2008, 04-15 Study Session AcENn.a C`I'I"Y UF SPOKANE VAL.LEY CI'l'Y COUNC(L WORkSHEET 5TU-DY SFSSION TucadAy, AprU 15,2008 6:00 p.m. C1T1' HALL COLiNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 F:ast SpnigueAvenne, First bloor (Ytcstse tiilenre Yuur Cell Phonc.s During thc bieetin ) UISCUiN[ON L.F;ADER SUl3.IEC'T/ACT[VCTY G():iL AC"TION ITFA'I: ?.(_'hrixtin.i JanssenlGrrg McCormick Se:.ond Rcxcling I"ropc►sed Ord'mancc 08-007 Approvc Ordinancc (10 minutas) Amcnding (JTX',1.osding Daors [pablic cummentJ %1iko Jacl:san (5 minutcs) Motion Cnnsickratian: 7'zm{xxary Fi'E Approi•e Motian C otutntc:iion InsEector Baricer Briclgc [public comment] ?\like Connrlly (1 R mmutect N4oCion Cansidctation: Turtle Creek Joint Approve Agrccmcnt Plnniiint*, Apeemrnl [pnblic commratl REGULAR STUDY SESSION iTEMS: •1_ Krn Thommn (15 minutes) 2008 Hudget :'lmendment Discussion,lnfarniatiun Kathy McClung (10 minutes) Manufactured I iousing DisctuziotdinCormation r;. Stctic Worlc} t;U msnutt:0 13aricrr Road Bridge DNR E.a4emcnt f.7iscussionllnforniation Agreement 7. Neil Kcrsten (1 i minutes) City linll Prflject Slatu.i Rcpurt Di.scussian/Infartnation 8. Cgry Driskcll (5 minutes) Splnshdotitim Lessc lliscussion/information l). Cary Driskell (15 minuies) Starniwatcr Utilities Discussionllufemmtina 10. Cary Driskcll (10 minutrs) 7'rnnsportation t3encfit pistrict Discussion/Infarmniion 11. Meyor Munson Advnnce Agenda Discus5ionllntormation 12. Infoinlalinn OirIX: f'ropasicl Datotar RUtde jivfll itof be discu+scJur reported) 13. hfa}ror Munu►n Cauneil Chexk in Discussion/Infonnation I-1. D;I% e tilercier t in M,m;igcr Comments Diarussian/Infornu►titm CXE('ii'('IVf; SEtiSION: [_anJ t+.ryui~.ilion: Pcndin- [.iti_s,stion A nJOURN rVvtr, Ualas+ otlurwisc notaf at►urq there will be no pnbife commcah ae Canocl) Study Sesaiani. Hauemr. Cnnncfi dNays Rsenet tbe rlgbt to nqucst in(otlaatlnn from the public rnd sidirs appropriile. Uuing meetings beld b) the City of 5poicenc Vsllcy Gouacil. the Cnwiril tcsava the rip,ht ta tnke "octioo" cn sn, item t'aud or 5ubsequmtly aiidcd to cl:c agmda. The trnn '"nction" mrates tn drlibc:atr, dixuss, re.•ie.v, caosider, eraturte. ar malce a a.+l{esxivc pcKitivr a aeguivY deeiiiart, NOTIt'F, fns%idual% plmnirrd tn rurnci tl+e awctuty who rtquirc spetial u-iatancc rowcommodwe ph)siriJ, hcnrint, aIghtt imilzsnncrtM. pkxse ttmtscs qm CIN Cied rt (5!1'1; y?!-!!Y1C1 ii +.vr s aesaihk k, thn admgema+ts ma} M maft : ri;l. :crvrr, .!t I Fc~^ I I . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check ail that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. repart E pending legislation AGENDA ITEAfI TITLE: Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 08-007 Amending UDC Loading Doors GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study Session-April 1, 2008. First Reading-April 8, 2008. BACKGROUND: On October 30t", 2007 Thomas Merriott on behalf of Northwest Metallurgical Services Inc. attended a commercial pre-application meeting for a 19,250 square foot addition to a building used for manufacturing. The propasal included plans for twa (2) truck loading spaces to be located along the north side of the building which faoes Eucfid Avenue. Pursuant to Chapter 22.50.040 (Off-street loading) #B of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Mr. Merriott was informed that truck loading spaces were not allowed on the street facing side of any building. On January 22nd, 2008 Mr. Merriott again attended a commercial pre-application meeting, this ' time on behalf of Kim Hotstart, a manufac#uring business proposing a 44,000 square foot ~ addition to their building located at 5724 E. Alki. Again, the proposal indicated trudc loading spaces facing the public street. Again staff discussed with Mr. Memot ths requirements of Chapter 22.50.044 as well as the zoning code amendment process. On February 14, 2008 Mr. Merriott applisd for a code amendmerrt to allow the placement of truck loading spaces on the street facing sides of buildings located in the I-1 and I-2 Industrial zones as provided fior under Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150. This amendment will be presented to the Planning Commission on * Niarch 27, 2008. Their recommendation will be presented verbally. OPTIONS: Proceed as proposed, or as motiffied; or dired staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve Ordinanoe 08-007. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPAC7S: None. STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen - Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: ~l Draft Ordinance 08-007 J CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DRAFT SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 08-007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDfNANCE 07-015 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 22.50.040 ADDING PROVISIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF OFFSTREET LOADING SPACES AND APRON SPACES ON STREET FACING SIDES OF BUILDINGS LOCATED IN THE 1-1 AND I-2 INDUSTRIAL ZONES AS FOLLOVYS: WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adapted the Uniform Developinent Code (UDC) pursuant to Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of September, 2007; and WHEREAS, the UDC became effecxive an 28th day of October, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Vallsy Pianning Commission heid a public hearing on these issues on March 27, 2008 and deterniined that amending the provision of the UDC related to the plaoemeM of off-street loading spaces met the criteria for approving an amendment induding being consisteM with the Spokane Vailey Comprehensive Pian and that it bears a substantial relation to the public heattfi, safety and welfare and protection of the environment NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIFICALLY ORDAINS AS SET FORTH BELOW: Section One: SVMC Chapter 22 shall be amended as follows: 22.50 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS 22.50.040 Off-street loading A. A. Every buikiing or part thereof erected or occupied for retail business, service, manufaduring, storage, warehousing, hotelJmotel, industrial or any other use similarly involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles or materials or merchanciise shall provide and maintain on the same premises laading spaoe In accordance witfi the fol{owing requirements: 1. Off-street loading spaces shall measure as follows: 1. a. When one space is required, it shall measura 12 feet wide, 30 feet long and 15 feet high (if a dodc). 2. b. When two or more spaces are required, they shall measure 12 feet wide, 60 feet long and 15 feet higfi (if a dodc). 1 Loading facilities located on the side of a building bui not facing a street shall be set back from the front property line a minimum distance of GO feei. 2 Driveways, aisles and manewering areas shall be designed to accommodate the largest vehicles that woutd normalty be expected to uss those particular driveways, aisles and manewering areas. The tuming radius shall be a minimum of 30 feet and the driveway aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet. 1 Whenever possible, the site should be designed fflr counterc{ockwise circulation of large Vucks as left tums and left-hand badcing maneuvers are easier and safer since the driver's position is on the teft hand of the vehide. 2 All parking, loading and manewering of trudcs sha0 be conducted on private property. 3 Required passenger vehic1e paricing shall not be allowed within the trudc dock apron space. 4 The minimum number of aff-street loading spaces shomi on the following table are required Table 22.50-7 - Loading Spaces Required UselGross Square Feet Rsqutred Loading Spaces Industrial. manufacturing wholesate, warehouse, simitar uses 10,000 - 40,000 square fee? 1 spac= 40,001 - 60,000 square feet 2 spaces 60,001 - 100,000 square feet 3 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof HoteVmotel, restaurants . 20,000 - 60,000 square faet 1 space 60,001 - 100,000 squara feet 2 spaces Over 100,000 square feet 1space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof Hospitals, convalescenUnursing homes and simitar institubons 10.000 - 40,000 square fcet 1 space 40,000 - 100,000 square feet 2 spac$s Over 100,000 square feet 1 space for each 50,000 square feet or part thereof B. Screening of Offi-SVeet Laading Areas. 1 Ofi-street loading spaces and apron space shall not be located on the street side of any building in commercial or residential zones. In those instances where three or more sides of the building face dediqted streets, loading spaces and apron space shall be located at the rear or side of the building and screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet in accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030(I); In the Industrial zones, off-street loadLnq spaces and apron space mav be located on the street side of buildinqs providinq that thev are screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimurn of 35 feet in accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22 70 030111 2 No loading dodc or servlce bay doors shall be constructed on any portion of a front wall or on a side or rear wall within 60 feet of any ftont property line or adjacent to the s`reet. (Ord 07-015 § 4. 2007) SeCtion Two: SeveraDiltty. li 3ny ;ection, sentence, clause or phrases oi thfs Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, sush invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, clause or phrass of this Ordinancn Seetion Three: Effective Date. Tnis ordinance sh?II be m lull forCe and effect s"ive (5) days afler the publication of the Ordinance, or a summ3f)/ 1flef20T, oCCui S in ihe 0fficiel news¢3par Of the City as provided by law Passed by :he City Council this day o` , 20010 ~ Mayor. Richard Munson ATTEST ~ _ - City Cterit, hoa ai 'dge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attomey Date of Publicatian: Effedive Date: ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business gnew business ❑ public hearing - ❑ information ❑ admin: report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Conside'ration: Limited Term MaintenancelConstruction Inspector GOVERIdING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The City is preparing to go to bid on the Barker Bridge project. This project - will require a full-time construction inspector for the duration of t:he 18-24 month anticipated construction period. Past practice has been to contract with consuftants for the construction inspections. In this case, staff is recommending that a limited term City Employee be hired to fulfill these duties. Based on past contract experience, the savings to the City hiring a limi#ed term employee vs. contracting this service, would be approximately $160,000 -$220,000. This includes consideration of City benefts and associated costs in aiidition to wages. O Inspection services, whether contracted or performed by a C'rty employee will be funded by the project budget. The Maintenance/Construction Inspector position exists wfthin the current Employee Classification System but currently there is no full-time budget allocation for this pos'rtion. Therefore, Council approval is required in order to add this limited term position. The alternative is to contract with CH2M Hill to provide inspection services as part of their construction contract for the Barker Bndge. However, because the cost of the project has increased from an original estimate of $8.1 million to $10 million, staff is seeking ways to reduce cost. • OPTIONS: Approve or disapprove, RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to increase staff levels by one FTE (full-time equivalent) to add a Maintenance/Construction Inspector on a limited terrn basis for the duration of the Barker Bridge project, which is anticipated to last 18-24 months BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Potential cost savings to project $160,000 -$220,000 STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS ' . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all tfiat appty: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report, ❑ pending Iegisiation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Turtle Creek JPA GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.010, 020(3), (a), (b), (d) and (f); RCW 36.70A.210, RCW 39.34; County wide Planning Policies for Spokane County. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: See attached summary of specific actions taken writh respect to Joint Planning Agreements contained in the Joint Planning Area update presented on February 5, 2008. O BACKGROUND: See attached summary. Additional negotiations between the City and County have occurred on two occasions subsequent to the meeting on February 5, 2008 resuFting in this agreement. The agreement affects areas located south of the City of Spokane Valley between Barker and Sullivan and contained within a County UGA. This agreement was approved by the County Commissioners on the 8th day of April, 2008. OPTIONS: Approve or request changes and/or additional information. RECOMMEIdDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the Turtfecreek Jofnt Planning Agreement. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The agreement should assist in identifying and obtaining funding for impacts resulting from Development w'rthin the identified area of the County. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS ~ A. Joint Planning Agreement B. RCA dated February 5, 2008 (Joint Planning Area Update.) DRAFT ~ INTERLOCAL AGI2EEMEN'T REGARDING JOINT PLANNING BETNVEEN SPOKA.NE C()UNTY AND THE CITY OF SPOKAr`E VALLEY This Agreement is entered into, by Spokane County, hereinafter refemed to as "County" and the City of Spokane Valley, 6ereinafter referred to as "City," jointly referred to as t6e "Parties." Whereac, a Goa] of the State Growth Management Act is to ensure coordination betwcen eommunities and jurisdictions, including special.purpose districts to reeoneile conflicts; and ~ Whereas, RCVJ 36.70A.210 sets forth cxrtain requirements for County-wide planning policics, including Chat Cou.nty-wide plann.ing policies shall address policies for joint county and city planning within urhan growth areas; and Whereas, The County-wide planning policies for Spokane County adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210 contain policies for a joint planning prncess intended to resolve issues regarding how zoning„ subdivision and other land use.approvals in designated joint planning areas will be coordinated, and that such joint planning may be accomplished pursuant to an interlocal agreement entered into between and/or among jurisdictions and/or special pwpose districts; and Whereas, the Parties are desirous of coordinating zoning, subdivision and other land use approvals in the Turtlecrcek area of the Urban Growtti Area (UGA) as dcpicted on the map in Exhibit A (hereinafter the Turtlecreek Area) and io those areas of the City of Spokane Valley-vvhere development dircctly impacts transportaxion systems within thc Turtlecneek Area; and ~ ' Joint Planning Agreement F'aee 1 of 17 DRAFT Whereas,.the Parties recopize that develapment occurring in one jurisdiction can have transportation impacts on neighboring jurisdictions and wish to develop and adopt development regulations that will assist in identifying and mitigatinz those impacts; and Whereas, the defined Turtlecreek Area is experiencing sign.if cant development andlor requests for development; and Wbereas, development within the Tur[lecreek Area and development within dhe City of Spokane Valley may impact the abiliry of the County and the City of Spokane Valley to plan and provide adequate transportation faciliUes in compliance with RCW 36.70A The Growth Mana};ement Act; and Whereas, the Parties wish to separate, without prejudice to either Party, the issue of potential annexation of that portion of the Turtlecreek Area within the Urban Growth Area and the legal authority and right to pursue ar oppose such annexation from this Agreement; Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, in order to coordinate the review and appmval of zoning, . subdivision and other land use actions and, to ensure that transportation capacity for development meets concurrency requirements and thaR consistent development standards are used, the Parties agree to cooperative joint planning pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1. T..eyal basis: This Agreement is entered into pursuant to RCW 36J0f1.010; 020(3); 210 (3) (a), (b), (d), and (f); RCW 39.34; Countywide Planning Policies For Spokane County (Planning , Policies) Topic 2, Overview of Growth Management Act (GMA) Requirements; Topic 2, Policies (1) and (2); Topic_ 5 Transportation, Overview of Gro-*vth Management (GMA) Requirements; and Glossary Countywide Planning Policy Terrns, Joint Planning Areas. 2. Jntent: It is the intent of the Parties: a. To provide for coordinated planning for transportation wiCh reference to and consideration of the SRTC Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) in the Turtlecreek Area and in those areas of tfie City of Spokane Valley where development directly impacts Lra,nspor[ation systems within Che TurtlecreekArea and to provide for coordinated development standards i.n the Turtlecrcek Area.. _ Joint Planni.ng Agreement Pagc 2 of 17 DRAFT ~ b. so ensare tbat transportation improvements nec.esssry ta.mitigate transportation impacts 'rvsulting from new development in the Turtlecreek Arca and in #.hose areas of fihe City of $pokane Valley where developinent directly impacts transgortations systesizs within tM Turtlecraek Area am identified and consvvcted concurrent with the development andlor fihai a.dequate funding is secured to finance consiavc#ion of such trarisporCation improvements concurrent with developmmt~ as requtred by ~ i RCW 36.70A.070(6)(b)- . c. To ensure thai developmeat st$ndards applied v6thin the Turt]ecreelc Area relating to allovvable land urses, densities, six'eets, sidewalks, cxxrbing, dr~irjagc and utiljties are mrnpati6le j and evolve'tinwards consistency. The Parties agree to jointly develop and implMent mutually ag[ew upon developmen# ri~,,gulations, procedures ~nd standards related to the review asld approval of projects v,+it3vn the above descnbed Turflacreek Are.,). The Parties also desire #o j ointly esfiablish and implement consistz~:nt. development regulations and procedures governing the provision of aIJ public facilities within said Tu'k1i~creek Area. The Parbes agree to commit sufficicnt staff to draft and fwalixe these specific regulatians and procedwres in a timeIy tnanner, . 3. Aavlieabilst~: . The A~reement shall apply to development proposa~s wit~xin the TurtSecreek Area nd the City of Spokane Va1ley as defimed in secti on (4) belo-w_ 4. Prtojects affec#ed: This A~,*reement appGes to ncsu development proposals in the ~ TurClecre& Asea that are subject to the Notice of A.pplication requir=ents'af RCW 36,708 as adoptied by the respective Partie5, including proposals subjeci' to the State Enviranmcntal Policy Act. ~ This Ayeemen# furffier applies to oew developmeiit praposals within the Ci#y af Spokaxic Va11ey that are subjoct to tha Votice of Application requirements af RCW 35,70B as adopted by thc xcspective ~ . ' parties, including proposals subject #.o the State Environmen#al Policy Act, where #he development i . pmposal directly iinpacts transportation sysk~ms within the Tuftlecreek Area. Direot impact, for the purposes of this ag-eement is defmed as contiibuting 20 or inore pealc hour trips W arterial interseclions within the Turtlecreek Area as tdeiatifiad in tiie Trkp C'ieheration Reports requirad in pwwaph (5) (a) ~ ' . . below. . • I ~ = Jocat Plaaning Agreemont PW 3 of 17 DRAF'I' , Notice of AppIica#ion, Notice of Hearing axtid Notice of Decision Faquired by RCV►F 35.708 and F.. anY environmental checklist, EIS or other environrnental document requ ired pursuant ta RCW 432 1C for . Development Proposa]s as definad in paragraph {4} above shall he provided to each PartY b]' the other partY in a timely matkner and in accordarrce with applicable regulatians. Tbe Parties furEher xgr'ee they shalj provide each otber at least 7 days notice af any technical review meeting(s) with respect bo $ I . developrnent groposal and to allow and cncourage each ather to attend any building permit ~ precortstruction conference andlor technicaF review meetings. Such n Dtice shal l be in [he form of standard notice far such technical review mecEi.t~g given by eiCher partY- ~ 'j'he PxrCies (or #hair authorimd designeas) shali coder an developfnent praposals as di-,fined ' above in this par'igraPh (4) prior Eo issuance af any final DNS, MI}NS or staff report to the Hearing Examiner iu au atterngt #a reach a consensus positionlremmmendation. For SF,PA documents, the Jurisdiction harring le,ad agency status sha11 irkclude the consensuslcollective racommegdation and a,ny mitigating conditions, or their individua] recommMdstions and any mitigating conditiofls if unable to ; . reach consensus, as applic-ablc; for projacts groceedino to pubiic hearina, both T'arties sha.il include the consensus rccoinmendation in their respactive stafF reportfrecommended condi#,ions of approval tc) the Hearing Examines or otl7c~r appropriate hea`ira- body, ar, if unable to agree, the'v respect,ive recomrnendatjons, i - S. 'Fran%pnrtatioQ: Tfte Parties recogiize that development act3vity within Cheir respective _ jk+rxsdtctions may c:ause trunsportaiofi impacts and may impac# transportation levels of service in neilzhboring jurisdictioBs. To ensure proper identification and mitigation of &,velopment relatcd tr3nsporwian jmpacts, the Parbes ah7ee tha.t: a. Unless otherwise inconsistrmt with law, the Parties shaD rec]uire applicants subjec# to the Notice of Application requirernents to subrnit a trip generation letker in connecti on with any proposed development activity generating 10 or rnore p,m. peak hour,trips witbin the Tust7ecreek Area or within #he City af Spokana Valley, in all cases wi#hin the TurtlecroA Area and in al1 oases within tM ' Cify of Spokane Valley where the rNuirenients of para.gaph (4) are met, where such #rip generatian 3etier ~ aoirrt Plannhg Agroement Pagc 4 of 17 DRAFT ~ indicates that the proposed development activity will generate 100 or more p.m. peal: hour irips, the Parties shall also require the applicant to prepare a Traffic I.mpact Study (TIS) quantifying the transportadon impacts of this development activity, and identifying potential mitigation of all significant impacts. Where a trip generation letter indicates the proposed development activiry will generate fewer than 100 p.m. peak bour trips, each of the Parties shall consider in good faith a request by the other Party to raquire a developer to prepare a TIS, but the ultimate decision on sucb applicafions as to whether or not to require a T1S shall be decided by the Party having regulatory autfiority over the subject application for development approvaL The terminology TIS is defined in Section 130 of the Spokane County Road and Drainage Standards, a copy of Nvhic6 is attached hereto as Exhibit "B." The Parties understand that the terminology TIS may range from an in depth analysis of the site (development progosal) generated levels- of-servica to a cursory review of safety issues; provided, in cases where a trip generation letter indicates a development proposal «Rll generatc 100 or more p.m. peal: hour trips, the, T'IS shall evaluate the impacts ~ of those trips on those arterial roadNvays and intersections identified in Bxhibit "C" at a mini.mum. In the event the Parry within whose jurisdiction the development proposal is proposed determines to require preparation of a TIS, the otfier party shall have an opporiunity to participate in the scoping used to determine the depth of analysis. b. In approving and/or mal:ing recommendations regarding development proposals, each of the Parties shall require (or recommend, as the case may be) construction of the transpnrtation improvements necessary to mitigate transpor[ation impacts identified in the TIS concurrent witb development as required by RCW 36.70A.070(6xb) and/or the dedication of such land or payment of money in lieu thereof tliac is necessary to mitigate such impacts to the jurisdiction whose iransportation system is thereby impacted. Any such fees shall be beld and encumbered as'provided in RCW 82.02.020. . c. For development proposals as defined in paragaph (4) above, where construction of improvements necessary to mitigate identified direct transportation impacts does not take place concurrent with the development proposal, tlhe Parcies shall joindy establish a uniform method for ~ quantifying appropriate financial confibutions among the City, County and sponsor/developer of the Joint Alanning tlgreement Page 5 of 17 DRAFT development proposal for improvements to be made within 6 yean of the approval of the development ~ , . proposal for identif ed direct transportation impacts. The Parties recagnize that to implement this Agreement some modification of exisking regulations may be required and agee to make such modifications in a timely manner consistent wiCh any applicable law after establishment of a unifoim and mutually agrecd upon method for quantifying appropriaie financial contributions. d. Dcvelopment proposals as defined in paragraph (4) above shall not be approved . that cause levels of servicc on locally owned transportation facilities in either jurisdiction to drop below . the standards adoptad in the transportation elements of the respecrive Parties' comprehensive plans, unless transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of developmentare made coneurrent with the development proposals or the development proposal is conditioned to accomplish coneurreney. The parties a.gree to (1) notify each other and (2) in good faith consider the other's concerns with regard to the consideration of any change in tbeir respeelive adopted levels of service that may impact the operation of this agreement. For purposes of this requirement, "concurrent with the - development proposals" shall mean that improvements or slrategies are in place at the time of - development, or that a fmancial commitnent is in place to complete the necessary improvements or strategies within six years. The Parties further agree to identify development proposals that fail to comply with the concurrency standards of either Parry and to report ffieir respective findings to the decision mal:er in written staff reports. 