2008, 03-25 Regular Meeting / ; ~ ~ ~ AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY CULiNCi-L REGULAR MEF7'ING Conacil Atccting #134 Tnesday, MLreh 25, 2008 6:00 p.m. Spoicane Vailcy City Nall Council Chambers 11707 E Spraguc Avcnuc Cuunrii Reqnests PEease Silence Your Ccl1 Phones During Conacll Mccting CAI_L'1'c) O[t[)ER: INVOCA'TION: Pastor IIill Umpku, (Irrcnacres C'hri5tian Frlluw4hip Church PLEDCE UF ~i.LFGIANCE: NOLI.. CAi.L: 4PPROVAI.OF AGLNI)A: INTRODl1C'TION OF SPECiAL GUESTS AND PItFSENTATIUNS: COh1741-I1'1TE. AOARD, LIAISON S11NiNiARY RE PORTS: MAYOR'S REPORT: Proclamutton: "Our Ki& (hv 13usinFSS Month " PI.Bi.IC C.OMMEMI'S: This is an opportunity fnr thc publk w spcsk un aay subjcct aot on thc agenda for action (iteais 2 thmugfi G betow have sepm-ate publir comment opportuoitits). Whcyou cornc to thc pudium, plaasc stale your namc and addres.s far thc rcxcxd and limit rcmarks to three minutcs. 1. CUN«1+FI' AGENDA: ConsiSts of items cunsidctccl rauiinc wluch arc approvcd ns a gvup. A Councilmcmber mny rcmovz an item tmm dia Canscnt Agcncia w bc considcrcd sCparately. a Approval of Paymll for Pny Pcriod Ending Murch 5, 2008: $284,470.31 b. Approval Qf Payroll far Pay Pcriod Ending March 15, 2008: S?05,727.90 c. Approval uf Minutcs of Fc6runry 19.2008 Special Joint Council Planning C:om►nission Slceting d. Approval of titinutes af Fcbrunry ?b. 2008 Rcgular Council Metttng c. Approval of Minutes of Mgrc;h 4, 2008 Cauncil StucJy Se3sibn Meeting f. Approval of Resolution A!i-Cias Setting PIunninK t'nmmission Street Vacation Public Hctsring N F,VV BUSIri E.S.S: 2. first Reading Praposed Ordiriaiicc 08-003 Amcnding Sunshine Frant:hise - Cary Drisi:ell [pnbtic cammcnt] 3. First Reading Proposed Chdinancx 08-004 Amending w'aste Manageinent F'rsncbise - Cary Ihiskell (PubUc rommcntl 4. Cir.st Reading Proposcd Ordinenr.c 08-005 Stormwater Otdintince -lohn Hc,hmanrGloria Mantz (pabtic rnmrneat) i. First Rcading ProE►osed Ordinance 08-006 Amending [nterim Ordinancr 07-02i GR;'0cC;onttic;k (pnblk commeat] 6. MUtiai Considerntion: Punhnndling Ad Hoc Committee - Mike Jacl:son (pnhlic comment) C'nuncil Agc.nda 03•2:-08 Rcgulur ktating Fa?~: 1 ti 2 PL!BLIC COl►1]11EN'TS This is an uppQttunity for ihC pub}ic tt> spr.J, un :my titibjcct ni,t ~in thr agenda far actiCn (item.s, 2 through 6 above hAVC srpurate public catnment apportunities). «'hen you cocnc to the podium, pleasr stnte your nnme and address fot thc record and limit rcmarks to thrcc minute5. ADMTNISTRATIVE REPORTS: 7. Strcct Uti[ity - 5poknnr Cuuncilmci7it:t r AI Frnch 8. Legislntivc Issuas - Dsve Mcmicr 9. Finance Conunitter Ftindine (lptinns Rcrrrt - 4fayc?r Munsori iNFOR1tilAT1UN ONLY: 10. Trntinporinlion Improvctnettt Plan 2003 Arn4ndn;rnt 1ltnin 11. 2048 Scwcr Pavcback Prugram 12. Figurz 51►nting for 1'eur 2010 13. Dcgnrtmcnt Repc)rts F:.IFCUTfVti SF:SSIUN: I'ending l..icif;a~ion AD,101.TRNMENT FtITURE SCIIL'AL1. T_ Regu/ur Couaci! Afeetings ure;;rnerJ!!f• hr1J ?nd aur(! ,f'h Tuesclqrs, bcginnitrg nl b:OU p.m. ('nu►tci! S'turlr• Se.csinn.c angcncrally held 1", ;'j rind .S!/r Tuesdnvs. bt•glnning N 6:00 p.m NOI ILE: lOiSli'IQ4dfj `\il7liTllllly' l0 altCRl~ l:}: IIl_Ciil:~ H'ilU (C:~LLi7C tij?GClII~ .C.1:ti:~il~C lU ~~~ulF7iiluliSlC ~~1~; ;:.J~, ltC:lfl:~~, U[ il{31:' I I imy+aimaits, plarx comact thc City Clcrk ot (509) 921-10(lQ as saan Qg passi6Ec sn dtat arrangrmrnu may tx mada Sp~o~a~ne Va.l.ley , ~xocr~.n~~.tto~ . Our Xids: Our Business WontFi City of Spokane VaCCey, Washington N%HEKCAS, 1;very cltilcl r1EServes lo be car-ed for in a.saf2 Cl)1LT Y11tY1I1Y1y1g eYJl-iroiznrent; antl WHCR.FA.S, Chilcl ubaise is a communiry problena. urtd tive all lran-e ti re5pon.SllJllily us corrirnirn.ify mernbn.rs to srrpport orre another and keep chilclren s.nfe fron7 liurm; and {f'KFREAS, Freventiorr effoi•ts lvithin our conrmuniry range fi•ont helping families gain ' accesc to rieedecl resources, to lyroviding c6lildren tivith szrpporl !o succeed irr school and life; and TVNEREAS; Gfjeciive C:jilICl C1h11SG' p)'eV6YlIlUfJ programs .rzrcceed because af partnerships crecrted behveen all sectors of Fhe camrrturtity: social ser+jice agencie.r, schaols, religious and C1v1C UI'gC1111ZC11.IOYPS; IfIW enforcement agerrcies, bil51YP2.S.S2s, und 1he nredical community,- rlnd WHE IU AS, Irt oirr regiora, those seGtvrs ure evorking lvKether with the Spokesnran-Review, the .Inlancler, KHQ, A'.I.'.T t; KR1;M and KSPS television in a cull ta action to pr-otect and iti.rrtarr•e children culled "Our Kids: Ocrr 13usine.ss" and spoj7sorin; . events io be deiailed in a culendar puhlished daily iri tlie Spokesman-Review and their lajebsite iv~~~tiv.snr~de.imart~'e>>ieia~,cr.~irr/~~isrkids. . A'OFT ; THEREFO.R_E, .I, .Richard 1Vurz;•on, Mc'rvar of 11ze Crty of Spokane Valley, on behalf of the Spokune Ilalley City Cotincil and tlte cilizens of tl•re C'ity oj S'pokane Valley, tlo herehy proclaim the montlr of April, ZOOa, tu • ' O«rKids: Our Business tYloritli and 1 ertcourage all ci1i:.errs ao pa.riicipate in zlae effort to prevenl clzil.cl ctbr.tse aratl neglect bectruse together we can cr•e.cite u safe commacnity ►vhere all c.lraldren trncl families thrive. , Dated this 25th dal~o(Murch, 2008. ~i~ . . 40 i , ~ ichm•d A9 r~son ' i f 1Wayor ".e t . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Requestfar Council Actian ~ Meetirrg Date: 03-25-08 City Manager Sign-oi#; Item: Check aRl #hat apply: [E consent ❑ old business Ll nevr bus€ness ❑ public hearing ❑ infarrn2tion ❑ admin_ report ❑ pending legislakion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : . . Payrall far Period Ending March 5, 2008 ~`,Q1IERNING LEC',ISLATION: PFtE1110US COUNCIL. ACTIOh! FAKEN: BACKGROIJ N D: - 'f~13 OPTIONS: ~ I i i RECQiYiiYEPdDED ACTEQN OF2 iVCDTION: • . BUDGETlFtNANCIAL lMPACTS; Gross; $ 182,495,78 BenefiLs: $ 101.974.53 TOTAL PAYROLL: $284f470,31 . STAFF CONTACT' Raba Nimri . A7TACHhrlENTS - ' I ~ I i . i ~ . ~ . I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: 03-25-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: (D consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report El pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending March 15, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: : RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 180,405.66 Benefits: $ 25.322.24 ' TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 205,727.90 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS , ' . DRAFT MI~ITIITES City of Spokanc Vallcy Special Joint N-iceting/Stucly Session Spol:anc Valley City CouuciUSpokane Valley Planning Commission . 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, T+'ebruxry 1_9, 2008 Attertdmrce: Councilmcmbers StF►ff Planning Commissioners R.ich Munson Mayar 17ave Nfercier, City Manager Jan fZobertson, Chair llick Denenny Deputy Mayor Scott Kuhta, fylanning Manager Nlarria Sands Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Comm Dev l7ir Gail Kogle Rose Dempsey Councilmember K.cn T7iompson, Ei.nance Director Craig Eggelston Steve "Caylor, Cauncilmember Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Fred Beaulac Uiana 1Vilhite, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engi.necr John Ciu-roll Gary Schimmels, Couneilmembcr Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Arl: Sharpe Micki Harnois, Associate I'lanner Taeanna Gi•iffith, Aclministrative Assistant Chris Bainbricige, Ciry Clerk Others in attenclance: Michael i'eeedman of Freedman, Tuno & ]3ottomley Troy Kuss nf Glacting Jackson Consultwts Approaimately SO citi-r.ens in attendsnce _ ^ Deputy Mayor Denenny called the meeting to order, explained that Mayor Munson should be ttrrivinb late, welcomed everyonc to the meeting, and asked that Councilmembers and Planning Cornmissipners inlrocluce thcroselves. Deputy Mayor Dcnenny int,bduced Senior Planner Scott Kuhta. Mr. KuhUi esplained that he is the projcct manager for this prnject, and that tonighYs meering is really a contitiuation from last fall's meeting wlierein Michael Freedmitn, of'Freedman, "Cung & Bottamley, tavc an orientation on the draft sub-area plan and covered Books I artd 1I of the Ylan. Mr. Kuhta said tonight's discussion will focus on Book 111 of.the Plan, and he introduced Michael Frcedrnan, and Glatting Jacl:son Consultant '1'roy Russ. • Mr. Freeclmrin gave a few introductory remiirks About last November's orienutCian sessioiis re?arding the public review drafts, said that ihis is a three-phase process wil'h phase hwo organized aroumd a series of foeus ;Toups and community workshnps, which lead to key inputs to recommenclations of this draft plan; that the ticxt phase wil I be the formal public Liearuigs; but that tonight's goal is to coutinue the orientation to a very dctailed plan, and he urged Couneilmembers wid Commissioners to feel frec to alert Mr. Frcedroan of any desired chdnges or eoneerns now so the issues can be addressed prior to the public hearing process. 14r. Preedman read the Ylwi's purpose as stated in the draft plan, and said thal tonight's focus is not on the City Centcr but on the transportation neC improvements; and he then turned the presentalion ovcr to Troy Russ of Glatting Jackson. In going through the Power.Point presentation, Mr, 17uss explained that trFUisportation is an important element oP the Plan as it enables cities to make choices, that last March they gave an update an the data that was available at the time, but the Regional Transportation Model has now been updated. N1r. Russ explained that the framework of transportation choices includes the element of what it is tve want to acliieve; and to determine that we must deterrnine how transportation affects the choices to rnake l on this corridor; that we need to tU.irtk of klie transportation system as clefming what properties can becnme anct not becomc, and to consider how transportaeion relates to land use. He explained that since Joint CounciUPlanning Commission Meetinn 02-19-08 Page 1 of 4 Approvcd by Council: DRAFT the early 1900's, engineers have told us to move cars as if nodiing else matters, and make more pavement and wider roads; that slreet size is based on demand, but we never quita met that demand, as changes in transportation induce.traffc changes; that roads were widened to reduce cost Eind delay, but when that delay is eeduced, people rationalize that they can now travel further to shop and live further mvay from schools, and then that triggers retail changes as ,vell, and that this has resulted over the last fifty years in vehiele miles of travel growi.ng faster t:han the populalion itself, and we see longer commutes and decreased transit ridership, so the process failed. 14e also explained that all this change affects people's health, as kids don't walk or ride their bikes to school as they live further away from the schools, and when health is af'fected, insurance premiums are affected. Mr. R.uss said we need some altzrnate strategies. VIr. ltuss said there isn't a single mode nf attack and that the automobile ancl more pavement cloesn'l mean more eflieiency. He explained that the object is to movc pcople not cars, to try to improve the quality of the trip and inaybe get people to live closer to where they work. He said that cities generally manage the problem by having more cannection s[reets which gives more citizens more choices; ancl that having three two-lane streets carry traffic more efficiently then onc six-lane highway as we lose efficiency when wc go lar;er than three lanes; that nyo lwo-lanes carry morc than a f.our-lane; that speed also matters, and going faster than 30-35 lends to result in more room betNveen cars thereby allnwing less cars on thc roadway; and that higher speeds are also not compatible with pedestrians and bikes. In their analysis, he explained that they found that only a very small percentage (4%) of all trips on t:he SpragueJAppleway Corridor are from people pa..ssing through (end to eiid on the corridor); and that all the rest of the travelers are local. Mr. Russ said that if trips are 96% local, that changes the land use concept pcrspective; that we want lower travel specds , open acccss to properties and good connectivity. Mr. Russ in c:cplaining trip purnose, said that 70% of all trips occur with.in three milas of an individual's home; that when we create a city center, transportation challenges must be addressed; that t6ere will be a need to create a roadway that would enable a mixed use city center to strengthen businesses along the coniclor ancl eliminate the confusion of the one way and create a saFe environment for all modes of travel; that the purpose of the street is not just automobiles but pedestrians as welL He eaplained that the options before us m (1) keep what we have, (2) esCenci the one-way couplet from University east; (3) create the hybrid of a two-way system from Dishman Mica east then two-way all the way east but one way west to 1-90; and (4) cto iC all as a two-way streel:. Ivir. Russ said that the oplions have been evaluated and they recommend the two-way.system, even though the one-way is the fastest, but speed he explained, is not the utmost concern. Mr. IZuss remincied everyone that this plan is tzl:ing into zccount the projecteci traffic volumes for the year 2030. [lbtayor viunson arrived at 6:45 p.m.] iMr. Russ said that the rationale for their street configuration is.as mentioned: it strengthens businesses along the corridor, eliminates conflicts and eonfusion, keeps the desirablc lcvel of service, and establishes a clean gakeway to the City. To implement this plan, Mr. TZuss explained that there are several stages. He explained that Stitg_e One is $6 million to establish the transportation frametivork and enable the City Center which includes converting Sprague to hvo-way beriveen Argonne and University and reducing Sprague from seven to five lanes between Arootine and Utiiversity; and c4nverting Appleway to a riwo-way street frorn Iaishman-viica to University; Stage Two is $14.3 million, and to strengthen the City Center and extend the network, they recommend eYtending Appleway from University Co Evergreen, and convert Sprague to two-ways beCween University and Evergrcen; State Thrce is $6.6 rnillion to give the City Ccnter an address and invest in auto row by cooverting Sprague to rivo-way beriween Argonne and 1-90, and convertutg Appleway to two-ways from Thierman to .Dishman-Mica; Stage Four is $12.9 million t.o eYtenci the . network and coiitinue to invest in Sprague by Maving Appleway as a three-lane strcct to Sullivan, ancl reducing Sprague from seven to five lanes behween Evergreen and Sullivan; and that Staee Five is not uicluded 'ui this plan, to extend the net%,vrork and continuc to invest in Sprague; all for agrand project total • of approsimately $37 million, with appro:cimately $19 million of that usecl for Appleway and its extension. At thc conclusion ot Mr. Russ' presentation, Nir. Kuhta mentioned that the entire subarea plan Joint CounciUP]anning Commission Meeting 02-19-08 Page 2 oi'4 Approveci by Cotuicil: DR4FT - is up for review and will be the subjec:t oP an upcoming public hearing set for March 13, and that he encoura?es Council and Cornmissioners tn contact stttfF wilh questic~rls. ~~ayor Munson opened the tloor for questions and discussion. Diseussion included ]evels of service at various intersections; the one-way versus two-way options; where public/mass transit fits 'tn; and of a perceived cancern of clowng-adiog some property from commercial to residential and the mention that there are over 1,000 individual piece,s nf propert:y i.n question; and Commission Chair Robertson mentioned hc wants to ensure no properiy would be downgraded. Mayor Munson opened the floor for public comments. Uick Behm, 9405 E Sprafzue: tncntioncd that the $6 million first phase of [hc corridor bctNveen Argonne and University includes landscaping, but the said that porcion already }ias landscaping, and he questioned if the $6 million Fgure is accurate. tilr. Russ responded thac the lantlse.apinj dnesn't match the expectations that Freednian, '1"ung &Bottomley put in the plan; and diat the road will change for that section of Sprague. Carlos Landa: asked about the opporhinity for a shopping ccnter at SprAgue and I'ines; and regarcling St1ge 4gaining a blaek for redevelopmcnt at Thierman; he asked about che locations proposed. Mr. Russ said the clrawi.ng is nat to scalc and shows where the round-about Nvaulci be and where the ramp was. Mr. Landa also mentioned that the out~~ide boundaries seem to be inegular, and he asked if the plan excludes the old library building frnm the plan as he feels the old library should be in the plan; and added thaC we "killed Sprague when it went onc-way." Mr. Freedman responded that he sees no problem as for the most part peopeities in the plan are in &ont and touching Sprague, or are contiguous and would benefit from being part oF the eonidor, and there is nothing wrong in extending tfie direction all the way up to AZain if that is the direction the Commissioneis and Council wa.nt tomove. l- ~ Commissioner Sands agreed that the size and the number of parcels of t.he subarea plan needs to be kept in snme kind of eheck; and in dealing with SpraDue/Appleway Couplet and the extension, she feels it would be correcl to keep il as planned, lhat it would becorne a logical extension once implemented, but to keep it smaller io implernent_ Rustv Barnes, 9612 E Spraeuc statcd that he heard about this plan and was hopeful it would change as he feels the one-way each way is confusing and difficult to fnd buildinGs; that he lost one of his retailers and feels going two-way will help him regain full occupAncy of the building. Mayor Munsqn askcd }»w lon' it would ii fake to convert phase one to have the area two-way, and N1r. Kuhta said he would have to research that que.stion. F'hilip Rudv, 720 N Argynnc: rrientioned that the plans he studied have height limitations of 60 feet or five stories, and if that is correct, he feels that should be increased in certai.n a.reris; and he saicl if we are encpuraoing light rail, }ie prefers monoeail. Councilmember 1'aylor mentioned that it would be interesting to compare other city's height limits, and Mr. Kuhta mentioned that the newly aclnpted UDC has a city center zoning category that has regulaiions wiih unlimitcd hcight regulations, arld w}iere «<e would put dhe city center, has a maximum height of six stories. Mr. Freedman spoke to the height comment, and said that the heighl for the city center would be sic stories anci 75 Peet; but it Capers clown to Appleway; and for neiohborhood centers l.ike at Pines and Sprague, the height limit is four floors and 53 feet; and. that 11e recornmends the Commissioners and Council consider that we have miles and miles and mile5 oPproperty to eover with neNv invesemeiri; ancl a very tall building in one spot «rould pull in more, but lhe area can only supply so much net new retail per year; and placing a high-rise in the city center would absorb the first couple of years of market; that there is a need to balance the type of investment that the marhet will likely invest in, and he doesn't think the Joint Council/Plannin; Gnmmission vleeting 02-19-08 Page 3 oC4 Approved Uy Cotmcil: DRAFT • market will invest in six stories; but would in three scories; and ihat we need to be careful not to create any k'►nd of incentive for a onc-of- a type invGStment. . Richard Bryant, Sout1i Valley: said he agrees with llr. Rudy on the height requirement; and saicl thcre is no place to stay on Sprague; no major hotel ehain; but if we could raise that height limit, it might entice a major hotel with a parking garage. . Thcrc was also discussion on the importance of the library bond with Mr. Freecfman erplaining that as you visit snme city centers, somc fecl real and some don't; but none feel like strips; and when you add a civic building into a city centee it changes from a shapping center to ageneral public purpose ancl looks like the heart of towm, and said that he believes the library is erucial to support the city center. Dick Bchm on behalf of Spokane ValleY Business Association: said there is a lot of distrust in goverritnent and he mentioned some of the history about paving Sprague Avenue and the widening of . lanes by the Caunty which took his business and property under condemnation; and then later that they didn't w<-uit those lanes and wantetl to reduce it back and wanted to give the property back, but at that point he couldn't do anything with it; he said dhat about fifly people lost their life savings anti went out ofi business; and he mentionetl how small businesses support ibc city atid community act:ivities and we need Co make sure we have credibility and will follow through to make it good. Prior to closing 2he meeting, Mayor Mwison reminded everyone nf the E1pri1 S Mayor's Ball. Therc being no fiirther business, Mayor Munson adjourned lhe mecting at 7:35 p.m. ATTrST: Richard iVlunson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Joint CounciUPlanning Commission Nieeting 02-19-03 P3oe 4 of 4 Approved by Couiicil: DRA-FT - M1N'UTES ' City of Spokane Vallcy City Council Regular iVTeeting Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Mayor Munson callcd the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 133rd meeting. Attendanee: Cily Stafl: Rich Miinsnn, vlaynr Dave Mercicr, City Manager iaick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ftose T)empsey, Coucicilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney ' Bill Gothmann, Councilmetnber Ken Thompsori, Financ_e Director Gary Schimmels, Councilnlember Kathy McClung, Communify Development L7ir. Diana VVilhite, Councilmember R.ick VanL,euven, Police Chief Greg Bingaman, I°1' Specialist Abseirt: Ch.ris Bainbridge, City Clei-k Steve I'aylor, Councilmember INVOCATTQN: In the absence of a paseor, Councilmember Gothmann oave the invrocatioii. PLEllGF OF ALLEGIA\xCE: 1'he auciience reciteci lhc Pledge of Allegiance. ROI-I; CALL: Cil'y Clerk 13ainbridge calletl roll; all Councilmembers were presene except Councilmember Taylor. It lvas moved by Uepuly A~layor Uenenny, secorulecl and :ntarzinratisly agreed to ~ ayCUSe Cauncilnrernber Tuylor from tonighl 's meetryrg. APPRdVr1I. OF AGEMl)A: T.t was nro►:ed by Cozarcilmenzber Got{rirrrnin, seconded rnul unurrirnotisly agreed to apprnve the Amended Agenclcr as .subntittecl. INT.RODUCT:l0N OF SPECT_4L GUES'1'S Ai PRLSENTATIbN5: Mayor Munson rcad the Suf7pOYt OfArnaeCII'pYCES cF.1er•ospuce Museum praclamation. COIVLR7:[T"1EE, RQARU, LWSONSU1VMIt1_RY REPOIZTS: Councilrnember Wilhite: reported that she heard a repoi`t pn the Detcntion Services Master 11'rogram given by County represcntatives concerni.ng alternatives to detention; she attended our City's finance committee meeting; was preseitt as MounCairl Gear was awarded a gold Icvel certification for remodeling chcir buildinc', that Senat:or Caiihvell wa.s in attendance and Ms. Wilhite and Deputy VTayor Denenny welcpmed the senatpr to Spokane Valley. Councilrnember Gothmatln: mentioned ttlat the Yrat[ School is now open for busiriess and they havre signed a cnnlract to do many things similar as what the Need and Seed committee previously did; dlat he att.encled a conferenee in "1"aeoma sponsored by the Assaciation of Washington Cities (AWC) on engaaing citizens in 3oveniment performance and he spoke about performance goals and of the neecl Io do that in all city deparl.mcnts; and he shared a"Final R.anking of the Tndicators" &om the City. of Bellev«e- Councilmember Dempsey: mentioned she attended aBoy Scouts luncheon and dic .Regional Council of Governance. Depu!y tUayor Dcrienny: stated he also atl'encled the Vlountain Gear presenCation as well as the Boy Scouts luncheon. ~Coumcilmember Sehirnmels: reportecl that he has a cliscussion with Nancy Hill concerning animal conU•ol, - and that he is pleased to hear that tttc City of Spokanc is moving forward concerning animal cantrol. Council Rs:gular Meeting: 02-26-08 Aage l of 4 Approved by Council: - DIZAFT . MAYnR'S REPOI2T: Mayor Munson reported that: he attencied the I3ny Scout breakfast; in his capacity as AWC President he met with the Governor to discuss maving fonvard witih a task force tn identify overlapping areas of responsibilities of counties, cities ancl the state; that he met with the leadcrship of the Association of Washingt:on Counties; met with our City's finance cornm.iltee, attended the Council of Governance meeting where they discussed Liberty T ake's considering using SCRAPS for their animal control coverage, discussed transportation benefit districts where he passed along our Council's concern about rnoving forward in pa.rallel with a county-Nvide effort and about the upcoming possible 1% increase to address interoperability for emergency cnmmunications, and said that the Boarcl oF County Commissioners will likely prioritize items covereci by r.his ballot issue with emergency eommunications radio as the top prioriCy PUI3.LIC COM1'f_ENTS: Mayor Munson invited public comments. Phyllis Betts. 11322 E 23`d: spoke of her conceni with the continuing graffti problem, that she is not sure if this is gang related or vandalisrn, the arcas particularly hit hard are those beriveen 16`h and 32°d, and Pines and Dishman-Mica; and that she did not see any Spokane Vallcy urdinHnce eovering this issue, but would Like to see dhis issue addressed. Grant Riee, 16620 'E Valleywav: mentioned our code 19.40.150 eoneerning animal raising and keepiiig, and said he found tliis to be very confusing; that he lives on a 30,000 square foot lot widi a]arge barn and he wantcd to review animal regulations to fnd out what he can have ancl how man}; that he contacted Community Development Dircctor McClung who asked Chris Berg to respoiid to Mr. Rice's questions, tind Mr. $erg suggested he bring this to Council ancl perhaps get an advisory committee to examine lhis, arid that he woulcl be willing tn be part of such committee as he feels the regulations should be easy to understand. ' Jim Huttenmaier. and .Teff Severs of Greater Spokane, lnc: said in response to the Mayor's letter regarding what companies they have helped to expand or retain, Mr. Huttenmaier distributed a list of those compvnies they worked with over the last few years. Mayor Munson said he also would like Greater Spokmne's letter to ask what prampts people to move here and dVlr. I-Iuttenmaier saicl Chey would get their contacts tn ask these questions. 1. COr7SENT AGENDA: Consists of items cDclsidered routine which are approved fls a group. A Councilmember may eemove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers; list dated 02-06-2008; total amount $120,006.43 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Perioct Ending rebruary 15, 200$: $210,781.21 c. Approval of Minutes of Febru:jry 12, 2008 Regular Council Meetinj d. Approval of Minutes of Resolution 08-001 for Special Anniversary Logo Use It tivas moved Coinicilineinher 6Yilhite, secortded crnd ununimously agreed to apprave the C'on.sent Agenda as presenlecl. NEW BUSINESS: 2 First Reading Proposed Ordinance 08-002 Amending LTDC for .17oQ Ketulels - Kathy McClunp- After City Clerk }3ainbridge read the ordinance title, it was movecl by Deputy 1Vfayor Denenny untl seconded to advnrtce Ordinance 08-002 to a second reading. Communit}° Development Director McClung explained that this proposal is to amend the UDC to allow ctoggie daycares and indoor kennels , in the neighborhoocl cammercial, regional commercial and carridor mi.ccd use zones; and that the applicaats are in the audiencc tonight if council ahs questions. Tn response to a question about potencial Cpuncil Regular vleeting: 02-26-08 Page 2 of4 Apnroved by CounciL• DRr1.FT noise, Director McClung explained that a condition of approval is to require soundproofing. Mayor Munspn asked if there are other esiablishrnent~s or businesses which have 24-hour coverage «~hen animals are kept overiiiglit; and Director VTcClung said she would have to resev-ch that; and Deputy Mayor Denenny addetl that if there are complaints; that would be tre,ated as a code enforcetnent issue. Mayor IVtunson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Yote by ucclaniation: Irt Fuvor: Unutrimous. Oppased: Natie. Absterrtiotrs.' dVone. Motion carried. 3 Proposed Resolution 03-042 Hwnan Resources Mana,er - Ivlike Jackson It ►vas movecl Gy Councilmeirtber Gothrnasin to appravE resolutiarr 08-002 desia ruling the h+tnnan Resources elganager classificution nt pay grade 18. Taeputy City Manager Jackson explained that staff tiad previously suggestect this position be agrade 16, but after rivn failed recrui[ment procGSSes, it was evident that the position was cla.SSified loo low, and the new class'►.fication of l R«rould be more i.n line with salary ranges st3ff researched. Iblayor Munson invited public comme.nt; no comments werc qffered. Vote by aeclnrnatian: In Fcrvor: Unanirnous. Opposed: None. AbslErrtions: Mune. eVIotivn ccrrried. 4. Mation Consideration: Poe Contract Renewal - Neil KersCen It was niovecl by Cornicilniemher YYilhite rnrd seconded to approve tlie Poe .Asphall.Paving in the amorai1 of $1,475,119 artd azithorize the City Manuger to sigr: the coi7traci. Publie Works Uirector Kersten gave a very brief overview as explained in the accompanying Request for Council Action Form, skated thar staff recommends approving the contract; and tiiat the total amount will remain the same as last year and we will absorb chose unit pricc increases, and that the $500,000 for street preservation Nvrork is include.ci in that total amount. Ivlayor Mimson invited public commcnt; no comments were offered. Vote by acclumaiiori: hr Tuvor: Uiiunimous. Opposed.' Norte. Absterrtions: Nofze. Mofion carriecl. PUBLIC COMi1JUvTS Mayor Ivtunson invited general public comments; no commenC5 were offerecf. t` J .iDNMUS.TR.ATNF REPORTS: S Governor ,4cknowledaement of Spokane Val.lc}~Anniversary - Carolbelle Brancli lleputy City Nlanager 7ackson, speakine for Cuolbelle Branch explainecl the options of the tyne of Governor acknowledgemcnt of our fifth-year anniversary. After brief discussion, there was Council consensus for staff to move forward to secure dle letter of greeti.ng From the Governor thal is to be reacl by onc of the Govcrnor's representatives at the celebration event. 6. Ad Hoc Carnmittee Charters - vlavor Mimson/f)epu , Mavor Denennv • vlayor Muns4n explained diat re;arding pnnliandling, a goal is to identify other progra.rns throughout the county thac are addressing this issue, and to find out what other cities are doing, then be~in the process of choperation in applying pragrstns; ancl ultimately have the conunittee recommencl what kind of communi[y information progra.m to institutc to help people understancl the choices in helping panhandlers; ancl to recom.mend to couiicil any oChcr actions needed to address rhis. Mayor ViunsQn suggested opening tlle committee Porrnulation process to application, then write a task for the cominittee membei•s baseci on those poir►t,s just mentioned; anci he mentinned that Spokane City Mayor Verner arid Liberty T.:ake Vlayor are amicable to this process; and that we should have at least two councilrnernUeiS ta give guidance on what we can anct cannot da. Councilmerr►bers Got.hmann and llempsey volunteered for this ijcl hoc committce. Councilmember R'ilhite mentioned she would like to see a report from Spokane ancl Liberty Lake on how they are handling this issue and what khcy, are doi.ng, for us to sce whaY has been accomplished the» decide what the charter «rould be for our committee as committec members must be aware of First A-mendment rights. Mayor Munson said he would also lil:e the failh communiCy involved in proa arn developmenl, aid that perhaps another source ot' information «rould be the Gospel vlission; adding lhat we do not want to cluplic,ate efforts, but the first step Nvould be to gadter information on what is alreacly available in the community. Vlayor Munsoii asked staff to advertise for these committee CAUncil Regular Meeting: 02-26-03 Page 3 of 4 . Apprpved by Council: nRAFr members, and of the seven total eommittee members, we have riwo councilmelllbers And Planning Commission Chair Jan Robertson has volunleered, leaving a need for four more commirtee members. _ Parl:s Coininittee: Deputy Mayor Taenenny explained that the idea is to begin with an ad hoc com.mittee and if needed later, the committee could be transfnrmed into a stancfing committee; that some of the tasks of this committee could be what to clo with the park property after the old senior center ha.s -been demolishcd; general park usagc and schedules, park amenities, fees, and what is needed for future programs and facilities; and to ask M.r. Jacksnn to begin to t'orm an outline or aeCion plan so tlae coriimittee ean get started when have a new parks director, leaving time for that new inc3ividual to acclimate to the new position. Deputy Mayor Denenny propased instructino st:aff to begin to devclop an outline to be brought back 1aCer for council approval, regarding the vision and perceivcd actians of the ad hoc nark eommittee, additig thaC seven members should be adequate and there is no apparent neecl for any councilmcmbers tn participatc. Iv1r. Jackson said stafP will formulate the outline for the coinmitcees and bring back to council to forrnalize via council motion. 7. J e~►.islarive Issucs - Taave Mercier City ManLer Tv1e_rcier spoke of the latest report from our lobbyist in. Olympia includes mention of the success of the earlier effort in getting the house's deleoation of $300,000 for the development of the Greenacres 1'ark, and that work continues on the senate side so that we might be able to enhance that amount to the oiiginal $500,000 request; but if this is aot successful, it can be pursued again at the beginning nf the next legislative session. Taeputy Mayor Denenny mentioned that this is anather e4vnplc of the irnportance of havirzg a lobbyist as there were apprnximately 4,000 bills submitted f'or consideration this session. INFQRs'V4A.1lO\° UNLY: The Universal Park Consultant Selection, and the various depariment reports . were for information only and were not reported or discussed. • . EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pending Y,itigatian It wus nroved by Deputy 111uyor Denerlrry crnr.l secorided to rnnve inla executive sescion for approximately lhirty nrimutes to discuss .pending litigation, that no action will be tUken upon rettmt to the meeting. Council adjourned iiito c:xecutive sessioii at 7:08 p.m. Mayor Munsan declared Council out of eaecutive session at 7:35 p.m. It way 1hen nto►.ed by DEputy Mayor Denenny, seconded, and unaninzoaisly ngreed to adjotirn. The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m. A'f-1'E57': fZichard Munson, M3yor Ch.risCine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meethig: 02-26-08 Page 4 of 4 Anprovad by CounciL• DR 4FI' MINUTES C[TY OF SPOKANE VALL.EY CTTY COUN('IL STLfDY SESSION Tuesday, March 4. 2008 N1a) or Munson caUcd the mect ing to order nt 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting Preseal: Councilmcmbers: Stsff: Rich Munsan, Mayor Dave Mercier, Ciry Manager Dick T)enenny. Depury Mayor Mike Jacksan. Uepury City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmemtacr Mike Connclly, City Attorncy [3ill Gothmann, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Dtvelapmertl Dir. Gary SchimmeLs, Councilrnember Neil Kersten, Public Warks Directur Steve Taylor, Councilmcmbrr Cary Driskell, Dcputy City Attomey Uiana Wilhite, Councilmcmber Rick VanL.euven, Police Chief John Hohman, Scnior Engineer Gloria Mantz, Stortnwater Engin"r Scott Kuhta, SeniaT Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Inforcnation Officer Grcg Bingaman, IT Spxialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clcrl: ACTION 1TEM ~ I. Sccond Rradin¢ 1'roposcd Ordinance 08-002 Uniform Devtlopment Code fUUCI Amendment Indo~?r lCenneis - KathyMcClung After Gity Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance tiUe, it was moved by Depus}+ Mayvr Denuury cnd seconded to approt-e ordi,rmrce 08-002 as drafted Communiry Development Diroctor McClung expfained thni the ardinancc has not changed since the first reading; that staPf wss asked to research the possibility of sdding the roquirement of staff if dic faciliry 6as avernight care of animals. h'Is. McClung said staff cantacted fivc different analogous busiaesscs, and af the five, two do not have overnight boarding and threc have overnigfit baarding, nnd of thdsc three, one doesn't have staff and the other two do. Ms. McClung also mentioned she spoke with Nancy Hill of SCRAPS who commcntcd that the animal shciter does aot hevc avcrnight staff; and that it is siaff's rooommendatian if we require this for one facility, wc should rcquire it for all; and that this is more of an animal control responsibitity than a wning isstse. Depary Mayor Deneairy said hc would tike to have feaiback later from animal cantml to addrzss any futurc develaped problem andror address this leter depending on zoning. Ms. McClung eqplninad tt►at if we get a complnint abaut noise, which is the one legitimate concern, there is a requirement that the building be soundproofed, so thai would be a code compliance issue. Mnyor Munson invitrd public cammcnt; no cammants were offered_ 1'ate !+v acclamarrnrt: In Favor: (inrntimous. Opposed: ,\`nne Ahstenrrans: None. Motio» approswd. }lI. t:lJ LA It `(A-11)1 SF:ISS1O\ 1 I-}~ `1S in. CitN. CLntrc Ftftiin F«nding (Sptinni--~Cala~M~ G-,u„_;i;i,1-;;;1?::r 1:;N Ior !h::t ~%e betn engaged in the process for srvcral year 3bout the futurc of Spokane Vallcy; thai a cammunity survey was conductcd priar to finalizing the Compnhensive Alen, where the public said there is a lack of an identifiable city center nnd that was a major issue with Spolcane Valley's identity as a new city; that there wu great support for establishing a ciiy ccnter and when asked where such city center should be located, the public chose University Cin•, tbat this is a multi-year procrss which included a eouple yenrs of pubtic commznt; that a11 that has cumulated in the Plan we see around the roam and in the halt; that wc will soon need to coordinate with nll appcopriaLC eatities like the Library District in their efl'orts to build e ntw central libmry at the City Ceuter, and wc will havc to determine «,hat type of funding is necded to enact the first pan of this rcvitali7ation plan. Stud~ ticssion Mcescniz N1inutcs 341f-(18 1 u} ~ Approved by C'ouncil_ nKA,Fr Councilmember Taylor said dwt no%v we n~~d to determine Nvhat du we necd answered, what athrr decision points need to bc maclc, and where aro wc in public education pmcess before H r dctermine where fvnding will come fmm to address improvements of Sprugue and Appicway to take care Ofthii, fir5t phase. Ucputy Mayor Denenny explained that w-e also nee,d tt) see: how the librsr)• meshes ith us; that diis will involve the potentiaf city hall facilit}• and placement; that he fecls the public is not well aw•are of what the focus groups havc alrcady done and time already involred in this devclopment; that we necd to be on a parftllel track ta examine patential funding sources including federal and state granLs; and while we arr educating the public rogarding whai we arc doing to revital'-ue this arca, wr also aeed to have the public recognize that this is a single cumponent of the re-ifevclopment of the whole srca. He said he would li}:e to have staft give us a broad gambit of aptions available, how to imptement tbasc 'rncrementally; and regarding the library band, we need to recogniTe that the librury placement in the city center will inciude needed infrnstructure, so fie would like to examinc the funds and determinc what we need to do and whcn it need: tn hc cione. [n pointink to the mars, on tlir %%all. \iayor Niunscin said that the F'lan ic a phau:d approarh, and the iirst phasc is the City Center; that the direction change is only fram Uishmun to L'niversity Ave; that there will he some funding options ather than just asking the public ta pay for it, but that Council has not decided on the plan yet: that the Plan has not been voted on nor lias a vote becn takcn on how many Ianes will hr involved in Applcway. Mayor Mutison said the rest of the phased devciopments are a long way off' vtnyar Munson said wc have to havc proof that the Ciry Ccnter is working and is u:en as a dy-namic business ccnter. He further explaincd that there has becn conversation centered around paying for phase one options and of identifying those phased funding options as w•ell; that he is not as cuncerncd about tlic rest until %vz find out thai the city eentcr is a viable dynamic business center we can call downtowri Spokane VuUey: and he sl.ated that the library is a key element of the do%vntown center. He explained that he would like to concenuatc discussion an Phase one fiinding aptions to eddress immediate needs radicr than needs that cuuld be decided latrs. Councilmembor Gothmann agced "ith N9a%or suggestions and comments, and added that this is meant ta be a twenty-year plan. Councilmembcr Taylar said that the ncxt point would be some particular action itrms and a schcdule in terms of what comes next; that we are wa.iting for delivery of the Plan and updated codcs for the subarca plan from the Planning Commissian; that during that cycle we need to think clearly of how to move forvratd in what phase and how much tfiat phnse will cost including aptions available, and to get that into publie discussion. Lacal taxation, grants, and tnx increment finaneing arc options, he explained, and %%c nccd to dctcrmine w•hich is best prior to putting the taxing options to the public for a vate. Ile sxid that wc still need a vocc frum the pzople w detennine wficther this is the direction we want to go; and he emphasizcd that we have bascd a lot of this plan on the initial reactions of the pubtic to have all identifiable Cit}• Ccnter ta establish our idc.'ntity. Ueputy Mayor Denenny said this could follow somewhat similar ta the process uscd by the STA during their discu.ssians for various light rails; that ihcy camt in with a gambit of options, and dhat aver a periud of timc as we bring in camponents oF the City center, dhnt pCI'tlap5 we could have a specific outline of ftcnding as was dunr w•ith that STA excrcise. Councilmembcr Wilhite asSced about the time frame and stated that perhaps we should move forward sooner ratfier than laner. Mayor Munson mentioned the upcoming March 13 1'lanning Commission public meeling as anoliier opportunity for public comments; that phase one will be emphasiud duting that merting, and thosr public comments will be bmught to Council as a firs-i :;tzp: th:{t flc is rmceriain Of the timing, and nccds to ask staffof thcir time estimatr. Ueputy MAyor Denenny askc(i «hal is t?eLdcd asul h,-)u long %~ill it take ta help hring the publiL up to speod as tar as presenting them the concept to explnin wliat they will be funding; that at this point thcre is anly a conceptual plan. Mayor Munsfln mentioned that key to the library is the road from the library in city center to Spraguc, and that Council will need a eommitment 45 deys from the dete the ballut is rcrtific{i; and that «e will have to arrive at some fundine options as soc-m as pos;ihle. Councilmemixr ~tu.1% i'.iL'r- 5 ~ APpiOtic~ DRAFT Wilhite expressed her desire that the library issue pass, and is hopefiil the Library will join us in talkin; - with the public about the overall City Center. Councilmember Gothmann suggested we starC ihe process no~v of cost analysis of the ininimum infrastrucnire needed for the City Cente.r, and to get a needs analysis of the intersections of University and Sprague, and Argonne and Spragiie, as wc11 havc a traffic analysis if any decision will affect traffic. Mayror Munson said he favors the idea of a work plan concerning timing and in response to a question of when that might appear befnre Council, Mr. Vtercier said it will take a feNv weel:s to address the menu of suggestions. Councilmember Taylor stated that there is the broader priority of kick-starting the Ciry Center, anc1 that in tlie longer terni implementing revitalization plan along the entire corridor and understanding the twenty to nventy-five year natum of tlhat endeavor; that roads and infrastructure; city hall, library, developer agreement and finalizing the agreement with the current land o,,vners is something to bring before the public for commenL and to complcte that in the next couple months, addina dhat next Tuesday's vole will havc considerable impact. ?bir. Vlercier said the rcdevelopment plan Nvill move through the Planning Coinmission and back to council the end of May or early June. Councilmember Taylor stressed dhat it is important for the public to realize that no decision Mas been made on the direction of the couple[ a.nd the Plan is nAt yet a"done deal." 2 Jai) Fxpansion Proiect - Lt. Mike Sparber, GeM WinlJer I.t Mike Sparber introdut;ed Sgt. Phil Tyler and Architect Gerry WinF:ler, and explained tltat this presentation is to inform CAUncil of the Detentinn Facility Master Planning Programming and site analysis. As Lt. Sparber explained the T'owerPoint slides, hc rnentioned that the ten possible sites for the new jail have been tirimmed down to four: Spokane County Campus, Medical Lal:e Int.erchange, Tshirley in the Valley, and R.aceway Park at rlirway I-Ieights; that it will ta.ke approxi.mately fivc ycars to get into the new buildino once approved; and the site decision's target datc is April 15 after a final presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Winkler mentioned that the next step in the process is to meet vlonday with the Core Planning Group to put together rec:ommendations to carry fonvard to the Board of Count), Commissioners. It was a]so mentioned that ideall}, they will breaF: the stakeholders g-oup into smaller disciplines and give them all the iiiforniation so that they can det'ermine what they want to see ` based on that information submittetl, and ihat does not yet have an exact time frame. Deputy Mayor T7enenny mentioned having a needs assessment on alternatives to incarceration, which is a major problem throughout the nation, and that he doesn't believe we can build our way out of this jam, especially when dealina wittt so much non-violent crime. Lt. Sparber mentioned that they need to affect a plan that reacts to and tnotivates change; and he discussed snme of the positive ihings they are doing, such as seeking aclditional subsidized trcatments, the idea of offering child protective services classes as part of their pmgram; and af addressina the issue of the large percentate of inental hcallh issues and of the need to secure agreements from other tigencies; that ihcy want to shift Gei?er to a more program- based entry model and have morc pragrtuns for jail in.mates to assist 'tn the transition of moving back to the community. Vir. iMerc.ier asked Lt. Sparber if he is aNvare of efforts from some states to shift c4rrections to state govern.ment rattier than aounties as is proposed in AZaine, and Mr. Winkler said he is aware of states running corrections in Alaska. Hawaii and Rhodc Island. 3. Librai-v Presenvition - Mike Wirt Mr. Wirt explained dhat he wanted to give Council an overview of the proposed project in terms of the issues on the ballot and what it would do, kceping in mind we are all bound by die Public Disclosure - Commission on wfiat can or cannot be discussed prior to the ballot certifieation. tiir. VVirt then ;avc his PowerF'oint presentation of the "Greater Sgokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Elcction March 11, 2008." 4. Storrnwatcr IVqanual Update - John Hohman, Caloria Mantz _ Engineer 1-i.ohman reported that dhey are "closing in" and moving toward adoption nf the manual along ~ with the revised UUC language. lie explained that toniEhYs presentation is background and he will highlight the clianges proposed. Ms. n2witz also explained that we have been usinb the County's manual ,which was adopted in the 1980's and is outdated; and that our city along with the City of Spokane and Study Session Mecting iMinutes: 3-04-08 Page 3 pf 7 Approvcd by CounciL DRAF'T Spokane County have been working together to develop the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual (SRSN) with die intent to have one manual for the entire region. She also explained that the Department of Ecology has determined the SRSIvI to be technically equivalent to the previously adopted Spokane CounYy Stormwater Guidelines for Stormwater Management; and the three jurisdictions are in the process of adopting the SRSM; and that our ordinance amendment is scheduled for a first reading at the March 25 council meeting. In response to questions about when the manual is scheduled for adoption by all jurisdictions, Mr. Hohman said that the County is in front, fAllowed by our City, and then by the City of Spokane, and all hope to have this complcted by May. 5. Aviation Ordinance - Mike Conne_llv City AYtomey Connelly explninecd that this is dhe second administrative report on this overlay zone wliich addresses density restrictiori in zone 6 of the overlay zone, to prohibit less than 2.5 acres for residences. He explained and highlighted his Request for Council Action Fonn by highlighting the background of the issue including previous council action, and explaininj that the current ordinance meets the statutory criteria concerning airports and airport ovcrlay zones; and that previously council asked if changes wcre made would that affect liability, and how would any change impact development in that area, and those potential liability concems are addressed in the Ftequest for Council Action fnrm. Mr. Connelly also brouoht Council's attcntion to Mr. Basi.nger's Fcbruary 26 memorandum and accompanying attachments regarding the airport safety zone analysis. Mr. Connelly meationed that a change cduld also have the requirement of title notice to property oNvmers or potenCial owners. Mr. Connelly said the Council's chpices are to do nothing, or to send the issue to the Planning Cornmission with speeific recommendations for the Planning Commission to review and then send back to Cnuneil. There ensued 1engthy discussion ofthe underlying'zones, Of what ,vas changed previously (mention that everythine north of 16"' was sel at 7500 square feet which was the R3 zone and the only areas precluded whcre those already set up at R4); that an analysis of zone 6 was already performed but staff would need to re-examine the map to mal:e sure nothing was omitted; the 3500 foot conical zones which Mr. Connelly said staff could also re-examine•; the significance of thc "green" area on the accompanying map; . mention that 7one 6 is the broadest and least impacted a,ttd other zones are direct impact zones; and of Councilmember Taylor's concern with the dne unit for 2.5 acre restriction in place which amounts to a de-factn residential moratorium for this area. Councilmember Taylor said he feels the Planning Commission needs to examine the existing rate of density per acre as to what is there now and what wilUcould be donc to help some properly owners who want to dividc their lots, and to. send only that recommendation for zone 6 to the Planning Conunission. Councilmember Gothmann said he prefers not to do anything for now; that the County is already in the process of changing theirs and he feels this would be a poor thing to do now; keeping in mincf that as Felts Field grows the dangers increase, and safety of citizens sttould be the first consideration in adopting an ordinance. Mayor Munson asked aUout the County's process and was inforrned by staff that staff could inquiry into the County's schedule. Councilmember Taylor addcd that dhere are many otlier issues regarding Spokane's Liternatinnal Airport and the County's land uses deal with a largc area, but Nve would lonk more closely at our sit`uation on Feits Field and how it impacts our resident's, adding that the military and aencral transportai.ion are factors which weigh in differently. Deputy Mayor laenenny said the reason for area 6 was encroachment and he ,vasn't aware of any safety concerns, but Councilmember Gothmann responded tliat the WSDOT statement said ihese areas were scientific,ally studied and recomme_ndations werc based on studies of crash statiscics. Deputv Mavor Denerinv suggested staff Qet the ansN~er lo the yuestlon if this was u matier of safetv or encroachnrent: mzd Councilmenrber Goth»zarm sugzesletl slatj ask bYS170T tor proeL3urt area 6 wa.r constructed based upon cra.sh statistics. Depury Mayor Denenny said if this issue were statistically validated in safetv it needs further discussion, and if not the matter should be sent back to the Planning Commission. There was Cow:cil consensus to .seird this 1o Ihe Plunning Conrniissian do deternairre iv17at shauld be theprePer zoning and underlvrng zoninQ age.ed !o art Study Session Mecting Minutes: 3-04-08 Nage 4 of 7 Approved by CounciB: DIZAFT llle lIDC: tlzat staff ivill re>>iel+l tlte currettt derrsitv restricliui1s in the averlcn, zarre and deterirtiw if lhey ~ carr be reduced to the existing underlying densities, mid r.har rhis shouldfocus on zone 61o examirre wliat purtrcular mitigutinn measures crrn be nut in nlace for that overlav zone includrng the idea of adding ~sume kind Gf litle rrnlice. Mayor Munson called fnr a short recess dt 8:12 p.m. and reconvenecl the meeting at 8:24 p.m. 6. Le~-Yislative Matters -17ave Mercier City A4anager Mercier explained that in following the capital budget appropriarions, our $500,000 new Greenacres Park received $300,000 from the House but nothing from the Senate, and our lobbyist continues tn work the bill through the conference eommittee in the hope of keening the hous£ alloaation. vlr. A9ercier said that the bill regarding the municipal courts includes some -`murkiness" in the enabling legislation as they seem to address the sitUation in terms of what eourt services can be derived and still kcep their validity. In prcparation for the Washington, D.C. trip ajid visit with Congresswoman • McMorris-Rogers, Mayor Munson mentioned that items for discussing would include (1) Bridging the Valley, (2) the \TorthlSouth Frc:eway and whether we can change the iieed model from congestion to freight mobilii~~; and (3) the TMDI. and FPA's rAle in impe.ding the progress of building our waste.~vater treahnent plant. Councilmember Taylor added that he would like to see if AZs. McMorris-Rogers can make an inquiry on pur behalf to obtain some level of certainty so that we can move fonward. Councilmember Gothmann adcled that concerning the North/South Frecway, that perhaps an additional argument could be included that the highway deals with economical development travel from Canada . s4uthward; and mention of the conlinued support of Community Developinent Block Grant (CDIIG) funds. 7. UDC (Uniform Develo,~ment Code) Lot Size - Mayor Munson ,4t viayor Munson's m quest, CiGy Altorney Connelly explaincd thal pursuant to our ncw Code; lo change a UDC lot size there are three different types Af development code amendments: (1) site specific which this is nor, (2) text change whicb tihis is not; and (3) area-wide recone, which this would be. hlttorney Cnnnelly etplained that according to SVMC (Spol:ane Valley Municipal Code) 19.30.020; area-wide rezones shall be "e.onsidered only in conjunction with updates tq the Comprehensive Plan text and mans to ensure full consideraiion of the cumulative eff-ects of a11 ehanges;" and just like all Comprehensive Plan chanees pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140, he said that those Comp Plaii amendinents and area-wide rezones may be initiate-d by the property owmer or their represenwtive; any cicizen; or the department [Community 17evelopment], plamiing commission or city cowicil; and if the change is initiated by a non-applie.ant, thcn the applieation shall be placed on the re3isCer of comp plan chcu~;;es which follows die annual schedule we are curre,ntly followinQ for comp plan changes. V1r. Coniielly said Chat the deadlin-e for submitting changes is November l, so any chmige to be affcctcd in. 2009, must be submitled prior to \Tovember 1 of this year; and Mr. Conne•lly mentioned khat the approval criteria is as set out i.n "H" of SVMC I7.80.140. and to pass such change, there must be a finding that the proposecl amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public healrh, safety, welfare and protection of the environment; that the change is eonsistent wiCh GM.A, and respnnds to a change in c;onditions, or corret:ts an obvious mapping error or identifies soRie deficiency; and must be consistent with the eomp plan. Mayor Munson explained that for toniglit's discussion, he would like Council io coiisider placiiig a resolution on the agencla to generate furttier input. Attorney Connclly staied t:hat Council can inieiate an area-wide rezone by acting to placc the appropriate issue nn the register pursuant to our ordinance; and vlayor iMunson further explained diat tonight's discussion could result in a resolution added- to this comp plan update process. Councilrr►ember Taylor said he is not in favor of proposing a change. lleputy Mayor Denenny moved that this subject be taken off the table [discussion stopped]; and subsequent vote proved four Councilmembers opnosed and three in favror. The motion failed and discussion continued. It was moved by Councibneniber Gothmann and seconded, to propose that the udrniriistratiorr develnp a rESOlution to rezane :zorih (ireenacres irr accordance tivitli the previous recommendations of the previous 1'Ionniyr,v Comrnission. Studv Scssion Mceting Minutes: 3-04-08 Paec 5 of 7 .4pproved by Co+roCil: DRAFT Comments included referring this back to the Plannina Commission as they defined the area; dhat the parameters need to be defined; comment from Atterney Connelly that staff can attach a map for Council ease in iden2ifying the area; comment from Deputy Mayar Denenny expressing his frustration of _ readdressing this topic aRer working cirelessly to have it as it is, only to change it within a feNv months anci that this creates an unwillingness from the community to work with us and thercby creates an unattainable situation, that the matter was discussed thoroughly, and he feels we will create a detrimental bacl:lash to the community. Councilmember Dempsey statcd that this only deals with one area, that those neighbors applied for and paid $1800 for a rezone, just to have it taken away a few months later; and added that ihis situation is unique. Other discussion included mention of the GMA planning goals ineluding cncouraging multi-model houSing and affordable housing which goals apply to this rezoiie; and comment concerning whethcr the 10,000 square foot area was a signif cant change. If was moved by Cauncilmember Taylor, secoiade.d rnzd unarrrnxously agreed 10 e-xteizd 1he meeting to 9: IS p. m. Councilmeinber Wilhite stated that she drove through the Greenacres area, and she feels citizens should be able to sell property or develop to highest and best use possible; that we are not forcing anyone to give up current conditions; and she is coneemed with 10,000 versus 7,500; and said that changing numerous times or chiinging I:he area back and forth makes it difficult fnr the community to F:now what to do, and she prefers leaving the area as it is nnw at 7,500. Councilmembe•r Schimmels commented that the lot size for him is not the overpowe•ring argument, but rather it troubles him that the people in the Greenacres community "hounded us and vve encouraged them to come in with a petition and.go througli the system," aiid then Council Curned that petition dovai aftee the fact, and that he doesn't Chin.k Council was honest with those pcople; and therefore he suggests mnving forward. Councilmember Taylor said he disagreed that Council was bei.ng dishonest with the residents; that a process is in place and the process was followed; and that Council cnuld be perceived of scnding a signal to communities that we Fu-e liot cflnsistent Nvith developinent standards aiid those standards cnuld change withaut substantiation; and he suggested exercising caution on this issue sa as not to confuse commu»ities and send the wrong signal. Councilmember Dempsey remarked that Council's fornier actions were arbitrary and discriminatory as they Cook away the zoning fliat Greenacres had in the first place, and tbat making the change baek to 10,000 would be correcting lhac aetion. Mr. Mercier said that if Council desires to move fonward, he feels dhis issue could generate several hours of public comment and discussion, and that the earliest meeting to do so would be May 13. Vote by Acclamatioii on the motion to propose thal t/ze administration develop a resolutiotr to reror:e tfie nortly Greer7acres in accordaiice with the previozis recon:mendations of the previous Planning Commissivn: lir Favor: :llayor eilunsort, and Cotnicilmetr2bers Schinimels, GOtI11)IUlJl7 aiid DcnJpsey_ Opposed: Deputy Mayar Dencnny, mid Councilmembe.rs Tcrylor and Wilhite. Abstentiorrs: i\lone. 1lqotioi7 passed. 8. Advance Agenda - vlavor Munsan Mayor Munson menlioned that the issue of Transportation Benefit District will be upcoming as a means to address deficits for street maintenance, and if a future vote will be necessary, he suggested adding this issue on the advanee agenda. Mayor Munson alsn mentioned that he aiid Mayor Verncr discussed this today aiid she'll bring this same level of urgency to her city to work on a formula to address funds to be raised aiid controlled by the individual municipalities. Mayor Munson also mentioned that this topic Nvas previously discussed at the Finance Committee, but that staff will neetl to put together c;ost figures and plan on a public education program. Councilmember L?cmpsey added that she would like to see some provision made for low-income people to have relief from such added expense. Mr. Mcrcier also mentioned that there has been some legal research but more specifics will need to bc researched as we work wit}i other jurisdictions to draft an interlocal. Mayor Munson also mentioned the Turtle Creek Joint Study Sessian Mccting Minutes: 3-04-08 Page 6 of 7 Approvctf by Council: ' DRAFT Planning Area and that significant progress was made with the County last Wednesday on negotiations; that anothcr proposal has been submiYCed and he hopes to see this goal accomplished by the end of this month. It ivas irroved by Cowicilmenaber Cothmafrn seconded und ugreed to hv all except Councibnember Travlor, to exterid the meetiirg ta 9:32p.nr. Mr. Mercier brought council aitention to the copy of the spreadsheet regarding the interoperabiliry; he said that yet another scenarip lias developed, that comrersation is ongoing, and the intent is tn have work.ing ?roups able to respond to questions. 9. Information Onhy: The items of Economic k3ridging the Valley, Barker Road Bridge Utility Agreements; and Spokane Housing Worksliop Report Nvere for information only and were not discussed. 10. Counc.il Check-in - Mavor Munson Councilmembcr Taylor mentioned that conecrning the Regional Flanning Technical Advisory Committee, that he and Mayor Munson as members Af the GN-fA Steering Committee of Elected Official's, have discussed the proposal on when the UGA bouiidaries Nvould be voted on; tliat the Bnard of County Commissioners heard from different jurisdictions on the newly revised timeline in reference to these UG.As, and t:hat it is now being proposed for December of this year; that he has registered his dissatisfactions to tlle g-oup as they have been waitine for inonths to hear an update and get a timeline, and he is dismayed dhat no work: has been done in finalizing these UGAs; tllat the County-Wide Planning Policies are obviously not being followed and he wonders who needs to be held accountable for nothing being accomplished in the past nine months, and he Hrould like to see a process on how to move fnnward; and what are the necessary elements ta 3et this rolling. vlr. Mercier said at last Wednesday's discussion witli Commissioner Richard, Mr. Mercier asked if we had failed to supply any impor[ant data; and Alr. Mercier said we were assured the Count}r Has all the information they requested. ; . ` i 11. Citv Manaaer Cnmments - bave Merc.ier City Manager Mercier mentioned that staff met with the 1=inancc Committee oonceming the high cost of winter road mairitenance and of the need to reallocate some funds within the street budget to offset the cost of operations; that in conversing with Finance Committee members, they determined that the in the 200$ budget, the $250,000 eontemplated for initiating a traffic impact sCud), can wait until another fiscal cycle; and that $100,000 will be reallocated for an update, as we have not yet received a billing for Februar}r's wrorl:, and after ihat bill is received, the is5ue can bc addressed with the Finance Committee in fut2her delail. There being no Pur[her business, Mayor Munson adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.tn. A7TEST: . R.ichard Alunson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Study Session T4ecting Minutes' 3-04-08 Pege 7 of l Approved by CounriL• cIrv oF sPOKAtvE vwLLEv Request for Councll Action N1ceting Uate: N1ar.:h 25, _1008 City Manager Sign-oR: Item: C6eck all that stpply: 0 canscnt ❑ oId business ~ new business ❑ public heruing ❑ informstion ❑ admin. report ❑ pcnding legislation AGE\-DA TTEM TITLE: Proposed Resolntion 08-004, setting a dAte for a Pnblic Hearing beforc the Planning Commission - Strcet Vacation Rdqucst (SN-0 1-07) located soutfi of Sprague Avcnuc and nurth of I` Avcnuc wcst of Pines Road (SR-27) for the vacation of a portion uf en alle} and concurrently dadicaiing right-of-way far the purpose af realigning the alley approximstciy 26 feet south of thc existing locatian. BACKGROIJND: 'Ihis stroet vacation came Eieture City Council on April 10, 2007 under Resolution 07-003 setting a public hearing date for May 10, 2007 with the Planning Commission. The vacation was put on hold 4fay 2, 2007 just befon the schafuled pub(ic hearing was conducted; no further procassing had tsk-en place with the stmet vacatian applicatian. The owaers natsed the City on Mamh 12, 2008 through their rzpresentadve requesting the stroort vacatioa to procctd. The applicsnt's representativc Mike Stanicar, Bernardo Wills Architeets on bet►alf of the ov►-ners Thomas [-lamilton and Dsvid Tltompsoa requcsls a vacation of a portian of an alky (15 feet wide by 300 feet decp) and concurrenthdeciis:ating right-of-way ft►r the purpose of realigning the alley approximately 26 feet south of the existing iLvation. Tbe alley is located south of Sprague Avenve, nQrth of 1" Avenue and west of Pines Road (SR- 27) between Parcels 452II.0I0I, 45211.0102, 45211.4103, 4521I.0104. 