finish closing out • 2006 imd ma.ke adjusnnents to our 2007 records. The inveslment report is attached for your review. Annual audit ' Our 2006 financial statements and audit should be finalized within 45 clays. V1re expect our auditors will have the usual routine suggestions for improvement and also a comment that we need to monitor worksheet preparat.ion more carefiilly, especially as dhey relate to fLxecl assets. Preparation for January retreat Revenues aiid expenditures were forecast in llecember for the retreat. Ciry gcneral fund, street fund and capital neecis were projected inro 2013 to identify potential problems. The strcet fund (maintenance of our streets) presenls the most significant problem. Consideratinn oP a vehicle license tab fee will take place over the next fetiv months to see if this revenue source might be a partial answer to our Punding needs. Spokane County has an interest in this funding source as well. Year end fnancial records Almos[ all finance tasks zire coordinated with the encl of cach aalendar year. tlecounts payable, payroll, budgecing, lodging tax i-eimbursementslrepoiting, 1099 misccllaiieous incame statements, w-2 forms and annuallquarterly reporting all require additional work at year end. Finance staff will be busy with these duties during the next six months. City of Spokane Valley - General Fund . Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2007 Unaudited Amended Tentative 1114/2008 Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund RQVenues: Unreserved Fund Balance $ 7,068,000 $ - $ 7,068,000 $ - 100% S Property Tax 9,745,000 603,777 9,498,237 246,763 97% Sales Tax 18,986,800 1,628,029 18,121,768 865,032 95% Gambling Tax 910,000 107,397• 589,486 320,504 65% 7 Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 904,170 13,986 722,179 181,991 80% 1 . State SharQd Revenues 1,201,000 148,381 1,120,752 80,248 93% Planning & BuiEding Fees 1,867,OU0 96,411 2,215,192 (348,192) 119% Fines and Forfeitures 1,250,000 126,975 1,280,816 (40,816) 1033'0 Recreation Program Fees 447,700 46,781 554,365 (108,665) 124% Investment Interest 572,800 55,648 579,023 (6,223) 101 % Operating Transfers 75,000 - 74,300 700 99°k 3 Total Goneral Fund Revenues: S 4&Vz.4.T0 $ 2,827.38.3 $ 41.834.128 $ 1.JU34 am 8 Amended Budget Deoember YTD Unrealized Peroent 2007 Expenciitures Expenditures Exqenditures Realized General Fund Expenditures: • ' ' Legislative Branch 296,393 29,657 233,502 62,891 79% Executive & Legislative Support 892,854 65,Q40 744,060 148,794 8395 PublicSafety 18,256,400 1,519,054 17,117,234 1,139,166 94% Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,470,608 93,197 1,064,217 406,391 7296 Public Works 1,391,887 120,582 1,071,420 320,467 77°r6 Planning & Community Dev. 2,411,276 319,594 2,351,442 . 59,834 98% Library. Services 20,000 - 10,199 9,801 51ho 3 Parks & Recreation 2,087,086 133,540 1,818,705 268,381 87% ' General GovernmQnt 13,893,000 279,869 7,395,017 6,497,983 53°lo ti Total General Fund Expenditures: 40.719.NA $ 2.560.533 31,805.796 & 8,913,,7_OS ~ . 1117f2008 7:20 ADd . City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended December 31, 2007 Unaudited AmenCed Tentative 1/14/2008 Budget December YTD Unrealized Percent 2007 Revenues Rsvenues Ravenue Realized OtherFunds Revenues: Streat Fund S 7,658,000 $ 200,054 $ 3,106,176 S 4,551,824 40.55% Arterial Street Fund 912,000 2.960 42388 869,612 4.65% 5 Trails and Paths 21,000 SB 957 20.043 4.56°r6 HotellMotel Fund 658,000 32,290 453,099 204,901 66 86°,6 6 Civic Facilities Replacemant 397,000 1,492 399,894 {2,894} 100_73% Oebt Service - LTGO 03 600,000 - 596,035 3.965 99.34% Capdal Projeds Fund 4,120,000 112,217 1,410,334 2,709,666 34 23°k 5 Special Capdal Projeds Fund 4,420,000 113.880 1,408,852 3,011,148 31_87°,6 5 Streel Cap+tal Projects 7,802,643 300,171 615,063 7,187,780 7.88% 5 Mirabeau Point Project 441,000 1,359 17,855 423,145 4.05°k 6 Street Bond Capitat Projects 816,000 - - 816,000 0.00% 5 Capital Grants Fund 9,300,000 8,901 118,134 9,181,866 1.27°k 5 Bartcer 8ridge Reconstnaction 700,000 - 161,055 538,945 23.01°h 5 Stormwaler Mgmt Fund 3,195,762 14,575 1,749,348 1,446,414 54.74% Equip. Rental8 Replacement 944,375 26,961 62,699 881,676 6.64% 10 Risk Mana emeM 217,100 1,054 177,fi63 39,437 81.83% Centerylaoe Operating 325,000 1,259 16,119 308,881 4.96% Service Level Sbbilization 5,200,000 19,493 605,066 4,594,934 11.64°r6 Winter Weather 540,000 2,087 26,729 513.271 4.95°,6 F'arksCapifal 3,550,000 3,888 461,707 3,088,293 13.01% CivicBulldings 2,893,000 21,431 3.993.523 (1L100,523y 138.04% Total Other Funds Revenues: S 54,L11.080 I _ 864,1 U S 15.422.696 S__39,28 8.384 28,,19°~1 Amended Budget December YTD Unreali2ed Percer.t NE Exnenditures Exnenditures Expendituros Realized Other Funds Ecpendi2ures: S:reet Fund S 7.658,000 $ 257,568 $ 3,858,080 $ 3,799,920 50.38% 11 Arterial Street Fund 912,000 - - 912,000 0.00% 6 Trails and Paths 21,000 • - 21,000 0.00%6 HoteVMotel Fund 658,000 - 311,942 346,058 47.419'e Civic Facilities Replacement 397,000 - - 397,000 0.0096 6 Debt Servica LTGO 03 600,000 - 596,035 3,965 99.34°k Capltal Projects Fund 4,120,000 309,072 559,607 3,560,393 13.5896 5 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 • 93,245 4,326,755 2.11% 5 Street Capital Projects 7,802,843 460,001 912,440 6,890,403 11.69°h 5 Mirabeau Point Projed 441,000 - 36,933 404,087 8.37% 6 Streel Bond Capital Projects 816,000 • - 816,000 0.00% 5 Capital Grants Fund 9,300,000 42,991 377,429 8,922,571 4.06% 5 Barker Bridge Reconstniction 700,000 38,856 339,962 360,038 48.57% 5 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 3,195.762 131,124 1,318,170 1,877,592 41.25% 11 Equip. Rental 8 Replacemnt 944,375 18,477 112,080 832,295 11.87% 10 Risk Mana ement 217,100 394 181,225 35,875 83.48°h _Reserv'e~ Centerplace Operating 325,000 - - 325,000 0.00°,6 Senrice Level Stabifization 5,200,000 - - 5,200,000 0.00°k ~^.'inter Weather 540,000 - • 540,000 0.00°,6 Farks Capital 3,550,000 98,066 847,802 2,702,198 23 88% 5 Civic Buildings Capital 2,893,000 - 873.477 2,019,523 30 19;>,. 