2008, 09-30 Study Session AGErDA C'I'I'Y' OF SYUkA\F: VALLEti' CITI' C'OtTNC'[L WORkSHEET STUD1' SESSION Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCQ. CHAMBER5 11707 Cmt Spragur Avcnue. Flrat F1oor (Plcase Sileore Your Cr!! P6oars Dur{ag thr Airetiag) D15ClJSSinti LEADER St`ImC`t/aCTiVI"Ty' GOAL l. Chris R.iinbridge' Grcg Uocument Imngink Updnt,t niscussinn!InfoRnntian Bingaman Cowtcilinr►nhcr Gi)LIlR18f1f1 P.inhandling Cumitiittee [Zep:?rs [)i;cussion'Informalion ? Maynr Munson Spnkanc TranSit Autttarity Yisicming Vickc> niscus>1cmInf7rmnti011 Scutt Kuhtu 5prugur.Apple«.i~ Kevitalizutiun Plun 1)~,cu:sit~n'lh:lihcr.~ti~,n liook 11, Dtvrlopnicnt Rcszulatian; Matior Muns.,n AclN anccAgcnda Uiticus~i~.m'Int~~rrnatiun h M;i~,sr l\lunsun C(}U11C1l C}1Cck-111 L)ItiCUSslilll II1toiiT1C1(IoH! Ua%c Mrrcirr Cit\ NIatiapcrCalmmrrtt. T)i~ru.~ic~u."Infl7m~atiurt A[)JOlIlt1 .Notr. l, ntesa otherwise aotnl a tiove, there will be nu publlc conon►enti at ('ouncil 5tudy 5essiu" HnNevrr, ('ouncii ulMnyc resen e, Ihe right to reqoexi iatnrmaticia irom tAc publk aad siaRas apprnpriote. Chiring mming• hdd b% ihc ciey orsix)kat►e voncy C«un<<+. iIic Council ncscr.es the righc tu takc "naJon" wn ar►y tttm listed at aubsaluauly acldcd ta tlx sgerr&. llu urm'octian" mcnm to ddibcrntc_ Jiscuss, rcvicw, cnn.vidcr, cvalunu, or makc a cullaYivc posidvc or ncptivc daisfea Ni:!TICF Indmdce►s pJamntg w attcad the mcctmg Ntw requcnc spxia! esusinorc to accaaomod+ta rhysKal. Noain& ar oiba im{aa~ PIeYec wnuct thc c'itN Clcrt n(<N 192 I-1 NY- xs s.xm rs rk-miNs so ikn urairrmcrrti mei bc mndc ~l~uh •.~.~n ^,~.Ct~db, ti:p7C:tlbcr i!';+fcy 1'+i~;r I 01 I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Document Imaging Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council goal for 2009: °Complete records indexing and phase in a document imaging system City department by City department, with the goal of . achieving city-wide implementation in 2010." BACKGROUND: City Clerk Chris Bainbridge and IT Specialist Greg Bingaman will give an overview of the status of the Laserfiche implementation process. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: General Government (Dept 90) $500,000 was appropriated in 2008 for "Records Nlanagement" and $400,000 is allocated in the 2009 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Chris BainbridgelGreg Bingaman ATTACHMENTS: - _AF; VPCI (`'P Consulting, Inc. ) and Laserfiche ~'Pt.! C~cxk:bt~ Leserlfche InstihRe DrvuQht handa-on traatlnp thru VRCI's 80 Mnual Uaerwortcahwg SaRt 8-12 VPCI: f{cxna EuQene Orepon > Speoialize h aiectrwtiic documar+t sohrlfona , They deeipn and fmplemaM docurtem imsglnq. doaurneret nunagement b tecords maragsrt+WK adutbns for w/de veAery oi poverrnnant, oortvneroisl 8 irxknUial dierzta. i V}K:I Wcr1_+hcp VPCt. Stsndardi:sd on lisvtSdit produds as U+eir o" oftmg . laNrbd+o Is very smisols. m+fipurade aadsptaDle ► Their IoWs On LMerfiClw hss Ryde 1Mm ep&t! kt v&at Liuerfidw doM b" ► Wafiche doos nol *M AtfCt wsd b no4 Nt up to support diam dkectly . 1asor11clw ►M a saonp buwir+ea+s Pwt+ersfilP wo VPCI and he" bw i pirkler slnCe 1 D43 ► VPI."1 Valninp b bundW intD Uw senAaes, wd trxkdM Irairtinp han the gcarussr operator In tt+e tyffus► admwdsvgw ► VPG wa nqlonsl, wamsn-ownecf businsp wMh omWwm in custorw eervin. and oorn+rutted !o our ~ ~~t=1 R'ec~!iic%• haw to bem configure 8 mafitain the systam • deteUed overview of Archkechue ' • how canponents Communicate with each ather ~ strateyiat hx Ustalpnp. -y con6purine 8 maintafrilnp systLml • trouGleahoottnp probkrm end backfnp up Mlamstion N'P(CI wacls6oQ • IntroducUon to Laserfiche B .a A now sanrer archttecWre makea it more flexible, scelable, snd custofftzsbla 3 Errtsring and editinfl fields Entedng multitude vaHables Into fielda to narrow the search . Netwarklnp opportunity met emplayeas hom Thurston Courtty (the plggybackee) ~ a Ltnking GIS to Laserfiche u Map fuzion: dipttal meppnp. oomRaLble with ESRI, Gaae map shows paroets, sdds Isyers and can ssaocisle dats to aII map elements by SNcing to atl Lnserfiche