4-i'11.010-i (nortlt) attd 45? 11.0119, 45211.0120. 4S? 1 I.0125 (south). Please reference map bclow. SpragneAveaoe . i i . , i ~ , . i ~ Robie Rnad • Piaa Raad (SR-27) ~ III~I ~ T ~ - - ~ ~ - - f i ~ - ~ -1LII l0 k 1"[d • :A Rw-, ~ cl: anunmg xou' ►,c ,aca--J ( I . ~ tL:~= nm propoqed ornclw ak> ►~zi i~ ~ • : 1" Avcnue OPT[O\S: Set a date fi,r a I'ublic Hcsuing on the proposed strert vacation or take no 3ction. f';tpsrd on Mnt:7 17.2l0:18 RECOA'Ih1EtiDFD MUT[O\: "1Kave [u Approve Resa/utivn 08-00I, setting1Ffay 8,2008 as [hc dcuc jor a Priblk Hearurg to be keld bfjore thc Plarrning Corrrmission on tht propnscd strtet varation nj un a!!ry lucaled soulh ojSprague.dvenue and north oj1l.4venue x<c*_sl (jPines Road (SR-2'). " tiTAFF C()'.V'TA('I': K3ren Kendall. As;i;tant 1'lanner - - -i rc, ~m~i ;,n 41ar_h y- ,;>A DRAFT CII'Y OF SF(7KANE VAL.LEY ~ - , SPOKA\TE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLU'TION \O. 08-004 ~ A RE•SOLIJTInN OF TIiE CITY OF 5POKArE VALIlEY, SPU:K.4NE COTJNTY, VVASA.lNGTON, SETTING TkIE PUi3LIC HEARIIVG DATF,AN17 TTA9F FOR TIiE PLANNrI1VG C()NCNIISSION TC) CONSIDETt STREET VACATI01i TtFQi3EST STV-41- 07 PURSUANT TO RCW 35.79.010. WI-TE.REAS, dhe applicant's represenl:ative Mike Stanicar, Bernardo «'ills ArchiCects on behalf of the owners Thomas Mamilton and David 1'bornpson re•quests a vacation of a portion of an a11ey (15 feet wide by 300 feet deep) and concurrently dedicating right-of-way for the purpose of realigning the alley approximately 26 feet snuth of the existing location. The alley is located south of Sprague Avenue, north of 15i Avent►e and wesc of Pines Raad (SR-27) beriween Parcels 45211.0101, 45211.0102, 45211.0103, 45211.0104, 45211.0105 (nonh) and 45211.0] t9, 45211.0]20, 45211.0125 (south), NV'HERE-.AS, RCW 35.79.010 specifies [hat the legislative authoricy shall establish by resolution the tinle whcn a Strect Vacation application shall be considercd by the legislative authority or a eornmittee thereof; and, NY-IEREAS, the Spokane Valley lblunicipal Code 10.05.220 e.stablishing regulations and procedures for the processing of vacations of public streets (hereafter referred to as "Street Vacation"); and. WHERF.AS, Spokane Valley Municipal Codc 10.05.310 specif es that the Planning Commission shall conduct the public hearing rcquired pursuant to RCW 35.79.010; and shall develop and forward a recommendacion for a rcquested Street Vacation to the Ciry Council. NOW T.HEREFOR.L-', be it resolved bv the City Council of the Cihr of Spokaiie VaUcy, Spakane County, Washington; as follows: . Section 1. Escablishment of Publie Weariniz Date and Time for STV-01-07. The required pubiic hearing fnr Stre•et Vacation Request STV-01-07 shall be conducted before the Spokane Valley 1'lanning Commission, May 8, 2008 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall ofthe City of Spokane Valley, 11707 rast Sprague Avenue, Suite iQl, Spokane Valley, Washinglon ' 99206. Section 2. Effective Date. 'I"his Resolution shal l be in ful I force and eff'ect upon aciopuon. Adopted this 25th day of March, 2007. • C1TY OF SI'O .K.ANIE VAJaLEY ATTES'1': Richard viunson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk . , . . Approvecl as to form: Office qf the City Attorney Resolution \o. 08-0041:stabiishrnent of Public !-icaring Date anct Time for STV-01-07 I'agc 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . , Request for Council Action ~ Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check al) that apply: ❑ consent old business X new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading of Ordinance 08-003 amending Ordinance 07-022 granting Sunshine Disposal a seven year franchise - effec#ive date. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study session April 17, 2007, motion on N1ay 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007, first reading October 22, 2007, second reading and " adoption on Ordinance 07-022 on November 7, 2007. The first touch on amending Ordinance 07-022 was an administrative report on March 18, 2008. _ BACKGROUND: On November 7, 2007, the City Council approved an ordinance granting a franchise to Sunshine Disposal for commercial solid waste collection. The effective date was five days after publication. Also on November 7, 2007, the Council authorized staff to send the ~ Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) a letter notifying the WUTC of the termination of the existing tariff (essentially like a franchise) with WUTC, effective November 16, 2007. In January 2006, the WUTC notifiied staff that the City needed to clarifiy several issues in our notification letter, which we have done. In doing so, we had to revise the effective date of the notification of termination to March 10, 2008. Given the gap in dates between the adoption of Ordinance 07-022 and the notification letter to WUTC, staff drafted an amendment to Ordinance 07-022 that would change the effective to March 10, 2008. OPTIONS 1) move to advance the ordinance to a second reading; 2) move to suspend the rules and adopt ordinance 08-003; 3) take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: move to suspend the rules and adopt ordinance 08- 003 BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ~ATTACHMENTS: Draft amendments to franchise for Sunshine Disposal. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKAIVE VALLEY SPOKAN-L CQUiV"TY, WASHIITGTON ORDLNANCE NO. 08-003 AN ORDINAi\ACE OF THF CITY OF SFOICANE VAL•LEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, R'ASHliNGTQN, AMEIVDTNG ORATNANCE 07-022 BY CHA.i\°GING THE APPLICABLF DATE OF TiiE SFVLN YE4R, NO\`-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TQ SUNSH:I1-E . DISPOSAIf, iNC., TO PRUVIDE CONfMERCIAL GAR.BAGE ANn REFUSE CQLLECTTON SERVICL•' ),NrTTHEN THE* CITY OF SYOKANT VAIILEY ' WI-iE1ZEAS; the City of Spol:aoe Val(ey incorporated on March 31, 2003, at which time Sunshine Dispflsal, Tnc., was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the beographic area eomprising the ncw City; WMERENS, RCW 35.02.160 provides khat when a ncxv city inc;orporates; a cnmpany providing solid waste and refuse collection services widiin the new city shall be allowed to continue providing said services f'or at leasl seven years follotiving the exercise of certain steps to terminate those statutory rights; WREFZEAS, oii November 7, 2007, the City Counc.il approved Ordinance 07-022 granting a seven-year franchise to Sunshine Disposal, Inc., to provide commercial garbage and refuse collection service within Spokane Valley. Tbe City Council gave approval to give notice of termination dirough the Mashington Ut,ilities and Transportation Commission; and NVWERF-AS, City staff bad communiaations with staff at the Vlrashington Ulilities and Transportatinn Commissinn regarding several clarifical.ions necessary in the City's notice of termination f♦~'• letter. After issuina a second notice pf termination letter on February 25; 2005, with a revised termination date of March 10, 2008, it became necessary to amend Ordinance 07-022 to make it effective March 10, 2008 as well. 'NIOW, TI-LE.IZEFORE, the Ciry Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington; does ordain as follows: . Section 1. Amend Section 3 of Qrdinanee 07-022 rega.rding the eET'ectivc date. This I Ordinance shall be in full force and effiect qn Rlarch 10, 200~ ~ ee PASSED by the City Council this day of March; 2008. Mayor, Richard Vlunson r1TTEST: Christine Bainbridge, Ciry Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney ~ llate of Publicatien: Effective Date: Ordinance 08-003 Amending Sunshine F'ranchise Page 1 of 1 . ~ . • SLTNS _NE DISFOSAL,II~C. . . . . , Cert. \TO. p/8/A SUT~SHII,~7E DIS.PpSAL & RECYCLING G-199 2405 N.1.1NIVERSITY ROAD, . , SPOKANTE VAI.LEY, NVA 99206 . GtLRgAGE AdND REFUSE COLS.ECTION SERVICE, lirnited to service in'containers of iwenty (20) cubSc yard ea.pacity or over in that portion of Spokane County described ss follows: 'T`he terriiory bounded on the west by 14avana Street (the easteFly city limits of the City of Sgok3ne); on thc nortli by Ro-wan Avenue exter~ded; on ttte easi by the Idahn-Washingtori State line aiid on the south by 40th Avenue . extended. A1so, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., ~2.. 45 E., a-rid Sections 30 and 31, T. 26 N., R. 46 B.; ' and within the corporate city limits of. Spol:ane as of Sep#ember 1, 1962, PROVTDED: Service pern-iitted ;n Spokane does not authorize the duplication of or any encroachmant on services rendered by tha City of Spokane ar cantracted for by it. ~ TG-040612 04-02-04 ~ _ R.ECEIVED Jl( 12, 20~uWA. U'T. & TR.ANS.-COA!I~.ORf .NAY, TGOG1142 Original TitJe Page • Tariff No. 7 Cancels Tariff No. 6 of Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B (NamefCeriificate tJurnber o(So,id Waste Gollection Comparry) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling (RegEsEered trade narne ot Sofid Waste Callectiort Comparty) NAMING RATES FOR THE COLLECTtON, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF SOUD WASTE, AND IF NOTED, RECYCLING AND YARDWASTE IN THE FOI.LOVdING DESCr^,IBED TERRITORY: (Note: !f this tariff &pplias in orrfy a portion of a com,aanys certificate auttwrfiy, a rr?:3p accunferj depktrrn3 tha area rn tivhicir the tariff applres mist a9 attachod to thrs tariIff) See Appendix A- PErmit Copy and Map Name of persqn issuing tsriff: Marc B. Torre Official U7C requssts for infotrnaEion regarcfing ccnsumer questions andlor Mailing address of issuer. 2405 N. Universi Road comptaints should be referred to the ' fotlowing company reprzsentative: City, State2ip Code S okane, WA 99206 Name: Nlarc B. Torre . Telephone Numbertirx1u0h3 a= p'=) (509)924-5678 Title: Vice Presiclent Phone: (509 924-5678 FAX number, if any 549 924-7448 E-mail: mtorrEL(~sunshinedis osal.corri FaX: 508 924-7448 E-mail address, if any: mtorre sunshinedis asal.com Issued by: Marc S. Torre • • Issue date: July 13, 2008 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (Far Officre! lJse Only) ~ Docket EJo. Date: By: ; FOR aFFICIAL USE OArLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RE EI-NFED J-f 12 20i;., WA. UT. R: TRA\TS. COiL. ORl( 1\'AL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page Mo. 2 Company NamelPermit Numbsr. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 S . , Re istered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshins Disposaf and Rec clin CHECK SHEET All gages contained in this tariffare listed below in consecutive order. The pages in the fariff andlor any supplements b the tariff listed on this page have issus dates that ar2 . the same as, or are before, the issue date of this page. "O" in the revision aolumn indicates an original pa}e. Page Current Page Current Page Cu rrent Numb2r Revision Numb?r Revision Number Revision Titfe Pa e O 27 O 2- O 28 O 3 O 29 O 4 O 30 O 5 O 31 0 6 O 32 O 7 O 33 O 8 ' O 34 O 9 O 35 O 10 O 36 O _ 11 O 37 O . 12 O 38 O 13 O 39 O 14 O 40 O 15 O 41 O . 16 O 42 O ~ 17 O 43 O 98 O 19 O 20 O 21 O 22 0 • 23 O 24 O a 25 O 26 O Suqplements in EffiecE Issued By: Marc B. Torre fssue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tembar 1, 2008 . (For Offrcia! Use Onty) - Docket No. TG- Date: By: - S OA~LY oc e: -061142 Agerzda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECETVED JL 12 201i., NVA. UT. &TRj4NS. C(?NIk. ORI( NAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 3 i ~ Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, inc. - G000193 B Reqistzred Trade Mame s dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clin Index of It?ms in 7his Tariff - see nexf item for list bv fopic Item 5 Taxes . Item 10 Application of Rates - General Item 15 Holiday Pickup Item 15 Change in Pickup Schedule Item 17 Refunds Item 18 Billing, Advance Biiling, Pzyment Delinquency Dates, La#e Charges Item 20 Definitions Item 30 Limitation of Service Item 40 Material Requiring Saecial Equipment, Precautions, or Disposal Item 45 . Material Requiring Special Testing andlor Analysis Item 50 Returned Check Charges • Item 51 Restart Fees Item 52 Redelivery Fees . Item 60 Overtime Item 70 Return Trips Item 80 Carryout Ssrvice, Drive-Ins Item 90 Can Carciage, Overhead Ohstructions, Sunken or Elevatzd canslunits Item 100 CanlUnit Ssrvfce, Residential - Residential Cutside Recycling - Residential Yardvrasfe Service Item 120 Drums Item 130 LitEer Receptacfes - Litter Toters 1 Item 150 Loose and/or Bulky N►aterial Item 160 Time Rates . • Item 202 Application of Contafn& and/or Drop Box Rates - General Item 205 RoIJ-Out Charges - Containers, Au4omated Cart$, and Toters . Item 207 Excsss WeighE - Rejection of Loat(, Charges to Transport Item 210 Washing and Sanidzing Containers and Drop Boxss Item 220 Compactor Ren#al . Item 230 Disposal Fees Item 240 Container Seivice - Non-compacied - Company-owned Container Item 245 Container Service - Non-compacted - Customer-owmzd Container ' Item 250 Container Setvice - Compacted - Company-arvned CQntainer Item 255 Container Service - Compacted - Customer-ovened Container Item 260 Drop Bflx Service - Non-Gompacted - Company-owned drop box Item 265 Drop Box 3ervfce - Non-Compacted - Customer-awned drop box Item 270 Drop Box Service - Compacted - Comp3ny-vwned drop box Item 275 Drop Box Service - Compacted - Customer-otiwned drap box Item 300 List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in Tarfff Issued 8y: Marc B. Torre fssue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Sa 'tember 1, 2006 ~ " . (For Offrcial Use OnJy) Docket No. TG- Dafe: By: . S ME Y ocket: 7061142 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED ,TC 12 Mo WA. UT. & TR.ANS. CON6..... 012.I( a\~AL, TG-061142 Tarifr No. 7 ~ Original Paga No. 4 Company Name/Permft Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 S Re istered Trad? Name s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re ciin Index bv topic Item No AbbreviaEions used in tariff 300 Advance billing 18 Animafs 30 Bales 140 Billing periads authoRZed 18 Carryout seroice . 80 Gommercial can service 245 Compactor rental 220 Container service, compacied, oompany owned 250 Coniainer service, compacted, customer-rnvned 255 ~ Canteiner s.ervice, non-compacted, company-owned 240 Containerservice, non-compacted, customer-owned 245 Containers and/or drop boxes, availabili+ty 202 Containers and/or drop boxes, general rules 200 Containers and/or drop hoxes, washing and sanitizing 210 Credit due ths customer 17 Qamage to customer property 30 i]efinitions 20 Definquency dates 18 Disposal fees 230 Drive-in service 90 Drop-troxservice, compacfed, company-awned 270 , . Drop-box service, compacted, customer-awned 275 ~ . Drop-box service, non-campac:ed, company-owned 260 Drop-box service, non-cornpactnd, customer-0tvned 265 Eccess weight, rejection of laad, charges to transport 207 ~ Ffatmonthlycharges 75 Holidays observed 60 Late charges . 18 Limitations of service 30 Lit#er receptacles 130 Material requiring special disposal 44 N►aterial requiring special eguipment 40 Rrtaterial requiring spscial precautions 40 Material requiring special testinglanalysis 45 Continued on next page issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Eff2ctive Date: Se tember 1, 2006 ~ (For Offrcia! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: . PUR . . S OA~LY oc e : -061142 . ~ Agenda Date: 08-30-06 F{fectivelaate: 09-01-06 RE ,TVGD Jrt 12 20~,o'R'A. 'UT. & TR.4NS. COMi.,.. ORI( NAL TG-061142 Tarifi No. 7 Original Page No. 5 - Company NamelPermit Idumber. Sunshine Di;posal, Inc. - G000199 Q ~ Re is#ered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re clin index bv topic, continued item No Missed pickups, weaiher or road oonditions 30 Returned checks 50 Overhead obstructions 90 55 Over-sized units Overtime 60 ~ Over-+neight units 55 52 Redelivery fees Refund of overcharges 17 Refund of prepayments Refunds 117 7 Refusal to make pickup 30 100 RESidenfial recycling . Resldential service 100 10 Residendal yardwaste 7 Retum Wps ~ Roli-out charges 205 90 Stairs or steps Sunken or elevated cans/units 90 Symbols used in tariff 300 ~ Taxes . . . . . . . . . . Tirne ra#es 160 Continued on next page Issued By: • Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Ju 13, 2406 Eftectfve Date: Se tembor 1, 2006 (For Ofrrcia! Use only) ~ Docket No. TG- Dat°: gY: OIVLY - oc -e : -061142 .Agenda Dafe: 08-30-06 E-ffectiveDate: 09-0I -06 12ECEIVED JL . 12, 206. WA. U`.C. & TR.AI~TS. COM1V.. 0RIt vAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 . Original Page No. 6 Company NamelPerrnit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re isEar2d Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Dis osal and R clin Item 5- ApDlication of Rates Taxes Enfl im osin tax: Ordinanca number. Amount of tax: A plication (Commoditiss and territory) Issued 8y: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 ' Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: r ONZY Docket: .7'G-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEYNTED J-C 125 201iu WA. UT. & TR..ANS. CON'1J~.r... ORR svAY. TG-061142 This pa e has C] added wordin Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 7 Company Name/Permit Nurnber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Rz istered Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osa! and Rec cfin Re istered Tr3de Name(s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec clin Item 10 - Anplication of Rates Gerreral Rates named in #his tariff cover the collection, UansportaNon, and disposal of salid waste. Wnen specificelly referred 110, rates als-o cover iha collection and 4ransportation of recyclable m3terials arvdlor yardwaste. Title 81.77 of dhe Revised Code of Washinotan (RC'JI) and Chapter 480-70 of Ehe VJashington Administ'rative . Code (WAC) govem operations of sofid vraste collection campanies and the tarifts companfes must file with the VJashington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC). Unless exceptions ars shrn•m, ail materials must be pfaced an the sams level as the streefs or alleys. The company may charge additionel amounts for disposal fees only when specifically staied in the tariff and separafely shown on customsr bills. Item 15 Holidav Pickuo - Raqularlv Schedufed Servi;me When a pickup is missed due to the company's observance of a holiday, the company will provide servirrE, at no adciitional cost to the cus!omer, on an atternate day. - A list of the helidays the company observes is shown in Item 60. For application of rates in this tariff, the company desines aliernate day to mean the fallovring: l'fne follcwing business day [C) Item 16 Chanae in Pickuq Schadule When a campany changes the pick-up date for ilts certificate area, or a portion af its certificste are3, the company rnust notify afl customers in ths aifected arpa of that change. Natice mUS# be made at 12ast seven days before implemsntation of anew pickup scnedule and may be . made Vie mail, persOnal corifact, or by a notice being afflxed to the ce:stomer's solid waste receptacle. ' Issued By: fJlarc B. 7orre Issue Dats: Jul 13, 2006 Effecfive Date: Sep#ember 1 2006 (For OfficiaJ Use Ortfy) , Doclcet No. TG- Dafe: By: . E 011TLY . oc -et: 9-061142 Agenda 1.7ate: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 { RECE~'ED Jl~ 12 20t,. WA. UT. & TRANS. COML ORIk 1vAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 6 . Com{sany N2mJ?ermit Number. Sunshine Oisposal, Inc. - G0001g9 B Re istered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine D9s osaJ and Rec cfin . Item 17 - Refunds Credit due the customer. Wtien there has been a transaction that resulfs in a cPedit due the Customer, the following apply: . (a) If the amount due is five doitars or less, an adjustment vrill be made to the custorner's account. The adjustment must be shown on the next regular bill. (b) If the amount due is more than flve dollars, the customer rnay accept an account adjustment or m3y request a refund. (1) If ihe customer elecks to have an aacount adjustment made, the adjustment must show an the next regular billing. (2) !f the cUStomer elects to receive a refund, the company must issue a check vrithin thirty days of the request. Overcharges. Once a company becomes avrare that it has avercharged a customer, it must provide a refund or an aaoc;ount adjustment credit to the customer. The calstomer must be given a choice as to which option is preferred. The refund or credit must be the amount overcharged in the fhree years bafore the date of discovery. (a) If the customer efQCts to have an account adjushment made, the adjustment must show on #he next regular billirtg. (b) If the customer elects to receive a refund, the company must issUe a check %krithin thiriy days of the request. Prepayments. If a customer has paid service fees in advance, service is dis-con#inued during the pre-billed , perEod, and the customer is due a refund, the following apply: (a) A company must honor all requests for refunds of the unused porion of prepayments. (b) If the customer provides aforwarding address to thz oompany or one can he obtained from the Post Office, the company mList issue a refund ctieck no more than thirty days following the customers request. (c) if the customer cannot be loca#ed or did not provide a forwarding address and the U.S. Post Qffice cannot fumish a fon+rarding address, the amount may be presumad to be abandoned and is subject to the Uniform UnGafined Property Act after one year. lssued By. Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Eftective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) ~ Doeket No. TG- Date: 6y: ~ oIvLx oc e : -061142 Agen.da Uate: 08-30-06 . Effectn,e Date: 09-01-06 . RE EM D Ji. 1.2 20'1►o WA. IJT. & TR.ANS. COn'LI~.~. ORl~ ~T;~ 'TG-061~42 Tariff No. 7 Original Pags No. 9 Company Name/Permit tJumber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 3 ~ Re istered Trade Name s dba Sunshin2 Dis osal and Rec yclin Item 18 - Bilfino AdvancP sillina and Pavment DnlinaUencv Dates Billing period. A comFany may biH its customers for one, fwo, or thrze months of service. Advance billing and payment delinquency dates. The follflwing chart definas the maximum period allowed for :-~,',Billin''PehodAt~:i?:"°Maximue-advarice.billin eriod;allowedk` •:=i,DeliN uenc^ .date~'? One month's service No advance billing allowed May not be less than • (rnonth ly) 21 daW after the . dats the bill is maUed 7wo months' servfce One month's advance billing allov✓ed Miay not be until the last dey af the second marrth Three months' 7wa month's advance billing allowed May not be unfil the service last day of the third mflnth Tne billing period chosen by the company opera#ing under this tariff for its residential solid waste accounts is: Monthly ~ ~.J Issued By: Marc B. Torra IssUe Date: Ju 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 . , (For Dilficral Uss Only) • % Docket No. TG- Date: 8y: ~ - . ~ FOR OFFICIAL rJ'SE OjVLY Docket: TG-061142 Agef-ida Da1e: 08-30-06 Effectilje Date: 09-01-06 . RECEIVED J~ 12, 20~u WA. UT. & TRAI\TS. COlVLNiL. ORI ANAL TG-061142 7ariff No. 7 07ginal Page No. 10 Company NamelPermit Number: Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B . • Re isfered Trade Name s dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clin . ' Item 20 Definitions NOTE: The deflnFfions shosvn on Ghe first ihree pages of this ftem are stendarc! In mosJ cases pressvibed by rule. Companfes may nof amend these de`rni6ens, eaccept to f!1 in bfartks for maximum vreighis of vario.us roceptaa'as. CQmpaniss 141shing to add dsrnrtions specifi'c to their corrrpany's oper3tions must incJUde thase deFnifrons on a separate page, entitled "Company- eciftc defrnflons." ,4 blank sheef is rovidet/ for that urpose. 631e: Material compressed by machine and securely tarpeti or banded. Bulky materiaIs: Empty carriers, cartons, boxes, crates, etc., or materials offered for disposal, 211 of which may be readiry handled without shoveling.. • Charge: A set flat fee for perFo;ming a ssrvice. Or, the result of multiplying a rate for a unit times the number of units transporteJ. Commercial billing: Service billed to a oommercial customer ot billed to, and paid for, by a property . manager or owner rather than a residential tenant. • " Compactor disconnecU reconrsect charge: A flat fea established by the solid waste collection company fer the senrice of disconnecting a compactor from a drop box or container before taking it to be dumped, and then reconnecking the compactor wtien the drop box or container is retumed to the customers siie. Gate charge: A flat fee charged for opening, unlocking, or closing oates in order to pick up solid wasfe. Loose material: Ma►erial not set out in bags or coniainers, including materials that must be shoveled. M1ultl-famiry ras]dence: Any structure housfng two or more dwelling unifs. Packer. A device or vehicle specially designed to pack loose materials. Pass through fee: A fee oollected by a solid waste coliection company on behaff of a third partyr when the fee is billed direcfly to the customer without markup or markdawn. Permanent service: Container and drap-box service provided at the customers request for more than 90 days. Rate: A price per unit or per servlce. A rata is multiplied times the numb2r of units transported or the number of times a service is performed fo deferrvtine a charge. Solid waste - receptaale: Incfudes the folfowing items, with tfie fo{lowing meanings: Automated caR means a cart designed to be picked up and ernptied by mechanical means. The specific type and size are to be defined in rate items. ' Continued on next page Issued 3y: Marc B. Tarre • Issue Date: JuJ 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1 2006 (For Offrcial Uss Only) Docket No. TG- Date: 8y: 01VLY oc et: -061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED Jf . 12, 201,u WA. UT. & TRANS. COMIN.. ORlr NAL TG061142 This pa e has C] added wordin in two laces Teriff No. 7 • Odginal Page Mo. 11 ~ Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine DisDosal, Inc. - GDO0198 B Re isterad Trade Name s dba Sunshine Disposal and Re ciin Item 20 Definilions, continued Solid wast2 receptacle, aont'd:. Can means a receptacle rnade of dvrable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent mateial fhat is watertight, and has a cfose-#itting cover and two handlss. A can holds more [CJ than twenty gallons, but no# more than thirty-two g311ons. A can may noi weigh more than 65 pounds whsn filled nor mora than 12 pounds when empty. . Cart means a wheeled plastic container. A cart may also ba referred to as a totef. If supplied by a custorner, a cart must be oompatibla wfth ihe companys equipment. l'he sizA and type of cart 4haf is compatible %vill be established in each company's tari€f. Container means a detachable receptacle (normally d2signed to hold at least a cubic yard of solid %a,asEz) from which maferials are collected by mechanically lifting the receptacle and emptying ihe contents into the company's vehicle. Drop box meens a detachable receptacle used to provida solid wasfe collection ' service by the receptacle being placed on the company's vehicle by mechanical • means and transported to a disposal sits. Drum means a metal or pfastic con#ainpr of approximately fifty-five gallon capacity, generalty used for oils or sofvents. A drum may not weigh more than pounds when filled. • . Litter receptacle msans a container not over sixty-gallon capacity, generally placed in shopping centers antl along straets or highways for litter. A li#ter receptacle may . not weigh more than pounds vfien filled_ Micro-mini can means a can made of durable, aorrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material that is watzrtight and has a close-fitting covzr. A micro-mini can may not hold more than ten gallons. A micro-mini can may not weigh more than pounds when filled. Mini-can means a can mada of durable, corrosion-resist2nt, nonabsorbent maEerial [C] that is wa`ertight and has a close-fifLing cover. A mini-can may not hold more - than hventy gallons. A mini-can may not waigh more than 20 pounds when Pilled, nor wsight to axceed 35-pounds. ' Recycling bin or container msans a bin or container designed or designa'ed for the collection of recyclables. Tiie size and type of recycling bin or confainer will be established in each company's tariff. Continued on next page Issued By: Marc B. TorrQ • Issue Dafe: Ju 13, 2006 Effzctive Date: Se tember 1, 2006 ; (For Officral Use OnJy) ' ~ 'DOCket N0. TG- Date: $y: ' OR OF.F.ICIf1L USF ArLY . . . Docket: TG-061142 Agendu .Date: 08-30-06 E}fecti>>e Date: 09-01-06 ~ :RE CEIVED JC, . 12, 20(y0 WA. UT. & TRA~.~S. C011'IlNi. ORi. ...N~.1T1 'X'G-061142 This pa e has C added wordin in two laces. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 12 Company Name/Permit Number. 5unshine Dispasal, Inc. - G400199 B R isterad Trade Name(s) dba Svnshine Dis osal and Rec ciin Item 20 Def nitians. continued Sfllid vraste ' receptacle, conYd: Toter means a wheeled plastic container. A toter may aiso be referrerJ to as a cart. If supplied by cusfoaner, a totsr musi be compatible with the campany's equiprnent. The size and type of toter that is compatible will be established in each company's tsriff. • Unit means a recepfiacls made of durable, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material, that is waterifght, and has a close-fitting cover and two handles. A unit holds more than hventy gallons, but nat rnore than thirty-hwo gallons or four cubic feet A unft , rrsay not weigh more than 65 pounds %.fhen filled, nor more than 12 pounds when empty. [C] VJhere agreed upon betw2en the company and the customer, and where aliomable under local ortiinance, a box, carton, cardboard barrel, or other suitable container may be subsfiiutad for a solid waste can, for a single pick-up that includes removal of the coniainer, if it meets the size and weight limits esiablished in the cornpany"s tariff, as described in the preceding paragraph. [C] Yardwaste bin or container means a bin or container specifically designed or designated for the collecEion of yardwaste. Each company's tariff w71 refer to a ' specific type of yardwasFs bin or container to be used in a servics araa. The type, size, weight, etc., of this type of bin or container will often be set by {ocal govemment pfans or ordinances. Special pick-up: A pick-up requested by tfie customar at a tims ather than the regularly scheduled pick-up time, that requires the special dispatch of a truck. If a special dispatch is required, the campany will assess time rates established in the aompany's fariff, as -shown in Item 160. ' Supplement: A page arlded Eo tfie beginning of a tarfff, nonnally to cover emergency, temporary, or special situetions. An example is a page issued to show a special surcharga imposed by a city. • Temporary service: Temporary service means providing container or drop-bax service a4 the customees request, for a period af ninety days or less. Unlatching: Anothsr term for a gafe charge. A flat fee imposed by a sofid waste collection comFany when the company's personnel must unfatch a gate or door to perform ' pickup service. Unlocking: A flat fee imposed by a solid tti^asfe colleciion company when the company's personnsl must unlock padiocks or other locking devices to peROrm pickup services. Issu2d By: Marc B. Torre . Issua Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effecave Date: Se #ember 1, 2006 (For OrTicia! Use Only) Dacket No. TG- Date: By: -IAL ZTSE 4ATLY FOR . oc : . T- .1142 Ageizda Date: 08-30-06 Effiective .Date: 09-01-06 . RECEIVEIa J-(. 12, 20~v R'A. UT. &TRANS. COMA-. O:R~ -NAL TG-061142 This a e has C added wordin for one com an -specific definition. Tariff No. 7 Original Page Ne. 13 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Ina - G400199 B Re istered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec clin Item 20 - Definitions, contirsued Company-spvcific definiUons: Compactad Ma`erial: Material that has Ueen compressed by any mechanical device [C] eiiher before or after ft is placed in ths receptacle by the solid waste company. Issued By: Marc B. Torre ' Issue Date: JuI 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2008 ~ ; . (For Oifrclal Use Only) ' Dacket No. TG- Date: gy; FOR OFF.ICL4L US' aw Y - oc et: I'G-061.142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . ' Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JL 12 200o WA.. UT. & TRANS. CORZIV.. Old. .NA.L TG-061142 Tariffi No. 7 Original Page ido. 14 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Dlsposal, Inc. - G000199 B • Re istered Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re yclin Item 30 Limitations of Service Refusal of service. A solid waste collection campany may refuse to: (a) Pick up materials from points where it is ha2ardous, unsafe, or dangerous to persons, propeity, or equiprnent to operate vehicles due to the conditions of streets, alleys, or roads, (b) Drive inbo private property when, in the oompany's judgment, drivevrays or raads are improperly constructed or maintained, do nat have adequafe tum-arounds, or have other unsafe conditions. (c) Enter private property to pick up material white an animal considered or feared to be vicious is loose. The cusfomer will be r2quired to aonfine the animal on pickup days. Schedules. A company's scheduls will meet reasonable requirements and will comply with local setviota level ordinances. Missed pickups due to weather or road conditions. Pickup of materials rnay be mtssed due to weather or road conditions_ If the accumulated material (solid was#e andlor recyclables, and/or yardwast,e) is colleclied on the next scheduled or available pickup date, the company is not obligated to extend credit for the missed pickup. The customer will not be charged for overfilled receptacles, or for materials set out in baas on fop of or next to the custome►'s normal receptacles if the amount of exfra material does not exceed the amount that , would have reasflnabiy been expected to accumulate due to missed pickups. Due care. Otfner than to offer reasonable care, the company assumes no responsibifity for articles left on or near solid waste receptacles. ' , • Liability for damage. When a customer requests that a company provide service and damage occurs to the customers driveway due to reasons not In the oontrof of the oorripany, ihe company will assume no responsibility for the damage. Issued By: Marc B. ToRe . Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 , (For O ff'rcial Use Only) Docket No. TG- D2ie: 8y' OtVLY - o - 61142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 - Effective Dute: 09-01-06 f ( RECEME:D JL~ .1.2, 206o R'A. UT. &TRAi~TS. CON'IlM. Old.., .NAL TG-061142 Item 50 has H one new cha e. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 15 Company NamelPermit Nur'tiber. Sunshine Disposai, Inc. - G000'i99 B Re isterad Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec clin , • ftem 40 - Ma#erial Re uirina SQecial EouiDment Precau#iona, or DisROS3I Transpartatio.n of solid waste requiring special equipment or precautions in handfing or disposal will be svbject to time rates named in Item 160, or Qo oQher specific rates con#ained in this tatiff. Companies must make every effart to be aware of the commodities ihat requira special handiing at the disposal sites named in the cempanys tariffs. The company shall mainkain a list of those commodities and malce it availabls for public inspec#ion at the company's afFce. Item 45 - Material Reauiring Suecial Testinp andlorAnalvsis VJhen a solid waste aollsction company or disposal facility deteRnines that testing and/or analysis of solici ~%,asts Es required to dntsrmfne whether dangerous or pronibited substances are present, the actual cost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid by the customer. The aompany must provide the customer witn a copy of any bill or invoice for costs incurred for testing and/or anatysis and also must retain a copy fn the company's file for at least tfiree years. Those costs shall bz passed through to the customer without markup. The company must maintain records of time spent to acaomplish the special testing and/or analy5is, and may bill the customer for thaf time under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). ~ Item 50 - Retumed Check CharQes Retumecl Check Charge. If a customer pays vri#h a chedc, and the customer's bank refuses to honor that check, thz customer will be assessed a retum check charge in fhe amount of $25.00. [N] tssued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Dafe: Jul 13, 2006 Eifective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 ! ' . (For Ofh~cial Use OnJy) Docket No. TG- Dafe: By: P Ulm UP Pi =i+ O~~jLY oc e: -0G1142 Ageilda Daze: 08-30-06 EffectiiDe Date: 09-01-06 " RECEIVED JL 125 200o WA. Ur'. & TRANS. CnMNa.. ORI( J-4A.L rCG-061142 TarifF No. 7 _ Original Paoe No. 116 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re istered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clinq IteJn 51 - Restart Fees Transportation of solid waste requiring special equipment or precautions in hand{ing or disposal tivill be subject to tims rates named in Item 160, or to other specific rates aontained in this tariff. Companies must make every efiort to be aware of the commodities thai rzquire special handling at the dispQSal • sifes narned in tha oompany`s tariffs. The company shall maintein a lis# of ihose commodities and make it avaitable for public inspection at the company's office. When a solid viaste coilection company or disposal facility determines that testing andlor analysis of solid wasEe is raquirad to determine wfiether dangerous or prohibited substanczs are present, ►he actual oost for such testing and/or analysis will be paid by the customer. The company musi provide the customer with a copy of any bill or invoice for costs incurred ior testing andJor analysis and also must retain a copy in the company's file for at least three years. Those oosts shall be passed through to the customer without markup. The company must maintain records of time spenE to ac.romplish the special fssting and/or analysis, and may bill ihe customer for that time under the provisions of Item 160 (Tims Rates). Item 52 - Ftedeliverv Fees , Companies asssssing redelivery fees must describe when the fees apply, and must state the amount of tfie fees in this item. Issued 8y: Marc B. Torre fssue Da;e: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Qafe: Se tember 1, 20~6 (For O(fici3l Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: gy: FOR OFFICIAL U E O1VLY Dacket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 E~''fective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JL~ 12, 200♦a WA. UT. & TRAiNS. COMNL. ORIt. sv AY.. TG061142 Item 60 has [C added wordin in two piaces and A one incraase in cha e. Tariff No. 7 Original Page (do. 17 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re isterzd Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Disposct and Re ctin Itern 55 - Over-sized or Over-weiqht Cans or Units The company reserves the right to reject pickup of any residential receptaGe (can, unit, bag, mini-can, or or micro-mini-can) which, upon reasonable inspection exceeds the size and waight [imits shotim in Item 20. If the recepkacle exceeds the size andfor limits stated in Item 20, is averf'illed, or the top is unable to be closed, but t,'~e company lransports the materials, the following addltionai cliaroes will apply. S psr NOTE: Forchargss a! ing on ovenieight tofers, carts, containers, ordro boxes see item 207. Ite 60 - Overtime Periods Companies will assQSs additional charges when providing services, at customer request, during overiime Reriods. Ovetme periods +nctude Saturdays, Sundays, and the follotiving holidays: New Years Day (January 1) Labor Day [C] PAeRtorial Day Thenksgiving Day ' Independencs Qay (Jufy 4) Christmas Day ( Dec.ember 25) ' ; . When a holiday listed above faAs on Sunday, the folfotiving Nonday will be observed: When a holiday listed [CJ abovs falls on Saturday, the pr2ceding Friday shall be fhe legai holiday. Time is to be recorded to the nearest increment of 15 minutes from the time the oompany's vehicle leaves . the terminal until the time it retums to the terminal. No addi#ional charge vrill be assessed #o customers for overtime or holiday work performed solely for the oompany's oonvenience. , Charge per hour: $ 65.00 Truck and one driver [A] PAinimum charge: S Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Eifective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (FOr OffiCla/ USE Ofily) - , ~ Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFFICl4 L USE 0A7ZY Docket: TG-061142 . Agefida Date: 08-30-06 Effective 17ate: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JL 12, 20Uo WA. UT. & TR.ANS. CON0~t. OR! -NAL TG061142 Item TO has A one increase in char e Tarifi No. 7. . Original Page No. 18 Cflmpany NamelPerrnit Number. Sunshine Disposal, (nc. - G000199 8 Re is?ered Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis asal and Re clina . Item 70 - Retum Trips V'Vnen a comaany is required to make a return trip, that does not require the special dfspatch of a tn.ick, to picJc up material that was unavailable for oollsctian for reasons under Ehe oontrol of the customer, thA - folloviing additional charges, per pickup, will appfy: Tvoe af receptacle Rate for Return Trip Can, unit, minl-can, or micramini-can $ Drum $ Bale $ Litter Receptacle $ Drop Box $ 45.00 [A] Container $ Toter, gallons $ 7ofer, gallons $ Recycling coniainers $ Other $ Otner $ NOTE: Retum trips requiring the special dispatch of a truck are cansidered special pickups and are charged for under the provisions of Item 160 (Time Rates). Issued By: Marc B. Torre . Issue dafe: Jul 13, 2006 Effzctive Date: September 1, 2006 ' (For Offichal Use Only) . I Dacket No. TG- Date: By: .~FOR OFF7CL4L US OATLY 17oc .et: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 ,Efective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JL 12 20~0 `VA. UT. & TR.ANS. CO .M.k. ORI(_ NAL TG-061142 ' Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 19 • . ' Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re fstEred Trade Nam s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec clin Item 75 - Flat Monthiv Charoes Tfiis n.ile applies in oonnection tivith Itsms 120, 130, 240, 245, 250, 256, 260, 285, 270, and 275. A flat monthly charge may be assessed if computed as follow5: 1. ff 4ieekly service is provided: Multiply the rate times 4.33 and then multipty that figure times ttte nurnber of units picked up. 2. If every other week serviae is provided: Multiply the rafs ames 2.17 and tnen mliltiply that flgure eimes the number of units picked up. 3. For Items 240, 250, 260, and 270: For permanenL rzgufarly scheduted pic}cups, a 9at monthly chargz may be assessed if computed as folfows: a. For va;ekly service, each container provided: i. If monlfhly rent is shown: monthy rent plus (4.33 times pickup rate times number . of pickups per wzek) ii. If monthfy rent is not shown: 1st pickup rate plus (3.33 timQS additional pickup rate) plus (4.33 times additional pickup rate times additional weekly pickups). b. For every-oiher vreek service, each container provided: ' i. If monthly rent is shovrn: monthly rent plus (2.17 tirnes pickup rate times number of pfckups per week) • , H. If monthly rent is nat shown: 1st pickup rata plus (1.17 times addiiional picfcup rate) plus (2.17 times additional pickup raEe times additional weekty piclcups). , lssued By: Marc B. Torre issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effectiva Date: Ss tember 1, 2006 ; - (For Oh"rcial Use Dn1Y) ~ Docket No. TG- Date: BY. ~ O?1TLY oc t: --061142 Agerida Date: 08-30-06 Effectitije Date: 09-01-06 RIECEIVED JL. 12 20(0b WA. tiT. & TRA.NS. CON.~~ I. OP.i(. NA.L TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 20 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Ine. - G000199 B • ~ R isfered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis asal and R rlin ' - Item 80 CarN-out Ssrvice, Drfve-Ins Companies will assess the follo+rring additional charoes when customers request 4hat'company personnel provide Rate Residential Commercial Char e for Ca -outs Per Unit, Per Picku Per Unit, Per Pickup Cans, units, mini-cans, or mfcco-mini cans that must be carried out over 5 feet, but not over 25 feet. Far each addr4ional 25 feet, or frackion of 25 feet, add NOTE: The company may elect to drive in at the rates shovrn above, except the charge will be limited to one can, unit, min'r-can, or micramini can. If cans, ' units, mini-cans, or micra-mini-cans are carried over 125 feet, but are safely accessible to tfie company's vehicle, the drive-in charges shmvn below must be assessed instead. Rate • Residential Gommetcial Ctiar e fQr Drive-ins (per ickup) Per Unit, Per Pieku Per lJnit, Per Pickup Drive-in on driveways of over 125 feet, . but less #han 250 feet Drive-ins on tlrive1vays of over 250 feet, . but less than 1110 mile Far each 1110 mile over 1110 mile 1JOTE: For the purpose of assessing drivre-in fees, a driveviay is defined as providing access to a single residence. If a driveway provides aocess to muftiple residences or accounts, no drive-in fees will be assessed. Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issus Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For afficia! Use Onty) Docket No. TG- FOR 4FFICIAL USF OAFLY Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIWD .TL( I2 200o WA. UT. & TRANS. COM1Vi. ORY( ..\j AL `I'G-061142 . Tariff No. 7 Original Pags No. 2 i ~ Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, {nc. - G000199 8 " Re isterest Ti rade Name s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clin item 90 Gan Carriage - Soecial Services Rate Residenfial Commercial Senice Per Unit, Pzr Picku Per Uni#, Per Pic,'rcu 8tairs or s4e s-- for each ste up or down ' Overhead obstructions - for each overhead obstruction less than 8 feet from the round Sunken or elevaied cans/units for cans, . units, mini-cans, or micro-mini-cans fufly . or partially underground or over 4 fest above round, but not involvin stairs or ste s Issued By: iViarc B. Torre , Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effectfve DGte: Ss tember 1, 2006 ' . (For Otfiicra! Use OnJy) . Docket No. TG- Date: sy, 0A'LY Docter -061.14? Aaendu Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEWED JL-. 129 2004 WA. UT. & TRAiN5. C010.i..*0R1( .avkL TG-061142' Tariff No. 7 Origlnal Page No. 22 Company NamJPertnit Numbee Sunshine Disposal, Inc, - G000199 8 . ' . Re istered Trade Namr(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec cfin Itsm 100 - Rssidsntial Servics - Manthlw Rates (continued on next paae) Rates in this ifem appiy_ (1) To s41id Haste collection, curbside recycling (vrhere noted) antl yarN~asts services {where nated} for residenbal properly. This includes single family dwellings, duplexes, apartments, mobile homes, oondominiurns, etc., v,fiere servicA is billed directly to tne occupant of each residenbal unit, andlor (2) When required by a local govemment service level ordinance, soGd evaste collec#ion, curbside recycling, and yardwaste service must be provided for single-family dwellings, duplex2s, mobile homes, condominiums, and apartment buildings of less than residen#ial uniEs, where service is billed to the property ovrner or managsr. Rates below apply in the fallowing service area: Number of frequency Garboge Rccycle Yard,.vas6e Numaer of Frequency Gerbage Recycls Yardvrdsia UnGs or Typa of Servlce Service Service Units or Type of Service Service SQrvice of Containers Service Rate Rate Rate of Containers Service P.atQ Ratg Rate Frequency of Ssavice Codes:lN'G=1/deekly Garbage; EOVJG-Every Othei Week Garbags; PAG=Monfhly Garbage; WR=VJeekly Recycling EOWR=Every Other VJeek Recyding; M9R=t+l~onfhly Rccycling; L3si oYhers used bycompany: Note 1: Desuiption/rules related io recycling program are shown on page Note 2: Description/rules related to yardwaste program are shown on page Note 3: In addition to the recycfing raies shown above, a recycling debiUcredit of S applies. Recycfing service rates on this page expire on: Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Septsmber 1, 2006 (For Ofircia! Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: . ` - FoR oFFrcLu vsE oATLY Docket: TG-061142 Agerzda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 . RECEI-NrED JL 12, 200a WA. UT. & TR.AI~'S. COtAN.t. ORf( NAL TG-461142 - Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 23 Campany NamelPerrnii Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re i;iered Trade tdame s dba Sunshine Dispesal and Rec clin Item 100 - Residenbaf Ssrvice Monihlv Rates (continued from previous paae) Nots 4: Customers will be chargecf for service r2quesfed even if flewer units are picked up oh a particular trip. No cradii wiU be given ior parfially fllled cans. No credit «rill be given if customer faiEs to set . receptacies out for collecNon. Nole 5: For customers on auQomated service routes: T'ns company wil) assass rol{-out cnarges tvhere, due to circumstances oufside the control af the driver, the driver is required to move an automated cart or toter more fhan feet in order to reach the truek. The charge for fhis roll-out service is: $ per cart or ioter, per pickup. Note 6: The charge for an accasional extra residential bag, can, unit, tater, mini-c.an, or micro-mini-c.an on a regular pickup is: • RaEe per receptacle . T e of r'ece tacle er picku 32- allon can or unit S Mini-can $ lv9icro-minican $ 60 aIIQn toter $ 90 allon toter $ Ba $ ~ Other $ Other $ Rfote 7: Customars may request no more than ons pickup per rnonth, on an "on c-all" basis, at $ per can/unik Service vrlll be rendered on the normal scheduled pickup day for ihe area in which the customer resides. Note: If customer requiras service to be provided on other than normal schsduled pcckup day, rales for specfal pickups will apply. Issued By: A+iarc B. Torre Issue Date: Jut 13, 2006 Effecfive Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Ofircial Use Only) - Docket No. fG- Date: By: . FOR OFFICIAL OATLY Doc et: -061142 Agerida Date: 08-30-06 - Effective Date: 09-01-06 :RECEIVED ri: 12, 200o WA. UT. & T:RANS. CO:Nfl~l. ORIt. 1NAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 24 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B ~ Re istered Trad? Name(s dba Sunshine Disposal and Re clin Item 100 - Rssidential Senrice Monthlv Rates (continued) Curbside recycling provisions shovvn on this page appty only in the follrnving service area: Follrnving is a description of the recyciing program (type of containers, frequency, etc.). Program provided in accordance with Ordinance Na of (name of County or Ciry). Special rules related tor recycling program: Issued By: Marc B. Tiorre ' . Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effiective Date: Se tember 1, 2008 (For Officral Uss Only) Docket Na. TG- Date: By: S 7 0?VL .Y ' Dockef. TG-061142 Ageitda Date: 08-30-06 .E.ffective Date: 09-01-06 RECErVED J`C_ 12, 2000 ~VA. UT. & TR.AN~S. COi~~1~1. ORI( svAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page.No. 25 / \ Company NamelPermit Nurnber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GOU01 Q9 8 Re istered TraJe Name{s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec yc1in Item i00 Residential Ssrvioe N4onthlv Rates (continued} Yardwaste provisions shovm on 'this page apply only in the foilowing service area: FoUowing is a description of #he Yardwaste program (type of containsrs, frequency, etc.). Program provided in accordance vrith Ordinance No. of (name of Couniy ar City). Special rules related tor yardwaste program: Issued By: Marc B. Tarte . Issue Date: Jut 13, 2006 . Effective Date: September 1,'2006 ~ (For Officia! Use Only) Docket iVo. TG- Qate: gY: , N"0JVLY . . - 61142 Agef7da Date: 08-30-06 Ef,~'ective Date: 09-01-06 RECEWED JT_( 12, 200e WA. UT. & TRAIiS. CON17Vi. ORY( NAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 26 Gflmpany NamelPermit Number: Sunshlne Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re istered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re clin Item 105 Multi-familv Service - PVionthtY Rates Service Area: ;0"'.,~.-, '~"t3O~ _ galions _ gallons _ gallons gallons aUons oFher _atner other _oGher Number ot Rece tacles Frequency af service Initi-~I Deavery Cherge Rer+t Per Day Rent Per " Mon:h Pickup Charge - (See Noies 1,20) 8pecial Piakup Charge Note 1: The ch3rge included in this rate for recycling is S . Description/rules t2lated to recyciing program are shovm on page Note 2: The charge included in tfi'rs rate for yardwaste is $ . Descriptionlrufes related io yardwaste program are snown on page Note 3: Recycling crediUdebit (if applirabie) included in this rate is: $ Note 4: Customets will be charged for service requested even if fewer units are picked up on a particular trip. No credit w+il be given for partEally filled cans. No credits will be given if customer . • fails fo set receptacles out for collection. " Note 5: The charge for an occasional extra resldential can, unit, toter, mini-can, or micro-mini-can on a reeular icku fs: Rats per receptacle Rate per reosptacle T e of rece tacie Per icku T s of rece tacle Per icku 32 allon can or unit 9 allon toter Mini-can Other. Micramini-can Other. 6 allon toter Other. Note 6: Customers may request no more than one pickup per month, on an "on calP' basis, at $per canlunit. Service will ba rendered on the normal scheduled pickup day fof the area in whicdi the customer resides. Nofe: If customer requires service to be provided on other than normal scheduled pickup day, rates fior speciai pickups will apply. Recycling rates on this page expire: . Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13 2006 Effective Date: September 1, 2006 (For Ofrtcra! Uss Only) . ; Dflcket No. TG- Date: BY: E 01VLY . . -061142 . . . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JU'_ 12, 200o WA. U'I'. & TRANS. CON.iM.. ORI( _JAL TG-061142 Tariif No. 7 Original Page No. 27 - . , • ~.._.J Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G040189 8 Re i,tered Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec clin item 105 Mul ~familv S2njce -IJonthiy Rates (confinued) Curbs(de recycling provisions shoti;,n on this page appiy onty in the following servioe 3rea: Foflotiv~ng is a descripbon of the racycling program (type of oontainers, frequency, etc.). _ Pragram provided, in accordance with Ordinance No. ' of (name oi County or Cify). ~ Special rules related tor recyding program: / Issued By, P►M1arc B. Torre Issue Dats: Ju 13, 2006 . . Effectiva Date: September 1, 2006 ~ (For Official Use Only) . Dacket No. TG [}ate: $y, iS OlVLY - . . 61142 Ageiada Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 J RECEIVED JL .1-2, 20Uu WA. UT. & TRANS. COIVINI. ORI~ 1vAL TG-061142 Tariffi No. 7 Original Page No. 28 Company NamslPermit Number. Sunshina Disposal, Inc. - G040198 B : Re istered Trade NamQ(s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec yclin I#em 105 Multi-famiy Service - Monthly Rates (continued) Yardwaste provisions shown on this page apply onty in the foliowing service area: Follawing is a description ole the Yardwaste program (type af containers, frequency, etc.). Program provided in acc:ordance with Ordinance Mo, oF (namz of County or City). Special rules related br yardwaste program: . ~ Issued By: M3rc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2000" (For Omcia! Use Only) . , Docket No. TG Date: By: r_OR J r' OArLY . - Agekeie T-G 611,42 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effecti>>e laate: 09-01-06 i REMVED A. . 12, 200o WA. UT. & TRA~rTS. C0ORI~ -.vA.L TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Or6ginal Page No. 29 Company NamerPermi4 Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re istered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine DisgnsaJ and Rscyciin Itern 120 Drums T e of Service Rate Per Drum, Per Picku €2e ular Route Seivice $ S eciai Pickup $ Item 130 Litter Re-ceptacles and Litter Toters Customer-owned Rece tacle Rate Per Rece ►acla, Per Picku Size or T e: $ .Si2a ar T pe: $ Com an -owned Rece taGl2: Rate PerReoeptacle, Per Picku Size or T e: $ Size or T e: $ Item 150 - Loase and Bulkv Material Speciai Trips: Time rates in Item 160 appty. . Regular Route: The follovrin rates a I: Addifional cubic Carry Charge 1 to 4 cubic y3rds yards' Minimum Charge i'er eacfi 5 ft over Ra`a er yard Rate er yard Per Picku 8 feet Bulk Materials ' ' Loose material customer load Loose material . com an laad Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: JuI 13, 2006 Effective Dais: Ss tember 1, 2005 (For Oilfic1af Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: FOR OFF.IGIAL USE OIvLY Docket: TG-061142 . . Agertda Date: 08-30-06 Efj''ective Date: 09-01-06 -r , RECEIVED Jl . 12, 200u WA. UT. & TRANS. COM.N~. ORf -NAL TG-061142- Item 160 has A four increases in char es Tarift No. 7 06ginal Page No, 30 ,-Company ldame/Perrnit Number Sunshine DispQSal, lnc. - GOfl0ti99 B Reqistsred Trade Name(s dha Sunshine Dfs osal and Re clin Item 160 Time Ra4es When time rates apply. Time rates named in this Item apply: (a) When matedal must be takzn to a special site for dispasal; (b) When a oompany's equipment must wait at, or reium to, a customer's site fo provide scheduled ' service due to no disability, fauft, or negligence on the part of the company. Actual waiting time or time taken in returning to the site v4ll be charged for, or (c) When a customer orders a single, special, or emergency pickup, or when other items in ihis tariff refer to ttiis Item. Haw rates are recorded and charged. Time must be recorded and cJiarged for to the nearest increment af 15 minutes.*Tims rates apply for the period from ths timz the company's vehicle leaves the company's terminal unfil it retums to tlie derminal, excluding interruptions. An interruptian is a situation causing stoppage of service that is in the control of the company and not in the control of the customer. Examples include: aoffize breaks, lunch breaks, breakdown of equipment, and similar occurrences. Disposal fees in addition to time rates. Item 230 disposal fees for the specific disposal site or 6acility used vrifl apply in addition to time rates. , Rates per hour. Rate Per Hour Each Eutra hAinimum . . T e of E ui ment order2d Truck and Driver Person Char e Sinqle rear drfve axle: Non-packer truck $ $ $ Packertruck $ s $ Dro -box truclc $ 65.00 A S 42.50 A $ Tandem rear drive axle: • Non-packer truck $ Packer truck $ $ $ Dra -box truck S 65.00 A $ 42.50 A $ Issued By: Matc B. Torre . lssue Date: Jul 13, 2006 • Effec#ive Date: Se tember 1 2006 (For OftrciaJ Use Only) Docket No. TG- Daie: gY OIVLY Doe M-- 4061142 • Ager7da Date.• 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 . . . RE.CE~VED Jl .~.2, 206u ~VA. ~JT. & T~2.A.~\TS. CO1'I11'i: ORI~ . ~ NAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 31 r Company tdame/Permit Numbzr. Sun>hine Disposal, Inc. - G000189 B Re istared Trade Mame(s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re clin ' Item 200 Container and/or Droo Boxes General Rules Availability. A company must maintain a supply of all sizes of containers and drop boxes for tvhicii rates are listed in this tarffi. If a customer rzquests a container or drop box of a slze Ifsted in the company's tarifi, and the aompany is unable to provide the requested size vv+thin 7 days of the customer request, the customer must b2 notifred in writing or by telephone. Alternate-siZed containers and/or drop boxes. If the company cannot provide ihe reqUested-sized c4ntainer or drop box (and tfzat size is listed in the company's tanfr), the company must provide altemate-sized containers or drop boxes, sufficient to meet the capacity originally requested by the customer, at the same rates as wauld have apolied for 'the requested container or drop box. Disposal fees due on afternate-sized drop boxes. If the company provides altemate-sized drop boxes, #he customer is respansible for aII lawfuily applicable disposal fees resulting from the use of the altemate drop boxes. . Rates on partially-flled containers andlor drop boxes. Full pickup and rental rates apply r2gardless of the amount of %eraste matarial in the container or drop box at pickup Ume.* Rates for comRacted materiats. Rates for compacted material apply oniy when the material has been compacted before its pickup by the company. Rates for loose material. Loose material dumped into the company's packer fruck is subject to the rates for J non-oompacted materi3l even though Ehe maferial may be compacted later in the packer truck. Permanent and temporary service. The follotiving rules apply: (a) tf a customer reque5ts a oontainer or drop box sor less than 90 days, the customer will be billed at temporary seroice rates. (b) If a temporary service customer notifes the company that it has decided Eo retain the oontainer or drop box for rnore than 90 d2ys, permanent service rates wil( be assessed from the 91st day until the end of the pertod the customer retains the container or drop box. • (c) If a customer requests a container or drop bax for more than 90 days, the customer will be billed under permanent rates. If that customer cancels service befora the end of the 90-day period, the company may not rebill the customer at tsmporary service rates. The intent of the customer at the time ssrvice was raquested applies. . Issued 6y: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se ternber 1, 2006 ` (For Official Use On1y) - - Docket No. TG- Date: By: -r,a nFr_ rGr,, r r W, DiNTL~ . . 961142 . flgertda Date: 08-30-06 Eff'ectiv2 Dat.e: 09-01 -06 RECEIVIED J~ ^12, 200o WA. UT. TRANS. COMNi.. ORV. _NAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 32 Company N3melPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000139 8 Re istered Trade Name s dba Sunshina Dts osal and Rec clin , Item 205 - Roll-Out Charaes Containers. Automated Carts, and Toters Charges for contatenrs. The oompany wilJ assess rol!-out charges where, d.ue to circurns#anoes outsida the control of tfie driver, the driver is required to move a container more than fve feet, but less than 25 feei, in order to reach the truck. The charge for this roll-out ssrvice is: $ per container, per pickup Over 25 feet, the charge wiA be the charge for 25 fee#, plus $ per increntent of b feet. Charges for automated carts or toters. The company wrill assess ro{I-out charges where, ' due to circums4ances ouQside the oontrol of 'the driver, the driver Is required to move an automated cart or totar more than feet in order to reach the truck. The charge for this roll-0ut service is: $ per cart or toter, per pickup. Issued By. fiAarc B. Torre Issua Date: Ju 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (ForOfficia! Use Only) ' Docket No. TG- Date: sy: tny Buckef, 1142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED Jl. . 12, 200o WA. Y1'T. & TR~~S. CO~!' ORII, 'A_L TG~-061142 Itsm 207 has C] added wordin in one lace. 7ariff No. 7 Orig+nal Page No. 33 ~ . Comp2ny NamelPerm9t Number. Sunshine [}ispflsal, 1nc. - G000199 B - Re istered 7rade Name(s) dba Sunsthine Disposal and R., clin Itzm 207 Excess Weiaht - Reiection oi Load. Charaes to Transaor~ The owmpany rsserves the righf 4o reject pickup of any ooniainer, stabonary packer, ar drop box which, upon reasortaale inspection: _ (i) Appears to be ovsr{oaded. (2) Wou1d cause appficable vehicle load limitations to be exceeded; (3) VYauld cause the company to vio0ate IQad limitations or result in unsafe vehide operation; andlor (4) Would negativeiy impact or othen%rise damaga road sutfaca integrity. For the purposes of this tariff, the follrnving maximum vreights appfy: Maximum gross vehicle weight of 48,000 pounds. [C] Typ&Size of Maximum Weight Type/5ize of A92admum 1'Veight Confainer, Drap Bac, AUrnwance per CQn`ainer, Orop Box, Aiiovanoe per Tater, or Cart RF*ceptecle in pounds} Toter, ar Cart Recep3actg (in pouncPs) All DroBoxes 20,000 ounds • Overfilled or overweight, charges if transportsri. If the conta[ner, drop box, toter, or cart exceeds the ' lirnits stated above, 'ts filled beyand the marked fill line, or the top is unable to be clased, but tfie company transports .he materiats, the fo0owing addilianal charges will appiy: Type.'Siza o; Type/Size of , Container, Drop 9ax, Coniainer, Drop Sox, TctOr, or Cart Char e 7ohr, or Cart Charca s Per S Per $ Per S r er S Per $ Per $ Per $ Per $ Per . $ Per S Per $ Per Issued By: Narc B. Torcz • ~issue Date: Jui 13, 2006 EcFectivs Date: Se ternber 1, 2006 (For 0f 3'1cie l Uss OnJy) QoCk2i N6_ TG- QeiB: By: r. ~n nr. Fi~T,r t k061142 OA~L.Y . Agertda Date: 08-30-06 Effectii~e Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED J~ ,12, 204v WA. U'T. & TRANS. CONAL. OR.I( _NA.L TG-061142 This a e contains C) added wordin and A two amounts with increases. Tariff No. 7 Original Page Na. 34 Company Name/Pernit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G40D199 B ' F2,,. i;t2red Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Dis osai and Rec ciin Item 210 - Washizo and Sanitizina Containers and/or Drop Boxes Upon customer request, the company will provide washing and seniE►zing service at the follawing rates: Size or Typs of Container or Dro Box Rats • All Dra 6oxes Per Yd AAinimum Cha e [C] Washn $ 1.15 S 23.15 [A] Steam Cleanin S 3.00 S 30.68 [C] Sanitizin ~1.00 $ - [A] Picacu and Delive Char e: • Over 8 Yards $ 42.45 [C] Service to be provided as required by local or state health or solid waste rules, customer [C] request , or at the discretion of the carrier ff in the carriees judgement the container or drop bax is in such a condition as to vfolate sairl laws. - Item 220 - Campactor Rental Cusdorners must pay the folloviing addi4ional charges for compactors fumished by the company. Charges . named are for compactors only and do not include dtap box or container charges. Se2 Items 250 and 270 for confainer charges. Customers must pay ihe casts of installation. ' Size or Typa of Con#afner or Dro Box RaEe Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2005 Effecftve Date: September 1, 2006 (For dfI'rcval Use Only) Docket No. TG- Date: By: U E ONLY oc -et: -061142 . Agerrdu Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 r RECEIVED Jl .].2, ZO4u WA. UT. & TR.A.NS. C0N'ORI~ 1NAL TG-061:142 This pa e has A four increases in ass-thru dum fees. r , Tariff No. 7 O~iginal Page No. 35 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G0001g9 B 2 istzrzd Trade Nams s dba Sunshine Disposal and Rec clin ' Item 230 - DisDosal Fees _ Charges in this item appty when other items in the tariff speci~ically iefer to this i€em. Dis osal site (name or location) T e ofi Naterial Fee for Disposal S per Sullivan Raad Transfer Station MSW Refuse $'f03.00 per Ton A S per Ci of S okane Waste to Ener Plant MSW Ret'use $ 98.40 per 7on A $ oer Sunshine Rec cle,s Transfer Station MSW Refuse $ 98.00 per Ton A] $ per Sunshine R cle,s ftanslier Station CDU $ 59.50 per fon A] $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per ~ $ per $ per $ per $ per s per $ per $ per $ per S per $ per . s per S per State whether fees are per yard, per #on, etc. Include charges assessed far special commodities (tires, appliances, asbestos, e#c.) or spec'ral conditions at each specifc disposal site. Attaati additional shsets as necessary. . issued 8y: h4arc B. Torre . . Issue Qate: Jul 13, 2006 ' Effective Date: Spotember 1 2046 (For Onicral Use Onry) , j7ff Dockat No, TG Dafe: BY: OIVLY 1 - . 