6. pevelonment Stsindards: The Parties recogiiize that development in the Turllecreek Area without compatible development regulations could frvstrate the purpose and intent of this Agreement. a, The Parties agree to assign the necessary staff to review applicable development re2ulations, including but not limited to zoning desi8 ations, PUD standards, landscaping, signagc, subdivision, road and street staridards, sewer and water standards, bicycle patjis, jogging lanes, trail systcros application review procedures and storrnwater drainage requirements. Sucb mview should include rePresentatives from the Private sector vvho maY be imIacted by any such amendments. The ~ Joint Planning Agreement • - Page 6 of 17 DRAFT ~ proc,ess of identifcation and implementation of development regulations for the Turtlacreek Area shall commence upon the sign.i.ng of this Agreement by the Parties, and shall comply with the schedule of events.set forth in Exhibit "D" hereto. The schedule of events as set forth in Exhibit "D" shal) include laugua?e providing some flcxibility to the Parties in light of unforeseen circumstances which might affect any aa eed to schedule. b. The Parties agree to confer on the necessity for and/or the location of any connector streets and/or the classification of any streets .tiithin or adjacent to a Development Proposal(s) within tbe Turtlecreek Area. If, after satisfying the Parties' respective obligations hereunder, an agreement is not reached, both Parties may present their respective positions to the Hearing Examiner; appropriate hearing body, or administrative official. .c. 1'he Parties agree to consult on Comprehensive Plan/Zoning categories, allowable land uses and densities in the Turtlecreek Area Suah consultation shall include consultation on Q the classification of streets and roadways on the common borders. d. The Parties agree to adopt and enforce development regulations, consistent with RCW 36.70A.070(6)(b) which prohibit development approval if the development causes the level of service on an affacted transportation facility in either jurisdiction to decline bclow the standards adopted in the ttansportation element of the comprehensive plan of either of the Parties, unJess transportation improvements or stratea es to accommodate tbe impacts of development are made concurrent with the development or the development proposal is conditioned to aecomplisb concurrency. Strategies may i.nclude increased public transportation service, ride sharing programs, demand management, and other transportation systems management stratea es. for purposes of this raquircmetit, "concurrent with the dcvelopmenC shall mean that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development, or thai a financial commitment is in place to complete the necessary improvements or strategies within six years. 7. ' Other Regulatit►ns: Nothing in this Agreement shall supersede or negate any existing ~ j land use or development re?ulation of the Parties. Joint Planning Ageement Page 7 of 17 DRAFT 8. ,AdditioPal -Agreements: The Parties contemplate firture joint planning agreements that may relate to other Urban Grov.,th Areas. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to prohibit the development of future ageements relating to either the impacu identified -above or other impacts that may now or in the future exist. 9. Rights Reserved: Nothing in this Agreement is intended to waive or limit ttie rights of the Parties to require mitigation for any impact as allowed by federal, state or local laws or ordinances including but not limited to environmental impacts governed by chapter 43.21C RCVJ or mitigation fees governed by RCW 82.02.050 et seq. • 10. Change in Standards ar Ordinances: Any change in the Parties respective (i) development regulations, (ii) comprehensive plans, or (iii) official controls regardless of whet6er they affect the Turtlecreek Area shall be forwarded to the other party witfiin 21 days of passage. 11. Mediation of Disautes: Any disputes arising from this Ageement may be set for mediation by either party within 30 days of notification of a dispute. Prinr to mediation, the Parties, represented by their elected offieials, shall 5rst meet informally in an artempt to reach resolution. If a mediator c,annot be agreed upon by the Parties, eacb party sba11 select one mediator who in tum shall select a third mediator to conduct the mcdiation. The decision of the mediation panel shall not be binding ' on either parly. Provided, however, the Pariies agree to consider in good faith che decision of the mediation panel. 12. Tndemnification and LiabilitZ: . s. Spokane County sha11 protect, save harmless, indemnify and defend, at its own expense, the City, its elected and appointed offfficials, officers, employees and a?ents, from any loss or claim for damages of any nature vrhatsoever arising out of Spo}:ane County's performance of this Agroement, including claims by Spo}:ane Counry's employees or third parties, except for those damages caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, or agents. - - i Joint Planning Agreement Paee 8 of 17 DRA.FT b. The City shall protect, save harmless, indemnify and defend, at its own expense, Spokane County its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents, from any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of the City's performance of this Aareement, including elaitns by the City's employees or third parties, except for those damages caused sole}y by the negligence or willful misconduct of Spokane Counry, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, or agents. . c. ln the event of liability for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of the performance of this Agreement by Spokane County and the City, including claims by Spokane County's or City's own officers, officials, employces, a?ents, volunteers, or third partaes, caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of Spokane County and the City, each Parties shaU onty be liable to the extent of that partys negligence. d. No liability shall be attachod to Spokane County or the City by reason of entering 0 into this Agcement except as expressly provided herein. • 13. Severabilitti: If any provision of this Agreement or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the provisions and/or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances sball not be affected. In such case the Parties agree to meet and amend this Agreement as may be mutually deemed necessary. 14. Entire Agreemenh 'I his Agrecment constitutes the entire agreement betvveen the Parties with respect to the matters set forth herein. This Agreement may be amended in writing, by mutual • ageement of the Parties. • 15. Designated Repre.sentative. Tbe Parties agee that the Mayor or hislher designec shall be the desigoated representative of the City for coordination of this Agreement and for receipt of any communications related to this Agreement and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or hisJher designee shall be the designated represenCative of the County. Within 30 days of the Parties' mutual execution of this Agreement, the desir,,matEd representatives shall form working groups consisting of their respactive employees and assign such groups responsibility for complymg with the t'm~ .etable set Joint Ylanning Agreement Pagc 9 of 17 DRA.FT fortb in Exhibit hereto. 16. Effective Date and Duration. This Agreement shall become effective following the approval of tfie Agreement by the official governing bodies of each of the Parties hereto and the signing of the Agreement by the duly authorized representative of each of the Parties hereCO; and shall remain in effect unless terminated. . 17. Termination. Either Party may terminate its obligation under this Agreement upon one year advance written notice to the other Party. Following a term.ination, the County and City are responsible for fulflling any outstanding obligaiions under this Agreement, or amendment thcreto, incurred prior to tihe effective date of the termination. 18. HeadinQS. The paragraph beadings appearing in this Agreement havre been insertc;d solety for the purpose of convenience and ready reference. In no way do they purpose to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or extend tbe scope or intent of the paragaphs to which they pertain. 19. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of , which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. 20. Properiv and Epuipme.nt. The ownership of all property and equipment utilized by any Party to meet its ob1iD tions under the terms of this Agreement shall remain wiYh such Party. 21. Yenue tipnlation. This Agreement has been and shall be constrvad as having been made and delivered within tbe State of Washington and it is mutually understood and agreed by each Party that this Ag-eement shall be governed by the laws of the State of VJashinLton both as to interpretatinn and performance. Any action at law, suit in equity or judieial proceodings for the . enforcement of this Ag,reement, or any provisions hereto, sltall be instituted only in eow'ts of competent jurisdiction yvithin Spokane County, Washington. 22. Nofices. All notices or ofiher communications given hereunder shall be deemed givcn on: (i) the day such notices or other communications are received when sent by pErsonal delivery; or (ii) _ the third day following the day on which the same have been mailed by certi.fied ma.il delivery, receipt Joint Plan.nin- Agreement Page 10 of 17 DRAFT ~ requested and postage prepaid addressed to the Parties at the addresses set forlh below, or at such other address as the Parties shall from time-to-time designate by notice in writing to the other Parties. COUNTY: Chair of the Board of County Commissioners 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, Nashington 99260 ' CITY: City of Spo{:ane Valley City Manager or hislher suthorized representative Ciry Hall 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, R'asUingtc>n 99206 23. RCW 39.34 Repuired Clauses. A. Purpose See Paragraph 2 above B. Duration See Paragraph 16 above. O C. Organization of separate entity and its powers No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this Agreement D. Responsibilities of the Parties. See provisions above. E. Agreement to be filed. The City shall file this Agreement with its Ciry Clerk. The County shall place this Agreement on its web site. F. Financing. Each Party shall be responsible for the financing of its contractual obligations under its normal budgetary process. G. Termination. See Paragaph 17 above. 24. Events of nefaatt. It shall be an "Event of DefaulC' under this Agreement if either of the Parties fails duly to perform, observe or comply with the covenan~~, agreements, or conditions on its part ~ conta.ined in tbis Ageement, and such defaulC shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days afler written notice of such failure, requesting the same to be remedied, shall have been given to the party in default by Joint Planning A;reement Page 11 of 17 ~ . DRAFT the non-defaulting pariy, provided however that such failure shall not be an Event of Default if it is l-nowingly and intentionally waivod by the non-defauhing party. ~ ~ 25. Remedigg. Upon the occurrence and continuance of any Evenl of Default, the non- defaulting party's exelusive remedies shall be specific performance, declaratory judgment and other aquitable remedies. 26. Eahibits. • Exhibit "A" ARap of the Turtlecreek Area Exhibit "B" Section 130 of the Spokane County Road and Drainage Standards Eahibit "C" Arterial Raadways and Intersections Exhibit "D" Pracess Description for interlocal agteement for i3GA • development regulations for Spol:ane CountylCity of Spokane Valley UGA/JPA . lAl WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date and year opposite their respective signature blocks. BOARD OF COUNTY COTSIISSIONERS • OF SPOKANTE COUNTY, WASHNGTON . BONNIE MAGER, Chair TODD N1ZE•LKE, Vice-Chair MA.RK RICHARD, Commissioner A1TES7: Daniela Erickson Clerk of the Board C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Bv: . , Title: ATTEST: Approved as to form: City Clerk City Attorney ~ Joint Planning Ageement Paae 12 of 17 nRa Fr i~.•:hihit •';1.. N1;jp, t-f the Turtlctirtc-e.l :1rea 3_' ~ ; _ 7- - - - ~ - -:-q w _ s ~ 1 ~ - ~i - ~ ~ 1 wl I ~ ~ - . r - I I , .luinl }'IannTne, Api4zmenl Pa'-e I ' ~'1 I", ~ 1.16 ROAD NAMES The Sponsor may suggest road names within a development. Road Names wiil be reviewed by the County Engineer and modified as necessary to conform to regulations. Road name designabons shall be as follows: 1. All streets located oufiside the metropolitan area shall be calied Roads. 2. All North-South streets shall be called Streets. 3. All East-West streets shall be called Avenues. 4. Streets in large subdivisions that do not have a definite direc6ional course shall be called Drives. 5. A dead-end street or cul-de-sac when not an extension of an existing street or a continuation of any future street shall be called a Court. 6. A sVeet that lies diagonalfy to the east-west, north-south grid system and is an arterial or collecior street shall be called a Boulevard. 7. A street that has its ingness and egress on the same stneet shall be called a Circle. 8. A private road shali be called a Lane. 1.17 -1.19 NOT USED 1.20 LEVELS OF SERVICE The County Engineer has established acceptable Levels of Service (LOS) for traffic at Spokane County intersections. Levels Of Senrice are used in determining the impacts on the road system by land development proposa(s. The minimum acceptable LOS are: 1. signaiized= D" 2. unsignalized-"E" 1.21 - 1.29 NOT USED 1.30 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Prior to a land use adion, the Sponsor shall perform a traffic impact study when the project meets the criteria of one or more of the items listed below. A specfic scoping by the County Engineer may range from an in-depth analysis of site generated levels-of- service to a cursory review of safety issues. The County Engineer shall determine the specific project scope. The Sponsor shall submit a traffic report signed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of Washington. The traffic impact study shall be performed in accorciance with Technical Reference A of these Standards. Spokane County Standards Page 1-11 February 2001 O 1. The County Engineer determines that the proposed development will generate . enough peak hour trips to lower or aggravate the minimum acceptable LOS. 2. - The County Engineer determines that driveways from the land development proposal have the potential to generate traffic safety problems on the adjacent public roadway. 3. The County Engineer determines that an existing route with a history of traffic accidents will be further impacted by an increase in traffic from the proposal. 1.31 -1.39 NOT USED 1.40 SEVERABILITY If any part of thE Spokane County Guidelines for Road and Sewer Construction as established by ordinance shall be found invalid, all other parts shall remain in effect. ~ J Spokane County Standards Page 1-12 February 2001 . . EXHIBIT C Aterials • Barker R.oad Sprague Road Sullivan Road Intersections• Appleway/Barker Sprague/Barker 8th/Barker SalteseJSullivan ' ~ • ~ DRAFT Exhibit "D" ~ Process Description for interlor,al agrcement for UGA development regulations for Spokane County/City of Spol:ane UGA/JPA EX1BBIT D Date End Date Goals/Ac.tions Process Description for interlocal agreement for Start ' UGA development rewlations for Spokane CountyJCity of Spokane VaUey UGA/JPA Action Development Regulations Coordination Stratea - January 15, April, 2008 This task includes wnrk by the Faiiies to select one 2008 coordination strategy from the Collaborative Planning: Spokane County's Metro Urban Growth Area Report. Findings and a report to guide the process for adoption of regulations will be developed. Action Report and findings adopted by the Parties through April 15, May 1; an interlocal 2008 2008 Gaal Completion of interlocal agreement for UGA development regulations for Spokane County/City of Spokane Valley UGA/JPA Action Facilitation - Work with the Parties to identify the May 1, 2008 August 1, a scope and details nf development regulations (i.e., 2008 zoning, subdivision, PUD sign, ete.) that will be adopted. Action Implementation -Work with the Parties to prepare August 1, M:arCh 1, necessary ordinances to be cnnsidcred by the City 2008 2009 of Spnkane Valley and Spokane County; conduct a public participation process; adoption by the City Council and Board of County Commissioners as appropriate. Sammary of differences in ctandards of Spokane, Spokane Valles, Airway Heights, Ifiberts Lake and Spokane Cnunty from the report titled: "Collaborative Planninu: Spokane Countv's Metro'Urban Growth Area" Julv 2007 The report investigates the development regulations and strect standards employed by these jurisdictions, focusing on those "edges" where unincorporated land exists between the City limits and the outer . boundary of the UGA. It discusses the various issues die jurisdicUons face whcn considering land use applicaiions in these areas, and then suggests a range of strategies to ensure the lartd use rEView processes effecUvely promote public health, safety and welfare, and provide for a fair and consistent development ~ environment J Joint Planning Agrcement Page 16 of 17 DRAFT Many of t6e development standards adopted by the fow cities and applied to areas near their city limits are general}y consistent wiYh Spokane County's urban zoning standards. Densities, lot sizes, permitted land uses and other requirements typically match, withwhat is permittod on one side of a city limit line mirrored on the other. There are exceptions, of course, but the genaral rule is that what is within the UGA is expected to be urban. Zoning districts, either within cities or wiY.hin the unincorporated county, reilect that consistent vision. Street standards are also similar. Roads constructed to current standards will look and function pretty much the same whether they are within city limits or within the County's unincorporated UGA. Conflicts tend to emerge from things development rewlations do not address. They appear in areas where subdivision patlems from one neighborhood to the next do not match, even though zonina standards may be quite similar. They appear where sewer service is unavailable, requiring lots to be large enough to accommodate private septic systems re-ardless of zoning lot size standatds. They appear where development occurs in different eras, where market demand cbanges over time, resulCina in architectural or fechnological shifts. And they appear in processes the jurisdiction use to consider land use actions. . , . ~ Joint Ala.nning Agreement Page 17 of 17 CITY OF SPOfrCANE VALLEY ' . ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Qate: Febru?ry 5, 2008 . City Manager Sign-off: item: ChECk a91 that aPply' [I consent old business ❑ nsw husiness ❑ public hearing ~ , 9i^lation ~ information ❑ admin. rzporf ❑ pendin9 12 AGENDA IYLM TiTLE: Joirv4 Plann'sng A,rea Upcfiata GOVERhEiwG l.EGtSLAT60N: RCW 36.70A, Spokane County Wide Planning Policies. PREVIOLiS COUIdCIL ACTIOFI TAKEN: See below • ' BACKGROIDMD: (AU identified exhibots are ava6lable for your rev6ew with tlne City cierk.) 9. On Augus410, 2005 the Joint P6ann6ng Subcorrymittee of the GMA Steering Committee of E6ected dri~cials discussed steps necess3ry to create joint pt3nning agrzements. . . Minutes of that meeting are attached as Exhfbit A. 2. On September 06, 2005 the City of Spokane VaIley provbded a proposed Joint Planning • Agreement to +t.he Spokane County Commiss4oners. A copy of titiat agreement and the commissionees response is attached as exhibit B. - • 3. On Septernber 29, 2006 this agreement was discussed at the Joint CitylCounci{ . ~ Meeting at the Spokane Valbey Council Chambers. Sev attachad Notice of Spacial - MeGting attached as Eu'hibit C. 4. Between this date and earty 2006 tfie CEty and County exchanged versEOns of this Joint Ptanning Agreernent What began as a specific jaint planning agresment with respect to the TurtleCreek area evoived 6rtto a discussbon concerning a bemplate to be used by the County for all inter-jurisdictional joint planning a,greemsnts. . 5. On January 18, 2006, the GtNIA Sbeer@ng Committee appioved a Maticrn Recornmenc6ing Joint Planning For Existing Urb3n Grow►th Areas, a copy of which Fs att.ached as Exhibft D. . 6: On Eebreeary 08, 2006, -the City of Spokane Valley provided the Ctl!!A Steering Committee members with copies of a draft Jo6~tt Planning Agreemer~4 proposed to be adopted as a tampla4e. Tt~is agreement v~►as ~to be discussed at tha GMA Steering Cornmftt.ee meeting on Fzbruary 16, 2006. (See e-mail from Spokane County tu the GMA Steering Committae, attached as Exhibit E.) ' 7. On May 17, 2006, the City af Spokana Valley sent, at the request af the County, an ac9ditional copy of the joint plannirtg. agreerr4ent providad to tfne GMA Steering Committae. (Ses e-mail attached as Enhibit F.) S. On Jtane 28, 2006 the Gt4liA Staering Committee considered a yoint planning agreersvent to be used as a template. By tihis time the document included changes suggested by both Spokarse County arud the C6ty of Spokane. (See minut.es attached as Exhibit G.) - ~J 9, The GAfiA Steering Committee discussed the joint planning agreerreent 4emplate at both its Septemfser amd October meetings. Possible changes were'presented and dEscussed. No actdon was taken. 90. On OctQber 16, 2006 Spokane Cocnnty circutated a ca-vised copy of the joint p6annEng agreement to all mernEars af the GMA SteeFing Commfttee for consbderatlon on Movember 95, 2406 (Ser min,utes of GNiA Steering Co€romfttee attached as Exhlb6t H). 19. On November 15, aoos, the GAAA Steer6ng Committae continued fo d6scuss the agreement. Mo acbdn was trken. (See rninubes,of CNIA Ste2r6ng CosraEnittee attached as . Exhib6t 6). 12. !n Navernbar af 2006 the jurfsdictions df Spakane Caunty, the City of Spokana, the City af Spokane Vallay,.tha City df l.bbeacty Dake and the City af Airway Heights receivec9 a eaBlaborative grant from 'CTED to revievv d,evelopsnent regulatbons used. 6n the urban . grorwth areas and municipalittes 6n Spokaroe County. . • 93. On Decarnber 20, 2006, the GAlIA SteerEng Cammittee re9oved to accept tha prapased Jo6nt Planning Agre2ment as a templa4e. Ti Eoe motion passed 8 to 3 with Cammissioner Mielke, CommEssEaner Richard and hAayor Peterson voting agairtst. The minu4es of irhis meeting are attached as Exhibk J; the teenpfafe agr2ement is attached as Exhibit K). 14. On NJay 23th, 2007 the results af the CTED grant were presented at a Luncheon - meeting sponsored by CTED. (A copy of thoss rasuits is attached as Exhibet L). 15. On July 23, 2007, at a joBnt meeting between the City of Spokane Valley City Council anci Spokane County Commissioners, the most rec,ent version of the GlenroselAAoran P6-airie JPA was discussed as a basis for fu4eare agreements vvith the City of Spokane Valley. (Thz County proposal and rninutes of this Roeetjng are attached as Exhibit M.) The City responded writh several eomman4s. (Th-ese comments are as set forth En the e- rnaii to Jarnes Ernacio attachad as Exhibit N.) - 16. On July 31st, 2007 wa were adv+sed that the Cosrbmissioners wovid consoder the Caty's comments in conjunction vvcth theEr cansideration of tfie Joint Planning Agreement being negotiated with the City of Spokane for the G6enrosa area.( See e-ma61 srom James Emacio, attached as Exhibit O). 17. On September 13, 2007, Spokane County sent carmspondence and a propased agraement to the City of Spokane and Gity.af Spakane Valley re,garding Glenroselodloran. (See attached ExhEbit P). . . 18. -On October 19, 2007 then Mayor Wilttite sent a ietter.to the Comrnissioners requesting that a!I UGA's adjacent to ttoe Cfty of Spo6carre VaIIey be identified as Ja6Rt Plan¢tPng Areas. (This Ietter !s attached as Exhibit Q). . 19. On Norrember 27, 2407, Spokane Ceunty Cammissioners scheduBed c9iscussion of the mayor's request h!o actiQn wras taBcen at the meeting. Ttre City did advise the County that they wrould provide an updatad version of tte Ttartlecreek JPA ?;or County - consiaeration by the erod of the yaar. 20. On December 4, 2007, tfoe Comrniss'toners cons6dered the comments of the City 6f- . Spokane concerning the GlenrosedMoran Pra6rEe agreement No action was t,aken. 21. On December 24, 2047 the City of Spokane and Spokarte County agreed on the G6erercrse JPA. - ~ 22. On January 4, 200s, t(roe Citj+ of SQokane Va16ey provided SP°~ a~c ed as Exhi~'t revisec8 version af the Te~rtlecreek JPA. A copY of that agreecnent R). OPTi [ONS: counctl d6reEtion . , @ZECOMMENE3ED ACYLON OR MOTldN: NA . BUDGETIFlNANClAL tMPACfS: STAEF COMTACT: Mike Conneily, City Attomey • - ATTACHMEIJTi S: N/A (See City Clerk for copies of identREed exhibits.) ~ / ~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 • City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business X new business public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report X pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Amendment to the 2008 Budget GOVERNING LEGISLATION: State law requires a public hearing and an amendment to our budget when we believe we will exceed our appropriations. The public hearing is scheduled for April 22, 2008. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEPI: The,City budget for 2008 was adopted in October of 2007. Adjustments to the 2008 budget are needed. The Finance Committee of the city council briefly discussed these amendments at their April 11, 2008 meeting BACKGROUND: Amendments to the 2008 budget are needed to: . 1) recognize a state grant awarded to the city and several other Spokane County govemments, in late 2007 for joint planning; ~ 2) budget for costs remaining from 2007 for the street master plan; 3) budget for arterial Street capital project costs which we thought would have been spent in late 2007; 4) recognize Community Block Grants awarded for $48,612 (Sprague ADA improvements) and Rockwell Sewer Street Improvements ($195,410); and 5) budget for street capital projects including Broadway, I-90 to Park Road, and Appleway - Tschirley to Hodges. OPTIONS: Options include amending the budget, amending the budget for some of the changes and making no amendments. The budget should be amended to comply with Washington State law. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council consensus to proceed wfth budget amendments is recommended. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Passage of an ordinance will provide the budget authorization to move ahead with these programs and, projects. ~ STAFF CONTACT: Ken ThomPson, Finance Director buo9otnrnondmor,`.416-09 ~~~~~ne VaIley - - EXM'IiE71t 1d1 AIT~endrY1e11t5 to 2008 BUdge# - Apr11 15, 2008 . REIIENUE EXPENDITEJFtE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation 001 General Funt1 - $ 150,000 CTED Grant 150,000 OTED Grant-joint planning 167.000 Beg. Fund Balance . 167,000 Gen fund share street masterplan 001 Total Gen. Fund 317,000 317,000 107 Stree# Fund - . ~ 47,000 Beg. Fund 8alance $ 47,000 Stree# funti mastee.plan 102 Arterial Street Fund - $ 800,000 ' Beg. Fund BaIance . ~ 800,000 Street Capital Projer-ts . . 306 Cam, Dev. BGock Gtnt $ 245,000 COm. ❑eV. Blk. Graf7tS $ 48;612 Sprague ADA Improvements . , $ 196,388 Rockwefl Sewer St. Im provements 307 Capital Grants Fund . $ 3,741,000 REET Beg. Fund Bal, and Grants $ 3,000,000 Appleway - Tshirley to Wodges $ 741,000 Broadway - 190 to Park Rd GrandTotal $ 5,150,000 $ 5,150,000 , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business El public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Manufactured Housing GOVERNIPIG LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information item included in March 18, 2008 Council study session packet. . BACKGROUND: In the past fcw weeks, you may have been contacted regarding the manufactured housi.ng requirements of the Uniform Development Code (UI7C). `I here are rivo issues that citizens are questioning. Washington SUtte law requi.res that citics pcrmit manufactured housing on single lots but there are provisions that can bc adopted in city codes in order to make them compatible/comparable with other single family homes. . LJllC Section 19.40.120 3 clefines a"designated manufactured home." Within that definition, it requires that the roof bc a minimum of 4:12 pitch. There are practical and legal reasons why this can't and probably shouldn't bc required. The legal reason is that the state definition for "designated manufactured home" calls for a minimum of 3:12 piCch roofs. The City cannot deviatc from the state definition if it is ~ used in the UDC and therefore, the 4:12 pitch is not enforceable. 7'he practical reasons for not requiring it is that in order to get that roof pitch, the home would have to be custom buill and then would reyuire special crews to move it to,thc final desti.nation because the roof would interfere with traffic lights. Once the home was placed, a neNv roof could be built over the existing roof but it would be a cumbersome process since the 17epartmenl of L& I has to be i.nvolvetl in any alteration of manufactured homes. The seeonc3 issue is chat in order to IoeaCe a manufactured home on a singlc family lot, the structure has /a be "new." The definition for "new manuf'actured home" is a manufaetured horne required to be titlecl untler RCW 46, which has not been previously titled to a retail purchaser and is not a"tised mobile hnme" as defrred in RCW 82.45.032(2). "I'his definitinn is consistenl wilh state law. Tn order tn locate a manufaetured home on a singlc lot, the UDC requires that the structure be "new", be manufactured after June 16, 1976, be on a permanenl foundalion, meel stale ener};ry code recluicements, must be a minimum of 24 X 36 feet and have siding materials commonly used on conventional site built residences. These rules clo not apply to mobile homc parks. The UDC does not currently havc an avenuc to pcrmit manufactured homes that do not meet the "new" ' definition on single lots. Variances cannot be granted for this situation. Citizens can apply for a UDC amendment to revisit the issue or cily staff can add it as a potential code amendment in their routine batch amendments if that is eouncil direction. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: ~ BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Kathy McClung ATTACHMENTS: ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 • . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ED old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Easement Agreement with Department of Natural Resources for Barker Road Bridge PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Barker Road Bridge project, 2) Approval of a LoGal Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus with WSDOT, 3) Approval of Consultant Services Agreement for Type, Size and Location Study and Final Design Services, 4) Informational Memo on this DNR Agreement in Council's April 8, 2008 packets , BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley received a Federal Bridge Replacement . Advisory Committee (BRAC) grant covering 100% of the cost for replacement of the Barker Road Bridge over the Spokane River. The total budget for this project is approximately $10,958,500, which includes City-funded improvements (aesthetic treatments) and reimbursements by utilities as well as the bridge replacement. 0 Part of the permitting for this projec# requires an easement with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). DNR is the property owner of recorcf for the bed of the Spokane River, and as bridge projects are updated, easements across DNR property are develop2d or updated. Public 1Norks and Legal Department staff has worked with DNR staff to establish an easement agreement for the Barker Road Bridge Project. OPTIONS: 1) authorize staff to advance to the next regutar Council meeting a motion to authorize the City Manger to execute the easement agreement with the DNR, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize staff to advance to the next regular Council meeting a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute the easement agreement with the DNR for the Barker Road Bridge Project. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS DNR Aquatic Lands Easement 51-081557 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF r`ATURAL RESOURCES l)AUG SiJTHERLANA, Commissiuner of Public Lands ~ AQUA'I'IC LANAS EASENIENT _ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ SECTION . PAGE 1. - GRAN"1' AND LOCA7I0N OF EASEMENT .................:..................................................1 ~ 1.1 Easement Property 1 1.2 Constructian and Access 1 1.3 Right of Third Parties 1 - ~ 1.4 Surveys, Maps, and Plans 2 2. PURPOSE OF EASEMF~~T ................................................................................................2 3. TERM ...............................:.............................................................:....................................2 3.1 Term 2 4. USE fiEE .............................................................................................................................2 4.1 Fee 2 4.2 Late Charges and Interest 2 ~ ~ 4.3 NOn-Waiver ......................................................................................:..............................2 5. NOTIFICATION' OF ACTIVIT'IES ....................................................................................3 6. NiA1TTTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EASEMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS .................3 ~ 6.1 Grantee's Activities 3 O 6.2 Restrictions on Use 3 7. 1.iNTERIj ERENCE WITH O'T1-IER USES OF EASEMENT PROPER717Y .........................3 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS ............................................................................................4 . 9. ENVIRONr~~TAL LIABILITY/IZISK A.LLOCATION .................................................4 9.1 Deftnition ..............................................................................Y........................................4 9.2 Use of Ha:Gardous Substances 4 9.3. Current Condil7ons, Duty of UUnost Care, and Duty to Investigatc 4 9.4 Notification and Reparting 5 9.5 1.ndemn.i.fication 6 9.6 Cleanup 7 9.7 Sartlpling by State, Keimbwseinent, and Split Samples 7 9.8 Reservation of Rights 8 14. PRFSERVATION OF SURVEY CORNERS .....................................................................8 ~ 11. 'I'ERMINA7I0i~1 OF EASEMENT ................................................................:....................9 12. OWNERSHIP AND REMOVAI.OF IMFR.OVEMFNTS AND EQUIPiMENT ...............9 ~ 12.1 Existing Improvements 9 12.2 Grantee-ONvned Improvements 9 12.3 Construction ....................................................................................................................9 12.4 Performance Bond . 10 ' 12.5 ~As Built Survey 10 ....10 12.4 Removal 12.7 Unauthoriz,ed Improvements......................................................................................... 11 ~ Form Date: D4ay, 2005 1 EasamentNo. 51-08155 7 • -.1%, wft 13. 1NDEMNITY 11 , 14. FIlNANCIAL SECURITY AND INSURANCE . ........................................1 ' 14.1 Fi.nancial Security . 12 14.2 Insurance 12 14.3 State's Acquisition of InsuTance 14 15. TAXES AND ASSESS1v1ENTS ....................................................:...................................14 16. ADVANCE BY STATE ....................................................................................................15 . 17. 'N01"ICE ................................................................................:.................................:..........15 18. ASSIGNAIENT --15 , . 19. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 15 ~ 20: TIME IS OF 'I'IIE ESSENTCE 15 21. RECORDATION .........................................................:.....................................................16 ~ 22. APPLICABLE LAW ANA VENUE .................................................................................16 23. MODTF'ICATION ..............................................................................................................16 24. SURVIVAL .....................................................................................:.................................16 25. INVALIDII'Y .17 DRAFT Frnm Date: May, 2005 2 EascmcatNo. 51-081557 ~ . . . DRAFT SlAl.E Vl' ♦♦A17IUN1.T1O1\ DEPARTMENT QF NAT'URA.L RESOURCES . DOUG SUTHEItLANA, Commissioner of Pnblic Lands AQUATIC LANDS EASEMENT AQUATIC LANDS EASEMENT NO 51-081557 . THIS EASEMENT is made by and betwieen the STATE OF WASHINGTON, acting through the ~ Department of Naturdl Resources ("Statc"), and C1TY OF SPOKANE VAI.LEY, a government agency/entity ("Crrantee"). SECTION I GItANT AND LOCATI0N ()F EASE1VIEN'T 1.1 - Easement Property. State grants and conveys to Grantee a nonexclusive easemcnt for a term of years (the "Easement") over, upon, and under the property deseribed in Exhibit A(the "Easement Property"). 1.2 Constructinn and Access. To the eatent it can do so vvithout violating any other contract or lease, State hcreby also grants a nonexclusive easement on State-owmed land and water on either side of the Flasement Property, if any eYists, for ingress and egress to gain access to the Easement Property and to construct improvements on and maintain and repair t]ie Fasement . Property. 13 . Right of Third Partie.s. This Easement is subject to all valid interests of third parties noted in the records of Spokane County, or on file in the office af the Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia, Washington; rights of the public under the Public Tnist Doctrine or the federal navigation servitude; and treaty rights of Indian Tribes. Not included in this Eascment are any right to harvest, collect or damage any natural resourcc, including aquatic life or living plants, any water rights, or any minEral rights, including any right to excavate or withdraw sand, gravel or other valuable materials State makes no representations regarding access tn the Easement ~ Property. . ~Form Datc: May, 2005 F..asement?do. 5 1-081557 1 1.4 Surveys, Maps, and Plans. In executing this Easement, State is -relying upon the . surveys, plats, diagrams, andlor legal descripfions provided by Grantee. Grantee is not relying upon and State is not mald.ng any representations about any surveys, plats, diagams, and/or legal ~ descriptions provided by State. . . SECTI0N 2 PURPQSF OF EASE1VENIT DRAFT . This Easement is granted Por the purpose of and is limited to constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, and using the Barker Road Bridge with a new improved bridge, followed by operation and maintenance o#'the new bridge. The new bridge will have a larger working surface and a smaller foundation footprint ("Permitted Use"). . SECTION 3TERM . 3.1 Term. The term of this Easement is thirty (30) yeazs, begin.ni.ng on the 1 st day of October, 2007 (the "Commencement Date"), and endi.ng on the 30th day of September, 2037(the . . "Terminadon Date"), unless term.inated sooner under the terms of this Easement. SECTION 4 USE FEE 4.1 Fee. Pursuant to RCW 79.110.230 and RCW 79.110.240, so long as the Permitted Use is consistent with the purposes of RCW 79.105.010 through RCW 79.105.210 and does not obstruct navigation or other public uses of Spokane River and its surrounding waters, th.is use is' _ Granted to goverwrient owned public utilities for thc cost of administradve fees associated with the processing of tlle application and doctument, plus the cost nf administrative fees associated '-=with the proccssing of any future application made with respect to this easement for the term specified in Section 3.1 (Term Defined). The use fee specified pursuant to RCW 79.110.240 , shall be paid upon execution of this easement. Any administrative fees shall be paid wiChin , thirty (30) days after a bill is submittcd to Grantee. Notbi.ng in this subsection shall preclude State's ability to charge Grantee a fee for any impacts to natural resources on or adjacent to the Easement Froperty that are direc[ly or indirectly associated with the Permitted Use or Grantee's use or occupation of the Easement Property. 4.2 Late Charges and Interest. If any use fee is not received by State within ten (10) days of the date due, Grantee shall pay to Staie a late charge equal to four percent (4%) of the amount of the payment or Fifly Dollars ($50), whicbever is greater, to defray the ovcrhead expenses of State as a result of the delay. If any use fee is not paid Nvithin thirty (30) days of the date due, then Grantee shall, in additinn to paying the late charges established above, pay interest on the . amount outstanding at thc rate of one percent (1 per month until paid. 4.3 Non-Waiver. State's aceeptance of a use fee shall not be construetl lo be a waiver of any preceding or eaisting breaeh other than the failure to pay the particular use fee that was accepted. Form Date: May, 2005 2 Easement N'o. 51-081557 ~ . SECTION 5 NOTIFICATION OF ACTIVITI~S DRAFr ~ Except in the case of an emergency, Grantee shall provide State with written notice of any construction or otber significant activity on the Easement Property at least thirty (30) days in. advance. In cases of emergency, Grantee sha11 notify State of sucb activity no later than five (5) , days affier such activity commences. "Significant activity" means any activity that might affect State's or public's use or enjoyment of Eascment Property and any surroundina state-owned aquatic lands or l:he waters. . SECTION 6 1VIAIINTT'EIVATxCE ANDREFAIIt OF EASElViENT fiND IIVIPROVEMEN'TS 6.1 Grantee's Activities. Grantee sha11 promptly repair, at its sole cost; all damages to any unprovements on the Easement Property, to the Easement Property, or to any natural resources Nvhich are caused by Grantele's activities. All work performed by Grantee sha11 be completed in a carcful and worker lil:e manner to State's satisfaction, free of any claims or liens. Upon completion of any work. performed by Grantee, Grantee shall remove all dcbris and restore the Easement Properiy, as nearly as possible, to the condition it was in priar to commencement o#' the work. . 6.2 Restrictions on Use. Grar►tee shall not cause or permit any damage to nalural resources . on the Easement Praperty. Crrantee shall also not cause or pernut any filling acti«ty to occur on the Easement Property. This prohibition i.ncludes any deposit of rock, carth, ballast, refuse, ~ gazbage, waste matter (including chemical, biological or toxic wastes), hydrocarbons, any other pollutants, or other matter in or on the Easemcnt Properiy, except as approved in writing by State. Grantee s}iall neither eomm.it nor a11ow wastc to be comm.itted to or on the Easement . Froperty. If Grantee fails to comply with all or any of the restrictions in use s-et out in tlus Subsecdon 6.2, State may tal:e any steps reasonably necessary to remedy sueh failure. Upon demand by-State, Grantee sbaU pay all costs of such remedial action, including, but not li.mited to, the costs of removing and disgosing of any material deposited iuiproperly on the Eascment Property. This section shall not in any way limit Grantee's liability under Section 9, below. Thc prohibitions in ihis section against damage to natural resources, filling, deposition of any unapproved materials, and waste, shall also apply to protect state-owned aquatic lands adjacent • to the Property from any of Grantee's activities related to Grantee's occupation of the Property. All obligations imposed by this section on Crrantee to cure any violation of the prohibited ~ activities in this section shall also extend to state-otvned aquatic lands adjacent to the Property when the violation arose from Grantee's activities related to Grantee's occupation of the Properly. SECTION 7 INTERFERENCE WITH OTI3ER USES OF EASEMFNT PROPERTY Grantee shall esercise iis rights under this Easement so as to minim.ize and avoid, to the fiillest extent reasonably possible, interference Nvith State's use of the Easement Property or with the - public's right to use Spokane Rivcr for purposes of recreation, navigation, or commerce including rights under the Public Trust Doctrine. Any improvements consfructed by Grantee on J Form Datc: May, 2005 3 • EascmcntNo. 51-081557 . ~ . ~T the Easement Property sliall be placed and constructed so as to allow, to the fullest extent - reasonably possible, unobstructed movement through the water column in the Easement Property. ~ J ' SEGTION $ COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Grantec shall, at its own expense, conform to all applicable laws; regulations, permits, orders, or requireznents of any public authority affecting the Easement Property and the Permitted Use. Upon request, Grantee shall supply Stafe vvith copies of-permits or orders. . SECTION 9 ENVIItONMEN'I'AL LIABILITY/RISK ALLOCATION 9.1 Definition. "Hazardous Substance" means any substance Nvhich now or in the future becomes regulated or defined under any federal, state, or local statute, ordi.nance, rule, regulation, or other laiv relatinb to human health, envisonmental protection, contamination or cleanup, i.ncluding, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Fnvironmental Response, Compensation and Liabiliry Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., and Washington's Model Toxics Control Act ("MTCA"), RCW 70.105D.010 et sey. 9.2 . Use of Hazardous Substances. Grantee covenants and agrees t:haf Hazardous - Substances will not be uscd, stored, generated, prncessed, transported, handled, releassd, or disposcd of in, on, under, or above the Easement Property, except in accordance with all applicable laws. 93 Current Conditions, Auty of Uhnost Care, and Duty to lnvestigate. --~(a) With regard to any Har.ardous Substances that may cxist in, on, under, or above the Easement Property, State disclaims any and all responsibility to conduct investigations, to review any State records, documents or files, or to obtain or supply any information to Grantee. (b) Grantee shall exercise the utmost care witU respect to both Hazardous Substances in, on, under, or above the Easement Property as of the Commencement Date, and any Hazardous Substances that come to be located in, on, under, or above the Easement Property during the Tcrm of this agreement, along with the foreseeable acts or omissions of third parties affecting those Hazardaus Substances, and the foreseeable consequences of tbose acts or omissions. Thc obligation to exercise utmost care under this Subsection 9.3 includes, but is not limited to, the following requirements: . (1) Grantee shall not undertake activities that will cause, contribute to, or , exacerbate contamination of the Easemcnt Progcrty; (2) Grantee sball not undertake activities that da.mage or interfere with the operation of remedial or restoration activilies on t'he Easement Property or undertal:e activities that result in human or enN-ironxnental exposure to l Form l~ate: May, 2005 4 Fasement No. 51-081557 . contaminated sediments on_ the Easement Property except as requi.red for the Permitted Use provided that any such exposure required by the . Permittcd Use is in compliance -.Aith all applicable health, safety and environmental laws and regulations." ; (3) Grantee shall not undertake any activities that result in the mechanieal or chemical disturbance of"on-site babitat miligation; (4) If requested, Grantee shall allow reasonable access to the Easement Property by employecs and authorized agcnts of the Envuonmcntal ' ' Proteetion Agency, the Washington State Dcpartment of F.coloay, or other sim.ilar environmental agencies; and - : - (5) lf requested, Grantee shall allow reasonable access to potentially liable or -r.esponsible parties who aze the subject of an order or consent decree which requires access to the Easement Property. Grantee'-s obligation to prov-ide access to potentially liable or responsible parties may be conditioned upnn the negotiation of an access agreement with such parties, provided that such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld. (c) It shall be Grantee's obligation to gather sufficient informataon concerning the Easement Properly and the existence, scope, and location of any Hazardous ~ • Subslances on t.hc Easement Properfy, or adjoining the Easement Property, that . allows Grantee to effectively meet its obligations under this Easement. 9.4 NotificaYion und Iteporting. (a) Grantee shall immediately nokil~, State if Grantee becomes aware of any of the following: (1) A release or threatened release of Hazardous Substances in, on, under, or above the Easement Property, any adjnini.ng property, or any other propcr[y subject to use by Grantee in conjunction with its use of the ~ Easement Property; 5(2) Any problem or liability related to, or derived from, the presence of any ~ Haz.ardous Substance in, on, u.ncier, or above the Easement Property, any ~ ad'oinin rope ~ ~ g p rly, or any ather property subject to use by Grantee in coajunction with its use of thc Easement Property; (3) Any actual ar alleged violation of any federal, state, or local . statute, ordinance, rule; regulation, or other law pertaining to I Iazardous Substances with respect tn the Easement Property, any adjoining property, or any other property subject to use by Grantee in conjunction with its use of the Easement Properry; ~ J . , Form Dstc: May, 2005 5 Easement Nlo. 51-081557 . (4) Any lien or action with respect to any of the foregoing; or, (5) Any notification from"the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) that remediation or removal nf Hazardous Substances is or may be required at the Easement Property. . - (b) Grantee shall, at State's request, provide State with copies of any and all rcports, studies or audits wh.ich pertai.n to environmental issues or concerns and to the ' Easement Properiy, and which wcrc prepared for Grantee and submiited to any . federal, state or loGal authorities pursuant to any federal, state or local permit, license or law. These permits include, but are not limited to, a.ny National Pollutioa Discharge Elurunation System Permit, any Army Corps of Engineers . .permit, any statc Hydraulics Project Appzoval, any.state Water Quality Certification, or any Local Shoreline permit. 