5 Total Other Funds Expenditures: L 54.711.080 i 1.356_54 S 10.418.427 SIA, 92 2.653 19,,114(q 1~ ,211rg 7 2 a.Y City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of December 2007 Total LGIP* BB Money Mkt' BB CD Investments Beg,nning $ 39,840,963.02 $ 1,630,568.25 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 42,497,714.28 Deposits 2,015,388.48 - - 2,015,388 48 Withdrawls - - - - Interest 156.738.01 4,092.06 - ' 60.830 07 Ending $ 42,013,089.51 $ 1,634,660.31 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 44,673.932.83 Balances bv Fund General Fund S 13,214,96102 Street Fund 4,180,247 50 Arterial Street 798,890.37 Paths & Trails 23,320.12 HotellMotel 522,424.37 CenterPLace Operating Reserve 337,415.79 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,225,087.99 Winter Weather Reserve 559,521.93 Civic Facilities Replacement 399,893.69 Capital Projects 4,511,870.48 Special Capital Projects 4,923,613.31 Mirabeau Point Project 364,248.11 Parks Capital Project 1,042,205 "6 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,744,372 36 Stormwater Management 2,045,022.55 Equipment Rental & Replacement 766,295.59 Risk Management 14,540.49 $ 44,673,932.83 'Local Government Investment Pool " Banner Bank FOOTNOTES 1 Received quarterfy 3 belinq. Tax from 05 levy 4 Much of lhis dept is for emergency use oniy 5 Capital projects often take a number of years to ptan, engineer, acquire right of way and construcG 6 No projects planned in 2007 7 Two accts delinquent 8 Enor fn amended budget. However, fund bal. will be greater than shown 9 Interest earnings 10 Most equipment iully funded in late 05 11 InclUdeS beg. Fund bal. which reduces % realized ,~17 T ac, 8 7 20 A r.1 P1A~ cs I~~e jValleyf 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Yallcy WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.10.78 ♦ cfityhaUospokanrvallry.org Memorandum To: Crty Councii; Dave Mencier, Ciry Manager From: Mike Jackson Date: January 14. 2008 Re: Parks and Recreation Fourth Quarter 2007 Admiaistradon and Parks: • Parks wete winlerizcd but continue to be utilized by the public. The w-aterfall at Mirabeau SPrings was turned off and cestrooms have becn closed at all of the parks. • OTtB submitted final plans for the swimming pool renovaiions at VaUey Mission, Teriace View and Parl Road Poois. Work will be bid in February and r,oastruction complete prior to the 2008 opening. • 4dvertised RFP for landscape architcct for Children's Universal Park. Received 4 pruposals. Historical Review campleted and findings wiU be given to C7'ED in Januan•. • 4dvertised for hiring of aew Director for Parks and Recreation Department. • Rcimbursement fornis for Greenacres acquisition have been completed and will Eie suhni-itted to the Washinaton Recrealion and Conservation Uffice in Januan.,'1'ebruary. CenterFlace: • The Marketing Plan was approved by Ciry Council along with hwding for the HoteUMotel Fund for regional advertising. The firsc regional advertising lzas bcen u,heduled to be in the AlaskalHorizon Air Magazine and Spokaae Conveation & Visitor Planning Guides in thc first quszter of 2008. •.a Request for Pmpusal for Janitorial Services was advertised in Dccembcr. Bids werr due by 5:00 pm on lanuary 4d'. 4fter evaluaLion of the bids, it will be detirmined if it is more feasible to contract janitorial services or hire two janitors as previously apProvei in the 2008 budgeL • Staff has Eeen reviewing CenterPlace policies and refining then in order to rnhance cuqomer safety and improve customer sen•ice. The policies being revised include the alcohol, hours of operation aad canceliation policies. • Maeting use by hotels incm.ased simificantly both xith mferrals and with direct rentals. This was a good appQrtunity to showca.se CcnttrPlace to businesses and indi%iduals %%,ho had not beea here beforc and to "partner" w7th local hotels. • CenterPlace staff took 194 resmations this quarter; 672 far the year. T1i-, hreakduuii of events is as follo%Ns: CentarPlacs Ersnt BrQakdorn ;w 6anquet 16°h ''4+ ■ ComnunAy Even. ❑ wndralsw ❑ Gradusiion 7 qR - • MeetinyrSermlr ■ [klnce I , Privie Party E7 YYedduq/Reception 59% ~ a Worshlp . CenterPlace Events 2006 vs 2007 800 - - - 700 - - - • - 600 - 500 - ■2046 4d,^. ■ ?00? - - • 3 00 2X r-° - o - ~N o ~ CeaterPtaci Wvrawa t~oo,0oa - - I, fJD0.0~ I - I t300,~00 - - ~ - t?SO,OOD I - - I • aropcme asrerrue i7flG,0M - • Totd Fbvmw Rsee►uaet i!SO,OOD i t~{10,000 I SSO.OUO ~ - - I 2007 conte►Phu t0o7 fsp~ns~~ $1oe,,a O BudQeted 6cpvnes SSOI,t7 ~ ■ Tow @pwsaf t~95 D?5 13Badnce Revenues rs. 6cp*ndituns - - { $600,000 5500.000 5400.00D - - - - i m Revanue s3ao,aoo - . ~ - ~ ■ Expente S200.000 : t 00.06Q i S. - - - - 2005 2005 2007 The $116,236 increase in the expenditunes in 2007 was primarily due to impicmenialion of Cusiomer Service Improvements based on the CenterPiacc Markeling Plan. it rcflects an incresise in wages and bcnefits due to enhanced staffing levels during even~~ and the addition of an Administralive Assistant and Maintenance Worker. The increase also includes wages and bcne5ts for the Customer