dowrnents o PtAt up a perael ad link It to permlta, deeds. tax stelementa, Invoices, etc ~ u Ur►Ilmfted rxsrsber of poeslble layers Scanninp wfth FuJitnu Scanners Wfde rsr►Qt d scanners; fiom Isrye, lorqer, heavier, card, maps, !o smell dsWop LerVe: 300 ppm; dalty t 6,000 (we are purcAaeirV 2) 2 NTn a•«"hT . Intro to Duftlc Fdda Opetatbn a FWd provide rernOte sCanninp CapebiqNss a Di1a entrsdion tools tlW Can be uwd ID sutomsticaay indsx 6 file doaunenla In Lseefiche • $rispew o PrtntMg 6 uann" a waste of t~ns: eMDy Pri►t doaimeft dlreotly frrio Las . Recofds ManagemerTt n FrmWnp racords (ptRtlnp Qwm on hold) ~ A'read only" audK Irall (ptkrhbb) o Shows when des?royed v fEeoord ~paltv~fee - bY~onttyp~e . Aeende Manager, a ptaoe to submit all items u Can rranne muhipb meellnpa e Cualomizable/edlabb ttems suDmiu(on lam : Typs at worktlow proaes: Indudes ad ettschmerAs :I Final doaanent doee q se wlth one dick N'PCI Qlurksh<q, . DaU WriUr - the Nagk Psn " u An opUon iw the futu~: ussd and wlth DaL NeR: comroAs ha~~~~.~, ,q ~A ~9R1: u Compbts lorms In hatmdMrclHng -hiiu in uI4 fietd; upon return ta work, "dxM" ttw p!n and It captures !ho dita and camp4lrs the fam. . Toolkit the abiiity !o Entegrabe alhW apPllcaGoro ws use throughout ths ciry, end allows us to'pult' data from tt+s other apptication and ellmknats duplkats date srttry . WorkflQw: needa enaEysit for Oepartments as ae po. City Clerk, Flnance, HR 3 VV(_! lL'cxkshup V'I(1T':F.NT . IT Purcheses Server • OveraU Employee Tralnlrig: Irttro to L.aserfiche - lets Octobedesrty Nov. 2008 . Hlre two, temporary, full time tempa to scan documents vu9th purdtesed scmnners (300 ppm) - late October/earty Nov. 2008 • VPCI Cansultnnta Arrive for Set up and Training - late Octoberlearty Nov, 2008 • Set up document acanning stations: one near Deputy City Clerk; one in Cortference Room off Receptlon Area (ar otlier locatfon) PU WueLsbol, 8an doaat+u»a in hwrrart li+eu wecr ta :t+a, ..se = er:nvt Son psr.nn anOr aOctvm Nn - ~rJMh 6un and ArCw* Uty Gaz0 doarnrb rMOluCo/r oNlronoas Corxaas ni+Aa 4 snaw'i OommMfr rwoL .ndon. a pL,orauon ro.- m.. (.nre norw, mn.ilrarl. .wcc.s pwrrtimor covd~tlm mnW Bo.ndQy Ibvler 8ooe ooaenares OppmuivY Twrnnlp Ftr Prtu OMt* Esnnom. W athw Fseorded Doarnsrn OihOt 6f/nrnlpM \'F'CI Wcxtehtp • Scan & erchive Finence Dept Documents: Financ.ial Management Polky p8st and wrrent budgets Compreheneive Annual Finenaal Reports Flscel and PerEoRnance Audtts Outslde Agency Grant Requests HotellMotel Grent Requests 4 Vf'f_1 Roci:shcp • Sean 8 Ardlirre HR Doaumentw Empioyee Berwft a Empbyee Marwal * Paet " preesnl anrn,al satary schedulas u AYVC Rdmin GuiOe tr 8enstfls 3 Job DEecriptlorss • Porttlon DeaafpGon Hlstory Filse a VaAOUS non-secxs Abe- F{islory/lpuss, ebc. ~'PC 1 R'ark~uF' Moving Down tlie road. . . . _~~~~t►'_' Adding other depa+tments: . Admin . Lepel . Parlca d Rec . Public Works . Community Oevetopment VFCl VGaciuhap - Putting thc picces cogechcr ~ 5 -~`CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ 'Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Panhandling Committee Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council Establishment of a Panhandling Committee BACKGROUND: Councilmember Gothmann will give an update on the worlc of the Panhandling Committee. ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint l _ / Pa.nhandling Comnuttee Final Report to Council Sept. 26, 2408 II7ti'odllCl:lqL1 'I'he Panliatlciling Cornmittee was given the ta.sk of investigating pauhandling, looking at research and Nvhat other cir.ies are doing, ancl give a~r.ecanuuenclation to Council. Thc CoLnmittee The.Panhandling Coinmittee cousisted of: Bill Gothmann, Chair Connie Nelson Rosc laempsey, Councilmember Joc Schutz Maggie Crabtrec lan Robertson Cathy 'Nieet " We wer.e ably assisled by Todd Babcock., Kesearch fluAlyst of the City of Spokane. Colncil Meniber Odi.n Langford from i.,iberty T ake was able to al•tend one of our m.eetings, also. The Cocnmittee met seven times: June 12, June 26, Jiily 15, July 29, Augiist S, and August 12. Wc heard from Spokane Val1Ey F'olice, oiir Spokane Valley Attorney, Spokaiie Vallcy Partners, and tl.ie CiCy of Spokane. VVe also researchecl wtiat other citics are doing, and Deparlnlent o.f. Jusiice publications on panhandling. k'a.nhandline in Snokane Va11cv 1. I°irsr of all, paullandling is a pratecteci act of fiee sPeeeh. 