9.5 Indemnification. . ' (a) Grantee shall fiiliy indemnify, defend, and hold State harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, natural rESOUrce damages, response costs, ' rcmedial costs, cleanup costs, losses, liens, liabilities, penalties, fines, lawsuits, other proceedings, cosfs, and expenses (including attomeys' fees and disbursements), that azise out of, or are in any way rclated to: . . ; . (1) The use, storage, generation, processing, transportation, handling, or `disposal of any Hazardous Substance by Grantee, its subgrantees, contractors, agents, employees, guests, invitees, or affiliates in, on, under, ~ or above the Easement Property, any adjoining property, or any other ~ property subject to use by Grantee in conjunction v«th its usc of the ~s Eascment Yroperty, during the Term of this Easement or during any time ~ when Grantee occupies or occupied the Easement Property or any such ~ other property; (2) The release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance, or the exacerbation of any Hazardous Substance contarrunation, in, on, under, or • above the Easement Property, any adjoining properly, or any other property subject to use by Grantee in conjunction with its use of the Easernent Property, which release, threatened release, or exacerbation occurs or occurred during the Term of this Fasement or during any time - when Grantee occupies or occupieci tbe Easement Properly or any such other property and as a result of: (i) Any act or omission of Grantee, its subgrantees, contractors, agenCs, employees, guests, invitees, or affiliates; or, Form Aace: May. 2005 6 EasementT`b. 51-OR1557 ~~J ~ (u) Any foreseeable act or omission of a third parfy unle-ss Grantee exercised the utmost care vvith respect to the foreseeable acts or omissions of the third party and the foresee.able consequences of ' those acts or omissions. (b) In addilion to the indemnificaiions provided in Subsection 9.5(a), Grantee shall . . fully indemnify State for any and all damages, liabilities, costs or expcnses- (including attorneys' fees and disbursements) that arise out of or are in any way ' related tn Cnantee's breach of the obligations of Subsection 9.3(b). This obligation is not intended to duplicate the indemnity provided in Subsection 9.5(a) and applies only to-damages, liabilities, costs or expenses that are associated ,Arith . a breach of Subsection 93(b) aad which are not characterized as a release, . threatened release, or exacerbation of Hazardous Substances. 9.6 Cleannp. If a release oi'Hazardous Substances occurs in, on, under, or above thc ' Easement Properiy or other State-owned property arising out of any action, inaction, or event described or rcferred to in Subseciion 9.5, above, Grantee shall, at its sole expense, prompdy tal:e all actions necessary or adv-isable to elean up the Hazardous Substances. Cleanup actions shall include, without limitation, reinoval; containment and remedial actions and shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws, rulcs, ordinances, and permits. Grantee's obligation to undertal:e a cleanup of the Easement Property under this Subsection 9.6 shall be limited to those instances where the Hazardous Subst:ances eaist in amounts that excecd the O threshold limits of any applicable regulatory cleanup standards. Grantee shall also be solely responsible for all cleanup, adm.inistrative, and enforcement costs of governmental agencies, mcluding natural resowce damage cla►ms, ansing out of any action, inaction, or event described or referred to in Subsection 9.5, abovc. Crrantee may undertakc a cleanup pursuant to the Washington State Deparlment of Ecology's Voluntary Cleanup Progazn, provided that: (1) A.ny cleanup plans shall be submitted fo State (bNR) for review and comment at least thirfiy (30) days prior to implementation (except in emergency situations), and (2) Grantee must not be in breach of this Easement. Nothing in the operadon of this proizsion shall be construed as an agreement by State that 1:he voluntary cleanup complies with any laNvs or with the provisions of this Easement. 9.7 Sampling by State, Reimbursemcnt, and Split Samples. (a) State may conduct sampling, tests, audits, surveys, or i.nvestigations ("Tests") of the Easement Property at any time to deternv.ne the ea:istence, scope, or effects of Hazardous Substances on the Easement Property, any adjoining properiy, any other property subject to use by Crrantee in canjunction with its use of the ' Easement Froperly, or any natural resources. If sueh Tests; along vvith any other • information, demonstrales fhe existence, release or lhreatened release of ` Hazardous Substances arising out nf any action, inaction, or event described or rcferred to in Subsection 9.5, above, Crrantee shal] prompdy reimburse State for all costs associated with such Tests. Form Aate: May, 2005 7 DRAFT Eascmant'Nlo. 51-081557 (b) State's ability to seek reimbursement for any Tests under this Subsection shall be _ conditioned upon State providing Crantee written notice of its intent fo conduct f any Tcsts at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to undertaking such Tests, unless , such Tests are performed in response to an emergency situation in which case State sha]I only be required to give such notice as is reasonably practical. (c) Grantee shall be entitlcd to obtain split samples of any Test s,araples obtained by State, but only if Grantee provides Staie Nvitb written notice requesting such sanples within tvventy (20) calendar days of the date GrantEe is deemed to have received notice of State's intent to conduct an,y non-emergency Tests. The additional cost, i.£any, of split samples shall be borne solely by Grantee. Any . additional costs State incurs by virfue of Grantee's split sampling shall be reimburscd to State within thirty (30) calendar days after a bi]] with . documentation for such costs is sent to Grantee. (d) Within thirty (30) calendar days of aNvritten request (unless otherwise required pursuant to Subsection 9.4(b), above), either party to this Easement shall provide the other party Arith validated final data, quality assuranceJquality control information, and chain of custody information, associated Nvith any Tests of the Easement Property performed by, or on behalf of, State or Grantee. There is no obligation to provide any analytical summaries or expert opinion work product. 9.8 Reservation of ltights. The parties have agreed to allocate certain environmentaJ risks, liabilities, and responsibilities by the terms of Section 9. With respect to those enNTi.ronmental liabilities covered by the indemnification provisions of Subsection 9.5, that subsection shall exclusively govern the allocation of those liabilities. `Vith respect to any environmental risks, liabilities, or responsibilities not covered by Subsection 9.5, the parties expressly reserve and do not waive or relinquish any rights, claims, immunities, causes of action or defenses relating to the presence, release, or threatencd release of Hazardous Substances in, on, under, or above the Easement Property, any adjoining property or any nther property subject to use by Grantee in Gonjunction Nvith its use of the Easeinent Property tliat either party may have against the other under federal, slate or local laws, including but not lim.ited to, CERCLA, MTCA, and the common law. No right, claim; immunity, or-defense either party may have agai.nst third par[ies is affected by tlus Easement and the parties expressly reservc all such rights, clai.ms, immunities, and defenses. The allocations of risks, liabilities, and responsibilities set forth above do not release either party from, or affect either party's liability for, claims or actions by federal, state, or local regulatory agencies concerai.ng Hazardous Substances. - SECTION 10 PRESFRVATION OF SURVEY CORNERS Grantee shall exercise the utmost care to ensure that all legal land subdivision survey corners and . witness objects aze preserved. If any survey corners or wimess objects are destroyed or distutbed, Grantee shall reestablish them by a registered professional en;ineer or licensed land surveyor in accordance with US Gencral Land Office standards, at Grantee's own expense. Comers and/or witness objects that must necessarily be disturbed or destroyed in the process of construcfion of improvements musl be adequalely referenced and/or replaced in accordance v6th Form Datc: May, 2405 g EasementT'o. 51-081557 Dff%~~FT . ~~AFT ~ all applicable laws and reguulaiions.in force at the time, including, but not limited to, Chapter 58.24 RCW. The referEnces must be approved by State prior to removal of the survey corners andlor witness objects. SECTlON 11 TERAI[NATION OF EASEMENT This Easement shall terminate if Grantee reeeives notice from State that Grantee is in breach of . this Easement and Grantee fails to cure that breach -vvithin sixty (60) days of State's noUce. If the breach is not reasonably capable of being cured v6thin the six-ty (60) days, Grantee shall commence the cure within the siaty (60) day periocl and continue the cure v«th diligence until completion. In addition to teraiinating this Easement, State shall have any other remedy available to it_ State's failure to exercise its right to terminate at any time shall not waive State's right to terminate for any future breach. If Grantee ceases to use the Easement Property for the purposes set forth in this Easement for a period of fvc (5) successive years, this Easement shall terminate «ithout fiirther action by State and Grantee's rights shall revert to Stale. This Easement may also ternunate if Grantee proNides State with sixty (60) days Nvritten notice of its intent to tcrminate the Easement, in a form satisfactory to State. SECTION 12 OWNERSffiP AND REMOVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS AND - FQUIPVIENT - 12.1 Existing Improvements. On the Commencement Datc, the follo'A7ng improvements are O locatcd on the Easement Property: The old bridge is a 478' 6-span, cast-in-place concrete haunched T-beam bridge and Arill be replaced with a 3-span superstructure, abutments; and a . syste.m of pre-stressed eonerete girders supporting a cast-in-place conercte deck slab within the saule road right-of-way. The replacement bridge will be approximately 71 fcet NNide and 504 fcet long.. The improvements are Exasting Improvements. - 12.2 Grantee-Owned Tmprovements. So long as this Easement remains in effect, Grantee . shall retain ownership of all cxisting improvemeats, and all improvements and trade fixtw-es it may place on thc Easement Property (collectively "Grantee-(hvned Improvements"). Grantee- Qwned Improvements shall not i.nclude any construction, reconstruction, alterafion, or additinn to any Unauthorized Improvements as deined in Subsection 12.7 below. 12.3 Construction. No Grantee-ONvned Improvements shall be placed on the Easement Property without State's prior rvritten consent. State's consent has been granted for t6e iniual • construction of any improvements identified in the Plan of Operatians (Exhibit T3). Frior to any construction, alteradon, replacement, removal or major repair of any improvements (whether State-Owned or Grantee-Owned), Grantee shall submit to State plans and specifications which describc the proposed activity. Except in the case of cmergency repairs, such work shall not commence until State has approved thvse plans and specifications. State shall have sixty (60) days in which to review the proposed plans and specifications. The plans and specifications shall bc deemed approved unless State noti.fies Grantee othern7se vvithin the sixty (60) days. In the case of emergency repairs, Grantee shall notify State within five (5) business days of the start of ~ Form Daic: May, 2005 9 Fasement No. 51-081557 . . + L <AFT . such repairs and shall provide State with the proposed plans and specificadons Por the repairs if requested. 12.4 Performaoce Bond. Exeept in the ca'se of eraergency repairs, no construction work of any k:i.nd shall commence until Grantee has obtained a performance and payment bond in an amount equal to 125% of the e_stimated cost oi'cnnstruction. Statc may require Grantee to obtain a performance and payment bond for emergency repair work that has been initiated. The performance and payment bond shall be maintained until the costs nf construction, including all . laborers and material persons, have been paid in full. . 12.5 As $uilt Survey. Upon completion of construction, Grantee shall promptly provide State ,Azth a's-built plans and specifications. In those cascs where netv improvements are approved, or where the locaiion of any improvements is changed, Grantee may be required to provide an as- built survey of the Easemcnt Froperty. . 12.6 RemovaL Upon the termination of this Easement, Grantee shall remove or rztire any improvements located upon the Easement Property in accordance «rith the provisions of this Subsection and shall restore the Eascment Properiy to a condition substantially similar to its natural state prior to the construction and operation of the improvemeats. (a) NotiFcation. Prior to, or within one hundred eighty (180) days after, the Termination Date, Grantor shall notify Grantee i.n writin ;Whether it intends to require the removal of the improvements or whether the improvements shall be abandoned in place. In the event Granlor fails to provide any nolice of its intent, ~Grantee shall remove the improvements in accordancc with the provisions of this Subsection. (b) Removal. in those cases where the improvements shall be removed, Crrantce - agrees to proNzde a written plan, to be approved in writing by Grantor, for the . removal of the improvements and for the restoration of the Easemcnt Progerty. The plan shall identify a timeline for removal and restoration, shall identify any impacts to the Easement Properly, ass4ciated natw-al resotuces; or surroundi.ng lands and resources, and shall identify any measures needed to restore the Easernent Property. In those cases where Crrantor determines that the proposed rcmoval would disrupt existing state-owned lands or natural resources and would be detrimental tn the long term use and mana;ement of the state's lands and resources, Grantor may notify Grantee that the improvements must be abandoned in place in accordance with the provisions of this Subsection. _ - (c) Abandonmenk In those cases Nvhere the improvements shall be abandoned in place, Grantee agrees to provide a written plan, to be approved in writing by Granlor, for abandonment and restoration. The plan shall identify a timeline for abandonment and restoration, shall identify the location of the improvements, shall propose a suitable means for plugging any abandoned pipelines, shall idenUfy the means for notifying the public of the existence of any abandoned improvements, and sha11 identify any measures needed to restore the Easement . Form Datc: May, 2005 • 10 $asement No. 51-081557 • LJY%AFT ~ Fropcrty. In Lhose cases where Grantor detennines that the proposed abandonment would be detrimental to the long-term use and management of the state's lands and resources, Grantor may notify Grantee tbat the improvements must be removed in accordance with the provisions of this Subsection. (d) Plans for Removal'or Abandonment. Grantec shall provide the plan f'or removal - or abandonment within ninety (90) days affer the actua] nr deemed notif cation of Grantor's removal or abandonment rcquirement is provided. Grantor shall then have ni.nety (90) days in Nvhich to approve or reject the plan. Grantor's failure to respond within the time allowed shall be deemed an approval of the plan. - (e) Costs to Remove or Abandon, and to Restore. Grantec agrees to undcrtake the removal and disposa] of the improvEments, or the abandnnment of the , improvements, and the restoration of the Easement Property, at its sole cost and expense. Grantee agrees to perform any removal and restoration activities in a prompt and expeditious manner upon approval of any plans. If Grantee fails to timely mcet its obligations under this Subsection, Grantor may perform Grantee's obligations and seek reimbursement. ' (f) Ownership of Abandoned Improvements. Any improvements that are alloNv-ed to be abandoned in place shall bflcome the property of Grantor without any payment by Grantor. O To the extent that Grantee-Ovvned Iinprovements include itcros of personal property which may be removed from the Easement Property vvithout harming the Easement Property, or di.minishing the value of the Easement Properiy or the improvements, Grantor asserts no ownership interest in these improvements unless the parties agree otherwise in ATiting upon terminadon of this Easememt. flny Grancee-Owned Improvements specifically identified as personal property in Exhibit A or B shall be treatcd in accordance w-ith this pro-,lsion. 12.7 Unaut6orized Improvements. Iuiprovements made on the Easement Properiy without State's prior written consent or which are not in conformance Nvith the plans submitted to and approved by State ("Unauthorized Improvements") shall immediately bccome-the properly of State, unless State eleets otherwise. Regardless of ownership of Unauthorized Improvements, State may, at its aplion, require Grantee to sever, rcmove, and dispose of them; chazge Grantee rent for the use af thcm, or bath. If Grantee fails to remove an Unauthorized Improvement upon request, State may remove it and charge Grantee f.or the cost of removal and disposal. SECTIUN 13 INDEMNITY Grantee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harniless State, its employees, officers, and agents _from any and all liability, damages (including damages to land, aquatic life, a.nd other natural resources), expenses, causes nf action, suiis, claims, costs, fees (includi.ng attaraeys fees), penalties, or judgments, of any nature whatsoever, arising out of the use; occupation, or control of the k:asement Fropcrt}, by Grantee; its cnntraetors, subcontractors, invitees, agents, employecs, licensees, or permittees, except as may arise solely out of the willful or negligent act of State or ~ Form Datc:May, 2005 i l Easement No. 51-081557 . EJKAFT State's elected ofFcials, employees, or agents. To the extent- that RCW 4.24115 applies, Grantee shall not be required to indemnify, defend, and bold State harmless from State's sole or concurrent negligence. Lidbility and indemnification for hazardous substances under this Easement, shall be governed exclusively by Secqon 9. . . SECTION 14 FINANCIAL SECUR.iTY AND INSURANCE • 14.1 Financial Security. . EYCept as provided in Section 12.4 ahove, no financial security Nvill be required for this easement, 14.2 Insnrance. At its ovvn expense, Grantee shall procure and maintain during thc Term of this Easement, the insurance coverages and lim.its described in Subsections 14.2 (a) and (b) bclow. Th.is insurance shall be issued by an insurance company or companies admitted and licensed by the Insurance Comm.issioner to do business in the State of Washington. Insurers must have a rating of B+ nr better by "Best's lnsurance Reports," or a comparable rating by another rating company acceptable to State. If non-admitted or non-rated carriers arc used, the policies must comply with Chapter 48.15 RCW. (a) Types of Required Insurance. (1) Commereial General Liability Insurance. Grantee shall procure and maintain Commercial General I,iability insurance coveri,ng claims for bodily injury, personal injuxy, or propcrty damage arisi.ng on the Easement Properly and/or arising out of Grantcc's opsrations. If necessary, commercial umbrella insurance covering elai,ms for these risks shall be procured and maintained. Insurance must include liability r.overage vvith ' li.mits not less than those specified below: ' Dcscription Each Occutrence $2,000,000 Generdl Aggregate L'unit $5,000,000 State may impose changes in the limits of liability: (i) A..s a condition of approval of assigunent or sublease of lhis Easement; (ii) Upon any breach of Scction 9, above; (iii) Upon a material change in the condition of thc Easement Property ' or any improvements; or, (iv) Upon a change in the Pernutted Use. New or modified insurance coverage shall bc in place withi.n tllirty (30) _ days after changes in the limits of liability are required by State. Form Date: May, 2005 12 Easement Tb. 51-081557 ~--y~ ' ~ (2) Property Insurance. Grantee sha]] procure and maintai.n property insurance coveriniz all real property located on or constituting a part of the Easement Propcrty.in an amount equal to the replaccment value of all . improvements on the Easement Property. Such insurance may havc commercially zeasonable deductibles. . (3) Worker's CompEnsation/Employer's Liability Insurance. Grantee shall procure and maintain: . . (i) State af Washington Worker's Compensation coverage, as applicable, wifh respect to any work by Grantee's employees on or about the Easement Property and on any improvements; (ii) Employers Liability or "Stop Gap" insurance coverage, as applicable, v~ith limits not less than those specified below. Insurance must include bodily injury coveragc with limits not less than thosc specified below: . • ~ Each Employee Policy Lim.it ~ BY Accident Bv Disease By Disease ~ $1,000,000 $1;000,000 $1,000,000 O ~ (iii) Longshore and Harbor Worker's Act and Jones Act coverage, ~ as applicable, Arith respect to any work by Crantee's . employees ori or about the F~asement Property and on a.ny ~ improvements. (4) Builder's Risk Insurance. As applicable; Grantee sliall procure and maintain builder's risk insiarance in an amount reasonably satisfactory to State during construction, replacement, or material alteratian of the Eascment Property or improvements on the Easement Property. Coverage shall be in place until such work is c•ompleted and evidence of completion is provided to State. (S) Business Auto Policy Insurance. As applicable, Crrantee shall procure and - maintain a business auto policy. The insurance must include liability . caverage with limits not less than those speci.fied below: Description Each Accident Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 (b) Terms of Insurance. The policies required under Subsection 14.2 shall name the State af Washington, Department of Natural Resources as an additional insured (excepl for State of Washington Worker's Compensation ~ coverage; and T'ederal Jones Act and Longshore and Harbor `Vorker's Act Harm Date: May, 2005 13 Easemcnt No. 51-081557 coverages). Furthermorc, all policies of insurance described iu Subsection 14.2 shall meet the following requirements: ~ J _(1) Policies shall be -vvritten as primary policies not contributing with and not in excess of coverage t}►at State may carry; (2) Policies shall expressly provide that such izisurance mav not be canceled or non,renewed with respect to State except upon forty-five (45) days prior vvritten nodce from thc insurance company tn State; (3) To the extent of State's insurable interest, propertv cove_rage shall expressly provide that all proceeds sba11 be paid jointly to State and Grantee; , (4) Al.l liability policies must provide coverage on an occurrence basis; ~ . and ~ (S) Liability policies shall not include exclusions for cross liability. ~ ~ (c) Proof of Insurance. Grantec shall furn.ish evidence of insurance in the form of a Certificatc of Insurance satisfactory to the State accompanied by a check list of coverages provided by State, executed by a duly authorizcd representative of each insurer showing compliance with the insuranec rEquirements describe.d in Section 14, and, if requested, copies of policies to State. The Certificate of Insurance ; shall reference thc State of «lashington, Department of Nlatural Resources and the ~ Lasement number. Receipt of such cerkificates or policies by State does nQl constitute approval by State of the terms of such policies. Grantee acknowledges that the coverage requirements set forth herein are the minimum li_mits of i.nsurance the Grantee must purchase to enter inlo this agreement. 'Ihese lim.its may not be sufficient to cover all liability losses and related claim sccttlement expenses. Furchase of tLlese limits of coverage does not relieve the Grantee from liability for losse,s and settlement expenses greater than these amounts. 14.3 State's Acquisition of Insurance. If Grantee fails to procure and maintain the insurance described above within fifteen (15) days after Grantee receives a notice to comply from State, State shall have the right to procure and mai.ntai_n comparable substitute insurance and to pay the premiums. Grantee shall pay to State upon demand the full amount paid by State, together with interest at the rate provided in Subsection 4.2 from the date of State's nodce of the eapenditure until Grantee's repayment. - SECTION 15 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS Grantee shall prompdy pay all taa.cs, assessments and other govemmenGal chazges of any kind whatsoever levied as a result of this Easement or relating to Grantee's improvements consiructed pursuant to this Easement. . . . ~ Form Date: May, 2005 ' 14 EasementNo. 51-081557 ~--~1 . , ~ SECTION 16 ADVANCE BY STATE If Statc advances or pays any costs or expenses for or on bebalf of Grantee, including but'not limited to taxes, assessments, inswance premiums, costs of removal and disposal of unauthorized materials, costs of removal and disposal of improvements, or other amounts not paid when due,. Grantee shall reimburse State the amount paid and shall pay i.nterest on such amount at the rate of one percent (1%) per month from the date State notifies Grantee of the advance or payment. - SEC'TION 17 NOTICE t1.ny notices required or gernutted under this Easement may be personally delivered, delivercd by facsimile machinc, or mailed by certified mail, retum receipt requested, to the following addresses or to such other places as the par[ies may direct in Nvriting from time to time: State: TaEFARTMEiNT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Aquatic Region/Rivers District PO Box 280 , Casde Rock, WA 98611 . Grantee: CITY OF SPO~CAI~rE VA.I,~.EY T I'ublic Worl:s Department . 1] 707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 - ~ , Spokane Valley, WA 99206 A notice shall bc deemed given and delivered upon personal delivery, upon receipt of a . . confirmation report if delivered by facsimile machine, or three (3) days after being mailed as set forth above, whichever is applicable. SECTION 18 ASSIGivMENT Grantee shall not assign its rights in the Easement or gzant any rights or franchises to third parties, Nvithout State's priar v►ritten consent. Statc reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of ihis Easement upon its consent to any assignment. ' SECTION 19 SUCCESSOILS AND ASSIGr`S ' This Fasei-cent shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their suceessors and assiQns and shall be a.covenant runni.ng Nvith the land. SECTION 20 TIlVIE IS OF TftE ESSFNCE TTME IS OF THE ESSENCE as to each and every provision of this Easement. O . . Porm Date: Mey, 2005 - 15 EasementNo. 