061142 Agenda .Date: 08=30-06 Effecfive.Date: 09-01-06 RECETVED Ji . 12, 200o WA. UT. & TRANS. C0A:~~... OR,I~ .~vAi.. TG-061142 Tarrff No. 7 Original Page No. 36 Gompany Narne/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Re istered Trade Name s db.a Sunshine Dis osal and Re yclin Item 245 - Container Service - Dumaed In CompanV's Vehicle Non-compacted Material (Customer-owned container) Includes Commercisl Can Service Rates stated per oontainer, psr pickup Servioe Area: Size or T e of Confainar Permanent Service 32 oal can _ gal. Tate Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Each Scheduled Picku $ $ $ s - is $ $ S ecial Picku s $ S $ $ $ Tem ora Service Picku Rate $ 5 $ $ $ $ ' s Note1: Permanent Servioe: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other vreek piclcup, uniess local govemmsnt requires more frequent service or unless pu4rescibles are lnvolved. Customer will be charged for sErvics requested, even if fewer conEainers are serviced on a partictilar trip. No credit will be given for partially-filled containers. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By. Marc B. Torre Issue DaEe: Jul 13 2006 Effective Date: Se tsmbar 1, 2006 (For Offfcia! Use Oniy) Docket No. TG- Date: By: . FOR OFFICIAL USE OAtLY Docket: .TG-061142 - Agenda Dat.e: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 i RECEIVED JL . 12, 200. WA. UT. &TR.-XNS. COnZIV... OP&._ !vAL TG061142 Tari"rf No. 7 Original Page No. 37 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine DIspQSal, Inc. - G00019J B Re istered Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re ciin ltem 250 - Container Service Dumped in ComoanZs Vehicle Compacted M3#erial (Company-owned container) Rates sbfed per oonLainer, per pickup Servioe Area: Size or T e of Container Permanent Service Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Month Rent if a plicable), $ S $ $ $ $ $ First Picku $ S $ $ $ $ $ Each Additional PicPcup $ S $ $ $ $ $ S ecial Picku s $ S $ $ $ $ 1$ Tem Of8 Service _'~or':~ti-f'-.-'`~41''• Ini4ial Delive $ ~ $ $ $ $ $ Pickup Rate $ S $ v . $ $ $ Rent Per Cafendar Da S s $ $ $ $ $ Rent Per Month $ S $ $ $ $ $ Note1: Permanent Service: Service is defined as no lass than scheduled, every other vieek pickup, unless Iocal government requires more frequent service or unless putrescibfes are involved. Customer wfll be charged for ssrvice requested, even if fzwar containers are sarviced on a Dzrticular trip. No credit vtiil be given for parfially-filled containers. Note 2: i'ermanent S?sNice: If rent is shown, the rate for the first pickup and eaGh additional pickup must be the same. lf rent is not shovrn, it is to be includsd in the rate for the firsf pickup. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By: Marc B. Torre - Issue Datz: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Da' te: Septernber 1, 2006 (For Oftrcia! Use Only) . , Docket No. TG- Dafe: By: ,-r,D l1~+1?'TCT4T r;a OATL Y . 61142 - Agerzdu Date: 08-30-06 _ Effeetive Date: 09-01-06 ItECEYNrED JL ~12, 200o WA.. UT. & TRAN'S. COI~IlS~. ORd. -vAL TG061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 38 Company Name/Permit Number. Sunshine Disposat, lnc. - G000199 B ~ Re istsred Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re cfin ~ Item 255 - Container Service - Dumoed in CamDanv's Vehicle Compacted Naterial (Customer-owned container) Rates stated per container, per pickup Service ArEa: - Size or T e of Container Permanent Service 32 gal can _ gal. Tote Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard S Each Scheduled PickuD $ $ $ $ $ $ S eciaf Picku s $ $ $ $ $ $ S Tempora Servlce i. ;.~'=i.~zS~:,-Y~Oi,.~ .-A,,;:,~}•,;~_ ~.~~.u~~~''~~'.. T.~~ ~W •4T . Picku Rafe $ $ $ S s $ $ Note1: Permanent Senrice: Service is defined as no less than scheduled, every other week pickup, unless local govemment requires more frequent senrice or unfess putr2scibles are involved. Customer will be c:harged for service requested, even if flewer confainers ars serviced on a particular trip. No credit will be given for parEially-fiIled containers. Accessorial charges, assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By: 'Marc B. Torre IssUe Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date; Se tember 1, 2008 • (For Official Use Only) Docket No. TG- Dats: By: FOR OFFICIAL USE OATLY Docket.• TG-061142 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-0I -06 ~ ~ . RECEINrED Jt . 12, 200u WA. iTT. & TIZkNS. C()~VIlV~. OPd. ..svAL TG-061142 This page has [A] six lines with increases in each fiIled-in column, pius (A) an increase in Note 2, ' and the insertion of Notes 4, 5 and 6 with N new rates in each. - • Tariff IVo. 7 O~iginal Page No. 39 Company NamelPennit Number. Sunshine Disposal,lnc. - GOOD199 B Re4istered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re clin Item 260 DroA Box Service - To Disqosal Site and Return Non-Compacfed Material (Company-owned container) Rates steQm-d per drop box, per pickup Service Arza: See Apppendlx A- Permit copy & map Size or T e of Container Permanent Service 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard Monthl Ren# if applicable $ 55.00 S 57.90 $ 60.30 $ 74.00 $ $ [A] First Picku $ 65.00 S 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 S $ [A] Each Additional Pidcu $ 65,00 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 S $ A S ecial Picku s $ $ S S S $ , Tem ora Service ~~~'~~~~~'~~.:"~'c' ~-::~,;~~`?~-R,~i:~'c4`~.~;-~`-.-'~-~.,~~a;:;~;:= Initial Delive 44.00 $ - $ 40.00 $ 40.00' S $ (A) Pickup Rate $ 85.00 $ - $ 95.08 $°5.08 $ $ [A] Rent Per Calendar Da $ 4.00 $ - $ 4.50 $ 5.00 $ $ A] Rent Per Month $ S S $ S $ Note 1: Rates in this item are subjec4 to disposal fees narned in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 milss from the point of pickup to the disposal sita. Excess mites will be charged for at $4.00 Rer mile or fraction af a [A] miie. lo4ileage charge is in addition ta all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service: (1) Service is defined as no Isss than scheduled, onr.r a montn picfcup, unless local govemment raquires more frequent service, or unless pu$resctibles are involved. (2) If a drop box is retalned by a customer for a full monih and no pickups are orderztl, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges vrill be assessed for pickups. Mont(nly rental charges wifl be prorated when a drop box is retained for only a portion of a month. (3) If rent is shawm, the rate for the first pickup and each addibonal pickup must be the same. li rent is not shown, it is to be included in the rate for the iirst pickup. Accassor+al charges assessed (lids, tarping, unlocking, unlaiching, eQe.): Note 4: A gate or obstruction charge of $10.00 (N) will be assessed for opening , unlocking or [N] closing gates, or moving obstructions in order to p6ck up solid waste: Note 5: A fee of $17.86 (N) per month vrill be added to rent when a lid is required on a cfrop box. [N] Note 6: A fee of $10.00 (N) will be assessed when a customer r2quires the solid waste company [N] to position lids open after pickup. ' Issued 3y: POarc B. Torre f-. Issue I?ate: Ju 13, 2006 EffecGve Date: Se tember 1, 2006 ~ (For Official Use Only) , Docket No. TG- Date: By: 4 ~L CE F O`VL y , p61142 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED J~ . 12,200. WA: UT. & TRANS. COMN-t. ORi _._NAL TG-061142 Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 40 Company NamelPermit Number. Sunshine DiSpasal, Inc. - G000199 B R isterzd Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and R clin Item 265 Drov Box Service - To Disposal Site and Retum Non-Compacted Material (Customer-owned centainer) Rates stafed per drop box, per pickup . Service Area: Size or Tvpe of Container Permanent Service Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Each Scheduled Picku $ $ $ ~ $ 1$ $ S ecial Picku s $ $ $ $ . ~ , . ..~•:_,..7•_i.._•.srp•:;~;::E-~.:.;:-~..•~-r• . Y, ny -:Y ~ :.'r.;Ft.'•' ~ y`_ , .;3;.. i.; :r".iK ' `~'es;. k::r-j:. ~~.'~~~'.~:c•,.;.< {.~:i~~. 'f:; f= Tem Ora Service : o:' ' Picku Rate ~ ~ • $ $ $ 1$ 1$ Note1: Rates in this item are subject to disposal fees named in ftem 230. Note 2: Rates named in this item appiy for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles from thz point of pickup Qo the disposai si#e. Excess miies will be charged for at $ per mile or fraction of a rnile. Mileage harge is in addition lo all regular charges. Note 3: Permanent Service is defined as no less than scheduled, oncz a month pickup, uN2ss bocal government ordinances require more frequent servits-- or unles putrescibles are involved. Accessorial charges assesserl (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Issued By: Marc B. Tone Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 EffectNe Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Oifrcial Usa Qnly) Docket No. TG- ~ate: By: _ FOR OFFICIAL USE OlyLY ' - Docket: TG-061142 Agen.da Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 ~ RECEYVED J(112, 204u NVA. UT. & TRA.NS. C011:Ckt. ORi, ( ..,NAL TC-061142 Tariff fJo. 7 Original Page No. 41 Company Name/Permit Nurrber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - Ga00199 B Re istered Trade Name(s dba Sunshine Dis flsal and Rec ycfin It?m 270 - Drop 3oxServiLe To Disposal S:#e and Retum CornpacGed Material (Company-rnvned drop box) Rates stated per drop box, psr ¢ickup Service Area: . Size or T e of Container Permanent Service Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Month Rent (if a plicable $ $ $ $ $ $ $ First Picku $ 5 $ $ $ S $ Each Addiaonal Pickuo $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ S ecial Picku s $ ~ $ $ $ Tem ora Service I =;-1~~~'~:.Y.?y' x=f~`~=5i~ ::~E~`~'..K's;~:~~5'.'~S"~:'~~`S 'i .•;'~=~r~ wrl'~.~"~t~4~,: . Initial Delive $ $ $ $ 5 S $ Picku Rate $ $ $ $ $ s $ Rent Per Calendar Qa s S $ $ $ $ S Rent Per Nonth s $ 5 $ $ $ S Note1: Rates in this item are subject to dispasal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Rates named in tnis item appiy for atl hauls not exceetfing 5 miles from the point of pickup to the disposal site. Excess miles will be charged for at S per mfle or fraction of a mlle. Mileage harge is in addition to alf regular charges. ~Note 3: Permanent Service: (1) Service is definesi as no less than schedulsd, once a montti pickup, unless local govemment requires more frequent service, or unless putrescibles are invotved. (2) IY a drop bDx is retalned by a customer for a full mon►h and no pickups ar2 ordered, the monthly rent shall be charged, but no charges v✓ill be assessed for pickups. Monthly rental charges will be prorated when a drop box is retalned for only a portion of a m4nth. (3) If rent is shovrn, the ratP for the first pickup and each additional piclcup must be the same. I If rent is not shrnvn, it is to be included in the rate for tfie first pickup. Accessorial charges assessed {lids, tarping, unlocking, unlatching, ete.}: lssu2d 8y: Marc B. Torre Issue Date: Jul 13, 2406 Eriective Date: Se Eember 1, 2006 (For Officia! Use On1y) DOCk@t NO. TG- Date: By: r. nn nrrrr-r,c r ONLY ' . . 61142 " Agenda.Date: 08-30-06 ' Effective Date: 09-07-06 RECEIVED JI, ~ 1212Q(►u WA. U'T. & TR.ANS. C01ML. ORl _i-NAL TG-061142 This page has [A] increases to Permanent Service for 20 yard and 30 yard containers with no changes to rates for the 30 yard and 40 yard containers. This page also has [A] an increase to the mileage rate in Note 2, irtsertion of Note 4 with [N] one new rate, and insertion of Note 5 with [C] chan es in wordin onl wiEh no chan e to that rate. Tariff No. 7 Original Page No. 42 Company Narrte/Permit Number. Sunshine Dispasal, Inc. - G000199 B Re istsred Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Re clinq Item 275 - Drop Sox Service - To Discosal Site and Retum Compacted Maierial (Customer-owned container) Rates stated per drflp box, per pickup Service Area: See Appendix A- Permit copy and map A A Size or Ty e of CantainQr Permanent Service 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Y3rd Eac.Jt Scheduled Picku $ 112.00 $ 112,00 $ 112.00 $ 135.05 $ $ $ Special Picku s $ $ ~u . Tempora S@NICB ~~FT'k~C~'~~ii~~"'-~:~~~}~~2i!,:•~~~,~ ''~x c•-'.~ ;r}~,-. r~n'~;'.~~F.~Er"y~~~t'~`a~~z~'.:'~~.,i3~` Picku Rate $ $ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ Note 1: Rates in this item are subject to dlspasal fees named in Item 230. Note 2: Ratas named in this item apply for all hauls not exceeding 5 miles from the point of pickup to the dispasal site. Excess miles will be charged for at $4.00 per mile or fraction ofi a [Aj rnile. I0ileage cJtarge is in addition to a!I regular charges. ~ Nate 3: Permanent Service is defined as no less than scheduled, once a month pic3cup, unless local government ordinanrPS require more frzquent service or unles putrescibles ara invofved. Accessorial charges assessed (lids, unlocking, unlatching, etc.) Note 4: A gate or obstruction charge of $10.00 (N) rvill be assessed for opening , unlocking or [N] dosing gates, or moving obstructions in order to pick up solid waste. Note 5: A campac#or'disconnect/reconnecf charge of $25.40 will be assessed. [C] Issued By: Marc B. ToRe . . Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Officia! Use Only) , Docket No. TG- Date: BY: F-r►~,R GFF'~~&T-S O~ULY . 061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Fffective Date: 09-01-06 REcEWED J( 112, 2oou'wA. UT. & TRANs. coA-rk. oRLANAL TG-061142 Tariif hb, 7 Original Page No. 43 Company NarnelPerrnit NumbAr. Sunshine Disposai, fnc. - G00D199 B • ge istared Trade Name s dba Sunshine Dis osal and Rec cfin. • t#em 300 - Li;t of Abbr2viations and Svmbols Used In This Tariff (A] denotes increases (R] denotes decreases [C] denotes changes in v✓ording, resUling in neither increases or decreases [N] denotes new ratss, services, or rules denotes that material previousty shown has been deleted Yd. Or yd. Are abbreviatians for yard Cu. Or cu. P.re abbreviations for cubic Issued By, Marc S. Torre Issue Date Jul 13, 2006 Etfecti~~e Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Officra~ Use Only) DocEcet No. TG- Da#e: BY= 9GR G~~R~ ,~.2A O?1TLY 61142 Agenda Dute: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 ~A''~~.'`s~~~s~~~~~~''~.~.1~~ ~i ''~t►3t~2. . ' . . ' ~T~ Qt- i_ ~ •WASHIh'GTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION For the Operation of Motor Propelted Vehicles - ~ pursuant to the provislons of Chapter 81 RCW . T141S IS TO CERTIFY that aulhority is granted to operate as a MOTOR CARRIER in the lransportation of the cflmrtiodltles and in the territory described herein to ' 4~ . . ' . 6. • . - . - ! 5unshi ne Uisposal, Inc. • ' CEltT. ' N0. 1415 NW Ballard Way ' G-199 ' Seattle, WA 98107 • - . D-1 ' GARBAGE 11ND REFUSH COLLF.CTION SERVICT, limfted to service in containers of twettty (20) cubic yard capacity or over fn tllat portxon . of Spakane County described as £ollows: The territory bounded on the - west by Havana Stre4t (the easterly city limi-ts of ttie Ctty of Spakane); on the north by Rowan Avenue extsnded; on tho east.by t}xe . Idaho-Washingtoa State line and on the south by 40th Avenue extenaed. Also, 5ections 25, 26, 35 attd 36, T. 26 N., R. 45 B., and Sections 30 and 32, T. 26 N,, R. 46 E.; and within the corporate city tlmits o€ Spokane as of September 1, 1962, PROVIDED: Service permitted in Spokane daes not authorize the duplication of oF any encrvachment on • servlces renderod-by the City oF.Spokane or contracted for -by it.. M. V. G. Nv. 1147 ' . „ 8-24-83 - ' WASFfINGTON UTiL1mIES AND TRANSPORTATION :T,+;COMMISSION . By ~ 0 - ----r--- _ ~ LY ~ 061.192 ' . . ~ N Jlbgelfdu te: 08-30-06 - J► S' .-'!r' Kff Tw~' _ ~dl.S~6e'* fSC~:'.~ ~ REC ~ . ~ u~ VA. , . ~ . . ~ . hl9Z1 • N;Zl C0zi Y..~ _4-- ~ , . • , rF ~ • a~t `M ~ a 9 ' fl,.~ ~ ~ r: lr~ 7 ) ! o c `r • . i •ot 1 ~J~ ~ ` r•t~ ~•~°`i • r ; _ , - Lc1 - --~J1: T__ ~ • . }r ' P ' _ ' - i J l•~• • • • ' 1, Y` t ' `r , . . • ~ I I _ _ ~ . . ~J~1 • ` ` ~ t ti~'`- . ~ y' ~ ~ • E~ ~ ~ tir' v~.. ' Y`~y~L'; ~ o~• ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~y~ . _ ~ ' - ~ ~ ~ o 0 0 ` 4 t • . ~ • 1. • 3' - - ° ° ~ ~ o e t; 1- o` x- a. . • J ' ° _ ' n.J i± • ~ •_L . f ~ ~y~ n " . ' • •t~ ~ ul ~ 0 • ' Q- ~ G~ .N.+ u t 1 i j ~ . P ct~~ ~ ~ r!~ ~i ; - j ~ ♦ =i - ~ a . ~ • • ~ i ~ s 4 t~•~~~ ~ ~ T' i . "di~'~~ ~ ' - r~~. • - • i •.1',' i ~ F i . ! ~ + ' ~L . . ~ ~ . ~ = ~ ~r • - .t - i ~ ~ ' 's%: f`<~` •C 7P~~ ~jI'ER,. " ~ ~ , I~ ~ ~Y~ e' ~~'S.'i = ~•.F'-'~; y.~; ~ . • t,• ' i ' • ~ r~ •T' itih, ' .l•' ~ ~','[tiLr. r • ' • T• • i~°.YE~~d1~ 'rM M ~ ` o ~ o ! ~ •t' ~''~~.,•.1'?~Y"`:'.`t f r~~ ' a ~r,~ ° ° > ~ • y ~ t = F i : ~ , t!f 7.:,i1 ~ :9~•~: . ~ ~ ~~s 6 . ' • , ` c~ ~ _ t ;•t = i.,,~~'1f ' L • W« c•V L •I r~11• L~ ' . ~ • ~ ~ V`p ~ 7 • .'.l` ' ~ • . _ . ~ ~t~~ ~ ~ . -r ; , x oL u ~ ° ~ • . i i~ - - - ' ° a s.~ qc •4 _ ~ ~ Q v Y u ~ ~ - • P~ . N C O~ O • _ . 1. 1 L . •I - ~ , ~ = V~~. ' ~ ~i , . ~ _ ~ ~J ~ ti~~ _ ~ w \ ~ ~ r~ I f ~ ' •i . . ~ ~ • : r~~-_ ~ _ , ~~v'-~ .i~ • ~ `u ` 1. •';~`;ISE OjVL Y -061142 - ' ~ ~ , ` 08-30-06 ~ • - - ~ - - - ~ - c~ive t~e: 09-0I-06 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' - % Request for Council Action - Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent old business X netv business 0 public hearing ❑ information admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading of Ordinance 08-004 amending Ordinance 07-023 granting VUaste Management a seven year franchise - effective date. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study session April 17, 2007, motion on May 22, 2007, administrative report August 14, 2007, first reading October 22, 2007, second reading and adoption on Ordinance 07-023 on November 7, 2007. The first touch on amending Ordinance 07-023 was an administrative report on March 18, 2008. BACKGROUND: On November 7, 2007, the City Council approved an ordinance granting a franchise to Waste Management for residential and commercial solid waste collection. The effective date was five days after publication. Also on Noverriber 7, 2007, the Council authorized staff to send the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) a letter notifying the WUTC of the termination of the existing tariff (essentially like a franchise) with WUTC, effective November 16, 2007. In January 2008, the WUTC notified staff that the City needed to clarify several issues in our notification letter, which we have done. In doing so, we had to revise the effective date of the notification of termination to March 10, 2008. Given the gap in dates between the effective date of Ordinance 07-023 and the revised notification letter to WUTC, staff drafted an amendment to Ordinance 07-023 that would change the effective to March 10, 2008. OPTIONS: 1) move to advance the ordinance to a second reading; 2) suspend the rules and adopt ordinance 08-004; 3) take other action deemed appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: suspend the rules and adopt ordinance 08-004 BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA ' STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Driskell, Deputy City Attomey ATTACHMENTS: Draft amendment to franchise for Waste Management. DR.A.FT CITY OF SPOI{AN:H. VALLEY SPQKAiNtL COUNTY, WAST_i.T,NGTON - QRDLNA.irTCF NO. 08-004 / AN ORDINANCE OF TNF CITY UF SPQKr1i\`E VALLEY, SPOKANT, COTJ~''I'Y, VVAS.RINGTON, A1V1TNllIING ORn11N:ANCE 07-023 13Y C.Hr1s\G1NG THE APYLICABLE nATE ON" ORAINANCE OF TI3E SEVT\i YE.AR, iNOIV-EYCLUS.IVE F12ANCkTISE '10 WASlE MANALEIVLFNT TO PROVCDL C01MME1tCIAL ANI) RFSI.DLi\°T1A.T.. GaRsacE AYll ftEFUST COLL-EC'I'IQY SERVTCE W11H1~£ TFLE CTTY OF SPOK.A1~T VALLEY • W'BERFAS, the City of Spokwe Valley incorparatEd on March 31, 2003, at which time Waste Managernent of Washington; Inc., d/b/a Waste iVlanagement of Spokane (hereafter "VJasle Management") was providing garbage and refuse collection services in the geographie area coniprising the new City; WIIEfZEAS, R_CW 35.02.160 provides th3l when a new city incorporates, a company providing solid wasce and refuse cnllection services within the new ciCy shall beallowed to continue providing said services for at least seven years following the exercise of certain steps to tenninate t.hose ststutory riohts; ~NTNF.'REAS, nn November 7, 2007, the City Council approved Ordinance 07-023 granting a seven-ycar fi•anchise Co Waste vlanagerncnt to providc commercial aiid residential garbage and retuse collection service within Spokane Valley. The City Council also gave appro<<al to give notice nf termintil.ion through the Washington Ulilitics and `1"ransportation Cnmmission; and • WI-IER.Et1S, City staff had communica[ions with staff at the Washington Ueilities and . Transporttition Commission regarding several clarificatinns necessary in the City's notice of termination letter. A_ftcr issuing a second notice of termination letter on February 25, 2008, with 3 rcvised termination clatc of March 10, 2008, it beeame necessary ta amcnd Ordinanee 07-023 to makc it effective March 10, 2008 as well. \'0W, THER.rrOfZE, the City Cnuncil of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokiine County, Washington, cioes ordain as Follows: SecYion 1. Amend Section 3 of Ordinanee 07-023 regarding the effeetive date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on A!farch 10. 2003. 4ve-days-+Aei: ptiblie-atieft E4 the-eFdklla$ee I e~-sa~r~~E~ie~ee~oedt►~s-i+~-~3e-e~c9ietiewspapeFO~i:I~~SpoliaiieValley~s-{xflvkleEl-by-Eav- PASSEL7 by the City Council this day of March, 2008. Mayor, Richard ,Uiunson r1 I'TF'.,S'T: Christine k3ainbridge, Cil'y Clcrk Approved a,s to Horm: OPrce of the City Attorney Date of Publication: , `T'ffective Date: Ordinance 08-004 flmending Waste Management Franchise Pagc l of 1 WA.5TE MANAGEI~~N'I' O~ TJJA,SSTGTON, INC.. ~ ~Cert. l~TO. ~ . ' d,/b/a WA.SHINGTON WASTE HATJL-ING &RECYCLING, lNTC., G-00237 . RECYCLE AIAERICA., RT.J'RAL S:CAGI'r SAN1ITATION, . " FEDE.itAL WAX DISFOSAL., I`TICK R.A.FFO. GARB qGE, . R.S.T. DI.SPOSAL, TRI-5Z'AR DT~.S~OSAL; tiV8TfiRN REt-I USu, NORTH CASCADES l]LSPOSAL, STAN'WOOD CAMAI\70 . . . l7ISPOSAL,-WASTE MAi~TAGE1v,CEI`f'I', I'17A5I°E ti1A1VAGEViENT - ' ~ - \MM, WASTE ' • . . . . 1~rC?l2'IT-iWEST, V1~ASTE MANAGE1EN'TRAII • MA\vAGEMENT OF ELLL\jSB'[JIZG, WASTE ~?NlANV.~GEMEI~iT O~ GREATER, ~'VEN.A`I'CHEE, K'AS'I'E AAINAGP1ViE~\iT OF : ' . . ' ~ KENTNEW[CK WASTE IvJ.ANAGE-_YI.EIv~-T OPSEA:~`I`T.B, ~ ~ . . . , . WASTE Y1A.NAGEMEiN'T OF SKA.GII' COi.T1~,iTY, ~NASTE • 1Vf.A!~jAGE~EN'~ 0% ~SPOKANE; WASTE l~]'ANAGEivlEs~TT OF ~ . ~ • yAKMA, ZtiT A,STE AIANAGaf EN-T_ OF SNO-KT\i TG, V'ALLE3' , GARBAGF, OLSON'S SANTTATTON SEZVICE, ~ W,AS'1'E NLANAGE-MENT OR ADDY, BREM-AIR DT,SPOSAL, . F . , . ~ , . , . . ~ WAST~ ~A.1\~AGEIvIEN'T - SCSU'I~T SOUND ~ . . . ~ 13225 N731.26TH T'LACE . - . , • ~ . • . BMqCLAN1:), WA 98044 '1I-US. CER'ITFZCA.TE DOES NOT A.U'1'HOltTZE RF-FUSE COLLECTI0IT SERVICE RESTRICTED `PO ~ FXT1ZENrBLY HA7ARI70US SEM1.[-SOLTl7 WAS'Z`E,12\jCLUD]NG,'ACIl7S,-CI-iLMGCALS, Ai\D . r• . i~srDU~r;s .iT ~PzERcE, ~ 1<12\Tc, . sNORoNIis~ NVHATcoM eoUrrTIEs arTI) ~ ~=RCOLJNTY _.AI\fI7JOR HAZARDOUS . wDUSI~L LYQLJID, INCLT.3DING •'.A4T17S, ~ . CUEMICALS ~TD TZ.ESIDUALS'(\~OT TO-~L~JCCP~~Ia 6,500 GA~.LONS ]~T BC.TLK PF~2 S~IIP~I'T') D4 W~4ATCOSA, ; SKAGIT, sS\TbI4o1~sH, ~ C, lUMAP'Al\TD PIERCE. CO~~~S AND TNTERCoUV lY. - . , ' . . ~ Conii.?ue ~ . ~ • . _ (Z'I1D277) SOLID WAST'E COL.LECTiON SE,RVICB in Sections 6, 7,1.8, 'rlie north ~'i of 19 and those . poztions of Section 4 azad 5 situatEd in King Couni.y, all in T, 22 N., R.11 E.; and Sections 28, 29, 30, 3J., 32 and the West'/Z of Sec. 33, all in,T. 23N., R.11 B., in !G~g County. . , (PID295) ALSO In that portion of King County, descza.bed as €ollows:. ' Com.mencng at the naztheast City Limits of Aubwrl, and the.Creen River Banks within Section T. 21 N., R.. 5E.; thexlce easterly along:e Green Riyer Banks to the northwest comer oi Seciion 20, T. - 21 N., R.. 7 E., W.M.; thence north to the northwest co~.er of Section 20, T. 22 N., R. 7 E., W.K; th.ence due east to the northe~ast corier af Section 24, T. 22.N., R. 7 E.; fhence south to the soufiherly boundary of King County; thence uTesfierlY along^the southerly boustidary of Kirig County to the southwest coxner oi Section 32, T. 21..N., R, b E., W.M.; thence northezlp alorig the ~vest Iine of said rSectioxi 32, 29, 20, 17 and 8 0f T. 21 ~T., R 5 E. to'theGreeri Rive,x Banks to the point of beoiruiia.l;. • ' r . '(PID297) ALSO izi that portion of King Couzzty d"cribed as foIlozaTs: Comn-Lencing at the northwest City Liizu.ts of Renfon and the shore of L-ake Washuigton; thFnce norrheil,y along the shore of Lake Wa.shington to the Cifiy Lim.i.ts of.BellEVUe (as`o€ September 1, ~ ' 2004); th.ence e3st along the south City Lirnits of Bellevue (as of September 1, 2004) fio theix intersection with the City Liznits of Tssaquah (as of September 1, 2004); thence north along the east (;ity Limits of Bellevue.,(as of September 1, ~OQ4) fio the interse-ctaon of the mosfinozthtivestezly point ; of the Ciiry limj~ of -Issaqua~i. (as. of September.1,2004); thence.east along,the,adjoinuig nor~h City .Aimits' o£ Lssaqt~ah (as of -SEgtember 1, 2004) to its intersection with Tnterstate 90; fi1}eitce 'east aloz►g . ..ITiterstate 90 until the iRtersection with Renton. Road (Renton Road-Issa.quah Road)a]so Highway 900;"tnexnce south along saa.d road to a lune.common toT. 23 N., and T. 24.N., Ti. ~ E., and thence westerly alortg s aid_line ta the easteFiy boundary of the Ciiy Liinit,g o€ Reilto4 (vI:V.G. No; 224, JulY 7, 1964); thertice alozig said City Limits in a northwestezly direction to the s.hores of Lake Washingtoxl to the point ofbeginn.i.ng. .Also indud;ng Maple VaI.ley Gol.f Co'ursQ• (PID320) SOLID WA.S'TE COLLECTTON SE-TZVICE in trat portian of King County described as foLlows: " ' Continue - . . , ~ ~ • - : Conunenaz►g at the intezsection of the south a.ty ]iuv.ts of i-].i.e City of S'eattie and the irtterseCion af sa zd rity ]iTnits w4tn Lake Washing'ton; thence southezl.y along ffie shores of Lake Washington to the , Ci.ty of R.entn Cty li.uuls; thence along -the ~aTestezl.y boundary of fihe rity lizn~ts of the City of , Rentozl tci lZeziton Avenue; thence nartliwesterly along tkie'n&therly side ef R~rtori Avehue to 76e~ A~Venue 5outh to South 125e' Strcet, th~nnce easf to 77'~ Aven~e South; t~hence north aiong ~-he e~st side of, 77`-~ Averiii.e,SoA fio Sou~tii 120~Sfreef; fiher~ce along the nazth ~de iif Soutli 120'~Stceet to 761'a Avenue South; th'erice north on 76thAvenue South. (east sade oii.Iy) fo X15`h Street Sou.1ti; then.ce , west on 1161, Street South (no seivice bety=e'en xZ61 Str4i Sou'm and Cornell Av~iue); tience north . aioz~g the eastside of Come11 Averiue to SE3itleCiCy T.:imi6; thence easte;ly ~long s3id city limits -to tlac~ east bouridary ihereof, adj~cent to T a.ke Ra.dge A.ddiiiori; ti'ne~ce northerlp along sa.id city limits to Soiith 112ffi Street extended; thmce -Westerly along sai.ci c77ty ts to 68- Avenue SoLndi exi~nded; thence ziortherly alaztg said dty l.in-ifs fio Ryan Stree't e . xiended; therice easfe:Iy alorig said czty limifs to the pount. af begiau-Zirtg, from the described tenitory to duanps iTi Ki:ng CotF.ntv. . (PID373) SOLID wASTl3 CbLLECTION SERVnCE in tfiat portioxi of- King Couniy describ ed as. follows: Sfaffngat the intersecticin of NYE 199t" StreeL and 84~, A.ve. iNE; then east on ~!t 199fn Street to itsizitersectiori wit-h 90~ Ave. NE; thiEn north on 90'h, Ave: ~~o'ats irit~sec(ion with i'VE 2b0th ' ~ Street; then west ori NTE 200~-n Street to its zntersection tivith 8$'b Ave. I`IE; then narth on 88t1 A.ve.NTE to its ini:easeclion tivith NE 202n11 Sizeef; fihen east on iNE 2021r; Street to its inLersection ivit1190IhAv e. ' NE; tJJ.zeri nozth on 90-,•Are. NE to it~ intersecdon with NrE 2051~1 Sbreet (a]so the ~&'-Snohom;cH . County line); +hen west on NTE 20Y, Street to its iriterssectiQn tvith 84~ Ave. NE (also the we..t range , line of':C25T\z, R5E); then sauth o3i 84th Ane. NEto ifi5 intexsectio-n -vvith NE 199e, Street, the point oi . beginn.u--~b. ' . . . . . A]so: 'S~g at t'r~e izttcrsection af.84~' .r'~ve. E. and \zL 7,80~ Sti: eEt; then east on NE 1$0~' Sfr'eet to . its intersection with 88L' Az e. iNE; &n norrh on $8ffi Ave. NB to i.ts-intezsectioii. v,j-ith I\TS 181-t Street; tl1en east. on 11E 181r-Street fio its intersecfa.on svith 90th P1. NE; tl,.en north or► 90th. PI. NE to its :'izltersectipn -tiTith \T91$5th54z~et; tkten west ori NE 18311` Street to its intersection'with 8813' Ave. NTE; . . then noxth on 8.$'h Ave: to iftsitaterse'ctian with 192Dd T'1. NE; tl-ten west on 192nd Pl. l~ -to its intExsectioxl ~vith 84'' Ave. NE (also th.e rva:t range 1LTi e o f T26N, )R5E}; tlim s ou.th an $411' Ave. I\TE to a.ts infersecfa.c+n with`NE 180ffi Street, the poixit of begnri%ng. ' . • Continue . ~ I. . . • ^1 r Also: Stazting at the infiessection of NTE Bothel Wy. and 84~,-Ave. NTE; ihPn east on NE Bothell Wy. to ' . its intezsection with 41Et A.ve. NP; thFn norih on 91a Ave. NE to its intersectior►-with NE 172-"A Streefi; then east on I`sE 172n° Street.to i.ts i.ntezsection with 92zd Ave. I~L; then north on 42'a Ave. •~TE to iis iiitersection wiLh \jE 173r° Street; then east on NS 173r:3 Streetto its intersection w-ith 95'`' Ave. NE; thm north on 95iL Ace NE to.173". Pl. NE; then west on 173~d Pl.. NE to its intersection with 931-3 Pl. I`TE; ftn nozth ori 934 :PL NE to its intersectzon w-ith 11E 175th Si='eet; fihen west on.NE-175f-, Street to its intersection svith 93-d Ave.. NE; then north on 93rj Ave. NE to its inte_rection witii NE 176th Streefi; then east on NE 176'~ Street to i.ts iz1tfssection with 9~~; Ave: NE; thesi norhh oii 45th Ave. NE to its . iattersection vvith NE 178fa Street; then west on 1\TE..178-, Street to its intezseciionwith 881h Ave. NE; fihen north -on 88tb Ave..I`' E to i'Ls iritersectioil wJ;th NT$ l80hSireet; the-ri west on NE 180=t Street to its iFLtersection with 84th.A~e. NE (i4s6_thc,west range Iine oLl T26N; RSE); th.en sou.di on 841N Ave. IVE to , • . its i.r.tfiersection NvithiVE B.othell.VVy., trie pbint of begirmin.g. , . • . (I'ID374) RE.FUSB COLLECTrON SERVICE ixomcommeroial accounts or 6stablishinents in that porEion of King County described as.:Eo]J.ows: Stazting at the intersectian of 92~4 Ave, i\zE and 1861h PL NL; then east on 18611, PL i~TE to its infiezsectioriwith 93r" PL ME; then north on 93r,3 Pl. NE to its intersection with NE 187'h Streefi; the-n east on NE 187ffi Street to its intersection wit1i 95'h Ave. NfS; . • fihen south,on 956' Ave. N"E to its intersection svith' 186*-, PI. I,~TE; the'n ea.st on 186'h Pl._ NF, to its ~ intersection with 9611, Ave. NE; then noxtlz Qzi 961b. Ave. NE to its. ir►tersectionwith NTE I98t!,_ Sireet; then west on NE 188~1_Street to iir, intersection with 95t' Ave. NE; then tiorth'on 9513~ Ave. ME to iis -intersectioTt, with N.1? 189'b •Sfreefi then. W'est on NS 189th Street to its int6rsecEiori ~~ith 93~4 PL INL; then north on 93=dPl. NE to its intersec#ion with ?`sE 1°0'h Sfreet; theit west ozi Nt' 19n Sizeet to ifis intersection wifh 92n° Are. NE; then south on 92n4 Ave. NE to its z.nfiemseciaoh: with NF 189'i' Street; then east ort NE 18911, Street to its intcrsection with 93rd Ave. NE; then south on 93r:i Ave. NE to its • zntexsection vAth NE 1871h Street; then west om NE 187" Street to its intersection with 92ld-AvE; NE; then south on 92nd Ave. NTE to its,intersection w.ith 186=~ Pl. l\jE,_ the p1.Ace -ot be&inulg. (PID433) SOLID WA.ST'E CO.LLEC`ITON SERVICE in that.portioxl of Kiig'and Pierce Courtties described as follows: •Starting atthe poixit v,rhere.lsr Avenue South intersects with ihe shore line of ' Pu.get.Sourid; thenc-e south on PtAvenue South to Soufih 292nd Streetprojecteci;theric: e east on South 292-la Street pzojected to Sth Avenue South projected; thence north orL 811, Avt-nue South projected to South 2881b Street Projected; thence east on South 288ffi Street projected to 12'h Avenue South; fhence _ . ' Confinue i , . ~ v~ue Sou~i. n'rojecte~ to South 282n1 Stzeet projecfied; th~ce east on South.alanj rth on 12 A nc~ ~ Street projected to it5 ~ib~secti on ltith fihe east city li~~Ce Te~ alorig said. stze t to theleast aty to its intersection v4~ith S. 2~2 Stree , . saa.~d ci . fy li_mi~ • uth aleng said.ciiy luru'I~ to S. 30~?~' Street; th~-ice e3st on the Sou .'la~iisofFeaeralNtiay;t,hez~ ce so ` e o f ~ec 11; ;h~Fnce sauth an , to~the.cr-ntesliti ' on.Ro~.d;:~~.ce'eaL~ezlyon vide of So.-.3(}4~' Stxeet extended; . , : • E,; to Peas7e , Caiiy c. • - enterline of Sections 11 a--id la,. R. ~~Y to 7 e noriia alo~g said Arenue Pea:ley Can}'onRaadto the intersectionwith'N. ValleyHwy S-Q sai thenc d stLee~ ta "A,,s Street S .B. ' e~sc `alon the intersPClion ~with Ma.in Street West; th~ce , . , , a . . . . - ~ . Qn sFid highiti ayto ;he ~Cing-~'iezc~ ,Count~% L,ine; ch.er~.. ou.th , : . - qd6n line of (Aubui-n-Sw.ru~.er Ha.ghway), tYience.s tvest alon.g on s3id caunty line arid xtox~he~ly to its'intezsection iNi.th the east'q'i seclio line of Sec. ~c e sauth.on sa , id q~:i_arter sectiozilirie'to south qu~~ . . Sec. R 3 E`; tY~: . I . 1 . izarter sectioii line'to the ~aiest quai-ter sectio~lin~ of SEC. 2b, T. 27. N.;'I7.. 3 W25t QTt 5011''i14 , ; . , • . _ . . • . `.~er seci~.oii liiie fio~tJie'r~a. section Iarie•o£ Sf~ 26, T. 21 I`i., R 3 E_; thence L.; th=ice noith on sa.l.d quart • j T. 21 `T. R.. 3 B.~ thence norfih i%~ est on. said'z section line'to intei:sectien Se 2.3, T 2~0 It. 3~.6th~ice east alongnoxfihliriE o~ alang said sectiazi line ro north~ti es~ comer . • . Sec. 2 ii=ointer ~.n.E;. ttiertice~oithwesfierly along said ct~tinty line,t-o ~ectionwith King-I'ierceCa~t~'I~ . t-he ~hQ~eline of ~Puget Souztd.;theitcenoitt~easterly along saitl ~hore iiiie to. in~rsection vtiri~i.lst A.resvue South,. filie place of begfn~~g• , . . . . . . . SOLID WA~TE ~OLL-ECT~ON Sf.RVICE not re~ub the use o€ a dump izuck and ty de~cra.beci as ioUoNvs: Comrri~cing at ' b'ioiiiedical ~vaste, in that porfiiozi of King Coun . J.' exclud~b . ' • dierice east-erl.y aai NB 1080 Street-to-the filie intex~ec~ion' .of ~\?E 108m .eet znd7.32"d l~ve. ~F, . . _ 1.Zedmond. Caty lin~it5, t~ience fallo:~ring the Red~nond ci.ty liuui~ i~ A erlNE to itsintersection eo 132nd. .Ave_ N1;; thence no~ ~o g . westerly cY ction t ockw'~s:ecYir • _ . , . . . • - . , - ~c~.fih Np ld$~ Stieet, #~~e. point of begannii~•g; _ . • . _ • . . . . . . - , •ix . • , . ~ ~ the intexsbction, of NE 97~' Street and 132'd A.ve. NE; thesice fallov~-ing the ~ ve.-NE, thex~.ce .A1so, co~ .~c.ing at . . . I . 1326°A. .12ediziozid..city ]in-i.its u1 a sout.3least~ly ~rid w estexIy clorlc~~ise darectiori ~0 . . north along 132'd Atje., NE to ifis antersec~on w-ith NB 97=' Street, the point of begu~nirig. . Also convmen.g at the intesectioni of NE 7$*, Street extended east mci 13271a Ave. NE; thence ~~ing t]r~e lZe~and city lirr.~its~in an easterl.y, soufiherly and z~e..erly dac.~.-vaise direc[ion to follo - • - ' Conttiiiue . . ~ . ' 132nd Avp. NF, aip-noe north along 132A1 Ave. I`TE to its intersection svi.th NE 78t" S-treet extended . east, the point of beg;n=g._ . . . _ _ . . . . . . :41so; con-Lmenca.ng at the intersecti01Y of NB 70~b.Street an.d 13~r~ Ave. 1~~; theii~ ~llov"the Redmond csty limits in a eastezly: sout~ierly and ~west~rly~dock~.~isedirection ib'I32nd Ave. ~ZE •7. theriee north along ~.32~a Ave. I`~ to its,~tersection with. I~TE 70~ Streefi, ~tie point o€ beguznirig. , . - - ~ (f.)ID436) RE:FUSE COLLECTION.SERVICE not mqu.izing the use of a dwnp i~c~c in tl,at poz-taon of King qounty. desarib.ed..as fo]l o`vs: ~ Starting at t~ie u?tersection of S.W. '152na Street exttencied and , 4 . . . , . .';=i: Puget Souztd;.thence ea st along S.W.15?~d Street to its izi.tersection witli Ambaum Blvd.. S:W.; thence soufiherly along Anlbaum Blvd,- S.W. fio.zts ar►tersecti6n1witli Sireet; thence' east to Des . . . :r;• . ~ ~Yoines; thence `soizth along Des Moines Way to 60"1, Stieet; tYierice sou`Lnwesteilp alang S.W. . . . . ; ~ . 16V1 Streetand Sylvester Rd to its intersection wit~ the nortli city Iiix~ of I\16'rrnandy Park; thence ~ ,w~sterly' and,~orti~ezl.y along said north czty limits to its infiezsectiozl. wi~*Ave: S.; thence south . Glorig, 1-t •Ave. S. to ats iritersection .with S. 19211a Street, th:exnce east a.long S. 19fi *J Street to its intexsectiori with Padfic Highway S. (Lntewq~iional Biqd.); fillence norlah fio S.1881~, Street; thence east aloxig S. 18P Street ta its intersection w-ith ttle ci.ty,Luuis of the City of Sea-'Tac a.~d the-CiLy of Tukwila; t'nence soueherly azzd easterly along the south city lunits o#'I'uktivila to it~intersection jvith ~ the city Iiniiis of the City of K~t as of january 1, 1987;tl~ei~ce soufiherly. and easterly in a, . , countereloclcvwise'cl}.rectian along.the city lvnits of the City of Xent as o£jaz~u~ 1, 1987 to its - ~ . . : iz.~tersecta.oz~ with State Highway 516 and S.E. Kezit ~angle9 Road; thence 'southeastezly ~Iong State Highway 516~eitt Kangley, Roa~. to llb~Ave. ,S.E.;, t~ience sot~th a1Qng116-'- Ave.~S.E. to its ,ded; thmce west al.oxig S, 2iZ"' Street eztendecl to*West Va]ley ii►tersectioriwith S. 277t Stteefi.e?cfien . T-4g~~way:: thence soufih along said -I Tighway to. S. Pea4ley Canyozi Raad; tYiexice west along S. Peasley CFnyor~ Ro ad; to 59~ .Ave. S. the~,.ce z~oztz a~ong 59'~ Ave. S. to the poarit eze it i~ntezsects - w-ith 3041h Street extended; thence west along 3&th Street extended where it'intersects with . Tnterstate Hwy I-5; thence northh ~long sa:id lntersfia:te Highw~y to its:infiei~eciion Nvith S. 272-1 Street; thence west oan S. -272n3 Street to the c3ty-]imits_of l7es iYtoines; th.~ce'south along sa;d rity lim.i.ts to the•pqint where it intersecis v,Ta.th S. 282na Sfiseet.extended; tliEnce west on S. 282-7-'extended ta 121~, Ave. S. extended; therLce south on 12th Ave. S. to fixie poSzi.t where i.fi anfiezsects with S. 288e~ . Street; theazce west o~n S. 288e, Street to iis in.tezsectivn with 81~ Ave. S.; t-hence south ozi 8*~'Ave. S. to 5W 292na Street extended; fihence west on S.W. 292T'd Sizeef extended to 114 -Ave. S.; thence north on . • ' • Cor&iruae . , ' , ~ . ,i _ . . ~ , . . ist Ave. S.; to ihe shoTeline of Puget Sound; thence northerly almg ihe shoreline of Puget Soli.nd to iis iiit-ersectian with S.W.152na Stree•t eXfieided, jlie poir►t of beginni~ig. . . . . ~ ; . . , . . . , . (PIDQ3~ ,SOLID'WAzS`IE COLLECTION SERVICE ini~Yiat-porfion of KingCi~iin#y as'bo~.xided~on . i3zE ~Nest by Puget Soun'd; on the Ea.st` by La~ke V1'4hin&n; on tkie,Nortki`~y as`fnllo~%~ s: . Cominiericiuigat e infersectiori Streef aii.~i the ~hDZesof La1ce ~'~ashiiig~o~, t~eiice west ' on the south side of B.1~~' Street to 5~ Ave. N. E.; th ence norEh on i.ie west Eide.of 5~-AVe. N.~ E. fio , L. 175` Street, thence east on ixie noz-ih side af,E. 175m Street fio 8tIr Ave. N. E.;'tliErice noz'm ori 8*- Ave. N. E..(liut not =nctuding St~i A.i e; N. E.) to T90z' Street, thence'ziorth oribofih'c,ides _of811' N. E. ex-,endei3. ta-E. 2015tSiseet,'thence east'onboth sides of E. 2010-Street eziended to the west adeof. lI~ , AvP. ~T.• ~ E. ~te~i~Ied, thence. norfih' on the ~ve'sti sid.e: -of ''11~ ° Ave. N. fi: exteinded to e tA"~the 'shoa~e-of'Puget Kirig-Sriollo~iish ~Co~ity~liiie, ~hericev.T.es~.on.the`soia'tti bf'sazd°liri Sound; ~.d ar~ tlie South, by as ~oIlou7s: Coexiang at tYiP ~-~te=sect~aii of ~Yie sou#~ cityJjzhits~ of . ashan-ton; ther~ follo~a*ing~the city ts of Seattl.e,ii1 a clockv,ie'direc~iori tro ii~ Se~.ttle an. .d . Lr-.ake W. . intersection `:v'itl? 116e Stzeet' Soj.ith; the-~ce east ori 116~ S~eet South th 76~' ~ve. Sauth; th~ce ~~otifih oai~ceriterline of 76~ Avenue uth to S4uth 120~ Siz~et centezline; then.ce east on centerline of South 120'a, Strej to T~` A.Venue Sou:Yi centerluie;'t, 1ence Sob~ffi ori"centeiline of r7th Ave'siue South ~ to South ~.25~ Street centtrlizie; ih~nce west on ceiiterline o€ Soi~th 125~ Street tp 7b~ A~T~nue South centerline; thence south on centeer.l.ine of 76tb Avenu.e Sfluth to IZ&ton Avenue South c~nterline; - th,ence easterly on cet~zline of R~~on Av~nue South to Ren~Eon VJest d~y li~its (as of june 1,1461); thencesoutherly along' sa.i.d.city.Lisu.ts to -~e ce~te4ine of I-Jardie Street; ttieiice'south;along-the . centerline o£sa'id sfiee~ ~o ~outh 7.3GSheet'centerlizle; theitce-we`tetly on ce~.tFSluie'or South 7.3~'~' St'reet,to 81e Atreiiue South centerlizte; thence south ori centa]ine'of 81sc Avenue'South to SW SursetBoulevard (Iv1ZK Juzuoi W1) cehte-rline; thEr►ce ea'sterly followiiig said ro~d to'Rairier -Ave. {1'Sk'~-5}; thence i.line of Sec~o~ 14, T. 23 I~z., ' " ` er. .Ave. iri a'so.ia.therl disection to sou~I . €bllovwing Raii~a . Y , , . R_5 B. (S.E.160~ Street); t'ience east alongsou~ . line" of saici ~Sec+son: "to the Reiltori Ci.qr Lii~,i~-s; thp-nce follow-ing`the Citp Limiis Of Renton in a co'uhter-docicwase d.irection to the pount ~vhere it intersects v,rit'ri l,Iaple'VaIlep !-Iighway; ~ence southea..stezly aloxt said highiwaq to il±e mCexsECEian 'of the east line -of tne tivest haV o€ Section 24, T. 23 N., R 5 E. (177nd A,~e: S•E• eXtended north); . fihence ~outh along said lia.~e ~x.t~ded fo the south ~line o.f Section 1.; T. 22. N.; R.- 5 E., W.M:; (ox Southeasf 208L'' Street) ~c~ce west along said sout~i.line to 1~:$~-At~e. S.F.; ther~.ce noF`~h along 1~8~' Ave S.E to S.E 192-nd Street; thep-ce vaesfi io IL-011, Ave. S.E.; -.i.arth to Petrov`itsky Raad (5.E --."7.76"l); • Contr:ue ~ ` , . ' .1 • - • . then.ce west along PetrovitsLy.].2oad to its interseciion with Carr Road and 1086 Ave. S.B.; thenoe west al.ong C= Road fio Sfiate Hwy 167; thence south along StGte Hv.~y 167:to the south ]ine of Section 6, T.22N., R, 5E.; W.M., (oz Soutneast 208~ Street extended); thEnce folloNvzn.g sa4d czty lim~.iis in a clockwise airECfiio5, to the northtivest corner ot said city, lurut-s, extended to,the west bank of the DuSvamash River; thence zioiitherly. along ffie west bank af said River t-o the noxth ]ine of the to'iis interseciionwith south~k est;/a Qf_Section .25; T..23 N., R. 4 E. thence east on said northwe5t lixie " . West VaLEy 12d (Stat-q.181); thence.northerly.along Wesfi ValT.ey Rd (Sfiate Hwy.181) fio tIze south lfne, of Section 2~, T. 23 N., R. 4,E... (South 160*21 Sizeefi.ectendEd); fihence tvest on south Ia:ne of . said. secfiori to~ the easterly.bank of the Duwa.misiz Rhrer; thEnce norffierly along the west bank o€ said r2iver to ,the point or intersecC.ori wi~ti.the south line of i-he northv,%est_(cantinued) quarter of , Section 24, T. 23 N., R- 4E., W.M.'. thence east along the s ou.tliline of said nozthw.est qizarterfio the ' v~Test side. of that pozti.on of ffii~dty of Reriton as annexed by a.tp.,bzdinarice No. 1764 1yingwestezly . of.thE,east masgi.n of B\~RR Corimpany (N.P.R.Z) zn,aizi track right of way all being Ioaated inthe :south ih of- the N-NT Vti of.Section 24, Tov,mihip 23 ATOZffi, R~azige 4 B~t, thence east from the east ~de • . of.said portion,of Cicy of Renton along the south~ line of the. northv.Test (coritirsued) qu~iter of Section 24, T. 23 V., R. 4 E., W.M. to. the easfi side of t.he Qiarles Moriste-r 12oad; thence norfiherly Glong the alang the eastex~.y sade o£ said road to the Beacon'Coa~. Mine zoad; fihen,ce noxt1i.erly alon.g . the zlong the easterly side of said raad to the. Soutt112911' Street exttended; thence easteily on Soutln - ..129, Street to State Highway 900 (Martizt Luther IGng Jr. S'Vay) centeriine; thence northwesterly ~ along sa.id bou!evard b South. 120'h_Stxeet; thence West along South 120ffi Street exte,-1ded iv 511;1 - Ay,e,nVe Sout~; thence I~TO~ alan.g ext~sion of 51~ Averiite'South to Fz~zpize Way ~out~i Cent~lix~~; -fiherice northwesterly ozi i.n.tezLection of Empire. Way South to, Ryan Street c~i~tezLiz~e exteric~ed • .th,enoe yVest alorig.Ryan.Stzeet ex*ension to exteniiozi of 33-7dAvenue $outh~ thenee Nort-h al.ong ' exfiension -of 33.~ Ave-Rue South to, extension of Soufil,.Tzentori Siieet; i-hcnce West alorig e.xteris'ion of South _Trenton Street to East 1VlarginaL Way;.therlce ivorth-vyesterly aior,g East 1v.iargin3l;Way to exterskon a€ South Keriyon Str~!et; thence West ai,ong extension of South.KenyonSireetfio exteaisi.on .0f.12tb A•v,enue South; tnence South along extension o€.12L~ Avenue.South to dhe West bank of Duwamish Watex~vay thence soufih along. the ~h~est bank of ihe Du:~vamish Watercvay to a poiz~t of . intersecia.on %Tith Pacific Higliw ay South (International B1vd).; thex-Lce z.n a souiher]y,dixeciiori a:long -Paci£ic I-iighway South (International ]31vd) to, ats zntersection with S. 128 Street extended; thence, ~ west of S. 128 Street extended to its zn.tersecfion with Military TZoad also the norrheast point rity l,m,is of the Ci.ty of Sea-Tac; thence south al.ong VSilit-aiy Road and said city I.imits to its intersection CdSLtlil'3L' . ` ~ . uth ~1 IntErna.~io~l. Blvd)~ iheiice southe~ly along PaalZC Hight~7 ay S. Fo the w-ith iP.aci.fic ~i~~-.hvTay ro . . , ~ : , . . . : • in#ezsecti.on of Paci.fic Highway S.. and 1601~' Sfreet; thence i.n' an eastterly and sou#herl.y'direction . 4o;ig the.ciiy,lianiis of the City of Se3-'I'ac to a point -where'the City Liriiit intersecfis foi the second .-time the W. R/W line af Tnterstate Hvay 4 5; thertcespuh, oii s ~d W. -RjW line'to S. 176~ ~Streefi; ~ ~ Road thertce ~~est on 5.:~.76L Street (north side only) to Milifaiy Roai-hence sout~n on`'~Lililitary . (west side only) to S. 1P5" Str~et; tlzence ttir'est ori S: 188=' Street: iDio) t6'i'§H4; ihence south ozi PSH-I (wesfi side onZy) toS. 192"4 Si:reet; filienee tivest on 5.'192n11 Street (north side onlp) to r 1st Aqe, 5.; thenee noxth on 1s' Ave. South io a poa.nt vThere it i.nfersect~~~itn the norrheslp e-ty ].iini.is of NOrmandy Pask at a point -,,aTheze '11' Ave.S. iiitersecfis witn S.W. 162th Street; triehce i-n auTe~terIy dizection a?ong the noYt11 city lirut.]ine of,Norn1a1-ticiy Park to 'a PoMt wliere said 'c.i,ty ]ir.iit ~e intersects with Sylvester Rd.; th'en.ce in a z~artheasterly c3izecfiori ori Sylve~tez* I2oad _ervsng 5autheasterly. side thezeof to S. W. 160111. Street; t~ence ea.st on S. W. 16011, and So. 1601, Streets . : . . . : serving the.south side thereof to,Des.A~oiries VJay; tl.lence north on Des.1~2oirses I'~TAy servS~g t.I~e , east s; de t~ere.of fio S. 156ti` Stce.et; thance jkrest on S:15611, and S. W.1561hStreet s ervi.rig the nozlh side thzzeof to A-nbaunl Wvd.; ffience.north on Ainbaum Bkd._ sen*ing ffie east sicie therea:f fio S. W. - . 152Dd Street; t~.i.ence v,~eston.S.TN. 152°d Street to'Puget Sound. . ~EXCEI'TION: `la~ follov~ing Oaraigx'3ph is excl~ded f roizi iheabove SOLID Sti'ASTE COL-'LE CTIOI`T SEAVICE. Izl that portion of 1~1-Zg Cou.~ty described'as follows: Coinniencing at t-l-Le intersecfian of ~ 11ti.lifary IZoad S. and Highway 516 (K~t T.?es MoanES TZ.oad); thei'ice following the d-'y ]:~nifis of Kent in a clockwise dirnction easfierly, southe=Iy..wesfierl~, and nordaerly to zts infiersecton -with Militarp . Road S. ,at 240-1.Street;. *di.ence nozth aloz~g rtilitry T~.o Gd S. to ii~ iri#ersection v~rith Highway 516 {"~Cent-l7es Ivfoines Road), the.pai.n# ofbegisuiing: : . . . . . . • ._(T'].D438) SOLaD "+1T.ASTS COLLECTIO\j SERN71CE in fihat portian of ICing CountS+ desaabed Gs follows:.Stax.ting.. at=fhe iiitersectian of the Lverett-totheIl Cou~ty T.~,gli~vay aild the Szvoharrish King County line; diFSice east on 5n6orrcisl.z-Xizib~ Coiznty line to its intexSeCh.On vTith east line. of T. 26 N., R 7E•: theiice soutl-i on' sazd ]irie to its inters~ctioii with the sbufih Ii-ne of T. 25N., R.. 7 F_;. -hence ~~est on said Iir~e to tlie eastlin~ qf'1'. 2arN.,-1Z'b B.; thence north on said J.ine to the S.E. cornex of the I~~.E. i1~ of the N.E. of Section 36, T. 25" N., ;k: 6 E.; therice wESt on a lirEe projectQd from said cazner tothe east --hore of La'c,e Sammamish, thEnce follau*ing saj.d La.e share . genera]I.y in northwestezly and southezly (counter-clorkwise) direcaon to the pofint where.th e southeastem city ]amits of Reciniond intersect f3ie westean shoze of-Lake SamniaT,,,sh; thence Continue ~i . . . following tile citp,limits of Redmond as of jaz►uary 3, 1978, in a cloc4cw-iye direciion to the point where :ffie Sammamish River (wate.rtvay) iritersect~ w-ith the north cstp limits of Redmond;' thence followang the.eastba-zk of said acer in a generally northerly direction'toits izitzrsection with NI.E. 145th Stree t exi-ended (at fl-is pointa sYiart sectiori of 1'ST-1-2 is one and the same as 1\1.B. 14_5i~ Street}; . t~ence-tivest• on N.E. 14511' S~~eet extended (no service to_ be rii-Ld,ereci ori eiffier side of N.E. 145'h Street~ to ifis-in.tezsection with 104h Avenue N.B.; thenci noitherly ori 10411, N.B. (renderutb service , on bofh sides af 10411, Avenue N.E.) to iis in<ersection Viih 10512' Ave. NE; thence narthezly to t11e north line of the south.zvest.quartez of Secti.ozi 8, T26N, R5}3; tlieiice west alazig said north line to the r w est Tazi.e b£ sa.i d section; thenee south along the west line of said section to the soui-h city 1i.6its of Bothell; ihence £ouowing the city li*iits of Bot~,.e1], clockwzse, to its'izitezsection with the , . . . Everet-t-Bathell County Highway; thence north to place of begiiuling. ; ~e use of a d~np iihic~c, in tt~a.t poztian , ~ (PIlD439) WU SE COLL.LCTION SERVICL,not requiring t•~ . I _ of. King County described as follows: Startir'ig a~ the norttieast corner.of Tz6iV,.RBB; thence south along the east line of R8E to the south.luie of T22 . N; thenee west al.ong sG.id sou6liric to the jvest ii-ne of R. 8 F.; fihence iiortlz along said west ]izze fio ttie soufiheasf cozner o.E Sectian 12 T72'NT, R7E.; bhence west aloxlg the south line of said section'~tEnded to ,thePnortlieast eorner of SecEion 19, T22N, R7.E; thence south along the east line a€ said section tcs its irite,rsectioiz with the G.reeii River; ~ thence westerly along the ba1ks of said river to the nortiieast City Iimi~'of Aubum witi-ia~. Section T21N,1Z5E; thence south along the vTesfi Iine of said. Seciiori 8 extended to the southeast'coiner of Section 31, 721N, R5L, also the southbovndary of Kirig Coun'ty; theilce west along th.e soufi.i~llaiee of ' . . , . said section 31 to its intersection v+rifh A Sireet SL; thence north Korig said s'tre'et -to its izi.fierjeciion ivith West IV~au1 Sireet; ~~ZC~e w~t along said s~eet to '4Vest Valley HighvTay; thetce nqitl.l along West,Va]ley.j-Taghway. to Sout-h 277t' Strees tnence east along said sfreet ext-e-ndea fo 116th Ave. SE; then.ce noxth along 1161~ A.Ve• SB•, to SE. 255ffi Street eztended; the:~ce-east An s3id sb~eet exttended to ' 117-~,PL SE extesided; thence-noxih aT.ong ~7.7LL• PL_.SE. extended to SE256Street SE•; thence west . along said street to 116th Ave..SL; thetice.riorth along said street to SL; 2080''Street. SE; fihen66 eGst a.long saa.d streefi to the poant of its inteasecti~n v,=ith 172:,d,Ave. SE extended; thence nQrth along said - •Avenue to Renton Ulaple Valley 17oa4; thence we.sterly along said road.to its*iri1u!r'secf:i.ozi ivith the City lirrLits o.f Rentoxi as of Sept?mber 1, 1959; thence south along said City ]apii.t5 to the north line af Section 20, T'L3N, R5E, aLso city limits of lZenton as of,February28, I961; thence'in a ciockwise direction along said r3ty limits to the sou#h line af Seciion 20, T23?`F, RSE; thence wESt along said . Cantinue . . ' , - ~ \I~ . . • \ seuth lizle b its intersection with S-tate Highwny-167; theiice no='h'aloqg said S~te Higlitvay-}o SZN Sunset Boulevazd; theiice west ~lon~ said boulev~.zd to $1" (Oakd~e) AY~e. SW; tii'e~ce noi-f~htothe ' City Limits of It€nfion as'of Augzas# 4,1931; fihe'ncq -L a counter-clockMse dasection alonb said City ' , limits of Rei-iton fia. Renton Avenue 5&Ay. thence wesferly:alon~ Re~st'oii'r~veiiue S.to 76~ Ave. ' Sauth; ih&nce norfih to S.1251h'Street exfiende.d; 4'i~ce east oA'S.* 125'h Street extendeci to 77-~% Ave. S. "ectended ~h.ence``nort'h✓along Ave- S. fio S. 7.20~ Sttreee we'st'on"said st~eet to 76"A Ave. South.; thence north alarig said-,A,~enti-e ta S. 116"' Stieet;tiierice -ve..,st along S.416,hSireet to ifs , infersection vjiththe City liriits af Sea'tfile; therice ~ a clock~~ise directian alazlg s:.id'isty lizaaits to its - , 'of Lake Washington,; theii.b E! in a caiinfier-clorlc~vise directaon intezseciion with the yvPSt di orelane . . along the shor~ine of Lake. Washington to the point v:rhEre: it intersecLs zvith tlie rioTffiwest city . - li~lits o.f Rentor~; theii,ce east and~~outherly zlong the 'cify laa~'~ of Ren.tari (M.V.G. ?~0:220, 7-7-64) fio a line i con-mion t-o'Y'23N, azid T24N. R5E; thence easterly,along said line to RentoiiRoad (RWhtoz1- LssaquahRoacl.); theh ce riait-lialorig s aid road to the north line of Se~c4iozi 29; T2~~T, •R6E; ence east aloztg sa.id section Ine ex"Lended to NTW Gilman Boialevazcl; 'therice eastezly along T`iW GiIman Boulevard to 1" Ave..N°W; thtstCe north along s3id avenue to E. Lake Samrn anti,ch PK-Y; thence _ _ noa-t'nezly alonb said PKWY t'o the poirit zNhere it intersects -ith ffie nozth line of SN'V'c of Sectiaal 15, T241\1, Rb$; fihence wesc to the shorelirte of LLc'e Sar.n~sh; theiice in a- dockv,rise direction al.ong",tl~e slioreLine of L,G_'ce Sa.rnni~sh ~the.point ~vheze at intersects w'ith NW 4th Sizeei cl, ext~nded; thence east along said.siree~ to the cast]ine of Sectian 36; T75N, PSE; therice 5outh along sa.i.d east line to the northK*est comer o£ Section b T241V; IUE;"thence ?.ast alon.g die north line of said ..sECtion extended to tlie southvJe, t cozner of Section 31,'T25N, R.8E; thence north aZang the westline ; , __._of said Lectiozt 3j e~_ctez?ded'to the nor~hvlest coFner_of Sectiori 6, T`z5N,1~8Eal:So the ~Gzig and , -Snohoniish Co~:xity line; #ienc~e east alang saidcountyltine to. fheriortheast cvrner Q€~T-26N,1ZSE, the . point of beuanr,izig. " . . . . . . . . (PZD-40) ALaSO in that poraon of Kixig'county descr.ibed fts fallbtivs: Staiiing'atthepoantvrih.ue East Maxgmal Way S. iriiersects ;+,*i#h the south line of Sec[ion 28 T24v, R4E; ther:ce southerly alang East _ MaZginal ~,Vay S. to S. Trenton Street extended, also tliecity ].imits of TulcvT:la); tlzencf~ east and , sau.th along the aty Ljsn.its of'z'uk~.1-1a to the point wlrLerE it intersects with S. Ryan Street ext€nded; - thence. eaLt o:n said Mtreet _ to Empire Way S(StFte T ia.ghway 900); thence southerly a.long said . highcvay Lo South 1z31~' Street; thence vTesterly' along sazd slxeet to 'fihe east-cicie dty, limut.s o£ Tuicw-il.a; thence soufihexiy ~16ng said city limits to the Poinfwlteze it connects tvii-h Beacan-Coal . Continue , I~ . . ` . • [ . • • • - ~ .i~ Miie Road;.thence southerly along fihe.east side of_said road to Charles Rqonster Road; thence contnuing southerlp along Oiailes Monster Road projected to the south line of the norrhwest qua.~:tez o€ Sectior~ 24, T23N, R4E, W.M.; thencesoufilie~ly along the ea.~fiezly bank of 17uwariiih Rivcx to the soufih 1zF?e af Section 24, T23?V, R4R. (Sout3i 160e; Sireet exti-tcied); theiace east on 5ou-ai lzne of s3id secia.on to West Nralley I3,ighw~y (S~te Highway 181); fih~nce south alorig said hay .to fihi~ north line of thc southwest 4 0f Section ?S,'1'23N, R4E;-theuce `vest oii said north ]sne to the : we:st b ank, o.f ihe Duw amish Riv er; thence sotitherly alon.g sazd RivPS to. South 18W, Streefi (SW 43rd , Street}; thence .easfi~ along saicl str~eet to ;~e east side of, ~c~i?~nt. city limii-s of, Tuk~fiheAce in a clockwise direction along said csty Lim.ii:s to tile poirit whese it mtersects v~th the &ci3ic HigYivTay Sauth (Tnterrql~onu-l Blvd); the;nce, zaozffieily along s:aid HighzN ay to the point where'it in#ersec(s wi#h the Duwaau~h W6terFtiraythence nor~-herly aJ.ong the ~,rest bai~c af t~he T?uwaniis].i 1N~.fiei-v~ray to the point Y~°here it intezs ee~s w-ith 12~ Avez~ue S.~extcnided; ~-henoe nozi-h an ext~ded 12~ A~enue S. to tli.e-southline o.f Sgction 29 '1~4N, R.4E; thence east'along saa.d. section line eztendea-i-o its infiexsecfion wifih East IVfaxginalS.,, the'pZace of beginnulg. (PTD?41) AT.SO in that poi~tion of Kirtg Cou.nty desczibed as foliows ; Staxting at the poi.nt were SE. ,t.intersects with 116'h Ave. SF.; thence.soiAh alang 1I.6t Ave. SEto its uitetsectionwith 2as`'' Strep SE. - 228ffi 1'L also .the city limits of the.Cfty of Kent as of Januaz~~ 1,1987; therice westeriy, southerly and_northe#y (clockwise ciixection) to its intersection tivith SB. 20$'h Street; t-hence east along sai.d .7) sitreet to t~e-point weze i.t intersects v,sith 116'?' A.ve. SB., the point of beginrung; . ' - ~(PZD~2) AT SO in,fihat portion of King Co~aiity'describect as foU.aitis: S~g at fihe poin~ ~vere 116~' Street SE. intess.ect with SE. 2401~ Stseet, also the city limils af theCity qf Kent.a.s of january 1,1987; thence souti-x along 11611 Sizeet SE_ to its intexsection w-ith the city Iimit-s of theCity of Kent as of Januacy X, 1987; thence westerly..southerly, northerly and easterly (clockwise) directiori to its znterseciian with. a..161'1, Street SE, i-l:te poant of beginning. . , - , . (P.1D443) Z2.}3FUSL COLI.FC'z'ION SERVTCE, not a:equiring t1ne use of a d.uin.p t:uck,(].ocal cazta;2) iz,. Vashozi and Mauxy Islands. ' - - . . ' . • . . _ . . (PM451) SOLID WAS'I'E COLL-EC;TTON SERVICE corisi.sting of zecl.aimed Iumber, brick and other rast atf mateziaIs, frompzemises Nvhexe cozlstrucfion or repair job are bc-ing or have heen canduct-ed, ^ Contintie ~V or vihere structures are being aazed in ~he follo wing: Maiuy. Merrer, and %Tashon Islands; and in . that portiion of kCing couzity d~.s.cribed as €ollov,~s: Starfi.ng at the rior~t~vest comer o€ T26I~j, R8E; . dience east alon,g the ngrfih,line a€ said'£26NT, aLso the King. and Snahoaiisli Countg Line to'its -intez-section wafih King and,. Cheian Coiu►ty. l.ine; ;ihea.ice south -along said- caurli#y line to its intErsection stiith King and Kittifias Coun'iy Line; thence sgutIztve.sterlp alorig the King and Kittifas . a • . s~ . Cvunty ~e to che south line of ~ection 33, T23~1, I2a.1E;* i~ie.-~ce tivesf to'~ie.=►ti es~~e'of the ~'sE'i4~o# SectS.on 33, T'23N,. R11.E; ~.ze~ce nor#h along said w est J.i;ie to t3ie noi°~i lin@ of sa.id Section 33,131ej~ce ea.:fi qn sa.id nozfli line to,tne. soiiffieast*co~ner of Sectiori 28,723N, R1IE; thence north`alang the east ~ line o€ said secaon ta thenorth east comex Af said sec~on; ti.e~-~ce west~long ~-he nortl-i 1- e of sa.id _ section to the northwest comer of Section 30, T23N, It1~E; thence soutiialong;the west line of said se ction exter~ded to the south~r,Test co~er bf the NW'✓4 of Sec~.on 19, T`7_2?~1;12~.1E; t-hence~kr~t along G the south line af saic3. 14W 4 to the sout-heast comer'of the 14E1/4 0f said Section 19; thence north , along the eastIi~e of s'aid.seciion exte-1aed,totY►e nox°ttiuTestcozner af SeCiloii. 8, T~2N,Tt.1.7.E; thence east aiaang fihe noxth line of said section to it~ iittcrSPCtiaziwith King Coiffity lirle; fihenci'soizttierly . and westerl~ along s a; d couni.y Line 'to'its jntezs ectori with the ivest Iin.e of 1`14I4, TZ.8E; thenoe rtorth elong said'vaest line Exte:uded to th.e soufiheast cornez of Section 13, 7'22N, R.7E; tti.ence ~aTest a]ong . the south line of sLid section ta the*northeast comer of Section 19, T22N, R711,'thence south cJong the east Iine of 'sa.i.d sectiari to its intersse~on vvith the Gzeen River banks; thence westerly along the ~ - . ~ Green Ztiver ban.ks to the. norffiEas# City liinufs of Aubum Naithin Section 8, T21N, IZSE; thence south • along ffie west Line of saidSection.8, exten ded tn t~te bo~iiary ]ine of King County; thence west al.ong saidboundary line fio its intersectionti~A;th the southwest comer oi Section 31,'I'2IN; R5E; . ' th~nce nozth a.long the west line of sazd sectioii to i.tsinfiersecfiion v3i.th Mairi 5{teet West; thence west -alon; said street to the i~ntersec;idn svith West'Valley.Hj'JY N. ; therice South alaing said ..~gY►vTayto South rieasley,Canyon Road; th6L8e`west a].bng saicl zoad. 6 its'iatterseciion v.~ith the centerluze of Section 14, T2~I`j, XZ4E; thence nozihh a-long said centerli:ne of s~aid section extend.ed .o . the north ]ine o£ Section 11,'rz1N, RLE; thenre west ,al°nb tteT'orLii liiie'of said seetion eXt6_ied to the city I.i.mats of FedEral VVay; fihence iiorth in a~coi.u1'tet-cloc'kvise direc~on along sad. csty liznits to • it~ anterLectiozi. with Sout'n 282'a Stz~eet pzojected east; ihence west alarig-saici ftreet to 12a, Avenue Sout.z prajecteci north; thence south along 12'h AVenue Souirh to its izltersecton wih South 2886 Street projected;.thencc ~~.~est along said sireet to 81,',Avenue South p'rajected; thence'soutli. alang said 8e, Avenue 'fo South 292na Street projected; thence vaest along said 292ad Street to 1st Avenue South; thence north o'n Vt 13venj.ie South extended to the shardme of Pu.get Soi:xtd; thencE rioiiherip . . ' . Cantinue . . . ' • . . . . along said shoreline to S.W. 152n1 St-reet extended; t3i.ence east along said s#reet b Ambaunl Bivd. ; S.W. ; thenoe,south along Ambawn Blvd. to S. 15P Street; thence east alang.said street to Des Moi-nes VVay; thence south along the Des Moines Wap to S:-1601b Stieet; tYience v,rest on said street to Sylvester Road S,Wi; thence sou~ along Sylvester Road to the city linuts of Noridy Park; thence east in a clockti;rise dir.ection alon~ the city luiv.t~ of NOrmandy Park to'its ultersection wifih 5.192nd -..Street; thence easf along S. 192n1 Sfreet to Paci,fac High-cti ay S. also the In~tionai Boulevazd; thence north on saici boulevpzd tQ 5.188t.11Sireet; irh.ezice easE alonb S.18811, Sireet fio Ittilit,ary Road; , thence f:rozn Militaiy to the point where it i-ntmects vvith the riiy ].iulits of Ttikwila; therice noxthezly alang fihe city limiis ofUak~wila, to the poinfi vJhere it inters ects with S.128'1, Street; th eztce east along said stxeefi fio Pacific Highway South (Inter..nati.onal Blvd.); thence north along saa.d ldghway to,the banks of Duwam.ish Wafiervvay; thE?l.ce nozthezl.y along the bah4cs of sa:a.d Vvaterway fio I24 Az enue South extended; thence north alo~z* said 121h_Ave.; to S.. Keziyoin Siieet exfiended; tilence e_~st on . . extended S. Kenyon Street to East M~rginal Way; t~.~er~ce soutln- along East R~'argulal ~Way to i~ intersection wi.th the~extq~ion of Sauth Trenton Streefi; thence ea,st an said streefi-t-b ihe extension of 33rd Avenue South, i the.nce sou% along said av~n.ue to the exterLSiori of Ryan S137eet; thEnce east on IZ.yan street to.E3:npire Way Sa,4; ttience south on Emgire Way Soutti fio'the extension of 51st AV enue South; tlZence soufih on saiciaveziue to Sauth 120'h Street; 'fihence east on said stzeet to Sw Sunset.Boule-Vard (MSK runior thence south along said boulevaad to i1s i.nntersection -Mth S. 124' Street; thence:west on South 129~h Siseet.to filie dty limits of Tukwila;~thence southezly~along said ci.ty limifs to the point. where it intezseejs -with Beacpn-Coal Mme Road; thence southezly alang -said zoad to Chaxles 1VlonsiLer Road; the3~ce south along Csiarles N.[onster Road to the pairit where it intersects -with the south line af the ~~orthwest questei of Section 24, T23I`T; RaE; ffimce. vaest along tilat.porti.on. of citylimi.ts as apnexed by Ci.t.y of Rentori, city ardinanee No.1764 to thebatiiks of the Duwamish Rivez; thesi.ce southex~y* Oong the bnnks of said i*liver to fi.he poirit w'here it ii-itersects with - the south line of.Section 24, T231\;. R4E; thence ea.st to the State MNY- 181;'thence eouth along said high~vay to the north lzne o£the SouthNvest a~of Section 25, I'23N, R4E; thezice west on-iii.e 'noxth liti.e.of. said Seciion.to theWest barik o£ t1he.Duwainish River; i-hence southezly alang the banks of s3id river fio S. 150I Stzeet; therice east along'said. sUeet to ih~e city limits of Kent as of januaty 1, 1987; thence southezly in a countex-clorlcWise directiori along the city Ii.uzits of ICent to the nozdn lu2e of Sectiori 7, T22Iv, IZ5E; tli•ex?ce west along the n.ozth line of said section extended to tiie-southeast comer af, , the weyt half o€ Secfion 1, T_22N, 5E; thence north along the east Iine of the west half of said section to the Maple Va1.Iey Highway; thence northwesterly along the 1v.Caple Vallep Hi ;hway Condnue ~ . ~ to'the city limsts ofRencoM. 6ence soufih in a dockwise da.recfiion along saiti city;3iniits to the sou.the.ast'cor.nerof Section 20, T'23\T, RSE. (S.E`.160thSt:reet); thence east'along the soufiil-Lne o€ szid ,sec~i.on to the S~:e High`ti ay 167.{IZainier.I~~e.); fihEZ~.ce riozth along said high.v~ay to i~.i.n~rsection with Soufihwest Sunsefi.Boulevard; thencE westerly* aloi~g said boiilevard to 81d Avalue South; thence 'n(crth ta 13411' StTeet; tlience-east bn 134'' Street to Hardie Street; thence riorth to tht aty.. . lim,itsof Ren.ton (as.o€ Ji:n~e -1961); filience north`alon; s3id c~.fy.ts'to: REnLori AV~nueSbt~~h; t.ience rioz#hivesterlp along Rentoi-i Aven4e Soutii to 76d',A.vcnue Sciuth; thence`north on 761!' Ave S. o S. M~ Sireet; thence east to 77h Ave. S.; tYience riortdi along 77'kl Ave_ Sjo 5.1201' St~e'et, -t-hence J. ~ . v,~est an said street to 76'h Ave. S.; thence normoii said street to 116th Street S.;'t~~nce we'sfi on said street to,its azitersection tivith the south Ci1ty ]imits of Seattle; tlience north in a coianter-cloclcN-ase directiQn al.ong t~ie ci.tyii,~~ o€; Seattle tci its intersectiion ~vath Lake jNashi-id,bl:on; ~.ze~-~ce an a li:aiit of n to the riorthwesfi*a.ty counfiex-clor~c~~vise dasecrion alozig t~ie s~soirli~le oi Lake Vltaslizngto , RerLfion; thcstce'southeasterly ?.1ong'the' Cityliziiits -of TZenton.