RelationslFacilitics Cocsrdinator posivon which was unoreupic:d tmtil Juae 2007. Potential for increasing revenue includes additional rexrvations, possihle fc.c adjw;tmrrits and expanded s;rvices. GntarPtac9 2007 Non Profit Faes Waived 35,000 - - i 30,000 ! - - - , ZS,OOJ - - 2o,0oa • Fees Waived 15,000 - - - - - 10,000 'M 'i 5.400 - f, ~ 0 Sst Qir 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr <th atr Totel Kepresentative cvents bookcd in ath (luarter of 2007 'tnclade: Uancan Mativation [nc. (over 500 sttendces) Tar-ct WA Cities Insurance Authority Mary Kay Cosmetica Women's & Children's Frce Restaurant Iiorizon Credit Unic.m PariyLite Gifts General Dynamics itmnix Hams BioMedical FLSmidch RAHCO lnc Uata Pro Solutioas Meals on N~Iieels Uale Carnegie Y]NCA 1'omlinson Black Christ Cliurcli Crossover Chun:h Oxford Suites WA ST Criminal Justice Training Commiesion Vancssa I3chaii Crisi, tiur~ery I3crg Companies Recrcation: • Continue tu .wr%'e as a 1'arks and Ftecreution liaison on i.be titudent Advisory Council. • Programmed a very successful Mother/Daughter Safety Training rEass w-ich 18 pariicipants. • Mct with the Y'MCA to lalk- about the ?f}()7 :1yu:itics prc»rani and >tari thinos in motik)n for 2008. • Published Winter Programs in Lhc V;illey Voice un De.cemher 8`1' for pmgr-ans in Jan. - March. • Met with several recreation providers in effarts to contract senlccs for Spohane Vallcy residents. •Attended the Kick off meeting for Wast►ingtan Recreation and Parks Association 2009 annual conference to be held in Spul:anr. • Approximately 117% combincd Direct Cost Recovery for all recreatian programs. Dire:t Cost includes salaries for program employees, supplies, transporiation and adti-ertising costs. Does nut include facility averhead or administrative stafl. I 2007 Cost Recovery Summary zoo.o0x - +so oox - - ~ - - " oo~c • - - - - - .ao_ao% • - - - oox , - - - - •oooox i- - eo oox : - - - W.oWc - - - - 40oox ~ - - - - _ ~ so oo9c - - - - 000% W mtrr ?Oi, % Sxinp 2007 s' ummer 2R_~; Fatl ?007 Total 2007 Recreation Program - Revenue vs. Expenditures $60,000.00 - ; - - . - S50,000.00 - 1 - S40,000.00 I - $30,000.00 - - ! M Revenue ■ E)pense 520,000.00 - - - - - - S10,000.00 • - , 1 i $ . I Wmter Spnng Summer Fa112Q07 Total 2007 2007 2007 • E:pensa iodudc Recreatfoa Ascistzot saizricx, snpplies, traasportstion aOa Ndvertising. Scaior Centcr: • T6e Senior Centrr Association elected tluee new people to the Board of I)irecwrs tt) scrve three year terms: Richard Hill, Carol Peterson and Pani Ome. • Eighty-cight new members joined the Senior Cetiter this qusrter. • WSU nursing studcnts continue to grovide scnices every Wadnesday for the cotumunity health portion of their education. They checked hlood sugars, blood pressures, and offered nutrition information, plus hand waxing and massage. • Mini Wellness Confemnce was held in Wellness Centet at CenterPlace in October. E.leven providers participated. Maxim 13ealth Care administered 46 flu shots and 11 pneumonia shots during the conferencewhich brings the total numbet of flu shots given this quazter to 486. • Activitirs during thc 4'h qusrter includcd ceramics classcs, knining gmups, scrapbooking classcs, yoga, card playing, dances, billiards and ping pong. Picklcball is now available to the seniors every 7'ue,day and 7-hursdav at the Valley Ht?R. MEMO ~ TO: Dave Mercier, City iVlanager , FROM: Ttick VanLeaven, Chief of Police DATE: January 14, 2008 RE: Mc►nthly Report Accember 2007 During the month of December 2007, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incidents for thc Spokanc Valley Police Deparlment totaled 3,914. These are self-initiated officer contacts, as well as calls for service. Out of those incidents, 1,350 actual reports were tal:en during the month of December. Atiached is t11e breakdown describing those incidents. Additionally, there were 939 traffic stops conducted that resulted in 307 traffic rcports. Ineludcd with this report aze hotspot maps for I7ecember residential burglaries, December commercidl burglaries and December traffic collisions, along with Nlovember and Taecember stolen velucles. • ADMINISTRATIVE: ♦ A table top exercise and simulated evacuation i.n the Ponderosa subdivision of the Spokane Valley is being planned, tentatively for mid-May 2008, to test the Spokanc County Evacuat7on Plan and to be better prepared for disaster or catastrophe. Chief VanLeuven ~ has been asked to facilitate this event and is presently in the process of developing and meeting with a core group of key community representatives who will be responsible for planning and carrying out the exercisc. ♦ Chief VanLeuven continues to be actively invrolved in plans for future conimunications interoperability, and a date of February 5 has been set for a presentation to the City Council of Spokane Va11ey regarding this important issue. ♦ tt was leamed in December that a motorcycle rally; formerly hcld in Rosalia, is being inoved to tlie Spokane County rairgrounds whcre it will take place in July, 2008. Because of the heavy impaet an event of this magnitude vvill have on law cnforcement, Chief VanLeuven and other personnel of the SVPD plan to mcet regularly ~,Nrith Fair personnel and others to work out a strategy for the event. ♦Following a recent commitment of funding by the BoCC, a number of iteins vvill be added to equipment to be utilized by the Spokane Valley Palice Departrnent / Spokane Coi,uriy Sheriffs Office. These include: • Glock handguns (replacement of 8-yeaz-old Sinith & Wesson weapons). ■ Go Books for all patrol officcrs (one pcr