2008, 01-12 Special Meeting, Council Retreat ?AMENDE~D; AG ENDA ` SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/W4RKSHOP Saturclzy, January 12, 2008 8:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m~ 9:A9-o-.m. 3:00 -m: CenterPlace Lounge, Second Ploor 2426 N Discovery Place ~ Spokane Vallcy, Washington Please Silencc Your Cell Pliones During the Meeting ' . - Note: There w!1l bo a 25-minute break at approximately 10:15 a.m., and a haff,hour lunCh break at noon. ; • 1. Rcview 2008 Couocil Budget Goals - Mike Jackson 2. Proposed 2009 Counc.il Guals -ikiikc JHCkson 3. Financial fnrecast - Ken Thompson 4. Six-Ycar 13usiness Plan - Mike Jackson 5. Funding OptionsBond Issues - Ken Thnmpson 6. Brainstorming -1'Iikc Jackson ` ~ LUNCH 13REAK 12:00 -12:30 7. City Hall Facilitics PltinningNisioiiing - Neil Kersten 8. information Only: Workplan Adjourn A'ote: Unless otherwise noted sibove, there will be nu public comments at Council Study Sessions or Workshops. Duririg meetings held by die City of Spokarie Valle>> Council, the Cowuil rescrves the rioht to takc "actiun" on aiiy item listecl or subsequently added to 1He ageaida. The tenri "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, considcr, evaluate, or mal;c a collective positive or negativc decision. A°0'I'ICF: Individuals plannins to attend tlhe mccting who require spocial assiswnce to neoommodate physicul, hearing, or othcr imp:iirments, plrasc contact the City Clerk at (5N) 921-1000 as socro sis pussible so that arrnngemrnts may be madc, Retreat f\genda 0 1-12-08 Page 1 of 1 i Spokane p;.oOVa11ey- 11707 E Sprague Ave Sutce 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 49206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallGsspokanevalley.org ~ . Memo tandum To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of Council From: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Date: January 4, 2008 Re: Background Information for January 12, 2008 Retreat @ CenterPlace Executive Conference Room 8 a.m. -1:30 p.m. The purpose of this memo is to provide a summary of each scheduled agenda item for the January 12th Council Retreat. AQenda ltem # 1: Review 2008 Council BudQet Goals At eaeh retreat, time is set aside for Council to contider its most recently adopted Goals, to ensure they are up lo datc. Following are the seven adopted 2008 Council Buclget Goals. They provide the basis far lhc 2008 Work Plan, which is an attached informalional memo. ~ Contintre monitorinv wa.stewater iss°zres. including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efEieient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. Refine initial denarhnentcrl siar-vear business plan.s in ardcr to identify and incorporate fiscal 'unpac:ts into a strategic financial plan. f%'ormulate a Six-Year Stratejvic 1~ inancial Plan bv Jiclv 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses; incorporates lhe cost elements of departmental business plans; identifiES fiscal eonstraints; and, Praposes formula-s for Council consideration that institute sustainahle budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reduetions or revenue inereases or combinations thereof. Initiate imnlementatrvrr of"the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization 1'lan. AdoDt area-wide rezonin-, nroposals consislent tvith the comnrehensive Qlan that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning dESignations. PerTorm un analusi.s of a land owmer initiated requesl for annesation. laevelnn a Shoreline Master Prozram as requi.reci by the State of Washington ta provide additional regulatory protection fur waters nf slalewidc significance, i.e. - Spokane R.iver, Shelley Lake. 13ackground Information for,lanuary 12, 2008 Retreat, continued Aagc 2 of 2 Agenda ltem # 2: 2009 Council Goals This is an opportunity to have a preliminary discussion abnut the 2009 Council Goals. '`-J ARenda ltem # 3: Financial Forccast The purpose of this item is to review the latest revenue and expenditurc projections for thc General, Street and Capital Funds for 2008-2013. We do this to identi_fy financial problems that may be on the horizon. This allows us to be better prepared for these problems. Aeencla ttem # 4 Six-Year Rusiness Plxn ' I1he City established ciepartmental prinrities and incorporated them into a six-yEar business plan for each departmenl that includes forward looking buciget and funding implications. _ Afzenda Item # 5 Fundiog 00ions/i3ond Issues '1'his discussion will inclucie estimated costs and funding options for the following nceds: 1. City IIall 2. Street maintenance 3. City Ccnter ' 4. Protecting City's investmenls in streets . AL-enda Item # b: Brainstorming Brainstorming is a no fault opportunity to think aloud. It asks that participants express ideas and thoughts they have in mind but haven't spoken about. The purpose of this sESSion is to get ideas and notions out in the open so they may be discussed at a later time. Agenda ltem # 7 Citv Hall Facilities Planninv/Visioning The City Hall visioning is an cffort to engage thc entire City organizatipn and the community in a process to blend each individual's experience and foresight into a defined set of goals, ideas, concepts and strategies that can be followed in the design of the new City IIall facility. This is Council's frst opportunity to lend its thoughts to the proccss. Il , is our goal that this process will contribute to and enhance thc suceess of the City's mission in the commtuiity and of the community as a whole. ALTenda Item # 8 2008 Workolan This is an information only item. The 2008 Workplan outlines milestone tasks and estimated timelines to accomplish 2008 Council Budget Goals and 2008 Departmental --Goals. ~ Background lnformation for.lanuary 12, 2008 Retreat, continiied Page 2 of 2 Agenda item # 2: 2009 Council Goals ' This is an opportunity to havc a prelirninary discussion about the 2009 Council Goals. AL-enda Item # 3: Financial l+orecast . . Thc purpose of this item is fo review the latest revenue and expenditure projections for t}ie General, Street and Capital Fuzids for 2008-2013. .We do this to identify financial problems that inay be on the horizon. This allows us to be bctter prepared for these problems. . • Agenda Item # 4 Six-Year Business Plan ' The City established departmental priorities and incorporated them into a sis-year business plan For cach department that includes fonvard looking budget aud fwlding implicadons. . Menda rtem # 5 Fundina OntionsBond lssues This discussion will include eskimated costs and funding options #'or lhe following needs: l. City Hall ' , . 2. Street maintenance 3. City Center . ' 4. Protecting City's investments in streets ~ ALyenda Ttcm # 6: 13rainstorming Brainstorming is a no fault opportunity to th.ink aloud: Tt asks that participants express ideas and thougtits they have in mind but haven't spoken about. The purpose of this session is to get ideas and notions out in thc open so they may be discussed at a later time. ' . , . : ALrenda Item # 7 Citv Aall Facilities plannine/Visioning The City Hall visioning is an eff'ort to engage the entire City organization and the commiuuty in a process to blend each individual's experience and foresight into a defined set of goals, idea.s, concepts and strategies that can be followed in th e design of the new City Hall facility. This is Council's first opportunity lo lend its thoughts to the process. It , is our goal that this proccss will contribute to and. enhance the success of the City's mission i.n the community aad of the community as a wholc. . ALyenda Item # 8 2008 Workplan This is an information only item. The 2008 Workplan outiines milestone tasks and estimated ti.melines to accomplish 2008 Council Budget Goals and 2008 Departmental Goals. . ~ Public Safety/Police Continue to enhance depwrtmrnhal, rqgionol anai community puhik sefety eNorts in tooperation with ~ citizena snd budinesues 1 Irx-rease interest in community invalvemart in pmgrems Fuch as SCOf'E. NeighbaTFto[►d WuG-h, Crime Preventicm, Resen•es. Cxplnrcrn, etc. C~~i~awr ta IV«rk Toctntn! (IWOT iais.ixtrr Fn~•+n~w~t iJ,,, ~ F„y y.ae► Ais. I+titar txW hlove tur►vard with multryeir, multi-'ryrisdictional plan thet addremes n reginnal pertnrrshlp for a tntal communkatrons infrastrurturc bul1d-out (2012 mandatc must M met) Ccmduct tAbk-tap exerrise to delermine level of preparedness far {oral disasUers impkment Serurity Committee tix'ummendations, ix. IrtsWlntion o( coxwreee bolinrds and wheei stvps in front purking lot, nrn1 front desk fortifxaticin - - - (21 d - 42 0 do - - i Continue W enhance S}x+kane Valley tdentity (i.e. shoutder patrhea, Iogo visibility on polire rars, busirrss rnrds) Iclendfy end imptemeni sperifk• I training nccds for Spokane Velley Polire [7t*purtment I ~ ~ I Fstablish vcrdcnl communiretion problem-sulving model to enharu e effective commun4callon thmughout our agenc}, lnidulr plan to plare nttrnctivc sign near strrel lo b~Kter identify 1vcaNon of Palire and rouri (acilih-, tn provide easier access for cit"v,tnis Evaluabr and enhance levrls of servite and cuslomer servin, i provided try• Wpxrtment ~ I Develap a morn comprehensive and ~ 6 i .,ir empioyee evaluation prooess ~ 11707 E Spfaguc Ave Suite 1 Q6 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 (],;oOW1ey, 5D9.921.1000 } Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhalASpokanevdll2Y-org _ . , . . mer.~ . . , , ~ Memorandum . To: David Mercier, C i#y llflanager a n d 11tJembers vf Cnuncil I From: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Date: January 4, 2008 - Re: 6ackground Inform ation for January 12, 2008 Retreat @ CenterFlace Executive Conference Ftuom 9 a.rn. - 3 p.m. . The purpose ofthis memo is to provide a surnrn ary of each schcduled agcnda i#ein for tlie Janliary 1 2th C.ouncii Retreat. A aenda ltcrn # 1: Review 2008 Cauncil BudEet Coals , At each Tetreai, time is set aside for Cotuncil to consider i#s most rece.ntly adopted Cioals, to ensure .they are up to daCe. Fvllowing are the sevcn adop#ed 2008 Council Budaet CTaals. Tliey provide the basis for lbe 2008 Work Ylan, which is an attached informativnal merrro. ~ Corrtinzre mc,nirarirrv, wu.crewaler i.ssue.s; including govcrnance of wastewa#er facilities, and pursuit of the rn ost efF'icient and cconomical methods #o ensure #he : continuation of wastewaier d3soharges ]icenses_ _ J2efine initial devartmerrtal six-vear business Plans in order to identify and incnrporatc fj sca1 impacts into a stra#egic fin€incial plan, T-ormulate a FS'~:~c-Year Slrcrteoic Financial.PIan lrv.]ulv 2008 that #`orccasts expected revenues aiid expenses; incorporates the cast elemenis, o!' clepartmenlal business plans; identifies fiscal constraints; and, proposes farmulas for Cauncil con sideration that inq3titute ~5ustainable btidger-balancing approaches and itcnuzes neces5ar'y sex'vice reductions or- revi-,n u(,, increasvs or cornbinations thereof, Inilrcrle imrrlerrrenlalion of the sub-arm plan for the SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Ylan. A darrf ureu-wide rezoning r)roDosals consistent wtth the comDrehersive nlan lhal reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations, Perform un anadv~i.s ofia Iand owner initiated request for anncxation. Deve1oD a Shorelirre 11ffa,ver• Prrrzrarr: as required by the Sta#e of Washington #o . . ~ provide aclditional regulator.y pTOtecti.on .#or waters o f siatewide signifi cance, i.e. Spokane River, Shelley Lake. 13aekgrtiund Infprrnation fcir.lanuary 12, 2008 Retreat, aantinued Page 2 of Z Agenda Item # 2: 2009 Council Goals This is an opportunity to have apreliminary discussion about the 2009 Council Goals. Agenda Item # 3: Financial Forecast The purpose of this item is to review the latest revenue and expenditure projections far the General, Street and Capital Funds for 2008-2013. Vde do th.is to icientify (inancial problems that may be on the horizon.. This allows us to be better prepared for these problems. Aaenda ltem # 4 Six-Year Business Ylaa The City established departmental priorities and incorporated them into a six-year business plan for cach department that includes fonvarcl looking budget and funding implications. Aaenda ltem # 5 Fundini! OationslBond Issues This discussion will includc; cstimatcd costs and funding options for the following needs: 1. City Hall 2. Street maintenance 3. Cily Center 4. Pratecting City's inveslment;s in streeLS At!enda Item # 6: Brainstorming Brainstorming is a no fault opportunity to think aloud. It asks that participants express ideas and thoughts they have in mind but haven't spoken about. The Purpose of this , session is to gct ideas and notions out in the open so they may be discussed at a later ti me. Aeenda Item # 7 Citv Hall Facilitics Plannine/Visioning The City Hall visioning is an effort to engage the entire City organization and the community in a process to blend each individual's experience and foresight inta a ciefinecl . sct of goals, ideas, concepts and strategies that can be followed in the design of the new City Hall facility. ihis is Council's frst onportunity to lend its lhoughts lo che process. It is our geal that this process will contributc to and cnhance the success of the City's mission in the coirununity and of the community as a whole. Agenda Item # 8 2008 Worknlan This is an information only itcm. The 2008 Workplan outlines milestone tasks and estunated timelines to accvmplish 2008 Council Budget Goals and 2008 Departmcntal Goals. . ~ ALyenda Item # l: Review 2008 Council Budget Goals ~ At each retreat, time is set aside for Council to consirier its most recently adopted ' GoaJs, to ensure they are up to datc. rolloA7ng are the seven adopted 2005 Cnuncil Budget Goals. Thcy provide the basis for lhe 2008 Work Plan, which is an attached informational memo. 1. Cootinue monitorina wastewater issues, including govemance of wastewater facilities; and pursuit of the most efficient and economicxl methad.s to ensure the continuation of wastewater dischargcs licenses. 2. Kefine initial departmental six-vear business plans in order to icienlify and ineqrporate f scal impacts into a strateeic financial plan. 3. Fnrmulate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts e:cpected revenues and eapenses; incorporates the cost elements of cicpartmental business plans; identifes fiscal canstraints; and, proposEs formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainablc budget- balancing approaches and itetnizES necessary service reductions or revenue increases or combinations thereof. 4. initiate imnlementation of the sub-area plan f~or the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. ~J 5. Adopt area-wide rezoning proansals coosisteot with the comprehensive nlan lhat reflect appropriAte adjustments in zoning . designations. 6. Perform an analvsis of a lanci owner initiated request for annexation. 7. I?evelop a Shoreline lVlastcr PrnLyram. . CITX OF SpOKANE VALLEY ~ FINANCIAL FORECAST AS OF JA,~IiJARY 3, 2008 SIGNIFICANT POINTS . GEN'ERAI. FiJND (Problem Statement 1): 1. Costs of city centcr are not included . 2. A.dditional consulking work for city center will need to be a budget amendment and is not included in these projections 3. -Sales tax zevenue estimatcd at• 2% increase each year .4. Prpperty tax estimated at $1.55/per thousand dollars of taxable value - 5. Discontinucd the General Fund transfer to the Street Fund 6. Gcneral Fund increasc in expenditures is estimatcd at 80/olyear • 7. VJhen sales taY revEnues weaken, expect to see building and planning revenues weaken as well . • 8. Additional traasfers to the Civic Facilitics Fund will lessen thc facilities need in future years. O . STREET FUIYD (Problem Statement 2): . 1. Deficit still appears in 2009-2010 2. in late 2006 the city council approved a reduced Street Fund budget to control the deficit. Ihcse estimates are vcry close lo the 2006 amounts. . 3. Assumcs General Fund transfer to Street Fund ends after 2007 4. This fund needs an additional $2 million/year for maintenance CAPITAL ('Problem Statemcnt 3): 1. 2008 projected costs are close; later years are difficult to predicC . 2. There will always be more projects than money, thus capital projects are not fully funded 3. The Pavement Management Program needs to be fiuided and then addcd to our projections ($1-4 million each year). ~._J • . . Cfty ot Spokane Vailey ~ . , Mutllyear Financial Pten - General Fund - Problom Slatamon! a1 1-04-08 Wrth Buo. Plans 8 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2D12 2013 Esllrnete EeQmate Estimale [alimatc EnHmat^ EsUmaLe Eslirnato Genoral FunA Rovonuos: • Seles Tax " $ 18,631,000 S 19,003,62D 8 19,383,892 x S 18.600.000 S 18,972,000 $ 19,351,410 $ 19.738,469 PropeMy 7ax S 9.500.000 S 10,430,000 $ 10,634,300 $ 10,840,643 5 11,049.049 $ 11,259,539 $ 11.472,134 G8mbffn8 Tax S 600,000 S 800,000 S 800,000 S 600,000 S 600,000 S 800,000 $ 600,000 Francfdso Fees7Flus. Fteg $ 875,000 $ 875,000 g 883,750 S 892,588 S 901,514 S 910,528 S 819,834 SWIa o'harod Rovenucs $ 1.222,OfIU $ 1,222,000 S 1,2,2,560 = 1,283,eM g 1,315,961 • S 1,348,800 f 1.3i32,582 Servix Fces 8 2,050,000 $ 1,450,000 S 1,950,000 " $ 1,950,000 5 1,950,00o g 1,850,000 S 1.900,000 Fhees d Forteilures S 1,315,000 S 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1.30Q,000 5 1,300,000• S 1,300,000 S 1,300,000 RevcafroN ProWam Fcc. 3 450,000 S 807,000 $ 512,070 E 517,191 g 522„3M g 527,580 $ 532,862 Interfwid Transfers S 80,000 $ 168,0(10 $ 174,900 p E 165,394 S 196,518 $ 208,309- $ 220,807 Imvastmctri Interest $ 600,000 S 414,100 $ 418,241 $ 422,423 3 428,647 $ 430,913 $ 435,222 Carryovcrfmm puiwyr $ 7,400,000 S 4,337.000 $ 7,I49.6S0 8 E 9,856,528 3 8,594,388 S 5.030,207 $ (077,868) , Tatal GenoralFund $ 42,723,000 S 40,803,720 i 44,889,153 g f 46,448,631 $ 45,828,419 i 42,817,383 S 37,623,844 . General Fund Expenditures: , Le9iglawe E 240,000 S 319,991 $ 345,530 R S 373,236 $ 403,097 $ 436„344 S 470,172 EceaAlve6Legi5SaWe b 810,000 $ 997,078 $ 1,076,842 S 1,102,983 $ 1.2.~'ifi,020 $ 1,3i6,311 $ 1,065,032 PLdft Safet71 $ 17,500,000 $ 19,297,3Dp S 20,041,064 S 22,508,371 $ 24,309,040 E 28„2:r'3,784 8 28,354,065 Dcpdy City AIanagCr E 450,000 $ 627,178 $ 677,352 $ 731,540 E 790,084 E 853,268 S 821,530 ' . Fkwca $ 600,000 $ 824,249 $ 880,188 8 981,404 E 1,038,316 b 1,121.382 $ 1,211 Legal E - abavo Human Resow~ces E 150,U00 E 204,260 S 220,022 $ 238,272 E 2.°r7.334 $ 277,921 $ 300,154 PubUc Waks $ 1,478„000 E 789,437 8 852,592 $ 920,799 b O'J4,463 E 1,074,020 $ 1,159.942 Cam- Dev_ S 2,49:i,000 bebw . . Dev. Serofces 5 2,827,980 S 2,838,187 $ 3,085,253 E 3.310,473 S 3.575,311 $ 3,861,335 Lang Ftsnge Plan, $ 896,322 S 752,029 $ 812,1fl0 $ 877,16, 5 847,336 $ 1,023,125 CodQ SA• $ 238,857 S 257,96G $ 278,603 $ 300,891 S 324,882 E 350,858 UbrmY $ 20,000 S 10,000 Pffks Admin $ 659,000 S 829.535 S 1,000.088 $ 1.084,210 S 1,170,9E8 5 1,284,822 E 1.365,792 Recreution $ _ 244,000 5 211,549 $ 228,473 $ 206,731 $ 268,491 g 287,810 b 310,835 , f'NtaWcs $ 230,000 S 351,150 $ 379,242 $ 408,561 S 442,348 g 477,736 $ 515,055 ScniorCenler $ 78,OUtl S 90,90 $ 88,231 $ 106,090 S 114,5T! $ 123,743 S 133,833 CenterPtaoe E 800,000 S 1,061,231 b 1,14e,129 S 1,237,020 S 1,3-36,845 $ 1.443.703 5 1,559,297 Tr.msfer ro Capilal $ 410,ODD S 70,000 $ 70,ODD $ 70,00D $ 1T0,000 $ 120,000 S 120,000 'fBnster W Street Fund $ 900,000 S - b - Ina Bus. P9ms $ - $ - E 330.270 $ 393,005 $ 424,702 $ 535,007 g 632,051 ' Purchase ot Predna b - 3 - $ - rmrisrer co cUlc r•aaliues $ 3J79,000 CPIy BMdings Aepreriation _ $ 397,000 ' 7mrtster to Serv. l.evtl $ 381A00 b - $ - 8 - E - b - $ - Generat Govenmerq S 1,800,000 E 3,607,000 S 3,093,820 S 3,254,147 b 3,385,431 E 3,422,638 $ 3,588,370 Total Crenerai Fund 33,388,000 32,954,070 35,102,826 37,854,262 40,798,212 S 48,695,249 $ 47,243,349 . Lcss conmtri tun0 bal. (S WD OUti~ Carryaver lu nazt )7 4,537.000 7,849A90 9,896,528 8.59d,348 5.030,207 1977.8661 f8,718.5041 x Law ent, SmICs tax pW Alier 2009 . " SST aliCCt unkrwvm • Prtor Mr3 bodudo ca51., on dcpt Brte . . _ Gity of Spokane Vnlloy Mutt'ryoar FinaneFal Plan - General Fund - Problem Statommnt?t 1-0+1-08 W10 Bun. Plans A 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 . Ealimate Estfmate Eallmala Ealimnto [ntimnto . i ate EsUmate Generol Fund Revenaas: . • S31t;3Tax E 18,831,000 $ ' 19,003,M y 10,383,682 x E 18,600,U00 $ 18,872,000 $ 18,331,440 S 18,938,469 ProPeilYTax E 9,500,000 $ 10,430,00p $ 10,834.300 S 10.840,643 E 11,049,049 S 11,259,539 S 11,472,134 , Cam4ting Tcuc $ 600,001) $ 6fl0,000 $ 9DO,ODO y e00,000 S 800,000 S 600,000 g 000.000 Franddse Fec.