2008, 04-01 Study Session ! r acENVA C[7'Y OF SPOKjCNE VALLEY CiTY COl.1NCII. WQRkSHEF'I' STUDY SES`ION Tucsdsy. Aprii 1, 2008 6:00 p.m. CITY RAT_4 COUNCIL CNA1iBE,RS 11707 F'nst Sprague Avenar, Fint Ftcwc (Plexse Silence l'our Cetl Pdoacs Uaring the MerUag) D1SC'USSIO:Y I.F-ADER StiE;,TGCT;AC`I'IVITl' G()AL 4Ci70N 17'Eht• 1. Barli t3_aci:ior • Mutiott Consideruiiaii: 2010 USA Figut1c Approve Motiun Skating Financial SuppcMt (public comraent] 1c,hn !lohman, %1ikt Ccmnclly PropQSad Rcsolution 08-0()5 Strrct Approve Resalulion Accrptancx Protedura [ppblic commcnt] 3. Vfikc Connelly Motion Consideradion: 7'unie Crcek Apprcivc Motion )ciint Plftnning Agrecmcnt [publ(r commant] RFGUL.Al2 STUDY SES-MON IMM1L.S: 4. klofly Myrrs (15 minutrs) Sjx*anc 'i'r:vnsit AuUtinrin• f'rrscrit311011 i. c'hristina lansszn {1Q minutes) Municipal Cnde :lmcndmi:nt: LaadinF Dcxsr, !)isLU~zsioti~Ini~rrnati~m 6. Stc ve Wur!c,. (lU minutc.3) f)raR M+:morandum of Undcrstanding hiscussinn.'lnfnrmation -1008 Sewcr Pavcback Progrnm (irrf- %kCumii~:k (30 minutc;'i cjiilirlerly Updnces lumimthrnskc I'laii Discu~~:i~~n 1t~li,nnation :1 rncndmcnts 8. Greg E3insamun (20 mInntcs) Wetxasiin&"i elevising Ce►urkil tiieeticig-s Uiscussion/1nCottrwtirm Cost Analysis 9. Mayor Munson Advance Agenda DiscussioMnfnnn:uion 10. Mnyor htunsoa Cauncil Ct►cck in DiscussioMnfnrtnatian 11. Davc tiicrcicr Cilv N1ann,;:r CommcnLS lliscttssion/lnfnrmntion t'XF.CIiTIVE SES510Y: Prnding i.itigutiuu A DJUtiRri .Varc: Ualas atberwhe nokd atiavc. tbere wUl bc ao publk rnaroeats sl CaMadl StuJr xnlaas. HaneYCr. CouarU alwa)s rssrrva Ws riCbt ln rcqwut iafarnutlon hoat t6e pablk nnd staII ay appropr{ste. During mcctjnp hrld by thr City c+f Spokvnc Yaliey Cacmc:l, tho Caurrcii rzseNv dye tigtil w tako "Idiua" o0 ony itcm tiqted or n►bse.luenlty ad;sci to the agrMa i?sa rrnn °acrion" mcamro dotibcraie. Aincvis, rcview, cauider. evatuafs. ut mstce a colkctive pwiri-m at negatl%Y dctkicm. V(77'lCF. Indirabrls p6eming W N1arxd ttfo ntioaify who roqcute tpecid e=nitnCt W IlcwtawtxSatt phyaeal, tlftcirta, cr aQwr an pacment% *ee ooaumu tDe Cati Cktt ,is (SC9) 7:1-1M1 as wcm n poalbfa so Qtat artanV-menta tcay be am& Sti:dv 5c55:un ,lgrniit, 1pr.1 l. 200R i'^__. ; 1 -~1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Dabe: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ o{d business ~ new bus+ness ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM T1TLE: Motion Consideration: 2010 USA Figure Skating Financial Support GOVERNIPIG LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: This item was included as a Council Packet informational item March 18 and 25. . BACKGROUND: In January 2006, Council offered a comm'rtment of financial support in the amount of $30,000 to the Washington State and "Team Spokane° bid led by Star USA to host the 2009 World Figure Skating Championships; and if that bid was awarded, the City offered to make a$10,000 payment during each year of 2007, 2008, and 2009. Unfortunately, Star USA ~ was not successful in their bid and no payment was made by the City. Star USA is asking for tiie same commitment and financial support from Spokane Valley for . their bid for the January 13-24, 2010 US Figure Skating Championships. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: $30,000 (can be made in two equal payments during year 2009 and 2010). STAFF CONTACT: PNike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS: (1) Outline of Request; (2) Draft Letter of Support ~ ~ . . ~ ~%~~l%NG Outiine for the City of Spokane Valley The Objective: Leverage the Vanaouver Olympics to capture tourism and the most awareness possible for Spokane & Washington State How? By hosting the event that determines the U.S. Figure Skating team who will oompete in the 2010 Vanaouver Winter Oiympics The Event: The 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships - January 13-24, 2010 Current Status: It is very important to the bid to show support from the entire oommunity and region. We are meeting with all of the entities that supported the 2007 Championships and the 2009 Worids bid to garner support. Thus far we have received unanimous approval to support the bid from: The Spokane County Gommissioners - $100,000 The Spokane City Council - $75,000 . Th'e Spokane Public Facilities District -$100,000 We have a verbal commitment from tfie Spokane Regional CVB for $75,000. The Request: We are requesting the sarne commitment the City of Spokane Valley provided for the Worlds bid of $30,000. The bid would not need to be paid until 2009 and/or 2010 and can be split into two payments. If we do not win the event we do not pay the bid fee. Why now: - • The timing is perfect to create maximum excitement. The Winter Oiympics in Vancaouver will take place 18 ~-days after the U.S. Figure Skating Championships (February 12-28, 2010) ' i ; • Having witnessed the excitement first hand, there is nothing more powerful than an Olympic Games in your baGkyard. ' • Figure Skating is the most popular sport of the Winter Olympics generating the highest television ratings, and the most demand for tickets. Why Spokane: • Most recentiy, Spokane received national accdaim for the phenomenal suocess achieved hosting the 2007 U.S. Figure Skating Championships • The 2007 U.S. Figure Skating Championships attracted a record attendance of 154,893, and received the prestigious honor of being recognized as the °Sports Event of the Year° and °Amateur Sporting Event of the Year" by Sports TraveJ Magazine. • Spokane also holds tlie attendance record for Skate America set in 2002 Benefits to Spokane and the State: • The 154,893 spectators delivered an estimated direct economic impact of 30 Million Dollars • The 2007 Championships generated 14,935 room nights in area hotels during Off-Seas4n The Opportunity:' • Create tourism revenue similar to that attained when the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City resulted in $100 million in tourism revenue to nearby Boise, Idaho. • LIVE Network Television coverage on NBC on two weekends in January 2010 0 Utilize this event to showcase Spolcane and Washington State in a very positive way to the entire country. S"T'okane p Valley L~l 11707 E Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Vailey, WA 99206 ,,;Oo (509) 921-1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevailey.org .4pri12, 2008 Site Selccuon Committee 2010 Worid Figure Skating Champianships U.S. Figure Skating ?0 First Strovt Nfl Crlorado Spruigs, CO 80906 ~ ~ RE- Wnrld Fieure Skating Champianships'_U10 Dcar Ccimmittee NlcmhLrs: nis letter serves as thc commitmc:nt by the Spoknne Valley Cit}• Councit for the City of Spokanc Valley's suppon of the Washingtan State and "Tcam Spokane" bid led by Star LiSA to host thc 2010 World Figure Skating Chnmpionships. At the April 1, 2008 Cauncil meeting, Spokane Valley's City Guuncil unanimously appmved a cash commitrnent of S30,040 over the two-year period of 20(?9 and 2010 to suppuct the cfforts to hosi tht 2010 World Figur+e Skating Championships. If we arc awarded the bid, the Crty of Spokane Valley will make a$15,U00 p,ayment during each year of'_'009 and 2010 to U.S. Figure Skuing. Nkc are pleastd to cuntribute to this prestigious, pc►pular and al!-family sp(irt show, and cnthusiasYicalk await receipt of thal hopeful announcerrient that our arev will be choscn to hust this event. tiinccrel\. Richard IMunson, yiayor Citv of spokane vallcy ~t y RM:'cb t- ,y CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Requestfor Council Action • Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 08-005 Street Acceptance Policy GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.40.060 (H) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council delegated specific authority on May 20, 2003 by Motion, October 12, 2004 by Motion, December 13th, 2005 by adopting Ordinance 05- 033, and finally on September 24th, 2007 by adopting Ordinance 07-015 which repealed ordinance 05-033. BACKGROUND: The city Council has acted on a number of occasions regarding the process to be followed when acquiring right of way in conjunction with capital projects and other development. The attached resolution consolidates all previous actions and ratifies any prior acquisitions in conjunction with these projects. OPTIONS: DiscussionlRecommend Changes RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 08-005 BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes May 20, 2003 . 2. Minutes October 12, 2004 3. Ordinance 05-033 - 4. Memorandum to council dated January 30, 2008. DRAFT . CTTY OF SPOKANE Vt1LLEY SPOICANE COUNTY, GVASEIINGTOIV RFSOLUTIO\i \t0. 08-005 A ftE-SOLUTION OH THE CIT'Y OT' SPOKEINE VALI FY, SPOKANF COUN7'Y, Wr1SHINGION, GRANTING I:,f.MITED AUTf-IORITY TO 'I`I-f.i:; CITY MANAGER 12EGARDING ACQUISITION OF REAr., PROPERTY TN CUNJUNCTION WITH CIVITAL. ANU OT1-iFR DEVEC.OPMENT PROTECTS. VVHFREAS, SVMC section 3.40.050 (I-T) auehnrizes the City Vianager upon approval of the City Council to proceed to acquire property through negotiations; anci W1-IER.EAS, the City of Snokane Valley (City) City Council passed Ordinance No. 05-033 on the 13th day of llecember, 2005 which set forth procedures for the acCeptance of publiC right-of-way, requiring a resolution of the City Council; and WW.I:.:REAS, Ordinance 05-033 amending Chapter 10.05.450 of the interim 7_.on.int* Code was repcaled by the City Couneil upnn the adoption of Ordinance 07-01 S, adoptin~ the Uniform Development Code; and 'AqMREAS, the Cih, Council by motion on the 12`h day of October, 2004 had delegated to the City ulanagcr or his designee the authority to granl right-of-way aequis'itions, confirminn and clarifying a previous delegation which is recorcled in the council minutes of May 20, 2003 which authorizeci the City Manager to "e?.ecute right-of-way acquisir.ions as they relate to eonstruction projects;" and 1Ari-EREAS, the City Council now wishcs Co cllrify its grant of authority with respect to the acquisition oFribht-of-way in conjunction with capititl and other development projccts; and • WI-IEREAS, the City Council wishes to affirm and ratify past actions taken by the City Manager and/or slaff related to the aequisition of right-of way in conjunetion with the capital and other dcvelopment pmjccts as is set forth below, NOW, "I"M:F;ItLFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of tlie City of Spokane Vallcy, Spokane County Wastiington, a.s follows: Section One: Acquisition Qf }Ziizht-of-tivay. No real property cledicated to the publie use by an owner af such property shall be deemed public right-of-way, or uncler the care Qr eontrnl of the City, unless the dedication h<<s been accepted through passagc of a resolution confirming the samc by the City Council, However, nohvithstanding the above, in the circumstances set forth in (a), (b) aid (c) below, the . authority to negotiat:e and accept such riglit-of-way is delegated to the City ivIanager or his designee pursuatit to SVIvfC 3.40.050(I-). - a. tlie right-of-way in question is acyuired as pu-t o1' a capital project within the Cicy of Spokanc Val ley. b. the right-of way in question is acquired as parC of a plat, short plat or binding site plan pursuant to RCVd 58.17. c. the right-of cvay is acquired as part of a zone ehange apnlication, building permit, special permit or conditional use pennit issued by the City. Se:etion Two: Acceptance of Fti t-of=wav. The acceptance of all right-of-way or property acquired by the City of Spokane Vallcy prior to the date of this resolution and appmved by the City Maiiager or his designee i.n conjunction with the construction of capital projects wiChin the City oP Spokane Valley, or as . part of a plat, short plat or binclins site plan pursu3nt to RCVV 58.17; or as part af a zone change ' Resolucion 08-005 Street Acecptance Folicy - Pase 1 of 2 DRAFr . application, building per~nit, special permi[ or conditional use permit issued by the City, is hereby affinned and ratified and the same is deemed pulilic right-of-way and uiider thc eare ancl eonErol of the City. Sectian Three: Prior moCions replaced. 'I'liis resolution is iritended to repeal and repliiC•e OilY gT117t of authority made pursuant to the pripr motion approved by the City Cowlcil October 12, 2004 which • delegatcd to the City Ivlanager nr his designee the audiority to grant right-of-way acquisitions; and/or the delegation which is recordeci in [he eounc;il minutes of May 20, 2003 which authorized the City Manager to "execute right-of-way acquisitions as they relafe to construction projects." Scction Four Effectivc llatc. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopteci this day of March, 2008. City of Spakane Valley ATTEST: R.ichard Munson, Mayor Christinc Bainbricige, City Clerk Appzoved as to form: Office of the City Attorney . . J Resolution 08-005 Street Acccptance Policy Page 2 af2 a x . lUNiJTES , ~04, of Spakane Valley . Cify counci! - Stody SeSSion - ' 11.~ay 2 0, 2003 . Ntayoz D eVl.emj.r)g opensd rhe Study session at 6:0 0 p.m. , C uuncilm embers preseQt: Mayor M,ichael DeVleming. T)cputy Nlayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmernbers Dick Denenny, Mik- e Flanigan, Ric}xaxd M unson; Gary Schirrimels, and ,5ieve T.'a}xlur. - Staff present: City Manaaer .David 1~e.roie.r; Deputy City 1'~#torne}~ Car~~ L~riskell, . 7nterim Deputy Mana.ger McNhitt, Litenan P ub]ac Works Director Richard 1~1~arren, Tnterim Engincer D ick 1"lvel, Interim Parks a.nd Reczeazion Consultan# Bi11 Hutsinpiller, lntcrim Long Rangc 1'lanning Ivranager C~Freg McConnick, Iixtenrii Current Plannl ng lVlanagcr Kim Lyonnais, and Tnterun City Clerk IZutli 114wle'r_ . 