deputy/corparal/sergeant). . • Digital cameras. (Forensics Unit is mnving to from 35nun film to digital, thus saving moncy. Issuance of cameras to all patrol and investigative personnel will unprove the visual documentation of cvidEnce / crime scenes.) • New Policy and ProcedureJTraining Soffivare (LEXIPOL). - ■ AFTX Tracker Palm Print system (The F1FTX tracker system NQl allow a search of Page 1 unluiowm palm prints from unsolved crime scenes, including homicides. We have at least 22 unsolved dcath invcstigations that have AFIX quality friction ridge _ detail including unidentificd palm prints, and this includes homicides that occurred ~in the Spokane Valley.) - 'I ♦ Chief VanLeuven attended the Public Safety Update of the Spokane County Council of Governments. Public safety officials made a presentation to elected officials on the importance of communications interoperability, as well as an update on the jail sitirig process. ♦ The Chief participated in orientation for new CouncilmEmber Rose Dempsey. . ♦ During the month of December, Chief VanLeuven was "on call" for a total of fifteen 12- hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. COMMUiNITY pR.TENTFD POLICING: ♦ University SCOPE and Edgecliff SCOPE held their annual Christmas parties in December, and Chief Van Leuven enjoyed attending and visitingArith thc SCOI'E voluntcers. He also attended the Central Vallcy SCOpE Deccmber mEeting, wherc he met several new SCOPE members who were present and also sgoke to the group concerning Communications Interoperability. ♦ The annual Holidays and Heroes program took place on December 9, with the Spokane Couirt}° Sheriff s Office / Spokane Valley Police Department, Post ralls F'olice Department, K.ootenai County Sherift''s Depar[ment, Coeur d'Alene Police Departinent, Coeur d'Alene Tribal Police; Idaho State Police, Kootenai County Fire and Rescue participatiua. ApproYUnately 100 fanulies had a brighter Cliristmas Uecause of office_rs - and fircfighters -vvho took children shopping; where they were allowed to ptvchase gifls for their families. A.fterward, the children visited with Santa Claus at the Greyhound Park in Post Falls while volunteers vvrapped the gifts the children purchased and prepared food baskets for ttleir families. The SherifPs Departnient helicopter was also a big hit writh the children, who were allowed to sit inside and ask questions about the hclicopter program. Numerous off'icers of the Spokane Va11ey Police Department, i.ncluding Chief VanLeuven, participated in the -program. T'hanks to the many volunteers who gave their time and others Nvfio also contributed monetary donations, Holidays and Heroes was once again a huge . success. ♦ The four SCC)PE stations in Spokane Valley reported their annual volunteer hours for 2007 as follows: Central Valley, 7,928.5 hows, value $134,784.50; Etigecliff, 1.1,492.5 hours, value $195,372.50; Trentwood, 3,094 hours, value $52,598.00; and University, 9;122.5 hours; value S155,082.50. The monetary value base is $17.00 per hour. The tot:al number of 31,637.5 hours from the four Spokane Valley SCOI'E stations amounts to $537,837.50 tatal value of volunteer time. The grand total of all Spokane County SherifPs Office SCOPE stations was 88,258 volunteer hours, for a value of $1,500,386.00. These volunteers who are so generous with their time and efforts deserve a gigairtic "thank pou" _ from law enforcement and from ttie citizens of our community!! Page 2 • The 2007 year end report of abandoned vehicle activity by SCOAE volunteers shows that a total of 499 abandoneti vehicles were tagged for impoi.uidment in the Spokane Valley by ~ J SCOPE volunteers, 151 of which Nvere eventually towed with 159 citations issued. In addition, 173 hulks wcre processed and a totaJ of 1,381 reports of abandoned vehicles were processed. When addcd to the numbers for unincorporated Spokane County, the report shows that SCOPE volunteers processed a total of 2,051 reports of abandoned vehicles. Of this total, 67.3% were in the Spokaue Valley and 32.7% were in unincorporated Spokane County. ♦ SCOPE Incident Response Tean (SIR1) contributcd a total'of 95 on-scene volunteer hours (including travel time) in December• for SCSO Dispatr.h Response in Spokane County / Spokane Valley, responding to motor vehicle accidents, a house fire and a doAmed power line. With the total number inclusive of standby hours; training, speeial events and response time, SCOPE SIRT vnlunteers contributed a total af 7,651 hours to the Spokane County Sheriff's Office / Spokane Valley in 2007. OPERATIOVS: Spokane Valley Police laepamnent officers solveci nvo serious and hig}ily-publicized investigations during November, botti of wfiich involved i.ntensive eff'orts on the part of the investi€ators. ♦ Teenagers ,4rrested . ' ' • Following an intensive invcstiization of more than two months' duration, Spokane Vallcy Police detectives arrested three 16-year-old boys and charged them in connection Nvith 1.16 ~ reports of vehicle prowling, thefts, malicious miscluef and arson. Damages in the incidents; which included a car that was set afue Mth a stolen flare gun and multiple car and home A2ndows shot out A1th wrist rocket slingshots and stccl balls stolen frorn the White Flephant, Arill run ncarly $28,000. A fourth suspect, a 15-year-old boy living in Olympia, will also be eharged with sevcral counts, including First Degree Malicious 1Vlischief. Detective Richard Gere headed up the investigation. He autlined the case that began on or about October 6Nvhen the suspects broke into numerous vehieles parked in the Shelley Lake