^,/Bus. Reg $ 875,000 $ 875,000 g 883,750 $ 882,588 $ 901,514 5 910,529 g 019,83q SWs Sharetl Rwcnuoa $ 1-,222,000 $ 1,222,000 g 1,2"a2„55A $ 1,283,864 b 1,315,961 $ 1,348,860 $ 1,3I12,562 Fees $ 2,050,000 3 1,930,000 $ 1,85%000 $ 1,850,000 $ 1,950,000 S 1,050,000 S 1,flOD,000 Finas & Fateituros S 1,315,000 5 1,50(I,WO $ • 1,300,ODf1 y 1,300,000 S 1,100,000 S 1,300,000 8 1,300,0130 . • Recrvatlon Progmiri Fcae S 450.Op0 S 507,000 S 812,070 $ 517,191 $ 522,363 5 527,568 $ 532,662 Inlpfimd 7'raiWers " S 80,000 S 185,000 S 174,900 $ 165,394 $ 188,518 $ 208.309 $ 220,81I7 Invcstrnent tnieresl S 600,000 S 414,100 5 418,241 $ 422,423 $ 426,647 $ 439,913 b 435,222 Carryovertrom praryr S 7,400,000 S 4,337,000 8 7,849,650 $ 10,186,798 8 9,317,643 E 8,178,184 E 905,198 ToWI Goneral Fund S 42,723,000 S 40,803,72D 5. 44,D59,153 $ 48,778,901 f 48,651,696 f 44,065,360 = 39,208,908 Gcnoral Fand Expcndllures: Lcpiswive $ 250,000 $ 313,091 $ 343,690 S 373,738 $ 403,097 $ 435,344 $ 470,172 ExecudYe &LegtkWve $ 010.000 E 037.076 E 1,078,842 S 1,162.989 $ 9,256.029 $ 136E,S11 $ 1,463,032 • PublfcSefety E 17.500.000 $ 19.207.300 8 211,841,1384 S 22,508.371 $ 24,309.040 $ 28,253,764 8 28,354,065 Depury Ciry Manapar $ 450,000 $ 027,178 E 877,352 S 731,540 $ 790,064 5 853.269 5 021„530 Fkmce $ 600,000 $ 824,249 $ 890,169 $ 981.4Q4 $ 1,038.316 5 , 1,121,382 S 1,211,082 Legal $ - abO,re • Muman Resaiuces $ 1541,000 S 204,200 $ 220,622 $ 238,272 $ 257,334 S 277,E321 5300,154' Pubic WoAcs $ 1,478.000 S 789,437 $ 852,392 E 920,789 $ 994,483 S 1,074,020 $ 1,199.042 Com. Dcw. S 2.493.000 below . Dw. SenAces S 2,627,980 $ 2,7338,197 $ 3,085,253 S 3,310,473 S 3,575,311 $ 3,861,335 I.ong Range Plaa S 698,122 S 752,028 $ ' 812.180 3. 877,185 5 947.338 b 1.Q2a,125 Code Erif- S 238,857 S 257,986 $ 278,603 S 300,891 E 324,962 E 350,959 Librdrll S 20,000 S 10,000 ParkSAdrNr► S 850.000 $ 929,533 S 1,063,898 S 1,064,2110 S 1,170,946 E 1,284.622 $ 1,385.792 Recrea«on 5 244,000 $ 211,.°ri9 S ' 228,473 S 248,751 5 266,491 $ 267,810 $ 31 0Xi!i Aquat6cs $ 230,000 E 351,150 $ 370,242 g 449,561 S 442,348 ' $ 477,736 $ 516,955 ScniorGenler S' 70,000 $ 80,055 $ 98,231 S 10B,09D S 114,577 $ 123,743 $ 133,843 . Grniarfllace $ 800,000 E 1,001,231 $ 1,146,129 8 1,237,87A E 1,336,845 $ 1,443,793 $ 1,569,297 Transfer toGV'tal S 410,000 E 70,000 $ 70,000 5 701000 S 120.0130 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 Transfer to SVeel Fund S 800,000 S - $ - . Ino. Bm. Plans y _ y . Nurchaso of Precind b g . y _ Trmsfa to Cnu FadliliCs E 3,779,000 CAy Buildings DepreCialion E 387,000 Tr.msfer w Serv. Luvcl $ 381,000 S - $ - b - $ - E - S Gener.d Grnrcmmeiri 5 1,800,000 S 3,007,000 $ 3,093,820 $ 3,254,147 $ 3.585_431 5 3,422,830 S 3.568,370 Total Genaral Fund 33,366,OD0 12,854,970 34,772,358 37,081,257 40,373,510 S 41,360,162 5 46,711,298 Less uorutant hmtl M. (;i.000.0130) . • Carryover lo nextyr _ 4.137.ODD 7,849.650 10.1118J48 9,317,643 0,178.184 705.188 17,504.3691 - - - - - x Law enf, Salcs tax end aRer 200D " S5"T aftea wrknavm ' Street Fund - Problem Statement #2 . January 3, 2008 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 . Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Street Fund -11 . . Beginning Fund Bal $ 3,817,000 $ 1,979,000 $ 4,000 $ (2,395,000) $ (5,195,000) $ (8,395,000) Diverted Road Tax $ 2,000 $ - $ - $ , - $ $ - Interest Income $ 130,000 $ 100,000 $ 1,aao $ - $ - $ Transfer from General Fund $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ " Motor fuel bc t misc $ 2,100,000 S'. 2,150,000 $ 2,150,000 $ 2,150.000 $ 2,200,000 $ 2.200.000 $ 6,049,000 $ 4,229,000 $ 2,155,000 $ (245,000) $ (2,885,000) $ (6,195,000) . Ecpenditures ; 4,070,000 $ 4,225,000 $ 4,550,000 $ 4,950,000 5,400,000. $ 5,800,000 Ending Fund Balance . $ 1,979,000 $ 4,000 $ (2,395,000) $ (5,195,00D) $ (8,395,000) $ (11,995,000) • ~ - - . ~ o . C ity'of Spo€cane 1lalley - Capital I rnprovernent Program Funding . Problem Statement #3 ' .lant,ary 3. 2006 ~ Yearl , 2008 I 2009 I 2Q10 1 2011 2012 2073 ' - RESOIJRCES: BEC,_ BAL ~ 10,598.000 $ 6,722,000 S 5,151,DDD $ 2-,648,001) $ 1,059,00D $ 7,0931004 AFt7ERlAL ST FND $ - $ - ~ - $ $ - $ . - ' CAP PROJECTS REET 1 $ 1,100,01)0 $ 1,100,000 $ 7,000,1300 $ 1.000,04D $ 1,000,00 $ 1,000,000 - SPEC. CAP PROJECTS REEI`2 ~ 1,100.000 $ 1,100,1300 7,000,000 $ 9,0OO,i)Qp s 1,000,oaa 1.000,040 . PARi{S CAP. IMPF2V_ FUND , $ - $ - ~ - $ - ~ . - $ . GP#IIESTMENT EARNINGS $ 150.000 $ 100,000 ~ 15,000. $ - $ - $ SPp1VANE COUNIY - $ 1,6013,004 $ - $ - $ - S - $ - S7ATE - UNIV_ PAFtK $ 8~0,404 S - $ - $ _ $ $ PARKS GRANT $ - $ 20D.000 $ - $ .5V.000 $ - $ - . STORM INATER DRACNAGE $ 300.0D0 $ 30D,000 $ 300,000 s 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 - COUN'lY S'fEP PROJ.-STORM DRN $ 71,000. $ 20D.000 $ 204,000 $ ZOD.OOQ $ 200,000 $ 200,000 - GEN_ FllldD 70,000 5 70.000 $ 70,000 $ 120.004 $ 120.000 $ 720,000 TOTAL FtESDURCES S 15,790,000 $ 9,792,404 S 7,736,000 $ 5,318,400 $ 3,679.000 $ 3,713,000 , EXPENDITURES: PARICS $ 3.260,000 $ 500,000 $ 5SD.00o $ 100,000 $ 70D,000 5 1 00,000 UN111ERSAL PARK ' $ 1,000,000 . , . DEBTSERUICEP'IMTS $ 185,000 $ 1$7,001) $ 184,0-11a $ 185,000 $ 186,OflD $ 186,400 ADA, Ciry cent, A,t projects $ 424,000 $ 200,U4Q $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000- $ 5a,ppo , CARRYOVER PROJECTS $ 750,000 $ - y - $ - $ - $ _ '2008-13 TIP . $ 3,'C49.000 $ 3,454,QQQ $ 3,974,13130 $ 3,624,0Q1) $ 7,950,000 $ 3,E28,UD0 - STORM €}R611N IMpROV. $ 300,0()0 $ 300,000 $ 304,000 $ 300,000 300,000 $ 300,00D TOT11L EXPEND]TUFtES $ 9,0E11,004 $ 4,647,000 5 5,088,000 $ 4,259,000 $ 2,586,400 $ 4,264,000 CARRYOVER TO NE7[T YEAR S - 6322,000 $ 5,757,000 $ 2,648,000 $ 1,13.59,000 $ 1,093,000 $ (551.000) Pavement Mgmt. Progrim $ (985,000) $ (9B5,000) S .(985,000) ~ (4,335,000) S (4X5,000) ~ (4,335,000) Annual Prbjec#ed Sltortalls - Jan. 4, 2ObB . , Problem Strnts. 1, 2 3 , S 2008 2009 -2010 2011 201_2 2013.. . C~ortfalls: - #1 General with bus, plans B ~ (977,866) $ (8,741,638) #2 Street $ (2,395,000) $ (2,800,000) $ (3Aa,000) $ (3,600,000). . . #3 Capital $ (551,000) Pavement Mgmt ~ (985,000) s ' (9s5,ooo) $ (985,000) (4,335,000) $ (4,335,ooo) ~ (4,335,000) (9860101 ~ _($86,000) (3,380,000) (7,135,00D S_ (8,612,866). $ (17,227,638) . Nb deficit allowed so cosks wauld be reduced to avoid any deficit - - CITY OF t Valley 2008 . Business P-lan City uf Spokane VAUey 2008 Business Plaa Table of-CUt1teI1lS F.xecutive Summary 2 The Initial Plen , Business Plan Process : 5trategic Service [3tlivery Areas 4 Departmentbl Business Plan 5 Future Business Plan Concepts 5 Executive & LegisIdtive Support - City A•fanager/City Clerk 6 nepartment: Executive & l.egislative Suppori -Office of lhe City Attorney y Operations 8t Admuustrativc 12 Operations & Administrative Servic;cs -!'invnre & Informutivn Technvlugy I ~ Community Uevelopme,•nt i IS Department: Parks & Recreation Public Warks ?f, Citywidc Business Plan . I t Pcnciing ldeas 3? AppendiK 34 Founcialian of the City af Spak:ine Valle}. 34 Core Reliefs 34 Vision Statement 36 ('ity of Spukane Valley Values 36 Customer Senice 37 Inform.3tian Input 3$ [nternal l.nput 38 Fxtcrnal lnput 39 Cutmril Gnalti 40 ~ -1- City ot Spokane VaIICy 2008 Business I'lan Executive Summary The Citv of Spokane Valley's Fisr.al Ycar 2008 I3usincss Plan is the communicatioa line cannec:ting the strategic planning process to the community prioritics that will shape the future of our community. One of the City Council's adopted 2007 budget goals w•as to create the City's first six- year Business Plan, which will be updated on an annu:il basis. 'Ihis 2009 Busincss Plan represents thc culminalion of that goal. Soaie recommendations of the 13usiness Plwi liave aUeadv bee.n inlegrated and adopted in th4 Citv's 2008 Budgct. However, it is important ta note that the plan is still the first itcration of the City's ctiacls in this area. Since we ure still in ow five-year start-up mode, many of our prograsns And krvices are stitl under development. In subsequent yeurs, the busiaess plan wiU continue to cvolve. 7'he start-up mode alsa means there are some potential services we aren't doing at all right now wid on wtuch w•e have not had the opporhmity to initiate a policy discussion. To address this, the initial plan is divided intu twa sections - first, the initial plan itself, which includes the issues and associated staffing xnd cost proposals. The second section identilicti gcndins; idcas. Thesr :ire a licads up uf issues and prupos~als that are «•orth furthcr consideration. -Me initial husiness plan inclucics thirtcen ncw positions over the six year pericxd. ne cstitnatei annual cost spans frum $360,000 in 2008 w$925,U00 in 2013. 'The estimated cost includes personnel, vehicles $nd equipment but dces not include overhead such as ofTice space and utilitirs. Tbe plan also does not include an in-ciepth review of cnntracted scnices which will be expiored more fully in futun business plans. "fhe busines,s plan looks at the trcnds in thc; c.laiging landscape uf tipul:ane VaJlcy to anticiFrate futum needs. Einancial resources are also fonecast, taking into consideration economic indicators and new legislation. The business plan is then abte to focus an uiilizing the available resources in the ►nosl efficient manner to provide yunlity service to our customcrs «•hile meeting the ct,urent and f'uture nceds of the City. The Initial Plan In 2007, cach department identifiral a six-year business glan incluiiiiig anticipateci issur.s and gaals Alang with strategies for nddressing them. In order to providc a perspective on the scope of the plan, Table 1: Cost of Lnitial Plan, summurius by deptutment the costs (petsonnel, workstation, vehicle, wid equipment) of implementing thc initial plan. Tablc 1: Cost of Initial Plan Depurtmeal F'I'E 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Fxecutive/l.egis Svpport .50 30,921 28,671 ~ 30,534 32,519 33,332 34,166 Opcratiuns/Admin 2.50 165,500 212,683 220,306 245,038 252,938 241,207 Financ;c & info 'Txh 4.00 70,481 124,470 209.848 219.228 315,506 326,(}61 Community Dev 1.00 0 85,340 65,327 69,574 74,096 75,948 Parks & Recreation 3.40 20,508 99,993 101,152 106,635 112,464 115,025 Public Works 2.00 73,257 69,499 74,016 78,827 80,798 82,818 GenCra) Gavcrnment 0.00 2,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 Tutal 13.00 S362,667 S620,6i6 S701t183 $751.821 $869,134 S925,225 ~ Drop rn secorul year reflecfs aie time start up costs ~ i Ciiy of Spol:dnc Vallcy 2008 Rusincss T'lan Business Plan Process This pmposed six-year busine5~s plan fiir 2008-201 ;«as develolvd in 2007. I1owe~rr, t}ic f'ounilatiOn t~or the plati was iniciatcd in 2(104 with the adoptiun of thc (':ty's \ istiin stalcmrnL tcc,nnrtunitj ul opJ)r01•tunitti' titi hert, irTrlrrrrlrrrrl.s rnrcl /tnrlilies rctrr vrr,«• urtc! 1,71ai' ulril husr?h"c.crs t•rnr jlurirish and prvsper. " Following the dcvclopmcnt uf the vision statcmcnt, City Council, uften with public partiripatinn. work«i tu establish core beliefs, values, ar►d annual budgct goals, nll of which prdvide the nexus for the City's iirst six-yesr busines.s Plan. A comprehensive discussion af the Foundaiian of Spokane Valley, City Council, anci Core beliefs along with cu.titomer service and internal and external input mrlltodoingy is available in the Appen.li\. As noted in Pigure 1. dusiness YIari 1'rocc;s, the l'it,, }-ouiidation establishc:d by City Council and intlucnced by formal employee input, city plans, analysis and other forms of Intemal lnput, along V with citi7en surveys, comment cards, fa:us groups and olher External lnput, has formed the basis ut' the first six-year husiness plan. Each of the Strategic Service Delivery Areas is suppcirted by a Departmenta! Business Plsn. 'Ihe llepartmcntnl Business I'lans were devcloped ihrough participalory mectings open to all City emplayees. A SWOT analysis identifying the strzngihs, wcaknesses, apporiunities and threats of earh department was canducted. Nlissian statements anJ goals were estahlished by emptoyees. Drpcirtment Direc:tors and their sta(T s1onK with city adtninistration then cleveloped the strategies outlinerl in the pl:iIl. Figurc 1. Business T'lun Proccss City Foundntion Core 13clief:. Visinn Stntement, Value--, i ustomcr ticrvicc Stanciard~ 1 lntemal Input City Council Extcmal laput Lunch w/ City Afnneger Budgct Guals Cituxn Survey, f"iuployec Fucus Gruups Comment C'nrdti ( ummute Trip Redustion Survey T'ocus Grvvps Resourcr Analysis CustomcrCarrespundcncu Comprrhensivc Plon Strntegic Service-Uelivery Areag 6-Ycar Transpartation ~ Improvement Pian 6-Ycar i'inancinl Ptan C'enterPlacc Markcting 1'lan Depzrtmental I3usinesy Plaa~ Purks Master Plan Mission Statcment Audits Goals Performance Analysis *Str~ategizs Wotkluad Indicator~. 'PcrCutinanrc tilra5uruini_;;t, I i Cih-wide 13usi11esS f'lan Fn~omP3~~r: :~II i~cm~ :\h<~rc • Future Plan components City of Spokane Valley 2008 Business I'Ian Strategic Service Delivery Areas The City of Spokane Valiey is classified by five strutegic service-delivery :uras uf one or morr Dcpartments, as seen in Figure 2. Stratic Seivice-Deliver_v Areas and Rcs[xctive DepartmenLs. The Gve strategic scrvice cu,eea.s developed a mission statement that guides all the departments that aperate within the strategic ares. Additionally, within two of the Straicgic Servicc Areas, divisicros wcre furiher defined_ 'Two of these arc notable in that they have developed mission staiements and husiness plans specific to thosc divisions. First, the Office ot the City Attomey is a division within the Exccutivc & Legislative Support departmcnt, but provides City-wide lcgal services such as litigatian, legislation, contracts, and code enforcement. 1'hc second is the Einance & lnforrnation 'I'echnology division within the Operatic►ns artd Administrative Sertilces Department. f+igurc 2. Strategic Service-Delivery Areas and Respcctivc Dcpartments Stratcgic Scrvicc Arc3s,r'1)eFariments ocutivr ~ Clprnuxmi A Camaicmity Pu1c5 $ Rca=tioo F'uhlk Wcxks 4151uiv+c SUytpoai Adminimatin. Ue+slrpmem Scrvbcs 4 U!i!a nf thc Ntnarkc & City tidomey tnftmmiflo Technatop -4- Citv of Spokane Vvllcy 2008 Ejusinrss Plan Departmental Business Plao This initial Busincss Plan inclucics a Mission Stntement for each sUategic servire-cielivery area atong with thr strategirs, estimated budget and timelines necessary to implement the plan. Fach titratrgic arra encompasses s general arza of service delivery wtule the dirzsions within provide a specific service to the customer. Yhe divisions wurk closely together undcr the direction of the manager of the strategic area, caordinxting efforts to serve the mission of thst area. The following pases will start with cach stratcgic sirea supplying a mission statement thnt stsitcs the purpose of the strategic area sis well as anticipated future accomplishmenis, while reflecting the valucs of thc cmployees providing the service_ This is follmved by a brief overview of the Uc.(1:1TlITit illti. Tlie izcxt stcp in thc depaitmental busincss plan proc:ess is a description of program area:. Next, an organizatianal chart shaws the stalling makeup of the depaiiment- "Ihis is fullowed by a b- ycar plan summary leading into the detailed list ufdepartment goals and strategies. The goals are summarired in a 6-yesr tinielinc f'olluwcd by a budget snd staf'fing summary. Future I3usiness Plan ConceQts In the future (2009 Busines.s P1an) the departme.ntal plan -vvill then identify, measure, and shaNv trends of workload measurements. Workload hidicators illustrate input into a depariment such ~c the numbcr of codc enforcemeni complai.nts received xnd rncaningful corrrlation of that dsta. Tliis step will be folluwed by the identificalion of Yerforniance Measurements that determine the cflcctiveness of strategies employLA such as response tirne per complaint suid citizen satisfnction of the complaint resolutinn. These Perfomiance Meusurements also gauge how successful the depariment is in meeting its goals and whether we ure inefficient or efficient in praAding thiti :;crvice. The measurement of these outcomes w711 provide accountahility to the customcrs and gauge for m:ina~,ement tu dctrrniinc if service> :ue ninninu smoc~thlv or if changes ncrd to bc- maJc. City of S akanc Vaile,y 2008 Business Plan Departmcnl: Executive & Legislative SuppOrt - Cio, ManaQer/Citv Clerk Mission Statemcpt (7w mission i5 to provide the City Council and employccs with leadership, useful advice, and implcmentation of best practiccs to achieve adopted baals and deliver quality scrvices, to the community. vcrview The Executive & tegislative Support Uepariment is accauntabie to the Cit}' Couneil for the operational results of the organization, effective suppori of elec,~ted officials in ac:hieving their goals; fulfillment of the statutory requirements of the City Manager, implementation of City Council Pulicies, and provision of a communication linkage betwecn cirizens, the City Council, City departments, and othcr government agencies. Executive und L.esislative Support includes the City Clerk and ovcrsees the Police services contract For the City. The Office of the City Attorney is included in the Repartment, but as it works directly with all departments, it has its own Mission Statement and Goals following this seclion. Description oi Programs C:ity M~nnage_r - The Ciry Manager recommends and implements policy and oversces the opcrations af the City, develops and implements the budget. All employee.s report directly or indimcily to the City Manager. The City Manager supervises and mentots Masters of Public Aciministration (MPA) program interns. Ci Clrrk -1'he Clerk's office is the custadian of all the City records and oversees elections. 1-he Clerk administcrs the City Safcty Committee and Etisk Management functions. Police SeLN'ices - Police services are contracted through the SpoL•ane CQltAly SIlCfCIfi'S llcpartment The City of Spokane Valley Policc Chief reports to die City Manager. 2008 Orgunizafional Chart C"iry Maa~aer ~ AsSma AMUYnn - . kaocutirt Clq muuae F Citr Attnney City (.'lark Addun As~eaaat - f'ullct Chirf MPA ~xc~ani~e (Co~ttract SenFoes) lnleent► CMt Ccs~rfCil Adasim quisaat ikpury Ciiy Qmdc r_4~~ i~! Rulc 4 LapthiMpna im- -6- City of~ka e Vallcy 2008 Busincss Plan : 6-Year Goai Sumrrtarv • Facilitatr the achievemcnt of annually establishcd Council Goals. • Furmulate a six-year Strategic Pinancial Plan by July 2008. • lmp(ement eity-wide document managt-ment system. Detailcd Gna) I.ist Coul 1 Facilitate the achievement of annuailv establishcd Council Goals (oll vcars) Strategies (2008-2013) ■ Annunlly dcvelop nbjectivcs and strategies to accomplish Council goals. ■ Report bnal attainment progress to the community in the city manager's budget message. G„si I 2 formulaliun uFa Six-Ycar Stratruic Financia! }'lan (SIT) bv Julv 7-()08. l he 51 1' wuulci i'oreca.