14U rabea u C enterFlar-e design status rep art: Lnterim Parks and Recrea#ion Cansul#ant Hutsinpiller introduced Projec:t Manager Kay $a.chman of A ~Fista, and Spokane County Parks Director poug Chase. Baclunan and Cbase summarired thc s#atus ofthe Meadows project that is in progress, scheduled for completion by OctobeT 20 03. This project was avvarded for S 3.1 million that is under budge# e-stimate of $1,4 for this project. T.bm was discuss) on about prov'l ding a sta;e for events, and City Manager Mercier said that s#aff wi.ll pxepare optiC+TLS for Council review at a fLtFUre study session. Drawi.r,gs sbowi i,g the C enterPl acefiacil1 fiy- were revie~ved; includin; room and parking capacides. Planning Cammisslon guidelxnes and rulcs: T.nterim L-oi,g Range Planning 1vlanager McCornEi& i.introduced proposed guidclines and rules for tlie Planning Canim.issiaii, 'nothig their meetiu- schedule. Cit}f Manager Mercier said tb at these are presented for . C:ouncil review and feedbaA, then will be approved by ih.e Plan~ttng Commlsslo13 aud rarified by tlie Council on a future agellda. FNIAN netw nrk franch ise: Lnter3m Deputy Martager McNutt, hiterinl Engineei- Dick Thip-I and Ed Jacobs ofE-N7AN reviewed changes tliat hay-e been aegotiated to tl-iis frartchisc a.greement that is nearly cona.plete .for CounciI acti rin. Council agreed that tb.e terni for tlus frauchise be ten years and tbaz six slrands of I,iber op#ic cable be dedicatf"d fvr municipal purposes, Six-Year Trans portati olD Impray cment Plao: lu te rim Fngt-n eer Thiel provi ded a ~ sLrmmary of#he projects included on #he proposed six-year TIP prepared by Spokane ; Couiity for tlie City, _~'he T'IP is ~,Lpdated aunuali y and provides informatfoit to ass3st . ac encies as citfes compete for federal and state fund'uig, Literinl Public Worlcs Dixector ' CaUnci] Stu~!r SeSs on NoEes, ?v9fLy 2Q, 2U43 Page I of 4 .App, aved hy Council O6-]U-a3 Warren s~icl that rhe C ity wi11 evguate tbis pl.au each year to determine Ffthe prioriti es remaill. t}ae 5alr,e and tl-iat the S tate Transp ortation Improvememt Board is holding funduag.fo r the C ouplet until Spokane V alley has an opportiu7ity to complete its ` -'carnprehensive pJ an_ Counci] agreed that staff pre parc acalend ar ofthe land useltransportation elemen#s foz June 3, 2003 study session; and that #he City nccds #a consider an economic study. Council consensus is for apublic, heaTing on thi s p] an at the .Tune 10; 2 00 3 meeting and introduction of adoptiBg ordinance_ B arking dog eu£orcemeQ# r-ost inforrna tion: C ity imanager Nlercier said #hat S pokane II County Aumal Control D'uector Nam y .H.iI l 'h as subrnitted ana]ysis of cos#s for a.dded GOvBragE; tQ p-r0'Yi~e aftG1` h0UY5 b aLklilg dOg eD.fOJ.-ceA7.em#. Th eie, wa5 di ScuSSi OrI 3bOUt various methods to address thc problem, #he number of coniplauits curr.eixtly received on various types of dog aciiVity; enfiorcen7ent difficttltics during the Iate eveninq hours; and , how bcst to control errant au-unal s_ Consensus of the Council is that staff should d a fiurrher study as to the~ be7st inetliod for addre-ssiuag this issue_ . lMaYor D eVleming recessed the meeting at 7:30 p,m. for appraxi-n7aCely tel) mznuteS, '7'he Tvrayor re-opened the meeting, al 7;42 p.rn_ Strftt Obstructiotx Permit Speeialist and Seasoaal laspector: Ctty Manager Mercier said that at tbf, May 15, 2003 study session Council agreed on a street obstruction pernai.t fct. NVith the coiistructiam season begtnning, staff requests authority to }ure aclditional staff to pro~ride abilit}' to .respor3 d to the increase in activity and to assure coinpliance , wi#h City standards. . Cour,cilmernber F1anigan moved and C nuncl lm embeT Denenny second~~rov_al be . aranted for hirinf-, a permit slo-ccialist snd a seas onal inspi,,ctar for streei obstruction nennits_ The motion cartied unaturtiously. -C nmtruct'ioti p)roject right-of-w ay acquisitions: City Ivlanag er Mezcier satd tYi.at oben times there is a need to acquire portians of right-o€ w-a}+ for particular consiruclion piojects_ State 1aw requires that anyrtune property xs proposed for acquisition or to be rele.ased, there must be Cauncil appr~v~~J.. `.Fhere was discussion ofcosts for tlvs type of acquisi tion and that generally tlxe cost i s capitalized in construction costs, although the, City has a smalf budget aniotu7t for thaq ite.m. ~ . .Deputy Ivlayor Williite moved and Councilrnp-rnbcr Munson secoiided that #1ie City IIanager be autbonzed ta executeright-of-wav acauisitions as rhev relate tv construcLion projects. Tlhe motion carried tuimvmously. Budget ov ez-sight; T1'iere was brief discussion as to the raeed f.or ai1 items subrnitted to inc]ude budge#, the difficulty developirg a budget for #he City suice there are n7an}+ ; unknowns #'ar a u ew City, thc nced for Cauncil. to ineet its oversight responsibility and ' that monthly fina.ncial repons wi]] be available, i ~ - ` - ~ Gaurcil5tudy 5essron Nates, May 20. 2003 Yage 2 vf 4 Appfaved by Gounoil 46-1N03 - f - Ratification of Probati.oxi Service.,i Agreement: interim Deputy Managi~r McNTutt said ~ thai Spvkari~ Caunty has respoac~ed by prvviding cost for~nula as Spokane ~~alley . requested, and the basis for ba11iA~ cosis is incl~tded in Section 3, Staff and Counci] discussed this 1anguage and ageed zo fizthe.x discuss several itvni& wzt}x Spvkatie County- Junk Veh icle nrdinance: Deputy Attom ey Dr+skel l reviowed a draft ordinance for regulation of junk vel-d cles that focuses on abatel-o e.nt of thc prob) em, Since SpokaD e }xas I an effictive ordiuajwe, it was used as a#empiate witli revisions and additions to a.ddress abaiemeni, !'here vvas distussion abou# whai the zoning, code allows, ogiions that Spokane Valley may include, and whether s creening shauld be allowed_ Co uncii agreed ~ . #hat s#aff do moae Tesearch to givc more direction rela#i ng to screening Of such property use_ Consefn sus is to include tltis ordi,n ance on the -May 27, 2 003 agenda for first readtng. Stormw ater scry ices agreernenc: lnterini Public Wo&S Direc#or W arren said that this agrecment pravides f5or Spokane V all ey ta use its oAn standards and to da project review-, ihe City is collectug nloney un der the stormw ater utility tcr address ncccsssry proj ects; and that there has been ] anguage irie]udcd to address tlie County's concern about need to . adapt regulations. Council aereed #hat this agreeni.ent be ine] uded on the i\iay 27, 2003 ' agenda for adoptio3l; anii also to provide time on that agim da for public comment an stormv,Fatcr regula#.ians, Sewer Ex.ten 5io ns and Operation (S'1EP): . hiteiTan Publ~c Works Duector Warren introduced Firuce Rawls and Brenda S uns from Spokax7e County U#ilities, Warren said that fhe ~otulty has been ~~FoTkir,g lo provid e scu~eFS O~~er a lo~~ period of time and th~ County has done an excellent job of com.rrmuniry involvcmcnt. Two bids hav. e be+en received th at are soniewhat less than what Spol-ane Valley has budget-,d, Money is.be1d in aCaunt}F reseTve fiLind frofrt individual property assessments that is available for Spokarte Valley ta use for these improvements. Future treatmen# fa.cility costs may be . Aecessary bascd upon cast esti mates. Spokane County wi]J be the SpokaneVaIley Utility for residel,ts to pa}' the riOPiT1al rate, T.n dCCordBriCB Wlth a L~~ent fundi rig 2nd fi n8riCU7g .pap er f-ozn Bruce Raw1s, there, will iae.ed to be discussion w. ith Spakane Valley for any increase in ane-time corunection fees or for monrhly rate inereases. Cauii cil agree'd tbai 1h.[s a;reeineizt be includod on tha May 27, 20 03 agell{la fCxT B.CLlC}n. WSAOT,temporary easeKnent: 7ilterini Ptiblic Worics Director '%ra]Te3i said tha# dtuing the canstYUCtion on I-90 this yeair, there wiil bc a sound wa11 constructe.d belween Argonne and Pints_ Xt is necessary to gran# a tyem.porary e.asement to NV SD OT for access to the area for this consEructian, and the easeineat iAil] c.ease once corstru ction is I cornpletc. C:oualcil agreed tha# this item be iu cluded an ihe May 2 7; 20 03 aaenda .for action. Existing Fr.anchise 0 rd in an ces: City Manager M.erci er provided a Iis#inte; of the existulg S po kane County fra.ncluses wi.th,in the boundaries of Spokane Valtey. J.t wi.ll be r,ecessary for the Ckiy to gran# franchises ta tl-iese ag'= cies. 8 taff is no-w prioritizinb these franchises, snd will be briagij~g them for Council review at future study sessi ons_ 4 ~ Councif Study Session 1"nies, hay 24, N03 Pa~e 3 of 4 APProveci by Caurr63 46• 1 4-03 ~ . t Advance Agenda Items: Councilmember Munson said that hc fccls it is i.mportant for _ the Council to sct priorities for iteins on the agenda. There was discussion of the . ~ procediue for setting agenda items a.nd the need f.or these to ba as prioritizecl by the Council. Cify Manaecr Mcrcicr suggested ttiat each Councilme.mber prepare far tlleir five most 'vnporiant wrork priorities for thc balance of 2003 for possible discussion at the Tune 17; 2003 study session. , Cauneil laptop training: Interim Deputy Manager McNTUtt said that training for use af the soifivaie to be used for Council mceting agendas will begin for those able to attend on May 22, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. COPS Funding Pragram: CouncilmembEr Taylor said that he has set up a conference ca11 for Cit), elected afficials and stafFwith the Departmcnt of Justice May 21, 2003, 8:00 a..m. for discussion of the COl'S £undi.ng program. City iNlanager Commcntary: Cicy 'Manager Mercier provided a report on ninc n~Nvly hircd Ciq, cmployees (not interim). Depari:ment h. ead recruitment is underway and he hopes thai these positions can be filled soon. There aze several mo.re steps necessary before a Chief of Police selection can be announced. An ordinance establishiug a Public Safety Department --will be presen.ted at a future scudy session. Mayor DeVlem.i.ng reminded councilmcmbers of the June 25 Emergency Manag°ment Systems regional electzci officials brief ng; and preliminary briefing at the June 3, 2003 study session. : There being no further business, Mayor 17eVleming closed the study session at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: Al'PkOVED: hlterim City Clerk Ruth Mu1lEr Michael DeVleming, Mayor Council Srudy Session Notes, Eviay 20, 2003 Pagc 4 of 4 Approved by Cowtcil 06-10-03 . • Pmge 1 of 1 , Steve Worley . _ From: Dave Meraer • Sent: Frid3y, January 14, 2005 19:13 AM To: Ne11 Kersten , . ' Cc: Chris Bainbridge; Nina Regor, Stevz Worley; Shane Arlt _ Subject- FW: right ofiway Neil: . By this em3il Iam delega#ing to you the authority to execute right-of-evey acquisitions related to capital oonstructiDn prajacts. Please advisa Nina and me in advance af execu5ng prospective acquisitions exceeding . $10,000. Delegation authority is noted belfluv. - . Thanks..: Dave • ----0riginai Message-- . Frorin: Ghris 8ainbNdge . Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 11:06 AM •To: Dave Mercier . ' Subject, right af way llave - at the 10-12-04 cfluncil mcrriing re extension of delegat•ed authari'ry - 7 Motion C nsideraiian• La ensian o Delegated Autb~ority -DRVe'IVTC[GCI~ It was maved by ?llayorDeYleming and seconded by Courcilmember Schimmels to extend the authvrity of the City Manager, or designee, to grani right-of-tivay acquisitiorrs. City Mankeer Mercier eacplained that this is more of a housekeeping item, that iypically councils will delegate right-of-way transfacii4ns (as fhey relate to cons#ruction projecls) to administrative staff, that in May 2003 . such delegafiion was given to the City Mana.=,"er but dad not include the phrase - "city manager or designee" and by sn addmg the desigraee this will be ccrosist2nt • with other authoriiy delegated tn liim. Mayor AeVleming invited public . - comment; no comments were offerzti. TTOte by Accdamation: In Favor: Unarrinious. Opposed: Arone. Abster.iions: None. lvfotion carried - So - you - or your designee - have the authority. O - Chris Bninbr+dge, CMC Spokane Valley City Clerk 509-688-0177 . 1/14/2005 . t f . - - crTY or' SPp.KANE VALLFY • SPOKA3t'E CQTJN'.CY,R'AS111NGTO\7 - =~i= ORDP tANCF NO. 05-033 3~'r . . ~ . . ~,a • Al\j ORAI~i°ANGTE OF THE CITY OF SpOKANE VAY,LEX, Sl'OXA.i\~F; COUNTY, `V .41SIMCT0\T, ESTA73.LISAl1IG SPOKA"F VALIJEX CODE SECTION 10.05.450 -10.05.455 ADOPT1NG REG17LATIpNS FOR - ACCEP'I'ING RIGkIT-OF-WAY nEDTCATIONS, PROVIDWG k'OR SEVERA~BYLTTX, A7Vb EFFEC7'1VE AATE. VJHEREAS; the City desires to have an organized process by ,wluch it accepts real property - dedicated to the City for use as right-of way f.or transportation purposes by the general public; and - WHTREAS, most roads wathin the City ha-ve been, or are anticipated to be, dedicated to the City through the fmal platting process; and «REAS, there does not eurrently cxist a reg gulatory mechanism fnr acceptance from private parf;ies of real propertiy for use a,s public roads in tlie City, except through the final p1aCting process. \70W; TI-T-REFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valle}=, Washington, ordains as follows: . ' Section Furpose. The purpose of tliis Ordinance is to establish a regulatory meachanism whereby real property can be dedicated to the City, and the City can accept the same, for pubiic use for transportation purposes vvhen dedication and accepiance through final platting is not appropriate. Sec6on 2. New Sections to Chapter 10.05, entitled "lZZight-oF Way Dedicatian" are hereby added to thc Spokane Valley Municipal Code to read as follows: - Section 10.05,450 - Acceptance of Right-of-Way. No real property dedicaled io public use by an . o-v-+mer of such property shall be deemed public right-of Nvay, or under the care or contrnl of the Ciiy; unless the dedication has been accepted through p3ssage of a resolution eonfirming the same by the City GAUncil: 'I'his provision is not intended tn change the dedication and accepta.nce process that occurs by operation of law under RC`V 58.17 through the inal platting process. , Section 10.05.455 - Adoptron of,Procedures. The 1'ublic Works l7irectar or designee shall adopt appropriate procedures to ensure that any deciication and acceptance is i.n accordancE with adopted City or State law. c • Secrion 3. Severabilitv. - I.f any section, sentence, clause or phxase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconsutuuonal by a court of eompetent jurisdiction, sueh invatidity or unconstitutionaliiy shall not affect the validity or constitutionality af any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of ihis Ordinance. Section.4. - Effective Date. Ttus Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the oflYCial newspaper of the City. , PASSED by the City Counci] this 13th day of December, 2005. A . Mayor, Diana Wilhite . ~ Chrisiine Ba.inbridge, City Clerk . Approvecl As To F`o m: Q - Daie of Publication: Effecrive Date: ~-(>5--- Ofixc' of Cit ~ Attorney Ordinance 05-433 Adopring Right-of-tiTJay Detlication Froccss Pagc i of 1 OFFICE OF TRE CITX A'I`TOI2~YEY EL COi~'?~zE1.LY; CITY ATTORNEY D~ITCHA 0CARY P. DRISKELL, DEPUTY CTTY ATTORAIEY eMe . V~ . •~~J 19707 E Sprague Ave SulLe 105 1 Spokane Valley WA 492~~5 ' . 