and Ponderosa neighborhoods of Spokane Valley. ♦Arrests Madc In Fatal Flit and Run tlrrests of a man and woman in collnection with a fatal hit and run collision were made by . Spokane Valley traffic investigators. The collision resulted in the death of 14-year-old Rick Gomez. A 26-year-old male suspect and his girlfriEnd, also 26, wEre arrested and booked inta the Spokane Count}, Jail, the, male on a I'elony count of Fatalit), Ilit and Run Collision and the female on a Second Degree Rendering Criminal Assistance charge. Dctectives seized their red-over-gray 1991 Jcep Cherokee from their homc on Mansf eld and detennined that it was the SUV that struck and k.illed Gomez on Novembcr 24 as he and three friends were walking northbound. on Flora Roaci. The driver fled the scene. Investigators collected paint chips and broken pieces of grill that night that later were - matched to the Jeep. Contributing to evidence leading to the arrest Was security vidEO . from a nearby conveiuence storE, along with inforniation from a tivitness located by Detective laon Manni.ng who supplied information about the ineident. ' Page 3 . / l . 2007 DECEMBER CRIME REPORT % Dec-07 Dec-06 07 Total 06 Total 05 ToWI 04 Total BURGLARY 58 5911 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 17 32 365 334 464 465 MAUCIOUS MISCHIEF 53 72 1,265 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 78 66 839 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 52 73 890 982 1,154 11665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 21 46 343 403 ' 333 .390 STOLEN VEHICLES 33 83 478 711 603 577 THEFT 127 169 1,881 1,888 2,256 2,853 UIOBC 0 2 8 11 8 10 VEHICLE OTHER 0 0 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 70 66 682 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 509 668 7,338 7,916 8,178 10,519 . ASSAULT 63 64 853 846 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 18 16 221 167 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 73 79 874 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 0 1 ' S 1 5 KIDNAP 2 2 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 27 46 350 425 425 386 Mp 6 6 83 88 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 101 83 1,337 1,159 1,256 1,624 ROBBERY 4 7 60 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 3 5 73 83 92 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 297 308 3,875 3,589 3,777 4,192 ' ADULT RAPE 1 5 43 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 13 5 104 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENC 4 8 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 1 4 3 6 4 ' INDECENT LIBERTIES 1 1 18 15 9 21 CHILD MOLESTATION 7 6 46 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 3 4 31 62 35 30 RUNAVWAY 18 151 295 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 10 12 194 203 181 162 STALKING 3 0 17 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 10 12 152 177 244 341 TOTAL SEX CR/MES TO 69 996 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 54 55 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 1 0 0 1 TOTAL 1SU 54 55 808 665 891 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS 307 296 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVE 1,237 1,396 16.817 16,582 16,357 19,962 . \ i % Cinmon 7 F~nkef 5ars5o n • ~ ~ --'~t L41 r ~ I ~ J~ ~ '1 Ivsr ~ K~ i r d ~ Laoru ti 9 +u~, a Eutm I s~ - - ~ ~l _ A¢~r~l,otx~ F ir ~w Rd ~ ~ t. , •~.~,w ~ ~ ~ 1 . T T_ ~oro ~ ~ j M 1jl T MLW~~~• , ~'~a n~~ uck}s i~:i: ~ •,n~,u, . ICro~ ' -Z~y' r I' _ rn~►- ~ .M.•.1~~N1 _ - _ ~ r 1 ~ . yi ' ~ ~r~ j ~ I itA1SI.Y+~ - , ~ ~Lpi1 hM 1_ 1 V 4iS•=ion SSIOnI idt) d0 tT- ~ine ,Bq 7 /y~ 1 l r.~ ~ ~c„ r~vrD • ~i ~ rd 7n f~ 4 h _6{t ° - _ - . - ( ~ilGi~i ~ q' ' ~I ~ i ~ : ' 7~F'~Ti IA~ Ll ° _ ~ ~ e ~ t i r-j~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ T+~ ~ _ ~2 ul ~F!; •7~~, I 1~ i I ~ N` ~1 - - ~ ~ilUtg t-FT --Iliin ~ ~ ~ iW ,.IS , E ~1~'r]_ ~ j,~~-~~ i - i ,34n ~ -1nu, L- ,5t ir ~ - - - t ~ • -1 Aih U ~r 25 ~I. th r , 4FT i I ~ 31u } ~ ~ ih•~i ~ .11 j~.{ _ 401~''i- O~Ib S ~ . F, ;1fi11~ . v 37U ~ ~'A~~ $Eolen I`' .~t-~3_ 7~~ Q ~ ~J- •'U `Ml~.'~ _ 3'44U1 o VB11iC10 Nac n _ O 11111111 LOW 1 . Md -fJ to- _ =Mc3dfum 11111111 High ° 06 2007 Nov & Dcc Stolcn Vehiclc Hotspots M~~~uced ,°'anuwy z°°" ~ L ~ gvn, ' ~ Z ~y J ' 'T ,l I~ j m u 1 I'U H~py T ; I = ~ Jg}`isy w 4.,1•._~ ~ ~1~.1 ~ R n r~ F 1 _ k Euad g e ~°FP ` - ` ~ ~lik • i~ ~I ( , Z- : ~ _ ~ ~ ~--r - - 1 ~,i • - Fr -GrIll - - 1 l~s1= ~ ~nlgon ~ i_ > ~ p~ oUr,~~. -f_ ~ ' . Ylis I - -Ie'-t ((nua T ti•. r Ma ~51 ~ ~i indiar 9-A r:1~ 1.T~.~- ! bllssivn ~yuc ~ ( ~ ~ J 11_ , i _ a. ~r ~ _ ~1 ~L f - i C~ ~ _ .r lylisLs~ien rnl It - m ' r ~ ~ i~ i ~ - W j ~ ~ - V-' ° Q" -AIY. ~ IUk p de a I - tv i4p LO~~! I , ~ F~~i~i~ ~ I-''1 -1 { li ~ i , . 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PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT December 2007 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: *Street Maintenance - Courrty Street Maintenance Interiocal • Street Sweeping - AAA completed the fall sweeping in November. • Street and Stormwater Mairrtenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. has stopped wor{cing during for the winter. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare has stapped working for the winter. • Vadoring CoMrad - AAA Sweeping is Geaning drywells. • Enginesring Services Support - AgreemerYts with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines 8 Trerrt) - WSDOT Iciterlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Irrterlocal • Safety Plan - Corrtrad witti CH2M Hill. Plan in final-draft review. WASTEWATER: • County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (E{S) fot their Wastewater Facilities Plan and oonducting the RRP process for a new treatment plant. The pubtic comment period for the Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL ended in November_ Ecology is aurrently reviewing the public comments. http:/lwww.