51-081557 SECTION 21 RECORDATION ` Grantee shall record this Easement or a memorandum documenting the existcncc of this Easement in the county in wluch the Easement Property is located, at Grantee's sole expense. 1'he memorandum shall, at a minimum, contain the Easement Property description, the names of the partie_s to the Easement, the Stale's easement number, and the duration of the Easement. Grantce shall provide State with recording information, including the date of recordation and file number. Grantee shall have thirty (30) days f.rom the date of delivery of the final executed agreement to comply with the requirements of this section. If Grantec fails to record this Easemcnt, State may record it and Crrantee shall pay the costs of recording, includinD interest, upon State's demand. SECTiON 22 AFPLICABLE LAW AND VENCTE This Easement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with and shaU be subject to the laws of the State of Washington. Any reference to a statute sha11 mean that statute as presently enacted or hereafter amended or superseded. Venue for any action arising out o£ or in connection with this Easement shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County, Washington. SECTION 23 MOllIFICATION A.ny modification of this Easement must be in writing and signed by the part.ies. State shall not be bound by any oral representations or statements. . SECTION 24 SURVIVAL - ' Any obligations of Grantee which are not fully performcd upon termination of this Easement sha11 not cease, but shall continue as obligations until fully perf.vrmed. ~ Form Date: May, 2005 16 Eascment No. 51-081557 ~.J ~ sEcTioN as INVALIDITY ~ If any provision of this Easement shall prove to be invalid, void, or illegal, it shall in no way affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision of this Easement. THIS AGR.EEMffi7NTT rcquires the signature of all parties and is executed as of the date of the lasf signature below. , CITY OF SPOKFINE VALLEY Dated: . By: Da«d Mercier Title: City Manager Address: 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 ~ Spokane Valley, WA 99206 = B! y~ STATE OF WASHINGTON d~ DEPARTMENIT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Dated: By: DOUG SU"f'I-TERLAIVD ~ Title: Comm.issioner of Public Lands Address: 11 ] l Washington Street Olympia, WA 98504 Approved as to Form in May, 2005 by Joe Panesko Assistant Attorney General State of Washington Fortn pate: May, 2A05 17 Easement No. 51-081557 REPRESENTATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ' • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . County of ) . I ccrtify that I k.now or bave satisfactory evidence that David Mercier is the person who appeared before me, and said person aclazowledged that (helshe)'signed ihis instruinent on oath stated that (heJshe) was authoriaed to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the City Manager of City of Spokane Vallcy to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes . mentioncd in the instrument. ~6'~► ~ . ~ Dated: , (Signature) (Seal or stamp) (Print•Name) . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing al My appointment eapires . Fnrrn Datc: May, 2005 • 18 Eascmcot No. 51-081557 ~ O STATE ACKNOWLFDGMENT , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) - ) ss County of Thurston ) . I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that DOUG SUTHE.RLAND is the person who appeazed before me, and said pErson ac}:nowledged that he signed tlus instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to eaecute the instrument and aclnowledged it as the Cornm.issioner of Public Lands, and ex officio administrator of the Department of Natural Resources of [he State of ' VVashington to he the free aud voluntary act of such parry for the uses and purgoses mentioned in the instrument. ~d% Dated: (Signaturc) (Seal or stamp) ~ (Pri.nt Name) • Notary Public in and for the State of • Washangton, residing at . My appointrnent expires ' Form Date: May, 2005 19 Easement No. 51-081557 O CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date:. April 15, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business E1 public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: City Hall Project Status Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Bernardo Wills and GGLO conducted the first programming/visioning meetings with each department and key staff on November 15, 2007. On December 11'h they conducted two programming/visioning meetings with all members of the City staff. On January 12'r' they conducted a two hour programminglvisioning meeting with the City Council at their , winter retreat. On January 17`h and 18`h they conducted two full days of detailed meetings with each department regarding specific needs for individual spaces, equipment, support spaces and ~ functional relationships within the departments and between other departments. Vlle received the initial draft City Hall Program last week and are scheduled to have our first review meeting on April 8'". We are planning to have the draft program to Council in Niay and will follow that with a presentation to Council from Bernardo Wills and GGLO. OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten . ATTACHMENTS ~ ~ . ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubiic hearing ❑ information N admin. report ❑ pending fegislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed letter agreement for lease and concessions at Splash-Down GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.11.020 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Spokane County entered into a series of agreements with Splash-Down for . construction and operation of a water slide business, as well as a separate lease for parking across Mission Avenue. Those agreements expired due to passage of time in 2007 when Splash-Down did not give notice of intent to renew. The owners of the company that runs Splash-Down, Geoff and iNelissa Kellogg, have asked to extend the agreements. Those agreements cannot be extended now since they have expired. ~ The Kelloggs have expressed interest in a long term agreement with the City. Staff recommends authorizing staff to execute a short-term, six month letter agreement wherein the parties abide by the old terms. During that time, the parties can negotiate the cond'rtions of a longer term lease. OPTIONS: Consensus to place on a regular meeting for a motion; instruct staff to provide additional information. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to place on the agenda for a regular meeting for a motion. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Proposed letter agreement; Water Slide Agreement; Parking Lease ~ . Spcrryotkane ~ Valley~ 11707 East Sprague Ave, Suite 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhall@spokanevalley.org LETTER AGREEMENT FOR SIX MONTH.LEASE AND CONCES SION AGREEM.ENT Splash-Do,Am Concessions, Inc., (hereafler Splash-Dovkn) and the City of Spokane Va11ey (as successor in interest to Spokane County) were parties to a contract entitlcd "Water Slide Agreement", entered into on April 17t', 2001, effective July 26, 2002 and ternunating July 25, 2007. The aE#'ected property for the Water Slide Agreement is located at 11423 East 1vlission, Spokane Vallcy, WA. The Water Slide Agreement is attached, a.nd 'ulcorporated by reference as if fully sct forth herein. Section 2 of that Agreement rcquired Splash-Down to provide the City vvith six months written notice of its intent to renew the lease for an additional five years. Such ~ notice was due to be receiveti by the City no later than January 25, 2007. Splash-Down and the City are also parties to a parking lease for the currently paved porlion of the property located immediately south of the existing parking lot for Valley Mission Park, on the south side of Mission Avenue. That agreement is entitled "Lease Agreement for Parldng I,ot", adopted by Spokane County Resolution number Ol - 0739. The Lease Agreement for Parking Lot is attached, and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The parties desirc to enter into a six month lease and concession agreemcnt, under all of the same terms contained in the Water Slide Agreement except Section 2 relating to term, adopted under Spokane County Resolution 01-0313 on April 17; 2001. The parties also desire ta enter into a six month parl:ing lEase under all of the same terms contained in the Lease Agreement for Pazking L•ot, except Section 2 relating to term. This Letter Ageement sha11 be in effect on the date the last signature is affixed hereto. Any reference to Spokane County in the Water Slidc Agreement or Lease Agreement for Pazking Lot shall be construed to mean thc City unless the context clearly requires otherwise, including notice provisions. . lt is the intent of the parkies to immediately begin negotiating the terms of a , potential long-term lease and concession agreement. • Executed this day of 32008. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPLASH-DOVJN CONCESSION; ING - City Manager Geoff Kellogg; Titlc Office of the Cit3r Attorney Melissa Kellogg, Title . . ~ Y . . . . . • I ~ ' , 1 ~ • . ' ~ . . . . • . _ • " • . , . . , . 1 • . • • REttl['II t0: • L 1 0313 , WATER SLIDE AGREFNffNT THIS 4GRM~IV'T; made aTid entred into this /'?rA day of Api-;I. 240.1 by and , . befwcen Spokane'Coanty, a palitical- subdivision of tlie Sta~ os u%ashingian, haviiig ornms ror the . tansaction of business at 1116 • West 3roa:dwmy Avenue, 'Spokane, Washangton '94260, hminafter refezred to as th!.- "COUINTY," 8ad Splash-DoFVa Concessions, Inc., having offices for the.tremaction of . ' bus~css. at 127.27 ~st Pipur Road., Spokmne, Wa~hing`~on 99247, bereiaa.Lr r~~~ t~ -as the ' °LESSEE," j oindy, ~e-r iaafer refeh-ed 0 a1ong wYtb ffie COi3NTY ?s che "PAARTIES. ° . O • . , WITNESSETH: ~ ' • • . . r-=-, WEMRE.4S, •p-uant to the• oravisiugs oi.the RCFv~ 36.32.120(6), the Board of Cflvnry ~ - Comgiasiioners o f Spokane Co~~+=~as ~e care of CoumiY P=nP~' ~a-d the manarITtzrt 4i Co4miy ffi_m~,s . and business; eaa • , . ' . ' . ' . . - . • . WHF,REAS,-pursuant to the p:avisions oi RCVV 36.6-8.010, a c~.nty mzy Zease or sell a~y }~ari: praper~y, buildffigs or *"a~ties susplus to its needs, ar no longer suitable for pasl: pum. os°s; anr.i . WH~RE-AS; purs.ie:nt to the provisions of Spo~ CouA"ry Code Sectiaa 1~6.1T0 e# seq. tRa . gasrd of Co~ty Ca~sioners msy lease co~ty own-d grapGrty; 3n.d . - VyB3T,ZAS, Spo M' Gotmty is. the awwner of Va11ey M_ission Puk, Iocat:d at 114223 Ezs# . ~i6n, spoxane, washin,mM aina . . : - . . . - . . . . . . . WH:ER.EAS, a cei.tain 1iOr&1L of Valley Pvfission.F2rk was declared surplus :o ahe ~r6seat and ' • iaresee-abie need of Spolmne: 6ouniy. by the Boazd of CaL.aty Comiaissior.es of Saolmne County : purs.ant to Resolution No. $2-0350; and ' - • - • • . , - WHNREAS, purs►~# m Resflhrdoa No 82-0494, the Boa:-d.Qf CQUnty Comm, siaae-s authorized exec~sfi~n of aWater S1idL Ag~eement wiih Sgiash-Down Con-cesmons, L~.c., pursuant- to ' which S-oI:sh-Down Com6essions leased a portion,of Vallvy ?vGssioa ?a-rlC fOF 3 peri0d 0fte1 {IO) jre2T5 t0, conS . z+ amd OvCLate a w t...-i slFd.°; and _ . . - . , . . , - ~ . . ' - ' • • . . . . ' • ' _ ~ i~~ Page 1 af 14 , ; . . _ • . - • ` ~ 'J / . . . C q ~ . . . _ • r, ,i 5,~..z ' . . . . `J' _ . . - , . . . . • - . • _ ~ . - ; ) ' , • ' . WM-R.EAS, pmsum-t tn ResaluAOn 3Jo. 92-1018, the Board ai Cauaty Cnm_-nissioner . . 3uthoitized exncution of mother'Wattr Siidt; Aereem~t with SplashI}owm Caar,essioras, Inc., purn-uant #o which Splash-Davm Conces5ians leased a portion of Va]i..y Mission Park `ar a subszaucnt ter~ of taa (10) yem to, ape-4-aie: a wzte; 'slee sw:h lease #en7tin zting tn Jiily 25, 2002. Said Agre..menf in Seetioa , Na. 24 provides th3t #he sarne maybe modified v7ith the same fanrialities as t.he iiiial Agreemep_~ and - WHE~E_AS, the Parties desire, to modiiy fht agreemeat eat~_-d 3uly 21, 1992 and executed urider Resolution No. 92-10I8 by executing anew restated Wzter.Slids A~.A~*eepieeat whi~.Fi mclud.es certain modi-ged te~-irs, inc2uding amang others a new term pd €ee(s). • . ' - NOW, THEREPORE, ior and in consideaatian al- tte nutual gramises set fortn herein the • . PARTIE.S hereto dp mutmlly aD ze as foltows: ' ' - • • ' . - - 'SEG"TION NO. 1: SUSECT AND PTJR.POSt : . . : ' . : The COTi-h'I'Y Ieases to•t,ESSEE, subject to t14 fmms end condi6oas iiuein containtti, certain real ' property an VaItey lyFission P:rk Iocat~d at 11423 EZSt Mission,. SpokB=, Wasbington, and more ' • particularlydescribcd as faIlows: . - . • , . . - - • . . That poYLio-m oi $Iocis 72, 75, 761ying SoLqh of Stste F3igahway and BIoclci 79, 79, 81 and " 82 aIl in Pinecrvft First Add:aa ac ,ordiag to alat hercaf reeosd.:d ia± $ook"M".oi Flats; Page 35 SIDokaneCoull ~ty, Washigton. Together wiffi t31at pozton oE vacated 3ahus04 SL 2d}oiniag said • i ~ Bio::ks. - ' : . . . . . , . Except the West 11 U f~et oF said Blocks 72; 75, 78 and 81;' al.-,o ex.cept +he Est 345.7 •faet , of szid Block3 75, 79 and 82; also except tat goraoa oi sud Block82 and vacatei Fohnson St • incljided wit?nin the eaas`sng a=nis-courts. ' . ' • • • ' ' - cznta;n 2.56 acces Lzore or I..ss. _ : - ' . . • hercirtLfter refmTed to as the "Pres:ises" ia-'thL pirpose oT cotsftwfing and a-oeaating only a watel- slide. • • or slide5 and relatad }.aansr,a.gine.• uses., Tae -COUNTY-s'xaT1 gaavi,de L.ESSEE aIl necessary easemeats reasonably required by LESSEE to access the Preniises.. : • ' • • • . - . • SEC79[ON NO. TER1Vi . ' : , , . • ' , _ . . 'Ihe initial . t= oi this Agr:.erpe-at s1aI1 be ior tivz Yea:rs commencla.; on JuIy% 26,: 3002 and ' . - t°rminating on Jely 25, _?007. 1hds Agreem-m~-• st. the option oi tae •I ,ESSEE -may. be renewed far an' - additionat five (5) year dm:: i.Tame coTnrRr-r~cing on July 26, 2007- and tmminatinc; on 3uIy 25, 2012. " PTo~-ided, howeve, the Fencw-aIs shall be subjrct to aTI pravisions se farth hLrcin. LESSEE shail ' ' indicat° ats in-tent to renv;v this Agreement by givin:a the COWI'Y six•(6) lYTinen notice P-ior. tfl _ :L'e end ot the ininal tr,= • . • . ' . . . ' • ' ' - _ ' • , . ' . - , . . . . . • . . . - . . . • , ' - . ' Page Z of 14 . S ~ • ( . • ~ . . ' . . , , . ~ - . ' • • . ~ } • - T. SECTION NO. 3: CflNS'1'RUC'IION OF SLIDE _ • • - ZE55EE, at its sok: exshail conbtruct, apcrate. and Maintain li-Pa'a the P_1e=ses awat6r slidc nr slides, toge:her a~~~ ren~~ su~a~ s~ctz~.Tes, ~s=mi~, ?'ash pool,• and ~ zel~ed fa-Gi?ities and e;uigmeIIt. No chaage or modiucatian of ihe g;ans and specifications submiLbcd by • ' LESSt-E to tht COU-N!'-Y an.d iacorporated htre='n by re-feTmce shall be m. ad° unless fii-'~ ?_~pravf_,d by the COLTN-IY. Ii F-f any_timt: dL2I731g the Iife oi ris Ageerient the LESSEE 5-als to use #Yir, Yternises,for thP purpose o# ranstauctioa ±ad opeearion of s xater ssde or slides, w-ithoLf frs# obtai-ning Permission in writing from the COIJWTY, tl11L5 Agrtz2IlErit EII3Y 22 the COUNTY'S 07t1Di7, be termina-Mti ' if tli-, J-2:SSEEP dPsires to W aMtao~l flumes, appara~.'z or offi.'r recreatiaaal ite-Lns oi fazilities otbei- than thnse ariginally proposad, LFSSEE sha.ll -n-rst dbfiain permisAon :&om the COUNIY. . SKC'TION NQ: 4: OP~.4fiYON OF-SLIDE . ' ' . ' • - - , Duriag the tvrm of this Ag.ent the LESSEE sh?il initiate, COz1traCi i4r and Obt2a.3! II its OV.'II I1eE7]E aTid • fullp and promtly-lay f-or a1 water, gas,szwer (~cegt a.~ se# f~-th in Sec-tion 1Vo. 14), reiuse,:~Iec~ici#y, heat~ lig.hts, pawer, tlwhone sm-vice, and all oihcr pubiic utillities os evcry End Ezrn.isbed 'tn the. premiss thraughoLt''Lhe L-rm hereof, and all o`,her'costs'and' expmses of evtry ldnd vAlatsoever oi or in Q.- cowiection wi#h the use, op-m-atioa and 'maintenan= of the ?'remises and,a.ll activities coadLCted ther-~oa . and thL COUi~'Y,sh:aF1 have n,o resbonsibility of any 16nd whatsocver far aay tbLereof. . _TZSSEE,5hPI1 Bpelaf`.e the Slid= f-o7.P'1blic pe dtri1_g s..u:h man.'~s and ho+.Lrbs es.it deem.Prop--:, pravided, howevcir, ffiat honrs- of op;r-ation sbali camply with eithrr 0-pravisions as s!:t f6xaz in Section ' ?No: 32 &~MD USE ACTION) of th-:. Agreuuaent, such houis of opera±iaa•w{ ich rna.y bee iinnosed in coa.jinetian,u*ith any'pjbsequsnt laad use achon; if aary, or SpoICEnP County Co& Section 6.14.0-60, . . which ever is most restrictive. • . , ' . ' No advertising shall be in=lyed, vainted, afflxec;, or dispi3yed Qn -the Prenzses with,atA iiie priar. • aPP"aval 'of The COUNTY. '?'he purpose of this provisiaa bemg Lo =s= &at th.e •LESSEE d.oes ncyt • utiliza. or nisplay advartis~g thzt may be offcmzve fo the L'OTJNTY or tbe.Gitizms thesr-oL LESSr.~ shaal no# diser:rnan.ate'against any employee ar applicant for employzn=rt, or patron on thL Erotmds of - i~e, eoloT, s~ naoa31_c~ri~, cree*1, m~-ital st`at~, age or presence 'af ~y se~'sory,. me~t~l or ~h3 ~i~~_ . n2. iicap or s.he use of stained guide (ioa- or sea-vioe d4g by a disabl,ed pe--son. . SECTT4AI NO. 5• M . . . ' ' . , . The LESSEE siall gay to 6a CO'DJN'I'Y for flie j:nitial-ai1d zener_] ter~- of ihis A=►Teernent afee of Ten . • perceat (10%) flf grQSS reve.n.ue up to $300,000, atcl. five (5) Five ptrr',Eat ot gross ?cvenue in excesa,of . 'S300,000..Far the purpose of thic sectian'tze tnnino1_agy goss revenue shaTl ft~clLde al] revemue derivid . Laaui opm-tion of the, slic:°•or sLdes, shplter rematrll aad any othcrr--crc~atioaal appara.ius on the tremises. I# :,a1 not inc1ude revmue derived iom conccssions 7~~'i LR-separ-ax 3ddressed m SectionNc. 12. . perc e-a . 6t - ezG~! C2lei1[l'3r IIIOA2~1 drm~ W~11Ch . . ~ afaes sh t] b e p . ~.id wi~~~ ten (10) Ci3Y5 3fC2F il1C CIl~ a~e . • . . ~ LheIG 8Pe rTOSs rCCeii-ou i'i0m•'Ch° ODeI"ctioA 02 ~L'+1c 5lide OT 5l?d.5. Ot_h.PS' T-,'z2tlOi1A &T7i1...L`us,- or food f , , . • • . . concessions. - . . . . . . • ' . - . , PEa ? ef I4 ' • . ' • - ' . . . . - . ~li) - . . ' . . . - • • ' ' • , . , . . i . • . . - . • . ~ Within sixty (60) days a~~r the c.lose of its slide op..~ating seasog, I.ESSEE' shail deliver to, #he C0LTIvT'1'Y a stat..eat at i#s 90ss rec°.ip#s, =ncluding suPporbng d 'oc}smeata.ton, frvm i ESSEE'S • o~eratians on the pre:mises, se:+'Mg out mantbly grass rece:pi figures and p2rccentage i= coropsiations far t?~ entire a-Dera.tiIIg seasaa.. Additioma]Iy, at the rsqutst of '~ae COUNI'Y, Ehe LESSEE sh?X provide a Finaneifl Statement Audt grepaii~d by a cpjalifieci CPA on e-ach years olaerations. . . SECTION NO. 6: IIVSTJRANCE . . ' ' . ''.•During the period ai 4his Agreemeat i.ESSEE shall ca_n- and 1:.Pp ;.n force, at its 501e expense, a ' ' commercial genei-.1 liabili#y ;n~ce.policy ;With miaimum limAs of S1,004,000 ,L occ-:ux~nce wi#h a S3,004,000•aggregate far bo~i1Y mTEY an3 S1,000,000 per lc)4--eunrencefar prgpefty d2raag-. Said policy 'shall be written by ate1igbe ins:u'ance comgmy or camqranies aad shafl provide #hat said poticy shall not • . ' be caneeled, matmia-Ily ~hanged nr not renewP,-d zvith0at 30 d2y5 Ut'foi notice thereof to ihe COilN'TY. . Tht OOLIN'~Y reservs ~e ~ight ~ agt~rrave "the LESS£E'.S insuran.ce cazri°r(s). CQU2~T.i~' s'_n~l be nasaed as an add.itionai naa:d insurcd in e11 such palicies ead the LE55EE sMafl provide [he COUNTY wiEh Ce,Ttifled cDpie& of 5aid coV-°ragti prior-to comscnaement of operation of the watzr slide. , On 7anuaiy •lst of each year that this Ageeme-+..~ u' memct, the CDLWI'Y. aa..-zes to cantAct tite • COUNTv'S msurance broL-r and obtafti ar acr.~rial review o€water si3de coverage and clainv. 'As a resuit of such actv~~ial revfew, ~lie PARTIES ~may mutilly,agrre tfl modiiythe carnmircial genPral - liability insurance policy provisians Pravadrd for ~•Th.- LESSEE sh211 provide aTl frre insurancM1, on th° Premisesand pmso-Tal ~roper[y t3gt j LSSEE rnoves anto ffie Premises and any casmlty fnsurance 4l~sired by 14SS F. E both a t # he so le exn e nse of LES S E E , aad the COU= shouldha;Te no resp4nsililify whatsoevei ffierefore. . SEG"I'IO-N- rFO.'1- IlNI1E14NMCAMON ' . • • . ' . - . , . The Cou_N'IY shaI not be iiable for any loss; IIg"Ur7Y, death, or dAMage to persans or groperty ' wtsich at auy time M,-y be sufiered ur sUSta=vd by I ESSEE ar by aay penon vrhosoev;r rnay at any time be using,or occupYiag or visititg tae Premises •or be .ia on ar zbout ;he5ar~e, wheth...~ such •loss, i~J~Y- • drath, or d~age shall be caued by or in any R~ay result fram or ?ri3-e out of any act, orn..is;.iQn, or a,egligenoe of t he LES SE, E pr -0f•aaY occupany sub j.enant visitc3g, user,.o$ pa~a o# any•partion of thL . Premises, oi sh2ll r~It fra~t ar be cats.~ed by ~y atb,er ma?tcr or thi~g wheth~ of the sa~e l~.nd as, or of • a di.ffermt liad t3at the ma.'ters or- things, set forth abave, and LESSEE shE~I indeninify the COUIJT'Y , . against a!1 claims; Habil.i#y, 1455 oC d3II1Sae R$3tsoe7er.oa account of any.~h-loss, injt.ay, death or ' damage. LESSEE heriby waives a.ll claims against tTte COUATl'Y for darnagPs to the buildings anti . inlaroveMents that arn-now OIl Oi•haL'L22bc' plazi-.d'OF b'ililf Os1.•t~e t'-iGri?t5e5 c.."'~d to the ~ro~erty of LPSSEE in; ar about the Premises, and `'or injury tn :persons or praperfy in c: about tie Psemsses, frozn . eny cEt!se~3.risi~g at any f~e dLm:n,~ ~t t.er~ hereo~, the ~ving oi this wa}ver bei.~, onc.oi +~~e co~~tian3 • uporf.which this.Ag?~mLni?s e=c&_t_-6 by the COLINTY. ' . . . . . . . . . t~ . • ' , - - . , • . . - , . Page 4 of 14 - , . • ' • _ r 12~. - • • . . c.. _ f . ~ ! . ~ ~ . . . , . . . ~ , . . ' SECTIQN NO. S: SLJDE OWlti`ERSHIP , - . . it is uldmiood tlle.. tl2.s water shde is aprop-netzry Pro&r,-t of tbL- LESSEE. The COUNTY obtai-ns no inte rest as a pat of t;is Ag'~nent ~d ~y r_ot usc ~y a~' ~fis i~~s, r.~rceo~, strac'~es or • . cflmponents.wituflut ihe °aTress consent pf LESSEE exeept as provi~d hereffiaf°r. . . , SEC'I`ION NITO. 9:•OWNYRSIDT OF IIl2YROVEMENTS ' , " ' . , • . . ?11 iazgrovemmts and equi?meat pizced oa the 1:emises by LF-,SSMshall be znd rem2i.ri:the praperiy of . LESSEE, F.ad tht COUNFY ~haye no interest th~.rrein ~ex.ccpt as p~o ~i~d bere~after.. . . SECTIONnT0.10: TEP-MMI4TION ' _ . ' . ' • • . . . 'Ia ad ~u~'tiou to alI o ther ri;ht and rernenj es, which the i'ART1BS may have 4erein or at law, ti-t PA.RTIES . may ter-n1~ztbas Agreement as folloR*s_:. _ , . . By LESSEE:. ' ' • : . • . ~ . • • , - 'Elis Ag=ment may be t,..~i~ated by fhe TESSEE upo4 30 days vv=i1t~n notic.- m the CO`Tj-NI'Y ' ~ " - uDOaffie trappenLng oi amy-one of the foIIow-ing --venfis: . . • , . ' ' • . ~ 1. The defauIt oi Spokne Counity- in 'thj~ peri'orman= of aay tmans, condi~on.s or zovenanv ' ~ ~ he~in req-ed t4 b$ perio~ed by ~ COU"'I'Y~ fihe s~il~e of the COjJN'F'Y to ie~t-,-dy v sUb de&t.ilt withii a aa iod ai 30 day~ after the receip# from-'~'ue- LESSa -of writtm notice to remady t-ad gaTn.°; .diavided, how°ver, di-at no nstir.e of tmmin?-tivn as herer.n grovid.ed' . • , • shait bs os auy'faFCe or rffect if the COUNTY sha1I have se~Ldied the dei3ult priar to the . . expi-atioa of .h 30-day period, Qr, i.f the nature a£ surh def-aLlt. is such Uast a penod ia excess' of 30 days is ne,,assa.ry in order far-the COUNTY to'•ci-re iht: defiz.ult and sha1I • d•~ntly canfimui! its eiPoria to corsect sach dyiauit. ?n such Lvent, ttte COF.1Ti'I'Y shall have smh time Es is reasonably required to- cw-e the defaul~. ' • ' . ' . , 2. The iailure uD de:[vz gross re;.°ipts irom opera:ion o`the wster si de of at deast S1?5,000 in ' any operating seasan. - : - • . . . . By COUIY'TY: . . , . . . ~ - crc~ty u~ca 30 a',w~it~en no~e to the LESSEE This Aq.: ~ea~ may b~ terminated by Spokaa~ C d.Y' . ~ . upou ihL na.ppeFing of any on,e OF ille fOllo'Ning aTe3S. • . . . • ' ' . . . 1, "1-he fajLT.- of the LSSSEE to makL anY Paymmt af ma-zey as required h=-icuider aft.°r. -.receiving fon days wTitt-t!q notice of ifs ?ailvre to aay stich inon:y. ~ 2. The faItire of LESSEE to d..rve gross Teceipts from operaton of the Vra.er SLdC. n-t least. . S 125,400 uz aaer=t-mj s..a-qfln crr a ra;m3rngn pay7-eut af $13,{J40. - . . . . . t i . - ' • ' - ' • ' - : . . . . _ . . , ?age5of?4. ' . . . ' • . , n • ~ ' I t . ' ' • ' J !f ~7 • . . . . 3. Ab="_dna=nt ai the Premises by the LESSEE a-adlor the continuame of trna.utborized . . varianrx of r,onduct an.d aperzfioa of the bus-iness reqniied hereunder far a perioci ai five • cnnsxui;re days. Providcd, howevx, tha# the COUrTI'Y imd=,standss and a:grees that . LF,SSEE'S opetatia:i is sezsoaal an& clesing the Prtmises far ihe scsson or in.~.77npEioas . ia the operatian.of the *-ater slide due to wea#her coad.itions or repaid shaR 'nflt coiasfitnte an abandc -~~eat oi 6e ~~s. . . , ' - . - 4. ' The default of LFSSEE ii:L the perl'ortaance oi any ternas, condirions or cavehants herein ' . ' TL-q.iired to be peform..d 'oy e LESSEE 3~nd the railut-P of, the I.ESSEE to renl&dy suc'n . ~.deaLli i7 a period of 30 days after:recceipt oi•wrtten ria#ice to,semedy: the sz~me. Pmyide4 'h4wevznr #1atgD L(6~e ti #nr~iOti a5 herein pTOyid°:d SkaIl ba af any force or eiiect i#' LESS& sha.~l -iuve remedaed• ~~ze defauti to the sole sat-sfaction of the , - • CO[7NTY prior to the egpn3iz6u of swh 34 day`s perioa, or if tL-- gasLire oi ssch d.fault • ' is such that a peruod i-n axcess of 30 dsr-is necessafy in order iaa USSEE to curce such deiauPt; abd LESSEE slWl.hzve-,comMcnctd to cure #3e dtifauit and shiE dffigent[y continuz- i-ts effoits to. correci such defaulL In such even, LES SEE shald have s+sch firne is rezso~bty ~.as~ to c~-e.