2008, 06-03 Study Session , i I ~.7 - ~ . :1GENUA CM` OF SYUkAtiE VALLEY CI'TY COtJNCIL WORK.S[[FE'I' STLiDY SESSION Tursdnp, .Innc 3, 2008 6;1)(1 p.m. CITY 1-LALL. COUTiCIL CRAINil3E.1LS 11707 East Spn+gue Avenur, First Flonr (Plcase Silcocr 1`oar CcA Pboncs Duriag thc hicrtiag) .Nenw Employec L+troduttlans: Legal In[crns Dcna 13w•kr anJ 13rir1ir Fl(illzrrrn. Lv !}eputv C'it),Alrnrrtr.y n, Driske!!; Ilu»stm Re.s•otoces :1lcntceger .Tr,/cn ji irirclrea.l hY 1)ePurv ('itt.4~;ur,tt*er :11rk~ Juikcan. DiSCl;tiStON J,EADER SUHJECT/AC"fIVTi'Y (;OAI. ACTION TTYM5: t. Kutrn Kcndall Second Reading Prnposed Oniinunce 08-0 10. Approvc Urdinancc STV 01-07, Strect Vacatic+n [public cummeat] Mikc 1nek3on Proposed Resolution 011-0 11 Non-Rocourse Rcvanue Approve Rrsolution Band.s (pubtic commcntj 3. C;rzg MeCarmick Mcition Consideratian: Consuttarit Sclcctian City MQtian Cansidcration Ccnttr FIS (pubiic commcntJ 4 Steve Warley Modon Considetatian: F3arker Road Dridge Bid Motion Considcration Award [publir commcntl 5, htavar Nlunson kfayora) APpointnicnts lpablic commcnti Confirm Appaintmenu, RF.GtnAR STLIDY 9ESSION ITEMS 6. Ron N1ciiay, Judy Colr valicy Elcispitul F'racrss Upd.etc Uiscussianfinformatinn (1-0 minutcs) 7. Nril Iicrstcn/inga Noto Argvnnr and [aciinrw Road Discussion/[nfarcnFrtion (13 minutes) 8. Cary Driskrll ( I S min) Salid Wttste Fmnchi.SC Updnte DiscussionMfornatinn 9. Grcg McCormick/ Comprchen9ive Plan Amcadmcnta I)t3CLL5510fi/Ihlorn7ai ion Mike Httsinger (30 min) a. Cf'A OU-QS thru C'Pr1 15-0R, titap and 7'ext Amendmrnts b. CPA 01-08 and CPA 02-08, and !'PA 04-08 tlyru CYA QS-()K c. GPA D3-08 10 Iqfvrnkttion crtlY. cc PincsiAlrutsfielcl C:aturart A►+•urc! Stciv Worlcy b. flroad►+•W In,jSrncttan Uota- Nci! Krrsren c C'iry Nal! Fincr! Frpgrnm -:VriJ KYr,rten 11. Ma}<>r\dunson ,-tdaance Agendn Discussianlinfornwtian 12. Mavor Munscm Counril Gteck-in taisccei.ssic►nlinformntian 13. Mike lncksun City Mnnagcr Chock-in Discussian/Tnfarmstion 14. EXFCUTIti'F, SESStON: I ind ,\cquisition AD.IOLfItN :vnft: Unleu otherwhe nutrd abuer, there wLU be no publk eammenti at CouarU SWd►, `ccslcrns. i(oN•cver, Cauaci) etways rnsrvcs ihe right to reqnnt infarmitiun fram the publie aad stafT a oppruprinle. During :neaings hc(d by chr City af Spoiant L'alley Cuuncd, thc Counul rcserves Ihe right to take "acdon" on any item 1lsted ar subseqLarttty nddod ;o thc agendn. 'nic serm "ac1i0n" mt-.:as !0 dchbcmtr. ditcum reviaav, cnnsider, e%v1t►ate. ar make a caliectiye pas3thc or negat¢ivY decisian 'YOTIC. • ladIviduals planning w attrnd ihe ts►eeting u•lin require spccial a;so;an:c -c- imPsi;nrnSS, pleaec contAL::l:_ UlCYK r t 5091 1,121 .11-10l) a."~)ifl ,1_. ~`J::_J~t~C'. 'lldl C1TfRG!CTTt."JC_. I:~d: ~`C I11]jC ';tu.:!, idj:_+u AF.c^dtt .Un[ ,'''US C'TTY OF SPOK4NE VALLFN' Rcqaest tor Coancil Actlon Meeting Datr: lune 3, 2008 City Masager Sign-afl`. Item: Check all that appty: ❑ canseflt ❑ ald busincss ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ ini'ormation ❑ adcain. report ❑ pending Icgislation AGENDA I'I'E1N TCI"LE: Second Reading for pmposed Ordiaancc 0S010 - for right-of-way vacation ~ STV-0 1 -07 located soutb of Spraguc Avenue and north of 1" Avenue west of Pincs Road (SR-27) for the vaca2ion of a portion of en aUey and cancurrently dedicating right-of-way tor the purposc of realigning the alley approximatety 26 foot south of the existing lacatiaa. BACKGROiTND: This strcet vacatifln came brforc City Counci) on April 10, 2007 undcr Resolution 07-003 srtting a public hcaring date for Mny 10, 2007 with the Planning Commission. The vac$iion was put on hold May 2, 2007 jusi before the schoduled public hearing was canductod; no fwther proeessing had taken place with the strcet vacation agplicatian. Thc owmcrs notifod the City on March 12, 2008 tfrnugh their roprressentative rcqucstinK the streat vacation to proccod. On Mamh 25, 2008 the Council adoptcd Resolution 08-004 seming a May 8, 2008 public hearing before the Plnnning Commission for the reyncsted sireet vncaiion. The Plsnning Commission conducted the pubisc hearing as schedule on Mny 8t° and vote 5- 1 to r«:ommend conditional appmval of SN-01-07. First rcading of the c►rdinance (08-010) was canducted on h1ay 20, 2008. -rhc applicant's repincsentative Mikc Stanicar. Bemardo Wills AmhitecLs on behalf of the ov%mers Tbomas Hamilion and nsvid 7'hompson roquests a vacation of a portion of en allcy (15 foet wide by 300 feet deep) and concurrently dedicating right-of-way for the purpasc uf realigning the alic,-y apprQximately 26 fert south of the existing tocation. The alley is iocaicd south of Spragve Avznue, north of 1' Avcnue and wcst of Pines Road (SR-27) betwoea Pgr+cels 45211.0101, 45211.0102, 45211.0103, 45211.0104, 45211.0105 (nerth) and 45211.0119,45211.0120,45211.0125 (sauth). Please refetencc map bclow. SpraEneAveoae - ; i iF . , ; ~ . ~ ; ~ s~ s sr ;s~ i . ~ ~ • ~ ~ • ~ , - . ~ r T ' . ~ ~ Ruble Road . • ~ i Ptaes Rnad , i_ (SR-27) ; lllll ~ ' ; ~ - i . , , , - - nrra► w be vaalea ~ ~ i Puads "tft ROW W bc vocsced ~ ttttd Nu popoftd of now dlry toatloe • ~ lllllllllillllJ~ ; 1".4rcnue 1fic Planning Commission made the following findings as pan of their roc:omcuendation to Ciry Cotcncil: I. "Ilyc Planning Commissidn held a public 6earing on Msy 8, 2008 to receive tcstimoay conceming the vacetion of approximatety 300 foct in length by 15 feet of width af an allcy located between Sprague Avenve (north) and 1'° Aveauc (south) of Fisst Avcnue and concurrcntty dedicating right-of-way for the purpose of realigning the alley aQproximately 26 feet south of the existing allcy. The date of the hesring was sct by City Council on March 25, 2008 try• Spokane Vallcy Resolution No. 08-004. Notice of the hearing was published on Apri14, 2008 in the Valley tferald. the official newspaper of the City, was postcd in three canspicuous locatioas within the City, was pmvided to the petitioners and abutting propcrty owners, and a sign was placxd on the property providing notice of the hearing also completod on April 4, 2008. The sitc has bezn rrposted several timcs as the signs located at the east and west cnd of the proposed vacation had f'allen andlor been recnoved. 2. 'llie Planning Commissian roviewed the roport preparod by the Spakane Valky Community Dcvelapmcnt Departmcnt in detail. 3. -The vacation of the alley approximatcty 15 feet by 300 feet wtill permit full development of the property for beneficial uses snd permit appropriate {evels of maintenance. Tbe realigruneai of the elley will takc place npproximatety twonty-six (26) feet south of exisiing alley. 4. Thc Public War{c3 DopArtmeat has no objcctions to the proposal. 5. Ciry of Spokarse Valley's Comprohcnsive Plan Chapter 2- Land Usc 2.9.1 Streot Connoctivity states that Street de$ign cao 6ave a significant impact an coenmuniry clevelopment It also States aII new devclopments shauld give special consideration to emergency acress rvutes. Policy I.iJP- 7.1 calls fur improved traffic circulaiion around and through the City Ceater by extending the street netvvotk and creating smnller bloclcs. Staff nates there is an elcisting building located to the south of the existing aliey locatad on parce! 45211.0125 wfiich is roquired to be demolishod as the pmposed realignmrnt nias through the middle of the building. A small msidence Iocated on ~ parce) 45211.0120 a•ilt be impacted by a neduced setback from the realigned alley. StafF notes the residence shall be Iocatad a minimum of fivc (5) feet from the south pmpcrty line of the fL`8l1gTiCd aIICV_ Agency comments when applieable cin: included as canditions of apnroval. Public tcstimony was providcd at the public hcaring; howcver na written objactions were received to the proposod vac:ationlrelocutinn from the notice of pubiic hearing nnd/or routing to stnff'and agEncies. OPT'IONS: 1. Approvc Ordinancc 08-010; 2. Deny the praposed stmet vacation; ar 3. Schedule a public hearing that will be conducted 20 days aftcr noticing in the mail, on-site and posted three conspicuous plac:es in the City. REC011'IMF.NDED MOTION: "1 nwve 1o apprave Ordixance 08-010. STAFF C0IVTAC'T: Kuren Kcrtdall, Assistant I'lanncr A'CI'ACHMENTS: 1. Pianning Commission Reraauncndation {'lanning nivisian Staff Rsport 3. DraR Ordinnncc 08-010 ~ Uepartmcnt of Ccammuoity ncvc opmcnt .;0sNY Planning Divisioii STV-0~ -07 ~i~cx~E Ave---------.-------- Q ` M . ; , ~A - ~ ~ L . ~ .i r ~ t : T!-TTTTT ~ . . ~ Project Description: ; - - ~ i Strcet Vacation Request to vacate 1^ ~ a partion of alley anci , ` E TIIII ~ concurrently dedicating righi-of- ~ . , way for the purpose of realignin(i 's q-' I I !W.ELD ~ the alley approximately 26 feet south of the existing'alleY. - 1N AVE ~ Departmcnt af Cammunit`~ Dcvelopmcnt j Pianning llivision r Dave's Bar and Grili , 1 , JL- M.i ~ i . 1 . ~ ::II ~ ~ ~ - •R ~ y, 1--'-P~ . ~ ' ` ~da 1' - . . . - . _ _ . I ' R~/~ `f-,-. i ~ - _ e_~` - - • . moVatk. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' `-1~•. , ~ 4 ~ . T ,4 ; . ; ~ W'aigrecns . ~ ~ - " Ezisting rctiidcnce ~.'J fy Caisdng Commerciiil ~ • IfMW t, - building ' . Arca to be vucatcd Parccls abuttiog vacation H+H4iii Pruposcd nrw allcy localion " ~ FTNI)I~e TGS AND RECOMME\~DATIO\`S QF THE SPOKANY, VALLEY PT1Ai\`NING COMMISSION May 8, 2008 The following findings have been prepared by Staff for the Planning Commission in the event Chere is concurrence with the recommencled conditions of apprnval. Findings: l. The Planning Commission held a publie hearing on May 8, 2008 to reeeive testimony concerning the vacation of appro:cimately 300 feel in length by 15 fi;et of width of an alley locatecl behveen Sprague Avenue (north) and Avenue (south) of First Avenue and concurre»tly dedicating righf-of wdy for the purpose of realianing the alley approximately 26 feet sout:h of the existing alley. The date of the hearing was set by City Council on \+farch 25, 2008 by Spokane Valley Resolution No. 08-004. \sotace of the hearino was published on April 4, 2008 in the Valley I-Ierald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuous locations within the City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the nroperty providing notice of the hearing also completed on April 4, 2008. The site has been reposted several times as the signs located at die east and west end of the proposed vacation had fallen and/or becn removed. 2. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Valley Community Devclopment Department in detail. 3. The vacation of the alley approx.im~itely 15 fect by 300 feet wi.ll permit full development of the property for beneficial uses and pernlit appropriate levcls of maintenance. The realignment of the alley will take place approximately twenty-six (26) feet south of existing allcy. 4. The I'ublic Works Department has no objections to the proposal. ~ S. City of Spokane Va]ley's Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2- Land Use 2.9.1 Street Connectivity states that Street design can have a significant impact on community development. lt also states all new developments should gire special consideration to emcrgency acce.ss routes. Policy LUP-7.1 calls for improved irafFic circulation around and dirough the City Center by extending the street network and creating smaller blocks. Staff notes there is an existing building located to the south of the existing alley located on parcel 45211.0125 which is requirc:cl to be demolished as the proposed realignment runs through the middle of the building. A small residence located on parcel 45211.0120 wil] be impacted Uy a reduced setback from the realiguctl alley. Staff notes the residence shall be totated a rtiinirnum of five (5) feet from the south property line of the realigned alley. Agency comments when applicable are iiicJudcd as conditions of approval. Recummcadations: The Spokaiie Valley Planning Commission therefore recommends to the City Council that the vaeation of a portion of alley and concurrently dedicating right-of-way for the purpose of realigning the alley approx.imately 26 feet south of the existing alley locafed south of Spra~,rue Avenue and nnrth of 1ti' tlvenue west of Pines Road (SR-27), 1. Thc eompletion of the sixeet vacation (STV-01-07) including all conditions below shaU be submitted to the City for review within ❑inety (90) days follnwing the cffECtive date of approval by the Ciry Council. 2. The following easements will be retained for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilities. The specific location of eascmenes is a requirement of the record of survey . a. Scwer: A portion of the sewer main is locaced in the e.cisling alley right-of-way (R.0W), however inost of the sewer mai.n is loeated on private property. Any plans for relocation of the sexver main must be submitted to and approved by the Spokane County Division of Utilities. The Spokane County Division of Utilities requires a 20 foot eascment granting "Spokwre Coanity, its'successor.s and ussigns is for the sale purpose of canstructirlg, installing, aperatrng, maintuirrirrg, rePairing, ulteriiag, replucitrg, remnving, and all other uses or purposes whrch ure or niay be relatecl ta a sewer system. Spokrnre Courrty, it's successors and trssi~jris at all times lrer~inafter, at their o~~r~ cast and exnctrse, may rentove ull crops, brush, grczss or trees tlaat ntay interfere wilh 1/te construcling, installing; operutirrg, muintainin& repairing, altering, replacing, ren:oving und all other uses or purposes whFch are nurv be related to sewer systeiri. The grantor(s) reserves the right to use and enJ'oy 1hatProperty wlxicti is the subject of this J easement jor purposes which will not irilerjere ►vitlv the Counry 's full enjoynaent of the rights hereby grunted,• provided, the Grantor(s) shull not erect or cvrtstruct mry building or other structure or drill on the easenrent, or dimirrish or substantially add to the growtd co>>er over tlTe easement. The easeinent descrihed l:ereinabove is to and shull run with the ltrrrd. " A copy of the recorded easement shall be submiCted to the City's Community Development Director or designee. b. VJater: Modern Electric `Vater Company has a 6" waCer main in the existing alley right-of-way. The applicant states the water line will be re-routed to follow the proposed reali~nment. Any plans for the relocation of the water line must be submiticd to and approved by Flectric Water Company and installed prior t:o completion of the street vacat.ion. c. Telephone/riber Optics: QWest Communications has overhead telephone ser<<ices locatcd in the alley that feed from the wesl and dead-end at Pines Raad. A temporary/conditional easement shall be established in order to temporarily maintain aerial telephone cables and utility poles in the existing right-of-way (alley) until the property ownerldeveloper pays Qwest to removeJrelocatc the facilities. After Faeilitics have been relocated, the temporarylconditional easement can be estinguished. A copy af the recorded easement sliall be submittecl to the City's Community Development Director or designee. tl. Gas and Eleetricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas lines within right-af-way. The applicant states the lincs will be re-rouCed to follow the proposed realignment. A.ny plans for the relocation of t7ic gas and eleclrical lines must be submitted to and apprnvetl by Avista and installed prior to cotnpletion of the street vacation. e. Cable Television: Comcast CaUle has infrastructure within Clie right-of-way. The applieant states the lines will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment. Any plans for the reloeation of the cable lines must; ~be submitted to and approved by Comcast and installed prior to completion of the street vacation. 3. The vacated alley and realienment shall comply with all City standards for removal of the exiting alley and imprqvements tn realigned alley. 4. If there is a conflict with the realigned alley and existing drywells, Che existing dr}wells will ne:F:d to bc abandoned and new drywells will nced to be constructed. The new dryweUs wifl need to be registered pcr Department of Ecology's Underground lnjcction Cont'ol program. 5. Dedication of public right-of-way (RO)Nq for the realignment ofdie alley shdll be subm.itted to the Communit'y Development Dircctor or designee For review. Following acceptance of the KOW cfedication the applicant shall rec.ord the dacument and reference the reaording number on the record of survey. 6. I he City of Spol:ane Valley rire Department requires a minimum nf a h+,cnty (20) foot driving surFace and a twenty-eight (28) foot turning radius for the realigned alley. 7. The applicant shall submit an intersection plan for approval to bofh WSDOT and the City of Spokane Valley for this alley rcalignment. S. An access pernlit shdll be obtained from WSDOT. 9. 1'he existing alley access shall be rernoved and WSDOT standard curb and sidewalk installed. 10. The applicant shal) submit and receive approval of a demolition permit ror a portion of or all of the existing building located on parce145211.0125. If a portion of the building is removed a ten (10) fpot setback shall be retained alang the south boundary line of the realigned alley. 11. Thc south line of the realigncd alley shall be located a minimum nf five (5) from the existing residence loeated or,- - parcel 45211.0120 and portion of demolished building located on parce145211.O125. ~ ' i ~ 12. A boundary line adjustment (BLA) shall be cornplcted to move existi»g parcel boundaries to the norCh (45211.0101, 45211.0102, 45211.0103, 45211A104 and 45211.0105) and south (45211.0119, 45211.0120 and 45211.0125) boundary line of the realigned alley Pollowing the public right-of-way declication. The applicant may include the i31.,A process with the required record of survey for the street vacation. 13. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a rccord of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington and including an exact metes and bounds legal description, a.nd specifying if applicable any and all easements for _ construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, sball be submitted by the proponent to the 17irector of Community Development, or desigmee for review. 14. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerline of the vacatcd ri€;ht-of-way widi one located at the intersection of the centerline ofthe vaeated rig t-of way with each street or right-of way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane Counly Statrdards for Road artd Sewer C;onslruction. 15. All necessary ea.scmcnts shall be shown on the record of survey and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verif},ing all easements have been indicated. 16. All di.rect and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacatecl alley from public to private owncrship including but not limited to title company charges; copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponenC. The City will ❑ot assume 3ny financial responsibility for any direct or indirect eosts for the transfer of title. 17. 1'he zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each side o£the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically eYtended to the center of such vacation, and all ares includcel in the vacation shall dhen and henccforth be subject to all regulations of the extended district,s. Thc adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning districC extension inclusive oFthe applicable zoning district designations. 18. The record of survey and certified capy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the ciry cler9c in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 19. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Approved this Sfh day of 1~'iay, 2008 Ian Roberison, Chairman ATTEST lleanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant F~ ~ Spo~ne%111. ,;oOValley. ~ STAFF REPORI' PROPOSEA VACATr01 OI+ A PORTION OF ALLEY AND REALIGNMEr'T 26 FEET TO ` SOUTI3 BETWFF\T 1s'r AVEIVUE ANT SPRAGUE AVENUE Prepared by: Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development DHte: May l, 2008 . Findings: 1. Abutting Property N0. 1: The follo»rint parcel numbers abut the north side of the proposed vacation of the alley: 45211.0101, 45211.0102, 45211.0103, 45211.0104 and 45211.0105. Thcse parcels are all owned by Thomas Hamilton. No objection from abutting property owncrs was received. Ahuttinb Property \To. 2: The following parcel numbers abut the south side of the proposed varation of the alley: 45211.01 19, 4521 ] A120 and 45211.0125. Parcels 45211.0120 and 45211.0125 are o«med by Thomas Hamilton and parce1452] 1.01 19 is owned by Dave Thompson. No objections from abutting prnperty owners were received. 2. Utilities: The followinn entsements will be rctainccl or rerouted as noted by the applicKuit for all necessary underground and/or overhead utilitics. a. Sewer: A portion of the sewer main is located in the existing alley right-of-way (RONV), however most of the sewer main is located on private property. The sewer line drains from east to west and deac!-ends at Pines. 'I'he applicant states the sewer main can be cut back so that it does not run under the proposed building and without affectina `upstream' customers because there are none. A neNy manhole would be , approved and installed nn private property. Senrice would be maintained to the existing dental building and residences oti 1 st Avenue. A portion Af the sidc sewer for the dental building will run across the ~ proposed realigned alley ROW. Staff notes a tvventy (20) foot easement is required by Spokane County ~ J Division of Utilit,ies, b. VVater: Modern Electric Water Company has a 6" water main in the existing alley right-of-way. The applicant states the water line will be re-routed to follow the proposed reali'nment and shall be made a condition nf completing ttie stxeet vacation. c. Telephone/T~'iber Optics: Qwest Communications has overhead telephone serviees located in the alley that fced from the west and dead-end at Pines Road. T'he applicant states the telephone service can be cut back to facilita#e the proposed redevelopment and servicc will be maintained to the ex.isting dental building. Qwe_st may require easements if facililies are relocated outside of tlie publ.ie right-of-way. d. Gas and Flectricity: Avista Corporation has electricity and gas li.nes within the e;xisting right-of-way. The appliciurt states these utilities woulcl need to be re-routed to follow the propdsed realignment and shaU be madc a condition of completing the street vacation. e. Cable Television: Camcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states these utilities would need to be rerouted to follow the propnsed realignment and sliall be made a condition of completin~ the strcc.t vacation. All of the utilitv providers have been contacted bv the applicant ancl their corresnondence is attached. The snecific location of esseinent-, is a reauirement of the record of survev. ' 3, Stormwfiter Drainage facilities: The applicant stated in the application that t}iere were no stormwater drainage facilities within the subject right-of.-way. Based on Ciey of Spokane Valley's Stormwater inventory, there arc no dr}nvells located in the public right-of'-way. Twro (2) active dryweUs exist on parce145211.0125 alono with fourteen (14) abandoried dry«<ells. ~ 4. Spokane Valley Fire District No. 1: The City of Spokane Valley Fire Departnent requires a minimum of a , i twenty (20) foot drivino surface and a twenty-eight (28) foot turning radius. . 5. Access: °I'he alley eurrently is bcing utilized for traffic circulation coniiecting Robie Road (west) and Pine Road _ (east) which most of the traffic volume is related to accessing adjacent businesses IACated offthe alley. 6. Zoning - Zoning surroLmding the proposed vaeation is Community Commercial (C). ~ 7. Transportxtion - City of Spokanc Valley, Public VVorks Deparlanent conducted a need asscssment of the allcy concluding the alley is needed for circulation. There are no objections to the proposed realignment of the alley as it will c;ontinue to maintain current uses. City staff requires the realignment to comply with City standards regardinp improvemenls dnd repair. Washington Statc Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has the following requirements for this street vacation: a. The applicant shall submit an intersection plan for appeoval to both WSTaOT and the City of Spokane Valley for this alley realip-,nment. b. The cxisting alley access shall he removed and WSD07' standard curb and sidewalk installed. 8. I..and Use - City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Ylan Chapter 2- Land Use 2.9.1 Street Connectivity seates that Street design ean have a significant i.mpact on community devElopment. lt also states all new developments should give speeial consideration to emergency access routes. Policy LUP-7.1 calls for improved traffic circulatinn around and through the City Center by extending the street netwrork and creating smaller blocks. Staff notes there is an eYisting building located to the south of the existing alley located on parcel 45211.0125 which is rcquired to be demolished as d1e proposed realignment runs t:hrough the middle of the building. A small residencc located on parcel 45211.0120 will be impactcd by a reduced setback from the realigned alley. Slaff notes the residence shall he located a miiiimum of five (S) feet from the south property li_ne of the realigned alley. 9. Condition -"1`he alley is currently fifteen (15) fcet wide and paved. 10. Assignment of vacated partions nf right-of-way - Absent objections fram abutting properties owners, right-of-`" ` way should be assigied [o the petitioners. A boundary line adjustment shall be rcquired to adjust the parcels as the realignment of the alley (dedic;al.ed public right-of-way) is unable to create new parcels pursuant to Titte 20 of the Ciry of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Abutting property owners have received notice of the proposed vaealion. Conclusions: 1. The Public VVorics Depar[ment has stated that the vaaation as proposed will not better serve the public as the proposal is to relocate the alley and keep the current service. 2. The alley is utili7ed for traffic cireulation. 3. '1'he implcmentation of the llraR Spraoue Appleway Revilalir,ation Plan may provide agReater use or nced than prescntl_y exists. 4. The Yublic Works Deparhnent has no objections to the proposal. 5. The Ciry of Spokane Valley's Cornprehensive Plan encourages connecting streets and blocks. , / DRA FT CI'TY nF SPQKANF VALLEY SPOKATT COiTNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE \TO.OS-0.10 AN OYtDLNAl`iCE QF TAE C.iTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHl1`GTON, PROVID.TiNG FOR THE VACATION OF APORTI()N dF TIIE ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OFF SPFtAGUE AVENL7E; NORTft OF ls*r AVENUF; AND WEST ()F FTNFS ROA.D BFTWEEN PARCEL NOS. 45211.0101, 45211.0102, 45211.0103, 45211.0104, AND 45211.0105 TQ TF3IE vORTki A\`D FA.RCEL NUS. 45211.0119, 45211.0120, AND 45211.0125 TO T11E SOlJTT3 :iN'D PROVTDDiG FOR OTHER MATTFRS PROPERLY RELATUI~G TET.F,RETQ. VVREf2-Er1S, the City Council by Resalution 08-044 initiated vacation proceedings fnr a portion of an alley (approximately 15'x 300') located south nf Sprague Avenue; north of l' Avenue; and west of Pines Road (SR-27) and concutrently dedicating right-of-way for the purpose of realiguing the alley approximately 26 feet south of the existing location (STV-0 1-07) by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be belcl before the Planning Commission on May 8, 2008; and WHER.CAS, the Planni.ng Cominissi4n held a public hearing on May 8, 2008; and VJ'HEREAS, following a hearing; the Planning Commission found diat the notice and bearing requirements of Title 10 Article IX Section ofthe Spokanc Valley Municipal Code have been met; and V►THGRFAS, the Plann.ing Commission findings andlAr minutes have becn filed with the City Clerk as part of the public record supporting the vacaiion; and ~1 WHEREAS, none of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated filed a-written J - objection to the propose.d vacation witli the City Cleric; and RWFREAS, through adopted City Code provisions, the City shaU provide that the vacated property be transferred to the abutting propcrty owners, onc-hal.f to cacti, unJess eireumstances require a different division of proper-ty; that the zoning district designatian of the pmperties adjoining each side of the street shaU aztach to the vacated property; that a record of sur<<ey shall be subniitted to the Direetor of Community Development; and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property; and WHEREAS, the proponent shall dedicate f'or right-of-way purposes a 20 foot wide appmximately 300 fcet in lengeh area (as depicleci in attachment) for the re-establishment ot'the alley appro.rimately 26 feet soudi of its present location; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to vacatc the above strEets pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code Sections 10.05.220 - .380. ,NQtiV, THERFFORF, the City Council of the City of Spokane Vslley, SpAkane County, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Findines of Fact. The City Council mal:es the following findings of fact: 1. T'he City Council set the May 8, 2008 public hearing date at their Marclt 25, 2008 meeting through adoption of Resolution Nlo. 08-004. Notice of the hearing was published on April 18, 2008 in the Valley Herald, the official newspaper of the City, was posted in three conspicuows locations within tlie City, was provided to the petitioners and abutting property owners, and a sign was placed on the properiy providing notice of the hearing also completed on April 18, 2008. Ordinance 08-010 - Street Vae.ation STV-0 1 -07 Paee 1 of6 DRAFT 2. Tbe Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 8, 2008 to receive testimony concerning the vacation and relocation of approximately 300 feet in lengtih of an aUey lying J west of Pines Road; south of Sprague Avenue and north of First Avenue. The Planning Commission reviewed the report prepared by the Spokane Vallcy Community Development Department in detail. 3. The f'lanninb Com.mission determined the streetlalley would permit full developmenc of the properly for beneficial uses and perniit appropriate levels of maintenance. 4. Thc Planning Commission deterniined that allowing the street vacation ,vou)d bettcr serve the public considering the vacation would allow redevelopment oPt:he site on the southwest corner of Pines Road and Sprague Avenuc creating a financial benefit. 5. '1'he Planning Commission determined that tlie relocated alley would continue to serve the neighboring properties currently utilizing the alley. 6. The Planning Commission determined that conditaons would not change in the futurc to provide a a eater use or need for the subject riglits of way. 7. T'he Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in fa<<or of the alley vacation/relocation. 8. No objections have becn received to the proposed vacation/relocation &om the notice of publie hearing and/or routing to agencics. Section 2. Pronertv to be Vacat:ed_ Based upon the above fndings and in accordance with this Ordinance, the City Council does hcrcby vacate the street or alley nfiich is incorporated herein by rcference, and defined as follo«<s: 772at portiai7 of the ally located west of Pines Road, south of Sprague Avenue and norlh of First Avenue from its erutern ternainus at Piires koad approzimQlely 300 feet ivest as depicted irt Appendix A attached he.rel.a; lacated !n the NW % of Ssctiafi ll, Township ?S Aforth, Range 44 Fa,ct t4' A1 Spokurze County, Wasltingtorz. Section 3. Di<<isinn of Pronertv to be Vacated. Pursuant to RCV►' 35.70.040 and SVMC, facl`ual circumstances dictate a difl'erent division and distribution di the street or allcy to bc vscated than one-half each to abuning pruperty owmers, thus the property to b$ vacated shall be divided as rec4rded in the record of survey whieh shall be created and rec,orded with the County as required under SV,vIC Section 4. ZoninLy. The Zonilig ciesignation for the vacaled property shall be the desicnation attached to the adjoining properties as set forlh within the respective property or lot lines. Tt~e iairector of Community 17evelopment is authorized to mace ehis notation on the official Zoning Map of the City. Sectic►n 5. Conditions of Vacation. T7ie following conditions sha.ll be fu11y satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. The completion of the slreet vacation (S7'V-01-07) including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for rEView within ninety (90) days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. 2. The following easements wil) be retaincd for all necessary underground andlor overhead utilities. The specifc location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey a. Sewer: A portion of thc scwer iiiain is located in the eList.ing alley right-of=way (1t0W), however most of the sewer main is localed on private property. Any plans for _ relocation of the sewer main must be submitted to and approved by the Spokane ~ Ordilsance 08-010 - Street Vacation STV-01-07 Paee 2 of 6 nRA Fr ~ County Uivision of Ulilities. 7'he Spokane County Division of Utilities requires a 20 foot easement granting: "Spokane Couniy, its' successors aticl ussigns is for tlze sale purpnse af ca►1slrurting, installrng, operatiiig, maiiitaining, repazring, alterrng, replacing, re.ma>>rng, urtd all otlrer use.s or purposes whiclt We or muy be reJated to a sewer,system. .Spokarre Counry, it's sticcessors und assigns at all linzes hereinafter, at tlwir nwn cost uird expense, n:ay ren:ove all crop.r, brush, grass or tree.s t1ia1 iitay interfere wida the coiztlructitr& installing, operating, ntainlaining, reptriring, u11ering, replacing, ren:o ving w:d all other r.rses or purposes whrcll are may be relatetl lo a sewer system. Tfze grantor(s) re.serves the riglrt to use arul erJoy tlrat property WIzich is the subject of tliis easement far purposes tiyltich will nol interfere with the Cowtty's full enjo}Jment of the rrghts hereby grcatted,• pro>>ided, the Grmxtor(s) slrall rzol erect or corrslruct cmy building or otlter structrsre or drill on the eusenteiat, or dimii7is17 or subslatztially add to tlae groutid caver over the easement. 77ie easemeili descrihed ltereinubo>>e is to mtd s12a1l run wi1h the lmtd " A copy of the recorded easQment shall be submitted to the City's Community I?evelopment 17irector or designee. b. Water: Modem Electric Water Company has a 6" water main in the existing al]ey right- of-way. -Chc applicant stazes tiie water line will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment Any plans for the relocation of the water line must be submitted to and approved by Electric Water Company and installed prior to completion of the street vacation. ~ c. °Celephone/FiUer Optics: Qwest Commun.icaLions 6as overhead telephnne services located 'm the alley that feed from the west and dead-end at Pines Road. A temporary/conditional easement shall be establisbed in order to tcmpararily maintain acrial telephone cables and utility poles in the existino right-of-way (alley) until the pmperty owner/develdper pays Qtivest to removeJrelocate the facilities. After faciliLies have been relocatcd, the temporary/conditional easement can be eartinguished. A copy of the recnrded easement shall bc submitted to the City's Community Development DIieCtOr Ar dCSia CG. d. Gas and E•lectricity: Avista Cnrporation has eloctricity and gas lines within right-of- way. 'I"he applicant states the lines will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment. Any nlans for the relocation of the gas and elecCrical lines must be submitted to and approved by Avisla and installed prior t.o eompletion of the street vacation. e. Cable °I elevision: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant statcs the lines will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment. Any plans for the relocation of the cable lines must be submitted to and approvet3 by Comcast and installed prior to completion of the stn.et vacation. 3. Thc vacated alley and realignment sltall comply with all City sta❑da'ds for remova) of the e_aiting alley and improvemenYS to realigned alley. 4. If there is a conflict with the realigmet1 alley and existing drywells, the existing amweus will need to be abandoned and nerv drywells Ntiill need to be constructed. The new drywzlls will ne.ed to be regisYered per Uepartment of rcology's Underground I.njecUOn Control progam. Ordinancs 08-010 - Street Veeation STV-0 1-07 Page 3 of 6 DRrI F7' 5. Dedication of public right-of-way (ROV1) for die realignment of the alley shall txe submittcd to the (;ommun.ity Development Director or designee for review. Following a acceptance of dhe CZOV►' dedication the applicant shall record the document and reference the recording number on the rccord of survey. 6. The City of Spokane Vailey Fire 17epartment requires a minimum of a twenty (20) foot driving surface and a twenty-eight (28) foot turning radius for the realigned alley. 7. l"he applicant shail submit an inlersection plan for approval to both WSDOT and die City of Spokane Valley for tbis alley realigrunent. 8. An access permit shall be obtained from WS170T. 9. The existing a]]ey acress shall be removed and WSDOT standard curb and sidewalk i.nstalled. 10. The applicant shall submil and receive approval of a demolitidn permit for a portion of or all of the existing building located on parcel 45211.0125. If a portion of die building is removed a ten (10) foot setback shall be retained along the soudi boundary line of the realigned alley. 11. The south line of the realigiiod alley shal) be located a minimum of f.ive (5) from the cxisting residence loe.atcd on parcel 45211.0120 and portion of demolished building located on parce145211.0125. 12. A boundary line adjustrnent (BLA) shal] be completed to move existing parcel boundaries to the north (45211.01 Al, 45211.0102, 45211.010' 45211.0104 and 45211.0105) and south (4521 l.Ol 19, 45211.0120 and 45211.0125) boundary linc ofthe realigned alley _ following the public right-of-way dedicatian. "1"he applicatit may include the BLA process vvith the requircd record of survey for the street vacacion. 13. Followinj the City Council's passage of the ordinancc apnroving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of tie area to be vacated, prepared by a registered sunreyor in the $tate of 1'Jashington ajid including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and speci.fying if applicable any and all easements for aonstruction, repair and maintenancc; oPexistine and future utililies and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the llirector of Community Development, or designee for review. 14. The surveyor shall locatc at least riwo monuments on the centerline of the vacated right-of- way with one loc•atcd at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way with each street or ri~ht-of-~vay in act;ordanec ~vifli the standards eslablislied by the Spokane Cawicy Sttu7dard.c for Road atul Sewer Construction. 15. All neecssary easements shall be shown on the record of survey aild written documentation Gom all utility companies is required to be submiried to the Community f7evelopment Director, or designee verifying all easements have bcen indicated. 16. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated alley from public to private ownersliip including but not limited to title company charoes, copying fees; and recording fees are Co be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibil'rty for any direct or indircct cost,S for the transfer of title. 17. The zoning district designation oPthe properties adjoinina each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacatioti; and all area ineludeti in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the ; Ordinance 0$-010 - Street Vacation SN-01-0 7 Page 4 of 6 DR.4 F'T extendcd cfisuicts. I he adopting ordinancc shall spe:.ify tius zonine district cxtensian inclusivc of the applicable zoning district designations. 18. The record of suney and certified capy of the ardinance vscating a street or alley or pxrt thcreof shall be rerorded by the city cleric in the affice of the Spokane Counry Auditar. Scction 6. Closing. hollowzng satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall recard a certified copy of this Ord'mancc in the offico of the Coimty AudilQr, and the City Manager is authorizod to cxocute all nacessary documents, including a Quit Claim Dctid, in urder to cumplete the transfer of the praperty identified herein. Sectioa 7. Severabili If any section, sentencc:, clac~sc: or phras+e of this Urdinance shall bc held to be invalid or tutconsiitvtiannl by a court of compeYent jurisdiction, 5uch invalidiiy or unennstitutionality shall nat afi'ect the validiry or con{titutionaliry of any other scrtion, scntence, clausr nr phrase of this ordinancc. Scrty ►n Sc' . Lffc~t2~e I~ate. This 4rclinana; sfiall be in full fomc and eftect fivz (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thercof in thr, ofYicial ncwspaper of the City of Spoi►nnc Vallcy as providcd by Iaw. PASSI:D bv the c:iri• ('nuncil this clay uf AT1'ES'I-: Nlayor, Etichard h2unson l'ity Clerk, Christine Iiainbfidge 4pgrmed As To Form: Office af the Citv Attarney Datc of Publication: Lffertive Date: l?rdinsncr 09-410 - `u•_ct Vicatitm `;TIV-Ol -il i Pai!c ~ ol 6 DR4FT Eihibit "A" Prqx-rt~ 1)rccriptiton , T ' SpragucAveaue ! I I • I t . ~ 1 , ~ • L 1 ~ ~ . Robie - E'ioa Road Ro'd (SR-27) ~ 17 ~--~-M ' ~IIII 7 i ~t i ~ . ~ ; .~w be ,.mcd ~ Prccls abumng ROW w bc t ocamd . J-1.J_lt Atr, propt,soa o!'M» .uey,xat;on I l I I I I I_I I I ~ I l~ I„~ ; ~ . I ~~em~e t":1 t_>rdinx►ce Ub-U 1 U - strret Vacation S (A -U 1 •-oi CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Councii Action Meeting Date: 06-03-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Resolution 08-011 Regarding Mackay Manufacturing, Non- recourse revenue bonds BACI{GitOUNI): The attached draft resolulion was submitted to us frorn Koegen Edwards, LLF, and is similar tO lhose Council received in the past concerning economic de-velopment revenue bonds. This project is for bonds fqr Mackay to secure equipment. The City must approve this request by a legislative act such as a resolution. As in those past instances, this resolution attaehes no city liability to t}ie financing. RCW 39.84.060 . specifieally requires approval Af bodi the municipality under which it was creaCed, which is Spokane County, and die city witliin whose plan.ning jurisdicCion the Project lies; and provides that there can be no , recourse agai.nsC us in Che evcnt it fails. An e-mail was distributed to Council tiiay 23, 2008 advising of this upcotning resolution, and of the eime ~ factor involved as I.hese bonds are scheduled for finalization June 16, and this issue must First be presented to Council, and aftenvards to the Board of County Commissioners. MOTION: Approve Resolution 08-011 Approving Issuance by the Industrial Development Corporation of Spokane Washington, of its Non-Recourse Revenue Bonds. STAFF CONTACT: Dave Mercier/Chris Bainbridge A"r1"ACHVIE_N1°S Draf't Resolution 08-011 :l)12AFT CiTY OF SPQICAs\°E VAI.,LEY ' Spokane County, Washington RESOLUTION NO. 08-011 A RESQLUTl()\' t)F '1HE CITY COUNCT.G aF TEIE C1TY OF SPOKAs1rE VALLCY, SPOICANE COiTNTY, WAS. _1TTNGTpN, A,PPROVING TH:E ISSUANCE 13Y TFIE INDY15T171AL llEVELOPME.N'T CORFORATTON nF SPOKA\°E COij1iTY, WASFIIIVGTON OF 1'rS NO\T-RECOURSE REVFNUF B0\DS, ' SERJFS 2008A (MACKAY MA~\`'ITFACIlT12li\7G, INC., PROJECT); Ai Y120VIDIlNG FOR OTTiF:R 1'fATTF.RS PRQPERLY 1tELATI'NC THI:1tET0 BL [T RESOLVEll 13Y THE Cl'fY COUNCIT. OF TEIE CITY OF SPOK.ANF VALi.,EY, SPOKA,\IE COUNTY, WAStITNG'1"ON, as follows: WFIEREAS, tlie City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City") is a noncharter code city duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the state of Washingnon; WHEFLEAS, the Board of County Cornmissioners of Spokane CounCy, Washington, by Resolution No. 82-0160, adoptecl on February 23, 1982, created The Inelustrial Develapment Cnrporation of Spokiine County, Washington (the "IDC") pursuanl to ehapter 39.84 RCtiV, as nmended; WI-i.FR.T'AS, the iDC expects to issue $I,800,000 of Non-R.ecourse R.evenue Ronds, Serics - 2008A (Mac.K.ay Manufacturing, Tnc., Project) (thc "Bonds") and loan the proceeds thereof to Mac:K.ay , Manufacturing, inc. to finarice: (i) a portion of the c4st of acquiring, constructing and i.nstalling . equipment used in the manui'acture ofsurgical, electronic and gcneral componenls (the "Projecf') ancl (ii) aportion of the costs of is.suancc of the T3prids; 1Ar1=IECtEAS; 1ZC1V 39.84.060 provides that the CDC cannot issue the f3onds except upon the approval of both the iiiunicipality under the auspices of which it 4vas created, whicti is Spokane County, Wa,Shington (the "Caunty") and the county, city or to«m within whosc planning jurisdiction the Project lies; and \vHEREA5, the Project will be installed at the manufacturing facili .ty located at 10011 Last Vlontgomery Avenue, SpoF:ane Valley, GVashington, which is within the boundaries of the City; NOVV, `1'1-1ER.EFORE, 1T IS 1-IE.REBY FOUND, DCTE•R.NIINED ANTa ORT)FRrD as follows: Sectiar 1. Pursuant to the request ot' the TDC, t.he City. Council he_reby approves die issuance of the i3onds by the LDC for the purposes provided in chapter 39.84 RCW and within die meaninn of RCW 39.34.060. . Section 2. In so approving the issuance of the Bonds, the City Council does not assurne any respotisibility with respect to any payments due thereunder. ln accordance with RCW 39.84.060, (i) the City is not obligated to pay the principal of or the interest on the Bonds; (ii) na taY funds or governmental . revenuc of the City may be useci lo pay the principal of or the interest on the Bonds; and (iii) neither the faith and creclit nor the u►.Ying power of the City is Pledged to the payment of such principal or intere3t. Resolution 08-411, Revenue Bonds, Mackay Manufacturine Page 1 of 3 DRAFT Seczion 3_ This resolution shall takc cifieet immediately upon its passage and approval. ADOPTED by the City Council on June 3, 2008. CITY OF SFOKA\iG VAI.,LEY, WASHfi\iGTON Richarci Munson, Mayor ATTES°I': Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk f1.PPR0VE17 AS "1'O HORNi: pffice of the CiCy Attorney i ' . R.esolution 08-011, Revenue I3onds, Mackay Manufacturing Page 2 of 3 nRaFT $ $ ~ * * ~ * * $ * $ * ~ . , CERTIFICAI'E 1, Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokvie County, Washington, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a study session meeting of the City Council duly and regularly held at the regular meeting place rhereof on June 3, 2008, of which meeting all members of such City Council hacl cfue notice ancl at which a majority thereof were prESent; and that at such meeling such resolution was adopt:ed by the following vote: AYES, anc1 in favor ChercoP, CounciLmembcrs: NOES, Councilmembers: ABSE\rf, Cauncilmembers: ABSTA.T.N, Councilmembcrs: I furtlier certify that I have carefully cornpared t}ie same with the original resolucion on fle amd of record in my pffice; that such resolution is a full, true, ancl eorrecC copy of the original resolution ' adopted at such meeting; and that such resolution has tiot been amencteti, maclifiett, or rescinded since the date of its adoption, and is now in full force and effect. IN WI'TNIESS NVFTFRFOF, i have seC my hanci and aff.ted the official seal of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, R'ashington, ott lhe 3`d day of Ju.ne, 2008. CITY OF SPOKANE VAL,LFY, V4IASIDNGTON City Clerk (SFAi ) . . CIT1( OF SPOKANE VALLEY - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Motion Consideration: City Center EIS/PAO Consultant Selection GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None. . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of the 2008 Budget that included funds for this project. BACKGROUND: In January 2008, city staff issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) for firms to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) and planned action oFdinance (PAO) for the City Cenfer area as defined in the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan (SARP). The City recreived three responses to the RFQ, all qualified firms. The firms included Perteet, Inc., ESA Adolfson, and Berger/Abam-JD White. City staff then had each firm submit a proposal outlining an approach to the project, a preliminary scope of work and budget. City staff including Kathy McClung, John Hohman and Greg McCormick conducted interviews of the three firms on March 28, 2008. Staff checked references of the two top firms - Perteet and BergerlAbam. After consideration of the written proposal, interviews and reference checks city staff selected Berger/Abam as the top firm for the project. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "Move fo aufhorize city staff fo entsr info confract negotiatlons with BQrger/Abam-J.D. White for the C1ty Center envrronmenfal impact stafemenfl planned action ordrnance project, and aerthorize the City Manager or designee to sign the f;nal , contract." BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: $150,000 allocated in 2008 budget. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager ATTACHMENTS: Request for Qualifications • Request for Proposal letter 00000 S CITY oKane p ValleY(g) Request for Qualifications Draft & Final EIS and Planned Action Ordinance for Proposed City Center The City of Spokane Valley seeks statements of qualifications for planning services to prepare a ' project level draft and final environmental impact statement (DEIS & FEIS) and a planned action ordinance (PAO) as provided in RCW 43.21 C.031 and WAC 197-11-164 for the proposed City Center. The City is primarily interested in firms that have prepared similar environmental studies and PAO's for local jurisdictions in Washington State. Please send a cover letter describing the firm's qualifications and experience related to this project and qualifications of the firm's specific personnel that will be working on the project. The City will review all responses, select and notify the top firms. The selected firms will be required to submit a project specific proposal for further evaluation. The City will then schedule interviews for the finalists. Responses must be postmarlced and mailed no later than Friday February 8, 2008 to: Kathy McClung Community Development Director 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Any question regarding this RFQ should be directed to Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Division Manager at (509) 688-0023. . C:lOocuments and SettingslCBainbtcctge.SPOKANEVAlLEYILocal SettingslTemporary Internet FileslOLK41RFQ for DEIS - FEIS - PAO_doc , Spo]llKaa.n.e . ;OO*VaHey . DEPAR7MENT OF COMMUPJITY DEVELOPMENT 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VJA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.11308 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org „ , . - • - . , . . _ . • . . . . . . . • . - . February 15, 2008 Mr. John D. Whife, Vice-President BERGER/ABAM Engineers, Inc 1111 Main Street, Suite 300 Vancouver, WA 98660-2958 RE: Spokane Valley City Center EIS/PAO Project Dear Mr. White: BERGER/ABAM has been selected as one of three finalists for the Spokane Valley City Center Environmental Impact StatemenUPlanned Action Ordinance project. The next step in the process is to prepare a proposal for the project. Proposals must be submitted to the City no later than Friday, March 21, 2008 by 5 p.m. PST. Please submit . seven hard copies and one digital copy of your proposal. Interviews will be conducted the following week on Friday, March 28, 2008. City staff will contact. you to schedule your interview time. By way of background, the City of Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31, 2003. The City's 2007 population estimate is nearly 90,000 people distributed over 38 'h square miles. Spokane Valley is a typical suburban community, without a distinct city center or identity. The City of Spokane is contiguous to our westem border; the City of Liberty Lake is contiguous to Spokane Valley's eastern border and the State of Idaho lies further to the east. Spokane Valley is bisected east to west by both Interstate 90 and Sprague Avenue. Sprague Avenue is a 9.5 mile corridor of strip commercial development. The Sprague Avenue Corrrdor is home to thriving new and used automobile businesses but also has many vacant retail/commercial buildings and struggling local businesses. The aesthetically challenged corridor currently experiences traffic delays at a few of the major intersections, lacks safe pedestrian facilities, unrestricted driveway access and a high level of collisions. The City is in the process of adopting a subarea plan for the Sprague Avenue/Appleway Boulevard corridor. A major component of the subarea plan is City Center. The City envisions the City Center as a central gathering place for the community that provides an identity that currently does not exist. The City Center will be a mixed area that includes employment, retail/commercial, civic (including a library and city hall) and housing. The City Center neighborhood as identified in the subarea plan is comprised of approximately 160 acres. A smaller City Center core area of about 30 acres has also been identified. The City Center EIS/Planned Action Ordinance project will be conducted under direction of the Spokane Valley Community Development Department; the selected consultanf team will conduct analysis, engage the public, property owners, business owners and governmental agencies and prepare draft and final environmental impact statements that analyze the City Center neighborhood at a project level of detail. In conjunction with the EIS, the consultant team will prepare a planned action ordinance consistent with RCW 43.21C.031 and WAC 197-11-164 and 168. The range of alternatives evaluated in the EIS is critical and the City expects that a wide range of alternatives consistent with the Draft Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan will be evaluated as a part of the EIS preparation. ' Anticipated deliverables for the project include, but are not limited to, a public participation program, draft and final Environmental Impact Statements and a Planned Action Ordinance. The City has budgeted $150,000 for this project. Please include the following in your proposal: 1. Project Cost (include billing rates) 2. Project Timeline 3. Identify staff who will be assigned to the project 4. Additional materials that the City needs provide. The following items have been enclosed for your review and to aid you in the preparation of your presentation/proposal: 1. CD of the Public Hearing Draft of the Sprague/Appleway Subarea Plan (includes DEIS for the adoption of sub-area plan); 2_ Concept Plan of the City Center core area; 3. Library and City Center Development Program Map; and 4. Library and City Center Development Program detail. Please direct any questions to Greg McCormick, AICP - Planning Division Manager (509) 688-0023 0r Scott Kuhta, AICP - Senior Planner (509) 688-0049. Best regards, Kathy McClung Community Development Director _ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action . Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 . City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent Z old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending lagislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Barker Road Bridge Project - Bid Award GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, which includes the Barker Road Bridge project, 2) Approval of a Local Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus with WSDOT, 3) Approval of Consultant Services Agreement for Type, Size and Location Study and Final Design Services, 4) Informational Memo on this project included in Council's May 6, 2008 study session packets. BACKGROUND: The Barker Road Bridge Project was advertised for bids on Friday, April 18. Bids were opened Friday, May 16. After opening bids and tabulating the results, staff found Morgen & Oswood Construction Co. of Great Falls, MT to be the lowest responsible bidder. The attached bid tabulations show three schedules and three additives: Schedule A: Bridge replacsment Schedule B: Utility work (reimbursed by the utility companies) ~ Schedule C: City-funded traffic and communications system Additives C1, C2, C3: Artwork on traffic barrier, retaining walls and pier caps, respectively The structure of the bid requires awarding the project with all schedules and additives. The total bid for Additives C1, C2, and C3 exceed Council's authorization ($74,000) for bridge artworlc, therefore, staff recommends removal of these items via a deductive change order after we get under contract with the contractor. OPTIONS: 1) Award the Barker Road Bridge Replacement bid to the Morgen & Oswood Construction Co., or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project contract to Morgen & Oswood Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $9,449,354.75. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: This project is 100% funded through a Federal Bridge Replacement Grant up to $9.985 million. A spreadsheet showing available funds and cost breakdowns is attached for reference. Schedule B work is included in the contract total above, but has no financial impact because that work is reimbursed by utility companies. Based on the low bid and current project expenditures, approximately $1.27 million in City funds are required to cover the estimated construction and inspection costs (not including artworlc). These additional City funds will be budgeted as shown in the attached CIP Funding spreadsheet for 2009. This will result in a reduction of Capital Improvement Program carryover funds in future years. ~ f, RCA iVleeling Taate: Junc 3, 2008 B3rker R.oad I3ridge Replacement - Bid Award f'age 2 ~ . , i STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS:. 1) Barker Road Bridge Cost Breakout, 2) Bid Tabulations, 3) Six Year CIP Funding Spreadsheet ' Barker Road Bridge Costs by Phase Preliminary Engineering $ 937,050 Right-of-Way . $ 8,070 Construction $ 10,306,033 * Total $ 11,251,153 Federal Bridge Funds available $ 9,985,000 Shortfall $ 1,266,153 City Funds Programmed in 2008 TIP $ 500,000 Additional City Funds Required for Project $ 766,153 ~ *Includes Schedule A and C construction costs, contingencies, staff time and CH2M HILL estimated construction management services. Schedule B work is reimbursed by utilities and is not ~ included here. Additives C1, C2 and C3 are not included in this summary. ~ ~ City of Spokane Valley - Capital Improvement Program Funding Problem Statement #3 June 1, 2008 DRAFT ~ ~ Yearl 2008 1 2009 1 2010 I 2011 2012 2013 M 2014 RESOURCES: BEG. BAL $ 11,000,000 $ 6,469,960 $ 3,320,960 $ 1,702,960 $ 1,163,960 $ 955,960 $ 748,960 CAP PROJECTS REEf 1 $ 1,000,000 S 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 S 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 SPEC. CAP PROJECTS REET 2 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 s 1,000,000 S 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 PARKS CAP. IMPRV. FUND $ - $ - S - $ - $ - S - INVESTMENT EARNINGS $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 40,000 $ $ - S - CDI3G FROM COUNTY $ 230,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 SPOKANE COUNTY s 1,600,000 $ - $ - $ - s - $ - STATE - UNIV. PARK 5 800,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PARKS GRANT S - $ 200,000 $ - $ 50,000 S - $ - STORM WATER DRAINAGE $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 COUNTY STEP PROJ.-STORM DRN $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - GEN. FUND $ 70,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 S 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 16,350,000 $ 9,589,960 $ 6,180,960 $ 4,572,960 $ 3,983,960 $ 3,775,960 $ 3,568,960 EXPENDITURES: PARKS $ 3,260,000 $ 800,000 S 580,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 UNIVERSAL PARK $ 800,000 $ 200,000 DEBT SERVICE PYPv17S $ 185,000 $ 187,000 $ 184,000 $ 185,000 $ 186,000 $ 186,000 $ 190,000 . ADA, City Cent, Art projects $ 424,000 $ 200,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 S 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 ~ - $ - ~ - $ - g - $ - 2009-13 secured project TIP S 4,911,040 $ 3,815,000 $ 3,364,000 $ 2,774,000 $ 2,392,000 $ 2,391,000 2,391,000 STORM DRAIN IMPROVENiENTS $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 S 300,000 BARKER BRIDGE ADDTL FUNDING $ - $ 767,00D $ - $ - $ - s - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9,880,040 $ 6,269,000 $ 4,478,000 $ 3,409,000 $ 3,028,000 $ 3,027,000 $ 3,031,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 6,469,960 $ 3,320,960 $ 1,702,960 $ 1,163,960 $ 955,960 $ 748,960 $ 537,960 Pavement Mgmt. Program 3 (4,435,000) $ (4,435,000) $ (4,435,000) g (4,435,000) $ (4,435,000) $ (4,435,000) $ (4,435,000) Unfunded planned TIP projects $ - $ (3,662,000) $ (3,927,000) $ (1,759,000) $ (2,221,000) $ (2,329,000) $ (1,747,000) P:IPublic WoricslCapital ProjeGsICIP-TIP FundingtKen's Six Year CIP Funding.xls • ~ 81o TA6l1LATiON ~ Owner: City pf Spokan e Yal1 ey, WA CH2ii19HllL Project: Barker Rnad Bridge ReplaeemeRt . Fea Aid praj No.: BRM 4123(004) . , Bid Qpaning: Nlay 16 2008 - - , .FIT ~ ' - . ~ SWQOd ~3fCU~ N ks!rya iYd` ~ Graham Gonsi}uc#ion & ~i `Engineei,sEsbma#e~ . ?~-;CQnslruction`Co.~inc~`, ~,~•~'~_,.~~'~?~anagement;Ine,;~~~, , }.•x v ~~Ifl "t . 4 . "F"'> t.. ' n ' U:~, ' r.:.. ~ sr3r - -.,:Prr - r- ~7C~nS~~ Cfl~ •ry. 'y:tix - - r 94}s 7F' n`+~ ~';M ap ft k xtended.`;r , Ei[#ended ftem; Qesori tian: ~x • . ; ; . . T . • . "~-----s-- . . , Units_ Otil1nof Price,;:. ~ ~~ntal ~,n~:Unit'Pn~e .~.Total UnitiPnce Tatal *IlmfPncc; ~'a,, ~~`~~a#aE Schedule A • Barker Road Bridge Replacement . . , 1 Mabilizalian (GraUP 1) ~ump Sum 1 $ 720,589.49 $ 720,589.49 $ 850,00Q.00 $ 950,000.00 $ 900,000.00 $ 900,400,00 $ 1,040,000,00 $ 1,006,000,00 7 Clearing and Gruhhing Lump 5um 1 $ 5,125.00 $ 5,125.()0 S 6,5fl0.00 $ 6,504.0(1 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,040.40 $ 15,000,00 $ 15,ooO.00 8 Remaval of Struciure and 06structifln Lump Sum 1 $ 4,008.78 $ 4,408.78 $ 48,500.00 $ 48,504A0 $ 20,000A0 s 20,000.00 $ 90,004.pp $ 10,000.00 8 Rernave Exlsting Barker Road Bridge ' Lump Sum i $ 705,528.04 $ 7¢5,526.40 $ 351,000.40 $ 351,QOn.04 $ 750,000.00 I$ 750,000.Op $ 818,458.82 $ 878,458.82 10 FarnavinLCanc. Barrier LF 1,305 $ $,20 $ 1d,Ifl1.00 $ 10,85 $ 14,159,26 $ 10,00 $ 93,G50.00 $ 9.00 s 11,745.100 11 Removal and Dispasal of Asbestos Material I Lump Sum 1 $ 10,250. a0 $ 10,25(),00 $ 4,000,00 $ 4,000.01) $ 5,000.00 $ 5,OOQ.00 $ 3,526.00 s 3,526A0 12 Rempving Wire Fence LF 60 $ 2.05 $ 123.00 ~ 18.35 $ 981.00 s iQ.flO $ 600.04 $ 117.40 $ 7,420,00 . 13 Archaealogical and Histarical Salvage Odilar 1 $ 1,00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1,00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 14 Roatlway ExcavaUan lncL iiaul CY BOQ $ 1538 5 9,22540 $ 19.Q0 $ 11,400.00 $ 18,00 $ 10,600.00 $ 20.01) $ 12,000.00 15 Swale Ekcauabon Incl. Hau! CY , 432 $ 15,38 $ 6,642,00 $ 15.00 $ 6,4Bfl,pp $ 15,40 $ 6,484.00 $ 16.00 $ 8,912.00 ' 16 GraueIBorrowlncl.Haul ' CY 9~0 $ 10.25 $ 9,430.aQ $ 12.40 $ 11,040.00 $ 12.Da $ 11,)40.00 $ 36.Oa $ 33,120.00 17 Em6ankmeatCampaction CY 1,470 $ 8.20 $ 12,054.00 S 6,74 $ 9,849.00 $ 7.00 $ ip,28100 $ 6.00 $ 8,820110 18 Uplands Fiq CY 65 $ 1125 $ 666.25 S 66.00 $ 4,290.00 $ 61.00 $ 3,885,00 $ 70.40 $ 4,550.00 19 I7rywell TYPe 8 Each 2 $ 3,a75.00 $ 6,150.00 $ 3,300.00 $ B,so-o.aa $ 3,500,04 $ 7,000.00 $ 3,50D,00 $ 7,000.00 20 Curb Inlet Type 2 Each 2 ~ 1,025,00 $ 2,056,04 $ $00.00 $ 1,fi00.00 $ 1.200,00 $ 2,440.04 $ 800,00 $ 1,500.00 21 Cement Conc.SpillwaY LF 22 $ 30.75 $ 678,50 $ 200.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 50.40 I$ 1,100.00 $ 200.00 $ 4,400A0 22 5olid Watl PVC Cufv. Pipe 12 In. Riam. LF 26 $ 30.75 $ 799.50 $ 5Q.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 40.00 $ 1,040.00 23 CafchSasinTYpei Each 4 $ 1,025A0 $ 4,140.00 $ 1,200,00 $ 4,844.00 $ 1,200.01) $ 4,$0D.00 $ 2,000AQ $ 8,000.01) 24 5o-lid Wall PVC Starm Pipe 12 In. Diam. LF 106 $ 36.90 S 3,811.40 $ 40.00 $ 4,240.00 $ 4G.00 $ 4,240A0 $ 50.0o $ 5,300,Oa y 25 Carruqated PolYethylene 5tarm 5ewar Pipe 12 In, Diam. ~ LF 62 $ 49.20 $ 3,050.44 $ 3$.0a $ 2,356.00 $ 40,44 $ 2,480.04 $ 50.00 $ 3,100.00 34 WorkAccess - NewBarkerRaadSridge Lump$um 1 $ 410,000,00 $ 410,000.00 $ 514,000.0d $ 514,600.pp $ 1,00O,OflO.00 $ 1,4fl0,400.00 $2,50U,a00,4Q $2,5flQ,OQQ.00 35 Soil Excavaticin far 8haft Including Hanl (5-foat Diam.) CY 362 $ 842,27 $ 304,901,53 $ 415.U0 $ 150,230.00 $ 375.00 $ 135,750.00 $ 400.00 $ 144,$00.04 , 36 Soil Exr,avatiara for 5haft Includng Haul (lataat aiam.J CY 867 $ 68fi.78 $ 595,439,45 $ 555.04 $ 481,185.00 $ 505A0 $ 437,835.00 $ 800.0a $ 693,600,00 ' 37 ForceAccount-Removing5haft Obstructians Qolfar 1 $ 160,Q0100 $ IBQ,OOO.flO $ 160,000.00 $ 16Q,000.00 s 160,040.00 $ 15Q,ODQ.00 $ 1$0,000.00 $ 164,000.00 - 38 5honng nr Extra Excavatian CI A, New Barker Raad Bridq e Lump Sum 1 $ 13,120,00 8 13,124.00 $ 67,000.00 S $7,000,00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,5()a.40 5 2,500.00 $ 2,544.Da 39 $hii ring or Extra Excavatian C I A. P etaining Wall A Lump Sum 1 $ 1,590.24 $ 1,590.24 $ 7,Q04.0 $ 7,000,00 $ 2,500,00 I$ E,500,04 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500A0 40 Sharing or Extra Excavati4n CI A, Retaining Wall B Lump Sum 1 $ 5,250.a5 $ 5,250.05 $ 9,400.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 2,500,04 $ 2,500.010 $ 2,500,40 $ 2,500.00 41 5noring ar Eztra Excavation CI A. Retaining Wall G Lump Sum 1 $ 596.84 $ 596.64 $ 17,004.00 $ 17,000,00 $ 2,540.00 $ 2,500,00 $2,50a.00 $ 2,500.00 42 ShoRng ar ExLra Excavafion CI A. Retaining 1Nall D LumF'Sum 1 $ 707.25 $ 707,25 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 25100.Qp $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 43 Furnishinq Permanent Casinp far 10•faat 0 iam. Shafl LF 80 $ &85.53 S 41,155.80 $ 70.40 $ 4,200.00 s 2,$00.00 $ 150.000.Oa $ 2,500,00 $ 150A00.00 44 Plaeing Permanent Casing for 1Moat Qidm. 8hafk Each h $ 15,375,00 5 61,500.40 $ 170,00 s 690.00 s 7,606.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 7,500.O0 $ 30,040.04 45 St. Reinf. 8arfar Shaft (5-fflot Di8rn-) LB 57,300 $ 1.23 $ 70,479.00 $ 1.01) $ 57,300,04 $ 1.25 $ 71,825.00 5 1.23 $ 70,479.00 46 St,Reinf.BarforShafl(14-faatdiam,) LB 115,100 $ 1.23 $ 141,573,00 $ 1.00 $ 115,100.00 $ 1,10 $ 126;610.00 $ 1.03 $ 118,553.00 47 CSLAccinssTube LF 6,050 $ 12.30 $ 74,442.06 $ 5.00 $ 30,250.00 $ 10.40 $ fi0,540.4p $ 4.05 $ 24,502.5Q. 4$ C$-TPSt #REF! . 12 $ 5.125.40 $ 61,500.0~ $ 1,40a.04 $ 18,$00.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 18,pp0.D0 $ 50.40 $ 604A0 49 Ganc. Class 400UP far 5ha[t (55-foot Diam,) CY 362 $ 384.38 $ 139,143.75 480,00 I$ 173,760.00 $ 435.04 $ 157,474.0 0 $ fi25,04 $ 226,250A0 50 Canc. CJass 400 0 P for Shaft ~1 Q-faot Diam.J CY $44 $ 3$4,38 $ 324,4i2.50 $ 480,00 $ 405,120.40 $ 435.00 $ 367,140.01) $ 450.00 $ 379,800.04 51 New Barker Road Bridge Lump 5um 1 $ 3,483,855.87 $ 3,483,955,$7 $ 4,757,04010U $ 4,757,000.40 $ 4,245,000.40 $ 4,245,000.00 $ 4,249,000.00 $ 4,249,00(),00 52 Retaining 1Nall A Lump 5Urn 1 $ 21,959.93 $ 21,959.93 $ 19,000A0 $ 19,000.00 $ 15,000.00 s 15,0100.00 5 22,000.0() $ 22,400.00 53 Retaininq Nlall B Lump Sum 1 $ 84,027.19 $ 84,027.19 $ 44,000.40 $ 44,000,00 $ 35A00,00 $ 35.ooa.00 $ 4$,400.00 4$,000.00 ' 54 Retaining Wall G LumR 5um 1 $ 57,999.01 $ 57,999.01 $ 48,000,40 $ 48,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,040.00 $ 56,aQQ.DO $ 56,000.00 , 55 Retaining Wall Q Lump Sum 1 $ 25,356,58 $ 25,358.58 $ 24,000.00 S 24,040.00 $ 15,000.DO $ 15,ppUflQ $ 24,000,00 $ 24,000.00 56 Rctaining Wall E Lump 5um 1 $ 17,220.00 $ 17,220.44 $ i5,O40.Op $ 15,000.00 $ 10;000.O0 $ 10,fl00.00 $ 83,000,00 $ 69,00a.00 60 Crushed 5ur(ating 6ase Course Ton 552 $ 17.43 $ 9,618,60' $ 20.00 $ 1 1,04Q.00 $ 20.00 $ 11,04{},00 $ Sp.Op $ 27,600,04 61 Crushed 8urfacinq Top Caurse Tan 395 s 18.45 $ 7,287.75 S 20.40 i$ 7,9a0,00 $ EO.Od ~s 7,800.00 . $ SSAO $ 21,725.00 82 Bridge Appraach 51ah 5Y I 388 $ 230.63 1 $ 89,713,13 S 85.00 $ 33,065.00 $ 22D.00 $ 85,580,00 $ 255.00 $ 99,195,00 63 HMA CI. 112 In. PG 70-28 Tan 760 $ 92A0 $ 82,320.00 $ 81.00 $ $11,580.00 $ 50,00 $ 80,800.00 $ 78.70 $ 59,812.00 • 65 Irrigation Sys#em Lump Sum i $ 5,125.04 $ 5,125.00 $ 6400.00 S. 6,000.flfl $ 6,500,00 $ 8,500.00 $ 5,400,00 $ 5,400,00 fiB Seeding, F2rtilizing, and Mulching Lump Sum 1 $ 512,50 $ $12.50 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000A0 s 3,040.00 $ 3,p00.00 $ 2,500.04 $ 2,500.00 67. Tamparary ErosiaNWater Pollubon Control Lump Sum 1 s 1,537.50 $ 1,537,50 $ 9,440.00 $ 9,OQQ.OO $ 10.040A0 $ 10,0a 0.00 $ 15,000,00 ~ 15,ORa.00 88 P51PE, Rosa Rugosa Each 30 $ 51.25 $ 1,537,50 $ 52A0 1,56U.00 34.01) I$ 900.00 5 1,500.00 $ 45,000.UO ss TapsoilTYPeA CY iii $ 32.80 $ 3,640.80 $ 42.44 $ 4,662,00 $ 50.00 $ 5,650.00 S 40.00 $ 4,440.04 70 5odlnstallalion SY 993 $ 9.20 $ 8,142.6fl $ 9.OQ $ 8,937.00 $ 10.00 $ 9,930,00 $ 8.50 $ 8,440,50 _ 71 ICerrisnt Conc. Traffic Curb 10.nd Gutter LF 795 10.25 $ 8,148.75 $ 14.00 S 11,130.00 $ 15,00 $ 11,925.00 $ 13.25 $ 10,533.75 72 Cement ConC. Traffic Curb LF 31 $ 15,38 $ 416.63 $ 17,00 S 527.00 $ 25.00 $ 775.01) $ 16.00 $ 496.U0 . 