509.921.100O ♦,rac: 509.921.1008 4cityhall(i~spq€canevalley.vrg Memo-randum . To: Mayor Richard Munson, members -of the Citq • Council; Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager . ' From: - Mike Connelly, City Attorney ' CC: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director, Kathq McClung, Community Development Director; John . _ Hohman, Senior Engineer-Development ~ Date: Januarq 30, 2008 • Re: Street Acceptance On December 31, 2005 the City couneil adopted ordinance nfo. 05-033, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE BVALLEY, • ' SPOKANE COUNTY, WASffiNGTON, ESTABLISHING SPOKANE VALLEY CODE SECTION 10.05.450 - 10.05.455 ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR ACCEPTING RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. The pertinent sections specifically stated: No real property dedicated to public use by an owner of such property shall be deemed public right-of-way, or under the care or control of the City, unless the dedication has been accepted through passage of a resolution confirming the same by the Citp council. . 1 . This provision is not intended to change the dedication and , acceptaace process that occurs bp operation of Iaw under 58.17 . through the final platting process. The Public Works Director or designee shall adopt appropriate ' proceduxes to ensure that any dedication and acceptance is in accordance with adopted City or- State law.. - • This pzovision w-as repealed by the adoption of the new Uniform llevelopment Code in Sepfieznber of 2007 Puisuant to Ordinance No. 07- 015. The council has the option of adopting a new ordinance similar to that set forth abave, adopti.ng • an ordinance that creates a ncw process or . . procedure tlzat could Ue either, adm:inistrative or a_ mix of adin.ulistrativE . aciion and legislative oversight or take no fuxther action. A formal process. for -tYie acceptance of right of ~"Tay is recomniendEd. Thc amount of Gouncil oversight is a matter of policy for the coun.cil to decide. The - process should howevex include ' a" requirement that all - original documents reflecting the acquzsition of right of way be filed as a perma.nenfi rcGOrd rvitti tlie City Clerk. For exaxnple, the council could adopt the languagc: of tkie prev-ious • ordinance (05-033) but add langua.ge such as: Authority to accept dedications of right of way on behalf of the City; which occur as a result of road construction capital projects is ' delegated to the City Manager or designee. Staff would also recornmend tkiat the council consider a resolution confirming the adopti.an of dedications of i-ight o'f way that may have occuzred as part of past- capi-tal projects and that were not specif'ieally approved by tlle council. . Attachment: Oxdinan.ce No. 05-033 . . 2 ' - ~ - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appiy; ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legisiation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Turtle Creek JPA GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.010, 020(3), (a), (b), (d) and (fl; RCW 36.70A.210, RCW 39.34; County wide Planning Policies for Spokane County. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: See attached summary of specific actions taken with respect to Joint Planning Agreements contained in the Joint Planning Area update presented on February 5, 2008. ~J BACKGROUND: See attached summary. Additional negotiations between the City and County have occurred on two occasions subsequent to the meeting on February 5, 2008 resulting in this agreement. The agreement affects areas. located south of the City of Spokane Valley between Barker and Sullivan and contained within a County UGA. OPTIONS: Approve or request changes andlor additional information. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the TurtlecreEk Joint Planning Agreement ' BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The agreement should assist in identifying and obtaining funding for impacts resulting from Development within the identified area of the County. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Connelly ATTACHMENTS : A. Joint Planning Agreement . B. RCA dated February 5, 2008 (Joint Planning Area Update.) DRAFT INTEI7LOCAL AGREEMENT REGARDING JOIlN'T PLAVN.I.ING BFTNVIEFN SPOKANE COUNTY Al\'"ll THE CITX 4F SPQ.KAI\~E VALLEY This Agrcement is entered into, by Spokane County; hereinafter referred to as "County° and the City of Spokane Valley, hereinafter referred to as "City," jointly referred to as the "Parties." Whereas, a Gaal of t:he State Growkh iv'fana,ement Act is to ensure coordination between communities and jurisdictions, including speciaJ purpose districts to reconcile conflicts; and W6ereas, RCW 36.70A.210 sets forth certain requirements for CAUnh'-wide planning polic.ies, includina that County-wide planning policies shall address policies for joint county and city planning within urhan growth areas; and Whereas, The County-mida plan.ning policies for Spokane County adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210 contain policies for a joint planning process intended to resolve issues regardinb how zonimg, subdivision and other land use approvals in designated joint planning arE:as Nvill be eoordinated, and that suc;h joint planning may be accomplished,pursuant tn an interlocaJ "ement entercd into betwcen andlor among jurisdictions and/nr spet:ial purposc districts; and N'hereas, t6e Parties are desirous of cnordinating `rAning, subdivision and other land use approvals in the Turtlecreek area of the Urban Growdh Area (UGA) as depicted on the map in Exhibit A (hereinafter the Turtlecreek Area) and in those areas of tlie City of Spokane Valleywhere development directly impacts transportation systems within the Turtlecreek Area; and , Joint Planuing Agreement Page I of 17 DRAF.T - Wheeeas, the Paaties recognize that developmer►t occurrino in one• jurisdiction can bave transportation impac:ts on neighboring jurisdictions and wish to develop and adopt developmcnt regulations that will assist in ident.i.fying and mitigati.ng those imp:~cts; and V1'here.as, the defined Turtlecreek Arca is e-xperiencing significant development and/or requests for development; 2nd V1'6erea.s, development within the Turtlecreek A.rea and development within the City of Spokane Valley may impact the ability of the County and tiie City of Spol:anc Valley [o plan and provide adequate transportatinn facilities in compliance widi RCVd 36.70.A The Growth Managemeni Act; and Whereas, the Parties wisli to separate, without prejudice to either Party, the issue of potential annexation of that portion of the Turtlecreek i1rea within the l.3rban Gmwth Arca and the legal authority and right W pursue or oppose such anncxation from this Ageement; Now, Therefore Be Tt Resolvecl, in arder to coordinate the review and approval of zoning, subdivision and other land use actions and, to ensure that transportation capacity for development meets concurrcncy requirements and that consistent development standards are used; the Parties agree ta cooperative joint planning pursuant to the following Cerms and conditions: 1. Legal basis: This Agreement is entErcd i.nto pursuant to RCW 36. t0A.014; 020(3); 210 (3) (a), (b), (d), and (fl; RCW 3934; Count}%vide Planning Policies For Spokanc County (Planning Policies) Topic 2, Overview of Growth Management Act (GMr'1) R.equirements; Topic 2, Policies (1) and (2); Topic 5 Transportacion; Overview of Growdh Manage,ment (GMA) Requirements; and Glossary Count}-wide Planning Policy Terrns, Joint 1'lanning Areas. 2. Intent: It is the intent oFthe Parcie5: a. To provide for coordinated planning for transportation with reference to and consideration of the SRTC Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) in the Tw-tlet;reek ,Area and in those areas of the City of Spokane VaJley where development directl}r impacts transportation systems within the Turdecreek A.rea and to provide far coordinated development standards in the Turtlecreek Arca_ , Joint Planning Agreement Page 2 of 17 DRA FT b. To ensure that transportation improvements necessary to mitigaze transportation impacts resulting from ne-w development in the Turtlecreek Area and in those a.reas of the City of Spokane Valley where development direct]y impacts transportations systems widtin the Turtlecreek Area are identified and constructed concwrent with the development and/or tliat adequate funding is secured to fmance construction of such transpori:ation improvements concu.nent with development; as required by RC1~V 36.70A.070(6)(b). c. To ensurc that develdpment standards applied within the Turtlecreek Area relating to allowable land uses, densities, streets, sidewalks, curbing, drainage and utilities are compatible and cvolve'toNvards consistency. The Parties a-gee to jointly develop and implement mutually agreed upon development regulations, procedures and standards relaied to the review and approval of prnjects within the above described Turtlecreek Area. The Parties alsn desire to jointly establish and implement cansistent development regulations and procedures govern.i.ng the provision of all public facilities within said Turtlecreek A.rea. The Parl.ies a€ree to cominit sufficient staff' to draft and finalize these spccific . regulations and procadures in a timely manner. 3. ApnGcabilitc: The Agreement shall apply to development proposais withi.n the Turtlecreek Area and the City of Spokane Valley as dcfined in seciion (4) below. 4. Prniccts afTected: This Aerccment applies to new developwent proposals in the Tur[lecreek Area that are subjec:t to the Notice of Application requiremenG of FtCW 36. 70B as adopted by the respective Parties, ineluding proposals subject to the State L-mrironmental Policy Act. This Agrccme:nt fur[}ier applies to new development prUposals within the C;iiy of Spokane Valley that are subject to the Notice of rlpplication requirements of RCV►' 36.70B a,s adopted by the respective parties; including proposals subject to the Staze Environmental Policy Act, wbere the development proposal direcrly impacts transportation systems within the Turtlecreek Area. Iairect 'vnpact, for the purposes oP this agreement is defined as contributing 20 or mnre peaE: hour trips to arterial intersections within the Turtlecreek Area as identifiiecl in the Trip Generation Reports required i.n paragraph (5) (a) below. Joint Planning Ageement Fare 3 of 17 DRAFT ' Notice of Application; \iotice of Hearing and Notice of Taecision reyuired by RCW 36.70B and ' ~ • any environmental checklist, FIS or other environmental document required pursuant to RCW 43.21C for Deve.lopment Proposals as dcfined in paragraph (4) above sliall be provided to eacll pw-1), by the nther party i.n a timely manner and in accordance with applicabic regulations. The Parties fiudier agree they shall provide each other at least 7 days notice of any technical review meeting(s) witli respect tp a development proposal and to allow and encourage each other to attend any building permit preconstruction conference and/or tochnical review meetuigs. Such notice shall be in the f4rm of sCandard notice foc such technical review meetino given by eitfier party. The Parties (or their authorizeci designees) shall confer on development proposals as defined above in this paragrapb (4) prior to issuance of any final DNS, MT)N'S or staff report to the Hearing Exami.ner in an airtempt to reach a cnnsensus position/recommendation. For SEI'A documents; the jurisdiction having lead agency status shaJl include the consensus/collectivc recommendation and any mitigating conditions; or tbeir individual recommendations and any nlitigating conditiens if unable to rcach consensus, as applicable; for projects proceeding to public hearing, both Parties sba]1 include the consensus recom.mendation in tbeir respective staff report/recommended cCnditions of approval to the Hearing Examiner or otfier appropriate hearing body, or, if unable to agrec, their resprctive recommendations. 5. Transportation: The Parties recopize tbat development activicy within their respective jurisdictions may c.ause transportation impacts and may impact transportation lcvels of serviee in . neighborinc, jurisdictions. To ensure proper identification and mitigation of development related transportation impacts, the Parties agree tliat: a. Unless otherwise inconsistent witfi law, the Partics sliall require applicants subject 'Lo the Notice of Application requiremcnts to submit a trip generation letter in connection with any proposcd development activity generating 10 or more p.m. peal: how trips within the Turtlecreek Area or within the City of Spokane Valley. In all cases wiYhin the Turtlecreek are,a and in all cases within the . --~Ciry of Spokane Vatley where the requirements of paragraph (4) are met, wliere sueh trip generation lctter Joint Planning Agresment Pagc 4 of 17 .TaRAFT indicates that the proposad development activity will generate 100 or more p.m. peal: hour trips, dhe - ~ T'arties shall also require the applicant to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) quantifying the transportaLion intpacts af this development activity, and identifying potential mitigation of aU significant impacts. V►'here a trip generation letter indicates the proposed development activity will generate fewer than 100 p.m. peak hour trips, each of the Parties sliall consider in good faith a request by the other Parfy to require a developer to prepare a TIS, but the ulrimate decision on such applications as to whether or not to raquire a TIS shall be decided by the Party having regulatory authority over tlie subject application for development approval. The terminology T[S is defined in Section 1.30 of the Spokane County Road and Qrainage Standard.a, a copy of.' whic.h is attacbed hereto as Exhibit "B." The Pa-ties undersCand that the terminology TIS may range f.rom an in depxh analysis of the sice (development proposal) gcneraicd levels- of-service to a cursory revicw of safety issues; provided, in cases Nvhere a trip generation letter indiaates a dcvelopment proposal vwill generate 100 or more p.m. peal: hour trips, the TIS shall evaluate the impacts of those tri.ps on thosc arterial roadways and intersectians identified in Eahibit "C" at a minimum. 