$ie ~~:au~~. ' . . . . ' . . - In the evmt of ter_minatiDn fli the Iease as pravided herein the PA.RTIES shalI 'have their cenLditis , . , accordFng to law a..n.d in atidi#ioa -chaIl havz di6 foIlovrinQ rerned.t_s: ByLESSE,E: . . . . . . . ' . In the evmt of tmnination by LESSEE, aIId eXCept ZS prO'Jidea beFeia LESSEE 5aa1l bave the . ' righi to re~cce the wat;r sji.de, rearovzble ~m~orang structi~~, b~~;1ain~s and other . • iniprovemeents -olawd umaa_ tlzB Preraises by LESSEE a# any frme withlia 124' days aar stach • - term;nation: LESSEE shaIl re.,dore the Premises ta its arig;:nal caadition d~-~ the s-A m 'arne . . • frame alIowed far remvp-l at i3e sfructLre. • . . ' • . Bp COU1VTY: ' . _ - ' • ' . • In the evrmt of tmni~iad oa by Sgolmne Cou~* as provided'htir.:;n ar at the end Qf the ter_ of tlis A9 ecmcnt - Ehe COT3K'F'' sl~a.il have: ~p -~ight for a- periosl oi 90 day5 ~ be~m,iaztiaz to ' - o zse rhe r,rater slide, s~pard s~uc~s, bu~.gs a~d ath:r :~rovemea~ fi-om the LESSEE - . at a pnce to be hi~y agre-ad upon. ]'n the eve4c the COUNTY shall not exercise its right to • purchassti the a*iter slide, support'structzres, buildinzs and'oth-.r improvements •wiTbin the 90 days period, the LFSSEE shall rc=ve the sa8e w-i-thin 120 day after the sxp'ira.tion of such . . p~od a~d re~o~., thi Prr~ises fo its orignal.c~ditoa dur:n' tHe sa~-ne am.:. ~e. . hi 1.~e evtiit of a te-rnnnatian ioF zny reason provided for ncreiii,- zad Fhe LESSEE does. not remove •ehe water slide, sLtpporting stru~tzes, buildiaj PTid o IL-er imp:ovements placed cLpok the Prerr•.ises by the . . jrE$SFE wi':hi=t•tL;e ti,.:in.°. uatree5 se-t for`~u here`an, the COLNI'Y may F-t its optian, (1) on the gayment of - - ene dollas ($1.00) take tite to said pToptriY; or dismantie, remove and store sa.ich•v_~erty Gt a locatioa convenienE to the COU-NTY :and char'z 'to tlae LESSEE a fee' €or disvn~ztligtr, ren.oviA?, ' 1~ • tr=spoiting"~zd stcring saidprageaty. • _ - • - Page 6 oi ld . - - ' ' • ' - . ' - ' s• , ~ ~ ~ , • ~ - f • . ' ' . i. • , • - . . . _ . . : : . • • . sECrroN No. ii: swzYMmvG PooLrvaLLEY MIsSIox PARK . RECRM4TIONAL, FACU=S It is undc_,stood hy -j3e-PARTIES that thv CflLT-Nrf-jC"S deC1sibn(5) }A keep 2nY Val1eY MiSsiom Pa.rk ~creahon Fa~iliy, mcl~.ad~g but ao# be l~ited tfl, tl~e termis cou~, softbaIl held, playgou~id, gaz°bo, . ' ereaa, stables, fiasicrA b3ll cop.srt, rest roams,'cr Sw.zmin-Z PoaI ap= ar closed shaIl no.1a:ve any bew-Ing . whatsoeva with Ll-ue LESS:' S obligation to ' carry au# aIl- ~~s, conditians and caAVCnts set fortFi f2EIP.III. , . . , . ~ . . . , . . sy,crroN No_* 12: coNccESSlorrs. . . . . . . : . . - . • The LESSEE wiM he gmfEd a cancession. riot to sell Lood, soft di~ I=s, acnvC weaf aud:souvenirs an the Premis°s. The LESSEE sha[l pay he C4UN3Y ror tht fi.rst five (5) ycaa term of tEiis Agreem=t 15% of 'goss cancession recrpts.-ihe LESSEE sr,a11 pay the COUNTY ior,the secQrd fve (5) yezr term of ld~ . . • agreemen* ?U% of gross conc=saian rezzirts. Tne ex-act scope ofF FSSEE'S COIICZ-SIQT! 5zIe5 shzll he negotia.trd and ranitually agexed.upor-. The fee sba11 be paad zs.set forth'i1 Stetion No. 5 oi 'this 4ereezuezu• • • ' • . . ' . ' ' SECTIOtY N0.13: V4'8TE AND NTJISAN-CFPRflH1BMD . . ' . : ' - . Durm, . • a i~'~e teim of this Agreement, LE55EE'sh;ill-comp~y with eil appl:cF-ble laws affecung #hs. ~ ' ' pre~s~s, the ~-e~b of whici~ mi~ r~~~.[t in~ any penals5' on thP CO[~3~TiY ar =orT`iturt o= th= . ,0- COLNTY' Stitle bo tns re " es. LESSa shall not coMMit, or suffLr tc) be com-nitmd any ~:~te on the Prunises, ar nuis2sr.e. . . ' • . . . ' ' 9ECTZON N0.14: SEWERS . ' . - . • • . . . Ln thhe evmt tha: V;~iey b1'issian Park or t~'issfon Aven.u.: becames szrved by sewer, t'ne,pARTIES agr-.-e . to ffie iollowiag allocation of cQSts: . : ' • ' . . ' . 1. Sewer Capitai RaciIities Rate: LGSSEE'sha1 be res~~ble ~grpayin~ ali- Sewer Capi~il ' . Fa;flities itate clrargcs (i.e. ERU's) aIlocabie to LESSEE'S u's2 of the Pr-=es•abave and . . beyand (expans;on ofl those uses existing Decembcr 2000 pizs=t #6 ;his Agreein.°nt - appro -mduse:s -..lgn •Decemb6r?(}pp ' *ect to sew~zage ptr'S-polmne -Counly cades . shall be subieat ir] c^.ll8C3ti0II orcost ig•accardaace with the agreement in place DecernbeF' , 2000. - . . , . . . . . . • I,ESSEE wi1 pay, ' all cousqtrt!c~a4n costs -Fncurrcd' to. maiatai3 ser'Vice ar.d%oz ',br the . • ' coxnacEian of any new or i~C-lea-Se in, ser~ice due to expmmon ~f the '",'at-er slic: fa.il-ity - pursuaut to tl~s AgreemenL. LESSEE shal et 'us own expc:nse instail au eddition'-_l wat-ar. . . metcr(s) in measure theflow mmterizig the7 sewered portiou of the 11~~ses as determined ay . - SPa:'e Coiniy. 2. Manthly Charges: !he 1:ESSEE shall be 4Nui,-ed to pay those a nthIy cha=ges allacable ta ' }.he LESSEE'S t!se of the I ftiaises s set =orth ~n_ dhis A-Ereenient. _ t'.~ , • • • ' • . • . . . • • " . • Pa~e 7 of i4 - - . - ' • ' _ • } ~ ~ , ' , • . ' • ' , ' . - . . ' ' . , . . . , . . _ . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . • ~ s'EcTioN No. i5:.nToTIcFs . . . AIl no-tices, daman1s, or otbcr wai#in?s i.n this AgreemenL pravfded m be Zivw-a or m2de or sent or which • may be giver+~ or madw or smt by eifhcr Alarty h~,;b to the oiJler, sLall'be e°t=d tb have bem ~iy • given orm-ade or se-at wben ma& in wrting-?nd dvposittd in ffine'Unife3 S-tat.es m?il, certificd, aosiage ' pre-paid Ead retm recezpt reque~ted,- aaa eddressed as follows:. . . , • : . , , • . To COUN1'Y: " Baard of CountyComm!ssion8rs . ' ' , - ' • _ • , q#Sp~ka.ne Cflunty . . . . . • : West 1116 Braadway ' ' . : • . ' • ' • ' Spokane, Wasbin,ggtan 99260 . • . . i o LESSEE: SRlzsh-Down Concessions, Inc. . " . . • - : . _ . ' 12727 EsistPiper Rd.. - • . . . . ' . Spokaae, Was6.iaggtoji 99207 ' ' . • ' ' , - ' • • ' . . . T"ne address ui vvbich any natice; demmd-vr any other wri#ing Enay-be given or made'or s~,nt tA any Party • . '.as abwe prt~vi~ed may be chnged'by wr'ttien.ZOtice given by sucb P,a.Tty as abov-_ provided. . SECT.ION N0.16: ATTORNEY'S FEES ' - • • . _ Ii any a:.tioa zt law or m Equity s$~l bL bruuqh± tfl e~farcce ffie gravisions or this lease or to•dnfa~.~e or - ~ int.,~ret P-ny oi `hz covenants,•ierms, or condifioas of this Iease, o; ior die TecoVery of the -oossession.of . -the r•i es, the pre-,ailing Pa.-ty, sbaR 'De enti;l,°d io recover :&am ths ofi~'party a.5 gart.of •the p:evafling Party`s cos~ rezsonable attartne}'s fees, dhe amouat o£ w•hich•sha]I ue fired by '-dhL coLut 2..ad . sha113e made a -nart of a.~y}udgincat or decrm r62dered. - , , . • ' • . SECTION NO. 17: REP.4IRS . ' ' . . ' . ' , . LESSEE shal], thrau_~iiout the teim of tis Aereemen:,•at its owg.coA aia3 without aay.expense t3 tha.. . -COUNlY, IcDen zad'maintain tme Pcemises,M-cludfng ALL buldi=-gs and'.Fmprovei.nmt"s oi -ev-~y kan+3 . . which may be a part thereo4 ana eL apptRse,anccs t'serem, including s:d°wal!G adj3centtheFeta,. in good, smitary z.nd n°ai ord--, canditian' end repa;T. The COTJ-NTv shall nat be oblipted t~ makr. any Tep. air, - • reglaceihvnts, or rencd~als of any !dnd,* natl:re, or description, whattsaevers to the Premises, or any bui_dings or improvements ihereoa. ' . , : . . . . . The LESSEE shail control ail ro(iexts and other pests that.may be on or i-D tne Premises durin,g•the term - . of this Agr=T~enL • • . . . ' _ . . . ' ' ' , . . 'I~e IF-SSEE shall -orovsde trash and garbage retepta-cIes Ead have refusezetnove-C frarn the.Preir.ises on . a Fegu?ar basis. . . • ' . • - , . . . - . . . - . f ' • _ . . • • • • - • . • • • . '~J r~, , - . ' - . PageSofl4. . . ' : _ . - • • . , . - ~ ~lP ~ . ~ . - , , . , . , • . . . , , - • - . ~t • • . . - ; ~ . . . . . SECT'ION NO. 18_ IN80L4ENCY OR $ANKZUPTCY . If LESS becomes irsolven#, votmtn-fly ar i-nvo?untarily bufikrup~ ar if 3 rtcsiyeF, ss:,:g~ee or ot'z~ iiauidating omcer 'rs appoin#ed for the, business Qf dle lEssEE, tj= #bLe COU1\pTY may tw-~.--l~ this . ~eencn#. - . - . . . _ . . . , . . ' SECTION NO.19: IES~E'S.CO"I'R..~CTOR'S ENTLOYEES ' • . . ~t e sli.. ~z ar~ L.ESSEE s1ra31 canduct a' ba~~aund chtck an : aIi =ployces w~r~ff ~ Y concessions.op~ra~d on ~e ~es• LESSEE sn j'ens~'e t~ each e?nploYee ;~r:sen~ Q ne3t a~d . cIean apptarancr m purso-i zud in d..T.,ss w-hile on 'duity om the Freuoises. '!'a° LESS r shatl -tak-C e;r.nefliate ;emedial actiai~ which sha11 inchide t~ni.nation in the evmt- any oi.LESSE_r'S employees . conduct thevrl*seives in aa.impruper N inzpnrapri3` mamcr whle.on du* ty. • ; • . SEC'TSON NO. 20: W ARR4NTIES OF TzTLE .4h'D QDIET ENJOYMENT • , . • ` - 1he. COUNTY cavcn:xa~ that the COITNIY is. ~eized of 6e rea1 propm-ty consticting the Preanisa in `ee simnly aad*has aizlZ rigkt to La1ce~#h;i,-Ageement and m:} the tESSEE shait have quiec?nd peaceable F ;)esssssioa af ft Pr2mises ntdng &e tp-rm heteoE . . , . ; , : ~ ~ ' . . • . . • - ' . . SEC'~'ION NO. _l: L- ~S . • . . . - . • LESStE shall 1-= the'P=m--uses iee and clear kom `zIl mechanics` and °as' and odlie; Eers pliances, te~sor power d, used or fion work or labar dane, services periormLd, razteriaLs, '.p ftraisiizd o= to be used "m-or about thc Frm-nises for or in camectios vcwifn agy oprr~tions oi LESSEE, Qr . aruy alteratian, inVrov=evt, repairs, or additions which'tne LESSEE may make oi permit or cause. t-o be • mad°, or any wark or c4nsfruction by, for, or peaittzd by LESSEE on ar abaut th° Prenu.°s. ' SEC0NNO: 32: Cfl11TFrTANCL WTI'S LEA.SF,HOLD EX€ISE TAX . . LESSEE hereby aclmowld~ that #o the-exttnt this Agreemeat is sLwject to 6e "kasehol+3 °xcise tnax" . . as set Earth by crapter 82.29A RCW as aocr ar her✓i~aitti •a.mmded, tlz szmi shail-PramPtlY be paid by - the LESSEE; in iddi?ion to- tlte fees set Loith in SectioA Ng. 5 and Secftn No:. 12 0f this A~ec-meni. when ~u° all i~xes, ra~s.,'cherges 2ad a'ssrssm~ts', sPeci I.~SS~E a~ees .o al ar o`.emise ~ ' rgr~o~a ~q p'ay . ~x . and publiJ C^s OF.. Vvay ]zind md isture wnich m~ be lawftMy impose{i a: assessed in ajay way bn• the LESSEE with reierence fio- the Prmi~ses. The LESSEE ft-ther aTiw to aaY promItlY whvgen,~'-e all • taxes.iEwosed o-a LESSEE as a resilt=of ~e 'seEVices p_ovided -on the F~i-es irs~ludihg b'1f IIOC - • !imi:rd to e11 sales, business, oLcupancy and us,e tp-xes. ' • • . ' ' LBSSEE•sbaIl also ca=ly vvi#.h'a-ad ebade by a?1 federal, Mte, county, mipicipal md otz°r ffo Ye-mra°ntal , a~~:n~cv of~~e ;r=~Ps, ordinarc~s, laws ~d r~a.i~o~ aie~fiae t~e Fris,. , b.e ap~"~~crn ~d m i~-ngrovem~s there~, or,~y a~vzty candwt~ nn or in such Prefiis¢s• - J . - . r~rater ~L de ~h~eo~, the . r • . • . . • _ - ' , - ' . . - • Page 9 of I-''. • ' • - - . ' ' • _ - . ~ ~ • ' • ' ' ' . ~ : , - . . . . . , . . . . ~ . Brn~GLARY oR vANDALIsNt ~ SECTION NQ. 23:1~0i~-LIAB~ITY OF COUN`'Y~'~FT' . ' or d:-Mge in-~d by fne LESSEE P 1 shail not ~ ~~le in my m~er for 2ny ioss, injury ~ . :~e:,~rr3 ar u'd-t~eri ~~ties. The Th., CO r j vaadpllsm, cammitte~ bY e1~.r P,~~a~ ~j . ' ac~ a~ ~e~, b~glasY, aT ~ rel~ Lfl. ~Y sec~ity ~.,c L~FSS~Esha vrding a~_d eIl exp°Aci~ar~s ~~or LESSEE s~ll ~ so~ldy l ~e rc~o'~bl~ ~or -ro t.~ ~ rot~:.t the Prumises and aIl iz~rav:~en-~ LESSEE deems neccssary . g any SaFeiy ard 5eci:rFtY Precat~~on5 't~at ~L re ansi~Ie for vrosid:~~. ~~~~?~es r~elaimg ~loyeys, p~~'~~ar useFSoi t~iL . J~g~ de~~, ~e~~' iar i~ne sa€e#Y oi.the p~orne_, ~e~P ~~I~ent' s-~ ur~ty Premi~.~, or p*oP~Y of ~ r loca~d on ~ie ~re~s~. 'n~ ~i:se: : - . ndpreve~. measure,s s~cient to se~vre.~e Pr~s~. ~ hoc~s a S~CI'ION N0. 24- IN52EM-ON . . - ' , ' • . : . . at~rized rePtsentative a~ axty dm= ~Om ~ . b Q av2~1able the COtTI~T'fY or its ~uly I.ESSEE s ~e ~.11 tecords, bool~ or ~~ent.in.ia=a~a~ian tivhic~ Monda~l through, ~y, d~ A~1 buS~ess hours~ ~m~# ~ u'~'ch the COUNF'Y ~Y b~. the L~SEE ShaIl.have ~t in canjim..tioa wit~ ~ ~ . req+iired by l2w tfl includ- or p~ of auciting prace~aur~ or au~it ~a~ls . . • . THE : . ' , . • - SECTION 1V O. 25:'RKL~~T1OI`ISHIP OF PARTIES e wi! be cm#r'~ by contr~l tuis oF A the ~r servie~ne~t.ces T w"aill ; T1is P.~'~'IF~S ~tynd ~t ~ ind~oeade u1~ t nto be a~ev~I, Q~ and ~~e , conduct and ir-. -~r and the a~.ts - CO~NTY a _..ts ~ ~s-r~~5t~ ia -~y the res o aad e~.tarely ~onsi~e for • lie s~l }y ~,'~.th the LFSSEE. 'I~ze i.ESSEE wn~l h- solely ~~oa~-~e of th~s A~'~~nt:. . . . of its age~ts, emP~~Y~~ s~rvan~, su~rlesstor ot~'~~- d~ . • . f r . @llf CQT;~~JD? ~VI`~1 itempl3tLC~, ~1B L~S .15 ~1 ~~dro~;~ oi ~ . ' • In the p~ria~ce of the s~vices hcre~n co~~L o~ t~e de~1s ai tbe ~~d P • 0 a~pr:~y fo con#•rol ffid dir~ p~~ t, o'b~ed. Hawever, t'ne ser~ices co~t~I2~ 5}~ OIlI lIl ~e re5~11 ~ a~1~ Ii~ OI services, t~e COtJI~i'I'~' bei~g intar~c Y. ~d s~l be' subject m~e COT~" , > oval oi ~e COUN'I'Y etber the srrvir,es zre beimg petorme~ ~n ~~in ~~.ist m~t th~-a~• • . . visioa• for. ~ p$pose ~ef ~etema-~~t~~ ' ~ _ in~pection and~supcr t fo-lo~• . . . - ' . . acaond:nce ecincations 5~ ' , . - ~uith the sp , . . ^ . this Ageerl:lent. LESSFE'S bvs~ass is sepante zad . I~TO ag°ncy, esa n°YM~ °T P~~~~ is crtiat-~c~ by" ' b~ act for ttas oth~ ~~Y 2p~-t L ~n ;h~t con~i bY-~ COU~3~1'iY. Neith~ Par~'. wv11av~ au~zari be' ~spansible ior a~y . a ~ an •other,• a.~d• neyier"Pa?tY' will oT to c~te o~t?~~on5 the obliga~o~zs ar. ~cpe~~ w~atsoev~: ~of ihe o;her P:-~y. , : • ' . ' . : ~T()N i~[O. 36• ~I`~ STIPT3L-ATIOi4 . . ' • - ' . . SE St? L~ af. be con.strued as ~av~g beenn. m?de ~d ~eliver~d wi'i.n ~e - b~en znd s eed'oy eac~ ga.`tY~~ierLto ~t thu A~reP~ect sh.1l fle uade~tood ~d a~z ' a~c~on ;ad it is mui~I1Y, r , sa ~bo~ ~.s io inteFgret1ti,on md per.fiy ~ . ' P la~ of ~e'~~te oL Wa~~:n~ ~ ecment or aaY ProGls'on gD - Y.:r1i by ~ ~a- ~ =or the ~iorccsn~,nt . of tai-s:A.gf _ ~1£W, s~~L equiiY, ai ]udicial pra.,_~~~g s Pt~t :sdictiQa in 5pokane 2~ be insti~ed and ~t-~!ed oniy i~ any of the Cour~. of C°aP~ 3i ~ . hereoi h~l . . . ' • - . : - . _ . . . . pIIn 10 0[ 14 . ' . . ' , " • . . . . . . . • ~ ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . ' . ~ ' , _ ' . ' • ~ ~ • . , • ! ' • , OLrC11Q11 :1O. L"!: ,+is3SIGMi~..""' , , • . ' ~~s, ~c~~os, exec~~rs, adm~isia~~s, ar_d ~'3G12 PBi}~ tJ T_~71s .~g~CeIII~ I?II1d5 t}}Sm SelVPr,-~ V. ~'sj"tTc~}3IS ' other p~~Y ¢f r~hi's ~c~eu# and ta the Pary`s suvicessors; racccLa~, assi~ fD tn~ an.. T1~e . 2s~ of each other r++~~ r~e~ ~o a~ t~,'conditicw a~d caveaa.n~ set fQr`,h h•re ~ ' a~ i#5 inL-t in #his• A~r~ezt ~~ihoLrt tfie s~e • I~ESSEfi may not ~s~s~er in w~iale or in p -ion~ of~Spo~s Co~mLy and ihy ~eing -~.a~ L'° o~' resolution oi ~ Boa~~ oi Co~ty Cummis ~~ieners of SgQ~ns.Coun"ry. • coasent ia uziting o€ at 1east twa 'meipbers of the Boerd of Co=tY Ctn p ro aide cA~t ar ~nial saall . deciSion~by ~ Bo~rd of Cou~'~y Co~ sio~-as of S~oiczn.e ous-u'y ~ ~ al~da.r days be co~nicatVd to t'ne LISSEE wi~~ a~sonzble ~e fraMe.aot to rxcee~ thi~y'(3 . ~ng fl~ier f~ctvrs ihv fnancizl -de . of written ~ouest'T'fte Board's de~is~o~~ d~ drelconsidatedrering zacElt6es, ~d abt~ty ~o meeL . stability, ex-peri~.ee ia ap~9la'~=n~ tn~. as~i~e~'s~tl ass~e aIi ~iability of ca~di~aa~s within ihi.s A~~rexmr~'n#.' In tae evcnt of an assi~ ~t • ~nt or sub-le~e sr,eli be void, znd sh?11 u&4ri~d vo,Fmtasy aT involu~~y ~si~-- . . ~e assignar. AnY un?_ S avtion. . . Lysinate ~is ]ease at the COU"~i'I',. . . , . , • • . S~CI'ION ~TO. 28• ~AIV'ER- . . • . • • , • . . . . N ~ oE al.~horiry `o waive any ' P E. ~~he ower, ~i o officer, eu~ploy.ee,, a~'ar o ~er~i~e of th... ..:OLjNI'Y P not R „ v~r bf any brP ~ ..~h of t-us 4greepzeht shall O' oi the~coa~ifions or grovi~ags of mis A~`°E-ra°.,~.~ The wai e5 a~'orded in ths A~e-~nent or at he held tn.be- a v~r~~ivae of =Y otb~ or subsequ,~nfi br~::h. A1,t ram~dl > o~eF fen~dy ~rovided hei~ in ~ Iaw shr11'~~ Eaken and co:r't as c~mulatiJ=, ttsai is, in addition Q~-~ibns of~s ~~~°.-me~n.t ar time ~Y. : or by Iaw.. '~he ~ilt.~ of thL COUIrI'Y.io e~~orc~ at•~9 shall be in'no way . LFSS~ oF ~ny of the prflvi~ians ~a~eo~, to requise Et as-~y ~e pziormance by +hL . o~ this A~=°~t Or sny p3rt a~ay afi~t the va1'sdity . constvved to be a waiver of su~h pro~n3,nar En ny su~~ bvisioa. . • h~eof or tlie ri~it of't~z CO~FI~'I'Y to tberea~?er.enforce eaph a~ everY Pr - SEC°I'ION h0. 29• N10DIF'IGaTION _ : . - . : . • : . . . e di~tc2i?on oEt~is ~L~eeiztent, e~=Pt in wr's-ng, x~cu~ed wi`z ~he s~te fa ~ aries . . There sh.all be ao mo • ' of thisTresant instrl~n~t ' . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . • • f _ - NO. 30• SES'~`.~~~~ . • ' : . - ` . SEC'TION T ravisioa af tl~is A3ree~nt is held ' It is understood md a_reed by the'P ART~S ~t '-f Y P~o~9visirns shali zot be a.ffect~d, a~4 ' • by yLhe co~t to.be il?eg~, t~~ V2Iqd1Ly OI ~C Fe~L~1L.~ p. ed as ur ~is th~ ri ~etmenE, did not of the P aR'1.~ s~l bc co~d . ~ d obli~a~ - - • ' • ' cant~ia a p,,ticular gaM t,.°rm oF PTovi,'ion held to be invalid. ' • sta~}~ry F~vvisia~ of If it shfluld appesr't~at any p~, ierm or vroviSic_ h..6reaf is in co~.flict wiih =Y eajrffict ;her.~with sh y,~ r11 oe d.ee=ec~ ashington, t hen the P-ME`+, terra, or ~rov~'sio~ 3erear which Tnay . . ~d i.~of~ as i~ ~y be ~ c~ct ~erew~~,~d sh~t be de~ed to ~odaf'y c4 iaoper_t~ve aad ~ and vio_ ~ • • conform to such staturtdry pravi-,. oa=: • . ' : ' . . . ~ _ . . pa;e11of14, • ~ . . . . • . . . , - , ; j , ' ` • ' ~ . ~ • - • • - - - . ~ • : _ • , ' . , . . ° - • ~ , - -~1 ~y • . . ~ , SECVOiN NO. 31: CONSIRffCTION . • - • . . Ward.s acLordg to si.l~ r~ay b~ zp;~Iied io tE~e glt~al of persons and taings snd cvards ~pQ~$ ~'e. . ii s pl=si may be aoplied to ihe, Sizgular. ' . : ' . . - . ,"tlerein' used in any section of ihis Agea=t relates to th~ whole Agrz,.~r.ment and noi to that secliafl on!y. ' . • . - ~ . • . ~ ~ . • • ' • - • `Board of COunty C0=]3issionezs" Ugea inzny st,,.~6oA of ffiu Agreemmt refws to: rhe Bozrd of Ca4.miy ~ Comraissioncro-. of SDnkane C~lmty• . . ~ ~ - ` . . ~ SECTION Nro . 33 ~ LAi`tD U5E ACTION : . ' - . . ~ . ~ ' . ~ . ~ ' . . . • ~ and Ordet ?n th.e 11~.atrez of Revim wing ~e • . • The L?SSF:~ sha~1 comDIy ~~i all provision~ of ~ Fu~din~ to~fe' Condition~ Use Ad~+.inis~tivy ,4c~ian oi t"ilv ,SPo~LE COL~ls's}/ ZroE!Iri$ A,dj~stcr Decision t~o A~' • . PersoA No. Gi~~-~-83; Spl~h-~~w~ Iuc., daied May ~b, •1983, OF Sllc}1 O~1CF ~d LSe coII~i1011S i~.`Q1YIF2C~ • ~in canjunction with tho use of thE~P~s~•. : • . ' . . . . . . • 5=C'I~ON N. 33 • H7-A►DINGS • . . • ' . . • ' • • ~ . •ree~n~.t have b~.~ insert~ sOlely far the picrpose of • ~ T~-le se:tian headin~ apP"n ~-in ~is ' A.3- r orf to, and shall not • be de~d to de~zne, iimit or urp . . . • canve~ient a~d r~e.Cy refere~,ce. In no way do .heY P ~ • exxtend the sr,ope or :ntent of thre. section5 to whi.ch they ase pmtainigg• : . . SECTION NO. 34: TIlvIE OF '1'HF, ESSEna ' • , . . : ' • : : ~ ~ Time is of ~ie essencs of and ev..ry protvi0ti flPrein.. : • , ' . . . - - • • gCI'EON NO. 35• A.LL• WRdTING CO1~T_4.Ilti~D SEREIN . ~ • : ' • . ~ . ~ Il the ferms ~d. c~nditan~ S~E'~Cd 1*I2 by tha. -P_4RTIE6. ?3o ather . T"ris t~.grcemc~t ~ a-o~ t~is A~~t shaIl~b~ derm.ed . understanciing~, oral ar o~=wis=, re~rtliag. ~e: subj ~ t ~i-~r . vdst ar to bind any of -tLe PA.RT]ES, . . . • • ' . . ' , ~ ' • - . . . , . , . . . ~ ~ - . . • ~ • . . . . . . . ~ . ' ~ ~ • - . . . . ' . . ' ~ _ Pagel2,of lt ~ ' , - ' ' - . ' - ~ ~ 'y'• . • ~ ~ " ~ . • ~ ~ . • ~ . • , . , 03, ' ~ . . . . !l~~ ~r no . . . ~ . . - • ~~~ent ~°~~y tp ~~ndt~ t~he ' - of abO~ ~t'~s oe~. , • - ~ ~s ~ arnAtv , . . . read . aad ~ nat Z)c~5ed ~e ~S io~ A~ • ~~t to be ~ex~cu#ed on 4bt e o2 ~en~on~ F . 2l,~ :~is ~SEE~ ' lt nz~ ° . • , . 'r - . ' . ~,~,~~5 ~'`~'OF, . : . ~ - CD~y, TGTOI~ , - ~ • . . n2±~ ali d y'ar Se= fot'~' sb0w ' .0~~ OF , cOt~i~-~r-3--~~{I 31~.~, • . ~ BO~,D O" j 1 ~~~+``~i:i '~f• ~i ' ' ' • • • . . ~ . , ~ . ~ ' • ~ ` ~'Y, _ 'J • ~ ~ ~ • YT A ~ • • • • • • • • c . • ; . ~'~e` yL2 . ~y • • • • C •CT f►_:~' ~ D WrQl4 ~ffpuly ~ • ' . . ' ' . ~ ' ~ D'~~~ ~STATB~~~'T~~ 'No~~'ublic ~ " - ol~e . - • ' ) • ; ' ~ ~eat~d - ~~~mty oi ~ - . ~ , - • ~0~, be€ore as~ly zpP Ti4W55, of &e ~ - • . ~ r~ , ~ ~~ar~, ~ e Co~~" ~n, . . f~e S`~~oi dzY °f ~Y cor~`-'s~' ~&'to lmown' tiO~ 0=1 ~ ~J o Q~Ta.~'~°*~' 34~I ~~~a-z]. s~d'viyO ";'~t t° pe ~ . ~a fQ~ s~e ~~,4SIv ~ o~~ CouatY- a~le~~d • ~~~~e ~ ssal o~ - c ~ ~ ~~d f~~~.~~~~s zo~ "c~ " ~ . . . . $o~d d ibm F~dppliticzl s~ s3a.d L-as . . . • ~ . ~ r~ gyl O+a_ _.}.o~7 a..n d ~ ~ ~Y °ut1 d r,~y th-de, day a~ • ,~a • ~ au►~c ' . t . . . d ~~d , • . Cl cm-alty• ' ' • ~T~ OF~ Y ~nave here ~ ~ ~y : , • ~ • ~ . • 1 t S V~ i"'~ , ~ ~y re oi . .TStab'Dve~~: ~~11tltlrll~~~ ~ . 1~lic . . . - ~~•~~,,4., ERfe~% • ~o~Y S . - ~ . . . ~ - . t ~~',fcS+Q ~ • • ~ - - . . . ~ pi P•R Y~e`~ ~2~ ' ~ ssion r PU~L1G . - - . . ~j~-~Q~'~•'?~L 9. ~ . • . • • . /~<<Il0Iiilt~l,\` ~ _ . ' ~ . ' • . . " ~'~1 - . ~ - . . . ~ • . . . v~.co 13,0(14 6 `C t. . o ~ • , , . . .F - - ~ • • - ' • ~ ; • ~ ' . - ' ' ' ~ . . . ' . . ~ ' . ~ ' . . . . . sTLA.sx -DoWrr cQNcEssIaNs, Il.jc. • , Y l' . ~ _ ~ . ~ I~: ,~iLe-t~J. ~ . . ~ ~ - • . . : ~ . - . ' {Title} • . . ~ . STAMP Or W.4SH3NG'TON • ) ~ ' • , . ` ~ . ' ' . . • _ • ~ s~ • _ . . . . . Gounty of Spok-ane ) . ~ • ' . ~ . ' . • • ' ~ . ~ auu thi.s c3ay persanaliy P-pptared bp€ore zne Glr/&m L. BlP2.5 hPr_'to m-. k~a'%n to foe the indiFrid►sal(s) . . descr1ed in and who exv-Lted 1h. tvit j and foregaing•instr'.Lrneat znd•acknowl--dged ~'na! uelsh~fLhey . ' signLd the same as hisJhff/their iree and valuntary aJt a-Tid deed, for the izses and aurpeses thereLn ~ ~ ~tea~aned. • . . , : . • . ~ . _ . . . - . ~ GIVEN under• rny hmd arid oicial seal ihis Zt,'&y oi 4,; rJ 2001. • . - - F16 t/, Pt.iblic L, aud ior the Stat.e oj ♦ h ~J p'•~'''~ ~ . - • - . • ` ~e~VoF. OT Washing Tesidmg ai Spok=;. ' ' . My cbr_i~ii-i4n exva~: ~ • ` - 1 . ~ . . '~~/ic~~9' • . . ' . . • ' • . . - • ~ (!i t11tt~~~`~ . . , . . : . • _ , . , . ' . ' ~ ~ ~ . • ~ ' • ' ~ . ~ i . ' ' - ' • - . ' ~ . . • ~ - ' - • enuAw-e.tef slid° 2001-fin.10,41701 jpe) : . - . . . ' ' - ' . P4ge 14 of 14 . ' - - ' - . ~ - . ~ - . . . r2 2) • ' ~I . . ~ 0313 • . • ~ ~GRE B DARD OF CDrJNTY CONffvff5SIONIIa.S . , . . . - I =~F SPD~',.ANE COLT=, WASFM'~&70N ~r ~ M~ OF =Ctr~r~ A W ~ ~ . . _ . ' A~'~REEV= RMVEW S2OKAIM _ C Du-qTY AND C01,M szvNs,Nc- RErrAM~~~ ~~LUTIorr - r_.FAs~~~~OR-UON o~V~A=Y ~ _ . - . . - MIsHOr~PARK Ft~~ -4-W-kTa~SLME ANDo~ MAn-MRELA.TED . WHMF.AS, p=aat to rhe pmvisiaas of Rcw 36.32: 12C+(6)a fhe Baard of couaty cammis- k sioners of Spohne faumty hss #h--..-are. af Counly p~~pffCy and the manag==L of Czk-nty iiand.- znd ' - WHEREA.S, pufsiiaid to the provLsins afSpakme Coumy Sillmon 1:56_ . 144 et sLq, t-he ~ . , . Boad.D• `Clovnty Commissicnts mAp lesv cotury-07-=d propert3; md ' • ' _ . • ' . . , . _ . . . NVEMIEAS, Spokane E=#.y Ts ;he o~y~ of Vafley Msaian P~ 1c)catad at'i 1423 East - A&mp~ Sp~kme, Wuhngbn; md ~EM45, a ceitim poEEio~ c 'LVaIley Mssim Park was dwlar4-,d saplus to th~pFeseat an.d , ibFe~,~ble gpad C~-by ffie Bvas~ Gf Cou~~ $gokaste Cou~y •~r~t i~ 1~ol~ion ~Fa. $~-03~~i a~id ' - • ~ . _ . • . . ~ -WEEREAS, pm~d~ #o Re,;ohigmi Na. 82-N54; the $osrd of Covntyr , ButhaAzed fh~ E~~DA 0~ a W#4L` 5gdo A&i~,- ~i~i ~P~.5I~D4WfE.~`OLlC~"s.5f4I13r F3fC-, pt'-.L'[.Lakf to which' Splash-Do~m Conmsiflns 1eased a gurdaa aI'V-alliey Vfission ~ad~ #`or a pmvd of tan (I D) . • , years tn const~ md -au&a#e a wftfir *de; 2nd - _ - • . . • - ' WBMZW; g~% tD ResoIu±ion Ido. 92-1018, tI~ Baa-rd cr#` County nffhmized ~nCaf =ffik,;r 'Waiff SLf.de Con=s"~ns, ~ - pum=ttD wfich gpk;h-Lown Caac~ssious IeasA a pqrfiou ~ ~ Pank for a~ubsequent . r,:,L of fIQ} i~, opert#d a_~ra.~~ s~i; su~ 1~e -=ir~g On J~~r ?5; ~002. Sai.d Agre-,m~.°~ i4 ~uuonhFo. 29, proIvi);.s that the 3am may-l~e Mod?&d w~h #he s€.z~-2 ioraaHu'e3 a3 the O - . ia~iz~! A,~~~~ a~d - _ • • - . , - YVNMZFAS, 1h-- Pzr6~ dresire to nno~~ rJiat Aya°mny &tpd JW-y I992 ard e.~e--uzad . _ _ . . un d,~ ~oh-, 6n- n 92-10 IB by °xam- ti~~ a aL-w r~zt~-d Wn~r- Sq& AgreaTi i ant which includ e3 t - e~r -"I-; n moei i~.~~~ .cl~l~ a6n,~ othLLs a i~w _ i ; ~ . , • _ - ~ ~ . •rf~. • ~ ~ ' t . . . 1 0313 ItiTOW, T~RE,FORE, BE II' HMR~Y ]RESOLVED by th.e ~ Board of Catm-,y , Commis-mianem of Sgakane Cauntq, that eiffier #he Cbaizmanof the Bcard, ar ana}ori~y ofthe Boa.rd, be and is -hm-eby auth.or.zed to execute. #bat docismeut entidad "WAMR SLIDE pum~ to Wiuci, auder cartam tenns and cQnditioas, the Boaad of County Cammissi6ners val lease ~ to Splash-Down Cancessions, Tnc. appra;imately 2.55 a.rres Iocateri at the Vatty I&sion Park fo be . used for th.°-purpasz of operaiing.a u7a#mlide. The 2ease Uas an initial f.L-zm afnve (5) pe-s and is • renewable for a.sec,ond nve-year term. 71ES SEE shafl gay af 6-e of IO°/a of tt.be. gross ravmu°s, . . exciu5ive of cancessions, 'up tA. S300,000.00 and 5d/o *oi grass revanu-A ex,cllive of ',cancessians, in ~ ~excess of S300,000.0Q•for both #he inrtialIzerzn and rmewal fi.em Addition.-lly, ~~-LE8SE:E s&aK i)ay ~ 1a.he .C0U7NTY for tlie first fiv:-ya~t terni, I5°/a of the g~oss aoncession receipt5 and for the r=- iewzl , - 't~rnz 20% af #he gross concnssmn iecei}its. ~ ~ • . ~ ' : . ' PASSFD 4ND A DOPTF-D this /7-/ih ~ day of&rj / . .2001. . . . ~ , BOARD QF CflLNTY COMMISSIONERS • ~ ~ ~'~t.: . . , . :~;t" •'a,~Lr;i,'r :f't , 0~OKANE, COU1V 1 1, WASHNGTON • . i • ~ . ,~K • .4 ' • ' ' . . " - . 1 . • r - ' , • ~ "1'~ - ' • 'r ' ~ • = HARRIS, C11air . " . - , -A-TTEST: .-~-....K.S:- . • vIckY D~,~ro?~~'`"``' . ~ . CLERK OFT.HE BOAR,D . ' ' . - . • . . ~ - . . , v'~ce-cnair ~ ' Dai~.iela ~ickson, Deputy JO OSI~FILEY . . , • , . . . . ~ . - . . . - _ . ~ . ~ • . . . ~ : . ~ i'~! : . . . , . . . ~ (zeroluEi•uun:vater•iido':Ofll jpa} . ' . " ' • . • . ' • . . • . ' ~ g~ • _ . . - • . ~ NO. 1 0739 . ' BEfiORE THE BO_ARD OF COU-NTY CO-N[MISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COtJriTY, WASHINTGTON . IN TTHE iViATTER OF EXLCUTING AN ) AGREENIENT BETWEEiN SPOKANTE ) COUNTY AND SPLASH-DONVN ) . CONCESSIONS, INC. RBGARDI~jG ) RESOLUTION LEASING A PARC;EL OF PROPERTY ) FOR PARKINTG IN CONJUiNCTIQN ) WTI'H ITS WATERSLIDE ) - . WFIEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County has the care of County property and the managernent of County funds and business; and . WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Spokane Courtty Code Section 1.56.140 et seq. ~ the $oard of County Commissianers may lease county-owned property; and . WHEREAS, Spokane County is the owner of a parcel of property adjacent to TlVlission Avenue and the Valley Mission Park wluch parcel Nvas purchased from Modem Electric Water Company, and . WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners authoriwd execufion of a Waier Slide . 