-to ~e point wizere the- city ]iin.i.ts of 1Zenton intexsec-ts z-vith the south bzie ot Sect,ion 33, T29:~T, RSE; thence east along the south line of . said section exfiersded to i.ts infieisection w-itti Rc-nton Road (Renfon Ro3d-Tss'aquah'12oad)'-*6 Highway 900; thence nerth along said Road to it-s intersection ivifih Tnter:;t~te 90(Sunset Hwy); then.ce nozfih-,%=.e~tezly along s aid Tnterstafie to.the shoreline of Lake Washingfion; thence r.orthezly in a cointer-dockMse da.rection alona the shor,eline of La;ke Washington ta itsiniersectiantAhth 1451h Street; fihen.ce west a1.onb.said sireet to i~ interser[iazt v,rith 5~ Av e: ?~.E.; ~eiice nortr~ along on S Ave. N.E. to N.B. 175- Street; then&e ea. t on said street to 8-, Ave: N.L. ihencenorth an said sixeet extenderi to N.E. 201~ S~e~t ex~ez~ded.; tl?eni,~,east ori said street to 11t!~Are. N.E. extended; thence north .to til.ze Kang-Snahomi.sh Boundary (N.E.2051' StreeE); theilce- east along said boundasy fo the noTth easst comer of Section f, 'I"Z6NT, R4E; fhence south a1ong the east'Jine af said section th NF 19911, Stree ; tlien.ce east on said street. t,o is in-Lersec. tion with 90ts Ave NE; th6nce north ari 90l~' Ave: I\TE to its intersection wifih I\TE 200- Street; thence . v~-est an NTE 200'bStreet to a.ts infiersection 88`h Ave. I\qR; theilce north on 88'h Ave:.NTE to its intersecb.orni ,~~ith NE 202r1 Sireeti; th?ahce east or► NE 20211° Sf'reet to"it.s izttersecilon v.ith 90'h Ave: I~E; thenr.c narth on 90lh A-~e. VE ta its intersection -,vith 1\rE 205tb Street (also tkie Ki.ng-Saiohomih County 1ii1e); ih°nce east on said county la.ne to State Highvvay b-Z7 (Everett-l3othell Count-pHighway); thenoe sou.therly in a counter-cloclcMse da:recaon said b.ighv,Tay to its irners ection v,Titt1 the a.ty linuts o£ Bothell as af jazusazy 3, a.978; thertceiolloiving the city lin-tits of Botnell in.a counter-clockvfise direction to the southw- est cozner of Section 17, T26N,125T; theace n.oath along the west line of said tectian tb the noriaa line Af the soutliv~rest quarter of Seciion 8, ContinuQ , . ' T26N, RS,E; thence' east aloztg the riorth line of said sertion to 102nd Ave. I`TE; thence sout-h along 102nd Ave. NE to its intersection with 10511, Ave.'NS; then'ce south along 1056 Av.e. NE to it.s interp~ection w-it1n10e _Ave.1`TE; then.ce sout-lito NE 145'' .Street; -therice east on sa.id street to its . intersection wi.fih the, east banlc of SazrL ~River(watezcvay); ffienmsoiithaiong s3id Riverto its ' intersection wit11 the cifiy linufis o€ Redi`n.ond; thence in ~a countez-clockwise dir'ectionalong-the aLy • l:iuu.is of Redmond as of, jimimy 3, 1978 to i.ts intezseciion witn the west shoretine of L~ake Sa.mnnaxqish; thence riQrthesly and soqtherly in a cloc.kwise direction along the shore line of La1ce Saaaopian,ash to the point tiv'h&e the east shozeline of La-ke Sani?ram;ch inteisects v,fitil tife south line of ?~zE o¢ NWA of Section 32, T25N, IZ6E; thence 'east alorig said south Jille extended to the east lin~ o£ Section 36, T25~I, kZbE; ihence south fio the southwesF corner of Section 31, T25N,1LE; th'ence east•on along the south line of said sectio:rt exfifierided to the southeast com' er of T251N, R7E; fihence • north along the.east line, of said.to-wzi.lup to the:Snohami-sh=Kixig Cauntp line; thence east along said county Iizze to its intersectioriwii-li King-Chelan Coiznty line the place of:~e~u~rurig. EXCEPTIOiV: TI-M FOLLOjh'IlNG PARAGRAPH I<S EXCLUDEI7FR.OIV.I TBF ABOVE GARBA.GE A1\TD ItEFUSB COLLECTTOl`z 5E2VICE. S~ari-~ng at the intersecaon of NE Bothel.l Way. and 841~1 Ave. NE; thert east on N-B Bothell Wy. to ~ its intexsection with 91st Ave. NE; thEn norti, ori 91st Ave. NE to its inter5ection wifih I\TE 172n1 Street; ihen east on NE 172AG Street fio its kitersection wii3192nd Ave. I\jE;'.ihaii north on 92:~3 Ave. N"E._to its inte.rseckion with ?~TE 173rd Street; then east ori 1\TE 173r*l Street to a#s -infiersection with 95'h Ave. NE; thqqnorth on95th A.ve NE to 173A Pl. I~jE; theii ~ti est on 173=d Pl. NE to its . . int-ersecttiozt with 93~ P].. Nu; then north on 93rd P].. NB to its, inteisection iviah'1`tE 175th Street; then west, on NE x75'b Street to i#s iiz:Eezseciion with 93r3 Ave. i`TF; thezi north oza 9~H Ave. NE to : its intersecti.oxi with NE17511, Street; tlieri east on ~TE 176~' Sfzeet to a~ iii~zsecia.onwa.tTn.'~5~ Ave. NE; :hen north on 953, A.ve.1VE to ifis intersection wii-h NE 1781h Street; then west qn ~TE. 1786 Street to its intersection ivith 88L Ave.'\TE.; then north on 80 Ave. NE to zts interseciior► wit-li. N-8 7.80- Street; th~n west oxi NE 180~ Sireet to ats a.ntersection v~th 8Y~ Ave.ME (also the wesi , range Lne of 1'26N, 1~5E); then sautln on. 80 AvE. NE io its intesseciion vaith 1\TE Bothell Wy., 'the . point of be,Q,1nninb• . (P7dD452) REFL3SE COLLECTION SERVICE, not requiang the use of a dump trurk,(lotal caa.-ta.ge) zn. . . . Canti:nme ' ~ \ u:ng County desczi.bed as fallo -4s: Beginning at the in-teisec(ion-of Kn-Snohonzish that portion of Y County ],ine and 1511, Ave. iv7E; thence south.alonp,, 15~ Ave..NE to its int.rse~on.v~itti.NE 175W . Stre2t; 'iher,ce iti est along Nz 1751h Street to S'i' Ave. \T.E.; 4hence north aloiig said Avenue exti~nded o . , to E. 201-I5~eet; th~nce east on E. 201a S~seet extericied to iYie ~'Vest"szde'of 3.J.~ ~iv e. TV.E. ex~ended; -'r- thence nort-h ozi th:e tivest sscie oi 11~' exter►ded to King-Snohoznish 6u3ity Iin.e; thence uit.of begaiuiiri. ` . . . . _ . _ . d County J~zie"to 15~ A. ve. ~I.E. i ue'.: oi t~ s~~z , . P g' east on . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . f' Flpa-53) ALSp; Beg;rLn,in~ at the inieisecCon of INBBothell Wy. A:ud 91rt Ave: NE; thence north An 1 91-dAve. to its i.ntersection witii 172n'dS.t;.eet; tb~i'east oriNE'172ad Street tn its Wtersecfiion v.*iii192nd • .L Ave. N13; r-o=t-~i. on92nd'Ave. NL to ats intersection , w-itti NB 173~,d Streefi; theri ea'st on NfE 1731d . Street to ii's intersectiori w-id► 956 A~-e. NM; th,eh north o3i 951~1 Ave Xt to jNE- 17511, Street; tli~ce west -t'. h' . . . . , . on 1~TB.175~ Streei to a.ts iritersectian witi:93--d Pl: AE (aLo'city limits,o# Bo+heLl); thei~.narth on'93-'~ • : j, , • , r.• ' ' . \tE to z~s intersecctl..o I n:wa.thNFX75;b Street; thence east ozi*\TE 176Stieet'tbit~iritetseriionwith 95'~Ave. I~FR; t~ience north on 95~ Ave. toifs inters€ciiori v~itti NE J.78~ Str~et; fih'eien west on NE. ~.78~ Sizeei to its intersectiori,~~,~fih $Sd' Ave. I~~E; i-hen iia~i~oin. 88'h AvP. to its i..~terspction ~arith the ciEy~linutso€ Bodhell (aJso'Da~vson Si2eet e~ctexided); til~ice in a.count~er-cloc'kv.~i5e'-ciirecEon ~alo~ig the Q'ry'limiiS. of Bott~ell to its irit~rseci:ion with NE x9~ A:ve.;~'~~ce east onl~~ iy[~AtTe, ~ . 92Ad Ave. Nt; thence nor~ aiong sa.i.d avenue to NE 192n5 T'L; thence we„rt on ME 192nd PL-:; to 88*L Ave- NE;.thEnc6 north on 88'° Ave. N.E. ta its iziteisection iAh th e diy linii--'6 of BothelZ;`thence east . • . . . on said cify liia.~its fio 92na Ave. ~~~aea; ~eiice nartil-on 52n3 A.ve. NE, ex'ten~ied to N~ 200~ 'St4e~t e~ctended; tl.lence east on said ex-tezided stzeet to-NL Boihell ti1ty.; tht~ce in a cloG~•wi~e . aireci~on ~1.ong die NB Bot.Yie1141ty: tae its iniersectsorivait-h 9~.~ Ave, ~E, the poizit of begirmiilg. . . , . ~ ' (PID454) ALSO: TzAhat porfiorti of King Cod~ty descrS.bed as'fallo-kvs: Stazting ~t the soutl-iwest eorzler of Section S, T261\z, R5E; thence east on the south line o€ said sectian to 104'--1bAve` NB; tlie-nce north a1on~-104e' A.t~e. i~jE to its in~ecfson with 7.0,' Ave. I~TE; thence noztherly a.long 105t" Ave. b . . ~ • - . . , _ , I~~ to the nori-hline of south ~ate'st-quarter of Section 8, T25N, RSE; ~ence ~v~.,taong s3id narthlin.e . to the west linE of SecJiozi 8, T26:PT, R5E; thence south along s.aid west line to the sQUth west comex , , . . , . . qf sad seciion d1e poi.nt of Uegin~iziig . (PID456) SOI.xD WASTE COLLECTIOiN SLIZZVICE iTi that poriiox► af Sr►ohomiski County described as follocNS: Com.menang at a point wliere a ziortYc-souffi line tange~-Zt to the itiest shoreline of . Contirme ~ . Ballinger Lake intexsects v.i-ith the Snohornish-King Couzity line; thence norih on sai.d iine to ifs intersection ivith,(Bradley Road), 236ra Street S.W. ~cte~-ided; theii.ee west on (Bzadley Raad) 2.3611' Street S.W. to 76th A've. V1T.; thence north ori 76=' Ave.W. (bufi not includizig sirt:ch~ thereori);to U. S. Highway. 99;.t-hence n.orfii~ ~on U. S. I-iig~way 99 (but n:ot irtcluding strtes the'reon) to 200 StreetS. kV.; th~ce nort~l-bz~ the'east side o€ LT.S.,HighvtiTay 99~~to a poa'rit 10Q feet nQ~Yi of ~48 Staeet S.VJ.; thezice w e.st ori this liaie to. Puget Sound; Fo]lowzng Puget Satiiid noitheily to the point where . , the north ciiy limits o€ Mukiiteo meets Possession Sounci; thence easfiPrly aiid southerly follov.,ing Mukiiteo. City limiis as of July X,19bl,,to the south boundarp of Seca.on 3, T. 28 N., R. 4 E. W. M.; . . thenc~e east fio 40 Ave. VJ. extended;,the►-~ice souii to bouzid.ary~of Paine Field; follativi,ng the*nor-th boundary of PaJne ~ield to the eas~ bou~-~daiy of Paine Field; thence souh' ~-o'a point 100 feet north • of 90 Sfzeet S. W.; th'ence east on this ]ine t0 12 Ave: W. ec~erided (westboimdaip of Section 13, T. 28 . N., R. thence ~south on 12 Ave. W.'extertcied to.100 Street S. W.; thencefeast on 1 0 Stieet S. W. ;(both.sides) ta Hollp,Drive; thence'south oze 9 Ave. W. (but riot including 9 Ave. W.) to intersection O~ U.S., H1g~1VJiay. 99~ an d Bxo~dway Cutoff; tYience east. on BzoadtirayCuto~f to 8'Ave. W. . (north-south Line bisecting the ~tves tern'~z of Section 24, T. 2$ R. 4 L.); th~-~ce south on said ]ine to SfiockshoW'Road (112 Street S. W:); tha'nce east: on the south siae of Stockshow Road to Paafic Northwest Tractiori:right-of-way; .t~ience nortn an filne east side of the. right-of-way `to Broadway . Cuto€f; thence xtiorth on the Broadway Cuiroff arid Bxoadwap, to the 'south Everett City ]iiriiis (a.s of ~ ; . ,-July 1, 1461); thez►ce .£ollo~~g the_east and nozth'ci.t"y, limits of Everett (as of j'uIy 1,1961) to Puge~ ~ . . Sound; therice noztherly alQng .Puget Sou.nd to tl-ie point where it intersects with the Snohoz~:szh - - .Tsland Cotutty 1~e; thP.nce northerly along said couiit.y line to the shoreline of Skagit Bay; thence north along said shoreline to the Snohoinisll-Skagit Courity ]~e; then ce east along said coizn:ty ]ine to the east line boundary of Sziohomish Couzity; `tllence south along tFie east boun&ry of, SnohomisliCounty.to the ~ng: SnohomisYt Cduztiy lin~; thcr►ce west on said mvnty line to the po3nt . . of begir:ning• ; • . : • ; ~ . _ . - • . • . ' .(T'ID457)G.A.RBAGE,COL.LECTIOi SERVICE on Camano 7sland,, Island County. (PTD45$) REFTJS'E COLLE.CTION Slil2V.[CL, not reguiring -the use. of a a*p i7uc1~; (Iocal cartage) in•tlut poxtion o.f Snohomish County de5cxibed as £ollows: St-~Tig at the nozffieast . comer af Secti.ozi 2$, T2$N, R8E; fiilence..v.Test along the north line of said s:ection Exteiided to a point 500 feet ivest af the.N. L. coi-ner of Sec. 25, T28N.,12. 6E.; thertce south to the south"line of ' ConiinLe said secti.or►.; thence west to t1ie N: W. comer of Sec 35,.T.. 28 N., R 6 E.; fiheiice . south -ozi the west line of sa.id sQCtion ext~ded to 164 Sf.-rreet; thence e~t to`Highway 202; i~eiice soi.i~tt~,res~rIy along saiQ kLghv,=ay to the Snohon-ishRiver, thence souiheasterly alorg' saici river'sartd the` ' . Snoqua]mie 12iyer extended to the point IOfl feet north of 228 Siceet, ttience east. t-o the east ]in.e oT Secti.on 28, T27N., RSB; thence'north along said west lin.e extended to the northea:s't comLr of Section28, T228N,128E, the point a£ bed-i.nn~ng. - „ . . , . - . (PID459) R"EFUSE COLLECTION SERVZCE, not rernjiring d1e use of . a diiirip tzuck, (local carta.ge) in that pozti.on ~o~ Sno)i.on~isYi Qgdescribed 'as fo]lozvs: Com.uleilong at a point ' t' ~ ~ alc' ~vith ihe . sti,her~ anorth-sou.~line tangetlt to thewest shoresrLe of BaIliztger L.: ce mtezsec Snohonvsh-Kirig Coianty line;, theTice'nozth on said:lizle to it5 intersection ari+h `(Bzadley Road) 2~3G~ Sizeet S.Z•1~. eX'tertded.;thence ti4iest oA (Bsadiey RaLd) 23Str~et S.VJ. to 7b-%Ave.-W.; . , th~ce north on 76~ .~1ve. ~N. (but'not uicluwing-slzucCures thezeon), to- TJ. S. -Highv~ay'39; thence north on U. S. I Tigliway 99 (hut iief iz~c.luc~5~ig sinichires fil-~ereon) to 200 Siieet S. V`~.; theiice . north on the ea:fi side of U.S. Ii.ir;Iizvay 99 to a pAint IOa feet north 'of 1485tfrieet S.V1T.; the,,ce' . west on this line* to Puget Soiii~d; ihence southerlp alon~, the shoreliile of Pia.get So'LStd to the . Snohomish-~g Coun#~T line; thence east a.18ng said caunt~T ]iiie ~o'the poxrit or begSzirung. ` . (1'ID460).TZ}?FLJSE COLLECTION SERVZCE, not requir9:z g th.e use o#-a dump truck, ~ocal cari~ge) in that portion of SnohainiLh County desczibed as follow;:: Sta:ifang at the point where ffie nor,h cs.tp lin.iits of Muldifieo irieef~ Possession Sound; fiheilce east6zly azid-southerlg a . ; fol.].owirig' Muk,iIfiEO'City smit as o£rJuly 11961, to tli.esauthboundary.bi Secfion 3, T. 28 N., R 4 E. W. M.; ence east to 40 Ave_ W. eXterided; fihen.ce sou:th to baundary of 1' ~~izie'Field;' ~i.to follotiving'.~e north b~oundarpy of Paizte Pield tb the ea~t bQun.d.ary of Paiiie Field- , thencesou , a pain,. r,.100 feei: riorth af '90 Stiei#_S. IN.; ffLe-?~ easf on ffiis line to 12 AVE. W. ex~~ded. (~ve~t , . , , . . boundaxy'ofSectson 13, T. 28NT., R a E•}; thence south on 12 Ave:W''eXt-ahci.ed to 100'Strccet S. W.; ti.ience eaSt ozZ 100 Sixeet S. W. (bo;h sides) to I-iolly L)ra.ve; t}.1enoe sou.th ori 9 A.ve. W. (but _ not inciuding 9 Ave.,j17.) to intersection uf U.S. IiighvvGy 99 a.nd Bzoadwa-y Cutofif; t1-Lenefl East on Broad.vaay'Cutoff to 8 Ave_ W. (north-south line basecting tYie" vaesfem z of SectioTi 24, T:-28 'IN., ~t 4 .E.); therice 5ouffi on,said line to Sioc]cshow Road (112 Street S. W,); therke-east ori the soutTrt side af Stodcshow Road to Pacifi.c _NkTori~hwesf'Z`rattian right-of--~,vay; thence north ori the easfi side af the ri.ght-of-wap fio BroadiJay"Cutoit; thence noifih on the BroGdwas Cutof€ and Cantinue - ~ • - ~ . Bmadwap to the south.Everett City linlit5 (as of Ju.Iy 1,1951); filzence following the ea.st and nortt~ city limits.of Everett (as Qf july,1,1961) fio Puget S'ound; thence south along the shorela~-~e . . _ . , . . . ~ ~ of Puget Sound to the point af begirmung. ' (Z'T461). ALSO, ut the jetty Islar_d and (P117462) .A.LSO, ini Hat Island (Gedney Tsland). PID463 SOLID I+17ASTL COLLECTION SERVICL consistingso£ zedaimed lwnlier; brick and . other cast off m3terials, where construc:tion or revair jobs are being or h:ve Ueen_conducted, oz - wiiere structures are being razed from piemises in tha.t poztion of Snohon.ii~hCou~ity described as follows: Starti.ng at the northeast coriler of Section 25, T28 N, RS B; the~ce west ozt the"north ~ line of Said section extended .to a point 500 leet west of.the N. E: cbzner of Sei~25, T28 N., -TZ. 6E.; thence; south to the.south line o£ said section.; thezzce west to'thhe N. W` comei of 5ec..35, `T. ~S N., R. 6 B.;•thence.sou.th on ttie'west line, i~i said'section extended to 164 Streef;'theiice east,to _ ~i,gh~~ay202;thence southwestezly,along said Yiigh~~vay tb ~i~ Snohomish Rzvez, _th~ce; southeasterly alpng.said ri~er-and the Snoqu.alm.ie River eztended to :rlie pciirit 100 €eet north of ~228 Street thence east to the west line'of T271T:, R9E; thence nozth along said west line extended to the nqrtl-i east ccimer of SecEion 25,T28Nk, RSE, the point of begirnLng. IID464) ALSO: In that portion oE -Snohoinish County described as fo]J.ows: Com.mencing at a J p intwhere a nOrfh-south line ta.z~ger►t to the west shoreliz►e of Ballinger vake infiersecis 'wa.th - the Snohonn.ish-King County liqe; .th~nce nArth ori said luie fq its intersection wi43i (Bz4clley . A ,R9a4).~2360, Siseet S.W.,extenOd; theilce wesfi on (Bzadley IZoad) 236t" Str eet S:Sv..to 76e~ Ave. W.; thence-north On_76th -Ave. W; to.'[.T. S. Kilghwap 99; tlience riozfi.ii.'on U. S. T-~ighv~ay 99 t4 200 - SiYeet S. W.; thence north on tfie eaifi'si.de of L1".S. Highiuay 99 to a point 100 feet noi-th of 14$ Sireet S.W.; t'he~ce °yvest on this line.io I'uget Svur~d; thence soutllezly al.ong the 5lnbreli:ne of . Puget,Sflund to a.ts intessection with fihe Snohomih-Kiiig County line; ~ernce etL-t ong saad rnunty line-to the poinf.of begizm.in.g. . , . . . (PZD465) ALSO: Tn ffiose Zs]ands adjaceni to the -choxes w-ithin Snohomiah.County ?-ud izt that portiori af Snohoznisli County ctescribed F-s follows: Stariincr at the paint where the norFh city limits of Mukilteo nieets I'ossesszon Sound; thence east-eely and southerly followirig IVlutdl.teo, City linlits; as o€ J'illy 1,1961, fio th.e south boundary of Se.ction 3,.T. 28 N.; R. 4.E. W. M.; thence . . Can6nie ' • • • . . \ - . east to.40 Are. W. exfien~ed; thence south to the bound-ary of Paine Field; tt-Lex~ce foJlo~rixlg the . north boti~ndary of Paazie Field to the east b-oc~-►d.zuy of Paine FiP1d; thmc& soiith'to a pbint 100 feet north of 90. Streefi S. W.; ffience east an this line to 12 Ave: W. extended (yti=est boun da z y of Section 13, T. 2$ N., Rd E.); u ence s*outh an 12 Ave_ W.'exfended to 100 Street S: W.;`thartte-ea-st on 100 Street S. W. (bodh sides) to Holly Drive; thence south on 9 Ave. W. (but not iiicludizig 9 Ave. W.) to instersecti;on of U.S. H.ighzvay 99 and Broadway Cutoff; tihence e3st on Broadway + ~1 Cutoff t0 8.4ve. : (north-south lirie.bisecdn,-,t~e w ~tern Y2 oi Section 24, T. 2$ N--.' IZ. 4 B.); thence south on said lizte to Stockyho'w IZaad (112 Sf~reet S. ti'V.); ~ience ea~t,. ori ~.i~ south side of Stock.show Road fo'Padfic NoAhwest Traction right-o£-wa,y: thence north on the east.sule`of fi11e z-ight-of-►vay to Bxoadwa~ Cuto£f; thence riorth on the Broad.way CutnfE 'aiid Broadway to the south E~exetz Ciiy limits (as oi ju' 1, 7.9b1); therice foU.ow-ing the eG'st and ziortli. city Wts of Everett (as of ~uly.1,,1961) to:Pu~t Sbu~ici; i3?~ce soiitli alang thestioielirie'of Puget Saund ~o the point Q€ beginzung: . . . ' . . . . , . . • , . - ' (PTD466) RE.FUSE COLLECTION SERN7ICB, nat requirin.g the use of a dunp trud:; (locaa.' ca~-tage) un th3t portion af Whidbey Is1Gnd, in Island Counsy descrihed as foJlmvvs: StmrtLng at the . nortl.~west coriier c~f Ssctio~'19, T: '30 N.;R 2 E.; i~.i~ ~ce ea.~t' aloxlg nor~hh lin~'bf ~aid Section 19 exfieiided, to the shoreline of Holmes. Hazbor;ce southeray~and noztherly-a?ong sa id ~,li.oreluiE to the north iine of Secti.on 23, T30N,12?£; thericeeasfi to thP eastezn sltiore]iiie of Wh.idbey Lc1and; thence southerly, we-qterly en'd northerly al.ong the southej~a shoze]ine of sni.d i. Iand to i'ts intersectaon ivith the easf line of R1E; thence north an sGid eas# ]Jne to the shorelin.e of saicl.*isl.and fihence hoztherly along the shorelirie tn its interseciion wi'th tne 'Wes~ 7inf af . Sectiozi 19, T3D\T, I'.2B; thence noxi-h.on:soid uTest line fio the northwest coiner of SQCtion 19, J.~e,point of beginning. . - . . . , T30N, R2E, t ' .(Z'ID467Y RFPUSE COLL.EC'~'IO\f SERVICF; nat. zec~ui.~ing the use of a duuip tiuck, (loca.l. cartage) , ori $ainbridge Tsl.and, ar►d an rhose portiox~ af~Kiisap County desciibed 'as £bllov;ws: „ . . . . . • . ' (PID468) 1it the City of Bmmerzon, ,(P1J7469) In the City. of FauLsbo; Gzid (PI77470) on BLa.ce LqIand. (i'IID471) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE, consistisig a; redaimed l-Lunber, briclc and • Cantinue othez cast o££ naterials, fronl premds?s on Bainbridge Lsland where constructaAn or rePaiz jobs are being or have been canducted, or syhere stiuctiues are beisig ~azed. . . ' . (1'ID472) ALSU, in the Ci.ty o€ Brenierton, (I'1D473) ALSO in. PailIybo, ard (PID474) ALSO on Blake Tsland. . . . _ , . - . . : . . : . . • . . '(PID475) R~FUSE COLLECTTOl\T SERVICB, 'not requiriilg the use o€'a duutp ti.iirk, (iocal ca.rtage) in thatportion.of ?vSason Counfy desc7ibed as follov; s: Be~ng at the northeast - comer of Sec#ion 4, T23~I, R1W; thence south along the ea~t ]~ne of said seciion also the Niason- Ki~sap, County line to the souih.line of1'22\T, IZ1W;thence west a..lorig sairl sol.ith line.to the , southwest wmer of Seccttion 31, 'I'22N, R1W; thEnce north on the west Iuie of T22N, R1W to the southeast comer,of Secti.on 36,T2311K., RM;tYience wes"ton the south line of said, corrier -extended to the southwe,st corner of Section 34, 723N,R211V; therice riorth along the west Iine of said secfion exfiended io the Mason Kitsap County line; thencc east alorig sgd couinty'line to the poiz3t of beginrLing. . • . . • , - (PlID476) SOLID W.AaS'Z`E COLLEC'TIUN SE12VICE In all Sicagit County (Excluding: Set-vice in the Cities of N7ount Veman,.Builjn~op,-Sedro WooUey azt.d A.nAcortes is 1imited to'~'drop-Aff box" service only; PxdudingGuemeei ai.d Sinclaiz Ts].a.nd; "and eXCliidin=1965). f Concrete; Skagit Couzl tWasl.u.r►gtorusir~g.asabound.azy tl~e corporate limiis~as . , . . . (PID477) RF.P'USE CULLEC'TION SEI2VICE, nofi zequ,izin.g the u~e of,a d~imp fruc~, (local caa:tage) in that portiion o€ Piexce Coun~r d~.scribed 'as €ollows: Begi.n~,ing at th:e poazi.fi wheire the soutriwest comer af Section.32, T21N, R4fi meefs t.i.e Pierce=King County lirie; t-hence east aiid - southeLly along the ~'ierce-King-Coui►ty line to its ixitersection v.~ith the sout3~•luie af Sec~.an 36, 320-'N,R5F,; thence west or► the soui:h line of said sect ian to fihe:west line R6B; thence south along sa.a.d line to the, southeast comer of SECtion 12, T1s~T,. RSE; thez~.ce ive.st along south line: o:£ S~d - Sec~ion 12 exten.ded to the wu. t lineof R3E; thence zLorth along s'aid line to the north line'of T19N; thence west along sa.id li:ne to the v.pest lsne of 1Z2L; fhen.ce nozth Glong said lzn,e to. te soutneast comex of Secfion 13, T20N, RIE; theiice west aiong the south line of said Sectioz 13 , • extended to the west Line of R1E; thence north along sa.id ]i.xte to the south ]ine of T21N; thence west. along sGi.d line tA the south~vest com.ei of Section 34, 'T'21N,121W; thence narffi along the Contanlie ' .V . • . . we; t line of said Section 3A_ ex#encied to the noz°th line of 72XN; thes-zce wesfi on said noi-th Line to . the Piexce-lklasori County line;'the3ice`nort'n aIong bn said cbunty lirie to the'goint `tihere ;.t ~ intersects with the northwest comex of Section 15, T22N, RIW azld Pierce-Kitsap'County ]ine; tfience eF.,~t aIong on saild county luze to Pierce-King County line; thence soufh a-nd easterly . along said coun$y-line to its ii~fiersection with the south ].uie of Section].Q, T21N, R3fi; tlieiice wesc on south liiie, ot saidsection iothe'northwest cnm.er of Secia.on ~3; T21N, R3B;'tti'~ice sou~hh on :ffle west luze of said section ext6ided to the south l.irie of iNW 3✓4 of Sec~on 26, T21N, R313; . fiheziFe east on safd soi-ith iine to ifie soutti east comer of'SW'/4'of NW'/4 of said stcfi.on; theii.ce. - soutli: alorig the~east liite of NW Va of S4'v'/4 of s-ai4secti.on to fihe*southeastco~~ bf N4V 1%4 Qf SZV thence eGst on the soLth ]ine of said 141AT Y& extended to the vvesfi line of E 3/s o£ SE 3/4; . theiice* norffi on the west Unne o€ said E.?/a to Piexce=Kui; Courity Line•'thence southea'ste=Iy aloi~g said co~.uity line to ffie sou;~i~ti~est coinei:of Seci~on 32,T21I~T, R4E,.the paint o~begulavng . • . ° . . . . (PID47$) SOTaTD V1zASIE COLL=ON SMVICE, consisiing of rEdaimed lumber, bzick an.d othex r.a.sf o.f:E matexi.als; fYOm pre.aiises :in Pierce Cointy iVnere consi:ructioii or repair jobs are being oz , have been conductedor wkiere sisuch~s are being razed. ~ '.lkIp-gOLL-OWTNG A.UTH012m wA.S OBTAINL17 BY TR.ANSFER OP.CEI2TLFICA'TENTU. G135 FROIVL RICH'AItD D. HA.RRbS. . . . . . . ' . . , , . ' . • ~ . '.(PID324) SOLID V1tAS``E COLL.T CTION S$RVICB_ in ~t~e Tovv-n'of Conrrete, S.<a.uit Coun.t}~, I-Vasl-iington, usitig as a libundazy the'cozporate; l.imits as oi Nfarch 1.5, 1965. ` • . 'THE, FOLLOWING,AUTHORI'r`Y WAS OBTAL`TED FX TRANTSFL'R. OF CERTIFICATL NTO. G-97. FRO1V.[ STANWOOD Cr1R2AI\fO DISl'OSAL, AVC. ' . • . (PID457) GARBAGE CO 'L'LECnUN SERVICE on Canano Islan.d, Isl.and County; (PZi7334) SOLID ZVAiTE COLLECTION SERVICE on Guemes Island in Slcagit Cou-ity. ' Cantime , . TI3B FOLLOVVIING AUTHORITY; .'VATAS .T17ANSFERRB-D 'I'O G41; CERTLFICA:TIB G237 NO LONGER ALJTZ-iORIZES ANY SOLID WAS1'F COLLECTTON SERVICE lN THAT PORTION Or , KfiTG COUMZ'1'. DESC121BEDAS FOLLOWS:. . . . _ : . . - . - (PID372) Sta.zfiing at t-he int-ersection of East T-ake Samm amish Pazk~yay and NW Gilrri--ZBlvd; then noxthwest along N°W GiIman,Blvd. to its i.ntersectiori with NMI Mall Street eztencied,(also the souih . . . , l.ine of Sec. 21, T24N, R6E); thenwest ai.oztg NW MaI1 Street, exteridecL to its intersection -v~zt3z 171h Ave._ NW (also Reritor,l-zssaquah Rd.), fiilen noAh along 1711, Ave. I`TW to its intersecizon wi.fih I-90; then west along I-90 to the intersecti.on of i88~ Ave. SB; e)ctended; then north al.ong 18$ffi Ave. SE Extended to the shoreline.ofLake Sauimandsh; then eaSt aip?lgi3tesh.orel.in.e of La.1keSanim arrdch to its infiersecti.on withthe nozthboundary of Lake Sammamas State Park,; then east a7ong the north bouzidazq af Lake Sani.aiamish State Park to its intersectiqzi with Bast Lake Samma.mish Pa.r.kw ay: then southerly alang the East Lake Samunaxnish Par?cway to its intexseciion with 1VW Gi3mun Blvd.,' the point af beg ginni1g. THE FOLLOVING AUTHORI.I Y HAS BEF.,N ZtLV.ISE17 TO R]3FLECT A PORTrON TIZAi~TSFERTO G14 A.ND TO DELETE DUPLICATION LN THE 12EMAIINT7NG AUTHOZ21TY. . (PID325) : SO WASTfi COLLECTION SERVICE in th3t porlion of Vlihatcom Covn~ desa~ed as , ~ ' follows: Staztiztg at the northwest corimer of Seclion 4,.T40N, R1QEWtvI; theiic.e, sauffi on tie west - ]ine o€ said section to the northeast camer of Section 20, T39N, R10EVM; thence west on the ztozth line a€ said secti.on ta. the nort-hwest con-ter of Section 22,'T`39N, R9BWIVI; thence south on fihe west . line of said section to the northeast co'rimer of Sectian 33, T39N, R9E5NM; #1ence west on the north line of said section bthe ziorthwest coaner of Section 36, T39N, R8E~~I; thence southori the west .line of said section to tlle southwesf coxneT af Secticrn 36, T37N, RSEVV1V.C (al.so the,I-'Jhatcozn-Skagit Caunty iine); thesice east along the south town s2up Une of 'I`37N (Glso the-VVl.i.atcoin-Skagit County • line) to its infiezsectiAn with the Whatconl-Okaziogari County line (n.eat the south line of Section 33, T37N, R17Eyti%1); thence,northerly a.long said cou.nfiy l,ine to i}s inters-ectZOn iaith the n.orth l.i.ne of Secia.oii 10 T40N, RIGFWM}; ther►ce yvest along said toivnslup line to the nQZ-thwest oomer of Section a, T40N, TZ1.OEWiNt the point of beginu-ung. . THE FOL-L-(7VJ1NG AU'IHO1ZTI"Y HA.S BEEN REVISED TO REiMOVE DT3PL-[CATION Contiaeue . ~ \ . o R.ESUL L G FIZOIvi THE TR_ANSFER OF A=OIZITY FIZOM G38 BRE►-A1R DI,S! OSAL, Wi C. ,{T'~376} .SOLTD I'VASTE,COLLECTIOI~ SERVICE zn Ki~ap Court~ EXCLiJD NG the follotitiing -areas: Bl.a_~:e LSlniid; the Cifiy of Baa.nbridge'islaian.d ~.S of Feb ria.azy 2002; a~-~d the City of PoialsDo as . of Sepfien-bes 12, 1951; EXCLUDI\jG: The City of Bremerton . as the `poirif of-origin azid desiination for the same shivn.i eiii usang ns a boundify ~e cor'porate liznzfs"~"s'ofSep" teffibe'r 6,1960' . ' . . . 1 • _ - . . . , . . .(z'ID4:29) SOLID WASTE COLL,ECTIO?`T SERVICE in fihat poztion of Ben'nn Couniy desca.ibed as fo11ows: i3egira*g at.the southeasc comer of Section 4,78N, R26E; thgnce west alang ihe south line af said. $ection 9 projected to the sou'thvae..~f comer of Section 7, T'81~j, R24E; hence noath aJong the tAaest litte of sazd Section 7 ardd tste Xa_'kiii.a-Bentozi Coiazi.ty Liitz to the noithwest comex of Section 6, `I'91\T, R24E; ther:ceeast along fihe 'n.ozth line of sai:d Sectio'n 6 exteni3eii fio the noi#heast coihex of Section a., 19N? i25E; tl~ence south along the east lane of said Sectiori 3. exteYi.ded to the so'utheast comer of Sectinn 24, T9I\; R2513; thence east aloiig tlle soufih ]iie of said~Secti.on24 projeeted to the - nor~heast 'coi~.er of Section 28, T9N, R26B; thence south along the east line ef said S6cta6n 28 . extended to tk!.e southeast comez of Secti.an 9, T811K, It26E, the place o€ begiruu'ng; .(I'D7428) SOLI17 jNASTE COLLECT'!ON SSRVTCE i.n that'poriion of Benton County:described as €o~.o~ti*~: • - , . _ . , St3rli.ng at ~he poiztt where the w est lixle af Section T5\z, R28E intersects - with the north bank of .tti.e Colurnbia River (WalluJALa,ke); thenoe norti.~ on tlie west lire o€ sazd sectian-prdjected to the le v~est comet af Secin 26, T6I~', R28E; ther~ce ~ti est ori the norfh lirLe o€ said secti.on projected to soiit~Eiwest comer 'of Section24, T6I\T, R27E; then~ce norkll on th-6 wesf line o€ said section projected fio the southeast corner of Section 26, 1714; R27F; thence ivest bz~ the 8outhline Af said secciionpTOjecfied to ihe soutfi.westcomer of'Section 29; '~`7N, R27E; thence nortii on the west ]ibe of said section projected, to the.sou~ezn boundary of the'T3S Deparin~.e-~t of En~ergy Hanford Sf~ (-aitivnSettioz~ TXOI`s, R27E); taerice w-est alang filze` soutlzem bouiiclary of the Hanford Site boundary to it-s zntersection with the Past line o€ Secfion 23, 'I'11N, ].2248, ffience south along the east line of said secfiion to its soiitheast coxner; thence west aIong the south line of s aid section extended to the southwest cvrner ot Section 19, T7.1N, IZ24E; thenee n.orth along fii-Le w est ]ine af ~a:d seciao,-Li •(a1. othe Benton-Ya.kima County Li:ne) to its untersecfion ivith the nozthwest c6mer af Section 18, Continue ' T13N, R24E; thence east along the riozth line of sa.id section extended to its ;n*~ectio.-n with the Hanford Sate boundaxy (also fi11e east ]irte of Sectiori 17; T13N, R24E); thcnce nor'-u'i alorig• said bound.ary fio its intersection w-ith, the cenfierline of the Columbia River (also the Benton-Grant ' County T izie); , thence eastei].y and inuther].y alorng -sa.id- ceitterline toiis iiitLiseciiori vaith the Hanford Site boundary (in. Se6tion_23, T7.2N, R28thei~ce~~west along sa.id b'ouridary to its - intersection witli T. the wesferly. shoreline cif tlie Colwnbia R.iver (also in Seciiaii. 23, T:1.2~T, ~R28E); ti1L'iLCe 50L1thL21y, easteily, aiid westerly zl.orig the shore]i.ne of the Columbza River to the west line ' of 5ec(ion 2, T5N, R2$E, ,thg point of begi:nning. .(P117420) SOLID V1iA.STE COLLECTTON SERVICE In that poztion of Chela.n Couniy desera.bezi as follows: Begirning at the intersectijon of the centexline of'the Cohvxibia River (Ihe Chelan-Douglas Cou~y, line) and the southline .of Section 21,'I2IIV, R22B;:thence west on-the soith line of,said sectiozt extended to the poizit where it inteiseci~ with the (~elai~ Kittit~ Cotinty T~Si1.e; (96uth7ine of Section 22, 721N, :RXgE); thence fo~owang said cou.nty line in nortlicwesterly direetion fio i-ts intezsection v,7ith the west line of Seftion 18, T22\T, TZ17'E; thence north on the west line-of said section extended ta the nort~ line of Seqtion 6,"125I\~, R17E; thence west Qn the riorth lirEe of said s ection exte3lded to the southwest comer of Sectian 31, T261% R15E; thence riorth on the west line of ' said secti:an (including service,along $tafie Highway 2 to iis intersection with the King-Ckielan Couniy L'ir_e) to the nozthv.7ert comer of Section 6, T26N, R].5E; thence east an the nozth ]in.e *ofsaid section extended to the soui-hwest comer of Section 31, T'L%N, I216E; thence nozth on the west line of - said seetion extended to its izltezseciion with the northwest cozner of Section 6, T27N, R16E; thente east _an the northh lazte of said section extended to the northeast corner o£ Section 1, 727N, R18E; - thencc south on tt-ie e.ast liine of said sectiori extended to the soufilieast cornea of Section36, `I261,J, R18E;_thenee east.on the sou.th line of said secti(in extended to ttie southvaest comer of,Secfion 36, ' T26N, RX9B; thcnce north on the west lir►.e of said sectiozz exfesi4ed to the northwest conler nf Section 13, T25N, R19B; the~,ice east on_the nori3lline of said section extended to its i.niersecti.oziwith . the Chelan-D ouglas County Lane (also filze centeiluie of the Colun:iba:a River); thence south al~ng fi~e . _ cesltexlazzi.e of the Colwnbia River.to iLr intersecton with ti-ie sbuth lirie o€ Section 21, T27N,*R.22F, the pointofbegbining.... , . , ~ . . (I'ID421) SOLID: W.4STE COLL-BCTION SERVIGE in Douglas County E?CCLUDTNG t3ze followin, territoary: Begirning at the noztheast comez of Sectiozi 1, T29N, 1Z2613; thence west a1ong tlZe nozth CorLtinue . • line of said Section 1 excended to th-e oei,berlij~e of the Col,unlbi,a River (a1.so fihe Okariogari=Doaghs- County line); thence southerly, westeily; nozffiesly, then soufiherly again along the &-ttterlirie of the Columbia lZiver to its infiersection with ;he south line of Section 13, T28N, R23E; thence east along the south laz~ e of s3id Section 13 exteiid ed to fihe so'utlierst conler of Section 13,'I'28N, R26E; thence no.zh alazig the east Line af said Section 13 extended to fihe norfneasT comex o€ Section 'r241\i. - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . - R26E, i31e point o€ begizuii:ng. . . , • . . . . . . . -'(PLD421)SSOLIU ~'VA~S'E COLLECl'~ON SERVICE in those portions o€ Grant Coizz~ty descnbed as -foll.ows: Begir►ni1g at the inter~ec~on b€ the ceriierlitie of the Colu.zn.bia R.aver anci t-1ie nortli line af 5•, SECt3on 6,'Y 19N, R23E ext~nded; therice e?.st along saad exteTided norfih l,Ene to tYie northeasi cozner of said Sectiori. 6; chence south on the east line of sa.id section to the`sou'tlrieast comer of s~iid sec;ion; ' thence east''on tli.e soufihIir►e of sGi~d sectzon e.xtendeti to'i:h6 noztheast coaie`r of Section 12; 7~1t9N, . . . - R23B; then.ce south on_ the east lir►e of said section exten.ded. ~olhe southeast comez'otSeciiori 14, . ~'T'19N, 1223E; thence west on the7south li,nE of said~ection exterided to the nozthQast cornez ~f Section 29, Tl°N, R23E; tjnence soufh on fhe ea-Qt l.ir►e.o# said section'extended to tZie noa.-ttieast ,cornerof Section 32, T181N, 1Z23E; thence east ozi the north ]ane af Saidsection extended to the northeast co,mer of Section 36, 'I'18N, R23B; ~ince soiafilz along tie east lai.e of,said sectionext€nded ~ ~ fio the noz:thvaest corner of Sectian,l8, "r16.N,1224E; thence. east along the nortti lui.e of s6id section extended fo.the northeast corner of Section* 13, T16N, R25E; thence sauth a1on- the east].irie of said . , -seciiozt extended to, the ce~iter]azte of the Colwn.bi.a 1Zive= (also ;he 'Granfi-Benlon Couniy 1 iie); thence westexly and, northerly along said'cehte'rLizie to ifis iriterseet iQnFwdth the nortl.i Iine"cif Se cti on , 6,-'Ti9l\T.,R23E extended, the point ol beguin.ing. "(1'ID423) Al.so, Sectioais 2$, 29, 32 aiZd 33, 719N, ' MAE, Gnd Sectio.n.s 5 and 6; .T18I~z, R24E• (i']]~424) .ALso that pox°~oii d.£ Granf County kr.io'um as . { - Cresce-nt B ar in Secfions 19 and 3.4, T20N,1223E. (Z'ID~..2S)'11L~o,:thaf partion oiGra,nt County tiv-i~n - , • , ' - . , . . . . . . . . . . .'T28N azld_T230E. . . . . . , • ' • . . _ . (PID426) SOLIU WASTE. COLT.ECTION SEXZVICE in those portioAns of Oka'togan and Lincoln • Coun.ties desczibed as follo~vs: Begi.nning at the sautheast corriFr of Seciiai-. 35,'1'28N; R31E; thence vt esf along the south hne o.f said seclion to its intersection v,jith th.e southwest eozner of Section 31, . 7 . '228N, R31E; thence norih aiong the -West line of sai.d re'c4ion eYtended to ifis intersPCtiori'v~~.th the centerline of 4iz Columbia River; th~ee n artiiexly along said cenuerline Ito a.ts intersectian vath the north line of Sectron 2, 729N, IZiOE; ihence east along tlie north line of said sectiori ext&-ded to the Co;ttinue l ` , . northeast comer o; SectiorE 1, T29?V, R31L; the~-ice south along the east line of said section exi.-ended ' fo the southeast.comei of Sec#ion 36, T`28N, R31E,-the point o€ be~g. SOLID WA.STE COLLECTTON SERVICE iri Kittiias (PID410) SOL117 WASTTs COLLECTIOiN SERVlCE in thafi pozt:ion of Spo?cane .Covnty describ ed ~as follows: Seginnang at the southwest comes of Sectiozti 31, T211\z, R40E; tizeiice north along the west line of said,section extended.(alsri the Spokane-Lancoii,,County -ie) to ifis ixltersectiozl with the , centerline of .fihe Spokarie River; th~ice - eas~].y along 'said cFnt6rli.ne (also the Spokane-Sfieven.s County Line)rto its intersectioxl wifih.the Spokane-Steven.s County Line (within Soction 32, T27N, R42E); ttience north alcing saici.county line to the north line -of Seciian 5, T2$N, ~.42E; tl~ence easfi ~ . a].o~g the noriil ~i,iie of said section extended.' to the cit.y= Iirnits of laeQr Pazk".(in Secfion 34, T29v, 4• 1Z42E); thence northerly.mci easfierly i.n a cTorlcv,*ise'direciion al.orig 'sai.d cify limits to its. interseciion , with the soutil line of Section'32, T29N,112ay313; then.ce e.~a.st: alorig;tlie extended sotittfi line of said Seciion 32 to the southwest cori~er "of Secfion 34, T29~,T, R4313;'thennce nozth*p-long the west ]ine of said S,ection 34 to the noithtvest corrier of sa.id Section 3~; thence east along said Section 34 to'the - northheast comes oi said Section 34 ; thencesoutli..along the east ]i:rie of sai.d* Section 34 to the southwest, mrner of . Section 35,-T24N, R43E; thenceeast.along the soutli-line of said Section 35 extended to the northeast cozner of Se~tan 1, fi281`r, R44E; thence south along the east.line of said .section extended to the 5'6u4Leasf corner of Secdon 12;128N, R44E; thenc'e east Long fihe south line - . of saici seciion'exi-erided b the northeast coxziez of Section 16, 7281NJ; R45E; thefic2 SAuth'alOng the east lirie of said section to the sautheast comer bfSection 33, T28I`7,1245B; therice-iaiest along the . . , . .i < south Iirie af sazd secEon ta ihe southeast*comei of Sectiori 31,328N, R45E; thence south along'the . easf line o.£ said.pecuon ro~te southeast co~nes of Section 7, T26N, R45E; th~cti east"along the south . : . r . . . . . . J.i'.ne of said section extended to t-17.e nort.i.east comer of Section 17, 1'261N, R45E; fihence sbuth-al,oi1g. the ea. t Iine of said section the southeast cori-Ler of sa.id secti.on; thcnce east along the southh line of .said section exteztded to the norfhenst comer af Section 22, T26NI, R45E; ihence south along#$le east . lazi.e o.~~sa.id section to the xtoxthwe~ corner Af the southNvesfiquarter Qs~Section 35, T26N,'R45E; thence east along the north liile of said qu2zter section to the northeast coa►eT of the sautl.zeast quaiter of Section 35, T26N, R45E; therice south gong ttie east line o€ sai.d qixaxtez seca.oh ex#en,ded to the southeast coiriEr of Sectzon 25, T25\T,, R45E; thence west'along the south line of said seciian extendeci to the rtortheast corsaez QE Secaon 36, T25N, R44E; th~nce ~buth along the ea.st line of said . Continue ~ i . ~ - - section to the nort'nwest comer af the soutirnvest quarter of Section 31, T25N, R45E;thence east along the north line of said quarter sectiQn e-xtended to the no~ea~.~ co,unFr of tl-e southeasfi quarter ;<<. of Section 31, T25N, R4~E; thence sou3~ alon~; the eat line of sa.id "qu.a.rter sec6bn dxtended to lE.ie southeast corner of Section 7, -T24N, R4~13; thence west along 1;1ie soufih 'luW of said section extended to the southeast corler of Sec.t.ion 11, T24a~T, R44g;.thence nozffi'~llong the e3st ]ine of said section to . s. the ztortheast•comer of Baid sec#on;,thence ivest alon; the ziarch iz?-ie o.f saici secti'on the nozthtwTest - eomer of said section; 'thence 'south along the w6srtIine of s~i.d seciaon to the soi.tthtivest cbrnez of said section; thence west alozig the sauth. Liize of said sec(zon exte~hded (iincluding service on . DisqhmanIVLica 1Zoad to its intersectioz wath Nlad-+son Koad) to the southwest eomer of Section 7, .'I'24N, R4-4E; thesice soutn on the west Lizie of 'said section extei-i.d.ed lt:o'the southe.ast comer of Section 13, T24N, RQE; thence west alon¢ the south line of s3id sectien io tti.e southv,,est corner of said seciion; thence south alona the :%*esi: Iine of said section extezided fio the soutYie.ast cbrraer of ' Seckion 35, 'r24N, R43E; thence west on the.south line of said section extenaed to t31e southwest corner of Section 33, T24N, Ra3E; thence soufih alQng the tivesfi Lne of said sectian extendecf to 1l-ie soutiheast comer of Seciian 20, T'22N,, R43E; thence weyt along the sautli ]ine c# said section to the northeast cornez of Section 3Q, T22N, R43E; thence south along the east Iiti.e af said secdon to the sflutl-ieast co=r►ez of said secdon; thenoe v+'esfi a,19ng the south line of said set-tion to the noztheast cozner o£ SecNion 34, T22s\i, R42E; thence south along the east ]3ne o£ said section to the southeast oornex of said sectian; thence west al.ong the south line of s3id sectioz-L eactended the norrheast corner of Section 1, T21N,R41E.; tlic-nce south on the east ]ine of said section extended to the southeast corzler of Section 36, 721N, R4213; tiience west along the south line of said section (also the Spokane- IN-hitmar► CouY-ity Line) to the south.west comer of Secdon 31, T2lN, R44B, tiie point o€ beginning. (PID411) SOL-ID WA.57'E COLLEC7`ION SER'VICL exclud'uzg service ;a1 contairi.ezs oi tvestty (20) cubic yard capGdty oz avex in that portfon of Spo'cane County descri.bed as follovTL: BEgirining-at t'laP northeast comer of Section 30, T261N, R4.6B; therice south al.ong the ~.~line of sa.id seciion (also the Wa._.hixigton Tdaho Sta.te line) fio the southeast carner of Seciion 30, 725N, I246E; thence west along the south Iane of said serdan to the sflufihFk est cozner af sa3d section; thence north alo,-Lig the west lirse of saTd section to the southeast coaner o# the nozthheast quarter af Section 36, T2619, R45E; tiience west a.l:ong the south line of saild qi.7.arter sectian extended to the we: t line o£ Secti.on 35, T26NI, R45E; thence north along the we~t line of sai.d seciioxi to the northwest comer of Section 26, T'26N, R45E; thence east along the iinrth J.me of said seciiQn ta the norffieast comer of 5ection 30, ' Continue . . . f • . . - , i - 'TLbN, R46E, the goint af,begisring. ~ . - . • . (PII?412) Also, fihe north half of Sectiozi 31, T25N; R45E. . . TO TI3E~'EXTfiNTTTTA~`z' `~B 4U7'HORITY GR1~NfiBD N'Ifi-I,S.OI2DER DUT'LTCA'~E,S ~s1' ~ , ,~r.•.•. . . ~ AZJTHOFZIT.Y. PREVIOUSLY C~.A.NT`ED OR \~0V1T~ ~HELD SHALL ~NOT `BE GO1VS'T1~UED AS COI\TFE=G MQR.E TH,AN 0 NE.4PERATING ItIGI4T N012~SH.4LL'ANY DUPI.ICA'I'LtijG _1Z16F3'TS BE AVAII.,..4B~~E FOR PU7tPOSES OP T°R.A.NSFE12., _ . . . .Not~e; PZD refc^Tence nu~nbere are used by the Co~en~ission fo'z znapp~rig purposes.bnly. . . . , . , . : • • . . . 7G041942 . - • . . ~ • • ~ ' `0~-0~:-0~ . . ~ - . ~ . . ~ ~ , . . . . ~ . . ~ . ' . . . . . • „ . ~ , . . . • ~ _ " . , • . . . . , . . . - . , . . ~ • ~ ~ . . . ~ ~ - - - ~ , . ~ Continue - - . _ • _ • . Original Title'Page i . . . • • - . ~ . . %TEriff I\To. 15 Cancels . ' . Tari.ff Nlo.14 . • o£ ' . . . , . . . . - ' Waste Man emeni of fiJEshin n T~lc. (~e of SoLd Waste Collection Comp3nY) . ' wp,r,e Maua,gement ef Spokane, Valley G2.rbage Service Co. a.nd TJcst°rn Refuse Co. (g.egistered trade name of SoUd Was`°.e Collection CoMpBny) ' Ceitificaje I,,Tizmber G- 237 . ' N.4M2,TG' ~.2ATES FOR'I'HHP, COLLEC'IIOINs, TR.ANSPORTA'IION,.A1NjD DISPOSAL OF SO]1ID WASTE, AND IF \`OTED,I2ECXCLX.~~jG A`T.D .Y_4RUWASTE JN nII FOLLOWING DESCRVED TERRM-kY: As d::s.ribad in 4ppendix A . ~ . . . . . . li„s ia omly a por~on oi 2 conpany's cc,~cete at~oni~', - (~10IE: If t~is tari.f~ app ~e; awt be a~chcd ~ ~e -i.='~ . the iu~ a~~.~ a m-p a~a:rately dcpi~ctng the arca in wbir" ' . • Officiel UTC rcjuests for informat;on ' I•f~a of ~e.rsau issuing ~'s~: h~lc~ael A Wei s~c' _ e~rd+ng c~o~~er qz1estiox3s azd/or , complaints sboLd be refmed to the ~ l 22~ .E. 26~ Pla~e ' ollow;ng cfl~ipany regreseYriive: 2+~ailiz~g a~dress oi issuisg agen~- . _ , . . . City, S:a:e/Z:p Code: KW-and WasiinQ'ton 98 34 arne: .Ste~w~lf • i-le: DistrictMan?-g-e-r Telephone number, ii'elu`•ing CO`1e: _ f4251 814-7$40 . honc f5091 . FAX 311iIIbe.*'i is My: 04251814 • I5091 924-0 8 93_ E-nail ad?~ess, i~ ~y: - ri~vein=tcinfazvm or - . Yssued by: I~Gcbael A. Weinsteu~, Senior Pzicin~ IvZanager, Pacific Nort~west Market ~a . Effective date: Tssue date: ~ - . , • ' F0.1~ O.~'~'1 GIBL ~ISE O!'~LY Doc..8t: Z'&07041 D • Hffective Date: May 1, 2007 - TariffNo. 15 Original l'age No. 2 Company 3,,TazueJPermit NTumber:Waste Ma.nagement of Washington., Tnc.fC-237 R.egisterzd Trade Name: Waste Man3gement of Spokane, VaUey Garba-ge Service Co. and Western Refus~ Co. . CEEEC~ SMET All pages contained in this tariff are listed beIow in consecLtive order. Th-- pages in tli-. tariff aLdlor aaly , supplements to the tariff listeti on tbis.page have issuc dates that = the same as, or are before, the vsue date of this page. "0 " in the revision colilmn indicates an origi,nal page. Current Current - ' ' Cu-lent Page Nusnber Re~isinn Page ti~umbLr Revvion i'age \f~amber Revision Tifle, Page O 21 O Cbeck sheet/Z- O• 22 0 • • Item Index/3 . O. 23 O Subject Indexl4 0.24 O. ' Subject Indax/S 0. • 25 0 . Taxes Sheetl6 O 26 O 7 0 ' 27 ' O . 8 O 28 O ~ 9 O 29 O . , I0 O '30 O - . : 11 • . . . :Q ' 31 O . 12 O' 32 O. . 13. . .p 33 - O 14.0 340 15 . 0 35 O ..16. . . ...0 36 O • ' _ 17 O 37 O ' . . 18 O 38 O .19 ' O 39 0 . 24 O 40 O . , 7 . . . . ' Supplements in Effecfi ' Lssuetl by: Micbael A. Weinstein, Senior Pzicing M-anage;,,Pacific Northwest Market Area Tssue clate: E~~RO'Yq~zUCIAL ZTSE DAiLY - 17ock--t: ?V-070410 . . Effective Date: lvfay 1, 2007 T~si.ff I~TO. l.5 Ori~nal Page No. 3 Company ~TameJPer~ut I~TUmber: ~Vz~te Mana.g~ent of Vt'ashing`on., l'ncJG-237 . Registered Trade I~same: A~aste~M~anagement of Spo~e, Valley Cr~rsr~~e Szzvica'Go. and Westem Refusv Co. ' Index of It.ems inThis Tariff- see neat na¢e for Iist bv tOnic • Ifem 5 - Ta-xes ' . _ . It.,, m 10 - Applicpt ion of iZatas - General . ' Item 15 - Holi dfiy Pickv.p . . • . Ite= 16 - Change iia PickUp Schedvle , Item Refiinds . Item 18 - Biliu3g, Advance BilBg, Paymen.t Delinqumcy Dzies, Lex eharges ' . ' l:tem 24 - Def nitions . ' , . . , Item 30-Y.imitafiono£ServicE • . . . Item 40 - I~~`erial Req~g •Special Equipment, Precautions, or l~~sposal , Ttern 45 -?vlatersal Requir~n Speciai Tes~g andlor A.nalysjs . Item 50 - Rettzmed Chcck Charges . - . . . , . ' T#ein 52 -Re-delivery Gharges . ' . Item SS - Over-sized oz Over-weight Un.its . Itersi 64- Overtune , . Ztem 70 - Retuu Tr,ps ' ' . . I~m 75 - Fl~.t aV~oathly Cl~arges Item 80 - Cairyout Service;l7rive-Tns , I~m 90 - Can C~age, Overhe:d Obs#.i-~ctions; `un~Cen or elevated canslu~i~s Ztem 1Q0 CanlUn.it Servic:,, Residential -R.esidential Czrbside Recyaling-Residential Yerftwte service ~ J Iteua 105 - Multi- family ratr-s rtem 120 -Di-ns Item 1310 -Litter RecPptacles Item 150 - Loose ancUor BuIky Material . Item 160 - Time Rates . T_em 200 - E1,ppiication of 'Container andlor Drop Box Rates - Gtineral . Itcm 205 - Roll-Out Charges -,Containers, Automated Carts, and Toters . . It.em 207 -Excess WeigbL-Rejecuon of Load, Ch'arges to Tzansport • Zrem 210 -Washing 3nd SGnitizing Con`+3iners and ]7rop 73oxes . • ' . Item 220 - Compactor REntal ' . Item 230 -Disposal. Feez • . , Item 24-0 - Container Serviee -NOn-compa.cfed- Compaziy-owned container , . Item 245 - Conf-ainer Service -iNon-compacteci - Cusfomer-owned container Ttem 250 - Conte:lmer Se.-r-.,,ice - Compacted - Company-owned coniwmier Item 255 - Conf:ai.ner Service - Coanpacted- Custoniar-owned container Steni 260 -Drop Box Service -NOn-Compacted - Company-ownad drop box Item 275 - Drop Box Service - Compacted -Cls!'oner-owned droP box Ifiem 3 00 - List af Abbreviations aud Symbols Used in Tariff Senior Pr~cing Manager, Pacif i c I~rorth~iest ~arke~ Axea - Zssued by: Micheel A_ Weinstein; Issule date: . EjT?Me0w1Cl4l ZISE DIlLY DockEt: 2'G-070410 . Effective Date: AIay 1, 2007 TaziffNlo.15 (?riainal Page No. 4 CompGny NazneJpermit Number: ~-'Jaste Manaaement of Waskington, TncJG-237 Registered 'iYade,NamL: Waste 1vSa3isagement of Spokane, Valley Crarbage Sesvice Co. and Wesfiern Refuse Co. . . . . . . . ~ ,F xnde.x bv toni~ - ~ Item No. ' , tLbbreviationsLSedintgriff 300. . Advance bil]ing Bi~g p 30 eriods autharized ..........:.......................18 Carryout service .80 Commercial ca.n service . :..245 . Compactor rental .....................................................................................:......................:.......................220 Confia3ner service, non-cornpacted, company-owned ...........................................................................240 . Container service, non-compacted, customer-owned .........................................::.........:.....................245 ' Containers and/or drop boxes, availability 200 Containers andlor drop boxes, general rules 2Q0 Containess andlor drop boxes, washiug and sanitizi.ng :......:......:.....:......2I0. . Gredit du.e the cus-tomer : . .................................................................................I7 Damage to. customerpzoper[y .................................:.....................................:....~...................:.:.,............30 Definitiorts ........................................................:.....:.........................................................,....:.....:......ZO ~ - Deli.nquency da#.es ......................................................................:..............230 - Disposal fees Arive-in service . ..........................................................................................90 • Drop-box service, aompacted, custorner-ovmed.... I..........:.......... .................275 . Drop-box servic~e, non-compacted, r,flmpany-ownvd : ........:....................260 ~ Excess weiglt,~rejecfian of Ioad, ch~ges to trasisport ..........................................................................207 ~ Flat monthly cbar.ges . :........75 . ~ T~ol~ciays observed ..................................................................................................................................:S60 O Z.ate charges .......................................................................:~.................................:............~0 Z..i.mitations of service ....................................................:..............130 Litter receptacles ~ .......:..:............................................................................150 Loosc ~dlor bi~llcy r~atarial : ' . Material zequiri.ng spscial d'asposal I...................................... 40 Ma:teriaI requiring special equipment 40 ~ Material requiring special precautioms .....................................................................................................40 Materi31 requ.iring special testing/analysis .............................................................................................45 ~ Conti,nuM on next page Man ~er, Pacific NTOrthujest Market Area Issueii by; IvL chael A. Weinstein, Senior Pri cing ~ Issue date: ~fMWMICIA.L r1SE ONLY . Docket- T`G-070410 . ~ Bffective .DQte: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 1_ O~ieinal PageNo. 5 Company N nae/Permit Number: ~~`Jast~ ~vl~`~?nt of ~Jasb.ing..on, IncJG-237 , Regisierezl.. TraciP Nama; ~Vaste A~I~ement of Spok~ue,.Valley Garbage Seavice Co. ~Tid Westein,Refuse.Co. ~ Indeg bv topic, continued ~ . ~ -ItEm No. A~Sissed pickups, weather or rOad 001'dilions .......................................................................:...................3 . . 1oa Mul~t-£~ly rsi.es:.:.... . .:..:1 i OS NuI~-f3mily ~eside~~i~l.recycling for garbage cu~tor~e~s us~g drop box servir.e. . . iftiti-fammily resideniial yard waste collection . ;..105 NSF checks . . ......................................................50 . , ~ Overhead'obstnlctions : . ~...90 •O,vez'-sized Units ......................................................................................60 Overtima • • 155 Over-vveight units ' 7 ~ Refiand of-overcbarges ' ....................................................................................17 Refund of p;epa}Ftnenis ~7 Refunds : ~ 30 Refusal to ma_ Picku.............................................~00 p Residential.zecycling ..._..............................100 RasFdeneial service ...............~...........................................,..........100 Residential yard~=aste _ Re-delivery churges ~ 52 . Reh!rned check charaes SO . Reiui-n trips '0 . T.oll-ou:.charges . . ........20 S?airs or steps ..............................................................................90 Sun..'keil or elevated ca~siunits 90 ' Symbols used in tariff ..300 . Taxes ~ Ti.rne rates 160 . YsSued by: ivXichael A.. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Northwest Nla:ket Area ~ Issua date: ~ - . Ef~~Re~- fc~UL USE OIvLY Z7oc -et.• 070410 - • E j`'ective Date: May 1, 2007 Tari.,~x No. 15 . 4zieinai Page INso. 6 Company Name/Permit 'Nlumber: `Vaste Iv7anagement of "Yashingtom; IncJG-237 _ Regist-..ered Trade.Name: V►'aste 1VI?~agement of Spokane, ValIey Garbaga Service Co. aud Westesn Refiase Co, ~ . . . . . . . . . . • ;,1 Item 5- A.vnlication of Rates - Taxes In addition to tha rates shown in the remainder of the tariff, the following taxes agply: Ent~ty Ordinance Amount Applicatiori . • • . . izn osin t-p x: nuinb--r: • of taX: . Conmodities'and tei-rito- Ci of S okans C-331I7 20.48% Utility tax on a11 stivices withiu thl-I Ciiy I , . . . . , • . - _ • . Issued by: Michael A. Weinsttein, Senior Pricing Ma-aager, Pacific Nordiwest Market Area • Vj . 3ssue date: - - ~ftOMOjWClAI. rTSE O_NLY . 17ock-W..?'70704.I D - E~'ective Date: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. XS 0_ rii~~al pag'eNo. 7. Company INTarne/1'errnit Number: VJastc Managemest of Washington, IncJG-237 ' . Registe]red Tmda Naxn-.: Wcte Managainent of Spoicane, Valley G^«.rbage Servic.e Co. 2zd Westem Refusi, Co. . Itexn 10 - Anulication of Rates - General : Rates nariled :n t.his fiari.fi cover the collection, t-anspo:tation, md dis,posal of solid waste. When specifically referred to, rates also cover fbe collectiQn and tansport:ben ai recyclable materals and/or yardwas'te. Title 81.77 of the Revissd Code of '9Tasbingrton.(RC44) and Chapter 480-70 oi the Wasla.ington AdministrafivE . Code (WAC) goverii operatiprs of solid wastue r:flllect-on companies and the tariffs cornpanies must file with fine Weshing`wn Utilities aud Tr-anspo-Tt:ation Commiss:on M'UTC). Unless exceptions are ShoRm, aIl materials musf be placed on the same level as the sfreets or alleys. 71-E c,ampa,ny 8ay chargz additiono-ll a.mounts far disposal f es only ~vhen specificelly stated in the laHff and s:.parately shown on custemer bills. . xtem 15 Rolidav Pickvp -Re~uIarlv Scheduled Serrice When a pickap is missed Ct-1e to the comPanY's observzncs of a holid3y, the company wi.11 provide ser-Jice, at no aidditional cost to the custoFner, on ai-i alternate day. ~wl A list of t'he bolidays the company obsenres is shown in Iteui 60. . For application of ra.tes an tJais tzriff, the company defines altemate day to meann the following: Yicle Li-p days are MondaY through Frday including aIl iiolid-ays except'Ihanks~ vinU day, Chrisfmas day; and 'NTew Year's day. Lf the pick-up day falls on or after sny of thase thme halidays, the ai:ernatc day will be one.day late that week, for ihe balance'of the M'eek ffirOugh 'Sati:day. . Ztem 16 - Cllani~e in Picku Schedule . 'When a r.flmpany chaDges i.h$ pick-up date for its certificate are&, or a poreion. of its certif cate area, the company must notify all cjsstomei-b- in the affecthd a.rea of that cnange. NOtice must be made at least seven days before implemen#ation ofthe neNv pickup scheciule and may be made . via rnail, personal co-ata-rt, or by a notiez being affi.xed to the cuswmer's solid wasfie receptacle. . :;t . • - -Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Nanager, Pacific Nozthwe:,t AaAet Area Iss~e daie: UEE OATLY Doc&t: TG-070410 Effective Date: 1,lay 1, 2007 TarifflNfo. 15 . Ori 'a! PageNo. 8 Company Nfam.:JPermit NUmber: Wa.sts Iv.Canagement of Washington, TucJG-237 . Registered Trade Name: WesteManagement of Spekane, Velley Garb2ge Service Co. e.nd VJestsn Refuse Co. . . • . . • • . i~ ' . Ztem 17 - Refunds ' , Credit dne the.custoIIae'r. When there has been a h2nsaction thaf zesults. in a credit due the c-astomer, the . following aPPIY: . . . A. .If the.amount due is five dollars 4r less,.an adjustrnent wil.l be made tA the customer's account The a.cijusfinent ~ust ba shown en the next regul"ai bil.l. • B. Lf the emount duc is mor° t'han Five dollars, the cusbomer iriay accept an a.ccou.nt adjustmeAt or may request a refund. . a. If the customer elects to bave an account adjustment made, the adjustinent must show on . ; the nek~t regular billin.g. , b. ' If the customer elects to z-ecefve a refund, the coimpany must issue.a check N,,rithin thirty days of the request Overeharges. Once a campany becomes aware that it }as overcbargeci a cusfi.oaner, it -niust provide a refund or an acceumt adjustment ctedit to'tLe cu$t:omez. The customer must b'e gzveai a choice as to wb.iCh Opt10II 15 ' preferred. Thv refwad ar credit must be the amoilnt oveercharged i.n the three years before the date of di scover . c. If the customer elects to have am account adjustnent made, the adjustnent nust shbw on ' the next regvlar billing. ' d. Tf the customer elects to receive a refund, the cornpauy must issue a check within thirfy days of-ihe request. Prepapments. If a customer has paid service fees in advance, service is discontinued durLng the pre-billed period, and the.customez is due a re"nxid, the foLiowing apply: A. A company must hozaor.all Tequests for refuncls of the uuused pert~on of Pzepayments. . B. If the cust-omer provides a'fozwarding address t, to-the company or one can.be obtained from the . Post Ofrice, the company must issue a refund check no more than tlirfy da.ys following the . ' customer's request. ' C. If 1•hc cus_azner cannot be locat6d or did not provide a f.orward'u1g address and the U.S. Post O£E'ice cannot furni.sh a aoiwarding address, the amount may be presumed to be abandoned and is • subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Prtiperty A.ct efter or_e year. Yssued by: NE chael A.Weinstein, Sen,ior Pricing Mp-nage.r, Pacific NorthwestMarket A,rea T.ssue ctate: Ef-ROMR00MIM.L USE OIVLY oc et: TG-070410 ' Effeciive Date: May 1, 2007 T~ff No. 15 : - . 4riQi.na1 P~°-e I~jo. 9 Cozx~nany 1\TamP/'k'er~it ~I~.pmb~er: Waste A~~eanen# of yJashFngton, IncJG-237 . . g~ . . . Rttis`;..er~d Trade I~Tame: ~wte h~a.~agement of Spok~e, Valley Garba~ Service Co.'and Wcstein Refuse Co. . . . . Item 18 Billine A.dvarice Biili ancl Pavment De1.inquencv Dafes • Biitiug period. 'A compa.ny inaY bi.ll it's cusbosers f.or one, two, or t]ree montbs of sezvice. . . Advance billing and paymenf del.xnqtaency ciates. The following chaft defines the mRxi.mun pe~iod allowed far advance billiaig and thz ~te whQn a bill ma}* be considered delinquent: . Billing period max.imum advahce'billinQ Delinquency date ' . period allowed One month'S SeP'JFCe I\TO 3dV3IlCe b1ll1T'ib MHy IlOt be less than . - (m.onthly) ailowed . ' iweniy-nne days after . • • the datz the bill is . . • • inailed • ' . Tvvo rnonffis' service One'manths` advaiiced ' MaTnot b& u-ntil the last ' billina allowed da of the second monih . Tl~.ree montbs' service Two mouths' actvance May not be Lntil the las't ' vil~ allowbd ' da o£the third month. 'z'he bi,lling period chosen by the conipenY oPerating uader this tariff for residential solid waz-te ~ ac,c.eunts i.s:''Three montbs' service. Late charges. Customers with Past, due Fccounts after thc'delinquency dafes sspecified in the chart above wi1_l be charged a late fee of 1% per Erionih on outsianding balances. T'he riiiumum cha; ge per mouth ? s$1.00. Iss„_ed by: Micliae] A.Weinstein, Senior Prieing N-nager, Pacij'ic Northwest Aar et.Azea • • . sue date: E~~TCItLL ZTSE OI\~1,~' Ts Docket: TG-07041 Q . . Effective Dat--: •1vlay 1, 2007 Taiiff No. 15 Oripinal Page IsTO. 10 Com,pany Name/Pemait Num,ber: Waste Managanent of Washington, IncJG-237 . REgistered Tr-ade Name: Waste Msnagement of Spolcane, Valley Garba;e Service Co. and Westem Refilse Co. Xtem 20 - DefiniYions ' NDTE: ne defviu'ions shawn on the ftrst three paoes of thi.s iteri~s o-e staridm-d,• in masr caser prawzi.bed by rule Compasies may rw! =_asd i.hge d r~niti.orzs. Corr._nrvsies wisl+.irb to add deftni*bnu spscic to ihrir eomz>any`s cperctfor,s rr=t fnch&e rTwse . d~itirwnr on a sep3r~+e page, enri~ "Comp~rry-speci~r dez,'ior;s. ° A BIc~s~: s~~ is praviderl~'or tha! pwpose. Matcrial compressed by macl~e and se,curely tarpzd or banded. . Bulky Materials: Empty carriers,,c.artens, boxes, cra.tes, etc., or mateiials offerzd f,or disposal, ell of which _ may be reaclily haadled wirhout shoveling: . Charge: , A set flat fee fo'r psrformigg a service. Or,.the re-sult o#'multiplying a rate for aunit times , • . the number af .wits transported. , Commercial . . Billing: Service biiled to a commercial customer or billed to, and paid for, by a property manager •or owner rafiher than a zesidential tenant. Cotupactecl Material: Mateaial that,has been compressed by any mecha.nical device either before or efter it is . placed 3.n the receptacle handled by the compa.uy. CompactorDisconnectl, , Reconnect Charge: A flat fee established by fhe solid waste collectioA campany for tbe service of , . discoiinecting a compactor from a drof) box or cont'ainer beioree faldzlg it fio be dumped, . . and then recoznecting the campactor «hen thL drop box- or container is retumed to the customer'S sifie. ' - Ga-te charge: A f.lat fee chargad for apening, unlockiag, or closing gates in order to pick up solid wasi.e. Loflse iuaterial: IViaterial not set out in bags or conta.inea-s, including znaterials tl-ia.t must be shovaled. Multi-famiIy residence: Any structure housing two or more dweliing uzits. - PFCke.r: A dev'iez or vehicle specially designed 'Lo pack loo5e materials. Pa:ss through fee: A fex collected by a solid waste collection company on bebalf of a third party when the ' fee is billed directly to fhe customez- without markup or markdo"?Tu. - Issued by: Michael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing FvTanager, Pacific Northwest Markef Area Issue date: E~'i~eOLEFTCL41 TISE OIVEY Dockei: 7G-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. L~ , Oriei~al Pag~ I~~o. 11 . Comp~y NameJPer~nit N•a~nber: O►Taste Mana~;.r~ent of 4Vashington, Inc.IG-237 Re~istered Trdde ~Tame: Wasts Iv~naa.gement of SpoZ:ane; Va11ey..Carbage Seryicp :Co, and Western. Refwe Co. Itein 2_0 - Defwitions. con4,nued . Pernanent service: Contajiner ap-d drop=box servicg~ prov;ded at tne cust.omer s request for more ihhan nimefy . days•. . . . ; . . _ . , . R,te: . A price per un.it or per se;vice: A rate is multinlied fi.mes cha number of units transported or thc nvanber of times a serviee is periomied to det6=inine a charge. Solid waste ' . receptacle: . i.nciudes the follovvuig items, «'itli the follaming meaTlings: Automated cart means a esrt design°d tb"be picked up'and ernptied by rneckanical means. The specific type and-size are to be denned ui tate it6uiE. CaD mearis a meptacle made of durable; wrmsion-resista.n~-nonabsorber,t zmal;erial that . . is wa`.~rrta~t,'~d bas a close-fi#i.ng 'coyer nii t~~7o haiShces. ~1 caJ~ bolds more f~'ian trventy gallozis, but not more than thu-ry-two-gallozis. A can may noc vveigh more tha.n 65 pounds vvhen filled. Cart means a wheeled plastic contaner. A c~rtmay also be referred to as a toter. If supplied by a custoxner, a caa-t must be conipafiible with the company's equipTnent fine • . size and type of csst tha,t is compitible will bs estabssheci in each company`s tariff. . Container means a detacla?bIe receptacTe (nbrniay designed to hald at least a cubic yard of'solid ;-,vaste) ftomvvhich materials are coliected by'mecha$icallp liftLlag fihi-, recep:P-cle and eraptying the conYents into the eompany's vehicle. Diop box means a detakchable receptacle us'ed to provide solid waste collection sezvir,e - by the receptacic being placed on the conipany's ve2iiclE bymecha.nical mea.ns and . ' tsaiisp'orted to'a'disposal site_ . ' - - Drnm means a mefial or plastic continez of appxoxi-niately n~~y--aallon capacity, , generally used for oils or solvents. A daum rnay not vaeigh more than ~wlaen filleA . Lifter receptacle means a container not aver sixty-gallon capacifiy, ganerally. placed 'an shopping centers and along sueeis or highways for Litter. A•liiter zecept-scle say not weigh morz ihan 65 pounds when filled. . . . - ' i ~ Issued by: Tv~ichael A. Weinstein, Se~ior Fricing Manager, Paci£~ic 3~ior~Nvest Market tarea Tssue dar.e: USE. OATLY . 17ocket: T'Cr-070410 ' - Effective .Uaie: May 1, 2007 . Tariff NO. 15 Ori 6.ual Page No. 12 Company NarneJl'ermit I~TUmber: Wasie. Nlanagement of QVashingtoa, IncJG-23'1 - Registered Trade ~7an1e: Waste Maua.gement of Spokane, Vailey Garha.