1n the event the I'arty within whose jurisdiction the de<<elopment propasal is proposed deterniines to requim- preparation of a'CIS, the ot3ier part), shall have an opportunity tA participate in the scoping used to deternline the depth of analysis. b. 1n approving and/or mal:ing recommendations regarding development proposals, each of the Parties shall require (or n.commend, as the ca.se may be) constivction of the transportation imprqvements necessary to mitigate transportation impacts identified in the TIS concurrent with development as required by RCW 36.70A.070(6)(b) and/or the dedication of sucll land or payment of money in lieu thereof dhat is necessary to mirigate such impacts to the jurisdiction whose transportation systcm is thereby impaeted. Any such fees shall be hcld and encumbrrecl as provided in RCW 82.02.020. c. For development proposals as defined in paragraph (4) above, where construction of improvements necessary to micieaie identified direct vansportation impacts does noi'take plaee concurrent with the development proposal, the Parties shall jointly establish a uniform method for quantifying appropriate fmancial contributions among tbe City, County and sponsorldeveloper of the . Joint Planning .qgreement Page 5 of 17 i DRA FT i development proposal for improvemen#s #o be raade within 6years of the approval of the developmenl propasal for identifted direct b-a.iysportation impacts. The, Parties recognize that tq impleinent this AgTeement so= rnodificatton of existing regulations may be required and agree ta make such modifications in a titryely fnanner consistent wtth a35y applicable I aw after establishman t of a un iforrn and mntUai l}r ag-eed upon n7ethod for quaotii'yi.n- appropriate financia3 contributions_ d. Developnient ptoposals as d~-fincd in paragraph (4) above shall no# be approved ' that " use levels of serx, ice (~n ]ocEt11y owned traw;porfiatian faciI ities in eithez jurisdiotion #o drop beEow _ the standards adopier3 in the imnsportation clements of the i`espective Part2es' coraprcheasive plans, unlcss transportation improvemeiits or strdtegries to ac.coinmadate #,he impacts of development are made ' concurrent vwith #he deveIopmertt proposa]s or t1ie development propnsal ts conditioned l:o accomplish c.,Qncurrency. 7"he parties agree t+o (1) notify each o#lier and {2) io -ood faith consider the o3:ber's couccrns with remd to the consrderation of any cha~ic,,;e in their respeWve adoptad levels of service tbat m$y impaot the operation of this agi-eement, For pwposes of this requircmmt, :`concureen# with the devejopment proposals" shali mean that 3mprovements or stategias dre in pface at the time af developmmt, or that a financial comraitmenc is in pla.ce to camplete 1:be necessary improvements ar stralegj es wichin 3ix years. T1ie ParEias furth er agree to tdent3fy devalopnient propasals that fail to camply with the, concnrrency standards of e3tt,er Part}' and t0 repo[t theu reSpe~L:ti Ve f.i17d [t) o 5 to the deci3ion FnakBr ir i~Tiften staff reports, i ~ . 6. Dcvelopment Staodards: 'T'he Parties recogmize thELt development in the Turtlecfeek ' Area wiChbut c:ompatiblc devejopment regulation3 could frustrate the purpose aDd ioteDt of this I A~ ~~cment_ a. T'he Parttes agree to assign the necessary staff to raview applicable development re~lations, includin~ but not limiied fio zo~ting desr~nations, PLTD standards, I$r~dscapin,~; si~age; subdjvzsion, ro~d ajid soeet sta+idards, sewer aiid 3arater stmdardq, bicycle paths, jogging lanes, fra.i] i sys#ezrts applicaiion rcview procedures and stormvva ier drairiacre rbquirements. Such review should include rtpresenr.atives from the private sactor who may be impacted by any such amendmerjts. 1bc Joint Plannin~- AgoemenL Pz;e 6 of 17 I DR4FT I process of identification and 1T11.plei'f'lent2t1011 4f d2!'elopmerlt Fegula#€ons for dhe Y"urtleCrCek Area shall I commencc upon the signing of tMs Agreement by the Parties, and shall comply vwith the schedule of - events set forth in L•~3chibit "D:' hereto, The schedule af events as set forth in Fxliibit `-D" shall inelude ~ Inguage provid ing sorne flexibility to the Farties in light of unforeseen circunistanr.es whicb rnight affect any a_qeed to schedule_ b. Tfte Farties agree to oonfer oii the necessstv for andlor the location of ariy connector sti`eets andlor the classification of any steeet~ withirr or adjaceat to a Devejopment Propos41(9) within the Tiirtlecreek Area. Tf, af[s:r satisfying the f'arties° respective obligations hereunder, an agreement iS nOt reaclied, both P&rC]CS rrtay prasent thair re5pECtive pOSitions #o the Hearing Examiner, agpragfia#e h earin g body, or admjrtzstrative official. C. The Partics agree ta consuIt on Compreftnsive i']anlZoning c2tegories; allowable land uses and dens ittes in the Turtlecreek A.rea_ 5uch consuJtation shs]] inclnde consultation on the classificatian ofsLTeels $nd roadways on the cbmmon borders_ d. T'he Pardos agree to adopt and enfarcc deveioprnent regulatiods, consistent wi#h F~CW 36_70A,070{6}(b) wixich prohibFt davelopment approval Sf the developmcnt causes the }evel of service pn an affecwd ffansportation facility in ejeherJ'url sdicti on to decline below thc standards adap#ed in the transportation element of the comprchcnstve p1an of eitber of filtie Parties, unless transporlation improvements or stra#egies to accammadate the fmpacts of development are made concwrrent ~vkh the ftx°elopment or the dcvelopment propo~a1 is conditioned to accomplish concprrency_ StrdEegies may inc:ludc increasaa public lransportation service. ride sharing prog;,ranis, de~aind management; and other transportation systems maiiagement strai+e2ies. For purposes ot this requimmeiyt, :`cancurrent with the ~ . ~ development°' shalt mean that improvements or stra#egi es are in plai~.e at the tizne of devclopment, or that a fnarfcia.] cofnmitnent is in plac~ to oomplete #he necessary improvements or stratcgies witli in si x years. 7. Other RegulatEnus: TVothing in t}tis Agneme,nt shall supersede or ne~ any existing land use or development regulation of thc~ Parties- .FouitPiannin~ AgTeernant Ne 7 af 17 DRAFT Additional Aareements: The 1'arties contemplate gueure joint planning agreements that ~ may relate to other Urban Growth Areas. Nothing in this .A~ eement is intended to prohibit the development of future agreements relating to either the impacts identified above or other impacts that may now or in the future exist. 9. RiQhtc Reserved: Nlothine in this Agreement is intended to waive or limit the rights of the Parties to require mitigation for an_y impact as allowed by federal, state or local laws or ordinances ine•luding bvt not limited Eo eirnironmental impacts governed by chapter 43.21C RCVV or mitigation fees governed by RCW 82.02.050 et seq. 10. Chanae in Standards or Ordinances: Any cbange in the Parties respective (i) dcvclopment mQulations, (ii) comprebr.nsive plans, or (iii) official controls regardless of wbether they afleet ihe Turilecreek Area shall be fonN~arded io the othcr parh, witliin 21 days of passage. 11. sl7ediation of Disoutes: A.ny disputcs arising from this Agreement may be set for mediation b_y either pariy within '30 days of notification of a dispute. Prior to mediation, the Parties, representcd by their elected officials, shall first meet informally in an a.ttempt t:o reach resolution. I.f a mediator c.annot be agreed upon by the Rarties, each parfy shall select one mediator who in turn sha11 selcet a third rncdiator to conduct the mediation. The decision of the mediation panel shall nnt be bincling on eidier pa.r[y. Provided, however, the Parties a.gree to consider in good faitb tbe decision of thc mediatian panel. 12. Tnde.mnification and Liabilitv: a. Spokanc County shall protect, save hannless, indemnify and defend, at its own expense, the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents, fi-om any loss or claim fnr damagss of dny nature whalsoever arising out of Spokane County's performance of this Agmement including claims by Spokane County's employees nr [hird parties, except for those damages caused salely by the neglinence or willful misconduct of thc City, its elected and appointed officials; ofTieers, employees, or agcnts. • Joint Planning Agreement Paee 8 of 17 DRAFT b. 1"he City shall protect save harmless, indemnify and defend, at its own etpense, - Spakane County its clected and appointed offic.ials, officers, emplnyees and agents, from auy loss or claim for damages of any naLure whatsoever arising out of the City's performance of this Agreement, including claims by tbe. City's emplo}rees or third parties, except for those damaa-es caused solely by the netligence or wil(ful misconduct of Spol:ane Cnunty, its elected and appointed officials; officers, employees, or agents. . c. I.n t}ie event of liability for damages of any nafurc whatsoever arising out of the performance of this Agreement by Spokane County and the City, including claims by Spokane County's or City's oAm officers, officia.ts; employees, agents, volunteers, or third parties, caused by or resulti.ng from the concurrenC negligence of Spokane County and the City; each Parties shall only be liable to the extent of that party's negiigence. d. No liability shal] be attached to Spokane County or the City by reason of entering inta this Agreement except as expressly providcd herein. 13. Severabilitv: If any provision of this Agreement or its application tn any per5on or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of 1:bc provisions and/or the application of the pmvisions to other persons or circ_umstances shall not be affected. In such case the Parties agree to meet and amend this Agrecment as may be mutually deemed necessary. 14. Entire AL-reement: This AgTeement constit'utes the e.ntire agrreemenT behween the Parties with respect to the mattars set forth herein. This Agreement may be amended in writi.ng b}= mutual ageement of the Parties. 15. nesignated Representxtive. The F'arties ag-ee that the Ma}ror or his/her designee shall be the designated representatave of the C.it}, for coordination Qf this Agreement and fQr receipt of any communications related ro this Agreement and the Chairman of the Board of Cowity Cammissioners or his/her designee shall be the designated representative of the Counhr. Vr'ithin 30 days of the Parties' mutual execution of this Agreement, the designated representatives shall form working groups consisting . of'their respective emplAyees and assign such groups responsibility for camplyi.ng with the timetable set Joint Planning Ageement Page 9 of 17 D1~FT forth in Exhibit "D" hereto_ f 16. Ef1`ec.five Date ssnd Paratioxp. Th3s Agreemen# sha31 become effcc#ive follovking #.he I approval of the Agreernent hy the of7`icial governittg bodies of eacli of the Parties hereto and #he si,gning I of tIi e Ageemeil l b}' thc du ly authorizad rapresentati ve of each of the Pafties hereto; and ~shall remain i.n effcct unless tenninated. 17, Terminatiori. Ei#her Part}' IF]&y TeI'T7]]3781U, it5 obl1Ft1417 llfldef Th15 A4TEe17]CTkC UpO]] OIIe yedr advancc written iiotice to the other Yart.y. Followiiig a te,rmination, the County 2itd City are . i responsible for fulf llin- atty oastandina obligations under L'his Agrccrncn~ or amendment thereio, 3ncurred prior #o #he effective dxi'e of tbe termirLa#fon- 18, Headin~s. The paragaph headings appcarin- ia3 this Ageernent have bcen irrserted sale1y far the purpose o.f convonience and readv reference. In oo way do they P'uPose to, and shal] noc bc deemed ta de#'Lue, limitor exten d thc scope or inten# oftha paragaphs to ivh ic~i tb ey pertain. I 19_ Cou n#ernarts, T'h.is A.gcement may be &Xecutad in a.oy n umber of courl#ersarts, each of which, when so executed arfd dejivered, shali be ark original, but such counterpasts shatl together constitu#e bu# ane and the same. ?4_ P roaertv aad Enu ilameat_ The owrtersh ip of all property and cqxiipment uti ltzed by any Party to meet its abli,gations under Che tems of this Agreemeiit shali reznain with sueb Party. 21 _ Venue StiuulaEion. This Agrccmeiyt has beesi and sha.ll be construed as havin~ ~een II made and delivered 3uit]61 #.he Staft of Washirrgt4n and it is mutuallv understiood and a4 ed by each I~ Party fJiat tiiis Agreeement sha11 be govemed by fiJhe ]aws of #he State of[ Washington both as to II interpretatiofl and peTI'ormancc_ Any acfian at 1aw, sait in quit}' or 3udECial pmceedings for the enforcermen# of this A~~'Lc,mcn~ or any provisions hereta, shall be instiMed only in courts af competent gon. jurisdtctian within Spokane Counfy, Wa-gli inra ~ 22. \Totiee;_ A!1 notices or other communications gi~ren hereunder shaJl be deemed given - on' (i) the day such notices or otlyer commuiyications are received when sent by personal del.ivery; or (ii) ~ ` the~ third day folEowinur the day on which tb c sani e h ave been ma3led b}' cerT[ified ma.il &livery, rece ip# .Toint P lannin or A?Ycement Page ] 0 of 17 DR4 FT requested and postage prepaid sddressed to the Parties at tha addresses set forth below, or at such other - . . add3`e.ss as #he Parties shall fram time-ta-time designai+e by notice in wy`iting tn the other 'Parties. COUNITY: Chair ofthe Boa3`d of CDunty 0,~mmisstoners 1 1] 6 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, Rf ashington 99260 . - CJ7Y_ C ity of Spokane V alley CiEy Manager or hislbtr authorizad represen laLivC Cify Hail 11707 East S prague Avenue, S u ite ] O6 Spokarie Valley, NVashington 99206 23, RCV 39.34 Required CEauses. A. Purpose See ParagTagb 2 above $ _ Durati on Sc~e Pamgraph 15 above. C. Organiza#ion of separa#e entity and its powers Nlo new or separatie 3ega1 ar adminislrative entit}' is created to adniinister tihe provisions ot' - this ALTreement D_ :Responstbilities oftha Part3es. Sec provisiom, abave_ E. A.gr`eement to be filed_ 'ibc City shall file this Agreement witYi its City Ckrk. The Couiity shall place thss Agreernen# on jls xi~~b sik7. , F, Financing_ Each Party shall be responsible for the financing of i#s contractual obligations under its ~ i3ofmal budcyetaFy process. I G. Terminal.tion, Sce Paragr$ph ] 7 above. 24. Evcnts of Ylefaii1t. It shall be an "Event ofDefaulC' u»d~rr this Ap,reement if either ofthe Pafties #`ails duly to perform, obsen~e or comply with #he covenanis, agreeiticnts, or conditians on its Qart cantainetl in this Agreemen#, and quch defaUlt shal3 c.ontinu e for a pcriod of s ixty {60} days after writle-n not3ce of such fai lure, reqoesting #he same to be remedicd, shalI have been given to the pariy in default by . I I ]oint Planning Agreement Page 01` 17 DR:1 FT the nan-defau}ting p2rty, provided ho%NeNcr that tsuch failure shall nut tx; aii E-:%ent of rkfsult if it i, knowingly and intentionally waivad by the non-dei'aulting party. 25. Remedies. LTpon the occurence and continuancP of any Event of Dcfault, the non- defaulting p$rty's exclusi%,e remedies shal) be spocifie performsuue, deti:laratory judement and ather eyuitable remedies. 26. Eihi 'ts. Exhibit ":'1" N1ap of lihc Tuctlecn.