2. 1he typical panhandlcr is unemployed, unrnarried, has a substance abitse problem anci is N(7T horneless. 3. Cn general; homcless people do not panhancile and panhandlers aze not homcle5s. 4. We heard ihat there is an 80/20 rulc. That is, 80% of panliaudlers do it to'suppo:rt drug and alcohol ha.bits, and 20% hawe gcnui.ne needs. 5. Sanie have mcntal problems G. Many have crinlinal recozds. HowEVer, there arc no funds to ship thcm back to where warrants are outstanding. 7. IVlost choose to pan.ltanclle Uecause it makcs good eco.nomic scnse to them 1?a.nhandlers come to Spok.aue Valley via car or bus to panhandle because it is inore lucrative tian oxher IocatiUns. They rcturn to their hames at nigit. T.)uring ilie day; they have llop areas «+here they rest and relax, resulting in ruoiunds of trash and hurn~i wasle. 9. The area around \Val.mart is onc ofthc most lucrative forpanhandlers. 10. Spokane Valley receives Daily Police Service calis from bitsinesscs such as: a. Toys R. Us b. Ross c. The Strip mall at Wal-mart d. I"he Manager o,f the Chevron near lhe Mirabeau I-Iotel - c. Thc vianager of Valley Ma11 11. The Wal-mart iQCation is such a valuable location tliat panliandler.s wqrk in shifts under xn informal ab-eement with each olher. Unfortunatcly, siuce the populatinn. of paiiliandlers is uncier the influence, the i.n.fonnal protc>eol is frcqucntly violated, resulting in many fights arid officer ca,lls to the location. EXAMPLE OF A PAV EIANllLE.l2: Cha:rlie Charlie is a Wliit:e nnale, a convictecl felon with a long record havuig four outstauduig wacimts, one of Nvluch i.s an autstanding felony. He also has a felony 17epartmcnt of Corrcctions escape warrant. IIe is a li:fe long alcoholie aad lives at the fZed Lion Inn in Spokanc. Sometunes he lives ,~vikh bis ,~vrife in the West c;eneral iNeighborhood. He has a solicitor's license froni Spol:ane that enables him to sell [hings an the strect. He calls his "enterpilse" "Cardboard Fxpretisions." He lakes the STA to Spokaue Valley to pali.handle vvhere3 he claims to ea-n S30=45 per hoar. "1"o quotE Un, "A11 the pretty woulen i.n tlleir 30's and 40's give me $20 bills." The Solution The solutian to panhanclling is threc-fold: 1. Fxamine ardinances tca give police the tools they necd for enforcement 2. Re sure to provide links to social services fpr lhosc with genuine nccds 3. 1'ro-%ide a coiYUnututy education program to discaurage citizens frorn giving to : pa.nliandlers and encourage them to give to causes that Provide genuine help to - those ul need. Ord'uiznces Present laws make it illegal to aggressively pwihanclle. Llnf4rtunately; when such a case ocetirs, police are called anci the victim usually does not press c•liarges, and policc are forced lo celease the ofFentlr;r. _ F'resent laws also prohibit interference with trafflc. However, the offender usually . igndres the licket. Property owners also can prohibit pauhaudliub on their o"u property. PUlice have arresteci panhandlcrs claiming to bc veterans when ttiey were not. Committec Tlecommendations: 1'he Committee recouunends C4uncil considcr adding lhe foUowiug ordinances: 1.. Prohibit panhandling withi.n 100 (eet of an A"1'iVt, a bus scop, a tra£fic signal, or a freeway entrance. 2. Prohib.it panhandling ou med.iaris. 