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/trrldUspokaneriver/dissolved_oxygenfindex.html CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall Project Bemardo Wills PC - GGLO are conduciing the programming phase with City staff. They ara scheduled to meet with the City Council on January 12, 2008. • Valley Corridor Project ProJect on hold pending outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub Area Plan. • Street Master Ptan Consuttant presented phas8 1 01 the draft Street Master Plan report to Council on 17 Juty. Phase II presentation was he{d Octaber 16. Staff also presented to Council on November 7 an amendment to JUB's carnract to update the Street Master P1an for 2008. • PineslMansfleld Spokane County Right of Way agents are c;flntinuing work on the acquisition process, negotiating with tha two remaining praperty owners without acquisition agreements in place. The final projed cost es6mate is now $5.378M. Additional funding was requested from TIB on 26 Dec 2007. Tte project is currently schedu{ed to advertise for bids in February 2008 witfi construction scheduled to begin in Apnl 2048. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschiriey to Hodges Bids for the projed were opened on September 28t'. Knite RV--:-C was 3'JvarCc:d 'ne pro~~ct as ;he low bidder for $4,565,859.95. The projed is schedulEd for an early March start • Barker Raad Bridge Project Design is at 97% complete. Right of way funds wera released from WSDOT in November, and an offer to purchase the only section Qf nght-of-way required was sent in lete December. This project is scheduled to advertise in February 2008 with co+lstruciion scheduied to begin in April 2008. Architec#ura) enhancements have been approved by Counai; working with afist and consultarrt designer to incorporate into final design. Shoreline Development Pennit public heanng was held on 20 Dec 07, with a decision expected in early January. CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overlay Project Project complete. Projed closeout has begun. • Barker Road Project Project complete. Punch list complete. Projeci closeout to begin. • Veradale Heights Sanitary Sewer Project Project complete. • Vera Terrace Sanitary Sewer Project Projed comptete. Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 9096 comp{ete with a bid date scheduled for 2008. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co Con;'ruC•.ion began on Jijly 9, 2007 The prolect is approximately 75°r6 complete • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knffe Rrver Co Construction began on .lune 5, 2007 7 t,e pro)ect is approximately 60°io comptete TRAFFIC: • Began developmertt of peak hour timing plans for the Evergreen corridor from I-90 to Sprague. • Began working on a Local Road Plan to plan out locations af future residential streets to improve conneciivity and enable better infill development. • Worked on new traffic impad study and access management guidelines with Community Deve4opmeM staff. • Energy use Is being tracked to measure the impact of LED instaflations at signals_ November data shows a 28% reduction in use. • 18 New citizzen requsstslcomplaints were received via phone and email. These typically invalve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concems, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights. 'ra`ric count requests, and parlcing issues STORYWATER: • Neariy finished updating the stormwater tax rolls for 2008. • Working with DOE to register existing drywelis with GIS_ • Worfcing on end of year data and creaking accomplishments map. STREET b STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACT(VITY: STREET: Through the end of December private contrads invoiced $1,566.103 and ihe County invoiced $1,537,524, for a 2008 total Sb-eet Mairrtenance cost of $3,103,827. STORMWATER: The County invoiced $8,419 and private contracts invoic.ed $721,113, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $729,532. The overall iotal for 2008 was $3,633,159. Year end totais for Street and Stormwater Maintenance Private and County Comparison s~,soe.oao - - 1 s+,sae,to3 s,,aon.oD) ~ s~ a~o,p~~, ! - - - - - - - i P.L')xU-0a - - - - ieoo= ; - - - irtt,ut- - - ~ ~ ~ sax.r.~ - - - i?DO'OD ~ - - - - 1 cs.d s,c ~t`~r A Se g~P~♦o` Q 4°, December, 2047 Pubiic Works Street Maintenanoe. A. Spokane County, District #4 went into full Wirrter Maintenance Operations for the City of Spokarte Valley. They have been applying de-icers, plowed arteriats and winter Pothole maintenance/repair. B. City of Spakane Valley Public Works persannel worked winter Pothole maintenancelrepair. s 1 090^ T 'okane Capital Improvement Projects 2006 i 2007 PROJECTS PropoNd Estimabd Msipn CansirucUoa 2006 12007) Totsl PrvJect Cost FuntBrtp Raad Conslructloo Proocts P►ofsc! Locatlon 8W Date CwnVNNon Dab ComplMe Compble Fundinq :itP(U) Aryonne Roaf Ovarfay Inciiarw Avenue to Montpomory Aveswo Mar-00 E/1107 100'K 100% i 316.6W i 376,600 Road Ooflpn PrvWAs T1BICMAQ PYuslMnnsfield ProJed Wlbur Rd. to Pfnca Rd.. Plnes lo 190 Feft-08 W1106 95% 0% i 1.032,015 i 5,378.377 5-TPM Mpio►ay A,rern,e RecomUn,caon T.a*ler Ra. to Hoaoes Rd. sep-a7 eruoo 100x ou $ 009,000 $ e,099.568 f3R flarter Rood E3rkdya ftePUKamew