-ek Arca Exhibit "B" Soction 1.30 of the Spokane Caunrv Road aiid Uraina-ve Standards Exhibit `r" Arterial Roadways and Intersections Fxhibil "D" Ptncess DesctiptiQn for interlocal agreement for L'GA developsneni regulations for Spokane County/City of Spol►anc Vallcy UGA/JPA IN W1TNGSS Vb'HE[tFOF, tlie Parcies har•e caused this Aereement tu bc excxuted on thc daie snd year opfxnsite their rcspativc signature binci:s. BOAR.D UF COI.NTY CUMMiSSIOtiERS OF SPOKANE COLW7Y. VVASIiIINGT'ON RONNII: !vlAGEk, Chair 1-OUD N41LLKE, Vicc-Chair MARK RICHAR.D. Commisiioner A Uaniela Erickson Clerk ofthe Rc~3rd CI"IY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ay: -ritic: ATTEST: Approved as ta form: Citv C-lzrk Citv Attoroev 1L)int Ylanniniz Azre:mcnt P:n-,c 12 ut 17 DRa FT cxh►h,t -A.. , +M.w~~a~.~- f~a+. t.- {~'y . r~ _ L' i~1 i i I i . . L 1•. 1 Z.. ~ ,I - , t-~- ~ t ~ P < < j 1 7 'I ~ ~ - ' i f-~ , ~ I ~ ~ _ . . • ~ ~ . ` I; 1 . i L ra_.. ~ •'1- :l 1 I / i i i I I i I ~ ' If I ~ .Ioint Pianri:it ;1tireernent ;'a,~c 1= ,•f 1 ~ DRAF'7' , Exhibit "B" . ~ Section 1.30 of the Spokane County Raad and Tarainaae Standards i Joint Plarmi.ng Agreement Page 14 of 17 DRAFT . E-xhibit `-C'' Arterial Roadways and Tntersections . . ~ Joint Plannin~ Awecment Pa~e 15 of 17 DRAFT ' . Exhibit `=ll:' ~Yrocess Description for interlocal agreement for UGA development regulations for Spokane County/City of Spokanc UGAJJ'PA EXI-IIBIT n . (:oals/Aceions Prncess Descriptinn for interlocal abreement fur StartUate E0d Date UGA development re.gulatinns for Spokane County/City of Spokane Valley L,tG:4/JPA Action L}evelopment Regulal:ions Coordination Strategy - January 15, April, 2008 This task inr.ludes work by thc Parties to select one 2008 coordi.nation sirategy from the Collaborative Planning: Spokane County's Metro Urban Growtl1 Area Report_ Findinas and a report to guide the process for adoption of regulations will be developed. .Action Report and findings adopted by the Parties through Apri! 15, May 1; an interlocal 2008 . 2008 Goal Completion of interlocal agreement for UGA development regulations For Spol:ane CountyfCity af Spokane Valley UGA/JPA ACtipn Facilitation -Wor}: with the Partie, to ident.ify the May 1; 2008 August 1, scope and details of developmenl;egulations (i.e., 2008 zoning, subdivisiqn, FUD sign, etc.) that will be adopted. Action Implementation -Work with the Parties to prepare Augusc 1, Marcb l, necessary ordinances to be considered by the Ciry 2008 2009 of Spo}:ane Valley And Spol:ane County; conduct a public participation process; adoption by the City Cauncil and Board of County Cotnmissioners as appropriate. Summary of differences in standards of Spokane, Spol+ane Valley, Airway Heig6ts, Liberty Lake and Spol:ane Cauntv from the report titled: "Collaborative Planningr: Spokane County's Metro Urban Grow-th Area" :fuly 2007 - The report investigates the development regulations and street standa.rds employed by these jurisdictions, focusing on those "edges" wbene unincorporated land exists between the City limits and the outer boundary of the UGA. It discusses the various issues the jurisdictions face when considering land use applie.ations in these areas, and then suggests a range of strategies to e•nsure the land use review processes effectivel_y promote public health, safety and welfarc, and provide fbr a fair and consistent development ~ envimnment. ~ ~ ~ Joint Flanning Agreement Aagc 16 of 17 DRAFT ?vlany of the developmcnt standards adoptcd by the four eities and applied to are:as near cbeir eity limits are generally consistent writh Spflkane Count_y's urban zoning standards. Densities, lot sizes, permitted land uses and other requirements typically match, with what is permitted on one side of a city limit line -mirrored on the other. There a,re exceptions, of course; but the general rule is that what is witliin the UGA is expected to be urban. 7oni.ng districts, either within cities or wiChin the unincorporatetl county, reflect that cflnsistent vision. Stroet standards are also similar. Roads constructed to current standards will look and function preriy much the same whether they are witiiin city limits or within the County's unincorporated UGA. Conflicts tend to emerge from things development regulations do not address. 7"hey appear in areas where subdivision patterns from one ncighborbood to the next do not match, even tbough zoning standards may be quite similar. They appear where seNver service is unavailable, requiring lots to be larae enough to accommodate private sepric systems ref;ardless of zaning lot size standards. They appear Nvhere development occurs in different eras, where market demand cbanges over time, resulting, in architecfural or technological shifts. And the}r appear in processes the jurisdiction use to consider land use actions. Joint Planning Agrceencnt Paee 17 of 17 C6T'i( OF SPOKANE WALL.Ev . . ' Request €or Councbl Actio-n . Meerting Daie: February 5, 2008 . Ccgy Man3gEC Sign-ori: 1&.ert1: Chpck 3ll that appty: ❑ consent D Old bUs1nRS5 ~ new business ❑ public hearing El information 17 admin. reporF ❑ pending Iagi513T.ion t".GENDA 9Y_M YfTLE: Joins Plannin.g Area Update GOVERN(NG LECESLAfION: RCVJ 36.70A, Spokane Cou nty Wide Plan;►ing Policies. PRt1/EOUS COU'HG[L ACTlON TaKtN: Sse belaw - BACKCROUND: (AEI idanafac9 axFribit,s are av-aElable ior your review with Yie Cify clerk.) i. On Augus4 10, 2005 the JoFrvt Plann iing Suhccrmmittee of tne GMA Steering Committ-ee of EEected OfficiaIs discussed stm-ps necessa.ry to craata jo€nt p4artning agreertzeRts. . Minutas of that rneeting Gre attached as Ezhibit A. 2. On September flv", 200S the Cftty of Spak3ne VaIfey provided a Qroptrsed Joint PI3nning Agreemant fo t.h.he SpmEcane Caunfiy Commis: ioners. A eapy of that agreement and the cQtnmissianer"s resposise is attached as ezhdbit B. - 3. On September 29, 200-0 this agreement was d¢sc-ussed at th-3 Joint CitylCourrcil , ' lTi(ertEng at tne Spokane Valley Counci! Chambefs. S~ attacnad Matice of Specdal MAeting attached as Exihibit C. 4. B etinreen ttris ds8w and early 2D06 tfip Cety ared County cXch1Rged Versions of this ,bmint PIanniRg Ag.reEritent. What began as a specifc yant p1anning agreement v,rith respact to the TurtleCrzek area evolved 4Rfo a disc!ssSi041 CoftCEzPR6[P9 a t£Pl'tpI3t3' to b' used bY tihe County for ail 6nter -jurisdpctionaf jaiRt olanning agreemertEs• . S. On Janupry 18, 2006, th.e GMA Steering CommittQe approved a Motian Recommending Joint Ptaetning For ExESting Urtan Growth Areas, a coRy of wh6ch is wttachmd as Exhibit D. G: On February 08, 206, -the CBt-y of Sryakans VaIGsy provic9ecf the Gh4A Stsering Comm,qttze membzrs wfth copi-as of a draft Joint Pfan~ting Aa~re°~~ent prop~c~sed to be 3dopted as a~ct~+p6ate. i f~is agreemer~t ~ras f.o be diseussec9 3t tFre GMA Steerir►g Cotr+miitne meeting mn Fetrruafy 16, 2006. (See e-Fnail fcom Spo•Kar?e Coun-ty to the GMA Steering Comtriittee, attacned as Exhibi# E.) 7. On Msy 17, 2006, the City of Spakzne VaEley sent at ih-3 Pzquest of fhm- County, an additional copy of the joirt4 p1anning agreement ryravideci to tFre GMA Stearirtg Gommittea. (Ser e-mai6 attaEhed as Exhibit F.) . S. On June 28, 2006 tha CMA SgeePliig COET1trBEttee- COt4sDderec9 a joent plannieug agreemeRi to be used as a templaYe. By this trme the docF.amenf Ine[~~l~dec9 changes Suggested by baf.fi Spakc~oe Cour~ty ae~d ¢i~e CQt/ of S~-I~ane. (See minutes at~chai as ExI~E~Ft G.) - 9. The GMiA St°eflng COmCTtltt2e discussed the jDint planrtdng ag,reement ternp13te Gt bdth . i?s SeptemiseP and Octaber meetings. Rossible charvges wera'prosented and discwssed. No action was taken. 10. On Octa-ber 16, 2006 Spokzne Gounty cir`uiatad a ravesed cQpy of the yoint pBanning agreement to aRl m.embers of the GMA SteePif1g CcrmmEttee ior consbc9eration an . NQVember 95, 2006 (See minutes af CllfiA Steering Committee attached as =xhibit FU). . 1l. On Noverrtber 95, 20D6, the GMA Steering Commiitee corvtinued go d6scuss the ag~reernent. No a,ctiian was taken. (See m+inubes of GMA Steering Cornrniff-ee attachecD as Exhibit I). • 12. In htoveEnbec mf 2006 the juristfictians df Spakane Countj►, the Gity af SpokenR.e, the C9ty afr Spok3ne Va['ley, the Clty Of LlE)2fty IaE:L' 3F4CJ t{18 CGiy bf Airw3y HJe9gFFt.S P2ceivec9 a EOIlaE98Pctive grant frain'CftD to revieta devetmpnent regu6atiar~s used. bn the ur6an grotwth areds ancf municipaBities li1 SpElkaR2 COLlItty. 43. On Decerttber 20, 2006, th? GPJIA Steeri.ng Gomrsittee maveci to accept the praposed Joint Plartn-ing Agreement as a tempi3be. Ti he motion passed 8t0 3with Cornmgssianer MieEke, CommES:Eaner Richard and Mayor Pc`•.erson voting ag.ainst. The'minutes of this meet[ng ?re aEtach2d 3s Exhlb6t J; the tempGate agreement is attached as Exhibit K). - 14. On May 29th, .2007 the resuib ' oY the CTED grant were presented at a LuRChean meeting sponsored by CTED. (A copy af those rwsutEs Is attached as Exhibet L). 15. On July 23, 2047, at a joEnt meeting between the Clty Of SpOkana da[Uey City Cmunc61 ant9 Spok3na Covntyr Comrnlssianers, the mes# recent version af the CiencoseJMoran Prairi-e JPA was c9iscussed as a hasis for futnre agreerraeni+.s twith the Cify df Spokane ValEey. (Ti he CouRYy prapDsal and Fninutes af thos mwetitrg are attaches3 as Exhib6t M.) The Ci#y responaled with sevaral coarr,ments. (Thess commznts are as szt farth in the E- onail to .Darnes Ervacio a.ached as EzhiEaft N.) - 16. On July 31st, 2D07 we twere acfvised that the Cdt-vmissEonArs wauFcf cansider the City's cammertts in co€ajunc:ian with fhe6r considaraton mf th-3 JaiRt Pbannirog Agreement being negatiated with the City af Spokane far the Gienrosr area.( See e-m3i1 frtrm Jamas Emac6o, attacfred as Exhpbit Q). 17. O~t Se~pter►tber '@3, 2007, Spok-nz Cour~ty ssnt car~sRor~der~ee anc9 a prapasaeB ~ agreement to the City af SpQkaeoe and Citjr.a-f Strokane Valley regardtng Glerurose/Mofan. (See attached Exhitvit P). 18. - On Ocbmber 19, 2407 tnsn Maydr Withite se-rit aletFer . to the Carnmlssioners requesting th?t aBl UGA's adjacarrt to the City of Spokane VaEley be identinod as Joint Plann6ng Aceas. (This Eetter is attacfted as Ex-hibit Q). 1g. iDn t~ovember 27, 2007, Spolcane County Comrniss6oners schadufad ciiscussion 6f the Mayoes request. Mo action was taEcen at the meatirrg. The Cilty did advise the Cout►ty that tvey wouId provide an upcfiated vers6an of the Turtlacreak JPA for CouR;y cort3ider3tion by the end of the yeaf. 20. On Dececreber 4, 2007, the Cornmissianars considere,d the cocr9rr9ent.s of the Citjr of . Spok3rae coRCerning the GEenrase/Moran Praude agreemen4. No acieon was taken. 21. On E3zcember 24, 2047 the City af Saokane and Spofcane Gounty agraed on the Glenrose JPA. . 22. On January 4, 200.9, Yhe City oT Spokane Wal!°Y prov6ded SDokane Gounty with u revised versian af the TueJecrrek .lDA. A cop•y a•Y "tha4 agraem*nt is Gch-ad as Exnt it R) OPTIONS: councbl dErection . . RECOMMENDED RCTi GON OR MOffdN: NA . 3UmCET/FIWQNCIAL IMPACfS: STAFF COMSACT: Mike Connelly, City Attomey • ATi TACHViENTS: N/A (See City Clerk for copies of identi~ied exhibits.) . , AbotW-SpokaneTransit ~ - Spokanm TnnsicAuthonq ii a Washinjtnn Snte Munlupal Corporauon wluxlrt authontr up co rtine-tenchs of one percent iales uxi use cax with voccr approvat. The ~a ~~~~~s r~n ad e• curn!nt ta~c is six-tnntfis of onu pcrccnt-three-tenths approved in 198 1 and three- tenths approved In 2M, It u leried wYthin thn PublkTransporcatlon BenencArea whkh encompasses twa-thards af 5pokane County. Tho 2004 tax tunseLs in 2009 ui-Jess ieauthorired br romrs. ~ramanca The 8oard ojDUeaurz a corrprised o(ek-cterl off'irinh of Spnkane Cauriry and dK aua wnJim :he PIAA A➢ rrKeings arr apen m ohe pubAc arud are hdcl the dWd Tirrsdor o(erery month (except ~ AupusQ at 3:30 p.m at dhe Spdcane Gq CouncJ ChamDers, Spokanc Ciry 1-tak 808Wkst Spakane (/Y J~M IU I f~aih Auu~evtttd The Board emjilo~ d~e CINef F~lWG►~e 0~►~tr. . irJ~ L r .UOO,DOQ Iixpd rixito ir.!u, Y l0 368.100 ~w to hour~. 618biahpt~~~ ~ P~k ond STA operates three moda o( VmtsparGaNon: 8us, PorpUnruit ondYbnpoat hood f1W"Rdtk;1 ' ExPnnd d SrA operntes I52 brses, 67 Puruva►ait ror+s ond 91 Vwipool yducla. . d nqi ~ ft SIA~operotrs40~bus rmutes. Gnrent amure daiy ridmhip is 35.905. ~ ~tMe pl~ts, @YIBIdCC~~ ~ ~ *rn iGdrrship is :pdt crenlr amung men and womm and the mojorJtp o( rrdcrs uro Getwren 19 a~ I~eme d aoaete b ow nw. and 34 yeurs ald Wdership cortsists o('4b% rmplored, 33% swdents. 1 IX unMnplorcd and 10% Y~ roturd or Ironmnaker. ha1 ar~ ~Us"augh e*Ae such as perio& Iovm Parutnzi1t~pSgi1lcs Appravrr►ntdr 1, 750 riEks arr provided eoch doy w+th o ycrnry towl or mae tlron 500,000. Rnughy huflo(Porauoiwt serwcrs oro prvnded by STA emplorres ond M►e othcr hdjunder conuact with FirstTrarnr4 (ormerly laidraw. MaapsQLSPRCWU Contmuten made 166.96b trlvs in 2007 uslnr STA-prwl~kd vans. As o result, M~e number of • Results delivered sn#*-occuponq vehicae cammutar tript in the Spokanr aen aon reducrd br an arrragr o(100 urps Per dW STit emplors 528 penonnef. Upon requesL aharruwe forraa ot thk doasnenc wiQ be produceJ $or paaple wuh d"bicjes. Plsue o132S-6094 orTTY (509) 232-6555 or e-mwl smilbanic@spokanetransttcom ftned an recyded poper Cp 77 , . _ i i ,i i t i ~ r - 1,~:li?!