~t expected revenues and cxpenses; incorpomte thc fiscal etcments of departmcntal business plans; idrntify fiscal constraints; and, propose formulas for Gouncil consideration in cumposing a budget- hiilancing approach that itemizes nrcessary service reducdons or incruased revenues or a ci-imbination thereof. titrategies (2008 Only): Ipdate the fmancial forecast on an ongoing basis. ■ Facilitate the,crcation of departmental busincss plan.5. •Culculate the fiscal impacts idzntified in husiness plans_ • Asse.ss reveniie and cxPenditure trend.s. ■ Mcrgc lrend data %vith business plan cost data. ■ I)ctcrmine the financial delta. • I)cve[np best casG xnd worst case scenarios. • Formulate revcnue and cxpenditure aptions. ■ Determine affordable service lzvels. ■ Select hudget-balancing options to implement. ■ Obiain Counril authorization to procccd with selrcted optiun(s). I ~ I -7- I City of Spnkane Valley 2008 Busincqs Plan C:nal 3 Implement city-wide document m-mnamement s sy tem. Stratcgies: 1008 •Cremte an indcx of ducwuents anei furms on the City's website. • implement papertess agendas. ■ Increase Deputy City Clerk from.S FrE to 1.0 F I E. • Ccrate index af all puhlic rerord documentti. • lmplement full document imaging ancl archire all documents. 2009 • Create index of al( public mcord documents. • Implrmcnt full dorument imAging and urchivc all dcxumcnts. ~Oll ~•[nstall c-ault in new C'itil t ttill tu house pernianent historical rerords. Summarv 6-Ycar 7'imelioc GOAL I 2008 2009 ~ 2010 i 2011 i 2012 2013 1 ' 2 I ~ 3 6-1c'ear l3udget and Statring lmpect Summary* Executive & Lcgislgtivc ~ Syff ort FTE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Lhputy Gity Clerk 0.50 ,,,.,W -.---:,34,166 *,S'crlrrn,iReneTt.c crrrd Persr»r»el Slurtun !'ust.c (wnrk.s7ulinns ap)rl t•ehicles) ' 1 Drnf, in serc»ui ct•crr ri!!e Il;e re.crill ufune-tintc slcrrl-rq) co.cl.c in ti-eur 1 ar~ vrr~ ~p~t ~frat~~ies Opprv,•. d b s~ Cdunc* The City has se1 aside S250.000 jor implementation of a document imaging .~y.stem. 1 Jtis plan does not include udditinnvl systemsfimding. -R- City ut Spulcanc Vullcy 2008 Kusiness Plan Department: Executive & l..e tg'slative Support - O Jic•e o II7e Cllv Attnntel, Mission Statement tmplemcnt Council policy by providing clear direction and meaningful assistance ta emplayees administering ciry government and eitizcns who use cily gavemment. F..nsure that all City actions are consistent, timcly and helpful. Maintain a positive and crealive workplace. ~ Overview liie Offiee of the City Attoraey n-presenis Ciry's legnl interests including oversight of claims and litigalioa Z'he ciivisioa manages the City's legal service ageements such as courts, prosccutors, and probation. 7'he City Attnmey draRs ordinances and r+csolutions, negotiates contracts, leases, and Agrecments and supports departments in enlorcing associated laws. The Officr of thc City Attorncy alsa provides speciali•r.ed employee trainine rcearding exictine law. Thc City Attorncy superviseti I and direz.ts t6e work of Rvle 9 Legal lnterns. ncvcriptioo of Programs -1ending Contract review an_ d supnort - Review contracGs prior to adoption and advise City dcpartmcnts on issues relaled to administration of the contracis; ('ode compliance suM)rt :ind litigatiun - Yrovide support to code compliancr department in analyzing cases; provide litigation support for cases that are not capable of rzsolution hy compliancc officers; Communit,y Development support - Provide advice on broad spee;trum of issues related to development permitting in the City, and jaint plunning activities outside thc Gitv in affected azeas; [.-4tlative_wpjxart - Draft lebislative ch:inges; Pro% idr advice tc~ Ihc City Council nn hroad runge of municipal issucs. 2008 ()rganirationul Ch»rt A4rsinMtalhs As*lWal DqL1yCiiyA*n" s Ralo 9 T..md 111101 -9- Citv o! Spokane Vallev 2008 Busincss I'Ian 6-Year Plan Summarv • Have a fully operational City Attarucy's (3fficc that is adequately stafffcd lo handic thc workluad and allows for timely client service. • Assist other departmeats in analyring and mapping existing processes tu determinc complianee «rith the law and whether higher levels of castomer secvicc ean be achieved. Detailed Goal List Goal l To havc a fuliv operational Citv Attorn~s Uffice that is adeauatrlti° stafTc_d to handle thc workload and allows for timelv client ycrvice. Strategies (2008-2013): ■ Monitor worklaad changes ■ Track responsc times • Identify deficient areas (,oqI 2 -1'c, zLtisist uther dePurtmcnts in analNying and mapping existine prores;es to detemune co qj~liance wilh the law and whether his~her lcvels of cwstomer serv ice ran bc nchirved. Strategies: 2008 ■ Pinalize sn index for all public records from any department, with a correspondinb clectranic directory system with a comman farmat Cit,r•-wide. ■ tdentify till t}--pes of prmuts, approvals, pcrmissions ar w-aivcrs grfujted by the City, and slxx:ify the procuciures to be followed for cach item, including deadlines. ■ Crcate a proc.css whereby the basis for all conditions placed upon u dcvclupment pmject is identificd, with a specific checklist to be followed prior to the imposition of each rondition. • Creule and maintain a purchasing manunl. ■ Maintain and updnte all form i;ontracts used by all departmcnts. 2009 ■ j.Ipdate and tnaintain a11 Cit}- iranchiscs. • Maintain and uJxiatc all torm rontracts ustd hy iill dcpartinenis, 201 Q-201 3 • Muintain and upciate all Iurni contracts uscd by all deparuucnts. -10- Citv uf Spokanc Yallcy 2008 13usiness Plnn tiumm:in 6-YcarTimulinc GOAL ~ 2008 ~ 21109 I 2010 2011 I 2012 I 1013 ~ ~ - - 2 ~ 6-Ycar [3udgct and Staffing Impact tiummanI his Plan i1ocs iiot includc wiN ac3ditional lunciin!.: and staff impact. -11- City oi 5pukanc Valley 2008 Busincss Plstn Department: Qpecations & Administrative Serviccs Miasion Statement (lperations and Administratiti°e Services supports the organization and provides exceptional customcr sc;rvice by asses.sing and addressing the needs of customers and empldyees, cmphesizing public accountability, fostering community involvement, and managing the delivery of services to the citizenry. Overview The Operaiions & Administrative Services Department inciudes the human resources, central reception, public information, contract administration, and finence functions of the City. Th.is s+..~tion of the business plan mflects the ()perations C)venighl divisic►n of the lle.-partment. Dcscription of Programs Human ResourLes - Provides serviccs in compensation, lx:nefits, truining and orgnni•rational development, statf'ing, cmployee nlations, and communications. ('entral Reception - Serves es the primary customer service representative for all departments within the City, providrs custamer assistnnce wid receives and assisLS the public. Public information - Coordinates community :ind media relatian.q to create public a«vreness and understunding of City prosrams, policies, services, and initiadves using a variety of communication channels. Contract Administraiion - Negatiates service agrccments; reviews charges; audits usages; utilizes managed competition; and addresses customer wnccras. 2008 Organ'v,ational Chart Dw7 dU► AdnWMntive Air*sae- N~ltve Sc Admu~ittr~Ai~oAn~lpit ~o baonhinn QRiw Oiyfoe Aa"! OiM AesWO(1 ~Iw"MRommhwulwj ~~s~ Hu~m Raattw 'FahnMyn - 12- City of 5pokanc Valley 2008 t3u.incsr Plan 6-Ycur Plan Sammarv • kespond to internal and externAl impacts on the C'ity's human resaurces funclion in order to mcnut and retain a well-qualificd worltf'orce • F.nhance Community involvement in City government • Formalizc public accountability in Cily operations through incorporating the dusincss Plan into dccisian making, conducting a periadir community survey, and establishing a tcolbox ti)r cvaluating the City's coiltract scrviccs petailcd Gopl I,ist Goal 1 Rescwnd to internal and external imnacts on the Citv's human resources function in order to recruit and retain a well-auglified workforcc. Strategies: (2008 - 2013) • l_]se more pro-active recruitmcnt terhniques • Lvaluatc City's work environrnent to zncouragz rctention of zxisting staff ■ L•'rpand new employee orientation and Iraining • Devclop processes ttat improve employee acccss to information, and make the hest use of' tcrhnology in order tci he cost effective to administer GoaI 2 Fnhance communitv involvemcnt in Citv P-ovenuneni. 'I'wo ol'the r,ure values aduplea by City C'ouncil flre to pramote community idcntity and Pricle. ant1 to focus on the future. titrategies: (2008 - 2013) • Yrumotc a uniyue, Spokane Valley iclentity especiaUy for the celebratioii ol City's tive- anJ ten-year anniversaries • Dcvelop reports oa Spokane Vallcy dcmugr-aphic and ecanamic trcnds • Erpand forums fQr informing sind involving the public through the development of formal cu.stamer service fcedback system and enhancement of communiry communic:ations outreach progmm Goal 3 Farmelize oublic accountabilitv in Citv utx:ratiuns throueli incomuratine tlie Business Plan into decision makine, conductinp. a aeriodic cammunitv survev, and establishiniz u toolboY for evaluatinQ ttic Citv's contract services. An open, collaborative govcrnmcnt is the third core valuc adoptcd by City Council. -I~- C'it` of Spo{:nne Vallcy 2008 Busincss Plan Strategies: ■ Incorporate thc Busi.ness Plan in the City's decision-making process to cnhance accountnbility through implcmcnta2ian af prrformunex measures ■ Implement a periodic community survey to objectively monitor customer satisfaetian • Establish a toalbox for cvaluating City's coatract services ■ Dcvetop a fornuil contract audit progam • Finalize a managed compeiition pmcess SummArY 6-Year Timeliac , coAL I zoos I 1.009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ~ - 2 ~ 3 6-Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary* OpcrationslAdmin Services ETE -1003 2009 ?U i20 11 1~' ¢17.0" 3%624 >32,515 33,-Vtl 34,266 1iR Technician 0.50 HR Assistnnt 1.00 0 t) 6U,010 h.}tI 1~ r,7,r,-1~ Administrative Analyst 1.00 71fi00 71:~8 Community inv/I'ublic Info ~ OAu 73,520 34,061 29,623 34,208 30,816 Cantract Services 2 0.011`.13.000 13,520 14,061 34,623 15,208 15,816 Other HR Services 3 0.0, ~ t 1.000 25,000 5,000 7,000 27,000 7,000 Subtotnl 2.5u 1o~.~uu 212,683 220,306 245,038 252,938 241,207 *Sa1ury/Benefrts alyd Persamtel Srurtup Cosls (work slationc aitd vehicles) f 1'ublicaNons, interactNe weh, commrinity outrecrrh, cit.slomer service feedback PI intern ` Commynity survey: inlern ; c'rty sojety plcm, paperless NR sysrem, update website, e►thunce emplvyee recvgnition, devetor nrvrketing sJrateRy, empJnl're derelopmen!/learning, comprehe►tsive emplayee developmen[ modeJ, sLCeession plannin , healthti, work'li~e . _ . _ . _ . _ _ ~ . _ _ -14- Cit}- of Spolcanc VaIIcy 2408 Business Plan Depariment: Operations Administrative Services - Finur,rre& lnrormation Technolosa, Mission Statemcnt "Ihe Finance and Information 7'echnology Division is cnmmitted to excellenec in customer service by providi.n& quality financial information io council, citizens and city dzpartrnents. The Infortnation Technology Gmup (IT) seeks to understand technology and how it cAn besi serve intemal and external IT users. Oven iew "llie rinance and informalioti '1'echnology Division provides financial management and tcchnalogy services for all city departmeats. Programs includc accaunting and reporting, pay7o11, tucounls payable, pun:hasing, budgeting, financial planning, insurance, treasury and information technology. "17iis division cxists within lhe Uperation4 and Aciministrutive Services Department. 1)c4ccriptioa nf Progrsms Finance - Provides assistance ta departnients on the annual budget, fnancial reporting, payroll, acc;ounts payahle, nnd purchasing. (niarmaiion Technology - Pruvides assistancE to departments regazding telephone senice, computers, printer/r,opiers, tuid thc city's computer network. 2008 Organ'ri.ational Chnrt Ffmce Direciar -1 ~ Aawuniing MstuiW AaauntAntlBudgr! 1'f Speciaiist GISDatabaw Anatyst (2.0 FTE) AdminiisUntnr f3.0 fTEI I Acconraing 7cchnician 6-Year Pian Summarv ■Assisi in the implementation of die Sprague-1lppleway ReN-italization Ylan, especially in the area of City Nall, City Center, and ather inf'ra5tructure fuiancing. • Assist in devcloping the tinancing of the Strcct Master Plan_ • Gxplore availxble telecommunicatio»s infra.structure accessible to the public. ■ Maintain a consistent tevel ol' service in payroll, accounts pavable, buciget preparalion and informatiun tcLluiology scrvires during a pcriod of high growth. -I~- Cih• of Spukane Vallcy 2008 Busincss Plan Detuilcd (:oal List (Toal 1 Assist in thc implementatiun of the Spmgue-Appleway Revitalizntion Ylan, cspecially in the area of City Nall, City Center, and other infrastructurz financing. Stratcgies (2008 - 2009): • Review list of nccifed improvements • Deterntine cost af improvemcnts • Once agreement with developer is sig_ned, deterrnine who will provide improvements ■ Determine timing of improvements • Determine a$'ect on city financiul stability ■ Determ.ine financing aptioos • Prcparc plan Goal 2 .A:siat in dcvelopink thc tiiianringuf die Strect Master i'lan. Stratcgic5: 2008 • Revicw consultant's ptan • Review list of needed improvemenis • Should capital plan be dilfferent than aperating plan? • Determine costs • Determinc timing • Determine uffect on city financinl stability • Dcternnine optiuns • Preparc plan Goat 3 Explon availahle telerommunirations inftastruetun; accessible to tlte public. - 16- ( itv of Spokanc VaUc-, 2008 Busincss 1'lau Stratcgies: ?U08 - 2009 • Develop questionnairc for u.x when meeting %%ith community repnsc:ntativcs including wlleges, haspitals, school districts, City of Spakane, Spokane County to share information. ■ Coordinate mectings w7lh Greaier Spokane lncorporrdted to share ideas. - • Discuss comman interests with businesses in the area and data providers. ■ Seck information fi-om devclopers, real cstate consultants. ■ RaSed on informaticm gatlle:red, determinc putential bcnciit of enhanced infrastructurc andfor needs of community. ■ 11'repare cost/benefit analr'sis. Gaals 4 Maintain a consistent level af service in payroll, accounts payable, budget preparation and infarmation technoloKy services during a period cif high growth. Strategies (211118 - 21-113) • Adel adrnin. cL,sist:uti KLircUuntant itI e:u'Iti' 'll0ti as tiutnber ofpr;,iert.; iiterell:c: • Acid information technology po5itiuns a.s ncedeJ (2009 & ?Ul 21 • t1Pgrctcie trirrhtine. network si}d fihcr irifrastructurc Summarv 6-Year Timclinc GOAL I 2008 I 2009 20I0 , 2011 2012 ~ 2013 2 4 G-Year Budget Stnd StafFinl- Intimct Sunmn.ir~ ~ Financc & lnformation 7'cc6nology V1 E, 2110S 211119 ZIIi1) 2011 2012 11113 Aclministralivc tlssistanl 1.00 I) ~-1.608 52,1071 ' 997 h 1,-t`? ; :lccaunt3nUBgt Analyst 1 0() 70,802; ~,4i~4 ?N3r~E~5 ' RZ,3.~.; 54,,,~71 I'I'Spccialist 1.00 U 81.~~7 IN~8 8 7,95ri ().i,67vl IT Specia.list 1.00 U U 0 U 85,240 86,520 Subtotal 4.00 70,481 124,470 209,848 219.228 315,506 326.061 '.Sctlury/Benejit.c (iircf f'er.conrtel StnrFul, ('oc1.s (tirork .ctat;on,c rnrd velricle.s) ! Drop in secnn.l << ur rs tlte rcsrrl! of one-ttn,e Ntcirt-rrf) <usts i» v"cn 1 . : . . iq►prvveO#~v - 17- City of Spokane Yalley 2008 Buviness Plan Department: Communitv Develonment Mission Statcmcnt ~ 'lhe mission ut' the Cummunity Development Uepartment is to provide planning, permitting and code compliance services in n resrwnsive and efficient manner to ensurc the safety, health and welfiirc of our citizens, and to encournge orderly development and economic sustairuibility. Uverview Community Development maintains the City's Comprehensive Plan; administers the Uniform Developmcnt Code and adopted Ruilding Codes; and assists citizens and bu.5iness owners with cocic- retatcd issucd. Description of Programs Plzmning - Mnke rccommendations for the upciates and maintenance of the City's Comprehensive Plan, participates i.n regional planning palicy issues, provides the statc with munciaied informatiQn regarding growth of residential capacity and cmployment trends, administers the Unifarm Dcvelopment Code including the State F:nvironmeotnl Policy Act (SEPA), Shnreline Management Act and lhe Gtowth tilanagement Act (Gf41A). 1'crnvtting - Review- isnci issuwice of construction and tand usc permits aa:ording to thc City's Uniform Develapment Caie which includes the disciplines of Builciing, I'lanning, and Develapmeni Engineering and is complcted through inspections of these thrre areas af development. Code Com..plian o - Responds to City camplaints for compliance to Gity codes. Gcogopluc InformAtion Svste~ - Mnintains the City's geogaphic database in order to provide information to make decisions und monitor land usc trends. ~ - -18- Ci", of Spolcvne Valley 200$ t3usincss Ylan 2O98 Urgaov.ational Chart EDetar 1ldmin, ()fFcc Asstytaat Asitvrt 1 ~ Nlanning Duil3iq SQflki~l Sutior Asisieal Sr.Tlans ~ Codc 5t.Pmttit ROW Ottica Pidanet Ptotmct T'~umitict Complianoc 3paeidht Gtspcr:cx /1ssi~ant 1 (10 F'Tk~ (3A FTE) Qtiioer 1ZO FTE) (LU FTk! Assoaatc i'Isank~ Plms I3uiiding I'amit OtiIce fagireoor Conmnutloa Ptatuner Tab Fxuniner lnyprdor II Spxialiet A4sMint II (1.1 FT'~ In9Qcctor au rrrr{i i.73 FM (4.0 FTE) p.a ~ nsslst~cc ~aadas EaWncct ~ Tach (2-0 FTE) (2-0 FTR) 6-Y'ear PIAii Sumvnniti- • Complete ihe Spras;uc-AppIex\ay Revilali/stiu►j t'ILin • Implement the Sprague-Aprleway Revitalization i'laIn • Complcte the Shoreline Master Yrogram update ■ Evaluziie the Cocle Compliance Program • tlpdate Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundaries thruugh region:il (iTOCc`ti • Cumplr.tc Street Standnrds Manual ■ Continue to improve custi►mcr servire in permit proressing -ly- Citv ui Spolcgnc Vatley 2008 Business I'lan . . _ . ,r. W. • UCtallCd laoal LiSt ~r' ~ Goal 1 Camplcte tbe Sprague-ApplCway Revitalizution Plan_ Stmtegies: (through mid-2008) • Yrepare environmental analysis for Plan ■ Public Outrcach (Community mectings ) • Mailce revisians based on public input • Plaruning Commission Pubtic Hcarings • City Council aaoption Goal 2 gue-nQplcwav Revitalization Plan as determined by the City Council. Implement thc SpLu Strategies: (2008 - 2010) ■ Work with the City ('ouncil, cansultants, and other department staff to determine the scope of City Center plan. ■!'ut togzlher umeline and casts for imprvvemcno. and work «ith counCil tu deirrmine city's portian of costs. ■ Prepare Planncd Action SEPA Ordinance. • Refinc sitc plan with library, property owners and cansultants. • Close property tran.saction for City f-lall. ~ ■ Work with consultants $nd property owner to secure a developer. • Review pIxns tor city hall permit and issuc. . Gua! 3 l uppletc: Uic' Siturelitie tii:istcr Pcugram uNatr subicct t0 LibtuininL' Lt-s>>t Tuticlin~. Washington Stute manciates adaptiun uf an upcf:iteci Shurc:line Master Progrant by 2013. Strategirs: (Murc:h - Dccember 2008) I ■ Detcrmine work program, cast, and timeline for complction deadline. • Applp for gant funding if it becomes available. Goa14 F,valunte the Code Campliance Pro ~ to determine if community needs are being met at 3CCepIAbIc: lc'.vtlti. ~ City of Spokanc tiallcv 2008 Business Plan ~ Strategies: (all 2008) ■ Ih;terminz eaisting case levels and responsc: timeti. • Rc-view current practices to determine if impmvements c:in bL madc to reuoive cases su+}ncr. • Conduct an assessment of pro-active issues that :ire not heing addressed. •(ttake recommendation to City R'lanagcr and CitN ('o uncil :iht iut futur< 1~~\ c 1 o f'scrtirc. (:ua15 I•pd:llt I f(i.A ho!lild.lrll'~ thil1llLil 1'l'L,loll:fl pIocC~L~. Strategies: (all Z()f)R ) • Ucvelop work program • Amencl Comprehcasive t']aii to icirntif') U(;A'~, • Work throueh regiunal pmress to havc CTGA's 'Joint P{ar7ni►:;, .1r~ ;~.