Elarker Rd. al Spokme Rlver Jan-oE 12l1419 95% 0% s !lUO, to1 s 10.00o.000 Sowor Prqocb Criy Veredale Heiplds - P2vo6aE* VaUoyway to Misaion. Ever9ieon to Iklattes Mar-UO WiN7 100% 10096 i 430.258 S 430.156 G!y Vera Terraoe - Pavobsck 2nd to 71ti, Lvorqreen 1o tiumM May-00 5r1107 1007L 10094 f 341.261 $ 341,2Ga Gty Spaldinps - Powbeck kndiana YVesl d Mortipamay MaY-47 1111107 90% 0% i - $ C;+ty GnuMfvigw Acros - PavAbadc Apr•07 611107 100'!4 609L $ - f - City ironhvood - Pavubacc Apr07 Cd11U7 100% 75% 5 S - Ptannlnp Proicls 5fP(U) VAlloy Corridor Envuonmenlal Study Uruvttisily to Appleway nln Jurr-07 U`IL o"h ~ - s - S"TT'(U) Vetley Couplct - f'tuloC1 2 UIqVQl81ty IU L-YCt010L11 U'Ya U ti Tobl S 3,626.236 i 22.666.060 f N(U) - Surfaco Traiuporta4ian Prupram (Urban), t IU - TransWatalwn Improvernr~~l tloaid. E3RAL - Undqe Rnptac.amanl lkivisory Commitloo, COQG - Commurwty Devolopmorrf Hlock G►anl PM{iram CfAAO - Conpcslnxi Mar►apamenUAh OueiNy Proptam; !~fA :,poAano TransN Aulhunly Dec : m[nicbun Nru,acts i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ^ DECEMBER 2007 MONTHLY REPORT j ~ LONG RANOE PLANN/NG: Planning Commission The Spokane Vafley Ptanning Commission met onoe dunng th8 month of December. The Planrnng Commission conducted its annual electbns. The Planning Gammission elected lan Robertson to the seat ot Chair and Fred Beaulac to 1/ice-Chair. The Planning Commisslon atso said good-bye to two founding member5, 8ob Blum and Oavid Crosby. We thank ihem for their hme and serviae to the City through our first fout yeats. SpraguelAppteway Revitalization Plan Statf is devaloping a public educaEion pmgram that YA7) begin in mid-January. The first forum +nnll ba January 18, at 7:30 am. wnth another foflowing on January 23'' at fi 00 pm City Certter Project C{earPath, LLC, contnues negotiations wntfi the University City property owners on the west side of University Avenue. Stafl has worked Gosely with FTB and the Spokane County Library Disirici in creaUng a mastef plan for tt►e west s►de and Bob Gibbs is prepanng a marketing package to deliver to potential developers_ CTEO Reglonal Collaboration Grant CD Stafi participated in meetings, reviewed work programs and coordinated wrth the Finance Department in support af the Regional Collaboration Grant process_ CURRENT PLANN/NG: Revenue for the Planning Department for the montti of December was $10,442. 2007 Ptanning Revenues uo,ooo s~o,ooo - - c~o,ooo - . - - - - - • i2D,000 f ~ 0,000 f0 - .tan FeD Aar Aprt hdy Aria Ju1Y AuD Sapt Oct Nrn Dx O Ibvwxw 2D[f7 oLFbvmnue 20b6 6 Faevarwe 2005 Page 11 of 7 I City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development ~ ~ December 2007 Monthiy Report ! During the month of December, Planning Drvision staff conducted 5 land use preapplication meetings and processed 51 home profession permits, 1 temporary sign permit and acoepted appiications far boundary line adjustments, preliminary and final short plats, and preliminary and final subdivisions. 3 public hearings were conducted by tfie Hearing Examiner in December. Planning Divisbn staff also reviewed and approved 3 commerdal buiiding permits, conducied 12 commercial pre-application meeGngs received 1 new permit application, answered 273 phone calts in tfie perrnit center, and helped 194 customers at the counter. 2007 Pertnits lssued eo - I - 4 D - - ~ 20 ; EL 0~ .kan Feb Nbr AP► NlY .AJ ' Aup Sap I Oct Pby Omc ~ p 2pp7Y 57 I 13 18 I~ 19 20 16 16 1 te B 8 11 i ~ 2004 44 ~ 25 1 38 34-32 ~ 23 32 36 24 , 27 ~ 19 I 50 ~ 2ppgl 41 , 28 1 18 I 34 21 19 I 6 . 22 72 i45 39 38 2007 New Land Use Actlons d'J 30 , n0 10' - - - - ~ I (I I --M ; Jm fab IMV iA6Pr MY An JJ A4 Sep Oct t+bv Oec ~K=:2 2pQ7 16 27 17 12 I tB - 15 9 . 11 19 , 17 1~ i ~ zooa ; zo ie ao ,s 25 -1-zo » I 19 j 9 ~ 2W5, 15 I 22 20 ~ 24 I 18 1 33 1 28 17 ~ 17 2B ' 18 2)-- BU/LDING DMS10N: The Building Dept revenue for December was $58,382 2007 Bupoing Re.wsnuss s~oo.ooo ~o2na7 tt.,.rx. s~,aar - - - s,~.oa~ F- o2DOe Rwx~ue, f100.000 v 2m5 Rerrwi! - , ~ - 10 - rl-qA a :rrnc bYr ♦;ir hbM l" .LY/ Ac+O Sepl P~ I'Ay• :a Page 2 Of 7 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development December 2007 Morrthly Report ~ The BuilCing Oivision issued 174 peRnits in Oeoember 2007, camparEd wiih 213 for the same period last year. I 2M cO"titucnoN Mwrrs - - -J ~ _ co co Aoo - - - - _ " - i A ' ~ in r~ M ~rr ,r. I av ~-a +a an w. u'_-+ mr ~•w rs n4 ~ ss 451 s+ s s ON m ~ ae r4 ~■.~~.w a m fo ~ s+ m ~ ~v fa ~t Tr :+o ~ - ~ Fc-w ~ rr~J~.-- - , • - :as c~ xrR •.t* c c m I ns_ _ a 2007 Naw StructursW nks Permltled - - - - 80 w . - I 40 t ~ x - - - o n Jin Feb Mtar IIpr MaY ' hus .Ah Au9 Sept Od Nov Oec , . . . . . - - - G Mww / d 2 Owd4nq Urrts 211 32 S! 59 75 46 ts 30 48 67 23 12 - ~ ~ ■ Myltl.11iM4 llnrit - 1- 0 0 0 0 D 3 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 1 0 ^ New ppmmamIat g;•uctures - t 6 t 11 s 6 11 5 U 11 2 S The reported value of construction, Inciuding new sVuctures and additionslatteration is shown in the followMg chart, comparing these vatues with 2006. New value for December 2007 totals 53.924,855 , 20a7 vahtalion ot corsbuction "amo mo [35.000 rtr WAOG . . oD:, tan ooo.ooo , - I~- - s a~ooe weu.em L1004mD - - I - S - . (.M cib w Aa OW y.W -Aft Aw s.a on ►ar aOC Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Vailsy Department of Community Davelopment December 2007 Montfily Report I In December 2007, building inspectors parformed 861 inspectbns in 19 days_ This averages 45.32 inspections per day. The Ptans Examiners reviewed 66 projects in December 2007. At the end of DeCember, there were 38 projects awai!ing r?view Lowes was issued a Certifica'e cf Or,cupancy in December. 