~~ Sen~ice Co. ancl Westeiv IZefuseCo. . . . , . - . . _ . . Ttem 20-Definitions. continued ' Micro-muu.can means a can mp-de of durable, corrosion-resistant, non~bsorbent mEtrial . that is wateright and has a close=fii•ting co"ver. A inici'o-'rcm can may not liold more than ten gallons. A micro-mini casa may not weigh anore than 19.poixnds when He& • _iNii.ni-can meiss a can made of durable, corrosion resistaiit, nonabsorbent raaterial that is watertight and has a c1o5e'-fitting cover. A'min.i-can may not hold more thaa twenty gallons. A muli-cann may not aveight more tlian 35 pot:nds when filled. Recycling bin or contai.rier meansA bin or conta?ner designed or designated for the - , callection of recyclables. Thc size and type of r~ccling bin oz contai.nez will be . ess~ablished in. each.company's taziff' ' . Toter aneams a w'ne,eled pIastic conCai.ner. A toter znay also be referred t.o as a cart. Tf supplied by customer, a'toter must br, compztible with the company's equipment. The si°r,e and type of toter ihat is compatible will hE es~bli~ed in each conpany°s t'ariff. Unif means a-receptacle made of duu°-able, coraosion-resistant, nonabsorbent material, tzat is.watertight, and has a close-fitti.ng cover and. two barLd1_es. A unit holds more thau ~ •.twenty-gal,lons, but not more than thirty-iwo gallons or four cub'ic feet. A unit may not , wcigh mofe.tlian 65 poiinds When fillei. ViThere agrzad on betweeri the ccamparry and the, . . custormer, and where allowable under local ord',narice, a bax, carton, cardboard barel or Q~er,suitable comtainer may be.suhstituted for a solid waste carl, far a single pick-up that . ..includes.rezzioval of the co.ntainer, if it r~eets the size aiid w.eight limits established in dhe . . ~~panys tariff. Yardwaste bin or container m.eams a bin or container specificaily designed or • . desig~zated.for the collection of ~~ardv4~~e. rPch coaz,pany`s'~tariff will refer to a speci£ic ' type of yFSdwaste ban oi- conta~er ta be used by customers in a servace area. The type, size, weight, etc., o.fth.i.s iype of bin or container will ofl'enb-D'set by loca.] govemment pIans or ordinances. ' Specia110n call pics-uD: A pick-up requested by the customer at a time ot]aer than the regt!larly scheduled pick-up ' • Yimc or thet requi.res the special dispatch of a truck. Ii a special dispatch is requirecl, thc company wi11 assess time rates establisbed i.n the cfla-ipany`s taa'iff• T.ssued by: MichaeI A. WeinsCein, Senior Pricing ManaUer, Paci#ic Norr~h*est Mtzket Area . Issue date: • • EQ1Ze3MjCIAl USB ONLY . Docket: TG-O 70410 Effectzve Daie: May 1, 2 007 TariffNO. x5 ' Original Page?Jo. 13 Contpaay Name/Permit Number: Wfiste Man~gzment of Washington, LcJG-237• . Re~ste:eci '~~de I~same: ~J~te Ivlaii~ament of Spok~e, Valley Garbage Sen!ice Co. a~id ~~estem Refuse Co. ~ - . Ttem 20 - Definitions. continued. -&lpplvmeat: . .A Page,~ded ~ the bs ';-g of a~iff,-noim~lly. to cover emergency; temporary, or posed by a special sifi-tioFis. An exemple is a page issuea 'Lo show a sp'acial surcharge im ~ . • . . . . r , city. • Temperzry service: Temporasy service means pravidir,g cont-aiuer er'drop-box seivice at the custornets request; for a period of ainetly days or less. . Ur;latching: Anofher tezm for a gate charge. Aflat fee imposed by a solid wasts cflllection campany ' when the compzny's pei-sonnel ri~us"(.unLatcb;a gate or door.t4'perform pickup service. UnJflcking: A flat,fee izqased.by a solid waste poll ection company whm the cQmPanY's Fersonnel ' rn~ist unlock"padlock.- or oth-er locking eicvices to perfo~i pickup services. : . • . - ' • • . ` - . • • • . , , - Zssued..by: Mich~l A. ~Teinstein, Senior k'ricing Mana,;er, P~cific I~jorthw~st M~xket Are.a . Issue rlate: . E~~04~ ~_TICL4_L USE Oflt£.Y Do et: TC~070410 ' . Effeciive Da:te: May 1, 2 007 TariffNo. 15 Ori '.al Page No. 14 Company Na,neJPernnit?\TUrnber: Waste Mznagemient of Washiugtozz, IucJG-237 Regis~~1 Trade Name..Wa..`,e Managernent of Spokane, Valiey Garbage Service Co. Fnd WestPan Raflse Co. Ttem 30 -Lim.ifations of SenTice Refusal of service. A solid wasf.e collection cozsipan y may "rtfuse to: ' . .(a) Pick tip m_Oerials from points whera* it.is haz-asdous, unsafe, or dangerous to parsons, property, or equipmvnt to opsrate vehicles due to the conditions of sireets; alleys, ar roads. (b) Pick up =aterials the#. are not ac,cepted by the Zisposal site aamed i.n the comppy's tal-iffs, or materials that in the company's jtidgment, are bazazdous, unsafe, or pose a danger to pirsons,: property, or equipment (C) ' (c) I}rive into private property when, i.n the company's judganent; driveways or roa.ds are improperly constructed-or maintained, do not have adequ.ate tum-arouncis;*or have other unsafe coDditions. (d) Enter priva:e praperty.to pick up ma~erial while aii ai.imal considered.or fe,ared fo lae vicious is loose. . The cu.torner will berequired to confine the anim~al on pickup days. . Schedules. A comp4ny°s scbedule will meet reasenable requirements and will cor,iply jvith local sea-vace level ordi.nances. ' 14'Iissed pickUps due to weathEr or road conditions. Pickup of materials may be n3issed due to weather or road conditions. If the accumulated maferial (so1id waste a.nclor recyclables, and/or y8I'CIW3Sf'C) 15 COLIeCied OII ~ the next scheduled or available pickup date, flae company is not obligated to ex-teud credit for the missed pickul, Tle customEr will not be charged for overfillcd receptacles, or for mG.terials set out in bags on top oi or next to the cus`c.omer's riormal receptacles if the anount of axtra material does not exeeed the 'arsiount that would Iavc rea.sonably been expected to accumula±e due to misseci pickups. ' - Due care. Other than to offer reP_sonable care, the compazey assumes no responsibilifiy for articles ]eft on. or ne`s solid waste receptacles. Liabilitiy for damage. When a customer requests thafi a conipa.ny provide service and damage occurs to the customer`s driveway due to reasons rot in the confirol af the oompa.ny, the company wrill asswme no responsibility for the darnage. . ' ' Issued by: Michael.A. VtTe:nstci.n, Senioz Pricing Nanf~gez, Pacific Nordiwest Iv,[arket Area . Issue date: - ' ' E f M-ICf4.L rISE ONLY Docket: TG717410 . Effective Date: M'ay .I, 2 007 TariffNo. Or~inzi P~eNo. 15 Compasy NamelPernit 14Tumber: Wast.e Managp-ment of Washhng~..on, IncJG-237 ~ - _y . R.e;isfiered Trade Name: Waste Mana„eunent of Spokane; Va]jey G^arbage Service Co. and Westem Re -se . . Item 40 Material Reauirirw Special Eauipment Precautions. or Aisnosal Transpor~on of solid ~ste req~ing speciai e~uipu~.ent oz p~fiu~ors ~~~g oz daspos3l will be s'lbj~# ra 't-o fime rates named in Ttern.160, or to orher. s-peci.fic rates contained 'in this tariff. • Companies m-ust make every effert ta be av,'are of fhe com_nodities tqat requij.-c specaal handlin.g at the disgosal sites n:med in the compaoy°s tari&§. The comP3nY shGll maintain a list of those codimodities and make it avaj]able £or public ;aasFection at the company's of.Fice. Compauies musr mace every effart to be aware of.tbe eammod;ties Yhat aze not aempt.ed at the diSPosal sites narneci in i'ne company.'s tariffs, and provide the public with access to such 1isL, as published and updated by disposal sites. rLtiditionaily, compan.ies must maintain a list of any spect.f c commodities which are considered bazardous, unsafe,.or pose a danger to pejsons, property, or equipment . Xtem 45 tilaterial Ftequirine SpECialTesting and/or Anftsis When a solid waste collection company ar disposal faeiliiy determines that testing azid/or analysis af solid c~taste is requued to de*~rinine whether dan;erous ar preh.ibis.ed substances are present, tb:e aetual cost £or such testing andlar analy sis wTiil be paid by fhe cu.stomer. The compaay must provide the ctastomer with a cony of aruy bill ar invoice fax costs inmrred ior testizig andlor analysis 8.ud also must retain a cppy in,the company's file for at least ffiree yeers. Thase costs shall be passed througlz to the customer withoi-A markup. The cornpany must mp-i.niain recorcts Qf time spent to, accomplish the special tecting andlor analysis, and may biIl the customer for that ti.me under the provisiozs of Ztem 160'(Time RateS)• ' . -Ttem 50 - Returned Check Charges PIeturned check charge. If a customer pays with a check, and tbe cusiomer's bank. refuses to houor that cheek, fhe ci-istomer will bE assessed a returned check- charge i.n the amount o£ S 25.0d.• Item 52 = Ke-delivcrY Charges - A ze-delivery fee of S15.00 will be assessed to cari- customers whose service is discontinued for non- payment or cart customers who request re-delivery for services previousl.y ca.ncelled. Plea se see Item 100. - Apickup an.d re-delivery fee of $ 25.00 will be assessed to customers who requesfi#hat their cflntainer or Drop I3ox be washed, stearn cleflned and sanitized. Piease se.e Itp-m 210. , I..' Tssued by: Vficbael A. V4~einstein, Ser,ioz Prici.ng iti~Iariager, Pacinc I~TOrthwest Nlarket Area ' Issue da-te: - E15_UjR~~~1 CIAL rISE ONLY 17oc t: TG-070410 Efj`ect-ive Date: jii1'ay 1, 2007 Tariff No: Xs . ori P-inal PrLge rjo. 16 Company Na.melPermit Number: Waste Management of Washiugtan, IncJG-237 Registered Tradv I`Ta.me: Waste Mpz3agernent of Spo?cans, ValIey Crarhage Se.rvice Co. and Westem Refuse Co. . . . . J Itein 55 =0v er-sized or 4ver-weight Cans or.Unifs . The company reserves the rigiat to reject pickup of any residential receptacle (can, unit, bag, mini-can, or micro mini-can) which, upon ressonable inspection exceeds the size and weighfi 1irnits'shown in Zfezn 20. - (a) If the irecep~le exceeds the size andlar 1imits stated im Item 20, is over.filled, or the top is unable to be closed, but the comp ariy tran.sports tbe'materials,-the'followir; additiomal charg=es will apply: • S 3.30 oer unit Note: For chra•ges applying on oventieiglit fota s, cm•fs, coniainPa•s, or.dr6p.8oz-es see atea72,207. xfem 60 - Ove_rti.me Periods Compan,ies will assess additional charges when providing services, at cusfomer request, cluring overtime ' periods. Overiisme periods include Sahindays, Svndays, F-nd the following holidays: - New Ye3z's Dav Laboz Dav Washi.qMa's Birthdav Veteran's DU ' . Memorial Dav ~ Thaakspivin Dav ' Indapendence Dav Christmas Dav Tqartin ~uther K.inQ Taa . . "Cime is to be record-ed to the nearest increment of 15 minutes fram the time the company's vehiclc leaves the . te-rmjnal until tae timc it reLuzAS to the termins-0. - ' • Vo zclditional cbarge wiil be assessed to customezs for overtime or haliday work perfermed solely £or the company's convenience. • Charge per hour S 60.40 • ' Miuiznum Charge S 30.20 Tssued by:- 1v4i.chael A. Weins'tei-~, Senior Pricing Nlanager, Pacific I\Iorfhwest Marleefi Area . . . Issue date: - Effl-EMOARICIAL USE ONLY . Docket_ 7'G-074410 E,ffiec£ive Date: May.1, 2007 Tariff No. IS , Ori2i.aa1 Page No. 17 Cornpany NamelPermit Nun~b:s: Wes`!e Management of ~Jasl~~.n~ on, IneJG-237 "Regis-tered Trade Name: Waste Ianagement of Sgokane,~Valley Gwbage Scrvice Cfl. and Western Refuse Co. ' . Ztem 70 - Retarn Trius ~ ~ . Vrrben a c,ompany is required to ma4ce a return t~ip, #iat does not rvquire tb-e special disp.-ztch.oi 3 tnFCk, to piek P U material that wa, uaavai.lable for coZlection for reaso"n's_under the control.of tba cust.ome'r, thc follmNjing additional charges, pe_ pickup, wiil apply. . . ~ C:.D, unit mini-cari, or'ffiiczo-min.i cam S 7.40 ~ Cart . .....5 7.40 : . LitterRecepta.cle ...........................................................................................:..................S 7.40 ' Drop BoX S30.20 ~ Centainez . ........................S11.70 . NOT'E: Zteturn trips requir'vng the specia.l dispafch of airuck a►e considered special pick4s and G.re charged for ~~der thc provisions af Item 160 (Time Rates)• ~ ;I Issued by: Michael A. Weiusi:ein, Senior Pricing N~nager,~Pacific Northwese Market Area - Lss»e date: . Ea.~.~~~~cmL USE ON-LP Doclrst: TG-070410 .E~,~F`jective Dcte: May 1, 2007 Tariff'No. 3,_,5 Original PGge No. 18 Coma any NanelPezn3it Numben Wa.st,e Nanagement o€ VJashington, TncJG-237 ' Registered Traae Name: Weste Maniageme~t of Spakane, Vallk~y Crasbage Service Co. and Western Refuse Co. item 75 -F1at?VlonthlvCbames 1his rule applies in connectian a*ihTtems 80, 90, 120;-130, 240, 245, 250, 255, 2b0, 265, 270, and 275. A flai mor,thly.ch~e* may be assesse;d if compute-d as follows: (a) If weekly Service is provided: Mul#iply the rate times 4.33 aiZd then multiply that.figiix-ff, tiznes ihe number of units picked up. . '(b) Tf every oiher wr;ek service is provided: M'1ltiply the rate times •2.17 and then multiply th4t f bure times the number of units pickei up. . (c) For Ttc-ms 240, 250, 260, a.Dd 270: For perrraaz►ent, regularly scbeduled pickups, a f1at mnpthly charge May be assessed if computed as follows: , a. For weekly service, each contai.uer provided: . i. Z£ monthlv-rent is shown: monthly rant plus (4.33 tinies pickup rate txmes number of pickups per week) ' ii. If monthlv rent is not slaawn: lst pickup rate p'lus (3.33 times addational pickup rate) plus (4.33 ti.mes additional pickup rate times additional RieekIy pickups). - b. For every-other week serF*ice, each container provided: i. If monthlv rept is shoym: monfhly rent plus (2.17 times piekup rste,- ume,, number o£ ~ pickups per week) ~ H. If monthlv zent is not-showil: 1 st pickup rate plus (1.I7 times addi#ianal pickup rate) plu.s (2.17 times ac?ditional pickup rge timas additional weekly pjckv.ps). Issued by: ivfa.chael A. Weinstein, Senior Pricing Mann..ber, Pacifie Northwest Maz4:et Area • • Issue date: . E~"~~q3IKFICI4L rISE 011rLY . . 17ocket: TG-070410 Effective Dafe: May 1, 2007 Tariff No.15 • • Orii~inffl'agelslo. 19 Co~p.pany ~tenzelPexmit NtmbEr: Waste Maz3agemeat of Washington, Inc1C3-237 Registered Trade Name: Waste tfanagement of Spokane, Valley Garbage Service Co. and Wes`, ezn Refuse Co. 'Ttem SO - Garz'v-out Service. Drive-Ins Compaaies will assess the £ollowing adeitioria1 clzn~rges vahen oistomer request that company personnel • provide cany-out service oY canslun-its ztot plpced at ihe curb, the s11ep, ar other point where tbv campanys vehicl-6 can be driv= to withi.n fit'e feet of the cans/tFr.6ts using i.mproved ac,cess rogds eommcinly available for . ptablic use. DriveRja}=s ase uot censider.ed iinproveci access roadss commonly available for public ue. . . • . Rate Char e £or C '-c+u#s R.esidential Commeroial . Pez.Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per Piclc Cans, units, mini-csns, or micro-mini caais ihat must be c,arried out over 5 f'ee~ but ' • not over 25 feet 0.40 . . S0.40 • . Por each additiona125 feet, or.fraction of ° 25 fe,at; add ' S 0.30 $030 • NOTE: The company may elect to drive in at the ra.i.es shown above, except ffie charge will bti lunited to 'one can, iini5 mini-cans oz anicro-zn.ini can. If c,ams, unifs, mini-cans, or rz'scro-mini cEns are carried over 125 feet, but am safely acoessible to the company`s ve33icle, the drive-in cbarges shoti~~n below ~ust b~ asse;ssed instead• ~ `h Rate ChasQe for Drive-ins ( er ick71 ' Residential Cammescial Per Per Picly ' Drive-i.ms on ds-iveways of over 125 feet, but less thazi 250 feet S1.50 S1.50 Drive-j.ns on driveways of over 250 feet, - but less tfan 1/10 niile.' $ z.00 • $2.00 For ea.cb.1/10 mLe over 1/10 mi.1e. $3 .00 $ 3.00 , NTOte: Fo: the purpose of ass:.ssing drive-in fees, ad-riveway is defi,ned as providing access w a sjngle residence. If a driveway provides access tA ~ul~ple resider~ces or accounts, no driv~in ie:s will be essessed. Issued by: M:ichael A. Vfeinstein, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacific Nort.iwest Maritet Area - , Tssue cate: ~~~jeQWCLd.T~ ZISE ONLY . . . Docket: TG-070410 ' .Effect-ive I1ate: Alay I, 2007 tariffNo. 15 -Ori2inal Page iNo. 20 Company Name/Pern3.it Number: WamNfanagffemvnt of Was~angton; LncJG-237 . Registered TradeName: WF-ste Manage-pent of Spokaxke, ValIey Cr-arbage Seryice Co. and Western Refuse Co. xtem 90 - Can Carriage - Special S&rviees ' • . . . ' ' Ra.fi.e ~ - Residential Commercial - ' Per Un.it; Per Picku Fer Unit Per Picku Stairs or ste s- for each ste u or down' $ 0.06 $0.06 ' Qverhead obstruetions - for each . overhead obstx-uctioxi less tban 8 feet from . ihe: ~ ground . , _ • . $0.20 $ 0.20 ' - - Sunken or, elevated cansl'units - for cans, units, mini-cans, or micro-min.i cans fully. . or partially under ground or over 4 f°at ' : • . above gzound, but not involving stair or . - ste s • $0.20 0.20 . . `1 Issued by: NYichael A. Weimsi'ein, Senior Pficing I~Janager, l'acific Nordiwest Market Are-L Issue daie:. Eff-DOMQ~*1CL4.L USE OhFLY . . Docket: TCr-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 • Orizin,-l Pag6 No. 21 Tariff No.15 - Compaay ITamelPermit Numbei-: Waste M3na.gement of Washington, IucJG-237 . \ f;~ ~egistered xrada ;~Taixle: Waste M.nagement o£ Spo'!cane; Valiey Garbage Service Co.'and Westen Refuse . -.Item IOO Residential Service h~onfhlV ~te-S (COnfinued on next P3-ael Rates in this itezn apply: • ' -(1) To soid ~,-aste collPcton, curbside recycling aad ya.niwasfe oa~F~on senices for rtzideL35a1 p-opeaiy. This incluudcs s~glt iamily awellam~, du~lexes, ap~~men~, mobil- homes, caaio~wnis> eic., zvhwTM service is bill~i dir~}~ to ~e oc~-~.,apaa# of eacb res2dantiel iiwt; and/or . ' (2) '%fien required by a Ioc.zl gove.pnenf service level o;euinance solid wastc collxti.on, carbside recyclia&'and } ard-waste service must be provided far singje-famly dweUings-; auplexes, mobile homas; conQOmiai~rns and apartni5nt build'a2gs of leS3 3n S recideatal umfs, wbem se7ti,ce isbilled tDthe pF'Oper,Y ownea' or manzgeT- . . tes elow a1 ~ in rt~e folJo~vin servica area: 7.he ~bage sert ic~ rates app3y to `hr sen'ice taT't°~' ori the E'Lchs~ map designated as AppeAMx B Pus-st:aL# bo the Spo`s Courity `RecYCling SENIC£ LLVEl OFCjLTFc~3Ce ajjop`ed ~nd codified . ' as Ch2ptn-7 8. 58 of e Spokaae County Codc, fhe are,3 dcscr=bed en th-- a;iached map de.signato as Appendix D;;is;~ . rtauired fQ SCLENO PBG Cl]II~ S~YYICJ~. . - ' " 96 Wi anYair2c~aste Nu~er afLk~ts arT,o af • CimbW Senace ' ]2e,yc.le Seniee Smice Rz~m . . . Cbitai= . . s umc of Service Rat!, R& Q`~' ~ - I cm . . . Ng`xAVR . S6.10 $335 . ~ . $1225 y~an(20 1%U(VVR . $9.25 $335 $1225 _ 1 Chi, W~,~4R $11.95 1;335 $1225. 2 Chiis • ViC'.xAWR $18.45 $335. $1225 3 C~ns - %W-V,%R. . $24.95 - 5335 51225 . - 4 Qns 1~~Gll~`VR $31.45 $335 ~ . $1125 . 'V+UV'J:t $37.95 • 5335 $12.25 6 ~ . . 4,~C'4r•t $4A~.45 $335 ~ $12.25 . l. 35'~ouc~ C~,"Cx'1~'R tS12.95 $3.35 $1225.. 1.64 onc~ WCW~t. 45 ~35 $1 '96 ~ila~ ca~f ~,rR 95 $335 $1225 „Yreguegcy of Sarvice Cfldes: WG=Weekly GarbaFOWG=EveTJ' Othe; W~c G~~e;.NIG ~fonthly G~bagc; . . ~ . W'R=W&e:;]y 12.ecyalinsn EOWR=Every 01hrs Week Zecycling; NR-N4flathly Recycling List other ucd. Recycling zates shown abovs are sub3ect to a recycling <credlt>fdebit of <$0.46> pez montiz. 'NTOfies for fihis item aFe on pp-ge 25: Descrigti onlniles related to recycling pzograrn are shown on PW 26. Descripton/rules related to yard-waste progra.n are shown on Page ZG. gec}•cliug <eredit>IdebFt adjus'bnenSs above on this page expire: Julv 3. 2007 Issued by: 14ichael A. Weinsi.ein, Samniox Pric'~- Man3ger, Pacific Northwest Market Asea. • Issue ciate: . E~~.~~1CIhL USE ONL~T 1`7ocket: TG-070410 . Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff N'o.15 Ori6naIPageNo. 22 Company NameJ.l'ermi# Nurnber: Wastie lvtanagemerxt of Washington, TscJG-237 . Rea stered Trade 14ame: Waste Ivfanegement of Spo!cane, Vallsy Gerbp-ge Service Co. and'4JJestern Refuse Co. Y"`1 . ) Ttem 100 Residential Service - MonthIy Rates (continued on pext tiage) Rates in this item applp: . (1) To solid *aste collection, ci:rbside recycling (where noted) znd y?zdwa.ste collectiori services (where noted) for zesidential prope~ty. This includes singic family dwellin;s, duplexes, aparmeuts, mobile homes; condominiums, ete.,,vvhere service is billed directly to the occupant of each residential u.nit; andlor (2) 'W-hen required by a local gavernment service level ordinance solid wAste coilection, curbside recyclir.g, and yaa-dwaste servfce must be provided £or siiffgle-family dwellings, duplex'es, mobile homes, cond.omuiiums snd aparfznent buildings o£ Iess Lnan 5 resid'-ntial Lnits, where service is billed to the prorerty owner or manaDer. • . . • Ftates be1o-w apnlo in the folIowinQ ~ervice area: R►~e] SPokane C°tzni~' as aescr;bed on the at~chzd m~-desi~~ed es • -"L Ynt . ~A endixB-; Number ofi Units or Type oi Cantafner Frequency of Service • Garbage Service Rate 1 Can MG $6.10 Mini-Can . . , . . WG . '$9.25 1 Can WG . . . $11.95 . 2 Cans ' WG • ' $18.45: - 3 Cans • WG' $24.915 . 4 Cans . . , . . WG - $31.45 5 Cans. ' ~ • WG $37:95: 6 G2ns ~ - WG - $44.45, 1 35 allon cart ' - . MG ' $7.10' .135 gallon cart • . . WG~ • $12.95. 1 64' aAon.cart - wG $19.45 ` 1 96 gailon cart . 1ArG . : $25.95 . - Frequency af Seivice Codes: VJG=Weekly G&-ba,e; EOWG Every Other Week Garbap; MG=MonEhly C3"arbage; IYJR=\Vee3dy , Recycling; EOWR-Every Otber R'eek Rxycliag; Mfft Monthly Recycling List othc,-s use& \TOtes for this item axe an page; 25. . Description/rules related to recycling program are shown on page n/a. . Descri.ption/rules related to yaxdwaste program aze shown an page nla. Issued vy: NCchael A. Weinstc-iti, Setazor Pricin~ t~Sazager, Pacific Northtivest Market .A.rea . Isdue date: ~~~OMCIf3l USE ONLY , . Dac t: TG-070410 Effective Date: _11Iay 1, 2007 . • prienal PageNO. 23 Tsri~ff Na. IS . . . . Co~p~y I~jamelPer~i.I\zunber: ~72sfi,e I~~auagement of Wash~g#on; ~ e S_rZv~c., Co.• and ~Testerm IZefi~ti Co. . Registered Trade Name: QJaste Iaa,nageLnent of Spo?~t~e, V~lley Gar~a~ pa~e) , . . . Ttem ~00 -.k~esidential ServiceMonthl~ Rates W6n6qu~,d on delt Rates in this item,appl`': • A Pe~}'. T~s iz~oludes ssngle (1) To s~olid ~t~es~ collection, curuside recyclint ~d y~-dwQS`~° collcctiaa s~~~ ~ere serv~;~s1b;Lea dira:.~y ta the occuDnf of ' f~ily d~e1lings. duplr~tes, ep~-tm~ts, nobile bones, cc»do~~s, , , • , . -each resideniiz.] uuit; se&/or . . (2) jVhen requ~.-ed by a local goorr,rameZt service Jevel X~~ ~ile ~omcs,n~ mini~ dd~~n~t builEing of less t3~zsi15 . ne~st be provided ~r sin,gie-`~ily d•~vell~gs, duPl > . resjdential un~ts, whesc service. u biileo to thc prope* owaw or m3nagL-r. . Rates beIpN nUUIY,n 6e f Ilo,~jn~ service area: The garhage sani ce ra:es pply bQ the seivice t~rtory on the aita::hPd map . y~rs'ix` ~C~ant to Lhe Spok~e Co:~ty "Re~~ycg Servic~e Lsvel Ord'usarice'' asa.dopi~3~acDdified ' dPsigiat~ as Ap „ z A' 'entiizD, is ' as Ch: pter 8.5 8 ef the Spe~e Co~ty Codti ~e area siescx3bed on th.. ~cbed map d~'signateu pp • . uircd to recci~~e rec clin s-°*vice. , . . _ . . . - - - • 96 Craloa Ya~Nest~ - . , . . . Garbes- xncy Sen~.ce Rr~cle Savim ' S~viceRa~ I~.~ of Units ar'I~~ oi . . . f R~ (Nbt ~ (N~es 4, _ Stxvic~ ~ . 1.0aa . . ?~rANR $6.10 $3.35 $1225 'NYJG+~%R . $11.15 $335 $1225 . - 1 $14.10 S335 $1225 2 Caru' WrYWR $20.64 S335 512.35 ,~r{`x?'~~VR ~7.10 ~35 $1225 ' 3 ~ • 4 Cms $33.60 $335 $12-25 WGd~R . ' WCs`~VR . ~.10 S335 . $I.2ti ~ ~n' 6 Cms 60 S3.35 $1-2:25 . ~ . . . t.;. . ' 135 oaicarf ACAR.` $7.10. . $3.35 $120 135 2Iloacmt . `~Uv"V~R 515.10 4ELi 225 164 on c~ I~JCA'R $21'60 145 ozi c~ R~r`%R 10 IviC=Mon-25 thiy C'~bage; EOPJG Every Otlci ~'eek Gamage; F:cquer•cy ofService Codes: WG=Vleskly G23'b~~; y1R=`Yeekly Aocycling; EOWR=Evcxy Orher Wee~.`+RDcyeEing; NR Monfihly Recycling Li t athcrs uscd: • Re.cyclysg ra1--s sbown above ze suhject to a recycling <xed'-t>/debit of <S0.46> per mo,,~L • Notes ffli this item are e*_+ P2ge 25. . . Description/ni?es related to rer-yclirAg pFOgrzm are sho-wn on pagc 26. Descriptionlrules related to yuawaste, Program ue shown oLl page 26. . • kZeeycling <credif>ldebit Edjustments above on t:t2is page expire: Julv 31. 2007 . • Issued by: 1Vfichael A. WTein~tein, Senjor Pricin; Manager, Pacific NOrthwest Ularket ATea • E~0~d~~1C~ U'sE ON~.Y Xssue dsie: ' Docket: TG-070410 _ ' Effective D a1e_ May 1. 20 07 Tariffldo.l5 . Orizinal Pa.ge No. '24 CompanylJaza°/Perrmit'Number: Waste.Manapment o£tiVashington, Tnc1G-237 • . RegistEred Trade I~7am:.: Waste Management of Spokane, V€]ley Garbage Service Co. and Westerz Refuse Co. Ztem 100 -Residenfial Service - Monthtv Rates (coantinued on next paqe) Rates in this iteni.app1y. . . . . . • - ' - (1) To solid waste collectiom; cu.rbside recycZing (where noted) end yardsva.ste collection se.rvices (wh.ere Aoted) for residential properiy. This incIudcs singIe family.dwellipgs, duplexes, apartn6nts, inobiie hdmes, , condominiums, ete., w'Aere servir.e, is billed directIy to the occupaut of each res:dentisl unit; andlor. (2) Whan required by a local government servace Ievel ordina,ce solici wa5te collection, curbside recycling, and, yardv~3ste service must, be provided foz single-family dwellings, duplexes, mobile homes, condomi.niums an_d aparment buildiag5 of less than j residential units, wiaere service is billed to the property ovusr or manager. X2ates belotiv annlv in the foIlowi.ng, service'area: Rurel Spokane Couaity.a.s. descTibed on the at#ached map ` desi k ated as 'A endix C. number of Units or Ty e'oT Container Frsquency of Seivice Garbage•Service Ra#e . 1 Can Nr,G $6.10 : . Mini-Can : WG . . • .411.451 1 Can ' VJG.- - • : $14.10 2 Cans WG - $2160 . . 3 Cans . • . V1lG - $27.10 . - 4 Cens • ' WG . - . . . ~ . $33.60 5 Csns WG $40.10 . ~ 6 Cans ~WG $46.60 ' . " 1 35 gaflon'cart MG ' $7.10 ' 1 35 , alloii cart • ' WG ' $95.10:.r • • • 1 64 gallon cart ' . • - WG $21.60.. - 1 .96 gallon cart WG . ' • • • . $2B:10 ' - Fre&ency o; Senice Codss: WG Week]y Garbsge; EOWG°Every Oter Week Gaft~ago; MQ MonthIy Crarb,--e; VR=Weelcly - - Recycliv? EOIVR-Eveiy Oth°r *ee'.~c Recycliag; MR-Monthly Recycling . . . List ofhers used: . - • . ' . . iNotes for this item are au page 26. ' Description/rules related to recycling progian are sllown Qn page nla. Description/rules related- tio yardvlaste program are shown oTi page n/a: . Yssjsed by: Ivfichael A. Weinst-ein, Senior Fricing Mana;er, Paci,Se ~jorthttrest Mark t Area zssue d-ate: EfV46WqjWICIAL I1SE OAEY • . Do et: Y`G-0%0410 Eff'ec`ive Date: May 1, 2007 . . . priginal'Page No. 25 Tariff No. 15 ' . c./G-237 ~ - . Company 3~amelPermit zumber:-~T+'astc IvFan~emen't of ~Tashirit~n, Zn , , . : Regis`~e:ed Trr~de 1~~3me: ~,ta..rts ~2ana.gemenf-of Spokane, Valley C~'=rba.ge Servsce Co. ~d ~Jestean Re~use. Co. . • . Xfem 100 Residential Service - Monthlv Rafes fcontinuetl) . I,,7ot~ 1.: CusLa~e~s. wili be charged for service reques.ed eve~ if fe~~er ~its are . picked up on a parLculas~ trip. ho credit will be given for pirtially -nlleci c.ans, I~1o cr~i ~ i%,~ill be g1ven if custoiizer izils ~o sei`~ rec,eptacles out fos collecton. . : ~ . - . . . . . - • . Note 2: For sQrvice more freeauen~ly than wezkly, muluply the abave rates by the ni_mber of times per Rjeelk service is requved. . . . . . . • , Noiv 3: A re-deliverY fee of S15•00 wi.ll,be assesseci to cart customars vrhose servir,z is discontinued'for non- payanent or cast customars R'ho r.equest Te-delivery. See also Item 52. 1\ote 4: For those custciners wh.o. do noti zeoeive garbage sesvice, edci 51.00 'to the: rates_'on~age s 21 and 23 . . , _ :for botti recyclmg and yard' wGsie sen~ices. ' • . - : - • L . . , . . Nots 5: The senTice rates eppIy only when the wee]cly collectiop oi ya,.~ waste se_vice is provided (March- November). Customers wr11 nOt be bi1!ed for ~Iaste collection sezvices-duri.ng the menths of _ . becember, Januasy and k'qbruary. . . : , . . Note 6: RegWarly scbeduled yard waste c~istome-s w~p req'1e~t a~ ~A'-~o~l 96 gallon'cast will be assessec~ a mon,`.h1y. fee of ~ 5.95 for each additional carL requested. . I~jote 7; The ch~e for an occasional extra receptacle as described tielow oD a~egular Pickup is:' , . , , . . , . ' . . _ • . . Rzfe pir r'ecepta.cle, pex Ty e oY Service . e af r~e tacle. - icku Cr-~.rbage Collec'ion . 32-gallon c~n~o~ uuit • Yaxd Waste Coilecfioa . 32-gaUon can or unit S2•4$ - M'iehacl A. ~Veinstein, Ssnior Pricing Manager, Paciic Northwzst n~rket-Area _ Zssued by: _ . . . EfPgA.'ICIAL USE 01TLY Issuedate: Docket: TG-070410 - • Effectrve Date: May 1, 2007 Teriff No. 15 Orieinal.PagaNo. 26 Comnany'NainelPermit Number: Waste M~~e~nenL of 'Jashington, I.~cJG-237 ' . ReDis`ered T~de 1Tame: Waste Iv,lanagenent of SQQk~r~e, Valley G^arbage Service Co. aizd Westem Refiise Co. -1 . . . - . . . . _ • • • . . _ ' . , ' . Item 100 - Residential Service-1lxoratbtv ].2afes (continued) -The cvrbsidE collection of recyclable mater'ials is provided to all customers in the following service =a: Pursuant to the.Spok~_ne County. "Recycliri; Service Level. Ordiuazie&' as-a.dopted and codified as ChhEpter 8.58 of the Spoltane County Code, the ara:s contained in~Ap' Vdi0f_&Od as described on the attached map . designated -zs Appendix D, is required 'Lo rzceive recycling sea-vice. • The foUowing is a description of the recpcling program (type of containers, frequeney, etc). The proaram is provided in a.ccordance with the oraznances described above. The curbside collection af recyclable matfzials is provided on a tveekly basis to aIl cvstomer; in the above. • service arca. Each customer is pmvideci w:r~ one I4gallan plastic'bin.lYhe customeri.s requested to place ' newspaper (inside papez bag) andtcornminglcd aIuminum, tin, gla.ss and plassic inside the bin at tlie curbsjde. Used household bat#ezies are also acr,epted if thay are placeii 'in a see-thraugh plastic hag with a seal and put on top of the bin so the driver can see ihem. 'T'he saztang of the recyclable riiaterial is performed by the driver at the curaside:, , - . SpECial ru.les relafed to recyclinb programs: • - . ' Pick-up will be refused i£ c,ut dncVor bin contain trash, yard debris, or otier non-accepfa.ble con#azninants. Customers may obtain a cuizent listincr of accePteble zecyclables and non-acceptable items upon request. ~ The followiug is a descri.ption of the Yard Waste probram (type of confai.mers, £requency, etc). The ~ program is provided in accordance with.the ordinance, descri.bed above: _ . . ' , I'ard waste service is a sip-up proaram thaz is provided on a weekly hasis;•except during the months of December, Jahuary an.d February when the servic: is provided on a rnor~t}aly basis. Cwtomers who sign up for t~a~.s prograin will be provided vvith a 96-gallon c~art.. J.f aricii+~oma196-gallon carts are requestzd, an additional monthIy fee 'vvill be;ch3'rged for each ca.rt requested (Sce Nate 6 pn: page 25). Custoniers will be biiled ior service at tfie applicEil5le rates Only when service is provided on a weckly ba.sis. (See NOte 5 on page 25) • Special rules related to I.'ard Waste program: . Yard waste cannot be iai plastic bags. Pick-Lp will be refiused if container contai.ns any rrasb or other contaminants. Customers may obtaiai a eurrent listing o€ acceptable yard debris Lpon request. Issued bY: ylichael A. Weinstein, Senior P-icing Manager, Pacinc NfOrthwest Market Are2 IC.T14.L USE- 0112Y Issue date: . Ef VMeoM ' . Docket: TG-07041 D Effective Date: May 1, 2007 Tari~~TO. . O~;ginal P~.ge s\TO. 27 . Compaay1~7ar~e,/Fe~t ~Iumber: ~+~aste ?~~n~ame~L c~f ti~V~hingtom, TncJ(:Y-237 ~,~-Reg~istezed '~r~~e ~Iame: V~:s`~ Ivl~na~z~:nent of Spok~e, Vall--y Crasbage Senac~ .Co.arid'~Te_~rn Reftuse CA. \ - _ . • . Ttem 105-?1'Yn1Yi-famil Residerifial Rates (com a'nv-ovc°ned arb e confainer) - er piek n P.ates in Yhis ifem apply: ' . ' (1) `MilL-Family Sttruc.~i~s" as d5&r.d in Spolcane Coumty° Resolu5on N0. 420605 es ;bllo-,vs: "A.ny str+scture hnusi;ng five or more ur.its or a-my premises used fnr ressderitiO p•,upo_es not incjuded r,Lsewhei e." T~n ?.jos. 240,245, 255, ~0 an~ 275 of '(2) ~e rs end rh~~es can~ed in m.is i~ arc tfl ba addcd ~ tbose ~s charge3 m . . . . tnis tarif~. ' . . . - . Riies below analv in the follo ser-6ce area: ~rsvant tA tht Spokane Coiinty `'Recycling Scr~ricc Tevzl'Osdimnsace" as adoptad and cocified as ChF-p#ec 8.5 $ of the SpD)can--~ Cnws'ry Codc, the Brea containen in Appeadix A and es °csa-ibed on !be attaSaad map desigaated as Ap endiK D> is rs~ui.-id tz~ re~eive recycling smice. " Size or Ty e of Cen-taimer 64 Gal 96 Crzl - . Service Type CEn ' Cart .CE--t I Yard 1.5 Yiz~rd -2 Yard 3 Yard 4 Yarri 6 Y€rd 8 Ya.rd . P anent SetTire• . • . . . . ' ' Monthly ReA- if appli-icable First Picku s 0.09 s0.18 $0.27 $0.63 $0.95 $1.26 S1.89 $2.52.$3A$)5.44 • Ear.fi Add:tibnal Pjcku S 0.09 $ 0.18 S 0.27 $ 0.63 $ 0.95 S 1.26 $ 1.89 $ 2.52 S 3,78 S 5.04 5p., igl Pic~,~u s. $ 0.09 s 0.18 S 0:27 S 0.53 $ 0.95 $ 1.26 S 1.89 $ 2_52 $ 3.78 5 S.04 ~erm, ararv Service_ • • • . lninal ]7elive Cha.rge P;c • Chsrge S 0.09 S 0.18 S 0.27 S 0.63 $ 095 f 1.26 $ 1.89 $ 2.52 S 3:78 S5.04 3.'ot~ See Nct Cam~aodiry Price See I~Tote Ses IvotP See NoLe See No`e Sec Not~ S~ No4e Sce3Totc S£e 3Totc SeS3 ote • ~ Aa'ustmant per Picku• 3 3 3 3 3 ' 3 Note 1: Prm~ent S~vice• Seraic: ~ dofined as no less th: sc}aedul.~ci, every Qther wc~l5pick~p, c~a1~s 3oFal gaver~r~esst . requires nore £-.,qucnt senice or unless putmcibles ers inwjved. Gusfiomer wiil be cbF-g.°d ibr serv:'ee regvest5d, even if fewer oontainers are sesvicsd aa a p"cular tr-ip. \TO creait will be ,iven for par~lly E1?ee ccnta,ieas. Nofe 2: Pesrn5nent S wicc; Ii rcni is shown, +.fie raie £or the 5rst pickiip aad ez.ch edditional piclcup must be the same. Tf rent is niot shflwn, it ic to be included in rhe rate fos t$e first piclo.tp. rFotc 3: Net Commocity Price Acijustment perPic'st-ip will be a esedit af < 0.03> p--r )'ard. Custamers uhose service is less ti= , onc yzr$ wi.ll receive a creri4 0n a ptv rala portiea of a yarg. . CL-sUomcrs. vbo $avc ganage colcefian SE.rViCCS Te£ec`w°d' in It„rns Z>j saci 275 hzll receive a credit of <~027> per pard per pickUp. ' Note 4: Custoiners who have gub5c colltction, serr-ices rcflectod in Items 240, 245 and 260 vnij be ch w-ged for :ecycliag senqces at the ra`c o= 50.63 per yzrci per pic!cup. Gustarneas who bzve garbzge collection sen%ices reflected li-i Iiems 255 and 275 will be char3rd for r°cyciiag services at the mte ef $1.8 per ya:d prs picImn. . D esca-iptiQnlrules related to recycl.ing progrzm u-e shown on page 2&. • Recydine <credit>-fdebrt adJ~stments above on this page :,spire: Tulv 31. 2007 . . . Issil-ed Uy: Michzel A. Weinstei.n, Senios Pricing Maia;zr, Pacific 'Ntort'nwest Market Area . IssLe dafie: ~Q--0jR~'-rCL4L UsE D?4LY Docket. ?'G-070410 . Effecti,%e Date: M'ay .1, 2 007 • Tariff No. 15 ' Ori.6nal Pag;. NO. 28 Cospany KTane/Permit Nfunber: '%'as#e MGnagemvnt pf Wesaiugton, JncJG-237 . Reaisteaed Trade. Naipz: Weste Management of SpakaTie, Va1_ley Garhagze Strvic,e Co. snd westem Refuse Go. _\1 . xtem 105 - Afu1ti-famiIv Residential Sei-vice (ennfiiuued) . The curbside collectiozi of recyciq-bie zuateriaLs is provided to all customers in the foilowing service area: Pui~suant to iha Spokane CQUnty "Recycli.ng Servir.e, 1.ev.el Ordinance" as'adapied and cfl3ified as Cl~apter 8:58 of "r~ie Spo?cane Counfiy Cflde, the areas contained in Appendix A~d as described on the s~ched~map desigmatad as Appendix D, is require~d to.receijie recycling service. . ' . 'T.he folloWing is a descriptiop of the rqcycling program (tppe of contaiue'rs, freqneACy, etc). The pzogram is provided in a.cC.oidance with the ordinances descrived above. ' Thc collection of recyclable materials is provided on aweekly basis to all multi-fa.uiily customers who sign up far the service. G~.utomers wizo sip up for the program will subscribe for the number oi 35,gallon car~ desked and strattigically placed witl:di their complex. The customer is requested to place newrpaper, ziiixed waste paper, and bottles and cans seper^G#ely into each desigi$ted cart provided. ' -Special rules related to recYclink promm: Pick up will be refused if zecycling containers contains trash, 5tard debris, or other non-acceptable coatsnunaitts. Customers may obtain a curreut listing of acceptable recycIabJes and Pon-acceptable items upor;. request , ' • . . . Snecial rules related to recvclin! nroMm: •Pick-up wil] be refused if recycling containers cflnta.ins trasb, yard debris, or othez non-acceptablc contatninents.. Customers nay obtaaiu a cwrent listing of acceptabls recyclables and non-acceptable items'upon rey,uest Zssuerl by: MichaelA. Weinstein, Senior Pricing M3nager, Pacific Northwest ivtarket Area Issue date: EQF0Ae("ICI4L USE ONLY ' I7ock.et: TG-070410 . • E~j'~ectrve Date: May 1, 2007 Tari.if i~TO. . . . : . Ori~<::J Page No. 29 CoM,pany ,NTamelPermit Numbtr: Waste M¢na.gement oi Wasbmgton, I;ncJ&23 I ' . Reiistp-zed Tra.de I,,Tame: .Waste Ivianagement of Spol:ane, Valley Crarbzg~. Sed-vics Co. and Weslern R.efw^e Co. ztem 120 - p r~ms . T°e of ~ervice Ra~e Per Dn~m; Pe~ Pic ' ' RegularRoute Service , ~ ~4.'. . . . . Spec+1d1S r -ckUP . . iJ Ztem 13 0 -Litter Receptacles and Litter x'oters Ci.is`s.ogiei-owried Rece&acle Rate Per Rece tacle, Per Picicu • . ' . Size or T e: , . . . . . • SIz,e-or,T e:: . • • , Co~n an y-owmeil Rece tacle . - . . . . ' . Size.or T e: 64 Gal Toter Sizeor T e: '46 Gal To#.er , . Xtcm ISO -x.oose aBd X3ulkv !'laferial • Special fri-cs. Tirne r,ates in Ite.rn 160 apply. . , , . ReQular R.oute: ' . . Ad.ditional cubic C~rry Chargp- 1 to 4 cubic yazds . yards i%tiiaimum Charge Per eich 5 feet over . Rs,te er Yard . Rate e~r. Yard Per Picku 8feet B mai.erials $ 13.95 $13.95 S13.95 _ . . , . Loose riisierial Customer.load ~ . , $ ~ ~ . Lonse ma;ter'ral , Com an load ~6.80 $16.80 $16.80 $ 9.00 ; , . . Tssued by: Mjchael A. Weins~in, Senior Prcin, MaAager, Pacifc I~TOrt~west h~:et A~-~a Issue date: F_f@Fv_4W!mwrCXA.L USB OtI+-LY Docket: TG-070410 ' . E-ffective Date: ~,fay 1, 2007 Tariff No. IS OriPage No. 30 . Company Name,Termit Num.Uer. Wasts Ivlanagement of Washing_on, Inc_lG-237 Registered Trade Nane: Wasfie IvUnagemenf of Spokane, Val1ey Gerbage Service Co. anii Westein Reflxse Co. _ 1J Item 160 - Ti.m e Rates R'hera.time rates appIp. Time rates named in ti0 Ttem apply: . (a) VVhen materia.l must be `►akea to a special site i6r!df5,posal; . ,(b) Rr-hen a ~~~y's equip~ent ffiust w~t at, or retlun to, a culssc~me~s si#e to provide scheduled servace due to no disabali4y; fault, or neoligence.on ~e p~ o~the co~z~gany. t~ct~l r~~aitimg time or time ta~cen in re~ning to ~e site will be c}argeci for; or, (c) When a custoser orders a single; spE~c-ivl, oz emergency pickup, or when other iteras in 1b.is fariff refer to this Item. . ' How rates are recorded and charged. °Ti.me must be recorded and clarged for tn the nearest increment of 15 rainutes. Time rates apply for the period £rom fhe time the company's vehicle leaVes the company's temu.nal until it returns to the teftriinal, excluding intemiptions. An iztierruption is a situa~ion causir~g stoppage o£ service that is in the cflntrol of the company and not in the control of the tustomer. Examples include: caffez, breacs, luuch breaks, breakdown of 'equipment, antl simalar occurrences. Disposal fees in addition to tim.e raties.. Item 230 disposal fzes for the specific disposal site or £acility used will a.pply in add.ition tc) time rates. Rates ger hour: ~ . . , Ra.te Per Hour . . Each Extra Minimum T e o£ ui sent orcjered Truck and daiver Person . Charae Sinzle rear drive axle: _ Non-packex truck S 66.40 S 26.Sp ~$66:40.. , , . . . . Packer lruck ' $ 66.40 S Z6.~0 $ 66.40 - Dio -bQX truc].c $ 66.40 $-26.50 S66.40 Tandem rear.drive axIe: ' ~ . . Nlon-pscker fi-uck S 66.40 S26.50 $ 66.40 ~ $ • . . , Packer track $66.40 $26.50 ,66.40 ~ 26.50 . . S 66:40 ~ Dro -box truck.......... $ 66.40 $ Issued hy: Michael A. '4kTeinstein, Senior Pricino, IVlanagcr, Pacific Norfhwest Market Area . J. ~ IsLue da.te: ~ Ef"eOWICUL USE OArLY • Docket: TG 070410 ' Fffectzve.Date: M'rry 1, 2007 TariffNo.15 Orieinal Page No. 31 Comp~ny I~TaanelPermi- 1~'umber; ~'aste M~ag~ent of ~~a.shington, ~ncJG-237 • ' . Registerad Trade N~e: ~Tasl.e Manq ;effient of S~poka.ne, ~Tailey Garbage Service Co. and'~~este~n Ref~e Co. \ . Ttcm 200 Cantainers andlor Drop Boxes - Ceneral Rules A.vailability. A coui.pany must maintain a supply'of a!1 siws of contii.uers and drop boxes for wiaicl~:a.tes"ate listed in tbS.s tariff. If a cwtomer requests a con#ainar or drop box of a s~.z,e listed in the'company's #arir'~ and the company is uneble to providc the requested size RRthiri 7 days o£the ci.storner rNuest, the oiastomez znwt be ' ntitified in writing or by telephone. . . • : . A.Itermate-sized contaiciers andlor drop boxes. If the company cannot provjde ltse requested-sizei coniwiner ar drop box (and th?t size is lis`Lad in the co~p~.ny's tarii~, ~~e compa~y riiu'st provide ai~rriate-sizred co~i¢.iners a'r drop boxes, sufxicient to meet the capacity originally requested by the customer, at the same ratf,-s as Kould have applied for the requested con4ai.ner or d,rap box. Disposal fees due on altErnate-siled drop boses. If t]ae cflmpany provides alternate-sized drop boxes, the cus~mer ~is iesponsible for ell 1a4~~fully ~ipiicable ctisaosel fees resulting fmm the use of the aitematz drop boxes. Rates on pari7ally-fi].IEd containers andlor dro~ boxes. Ft-ill pickup and renfial rp-tes epply'reg3rd1_ess of the aznouat of wasf° nnaterial in th''e coni:ainer or drop box at piclcup tizne. ' X2.ates for compacted materials. J.tates for compaeted material apply only when the ma-tarial has been compactsd beefoze its pickup by the company. Rates forloose material. Loose m -tezial dumped into the company-'s pac'4:er truck is subJ'ect to the rates for non-cornpacted. material even tlzough the ma%erial may be compacted iater in the packertru'ck. • • . . Permanent and temporary service. The fallowing rules apply: (a) IY a customer requests a container oz drop.box for less than 90 d4ys, the customez wiU be billed at te?npor2ry seNice rates. ' : • (b) If a temporary service custoiner noiifies the company that it bas decideti to re``ain the cantainer or -drbp boX far mora t.han 90 cL.ys, pezmanent.service, rates wiil•be assessed from the 91!,day until • ' the end o£ the period the custanier retaim the container or drop box. • . , (c) If a customer requests a cantainer or drop box for more thsn 90 cays, t'1ne.custorner.wi11 be billed . . u~-~der peiiTLP-nent reLes. -If that cus`Lomer c.ancels service before the 'end o£the 90-d,ay period, the company may not reb'Ll the cuzWmer at temporary sezvice ra.te,s. 'rhe intent of the customar at the fame service was requested applies. • . Ts'sued bp: M:ich3el A. Weinstei.n, Senior Pricing Mana.ger, Pacif cTOrthwest Tvlarke Ares ` . . ' Issue date: EfPCIIJOW~CIT, USE ORrLY ' Doc et.- TG-07 410 Effective .Uate: May 1, 2007 TariffNo. 1:5 Oriziz►al PF-ge N0. 32 Co~p~y ?~7ame/Permit I~iumber: W~~ Mariagemen t of ~Nfa3hiugto3, IncJG-237 'Registered Tzade?,41ame: Wa.S-te Managexnent'of Spokane, Vatley Gexbage Service Co. and Westem Refiase Co. xtem 205 -RoIl-Out Charges - Containers. avtomated carts. and toters (yharges fpr containers. The company Rti11 assess roll-out charges where, due to ci-cums4~ces oufside the control olf the driver, t11e driver is required to move a contaisler more ffiazi five feet bat less than 25 feet, in or&r to re,wh the truck. 'Ihe ch3rge for this'rQll-out'serviceis: S 2.10 pvr confainer, aittomated ca..rt or toter, per pick~up Over 25 feet, the cbarge will be,the charge for25 fee#, plus S 0.50 per-increzneiat af S feet Item 207 -Fxcess R'ei6ht- Reiection oi Load. Charges ta Transnort The r,flmpany reserres the right to zeject pic~.~p of any containzr, stationary packer, or drop box w~ich, upfln reasonable inspection: • (a) A-pPears to be overlaaded; . -(b) Would cause applicable vehicle laad limi ta sons,to be exceedecl; (c) Would cause the company to violate lop-d li_mitations or safe ve'nicle opet-a.tion; endlor (d) VJould negatively impact er othenvise damage roaci surface integrity. For the purposes af this tariff, the following maximtun weigbta apply: Type/Size of NlAximum Weight Type/Size ef Maxiinum Weight Container, Drop Box, AJ.lowance Container, Tarop Box, A]lowance Toter, or Caa-t (in ounds Toter, or Cart (in ~ounds) Carfis-All Sizes 200 Ibs. . . l.to6 d.'• - 1,2001bs. . . Dro Boxes-Aal•Sizes 20,000 lbs. Qvcrfilled or overtveight, charges i.f tra.nsporYed. If the cflnfainer, drop box, totsr, or cart e?ccecds the limits strited above, is Mled beyond the marked fall lin.e, or the top is unable to be closE;cl, but the cempany ti°an..orts 'Yhe materials,Ihe followin additional char will a~pply: TypeJSize of Charge 'T`yFeJSize of Charge .Conta~er, Drop Box, - Gon-tainer, Drop Box, Toter, or Cart ' Toter, or Gart • . i azd S 7".00 er icku 3 ard co actor S 150.00 er icku 2 y~ S 100.00 er ickt: 4 yard com acdoz S 200.00 ier icku 3_g .ards $ 200.00 ez icku . Issued by: M_chael A. Wein,ein, Senior pricing Manager, Pacific Norrhwest IVlarket Area Issue date: E~i~~`CI!J', USE ONLY Dacket.• TG-070410 Effective Date: May 1, 2007 TEri.ti ?So. 15 Origina]Page Il,To. 33 Company NameJPer~'tt I\Ti:mCc)er: WasioManagement of VJashiiis[,Lon, TncJG-237 Regi.s`~~ Trade Nane: ~F~te Ivlaziageme?~fi oi Spokane; VaLey Garbage Se~rvice Co_, and Vt'es~m Re_fi~se Co. Item 210 - Washing and Sanitizing Coritainers and/or DrQn Boges , Upoa..cu,stomer reques~~ 'Lhe company will provide washmig, steam cIezwng End s=nitizibg service F-t tae £ollox~ing.r?tes: . . . , . , . ' Size or Type af . - . . • • Can jnes or Dro Box . ..Rate Miniuum Cbarpe aJl Szes -Stean Cleawing' s 5.~0 • er ~ard 'S11.00 ~ Ai1. Sizes -Sanitizin $3.10 er ard $6.20 . . , • ' Item•220 - Comnactor Rental Cme.omers must pay "rne follotA.ng additiona1 charges for cohipactars fiirn,ished by the conpany. Charges ~I named asc for compactors only and do not 3nclLde drop box or contasn'ex charges. See items 250 and 270 fo: • _ contai.zer charges. . Custom-ers must pay the costs of instuilatian. . Rated cubic yard . ~ Ca aci of char ~ e box • Mon'..la,y rent$1 char e: . • . 1 cubic yard " ~ • 2 cubic ards ~ S - 3 cubic 3rcls S 4 cubic ards S Issued by: N~chael A. Wei.ns#eiz~, Senior ~'ricing TvJ.~ager, k'dc~c Narthwest lvfarkei Area Issue date: . Ee~COMICIAL USE ONLY . . Doc t: TG070^IO Effective Daie: Muy 1, 2007 Tariff No. IS Original PageNo. 34 Comgany -zmeJPer.mit I~funber: VJaste Management of Washiugton, Inc.1G-237 . Registerad Trads Nam$: Waste Manp-gement.of Spokane, ValIay Garbage SeL-vice Co. amd Weste-Tn Refase-Co. . . . . . . . . _ . . - . . ' . . Xtem 230 -Disposal Fees Charges in ffiis item apply when other iterzs in the tariff spezjfically refer to this itsm. Di osal site name oz location T e af Material ' Fees for "osal S okane T'rans£er Station msw . $ 103:00 per toa S okane Waste-to-Ener MSW $ 98.00 per ton Sunshine Rec clers Msw S 103.00 per ton Cxraham Road, Landfill CDL Wast-8 S 32.00 per #on . . . Industrial Processing RTasfie S 24.05 per ton Foundry Casting Slag $17.00 per ton . Sta.te wbether fees are per yard, per ton, etc. Include ch=rges assesseci for special co-nodities (tires, spplianc£s, asbestos, etc.) or sPecial conditions at sach specific ~.isposal sifie. Atfzch acidifiionzl shaets as necessery. , . . Zssued by: NLichael A. Weirlstein, Sen.ior Pricing IvFazager, Pacific NorFliwesfi Market Area . Issue dzte: EjDxoiq Cdmj'CIAL USE ONLY Docket: TG-070410 : Effective Date: ltlay 1, 2007 einal-P~~e No. 35 Tariff?,jo. J_S Ori Company Name/?einit Nlumbar: Waste Mana=;emenf Qf VtTaslurgtfln, In6J0-237 , . . Registt~red TradeName: Waste I~7ana,aenlent of Spokane; Valley G~~e Service Co. aad'.WesfiemRefise Go. _ . . item 240 - Container Service-Dumned in Companv's Vehic.le - Non-Coir~act~d ~aterial (Ccimpany, o~.~ed con~er) . . ,~yl • R.a.tes~ sta.ted pez' contpner; per pickup - 'Rates iaa this itent aFPi3': ' . , . . ' - . (l) Ia t[is foll.ow?ng se-vice a.rea: The sen7ce areg as descr~bed in Appendix A. ; 35 ' 'Siz° or T a oI Cont?iner • e_v-ice Gal 9 Gal T c Cast Cart Cart ' 1 Yasd . 1.5 Yard 2 Yerd =Yard Yard 6 Yasd 8 Yard Pcrmancnt . . . „ . ' Strvitc- - MoLtbly Raa5 if ~,?l;c„b)c 55.00 S6.40 S7.30•,. S8.40 •S9•50 S12.50 S'15.60 Up . . . . 594.45$4195 ~56.95 $b8.45 Charge $3.40 56.00 S8.55 ' S13.95 S19.95 $24.95 Speciel Piekup C.arga S6.40 $9.00 S11.65 $16.95 522.95 $27.95 $37.45 S'4-4.95 $5995 $71.45 Te~no ra r~ . . ~er~ic~ . , . . . • - . ; . ~ - Tinibal Dr,li^e.ly • • . Carge . . S'44.00 544.00. . $40.0D • $40.00 •,S40.00 540.00 $40.40 ?i :k Up - • Cbarzp • S25.95 $32:95 $37.95 S47.45. 55495 $59.95 $61.45 RemqpW pL-1 51.00 51.10 $1.20 ' SI.60 $1.90 S2.I0 S2.60 Note 1: Pe7Enaneni Servim: Service is dafined as no less fhan schedul-.d, every other week pickup, unless local govemuent requi,res more n-equsnt servFCe ort:nl°ss putrescables are involved. Gusfomer will bc charge3 for senice raquested, eve,a iu pqrluci:la; trip. No crecL'•t will be given fiDr paitiay iilled con`:Liners. ;ecrer ooniainers are serviced on \TOte 2: Pcrcnanent Service: Zf rent is shov,-j, the r2ra f.or'+0 first pickua and eacL addiCiona] pic.k-ap uuust bc m: s2me. If re~t is ao# sho3vn, it is *o bs encludcd L-i the rate-for the fi,-st picktip_ A,ccessorial charbes assessecl (lids,.tarping, unIoeki.ug, unlatcbiag, etc.): . LNote 3: A gate or ob5trucuon c}aLrge ei 510.60 will be assessed for opezincr, usiocking or closing gaies, or movii,g obstru.ctions in ordei to pick up solid waste. Note 4: In addSfiion do all Aii3er applicable eha:ges, z-charge of S13. 5 per y2rd (assessed on a pro reta ba.;is) Mlt ba , assessed if contzixiers are filled pgsst tbeir visible fuul.ll Iimi#, container lids wiJl nat close due to ov~-Wing, or if additional materials arz placed on or near the conta±ners. Issued by: A'.~chael A. V4~eins#ein; Senior Pricing Man~ger, l'acific 2~TOrthwe~~ iviarket Are~ ~ - ISSLL Cjr.YE: ~~R e0wlm L OIVL p Docket: rG-070410 . E fectir.e.Da1e: M. ay 1, 2007 Tariff No.15 Ori 6nal Page I4TO. 36 CoWany Na;neJPermitNuunbsr: Waste Manegement of Washington, IncJG-237.. ' . 1ZegisYeerce4 Traae I~Tame: wast.~. Nlanagement qf Spokane, Valley Garbage Service: Co. and Westein Refbse Co. • Ttem245- ContaineT Service-Dum' eti iri Com anv's Vehicle I4On-C64npacted Iv~rial (Custome~owned con~.a~er) ' Includes Cflbarriekiptl Can Ser.vice . . R.~tes stated per contai.ner, per pf ckup tinless othezwise nou.,ct , Rates in this item apply: • .(1) Tn.t]ie follovr;zig service area; The service a:ea as,de~hed in AppenCix A. • • . - ]?ernianent Serviae . 32- a11on can or unit _ . . ' ' -Each Sclisduled Yic-u $3.15. ' . ' Manimum Charge per • ' . month $18.90 : . . . • . . . Tem oor~ry.Serv'ice " - ' . . i fCkll Rate' $ 3.15 ' Note 1: Pennaanent Service: Sezvice' is defned as no less thaa scbeduled, every other week pickup, unless . local government requizes more frec;uent ser<<ice or unless putresribles are i.nvolved. Customer wfllbe - charged for service zequested, even if fewer containers ara servicad.o-a a particular trip. ?1o czedit wil ~ be given for partially fi11ed containers. : ZssLeci by: Nf~icbael*A. Weinsfiein, Senior Pxicing M.Anager, j?acifc NOrthRiest Market Area . , Tssue da.te: Eft91MOWFCf14L USE ONLY Dockei: 7'G7070410 . ' Efj`'ective Date: May 1, 2007 Tariff No. 15 . . . ' Orizinal Pige No. 37 Gomuany NamelPer.rmft Number: WFSte Manage-ment of Washinbwn, l'n c./G-237 - . Registered Traade Name: Waste Management oi Spok.aiie, ValIey Garbs.ge Seaviae Co. and ~►~es'~em Re~;se Co. Xtem 255 - Container Ser6CC -Dumped in Company's Vehiele . • CoYn~cted NLteri al (Cu'stomer-oa~eci cont~.iner) - • ~ Rates stated'per contaiBer,per, pic-K'up Rates in this item aPPly= . (1) 7n the ioLowing senZCe are,;-,: Tie sen6ce area es de,~bed ?-a Appencaix A. Perm~ment Serciice Sire of Contabaer . . . 2Yard 3 Y&d 4'Y"ard 5 Yp-rd b Xard . . ~a~ch ScheduIad Pickti. S71,95 S103:9~ S134.45 $162.75 S195.45 S ecial S'icku s $74.95 $106.95 5137.45 $165.75 S198.45 :?3ote 1: Permment Servace: Service is def"i.ned as no lcss th:ii scheduled, every ou er weekPickup, unless , local govem,menfi requiras more frequent seivice or unless putreseibles are involved. Customer will be . ' char-gad for service i-equesteci, etlen if fewer cantainers are serviced on a particular tri.p. No credit will be gh~en ior partially filled coritaiazers. ' r--:. - • ; . , Accessorial chaa-E~es assessed flids. tarnin~, nnlocldng. 1lulatchina, etc.): , NOfe 2: Aga.te or obstruction che:.rge Af SlO.fiQ QAll be assessed for openjng; ,i:niacking or clos14g gates, or moving obstruetions in order to pick up solid waste. _ Note 3: A fee of S16.40 per pick up will be assessed when containers w-it'i attached cormpactoLs require disconriecting or reconnecting. . - ' Issued by: M.ichael A. lWei.nsteiai, Senior Pricing Manager, Pacifia NorrhwesE Mazket'Area Issuc date: . . . Ef~'.~CII L USE.ONZY . .Docket: TG-0704I0 _ EffectiveDate: 1'llay .I,.'-2007 • Tar,.ff No. 15 • Oridnai Page No. 38 ConpAny ]~TemeJPeimit 2`jumber: Waste N'ianagement oi WashiDgt.on, TncJG-237 R.egistered Trade Nazne: Waste Man3ge8egt of Spokame, Valley Gasbage Service Co. and Westeraa Refi3se Co. Item 260 - Drop Boz Seitiice - To Disnosal Site and Return . Non-Compic:eci IVlaierial (Conipzny-ow-ned drop box) R.a#~s s~d per -dmp box, paz pick up . ~,2ates in this item applp: (1) b the following service area: The servipe area as d?scribed in Appendix A. , • Size or Type of Container . . - 101'a.-d I S Ya:3 20 Yard, 25 Yatd 27 Ysrci 30 Ysnd 40 Ya.n-i Z'ermanent Service: Man-thly Rent; if applicabit' S33.90 $37.50 $44.60 . $57.I0 s58.40 . $60.80 $7430 , FirsEPi ~ $65.10 $65.10 $65:10 $65.10 $65.I0 $65.10 S'65.10 Eardi Additional Pickup $65.10 $65.10 S65.10 $65.10 $65.10 $65.10 S65.I0 S ecialPicku ~s $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 $68.10 • $68.10* ' $68.10 S68.10 aemporarv Se67r~;' . ' b;tial Deliveiy $40.00 $40.00 I $40.00 $40.00 S40.00 $40.00 S40.00 Pickup Rztie $85.10 $85.10 $85.10 $85,10 $85.10 $85.10 S85.10 Rent Pea Calendgr Da 5230 ' $2.50 $3.00 $3.80 $3.90 ~4.10 $5.00 'NTote RBies ;n this i:.em z*e subjed to cisvosel fsm named ia ltem 234. Note 2: Rates naxxned in r]vs item apply for all b" zaot ex_ceed.ine 5 miles mrzsured frflm the point of gioic? 4o the ciisposal sibe. Eac ,ess ni.iles shalI bs charged for at S 3.70 pes mile or fractioa o£ a mide. MaJeaEc r.113arne is izi addition io all reguIar charges. Note, Per•an°nt Seatiicz: (a) Service is defined as no 3css th~ scheduled, onc° a montb gickup, Lnless local government recl.ii.rcs more frvauent service or an.less putrescibles are involved. (b) If a drop box is retained by s c;astomer for a ftffl month aad no pickups are ordemd, the moafhly rent sbail bc cbarged, but no cbargges will be assessed for pickvps. Mor~ffily rent-al charges wi]l bs pror2ted when a &op bax is mfaiaed far only a porlion oi a menrh. (c) II"reast is shown, tL+e ra.z'e for Lc fisst pickup and each adaitional picku-p must be the same. ].i reat i's not shown, it ;'s to be includcd in me re-f- foa ti-,e firsf gickiip. ' - - - A,eces-:orial charses a. essed (lids tarpinP. unlocldo . unlatchinQ, etr-): NlOie 4: A gate or obstrictioz chax-ge of €1 Q.60 will be assesscd for apeniDg, unlaclcing or closing gates, ar moving obstr-uctians in orderta pick up solid wzste. . Note 5: A fee of SZLUO per month will be added to rent when lid is reqji.-c5d on containers over IS yards. Note 6: A fee of S14.40 vrill be asse;scd -,AHen cus:omer; equires soLd wastc collxtion comnany to postion 1'ds open after res`esning empty contsiner to ca,asbomer siLe. ' Issued by: Tv1'icbael A. Weinstei.n, Senior Pxicir,g 3vlanageT, Paeific INTOrthwest Market ArTea ;V Issue date: . E~~C&-71C.IAL USE 0NLY Dockef.• TG-070410 • - EIlective Date: 1vlay 1, 2007. ' TariffNo.15 . • Orieinal'PageN-o. 39 - _Company Tanu.'ermit Number: DJasfi.e Management of Wa,shing`wg, IncJG-237 Registered Trade N'ame: Waste Manz~eanent of Spoka.ne; Valley Garb'~e Servic.e, Co. anc Western Refuse Co. , . Item 275 -nrop Box Service - To laisposal Site and Return Compacted Mas_e-rial (Customer-owned drop box) . . Rates stated per drop box, per pjck up 12atea i,n fhis item aPPly= • . . . (1) In the fo]]owin.Fg, service area: The service area as desc-nbed in Appwdik A. Size or T e of Container ' ' 10 Yzrd IS Yard 20 Yascl 25 Yard 30 Yerd 40 Y"ard Permanent Service: Each Seheduled Pic-u S92.10 592.10. $92.10 $92:10 $92.10 ' $92.10 S ecial Picku s S92.10 S92.10 $92.10 ..S92.10 $92.10 < $92.10 Tem os~ Service: . PickuD Ra.te S $ ~ $ $ $ Noi.e I: Rates in this item are subject w dasposal fees named in Itelil 230. ~ l Nofe 2: i,^`.es namod in tvs iter,s apply for al.l hauls aol exceeding 5 zniles measured from the po;rit of piclosp to the disposal siLe. Fxcess m.ilcs shal be cha,rged for at S 3.70 ptr m.ile ar fraction of a zn.ile. Rqileage ' chargz ;s ui addrtion to 411 L-eguIar charges. Note 3: Perm=.nsnt Serv:ce is defined as no less than scbeduled, orice a month picktip, Unless iocal _ goverrunend requires more frequent service or u,~less putrescibles are i.nvolveti. F1.cce.ssorial charees assessed (lids tarpine. unlocking, nnlatchiraz. etc.): - Note 4. A fee of 516.40 pcr montfi wil1 be assessed when containers with attached comp?ctors roquare " disconnecti-ag, recoranectiLg or tuning around. • Note 5: A gat= or obstruc#ion charge of SX0.60 will be assessed for opening, wnlocking or closing ga:es, or moving obstuctions in ordeT to pick up solid wa-ste. Issued by: IVlchael A. '%Feinstein, Senior Pr.icing Mana,ger, Paci.uc Norliwest Market Area zssue date: ~ff-06YIq3~-CRIUAL USE Q?1LY bocket.• T'G-070410 Effpctive Dale: 1vlay 1, 2007 . Tarif.f No. . Original Page No. 44 Coinpany NineJPernit Number. Wa..ste Nanagement of,Washiugton, IncJG-237 Repstered Trade Name: Was~: anagement of Spokare, Valley Garbaga Service Co. and VJestezn Refuse Co. . . . , Item 300--List af Abbreviations and SvmboIs Used in TInis Tariff (A) Denotes increa.ses. . . • ' . . . (lZ) Denot-es decreases. . , (C) Denotes changes in wording, resultiiig in neithar increascs nor 8ecreases. ' (N) Denotes neR, rat~:, sezvices, or rules . *-Denoc`.es that material previously showra has been deleted. . Yd.: or.yd. are abb.Teviatons for yard • - : Cu. or cu.-are abbrevi_p~ions for cubic. , . . , • ~ Issued by: hlichael A. Weinstpein, Senior Yricizig Mtnager, PF-cific Northuiest M~rket Area Issue date: E~~f''g~~1CL4 L UEE ONLY . . Doc k-et: TG-070410 Effective .Uuts: ?GI'ay I, 2007 C1TY OF SPOkANti VAI.I.f:1' SPOKANE C011NiY, wasEUlvcTon ORDINANCE NO. 0&Od• AlV URDIN ANCE OF 7'HE CITY OF SPnKANE VALI.EY. SPOkANE CUUNTY, WAStII1VGTON. AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-016 BY CHANGING THE APPLICABLE DATE UF THE SEVEN YFAR, NON-F.XCLUSIVE FRANCHl5E TO SUNSIIINF. DISPOSAI., lNC.. TU PROVIDE COMMERCIAI. GARBAGF AND ftEFLi5E COLLEC'TION SERVICE Wl7'HINi THE CITY OR SPOKANE VALLEN' WNEREAS, the City of Spokmyc Va11ey incoWrated on March 31, 2003, at wfiich timc Swishine Disposal, lnc., was providing gur6age und reFuse collcction scrvices in tttc geostraphic aree comprisin¢ thc ncw city; W'HERE-Ati. K('W 35.02.160 pnwidcs dtat whcn a ncw cih incnrporatcs, n cutnpany pmviding solid waste and refuse collect}nn services witbin the new city shall be sllowcd to continue pmviding said scrvices for al Icasi sevcn years fallowing thc exercisc of ccrtain qcps tu cerminate those statutory rights; Wl-EREAS, on Navember 7, 2007, thc City Council approved Ordinance 07-016 grnnting a sevcn-ycar franchise to Sunshine Disposal, Inc., to providc commcrcia) garbage and refusc colkrtion service within Spokane Valley. The City Council g,ave appmval to ai~c natice nf tc:rmination thmugh the Washingtnn Utilitics ehd Transpatxtion Commiysioo; nnd WHEREAS. City staff had wmmunications .vith staff at thc W'ashingtun Utilities sitid T'ranspottaiion Commissicm regarding several elarifeations necessary in the City's nMice of termination Icttcr. ARer issuing a secand notice af terminaticxn letter on February 25, 2008, witfi a revised tormination date of March 10, 2008, il hecame necesssry to amend Ordinance 07-016 tci make ii effeciive Mamh 10, 21308 ss well. ItiUW, T}-fEftEFOftF., the City Council ot' the C'ity ut' Spokane Vullcy, Sjx)j:ane County, \4'ushins;ton, docs ordain es follows: Sertion 1. end Sectiot► 3 of Ordinance 07-016 ne r ing t6c effective daft. Ttiis I c.}reiinancc shall te in full torce and effed-m-MnrVh 10. ?008 ~~-d~~rrr~~tr-~~ct~►4+t~~~+~xt 44#►e-tqdtfnFK-e •~I Rit3ftllTtk~~R~'~A~k~Et'klf5~}~ l#iL~2A4E'4 (i1f'k-i .af 41ic' 4-}s4 ••f -~j~~+H*tY ti `i tt!+ j'{r•4}~#t':! !hy }~fYr. PASSED by thc ('it} Council tttiis dny of March, 2008. M11VOr, Itichard Munson ATresr: Christinc Eiainbridge, Cih Clr.rk Approved as to Norm: Uflice of thc City Attarney Dste of Publication: Effective [)ate- I ~ 5UNISHNr I7ISPOS_AL, INC. • . . CBTt. rTO. pBIA. SU-NiSHINE. DISPOSAL & RECYCLJiNIG G-199 , 2405 N. LJ1jIVERSII Y ROA.D . . . , • ' • SPQKANE VALL-BY, WA 99206 . - : GAR]3AGE ANTD REFUSF COLLECTION SFRVICE, liinited to serviae in conlainers otMenfy (20) . cuhic yard capzcity or over in dhat Portion of Spokane Cou.nty descnbed as fol!ows: The tzrritory bounded • on the west by Havana Stzeet (the easterly city limits of the CiLy af Spokane); on the nortli by Rowan Avenue extended; on the east by the Idaho-Washuig . tpm-State lind ~ an the south by 40tli Avenise . 'extended. Also, Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 26 N., R.45 E., and Secfiions 34 and 31; T. Zb N., R. 46 B.; and wi#hin the corporate city limits of Spokane as of September.I, 1962, PRONTIDED: Service pvrmftted in Spoka-ne does not authorize "rhe dupliration of or any encro2.chnient on service; rendered by the City of Spokkane or contracted for by it. . 0402-04 TG-440612 . ~ RECEIVED JUL 12; 2006 WA. Ufi. &TR.AiNS. COM~1~i . ORIGjAL TG061142 . ' Origina) Title Pagz ' Tariffi No. 7 . - - C~n:,els . Tariff No. 6 . . of Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B (NamJCeruSca`:e Numbet af 5fllid Was#e Colti.ct16,1 Conpany) dba Sunshine Disposa) and Recycling (Rgsisterad traj° rnme of SoGd Vti'ssta Gop56fl6n ComDaro " NAIViIhG RATES FOR THE COLLECTION, TRAN$PORTATION, AND D1SP05AL OF . SOLID WASTE, AND (F NOTED, RECYCLING AND.YARDWASTE - . INTI-ilE FOLLOVt'ING DE5CRI6ED 7ERRtTORY: • (Nfotw If this t2rfff appJias la orrly e pilIDn of a conrpan)es , certificafe euLyotitj;,a map accura~ely dapJoting frrs area ' Lo wfiiah ths tamff applFss rnustbe aliached to thls tarlffJ . • . See Appendix A- Permit Copy and Map Narr+e of ps;son issuing tarfF M2rc B. TQrre Ofricial UTC requnsts for inforrnedon regarding consumer quesUons andfar Maiiing eddrESS of issuer. 2405 N_ Univetsl Rcad complaints should be referred fo t,5e • . foflowing c:)rnpany reprRsentative: . Ciiy, Sts#elTp Code Spokane, VJA 99206 ' Name: FJiarc B. Torte • isfephons tJumbertu~~.trnca=zz~d=y (549)924-5678 Tit1e: Vice Presldent Phone: (509 824-5676 ' FAX number, if any 549)924-7448 F-mail: to e sunshi edis asal cam . Fax: (549 924-7446 E-rnail addres:, if any: mtcrre 0sunshinedis osal.co issued by: Fvlarc B. Torie • ' Issue date: July 13; 2006 _ Efiective Date. Szptember 'i, 2006 (For Oftrcra! Use Only) Dockef No. Date: BY: . . . , Y;~ ' FOlt OFFIl.d H /i LlS~. ufYl..l . Docket: TG-061142 . Agenda Date: 08-30-06' • .~~'ective Date: 09-01-06 RE EIVEDSU 2 2006 ~%A. YT'I`. &~'~`RA~jS.'COi1IlVI. ORxGl~TAi~'~G~-U6~.~.42 ' Tarifr No. 7 ariginal Page Na 2 Company NancJPermit Number. SLinshtne Dfsposal, Inc. - G00019Q B , ~Re isfprad Trade Nama s d'oa Sunshina Dis sa! and Ra clin~ ~ CHECK SHtE-1 All pages contained in this gariri ara fistzd bwlow in consecutfve order. The pages in the tanff andlgr ar,y suppiements to tihe tarits IisEed on thts page hav.; issue dates t-,zt are the seme as, oF are berore, the issue date af this paoP. "O" in the revisian column lndicates _n orioi~~21 page. . . ' • Fage Current Page . Cuent . Page Current ' . Nurr~b..t Revisfon ' Num~bei Revision iqumber Revision Tide Page O 27 O : 2 O 28.... O , 3 . O ' 29 O . . 4 O ' 34' O 5 O 3i O 6 O 32 O 7 -O 33 O . . 8 O 34 O ' 9 O 35 b ' 10 O 36 O . , 11 O 37 O. 12 ' O 3B ' O ' . . 13 O 39 • O • ' 14 O 40 O 15 0 41 O 16 O , . 42 O 17 O 43 - O - ' 98 O . 19 O 20 0 • . . 21 O - 22 O . • • . . 23 O . 24 O . • . . 25 Q' 26 O ' . - SL-lppI°men#s in Er'`ito . . lssued By: M arc B. i ore • lssue Date: Jul 13, 2006 • Effiective Date: September 1, 2006 (For O;,;c1al Use Only) ~Docke# No. TG- Datp: Bl: 1 UTFI S ONLY c~-061142 r4gercda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 -RECEIVED JYJL 12 2006 WA. UT. &TRANS. COIVM. ORIGYNAL TG-061142 • ' Tar«f No. 7 . - ' . Originai Page Nfl. 3 • Cornp3ny NamelPennit Nut-tiber. Sunshine Dispos31, Inc. - G000199 B Re ieLared Trada N21l1B{5 dba Sunshine Dis osa) and Recyciin Index af 14ams in l"has Tariff - see next Item fbf IiSt bV ioDIC . Item 5 Tates . , Item 10 AQpiicaban of Rdtes - Generai , . Iatem 15 Hol16y Pickup ~ 14ern 'fa Change in Pickup Scheduie • i$ern 17 Reilunds , Item 18 Billing, Advance EBiing, Paymen't DeJinqljency Dates, Lp-tz Charges- • Item 20 ' -DefinftiDns - ` . Item 30 Limitation of Servioa- ' . Itern 40 Maferial Requiring Special Equipment, Prec*utions, or Dispos?I . Item 45 Material R'equiring Special Testng andlor Ar+atys[s Item 50 Retumoci Check ChaTgss ' • Item 51 Restar# Fees • - ' 14em 52 ' Rerlefivery Fc-es Item 60 Ovsrtme • • Item.70 Retum Trips , Item 80 Carryout Servics, Drnre-Ins Itern 90 Can Carriage, Overhsad Obstractions, Sunken ar Elevated canslunits Item 100 CanlUnit Service, Resldential - Residental C4rhsidz Recycling - Residentia) Yardwaste Servicx Item 120 Drums . • , ' I#em 130 Litter ReceptacEes - Litter Toters . Item 154 LoosP antVor Bufky Materi31 ' Item 160 -Ttme Rates . • ' ' ~ ~7 Item 202 Appiication of Con:ainet analor Drop Box Rafes - General Item 205 Ro11-0ut Charges - Cont3fner, Automated Carts, and Totc-rs . ' Item 207 Excess Weight- F2eJection af Load, Charge5 to Transpoft , . . Item 210 VJaShing end SaniSzing ConWiners 2nd Drop B4xes . Item 220 Conpactor Ren#p-I - . . : . . . Itzm•230 Disposal Fess ' - • Item 240 Container SeNice.- Non-oompactied - Company-awneci Container . Item 245 Confainer 5ervice - Non-compacted - Customer-owned Container , ' . Item 250, Container Servi,^,a - CoripactPd - Gompany-cwned Container - Item 256 Con#ainer Service - Coripacted - C!.istomzr-owned Container . Item 260 Drop Box Ssrviae - tJon-Compacfed - Company-mvned drop box Item 265 Drop Box Servica - Non-Compacted - Customer-owr~ed drflp bax • ltern 270 • Drop Box Service - Compacied - Company-owned drop box . Item 275 Drop Box Service - CQmpacie~ = Custorizr-otivned drop box Item 300 List of Abbreviations and Symbols Useti in Tarfff ' Issued By: Narc B. ToRe fssue Date: Jul y 13, 2006 Eifective Date: Se tember 1, 2006 (For Oir°rcia! Ussa Only) . ' Docket No. TG- Date: sY r oMr: --061142 ,4ganda 17ate: 08-30-06 _ Effective Date: 09-01-06 REcErVED 12. 2oa6 WA. tiT. & TxAvs. CoMal. QRIGL~TAL 'I`CY-061142 Tarifr ?Jo. 7 O7gina1 Page No. 4 : -'i.. • . • . l~ ~l Co:nF:=,r;~~ t~arr,e/rermit tiumbe~: Sunshine Dispasal, lnc. - GOD01Q9 B ~ • R?gistered 'frade '2me(s) dba Sunshir,z Dis asa! and f2e qclin ' Ind^x bv topic - ~ . ~ f tern No ~ . Abbreviations useed intariff 300., Advance bil[ing . . . 18 Animats 30 6alej tT0 18 , • Billing psriods authflrizsd.... Cartyout setvice . . 80 , Comrnercial cai servic_ 245 Compacior rantal . . 220 ContainArs=nice, compacted, c~am}ar~y.ovrned 250 Container sen,ice, conipacted, cusbmer-ovrned 265 ' Container servive, non-conl'lpac#ed, cornpany-owned 240 Contair~erservica, non-coiipaeted,custorrier-0amed . 245 . ~ ' Containers snd/or drop baxes, availabifity 202 - Gontainers 'androrcirop baxes, general rities . '200~ Containers andlordrop boxes, Vvashing and'sanljzing 21 . 0 Creait due the custorner . ~ 17 : Danage to clis'. flmer properfy . - 30 Denni4ons 20 Delir~quencydates 18 Disposal fees 230 Drive-in service 90 Drop-box service, compacded, compeny-~vned....,...... 270 ~ J Drop-box service, compached, customer-owned 275 Drop-bDx senice, r,on-compacfed, company-cnned 260 Drop-hox sprvicP, nort-compacted, cUStomer-oaned 265 Excess w?ight, tejection of load, charges fo Eranspor# 207 - Flat month)y charges 75 Holidaya obSeived .