3. Prohibit motorisis and passengers from giving «jliile in a trafCc lane. 4. Prohibit bcing druni~ iu public. There is an RC;1~l~, but «re need an or.clinance, also. Social Services There are presenUy many social serviccs available in Spokazie Valley: Spokanc Valley Partncrs, Meals on Wheels, 2 Hands, anci others. Committee Recommendations ~ Thc Conunittee recomm.ends therc be a card and woode.n itickel program. The carcl would be givcn ta xhose in need lo iudicale whcre services are available. The wooden iuckel «voiild entitle the person with needs to a frec mea.L and Free clothing at a clothing banc. This Nvauld also put the person in contact with social services to meet the.ir needs. Public F-ducafion - A public educaciou prpgram is needed ro inform the public about where tliey could give gifts khat will make a r.eal difference. This cnuld use such media as poster.s, web site, radio, and newspapers. Cities guc;ti as Tacoma, Denvcr, Fortland, Seattle, and other.s have panhaudler prevention programs. `'Ve stiouldu't try to reinveut the wheel. Anr.horagc ha,s initiatives that consist of some ordinance changes, a web site, posters that businesscs place in their wintlo«,s, and a wooden niekel program. It was uutially funcied by a small miuiicipal grant. Dpnated medial expertise cceatcd the posters atid the web • site. Ic continues to be run at a relatively low cost. Spokane Valley's prograui could consider such media as radio, TV, newspape.rs, and oth.ers. lt would, however, requirE participat,ion by a broad segrnent of our comrnuauty. ~ / Committee Recommendations T'he Com.ruittee r.ecom.niencls we farrn a Panhandling Action Network (PAN) cousisting of businesses, service clubs, service providcrs, faitli coiruntuuty, asicl a media dircctor. Tt would'not be directed Uy the City, and woulci be fundcd by husinesses anci the City. They would plmi fuid execute the public educ:ation. program. ' . ~ummary , The Commitlee believes we nced this thrcc-prong effort to reduce pa.nhandling: • Some additional ordi.nances • A couununity services 1'ui.k fron-i secvices to thoSe who need the services • A community education progracn. Rcspcctfiilly Subm.itted, Bill Gothnidnn, Chair ~ P. The Commlttee ■ Retommendatians ~ : . . . _ - - Panhandling Committee . Maggie cra5aee . Cattry Neet • Corinle Nelson . lce Schutz • km RoGeltson t • lw • R06C DCrt1p'9L'y . 44% ■ 9111 Gothmann . Tadd Baboock„ Oty of Spokane Meetings ■ MeC 7 tlmes ■ Heard hom ~ - Pdke - tPgal (two umes) - Sodal sesvla - Sv vartrxxs - What Spoicartie !s doing PThe Problem Passible Solutiorts i . ~ ~ The Typical Panhandler - - . ts unemp}oyed - . Unmarrled ■ Has wbsbnce abuse problem 4 . ls NOT homeEess ■ 809'a/20% rule ~ Panhandlers . Some have mental problems I■ Mamr have aiminal records ■ Most choose to panhandle because it I makes s-~nse to them r Example: Charlie . Mte male I. corn►k:ted rdon wia, la,y record - FoLr outstandlng warrants - A febny - lbw mbdaneatxors - Felony oepc. a convdJmu Esceve vvaffarit I Chariie . Life Iong alcahotic ■ Uves ai Red Uon Inn in Spokane - Sometlmes Uves wltt► his w+fe In West Gmttal NelghbOrhoOd ■ Has a solidtors Haense, "Cardboard ExPressiorts" . TakQS STA Oo Spokane Vailey Charlie . Averages $30-40 per hour in SV I."All tfie pretty women In their 30's and 40's give tne 20 ddlar bi11S° . Wa!-Mart and Valley Mail are mabt lucratjve spots Sullivan Area Problems . Stianng comers and violence • Dally PoIfCE Servire c-alf , - Toys R Us - Ross ~'~;j( 2CJILe , - SVip mall at W - ChCUI'Dn nea r' t r•, . - Manager at b' Three Parts of Solution I. Tools for Law Enforoement . Unks to Social Servlces . Community Eriucaiion ..d. . I. Law Enforcement Tools Now In p#ace ~ . Prohibit aggressive panhandlfng - Coerce or frighten into submtssion or i t c Aggressive Panhandling . It Is a problem - Case I: Panharder stts In car seat - Case 2: Panharxiler o6struds movement ■ Po1ke cannot artrst without a complalnt Also Presently In Place . Prohibit obstrudion of vehide traffic . Property owners can proNbit panhandling ■ False daim to be a veteran prosecuUed ■ Problem with ticket)ng E ~ ~ Law Enforoement Tools CommitLee RecommendaNons I . Pldoe ResVkboRS - Wltfiln 100 feet af ATM, bus stnp, traffic Signal, trerwaY ecsd'anoe - On medwns . Prohiblt moGarists and passengers from giving while fn a traff'rc lane . Orunk in public ~ - j II. Available Services I . Spokane Valley Partners . Meals on Wheefs . 