~.i~~u~•.1 (;oal t► sIf~xl sl:!I1J:iItj~ \L111U.d Stratcgics: (iluough 1-008) ■ Develop mview draft o1 ducument • Conduct follow up public meeting; • Nrepare £tnal draft document • Begio adoption pmcc•s NN-ith pI:►nninr comsliissioti • City cc,uricil .~doption GoAI 7 Contirnuc to irnpro%c il1Slomcf i;eCVICt 111 pCCilll1t111p pfocetiti. Strutegies: (all \car ) • [mplemciit recc,►nmendutions uf thc d«rlopt?i~.•rit -,~,i~.~l~~,l,l~•r; _~r~~u~~ • Upciatc and impmvc customcr handouts. • Complete slaff training of the [JDC. • C'umplcte staff trriining of thc Sprague ApPleway k'lan and form based development regulations. • Prepare staff policy & procedure manual. -21 - Citv of Spakune Vallev 200$ Busincss Plan Summarv 6-Year Tiroeline f:nAL ~ 2008 ~ 2009 ~ 2010 I 2011 I 2012 ~ 2013 ~ I I I 2 I l I I ' ; a i ; I 6 6- Year Badget and Staffing [mpACt Summary-* Cammunity Uevelopment FI'E 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Code Compliance Ufficer 1.00 0 85,340 65,327' 69,574 74,096 75.948 •.Salary/Benefits u►ul Personnel Stcrrtup CosJs (work stariorts and vehicles) I 17r(p in second,veur rs the resulr ofo»ie-time ,slart-up cosLc irr )'ecir 1 I)artinent: I'arks & Rccreation Mission Statemcnt 1'o acquire, devrlop, operate and m:iintain a diverse park and recrealiun system thel enhances our rommunity. Ovenicw W'ith offices lucated in the t'rnterPlace Regiunal Lvents ('enter, t1iL Piuks and Recrration Dexartment consists of five divisions: Parks Administralion and Maintenance; Recreation; Aquxiics; Senior Center; and CenterPlace. The Department is comprised of nine FTEs_ I'arks Mai.ntenance and Aquatics services are contracted with extemal businesses/agencies. 7'he Pnrks & Recreation Ck.•partmcnt also maintains n database of local rccreation programs and services to help match citi•r.en.4 with existing srrvices. Descriptioa of Progrnmc Parks Administmtion & Maintcnance - 7fie Administration Division pmvides diroclion and leadership for the I'arks and Recresiion Depuriment in implementing the goals and objectives ' of the City Council and facilitates the general upkeep of parks and public areas of tlse C'itv. The City uses conttactual services for the operaiions and maintenance of City parks. (tecreation - The Recreation Division coordinutes and facilitates the delivery of rcc.rration programs and services througliout the City and the City's park system. Aqualics - The City of Spakune Valley owns threr swimming pools which provide opportunities for Open Swim, Swinm Lessons, Swim Team, and farility rental;. In ❑clditiun, the City leuses a portion vf Valley Mission Park for a water park. „ City of Spokaur Vallcy 2008 Iiusine&% Plao The Ciiy currently is contracting with the YMCA f'Or all aquatic activities within the City. 'fhe YMCA provides the lifeguards and maintains the pools cluring the seasan. Senidr Ccnter - The City of Spokane Yalley assuraed operational control of the Va11ey Senior Center in 2003. Thraugh the Spokane Valley Senior Citizcns Associaiion, the Senior Center promotes fellowship, health, reeteation, social, and educutional upportunilies for Ex:rsons fi fty years and older. In cooperation with the Comrnunity Colleges of Spokane the Senior Center oPfers classes ranging f'rom aerobics to Spanish. 'Itie Senior Cenler is also a recreational hub For area seniars ta play billiards, pirrg pong, and pirkleball, and juin in weekly danccs, tbcme dances, ;md line dancing. <<nterPlarc - Constructinn of Mirabeau Point CenterPlace was complctcd mid-year 2005. The project npresents the culmination of eig.ht years of planning and fundraising by Mirabcau Point Inc. and the joint in<<olvement of the City and Srxokane County. The approximately 54,000 square fooi facility houses the City of Spakune Valley Senior Center, a great room (banquet facility), numcrous meeting rooms, multi-purposc rooms, and a high tech lecturc hall. The facility combines with Mimbeau Meadows Park and Mirabeau Springs to form a regional focal point for Northcast Washington, Northern Tdaho and Western Montana. '100$ nrganizational Chart ~ Pnrks & RoereslioM Df~r P.ts (.lpxacan t wqa*►o J1cxl.nuo 4 AAainleeunos 1►lsintsaanoa (~w'act Senioa) ~ ~ (Conftct Sacviaa) .Adidnhn~tlre /Vaiiaot Cenc4'Ire Ce~rtaA'!~a Gm~riaot Sanior turtta Spoct~ia Retto~caa CaoMfudA► GstcMoer Mdrma►ancc wortet - ~ Etdrtk+ai'f uWt~e Fantkpa 20 ~fE ar Caed~act Caoa3i~a 2.0 FTE Surke 1T~if i CanhxS9acs A4mhl6ftrfttr'0 AIRiftnt ZO FlE 10 _21 _ I Citv otSpoknne Valley 2008 l3asiness Ylao 6-Year Plan Summgry • lmplement recommendations of the Parks and Recreatian Master Plan • Implement the CenterPlace Regional Marketing and Communicadons Plan ■ Malce facility improvements ta Center['lace • Expand senior services to serve changing needs and expectnlions of the senitu poPulatian ■ Worlc with Ccntennicil Trail partners to develop 20 year plan Detailed Goal List ~ Goal 1 lmalement rerommendutions of the Parks and Recrealion Master Plan. Based on c:ontracted pJanning I services and relying on Public Works nepartment for construction projecLs. Strategies: (2008 - 2013) ■ Implement Parks and Recreation Mnster Plan • Explore options for majar source-s of funding • Parsue park acquisitions and development ■ Develop formal agreements for "school parks" ■ duild department identity ■ Partner with local jurisdictions to look at feasibility of indour aquatics ccnter (.ua12 imnlement the CenterPlec;e Reeional Marketirua and Cammunications Plan. Strategies: (2008) • Increase seasonal seaCfing to accommudate a higher level of service for events • Professional iraining for aur host staff - alcahul, CPR, team wark • Develop "CenlerPlace's Purtner Services" with local evcnt planners ■ Cxplore contracting with food and beverage service pmviders • Contract marketing senices to heip implement mnriceting plan Gogl 3 A•iuke facilitv improvemenis to CenterPlace. Strategies: (2008 - 2009) • Schedule preventative maintenance and fecility updates to maintain CcnterPlace in new condition ~ Ilxplore oppartunities to provide additionnl services • Explore contructual janitorial services vs. conversion of jsinitorial staffto FTGs -24- City of tipulcanc Vulley 2008 13usiness 1'lan Goal 4 E,'x_pand senior services to serve changing needs and eVectations of the seniarpopulation. Strategies: (2008 - 2009) • Challengc to scrve curreiit age demograpliics unJ tc) attraut nc:w Participants • Add new, active pragtamming • I iire ha1F time intem to assist with scheduling classes and szmi nars •(ncrease im•alvement w7th neig,hboring retimment communitic~ ■ Educate the community al-largc atxout the putpose tind potential of tlie ticnitir c'ciltzr ■ l7ocus on heslth and wcllnrss Goal 5 Work %tiith ('cntcnnial I'rai) parUicrs to dcvcloF) 20 vear plan. tilratel4icy: (2009j • ticek gr.inl uPPurtunilie, • Uevclop a long range mainleilancc rl.i>> • Implement Plan .6-- Summarv 6-Year Timeline c;oAt, I 2008 I 2009 2010 ~ Zai i 2012 i 201; i 2 3 4 S 6- Year 13udget and Staffing Impact Summary* Parfs & Rccrcation F'TE 2008 ZUUI 2010 2011 2012 2013 Operations Coardinator 1.00 0 7Q,ti{ti, l I~ 14) 0 0. 8 116 ('ustodian (.m.ai from tmr) 2.00 '7N.563 83,6~5 : 89,039 94,8'7 9-098 949,628 f'entrrNlacc: Serviees 0.00 11.6.720 -1 i'M538 122,629 1~+,(;95 I2 8z83 ' 1.32,038 Sr. Center Services O.U(, 1 s)y:;iPS 10:171 l.1,040 11~.~i6: `11 .ST; 1118811 Offset*' 0.011 YSt.~.231 (1 93.243)._~Ot,"j J210r4i22)-- ('16,t}Y5) {l""1lf~6- Subtotal 3.00 20.508 k) 4) ; I O1.1 ~ ~ I O0.6.:; *Salrrry'Renefirs u,ui Per.«»ntel ,Cn irltin C osls ("i+i)rk cJaliort, mtd ►•chicle.c) **U/,ci cltie lontcreavtd reieiruc, ~rnd cunncl~JoI110I11 fT(71(s( ftnm cnnlruc! strvlces ' WaI S~ir~'etlt,~'Q°',~Pplyftve!t by ..~d _2;_ C'ity of SpoIcane Vallcv 1008 Business Plan - : ~ Department: Public Works Mi9sioa Statcmcat "The mission of the I'ublic Works Department for thc City of Spokane Valley is to pro4-ide ovecall planning, constrtiction opemtions and maintenancc of the city`s public works infiastructurr and facil ities. • Z-he mission of the Adminisnation is to provide directiun, supEwrt, and coordination to Public Wortcs staff facilitnting their delivery of service thmughout the community; and coardincition with providers of solid waste, wastewater and ather regional public worlcs issues. • The mission of the Capital ['mjects group is tn plan, design and construct new facilities wtuch are under thc ownership of the City of Spokane Vallcy. 'fhesc projvcts include roads, hridges, park facilirics, civic and community huildings. This requires canful prioritizcd long- range planning, acquisition and management of state and fedcral grnnt funding, conrdination with stakcholdcr groups, and proficicnt project managcment. •fhc missian of the Street Muintenunce Division is to 1. I'rovidc responsive and etTeetive management and mIIintenance of city streets, snow and ice contml, and debris removal, aUowing for saFe transportation throughout thc commtmity. 2. Provide Traffic Engineering for safe and efficicnt multi facettd tr-insportation systems throughcwt the city. • The mission uf the Stormwaier Divisiun is to protect the environmcnt by iniinizing ►hr degradation of water yuality and reducing the potential for flaiding and erosion by niaintgining and installing stortn«<atcr management system5. Oven iew Public Works uvcrsees the City's transportution 5ystem, which iiu:ludes cunstruction and maintenancc of strccts and related stormwater systems, O[cIBiIOIIS SIld IIlIIIIIIeiIHIlCC Ot tl"dII]C S1gILS and sigials, regional and neighborhood transportation planning. The Qepartment also provides courdinAticin with othcr city departments an the planning, design and construction of city parks and civil facilides, along with participation in regional public warks 'sssues such as solid waste, wastewater, and high-capacity transportation. Description of Programs Streei Onerating Yru- -'1'he Street Operating progran is e-stablished to providc efficient and safe movement of both motoriled and non-motorizei vehicles as wcll as pedestrians wilhin the limit5 af lhe City and coordirintc convcnient interconncct [a thc regional transportAtion systcm. ~ I ~ i - 16- 1 City of tipokane Valley 2008 Kusinesr Plnn 'Che, transportation nelworks, under this program, are designed, constructed, and maintained to improve thr quality of life while providing the effir.icnt move.~ment of rommcrcc. Stormwater Manaeement - Provides stormwater construclion and management throug6 both the Str~.-rt Department and Spoknne C'ounty. 5tmc:t !Vlaintenance - Responsihle t~or maintenanc:e of public sireelti. 2008 Urganizational Chart hblk V` aria p{reclw Adm~fatr~te Asrina~l ~ 1 9rOCC M,e4am+an« E:nE►aou - sanl,y e'a~iuoa - sa~lu► Egg,oecr _ uPQixptndmot sorrnwoa ClP Mwqa Trst[io ~lneqcs~ce /C~t. /1uW4ont ftjt= Ewa0woain6 TetA { I1A~AIMhs AmiaM 2 0 FfE Sehlar Ettrttna - Sankr. Engittaa _ A$"* 4*W ~[nginoerirta Teeh 1 FARinoarin# Tah. I I -27- Cit}• af Spnksne Valley 20{)8 Busin"s Plan ~ 6-Year Plan Summary • Implement the Strcet Master Plan (ance adopted by Council ) ■ Continue develnpment of a long rangc plan for strect maintenancc • Continue optimir.ation of thc city's traHic signnl plan • Continuc implcmentstion of the stormwater prograxi • Implement public infnistructurc a-pecLs uf Spn►gue-Appleway Revitalization Plwi, including C'ity Center ■ Implement Capital Improvemcnt Projects as approvcd hy Cuuncil ■ Manage ssnd coordinnie the planning, design and canstruction of the City Hall project • Continue involvemcnt with the County and DOE regarding the T'vtDL and Vi'astewater Treatment Plan Detailed Gnal LiM Goal l Implemrnt the Street Master Plan (once a(lopted bNl Council) Phese; I Strategies: • Continue engineering contract with JUI3 for 2008 plan update • tdentify funding for recommended Pavement Mnnngemrnt Pmgrxm and TransportAtian lmprovcmcnt Plan ('ITP) G c►a 12 C'onlinue devclopment of a lang range plan for street maintenance Strategi es: ■ Purehast: site und fncility for equipment and matetials n Considcr options for winter snow maintenance Goal ; Continue optimization of the city's traffic signal system Stratcgies: • l!pdate and revise signAl timing plans for the city's major intersections • Cuordinate the design oF the funded I1'S projects I • Continue providing tratTic related services on new devclopment proposals -?8- C=ity of 5pokanc Vullcy 2008 Business 1'lan Goal 4 Cuntittur imF)lrrncut.ition c,fthe ~tnrnm;flrr Prn~~rani striiic°'-Jell: • I)c%clup ar.ipical pn~jzui2 Cur ric«icd `[cUCI11w1(ci taciliiies • vevelop a six-year plan far compliance with the Underground lnjeciirin t'orltrol 11,Ie' ) Program •[}evelop and reyardinate wilh other departments a plan for compliance with the Nation.,l Po]lution niuhargc f:limination Systrm (N1'I-)FS1 Phasc 11 rcrmit Geal 5 Impl:flll'liI pUHii i1ltT-:l;ifUllllrt (I R'"•l(;Shiallt'll N.lll_ 111~~11~IiI1L It'. Ul'IITi'T • Uctcrnunc ptasing, cusi "timales anJ CunLiing :ilternativcs Cor ihe subarea pI;111 ncommendations • Design and construct the first phase(s) of the public infrastructure to support t6e devcloprTient ol' LhrCity. c~.`nter • ncsign and construct ihe first phase(s) of the Sprague/Appleway impmvernentti to suPport the revitaliiatiun uf thc corridor Goal fi Implement Capital Impre►t-crnent f'rojccts a; approved hy ('ouni•il titratcgics: • ( untiniu tu rnonitor, upJate, atid implement lhe I r:nspuriatioii Iuipruv4ment i'laii l I IP► • Pursue udditional funding opportunities tor c;tipital projecis ■ Continuc coord'uiation %%1th other departments on non-transporiation caPital project; ■ Cuntinuc to rcquest xc3ditianal tit.illin;; liOr ROW, dL'swn. ronstructiun iind ~iCcvunli~IL' t(_) facilitatc pri~jert implcmcntrjtion (:nal 7 Ntanage i11lCj coordinate the Eilamiing. (ICsiLTn anLl cO>>>,truCtiuEl ui' thc ('it}' f1;►11 rrujckt 51r-dlc:glLS: • Continue Programnung 1'hasc in 2008 ■ Bebinn.ing Planning and Design Nhasc in '008 subject tu acquisition of Projcct site ~ 'q - City of Spokane Vullcy 2008 Businesy Plan - Gual 8 Continue invotvement with the County and DOE regarding the TMDL and Vb'astewater Treatment Plan Strategies: • Participste in the Cotmry DBn Selection Committee ■ Pariicipate in nOi: Spokane River nissulvrd Oxygen 'I-MnI. Ac(visory t;roup Summary 6-Year Timetine Gaal ~ 20019 1 2009 ~ 2010 ~ 2011 ~ 2{112 I 2013 ~ ~ - - i--- - - , z i t 4 s 6 - 7 $ 6-1'ear I3udgct and Staffing impact Summary•* Pubtic Works FTF 21008 2009 '~►1(1 2i►I i 12 20 13 Capital 1'mject Engineer 1.01, 86,057 rr-101 93,071 99.121 101.599 1044139 Admin Assistamt l.nii 527,457 5. #,t;(!?i 54,961 ,>l3,53 59,99' _ 61;497 Offsct' ..05 25:j ^:k,?K? 69.404~ w ':4.0EI; '"fi.R'? $(1,'?q8 Rw.,~18 4,S'crlary;'t3enefits anJ 1'ersonuiel,Startup Costs (work stations unri uehicles) 1 I)rap in secnnd , vear is the resrtlt qjorre-time start-up cosls in year I ".I rith_ipcrtcd lc°d17irl 11ri"'lr'lt; 14) r,rf.c~ r perc-uttct;;c oJ"Pro1ect spec!11~ cc7(uries vsrwurrft rr i~~s~r ls L. ' :..:...pr~:+ O"cs"Tl- .14 . 1+i~~ :~I - .Shud~ ~r~t ~tru1~e~v~` - ;tl - Cit~- of Spuks+ac Valley 2008 Business Plan Citywide I311sillc'.tis I1lan In 20N08. ,:1! dcpamni•tltal hu,"ine;: P11111; IOr -'(W;{ 20I 1 uill 11WC h:Cn 01111EllCtCd iiflil rutn11il0d in the citywtide business plan. This business plan pulls all the functions of the Ciry togc:ther into ont comman purpose - to aehicve service-clelivery goals. The Citywide Business Plan alluws dccisiun makers to view the interrclationship and impac:t of all departments and programs. t'ltinning is the strength of government and is vital to eusure firture commu.nity netdti can be mct. Planning is continually tal:ing place in the City in areas such as transportation improvemenl, tinancr. parks and rccrcation. and 1he ongoing comprehcnsive plan. These plans f1ow into strategic goals uf depdrhnental pI:uis. Unce die plan> are in Place anJ StCpti :irn t.il:Ln tu ran-,, uut thcsc pl:uiti, mcas►ucments c,in he ta}+en tu assess the C'ity's performanrx in the execution of these strategic plans. Measurernents can hr assesscd througEi electronic data gathering or through report cards providcd thmugh citizen surve} s. Measuremcnts wzll be int<[-'rated into thc tirst husiness rlan rcvision tu bc «ondttcwd in 2(1f1R fc,r tlit. timeframe of 2009- 2014. 7-herefore, the business plan is uot a(ince-a-tcar prc►cess but rFither it is cc>ntinually beiub monitore(i and refined. Depariments mcet on a regular hasis ta assess mea.suremenLS and maintain focus oii their goals. Employees lei the C:ity Mnnager know haw things are gaing at the customer interactian icvel while citizens let the Council and titayor lnow how they perceive the strategies are worl:ing. Figure 31: Business Plan Cvcle illustrates the nngoing proress. H'igurc 3. Busincss Plan Cycle Plan I1icasure Nlonitiir Comprchcnsive Plan Business Plan E3udgrt Prvccss 1'crlurm;ancc Mra-sures Qlmrterly Rcpons 6 -Year'1'ranspnrwtion Plan Customer Satisl'action ~ Lunch wl Cit}, N1anager 6-Year Financia) Plun ~ Survey Cunvecsations wilh the Parks Master Plan Communitv CenterPlace Regiunal C'u!~tuincr Co»unent~ N9arketing Plan Focus Groups • ~ ~ - - - ~ -31- City of Spokant Vallty 200$ Businrss Plan f'end i ng Ideas ? here are inany idess that warrrint further consideration, but have not reached a point of maturitN such tkai an informeci decision c.an iLc made to include thcm in this first iteration Qf the Bcisiness I'lan. The}• are descrihed in TabT 2: Pertdin¢ Ideas List below, as nntiee of fim,2 po(ic~ ci;•~~:~~it,nti. I I,t! idecis, ,ire Ii,eecl in the arder of tead depariment - they are not priaritiz.eri. 1 hc rro`_*raru-,:'.cr~ 'Irc cichcr iifulti-ycar or ongoing in nature. The tabie lists the projosezi tirst year ot' implementation and an eslimation of the first yeac's cost 'ITie cost of some of thc program5 riiay partially or campletely offset, either by specific revenuc sourecs, or by reduciions in other expenses. The tabte indicates whether there is an offtirtt. hut dc,es not idcntit} tlie a-TT;ount aild does iiot include capital projcYt or tand acyui`itiom cotit:, City uf Spokanc VaUey 2008 [3usincss Plun Table 2: Pending Ideas List Itcm 7 t ear: ; Cost t)tl'srt'' C'umrnent 7!1 Ir3te Cost No ~ I Publlo Wo Asgttsme C&A f 2009 ~ 559,000 ; • Additionsl 111 staft will bc necded if tlat City choctscs I ~ to hr 9ignificantty motr pruactiva tognrding public I ~ infixmation and imvhvment. PrQgam M&r - CD 2008 82.000 • Depend'mg on how- actiwo a rak tbe City cboaso w i Spragur-Applrway tak,t with SARP, s dedicared prvgran matrnggr wit{ Rcvitnlizacian Plnn be nerdcd to coatdmalc the widc vnriery- af (SARP ' associetcd 'rcta. Ctimttumitv Dov. Dloek I_] ~ 2013 I4?,bc1O ~ • Thc City currently purticilsatta witA 5po{um Couray C}ruat (C178G) i suO ntfrcrs. Evcry thrcc yew, ttte City bns the F-utltlrmcoc City apporiunity to decidc if it wistus to hnve a atatsd- Deslgnntitrn ~ aSpne CflIIG program. 7une 2003 is tfie nrrxtt chaam ' ! W dD So. Entrwtucyd Gt+ograp!