4greement with Splash-Down Concessions, Inc., pur,uant to which Splash-Dowm Cancessions leased a portion of Val,ley?viission Park; and WHERE-AS, Splash-Down Coneessions is raquired to have a certain rzumber of paiicing stalLs in conjunction with its water-slide operations which number is s.t forth in CUE-5-83. In . conjunction with this responsibility, Splash-Dvwn lsased a portion of that prog°ririy which Spokazie Cotinty acquired frrn Modem Electric Water Company. Splash-Down desires to enter into a lease agreement with Spokane County whereby can leasv a portion of the property Spokane County acquired fronz Modem Elecfr-ic WaLer Company to meet its parking requ.irements txnder CUE-5-93; . and WHEREA.S, Spokane County held a public hearing on August 7, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. to consider executing a lease agreemenE with Splash-Down Coacessions, Ine, ptusuant to which the , Couuty would lease to Spl.ash-Down Conressions, 11nc. a certain portion of that parcel of property the County acquired from Modem Electric Water Compauy t.o be usad by Splash-Down ~ Concessions, Inc. in con,}unction wiih its parldng reqlzirements under CUB-5-83. At tbe public heazing the Board considered the letfer dated July 30, 2001 fi-om William L. Bleanser ; and ~ J Peg° ` 1 of 2 ~ . ~ I 1 0739 WHEREAS, after considering all written objections filed with the Board of County Cflanmissioners with regard to the 1_ease, the Baard feels that the best interests af the citizens of the Gounty will be met by executing a lease. NOW, ~REFORE, BE IT AEREBY 1RESOLVEID by the Board of Gounty Commissianers of Spokane County, that either the Chairman of the Bosrd, or a majority -of the Baard, be and is hereby authorized to execute that document entitled "LEASE AGREE1VENf FOR PAIZFQNG LOT," pursuant to wlaich, under certain ternns and conditions, the Board of C4unty C6mmissioaers will lease to Splash-Down Concessions, Inc. a portion of that graperty which the County acquired from Modern Elactric Water Company adjacent to the Valley Mission Park to be used for the puipase of parki.ng in conjuncrion with Splash-Down's waterslide aperations. The. lease iias an in.itial term of six (6) years and is renewable far a second .five-year term. T.,ESSEE _ shall pay a fee of $2,000.00 per season each yaar during the initial term PASSED AND ADOP'I`ED t.his 7VV1 day of , 2001. QY ~OABOARD OF COU'NTTY COMIvQSSIONERS c • OF SPOKAIv-E, COUNTY, WASHINGTON p #ARRIS, Chair , - ATTFST: ViCKY M. DAI:TON ' CLERK QF THE BOARD . , . TE C , V' e-Ch ' B . Daniela Erickson, Deputy J OSKELLEY ~J . v . ~ Page 2 of 2 • . • - ` . . , t•.. i ) ~ 1 0739 LEASE AGItEE-MElVT FOR PAREING Lr,OT . TIiIS. L-EASE AGREEMEEN T was made and entcred into on the rj4A day of 2001, by and between Spakane County, a poIitical subdiviiion of the Sta of a.shington, having offices for tiie tran,saction of business at 1116 West . Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washingtan 99260, hereinafter referred to as ehe "LESSOR," and Splash-IDOWFl COIECe55IOII9S, Inc., having offices for the transaction of _ business at 12727 Fast Piper Road,.Spokane; Waslungton 99207, hereinafter referred to as the "LESSEE," jointly som-vtime.s hereinafter refemed to as the "PARTIES." RIECITALS The PARTIES recite and declare: . j WF.M- REAS, pursuant to the proiisions of the RCW 36,32.120(6), the Board of County CoFrunissioners of Spokane County has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.68.010, a county may lease or sell any park properfy, buildings or facilities surplus to its needs, ar no longEr suitable for park purposes; and WMREAS, Spokane County is the owner of Valley Mission Park, located at East 11423 llission, Spokane, Washington; and WHEREAS, a certain portion of Valley Mission Park was declared surplus to the ' present and foreseeable need of Spokane County by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County pursuant to tZesolutron No. 52-0350; and WHEREAS, pursuant to- Resolution No 82-(}494, the Board of County Commissioners auth-arized execution of a Water Slide Agreement vvith Splash-Down Concessions, Inc., pursuant to which Splash-Down Concessions Inc. leased a portion of Valley Mission Park for a period of ten (IO) years to construct and operate a water slide. This Agreernent was subsequently renewed for an additional ten (10) year time frame and like renewed for an additional term; and WHEREAS, in canjunetion with the operation of the Water Slide on that property which is the subject oi the Agreemeni with Spokane County, Splash Down Coneessions Inc. leased a parcel of property from Modem EJectric Water Company. This parcel of property was used as a parking facility for employees and patrons of the Water Slide and related facilities operated by Splash Down Concessions Inc. under its Agreement with Paee 1 oi 8 ~ 0739 . ' , Spokane County. This parcel of properiy was sold by tiVlodern Electric Water Company to Spokane County. Splash Dovk~n Concessions Inc. now desires to enter into a Lease Agreement v,rith Spokaae County under which the County will lease to Splash Down Cvncessions Lnc. a parcel of property to be 'used as a parking faciliiy for employees and patrons of the Water Slide and related facilities operated by Splash l7own Concessions Tnc. • NOW THERF-FORE, for and in consideration of the rnutual covenants contained in this Lease Agreeme.nt, the P 4RTIES agree as follaw: SECTI(?N N0. 1: DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMiSES AND PURPOSE LESSOR leases that land hereinafter referted to as the "P1tEMISES" lacated in the County of Spokane; State of NVashington, and more parfiicularly described and depicted in Attachment "A," attached hereto and incarporated herein by referznc%e, to the LESSEE. PRpVIDED, however, the Parties recognize that the LESSOR intends to constzuct a swimming pool on a portion of the PREMISES. In the event the LESSOR does construct such a facility, the Parties agree that the LBSSQR will.designate a given number of existing parlcing spaces on its parking lot in Valley Missian Park so that the total available parking spaces t.o thc- LESSEE on the PREMISES and the Valley Mission parking lot will equal the number of spaces required in conjunction with Conditional Use Pzrmit No. CUE-5-83 ONrL,Y. Any additiona}=-paricing raquired by the LESSEE as'a result of any expansion of its 'UVafer Slide aperati.ons on the Valley 1lqission Park, above -and bcyond those required-under Conditional Use Permit No. CUE-5-83 will be the sole responsibilifiy of the L,ESSEE and are not included in this Lease Agreement. 4 'Ibe LESSEE shall use the PR.EAZISES solely as a parking lot for LESSEE'S employees and patrons of its Water Slide operated on a partion of the Valley Mission Park under a Lease Agreement with Spokane County. SEC,'TION NO. 2: TERM AND ]2El\i'I' . • The tErai of this Lease Agreement shall be £or six (6) yzars coinmencing on July 26, 2001 and ternunating on July 25, 2007. I'he arinual rent each year within the six-year term of ihis Lea,sL Agreement shall be $2,000.00 per season. A season shall consist of that time frame , from April 1 st to September 30'h of each calendar year. LESSEE shall indicate its desire to renew tlus Lease Agreement by g;iving the COUNTY six (6) months written notice prior to the end nf the ferm. Any renewal shall be subject to approval by the LESS4R, u1hich may be *,ithhcld at its sole discretian for any reason wbatsoever. Additionally, any renewal shall be subject to such terms and conditions as. the L~ESSOR detemunes necessary and/or approgriate. . ~ ~ Page 2 of 8 _ ~ . • . , 0739 SECTION NO. 3: 4DDITTONS, ALTERATIOIVS AiN IMPIiOVEIWIENTS The LESSOR may not make any additions, alterations or improvements in and to the demised PREMISES without prior approval by the LESSEE. Any addition, alteration, or . improvement authorized by the LESSOR on or to the demised PRE?viISES during the term sbalI become part of the demised PREMISES and the sole property of the LESSOR. SEC'I'ION NO. 4: REPA.IIRS/AI.AIN'rEIYANCE . The LESSEE skall, at all times during the term of this Lease Agreement and at its own cost, expense, and repair, maintain in aood and safe condition the demised PREMISES. Maintenance shall include sweeping the PREMISES as necessary; maintaining garbage and litter collection; striping of parking stalls and directional symb.ols on the PREMISES as needed; all expenses associated with irrigation and maintenance of landscaping adjacent to and surrounding the PREMISES to include sprinkler repair5; annual winterization and start-up of said irrigarion systemm; regular mowing; and weed eradication. In the event the LESSEE shall fail or re£use to meet its responsibilities as set forth in this section the LESSOR, at its sole option, may under take such responsibilities either though its staff or through a contractor. The LESSEE agrees that it shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the LESSOR or its contractor(s) in meeting such respansibilities and that svch it shall pay any and all cos#s within thirty (30) days of billing by the LESSOR. SECTION NO. 5: UTILI'TIES All application and cannections far necessary utility services on the demised PREMISES required by the LESSEE, shall be made in the name of the LESSEE only. LESSEB shall be solely liable for any utility charges that it requires as they bzcome due, including but not limited.to those for electricity. . SECTION NO. 6: ElvTRY ON PItENJISES BY LESSOR LESSOR reserves the right to enter the PREMISES for any reason whatsoever at any tima with or without notice to the LESSEE. SEC'TION NO. 7: INSURAiNCE ~ I3uring the period of this Agreement LESSEE shall carry and keep in force, at its sole ~.J expense, a commercial general liability insurance policy with minimwn limits of $1,000,000 per pccwrence with a$3,400,000 aggregate for bodily injury and $1;000,000 , per oecurrence for propezty damage. Said policy sha11 be wntten by a reliable insurance ~ Paee 3 of 8 • - ~ , n. . i ,•y . 1 0'739 company or companies and shall provide that said policy shall not be canceled, materially changed or nat renew ed without 30 days prior notice thereof to the LESSOR The LESSOR reserves the right to approve the LESSEE'S insurance carrier(s). The LESSOR shall be named as an additional narned insured in all such policies and the LESSEE shall . provide the LESSOR with certified copies of said c4verage prior• to commencement of operation of the Water Slide. Said policy may be inclusive with the insurance policy provided by the LESSEE in conjunction with Water Slide Agreement executcd under Resolution No. O 1-0313 . SECTION NO. 8: INDENINIFICATION (a) The LESSEE agrees to indemnify and defend the LESSOR from any loss, cost or expense •clai.med by third pa,rties for praperly damage and boriily injury, including death, eaused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of LESSEE, its employees, or agents in connection with the lease of the PRENIISES under the terms of this Agreement. (b) The LESSOR agrees to indemnify and defend LESSEE from any loss, cast or exgmse claimed by third pariies for property damage and bodily injury, i.ncluding death, caused solely by the negligence or Nvillful misconduct of LESSOR, its employees, or agents in connection with the oblieations of the LESSOR un.der the terms 'of this Agreement. ; (c) If the n-gligencc or willful misconduct of both the LESSEE and LESSOR (or a person identified above for which each is liable) is a cause of such damage or injury, the loas, cost of expenses shall be shared between the LE$SqR and the LESSEE in proportion to their relative degrees of negligence or willful misconduct and fihe right of indernnity shall apply , to such proportion. SECTION NO. 9: ASSIGNIMEN'flSUB USElSIJBLEASE OF PREMISES ' LESSEE may not sublease or assign fihis Lease Agreement without the expressed written consent of the LESSOR. In conjunction with considen:ng whether or not the LESSOR will agree to any sublease or assignment, the LE,SSOR will consider, among other factors, whcther or not the subleaseeJassignee will use the PREYITSES in conjunction with the watzr slide business an the adjacent properfy. sEcTIonT No. l a: TERMIvATTON . LESSEE may temlinate this Lease Agieement for any reason whatsaever ugon 90 days advance written notice to the LESSOR. I.i the event of the LESSEE'S terminadon under : this Section, the LESSOR shall reimburse the LESSEE a pro rata amount of any prepaid rent. PaQe 4 of 8 . . " . . . 5 ' ' s - y - . - • cl/ . ~ ~~~~QP, may tenninate tHs AgFeernmt £or material bFe~h of any pravision therein by the ' LESSEE. Provfded, however, the LESSOR sha1l first give LESSEE 30 days advance . writkm natir-e of such mat.enal breach. Such notice shg1 bc- in wzating, must specif}+ the provisions wifl-un this r.ease Agmenent that have bom breached and afford the LESSEE a ~0-day time 2rme ta oure such defect. If such material breach is cmd wifl~n sueh 3O-ctay ~ time frame, the nofiae of tertrii.nation sha.U ba null and void. . ~FMON NO.11: IDIl`D1T1~ ~FFEC'I" Thi s L-ease Agraarnemt shall bi-ad and b a inure. to t,he ben~,f t o£the respecfive heirs, persona1 rapresentatives, succtssors, and assigns af#he FARTIES, ~ 5ECI'IOY NO. 12: MODMCAT'ION 'No madi.6cafion or amendmenf of this Lease Agr=m~nt shall.be valid unfil the same is reduced to writing and executed v~ith the same forrnalities as thia present Lewc Ag=rnen#. ~ SECTION NO.13: '4EN LTE STIPT_TLATION This Leas. e Agreement has and shaU ,be construed as having been made and d.elivered in the State of Waslnington, and the laws af the 5tate af Washington shall 6e agplicable to st;~ ccmstmction and enf'orcerncnt. Any actian at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for' the enforcement of #Ws ~ffmeni, or any provision hereta, sha11 be instiiated only in courts of campefeat ju-risdictian wit~in Spakane County, Washjngton. SEC'I'ION NO.14: HEADDTG5 The section headings in this Lease Agop-,ement have been inserted solely for the pu-rpow of convenience and ready xeference. In no way do they purpor# to, and shall not be doe•med to, . , de-g-ne, Enn.it or extend the scape or intent of the sections to wSaich they appertazn. ~EMON NO. IS: CO14TI1IA.NCE VMH IfEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX LESSEE hereby acbawlodges that to the extent this Agroment is subj°ct to the "Teasehold excise tax" as set forth b}+ chapter 82.29A RCW as now or h=inafter amended, the same shaIl promp#1y be paid 6y the LESSEE, in additian to #he faes set forth . in Section No. 2 ofthis Agreement SECTION NO.16: 8~~ENDE1~ OF PREIYIISES At the termination of this Lewe Agreme-nt or any ex#msion or renewal thercof, the . -LESSEE wM quiedy and peaceably yield and surrender the poss ession of the PREMISES to- - ' _ J, 0739 . . • , the- LESSOR in as good condition as when received, reasonable wear and teaz and damage by fire and the elements excepted, and will surrender a11 keys to the LESSOR. SEC'Y'ION 1V0.17: TOXCC ANA HAZ.4"OUS SiJBSTANCES LESSEE shall not dispose of any toxic substances or hazardous wastes on the PREIvIISES. SEC'T'YON NO. 18: ALL WR.I'I'INGS CONTAINED AEREIN ' This Lease Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parti.es. Nlo other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall . -be deemed to exist or to bind any of t.he PARTIES hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the PARTIFS bereto have caused this Agneement to be . executed on the day and yeer first set forth above. BOARD OF COUIvTY CONARISSIONEItS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHNGTON, .r . . • ~ • ~ • ' ~~6 • o 1 f,,g,'•. ,,r.a~. P ~R,LS, an covt4 ATTEST: J ~ . I:VICKY M. DALTON, ~ CI e $oard ~ ` J ROSKELLEY • y: / • . . . aniela'Erickson, Deputy Clerlc STATE OF WASH .ni TGTON } ) ss. County of Spokane ) On tWs day of 4L~ US~__ 2001,-before me, the undersignad, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, y commissioned and sworn, personally appeared PHILLIP - D. HARitIS, M. KATE McCASLIN, ANb JOHN ROSICELLEY, to me known to be it►e Commissioners of the Board of Gounty Commissioners of Spokane County, a go.litical subdivision of the State of Washington, that executed the wittun and foregoing instrument, and acknowiedged the said instnunent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said political subdivision, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instnunenf, and that the seal affxed is the seal of said County. ; - i. T~r~ C ..tO ' . j • } ° •T• . • 0739 I?V WMNTSS VVHEItEOF, I have here o set my hand d affixed my seal the day and yeaz first written abg1 t 011 t l~ j - - J~ • ~,'•..~c,~~~ 4TARX PUBLYC in and for ttie State of . o° ,t~p7 A.? l,"~ ~Z r Washington, residing at Spokane. _ ° . ~ r ~ IVIy commissian expires: ~ • ,T ~ 7 i~CW~ ~~~'~0,:~•;' ..i°J``~~ SPLASH DOVJN CONCESSIONS, n\1c. ~ ay: , Its: PW-,O)~ (Title) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) . ) ss. County of Spol:ane ) On this day of 2001, be£are me personally appeazed~~ (~;`~►,a~r~ .~eo,,,c~ngx , to me k~o to be the Authorized Signatory of Splash Down Concessions Inc., the cornoration that executed the within 2nd foregoi.ng instrument, and aclaiowledged said instrument to be the free aud volun-tary act and deed of said cflrporation, far the uses and putposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was auihorized to execute said instrunent. IN WI'TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. b - - - - • Y PUBL St~ . : ' _ . _ as in.gton, residing in pokane _ _ . . IVIy commission expires: '.!=~g-24p14 • . ~ J H UZsagmsrstiaRecmeitsNsplnshdown puicing lease 2461-sacoad Fr,fif 480701Aoc . . • -1 ,r`, Paee 7 of 8 , • . ' y . ' f ~ I ~ 0739 ATTACMVI ENT "A" . . , . The LESSOR does hereby let, lease,'dernise unto the LESSEE, the following described property situated in Spokane County: . , 'I'lie_ North fialf. of the 'East haJf of Block 10, County of Spokane, State of W ashingtvn . . T'be above-described properties are generally outlined in Exhibit "A-1." . ~x . . ~ `n Page 8 of 8 ' i~ ~ "o• µ 4y:_ ~.~,w~. - `t; - ~ . . _ - . ~ •a~~: p'.i.... . 4T !L .ir -:]r... ' . ' _`•FQ•ri~'~~ . s': ~ . ' . . , a b lnsb ~ wn . ' ~ S{1+e . . 1 ~ ' ; N' • ~ . . ~ i• j , . ~ , , • ; aT ~ i' ; t , , , • - . " • t ~ { ~ ~ ~ •'y • ' • •Y- e SEflIOl' tl~'1 1r!~ ~ "~i..qri~u~c, • • f - a. {S~. y ~ . F~6= ~ ~ • 1' ~ v_' . ' i •~M.1 t~b~~ . {~{1pA~Ur • ~.1~. ' ~ ~ Ma i« s .!f'- -7~ ~ • , ~dr~~~~~`. • ~ ~ .T. ~ w -.i.• ' k.~~ ~~il 1~ ` ::1~~ ,Stitt+~• i:~.• : ~ 'c~ , : F , ~ "•`p~~ • _ ~ u:' e~- ° : '<i: ~ ! ~i ~ .;.Lx' C4 '1:~ ~-:'}~1',1~q ~~~.~JM.'Qf ~~^1~.. ~ 1 • 1'S/ f 1~~ _ -j~: . •'.~T}~ •~r~i'~ s•.~.Pr l. ~~n ~ ~•~.ot~. ~ . • ~r~ `t, C~i i"J~ i'~1~G~ IH,-~~{~~~ i•LL c~,~~• •te~~:1.~`'t•~r•~ q~l,~.~. :r~ 1'~Zi. ' -R , !~~.,y~ '~4c~ \'t '~c ~.t, y ~ - ~ •v:F •1.~ _ 4~. ~ ` ~ ~ . • . J ~ ~~Ic~ • . L .t ~ ~ . . . _ .fi , aP . ~n ' ; = = • r• . : 3+ , . ~ . . ~ ~+l^({ ~~+~~~1 • ~ ~ ~ ^i M • ~ ~ •j•, , ~ ir ` ~1 a,~• 1 6. _ . u- ~ .M,~(~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~J~1~~!!t{'~~ ~ • - ' ~ 1 ,Ni'• ~ t ( • ~ . . ~ • , APprox. P:+rkinS proposed for i.,ense hy Spfasli Down m c. ' - p. '~,~~i~:~z~:~,,.y,• ~ ~r ~ . . i. • ~ '.,:.~i~,'.::~: ~ '~~':.7: • y!~ ; ~ ~ ~ w~ r ~ ~V~ ~ ~5:~ .Mr ~ ~ ' . _ . SI ~5~~ . 41~?.~ i c.• ~4 . f . i. ~ ~r' ~ ^ . \ `k ' . ~1 }Z. , ~ ' . • ~S ` ~ ~ 1 , ' ' , ~S: 1 ~ ~ •i.} , l~ ~..~~t'~"~T,~, . Cli 4r f' \.1 • ; :'5~.~'t~` ~ ._...;ca~sa~'i"~' ~ Ry . : t ..s...v. ~•:s~..~' ~ '•~r.... ~r :L . . ~ . t~ ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 15, 2008 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ aonsent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Storm water utilities GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 84.56, former COSV 10.10 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City Council previously adopted Ordinance 03- 031, establishing the City storm water and surface water utility in 2003. BACKGROUND: The City Council previously adopted Ordinance 03-031, establishing the City storrn water and surface water utility in 2003. Ordinance 03-031 was later codified in Title 10 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code as part of what was referred to as the development code, although it should have been placed in title 3 with other finance-related topics. In 2006 and 2007, the City drafted a new development code, the Uniform Development Code (UDC) to implement its Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2006, and intended to move items that were not . specifically development related, such as the storm and surface water utility (the Utility) previously codified in Spokane Valley Municipal Code 10.10.10 through 10.10.110, into more appropriate areas of the Code. ~ The City adopted the UDC pursuant to Ordinance 07-015, on the 24th day of September, 2007;, and became effective on Oc#ober 28, 2007. Staff has subsequently identified several instances wherein portions of the previously adopted development code were unintentionally not re-codified, including those provisions previously codified as SVMC 10.10.010 through 10.10.110. The end result is the storm and surface water utility was inadvertently removed. This action reptaces the omitted sections. , OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED AC710N OR MOTION: Consensus to place on a regular meeting agenda for a first reading . BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None so long as the Council re-adopts a storm and surfaae water utility. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Proposed ordinance adopting a storm and surface water utility. ~ _ . nRAFT ci-i-Y oF sPOxAvE v ALi.EY tiF'OKANF COL~1V'IY. WASHLNGI'nti ORDINANCE NO. 0-00" A.V ORDCVAriCE OF ZZ3F CITY OF SPOKAYE VAI.LEY. SPOKA-NE COUhT1', WASHIlrIGTON ESTABLISHIIVG SPOIiA.'E VALLEY Miilr`ICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 3.80.010 THItOUGH 3.80.110 RFLATItiG TO A STOIt1N AND SURFACE WA7ER UTLLITY: AND OTAER MATTERS RF-LATING THERETO WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Vallcy previously adoptcd Orclinance 03-031 eqablishing a .torm srid surfazt water utility; and VVEIF.REAS, Ordinanct 03-031 wsis later codified in Title 10 of the Spokane VaUcy Municipal Code as part of what was rrferred to as the develapment code, although it should have heen placrd in title : „ith other ftnance-rzlated topit:s; and VVHEREAS, in 2006 and 2007, tiie City draflcd a new de%elopmcnt codr, thc UniCorni DeveIopment Cade (UDC) to implemcnt its Comptebensive Plan adaptai in 2006, nnd 'wtendod w mave items that wcr'e not spxifically developmcnt relaied. such as the storm and surface water utility (the ['tility) previously codified in Spokane Valky Municipal Codc 10.10.10 through 10.10.110; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adupted the UDC puriuant to Ord-inanct 07-01 un thc 24th ciav of Septcmber, 2007; and WAFREAS, the UDC became effective on October 28, 2047: and VVHEREAS, thc Cit}, of Spokane VaIICV subszquendy identified seti•cral instames «-herein portions of the previaush• adopted deve{apment ccxie were unintentiaaall}• not re-c:adifiei, including thu;e proN i;ions privivusl% codified as SVMC 10.10.010 thtough 10.10.110; and V1-HEREAS, the ahsence of these code provisions from the Spokane ValleN Nlunicipsl ('cdz %vould be detrimental to t}se health, safety and wtlfarc ofthe citizcns of thc City; and WHEREAS, the CILILi:1iS L'f th< <iiV ha%c Continu0:i:lN recei%rd tlle henefit of ,he I,1111CV 1T0III Januan l. 2048 to present tiOVV 'i'HEREFORE, TIIE ('lTY Ct)I-tiCil. SI'ECIFI('ALLl' 0RI)_1LN5 :1S SET FU1tIH BELOW: Cecttoo pne_ Purtx,~. l h:: purposc: c,f this Urc3inanee i5 t„ e-stabli,h cirde pro,. i~iuns ior lhe crestion and tzgulation af a storm and surface water utility in the (:ity of Spokane Valley. Scction Twa. Creatior► uf 'Jew Chantcr Providing f Cresii n and Regutation of Strnm and Surfacc Water Utilitv. Thc City of Spokane Valley adopts a new cbaptex w the Spokane 'v'alley Municipal Cc*de, 3_80 cntitied "Storm and Surface Waicr Utility", which is sct forth as fallows: 5ection 'Cbree. 3.80.010 - Starmwaicr Utilitv. The City of Spokane Valley bercby establisiic. a stomi and surfece w•ater utiiity to provide for the develupmcni, maintenance snd convol of storm drainage and surface water w-ithin the City. llie City resemcs and elxts to excrcise nll pow•cr snd auifiority releting to the ccrostruction, acquisition, condemnatian, maintenance and opetation af the storm drainagc r: It,r }eniCc <ufd tiurface N%ater sv,tcrnti, includim, the riJit to esiablitih ratrs :ind charv Ordinanc. 08-001 Adoptinc Storm and tiurtace N atcr l tslin f 1i:c I of4 DRA FT SfGZIOD FOpr. U2 l11LlO "Develaped parr-el" means aiy parcel ot'rea1 pnopxrt} that has been altert--i firom its nalural :tate includinp, clearing, grading or fillinn whettrer or not that work acwmpanies excavation and conswction. "Impervious surfsce" means a hard surface area, v+•hich either prevents or retards the entry (J watcr into the soil mantle as undzr neiura] cAnditions prior to dcvclopment, and/or a hard surface arca which cause$ w'aUer W tvn aff the surface in greater quantities or ai an inerea.5od rate of flow different than the naiural conditions prior to developmrnt. Cnmmon imgen•ious surtaces include, but are not limiteti to. nooftops, vvall,ways, patius, driveway-s, paved pari:ing lot; or storage ar+eas, concrYte ur asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oilod surfaces which similarly impade the natural infiltrgtion of stormw-aier. Open, uncrvcrad retentionldetention facilitics shall not bc considernd as impervinus ,urfaces. "Pamel" rnesns any area of land within the City that is identified as a distinct property b)• tl): Spolane County assessar's office, whethec or not the parcel is considered taxable. "Right-af-way" means a strip or parcel of land dedicsted to the City for public uses includin; sveet, mass transit, bicycle, and pedestrian uses as wCll 35 eII]CrLt'.tlcv di,cc'si, Ui:{11\', ijC:ili13l-'e, 1C`~l'[k.!lV31 management, view camdar or athcr nccessary public uses, Section F[ve. [Jtilitv Charge_ There is herLby imposed upon ever}• de-%clopcd pare-el ul' ' pmperty ~%-ithin the City, a starm and surf'ece uater utilit}• annual charge of $i-8? 