2 Hands - organization for requesting asslstanc=, , . OtherS _ . i ~ . - ~ New Sacial Service Link . Card and wooden nkkei - Good for tood - Good for dotliln,:: - Makes connectic - Selling pmblem? ' - - ~ ~ III. Public Education i • Web Sitr - - - •i ~ • POSt=," = ■ Radi, "Uff - r~~ a1 Cities With Programs . Taooma . Denver . Ptxtland . SeattSe . OtheCs . Dont reinven[ the wheel Anchorage Program . some ondinanae a,anges ■ Only Web Site and Posiers ■ Wooden nidcd program ■ Irdtial munidpal funds ■ Donated medla experttse ■ Very bw oost operation Web Sibe . arK:,orage . ~ \ ► r I Y ~ (iC~:f/Gt8!~qCfORhZDettef3.±dSkd-O~ Posters ~ I , tl - i Posters - - - - . ~ - If4N E E{dK%E,~ ~ E~ ER Pasters I h ! =~Z Other Media for SV . Radb , . Television . MewspaPers . Other medla forms How to Get Started • Form a Panhardting Acbon Networlc (PAN) - Bum"s - Sevte QuGs - SavIQ Ptwlders ~ - feRtt 8ased Cornmsmity h , , - MEdla dlllCmr ~ - • Fund by SV dnd bugressm a Not dl~ by Uhl Questions? , - ~~-CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ] admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Transit Authority Visioning Video GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: A 3-D Simulation will be shown regarding Transit Oriented Development OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: , CITY 4F SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: September 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: p cansent ❑ Old business 0 New business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Information ❑ Admin. Report ❑ I'ending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Deliberations - Book II: Development Regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Subarea Plan must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On September 23, 2008, Council reviewed the zone district boundaries and discussed options for phasing the implementation of the proposed development regulations. Council consensus was to move forward with deliberations on the regulations as recommended by the Planning Commission, focusing on public comments and specific areas of concern. This deliberation session will begin with a review of Section 2.0: Orientation, which specifies how the new code regulates existing and future development and non-conforming uses and structures. As discussed previously, staff will recommend specific changes to this section. After review of Section 2.0, staff suggests a different approach to deliberations. Rather than reviewing the development regulations by chapter, we suggest beginning at I-90 and moving east using public comment that apply to specific areas, or zone districts, to guide Council discussion. The attached spreadsheet provides a quick summary of written public comment directed to Council by topic. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Subarea Plan will continue with deliberations as scheduled. BUDGET/FINAPICIAL IMPACTS: N1A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner - Attachment: 1. Public Comment Summary Matrix ~ Pubfic Com : Matrix BOOk I Book U 8~ok III xhstt arxf --Y_~ . Fiat Last DMo k1bM Zonlep SiEs Dowbpn►wrt g prtn PrtYlno ! AtthllKfural I~~„i~l l Comnwnt ~ Ktw4t /1lenalndcr 5la0✓2008 X itwcwre D.I Api6on f3~l.firlD08 X X 1- lomy-way, exiend - conoern CC won't wak PnW Al6aon i 811611008 X fone Pauf /1littson B/22/2008 X (ars parkft In horN Gerald Maiier 8l5J'20di9 X one-way C~r,qd r I 8127l2009 X oneAvy RObet1 AndErsan I 8/ 181'1008 X One• GA Auadn i 8R511U08 X City Center at Muabaeu, pI In phom Janice Austin 7-Ri29f1008 X City Cenfur nf Mlrabaau Jeanne Etaf i3129l2008 X one-wn Ja9o h Banna 8R2/200ft X exbnd sytm Beadt B.rZ212008 X anel~m Jock 8een 807112o(iH x ~ einst Fmd Beeutac 7I10I2f?C1H X tra}fic arculalfon 3 wilh te 4 Dic1c l3ehm 1812018 X Ptan stTp2q Biq Behrens 61260. 0681 X lone-way , Sti ordt+hl 7~19POpHl X X X v neseol an norrflpMorm ste~ua i, p 81adk 8J121.t008~ X org"wav T Sold 81712008 X 1 dissatFstadian 5uann BrackBn 6r3U2Q08I X One-wey RW 8ravinder 7R62[J08 X ormt-way Va Ounina}a 7I29f200fi+ X X Plen s ort 61 Cahalan 8~321~N X X X su Robo~i Cannata iSr19/1i1(t9i X devtte6itaNon Chamher B~IrJ00At X X Sqiport5 Iha on .lonn Chre~tense firl'_'.r2008 X n~►t rmin Ln Colemdn II!2l112008 X ore•wa GI er Co6~na tln.2l'UU~! X poncam over non-canformi , Wstltnr CAblrt!f ! 