►fc CD ' 20Q9 13a,00(1 ♦ Thc Cit), othcr jurisdiciions, and thc pobiic are Inta 5y~tccn (GiS) limit+rc! in t~ usc of GIS. Additianal ~tafing wouW allnw far a richer ievLq of datn tn bo inpw and maintuinod. It Souid aid in tk ckcisiam making for . nn}lhin8 prvptrty hascd, inclwiiag ptblic safcry. utitities land tLsc, and pwim Foreatry Progrnm P&R 2009 ; 72,000 • ! A forastry pcngnun would bo an investmecit in the I nuturai bcauty of tha oumtntniry. Rnd cqald inttude I Trcr C itti U S A smius. E.nhmcai R~on I P&R I 2010 105,400 The Parics & Rac Muter lflan ideatitiod pooetrtial 5ervi~es rarrcaiiun o rtwiities far all agn. i Parlc Rwgor Progrgm , MIt 2010 60,000 ♦ Tbix positxun would enbuntc the eaCcty- rnd rnjoymcnt of paric visftucs by pniroiiing fuc , vendulism, iilcgal tanswnptldn ofcirvgs atW akaho4 I ~ abnndnaed vciiicks, vamagcyt etc. Sflreet Master Plan I'N' 2009 203,000 ♦ Stalf wiU be mquirod to mKinca[n du Inventory• Impkmmwian ciaualsase: and msnege tric usociated eapltal Pro1mm ~ ic►sluding fundin~and design. ` Right-of=Wa}-,'Praperty PW 2009 82,000 • '1'tu Ciry's nal pn!pr,rty assCU ara growlag und need managvmcnt nsore cotsctlidated mangmnenL A RUW pcogram ; wouW ovrrsca axiWttg assdts, coordindc proprrcy , - aoqu;siiion (c.g., pa& or citP}tal projecu), and prunctiYCfy aequire property fvr knowr future ro'octa so urchaxs arz us cconvmiral n ssibk. GApitW projrct tksign ' Pih' 20119 294,000 ~ Thc City ctxitrsct3 for deaiW4 pra}tet rnsnaganrnt, ind itsxpectiant Tcnms erad inspatiae of capitxl projacts. An in-house taua ; I uslgnnud to a perccntagc of thc capital prQjecta %-uuld ~ be taote wst cfTcctivc, if srt at a canscrv*iveiy suacalnable IcveL_ _ _ _i *llris po.silion is incl:ided in rhe 2008 13ra4fiet I I - 33 - City of S u~Vallc 2008 Plan Appendix Foundation of the City of Spokane Valley "Ihe City of Spokane Valley sprung forth fresm a mixture of neightwrhouds on Man;h 31, 2003. The new city govemmrnt wns charged with providing senices to 82,000 peoplc. , The City leaders knew that a clear direc:tion with a ~ coasistenl message was necdcd to be successful in this cndeavor. 'l'his new City had a diffcrent mentality than the other govemment operations in the area and City leadets knew how important it ~ was to solidify that d'si'fercnt way of thinking Gom the very beginning. 'fhis City was to be m.sponsivc, focused on . custamer service, apen to the public, progressive, efficient, lean, fair, and aimmitted to pnividing a high quality uf lifc. Core Beliefs tiertion 1. We heliive that Spokaiie Valley shauld be a visionary city encouraging its citi-rxns and their governmc:nt to look to the future beyond the presc.-nt generation and to bring such ideas to public discussion and to enhunce a sense of community identity. Section 2. We believe that elected body decision-making is the only lawful and effective way tu conduct the public's Iegislative husiness and that c:ireful observance of a clenr set of Gnvernance Coorclination rules u1' procc:dure can hc;t c►iliruicc public participation anci dccision making. Seetion 3. Wc lielieve in the ('ity Council as policy leaciers af the City. One ur mare City Councilmembcrs erc encouragcd to take thc lead, where grar.ticnl, in sponsoring C7rdinances or Rcsolutions cxccpting quasi judicial ar othcr public hearings and the statutory duties of the City Manager a.s set farth in RCW 35A.13.020. Section 4. We believe in hearing the public view. We affum that members of the public shuuld be eacouraged to spcak and be henrd through reasonable rules oF procedure when the pubiic business is being cansidcred, thiis giving elected oircials the broadest perspectives from which to malce decisions. -34- City of Spokane `'allcy 2008 I3usincss Ptan Sectina 5. Wc believe tllat the City of Spokane Valley's governance should bc knowm as "user friendly," and that govemance practices and general operations should consider how citizxns will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. SecNon 6. We believe that the economic and commcrcial job hase of the cUmmunity should be I prescned and encouraged to grow as an alternalive to increasing propcrty taxcs. VI%e belicve it imperative to have un expanded and diverse economic basc:. Section 7. We believe that Councilmembers set the tnne far civic discussion and should set an cxample by: (a) Setting high standards of decurum and civility. (b) Encouragc opcn and prociuctive conversation anongst themselves and Mth tlie cammunity about lcgislativc mariers. (c) Demonserating respect for divcrgent paints of view expressed by citi•r.ens, fellow Councilmemhtr, ajid thc stafT. (d) Elanuring esch uthet and the public; b}' dcbating issues with City 14all 311.i tllC ('0mmunitv %tiiihout casting aspersions on members nf Council, tlic staff; or thr puhlic. (c) Accepting tlie rrinriPle of m,~I„rity ntlc ;ind N1orkiri- to advanct tliv o+. ..cor-p„rate•. decisions. SecNon 8. N`C JUlll'II Il?e l(11 `h11:1t'c'C sUffi_i1l li] cn[3ijUciif?., liit ot lile CII} \11II] tiUl' rcgani f"Or: (al Yrc~rnotinb mutual rcspkct hrt~%ccn thc Citiiens. City stati and thc ('itN Councii hy creating the orbaniratioti:il teanywcuk neres4ary for efTectivc, respunsivr and uNn govcrnment. (h) Providinb the CitNr C'ouncil and pubiic ceasonable advance notice when issues are to be hrUUglit fonvard for discu.ssion. (c) Lstablishing and maintaining a formal city-widc customer sirvicz prQgram witli cmphasis on timcly re:spoase, a user-friendly atmosphere, and an attitucie of facilitation and aceotnmodation within thc I.iounds of responsibility, integity, and finnnciril capability af the ciry, including organizational and .job de,cription documeats whilc pursuing "best practices" in custonter sen-ire. (d) Sec.king ercativc ways to cemtain ur impede the rising eost t,f~ goNernmrntal srn•ices. including eYamination of private scctor alternatives in lieu of governmcntally provided 5CN1(;ES. (c) Praviding a data basc: of futurc projccts and druims }'ar the aew City of Spokane Valley su that good ideas from its citizens and leaders are not lust and thc status of projects ran be readily determined. - ;5 - City of Spokanc Valley 2008 Business Plan Vision Statement - The tirst step was to establish_ a vision statement. That sets the City in motion on a course of success. Our Council believes that all pe4ple in Spokane Valley should have an opportunity to succeed, both in work and in personal lives. A well-balanced community enstires that a strong ee•onomy will exist to allow residents to eujoy lifc. The following vision statcment was adopted to signii:y this belief. . "A community of apportunity ivhere individuals und families cun grow and play and husinesses can flourish and prosper. " City of Spokane VaUey Values Next; the City founders and leaders felt it was important to provicie d'uection to the new City govemment organization and ensure that this community is unique. Developing the following values for the City accomplished these goals. Cummunity identity and Pride. Spokane Valley promotes an environment that supports the home and family, and job and education opportunities. I-fighlight areas: - ■ A friendly, wholesome, safe place to live and raise a fauuly ~ ■ A City Centei and economically healthy; diverse downto~n area _ . • Prescrvation of neighborhoods Focus on the Futurc. Spokane Valley is a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to 1QOk to the future beyond the present generation, and to bring such ideas to public discussion, enhancing a sense of community identity. Highlight areas: ■ A balanced approach to growdi and development • ■ Stewardship of land and resolu'ces, such as parks, recreation ancl natural areas ■ Preservation and growkh of the Economic and commercial job base of the community - Open, Collabarative Government. Spokane Valley values a"user-frienclly"govemment, in which governance practices and general operaLions consider how citizens will be served in lhe ruost _ responsive, effec-tive and courtcous manner. Highlight areas: ■ Citizen participation in the decision-making proce-ss ■ Strategic use of publicJprivatc and other partnerships . • A Can-Do attitude on thc part of City einPloyces, and fair and consistent i.nlerpretation and i.mplementation of regulations . -36- City of Spokane Vallcy 200$ Business Plan With these values, the City's foundation begins to take shape. T`he City now knows how it will -operate. This will be a government that encourages participation, promotes a collaborative approach . to problem-solving, insPi.res creativity, cultivating respect; and providi.ng thc highest level of . services without over-burdening its citizens or businesses. Customer Service 1"he City of Spokane Valley established a level of commitment to custoiner service that will help the City achievc all future goals. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLFY CUST01vffiR SERVICE PR.OGKAM Our goal is to deliver servicc that is complete, consistent, and equitable to a11 our eustomers, and is -based on the principles of integrity, respect, and responsiveness. Rcgardless of the reason Por, or the mcthori or frequency of cnntact, our customers NNill be treated with courtesy, reSpect, and pmfessionalism. - I. ldentify Our Customcrs U. Define Custnmer Service -III. Communicatc Our Goals and Standards IV. Assessment and -Improvement CUSTONM-R SERVICF, DEFINI l ION - Custumer Service Key Statement: The City of Spokune Yalley strives to provzde service in a respectful, knowledgeable, und welcoming manner. ' Respect(u! KnowledReahle fVelconiinp ➢ Dcmonstratiug eourtesy and 9 Fostering a team-oricnted > Ack.nowledging customers profi:ssionalism approach when they cnter ➢ T istening effectively > Providing alternatives > Steeraig customers in the riaht 9 Responding in a rimely manner D Anticipating questions direction ➢Exemplifying a no-surprises ➢ Having/knowing your resoiirccs ➢ I'romoting an enjoyable work atmosphere ➢ $eing organir,ed environment 9 Maintauutlg a clean and uncluttered wArk environment 7 Treatinp, peonle as individuals The fountiation is now set. The City staff, management, and Council now have a clear understanding af. what is expected of them and they have a solid support structure to give them confidence in the pcrformance of their dutics. . -37- City of Spokune Valley 2008 Business Plan Information Input - - ~ . . Information will come from inside the organization, from staff and management, as tivell a.s from outside the organization from citizens, busi.ness-owners and others who frequent our community . (workers, tourists, etc.). _ Internal Ynput , - Council utilizes information from employees in a numbcr of ways. Emnlovee Feedback . Employees are aften the information conduit from the customers to thc Council, relaying demands or changing trends and they can often bring f'orward innovative way of providin; e.ificient service- delivery. information from eniployees can bs received in a variety of ways, from lunch with the City Manager to employee surveys. l;ollowing is a list of employee feeciback taols, some that are cturently utilizeti and some that may be used in the future. ■ Lunch with City Manager ■ . Employee Survey (Future) • lnternal Customer Survcy (Futurc, for departnients that scrve employees) ~ CTR Survey (Commute Trip Reducdon) ~ Stfiff ArialS'$]S The City of Spokane Valley government is comprised of knowledgeable professionals. Staff is charged with providing the specialized lrnowledge that allows the Council to make informed decisions. From demand analysis, which determincs when the workload is heaviest and how to best accomTnoclate it; to staff rePorts that consider altcmative methods of service delivery or other cost- • saving measures, emPloyees are invaluable in providing complex information. In the fuiure, an audit progrdm can be utilized to ensure cfficiency of service delivery for bolh in-house services and . c4ntracted services. Tn addition, as a future piece or the busi.ness plan, performauce measure results will be analyred, lo4king at multi-year and performance and comparing to tarbets as well as mal:ing comparisons to other entities. ■ Demand Analysis • StaFCReports - ■ Audits (Future) ■ Ferforniance Aiialysis (ruture) . -38- . City of Spokane Valley 2008 Business Plan Stratep-ic Plannine . Thcre are sevcral long-range plans that are continually updated that look at current trcnds- to make ' future forecasts. Much public input goes into thcse ciocuments but the foreea,.Sling and planning is . done by skilled staff-members who must creatE innovative ways of achieving our future vision while meeti.ng current needs, complying with the law, ancl operating withi.n finaucial constraints. • Camprehensive Plan • 6-Year Transportation Improvement Flan ■ 6-Ycar Financial Plan - ■ Business Plan Ezternal Input The City Council represcnts the citizcns of Spokane Valley and musl £orm policy that most fairly represents all segments of our community. Ln addition, it is neccssdry to provide service to those conducting bu.siness in our community and thosc visiting our City. In orcler to maintain the balance that exists i.n serving the differEnt needs that exist in Spokane Valley, it is necessary to reccive fecdback from customers and constituents. The City has al.ready utiliied citizen surveys as part o.f the development of the comprehensive plan and for the needs assessment portion to the cable franchising process. In the future, citizen surveys can be utilized in an ongoing basis. as part of strategic planning and performance measurement that aze integral Gomponents of the business plan. Customer surveys can also play an imporiant role by - polling individuals and businesses that have had a recent interaclion writh the City. - . Coinment Cards and Correspondence through phone calls and e-mails pro,,ride an easy way for customers to relay thEir experience to Council and management. These unfiltered accounts of interaction with City staff allow those in charge of keeping the City on course to react immediately if necessary or io further cultivale and reward if a process is workuig well. Thc public can also choose to take a more active znle in participation through public forums such as public hearings and open house functions as well as through servi.ng on advisory committees. In the future, focus groups may be utilized to allow for a mpre concentrateci effort on a particular subject so that Council and staff can get a better feel for how a particular subject is receivcd in the commun.ity ancl to allow cuslomers to play an activc role in guiding the way a service is delivEred. ' ■ Customcr Survey (Future) _ ■ Citizen Survey • Comment Carcls ■ Conversations with the Community ■ Public Porums • Advisory Committees • Focus Groups (Future) ■ Customer CorrESpondence , -39- City of Spokane Vallcy 2008 Business Plan 0 Council Goals Once the information has been gathered it can be input into the policy-making process nzach.ine. Tlie - City Council first takes a look at where we need tn go based on the feedback from the community. Then they must determine the best way to get there based nn i.nput from employecs and customers. The most challenging phase for the Cauncil is to then allocate available resources in a way that ensurES that all components are well-maintained and stay in good-working order so that we reaeh our goals as quickly and efficiently as Possible while still adhering to the high-standazds set by the over- arching princiPles of the City. New goals will be sct by Council annually wtule the progress of previous year goals iNrill be measured. Thotigh the goals are set by Council they represent the goals of the citizens of the community. Major Goal Statements for 2008 Tlie 2008 budget re#lects the distribution of resources consistent with the Council's determination of core services priorities. The following goals represent just die very broaci areas of concentration important to the well being of the community. Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastcwttter facilitics, and pursuit ~ bf the most eCficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. Refine initial departmcntal si.x-year business plans in order to identify and idcorporate fiscal . impacts i.nto a strategic financial plan. Fcarmulate a Six-Year St-ratcgic Financial Plan by July 2008 that f.orecxsts expecled revenues and expcnses; incorPorates the cost elements of departmental busuiess plans; identifes fiscal constraints; and proposcs formulas for Council consideration that institutc sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductions or revenue increases or combinations thereof Initiate implementaNon of tlie sub-area plan for the Sprague/rlppleway Revitalizntion Plan. Adopt area-wide rezonin ; Proposals consistent witb the comprehensive plan that reflect appropriate acijustments in zoning designations. Perform an anatysis of land oumer in.itiated requests for anuexation. Develop a Shurelinc Mastcr Yrogram. ~ -40- . a~ , _ ~~!r~.i~ ~'-f _ . i! . ~ ~ ~i ::.=r _ tr:- . Aitac6ment to l3usiness I'lan Executive Sumrnary The Ciry of Spokane Valley's Fiscal Yew?G08 BvWness 1'lan is the communAMiMR'ttne connecti.ng - the strategic pinuning process to the cammunity priorities that w-ill shape the future of our cammunity. nnc of the City Cauncil's adopted 2007 budget goals was to crcate the City's 6rst six-year Business Ylan, whieh will be updated on an annual basis. This 2008 Business Plan represents the culmination of that goal. Somc rccommcndations of the Busincss Plan have alreaciy be+:n iutcgrated and adopied in the City's 2 008 BudgeL However, it is important to nota that the plan is siill tlie Grsi iteration uf the City's cfforts in this area Since we are still in our five-yenr start-up made, many of our programs and services are still under development. In subsequent ycars, tbc business plan w-iil continue to evolve. The start-up mode also mcans there are some potentia.l services we aren't doing at afl right now und on which we have nut had the opporiunity to initiate a palicy discussion. To address tlus, the initisl plan is divided into two sections first, the initial plan itself, which incIudes the issues and cissociated staff"ug anci cost proposals. Thc second section identifies pending idcas. "Ihcsc are a heads up of issues and propasals that are worth furthcr consideration. 'Ihe initial business plan inCludes thirtcen new pusitions over the six ycar pcriad. I'tie estimated aumunl cost spans fram $360,000 in 2008 to 5925,000 in 2013. The estimated cost includes personnel, vehicles and equipment but daes nut incIude overhead such as office space and uLlities. The plnn also does not include an in-depth rcview of contracted services which will be explored more fu11y in future bu.sincss plans. The bu.siness plun looks at thc trends in the rhanging Iandscape of Spokane Valley to aniicipate future needs. Pinancial resources are alsu farecast, taking into consideratiun economie indicators and new legislalian. The business plan is then able to focus on utilizing the available msaurcw in the must efficient munner to provide yualitv se:rvice to our customers while meeting the cwTent and ititure needs of the Citv. -The Initial Flnn In 2007, eHCh efepartment itlentiiieel a 51Y-yl'ar busiiiess plaii ir%ludint, ant;cipateil isSut-; and guals along with atrategies for aciciressing them. In orcier to grovide a perspective an t}ie scoge of tlie plsn, `I'able l: ['ost of 'tial Plan, smmmarizcs by department ihe evsts (personncl, workstntian, vehicte, and equipment) of implementing the initial plan. Table l: Cost of Initinl Plan Department FTE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 C:xecutivelLegis Suppart .50 - Operaiions/Admin 2.50 112,040 . 113,122 130,886 135,933. 121,277 Finance 8t Info "Tzch 3.00 53,668 134,444 138,423 233,193 241,690 Community Dev 1.00 85,340 65,327 69,574 74,096 75.948 Parks 8t Recreaticn 3.00 79,222 80,112 85,319 90,865 93,136 Pubfic Works 2.00 Gcneral Goveramcnt 0.00 0 0 0 0 50,000 Cotal 12.00 5330,270 $393,005 $424,702 S535,087 S532,051 ! Drop iii secorrd yeur reflecrs one tinrr .sturt rip c(ists ('ity of Spokane Valley 2(N]B Ausiness Plnn - Page 2 :lttachment to Rusiucss Plan Strategies: • Inwrporate the [3usiness Plan in tlie Lity's decision-making proce.ss to enhance ac:countability through implementation of Performance measljres_ _ • Implcment a periodic cummtuiity survey to ohjectively manitor customer satisf'action • E~-tablish a tnolbox for ev~,uat~' Ciiy's cautract scrvices • Develup a fomZal contract au id-t program ~ • Finalixe a managed competition process Summary 6-Ye2r Timeline GOAL I 2008 2009 2010 ?Illl 2012 '_?Olz 1 2 3 ~ 6-Y earJBudget and Stafiing [mpact Sum.maryi' Operations/Admin Services FFE 2008 2009 `U 11) ~ 0 I I ?O 1? 