1.00 for each sinFfe- f:uniIy unit and S402 1.00 per 3. 160 square foct of impervious surface for all otlier propcrtics. Utilitti c}1argC5 ShSII bC llII1fOI7II for the same class of custamrrs or yervict and facilities. 7'he City herrh% incorporates by rcference as if fuUy set farth herein the rates and charges adopted by Spokane County thruugh Resolution 93•155. The rates and charges provide a method to fund the storm and surface waier utility and establish comprchensive mxnagement and administration. The Ciry Cauncil may by resolution mudify the rates and charges imposed by the utility. Exccpt as ottierwise provided in RCW 90.03.525 for the VNashington State Department of i'ransportation, all public eatities and public property shall be subjact to rates and charses cstablish«i hy the City Council for stormwater cantrot facilities to the same extenl as ptivate persons and privatt ~ propetty, c\cept .1, proliibitcd bv law. The City Council, when sctring raies fbr public entities aiici prtisperty, may considar stormwater services provided and maintaintd by the pubiic entit}• and other relsted improvements, a.s wcll as donations of services and property to the City utiiit%. Section Six. Stormwaier lltility Fund. Thzre is hereby established a fimd th.,t i: in h~z 4:noiNn I ns the stormwater ►rtilit}- fund, into which shall be deposite.d monics r+eceived by the Ciry %vith expenditures autharized as arc pmperly chargcable to the fund pursuant to this M«nies in the fund shull be budgeted and appropriated for purpose5 consis-icnt with the stcyrm and surface a•aier utiliiy inLludine, but nat limited to, the planning, dcsigning„ acquiring, constructing and maintainin~ -4 :torrmtiaicr control, oonvcyancc and treavncnt facilities plus reasonably related administrativic expense~. Sectiun Snen. L•ntty of pt-emises. Whcnever necsssary to make an inspection to cnfarce any of the provisions of this ~ar+i-ekklil(}ter, the 1'ublic_Worl:s dire-Ac,o; korC+P,!s- designee may enter ugon a parccl I ai reasonable times to inspect the same; provided, that if A buildine ar parcrl 1+ei; nccupicd, identification and a request foreatry shall be made. If a buildint-, or , arc.z-! iti uno.:L~tipicri. ::ll r.asonatile efforts :hall he ~ made to ccmtact the owaer,~.~..s. -prior to enu, . ~ SectiAa F.iQht_ FxcKnptians_ PTtsm14C c3Gt1 ticrttYatii`. }C:3f. l111k - incamc scnioN and disablud petsuns receiving relief undex RCW 84.36381 shall roccive the fo1loH;ni: parlial exernpticins fmm surCace water charges: A. All pxrce)sfor which a person qualitic;s `,Or w) e1cmption under kC1V 9.1 ',b.;Rlf>IfaO:all h;.• exempt from .30 perc;er:t ot thc utility f:•:. ( lf~~lil: nc_ 08-00• :a.ion;;n- dild tiW idCC tVstcr l'Illli\ u8::~ 2 o1 3 I)IL4 FT B. AI1 par:.cls for 1,tihich a person qu:ilifics fur an exemption under Rt=)vN-' 84. ,6.:811 -5xbl('s) shall bc cxcmpt frotn 60 percent of the utility foes. C. All parccls for vr•hich a}ersoa qu8lifics for an exemption undrr RCW 84.36.381(bxii) shall hc exempt from 80 percent of the utility fees. ~ Section Nine. Billing,va,v'ment and collaction. The jina:-~-i'ub!~c «('rk> director or designce shal] pregare and ccrtify a roll identifying the devetoped pamels and the related utility charge to be paid. The City may. through agrcement with the 5polcane County trvasurer, arrange for the utility c6arge to tx placed upan the propert), tax bills sent to the taxpayer of pmopcrty within the City of Spukane Vallcy. AII chsrgzs shall be due and payable in accardance witfi RCW 84_56.020. Thcreafttr, accaunts shall be dcemed delinqucnt and shaJl bear interest ai a rate of ane perreat per month, ar at sucb otber ratcs ss mav hc authorizad by Iaw, computed an a monthly basis from the date of delinquency unti) paid in full. All charges (and interest) mceived shall be deposiEsd into the stormwater utility fund. oa Ten. Lien tor delinqucnt char~~s. lrt additson tD any otber tmnedies petmitted by law, chc C:ity sha11 hsve a lien pursunnt to Chapter 35.67 RCW, as currendy cnactcd or herEafter amended, for I all dclinquent and unpaid storm and surfarx v►•ater rates and chnrges, inctud'mg intrrest_at thc .Nta!trtorN agninst tlte de%'eloped par:.el «6ich is suhjcce Lo efie charcc. 7bc; lien may be forclosed punwint tk) Chapw 35.67 RCW. ~ Seition E{even. :ldministrative a~„lustments. I-he e_!v- +-hr;+~tte!}'ui~lic 11`rr.s +1Ircil',r or designee may authrrize in writing to the counry urasurer, a reftmd, credit or edjusnseni for any rait or cherge w6en it u determined that an arror, miscalculation or mistake has occurred. No refund, credit ar scrvitx charge adjustmeot may be authorized unless brought to the attention of the '&~-ffteneee Public VI'or1.s directpr ot designee within one year of the oecurttnce of the enror, miscalcularian ar mistnke. In any instance where refund or rnedit ir. authorized, actned_intercst on the outstanding amount sha11 be waived. Section Twelve. Mana,gement cooMion, Recognizing the purpose and funrtions of the Crty ,:orrnwaicr urility and to promotc intcrjwisdicrional coapcxation, the pubtic warls diroctor or dcsignee may coordinaic and jointly perform activities with Spakane Cocmty and athtr jurisdiciians thai promaUc the maintenance, opcration and develapment of the City stc►rm end surfare w•ater dreinagc usility. The public works d'urctor may adopt rules, pc+licics and progams tt3at relate tu jaint activities betwcen the City and other jurisdictions including the reviev.• of devclopmcnt proposals that affert storm or surface u atcr contml. 5eetiao Thirteen• Scverabititv. If any section, sentrnce, clause ar phrdse;i of this Ondinancc s6ould bc: hcld to be invalid or unconstitutional by a couR of compctrnt jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionaliry shall not affi:ct the validity or constitutionaliry of any othcr scction, clause or phrase ot this Ordinante. Secrion roarteen. EtTertive date. This Ordinance shall bt in full force and effect five d;iys aftcr publicaLion of this Oniinance or a summary themof uccun in the c+fficial nevospapcr of the City as provided b}- law. Pa;ud by the liry Cuuneil thic da} oi 14ay, :OOS. t_)rdinancc WAi Surf::i-' W:tcr ►?iGr. i's ?ot S DRAFT ~ta~.~r. Ri~harJ !~11~n:r~n ATTFST: Ciry C{erl:., Christine Bainhridp-e Arproved as to Furm: Office uf the City Atwrney I)ate of 1'ublication: OIdftl:u'1CC 0$•I41* Adontin--, ~siirTil :l:td tilLmwC ~k:11Zf ~'LIlti1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: Apnl 15, 2008 City Manaeer Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legisfation AGENDA ITEM T1TLE Transpartation Benefrt Districi formatian GOVERNING LEGISLATION RCW 36 73 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Discussion at winter retreat January 12, 2008; administrative report January 15, 2008; administrative report February 12, 2008; Council discussion about infrastructure funding options, instruction to staff to prooeed with drafting legislation allowing for establishment of a transportation beneflt district; April 8, 2008 discussion and update on formation of TBD, discuss draft ordinance. BACKGROUND- During the discussion about the draft ordinance to form a transportation benefit district (TBD) on Apnl 8, the Council asketi several questions, and asked to see attemative language in relation to proposed SVMC 3.85.050, Please note the revised language that is underlined. This language is dffferent from what was proposed by several Council members, but legal staff believes it is necessary to have any potential repsaling language conditioned on an event certain, rather than oenerallV stafed potential events. As you will note, additianal language was added in the "whereas" secdon This language refiects additional support for the importance placed on mairrtaininglpreserving existing facilities by both state and local government. Lastly, a question arose 8s to wh2iher there is any provislon in state law for altowing a senior exemption in the event the Council and then the voters were to approve of the addition to the vehicle license fee. Staff reviewed the applicable RCW provisions reiating to vehicle licensing, and could not find any provision allowing an exemption for seniot or low income residerYts. It is unclear whether the Ciry could choose to allow such an exemption even if not specifically precluded by state law. Even if allowed, implementing this type of exemption woukl likety result in a need to inuease the overall fee for all other non-exempt vehicles in order to meet the fnancing gap that would otherwise be created. P/ease note that this is a draft only, and still subfect to chanQe. OPTIONS_ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus that staff put the draft ordinance on for a first reading at a future meeting. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: To be provided at a later date. STAFF CONTACT' Cary P. Driskell ATTACHMENTS- Draft ordinance forming TBD uk,kFr (`ITl' OF SPOkAINF. VA-LLFN' SPt?KANE COL1]11TY, W ASHT1VGTnN ORDINA.ICE NO.OB-*** Ah ORDIti:3.tiCE CRFATP.VC; A TRAJtiSPORTATIn'V BF nEFIT UISTRlCT, SPECLFYTriG TIiE BOUNUARIES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION BENTFIT DLSTRICT.A:'vD SPECIFYitiG THF. MAl1V'TENANCE/PRESERVATInN OF EXISTtNG TRATiSPORTATIUN I!11I1'ROVEMENT'S AtiD TRANSPORTATION IMPR()VEMEh'TS TO BE FLTDED BY THE TRA,tiSPORTATI0N BEti"EFIT DISTRICT L'Y THE CTfY OF SPnKANE Va1,LEY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Val{ey has the carc arid cusiody ef all public wa} sN~ ithin the corporatr limits uf the City pursliant to RCW 35A.11.020; and Wl-iERLA5, proper care and custody of the public ways rcayuirm maintainingJprcserving existing transpurtation impmvements to avoid catasWphic failune of the improvementc «-hich would rcquire sis,*nificant additional funds W reconstruct; and W'1IEREAS, ttir State of VVashington providcs approximatcty $2.1 millian annually in funding tor maintenancer'presenation of transportation unprovemcats ta the City. MnintenanceJpresmation of transpc►rtation improvements include:; snow contral (plowing, sand'mg de-icink), pothole patching, street lighting, shoulder repair. pavtmcnt removal snd replacement, crack scalinQ, mad and bridgc ins}xrtions, wes:d ccmtrol, gLs well as otbcr miscellaneous activitics; and WNERE.AS, a conservative esiimatr of the nrnuum of funds necessan' for adequate maintenance,'prLlen ation of existinu ttartspvrtation improwements in dte CitN• fisr '009 is 54.6 million: :in d R'HEREAS. the City tias limited transpc►rtation funding options to ps} for neccsssry transportation improvcment maintenancelprescrvation, includiniz farmazion of a transportation bcnetit disuict pursuant ta RCW 35_21?25 and RCR' 36.73; and WHERE.AS, the City desires Lo form a Trsnsportation Kcnetirt Uistrict Nti-hich includcs the entirc City of Spo{►ant Valley as the hnundarirs cum-ttttN exist ur as thc,. ma~ =xi~-t in the future tc+llo«inQ snnexation of edditional areass and Vti`HEREAS, the 2007 Me2ropolitsn l ransportation Plan aciope.d bti the SPokane Regiunal Transportativn Cauncil states in Section 6 that maintennnee of cxisein;T road f.=ci!ici:s is an aani,mpriate use of foes generatod by a local transpactation brnefit district; an(i W}{L-RE'1S the 2047-2026 VVashiQRton TrasWrtation 11lan jJt)p:cYf bti thc A&shinL;k 11 Transportation Cammiui n idcntifies in Scti 6an ll tbat then is nQ morc fimdajncntal transpartati(;t imestmcnt than exis3ine s~~tem pre;rnation, to kei'.p the n~vSICa1l infrascnucturc in safe and cfficiew irn ratini cnndition; and WF-IFREAS, die Cit\ doc: nue cutrLntl\ }t3ve sulTicie.nt funds \+ith %►hirh t~, pa} fc>r transportation capital irnprovement3 that are identified as necessary in the City's Cumprehensive Ytan, bi. I I)1~ ~pokanc Regionui Transpc+rtation Cotmcil 3i 3}'1T'oICCt of regicmal SliiTllfll'871i£, I ~ ~r,ir;a~:; ~sR-~N:i• Euhii,hmc f:u~.~>r:n:F;r. !tcn:l~+!;c.tn.t . . i'ar~ 1 .~t ~ [?EZAFT 1111~ Je (1Cl'Z543fl :ll 3ljdieji Z?i]iI3[t` Qi ~~1~C>I13~1~\ foreseeable congestion lcvels duc to ranticipatei population andlor densiry increases; and WliEREAS, preserving;'maintaining existing transportntion improvcments i, :h4 7710Nt ~.N.t- effective way tfl address increased demand on the transportation s~ stem: and V1''HrREAS. the City Courtcil u-i11 propose a ballot item for imposition uf mi annual %ehicle Ier ftu yualifying vohicles in the amount of S• as set forth in RCVb' 82.80.14(). Uf that amount, sn estimated$' will bc uscd for sveet maintenar►celpresmation, and an estimated Pwill be used for capitsl projects in the City thst arc uf rcicmal :iLnificancc «hich an: ncv::'.ssiisled by cxisii7g and reasonahl-, foresce.able congcstion; snd Nk, ifF RF.AS, the Cic~ l'~,uncil ~:ilail e:,:ahli:h a`o\ er-ninp, hc-jN cnmt n_•ed t_ :t\ (_'ou~c:l. N(W TEERLFORF.. tiic C it~ ('t,t;ri~il t~t dhc i'ir< <~f Spok~~ne V,lle:. Spi~kane Vv';ishinc;ton, ordains as fol{o%ti , Stction 1. Purp o 5c. lhe pur•r,u~,c o1 thi~- UrJir~:inI~C i~, t,,, District pursuant tu RCVV 35.21.215 and RCW 36.73, as the City Council finds it is in the public intcrc.~t to provide adequate le\ei> ~A fll11,11t'.i2 Foi ir%±]linoritilon imE,r;,\ement ::fld ifl the Cin, of Spolcane VaUey SCCt700:. CCt:c9ill1fl L)t T`CN' LIU3pICr PCC-\IdIIIg tM }'C1RI1dL1(?11 02 3 I IaIItiPof•.d!1ofl Bc:(liill District. Thr C'ity tif ST-A)kanz Valley adnpts a new chapter to dtie Spokane Vallev Munir!pal ~_',k~ie, ~.5~ ~ntitled Tranti;,~~r.::fl~tl jictletiT ~1t~Ii'ICI. \%~71c~1 I> =.:'i f~~fttl . 3.85.010 I'stabfist►int, Fr:ensurtntiun Renefit Uivtrict. transportation benefit disvict «ith gengraphi~:al tx)wndsries wmprised t4the conora*e lir<;t. ofihe (-'it\ as the} currentlv esist or as they mav. exist f0110\k inL f:nurc annetations. 3.85.020 C'rovet'niag,Board. A. Thc s:overning bosrd of the traiz>port.;i:-,n d'""tnct ;h:sll hc chc ~;~~,►:~-,c t'alicy t itv Cuu,icil acting in an ex officio and II1dCptlld:'ii C:?~ _IL:'h0Tlll itJ LXL-1', lk If1C stritutory powers sei forth in RCW 36.73. B. The ueasurerofthetransron3ti+,n nt:!~, ,;>>t-,,: I ;hlall h-_ - 11 c i!\ f, :7 :a.,k- F?. C. ThC bO:iTd Sllall dCVCl0p :S pAlc\ iV 3 jdr:,;: .;lzllUe' Ctl;ii'.i~:s :itiec! project delivery Lir the ability to financc thc pI;in, pursuant to the requirements set forth in !tC44` 36.73.160(1). 1). I-he b:lard shall issue an annual r-eport. fiu*suant tij the requirements of RCW 36.73_160(2), 3.85.030 Transoortation Improvcment4 Fuoded. A. :An r~-timat:d eighty percent ot the funds generated by the transportstian benetit district shall be used to pay tor maintenancrJpreservation of existing transpartation improvements of regional sitmificance as identified bv the S}x>kane. Regional TransportaLion C ouncil in the currently adopted .':uv:_'.1`- nKAFr metrupolitan Tralisportation Vlati. ;pe+:ific;alh includine controi of srno%% and i.:e, pothoie patchinc, pavement retnoval end replacement, gravcl road grad'm& shoulder repair, crack sealing, bridge and mad inspection, bridge repair, median maintenance, brush clearing and tree trimming, we4d oontrol, littcr conwl, uaffic control, signalization, signage, striping, and otba similar on-going mnintenance taslcs. The expenditurc item5 shall be identifiod cach year in the Cit,,~y street fund budget, and shai] be necessitated by cxisting and masonably foresoeable congestion. B. An estimated twenty percent of the fnnds generated by the tra.-ispwrEation hcnefit disvict shall be used to pay for constrvction af new transportation facilities of regional significance identiGcd by the City's Comprehensive Plan and by the Spolsne Regicfnal Transportation Council in the cutrzntly adapted Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and which arc nec~essitaterl b} cxistinp- and rea..sonably foreseeable conee;tion. 3.85.040 EtsLhliahment nf Vehicle Licease Fee. The tunnual vchicle iee fcir the C'ity is estahlished at S', to be wllected by the Washins;ton Department af Lie-en;ing on qualifying vchic{c:, set i(irth iii llC W 92.8().140 and Chaptzrs 36.73 and 46.16. 3.8=.0_5U SonseURenealer Pro-wislon. Ihe code Provisions adopted under Urdinance 08-00• shall tzrminate by apemtion of law six years after collection of funds aciually begins. The code pmvisions adoptai andcr Ordinnncc 08-001 shall be repealed by aperation of law and cease ta exist ;tt the encl_nf the calendar3_ear in wh'c ~~~t'~ffK44-4~y the CnY a- d_ti,-4a street utilin :t_±hc i_'it% u;jril ;crc•ais Spgkane VaIICy Municj a] C_u¢e chentcr 3.8 > as, adupted or amendci. Scctinp 3. Sevcrability. If any seciion, sentence, ciause ar phrase of this Ordinance should he held to be invalid ur unconstituuannl by a court of competent jurisdiction, svch invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section. !;::ntence, cl3use or phrase of this Ordinance. Sec-tion . Effectivc I?ate. This Ordinancc shsll became effecti%r ti%: ds}s after pubtication of the ordinance, or a summary theneof in the official newspaper of'the City. ~ Adoptctl this ciay of Aqr±l .'OOR. Ciry of Spc•kane Vnllcv MaNor. Ric}rard MurzS011 ATTEST: l'ity Glerk, Christine Buinbridge ApprovcYl us to Form: Otlirc of ihe C'itv Atiornes ~n~ir,~~.c Q4 ~fi• i-s!~!+iehiro lrcr_~n.•~5iti,n iecne'i~' ii.trt_t - ~~r,, : i,f DRAIFT AUVANCE AGEND.1 For Planning Discussion Purposes Only a.q ot April 10, 200$; 9:00 a.m. ['lease nUte this is a woric in progress; items are tentutive To: Council & Stat1' From: City Manager Rr. Draft Schedule fnr Upcoming Council Meetings Aaril Z. 2008. Rcgular ylcctinQ, 6:00 p,m. (dae date Monday. April 141 l. PUliIlIC NEARLNG: Prvposesl Amendcd 2008 TIP [10 minutes] 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Amtnded 2008 Budgct [ 10 minutes] 3. Conscmt Agenda: Claims, Peyroll, Minutes [5 minutcs] 4. First Reading Ordinance 08-008 Amending 2008 Budget - Ken Thompson (10 minutcsj 5, Rcsoluuon Deicgating Signature Authority for Ucility MOU - Mike Jeckson (10 minutes~ 6. Motion Consideration: STA Ballo/ Issuc: DcliberaUun/Dccision [no public c.omment] [5 minutcs] 7. Mation Constdcration: Interapcrability Hallot Lssuc: Deliberntian/Decision [no public comment](5 minutcs) 8. Motion Considerntion: Appmval of E3arker Roed 8ridge DNR FBSement Agrcemeni - S.Worley [5 minutes] 9. Morion: Lettcr of Intent - Mikc Connelty [10 minutes] 10. Admin Rpt: Customer Srrv.Imprvmt PlanslPcrmit Process (CDD) - G. McCortnick. J.Hohmaii, MK_Martin [20 minutcs] 11. Admin Report: Anima! Contro! Ordinance Discussion-Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 12. Admin Report: tnterloral Agreement, Commtuniry Re-Licensing - Cery Driskcll [10 miautes] 13. Info Only: STA Cooperative Funding Project, Sprague 8t Bowdish - Steve Worley 14. [nfo Onlv: Draft Rrsolutioa Aroa-Wide Reaane 15. Info Only: ikpartment Rcports (•estimated mceting: 120 minatesl April 29, 2U48. Studv SesAion 6:00 o.m. iLIUC dHtC MO[idaV, April 211 1. Affordnb[e flousing - Couneilmembcr Taylor, et al (20 minutes) Aulu Row (Quinn Ciroup) - Seun Quinn (15 minuto) .i. Accidcnt Statistics Along Bruadway - Ncil Kcxsten (lS minutcs) 4. Miraheau Parkway Spred Limits/Craftic Control Dcvic.cs - Steve WorlcyMgn'vote (15 minutcs) a. Financiul SVWOT Acwlysis - Dave Mercier (60 minUbes) 6. Webcasting- Greg Bingaman (20 minutes) 7. STA Coapemtive Funding Project, Spraguc & Bowdisti - Steve Worley (l0 minutes ) 8. Advance Agcnda, Council Chxk-ln, Ciry Managcr Cbeck-in (10 minutes) 9. Info Only: Greenacres Statistics - Kathy McClung TOTAL MINUTES: 10 minutes MAV 6. 2008. Stndv 5eaaioA 6:00 p.m. (due date Monday, AprI128) 1. Comp Plen Schoduk - Kathy McClung (20 minutcs) 2. Proposed 2U09 T[P Steve Worley (20 minutes) 3. Customcr Scrvice Improvemcnt P1ans/Permit Pnxess (C1P of PW)- Stcwe Warley /Neil Kersien (20 minutes) d. Council's Six-Ycar Finnncial Goals - Dave Mcrcict (60 minutes) 5. Spmgue and Applevvay Cnrridars Subarea Plan - Scott Kuhtn (60 minutes) 6. Info Onfy: STA Cooperative Funding Prvject. Sprngue & Bowdisb - Stevc Vb'orlcy 7. Info Qnly: Piacs/Maasficld Contrnct Awud - Stcwe Worky 8. lnfo Only: Barlcer Road Bridg,c Bid Award - Stevc Worky 9. Advance Agendn, Council Cherk-In, City ManagerCheck-in (IQ minutes) TOTAL MIr'UTES:14QmLnutes May 13 2008, Rtgular MeetinQ. 6:00 a,m. idue date Mondsy, May 51 1. Cansent Agenda: Claims, Minutes, Payroll [5 minutes] Sec.ond Reading ()rdinsnce Amending 2008 Budget - Ken lhompson [S minutos] 3. F irst Rending Ordinance Spmgue and Appleway Corridnrs Subares Plan - Scatt Kuhta [20 minutcs] 4. Resnlution Amending 2008 TIP - Steve Worley (10 minutes] Drati Advance Agrndn 4/10/2U08 9:00:40 Ah! Pnge 1o( 2 Motiun Cunsideration: Pines'Mansf7eld Contr.ic;t Award - Stevc %Vurle} [5 minutes] 6. Mcxian Censideration: Barker Road Dridgc Bid Award - Stevc Worley [S minutcs] 7. Motion CQnsideratian: STA Coaperative Funding Project, Spraguc & Bowdish - Stcvc Worley [5 minutcs] 8n. Area Widc Rczone (L;'DC I..ot Sizc) Public Commcnt [60 minute,] 8b. Area Wide Rezc>nc (tiDt: Lvt Sizc) Council Discussion [60 minutes] ['estimuted meeting: 135.m1IIUIW Mav 20, 21198. Stadv Senion 6:00 p.m. idue date Moaday, May 121 l. Financiaf Ciap Analysis: Financial Options & I'ucLs - Davc Mcrcier (60 minutcs) 2. Advance Agrnda, Council Cherk-In. Citv Manager Check-in (10 minute5) Mqv 20, 2008 Sperlul Election M11av 27. 2008. Regular Meetina, 6.00 n.m. idue date Munday, May 191 1. PUDLIC HEARING: 2009 TIP Conscnt Agenda: Claims, Payrull, Minutes Info Only: Dept Reparts (`e9timatcd mreting: minutcs) JQne 3. 2008. Stndv Sessioa 6:00 a.m. (duc date Tue.uiay, Rlay 271 1. Comp Plan Amcndmcnts Uiscussion - Greb McCormick (30 minuteti ) 2. Argonne and Knox Ruad Discussic.~n - tieil Kersten (15 minute; ) 3. Advance Agenda, Cauncil Chrck-In. C'ity Manager Check-in (10 minutrs ) Junc 10. 2008. Reeular Mecdng, 6:00 a.m. (duc date Monday, Junc 21 1. t'onsent Agendb: Cluims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutcs) 2. Sccond Reading Proposed Sprague and Applcway Corridun Subarra Plan - 5c;ott Kuhta [20 minutes] 3. First Rcading Proposecl(7rdinance Amending Comp Plrin - Greg McCormick 115 minutc5] [•egtimeted meeting: miautcs) 5aturdav, Juoe 14: 9 a.m. to aQproi 3 p.m. CoanciUStxft Retreat c D;ck Ucncnnv's Gabinlldnc Non. June 21 Teqtuglive Tnpjcs _Shoreline'.Nnsier Progrum; 2009 Counci) Cietals: on-line permitting firogress report June 17, 2008: No Mecdne or Studv Sessinn (]unc 17 - 20, AWC' Annuel Confercnec - Yak-ima) June 24. 2008, ReQular McednQ. 6:00 p.tti. (due dute Moaduy, .lunc 171 1. Consent Agenci:i: Clsims, PayroU, Minutcs 15 minut~ij 2. Second Rcading Proposcd Chdintincc Amending C:omp Pian - Greg McC'ormick [20 minuu,] 3. Proposed Resolution Adapting 2009-2014 TIP - Stcvc w'ariey [ 15 minutes ~ a. Motion Considecatian: Salcs Purchme Agreement - Mike Connelly/Scott Kuhtn [15 minutes ~ Motion Considerat.ion: Parks and Recreation Ad Hoc Committee - Mike laclison ~ 15 minute~J 6. lnfo Only: Dept Reports [ 'estimiited mcering: minutcsl (l TR PEtiUINC: A_v ( UP MLNG IS5 'F:5 E Iy S: Augttst 19. PY'i/nQrY E/e~tiar► Juint ti1c~tin~; u,, C ity t)I spol,anc Alovember 4 6tnero1 E/etffovr Law Enfurcoawnt (;ontract Airport Ovcrlay 'Lunc (Sept) NLC Meeting Nov 11 -15, Orlando, FluricLa CDBG Coitsartium Nonhcasi Housitg Solutinns City Membership City Center Repart to Councll Overweighdover sizr vehicle ordinance Code Cumpliance Amendmenu (UDC) StTwegic Financial Plan (luly 2008) Comp Plan Amcnd-Qrtrly Updnte ( 1uly. Oct. Jen. April) Strect MnsterPlan Update (JuIY) Camp Plsn Updnte/UGA/JPA Street [ksign titandards (August. 20f 12; i Fast Gateway Monument Structure fransportation (tnpacts Grnffd Updatc llse Agreemeat (Cary Driskel! ► Impact Fer Request Central Valley School bistrict l' Does nat inc}ude time for puhlic .nr.iment;. ) [T Spccialist C'lassification Resoluciun Urafi Adv xtticc AgtndH 4~ IU`2UOR 9:I)(1 11i :'1M f'ohc 2 ot 2 0000 SpoKme ,;oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Su1te 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.911.1008 4 c1tyhall4spokaneVatley.or9 Informational Memo To: Dsvfd Mercler, City Manager and Mambero ot Councll From: Craig Aldworth, Gap(tal Project Engineer Ci~- _ Tfiru: Nell Kersten, Public Works Directoi Steve Wortey, Senior Capftal Project Engineer Yi/ti Dete: Aptii 8, 2008 Re: Proposed 24 Avenue closuro batween 3ullivan Road end the Vers Crevt Orive ! 22nd Ave Intaraection This meno discussea closing 24th Avenuc and Vera Crast Urivc between Sallivrn Raad and the Vera Crest Drive /22nd Avenue Lrtcrscction for faur calcndar weeks (ZO working aayy). 'I'hc 24th Avenuc Reconstcuction Project will be under construction this summer slarting on ar efter June 16th. The total cans[rucLion time for the projcet is 30 working days or appmximately G calendar vweeks. Work should he camplcte by August lst. 'I'be prapoacd rnxci clasure will Incxaa.qe public safety by minimizing the tirnc that construction equipment will be warking under traffia The closure is estimated to recluca: projcct 6ids by approximately $33,000 by eliminatIng muttlple ntobilizatians of SpeciaIty canstructioa equipment and redueing or eliminaling ttaffic corttml flaggers. The proposed detour wiU adti appmximetely 4 minutes to the trave) time for a motori5t trawling, nne wiay, from the 22nd Ave/Conklin Rd intemection to lhe SuIlivan Rd / 24th Ave. iniersection. 'f'he project will introctuce new road construotion techuiqucs to the City. Approxunntcly 1/3 of the projectwill be Constntcted using Full Depth Recyciitig (FDR) to build a Cetncnt Treated Bsse (G"fB). The CDR proc". s recycles road base maGerinls by pulverizing the cxisting pavement and tatderlying gravela. Portlsnd Cement Conr,rete and wster are added to the, pulvorizW material, mixed anci rnmpacted to foc7n a 10 inch thick CTB. In the right situations, FI)R can result in signlftcant cQSt and titne savings compared to e:onventional roadway "remove and replacc" practices.