7f:'9/700H X X ner9i G CranllA i 8l2720U8 X Onm-ww NKlwlas Damescusl 8I23J2008 X X X Tffon tMY cen~r, bul imN saopo o/ Plan I . Aulo Dealerx &19~7008 X Uaed Cer rsafidarm oeeme~ " ir:iorlooe x x oesnom a►elng uttren suppm ' 9115rzooa x resMcirS tjges ~ lJoseph Do/e ~ 82',/'100tf X X rta City GeMer, concmm etwut dowr¢onin .Fase h Dai A!?W008 X rwn-contortn uee NmfQatm Sandra t7onahue H12f117008 X leasinsi plannft V'JSOOT WSDOT NRTROQB X X ~COrM ao han2e 11,tarlan ~la5s Ef/77r200$ X dow~upi T. a E~ ireem 71280046 X hont -lorated strnets max block size Pa! F n 7W2008i X X zoroconoema, weend coupiM Pa► r-orsw W1012oaai xntce clan, veoaM want "p,on n Ft+nrw Frenk 7126120013! X One-way Eug^n~ Gaidberry 8t2912008! X X aeMerafler hmin [Kimher!y er 80100Ul~j X downxdte N4et1 Gprttm 817i7006I X one-wV Daan Gro}as 7/1,W008 X X pte-localed atreels i?ean Grafos $l181T00$ X X norai Comments receiverJ via regular mail, email and fax after Planning Commission public comment period. Public CoR t Mairix 800k 1 iic)nk 11 Hnnk III KiniN wnd FUst last Dete lnbnl ZoMnq Slle Onrekvwneni QpeoM Pattlnn Ancllfl+Rt.tuttll Conamt Ellmbotft GrII(as 0115l2lHlU x drnvrrzzwi% WelOcaled slr0ets Euraoetn Grntos o29ri-60 I ii1-- -ic - - x (lowr-mne usmc patlam, nmi scope Herry Helaeth 8128V2008 X X a0ow used car deslera in suto rvw, revdUatbn Tom Hamidon 8I79r1008 X X modl arculnrion ttPms 6mR soopq Dan Harter fL29/2008 X X zcxinQ,_.tmer1 car iealrid+cm ,lean Netcher Ev211: W8 X onc-w, SNifl~tam He!ad 912717018 X X nni-wav. itsecl rnr dealt3r sNmty Ne9rtbur 011?11006 X one-way Shir lieartDu 8J21y2008 X one Mlchelb Fielhaka 1112 71' 2008 X does nal RW- Nick Hen BI2512008 X o Peul Heppner 612fu7008 X or*Avay ►iownro ren MMzooe x to eown m,e Do6 Ho Innd 7/2812008 X lore-way GR Fbener 8l1212008 X loneAvey GH Moenpr 7P2[ir700t1 X jont!M GR Hoennr 8J4/: fxlA X lone-wey GF2 Fiocner B/23J200ft ~ X 'aIa- rumn~ Hoa~,ba enenoas x one-way ~ob HopkirtB mrrooa x one-way ~wr~ r,~ ►tume 81Ia20oe x x acue naak ti saeet improm Ist DAnght Humo e119n008 x a wer ats einnooe x ex~end Pniiln Jnnsee~n tV11f1008 X orw- extencf Joe Jwanovid 7r2912008 X X X Mmit a~~e Joc JOVHno%nct W19l2U08' X . exWrldCd J Judd (S/1 CUM X X X X s Shem Judd W222008 Si Rort tt~e John I(ems 6120I2048 X X X X X X % to im ovo mmc rcel atae cenler urweakVir Mk1cr. 6111/2008 X hvo way, modftd omnp Lee anenooa x «~-w n~srzoae x Or"Ify ,iim Mnarxrson 8l1dr2008 X X X X , oversp Ritk McCartrwyV X downzone Ener MYIn &21fqr.)ooa X Ran MinOfd W2712008 X TM. MudslWxw 8/2312009 X exdend ~ Nnn Nkhamt 812912008 X X twomay, dowruate, David Oralio~d 812712008 X X X rt City Cenlw, not fthi .NV Pentaieo fl129J:00A X one-wcry Sherley Pantalea ' tll29r1008 X one- I Pa rd 8f25✓:IX18 1 X X Muildi Pardee 6113!'2008 X X nq dtv her M u-dty Jutia Polrick 8l29!'1001W X Susanne Phkva NRAI'1008 X o~-wayno cft ha1 el trd CRnst r PoIHa 721l200k31 X X one-wo Christ r Pdko 8R 1 r1009 X X X ore-wa s City CaMer, zone on smaMer scsk Mary PolEarO 81291'1008 l X X Comments received vfa regular mail, emaii and fax after Planning Commission public comment period. Public Com : Matrix BOOk I (3ouk II ~ BOOk UI ~ 91»n~ e»f~ i. Fltt! L~t Dste MINA ZanInO Sft OR"bpmerit, OpOM F'wble~ry I AfehlbdYta) ~ GAmmWnt 6 aa Lotraine Qieener I 814J2408 I X I [aan Raah 7r,x~rocz8 X 1,Avista Rcal Esta1 81281 2009 X X zonim for rooeas {o Appbway IOm Rehkow Bf'6/?.008 X dtuhxm RichmnA B29120081 x does not Ilke zonmg Jadc Rlk+ 812JI29081 X use IYtytation Ran Rotrrts 91I;1/71H19' X om-way Rogaisky 717t'U2008 X X don't War ard bufld sn F3Aftr:irn Scfimedd Bl212008 X in tawr crf AeaullAng U-Cuy, ow oorxamns Jam Saatl M9/'lObB X remove rcel Susan 3cott 7/29r1009 X rtrnove rcol 5usan Scotl 811'.U?008 X dowrnr,one Suuan Scott 8/M008 X X dwvnxone, nonraonfomsanae E' Smith 8r2flf2006 X one-way 1 rxn Sm+th 8R8I2000 X hwHm J Slott 8l2812008 X omwway Dustin Stum 9/27l'1009 against Nnrnves ur►band ar.