~d . L.cte ohargeS 18 ' Limitationscfservice 30 Litter receptacles 130 Maferial requfring special disposal 40 Matarial requiring specfal eCuipment 40 ' Maferiai rzquiring spe.ciai precaurions 40 10aterial requ[rir~g specil~zl tasltingianafysis 45 ~ Con-tnued on next page issued By: Narc B. Torre . fssue Da{e: Ju 13, 20D6 • ~ Enectiva DatE: Sep'Lember 1, 2006 ~ ' ~ • (For Oj'ffclal Use Only) ~ AlY Docke'*. No. TG- IDF-te: BY' P*UA ONL1r ~ acr~e : -061142 Agenda -bate: 08-30-06 ~ . Bffpctive .Dare: 09-01-Q6 RE WED JTJL 12. 2U06 WA. Ti-T. &T~.2ANS. CO_YIM. ORIGXNAL TG--061142 T2riTT n1o. 7 , . ~ . ' Original PaQe N0. 5 - Company NarnGlPei-mit Number. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - GO00198 B - Re istersd Trade Haam s) dba 5unshinQ Dis asal and Rer cling - • . ~ Index bv tooic. confinued ~ ~ ~ . . Item No Mi"2,sed plckups, waa;.her or road cAndition5 30 Retumed ch£cks 54 , OVerh=_ad obstruc5ons............................................. 90 Over-sized unb 55 • . OverCime . 60 ~ Over-weightunits 55 . Redelivary fzes 52 ~ Refund of Qvercharges 17 ~ Rei'und of przpayments 17 Refunds 17 Refusal to make pickup 34 Residefitial recycling 100 Resldential 5arvice 100 ~ Reaidential yardwGs`e . 1D0 Retumtrips . ~ '70 ' Roll-outcharges 205 Sti-irsors#eps ~ 90 Sunkcn or elevated can&!unlis 90 Sy,mbol5 used in tarifi................................................................ 300 . ~ T2xes 6 fime rates 150 J Cor,tinurai on next page Issued By: ~ PJlarc B. Torre • . . fssue Dafe: Jul 13, 2096 ~ Enective Da#e: Septerriber'I, 2006 ~ (For Onrciaf Use On/y) - ~ • DDCkei No. TG- Date' ~ By: ; tl L~ US G.•,~_% o e . -061142 - .4gerzda 17ate: 08-30-06 Effective. Date: 09-01-06 I~~D JUI112, 2006 'G~A. t1`. ~'~RANS. CQM~~. Q~2IG~AL ':fi G-06114? RECE - Taritf No. 7 Orioinal Pags ho. 6 i` • ' ; Company Nnrrte!°eri'nit Num6er Sunshine Diapasal, G00D19•9 B RegEsterad Ti rade NamB s dh2 Sunshin3 Dis osal and Re ~ ciin • - ltem 6- Ao5licatiQn of Rates - Taxes . Enti imDOSin 'Lax: Ordinance number:' Amflunt ci tax . Applicatian (Commodities and territD, ) ~ • ' . r Issued By: Nrarc B. Torra , Issue Date: Ju 13, 2006 ' Etfactive Date: S-fember 1, 2006 (For Orrlcial Usz Only) . - BY Doaket No. TG- Date: ~ P, ' ONLY . . Docket: TG-061142 ngenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED J-CJIs 1232006 WA. UT. &.T`RANS. CON~12. ORIGYNA.L TG-061142 • ' ' This age has C] addesl wording - Tarft No. 7 'Orf~inal Page No. 7 Comparty NarneJP°rmit 'umbQr: Sunshine Disposa!, Inc. - G000 i B9 B Reo3steted Trade t~'arne a ~ dtsa Sunshine Disposal and Rz rlin - Re iste-ed Trade ti'ame(s dba Sunshine Disposal and Rs clin Item 'I 0- A~piic2tion of Rates Ganera1 • Ra es named tn fihis tariff ornrer the colSectioti, tr3nspDrtation,.ana disposal a; safid waste. .V►rhan specificelly . raferred to, rates also cover the collection and transport-z'lion of racyclable matefi3ls and/oi yr.rdvraste; . TiKe 81.77 of the Revised Code of Wash6nc1fln (RCVV) and Chapter 48O-74 afi the 1Nashingioi Adminisfrative Code (WAC) govern qperadons of sotid waste collection companie-s and the 'Mriffs campanies must flle tiii:ti the Washingtfln Utilities end Transportation Commission (~NUTC). : ; Unless exceptions are sha~vn, all materials must be placed on the same leveJ as the streets or alleys: . The company majl charge addilonal aftunts for disrosal fiees only when specifically sta'ted in t'rs tariff and ' separately sha.vn on custo;ner biifs. - - , • (;e 15 - holidav Pickuo - ReQUlarlv Schedufed SeNice , • When a pickup i5 missed due to:he company's observanos af a holiday, the company %vifl piovida sAlvice, ai no eddi#ionpl cost #o the r.ustomer, en an Eltemate ciay. A(ist of ttts holidays the cornpany observes (s shown in Item 64. For appf'tcaUflii of rates in this tariff, the eompany ciPfines alternate day to mean the lotlowing: • l7he ;aUowing business day • [Cl • {iem 16 - Chanae in i'icEcup Schedula , Whe,n a comgany changes the piek-up date far i#s ceri;-i-jcaEe erea, ar a portion of its ceftificate are3, the compary rnust nob;y all customzrs En the Fffected area of thet chengr. iJotice must be made at (east seven days befo.►e imolemer+tation of a nmv pickvp scheduls anB may be rnade via ma.il, personal contact, oc by a notce being afnxed to tie customer's solid waste receptecle. . Issued By: Marc 8. Tora • - Issua Date: Jul 13, 20D6 Effec#Kre Date:.Se ternher 1, 2000 (For Ofrici$1 Use Ondy) . . Docket No. TG- Date: BY E ac r: t -061142 Ager,da Date: 08-30-06 ' Effectivz Date: 09-01-06 RECEIWD JTI, 12 2006 WA: UT. & TRA!\'S. CO1VI-M. ORYG-INA.L, 'I`G-061142 Tariit No. 7 Original Paae No. B GompGny NsmJNe-mit Nu-nbet: Sunshine Dispcsal, Inc, - GOODiB9 B ' " ;Re istered Traae Nane(s) obG Sunshine Disposal and Re ciina liein 17 - Reftunds Credit duQ the customsr. W'nen thare has b°°n a sansaction that resufis in a crEtiit due ~e cusiomer, 'utie , • follo,.ving apply: . , (a) If the amount tfua is five dolEarS or iess, an adjustment wID ba madz to the cusbmer's account ib e . adjustment rriust be 5hevm, on tha nexi regu6ar biil. . - . , . f . . (b) if the amount dua ls nore tha,1 five doliar5, the cusbmer may axep't aii a=unt adjus:ment or may reque-st a refund. - (1) If Hte c!sfnmer elects to have an account adjustnent made, the adjustrr~ent must show on the nsxt regular billino. ' - (2) If the cus`omer elec#s to receive afefund, the company must issue a cha--k wPthfn th(rty days af the .IfaQUp.Sf• . • . ' . ' Overc.harges. Once a ooi-npany becomes aware that it has overcharged a cusltomer, ft must' pravide a reflund or en account adJLSiment c;edit'o the custDrner. Th2 customer rnusf be gfven s choice as fo which option is preferrecl. 7he refund ar credit must be the amoun# overcharged in the hree y2ars befi}fE Tj18 d2fB Di dISCOV2ry. (a) lf the customer elects to have an acaount adjustment made, the ad}usGment must shovr oii the next regular bil6ing. ' • (b) li the custamer elects to receiva a tefund, the company must issue a aheck µAtiin Yhirty days of tite - request . g~ Propayments. It a customer has paGa san+ica fees in adv,anca, service is di;continued durir,g the pre-biff?d perfod, 2nti the customer is due a refund, the follaAing apply: • ; (a) A company must honor all rrauests for refunds of the unused portfan oi prepayment:3. .(b) If the customar ptoAdes a fonharding address to the cacmpany Qr one c--.n be obWnei fTOm uhe PosE Of,ice, the cornpany mlist issue a re`und check no more than Uiirty days foIlowing the custamer's requesL (c) If the custurtiar cannof be loceted or did no'L arovfae a forwarding a-edress and the U.S. Post 0~.~ cannot furnish afcrwardEng addrss5, the amount may be presui-ned to be P-bandoned and is subjecf fo the Uniform Uncialmed Proper?}I aci aftzr ane year. ' lssued 8y`. Marc B. i orre • ' Issue i?ste: Juf 13, 2D~6 E7ective Date: Se tem~ar 9, 2006 • (For Or;rcial Use On1y) ° DoCket No. TG- Date: By' Oh~Y u 4 - ocicez: tr-061142 . . Agerda Date: 08-30-06 . E-fjectrveDate:09-01-06 RECE D JTJL 12. 2006WA. ITT. & TRANS. COiVIlVI. OR'GAqAL TG061142 Tatiff Ne. 7 ' . . ' . . - - Drigmal Pag° ND. 9 Conpany NarnelFzrmiL Numbar Sunshine Disposal, lnc. - GOOD199 B Registered Trade Name(s) dba Sunshins Disposaf and Re yclin ftin i@ - Billina Adva,ce B1 Fina anQ Pavment Delinauency Da`es BiHing period. A company mry bifl Ks customers for one, two, or three morttns of servicP. . Advance biiling and payment delinquency dates. The fibllowing cttart defnes the maximum period alimved fnt . ~ 8illin'''pe6bdAV W-.Ma)dmuin°advarice bij li'n' Oeriot9~allowedti :;;Aeri 6~~ien -,d4te',:, One rno7tt►'s service R'o adv2nca billing aiiowed Wy net bs less tran (monthly) • 21 d-ays aftertha • . dpte the bill Is maiiad Two mflnft' servite ane mon#;i's ddvance billing allowed 'Way nat be-until thP last day afi ihe . . seoDnd month Three months' Two rnonth's advanoe bflling al{awed May not be un51 tlhe - sen+ice . last day of the . Nrd month . ' The billing period choseii hy the caompany operat-ing under this teRif for its residen#ial. solid wssta accounts is: tJonthly . . . , Issued By: hfiarc B. Torre ' IssuQ D_ts: Jul 13, 2008 Effsctve Daf2: Septeinber 1, 2006 . . (For 0h,16181 Use ORIy) ' - ' Dacket No. TG- bate: 8Y: ~ FOR OF`FICIAL U-SE ' - Docket: TG-061.142 . . Agenc~a ~ate: 08-30-06 - Effecti-ve Date: 09-01-06 . RECEIVED J"CTU 123 2006 WA.. UT. & `I`RANS. CO-ABI. ORIG]1~~AL TG061142 i'ariri No. 7 - Origin_I Page PJo. 10 Canpsry.NamclFernit 'umber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G000199 B Regi5terad i rade Name s dba Sunshine Dis oso! -and_Re ycfin . 6Wm 20 - Q:funitions ' . • NO TE: Tho dsfrniuats ,%)ow.n oR the Fir5! fi`11e-- p3gc'S Of thf5 J1olf1 af~ St`8r7rJ8lzf ii~ mC51 C'SSS pr2sCN7b5d byrule. Co,nparries mpy noi amsnd Ossq deWtrons, excspt to M in b!anks iormeximum waights of various reC19Pt3r(1as. CaMParrres uish+ng fo ' add dennltia.as specifrr- fb 5`rsrr c.ampaRy's oper-atiQns must indude iirase deffnfia,ns ai a sep3rafapag2, enuvad°Ca,mpsny- 8,D°C1ffCflrBiri'R1flORS." A bJ3111i S'73ei l3 !U'VidBlf fOf fi1 a t PL,IJ~~S2. 631e; Material cempressed by machine and 6wwrely tarped or.handt,-d_ - • Bulky materials: Empty caziers, car' tons, boxss, crates, eLc., or materials offered for aisposal, all of tiahich may be ieadfly handled a.7ihouf shovel(hg-' • CharEe: A set flat fae tor performing a service. Oc, the resu6t of multiplying a at5 for a un it Itimes the number of uniis transporied. ' Cominercial billing:: S2rvice billeci 'to a comr-nercial custamer or billed to, and paid foi, by a aropeity _ . manMer Dr ovmer ratTier tftan a residential tenan#. . Cornpactor discoeinec`J . • ~ - . reconnect chaige: A slat fee esEabfished by the soJid wasle collection corpany inrthE s-arvice af ner befare tak{ng it ~isconnecting~a compactor from a drop. box or aorital . to be dumped, and then rtconnccflng #he compactor vrnen ttie drop box or conta[ner is returned fo the customers si's. ' Gate charge: A. flat' fee charaed for apening, LlnEDcking, or clesing gate.s fn o-rder fo pic,'t up solid V:aste, ~ Loose ma`erial: i-Itateri3l not set out in bags or oontainers, (nctuding materiafs that tnust be shoveled. 1Jiult-4ram,ily resi3ence: Any strur.4ure housing t+•:o or morz dwelling units. " PadcPr. • A devlce ar vehicle speciatly designed to pack Eoose maferials. ' i ass through t"ae: A fse collected by a sofid Waste coliaction cflmpany on behalf ofi athird party when the iee Es billed ciirecthj to the cusfomer witnout t'narkuo or markdown.' Permanent service: Cont3iner and dtnp-box setvice provided Eit the cus:omers requeE;t ;or more than 90 days. Rate: Aprice per uniE or per setvice. A rate is multEpifer,i times the number of units transported ' or, the number of tii-ties aservice is pziltormed to determine a chGrge. Solid waste • . - receptacia: lncluaes tia ialfawing items, with the followfng me.:.n[ngs: Autflma4ed eart means a carf de-sign?d fs be pic3ced up and emptied by mcchartical rneans. Ttte specmc iype and size Gre tn be defined in r2#e items. ' Gontinued oit next page Issued 8y: Marc B, Torre • . Issue Date: Ju( 13, 2005 EfecSve Date: Septembp-r 1, 2006 . ('Cor Oriacra! Use Orrly) . DockeR Na. TG- Da#e: By' p' OMY . , ac et: 1 -06114? A.gerrda Da?e: 03-30-06 ' - E.f`'sctive Date: 09-01-06 REeErv~D JTJL 12, 2006 NVA. uT. & fiRAvs. coMrnx. ORIG-LNAL TG-061142 ' This a e has [C odded wondin in two piaces . Tar'm No. 7 . driginal Fage ho. 11 Comparty NamJPemii Number: Sunsh9ns Disposal, Inc. - GDO0189 B Re Esfered Trade Haam s dba Sunshine Di osal and Re c(fn . ' 1#sm 2D Difrmtions.,contiriued 5ofid Wes`a ' reczptacla, cnnfd: Czn means a recep:acle made of durable, oDr'rosion-resistan#,'Ronabsorb--nt rnataria! • tha# is watertignf, and has.a cFose-fitting oover and iwo hanciies. A can holas more [C] than hven:y gallons, bui not more than 4hirty-two gaffon's, A can may not we9gh more than 65 Qounos when filie-d nor More than 12 oDunds wfien empfy. • . Ctirt meajis a wheeled plesbc container. •A cart may also ba reierred fo as a toter: If suppfied by a cusfomer, e cart rriust be compaSible with th° cotnpany's equlpment. . The size and fyrpe of cad that is compavble tivill be estabiished in each company's taliR. . . Gontainer maans adEtachabls receptacle (nflimally designed ffl hoicf at least a 'cubic yarcf af solid y^as`e) from wfiich rnaferials a2 coliecfed by mechanically lifflng . #he rrcep:=cie znd emptying ths conzents Into thP company's vehicle. . Drop box rneans a defathabfe receptacle used to prov4de scliti waste collectlon . ' servfos hy the recaptacle baing placed on #he companys vehicle by mechanical means and JanspDrted tfl a dfsposal site. . Drum means ametal or piastic cantainer of approximatefy fifry-flve gallon capacity, genera9ly used.far oils or salven#s. A drum may nat weigh morz than pounds when fill3d. Litter rECeptacle means a con#ainer not over sixty!-gallon capacify, generall}r pfac.ed in shopping centets and aEong sirzets or highways for liiter. A lltter receptacla may n-ot weign more than pounds when filled. Micro-mini can means a can rrada of durable, corrosior-resistant, nonabsDrbent ma`:erial that Es tvefertieht and has a close-7i#fing cover. A rr,lcro-mini can mcy not hDld mare than f2n galloiis, A micro-mfnl cen may not tiveigh more than pDunds when fiffad. Ninf-can rrleans a cai made of durabfe, corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent rnaferial jCJ , that is watertight and has e ciose-fitting oover. A mini-can may not hoid mor2. . ' than twenry Qallons. A tninkan rr,ay not we9ah more than 20 pounds when filled, nor weight to excead 35•pounds. . . Recycling bin or co.ntainer rneans a bin or oontainer designel or desienated far the , , collection of retyclables. The size and type oi rzcycEing bin or container will be es`:ablEShed in each company's tariff. • . Conflnued on next page Issued By. ldlarc B. Torre . . Issue Dafe: Ju 13, 2008 Effectiva Date: Se tember 1, 2D06 . ' - (For Ofr"ida! Use Only) docket No. TG- Da'te: BY: e Oll Ol y ~.l Ly r. VUL+ TLiDoc~,.et: TG-061142 . Agendn Date: 08-30-06 ' Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECE1VED 3-CTa:.j 12 , 2006Wt1.. Ufi. &TR.~TS. COMM. ORXGDi-AI. TG-461142 ' This aoe has C] added wording in two laces. ' TarirF No. 7 Original Page No. 12 Company Name/Fermtt Number. Sunshile Dispasal, Inc. - GO00i 33 B Re istered Tt2de Name(s) eaa 8vnshine Disposal and Re clin4 - IEem 20 Definitions, confinued SoIId tiaste receptacle, contd: Toter in*Qais a wheeled plastic container. A tnfer may zlsa ba rffered to ps aca;t !f suppEied*by cus#flmer, e tote, must be corrtpatible with the company's eGuipment The size and " af fofet ftt is:comnstible wiil be astablished in each company's tarif. Urtft mearts 3 rxo..ptacls made of d~arebl°, corrosion-resistanf, nQnabsartsent mafip-rial, tfiat is watertighE, and has a close-frtHng cever and fiao handles. A unit hoids morz than fw+^r#y eallons, but not more than tniri}r-b.ao ga!{ons or four cubic fasi. Al.inft . may not wefgh more thaii ~5 pDunds wien filied, not more than 12 pouilcs when empfy. [C] Where agreea upDn betwern the company artd the custflmer, and whete all-:wable under localordinance, abox, carton, card6oard bartel, or other suitable container may be suhstituted fot a soGd w?ste can, for a sinale picl;-up that in.cludes rzmovzl ot the containsr,.if it meets Ehe size and weignt fmit.s" establishad in the company's tarin, as desc`ib+~d in the preceding paragrap4. CCl Yardwaste bin or container rneans a bin or con ainer sp°cificaliy designed or ' des9gnated fvr the coUection of }+srfteste. Each companys farifi %a~ll rzfet to a . specinc typa of yardvoas`e bin or coniainzr to be used in a sen+ice area, lhe sype, . . . size, %velghk etc., af ti}is tyar of bin or container will o$en be set by Iflral Qovemment p1a,1s or orciiianoes. 5pecial pick-up: A p6cE;-LID CES~I~uPSIeJ by 3J .t~'.- CUSIOrT~C` Gt a time other t}ian the regularly schec3uled pic,€:-+» hme, that requtres the spe-val dispa`ch o; a Juck. li e spar-i;l dispatch is rzquired, the company will assess time rates establisned in 'the cornpany's farir, as >hown in IEem 76D. Supplement ,4 page added fo the baoinning of a tariff, nomaJfy to aover emergency, tempooary, , or special situaUons. An example is apago issu°d to shrnv a speciai surcharga impased by z cify. i errsporary servMCe: T~~~porry setvice msans provldfng confsiner or drop-box sarvice alt th-3 oGStomer5 request, tor a peNod of ninety days or lrss. Unlatch(ng: Another tem for a gato charge. A ftat `ee im{>Dsed by a solid waste co9lscEion company v.fien iiie aofripany's personnel must unlafch a gatka or door to per'fl „ pickup service. . Unlacking: A lat i- imposed by a sofid was:s collecUfln compaj-iy ~itheti the cori-spany's oeronnel must unlock pad{ocks or 4ther locking devices to perfom pickup ser+ri.ES. Issued Sy. Marc B. iorre IssuE Date: Jul 13, 2006 Effective Rate: S~ teanber 1, 2006 ~ (For Omcial Use Only) Docket No. TG- DJta: BY' FoR mL USE ArLY octcet: 1' '-U 1142 . . ' . Agg7zd.a Da-te: 08-3 0-06 . Ffjective Date: 09-01-06 RECEIVED .lTJL.x2, 2006 WA. UT. & TRA.TS. COMM. ORIGLNA.L TG-061142 This a e has [Cj addad wordin for one compah ~ --crric definition. i arin Na 7_ Ctigir~al Page No. 13 CoPnp2ny NnmelPemiit Rumber. Sunshine Dispossl, Inc. - G000I99 B • ~ 1V . Reqistpred Trade Nam s dba Sunshins Disposa) and ReL. cling Item 20 - De;tnibons, cflntirtued • . - Cemp-ary-spsc:"Tic dennitions: Campacted Material: . RA?#erial that has besn compre5sed by any machanical device' [C] - eiher befnre or sfter it is pLczd in thP raoept~+-1e by the solid Ntiaste company. ~ . . `1 Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issur Date: Jul 73 200E E;rective Date: Se dember 1, 2006 • . (For Official Use Only) . 1~ ' Docket ho. 7G- Date: gy: FD.R OFFXCL4L rIS G~ t:l -061142 , - ,4gErda Datz_ 08-30-06 Ef.fscdve .Date: 09-01-06 RECETVEUJTJL I23 2006 WA. UT. &TRA-LNS. COlVIM. QRIGINAI.'Y`C`~-061142 ' Tarin No. 7 . . Original r age Nfl. 14 Conparry NameJPermii Nut-nber. Sunshine Disposef, Inc. - GDDOi 98 B ~ Re Estared iiad? Nane s d'a3 Sunshir►e Dis sa1 and Re ciinc It..m 30 - Limita56ns of Se,-vice Refusal of servlce. A soGd was`e calistifln corr~~aiiy mayreiuse Efl: (a) Ptck up matetials from poinis wheee li iS hazattious, unsa;e,. or cangarous to;perans, propc-riy, or equ(pm=nt to operte vehicles due to thA conaifiiflns of strzer, allay:-, Qr ro--ds. (b) Drive into private property vvhen, in the company's judgmenk driveways or.raads ara impfoperty construc!ed or.+nainfaii~ed, da no', have adequate 'Lurn-atpunds, or,have other unsafa cflnditiDns. (c) En`er pr'riate properdy to pick up ma`arial while an ariimal considered or re3red to be vicioLS is (oose. The customer will be rzquired to confitiQ the at-iimat on gickup days. 5chedul@s. A company's schedule will mest reasonabiz requirements and wiil compiy vrith local sQrvica levzl ord'inances. N,issed pickups due to weather or road conditions. PicMip oi ma#erials may be missed dun-'tD weat;ie; or raad cDncii~ons. if the aocumulated ma`etip-l (solid v,iaste andlor recyclables, and/or yardvraste) is collecReo on b)e next sc,'iedu(ed or ayaiiable pic}:up daite, the company i5 not obligatSd to extend credit for ihe missed . pickup. The cus#omer iviil nDt be chp-jed for avemllest reccpiacies, or for rnate-rials set but in.bag*s on top of or next 'Lo the cusltom°r's normal receptacl?s if the amourt of extra material does not Exceei the arnount Ehat tvoufd have reesotiabfy been expected to acvjmulate due tn missed oickups. . f" Due carro. OthEr than to offEr reasonable care, ffie company assumes no respoF-islbility sor orticlAs left on or ~5 near sofid was'te recept'acles. , Liabili[y for damage. When a austomer requ ;st~; hot a compar,y provide seRii.e and dan►aae oaGurs Ea til-le GUstam-3eb driveway aue ifl reasons not'tn the corttrol ot 6e i>~rripari'y; the oompany will assuine no reWnsibility fot the dainage. ' . issued By. Marc B. Torre _ fssue C}a#e: .luP 13, 2006 Effectve Date: S-e ternber i, 2006 r- (ror Omcra! Use Onr'y) ' Docket No. TG- Dete: B/: - R UTTi= ONLY ocke : - - 61142 A~,~enda Date: 08-30-06 • Effeciive Date: 09-01-06 RECEIV'ED JCTL 12; 20,06'GVA. U'T..& 'I`RANS. C0MM. ORIG11v.A.L, TG--061142. Ifem 50 has [N] oiia new cha e. ' • . Tariff No. 7 Original Page tJo. 15 Coi-tipany h'ame/Permii Numbrr: Sunshina Dispasal, Inc. - GOGfl199 8 Registered Trede Name s. dba 5unWna Dis osal and R cfin - IE°;--n 40 - Materl=I Reauirinq Spe6el Eaoiom?rL PrECa~Ibons. or Disposal Transportation oi soiid waste requiring special equipr,ent or precaupons in handiino or disposal ti761 be subjsct to'time retes namad in Item 160; Dr Eo other specific rates contained in this taR~i. Cornpanies must make evary e,"iori to fo-e axam of the commodities tiyat requirespes;iai handling et ths disposal sites named 9n ths campany's fariiis. -'T'he company-shali maint±in a I'tst or those comrodifies 2nd iake i# avafiable for- puclic inspbcction at the cornpanys o;~ice. ' Item 45 - Material Reauirinn Saeclal Tp-s`ina andlor AnalYsis ' VJhen a solid waste oollecUon comoany or disposal facility datermines #ha't testing and/or anafysis of solid ' tvastR is required to defermine wnethsr dangerous or prohlbited substances sre Fresant, the actual cost for such testing andlor a.nalysis will be paid by the cusiomer. The compariy must provide the custotner witf,~ a copy of any bill or,invoice for costs incurred for testing and/or analysis end also must retain.a copy In thz cflmpany's fiEe for at le: st tnree years. Tnose costs stial) b-3 passed throuoh to tne cus;oMer witiiout markup• The ' cQrnpany.must naintain recards of time spent to ac~.omplish'the special testing andfar analysis, and may bill the customer iar that tlrrie under the provssions of liem 160 (Time Rates). , ' Item5U - Retijmed Check Char es Retumed Check Charge. If a cusfome,r p?ys vAh a chet{c, and the customer's baF~k refuses'to honor that check, the customer W111 be assessed a retum check ctiarge in fie amaunt of $25.00. . [N] Issued Sy: Marc B. TQrre . . lssue Date: JuI 13, 2005 Effective Datz: Se 9ember i, 2005 (For Offic1e1 tlse Only) . ~r Docket No. TG- Date' `r: l/1Y01r . , . o t: U-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 E~`'e.ctive Date: 09-01-06 RECEINED J-LJ-L 12, 2046 WA. UT. &TRANS. CONIlM. ORIG.~i AL TG-061142 Tariffi No. 7 ' Original ?age NiD. 16 ( J) ' ` Company NatnelPArnit tJumber. Sunshine D'tsposal, Inc. - GClUG i°9 B . Registerad Trade Name s dba SvnshirrP -DisFosal and RQoYclin • Item 51 - Restart Fees - , Transportation of solid was`e reqv[r6ng spedal equipment or precautions. in handling or dlsposel will be sub;e+t ia time r~ 's;s named in Item 160, or fo outier specri,_` r:trs cantained in fhis tp_riff~. . Com{anies musL ma:{e every etior't to be aware ffk L`ie comi-nodiues ihat requirz special handiing at the disposa) sitss named in the cor'ipany"s'_arifio. .The company. shsil maintain a list of ~osr conmoGi~es and ms:te it evailable fot public insgection at ~e~cm, pany's offtce. • INhen 3 solid wa6' te colfection company or disposal ;acili#y dete-m{nes that testing andlor analysis ofi solid was;a i5 tecuirzd to determ(ne whethet dangerous or orohibfdPd s~bslartces ere present, the aca`uaf cost for . such ta-zt;ng andlor an.alysis w711 be, paid by the cuszomer. i he oomppny mus# provide u'he cus'Lomer with e copy • of any bifl ar invofce for ccs:s incurred ior, testing andlor arialysis 2nd also must r'tain a copy in the cflmpany's nle fDr a# least #hree years. Those cosFs shallbr passed tlli'Ot!yh #o the cu=iomer Mthaut markup. The compGrry must rrieinfaiii re-rords of titi-je spent io accomplish the spec(al tesning andror znafysis, and moy bill the cu6torner fer t,"iat bma under the provisions V, Item 160 (Time Ra#es). ~ . . 6tem 52 - Redeliverv Feas i Gflmpanies asssssi,~g redefivzry fees mus', descilbe W$1en the flees appIly, at►d must sta;e the prnount of the fees in this i`em. Issued By: Marc B. Tore , . IssUe Dafe: Jul 13, 2006 Effectivn dafz: Septernber 1, 2006 ; - . (For Ot,~cra1 Use Only) . . . ~ ~ Doc.ket Nq. YG- Qa t': s' • - FOR Ok,FICIAL U -H ONZY Docbst.: 1 G-Ob11Q2 14gendQ Date_ 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 -R-EcErvED JTJL 12; 2006 WA. T-JT. T7s. coAM• ORIG]3,T.AL `I'G-061142 ftem 60 has C] added wording fn two places and [A) one incrasb in char~e. " • Tariff No. 7 . Origina) Paga ho. 17;~ ~ Ga-npany NameJPa-mit Numbar. Svnshine Disposal, Inc. - GOOD199 B • Re istered Troe Name(s dba SunsF,ine Disposal and Ra cfin IEern 55 (h,er-sized or Over-weiahf Gans or Units . The c6m{siiry ressrves `.tie right fo raJeU gibkup of any risidential teceptkla (can, L-nit, bag; mini-can, or or micro-mini-cau)) whtch, upon reasonable inspection exceeds the sizs ai-id waight fimits shDtivn tn lEem 20. lf the re-cep#acln excreds the bize bncSlor lirriits statzd in it3t-n 20, is over8lfed, ' or the top is unable to be clflsed, but the company tt' hspDri~ the r,~aferials, the follawing additional charges will appiy.. ' $ P~ - N07E; Forc,iarges applyfrq on overwei ht toters, caris, conf3inars ordro boxes see itern 207. " liem 60 - Overiime Periods - . • ' Companies wiD assess additional c,fnarges when provldlno seNices, 2t cUstomsr requ'ssE, during aver`um2 periods. Oveetine periods tnclude Sa':urdays, sunazys, and the followfng ho(idays: ' Netv Year's Day (January 1) Labor Day (Cl , ' Adamorial Day 'i~hariksgnring Day ' " Independence Dpy (JLIy 4) Ghrist-nas Day ( Decetnber 25) When a holiday lisfed above fe3is on Sunday, the folio~,aing Nonday will be obse~rved: Wlien a holiday kist~ [Cj!. above salls Dn Satul~day, the preceding Friday shsll be the fegal holiday. TimE is to ba i-ecorded to the r,a:.rest incremenf oi 95 m(nutes from the time #he wmpany's vehicle leaves the terminal untif 'the time it refurns to the ta; ninel. No sdditional charge will be a5ses.sed to ct!sfomers for ovartima or holiday worlc pPrFormed solely ior the oompany`s canveniencn. Ch2rge per hour: $ 65•00 Truck and ons driver [A) ivlinimum charge: $ Issued 6y: Marc B. Torce Issua Date: JLI 13, 206 Effective Dats: Se tember 120D6 ' . (For Officia! Use Onfy) • Docket No. TG- D~ee: By: FOR O~'.~XCI'AL USE G.rvL i Docket: TG-0611 42 . ngenda Date: 08-30-06 Effecaive Date: 09-01-06 RIECE-rvEn aTJL 123 200.6 ,wA. TJJr. & TRA.vs. -caINM. ORYGZNAL TG -061I42 item 70 has A] one Increase in cha e Tariti No. 7 . . OriQin_I Page No. 98 ' Conp.any NamelPermls Rumber. Sunshine Disposai, Inc. - GOOD iP8 B R6~•istered. Trada Narne s dha Suoish(ne Diswsal and R.. cling ltztt't 70 - Retun TdRs . . . 1iJben a company is reauirad to rnake a retum trip, -tiat does not requirz the speetai dsspa.ch of e.truefc, . (D pi~.'{ Lio natedal thaf was unavail2bie ior colle;tion foi reaspns uneer tne*conavl of bhe cus►omer, se • folimving addltional charoes, pet pickUp, will appiy. i vae of recept2c{e Ratefor Retum frip . Cen, unit, minkcan, or nicro-minl-can S . Drum S Bafe S , . Lit!er Recepiacle $ . . I3rop 8ox $ 45.00 . : . [A] . $ . . ' Con#ainer . . , . To;er, aallons $ ' Tot!!~, grUons $ . Rzcyciing containzrs $ . Other $ . Other N O i E: Reham tr+Ds reqviring tr~e sneciel dfspaUch of a iruck ara considsre.d special p(ckups a nd are ch arged for under the proJisions of Item 160 (Tim? Rates). issuzd By- Marc B. Torre • , • I3SUS1i DGSF.. JUl 13. 2006 . Effecave Da-te: Sp ter~ber 1, 2006 . ~ , • {For Oftrcia! Use ORIy} t7ocket ho. TG- Date: BY: ' F'OR OFFICIAL IIS ONLY bae tet: TCr-061142 Agenda .Date: 08-30-06 Efj`'ective Dase: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12 2006 WA. U-I'. TRANS. C0-M17. ORIGTN~-'~.L 'I'G-061142 ' Tariif No. 7 - . . . . . _ . ' Original.Page Ho. I9 Company N:me/Pe`mii Number. Sunshine Disposal, lnc. - GOD0199 B RQ• ls4ered Trade Name s) dba Sunshine Dis sal ared Re ciing • , . ~ - •ltem 75 - Flat Monthh,r Gharo_es . . Tnis ruie 2ppfies in oonnection with lterrts 120, 130, 24A, 245, 250, 255, 200, 265, 270, and 275. A flst monthiy charge mry ba sssassed if computed as fioflovvs: . 1. if we6;-kly senrice is provided::Multiply the rate times 4.33 Gnd then muIJply that ngure bmes tha num~..t of units picksd up. • • 2. !i every other weak service is provided, Multipty tfie r2te times 2.17 and thm-n muiSpiy thGt figure bmes the number of units, pickzd up. 3. For Items 240, 200, 260, a.nd 270: For pernanent, reguiarfy scheduled pEckups, afat mon'Lhty ' . charge may be assessed if compu'led as foIlovr: . a. For weekly service, each container provided: I. If monthly ren# is shakvn: monthty rert plL-s (4.33 times pickup mta times number . `af pickups perweex) H. If monthly rent is not shown, 1st pickup raEe plus (3. 33 times sddi~or~al pick~!p.ra~) , pius (4.33 times addi#iQnel pickup ratA timas addiEional vreekly plckups). b. FDr every-cther week service, each consainer provided: i. ff monthJy rent (s shawn: nanhfy rn# plvs (217 times pfckup rate times number oi • pickups per week) , ii_ Ir montfily rent is not shown: 9st pickup ra'te plus (1.17 bmes addEtiWal pickup ra#e) ' plus (2.'f7 Uines additional pickup rate tinzs additional weekly pickups). . , . ~ lssued By: Marc D. Torre- . . Issue date: Ju 73, 2046 " EffeoEPve Da'te: September 1, 2046 (For 071cra1 Use Only) _ . } pockeE No. TG- DaiE: By: r ` . . I~YYLl1 OC . -Q6.~142 , Agend.a Date: 08-30-06 Efjective Date: 09-01-06 REcE.~~~ J-UL 12,2006 WA. UT. & TR.N's. caNDCaRIGnvAL Tc,r-061142 . iarin No. 7 Orginal Page No. 20 Company NameJPermit Nunber. Sur~shfne Dispvsal, InG. - G~D00399 B `-Re istared Trade Name s) dha 5linshins bis osal snd Re dinQ • Idem i0 - Garrd-oUt SeN'Icp_, DriVE-1T15 . Companip-tz will asse3s tiie following addi:ion=1 charces when customa~ requesE tiat comPar~y personnel provide . • . . Rsts -Resiciebti-al Gornrr,ercial CE~a e fQr Cs -ou~ Fer Unit, i'er Picku (Per Uiiy Per ?Eckv . Cans, units, mini-caris, orm!cro~nini cans 'tiat must be carria-d out over 5 feet, but nGi ove., 25 fee#. For each additional 25 feet nr fracUon o7 25 feet, add ' . ; NOTE; The company may eiect to driva in at tne ratp-s shovrn abcve, except the charge will be limiied to Qne can, unit, mini-can, or miuo-minf cen. !f cans, ' unifs, mini-cans, or micro-'ninkans are carried over 125 feet, but are sa;edy accessiblo- fo the campany's vehicle, the drive-in charges si,otvn belovr musE be assessed instsed. • ;2ate . • . Residenti2l Gommercial ' Char e for Dm+e-ins ( eT icku ) Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit, Per P9ckup Drn+emin on drn+rtvays of over 125 fe:t, but fess +an 250 feet Drive-ins on drtveways af over 204 ree#, , . bul- lass tiian 1114 miia • For e~ch il10 mfle over 1110 mile NIOTE: For tfi3 purpose Dfi assessing c(rve-in fees, a drnrewry is defined es provtding • access to a sinafe residence. If adriveway provEdes acop-ss to mu{tiple reslc4ences or ecr,ounfis, nfl drivewAn fees wilJ ba assessed. Issueti By. Marc B. Torre lssue Date: Jul 13, 2406 ' Eifec:iva Date: Se tember 2006 ' (Fflr Officra! Use Or,ly) Docket No. TG- • . . . FOR OFFICL4L U5'E O1VLY - Docket: TG-061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 REc~~~ ~ 12 2ao6-~vA. Uc. & TRAINS. coMIM..oRxGalvAL TG-061142 . TaaifP Na 7 . Original Fage No. 21 ' Company NamelParrnft Numbar. Sunshine Dlsposal, Inc. - G00OM B R isterad i rade I~ame s dba Sunshine Dispoxl and R cfin ~ It=m 90 - Caii Carriaae - Special Services ' • Rate . . Residental Commercial. , Servir,e Per Unit, Per Pickup Per Unit Per Picku Stairs or sie s- sbr each ste up or down Ovefiead obstructions - for each overftm-ad ' . - obstrudon less than'8 ;~ebt from the round • - ' ' Sunken or eievated ccsWunits - far cans, units, minf-cans, or rnicro-mini-cans fufly ' or partially undergrotand or over 4 feet above round, but not involvina stairs or st?D5 . - • . . . Issued By: ' Marc B. Torre ' . Issue Date: Juf 13, 2006 Effecfive Date: September 1, 2006 , (t-or Orficizl Use Only) DOCket N0. TG- Daie: B)': L„ 1 Gl Y • . . OC c. Tl.r-0151142 - A,;erzda Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 ..RECKME) J-CJL I23 2006 WA. UT. & TRANS. CONIM. OR.IGD~AL TG-061142Tariffi Nfl. 7 • . Original Ffloe No. 22 Compaiiy NGrrte5--erTnit Number. Sun:.nine Dis;»szl, fnc. - GflD13199 B . Registared Trad° Nasns(s) dbG 5unshine bisposal and R ycfin. Ifem 100 Rasidentiaf 5ervive - MontsEv RatPS fcontinvad on next Daoe Raies in this itzm apply: (1) To solid wasfa collection,,curbslda rEcycling (t:tilet-a nohd) and yarazst*y seivicas (wh2re s'ioted) for rssidenflal pmpertty. i nis includes single fl-arr-1ify dwellings, duplexas, 3Fartm,ents, moaile~homps, • condomir~iums, eic., where se~rvice i> bil6ed diractiy to. the occupant af aach resident-l unlt, ena'or (2) \Nhen reqvired by a focal governmerit senrice level ordinance, soiid vhraste callecaon, curbside recycling, and.yardwas`a s~arykc- must be provided fflr single4amily dwelling:., duplexes, mobile home-s, oondorniniums, a68 apa&mz6t'bui18-i69s.of 1ess than rssidential units, where'sen+ice'ia billed tfl ttie properiy owmer oc manag3r. Rates below apply (n `.he follovring serdice area: Number oi Fre-quency Gaibage Racycle Yardvras•.e Number oi Frequenty G6rbaeg ~+ryde Yardv.asLa . Unit o; Type of Se,-vYm- Sezvine &e-rica Untis or 7ype at ' Semc~ Servica SenIL-- ofCordain-ars 6erviN Rat. ftafe -R::t-- . a`ContaLi>rs 5aw1ce Rate Rste- Ratg I , . ~ Frequgncy of Sen't:2 COdPS:1NG=V6reekly GDib3o9; E01R'GEvery Ouhcr YJae4 Garbage; h1G--P.it.*nlhiy Gartapa;lNrZ=lVcekiy Recyding EOVt'R--Evezy 03her Week Re~_ycling; h4R=tJ{onthly Fcecyciing; llct othars lisetd by camparr}: • No'te 1: Descriptionlnufes related 4o recycling program are- shown on paae , No4e 2: DescriptionlrWe.a related tn yardtvaste program ere shown on psge Note 3: Ir, acfdition to the recycling ra~es shown above, a reCycling ~eb'ti/credi~ofi$ applie:- Recycling service rates on thfs page expire on: • Issued By: Marc B. Torre Issue Da:e: Ju 13, 2406 . EttecEive Qafe: September 9, 2006 . (For Officral Use Onh;) Dacket No. i'G- Date: syr ` i - FOR aFFIC.tAL Z'ISE 0?VLY Docket: TG-0611 42 Ageii.dQ Date: 08-30-06 ' Effective Date: 09-01-06 I2ECEIVED JTJL. 125 2006 wA. UT. & TRA.vs. coII~Bz. ORIGINA-L. TG-061142 . . . . _ . . ~ . . Tariff No. 7 Original PaGa No. 23 . . Company NamelPecmff Nlumbar. 5unshine Disposal, Inc. - GDO0199 B Re istered Trade Nam s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Recycling. - Item 100 - Residentiel SafYJCiE - MDI'ithtv Rates (conbnuQd from previous Daae) Nate 4: Customers will be cfzarged for seivice rquested zven if fetiver t!ne#s are pick$d up on a parfld.iiar . t-ip. No cradll wiH be given for ~ariially fifled cans. No credi# vAll be gi'ren ff cusforr}er'tails to sEt recxptacles *out far collec5on. . : Nofe 5: ~or customer ori auiomatad servica routas: Tha company WH assess rDil-ou$ charges whsre, due bo c9rcuinstances olit-bide the conb-ol of the dmrer, ti-ie dmre; is required to move an automated • cart or tolter mflre than feet in otder to reach fihe truck. Ttte charge for this rof!-ou# sarvice is: ~ - per cart or toter, per pF'KUp. Npte 6: The ch-zrge for zn oocasional extr'a residential bag,,can, unif, tofer, nini=:,~n, or mfcrti-rninl-car► on a regular pickup is: ` ' Rale per recepfacle . • T e of rece tacfe per picku • ' 32 allon can or unit Min l-can $ ltidfcro-rn[nican $ . . • 6 allon toter - $ . 90-oMion #oter ' $ - Ba • S . . . OFher Other Note 7: Custome,-s may request no mor-3 than one pic;tup per month, on an "on call° basis, st $ p~r caNunf3. Service wiff be rendered on the norrnal Echeduled pfclk-up day ror tl',e area in which Ehe custflmer resfoes. No`e: If austomer te,quites senrice Eo be provided on ather #han' nomZal scheduled pickup day, rates for special pickups vrifl,appfy, fssued By_ f,lrarc B. Torre Issue Dafe: Ju1 113, 2006 ' Effeciive Dafe: Se llember.1, 2000 • (For Ot7rclel Use Only) Doc'get h'o. `I G- Dafe: BY: < <J - FoR aF T c.r u orv~.1Doc r: -0611e2 hgenda .I7rzte: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 REcEIVED rUL 123 2006 WA. vT. & TRAtvs. coiNLW.T. ORTGINAL TG-061142 Tariff ho. 7 . Origiiial Page No. 24 Cornp.:ny Narnvmlerr,i? Numhnr: . Sunshine DisDos3f, Inc. - G000199 B Registered Trade Name(s) cfh2 Sunshine Disposal and Racycfina Item 100 - Resfdential Service - N,onthN Rahs c4n5nuPd1 • . Curbslde recyciing proviE;ions'shoivn on this paaa app1y on6y in the follev:ing service Era-a: ' ; 0ovring is a descripdon os the recpcling program (type of cflntainers, frequency, etc.). Program provitied in accorcarwe with Ordinance No. of (nane of County or Ci:ry). Sper-ial rules relGted tor rc-cycling program: ~ . Issued By:, Pfaro B. ToR'e . • . - issue Date: Jul 13, 2005 . Efffeciive Date: S-eptember 1, 2006 l ~ (For Omcial Use Only) ~1. Doclcei ho.,TG- Date: eY: r 'i Ts - oNZ~ l..i ..L+ -061 1Q2 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effectivp- Daie: 09-01-06 . RECJEUVED JUTL 12; 2006 WA. U-'I'. &`I`RA.NS. C4MM. OR.TCINAL TG-061142 Tailff No. 7 Origlna! Pags. t1a. 25 Gompany NSmelPermit Nu7ber. Sunshine Disposal, Inc. - G4001e9 S Reg9stered Trade Name s • dha Sunshllne DispQsal 3nd Recycfing rd Item 1 UD ~ Residsntial 5ervice - Aionthiv Retes (conbnued) Yardwasfe provisions showit on thi5 page appty orily In the follawing sendc-- area: • Folfowing 'ts,a descfiption of the Yarftraste program {i}rpe of containers, srequency, efc.). Progrrri prcviided in acc~rdance vrit;n Ordfnance tJ'o: of • (name of County or City). Special rufes related tor yardweste progiam: Issued By: - Narc B. Tort-e lssue DGte: Jul 13, 2008 -Effecifve Date: Se tember l,'2006 (1Cor D,ciaf Use Only) ' ~ C3ocket No. TG- Dafe: BY 61142 . Agefzda Date: 08-30-06 ' - Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECEWE.13 JT.T.G 123 2006 WA. UT. ~TRANS. COivM. ORIGT_~~U TG061142. Tariff No. 7 Oricinal Page No. 28 CompGny NameiParmif Rumber. Sunshtna.DisDosal, inc. - G000199 B C _ - • • Rs istai-ed Trade Name(s dbd 5Ainshirre DisDosal and Rec cling ' Ite 105 Nulti-famflv Setvice - Mon`.}tl~,'R~ates Sevice Area: . ' :ii.. _yeilons oalbis _ gelinns gaflores _ galSons other other _otfiar o`her Rarnber of . . . ^ece bcl:.z • Freeuency . ( . ~ af :eNice Initia! Deliver9 C~a~a RQn4 ►'er I ' 1 DaY ~ R°nt Per . Nonth Picku~ C;~=_r~e I . (Se' Nntes 7,2&3 5peciai Ptc'icup Ch ar3e Nate 1: The charga included in tihis r:e for rcycfing is . Desciiptiorulrules rala`:ed to rzcycling progracn are shoum oei page N' ote 2: The ciiarge inctuded in this rte for yardNvaste is $ . Descripbvnlrvles Falated to ~ yardwaste psagram are shown on pagt. Note 3: Recycling credWdebit (if, appficable) Incluued in th6s rate (s; $ . Note 4: Customar wifl be chsrged fior service requested evvn if fewer units ara pfcked up on a ` par`Jcttfar trip. No cr2dit tvili be gfven for partialiy filled cans. No credi"Ll, vrEl be given if cusbmer , f2ils to set teceptecles flLt for collection. ' • ' No'le 5; The charge ior an occa5ionef eactra r2sidential can, ur,it, toter, mini-can, or micrc-nini-can on a reaufar picEcup is: Raie per teceptacle Rate per recep,cCle • Type of recr taci? Per (ckun T e of rece`:acla Per picku 32-j-Giion can or unit ~ • 90-gGlloh fofet Mini-c,an OEher. Micro-miii-ran' dthPr 60 all~n toier Other. , - Note 6: Cusiomers m2y reauest no ri-jore iha,i one pickup per rr~onth, on an "en call" basis, at $ pec caNunit Serviae will be rendered on tie normal sche'duled pzcEaip dey ior the area in which the customer resides. Note: if cus€amer require.s servicP f4 be provfded on other tnan norinal schedulyd pickup day, ma#es ror speCial Dickups wiil appfy. ' Recycling rates on this page axpire: Issued By: PJarc B. Torre lssue Date: Juiy 13, 20D6 ' . Effect'ive Date: -Se tembeT 1 2006 (ForOfnci21 Use Only) Docxet NA. 1"G- paie: . ~Y: T -_4,-v E ONLY 061142 _ . , Agenda Date: 08-30-06 ' . , Effective Date: 09-0I-06 RECErVED JTJL 123 2006 WA. U1'. & T'RANS. COxl'IM. OPJGINAL.TG-061142 i ariff No. 7 . . ..Original Page Nfl. 27 . Coanpany Nan`lPem'sit Nut-nbzr. SunsIili18 Ui5,DJ52l, fnc. - GOD0199 B Re istered Trade ham s dba Slinshlne Disposal and Recycbin ' iaam 145- PJ1ultt-famiK, Service - A4cnthiv Ra' tas (conu nued) Curbside,recycling pio-Asions shawn an :his paRe- apply only in ihe follmOng senricas ared; Fo(1a%4ring is a description of ihe iec}-Jing program (tyPe of-cflntainer, ftequency, etc.).. Program proAded in accordance witfn ardinance No. ~of •(name V, Counly or Cify). Special rul°s relafed tor recycling program: , --,:1 ~ Issup-d By: Nfarc B. Terre • lssue.Date: Jul 13, 2006 • Efiective Datc: S2pteitlber 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) n ' Y' l7oCkei No. TG- ' Daie: B . . --:T 061141 ' . . Agerida Date: 08-30-06 Effsctive Dat.e: 09-0I -06 -RECFYVED JUL 12, 2006 WA. UT. & TRAN5.- COINBI. ORIGI~i T.4L TG-061142 . . Original Fa~se No. 28 Tailff No. 7 Ccmpany NamalFermit 'umber. . 5ujishina Dfsposal, Inc. - GDOO .t°9 B ; . ' = isterzd 7rda Nark-i s) dba Sunshiiie Dis o sal -nd Recycfing item 105 Muf~ fla ilv 5etv;ce - Morithlv Rates (canbnu~ Yardwasta proAsion5 showri on ;hls p2ge apply only in the folfovring sQrvice aie:-:: • . Folla.ving is 3 dzscripton of the Yardwaste -program (fypa of cont-a-iners, ftea~Jency, etc,). RrDgram prmided in axord-ance widn Ordinance No. aT (name ei County or Ci'ry), ~ • • . . ~ Special n!1es rz?att-ed tor yardwssfe program: . . . . IssUea By. h4afc B. TotTe . . ' • ' Issue DaEe: Jul , 13, 2006 . Effec&e Date: Sept,-rrber 1, 2006 rf ~ (For Om'c1a1 Us,-; Only) • Docket No. i G- DGte: By; QlVZy 1 1 611'42 . Aget2da Date: 08-30-06 ' - Effeciive Date: 09-01-05 KEC'EIVED JL1L 12, 2006 WA..U-I`. &TktANS. COAM. ORIGPiAL TG--06I142 T~-i~ No. 7 OrigEnaJ t~age t~o. 29 Coinpany NamelPetmit Nurnber. SUnsn;ne DispQSal, Inc. - GOD0199 B ' Rsgisiered Trade Neme s dba Sunshine Disposal and Reqyclin liam 120 - Dnums , . . Typs of Serv1ce R=te Per Dvm, Per Pickup Reoufar Rout? SerOce $ - . SpedGi Pickup $ • Item 130 - Litter ReceDtades and LitEzr Toters Customer-0wned ReceptaciA Rafs Per Receptade, Fer Picku Size orT e: $ ' .Size or T $ ' . C&m any-awned Rece tacle: . Rate Per-Rece tacle, Per Picku SEza or T e: S Size or T e: ~ Item 150 - Loose and Bul Matzrial Spec4sl Trips: Time rates in Ifem 160 apply. ' Regular Rou=e: The foUowin rat~ a pl . Additional cubic CanY Char9P L 1 to 4 cUbic yards yards- Mfnimum Charge Per each b it avm-r Rate er yard Rate er ard Per Pickup B feet Bu1 Materials Loose rnaterial I customer load Loose rna#erial • • com any load issuc-d 3y: . Marc B. ToRe Issue Date: Jul 13, 2006 • Effecti've Da'te: Se tember 1, 2006 ' tFar Omclal Usa Qnly) pockEi No. TG- aate: • FOR OFFICIAL tISE (Avii' Docket: TG-061142 .4ge2?du Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECUVED JUL 123 2066 `VA. '[JT. &TRAM. COW. ORIGIl\jA..L.'TG-0611.42- ltem 160 has [A four increases in char es ' Original Page NQ. 30 Teriva No. 7 Gompary Name/Penit Number 5unshins Disposal, Inc. - G000 199 3 . . Regis~red Trade ~'3rfe Gba Sunshine DIspos31 and R-acyclina . . . Itzm 160 - Time Retes . . Whsn time rates apply. Ttme rates nemed in this lEem apply. (a) Wn?n netel-lal must ba taken to'a specl?I sV° far. disposaf; . (b)1Vnen e company's equipment must w3it at, er return to, a custernier's sitn f6provida schaOuhd servica due to nD disabiiify, fau1ti, or nsglige+7c° on the part of ihe compary. Ra`ual waiting tirte or #ime taken in re`_um'sng to tie si;e will ba charoad-for, o; (c) Vdhen a customer arciers a sir~g6e, special, or emergency pickup, or when otier hems in this #ariff rfet to this Item. ' , . ~{o~v rates ar~ recorded and charged. Tine must be recorded and charged ior to 6-ie nearest incremBnt of 115 minuges.*.Tme rafPs appfy for tha period from the €im--- the cbmpany's vahicie leaves the conpany's ten inal untif lt r6tUms to ii►e ferminal, excluding iri.arruptlons. F.n ir,terruption is e sitUation causing stoppaget ai • . senrice that is in :he co;iJOI of the campeny and noE fi the cont,rol oi the cusfomer. Examples includ$: conee - brea:{s, lu,ch breGks, breakdown af equipmeni, and simii3r occurrences. pisposal fees in additioti to tima rtes. It?m 230 dispasal fees for ifia specific disposal site or faci['rty used . wlll appty in addiboii fo time ra.tes. Ra'Les per hour. . 'Rate Per Hour ~ - . Each Extra Minimlim Type of Equi ment ordered Truck and briver f'erson Cha e • Siriale rp-ar dilve axle: Nlon-j>acker tn.ic:c ~ . . . ~ - PeG{er truGk ~ $ $ , . . Drop-bex truck.............. $ .65.00. [A] $ 42.50 [q] • ~ . Trndem rear dr'r~a axle: . - Non-pad;er truck $ . . F'aCker trUc:< $ . ~ - ~ ' . Drop-b~x truck • . $ 65.00' [A] $ 42,50 [A] $ Issued By: Marc B. Torre • • lssu° Date: Jufy 13, 200a Effectivn f]aie: Se #ember 1, 2D06 (For Officlaf Use OnlY) Dockef No. TG- Daie: 011TLF , , - 4' 061142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 , Bf,fective Dute: 09-01-06 . x~c~rv~~ rr~z! ~z~, ~aa6 ~~r. & Tx.~~s. co~. ORIGJNAL TG--06Z142 • Tariff f~o. 7 Original Page t~o. 31 Ccn p3ny NamelPemit Nvmher. Sunshine a9sposal, Inc. -GO0DiBH B ~ ftecistsred i rade Narners dba S!anshina Dis osal and Re clin . ' • Item 204 - Contalners andlor D roa Bbx~s - General Rules • . Avai(abifify. A cotnpany n'just maintain a suppBy of ali sizes af r,on#ainers and drop boxes for whlth rates are listed in this tariff. If a customer requzsts a cQnp-iner or drop box af e size, listed in the company`s tari;, and the oomp3ny 3s Linabfe to provide the rec{uESted size withhin 7 days ofi the custotner raquesi, the cusdonier must be nQtifieti in writing or by tzlephonP. , . Atternate-sized cont3iners andlor drop boxes. If the company cannct provide the requested-sizr~d container oc drop box (antf fhat size 15 listed in the corr~pany's terii~, the .company must pTavtde altemate-sized conYa6ners or drop bflxes, sui~c(ent t6 meet the e¢pacitjr originally requasted by the'cvstamer, at the same ratas a5 would have appfiesi for the reqljestei containPr or drop box. Dispasal f3es due on alfernate-sized drop boxes. If the company provides a6#emat°-sized drop boxes, the customzt i.s responsibfe sor all Ianfully appiicable disposal fess resulting frQrri the usa of the al'ternete drdp boxes. ' . , . , . . , . • Rates on partially-filled container and/or drop boxes. Full picnu}i and ren#al rates apply regardless of the a,mount of waste mpterial in th-3 rnntainer or drflp box at pickup time. • . Rates for compactad materiafs. ftates for compected material apply only when the material has been compacted bsfore fts pickup by the compeny. Rates for loose material. Loose material dumped fntfl the company's packer truck is subject to the rafies for ~ non-compacted meterial even hho!.,ch the-matedal may bs compacted later in ttie packer fruck. , . Permanent and temporary service. Tine following niles appiy: . , ~ (a) iY a customer requests a containef or drop box for less than 90 days, the customer wiil•b° billed at t=rnporary service rates: , . - .-(b) If a tvmporary setvice'cus#ombr notifies the company that it has decided 'Lo retain the conEainer,or drop bQx for more than 80 days, permanent seavice ratzs will be assessed rom the 91 st day undl'the end of tiz pa7od the custnmer ra' talns the container or drop box. , (c) If a customer requests a conta(ner ar drop box for mflre than 90 d3ys, th's custoiner wlll be billeasf under ' permanent rates. If f.hat customet cancels servicam beforz the end ei the 80-day pc-riad, t.he,cflmpany may not . rehitl the cusTomer at temoflrary service ratas. l`he intent of the cusbirer af the time sarvice %vas requested applies. . ' I5sued 8y: 'FJiarc B. Torte • • • fssue Data: Juiy 13 2006 Effective Date: Se ternber 1, 2006 (For Officra! Use Orrly) - • 1 Docket No. TG • I]ate: $Y: z- 61142 . ,Qgerzda .Date: 08-30-06 E. f'ective .Ddrs: 09-01-06 RECEFVED JTTL 12, 2006 R'A. TJT. &TRANS. COn!TM.- ORIG~i T:4-L TG061142 Tatin No. 7 . Original Fz-oe No. 32 . Company hame'Permit Number Sunshine Disposal, lric. - Gflu4i99B . " Re istered Tradre Nam°(s) dba Svnshine Disposal and R?c yclino It,em 205 Roll-OutCharGes Containers Autor+ated Carts, P-nd Toters Charges for contaienrs. The coinpany will zssess roll-out charges where, due to circurnstances outside tha cAnfrol ai the driver, the drnrer is required to move a container more t~~an five feet, bu'l iess than 25 ieey in oroer to rzaui the tuck. The c illarge for this i-o!I-out senrice is: ' . s per con#siner; per pickup - • ~ • • ' Over 25 feet', the charge wilf be the chargn for 25 fe-Bt, plvs $per incremeni of 5fieet. Charges fior a+atemated carts or Itoters. Th-- company will assess roll-out chorges v~here, due to circumstances outstde the control of the driver, the d;iver is requlred to move an automated cart or tcter more'th:n faetin oroer to reach the trvck. Thz charge for this %II-0ut sen+ice is: par c_rt or icter, per plckup. ' ~ ~ ~ . . Issued By: ft4arc B. Torre • . , . Issue dp-te:. Ju , 13, 2006 Effieciive Me: Sep'Lember 9, 2006 (For Ofr'icial Use Only) ' . Dock~t No. TG- bate: By: . OIlTLY . T V 61142 ~~L . Aberda Date: 08-30-06 . Effecnh)e Date:09-0.1-OS RECEIVED -JTJI;12, 2006 -WA. YJT. & '~RAiNS. COA'~.M. ORIGINAL. TG-061142 IEem 207 has [C added wartiln in one 13ce. ` Tal ff No: 7 'Orgtnal Page Na. 33 Gompa;ry Na„iJt'ermit Number: 5unshine Disposal, Inc, - GODOi88 B • Re istet'ed Trade Narne s dba Sunshine Dis• c~a! ond R din - ltem 207 - Excess V'Jeiqht - Reieation cf Load Charoes to Ttanso4rt The cornpany res.tves'.he righ# to re9ect pfcku? o; any contain=r, staJfln3ry packer, or drop box whfch, upon _ reasonable inspection:- . • - ' - ' (1) Appears to be overiaaded. . , (2) VVoufd cause applicable ve llpide Ioad limbtions to be exceedeo; (3) Would cause the comp3ny to violate load firnitatipns os r?s,ylt 9n unsafe vehicie operation; andibr (4) UJflu1d negadvely impacE oro`henvfse damag~ road surface Integriiy. For Lhe purpDSes of this tariffi, the;ollowing macimu;n a:efgh ts apply: Maximum gross vehlcle weight of 48,060 pounds. . [C] Typ+~..~Size of Madmum 1~tifelght ' Ty;ieSize of ►J,van:~m Wescht Container, Dop 6ox, Ailowanc2 per Contafner, DrDp Box. Aliavrancr pa Toter. or Ca,-t Reoe-ptacle (in ?uunds) TAfer, or Cart Receptacla (n oLMds) AI! DroBaxes 20,000 unds ' I I . < . } Overt'illed or overwe(ght, cliarges if transported. If the containrr, drop bol-; toter, or carE exceeds ths _ (imi#s stateti above, fs filled beyand the m=rlced fitl Iine,*or tne Eop ls unabfe to be closed, but 4he company transporfs the matetsafs, fhs foilowing acdiHonai charges will zpply: • TypelSiz? af T}~pe15¢e of . Gontziner, Drflp 6ex, ' Corf~in~, Drop Boc, . Tcter, or Cart Charaa To;er, of Cart Charce S Per . g Per . . ~ Per S Per $ Per S f'er ' $ Fer ' S • Per $ Per 1$ Per - $ Per S Per . . Issued By: h1arc B. Torre • Issue Dafe: Ju 13, 20Do Eiftctive date: Septemher 9, 2006 (For Omcia! fJse Only) Decket'No_ TG- Defe: • By: r. nn nFTrrzr,tr G1YLLa -061142 _ Agenda Dczte: 08-30-06 - Ejfective Date: 09-01-06 REcErvED rrrL lz, 2006 WA. UT. &TRANs. con81. oWGrn7~ TCx-061142 ' - This page r.ontains [CJ added 4vording a,d A two amoe!nts with fncr~eses. Tafi; No. 7 . Original Pzga 'o. 34 Cornpany Wame/reni# tr`umber. Sunshine Disqposal, Inc, - GOaD 199 3 . Ragistered Trade tJarne(s daa Sunshin= Disposal ~ndRs.. ciing - . H-m 210 V'd--hino and SwiKizina Containers andfor DroD $ox?s • UpDn clustomeT raquest, the w++►pany ~vill provide washing ajid sani' LizEng service ai Uha roiirnving rtes: . Size or Type cf ' Gontainei or Drop.Box Rate • ' ' All Drfl 13exes ' Per Yd Mininum Charoe , [cl . tNashin9 ' - . s 1.15 5 23.15 [A] . • Sram ClsznEn. . - ~ $ 3.00 - $ 30.38 [C] Sani:iufn ' ~ • "i .00 _ S - - [A] . ' I'ic3tu and Delive Charge: . ' - . ' Ovet B Yards $ 42-45 [C] 5ervice :o be provided as rea,uired by local or state hs.aitn er solid wasfe rules, cusfnmer [C] tec,uest, or at the discrebon of the rzrrier if in the carriaes judgement the cantajner or drop box is in suc~`t a cor~dition es to viola,e said laws. . • • jiem 224 - Comoactor Rental ~ Customers musf pay the fo6lcmiing additionai charQes vor compactoa s fvmishad by ihe co„ipany. C~argas ~ J named are for oompectors only End do not fnclude dfop bax or container charges. Sse items 250 and 270 - for coniain.r charges. Customers rimust pay tha omsts af installation. " Siza or i ype oil , . Contaitier or Drop Bax Rete - Issusd By: Man: B. TorrA . . Issue Dase: Jul 13, 2006 Eftactive Date: Septernber 1, 2006 (For Official Use Only) , . ' boa-et No. I G- f7ata: BY: - ~ 14M ' E ON.F~Y • oc =et: TU-061142 ~ een.da Date: 08-30-06 Ejf'ective Date: 09-01-06 RECEWEDJUZ 12, 2006 WA. UT. &TRANS. COIVIM. OR1GII\TAL.'TC~-06114Z This pag3 has A] four fncrzasa tn ass-thru duin fees. Tarff No. 7 Origina! Page No. 35 . Company Na,-ne/Permit Numbet- Sunshine Dispesai, Inc. = G000199 B Reaister~d Traoe Nan = dba Scinshine Dis s21 arcd R,. r-iing - Item 230 - DisDOSaI FQes ' Charges in this item appfy when cther i:ems in ttte tariff specffica lly refee ko thbs item. Disposal si:e (narne ot locatlon) T e of Mahria) Fee fo; Disposal . . . • - ' $ per Sullivan Road TransW Statlon , MSIrJ Rsfuse $103.00 er Ton [A] $ per Ci ofi okana Waslte to Etiergy Plant MSIN RefusA $ 98.00 er Ton A . • , • $ - per Sunshine R c!z_rs Trnsfsr Saat7DI1 14SW Refuse I $ 98,00 per Ton [A] . 1$ per Sunshine R clers Tran6`er Station CDLI ~ S 59.50 per Tan [A] . ~ per . . v~ per . . . . . $ per $ per 1$ per $ per . $ per • $ per $ per ~ . , $ per . $ per ) . g per ' S per $ per $ per " . - $ per • . . . $ per . . per - $ per - ~ per . Sfate whethe.r fe-es are per yerd, per tan, etc. Include charges assessed for special cOmmodities (iires, appfiances, Gsfl?s#os, etc.) or special conditions ct each,specinc disposal sife, Attach addi4onal shEefs os necPSyar}/. lssued By. Marc- B. Torre . . . . , Issle Dete: July 13, 20D6 Eiffective Date: Septernber 1, 2006 (Far Ofi-icia/ Uss On!y) ~ Dockc-t No. 7G- • Dste: By: r L, VIYLI c- -0s1142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 ,Effective Dat.e: 09-01-06 RECFT.VED JUL 123 2006 WA. UT. & TRA.NS: C0-A'lM. QRTGFqAL''1~C`T--4611.42 Tariiff No. 7 Origin: I Page No. 36 GompGny t~~-nelPermit humber. S~ansh(ne Dispos2f, lr~e. - Ga04i~9 8 _ ~ . R istej-ed Trda Nlame(s) cfba Sunshirre Di>posaI and Re c6in ' Itzm 245 - CartainerServic~e - Dunpei iri ComoanrJ's Vehicle Non ---*npacted t44ate-rial (Custorner-owneed container) (ne'udes Commercial Can Service R3tes steted per, container, per pickup . Service Arza: Size orTyp° of Container: PermanentService 32balcan _gaL Tote _Yard . Yard Yard Yard Yard Eaoh Scheduled Pickup 5 S S $ ' s ~ . . S Sp'scial Picku s S S 5 $ . - ' $ ~ . . S F~!,',° .r~$!:~.-~~z,t'P.'..='+:f~~'•d.;.~:~.c:~;~{:~:~.rr"C:r~e'rt:.~. --b~:~~~.':~~u„~._-A.. Tempora S@~Y~CL ~a,V°r Pickup Rst.- Nota1: PefmaPent Service: Servics is dEfined a's no less than schecfiiled, every other w?ek picFup, LJnlrsifDcS! goverbment reruirs more frequent servicz or unless putresclbles are Invoivhtf. . Customer will be charged soi seivice request,ed, even ir iewer containers ara sen0crd on a parlcul3r frip. tJo ccedit v411 be civen sar pEoaily-fiUed contair,ers. ' . . ~ ;s) Rccessodal ch:rges zssessed (lids, unlocking, unl-::;r.~t'~ing, zta.) ; • Issueci By. Marc B. Torre - Issue Dafe: Jul 13, 2006 Eflecth~a Dafe: 5eptember 1, 2006 • (For O ,rci.31 Use ORly) _ Docket No. TG- aate: BY FO.R O.~:r~`.~CLIL ~'lEE ONLY . Docket: TC-061142 . , ,dgeiad.a Date: 08-30-06 Effective Date: 09-01-06 _ECEWED JTTL.12; 2006 WA. U'i'. & TRANS. CONM. ORIGIN-AL TG-061142 ~.2 Tarift N'o. 7 , . . . Original-Page No. 37 Company Nane/Permit Numb-ar. Sunshine DIspQsal, inc. - GOOD i S9 B • ~ Reoistered i tade Name(s) dba Sunshine Disposal and Fce cfin Item 250 Container 5ervice -Dui-nped in ComDanY'3 Vehicl? • C,flsr,Facied Ma~itarial (Company-owneid oontainer) Etates stated pei coriiainei,-per, plckup ' Service Area: . • Size or 7 pe of Containzt Permanent Service . Yard Yarti Yard Yard • Yarri Yard Yard IJonth! Rent if a licable) $ $ $ $ $ $ First Plcku $ . $ . s . ~ $ . . $ - ~ - . EachAdt§itional Picku . ' $ - $ $ ~v $ $ - Specia) Picku s $ $ $ ~ ~ - ~ • Tem orary Service - " ':)t ,rja:.~~~r;~~;~'~R=:;'-~;-~: :z~.:~.~'~,,~,r,~>u:~r~•3-~.;'.~r• .ti:: ~~}-t.~.'~~+'~:~~~: Initial Dei'rve $ $ a/ $ $ - $ . 'PiLkup Rafe $ $ $ $ Rend Per Calendar Da . ~ ~ $ $ ~ $ $ Rent 3'er Nonth $ S ' $ $ $ $ Nofe1: Permanent Seniice: Service is defined as no fess than scheduled, every otherweek p6ckup, unless local governrnent requires mDre 7equsnt servir,e or urJess putrescibles are Involved. _ CustornerwilE bP eharged fbr servlce requvst,ed, even il fe~wer containe~ are 6erviced on a partiaflar trip. No credit will be given for partially-filled containers. ' • . • ' NDEe 2; permanent Sesivice: If rent fs sha►vn, the rate for ~a~ firk pIc}cuo and eacfi additional pickup must - " be the same. if rent is not shrn.vn, it is to be included in tha rate for the first pickup. Acczssorial charQes assessed (lic's, unlocking, uniatching, etc.) . • " - - . • Issued By: M?rc B. Torre Issue Qa#e: Juf 13, 2006 Effecbve Date: Se #embar 1, 2045 l (For Official Uss Only) ~ Docket No. TG- Dat:.: By: rn» nr_ rr~r.~ r rr~+ ~~,~r' 61142 .4gendu Date: 08-30-06 E~''ective Date: 09-0I-06 . , . REG`ErVED J-UL 12, 2~006 WA. Tj-`I'. & TR-A.~.~5. COPYB7. QRIGINA-L TG--061142. TariN No. 7 . ' - . . - . Original Pairge No. 38 - . Company NamarFerrnit Numhsr. 'S!~iisiine Disposal, lnc. -GDOD5S9 B Re i3t~fed Trade Name(s) dba SUnshina DisFosaf and Recvcfin ' 1t~m 255 - Conltza{ner Ssnjo-_ -DUMoed in ComsarVs Vehicle. Compacted PJiateria! (Customer-ownad contaiiier) . Rsies st?ted per continer, per pickup Servicp- Arza: Sqze or T pe of Gontainer . Permanent Service 32 galcan gal. Tofra Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard Each Scheduted Picku S S S S S I$ • 5 ecial Pic±;u s " $ _ s Temporary SErvlce r;.s-~';x- , _ ..fi.,~:•y~-,~y ; i 'fY. t,~, ~ ~e.~; H~9`~'.r.: • . ,,•rc:i-a;. Plc,ua Rate _ • $ . ~ s S f."Atei: Permar,ent Sen.ioa: Serrlce is iieflned as no fess then schEduled, every other weak p6G:up,- , uniess locwl goveirmment requ{rz3- more.frejuent sP,Mce ar uniesa putrescibfes are involved. Custome~ vJll be cha~ged for senrice fequesteci, even if f c n v e r coritalners a t - a ser✓iced on g. o2r_icuEar.tip. No ctedit %vill he gK+en for pdirfially-,711rd contatner. . . . " i . Aocassorial aar3as. assessed (iids, u`n1oc,{ing, uniatchijia, etc.) . , , . Pssued By: 'Marc B. Torre . issue Date: Jul y 13, 2005 Erective Date: SeptErnber 1, 2006 • - (1-cr Ot;icial Use Only) ' DoC:;et No. i G- Date: gY: , . , , . ,l Jf FOR OFFICL4L USF ONr Y Doc~'.,ef: 7'G-061142 . . Agenda Date: 08-30-06 ' EffeLtive Data: 09-01-06 RECEIVED JUL 12,-2006 WA. U`T. & fiRANS. CONM. ORIGIPfAL T.G-061142 . This page has [A] stx lines wM SncreaSes in aach fr{led-in column, p1us (A) an increass in Nflte 2, and the insertion of Notas 4, 5 and 6 with [NJ new ratss in each. T2riff Nb. 7 . " Original Paga Nb. 39 Compeny Name/Permit Number: Sunshine DESpOSBl, Jnc. - GDO0 4G9 3 • _ , _ Regi;tared Trade Name(s) dba Sunshine D(sposal and Recyc(in . 1fem 260 D[op BoX SeNIGe - To Disposal Site artd Return Nbn-Ca-np~cted Miaterial (Company-owned oon#afrier) Rates stated per drop box, per pic:KUp ServFce P,raa: See Apppendix A= Permit copy & map Size or T pe af Container Permanent Service 20 Y2rd 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard , ' tJonsh Rent (if a licable $ 55.00 $ 57.90 $ 64:80 $ 74.00 $ $ [Al Flrst Picku $ 65.00 $ 85.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 $ A Each Additional Pic4cup $ 65.00 $ 65.00 85.00 $ 75.00 $ $ ' [A] ' S ecaal Picku s $S S $ $ $ I . Tem ora Servfce <•~:PkY~"~W,i':~:.., •~;~~;~'P;_:rk.~;x ' Inidal Delfve S 40.00 $ ' - $ 40.DD $ 40.00' , ~ • [A] Pic~~u FcaFe • . $ 85.00 $ . - • s .95.0$ $ 95.08 $ • $ ' [Al Rent Per Cafendar Da $ 4.04 $ - $ 4.50 $ S.DD $ $ ~ A] - Rent Per Month ~ S - $ S $ ~ . yote i: Rates in Yhis Rem zre subject to disposak Tees named 6n ltem 230. . Note 2; Ratzs narned in this iteril appfy fw 211 hauls no4 exoeeding 5 miles from ths point of pfckup to 6-ie disposal site. E,:ce5s miles will be charged for at $4.00 pB; mife or fi-action of a [A] I Mile. Mileage charge Is in addition to all regular charges. . Note 3: permactent Setvics: (1) Service is defined as no less 'than scheduled, once a rnonth pickup, unless fDcel gavemment requires nore frequent service, ar 4nless put.resc(bles are involved. L (2) If a drop i= is retafned by a custDmer for a fi.111 month and nD picEcups ars ordered, th° mon;hly rent shall be charg?d, but no ciiargQs tiiil be assessed for pickups. f-J,onthly r~ntal charges wiil be prorated when sdrop box ir, refalnad for onfy a porton ci a month. . (3) If rent is shown, fhe rafe for tha frst pickup and each addi.fonal pickup mt!s4 be t;7e same. i41 rent is nc# shavvn, it is fo bz included in the raEe for the first plcicup. . Accessoriai charges 2sspssed (lids, terpina, un6ocking, unletcbing, etto): • hote 4, A gGte or obstruction chacga of $10.00 (N) vJll be assessed fior opening , unl4d-dng or [N] cEosing gates, or maving obstructiQns in otder ta pick up soiid waste. Note 5: A fse of $97.86 (N) per monEh wiil be added to rent wher a lid is reqGired on a drflp box. [h°] - Note 6: A fee of $10A0 (N) tari11 be assesseti wnen a vistomer requEres tiie sofid tivaste company [h] fo position lids open anEr plckup_ - ' • . issued Qy: Aiarc B. Torre ' . ' . Issus Date: Jul 13, 2006 ' Eflective Date: Se tember 1 2005 (For Officfa1 Use Only) Docket No. TG- Oaae• BY• ~ - . _ D6I142 Agenda Date: 08-30-06 Effective Z7ate: 09-01-06 RECEINED M-L 12, 2006 W.A. UT. & TPL-kN5. COI1BC ORIGINA.L TG-061142 Tarir No: 7 Original Page No. 40 %Cooripary tJamelPeroii} Number. Surishine Disposal, lnc. - GO001E9 B Reaistered Trade Name(s) dba Sunsh{ne C3snosai and Re ciinq • Izem 205 -Droo 6flx Seivice - 7o DisDesal Siip and'Returi Nore-Compacted N,aterial (Customer-owmed conlaziner) . Rales ~Eed per drap bax, p°r pickup , . S°NICF' Are3: ' -S9ze or T e oi Container Permanent Servfce - ' Yard Yard Yard Yard Yerd Yard . Yarri Each Scheduled Pic{cup $ $ $ s s S edaJ 1'ickup5 . $ $ Is $ a.L?..trr.' , c'. :~y.:~..~,r,f? :.~,.:.~'1'~r''c►. 'Y- Tem OTa SBNICe i~::,~,• ~:.o1a= ::`r~irF'- °'~'e'~xt-::•~ ~i:': ~t~+:.:~r,~•r_ :-ii:~~.~3?:...~'=:a-n:-;F~=r.'"'~: _ Picku Raie _ . . ~ . r$ $ Is. . Note1: ftatas in this ifern. zre subjec't ta disposal fe~s namad fn ftetn 230. . NoILe 2: Rates nztned in t;~is iEert =pp(y ~ur a11 hauls r,otexceeding 5 miles ftm the ~oint of.pickup. bthe disposGl site. Excess miles vAl be charged tor at $ oer mile or fractiori oi a . rnile. Mileage harge is fn addiUon to all reaular ch3rges. Note 3: Permaner~# Servlce i5 definzd as no I°s5 han scheduled, once a month picMip, unless Eacal • government ordinances rzquire more fi-equen# servFCe or unJes p6trescieies ara intirolv:-d. Accessorial charges sssessed ([ids, unfocVjng, un(atching, e=c.) . • Issued By: Marc B. Torre IssLe Date: July 13, 2006 . E1TaCilYa Da4e: Se `eTnber 1, 20f76 (For Officia! Use OnJY) Docket No_ TG- Dat': By: . . l , . ' FQR l.lFC 1C11M lJSE 0NL.C Docket: TG-061142 f4gerr'a Date:' 08-30-06 - E~ective Daie: 09-01-06 REcEzvEn .rUzt 125 200.6 WA. TJ-r. &°rRAvs. conIM. oRIGzNAL Tc-061142 T ;~r ~ . Original Page No. 49 Company N: melPert-nit Nuinb?r. Sunshine DlspQSal, Inc. - GOOD198 B . . . Reaistered Trade Nama(s) dba Sunshine Dis asa.l and R crn item 270 - Droo 3flxService - To bisoosal Sitz and Retvfri CornpacEedM2terial (Compary-rnvned drop 6ox) , Ra~ ~statgd per.dt4p bQx, per pfr-3cup ServJce ArEa: . . . Size flr T e of Cont-miner : Permarient Service ' Yard . Yard - Yard -Yard Yard Yard ~ Ya rd ' Mon!#ti Renf (ir a plicable ~ ~ ~ $ $ - $ Eirst Picku - $ $ $ $ $ _ Each Additonal Pickli $ $ $ Speci21 Picku s $ ~ . . Tem OI'd 5ervice . . .t~:-~ ='~:~x~'4::!:~'.,-~t'-•~''•~"^.[.ri -ir'~...~i"{'?G;y"~'~~:i5a:f.~~~:~.' .~F`.` ...'scs`!!Y~~i'~. If11tlHl D8f1Vt"' $ 1$ $ $ S ~ . $ P1C}C1J R8te s 1$ $ $ ~ 1$ $ Rent Per Calendar Day 1$ $ • ` $ - . $ $ Rent Per'Month . ~ ~ • ~ $ $ $ . ' . • Notei: Rates in this i:em aia subJect to disposal ie--s named in lplem 230. Nofe 2; Rates named in this (ttem epply fc3r all hauls not excerding 5 miles Yom the pDfnt of pickup to the dispo5al siEe. Excess miles vri11 be charged for at S pEr mCle or firaction af a mils. R4iieGge haroe Es in additian fo aIl r-agular charges. ' Note "s: Perrnanent Service: ~ (1) Servfca is defir,zd =s no less tfian scheduled, onc--. a month piaup, unless (ocal govemment ` requires more frequsnt service, or unless putrescibles ere (nvalved. (2) If a dfop box is ratepine~d by a customer fDr a full month end r,O plckups are ordered, the r,lonthly rer~t shall be charged, but no charges will be assssscci for pic:{ups. Nonthh; rental charges will be prorated when a drop box Is reWned far only a poriion af amonth, . (3) If rent is shown, the rate for the nrt pic',cup and each additioneJ picEtup must be the same. I If rent is not sho4m, it (s ►o be included in the rate for the first picicup. Accessoriai chGrgns assessed ((ids, [srping, unl(yc<ing, urda'tching, etc.): ls,ued By: Marc S. Torre • , Issue Dat?: Jufy 13, 2006 Effectlve Date: Se tsmber i, 2006 (For O-cia! Use Only) DefQ: ~ nn nr.r.rr~r r rrc* ' ` Doc}:et No. i G- "Y, 61142 genria Date: 08-30-06 EffECiive Dfrte: 09-01-06 ~CrrcED ~z, iz, 2006 `~VA. ~rr. & ~r~7s~. coADI. oP.rG~AL.TG-a6xx42 _ i his page has [A] (ncreases ta aerrr:anant Service fa; 20 yard and 30 yard conbiners tyi=h no changes to rades ior ths 30 yard and 40 yard containers. This gage also has TAI an incrase to ths mileage rie in Nofe 2, tnsertlon of Note 4 with N one new rate, and Ins3ston af Note 5 with [C] cha.nge5 in wording onty wPth no chan ? to that rate. . ~ . - . Tariff No. 7_ Originel Aage No. 42 ' Cor;tpany Name4lPwrn-jit Number. Sunshfne Disposal, lnc. - G0OD1p9 B R?eistered Traae Name(s) dDa Sunshiiie Dis asal and Rec cHn ltem 275 - DI-oa Bax Service - To DisAOSaI Site- and Retlim Compacied 1►4aserial (CusYomer-Qwned container) Rates s=t--ci per drop b,ox, par pir3up ' • - Servioe Area: See Appendix A- Permit copy and map [A] [A] . Size or 7 e of Con}ainer Permznent Servlce 20 Yard 25 Yard 30 Yard 40 Yard Each Schsduled ?ickuo , 5 112.00 ~ 112.04 $ 112.00 $ 135.05 $ $ s Special Pic,u s S ~ $ • • Tem 0r3 SarYiCZ •k~. ~.'~tb~;e~;:~:~'~`'`'i~~:t~'~:~„5~ •ia~,`~'Sc~'; f-~''.~1 ~ `~~~,ij!`r'4~. ' ''~i;~'.~t13'~~"''•~ti PfG{up Rat? $ ~ $ ~ $ ~ $ Nbtte 1,, Rafas in this iiam are subject ao t€ispasal fees named in H?ri 230. Note, 2: RGtes naned in !hEs ifen apply for all hauis rio'L exceeding 5 miles iram the point oir pica:up ~o thn disposal site. Exc~s nfles will be charged tor at $4.00 per rnile or ~racbon oi a jAJ mile, 10ile-age cherge is in addi'lion io all reguiar charges. • ~ ~ . 