73 Cement Canc, Pedestrian Curb LF 18 $ 15.38 $ 276.75 $ 25.00 $ 450.00 $ 22.00 $395.4D $ 22.00 $ 396.QD 74 Plastic lane LF 3;219 $ 1.03 $ 3,299,48 S 3.00 $ 9,857,40 $ 2.00 $ 8,438.00 $ 1.65 s 5,311.35 ~PA05 1 flF 3 _ . PRIN1'Eb: 5l16120[iR V:S,V PM BID TkgULATE4N ~ ~F@~~H1L~ Owner: City of 5pakane Ualley, WA Project: Barker Raad Bridge Replacement Fed Aid Praj No.; BRM 4123(004) Bid Openirtg: May ib, 2008 s ~ - ~ r ;~r" I~o-rQ~n ~ Uswood_ ~ ~Ha,,reon ~ .'~Gr2iit'n`,Consfru 'on"~& ~nqi~eP~s imate COn~~UG~IOn~p; IpC. 5~ ~'~~1 . , ~T. f ~ . . . , ~ MIr . . c ~ ~ag0menf, Inc. . ~iikeni#e~wfflql~'- ~ ~ExfendedYtended ~ar~tity, TU~IIt RCw. ~ ~ 4Tatal ; i ;'lla~t ME ~ Tvta~ ~ 75 Plastic Wide Line LF I 1,992 $ Z56 $ 5,104.50 $ 3.50 I$ 6,972.00 $ 3.00 $ 5,976.00 I$ 2.75 $ 5,478.00 76 Pldstic Traffic Arrow Each 2 $ 128.13 $ 256.25 $ 10(A0 $ 200.flQ $ 150,00 $ 300.00 $ 150.40 $ 300.00 77 PIastic 7rafFicLet{er Each 4 $ 81.50 $ 246.00 $ 60.00 $ 240.00 $ 110.00 $ 44D.00 s 110,40 $ 440.00 78 Plaslic Bicycle Lane SymM Each 4 $ 112.75 S 451,44 $ 160.00 $ 640.00 $ 110.00 $ 440,00 $ 110.0a $ 440.00 79 PermanentSiqninq LumpSUm 1 s 1,025.00 1,025,40 $ 1.0QD.01) $ 1,000,00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,540,00 $ 12,1044.00 i$ 12.000.00 80 Cpnduit Pipe 2 In. Diam. - LF 63 36.64 $ 2,308.30 $ 55.0o s 3,465,04 $ 5Z00 5 3,276.00 $ 100.00 ~ 6,300.00 81 Conduit Pipe 4 In. Diam. LF 502 $ 29.54 $ 11,81$.25 $ 25.40 S 12,550.flU $ 24.00 5 12,M.OD $ 25.00 $ 12,550A0 83 Praject Tcmporary Traific Cantral Lump 5um 1 $ 3,523,44 $ 3,523.44 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 15,440.00 $ 15,d00.4fl $ 60,000,00 $ 60,000.00 84 TypeCProjectSchedule LUmpBum 1 $ 10,004,00 $ 10,000.00 $ iQ,QQQ.ap $ 10,000.40 $ 1 Q,000.01) $ 10,o0fl,00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,QQO.00 $5 Strucfure Excavatian Cla55 B Inel, Fiaul GY 59 s 30.75 $ 1,814,25 $ 380AQ $ 22.420.00 $ 75.00 $ 4,425.00 $ 13.00 I$ 7$7.00 $6 5trutture Surueying ~ Lump SUm' 1 ~ $ 30,75a.00 $ 30,750.00 I $ 20,000.00 S 20,000,00 $ 15,000.00 ~ $ 15,000.00 ` $ 16,000.04 $ 16,OOD.O~ 87 Roadt~ray Surveying Lump Sum i $ 5,126.Op $ 5,125.00 $ 12,044.00 $ 12,000,00 s iQ,fl0o.o0 $ 10,04AQ $ 16.000.60 $ 16,040.40 88 Licensed 5urveying Oollar 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000,00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000,00 $ 2,000.00 99 Ballard TYAe I Each 3 $ 922.50 g 2,767.50 $ 1,640.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 1,604.1)0 $ 4,800.00 $ 1,O00.00 $ 3,000,00 90 BridRe End 5idewalk Ramp Each 2 $ 1,025.00 $ 2,050.06 $ 360.00 $ 720.00 $ 875A0 $ 1,354.00 $ 1,500,p0 $ 3,200.Q0 91 Cement Canc. $idewalk 8Y 405 $ 35.88 $ 14,529.38 $ 23A0 9,3i5.00 $ 30.Ofl I$ 12,150.00 $ 24.04 $ 9,720.00 92 Cemenk Concrete Drivet+ray EntranceType 2- County SY 97 $ 92.80 $ 3.181.60 $ 40.00 ~ 3,880,00 $ 35.100 s 3,385A0 $ 39,00 $ 3,783.00 93 Cement Cone, 5idewalk RamP Type 2 Each 1 $ 820,00 $ S20.00 $ 500.00 $ 800.00 $ 1,po0,00 s 1,0DD.Oo $ 750,00 $ 750.40 94 Training Hour 1,000 $ 3.59 $ 3,59a,00 $ 13.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 2.00 $ 2,00G.00 $ 2.00 $ 2,000,00 95 SPCCPIan LumpSum1 1 $ 1,025.00 $ 1,fl25.QQ $ 15,O00.fl0 $ 15A40.00 $ 1.000.1)0 $ 1,000,00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 96 Gratity Block Wall SF 970 $ 26.55 $ 25,850.50 $ 25.00 24,250,00 $ 24Aa $ 19,400.00 I$ 25.00 Is 24,250.00 97 Cemenl Conc. Apron Lump Sum 1 $ 512.54 $ 512.50 $ 2,000,00 2,000.00 $ 500A0 $ 500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,50100 SGWEaULEATOTAL 7,921,678.58$ 8,929,$61.25 ~ $ 9,199,710A0 (q ~ $ 11,494,504.92 ~ . Schedule B - llNlity Work k 3 Mabilization {Graup 31 Lump Sum 1 $ 19,843,76 $ 19,843.76 $ 24,000.00 $ 24,000.00 S 30,000.00 ~ 30,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 100,00 4 Mobilizabon (Graup 4) Lump Sum 9 $ 26,147.14 $ 26,141,14 $ 2,001fl1) $ 2,000.00 $ 500.00 ~ 500,00 $ 100A0 $ 100.00 5 Mobilizalion (Group S) Lump 8um 1 $ 9,621.47 $ 9.621.47 $ 2,001).00 $ 2,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 100A4 s 100.00 28 Brtdge 8upported Pressure 5evrerUblity Lump Sum 1 $ 173,789.89 $ 173,789.89 $ 88,000,40 $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.40 $ 55,600.00 $ 55,600.a0 27 GannecUan 7o Exis#ing Manhole Each 1 s 205,00 $ 205.00. $ 604,00 $ 600,00 $ SQQ.UO i$ 504.00 5 2,500.0p $ 2,500.00 26 61n, Diam. C-90Q Pressure Pipe wilh Fittings, CI, 150 LF 677 $ 33,31 $ , 22,552,56 $ 28.QQ $ 18,956.00 ' $ 30,00 ~ 20,310.00 $ 30.00 $ 20,310.00 29 Trenrh Excavation 6afety 5ystem LF 597 $ 1.03 $ 611,93 $ 2.00 $ 1,194.00 $ 2,00 5 1,194.00 $ 2.00 $ 1,194,00 30 Bridge Supported Potahle Waler Lltili#y Lump Sum 1 $ 261,411.44 $ 281,411.44 $ 125,000,00 $ 125,000.00 $ 1iQ,004.01) $ 11 a,000,OQ $ 56,004.00 $ 56,000.00 33 Bedge Suppqrted Natural Gas Utility Lump 5um 1 $ 86,214.70 $ 96,214.70 $ 56,000.00 $ 58,000.00 $ 54,000Aa $ 50,000.00 $ 54,000,04 $ 54,000.00 $p Crushed Surfacinq Base Course Ton 13 $ 17.43 $ 226.53 $ 20.04 $ 260.00 $ 20.00 I$ 264A0 $ fi45.Qp $ 8,385.00 61 Crushed Surfacing Top Course Ton I 17 $ 18,45 $ 313.65 $ 2DA0 340A0 $ 20.40 S 340.00 $ Y925,p0 15,725.04 E3 HMACI. 1J2°, PG70-28 Tan ~ 9 $ 82.QO S 73$,00 $ 1OQ.00 $ 900.00 $ 80,00 $ 720.00 $ 710A0 6,3B0.4R Schedule B 5ubtatal $ 611,57U.97 l $ 327,250.00 $ 309,324.00 $ 220,444.00 WA Stat2 531es T~~x (8:$°0) $ 52,6D3.$3 ~ 28,143,50 $ 26,$01.86 $ 18,954.74 m SCHEQULE B TQTAL . $ 554,273.69 $ 355,393.50 ~f $ 335,825.85 $ 289,358.74 fa1 Schedule C- City of 5pakane Ualley 6 hlabilizalion (Grpup 8) Lump 5um 1 $ 6,010.87 $ 6,010.87 $ 5,2QO.da $ 5,200.00 $ 1,500.OQ $ 1,500.Oa I$ 10(i.40 $ 100.d0 32 Bridge 5upported Cily CamrnLinicalions Uaifity Lurnp 5um 1 $ 43,7p8.73 $ 43,708,73 $ 8,300.00 $ 8,3pQ.fl0 $ 17,5Dp.40 $ 17,500.00 $ 17,200.00 $ 17,204.00 82 Ir~duc#orLoop-Vehicle Detectars Each 8 $ 2,05Q.00 IS 16,4p().00 $ 700.00 I$ 5,600.00 $ 750.00 $ $,Op0.q0 $ BBO.Ofl $ 5,280,00 SCHEdULEC T4TAL S 6$,119.51 $ 19,iQQ.00 2$,000.00 ~ ~ $ 22,580.04 ; Schedule C Alternates - City of 9pokane Valley 57 Gi • Bridge7raffic BarrierArl+vork EaGh 20 $ 820A0 ~ 16,400,0fl ~ 1,400.00 ~ 28,040.00 $ 650.00 $ 13,000,00 $ 800.00 $ 16,O00,0O 58 G2 - Retaining Wall and Pier 1 Fascia Wall Arhlark Lump Sum 1 $ 13,120.00 $ 13,120.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000,00 $ 20,0()0,00 $ 20,000.00 $ 16,900.00 $ f 0,9QQ.Q0 59 C3-PierCaPArtwark LumpSum 1 5 20,500.04 $ 20,540.00 $ 62,000.00 $ 62,00.40 $ 25.004.00 $ 25,000.40 s 61,000.00 $ 61,0013.00 SCHEQULE C ALTERNAi'ES TQTAL ~C I$ 5~,02Q.Q4 $ 145,004.00 ~I $ 5$,000.00 ~ I$ +$7,900A4 pA(3E 2 Of 3 PAirrrE4: 5+l6f2Noa, 3:59 PM ~ siD TnguLaTIoN Owner: Gity of 5pakane Valley, WA C,142G491HILL ~ Project: 6arker Raad Bridge Replaeement Fed Aid Proj No.: BRM 412 3(004) . x s~ Bid Opening- May 16, 2008 _ ~Sffn~ gen & OstivootlGFansrsi nee s,e st ruc~a~~Co;, Inc . .t fncoipor.ated Mana4ernent, IncW, - ? Extended. Extend~i . ded , ' Eidend'ed WTV05" ,Units ~Quant~ Price, otal~~ _Unik,Pr~ce Katai:~ I~nit~Price: V ~otal al . , BID PROp05AL 5UMMARY I TDTAL AMDl1N761I] 5CHEDL3LE A: $'7,921,579.$B $ 8,928,861.25 $ 9,199,71 a_00 « $ 17,494,504,92 TOYAL AMOUNT Bi D SCHEDULE 0: $ 684,273.89 S 355,39154 t3~ $ 335,925.86 $ 239,358.74 Is1 (Incl. WA State Sales 7ax) TOTAL AMOUNT Bld SGHE6lfLE C' $ 66,119.61 $ 19,10p.00 $ 25,000.40 $ 22,580.40 TOTAL AMQUNT BIO AODITIVE C1: $ 16,40p.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 13,000,4D $ 16,1300.00 74TAL AMOIlNT Blf] AQQITIVE C2: $ 13,120.00 $ 55,04100 $ 24,000.40 $ 10,909.00 TOTAL AMOUhIT BIO AQD ITIVE C3: $ 20,504.00 $ 62,000.04 $ 25,000.00 $ 61,000.00 TOTAL AMQUhFT BIQ , , ALL SGHED ULE$ ANp ADC1rfIWES $8,702,091.68 $ 9L449,354.75 ts~ $ 9,618,535_$6 « $ 11,844,343.66 Faotno-les: (1) Irregularity corrected. Bidder 14J Irregufarity carrected. Bidtler (B) Irregularity cQrrectetl. Bidder enlered "4,757,04" entered $504.00. Amount shown entered $1,500.00. Amaunt shown (2) Irregularity corrected, Bidder has 6o on adjusted ta confarm to has heen adjusted kfl cnniorrn ta entered "28,145AQ" Speciaf Frovisian in Section 1-02.6, Special Provisian in Sectian 1-02.6, (3) 7o#al shawn reflecls corr¢ctions. vrt3ich requires $iD,aQO minimum which requires $10,0 00 minimum hEd amount for this itsm, [Yid amnunt fdr this item. (5) Tokai shown refCects correction. (7) Irregularitycarrected. Bidder entered $0.00. • (8)1'otal shown rellects corrections. CHECKLI9T Addenda Acknowledged P1o.1 • Yes Yes Yes No- 2 Yes Yes Yes N°- 3 Yes Yes Yes No. 4 ~ Yes Yes Yes Na- 5 Yes Yes Yes hfa. fi . Yes Yas Yes Representabans and Certificatians i Yes Yes Yes Cantractors Administrative InformaHon Yes Yes Na Bidder Oualificatian 5tatement Yes Yes Yes Bidder Compliance Cerkification ' Yes Yes ' No Bid Depasit Declaration _ Yes Yes Yes Bid oepos€t 5urety Forrn Yes Yes Yes $kirety Power oE Attorney I Y25 Yes NQn•Callusion necla►atian yes yes yes Dis2duan[2ged BuSiness Entorprise lJtilization Cettification Yes Yes , Yes Firm Namel DBE $ Amount Rainier Steel $ 798,725.00 RainierSkeel $ 404,0O0.00 Stafon $ 229,285,00 _ EIlerCorp-oration $ 288,361,50 Rainier Steel $ 869,54$.30 DBE Gaal Attainment and °kJ $ 798,725.00 8.454'a $ 400,000.40 4.169'd S 1,386,191.80 11.7a'lo SubconUackor List ' Yes Yes Yes Subcontractors: . t Aztech Eleclric Aztech Electric Az#ech Electric Malcalm Qrillinq ~lalcalm drilling Malcalm drifling pAi3 E 3 aF 3 pRiNTEO: 511612dp3, 3:53 PM ~ - - . , - ~ - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Z new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: • ~ OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to confirm the following Mayoral appointments: Rich Munson, Chamber of Commerce Board, term ends 12131/2008 Dick Denenny, Finance Committee, term ends 12131/2008 Rose Dempsey, Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency, term ends 12131 /2011 Dick Denenny, Spokane County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, term ends 1/1612009 Bill Gothmann, Spokane County Affordable Housing Task Force BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: , , ATTACHMENTS: May 27, 2008-Memorandum from Mayor Munson Sp~ol~ane ; Valley~ . 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206-6124 509.921.1000 ♦ Fau: 509.688.0194 . . . ; : ,ti~:~.~-:.~,,,~:.-. - _ . . - MEMO - To: Cily Council From: Rich Munson, Mayor Re: Councilmembsr Steve Tayior Date: May 27, 2008 Steve Taylor has accepted a new full-time position. Because of his travel schedule demands and the start-up nature of this position, Steve has asked that to be removed from all council related committee assignments. Therefore, I submit the following assignments for your approval: Chamber of Commerce Board - Rich Munson , Finance Committee - Dick Denenny Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - Bill Gothmann , Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency - Rose Dempsey Spokane County Solid Waste Advisory Committee - Dick Denenny Spokane County Affordable Housing Task Force - Bill Gothmann Cc: Dave Mercier, City Manager Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk 1KJ 're Heahh Servlaes Spoicane Valky City Camcil Briefing Jme 3,2008 EIIIpIIC HC8jth SQYICCS Our Miaiam To bPw ONPMW"wr. c+aidmmw by.crrri.srw in Ihe AraEok cl'uw Eworlra&. pMy,rerAoM& exp?cryru aodaif "e now. • Deacoam hlediW C~wtet • Vallry FioapiW md hledid C•eala • FicntCyre Urpmt CLre C,cnoers • spOCtf}y cunp - _ ~ Recent Organizational History . oMmep".VwwYCw%Fjjs e.. ,RPoM@ e m .o c rwmnc+.A opn.u«W cb.eagn • wdm cvWuxtinS ibe ,mution, ax Fx.s bma ,s,oa m,ora wr . so.~ am do I ee dw viYion end muld lnfuse copital imn dx s}Ntan Uv . Critcria for Partner • Hqib Wdl Dubmt Cte dalirery • SubmmtW aqwd Wvwmau mquizW • Cnauumcd w mplqre mmcment md "t6fidion ' sum8 07siciao PP'P°A • Cwtu+c of oammwrity mvicc Qd cvllrborauaa • Grat crnpcxme ctaadup trad tecnrd • Cocmuatseat lu eharit}, care. diaical oduation wid mdiql mwwvfi - - ~ Cotnmunity Health Systems • tA.amg "sh are aomp.ar, mmoeo amr bapiads io mld-sEx ayd aotape~tire awtets • tFadrnpmds Oe iapottmm af kapiog Acspdnl dtcSiom m Ihe kxs) levcl • Rqutatim for qarlity patimt care ddivery ' Siq"adt mPPurt rmisaa fm Pwom baePiub ~ Criteria Fulfilled caMMIty HCAm sY3w= en comi,;«ed to • Invpiing st (am 3190 =No= ovm Ibc r" fitic rrMS b bcl611n asd tec►aoloW Imprvvcmssh acmss Ihe F.}I.S ayztetn • PoSasive ciarity caR poticy thit is equel w er more beoefcial duo EM' awn poiicy • Nk* aY EM asplortes A dN bne ddae, Nxwriqg tl*ir ratt of pay md uniariry kvd • l.eed ksdsevWp aod awdnu of drc boepits! *p ~ . . . . . t Q i „ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ • ~ ~ ir~ ir ~ ~ Questions7 • po ya+ 6sre +my Vuetian a dk'a tomc? •Coefta w ot .ny ciae sithc Iyr phaoe u 173-7962 a by etwil a arg 134 yoo TN4hI] Aa i~ FYtaE HLAI.TiiSfilril3 W!.ALUI Vih:'T(Yt'. • Y1M. iWr h1-. ►i.i~1 A-&. E. - S~ ♦ 4 tir L..WMr. f Wlrr 1.3". h.Yb Oi. A_ IY.Wk K1 ~ 6 t-ipa ti-,r. Y-Y11wA, RY onulqj i • ~ ~ l ~ . ' ~ ' RONALD MCDONAt.n [IoiJSE CnARrnes' • ' ' ' • ' ' OFSPOKwNE . I Efnard of Dircctnrs ' naicx euner February 21, 2008 P,Lsiaen, Tim Skubit7 Ron McKay, President President-Elect Satn fliggins Board of Dir.ectors rtst President . F.mpue Health Service5 SueFymann seere,a„y 800 Wcst Fifth Avenue Chcii Hollcnbnck Spokane, WA 99204 't'rc~,surer Joyrc Mortz Housc OQcrntiaas Chuir cnm~~ne o'connen Re: Importance of two viable hospital systems/options for ou.r region. DeveloFimcnt Chair Dill Aayamo Dear Mr: McKay, Suswmn Bnylon Liary Lau Baimizino Marilyn Busin Based on my twenly-five years experience in t11e heallh care field, my review of Jc Rerw►►on documents regazding the sale agreement of Empire Health Services (EHS) to Kelicy nnmon B1 DeAustin Commuaity Health Systems (CHS) and mectings with EHS senior management, I '°zy D1` fully support the decision and selection that EHS has made to sell Deaconess and ^f mvis 17ix ~~lifc ` e Ju+:ksan ' Va11ey hospitals to ensure that two viable hospital systeinsloptions rcmain available '-odd K°y°""` to paiients from throughouC khe lnlarid Nqrkhwest. Brad Kruegcr Hob Larsoii Kci[h l,.inco(n I also have met personally with Bill Hussey of Community Heatth Systems. He Te`° M°`t"} assured me that CHS will be a comm.itted, involved and charitable mcmber of our' FCmanao Marcno Jeffo'NcID region's health care industry. He gavc me every indication that Deaconess Medical J"l l'`zs`o ; Centcr, undzr CIIS ownership, woulci continue the hospital's longstanding lradition 8arbnra Ruy Pctcr Rivcrso of supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) as well as other health. Scephanic Robideaiux related scrvices and needs in our community. Mn Sc¢bveE; Dr, Crnig Siuc6ry' Ed 7'abish In addition, I have discussed the relationship of Ronald McDonald Houses and cmi wat• Community Health Systems hospitals with 12IVIHC Executive llirectors from Texas, l,cadcrqhinTcnm Tennessee, and Pennsylvania. t111 reported good wnrking relationships with between Michael L. Fomrss Fxccuuve pirccmr CHS and their local Ronald McDonald Houses and their cammunities in general. Knfhic VlnhAVich Ftousc Opcradans Director I appreciate the diLigence and fortiYude that the EHS Board has demonstrated during Marti D'Agoslino diffcult and ch:illengi.ng times. L,ct me know whether I can be of assistance in Dcvclapmcnt Directur . communicating the irnporcaace of a timely transaction for the benefit of the largest 'sus"ning board mcmbers • industry in ow reginn - health care. Respectfully iikeeForrless, . Executive Director ~ . 1015 W. 5~' Ave., Spokane, WA 992(?4-3001 •(SU9) 624-0500 • FAX (509) 624-3267 ~ WWW.RMHSPUKANE.ORG t~ I i-~ z~ St~~jA}~Y-~ SPOKANE C►TY GOUNCIL i"lJ \~']L V 848 W. Spukane FZlis Eilvd. tipokanc, WA 9920I-3135 ' (50LJ) 62-5-6255 February 8, 2008 Mr. Ron McKay, Chair Board of Directors Empire Health Services Spokane, WA 99204 Dear Mr. McKay: Please accept my support, and the support of the City Council, for the sale of Empire Health Services (EHS) to Community Health Systems (CHS). The prompt completion of this process is not only critical to ensuring choice for the residents of our region, but for allowing Spokane's health care sector to remain strong. Ensuring that the needs of our community are met is critically important. For EHS, this means delivering the best heafth care possible. It means retaining qualified, dedicated employees, recruiting new physicians and upgrading facilities and technology. We understand these are just some of the benefits that will come with selling the hospitals ' . to CHS. This infusion of capital in Spokane will help us retain our vibrant economy, and the state tax dollars that will result from this sale will help improve our ability to better serve this cornmunity as a whole. . ~ 7he City Council also understands the urgent need for a thorough, yet expeditious _ review by the Attorney General and Department of Health. We are sure that your efforts to conduct the necessary due diligence to get to this point will go a long way in achieving a positive outcome frorn the third party review process. In addition to our support, we would like to extend the Council's thank you. Beyond your donation of time to perforrn the due diligence, your transparency and openness is comrnendable. We will continue to advocate in the community on your behalf and look forward to your next progress update. . Sincerely, . ~ . Alexander J. Shog , Jr. u cil Pr ident . AI Fren Bob Apple fchar(i Rush Steve Corker Nanc~'McLaughlin Michael Allen G TNP 6 Op qp9 Q` O 0 9 ! 4 O ! Of9 t~~ City of Spokane January 7, 2008 Mr. Ron vlcKay, Chair RECElVED Board ofT)irectors Bmpire Healttl Serviccs JAN fl 7 1008 800W. 5`h Avenue Spalcane, WA 99204 by EHS Administration Deac• Mr. vfcKay aud $uard Mcmbers: I tvant to extend my support to both Empire Health Services (EHS) and Community Health Systems (CHS) as botli institutions iiiove through the Certi6catc ofNeed and Gonversion processes. I am excited to see the final outcome of the formal approval process, now in the capable hands of the Washington State Department of Health and Attorney Gencral. A hcalthy twn-hospital system is vital to the Spokane healtl} care community. This not ~only ensures that hcalth care can be sufficiently provided to a growing population, bot also protects important}obs, coiisumer choice artd physician competition. Additionally, the $100 million, independtntly-opErated community foundation, formed with the proceecls vf the sale, will greatly henef t the residents of Spokane. After speaking directly with two CI4S senior lcaders, I am encouraged tliat CHS will be a great partner fur E1-f.S anci the City of Spokanc. The CHS commitmcnt to EHS employees and inktntion to recruit additional physicians is irnpvrtant to our cornmunity. In addition, our corlvnunity will benefit from CHS' ch3rity care policy that is more beneficial than the currcnt Policy. As Mayor, I appiaud EIiS' conunitment tu completing the purchase process with intebrity, patience and Spokane's best interest in mind. 'T'he dcdication and harci work of thc EHS }3oard, along with the support of the Spokane community, are indicators of the importance of quality care to all citizens as Spokane continues to thrive and grow. Sinccrely, ~ c. a l` • ~ Mary B. Verner Mayor ` f . cc: Spokane City Coimcil Members "Spoka.ne - Near Nature, Near Perl'ect" ritlR 1C: tipokmw I':111s filt•d. • iCl,tiingtun 992111-3335 1'hiinL: (509) 625-6250 • E;ix: (509) 635-6789 Greater 801 W. Riverside I Sufte 100 Spok5ne Spokane, Washington 89201 P:509.624.1393 (ncorpotated F:509.747.Q077 r ; Uccember 17, 2007 gresterspakonedr-Wratsd.orp Ernpire Health Setvices Baard of Directors . £30 0 West 5ch r1venue Spokanr, WA 99204 17ear EHS Soard: On Uehalf of the Grcatcr Spokane Incorporated Board of. Dirccton T'd 1ike lo express my support of thc asset purchase agreement you have signed ti%Rth Community Health Sysl'ems (CHS). Greater Spokane Incorporated feels the Inland Northwest region will see significant medical, financial and charitablc bcnef l•s when this sale is complcte. CHS' investrnenc in the Spokane region's health care sector wi]1 helP this essenl•ial segment of our ]ocal cconomy stay strong ancl Atal. A.5 business leaders, ive understand thc important ripple effect CH.S' investmenk lA711 have. This $100 miDion investment in capital improvements will help ensure that the quality health care we eujoy now continues while preseiving choice far our comrnunity. The property taxes that CHS -svill pay Nvill helP to grc>w the Cily's tax base and pro-Adc adciitional resourees that ean be leveraged to enharice our local economy. We appreciate CHS' cominihnent to retain thc grear doctois, nurses and staff who have alreacly • dedicated thcir careers to providing qualiry carc. The fact ttiese einployees are guaranteed to retain their high payinb, high qualiiy jobs helps prove CHS is eomrnirted to the greater Spokane cominuuity. In addition, we are pleased tt1at CHS has committed to continuing the important INHS collatioration. lVe imdcr5tand the net proceeds will create one of thc largest charitable health care foundation in the region. This tremendous, sustainable communiry asset will be coveteci Cor geclerations and wIll serve the neediest in our community well. We are pleased this process vvill be guid.ecl by a loc-zil board who iutderstands Spokanc's unique neetls. 'T'he fact that FTIS hc~spitals ivill continue `tci,li~:g'uic~ecl by loc:al atlvisoiy boards and inanagcment tearns also illustr3fie..~ CWS' commitment : 'to kceping thir,gs lcii:al: . . . , . ~ We: thank the EHS_lio,~rd for tli'c tharough process that you undertook before selecting CHS as 'yaur partner. This is a`veiy impoi-tant decisinn for our cornmttnity and Nve appr.eciate the carc and cfforl l'tiat have gcihe iuto fincling a Posikivc: resolutiion. '.`Plca,e. accepl• our:siipport, as. yQU;e,iiter into the regulatory process and let us know tvhat we can o:do to support your cfforks. We loolc forward to the benefits this partnership will bring to our _ tietilkti c;are sector and our region's residcnts dncl econorny. - $incerEly, . . . . ~J ~ - a/~ • Wayne Williarns Richard G. Hadley Chair.man, Cre;aler Sppl:ane Incorporated : President and Chief Exe;cutivc Officer President and Chief Executive 0fficcr., "Cclcct, Ine. Greal•er Spokane Incorporated The Spokane EDC and Chamber- Integrated to accelcratE regional economic prosperity ~ WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY . , ST'vK~~NE Officc of the Chancellor November 15, 2007 Empire Health Services Board of Directors 800 W 5th Ave Spokane, WA 99204 Dear Empire Health Services Board, It is my pleasure to inform you that Washington State University Spokane fully supports the asset purchase agreement you have signed with Community Health Systems (CHS). The entire region served by Empire Health Services (EHS) and WSU Spokane will realize significant medical, financial and educational benefits when the sale is complete. The CHS commitment to invest in the Inland Northwest's robust health care sector also wiN help keep this growing and essential segment of our higher education system strong and vital. Education leaders understand the importance of the innovative health care initiatives that quality hospitals, research labs and a highly skilled workforce bring to a region, The $100 million CHS investment will help ensure continued momentum for the initiatives that WSU Spokane is helping create, including the new nursing school and supporting first year medical students who vrill study in Spokane. We appreciate your efforts to ensure that Inland Northwest residents will continue to have a choice for their health care needs. We especially appreciate your hard work to ensure the partner chosen has the same commitment to retain the well educated doctors, nurses and staff who have already dedicated their careers to providing quality care. CHS' commitments prove they realize these individuals are critical to ensuring we reach our goal of educating tomorrow"s health care professionals. Guaranteeing current EHS staff their high paying, high quality jobs proves that CHS is committed to the Inland Northwest and WSU Spokane's higher education goals. WSU Spokane applauds you for the outstanding care, time and thought you have put into making this important decision. Please accept our support as you enter into the regulatory process and let us know what we can do to support the ongoing efforts. We look forward to the important benefits this partnership will bring to our health care sector, higher education and our community's future. Sincerely, z ~.0004 . Brian Pitcher, Ph.D. WSU Spokane Chancellor and - WSU Vice Provost for Health Sciences . , Acaclemic Center, PO Box 1495, Spokane, WA9921Q-1495 509-358-7550 • fax: 509-35$-7505 • wwnv.spakare.v+su.edu . r.~~-~~_..~~.~. ~~-+as .v - r - - _ ~ . . \ - « ~ , . _ Spokane.County. . , • ~ . MEDICAL SOCIETY . ~ l Omri¢fbROld0.- 1W3.Frt7..5t.6iRe11G•SpalanCWA997.Ofb-APb9•(SM 325.5010•IS5%4!09)375-5407 . .._"___.~..-....._.....-_-.-.r,..,-.'......-..~..--.,....._--~...w.......~..---...~..-.-...-. , ' i 1 . 32p`:embar 26, 2007 . . ' . ' ' ` - ` ' " - . •I Dear Chatrman PdcKay, and eaard,Mcrnbersc . Eiab.l3ylqmonce virots a pilhy soitg,entftled'The Times They,FvH'A-~Changf'." Nzv~r~has this_bec~n truer lhan in ! tfie silua6orr,ouf oommunifi/ faces taday viih Uio Change5 beirg cantem pd at Emp1re Healih ServoD'es. . 0ver;the.la9t several years,we,have.otrse.ived;the eftorta of'ErnpJe M~a1th•.$ervtoas Ieaezr~Np to ac~ieue: tinaneial stablliry'.-.from service line-rediictions to_staffing cf~n`ges; sydly Ihesc ef(orts hsve. rnot been.enoubh la s:abifizn,yc~tir, Aattam'llno..,We hat!"growri used' io practicing meacine:ai yatr"facilJt[e.. In,an ;erriironment whera ' f • , alrita.t anytning was' passpbla. ':Ju°t lika~:~erf+other healthtcaro: irtstitultom In our ,couniry. vary tough.; ' cfiarsyGS~are.being made'in'an effarl'just to'keep ihe dooss oper~."' ' ~ • ~ . . . . . . , ,:i T?ie Baard of Erripiio Hc~alth Sandces has larig traen engaged"n.4he hartt:vmrk;o.f.crying lo mana~e:Ihi~ precs_,. , psset, Nlhen ihe ddficultdedsEon,taseek a buyer_tivab mpde;Lhe FioPrd 9pen. G~ng h~u~, and much enerqy tn,,.., creute cr+terfa•byjvihich-to jutlge"'a pote63i,.sf'~partner hbfntairilnQ"cjuptitypatiant cara is;'sL71 a.'nuitibcr arte ~ ' prf6riEy: Anotfiet of,'ypurprima1y oonCi3tns (s to make suT tha'. yaur cufliitEi of camminRityservice ihra~gn chan4y.• = : caratis r~irtainQd addt8on,lly,•the rieed 9n.oontinu~ itte rit~(on af'medicel education. and're e'~rch is- higfi or. , ihe Ilet many,,rif'us'.hacl hopeda n~`r-proht ho`yo i.cou0rl tie`tound, onFy ~three far-pPOfit'organizatidiis.. - rsiahryour,~8d`a~d.s criteria `.71ie ycomn)fs.inent '3nd: p..an, of ~ttie- Board' to °ftnd •Jus6, the nghk,fit' has~ beeii - . , ~ • • - commeniaGle~, Basoclon:our kna•r~ledg~ oF tha Board s eareful,consid=ratiomaf ali-optnnris;•ae agree that'y6u , '`~have ~n~dP the hFSt decisia_ n and Ihat any:fijrfher delsy of ttie proc.eess vroutd rtot serve tha cammuniry'., Ti he 8rancial si[uaUon.o{:EmpL-e t{ealth SsiWc~ .may not be'in crG9c31 cqndition,_buE Il 16 urgent ,Uiat Uie.Board firtd5 a. strategic p'arlttaP NOW, , For- Ins~`@nne, Deaconest faellities badly ,need updating_ bitlt.: phy~s6cally artd r tecfinologfcslly This Fi~osp'~1 liqs_aAvays be~fi ~3CP.'v,9heia statij-af-U?~~A rriedicine coutd be pracRiceil.i'We: , , vrant tn be cure thls 4°.c7hrrays #t~e rz'se. Unt rtwtately, thls.bk~~ lat.;of cr m'ney,: ~30-100 millfon,daqars in,#he: - . nexf.five yFars: FlitlUig a sttong:f[nancial'oartner. is crilbcal to'what thfs:oommvn`ty~ rsee~ds .o'ansure,lhe,(uture, . •suooess of ttie haspitaFS.;' ' . . . - ~ , . , , ' l1clAftlona7ly,:EFie:H.~aid,`'of;5pokane Goeenty PQed'xal Sooie4j. bo[iCV~ that maintainirug aMtwo-hc~pfta4systern•'' • , tar.n is fn';the:6est.inierast of our'cornmunfiy,:" Practicing mediGne in'a communipj where.e'variety; nF seMces , • aro avaElable,tb physi~ians end patients is'~tai'• . . _ ' • 1~stlmpor2~atilfy; Lmpire.Health Services Reads ~ ct,blc:ieade7ship'W_am. •1ye have•eq~been U'oubaedby the . (~ey~~"ent'cfianges,in' Gritoc3l•staH'that'are,'sb~imporWntto ihis.Eianaition ared to the vrell=bemg of'Jheir•,fzalitie~~ ~Frequenc ctianges, havo toad tra inndeyua?e°cortimv'necation oi'piocass and ptoyress; Isck af fontiard 'mo4ement : ' and:irustr~tion: • ' . . . , . ~ - ~,i . i .c . . r- , . . . - . , • . . _ , . ' ; FinaO'q~,wo,encour¢ge ~the,Empire Board to'axry~.dite yourproo~~s'sa time+is nnt onour side:' 1}yk'~n :encfed`his Sfaro; inentioned:song~tiy.saying: "The'fcne ii'is dravm, Iho cur~e It ts:csst,, the slonv one noxivlll.later be.fa'st~ itie'pre9enk:riow tiviU~la!t~r bC psst, [he nrder (s.rspidly_fadin'. A»U_tite,firsl one nrnv vRll Ja`:Fr•.be"fast -.For tho' ' dmes ihey ere.a=changiri.• . _ . . ' , ' ' . , . . . . ~ , • , ' - , Sincc,rel}', ' . • ' ' ' . . ' . ' . , ' , • 8rian/~j~ • Presodent . . • . • • , . . , . _ ' . : . . • • - _ _ r • ' - . . - . • • ~ ~ . , ' a~ Scptember25, 2007 Deaconess Rmtin Id F. h9cKay, Clmirman M E D I C A L C E N 7 E R EHS Docttit of Directo:s 1sJc, the undcrsigned, would lil:e m expre:is oar suppoft to Uhe Gmpirv Health Scrviocs B9aib of Directors in its pursuit of nn Assct Parchssc Agrecment with Corrmuniry HcaEth Setvices. We believe that 1. 'fha Board af Dircctors has hnd tlu best inlerests of both Empiir He3Uh Services tuW thc Spokane Cqmmuniry at lorga in trying to dctcrminc a futuro couise for diis hospilal sysR.em. 2. 77ic Boatd of Directors has met its due ditiscnce in evfllUflht1g illtNiCiiIUVC `for profiY and'rtot-far profiC opteons toNvnrd thc purahase of th is hospital system ond lhey heve utilizad expeit outsode covnscl tn heip evaluutc apticr►s io a thpraudh und tnetliodicW mnnner. 3. Tlie Boaed of Directors should mpvc aHe..d expeditiausly to rcnch en Asset Purclmse Agreement with Cornmunity Henlth Systems, We believe CHS is the right plirtner aiul will help GFIS coatitinue its missiai in ?hc region, end - 4. Airy fuNeec delays in Ehis proccss will compromisn the viability of this organization atid Uius thc provision of qu3liry he:IIA) Cill'C tl11CI CI701GL 11'C extend to the coriunun ity we serve. 1<~, ~j~ /~W~ender(.tr~l 1/fi i~i }l~rdino , M.D., President Deaconess Mcdical $teff Dl'a Ol CSS M ieRl"S~j" c~ff- cet-s SExccutivc Committcc 1lemba:is: , . ~ ~ a ccarc ,y, o. v+ s, n~ ~ ~ EiecA 11A > M s ' Stf SiJ steiu,i D, Fr ident M c be igert, A4.D. R a h a , D. . Timulh 13ishaP M.D. l't . M_) _ il 11 St I ,11, V'! liam e~n~ ~ . ~ ~"F+ ec Jat g. M.2''""` - firuce Cutte~~D Pi • cr, h9.0. . ~n6s Pcrry; Y.L1. mIL J c i,~, M L,~ Cl ~ m Gn tN Awki~rk,_M.D. Gre rI~ w`i' Me!`.D. Mici k illu D It y cttc, M. tcvcn Bcyaisaarf, M.D. 600 Wat Ffih Avznue ~ P.U. IIclx 248 •&pob:ane, LVA 99210-0246 509.473S80a a vnvw.ttKaconrss;cit,org ! / Septcmber 19, 2007 Ranald F. McKay Chairman, EHS BQard of Directars 800 W Fifth Avenue Spakane, WA 99204 Re: Finnneial Partner Search Pracess Dear tMr. McKay: On behalf of the Medical Executive Cornmittce, of Vnlley Hospital. & Iviedical Cenier, which consisls of the following physicians: , Scott Nyc, MD, President . Robert Golden, MU Efic Leavitt, MIa, President-EIect Michael.DeTar, MD Courtney Clyde, MD, Past-1'resident IZnn Cocchiarelta, MD LeNvis Weaver, MD Gary. Knnishege, MD Brian Simmerman, MD Philip,Moneoe, lviD Lori Joy, Mp Wayne Tilson,,MD Geoffrey Julian, MD tvlichael.Gi11'man, MD John 'Naylor, MD Douglas ATc)ryuist, MD Renu Sinhu, MD Robert Iiartman, IvfD 5usan Lctvnan, ~1~ID Monika Gottlieb, MD Jon Keevc, MD - we wish to comrnunicate to you tha following support: l. We believe that the due diligence process has been transparent and thorough up to.this point. 2. bVe believe the Board ofDirecturs has mlde good decisio»s based'on sound advice and that,we should mave fornard with the APA with Cl-1S based on ihcir praven communiry involvement irr other markets.anJ a sound charity cace policy thet they have already agreed to, . 3. Wc bclieve that any delays will jenparclizc t}iis process and our abilityfa confinue to provide quality healthcare choices for th;, citizens bf our community. 4. We believc that we need a solucion to the financial status of EHS now, without any fiirther delays. On behalf of the Medical Exccutive Committee we also wish to lhank ihe Board of Directors for ehcir dedicatetl time, cffvrt and duc diligcnce to preserve the quality of care offcred in ehis convnuni,ty th.rough this process and hope ttiat Lhis community continues to eiijoy the ability tn havc a choice in their healthcare providers. Sincerely, ~ Scott W. Nye, MD Mcdical Sfaff Ptesident Vailey Hospiia] & Medical Center - ~l - MEDICAL STAFfi.OFFICE Vatev Yalley NosPital and MQdica) Center HOSPITAL AND 12606 U-st Mission Avenue o Spokane Valley, WA 99216 ~ 509-473-5460 • Fax 509-473-5750 MEDICALCENTEN p • Emp~re NEALTH BERVICES Contact: Christine Varela 509-473-7692 (Office) . 509-993-3743 (Cell) Email: varelacm(aDempireheaith.orq February 13`h 2008 FOR IMMEDtATE RELEASE EHS Positions Hospitals for Strengthened Financial Performance Empire Heafth Services (EHS) today announced it plans to take several steps over the coming months to strengthen its financial position and focus on its core programs. Targeted initiatives include: ➢ non-essential expense reductions; ➢ deferral of discretionary projects; > reductions in operating hours of some ancillary functions; ➢ flexing and rebalancing of workforce to reflect variable patient volumes; and ➢ other selected measures to achieve a positive margin. Rebalancing of EHS' workforce will reduce the use of temporary labor and ultimately reduce the workforce by about 130 full-time equivalent positions (approximately 6.1 These reductions encompass all levels of the organization. "Over the last three years EHS undertook initiatives that yielded some short-term positive results, however the operational and financial performance results were not sustained for the long-term," said C.E. "Mickey" Bilbrey, Empire Health Services' CEO. "During 2007, for a variety of reasons, expenditures significantly exceeded revenue which placed EHS in a very challenging position. For Deaconess and Valley hospitals it is important to take appropriate steps now to strengthen hospital financial performance thereby ensuring their continued long-term excellent service to this community and region." The performance improvement plan should yield improvements totaling just over $10 million dollars in 2008. Key objectives are: • Ensure EHS continues its role as an important and effective provider of high quality healthcare services and valuable partner with its medical staffs. • Return Deaconess and Valley hospitals to a positive operating position. • Stabilize and improve operations in order to sustain a dedicated and effective work force of more than 2,000 employees. "As difficult as these decisions have been, it is important to take these measures now to , ensure the hospitals' stability and long term viability,n said Ron McKay, EHS Board President. "We remain dedicated to our employees and their families and pledge to provide appropriate assistance to those who may be displaced by this action. These actions are designed to ensure we have the resources necessary to provide comprehensive healthcare services now and in the future. It will likewise permit the continuation of a two hospital system in our community and all the important benefits that provides.° Spokane, Washington based Empire Health Services is a not-for-profit, multi-service healthcare system providing inpatient and outpatient services to the Spokane community, Eastern Washington and the surrounding three-state region as well bordering Canadian provinces. , f ' Contact: Christine Varela . E~ ~e 509-473-7692 (Offce) MEALTH~ERVICES 509-435-1839 (Cell) Email: varelacm c(b.empirehealth.orq November 14, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Community Health Systems Files to Acquire Deaconess and Valley Hospitals Spokane-Empire Health Services (EHS) announced today that Community Health Systems recently filed two letters of intent (LOI) with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) to acquire Deaconess and Valley Hospitals. The LOI proposes an estimated purchase price for both Deaconess and Valley Hospital. However, these prices only represent a portion of the final purchase price. Proceeds of the sale wil) ultimately endow an estimated $100 million independent, community-run health foundation. The LOI details an estimated price for Deaconess Medical Center totaling $129,239,208, which includes the assumption of certain long-term liabilities. The proposed purchase price for Valley Hospital and Medical Center totals $38,536,303, n which includes the assumption of certain long-term liabilities. ~ ~ Jl °The LOI represents another important step towards securing the long-term future of our hospitals," said Ronald McKay, president of the Empire Health Services Board of Directors. "There are still many steps and processes that need to be completed before a sale is final.° As statutory requirements detail, the LOI will be followed by additional filings within the next 30 days. CHS will submit to DOH a Certificate of Need (CON) and a Hospital Conversion application for each hospital. . The CON triggers DOH's formal review, followed by a DOH decision about whether to approve the Certificate of Need. The Hospital Conversion application will be screened by both the DOH and the state Attorney General's office. Spokane, Washington based Empire Health Services is a not-for-profrt, multi-service healtllcare syslem provrding inpatient and outpatiQnf resources to the Spokarte community, Eastern Washingfon and the surrounding three-state region as vrell bordering Canadran provinces. Locafed in the Nashvifle, Tennessee, su6Urb of FrankJin, Community HeaJth Syste,ns !s a leadrng operator of acufe care hospifals in communifies throughout the country. Through its subsidiaries, the comparly currently owns, leases or operates more than 130 hospitals in 28 sfates and one hospital in lreland. fts hospitals offer a broad range of inpatrent and outpatient medical and surgical services. ~l ; ~ . ~ • . . Empaxe HEALTW SEFiYICE3 Contact: Christine Varela 509-473-7692 (Office) 509-435-1839 (Cell) Email: varelacm a(D.empirehealth.ora October 10th, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Empire Health Services Signs Purchase Agreement with a Subsidiary of Community Health Systems, Inc. Agreement includes S900 million in investment for Deaconess and Va!!ey Medical Centers Spokane-Empire Health Services (EHS) has signed an asset purchase agreement with a subsidiary of Community Health Systems, Inc. (CHS), a national leader in the healthcare industry. The agreement provides for the buyer to acquire the assets of both Deaconess and Valley Medical Centers and Valley Outpatient Surgery Center, and is an important step , toward ensuring long-teRn stability for the hospital system and maintaining healthcare choices in the Inland Northwest. The agreement must now be approved by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General and the Washington State Department of Heafth. The agreement was reached after a comprehensive strategic partner search (ed by the EHS Board of Directors. The Board's goal was to ensure the financial stability of Deaconess and Valley Medical Centers and to attract investment to the system that will benefit patient care delivery for patients, physicians, EHS employees and the region at large. "This is a monumental day for the community, and one we are proud to announce,n says EHS Board Chair Ron McKay. "CHS is the clear choice because it has an outstanding industry reputation for quality patient care delivery, supporting its staff and physicians, and fostering a tradition of community service and collaboration. The agreement will have a tremendous positive impact on the Inland Northwest and will result in an unprecedented investment into our hospital system and our regional health care economy.° (more) - ; As part of its search for a strategic partner, the EHS board of directors created a strict set of criteria for assessing potential partners. The criteria included alignment with EHS's culture of providing high quality patient care, supporting its excellent staff and physicians, maintaining a tradition of community services and collaboration and providing a commitment to chariry care. CHS emerged as the organization best able to fulfill the criteria. The asset purchase agreement between EHS and the buyer includes the following: • Commitment to invest at least $100 million over the next five years to facilities and technology improvements across the EHS system. • Commitment to dedicate significant resources to recruit new physicians needed in the community. • With the guidance and endorsement of the EHS board, adoption of a charity care policy that is more beneficial than the current EHS policy. • Commitment to hire all EHS employees in good standing at the time of close, honoring their rate of pay and seniority level. , i Commitment to continue community collaborations with Inland Northwest Health Services, which includes Information Resource Management, the information technology division. • Commitment to local leadership and guidance of the hospital, and uvill utilize a community board of directors, local physician involvement and leadership, and a management team based in Spokane. "We are pleased to reach this agreement and we look forward to working with the dedicated employees, healthcare professionals and local leadership of Empire Health,° says Community Health Systems Professional Services Corporation President for Division IV Operations William S. Hussey. "We have been consistently impressed with the Spokane Community and look forward to becoming an integral part of this vibrant area." The asset purchase agreement does not finalize the sale. The Washington State Department of Health and the Attorney General must still review and approve the _ agreement. That process is expected to begin later this year. i (more) . As EHS and CHS move through that regulatory process, more specific details of the Asset , Purchase Agreement will become available. Spokane, Washington based Empire Health Seniices is a not-for-profrt, mufti-service heatthcare system providing inpatient and outpatient resources to the Spokane community, Eastern Washington and the surrounding three-state region as well bordering Canadian provinces. Located in the Nashville, Tennessee, suburb of Franklin, Community Health Systems is a leading operator of acute care hospitals in communities throughout the country. Through its subsidiaries, the company currently owns, leases or operates more than 130 hospitals in 28 states and one hospital in Ireland. Its hospitals offer a broad range of inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services. ~ ~ ~ • Em~ ire HEALTH 1 SERVICES October 10, 2007 17ear friends, colleagues and partners of Empire Healtli Services: Today is a historic clay for Empire Health Serviees (EI-lS) as we announce the signina of 1n asset piu-chase agreetnent with a subsidiary of Commtmity 14ealdi Systems, Ine. (CMS) - one of the nation's lcacli.rig healthc,are companies. The agreement provides for the CMS suUsidiary t:o purchase the a.ssets orDeaconess and Valley Medical Centers as well as Valley Outpatient SurgEry Center. This agrcecnent is an important step forwarci i.n ensuring long-term viability and healthcare choices for our community. While it doesn't tinalize the sale, dhe signing of t:he asset piUChase agreement signals sigificant advancernent in the process. The purchase and transition docurTients will be reviewed by the Washi.ngton State Departmcnt of Health and the Wasliington State Office of the Attorney Generll. We anticipate that ' process beginning later this yeitr. We look fonvard to updating you on our proSress over the coming wecks :incl months. We lcnow ma.ny of you have been closely following our strategic partner process. After discussions with numerous potential strategic parkners, the EHS Board ultimately chose lo have exclusive negotiations with Cr1S because of-its strong reputation for quality and track-recnrd of significant invcstrnent irt the cpmrnunilies it'serves. l` JIn selecting CE-IS, the EHS Board undert:ook a comprehensive process to tind the best pa.rtner for the organization and the community. lt has explored all viable aIternatives based on a set of critcria consistent with EHS' culture of providing high quality patient care, supporting its excellent staff ancf physicians, maintaining a tradition oPc;ommunity service and cnllabor,ition, and consistently providing charit.y care. In additinn to rcflecling our own values, we sought a part-ner who could help provide the resources necessary to rnect our subscitnt.ial capital ccam►Tiitment. We are pleased to say that CWS is the orgaaii.ation we judged best able ta fulfill the criteria established by the Board. We feel thaC lhe careful due diligence will pay off and signiFicant benefits will be realized by qur community as a result of the sale. We want to shau-e with you some of the kcy details of the sale ta CHS that will hclp shed ligtit on why [his is a partnership that will beneflt our fucure, our people attd our community. The folldwing are some highli ;hts of what the asset purcha.se agreemcnt includes: • Commitment to invest at least $lOp million over Ihe nexl five ycars to facilities and technology improvements across die I?.HS system. • Commitment to dedicate significant resources to recrait new physiciaus needecl in thE eUmmunity. • WiIH the guida.nce and endorsement of the rNS boarcl, adoption of a charity care policy that is rnore benEfcial than the current L•I-[S policy. • Comrnitment to hire all EHS cmployces in good standiiig at the time of close, horioring their raie oPpay and seniority level. 800 West Eifth Aver►ue • 1' O. Box 248 a Spolrane, WA 992I0-0248 509.473.5800 9 www.empirehealth.oeg • Commitmenl: lo e4ntinue eommunity collaborations with Lnland Northwest Healdl Services, ' whicli includes Inforniation Resource Management, the inforrnation technology division. • Commitment to Ioc.il leadership and guidance of the hnspital, and will utilize a community board oftrustees; local physician involvement and leadership, and a rnanagement tean based in Spokane. pf additional beneft Co k}ie community, proceeds &om the sale, estiniated at $100 milliori, will substantially eridow an independent convnunily-run health foundation, ancl new sales and propercy ttLxes rcvenues will significantly i.ncrea,se the tax base of Spokane. We appreciate your onDoino interest in this precess and hope that you share in our e;scitement. t1s always we welcome your input and questions. Ple.ase email the board at ehsboard(@e►nDirehealth.orL, and chcck our wcbsite at vwvw.empirehe<<Ith.org tar updates. Sinccrely, • ~ - , .00,~ Ronald iV9c;Ktiy Robert Quist . Board Chairman ChieCEaecutive pfflcer 800 West Fifth Avenue a k? O. Rox 24$ o Spokane, WA 99210-0248 509.473.5800 o w-vvs.v.empirehealthorg mpsERVICES Contact: Christine Varela , 509-473-7692 (Office) 509-435-1839 (Cell) Email: varelacm(Wempirehealth.ora June 14, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Empire Health Services Signs Letter of Intent with a Subsidiary of Community Health Systems Final agreement would bring significant capital investment to Deaconess and Valley Hospitals Spokane-Empire Health Services (EHS) has signed a non-binding letter of intent that would provide for the transition of ownership of EHS' assets to a subsidiary of Commun'rty Heafth Systems, Inc. (CHS) of Franklin, Tennessee. The letter of intent expresses both parties' intent to pursue a purchase, but is not a final agreement of sale. EHS, which operates Deaconess Medical Center, Valley Hospital and Medical Center and FirstCare urgent care centers, and CHS now enter into a period of mutual due diligence. . "The board is seeking a strong, strategic partner to ensure that we can continue providing the high quality healthcare for the next one hundred years,° says Ronald F. McKay, EHS Board Chair. "CHS shares our culture of high quality care and believes in investing in local hospitals to help them grow and thrive. CHS has a proven track record of supporting local communities, maintaining strong relationships with physicians and operating excellent facilities.° During the due diligence process, details about a final agreement will be further defined and guided by key elements of.the non-binding letter of intent including: • Significant capital investment in EHS hospital facilities, technology and programs. • The ability to accelerate progress toward the Board's goal of making EHS a. `'national leader in patient, physician and employee safety and satisfaction. • The continuation of EHS charity care policies, or substantially similar charity ~ care policies, and continued participation in community-based health programs. • The guidance of local leadership through a community board of directors, local physician involvement and leadership as well as a management team based in Spokane. With the proper regulator approvals and the execution of the final agreement, the Board intends to create an independent, community-run health foundation that will receive the net profits from the sale for the sole use of benefiting the greater Spokane community. Today's announcement launches the next step in a due diligence process that will determine whether a mutually beneficial partnership is desired by both parties. If a definitive agreement is reached it would need to be reviewed by the Washington State Department of Health and the State Attorney General. "We are committed to making the best choice for EHS' employees, physicians, volunteers and for the broader community,° says Jeff A. Nelson, EHS CEO. "We are enthusiastic about Community Health Systems and the resources and expertise they would bring to the - community - helping EHS accelerate our goal of becoming a national leader in quality care and ensuring that our region has a strong two-hospital system for the future.N Spokane, Washington based Empire Health Services is a not-for-profit, multi-service healthcare system providing inpatient and outpatient resources to the Spokane communiry, Eastern 1JUashington and the surrounding three-state region as well bordering Canadian provinces. Located in the Nashville, Tennessee, suburb of Franklin, Community Health Systems is a leading operator of acute care hospitals in communities throughout the country. Through its subsidiaries, the Company currently owns, leases or operates 80 hospitals in 23 states. Its hospitals offer a broad range of inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services. #~fl# r ~ . . June 14, 2007 ~ EDpire Dear Friends, Colleagues and Partners of~,mpire Health ServiceS: HERVICEs Fmpire Health Services (E1=IS) has reached an imnortant rnilestone in the search for a strategic partner and we'd likc to provide you wiCh an update about the process. The EHS Boiird of 17ircctors has entered inl'o st non-binding letter of intent with a subsidiary of Cummunity Hcxlth Systcros (CHS), one of the nation's leacling he,lltheare comp.inies. Th.is letier expresses bath parties' intent to take die process to the; nexC phase, but it is not a final agreement of sale. Now riTS and CHS will enCer inta the nE.ct level of due diligence to ensurc the needs oFboth pau-cies and the community are met. Idere is some additional background and information about dhe pmcess to datc and next steps: Idcntifying t6c 12ight Partner The 13oard has bcen «rorking on how to best soliclify EHS' long-term future fnr more than a}°ear and has studied many options and potential partners. Iauring the process it becaute clear that identifying a strategic partner would ensure access to capital and a true investment in our coiTimunity. The EWS Board developed criteria for t.he secirch Ihat includes ictenlifying pitrCners that wnuld shitre aur culture of high quality care, inake a substantial investment in Deaconess Mediutl Center and V:tlley Haspital und Medical Center, support our excellent staff and pliysicians and continue our tradition of cornmunity scrvice Knd c:ollaboration. The rHS Boarci feels st:rongly that: CHS meets these criteria and woulcl help co ensure a long-term and - posilive fiiture fnr Et-iS. 1'lease revietiv the attached Q&A for additional background on CHS. ~-'An Invcstment in Uur 1+"uturc . CHS would bring expxndeci resources, experi:ise anci Icnowledge as well as maintain loeal leadership and a cornmunity board of cli.rectors. During thc clue ciiligence process, details of the terms of the transaction will bc fiirthcr defined and guidcd by key elerlients of the non-bindina letter of intent including: • Significant capital invettment in EHS hospital facilities, technology and progrims. • The ability to ziecelerate progress toward tFie Board's goal ofmiiking EHS a national leader in paticnt, physician and empluyec safety and satisfaction. • T'he continuation of EHS charity csre policics anci r,onCinuecl parficipation in community-based health progra.ms. • The advice and guidance of local teadership tluough a community boarct oFdireet:ors, local physician involvement and leadership, as well as a msnagcment team based in Spokane. • "1'he continuation of important community and physician partnerships. An Ynvestment in Our Pet►ple The EI-IS Board is committed to ensuring the organizal;ion grows anct conCinues to provide high quality jobs in otir cotncnunity ovcr the long terni. • Although C.E-IS intends to offer all active EHS employees in good standing employment at iheir current pay rates and seniority levels, many details remain to be worketl out c3uring the cluc diligence process and negotiation of the defnitive agTeement bel:ween EHS and CH. S. • CHS has an excellent track record of developing and maintriining strong relationsltips with . staff and physicians and F~~s a national pliysician and nurse recruiting program that would benefit the greater Spnkane region and altract talent to our community. 800 West Fifth rlvenue a P.O. Iiox 248 o SpokanG WA 99210-0248 509.473.5800 o wwwernpirellealth.org ( , . An Investinent in Qur Community H'nsuring a strong hvo-hospital system and vibrant heallhcare corrunumity is viCal to Spokane's economy. We heard that paint through eommunity forums and the Board is coiriinitted to the long-term achicverncnt of this goal. An agreement with CHS would rnean a substantial investrnent in the yusility and lung-term vial'ility of Spokane's healthcare system. "I'he EMS Board's vision for the fuhire of EHS includes: •`[`he ereLiCion oCan indcpendent, community-run 6ealth fuundation that will receive the net profits from the sale for the sole use of benefiting the greater Spokane community. • The long-term financial stability of the system. • lmprovemerits to facilitics iind technology that support our quality goals. • The gro«rth of the system to meet long-terrn cnmmunity needs. • Investment in our local economy through the esttiblishment of a sibmifc;ttnt eommuniCy healChcare f-xincfation, tax revenue and job growt:h. About Community Aealtli Systerns CI-IS is a leading healdlcare company that focuses on managing hospitals in mid-size markets. Organized in 1985, Community Health Systems is based netir Nashville, '1'ennessee. '1"he company specializes in operating community hospitals in cities with 20,000 to 400,000 resident,s and it currently operates $0 hospitals in 23 stiites, representing nearly 9,4001icensed beds. CHS understands the importance of keeping hospital decisions at the local level and has a history of operating successful, locally-managed haspitals. Next Steps EHS and CNS will be conclucting t}ie ncxt level oi'duc dilibence and will work tuwarcl a dernitive agreement. The next steps Nvould include: • A definitive agreement detailing the terms of the transaction would be prepared and negotiated_ • If the part.it;s cume to an agmeernent on the tenns of the t.ransTCeion and enter into the deFinitive agreement, revierv and appmval by the Washington State Department ofi 1-Iealdi and the WASfllflal:Otl StA3te OCCiec of the Altorney General would be requirecf. Your Support is NeedeJ As a leader in qur community, ypur support is greatly necded. We a,sk you fo sLznd with us t:hrough this lransition process and help us share all of the community benefits with your colleagues, family and friends_ Contact Us We would like to hear from you to address any additional questions yOu may have. You can contact the board directly at chsboard(n?cmnirehealth.orz. 1'Ve witl cont:inue to update the community as this process proeeeds. More information is also available at vvww.empirehealth.org. All the best, ~ R.onald F. McKay Jeff A. Nelson . Chairrnan ofithe Roard Chief Executive Officer Empire I-Iealth Services Empire Health Services 800 We.st Fifrh Avenue - 1? Q. Ilox 248 a Spokdrie, 4VA 99210-0248 509.473.5800 0 wwwernpirehealth.org CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meetlng Date: June 3, 2008 City Manager Sign-oft Ibem: Check all that apply: ❑ consent [I old business ❑ new buatness ❑ public hearing ❑ informatian admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENOA ITEM TiTLE: IndianalArgonne Colifsions GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A I PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A ~ BACKGROUND: The Valley Precinct of the Spokane County Sheriffs Off'ECe has brougM recent cotlisions ai IndianalArgonne to the attention of Public Works. This memorandum summarizes our analysis of the collision rate, severity, and potential mitigation measures. Callision Histonr The WSDOT database shaws 35 reported collisiorts from January 2043 through December 2007. ()f those collisions, 20 were beiween the NB left tum movement and the SB through movement. During the peak hours the SB traffic tends to back up from the I-90 intercharEge signal and block the intersection with lndiana. Cars in the inside two lanes will often stop short leaving a gap for NB left tums to cross Argonne. The curb lane however, ts usualty free flowing so drivers can cross the two inside lanes but do not see the moving car in tlie curb lane. laA J s~o ' w r~r~ a ~ 31211 While the overall collision rate of 0.53/Million Entering VehiGes is relatively low, there is a distinct pattem of collisions between the NB left and SB through vehicles. Teblc 1. Annaal totals otSR thra - NB kft collisioos I Ycar j N of CoWsiaos j 2004 ~ 4 2005 ~ 2 2006 5 ~ 2007 ~i Tabte 2. Cullision Severit,, I Scvcrity # ~ % ~ PI)c) 13 I 650,10 ~ lnjury 7 ~ 350N0 Fatal U 0% Imoacted Residents and Businesses A variety of businesses send traffic through this intersection. On the west side of Argonne south oi Knox there are Wendy's, Maris Cal{enders, Spokane Velley High Schaol, Motel 6, an apartment complex, and othef businesses at the end of Hutchison. East of Arganne is a church, Denny's Restaurant, and the Super 8 Motel. The NB left tums range between 50 and 100 vehicleslhour during the AM and PM peak hours . ~ a ~ ~ I ,r, { r r ~ i~ ~I r ~ . 4l ~j. ~ ~r. I Jr r.~ _i $ 1 ~ , ~st I. _ t- ~ ~ ` ' ; ; - - I ~ << ` Y f s ~ '~d r I F.^. a s•'4 = _ : ~ I~ . 1'` ' 4 ' - . ~ t~ ~ i i- ~ r-- .ei'y 1 ~ M1,1'• ) ' j•t ~ ~ ~ , ~ i' ~ ' , : + ~ i~ Mitiqatio- n Ootions ( There are two mitigation measures that could be used to decrease or eliminate this collision - - pattern. 1. Sign for No Left during peak hours: A No Left Turn sign could be installed but conditioned only for hours when the traffic is backed up. This could read No Left Turns, M-F, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM. This option would be inexpensive to implement, but would likely have high violations and ongoing maintenance costs. Cost $500. 2. Extend median and eliminate NB left: A raised median already exists between Indiana and Knox_ It could be extended in a manner that would close off the NB left turn movement but still allow the SB left tum into the businesses access. The NB lefts would be diverted to the intersection of Argonne/Knox and then routed down to Hutchinson. Extending the median would also better align the SB left turn movement with the Tidyman'slDenny's driveway. This would require removal of the left turn pocket striping on Argonne. This option also restricts WB left from Denny's and other businesses east of Argonne. However, this volume is relatively low. Estimated Cost =$47,000 (does not include lengthening the turn pocket at Knox) Impacts to Knox/Arqonne Siqnal Option 2 would add rnore NB left turns to the signal at KnoxJArgonne. While the green time for the movement can be increased, there may be a storage problem if volumes are increased significantly. The table below estimates the future turning movements based on recent traffic counts at Indiana and Knox. The NB left turn pocket has approximately 190 feet of storage. An analysis of the intersection shows that while the 50% percentile queues can be accommodated, the NB left turn pocket would be likely to overflow periodically. Table 3. Analysis of Knox/Ar-_onne NE3 left turn movement u►paeitv Knoa/Argonne Indiana/Argunne FsYimated NB left Time of Day NB left NB left vnlumes w/ meclian AM 65 ~ 68 I 133 ~ MD 101 75 ~ 176 ~ I pM I 1 i s sa I 199 Recommendations The best mitigation option from an engineering and safety perspective is to extend the median and eliminate the NB left turn movement. All of the existing left tum traffic could be re-routed through the signal at Knox. While the tum pocket may overflow at times during the peak hours, the signal can otherwise handle the extra traffic. The turn pockets at the signal could be lengthened in the future by reconstructing the median. Indiana would still allow right-in and right-out movements. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Staff requests fuRher direction of council. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Construction of a median would be paid from the street fund. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Inga Note, Traffic Engineer ` ~ . ATTACHMENTS: 1. Layout of inedian . l ~ I I I ( ' I ( I I I I I I ' ~ ~1 • ~ ( ~ ~ - L__J O I I ~ ~ ~ . i , L / ' ► ~ ~ J..____------.~____, -r---------T~~r • O ! , ~ti~~. RGONNE~' 5 1 ASO 5 ~9 ~ ~ • ~ . -_r_----_ . EdgeofExst.AG7 ~1--.---,_--_--• 'tF 0'6 ^ \ 1 Praposed Edqe of Aspholt i (To Be~ow,cut) ool, Proposed Islonds i ~ r- --I I bra+rel Should¢r~ / y' , 1 I I Propased Fogl(ne ~ . % . ~ ` , • ~ ~ Lonstructlon Notes ' I i. Curb to be dowelcd in place. (seeaetoil) I 2. Island f;ll- 2" AGP over 3;" C57C / / / Quontities L_ - J / / i/ • B(g Island- 7urn l.ane Qesign For WB-67 7ruck Fill Areo:18875F ~ Gurbiny 213LF Small zsland- ~ Fill Aren= 1295F . / ^ Curbing= 60LF . brnvel Shnulder Area=13425F _ , N. ~ D.I. ~ eY Qa•IAFK.1 R,A,mn ' IDrawn By. PCf Date: ~ City of Spokane Valley ~ APPROVED: INDIANA/ARGONNE MEDIAN SHEET ~Designed 8y. Date: Depariment of Pubiic Warks C'r^~1r~e PUBIJC WORKS OIRECTOR ~~flN A SCALE 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 ►~p ~ LEFT HAND 1URN ACCESS - MUI.IAN I I i HORl20~lTA~: 1"=50' SI'OKANE VAI.I~Y, WA. 99206 ~ - 1 of 2 I 1 ~ i VERTICAL• (509) 921-1000 ~ Date: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ' . _ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information X admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE; Solid Waste Franchise Update. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.02.160, RCW 81.77. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Motion authorizing staff to execute seven year status quo franchises to Sunshine and Waste Management BACKGROUND: Council recently participated in a transportation financial Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis, a six-year goal setting exercise and analysis. One of the options mentioned dealt with solid waste contracting options. Staff would like some direction on whether to open exploratory discussions with Sunshine and Waste Management regarding new franchises under which the City would have regulatory , control. If those discussions are authorized, a number of issues could be on the table, including - rates, mandatory pickup, enhanced recycling, franchise fees, and hours of collection. This is only a small representation of potential topics, and staff can report back later on a broader list of discussion points upon request of Council. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Consensus to place motion on cansent agenda authorizing. staff to have exploratory discussions with Waste Management and Sunshine Disposal on potential replacement franchises. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Unknown. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Dep. City Attorney; Morgan Koudelka, Senior Admin. Analyst. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information (D admin. report 0 pending legislation . AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2008 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Planning Commission Findings of Fact and Recommendations PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: The Spokane valley Municipal Code (SVMC 17.80.140) establishes an annual comprehensive plan amendment cycle that runs from November 2"d to November 1s' of the following year. The Planning Commission considered applications received prior to November 1g` in late spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Community Development Department received eight requests for site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2008. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the new land use designation. City staff also initiated a number of Comprehensive Plan text amendments. Amendments are proposed to Chapter 1- Introduction; Chapter 2- Land Use; Chapter 3- Transportation; Chapter 5- Housing; Chapter 7- Economic Development; Chapter 8- Natural Environment and Chapter 9- Parks, Recreation, and the Arts. A majority of these amendments are relatively minor in nature and merely updates or corrects information. More substantive amendments are being recommended to Chapter 2- Land Use. Appendix 19-A, Schedule of Permitted and Accessory Uses is also recommended to be amended to correct an inconsistency with specific adopted policy (LUP-9.1) of Chapter 2- Land Use. PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on April 25, 2008 and each site was posted with a°Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal. Finally, individual notice of the proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each amendment. Notice for the text amendments was provided consistent with applicable provisions of Title 17. SEPA REVIEW: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RCW 43.21 C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan amendment. Under SEPA, amendments to the comprehensive plan are considered "non-project actions" which are .defined as actions involving decisions on policies, plans, or programs that contain standards controlling use or modification of the environment. Additional environmental review may be required for the actual development of the subject properties. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and issued a threshold determination for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments. The DNS°s were published in the city's official newspaper consistent with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). Page 1 of 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Comprehensive plan amendment proposals are organized into individual reports consisting of application materials, staff reports, comprehensive plan maps, zoning maps, aerial maps, vicinity maps, transportation maps, and comments submitted to date to assist the Mayor and City Council in their review. OPTIONS: Council consensus to schedule an ordinance first reading for June 10, 2008. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Division Manager; Mike Basinger, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendations Exhibit 2: Individual Staff Reports Page 2 of 2 v S0615ine ,;oOValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Sp,okane Valley VVA 99206 509.921.1000 * Fax: 509.921.1008 4 cftyhalliDspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mayor and City Councilors From: lan Robertson, Chair - Spokane Valley Planning Commission Date: June 3, 2008 Re: Planning Commission Findings and Recommendation: CPA-01-08 through CPA-15-08 BACKGROUND The Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC 17.80.140) includes an annual amendment cycle that runs from • PVovember 2"d to November 15' of the following year. Applications received prior to November 15i are considered by the Planning Commission in late spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council in late spring/early summer. All parts of the Comprehensive Plan can be amended during the annual cycle. The Cornmunity Development Department received eight requests for site-specific Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2008. Sites that are approved for a Comprehensive Plan amendment will automatically receive a zoning designation that is consistent with the neNv land use designation. City staff also initiated a number of Comprehensive Plan text amendments. Amendments are proposed to Chapter 1- Introduction; Chapter 2- Land Use; Chapter 3- Transportation; Chapter 5- Housing; Chapter 7- Economic Development; Chapter 8- Natural Environment and Chapter 9- Parks, Recreation and the Arts. A majority of these amendments are relatively minor in nature and update or correct information. More substantive amendments are being recommended to Chapter 2- Land Use. Appendix 19-A, Schedule of Permitted and Accessory Uses is also recommended to be amended to correct an inconsistency with specific goals and policies of Chapter 2- Land Use. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 8, 2008, to consider proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use map and text. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-08 through CPA-15-08 excluding CPA-07-08 and CPA-08- 08. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-03-08 to May 22, 2008. On May 22, 2008, the Planning Commission deliberated on CPA-03-08 and held a hearing on CPA-07-08 and CPA-08-08. After hearing public testimony, fhe Commission made recommendations on CPA-03-08, CPA-07-08, and CPA-08- 08. The Planning Commission`s findings and recommendation on CPA-01-08 thru CPA-15-08 are summarized below: FINDINGS 1. Nofice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on April 23, 2008 and each site was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign, with a description of the proposal. 2. Individual notice of the map amendment proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. . 1 of 4 3. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA - RCW 43.21 C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map and text amendment. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each cornprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance (DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on February 15, 2008. 5. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on February 15, 2008 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 8, 2008, to consider the proposed amendments. After hearing public testimony, the Commission made recommendations on CPA- 01-08 thru CPA-15-08, excluding CPA-07-08 and CPA-08-08. 7. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-03-08 to May 22, 2008. Due to a noticing error, CPA-07-08 and CPA-08-08 was heard on May 22, 2008 to ensure consistency with Title 17.80.1206. 8. On May 22, 2008, the Commission made recommendations on CPA-03-08, CPA-07-08, and CPA-08-08. RECOMMENDATION File No. CPA-01-08: Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) and Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Medium Density Multi-family Residential District (MF-1) on approximately 2.07 acres of land. Applicant: Greg Arger, 300 North Mullen Road, Suite 204, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 , Amendment Location: South of Mission Avenue on Mamer Road at 1204 North Mamer Road and 1112 North Mlamer Road; specifically located in the NE Y<'of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number(s) 45151.0926 and 45151.1216, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Medium Density Residential and zone MF-1 File No. CPA-02-08: Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential Suburban District (R-2) to Corridor Mixed Use District (CMU) on approximately .23 acres of land. Applicant: Joe Stoy, cJo Baker Construction, 2711 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202 Amendment Location: North of Trent Avenue (SR290) at 8124 East Carlisle Avenue; specifically located in the NW'/< of Section 7, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number 45072.7003, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Corridor Mixed Use and zone CMU File No. CPA-03-08: Further research was requested Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) and Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Garden Office (GO) on approximately 3.1 acres of land. Applicant: Dennis Raugust, c/o Boulder Creek, Inc., 19012 Nevada Road, Spangle, WA 99033 Amendment Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Marguerite Road and Alki Avenue addressed as 8902 East Alki Avenue, 420 North Niarguerite Road, 500 North Marguerite Road, 508 North Marguerite Road and 510 North Marguerite Road; specifically located in the SE'/< of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number(s) 45184.0804, 45184.0805, 45184.0807, 45184.0819 and 45184.0820, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone GO 2of4 (J File No. CPA-04-08 ApplicationlDescription of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Corridor Mixed Use to Medium Density Residential; corresponding zoning map amendment from Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) to Mufti- family Medium Density Residential District (MF-1) on approximately 3.0 acres of land. Applicant: Stephen H. Ford 8 Victor N. Cooper Amendment Location: The proposal is located south of Sprague Avenue on Tschiriey Street at 120 S. Tschirley, 106 S. Tschirley and parcel to the north of 106 S. Tschirley; specifically Iocated in the NW % of Section 19, Township 25 North, Range 45 EWM; parcel numbers 55192.9029, 55192.9051, and 55191.9052, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Medium Density Residential and zone MF-1 File No. CPA-05-08 Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment frvm Low Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Garden Office (GO) on approximately 1.56 acres of land. Applicant: TNJ on Broadway, LLC Amendment Location: The proposal is located between Cataldo and Broadway Avenues east of Pines at 11901 E. Broadway Ave; specifically located in the NE'/4 of Section 16, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number 45161.1171, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone GO File No. CPA-06-08 Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Offiice; coResponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Garden Office (GO) on approximately 4.82 acres of land. Applicant: Nick Abariotes Amendment Location: The proposal is located between Cataldo and Broadway Avenues east of Pines at 11813 E. Broadway Ave; specifically located in the NE '/4 of Section 16, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number 45161.1127, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone GO File No. CPA-07-08 Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Densiry Residential to Community Commercial; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Community Commercial (C) on approximately 1.24 acres of land. Applicant: Dwight J. Hume Amendment Location: Northwest of the intersection of Carnahan Road and 3'd Avenue at 228 S. Carnahan Road; specifically located in the NW Y of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 EWM; parcel number 35232.1509, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Community Commercial and zone C File No. CPA-08-08 Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Office (O); corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Office (O) on approximately 1.02 acres of land. Applicant: awight J. Hume Amendment Location: 3of4 East of Sullivan Road and one lot north of Century Avenue at 604 S. Sullivan Road; specifically located in the NE 1/4 of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number 45231.2244, Spokane Valley, Washington. PC Recommendation: Change to Office and zone GO File No. CPA-09-08 thru CPA-15-46 Planning Commission concurred with staff recommendations on Chapter 1- Introduction; Chapter 2- Land Use; Chapter 3- Transportation; Chapter 5- Housing; Chapter 7- Economic Development; Chapter 8- Natural Environment and Chapter 9- Parks, Recreation and the Arts. Staff added Map 2,2 indicating Potential Annexation Areas (PAAs) for the City of Spokane Valley. ADOPTION OF FINDINGS: The Planning Commission is required to adopt findings of fact (Sections 17.80.140 & 17.80.150) when recommending changes to the comprehensive plan. Each staff report contains findings applicable to the particular request. At the conclusion of the hearing for the comprehensive amendments, the Planning Commission, by separate motion, adopted the findings of fact contained in the staff reports for CPA-01-08 through CPA-15-08. Approved this 22"d day of May, 2008 lan Robertson, Chair City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission . ; 4of4 ~ ~„t/~• Dcpartment of Community DeveloPmenl ~`'1 Planning nivision 2008 Comprehensi've Plan Ma-r ! A end ent File Numbers CPA-01-08 through CPA-15-08 Cl?Illp[l'IIcflSILI' f'lart :\mc:iidmentti 2008 E..,isoov, De P~irtment of Commun• ~t;y Dc~~cloPmel PlanninQ Division Comprehensive Plan Amendments ■ Comprehensive Plan amended annually ■ November 1 St 2007 cut off for applications ■ Planning Commission Public Hearings ■ May 8, 2008 ■ May 22, 2008 ■ PC recommendation to City Council (Implementing zone change with Comp Plan Amendment) ■ Council Study Session - June 3, 2008 ■ Council 1 St Reading - June 10, 2008 ■ Council 2"d Reading - June 24, 2008 ■ Appeals to Growth Management Hearings Board Comprchcnsivc Plan Amendments 20()8 Ea~. , ....P. DepArtment of Community lle~•elop1 Planning Division CPA_01_08 • ~ 4 1 ~ li ~ ~ ~ JOU ~ - I~ ~...•~d'~ ~~i~•~~ar~ y. ; i. .R ~K r. -;•.y ; ~'■1 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ,~~,1_~' ~1~~ - r, : ` - f I; ` ~v,~ ~ ~ ~ AV-.:We" ► , + s,'~ ~ - Y } y ; r I 71 •View of existing residence , _ . ~ , ~ on Mamer Road p ~ • ~ - ~ l. '',t&. „ - ' 4r ` .~rr~~ , ► ~t . M+ C'omprchensive j'lan :Vlend►ne.nts -'ut)S r i......: i .~~ti~ • Department of Communit-v~ Devclopment Plannin;i Division Camp P1an (LDR to MDIZ) Zoiling (R-3 & R-4 to MF--1) PC Recommended Approval •.l:t[ P tl. ~ ~ ~ cra-oi-os ! CPA-0I-08 ~ ~ LT » . ~ . • ~ - I I nR ~lRf~f~' II I • • / - ~ f f ~ ~ I Compn:iicnsivc Plan :1mendnrnLs, 2008 Department of Community Development S~S ne jXalh - Planniag Division 00 CPAAw02mwO8 ..,'n'~` ' ~ ` 1• y"~ s-`s_ - r• ' / 'L~'`' ~ ~ ~ ; L ~ ~ ~ _ iy I1 ~ A~f F` - ' r.,,,'q~,i ~ a"f' • ~ 11 ' j I ~ . y 1' . ~ 1 • ~ ♦ ''s ~ ' t ' ~ ~ ,a - • : / ~ J ► ~ - , . . f► r (+~1 ~ S _ . . . . . . . !r M ~l~L i ~ , , ? f.''~'~~-~- • •View of existing residence ' and garage ~ • ~ e ~ ~ . i• - ,yy.~~... . - • , ~'~~+yr~ a.' ' . ' « . , _ ~ 'r r'I ► ~-,'".n"'y~.,.e-~ • - . . -•s" . • . ~ . ~ , , , V~p: ~ . . ~ . - 1 ~ , ~ ~ w' ~ _ - ~1 Comprehensive Pitin Amerximents 2009 .rt..,Niw .-nwn E De partmcnt of Community Develo~~ml l Planning Division Comp Plan (LDR to CMU) Zoning (R-2 to CMU) . PC Recommended Approvaall - ~ _ ~ , cpa-02-08 cPA-02-08 ' ~ C Ulr \ ~ ~ ~ •~o • tlo • ~ ~ ~ ` I ~ LaR DrniW_,; ~ i Comprrllcltsivc f'lan Amrndmcnts 1008 ..'-1.~~:'.n'~n it ~•~1 ~ ~ E,o Department of Community Devrlopmt~nt - , Plann ing Divisiun CPA..03..08 - ~ - - - ~ - a~ ~ . ~ ~ + I 1 -i~_- - ~1'•` r ; i •j ik: ~ _f ~i~,• , ~ + C ~ ' • "w" r, • ~ i. View from the intersection , , ~ , of Alki Avenue and riT ' ~ ~ • C - . ~ ~ ~ ~ n• ~ i~ r 1'~ yf:- Marguerite Road looking ~ . ' ~ _ , - ~ ~ ~ - :I. i.t~1~.t ,1ilc.tirh~~u1 °~.r~.. ';c'ty-' ~ yA;•'r r southeast . ~ . ~ - ~ 1 M \ ~ w i. OmPrehensivc F'lan Amcndmcnt : -(}[1,S , ..,ni• v~. Sn~ ' DepArtment of Communitv I)evelapment Flanninr Division , Comp Plan (LDR to O) Zoning (R-3 & R-4 to GO) ' - ~ ~ CPA-03 PC Recommended Approval, ~ Low Drnsfh• b ~ CPA-03-08 r ~.-~►++~-r• _ ~ i 7 - - - \,%'eqt ~'aUet~ ~ ~ ~ . - Clt' Scllool _ ~ - ~ - •-~-{C~'-It~• Sclap~ . I` M I'nbHcQnnd• Riblic la (i / ~ Eli~l> > ~ 17 12r.t~YlMTl~~1 i CoTi1pTCI1Cilslvc Cl:uiAvienclmrnL, 2008 Department of Community Development ,"knnc Plannina Division CPAm04mO8 , , . . • ` ~u .'~~.~~`W - 't - ` ~r %•i~~: w~` . . ' _ ~ ~+r1~'' ~ ~ . \ ~~--'.'r_ tij1N~'i?~~r - - - - - • - ~ ~ _ ~ - - ~---~f' ' r` .ti ~ . , :i= - r' - . ~ ~ 'c+~~~~~~ . ; 1~~ Y .1. • f~ ~ .y a . . f' ~ F' JK" - ~~f~ .a/l..'b ~ • ~ •~1..~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ c . l~f.l . ~ . 'i ' - _ ,~-j~'!:,,~, Ao- •Looking at the middle , parcel showing the single family residence. . ~ r ( ii ' • ~ ~ • ' `~,1~". - 11 • h_ ~ ~ ~ ~ l a •~M~,' ~ 1 .2~ S C~ a~ d~ R~• q t l ompreltensive 111an Amendments '00K Dcpartment of Commuaity neveloPment ~ Planning Divisic,n Comp Plaii (CMU to MDR) Zoning (CMU to MF-1) ~ \ ~ C.orr4A PC Recommended Approval \ `~\~~c•1~s: \ , . ~ \ ~ L . r-~ CPA-04-00 . \ ~ ~ \ J \ \ \ ~ ~ ~V ~ . ~ -j I \I~Jlvtn Drntifl~ I I , in~} Drntin - I 17FT ~ Cotnprrhensivc; Plan Aetcndmcnts ?008 ~ EDcpartment of Community De~~elopment ai Planning Divifiion CPA:O5•~08 ~ s ~ ~ t`~~; ~r• . ; ~ , f `~M - ~i,.f • ~ _ j'f A ► ~1: _ , , . •"~:-~I'~~~ i~_~'i'~c~~ I~~ j~ ~k ~ !C~t4►"~, j t. ~ ~f.i i i - _ d w ~ • . t , n,r - i ~ I'A-05-08 5 1 '"p~ ~ . v ~ " • T r - ~~1 +~•i~'I. 1~.~ ~1 ~~rMt~ ~y ~ t RN ~ ~-yT ~ ■ Y ~ ~ . ~ T ,).►~f , ~--'~-+1..~ ~ l+ i j' ~ • - n--_. t. i " ~ ~ e • ~ •View of property _ , ~ y ~ ~ ~ l~ ■ ' . ~ - : ~f_._'_".'~`. •j~t'It.11{tt.It ~ iooking from Broadway uphill towards Rock ' ~ ' ~ n ~ . . , house .~-~4 A~,~,. .~I~ • ' ~ f yi';T. ,~I~~ \nI t ~ ~ t~ ' ► 'Vy~ -cf ~ J'.' Flnr M ~ ~ • Comprehcrtsive Plnn rlmendments 20()9 i 7- ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ; \C~~ , ` \ d ~ d d ~ 0 0 i3 ~ ~ _ l I,, ~ ~f rt 3 ~ ~ ,A\\ ~J 1 l~ - - ~ ~ Department of Communit;y Dcvclopmenf ~v,JI) . U Planning Division CPA~06_08 311 nL ~ Ir~ ~ , ~~'I+ ~ ~ ~ ► ~ - ' ~ _ - , - . , =~i~.,~l~i.~"„►~ll~ ~ - ~ ' . • ~ • ~/y~~ I~,~f7~1~~~~.~r~.~~~n~~~~,~~l~l~l~ ~ ~.1 'I iJJyji~y ~4 . _ . _'~J=f- T_•~' . :t~ W ~ ~ , . ~lfiCll~r~ ~y . . 'Y :_r- _ ,~~~~i ~1 : ~ •~I - - - ~►~~li~ ~ r' ' ~ ~ - _ - - . ~ • - ~ ~'f - • _ - . ~ ~ ~ , • , ~ e •View across the proPertY ! 'ust north of Broadway Ave ~ a •a.---r-- w~~ y , Z~. -...:-'~i'' ~~;w„'°~Lf-''~' ••3• • ;f~ ~ _ - ~ Camprehensiv4 f'lun Atnendments 2008 • ~ - - ~\\~~~j~\~\ `I L ~ ~ I ~ ` ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~-M U I C L• , ~ - C ~ •c ~ ;y,~ , ~ .y C "~'J \ \ ~ ON O , \ ; ` ~v 0000 ~ N~ M1~~►N1N~i~~ " ' ~ • J..000 O s ~ J1 ¢ . ~ - 1 I'~~.~~...•.II)~ h~. Denartment ,~n/~. ~ of Communit~• l~e~-clopmcnt j~~ Planning Di~~ision C`PA_07,~08 Lowes ~T.~'~~~~~~~`'~~ .~..N•~~~ --~e • . ~p~ ~i~:.. r~ ~S• ~ '-r.r"I" j- V:"''~ - i " ~Y..l ~ ~ N^ ~i •.d . ~ + ~ * ~~ss~~~~ • ~ C a`. ~ . _ ti ~ ~ _ .~.~':w' . _ _ , *p~ ~.•,,,~G ~ ~ • ~ ,'I i 'i.. ►~`~~~'7~ 3~; ~ , e - •Northern view of parcel from 3rd Avenue _ . - - - - , ~ir~ - . - - - - - ---~Uti ' ` - ~i.T~ ~ ~ ,r.'~--;~ "w~7~. :r ~ ~4:1; ~,+~~,•,~{V ~ i~ ~ " .,,~3: a r = rra►•~i r- ~ ° ; , t ~ 1 ~ • i~ ~ . ~ Laf'_ _ r:. - ~ +'~.~~~I ~ ~y~ ~ . Y'.e~' . ~ ~ r ~`7ri '.:j~.al ,li► ~ r~-- - ~~~jy~~ ~`~1~ ~r _ - - - ~~11~- ,r~~~t}~ ~1-.►. l:c►tnprncert~i~e l'I:ITI :11111'i1~IlltilL'; ?U(lti - Depart ~ , ment of Community Development- ar ' Planning Divisioii ¢ E Comp P1an (LDR to C) Zoning (R-4 to C) . . pprov ljll~ PC Recommended A I ! t ' ir~_, i~~i `~f.'fE ~ J~ <<< fl j • L"7' i CPA-0'T•08 ~ ~ - - '~~-2_ ~ ,y ~ ( AA 1 ~KI K'`}1 I ~M! ~/~Y-~f ~R~ -1~- , ~ -Lr..L.~ . _ - . . r ~ - _ Caniprchrnscvr I'l:ui rlmct7dmcnls 2008 ; _ EVnc: Dcpartmcnt of Cc~mmunity Dcvelopmc Planning Division CPAAw08mO8 "i►w 'flm' i - ~ [ + ■ ' ~ ' .r ♦ p-. ' jI~ I •h~i~~l ~ ~ • ~ V .,j . _ ~ ~ ;~.RR*Ja ~ .N~lr~~ - ' ~ • - a► .>.3-. ~ . , . . .44 , . ~ _ - . _ J ~~:~M"~~ , ~ - iii . I _ i b ~ ' ~ I ~ ~1y {,_~II ~ ♦ _ ~'I ~ 1, 1• ' ~ V'~r~{ ,I 1~ ~ - ~Y~ , RI yy •M~^~li~b~~_..~ . ~ I - ~..'.3~~~♦ IV~~~~ - . ~ ~ ' C F,t nA ns f a _ y t'i; , ^•~-~w: ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ •r •Lookin9 north of CPA _ • ,~,,,,~r _ I - , ~ ' ' a a ~ ComprehensO,c Pl:in Amcndmcnts _2008 •sa~i~. ,...r,•. .~i. ~ Department of Community Developmcnt ~ ~sN-M Plannincy Division Comp P1an (LDR fo O) Zoning (R-3 fo Q) - - - pP C Recommended Approval PI LIC7P08-O g ~ cpa-us-oa R.. ~ i ~ --r~"- - - ~ - ~ - p'LLbueQllit! 1-~' Ptt4lk ~ i R rnelal _ ~ I A1 ~r~_•:- _ r--.: ' 1 I CamprchrrLSivc I'lan Amcndimrnt;~2008 , -.,i..i,...<. Depurtment of Community Dc~~elopment Sl:anc j'~a11 Plannin Division CPA-09-08 CPA--"5-08 (Text Amendments) • CPA-09-08: Chapter l - Introduction - Minor updates to teYt • CPA-10-08: Chapter 2- Land Use - Minor updAtes/carrections; - New Section - PotentiaJ Annexation Areas: - New Goal & Policies - Potential Anncxation Areas: I - New Map (2.2) - Potential Anriexation Areas, - Amend Appendix 19-A (Permitted Uses) for consistency with Comprehensive Plan Policy LUP-9.2 • CPA-1 I-08: Chapter 3- Transportation - Update text related to Bike and Pedestrian; - New bike and pedestrian map • CPA-12-08: Chapter S - Housing - Minor updates to text • CPA-13-08: Chapter 7- Economic Development - Updates to data tttblcs • CPA-14-08: Chapter 8- Natural Environment - Update policies relatcd to Flooti Areas • CPA-15-08: Cbapter 9- Parks and Recreation and the Arts - Minor text updates; - Parks, Inventory (add Greenacres propcrty acquisition) Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 E,Sg&apcDep~rtmcnt of Community Developmcnt i i Planning Division Questlo•ns.~ C'omprehensivc 1'l:un /lmcndmcnts NU}; CoMAtrrrrY DEvLwrntY.Pr DiErAxn►[rxr PutvrrtNG Dmsiox m~u Q STAP'F REFORT AND RECONIMENDATION TO THE j ~al ley PLA14KjNG COMMISStON Comprehensive Plan Tezt Amendments: CFLAI'TER I - INTRODUCTION CHAP'fER 2 - LAND USE CHAPTER 3- TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER 5 - HOUSING CHAPTER ? - ECONOMIC DFVF.LOPMFNT CHAP'TER 8 - NA'fURAL ENViRONMENT CHAP'TER 9- PARKS, RECREATION AND THE ARTS SQokane Valley MuniciPal Code - Aepcndln 19-A 5TAFF RLPUR7 DATE: April 24,2008 HEARINC DATE AND LOCATION: May 8, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City linll Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plnza F3uilding. 11707 East Spragve Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Va11ey. Washingtnn 99206. PRUi'C15AL DESCRIPTION: Thc following smcndmrnts arc bcing rccoromcndvd: CTiY INiTIATED CaMPRFHENSJVE PLAN AMENT)MENTS Fiie Nurvbcr Ma or Ttxt Summorv of Amendment CPO< '1'cxt C'haptcr I - [ntmdurtion: Minor upxlates. l PA-10•C►R Map k text Chapter land Lse: ldentify potrntinl unnexution urzas for ttte Ciry; Uses in Corridor Mixed Use and Mired Use Center (Appcndix 19-A). CPA-11-08 Mup 8: tczt Chaptcr 3- Trenspoitntion: Ncw bice/podcstrien map ead cqrresponding texL ~ CPA-12-09 I 7'cnt C*tct 5- Hausing Minar upcintrs to dntn. CPA•13-05 I Text ChaptPr 7- Ecanomic Dcvelopment: Updates w data. CP4-14-08 Text I~ 8- Natiual Environment: Update to Goals and Policies ~ CPA-1 S-08 Te.rt I 9- Parks, Recreetion and the Arts: Minor updatES to text This proposal is considered a non-project actioa undsr RCW 432 1C. PROPOSwi. Locwno:v: The proposal affects the entire City af Spdkane Vallcy, Washington. APPLICANT: City of Spokanc Vallcy, WA APPRUVAL CRiTER1A: Titlc 17 (General Provisions) and Title 21 (Environmrntai CoMrvis) of the 5pol:ane Valley Municipal Code (SYMC). SUMINARI' OF RECOMMENDATtON: The Planning Divisson recammcnds that the Planning Commissioa pc+oposed texi . amendments to the attached Comprthensivc Plsn text and updating Appendix 19-A af the Spokane Valtey. SYAFF Pl.d►titiER: Grog McCarmick, A1CP, Pianning Manager, Community Developmrnt Departrnent aT-rAcHAtEMrs: Exhibit 1: Cliaptcr I- Introduction Exhibit 2 Chaptrr Land Use EYhibit 3: Chaptcr 3- Transportation titatT Rqron aad Retanmeadrtion to the Plsemiag C'arnm'tssion fsx CPA-07-09 Pap I af 3 Exhibit 4: ('hapter 5 - Housing Exhibit 5: Chnpter 7- Econamic Dcvelopment Exhihit 6: Chaptcr 8- Nattual Environment Exhibit 7: Chapter 9- Parks, Recreation and the Arts Exhibit 8: C.Iniform Uevelopment Gode - Appendix 19-A. Schedule of Prrmitted nnd Accessory Uses Exhibit 9: SEPA Dctermination Eachibit 10: Agcncy Camments Exhibit 11: Public Comments B4CKGROUND INFORMATION A. APP4IGTION PLQLFSSING Chnpter 17.80 Pertnit Processing Procedunes in the summarizes key application procedures for the propos.i ! I I Aplication Submitted: ;.o~i.:~.,ii; i Determination ofCompleteoess: ~ November l, 2007 ~ Issuance of DeteRnination of Non-Sivnificanct (DI3S): I April 24, 2008 End of Appeal Period for DNS: ~ May 8, 2008 Date of Published Noiicc of Public Ncarinu: ~ April 18, 2008 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: ~ April 18. 2008 B. SDMMARI' OF TEtZ_AAtE.NDMEN"I 11. FiNDIN*GS AND CONCLUSION:• S►4.c iFtc 10 14:10:k Findings: Nursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Contmis) of the Spukane Va.lley Municipal Codc (SVMC), the Icad agcnc-v has determined that this propnsttl does not have a probablc signifcanl adverse impact on dhe environmcnt- An Envimnmcntal impact Staiement (E1S) is not required uncfer RCW 43.21C.030(2xc). Thc Planning Division issued a Deterniination of Nun-Significance (UNS) for the proposal. This decision was mndc after review of a complctcJ cn% imnmental chccl.li>t and uthrr information mn tilr ,%itti thc Icad aeencv. Cuieclusion(m): T7ie procedwal ruyuircments uC thc State Envirunmentnl Pulicy Act and 'i'itle 21 uf thr SVMC hare tx-en Culiilled h~ the applicant'S submitial of the required 5EPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's thrcshold determinati-ni consisting of a Dctermination of Non-Significance (llNS). No upp~.:I ~r~ ~ n M. FINDINGS A1\'D CONC:LUSIONS SYECIFIC TU THF Ct)MPItN li F`sIVV 1'L:AIN VN11 NlMEN-f S A. COl1tPL1AN(-E: N'ITH TiTL,L17 (GENERAL. PR0v7SI0tjS OF THE SPO ' NE ALLEY MUhI ' AL CODE Fiodiuga: Section 17.80.140(I1) of the SVMC providcs approval criteria chat must bc considered whcn the City amends the Comprehensive Plan. The critcria are listed bclow atong wi[h staff cammeats. 1. Ihe proposed amondmcnt bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safcty, wvlfare, and protection cif the envimnment. StaIT P.cpnrt nnd RaCinnmrndetum Ir. tfie Plminmg C'nmmieaun for Cf'A-07-08 4'avC 7 o}~ r Staff ResWnse: The proposrd amendments are minor in naturr widi a feu• crceptians. Amendments to Chapter 2, Land Use inc:lude text and policy changcs that address future anneacuion arcas far the City. These policia arc the first step in the pnxess of defrning specific urfian growth areas for the City to provide sufficient area to accommodate the City's 20 year growth allocation as designatal by Spokane County. Future updntes of the Comprehcnsive Plan will include updates to the Capitnl Facilities Plan that wiU demonstratc the City's ability to provide urban serviccs to the future anncxatian areas. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the rrquirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with thc portion of the City's adoptod plan not aiT'ected by the amcndment. StaTRespansc: llie proposal amcndmcnts W the Comprehensivc Plan are not in conflict with Chspher 36.70A RCW (Gmwth Management Act) and do not result in interna) inconsisttncies within the plan itself. 3. The proposed ameadment rrspands to a wbstantial changc in conditions bcyond the property owner's control appiicable to the arra widiin which the subject progerty lics. Staff Response: The proposed text amendments are not sitc or property specific. This approval criterion does not apph. 4. The proposed amendment cornecu an obvious mapping errar. Staff HOW WI: The proposed text emcndments a'ill not result in changes to specific propeities. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficicncy in the Gomprehensive Plan. Stn[f Rasponse: 'I'he mnjority of the praposed code amendmeats either updaia or coriroct information contained 'm die plan. As noted in # 1 above substnntive policy rhanges are proposed in Cfiaptcr 2- Land Use mlatad to identifying future annexation arcas for the City. A chnnge is also proposcd to tbe City's municipal cafe to corm-ct an inconsistency between udapted comprehensivc plan policics and the pernuried use matrix contained in Appcndix 19-A. Spocifically, Policy LUP-9.2 statcs in part "A variety of housing typCS including apartmcnm condcxniniums, tuwn houses, twafamily and single family dwcliings on small lots" should be allowod in both the Carridor Mixed Use (CMU) a»d Mixcd Usc Center (MiJC) rvoing districts. Appcndix 19-A fails to provide far both two-femily or 5ingle family dwcllin~,~s m eitEzer CMU or MUC disiricts. Staft' is recammending that Appendix 19-A be amended to address this inconsistcncy. Caacluxion(s): Thc proposed Comprchensive Plan taxt amet►dmenta and the proposed amendment to Appendix 19-A (Schvdule of Permitted and Accessory Uses) are consistent with the approval critrria contained in the SVMC. IV. STAFF RF.COMMENQATION The Planning Division aRet review and consideratian of tht pn►pased amendments and applicable approval criteria recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approvAl af CPA-09-08 tbrough CPA-14-08. 5tacT kcT+«n nnd F?ccnmmrnduUcn to the F'InrminF ('ommicsinn fnr ('PA4)7-08 PW 3 ot ? . i Chapter 1 - Introduction ~ City of Spokane Vaqey Comprehensive Ptan Chanter t Introdurtion 1.1 ComQrehensive PlanniRg Effort Why Ptan? SP~ne VatleY P~m P~P~. P~P~ Sp°~~° ~er need a saUe and secure place bo live, an , ecanomy that provides jobs, a bansportation sysiem that altows them to get around, schoois. colleges. and recreational opportunides. It is ttte dty govemmenYs responsibii'dy to provide pubtic services and tacilities, devebp poikies, and edopt regulations to guide the graMrth of a ciry that meets the n8ed5 of it5 people. F-i~;;'j Ei;caWcat4zn the #Fesent tThe guide For _t.. _ Spokane Valley's growth and development t.ee;i the Ir#~Comprehensive Pian. Whife the Plan guides growth and - devebpment in the City, it also provides e plan for preservation of the natural environment that is sucfi an importent camponeM of tfie community. What is a Comprshensive Plan? The role of the SVCP is b deariy s6aEe our oommunity's vision for ib future. and to ardajiate a ptan for accomplishing this vision over e 20.year period The SVCP seeics Go answer a number of questbns= • Whai aress are most suttable for development or redevelopment? • What areas shouid be pr$served in their netursl staie? . Whene should groMrth occur? • How can we menage that growth to reat¢e aur visbn fior the cammunity? • Ffow shoutd we address our current and tuture transportaiion needs? • Haw many parlcs do we need, of what size, lcjnd and where? • What steps should we talce to encourage desirabie eoonomlc development? • Hovr can we ensure an adequste supply of affurdable housing for all irxxime tevels? • VVhat utiiides and public serviioes wi11 we need? • How wiN Ihe community pay br all these tttings? Each of the SVCP chapters addresses tfiese qus.sbons, and more, in the areas of transportarion, land use, housing, capital faalities, economlc devebpment, utUities, snd parks and necreation. The answers fortn the Irttplernentabon ststamertts, which guide the achievemeni of those strategies. The tmplementatiw strawgies within each chapier are used to gukie the development of new regutatlons and guldelines or revise extsiing regutatbns The SVCP atso sets a clear hamework faw where the community will need tn spend money on capital facilities, how much, and identfies avaNable fundkng saurces. As a who{e, the SVCP afFers a flextb4e hamewvr4c for Spokane VaIley's future, allowirtg for adspLebon to ct►anging condibom over time. Requiromwts o/ tlts Gtowtft IlAsnagement Act The GMA (RCW 38.70a 140) was passed by the Washington S'tate Legkslature in 1990, vvith amendments added in 1991 and subsequent years. The legislature passed the GMA in tecflgnitian of the rate at growth tfiat was occurring throughout the state. The IegWature was responding not only to the rate of growth, but also to the rype and bcation of growth I AdoptQd Aprif 25. 2006 Paqe 2 af:$ ~ Cily at Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Gnapter t Intrc,dur.bun Two-thirds of the state's population and househdd growth in the 1980s took place in unincorporated areas, and produced sprawling subdivisions, commercial strips, and urbanization of land, which only ten years betore, was rural. This rapid gmwth pattem resuRed in increased treff'~c congesdon end inadequabe public senrices, and has threatened fnrestfand, agricuttural land, and environrnentally sensitive areas such as wettands. These impacts heve been fett ln the Spokane region, just as they have been in other parts of the state. The GMA requires that each jurisdictiw produce a oomprehengive plan thet oontains, at a minimum, e4ements pertaining to land use, transportaiion, capital facflibes, economic development, perka 8 recreation, housing, and private utNitles. These elements must be consistent with one anoUter. ,lurisdidions also are required to adopt palicies and regulations protecting resource lands and critical areas, such as epricuRural land, wetlands, and hitlsides. Each jurisdicti~on must coordinate its plan vMitfi the plans of surrounding Jurisdictions. The GMA also requlres that each city designate an urban growth ~ t-.ow-4-=ary a(ea (UGA) The UGA defines the area within which the city antkipates it could provide thE full range of urban services at some tlme in the future. It also represerits the area within wtii~:`: tht--- c;t y will consider annexabons and the boundary beyond which it will not annex during thts period. Perhaps what most distinguishes the GMA fmm prevbus planning statutes is the requiren,en; t{,a; public servkes be avadable or tunded at some desigrraied level of service befone devebpment may occur. if a jurisdidion cannot provide services to an erea, then ft may not permit development in that area. This requirement iS often re(eRed to as "concurrency.' Development of oountywide planning palicies (CVUPPs) ks required by the GMA to ensure a coordinated and regional approach in the devebpmeM of oomprehensive plens. CWPPs provide an overali framework of po1'ides within which each local govemment jurisdidion will develop or update its comprehensive plan. The poliGes also gulde how juri.sdlctions should inberact with one anoMer fegarding specfic issues. Deveioping tfie CWPPs was coond'mated by the Steering Comrnittee of Elected Officials which oonsists of officials from Spokane County and its eleven ciUes and towns (prior to Incorporation of the cities of Liberty Lake tn 2001 and Spokane Valley in 2003), abng with representatives from water, school and f,re districts, ubTity companies and the public. The Steering Commitbee had the ditficult task of Dalancing often-caonflicting ideas with devebping policies which provide the greatest beneflt for Spokane Valley and its citizens The CWPPs focused on the following areas 1. Implemertation of Urban Grawth Areas (UGAs) 2. Promotion of ront4guous and oMeriy developmeni of urban services 3. Siting of oountywide or statewide public capital {acilities 4. Partcs and open space 5. CAUntywide trarlSportai~r)n fac;ilit,r~ and, strat?~it-; 8. Considefing the need tor affordable housinu 'or aU econom,c segr'~~n~~- 7. Jotnt Counry and City planning within UGAs 8. Countywide sconomic devebpment and employmant 9. Producing an analysts of the fhcW impact of GMA. The SVCP is required to have intemal consistency among the ptan's various elements. The Plan must also be coordinated and consistent with the ptans of adjacent jurisdiciions. The GMA directs local govemments to attempt tn resohre conflicxs through consultatian and negotiation. Pefiaps the mo6t far reaching of the GMA impads is the legal status it gives oompreherish+e plens. Prior to GMA. ptans have largeiy been advisory and had {ess legal standing than regulations. Once the Plan fs adopted, aU new oodes and programs subsequently adoptsd and implerrmted musi be consistent with it How Was the Plan Developsd? ~ Adovted Apri! 25, 2006 Paoe 3 af_8 I City of 5pokane Vapey Comprehensive Plan Ghanter I_intr(4u,1ion I developed a wastewater management plan that put into nwtion oonstrucbon of a sewer trunk line, and sanitary sewer was provided to citzens of Spokane Valley. ~ Spokane Val{ey is the r~4AA seventh largest city in Washington State. The fncvrporation of Spokane Valiey is the largest tn the sfste and the second largest single incorporation In U.S. history. The papulation at the time of incorporation was estimated at 80,693. The April 1, 2007 ; poPuiation is esthnated at 88.280 F,S,{lttl. Spokane Valiey encompasses approximatety 38.5 square mites of land srea. Spokane Valley has an extensive retaii tax base and is hame to several r»ajor auto desierships and the Valley Mail which includes over 700,000 square feet of gross leaseable floor anea. Thare are an estimated 4.495 businesses in Spokane Valley as of Oecember 31 2006 and estimated annual retafl sales in 2006 of 0-50 O~?t) 1,981 785 483. Past h►corporatlon EfEorts Incorporatiort of the Spokene Valley had been a topic of discussEon for several decades. The first study of incorpomting the Valley took place in 1983 by the Leglslative Committee of the Spokane Vapey Chamber of Commeroe. A siudy entttled 'Inoorporation of a City in the Spokane Valle' wniten by William H. Rnberts, Charies Widk and J. R. Alley was released in Oeoember 1983. Atthough a format vote on inc=poration dki not take plec:e at the time, the tssve of frroorporatbn of the Valieyy M►es being Promoted. The ftrst Spokane VaUey lncarporadon eftart that led to a brmal vote began in 1985_ In November 1985 ttte Boundary Review Board of Spokane County (BRB) approved the proposal wtth modified boundaries. 8efore the incarporation wes ptaced on the ballot, the BRB decislon was challenged in Spokane CouMy Superior Court Aiter adddiortal Wortration was considerod, Me BRB voted b deny the proposal in December 1987. In 1590, the Cihr of Chief Joseph was proposed tn the Spok.ane Valley. After fnur public hearings, the BRB teoommended deniai of the proposed city (stabe !aw had Deen changed and ttte BRB cauid not deny a pfoposal ff the population was over 7,500). The incorporation was on the Navember baibt and was only abie to galn support from 34 percent of the votets. S'tate low nequires thal: if an incorporation vo6e falis to get 40 peroent of the vota, the inoorporation proposaf cannot be brought back on the ballot iflr three years In 1993, proponants of lnoorporation contlnued thelr eftorts and a petitim to lncorporate was fiied with the BRB. After several publlc hestings. the BRB again raoomrttended denial of the proposed uxorporation due !o the Narge amount of rural tand included within the proQosed city boundary. The ptqposal onoe sgain failed but raoeived 44 peroeM of the voK whic:h enabled M'corpotatior► ProPonents to bdng the madw tradc wtthout any time resbictions. Spoicane Valfey boking sauth irspired by the 1983 vote, inoorporation backers again inroated the inootporation process in 1895. The matter was again deieated by the vaters in 1995, but did receive over 40 peroent of the vote, which enabled the proposal to be brougM back the follawing year. Immedtatefy after the 1995 election, proposals W incorporate five separate cities in the Spokane Vatley wete filed with the county. Ony two of the five proposed cities were certified by the county auQitDr and ~Adoated Anril 25 2006 Paqe 6 o_}f 8 Chapter 2 - Land Use City ot Spokane Valley Comprehensn►e Plan The GMA requires that Comprahensive Plan land use elements include the foliowing: • Designate the proposed general distribudon, loc:ation and extent of the uses of land for trousing, commerce, industry, recreabon, open spaces, public utiliKes, public lacllities, and other appropriate land uses; • Population dertaities, bullding intensitiea, and estimates of future populatfon growth; • Provide for protection of the quetity end quantfty of ground water use for publlc water supplies; • Review drainage, flooding, end stormwater runoff in the erea and nearby Jurtsdidions and prnvide guidance for oorrective actions to miUgate or cleanse those discharges that pollute water of the state. 2.1.2 County Wide Planning Pollchas The Caunty Wide Ptanning Polfctes (CWfPPs) required by GMA2 provide a regional framev►wrfc to achieve the goafs oi the GMA The CWPPs are a refinemant of poltcy direction contained in the GMA and are a resutt of a c411aborative process beMreen Spoksne Caunry and the cides and towns wfthin the County. The CWPPs prwfde a policy framework fat both the county and its respective ctties. Adherence to these policies ensures thai plans withln the county are conslstent with one anather. These policles address such issues as the desfgnation of urban growth areas, land use, afiordable housing, pravis6on of urban services for future deve(opment, trensportation, and condguous and orderly development. The following are specific CWPPs that relate to the Land Use Elemerte: Pollcy Toplc 1- Urban Cirowtfi Aress Pollcies 1. Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) are areas within which urban 8rowth shall be encouraged and outside of which grovvth can ocxur only if it is not urban in nature. Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) shall include areas and denslties suffic(ent to permit the urban growth that Is projected to occur in the county for the succeetiing 20-year period,. "Urban growth" refers to growth that makes intensive use of land br the IocaUon of buifdings, structures and impermeeble surfsces to such a dsgree as to be incom{satib{e with the primary use of such land for the production of food, other agrlcutturat products or fiber, or the exhacdon oi mineral resources°. Urban growth shauld be located first in areas already characterized by urban growth that have exisdng public taciliry and servlce capaciUes to serve such development, and second In areas Slready characterized by urban growth that will be served by e combination of botfi existing public facitities and services, and any edditional needed public faclliUes and services that are provided by either publ4c or prlvate sources Further, it is appropriate that urDan govemment services be provided by cities, and urban govemment servlces should not be provlded in rural areas°. Rural qQVemmer►t servicess mav be aravided in tural aress. Hawe+rer Urban Growth Areas mav be es#abhshed independent of incarparated areas. Wlthin ittiese indenendent Urtsan Growth Areas (UGAs] urban qvvemmental servfoes mav ' RCW 36.70A.210 3 Note to reeder, 7he follQwlna Dol1cles ate numbered sccordlnsr to the nollcv number !n the CWPPs, RQU1Nne In nen.s.eVf/ldal numbwina In thls documant ` Rcw 36.70A 110 s RCW 36,10A030(17) ° RCW 36.70A110(3) Adopted Apri125, 2006 2 Chapter 2- Land Use Ciry of Spoicane Valley Comprehenstve Plan be arovided by olper than ciLes. Some ciges mart rely on contracts from SpgWe County for vravision of urban servkm. Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) indude all lands within existtng cities, including clties in rurai areas. .3r>>•r.ti:y'~"~1[l.!~:.{:i-C::~e±::-~~-~~:'1:iti+F~-c~=S--~~f~~l}(--~~:r°- ~.~ds~r~6F~t-l-1~2'. . : . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . - . . . - . _ - 9. Within Urban Grow?h Areas (UG,As), landc- trat flaII within planned high-capacity transpoRation corridors shouid be designated for sufficiant intensity of land use W supporc the economic provislon of mutdmodal transportation. 11. Where applicable, comprehensive plans should contain land use policies which provide protection ior the continued viablliry of Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane Intemationat Airpor;. Feiis Field, Deer Park: Airpart and oiher pubiicly owned airpcrts within Spokane County 12. Jurisdictions shfluld work together ; - : _ : • - , , . t-a[ 3t1 V4,-?j4iT.;a6 6i:v~ ~s6- i-~~r F~r: f3:-~"diClpFi~6ii}-Rl~t}'~.^~{-+~}-~U-~3i•,• _Ft-c iar.;l5a~;s~e-ei t1rt,~a~-&~a~vtt~-Areas-c~! -r~.'- aritt to pratect cr(2icat areas and open space within Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) Poiicy Toplc 2- Joini Planning wkhin UGAs Pollcies 1 The loint planning process should a. Include at) jurisdfctions adaacEnc to the Ur-ban Grow,h Area and Sp::cial Purpase Districts that will be aflected by the eventual transference oF govemmental services, b. Recognize that Urben Growth Areas are potentiai annexadan ereas br citiES, c En5ur8 8 5mooth tra-isit!on of sevices amonqst ex•st~nn mumr_ipalities and err,Erginu cammunibes; V cS. EnSUre the eblli:: to excar:j t.,rtar- goremnental s;:rti'iCes an:i evoi:: lanci ut: Garr.e's to expanslon; and e. Resoive issues regarding how zoning, subdivislon and other land use approvals in designated joint pianning areas will be coordinafed. 2 Joint planning may be accomplished pursuant to an interloCal agreement entered Into hetween andlor among Jurisdictions and/or special purpose distncts. Policy Topic 3- Promotlon of Contiguoua and Orderly Development and Provislon oi Urban Sorvices Policres 5. All jurisdfcUons shaii coorcinate pkans inat classify, designate and protect natural resource lands and criticak areas 7 Each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan shall include, at a minimum, the followino pelicirs tc. address adequate fire protection: a Limit growth to ereas served by a fire procecuun a~s;nc+. cr cn- corporai;e iin,its of a city providing its own fire depaRmen; b Commercial and residential subdivision5 aid cel:elopRlur,ts and res:der!;al planr,eU unit developments shall include the provision for road access adequate for residents, fire department or district ingress/egress, and water suppiy for fire protectlon. Adopted April 25, 2006 3 Chapter 2- Land Use City of Spakane VaNey Comprehensive Ptan Contarnination of an aq0er by contaminated surface water can lead to senous health concerns and/ar expenslve treatrneni requirements. Ta address thls cancem and impacts of ncw development, the City has adopted a Stormwater Management Plan. The plan spedites actlons co ensure water, quality including the development of detentienlretentbn tacilities to control rate _nd quality of watef runoff. Furtharmore. developmertt of a wellhead pretecti~on program with che varrous water providers shoulQ provide guidelines Ga avoid possiDle contamination. Policies contained in the Natural Environment chapter provide direction for devetopment near wellheads end in equ'rfer recharge areas. For a comp{ete dlscussian of water resources and water purveyars in the City of Spakane Va(ley, refer ta the Capftal Facilities chapier. 2.3.3 Parka and Open 8pace One of the most fmportant and valued elements of a high quality Gving and work;ng environmeni is a parks end open space system. Providing parks and open spaces contributes to e reducLon in environmental impacts such as nolse and air polluHon; increases the vatue of adjacent properties; provides 2reas for passive and azatr: erecrca[iun, ar.d helpS preserve the natural be2uty of th8 Clty 2,3.4 Natural Environment Spokane Valley's natural beauty is apparent St*eams, wet!ands, surraundirg moun;airs and the Spokane River provide a scenic backdrop as well as a source inr actfve and passlve recreation for the citizens of Spokane Valley. The Land Use chapter seeks to proteci Spakane Valley s uniqus natural rasaurces through paiicies that support the preservatlon of these areas for future generatione. Tha Natural Environment chapter also indudes a discussEon of criticat areas as defined by GMA Far a compEete discussion please refer to the Natura! Environmeni chap!er. 2.3.6 Housing Housing is a basic human nee.i anr 2 fT1aJ0r fiaCtO' in tnc- qUa'.I'y Oi II`c `,pf IndiVhdUa;S BnCf idfTiII1e5 ~'+n adequate supply of affordable, attrac6ve, and functianal housing ls fundamental to achieving a sensa of communfty. The ceniral issue refated to land use is supp(ying enough land tc accommodate projected growth for a range of incomes and households. PresenUy, houslnp rs provided prlmarily in single-famity subdivisions. This plan sets forth strategEes to increase housing options and chalces. The Land Use chapter advacates changes to current developmant caJes to lncrease Aexibllity in platting land an;1 encourage hfluaing as part of mixed-use developments in commercial ereas. The faaer CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY provides an oppoctuniry to locate POPUlATION ESTIMATES hdusing doser to emplcyment and shopping, and to create aHordable ~150.000 housing. A complete discusslon of 14p,opp ~ housing can be bund tn the 0DID~ Housing chapter. t 2o,oop 2.4 P en 1 Annexetion Areaa ~ ~o.ooo R►q c~ Gfo l: & :00.000 ~+4ett3f3f:r$fit~,a~Ra.riitV 2.4.1 Pra}ected Growth 90'OW . 80,000 In October 2003, the City of ~ ~o -b ~o ~ ~b -o ~i Spokane Valley received a 2000 O q~ q, qp r& ,o XO ,g .P0 population certificadon from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicated - vovmlw: AauauE.wr,.t. 80,827 people called Spokene PopJMlon EstMa4e 1 6% 6ivrlh fte Valley hame on April 1, 2000. As of April 1, 2003 tfie popula:ion had -P°PA*4nEsam4ft.l.sxcivioa Ru . ~ . - _ - , City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Ptan grown to 82,005 (based on the Washington State Office of Financial Manaoement (OFM) population estimates). Upan incorporatian on March 31, 2003, the C:ty cif Spck.anF vai~ey became the state's ninth largest city and sacand largest in Spokane Councy Spokane Valley received en OFM population estimate for April 1, 2004 ct 83953 inis neov population estimate moved Spokane Valley from the state's nintfi targest ciry tQ the state's eighth largest city. The 2404 population estimate reflects an annual increase of approximatehL3-6 2 a percent over the city's 2003 population estimate. The moqLrecent OFM esbm te br Spokane Valley !s 8$.280 as ot ril 1_ 2007. Thisfi_Q urB reTrU,ts en annual growth rate of ypproximatelv 1.5 Qercent The everaq_e annual growth rate Es aooroxdmatetY 1,9196 over ►.he 4 year pertod hom 2003 to 2007. Future population growth is forecasted at the state and counry level by OFM. This future population growth was distributed between junsdictions and unincorporated Spokane County through a methodology prepared by the Spokane Couniy Steering Commltiee of Elecied Officlals (SCEO). The City of Spokane Valley was not allocated population growth originally because the City had not been lncorporaied when this action took place. However, the County did alfocate population to tfie 'Spokane Valley IUGA', which inciudes the new citfes of Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake. This process resuited In a population growth allocatlon of 39,431 to the Spokane Vailey IUGA This IUGA also includes aress within the UGA that are stfll in unincorporated Spokane County The graph above indicates Spokane Valley's 20 year population using a 1.5% and 2.5% annua' growth rate. Uslng the 1.5% annual growth raie, whlch is consistent with past esdmated growth rates in the Spokane Valley atea, the estimated 2025 population of Spokane Valley is 114,765 ar an increase of 30,815 persons. The 2.596 annual growth rate results in a 2025 population of 141,011, an increase of 57,061. Spokene Valley proposed a poputatlfln aIlocacion of 20,666 to the SCEO based on the regional land capactty methodolagy. This request was proposed as an 'interim' request based on the landJpopulatlon capacity within the existing corporate boundaries of Spokane Vattey. The reason ior this request was based on the s(gnificant issues related to waste water treatment capaaty Once the waste water issues have been resolved, Spokane Valley wflt prepare a revision to the population altocadon and present thls inbrmation to the SCEO. This Issue is discussed in more ~ detail below. The Spokane County Board of County Commfssioners JBoCC)_approved this population a8ocation in November 2004. The City has continued to refine the population projections based on the preceding Informatlon At a City Counclf retreat held on February 11, 2006, the City Councll directed staff to utflize a i 89% annual growth rate for purposes of population fnrecasdng. This resulted in a 20 year population torecast of 38,614 persons. This information was presented to the SCEO on February 15, 2008 when the City off►cially requested a 20 year population allocation of 38,614 for ptanning purposes._n 2006 )he BoCC a~,roved v,a ResoUion 06-0438 c qonulatiun allocat!nn o` 33 125 for S o~kane Vatlev for pfanninq c~umoseC 2.4.2 Land Capactry Anatysls The GMA does not require a Pop-Jation and Land Capaciry Element to be in::luded in the comprehenslve plan. Hvwever, GMA does require that Land Use, Housing and Capital Facilities Eleme►its include population denslties, buiiding intensides and es6mates of future population growth. The GMA also requires a Land Capacity Analysis, or the theoretical holding capaciry of the designated Urban Growth Areas, which by defiNbon Includes clties. By assignEng the expected population growth to the results of the Land Capaciry Analysis, the area requfred to accommodate the population growth is shaped, Countywide population forecasts are identified by the CWPPs, as one criterion for cansideratlon in developing a regional methodology or countywide population allocation. The countywlde growth target is based on the OFM growth management population forecast for Spokane County. Adopted Apri125, 2006 10 Chapter 2- Land Use . City of Spokane VaNey Camprehensive Plen within the existing city limits of each city. The rationale far thia recarnmendation wes besed on the situation regarding sanitary sewer throughout the entire Spokane region. It is estimated that the Spokane County treatment plant will run out of capacity fn 20Q9, and the Liberty Leke Water 8 Sewer Di6trict treatment capability Es currently at or near capacity. Permits to expand the Spokane County and Llberty Lake plants irom the Washington State Departrnent of Eoology and the Environmental Protection Agency are currendy in doubt. Given the potential constraint br both jurisdictlons to provide thls vital urban service, the Steering Cornmittee forwerded a recammendation to the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners to allocate onty the populatlon that could be accommodated within existing city limits until such time as the sanit-dry sewer issues are resolved. 2.4.3 Potsrtial Annexation Areas The vurvose of this section is to identifv the unincoroorated areas within " existing Spokane Countr UGA that are adiacent to the Citv of Sixolcane Vallev which wou(d comarise ootenGal annexation areas far the City. Maa 2_2 indicates votential annexatian areas (PAAs) tor the City of Saokane Vallev. Spokane Countv adooted its fir$t oumorehenshte plan devei4cW under GMA in 2041 A comatete examination of urban sen+ic;es was reuuired at ttte time the County established the UGA moreover Soolcane Countv was obli4ated tQ complv with the State Environmental Policv Aql The Counhr's ntan included the desiQnation of a reaional UGA, which included the still un nGQl~~ area of Sookane Igy. The Coun utill~~d the SEPA(q~,A intearation or~ocess to ~ifll the enviranrtzental review requirements of the Qlan mcluding the des' nr~ ated UGA YVhen Ltbertv Lake incorporated in 2091 and Spokarye Valley inoorpora,t~pf4 in ?p03hm ~ a( t~ 'V~QGA' was [nduded as part of the newfv crqp1 ~_(~ties_ but not etl. In 2003 and aAg in in 2006. Libertv Lake comoleted annexatlons tatalln~,975.fi9 ecres of the Countv dest~nated U These annexations resulted 19 a nearJy 34 aercent increase (from 4.5 sauare miles to tust over syuare miles) in larxi area for tj'bertv Lake. As Table 2,1 indlcai#s there a(e a RVrnber of upir~~areto UGAs 04aoent to SMkane Va I{ev Several of these UGAs arr3 ly con~iguous to Suoken ~/a11eyJsouth. sot,.,~ eas,~and ncxtheastl p1~ ~ ~nd would be lo~ttcal arBas hK futy~ annoXation 1o thp~ity of Spakarts Val e~Skane Gaun y Heic1hts hove beaun and the rnetrQ citlo of Spokane Valley. Spokane. Libertr Lake and Airwe the process of updatina tfie reaional UGA conslstent with the~} ~!ntv wide alannina poticies (CWPRs) . Throu4h this procm, thQ City of Spokane Vallev wiA ldentify areas needed to eccommpdaEe allocaled popuEation qrowth by re-evaluetina land auantity analys{s and urban, service delivenr- 2.6 L.and Use Deslanatlons The land use designaUans in the SVCP tecognize the relatlonships between broad patiems of land uses. The designations set forth locaGonal criteria for each specific class of uses cansistent witti the long-term - I objectives of the SVCP. These designations provide the purpose and Intent for specific zoning districts. The (ocation of the comprghenstve plan land use designations are shawn on the Comprehensive Plan Lend Use MaP (Map ~ f ~ ' ~ • ` ` w , 2.1), 2.6.1 Resklentlal =L The demand br and development of single- family housing is expected to continue for - the foreseeable future Singie-famlly develo;7ni o~.ur as ir,-till Ceveloo-;enr of vac~a•ir o; Adopted Apnl 25, 2006 12 Chapter 2- Land Use City of Spokene Valtey Comprehensfve Plan SupportlOppositicn to Development oi Small Commercisl Centers Cbse to Residerttlal , Neighborhoods Respondents' opinions (graph ~ ~ ~ t-&iow riq~ regarding the ■ n=396 development of small commercial $0% ~ canters Gose to residential neighbortioods, were alao sharply 60% I divided Just under hetf of the respondents (4696) were ~ ~ supportive of deve{oping small 15% cammercial centers close ta *21% MM residential neighborhoods. 20% ' - Q% 1W ' Strongy SomewlW Nntra! Somewhat 5'tror►gyr oPPose oPPose SPPort SuPPort Priority Level: Stronger ~ Controis on Signs and 1000/0 BIIIboaMs in Spokane Valley Opinlons regarding the priority ~ 11=398 _ City officials should place on ~~0 stronger sign anci biliboard controls were very mixed 60% However, 67°k of respondents 33% 34% 33% indicated that Spokane Valley 40% officials should piace a medium or high priority on stronger sign and biliboard control and as 20% ' such, it Is probahle that the majority of res+dents would be supportive af stronger bfllboard r{o control and s9gn regulations. Low Ptlo~ Medium Prtty NIgh pdoflty 2.10.3 Resutts of "UnsctentHic" Survey During the community meetings held on the comprehensive plan, city staff made availabie the suroey questions contained in the city's communfry survey. Meeting attendees were asked to compfete the sunrey and either retum it before the end of the meeting, or ta oofnplete the survey at home and mail tt to the city. In many cases the responses to the questions were similar to the responses of the formal sunrey conducted by Clearwater Research. These question numbers are right of the survey itself, The follawing are the resulis of the "unscientific' survey: Adopted April 25, 2006 26 Chapier 2- Lar•d Use Ciry of Spokane Vepey Camprehensnre Plsn LUP-6.11 Provide an effiectfve Vensldon between the periphery of the City Center and nearby tower density residential deve(opment. Gos1 LUG-7 Provide a balanced transportation network thst accommodates publlc transportation, hlgh occupancy vehicles, pedestrians, bicycfists, automobtles and integrated parking. Policies LUP-7.1 improve trafflc circulation araund and thraugh the City Center by extending the street nehnrork and creating smaller b►ocks. LUP-7.2 Encourage pedestr+an and bFcycle circula6on by psvviding public sidewalks, sVeet Vees, street fumiture and other emenitiss. LUR7.3 Require clear and safe pedestrian paths to enhanoe the pedestrien network LUP-7.4 Connect the maIn entry of buildings to pubilc sldewalks by an icien 't~'iable walkwaY- LUP-7.5 AIlow for cn-street packing on the (niemal City Center street network_ LUP-7.6 Encourage transit use by improving pedestrtan and bicycle ifnkages to tha existing and tuture transft system. Offics (3oals b PoNcies Gosl lUG-8 Create appropriate devetopment atandards tor Oftke designated aress. Policies LUP•8 1 Allow oommerciai, residentlal end recreabonal uses In canjunction wfth permitted uses in Offioe designated arm. LUP-8.2 Integrate sldewalks, bike (enes, landscaping, and area IigMfng fn offiice areas to provide a safe and attractive working environment Mixed-uae Goais a Policles Gosl LUG-9 Encourage the devetopment of Mixed-use areas thst foster community identlty and are designed to support pedestrian, bkycle and regional transtt. Policies LUP•9.1 The charactedsticcs of a Mfxed-use area should lnciude: • Hausing snd employment densides to support reglonal VansK servioe; • Public Vansit connections; • Safe, attractive transit siops and pedestrian and bicyde ways; • Buildings that iront on wide sidewalks with ettrective landscaping, benches and frequent bus stops; • Multi-stcry bulldings oriented to the street rather than parking lots; and • Parking space located behind or to the slde of build+ngs ar in parking structures Adopted Aprii 25, 2006 33 Chapter 2- Land Use City ai Spokane Vahey Comprehensive Plen LUP-17.3 The City should continue coordmated planning efforts between Spokane County, appropriate fire districts, school districts and wster servioe providers to assure managed growth in urban growth ereas. Potential Annexation Area Goals and Policles Goal LUG_18 1denUtv Potentlal nnexatlon Areas tor the Cftt M Seokane Vailev that are cortststent wkh the 3aokane Courttv tealonal urban rowtfi area boundarv, Policies LUP-18.1 Wdhin the exfsiing urtgn growth area. idenfittpgjential annex ' n aress that are contlauous to the aty Iimits and rwt assigned to arlothef cftv. LUP-i?;,2 Coardinate wlth ediamnt cities qnq_Spokane Counri to review and update the regional urban arowth area boundarv consisWnt with the Cgyrl,tywide Plannln~ Ppticies and RC1N 36.70. LUP-i8 3 Pronose chanaes to the reqZonal urban gmNM ere&,taoundarv necessaN t0 axoml,nadate„ Sookane Vallev's 20 vear ao~ulatioqAtFocatfon. LUP-18 4 Tjle Citv wiil Mt acceot reaWests to an.rVx uninco~orated territorv fagied outside tfie dabnated ufian arowth arga- LUP-18 5 Pursue in e al aqreements wtth_Spokarte Coun that would r,avide for cailaborative ioint lannin within potential annexation areas. LUP-18 6 Com Ip ete necessarK_Wital facflitiss plannlna fa anv n rosed urban rg owth areas in eccordance with the Countvwide Plannin9 PoNcies Adopted Aprit 25, 2006 37 Chapter 2- Land Use sctr.dWa of . ~ permittesi Ugas 3 Retmmnw CondMorss API„ndix 1" E E ~ E cc ~ 7 oTc x IIU • • o e1 e» °""d"o.'°°°"°ry apaunsnta SVAAC 19,40.100 OwelUnp. Csretaks~'s 81 814 rwidsom o d o gvmc 1980.080(1) I • • TT I 72+3 oweuinp, C«mireg.te • • • I I I• I I• l I I• I• I•~• I e1 I 814 owsanq, a,pWx I I I I I I I I I~ I ~ I 0 I 81 I 814 IDwsqkap, Mu(litamlfy • • ~ I p I a I I I I I SVMC 19,60.020(2) . ~ • • I • I • I• I 81 I 814 IDwelilnp. ilnQlt fomUy • • I O I O I I I I I gyMC 18.80.020(2) I• ~0 ~ 81 1 814 1 oweltino. Townnouse • I I I~ I I I I I f I - - - - = - - - - ~cr.:=.~ - - - - i- - - - - l- - - - - - - j - - ~ - - - - Map 2.2 ! :6' fy~ ~"Je- Poteatisl ' l~~W ~ •~1~ ~ ~ 1 . i r~i ~ Annciation Areas • ~ ;,r ~ ' r ~ ~ ; , - - ; i , 'j~ : ~ L g jj: 1~ ! t- : 3`~r~~~ ~ N -L=^ .~,u~.~„~- • . I~ ! l _ l~j~. 4. ~ 1 ~ i ~ w.•R_ • I.CQC►lt1 i I~: ~ • . ~ - _ F'~ I . ^ I ~ ` , 0 . a . - - I Prrrd Mn~aon A.... • ~1 , . ~ ~ ' w~'v"It' ~ -~l. ♦ ,r...._~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i(, ~ ~ • 1• ~n,'- : . ~ . . _s ( Cirt if Sru"s YaCrf ~ • n.., e : - - , ~:~s..~ • . r.. Ll..w/rlur R • t' . ~1 n.r~ t ' \ ~ Y j . . _ y •t, +"R'~ . •i ~ !~j~' ~ ~ - ~'~L - r- _ i.,~:.e /~n~ i ~ y~ j ~ ~ .n T y •s~~ ~ ~r, ~ ' ' . 1J :`l L.•ssj 1iebr lLUw6 Am ~I I - . l a• -l ~ _ _ _ _ ~ ^ 1 ~ A(:,,.,r1,1....~- ~.VVi1 bY*.. -t. Lt) - I'~';,C ~~r' I~Y.c 1 L-T ~aeL 1 ' J. T i t - ~ ~ ~ I _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ' - - ~ . ^-'--_"-1~~•' • J~' i tii a~- `,'t1~~ q, y ~ ~ ~f~~ ~ _ t~ n i ;*I . E ~fL~w. ti ~ r :S _i~+~-,-'~-r-_r~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ • M ~.,.ir. ' ► . ` ' , ' _ _ ' ~ ~ . ~ .L. b ~ ' • ~y' -•_S ` ~ , ~!1 ~i~r ' ~ _ I _.`1 y f ~ ~ i' ~ ~ 'f ~a'~ ; i ~ ~'ti. ~ ~',n" ~ _ ~ ~r4J~~i A~~, 4 t ~ ~ , i I ~ r `"t~ • t~~ ~tT~~ ~ ~ ~~c 1 ~'l~ !`'J ~ ~ } ~ . , _ r• ~j~..f ~ ""~`,~,T ~}F~ . ~ , '~e ~ . _ a4~ .=''t~e'~;. , , ~ i~S- ~ 1 ' 'r t.i$,; a~_ . ~N..~,.. ~ : I -SLi :~•I y ~ I ~i ~'''~n ~ ' I I' ' ~ _ ' . M.p I.ocau.e ' ~ . . 1 ~ 1 of ~ i'~'~;r•~ - •j u`~ ) ~ ~ 1 U l Yw S~itMr t t[i.:~`I •i 1 r- ~ rl ,I ~ i P n'(~ ~ I~j~p 1!'~ : ! ' 1' i i .2' - 1 • ,.._w ~l_.' - ~ . _ -~.r"_ _ ~ MaT~'_' ~ ~ ' I' ~ ' . :~~•.e.- ~,i ~1/ 1 ~ ' a..i...~o ~x-1 , ~ ~ i f..~ i 1 ~ w ~ _ N -T; ~ Yi ) ~t . ~ ~ . . ' RS"~ ~ I ♦ D 1 1 2,►Yw iN~- 4' ; ' _ • , , S ~ •~~1 y ' / ~ylT ~ni ~ ~ U.W. IMM+~.r w.w.. 1.Yr .uo r AqM6~ I.r ..w I1~!Z4t3-~``, I^i-- ~f ~ Y • J ~.w ~wlww..rwwn...rru I~ 1 ~ ; ~ ♦1 j~ ' # _ ~ i• r.yM~. ~.w~ ~+rw ii fM JJIw+~ ~ ..Mi fw~rYi~ 9 3~-~ I y~2 ( ~~Yf tr..aW--r"r.wrrtftv. NlJO :M'_ _ Iry 1 .ri~ ♦ 1~~~ •~l~ ~L It ' ' f_ _ T r..r...Ir~MNti+....w~.~~w►~~rw~~+ Chapter 3 - Transportation City o/ Spokane Valley Comprehertswe Plan - Chapter 3 Transportetion • Basic (novice) or less canfident aduit cyclists may also use their bicycles for transportation purposes, e.g., to get to the store or to visit friends, but prefer to avoid roads wftfi fast busy motar vehicle traffic unless there is ample raadway width to aliaw easy overtaking by faster motor vehicles_ Thus, basic riders are comfortabte riding on a nelghborhood street and shar+ad use paths and prefer designated facifities such as bike lanes or wide curb lanes on busier streets. • Chlldren riding on their own or with their parents, may not travel as fast as their adutt counterparts but still requfre access to key destinations in their community, such as schoois, convenience atores, and recreafiortal facifities Resldentiai stree4s with law moter vehicle speeds, well-defined bike lanes or ehared used paths can accommodate chlldren wfthout encouraging them to ride in the travel tane of the busy roadways. The following terms define differertt types of blcycle facilitles°: • Sharod-use Path_ Facilities on qgparated riqht-of-wav and with mInimal cross fbw motor vehicles. Mlnimum wfdth of 6 feet. ~ Nkeway pky6iGa:ly-sepa;;a4sd4Fe;n-.mc►~a0ed-vah+sj4t -T:e~2;;;;l-e:ther w!i#;ir: 4te ' '2.".m--3A w~~~~~ot-c-`-way- Shared-use paths may aiso be used by pedestrians, skaters, wheelchair users, joggers and other non-motorized users. • Blke Lanes: A portion of a raadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycfists. Minfmum of 5 feet w h an additional B-inch strioe. 6icycle lanes improve cflnditions for cyclists of all abilities withln a given corridor and encourage increased bicycle use by providing a greatef degres of comtort and perceived safety for less skifled cyclists_ • i ned Shared Roadwav: Sinned lene allowiN both vehicu(ar Laific and bicvcls traffic Minimum of 14 feet in wfdth • Sharoo Roadwaa_y: Lene atiowinQ both vehicular traffic and blcvcle traffic Outside or curb lane minfmum at 14 f~e ~!r ~ ~ ~ -YVItft'-1sVTV-'i`a r+&afe-_'r447 trli•~-~t~~~f-t~ '~-'14~'Vtr 'irtGt_.10-"hht'~•-4. rd~i-itr F: ta:6J1G!9S-mSy-6k►2t8~#e 1--~ A-w.~~ ~ r , USed-laj► and tFa~+6-and-fomA*-; bne6s-er*--the-paA-$t tane.-kitegrates--b Map 3 2 Illustretes the Blke/Pedestri8n System. ~ The Ame(can Asaodation of Stete Hiphway and Transpoctatlon Olficiats (AASh(TO) Guide lor the Developrriant a! 8icycle Faclfltiss and the Weahinglon State DepaMuent of Transportatfon (1NSD0'f') BkycOe FacA7Ues !?esiQn Manoal ~ Adopted April 25, 2006 (Updated 42-1s-24=7704-07-2008) Page 17 of 30 Clty of Spokane VaUay Comprehensive Plan - Chaptef 3 Transportetion TP-9.9 Reduce obsVuctions and conflicts between bicyde/pedestrien facilities and vehicutar transportetion routes. TP-9,10 Devebp street, pedestrian path arrd bike path standards that contribute to a system of fulfy connscted routes. TP-9.11 Future otannin9 should i~nc~ ¢e an intearated Bicvcle Ma r Ptan that defines the Qaals and design elements for bicYcllnQ facilities in the Cky. IP-9.12 The desian of intersections and interchanaes shali acxommodate bicvclists and pedestnans In a manner that is safe, accessibie and convenient, TP-9 13 The Citv wiN work with CTR Proaram to arovide incentiYe pr4arams and devel4o facilitie5 to encouraae emploYees to biCVCle to work. Transit Goals b Policles Goal TG-10 Support the provision of a safe, efflctent snd coat-aHactive public transportatlon system. Goal TG-11 Encourage land uses that will support a high-capactty transportetlon system. Pollcies TP-11 1 Ensure that street standards. land uses and bu(Fding ptacernent support the facilitfes end services needed along transit routes to make transit viabte. TP-t 12 Work with STA to ensure that transit shetters, bus benches and ather amenities that support transit use are provkled in appropriate locatfons for users of the system. TP-1 t 3 Support the continued plenning and development ot a high-capacity Uansit system. TP-11.4 Worlc with STA in pfanning end devebping bus pull-out bays on the far side of iniersections. TP-11.5 Neighbofioad businesses areas should be served by transit consistent wifh the Transportation Element. TP-11.6 Ensure the Appleway Boulevard right of way is the minfmum width neceasary to accommodate future street and hlgh capecfty translt improvements. Avlatlon Goats b Policles Goal TG-12 Support the expanaton oI general avlation and irelght uaes at Feibs Fleld In eccordance wlth the approvsd Alrport Master Plan. Policies TP-12.1 Encaurage the full development and utilization of airport propertfes at Felts Field. TP-12.2 Encourage commercial, educaUonal and logisbical support lndustry in Gose proxim[ty ta . the airport Goal TG-13 Encourage land uss and development compatible wkh alrport uses and regulated airapace. Polfcies TP-13.1 Enforce regulations protecting airspace from encroachment. TP-13.2 Dkscourage incompatible land uses and resldential densities adjaceM to the elrport. Rall Qoals 8 Polkles Gwl TCi-14 Support and encourage the contlnuad viabillry of the passenger and ireight rsEl system In the reglon. ~ Adopted Apnl 25, 2006 (Updated -QL-=E4,4~704-07-2008) I Page 29 of 30 ~ _ ~ . . _u... . ~,w.~ , MAp 3.2 ~ . . Bike and Pedestrian ~ System , - _ ~ r ~ ~ J - ' '1 . ltJ ~~1 - • ~ SIrnkanr ( ~ ~ ~ ~ , } r ~ , ' , ~ . . . . LCgC(Kl 7.a..... . - - r_ _ ? . ~ . . . . E ~ O,„,..u.. C1..~ta.,.~ 14~~l..7• Un4nM ~ ~ . _,~~~1 ~ .....J , ~ y1~ ~ • ~ r"► • ' r♦ . f . • ii ; • a.1~ i1rIJ {Jr h6 ■ I _ . i.~r~~ I - ' . ~ . • . . . . HpOwdlYrdllm M1& ~ ~v~;n~(~I~II~.'~,~.tl ~'~tMMr4tiY ~ - ~dMti • F ''r ~ :~,_~•(t~' - ~ I ~v~ • ~w.i Eu~nwO~la~ 7 , . . • . . p,; I ...s ~ . • i ~ - . y . . .1~ ~ ~ , ~`f ~ y/w ~r ~ 1 ~ zJ~ _ . . . . ~np.rl~~1a Lr . r ; ~ • I~ 1., ' . ~ ~ , . ' ' . ] t iyned lbrwt R,OA." •f:..ti,' ~15~s~i11~~ ; ~et ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 _~iP~1~ i i-j Ar~ , ~ i U1n ~ 1 (,rt)fi(. _ Ch.hdvAl1+y'f VwW! f.(~ <~ir' • i~ ` . ~ ~ AIttiy ' + ' ! ' - ' ' . ~ i~ . ~ ~ 1" i"` ~ . . . h~r.. a I c.,/ ~ ~ . ~ i - ' ~ ~ • JAGt Ir~Mwltrl~ I• w►Rw1~ . i ►1"~~L►~ r ~ ~ ~ - ~i ! iw_ S K' „ : [L~. _ . . ~ :'~f l' i I ~ ~ I : • ` • ' . . . ~ . ~ , : Y nupeed lrlwhre M1r r • h ~ ~ j~~~~ ~ ( N ~ T I • •I h " ~ `T"~ ~ ~M ~ . ♦ ~ 4 ~ • ' : ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _r---~1-• _ - ~ lulArN • ' . . . u:ri . . i . . i - . '1.~ . . . l~ . . ~ • ~iMl~ ~ ~ _ I ~V~r ~~'1~~ .r~ . • ~.11f 1 . .1..~.. • '~:r~__4 N~_. ~ ~blWi 1a, I:. ~ ' ' ~ • • j OOw «qsIt11N IV• .1~..~Jh• r•y,,. " ~ ~ u• . ) 1~y 1~/ r I1 ~ i ~J+~ • ~ I ~ ~PuG ~ i~ , ~ 'y ► ' '+1 in+ l ti ~ i~u. ~ I• in . • Q Cxvd/piwV4tv iV 1a ~.+«^d ui~r) I;..~'1 • 1 T L-. I ~y i.~ . i, i. ♦ t~ ~Ni , .1: VrA" f:mwlhA,n ~rZ i . ~ ~ ~ . ,~~r.~ ~r j < l~ ~ : i J - ~ ~ •jd f 11'11 ' ~ . : ~ i • ,n. ~ ~rt; ~ ~ , ; * _ . ~ ,r _ ~ N"uu [4~d~~ 14 *iI_1. _Y ~ • ~ y- MapL«rari ,l '+e ~ ('~a' A- r iw . ~a] 1 ~ ~ ~r;-•~w-~ ( ~ s,w ,ras. ~ ~ 1..~~ ~ j t r ' . ! ' ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ I W I•~.. # . _ . ~ I St ~ ♦ i ' • , ~ i ~ . . ~ , . ~ I • ~~M.A~ •4 Q f ~ - • . wev ~wdY ~M~~ w rw1~r n..r tY ~'I~ w.~rs.i.w r AWC1I1 in.I ~ rr..~w l+q+r++ (+wr. ✓ ru~.~. .)mi r. rw ..M.. Chapter 5 - Housing City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan TabN 6.12000 H.UA. bicona Lswb Dy HauNhold Sixo OpNSaa pei Houreho10 ~ 1 ~ Z ~ 2.5' ~ 3 4 Atlordabb Rent ~ f762 I 5874 I S683 $885 $1.093 ,aftrdabie r~~ POcn- ~ s91.439 ~ s104.e21 ~ s105,93e ~:1118202 ~ s131.204 Meftn Ino«w (ioo% of moa+m) ~ $38. 1 o0 ~ s43,675 ~ s46.463 U9.2511 ~ s5408 nrroreable t+«w Pa,wmnt--- ~ s794 ~ s910 ~ sean s1.026 ~ $1,139 Aff«aabis Fte„e ~ sNz ~ $,,an ~ s1,162 ~ s1.231 ~ $11,387 , Affordable Hpttse prioss"" ~ $114,299 ~ :131,026 ~ S139,389 ~ 5147,752 ~=164.005 uPPer Incartm (120%) ( S45.720 ~ 552.410 ( 356,756 ~ $69.101 I $65.802 ARotdabis House Paymenl"' ~ $952 I t1.492 ~ $1,152 I S1.231 I $1,367 atadae+s P" ~ s1,1143 ~ s1.310 ~ s1.U4 ~ s1.478 ~ s11.640 Affordar,ie Hou.Prim- ~ s137.159 ~ s157,231 ~ s+67287 ~ s17-7.303 ~ s11ee.ao6 Souroe 2000 Cansus fipures Ior Spokans County medien family income snd psraenispe cabculation. ' Avera9e Spokans Coun1Y Household = 2 48 persons. ApprozYnebea the median fur all houeehokla in the counh " Becawx d the way FKJD caiaila6es thke Inmme bnel, q b actuslly 76% d the madlan Income rather Oan 80% ellhouph a is calfed 180, An aflotdebb houdng paymeM is 259fe of mwdfily lncane, P.I.T.I AffordaDle rent and utllntes is 30°k oi menthly income Tht aHorda4le hxne prlco is catruls,ed gI Ihree 1xnt5 Ihh arnual incone Nousing in the Spokane area is comparatively affordable, although the cost of housing has shavm significant inueases recently. In 2000, the median single-family home in Spokane Cou~y was $113,200, rising to $-t~"zE10191.fi00 fn Jl-,,~-2Ct.-ithe third Quarter of 20065. The average home price has also risen to $166,700, up 21.5°r6 from the fourth quarter of 2004". Table 5.2 Washirtgton Countiss - Fourth Gluarter 2005 Median MoRgaee Montfity Median Housinp Median Prioe Rals PaymeM Farnily AltordebWfy Haus+etiold Income Inciex (FiAI) Income Spokane $168,700 5.83°% $638 $53 827 135.5 $42,00 1 Washlngton $275,700 5.83 $1.118 $89,130 86.0 $41 244• Souroe: Washingtrm Center tor Real Eatate Research. EsUmates, Fflurtlt OaeRer 20+:,5 OFM Estimste, Odober 2005 The Housing Affordability Index measures the ability of a midd{e income family to carry the mortgage payments on a median price home. When the index is 100, there is a balance between the famity's ability to pay and the oost. Higher indexes indicate housing is more affordable. All loans ars assumed to be 30 year loans. It is assumed 25% of income can be used for principal and interest payments. Figure 5.4 compares housin-n affordabitity in Spokane Caunty with the State of Washington for ear.h quarter, beginniny with the second quarter of 2002. Washington Cenber tor Real Estate Research, 4,r' OuUrter 2006 Adopted Apnl 225, 20Q6 7 Crty af Spokane Valley Comprehenshrr Ptan FiQwe 6A Housiny AffordabHiry Indes TrfnQs 2002-2005 230 200 100 -1-+- Washinpton 50 - i 0 .0~ .ON .O" O5 A~ O, A.4~ O* 4~ OD~ A~ dti' d~~ o'~" cS~~ d'~, o'5 o'~. d',. c~. cf,. cT,. c~;* c~;- o`;. d,. d,. Figuro 3A HouNinp AfMrdabrty YWMx Tmrxds 2002-2006 250 200 spolane 150 100 WashYtpion 50 ' o , .o, aP o" o'` o'~ .a'' d.o, o'` oti .o'' c~" o'~ o'~' o't` o'1' o'} o~' o'~' o`~' ~ o o°~ d'' 411' o`Y o`'- o`1" a°" o`°. oD I Source: Washingbn Center br Resl Estate Research, Eslimates Rer►ts in Spokane Courtty also compare very tavorably with the State of Washington as a whole, as shown on Table 5.3. i Table 5.3. Saakane Apartment Maricet Shtistlcs Septembe~ .