~ari~m x Ga Van Antwe 8l8l24f30 X : oneway GeralA Walkee 7/30l2fl08 X Ga YVfu~eldon H/122008 X X a~ cenl8r dlMerent locatlon nnva 11Uiilituna BI21il200U ; X does not s Ha Wdlies 8G'ti1M(tA'. X ono-vmy Steve Hii~.ir~nc!~~ X X ceaim bullMnll _ of plan, do~vnzone w~~ Cerol Woodwa 8/'~ t 72UOA i X one-way Dan Yeetls 82812038: X does nol st l)pnnis 812212Q0A X wdend Ken 8l27r2riOt~ X lore-way ' Thsrs won sbo e8 faxrod Mrm iettees and a pNi!(m wMh 129 slgnatiuros all M ganaral disspproval W the ptan. Comments received via regular mail, email and fax after Planning Commission public comment penod. DRAFT ADVANCE AGEn'DA ~ For Planning Discussion Purpnses Only as of September 24, 2008; 4:00 p.m. Please note ttus is a work in prog,Tess; items aze tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Cnuncil Meetines October 7, 2008, Studv Session 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, Sept 29] 1. International Trade Association, Sister City 1'roposal - Mark Peters (20 minutes) 2. Community Re-licensing - Cary UriskelUJim Bledsoe (20 minutes) 3. U17C Batch Codc Amendments - Christina Janssen (30 minutes) 4. Gciieral Budget Discussion - Mike Jackson (15 minutes) 5. Fee Resolution Iaiscussion - Kcn Thocnpson (15 minutes) 6. AUpeal I'rocedures- Cary DrisF:ell (15 minutes) 7. Swimming Pool Update-Mike Stone (15 minutes) 8. Info Only: Argonne/ICnox liitersection -Neil Kersten 9. Execulive Sessiqn: Land Acquisition TpTAL Mli1TUTES: 130 minutes Octobcr 14, 2008, Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, (7ct 61 l. PIJBLIC HEARliNG: 2009 Budget -Ken lhompson [10 minutes] 2. PUBLIC AFARTNG: CllBG - Greg 11'[cCormick [10 minutes) 3. Conscnt AQenda: Cllims, Paymll, Minutes; P_esoLulion R~__c Ce~nterP.lac ~e go [5 minutes] 4. First Reatling Proposed Ordinance Adoptina 2009 Budget-Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. First R.eading Proposed Orclinance for Code Amendments - Christina lanssen [20 minutesJ O 6. f"irst Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend Appeal l'rocedures - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] 7. Proposed Amended Fee Resolution - Ken lhompson [15 minutes] 8. Motion Consideration: Argonne/Knox Intersection -Neil Kersten [15 minutes] 9. Molion Consideration: Adoption of CDBG - Greg McCormick [10 minutes) 10. Aclmin Report: City Center/City Flall Update -Neil Kersten [30 minutes.] ['"estimated meeting: 140 minutcs] Wetlnestlay, Octaber IS, 2008: AWC T'iEgioncrllLfeeting, SPokcrne Du:cbletree Spnkane Ciry Center, 322 N Spokcme Falls Cour1, 99201 (455-9600) Octobcr 21, 2008, Study Session 6:00 n.m. [due date vlonday, Oct 131 l. Comp Flan Quarterly Update - Greg McCormick (10 minutes) 2. Law Enforcement Assessment- Dave Mercier (60 minutes) 3. lleliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Book II, Development Regs. - Scott Kuhta (60 minutes) TOTAL M[N'UTCS: 130 minutes Octtyber 2$, 2008, Regulxr Meetine 6:00 p.m. (due date Monday, Oct 201 1. Consent Aaenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [S minuCes] 2. Second Reading Proposecl Ordinance Adopting 2009 Budget-Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance for Cocle Ametidments - Christina Janssen [20 minutesJ 4. Second Reading Proposed Orciinancc Amending Appeal 1'rocedures - Cary iariskell (10 minutes] 5. iVlotion Consideration: City Hall Peoperty Sales Purchase Agrcement- Mike Connelly/Scott Kuhta [15 min] 6. Motion Consideration: Eluthorize Budget for 1.aw Enforcement Assessment - Dave Mercier [30 minutes] , 7. Iaeliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Pla,n Book Il, Dev. fZegulations - Scott Kuhta [45 minutes] . 