2007 Bwid+ng Inspectiona ~ - - - - - - i--l-_[]- LTr LT- ~ - - - ~I .n ,.W _ W H. M. ..,M .y .Up , se! m w. oe ' • I --~~o7tio.cna~ nr w •tu ,ue +rt, ,W ~sa is~a t »r~za w ruiQ~oo~wr.~. p0 j rtb j wn fCA i rtllj tar l,m ,a11 tHi ~ s=t L nol an we k, w ri wo ~w esi ~n ios~ looa i esi ne • - - • There were 69 righi-of-way inspeciiorts performed during tfie month of December 2007 Seven over-;he- counter petmits were issued in the montfi oi Qecember; one uas issued in the month of Novembar. CODE COMPLIANCE: The number of 'Violations Reported' on the foliowing chart reflecl.s actuai Spokane VaUey Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received which were not viotations. The complaints received are added to thA total because they reflect Gme officers spent in the fietd corxlucting investigaGans. In addition, the "Investigated' and 'Pending' columns accurately reflect Caie Compliance's current ability to process and investigate backlog cases The following chart provides a monthly companson of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. Violations are reported based on tfi►e pnmary campiaint received, rather than the number of additional viotations identified on any individual premcses. The investigation of a comptaint of junk vehicfes, for exampla, might also resuft in identfication of additional vblations such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestock. These are not included in thz summary. A total af 38 new complaints were processed In December. Code Compllanco Files 20a7 i too - - - - ya o ,li~' ; O6 07 07 l77 01 ~Ji 07 47 07 07 oT 07 r---- - ■ V{oln6ons Repotte0 ' 31 30 58 78 71 I 60 I 53 71 60 78 68 35 21 • AbayerneMS 30 14 I 18 82 42 48 51 87 42 49 55 24 38 I ❑ Flle Transfers _ 2 0 2~l 0 ~ 10 0 6 2 I 21« 0~ 2! 7 I ■ Pendln9 Rles 38 1 45 60 61 I 88 25 I47 46 56 63 58 . 80 a Vfoladons Repated 0 AbetemerNS ❑ FIIe Transfers s Per►dtnp Fles I , Page 4 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development December 2007 Monthly Report The Spokane Vai{ey Police Departrnent, in conjunction with SCOPE, has raquested the assistance of Code Compllance in idenUfying junk vehides abandoned within tt►e right-of-way. SCOPE volunleers tag the vehides. Vehides which have not b8en maved by the tdbwing Friday are towzd. A,ctivity is oonsotldated into the fotlawing six categories: Environmental (sewer/sep:ic, cntical areas, animal and nuisance viotations); Property (Right af Way, praperty use, dangerous building, landlordftenant, il{egal business and signage viofations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid waste, illegal dump+ng, and household waste violations); C{earview Triangle and Complaint - No 1/~iolation. 2007 Code Violations by Cat,egory 100 80 ~ - - - - ~ 60 - - - - - - 40 - - - - • 20 - ~ ~ 0 '~.,n-07 I Fe"7 Mair-o~ 1Aar-a7 i ~ " I.~,-o7 .,~s-07 - ~ ' oa-a7 ' o"°"i' a - I 0 Oprtphtt( - Np Violdbn 11 ~ 5 7 10 ~ t c 10 3 I 5 10 I S 3 2 a So1d Wasle I 7 11 15 13 13 10 1 16 ' te ~ 17 20 7 4 0.1unk Au1o e p~ o o I ti ' 11 15 ~ 13 ~ 6 1 ■ Q:u ViDw Trwgls 1 1 3 2 I 7 ~ 5 e 4 4 1 ja f}pperty 0 30 1 41 31 i 1D 18 26 21 28 20 4 6 ~o e,rror,~,ra~ i o o I e 4_ s i1 1 s ~ o 0 Page 5 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development December 2007 Monthly Report DEVELOPMENT ENGlNEER/NG Tha Devebpment Engineers processed 19 files in december. Some signrficant files are 4 aomrnerciat applicatiorts, Bunker Bidgs., River View Corpotats Center, McVay storage shed, Huber Trailers, Third Slreet ConSO+'tium, eight commercial pre-application files were reviewed, ihree land use pre-apps, ono subdivision of 68 lots, and two short subdivisions. - - - ~ ~ - I I - ~ ■ Binding SitL Plan ■ Boundary Line Adjustment D Change of Use ❑ Commercial ■ Commercial Pre-Apps o Conditional Use Permit ■ Final Subdivision Q Land Use Pre-App ■ Rezone ■ Short Subdivision o Street Vacation CUSTOMER SERV/CE Planning The planning staff assisted 194 walk-m customer at tt►e counter and handled 272 custorners' iNuires by phone in the pecmii center Building: Permits The following table summarizes the perfornanr_a of the Permit Center for those permits enterzKi in !he PLUS System, measu,-ed irom the time ttiat the 2pphca:ion ts deemed "couniar-complete" to the tinie ?hat a permit is issued Page 6 oF 7 I City of Spokane Valiey Department of Community Development ~ December 2007 Monthly Report Corrmetoal TimefrarTr: Surtr.ary Submktal to lssuasue Dec-07 C O a Va1ua ~ g ~ ~ s NEW CONSTR11CT10N I OuNdkng t 5678.876 00 203 203 203 Stnictxe 2 S322,230.00 64 18 119 REMODEL Induahiel BuIkS' 1 7800 1 1 1 6Aeccantiie 8 973000 41 2 126 O'ficeProfessmona! 5 ~ 338151 ' 12 t ~ 50 Values shown are those on which Plan Chsck and 8uilding Permit fees are based. The chart includes average, minimum and maximum times. The Permit Center has been tracking tumaround for Right of Way Permit AppUcatfons and the faxrd Mechanical and Plumbfng Pemlit Applications. At present the City responds to aPplkcations wtthin 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day. Pern►its for those application types are generaUy issued within two days Buiiding: Inspections Inspections are conduCied tt►e day (ollowing the inspectm rtqussi except for weekends and hofidays. Code Compliance All preliminary investigations are cnnducted wdhin 24 hours except thase received on Friday whicfi are investigated befora the end of tha next business day. Pertnit Cenber Thera were no surveys retumed dunng tha month of Deczmber Pago 7 of 7