2013 HR Technician 0.50 . HR Assistant 1.OC~ .D 60,000 59,640 63,517 67,C"r45. Aciministralivc Antilyst 1.00 ; Community lnv/Public ' < Info ~ 0.0(1 73,520 34,061 29,623 305208 30,816 Conlract Servicc:s 2 0.00 M,13,520 14,061 34,623 15,208 15,816 Other NR Services 3 0.00 25,000 5,000 7,000 27,000 7,001) Subtotal 2.50 112,040 113, l 22 130,886 135,933 121,2111 *Sulcrry/Aenefrts und Personne! Slurrrip Costs (wnrk slatrnrts arui vehicles) ~ f Priblicutivtu, rnteructive web, can:n:uniry outreach, cuctonrer ser-vice feectback, PI irrtern ' Community survey, iRtern ~ City safety plan, paperless HR s}1stem, update websrle, enJrance employee recagnitian, develap rnarkeling strategy, employee develonnrtnt/learning, canprehensive employee de1'elopmenl ntadel, successran 1nnnrn., hc~alNr work/life l n+ . . . . . " / . . 1 . .Y . OCv 0 tipp}:3:1C 21 I('IZ LAI:`:[1Cf:S 1'.1 ~C 14 Attachment to Business Plan `(iil`.) • Dcvclop quca-liormaire for usc whcTl illi'C1:;1", W11;1 COillliillrlil'i 1L!PrC'~C[][7il'.Cti !I?Lllitill11-1 colleges, hospitals, sChool districts, City of Spulane, 5pokune C;uunty to • Coordinate meetings with Greates Spokaue Incorporated to shaze idiss. ' • Discuss winmon intcre.sts with businesses in tbe area and data providers. • Seek inforruntian fram developcrs, real estate consultanLs. ■ fidsed on intormatian gathercd, detc:rntine potcntial benefit af enhancECi ini'ra,'rucn.irL :~nd'clr rcrcis of communitv. • I'fC~ ,li': ~'i~,C;~'Cl~~lli -.j., (~u:il~ •3 'Naintain a cansi;tent lc;vel oCservice in payroll, 't1Cl l'Il!llti 4);\';1}'1c_ tl?ilj'.`i:! ~'ft'~'•_1f311t~:1 .il;~~ lii?~~iil'i~i11~~11 technology services durirg 1 perincl of hifr,h Lrou tEi. titrategies: (2008 - 2013) ■ Adci admin. 8SSI51:lIll ia. .iCl'u111Y;.:1'sl lll c1I1`f .:(IOS ,1:i Illlliil)C-i' M f CU~i Clti stll'i~::_~C • Add infozmation technology positions as needed (2009 • 1~1L' lCICP lliI[ lc. IlCE'A t1"ti -,L1t] 11hcr 1F][f;i~iR1C(l:Ct. ~ l l LIl I l l:~ 1'~' G-Ycar 'Timcline GOAL ~ 20I18 2U09 j ?IIIU j lUll ?ULZ ! 13 2 t 4 6-1'ear Rudget und StaCfiw_, Finance & Iafurmatiuu Technnlogy 1, IL ?UUti 2009 ZUIU -W11 20 12 21) :tdmuustrative Assistant 1.00 Q 53,668 52,897 ~ 56,335 59,997 61..+ .accountant/ligt Analyst 1.00 IT Spccialist 1.00 0 0 81,547 82,588 87,956 93,673~. [T Specialist 1.00 0 0 0 0 85,240 86,520 5ubtotal 4.00 53,6b8 134,444 138,923 233,193 241,b90 ,S•cl~ill'l' llC;:7~;f .~~71:.:j 1i111'1!:f'1(' if,c/1i'x!i 1'!liic6 ~ t~'!'r:?) i13 l!'~`,~;.li~x3 i! f:l'.,.~ J";L':'i:,~Yif{ C:"t1T:c:~1~:t..'.:i~!il'i'lr,r, c~,,•T.~ .,'z zcId:'-;: •~.le.:ilt:i: r~riin)cJit~ ~atf)Ti,'tt'tll StrnlF~_gties rrpprnm•t-d b,y t:'Mtrreil l.►r:-ginnirt; in 2008 birrtq.,t c'i:v uf Spokane Vnlicy :008 RLLSincss PTsm • Page 17 rlttachment to t3usincsti 1'Iao Goal -i [:?{Faiilj sCtllof SefVICCS TO :cne c1i,3n:LU1g flc'CLjS ;i11d L~\j?cIatIO115 iil [Ilt; s-eIlluf_pQpUl;S11oIl. SlrateLlies: (?OOR 2009) 0406.s • l'hallenge to scrve current age demographics und to aitract netv p;utwillants ■ Add ne+w, activc progranuning ■ Hi.re half=ti.me intern to assist with schcduling ciasses and seminar, •(ncrease involvement with neighbaring rctirement communities • Educate the community at-l;lrge about the purpose and potential oI th-r `cnit,r l,enter • I'orus on health ant! wellnes-, (;oal 5 Wur}: xvitls Centenni;il Trail p_irtners tti deNcloP ,(1 %c;ir 1)1311. Strategics: (20010 • Sezk grant upportunitics • Develop a lonP range m:iiritL'n:inCt P1LO] • Implcmcnt I'1a;i Summan- 6-Year "I'imrlinc GOAL ~ 2008 ~ 2009 2010 ~ 2011 I 2012 I 2013 1 2 4 ' I ~ 6- Year Budgct and Stuff"inK lmpact Summary~ Parks & Recreatioa ETE 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Uperations Coordinatoc 1.00 0 79,222 80)112 85,319 90,865 93,136 Cl1StOd1flII (mmmrl trom temp) 2.00 CenterPlacc Scrviccs 0.00 Sr. Center Services O.QO Uffsct* * 0.00 Subtota! 3.00 79,222 80,112 85,319 90,865 93,136 'Sulury/Beneftc rincf Personnel Slurlup (:'osts (i+'tiTfCSItlllrll7J t-rrrr-1 velrirle.r) , ()~CE't (~f1~ ;1i~'1'~'c1.4E'[I !'c1c71lit'A cJ1~1 C~~lJ,tl'i;f~l7 !t/ J)"Ull! i'r~J!Il ll'1 ic'!1 tt"i -~5~,:.' `~~tsri~t~~`ttt`strti~t~~i~~ npp~a~►~~4 h,}~:~nurrr:it hr.~~i~trrirr~► iix ;lNl$ btidgi-I l iI} (I[ S} 'kt::ic L'al(cy, :i;l)$ L3LL-incS5 i'l::n - `ragr 4ttaehment to Business l'lan ~ • 1a18 • 1'articipaw in the (:ounty llB0 5election Couimitlc.' • El2T11CIpzlll lIl DnF. STlt ikmie r.,vern;;solved Ov~~:'-'[) 11.101. Ativi iy (;11i!_jl `ummarv 6-1 v:iC I 11111I1[il' Gual 2008 20119 2010 j 2flll 2012 2013 ~ - - - - _ - - I ~ 3 ~ 5 6 7 , . . 6-1'car t3udbet and Staffing luipsct Suiuuiai-} ' Pubtic Works FrE 2008 1011 1' . _ . ; ('~iPital Projeet Fngineer 1.00 AdlI11II ASS1S?'cI11t 1.00 / : f /k`//rs ✓~C~/ ~<y.r~F ,~~'j~~ i ~ ~i/~~ ~~c,~s, ~ ~ f ( )II•.~•( Il,l)~ P1'ilIJ 01 S«(1IJ(I }'t'U1" !S f!ic I'1'.1,l7! 01 Ol1d-1!%l;c' .~:r1Y!-IIp c'US1.1 !11 )'c'cIF 1 ':#~~lrrif~attcl~ferJert11~'u~tcli~~,~~ rojc>c1s ~eri icsaIar: . . e : BERNARDO I WILLS I ARCH1TEfT5 Pf. iff im City Council Programming/Visioninq Meetinq Questions Project: City of Spokane Valley Meeting No: 03 New City Hall Building Meeting Date: January 12, 2008 - 1:00 pm Date: January 3, 2008 IAIAGE / PRECEDENTS 1. What image do you believe outsiders have of the Spokane Valley? 2. What makes Spokane Valley unique? 3. What aspects of Spokane Valley are citizens most proud of? 4. How would you characterize the area's residents7 5. How important is the acknowledgement of local history in the new City Hall building? 6. What other city halls do you admire and why? 7. What other city halis do you dislike and why7 8. What Spokane Yalley/Spokane Area buildings do you admire and why? ECONOMK / CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT 9. What industries / institutions are considered most important to Spokane Valley's economic and cultural development? VISlONING 10. City's mission statement is "Community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play and businesses will flourish and prosper". How do you envision this being expressed in the new City Hall? 11. Define any specific goals you have for this project. Programming.W.,cting 03 January 12, 2003 BWA/GGLO Page 2 12. Irnagine the City Hall is completed and the date is 2028. You are writing a note to a friend who is coming to visit after 20 years away and are describing the City Hall projett. Describe in a sentence or two the completed City Hall. I ENVIRONMENTAL 13. A5 a community role model, how do you envision the City Hall expressing its leadership in promoting sustainable development? PLANNING 14. What, if any, shared uses do you envision for the City Hall, both for the building and site7 (i.e. museum, gallery, retail, food service, flex space for future expansion) 15. What civic or community uses do you envision for the exterior spaces of City Hall? Is public art important in these spaces and is 196 for public art a requirement for inclusion in the budget7 ORGANIZATION 16. Are any future city departments anticipated? CITY COUNCIL 17. Approximately how many people need to be able to attend a City Council meeting? Are the I meetings televised? Please describe the audio / visual needs. 18. What kinds of spaces are needed to support City Council functions? 19. Do the council members need office spaces in City Hall? If so, should they be open or private? 20. Which departmcnts havc thc most frequent interaction wich City Council? Do any of these nced to be in close proximity? WORK ENVIRONMENT 21. What do you like most about the current office and civic building environment (What's working)? 22. What do you dislike about it (What isn't working)? 23. Describe your ideal office and civic building environment. I 24. Any examples of previous office and civic building environments you enjoyed? - What are khey? - What did you like abaut them or made them unique? Programming Meeting 03 January 12, 2008 Page 3 BWA/GGLO ~ DESIGN PROCESS 25, Who else besides City Staff should have input in the City Ha1l programming? , OTHER 26. Are there other aspects of the programming we have overtooked? . . ` 'I . • ' . ctTt SpOkoane ..;0OValley Annual Work Plan for 2008 Operations & Administrative Services Public Works Parks & Recreation Community Development - 2008 Budget Goals - ~ . 1A. `I'he 2008 budget reIlects the distributioil of resourres CUIl51.StLIlt with the Council's determinadon of com- services priorities. The foilowing goals represent jusi the vcsry bro,dd areas of conceni-ration iillportant to the well bcing (if the conununity. 1. Continue moniEorine Wastewater issues, including governancc ut wastewater tacilities, tnlianced citizen awarenes.s of options for lhe future anci pursuit of the most efficiei7t and economica) usc of allowed wastewater ilischar);Vs. Itefine initial dcpartmental Six-vear b1ltifilt'Sti plans in ~~i~lcr tO i.iCiAif%,InLi inc:c~ri?rirate tiscal impacts into~ a stratc•j;ir financial plan. .3. Formulate a Six-Year Strateeic Financial Plan bv Julv 2008 that forccasts expecteci revenuc.~s and expenses; incorporates the rost elements of departmc.~ntal business pians; identiEies fiscal constraints; anci, propases formulas Eor Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes nece-,sary service reductions or revenue incmau~s or combinations thereof. 4. Initiate implementaEion of thc suh--area plan for ttie Sprague-APpleway (:evit,ilization Plan. 5. Adopt area-wide rezoning vroposals cunsistent wilh tlic compreliensive that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations. I~. I'Crr01'lll an andlvti1S of .l 1,71Pd w,vnc•r initiatt'd icqItt'tit I(i1' <lllTw\,010I1. i I)evclupa tihurelitte M.7StE[' PI'(1k;f.1I11. ~ Continue monitorine wastewater issues, incluc~ing governance of wasEEwater facilities, enhanc~~d ClLI"LE~n a%4~~3reness c~f options for the future and pursuit af the most efficient and ~~c~c~nc~mical u~~ ~~f ~~Ilotive-i wastewatf~r disrhar~;~~s. _ _ Public Works - Taska and Tuneline: QEgo ! w0s 4] 0s - - - QIQa ' Cantfnus ~~t►~rtttarl~1S ~~va~rrn~aM 1~~ur. 1R„ rlry nt~ Apr ~.rrry ~ 1N" Jur `-A„g 1Sq nrr mv ~rk I -i :\tIah '>u anJ ruci.rs,• wittt tjwr I I County, City of Spokane, and bepL of Erology regarding WastewnWrTreatment Eacility options Refine initial departmental six-vear business plans in order to identify and incorporate fiscal imparts into a strate};ic fir►aricial pl:in. Operations and Administrative Services -'I'asks and Timeline: ~00 ~ ~ L7apn~h»err~nt Six-Y~tr HuShtCSt Flaw frcrt ftL Nsr Ap ?I(d~ juq lril Ar~~- 5c~a (kt Qtc ~ ~Formnlate a Six-Year Stratev-ic financial Plan bv luIv 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses; incorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; 'sdentifi~.'s fiscal constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consicieration that insHtute sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductinrLS or revenue increases i or combi►zatioits tllercut. 3 Hinance - Tasks and Timeline: ~ &ix-YearStntteg{c Ql 0 QI 0 e~ 09 Fi,raarratPlau M:rr Arr ANy I tun fut AuY Sop 0:1 r`av D~rc I - - - ~ - I-i I i I■■-~-I I I I I I~i Initiate implententation af the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Kevitali•raHan Plan. Community Development - Tasks and "fimeline: SPrrib•urli4rP(cu•rry 5ub-rlrru Qt 4t~ Q2 08 Q3 A9 oe I P1ar1 j~sa .FI~D .jfar .1arr I,4fay jun Ju! ~tu,~ S9P U~t lYoc+ [kc - . _ - = i • : ~.r.:~,i: .E j_.. i Work witt► City Council, con;ultitnb, and otfier department staff to detcrmine the scupe of City Ccnter E'lnn Pui togethcr timLlinc und casts for impmvements and work with Council to dctermine C'ity's rcnHon af casts Prepare Ptanned Actian SQ'A Urdirtance ReHne srte plan with Libmry, P11DPeTtY owrx:rs and cansultants if developrr lound. ~ Clcrse property transaction for City I-iall Woric with r.onsultants nnd property a►vncr(.ti) to sexurrtr,4Jk•vrlopvr i j ~ AdopE area-wide rezoninq proposals consistent with the comvrehensive plan that reflect appropriate adjustment-s- in zoning Licsignation 4 Communify Development - Tasks and Timeline: ~ t~ o» Q3 ne wios- Qi 03 I Are,t•1t'idel7rzunrn,V Prnpdsal _t'mr+fst-ertt ;tlith fht Corrrymrlrrrrsira Platr tEral Rrfltd ApjfrapriareAd/usMtenr:ln J.In Fh6 tiWr Apr May faa )W Avg S+p ptt tinv U~c _ ~ • ! 5taff n:vicw ui citucit iruwtesi I requests Erom Navember 1. 2007 nnd (otm rerommendations. Prepare SEPA unalysis cm propoxuls I ~ I I I Fhwhw gtaff repmt I I I~■~I I I I Planning Cammisslott Warlc mssian ~ I I ~ I I I Planntng Commission He.uring ~ I I ~I I ~ Adoptian by ('ouncil Perform an an.ilySls of a land owner iniHated request for anneacadon. Communify Uevelopment - Tasks and Timeline: :La~e~tf~t~i Aarutystt ~ i jm~ Er6 ~far Ilp. ~ 1~lwy ~!rn srp ~ prr ina I1tK h - i'art:, i~~,it~• in r°f;iuri~~! ~fi.~ ;i,•:~i~~ und n:nctt ag,reemcnt vvith5pokare Coanty and surraunding jucisciiciions abvut whett lhe Urben Crvwth 8ounc3arics are Prwidc inpul for STPA analysis I I I Adopt new UGA bound.uies in thr Spcrlcane Vallcy Cumprehensive Pfna Devetop procrdures for applying for an annrxation in 5pokane Valle}. ~ Develo a Shoreline Master Pro Tram. ~ Community Development - Tasks and Timeline: - - - i (oad I C,-1(I q qJAB Qiliy ~ 9fion~firr .~I~uatar Pivsru►!e j.tn Fr9 I llfsr Ar~ 1(ay J►rn jai ~ AxS Svp tkt Yoe Dec l_hitWte step> tn adopurit; a i izw Mnsbrx Pragram for 2012 deadline Apply for grants ns thcy become available bo camplebe che wnrk produclg ~ I I Department Objectives Operations and Administrative Services ~ Dpury Crty8farrager Q) ae Q3 09 I Diulsfott lan frb nt" Apr %tuy ! 1►~ joi ~ nuS sep ort xoo n.~ ~ 1 ;trn rT c Plan 2 ~ I;;nallZe faruuil marwged - _ _„mpetition Frogram c unstruct Oraft ~ Present lo Senior Staff/Fe~.~dt+;sck ~ I E'rcw.nt to Employees/Feeclback ~ Farm nd-hoc Cummittee w/ Conlrsctor RepresenlnLlon/ ~ reetback Fina1 Staff revtsiorts by City ~ Manager Presentation 6o City Council - - revlew, edit, adopt to Implement Contract Audit .'rogram - Begrs w/ Psrblrc Saj4ty N<<tify County ~ 6 Vrrify that sumpllng can Fe - (?EffDlII1Cd ~ ldCII*6dI11pj1' populatiOStS (Ijpf. Jut;, od ue, Ian 09) Conduct audits (Moy, Aug, Nau 08, - - ~ I 'rf b 09) Provldr resuits in updatr.s tn Council (VVll he qwrhr hrhind - 1:j r, (7c( OB, jan, A VT 09) ~ t unducc cammunity suivey i l'tan nnd implement mmmunity S ~events for City Five-Yeer - :\nnitiTersery Human Resources Cj1 C4 ~ a2 Oi ~ QJ 4h (ji 09 ' ; Nn»iu,~ R~~su~ersxs Cirt 1~'Jn_ r , . - tertir_r ,tnd un-iine aU1liL'AUt?ru Finalize classifscaHnn rrview system I ~ Enharnv empioyee recogniticm ro Adnpt City Satety I'Ian in coniuncticm with Saf~tv Committee Esta~+lish initiat empfoyee dc~+elopmetit opportunfties Ihrottgh onliru• le:uzung ~ Work with PIO en media strabegy I for ceQUitm•~nt Finance + j oa Qs 04 Q+ u I er oa r~ i Firr~rr~ca Jwj 1'rL ~lar A~~~ ~ ifry I Jim jul /Irg $i~r Ott Noa R~r - - I _ - i tekxommunicatfons infrastruciure Assist in ~t oE ~usiness 1 1 1_ p~ Consider sugsestions mnde Iry WQA mgnrding insurance covereges Consider State Auditoes su tions ~ Participate in prepnrntion of Americans with !)isa6ilities Act (Ai)A) impro.emrnt rlan 7 Community Development - Tasks and Timeline: - - - Q1 ~ - i cp oi qa nb Qi aa . Con»tun(t y Dertfvpnrast ~ f Jon i'r3 At.Ir Aj►r I nl.nf juh JuI AQr I Up Ute INQV Dac lmplement tiu internctivc voice response (IVR) telephone scheduling '-vlvnitnr and adjust as necessary the implantnHon of the "aver tfie counher" permil Frix'ess Ki•view uppIicatinns quarterty I tiuring 2008 ancl makc, any ahl1u5tments neressarV Complete a pmlimuiary draft of depnrtmental polide5 and pr«edures ('reaDe an interpmtntion notebvok fer UDC intrr[+reL•fticros to ensure (:rea0e a ilst of ciiTartmrnt potides I .ind procetiures tilake staff assignments to write the pcilides and procedums on an es nt-eded basfs or as time permits Continue impicmentation of process improvements, based on priarity I Staff Tratning • 1'riiin steff un new UDC ~ t o Fics I • f eam building exercise far ~ all development staff • C:ustomer service traininA u for all devclapment staff ~ • }Iow to denl with hostile t-ustomers training I Citizen/developes training on UDC I I I I I I I I I . Solicit comrneltts trom stxkehoiders about whpt subjects are most useful for ~ training • Prepare scheduIe, create u rurriculum, edvect't.e ~I • T+adi classes lo interexteKl public ~ E'ri•pare list of uther ta,ks (or ttte nest ~ of t.t►e year isnJ nwke ussignments I x N fet-t with sLakeholdcrs for Pwy;n-~s ~ meeting Uevelop and adopt revised stie-et stand.ands !vteet wiih Fire District and Police ~ repcditg roAdway widths Develop nwicw draR of document Condurt follow•np pubiic meetmgs I I I ~ ! I I I I I I I Pcrpar+e fuml draft document I I l ~ I ( I I I Eiegin adoption grocess with !'Innning Commiesion City Council ado}tion I ~ ~ I I I Continue implcatentntion uf the City C;er►tcr Prujett , Fstablish City UCA through Spolcane County'a process ~ i Camplete the atmunl compnet►ensive ( I ~ plnn updnte Revfew ihe City's ptocess for clear view triang}e iszcues, recommcnd improvemznts and implcrnent ~ nppravrd revi.~ior~s Code comptience staff prepare drak plan for compIc•ting dty-wide deat view trianglc Project Schedulc mivting with dcstgnnted staff fmm Public Works, Comutunity DeveJopmentand I.cE;al ~ Departinm!a fn review and revitie ptan and agree nn guidelines lor cempHancc Begin field wnrk fcir camptUncc ~ F'rOP,Tam I ! t) 1'ublic Works - Operations & Maintenance - Opmrttotu Fs,t't~~ntrnana - - Uf rttP lj206 WOA ~ Q+?s ~sn Frb 3yrr Arr ,-Way (mt Jut Aus _4 ~1c1. Yao Ltat Work with Kegional ltiastewater Commitbee tn evaluate the possibilitirs of a Spolcnne Repional Waateweter Allinnce Dcvclop six-yrar 5tormwater ~ i ~ I I I I I Capital Improvement Plan Identify & rerammend new Pi°9ects ~ I Uraft six-year plan I I I I Caardinate signui ligfits alcmg arterinls carridurs ~ Implement timing platu I I I ~ Upgrade signal mntrnllcrs with ~ CMAQ Funiing ~ Receive ~ I i Install I I Fla9hing Beacnns I'hase tu I . I ~ Condurt/Campiete Sun•ey I . ~ I I I Apply for grant funding I I I I I I I OnJer I:quigment I I ~ I I I tnytaltatinn I I I I I I I ~ I[mplementntion I I I I I I I ' ~ KI t ndergrvund injmtican coniral , ompl'wnce I I ~ I<<ventory & assessment I i ~ Regin implementing S1F'f7FS T'hase ~ N Permit s~ ~.%y tr,~~c sigm, ~gram I I i I Order equiPment iI i 1 I i ~ Uuiallatian dt rebntes I ~ I I I I I Explore a sitc and Farility for storage of equipment and materials ' r maintrnance scrvices t'onstruct n treatrnent farility (ar I L! tc di5chargfng of vartoring liquids f, um cirywell cieaning and , ~ :,,aintenance ' ~ Irnplement the new Public WorkS ~ ~ 11,ifety Prdgram ~il Continuc dcvelupment of a lunp runge plan for mnrtiging street mainLmance, stxet sweeping and lnndscaping services Adopt and implement the Street ~ Masber I'lnn ~ Public Works - Capitol Improvement ~ lt+s►N 5~z•Y~+~Stt~ts~?dc Flrr,»tti,~~ Q390 plan /art ~e~ ,~lar .4pr .ifhu firn Jrl AY~ 5r~ .I Ort I~'ev L►rc for Arter;al Roadways i I I ldencify ac recommend new prnyrcts ~ I I I ~ PubUc hearing on drnft plnn I I ~ I I Seelc Council approval of plan Submit STP, TIB dc other granL requests I ~ Capitni Frojertg Vallcv Cnrridar - E.nvimnmental assessment and prelimutiary engfueering Pines/Marsficld ROW construction Trer►tvvood canstruchen I I I I I I Grnndview Acres cortstruction I I I I ~ 5paldings - design 6r constnir.tion I I E3arker Rd Bridgc ROW k construction ~ Appleway Ava reconstruction - Tshirley Rd. to E{ndgcs Rd rcmSUvc'tfott 44'h Ave Pattiway, Woodrvff tn Sands - desiBn ant9 I GigsuI rnntrollcr upgradcs I I I Htaadway/f'anrher POC: - design dr canstruction 24'h Ave Reconstrurtlon - design bc cnnstrucHan Sprngue/Bcawd3sh PCC - dmign & corstructian RockweU Summerfield I'hase t kackwell 5anitary SL-wcr - design 6c rnrtstructinn Sumaierfield Sanitary `iewcr - ~ dcsign & cUnstructivn ~ Whitra Binl1 Senitary 5ewts - desigr & construction Sutters Sanitary Sewer - design & coctstruction Broadway Avr, 44oorr la I1ora - desfgn ROW Swimming Pool upgmdes - cvnstruction Childirn's Universal Park at tilirabeau - design k conatractian ' 1'errate Virw Park upgrades - design dc mrtstructian , VaIIey hiission !'ark upgrades - ~ Jt~siYn dc constniction I'arks and Recreation - Administration & Maintenance Division - - - - - , ~ Q108 Q:1a Q3 GS C~i Wi I cuj,h,iue rl,,,jtt;►igIor r'citure !'urk RQnavatiaris rrnd L.Utd dCyviAlt~utts l~n F~b .1ta► ~{irr Sf.