~:~~.t:~~; ~ ~ • _ - GOAL• Provide tailorcc{ service to three GOAL: Irxrease ndership by 5% to ne,ghbarlwods 7.9M bus rides Official Ballot Langwge: Ld Two new routes were ueatcd n 2005 (ar Tho Spokane TransicAuthorttr Board o( Directors approved a propasidon seektng thc ISX mcrcma ut Lus nda; travel (rom North Spakane to Spakune 94 miUlon bus ndes juorldccl in 2007 YoClcr. rtwknie ki 194,863 ndes in 2007 conunuatbn ol tbe exisunE iales and uso m autAaritr prrvbuSFy apProvPd 1y voccrs in Ed Prorided rtwrr di►ect service (u MedicUl 2004• Thls propatition authorites Spokane Transu Authoriqr w continue dia copecwn GOAL• Incrnse bus service by S9G Lnke to ot[ummodcitn shift umes nj mapu oi uE) ta three-cendu o( one pertent satcs and use [ax to ptaserva the reglon's pubhc CrnpJoyNS, rrsuEtmP m norxl~r douhJe c! ie vanspor ta~ion systnlti, all as [ifOYlf~CII in RcsoluUOn Nu. G33-UE3 Shoukl this proEwsiuon br 15X w~crease (rwn 20~05-Z007 ridership in d►e firs[ year o(sarvx r GOAL• Build Sauth Hdl Parfc & R,de Loc GOAL: Provide ailured servkc Lo LIIe Appruved: Rejected: 16 Curnpkted on tmie nnd under b+xlgrt Valley and West Platns STA remains funded at its current STA Safes untl u;e ttjx reveiiuc GOAL• Escablish ac lease Ewo college ar Jnr,eflsed frryuenuy und more dhKc seMce IeveL 7hrS (unding preserves but servlce, is reduced iry SO percent Thrs cui neighborhoad pus programs eo; SpokaneYuNc7:Mi,uwood, SpvAaraeWiNry naratransit service (or peopfe wrth wuuld resuft in o 45-50 percent MaN wtJVaNey Trortsd Center. NJden1►i¢ daabilides and the comrrwter vanpoot decreose in bus servicr. The uniir,g ur,(l Id Swdrnt Pass prugmi laund►ed inlorniwY u,veusrd 85•7'% progmm. le (unds an ongo+ng caprtal specifc routes tu be reduced would 2006 shavs u 17.7% inaease rcar-ta-date ~ New routc was ~tsrt,fr.hed ro serve tJbcrty @d Inuoduced thc Spokanc Counry Emplvyee tUke, SpakoneValley MuN. Mirubew, Pbrk program W replote buses and vans, be determined by the STA Board of Poss PrverQrrr and Rnie lnt and d►c Plaia ond includes technology thot makes Directors but could mclude a reductror) 1d Recan(lured service to (he nodrsaial paic the System eaSy w use_ it prarides rn weckday erernng serace, mmimal GOAL• Improre downtown Spokane N, Auwoy tfeights shuttle service in colhborauan vn opportunlq (or our communrty to 5aturdoy service and ttie ef+m►notion of wich neighborfiood srakeholders GOAL: Increase zccountab►liq througfi explorc cfioices, r((undcng nAows, for Sundoy and Holiduy semce.The totol etforu such as periodlc cown Pfltential hnprorements such as n number of routes could be recluced Id SoulltsrclelMedreaf SJtuuk Iwnched in Scptember 1004; RJderst,fp DCIwCMI IOOS tw1l and/«' tclev►sed meeunga downtawn circufotor, odditional Irybrid from 40 to 21. It aho mQy not be m,d 2007 IrwrQSect Lr 41X ~ veh+cles vnd exponded cammuter poss►We tn annunue special service (uo ~Oif`~"c~ ~01"" ~°p ~`~'g` sernce. rnmmuniry evenes such as Blooms~oy. GOAL EnhancP esse of access to our ~d co tdewsed• e~ng .,TA boani services wich milabte cochnologr "'eet"'p Hoop(est and VoHeyfest Curnnt copital id Cur►ducted armuul RkJcr. PtrrnwnsiL lkmpoot projects mor be cuncelled to re(lect a L'd Repfocrd dd (areboxes an e»iire (leet ond f~np~oree anJ CommwutJ~ Percrption surreys signifcuntly reduted levef n(service. udded Srnort Carcls D FUbfkshel serrntern Per(wmoncr meawrrs (,cryoffs o(STA pcrsonnef would ocrur. 'LI Implementrd onNno Tiip Planmer or+ STA ttiat vodc our IcYtl c►rcffordsurtess in Pprucrvnsrt service wuuld tm mduted. webslte anrl oueort►atcci tcJcNhone response meeUrrg tw~Yered gools systern (cN enhanred astamu service id Ectatdrsl►e0 a Citrten Advtsory Committre thut mee[s rePularly tu provtde counxf W Urr BooW STA, l1MMbt:llioan Ava. Spolcam1NA 49201 • 50-325.6000 • www,spoicanea'anvccnm ~ . - • - Update to Spokane Valley City Council Update on Spokane Transit ~W2&12M How a great city moves. 1 Presentation Overview • STA Basics ~ • 2004 Sales Tax Vote & the Message r--T- ~ • Results: 2004 - 2007 • The Future - Transit 2020 - Sales Tax Reauthorizatio =s,moe How a qreat city moves. STA Basics STA is a Washington State Muniapal Corporatan with taxing authority up to 0.9% sales tax with vMer approval. Currentty 0.696 sovename. Eleqed oflbAls d the aAlss and tounty wiVun the Pubic Traneportation Beneflt Area SacYpe Area: Publlc Trsnsportatlon BeneAt Area = Two-tAirda of Spokene County (149 sq. mlles) TTree Produel Lfrns (Modea ot SaMoe): Foaed Rou[e Bus Swvlcs, Paratransit and Vanpool 4Ey6 employed, 33% studentt. 11% not employod and 10% rotireA or homemaker FIM Soecffics: 152 buses, 67 parabanait vam and 91 vanpool vehidea Roulle 40 fl~ nGuOlnp nsw Nortn Express) ErnQlovee Irftnnedon: 528 empbyees yAIAMOCIS How a great city moves. 2 2004: A Vote of Confidence With Expectations • Increase Ridership • Promote Openness, Transparency " and Engagement with Community • Practice Fiscal Responsibility ~.3rtstiom How a great dty moves. Exceeded Expectations Goal: Increase Rldership 596 by end of 2008 2004 - 2007 Actual: 25%+ • Opened South Hill Park 8 Ride • Created Southside/Medicsl Shuttle • Provided MorB Frequertt Service • • Better Connedivity 1o Key Popula6on 8 Employment Centers . . • Created Specific Routes for Commuters How a great city moves. 3 Promote Openness, Transparency and Engagement with Community • Televised 8oard Meetings • Establfshed Ckizen Advisory Cflmmittee • Board b Financial Workshops for Public Input • Estabfished Blue Rlbbon Panel to Review ~ ~ - and Recommend Compensation and ~ Benefit Poficles . • IrnRed independent CPA to review, evaluate, and make recommendations on STA financial planning • Invited a Peer Review; Presented results at board meeting; Imp{cmented Actfon Plan to address rocommendations ~ yzsrica How a great clty moves. Accomplishments • Instalbd wireless Intemet ssrvics on six 60-foot articulabed buses and seven 40-foot busas; • Inatalled automated fare collection mechinss (faro boxes) fleet-wide; now offsr Smart Cards, 2-hour passes, & Oay Pasaea. Ticket Vending Machines avallable soon; • Acquired three Hybrids (dieseUelectric buses); oost savings, improved envlronmenX six more on order for 2008 • Online Trip Planning (www.suokanetransitcom) ~ MM°°° How a great city moves. 4 Accaimplishments * UPgrsding Security at a11 STA facilities wilh GCN; * CorTkinue reirofitting cxf diesel emissions systerns; • AeceleraUng flM rePlacemerd schedu1e to retire buses 18 years old wilh more than $00k mileS; • Initiated 'Smart Bus' Technplm ProJect; an board cameras. A1IL. au#o passenger counters, avto stop announcemenks, Wi-Fi (corrqplete 2OD9- 2010). Rtceived Federal }lppropriation, 3Mbr2M How a great city moves, Foster Community Par#nerships - First Night - BlOOntsday • Artf65t + Noopfesl • SpCkal1e RIYBT CIBanUp PTP ~ • Valle}rfest + /kntlqueS Roadshow - 2007 Nakional Figure Skabng Champ~anships N7&2= Haw a greak C+ky move5, 5 Practice Fiscal Responsibili#y Spokane Transit operates the most cost effective an~ efficient urban Transit System on IJIPashington State. Sourw= Tha 2W6 Washingtan Stafe Surr,mary vl F'uMC Tmnsportafiorr MIsMare. How a great city rn4ves, ~ Cost Efficlency - _ ~ Bus C[}STlR.EVENUE f3OUR ■ e.ixaxB 13 2,"; ~I I F., E6-0i6 ~ ~ f1~4-Oa _ ' _ . ' _ _ _ . i-r.4 1 ' E'rFA~tr $104_44se Sf4~P ' 88.B~I'~i yM.lyq . . _ _ . . . _ ' ' . ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . ' ' I Sn+ou . _ . , {fe~n.] 'Swa~lr{I wlkl 1~w~ [V.~r~wry . OWEIZIS''E: Cpro"n apKiCIn CUF# peF hlllP OTYGTS'ICFtn 9$9L Of [tu Qf swewidd UIbioLud ,tvwkpc Other Sgutcm Md Urbeu=d akvei'A6e edjusted 3*r6 f0r 2007 8e 2008 5-;1l dat9 2OMFrqxmcd Sud$* Hvw a 4reat clty moves. ~ Cost Efficiency Parstranait COST/REVFNUE HOUR s~noarl____--_ $76.55'--.- - - ssnao ; ~ - - I s~u.oe 1 aa.oo . ft0.m - - - - - - - - I f10.~0 - - - - - - - - _ L~' M~ - L I fQ/D srw ura.nima eierce 7vamr cewnwmkr Kft Coumtr cr... Avsqp (71k7oso) TnmY Motro (Yascou►er) i (L*e1e11Q OBJECTIY C: Cantrols operalial easb rv hoor of Mnlp N 94% or kfs d ataeewWe Urtiaeise0 Avaspe • 0t6c SystQa~ and tJiE=Emd Averye adjualed 3%srL fv 2007 a 2(q6 STA dra is ZOOE Prapossd Budve[ ❑ 1129r2oa How a great city moves. Spokane Transit GSI COMPARABLB COIHMUNTI7LS Ar1D BUS 7RAVSTf COMPARABLES ceseper POprbtleN Squan Mlln Serv{a 9ows Pwa~pe+s ServioeHosir 1Moblk, AL 317,605 211 96,771 935,266 $5434 x.wgh, NC IvNC1 341,327 320 54,766 1,169,855 s63:2 Rddgh. NC (CA') 3I1,527 320 165,17E 3,937.310 T3 44 Towa, AZ 720,425 291 545,079 17,366,429 f77 47 Colondo Sprie4s. CO 166,122 197 210,931 3,310.803 L2264 Renq NV 303,669 119 279,935 1,730.397 f116.95 5pokaay R'A 387,6M 143 402.S.f.) 8.IOR.i7i StT.N M.duk VYl 329.533 l11 363,547 12,034,468 f96.14 ReracTnull(7'ecom) TSI,MS 414 f694L6 I4,391,720 S114.79 Albpucqoe..KM 191.191 224 211.134 8,573,517 $105.49 Salt I.iks Ciq, UT i11,650 231 E87.019 21.598,392 S IOS 99 Slaeerlde Urbee Avtnp $I1467 Torthod, OR 003.136 474 1.900.146 65,931,5II $112.117 CTRAN (Clark Ca■■q- vamsmvar) 335.50 132 27Q637 S,4If,e1i s113S1 SaMs,RA I,tl3,M 9S4 2.967.01 102,II3.938 S129.42 (',ommosadqr TnaY (Sw6omiirh Cwlt) W,650 231 554705 10.157,228 5139.2.1 BoYe. ID (&d aa report m Nariood Tnnit Uaubue) cRen sTA•. camp.neb rrwe s}waiu in w.ru.em. staon M4aqvwiabin mke d'ract conpwwr dlfiaY. In gammd~ • STA haapes aod Caw per Suvnce Har aasirom wiH aSI compaabk ekia • STA Cop rd d6stiivanm meuws Mm of dl Wu`npOn Sou L1bm SYstems Mw a Fm cq -s • Souree 04 dm - 2a061wNanW Tnmk Dr1mDpn aa0 Widiiaplm ShM DOT Suarwr d PuMYr TranqooMfiaus 7 Gordon Budke, President, Budke Consulting, PLLC ► Prudent and beneficial to taxpayers to continue using a cash-only, no-debt strategy for capital purchases ► Board should reserve 15% of annual operating expenses; continue reserving for self-insurance risk ► Distinguish between 'cash' and `reserves' ► STA should not reduce the sales tax WMAM How a 9reat clty moves. Staying True to the Mission Transit 2020 Plan • PlazaMo Plaza w~ ' OPPortunibes: Oowmtown -z. - Circulator/ Streetcar, tedmo ~av improvemeMs (real-Ome arm, i & departure iMo), more Hybr ~ buses, strategicalry located F~. & Ride lots, new routes, Ligh' ~ - Rail planning, more frequent service, etc.) yMIM How a great city moves. 8 Proposition NO. 1 Continuation of Existing Sales/Use Tax for Public Transportation Services • The Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors approved a proposition seeking the oontinuation of the existing sales and use tax authority previously approved by voters in 2004. This proposition authorized Spokane Transit Authority to continue the collection of up to three- tenths of one percent sales and use tax to preserve the region's public transportation system, all as provided in Resolution No. 633-08. Should this proposition be: Approved? Rejected? yzerma How a great ciry moves. 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that appfy: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ infortnation ~ admin. report ❑ pending legislatlon AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Amendmerit to Municipal Code to permit off-street loading spaces and apron space to be located on the street facing side of buildings located in the I-1 and I-2 Industrial zones. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On October 30°i, 2007 Thomas Merriott on behalf of Northwest Metallurgical Services Inc. attended a commercial pre-application meeting for a 19,250 square foot addition to a building used for manufacturing. The proposal included plans for iwo (2) trudc loading spaces to be located along the north side of the building which faces Eudid Avenue. Pursuant to Chapter 22.50.040 (Off-street loading) #B of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Mr. Merriott was irifoRned that truck loading spaces were not allowed on the street facing side of any building. On January 22nd, 2008 Mr. Merriott again attended a commercial pre-application meeting, this time on behalf of Kim Hotstart, a manufacturing business proposing a 44,000 square foot addition to their building located at 5724 E. Alki. Again, the proposal indicated trudc loading spaces facing the public street. Again staff discussed with Mr. Merriot the requirements of Chapter 22.50.040 as well as the zoning code amendment process. On February 14, 2008 Mr. Merriott applied for a code amendment to allow the plaoement of t►udc toading spaoes on the street faang sides of buildings located in the I-1 and I-2 Industrial zones as provided for under Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150. This amendment will be presented to the Planning Commission on March 27, 2008. Their recommendation will be presented verbally. OPT10N3: Proceed as proposed, or as modfied; or direct staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council Consensus to bring this forward for an ordinance first reading at the next Council meeting. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen - Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Draft 22.50.040; Copy March 27, 2008 Request for Planning Commission Action 22.50.0419 [lff-street foading. A. Every building or part thereof erected oa occupied for retail business, ser~ice, manufsctur- ing, storage, warehausing, hoteUmatel, industrial or at'iy other use similsrly inrrolving the receipt ar distribution by vehicles or ma#eTnals nr merchandise shall provide a'id mainWn nn the same premises loading space, in accoa°danc~ ~ith the follo°wing requirements; 1. OfF stva loading spaces sha11 rneasure ass follows: I. & VVbeil 4De Sp3Ce YS T'eCJl1F1"ed, 1t 511al1 F]7e&SLIf~ 12 f6a iNidEa 30 fmt long annd 15 fed-,t b igh (if a dock). 2. b, When mro or rnore spaces are required, they sha11 me2►swe 12 feet wide, 60 feet lcmg and 15 feet high (ifa dock). 1 i,cssading facilixies locatad on the sade of a building Nit not facing a street shall be sot back from the front property line a msnimurrn distance of 64 feet. 2 Driveways, aisIes and maneuver'mg ireas shall te designed to acexommodat.e t,he 1argest vehicles that would rrormally Yae expected to use those particular drivevvays, ;aisles and maneuveriug areas. lhe turnfng radius sha11 be a minirnum csf 30 feet and #he dfivewsy a.isles shall be a minimum of 24 feet, 1 Whenever possible, tite, site should be ciesigned fnr counteruloK;kws'se ciroulation of large trvclcs as left turns and 1eft-hand baeking tnaneuvers are easyer and safer since t?7o- driver's positicsrt is on tfie left band ofthe vehicle. 2 All parking, loading and m.ar,euuering o#`trucks shall be conducted on private proPertY- 3 Re.quired passenger vehicle Frarking shall not be allowed withir the truck dncl~ apron 5pace. 4 The miszirnum number of ofF sheet loading "ces shawn on tlae follo-Aring, table are reyuired. B. Screening of Off-Street I_onciing Areas. 1 Off-street losding spaces and apron space shal) not be located on the street side of ~ any building in rommrrcia) or rc;ideritial rancs. In those in.stances whcre three or more sides of the building face dedicated streets, loading spaces and aprnn space shall bz locatad at the rear or side of the building and screened from view of the abutting streets for a minimum of 35 feet in accordance writh the pro-w-isians of SVMC 222.70.030(I); Ln the [ndustrial zones off streei loading snaces and apmn Uace mav tc lcNated on the 4-treet side o#'buildincs aroviding thut thcy are screentd firom view of the abuttine stn:et: ?~(-)r a minimum nf a5 feet in ucrnrdance with the rrovisians of CVMC 22.74_030(]i_ 2 No loading dock or service bay doors sha11 be eonstructed on any portion of a tront wall or on a side or mar wall within 60 fert of any front pruperty line or adjarcnt tu the street. (Qrd. 07-0 l5 § 4, 2007). 