2008, 07-11 Special Meeting - Declaring Disaster ti ! AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCTL SPECIAL EMERGEIVCY M.EETIn"G Friday, July 11, 2008 111:00 a.m. CITY HA1.L COUNCII.. CHAMI3FRS 11707 East Sprabue Avenue, Suite lUl Call to Order by Mayor Rich Munson Agenda'I onic: To consider a resolution dectaring an emergency or disaster iti the Cit}r of.' Spokane Vallcy Adjournment. Special Emergency Meeting 07-1 l-q8 Page 1 of l , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 11, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 9 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 08-015 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Dishman-Mica Fire of 07-10-08 OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 08-015, proclaiming an emergency or disaster in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: I CI'1'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY, sPOxArtE. countTV, WASUrvGTov P1tOCLAn7ATION UF EvIERC.Fn'C1' OR DiSASTE It IN THE CiTY OF SPQh'ANTL VALLEY, WASM-NGTUn`, Bti' Tl3E M.AYUR. WHER.FAS, the Cih' of Spokane Vallcy siafl'has reported to the Mayc~r TI4A"' OI~1 at , a(n) f- ` severely disruptecl or is disrupting the health, safety and welfare within the City of Spokane Valley and caused Ur is causuie cxtensive damage in parts of tlle City of Spokane Valley; and `'VI-IE1ZEt1S; a"disa.ster" ulcludes (but is not limited to) destructive nattaral phenomena, public disorder, energy emergency; riot; or other sihiation causing dest.ruction and ciistress that aff~er•ts health, safety and welfare; and VTHEREAS; an "emergeney" includes (but is not limited to) destnictive natural phenomena; public disordcr; energy emergency; riot, or other grave or serious situation or occurrenre that happens unexpectedly and dcmancis immediate action; and WHERFAS; an emergency or disaster eaisi.s chat necessitatcs utiliiation of thc emergency ppwers granted piu-suanc to RGW 35.52 ancUor RCW 35A.33; and WHERFAS, signif cant cconomic loss has occurred nr is occurring as a result of tlle uicident and shulda-mis necessary to cAnduct structural assessments nf facilities; and 4VHEREAS, the City of SPokane Vallcy is responsible for maintaining the health; safety, anci welfare of its citizens; and VJ}4LRF-AS, the Cih' of Spokane Valley has authority, pursuwit to RCW 35A.33.080; to make expenditures for emerge.ncies "requiring lhe immediate presErvaiion nf order or publie healtli, or for the restoration to a conciitipn of usefulness of an_y Iauhlic property ~vhich has becn damaged or destroveci by accident, or for public relief f.rotn calamity...."; and WHER,FAS, ttie City of Spokane Valley has authUrity; pursuant to RC1V 38.52.100(1), "to uiake apprQpriations for the ordinary expeuses of (the City] for the payment of expenses of iCs lacal organization I"or emergency management"; and WHFREAS, thc City of Spokane Vallcy is aparty to the rEgional Amended Ilitcrlocal Agreement for Eme.rgency Managcment Services, which lnterlocal Agreemeut was esiablisheci, pursuant to RCW 39.34 and RCW 38.52.070, to facilitate cooperation behveen the City of Spokane Valley wid the several othec local governments that are party to the Interlocal Agreement ui thc event of an emergency; ancl -1- . • WHEREAS, state and fedcral resnurces are supplemental to local jurisdiction e.fforts; and WHEREAS, a"Proclattlation of Emergency" is a prelimini►ry step to rcquesting a "PrUelamation of Lmergency" fi•c>m the Governor and requestinL state and fcderal assistance. NQ«' THEFZEFOIZL,, 1~~'C.~.9~' Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley; as a result of the aforcmentioned situation and pursuant to FtC«' 38.52.020(1)(b): la0 IIERI;BY YROCLtVM that aState of Emergency exists in tlie City of Spokane Valley and direct that the plans and nrocedures of the currenily-adapted regioiial t•lmended Interlncal Agrccment for Fmergenc}° Management Services be implemented. Designatetl departments are aulhorized to enter into contracts and ineur obli;ations necessary to combat such emergency to protect the health, safc;ty ancl tivelfare of person and property, and provicle emergency assistance to the victims of such disaster. Each clesignated depztrtment is authorizcd to exercise the powcrs vestecl in this resAlutioo in light of thc demands of an extreme emergency situation «<ithout regard to time consuming, procedures and formalilics prescribed by law (except mandatoi-3, constiriitional rcquiremenLs). DATE-D this /U ~day nf 42 , Mayor . / -2- - . CITY QF SYOKAn°E VALLEY, SPOKAiYE CUUNTY, W.ASHTNG I ON, KESOLUTIQN NO. 08-015 A ItE5OLiJTTQN OF TII14 C1T'Y UF SPnKANE VALLEY, SY()KANE COUl\TT1', WASHINGT0N, PRnCi.,ATiVilNG AN EMERGENCY 4R 1)l_SAS I'ER 1N THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINCT0N. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley staff aild/or the Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Managemcnt has reported to the Spokane Vallcy City Couneil that on ,iuly 10, 2008, ]iigti winds and fires; severely disrupteci or is disnipting the health; safety aiid welfare within thc Cihr of Spokane Valley and caused or is causing exte.nsive damagz in parts of thc City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, an emeroency oe disastcr exists that necetSitates utilization of thc cmcrpency powers graneed pursuant to RCW 38.53 and/or 35A.33; and WHEREAS, sigiuficant economic ]cass has occurred or is occurring as a result oi•' shutdowns necessary to conduct structural assessments of facilities; and V1rI-IER-EAS; the City of Spokane Valley is responsiblc for maintaining lhe heaith, safety, -ind wclfare of it~t citizens; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokatie VRllcy has authoriiy, pursuane to RCW 35A-3 )3.080, to make cxpenditures for emergencies "requiring the immediate preservalian of nrder or public health, or for the restoration to a condition of usefulness ot' any public property which has been damaged or destroyed by accident, or for public relief fi-om r.alamity.... and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Vallcy has attthorily, pursuant to RCVV 38.52.100(1), "to make appropriations for thc ordinary expenses af [the City] for the payment of expenses af its local orgariization for cmergency management"; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is a party to the regional Ame.nded lnterlocal Agreement for Emergency Vfanagement Serviccs. Tha[ Interlocal Agreement was established pursuant to RC4U 3934 and RCW 38.52.070 to facilitate coopcration between the City 4f Spokane Valley and the othcr local governments that are parties to the Aereeme,ut '►n the eveni oF an cmergency; and WE-MIZLAS, statc and fcderal resources are supplemental to local jurisdiction efforts; and WHEREAS, a local "1'roclamation of Emcrgency" is a preliminary step to requesting a "Proclamation of Emergcncy" from the Governor and requesting state and federal assistance, NOW THEREI;ORE; °1"HE CIT1` COiNCI_T OF TI-IE C1TY Or SPO1tANE VALLEY, WASHINGTQN OR.TaA1NIS AS FOLLOWS: -1- ' . . . SEjCTI0N 1-Purppse and intent. t1s a result of the aforementioned conditions; it is the purposc and intenc hf this resolution to formally proelaim the existence of a disaster or emcrgcncy in the City of Spokane Valley. SL"C`I`ION 2 - Dcfinitions. A. "Taisaster" includes (but is not limited to) destruclive natural phenomena; public disorder, energy emergency, riot, or othcr situation causinj destruction and distress that afi'ects liFe, health, property, or the public peace. B. "L-"mergency" include.s (but is not limitecl to) clestnictivc natural phenomena, public ciisorder; energ_y emergency, riot, or ottier grave or serious situation or occurrence that happens Lulexpectedly and demands immediate action. SFCT10\T 3 - Emeraencv Proclaination. A. It is hereby declarcd that there is an emergenc•y Ur disaster as a result of the aforementioned conditions in the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington; thcrcforc, designated cieparlments are authorized to enter into contracts and inctir obligations necessary to combat such emergency to protect thc hcalth; safety and welfare ot' persons aild property, and provide cmergenc_y assistance to the vietims af such disaster. B. Each designated department is authorir.,ed tU exercise the pawers enumerated in this Rcsolution in light of [he demands of an extreme. emergency situation vvithout regard to tulie consuming procedures anci lormalities prescribed by law (except mandatory constitutional requirements). SF•CT10N FOUR Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in fiill forec and effect upon adoption, and shall remain in cffECt until subsequent action by the City Couneil stating the conditions giving risc to this EmcrgEncy Proclanation have Subsicled. DATED this 11'h day of July, 2008. Richard Munson, Mayor ATTEST: Clu-istine Bairibridge, City Clerk Approved as to rorm: ; City Attorney Date of Publication: Effcctive 17atE: -2-