8. Info Only: Dept Reports [*estimated mceting: 135 miuutes] Generrrl Election Nov 4 Draft Advanec Agerida 9124/2008 3:52:14 P,VI PaSe 1 of 3 November 4, 2008, Studv Session 6:00 n•m• [duc date Monday, Oct 271 1. Street MasterPlan Update/JUII -Neil Kcrsten (30 minutes) 2. Airport Overlay Proposed Amendments - Karen Kendall (20 minutes) 3. Rudget tlmendments 2008 - Ken Thompson (10 minutes) 4. SplashciownContraet - Mike Stonc (15 ininutes) 5. Street laesign Standards-Neil Kersten (45 minutes) 6. lleliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Book III, City Actions - Scott KL►lita (60 minutes) 7. .Tnfo Only: YMCA Aquatics Contract - Mike Stone TC)TAL il'LCNUTES: 180 minutes NI.C 1Veetin Nav 11-I5Orlundo x7oritlu Novcmber 1.1, 2008, \`O ATEETING: Vetcran's llay November 18, 2008, SneciaURcgular Mcctiny, 6:00 p.m. [clue clate Vlondsiy, Nnv 101 1. PUBLIC Iff- ARIiNC: Amending 2008 Budget - Ken Thompson (10 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Claims, Fa}'roll, lviinutes [5 minute,s] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Airport Overlay - Karen Kenclall [20 minutes] 4. N irst Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 2008 IIudget - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 5. Admin. Report: Pipcline Friinchise - Cary Driskell [10 minutes] 6. Admin. Keport: TBD Update - Cary I7riskell [20 minutes] 7, Deliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Final Delibcrations - Scott Kuhta [60 minutus] 8. Informalion Only: City Hall Design SerWices - Neil Kcrsten [*estimated niecting: 135 minutesJ November 25, 2008, NQ MCE'1'1NG: Thsnl;sgivine Wcek December 2. 2008, Studv Scssion 6:00 p.m. [due clate Monday, Nov 241 1. First Reading Proposecl Ordinance to Arnend Comp Plan (SARI' Bnok I) - Mike Connelly r 15 minutes] 2. First. Reading Prnposed Ordinance to Amend UDC/Adopt Subarea Plan & Map (Book II)- Scott Kuhui [30 minj _ 3. City I-Iall Design Services -Neil Kersten [30 minutes] 4. Infu Only: Dept Repart.z TpTAL iVI1NUTFS: 75 minutes Dccember 9, 2008, Kepular s'lcetint[ 6:00 p.m. iduc date Monclay, Dec 11 1. Consent: Claims, IVlinutes, Payroll 2. Ma}'oral Appointinents: Planning Commission (2 positions) - Mdyor Munson [10 minut.es] 3. Mayoral Appointments: Councilmembers to Various Commitkees [15 minutes] 4. Seconcl Rcading Frnposcd Ordinance Amending Airporl Overlay - Karen .Kendall [20 minutes] 5. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend Comp 1'lan (SARP Book 1) - vlii:e Connelly [15 minutes] 6. Seeond Reading Proroseti Ordin.ince to Amencl UT)C/Adopt Subarea Plan R Map (Book II) Kuhta [30 min] 7. Second Reading Proposecl Ordinance tlmending 2008 13udget - Ken 'r'hompson [10 minutesJ 8. Proposed 12esolution Adopting Sublrea Ylan Book 111: City Actions - Milce Connelly [20 minutes] (*estimatcd meeting: 120 minutes] December 16.2008, Studv Session 6:00 p.m. idue dale Monday, llcc 8] 1. Action 1tem: Froposcd Resolution A.mending Resolution 03-040, Bankina Authority - ICen Thompson (15 inins) Regular Studv Sessian Items: 2, Finance Houseke•ePing Items - Ken 'fhompson (15 minutes) Ueeember 23, 2008: No Meeting - Christmas weck December 30, 2008. Studv Session 6:00 p.m. jduc'dateY1idayDec"7. ] l. Info Only: Dept R.eports Draft Advanec Agenda 9124/2008 3:52:14 Plvl PaSe 2 of 3 oTrIEu rcivnnvc nnTnioR urcoNrriNG iSSIJFS/MEET]TiGS: Acccssory Awelling Units (Ord 08-006 modifications) BroadwarylFancher/Concrete lntersection (2009) CenterPlace T'ee Structure City Center Report to Council Comp Plan Amend-Qrtrly Update ( Jan, April, July, Oct ) Comp Plan UndatelCJGA/JPA East Gateway Monument Stnicture # Governance Manual Graffiti Ordinance # Impact Fee Renuest Central Valley School Distriet 1°1' Specialist Classification Resplution Legislative Aetion Conference in Olympia, February 18, 19, 2009 # Northeast Wousing Solutions City Membership # Ovenveight/over size vrehicle ordin-►nce (2009) Senske Contract Spokane County Prosecutor Memorandum of Understanding Strategic Financial Plan - Dave Meecier Street Standards Schedule Surplus items - Ken Thompson (Jan 2009) 1'ransportation Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish ord.; (b) set public hearing (c) drali resoliition; (d) ballot language Transportation Impacts UllC Code Amendinents Title 20 batch Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) W inter Retreat: Tenlatrve tapics: Impact Fee S'tudy Awaiting actioii by others; * Docs not include f►me for public comments.] , Draft Advance Agenda 9/24/2008 3:52:14 P,Vl Page 3 of 3