~q M* A~y ~ey f3ri .tiar t4t - - ~ - - - - - I I'nuritize future pirk runwvatinns I I I Fxplore orportuniGes [or ( acquisitions ~ !'itcrstig~~ta~c~srrlflut~ari W 08 I Q~os - - Q3~7 - - - Q~O~ tfrmrrgJt tl~ tiuliortal t'ark art+i tte'CYrattQtt A siOClatiolt J+m ro6 litar A~►r ,1f~ry jun jul An/ !it~u Oct -vav ~t+c ~ Develop cost analysis [ncarporate rost in 2U(19 Budget i Request Crtirplere Reieurattar: of t'a!!ty lrm / ,tifrF+lvn and Fe~uce VlOrw Parks ~l Clcr ,Yuw I[~ ~ ` Award rnnstructinn bid I I I I I Corttitructian begins C;1049 t,2. tlti Q~ ua G~i oa Crymiaty" Park - ~ - !an I Fr~ ~ tr.z► .1rr M''y j hm N! ( Aur _i- r"'?'_i n'-t .~--u"v 00`-, Apply tor gTant Iruin Ktxrwtioti and Conscrvation Officc to Design and Develop Park I Qr0e Q~aF -,~ar eK~a- T~ Ptsigri and Start Constrrrct+an of ( - i l':Hit,frr►t'4 IlniccrsLat Aark ~ rkpy -1ier 1A;.r ~A fJy jun lat Au,( iqr I Uct I J1'" i ikY' ~ SelFx-t lanciscape arch►tect Desi8n Phase ~ i I I Construction begins I I I ~ Parks and Recreation - Recreation Division CresaM Suniinrr C7ut~loar J1 fnvle - ~ ~ - o`` ~ w ~ .~t Q9 :Viglrt ttt tlre 1'ark j~ riy ,iym, ,{y,f Sfa~► ~rrn ~ Jw d Srp tlrt Yop , Drr l, i iialize contracts with movie provider and streen providet Advertise for Mavics I I ~ ~ I lvtovics shawn July k August I I I 9 ~ ~I IZ tru-rrasa Yarist4 v/ Ynir-Rowcd ~ as qi ~ Q,t u~ t~~ oK PtWwns furAflAgcs jon FMb Mar Apr May JuR ju! A~ Q~t vapr i~ Qpc - - - - - I~.t.--- Researclt trends in recreabon and Incal service providers Consider ane nerv program per age group for Suminer and I Spring Attend the WKPA Confererue ~ for prograniideas i ` - - QT~ Add ;1 dditPvrn-a1 CarrtrrTC! Q3 08 fn,rnirror,4 ro rtuir sitacsulty Cu►►rps or Prognt►k3 !a7s Fib `tar ,tpr ARr,t rrrn ;ut ANy 5rp Oce vna ~ ---1 - - - - - - - - - . . . . txplore interageixy cooperatiQn ~ options Consider othcr area servir.e ~ ~ providers/ partners i Advertise for instructions in thr I Spring, Summer and Fell recreatian brochures , I tl I ~ I I i I i QI OJi Q] 09 QJ ~ Ql U! , CracrU L'unolstesit GrrtdeIirus far CoirtntrZ Rttrrativri Yivgratri I' 1»sftttcttofa9 jan i'tIr Afdr Apr ~11Ny /gre Jpl Aq 5ry dt! Nov ~ Create/gaui approval cuntraet instruction policies Develup an informationa[ binder an the procm- s of cantracting instructors I 1 J Parks and Recreation - Aquatics Uivision ' CofrrfrJ,rte Cvnsln(ctiQx At1 M1MOn1POQlA IaM ~frtr ~~1 r ~ i~M - i Utillli.it,_ o IiI! P.ll'!i_ an cnnstructinn Grand re•opening dependent ~ on construction schcdule Explorc t=nhanced programs at the px-tols Parks and Recreation - Senior Center Division r- - - ~ - t?J Qi rjtlvl~C Etiltrtuttd ArV,,~'rurirtrtiltg 08 t73 4,9 ~.i ay Ad I tr . Ea Op}*artutiitrel lo a 11Yifrr Rark1V i ~ nf ~mlotrt J~rn FrU Nu~ .~r ~Stay Jwt jy1 ~yj $4rp , Dcl Nue ~ qe~c - - ~ . ~ I DeveIt,p I'rugram 1'ruPuSa6 ~ i Pacilitate offsite opporhmities with vut4ide agencies (i.e. HUB) ~ Work with local tour companies tn offer overnight snd weekend lrips - - ~ ~1 c~6 Qt 0 oy Q~ ~!i F.x~,rnia! Nau~ of Op~rtian for r- Serrrar C~nlter /an 14b ~titar ^~1~r . May M fwa Jrl r1.ix 3~p ~~c Yor ns~c ~ Putial approval for limitr.d ~ evening classes and evenks Meet wit!► CenterFlace Facility ~I Coordinamr to fuielize evening classes/event schectules F OKer expanded hours ~ i~ Eittir~+rcj~ Retfr~arsrnt f22 aa ~ u1 03- ! Q340 !H tv AI lrtr ,ufr-E+ru~rt witk L /Nr ~trq cotnmwiities l'Ullatnirate with r~tu~nicj~t communities an a monthly basis by attending activity ciireLtnes meeiings Yost Spokane Valley Scnior Centcr activities at olher partidpating relirement rommunilies and allow othcr 5enior (:enters tn pmst their activities at CenterPlace CenterPlace Division I l,u~rlrnuret ?1i~irketin~g and Gis 00 f3= Os ; Q3 og - 1~ i - C"ulrlrrmrricatiern> Pluit ►;in Frb ,%t,;r 1lpi MAy ` juu I/ul :lug S~ tfei N,rn L7e,e I Exp{ure contracted food and ~ beverage services Advertise as per Marketing Plan Reclesign websile I . Develop hotel/QVent planner partner kit ~ - - - - - ~t 0~ Q2 08 QS ~ - Qd ~ - - f'►aride A,id irrarmr Trnfrri'lg jer Suraoual Sfnff tv Impra,ra ~ Cusicrmrrf' Str~►!u jA» ~b 5tur Ayr 1lay~ M~ lid ~t,i$ Sep Uct .'Von Ua - _ _ . - - • --i_ 5E!lttil LL71I1fT ~ I I I I ~ I 1 I Selert training topics an schedulc ~ classes Training I I I I ~ I I I I I 16 c3 u-- - - ~ I lix~~+rrlc Ltrrtraair..lfn,~{ur~s I ftrr cler t.atrlnj ta aisyl~ty Ererl ts, (;CS Clits±tes, ,SrtriorCotnter 1.~ r.e .4ra~ nyr 4r:~r j«1 s.p +~~1 Y►~o rrrc , artri tuht~rrktf ilctfrftfffCKitictFtrrce ~ 1_ _ • 1..__ . , ~l:oncluct Researc}i . equest quotes/deteraune Z ' I , ~sibility 17 Publi~ ~afety/'I'olice ¢ - -a j ~ $uiId► Upm Nr Jltuht= I - - - - -a - _FJon i ~ Nm.. ~'S1tltilvu~ tb £'1'1~5t1t~' d~i'~~'k74'tl E9xl, region.3e aard cc~mi~ur~il~y gublic ss~.f~~• ~ffor'~ in c:4xrpMetuFy+)n ~,~i~h titizfm ard tus"wm5m ~ne~es~,e in€erest ~r co~t~tunii~r i,rrvnlt~ent in ~rr,~gtatns aurh e~3 SCOPE, MTeighimrhoud Watch, C=rinie I'reventinn, Rewrves, F+o lnrer±,, c-tc. 1 Cs=tlrtw t'd, WvrA 'ftrr6%r9 qt 00 110-1 ~ f7ifwr~++l~r ~''~~tr~s t~ ~es i1~ts 11~ a4~ +tr ~i~ ~ f~ 1 -u4,t I :;'V, min _ - _ - - - %tnwe forwerd wt-ith rnu]#i-}'ear. Rrulti-~arsscilrtionakl plitru tF+iit 8dtjPesst5.8 Peg1{PI7aI pBJiT}eISh7.p f11F - - - alti0tal L'.!}!f'LI771]'a7iClfl4n5 i»Frasrruci;are builci-out (2012 n43ndate rnus1 N- ixiel) 61ndttd kal-4-top exercise lo detEsmine levv] af prep&redress far Icrcai dEsester.-~ Iusplement &.XUriEy Commitlee re::ommervda L1nns, i_r_ in!gWtatian nI ~ ccarv:ri--te bctllarL15 u nd wEee1 s4LtiI ss i1i - - - Frtrne pa63ng lrz~ and frattl di~F, forti.[ication Cuntinur In enhnni v Sp..{.ane ~'alL~y identity (i.e. shoulder patdhes, logo vtsibility on palicr cens, business ~ cards) idendfy end implement specific ~ training needs for 5pokane Yalley Policc DeF+ert.ment Fstablish verticel communiratinn problem-solving model tn enhanrr eff~.~tive i:ommunicaHon throughuut our agency Initiute plnn ta plece attrnrtive sign ncar street tn belier idcntifV locotion of police and caurt tac-Ility, M rmvide easier access for citizens ~ f valuate and enhance levels nf ~ A•rvicr and customcr srrvire provided l+y Department b i k-velop a more crnnrrehenaive and ~ I,iir rmployer rvaluntion rn"--+s ~ A e ~BERNARDOIWILLS AR~!IlfECTS PC Programming/Visioning Meeting Project: City of Spokane Valley Meeting Ne: 02 New City Nall Building Meeting Date: December 11, 2007 Issue Date: January 4, 2008 The following notes were taken from meetings with key represeniatives from the Community Development Department, Legal Department, Finance Department, and Public Works Department on November 15, 2007 and additional staff inembers in a follow up meeting on December 11, 2007. The same questions were posed in the second meeting as the first and responses from the first meeting were shared with the staff in the second meeting. Generally, staff inembers agreed with the November 15 responses unless noted otherwise below. Only additional or new information is listed under the December 11 mceting heading. UMGE / PRECEDENTS t. What image do you believe outsiders have of the Spokane Valley? November 15. 2007 -None, many do not know that Spokane Valley is a distinc[ city from Spokane -Farmingfoundation -Spread out, low density, automobile dependent -Haphazard planning -Strip malls, car lots, lou of concrete, aging retail and industnal uses -No center or focus, identity is an issue December 11, 2007 -Suburb of Spokane -No reason to come here, not a destination -Industrial character, ugly -Long strip development alonq Sprague ft I-90 •Flat / drab -Getting better 2. What makes Spokane Valley unique7 November 15. 2007 -Weather, 4 distinct seasons, relatively sunny / dry ctimate -Convenient access to outdoor recreation (lakes, rivers and mountains) -Spokane River / Centennial Trail -Good transportation access to alrport, I-90, railroad -Huge aquifer -"Good place to buy a car!" -Good shopping, but not pedestrian friendly -No high•end commercial or residential -Quiet, safe community •Small town feel •Newcomers like the newness, and the potential opportunity the area presents •Newcomers feel the area is progressive, good things are happening amming mee[ing UL t~ot~s IGGLQ pecember I j' z~? to Spokane -6edroom community thin the City animals still~ f land an, industry -Farm ment a -GraVet SOl~S~rtunities.. ~,,th and deYe~op -tats of oPP ~ots of room for ~3 _glank slate, ~n~ Valley afe titizens mosc proud of~ -City staf f ts awesome What asp~ts ~t Spok r 15. 24~7. t Novembe mUnjty fee 15 nice _-Smatl town GaR' ~ new high school build~n3 family friendtY ~ 5choc'Is are ~eta~i beau Point Park --CenterPtace ati -Centennia ~rabeau '~aint 4ark -YMCt~ at ~ park _plantes FerrY Dccem~r 11. 2(~? of SPokane rurat, n°t Gllty -More in te family e lots big .Grat ptaCe ° raise a famitY circu t is stw~t latian, length of trave -EasY -ValleY Fest an NiIIs -DiShm ll tQwn Rark _g;gs~est sma ~ex at Qtantes Fe~rY .5~cer comP ou characterize the afea's residents? 4. Kow would Y er 152~" ~ with a Pioneering spir'ia d its hfstorY %`r'nthout snobberY ~yaVe~nb ' un~~Y irit -~riendly and wekomi(~ d 4t their commtential indePende~►t sP .N th a pioneering. -Longtime residents P out the area's F° y~ excStSQ ~d to attract those ewcomer5 way yh~ ~ al yrell educated pecember 1 t~ 2007 kinds of people tt,elting P°t differe from other areas ,~ny new transQ~ants lots of c ivic pride d from civic involvement SnmeWhat disehands•off rt'indset visitvrs: .Rural minded, our CitY Hall to present to residents an ~ Wh$t image v'uld you tike Y "radition" ~vember 15. 2~? of "Innovation based on ~iate to a .Timeless, Y et modern ...one s vel of order ~ .Friendty and ecUrity aPP~OP wetcornins3 intain a le rmanence aces ~o'"na brick .GqYic, sense of t~structUred sp ateriats-Stane g •Casualf but w' utilize tocat m goYemment building t environ►rent, the t f aa -Reflectjve 0 Programming Meecing 02 Notes • January 4, 2008 BWAlGGLO • Page 3 ~ Detembcr 11. 2007 -Professional, put togeth>r, dean and organized -Single lacation, current offices are in multiple buildings -Unique with civic character -Smart, creative, innovative . -Green ' -Good investment, not eheap . -Natural, warm feeling expressed in materials -Histarical, reflective of past in some manner , -Strike a balance between monumental and approachable -Possibly incorporate stairs and an entry plaza to give it a grander feel than surroundinQ buildings -Minimize the back, consider two entries, one auto-related and che other pedestrian -Coordinate image tivith that of the new library sfl they compliment one another ' 6. How important is the acknowledgement of local history in the new City Hall building? November 15. 2007 • -Very important, should reflect hfstory on a variety of levels... Geologic -Land formation itself is an amazing story Pre 19th Century . Native American history 19N Century Settlement -Native American/Settler early peaceful coexistence and later violence -First permanent home and ferry in che area -Apple orchards 20`" Century -Truck farms -Industrfal, military and retail development . -Auto rnw Incorporation -Took 5 attempts to accomplish -Consider incorporating exhibics from the Cicy's Heritage Museum in the building or in the open space outside the building. Another option rnay be to have the Heritage Museum relocate to space in the new City Center. Building should acknowledge diversity. December 11. 2007 -Vital, City Hall should educate the public about the area's history . ' -History of the various communitfes (i.e. Opportunity, Veradale, Greenacres) should be retognized 7. What other city halls do you admire and whyt November 15. 2007 ' -Loveland, Colorado: Civic campus with a mix of uses -federal Way, WA Pemiit Center: Good functional layout -Bainbridge Island, VVA: Fits context, is warm and approachable, not imposing -GGLO noted tfiat there are several other new City Hatls proposed or recently completed in western Washington that rnay provide inspirat9on: Puyallup, Edgcvroad, Redmond, Seattle, Woodinville, Kitsap County Aclmin Building -Kirkland, WA waterfront was also noted as a pleasant exterior civic space due in part to its public art. December 1•1. 2007 . -No comment regarding the above , -City of Post Falls, Idaho (new building nearing completion, should be a nice facility) ~ , . Programming Mee[ing 02 Notes January 4, 2008 BWA/GGLO Page 4 8. What other city halls or civic buildings do you dislike and why? " Hovember 15. 2007 -Bellevue's new City Hall was thought to be too grandiose, with tao much stainless steel, staff hidden behind a large wall. Visitors forced to stand at a high counter when talking with staff. Qecember 11. 2007 -No comment regarding the abave other than some expressed that they did not want to be visible to the public upon entry as it sometimes frustrates customers when they are not permitted to speak with staff inembers that they can sce from the reception area. -Spokane Gounty Public Hcalth Building was [hought to be ugly • 9. What Spokane Valley/Spokane Area buildings do yau admire and why? November 15. 2007 - All perceived to have strong civic presence and high quality materials -Center Place at hSirabeau Park -Gonzaga University Law School -Spokane VallEy YMG4 at Mirabeau Park -Fish ft Game Building at CenterPlace -Modem Electric Building, Spokane Valley (approachable bui(ding) -New ICB Bank, Spokane Valley (by Costco) -Spokane Courthouse, Downtown Spokane -Seranac Building Remodel, Downtown Spokane (green remodel of an existing bui(ding) Uecember 11. 2007 , -Plew Couer D' Alene Chamber of Commerce £t Public Library -Eastern Washington University Riverpoint Campus -Senior Hall and Library at Eastern Washington University -Schadde Towers, Downtown Spokane -Lydig Construction Building, Spokane Valley -American West Bank 8uilding, Uowntown Spokane (nice brick, grand presence) -Paulsen Building, Downtown Spokane -STA Plaza Butlding Interior, Downtown Spokane • • -MacArthury Center at Gonzaga University . -Old Safeco Building, Spokane Valley -Hutton Bullding, Uowntown Spokane •Old Carnegie Building, Dnwn[own Sp-okane -Seminar Buildings at Evcrgreen State College, Olympia (for high performance green features) DEMOGRAPHICS / ECOtIQMIC DEVELOPMENT 10. What is the recent growth rate of Spokane Valley? November 15, 2007 -Approximately 1,000 people peryear since incorporatfon -Current population approximately 88,000 -See City Comprehensive Plan for more info -County sets the growth rate Uecember 11. 2007 -No new comments ~ Programming Meeting 02 Notes January 4, 2008 SWA/GGLO Page 5 11. What is its anticipated growth rate? November 15. 2007 -See City Comprehensive Plan _ December 11. 2007 -No new comments 12. Is growth primarily from young people, families, elderly, or is it fairly balanced? November 15. 2007 -Population growth perceived to be fairly balanced among different age groups and family units -New residents mostly from outside eastern Washington -Elderly/retiree populatian seems tn be growing -tity Hall design to be accessible to people of all abilities December 11, 2007 -Nn new camments 13. What industries are considered most important to Spokane Valley's economic growth? NavembPr 15. 2007 -Historic: Farming, apple orchards, truck farms -IndustriaL• Railroads, military, aluminum, magnesium, 8 brick manufacturing - Recent / Current: Retail, auto, baat, R/V sales, light industrlal, storage facilities, some high-tech (more prominent in Liberty Lake). Majority of businesses are locally owned. Spokane Valley is a t f "trading post" of sorts for nearby recreation areas. - Future: Green Industry? Energy efficiency, biofuels, green mat@rials manufacturing, recreational . taurism, higher education -Good air, rail and freeway access coupled with affordable real estate and a large aquifer make Spokane Valley an attraccive place for future economic development. • -City Halt should represent the values of the community and be a symbol to newtomers that this is a place that is moving forward in a positive manner. -Tourism may be a challenge. Spokane Valley not known as a place to come and stay. Uecember 11, 2007 -Future: Research and Qevelopment companies DESIGN PROCfSS 14. Who else besides City staff should have input in the City Hall programming? November 15. 2007 , -City Council for historical perspective and knowledge of lacal history. Programming wor}cshop with Council to be scheduled. -Public comment could be solicited in an open house after Staff and Countil input is obtained. December 11, 2007 -Public should wetgh in on shared uses for outdoor sRaces , _ . Programming Meeting 02 Nates January 4, 2008 . BV1Q/GGLO Page 6 PLANNING . 15. Are shared uses desired in the City Hall building? November 15. 2007 . Possibly, below are some that were discussed: , - Communfty meeting facilities No, new library to provide ' -City Hall staff would like to partneT with the library in some manner regzrding sharing exterior spaces -Cauncil Chambers not to be utilized for community mcetings -Foad service Maybe a small cafe or coffee shop either in the City Hall or in an adjacent building. In house could be financial challenge for operator - Police / Courts No, information only. Police service currentty contracted with the County. Courts in separate . faci lity. - Fire Yes, for plan review function. Informatfon [o be available for remainder of fire department services. • - Parking • Publit parlcing could possibly be shared wiCh remainder of City Center development. City owned , vehicles nced secure parking area. City maintenance vehicles to be stored offsite. - Other Parks & Rec. Dept. to be offsite wich information available. Space for future CiYy Arborist would be good. -Heritage Museurn Possibly, in an'interpretive display or rotating exhibit. Photos, memvrabilia, artworlc, and / or taped stories could provide interest and a unique sense of place. WSU taped the stories of long time residents during the Washington Centennial Celebration. -Gift Shop / Bookstore . . Passibly, with tie to Hericage AAuseum or Chamber of Commerce. -Economic Development Office Possibly, (does not currently exist) may want to allow space for future staff. -Visitor Center Possibly, concierge cancept was discussed where information on various city services can be obtained via a greeter, in pamphlet form, and at.a convenient computcr terminal. -Recreation / Community Center ' No, CenterPlace at Mirabeau Park fulfills this function. City does need a teen centEr . December 11. 2007 ' -Gallery or exhibition space for local artists -Gomrnon arcas for after hours use, security needs to be addressed -Convention center mentioned as a future city center use 16. Are exterior gathering spaces desired for public mePtings and events? N'ovember 15, 2007 -Yes, gathering spaces for rallies, speeches, guests, community evems, parades and holiday displays are desired. -Exterior should display native plants and demonstrate stewardship of water resources. -Exterior of building should have some kind of iconic feature about it. December 11. 