~Otjy2007 Market (County) Average Aversge XVa+aite Number ol NurnbK Vacanry 8Fri Ret1t N-'I va.c-#l lMib ~-,;..t2007 Vtc:ent:~. ;lf N#te :It;w's Sept.meK : c i 2u0s M Spakane County 835 sq i.;`;A579 2.=Pi9.125 .~,~35f 9% fL 1AtashltqfDCt I" f764m $769 212.4II722LRH 11,17i1Q,Off 8j4¢% _ ' - sa,~e: w,sn~«, Av.n~ e~a~c seot„ees zoos updde, wa~Veon c.erne► ror Reai Estift Rese.rcx, Figure 5.5 provides a comparison oi rents for different size unfts in Spokane County and Spokane Valley based on the survey of 509b or 100°6 of mutti-family complexes with ten or more units construded after 1963. it does not indude rent subsidiied units. Adopted April 25, 2006 8 Chapter 5- Housing I i Chapter 7 - Economic Development City of Spdcane VeMey Comprehenshre Plen 2004 emplaymeM dats in the Spokene MSA in compartson with the state of Washington. During 2005, Spokane County ranked fourth in the State in job growth, regisbering e 2.296 increase in employrnent with 4,600 new jobs.' Fiaure 7 1 summarizes the annual averaoe Nan-aoncxtltural waae and salanr emaovmerlt fQt Sookone County Tabif 7.1-r:z~i-2QQ~ okaflRM3A 8pokstr,.: A Spokar*,WA WasNnglon 144; DCceinbo[ (Avy:S*i*c.tsd + washbvton }Q4 (Avy:Sakcted + 1 m 3 Prla qtis) Q°-r°_mbor 2005i prl" Vtm) I Total Empioyrt►ent . ~ s , t t `.oo' a -1 • ~.?4:~F~ • - • 3 k 2~ Ne1 JOb F10Wi ` -~-=aE+-2625 4:t.1.2J7 t. {k4+-71.f186 i~.4bOtA Job Cnotion s ~-§.z511.591 iQ-?4d11.a83 s4~:~8514~44~~~T~156.159 New Nirs 3~7-~Q 31*46~7.~j 463A4j79.47l2 468-14~I.M2 Separationa 46-.808E,$U 40,]Y142.0]7 6i0-7b0~.$~,~ ~240mj= TWflOVec 1t 701uX 30-Ei81Q$1i~ t 1 Q11 t4D-21Qj0% /lvp hU„nq,h, $2-065 p02.977.04 t2~<'2.696 755 S=iF.::.i c;c,-3,233,44 s3~e.dy3.S25.T3 Eart*ps Avp New Hiro i: s: _->i42:5 75 S_ =,...~-*2.354,04 i272:~~y~.pp _ - Eaminga 1.821 SOUfC@: WOI'IfOfC@ El(plOfBf. NOTE: QWI counts jobs and does not include the seif-employed. Table 72 shows December 28cA.~1-2006 Spokene MSA Employment staGstics by industry ca6egory Employment figures include the sett-employed. Trhte 7.2 Nonarnkuhurot Wrae aRA Satarv Errylarmenr theSpakane Mr!mpghlan Stat►eU;gl Areajapohqno Countv; L~ ►►!~~Jn2! "NAICS iNDUSTRY TTTLE (numbet5 in jhouut+nilF) ~ Cranae V2 tmm TOTAL NONFARM 1! 49. 9.1 TOTAL PRNATE iuk- ICING- 4 NATURAL RESQURGES and GONSTRI~~'Tl41V 1. 16 MANUFACTURING 18-6 0.8 Durablc Goads 14.1 8 ComouFei artd Electranle Produd Mto 0 SERVICES PROVIDING 87 6-7 TRApE TRfiN5.P~1RTAT10N and UTILRIES t 18 iolesa6e Trac~e 101 03 Rebil Tr qj¢= 281 Food sM Bevarape &torea i. Genetal Meri;hand+se Stqto S S 02 ~ Washington Lebor Merkef Qu~y Rsvrew, VW 29. No 4. prepared by the Labor Market end Ecaiomlc Anays+s Bran4h. Adopted Apd 25. 2006 3 Chapter T- Economic Development i ~ City ol Spokene Va11ay Comprehensn+e Plen G ~ Tatge 7.2 NdnaIIncultura7 Wags a+tid Salarv EmplQ n m ~ tha SQOkane MetropWMan Statatcal &¢o 1Saokane Counfvl ~ tin tn4Mnas! 7ranaoortaUon. Warelmina, en4 UtiL~1 0 INFOFtMAT10N 3 I FINANC L ACTMTIES 13 Flnancs and Inaurance 107 PRCIFFSSIONAL and BUSINESS SEFtVICES , 4 J~- Manacemarrt of Comcanies and Er►temrlseii 01 EDllG°,T10N and HFATN SERViCES I-Q t4eatth arod Sodsl Amistance Ambulatorv Heafth Cara Senrkea t 03 F2MR14 7. IEtSURE and NOSPITAU?Y_ ~ 20-4 05 FoZ4 LoffA and Orinidna Pt&" 14 ~ 0.8 OT1iER SERVICES 9 ~ U_ GOVERNMENT 1 35.3 Federsl Gaver►Wnant ~ -Q? To,~l Stgto Qgvemment ~ 0 tSfate C.n.M wM F,duca►i4f181 rVIGeS ~ 1 Total Loql GoveM940 ~ Locsl GQvartxnwit Educauanat Setrvlces ~ 1. ~ Wc~►.~n m LeDar/Ma_ a~srnant D~soutts ~ ~__r' 1l Excludes eWrielora, sefl-ffnal2nd- ffw+bers d am+ed torcea. and nrtv:i ` househOld emolovM.'e 'Prepar-e4 bv lhe Lr' DenoLL8t1c DfO0E5" Bureau af Labor Statistics Fjt3ii,:' The Spokane M& . . , as indicated in Figure 7.2. This rate compares tavorably with ~ ~ represents a deciine trom 6.796 registered during December 200S Figure 7.1. Non-Fann Employment Trends Spo1cm MSA (SpOkena CariY) Nonterm hdjlry 6fOoyrnert, Nk.Rnber3 h Th0u%ind6 2220 - ♦ 217 D 212.0 207D 1'' ~---~---s 2Q2,0 ,a[. .r- r-..~-• 197D •'s~~ ~~o - ` -.r - - - - - - - .lan Feo Mer ap► Mer ,A,n .A! Auq sep oct Pbv oec - • 2006 +s 20D5 - • • . • • - 2004 Adopted Apnl 25, 2006 4 Chapter 7- Economic Development CYty of Spokane Velky Comprehenslve Plen --4h1F-ORMAT40N 241443 2-.W0 3490 - -F4a ~;sM 112:6e0 42.9o _-PRo -sustNEss s~~uu~s 119~QW 234~ 2&4W 4 4% ;i-~ - -~9~1~~4AN~•M~10.~N ~1FY~l'ICO W-:TW ~ ~ +♦-~p/ ~10 1i~h 18.500 404HV CY;V'0V CYV;.; I Y-~•~ ~ &,608 $,440 44.404-1 1-~°a► I OVreRNMENT f - 3a~" 36;-UA a, -i24; c,.g'96 4-;r~4 F 47W0 4460 4:8C1O l't 4$`i 04°.4 ~ !4:GN I4r90A 44,bO0 ~ 04% 1-1 Wv EauGaUeRal SeFv"s G9veFPff*M 45:448 17.3001 4$,400 1-4% _ ° Iif~3ltRi-63E~~.~9fdat A&5~=1 rDvec~neF+i e-404 ~ 2:-209 2'iCWI ~_7f1? ~ TaDle 13 EmOovrtEan1 Foretss! nui) AAnua GrqMh S`,ar wtn Rate at st Enip I~~I Ems~ - t m 2Q~ ~ 2~44 'bDg t ~ 8 lAmina 704 7 % -05% CorisgugUn 11,382. 7 12 1.4% -02% nu{ 41 t1 14 2. I n 13-781 13.965 4 ~ 67 10,825 Retail 4 T7 581 27.4p4 Tranava+atian. WatehQujqLrL8 O 1 4.05 37 L8W 55E trftrmawrl 2.759 2,849 Mm- ~ 77 42j65 2 7 ~ UJ_ 7 a 85 gucabon a laistife aC 7 74 ~ 16,728 17,136 0.4 "IT 0.6% ~ . . Totel . 197.842 SoUtCE. WGffCf4fC@ EXpbQfEf Table 7.4 est}mates the type of empbyment by job ctasses within Spokane Valley in 2000. Table 7.4 Occupatlons af the Cky vf Spokane Valfey Aroa Resideints, 2000 Censua ftMtM 6mooymat f►f► Csb0orl► rrNfdn 8polum YO" Spokam Caunb► Stm Vailey Adopted April 25, 2006 6 Chapter 7- Economic Development City of Spokane VaHey ComprEhensive Plan ManaQement, Prvleseional erxf Related Ocaipetions I 78.8 I 33.0 I 356 Serrice Oocupations I 15.5 I 18.9 I 14.9 in Sslss and Olrice Ooaupartbws I 30.3 I 25.4 I 25.9 Farmig. Fishanp snd Forestty Ooaipatbns I 0.3 I 0.4 I 1.6 Construc3fat. Exbstbon. and Mdnbenanoe OOCLpatfons I 9.7 ( 8.6 I 9.4 Produation. Traraporbtim uid Metetial AAovkip Oowpolors I 153 I 127 I 12.7 Govemrrtent Wurkers (Ioad, ibft or fidmQ I 123 I 15.7 I 16-5 Soutce, A Demographic and Econom+c Ana/ysis for the City of Spokane Valley, Dr. Grant Forsyth, Eastem Washington University, 2003 Taxabfe sales wnthinGur;e+,A:y--~;;@,-C+ty-v Spokane Valley r.aE- ce~ist~r~d ;,;~C~r-t•,~-+~}~s=-= .:;4a4~4g4#z0 ta:-_we= . business cateclor,~r is shown on Tatle 7 5 and Fioure T 3 r- :r.-;.:Y_~'. .-_air~r~~h ir'~!l6:~~& ~C•: L".IQ'~+5 ' TablE';5 City-ot•SppkanP-ualloy Sa:es of-Rsoduct&by 6,ategaFy B~►aMess~atc~ry ;~~~~~~~o~ Taxable Busisiesses SSIes I I :_in~r;E?vECi ~ 3~_47 17~-793;2$ _._:rft~~ctia~~ 1,6:~ 4 44L4 - tAanufac." ~ 334 ~ 90:9$9,927 ;r ;,:~ites 2" 387G2 ~682 2-4 G » ' 0-:MAi •1:10$;~&6; 6i _ ;;..:.!~,;t T,~yc;~ ;►i~ 894 2-Ab>~ ~W, 1-71'3"7-3 . " - O 2273i'2 I 404, s40z~" 400 ~o l otal 6,"8 422 ~ ~ Source- Spokane Va11ey Flnance Department k-,~,u~ - , . ~,l~ti i.: ..^r:;f:i~i:;;_-►. I,.,;~~•- _3: _:i; I Adopted April 25, 2006 7 Chapter 7- Economic Development Ctry of Spofcane Vadey Compret►enshre Plan 2005 Taxab{e Sales by Business Category ■ unknow n p Farta/ AulolGas 14% U% ci Gontracdne I 21 % 3X - I ~ O AgricuWro 6 Mnng o Retti ~ 2%- e Manutscturinq i 01t • Trarh potbtlonK)ortmmiwfiona/lMties 11% O WAoiealb 0% ~ Q% ■ GovemneM ~ ■ FbeW Gen MercNardlse 6%- 6% 21% 2% - O Fnanafisurmcr/Res! Estu1e ■ Oth!► IYfac Retai ~ o Services Figun 7.3 2006 Sales of Product by Cabagory ❑ Not 02361fed 62% o Oftr ■ ContfaCtitg D MenWsClu~nD Q Transponatio#VCortrrruiicabort&AAlfies r~ l O YYhoMsab 2% . 4 ■ RaUi Trade ■ Rnancdhsuranc~ Estafe o Services O GOnertmnl Figure 7.4 and Table 7.6 illusttate the sales tax ct,ntributiort for aggregat,ed categones for the sarne pertod. , ~abl~-~~~ty-~l~pok~~~-Valtay SaW-Tax-hy AW46oess-"agocY V4Q4385tO--a~' jI200§ Numbec-of E~s+~ties~ ~ai~Y ~ 921 34.632 I 0 26 R-etaa-AlAe'Gas M 4U I X~7-24 4 I 22-01% _ _ . ~ - . = • I - --~.-rr ~ . Adopled Apnl 25, 2006 ChaPter 7- Economic Development I $ 1 . - - - . - . ::~i.,.r}~•.-F`-r, fp RI : 4-7-7 4--145 1 2;A 1 ~2~ ~j~ FI,'iaFif'.e-IIo6!lf~~C~ €3WE 0#i"15C'i Ir•_'C3+I ` TT- 21416 i+J ~ <tief'1r'4G65 f 1:15+ C) i ~ TaWv 7.6 citv of spokane Yaugv $ !r Tex bv Bustnsm Cateaory 11l1112005 to 1191315O06 ~ B umber of ey T~ ~ Not Ctassifla~ Q 97 65,4QZ 0 3996 Retsfi AutolGn mz 1ff 3,31Z 11 19,79~4 Contrectina 23 l.M 1,589.77 INN AcriwRune d MiMnq 1131 24 19214 0 11'YQ R.etOQ m LQ 3.$Z911~ ?2 839~ Minu}aLiunne it 2W §IA-423 L6996 Transeart&tioNCommuioMlonflUUlRiea 4A-51 ?.ffi 44~,,5¢1_ 2 @'796 Wholesale RU 1044, §14% ~ I mrrient ~ ~ Retaii Gerterol Memhartd~se ~ A 2.27Q.41~ 13 829G FlnancsrlnsurancNRe Eatatt N4 344.37_6 2.05°/. Mlscetlane NQn-stare ratpil Ret~i ~ 1.019 9T7.476 S 8496 54- 1 2218,202 13 59 T4tL1 1 7 7 9 2 100.OOYo v " Source: Spokane Valiey Finance Deparcment Adopted April 25, 2006 9 Chapter 7- Economic Devebpment City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Figure 7.4 2005 Taxable Sales by Buainess Category s.rvtee unb,ow n 14% 0% R9te! AutdGes 2396 Ohar frbc Rets i FnarxelhaunncN 516 Ftaal EsUb 2%- - %tal-Gen - co^ncmg Merchsnfte ' 896 15'X IRgttulturo a Alhing Governmer►t 0% 0% Retal Whobsab 2296 5% luftnu(acriuing TransportolioN 5'1L Communicaliortsl Uuiiisa t96 Figure 7.4 2006 Sales Tax by Business Category $8fY IC65 1396 ~ Other Nisc Retal ~ AutolGas 896 1 Lkft~ n Retap 2096 Financelhsurance Real Estate 296 ~ Retat Gen Merchandise ConVactng 996 149b i~ Retao , Agriculture 8 Mning Covernment 23% 0% Oqb Manutactur'ng ~ 496 ~oies ale ' Transportation ~ 696 CommunicationsNtiities 396 2006 5ok~s-Tak-t-ei~~t~~YS-a~ ~ha~~e ;~auey ~E~*1r~-::.~•~;~= ~-~:-:,;a;~:_ -~~r-~-: '~=-a~ sr:.~~~ Comaarison of aross taxable sates is iilustrated in Flgure 7.5 Adopted April 25, 2006 10 Chapter 7- Economic Development Crty of SpokBne Valky Comprehenslve Ptan Figure 7.6 2005 Sales Tax Collections (In $000s) ~ - m 2005 Collecdons I ~ I a 2005 8udget ~ it 2,2~0 ~ SO $5,000 $10,000 S15,000 $20,000 Figure 7.5 City of Spokane Valley Gross Taxable Sales 2,000.000,000 1,500,000,000 ~ 2004 1,000,000.000 i ~ 500,0OO,OUO- 0• 2004 1.634.650.000 2005 1,807,983,000 2006 1,91i1 ,'AF, nQ(1 Source: Spokane Vailey Finence Department Praperty taxes are part of the cost of dotng busirtess. The 2005 Property taxes in Spokane Valley incfude County, City, Library Bond, State School, Flre District and local school taxes. as i!lustrated in Tabie 7 7, for indivIdui31 Tnx Cooe Areas tTCA,? ~ jaWe 7.7 TOQT Prooortr Ta: Rstes wlthin SnQiarie VdWy aer f1.OQ0 vatwtbn Lew RatE ~ ICA_144 ~ TCA 141 ~ TCA 144 ~-t 145 T 46 ~ T 4 ( 'ount ~ 1 ',r(~i1¢77Ed - ~ ! r Sookane v u 31a7,57 I I I_ I I I ~ ta e r ! 19:17814: r 0 5mo ~ Su I 93083 5.6d69 5.68,593003 b_8859 = 5.68583083 5,69593083 .685=93 Adopted April 25, 2006 11 Chapter 7- Economic Deve{opment Ciry of Spokane VaAey Comprehensive Ptan ~ k n 4173943971 ~ 473A,3911 4,73943911 ~ n l yakwv 454983214 4,54983214 454983114 ~ Valn 4 5445TT t 6 7. 1 SMOODD Fira 01 Scoksns I VoHe 2-72507769 2-72507769 I 272507759 I 2.72507769 7 69 ~ n/ M Mwan 1. 0007889a 1. 78898 ~ T 1 ±3.IM4763 , 12,22S16a92 ~ 12.960d40d6 ~ tI,038561tS ~ 12-96554664 16.54799377 Source: Spokane County Assessor A signific;ant Indir,abor of eoonomic vitality ia canstrucbon acbvity. Figure 7.4 summartzes Wvels of canstruction activviry smce inoorporation. Adopted April 25, 2006 12 Chapter 7- Ecvnomic [3evelopment Chapter 8 - Natural Environment I Ciry of Spokane Valley ComprehensiYe Plen NEP-12_ 3 Encourage the use and preservation of native plants in residential and nonresidential landscaping. NEP-124 Fosier the protection of wildlife coRidors in publidy owned open space where appropriate. These areas should use native plants that support native species of birds and animals where appropriate. IYEP-125 Encourage inform8donal and educational programs and adivfies dealing with the pratedion of wildlife. NEP-l2.6 Land use regulatlons and decisions will oorisider density bansfers, bonus density, nature area preservation or other innovative mechanisms to retain fish and wildl'rfe habitat areas. NEP-12.7 Development proposals and their design shall considerthe netention and maintenance of cxitical fsh and witdtife habitat areas and will provide buffers to proted coRidors and water habitats. NEP-12.8 Coordinate with Washington State Depafinent of Fish and Wikitife in planning and management of fish and wildlife habitat resources. Flood Areas Go,l NEG-13 Work to identiiy wabemhed characteristica that aHect frequently fiooded areas. Goal NEG-14 Assist in the management of froquwMy flooded areas to enhsnce environmental quality and to minlmize the riaks to Iife and ProPe1't5►- Polic►es NEP-14.1 Frequentiy flooded areas and marshes should be used as forest, wildtife habltat, open space, retxeation and other appropriate uses whenever pradical. NEP-14.2 Require the maintenarioe, pratedion or restoration of natural drainage systems and 'Yr= -Ouse bioengineering techniques-where--ap~~r-,W{aie- rather than44af# structural solutians wher$ possible. _o ~Mab+kze '4e fic-o<3way- /VEP-14.-:3Development should meet the obiectives and reauirements of the National Flood Insuranoe Pro4ram for reduclnq flaods hazards and minimizina flood losses ciei-resur an4ands-`dWn#fied-as-beinii witttin a 100-year fbodplain.-or--aE ba,+rg -a-h+story-4-~nq--wg4oul MitfgaE*n. Geologically Hazardous Areas Goal NEG-15 Development should be discouraQed in eeoiogically hazardous areas unless it can be demonstraLed that a hazard area can be devebped conatstent witfi puWk heaith and aaisty. Adopted April 25, 2006 29 Chapter 8 - Natural Environment Chapter 9- Parks, Recreation, and the Arts City of Spokarte Valley Comprehensive Ptan neighbortiood paric, ther+e are no specifrc crfteria to gulde devebpment ot faatities. Given their sme, they are typicalty not intended to be used for pnogrammed activfdes. 9.2.2 Neighborhood Parlcs Neighbarhood parks remain the basic unft of the park system and serve as the retxeational and - - - social focus bf the nelghborhood. They should be deve4oped tor both adive and passh+e recreetion adivities geared speciNcally for thase living withm the service area AccomrnodaWg a wide variety of age and user groups, includtng children, adufts, elderty. and speaal needs popu6ations is ~ important Creating a sense of place hy bringing bgether the unique characUer of the site wilh that of the neigbborhood ts vital to a sucoessful design. _ . • _ _ A neighborhood park should be centrally bcated within b servfoe area, which encompasses a one- quarter to one-helt mile radius uninterrupCed by majar s~~z-F,- propensity bo use a neighborfiood park Is greatiy reduced if Utey peroeive it to be diFficutl to access or not within a reasenabie walking distance_ FrBquenUy neighbofiood parfcs are developed edjacent ao elementary schoots. Generefly, ~:vC~•~s--~s-aGceplted as-lt-,e-sx:++i+mum &ize-a€-a ~~+gk~t:;~r~~-pafs4-a~6e~ac}-~-~rr3vui~ 6pacoe--i ic~-tea aEr~~ ~ C.')~iderad-opineighborhoo4 ~arks are sm4LIn s'rze ranging hom three to s ven es Ease of acxess from the sutrounding -oa neighborhood, central location, end Ilnkage to gteenways are key concems when seleding a sitie Devebpment of a neighbortiood park shcwld seeic bo act►ieve a balance between ac5ve snd passive park uses. Potential acGve recreati~on fadlibes lndudes ptay struciures, oourt games, infomial playfleld or open space, tennis courts, vo8eybatl cflurts, horseshoe arsa, ice skating area, and wading pool and adivity room. fls a general rule, active recxeation faciliaes should oonsume appraxdmately 50% of the parks area leaving the remahning 5096 fnr passive recreation areas. Neghborhood paAcs typically indude the foUowing facititles: ~~ible PlaY eQuiRR►ertt meeting appropxiate standards for chddren five and under, and children older than five yesrs of age; • Picnic areas with tables. oook grttls, shefters. dnnking fountains, and trash moeptacles; • Muld pumose courts for baskethall and volleybal, or lighted bennis oourts; ~ t • Level, open play area for athlebc team pracUce of "pidc-up' games: • Landscaping for beautification ot tt►e site and tc provide some perimeter screening of the facility; _ . Security lighbing and an internat trail system that is Ilnked to ad}acent sidewalks. ` 9.23 School-Parlc ~f;~'~ Y ► - By oombining the resouroes ot two public agencies (sct►ooJ distrid and aty). the School-Park ctassificabon allows br expanciing recr+eational, social, and educabon opportunities avaitable to tfie community in an efFicient . and cost effecdve manner. Depertding on its size, one ' Adopied April 25, 2006 3 Chapter 9 - Par4cs, Recreation and the Arts City of Spokane Valley Comprehensroe Plan I schooi-park site may serve in a number of capacities, sucti as a neighborhood park, youth athlet►c flelds, and a school. The important autcome in the jaint-use retaUonshlp is that both the schoot district I and the city's park system benefit from shared use of facilites and land area. Tlie optimum size of a school-park is dependent upon iLs intended use. The sfze criberia established for neighbort►ood and communkry park classifications shauld be used as appropnate The school land- I including the twi{ding and special use facllities, should not be considered in the level of senrice (LOS;, Establishing a ctearty defined joint-use agreement between the school district and city Is uitical t,~ makirtg school-partc reiationships woricable. This ts pardcularty important with respect to acquisitbn, development, matntenance. Iiability, use, and programming of facilities 9.2.4 Community Partcs Community parks are larger In size ard serve a broader purpose than neighborhood parks The+r focus is on meeting tfie recreation needs of several neighbofioods or large sections of the community. They allaw for group acdwties and offer other recreational opportunities that either a:si not feasJble or noc desirabfe at the neighbofiood paMc level. A communiry park wilt serve two or more neighbofioods. The service area can range from a one-half mile to Lhrao- two mHe tedius depending on populabon densities and other factors. Community parks should be served by arterial or major coltector streets and be easity acoessibte from the entire service area by way of interconnecting traiks. Community parks shoukf accommodate both passive and adive recreation activitles. Inoarporation of natural faatures such as takes, ponds, rivers or other natural resaurce features is highly de:sirable, l.and witfiin 100 year flood plains should not be used far siting recreation faciiides, but should rather be used for passtve recreadon aneas. Community parics are typically developed for both acttve and passive recreation uses. Altttiough activve retx+eation facitities are intended to be used in an informal and unstructured manner, reserved and programmed use !s compatible and acceptable. However, community parks are not normally intended to be used exGusively fot programmed adult atfiletrc use and tournaments PatentiaJ active recreaHon facilities indude • Lighted competftive ath{etic facilities such as soccer, softball, tennis, baseball and basketbalf; • Multipurpose trails for walking, jogging, exercise, and transportation, • Recreabon center, swimming pools, or group rneeting fadllties; • SuppOrt faCilities SuCh as an Int;:mal road syst:;m, ligh;ed parr,ing arcas, resc rDoms, concessians, and security 14ghUng • LandSCapina for beaulificatioii o( lh.-:- Fac,Ii:ies acid pe~irnHler lands~~3.Ding to screen lfie ;acility Crr activitles. 9.2.6 Regional or Large Urban Parks Regional or large urban parks serve a L•roader purpose [han cornmuniry parks and are used Mien community and neighborhood parks are nol adequate to serve the needs of the community. The focus of reglonal parks ls on meeting communfty-based recreation needs, as we11 as preserving unique landscapes and opan spaces. Due to the size and intensity of recreation acbvities, regional parks should be located with immediat;_- access to an arterial stneel Regianal parks should not be located in residential areas given th~ potentlal impact from traffic, light, glare and noise. A regional park shouki be centrally located withii, the proposed service area, to tfie extent pessible. Typicalty, regianal parks are a minimum of 50 acre:- in size. 4 a~ct~ns~iertd op.~mat. In addition to neighborhood and community parfc facilitles, new rc-cinnal parks should incit,de snma ,-.if all of tfie following: • l.akes, forests, and nalure environment education facilili- . Muttipurpose trails; Adopted Apcil 25, 2006 4 Chapter 9- Parlcs. Recreation and the Arts {_:iT'r 4 ,pr',F, an-z V-~jlley t:rmpre}r"n;.hve PI?n . Heston~(Cultural)"Social Ss#es uniq~je tvcal resoucces aifering Itisturic--al, educatirna.k, and cuhtural opportunrt3es_ E.xarxssples EncJude hsskidhc stowntown areas, p4!~rfbrming arts parks. arboreRLrns, oI'r9amefltak gardenz, ar#s rac.ililies. Irdc:r,r th >st~vrs, churck;ew, publif• bLilidings and 0rnphitheatef5 . R~~reatiot7 Facilities - speci -;f ::-d of siragle pzjrpos~: Na{,ilih~s Ehamr,4es include c3..:tnnnun;ty centers, senior ren4ers, eommuni#y thc-atefs, htac}cey afeiias, rrarinas, goli r.ourses, and 2quak- parks. FrequenUy comrnunily buGtrllngs are Iocated in a neighborhooai crr oc+mmurtily park. ~ Outziorx Recreation Facilibes Examples inc~ude tertnis cenWrs, scttbaJI compLaxes, and sports stadiums. Facifity s¢3a-ce requirements are the prtmaFy deterrfainanf of site sEze. For exarrlp~.', a golf caurse rnay require 150 acre:s tfl accomrnodate all the neceswry f3dlities and parking, whereas a commrunaty Lenter wath park'resg may frk oTi 10 to 15 acres, Spmiaf use facilites should be stlategk:a13y 6cxated rather tMan senrirag weil-definel neightsorhotads ¢r areas. The site should be 1vcated sa thal Yt is a=essibfe 1Tom arterial5 or col9ector s'tmr`s E.a~c~hrt~ a 5pr--cial use facidit,j 1~5var;ah14!2 dependinq on th e typa of fabfiiy. aj P'afk8 Fli ;~1+Is#dB ASism~lent 8.3.1 Existing Condltivns GMA (36,70kt77{3) requ4re$ jurisdictions 'to esEima#e parks arid r'ecrutian &imand lor a minimum of a ten year pericsd. In ard~~ to pred3ct or eStiMLate park and recreation demend in the #uture, an analy5is oy e5CI5t3ng par6 aFld recf~aUon derrlaCld k5 the first fitep_ As Df .I!!ne 1. 2005. Spokane Valley had a cotal r~ 163_45 acres af parlcs, The Cgty's official April 1, 2D05 poRu1ation as eskimated by the 1"'4"aShingto.-, Skat~ Office of Financiel Management FAr1) rrras 85,tl1i?. Ihis ~ resulted In p.~r~ Iev~j o~E serv~ee (LC►S) oi 192 aeres a~t~ cityr parks per 1,004 residents. which ts the adoDted #eve] seevice frrr oarks_ Tkre Citv's 2007 C?FM estirpa is ~.260. In 2007 the C{t~rt~rcha~d 8,3 ~res 9~n~i sn the Gre~~rac:res area #oe a~tr~re netah~rf~qpd park_ The addiiftm of the netiw oafk I" F;, Gl"paCf~s ef1ableS the QFV to "IntatF1 the ekj;olk3hed refel 4f SaiViGe f4f oaCks. ~ap 91 klefltffie; existang park^s and recreaflvn faciGties'w'Wn the Cfty of Spokane Va11ey A community-wtde survey conductetf in NMarch and Aphl of 2004 incfuded a nurnber of que,WnS relale-d to parks and r~reabon services Eighty pe~rcent Qf respon~~nts indicated thai tthey consider-esi 13arks in Spofcane Valwey to be gvvd. very gaod or exr*llent. Appraxematety 55 percent of tha reWndents Iridlcated that buidirig mc►ne parks shouRd be Otkter 7 c3'fediurn ra► high priof3iy Thc- wnllowsnq iahlp- prouides asummary of existing city paris and recreation iaciaitle,5 ~~;~~~~e~-~a{~~ •~~~4 ~~~a~~~:?:~ mailCrTI F4LiPECf@5 1 II 'fable 9.1 F~~YRf1q P.'ff'IiG aI1d ROGt A I fiyFae Pprk iDeveloped Aaaa~ Uri*mlioW Acmxga 7aW +4acup ~ hboncGad Patk6 i V 11 air4crr 1 2.86 sM ~ a,D3 I t} 8.03 ~~kk t] 2.71 N 2-71 4,74 ~ {f ~ 4.74 aff-r,a,qw 8.3 L r rracg Vrew 924 0 9.24 ~ N 'I I F~dopled ApriI 25, 2006 6 Chapter 9 ParkF,, ~ecteakFo rs and the A.rls (;ity u6 Spukarie VaCley C.ornprehensive F'ian 9 iabla 9-1 Ewlstona Patks anti ixecrgstl4n Facwlil.jex ~ TMe PaAc iDevebW Aam~ Unde+,sl)pd A=zaje1 Tota1 Acmaw [7bTAL MdEIGliBORHAC1Q 24.37 11.01 35-88 C-ornmuml(3r Parks I - V'aMy M7s:sion ~ 21 _97 0 I 21.91 ~}TI4l. C~AIuN!fTY i 2i.#~il 0 I 21.91 I I rge 1,Ftbah Paft I ~ tirabeau Pginl I 45.01 b ~ 45.01 ~ +DT,4L L+1RGE iJRBAN ~ 45,01 w 0 1 45.01 ~ 4wclW LFaa Ar~ I ~ a* Road Pml I 2,00 I i.Q[S Ull[neen Pat1c ~ 15.07 I ~ 16_07 Jakley Sentqr CentiEt 2.09 I I 2.09 T'CffAL :5PEC4,4L USE 20.16 24,16 mionmIoped Park Lartd { I I I nherpl;ave I ~ 94-s[1 I p171q Paln'E I I 31 .(FT I f1lio}+ W5slQl1 - S4ut1 I 7,Z2 I ~~OEVEWMD I 4&79 I fT'I TGTALS 711565 fii ~ a4,a 131,75 There are also a nurnter tsf ncsn-city parks anci cp+ert spaces either ip ar adjacent t0 lt~E: Cdy o1' SpOkaf1e 'V'alI~y that ar@ llfi1LZ~ by Clty feside111~ ania aft i!i Ta b(49_2 NaflZICw PBFks .1fif.r 0Qfl-f1 SVC~@ I [3evakpa+1 Jhrasap ~ Underek*wd ltiraaaQe 'FofW Auesip Cerr6ennW Traa1 113 4 B 11348 IaMW3 Pefry I 80 f 2 7 9,D 7 k Ishrnnn HiltS Natural Arcn I I ?7~~ . 5 276 -5 1 Adopteei April 25. 2006 7 Chap4ez 9 - PerKs, Rec-r~atr-,; ~;r-J, t:~ r. sa .-AR C1peD . Gteb€~ AL: _ . + Mitabe~w F'i, • F'asadeea Fa-h Tt]TAL 260.44 TOTIkL 201.48 49a,14 ~ 691.52 9.3.2 EstimaT1ed P17p1Jla1iof1 GC[!ilVtF1 ~:.uur;,y Areglonal rn$thodoloU f+or eSfimating T:,'ure pcnpulafion grow[ra waL,) adupitefj uy br~aw of G+nrnmissioners (SoCG) based nn a recammendatian of #he 5teering Cammiffee of Electeci Offlc+aktT (SCEO). Spakarve Valkey prepared a iand ~padty amaiysas of the city and surrounding UGAs bas~~~ On tFle above tegiona9 rnetl-iodof>gy. The ori:gdnal 3naly5is included #he Alaott Joint F"1anninq .4=ea, wfiir.a-l has keen deleted from the inforrttaUan below. Tf'ae resul#s of fihls analyrsis wi~Ee prese ;r.=d ttD 'DJ";C=C-? [arr ,1une 24 and July 29, 2{}04 reque5ting a poputatJion all=tion fQr planning purpuses Spokane Valley proposed a population allcrcabon of 2D,666 to the 5CEO based or~ r~~yionsl taro capacit}r methodalogy. Th9s request was praposed as an "dn#erim" reque5E based on kh- sandJ,papulati+an capacii,y within the existing cor-porate Doun€iaries of Spokane Vakley. The reasvn fa- this request was based vn the sign~flcant lssues rela#€►d to vaste wvater 'Cre.atment capacity, t7rsce th=- waste water issues have been resvlved, Spolcane Vailey will prepare a revision #o the popuCatier-1 a!locatic►n and present this 7nfvrrnatitxti io the 5CM The Spokane County Board of Courrt;~ Cornrraissioner~ appcaved lhis population aalocatinn sn htovarnfaar 20Q4, tra 204C6 PeBaCCaoarovedv: FZ~es-ollitian 06-4438 apgpuEation aliocativn of 33.125 iiDr Spo1ca~,\e VaIlev For olanni a~oses~. Th:~. aofkntinring table s~rrnmarizes estimated pc~pulation growth and impact on ~r~s and r-ecre-afie'r, faci[ities_ Faw P ru*~re-Rark &-Rectt;w _ Ta ble 9_3 Frtura F$ri€ S fiaeMatipr! LyM Tolal i~o;xrlg~n E~tirg '~.ews! O! Se~+rl~e ~~+p~feti~ Adrlklarol Ar:reW Neetled a' Popielaiion Mu~on Year 2026 (163_45 ar,rw#k5) Cii I ren! LOS ) _pi..;+r`-ikJ :•.si,"_:yli . °...,~'rv'€~kf _.i.._ , 3.'L125 120_125 192 a0eIU1.000 59.a9 arc~s As indlcafied irr Sec#kon 9_3.1 8b€ave, tl1e dty cufrenUy has 463-44- 171.75 acFes of pal,kks. Tt7 n1air°::jir ~ #he exi5#ing LOS, tile ci€y wou1d need tu add approximately 2,Q-A-5- 58_89 aores o# parCcs t; kh_, , ----3; i025 9,4 The Arts Ar#'s and culturc- arG ~~~eri[ial for r-onL,iiuing kh+e grrwtli and deveaapmenk o( SpokarEe VaIle}r'S ealizefl;,, economy and quality of Iife. Spokane Valley shou4d s#rive to bec:;ome more #han a marketplace, lt 5hou ld kecDme ad y n a ri'iN.' pi:317 ti'rfZFfP- ~.lfj+~ t,.l{kien,; a ^d L'I$II "l,"fs f~il e3CC1""fie fYCe a Jl.i4fity e fIV[fbni'?1e nr that inckudes the Arts. Nekghbo6hmds ar~d bu,,~irtie-qs districts sr~Duid er'harai-& kheir vibrancy° and d.57irietivq~ ser=5re of pWrre `fhese arreas shou4d a%-:7r a w:cie variety of cuttur2l cr3~ic-es and opporkunPtFe~; for s~'ial wrstefaciion arid sel#-expressiorr A,jopte;i Apn1 25, 2006 $ Chapfer 9 - Parks„ Recreation and the Art6 ~ ~CObII1fUNCIY DEVELOY.\IENT DEPAR'i1ffAN'I Pr.A1vNTiG DrvtstOrt SOM.=e STAFF REPORT AND REC0WUNDATION TO THE . ;oOValley PLANrTING COMIMISSION CPA-U1-08 STAFF REPORT DATE: April 30, 2008 HEARINC AATE AND LOCA7'ION: May 8, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Vnlley Ciry Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suitc 101, Spokone Valley, Washington 99206. PROPOSA[. DGSCRIPTioN: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residenfial (LDR) to Medium D'ensiry Residential (MDR); corresponding zoning map amendmeut from Single-famity Residential District (R-3) and Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Medium Density Multi-family Residential District (Ivff-1) on approximately 2.07 acres of land. This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. PROPOSAL LOCATT0N: The progosal is located south of Mission Avcnue on Mamer Road at 1204 North Mamer Road and 1112 North A'Iamer Road; specifically located in the NE of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 44 ENVM; parcel number(s) 45151.0926 and 45151.1216, Spokane Valley, Washington. PROPERTY ONlNER: Evergreen Fountains, LLC, 300 North Mullan Road, Suite 204, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ~ APPLiCANT: Greg Arger, 300 North Mullan Road, Suite 204, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 APPROVAL CRITERIA: Chapter 2(Urban Land Use) of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Title 17 (General Provisions), Title 19 (Zoning Regulations) and Tide 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spo}:ane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). SUMNIARY OF RECORiMERDATION: The Planning Divisial, after review and consideration nf the submitted application and applicable approval criteria, recommends that the Planning Commission approve CPA-01-48. STAPF PLANT1ER: Micki IIarnois, Ass4ciate Planner, Community Development Department RREVlE1'YED BY: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning tilanager, Community Development Department ATTACMMF,rT'S: Exhibit 1: Cnmprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 2 °Loning lviap E-xhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicinily Map Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Exhibit 6: Application Submittal Earhibit 7: SEPA Uetermination Exhibit 8: Agency ,omments i StatFRcpoA end,ftcoornmendation to Uie Pianning Coanmusion for CPA•01-08 Page 1 uf 5 \ 1. BACKGROUYD INFORsyIATION ` - - APPLIGATTON PROCESSiNG: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procedures in thc Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The following summarizes key application procedures for the proposal. I Application Submitted: I October 22, 2007 Determination of Completeness: Octobcr 22, 2007 Issuance of Determination of N'on-Significance (DNS): February IS, 2008 End of Appeal Period for DNS: ~ February 29, 2008 Date of Fublished Notice of Public HearinQ: I April 18, 2008 ~ Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: ~ April 18, 2048 PROPERTY EYFORMATION: Size and Characteristics: The site is approximately 2.07 acres in size. The SfiPA checklist states the site is flat. Comprehensive Plan: Low Density ResidenHal Zoning: Single family Resiclential District (R.-3) and Single Family Residential Urba.n District (R 4) Existing Land Use: Two triplexes for the Evergreen Fountains retirement apartmendassisted living complex And a siagle-family home with an attached fiarage SuRxouwhNG CoM-ettEHErrsrvE PL.4N, 7ANTNG, AND LANll USES: North Comprehensive Plan -Mediwn Density Residential and High Iaensity Residential Zoning Medium Dcnsity Mulri-family Residcntial District (MF"-l) and Higli Density Mulfi-family Residential District (1vg'-2) , . Existing Land Uses - YZetirement apartments and assisted living facility South Comprehensive Plan - Low Density Residentinl Zoning - Single Family Residential District (R-3) Existing Land Uses - Single family resideuces East Comprebensive plan - dffice Zoning - Garden Office (GO) Ex.isting Land Uses - Medical And Professional Offices VVest Comprehensivc PIAn - Low Density Residential Zoning- Single Fflmily Residential District (R-3) Existing LAnd Uses - Single famity residences U. FIlNDYNCS AND CANCL,tJSIONS SPECLFIC TO SEPA ~ Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental ConUols) of tha Spokane `/alley Municipal Code (SVti1C), the lead agency t has determined that this proposal does not have a probable sigiificant advcrse impact on the environment. An ! Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not reguired under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal. This decision was made aRer review of e completcd environ.mental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. ~ Conelusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled _ by tbe applicant's submittal of the required SEPA ChecklisE, and the issuance of the City's threshold determ.ination ' consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). No appeals were received. ~ Staff Rcpod cnd Rccommendatian to the Plnnnin-, Cnnvnusion far CPA-O 1-08 Pagc 2 of 5 M. FbNDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A~1~IENDMENT A. COMPLIAAICF W1TH TITGE 17 (GEeVERAL PRUVISIONS) OF TEiF; SPOKANG VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE Findings: Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan Amendment Aoproval Criteria) Snokane Vallev Municinal Code 1. The City may approve Comprebensive Plan amendments and area-wide zone map amendments if it finds that (analysis is italicized): a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and ; protection of the environment; , 7he public health, safety, and generallvelfare will be promoted in accordance ►vilh slarrdards establislled by ttre state and the City of Spokune Valley's regtdations. ( b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requircments of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the ' portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; ~ The prapared amerrdnrent Is coiisistent with the Growt3i Managemenl Act. Adjacent land crse designations af•e consistenl tivith the proposetl amendinent i c. The proposed amenctment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property oNvner's ' control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; . The propased amend»tent does not f-espond to a s:rbstantial chunge in conditions. d. The proposed amendmenl corrects an obvious mapping error; or O The pYOposed amendment does not correcl amapping error. e. The proposed amendment addresses An identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plgn. The prapused amendment does r7ot address an identrfred deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. ~ 2. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: I i a. The effect upon the physical environment; Pxrr-suant to Title 21 (Envirofrmental Conlrols) of tlre City of Spokane Yalley Unifurm Development Code, the lead agency has deterinrtled that this proposal does not have n probable significant adverse impaci on fhe environifrenl. Ftn•lher envirorime»tal evalttalion rnay be completed at lhe tinre of developmenf. ~ b. The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; i The SEPA clrecklfst states ijiat there is no s:nface ivater body on or in the imnrediate vicinity of site. ' c. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent lflnd uses and surrounding neighborhoads; The proposed cmrendment is cartiguous to High Density Residenlial, Lotiv Denstty Residential aird Office Comprehensive Plan clesignations. Ti're proposed umendnrent is also located adjacent to existing ~ residentinl rreighborhoods (west and south of CPA-01-08). At the time of developn:ent, stnndcrrds rn Title 22 (Design and Development Stantlarcls), tivill ens:n•e compalibility with adjacent land uses. d. The adequacy of And impact on community facilities including utilities, ronds, public transportation, parks, recreation, f►nd schaols; The City of Spokane Yadley adclresses aclequacy of conuntrnityfacilities on u city►vide basis throttgh ' capiurl facilities planning. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensive Plan recommends a conctrrrency management system for transportation, setiver, and water facilities. The Ciry of Spokane Yalley's Parks ~ ancl Reci•eation Plcrn outlines an irnplementation strntegy including a capital ftrcllilies plcm, ivhich identr'fres costs and revetiue sources fof• new parks. The pr•oposed amendment will have an impact on schools considering the reguesl is for a mediian densiry restdentinl designation. Staff Repart and Rrcommrndation to the Planning Canmissian fot CPA-01-68 ~ Page 3 of S • ' I e. The benefit to the neighborhoad, City, and region; T6re proposed amendment will provide inedium density residential development opportrmities itrcreasing ~the !ow to mid income residential housrng in the surroundirrg neigh6orhood f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type nnd density and the demand for sucb land; ' The propased antendment rs approxin:ately 2.07 acres in size and will provide additiorral mediufn density s•esidential hotcsing. The potentinl demand for tlus rype of residential development is high in areas in close proxlmity to major transportation routes, schools and parks. g. The current and projected population density in the area; and ~ The proposed afnendment will poterttially fncrease population deasiry. 7Yze proposed umendment does not demand papulaiion analysis. h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. ~ The proposed amendn:ent is consistent wiiji the Comprehensive Plan and will have miniinal imfaact on other aspects of the plan. ' ~ B. COMPLiAlVCE 1V1TH TITLE 19 (ZOYING 1R~GULATIUIYS) OF TAE SPO"NEVALLEY MiJMCIYAL CODE i Findiugs: Section 19.40.070 (1vleclium Densitv Multi-familv Residential District) Snokane Vallev Municinal Codc The Coniprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Dcnsity Residential I (MDR) and corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential I7istrict (R-3) and Single-family Residentill Urban District (R-4) to Medium Density Multi-family Residential District (Mff-1). , Tiie Medium Density Multi-family Residential classification designation represcnts an opportunity to provide a ~ range of housing types to accommodate anticipated residential growth. Multi-family residential zones with densities not to exceed t►velve (12) units per acre should be used as transitional xoning between higher intensity land uses such as commercial and office to lower clensity single-family neighborhoods. These areas should also be located near services and h•ansit routes. ~ Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is approximately 2.07 acres in size and is adjacent to higher densicy residential uses such as retirement apartments to the north and to single-family residences to the soutli. Existing ~ office buildings arc loaated on the east of the proparty and the site is located one-quarter (1J4) south of the STA j route located on Mission Avenue. CPA-01-08 is consistent with the intention of the Medium Density Multi-family Residential District. B. COhtPREEiENSfi'E I'LAN i 7he Medium Density Resideatial (1\4DR) classification encouragss the development of housing types, such as ; duplexes, townhouses, And candominiums in existing multi-family ereas. Multi-ffunily residential zones should be used as transitional zoning behveen higher intensity land usss to lower density single family neiohborhoods. Zonin~ ~ will allow up to hvelve (12) dwelling units per acre. Staff analysis is italicized. 1. LUG-2 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages awida range of housing lypes Fir►d densitics commensurate with the community's needs and preferences. Staff Comment: A1 the time oJcfevelopmerrt, th¢ cleveloper should consider LUG-2 to promote mT assortment of residential rypes for the gi•owing poptrlation. . Stuff Report and Recommsndation to Ihe Plannino Cammissian for CPA-01-03 i Page4of5 2. HG-1 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages diversity in dcsign to meet the housing needs of the resideats of the commuaity and rcgian. Staff CammenL• The propased Camprehenrlve Plmr ameRdnrrirt Lt chmige the law denairy residential designation to nrultifmn/1y ratdentlal deslgrraNom The sfte rs a part oJthe Ewrgraui Frnmtatns proJer.t whlch cwrsists of rttlstmarJ apartmexts and an atsl.siedliving factlity. 3. HP-1.6 of the Compreheasiva Plan encouragcs the development of housing fnr smincs and ot3icr special populatians alortg traasit oorridocs aad within watking distanoe of sbapping ead medical fscilities. Staff Commeat: A transft roroe Lr located one-quarlv (114) nrJle naNh ojtiwe subJect properry. Mrdlcal o,s9cu are loctued odjvicent to the proprrty orl the eart and a health cameJcrclllty ts located fn the Evergretn Fotmtabrs frnclltty . Tire stte iJ appraar'rrnarely nfne Mmdred (900) jeet northwest of the comnrerctal actlviry ot the vrtersectfvn ojBroadway Awrrue and Evergneen Rocrd 4. HG-3 af the Compreheasive Plan encouruge meeting the housing needs of special popnlatians including the elderty, mentalty ill, victims of domestic abuu, persans with debilitstive conditioas or injurles, and the hamolcss. Staff Comment: The mrdte -fwnlly tonfng deslgnarron wrll allaw far the estublbhmant of mwra trtplexes fw retfred people whlch wl!l complement lJra:e existbrg on the slte. 5. HP-3.5 of the Comprchonsivc Plan cncouragos the location of new fncilhies for the speeial papulatiaas identifted above within one-qnarter mlle of transit corridors. Seag Commant Tlre subJert properry is lacated one-quastar (114) m11e south oJo transit rme wfrich travels alang Mlsslon Avemue. C. PUBLIC FACILRIIS F[ndinga: The prvPerty is currontty sorvod with public water and sower. Access is providcd from Mamar Raad (a local acctss strcet) and Evergreen Road designeted as an Urban Principnl Artcrial in the Spokane Valley Artuiel Street Plen (Eachibit 5). D. FINDIbG An GONGLtS 4NTS SnQFIC 70 PUBLIC GOMMEKIS Findlags: Staff has roceived no pubtic comment coaceming the proposal to date. Coacluaiaa(s): Adequate public noticiag was condueLed for CPA-01-08 in acoordanco with adopted publia noticing proceduros. E. FMING ANU GOYCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TQ AGENCY COMb1ENT5 Fiadinga: Agoncy cammeats are relatad to the physical davclapment of the property. These commeats will be addrened ai the time of development Comments ue attached ns oxhibits to the slaffreport. Conclusfon(s): Staff has reviowod caaunents and ao concarns aro aotod. IV. OVERALL CONCLUSION The proposed Compmhensiva Plan designation to Medium Deasity Residential (MDR) aad change in nDning clessification to Medium Density Multi-fnmily Residential Disvict (MF'-1) is cansiatrat witb the Cocnprehenstve Plan's policies and goals. V. STAFF RECOMMEENDATION The Planning Division after revicw and cmlderntion of du submitbed applicatioa aad applicabk approval criteris rocommends that the Planning Commission rocommend approval of CPA-014)8. St3H' ftcport ad Reoaimmdatim to lhe Plmnln8 Carmissioa Ibr CPA-010 Pege 5 a! S ~ Exhibit l: Camprehensive Plan Map R~e~ldtcr :f _ ~ ~ , ~ n .aL '1!f5ii~:ti(3` i` `CPA-01-08 ~ ~ ~ • 1• - ~ ~ . 'C,nt - ~ Lflcc Rensih r.n3debtivl ~ Ucrwy _ ~1ts~dcnt~l , ~ y _ y ~ = fl' Y r Ilc 1 {~15I1I141ltifl_~t~~. .t. ~(CfIC:Rl4rLIlIS\ ' ~ ~ r I ' i.. . : ~ CPA-01-08 Rcgoest: C.hange lhe Comqrehensive Plan map datpaNon Cty o(Spokane VaUey rrom LpR to MDR; chaage zonin= from R-3 aod R4 to MF•1. Commuairy DevdaWeat DePartmest Exhibit 2: Zoning Map &3 ~ ~F ~ R3 • ~J , CPA-01-08 \ ' - _ ' . ~ BM)tft ~ i I - - . ~ L-rr_ - ' / - ~ ~-tianldo- / - ~ ~ ~ v ~ - R-3 , - E - [ ~ - ---i ,1IF•: E - - l l 1 , ~ oe »IS ~ ; s~~-.: :.`~t• CF'A-01-08 Request: Cbaoge tbo Comprebensfva Phn map da!=aniion Ciry of Spol-ise Vallep from LDR to MDR; cbange:oaias ftum R,3 aAd R4 to MF-1. Commrnlty Devdopwenl Ikpsrtnuat Lxiubit 3: 200i :Aerial Map . `,s_ ~ ' - • . r L r __SJ - U f ~ _ r ' - t ~ , ~ • 1 ~ `!t' ~ ~ ~ ~ . . t ~ * I ~ r f i ; • ~~y t f ~ t ~ I. ~ .~t~3~'~`r►-=- ' . ' ~ ~ ; r . ~ -a. W.:. - , . ~ .`o ' , ~ • CPA-01 (1~ - . ~ . ~ - ~ f ~ 4~r ~ f = ; .~-_i ~ ~ = - - - ' ~ _ _ 1 ~ : ,ras~►-, . ~fC~1' ~ ~[1 t i' ~ 'I J ~ ! ~t- ~~'',=g,~ - ~ ' . ' - .r `'F,•~ + ~ 1•'' _ ` {41L- r ~ f, ~ ~K • . _ - -~1 ~ N , .S~y-=~~ ( 'T ' ~ '`r~~ _ ~ • ~Y , ' , , r ~ = _ - - { ~ rrrn~~, r r~ ; , ~'r- ,~`r, ~ ••+yL~. ~::~a _ . , i'a~~ : y,: C , r, 'r,,. ~ ~ ' ~k~ _ . %~!r~•~ ' ~ ~%j ~ ~S ~ ~ • ••c~ ~ • ; :_i ~.4.• , ~ ' ~ . . ~ r llr • y ' t • T y ~ ` I ' . . . ~ ~ \ . R^• - I S ~ ~ ' 1';. CPA-01-08 Request: Chsnge the Compceheasive Plar mikp desigoatbp Citp of Spokant Vatley [rom LAR to MDR; cbsnga zontag fram R-3 ud R-i to MF-l• COmsunlts jkvdopmeot Departmeal ~ Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ~ p ~ ~77_ ~ ~ ~ ~ . CPA-01-08 lu-IALLU / I I I 11111 Hi It I I I I I eu.ke i Mmesra7 ffffi.Tffffl - F~E~ C31A-61-08 Rcqaest: C6aaee tbs Comprr6aasive Pian map deriEnilbn Clty ot Spol:ane YAlicy ftm Lyg to MDR; chan=e mniag h^ao R-3 and R4 to MF L Ccmnmaity IkvclopmEat Dcpartmant , Exhibit 5: Transportation Map ~ ~ lyp ~AD ~ ~9b \ 90 ~c► u Mutrun - - - y ' ~ - G I _ _ Sm I , , i I CPA-01-08 - i g ' ~ [~e,m~ - - - `-U~~- - - - - - i ~ ~ - - C ~ - ~ - ~ i ~ - - - ~ ~ . Legend arrrene Ciusifiracbn - I-----I ! _ 5tate or Fcdual ` ~ - ` ~ Principal Artcrial Mlna Attcrial Ca1lecLor - - - Proposcd Friecipa! Arterin) _ - ~ - - propostd t~finor Arteitsl Pmposcd Collector • s~~.~i~ _ ~ I ~ L CPA-0148 Reqncst: Crange We CQmprchnnalve Plam map desigoation City of Spokaac Vdlry iraa~ LDR tn MDR; cLinge zntiLg [rom R-3 4nd R-~ to MT-? Commnnin Devdo~nnest Department - - ~ - - - - - - ~ EXHIBIT 6 CITY OF 5POKANE VALLgY I (Ror SLtf Use Onty) ~ Communtty Devetopment Department DATI! SUBMTM• a~Z- U~ Current Planning Division . -L- gY; 11707 East Sprague AVcnue, Sulte 106 . Fne No./NaHe: Te~ (509) 9I21-]00099206 RECEIVE(D - Fax: (509) 921-1Q08 Puwm6 Fmo ocj 2 2 xaor SEPA FEi: A2P ~-POfCAP:" U%, , AT~?EH i ^r - • i a?l~;1if CC.r'~I.~'r dl' COMPREFftkSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATION (Check One) ~ Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendmerrt PROPERTY OWNER: E~1E2(a1~E~+1 V0+313TA1"S f LLL , MAIUNCI ADDRESS: S00 M0IJLE+A F-D. .-=,1"e. Zc-~I Cmr: S. Vat.~ ~ STATE: WA LP: 992Ccn E[i1311; C o.,rwe-r- P. c-f'ae..rc.o. Lo4+1 PMONE: (rpa) ~501> q22 - 31 00 (CE„ APPUCANT: _~A~• CvS~-EC~ ~E(Z_ MAiUNO ADDRESS: 5A►-Ae- A5 ArkonlG CITY: ~ STATE: - ZJP: r' Ematl: PHONE: (Hr~ - tw~ - (cEW - RELATIONSHIP TO OWHER: SAMI~- PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTIOPI FR0Y NEAREST CROSS STREET): 11 I Z N• A^ANr-e- r 0. r i 2oy 0. w~a~P P.-a. A5SE5SOR PARCEL NO.: ~1 51 . 121Co j 451,51 . O12~e ppOPERTY S2E:~ ~5o SF t CURRENT COMPREHENSiVE PLAN DESttihlAT{ON: _LQ_vV 2t=,~JSj1"( PAOPOSEo CoMpRpHENSrvE PLarJ DES;aru►*noN:1V~t0n^ 2P-"5ITY CURRENTZQMMD CLASSIFlCATION: F-q PROPOSED ZON1N0 CLAS3IFICATION: 6tAV-1)P1E01U,^ Q~~.iSiri( 1Jlt)1.T1 Fp,Mtlr'~ 2~`'a►~..1'T1AL BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT ANENDMENT (ATTACH Ft1LL DCPLANATION): IC c~~.~sT~! oW►Js Ao-JApe-,Jr A6551str--O L4vIJ(o c4~s-1rV-C- A►-,o vv►~st~ES 7Z~ E~tPP~r FaAt~-~P~ 5~~~~•.k--'. _ -rl-tE St r~.. SIGNATURE OF PROPEATY OWNER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF APPUCAM: DATE: PagQ 3 0! PART IV , APPLICANT SIGNATURE I, t ' ,(print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPE R~JTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ~ (s 1 (Date) NOTARY (For Pert IIII abwe) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SU85CR16ED AND SWORN to bs#ore me this -:~Ulld day ot C) ' J NOTARY SE4L c~,•~N T~ SICNATURE it~ Notary Publ{c and fof theSIate of Washington Reskiing at +os~y6a5 5 g MY aPPoirttment expires: C % cn % u~~ %h8-~~ s? ~1 : pF Wp. ~ Page 6 of 26 ow October 22, 2007 DAV I D E VA fv S ANaASSOCIATES inrc. Csty of Spokane Valley Long Rnnge Plenning Divisifln 1 l 747 Fast Sgragve Avoaue, Suita 106 spokane valley, wA 99206 5UBJECT: COT'iPRFTIENSIVE PLAN A11'fF'N[)11tENT POR 1112 N(IRTfI M.Ar'Q?'R ROA ) ~ Dcar Sirs: I'hi3 ICttCL SClNes Lil ii Illll C?:t-,13!1i1i1!t11 iG: iliC 1c,4UC>: I, :i1liCllil 111C 11, dcsignetion far parcel AP i# 45151.1216 and parcel AP # 45151.09261ocaied at 1112 Notth Mamer i~f":.i The curre,at designaiinu fa the two subject proQertias is Low Density Residential; the applicant is re,quostitur the designation bo cbanged to Medium Densiry Rcsidential for both sites. The amendmcnt to parccl AP # 45151.0926 is to providc a moro cansistant Comprehaasive Plan Map as roqucstad during discussien wiih City Plauning staff. T13e amendnient an the AP 4 45151.1216 site woald allow far the oonstrudian ot three threr.umii residential buildings. TErese nine residential units are iuianded for law tn niedium incomc uuassistod souior housmg to complemeai existing facilities on the edjaceut parcel (AP # 451 S l.0926), and Evorgrrcm Assistcd Lning Center. Residents ofthesc necv nnits wiil utiliu the facilities, smenitics, and puhlic . . , _ ~ • _ ' : ~ . applicw A CQII]pI'ti1C;IisIiC l;t L11C Iil'ii }U~.=k 141d I)r1111i1C G[l':1II51i1C~i7i:i ~l~li: ~li3Ill1L1~ IIURi 11V1'lll M- Road to the OfFice desigaaW lots abutting North Evargrean Road. TogcQior thest separsio the High Densi- Rewidential {mid usa of the Evargreen Assisted Living Ceuter w the north and the low dcnsiry siuglo fnmi I:, msidcnces to the south of the site. A Modium Ucnsity Rasidential designntian represaats an oppartupiry to inc,rease tha range of housing types withiu the aree, is consistent witlt the intont of the Cotnprehensiva Plan, end complemeats the eurrent adjaceni land uses. ~ The proposed project meeta the caitrria roqniremeats of Spoksue Valloy ardinanca No. 06-020 e.9 foilarv: : A 77ie propased amenrtment baars a ssrbstcarttal relatlonship tn the public health, safety , HWfare, ar,; , profectian of the envirorunent; Tho emGndmout of the Comprchoasive Plen far these sitGS will result in the development of sbnior housing in a multi-unit daveiopment Health care feciliries will be mado availabk to residents ai the adjacent Evergreen Assistad Livittg Center. The muhi-unit developmont will F,rovide moro housing orpartunities with less cnvironmentnl impact thnn tho samo uumber of siugk fxmily resideaces. `,p--,i an•_ Telepttorie: 5U4.327.6641 Facsutaile 505..V7.7345 City of Spokane Vallc_. ?40 Ocaobat 22, 2007 P~C2 B. 77se propased wnendment is conslslent witlt tht reqrrirensents of RCW 36. 70.! and wtth the pottivn of tlre CYty s adoptetl plan not qtfecred by the am&d%xrrt; 7be amondmeni to thc Comprehffisivc plan, snd the subsaqueut &-vclopment of tho site, provides for d+ovelogmars in an wban aroa where edoqQate public fncilities and savioes exist The projoct reduccs sprawl by roducing inapgr+optiate low-deasity develaprneaL Tbo project encovrages effcieut muhimodel traaspDrtation systzau dve tn an inc,n;asod usa of adjaoeat transit stops at the Evugoen Assisted Living Crnter. The pcv)oct increases the nvailabBity of affortlabte housing tn cctired seniors and helps promote a variety of rosideutiel densitics and housing types. Tha incrrasod number af resideaces on the site promotes economic oPPorivaities, aad thc retwtian and expaasian of acisting businmssas tnd recruitment of new businesscs, at the edjecaat oP6ct usa atsas without detrimenial impacis on naturel rcsources, public sesviees, and public fwilities. Tbo propcrty rigbts of landawnrzs ~ sra aot boing affectal by tbo amandmcnL Open space and r+axeatifla space nne aot being remaved or damag,ed. Tbo project doas aat havo a detrimeuial tmpad an tho environmeut Curtent pnblic fncilitiw ead wrvices can be utitizad without being ovuburdeued. Davtlagmcut of the site does not impaCi any lands, sitas, ar structrie;s thu 6ave historical or anchaeological signifieance. The sibe does nat unpact nmal, agriailUttal, forested, ar minaral rieh lauds. Tho proposed scalz of flu project is in keaping with the aru C?7re propastd amimdment rrsponds to a substavttial chvngr in canditions be}+ond the praperly otirna''s conLbl cgDplkoble lo the atm wlthln wftich the subjecl properly lo; A high deusity residrutial eron bas been placed adjacent to thc sita whicb, 6ased on tbo defmitions of low medium and high density rosidential uses In tho Canprehensiva Plan, warranb a densar residentinl use on the site. D. I-he propastd amendment corrects cir obvtoict nappbrg error, a»d The proposod nmendment pmvidss a maiium dtnsiry rrsideniial buffeu bdu*een a high deasity residentinl area snd a 1ow demsity residential aea thsi is not cuneutty providad. E The proposad cv»endment addresses an idemtjed de,fictency fn the CompreJenshT Plan. - Tho proposed ameudmcat provides a medium dcusity rrsidential buffer betwreeA a high density residoatial area snd a low doasity residantial arza dzat is not currontty providod. I Spokane Valley Ordinenco No. 06-020 requirrs that the Eotlowing fectors ba addrassod as part of tha approval of an amendmcm to the Comprcbansive Plan: .4. Tha effect ipm the Plry.sical sm►iran+itnt; "I'hc proposod Compreheusive Pisn amcndment is for a site tlsat currrAtly hns a single raidonce. The proposed devclopmont for the silo wiU pmvide nine seuior ratiree residences widiin the same space aud will be used in canjvncUon with cxisting facilities at tho adjaceut Evergreeu Assiated Living Centex. Them will be an incnsso of housing wIshaut en ina+ease in land usega. B The tfftct on open space, straarrts. rivers. mrd lakrs; The site docs nat house any water bodies or significant open spacc. City of Spulanc YaUcy ~ Q October 22, 2007 0 1.)age 3 C. 7he compatibility wish and impact on adjQCent land uus and surroLnding neighborhoods; Tlie proposcd project an parccl AP # 45151.1216 is intended to camplcmcm the current uso on pnroel AP #45151.0925 and the ad,}econt Evergrxn AssisGed Living Ct.nter to the narth af the sitts whik providing a buffcr botwxn the high densicy residomtial area and a low density residential ana to the south of the site. D. TJre adequacy of and lmpact ar cornmunfty facilitles lnrlulirg Ltflinies, roadr, pyblic &arrsportarlon, parks, recreatfon and schnols; Tbe develogmeut proposaj for tho sita is intendod for scuiar retirecs and wiA have a minor increase an community facility us.zge hirt no greai impact on current infrastnictune. The increased residential density wiU incr: ase the tas base et the site te co%,er tiie iiicrrased use of the utilities and infrastructure. L•: 77te betrefu t01he nr. ighbarhovc4 city and reglon, Ihz proposad usagc for tiac sito will provitk an ineresse ui affurdable housuig for the eldcriy iri r: mutti-family type sctting that ties inio an existing elderly community center. It %s-ill provide a hu ffcr betvi-een a higb dGnsity resideniial area ansi a law donsity resid::ntial area. F. The quantiry mnd locaJion aflmrd planrud jor the prvposed lar,d use ti.ps and der,sity r. ~id 1?te , Icmar.1 jar such land; . Tbe two sites tnal:e up a combined 40,115 square feet Tha proposod Comprr.heasive Plan amendment incseasas medium dcnsity housing availabiliiy in an othorwise tow deasity rasidcntial dominaied area, but kteps it adjaceni to a high density resideacie) use area allo-winsz far a bvffer betvveen the two densffies. G 7'he currerrr and projectad population density fii the area; arrd The sitewill incraasethzpopulation densityofthe ares th:in a,l 't? ,c: ?0 peoplc. H. 77u q,tfecr upon other aspecrs of the Comprehenstve Pla,; TlieproposedComprehonsivoPlenamendmontwillprofid:, an c;vt~tn compatiblc land uses currcntly provided far oii thc Comprchcci~i~ e F'I a:i m::p. I Sinccrely, DAVID EYANS AND ASSOCIATES, ING Kevin K Cash, L.A. Landscape Aichitect inhials Srkc Fle Nama: tv_eiry~lean~ooaAP~iea mmmdment_102207 Projxt Number. ARG£ODt►9 ~ W .-'~r^'-~ T" - ~ ~ w w w w w~ w ~ w w w w w w ~ • 1 5 G A RA ~G E I I 410.m.• m ~.~•m M~ 189..~71 ~~m wm~~m 'm • ~ 0 Jf- _ . • i.~- • 24' +3r-a• Y C.~ n; ~ • . - ~ ~ ~ _ _ , CY 1-- 0 r U r-- I ` CYt- ~ . ~ ~ I o Q 3o'-c." l- 6 t u i u I 0 l~ii ' ° t;-; ~ , 0 ( RiSER R MSFn RQQ~AC~• f ~ ~ ~R00~1A ~ RO01~~ ~ I ~ I La ~ . • _ ~ f X~'9f1~1l. DL.~t~v~e f ~ cv I • f ~ ~ _ . I e r / I ' ~ ONE STMY TRIPLEX ~ RcTIR MENT COTTAGES . ~ ► . ~ T-n R00~1 i RUO~~ ~ ~E►~ T1 AI_ ~'-x1u~: t ~=30 ► " --L-- ~ - _ . _ . I I ~ COMMUNTIY DEVfiLOPMfiNT DEPARTMENr &ne PLANNING DM510N ~Valky. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite lOb Spaknne Valley WA 94206 509.921.1000 Fax:5t19.9I1.1008 cityhall46-pokanevaIley.org DETERI4ffIVATION OP NONBIGNIFICANCE File No» CPA-01-08 Description of praposal: Comprehensive PIan hiap anner►dment frnm Low Densty Resdential in Medlum Density Residexttial; correspondin8 zoninS niaP anvnubrmmt Erom Sangle4auu7y gesidential District (R-3) and Single-family Residential Urban District (R4) Multi-#amiIy Medium Der►sity RESidetial District (ND'-1) cm appcnximately 20 acxes of land. This praposal is cansidered a noat-pmject actidn under RCW 43.21C. Praponentr Greg Arger d= Bvergreen Founbiins, LLC Location of propasal: The propasal is kxated south of Missinn Avenue on Maaier Raad at 1204 North Mamez Road end 1112 North Mamer Road; specificelly locabed in the NE 3'i of Section 18, Township 25 Narth Range 44 E1NM; parcel number(s) 45151.0426 and 45151.1216, Spolue Valley, Washingbon. Leaa Agency: city ckt spoxum valley comnwdty De►dopmenc n~arbnent rknning Di.►isio, DeterminaHon: Puisuanr bo Title 21 (Eavlrwmental Gantrols) of the City of Spakane Valley Urrifoan Deveinpment Code, the lead egectcy has detemnuted that tWs pmposal doea not have a probable significant adverse impatt on the envirortment. An Enviroamental Impact Stabement (IIS) is not required under RCW 4321C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of n completed enviranmental checlc2ist and otiff ; infonnaHon an ffie witli the lead egerxy. TMs hifatmation is evailable to the public oai reqvest I Date Iasued: February 15, 2008 DNS issued under WAC 197-1I-340(2) Responaible Official: 6taff Contact Kathy McQung, Commuruty Development Director Mickl Hremois, Assodate PIanner City of Spokane Vs.lley Community Development City of Spokane Valley Gommunity DevPlopment I3zpartinQnt Department, Fknning Division Valley Redwaod P1aza.1170? fi. Sprague Avenue, Valley Redwoad Plata, 11707 B. Sprague Avenue, Suibe 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 992D6 PH: (504) 688-0240 / FX: (509) 688-0306 PH: (509) 688-0048 / FX: (509) 688-OCiU6 km-,wlun$@sP°kanevnlle}'.org nnhaawis~gokanevalley.org Date Isaned: Februarv 15, 2008 5igaatnm APPFAL: An appeal of t}ds deternlination must be bvbmitbed to the CoAUnunity opment Department wi#hm fcrarteen (14) calendar days after Ehe daEe issued speciflcally by February 29, ZOQS at 5:00 p.m.. This appeal mnst be written and make specific bctnal obJections to tiie City's threshold de5enninaticm. Appeals shaIl be canducfied in conformance with Sertian 17.90 (Appeals) of the City's Unifozm Devetopment Code, eutd any required fees pnrsuant to the City's edvpted Fee Schedule shaIl be paid at time of appeal submittal. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680, appeals shall be limited to a review of a final thresshold determination. 1 . i G-k* SfATf Of WASHWGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY 4601 N Manroe Sfrref • Spakanq N"ashfngton 99205-1295 •(3'09)3251-3400 IR E CN, E I Febnary 28,2008 MAR 0 5M _ tt", nt Ms. Micki Haraois, Associe.te Planner City of Spokane Valley Comminity I?evzlopmmt Deparimcnt 11707 East Spraguc Avenue, Suite 106 Spokaae Valley, GVA 99206 Dear Ms. Harnnis: T'hsnk you for the opportunity to conuneni on the Dcteruiinatiou of Nonsignificance regarding the proposed Compreherisive Plan Amendment, Tilc No. CPA-0 1-08 (Proponeai-Evcrgrean Fountains, LLC). The Depatnent of Ecology has reviewcd thc documents and would L7ce to submit the following oomments; Waicr Rcsourccs Proam The water purveyor is responsible for ensuring that the proposed use(s) are within the 1'u;iitations of its waler rights. If the proposal's actions arz differcrrt than the existing water righi (source, purpase, the plece of use, or period of use), then it is subjact to a;►pmval from the Deparbment ef Fcology piusuant to Sections 90.03.380 RCW and 94.44.I00 RCW. Water Uualitv Prograna Proper eroSion anti sediment control pi-actices mnst be u.sed on the construciion site and edjactnt areas to preveai upland sediments from euttring surf8ce water. L.ocal stQrmwatcr ordineuces will provide spocific roquirements. Also rcfer tn the Stormwatrr Managemeat Manval for Easten Washingion (bnR://www.ecy.wa.gov/progm.qtmM/Stormwater/easlem manual/manual htmJ). All ground disiurbod by constructic►n activities must bo stabilizcd. When apprupristc, use native vrgatation typical of the site. All ncw dry wells and other injection wells must bc rcgistcred wiih the Underground Injoction Control peogram (UIG) at Bepartment of Ec:ology prior to use and thc dlscharge from the well(s) must comply with the ground water quality requircment (noneadangermeai staadard) a1 die toP of the ground water tabie. Contact the LTIC staff ai LTIC Prograna, Depamveat of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, (360) 447-6143 or go to _ /rea info.httnl for registzetion forms http:/hwvw ocv wa.¢ov(pzQsrramsL_w/¢rndwtrfuidreeistration and fiirthcr infonnstion. . ~ Ms. Micki Harnois February 28, 2408 Page 2 Stormwater nutoff may cvntain increased levels of grease, oils, sediment, and othu debris. Stonnweter Best Managcmeat Practices (BMPs) shfluld bc installed and maintainod so that any discherge will be appropriaLely treatod to remove thcse substances. Dumpsteis and refuge collection ootttainers shall be durable, corcnsion nsistant, nonabsorbani, nonleaking, and have close fitting covers. If spillage or lcaksge does occur, the waste shall be pickcd up imrucdiately and ratumed tn the contginer end the aiza properly cleaned. Routine inspections and maintenance of all crosion and sediment cantrol Bcst Management Praciicc.s (BMPs) are recommeuded both during and after development of the site. State Envi.r~ninenttil Policv Act (SEPA) Ecology's cotwnents are based upon the information providod with tlic SEPA checklisL A- they do not constitute an exlzaustive list ofthe various authorizations that must b:° 1CgAl1L°qlll!'CE-!IC`:'J~ 1llit I'ill3't b;' fU1f-ilL,;1 i'1 i.m`,- if1 C'.-T-v n?3t t}}- rron,-;,;,(a ~rtl~ll SIIICCI'GV. . v~ . Tecri Costello SEPA Coordina:~ Degartmcot of Lco+q,. Eastem Regional,Offic: 4601 N. Monroe Street 5pokane, WA 99205-1 Yhone: (509)329-355f1 Email: temi461naecy.wu.euv cc: Deiuvs Ragust, BouIdcr Groek, Inc. i ~ i lUW ~ i v; t E OF WiISNtNGTON UEf'ARTMENT aF ECOLOCY =^uI IJh!:,iror Strtet • Spolanr, W*hTnhPna 4920S•129, f5041329-34010 ~--4 J'C~~P.1:ir.i !R, i~1~~c~ 0 5 Ms. Mic-ki Hartiois, Associatt Planncr ' C' '..•►t~'' ~}i . c:,cy of spotcane valley . community Devclapment Deparbnent 11707 Esst Spmgue Avcuue, Suitr 106 S}okane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Ms. Hsinois- 'I1iank you for the apporttuut}• to couuueut on tiie I)eterminntion of Nousignih'cance regwdini-, the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, File No. CPA-0 1-08 (Proponent-Evergir,en F'ountains, LLCTheDepartu~crt o"~~,2c~~- r . , i,, i iC'~_}' 1 l:iti lji,C:,.iflCii?', it111. oillCj 1!kC I,,submit the following cotnm?nts: Water Resou= Pros=n 1 Ue wate,tpurvcyor is resporcib►e fur ensuring that tlie grapos:J u.;e(s) aze Nviwin the li.uiitation: of its %vater rights. If the groposaI's actions are differrni than the cxisting waicr right (source, Purpose, the ptncc afuse, or period efuse), theri it is subject to approval from the I~c~•: ~t~,ent of I-..col0gy pursumit to SoA1;_,:}, t1(I :4'{_1 P~{ '`111 .i?.J (Irl T)("`l1. sQita waste Progmul It is preferable to leave thc cxisting vegetation ttndisturheci for hotli 3csthctic and practicul reasons. Aowever, if it must be remnved the applicaat is encouraged to dispose of it at a compo:", facility or roplant it elscwhat. To li.mit use and exposure to toxac chcmicalS, the applicant should use integrated I-st managcment (IPIv) tools to contrnl piublem insccts, molds and wceds. Plcase w www.ec .Y Nmg2v/progamSlswfa/upest fbr informatian on IPM in schools and residcnti::! environmcnts or contact Mami Soiheim at (509)329-3564. Tbe website also contains Fe;tic: use laws for landlc~rds, public schools and liccascd daycarc facilides. L<uidscaping should iucorporate wasie ptcvendon measures gnd the use of orgatuc tnsterisls. Water needs are reduced by use of dmught tolerant planti.ngs, compost materisi, mulch, and drip irrigation. Pesticide and herbicidc use is oliminated or raduced by usc of pest resistant and netive plantings. Gampost is also an effective soil amendnent. Chipped woody debris can bc uscd to . ~ . Micki Narnois -~niary 28, 2U08 ~ i1lU~CI1 VIZi:lIllCil~11 ~'C~S, .;_I}r~l:~;:;~`,CC.1S. ;<I11I7 II~_1_IUCC, ~11I:1."~il `":'U'~il~[i, i~Ii4~ ~;•iG''1JC Ci ~.i`.:SC: tGf :,::thways. We also rccommend using organic dabris generated on-site if possibla for landscapinb. 1 he applicaat proposes to demolish an existiag structura(s). Itcm B.7.a of the checklist asks if c: icre are any cnvironmcntal hcalth hezards that could occw as a result of the groposal. Impropcr disposal of solid wasie, including demolition waste, can result in environmetital Iaealth hszards. «`e cncourago the applicant to salvage, teuse, and recyclc as much of the wsste es possible. Rccycling demolition debris is typically less expansive than dislxasaL Othenwisc, tlie dr.n,olitiou Nupte musi be disposcd of at a pemutted solid waste facility. Ne encourage the appticant to use eonstruction products containing recycl«i and non-toxic materiFils whenevcr possible, to rcuse and rocycle all leftaver construction materials, and reciucc waste generased and pracdce "Crreen Buildiug" principals in s1I aspccts of the project. Recycling construction debris is typieally less expcnsive than disposaJ. PIc:ase cnntact Allison Gris), st (549)329-3448 ur a«ra.:G 1rd`ccY.tVa.i~oti1 for es_~istrLic-r. Watcr0 itv Yrc~~!r::n; Proper etosion and sedinieu, conlrol practices niiLst be used on the construction site and adjaccnt areas tn prevcnt upland scainienis frQm enteri.ng surface watex. Local stormwater ordinanccs will provide specific rcyuiremenis. Alsa refer to the 5tormwater Managemcnt Manual for Eastem Washiugion (ptt :!/wnvw.ecv.wa.eovlmgramshva/stormwactcr/eastern manua]/mflnual.html). A1l ground disturbcd by constn,cti,,n :i:'ilv':I:'s Iliust t>: Sfc~)111: l'ij. '%V}}::il Fipprilpfl?:1C, Uit. 11: 3:1'C r vzgetation typical of the site. Ali new dry wells and ather uijection Nvells iuusl te icgistcred NNith the Underground Injectio❑ Coutrol ptvgram (UIC) at Depaitment of Ecology priar to use nud the dischurge from the well(s,) must comply tvith the ground water quality roquirement (nonendnngermeiit stnndnrd) at the tor of the ground watcr tablc. Contacc the UtC staffac LJIC ProLzra_ii. rft~;:ariaxnt of Eco?ot.-, P.O. 47600, 4lympia, WA 9$504-7600, (360) 407-6143 or go tn ~•~~~~✓.CCV C~i'~irr~~'???1~.5~~~';1~~TT?'~'.liriU!C~C~_~~'•t'.?l!t!:?~i~'~ Illfr'.hiiil~ :(-1'iC~.lSii':'.l?.il :Ci111~ BFld fl1CIhCf lIIfOII11a11011~ - - - - SIQIIDwdter it[IIOffrilay crJlli31f1 liICIC:i:>r~I IcteIS ut gre;:se, oils, sc-Liiiueiit, aiid othcr d-cbiz.~. StormNvster Best Managemcnt Prnctices (HMPs) should be installcd and maintained so tF►at ;;n~ L .1 sclI ,_r6z : xvill b? aF.pria:uly trea,ed tn re,nove ?I!c-c suh;t,Dcts. 1)tLiiLSf::i 3I1d rCt~L: C(tll~~il(~ii CoIl1ai11~_I5 :,11311 ti~111":i~7le-. corrosion Fe;;jtii[t1t, T10:i.:1,)1-oTi_C'1?, nonleaking, and have close fitting covers. It spiltagr or leakage does occur, the wa,te sI;sil be picked up immadiately and reivrned to the container and the area properiy cleaned. Routinc inspections and maintenaace afa11 erosion and sedimeat coatrol Best Practices (RA4I's) are recon_mended bcitii dccri-ng artd ofter develot <<:~::' Micld Hamois I L:bruary 28, 2008 i- li _ a.:}?i:l i::iL.. ~il~ ~:_1~ii:i..,i ...:4 ij::_1-~.'_ii~-.: l•.Cc.....:'.l ..~;r1.. l-.. .._ii.~.,:ii~ wasiewater or its oquivaleai oaly. Cammercial ead indcstrial aperarions discharging w-astcs otlier than domestic vvilSteWaici to on-s[te sy5ten5 may result in grouutl «mier conirmination and c.ould cause the facility owritt or optrator to incur scvcrc liabilities. Statc Enviro entel Policx Act (SEPA ) F.cology'S CQiYIInGIItB 8rC ba.9Cd 1tpQri Lbe lIIfonnaLiOa pi'Ovldc;d Nt'ItI1 dle SEPA c}t.cl:list. rls stich. theq do not oonstituie an exhausiivc list of the vsrious authorizations that must be obtai ned or legal requirements that must ~.ie fulfilled in order to mzry out the Praposed t ction. Sincerelv. 