1`~- - Nofa 3: Permaner~: Service is de7ned as no less than sciieduied, once a mantii pickup, lnless iocal ' goveinnent ordinanees require more fraquent service oi un9es put-resclbizs are invetve.d. Accessoh_I ch2rges asssssed (lids, unlav~dng, unlatching, etc.) . NoiP 4: A gste or ob;truction charge ol $'f O.UO (N) will be assessed fDr opening , unfocking or [Nj clQSEng ga`es, or maving obsfn.lcfrons in order to piak up solid was:e. ' Note 5; A compactor'disconnpcilreconneci charge oi $25.00 wili be assessed. ' [C] . Issued By: t:9arc B. Tofre , , . - Issus Datle: Jt!I 13, 2006 Effsctive Date: Se fernber 1, 2006 • ' . . ' (For Onci?! Use On1Y) Dacket ivo. TG- Qeie: By. ~n n nrr. rrr.4 r rrt,~- y z 'vz~~rrr-r~a~rvv 0611 42 • - .4gen.da .Date: 08-30-06 . Effective Date: 09-01-06 RECErVED _J"CTL 12, 2006 WA. U'T. & TR.A.NS. COA'rM. ORICTNAL TG--061142 TaRii No. 7 - •Original Page ho. 43 Company fJatrl4lPermi? Nuinber. S~anshine Disposaf, Inc. - GOD0199 B Re istered Trade Name s) .'-d5a SUnshine Dis osa( and Re ~ c(in ~ Ifem 300 - iL'st ot Abbrevlat.ions and %,mbols.Used In ThEs Tart(kj ac-notes iRCreases , , . . JR] den4#es decreases [C] deno'tes changes in wQrciina, resf.:ling in neiihsr (nciBases or decr2ases jN] denotes new rates, services, or ruIes ' • dertotns that meterial previousty shown has been deleted . , . ' . , - Yd_ Or yd; Are abbrviatiDns for yard . . - Cu. Or cU. Are abbreviations for cuhic -77 . Issued By: Marc B. Yorre. . . issue Date July 13, 2006 Effectkra Date: Se tsmbec 1, 2008 . . (For Otirela! Use Only) Doc3tet Na TG- Date: B Y' _v-61,T', PgF_'~ r0 _1~,_ , _ 61142. • Agenda 17ate: 08-30-06 . Effect.i°ae DaZe: 09-01-06 -A, Cst~~_ c~,~llsa&.►L~c.;.` . ` ~ ` r ` . ,~`r~.-~ -~„~t` _ t • ,~~sW.~b.f...'~ 'ri ~1 WASHiJ+1GTON UTILITIE5 A1ti1) TRAJlSPORTATION CotrAnAISVQIY • For fhe 0pcration of Mofox Pr4pelied Vehicl es . ' pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 81 RCW . ~ THIS tS TO CERTIFY that auLhority is granted to operate as sMOTaR CARRIEn in iMa ~ iranspartation o: the com:nodlties and ir_ thv f.erri=ory dascribed hpretri co • . ~ • . . . . .r . ' • ' • ~ 1~ . ' . • , . ~ 5uns}iine llisposeZ, Inc. • • Cfik'I'. ' N0. ~ 1415 tr°4i Ballard Way ' . , G-199 Seat L1c, WA 98107 ' • - . ' I? -1 - ~ GARBAGE AND RE:US5 COLLFCTION 5FP.VIC~, lzmi t ed tD Bervice ~.n ~ cantairters of t~'eritr (20) 'cubic yard capacity o~r over fn tliat gbrtio,n af Spokane Caunty described as follows: Th(3 territary bounde,3 on t1.ie isost by Navane Strpet '(the eRsterly cz ty limf•t5. of t1ae City of 5pakar~e) ; on the north by Ftowan Avenue extended; on 'the east by t)ie Idaho-Washingtoa State I.ine and oii the-south by 40tti Avenue extendEd. ~ Alsa Sscfiior~s 25 26, 35 aitd 35, T. 25 N., R. 45 B., ana Sectlons 30 ' and 31, `'i'. 26 N., R-: 46 E.; and within Ighe corporatie city tlmits 61f Spokane as of Septernber 1, .1962, PROVIDED: ServiCe pe=mitted in ~ Spokane doas not authorize the dupliCut3011'or os anj encsoFchnenE on scrvices xendered -by'the Czty of,SpQkane ot cont:acted for ,by i-t_: • r'' . . . . hi. V. G. xo. It47._ 8-24- 83 . , . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . - . . ~ . . . . . . ~ . ~ - - ~ • SYASF:INGTON UTdLi'TIES AND ► RA?tiSpORTA TION ~ 5Tn~EO~ ' . CO?d?rtIsSION 0 4~ ~/~~..p, ~~P''►.,' Y~' ' ' . , - ~ , ~ . ` 1~. i J ' ~J. ~ r ~n it.! ~ ~ i 1 [ ~,1` • ~ ~ l~~Yfa7~y y ss-~c • ~o~da Te: OS-30-06 , ! ♦ . ~ . . . • . ~ . • . . ' • , • ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ • f"~ ~ ~ . < ~ R42E . R43E . ~ R-44E R45C ~ • . ~ . - • AE I 'i • ' ~ ~ Cj I~-~/~;-•iv ~ . • ~ . (..r~~~., . ~.i ' 1 '••,ti... : . • . ~ ~I 1; * V ~ ~ j _ ~ ~i~ 1 ~ n~~i .~f ;I .t • ~ l} •~;..ti~ .'t~.. wji..~{~, r..a..,r., • ~ , , . I . _ ~ ~ • t.2~' ~ ^'3! r ~ • ~ :~i~ ~h ~ i: ~ai°•'.i i li ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~7+.~ i ~ ~ u.~.ti 1 rY ~1 ~ ~ ._u... _.1L+.1...~.~s~ ~,atTV*~. N v 1 , ' ' ~..r:~:o qa.. ~ . ..x ~~fi ;~S• r h. ~ •r • • ~ a n . ~ ~ + , 1 ~ i • ~ r: ` I~ ~ ~.1 .,J• R~ 1~ - ~ r.~..rt~..~~_ • H ~.i.1 ~ - i 'k N ' ~'~-~r~ - -i I~II~i n Y ':~iyl:. 1 ~ . 1 ~l= T~ Tl' 1 , ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' r„- ` . . ; • 1 . ' .i - ,i • ~ ' ~ ~ ~ T ,r.~•~ . ~ _ ' •~~'C7l ~ ~ , •4 ~ ~ _ . , ~ ~ O ~n ~ L• )II + V~`, ~y . • w A; 1y1~ 1 { / 1i ~ ^ ~ll V IC ry / •7 L - ~ r x'~ J\ ~ • ' ~ ~ ~i` ~ • 1 1Y ~ , 1 ~ ` ~ 1 - - - •l: ~ " ' i - • " 1 ~i n • ^ ~ty a . . • ~ - ' s _ ~ _ _ .i -t ~ ti ' ' _ I } • ^ ~ ~~1 ~ ~ ~K l~. ' 1 i~ _ ~ - 'a, ..r ' F.~ .r-iu ~ { \ 'y ~ 1~~, ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I "•I•. I" , , .~1 ~C7 ~ I• " ~ • . _ . _ ' r ~ - ~ . F"" - f -t , ~ ' ,Q I WuW 71itr arctt nRd 1hal ~ ~ ~ ~ , - t, ^ • ' ~ ' ; , . 1Pafe: Scrvlce permlli~d S~nko.qe rrilhin .,p.ukanc CL o,s o~ dQqs ; •e . i , 9-1-Fi2 Is ltmEled Io Ixenl~ , ' ~ nu! aolhoriza 7he d~pIEc~lf91 o( - ~ _ 11 , ot nnr tncroochmcr( an a,enitcs „ • (Z4) cu6ic yur.d ~pp, or avar. Y ' rend.ered bf !ha c(ly of Spakanc ~ - . . ,q • or conlrocled 1ur by H. I i , ~ ' ~ ' . ` ~ ~ ? y~{ , (~.iG.ido (n • • { t ' ' e f' ~ \ h " ~ ~ T X.~•.~' 1 ~i,~y'n~1. ' ' I-..~ • • ] 7' t~_ ~ . . 'y ti e`(~ . f r~ : r ~ ' '~~5, J~k t1_ ~ ,~Util ~iD~ ~ 1 r i~ ' [ ^ I• d~ t I i' ~r~ . - - i- < ~ ~ . _ ~7' i ~tr i , i' • y ~ ~ , ' • , ~ .I ~ 1 ~ . f ~ 7 ' . . ' • ~r . • . ~ • ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~r1 ^ I 1 ~ Y t~ • ~ I~ • Y.a.~ r~ ~ i^~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ l~ 1 1~ . ~ ~ I ._f ~ - •i ~ A f% ~ ~t~oal.~ 'l . • • ~ ~ I ~ • ~ ~ ~ • • , S 1 ,i . ' l~ ~ ^ ' • . i:~, ^ b"~ . ~r l ~f 1 +~~•~'~~`~~~rIt'ti~.~IIIN~ i%t _r 1. e ~ ~ • ~ ~ ` ~ ~'i"ywr.~„1,`. ~ ~r lm! n , • ~ ' ' i ~rt ~ !r ✓ / ~ 1 Jt~. ni0c~ ti av. ~ , t ~ ~ OP °lsf~ ~L • ' D . ~r~t.~ . .~~•f.• ~ ww:l ' . • • ~ / ' . r j' ~ . . r^ .•f •3~ ~ ' '•_"i . ~ ~ IY1 ~ . - • . p . , ` ~ • i- L.6• _ E - ~ „I ~ ~ . T, v • y , ~ ~i . ~ ~i , . ~ j~. _~.1~' _ a.~~^a:~'? ~ ~ . • . i , • O~ ~ kO Qo c5 ~1 • . - . : ' , _ . ~ • • , i-.A (ZN dp~(1-" ' ' . . . . • . . . : • _ • ; . , _ ' . , ~ ~ t° . . . _ • . ~N oo~~_ ' . • ' _ ~ o, o, ~ . • . • ~ . . A couspietc copy crtbe Regiaal Stamwater Maaua! (npproxbntoly 300 pegea), can be towea ac the cuy': wrbslte at L4Ww' S,jlQkMCV2lll;Y.,Oi~F lf►CI) g010 ^.l)Cp3riIYfCnIS Publie VJotks titurmwatzr See cnd of parugraph bcginning "DraR Snokanc Rcgiannl Stormwutcr tvtunwal" Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Slgn-otr. (tem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hear►ng ❑ :nformation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENOA (TEM TITLE: First Reading Praposed c)rdinance 08-005, .Amending SVN(C Title 22.150, adoption of Spakartc Regional StormwaterManual and Changcs to LfDC Tit(e 22.150 and l1DC Glossan, GOVERNING LEGISLATION: NPL)ES Phase II Perrnit and l;ndergrotind Injection Cuntrol I'rogratn PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council was briefed on December 4th, 2OU7 und instructed Staffto havo the proposal reviewed by Planning Commission. Staff held a study session on January 10, 2008 and a public hearing on January 24, 2008 with Planning Commission. Planning commissioo passad by unanimous vote to forward approval of the Stormwater Manual and changos the UDC 22.150 to City Council. Planning cammission instructed staffto veriCy thai the definitions in the new manual are consistent with UDC and Comprchensive plan. An administrative report was presentcd to counci) an Mnrch 4, 2008. BACKGROUND: When the City of Spokane Valley (City) incorporatcd, the City adopted the Spokanc Caunty Stormwater Guidcline.s tor Stormwater Management (SGSM) by City Ordinance 03-032 as interim guidetines. Tlie SGSM was fust adoptcd in 1980 by 5pokane Counry, and the last update was dono in 1998. Rcvisioas to the SGSM had bcen oa hold since 2001 bocause Washingtan Departmcnt of Ec:alogy (Ecalogy) was in the process of drafting a Stormwatar Manual for Eastcrn Washington. In September 2004, Ecology finalized the Starmwattr Managcmcnt Manual for Eastern Washingtan (SMMEW). NPDES Phase II permitted communities are required to hnve a stoRnwater manual that is tcchnical cyuivalcnt to the SNIIvIEW. "The City of Spoksne Valley, the City of Spokane and Spol+ane Count), startcd working togethrr to devclop the Spokane Rcgional Stormwatrr Manual (SRSM) in 2004. The intent was to havo onc manual for the Spoknne region, upctnte the SGSM with the Intest tochniques and mrthods, and hnve a technical cquivalent mnnual to the SMML• W_ Comments werc wlicited by the three jurisdictions from Ecology, the design community, citium groups, associntioiis, and the public. Public comment period eaded Septcmber 21", 2005. Thc draR manuel wns :tvailable online for vicwing at the City af Spokane Valley's and Spokane Caunty's wcbpage. In addition, Iiard copies and CDs were available to the public at ench of the three jurisdictions. Workshops wcre held on August 24°i and September 13, 2005 at the City of Spakane Valley Council Chambe:rs. In addition, the City of Spokane and Spokane Counry held four nddiuonal worlcshops at different locations thmughaut the City of Spokane and unincorpctirated nreas of Spokane County in August and Septcmber, 2005. These workshaps wvre targeted to answcr qucstions from the general public. Cumments were receivcd from a few citiaens, neighborhoxi groups. (oca) engineers, and Ecology. Ecology determined the SRMS to be technical equivalent to the SN[MT;W in the Fnll of 2007. 'f he thrce jurisdictions are going thmugh the prcxess to adopt the SRSNI. OPTIONS: Aiivan« tt , a sccond readi►ig %4ith (,r withc,ut moditic:itiur,s; or tiirect statf 1lirihcr. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: to;tdv;ince (?rdinance I)8-(105 toa SeCQTiLj fZ3iJ1i1g BUOGETIFINANCIAL IMPACT& None STAFF CONTACT John Hohman and Gloria Mantz ATTACHMENTS DraFt Ordinance with Revisions to UDC Title 22.150 and Giossary pRqFT Unrform development CaOe Tit1e 22 C17'ti' OF SPOIC.ANE VALLEY SPOKA,ti'E COU1VT1r. WASIDNG7nN ORDINA.ICE NO. 48-005 AN ORDiNA-NCE OF THE CTIY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WASHIriG1'ON MODIFMG SPOKANE VALLEY MUNiCiPAL CODE SECTION 22.150 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS OF TRE SPOKANE VALLEY UIVIFOR.M DEVELOPMENT CODE. ADOPTING NEW STORNiWATER REGULATION. CL.4RIF7c'IriG LANGLIAGE, PROVI1aING FOR SEVFRABILIT1r' 4N'D EFF`FCTI1V'E- DATE ANI)'MIhaR ?NODIFICATTONS TO THE GLOSSARY. V1'HEREA.S, Congress rnactecl the Safe 1}rinkinQ VVaier Act (SDV4'A) anii the Fc.ieral C1ean V1'ater Act (CWA) to prvteci public heaith by regulating the nation's drinking water supply. "These Acts auihoriz,ed the Envimnmental Prvteciion Agency (EPA) to protect surfece snd gmundwatea supplies; WIIEREAS, under the SDWA, EPA determinod tbat the Spokane Vallcy-Rathdrum Prgiric Aqvifer was the sole or principal source of drinking water in this region (Sok Saurce Aquifer or SSA). 'fhe SDWA alsu cstnbiis6od the UTnderground Injettion Contrnl (UIC) Program to provide safcguards fvr undergmund sourtes of clrinking water. EPA delegaiai UlC suthority to the Washingtan Dcpcirtment of Ecology (Ecologv); WHERF.AS, the CWA estahlished the Naricmn) Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting progtam. EPA delegated the autfiority to Eailogy to administer the IvPDES permit pragam. Under ttus authority, Ecology issued the Eastem Washington Phase Q Municipal Stornwver Pcrmit in February 2007 and the City of Spokane Valley is subjcci to the rcquircments of this permit; WAF.RFwc, the Ciry of Spokane Valley pmviously adopted Ordinance 03-032 which adopted the Spol:ac}e County Guidelines for Starmwater Management, as mterim strnmwater guidelincs; WHEREAS, the City af Spokane Valley previously adopted Ordinance 05-013 which provide authority for stormwater review, establish mnintenance respnnsibility. and pmhibit illicit discharges inta the stormwater system: WtiEREAS, the Cit}' of Spukane Vallr% adoptcd the UU(` pursuant to Ord inanc;t 07-01 on the ~4th day of September, 2007; iuid VYHEREAS, the UIX' became effective on Odober 2$, 2007; and W`HEREAS, in arder to prvvide for the continuad management and contml of sti-srniwater within the Cily tl is I)ocesSAfy to updale srtormwa[cr regulations thut mlate tn the consuuc.uon and maintenancr of stormw•ater facilities within the City; W`HEREAS, Ecology determined in (htnber 1-007 thdt the Spwl:ane Kestirnial Stormwater hfanual meets the minunum requircments from the Eastern VVashington Phase II Municipal permit and pravides design criteria for design, installation, operation, and maintenance of best manasement practices to pmtext water quality, raiucc discharge of pollutantc to surfacc wwQcrs and groundwaters of the State. tiOW THEREFORF, the City Council of the City of Spokane Va1{cy, Washington do ordain as fnllc~ti;: Ordinance 08-005 Amending Stormwater SVMC 22.150 Page 1 of 8 DRAFT Untfotm Devabpmern Code ; itVe 22 SCCIl00 1. Changcs to SeY,-tion 22.150. The purpose uf thu ordinancr is to adapt new regulations for stormwater management thai prvteci gmundwater and surface water. Section 211_. 150 (if the Spokane Valiey UnifQrm Development Codc is hereby established to read as folfows: 22.ISD StormwAter ManaLrement Rm-uladoas 22.150.010 F'inding and Purpase The increasod llow of surface water from dic use and devrlopmcnt of re:il property %+ithin tle City must be managed to protect persons, propert}•, and the envimnment. Stormwate.-r facilities are a cammon featvre of urban development which must 1e constructe4l and maintained when property is Jrveloped or redevcioped within a geogmphic arta. The City shaU implement policics and prorecfures to: 1. Minimit,c the degradation uf water quality in surface and groundwatcr. 2. Reduce thc impact from incrca>ed surfacc %kstcr tlo%%, erosion and udimentation caLLSed h)r'ttjz devclopment of propert}-: 3. Promote sitE planning and land de\ clopment practicr; that ar< <onsistent u ith thc topugraphieal and hydrological conditions; ancl -l. Maintain and protei:t puhlic and priv;itc rmpery tlhat i~ uscd and do-dicated fnr storm%%ater management_ 22.150.020 Regnlatcd AcriAtirs 'vo person on any pubGc ar privatz real propcrt, lch:ated .tiithin thc Cit}. shall cnizaec in the fallonk inV_ regulated sctivities without first obtainine sturm~Nater cuntnNl aPpro% al frum tiic c: it,-.-Ihe regutated as;tivities for dcvelopment are: I. Grading of land in exccs5 of fin-e hundred (500) cuhic Narda so as to require enNironmentaJ review pursuant to the Statc: Environmenta! Policy Act (SCPA Consvuction of, or addition to, a huilding (except a single-family ur dup{Lx r,idence) or placement of impervious surfaces that exceed 5,000 squaie foet_ For projects thet w: implcmented in incremcntal stages, the threchold applies to the mtal amount of impervinus surfaccs replaced or added at full build-out; 3. 13istwbance of one (1) acre or more: 3 -1. 'Fhe subdivision. shon subdivitiion and binding sitc pian prokrss as detincd in Rt_ 1b' 58.17 antl SVMC Title 20, and Construction uf drywells or othcr Ult Nvells R'_L'uI3ted b% ti-- WAI' 1 13_' I fi(= il' f'rograni 22.1 5(1.030 Authority to Devclop aod 4dminister Standards ~ The Dir-ftlto Ih\elopment Sen-ices Senior F:nLinrcr shall devtlop and sdminister C'ity Standarcls that relate to best management practices and the threshold rryuircmcnts for the dcvelopmcnt of stwmwatrr ~ contrvl facilities. The B+fft4efDevelopmcnt ScR ires SeniE,r Fntinecr is further authorizcd to develop pc>licies that rciatr to the submission and modific:.3lion of storm%vatrr, enosion and sediment control plans. Requirements and perforniance standards that inelude Lvst managrmcnt prsctices shall lk cicsiped to contml and contain starmwaler, reduc:e soil crosion and sedimentatian through the use of temporary nnd permanent practices and facilities. 'I'he requirements shall l•►e designad to permit flexibility in the choicc af stc►rmwater rmsion and ,edimrnt control methods that meet the specific cir+:umstances of eac:h site mid intended usr. Ordinance 08-005 Amending 5tprmwatar SVMC 22 150 Page- 2 of 8 pRqFT Uniform DQVelopmcsnt C.:de Title 22 22.150.(kU StandardK fur `turmHa(cr Manag-rment The City adaM. V iefCtc=. the Spgkeno Re ~g't+ital_Sturrnuatet Mlanual, as hcrrinado~tcd ~~r - S~ auenttYamendad Unles$ the cantCxt reauires othervrise, rofetencos to the Ioca111~i4: hc cnns+.n;cd tn ;ncan th< <iri nf ~pok-ane VZ!!cv. llir (';tN Cterk_;hal) mair.t:tin a «onv nn_ti_c~ 22.I50.44tKISO Re,.iew Proccss Follo,wing submitial of a roquest to engage in a regulated activity, the ~>~ret~Uc~cl.~~ment tienicc. Senior Cncinccr shall review the proposod regulatod actiti7ty inciuding azry plans ot other submitted mnteTial. IlC E3irtetE3fI}C%CIOpment Scr%ices Scn.ior C:rLinecr sball deterntine vriethet the m-gulated activity is cxempt from rrviow based upon the threshold roquirements, or altcrnatively, whetfier the regulated activiry camplics with the siandsrds, specifications and roquirements contained in the City ~ standards. The fliFectarDevelopment Servicc5 ScnioLEn¢incxr may require the submission of additional material and/or analysis to allow the proponent ta demonstrate campliance witli City Standards. 22.130.95AQ¢0 Conditioos of Approv'1 '[be 9~eeie De% elc,pment Scr% icc; Scnii,r Eneinrer is authorized w impose development roquirements or conditians of approval for the rrgulatcd activities. The stocmwatcr requirements or conditions way be placed on the svbdivision, binding site plan, issuod permit, or a crrrrdod tnaintenence covcnant and aercemtni may be plnced upon a parcel ar lai wherc drainaLec facilities will be develape+d. Cunditions of appmval s6a11 bc basod on the City Standards, the pmeliminary Site Drainage Plare, engineering rcports or other relevant daia that prumoics stormwatcr control, pratectian of adjacent pm-)perties, utilities ar odw stormwuter fncilities, slope stabilization end the onvirunmcnt_ t- ~~'-n • -~Af~ I E~w~lrtirg~r- . ~+~-~~-=--Kst•p~~J :i~•h=4 {f-%,~ti'r4-'. frl-1~iCt'4 A Me A-WROP 'i rrfe 4iti %~c'++-t:*r'eP+?F?t_=rW. .K~~!Ic`t~--+i-~l~i--~~:r.4~: ::~•r.,t,fd{tf.~-I~C~ :.f-:i--tit'+fi'~if~ie`P '8...'.,MAoffPHt . , fiFi'-'r.rt s'q3rithd-'--'ptiir . ~ . ;:ir:=►F;7j11~--r'Hr~ tt+7it~f?!s~f4-_-=-~~#trli7+-'rf N'=r?:%i fJsc.K!~Y-+7t~r*5'th+~ ~rf1~'t: tArg tAd %wermg7-x-Ac'~JM' N'f:i-5: hri14c`j''--rM aJ?Pe%~Iee- ~$1ej~-+s/e~r~t;~-,r~ irrt'*lFrY;-b;' :1 ~ , ~ca t , . . I?Aefir ' Orciinance 08-005 Amending Stormwater SVMC 22 150 Page 3 of 8 pRqFT I.Jnifarm Uevelopment Cod? i itle 22 - . ~wre, • . .~{iJ! :1.,. .1~..:...~.... ~..,1_. • _ . poka"e 4 2mv-tWid-~i°~t . . • • -~ei RuYer . , . . . '_•ri , . f'?4 . " . . Spekleft• 1'tfYK1.` F-iid- , woi-ile pefson-h~?vifigvF-~r'~~-t~~~.~a}.•t , i?tit'iiefztA ifti+o 7 3640H. , . , 4:01101A's: . g . . - . . . ~ y--er-w' , {3AA9}~uffe-faeEOr-Pr-i • . withi" , ' . r~►t:s.3rt~~f►~~ ;i►~ .~ttso _ - Pteb;e-f'-F+ } .,~?z:..~i~t " ,:~*Ci~-iy's':i:tz-i--.-ca.L=_~F~~;ii .~-,t` ..ic r.~•;ii;;r.:}-::t-i•,;~--;,+ V -Nl.>>.. ..f : ii-i:.-•=-•-ii{~;:~ 'T-='t•~~ - ' il-i~.. _ _ . . . ----.r-~.rrt - qhnll , %r . E ' - _ . . .=i • Iiz:- - de-iiiei. Gdzsa..l. .1-i ti:i.._•--- . 22.]SO.A89970 Deviations aad Appeat• 1. Aulhority. Tbe 4~-L+qD.%Ll., L..~ a dcN iauun 1ronl tht: requirements of this ordinance or City standards. [n granring any dcviaiioa, dic ~ urFec+zifDrvelopmet7t Services SeninT Er~ rr~:i\ ~ re;crihe cc~n~iitions tl~~it an ijC'I11C~.1 necess;in or dcsireh)c tior tht puhlic intcrc.?. Ordinance 08-005 A,~nenUing tito,-rnwater SVMC 150 P a g e -1 of L pRpFT Unrfarm (3evelopment Co3e Trtie 22 I?e%iaiion Criteria. tic, de%,iation ;liall be -uanied unless the applicant demonstrates, to the I satisfaction ofifie ~~~rile~rlQpmeni `en iccs Scnior Ln gineer, the foliowing: a_ Deviations arc baced upon sound engineeiing principies, Uest msnagement practices and are not ineonsistent with the public interest in stormwater control and emiromnental protxtian; b. The gtanting of the dcviation will not be unduly detrimcntal vr injurious to othcr properties in the vicinity and downstrcam: c. Tbe pmposod deviafion does not conflict aitfi or modify a condition nf appmval; and d. Deviaiions meet requircments for safety, function, appearence, and maintamnbility. 3. f'rior approval. Any deviation shall be approved priar tn acxeptance of r+esidential and commcrcisl construction plsns and i5suance of any building, approach, or site csork pcrmits. ~ 4_ Right of appeal. All a:ctions of the =tcxt?zvelo,pment Ser~ iczs Senior Engineer in the administration and enfoscetnent of this chapter shal) be final and oonclusive, unless v►ithin ~ fiftecn (15) days frmm notice of the Dii-eewTkment Services ScttiQr Engineer s action, the appiicaut or an aggrieved party files a Notice of Appeal with the Hearing Examiner. I 22.150.8W30 5tormwater Facitity Constractioa and Certification All siarmwater facilitics shall be complded and certi5od by the proponent's engineor priar to any fitsal plat, short plat, binding site plan, or the issuanec of a permanent Certificate of Occupancy or final I inspectian for nny associstod building. At the discxotion of the Pifve"Develo ment SCrvim Senior ~ F: n ia't~ecr, a tcst of the facility may bc pcrf'ormed to aomonstrate adequnte pcrfomance. The test shall be perFormed in the presence of Develagment Engineering persannel. Acuptance of performance suraties, in liou of wrnp)eted improvecnents, shall be pe•rmittcd only when completion of improvements prior to final Innd action or permanent Certificate of Occupancy is imprectical (i.e., due to coRSwctian seasan dcla}s ar other factors beyond the pmponent's control). In the event that a perfcXmance surety is ecceptod by the Btfee;c?fUC%ClopiT1C'Il2 Scrvic_' nior I:n ~in_. the propment u-ill complete the follnwing measures pric►r to the trlease of the xcmGty: l. AU as}octs of the drainage facitity, including tandscaping, irrigatian, and establishment of specified vegdation, shall bz comploted in accordaaa with the accepted plnns on file with the Ciry. lhe proponent's engineer Shatt ceciry the improvemrnts and requesi an ovcrsiglit inspecdon from Developmcnt E.ngineering personnel. :1n exception ma}• be granted fac single-family or two-family residential subdivisions where the completion of the swales is not practical until such time ss the dwellings are constrvcted- 7he proponcnt shnll rough-grade the swales to the requirad +•atume and install a[l dryvvells, inlets, curb drops and other struciures in accordaAOC with the accepted plans on ftlc with the City. Erosion contml measurcs shall be implemcnted to protxt the irLSiallCd drainage structures and to psevent emsian andlc►r failure of the stivale side slopes. This includes, but is nut limited to, lining the swale with gea-febric thst can be removed along with accumulated silt, until the 5K'81C is final-graded snd vegetated. The completion of the landscaping, irrigatiQn, and establishment uf spacified vegetatiun shall be cequired prior to issuance of the permanent Cettificate of Occupancy or final inspe.,~tion for any as.qociatrd dwelling. A warranty surety shall be submittod to the City upon suocessfu) completian and ccrtification of all public improvemcats to gusrantee against defocts in consvactian. The warranty surety will tx far a pcriod of tvvo (y) years from the datc the tacility is ucrepted by the City. Ordinance 08-005 Amending Stormwater SVMC 22.150 Page 5 of 8 DRAFT Unitno;n Devcio-pmerit C-ad° i itle 22 22.150. L)U Inspectiou ne Dire-ei$f[k11'loPfilClll s~ iii IIl'ld I(l.j?a'k~l. ;ii ii(t[iCo+)f'1ti1C, sITCCI. huilding site, and drainage canstruciiun toverit~ contiorniance iLh l'itv stand;uds 3nd the conditinn: os approval. I 22.15".M100 Pt^operty Owaer Respaaaibilitie. I. Thc proprrty a%vncr shall comply H-ith provi,~ionL; of this ~«titm :uiJ ~ itN -standard,. l lie pmpcrty owner sha]) be responsiblc far rcpair, rcsioraiton, and perpctual maintenancc of the stormwater facility installod on private FxoperTy and any portion of the swale situatad in a put+lic right-of-way adjacent to their respcctive properries. For purposes of this chapter, "repau and restoraiion" shall mean conforming the starmwater facility tu the ptans on file with the City. This cesponsibiliry to rrpair, restore and maintain shall be imposed a ithout regard to any fault or w-ronQfu) intention on the pari of the property owrer. a Maintenance means preservation of the original area, volume, configuration and function of the stortnwater facility as described in the plans. b. Vlaintenance alsu includes mo«•ing, irrigaiing„ ar►d replacing when necessary, the law•ri turf within the swales. lhe pmperty awners wTthin single-family, and twafcimily residential subdivisic►ns ara not reWnsible for mainteaance of strvctwes such as drywells, inlets, and pipes that receive runoff from public right-af-way and conform to City ac;cess standards and are locattd .vithin the public right-of-way or a border easement dadicaied to the City. 1be City of SpDkenc Val)c% %+iil rnaintiin the dn~%clls, inltts and pi[c:S uf+c~n acccpt:~nc~r -it ttlc ~+uhlic infisstrvctw-r. - 3. Ihe propcrty owner is resIx)ns1'b1e ii,r k«ping upen the dr,sinaec and stormwate:r easemcnts cwn thcir property. If a drainage or storniwater casement is unlawfully encroached upon ur the funciion of a desiLznaied drainago cx stormwaier easement is reduccd, the property owner is responsi-bie for retnoving the encroachment or detrunent. 4. 1'he propert}• ow-ner is responsible for keeping open maintenance access easements sen•inv drainage facilities and drai.nage cascments. 5. The property owner shaU not place or permit, and shall immedialelN rrmo%~.~, <<ehicles. equipment, objects, refuse, garbage Lir litter from the sinrmwater facilih I 22.150.1124110 Pobtic DrainYge Facilities (t shall be unlaAfu) for any person to thmN, drain, pour or othenii;e di;charge unaiuthoriTed " at.r5 or other liquids onto City pmperty, riehts-of-way, or bordcr easements, without H nlten pc:rmission of thc ~ U'vreswr_ui: ['ublic Wcrks. For purposes of this chapter, lIIIaLItlC►fV.Cd \V81ET5 II1ClUde, but are not limited !O: 1. Groundwxter from springs or uther nstural or artificial sources, fnundation drains, sump pumps, and other means of discharging p-cwndwatcr to the surface: 2. Surface wafer containing sediment; 3. Discharges from swimming pools, hnt tubs, dctentiun or evaporatian ponds; 4. Water dischnrged from the cleaning of containers or equipment u,,,~d in Emin~-o. cuitin?. or processing concrete and mortar and the w•ater used in such pro.,esses: 5 V1'ater discharged from [}ic: 11:37;11!" ol iqU1r)i1l(Jl1. 0i' C0ili3lilc('> >iUlJ1CIL' i)if11lQ 'i( ,inol::r "n':imintint.: ,Ind - Ordinance 06-005 Amendii}g Siormwet2r SVMt: 22 150 Pag e Ci L) T 8 DRAFT Unitorm Development Code Tit►e 22 6. Othcr water posirig as.3fct} hal-ird in t1ie tr.j%el As> c>r thaf r•clu1d reduce the elffecti\cness of stormwater control and treatment facilitic.~s. I ":.1 -%.13(±120 Failore to Comply - Nnlsancc i The following is declarod to be untawful and a public nuisancc: l. 7'he glscement, conswction, ar installation of an-, structur w iihin, or the connection to, a public stormwVer faGility without written permission of the Director of Puhlic War{:s; or 2. Thc discherge of starmwater to a public stortnwatcr facility w•ithout permissiQn of the Director of Puhlic Wari:s; or 3. The feilure tn construct or maintain the siocmwatcr facilit}as requirad in the permit or >ite drainagt plan; or -l. Tbc placcment or allowing the placement of vchicles, equipment~ objects, refuse, garbage, or litter within the stormwaier facility. I 22.150.440139 Enforcrment rnforcrment of this chapter shnll be pursuant to SVMC 17.100. Section 2. Changes tu Appendir A. 'Ihis ordinance also minor makes changes to the Spoi:anz Vslley L'nifortn Development Code Appt.ndix A- Ikfinitions fbr cansistency witfi the Compre6easive Plan, U[x, and the Spokane Regaonal Stotmwater Manual. The following defmitians erc herety modified to re.ad as follows: Appendix A DeSaitio~ - res ei-Speehd-F-1ee~ lt*mrd. WA-plfli00 11HUR+syi-a~OHe-~eFCertt lenem Aqulfer. 'fhe underground layer of roc1: snd sand d►at contains usable quantitics of watcr. Bedroelc: in-piee@-selid-feelr'llie mare or Ic5.s solid roc{► in place on or ~ih ttic surtau: of tllc earth. It may bc soft mrdivm, or hnrd and hnvc asnoQth 4x irregular surface. Critical Aress: _ . . - . vi~,ef%'mnr r1n v c, f the following err.u and erosvstems: -A,stlands, ctrYas with a critical mharuc c_cct an aquifers userl for pqtable wsitr, fish and wildlifc habitat consenation :trt&t, frequcjLt_i)_ tj~-i-xleci -irra~, _:indLcclo_ica!k hd(lf►l!, 3iTL3S. - Easemeat:4:he-tiott3i*u~,et+~,t!fiht!-t~r4--,~a"rf: i>~crs. lI)e [7elit ma-, be from the common !aw or may be agQuirc& usuallY bv purchase or candcmnation and occasiottalh, b,. Rresccipiion or ' verse condcmnatiort. The right is npt exclusive, tut suhitct_tt-, righti_of qthcr,~ in the ight which is daminans. sams land. the lesscr riabt beinct subservicnt to a grior t Soecinl F1ood Hsard Armu (SFH.4)• The land nrea coverod bv the tloodwatcri of :f,e 11se is iiie SFt-UN on the Nutional Flaxi Insurancc F'mttnun (NFIP) mns. The SFHA is the arra whcre the tiF[P'_ fluadplain management regulatinns must he enfarcrd 3nd the area A hcrr the mandatorv_pun:hase of fl~~,~i insurancc ap.liec. Ordinance 08-005 Amendmg Starmwater SVMC 22.150 Page 7 of 8 pRqF7 llrnforrn Development Code TJe 22 Secdon 3= Severabilitv. If nny section, senti:nc:e, clause ur ptirasc of this ordinxnce shall tx held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a eourt of competent jurisdicticxi, sueh invalidity or unconstitutianality shell aot affeet the validih• c►r constitutionality of any other xxtion, sentence, clause or phrase of this Urdinance. Seetion a, Fffective L?ate_ This Ordinance shail be in full forcc and effc."ct five (5) days after date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thcr«of in thc official newspaper of the Cit.~ PAtiSED by tht Cicy C,,uncii thi; dav ot :1pri1, 2008. Kichard NiL117150n. 1ia%nr Chriame Bainbridgc. City Clerk Appro% eci as to Form: c.lflicz of the C ity Attorne}' Ordinance 0B-005 Arnendmg Stormwatr--r SVMC 22 150 Page 8 of 8 , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY _ . ' Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report 21 pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Ordinance 08-006, Un'rform Development Code Amendments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A.390 and RCW 35A.63.220. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: September 24, 2007 - adoption of UDC; November 7, 2007 - adoption of Ordinance 07-025 enacting emergency UDC amendments; December 11, 2007 - public hearing on emergency UDC amendments; March 18, 2008 - study session. BACKGROUND: On September 24, 2007 City Council adopted Ordinance 07-015 approving the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code (UDC). The UDC was effective on October 28, 2007. After adoption, the City identified several instances where portions of the previously adopted code were unintentionally not carried forward into the UDC or where necessary language was inadvertently omitted from the UDC. The abssnce of these code provisions from the UDC has the potential of preventing the City of Spokane Valley from implementing and enforcing the UDC in a consistent manner and further could result in development that may be inconsistent with the goals and policies of the City of Spokanz Valley Comprehensive Plan. Recognizing the critical nature of the UDC omissions, the City Council adopted Ordinance 07- 025 on November 7, 2007 enacting emergency UDC amendments to address specific sections of UDC Titles 19 and 22 and Appendix A. The City Council conducted a public hearing on December 11, 2007 regarding the emergency amendments. The Planning Commission reviewed the emergency amendments and held a public hearing on January 31, 2008. At the conclusion of the hearing and deliberations, the Commission recommended the emergency amendments be adopted with two changes (highlighted in the attached material). At the March 18, 2008 study session staff presented the Planning Commission's recommended changes to the City Council for consideration. Council directed staff to research the size requirementsllimitations on accessory dtvelling units. Staff is currently conducting that research and will present the findings to the Council either at the March 25`" meeting or as part of the packet materials for the April 8t' meeting. OPTIONS: Advance the ordinance to a second reading, vuith or without modifications; not advance the ordinance to a second reading; direct staff further. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance 08-006 to a second reading. BUDGETJFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. , . STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Nianager ' HOME': . - : . ' . ' BUILDERS. . ASSOCIATION 5e43 East 4lh Avenue, sufte Zbj •Spakane Va11Ey, 'A'A 98212 •(5o9) ~32-4990- • r-~ (50e) saz-a!~@o ~ tihwr.shba.com . . f3I1U31y 31; 200$ • , . . - • ~ , ~Pastor Ian TtolieiYson; Cliair - - - - - - • - - . Spokane Valley Plaun.irig Comriiission: • " , City of Spokaie• Valley . . . 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Ste. 1.06 . , • ' Spokane Valley, `'JA 99206 , Re: Public Testimony on Spokane Valley L7nifortn Development Code tl.cvendments Please considex the follovving commenfis from the Spokane rIome Builderi aud Spokane . RCA.L.T01250'regarciiug the LTDC americl`ments before you t1us evening: • 19 40100 tLccessorv Dwelliu~ Unils' . • 1 d Purvose ahd Ihtent"to, retluce the-isolati.on of liouseholds thtrt. is u re.sult of urban spr•mvl arid su6urharr lancl u.se. " We oppose tus language and ask that it be ' removed as if is unriecessary given the other supporting points under t}iis "Purpose and _ rntent" secfion. Tlie language places a negative value judgment• on suburban land use and . clai'nis tliatmost of the developmcnt ttiat tualces up Spokane Valley'shousi.ng stock is. "urban spraM."- . • ' . . . . . 3 a'ii Developmeytt Sttrndards and Criteria We agree with.thE 50%.of total squaY'e • footage of the principal-iiwelling unit liinitation langua;e, but disa~'ee-«~ith the 800 sq tuaxiul~n' of the dvvellula. We ask tliat you increase tYo to 1,200 sq ft to'a;11ow-greatcr options for the use of accessory dwelling tuuts Aithih Spokane Valley, especially siucc the city in ge.neral has larger lots thah other cities in the region. If f1DU's are going to bc . a viable use withiii the city to create ~..ffordable housing opt7ons; ttien the regulations need' to bc flexihle enougli fo actually be'used. Othen,%rise; there's not inuch sense in baving . ADLJ's as ari allowed- use. ' • ' . 3.a.iii. Please better define the statement "s3ra11 not exceed the number- ofpers'ons that are def ried as family. 3. a. vi 1We ask that the AAU unit be allowed three liedrooms, r►ot just, two. This ' would also ~rrespond With the request for a larger:square'footage allotivance: - ' 4Applicution Process NN'hat t.ype of perinit and process witl~ accessory, dtivelling . unif's be subject to? Will a conditional use pemut be requued? - ' . ~ ' . ,lllllOVat1VE' • " . " ~ eneoiuaged to pu~sue viable alte'rnative an(l . . : ~ . . ~ . mmary, tlie ~city is stroagl~ o~~tli aiid ~_ro'ide affa'rdable llousing In~ su ~ with. housing laud~ uses ui ordEr to a~com~►odate- gr ~ . uriiforni develonment: cdde takes iniportajit ~!d llt~$ nb~g ~ solutious. The.ne~v . ~ g or~u~ . . ore . . - ~ oals butit is i.tnportaii ~at innovat~ive housinopp • ~eds m • N.[A's:~3'S:. , - - ~ ok~:nE~~1~.lley 'n , : , . . C-J rele gated i~pr~chcal due fo resirictive re~ulae oU U e is aii ilnport~t component of • , . ~ t~ffordablc worl~orce hoiisiilg and an e~fectiv . . tolution.-__ _ ~ - ~ . : ' , ' ' . , , , . ' 22:130.035~:Future Ac _llisition Areas ~ , • ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . tr reuires tli~ implemetitatiQn.of. these proposed regulations ~ ~ I~roper~trauspor.tation plann.in„ q, ' at care ne~ds to be taken whcn usin~ ~he , on future. xcquisition areas:• Howe, ~ er,, gre . ' . . . . . : ' ' - pipvisions'of this code: t~e ortion o£ propertY id8ntified ~ allows thE city to ~~°irtually corid~en?u p ~ ~ ~ . ~ The cqde as ~'~itte~ .l~d'use or buildirig.Pe~t aPplicatiqn witliout . . ' . as a future- acquisition area at' ihe Ciine b~ _ . for laud.`" ~'~?ile,t?ecode alloN~s.f6t soine fl exib~ie ~ o' olsed piq ec °ctures • ~ ha<<ing to pay _ , - . - ~ ~ and placEnient of parlciug ~'11EU a sitc redesigz~ N~11. uot~ es`o~ impiQVemenfs tliat can.be. . . . ~ . move for~v.atd, te ~pRlicant i~s severely lui~i ted~in, tfie t~~p . , ' ~ . ~ matte::within the FAA• ~ . . . . ~ . - • ~ ' - ' ~ ' . . , , ~ . . . - . je ~unfortiu~ate. is that stormwater facilities locate d~~'n.t purch e~ tiAY he ~assy. : . . . Even mo , • m~t be relocatecl onc _ , . y . s~vales will really v~~ork'in the area) the ro ~er ~and t~lces away its . . . the city cond'emns. , p P. . p~rty. fox p~bli~ use.. So, in esserice; . ~ av~ilable use, tllus dev a lui n ~ i t s i f ic an t l y ~'hen it c.om~s iinie for ~U.e c~ty-to ~ ner~is subject to an i i n f a i r l c~ s s o f . uralias~e" the, pTOpE~y for rigti~ of ~~y.: -The laudo_w _ . P. . . ~ . ~ value. which should be con'struEd as a taking' • • . - , ' ' - ' ~ - - • ~ ~d ~;re would ask that you table tlie code . . . Th~s~regulation need's consicicrable revision, _ , . on a reasonable ~ flme~dment and direct st`a£f to wor.k ,u7th the d`evclopn~ent communih' alternntiy.e.- . . . ' : : - . . . t- :kespeclfully submitted3' : ~ . ~ • . ~ . . ' , , ~ • oel. \~hite, ExECUtive Offi . . ~ . . , ~ . . . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 06-006 AN ORDINANCE OF TNE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTlONS 19.40.010, 19.40.090, 19.40.100, 19.60.010, 22.130 and Appendix 19-A ADDING PROVISIONS FOR THE USE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AS PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY DWEWNGS, ACCESSROY DNfELL1NG UNtTS, ADDING APPROPRIATE DEFIN(TIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELUNG UNfTS, FLANKiNG STREET SETBACKS IN NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, AND RIGHT-0F-WAY FUTURE ACQUISfT10N AREAS AS FOLLOWS: VVH.EREAS, the City of Spokanc Valley adoptod the Uniform Ueveloprnent Code (l1DC:) pw-suant to Ordinancc 07-01i. on the 24cl, day of sepcemt►er, 2007; and V1'HF.REAS, the LiDC. b-:c;amc cflectivc on 28th dsy of October. 1-007; and WHF-tEAS, the Ciry Council adopted Ordinanee 07-025 enacting emergency ammdments to the UDC relative to rocreatiaaal rehiclec, accesscm, dR•tllinst uniis, adding appmpriste definitions end right-of-way future acqwsition artas; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Vallcy Plaaning Commission beld a public hearing on these issues ao Januarti• 31, 2408 and detaminod that amending ceriain provisions of the UDC rrlated to rzcreational vehicle usnge in residcntial zones, acx,essary dweiling umits, apprapriste dcfinitions and right-of-w-ay future acquisition am.AS met the criteria fat epproving an amendment including being consistcnt w7th the Spokarte Vallc}• Comprehcnsivc Plan and that it bears s substantia) rclatian to the pubiic health, safenand wzlfare and pn.itection of the enviroruncnt tiOW THEREFORE. THE CITti' COl?NCIL SPECURCALLN' ORDALtiS AS SF.T FORTH BELOW: Sectioa Ooe: SVMC Chaptcr 19 shall be amended as follows: 19 40 DistriCt Purpose & Suaa►ertiental Use Reautgtions Res+denual Zone.s 19.40.010 General Provisbns 1. No prindpal or eccessory sWcture shail be bcated withfn the dearv'►ew triangle, SVMC 22.70. 2. In the distnds where the height af buildings is restricted to tfiirty-frve (35) feet, cooHng towers, roof gables, dlimney5 arxi vent stacks may extend for an additional height not to exceed forty (40) feet, above the average grade line of the building Weter stand plpes and tanks, chwCh steeples, domes and spires and school twiidtngs and instltutional buildings may ba erected to exceed maximum height requirements, provided that one (1) additional foot shall ae added to the wridth and depth of fronL side and rear yards ior each foot that such sbructures exoeed the required heigRt 3 No structure mey be erected to a height in excess of that permittad by applicab(e Airport Hazatd toning regutation5- 4Recreational vehicles Shall not be used as oermanznt or temporarv dwettinq units in anv residential zone Guests mav aark andlor occupv a recreat►onal vehicle vrhile visitino the occupants at a dwellinq unit located on the same lot fior not more ttsan 30 davs in one corsecutive twelve (12) monttz period The intent is to acxammodate visrbnq ouests and not to altaw the recreational vehicse to be used as a dwellinq unrt Ordinance 08-006 Amrnding I:UC lrtterim C?rdinance E'ace I uf 8 19 40.090 Residential Accessory Uses 8 Structures 1. Except for the air conditiQning compressors of detached single-famiPy residentiai, coohng towers and similar accessM sVuctures are required to obsenre all front, side or rear yards. 2. The combined building foatpnnt of al1 accessory permanent sVuctures in residential zoning distncts, , shall not exceefl ten percent (1096) of the lot area. 3. The vertical wall of an in-ground swimming pool shall be bcatad behind front building setback iines and at teast five (5) feet from the property line. All poois must be secured in accordance with the requirements of the adopted building regulation5. Temporary fencing is required during excavation. 19 40.1d0 Dw6t4acq-?AGGessaty-Apa4me;;4Accessory Dwgllinq Und (ADL: Attached and detached ADUs are oemnitted m all residental tonina distnc:s sra ac~•,ere !c ;~e apoearance of sinqle-familv resldencss An Attached ADU is an accessorv dwellina unit :hat has one o{ more vertical andlor horizontal walfs in common with or a;;ached to the onncieal dwellin4 unlt A a~ce~SC,ry dA•:-1;ir:J 1-f;' 'hci c ~r' Debched ADU is a free standin3 _ - _ - . • ?o tne onncipal dwellinq uni; 1 Purpose end Intent a To increase thc- supplv c` a~~,-~:able n;,us;ra L~n:s wid •Lhmuqh better use of the exisUnq housinq siock in neiclnborhoods m a manner that is leTs intense than new development: b To make housinq units availabie to moderate-+ncome Deaale and soeclal poDUlations inc(udinq t#►e eVderlv, meniallv ill viciims of dpmest)c abuse persons with disabilities tniuries and the homeless who miqht otherwise have d{ficulrr "inglino !iornes W°,?~,In ?he c:+.v that supports indeoendent livir►g; c jo provide residents, particvlarlv seniors, SinQte rarr--.i!s and fariiIias vvith :;rOwn ~ w,t7 a mearts to remain in their homes and neiqhborhoods bv obtairnnq. throuqh tenants in either the ADU or the anncioal unit extra income. comoanionship. securitv, ani 52NICE5; ;3 -iQ r~&daGe Ah6 - -U-S~ e 7o make better use af existinq vublic investment m streets, transit water, sewer, a,-,.: other utilities and f To pratec; neiahborthood stability prope+tv values anC the sinqle-Family residentip-i appearance oT neiqh~-)-t~oqds ~v ensu~i-a ~~at A.GUs a,e ~r•st=lted un;1__; lhe cond"Ions outlined m this Code y Cundidons and (.fmdatipns d I h° desian and size o` l!~" IH.CiU ~I-?U cUrirO:m to dll s'dfidaf.75 ii t''1_ bJ~~in7__C_'.irlbtng eleciric,af ine0anical fire health utifiUes and anv other applicable c.ades b :n ADU may be develoDed in conjunctian wrth either an existinq or new residence, c One (1) ADU attached or detached. is allowed per lat as an accessory dwefl,r,q un,;_ 4_ The ADU must be a oomDlete independent hausekeeoinc unpt, e The combmed loonnt of all acce-ssory sirvctures 5hall not exceed ten G,ercr_nt ( t0°f_) of the bt area. { Home professlans shall t+e allowed onlY within the princic3 dw~I~inq J-~_;; r,-t ACU Ordinance 084W Amendink t_W Intcrin Qrdinance P3=~ ~of 9 o_ T11rz o4tirP1$~~ ~ em;Le~~li-Sh£`d tlv tJl4° tEtJ$hDld°f fT1u5i 41acLI' y ekr+Lr iJ7e prInCI t3l dN"affiTI 1_~n it w #he ADk,J as iheir P-errr~anerat residenog, but noR botfi, f crr s€x ~61 ariont~rs or r=-j0re of 'i'Fe :zIersdar ve-ar, arni a: no tirne r~ce4ve rent for the owner-occupied unil~_ ~nd h. Ac)Drov31 of an ADU will be r~_waked 0 the AESU is rro Ionger +n tornpktance uFith the deveiWrnent starrdaeds and grAP-Lr;a oukfined_ Iri 19 40_.1 Q0Q)_ 3. Deveiapment ER.-Indards and CriqL%,ha a~r~'#r.~'n! r#ira1'~in.n 'tc .n.c~=__.a1A.+.~t ' II rrl_sn#.n1 a~nnnn -I' ' ' ~ . ~ a- ACt ~ aF~ec" At~'Us, b~;#h a+t9a~ed .~rid d2taGhed. ~r1ust rrM~t the follvwFnq reouiremen ts~~ i One (1) Pav~d ofF-strao# parkkng space shatl be reqLtired ior tlhe dwefr€ng unft in adddon to ihe off-st-eel parking required fbr the ma[n residerrce; 1i. The ADU ma rsot ex;-d 2ty serr-enC f 50%1 of k"ie tc.,%l uary ftarsa +e of the p:-rneipal dweEEirrQunijrror be Iess than t~r+ee hunqjred d3D~) !3qu3re feet_and_not_rnore than_~~qM hijr&e~d L1.0001 souare feet. ,i9 7he totaE number ot ina+viduals that reside 9n ilne PDU shall not ex~ ;he -iumb,rof per5orts that are Ge-fined as far'rily, b,3y.The aGresssp~ ADIJ shall be acomplele. s~~paratu ihousekeep6r,g unit; G.v,The enbrance to the ADCJ shall 3~~ focaW on rhe side or En the rear of iha stru=re or . kn such a mannee as to be unobte'usive in appearance whan viewed fmm tlie front of the sEreret, and onIY one (11en*,mnce maY -be loeated [Ni the facacfB Oi the Drincipal ilwehRin ursit an order fci rr;aintain the appearance_of a sRrsoLc-farni';y res;derce 2-0 vk. 71he ADU unit skaala not hav-e mcsre ftn two (2) b~roorrrs: and via The .ADLI shall t~ desiqned, Gp rneet th~ Appegrantg o9` A stg6Lfjmrly tesi,uenre ar;d ["rtust b the same oF visl~afly rnasrh the paing-ipaR tfweElrnq j4!?ot in tte 1ype sr"e and pla~rnent taf ttte fQClcawfn-a: 1 Ex#erior fn,sh materia?5 i R[Nof Lr'GI`s 3 Tflfn 4_ 'Windows. in crr~ gr,yon 4rp;~:io nship pf wioth t0 n eiqnls arrd o rtentatiors lhiDCit.DII tal C~f vertimE), b. Additsonal develppment 5WriCEards, for deLiched_~s~ry AL7U'5, i Shal] be Iccxated beh[nd tlte ftrmt buflding setGaclt Ilne and placed on a permaneni foundatk)rs; II aR.A--r'eShall RreseI^4'e all s`"°.~e vafd altid leaf y'afd s.etba~.kS for a dwekl6n unit as established in Sectron 19 40 020 F{esidential S4and3rUS irl the iJDC: w. Shall nol be allowed on Iots coniayning a dupiex, mvltim--farnily tirralliN or acoess" apartment omlained wftn the prircipal strircture; ancp ~aV,4 -3 ~tc,~e•-~- ;rFaE~-~~G~ j,~":^,~~-~e iv. Existirsq c3et~e3 aec:e~ry sf-1.pc~:~s _rng v_be_~~tv_~~ed ttito de~he~i AD~1s , - provdecf Ma# ail d°+~eLgGment s?andards and croena are met. induding side ward and Feaf Y~rd SetbackS Orii,iianLe (18-wlfi6 :+trr:en€Eing, lI[)C 1nicrin L.1:derawiic Page 3 of 8 4, ADGIIC3tion DroGesS a Apolicatkon fL)r an ADU re•fmi! shall be made t~) L.a.-= Dc-oa;L!~en_: pi Commun,;v Development in ac.cordanjre wrth ~he pernnit procgdures adoQted ty. t,e c~epar[rr~~[. r Shall anclude a Fettet of aDDli~atipn a`~Frminq `~a3 crne Ieqal htleh4lder will INe_ In e=,her dwellin4 urii#_ meeEirig r%quirement of owner omur-ancv, - - An ADLJ aopli:.atPDr shall aiso be ITIE-d _as a deed restriafon with thc- Spokane 0ount~ deparCrrreni uf anci eIertacn9 to indi~ate tt'se Dfe~eliCB of 8n ADU. ~he eeeluiFement of ownef oe-gipan;:v. an[f otner starrdards for rnainta;nimio the unit as 11 rl;is Cnde: and d Caneellabon cre an .~DWs r~~~~-~,"tiorr mav hw_;.he ownar ilirg -3 I-E~fter with t~e dewrtrr^,ent +3f cr~mmunlty ~evelopmenC_fr,r reCordinq al the- beCanmrent 4r r~cords and e4e»:tions or may a-c:.ur as a rc-EiuIt of an e+ifprp:-6rne-rit ac':ion 160 C3 trict Pu se & u I$menta[ Use Reaulatfvns Coltlmea aii Fe Nlixed se Zones 19.60s010 ~~eraI Requirernents i. Non-resadentiaP cievelopment shall me-et xhe minirf'eur-ii se'tbar,~ and *he maxirnum bui4ding heighk requiremen'ts sMowrt in Tats1e 19_60-1 2. F'aeking areas 5haal be paved and landscaped ir~ acGordanoe rvith SVMC 2Z54_ 3. New developrnent exceeding thres (3) stc+nes irr Faeagh# shaCE be provided wvith paved seruice lanes not lessih an sateen (18) teet in width. 4. Afl new dew¢lopment shall pro+ride for shased access with adjaccent prrapi~r~es. Tabfe 19.N-1 Commefcial Development 5tandartfs OffiCe Gof'nR'Yef--4al MLx~ Use G lFlifk95bic'~l r.41 0 PtlC- ~ RC krC- WIWIiJ` ~ IY7L71,r! ~ 1 1 1L IYIinI~urn FCOi?t Yafd 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ~ 20 20 20 SetbaCk 14lk11lmufil - FGankIfYq 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2C' 20 Setb7ck Minimurn Side and Rear lfard 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 adj~cent to a residenEEaI u5a ar ztrne Ma7f1TT1 Um Building 45 100 35 35 100 Unlam9ted 50 60 44 65 Height (in feet) ' Ea~cept as otherwise required i?rriinanc.c 178-006 AinrndinLt I_IlX~ hiteratri [:Mriiinarice ,a r~f 8 22.130.030 Requfred Improvements and Dedicadon Prior to the Fssuance of any appravals or pemiits subject bo the provisions of this dlapter, the Devebpment Servioes Senior Engine$r shall determine the extent rand type of roadway improvements, dedicatian or desianation of fUtli;e acauisiaon areas required to ba uuistruGted as part af the deve{apment propasaL The Development Services Senior Engineer shall ut~T~ze the fvllowng in determining Me scope of the impfavements, 1 The Comprehensfve Plan, 2 The Arterial SVeet Map, 3. The street construction standards, and 4 The functional, safety, efficiency and coordinated future expansion needs of the roadway system to serve the traveling publ(c and emergency vehicles- The Devefopmerit Services Senior Engineer shall determine the extent of additional right-of-wey needed to support these improvements and the process ot dedicating the required tand area or determme if a luture acaufsiUon area shqu4d be designated pursuant to 22.130.035 - 036 below. The Devetopment Services Senior Engineer shall also determine N the developrne-it propasat can participate in any City Capital Improvement ProJed as induded on ft adopted Six (6)-Year Streef Improvement Plan. In these cases, the development proposal will be car►dttioned to provide a proportionate contrfbution to the anticipated pro)eci 22 130.035 Future Acquisition Areas 1 When a"iuture awuisiUon area" is des►anaEed. a'Titte Notice" shall be completed and recorded with the Caunty Auditor bv the Ptanninq Department or ather aooroariate aoencv/departrnent The notice shalt run wrth the land and shall not be removed or amended priar to aparoval bv the estabttshiriq aQencv/devartrnent s indicated on the notice The noUce shall be recarded as soon as possible and. m alt cases. enor to the issuance of a bui►d;nq permit The notim shall: a lnclude the tax parxl number and the full leoal descnation b. Make reference to anv nelated aeoroval file number or s►ermrt numbers c. (nctude the name o1 the streetlsl or road(s) andlor mat) rf appropriafe_ d. Include the dimension of the tuture acauisition ate3(5), e(ndicate the buildinq setbacks frorn the future aoouisrtion boundarvlies), f Indentrfy anv limitabons tw impronrements or fea2ures wrthin the acrtuisition boundarv(ies); q. Indicate that the future acqu+sition area is pfivate cxonertv; n Identrfv the reSDOnsibiiitv for reboCattOn Or fm 0f "mt8nm" `eatures or imorovements within the future acauisiUon areas; and ~ Be mailed to the preper2v awnees and taxpaver's address as shown in the cvrrent Spokane Countv Assp_ssorslTreasur+e's records rf a complete mai(ino address 1s md icated i he "Tit►e NoUCe" shall be amended or removed with an Extmquished Fotm when the Arterial Road Plan, the Official Road Maa or ather condlt►ons char►Qe and the recorded'Ti;fe Notice" is no lonqer vafid, Proper,y owner shall be natified of Lhe chanqe. 2 Suildinq Setback The reouired seiback of buitdinqs as soecfied m the undertv►ng zpne dassficaUon shall be measured from the future acQuisrtion area boundarv. If no reasonable sise des►qn soaut}on Ordinance 08-0()6 Amrttdina l'D(: Interim Or'dinavice PaL: ~ u( R COI?1plyinQ with the fuU setback cs Feasible. excep:rons to Ghe full setback mav be adminiStraUvc ; 4ranted ifi a an exisbnQ parce( or lot eauals or is up to 596 laroer than the rrtinfmum lot arPa reouired in t112 Undertyinq ZOne; ~ b. an existina aarcet or lot has an existinq bui{dina oropossd for expansion. c,~ c the sponspr oi nQw develoflment or redevebpment adeauatelv demo^strates a sit;- desion or use IimitabQn fDr the exrstinq Droflertv Such exceptions mav be qranted crovided that i The oroperN is not part of a zone reclassificat►on andlor subdivision a_~ ~k-.~'I^r ii The ar'oQertY has nc reasonab4e altemative srte desiqn solution ieas+t~ij~- n+ A'Tit1e Not►ce" is rpcarded pursuant to 22.130.035 that further r-As impacts Isuch as noise. crrnwdinQ, Epss or relxation Gf improvementsi to the srt-3 when the raadwav is vAdened in the future and rv. The bw►dina es ►ocated at the qreatest setback oossible: but in anv case shall be n~ slosef than one-vuartef l25°~O? o` the reauired setback fram the furire acquisition ar_a t~oundarv and shall not t~ ILNC3~t'd ;i Landscaoinq and Parkina e LendSqpinq. SiQnrficant landscape `eatLjrzs_ suc,7 a5 trees_ sn_ail r)e ,oca;ed in sLIcn_ a manner that when the raattwav is widened m the future a sictnrficant portion o( suc,i larxisr:apinq ieatures, such as matured trers. will not nesd to be destroved or retocated A maionty of the Vees reauired in the current landscapinq areas shall be planted eiqnL feet (8 ft) frorn the future acquisition area boUndarv wichin the future plantinq sViD and shalt be spaced no less than sixtv feet (60 ft) fron one anather b Parkinq All on-site oarkinq reqwred bv the underlYinq zone cfassficabon shall be loqted outside the futvre acouisiUon area. If nq reasonable sde desion SpIUilOfI c-cmplyma with osrkinq locabon reQuirernents i5 feasible, exceptions to these r_wquirements mav be adminisVatively grarnefJ if I an exiSUna parcel or (ot equal5 or is uD t0 5°!a larQer th8n the minimum bt 3-ea of tn~_ undertyinq zone: + an exisUnq parcel of lol has an exisbna buildino prwOSed_for expansion, or ,:i the sDOnsar of a new development ar redevelopment adeQuatzlv demor5'ra!~,s des►qn ar use Iimitataon tor the exEsiing prop?ry Su;.h exceptions mav be clranted provided that t The Dropertv is not oart of a zone reclass4flr-auon andior subd+v+sion aaaiicat~un 2. 7he propertv has no reasonable altemative site desiqn solution feasible; 3. A"Trtle Notice° is recorded pursuant to 22 130 035 that further dentifies ni:eLv impacts to the sile when the raadwav is widened in the future: and 4 The fewest number ef parkinq stails ts located in the future acauisibon area as posstble and, m anv case, sha11 cor!ain no more than one-quarter (25°/o) 01 the repuired parkinq Stalls for SJIe srte 4 Lacai►on pf reQUirecf site drainaas faulities All required 208 anNor surtace drainaqe faqlrbes tew t1he srte shall be Eocated outside tne future acquisition area If the svonsor of a new devebpment or redevEtoFment adeauatelv demortsVates a sae desiQn or use limrtation for location of such facilities on the ex,stinq prpperv a pomon of the drainaoe facility impfovement mav be temoorarilv allowed within the future Or:iinFUic.c 08-006 Amc-ndine, UDC lntrrim Urdinancc Page 6 ot 8 3Cqui5lbOll area if dfl i~ ~iCnT ;Y"flifi IS ;SSUE^d Du'SUant to tr1E DfC:'YcSiO"15 oC GL 130 'uJ i T r1E imenm permn shall provide for the relo:ation of the drainaae faca{i2v to an altgrnatrve sre by the propertv owner when the raadwav is w►dAned The permrt stiall identify the ariemate toc.ation and the means of reioca:►nq the facalrw 5. Phvsical struc:ures, improvements and utilides physica! SVuCtureS (guch as signs fencinq and archdectural Teatures} and imorovements (5uch as site Oramage '208' drainaoe svYales. tandsf-.,apin4. and earkme) shall not be located winm the futi-ire acquisitlan 3re8 unisss an mierim canditional use permd haS been issued pursuant to Section 22 130.437 If rmirtQd the shall be cansidered "inienm" and shall be rNocatsd or removed / naht-ot-wav Is wldened m the futuresubh-'i t;, Lnz conditions of the intenm candrt►onal use permit. Ali develfloers agencies and ourvevors installin-:1 utilitfes in adiacent to or across n4'its-of-wav shall show the future awuisrtion area and boundarv(ies) on consiruction olans or drawmQs impacts fran the future roadwav wdenino and other relpcation wsi shall be car►sidered when desioning and srtinv uUlmes and imarovements_ 22.130.037 Interirn Conditional Use PertnK The Devefaor►ent Service Seniar Enaineer mav temporanlv aUow, as an intenm condrtionai use, site teatures or imorovemersts located within or adiac2nt to the tuture acvuisitiQn area_tmat are in conflict wnn the provisiflns oi this Chaoter, orovided that a hardshia can be demonstrated and the use can be reasanably condiboned and restncted tQ uRimately ac.eOmolish dse intent of tt►is 208 swales, parking stalis utiliUes and siqns Intenm Condilional Use Permits sha11 be issued admiristrattvelv at ot before the time develooment aovrova!s and Dermtts are cranied Interim permits shall, at e mmimum, specrfv the temporarv or mtenm use aftorwed the condrDons of the oermit ttie provisions for and ;iminq of removal relocaUon or instailation and the resoonsibility tor the wst of relocation, removai or ,nstallation Anv aDpeal of tlhe admirnstratlve decision resoectinv an interim use shail be hearG eursuant tD SVMC 7 90 AnDeals All mterim permits shall be relerenced bY a TUe Notice pursuant to Secbon 22.130 035 22.130.039 Parklna Lat Travel Lane Connectlons to Adlacent Paricina Lats I Travel lanes wthin commercial and mdustrial devebpments shall conneci or provide for future cannection af exlsbna or future adiacent aarlcln4bts of commemal or Ir.dusirial development Mu►tipte familv devetooments shall provide similar conneci►ans to adiacent mu`.'.iple family develovment Trave! Ianes shalt be desianed t allow future expansion of the raadwav and rAtain parking lat circulaWn betv-een parking bts wrthout requirino vehcles to access the raadwav to entef the adiacent parking lot Comrnercial or indu5tnal Darkinq bt traffiC 5h4uld nat aass throu4h resdential parking Iats Sits development desiqn which vroMes for minimum travel lane connecbor►s mav r2duoe parking requirements bv two parking stalls for each travel lane connecbon (to a maximum of four statls). If the sponsor of a new development or redevelWment adequataly demonsVates a site desiqn or use limitabon for instaflation of the required travel lanes on tlhe ewsUno arooerv: exceptions •.o the iravel Iane recluirement5 mav be administra"v aranted Qrovided that a The prooertv is not aarl of a zone recJassficaUon andlor suboivis+on aoolication. b Ths orooertv has no reasonabfe altemaWe site desian solution fsasibte. c The Development Services Senbr Enqineer finds that the travei jane and cannection location or an interim tack of connect"son will not neaativelv imaact the Rresent af future function arxi safelv af the parking Ivt armlation inuresseQress trie f-iture roadwav or raadwav network, d An interim aermrt is issueJ under the provisions of 22.130.037 tor arrv reauired parking stalls that are to De removed in the fulure, and the Derrnit requires adiacent tr2vel lane connections. and t)rdinance 08-006 Amcnding L'pC lntrrim Ordinancc f'agc 7 uf 8 e A'Tit}e NoUCe" is rec~orded oursuant to 22 130 055 ihat further iOenUfieS I+•;e!v imDac'_ i such as bs-5 or relocauon of improvzments teatur?s ar aar►cinQ statis) to ti,e sitn when tne travel lane connection is rr-ade in the fu:~jrr- Appendix A - Amended Deflnltions 9wal4+ ,a+~--~-~56ary-Apa: ;Pers; Accessa,-v Dweihnq. J-);t A frees,anding detached structu.e or an attacherf part of a strvcture that is subordinate and incidental to the F;;a:F;-ernP nc,aai cfwelling unit located on the same pmperiy, providing comp4ete, independent living facilities exclusivety for a single housekeeping unit, including pertnanent prrnrisions for living, sleeping, cooking and sanitation. Pnncical Dwe!~:np 'J'11r I FIZ cIRfI_IGal strilclLlrZ !?r d{fiI !ha' iy 'rl~ r*;3ir) r2sidFn_e ?p whi-,fl :tl@ Of}[M--'y 1$ devotFd - Section Two Severability. If any se::tion, sentence, clause or phras2s of iriis Ordirance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdictian, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitubonality of any ott►er section, Gause or phrase of this Ordinance. Sectfon Three: EfFective Date, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after the publication of the Ordinance, or a summary ;hereof, occurs in the offic'sal newspaper of the City as provided by taw PasserJ by the City Council this day cf 2008 Mayor, Richard Munson ATTEST Ciry Clerls, Chnsbne Bainbndge Approved as to Form. Offioe of the City Aitomey Date of Publication: E'fic,~;iv% D3:e Ordinancc 08-0(k) :lrnendin- l LC lntcrim ()rdm3nrr p-=c A S CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Slgn-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 21 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ informaUon ❑ admfn, report ❑ pending legislat}on AGENOA ITEM TITLE : Motion Consideration: Panhandiing Ad Hoc Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Govemance Coordination Manuai Article 4- Committees, Boards, Commissions PRENIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Council has indicated a desire to form a Panhandling Ad Hoc Committes Members: Council members Bill Gothmann, Rose Dempsey and Planning Commission Chairperson, lan Robertson. Four other community members wlll be selected by Mayor from applications received. Purpose: To investigate matters related to Panhandling and advise Ciry Counul on findings. Tasks: Identify ather programs throughout Spokane County that are addressing this issue and find out what other cities are doing. Explore the potential of cooperatian in applying programs. DeteRnine a program, including how to implement such a program, to help people understand the choices to assist panhandlers as an altemative to panhandling and present program to City Council. Make periodic written or oral reports to Ciry Council on the committee's progress. Sunset Provlsfon: Not to exceed the term of the appointing Mayor, Rich Munson OPTIONS: Approve as written or revise. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to establish a panhandling ad-hoc committee BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTACHMENTS City of Spokane - Street Funding Committee Street U, ty tih* , KEEP RIGHT i :1- Citizens Street Fund Committee oWE. X A,e.mM es&. c~. Cftmck w.r,., emb. Co,.wo w sw.. e.eo. ca.ce ase OM.,. Cft r ia...~r. Wly*onMbe s.,re.. 90! BOrrirrt C4 d 9PC*-. u4 a" mowYpwam C" d fiMMaR p - M swvim Mow Pa L4T d SC"wR ►►1re Wl UIYNs Liry Ir C" af ipetarR 91w" AI f+odi Cq Gwd Wn~ Cw Sal~ AbO Mdrn tr" Govrc/ Collrft k7r~~~wed d!y d ipot~ sarrrwl L Miqpt MMr TryW Trjlat bn~Yr~7ti DMYM/M.~ IYI Gq TedOo C~~Ir Se0 Topwr G41 bsatam 6yhrrln~ 3~rMe~ Rabr NwAi» AM Clqr ttiMRdtnM Co~~ vi 3Y/ rwNers: Dift ROVwlOn4 01GL Coak L!f qNSR Or~ OMr. Yw1.d SToopeR wn0 Y~W f00li00ut ~ ~ Customer Requi.rements ~ ~Cu8towt!' Sati5faCiiori ~Bc Equitable ~ LT;e vs. Frnperty Orwncrship -,tSustaincd Funding i.Tulicy Charge vs. Fctiadic Bonds- ,,rRcstore Trust ~ Strcct Mon~.y gocs to Sfrects ~Get the j06 I)nne Gloser Re-view of Ferfotiuance ~Bcst P€acYices Oversight Committee ~Non-"Raidablc" ~edicated Fundizeg ~ ~Couiprrhensive Progmmi ► Ad€is Schcduied Recoris"ctios ~ =d . . Object1ves • Get streets repaired and festnred • D~Nisc reliable funding mechatiism • E+qWtab1e assessment • Conn~rehensive 5olution ~ Operations ~ Ma.intenance Schedu€ed Recanstrtaction # Sustain~d and predietable revenues ~ ~ ~m How Fee is Determined ~-PTAW $ase Fee Tri= Fee Based on Access w the Based on ITE tcip Street system. Thc geaer3rion tables tar a benefit of police/fire variery of uses. Bigger rescue, deliveries, trip gcnerators pay garbage pick up, arid bigger fees. other services 'ss of t*aluC t0 A user5 LBase e r ~rge Street Utility i Fee Allocarion by Percentage - Sample ITE Trip Gcneration Valucs ! ~ s -IIT1 ~7 .7f ~ ~ e=~ ~ ~ , #~S 06;~! A-% . _ l ~ - G;;k 4Q, 6;-m, dQl 6;;ij~ ~sA-~ +'-15 6=s 6~s dzb 4--s !ab I ~ , . . 4QS :S s=n, - J _ _ . _ . _ G ~ l ~.mm. Street Utility - - Fee Allocation by Percentage e Trip Fte Basc Fcc aenoemr L .'SM1Y ;4q. ssw - oa~ ~ix Tn aMrcgarc, Residential pa} s 36% Non-Residentia] pays 64% _ ~o Existing Street Department Expenses F Expts►se Dull,u :1mowit.I Strcct Nfaic1tcrlAticc 5,3,446,5-}1_11 -►Additionit! $3•2 4iillion - - C7,enual Se:t-ices aeeded to reach llesign & Operations required $6.6 Million Signal & I-onng Signs & Marlm for Strect Aiaintcnance I'arl. Enforccmrnt Sueet Lighting Street (Jeaning Bridge 'Maintenance I icc & Snaa Cantrol $11,344,116 1'OTAi. ' $14,790,956. ` 4 Street Department Revenue Shift F Cumnt Framcwork UtiIitv Framca ork Fund Soures ! Dail:: Amliliot: ~ Va'6ir A,nd Bc,m= 1 t)oQar 1►nxwst ' Unfunded I ramrnts " Trip I;m' ~ f ls.BtO0.l ICin Geacai Fuad I ;7,871,823 Baae F«s•• S' "SO,M"; 'tifntorVchir7cFuc1 hLntortichidzFuc] f2,:►;1j I Tu ~ Tu ~f-_~rst Quasur REET ( S1,3t10(W Fini Quuter RFET ! ~1 Sqf C3eaa aG'arrr FuLnd9 SSZ,36'~ C]em ~itrs Fvuds S523,3e' . ~-%ftsc Srn-iccs dc s945,766' !vtisc Serviccs ac s945,'66 ~ Rrsenuc RrRnue I -Affcral sarra Fund fl 'uu uuo TozAr. S29,000 ,tWl TUTAL _ i14?00,756' C 'tal P 1 $l ,OUO: - snme Murm.na. TkmM & OPMURA4 ~ A t qom-. SO* U-M= Sr" W,W sW. !VAduupt. p,.ly rnl-am san lJOrmb sd.t, raWeaI6 tac a sem ) ~.te~i Sttat Fmd ~e mcm~ e, ccna ~pesery ~mr~ for : w.r~ "c ~ cud ~rat Lt1 m C~m1 AroFr,~~ r wc 711n { ~ New Street Utility Budget Expense DallacAUnumma t l Addidoaal 5trccc Asauitcnancc $6,655 R8-4! 40- $3.2 Million Added Sucet Repair Badclo $1 0,0Q0 (XI(i 4- New Monty Gencul 5cn-ices fnr Repair Dcsign & Operations Barkiog Signal & Liglidng Signs & Niarkrs Puidng EnEotcemcnt Strcct L.ighang Street Clrlni.ng Bridgc Maintrnance Tce & Snow Control $l 1 344116 , ~r TOTAL S?B,OOp,~Oj ; New Street Utility Revenues Eiasung Rctcnve Sources (Trip)7 !~T I • Motnc Vehic}e FUeI Taic 52,8M,OQO L--- • F'ust Quuter REET 354.QM Trrp Sub-TauL• $3.200,Q00 :Vcw Rcvmue Sources • N.rav_TIIp Fee: S14,EiQQ,QQQ J'rrr~ 7~-t.ti' SI1,11~)~I,l1tH) Exisung Revenue Sources (Baac): • First Quassrr REE7' $950,000 • Cleaa R'aur Funds 523,367 • Sersice ac Rcvcnuc 945.7 Ba.se Sub-Tora1: $2,419,133 Ncw Rrvtant Sources • N!'R' BELt F[G; s!r1%. r~.t.~• stu,~xm,rinu Relarive Cost Comparison r Gaacral OWigarion Bund Gm Tu !'wtet UtUiry `0 1'`u $200 M $:AO M $200 bi PrtMnm !lmotmts a~~ BacLfg B~[liri~ Avcragc 19.31 C U !Rood NonchW .4muilsuWpxutlar. Cost tu +42Jl S.3?,t! Str:rt Alian ~'hurr~D I (:itizcn tl..f.S! GyrtY! Stracr Profinm S!? 59 1"Asf 1'nnl (per pOR000 weaaed pnrpertr .alocf f."i nunrhh pv vzUidc0► (Sm;{c Famiiy Homc 1 E3acktog $243 M S200 M ~ $'.AO M Paprnn Otber •Fncd raic low •i.cg;sLcssv moory tn rnluncrMrnu Iccun uxlfatina rcquucd •CcnMs}'-Wide tax •Reduaitm ot rcquircmenl Lcliqr Tnc by •Requirea tu st 10 rvughlq ooe hrlf ~ima tbc aDoa-ahk curTrnt ntc ntr I •"Raitlabic" • t?75-~ktl. Ii~~h:.u, it:licUct iWedletFn. L}C. .%Mual IUual. dL'at ~'71. h Average Urility Cost 74"~71 Comparison 2002 - 2003 :t►ii. ::K'2 mr!uding =(x1; 2110.1 nrluliv2 ~ f ` 1 K.S "s l_t:ht • , • 'e • . 