2007 -Farmer's Market -Arts & Crafts fairs ' -Public input should be salicited for exterior spaces ~ ' ~ Programming Meeting 02 Notes January 4, 2008 - BWA/GGLO PaBe 7 ENVIRONMENTAL 17. Does the City wish to set an example of environmental stewardship? If so, to what extent? November 15. 2007 -Yes, City Hall should show leadership and be a symbol far the type of development desired in the future. Public education role is important. -Restorative development, rather than just doing less bad, may inspire othen. . -Visible demonstration of sustainability to help with public edutation -Storm and domestic water management, good daylighting, and healthy environment very impor[ant. . -Green roofs, solar power generatian to be considered. -Alternative transportation methods to be encouraged. eike parking and Changing / shower facilieies desired. -Design team to submit follow up questions regarding current energy / resource use and waste to set a project baseline for comparison with the new facility. Decernber 11. 2007 -Consider monitoring wells for the Aquifer to inform visitors of current water quality -Consider a weather station on site or the roof to monitor weather conditions and report real time energy / water savings performance of the building to its users. ORGANIZATION ~ 18. Does the Employee List dated 10/24/07 represent all departments? What's missingt November 15. 2007 -Yes, all departments are listed. Individual updates are needed for certain positions. HR staff to update list and pravide to design team. Contract employees, auditors, and future staff to be addresscd in updated list. . December 11, 2007 • -HR to include listings for temporary workers if they require wortcstations 19. Are all staff inembers an the Employee List expected to be in the new City Hall? November 15. 2007 -Yes, except for Parks and Recreation staff who are currently in CenterPlace at Mirabcau Park. December 11. 2007 -No new coinments 20. What is the estimated staff growth for each? • November 15. 2007 -Same fuCure staff growth is anticipated in all departments. -hlore specifie numbers to be determined in the next programming session. -Additional support staff for police will be needed if City takes over Police service from the County. A future Police DeRartment will not be located in the new City Hall. -See the City's 6-year business plan for more information December 11. 2007 ` -Nefl Kersten [o copy design team'on City's 6-year plan . ~ Programming Meeffng 02 Notes January 4, 2008 BWA/GGLO Page 8 21. Are any future departments anticipated? November 15. 2007 -City Hall*is primarily a planning, permit and legislative office -Utilities are independent agencies, no plan W bring under City control -Palice and fire service are to remain in separate facilities. Police service is cantracted with the County. If Police switched to City, additional admin support staff will be required -The following were identified as passible future departments: Economic Development Land ManagemenC Records Information Technology Facility Nlanagement , Janitorial -Mutti-stary building anticipated December 11. 2007 - -Some growth in all departments should be anticipated, more input to be gathered in January at follow up staff ineetings -Other potential future deparcments Human Resources Neighborhvods •Others future positions / departments to consider: - Arts Ec Cultural Affairs Arborist • Boards 8 Commissions Intergavernmental Relations Health ft Human Services Housing Public Information Officer Sustainability and Environment • 22. Which departments interact most closely with one another? November 15. 2007 -Administration / Finance / Legal / City Council -Community Oevelopment / Public Works / Legal . •Infonnation Technology / All Uepartments Qecember 11, 2007 -Agreed with the above, more input to be gathered in January at follow up staff ineetings 23. Which departments / staff interact with the public on a continual, frequent or infrequent basis: November 15, 2007 , -Continual: Information Technology via the City website. -Frequent: Building and Planning, Parks and Recreation, Information Technology (support for public meetings, meetings with vendors and contractors), City Cterks for viewing public records, Human Resources for interviewing -Infrequent: Finance, Legal December 11, 2007 ' -Agreed with the above, except for the following clarification: -Continual: Add City Council, move Building and Planning from Frequent to Continual. i ~J Programming Meeting 02 Notes January 4, 2008 BWA/GGLO Page 9 WORK EISVIRONMENi 24. What do you like most about the current work environment (What's working)? November 15, 2007 . -Good parlcing' . -Convenient lcrca[ion -Friendty, can do attitude among staff December 11, 2007 =Good staff -High ceilings . -Single level (about to change with expansion) -Elevator lobby at top floor provides nice vicws -Close restaurants -Trees (in back?) 25. What do you dislike about it (What isn't working)? ' November 15. 2007 -Sterile spaces•wfth no color, not welcoming -Wayfinding is poor, customers have trouble f{nding City Hall offices and must walk through the work spaces to get to the conference rooms. -Doesn't fit the image the City would like to portray to its citizens and visitors, laoks like a genEric officc building, not the center of City government -Depressing physical environment, sterile, dull ~ -No connection to the exterfor, no views -Does not improve morale -Dysfunctional layout of offices and departrnents -Inadequate meeting, kitchen, break room and gathering space -Poor control of HVAC systems -Cannot open a window -No place for receiving suppties -Vehicular traffic out front is not pedestrian friendly Deccmber 11, 2007 -Na identity due to non-descript building and poor signage -Not all in one building, confusing to visitors Ec ineffkient for staff -Poor auto access to Sprague •Stcrile cubicles 26. Describe your ideal work environment? - November 15, 2007 • -Welcoming and friendly, but with adequate security •Open layout, but with clear definiCion af public and private spaces. -Staff shauld be visible to pubUc and not hidden in a back room . -Conference rooms for meetings with the public to be close to the lobby and transparent to reinforce concept of open government -Perception of space, not all spaces the same height • •Ample natural light brought decp into the spaces -Colorful spaces, not monotone like current affices -Views to green spaces, connection to exferior ' -Well-designed work centers, work raoms and woric stations -Work centers that are seRarate from work areas -Adjustable heignt workstations allowing staff to stand or sit . -Secure space for storage of personal items and a place to hang your coat Programming Meeting 02 Notes January 4, 2008 BWA/GGLO Page 10 , -Lots of efficient storage -Good layout areas in work stations and'common spaces -Nice kitch@nlbreakraom with exterior seating area. Size breakroom to allow officewide gatherings -Loeker rooms with showers and bike lockers to encourage exercise and bike commuting -Possibly include an exercise room -Accessible server room ' -Private conference room with tetephone needed for persanal calls -Consider technology solutions to reduee space needs and create paperless office where possible. -Diesel backup generator for IT aec@mber 11. 2007 -Agreed wi[h the abovc, plus... -Quiet room(s) for personal calls, breaks and nursing mothErs -Full kitchen with oven, range, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator/freezer . -Conference rooms to accommodate technology/video conferencing -Informal work / study areas for staff use -Y/orlcrooms / copy raoms separate from work spaces -Rooftop garden or green spaces possibly with terrace to enjoy views, consider this space for employee break area -Interiar green spaces with daylighting -Mud room for inspectors, locate close to inspector vehicle parking -Vid@o production room adjacent to Council Chambers -Staff training classroom for approximately 20-30 people -Consider exterior accommodatlons for smokers -Small break stations in addition to.main kitchen / break room for refilling beverages 27. Any examples of previous work environments you enjoyed? . • - What are they? , - What did you like about them or made them unique? , Novernber 15. 2QD7 . , -CenterPlace at Mtrabeau Par1c: Good quality materials, views to exterior, good daylighting ' -Federal Way Permit Center. Functional layout, central routing area for plans, nice, big vwrk room, large central counter wiCh storage underneath that doubled as a rathering space for celebrations December 11. 2007. , -No new commencs 28. Are open or private work spaces preferred? Why? , . November 15. 2007 , -Some nf both are needed. -Many tasks require concentration ' -Finance and human resources need privacy and lockable reeord storage -Information technology staff would like a white-noise system if offiee areas are to remain open. -Work spaces rnust be functional first and foremost Qecember 11. 2007 , -Agreed with the above, more input to be gathered in January at follow up staff ineetings 29. Do individual employees or teams relocate frequently? Why? Is a flexible floor plan layout desired? _ November 15. 2007 -No, employees do not move frequently, (growth may change this) -Some staff are highly resistant to change ProgramminQ Meeting 02 No[es January 4, 2008 BbVA1GGL0 Page 11 ' -Tumover is relatively low so far (would like to maintain this) -Inspettors and plan reviewers are crass trained, sfl thesc staff inembers rotate in and out more chan others -Equity of space is important, workstations should pretty much look the same -IT staff would prefer standardized workstations where possible. -Hotel type workstations are needed for contract workers, consultants and auditors December 11. 2007 -Agreed with the abovc, more input to be gachered in January at follow up staff ineetings 30. Are ample daylightlviews desirable or distraccions? Why? Ptovember 15. 2007 -Desirable, but daylight needs to be controlled to avoid ovefieating and glare -Good task lighting is also dcsirable • -Minimize artificial lighting if possible .December 11. 2007 -Agreed with the abovc 31. Is natural ventilation (windows that open) desired? Whyt November 15, 2007 - Yes by sorne, no by others due to dust and pollen impatt on interior environment -Individual temperature control more important O -Temperature control a big problem in the current City Hall building . December 11, 2007 -Some thought operable windows pvsed [oo many issues with the HVAC system and security -Others liked the idea of having the option to open a window -Seminar Buildings at Evergreen State College in Olympia were cited as a good case study if natural ventilation strategy is to be pursued 32. How often are staff ineetings held? How many typically attend? November 15. 2007 -Frequency was not addressed. . -Meetings typically cons9st of 4-5 people, 10-20 people or 20* peoplc. -Occassionally, 50 person seated meetings otcur -Meetings involvfng the entire staff currently occur in the Council Chambers. -Cauncil needs a pre-function space to have dinner prior to Council meetings. December 11, 2007 . -Agreed with the above, more input to be gathered in January at follow up staff ineetings 33. Are informal areas desired for impromptu meetings? November 15. 2007 -Yes December 11, 2007 - ~ -Informal meeting areas fnr staff and public are desired for brief sit-down meetings in lieu nf talking over a counter. Additional programming info for these spaces to be collected in January __J Programming Mee[ing 02 Notes January 4, 2008 BWA/GGLO Page 12 34. Are there other attributes to the building we need to consider? ' December 11, 2007 , -Consider weather station on si[e or roof. See 12/11 response to Question 17 END OF MEETING NOTES • . , i E:12Q0712007071 A011-oYmerlMeetingsl2007 12 11107-341 Programming Mceting 02 Minu[es.doc EMPLOYEE LIST FOR FUTURE CITY HALL . spo►wno vauey Employoo N Emplayatt Noma Poaltlon Titla Haow Dopt Lmployoo SWtus Councll ' t►U125 GOT}-IMANN, WILLIAM COUNCILMEME3ER a11 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00023 UEMPSEY, ROSE COUNCILMEhlBER O1 i REGULAR FULL-TiML pU(I24 WlLHfTE, DiANA MAYOR Ot 1 REGULAR FULL-1'IME 00025 DENENNY, RkCFfARO COUNCILMEMBER 011 REGULAR FULL-TIM[ i)0021 MUNSON, R1CtlN2D COUNCILMEHIBER 011 REGULAR FULL-TIME 0W717 5CHIMMELS, GARY COi1NCtI.1dLMHER Ot 1 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00029 TAYLOR, 6TF~'HEN COUNCII.MLMk3ER 011 REGULAl:PFULL-TIME Exectrtive 0 {Jpppl MERCICR, DAVIn CfTY AAANAGEft 013 REGULAR FULL-T10NE W002 8AIN8J310GE, Ci-kFtIST1NE CIlY CLERK 013 REGULAR FULL-T1ME 00020 UNFfLLED ADMINISTRAI'IVE ASSISTAN7 013 REGULAR FiJI.L-TIME 00180 PASSMaRE, SUSAN ADMINISTRATfVE A5515TAN7 013 REGULAR FULL-TlhiE U(Ii'A ACOSTA, CARRIE DEPUTY C(TY CLEF2K 016 REGULAR FULL-TIMt:: f UTlllif: C1I:f'U 1 Y l;I lY (:ILRK FUTl1(2F ULT'UTY CITY CL[fiK Financu cN1188 COMBS, LIS.1 ACCOUN7ING TLCHNICIAN 014 tlOpm THOMPSON, KENNETH FINANCE DIRECTOR 014 Ftf:GULAR FULL•TIME U02p7 N{MRI, RABA ACCOUKTANTl9UDGET ANALYST Otd kE-GULAR FULL-T1ME 00212 OPETV IT SPEClAL1ST 014 REGULAR FULL-TIME (X)11 t OIJFFEY, QAN ACCOUNTING MANAGER 014 R[GUtAR FULL-TIME I0)(6 BINGANAAN. GREGOi2Y fT SPECINJST 014 REGUlAI2 FUI1-71Mi= Cw1Z~ PFLIEGER. CFL4RLOITE ACCO(3NTf1NTBUdGET AIdALYSi 014 RE-"ULr"th !-ul L-1IMi= UNFILLC-D GI5JDATRF3AS[ ACiMINISTRRTvR OPEN IP1T1:1itJ ~ ~ . ~ir,. ; i1~ FUTURE nCGOi-iNInN i FUTl1f1L AIJMINiSiHAIIVI: +1:,:,1:;7NJI FURlIiE IT SPECL1115-1 FUTINtE fT SPECUILI5 r LoUal nncm ORISKELL. CAFiY DEPUTY ClTY AT T0RuEY 015 REGULAR FULL-TIHtE lH?141 LMAB, EiilK LEL3Al. IN7ERN U15 7ENIF'ORARYISEA.SONAL W10.', PAGAlVO, AAAY LEGAL INTERN 015 TEMF'ORAFtYlSEASOnktL (110117 CONNELLY, MICt-iAE1 CITY ATTORNEI' 015 REGULAR FUU.-TIME ci~1117 MCCONViLLE, NATRICIA ADAA1Ml5TRATIVE ASSISTANT 15 REGUlAF2 FULL-TIME i . FU7l.IFiE OEPUTY CITY A1TOfiNL`-Y FUTURE DEPU'(Y CITY A (7ORNLY 1-UTUR[ DEPUiY t:iTY ATTORNFY Pagc 1 City Hall StaKing 1-11-08 ~ OPS and Admin W1110 OEPN ADMiNtSTFtATiVEASSlSTANT O1$ REGULAR FULL-TIML= 00037 MllCE JrlCK50N DEPUTY C(TY MANAG[Ft Ot8 REGULAR FULL-TIME fKN110 YJYATT, ROXANNF CENTRAL RECEPTIONIS'f 018 REGULAR FULL-TIME u00fitl iCOUDELKI4, MORGAN SR. ADMINISTRAT1Vk ANALYS'T 018 REGULAR FULL-TIWtE c?Dt t! BRANCH, G4RQLE3ELLE Nl18LIC INFORfr1AT]ON OFFICER 018 REGULAR FULL-TIhtE OPEN ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 007: 1 TFIOMP$ON. CHIRIS OFFICE ASStS'fANT II 018 REGULAR FULL-TIML FU I UNE ALNNINISTFlAi1VE /1NALYST ~ f-U I UFiE MJTEFiN I'ubllc InlanwUon Officcr FUTURE F'UBLIC INFORMATION AS.SISTIW I f UfUFtL Ouddmp MWNatwanco AAar.lwnk. FUTU1dl: t3iaidM MorNnnwca Medac*: FUl UF21- INTEItN F'ubk I+*rmWkm qlfwAn ' FUTLp2F_ INT[RN /WnwHSUaUw Avwa4aiu IIUMrL^: RE5iiU;iEj i;,it 14 HUMAN RESOURCES M!ANAGER 018 REGULAR FULL-TIME hIUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN F1f T UItF. I 1({ ASSI ST AN 1 I l~ I I 11<i ~ il± A5:;1.`•1 PkN I Page 2 Crty Halt Steffirng 1-11-08 • Community Dovulopmont - Dovoloprnent 1)(11:11 r1L1.f:N, IfENf1Y L*iGINCEi2 J31 F{ECiULAF{ FULL-TIML uf)203 BRODNYATER, IiYAN ENGINEERING TECNNICIAN Q32 REGUTAR FULL-TIME 0N1201 MAY, MARY ENGiNEEftING TECHNICtAN 032 REOULAR PART-71ME GILBERT, JOE Et+tGiNEER1NG 1't.CHNICIAN REGUtAR PAR7-TIME cX10SD HOHMAN, JOt-IN SENIOR ETKaINEER 032 RkGUTAR FULL-TIMC u0093 MANTZ, GLORIA 5ENIOFt ENCi1NEER 032 REGULN2 FULL-TIME 11`11200 MCGAVRAN, WAYNE ENGINEERINCy 7ECHNICiAN 032 REGULAfi PAR'f-T1ME Op172 PEGRMA, RODNEY CONS7RUCl'!ON IN9PECTOR 032 RE4UU1F2 FULL-TIME uotbtl ROMERO, PATRlC{A OFFICE ASSi5TANT 1 032 REGUIAR FULL-TIME CU-i'lnnniny nOtON MATTHEWS. MOLLY 1'LANNING INTE12N 058 TEMPORARYISEASONAL 1x)1411 MURFHY, MAfZEN PLANPtING INTERN 058 TEMPORAF2YISEASC}NAL 00043 HARN015, MICKI ASSOClATE PLANNER - CUFtRENT 058 REGULAF2 FULL-TIME iNXt47 KUtiTA, SCOTT SENIQR PLANNER 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME o0f148 MCCO+iAAICK, GREGORY PIANNING AMNAGER - lT 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00UN4 GRIFFII'H, DEANNA ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00089 BASINGER, MICFWEL ASSOCIATE PLANNQZ 056 REGULAR FULL-TIME OUOGS KLNDALL, KAREN ASSI5TAN7 PLilNNER 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME 001115 JANSS[N, CNRISTINA ASSISTANT PLANNEft 058 REGULAfi FULL-TIME 11f12W3 PALANIUK MART{N YLANNING T[CHNIGIAN 055 REGULAR FULL-TIME txl'lW ARNOLD, DAF2LA OFI=ICE ASSISTANT 1 058 REGiJLAR FULL-TIME cxl1711 SCHMIDT, TAV1S ASSiSTANT PL/WNER 05b REGULPJ2 FULL-TIME CD Eiulidirp W 11fi GRtSSQM. JAY BUILDING IN3PEC70R II 050 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00126 POWELI, DOUGtAS BUIISJING 1N5PEC70l2 U 058 REGULAR FULL•TIME 0()107 DAVIS, JCNNIFER F'EHMI7 SPEClAL15T 059 REGULAR FULL-TIME 001I18 5CHUlTZ, WILLlf►M CODE ENFdRCEM[NT OFFICEFt 059 F2EGUlAFl FULL-TIME 00111 ARN07, DON CONSTRUCTION INSPEC70R 059 ?EMPORARYlSEASONAL riql:3tl WALLACE, 5C0TT CON5TRUC'I'lON IAlSPECI'OR 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00083 MELBQURN, THOMlVS PLANS EJ(AMINER 038 REGULAR FULL-TIME UUODtI T'URf3AK, MICI-WEL SENIOR PEf2MiT SFECtAL15T OSB REGUINt FULL-TIME I 00095 EfEMTLE`f, N1K SENIOR PLANS EXAMINER 059 REGIJLAR FULL-TIME 00112 BEBOUT, R09ERT f3UILDING INSPECTOR 11 050 FiEGULAR FULL-TIME I 000(}4 BFFtG, CHiZtS CODE ENFORCEMENT OFF1Cfl2 059 REGUTAR FULL-TIME 00204 GUEFiRY, R08ERT BUILDING IN5PECTOR II 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME UUiG9 MARTIN. MARY KATE BUlLDING OfFiCULL 058 REGULAR FULL-TIME (x1124 MAIN. JOOI PERMIT SPECtALlS7 059 REGUWR FULL-TIME tNi t il l PRINCE. PATRICIA OFFICE kSStSTANT II 059 RECil1LAR FULI-TIME f IITUi2L GO[X CUMPiWVCE. nl F 1C;l.ti FUTUIlE Un Car BuYclkiy Inapoda FUTUI2E Cln Caa ROW Inspodor ~ Page 3 City Hall Stafimg 1•11-08 r Public Works G[M FUNO 0}053 WpEtLLY, STL1lL S'tN10H tN(iINELR C:Af'17AL PftOJEGTS J31 REGULAR FULL TIME 00213 FISCN, PETE ENGR. T[CN I 032 REGULAR FULL-TIME 00046 KERSTEN. NEIL PUDUC WORKS DIRECTOR 032 REGULAR FUL* 1 IM;: 00W2 AItLT, SHANE ENGF2. TECH. 11 032 REGULAR FULI.-TIMF 00074 GEORGE, CARO! YN ADMINlSTRATlVL ASSIS7ANT 032 REGULAR FULL -1 irAE_ KEN KNUTSOtd CAPITAL PRQ.IECTS SR ENGfNEER REGULAR FULI4TIME OPEN INTERN It CRAIG ALDWORTH CAP(TAL PRQJECTS SR ENGJNEER REGULAR FULL-TIME KRYSTRL STANEK ASSISTANT EMGINEER REGULAR FULL-TIME- t2AN0Y f3UURN0 ENGR TECFI. I REGULAR FUU.-TI►v1L r,ARLA ,qRMp{..p A!]MINISTRATiV[ ASST. REGULAR F ULi- T I h5L 1CEN VAN DYK TEMP. CONSTRUC710N INSPECTGh f'tfJ tili~rla U(10JH NQTE, INGA SENIOR ENGlNEEFt - TRAFFIC tt) t H::uULAR t=iAL1- I tME (N)00 WIYFtICK. ALYSA ASSlSTANT ENGINEER 032 ItttiUWi F-ULt-! IME 001152 DANfEL50N, TNOMAS MAINT[NANCE INSPECTOR 032 REGULAR FULL-TIME lN)11(~ KLE1N, T1M PU9UC WGRKS SUPERIN(TENDENT 101 REGULAR FULL-TIME QP[ht SENIOR EIVGINELR - PL.ANNIPiu S GRASJTS 04 OPEN T12AFF1C INTERN ;;rORMwniLt+ pPEN 5'TORMWATL-R ENG1yEER Uo 114 WEST, HAROLD 5TORMWATER A5SfS7ANT ENGINEER 032 NEGULAfi FULL,TIME oUl tU CLARY, AAROiJ EPlGlNEEF2ING TECNNICIAN 032 REOUlAF2 FULL-TiME (J0iG5 COLLIER. 6i2fWT MAINTENANCE INSPEC70R 101 REGULAR FUIL-71ME uUi'Z) 5(ORMNYhit:R INTEf2N 012 T:.-fiAPORAF2Yl5E450tJA.L :,K [.NI;INt:l:lt - 1'IANNIhH , & l:flANl;, (I Ull_ TIML) f'1N ACC(7UNTAN I L=N(i1NEER - PAVI:AALN 1 MIVJAC :LMI. N t f_NGtNFCRING il:(;1lNI(:IA11 - i'AVI.MI tJi MltPUlG"fM!_NI i:IF' - PROJEGT ENGINELet 0,Ii' - PF2UJEC:T E:NGINLLH C:IP A,SSISI. C:NGIENC+ IE c:II I I i.IP • ENG 1L•Ctl SR Ct7N5TRUCTION tNSf'EL FUR fTt/1FFIC ASS1. ENGRJENGR It c;i1 u t7FF1(:E ASSIT/WT 11 5[TtEE11 MAiNTCN/1NCE INSF'ECl"Vit 5TORMWATER MlUNTENl,N(:L INSf'E C. i c>I+ PkcmERnrnRaw Mx-M i'Rlll'lf1CiW L1JG (C:L;I i F'ags 4 City H311 Statting 1-11-08 -