22.50.050 THbic 22 ;0-7 - Losding Spsccy Requjred UxJCross Sc{nvnc t'cei Kt-quirrcf Ee►diag tipsccs Ipdustl-ial, ma.uuiaciurin rrboltWc, vxrrbunsc, -,imilar.psr_s ~f~,l~(il) 40.001 - 60,0w 5q1181L" fOC1 Z "Ce5 60,001 - 100,000 square fcec 3 spaces (7~;r I00.0i1t? syuiirc irrt ~ 1 thercot ~oieYpa) K" tls6-uryults =0,000 - 60.000 ;auare r«c I ,pacc 60,001 - 100,000 square feet 2 spaccs mer 100,000 sc{uarc fcrt 1 space for cach 50.000 squarc fec:t or part there-of flasFitsis, convalesr.eaVnnrsing bomet and siinlar bntitition; 11i,~10i1 - :Il,l?i;fif :;;uare te::t I 44,000 - 100,000 square feet 2 spaccs «ver 100,000 square teet 1 space for cach 50,000 squsro foct ur part thcreof CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March 27, 2008 - ~ Item: Check all that appiy: ❑ cansent ❑ old business Z new businass El public hearing ❑ tnfoRnation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session and Public Heanng to amend Spokane Valley Municipat Code by pennitiing off-street loading spaces and apron space to be located on the street facing side of buildings located in the I-1 and I-2 Industrial zones. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220. PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTION: None. BACKGROUND: On October 30'`', 2007 Thomas Mernatt on behalf of Northwest Metallurgical Services Inc. attended a commercial pre-application meeting for a 19,250 square foot addition to a building used for manufacturing. The proposal included plans for two (2) truck loading spaces to be located along the north side of the building which fac8s Euclid Avenue. Pursuant to Chapter 22.50.040 (Off-street loadfng) #8 of the City of Spokane VaHey Municipal Code, Mr. Merriott was infoRned that tnuck loading spaces were not allowed on the sVeet facing side of any building. On January 22"0, 2008 Mr. Merriott again attended a commercial pre-application meeting, this time on behalf of Kim Hotstart, a manufactunng business proposing a 44,000 square foot addition to their building located at 5724 E. Alki. Again, the proposal indicated truck taading spaces facing ihe public street. Again staff discussed with Mr. Merriot the requirements of Chapter 22.50.040 as well as the zoning code amendment process. On February 14, 2048 Mr. Merciott applied for a code amendment to allow the placement of Vuck loading spacas on the street fac+ng sides of buildings located in the I-1 and I-2 Industrial zones as provided for under Spokane Valley Municipal Cade Section 17.80.150. Analysis: Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 17.80.150(6) provides approval cnteria that amendments of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code must meet. Those uitena include: 1. The proposed amendment(s) are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; and 2 The proposed amendment(s) bear a substantial relation to the pub(ic health, safeiy, welfare and protection of the environment Staff Comment: The Comprehensive Ptan provide envisions a future that would provide for a diverse array of business and residential areas throughout the city. Preventing industrial development from placing truck {oading spaces on street facing sides of buildings forces businesses to locate on Iarger parcels whete maneuvering is possible thereby limiting the number of these rypes of businesses the city's Indusfial areas can accommodate. For many existing businesses, this provision limits any expansion to their buildings at all, and, because so many of the existing industrial businesses already have street facing truck loading spaces, this provision places new development at a great disattvaMage. Lastly, regufations such as this that limit large scale cleliveries and vehicles in commercial and residential zones are beneficial. However, when placed on industnal development, where large deliveries and delivery vehicles are common, this regufation is too restrictive. II ytgcndapacl:ct (I-:-0 I-uR,Sta_: H.cPOn loililin~,lur, Joc ~ The f roposal, ollowin9 Goals in the ComPrehensive P{an suAPort the P ~ LUG-10 Provide for the development of well-planned industriai areas and ensure the long- teRn holding of appropriate land in parcel sizes adequate to allow for future development as industr+al uses. LUG-11 A variety of strategicaity tocated heavy industnal areas should be designated and protected ftom conflicting land uses. LUP-11.3 Provide appropnate buffering, landscaping and other development standards for indusVial areas. LUG-12 Designate and protect a variety of strategicaly focated light industry areas. EDG-1 Encourage diverse and mutually supporthre business development and the expansion and retention of existing twsfnesses within the City far the purpose af emphasizing economic vitatity, stability and sustainabifity. EDG-2 Encourage redevelopment of commerciaUndusVial properties within the City. The proposal of permitting street facing truck loading spaces in the industrial zones within the city with conditions requiring landscape butfering, bear a relation to the public health, salety and welfare by providing large scale industrial businesses with practical space to tocate and expand within the city. RECOMMENDATION. Staff's opinion is that the interim Spakane Valley Municipal Code amendmertt meet the above noted criteria and recommend tiiat the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and forvvand a recommendation to amend the Munfapal Code by peRnitting street faang truck Ioading spaces, screened from view of the abutting streets for minimum of 35 fest fn accordance with the provisions of SVMC 22.70.030 (I). in the I-1 and I-2 industrial zones to the City Council. STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen-Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: A. Applfcation for Spokane Valley Muniapal Code Amendment dated February 14, 2008 B. Strike tfirough/underifne copy of applicable Spokane Valley Municipal Code sections. - attached ii .agenu'.:tpacket 0d4I I-Ot+',Staff Repoct Eo¢dmg dorr,; dn: CITY OF SPQKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action : Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~C] new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft Memorandum of Understanding 2008 Sewer Paveback Program GOVERNING LEGISLATION: . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2008 Budget, which includes funds for full-width street paving associated with Spokane County's 2006 Sewer Construction Program; Informational Memo in Council's March 15, 2008 packets. BACKGROUND: Spokane County's 2008 Septic Tank Elimination Program includes five projects vAthin the City of Spokane Valley: Rockwell/Summerfield Sanitary Sewer Project Phase I This project will install an 18° to 21" sewer main between Sullivan Road and Evergreen Road in the Rockwell and Summerfield Sewer Basins. The project is scheduled to begin in April. Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Project This basin includes the area north of Trent Avenue and south of Wellesley Avenue between Calvin Road to the west and Sullivan Road to fhe east. The project is scheduled to begin in May. Summerfield Sanitary Sewer Project This basin includes the area north of Trent Avenue and south of Wabash Avenue between Avalon Road to the west and Adams Road to the east. The project is scheduled to begin in May. Sutters Sanitary Sewer Project This basin includes the area north of 16`h Avenue and south of 81h Avenue between Evergreen Road to the west and Progress Road to the east. The project is scheduled to begin in May. . White Birch Sanitary Sewer Project This basin includes the area north of 5"Avenue and south of Interstate 90 between Sullivan Road to the west and Flora Road to the east. The project is scheduled to begin . in May. Paveback costs which determine the city's cost to provide full-width paving and drainage improvements for the three sewer basin are summarized below: , , . City of Spokane Valley Share 2008 Estimated Road & Drainage Improvement Costs Estimated 'o.• Estimated D .g- IIL Projects • • - - Costs Improvement Costs , Estimated Total Costs $900,000 $200,000 -The City also applied for CDBG funds and was successful in obtaining a preliminary - recommendation in the amount of $195,410 to assist with full-width paving costs associated with the Rockwell project. Final approval of the CDBG funds is not expected until April. As was done last year, Spokane County will bid some of these projects with an alternate bid schedule; one schedule with trenching and asphalt patching, another schedule with full-width paving. The difference in bids between these two schedules reflects the City's costs. This approach allows us to take advantage of credits that Spokane County would typically pay for on a trench/patch project. These credits include pavement sawcutting, crack sealing, and pavement surface sealing. Attached is a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the City of Spokane Valley's reimbursement to the county for our share of the paving and drainage costs. This draft MOU is based on the same MOU approved by Council for last year's sewer program. ' OPTIONS: 1) Authorize staff to move forward with finalizing this MOU with Spokane County, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus that staff move forward with finalizing the 2008 Sewer Construction MOU with Spokane County as outlined, and advance to the next regular Council meeting to place on the consent agenda, a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute the final agreement. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The 2008 Street Capital Projects Fund includes $1,100,000 for the 2008 STEP projects. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, Senior Engineer - Capital Improvement Program Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft 2008 Sewer Construction Program MOU DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding Behveen the City af Spokane Vallcy and Spokane County Pavemcut Replacemcnt Cost Sharing aud Drainagc improvement Cnsts For the 20118 Sewcr Constructian Probram • Vlrl-1EREAS the City of Spokanc Valley (the CI7'Y) and Spokane County (the COUNTI) desire to work collaboratively to construct portions of the COUINTY's 2008 Sewer Construction Program together with CITY naving and drainage improvement projects; and wiaF"~R.ras it►e ctI`Y desire,s that the roads impactecl by the construction of sewers in the 2008 Sewer Constr-uctioo Program be reconstructed to the full preconstruction wicith for an irnproved roadway surface; and NVHER-EAS the CiTY also desires that pavement replacement work be extericled in some areas beyroncf the lirnit~ of sewer construction; ancl • WHEREAS the CIT1' alsn desires tlaat certain drainage improvements be consCructed in areas ihat will be impacCed by the COUNTY's 2008 Sewer Construction Program; wici "A"F-T.FREAS the costs of such full width repaving, additional length of road recanstruction, and miscellancous drainage improvements are not funded by the CpUNTY's Sewer Constructinn Progwain, `i ancl said costs will nceci to be paid by the CITY; and NVI-EREAS the 2008 Sewer Construction Program includes theRocl.-vclUSummerfield Phase T, Sumrnerfield; Rocktivell, Sutters and Whitc Birch Sewer Projects within the Iimits of the C.TTY, as identified in the CO[.TNI'1 Y's adoptcd Six-Year Sewer Capita) Impeovement Prngram 2007-2012. NIOW THEREEORE, the CITY and the COi1NrTY do hereby abree as follows: 1. 1'rior to the bicl of each project, the COUiNTY sttall provide the CITY with a set of project platis, togct:her with cost estirnates indicating the e:ctent of paverncnt removal and replacement to be paid for by the COINTY a„s a part of the sewer project. The CiTY shall review the plans and esCimate; Luid sh111 advise'the COUNT'Y regarding the extent to which the CI'1'Y desires to add pavernen[' removal and replacemettt, as well as tlie spccifc drainage improvements that the C1"I'Y ivould like to make in conjunction with the praject. 2. The COUNTY 5ha11 prepare bid documents that include the additional work that is requested by the CITY. The GTTY may rcquest that the COUNTY include a Dase Bid Schedulc and an Alternate Bid Schedule in the bid documents to allow for a more accurate determination of the true cost impact of tlie additiona( work requestetl by the CITY. 3. After the bids for aproject a.re opened, the COLNTY shall prepare the bid tabulation and provicle a copy to the CITY on the day of lhe bid, tvgether with a calculation oFthe CITX's esfimated share of the project cost based upon the unit prices submitted by the low bidder. If the C[TX then decides to proceed with the tlesired improvements, the CITY shall provide awritten notice to the COiTNi'CY within three ' clays of the receipt of the bicl tabulation. - - a Memortndum of Unclerstanding Pavement Replacement Gost Sharing l'age 1 of 2 4. The CiTY's ma:cimum cnst for the five projects shall not exceed $1,100,000.00 without written authorization by the CITY. The COL7iVTY shall not proceed with aray work that would increase the CiTY's cost to an amount grester tharl the total amotmt authorized. The estimated CITY cos[s are presented in Table I below. The CITY and dhe COLlNTY recogni7e thae this estimated total cost is for planninn purposes, and that die actual amount will be based upon final quantities and actual centract prices. 5. If the CITY subsequently elects to make additions to the scope nf the project, the CITY shall reyuesC such additional work in writing. A corresponding adjustment shall then bc made to the CI1 Y's share of the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantitics and lhe associnted contract bid prices. Por work items requested by die CITY that are not covered by the contract bid prices, t}ie COWi TY shall prepare a change order t~or the CTTY's review and acceptance prior to work items being constnicted. 