1M 'tllth ~ i s ul _ ~alt I Txx i Tax tA. rQT,0. iSl_[) - 5L1.0 ' SN lA -N&V d Sz~ru -a rl.a E'V~{r Q~4.rtnvr.~ Legal and Legislarive Challe es ~ • Codification/ • Scgregated funds Statutory Model • Flat fee limits • No exemptions for government • Use of ITE data • Heahh and Safct_y • Avoid adverse legal Hiscory • Rate reduction • Grievance process • Incorporate specificit_y in purpose 7 Key Benefits • Solve 30 year street repair dilemma • Restore the streets to proper condition • Create an equitable program • Provide pred.ictable, sustained revenue • Fund a comprehensive approach • Provide for best practices • Provide for accountability ~ Next Steps • Council elects co pursue Street Utility • Lobby leg►islature • Lead broad based coalition of cities for enactment and legal defense fund. • Form Spokane Strect Utilitv ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ Information Z admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Legisladve 2008 Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: City Manager Mercier will continue oral discussion of legislative issues. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACT10N OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 25. 2048 City Manager S(gn-0ff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearfng ❑ intormadon ED admin. report ❑ pending legistetion AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Funding Options GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREViOUS COUNCIL ACTiON TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Mayor Munson will lead discussion on funding op!ions discussed during Finance Commfttes Meetings. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTfON OR MOT10N: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT ATTACHMENTS Multiyear Financial Plan - General Fund - Version A, and Version 8 Gity ul SpaMans Valley Wdl1yNr FIMncial Plan Gatwid fwv4 Problmm Btatornont V 7-260! lWU Ju. alain 7007 2001 'ICOG 2010 2011 20t1, :0t3 Estimau Eatlmmu Csttmats EtlMRW G04kn!F-t"IM14 Estarrift. Wrwnl Fww Ruvemwe+s ssw% z.. s 19.672.000 s 20.0e6,440 s 20.4oe.749 . s ie.eou.oao t te.en.ano t +U51,440 s 19.73e.46;~ P,««r,tsa s o,aW,ooo t 10.000,oao s to.aoo.noo s 110.407.00a 6 1 o.etla.020 a to.etz.oeo 3 iI,DMan; -,wntAW r.. 1 ne.ooo s 52s o00 5 525,000 i 525,000 t 525,000 s sas,oao 1 526 00, ~ i ranxlYao (ery(11e ftou i 916.000 S N4 f1W 5 955.4Btl i N85.015 f 974.668 1 094.412 { 894.25ri ;taes Shareu Hevenuss f 1,277,UG0 i 11,222,000 i 1,T52_560 f t2183.Md i 1.315,461 3 1.34N,lNIQ i 1,387.Ri!2 ^,errMafees f 2,1Q1,000 5 1,050.000 f 1.956.000 t 1,D50,000 f 1.950.000 { I,950,000 3 1,90G,(/xi ruw►LFortal0urvc S 1,290,0Oe S 1,3OD,000 s 1,31)0.000 & 1,700,000 i t,]0p,000 f t,l0p0a0 f 1,30U ,ctMI E{ivalmalloun Rogiaw„ r... • 05,000 t Wom t su,oro t 511,191 s 522.353 s an.see s W01: t(n.fi„W T,.iWds s 74,ov, s 1e5.aoa 9 174.eoo s 1 Vjaw s 1195,618 c 20e.309 s r,ro.Lx. • n,vnunaanr•n s 519.11►a s 414,10a t 41e.241 s +22 4T3 IS 429.6w1 t 430.913 s 435,222 Loi rrover Ilian vWr tir s ti.T rr 1: 1: s T 1e2.e1.2 s i 1.30 II,nu? s 14 :05 e96 f 12,415 1)5 t 9 39e eee f 3.409,4: ' rossi(3orrniFund i 45,6AA,51i s 44,I57,167 S 19.05A.6E2 S 50,438,49 1 ! 49,-764,-44e f 46,619500 t 41.81e.e26 C.soitGril Fuq ExQwrfMur" !rplsbWo ti :4:-}:ii, .1 Vd,411.' S :'A5.`-41 S q.,7:.)r, 1 V:]FJT . A.r, -ua L 4'0 172 tmcuYve iteorlrlv.e S vJ0 S 3 i tw aell, S I,[56 172b S ~ 4dii1C Si1NY 1 17 5D3 QlQ 1 IY:NT,3W i 7U.6I1,0" 1 i2.600.371 { 34,:iD0.OAD S :MIJ53,704 L 21.3Sd.OEI!, :1epLayGllyMetrpw i I50.000 S 627.176 i 671,352 i 731,540 i 190.084 I 853.TFs8 S 021.5'a, ~ nwim f 6W.OOQ 1 624749 S DBO,tRII f 9151.161 S 1.U38,310 S 1 171.382 t 1Z11.01.4: eOel 3 - a6ove ~:.urmin (tomrcws i ISQ,OQO f I0+1280 f 220,077 i 238.T72 s 157.734 f ZJ7.921 i 30f1 1 :,4 :'uw WarMa f 1.476.006 i 799.437 f 857.6DT f 910.79id t 944 .4d7 ! f,b11 074 f 1.155 W? aw s zAW.ooo o@kF., iiny s.rviam s 2.621,900 i 2.a6.Ioi i I.rnP,.zM f 3.310.4 t] t ~.-S75 aI I S a,ebl,r,; t:,ripr7aiqeiAen t 096.372 f '7St0211 i 817,190 f a7 i.tO f 917.338 7 1,023.:i~ C:uUe E14 i 2J8.8.ri7 1 257.90 t 270,003 [ ]W,IlDt i 324.962 1 960 u`_:1 1411ary f 20,0110 t 111.OOD r'nrke/Wnl{n i 850,OOD i 92D,536 6 1.0031184 i 1.061.2I0 f 117Q,pM f 1364.827 S I.386,71W ltg.romitlon f 24t.000 i I11.54Y 1 276,I73 i 248.751 f 788,491 i I91.810 t 710,820~ r.7iulka i 7]Q.000 ! 361,150 i 319,242 i 409,501 3 442348 6 AI77 73E f 515 U':'. ',arilaw Ganlrr { 76.000 i W,055 i 911,711 { tOflD90 l 114.5I7 i t71.743 f 1]],11.4 ~ ''*i-dMPfloe 9 8W.000 ! t_00 1.231 f I.140.179 f 1.237 4~0 7 1.336 846 [ 1 443.lH3 { 1.550,90 Tran4w 10 ClpIW { 110.OIXI f 70,000 S tq,Mm 3 r:: ,lv~ 3 170 UlU.i S '2LlCCTi L](}J t, anw►aSVwlFvnd 6 ooo,ouo f s 'nc Uw. t'Ism 1 - • rurcheee W PrecAra 6 - ~ t t aneler lu Grlc FadImes A 7.7/Y,000 +,ny Hu1Mfnw [HVvdA*an ! J61,W0 vrxK*vl atwv. frynsNr b 6arv Levei f :IE1,00o f S i i S s C-iC1Mfd C}OVlfI1111pp1 5 I.SOO.M;II f 3.GDi OCKI L_ ~iq(tJ )%f~ f 3 ?51.111 [ 3 1A5,411 f 1,477-I176 S 1568 1 i0 totsl GoMnI Fw1d 3]43!{.000 ]1,777.]56 77.16 1.267 40.3T3,110 4.3".1&2 46.1 t.7Y! i ryn caiatant twla bai (S.UOO.UUO 1 ~~c:•y.~am :u tMxl : 1 1~2 i7I ti 70],06~ L If0.6Ti 12,975,326 9.390,511.111 1,469.I7- . 15.19217]) A lrw N4 SnMn 1+Q dK disi ZDM ^ SS T atlor! uriluvwn CNy U1 Sp01cF11 Hl/llfy Mumyuar FLUnCiti Plan • Gemnl l'uod • PrWNem 6talnnont 01 7-7111-0111 vYllh Bm. Plma EI 1007 aOM ]0o IC10 2011 2017 ]D17 Es~riut~ EsiMn~Y Espm~M EM~ ~ ~ ~1R G.nml iwW Rewnuu: Il.w Tax ~ a 19.672 aoo s 7o,ua6,+40 t 20.4ee.746 ,N i +eaao.ooo t ie.s7z.aao t 19,251,4+0 i tRrn.4eu ''rmertyT4a 9 4,50p.000 { 10A00,000 i 110,200,U0q 6 1q,4C2.00D ! 10,506,D2D t t0,H1,00D i T1,020,7+01 r;embrV Tw • 770,UOp { 526,900 { l4Ti.00Q 5 M OOD 9 625.JDOD i 675,000 t 975,000 t iauhlw Fliw9w Rp f 916.000 a 90.000 i o6b,480 ! 963A15 6 9141,E05 S 904.412 i OD121A tita.an..dH.r.ru.. s l.mooo s ,M.ooo t +25IMO 6 12e3.eea : 1.31e.261 5 1,34e,eao 8 1.382 .se: SerAre F... 1 22103.0oo 5 1.26o,oao t 100AO0 t t.oeo.ooo 1 1.950.000 t 1.950,00o s t.noo.aou Friessfarh&xw i 1.290.o0t► t 1_3OO.000 f 1,700AO0 a Oq0.00iD { +.JOO,DOO 5 t.W.DOO I t.]OO.OOa Hocnorlbn Prqp.. Fws f 476.p00 S 50I,000 f 6121R0 i 617.191 t 52Z,7fq i 527,b88 f SJ2.862 vnerAindTlrWm { 74,000 { 166,000 { MA00 f 195a94 I 190,81B 1 208,70D 1 220,007 irtvv.iffmo nw..i f 679,000 t 414_Ioo s 41e241 t 422.423 6 426,647 s aaa,an 5 435.222 r_4nyov.i aampraryr t e.ro6,6112 t 7,1d?.812 t 17,3103.c192 f 13,a55.426 t 12,?52,0e0 I 4743.011 f t.7ae.35] TdaIGoMnlfumt t 40.UCIt2 ! 44,757, Y.Oli,Oit W,1W313 p,Wl t.Nt 39.5f,717 Garnl Fund lipwWlOuna leyblMlivo s 7AO.000 s 110.901 { 346.6410 { JT]238 f I03097 { I35.344 f 470.177 CiacuOw i I.eyNIMUvQ { 810.0w { 997,Q711 6 1.071f.D41 t 1.102.CQ8 { 1.296,079 & 1,364.511 f I,445,0,?2' 1'46lkSaMy i 17.8W.001) { 10,297,300 S :0l1111061 i 77.OOi,371 f ?4.700I,Mp t 2"6].)84 i JU15,t,WA D" Cf1y Mwrpu i 450.000 6 0?7,178 t 617,352 i T31,640 f 79p.061 f ES1.Mv 1 921.530 tMyncr { OOpGpp a 034.219 6 6B0.1SY • qI1,rW f lAJ613110 t 1,121JEi { 1,711,4fl1 Le" i - Ibm I Ii~ iiNOwm 6 15Q.000 { ?M,200 / 72D,671 i 238,772 5 I"334 f ITl.V21 l 300, t:rt Putw Wowa 5 1,(1Q.000 8 7A1i,437 • 967_6Y'! 6 920.TYO { 9WA67 t 1,074.OQ0 l t,15R,W2 Cmt Ow t 2-473.0IN1 brbn Llsr. Sanfts { 2,871,Y00 { 7S7R,I97 f 3,006,M f ].310.4J] 1 3,375.311 S 3,Bfi1.315 LunpRanpsfMri. f SY9= i 767.020 f e12,100 1 671.168 1 W/,JJB f t.M115 Goqa Erd ! 221,07 f 7lII.YR f mma 1 700in1 t 31M.282 i 360.t►9u Lkxwry t mADO 5 IO,OOG ilwk.namrn a aso.ooo • ato.ex I 1.003.eae a ,,ae42ta t ~,tro.we s 1,264.e22 i ,.W.7ez 400820on i 1~".0011 t 711,840 t 226.473 6 216,T51 f 766121 f 257.810 • 310,835 u.qaMOca { 77Q,000 { 351,150 t 3i11211 S 40001 1 "7Jt111 6 477.730 { 615.455 SeivCa+hn i TB.OOD L 90,056 t 94231 ! IDS.Gi10 f 114377 3 1nT413 i 1.13.643 Cenrtl'1p f 800.(100 f 7,001,Z7/ i 1.146.17Y f t?II,RTO f 1,37G,81S f 1,443.143 1 1.65111197 iFarnw wcAPww I 410,00o s 70,ooo i io.ooo i m.ooo a 1 zaaoo : iza.ooo i 120 001.) I.wdw a sn.si raoim s - I - lrr. Oua Winm 1 t t 370.II0 t 303A05 i 424,702 1 53S.097 i WOGt 1Ucfwe uf PndnCA f - 1 - ~ • 1 nuaMr ro CMC f "Uu ! 3.779.00D 4*r eu►*vn o.awcisib+ s 107,aao WWwxi.a.oow ri .rna.+o an. L.v.f t 3e1.000 1 t - 1 t t - ~ c:«,wrcoowwmtmnl 1 1.000.000 s 3.eo►,aoo 6 a.oxa.azo 6 3254.147 t aaea.~, s 3+ue3e S J,:a5e.31t1 ,1 9 Toul6w~n1 Frnd 3xwom tns mnsl~l Md or (5.OO0A00) (:airynvW tonontyf T.ie2,e12 11.74],04I 13,996,430 12,262,0MG0 743,011 1,Tq,X3 {1,07,itTJ a 1ow at. 6dM OCi arrc dbr '.MD 55T ~ utwnown I'not Were Y+dude coah iyi aepl IMvr Publlc Works SCapital Improvement Program #6rane 1707 E Spraque Ave Sui;r 106 ♦ Syskane VaUey WA 49206 1 509.921.1000 ♦ Faac: 509.421.1005 # dtyhaQospokanevalley.ori Informational Memo Date: March 18, 2008 To: David Mercler, Clty Manaper snd Members of Council I From: Steve M. Worley, P.E., Senlor Englneer - Capitai Improvsment Prograrr~• Ne(I Kamten, AIA, Public Worfcs Dlractof ~ Re: Dreft Amended 2008 Transportatlon Improvemont Progrem (TiP) Council adopted the 2008-2013 TIP based upon informatlon staff had at that time reiative to availabie funds and how these funds ooukl be utilized for transportation projects. Since the adoption of the 2008-2013 TIP staff submitted 13 grant applicadons to SRTC for FTA/STA funding and 2 grant applications to TIB. Funding was recxived for the following projects for 2008: • Broadway Avenue Reconstruction - Moore Rd. to Flora Rd. (TIB) • Bowdish/Sprague Intersection PCC (STA) Because of this last winter and the toil it took on several city arLerials staff is afso recommending that the foNovring federally funded project be bumped from 2009 to 2008: • Broadway Avenue GrindlOverlay - I-90 WB Ramps to Parfc Rd. (STP(U)) Based on this information, it (s recommended that the 2008 TIP be amended to reflect the deletion of the projects that did not receive fundiRg, include those projects that were not completed in 2007 and have been carried over to the 2008 construction year, and those projects added to the 2006 construction year. Attached is a summary of the proposed changes. A public hearing on these changes to the 2008 TIP is currently scheduled for April 22, 2008. Adoption of the Amended 2008 TIP Is currently scheduled for May 13, 2008. There are svfficient capital project funds to cover these 2048 casts. However, this level of funding will reduce our capltal project fund balance and impact funding of future projects. Pleasa lat us know if you have any questions. Ciry oi Spokane Valley Departrnent ot Publk Worics Adoptad 2008 Transportatlon Improvament Program Pnmary Crty o;al Pro)ect From To Souroe i0.maunt Praed 3 Bar*.er Road 9ndge S:wo~an? Rrve; BR 5 300000 S 5 353 6J0 5 STEP Pavenci, Cay S 900 D00 3 1,, n0 '?D] Str~ Presan•a:io- Prz)je~.-;s .-an:,is Ocatrons Crty S 1292,000 $ 1 2,42 00j,' 8 Applewey BMd University Rd Evergreen Rd STP(U) $ 61,000 S 205,000 9 &aadway Avenue Pmts !SR 271 Pan. Ra UAP S 187,000 S 933,04u ' a eroad,nay-Fsncher irnersectie,s: PCC C &aaQway'Fancher STPfUI S 79,004 S 581 Od . 12 Partc Raad-BN/BNSF Grade Sep Indiana Ave Trent Ave (SR 290) Other Fed S 31.000 $ 750,O00 13 @th /lvenue - Phasa t CamBhan Havana STA $ 110,000 $ 535,000 ~a ut^ Ave Palsway GanCs Rd W;*druff ;d STPi ' E'I S 4.000 S I c 4"1^ 37 Sowdish'Sprdgue Intersection PCC ft BowdtshlSpcague UAP S 182,006 $ $92.000 S 3,149,000 g 1156104) Ciry of Spoluzne Valiey Departmsnt of PuWic Works r rcec•sed A;,ianded 2008 Transportation lmprovement Program 1008 Primary Cdy Toial PrvjeCt From TO Sourtx Amount i~? Sp3,d Riv~. TShI!'8y HG12g?5 "ii V1:Ibrr Rd Pmes Road PInWMansfielQ I-94 W$ Ramps jn31 Controller UpgraOe vanous loptions Ch',AQ S 34600 S ;5c 3 S T E P PaveDa.ic C ity S 400 004 $ t. ~ OC, U~G ~ a r;wood & Granctvelw^ P.cres rri3SA I 3xTmG-1;e'J:'';D>.WE0 1 ocKwell 'J 1n1'rlt[f-E id J:.'tSt3 Nh!tC Bit_r StreeS Preserva'+--n^. Proje7s ::;R Avenue RBconsVU=n Su'd+van Rd 22nd AvE~.je Dishman-M" Grtr►diOvertay AADICrvBy Ave 16:h Ave-uc I.Kortgarxry Ave Gnny'C?vtr!ay A.,gon-ie Ra Dartno_,° J,ve Gnnd'Qvarlay Sulf:ran R] Fiora P,: Othar PreserieaUon Proilecis 'anous loca5yns 9 Appleway Blud UNversity Rd Evergree, P,d STP~U} S 64AOrJ $ 205,X)0 ? BroadNay Avenue Pmes iSR 271 Park Ra UAP S 167.000 $ i33,00iG 10 3raadway-FenCher Irrtersection PCC C BroaQway.`Fencfier STP(U) $ 79,000 S 581,00i, t.s 441h Ave Pathway 5ands Ra Woodrvfl Rd STP(E) $ 4,000 S 10 400 37 3.7wdrth.'Sprague Irriersection PCC iC BaworshtS0ro9ue STA S 182,OOD S 892.OOD 5•zacvay Aven:,e '60' c af Mxre qd Flora Rd UCP S 273.000 S 939.C02 5;,-agucrConklin Traik- Signal a Spreti:.e/Conkhn 4evelapers S - S 250 ~rziadway Ave GnnclrOveflay I-90 WH Ramps Pari~ Ra STP{U) 0,100 5 7741,2-X ~z;.-ag;,a kti* ADA Impro+rerne►t*3 vfinoJ8 rxawss abr.g Spraque tive CDBv . '250 S ;9 3:2 _'":3n R8mp °ts:iihClrip (1h'SDG?) 9roidwayr-W. /V9Gr1n84duili'►/!-90, dlh -v3 C!ty t 5 29c JX S 5554,040 S 23397552 ':'Ue $tr= i'rma'vanon Prop= w{II 6t oofr=pk1ed u s41f at►! iundmg In-cli, aI low Flu;l~N+! f~v SeC Pra..^i anao f'roj~r~ inctu~s 55?~C.il(Y,> apr.m~~~nri`rt.~y ~c:;.un_-^ aa! r: vol ic:ttird 1~ ihr i-rla tc rc¢~ yns hpn.r,mriowmn rn ~mT md uacbfuet died m tLe 'IP st h. k -a!^d c~-~~ m";Gat tr,j,ersnrr lac e: i.ur;', o' , u: ~r~einpct~ ia av'inV. dnr.iami= d-.1mcxrL Public Works 0 Caplfal Improvement Program Sprague Avr Suite 106 * 5pokane Vatley WA 99206 Valley 117U7 E 509.921.1000 ♦ Faz: 509.921.1008 * cityhall@spokanevatley.org Informational Memo- Date: March 11, 2008 To: Dave Mercler, City Manageir and Membera of Council From: Neli Kersten, Publlc Works Director Steve Woriey, 3enlor Engineer- Capital lmprovement Program Re: 2008 Ssw+ef Paveback Program ' Spokane County's 2008 SepNc Tank Elimination Pmgram inGudes fn►e projecis within the City of Spokane Valley: RockwelUSummerfleid Sanitary Sewer Project Phase I ~ This project will instali an 18' to 21' sewer main between Sullivan Road and Evergreen Road 'm tfie Rockwell and Summeifield Seuuer Basins. The project fs scheduled to begin iri April. Rockwell Santtary Sewer Project This basin Includes th8 area north of Trent Avenue and soutti of Wellesley Avenue between Catvin Road to lhe west and Sullivan Road to the east. The project is scheduled to begin in May. Summerffeld Sanitary Sewer Project This basin indudes the area north of Trent Avenue and soulh of Wabash Avenue between Avalon Road to the west and Adams Road to the east The pmjecl is scheduled to begin in May. Suttets Sanitary Sewer Project This basin fndudes the area north of 16'' Avenue and south of 8°t Avenue beNveen Evergr8en Road to the wast and Rrogress Road to the east The project is scheduled to begln in May. Whlte Blrch Santtary Sewer Project ; This basin IncJudes the area north of 5l' Avenue and south of Interstabe 90 between Sullivan Road to the west end Flora Road to the east. The project is scheduled ta begin in May. Paveback Costs which debennine the city's cost tn provide full-width paving and drainage improvements for the ttiree sewer basin are summarized belaw City ot Spakane Valley Share 2008 Estimr►ted Road & Urafna e Im,rovernrnt CaSts ! i - er.,. 1 - - 1 1,l,: _v_ i ♦ v,:• - - o :t ' Estimated Total Costs $900,000 $200,000 Informational Merno 3/11/2008 2808 Sewer Paveback Program Page 2 The City akso applied for CDBG funds and was successful in obtaining a preliminary recommendation in the amount of $195,410 to assist witti full-width paving costs associated with the Rocicwell pfoJect Firi31 approval of the CDBG funds is noi expected until later in March. As was done tast year, Spokane Courtty will bid some of these projerts with an altemate bid schedule; one schedule with ttenching and asphalt patching, another schedule with tull-width paving_ The difference in bids between these two schedules reflects the City's costs. This approach allows us to take advantage of credits tfiat Spokane County would typically pay for on a hencfi/patch project These credits include pavement sawcuttirtg, crack sealing, and pavement surtace sealing. Attactted is a draR Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the City of Spokane Valley's reimbursement to the county for our shane of the paving and drainage costs. We will be bringing a final MOU to Council for approval in the Rear future. Ptease let us know if you have any quesiions or comments. - ~ Memorandum of Understanding ~ Between the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County ~ Pavement Replacement Cost Sharing and " Drainage Improvement Costs For the 2008 Sewer Constructlon Program WHEREAS the City of Spokane Valiey (the CITY) and Spokane County (the COUNTY) desire to woric collaboratively to construct portions of the COUNTY's 2008 Sewer Construction Program together with CITY paving and drainage improvement projects; and WHEREAS the CITY desires that the roads impacted by the construction of sewers in the 2008 Sewer Construction Program be reconstructed to the full preconstruction width for an improved roadway surface; and WHEREAS the CITY also desires that pavement replacement work be extended in some areas beyond the limits of sewer construction; and WHEREAS the CITY also desires that certain drainage improvements be constructed in areas that will be impacted by the COUNTY's 2008 Sewer Construction Program; and WHEREAS the oosts of such full width repaving, additional length of road reconstruction, and misceltaneous drainage improvements are not funded by ifie COUNTY's Sewer Construction Program, and said costs will need to be paid by the CITY; and WHEREAS the 2008 Sewer Construction Program includes the RockwelVSummefield Phase I, Summerfield, Roccwell, Sutters and White 6irch Sewer Projects within the limits of the C(TY, as identified in the COUNTY's adopted Six-Year Sewer Capital Improvement Program 2007-2012. NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows: 1. Prior to the bid of each project, the COUNTY shall provide the CITY with a set of project plans, together with cost estimates indicating the extent of pavement removal and replacement to be paid for by the CDUNTY as a part of the sewer project. The CITY shall review the plans and estimate, and shall advise the COUNTY regarding tiie extent to which the CITY desires to add pavement removal and replacement, as well as the specfic drainage improvements that the CITY would like to make in conjunction with the project. Memorandum af Understanding 2008 Sewer Construction Program Page 2 of 3 2. The COUNTY shall prepare bid documents that include the additional work that is requested by the CITY. The CITY may request that the COUNTY include a Base Bid Schedule and an Atternate Bid Schedule in the bid documents to allow for a more accurate determination of the true cost impact of the additional worfc requested by the CITY. 3. After the bids for a project are opened, the COUNTY shall prepare the bid tabulation and provide a copy to the CITY on the day of the bid, together with a calculation of the CtTY's estimated share of the project cost based upon the unit prices submitted by the low bidder. If the CITY then decides to proceed with the desired improvements, the CITY shall provide a written notice to the COUNTY within three days of the receipt of the bid tabulation. 4. The CITY's maximum cost for the fve proSects shall not exceed $1,100,000.00 without written authorization by the CITY. The COUNTY shall not proceed with any work that would increase the CITY's cost to an amount greater than the total amount authorized. The estimated CITY costs are presented in Table 1 below. The CITY and the COUNTY recognize that this estimated total cost is for planning purposes, and that the actual amount will be based upon final quantities and actual contract prices. 5. If the CITY subsequently elects to make additions to the scope of the project, the CITY shall request such additional work in writing. A corresponding adjustrnent shall then be made to the C(TY's share of the cost based upon the resulting increase in pay quantities and the associated contract bid prices. For worlc items requested by the CITY that are not covered by the contract bid prices, the COUNlY shall prepare a change order for the CITY's review and acceptance prior to work items being oonstructed. 6. Upon substantial completion of each project, the COUNTY will send an initial invoice to the CITY for the CITY's portion of the cost of roadway and drainage improvements. Upon execution of the final pay estimate with the contractor, the COUNTY shall prepare and send a final invoice for any additional amounts payable by the CITY Memorandum of Understanding 2008 Sewer Construction Program Page 3 of 3 . TABLE 1 City of Spokane Valley Share 2008 Estimated Road 8 Drainage Improvement Costs Estimated Estimated Drainage Road Improvement Costs 2008 Pro'ects Improvement Costs Estimated Total Costs $ 900,000 $ 200,000 SPOKANE COUNTY: By: Date: N. Bruce Rawls, County Utilities Director- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: ~ By: Date: David Mercier, Citjr Manager - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY' - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: March 25, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business Q public hearing (D information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislatian , AGENDA ITEM TITLE : 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships GOVERNING LEGISLATION: ' PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: In January of 2006 Council offered a commitment of financial support in the amount of $30,000.00 to the Washington State and "Team Spokane° bid led by Star USA, to host the 2009 World Figure Skating Championships. If awarded the bid, the City offered to make a$10,000 payment during each year of 2007, 2008 and 2009. However, Star USA was not successful in their bid and no payment made by the City. Star USA is asking for the same commitment and financial support from Spokane Valley for their bid for the January 13 - 24, 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: $30,000 STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager ATTAC H M E NTS: 1. Outline of Request 2. January 24, 2006 Spokane Valley Council letter of support ~ - ~ ~frrtic A~ vantou~~er zotio Outline for the City of Spokane Valley The Objective: Leverage the Vancouver Olympics to capture tourism and the mast avrareness possible for Spokane & Washington State How? By hosting the event that determines the U.S. Figure Skating team who vrill compete in the 2010 - Vancouver Winter Otympics The Event: The 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships - January 13-24, 2010 Current Status: It is very important to the bid to show support from the entire community and region. We are meeting vrith all of the entities that supported tne 2007 Championships and the 2009 Worlds bid to garner supporf. Thus fiar vae have received unanimous approval to support the bid from: The Spokane County Commissioiiers - $100,000 The Spokane City CoLmcil - $75,000 The Spokane Public Facilities District -$100,000 We have a verbal commitrnent from the Spokane Regional CVB for $75,000. The Request: We are requesting the same commitment the City of Spokane Valley provided for the Worlds bid of $30,000. The bid wauld not need to be paid until 2009 andlor 2010 and can be split into two payments. If we do not win #he event we do not pay the bid fee. ~ Why now: ~ l • The timing is periect to create maximum excitement, 'I'he Winter Olympics in Vancouver will iake place 18 ~ days after the U.S. Figure Skating Championships (February 12-28, 2010) • Having witnessed the excitement first hand, there is nothing more powerful than an Olympic Games in your backyard. • Figure Skating is the most popular sport of the Winter Olympics generating the highest television ratings, and the most demand for ticlcets. Why Spokane: . . • Most recently, Spokane received national acclaim for the phenomenal success achieved hosting the 2007 U_S. Figure Skacing Championships • The 2007 U.S. Figure Skating Cnampionships attracted a recard attendance af 154,893, and received the prestigious honor of being recognized as the °Sports Event of the Year° and "Amateur Sporting Event of the . Year° by Sports Travel Magazine. • Spokane also holds the attendance record for Skate America set in 2002 Benefits to Spokane and the State: • The 154,893 spectators delivered an estimated direct economic impact of 30 Million Dollars • The 2007 Championships generated 14,935 room nights in area hotels during Off-Season The Opportunity: • Create tourism revenue similar to that attained when the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City ' resulted in $100 million in tourism revznue to nearby Boise, Idaho. • L1VE Network Television coverage on NBC on two weekends in Januarl 2010 0 Utilize this eaent to showcase Spokane and Washington State in a very positive vray to the entire oountry. c~Ti~ o ~ Uoone _ p Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. . Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,lNA 99206 (509) 921 -1000 • Fax (509) 921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org January 24, 2006 Site Selection Committee 2009 Wor[d Figure Skating Charnpinnships . U.S. Figure Skating " 20 First Streei Colorado 5prings, CO 80406 RE: World Figure Sl:ating Championships 2009 Qear Committee Members: '7'his letter serves as the cammitment by the Spokane Va1ley Ciry Council for the Gity of Spokane Valtey's support of the Nklashington State ancl "Tearn Spokane" bid led by Star USA, to h ost the 2009 Worid Figure Skating Championships. At the I7ecember 20, 2005 Councii meetino Spokane Valley's City Council unanimously approved a cash commitment of $30,000 over the three-year period of 2007, . 2003, and 2009, to suppart the efforts to host ihe 2009 World Figure Skating Championships. If we are awarded ihe bid, thc City of Spokane Valley will make a$10,000 payment during each year of 2007, 2008, and 2009 to U.S. Figure Skating. We are pleased to be able to contribtste to this event, and are hopeful that Spokane tvill be chosen to hold ttiis presti ;ious, and extensivclv popular sport and al!-family show. - Sincerelv, ~ W Diana Wilhite, Mayor City of Spokane Valley DtV:cb oF (3T)' ~,ane ~ ' . Spo ;Ooo*Va-Hey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum . To: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: March 14, 2008 Re: February Report FEbruary highliuhts in Finance includcd: Fehruarv financial reports Keports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures; to the 2008 Budget, are attached. Staff provides infonnation on selected operating funds at rnonth end and a more complete report quarte.rly. - • Our aetual begunning Gencral fiinci balancc Arill exceed our esCimatcs based on the closing of our 2006 books. 2007 was also a posiiive finacicial year so expect the funci balance in the Ge.neral ~ Fund to increase again as 2007 bonks are closed. , . ~ Gambling tax receipts For 2008 are expected to be less than budgeted. We have threc signifiGant account5 lhat have fallen behind. We will continue tn monitor these accounts but i:ull collection is uiilikely. Prnperty tax Nvill alsa be lcss than nur budget estimates. NVe tend to bE optimistic as we preparc the budget in the fall but recognize SPakane County will reduce our levy based on state lAxv. This does nol prescnt a problem for us as we know this happens each year. • TUe invesnnent report is attached fior your review. . Financc vacant position One of our Acc.ountant/13udget Analysts recently left us for a Position with Spolcanc County. Wc are intcrviewing eanclidates to fi11 this position. 2004 budeet atnendment We a.re gathering information to ainend our 2003 buciget. We usually arnend our budget in May and November aEeach year. - 2009 bu&;et preparaCion BudgEt preparalion usually starts in April o.f each year for the comui; year. `I'his year will be more challcnguig as our cmployees that have handled this task in Prior years, ar.e no longer with us. City of Spokane Valley , General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended February 29, 2008 Unaudited Budget February YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 REVenues evenues Revenue Reali General Fund Revenues: • Unreserved Fund Balance $ 5,000,000 s - $ 9,040,000 $ (4,000,000) 180.0096 8 Property Tax 10,496,500 22,830 22,830 10,473,670 0.2296 11 SalesTax 19,165,800 1,954,402 1,954,402 17,211,398 10.20% Gambling Tax 720,000 63,140 76,071 643,929 10.57% 2 Franchisa FeesBusiness Licenses 853,450 6,831 14,188 839,262 1.66°r6 1 State Shared Revenues 1,170,550 549 75,913 1,094,637 6.49% 1 Pianning & Building Fees 1,365,000 81,598 246,827 1,718,173 12.56% Fines and Forfeitures 1,300,000 130,882 242,865 1,057,135 18.689b Recreation Program Fees 507,000 24,435 66,791 440,209 13.179'0 Investment Interest 414,100 55,315 50,007 364,093 12.089b • Operating Transfers 165,000 - - 165,000 0.00% 3 Total General Fund Rovenues: S 41,757,400 $ 2,339,982 $ 11,749,894 $ 30,007,506 28.14°/a BudgQt February YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 FxQenditures Exoenditures Exp 'tu es Realized General Fund Expondituros: _ Legislative Brancfi 319,991 71,688 81,470 238,521 25.46ryo 4 Executive & Legislative Support 997,076 70,060 132,718 864,358 13.31% • PublicSafety 19,297,300 9,768 1,368,585 17,928,715 7.09% • OperaUons & Adminisirative Svcs 1,655,707 8$,344 174,602 1,481,105 10.55% PubJic Works 789,437 52,054 1 a9,339 660,098 13.85% Planning 8 Community Dev. 3,563,139 216,262 416,633 3,146,506 11.69% Library Services 20,000 - - 20,000 0.00% 7 Parks 8 Recreation 2,644,420 128,380 175,340 2,469,080 6.63% General Govemment 3,417,988 72,931 296,327 3,121,681 8.67% Total General Fund Expenditures: $ 32,705,058 $ 709,487 $ 2,755,014 $ 29,950,044 8.42% • ~ 3J2(1/20Q3 11:27 AM • City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Yarfance Report For tha Period Ended Fabruary 29, 2008 Unaudibed Budget Fe6ruary YTD Unroallzod Percent 2ou Ftmnues n s Revenue Resiizad Othot Funda Revenues: Street Fund $ 5,875,872 $ 175,702 $ 175,815 S 5,700,157 2.59% 13 Artsrla! Stneet Fund - 2,884 2,884 (2,884) Truils and Palha 30.000 123 178 29,824 0 59'!6 5 hofel/Motel Fund 668,000 30,388 30,389 637,611 455% Civk Facibes Rtplaoemenl 397.000 1,342 1,342 395,656 0 34% 9 De41 ServiCe - LT00 03 600,000 - - 600,000 0.00% Capital Projects FunC 4,420,000 88,150 178,913 4,241,087 4 0594 5 Spedal Capital Projeds Fund 4,420,000 89.907 180.430 4,239,570 4.0896 5 Street Capital Projecte 7,354,023 - - 7,354,023 O OOyG 5 Mirabeau Point Projecf 451,000 1,223 1.223 452.777 017%8 Streat Bond CapBal Projeds - - - - Capllal Granta Fund 7,176.000 - - 7,176,000 0.00% 5 Barkar 8ridge Reconatruction 5,8G2.800 - - 5,862,800 0.0096 5 Starn+waterMgqmFund 3,180,004 10,614 11,059 3,148,941 035% 13 Equip. Rentel & P.eplacamenl 780.004 2,738 2.928 777,072 0.389s 13 REak Management 217.100 14 188.044 29,055 88_929G 12 Canteryface OperaGnp 335,000 1.154 1.154 333,846 0.3476 9 Sorvice LevalStabilization 5,400,000 17,538 17.538 5,382.4E2 0.329b 4 Winter Wea2tw 580,000 1,878 1,878 558,122 0 34% 9 Parks Cap+tat 4,280,000 3.096 3,098 4,256,804 0.0796 9 Civic 8uildin9s 5,085,000 18,264 19,264 5,065.736 Q 3896 9 Tota! Other Funds Revenues: S 57.M.8JU S 448_044 i d]l-1,33 i 58.2am 1.43X Budget February YTD Unrealized Ptrcont 2009 EMRnditures Expendkurea Expenditures Rea Other Funds EcpendNuroa: Slreet Fund $ 4,185,304 E 634.103 S 682.215 S 3,513,089 18.289G 13 Arterial Street Fund - - - - 7raits and Paths 30,000 - - 30,000 0 009s 6 HoleUMote1 Fund 668,000 15,118 15,118 852,Bd2 2.28`X C'rvit Faralitba Replecement 397,000 - - 397,000 0.00% 8 Debt Servke LTGO 03 600.000 - - 800.000 0.0096 Capltal ProJeds Fund 4,120,000 - - 4,420,000 0.0094 5 Spedal Capltal Pmjeds Fund 4,420,OOQ - - 4,420,000 0.00% 5 Stree! Capltal Pr*da 7,354,023 8,785 t 1,50U 7,342.523 0.16%5 Mlrabeau Point Projec! I54,000 - - 454,000 0.0096 6 Street Bond Gapitsl Projeds - - - • CapdaIGnntsFund 7,178.000 9.085 11,197 7,164,803 0.16'x 5 Barker Bridge Fttcansirudion 5,862,800 4,191 9,303 5.853.497 0 18'X Storrrrvvater Mgrrrt Fund 1,983.944 30,290 45.891 1,938.063 2 31% 13 Equip Rantal6 Rephcemnt 780,000 (621) 2,379 7T7,621 0,31% 14 Risk Mana nt 217.100 187048 30,052 88.18% 12 Gsnlerplaoe OperatMp 335,000 - • 335.000 0.0096 8 Seavice level Stabdixation 5,400,000 - - 5,400.000 0.00%8 'JVlnter Wealher 580,000 - - 560.040 0.0096 Parks Capltal 4,280,000 4,130 4,596 4,255.404 0.11%5 Clvic BuNdirrgs Cepdal 5,0$5L000 21,552 21,552 5,063,448 o,azs Total Othor Funds Expanditures: i 54_l2 .1?1 S 726.(~~;} S 9~4.7Q9 S 53.207_~72 ],Q,~y~ 11 2' kM City of Spokane Valley (nvestment Report For the Month of February 2008 Total LGIP` BB Money Mkt` BB CD Investments Beginning $ 41,785,387.66 $ 1,638,453.52 $ 1,026,183.01 $ 44,450,024.19 Deposits 2,162,092.51 - 22,761.58 2,184,854.09 Withdra+rrls (3,500,000.00) - - (3,500,000.00) Interest 121,451.66 2,895.05 - 124,346,71 Ending $ 40,568,931.83 $ 1,641,348.57 $ 1,048,944.59 $ 43,259,224.99 Balances bv Fund General Fund $ 13,401,300.87 Street Fund 2,957,360.39 Arterial Street 804,498.08 Paths & Trails 23,576.10 Hotel/Motel 411,078.81 CenterPLace Operating Reserve 339,719.75 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,260,438.41 Winter Weather Reserve '563,307.38 Civic Facilities Replacement 402,599.18 Capital Projects 4,317,802.47 . Special Capital Projects 4,908,062.62 Mirabeau Point Project 366,712.44 Parks Capital Project 928,598.27 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,778,21928 Stormwater Management 2,009,481.19 Equipment Rental & Replacement 771,835.86 Risk Management 14,633.89 $ 439259,224.99 `Local Government Investment Pool ` Banner Bank % FOOTN4TES 1 Received quarterly 2 Three accounts in arrears 3 Transfers are made quarterly 4 AWC membership paid in Jan. 5 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 6 No projects planned in 2007 7 Small amount vf 05 library tax due district 8 Estimated, pending 07 review 9 Interest earnings ' 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05 11 Most tax received in May and Nov. 12 Ins premium paid in Jan. 13 Beg. Bal. included which understates realized amounts and % 14 For replacement of vehicles & computers ; . . ~ 3r2012008 ti ti:27 aan J CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEBRUARY 2008 MONTHLY REPORT The Community Devebpment Department is focusing on staPf training for the first quaRer of the yeat. !n February, the department had a series of dasses on the new UDC chapters. Atl staff aiso participated in a cus`,omer service class LOIYG RANGE PLANN/NG: Ptanning Commission The Spokane Valley Rlanning Commission mat twice during the month of Febnlary. The Planning Commission held two siudy sessions regarding the SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan. The Planning Commission also attended a jo+nt meeting with the City Counal regarding Book III of the pian facusing on the traRSportation recommendations. Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Pian Staff continued its public education program in February. There vr3s an Open HoUSe held on Fabruary 14, betore a Planning Commission meeting with an attendanoe oi approximately 20 people. ARerwards the Planning Commission study session allowed for quesiions and answess from the Comni►ssion as well as audience members of prajeci manager, Scatt Kuhta_ On February 19, the City Council and Planning Commission held a joint wor4cshap where Troy Russ presenled hts updated transportaon analysis for Sprague and Appleway. Micttiael Freedman was also in attendance at the m=.-eting. City Center ProJect ClearPath, LLC, continues negotiations with the Universiry City property owners on the west side of Universrty Avenue. Staff has worked dasely with FTB and the 5pokane County Library District in creating a master plan for the west side. Bob Gibbs has a marketing package ready to deliver to potential develapers. A letter of lnt+ent has been drafted for the property owners consideration. Staff issued a Reguest for Qualiflcations from consultartts interasied in the Planned Action Ordinance for the City Center Prolect. CTED Regional Collaboration Grant Project: The last Comm►ttee meedng resulted in the following infocmaUon: Mike Basfnger is die lead on this pro1ect The Committee tantaavely planned a Public Offiaats Luncheon for May 28, at Center Place. BerEc and Associates (Brett Scheckler) revlewed the scope of woric for study and noted the limitsd scope due to the small budgeL Berlc and Associates will be using the findings of the report prepared a year ago 'A Fiscal Look at Spokane Courtty UGA'_ The Committee discussed a possible case study of one Metro UGA from a City's perspective. The Commrties atso discussed preparing a preseRtation for State APA conference in the fall (Phase 1 of work pian). Urban Growth Area (UGA) Boundary: City staff, on an ongoing basis, has been participating in the regional Pianning Techniql Advisory Commiiiee (PTAC) regarding the update of the aounty UGA and other regional issues. This group meets ryp+calty on a weekly Dasis and has been focxrsed on the UGA issue for the past several weeks. The UGA boundary artzendment pmcess will be discussed by the Growth Management Sieering Commitiee o! Elected Officials at their March meeting. It is anticipated that the wortc plan to upciate the UGA wnll be approved at the March 19'" meeting and siafiF from the county and meiro-area cities whll begin the UGA update process. Page 1 of 8 City of Spokane Valley I I Departrnent of Community Development ~ February 2008 Montfily Report 2008 Comprehensive Plan AmendmentslUpdate: The City received B pnvatety initiated camprehensive plan amendment applicatians by the November 1. 2007 deadline. In addiaon, staff iderttified severaJ comprehensive pian text amendments necessary to either update existing infermetion ar to oorrect inaccurate information. City staff hes been reviewing the appUcations, issuing SEPA daterminabons and has begun preparing staff reports on the proposed amendments. These am?ndments are scheduled to go before thA Planning Commission starting in tate ApriUearly May. CURRENT PLANNING: Revenue for the Planning Division for the month of February was $7.720 2008 Planning Revenues $50.000 $.a,ooo ~ - - sao.ooo _ _ - - - ~ - r ~,000 s,o.ODO - so ,len FaD AhY Apri hR7y Jurr Jully A:g Sw Oct Nbv Det O Reverxre 2D09 r_- Revanue 2W7 Revenue 2006 During the month of February, Planning Division staff issued SEPA detstminations for UTEC Metals, the Comprehensive Plan Update, an 119,000 square foot seif-storage facility and 30 {ot Plat (Summerset) One final pLat and throe praliminary plats were also approved. StafF conducted four land use pre- application meetings. One public hearing was conducted by the Hearing Examiner in February. Planning Division staff also reviewed and approved nine commercial buHding permits, conducted nine commercial pre-appfication meetings and recerved five new petmit appll,ations. The Dhrision answered 768 phone calls in the peRntt center, and helped 302 customers at tfie counter 2008 Permits Issued s~ _ - - _ _ - - - ~ 4 CO) , - - - - - - - - - 7--- a~ Jan Feb Nu llpr N+3y Jun Jul Aug Sep OCt Nr► I DDC K=3 2008 25 20 ' - - - - _ ~ ~1~ C 2007 - 57 13 ~ 18 1B I 20 18 I 18 18 B 9 11 2006 aa 25 36 ` 34 32_- 1 23 32 I 35 I 24 ' 21 , 19 ~ so Pagcs 2 0! 8 , City of Spokane Valley Department of Community Development February 2008 Monthly Report 2008 New Land Usa Actlons ao so - - - - 20 ~ _ - - _ - 10 I - - - I 0 II Jan FaD Akw Apr May I.Am Jul Aug Se±p rict Nw Oec l O 2008 I 14 1 13 _ I-- ~ 20071 18 I 27 17 I 12 18 i 15 9 14 19 17 ~ t2 l -~-2006 20 1 10 i 30 24 ~27 i 15 1 25 ~ 20 17 19 9 i~ BU/LDING DIV1SlON: The Building Division issued 214 permrts m February 2008, compared with 234 for the same penod tast ysar. New strudureslunits peRnits totaled 18 for tfie month of Febrvary. MU COIiSTRUCT1011 PEitNT8 eoo - - - - - - ~aa - - - - _ - - - - _ - _ - - ,-~71 7i 1 in iiC MRar fwt . ►aM "m I kh I Auq SoOt Oc! Nti :~.c O?~oe Pan+u j ?Q i 214 ancY r.me, i m ta. su *4 j esi ~X111 1 aaa 359 -~-324 i o1 I a•e I 174 20m Pe" e. ~s m~ sw sn 397 1 szs sys MT! so 'm .48 ~ n3 - • - 2008 Nsw Structur*sNnits P*rmltted ~ 3 - - - - - iD : - - - c 7 - Jar, Fab Aiw ADr 1Atr Ame Juty Aup $ept Oct hbv Ooc o Nrw t s' Dw eirq uin a o t 8 ■ Ad/o-lsrttly U"S I 1 2 _ 1 _ . - - • ❑ I~,v Gort~erco! 9truelurM 3 Page 3 of 8 City of Spokane Valley I Department of Community Development February 2008 Monthly Repoi-t in February 2008, buiiding inspectors performed 924 inspections in 20 days. This averages 46 20 inspections per day. The Ptans Examiners reviewed 54 projects ln February 2008. At the end oi February, there were 22 projects awaiting revlew. There wera 218 right-of-way inspections perfaRned during the month of February. Two over-the-wunter permits were Essued In the month of Febnuary. 2008 Building Inspections 1500 ` _ ~ I I DDL _ _ . ' .r_ _ 500 - - - - -i I 0 Jan Fab IVsir I Apr Msy June 10y Aug Sapt Oc! Nov ; Dec ~ 2008 hspecCOns 824 924 1 O 2D07 hspeGtiiDns~ 967 1~884 1114 1148.1 1271 1352 : 1203 1346 787 1295 I 938 ~ 861 2008 hspections i 820 I 818 I g2G I 1038 I 1131 1238 ' 1125 1368 ~ 1162 ' 1251 1 i R5 I 8711 The reported value of construdion, including new structures and additions/alteration is 5hown in the following chart, comparing these values with 2007. New value for February 2008 iatals $11,041.841- 2008 Valuadon of Construcfian 525.000,000 S20,000,0010 : i 2008 Valukvon $t 5,OD0,00a - - ~ - ~ - 207TValualion ~,OOQ,O~ S1 ' I ~ 2000" Valuetion $5,000,000 t - - - - - so .len Fab N4ar Apr AAay June Ju1y Aug Sept Oct Nov dec Page 4 of 8 City of Spokane Valley I Department of Communfty Development ~ February 2008 Monthly Report CODE COMPUANCE: The number of 'Violations Reportzd' on the tollawing chart reflects actuai Spokane Valley Znning Gods viotations, plus complaints received which were not viotations. The comptaints received are added to the total because tfiey refted time ofFicers spent in the fieid conduding investigatrons. In addition, the °Investigated" and "Pet►ding" columns accurately rellect Code Complianr.e's current abiirty tv process and inveSbgate baCkbg Ca5E8. The folfowing chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. Violetfons are re.parted based on ths pnmary oomplaint received, rather than the number of additional violations identffied on any individual premises. The investigation of a complaint of jun►c vehicles, far example, might afsa resuit in identification of additional violations such as iiie accumuiation of trash or harbodng of livestock These are not incJuded in the summary. A total of 116 nsw compfainU were proaessed fn February. Code Compliance Files 2008 I 300 ~ ; - - - 250 200 ; ' - - - 150 . tOCI ~ j I 54 , - n F9b- If"r.+C- H~.11' It.3y' ."'l- i~Ug• xi'~'- ~li,::• 1i.:N' ,131' t=L- o7 07 1 07 ~.A,w~ ~ 07 I 07 ~ 07 07 07 I oe 1 oa ■Pen*9 Fies 6o ~ 61 68 25 47 46 55 63 56 BO 38 I 43 80 O File Trartafers 2 0 10 , 01-6 2 2 1 p I 2' 7 ~ 1 1 , I ■ Abalsrtents I 18 ~ 62 l 42 48 , 51 8i 42 49 SS 24 ~ 36 ~ 16 57 ' ■ V loiariom Psported I 59 i 78 1 71 80 ' 53 71 BO 79 86 ~ 35 L21 I 23 118 - The &pokane Vailey Police Departmant, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requsstsd the assistance of Code Compiiance in identifying junk vehicies abandoned wtthin ttte right-0f-way. SCOPE volunteers tag the vehides. Vehicles which hava not been moved by the foliowing Fridey are towed. Activity is consoltdated into the fo(bwing s(x categories: Envirammental (sewer/septic, critical areas, arnmal and nuisance vialati~ons); Property (Rfght of Way, pfoperty use, dangarous building, landbrd/tenant, illegal business and signage violations); Junk Auto; Solid Waste (solid wasfe, illegal dumping, and household waste viofa;ions); Ciearview Triangle and Co,-nplaint - No Ywtatlon Page 5 of 8 Cjty of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development February 2008 Montfily Report 2008 Code Violations by Cabegory 140 120 - - 100 - - - - 80 - - - 60 40 20 0 Jar..:38 FeC-09 AR3r-09 Apr-D8 My-08 .Nn-06 I JuW6 ~ Aug-09 , Sep-08 OG-08 ' Nov-OB I Dec-08 _ . 1 0 Soid Waste , 3 14 ~ D Sgn6 7 I 73 * Proparty ~ 6 13 ~ Junk Auto 2 ~ 10 ■ ErrIrocvnnnta! 1 ' 2 ~ ~ li Cortplaint - No Vatatbn 3 ~ 0 Cm Vew Triargb I 2 I 0 PagQ 6 of 8 i City of Spokane Valley ' Deparhnent of Community Development February 2008 Monthly Report ~ DEVELOPMENT ENG/NEERING The Devalepment Engineers processed 21 files in February. The sign+ficant fiies ara seven corrzmercial appCcatbns, induding a Rivar Vew Corp Cenier, a Kim Fiotstart acfdfDon and a Momingsida 6ooster Station. Nine oammarcial pre-application files were reviewed including an addition to Splashdown, a Hampton Inn & Suites, three tand use pre-apps, one subdivision, and one short subdivisian. Oevefopment 6npkeeting Work by Typs t DO% - - - ~ - !OX 80% ~ i ' 70% 60Y. - 50% 40% 30'K 20% 0% Jun-07 Ju407 Aup-07 Ssp-OT Oct-07 Nev-07 Qec-07 Jan-o3 FQb48 ■ Binding Site Plan ■ Boundary Lina AdJustment G Change oi Use e Commaccial ■ Commerclal Pr+e-Apps ■ C.onditionel Use Partnit ■ Firtal Subdivtslon ■ land U6e Pre-App ■ Rezone ■ Short Sub6usion o Strad Vacation Pagt 7 of 8 City of Spokane Valley Departrnent of Community Development I February 2008 Monthly Report CUSTOMER SERV/CE Planning The planning staff assist2d 1.68 walk-in customers at the counter and hand{ed 302 customerss' inquires by phonz in the p-vrmit cen;cr Buitding: Permits Tha following tab4e summarizes the performance of the Permit Center for those permiis entzred in the PLUS system, measured from the time that thz application is deemed 'r.ounter-complete' to the time that a permit is issued. Commarcyal Timeirdme Summary SuhmltGi! to Iswence Feb-Od o° ~ o ~ Valua Q _G ~ ~ 0 s NEW CONSTRIMCTION NospitaL9nstliutbn 1 6272506 101 101 101 AAerantge 1 340000 232 232 23Z f2EAAODEI A;pt 3 Sloiy ot Lesa ~ 12-3001 1 1 1 1 MefcaMjle 5 3rJ0'o70 33 1 51 O;fioPJProfessbrtsl 1 128772 75 2 11 ADDiTlON ' Rel I+ius 3uildin 1 4-0000 141 tIl 141 Values shown ar those on wh+ch Plan Check and B~allding P?rma `zas arr E3ased. The chart includes averaga, minimum and maximum times. The Permit Center has been traGcing tumaround for Right of Way PeRn+t Applications and the faxed Mechenical and Plumbing Permit Applications. At present ths City responds to applications witfiin 24 hours, typically by noon on the following day i'?rmrts `or those applicatian rypees are generally issued within two days- Building: Inspections Inspections are canducted the day folluwing tY►e inspaciion rcquest except for weekends and holidays Code Compliance AJI preliminary investigaUons are conducted within 24 ho:.iFs :_r;c&pt those racaived on Fnday wt•,ich arz investigated befora the End of the nzxt business d3y Permit Center There -wera no surv?ys rturned dur'ng the monL;i ol' February Pago 8 of 8 f ill tf ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT February 2008 AGREEMENTS FOR 3ERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION: • Street Malntenance - County Street Maintenance Interiocal • Street Sweeping - AAA started winter/spring swesping. • Street and Stomrnrater Maintenance and Repair cantrad -Pce Asphalt Paving Inc. worked on winter potholing. • Landscaping SeNices - Spokane ProCare has stopped working for the winter. • Vactoring Corttract - AAA Sweeping removed ponding water around drywelis. • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solld Waste Interlocal WASTEWATER: ~ County is in the process of updating their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for thear Wastewater Facilities Plan and conducting the RRP process for a new treatment plant The public comment period for the Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL ended in November. Ecology Is currently reviewing the public comments http:/Mrww.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdt/spokaneriver/dissolved_oxygen/index.html CAPITAL PROJECTS: • City Hall ProJect Bemardo Wills PC - GGLO conducted the programming phase with City staff Draft Space Plan is scheduled for campletion the end of March • Valley Corridor Project Project on hold pending outcome of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub Area Plan. • Street MaBter Plan JUB Engineers is currently working on the TIP portion of their updated scope of work for 2008 in preparation for developing a draft 2009-2014 TIP. Work associated with the Pavement Management portion of the 2008 scope of worlc is on hold until the weather allows evaluation of the road surfaces • PlneslMansfield Necessary right of way was acquired on one parcel; Spokane County Right of Way agents are continuing work with the one remaining property owner. The final project cost estimate is now approximately $5.5M. TIB has preliminadly agresd to approve $329,034 in additional funds. The project is currently scheduled to advertise for bids in April 2008 with construction scheduled to begin in June 2008. All ROW in place. Stfll set to bid in April. • Appleway Avenue Reconatruction - Tschirley to Hodges Bids for the project were opened on September 28'. Knife River was awarded the project as the low bidder for S4.565,859.95 Construction starts March 17 • Barker Road Bridge Project Design is at 99°r6 complete. Acquisition of necessary right of way continues Utility agreements are being finalized. The Hearing Examiner approved the Shoreline Development Permit. This project is scheduled to advertise in Febn.iary 2008 with construction scheduled to begin in April 2008. • 24h Avenue Reconatructlon Project Environmental Phase complete. Topagraphical Survey Complete and Geotechrncal Reports finalized. Project is scheduled to A.dvertise for bids in tipril wrth construction scheduled to begin in June, 2008 • Broadway I Fanchor PCC Intersection Enviranmental Phase complete, Topographical Survey and Geotechnical Report are being finalized. Project Is scheduled to AdvertJse for bids fn June with construction scheduled to begin in July, 2008. • Sprague / Bowdiah, PCC Intersection - Beginning environmental stage. Topographical survey and geotechnical work has begun. Bid scheduled for August, construction in fall of 2008 CONSTRUCTION • Argonne Road Overlay ProJect Project camplete Project closeout has begun No changes • Barker Road Praject Project complete. Punch list complete. Project closeout to begin_ No changes Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project The projects design is 90°k complete with a bid date scheduted for 2008 No changes. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project The contract was awarded to Knife River Co Construction began on July 9, 2007. The project is approximately 75 "u c,omplete Pro;ect r:=starled March 1 D • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer ProJect 7he contract was awarded to Knife RNer Co. Construction began on June 5. 2007 The project is approximately 60% complete. Project resiarted March 10 • RockwelllSummerrield Sanitary 3ewer Project Phase I Spokane County is designing project . A bid date is scheduled for late February. This project set to bid with Summerfield fn late March. Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Project Taylor Engineering is designing the project A biJ date is scheduled for Iate Spnng This project tentatively set to bid in April • Summefield Sanitary Sewer Project Taylor Engineering is designing the project. A bid date is scheduled for late Spring. This project set to bid with RockwelUSummerfield in late March. • Sutters Sanitary Sawer Project Century West Engineenng is desfgning the project. A bid date is scheduled for late Spring Tentaiively set to place ad fn late April. ~ White Birch Sanitary Sewer Project Century West Engineering is designing the project. A bid date is scheduled for late Spring. Tentatively set to place ad in late Aprif. tAFFIC: • Installed new twice-per-cycle left turn phasing at the intersection of TrenUArgonne to address PM peak hour qusuing and cangestlon issues. • Still working on lunchtime coordination plan on Sprague from Pines to Sullivan. • Added Sprague/Costco signal and City of Spokane's Sprague/Havana s{gnel into our coordination plan. • Working with Community Developmerit, completed a draft of the Local Street Plan for locations of future resideritial streets to improve connectivity and enab{e better infill development. • Evaluating instaUatlon locations for McDonald school beacons. Completed Final Report ior 2006 school beacon fnstallations. • 20 New citizen requestelcomplaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop conc;ems, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. STORMWATER: • Documenting, prioritlzing, and organizing a list for repair projects locations this spring and summer. • Log complaints and fieldworlc for locating structures buried under ice. • Began planning for implementation of the NPDES Phase II and UIC requirements. • ReceNed many calls from citizens and HOA presidents wanting information on the stoRnwater fee. fREET 8 STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY: Publlc Works activities for the month of February are as follows; 1 Spakane County crews pravided winter operations in the City of Spokane Valley the eMire month of February. Plowing, de-icing was performed an a continual, on going, as nesded basis. 2. Pae Asphalt provided two personnel to assist City of Spokane Valley in the Pothole Patrol Program. This activity also continued through the month of February. City personnel and Poe Asphalt personnel appBed in excess of 85 tons of Cold Mix through the winter months, November 2007 thru February 2408. 3 AAA Sweeping began the annual Spring Sweeping Program on Februery 18, 2008 and carrNnued washing City sidewalks and sweeping #1 arterials and #2 collectors. Triple A personnel and equlpment were also utilized for flood control during waRn weather events v►fien run-aff waters occurred. 4. Geiger crews were utilized in February to assist City personnel in chiselfnglshoveUng ice from storm water inlets, to altow melt-off water access into the underground structures. 5. It was necessary to hire/utilize contract g,raders for snow removal in February 2008. Courtty crews were overwhelmed and assistance was needed for plowing residential areas. STREET: Through the end of February private contracts invoiced $44,337 and the County invoiced $1,002,001 for a total Street Maintenance cost of $1,046,338. STORMWATER: The County invoiced $1,015 and private contracts invoiced $46,622, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $47,637. The overall total for 2008 through February is $1,093.975. Street and Stormwater Maintenance Private and County Comparison 206G Ynr to Dffb TqNM fOr itno L Bto+mwaLr MiIiMonmt+ Ccc• / ItMr~ra . i~ ~ : ro: SI.MtOP 1, oa. ro: ~ - - - - W.: :t14 u ~ - Mrr ~..r r.r f~w.m [..rtq ~rs.r I vY~ br~ M 7G 3 S#6k7alne W1ey • Capitil Improvement Prv)ects 2007 a zooe Paar ;cTs Pfopo"d EsHnsd" Deslpn Coasbuttbn IOOt Tolsl Ptojsct Cost Fundinp Rwd Construdfon Projscte Proloet Loution Bid Date ComaloUon Oals Comoieft Conwbb Fundlno Road Desbn Prolmts TISIC•1M0 PhieelMansfleld PtvieC! Wflbur Rd. !o f'inas Rd. Pkfes b 190 Ap►-Ud Hl11'UO 95% Q'+b $ $ 5.378.372 STP(u) APPkwmY Avenue Racanstrudbn TechirleY Rd. b Hodpes Rd. Se"7 9l1108 10QX Q% i 609.000 $ 8,090,598 HR 8arfiu Roed Bridpe Repieoemenl Berker F2d at SQoimne RlMer FeD-08 1211/00 99% 0% i b96.101 S 10.000,000 city 21th Avamie Reoonsfnr:tlon SulFvan Rd to Vernaesl ond 22nd Ave. Irqr.rs. Apr-U6 911/0d 35'K 0% S 900,000 t 900.000 STPM 8roadwiaYfFanchor PCC InMraaQkon Broadway And Fanrhm Ir~tasfxYlon May.pB 1UI110(! 209. O% S SEt,OQO S 581.000 STA SprapuelBowdlsh PCC kqerseckn 5prapue and 8owdi5h Intemecllan May-08 NB= O% OX S 182.000 S 692.000 Derelopa►s SpMpudConkUn sipnol spraDue ara c.onMfm Mtereecli«, Ne 1oMroa 100% ax s - s 250.000 Seuwr Pto{eels City Spaklinps - PavebaCk tnd4xu West ol Mcirtpomory h1nr-87 1111107 00% 0% S • S city Grandvlew Mm • Paveback BtAfer Ip Cement. Falrview lo EmpKa llpr-07 Bf11D7 10096 604h i - 5 - CMy Trenlwood - Paoobac,k VrJdor In Everpreen, Trent lo We/elleyr Ap-07 8/1l07 100°1S, 75% 1 - i city RockwnWSummefield pfme I- Psre6ecir RadrneN. Everptoen b Suilhren Feb-Q!1 11ltA8 90% 0% f - S - CNy RncinveA - Pavedeclc Avnion to Mpme, TreM W W86osh Apr-08 t 1!1/08 309k 0% t . i C1tY 5unmerifeid - Pswebeek /lderns Io Supivan. Trend to 04v+* Mt-Od t tltiDd 30'K. 0'ffi i - i - CKY Sutlers • PsueEat.it EvorDeen b P►o0rers. 181h to Mh Apr-QE 11/1J08 30SG 0% i - f city whlte e+rd, - Pa+neoock suanra„ m Fbta, 44h a eroed+wa+r aa►-oe t tnAe 3096 09i s - s - PlaneMQ Profe+tb SMuI Va6ey Comdor Envtronmental Shidy UnivefslN to Kpplewity rdn Jun-07 Oq{, 0% f $ - STf'fU) VaticV Coutdef - nroject 2 Univer;rtv In FvrrgrE-en pn:, TotnJ i 4,201,016 f 24,100.910 STP(U) - SurtaCO TrdnepotteUorl Propr9m (UtbBn), TIB - Trartipart36an Impraremettt [ipard. UHAC - Rnr4Re Replar.emrni l.ftscxy Cornmrtlee; CDf3G - Community fievnbpment Blodc Grant Pmgram CNIAQ • Congt!stlcxn Mmtagemont/Air QiudRy Proprarn, STA - SQokane Trnnail AuthoAty (ob 200A C;pn=rtnttxlon i`iolet:ts Ni E N1 O TU: Dave Mercier, City Ntanagcr FROM: Rick VanLenven, Chief of Police DATE: March 17, 2048 RE: Monthly Report February 2008 FebruArv. 200$: F ebruarv. 2007: CAD incidents: 4,492 CAD incidents: 4,227 Reports tal:en: 1,332 Regorts taken: 1,223 TrafTic stops: 1,640 Traffic stops: 1.451 Traffic rcparts: 300 Traffic reports: 2-52 CAD incidents indieate ealls for serviee as weU as self-initiated officer contacts. Attachrci hot spat maps show Febrvary resideatial burglaries, February commercial hurglaries and Fehrvary trafric collisions, alonp- «'ith Janu:uy and February stolen vehicles. ADN[TNISTRATiYF,: • Chief VanLewen participated with other City of Spokane Valley staff in intervic,.vs for a new Parks & Recreation director. • Ian Rotxrtson, a mcmber of thc Cily of Spokanc Valley ad hcx: commitiee on panliandling, met with Chief VanLeuven and discussed pnnhandling issues and possible solutions. ♦ I'emorism specialist John Giduck asidressed Rvssia's Beslan School terrvrist siegc 3t a vaining program for law cnforcement and education professionals from around thc ccgion, co•hosted by the Sgoknne County Sheriff's Office and Department of Fmergency Management. Chief VanLeuven welcomed attendees at the training program and gave opening remarks, emphasizing the importFSnce of collaboration betwecn schoul authoritics and School Rcsourcc Officers (SRO) to mal:c surc thnt an updated Critical incident Plan is in place for disaster situations. He reiterated the urgency of preparedness for emergencic5 in our schools and the importance of law cnforccment and school authorities and rersorunel paitnering together ta be sure everyone is trained and aware of crisis pltinning. • lletective Roger Knight of the Spokane Valley P. D. also attended the "Terror at Beslan" program and later shared the informaiion with a number of employecs at thc Spokane Vallev Polire Department during a lunch haur meeting. ♦ Uuring the manth of Fehruary, Chief Vnnl_euven %,,as "on call" Ior a t(ital uf 5i\t.eri 12- hour shifts for patro) licutenants. i'a~e 1 COVLM11l1MTY UKIENTLU POLICINt:: • In February I7 abandoned vehicles were taggcci for impuundmrnt in the SPoka1e 'V'allev hN. SCOPF volunteers, «ith 10 of the vehiclcs eventually tou~cd •.:nd 10 ritations iSsued. I wo vehiclc ht11}:5 NN-ere also proce"ed. 0 1 ilc' hli,}I I1TlpOT?LlI1C;[: of 3ddI'c:vlilt; iotilIlllI111C311oi1.; lI]ItfoncE3b[lli-, ilccdti 1[~ the Sj)t!kiRe region has been a topic at various city council meetings in the region during the muntli of February. As a member of the core team chose.n to provide educational informataon on this issue, Chief VanLeuven hns pariicipated in several programs and presentations, including Waverly and Millwood city councils. lic also made a presentation to the SCOYI- Executive Actian Committee (EAC) and was a.5surcd of Future SCOPL supporl 1.1 educational efforts. ♦ Lt. Chan Bailey retircd iruni tiie 5pokane Couiit} `heiiff-s Oflicc iti l-ebruarN, i~Ald Lt.Iin) Finke was assigned as Community Resource Officer. 1-le will be ser-, ing. a; liaison hinwcen SC'OPL and the Sheri11-s (lftice! SPokane Valley Pulice Departiiient OFERaT]nNS: ♦ Sgt_ Mikc Gollars and the Spokane Valle}' Police l ratfic lJnit collaburated with Public Works ta priuriti•rx the top six problem auto collision hot spots in the Spokane Valley f~or potentia] improvement. • Property Crimes Detective Roger Knight and Chief VanLeuven attended thc Fcbruary meeting of the Bank Security group in the Snol:ane Valley, where tYCent Spukanc area hank robberies u•ere a topic of discussion. Chief VanLeuven continues to encourage pavol officen to randamly stop by Valley banks. v►hth eheir presetice acting as a crime deterrent. • C'hief Vani.euven and 1_t. Steve Jones, along %v7th representatives fram Valley Firc, met together w71h Spokane Fair and Expo personnel to plan and work aut logistical details regarding the upeoming motorcycle rally scheduled for July, 2008 at the fairgrounds. Law enfiircement and Fire security grovisions and funding issues were discussed. •With the large amouat of snoNN-fall and inclzment weather during the mnnth af February. tmMic and patrol officers met the challcnge ttnd ciid a great job of coping with ha7ardous conditions, making sure they eontinurd tu pruvide r\cellent customer srrvice to the ritizens nf thc ('ity ot'Spokane Valley. ♦ Valley Covpie Robbed, Injvrcd: sr~kanz valiey Police wcrz calleri by neighburs to the horne of a Spokane Valley couple, lwth 87 years o1d, after the turo were robbed in thcir gsrage and both were punched in the face by a male suspect. The suspect then stole the ~kife's purse and can out of the garage. According to neighbors, a silver four-door sedan driven by a wThite female with a male passc.nger had arrived near the home of the elderly cuuple and parked there a few minutes before the amva) af the couple. 1Vhen the elderly couple arrived and pulled intn the'v garage, the mnle suspect spruited from the pa.SSengcr Page sea1, kirkeci in the garage man door anci entered. There, the suspec:t punched the male driver twice in the face as the he attempted to exit the car. The suspect then moved to the passenges side, punched lhe woman at least once in thc face and yankcd her purse away. ?he suspcct then csited the garagc and found himself in a near-canfrontation with neighbors who had hesrd the man door being kicked in and werc arriving to investigatc. The suspect reversed caurse, ran to his parked gelaway vehicle and iled the area_ The incident is still under investigation. ♦ PanLandling: Even with February's cold and snowy winter weather, panhandlers are still highly visible on the streets of thc City of Spokane Valley. Wc are continuing to work on educational information with all of our patrol officcrs, with the expectation that this problem «-ill tend to increase when warmer weather arrives. I'aoc 3 2008 FEBRUARY CRIME REPORT Feb-08 Feb-07 OS to date 07 to date 07 Total 06 Total 05 Tota) 04 Total BURGLARY 56 40 110 96 584 714 744 997 FORGERY 24 40 66 72 365 334 464 465 MALICIOUS MfSCHIEF 48 79 103 194 1,263 1,122 904 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL 74 48 154 106 839 811 749 916 PROPERTY OTHER 59 76 109 140 890 982 1,154 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES 24 27 49 57 343 403 333 390 STOLEN VEHICLES 37 41 71 90 478 711 603 577 TNEFT 145 134276 298 1,881 1.888 2,256 2,853 uioec o o 1 1 e 11 s 10 VEHICLF OTHER 0 0 0 0 3 3 5 40 VEHICLE PROWLING 72 70 167 147 682 937 958 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CRIMES 539 55511 1,106 1,199 7,338 7,916 8,178 10,519 ASSAULT 67 61 135 118 853 846 894 880 DOA/SUICIDE 22 17 41 34 221 167 159 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 98 60 175 138 874 736 762 755 HOMICIDE 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 5 KIDNAP 6 1 7 2 23 22 35 24 MENTAL 23 26 54 51 350 425 425 386 MP 3 611 11 11 83 86 97 106 PERSONS OTHER 98 88 204 198 1,337 1,159 1,256 1,624 RO88ERY 7 7 11 8 60 58 56 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT 7 8 S t 18 73 S3 92 1s TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES 331 274 649 578 3,875 3,589 3,777 4,1 S ADULT RAPE 3 4 10 7 43 29 39 37 CHILD ABUSE 11 13 27 22 104 78 101 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 4 6 12 11 92 105 88 205 SEX REGISTRATION F 0 1 0 1 4 3 6 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES 0 3 1 4 18 15 9 21 CNILD MOLESTATION 8 2 10 5 46 69 67 77 CHILD RAPE 6 2 S 4 31 62 35 30 RUNAWAY 23 26 51 58 295 309 311 437 SEX OTHER 17 18 36 31 194 203 181 162 STALKING 7 1 7 3 17 17 27 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON 17 S 21 18 152 177 244 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES 94 85 183 165 996 1,067 1,108 1,475 DRUG 68 57 118 125 807 665 891 999 ISU OTHER 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t TOTAL !SU 68 57 118 125 808 655 891 1,000 T07AL TRAFFIC REPORTS 300 252 623 564 3,800 3,345 2,403 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS RECEIVED 1,332 1,223 2,679 2,631 16,817 16,582 16,367 19,962 ~ - 1ADfIMI1 I~. 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EipM 1'on - 3 , ~ n l - - r r u~.,, ~ Commerclal 37 Il BUr9terY s4ut r . ~ " 441t1 I W ~is~+ • i~- 1_ _ . f 9 , • ~ - - - a . a'bt . ~ -~h~ •t,~ ~ ~ ~ M Lvw a w _ =Metlium ;2_ ~!►lrlhne MMui~l~ =Hi9h .~.,h j'" 2008 rcbruArY Commercial Bu rglarY Hotspots M°l) F~tWuc°d 13 Mnrc.li 7DD0 ~ ~ ~ 7 SanSU _ C ~ . ~ O1 ~i l I ' ~ .1~ o ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ = z. ~ I? wolis r ; - ~ J~`Qy r 2 A U0 15 it U . ~c =_j / i _ ~{~y~ j • E p ~ l 1~~y~ ~ Euclld 1 ~ ~ I d~t AIIP k ~ 3' vv~ow Fu IW ~ r a B , f . , ~ iiI I I I { 1 F I ~y!'`L4' r' ~ i.ivia~v p - - - aA ~ 11e nW f ~16 1 f ~ I ~ ~ n■ l y diBna n r - ~yli r~ pi- CAki Iu ~i uire S,w~ AI liq C jgF kn~ J - _ •qf- ~ ~ } ~ ~ - ~ , ~ G• J - - - ~ ~ ' 1~ ~ ~ - t _u e., ~ ~ - ►a ~IC~IhdeNk ~ji 'ri C"Iir} il5~~xo u~ a ~ s j ~~1 I'1 3.11 ~ q , °L~ I ~ I • _ 1 . y ~ 1-~ - ,1 ~ t d -1- _,,1~~ ' -•f IZ I- ' ~i ~ ~ W I ~o ~;,4 a~~ ( ~ I ~ t II 1 ~~1i• r i~ 'SQI) - 1L L~ L ~ ~'i1~~~~ ►~~~i~~~~ ~m-- 0 _ ,~~:U~~~e'. ~,Ir ~ 1 U 4 l~~- ~ a~~ ~ -~p Ift L- - ~ 1'`~.,1~~ ~ I ~ • ~ ' l ' ~ 1 I _ t_~ ~ ~ ~ I lolh 1- . - - ~ n th -'r ii lT f- . ~J x,st larm t[flE~~_ ~ - - ja ~ , w u~ Ih 1~i(i~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ I i i 5~~~ ~ 39 y~ IN J 16S --j 1 0 4014'~~' ~ I~' rT' - s 7 r RosldonUal N- ~ ~ ~ :i7t~~_ I , ; ~ ~ • ~ v ~ A~ s 1~ ~ ~ r~ fl Burglary III.~ , _ t s ~ - , ' r > ~ ~ u► ~ aau, ~ afy ~ k. . ~ IT~r~T ~ 441h_ O ~ ~1 ( Nd~mn ~A- =Low =Medium ) (p ~ ~ 1 I i I =High ---t-~ ° O5 1 2008 rebruarv Rcsidcntial Burglary Hotsputs MapProciuoerll:IMorr.tiZpOfl 1+[ ~ .