6. Upon substantial completion of each prdject, the COUNTY wil) send an initial invoice to the CITY for the CITY's portion of the cost of roadway and drainage imprnvements. Upon execution of the final pay estimate with the eont:raetor, the COLTN"I"Y shall prepare and senci a fnal invoice for any additiorial amounts payable by the CTTY. TABLF l. City nf Spokane Valley Share 2008 Estimated Road & Arainage Improvcment Costs Estimstcd Estimated llrainagc Road Irnprovement Costs 2008 Pro'ects Im rovement Costs Estimatcd Total Costs S 9UU,000 $ ZOO,UUU SPOICANE COUNTY: BY: Date: N. Bruce Rawls, County Utilities Director CITY qF $PQK,ANT; VALLEY: BY: Date: David Mercier, City Manager Memorandum of Understanding Pavement Replacement Cost Sharine Page 2 of 2 ' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ Consent ❑ Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Information 9 Admin. Report❑ Pending Legislatian AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2008 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None. BACKGROUND: The Growth Management Act (GMA) allows local jurisdictions to update comprehensive plans no more than once a year. The City codified this process in the uniform development code (UDC) in Section 17.80.140. The City received 8 privately initiated comprehensive plan amendment applications prior to the November 1, 2007 deadline. All 8 requests are related to amendments of the comprehensive plan map. In addition to the privately initiated amendments city staff identified text amendments to a number comprehensive plan chapters including Chapter 1- Introduction; Chapter 2- Land Use; Chapter 3- Transportation; Chapter 5- Housing; Chapter 7- Economic Development; Chapter 8- Natural Environment; and Chapter 9- Parks, Recreation and the Arts. The majority of the text amendments are to update data in tables within these chapters or to correct errors discovered in the Plan. Staff has prepared and issued the required threshold determinations in compliance with the . State Environmental Policy Act. A Planning Commission study session is scheduled for April 24th followed by a public hearing at the May 8th Commission meeting. OPTIONS: N/A . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Meeting Date: April 1, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: . Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information 0 admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Webcasting ! Televising Council Meetings GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Council has expressed interest in Webcasting / Televising council meetings. The franchise agreement needs to be in place with Comcast so that hardware and a dedicated channel are available for city use at little cost to the city. Staff has gathered preliminary information on several options. Additional information can be gathered if council will select an option to pursue. OPTIONS: 1.) Direct staff to gather additional information on one of the options presented in the attached memo; or 2.) Wait a year until the Comcast agreement is signed, then look again at webcasting ! televising meetings. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Costs might range from. $6,000 to $100,000 per year depending on the option selected. STAFF CONTACT: Information Technology Specialist Bing ! l lnteroffice Memo Date: 3/19/2008 To: Ken Thompson Cc: . Fr+om: Greg Bingaman RE: Broadcasting of Cfluncil Meetings , After my initial research, I've come up with 3 options for Broadcasting live city council meetings and !or Planning Commission meetings. At this time we do not have a signed agreement with Comcast Cable Television; all options assume that the City of Spokane Valley will have its own N channel with Comcast and that there are no minimum programming time requirements. Options 1 would also allow up to 10 people to view the live presentation via the web. At this time I believe that IT staff could provide 6 hours of staff time to record/produce meetings. Staffing requirements are only estimates at this time and largely unknown until a prefeRed option is identified by council and a more detailed analysis can be done. Any special or additional meetings would • require additional staff time, not provided by IT Staff. Once a preferred option is selected, staff will provide more information at a future study session. Option 1: Live broadcasting of Council meetings (3 hours / week); live broadcasting of Planning Commission meebngs (3 hours / week) with this option we would only be showing the live meetings and recording them, there would be . scheduled replaying of the meetings. No pre or post production work. This means a total of 6 hours of programming per week; 3 hours on Tuesday evenings and 3 hours on Thursday evens. If a meeting in not being broadcast the TV channel would be blank. ftem Cost Description Sony Anycast Station $20,000 audiolvideo switcher and mixer Sony BRC3000 Cameras $13,000 Video Camera , Sony Camera Controller 51,500 Controller for Camera's mavements ELMO document Camera $3,500 Overhead Projector 2D and 3D objects Contingency S10.000 Total $48,000 Costs covered by Comcast Franchise Agreement:: $48,000 ' Costs to City: staff time Option 2: Live broadcasting of Council meetings (3 hours / week) and live broadcasting of Planning Commission meetings (3 hours / ~veek) with 2 hours total of pre and post production programming and providing pre-recorded ~ programming from the rest of the time on the City of Spokane Valley's channel. This option allowrs for scheduled replaying of ineetings, bulletin board announcements and any additional content that would be provided and could be played on a dvd or vcr. This means we would broadcast the council meetings live on Tuesday's and the Planning Commission . meebngs live on Thursday's and provide some type of additional programming during the day_ The amount of , programming provided could be from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm or whatever schedule fits the need, provided we have: content to show. Below is an example of a typical days programming for Spokane's channel 5. As you can see ' 4 hours a day is coverage of the regional traffic cameras, we could do s4mething similar and there are pre- recorded programs that we can get to help fill the schedule. Exampte ot Grenwus system. httD:l/woodirnille.aranicus comN+ewPublisher.uho?view id=2 City of Woodinvl5e. WA Program In(ormakion Today on Cty Cabie 5 6c00 AM -SSiQlmne Commuttr Traffic Catrvvf a's 9:00 AM - ARMY Newswahdh 430 AH - NAS.1: pesUnatbn Tomtcm 10A0 JW - Yax CIty wl~ Mavor MarY Vern;! 14-30 AM - SQgkane Inslaht 1L-00 AM - leatslath+e Ubdatt 1130 AM - FbU Housln0 k1 &okarrs 12:00 PM -Ab4ut he e(tt► TV 400 PM - SoaiOrc Cammuttr Traffic Camera's 6090 PM - Cltr Cmx! Mee6n9 RePlaY ttem Cost DescNotion Sony Anycast Station $20,000 audlo/video switcher and mixer Sony BRC3000 Cameras $13,000 Vbdeo Camere Sony Camera Contraller $1,500 Contruiler for Camera's movements ELMO document Camera $3,5D0 Overhead Prajector 2D and 3D objects Contingency $10,000 Nexus video system control{er $7,500 automated recorder and pfayback Granicus web streaming 8 $40.000 untimited web str8am9ng 8 Pod casting Pod Casting (not covered by Franchise) Total $95,500 Costs covered by Comcast Franchlse Agreement:: $55,000 Costs to Ciry, S40,000 and Staff time Optlon 3: GovN Managed Servtce for live broadcasting and live intemet broacicasting of Council meetings (3 hours ! week) and Planning Cammtssion meetings (3 hours 1 week), also cxeates a searchabte intemet video archive ot mee6ngs up to 12 manths. The hosted intemet archive ks up to 60 meet+ngs per year with an sverage length oi 3 hours. Each meeting is professionaily produced by a person crew in a remote location All equipment is provided by tfie GovN service. This service rzquires a 48 month contract. Example of GovTV service. httnIJeaqy.4caav camIportal/s*delocoQvlmenuilem 60dd148ab86dc8d8ba092f59900016a01?vQnextoid=2e8ae8Q 93e05411 pVAnVCM1040040100007fRCRDBvanextfmt=detault Orange Counry, CA ttem Cost Descriatlon Start-up Service $24,750 One-time expense Per Meeting / Gov TV 542.896lyear trased on 56 meet:ngs (includes all hardware Managed service and software and labor), MontiUy Web-hosUng $12.000 lyear unlimited streams Total $ 79,64& first year cost Cost to City S 54.856 Annual cost nK.ai.-r ADVt1NCE AGENDA Fur Planning Discussion Purposcs Unty as of Mnrch 26, 2008; 4:30 p.m. I'lease note this is a work in pmgress; items are tentaeivc 'l-o: Cuuncil & Sta1f From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule Cac Upc;oming Council Meetings ,tiuturday, .9pri! S, 2008: Afay+or's IlaJl, M'irabeau Park Hote! Apri18, 2008. Regnlar MeetinP. 6:00 p.m. [due datc Monda3•, MArrh 311 .1 ir Qhality Awureness fJ'eek Proclcrmution 1. PUBLIC FtEARING: STA Funding lssuc 124 minUtcs] 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Interopcrability Funding Issue [20 minutes ] 3. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes, MOU2008SeH?er Pavebock; Re.soluNonAppraving ' EIS Stand S1i11 Agreemenl [5 minutes] 1. Sccond Reading Ordinance 08-405 Stormwater Ordinancc - Jahn Hohman/Gloria Mantz [10 minutes] 5. Sccomd Rcadin Ordinnnco 08-006 acnendin Interim Ordinance 07-025 - Gre MeCormick [ 10 minutes 6, FirA _ [I t) now 7. Moxion Cansideratian: Strtet Maintenencc Funding - Mayor Munson [ 10 minutes] 8. Rtotiun Consideration: Letter af Intent - Mike Connelly ~ 15 minutes] 9. Admin Report: T13D Intetlocal Agreement - Cury Driskcll [15 minutes] 10. Admin Report: Cable Franchise Updnte - Cary Driskell [15 minutes] [•estimatcd mceting: 120 minntes] ' :1nri1 15. 2008. Studv Session 6:00 n.m. [duc date Monday, April 71 l. Commute'1'rip Reduction (CTR) tJpdnte - Morgan koudelka (15 minutes) 2. Budgec Amcndnicnt far 2008 Eiudget - Ken Thompson (15 minutes) 3. Customer Service Improvemeat Pisns/Permit Process (CDD) - Greg McCannick, lohn Hohman, Mary Kate Mertin (20 minutes) 4. City Hali Pmject Status Report -Neil Kersten (15 minuies) J. Animal Control Ordinance Discussion - Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 6. Stormwatcr UtiliUes - Cary Driskell (15 roinutcs) 7. Stmct Maintcnance Funding - Mayor Munson (1 Q minutes) 8. Manufaciw+od Housing - Kathy McClung (10 minutes) 9. Advnnre Afienda, Council Check-In, Cit}, Ntanvgcr Chcr,k-in (10 minutes) ~ TOTAL MIMJTF:S: 130 mInutes .1pril 22, 2008, Regular MeMine. 6:00 a.m. [due date Monday, April 141 1. PUBLIC HF.ARING: Froposed Amended 2008 7TP [10 minutes] 2. PUBI.IC HEEARLNG: Proposed Amended 2008 Budget [10 minutesJ 3. Consent Agrnda: Clnims, Payroll, Minutcs [5 minutes] 4. Second lteading Ordinance 08-007 Amending UDC. Loading Doors - Greg McCormick [10 minutes] 5. First Re•,ading Ordinance 08-00$ Amending 2008 Budgct - Kea Thompsun [ 10 minutes] 7. Motion Considcretion: STA Ballot (ssue: Deliberation/Docision [no public comment] [5 minutes] 8. Motion Consideration: Interoperability Ballot Issue: I3eliberation/Decision (no public cammentJ[S minutes] 9. Spregue and Applcway Camdars Subarea Plan - Scott Kuhta [60 minutes] 10. Info Only: Department Reports; Ihaft Rcs(flutinn Arefl Wide Rezanc ['estimnted ineeHng: 125 minatcsJ U;illt Adrnnce !Uendu 3126!2008 3:3 2:4 3 Y11A Nave loi ? April 29. 2008. Studv Scssion 6:b0 n.m. (dne date iNionday, Apri1211 I_ Ac;cident Statistics Along Broedway - Neil Kcrsten (15 minutes) Mirabeau Parkway Spoeci Limits/'Craffiic Control Devices - Steve Worley/Inga Note (20 minutcs) 3. Affardxble 1-lousing - Councilmcmber Taylor, ct al (20 minutes j 4. Advanee Abenda, Council Check-In, City Manager Chuck-in (10 minutes) 5. Info Only: Greenacres Statisiics - Knthy McClung 'I'OTAL MINUTES: minutes Niav 6, 2008, Stadv Session 6:00 p-m. [due dxte !1londay, April 281 1. Comp 1'lan Schedule - Kachy McClung (20 minutes) 2. Propcuecl 2009 TIP - Stevc W'orley (20 minuies ) 3. Customer Service Improvement Plans/Permit Prncess (CII' of PV1) - Steve Worley fNeil Kersten (20 minutes ) 4. Advance Agenda. Council Check-ln, City Mannger Check-in (10 minutrs) TO"fAL MINUTGS: minutrs Mav 13 20{)8, Reeular Meetine, 6:00 n.m. [due date Monday, tilay SJ 1. Canscnt Agenda: Claims, Minutes, PuyroU [5 minute}J 2. Second Reading Ordinancc Amending 2408 Budget - Ken Thompson (5 minutes I 3. First Rcading Ordinance Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan - Scott Kuhta [20 minutcs] 1 Re,olutiori :1mendini_' 70(18 TI1' - Stc~.r Wi,r!<< (1~1 minutesl Motic~n C4;nsi+Jer.16-1n I'inr~. Slun;liel'.1 C,.~nu.dccAwl:rd :itcv e \tirlc~- [S niinutM L'. Morloil G'.il+iti}i.f-itinrl- E{:irk-ef Kn7d E'•ridvze.I2i.1 rlv.ard - Sttv< «`orlry (5 111inuteti.j oi ~-iFC) i'IIil!1L t. "Ii1C{"ill_ Sb. Are.a W'ide Rezone (1!IX. Lot 5'vx) Luuncil Uiscussion [60 minutes] [*evtimated meeting: 180 minntev Mav 20, 2408. Studv Session 6:00 p.m. (due date Mooday, May 121 1. AdvAttce Agendn, Counci) Chec;k-In, Citv Manflizer Chec.k-in {I O minutes) MAV 27. 2008. l2egular McetinL, 6:00 n.m. idue date Monday, May 191 1. FUBLIC RFARING: 2009 TQ' Consent Agrnda: Claims, Paymll, Minutzs [5 millutes] ('estimated meeiing: minutcsi Junc 3, 2008, Stud% tiessinn 6:011 p.m. (due date Tuc.d:iy-, I41a}• 271 I. CAortip Plan Amendments Discussion Greg 41cCurmick 130 minutesJ :1clv;unce Agenda. Coimcil Check-!n, City Nlanager Chcck-in 110 mintitr5l .lune 10. ?OQ$, Rc,_,ular lleetinLt 6:00 p.m. iduc date \londay, June 21 l. Cansont Agenda: Claims, f'ayroll,141inutes [S minute,J 2. Second Reading Proposed Sprague and Appieway Curridars Subarea Plan - Scott Kuhta [20 minutes] i. First Reading Proposed ()rdinance ,lmrnding Cc,mp Pinn - Greg!NcCormick (I5 minute5) 3 Urttft Advance Aqrncta 7I:?C,.~'Ul~t3 4 32.13 PN1 f a_c 2 ut'3 SAtardav„luae 14: 9 a.m. to approx 3 n.m. Council/Staffltetreat (due date Mooday. June 21 Deputy Mayor nencnny's C'abin le:nlutrre TrTics: 5horcline %9aster Program; 2000 C: ouncil Gnals June 17. 2048: No Nteeting or Studv Semion (June ! 7- 20, AW(' Annual Confere.nce - Yalcima) .Tune 24, 2008, Rceular Mectine. 6:00 p.m. (due date Mondsy,.inue 171 1. Consent Agenda Claims, Payroll, Ntinutes [5 minutes] Second Reading Proposed Ordinnnce Amending Comp Plan - Greg McCormick [20 minutes] 3. Proposed Resolution Adopting 2009-2014 TIP- Steve Worlcy [15 minutcs) •1. Motion Considcration: Sales Purchase A ent - Micc Connell /Scott Kuhta 15 minutes [+esNmnted meeting. minutes] <1TIii'R i'f.:N l) lti(. A NI)iOR J MtNG L5S[J EETINGS: .~l uousi 1~ ~'~amvr~E~ec Not--emner 4 Gencraf c1cclA Afl"ordabfe Nousing Prescntntion Airpott Overtay 2one (Sept) City Ccnttr Roport to Council Codo CortpGance Amendments (UUC ) Comp Plan tlmend-Quartcrly Update ( 1uly, ()ct. 1an. Apnl) Comp Plan Updnte/UGA/1PA i:ast Gataway Manument Sweture Graffiti Updatc lmpact Ftc Requcst Central Valicy School Uistrict IT Specinlist Classification Rasoludon Lnw Entorcement Contruct I.ibnuy Boani Presentation - Mt~ce Wirt, zutid HoarJ Ctuiir Ann Appcrsan M.C Meeting Nov I t - IS, Orlando, Flarida Northcast Housing Solutions City hfcmbership nverweight/uver sim vehicte ordinancr ['ineslMansfiold Contract Ak•erd - Steve Warley (htay) Strategic Financial Plan (July 2008) 5trect MasterPlan Adoption 5treet Design Standerds (August, 2008) rrnnsportniion Impacts Usc :'lgrermcnt (C'ar,y Driskell) I3ocs not include timc fnr public ronunents.] Dnft Advancc Agtnc:a 3i2cv2008 4:32:4i f'h! Pugt 3M 3