1 i~trri Costello SEPA Coardir:stor Departmcai of Ecolog~• I;Bstem Regioaal Ofricz 4501 N. Moame Strec:c Spokane, VJA 99205-1295 Phons: (509)329-3550 ~,;n:~~~ t~n~i tbiri7ec~.ti,•~,.t~~•.t:~.)8-~iti3 'r RtCElUtO 1y~, 19307 EAST CA7AL00 SI'ORAME VAtIEI'. WA 9Z016 2 2(~?r, 1509) 2.25-5400 t, i!I_r1L VAII EY SPOKl,NE V.tiL! EY . . . . , " • • OEPARTAtE1rT OF CC}I,~l11!InTV DEVElC?P,?;-!dt February 21, 2008 ~ `~a'ranie Kathy McClung, Community Development Direc:tor ~ 6~'awy City of Spoksne Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 1 i7U7 E Sprague Av9., suft tos Spokane Valley, WA 99206 spo40na vaJiey. VrA oe2os Re: C PA-01-08 Dear Ms. McClung: Central Valiey School District appreciates the opportunity to co(nmertt on the subjed Determination aF Nonsginificanoe. Although Ceritral Vafley School District does not ses any issues between the proposed plat appCcation and the districYs present fadlitiss and propetties; it should be noted that tfie disVict cannot ensure studants within the propased plat wifl attend the cbsest school. B$sed upon current enrollment growth rates the patential exosis to transpvrt studenfs to schools in various areas of the district based upon availability end enroltmerrt at that point in time. The disVict expeds to have room for students from thase proposed new homes if they are occupied before Fall 2008. If, however, they wifl be completed after that time, Ceritral Valley School District asks that the City af Spokana Valley 1) postpona epproval in line with provisions of state law (RCW 58.17.1 i0(18.2), the Growtt} Management Act, Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan and the City of Spoikana Valley's Comprehensive Plan, pending availability of additional school facllMes, or 2) condition approval on paymerit by the developar of a per dwelling unit fee equal to the district's sligibility for school impad fees. Again, thank you far the chence to provirie commertts fo the subject plat epplication and if there are arry questbrts, please fieel #ree to contact me at 228-5411. Sirx:erely, Bradiey A.-weyw,d Diredor; Facilities & Operatiorts . a , - . - . F. r . . ; • , . . _..1 • ~ ~ , . ~ . . GPA-01-08 thru CPA-08-08 Page 1 of 1 Mickl Harnols xn: Red, Jim (JRed@spokanecaunry.orgJ Sanr Tuesday. February 05, 2008 10:48 AM To: Tavis Schmidt M(cld Hamois; Midcf Hamo'ss ~ 8ubject; CPA-01-08 lhru CPA-48-0$ Hi, 4(1 Compehenshre Plan Amendments are withln sewar projeds and wNl be requirsd ta conneci to sewer as properties ere ieveloped. Pksns, feea, securfty and so on, wIl be taqulred as needad. f you have sny questfons, piease conbd me at 477-7278. I rhanks, Ifm ~ ~ /snoos ~..UAlAi 4hlT)' LF.I EI.UYAIFNT UEPARTMF.N7 Pl.&,qNLNG DTVSION ~ le STAFF REPQRT AND RECObU'IENDATION 1'O THE Ph.ANNING CUMMISSION ~ %la~+ ♦ li CPA-02-08 ti1AV 1 121'PqK'1 DA'Ck: April 30, 2008 IIt-1RtNc nA'r a: ,irm i,vcAriatv: 'vla}8, 2008, teguining at 6:04 p.m., Spokniic Ynlicy City Ha11 Council Ci2anbers, N`ullc}, Redwood Plnza buitding, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, SuiEe !O1, SpakHne Vu1lev, WF►shingt+m 992 06. ~ PROPOSAI.. DFSCRIP7iQN: Cumprehensivu P1an hlap nruendmenl frarn l.ow Density Resedeniia] (LUR) io Gorriclor Mixcd Use (CMt): corresponding mning map smrndntent from Single-family Residentinl Suburben District (R-2) to Corridor Miatcd Use District (CM1_1) av upproximattely .23 4Cfc'S c.if tatid. This propasal is runsidr•.rrd a ncm-projcct action under RCW 4321C. FKOibSAL LpCATlON: T-hc praposal is locstrd nartli of Trent Avenue (SR 290) at 8124 East Cru-lislc Avenue; sPeci6calty {ocated in tho NW of Secticm 7, Towuship 25 North, Range 44 EWM; parcel nuantfer 45072.7003, Sjxlkma Valloy, Washington. PROPERTY OWNER: Robest Gross, c!o MMC lnvestments,l.l,C, 7403 East Spmguc Avesue, Spokarsc, WA 992 l~ APPI,I(:AnT: 1re Stc+1r, Co E3akct' C'onstru.lic,n, 271 1 F:.ist SpragueAvenue, 5p+-+}-,ttr', WA 9920? APFROYAL C4tl'fEki4: Ciiapt_; ?(Lirb :n L,an:i Usc) of ttie Spokgne Velley C'nti;f,reheti;i~ . t'lX,. Ticlc I i(Cic,i~!-;~I I'rovisiotts), Title 19 (7_onini P~guiatiocul snJ Tit)c 21 (GnN-iror.mentlll Contrul•) ~,f Ihe Sp.,; :r"~ %'::Ilc}• Municipal Code (SVM(') 5(111'iM"ti' OE RF.CCI!1ihIk.1D,1I1()\: rI1C P1:1llllll7g 1)1vlsin11, il}2Cf fc1'!cw Fl[lil LotisidLrf:tion oi 1'l7C iilF•11;!ticd applicstion snd appticabic approval criteria, rocommcnds tbat thc Pl$nning Commission Appro%c CPA-0:-08. SrwFF PLnla+tEA: Micici Hamois, Associate Plsnaor. Cammuaity Dcvolopmcut Departmont Ht:vtrwXD BY: Grog McCarmkk, AICP, Plenning Mnnagar, Comcnunity Aevclopmcnt Dcpa; vl, : n'~ A 7TACAMEN7S: Exbibit 1: Comprehensive Plnn M ;,;Extubit ? Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Ma: F.xhibit 4: Vicinity Map Exhibit S: TranspKxtation tilap Exhibit 6: Applicatioa Sbtimitt;+l Fxhihit 7- SYP:'! Petermmet'.-- S uti kcpett aod Rtoammeadellm! 1o ihe Ytm*y (bmmissina for CPA-41-08 FqK 1 of 3 I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPuCATiolr PROcmTG: Chaptor 17.80 Petmit Prooessin$ Pracedures in the Spokane Vaqey Mnnicipa! Codc i (SVMC). The following summarinas kcy application prooedwes for thc proposal. I App"; October 30. 2047 Determbuttion o CpmpkftaFs: October 30, 2007 jouance of D"anninmtioa of Notr-Sigaificance (DNS): ~ Febnurx 15, 2008 Ead af tlWcnt Fcciod for DNS: M Febnury 29, 2008 L}ate of Publisloed Natice of Public Hcuin{t: Apri1 18. 2008 Datc of Mail Naice of Public Hearing: AOcil 18. 2008 "OP$RTY 1M[tMATION: I Size and Characterisiics: The site is appr( - is flaL Compxehcnsive Plan: N Low DeASitY Re ~ Zoning; I Singtc Family itesid«nuai ,~ut,uriwi o►.scmcL F.xiscing LandUse: ~ A singie-family hame with a det,,.heri paraee svxRourmavc CopPxUtENStve PLax, Zurrnvc, Mrn I.Axn usP, NoRh Comprohensive Plan -Low Density Residential Zoning -Single Family Rasidentia] Suburh;, District (114) Fxisting t.aad Uses - Sit►glc-fsmily residenc;~ Souffi Comprehaosive Plan - Corridor M'sxcd Ust Zoaing - Cocridor Mined Usc District (CMl! ~ Eacisting Cand Usts - Light assombly fscility East Compxehensive Plan - Law Deusity Residential and Corridor Mixod Use ?oning - Single-Famtly Residential Suburbaa Distriet (R-2) and Corridor Mixod Use District (CMiJ) Existing Land Uses - Ljghc essc bly faciliry Wcst Compreheasive Plan - Low De~s~ty Residential and Corridor Minad Use Zoning - Single Family Residential St►barban District (R-2) and Corridor Mixed Use District (GM[J) Existing Land Uscs - Singte family residcnces D. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECLFIC TO SEPA Fladings: Pursunnt to Title 21 (Eavironrrantal Controls) of the Spokano Valley Municipnl Coda (SVMC), the lead agcncy bas determinod thai tbis proposal dQes not have a probable significani adverse impact on the anvironmenL An Envimnmental Impaot Stntoment (E1S) is aot rrquirtd ander RCW 43.21C.030(2xc). 'Ihe Plaanlag Division I issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal. This deais'tan was nnado aftcr reviow of a complated environmentsl checklist end ather infamatioa on file with the lead agency. Coaclaaion(e): 7he procedural requiretnents of the State Envirooawntal Policy Act and T'dk 21 af tho SVMC have betn futfiUcd ~ by thc applicant's submittal of the requittd SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of ihe City's threshold detramination consisting of a I?atermiaation of Noa-Significance (DNS). No appeals were nxeived. i Sta!'f Repott acd Reoomneca3etlon to tlw PWminS doombsian Ior (PA-02-01 PW2of S M. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPItEHENSIVE PLAN AhIENDMENT A. GOMPL IANCEV.' ; n' TME 17 (GENERAL PROY151aNS) OF THE SPOKANE VALI.EY MUN[CIPAL GODE Findings: Scctian 17 80 140 A(Camnrehemive Plen Aaendaient Appcvval Crte+rW Sookane Valky Muaicipal Code 1. Ibe City cnay aPProve Comprehensiva Plan amondments and arca-wide mne map amenciments if ii finds thai (analysu is italicued): a. '[he propOSCd amendment bcsrs a substsntial rclationship to the public health, safety, wctfare, and I protociion of the eavironment; The prrblft Ireahlt safery, and general we&re will be pronated fn accordance wlth siandcnda establlshrd by cJx atau and the Cfry oJSpolEane Yallry 'S I'FgIJIQIlOtLf. b. The pmpasod nmoodmaat ia coasisoeni with thc rcquiromcnts of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portioa ofthe City'a sdopted plon aot affocted by the amendmenr, The pro,pased anrrrrdmert fs ca+utste»t wlth the Growth Mamgemsnt Act Adjacent tand tcse designutlan.s are conutstent wlth the p4ropased amendntent. c. The peoposod amendment respQads ta a substantial change in coaditions bayond the property awner's cantrol appiicabte to the stea within whicb tha subject property lias; The proposed amendment does not respand to Q su6stmr(tul choW frr eanditions. d. The proposed amendment currocts an obviaus mapping arror, or Tl,e praposesd ame»dinent does nol corracl a mapptng error. e, The propo;cd amendmont addczsses an identified deficiency in tho Compreheosive Flan. 7he prt,pcued amendment does not address an idmttfled dtficisncy in the Comlprehens)ve Plan. 2. Thc City must also consider the following factors prior tn approving Camprahensive Plan smendments: a. The effect upon tha physical auvirocuuent; Pursuant ta 71tle 21 (Fnvlronmtntal Castrols) of the City oJSpolcune Valley Unljorm Development C'ode, the ltad agtncy has deternrlned that lhis proposaJ does not havt a probable stgniOcmtt ad►aerse impcnet on Ibe emdronment. Furthcr envtrarmental e»rrluatlnn rnay be cornpleted a1 the rfnte nJdevclnpnrent. b. The effect on open sxce, strcams, rivcrs, aAd iakes; The SEPA cJtecklUt states that there !s na sinfnce water body on or ln the lmmddlate vfcinfty of srte. c. The compah'bility with and impact en adjaoant land uees und surrounding neighbcuhoods; The praposed amendment is contiguous to Law Densiry ResldentTnl cmd Carridor Mhed Use Comprehtnsfve Plmr deslgttations. The proposed amendmeat b also located adja:.ent 1o r.xisting residential neighborlwais (►vest cmd narth oJCPA-02-08). A1 lhe time oJdevelopment, atcurdmYls ln 771Je (Drslgn and Devtlopment Standards), spec{fically 22.70 (Fencing, Screenlng, and landscuptng) Kill reduce impacis on adjcrcent praperdes by provlding vlsrial separwtion and physlcal briffars 6et►veen land irscs. d. ?he adeqwcy of and impad on community facilities including utiliries, mads, pnblic traasportatlon, parks, recresiioq and schools; 77re Clty of Spokure Va11ey addresses odeqVacy qf comminiltyjacilitJr.s on Q clry►vlde basls thrvrrgh capita! facillties plannfng. Pollcy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensfve Plan recomuetends n corrctrrrtncy nranagenrent svstenr for firnrsporlalion, aewer, mrd wrrterJacllirles. Tlk C1ty of Spokanc Valley's Paria Stttf RcpoR uW RecaTtmer. dstiae ta tlu Plma4ag Cammisioo 6or CPM02-01 Pegc 3 of 5 and Recreation Plmi outlines avr implementation stralegy inrlerding u capfial Jacllities plan, which IdentifirJ coJts mrd reverrut saurces for new parks. The proposed ame»dment wrll nat irav+e an impact on schools canslctering the requaen !s jor a corridor mixed use designatiaur. c. 'lbe benefit to the neighborhood, Giry, and c^cgion; T7re propvsed mnerrdmatt wfll pirn+ide o mLc of usar as specifted by the carrfdor m&e,d use designatiom f. The quantity and location of land plannod for the proposed land use type and density and tha demand fa such land; The proposed amend»rent fs appraximately 0.73 ocr+es in slre mid will provlde addlttonal develupment oppornmltiea Grcluding apartments, eommercirrl cmd o,(j''icea along mc#or transportalfon cwrIdors. 77ie potehtiol demand jor this type oJdevelopment ls high in areas !n close prarlmltv to mafor trnnsportnllon rouias, schools mtd parks. g. Tho current and projected population dutaity in thc area; end 73ce praposed amenc5nrnt wiJl potentialty Grcreau pop:rtarlnn derrsiry. Thepr, _•~r ~,.r'~;._,:; nor demrurd populmlon anulysls. h. The effect upan other espxtg of thc Comprehensive PI.: The proposed amendint.'7!/ IS C(711YtJ/!?IJj tiVlth lhe- ContPr•c-%:: n i!L< %::i: c' /!I!!:17!l:l~ !1 .::'i other aspects oJthe p(rni B. CON1pI.iANCEWrTHT'UL,E 19 (7,UN1NC; REGtiLA"I IC)Nti) OF Tiif: SE'(lhAnF: VAL1.F}' `1UN(CIf'Al. C'C1DL Findinga: Section 19 60 0B4 (Co 'dorMilced Uss Distria) Snakane Va1leyMi~cipa1 C~de 7'bc Cocttprohcnsive Plan Map Amendment is from Low Density Residential (LDFt) ta c'orridor tiliaerl [.Ise (('Mt: ) and comespottding zotiing r7ap arr+ciiluent from SlllgIC-f8Ei11Jy KC51Cj£(itlBl SUhllfbclil U:Istlicc (R-2) it) ('i,rriciu, Mixcd Use District (CMLT .-~C lidvel op:ions, cncourige de%elapllieIll of" The Corridor Mixed Use classificaticn designation is iwctidc-d ta 11tI3Ri lucally scrving commGnialltctail uses, hlatlC!' cit':~ t"esl0:mial, Ivd~iqz LwJ ufticcs vlonc m:~y,r l'OITIdOfS. Conclusian(s): The ptnposed Cortiprehensive Ylan amendment is approximatcly .23 acrcs in sizc and is adjsc.ent to commen:ial uses such as the light asscmbly plant locatod immediatoly to tho south And east. Pim►re devolopment on thc aubjxt propnrty is proposed to entail thc demoliahing of the existing residenco and gsrngo and the canswciion of a new- building to expand the existing light assembly business. 'Ihe access to tho ontire site is proposed to came off of' Tnat Avenuc (a s?zte hi~h«•a~) CP,A-112-08 i5 crns?ster,4 witli thc intection of the Corrid:?r Mired lJse District (CMU ' B. C(iNl('ItLfif `>!NF. f'1 VN '17ia Corridor M'ixed Use (CMtn classification is intendtd to onhence dravel opdons, encourage developmeni of locally sccving commercial uses, multi-famity epactments, lodging and offices aloag mnjor Uanspoctation corridors. 1. LUG-9 of the Comprehensivr Plan encourages the devetopment of Mixed-use areas that foster cammunity identit), and nm designcd to support pedestrian, bicyclc and regional vansit. Stn:t Re;x rt and Recommcn3ntian tn Uie Planning Conftnitslon [ot CPA-02-09 Pagr 4 of 5 Steff Comment: Fxlsttng sidin`alks are located alaig the Trent dti•eeuue corrfdor rn rhis crrra cu well ds mr estnblished S7'A bus route, 2. LUP-9.1 of the Camprehensive Plan statcs that characteristics of e M'uted-usr ares should includc: a) Huusing and empbymont densities to support regionnl hansit service; b) Safq attractive vansit stops and pede.strisn nnd bicycle vrrays. Staff Commaut: ErLstbeg sldcwalks are lotated elong the 7~ew A►enue corrtdor in this area as well as an establitlied STA bus mute. 3. LUP-9.2 of the Compreheusive Pisn sta6es that Iand uses alltiwed in the Caridor Muced-usc designaiion should includc: a) Profauionel Office sad othor employmcat orieated usts. Steff Coaunent: Propased futtre developinem btcludes the comtrtrrlian of a new building ro e.xpcrnd the lighr omembly buslntss dat ls cirrnntly locrrled dirscdy south af the serbject parcel. C. Pusuc FAc[i.mss Findings: Tht prvpetty is currcndy served with public water and scwcr. Future eccess is lo be pravided frum Treni Aventie (SR 290), desigaatecf as a statc highway in the Spokanc Valloy Arttrial Street Plan (Fxhibit 5). D. F1N7QtNC A11iD COSCLUSIONS SPFJC1FiC TO PUBLIC C04fhtEh'TS Fjndings: Steff has recdived no public commcnt concerning the prupasnl to date. Conclttslon(e): Adcquate public noticing was conductcd for CPA-02-08 in sacordance with edoptcd public noticing proac3ures. I E, F= NG wnm cDNC[,usioNS SrEcinc To AcENcy GommErrrs Flndings: Agency commmts are relstvd to the physical devetopment ot the property. Theac cotnmcnts wiil be nddcess=d nt the tirrtc of devclapmcnt. Commeats ere attached es exhi'bits tu the stafi'report. Cnnclusioa(s): Steff 6as reviewed comments and no conccrns are noted. 1V. OVERALL CONCLUSION 'fhe propased Compriehensm Plan dcsignatian to Corridor Mixed Use nnd change in zoning clnssification to Curridor Mixtd Use District (CMLJ) is consistent with the Camprehen0ve Plan's policies and goals. V. STAFF RECONiMENDATION Tlte Ptanning Division aftor review end wnsideration of the submitted applicalion and applicable approval criterin recommcnds thet the Planning Commission recommead npproval of CPA-02-08. Saff Repcat and Rrcammen3nt;m la U:e Ptsuiirtg Ccmmissia: f+u CPA-01.08 F't~o3of5 Exhibit 1: Camprehensive Plan Map filrc P(,lu Pohiic Reside t i CPA-02-08 ~ I > ~ .~rid~ ~ c t+ e = ~ (n~~ i•:' ~ • ~ ~ a _ I l.o~s ~lcual~ Residrnifal I - 1 ~ CPA-02-08 iteq~est: C6anSe ftie Cnmpt-ehessive Phn mip designetbn CEty of Spoi:ise Va[Ley ~~R to CMU; c.kon=e mafdg irom R 2 to ('.MIJ. ECamennity Dcvdopmeat t Departnneat o E-xhibit 2: Zoning Mag ~ - , ,mG=~n~ 1 - C ~ - - ~ ~ =W:A - - ~ - - ; - ~ - T ~ - - ~ _ ` - _ i ~ R; CPA-~02-09 ~ , - ~ q 7A~~ ~ ~ ' ~ , v._ ~ a, ~ - A , ~t-: -~~`~~a'•~" ~ - x ~ ~ ~ G ~ - . , CF+4-02-08 ReqaarsF: Change ihm Cortrprehensive PlRm m'p dcsltllxtion ~T-'ity af 5paUoe 4'w11r-y Eaban LDR lo +CMU t ebance r.axJ:uZ Sram R-2 tn C-W . Community Dcwelopwamt t3rpirhamt . Exhibit 3): 2007 Atrial Map ~ r. F e . ~ . , - V4~17" ~ , ~ S V ~,~i;~I ~ ~~i ~qk ¢y ~ €~j _ ~ • ~ ~ ~ . K J.~~ •1.i . ' I 7- - -~yg~ i ~~,"i r.ia^'.:'~ ~ ' t,~ - ~~4~- ~ ` ~ •C., i`-r., ~ ~e ~F'~^ ~fF_~W-L~f. r . ~ ~ ^ ~ y ~ • ~:s~t~•.•~..3;r ~~_i~.~, ~ 6:F ~ n ~ ~ r. _.;Y ~ - _ • ~ - '~~4' . ~,Y . . 1~;, i y ~f- • - ~ -r.r- . . t ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ I. k} ~ - ~~~.I. y k . 4 . . `e.s~Y ~Ar , ~ ~ ~ t - ~k • ~~=s~ ~r ,~'{a rr IF _ ~ ~ 4~'.~i d. 1.~ i'_11 L'1P~.A _ " _ ~ 1 ~l[ ~E7~91Ya ~ _ f -4.1, ! ~ -'PJ'4--0Lf2-lr8 _ ~y ~ ' ,i ~ 1 • ~ P~E~ I~~+ ~ . - , ~ ~ ' ^ ~ ~ a • , ~N~ _ ~ ~D , f _ • ~ k E-.- i . ~ . }4 x~ ~ ~ • ~ . P ~i i ~ d'r~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I µ , , ~ . _ - _ ' ~ ~ ~ _ y' ~ F,' ' ~ ~ Y _ ~ _.a! • j L r.7 ~~F~y~,• ' • . s ~ , rL~ ~ • . ~~-;-T~~'~'~ ~ , 4~~. _ Fi : • _ _ _ - - - • ~ ~ . I - - ` Cp:A-01-08 RvqutsC-, Chan~e t~ie ~'.OmQrek~eu.bi~~e PlAt~ rnap drstgaa~o~s C`ali~' ofSpc►~;.ane ~~xLl~ from LL1R to CA{LT; chemTMc xaittng [rom R-2 to ChfLT. Cownanalty Ilev-el4pment titparimeut ~ . ~ ~ 1 1 e L~y _ 1 ~l ti! j . MWIN% ! I i r - uc ~ .I , L ~ r k t TT_ YIiY~ i~t 71 I 4el r li~gh~ ~ m i _ o,ca.,,t Cnkl m F.frmo~e~~ I j ~ ~ `-'St Pru6~1'a CPA-Ol-08 • ; ~ I ~ R t M ~ rih,piI - - , ° J TFML-FF r- 1 dli} 7' . ~ ~ I I - - =iLU ~ CPA-02-08 Reqaesi; (hAnge tLe Comprehcnsive Plan mkp des4;nation CSty o/Spoti:ane VaUey tram LDR to CMU; c6ange xonieg from R•2 ta CVIIJ. Commsafty Devdapmeat Deparhaoat Exhibit 5; Transportation Map • ~ - ' Ik 17p I L- ~ =F~r~ Wc51 i'elle~Scnao►•klk-h m Li - ; ~ - ' ~ ~ 1 J N ~ 1 _ , - - ~ _ _ _ tj, ;T CPA-02-08 ~ 174 I ~ ~ ~ __~ur isls ~ I - ict c L-egeixd CurrcAi C-1ast#fizatfGn ~ - sIotc Ar F edu-al F`rirac3po! A.rGCrial • h4inor r4ricriol Y= Propo5ed iIfinCfpal AntrW - ~ f .}'t'opos~4 Cw7inarArterinl PE~~sed r.alicaor ~ I ~g~d ~ 6u_ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ I~~ ~ Ap~ ■ CP'A-4243 Requtst. Chs~e the Comprelhen9lvc glam map desipatium CIty of Spokaiie VDllty frana, LI3R to CM[JT. chouge nning froyu R-: 1o C]4fL`. cornrnulaity Dcvelapmtnt Departmeot I ~ i i EXHIBIT 6 : CI31F {]F SPO1CANE VALLE"Y ~ (FDr staff Use Dnly) communlty Devebopo-tr€~~~ Dc-parkrnent ~ ~I~lr i~c~rEDar_ Current ^~r►+~'~. I~annlra~ Dlvks~iQn DxseSuSMrr-r r~: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Su1te 106 FzLE No.{NamE: 5pokane Valley. WA 99206 Te3: (SD9) 921-lOD0 orr Fax: (509) 921-1009 Putmrm r. FE e:~* aa~~►1~1ng~7~~ i~n~v~lae~v.orc~ Jf}~ .~y SGPA FEE: COMPREHENSllfE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIO-hJ PAR1` t - APPLICATi ] ON thlF ORMA3I ON (Cheek One) ~ IUdap Amendment El Toxt Araendm~ent PROPERTll QWNER: WJIBST+~t~~ Urn+ AA,A91J!#GADCIRESS= -L-J'0-b Ctry: 5~ATE: WA- ZfP: 41'32IZ Email. PHONE: (raM) (WK) fcR IX t ~ (e*V4.-W- ~ MMlJNG ADDE2ESS° ~r• -i; 0 KAeJug; Cffy. ~ 'STATE: j4J& ZIp. __V2AD' PMDNEjm,+~ _ (+n+k? !52'-C0''*(ekb (M i.) gs (o q co ltELAl'IOUSHIRTDOWWNER: ~~~lllM i PFCC7PERiuy LoGASI{?u (ADDRESS AN4/i?R [}RSTAhJ~E AND DIREC1-10N rrRC1M NEAREST CRCISS STREf-T); AsSEssOR P~~CF-LNO.: ~'~~7~ ~ €~~~PEK" SIZE:152~L~' CURREh1f CDR4'fPREHFffiSl'UE PLAE+J DEii.~`'ah1,4'niC3N: 1 rw..]fi~ ~1trI'iA~ PROPd]SEb C C]ME'P-EH EN5f VE PLAN I}ES1GH ATI[7W. _COOM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CURRENT ZON aNG Cs_AssIFIcATlON: LA tZ --~5 ~xJ M1I-1, PROPOsEr) ZONir~~ CLAs~~~CA7-rON: r'~ - -;~2- b ' id e O'~ BRJE-FLY ExPLAIN REASOx FoR NLAP OR TEXT AMErrDMEr,T {A'~-rACH Fur-L ExPr,AH,aTIpN}: WA.~3e,-~~-Ipwc-tpT PAO-~r=-t,.~ ~kLt -r e; eL1►.*jc,,, D~"J b AA4 SIGNArur~ Or- PROPERr,r €~Eic ~ ~ Pk.) VArE : _,It9 - ,~T~~ • 5IGN,~~~tE r~F APPuc,~rfr: D ~ f Page 3 of 26 PART IV , PPLlCANT SIGNATURE ~ ~f ,(priM name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE _ ARE E`fRUTHFULLY A1JD TO TNE 6EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ' 112 • -O ~ {Sfar,atur~) {Date) ~ NOTARY (For Part II;I ab.wt) C-TATE OF WASHINGTON ) s5 COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) lt1@tf116 a?&~ dByOt ~ 20_0 7 i IJOTARY S: AL NOTARY SIGNATUP.E f;_': r~~ Pt bll; _ Nofary Pubfic in a for the State of Wash+ng"o? ~-iE:IUT A. i OD. :U;,:TEFl = - Residing at .,,Y 00i.4J,»SS10N EX. tnf,B Sepldr• ~[-f t ~~7 , My appointment exp'sres Counpri~.hensive p1aa, a nlf~ndment raesr~~ti4'c The ov+r-iaer of the referenc~.d parceI 45072.7(?01 ivishc~s to chanQe at classif c?ti:,r; T'ronl R-3 Singlc fami1y to CMU corridar rmr,xe,d use ciistrict- arc uhr ciirre.nt classificauan which will take piace an October'?8, 2007 7'"~~ owne aiso oavr►s (2) adjaccnt p~~s wPxiclp arc ideritified ~ 4-5072.7004 zi1id 45072.7007 whir.h are under the new co& znnod the ~~la&sification. 'I'he;k ? parcelr frerut csn "Tr~!nt Av~.~iLUc and there arc cui:rently (4) existin; bui9dings on the 2 pa$cels_ Thc skibjcet pa=l #°ronts ora CarlisIe Avenue and currently has a single f~~miiy residon[e a;[~d a del.aehed gsr~ z-- 95~ui'dimz. 'Diiw vropei:y h2~ b 'n sintie [i7e ourchasff in j$nuwy of 2007. T'he owQer wctu]d like to czpa[ad L11c cumm-E.reial buildirip iiito [h~~ ~~ubje'_I prc~pt.;rl.y, CeiK,z woeilti indude detnoiitioa c~f the residmce and ,~~rag~ and one €~f the car~m~iai buEduYgs. ~her~ wnstruct a new building of approx 5,000 s.f. witit ia 2 b$y recessed tsuc.k weH For shipping aird recf~ivin~. This ~ack ►~ell woulcl trc ac~secI ~'ror~'I`r~t A~~ea~ue. The cxisting use vf the- roanniercial buildirsg is 1ight assernbly of parts to c=tc 1arge commaeial paint btior,hGs #`ox the autoutotive industrv. Thc process is as follows. parB are rrcc6ved by truc.k anci socted then pam are assembleei to create a ckimplete p,ackage tu be shippcd oizt by t:uek there is no manufactuuing on sitc, The ordiryation of the new ari€iition will be to the west af the existing buildings asrd will fa.ceTreut Avenue. With the new build.ina set this: way. it wflt provid~ alon;g the acquireel lardscapina aprotectran bt,ffer betwten the corrrirtercial ar3a the adjoining re-sidentia1 arms. NVe Feel tia! this woLild be 1~ie bwst trse of the wuhject property, du,: tc) tht: existing residcace and garage, are in a n1n dowz~ ~ondyboL. . ►ur pmposal will hclp the area by (1) removal of a run down residence anul with the required landscaping pravid: a buffer hetwccn comtnercial ..nd : esidcntial zoacs. F~ C)ur proposal is consistmt wiih the requircmtuits under O1C I1Cµ' CfdE, tlie -d}acent Qroperty is already zoned CMLI and with this amendmeat change, ic will allow racpaasion of an existing busincss. ibe changc is a changc which is allowed, this also will help the owncr expnns his business aud remove an undesirable run dowa property. I!. The proposed does not comcx a mepping en-or. lt just will br<<;~fir che peighborhood and allows e lacal business W stay in the area. f--. Tl? rtop7.tiPd CjoC'S 11ot 8dd:'t'~.'S 3ny (jFtiClrll=le~ 1?1 Iilc Cl1C:cI1: CC77j rC~:~j~C D l:ifl. f ~:-IT _ Ut:t dflc,.~ts a2 uur propo;al :ac (l) ezp2nston of sn cxisiing lociil busuirs~, i;~.eping them in the area and (2) cleaninS up the neighborhood by removin t ::u <<nwaated run dawn residmcc. 1, The proposed will no affecc any apen spaoc, stesm, river ar lake dve to n<<uc of tliesc itetns cacists at the site. ~ The prc►pased would be campetiblc with the adjacent properties to the eas( 3~id ~:)uth because this is the location of the business wishing to capand. As di:- compatibility with the neighborhood, the required lanciseaping and setbacl_- ti11 1.)uld crrate buffers fmm the two uses. Thisproposel wauldnotincreasctheim~::_. :J %:n,_ r i"_:~ ~~..,,,:r• all alrcady are preseni and racist ai the sir~-. F_. BL'OC{itS t0 the ACIglUUIb0W aTC .J~_)'xv IC,I1!_ C![b' and regian, kceping a local busincss and tax dollars in the area. 1• The property is located between Dick and Vista fronting an Carlisle Avenuc Meati6cd as 8124 E. Carlisle, parcel number 45072.7003. This parccl consists o; 1 i), 312 s.f. with a singlc family residcucc and detached garage. cJ. With the progosal there should be no changes to the currenc or projcxtr population dcnsidcs because the arca in which the property is locatal i, =eady establishcd community and ncighborhood. ( ~iiC I}it~~(~5:i~ «'C'lll:~ !?i ~i ~1.'.'r': "::7ti' r,tF,=. ;,ff.•,-Ee ( t~e~ ri.~rT.=t~t mr~;r}-:°li;i', _ . i X-H IBT7 E COMMUTII'[Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Yalley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax: 509.921.1008 dtyhall@spokanevalley.org DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File No: CPA-02-08 Description of proposal: Comprehestisive Plan h4ap amendment from Lc,%v Densiiy RQSidential to Carridor MixQtl Use District; mrresponding wning map amendment from SingIe-faau7y Residenhal Suburban Dlstrict (R-2) tv Corridor Mixed Use Distrid (CMq on aPPmximat,ely .zi aaes of land. This proposal ia considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. Proponent: MMC Investnents, LLC dz joe Stoy (Baker Constructinn) t.ocation of proposal: The proposal is locafied north of Trent Avenue (SR 290) on Carlisle Avenue at 8124 Bast Carl{sle Avenue; speaf~icaily located in the NW Ya of Settion 7, Township 23 Nordi, Range 44 EWM; parcel number 450727003, Spokane Valley, Washingtoa Lead Agency: CiEy of Spokane VaIley Community Development Deparinier►t, PIanning Division Determinadon: Puisuant to Tide 21 (firtvironmental Controls) af the Citq of Spokane VaIley Urdform Development Code, the lead agency has determined that tius proposal does iwt have a probable sigrLif'xant adverse impact on the environnlent An Enviranmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C030(2)(c). Ttus decision was made after review oE a completed environmental checklist and other information on fiIe with the ]eed agenry. Thi information is available to the public on request, Date Issued: February 15, 2008 DNS iasued under WAC 197-11-344(2) Responsible Offidal: Staff Coatact: Kathy McQun,g, Commtutity DeveLopaient Direcbor :4Sicki Harnois, Associate Plnnr►er City of Spokane VaIIey Coaununity Development City of Spokane Valley Gammunity Developnzent Departrnent Department, Plauuzing Division Vailey Redwood Plar,a,11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Valley Redwood P1aza,11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Suibe 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0240 / FX (509) 688-0306 PH: (509) 68840048 / FX: (509) 688-0306 kmcclung@spokanevalley.org mhamais@spokanevafley.org Date tssued: February 15, 2008 Signatare:~ ' V ArrEAL: An appeal of this debermination must be submitted to the Community elopment Department iti-itnin fourteen (14) calendar days af6er the datp issued specifically by February 29, 2008 at 5:00 g.m.. This appeal must be written and make 6pecific factual abjections to the Cit}'s threshold deternninatian. Appeals shall be conducted in cnnfornunce with Section 17.90 (Appeals) of the City'e Uniform I?evelapment Code, and any required fees pursuant bo the City's adopted Fee Schedule shall he paid at tirne of appeal submittal. Pursuant tn WAC 197-11-b80, appeals shall be limited to a review af a final threshold deterninatian. 1 :gelofl :ki Harnois From: Cote, Ronaid (CoteR@wsdatwa.govj Ssnt: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 4:06 PM To: Mtcki Hamis Cc: Flgg, Greg; Hee, lCevln SUbject. CPA'02-08 ' 812V C CarilSir (1tur is. F iarnais, I ite Wsshir!gton 5[-ate Dcpx-tmlent <>i'Transp--irtaiion (WSD()'I) hns revieu-::d tllis pioF1043l Iind I135 2}ie follauiiir ` (1n)meMts: • Thm the applictint updait; ihe access pcruut for Ihis site due iu the cha"e :n in ?he SFPA Dc.cumvut tl;:. applicant states they may %ndea the approach to Trent Ave. o The applicant can do so by caniaciing Kevin Hee of WSDOT Mai.atenazcL:: t(~iE,i) 7liank N-ou for thc apport«nity tn comment rt.nd ifyou shrnild hsve any questions p!:ase contnct me v;a I--mai[ or phun:;. !i c»T Cnt c' i1'SDOT ER f'lan,;i,q= % +91314-6193 ~ ! ` 01-08 thru CPA-OS-OB Pnge l of i ;kl Hamols _ "-)m: Red, Jlm (JRedQspokan&county.crgJ sz~nL Tuesday, February Ob, 2008 10:48 I',M T~D; Tevis Schmidt Midd Hamols; Micici Hemois Subject: CPA-01-08 thru CPA-08-08 ~,I! C~mpr~en3i~~e Pl,r, .m~r•ir. ; - t~,~iI t, E~.,~ " pr_,F,.-?;l ~ ~ l: arr- Javeloped. Plans, tees, security ansi so on, wll be require-d as needed ' you have any qussfions, please contact mA at 477-7275. ;nan4c Ji,n L, £ ~ Ui- 1NASHlNGTON ~ ,,'TAuTMENr oF EcaLoc>> • , ~'re(-t • Spok.itlP, Wishhcfoo 442OS-1295 • (505)319•340,j FC EV ~ kf~O Q ~ • M`. katil) `4c~.lun~ Uirc~:wr City of Spokane Valley t~ammunity Dcvelagmcrit Dcpartmenc 1] 707 East Sprague AveniiA. St:it,: 106 Sj,okenc VaIicy, WA 9920o Urar Ms. McClung: Thank you fotthe appernuii►y co conimeat au the Dettunlinstiuu ofNnnsignific,iisc,: reg:irding tfic• proposod Cotnprehansive Plan Amendmcat, Eilc No. CPA-02-08 (Proponont-MltiiC uivcstuiccits, L? F). Thc DepeRment of Ecology has re%•ieckvd the dt►cumenis and wauld like to submit the follosvinw _ omments: ` %Aid Waste Progracii 1 hc applic~nt pro~~~s cc i;~uitl;~:j uu c:.utf~ig stru~ta:~(s). IiCiFI D.7.a af tiIc chu}:lisi asks it'dia(c are ~:nyenviranmental hsalth haaards tUat cQUld oocur as a result af dis pmposal. ]mpropar disposal of soti:' %Vastq including demolidan wASte, can rwult m euvimnmental liealth hazards. Vr'e cncaaurege tlle : fplicnni to sa}vago, rwse, snd recycle as much of the wasit as pc>ssble. Recycling detnalitian debris i5 z\ pically less eVensive thsn disposal. Othetwi5e, the demnlitiott wastz must he tlispnsed of at a ptrtnit!zd c,,,lid waste fecility. «'c' CI1COilfHgC t}iC HJ3pItCdAt ZCI tISC COIIS'tILGL10I1 j)CQdUCm COt1iIlI1mt4 1LC'l', iGd :i:ij wLenevrr possiblc, to reose and moycle sil lcftovrr coastruction inatcriels, a1id rcrlurc waste gcncrand praMica "Gtten Building" principals in ell a_cts af the projcct_ Recyr.linc constn!ctinn debrie i: !ypically lcsscxpensive lhfln i,_ 0,11 s::t ag,-a461(a}ecy.wa.gov for assistan,: C lt is praferablC W lcevc the CxiStini \ rgrt~aioti tuidisturbcd for butii acs:lir[ic aud Yr4GtWal tc~at~::- t iowover, if ii must te ramoved the applicaut is cncouragad to dispose of rt at a wmpost facilityc~: r~; i; elsesvhora. Lantiscapiag sbould incorporate waste preveniion messures and the use of nrganic materials. Waier nec ' ere raduccd by uso of drought toterant planiiags, compost material, tnulc6, a«d drip urigation. Pesticid _ ai-id herbicido use is oliminated ar reducod by vse of pest resistant and tuitivo plsntings. Compast is als~ r frectivo soit amcndmcnt. Cliipped woody debris can be usad to mulch ornnmontel beds, suppress wer, retaim moistcve, control erosiaii, and provida a buse fnr paihways. We nlso recommead using orgaalc dcbri5 gcncrated on-sitc if passible for fandscapfng. lbe appl'rcant should consider designing the pmjxt so opportunitsas to recycle are at least as canvanient as «-aste dispasaJ. Try to provide adoquate, propcrly locatcd spece insidc and outsido the prajoct to acrommodete oqnipment end contninas for processing and stomgo of rr.cyclablcs. Plnn to rocycle itoms such as pnpor, glass, sluminum and other rnetals, corrugatod oontainors and plastic. '.'I:. Kaihy McClung -)q. ?f1flS ~ ii,~; ticiU'~ c.•~~C;~si3~_~ii, vi (i:c j ~ ;~4 I! _v::.::i_ii_; G_ L:r, t'(~~~:..,._ .ti:J ~.1~~i:.._ ti,~C _ -i._- ,:l'or rnade from nxyclcd materi~s. Use of law-toxie or non-toxic products for cleaninst, mairtennnce, ,i!i ; ottrer purposcs am oncnuragi:d. ~i JCtICI:I~ tt:9StC FS: ~vcntion ~~ieti►ods is al~ impo~t~r~t. ~Vatalm1t£S~Fro¢ratti t:In-slte septictanl• and d:ainficIJ iCl7~_• zLrC Uc;i~fiCj Ic) TIe::? 3t1i1 d!SFui,. G} cjuti)c~Ul' %Va;li1ti';1ICi 0E Il; c:Lluivalent cmly. Comtnercial end iadustrial operations discharging wastas odier [han damestic wust",at-: r on-site syscoms may, result in gmunci wa;cr conterninrttion nnd could cause thr fecility aw;icr or opcrator iitcur severe liabiiities. W'ater O alitv Promi~ :`_;1 new dry wells and o:her uijzction wclls must be i-tgistcred witli the Undnc•groucid lnjection Control p, obTam (UIC) at Departmont of Ecology prior w usQ and the discharge Gcxn the well(s) must eompl), vvi;:, titie ground water quality requiramcnt (nonendangorment standard) at the Wp of the ground watar table. ontact the UIC staflf at UIC Program, Dapartmetit of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, 0lympia, WA 98544- 7f_;00. (360) 447-6143 or go to hitn:llw%y.ecy_wa.E~~~~.~nr~,crzin~~~~~i~'~yYr!uic!i~etist!-~tic~n'ree infn.i~t~il iclr registrntion farms and further information ~ 1T7nV1'aterrunoffmsycontain incieased le~ek t): gTCi!i:', <<1k, tiC~:l!]lt!ll, G:li{ ot11Lf CiCt-1S. Sto1'lll\\'AIC. Bcsc NiBnegement Precticcs (BMPs) should bz in::11111c _i ar._, di ~ch::r~e t~iil 1."r .i ProPrietely treatod to remove these substance>. =t 1)umpsters and refuse colleetion contaiaars shail b~: di213hl,:, QoI1:i.,!oEi L :i;Ed liave close frtting covars. If spiltegc or leakage does acc(;r, il:e I,: p1.kc.:1 up aitd itturnod to the rontainor and the F'-r'c'3 ro;•,_+ I,. cle::ncA S~, ate Emironmontal PolicyActlSEP:; , f:ology'seommcntssrebaseduponcI i,_ n ,;.I:, " j 1 ;,1,,.,_1_'i ,\<<~; IlCri C(1l15LItlttC Flll CXtIF1t15tIV0 IISt Of Ttlf. VeTi0U5 BULhUfIAilOi1- 1:1;11 ~•~!t:~.l ~i: ;'C•i iiii:ki "f' t":iat must bc fultil?td H ordcr,n carc} oi?1 tile proro;or1 acti,~[i. tii:;:: rcly. 1 crri Costel.''-' SEPA Courc:u~ac~ nepartmont of Eco!,_,r:~• Eastcrn Rcgional 0fii~,_-- 460 1 N. MonrocStrcct 5pokane,WA 99205- f ; t'lzane: (509)329-3550 Emaii: cc: Roberi Crass, h'IMC Invcstmonts,ll ~ CoMntc.rmr DnTLoPMENT DErARTNIEN-T PI.ANMG DIVLSION e STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMLSSION CPA-0408 ~ STAFF RF.!'URT DATE: Apri130, 2008 HEAar.*rc DATe Axn t.ocwnoh: hiay 8, 2408, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenuc, Suitc lOl, Spoksne Valley, Weshington 99206. PitoPOSAL DESCx[rnon: Comprohansivc Plan Map amendmcnt from Corridor Mixed Uso to Medium Density Residential; comsponding zoning map amendmcnt from Cvrridor Mixcd Uso (CMU) to Mcdium Dcnsity Multi- family (Nff'-1) on approxlmaicty 3.0 acres of land. This proposal is considarod a aan-project actioa under RCW d3.21C. PROPOSAL LOCA770N: The proposal is located south of Spraguc Avenuc on Tschirley Street nt 120 S. Tschiricy. 106 S. Tschirlcy and parczl to tha narth of 106 S. Tschirley; specifically located in the NW '1. of Section 19. Township 25 North. Range 45 EWM; par+cel aumbers 55192.9029, 55192.9051, and 55191.9452, Spokene Valley, Washington. Ow1vEWAPPt.tcMT: Stcphen H. Ford & Victur N. Coaper, 320 S. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley, WA 99037 APPUCANTS REPRESENTATrvE: Samc APPROVAL CR1TERlA: Chspter 2(Urban Land Usc) af thc Spokaae Valley Comprchensivc Plan, Tide 17 (Cieneral Provisions), Title 19 (ZaninR Rtgularions) and Titlc 21 (Enviranmcntal Cantrols) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC), SL1►iTURY OF R£COl►~.~4fE.'YDATI01: The Planning Division, after review and cnnsideration of the submitted applicatioa snd applicable approval criteris, recommends that the Planning Gonunission Approve CPA-04-08. STwFF P[.ANNER: Tavis Schmidi, Assistant Planner, Cominunity Development DepartmeM REvEEwLO BY: Greg McGannick, AICP, Planning Manager, Cammunity De,welopmont Dopaztment ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit I: Compccheasive Plan Map Gxtibit 2 Zoning Map Exhihit 3: 2007 Asrinl Map Eachibit 4: Vicinity Map Fxhibit S: Transportarion Map Exhibit b: Applicatian Submittnl Exhibit 7: SEPA Dctcrmination Exhibit 8: Agency Comments Stafi' Repatt end Rraimmrndatiun tn ttx Clnnning Cammissum fur Ce'A-01-08 Page 1 of S I. BACKGRUUND INFORMATION APPLiCATIOh PROCFSMG: Chapter 17.80 Permit F'rocessing Proccdures in the Spokane Vallcy Municipal Codo (SVMC). The following summarizes kry applicgtion procedures for the proposal. AppllCatiOII Suhmittcd: October 30, 201, Determinatioa of Campletcncss: Novcmber 1, 20 Issuance of D4terminstion of Nan-Sigaificance (DNS): Februarv 15. 20 ~ End of Appeal Period for DN5: ~ Fcbruary 29, 2008 Date of Published Noticx af Public Hearing: April 18, 2008 Unte of Ntailecl I`otice of Puhlic Hearinu: , April 18,2008 PROPER'fY LYFOPUHATiON: Sizt ead Charaeteristics: The site is epFroximately 3.0 acres in size. The SEPA checklist statcs the site is flat. Compnheasive Plan: M Corridar Mixed Use Zoning: Corridar Mixed Use !C'~11 Existing LandUse: 'S t i It1tOLT?v'pING COMPREHENSIYE FL.a N. I i ; North Comprehensive Plan -Public/Quasi I'ublic, Curridor Ntixcd i Zuning-Communiry Facilitice (CF) and Corridor Mixed lise (ChiL.) Existing Land llses - Cocnmercial and Communiri• Facilities South Comprehcnsivc Plan - h4cdium Dcnsity Residential and I.ow Dcnsih Zoning- Multi-familyMediumDensityResi-J_1!i.:1 I %`I Existinqt Land Usos - Single family residencc, East Ccmprehensiva Plan- CvrridarMixed Usc a!,_i L, Zoning - Corridor Atixed Use (CMU) and Single-tamily Residentisl Discrici (R- ~ i ExistinR Land Uses - Mobile home park, assisted living faciliry, sin le familyr~ VJest Comprehensive Plan - Mediutn Density Itesidential and Puhlic'Qmr.si Puhli~: Zoning - Multi-family ML-d ium Dcnsitv Res~.~~;,;~ ExictinvLand i.ises - S: _i Findina- : Pursuan i : 68s determincil thst this pruposal does not tiave a probablc signiticaut advcrsc impact on tfte envuont»cut. A: Environmeatal Impact Statement (EIS) is not requirod under RCW 43.21 C.030(2}(c). The Planning Divisio; issuai a Detormination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the proposal. This decisian was ma.de aftcr review of a completed environmental checklist nnd othar information oa file with the Iead agency. Canclus[on(s): The procadural rcquirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Tide 21 of the SVMC have becn fulfillod by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and the issnance of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination ofNon-Significanee (DNS). No nppeals were received. Stafi Report and Recocnmrndntion to the Plnnning Commissioa for CAA-04-08 Page 2 ot S . FINDINGS AND CONCLIISIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AhENDMENT :v COMP •uN wATBnTL,E 17 (GENERAL PROVISL4N8) OB TRE SPOKANE VALLEI' MUMC[PAL CODE Fiaidinp: ~.etion 17 80 140 H(CQmorehensivo Plan Ameadment AAproval Criteria) Spoksu~e Valle~• ti4unici~al ~od~ 1. Thc Ciry may approve Comprehcnsive PlBa emendmeats snd area-wide zoae map amendments if it finds that (unalysis is italiciud): a. The proposed emendmcnt besrs a wbstsntial rolationship to the puhlic henlth, kafety, welfare, , nd protCCtibII Of the CnV1f0nIDCIIt; 71Ta publlc health, safely, wtd general weljare wil/ he promote_! in r.cc•<jrcluncc- ►iiiii .ctanulurds rs<<rblisl;t•d Iilv the slate and the Clty oJSpokane Yalley's regulwions. b. i he propostd emendment is consistont with the requirements of Chspter 36.70A RC: NV and Nvith the portian of the City's adopted ptan not affected by the amendment: I'J:e proposed amendment Ls canslstent wlth the Growth Ahrnagenrent .4cr. ,le signations are conslstent wtth the proposed amendmenr. c. The proposed amcndment respands to a substantiel change in conditions be%~ond the pnipeny owner's c ontrol applicable to the area within which the subject property lies: 77re praposed amcndment does not respond to a substantial chmtk~,• in co »,dilror,, ci. I t,e proposai smcndmccrt convots an obviovs mapping ermr, or 17;_-- proposed umendntent dnes not correct a mapping errar. c . TiDi; ptoposcd $mendment addresses an idcntificd deftcioncy in the Cornprclicnsivr Pisn. 1 -he praposed m,rendment doe.r no1 address an ldent!fied deftclency fn the Compr¢hensive Plan. 'rlic Cit}, arust also coasidet the following factors prior ro approving Comprehensivc Plan amendmrnt>: n The effact upoa the phvsical cavironment; i'ursumtf Io rtle 21 (Environmenlal Coatr•n(;) OJ jht' L!71 t~ Spukt71I:' t Q:lt j' U)7!)0."JJ7 Di ►'r'f[ipJl;a'lll t Ucli. rl;e lead agency has determtned that this proposal daes rrnt have o probable srgnorant udti,erse ir„p,lcrcm the ervtrom►rext Frrrtherenviranmentql evaluatiorr r,rin' 1'c' rnmpl,'fP,1:1; fj7i' !lnte o{CI('!!:i'rti. b. 'lhc cffxt on open spaco, strcams, rivcrs, and lake-,. nJt' SEPA checkllsf slutes thal lhet'e is no surface it atcr hoi11 llll (J1' 111 l/11.' fllllllctllillt 1'1clll)(l o' tillc . c. "I'hc cocnpatibility with aad impeci an adjaccnt land usas and surrammding neighbarhoods; 7fu proposed mnencfinent is conltgarous to Medrwn Dcrosity Resfde»tial cnd Corridor MJxed G'.se Comprehensfve Plan desTgnatlons. 7he proposed amendment is also located adfacera ro existrnk re.sidenttal neighborhoads (west wrd south af CPd-04-08). A1 the tirne ojdevelopmanl, standarcls i,: 1; r!:• Z? (Deslg» and Development Strmdcrrds), wlIl ensiae conrpatibllity w-ith adjacent Imid uses. d. Tlhe ade,quacy of and impect on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportaiian. parks, recrtation, and schools, Tlre Ciry of Spo,Ecme valley addresaes adequczcy of comnnarityJacllities on a eftywlde basfs thraugl: cnpita! facllities plvning. Policy CFP-9.1 ojtlre Comprehrnsive Plan reconnrrends a cancivrenf-, numagrment system far trcr"sportation, sewer, and water facilities. 7he Cfry of Spokane Yallei and Recrr•nJic»t Plun outiinrs rnn inrpl~~nrantulion strwcg), iltrlrrding c1 cvpllul 1;u-ilitits plun, wl;. 5taft Rcpm nnd RccommenSs:icm ti the Plenning Co=issinn fcr CPA-fJ:-09 pbg: 3 of S Identifies cosrs and revenue sowves jor new parks. 77re proposed amendnrent will have an inpact on schooLs conslderirrg the request !s for a medlum densJty residential deslgrwrion. e beaefit ta tho aoighborhood, City, and region; , proposed amendment x-t11 prnvide medlum density residential develapme,it vppnrtunitir-s irc:reusrng low to ,nid lncome residenlial horrsing in the seProunding neighborhaod qu:.itltit} ruid 1ocatit,n c,f l::nd planncd for the proposec, ianJ usr h.pe anJ density and the demurd for latiil; i ~lr pruj'OSi'd 41R7c'1St1lNt111 !.ti (i~)~iYc:1-Tl7ltallt'1~litree 13.1 uCres rn si:P Q7I[7 it'Jfl pI(Jv7tft' (!iIlllfloli[2I lllitiltiJlt ,::~lsiry resldential housing. The potentiul denandfor rhli rype ofreslderrri:-rl clrt eInrnrenr r.= 1ri~lr rrr :rens in elose praxlmity to mufor transporlalion routes, seh<<,?l.s crnd rurkc. e. I iic curront ead pmjected populetion densiry in the area; snd 71ie proposed amendment will patenttally increare popularrc;n d<°,;.~iri. 77~~~,•r;t,~ti; ~1 ~~,~;:,;:~,,;~,;r ~1;.~s !r; v denuvrd populvtion analysis. i, I he effoct upon othec aspects of the Comprehen3ive Plan. Th,e rraposed a»tendnrent is eonsistent with the C'nmprehe,: sirt, PI<rrr cmd ti% i;l l;:n•. nrii,rntul inltlacl uPl ;~rfr<-r sJ Fects of riepl~l~~ ~ B. C'()Nti'Lt_titi'c e cv[TEt TITLF: 19 f"LO'r'I`G Ri:;l~LArIoNsti oF LLIL 5POK.ahe S'Ai.i_LY M~T'NlC[FAt. CODF. Flil(IiDg6i Stctioa 19.40.070 Q,vledium,pensitv Multifg~ilv Res~lentiau Suokane Vallev 'ci C~,~e i"he Compreheasive Plan Msp Amendmont is from Corridor Mixed Use to Medium Detuity kesidLntial :111d corresponding zoning map amendmeni fram Corridor Mixed Usa (CMU) to Medium Densin, Multi-fanniiy Rcsidential (MF-1). "I lie Modium Deruity Mulrifamlly Residrntial Districi represents an opportunity to provide a r; n.-;t t~flio~usink tN}lcs to nccommodate snticipsted tesidential growth. Multi•fnmily residential zones with densities not to excced 12 units per acrc should be used as uansitional zoning beriveen highar inteasity land uses such as commercial and office co Iower dtasity sittgle-family neighborhoods. Medium density residentisl areas should be located nenr scrvtices ai;d tiigh capecity transit facilitic_. or trarlsit ruutc" Cunclosion(s): 1'he proposed Wnprehensi~e Ylan amcnciinent is approxitnatel), 3.0 e►:res in size und will be 4acent to atl;:r medium densiiy residential uses in the anea furthering tho transitional characteristics bchrven cammercial and to« cr ciensity single-fgmily rtsidential ncighborhoods. CPA-04-08 is consib-tent with the intcntion of the Medium Densit~ I~Iulti-family Resideatia) Disznrt. ~ B. Com[PxE[iEtvsn Pt,AN he Medium DettiSity Residenti;il (Nillf:) classificatiur3 encouragea the development o2 housing types such duplexes, townhouses, and condominiums in e.xisting multi family areas. Multi-family residential zonos shoulJ br used as trans;tionnl zoning between higher intensity land uses to lowcr density single family neighborhoods. ZoninL: will allow np to twetve (12) dwelling units per acre. Steffanalysis is italicizad. 1. LUG-2 of the Comprebensive Plan encouragesa N~idr rangc of housinL tvpes anrl dcnsities thc cammuniiv's needs and prrferences Staff Comment: at the tfine oJdevelopmeret, the dev+eloper flwstld conslder LUG-2 ►o promole cnt cusosrntcnt uf residentfal tyges for the growtng populatron. 2. HG-1 of the Comprehensive Plan cncourages divcrsity in design ta meet the housing needs of the residtnts of the community and region. Staff Comment The propased Comprehensive Plun amendrnent !s located adjcue»t 1o an existing residenrial neeghborhood (sotrth wul west of CPA-04-08). ThE development ls wlthvt walktng dlstarrce oJfutwe translt corridots, schools and recrealional jaciJities. 3. HP-2.6 of the Carnprehcnsive Pian nconunends the development of nea• affordable housing within oae-quartor milo of transit corridors. Staff Comineni: The propusu! site is located just south oJexisting trmuit corridor alang Spraguz Avenue and posslble fiuure light rail corridor. C. PcTsWc FACa.M Flndjnga: The property is curmatly served with public water and is in the six (6) ycar sewer p18n. Acccss is providad fmm Tschirlcy Strcet (L-xhihit 5). D. F1N nTMG A1r~iD COtiCLLiS1C1N~5 SPECIFIC TO Pl1BL1G COND1E.N'IS Findings: Staff has recoived nto public cornment conceming the proposal to ciate. Conclnston(s): Adequtiie public noticing «•as conducted for CPA-07-08 in accorciance with adopted public noticing procodwes. E. FIND1NG AND C.Q\CLUSIONS SPEC[FiC TO AGENCI' CO,'►1hiE'_rTS Findinga: Agency camments are re(ated to the ph}'sicnl development of the property. ThzsE comments will be addressed at the time ofdevelopment. Commant, am nttacbed ns exhibits to the stnfl`'report, Concluaion(s): Staff bas rcvieu•ed rQmmtnts and no conceras are noted. IV. OVERALL CONCLU$ION Thc propased Comprchcnsive Pian designation to Medium Densiry Residendal and changa in zflning classificatian to Medium Drnsiry Multi-family ResidcAtial (Ivff-1) is cvnsisuat with the Comprchcnsive Plans policios and goaLs. Y. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Plannirag Division after review and cansideration of the subcnittod applicatian and applIcable approval criteria rerommeads thnt the Planning Commissian mcammend approval of CPA-044)8. Stnff Flcporl end Rccemmt-iduioo to the Plmtning Cntns.ission fcr GPA.-04-08 Pegc 5 o! 5 Exhibit l: Comprehensive Plan Map x Denfi °83 Rn[dmtial ~ P"b» ~ Grcenncrrs Tliddk j Corrid r • Mued ~ r- y CPA-04-08 ~ M1127 nasi- ~ Publi 'umifor, z, ~ 1f iicc3,l st ,~ti... blediJ, J ~it} Residcntiil'-x~i D sity idw4ial A ~ GPA-04-08 Rcqnest: Cb~nge tbe Compnbensive P1an msp designstion Chy of Spokane VaIky from CMLi to MF-1; cLaugc zantn; from CMU to MF-1. Commnatty DeYelapment Dtparimeat . - J Exhibit 2: Zoning Map 7 \ Gr+rcaacres ~ Mlddie ~ I ~o`•t'~'~ u j_ c~A-oa-os CF . ~ . ~ ~ ~ \1T-1 ` c. c _ A(11 . h I ` ~ . ' \ - ~ r:. i ~ ti_ - R-3 L r CPA-04-08 Rrqocst: Cbange the Comprebessive PLn mip dcsipatloo Cits of Spokaae Valky from CMU to MDR; c6ange xon[ag tFom CMU to MF-1. Commuvits Der-e{opment Departmeot Exhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map i- r ~ - l 1! 1 I ~ , ~ T_~y~.y~ ~ ' j-~r~'!~`~ ~ • 3: _ ` . , • ' l~~~:~ , e cPA-04-08 3 ' 1 ~ ~ - -~-y~ ' , 1 • r . ~ , `;c _ x ~ - - - . . . . .c • ~ ' ~ ~ I ~ + L ~ -n ~ n--.r_n r - i . v : . ~ - - - ' _ - 's,• ~ ■ _ r r I ~ , ~ ~ ~ • i;~ ? , r ~ CPA-04-08 Rcqucst: Change thc Compreheasive Plxa map destgnatbo City of Spalwee Valky from CNiU to MDR; cliange zoning [rnm CMU to hiF-1. Commaelty Developmrnt DeparUntnt u~ ~ . CPA_p4 OS aC, ~ i ~ s , Grtcawcres ~~ipcaE~ry i ! ~ ~ ~ - C ,t cltic Coa~Pnbt ~ cbn~►~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~d81e Gn;aacres ~ - _ ~ . ~ . . . i r - i i ~ i ~ ♦ ~ ~ ~ c CiYt~~Ctt`~ ~ . d ;end u , l C.uo""citibti' lb ~ or C°11cclot , . - ~ P°P°'iCA NSIVO, - ~d cA - r t GomP er zanins N°' tlb~ ~1~ ~~q r~.anit CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For Staff Use OnIY) Community Development DepartmeM Current PlanMng Divisfon DATE SUBMITTED: IC/31/z0o7 ~cIV~ or ~ 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 F~ No./N~►~+e: CpA -0`~ Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 0700q3TQ Fax:(S09) 921-1008 $R.Is~Il1if1g~Qk~P_evailev.or PuKNUro FEr: ISC~L% SEPA Ra: - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I- APPLICATION INFORMATION ~Cj 3~ (Check One) 1007 X Map Amendment ❑ Tent Amendrpp,~~ ~ M~Nr' 1U ' NiT1' oC-1V`117P PROPERTY OWNER: STEPHEN H. FORD ANfl VICTOR N. COOPER MAILING ADORE3S: 320 S. SULLIVAN RD. Ct'rY: SPOKANE VAILEY STATE: WA ZiP: 99037 Emafl: forde' ht sn.com PHONE: (HM) 509-922-8024 Mnc) 5os-924-?AW (ceu) 549-863-2675 APPUCanff: STEPHEN H. FORD ANO VICTOR N. COOPER MAILING ADDRE33: 320 S. SULLIVAN RD. Crnr: SPOKANE VALLEY STATE: WA ZtP: 99437 Email: fordeiahlOmsn.com PHONE: (HM) 509-2224eo24 (wK) 924-2400 (cEu) 863-2675 RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: SAME PROPERTY LOCATION (AOORESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CRQ35 STREET): 120 S. TSCHIRLEY. 106 S. TSCHIRLEY Avo LOT JUST NORTH QF 106 S. TSCHIRLEY AssEsSOR PArtCEL No.:55192.9029, 55192.9051, 55192.9052 PROPeRnr SIzE: e3 ACRES CURREN7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE8IGNATION: CMU PROP08ED COMPREHENSiVE PIAN DESIGNATION: MF-1 CURRENT ZONINO CLASSIFICATiON: CMU PROPOSEO ZONINC3 CLA33IFICATIQIi: MF-1 BRIEFLY EXPLAlN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDMENT (ATTACN FULL EXPUWATtON): THE PROPERTY IS SURROUNDED 6Y ASSISTED LIVING AND A TRAILER PARK. THE SURROUNDING PROPERTY IS MF-1. APPLICANT WOULO LIKE TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ON SPv1;~LL---R LC)TS THIS U!~,E ~'~InU!-D P- C.ONfiIS7 ;1`T V,Jl7H THL--- NEIGHBORHOOG Page 3 of 29 S!(3NATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: y^L~ DATE: 1141d ° SICiNATURE Of APPUCANT: DATE' 810NATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: f v/ 0 Z SIGNATURE OF APPUCANT: DATE: PART III - SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ~ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MAP~ AMENDMENTS ~ A. 50 One (1) copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. State the reason for the Comprehensfve plan Map Amendment. 2. Describe how the proposed changed meets the approvai criteria contained in Part IV of this application packet and adopted by Spokane Valley Ordinenc:e No. 06-020. 3. Describe how the proposaJ addresses speafic fadors contained in Part N of this appliqGon packet and adopted by Spakane Veltey Ordinanoe No. 06-020. B. O Nottce oi Application packet for 400-foot notification. (Ptease note: DQ NQT submit the Notice of Agplication packet unfil you have been cantacted by the City. Addresses must be current withm 30 days of the Pianning Commisslon public hearing.) C. 90 One (1) copy of campleted State Enviranmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmente) Chedctist, induding optfon Non-Project Action suppiemental farm. (Note: Any previous environmental documents that are relevant to this projeci shouid be induded and may be adopted by refenence.) . D. go Required Comprehensive Plan amendment and SEPA processirrg fee. ~ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TEXT AMENDMENTS ~ A. ❑ One (1) copy of the text proposed to be changed, showing defeUorta by eMketFi►ough and additions by undertine. B. 0 One (1) copy of a v+Ritten summary of the proposed amendment that describes the foilowing: 1. Why the change is needed and the potential land use impacts if approved; I 2. How the praposed change meets the approval criteria contained in Part tll of this application packet and adapted by Spokane Vailey Ordlnance No. 06-020. C. ❑ No fee for Text Amendments Page 4 of 29 Narrative 7'hz following is providzd pursuant to Spokane Vallcy Ordinance No. 06-020. This proposed comprehensive plan amendment would promotc public health, safety, u•elfare, and protect the environment. It is consistettt with the city's adopted plan, and in fact would comect a map deviation and make the zoning consisicflt with adjoining pmi- proposed chango would provide far needed low-middle income residential housin~ 1he effect upon the environment would be nominal or positive. Therc are nu ;uC.L; rivers, lakes, or sensitive areas impacted by the proposed chssnge. The change would be compatible with the adjacent properties which are residential in nature. The neighborhood i close proximity to pu6lic transportation, roads, cecreation, and sehoats. Providing low-midU'l income single fttmily residcnLial housing would help fill a void which cwrendy exisis in thc curncnt comprahcnsive plan. Home ownership for that segmcnt of our society would bencfii neighborhood, city, and region. The locatian is ideal for soch housing because of thc proximit", to schools, public transportation, ete. Public serviccs are adequate for the current and projecieci \lilt.tl~_~ •"~i~T ~f(r'f'? I~~~;~r ~~~r~(c I' jhc' C<+fT1►~."~~l~iltil\'C S ephen H. Fc~i.: PART IV APPLICANT SIGNATURE I, VICTOR N. CQOPER (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTNFULLY A TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (Signature) (Date) NOTARY (For Part IIII above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY QF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of o,)"- . 20 07 NOTARY SEAL ~~•~``~~~~~~1~~~~r~ >511~~NOTARY StGNATURE A%0flNoiary Pubfic in and for the State of Washington ; !x Residing at SPOKANE . ~ yP8 O~s' My appointment eupfres: /z~ ;7-22. /1 ~ ~ /f 1i 0~~WASz APPLtCANT SIGNATURE 1. STEPHEN H. FORD, (pnnt name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 17 i~~~ (S►9^~) (Date) NOTARY (For Part III1 above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this -70 day of Oc 20 d -7 . NOTARY SEAL N TARY SIGNATURE - Afip-14d Natary Pubtic in and for the State of Washington Page 7 oi 29 J Residin9 a~---~ !'a?! • ~m~nt exP~~. MY aPp°►~ i;,;r, I tj/ ON. ~vrAp Z. i i V ~',J►~~ U4 ~~rr_c aF'w►~s~;.~~_ 29 PaAe 8 COMMUNITY DLVELOPMLNT DEPARTMENT :a~ PLANiNING DMSION 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax:509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org ~ DE7'ERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File No.: CPA-04-08 I?escription of proposal: Comprehezisive Plan Map amendment from Corridvr Mixed Use to Medium Density Residential; corresponding zoning map amendment from Carridor Mixed Use (CMt) to Multi-fami2y Medium Uensity Residential District (MF-1) on approximately 3.0 arres of land. This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 4311C. ProponenC Stephen Ford & Victor Cooper Location of proposal: The proposal is t,~l L i 5, 106 S. Tschirley and parcel to the north of 106 S. Tschirtey; speciEically located in the NW Ys of Sertion 79, TUWIlShlp 25 NoCth, RdilpCe 4-5 j•.WM; parCt'1 I1l1IIlliCrc ij10?,il11?p~ijn~,~ll~j, ilitl~ ~~I~I.~~J~, ~F~~~~lll? `'t:ll?S', ti1'cishington. Lead Agency: City of Spukane Valley Community Develupinuil Department, Flanning Uivision Determination Pursuant to Tifle 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Urtiform Development Code, the lead agency has determined that lhis proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the enviranment An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made afber review of a completed environmental checklitit an3 other information on file with the lead agencv. Tfli-inf~+mt:ition i,; a vailable to the pciblic on request. DNS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Staff Cantact: Kathy McClung, Community Development I}irector Tavis Schmidt - tlssistant Planrier Ciry of Spokane Valley Community Development Cily of Spokane Valley Comtnt: n i;:. I~~ , ~ 1~ l~?~l• ~.~t Department Department. Planning Divisit,n Valley Redwood P1a2a,11707E. Sprague Avenue, Valley Redwood P1aza,11i07 Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0030 / F?C: (5509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0046 / FX: (509) 921-1008 kmeclung9spokanevalley.arg tschmidt@lspokanevalley.org Date Issued: Februarv15, 2008 Sigaature: ~ APPEwL: An appeal of this deterniinatiom must be subatitted to the Community elopnient Department %-ithin fourbeen (14) calendar dayB after the date issued specificalIy by February 29, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.. This appeal must be written and make speciEic faciual obJections to the Cit}rs threshold deterazination Appeals shall be canducted in canformance with Section 17.90 (Agpeals) of the City's Uniform Development Code, and any required fees pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Scheduled shall be paid at time of appeal submittal. Aursuant to VVAC 197-11-680, appeals shall be limited to a review• of a final threshold determination 0 STATE OF 1ti'-1StiINGTUN [)Ef'AKTMENT OF ECOLOGY 4607 tr,-r:ro,e Srrcet • Spokane, 14'ashingfnn 99205-I295 • (509)329-3400 RECE VED Fchruary 28. 2008 MAR 4 5 20 City ot 5,lokane V!I1Pv ti4s. Kathy 114cClung, Uirectur C'ity of Spokane Valley Cammunity Development Department 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Vallcy, WA 99246 near Ms. McClung: l'hank you for the opportunity to comment on tlie Delerminatian of NonsigiuGcancc regarding the proposed Comprchensive Plan Amendment, I'ile No. CPA-04-08 (Proponent-Stephen H. Ford and Victor Cooper). Tlie Deparlment of Ecology Uas rcviewed the documencs and would like to submit the following comments: Water Resoutccs I'ror ('ermit cavera$e under the Department of Ecology's Industrial Stormwater Geneml Permit is required for industrial facilities that havz specitic Standurd Industrial Classificaiian (SIC) codr> ~ and have a discharge of stormwater from their industrial areas to a receiving water of the state, or to starm drains that discharge to a receiving water. Our review of yow SEPA checlclist indicates that yaur faciliry appears to meet the criteria for pernut coverage. A booklet describing the permit in more detail and listing industries by SIC cnde requircd to obtain permit coverage may be found on thc internct at httpJ www.ecv.wa.gov/progmraa/-wQ/stormwaier/inds bkl.pdf. Application for the permit should bc made at lc,ast 38 days prior to commencemeat of industrial actir•ities. The storm,.vater permit application form, refemed to as a Notice of intent, can be obtained by calling 360407- 6437 or on the intemet at htt : hvww.ecv.wagovlproaramslwq/stormwater/industrial/index.html. Though a facility may not necd a stormwater perm.it, the operator is still cesponsible for compliance with other water quality laws and regulations. f f you have questions conceming this comment, you may call the Departnient of Ecology's Lacey office at 360407-6437 or Dave Duacan at 509-329-3554 at Ecology's Eastem Rcgional OFfice. Water QualitY Progat . Proper erosion and sediment control gractices must be used on tbe construction site and adjacent areas to prcvent upiand sediments from entering surface water. Loccal stormwater ordinances will Ms. Kathy McClung February 28, 2008 Page 2 provide spec;ific requirements. Also refer to the Stormwater Management Manual for E.astern wq/stormwater/eastem manuaUmanual.html). AU Zmms/ Washington (hrip://www.ecv.wa. ov/ ro ground disturbed by construction activities must be stabilizad When appropriate, use naiive vegetation typical of the site. All new dry wells and other injecdon wells must be registered with the Underground Injoction Coatrol prosram (UIC) at Department of Ecology priar to use and the disc5arge from the well(s) mvst compty with thc ground water quality requircment (nonendangerment standard) at the top of the ground water table. Contact the U1C staff at UIC Progracn, Ucpsttment of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, (360) 407-6143 or go to httu•I/w%L-w ccv wa goY/programslwq/grndµtr/uicJregistration/reg info.html for registration fQrms and further infarmntion. Stormwater runoff may cantain increaseci leveis of grea5e, oits, seciiment, and othcr debris. Stormwater Best Management Prnctices (BNIPs) should be installed and maintained so that any disc.harge will be apptopristely treated to removc thesc substances. Dumpsters and refuse collectian containers shall be durable, corrosion resistant, nonabsorbent, nanlcaking, and har•e close 5tting covers. If spillage or leakage does occur, the v+raste sha11 t}e picked up immodiately and returned to tbe conttuner and the area properly cleaned. Routine insgectians and maintenance of all erosion and- sediment control Best Munagerneat Practices (I3MPs) are reccsmmended both during and after development of the site. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Eculogy's eomments are based upan the infonnalion provided wlth the SEPA chec;klist. As such, they do nut coastitute an elchaustive list of the various auttmrizations thai must be obtnined ar legsil rcquirements that rnust tx fulf Iled in order to carry oui thc proposed action. Sinccrelr, r~ Terri Co ello SEPA Coordinator Department of Eculogy EA.stem Regianal Officc 4601 N. Monroe Street Spokano, WA 99205-1295 Phone: (509)329-3550 Email: temi461 wagov 2008-1092 cc: Stephen H. Ford and Victor Cooper CPA-O 1 -08 thru CPA-08-08 Page 1 of 1 Tavis 3chmidt ' From: Red, Jfm (JRed@spokaneoounty.org) Sent: Tuesday, Febfuary 06, 2008 10:48 AM To: Tavia Schmidt; Midd Hemois; Micki Hamals Subjeft CPA-01-08 thru CPA-08-08 Hi, All Compehenslve Plan Amendments are withfn sewer proJects and will be requ(red to connect Oo sewet as properties are developed. Plans, fees, security and so an, wll be requlred as needed. If yau have any quesdons, please contact me at 477-7279. Thanks, Jim I I ?itanoos W c .11 . ir:- SrOKAhF YALI,EY, WA 9=)1h , .45091 228-54100 Jartuaryz--4, 2W8 ZMe Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner JAN 2 5 City of Spokane Valley a~°~ur~~wk~ 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 cQAAT "~~~oF Spokane Valley, WA 99206 - Re: CPA-04-08 Dear Mr. Schmidt- Central Valley School District appreciates the opportunity to comment on the subject plat application. Although Central Valley Schooi Dislrict doos not see any issues between the proposed plat application and the district's present facilities and properties; it should be noted that the district cannot ensure studerrts within the proposed plat will attend the closest school. 8ased upon current enrollment growth rates the potenaal exists to transport students to schools in various areas of the district based upon avaifability and enrollment at that point in time. The district expecis to have room for siudents from these praposed new homes if they are occupied before Fall 2008. ff, however, they will be oompleted after that time, Central Valley School Distrid asks that the Ciiy of Spokane Valley 1) postpone approval in line with provisions of state law (RCW 58.17.110(1&2), the Growth Management Act, Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan and the City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Ptan, pending availability of additional school faciiities, or 2) condition approval on payment by the developer of a per dwelling unit fee equal to the distrid's eligibility for school impaci fees. Again, thank you for the ehance to provide coriirlients to ihe subject plat applicatiori and if there are eny questions, please fee) free 1o caniact rYte at 228-541 1 Sincerely, , ~ ~ Bradley A Waylar,--: Director, Facilities Cokn+ium-rrv DEVStA)Pnnxr Dr7AnnMEN-r P[AMYWG DiVt9lckN ►6;gpQ STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE j %llpv PI.ANNING COMII~SSION .r~ CPA-b5-08 , STAFF REPORT DATE: April 30, 2008 HE►xnvc DArE Arm LocAnox: May 8, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Couacil Chambers, Vallcy Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 F,ast Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spoksns Valley, Wnshingtoa ~ 99246. PROposnL DESCmTivN: Comprehensive Ptan Mep amendmcat from Low Densiry Residcntial to Qff'ice; ~ contsponding zoning rnap aaundmeai &nm Single-family Rcsidential District (R-3) to Garden Ofricc (GO) on approximately 1.56 acres of land. This pmposal is cansidecrd a aon-project actioa undor RCW 43.21 C. PROP0.9AL LOCATION: 7be proposal is locatad between Cataldo and Broadway Avcnues rast of Pines at 11901 E. Bmadway Avc; specifically locaied in the NE 1/4 of Sectian lb, Towaship 25 Noith, Range 44 EWM; Rarcol number 45161.1171, Spokane Valley, Washington. OwNERfAPPLICAHT: TNJ on Droadwny, LLC, ] 1917 E$roadway Avv., Spokeno VaUcy, WA 99206 APPLICwNTS RFpRESENT'Arn'E: Cal Wniker, 11917 E Broadwa), Ave., Spokane Valiey, WA 99246 APPROVAL CWTERIA: Ghaptor 2(Urban Land Uso) of the Spokane Vallcy Comprehansive Plan, Title 17 ((3eaerel Provisions), Tide 19 (Zoning Regulations) and Tit3e 21 (Environmontnl Cantrals) of thc Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). SQMl![ARY OF RECOMMEfYDATION: The Planning Division, after miew and cansideraiian of the submittetl Rpplication and applicable approval critaia, roeommeads that the Planning Commission Approve CPA-05-08. STAFF PLANNEA: Tavis Schmidt, Assistant Planner, Comm ' DaveloPment DePartment I eevlzvvm BY: Greg McCarmick. AICP, Planning Mnnsger, Cammunity Development Dcpartmeai A7'TACHMEhTS: Fxhibit 1: Comprchonsivc Plan Map Exhibit 2 Zoning Asap E.xhibit 3: 2007 Aeriel Map Exhibit 4: Viciniry Map Exhibit S: Ttansportaiion Map Extyibit 6: Applicatim Submittal Exhibit 7: SEPA Determinaiion Exhibit 8: Agcncy Cvmmenis Stafi Repvrt end Rccomuirndation ro the Plsn++icis Commissinn f'or CPA-05-08 Puoe 100 3 I. HACKGROUND INFORMATIOIV APPLICATION PROCESSiNC: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Proceduress in t}i:- Sul,,i..iir;_ %tur;icipa! C'c-dc (SVMC). The following summarizes kty application procedures for the proposaf. ADalicaiion Submitted: ~ Uctober 31, 2007 Determinaiian of Complotencsr. ~ Novcmbcr 1, 2007 Issuance of Dctarmination af Noa-Significsace (DNS): Febniary 15, 208 End of Appeal Pcriod far DNS: Fchniary 29, 2008 Date of Fubiished Notice ofPublic Hearing: ~ Apri! 18, 2008 Datc cif htailcd 1v'otice of Public HeIIrinQ: I April 18,2008 PkOf'ER'I°1' L*IFORl►(ATinN: Size and Characteristics: The site is Approximately 1.56 acres in size. The SEPA checklist stutes thc g approxiroafely 15%. sitc is rolling with the steepest slape beini Gomarehensive Ptan: ~ Low Density Residential 'Lonin$: ~ SingIe-familv Residential District (R-3) EmSting Land Use: ~ Single-famity residcntiAl nnd vacant land SURROUNDING COMPREHENSIVE PLATi. ZO:YING, AYU LA(YD USES: North Campreheasivc Plan -Office and Low Density Residcntial 7,oning-Gardcn Officc (GO) and Singlo-family Residential District (R-3) ExistinA Land Uses - Office and Singlo-family Residential South Comprehensive Plen - Medium Density Residential and FublicJQuasi F'uhlic Zoning- Multi-family Medium Densiry Residential (MF-t )2nd Community racilities (CF) Existing Land Uses - Public School and Apartmcnt Complex Fast Comprehensive Plan - Office and H'igh Donsiiy Residential Zoning- Garden Oflicc (GO) and Mutti-femity Higli Density Residential (NIF -2) Existing Land Uses - OfFice and Apartmont Camplcxes West Comprehcasivc Plan - Low Deasiry Residential Zoning - Single-family Residential Distri:t (R-?) ~ Erisii:i~: L;~rl,,i I>.C~ - Sin~;C II. FINDIINUS ANI) CO\CLt1SIUN5 tiPYCIE'(C TO 4El'A Findings: PUf'SUfiJlt G, TIflC 21 ~~'.Ii~"lfflllIlC;l~::~ C~+flUc:`,) ot lilt `f?,1killiC VffliCj' 11-1li:i1C~fVfl LOJ: (1V:1'Il ) iii: 1:~:lj i:cCill'~ has detenuined that this proposal does not heve a protlable significant adverse impect on the environment. An F.nvironmenial Impact Statement (EIS) is not requircd ander RCW 43.21C.030(2xc). The Planning Division issued e Detertnination of Non-Significance (DNS) for thc propasul. This dccision was made after reviaw of g completed eavironmental checklist and otber information on file with the lead agency. Conclnaion(s): The praccdural requirrmeats of thc Stata Environmeatal Policy Act snd TitJe 21 of the SVMC bave been fulfilled by the applicant's submittal of the reqaired SEPA C6scklist, and the issuartce of the City's threshold determination consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). No appeals were received. Stntf Report and Rcrommcndation W the f'lsrtning Commbselon for CPA-054b I a... 7 „r c IIL FINDIIVGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT A. COMPLIANCE W1TH TT1'LE 17 (GENElUL PROVISIUN5) OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MiJNICIPAL C4QE Findiap: Seciian 17.80.140 H. (CamQroheasive Plan Amandment ARaraval Cti=W Scgcm Vallev Muaicipw Code 1. 7lo City may appmve Comprehansive Plan emeadments and area-wide aone map amendments if it finds that (analysis is italicized): a. The proposed amendment bears e su6stsntial rotationship to the publIc health, safcty, welfarc, and protection of thc eIIVironmcnt; 7'he public health, safety, and general welJare wlll be promotetl in accandcveu wlth atandardt eslabllshed by the sture and the Cfty of Spokane YalJey's regutations. b. The pmposed amendment is consistcnt wTth the r+aquircmcnts of ChapRer 36.70A RCW end with tho portioa of the City's adaptzd plsn not affccted by the ameadmsnt; The proposed amendmenl Js conslstent with t1ie Growth MmWmtnt Act. AdJacenr land use desfgnations are consistent wlth the proposed amendinent. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantiel changc in conditioas beyand thc pmparry owner's conwl applicable to the area within wfitch the subjezt properry lies; The propased amendment does not respond to a su6stantlal change in conditions. d. Tho pruposod amendment corrects an obvious mepping crroc; or The proposed amendment does not correct a mQpp!»g error. e. The proposat amendment eddressw en idenuficd deficieacy in tho Comprahensivo Plan. The proposed amendment does not address an fdentiJled deficferny !n the Comprehenslve Plun. 2. nc City must also cansider the following factors pciar to epproviug Comprehensive Plan amendmcnts: a. The effeci upon tho physical environmsnt; Pursuant to TUIe 21(Envtronmentrrl Controls) oJthe Clty oJSpokane Yal/ey UniJ'orm Develapmen! Code, the lead agency has dettrmlmd that thl,t proposa! does not have a probable slgnlftccnrt adverse fmpact ox the rnvfronment. Further environmantal eval,.atfon inay bt cotnpldad ot 1he Ifmr of development. b. The effxt an open spaa, streams, rivm, and likes; The SEPA checkltst states that there is no surface water body on or in Ihe i►nmediate vlcinfty of sfte. c. The compatibiliry with and impact on adjacent tand uses snd surraunding neighborhoods; 77rc prnposed aneendment is contiguaus to Q,fjlce mrd Low Density Rwldtntlal Conrprehensfve Plan deslgnatlons. 77e proposed amendment Is also located adjrrcent to exfstfng resfdentlal nelghbvrJtnods (nortb cmd south oJCPA-OS-08). Al the tlme af development, stcmdards ln 771le 22 (DesJgn and Developme»t Standcmds), speciftcally 22.70 (Fencin& Screening, and Lcmdscapfng) wlll reduce hnpacts on 4acent prvpertles by providing vlsual separatlon and physlaa! bt&rs between darrd uses. d. 'I'he adcquacy of aad impact on community facilities iacluding utilities, roads, pubtic transportatian, parks, rocreadon, and schools; 77ae C3ty of Spokane Valley addresses adequacy of commu►r!ryJxilitles oR a citywlde basfs through capltal facllitlts plmuring, Pallcy CFP-9.1 of the Coirrprehensfve Plon recommends a concurrericy ntcmagerrrent MtemJor trcrospartatlom sewer, and walerJacillties. The Clty ojSpokmer Vcrlley's Parks cmd Recreation Plan orrtlines on implementation strategy lncluding a capltul facllities plrn1, which SulT Rcport wid Rccommcndaticm to tDe Plannh- Gamminiaa far CPA-03-08 w,.. a ..s c identifies cost.s arrd reverrue so3rrcesfor rresv parb. 7he propased ar~endr,rerrr iv1IT rror f4ne nrr rpnpacr on schoofs consldering tfre request fx for art office rlesdgrralrorr. c. The bemcft co the neighborh+aod, Cityrf annd reginnt Ae propo,sed cairrtfrdrraevrt wifl prt>11cle offict, ligirt rercrrf w&l seri-rce estcahlishmeraty for- the srrrrciatardlixg nefghborhc~od f 'Ihe quantity arid Iocation ci!' 1afid pEanned i`or lhe proppscd kEttd tise type and (IcrLsi4v ancl flw tte3»ancS For such land; The pruposi'r! amexadrrrerrt i, c~ppr~.~°}rrr~rp~!}1.56 dc1.i°S irr s1Zx~ uar~j IVr#l ~rrc+rrc#t adriitional u~lice arrcJ'li~,7ipt relcrl!' uses, 7he p+vrerrtraf demarrd!for this tvpe of o,~cre developmenr fs urrkraowr,. g, The cumnk Bad prnjected population demity in the arwc and TThe gropvsed amerrdment wr'7t porenrfia4 decrease populrrrrorr rPera sr'iy. Tlfe proposudarr~ent#mcrrr crne,s rrot demcrnd populataorr anafysls. h. The effect upon csttrer aspects ofths Cornprchensive Flan. 77re propa.sed rrrrrendmenl is consislent wr'th Phe Cig~preliens'aw 7'lim crncJ tF=i!`! Juive mirtimeal inrpac r r+r~ oi1rer aspect.s n, f fhg pPerrt, B. - m. ti~E wi°I'iR TITf E 19 RE,G1[JLATii]11iS) QiFTIIF' SFOK-A?4E VALLEY M1L.9N1CW61.C(]DE Findinps: Qarden Office I7istr9ane Vailev Municinal Ccsde Section 19.60.QZD The Co.mprehensive Plan Map Amendmemt is ftom I:ow Teinsity Resid~ntial ta Office and c+orrespaadLrag zonsng,. map amendment fi-om Single=f'amEly Residential Di5trict (t-3) to Gardcn {C}ffice (GO). The Ciarden Off'ice I3istrict is intemded primaraly fos low-rise of~~~ devvelopmmtwith limited retail oe commercEnE uses. Retail and comrnerckal uses sre limited to thcse S.Fat are clearly su'bordinate to ihe prianuy ofFim use or tje ie#Bil fLif1Ctior1 piiTilariJy SerYeS thC office u5es fn dCSse proxii'E'ilty to the retaii or commerciaL use. Garden csffice +uses proviele a bufferbetvee-n re,5i~enfiaS uses end camrnt!ECial uscs. Contlusion(s): 7he proposed Camprehensive PIn amendmers# is approxirnstely 1.56 as:m in size and will be acijac-emt to other af~ice usts in tttc area fiarthering the transitis+nal chnracteristics kretwecn connmeecisl $nd Iower derosity 5ingle- taniilv resi&ntial neighb~.~rhooc1s. CPA-05-08 is consistent wi(h tht intention of the C7t'fice Districw, B. C[?M3'R[aHENS({r'~.1'LAiti. 'Ihe Office {0} c1assLf'icati4n is intc:r,ded primarily for fow to Iiigli rise of~€ce developmen[ vtir'ith luniited r-eTai I nr roinrnercial uses. Retai1 snd conirnercial uses are limitod to thas,e that are clearly su1~ord%inaee to the prirnary affice use, crr IIi e retaii fvnotion primarity smes th e offiGe uses in cl+~st, prvxi mity to the rctsil ar eoanmerc:ial use. Areas Usignawd as C7rFtice can serve a variety of fiunctiocs; tho%v can act as buffem ar transition areas between higher int=sity land uses and lovwer intensihy [gnd uses. 7'he plazt fkirther states, that Spokane VaileY haS sr~~~ Of exasting qua1ity office development. 5~aff analysis is iCaliciZed. 1. LUG-$ ofthe Comprthensive Pjan encourages appropriate develaprr`ent standards forOffice ciesignuted areas, 5is[f Rc'pnR rnd Reomffrendatian ta the PJmWng Cpnmmlu3wa Cor CPA-45-08 v.. . _ . r r Staff Commeat: At the time ojder•elopment, standards !n T1tle 22 (Desfgn vnd Dev+elopment Stundarda), spee(f?cally 22.70 (Fencing, Screenfn& cmd LmKlseaping) w1Q re6ee lmpacts un adjacenr properties by provfdb,g viaual separatlon cmd physfca! bu,ffiers 6erween land uses. 2. LUP-81 of the Camprehensive Plen recommerids intograang sidevvalks, bike lanes, landscapin& and area tighting in office areas ro provide a safe and ettractive warking environment. Staff Coaimeat: At the thne oJdeveloprnenl, landscaping cnid Itghling wlll be requirrd for the new office developsrent complying with Ti'tle 22 and olher applicable regulatfons. There are ezlsting sldewalrEs on Brocrdway Avenue. C. PtrBLtc FAcn.rrEs Findiaga: The property is currondy served with public water and wwar. Access is provided from Broedway Avcnue (Exhibit 5). D. FINDIl4G Arm CONCLUSiONs SPF.Cmc TO PUBL[G COMMENTS Findiags: StefThas receivad no public oQmmanl concarning the proposal to date. Conclu.sion(s): Adequate pubfic noucing was conducted for CPA-05-08 in accordance with edopted public notioing procedures. E. F[NDINC AND CONCLUSTONS SPECIFIC TO AGEIYCY COMMEhTS Findings: Agency comments ara related to the physical development of the property. Thcse commcnts will be addressed at the time of devclopment. Comments are attachod as exhibits to the staPf rt►port. Cooclnsion(a): Staffhxs reviewed comments and no concerns are nated_ IV. OvERALL CONCLUSION 7'he proposed Caniprehensivo Plan designation ta Otficc and change in xoning classifiration to Gsrdan Office (Ci0) is consistont with the Comprehensive Plans policies and gosls. V. STAF'P' RECONIMENDATION Thc Planntng Division after reviow and considerstion of tltie submittcd application and applicable epproval critaria recammends that the Planning Commission rccommcnd approval ot CPA-05-08. Staff Repott ud Recartunen&tioa to the Plwnic; CanmFAian 6ix CPA-0S-08 Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map 1113 I I Ll~wj I I I Li - ~ - ~ - ~ Low nen,it, I K-" (Jen~ ial ~ I.rAK05-08 }Zt5lttf[Iitll~ 3 ~ ~ OlTicr. I ` BrooAa-a ~ledium Deneit~' 12tsiden~ial • Yub}idQussi- Pu61ir xctf- CPA-OS-0S FRequest: ange t he Gompnhensive Plaa map dcsl~,aation Cky of Spokiae Valky DR to O; chasge zonin` from R-3 to GO. Commnalty Developmeat Departmcat Exhibit 2: Zoning Map -L L7L-1 I I ~ - _ 3 - ' o - - ~ CPA-05-08 ~ R-3 ~ ~ sv Bmadw~air-i CF CPA'05-08 Reqaat: C6an=e tbe Coaipreb~asi~t Plan map dsl~astbo CitolSpokaes VRUey ~ LDR fo O; cban=e ~eauln; trom R-3 to GO. evelopment Depnrtmeat D F 1 7muuItyy 1007 Aerial Map Exliihit 3: 2 1 ' ~f~ - - ~j' ~ ~ * •"L,~r . , i . . . ' . _ i~._ y ! ~ _ • "f _ ' *y~y - ' ~ _ ~ ~ - ~ _ . .~t ~ . ~~.Y f~-` vw i.- ✓~~~h'f,:' - - - : - L . , + s ' ...C . _a ` I _ i•' M ` * ~ . s,~r,rA~ • F + i~ ' ~1 'C ~ ~•"~,'~~K'~Ja!•~' ;►.~•tr. . ,~1 , ~ - - ~ 1 T7t Y o.. E~. t~ ~ J „ y ~ 4 ~ i~ I'- . Y. , Y Y~,'~ 1~ , • .-.i! - ' - ~7 I ~ , • . ~ • ~ c.'PA-OS 08 ; 4- ~ ~ I o.F' ~ ~ u ~ ; - .i. • ~ 1 ~Ay^.« • {y 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ f f ' C il - 5 ~ ~~1;~, ~t / = ~ . ~ ~ ~ _ ~f! r~ f ~ ~ . fi'1,. y ~ + 24 F`~ I , ► ' , . ; ''~.t'~S. I , i~r r ~ - ~ ~ • ~ ~ I ~~t ~i ~~r.r , N ~f • ~ 4► ~ 4. ~ . ~►~~t R , ~ F ' ~ ~ . ~ . : 4 ~ i.+ ' l~ ~ ~`,-i ~'`,n 1 ~ ' • - - . ~ ~r , , , I `+l'w `,sry,j 4 ~i_ ~ ~ r• . . • _ _ - _ . -y`- . " ~ - t ~t- ' • ~ _ 7 t r-, ~ ~ ~ j _ _ ` _ ~ - - _ • , - CPA-OS-US R,eqacst: Chour tbe Comprebeintvo Pha sap daipation c;ity or spoka4e vxuey Uom LpR to O; change zoniog iram R-3 to GO. Cammunity Devaloptarat Deportment a ~ ~ Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map 4. - S IcIR ❑ r - -TAt ~ ~i_~41•~a _ _ ~ - - . I' LBIR I ~ ~ , ~ 11 ~ ~ f.;;IhRrNan~ ~ ~ i _ 1.u4b~rmu ~ KNIU dwr ~ lb "ltiarth Piar~ ~.krmea~ie} J~1~~J~Mr ~ nQ+ - !E - i~ i ~ rt ~ I . I: dl wM ~ . - _ T7F - 6 ~ _ I - ~ ~ ~onyror~ e _ e~~~, ~-prau c UT. I. ~ I 1 I~ 5aL11.S~l~1~}TIl~ . - 1 ~ +GPA-DS-0$ Reqeest Chaoge the Cotnprchessivc Pltn Map deslgneillon City af 5pokans Yzll~ ~om Li1it t4 chaage xonlng fram R-3 ta GO. Community Dev'rlojpmrat I?cpertweat ~ ~ Exhibit 5: Transportation Map - - - - - 5int. . ~ _ If - J/ ► ~ ~ tj CPA-05-08 _ ~ I c:,u~,~ s - i I I M ~ u tn Q❑ ~ Elo IT Norti 'lnes Mldd{e + I j Legend - CCurrsnt Clsuificatloa n+tr 4 - Stete a Foderal ~ I @ Principal Artorial ~ Minor Arterid CoUoctar - - - - - - Proposed Pritsclpa! Artrtial _ - ~ - Pmposed Minor Arterial - - - Proposed Collcrtar IF! - 0 ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ CPA-OS-08 Cky otSpokaQe Vaqc}• Re9ntsl: Cb4n;e the Campre6tasKc Plan map dcsltn:tbn 7 Cammunit~ Ue~clapmcnt Ueparlment fram LnR to n; change zoning trum R-3 to GQ. ~ EX.HIB~IT 6 CIrY OF sPOKanrE vaLLEY (For Staff Use vnly) Cr~~munit;/ Developnne,nk Department Current F'~~nnlnr~ ~rk+~i~~ DA~.Su~s~nrr~n: .r ' RE~v~m e+e• 12707 Eas-t Sprague Avenu+e, Suite 106 Fm.E Fio./ NAm. 412A Spokane Valle+{r V+lA 99206 Tel: (549) 921-1000 FNECBVED • f~~~ ~ '3" Fax: (509] 921-1008 I~nnl ~ ~ ~ Pu►ty[~rNa FOP: O~1.+T 3 12007 SERA F5e: ~,.r ti - ;A, N E y i ~ y~ E~^tT ~~F COMPREH EN~7 L"~AMEN DM ENT APPLICATION PART I - AFRLICATION INFORMATION (Check C1ne) ~ Map Amerrdment ~ ~ext,Am~~~ment PRoPERnr OwNER: t~ A-q L-LC' r MMui~~ ~DREsS: F:I- gL~~ LA) A Ci"CCY.;nYAAC%[6L STAlE;-qA~~~:~r~~, FFONE: ~ ~ 9 2-Li - k,5`1 q (~ELL) APPiicnNT: `[N a-`~~ ~QDn r-~t-0 ~W ~ ~rjrGAar~Dr~s: ~ ~3 c~~v ~ Cr'Ty: STATE: )dl,/A PHONE: (HU) (wic) ct2-q • MS1 9 (CEuL) RELATIOhkSHIP TD OWiiER: _ZaN i P~OPERTY La~ATivw (ADPIRF-SS asaDfaR Dr~TANcF; ANn ~~~ECMoN FROM NF-ARESr CRcrss SrRWr). - AssEssOR PnRCEL h+lo.- ~JQ.#~I . M i-To PROPERrY SrrzE; CUFrRE;Ii1T COMPREHEhfSNE R'LAwI DES#GNATlO1+1. I._D a- ^ PRvposED CoMPREHEN94rrE Pu+,~ DESiGNATrON: r:~F4(1r- ~URRErrr ZOrrrNG CurSsIFIcnTIoNt (Z- PRcPOs~~ZON~~~~~~ICATION: 40 !B~LY Expum F~EAsoN F~~ NAPoR T€uAm~~~~~ (ATrAcH FuLL EXPLANATIvN): -~D-T6~; Nri,A~ rr ,-m ~ EA sr '~.~.A-~..r~~ ~t r~ ~s ~ ~s- s ~ 10 ~s Au E i4L1.i L tIF~ ~ S!i`a14J4TlMlM OF PIr~"JPrX`~'1' OW : DA1'E.: /o `.~`,P ~ Slc3N,AtuRe oF AppucAu'f: . ~ 13A1`E: lqnoi Paqe 3 of 26 , PART tV , APPLICANT SIGNATURE f-,(print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ~OVE RESPONSES ARE M UTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE C,~ (sotak") ~Datey NoraRY (For Par21iN above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to befiore me fts 3 i day of CA-h~v-r , 20 U`7 ~ NO CYNTHIA K.~T • SrATE oF wASHNaTON NOTAR SI NATURE NOTARY PUBIIC Notwy pubiic in and for the State af Washtngtan MY CONiMIS510N EXPOIEB Residing ~ J', ~ 'l~ rbr~ 02-15-11 My appointment expires: ~ - Ls= 1 ~ tf!J~, ; ~ ; - `;YnKANE Vq ~r t~E 'F~ARTti!: fVTC~- _ Page 6 of OctQbei° 29. 2007 City of Spolane Va1ley Loag Rae3g~ Planning Divasion 11707 E. Spz-ap-c Spoiane Va.[ley Wash. 99206 SUf3JECT; ~ONDREffENSPJE PLAN AMfsNDMFNT FOR 1t 90 lE. BROA,DWAY PARCEL m 45161.1171 Dear Sirs; Tbis lettu is intenrled to pravide a general explanaiion ia suppoFl of the requesi to amend the Comprehcnssve Flart msp desigrnatian for paxtl # 4516 I . 1171, located at #h-c stmet address of 11901 E Brn~dway. T~~ curront destignakion for the subjW proparty is LDR I R3. "T'he site has ] s",rsgle famUy 1367 sqt= foot residenoc afld 2 sma31 outbuildings'Me residence is cons~~~~~ of river rock and sits on a sloping hillside on #he not~ ~ide afBroadw$y Ave. T'he ametare is a wall k.na~ Spo1ane Valley lnndnark, but is not aa any historical preservation 3isL There tras b= a smaIl Hamc Business oper$tei oul of the sitc, which hag been allowed by an approv~e.d variance' ctrnditioa~~ ~~e for Haine Industry since 1989. One of the outbuildings is ac~ly splat in hali' as the current North 1South zoning boundary dissects the exisiting htiiding in [aLf with +ane sicie (East) in currenE Gardea Ofric.e, and the vther (Wes~) is in R3. 'Ihis €eqttest %vould takc the ourirent oddly shaped boundary, which splits tii~ exhtW# building, and would squ= off the pame1s into a clean a-nd defnt-,d - delLn~aticrn ~d tr"tion betwwn ~'sauti~~ Off'ice and cxisisng LDR fR3 pmcels to tjic westt 1"~s proposal would not e1i.minate thc cxisting structure, as it v+rould bc remadeled io acciamrnodate professional office sp:ace. T~~ ~~ans wo-ald ua~~ude a newly consltructeci building fttWDuld minor the office complex an the parcel rrtexl daor to the EasL This partIcular sttructure has afcsotprint of 3400 %cu= fect and houses 3 separate business aF#ice spaces. These cornpatrative parcels am alI owned by the applicant. .h Comprehensiue Plm Amendment would provide $ very natura] tronsi#ivn tLnd fiis we-11 into the poliic.ies and goaIs voa[h exssti.ag CTarien Officc Zon`tng tQ the North and Easi, as well as the mu1ti-faniUy 1Meditrrn Density lacilities #o the Soiitli, directly acr~~ss Irurn the, site on Froad~~ay. Thc proposed project meets ihe criteria requirements af Spokane Valley nrdinanct No. 06-020 as follows: I A: T6e prnposed amendment Dcan a aubstantial retsdonsLip to the pablic Lea1W, safety, welfare and protsctioa of the enviroament: The proposed amendment will result in a clear, clean bordcr, delineation and a transition of cument Garden Off'ice Zaning and will eliminaie the curceni condition wher+ee tha original Nocth / South bovndary actually was drawn through an existing structure that straddles the two garcels owned by the applicant The amendment also encouragcs business growth along a well defined oomdar which sUpports the geneml layaut and traffic flows around the main interseciian of Breadway and Pines. 'Ibis transition area into existing residential aneas to the west proteds the solitvde and gcnceral wclfare of existing neighborhoods. T6e project has no substaotiel negIItive enc ironmental effects a5 a result of this amendmcnt. B: The proposed amendment is conaistcnt with the requiremenLs of RGW 36.70A and with the portion of the Citiea adopted plan not effected by the amendment; This amendmeni, the subsequeat nemodel, and future office space provides for healthy business growth in an an;s already defined as a natursl transition area between LDR / R3 - Garden Office - and Madium Density. The projcct enhances clustcring af Office Space in tm area thai is very near available multi-modfil trsnsportation systems. "Ihis project promotes expansion and retention of eacisting business as well as promotes crcnutment ef new basincss and ncw financial cantributions that are available to enhance current funding of public services.'Ihis pro,ject has no lmown detrimcntal effects on natural tesounces, existing pubIic senices or other fncilities. The project will not overburden current fitcilities or scrvices. C: The proposed amendment responds to a substantinl change in conditioas beyond the property owners control applicable ta the area withfn whic6 tLe subject ProPertY liea; "Chis site has a botder which was actuaUS drawn throvg4 an existing strvcture splitting tlust strwciure into two separate zoning eress. This proposal wauld allcvisic that oddly shaped design, and would create s clearly delineated area thai aligns itself well with Broadway Ave. and continues to support a trensition from Garden 4ffice use existing on applicant's propcrty edjoining to the east into the LDR arca to the west and the MDR lo the SouEh. D: The proposed amendment correcb an obvious mapping error, and he proposed amendment maves an existing line drawn through applicants existing 'ructwe and moves that line appropriately to the border of the parc:el locatcxf approx 12 0 ,:ct to the west L: The proposed amendment nddresses an idcntified defricncy in Wc comprehcnsive plnn. The proposed amendment will maintnin a transitior2al bufter of thc existing zonin~ ~cparaiing Garden Office, fmm both existinr LDR and [vIDR mapping. tipokane Valle:y (_lrclinanee No. 06-4120 rcyuirrs that tlic Collowin~ tucturs be a~i~iressed a~ }?art of tht approval of an alnendment to the romprehcnsive plan: A: The eftcct upon the pliysicul environment: The current Comprehensive Plan lists this site as fi single fainily residenccy with an approved Home Industry variancc. Thc site will be maintained in slope anci design for proposed remodel of the residence and future office space planned for the frontage alunp }3roadway: 'I'lYe site tili~,~radc.s will impro~,c cristins: druitiage. I3: The effect on opcn space, streums, rh-crs and Iakc-s: This site does not louse any water bodies or significani apc;u space. Any druizia,_,e fron) this site xvill include approved grassed percalation areas flnd drywell systems. 7 hc culupalibility ivitli and the impact on ac1jaccnt laud uses und surrouudiug neighborhonds; The ptoposed project will upgrade a liniLI tiz tiJ,ii};;:ne lv alle% structtirr :,nd ill compliment the appropriete developmeat of the remaincler ofthc applicnnis adjoviing parcel and office space. Ihis praposal continues to maintain an aciequate buffer behr«n surrounding dcnsiiy areas and ciihences appropriate business opporhmitAr within awc! I defined area in ffit commtunity D: The adequacy of and impact un coirtmunity farilities includi►iI, utilitics, rnads, public traasportxtion, parl:s, rccreatiun ancl tichooIs. 'Che proposal ii3s ::dCyl~llt lo CXltitlil`! I7L1bl1C lt.:Ilti!)"Jii:lllU{i, and will have no significani impact an parlts recrcatioa or schools. The proposal will Prt,vide additinn:il tax-haceci revenues. anci N1•ill enh.inrc n vihrant husinf••• cOMMUn;tv. E: The beacfit to the neighborhood, City, and cegion; The proposal will provide for new, attractive profcssianal office spacc that enhanct.~s a vibraat city and region. This pruposal provides a good, na.tural transitional buffer to other deasity areas tluit include lsrge tract ncighborhoods and existing Medium Density arras. 'i'he project continves to Gluster busine.gs development along the existing Garden Office area surrounding the intersectian of Broadway and Pines F: TLo qwantity and location of Istnd planned for tLe propoaed land ase type and density aad thc dcmnnd for snch Innd. The pmposal would increase the svailable Garden Office designation by 67,752 square feet. The applicants adjoining parcel aad dhe office space availsible were occupiod completely upan completion of the space being constructed. The addition of the adjoining parcel and future office space availability would bring about anticipnted occupancy in the sume manncr, aad additional taA-based revenue to the city. This proposal utilizrs the demand for new Gardcn Office spaces and mainiain,s adequate transitional buffers to ather deasity areas that suiround the proposal. G: The current and projected popnletion denaity in the area: and The site ha.s previou.5ly housed a sinble family resideace, and a small Home Industry. Futurc anticipated remodel and office space wauld have a very slight increase to transient working hottr populstions of appcvx 20 - 30 pcrsons during regular business hours thtit would be normal for pmfessionfil officc space use. I1: 'I'6e effect upon other aapects of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed ameadment will improve the oddty shaped current designation and will bring avaitable compatible land uses together providing for enhanced tiansition line$ and buffcrs to other surroundi.ng densitics. The proposel brings menaged gtnwth and businc.gs apportuniry that complimcuts the existiag CQmprehcnsive plan, and comects an oddly defined border that splits a current and existing building and the applicant's parc;els. Sinccrely, L..~ - Cal wHlkC! Lexington Hnm$s Inc. 0 i COMMiJNTIY DEYIIAPMENT DEPARTMBNT ~.7~ PLANNING DMSION j~~. 11707 fi Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax:509.9Z1.I006 dtyhall40spokanevalley.org ~ DE7'ERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File No.: CPA-Ob-UB Deacrlpdon of pzopoeal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Lnw Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family RegidenNal Djstrict (R-3) ta Garden Office (GO) on approximately 1.56 acres of land. This proposal is consldered a non-praject actlon under RCW 4321C Proponenr TNJ on Bmadway, LLC Locition of proposal: The proposal is located betweeri Cataldo and Broadway Avenues east of Pines at 11901 E. Broadway Ave; speciflcally located in the NE Y4 of Sectian 15, Tawnship ?a North, Range 44 EWM; parcel number 45161.1171, Spokane Valley, Washington. Lead Agency: City of 5pokane Valley Communitq Development Departmen#, Placuring Divisian .termination: Pursuant to Tide 21 (Environmental Controls) of the C.ity af Spokane Valley Uniform *l- welopment Code, the lead agency has debernined that this proposal does not have a probable significant duverse impact on the enviroatmesiL An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required vnder RCIV 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decisian was made after review of a completed envirorunental checklisk and ather information on file ti4rith the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. DNS issned under WAC 19711-340(2) ResponBlble Official: StafE Contach Kathy McClung, Comtnanity Developm:ent Directar Tavis Schmidt - Assistant Planner City of Spokane Valley Community Deve]opment City of Spokane Valley Community Development pepartment Departauent, Ptanning Division Valley Rtdwood Plaza,11707 E. Spregue Avenue, Valley Redwood Plaza,,11707 fi. Spragve Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane VaIley, WA 99206 Suite 106, Spokane VaIley, WA 99206 PH: (5509) 688-00.30 / FX: (509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0046 / FX: (509) 921-1008 kmeclung@spokanevalley.org tschmidt@spokaaevalley.org Date IBSned Februerv 15, ?A08 Signature: AP'PEAL: An appeal of this detenninetion must be submitted bo the Commuaity elcpment Department within focirteen (14) calendar days affier the date issued specifically by Febrnary 29, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.. 'I'hib appeal must be written and make specifiic factual objections to the Crt}rs threshold debercnination. Appeals shall be conducted fn confarmance with Sectinn 17.90 (Appeals) of the Cit}'s Uniform Development Code, and ry required fees pursuant to ths City's adopted Fee Scheduled ahaIl be paid at time of appeal submitial. uvuant bo WAC 197-I1-680, appeals shall be Iimited to a review of a final threshold determinatian ,1416 11 B e I • i ~ r Y ' ~ r +Y , STATE OF WASH(NGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY 4601 N Adunrue Sfrtef • Spok,ine, WashIngfon 99105•124S 0 (509)329.34W RECE VED Februwy 28, Zoos MAR 0 520 City of Spokane Vailey Ms. Knthy McClung, Dircctor City af Spokane VaUey Community Development Department 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dcar Ma McClung: Thank you for ihe opportunity to comment on the Detecrnination of Nonsignificancc rcgarding the propased Comprehensive Plan Amendment, F'ile No. CPA-05-08 (Proponant-TN] on Broadway, LLC). The Department of Ecology has reviewed the documents and would like to submit ihe following comments: Water Resouee.es Prog= 'Fhe water purvcyor is responsible for ensuring that the proposed use(s) are within the limitatiQns af its watcr rights. If the proposal's actions are different than the existing water right (source, purjwse, the place of use, or period of use), thcn it is subject to approval from the Dcpartment of Ecology pursuant to SECiions 90.03.380 RCW and 90.44.100 RCW. Water Ounlity Pragmm Proper crasion attd sedimeni control practice.a must be used on the construction site and adjacent areas to prevent upland sedimcnts from entering surface water. Local stonnwates ordinances will providc specific requiremenis. Also refer to the Siormwator Management Manual for Eastern Washington (http/.=,,.lvww.ecv wa.gov(pro&mp1§-/-wg/stormwater/ctistern manuaUmanual.html). All ground disturbed by construction ectivities must be stabilized. Whca appropriete, use native vege#alion typir.al of the site. All ncw dry wells nnd other injection wells must be registered with the Underground Injection Contral program (UIC) at Departmcnt of Ecalogy prior to usc and the dischargc from the weil(s) must compty with the ground water quality rcquircment (nonendangerment standard) at the top of the ground water tabk. Coniaci the L1IC staff at UIC Program, Departmcnt af Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, (360) 407-6143 or go to httn://vvww.ecy.wa.gov/prog mmslwq/wrndwtr/uic/re¢istration/r+~a i fo.btml for registralion forms and further information. 1 Ms. Kathy McClurtg Fcbruary 28, 2008 Pagc 2 Stormwater runaff may contain increased levels of grease, oils, sediment, and other debris. Stormwater Best Managcment Practiccs (BMPs) should be installed and maintained so that any discharge will be appropriately tceated to remove these substances. Uwnpstcrs and refuse collecdon containers shall be durable, comosion resistant, nonabsorbent, nonleaking, and have close fitting covers. lf spillage or leakage does occur, the wastc shall be picked up immediately and mturned to tho contaiaer and the area properiy cleanod. Routine inspections and maintenance of all erosion and sediment control Best h4anagemenc Practices (BMPs) are recommended both during nnd after dcvelopment of the site. State Environmental Policv ct SEPA i Ecology'scommeatsarebascduponthe intorii,aciuti P1,0VidcJ witli tlt:; tiL-YA checlclis!. ASSiICl:, they do nat constitute an exhaustive list of the various authorizations thai must be obtaincd or legel requirements tliat must bc fiilfilled in order to carry out Ihe pmPosed actian. Sincerely, r L~R 'V "I'crri Costello SEPA Coorditiatc>r Dcpartment of Ecolugy Eastern Regional Officc 4601 N. Monroe Street Spokatte, WA 49205-12116 Phonc: (509)329-3550 F;tnail: jqDj461Qecy.wa;,j,,ov ~:tJ~-~]'~=1 ~ cc: Cal Walker, TNJ an Brondwa~ . 1- 1 CPA*01"08 1#.LLu Lr'i`A"08•08 p[igC ~ f.;f i TaYis Schl11ldt Fmna: Red, Jini 3errt: Tueaday. Febtuary 05, 2008 10:48 ANf, i'o ; 1'aft Sthmidt Wcfd Ham~c-!v' Ni,cI:i Farrcna Su blec#; C PA-0 1 -08 thn.r C PA-08-08 AIl , . ~ ~ bE-= , _ _ , v = r 4'-~..=i t'~u°ii .::~Jl~~..~ ~ : ~li.~ c:: L- a. '.l - .ry._~~~ C~C~~ 4$~E ~ ri~'ill- . I.o 'iJrili- .r i_ v'..~ks'! -r c* L f`,r~,(11. . dL°VaCQpk'4i. PlafES, fee5, Se~'.Uflty aild SR onr 1w~l be feqLl?f 7 :s C E: j+_d lfyat,J ha51e Any ql1eftn£, , ~~4/2008 i 19307 [asr cAiAtoo slokaNE vALtEr. WA ttolf 0041 22A .S40p Cl M-RAL VAIIEY ICMCOI Al/U(1 IS~ RECEIVED April 29, 2008 aPR 3 0 2008 Tavis Schmidt, Hssistent Planner City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 ~mm"A&Errr Spokane Vatley, WA 99206 Re: CPA-05-08 Dear Mr. Schmidt Central Valley School Districi appreciates the opportunity to comment on the subject ptat apptication. Although Central Valley Schooi District does not see eny issues batween the proposed plat application and the districi's present facilities and properties; it should be noted that the district cannot ensure studerrts within the propased plat will attend the closest school. Based upon cuRent enrollment growth rates ft potentiel exists to transport students to schools in various areas of the district based upon availability and enroltment at that point in time. I The distrid expects to have room for st(idents from tiiese proposed n&;r homes if tf7ey are occupied before Fall 2008. ff, however, they will be completed after that time, CenUal Valley School District asks that the City of Spokane Valley 1) postpone approval in tine with provisions of state law (RCW 58.17.110(1&2), the Growth Management Act, Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan and the City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan, pending availability of additional school facilities, or 2) condition approval on payment by the developer of a per dwel(ing unit fee equal to the districYs eligibifity for school impact fees. Again, thank you for the chance to provide comrnents to the subject plat application and if there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at 228-5411. Since ly, ~r 4 Bradley A, Wayland Director, Faalities & Operetions CoU!NM" DEVELOrhIMM DEP.+NrMEe+~~ P11~N2~T,":C DI►~i5lOri ST~ ~RT AND REeOW4ENDATIOra TO z~ ~%fley ~OMMLSMON cPA-)6-M _ s~TAIFF REPORI DATE. April 3 0, 2008 ELEAXCING DATE kTrn I,0eATION: Moiy S. 2008, beginning at b:(}U gm., Spokane Valley City Hall Cmrncil Chambers, Valley Redwood Paazn $Uilding, 11707 East Spragoae Avenue, Suite 101, Spoksn~ ValIey, Washington 99,206, PRoPOStL ~~CWr"toN: Coniprehensive PI~m Map emendment tmm Low Denshv Rcsidential to Oifi=, fiorresponding xonsng map anentiinmt fram Single-t`amil}' Residcntiat Distriict (R-3) So Ggreiea Office {60} un apprcsximatety 4.81. acres of Iand. This graposal is consic#ered a non-preject action sjnder RC'tiN 43.21 C. PRt~~~ LacAuo.N: The proposai is lmuted 1etween CateLldo and Bmadwsy Avenues easc af Pirics al l 19 13 E. Brr?adway Ave; specirically located in tlxe 1wE V. of Swtio:n 16, Ta%Nmsfiip 25 Nortb, Range 44 EWM; pa,rvl numbcr 45161.1 ~ ~ SpokaI1C ~~~ley. WflshIi1gt4R, O,%'MW,dlgpLtcAN1': Nick A1mriotes, 118l3 E. Branckway Ave., Spo~mne Voslley, WA 99205 :4PPLICAN'tS ~~~~~ATwE; Tnm W'aksvr►, 11813 E. Brcedway Ave., Spokkanc Valley, WA 99206 APpRO'~~AL CRrMF1[A: Chaptdr 2 (Urba[3 1,8tid USe) of tfie SpoFano Valley C-ompt'eChCi1Stve Plsn, TitJc 17 (Gcnera.! Pruvision~). Tit1c 19 (Zon3ng, Roigulnttons) and Title 21 (Envirenmeaftl Contrals) ofthe Spokane Valley Mutticipa1 CcNde (S4FIviC). SvmmARY oF RmUmiumA'~oN: The 1'Jsnnitig Divgsicn, after reviaw and considcmfion of the submitted applitation an~ ~~pErabl~ approval eriteria, rccammencis that tho Pi.amin,g Commimsion approve GPA-06-08. sTAFF PI.AmNm:T$va.sSchmidt, AsslstunI Flannerr, 03masunary Mve lerpmant l3epa.rkment RzYlEwED BYc Greg McCnrmick, AICF, P1amsing Me-npiger: Cousmunity I)evelopmertt Ilepnrtmcnt A.T-raCILNILh:TS r Exhi#it 1: Cotssprelsensivc P1ass Msp Exhibit 2 Zae~ing Map Fxtifbit 3. 2007 Aerial Mep Exh.ibit4: Vicinit}rMop Ex}iibit 5: TransporLation Map Exhibit 6: Application Sul~niifta 'Exhibit 5EPA R~terrmina-tion Exhibit 9; AgencyCommeots 5ia[C Ftcpaet end Fkcosnrnc-ndamior, t;a ilu !'RAncwg Couiniiision f:rr CPA-06Y08 pm I of3 1. BACKGROIm-a rNFORNLksrIOn APPtIC,ktlvN PROCIS,srNG: CItiap#.er 17.80 1'crrnia Frocessing Pracedurtas in the Spowkarae, Wley Manicipal Csrd+a (SVMC), Thv failawing summaizes key Apglic.Atian procedure-5 for the ptopo5a1. ~ ApPlicaifiioa Subatsktcd: Cletobet 31, 2007 1 Determins,.icFn of c4mptetenm. Novembrr i, 2007 issuanee a~f Deteffnination of Non=5~Saificene.e (C)NS); F'~brumy ! 5, 2008 End ofAppesl Period for DN5: ~ Tobiruary 29, 2 00 9 ~ Dateof°Publis'hcdNoiiceofFublicHourine: 1 April 18.2008 ~ Da~e of MiLilcd Notioe of Pu6lic.Heuri nx. [,April 18, 204 PROPER' INWb~t~t,~tT[O;~: Siza an~Characte6st1cs; The sxt~ ~s approxinatcly 4.92 ~crez in size, 'Ghe SEPA chcclclist sutes ihe site is rallins wiffi tht st"pest s1ope boiulra FraxinWc1y 12i'o. Comorc~en~ive Plan: I Low I)ensity R$sideatial ~ zo ng.~g; Single-farnily Rmidenfial I)istrict (R-3) ~Exi5ting L,and ljse: Sin&-famify midential eaai vsc,ant lsmd . S Ul\.i\'L! L/l w-'iJINA] lsAd JT;lPClFiHENS L Y G PLd►ll F7,9lw LNV 1 1{.ll-D +.117NL/ R..I SES'• Itioath Camprehcitsive Pkan -Lot~ ~~~~ity Residentia1 Zoning --Sing]c-€ami1v Residgatiai District (R-3) Existing P.snd Uscs -~inqlc-fernily Resi+3cntial -Sovth CoriprchenshxL, Pian - Mediam i]ensiiy Residefltial and Public/QuA5i Public Zaning- Mv1ti-f$rnify Nledium Densetv f+xesiUntia1 (lh°fiF-1 ) ond Cornmu~ity Facrlilias (C;I~) Existinsa Land Uscs ^ Fublic School- Apartmeat Cornplex snd Sinjzi.e-fmily eosidential F, 11 st Comprehensive PXan - i:nw Nns ity Residential, Offiee tind High Denszty Rcsideatial Zoning - Singfe-ftitttilg' Resic€ential Dists•icl (1R-3), .~'iardesi Officc (~',C)) and MultE-fattily Hia* Density Residential (MF-2) E±:isting Land LJse5 - Sin$jc4miqy lkesidcntial, OFficc attid A~artment Couiplexes _ West Cc►mprchensiv+c Plan = l.vw Donsity ResidentiaB Zonirig - Single-fainily Residuntial 1?istrict (R-3) Exisfin[4 Land Uses - Sine-le rELrnIly rGsidonces II. FIN1]INGSA.'YD +L:QitiC7..1'S'lO'tiSSPF;Ci1T1C'TO ;,F.F'A Fiadings: Pursuanl do -fitlc 21 (Lavirc►nimntal C:ontruls) of ilie 5~okanu Val1ey NitEiiic ipa] Codc (_S%9%1Q, the ieac9 ~~,Ency° hus deterrnined r,hai this propasal does not have a pr~bab1e ssgniicant adr-erse impaet on kho cnwzronm+ent. Arr EBVironmental impact Ststcmans (E1S) is rral reqbies-cd under ~~W 4121C.030(2Xc), 'Ihe f'1aaning Divisiori issarecl o i]eterFninutipn of Non-Significance {pNS} for the propasa4. This decisMon vras made after re;aew of s c4rnpaetad cnvimnmc;n[a1 ch"ist and oiher informatior7 on fi1e with the 6ead egency. CG0c1u510n(5): The grocedurat requiauments of the State Envir+arrmental Pulicy Act sttd Title, 21 of the S4MC have been fWfisied by the applk:ant's sabmittgl of the teq,uimd SEPA ~~~=Mist, and thc iss:uancc of tJxc Citv's threshold datermiaatb(ir, comistingof aUttermi.natiot7 nfhon-Significanee ([?N5). Neappepls wctcmeived,. Stati €tcpott iwd ltcummcc~~atuin trr ihc P7ann'rnW [:nmmi35aor to; Cf`A-@&t1S Fege 2 sf 5 M. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHEN3IVE PLAN AMENDMENT A. CO.'HPLIANCF WITfl TTTLE 17 (GF.Pi6RAL PROV1SiOK51 Qf THE SPOKANE VALL.EY MliMCIPAI. CODE Findlnp: Seztion 17 $4 140 H(ComPrettensivc Pian Amcndmeat Atmraval Criteria) StQkaae Vallty Municipal Cvde 1. Thc City may approve Comprehe.nsive Plan emsnctments and era-wide mne map amendmcats if it fmd9 thnt (enalysis is itslicized): a Tbc proposcd amendment bears a substsndal celationship tu the public hea}th, safety, wel6ue, and protection of the environmont; - The pubJk health, safery, rnrd genera! welJare wtll be promoted tn axonlaarce wlth simmiards establtthed by the statt and the Cfty of Spokane Vallry's reguldions. b. Tho propased amendmmt is consistent with thc rcquircments of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portioa af ihc Ciry's adopted plen nnt affectod by the unondment; Tfre propnred amendment Is coittlstent wlth thr Grow1h ManwgamentAct. Adfacent Iand use designatlons are cvnststent wtth tlre proposed amendmrrrt. c. The propesod amendment rcsponds to a wbstatttial change in cond'stions bayond tbo prvperty ownet'a control appficablo to the area within which the snbject pcaperty lies; The propased amendment dors nat respand ro a subsrantlal change ln co»ditfrnu. d. The proposed ameadment correccs aa obvious mapping error; or Tlw propafed omardmenl dors rrot enmrt a nwapptng error. e. Thc proposod araandmeat addresses an idsndfud deficiancy ia the Comprehensive Plan. 7'he proposad amendment does not add»r.u mr klenty'ied declency tn tlre Campirehenatve Plan. 2. The City must also oansidar the following factors prior to approving Comprrhensivo Plsn amrndments: e. The offeci ttpon the physicai oavironment; Pursuant !o Tftle 21(F.nvirnnmental Cvntrols) af the Chy of Spokant Yalley Unlform Developntent Code, 1he lead agenc), has determined that tAls propoJal does not have a probable atgn#?cant nd►wrse fmpact on the envircmnwnt. Fwlher arviranmertlal eveluation moy 6t compleJed at the lfine oJdtvtlopment. b. Tbe effoci on oPen aPsce, streams, rivas, aad lalces; 77re SEPA cJeeckllil states that 1liere ls no surface ►vater body on or tn the lmmedlo/e v!c!n!ry ojstle. c. The compab'bilhy with and impaat on adjaccat land nses nnd surrvunding ncighborhoods; The iroposr.d amendment ts crnrtiguoru ta Offlce m4d Low Dansity Resfdenttal Comprehenstve Plan desfgnations. Ths proposed amendment !s a/su locaJrd adfacent lo exfsting r+esrdenliQl neigbborhaocir (norih and south oJCPA-Ob-08). dt 1hr time of developmen& atandarcis in ntlr 12 (Ikjign and Devtlopment Srmrdards), specjJTcally?2.70 (Fe»cln$ Screenlng and LandscapbW wlll reduce impwls on c4acent pr+npertlts by provldmg vlsuul srpuratlorr urrd physfcaJ buffers between lrnrd uses. d. Thc edcquacy of and impect on coramunity facilitks inctuding udtides, roads, pubiic transpartatian, parks, rectWion, and schools; The Cfty of Spakare Valley addnsses adequary of comntw►fty facilittes ar a citywide 6asis thrasrgh ectpllal facllllies plan»tng. Polky CFP-9.1 oJllig Comprehenafve Plan recvmmu►ds a comurrertcy mahagenient J}crtem for tranaportatian, sewer, and waier facfllNes. 7he City aJSpokane Vallcy'a Parrks cmd Rrcreatfon Plan outlJne.i an lmplemrntatJon strategy including a arPltal Jacllfties plan, whlrh Staff Ftcpnrt and itemmmend,aticm w the Pirnning Cornmissfan fnr CYA-L`e-OR Pqp 7 of 3 - ~ identrfres cacts rnid ro,enue sotrrres jor• neK• parks. Ae proposed anienclnienr will rrot hcn-e wi impuct on schools corrslderlng tJie r+eyuut is for cm office designatlon. c. The benefit ta the neighbarhood, City, and region; 77ae proposed amurdnrent will provtde o,BSce, lfght retail mrd servlce esrabll,shments fot !he surroroidirrg nelghborhood. f. 7'he quaatity and IocatiQn of land planned for the proposed lnnd usc rype end density and thc demnnd for such land; The propated mnendmenl !s apprarlmately 4.82 acres !n afre emd w11! pravlde addltlorral office nnd liKhi rzt[riI ilJtS. The patentlal demcmd jor thls type ojo„89ce de , g. The current and projocted papulaiion density in the area; ar 7he propased nnrendment wlll potentia!!y decrease popcrl;r~: . : ; , . , not demand populatlan analyssLt. h. The effect u}x►n ather aspects of the Comprehensive PlTheproposed amendmenr r.c r„n.si.srtnr :t'llj; /j7C CCN/1jw,'.;r lV. . T.. other aspecu of the p!: j, B. CON PLUNCEVYITHTMF: 1`; L \:1( I f 1~lI"til( (t':~L ( U!)i Fiodinpa: Sec 'on 1.60.020 (Gat~er► Office Districtl Snokunc Vallev Municipd_k'(:~,: ne Comprehcnsive Plan Map Amendmont is from Low Density Residonti,:: r•;. map amendment from Single-family Rcsidsmtial District (R-3) to Garden OCficc (Gt?, The Garden Office District is intended primarily for low-rise officc devalopmenl with luuited retuil ur roiumei, uses. Retail and eammerciel uses are limited ro those thst are clearly suhc,rdinnte to the primm, officr use or retail funetion primarily scrves the office uses in close rmaim i:, ~ ~ . . . : . ~ . .i : . _ . . li SC5 pfdVlde Fi i . _ _ . , . _ _ Conctusioa(s I: TEl@ pI77p0sC(1 ~Cll11E11C~iCii::1'C }'W:: ct171ClIt~111:Ui 1~ ii~)~i!~~$liitdiC~~ 'r.u~ d~fu~ lI: ~iLG dlllj %1fli E)L: `L- office uscs in the nren fiirthering the transitional chnrnctcristics betwtYn commercial and lowci !~51.7t11'.i:.. lii: 0l. B. C:0,+SPREFIFNSI%'E PL AN ne Office (O) classif`fcatio►; : . _ _ t ; . ~ . . . . ~ ' ~ . _ : ~ . . . . , . , ; ~ : _ . commercial uses. Retail and commercial uses ara lunited tu those thai atc clearly subordinato tu the prim.ar} usa, or the retnil function Frimarily serves the office uses in close pruximiry to the retei) a commercial use. Areas designated ns Qffice can servc a vnrioty of functions; they can act as buffers or transition aroas betwecn higher intensity land uses and lowa intonsity land usts. Thc plan further states, thet Spokane Valley bas areas of existing qualiry officx developmont Staffanalysis is italicized. 1. 1,UG-8 of the Comprehensive Plan encoarages appmpriate devclapmcnt standards for Office designated arcas. StafT Rcpa[t and Reccu?tmcrtse[inn to tbc F'lmnila Crmrntssian f{ir C?A-Lki-()E PaQs 4 of S StaffCommcnt: Al the time af detivlopment, standards !n 7-ttlc ?2 (Design and Development Sccmdards), specykalty 22.70 (Feneft Screenfng, and Landscaping) wfll rnfiwe impocts on ad}ucent p-opertirs by provfding vlwl saparatlon crnd phys[cd bsfferJ batwten lcrnd uses. 2. LUP-8.2 of the Comprohensive Plan racommends InOegrating sidowalks, bike lancs, landscapiag sad area lighting in officc atras to provide a safe and attrective working onvironmcriL StatT'Commeat: At the tlme ofdevelapment, landscaping and lighting w!!l be requtrwdJor the ntw o,ffice devslapirtent rnrrtplytng wlth Title 22 and other appllcable regularfon.s. There are ed3Nng sidewalkt an BrocdwayA remle. C. PITBLIC FACiUTM Fi.ndlngs: The proprrty is currendy served with public wairr and setiver. Access is provided firom BroadHUy Avenue (Exhibit 5). D. FmBVC, AWD CONCW5t0M SPECIFIC TO P[TBLIC GOMMENTS Fiadlngs: Staff hss receivtd no public cornment conccrning the proposal to date. Cunclusiou(s): Adequaie public noticing was conductrcl for CPA-06-08 in accordance with odoptcd public noticing procetfures, E. FLXnING !►►+D CONCLt19IONS SPECIFIC TO ACiENCY CQMMEhTS Findfags: Agency corciments aro rclatal to the physical develupmmt of the propecty. These comments wiU be addressed at the timo af demlopment. Commrnts nre atiached as oxhihits to the ataffreport. Conclusioa(s): Staff hes reviewad commzats and no conccrns are noted. IV. OVERALL CC?NCLUSION The proposed Cwnprehensive Plan dasigoetioa to OtYice and change in zoning classification to Garden Office (GO) is coasistent with the Comprehensive Plans policirs and goals. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division aftct reviaw and cansiderntion of the su6mittcd npplicatiun end Applicablr approvnl criterin rccommends thnt the Planning Commic5ian recommend Approval of CPA-06-08. Sta(i' Rcpnrl utd Rccacnrnrnlatiun to Uu Plnrm'sng Cummisim3i !oc CPA-~36•OS Page 5 of i Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map 3 g Low I sity R~sCdea Inl ~ CPA-Ob-08 a~ H~; h•t3ezisit~ lZc5 IJen t ill I (~Jjlitr, _ .s F flrc.u.iaao F Metfiurt~ ~u~it~ - Resi~le~itfal PublictQu~si- Pubiic 1 CPA-06-08 Rcqnt~t: Chaage t6e Comprehcnsive Pleu m~p dcstgnstiod Ciry olSpokane Valky Commaniry Developmeat Dcpartmeni f}~om LDR to O; cbange zunlne from R-3 to GO. Exhibit 2: Zaning Map - - - - I ~ . ~ ~ r ?.n 0 CPA-06-08 ' ~ i s nal.u~ay~~ w CF I CPA•06-08 Reqatst: Cbange tLe CassprcLtust" pisa mop designatim City of 5poicasc Valley tirom LDR to O; chsuas mala; hoo R'3 to GO. Commusl/y De.welopmta! Dc par t rn c lti 1 Fxhihit 3: 2007 Aerial Map - y 17. U_' -~-3-T,~ R . . i~ c ~=:iJ.~i~?i~• l f.lCui~~ I ,I,~~ t . ~ ."T- ~ _L - _ 'sl~ • ~ - . a tatF as-C- ntt ~ AL' ; C . i • ~ . ~ ~ ~I ~ y'. r• ~ . ~ t r i ~ ~ , ~ ~ r ~ _ T~` = ~ I c 'PA-06-08 , ~ '11, d - ~ s~~~i: ~ ~ •4Crrc , ~ - ' - ~~i I~J _ t~ E (~,~4 ~ ~►!f ' " , - - - Z r ~ , i i •ti , + ~ ~~.t' ~~'~'I i - A * h • ~r~• .1 ~~'"~~~t ~ ~ Js ~ ' ~ _ ~ i. ~ ~ . " ' . • ~ r ~~x f rJ J~ ~ {i'" • ~ , , " ~ ♦ i~ ' • y~~ p"~~~ • ~ ~ A t'f ~~i 4~ ~ r~ •i +rM; ~ ` ~a ~ ~4~~ ~ ~ 1 ir~' ~ ~ 4.i . ~ , ~M •~r ~#1~ , i ' ~ i~[ 1 ~ . ~ ^ + ~ ' + • - (r ' 1 ~ ~ ~`~Z. n `'~r I • - ~ . _ . 4 . . t,, A' ~attp k.- ~ - x~~ , ~ v i i ~ ~ ♦ r 'y_~~ , ~ 1 Il k~ cPA-o6-os Ctty otSpokens Vplley Re9uest: Cbaoge tLe Campre6epslve Plso map desipation Commnnfty t)cvetapment Depnrtmeet frQm LDR to O; chaage mnteg ftm R-3 to GO. ~ - Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map - a- ; or +ri ~ ~ I lelie~ 3 ~ J ~ `a.' e~ ti ni r I ~rrur r _r ~ rti A ~ TFFM I S I CPA-06-08 ~ IT= c<«~~ oD - ~ Korlh rQrnsdw~~ iMea • F,lrmr~tir}• l►tlddk ~ ~ , a ~ g CO~tI'itt _ ~ Blltd~ 1'i x Eilutitinn^ ~ ~ ~ ~ - tJl ,d, l ~ ~ CPA-06-08 Rcquest: Cbaagt t6e Compn6eetivc Ptan mep deslgnatlon Cky oPSpoicaue VoUey aom LDR to O; change zonlag from R-3 to GO. Carnmunity Dewelopa►ent Ikpartment , Exhibit 5: Transportation Map -S~Q---_--~---- - -~-~r- 1-=-- cPA-o6-os ` ~ Ge 6semaae Luthsran C [jD . ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~9rood+v,~• ~ [-b Li _ - N ort6 Pine - rUddlc ~ ~ I.egend - C11TlAt CuWlfkIItj011 All-i - $1111C Of FcdEfW P►incipal Arteriel Minor Arterisl - CA~1tCtor ~ .w - - - _ - _Olk ' • ' Prvposed Prinsipal Ar1eriR1 pcoposcd Mlnor ArterW - - - - Proposed Colkctor - - - - ~ allcaz.•o~_ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - I~ CPA-06-08 Cfty ofSpokaae Vellry Reqeest: CbRe;e the Cumprsbeas}ye Plaa mop designittbn C'omtnunit.`htNrlopment 1)epnrtmcnt_ from LDR fo U; chanee:oniag trom R•3 to GO. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (Fcr Statf Use Onty) 1 CommuNty Oevelopment Oepartmenc -1 Current P{anning Division DATESUB~IITTED: RECEIveD Rv• 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sutte 106 F1tE N0.1NAMF: _fj>A - 0_6 - O Spokane VaOey, WA 99206 ~ Tel: (509) 921-1000 Q22oy390 Fax: (509) 921-1008 -4~~~ PLANNIIVG FEE: SEPA FEE: ■ COMPREHENStVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLtCAT10N lt (Check One ~ Map Amendment ~ ~ . . , . . , . . PROPERTY OWNER: N I C-IC A b A 1'`/ o MAIUNa ADDRES3: I I g 13 E 13e'd a.Jw w' CITY: S,~I~••~ v,."grATE: bV A ZIP: 4~}9't.&;. Eiiiai{: PHONE: (raw) 4 z-L-$ 7-3 I QPPUC,4NT. N►' c k /-1 6 q r c~AflNL1NG ADDRE3S: 5c+ -~-A a5 CITY: S7ATE: Z1Y: PHO►aE: (rw) (wx) (coL, RELATtONSHIP TO OWNER S qn t rt o PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS ANDlOR DtSTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STRFF1) 11 $ f 3 C~N s,)• -.A VA !ts-i. . 9 rr A5SE9SOR PARCEL NO.: Li S 161 I-j-"7 ' PROPERTY SIZE: 'CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: L 1) R PROPOSED COMPREHEN9NE PLAN DE3K3NA71; CURRENT ZONINfl CLASSH}CA710N: R - PROPOSEO ZOMNO CLASSlFiCAT10N: BRIEFl.YEXPLAINRPASONFORMAPORTEXTkv,,C:yL):,:tr.i (.,i raG Fi f uLLLxP LAru7ia:.;: T O S 9-L.l .~c t V~/ ~ N J C 1"t4 1 P Gi T lA vftSd/ 1 L. OJ Ct 1 1~ U'- i /t ! U~.e _~n h~ h'1 l• 17~'~ i.1y ?►O Y~s J Tv ! i r hu rf{. ~nlCCt. SIONATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: _•~.l,L-('.Iti . r~ ~c-_-~_ Z%'~/„[~~ DATE: SIGMATURE OF APPUCANT: /C ~i1~; C!J/i!S DaTE: Page 3 of 26 PART IV APPLICARtT SIGNATURE n I, !l ( C~ ~I roO.V'(di-r-s ,(prini name) SWEAR OR AFFlRM TNAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES ARE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. (Signature) (Date) ' NOTARY . . (For part IIII above) , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 'ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me t➢iis day of D~ ~P v- , 20 C~ 7 NOTARY SEAL ~ :~2 . ~ ~ NOTARY SfGNATURE ~Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at:l'LGa1-5V!'i C°e~_ C~ 1r~~-~`~'=~ CLti7 i/a✓L /c/~c_ , My•appointment expires: /-7 P2a1aN Dublle StoPe of WaaAtRgton -Q`EGIQAPI t{ 6AliilM ~ tft l3pgofistrnenl6iptroa Mat 7.2011 . 0 I . ,l , ! . Page 6 af 26 ~ Thank you for your consideration of this amendment to the City of Spokane Valley ' Comprehensive Plan Map. The praposed change would amend the Comprehensive Plan mapping for 4.82 acres of ~ land near ihe intersection of Pines and Broadway. I 1. REASON This land is suROUnded by h+gher density Zoning. To the east tf,ere is zoning of ~ Qffice, MF-2, and Garden Office and immediately to the south is land that is zoned MF-1 ` The proposed amendment would square off the higher intensity uses in the Pines ~ and University area while at the same time providing a clear(y defined border line ~ for a low intensity transition to the surrounding residentiat area. t Such a change would thereby provide for the use of this property as an assisted ~ . living facility with additiorial low intensiry medical offices. The population demographics of SAokane Va11ey show tiiat in future years that ' there will be an increasing need for assisted living facilities and medical care. This land is one of the few pieces remaining thaf can provide for both of these needs. The land is situated near the Valley Hospital therefore providing an enhancement fo the office and faciiity needs of this grawing industry., With regard to Assisted L'+ving Facilities; They generally require a site location of approximately 2-4 acres. Adriitionally, it is preferable to locate them in quiet neighbor'tioods with good access to transportation, and, in order to justify the costs of construction, they need to operate profitable with a census of at least 50 clients. 7his land is one of the few parcels remaining that can meet these needs. Wthin the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Spokane Va(ley, The Garden Office Zone would affow fhis Iand to be developed to its fuifest potential. 2. MEETING APPROVAL CRITERIA " a. The proposed amendment will provide a substantial relationship to thz- , public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment by permitting the most advantageous use for the good of our ageing population with the environmental enhancements of added green space. b. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A and the Cities adopted plan. The Comprehensive Plan section 2.5.4 (Garden Office) states that: "Areas designated as Offioe can serve a variety of functions. They can stand alone as major employment centers. They can also act . as buffers or transition areas behveen higher intensity land uses and lower intensity land uses. For example, Office areas can provide a transition betvireen industrial or commercial uses and residential areas. Office uses'+,vork weJl for this because they tend to generate less traffic and noise, operate shorter hours and are often smaller in scale then industrial or commercial" The proposed amendment 4riN support this function by providing a transitional area behveen the higher density uses to the land's sauth and 'east and the residential zoning to the north and west of the iand. ~ . ~ in the Spokane Valley was at 21.35% whereas the vacancy rate for medical office space county wide was just 8.459'0. g. The currenf and projected populafion density in fhe area: Ai a City . ; Council retreat hetd on February 11, 2006, the City Council directed staff to u6lize a 1:89Q/o annual growth rate for purposes of population forecasting. This resuited in a 20 year population forecast of 38,614 ~ persons. This information was presented to the SCEO on February 15, ~ 2006 when the City officialiy requested a 20 year popu(ation a((ocation of ~ 38,614 for planning purposes. This nse in population wiii require an • increass of essential services over the next 20 years. The proposed amendment wiU make it possible to better provide for these future needs. ~ h. The etfect upon othsr aspsc(s of fhe Comprehensive Plan: The proposed ~ amendment should have no effect on other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. . ' t t ~ • I I . ' I 1 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ' t C) c~~~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ►Jp~.K~lll~.' H PLANiVING DIVISION ,;,oOVa11ey• , 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.321.1000 Fax:509.921.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org . . . . - - . - - - . . b- - . _ . , . . , . . . . - - - - . . • . . m DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE File No.: CPA-06-08 Description of proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Office; rnrresponding zoning map amendment hom Single-family Residential District (R-3) to Garden Office (GO) on approximately 4.82 acres of land. This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. Proponent: Nick Abariotes Location o£ proposal: The proposal is Iorated between Cataldo and Broadway Avenues east of Pines at 11813 E. Broadway Ave; specifically Iocated in the N8'/4 oE Section 16, Township 25 Nortl1, Range 44 EWIvl; parcel number 45161.1127, 5pokane Valley, Washington. Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Comniunity Developmeret Deparhnent, Plaruting Di.vision ~Determination: Pitrsuant to Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Uniforrn Development Code, the lead agency has determined that tlus propasal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Envirorunental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after i-eview of a completed environraental cheeklist and otiler information on file with the lead agency. This information is available fio fihe public on request. D\TS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Staff Contact: Kathy McClung, Community Development 13irector Tavis 5c.hrn.idt - Assistant Planmer City of Spokane Valley Communit), DevelopmQnt City of Spokane Valley Community Development Deparhnent Department, Plannulg Division Valley Redwood P1aza,11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Valley Redwood P1aza,11707 B. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Suite 106, Spokane Valley, 4VA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0030 / FX: (509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0046 / FX: (509) 921-1008 kmcclung@spokanevalley.org tschrr-ddt@spokanevalley.org Date Issued: Pebruarv 15, 2008 Signature:1(.l4-J'J.- M-- C'r- APPHAL: An appeal of this cletermination must be submitted t the Community D elopment Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued specifically by February 29, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.. This appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold deteravnation. Appeals shall be conducted in conformance vvith Section 17.90 (Appeals) of the Ciry's Uniform Development Cade, and ~ any required fees pursuant to the Cit}~s adopted Fee Scheduled shall be paid at time of appeal submittal. ' Pursuant to WAC 197-11-680, appeals shall be Iimited to a review of a final threshold determination. 1 I , ~ E IBT6 XH I , ~ . ~ . ~ . , 9 A,7~f l I'.b Y;yG,../ S7r17E OF 4VASh11NGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECULQGY 4601 N Monroe Slreel 9 Spokarre, !1'aslringtor► 93205•1295 ~ (509)329-3400 ~ ~ ~ ~ • • February 28, 2008 ~AR p+~ 2408 oi Spot\,ane 11a~1~'k, . , Ms. Kathy McClung, Director City of Spolcane Valley Commuriity Development Department 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valtey, WA 99206 laear Ms. IvfcClung: Thank you for the opporttmity to cornment on the Determination of Nonsignificance regarding the pi-oposed Comprehensive Plan Amenclment, r-ile No. CFA-06-08 (Proponent-Nielc Abariotes). O The Department of Ecology bas reviewed the documents and would lilte to submit the following comments: Water Resources Praeram Permit coverage under the I7epai-kment of F..eology's Tndustrial Stormwater General Peimit is required for industrial facilities that have spccific Standard Tndustrial Classification (SIC) codes and have a discharge oFstormwater fi-om their indush•ial areas to A receiving water of dte state, or . to stoi•rri drains that discharge to a receiving water. Our review of your SEPA checlclist indicates that your facility appeArs to meet the criteria for pennit coverage. A booklet desaribing the permit in more detail and listing industries by SIC codc requiced to, obtain permit coverage may be found on the intemet at httn:Nw,~vw.ecv.wa.¢ov/proeramms/wa/stoimwater/inds bkl.ndf. Applicalion for the permit should be made at least 3$ days prior to comniencement of industria] activities. Thc stonnwater permit application form, refen-ed io as a Notice of Intent, can be obtained by calling 360-407- 6437 or on the iniernet at httn:/hvww.ecv.wa.QOV/nrogramslwu/stormwater/industrial/index.htnil. ; Though a facility may not need a stormwater permit, the operator is still i~esponsible for ; compliance with ottier water quality laws fuid regulations. If you have questions concerning this comtuent, you may call the Departrnent of Ecology's Lacey offce at 360-407-6437 or Dave Dwican at 509-329-3554 at Eeology's Eastern Regional Office. Water Oualitv Praerani ~ Froper erosion and sediment control practices must be used on the constiuction site and adjacent areas to.prevent upland setiiments from entering surface water. Local stormwater ordinances will ~ Ms. ICathy McClung • February 28, 2008 ~ Page 2 • . - ' . ~ provide specific requirements. Also refer to the Stormwater Managemcnt Vianual for Eastern i Washington (http://Nvww.ecv.wa.eav/nroerams/wa/stormwater/eastern manual/manual.html). All , ground disturbed by construction activities must be stabilized. NVhen appropriate, use native ( vegetation typical of the site. - ! All new dry wells and other injection wells must be registered with the LJndergroimd l.njection I Conhol program (UIC). at Department of Ecology prior to use and the discharge from the well(s) must comply with the ground water quality requirement (nvnendangerment standard) at the top of , the ground water table. Contact the UIC staff at UIC Program,Departrnent of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, (360) 407-6143 or go to htto:lfwww.ecv.wa.i!ov/nroL,rams/wa/Qrndwtr/uic/registration/ree info.html for registration forms nnd further infoiYnation. , Stormwater rtmoff may contain incrGased levels of greasc, oils, seciiment, and other debris. Stormwatei• Best Management Fracticcs (BMPs) should be installecl and maintained so that any discharge will be appropriately treated to remove these substances. Di►mpsters and refuse collection containers shall be durable, corrosion resistpnt, nonabsorbcnt, ~ noniealcing; and have close fittuig covers. If spillage or lealcage does occur, the waste shall he . piclced up immetliately and returned to lhe coniainer and the fu-ea properly cleaned. ~ Rnutirie inspections and maintenance of all erosion and sediment control Best Management ~ ' 1'ractices (BMPs) arc recommendecl both during and after development of the site. Siate Environmental Policy Act fSEPAI . Ecology's commEnts are based upon the information provided Nvith the SEPA checlclist. As stich, they do not constiriite an exhaustivc list of the various authorizations that must be obtained or ' legal requirements that mu,st be fulfilled in order to carry out the proposed action. Sincerely, • ~ . • Teni Costello ' . SEPA Coordinator . llepartment of Ecology ~ Lastern Regional Office ~ 4601 N. Monroc Street ~ Spokane, `VA 94205-1295 . F'hone: (509)329-3550 . • ' Email: temi461 aeecv.wa.eov 2008-1090 , . j - . . . . c;c: Nick Aba'riotes , i ~ CPA-01-08 thru CPA-os-os . ~ ~ ~ovis scnmidt From: Red, Jlrn [JRed@spnkanetouniy.org] Sent: Tuesday, Fabruary 05, 2008 10A8 AM Ta; Tavis Schmidt; Mickl Harnols; Micki Hamois ' Subf ect; C PA-01-08 #hru CPAd}5-08 ~ Hi, ~ All Compehensive P13n Arnendrnenk5 are within sewer proJects 2nd will be required to connect to seiveras properkies are developed. Plans, fees, securify and so on, vril be required as neeaed_ IF pou have any ques#ions, please cuntact me at 477-7279_ 7hanks, ' .lim . I I I . ~ 2l1412008 ~ 193D7 Easr rkTkLOO SPpKkNE VALLEY, 4VA g9016 {509p 2~#S-~.~i313 CEHTRkiVACLEY 2[iioa4AlS7iiit7 45Sd RECEIY ED Aprll 29, 200$ APR 3 0 2008 Tavis Sc~midt, Assistant Paanner E~ Cik~r of SpoE~ane 1fa11ey~ tpoF~ca~~~r~E r~en, vn~tOPhA~NT 11707 E~St S~}fag U$ ~kV~'iliJ$, S Ulte 105 COf4TFhUN~TY O€V~ $poQCaI"]e Va I lay, 913206 ' Re: CPA-05-06 ❑BaC Mr. ~chf1lICjt: Central 1fafley School District appreraates the oppvr#unity to comment on the subject ; plat appEica#ion. ~ ~ I AIthough Central Va11ey School Dis#ric# does nat see any issues between the propased , ~ plat appfjcatian and the distrrct's present facilit3es and properkies; it should be noted that the distract cannof ensure studenks within the proposed p1at will attencf the cIosest I schooL. Based upon current enroliment g raw##~ rates ~e potential exi sts to trar~sport , stucferi#sto scl-EObls.in va~ivus'areas of the dis#nct basecf upon availability and I e~ro'lfinent a~-tfr~at point in #ime. ~ The disfrict expec#s ta have room for students from these proposed new homes ff #hey are occupied before Fall 2008. If, however, they will be completed a#ter that trme, i C entraf Valfey Schoof D€strict asks that the C ity of S polcane Vafley 'I ) postporte ~ approval in line vrith provision s_ of sta#e law (RG1+1! 58A 7.110(1 &2), the G rowth Mariagerrteeit Ac#, Spokane GoOty's Comprehensive Plan arrd the City of Spolcane 1la Ifey's Go mprehan sive Pi an, pending availability of additional schoof facilities, 0 r 2) I corrcfition approval on payment by the rleveloper af a per dwelling unit fee equai to the ~ dis#rict'S e IIg'lk}kl Cty fof SCh 0o I I['E'ipaCt feeS_ ~ Again, thank you for the chance to provfcfe comments to #hei subject plat application and ~ i# there are any quesflons, please feel free to contact me at 228-5411, ' Sincerely, i Wacile~,A.1N.~ylanti - . - . . . . , b«e~tor, Fadlitips_& O.perations' . . . . . . _ .~v . . _ - = . . _ . . . . . . : . . . . . . . ' . . , - - ,F- . , . , . . . . . . . . _ . _ . f' ' j . ' . " . J ~ Cm,01[n'17'Y DEVELUPMENT DEPARTMENT PLAN',\7wG DIVLSIOY 0100~ S0Q~~ne STAFF REPORT AND RECOAZIVIENDATIO,N TO THE %11ey PLANNTNG COMMqISSION CPA-07-08 . STAFF REPORT DATE: Msy 1, 2008 HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: vlay 22, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206. PROFOSAL DESCRIPTIOY: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Conummity Commercial (C); corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residentia] Urban District (R-4) to Conununity Commeroial (C) on approximately 1.24 acres of land. Tliis proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21 C. . PROPOSAL LOCATION: The praposal is located southwest of the interseciion of Carnahan RoAd Qnd 3"d Avenue at 228 S. Camahan Road; specifically located in the MV of Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 43 EWM; parcel number 35232.1509, Spokanc Valley, Washington. OWNER/AYF'LICAIVT: I-IA Tombari, T.LC; 2129 E 49"' Avenue; Spokane, `VA 39223 C) APPLiCAT"TS REPRESENTATIVE: Dwight J. FIume; 9101 N Mt. View Lane; Spokane, NVA 99216 APPROVAL CturElt[A: Chapter 2(Urban Land Use) of the Spokane Valley Comprehenside Plan, Title 17 (General Provisions), Title 19 (Zoning Regulations), and Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (svivic). SUiNZMAl2Y OF RECUMNIEI\DATIOr: The Planning Division, after review end consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteria, recommends that the Pianning Commission approve CPA-47-08. STAFF yLANNER: Michael Basinger, ATCP, Senior Planner, Community Development ISepartment REVIENED HY: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Manager, Conununity Development Departmcnt ATTACM•IENTS: Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Exhibit 2 Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map Exhibit 5: Transportation Map Exhibit 6: Application Submittal Exhibit'7: SEPA Determination Exhibit 8: Agency Comments ~ Staff Report and Rceammendateoa to the Plfuming Cammusion for CPA-07-08 . Pqgc l of 5 ' I. BACKGROUNll Y1YE'ORA'IATION . APPLICATION PROCESSGNC: Chapter 17.80 Permit ProcessinS Procedures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The folloNaring summarizes key Application procedures for the proposal. Application Submitted: November 1, 2007 ~ Determination of Comqleteness: November 1, 2007 ~ lssuance of Determination of Non-Significance (DNS): Fehruary 15, 2008 ~ ~ End of Appeal Feriod for DvS: ~ February 29, 2008 ~ Date of Published Notice of Public Hearing: ~ vfay 9, 2008 Date of Mailed Notice of Public Hearing: ~ vlay I, 2008 PIZOPERTY INFORMATION: Size and Characteristics: The site is approximately 1.24 acres in size. 7"be SEPA checklist states the site is flat. Comprehensive Plan: I Low Density Residential [oning; ~ Single Family Residential Urban 1.7istrict (R-4) ExistinR Land Use: I Two single-family homes SURROUNDINC COMPI2EHENSIVE PLAN, ZONI:YG, ANll LAND USES: ~ Noith Compiehensive Plan -Commumity Commercial ; Zoning -Community Commercial Existing I.and Use.s - Single-family residences and retail South Comprehensive Plan - L.ow Density Residential Zoning - Single Famiiy Residential District (R-3) and Single Family Residential Urban TJistrict (R-4) Existing Land Uses - Single family residences East Comprehcnsive Plan - Public/Quasi-Public and Regional Commercial Zoning -Community Facilities and Regional Commercial Existing Land Uses-Commercial O£fices West Compi-ehensive Plan - Low Density Residential Zoning - Single Family Residential Urban District (R-4) Existing Land Uses - Single family residences II: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPE C11rIC TO SEPA Findings: Pursuant to Title 21 (Environrnental Controls) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Codc (S`WC), the lead agency has determiued that this proposal daes not have a probable sigaificant adverse impact on the environment. An Eiiviroiunental lmpact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCVV 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Plan.ning Division issued a Deterniination of Non-SigniEicance (DiNS) for the proposal. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The proccdural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfilled by the applicant's submi#tal of the reguired SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold determinacion consisting of a Determination of Non-Significance (ANS). No appeals werz received. Staff Repon ond Recommendzttiaa to the Planning Commissioa Cor CPA-07-08 Page 2 of 5 O M. FIND].7YGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COiWREHENSNE PLAN AMENDv ° 1E1T A. COcrIP1.lANCE WITFl TImE 17 (GEPIERAL PROVaSiONS) OF THESPQKANE VA,I,GEY MUlvICIPA.L CODE Findings: ' Section 17.80.140 H. fComarehensive Plan Amendment Aonroval Griterial Spatcane Vallev Municioal Code 1. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide zone map amendments if it finds that . (analysis is italicized): A. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; Tlre public health, saJety, and genera/ welfare ivil/ be promoted in aeeof dcmce with stmrdards established by the stale and the City of Spokarie Yalley's f-egzdatiorrs. b. The proposed amendment is consistent Nvith the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; The prnposed anrendinent is eonsistent with the Crmvth Management Act. Adjaceni larrd:ise desigfzalions crre consistent with the pf•opased mnendinenl. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change i.n conditions beyond the propEriy owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property l.ies; The proposed amendment does not resFond to a scrbstantial chmrge in corrditions. ~ d. The proposed amendment conects en obvious mappino error; or The proposetl amendnrent does not corz•ect a mapping error. e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified de6ciency in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed mnendnrent does no1 addi•ess an identifred deficiericy in the Comprehensive Plan. I 2. The City must also consider the follotiving factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendments: ~ a. The effect upon the physical environment; , P:n•siran! to Title 21 (Envirotrmetttal Controls) of the City ofSpokaire Yalley Urriform Developmeazt Cade, the Ieaciagency has deter•»>fned that thls proposal -does not hcrve a probable significarit adveise imnact ' oii the enviromnenG Fcrrther environmental evcrhration mcry be required at the 1ime of development. b. The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; The SBPA ch¢cklist states thnt there is no sanfuce ivnief• bocty on or ira the inurrediate i+iciniry of site. ' c. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; The proposed crrnendmetlt is contiguotis to Regional Commercial crrrd Conrnrtrnity Commercial Comprehensive Plan desigarations. Tfre proposed amend»retrt is also located adjacent to rnt exts[ilig i•esidenticrl neighborhood (we,st of CPA-07-08). At the lime of developntent, strnrdcn•ds in Tii1e 22 (Desigii , and Develap»rent Standards), specifically 22.70 (Fencing, Scs-eening, and I.rnidscaping) will reduce ; inrpocts ara adjaceirt properties by providing visual separalion aMd physical bxiffets benveen land :rses, d. T'he adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, ~ parks, recreation, and schools; The City of Spokane Valley crddf-esses acleqzracy of comnetrnity facilities on a citywide 8a.sis tlrrougir capital facilities planning. Policy CFP-91 of the Compreherrsive Pltm recommends a coftcurrency ►nandge»ienf sysle»2 for lransportatiott, seivei; and tivater facilities. The City of Spokarre Yalley.'s Pm-ks ~ StsffRepoR nnd Recammendfl;ion to the Plannmo Commission for CPA-07•08 Paoe 3 of 5 and Recreatron Plan outlines wt rmplefnentation strutegy including a capilal jacilities plan, which identifies costs and reverrue sozo-ces for new parks. The proposed amendment will no1 have an empaGt on schools consider'rag t12e request is fof• a commer•cial designation. e. The benefit to the neighborhood, City, and region; The proposed amendinent will provide retail, servJce cmd office establtshments for the suiTOUnding nerghborhood. . . f. The quaatity and location of land planned for the proposed land use rype and density and the demF►nd for such land; The proposed amendmeni is appYOxiiraately 1.24 acres n: size and will pYOVide additional office and light j•etail:rses. The potential demand for this type of office developnrent fs zrnknoivn. g. The current and projected gopulation density in the area; and The proposed amerrdinent will potentially deci•ease population densiry. The proposed amendinent does : no1 demmrd population analysis. h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. The propo.sed amendinent is consistent tivith the Comprehenuiv¢ Plan and tivill have mrnimal inrpact on otlrer aspeets of the plarr. ~ B. CO,'4I'PLIArCE wITH TITLG 19 (ZONING REGLII,ATIOVS) OF TAE SPOKA.Nr, VALLLY MUVICIPAL COAE Findings: . Section 19.60.050 (Communikv Commercial District) Snokane Vallev Municival Code ~ The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Low DensiCy Residential to Commtmity Commercial and corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Community Commercial (C)• . The Community Commercial classificfltion designates areas for retail, service, and office estAblishments intended to ~ serve several neighborhoods. Community Commercial areas should not be larger than 15 to 17 acres in size and should be located As business clusters rather tkan arterial strip commercial development. Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan Funendment is approximately 1.24 acres in size and will be adjacer►t to other conlmercial uses i.n the area furthering the existing business cluster to ths south. CPA-07-08 is consistent witli the intention of the Community Commercial District. C. CONIPREHLiVSIVE FLAN ~ The Community Commercial classification designates areas for retail, ssrvice, and office establishments intended to serve several neighborhoods. Community Commercial areas should not be larger than l 5-17 acres in size and should be located as business clusters rathee ttian arterial strip commercial development. Staffanalysis is italicized. 1. LUG-3 af the Comprehensive Plan encourages transforming various commercial business areas into vital, attractive, easity accessible mixed-use areas that appeal to investors, consumers, and residents and enhance the commuaity image and economic vitality. S4aff Comment: At the time of developinent, the developer slroiild considet• LUG-3 to pf•omote economie i_ developmeitt mid an alb-active co►nnuaiiry destinatiori, StaffRepo-rt and Recammendation to the Plenning Commissian Eor CPA•07-08 - Pags 4 of 5 , 2. LUP-4.1 of the Coapcehensive Plan recommeads iatcgrating rctail dmlopments into awroundiag nsideutial arcas w'tth atteation M quality dasign and functian. StaffCommcat T1ee proposed Comprehcnsrve Plan vmena6rtenr !s locuted 4acent to an exlsting rrsldentid neighborhvod (wrst of CPA-07-08). At the tfine of developmernt, stcmdards !n Title 22 (Deslgn artd Developmwtt SYwrdmrfs). apeclfically 22.70 (Fencing, Streeriing md Lundcqping) will mducr lmpactt oit ac#arsnl propertio by pr,avkfin8 vftual srparatfom mid physical bqffm betwesn land uses. 3. LUP4.5 of the Camprehcnsive Plan recommettds competi'bUiry bctvrean mixed-use davetopancais and residaitlal ereas by rcgulatiag hcight, scale, setbacks, and bufftrs. Staff Comxncnt At the tfAie oJdeuelopmm halglu, subacki, and bj&rs wJll be rrqub-ed to ensrrra campatlblJtty wllh erJsting nstdartial d"elop+rient. 4. LUP4.9 Identify ttnd designsEe str+ects whcrc on-strect pariciag can be safcly provided without unduly slowing traffic flow ar jcopardizing trnfEc snfety. Staff Commcnt: Canrnuniry Dcvelopmen4 Devclopinenl Engirreering DivLslon wfll requtre sircet fmpravements a1 the lbm oJphysical dsvelopmem oJtJAe pmperry to a!!ow far on-Jtrett parking, thls muy requlrt dedfcotfat oJ FroP'arty. D. PvBLIG FACDxw Findings: Thc propcrty is currently scrved with publ'u waLer and acwea. Aocess is prvvided from 3'd Aveaue drsigneted a Minor Arteris] in the ARerial SVeet Plan (Exhibit S). E. F1NDnVC wn CONCLUSIONs SPECIFtC TO PUBLIC COMMEm Findings: Staff has ceceived ao public cocnmeat concerning the proposal to date. Coaclmioa(a): Adequatc public noticing was wnducted for CPA-07-08 ia stcordance witfi adopted pnblic noticing procedures. F. FEqDING AND COYCLUSIO.VS SPFCIrrIc Tn Ac:Excv COM EM Flndings: Agcncy commcnts rclate to the physical development of the property. Tbcse camments will be addressed at the time of dcvelopment, Cammeats are atiacbed as exhibits to the staff report. Coaclasion(it): Staff has roviewed commeats and no concems nre noted. N. OVERALL CONCLIISION The proposad Comprchcnsive Pian drsignation to Consmunity Commcrcial end c6angc in zaning classification to Community Cammsrcial is cansisteos with the Camprehensive P1ens poticies aad goals. V. STAFF RECOMMEMATION The Planning Divisivn after ra~icw and consideration of the submiited application and appiicable approval criteria rocommends that the Planning Commissioa recammend approvAl ot CPA-07-4S. 5taff Repoct and RccammaAL'ian lo the Ptmn{aj Cocmiwion tur CPA-0748 Pa;c S vf S . I I E.xhibit 1: Comprehensive P1an MaP tf . _ • _ f. J, ~ {.~r:f,tr,t~iri^------• ~ ~ ~ y±=~ (7. ;~~,~f~i-5r------` cPa-o7-ox ~ , - ~ ~ ~ ~ ; • , - - ' ~ Pubilcl(~uasi• hublic ~ 90 4ib . 4& Aa ^ ~w Deas~t7 f~uWrot~af ~ Pub idQoesl- ~ Pubiit CPA-07-08 Cin of Spokane Villey Request: C6a°ge the ComPrchensive PLn maP daignatloa Commanity Development Department from LDR to C; ebange z,odng from R4 to C. ~ ~ Exhibit 2: Zoning Map , ~ - CYA-47-08 - ~ - - - . ~ - CT _ _ . _ - .r - - - - _ - _ - - IL,.; - _ ~ _..3rd 3~„i! ! 1 ~go ~ I4KJ <L~ ~ ~ - - - - - ~~I x TI R-3 K-3 ~ CPA-07-0S Reqaest: C6aa~e the CemFr'0 Pi~n aup da~ttlo~ (Sty ot Spoktu Valley from LDR to G; ctisega mnY: !►'oin R-/ to C CommwnKY DvelOPmeld Departmcn! Fxhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map _ - ili~. - - • ~t".'7. - • - • - ' ~ ' , ; , r ; - , , ~ " ~ q,l ~ - I ,V'i~~ ' ~ ; . . . . ~ +fF,.l, , • 1 ~ ' ; . - ~ • , , ' + i, : _ « . . r . - ~ ' 3 " r.a i; I • 7~ ( 1.• , ~ - 4: F~ -r _ ° _ ~ ;:~_~":.r . - - - . 'Y~;f~~ - _ _ ! fC .•i~ r - • i 1 /'T i 1 , V . _ ;_,r.,~.,~•:,, , . ~'.1-~I"-~l`~ . ~ _.rt~ - . . < ~ ~ . .r ~ +4' ~iy~r/.~r~~•~~ ~ ~ F~" j r ^~:avv. :~!~_~i..~~ p_T-_, r~ ~G~Ir~•~,~ • -~r ~ w ; a, . . - . 1 ' ' r ~ . . ; • .,J~ . . - - . a --A-Ap~ a ' ~A1 ~?g1. , .y. 'K' ~`,1~1 ~ ~i ~1:." " '•';~9~ '1►' I~ta ~~L ~S" A~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u . r '~~y~ 1 L 1 ~ I y~t ~ ~-src♦ t ~ ~ ~ ~1. `~r ~T F~`~'I+r . ~.r• t F f~~~ `',,j~I ~ ~ r~~ A ~ ~ {,•f ~ _r~ ! ~ I y( n-'rkj . j• 1~~~ _ f •s ~ '71, 3 `~.~1 .r.,..~`'{ • ~ ~ • .I} R~yf~ t~-'•`~~L'' ~f r: - •:~~;f' i ~ ~ r`~ . ' i . t. ,L✓t? ~ t I ~ ~ .a ~ ~ , J ^ c~,' ~ • ~ ` ~ ~ ` ' ; y,i 1 ~ ~ - ~ 't~, , _ ~r !~i ~•I -r+~ +~+j~~ ~ . ~ ~'Ilt,'~a. •~~,a • j 1 ~ " _ . - ~ - - - - - s- ' . _ - - " _ ' - . . : . . - . . _ _ ' . ^ ti _ _ ~ 1~ ; ► 1 X ~tE'? ~T . ~ ~,~_'.r - ' " ~ • - - rr. •t-i ; I ~~n l ~ , r CPA-07-0 F-timt: C6xn;e tbe Compreheailre P"!aa msp desipstion ~ CYtp of Spoiune VaUo9 IMm LDA to Ci cbsnge zoahtt ftO R4 to G I Coazmacity Dewelopmiat Dcparta►eat ~ ~ Exubit 4. Vicuuty Map ~ c MT - ~ . vaGg maL ~Y~eoa Sutc r~.~cwp 1 ~ CPA-07-0$ ~ , ~ N RUL 1-1-H~ - ~ Ia~tructisnal• LLIH y ~ sa~ppo t Ctr ~ I F ~ I I I IM4.1 ~A'~'08 lteques~ C6ange t6e CompreDessirc PLa ~wp designaiba City o[Spokane Vatky lrom LDR to C; e~nge yaralng !Mm R-~ to G I Commaatly lkvslopmaut Depart~ant J Exhibit 5: Transportation Map CPA-07-08 ~ ~ ~,c - - .40 ~ - ~ ~ 190 190 wtss oN 190 Legend - Carreat CLeslQcadoa ~ ~ ( d - Stata or Fcdeml Princi{ml ArDOrial Minor Artesitl - - CbUectw - - - ptaposed Priacipd Arterial i ~ - - • Psvposed 1~!'inorArterid ~ - - - Propooed Oollatw ~ ~ - - - - - ~ Icstroctionel Tcch. Snpporl~Ct-r-i r ~u CPA'07-M Reqnes~ CA~nge t:C~;chamnge reLenslve Ptaa map daigeatioa City of 5pokane Volley from LDR son~Q from R-4 to C. Commnntty Devdopment Department . ~ 1 ~ ' . ~ . ,j / ' ' ~ . t ~ ' ~ .ya CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (Far Staff Use Only) Community Development Department Current Planning Division Dare Susr~rrTen: ~I RECEIVED BY: I~ 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Fne IVo./NAME: Tel (509) 921-1 0099206 RECEIVED ~ ) r-v;-, y 3 cl - Fax: (509) 921-1008 - olannina a'1 s,ookanevalle .y OLq NQ+~ O ~~i, 2007 - P~NNING FEE: SEPA Fee: DEP~~tdT OF ' - CbMMUNIIY DEVElAPhhEN► COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION PART I - APPLICATION INFORMATfON (Check One) 0 Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OVYNER: H A TOMBARiLLC MAJLING ADDRESS: 2129 E 49T" AvENUE CITY: SPOKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 99223 Email: N/A PHONE: (Hn,) (wic) N1A (GEU) APPi.ICANT: DWIGHT J HUME ~ - MAILING ADDRESS: 9101 N MT. VIEw LANE CITY: SPOICANE STATE: WA Z1P: 99218 Email: dhume(a)saofcane-landuse.com PHONE: (HA4) (wK) 435-3103 (cEtQ RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: Aaent PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEARESY CROSS STREET): 228 S CARPIAHAN ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: ' 35232.1509 PROPERTY SIZE:54000 SF ~ CURRENT CO+JIPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: LDR PROPOSED COIVIPREHENSNE PLQN DESIGNATION: C(COh9MUNITY COMA4ERCIRL) CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: R-4 PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: C BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMEtdDMENT (ATTACH FULL EXPLA{dATION): SUBJECT PROPERTY ADJOIIVS I-90 MID 3m AVENUE A PLANNED HIGN SPEED FROiJTAGE ROAD. IT IS ACCESSED THRaUGH MAJOR RETA►L ANO INDUSTRIAL AREAS. ~ i Page 3 of 27 4, / SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWfJER; DATE: - SIGNATURE OF APPIiCANT: DATE: / d;Z- ~ ..v PART III - SUB ITTAL EQUIREMENTS MIN{MUAlI SUBNiITTAL_REQUtREMENTS _FORMAP AMENDMENTS_ A. 12''One (1) copy of a narrative describing the following: 9. State the reason for the Comprehensive plan ililap Amendment. ~ 2. Describe how the proposed changed meets the approval crfteria contained in Part IV o'l' this application packet and adopted by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020. ~ 3. Describe how the proposal addresses speciflc factors contained in Part IV of this appJication packet and adopied by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020. B. ❑ Notice of Application packet for 400-foot notification, (Please note: DO NOT submit the Notice of Application packet until you have been contacted by the City. Addres'ses must be ~ current within 30 days of the Planning Commission pub(ic hea(ng.) ~ C. C9' pne (1) copy of completed State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Checklist, including option Non-Project Action supplemental form. (Note: Any previous environmental I documents that are relevant to this project should be inc(uded and may be adopted by j reference.) . D. Required Comprehensive Plan amendment and SEPA processing fee. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TEXT AMENDMEPfTS A. ❑ One (1) copy of the text proposed to be changed, showing deletions by sWkethrGugh and ~ additions by underline. 6. ❑ One (9) copy of a written summary of the proposed amendment that describes the following: 1.. Why the change is needed and the potential land use impacts if approved; 2. HouJ the proposed change meets the approval cr+teria contained in Part III of this application packet and adopted by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020. C. ❑ No fee for Text Amendments. ; Please submit only (1) unbound set of the above information. Spring binder clips are ~ preferred. Do not spiral bind or staple your application packet or include dividers, 3- ; ring binders or plastic covers. .J ' . ~ . i Page 4 of 27 ~ i 1 1 PART III: APPROVAL CRtTERIA Spokane Valley Ordinance Na 46-020 establishes the follrnriing approvai criteria for Comprehensive Pian amendment proposafs. Proposed amendments must meet all apalicable criteria to be considered for approval. The City mav approve comprehensive plan amendments if it finds that: - A. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relatianship to the public hea(th, safety, wzlfare, and protection of the environment; B. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A and uvith the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; , C. The proposed amendment rESponds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; D. The propased amendment corrects an obvious mapping errar; and E. The proposed amendment addresses an identifiied deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020 cites the following specific factors that must be addressed in order for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to be approved. Please address the following factors: A. The effect upon the physical environment; 6. The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; i C. The coMpatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; - D. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilitias, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation and schools; E. The benefit to the neighborhood, city and region; _ F. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; G. The current and projected population density in ti,e area; and H. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. I ~ ~ . Page 5 of 27 ~ PART IV , . APPLICANT SIGNATURE . 1, (print name) SlNEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPONSES RE MADE TRUTHFULLY AND O THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. , ir~ " ~ (Si9nd (Date) 1 ' NOTARY (For Part IIII above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ~ ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) s ~ I SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ~L)LKP\ 20 O-1 i I NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in d for the State of Washington Residing at _ J i1.~ bA ►ti.2 . UQ-~~ ~..)A , :r C,)' = < z°tARY - ~z : O ~ • • pus~~,~►~_- (j = My appointment expires: aaa"~ \ ' ~TF U F . '~ti,,...•. i i Page 6 of 27 I ' ~ Owners Authorization - - ' To Represent CPA City of Spokane Valley P4)<5 o%.vner of the above-descn'bed property do hereby authorize Drvight J Hume to cepreseut me and my it►terests in all matters regarding this applieation. - ~ ~ - / ~~s ~ ~OWLED ENT: S'I'ATE OF WASHiNGTON ) ) ss. ' COUNTY OF SPOKArdE ) 11 n_' On this J~ ) day of L1~L'~1~ , 20 C7 , befoie rue, the undersigned, a Notary Public in aad for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and swora, personally appeared ~-t /r,-.,' , to me luiown to be the individual that executed the foregoing instrument and aclcnojviddged the said instrument to be frae and kis/her free and - voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein menrioned. ~ - i Witness iny band and official seal hereto affixed tlie day and year first above written. ~ . - ` - • I `~o€~N~ RI.YNNS ~ ~~~Y publicYm and for tlie Stat s gton, P ~ Q~ g`ON ~1'p qLL residing at ✓,~I~ZCt'/~G~. /_l-L ~ g / ~ ~ ~ V P l! 110 ~ oFW . ; r ~ = 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Narrative LDR to Gornmunity Commercial 2nd to 3rd at Carnahan Rcason for Comqrehensive Plan Amendment Request ' The subject property is wedged between Community Commercial zoni.qg to the north, Regional Commercial zoning to the east and fronts along 3`d Avenue which is planned to become a high speed frontage road as part of the I-90 adjustments to accommodate the proposed N/S Corridor. It is not suitable for LDR uses. Even the East Central Neighborhood Plan Update prepared by none other than the Urban Planning Department of Eastern Washington University foresaw the need tv designate all of the land between ' Sprague Ave;iue and I-90 as Major Commercial and that sub-area plan receivect narional i awards for its cfforts. We believe this to be the highest and best use of the subject properry and eventually all of this area in-lieu-of residential. Annlicable Anaroval Criteria A. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, , safety, welfare and prAteclion of the enviromnent; ~ ~ The Proposed ajrrendrrzent is consistent with the eacisting Commtinity Comrnef•ciul ~ classifrcation located near8y nor•th of the subject p1•operty and adopted by thzs degislative body as pcn•t of the existing compYeherrsive plan. There is no cltange.d circunzslcmces to irrdicute any dissimilcn•iry to render this inconsistent. A. ccordingly, the pf•aposed amendnzEnt beufs the afore»eenlianed substantiul reluldonsi:ip. B. The proposed amendrnent is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A and with the poition of the Ciry's plan not affected by the amendment. Tlri.sproposed arnendnzent is conslsterrt tivilla the carrrent coinpretiensive plan rn that it ; request orre of the existing land use categories. As stated above, this categniy is located adjcxcent arrd rrorth af the szrbject proper°ty. It is therefore consistent with RGGt/ 3670A and is noi otheytivise inconsistent with the re»aaindei- of the plain. C. The proposed amendaient responds co a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area with which the subjact property lies. N/A ~ D. The proposed amencLnent corrects an obvious mapping error. The cur•rent contpl•elrensive plan repluced Light Lzd:dh4nl with Low density Resideritial, arr obvioars error• to n:ove fi•oni one extr•eme to the other. E. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the comprehcnsive , plan. N/.4 ~ . I ~ ~ ; Snecific factors To be Addressed: A. T'he effect upon the physical envieonment; The proposed change i.s consistenl with the land u.se desibmation adjacent on the north side of 2°d Avenue. 7he sile is sey-ved with all utilities and fi•onts along I-90 and - the proposed high speed frontage Poad tlnrs, no impact to the physical environment is anticipated. B. 1'he effect on open space, streams rivers and lakes; 73rere is no effect upon these elements of the envif•onment. ' C. The compatibiliry with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods: 7"he area is a fnix af rrrajof• r•etail, strip comn:ercial and rnixed use residential. The lacation along the I-90 cors•idor and at the buck edge of a bag box retailer i•educes the impacts rf any from this hecoming a Gon:munity Co»:nzercial sfte. D. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities in.cluding utilities, roads, public transportation, parks recreation and schools; The vnly itnpact this coirld have rs upon roads. This will be adcli•essed durirzg the project specifrc revieis, tf appf-oved for Con:iminity Conzmercial. All xitidilies cire available and there is no impact to coniinunityfacilltie.r ft•om the praposed use. E. The benefit to the neighborhood, city and region; - There is no neigllbof•Iiood crlang lhe edge of I-90. l'revious lafrd use plarrs had tlzis • ' area desig»nted IighF indusb•iul ar7d residentral uses are not being built in this pf•oxinzity. The benefit of new retail uses within a Community Commer'CICtI DlSh'ICt IS synergetic and increases the tax revenues fof• local governmerlt services. F. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land usc type and the densiry and demand far such land; This is a 54000 sf udditipn to 117e Canznnunity Cnmmercial Dislr•!ct of llzius area arrd does not significantly cl•rarzge the quarurry loss or gai,a of either categoyy. ! G. Tlie current and projected population of tlie area; 1"he population projectio,r fof• tl7i.s area is r:ot affected hy this• change. The sit.e tivould yield approximately 6 dwelling tcnits. This option is elirninated if the pr-opei-ty is chrniged to retail u,re. H. The effect upon other aspects oftlle comprehensive plan. .4s slated abave, the proposed change is tlze smtze as tivhat the plan suppor•!s along lhe area along 2'"dAvenue frorrtage a4iaceizt to tl7e subject proper•ry. Due ta the liature of the change fi-om residenlial to retail, there is less ifripacts trpon pubdic facitities, parks and schoals. Accordingly, this pt-oposal does rrot affect the other• aspects of the comprehensive plar:. , i 1 j I,egal Descripdon CpA 228 S Cstrn96an LDR to Community Commercixl (C) Lots 1-4 and Lots 9-12 Blvck 15 Sprague Street Addition, records of Spokane County, WA. Consisting of 54,000 sf. ~ I i J ' ~ l ` J~ / i EXHIBIT 7 ~ ~ . ~ COM]NiITIVITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ,SffO~e PLANNING DIVISION ,;0OValley° , 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Sgokane Valley WA 99206 549.971.1000 Fax:509.971.1008 cityhall@spokanevalley.org ~ - . _ - . . - - - - . . - • . - ~ , DETERMINATION OF NONSIGiNIFTCANCE File No.: CPA-07-08 Description of proposal: Compreliensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential Urban District (R-4) to Community Commercizl (C) on approximately 1.24 acres of land. This proposal is considered a non project action under RCW 43.21C. Proponent: HA Tombari, LLC - Location of proposal: The proposal is located southwest of the intersection of Camahan ltoad and 3rd Avenue at 228 S. Carnahan Road; specifically located in the NW'/a of Section 23, Townslup 25 Norkh, Range 43 BWM; parcel numbex 35232.1509, Spokanc VaUey, Washington. I Lead Agency: City of Spokane Valley Community Development Departrnent, Planning Division CD )eEerminaHon: Pursuant to Title 21 (5nvironmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform evelopment Code, the lead agency has deternvned that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Iinpact Stabement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on lile with the lead agency. 'Ihis inEormation is available to the public vn request ~ DNS issued under WAC 197-11-940(2) Responsible OfficiaL• Staff Contact: ~ I<athy A2cClung, Community Development Director Mil<e Basijlger, AICP - Senior Planner ~ City of Spokane Valley Community Development City of Spol<ane Valley Community Development Department Deparhnent, Plann3ng I7ivision Valley Redwood P1aza,11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Valley Redwood P1aza,11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Suite 106, Spolcane Valley, WA 99206 PH: (509) 688-0030 /FX: (509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0M / FX: (509) 921-1008 kmcclungQspokanevalley.org mbasinger@spokanevaUey.org I ~U~vwx- . Date Issued: Februan, 15. 2008 Signature: n U AT'PEAL: An appeal of this deternv.nation must be submitted to the Community Development Departxx►ent Nvithin fourteen (14) calendar days after the date issued specifically by February 29, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.. 'I'his ' appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be coilducted in conformance with Section 17.90 (Appeals) of the City's Uniform Development Code, and (--'-~,uny required fees pursuant to the City's adopteci Fee Scheduled shaIl be paid at lime of appeal submittal. ~ 14?ursuant to 4VAC 197-11=680, appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determination. I ( I ~ EXHIBIT 8 i i . . - ~ . • . ~ aTdr n ~ sTarJ~ aF VIVAsHINGroN DEP.aRTMENT OF ECOLO(.,Y ~607 N AlOrtroe Street a Spol(ane, 411ashingtun 99205-7295 ^(.i09)329-340D ~ECE VED Februaiy 28, 2008 (4!AR 0 5 ZOQB ; City of'Spokane Valfey MIs. Kathy McClung, Director City of Spokane Valley Community Development Departinent 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 ` Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Ms. McCI ung: Thanrc you for the opportunity to comment on the Detennination of Nonsia ificance regarding the ; proposed Compreliensive Plan AmEndment, File No. CPA-07-08 (Proponent-II A Toinbari, ' LLC). The Departnient of Ecology has reviewed the documents and would lilce to submit lhe ( following commcnts: Water Resources k'roaram , On-site septic tanlc and drainfield systems are designed to treat and dispose of domestic 1 wastewater or its enuivalent only. Commercisl and industrial operations discharging wastes other ; Yhan domestic wastewater to on-site systems rnay result in grntmd water contamination and could cause the facility owner or operator to incur severe liabilities. Watec Oualitv Pr•oQram I'roper erosion and scdinient control pi•actices imtst be used on tile construciion site and adjacent ~ arEas to prevent upland sediinents from entering surface water. Local stoi-inwater ordinances will provide specific requirements. Also refer to the Stormwater Management Manua] for Eastein ' Washington (httn:/hvrvw.ecv.wa.p-ov/uroaramshN~alsiormwater/eastern manual/manual.html). All ground disturbed by construction acti-sities must be stabilized. When appropriate, use native vegetation typical of thc site. All new chy wells and other injection wells rnust bc registered with the Underground Injcction Cantrol program (tIIC) at Departnient of Ecology prior to use and the discharge fi•om the well(s) must comply with the ground water quality requirement (nonendangerment standard) at the top of the ground water lable. Contact the UIC staff at UIC Program, Department of Eeology, P.O. Box 47600, OlympiA, WA 98504-7600, (360) 407-6143 or go io ' ~ http://N,%ryvw.ecy.wa.izov/t)roRramsfwQ/Ln-nd,.vtrluiclrep-istration/ree info.html for registrration forms ~ ~ -J aiid f~urther infonnation. ' , . Ms. Kathy IvicClung February 28, 2008 . Page 2 . , - - Stormwater runaf£ may contain increased levels of grease, oils, sediment, and other debris., Stormwater Best Management Practices (BUtPs)'should be installed and maintained so that any discharge N«ll be appropriately treated to remove these substances. Dumpsters and ref.im collection containers shall be durable, conosion resistant, nonabsorbent,- . nonleaking, and have close fitting covers. If spillage or leakage does occur, the waste shall be picked up immediately and retumed to the container and the area properly cleaned. Routinc inspections and maurtenance of Rll ei~osian and sediment control Best Managcment Pracdces (BMl's) ace recommended bath during and after development of the site. State Environrnental Policv Act (SEPA) ; • . , ~ F-cology's commcnts are based upon the infoimatiou provideci with the SEPA checklist. As such, j they do not constitute an exhaustive list of the various authoiizations that must be obtained or ' legal requirements that must be fulfilled in order to cany out the proposed action. ~ , Sincerely, TeiTi Costello ' SEPA Coordinator Department of Ecology , Bastern Regional Office ' 4601 N. vloruoe Strest Spolcane, WA 99205-1295 Phone: (509)329-3550 Email: temi461(c~.ecv.wa.gov 2008-1087 cc: H A Tombari, I:LC . ! . . . i ~ CPA-O1-48 ttuu CPA-08-08 Page 1 of 1 ~ o Micki Harnois Red, Jim [JRed@spakanecounty.org] t: Tuesday, February 05, 200810:48 AM To: Tavis Schmidt; Micld Harnois; Micki Hamois. Subject: CPA-01-08 thru CPA-08-08 kll Campehensive Plan AmendmenEs are within sevrer projects and will be rcquired to connect to sewer ae properties are ieveloped. Plans, fees, -s°curity and so on, wil be required as needed. f you have any questions, please conCack me at 477-7279. fhanks, Iim O . , , a ~ . ~ . - ~ ts/2oog ~ Cwim1fN111' DEVEI..0PN1EtNr DEPAItTIqENT PtAiNNiNC D[visiox STAFF REYORT AND RECOtILMEivDATION TO THE Spokane ,;oOValley PLA-riNrNG COM11q[SSION CPA-08-08 , STAFF REPORT DATE: May 1, 2008 IiEARIIYG DA'CE AND LOCATION: vTay 22, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., SpoEcatte Valley City HaU Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 Frast Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, NVashington 99206. . PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low D.ensity Residential (LDR) to Office (O); corresponding zoning map amendment from Sing.le-family Residentivl District (It-3) to Office (O) on approximately 1.02 acres of land. Tbis proposal is considered a non-project nction under RCW 43.21C. PItOPOSAL LOCA1"ION: The proposal is located east of Sullivan Road ancl one lot north of Cencury Avenue at 604 S. Sullivan Road; specifically located in the NE of Section 23, ToNvnship 25 North, Range 44 ENVM; parcel number 45231.2244, Spakane Vallcy, Washington. OWNER/APPt,tCaNT: Joseph L. Sherick, LLC; 3721 South Union; Spokane, WA 99206-6321 ~ APPLiCANTS RE,PRuEIv'I'ATNE: Dwight J. Hume; 9101 N Mt. View Lane; Spokane, WA .99216 APPROVAL CRITERT.A: Chapter 2(Urban Land Use) of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan, Title 17 (General Provision), Title 19 (Zoning Regulations), and Title 21 (Environmenta] Controls) of the Spokane Valley Nlunicipal Code (SVMC). SiJ`iMA.I2Y OF RECOAD1ENDATION: The Planning Division, after review and consideration of the submitted application and applicable approval criteriA, recommends that the Planning Commission approve CPA-08-08. STA.FF P[.AYNER: Michacl Basingcr, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department REViER'ED BY: Greg McCormick, AICP, Planning Manager, Community Development Department ATTACH!NfEh`TS: Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plfw Map £xhibit 2 Zoning Map Exhibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map Bxbibit 5: Transportation Map Exhibit 6: Application Submittai Exhibit 7: SEPA Determination Exhibit 8: Agency Cominents , ~ Staff Rcport end Ra,ommandatian to the Planning Commission for CPA-08-08 Page l of 5 I. BACKGItOiJND INFORMATYOr' APPLICATION PROCESSi3YG: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Frocedures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). The following summarixes key application proceclures for the proposal. Application Submitted: ~ November 1, 2007 Determinatioa of Completeness: ~ November 1, 2007 Issuance of Determination of Nlon-Significance (ANS): + Fcbruary 15, 2008 End of Appeal Period for DNS: . + February 29, 2008 Date of Published rzotice of Pubiic Hearing: May 9, 2008 Date of Mailed h'otice of Fublic Hearing: May 1, 2008 j PROPERTY INFORN4ATIO:y: ! Si2c and Characteristics: The site is approsimately 1.02 acres in size. The SEPA cheeklist states tlie e ~ site is flat. Comprehensive PlFUi: I Low Density Residential ~ Zoning: ~ SinRle Family Residential District (R-3) II Existiniz Land Use: ~ Vacant ~ SuuRRownhNc CohrPREMNsrvE Pz,~~r,'Lov[Nc, a?vD LarD UsEs: North Copnprehensive P(an-Office, Medium DensityResidential, and Low Density Residential 7oning Mcdiurn Density Residential (MF-1), Office (O), and Single Family Residential District (R-3) Existing Land Uses - Single-family residences, apartrnents, and officc uses ~ South Comprchensive Plan- Public/Quasi-Public ai1d Low Density Residential Zoning - Single Family Residential Urban District (k-4) and Coiiununity Fzcilities (CF) Existing La,nd Uses - Duplex subdivision ~ Enst Comprehensive Plan - PubliclQuasi-Public zoning - Community Facilities (CF) and Multifamiiy High Density Residential I7istrict (sVLF-2) Existine Land Uses -Central Valley Hieh School and apartments West Comprehensive Plan - PubJir.lQuasi-Aublic Zoning - Cornmunity Facilities (CF) and Single Family Residential District (R-3) Existine Land Uses - Euiscopal Church TI. FINDING5 AND CONCL,USIO\S SPEClF1C TO SEPA ~ ~ Findings: ~ Pursuant to Title 21 (Environmental Cantrols) of the Spokane Valley Municipa! Code (SVMC), ibe lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significont aclverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Lnpact Statement (E1S) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Tlie Planning Division issued a Determinatioa of Non-Signifcance (DT'S) for the proposal. Th.is decision was made after review of a completed environntental checklist and other inforrnation on file witli the lead agency. Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Poticy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fulfillcd by the applicanYs submittal oE tfie required SEPA Checklist, and the issuance of the City's threshold detertnination consisting of a Detemiination of Non-Signi£cance (DTTS). No appeals were received. ' StaiCReport and Recommendetion to the Plaauning Cammission for CYA-08-08 Pagc 2 of 5 M. FINDI~e iGS AiYD CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO THE COMPREHE lYSIVE PLAN AMENDMEN'T ' A. COMPLIANCE R'ITB TI'CLE 17(GF,NERAL PROVISiOYS) OF'fHE SPOKAYE VALLEY MUPfICIPAL GODE. 1 Findings: ~ Section 17.80.140 R. fComprehensive Plan Amendment Aonroval Criterifll SookFUie Vallev Municinat Cods ~ - r 1. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan nmendments and area-v6de zone map amendments if it fmds that (analysis is italicized): a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationsbip to the public health, safety, welfare, and 1 protection of the environment; , The pubfic health, safery, and getreral welfaf•e tivill be promoted in accordunce rvith stcindards I esta6lfshed by the state and the Crty of Spokane Yalley's regulations. . b. The proposed amendment is coasistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the ~ portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amcndmen[; ~ ( The proposed amerrdment is consistent ivi1h the Growth Mrnragement Act. Adjacent lund ttse ~ desfgnations crr-e consistent tivith t1Te proposed rnrTendment. c. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's ~ control applicable to fhe area within which the subject property lies; ~ r The proposed amendment does rrol resportd Fo a substanlial change in coitditions. . d. The proposed amendraent correcYs an obvious mapping error; or j The proposed umendment does not correct a mapping error. e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. ~ The proposed amendinenl does not address an identified deficieircy in the Comprehensive Plar7. 2. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Compre_hensive Plan amendments: ~ a. The effect upon the physical environment; ; ~ Purstrant to Title 21 (Envirortmental Controls) of the City ojSpokane Valley Unrfarm Devetopment ~ Code, the lead ngency has detef•mined that this proposa! does nvt huve a probable signifrcant adverse ; impact un the environment. F:n•lher environmental evahratron nray he required at the time of develanrnent. ~ { b, The effect on opsn space, streams, rivers, and lakes; ( The SEPA checklist state.s that there is no suyfnce water body on or in the immedinte vicinity ojsite. ! c. The compatibility with and impaet on adjacent land uses And surrounding neighborhoods; The proposed amenrdment is coniigzious to rm Ojfice Compreheirsive Plan designatron. The proposed amendment is also located adjacent to nn existing residential neighborhoen' (south of CAA-08-DS). At the time of dev¢lopment, standcn-ds irr Title 22 (Desigrr and Development Stmtdards), specifically 22J4 ~ (Fenci»g, Screerring, and Larrdscaping) wi11 reduce impacts on adjacent properties by providing vistral separalion and pjrysical btiffers 8ehveen lcmd irses. d. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, ' parks, recreation, and schools; Staff Report and Recommendatian to thc PlanningCammission farCPA-08-0S ~ Pngc 3 af 5 % The Clty of Spokarre Valley addresses adeq:racy of community facilitles on a city►vide 8asrs throiigh capital facilities plnnning. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Comprehensive Plan recom»tends a concenr2ncy ntanagernent syslem for transportation, sewer, arad wuter facilities. The Ciry of Spokane Yalley's Parks and Recreation Plcm outlines an implemenlatior2 strategy including a capital,f'crcilities plarr, ~ whicyi rdenlifies costs and revenue sources for netiv parks. The proposecl amendnienl will not have un inrpact on schools considering tlte request is far an office designcrlion. e. The beneft to the neighborhoorl, City, and region; The proposed amendment iuill provide office establishnrents for the surrotmdir:g neigh5orhoad. These uses may irtclude meclicnl and dental facilities, edarcationul services, ins:rrcmce, real estate, fnancial institutions, design frrms, and legal services. f. The quantiEy and location of land planned f'or the proposed land use type and densiry and the demand for such land; .The proposed amendmerrt is approxiirrately 1.56 acres in size and willprovide crclditional ofjice rnrd light retail:rses. The potenlial denrand for thrs type of office develop»rent is unlrnowrz. ~ g. The current and projected popularion densiry in the area; and The proposed amendment will potentiaJly decrease population density. 7he proposed amendment does not demand popcrlatiorr analysis. ~ h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive 1'lan. ; The pf•oposed anrendnrent is consistenl }vilh tlre Con~prelrensfve Plrnr and tivill have mininral impact on ( other aspects of the plnn. ~ B. COa2rLtavcE wqTlR T1Ti.E 19 fZoINING RCGiJI,ATIONSI OF THE SPOKANF VALLEY vI[INiCTPAT.. COllE i Findings: Section 19.60.050 (Off'ice District) Snokane Vallev MuniciQal Code The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Low Density Residential to Office and corresponding zoning map i amendment from Single-faunily Residential District (R-3) to Office (0). ~ The Uffico designation is intencled primarily for inedium-to high-rise office development with limited retail or ~ commercial uses. Retail and cflmmercial uses are limited to those that are clearly subordinate to the primary off'ice use or the retail function primarily serves the office uses in close proximity to the rctail or comnisrcial use. Primary ~ tases including medica] and denhal facilities, edticatioiial services, insurance; real estate, fmancial institutions, design ' fimis, and legal services are representative of the office district. Office uses can act as buffers or transition areas ~ between hig6er intensity land uses and lower intensity land uses. Conclusion(s): The proposed Comprehensive Plan ameudment is contiguous to other office uses and multi-family development. The offiee will provide a transition betvveen the medium density residential use and single-family residences located south of the site. Office uses work well for tlus because they tettd to generate less traffic and noise, and operate shorter hours. CPA-08-08 is consistent with the intention of the Office District. C. CONiPRENEiVSNE FLAN ~ The Comprehensive plvi states thaf the Office desigriation is intended primarily for medium-to high-rise office development with limited retail or commercial uses. The plan further states, that Spokane Va.lley has areas of existing quality office development. Several developrnents within the ArgonneJMullan Couplet, Pines Road, and j i , Stuff Repon and Recommendation to tUe Plannine Gommission fae CYA-08-08 ~ 'Yao 4of5 Evergreen Road corridors cmbody good dtsign end att ceprtsentative of des'ued future oft7ce development. Office davelopmat on Sullivan Road wiil providc ncw job opportunitias within the oommuniry. Staff analysis is itaticized. 1. LUo-8 of t6e Comprebensive Plan encourages sppropciatc developmeat standards for Offico designated sreas. Staff Commeat: At 1he tisee ojdeveloptRrnt, skmdards tn Titls 21(De.tign mrd Dmlopnrrnt Standards), spectilcolly ZZ 70 (Fencbsg, ScrernIng, and landscapln,g) will reduct hrrpacu on adJxent propertles by provtdtng visual separatlon and ph)vlcal bqffers between land uses. 2. LUP-8.2 of the Comprcheasive Pian rocommends integniing sidewslks, bike lanes, tandscaping nnd area lighting in office arras to provide a safe and attractive working environmaat. I Staff Commeat: Ai 1he Ifine oJdevelapment, landscaping crrrd 11g)iting w!1! 6e riqutred far the new o,~`'ice development compTving wlth Tflle 22 and otfrtr appl(cable regulations. Therti art ufsrnrg sidewalkr an Sullfvtm Road. 77e B1kv and Pedestrfan S)atem nrap in tlre CumprehensJve Plwi propases bike lanes jor Su!livan Road D. PL►BLIC FAC7LtTIES I Findiaga: The pmperty is currentty scrved with public water and sewer. Acass is providsd &+om 3°0 Aveaue deslgnated a Minar Arterial in the Art+trial Street P18n (Exhjbit 5). E. FtNULNG ah'D CONGLLT510h5 SPCCiFlC TO PIIBL[C COllf.~tEhTS Fiadinga: Staff has received no public cmnmant concaraing the proposal to dnte. Conclaafon(e): Adcquatc public noticing wns conduciod for CPA-08-0$ in accardanco with ndaptad public nodcing procedw+cs• F. FINDIIYG AtYD CONCLUSIOIYS SPECTFIC TO AGSNCY COMmEm I Findings: Aguicy comme:►ts relaW to the physical development of the proporty. T6ase commcnts will bo eddressed at thc timc of developtnent Commonts are attaahed as cxhibits to the staff rcport Conclasioa(a): Stnff 6es tcviewed eamments and no concems are notecl. IV. OVERALL CONCLtiSION The proposed Comprehensive Plan designauon to Office and change in zaning classification to Office is consistent with the Comprehensirre Plnns policfes end goals. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Tbe Planning Divisian sRer review and consideratian of thc snbmitted appGcatioa end applicable agprovsl criteria recommends thet the Planning Commission recommend ppprnval ot CPA-08-08. Stit{ Repptt oaQ Reoommeru:atlm to the Ylanning ('cxnmissico for CPA-08-OE Pege 5 af 5 I ~ Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plan Map Atcciium tiri~btrat;3nn<7 Dsnsity Ir:crtiz! uK< Iiw ct:sn mt i ~ J~ !m ~ G'PA-OS-OS . 1 r ~ ♦ Low ~D~3ii ~ PnbtidQnssi- Res~dentl~l Pubitc ~ . ~ ~ ~ I ~ Ccntnl Valky - _ • Stnlor High CPA-0S-0B Cky ofSpolusc Vallef ~9~~: CimWti the Comprebeasive Plan mQp desl~tb+~ Commuulty Devrbpmeal Deprrtment fi'om LDR to O; chantc zonLg trom R-3 b O. 1 Exhiblt 2: Zoning Map ~ ~ :t~ r~ 4A KC ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ I CPA-08-08 Ra ~ - - - F - ' - e ~ - r r a ~ CrDtral VaUcy 5enior E1' b Request: G'iaset tre Compraioasi~t Plam nup desl~qtlw =CPA4)8-0 t Spoka~e VaUcr liroa LDR lo O; cba~e ao~ing iros R-3 b O. Commcvebpmea! Drpartneat ' Yhibit 3: 2006 Aerial Map _ - - ~ • A } Y ! .•',l I r ; ' Ir 1 t ~ ~l~ ~ • f.. -_~i _ ; ` ! . • . • , J~ k , j~ ~ . ~ 'r'T i.~~rr r i,~~F' i ~ - i ` • r-r~' '"i i ' - ~ c . CPA-U8-08 ~ ,4'~ `l~ptti f, ' • ` I ' 1 ' S~~ ~ ♦ ! , i , r : ~ ~ d + 'I ~ , 1 . I. " ~ - CPA-" oest: Ckasge t►c Cow rebeas}re PLs ma des Ciry olSpolune V~Iky ~ P p figaMtbs CammuAtty perdopment Deparimeat fi'oo 1,DR 1o U; ehaage son1s= dva R-3 to O. . ~ , ~ I ' Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map I ~ - ~i i ~ . CPA-0&OS - Ae.,.. - e~s~dn ~ featnl `'a{kr ~ Sealor "ti ~ CPA4O8-08 Req*est: Clange tLe Compnbmjve Plao msp dtsipatba City of 9polece VAflc'Y from LDR to O; ehaAge:oabg from R-31o O. ComnasSry Dc'vefcPmeti! Dcpartmcnt Exhibit 5: Transportation Map ~ - ~ . J 4di . , I I CPA-08-08 / ~a► ~ , . , ~ i ~l Legena ~ Clarreot ClassUestba - Stde ot Foderal Prtacipal Artsritl I lrficsoc Artnria) ~~ICCW* Centrol YaIIay Seblor Hit6 - - - Proposed Principd Arterial ~ ~ - • propased Minor Artarisl I • - • Piropoted Collator ~ CPA'" Rrquest: Cbin=e tlhs Compnbeasive Piae s~Ap desipatbm Cky of Spoka~e Vallry froa LDR to O; clutKe zombg frow R-3 fo O. Comma'itp Drrdopment DepaKnent ' . ` 'V 1 1 ~ ' ' ' N ~ 1 . ` (J ~ i , . - - - ; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (For 5taff Use Only) Community Development Department Current Planning Oivision DATE SUBP7TTTED: ~I Vi L77 RECEIYED BY: 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Sulte 106 FiLE No./NAME: CPQ ^ O`4 "'O-A Spokane VallEy, bVA 99206 Tel: (509) 921-1000 Fax: (509) 921-1008 : aECE IVED plannina spo'< nevallev.oro P~NING FEE: ! mUv O j 2097 SEPA Fee: ~ ~ ~ E VALI.EY ~ COMPREH~ ~ 1r T` ~ ~ =;~1MENDMENT APPLICATION ' ~ PART i - APPLICATION INFORMATION . (Check One) ❑ Map Amendment ❑ Text Amendment PROPERTY OWNER: , J. L. SHERICK MAILING ADDRESS: 37218 UNiON CT. CirY: SPOKANE STATE: WA tiP: 99206-6321 Email: N!A ~ PHONE: (Fi?A) (1NK) N/A (CELL) ~ APPLICANT: DbVIGHT J HUME ~ . ~ MAILING ADDRESS: 9101 N MT. VIEw LANE ~ CITY: SROKANE STATE: WA ZIP: 99218 Email: dhumeOwokane-landuse.com PHONE: (Hna) (vwC) 435-3108 (CEU) RELATIONSHIP TO OWNER: Aaent PROPERTY LOCATION (ADDRESS AND/OR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREET): 604 S. Sui_Lrvara Ro - ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 45231 _2244 PROPERTY SIZE: 45,112 ; CURRENT COBdPREHENSfVE PLAN DcSIGNATION: LDR PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: OFFICE CURRE{JT ZONING CLASS I FICATION: R-3 PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATIaN: OFFICE (O) BRIEFLY EXPLAIN REASON FOR MAP OR TEXT AMENDh1ENT (ATTACH FUtL EXPLANATION): • FLANKED BY ARTERIAL, OFFICE USES AND APARTMENTS. HIGHEST AND BEST USE FRONTING I SULLIVAN IS OFFICE. I ~ . i I Page 3 of 26 I ~ . I ~ " l ~ • ~ , ~ SIGM1IATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: ~O DATE: SIGMATURE OF APPLICAIJT: ~ DATE: PAR III - SU MITTA REQUIREMENTS ~ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MQP AMENDMENTS A. G'One (1) copy of a narrative describing the following: 1. State the reason for the Comprehensive plan Map Amendment ; 2. Describe how the proposed changed meets the approval criteria contained in Part IV of this application packet and adopted by Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020. . 3. Describe how the proposal addresses specific factors contained in Part IV of this application packet and adopted by Spokane Valley Ordinanoe No. 06-020. I I B. ❑ Notice of Application packet for 400-foot notification. (Please note: DO NOT submit the ~ Notice of Application packet until you have been contacted by the City. Addresses must be current within 30 days of the Planning Commission public hearing.) ~ C. B'One (1) copy of completed State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Checklist, including option Non-Project Action supplemental form. (Note: Any previous environmental ~ documents that are relevant to this projecf shou(d be included and may be adopted by reference.) C i D. Required Camprehensive Plan amendment and SEPA processing fee. , i MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TEXT AMENDMENTS ~ A. ❑ One (1) copy of the text prop sed to be changed, showing dete ' s by stfikethFoug# and ~ additions by underiine. B. ❑ One (1) copy of a wrifiten summary o the propos amendment that describes the following: 1. Why the change is needed and th ote t'al land use impacts if approved; 2. How the proposed change meet e approval criteria contained in Part III of this ~ application packet and adopte y Spo ane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020. ~ C. ❑ No fee far Text Amendments. p t Please submit only unbound set of the above infor ation. Spring binder clips are preferred. Do not piral b'rnd or staple your application packet or include dividers, 3- ring binders or plastic covers. ` .J I i Page 4 of 26 I I PART III: APPROVAL CRITERIA Spokane Valley Ordinance No. 06-020 establishes the following approval criteria for Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals. Proposed amendments must meet all aQplicable criteria to be considered for apptoval. ; The City mav approve comprehensive plan amendments if it finds that: A. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the pubfic heaith, safety, welfare, . and protection of the environment; B. The. proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment; ~ C. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; D. The proposed amendment corrects an obvious mapping error; and E. The proposed amendment addressss an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. II Spokane Vaffey Ordinance No. 06-020 cites the #ollowing specfic factors that must be addressed in order for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to be approved. Please address the following factors: A. The effact upon the physical environment; B. The effect on open space, streams, rivers, and lakes; C. The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods; D. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilitfes, roads, public ; transportation, parks, recreation ahd schools; E. The bznefit to the neighborhflod, city and region; F. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; • G. The current and projected population density in the area; and H. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. ; . I I Page 5 of 26 ~ I t ! PART IV 1 APPLICANT SIGNATURE • C ,(print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE "A-BOVE RESPON A E MADE TRUTHFULLY ND TO THE BEST OF P11Y KNOWLEDGE. O (S~g ~ (Date) - NOTARY (For Parf IIII above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of J V,-)uZ1'►,5L1,, 200 _7 NOTARY SEAL NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and r the State of Washington ~ gSMO/~ Residing Q_yXN EXp~~ii~~~/~~ ' " ~tARy ~',s+'•: i (7 ~ I ~ ~ I I . • . ~ y~ My appointment expires: I sv , .v ~ ~ % i, AUsV'~~ a , . ~I' _ ~,~r,,,,,,...~ 5~ _ 'P F OF ~ I . f I ~ i ~ ~ ~ Page 6 of 26 ~ Legal Dcscription . • CPA 604 S. Sullivan Rd. LDR tc► Office ' The North 141.21 ft. of Tract 141 Vera. Together with the S. '/s of b'' Avenue vacated ling acijacent thereto. . Exccpt the west 5 acres Except any dedications for Sullivan Rd. Cvnsisting of 45,112 sf i ~ , . I ; . ~ . ~ . ~ i , . i f , Comprehensive Plan Amendment n'arrative LLDR to Office at 604 S. Sullivan Rd. Reason for Comnrehensive Plan Amendment Reque:st The subject property fronts Sullivan Road and is in close proximity to other offir.e, retail and multi-family uses. Ceniral Valley High Sch.ool facilities are directly across the street and the Sullivan frontage parcels are no longer bein; developed as LDR projects. Th.is property should enjoy the sarue i°ights and privileges of other nearby o.ffice sites. , The application meets the applicablc and specific criteria as deseribed below. AUAlicable ' Approval Criteria A. The proposed anendnient bears a substantial eelationship to the public health, safety, welfare and protection of the enviroivnent; The Proposed amerrdrnent is consistent svith the ezistirig Offiee classification located nearby north of the stcbject property ulong Sullivay: Rd and adapted by this legislative body as part of the e.acisting comprehensive plan. 77ier•e is rro changed ~ circunistunces to intlicate any dissimilarity to render this inconsistent. Accordingly, I theproposed amendment bears the aforementioned substantial relutionship. ~ ~ B. The PrnPosed amendmei)t is consistent with the requircments of RCW 36.70A and with the portion of the City's plan not affected by the amendment. This pr•oposetl anrendntent is cansistent ►vith the ctirrent comprehensive plan in that it reque.rt one of tlie existing land use categories. As stated above, this Office category is located near•ly adjacent and north of the subject property. It is lherefore cansistenl ►vith RCFf' 3670A nrid is not ollzenvise inconsistent ivith tyte remainder of t6te comprehensive plan. C. The proposed amendment responds tA tt substantial change in conditions beyrond the property owner's cantrol applicable to the area A&7th which the subject , property lies. N/A D. The proposed amcndment corrects an obvious mapping error. 7'he subject properry contains a very didapidated structure thut is heing rlemolished. flpptrrenlly, the plunrrers or Planning Commission felt thnt the existence of a single- family residence ivarranted a zvne consislenl with the use rather than the trend for , the ureu. This corr-ecls un obviaits error. , E. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the comprehensive plan. N/A And he specific c;riteria of Ordinance No. 06-020 as follows: 1 , t ~ jl . , Snecific factors Ta 6e Addressed: ; A. The effect upon the physical envirouuient; ~ The proposetl change to office use from law density residential is cansistent with the near•by land use patteF-n of office use.s fronting Sullivan. Adequate infrastructure of roads and utility services exi.st Us evident hy 1he service to the same uses of the area and the consb-uction oJthe medium density apartmenis adjacenllo the site. The subject praperty fronts ort a majoY arter-ial trird does not have a sigIrificanl ef~`'ect upon the environment f approved for office irse. B. The effect on open space, streatiis rivers and lakes; . There is no effecl upon these elemenls of the environment. Presumably, an office use in-lieu-of more apartments produces less bulk and mas..r, tlnrs preserving sonze degree of open space light and uir. C. The compatibility vvith and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods: First of all, this is not n silitable locatiorr fot• lotiv-density resitlel7tia1 and tlre indication is t1Tat higher densiry aparrnients andlor offices af•e replacing the pf•evious residentiul :t.ses, espectally inPraximity to the arterials. Che suhject propef•ty fi•onts ~ along S:tllivan Rd and therefor•e does rTOt have to rely arpon access through the saa•roundir:g neighbarhood street.s whereus a resideritial use would plug into that ~ street systeTri. yYhen clroosirig bet►veen apurtmerrts and afji'ce use as a neighboring lancl use to residerztial low-density, ti is bettef- to have ofJSce than upartments due to 1he off-setting hotirs oJccctivity. The offices nre accupied ivhile tjre residents are at work and vice vei•sa. Far similar• reasarrs, the traffic impacts af•e ofj=selting, the entployees eome ancl go while the resident neighbors are awcry. In eonlrast an aparlnzent irse compaunds the i»1pacls ofresidency a,id traffic to an c:risting residential area. Finally, the zoning performarrce standards can buqfer tlze o~ce better then an upui•tirJent prufect due to the lifestyle differerices behveen office und residential arses. D. The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, ~ public transportation, parlcs recreation and schools; An Office use carznot und does nol have the in:pacts on the above like residentialiise ' does due to the off-setting hours of atse and the lack of demand far puhlic facility services. E. The benefit to the neiehborhood, city and region; The present zise has been eliminated and ►vill not be renlaced ►vith another residence due to the surrounding land use, noise and proximity to other non-reridential uses. Accordingly, the city will ot benefit from the highest and best use of lhe pt•operty and corresporrding tax huse un1i1 such use is allowed. Once this is done, the Ciry will enjoy the f•evenues froni the business and real estute ussessments afid the public will enjoy the , convenience of service.s and businesses cdose to iiome. ; . F. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and the density and demand for such land; The locution is alreatiy demonstruting campatibilityfor office tise and this adds one acre of land areu to the eiry-wide inventory of availuble office land. Due to the various mixed use possi8ilities for office uses, it is not possible to quantib the need " for additionad office space against the potential availability of the same. However, it is passible to determine the most computible use vf this site given the locution, conftguration and.nirrounding land use pattern and office use would be the higllest anti best use and most computible ftt to the surrounding larrd use pattern. G. The cunent and projected population of the area; T.'he population projectiorr far this area is not aff'ected by this change. The site would yieltl ripproximately 4 dwelling units after platting arrd dedicatians of roads. This option is elintinated if the properly is changed to office use. H. The effect upon Qther a.spects aF the cdmprehensive plan. i As .stated abuve, tlze proposed change is the same as rvhat the plan suppor°!s along the Sullivan frontage aJn:ast adjacent to the szebjecl property. Due to the naiure of the change from residential to office, there is less impacts upon public faciluies, parks nd schools. Accordingly, lh1SpYOposal cloes not uffect the other a.spects of the cun:prehensive plarr. ~ ( ~ i I ~ . ~ ij 1 . / 0. t ` . OT . ; I 0 ~r~ ~ COMyILTNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ►J~J~~e PI.ANNIiVG DIVISION ,;o0%Ueye 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax:509.921.1008 cityfiall@spokanevalley.org DETERMINATION OF N0NSIGNIFICt1NCE • File No.: CPA-08-08 llescription of proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from T orv Density Residential to Office; corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-faniily Residential District (R-3) to Office (O) on approximately 1.02 acres of land. This proposal is considered a non-project action under RCW 43.21C. Proponent: J.L Sherick _ Location af proposal: 'I'he proposal is located east of Sullivan RQad and one lot north of Cenhu}' Avenue at 604 S. SuUivan Road; specifically located in the NE Ys of Section 23, To-.%*nship 23 North, Range 44 LWK- parcel number 45231.2244, Spokane Valley, Washington. , Lead AgenEy: City of Spokane Valley Community Developinent Department, Planring Division ODetermination: Pursuant to Tide 21 (Envaronmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, the lead agency has determined that this progosal does not have a probable significanir adverse unpact on the environment. An finvixonmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was xnade after review of a completed environuiental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. 'I`his information is available to the public on request. DNS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Staff Contact: Kathy McClung, Coirunu.nity Developznenh Dixector Mike Basinger, E1ICP - Senior Planner Cily of Spokane Valley Community Development City of Spokane Valley Conununity Development Department Departrnent, Planning Division Valley Redwood P1aza,11707 B. Sprague Avenue, Val.ley Redwood P1aza,1170'7 E. Sprague Avenue, Sui.te 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 39206 PH: (509) 688-0030 /FX: (509) 921-1008 PH: (509) 688-0045 / FX: (509) 921-1008 kmcclungflspokanevalley.org mbasinger@spokanevalley.org Date Issued: Februarv 15, 2008 Signature:~ k1c- APPfiAL: An appeal of this determination must be subnutted to the Community Development Department widun fourteen (14) calendaz ciays after the date issued sgecifically by February 29, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.. This appeal must be written and make specific factual objections to the City's threshold determination. Appeals ,,-~shall be mnducted in conformance wi.th Sectian 17.90 (Appeals) of the City's Uniform Development Code, and ,,_jany required fees pursuant to the City's adopted Fee Scheduled shall be paid at time of appeal subm.ittal. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-6$0, appeals shall be limited to a review of a final threshold determinaiion. ~ ~ N E)(ViIBINT 1 1 1 ~ I I 1 . ~ 79307 EAST CAYALDO SPOKAtiF VALLEY, VJA 59015 - - liU')) 225-5400 CENTf.AL VALI.EY • S(N00lOIStRlCTt35i - RECEIVED ' April 29, 2008 APA 3 0 2008 Mike Basinger, AICP, Senior Planner $DEPARTMENTO~ City of Spokane Valley CflAAMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: C PA-08-08 Dear Mr. Basinger: . Central Valley School District appreciates the opportunity to comment on the subject plat application. Although Central Valley School District does not see any issues between the proposed , plat application and the district's present facilities and properties; it should be noted that the district cannot.ensure students within the proposed plat will attend the closest school: Based upon current enrollment growth rates the potential exists to transport students to schools in various areas of the district based upon availability and enrollment at that point in time. The district expects to have room for students from these proposed new homes if they are occupied before Fall 2008. If, however, they will be completed after that time, Central Valley School District asks that the City of Spokane Valley 1) postpone approval in line with provis'ions of state law (RCW 58.17.110(182), the Growth Management Act, Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan and the City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan, pending availability of additional school facilities, or 2) condition approval on payment by the developer of a per dwelling unit fae equal to the district's eligibility for school impact fees. Again, thank you for the chance to provide comments to the subject plat application and i# there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at 228-5419 . . . ' Sincerely, . . . . , . . . ;Bradley A.;UVayland , : . ' . . - . . . . . ~ . . . . , . . . _ ~ D'irecfor., -Fac'ilities & Operations " ' , ' . - ` Ji ~ . . . . . . • . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . r , 4~ i . ' I I6 Ei.1ip ~ ~ •`E~ ' ~ ~ , . ~yF9 ~CY S7A7E OF 4VASMhVGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY . ~ 4607 N Monroe Siree! • Spofcane, W'ashingtan 99205-1295 a(509)3'l9-.?A(JQ February 28, 2008 F(E0_:NE0 O5 20 1001. ~ 5 okape ~ ~~1ey Ms. Kathy McClung, Director C1ty ~ p. City of Spokane Valley CommLuiity Development Department 11707 East Spiaguc Avenue, Suitc 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ' Dear Ms. McClung: Thanik you for the opporhuuty to comment on the Determination of Nonsignificance regarding the proposed Comprchensive Flan Amendment, File N0. CPA-0808 (Proponent-J.L. S}ierick). The Dep3rtment of Ecology has revicwed the doctunents and would like to submit the following ; couunents: - Water 17esaurces ProerAm Oll-site septic tank and drainfield systems are desigtted to treat and dispose of domestie wastewater ar its equivalent anly. Commercial ancl industrial operations discharging wastes other than domestic wastewater to on-site systems may rasult in ground water contamination and could cause the facility owner or operator to incur severe liabilities. 4 Water Oualiri, Proeracn ' q Proper erosion and sediment control practices must Ue used on the construction site and adjacent ~ areas to prevent upland sedimcnts from entering surface water. Local stormtivater ordinances will i provide sgeeific requirements. Also refer to the Stormwater lvianagement Manual for Eastern i 1~'~lashington (httn:/hvww.ecv.wa.eov/nrogramshiq/stormwaterleasteni manuallmanual.hmil). All ; ground disturbed by construction activities must he stabilized. `Vhen appropriate, use nativc . vegetation typical of thc site. All new dry wells ancl other injection wells must be registcred with the Undcrground Injection ' Control progratn (UIC) at Department of Ecology prior to use and the discharge from the well(s) ; must comply Hnth the ground water quality requircment (nonendangerment standard) at the top of the ground water table. Contact the UIC staff at UIC Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. $ox 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600; (360) 407-6143 or go to -http://w~,+,rw.ccv.wa.Rov/prop,rAms/wq/grndwtr/uic/registrntion/reQ info.html £or registration fonns and furtlier information. ~ I i Ms. Kathy McClung L y ` February 28, 2008 . Page 2 - , Stormwater runoff may contain increased levels of grease, oils; sediment, and other debris. Stormwater Best Management Practices (130s) should be installed and maintained so that any discharge will be appropriately treated to reinove these substances. . , . ! Dumpsters and refuse collection containers shall be durable, corrosion resistant, nonabsorbent, nonleaking, anci have close fittine covers. If spillage or leakage cloes accui•, the waste shall be picl:ed up imrnediately and rehu-ned to the container and the area properly cleaned. ' Routine inspections and maintenance of all erosion and scdiment control Best Management Practices (BVff's) are recommendcd bath cluri.ng and after development of the site. ~ State }?nvironmental Policv Act (SFPA) Ecology's commenfs are based upon the in.forMation provided with the SEPA checklist. As such, they do not c4nstituie an exhaustive list of the various authori7.ations that must be obtainad or legal requirements that must be fulf lled in order to carry out the proposed action. . , Sincei-ely, ' f . . i O . - . ~ ~ . . Terri Costello . R SEPA Cnordinator . Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Off'ice . 4601 N. Monroe Street - ~ Spokane, WA 99205-1295 ' Phone: (509)329-3550 Email: ten1i461(t~.ecv.wa.eov . 2008-1088 ' - cc:: J.L. Sherick ' . . : . F ~ ~ • ~ . . _ . ' -"PA-01-08 tlu°u CPA-08-08 Page 1 of 1 Micki Harnois 'From: Red, Jim [JRed@spokaneaounty.org] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 10:48 AM To: Tavis Schmidt; Micki Harnois; Micki Harnois, Subject: CPA-01-08 thru CPA-08-08 %N Compehensive Plan Amendments are within sewfer projects and wifl be required ta connect to sewer as properties are 'evelaped. Plans, fees, security and so on, wil be required as needed. `you hava any questions, please oontact rne at477-7279. hanks, . ~ im i . ~ . • i . ~ ! i I 1 I . ~ 1512008 ~ CO\LINNITY DEVELOPhfENT DEPAR7 iNTE\"1' J PLANa\ h\ G DM510N nn• ~a~ pokane STARF REPORT Al~'D RECOMIIIIE, NDATION TO TAE ,;oOValley PLANNING coNV41SS1oN CPA-03-08 STAFFREPORT DATE: Apri130, 2008 H.EARIIqG DATE Ai~ID LOCATIOY: 1lciay 8, 2008, beginning at 6:00 p.m., Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers, Valley Redwood Plaza Building, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, PItOPOSAL DESCRIP7'ION: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Low Density Residential (I.DR) to Office (O); corresponding zoning map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) and Single-family Residential Urban District-(R-4) to Garden Oftice District (GO) on approumately 3.1 acres of land. This proposal is considcred a non-project action under RC`V 4321C. • PROPOSAi, LoCn'rion: The proposal is IocF►ted at the southeast corner of the intersection of Alki Avenue and Marguerite Road, addresscd as 8902 East Alki Avenue, 420 North Marguerite Road, 504 North Marguerite Road, 508 North M3rguerite Road and 510 North Marguerite Road; specifically located in fhe SE'/~ of Section 18; To-vNmship 25 North, Range 44 E1'JM; parcel number(s) 45184.0804, 45184.0805, 45184.0807, 45184.0819 and 45184.0820, Spokane Valley, Washington. ~ OWNER/APPLICANT: De[uiis Raugust, c/o Boulder Creek, inc., 19012 Nevada Road, SPFuigle, WA 99033 APPROVAL CRTTERIA: Chzpter 2(Urban I,and Use) of the Spokane VAlley Comprehensive Plan, Tide 17 (General Provisions), Title 19 (zoning Regulations) and Title 21 (Fnvironmental Controls) of the Spoll•ane Valley Mtmicipa! Code (SVMC). SUm9ATtY OF RGCOtmmE1VAATI0N: The Platining Uivision, after review and consicleration of th$ submitted ; application and applicable approval criteria, recommends that the Planning Com.mission approve CPA-03-48. Srnr• F PLAn', n.tt: Micki Harnois, Associate Planner, Cammunity Development Aepartment REVIEWE,D BY: Greg McCoiwick, AICP, Planning Manager, Community Aevelopment Departmevt ATTACHMGNTS: • Exliibit i: Comprehensive Plan Map , Exhibit 2 Zoning Map ' Ex}iibit 3: 2007 Aerial Map Exhibit 4: Vicin.ity Map Exliibit 5: Transportation Map ~ Exbibit 6: Application Submittal Exhibit 7: SEPA Determination Bachibit 8: Agency Comments JJ Statf Report and ltecammendatioa► ta !he Plunning Coanrnission for CPA-03-08 Page 1 of 5 i 1. BACKGROUND IIvFORMATI0N A.PPLICATlON PROCGSSING: Chapter 17.80 Permit Processing Procetlures in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVIVqC). The folLowing sumcnarizes key appGcation procedures for the proposal. Application Submitted: _ I October 30, 2007 ~ Determination of Completeness: ~ Qctober 30, 2007 Issuance ofDeEermination ofNon-Siwiificanee (DNS): ~ Febniary 15, 2008 Eud of Appeal Period for DNS: ~ Februaiy 29, 200$ ~ Date of 1'ublished Notice of Public Hearin: I April 18, 2008 Date ofMailed Notice of Public Hearinn: I April 18,2008 PROPE•12TY INFORVIATION: Size and Characteristics: 7'he site is approximately 3.1 acres in size, The SEPA checklist states the site is flzt, + Comprzhensivc Plan; ~ Low llensity Residenfial Zoning: Single Famity Residential District (R-3) and Singie Family Residcntial Urban District (R-4) . Existing Land Use: All of the properties have an existing home and detached garage on tlie site except for the property located at 508 North Marguerite Road which only , has a pole bam. i SURROUNll1NG C0N1_i'REHENSIVE pLAN, ZONING, A3YD LAM1 USES: + Noith Comprehensive Plan -Office, High I7ensity Residential, and Low Density Residential . Zoning -High Density Residential (MF-2), Garden Office District (GO), and Single Family Residerdial District (R-3) Existing I..and Uses - Single-familv c'esidences Soutli Comprehensive Plan - PuUlic/Quasi-Public au►d Low Density Residential Zoning - Community Facilities (CF) E.;istinQ Lasid Uses - Playfield East ComprehensivePlan - Office ! Zotunn - C:Tnrden Office I7istrict (GO) Existinp, L.and Uses - Office buildings West Comprehensive Flan - Low L7ensity Residential ?.c►ning - Single Family Residential Aistric! (R-3) ~ Existing Land Uses - Sinrle-familv residences f I II. I'INDXNGS AND CONCLUSIONS SPECIFIC TO SEPA ~ Findings: Pursuant to Titie 21 (Environmental Controls) of the Spolcane Valley Municipal Code (SViMC), the lead agency has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The Planning Division ' issued a Dctermination of Non-Signifcance (DNS) for the proposnl. This decision was madc after review of a completed eovi.ronmental cheeklist and other inforrnation on file with the lead agency. ' Conclusion(s): The procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act and Title 21 of the SVMC have been fiilf lled by the applicant's submittal of the required SEPA Checklist, and khe issuance of the City's threshold determination ~ consisting of a Determinatioti of Non-Significance (17NS). No appeals were received. . Stsfi' l2eport end Reoommendation to the Ptannirtg Commissioa for CPA-03-08 P:ti;e 2 of 5 M. FMINGS AN'll CONCLUSIOAIS SPECIFIC TO THE COM1'REHENSrVE FLAN AMENDMENT. A. COlLiI'LIANCE W1TIi T°ITLE 17 (GENL-RAL PRQVISiONS) OF TAE SYOKAIYE VALLEY MiJ11zCiPAL CODE, Findings: Section 17.80.140 H. (Comnrehensivc Plan Amendment Avbroval Criteril) Sookane Vallev Municiaal Code 1. The City may approve Comprehensive Plan amendments and €irea-wide zone rnap amendments if it finds that (analysis is italicized); a. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment; The public health, safety, and general ivelfare ivill be promoted in accordance ►vith stcmclards eslablished by the state and the City of Spokaire Yalley's regulations. b. The proposed amendmcnt is eonsistent Nvith the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by die amendment; The proposed aniendraient rs corisistent with the Growth Management Act. Acljacent land :rse designations m•e consistent witli the proposed amendment. a The proposcd amendmenk responcts to a substantial changa in conditions beyond the properly owner's ; control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies; The proposed a»rendmeirt does not resporrcl to a sribstantial chcrnge in conditlons. d. The proposed amendment corrccts an obvious mapping error; or ?'he prapvsed amendmerrl does not cori•ect a nanpping error. e. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. The propased mnendment does not address an identified deficiency in !he Co»iprehensive Plan. i 2. The City must also consider the following factors prior to approving Comprehensive Plan amendtnents: a. The effect upon the physical environment; i Pirrsiraitt to Title 21 (Enviranmental Conlruls) of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Developmerrt Code, ! the lead ngency has deternrined thnt this proposal does not hcrve a probable .rigf2ifrcrrnt adverse impact on the ettvironment. Firrtjrer environnrental evaltiation mcry he contpleted at the time of developnrent. t b. The effect on open space, sh•eams, rivers, and lakes; i The SEPA cliecklist states tlrat there is iro scriface tivater body on or in tJre irnnrediate viciniry ofsife, i I c. ?he compatibility with and impact on adjacentland uses and surrounding neighborhoods; : The proposed umentLnent is contigtiotrs lo Office and Lotiv Densiry Residenlial Comprehensive Plan designQtions. 73ie proposecl arnendment Is also located rrdjacent ro existing residential ireighbnrhoods (tivest of CPA-03-08). At the time of development, strnrdcrrds in Title 22 (Design and Developnrent Standards), specrfrcally 22.70 (Tencing, Screenirig, and Landscaping) tivill reduce irnpncts on ndjacent properties by providir7g vfsual separcrlian and p{rysical buffers behveeft land irses. d. The adequacy of and impact on community fttcilities including t►tilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation, and schools; The City oJSpokane Valley ndcresses adequacy of comnttrnityfacilrtres on a citywide basis through capital facilities plmrning. Policy CFP-9.1 of the Con:prehensive Plan recan:mends a cortcuf•rency i inanagement system for transportation, sewer, and water facilities. Tlre Gity of Spokaiie Valley's Parks ? atrd Recreallon Plan ouilines an implementaiion strategy includrng a cupitud facilitres plun, which Stnff RepoR und Recommcndation to the Planning Cammission for CPA-03-09 Page 3 of 5 , identifies cvsts trnd reverrue so:ir-ces for new purk.s. The propwed amendment will n.nt hrrve an impuct on ; schools considering tlre reguest is for an office designation. " e. The Uenefit to the neighborhood, City, and region; Tlre propased amenclment ivill provide office, lrght retail and service eslablishinents jar the sttrrounding neighborhood f. The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land; T6ie proposed amendnreni is approximately 3.1 `rcres in size and will provide additfonrrJ office and light retail uses. Tire potential dernartd for this rype of office development is tmkrlown. g. The current and projected population density in the area; and T'he proposed alnencirnent tivill potentially decrease popirlation density. The proposed a►nendmerit dves rrot demand poptrlntion analysis. h. The effect upon other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. . Ihe proposed a»iend»renl is cnnsistent tivith the Compf•ehensive Plun rnld will have mininial inipact on other aspects of the plan. I B. COA'1PLTAYCG NY11'A TITI.E, 19 (ZONIlVG REGULATIONS) OF TNT Sk'OICANE VA.[.T..EY MUYICIl'AL CODL Finclings: Section 19.60.050 lOffice llistrictl Sookene Vallev Iv7unicinal Cocie The Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment is from Low laensity Ftesidential to Off'ice and corresponding zoni.ng map amendment from Single-family Residential District (R-3) and Single-family Residential Urban District (R4) to ~Garden Office District (GO). The Garden Office desipation is uitended primarily for low-rise office development with li,nited reYail or commercial uses. Retail fuid commercial uses are limilecl ta those that are clearly subordinate to the primary office use or the retail function primarity sarves the office uses in close proximity to the reEail or commercial use. Garden Office uses provide a buffer between residential uses and commercial uscs. PrimAiy uses including medical and dental facilities, educational services, insur3nce, real estate, financial institLrtions, design finr►s, and legal services are represcntative of the Garclen Office District. Conclusion(s): "I`he proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is contiguous to othEr office uses and multi-family developmcnt. j The office zoning will provide a hansition between the low intcnsity commercial uses lacated ov Argonne Road and the single-family residences located north and west of the site. Office uses Nvork tvell for ttiis because they tend to generate less traffic and noise, and operate shorter hours. CPA-03-08 is consistent with the intention oF the Garclen Office District (GO). B. C0mPRTHE3YSIVE PLAN The Cornprehensive plan states that the Office designation is intended primarily for loNv-to high-rise office ' development with limited retail or commercial uses. The plan further states, t}iat Spokane Valley has areas of existing quality office develnpment. Several developments within the Argonn"i ullan Couplet, Pines Road, and Evergreen Road corridors embody bood design and are representative of desired futurc office development. The I - project is adjacent to properlies that frontAi•gonne road. Staffanatysis is italicized. 1. LUG-8 af the Comprehensive Plan encourages appropriate development standards for Office designated areas. ~ ~ . i ~ StaffReport and 12ecummend3tion to thc Aienning Curtunissioa fot CF'A-03-08 ~ Pnge 4 of 5 StaPf Comment: Ar the time of developmcnt, starrdQnds bt Tltle 22 (Desrgn and Dcveloprnent Stcntda?ds), sperifecally 22.70 (Fencirr& Scretnhtg and LandsaQping) will reduce tmpaetx on adjacent properttts by provJding visrral sepamtion and physical bu,ffers brlween land ecsear. 2. LUP-81 of the Comprehensive Plsn rccommeads iategrating sidewalks, bike lanes, land9caping, and area lighting in office arcas to provide a safe and amactivo wnrking eavironment. Staff Commeat: At the tfme oJdevelopment, landscapfng and ligbling w!!1 bt requfred fvr the new office de»lopment complyfng wilh Tille 22 rnrd ather applicabJe regulations. Tlere are axlsNng sidewalks on Argonne. Trriffic from thr propoved use shall be directed from Marguerite Road v!n AIki Awerrue to Argorau Ro<ud and nat routed thraugh the adjolning nefghborhnod. C. PUBLIc FACQ.ITIES Findings: The property is cun+endy served w-ith public wator and sewor. Avicess is provided from Alki Avenue and Marguerita Rand w6ich ere designaied as Local Aocess Streets in the Spokane Valley Arterial Svect Plan (Exhi6it 5). D. FINrouvc Arru Covct,vstorrs SrEcMc ro PueUc ca10H.rr _rs Findings: Stnff has received no public comment concerning tha proposal to date. CQOCla9loa(s): Adequate publiC noticing was conducted far CPA-03-08 in accorclancr with adopted pubiic noticing peceodures. E. FIIYDING AND CONCLU510NS SPEClFIC TO AGENcY COMMEdYTS Findings: Agenc}• comments am related to the physical development of the pmperty. These commants will be addressed at the timc af development. Cumments un attxchcd ns rxljihits to the staff rcpoit. Concluaian(s): Staff has reviewed cammcnts and no cvncems are noted. W. OVERALL CONCLttSION 7'hc proposed Comprahonsivc Plan dosiguation to Officc and change in wning classification to Oardan Officc is consistent with tbo Camprcbcasivc Plans policics and gaals. V. STARF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Divisinn aRer review and considerotion of the suhmitted epplicetion and applicable approval criterin recammends that the Alenning Commission recammend apprnvel ot CPA-03•08. S;afi RcN.rt and Rcwmmenintlon to lhe Ptdtntng Crmmissian for CPA-03•08 Pagc S of 5 - = g ~ ~ K u° o _ a St+hOdt111D Ot PQtlRltitx! U*jP v ~ `E L=' w a O 1! RNerencs Gondldorn /~PP*"X 19-lA V 4 t~° ~,~j E E I o E E~ ,I~ r. n T u. ~ ~ w o 'E~ ~C v ~ru r; o o E E _ b c~ s I ~ ~ ~ ± i ~ z i I 71 ~ 711 ~,-~auic cnturtainment E sW D U s hmenl S V M 19 8w I 45 453 l/1duH RatnO Use EsteWielunenl ~ f-ll ~r I O ~ -~~SVMC 19 8() . 31 311 jAyrloUhuai Procenb9 dant waret►ause ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ I 33 N 338411 lAin;raft manutachrin9 6 ~48 ~ 481219 lAirstrip• Drnrale ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • 62 ~ 62191 jAmbulanoe servlca ~ ~ • ~ • ~ I I I I I I s+ I54194 IAj*nM cW:&,e1erwwv I I• f I I I 4 I • I• I I• I svw+c 19.60_030 1 31 1 311613 lMinei Praces.~ing Faddity N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 4 O O e S 1 112 1lnimal raising andlar koepdng ~ O Fxck~~9 NAICS 1122 i SMnne SVMC 14.410150 ~ 81 ( 81291 Mlmal Sheltcr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • I I I I 3+ ~ 31161 1 a►,kmi Sleu9nte" aProces" I I I I I I I I I • ~ ~45 ~ 45382 Mtique slore H,- • ~ • • ~ ~ --t-~ 44 ~ 448 /~ppa~4ilMr shop • H. I • ~ I I ~ I I ~ I44311 q~~~ ~~~oe • • • • A A Chdy il manufadtxed/ I I asaembied on premeses 1 33 ~ 33522 lAppliances manutaduring ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ • ~ 45 1 45392 lNt 4eMerYlstudfo ~ • ~ • ~ ( I I I I I I32 I 32412 InSOWn planften,rad,►x,A I I I I I I I I I I I~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 33 ~ 333 IAxsembN - heaW I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ 33 ~ 334 1 AssemAy -4ht ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ I I I• I• I~ I 62 16M12 IAssatad Lhrin9 FacIYly I• I• I~ I• I I I I I I I 45 ~ 4533 1 AuCiion Hottse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ; I I I I 4$ I 4633 IAuction vard livegtock) I I I I I I I I I• • I I I I I 11 I 1152 IAucbm rwd. Livesto* l I I I I I f I• I ~ I I ~ ~ 33 ~ 3361 lAutomoEir aaasmbly Dlant I I H ~ 9~ I~~ ~c~ rab ~ I I ~ I I I I I I44 I 441 IALd«noMcrtot +ruck Sai" aw semoe I I• I I I I I I• I ~ ~ I I I I I 48 I4853 IAw«w)W&ftxj rental I•{• I• I I• I • I• I I ~ Automobllc3ltruxicfRVht~ort 81 fl11121 h ortorcycle peintlr~, ~ I • I • • Encic~SVMCsed 19 st.60n.080xxure 1~ rt~oh, body and iender warks ( ~ 44 ~ 4413 lAutomotive parts, accesaoriea a tires ~ I ~I 31 I 31181 '8akary Products maru[aduttM ~ I ~ ~ I I I • • I I FlOat erea 6mUed l0 1 M6o1 44 445291 Bakery, rotnl 0 • • P 4 • • • A A C:I.FA not to excersf 1,000 I si ~ I 52 I 52211 ~ ~oWosn erxl olhcr fnancial • • • • I • • • • • • I I ~ I I I I 81 1 e121 IeerberrteeLey shop I• I•~ A L_j • I• I• I l• I I • Pertnkted Use A l4cceserxy Only T Tempotsry F'ennit :t Regional gking ror►r.:,:___ ,`,~ly 4 C Conddiannl 1 a a • ~ • . • o • R•t ~ ~ ~ • I • • • ~ • -2 o ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ a • Ra $ • • • • • a-~ I • • • • • MF•t I • • • ~ • MF-2 NIIICS ~ °a~°. C. Cm o d~ a° n~ s~i~ j r,i, - - - - - - - - - - - - - .2 -j r j ± a w y = = j LI ~ ~ W c HAICS 9 N ~ N ca ~13 ~ g ~3 ~ $ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ r► ~ a ~ ~ ; ~ 13 CL IXOd Us9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • ~ enlor - - - orrldorMlxad • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • s8 ~ I • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • =o ky CoMor • ~ • • • dan Offlce ~ • 1• • • • • • • • • • ornCfl sIghbofiood • • • • • D • • • mrnorctsl omm - ! • • • • ^ • • - • ' - - untty I • • • • ' • • ` • • • ~ • • - - - - - - ` mmotttel • • ~ • • • • ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • mmoKfa) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ C Communlry ~ • • • • • -4 aclllty o I • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • I•1 lipht Ind ~ I • • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • ~ • • • • • I-2 H~avy Ind ~ O ~ ro 0 ~ -t D ap tD n S V r^~w ~ i o w e lQd P C G C ~ FZlfMflG* CiOfldIljOfts AAptltlfiix 18-A =1-3 = E E E rd E E 2 a IE ~ o E o c' E o~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~K ~ Z Z _ v r p V .t I • • • r,: 6 2 3cnmmunity re&clerit,al tHUldy, qreater lh:m reeidentn, na tnore lhan 25) I-~--- I • 58 56173 Cortposting eloragelProcessin9,comrtercial I ~ ~ 54 ~ 54151 Compuler eenioes ~ • ~ • • • • • ~ 0 0 ~ • • 23 ~ 2373-238 ContredoYs-ysnd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ • • • 62 ~ 623 CznvaWscsr,c nome. Nursing nome 1 I I I• 44 ~ 44512 ~C,onvenietue Sbd'e ~0 A A • ~ • ~ 0 • ~ 33 ~ 339 ICo~rt~elic a MlaoeCaneoua manu~Uxir~ • • • • • • • • 62 1 8233 iDay care. Adup ~ • ~ • ~ • MA • ~ • ~ • A A 11 C C C C • • 62 1 821~11Q ~Day cere. Chikf (13 chfkJren a mara) A • A A A ~ • • • ~ • 1 62 1 624410 (Dey cere. ChId(12 drldren or fewcr) N• • /1 I► • ~0 A A A 45 ~ 4521 ~DepaAmenWarlety s0ore • _ 44 ~ 44611 ~ Drug Slnre • q [:E • ~ • I A ~ I I ( ~ 81 ~ 8123 ~Ory deaners • A • ~0 ~ i I I I 81 812332 Dry ~ , taundry. Nnen suvPN Nern. I ~ 32 3211114 ~ay Kr, I I I I • o fi 4 91 ~ 814 IOweling. sccessmY aPartrnaM SYMC 10 40. tOQ ; e1 I e14 lowe", caraWkcre reeMonce I I I I o I a o svMC 19.so.060(+) ~ • • 72 ~ 7213 OwelAnQ, Congrepaee ~ • • ~ • • • • • • 81 ~ 814 DwaMng, Duplex • • • 81 ~ 814 ~L~ueping. Midbfemiy • O O ~ ~ ~ SVMC 19.60 020(2) I. s, ~ e» ~amAing. AWVM ramk I I ~ d o I I I snMc 19.6o.aaocz) I~! . .~j El, ~ 914 Dw~e+lfng, rownr,ouse • I• i, ~ I ~ • I I I ~ I 33 334-335 ElectricaVebctranirJoortrpuMer componam 8 ~ I • • • • • • Eslnm manutadunnp/a9semAly ~I I I ~ I ~ 32 I 3?22'16 ,Emery dolh and sandpaper msnutadiuing - 71 ~ »s ~E,x~inmenv►ecreaaa, raaohn, him • I• • I I 71 ~ 7199 ~ EntertelrnnenNrocroalion (acMiee.addoor ~ • • ~ • ~ ~ 53 ~ 5323 lEAUlpnerq RaMal s1mP N • • tl! ~ 8113 EguiRxnert sales, rapair. and ma"aitenence ~ • • . 72 ~ 7222 EspressdLaUo RMall SaMce • • • • • ~ • ~ • • • j ec a~ ~ w c~ w ss I sz Fsaenhol PubTic FecaLiee I I ~ A Ia~ I~ I a) w'L svN+c 1990 A A 71 ~ 71394 1E7a4raso L'sdityfgym aMIeGC dub • A A • ~ • ~ 0 A A ~ az ~ azsez I~beive mwngact,hng I I I I 1 • Ap ~ 453-190 ~Expbehre storw~pe ~ ~ ~ ~ ( • • • • • • • • 81 ~ 914 ~ Family Homo. Adult E • ~ • ~ • • Permitted Uso A Acoessory Onty it RegioRal Sitinp T Tamporary Pmni1 ~ Coni ',PP►Y " C Conditiorwl l'^- 0..-rni1 Uniform nevelopment Code Tr►ie 19 Rs/oronee Condkbm ~ r u ~ E Uo~ ~ r. * Z ~ . 4 . ~ • ~ • • • • 3t ~tt4 a:n~kyllnmr_.~h~kS ~ • • ~ • 44 ~ 441222 IFufrn mad*nory salea & ropair ~ ( • • 11 ~ 112112 ~Feed fot • 31 ~ 311z» ~F~erc~~ m+r ~ I I 32 F~ rnt~Aacax+no I 1 I • 81 ~ 812e2 IFUR, ae,►eloping M• • A A • ~ • I• I 44 ~ 44313 1 FiYnhanent salleAMvIoe ~ • ~ • • A A • ~ • ~ ~ ~ 45 ~4531 1 FW%1 shoa I• • A • ~ • ~ • ~ 31 ~ 311 ifood produl mWuring/staage ~ ~ ~ ~ • Myl~H~er shaphnail I• • 4 I • I• gy~ 19.80.W0(3) 44 I 44521 Ifood ea~aspoCiefooft 48 ~ 48A IFta1gM fawarding ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • 44 ~ 447 Fuelkg Slation ~ • • A ~ ~ • • 81 ~ 81221 Funarol home ~ 33 ~ 337 Fwnitue msnuFadurft 31 ~ 315 C',wmwf marnbd►uing ~ J ~ ( • • 45 I 453 IGM 6hOP ~ • ~ • • A A • ~ • I • ~ A ~ • ~ • ~ • 71 ~ 7 t 391 lC~df counoe ~ ~ ~ • ~ • • • c c c c c c 71 ~71391 icaRe(MrV rNnPeraek" ccrnef I I c I 49 ~ 49313 IGroin devator ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • i I &eeMom. "sery• 88rdon ootrtct, rMoli - - - - ~ - 44 ,41•{22 Greenbauae. nursery. qetden Center, Retnil • • • • • • 11 ~ 1114 JGre~lrxnsery - commendal ~ 4 ~ O~ • 0 S\/MC 19,64.050(2) u ~ 4451 Ic~oott+y etom N.~. . o ~ svMC 19.e0.0aoM u ~ 44413 ~Hmdwam at«r • • s ~ • • ~ BWrIC 19.60_040(3) 56 ~ 582211 ~Hazardous maste trnatmerN and aEOrnge O SVMC 21.40.040 {a ~ 4612 iNelport ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • 18 ~ 4512 I1-kNatCP M ~ C I C ~ c~ C C ~ 45 ~ 45112 1 Hobby ahop 1 0 • A • I • M ~ 4a2 ihlonw rumishkw mte11 sele I • ~ • ~ 62 ~ 6221 lHosPbd 1 0~0 0 .L cv W qi co uo 62 622210 HasPitai, PSYcNab1C and Stftta+oe Atxise ao 04 T. W a I w I~: Q4 G9 $2 ~ fi22310 N Mospdal. Spedalty ~ • • • • • ( • • A A 72 ~ 7'211 IHaleYmoW • ~ • , • ~ • • • at ( 312113 Ix plent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 32 ~ 32591 Ink mwritac:Mrhg • Permilied Uee ~ ~i°~°~ ~ T T PemMl 44 R~~ ~V q C Cc►n011~ Pertnil O Conddionn Apply I ~ V SCfIQ HTAd IP O a 1 ~ ~ ~ L' ■ I ~ v ~ C c ? Refer*nu Condltlom ~ a ~ o ~ E Z` m °e • Appan d t x 1 4- l 1 ~ ~ c ~ t e e E o ' i 6 OG N ~ f ~ a z $ g o° cli o 0 o E u' s ~ I ot er ~ I 4532, .,cr,v;ry, clock, rnusuii instnmient aescmbly, • • ~ A • • • • • I N ) ~~estwryice 1 See 6 t 81291 Kerrie! I I 0 0 zoning d~eMds ta► condAfons 54 IrA ,3a ~i.eeoraioft Mto sa" Uwl 2) • I I I • 54 ~ 541 se jt.tbornitirles (ea saraty Leve+ a) R R I I I I I I I I I54( 5413a II-Mo►storLes (eb sOmv Level 4) ~ I I I I I I I I• I• I . I I I I I 1 62 I 62151 ILmborat«ies. dWgnosfic I• I• I• I I• I I• i I 1 a< 1 ,.N,e ILanaumpe rNek++aM sa*s: I I• I I• • I I• P-~ ~ A A A 81 1 812370 ILaandromet ~ A • • I M 1 4453 lliquor btOr'0 N• • A A ~ 50 1 5e16n ILoasmitn I• A A • I • I• I I IW I3211 ILumbermill' wm9l' gingie me' pirw°°d ma I I I I I I• ~ 33 ~ 33271 ~MsrJiine stwp N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ 1 33 ~ 333 j msnufadninQ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 23 I 23sI15 iMonuladumd name raer+cgi«, • • ' 0 0 ~ a 4 4 ~ 81 1 e1e IMort,teauret r►ome parx I I I I I SVMC 19.40.130 1 45 1 45393 IManuladured-home salm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ I I 32 I 327 tuternAaGuing. Non-metnllic Meltni Proftta I I • • ~ I I I I I I45 1+53eM MorW. abk« I T I T I T I I I I T I T I I T I 62 ~ 621 498 1 Masaa9e therapy ~ • ~ ~ ~ ! • • 11 3116-3117 ~ ~m~' c~ ~ ~ 33 3391 Medicat and laborabry instnsnerRlappratus 0 • • manufadtue - - - - i Modlcal, dontol. and hosPdai equiPmerri 42 42345 • • • A • 62 ~ 6214 MedicaUderuet dirric ~ • • • ~ • • • 62 1 821 iMediceUdernst Oflicn • • • • • • I 33 ~ 332 iMe1al rneriaNion I I I • • 33 ~ 332 iMetal Afating ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ 33 1 332 iMetal Proaesses. Ffd H H I I I I I IbGnerdl Product Manufactuinp, Nwi-rnotnmic I I I I I I ~ 21 ~ 212 hfininp Li ~ 72 772330 Mobib Food Vendora 4 O O O 4 ~i 4 I O O Sea mning dnh ict, tor conddson : T T T T T T 23 23B115 lModel Homo un1t9 ~ CD CD I I ~I~ • Pemuftod tlse A Aca3cstxy Qnly (X' Regionnl Sllinp T Temporary Penn11 - C C-nn+litionnl i' ^ mil . c;nnt FPlY ~ ~ • • a • R•i ~ ~ • o • R•2 ~ ~ • a • -TT R-3 • 6 • R'1 ~ ~ ~ • I A MFt MF•2 NA1C3 • 121 tJ N~-~+ ~;3 OD ~ CO N Qf ~ m N~ N N~ N CT ~ N ~ t0 tAH Q! C A J+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Naicss U O ~ tD ~ ~ N N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0~ a ~ UsQ ~ • • • 4 • • • 0 • • • • c~ • • • • • I-Oof. tarridorMixad • O • • I~~ ~l~-~ ~ ~ • • • 1010101 • IlyCantsr 5_~ L_-~~~~ ~ O • > • P. • • • ardon Oftics o > • • O • • I ~ I ~ > > • • a • > • aftlce ~ • ~f • O • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nolghborhood ommorcW - - - - - - - ~ • • • 0 c) • o • • • • • • ~ • 0 • 0 • • marcial 1- munlty ona) • • • 0 0 4 0 • 4 • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • motcial - - - - - - - • ~ • - - - - ommunlty I c • • • acility O • • • • • 0 • o • • • ~ • • • • • • 1.1 tipht Ind 0 ca • • • • • • • o • • ~ • • • • • • 1 • I • • • • • • 1-2 Huvy Ind ~ - - - - - - 0 A~ rD i,`• '4 > 0 st ~ o rL c CD cl Y ~ J S 3 = ■ ~ ' _ _ " _ ~ ~ _ ` 1 40 ~ Od1110 d O Fe c~' Reterones CondF!lOm s oA ~1l1d~ 1" 4 v ~j c .0 $ E E• o~ E,~. 7 ~ I I o[ e~• 'Ta Z z k ~ o ? k g .4' E a o 8 a a l.imnM io Itoms 45 452-453 Flel:til 6ales ~ 0 0 A 0 • e A A rnaragactured m lhe Preffiisft I I I I i » 7130 IRW:,g naW N I I I I I I I I~ I• I 33 1 33122 iRorbtg m11 11 1 314991 (Rope manw'odtaft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • I, I' I 32 I 325212 Rubbet redametbn, marndaccurtng1faMlaztlonl I I I ~ + I • • • • ~ • 61 1 61111 ISdiools - pubfic and prlvele - K thtu 12 ~ • ~ • 00 CD • ~ • ~ • ~ • I • 61 6114 Schools. Professmal. vocaWwW a irMc • • • • • • 0 • • • schoole I I5itawroom ~ • I • 0 1 • ( 46 1 4533 ISecorftnd store. consiynment saies ~ • ~ • i 33 1 33985 iSiqn marnJtBCturinglraPair ~ ~ I ~ • • ~ ~ 33 I 33M I5qn Palnlin9 shop • • ~ • • 32 32561 Soap end dcaninp compound manu(ecluring I • - ) ss 56292 1 soiawaste m-Lraw,onrv-afm gao N 1 0 0 I I 4 I I 4 ~ svMC 19.60.060(2) ~ 8 p odafoid trainingAeaming schoots or Ikiapthre reuse of exoaGng 61 6116 shildlos • • • • ¢ • • • atn,ch,m «,y no expenbion apowed I 1 • • ~ 49 ~ 49319 ISlorage self•servlCe facJWY 1 • ~ ~ ~ I ~ I~ I I ~See zornnp d1d~lcm fo~ 49 493 Slorege. pene~al - Culd00tE 4 4 O • oorrlkinns I TanR uforaga above {pamd LPG 1 o ~ oE*l CD a ~ P f a ~ o ~ o SVMC 21.I0.040 21 213112 Tank stmage. crlNcal melerial atrove gaaxid gVMC 21 40 040 ~ I I - - ~ I 21 213112 Tanic siorsQe, crlHcal maierial belvw g►ound I 4 I O a O gVMC 21.40.040 31 1 3181 ITanmrq, aurtnp at hidca and skins EEEI, I T224 ITevem I Te~ 0 0 0 o a a 51 I 5172 Telocommurucefion Wketesa Mtenna Anay 4 I e 4 C o I o , I C o b gvmc j j»n I C C C C C C 51 5172 Teiecommtjnlydtipn Nlueless Support Tawer 4 I O O C 0 O C 4 4 5.vpv-. `y, 120 P 31 ~ 31411 ~Texdle manufach" • • 71 ~ 711 ~ Theffier. indoor • • ~ • ~ • , 71 ~ 711 ~ Thevtet, oulcloor ~ ~ ~ ~ • • 56 ~ 58292 ~The, rocap end retreed mamut»chrtinq ~ ~ ( ~ ~ • ~ A lkccesaory Onry • Partnfifed Use ~ Reginnal Sling T Tempora►y Pemu1 ~ lpPy ' C CcxidNiunal 1 1- P-mtill Uniform Development Code''- 19 c t w 40 j o c ~ ~ d L m a p > i~st~r~n Condltlorn w m A~AdiX f~ ~ a ~ ~ .c E E ~E N V V F, r q r4 x~ ~ OE o E ` . . c~ a ~ re f ~ r z _ . . . . . 51 'r" 1; P ~ I rws~r. Hatn UparAicx C O 4 C o SVMC i 9.A{).OffO(1) - 21 221119 ~ rower. %w,a a,wm u,ppon I I c s ~ o 0 ~ c svMC 19 40.oRac2► 48 ~ 4851 ITraneR oerNel ~ • ~ • • • ~ • ( • ~ • • • C 72 ~ 7213 1 TransNionai Fbusin0 ad I 4/1222 iTrudk aeYes, rental. npnir erd meinlenot►ce I • • 44 ~ M5-447 ~Trudc Slnp ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ 81 ~ 81142 ~L"xbtmY shoP 8 B ~ • ~ • ~ • • Adaptlve reuse of exisfing I 48 48311 Werehousft A a A • • slrudures - ro expanmn a0tywad. I 32 1 921 lWood Ptndud Manulac4ain9 ~ I CD 0 I I I • • 58 56292 JWroclorg, recyding, Iuritc end ealvage yarda C * 3VMC 19.80.06Q(2) PCf11111iQd USe A Afmfi60fy L,fil ~ T Temporary f'etrM Repional Stkig 8 0 Caiditions Appty C Condllional llse Permil Exhibit 1: Comprehensive Plail Mal) -77 i ~ I ~ I ~ I't,l~ll. ~~~ui.i ~ ~ 1'aDh~ CPA-03-08 - - - / - ~ - ~►rr,~t~ /f ~.I.'.Lf~~..•.~ t ~ ~ \ I ~ \1 CSl ~ . r`:% / ` iiy Schoo) yL:~e~.~,.T~ J~ ~ i ~r: ~ ~ i% I'u111~ - / ~ _ H:iiJtti!iil•~ ~ i- ~'v ~ J ti+ r- , CY A-03-08 c;f Spakane L'alley Requat: Chan.af the Comprebenslti•e Plan map desigaetbo c:on~ntiu~~it~ E►cvelopmcnt ntparrm~nf froin LDR tn O; thadgt xoning from R-3/R4 to GO. ~ , gg~L.a1.~~ ~ r„ a1 lu ~ \ \ Ei rr . v _ . . \ NI:L' - I lu D ~avn ~m.ut1.V L M `izti~ l !~~S~t~ l\,s~\ ~ ~ \ 1\ ~ ~ ` ~t t ~t\ ~ w 1 ~ a°r, of~E~ _ ~r a - i lLt ~ 'l4 oo - `r Q a C - ~ - - ~Q~ a U ~ - F U ~Qj e ~ ` - I I 1:~[ ~ i - : ~x;~~ • i - - _ _ r ~ ` ~ A~ • ~ ♦ ~ , ~ ~ ~ 4 t ~ ' - I ~.1+7e~_ t ~ 7 ~ • " .Jl ~ f" - ' .,_.!S . _ • / ~ 1~ . ~ •i. ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~'rr. ~ r, . ~ r ;^~:~~=r - , ~ ~,~i i ~1'~r K~ ~ ! p r ! , . ' ' -x. j r"r'T~_ • ♦ '.~-_f T, ~ ~ ~ j! Y * ~ ~ . - . ` ' , • ~ ( r r•,~ s ~ ~ S'. . ~~j~ _ I L - ,~r ~ C~l1l~ - - I, ~ y~ t''"' ~~;.f ~ ~a•~ . 4.' r ' ~~i ~j~_ . , . Z ' J . ' . - ~A~_~ - - l ' • ~T_, - ~ . ; . IQ.__ . Q I a► ` T OWN. ~t ~ t~~ ~y„~: • . ~ y~~ : I~ r ~ _ ` L - ~ ~~*~►c- ' t ; ~ _ F~ ~ • r, _ . . _ ~ ~ , . r.~, s. ►aC' . : ' . ~ , - r ~ , ~ ~~s ` _ . ~ 1' ra}--~+~^' a`y :i 1 - ,a ~',1t ~ - --._~_~1:'S f •so`~ - . f ovi 9. ,~T k ht..~ i A` r .,,.-•~•.•,~t~R _ . - . - •LF.•~~r-l~,~: ~~~~~~i r~ ~ ~ t. i . . . _ ~ ~;.•'~~!~~~il:~.~~~_ ma~ Zt f ~_t" ~y „~-;~E 'd !1` • e ~ ' ~ - ~ _ ' ~ . i ' ~ . i• r ~ ` 1~ i ~~_.i ~i Y_~ t• ~ - -.a~a . .a~ ~v~ . ~:i: t ~ ~l al)rt,«a~ ❑ ~~rHlitt'44di~ . \1 es _ . _ r ~ ~ ~ i r 1~ ~ - ~ ~ LE'A-03-QFi Gty of $pol;ade Valley Ftaq nest: Cuaage the Comprchensivr Plen map daign t=t ~ CummunitY Derdapment Ikpsrtmeni from LbR ta O: cYnnge ioninq from R-31114 to Gi ~ ~ r Exhibit 4: Vicinity Map ,{t5S1 .J lCUM - ~p ~ ~ g ~ ^ nn ~ N i~ttit~ ~ L i'IcmrntarY R ' Jd ~ _ i - - - - CPA-03-08 Aik SI .Inl~n ~ ;._\~aape~, ~ ~ Glw ~ ~4'arfl'~Ik~ e~ar &6001 ' r ~ - - - I I ° - ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 71 " I ' ' ~ - - ~ _ . ~ ~ ~ ~*;~~a ~ - •~~~~m~ ~ I,~ ~ , ~ :I `~,.rc~' ,T It~li~~~ t f 'f' . ' CPA-03-0$ Requcst: Change tbe ComprehcasirY Plan inap dcslgaatior. Chy oiSpolcQae Vallsy from LDR to O; chaage zoatug [rom R-YR4 to GO. Commnnlty Devclopmrn! Departmrnt Exliibit 5: Transpoi-tatioli Map . I '----1 ~ j ! ~ I I I ~ , - ~ _ _ - ~ ► I C~ - ; ~ r► - CPA-03-08 ( I ~ y ~ ~ ~'afttp,Cih} Schoa. a'`~L""'''•-~ ~ 1 - ~ ~ - - ~ LegCtZd 'k I- cLrrcnt Cfusffiutfnn IF State or Feiicral MLiL~~ - Pri„e;z,sr.►rtc-r;ai Minor Arterial Callcaor - - - Propesed Principsl Anui-J Praposed N!',nor.Ancrial Praposcd C01ruor cPA-03-08 CYtv of Spokasc Yxliey r~•nm J, Rcqacst; C6ange the Comprc6ensi~~e Pian mxp desigr: , nR tn O; cl~ange toaiag from R-3/R•1 to Comn►unitr Devdopmeal Deparhneat ~ r . ~ EAAHIUIT ! ~,\1 • ~ / • I ~ i . . . ~ . ; . ~ ~ ! . CITY OF SPOlCAWE VALLEY • (Far btafF Lfsee On1y) Gommunity Development D2partmant i DATc SUBMriTBO: lC/3b/0'+- RECENEO BY: Cur-rEnt Plannfng Dlvision - , • 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 105 : Pjtt No./NamE: G4P~-o3-~~ - Spokane Valley, VJA 99206 • e~~~~~ Tel: (509) 921-1000 F3X: (509) 921-1008 ~ P1ANNlNG FBE: glannjnoClsookznEVallev.oEg . SEPA Fe-r.: GOMPREHENSIVE PLAN AIViENDMEiVT APPLICATlON _ , . _ . _ - - - - - -PART I - APPLICATION [NFORMATiON ~ F "F{ VEi_) (Checlc One) ~ NfapAmendment ❑ Text Amendment 01T 3 C SP0X.41JF VALLEY Pi2OFERTY OWt3ERC-~1._1•l SQtle, Uc~'f'~'f YI I A 1 G~ 0EPARTF!1E14T Or ,~A -~•e ~ " .;rNl '..w • 4•c v c~vrr: [1RAIUNG-ADDRESS: ( qOI Z Qr-WAi'Jb CiTY:12--►.~~. STA7E: ldAr ZiP: ~0';'A - Emai(: ~ PHONE: (Hra) Goq• 24c5. :9.1~10 (WM~ (CEt.L) 4;n4 . 9z.9 - 0cn5tn APPLICAtdT: ~ ~ ~ a " ~~~~~?2 /r~~~a,t Gl , ' . IIflAlLING ADDRESS: 012. i.) E!\//~.~L~ ~.r~ CEN: -!5PA►.iG,.L-e STATE:IJA ZIP: 9 9o*4~~Emaii: 4~ PHONE: (HM) -r0 .,?45 • 352qvoc1 ' (c~~) ~A _ ~'t 39 - oco5'(o RELanoNsHrp ro OwNER: e5A4A r- , PROPERT`f LOCATION (ADdRESS ANDIOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM NEAREST CROSS STREEf): N"IR1r--5T fF..►TEt_'.-st=c.'f'~ fW~l.~c•lE'~4T~ , ASSESSOR PAtcEL No.:-,~- Ctl'TA•G~i'"? PROPERTY SIZE:-F ~ CURRENFCONfPREHEiVSIVE Pl.AN DESIGNATION: _e-mta,4 'r~ w-%t n~ ~~~~r~►, ±Ti~al.-. PROPOSED COMPRENENSfYE PLAfJ DESIGHATION: /.~MM_L t'CY CURRENTZOEVIP]G CLAS5IFICATION: (J.Wr-*-.05 . PROPOSED ZOiiING CLASSIFfCATION: P5L4- e/I . 0 BRIEFLY EXPI_AIN REASOid FOR MAP OR TE.XT AMENaMENT (ATTACH FULI. EXPLANATION): Wi ilte ak`~~~M l~V-W-IrV. . WC- per.t <A&I)c, P.J c.~~. r ,r►, l Q- _ . • • ( ~ ~ ~i,~l tJ G~~~R2. G(AE f2('i~. ~ h ~-A►1 Y! ='7GCn~ ~.~rL Cxm_{nM _~51.►'~h1't'~dal. ~ON~S Tal 'ra'm NmV~IA s, 1-LS'r y - SIGNIATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER: DATE: lJ c( ~Z • ~~%Q ~ 31GhlATUi2E OF APAUCAhJT: DATE: /0 ~ I Page 3 of 26 PART tV , - , . APPLICANT SIGNATURE . ~ I, (print name) SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE ABOVE RESPdNSES ARE MADE `fRUTHFULLY AND TO TNE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 0 (Si~nature)/ ~ (DatP) ~ r NOTARY (For Part IIII above) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss: . , COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SVdORN to befora me tnis day of r, 20_0j o~,t~►~~~~~~,~.1 Yep IIEh;,~~~~~~~►~,~~~ ' r~,)¢nry pub`ic ~ NOTARY SIGNATURE Si~zSe fl~'1~S~~sBlia,gt~aa - _ HEIGI A. TQDHl9NTER = Notary Public in a for the State of Washington _ I.l'r cor:-111issiON 1EXri-,Es - Septor.thar 1,2003 ~ Residing at: r~ IJIINIIIIIiIIUIIIliIII~fiEllllll+.llf(iIItI~IIiIiUI~ ~ • My appointment expires: Q1 ~2M g f,. - . Page 6 of 26 ~ i~ Ie-1 . P_ - 45?1 S0S t 9 - - - `-~"r? t _a .d8za lsl~ ~ - - 1 - - - _ _ . . - - . _ . _ . - - _ . - - - - - - - - ~oTpl~_ s.~• - 7~_`i ~ ~ - - - - - -____s_ ~~4a~i-~ _ r,4.l~-3. S A►.►~?- c~(;.,~ss►.~~-i~ ~s lop - - - - -~s~~~-~=►~T_~/~t_..,. _ _ - - - ~ - - - . - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - • - - - - - ; ~.l . H 'olT 7 .EA . ; . i, . r I d . • - i . ~ , COMMUNITY ]~EVELOPMfiNT DEPARTMENT ~ f6re PLANIVli\TG DIVISION ,;100Vd1ey- 11707 fi Sprague Ave Suite 106 Spokane Valley VJA 99206 509.921.1000 Fax:509.921.1008 cityhallQspokanevallep.org PET&RMINATION OF N0NSIGATIFICANCE File No.: CPA-03-08 Description of proposal: Comprehensire I'lan Map amendnient from Low Density Pesidential to Office; mrresponding zoning map amendanent from Single-family Residential District (R-3) and Single-fan-Lily Residential Urban District (R-4) to Garden Office District (CO) on appaoximGtely 3,0 acres of land. This proposal is consadered a noat-project action under RCW 43.21C. . Praponent: Botilder Creek, Inc. LocaHon of proposal: The proposal is at the souhheast coriler of the intersectian of Alki Avenue and A2arguerite Road at 8902 East Allci Ave'►ue, 420 Niorth Marguexite Raad, 500 North Iviarguerite Road, 508 North Mazguerite Road and 514 NOrth Marguerite Road; specifical.lp located in the SE 1/4 of Section 18, Townslup 25 North, Ranoe 44 EWvI; parcel number(s) 45184.0804, 4518Z.084-, 45184.0807, 45184.0819 and 45184.0820, Spokane Valley, jAlashulo on. Lead. Agency: City of Spokane Valley Community Developm2nt Deparhnent, Planning Division Deteraunation: Pursuant tv 1 itle 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code, the iead agency has defierIIiined that tlus proposal does not have a probaUle significant _ ~adverse impact on the environment. Aa.i Fnvirorunental ]mpact Stateanent (EL.S) is not required uaider RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed enviroiinenta] checklist and other information on file with the lead agzncy. Tlus information is available to the pubiic on request, Date Issued: February 15, 2008 ANS issued under WAC 197-11-340(2) Responsible Official: Sta,£f Contact: Katlty N[cClung, Conuntu-iity Developnlent Director vlicki Harnois, Associate Planaler City of Spokane Valley Community Taevelopment City of Spokane Valley Cominvnity Development Department Department, P1annulg Division Valley Redwood PIaz,3, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Valley Redwood Plaza,11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, 4VA 99206 Suite 106, Spokane Vallep, WA 99206 PH, (509) 688-0240 / FX: (509) 688-0306 PH: (509) 688-0048 fFX: (509) 688-0306 lcmcclung@spokanevalley.org iiiharnois@spokanevalle5,,arg Date Issued: Februaa-v 15, 2008 Signahue: A U APPEAL: An appeal of fihis deterinunation must be submitt@d to the Community Development Departrnent -wifihin fourteen (14) calendar days a.Efier fl1e date issued specifically Uy February 29, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.. This ~ appeal must 1e written and make speci€ic factual objections eo the City's threshold determination. Appeals shall be conducted in confornia-ice with c-ection 17.90 (Appeals) of the Cify's Uni€orm Development Code, and any requued fees pursuant to the City's adopted Fee 5chedule shall be paid at Hane of appeal submittal. -Pursuant to 4VAC 19,7-11-680, appeals shall be liinited to a revieiv of a final threvhold detern-dnation. 1 , ~ t < , . ; . ~ . ~ . . ~ -CPA-O 1-08 thru CPA-08-08 Page l of 1 Micki FOarnois From: Red, Jim (JRed@spof:anecounty.org] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 10:48 ANi To: Tavis Schmidt; PJiiclcf Harnois; Micki hiamois SubJect: CPA-01-08 thru CPR-08-08 -i i, 411 Compehensive Plan Amendments Gre wi#hin sewar projscts and will be required to connect to srwer as properties are leveloped. Plans, fess, security and so on, wil be requirzd as needed. f you have any' questions, pfease contact me at 477-7279. fh2nks, 1im i ~ ; i ~ ~ 2J512008 May 20, 2008 o;ME vALLE . G: ?ARTMENT QF ~ ~,,F „Tv nE•v'=~0~ rr.7 Spokane Valley Community Development Department Spolmne Valley Ciiy Hall, Suite 106 11707 Ea.st Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, V►'a 99206 Att. Micki Hamois Rf:: GPA-03-08 Ta whQm it many conc.ern : Il should be obvious that tlus smcudmc:n: and zonirtg change shi►uld Lv deuicd. 1'lus proposal wauld be an encroachmeni into a quict residential neighborhaod. It is a finger reaching into our neighborhood.. Tlie property is bordered on both the north and west by single family homes. On the south there is a schoal, play field and more single family homcs. Unly on the east does this property border an area with an office designation Each of those parcels border Argorwe Road %vliich provides their access. At the timc that those office buildings «<ere approved it was arguezi that they would prcnricle a transiticin henw<en the husy Argonne Coiridor ansi our single family ncighborlwod. Access to the pruperty in question is limited tu r'1II:i Avenue and Margueritc Road. 13oth arc cluict residential streets lined with historical homes. These twc) streets pmvidc major accc•s for the school bordering the property on the south. They are often filled with ctiildren walking or on bicycles. Since the school has no vehicle tumazound or off street loading, mc+st vehicles, including schoal huses, usc the two strcets to travel to or &om the schQOl. 'I o allow this addilional levclopment abuttine the scl.oul \lvuld be irresponsible. At present those who 11ve along ihese twoti(teL[ti look ouI 1:rorit vvirtdows at statcly historic homes on the other side of the street- To replace these hames %ith offices and parking lots «•ould dcstray the character of the neighbarUood if this tS•pe of development is allawed to reach into neighborhouds and have no direct access to an arterial, there will soon be no residential strtets left in the Spokane Valley. Pltasc den} this amendment and zoac cUangt. , ~ J~ Gregory A. Mott 8907 East Alki Avenue . ~ ~ Spokane 'Vallcv, Wa 99212 ~ ►''t (1, , ~ ~ ~ . , HEGEIVt ~Q~~*► w Mo~.~+a.~ / vl~o ~ a~ ,~t ,ca a t'7~ lJf.bt M'~l ~ P~V~C( !tY/ ~Lf"~-~Q.L.ry~ 1 r I ~ • ~ ~ a~d.d.c-~-r+o~.2 .~.o •n.,,,.T Clor ~ ~ ~ GiJ1t c~w urc~ Old ,uu..e.aA40 _ltc t J / ~Q 5caxxo. " wm....t- . : c,;t a~-► -,,'r% ~ •r+f .kifJl~ ,/L~~ 4.'"~ a,y l ~.~XZ.c.' 6,-. A ~ , LJ~ uJ 4D _ ~..t ~ ~.,U?~a+,..r.ti,a.,7_''~ . , . , _ . _ ` f r~_.. f•, ~ r r . t' . '7~r~` . d~ , 1 ~ . - ~ ~ ~ • ct~- ~N ~ ~ ~ , , • , ~ • , , , ' ~ G~~. ~ 1r4 _ • c~" . ~ ♦ InA Paselafl R4[ck! Harnais Frdrn: k~-r~it)?pereiraCcomc;st.net . J Serit: ThurdGy, Kjay 08, 2008 9:03 AlA To: kiic~.i Hamois 8ubjecf: t=ike #CPA-03-08 )eu NCcki Harois, fanai-ly and Ire.:ide at 8921 E. Va.lley,,-way Ave, iz Spokane VGlley, WA. NI<< property► is approx. 125 ieet :R-ay iorn the pro1Dosed am~adin-ent i.n File AC:'A-03-08 fi--om res:dentia.l R-'3/R-4 to Ga.rden O-fticti. I?rn writi.ag to s`,.aF.e np apposztion 'to th;s plan. T'Li-i-s a.rea is aiwe11 ke-it residenaal ii°igLborhoa3 frve froni coinme~rcial u.;° and 7affic. There s also a ele-nientary sc.hoal that- adjoius tlze affected prape: )L, (Spoks-ne Va.lley City School) that would be adversel-y Effacted by this change. At t~, tz~r.e tLere is no comr~e~ csa:t psarerty alon4 A~f2r~.ieri~ b°~~~n Mission A~~e.. to the ios t'h and Sprague Ave to tIie south. If tbe progrrty Yvere c.ha.n.Qed to Crarde'll O-ffii ce, rl?s decision could chancge tlhe eatire nak-eup of the Deighbarhood and open. the doar to co-iminercial encmachxnent all alona AZarguerite betve.en Nlission and :prar,~e. ~"~is is a pecs~ian z~ei~bcrhood ~~-~tb n?an~~ ~,~al~:er3; bike. s~d chilare;~ p3a}~ing in the stre.ets. Ihere is no naed ior this pnoperty tfl be claanged fTani its residential desiar_adoa. '£herz have been iua.nY stories 1have 'e-ad and `vatched in c.Le uew5paper and o-m locatl hews abaui a.lie loss ol' bcisiness oD. Sg-n-a-gue Ave. and else-where and fhe niggration of busi.ness to the S-,iliiva.u co:ridor and Snakane• Vallev A2al1. There are manY -a-iu1_tinles ofvacant property hrou.ghouE tlie Spokane Valley ~-~~here this developer coul_d have bau.Qiit up the piopenty nL-~eded for tsis ente.rprse. Iaascead Ley dee•ieled to bLy up cheap resicen;ial property planrli.~,g io, turn it in'Lo a.notheT offtce bLildin_. This office buildi.ag vviU g on tn.i.s prop"Il, incre?s° traffi- c o~? _esidential streats and arou.nd Spokaue V:11_cy ji,splace at least fou families living '-ity Srbool and tak-e aw-ay abLfeY zone ior the reiahborhood froma traffic and aoise. 1ask- vou Lo Please refuse thiz- reql-iest and kep my neighborlbood sa-fe and qu:et. There is ao neecl for this deN;elopi;" n `uis area. P1_ease keep conma-cir1 derElopm°iyl. f ifl the co~erc;a1 areas of Cne Spol:ane Valiey_ ' SincFrely, {evsi Pereira 3821 F. Valleyway Ave. 3gokanie Valley;Wa 34212 S~Ri~ nnQ 521 N Argoaule B LLC CE1VE~ 521 Ni Argonne B spokane; WA 99022 Spokaue Valley Plruuuii~ Cuuunission c!o Spokaile Valley Conzmiuiity i7evelopment Dept. PE~TMAY~E~ ~p~p~~ 1 I 707 East Sprague Ave. C,00 Spokane Va11ey, WA 99206 May 3, 2005 Dear Suss, 1 am wriiiug in regards to the proposal to rezoiie 3. acres o17 the corner of _Aj1d alid Margueritc in the Spokaize Valley. Your liearijig of Ma_y 2008 RE: FiIE N0. CpA-03- 08 . I own au office builduie next to Nvhere the proposed site :far rezoiaing is locatecl. A.s an owLier in clus area property valuES havc been stagnaiit to lower since I Uuilt m), office in 1998. Tn thc tEn years I have experieuced i-nany years of 25% vaGancy in my property. The ArgonneJMullen cvrridor is Niastly overbuilt tivith subnuarket rents wllich do noc help e<risting property owners. My eaperience lias also bceu that suice there has been so iiluch building on the corridor the rent in m3r bailding has decreased 20"/o from 5 yEars ago. ~T1iis area is one of singlt fainily hoines and a school. 1'liis de~~elepme.nt ~~ould se•ric~usl}~ cncroach ou the neighborhoocl ajid with tlic ctuient market situation I do not why there is need for additioFlal oifice space i.n the area. i would like to request a no vote on CFA-03-48 from the Conuilission. Sinccrely, • Loni Ellscad BLircheY ' I 1012 S Suruzyslope Rd Medical Lak:e, WA 99022 509-299-7865 ~ . : Rt~~'RI GRI rITI-i~ 925 572 34'"- FA}; N0. : 925 •672 2390 05 2608 93: 43ANi Pi - - - - , ~ Fo Im _ • : . ~Q . . ~ „ . . - ' ~ ~OVER SffE€T ' F'r ROMi: RQBE, R'F "BOB" GRIFFI'S`HS . SlT.L`.O1 b C. ONt7 A.'LO. i~P!'~. • 'l.. 3133 Fd~~RGIAR'f TERRITDI€Y RD. CLAYTON, CA. 94517 Z'AX' : (925) 672-3992• , Teteghone 4 (425) 672-2390 ' Bate v • . ~ - o . o- AT NT, 10'N: K Us~'.~: Y ~ T, EL'rE~~~NE T bTESS ' - ~ 62, PIA kl~ u ai~~F~ti~' v ' ~ . ~UMBER OF COg~~ ~~~~~G.Cm~~ SEIE=U T ~ a. - vlay 3, 2008 Spokane Valley Planning Coinmussion REOEIVED C/O Spokane Valley Com_munity 17EVelopment Iaept. 11707 East Sprague Avc. q- Spokane Va11ey, ~UA 99206 SpOKANc VALl.E`! Re: File ~Co. CPA-03-08 CrP~ ~aEr~T oF n~...LOPt,4EN? Dear Comnusioners, I have owned a sniall off ce buildina located at 521 N. Argonne, Bldg. A for approxinnately 6 years. At the tuue of purchase it was a.u attractive ivvestuient compared to other properties I looked at un Nortllern Califoriua and Nevada. There are only 2 suites and therefore 2 tenants. Since the time I have o«med it, I have had a total of 5 different tenants, iucluding onc tEnani thal de:faulted on tl~e Trease. Of c;ourse it is expensivc fo rc- Iease due to Leasing Commissions. Iu addition, property taxes have increased dramatically, and the vacancy ratc has ac least tripled. I am writing to record my opposition to th.i.s proposal. According to the Spokane Business Joumal's tabulation nf vacaucy r.ates by area, Spokane Valley office space has 'been running in the 20 to 25% rauge for about tNvo years now. I understand rhat another 250;000 sq. ft. of new office is c.omuitz on line soon in Spokane Valley. From my perspcctive, the City appears to be pretty much "built out", aud the chanees of any large population uicreases, and therefore more demand for ofliee spacc, seems smal.l. With vacancy rates this lugh, it is somewhat surprising that au eatily would want to build more office space. In thc 6 ycars sincs purchasing this o£fiCe, I have experienced a 16.7% dECrease ui the gross revenue, because tenants lookuie for office space nave tlie levei-age to reduce rates, and receive concessions (free rent, etc.). In any coirunercial inveshnenL, whenever income goes doNun, and expenses go up; the valuE of the property drops. To shotiv you my poi.nt, I have enclosed the data on a reccnt office building sale located at 408 N. Mullen Rd. At this price, the brolcer puts land value at $8 per sq. ft. and tfie building at $97.59 per square ft. From my cxpcrienee; the cost to replace this building is probably in the order of $1504200 per squarc foot. I respectfully request that the Coinmission votc no on CPA-03-08. , riffith 3 Moan T'erritory Rd., Clayton, CA 94517 #ho , , 25) 2- 0 a'---- ' Irnproved Sale # 2 Saie Darc: 1 1 -28-20,_,' Mslysb5: 51,121,51),:l 5lte Ana: 23,148 BIft Mer: - Ual! Ratcs: ~ Ovcrull - $l !!+.9 ~r'%f BniWing- - _ Y - - ~ = k CONO;NIC ATiALYSIS: ~ - PGL• S I 17. ;'ii? t'u. ta, 5.0°G „ EGI: SI11,5?~ ~''^•a~-. - _ _ k:zp. * 32.9Y. S36.6s : - tiOL' $?•t.~lr, Cap Rlte G 7n;, Idendlkatioa: Apex Bufidini Adctress: 408 N.Mul1H:l k:;., s;.-Aanr S~A-:nc Coninty, 1%,':~ l..ocaiioa: Noctbeast cornct af :vtullan & Val3eyvray Craator: GaigA. BtuwO Iabtrument: Oii719•s Grantee: TheWandernnettCompaay CoafirrnedWith: IcffN4cc";c'u._:7-' . Prspcrh' Wgbts: Ltasod Fa CanSrmcd By: '[DG Sale Pricr. SI*121.500 MaNcatinS 7'1uk: <6 mandr, EiaYecfus Cash m Shca Fst. Land N'alae: 5201,194 t; w;.1,11 : ,i Adjosted Prico: $1,121,500 BaUdfag Rtsidnal: 5920>316 = S97.5,; ; c•ommena: I'ircel 45I73.0618 Agt: Built 1983, offtciivc agz of yr.:; - I'Wwgr•aP6y: i.evol, at vade QnatftylCouQitfm: Average ! Avesagc l,oaleg: 00. C,ardcn Officc Coastrartioo: Wood frame w/tmrk venc_-r Siding, i tiP. C omp, ~<itio-l rk, Actssa: Povod Arterinl Stories: 1.5 lind-tn-Bft: 2.7 NWA( . ..t..~_~_ 1.eV1: l.mgt6y menes amd baamds desctiptioa totnincd in i:: lh.cription: c: This s'ste kbcaDed midway between Braa'.; '~'n th~ n:-iih boimd segment of t3te ArgonnelMultm wuplcc. I'bz siu has guad cxpsmro b trafiic tlawrs of ab.Llj t I,.000 vpd. The sitc is scrvcd by a[I utilitie.s, ahhaush it hrd not yet becn hc►oked up to sewer_ Bulldine: iS an average qualiry mvlti-trnant offrcc txiiiding that is cvnfigurod far ntttncrous smnll to mcdiun 1 sizeci tetmnts. At tbe time olsale, it was amfigured fr,r 17 unanls. 7he bniMSng is woad framed witb cYr.;._, I:,{, siding and bric1: aecents. Zbe hip roof has a cocinxositina shiagle caovaing that ia in meed of rzptamienc ihe poss builclino a*ea is cstimzccd a! 0.430 sf, w-ith n Qcl us.~blc nrea (trnQnts suitc;) of 7,~•~? sf c-clu~iir. th• common f ev~tor sm _ ReRIo('I`: TZSlSbuilGltlkti... ezccutivo afticcs, of wtu~h it; wue occuQicd at dit cimc of salc. Tne incusne and expcnsc anntysu abc-. _•h,z>rd on ectuals rcpuricd at thc limt o! sa1r, with maricet rates pluggad in far vacant spaces. The builci i r- was about 9796 occvpbd ai the time of selc. The Iruyer owns itie Wuxlamese Go{d Cvurse and pur+ctui::. l this strictly as an iavestment fran monies reccived from WSDOT for pruperty tah-en for ttK NortNSouti, [.-tC:`.~3V TltC Ft1IL'Ct It1CIC%cd 2h15 hUi~din:' ~S h91i:^,S• l°:: i}l3ii ^'-k 1!1X- !t) I}lC r,UTTI1?~t ,i(TC?13?ll_. . i. illi. i. ..I-I I.:f'.. . Pagc 1 of 2 Sue Passmore ~ '\m: Deanna Griffith Friday, May 23, 2008 3:06 PM To: Sue Passmore Subject: CPA-03-08 Attachments: Deanna Griffith (dgriffiith@spokanevalley.org).vcf; StaffReport (CPA-03-08).doc; image001.png Here is the staff report on the comprehensive plan amendment that Mrs. Mann is having a hard time with. The request is to take 5 parcels and change the Comp Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Office and the zoning from R-3 (7.5K sf) and R-4 (6K sf) to Garden ofFce. The owner has stated that he would like to develop a retirement facility of some kind on this property. The neighbors are very upset about this amendment and the project at all. They do not want this change. At the public hearing on 5/8/08, the neighbors were unruly, speaking out of turn, and arguing with the developer. The hearing was continued so that staff could do the research regarding whether a change could be made in the designation to multifamily from the office designation. At the 5/22 continued hearing, there were more neighbors in attendance, they were much more in control, very, very against any change of any kind in their neighborhood. After the public testimony, both ~o5 and deliberations the vote was to recommend approval of CPA-03-08 to the City Council. The vote was 4 to 1, we only had 5 members in attendance. The debate issues were, would multifamily be better there than office. The Garden Office designation is more of a transitional zone and would have less impact on the neighborhood than an apartment building. This will be coming before the Council on the agenda on June 3 for a study session, first reading on June 10. Please let me know if you have any questions. Deanna Gr°if~ith Administrative Assistant - Community Development City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-688-0050, Direct 509-688-0306, Fax www.sQokaneval lev.orq ~e ~n ~.o..V ~Plan~:~k r 5/23/2Q48 lic Works Department . Pub Spcrry6kdaane 4~ Valley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 49;00 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ dtyhall@spokanevalley.org . ..•e,._._ u ..__.r.., . a .r _ Informational Memo To: David Mercier, Mike Jackson, City Council Members From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director St@ve Worley, Senior Enginesr (CIP) Ken Knutson, Project Manager - Date: May 23, 2008 Re: Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project - Bid Award `I'he Pines-Mailsfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project was advertiscd far bids on Friday, May 23. 1"he scheduled bid npening date is Friday, June 13. A.fter opening bids and tabulating che resiilts, sta.ff will be requesting Council at their June 24 meeting to award tlie Pines-MacLSfield contract to clle lowESl responsiblc bidder. The cu.rrent project cost cstimate is as follows: Preliminary Engineering: $645,000 Right of Way $450,000 Construction $4,265,361 I.IPRR Costs $250.000 Tntal Cost Estimate $5,610,361 '1"he project is currently being funded by the f.olloNving: Federal CivIAQ grant $1,607,520 TTF3 ;rant $2,193,561 TIl3 (aniicipated additional funds) $329,034 T ocal Dcveloper $544,000 STA grant $537,000 Citv fiunds $399,246 'I"otal Project Funding $5,61.0,361 Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. . STY C 'okan000 e 1 i 707 E Sprague Ave Suite 11)6 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 Valley ° 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall0spokanevalley.org . . . . _ . . . , . . Informational Memo Date: June 3, 2008 To: David Mercier, City Manager and Members of City Council From: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Re: Traffic Data on Broadway Attached are copies of the traffic data information on Broadway Avenue that was requested at the April 29, 2008 study session. 1 I \ ~i TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN ON BROADWAY 01/01/2003 -12/31/2003 Total DEFECTNE EXHAUST SYSTEM 1 DEFECTIVE BRAKEUGHTS AFTER'64/TURN SIGHIdALS AFTER'60 3 DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM 3 DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGFIT • 5 DISOBEY TRAFFIC COPfTROL DEVICE 91 DRIVE WlOUT-OF-STATE LIC WHILE DWLS (MANDATORY) 1 OUI (I'JIANDATORY) 6 DWLS -1ST DEGREE (I'VIANDATORY) I 3 DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 21 ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 32 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEJPLAYGRD I 27 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK I 24 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE I 3 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 21 FAIL TO ACQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS I ~I FAIL TO KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT WHEN PASSING I FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN I I FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT 5 FAIL TO TRANSFER TITLE - 45 DAYS (MANDATORY) 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT ~ 3 FAIL TO YIELD FROM DRIVEWAY ~ Z FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY 2 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 2 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY 41 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGH7 7 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY INTERSECT I 1 FAILURE TO OBTAIL WA DRIVER'S LICENSE (MANDATORY) 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 39 ~i FAILURE TO SIGNAL I 3 ~ ~f FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN ' 11 ~ 5/1I2008 I Total ~ ' FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSE 2 ' . J HANDICAP PARKING VIOLATION 5 ~ HITfRUN - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) I 2 ILLEGAL PARKING 12" FROM CURBlFACING WRONG WAY 1 ILLEGAL PARKING IN A HANDICAP ZONE 5 I ILLEGAL PARKING OR STANDING I I ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 2 IMPORPER U-TURN (CURVES & HILLS 500') I 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I 5 ~ IMPROPER PARKING I I 'IMPROPER USElALTEREDlSWITCHED PLATES , 1 , INCORRECT COLOR OF LAMPS OR REFLECTORS . ~ I LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 25 MISSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED VIEW, NO OR DEFECTIVE WINDSHIELD WIPERS I 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) I~ NO UCENSE ON PERSON 2~ Id0 MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT 1 ~ NO VAUD VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS I 7 NVOL WfOUT IDEIJTIF (MANDATORY) I I I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I 5OPEN CONTAINERlDRINKING IN VEHICLE ~ Z I OPERATE ATV W10 REGISTRATION . ~ 1 PED CROSSING NOT AT CROSSWALK ~ I POSSESSIOM/DISPLAY OF ANY CANCELED, REVOKED, OR SUSPENDED LICENSE OR IDENTICAR ~ 1 PROHIBITED AMD IMPROPER TURN I 4 PROVIDING FALSE EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE (MANDATORY) ~ 1 RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) I 1 REFUSAL TO COOPERATE OR G1VE INFORMATION (MANDATORY) I 1 REFUSE INFOICOOPERATE WJOFFICER (MANDATORY) 1 , l SAFETY RESTRAINTS MAND USE 8: , ~ SPEEDING ' 35 I 2 5/1/2008 I Total ~ TRANSFER OF LICENSE PLATES ~ 1 ~l Total ! 342 i t ~ \ - . ~ ~ 3 5!1 /20O8 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES 8, SULLIVAN ON BROADWAY ' 01/01/2004 - 1213112004 Total I .__BLUE UGHTS ONLY ON LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLES 1 I DEFECTfVE BRAKEUGHTS AFTER'641TURN SIGHNALS AFTER'60 2 DEFECTIVE CLEARANCE OR MARKER LIGHTS 1 DEFECTIVE HEADLIGHTS 1 ~ DEFECTfVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP 2 DEFECTIVE OR BALD TIRES 1 DEFECTIYE TAIL UGHTS OR UCENSE PLATE LIGHT 2 DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE I S DRIVE WfOUT-OF-STATE LIC WHILE DWLS (MANDATORY) I 2 DUI (MANDATORY) ' 2 DWLS -1ST DEGREE (IIAANDATORY) 3 I DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORl) 3 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI) I. 22 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEfPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK I 55 EXPIREO VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 29 FAIL TO KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT WHEN PASSING V 1 FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN 2 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 2 i FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT , 9! FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN I 1 I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FR011A PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DR(VEWAY ~ 3 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 7 FAIL TO Y1ELD RIGHT WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT ~ 5 FAILURE TO DIM LIGHTS 1 FAILURE TO OBEY OFFICER, FLAGMAN, OR FIREMAN (MANDATORY) 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARO OR PROOF OF 84 FAILURE TO REPORT AN ACCIDENT (MANDATORY) 1 I FAILURE TO SIGNAL I 2 r _ ,I FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 7 1 511/2008 ~ Total FAILURE TO YIELD FROM ALLEYlDRfVEWAY 1 FAILURE TO YtELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALK/PASSING VEHICLE STOPPED AT CROSSWA 2 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 3 HITlRUN - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) 1 HIT/RUN • UNATTENDED (MANDATORY) 2 ~ ILLEGAL PARKING 12" FROM CURBlFACING WRONG WAY 2 ILLEGAL PARKING IN A HANDICAP ZONE 9 ILLEGAL PARKING OR STANDING 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES I 4 ILLEGAL TRANSFER OR SWITCHING OF LICENSE PLATES 1 I IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 3 INCORRECT COLOR OF LAMPS OR REFLECTORS z' LEAVING UNATTENDED VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY 1 NEGUGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) I 2 NO UCENSE ON PERSON 2 NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSE/EXPIRED TABS 19 NVOL WlOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORl) 3 1 ` J NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) ' i0 , I PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 5 RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) 1 SPEEDING 14 I T00 FAST FOR CONDITIONS I 1 TV IN VIEW OF DRIVER OR WEARING HEADPHONES l I I ~ UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE WITH DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT ~ 2 I UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I 1 VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED I VIOLATION OF DRIVER'S UCENSE RESTRICTIONX 1 VIOLATION OF INTERMEDIATE DRIVER'S LICENSE 1 Total 354 ~ 2 5/1/2008 I TRAFFtC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVQN ON BROADWAY 01/0112005 -12/31/2005 ~ l'Toal BODY AND BODY HARDWARD REQUIREMENTS 1 ~ DEFECTIVE HEADLIGHTS 1 ' DEFECTIVE UCENSE PLATE LAMP ~ 1 DEFECTIVE OR BALD TIRES 1 DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 2 DISOBEY TRAFFIC COIdTROL DEViCE , 6 DISOBEYING SCHOOL PATROL 1 I DUI (MANDATORY) ' 3 DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 10 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 22 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 191 FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE I 2 4 FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN I 1 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SlGNAL L1GHT 10 . I FAIL TO TRANSFER TITLE - 45 QAYS (14qAIdDATORY) I FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I 11 FAIL TO YIELO RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN I 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGFIT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY ~ 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGNT I 1 ~ FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT ~ 7 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 76 ~ FAILURE TO SIGNAL I 1 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN I 7 I FAILURE TO STOP (NOT FELONY ELUDING) (MANDATORY) I 1 FAILURE TO YIELD EMERGENCY VEHICLE 2 FOLLOWIMG TOO CLOSELY g I HITlRUN - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) I 1 IGNfTION LOCKOUT ViOLATION (MANDATORY) . 1 ILLEGAL PARKING 12" FROM CURBJFACING WRONG WAY ~ 31 ~ 5/1 J20U6 ~ Total ~ ILLEGAL PARKING IN A HANDICAP ZONE 5 ILLEGAL STUDDED TiRES 1 ILLEGAL WINDOW TINTING 3\"J IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 6 5~ IMPROPER TURNING MOVEMENT 1 ~ IMPROPER USElALTEREDlSWITCHED PLATES 2 ~ ~ MIRRORS REQUIRED 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON 5 NO MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT 1 NO OR DEFECTIVE BUMPERS 1 NO SPLASH GUARDS OR FENDERS ON VEHICLE 1 NO VAllD VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS I 29 NO WORKING LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 2 NVOL WIOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORIn 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACT10N) 17 OPERATE Wl0 HEADLIGHTS I 1 - OPERATING WITH NO/LEGAL PLATES 1 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 2~ SPEEDING 15 UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE WITH DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT 2 VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED g WALKING INfON ROADWAY WHEN SIDEUWALKS PROVIDED 2 ~ Total 307 2 5/1 I2008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN ON BROADWAY 01101/2006 - 06/30l2006 ~ I Total - -I ~QSSISTING ANOTHER IN STARTING VEHICLE W1TH IGNITION INTERLOCK (MANDATORY) 1 CHILD RESTRAINT VIOLATIONS I I DEFECTfVE TAIL LlGHTS OR UCENSE PLATE L1GHT 2 DEFECTNE TURN SIGNAUSTOP LAh'1PS I 1 ~ DIS08EY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 2 DRIVING ON SIDEWALK I I DUI (MANDATORI7 I 2 DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (I'MANDATORY) 4 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 9 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEIPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ' 15 EXPIRED YEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS ~ 11 FAIL TO AQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS ~ 2 FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 3 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT 1 ' FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 3' FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 1 FAIL TO YIELD RiGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY I 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT 4 FA(L TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNIMG RIGHT 4 FAIL TO YIELD TO STATIONARY EMERGENCY VEHICLE 1 FAILURE TO OBTAIN SPECIAL ROAD PERMIT (OVERSIZE,INEIGHT) 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 26 FAILURE 70 SIGNAL FOR T11RN 1 FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSINALKlPASSING VEHICLE STOPPED AT CROSSWA 1 FOLLOWiNG TOO CLOSELY 5 ILLEGAL PARKING 12" FROM CURBlFACING WRONG WAY 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 2 IMPROPER U-TURN (CURVES & HILLS 500') 1 LEAVING CHILD UNATTENDED fN VEHICLElMTR RUNNING (MANDATORY) 1 1 MAKING INACCESSIBLE THE ACCESS AISLE FOR HANDICAP PARKING STALL y 1 . 1 5/1/2008 Total l NEGLIGENT DRiV1NG - 2ND DEGREE (IPIFRACTION) , 2 ` ~ , 2~ ;NO LICENISE ON PERSON I NO SPLASH GUARDS OR FENDERS ON VEHICLE i / NO VALID YEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 4 NVOL WIOUT IDENTIF (MATdDATORI) I ~ I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 4 2 OVER LEGAL WEIGHT (TANDEM AXELS) I 1 I OVER LICENSED CAPACITY 1ST OFFENSE I PROHiBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 2 SPEEDING I 4 ~ VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SiGPdED , 1 Total I 130 ~ . % \ 2 511 12008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEId PINES & SULLIVAN ON BROADWAY 07/01/2006 -12131/2006 ~ Total ~,__JCROSSING PHYSICAL BARRIERIMEDIAN OR WRONG WAY ON FREEWAY 1, DEFECTIVE BRAKEUGHTS AFTER'64lTURN SIGHNALS AFTER'60 I DEFECTIYE HEADLIGHTS 2 DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP I DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT I 3 DEFECTIVE TURN SIGNAUSTOP LAMPS ~ i I DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE I 3 DUI (MANDATORY) I I DWLS -1ST OEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 191 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONFJPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 5 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICEIJSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 9 FAIL TO IdOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN 2 ,l "tiFAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT I 10 i FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 3' FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT 2 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 31 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 8 ILLEGAL PARKING IN A HANDICAP ZONE 3 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 2 IMPROPER USE OF 2-WAY LEFT TURN L.ANE I 1 MISSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED VIEW, NO OR DEFECTIVE WINDSHIELD WIPERS 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVING - ZND DEGREE (INFRACTION) 1 i NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSElEXPIRED TABS 8 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 3 OBSCUREDIILLEGIBLE PLATES 1 9 ~f OVER LEGAL WEIGHT (TA1~lDEM AXELS) 1! ~ 5/1I2008 Total ~ PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 1 • RECKLESS DRIVWG (MANDATORY) SPEEDWG 6 I UNAUTHORIZED USE OF HANDICAP CARDIDECALlSTICKER 1 UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE WfTH DEFECTIVE EQUIPRAENT VIOLATION OF INTERMEDIATE LICENSE - NO PASSENGERS UNDER 20 I 1 Total 9 1391 2 sti12oos TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN ON BROADWAY 01 /01/2007 - 12131/2007 Total ~ OCHILD RESTRAINT VIOLATIONS ' 1 ~ CROSSING PHYSICAL BARRIER1MEDlAN OR WRONG WAY ON FREEWAY . 1 DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEQVI I Z DEFECTIVE UCENSE PLATE LAMP 1 I DEFECTNE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE UGHT ~ 61 DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 6 DRIVING WRONG WAY ON ONE WAY STREET I DUI (MANDATORY) I7 DWLS - ZND DEGREE (MANDATORI) ~ 3 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ~ 31 EVERY BIKE MUST HAVE BRAKE; LIGHTS WHEN OPERATING IN DARKNESS 1 I EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 6 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MON7HS 18 FAIL TO AQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS 1 FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 2 ` FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN , 4 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC StGNAL LIGHT 7 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I 5 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF VWAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN I 2 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY I 7 FAIL TO YIELD R1GHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGH7 I I IFAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 4 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 6ro I FAILURE TO SIGNAL I ~ FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN I 4 FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALKIPASSING VEHICLE STOPPED AT CROSSWA ~ 2 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY , 131 HIT/RUN - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) I 3 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES .6 II IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I 3' i ' I ~ 5l1/2D08 I Total I IMPROPER PASSING I ~ IMPROPER PASSING - LEFT 1 I~\ I 1 \ i~ IMPROPER TEMPORARY PERMIT IMPROPER USE OF PLACARD Z IMPROPER USElALTERED/SWITCHED PLATES I 2 MAKING INACCESSIBLE THE ACCESS AISLE FOR HANDICAP PARKING STALL I MIRRORS REQUIRED I 1 MISSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED V1EW, NO OR DEFECTIVE WINDSHIELD WIPERS ~ 1 MISSING OR IIWIPROPER BUMPER 2 I NEGLIGENT DRMNG - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) 3 I NO LICENSE ON PERSON I NO LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 141 NVOL V1flOUT IDEPfTIF (MANDATORY) 3 ~ NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 61 OBSCUREDIILLEGIBLE PLATES ~ 1 OPERATING DEFECTIVE VEHICLE 1 ~ / POSSESSIONIDISPLAY OF ANY CANCELED, REVOKED, OR SUSPENDED LICENSE OR IDENTICAR 1 f PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 1 3 RACING z RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) 2 ~ REFUSAL TO COOPERATE OR GIVE INFORMATION (MANDATORY) 1 SOLICITING A RIDE I 1 SPEEDING 12 ~ UNATTENDED MOTOR VEHICLE I I ' UNAUTHORIZED USE OF HANDICAP CARD/DECAUS7ICKER 1 I VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED 2 I VIOLATION OF DRIVER'S LICENSE RESTRICTION 1 6 VIOLATION OF INSTRUCTION PERMfT I 1 Total ~ 279I 2 51112008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PtNES 8 SULLIVAN ON BROADWAY 01/0112008 - 03/31/2008 I Tota i I r p DEFECTIVE BRAKELIGNTS AFTER'64ITURN SIGNALS AFTER'60 1 DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM 2 I DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP I 3 ' DEFECTIVE OR BALD TIRES I 1 ; DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGNTS OR UCENSE PLATE UGH7 ~ I ' DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE I DUI (MANDATORY) 2 DWL5 - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 3 DWLS -3RD DEGREE (MANDATORl7 19 I . EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK I 1 EXPIRED YEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS ' I 3~ FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT I 2 I , FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT t 6 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRNATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY 1 FAfL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 2 FAILURE TO DIM LIGHTS 1~ FAfLURE TO PROVIDE IN5Ui2ANCE CARQ OR PROOF OF 29 FAILURE TO SIGNAL 2 ~ FAILURE TO S(GNAL FOR TURN 2' FAILURE TO STOP (NOT FELONY ELUDING) (MANDATORY) 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 I HITIRUtd - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) 1 IGNITION LOCKOUT VIOLATION (MANDATORY) 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE • 2 IMPROPER TURNING MOVEMENT 1 MAKING INACCESSIBLE THE ACCESS AtSLE FOR HANDICAP PARKING STALL 1 MIRRORS REQUIRED 1 MISSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED VIEV41, NO OR DEFECTIVE WINDSHIELD WIPERS 1 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVWG - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) i 1 1 51112008 ~ Total I NO LICENSE ON PERSON NO VAL1D VEHICLE LICENSEJEXPIRED TABS ' S,. NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 3 I PASSING IN NO PASSING ZONE 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 3 SPEEDING 6 ~ Total 113 . ~ 2 5l1/20U8 i TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 01/01J2003 - 12/31/2003 (IIJTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULITPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAYIMCDONALD OR MCDONALD/6ROADWAY, ETC) I I Total I ADAMS RD/6ROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT ~ 1 P FAILURE TO PROViDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Totsl + 3 ' BROADWAYIADAMS RD DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM 1 I DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM 1 I DUI (MANDATORY) 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 1 FAILURE TO OBTAIL WA DRIVER'S UCENSE (MANDATORI) ; 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ 1 SPEEDING 3 Total 11 BROADWAYlBEST NO VAL1D VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIREO TABS 1 Total 1 BROADWAYfBLAKE SPEEDING 1 ~ Tota I 1 BROADWAYlBURNS DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI) 1 I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I 1 Total . 2 BROADWAY/COLLINS NO VAUD VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 1 SPEEDING 1 ~ Total 2 BROADWAYIEUCLID NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 Total 1 BROADWAY/EVERGREEN DEFECTIVE BRAKEUGHTS AFTER'641TURN SIGHHALS AFTER'60 1 DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 I DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE ~ 2 1 5/912008 Total ~ , BROADWAYIEVERGREEN I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI) 5 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS i FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT 1~ FAIL TO YIELD RIGFtT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE WSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3; FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 ~ INCORRECT COLOR OF LAMPS OR REFLECTORS 1 LIABILfTY INSURANCE REQUIRED 4 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 ' SAFETY RESTRAINTS MAND USE 1 I SPEEDING I I Total I 25 ' BROADWAYlMAMER LIABILtTY INSURANCE REQUIRED I 1 Total 1 BROADWAYIMCABE I EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONFJPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1~ Total ~J ; BROADWAY/MCCABE DWLS -1ST DEGREE (MANDATORI) i DWLS - 3RD DE GREE (MANDATORY) I 2 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGRD I 25 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ~ 19 EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE I I I EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 5 I NVOL WlOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORI7 I 1' REFUSE INFOICOOPERATE WlOFFICER (MANDATORY) I 1 SAFETY RESTRAINTS MAND USE 4 SPEEDING 7 I ~ TRANSFER OF LICENSE PLATES I Total gg BROADWAYfMCDONALD DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 51112008 I Total I BROADWAYlMCDONALD I EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MOtdTHS I 1 FAIL TO YIELD R1GHT OF WAY 1 I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN Tl1RNING RIGHT 3 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 FAILURE TO SIGN.AL I 1 ~ IMIPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE , 1 I LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 1 ~ SAFETY RESTRAINTS MAND USE 1 Totai 141 BROADWAYIPINES I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 NO VAUD VEHICLE UCENSElEXPIRED TABS 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I 1 Total 5 I BROADWAYlPINES RD DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM 1 DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS • 1 I FAIL TO ACQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WtTHIN 30 DAYS 1 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT p i I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 2 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 2 NO VAL1D VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS I 1 • PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 1 Tota I 17 BROADWAYIPROGRESS FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN I IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I 1 OPEN CONTAINERIDRINKING IN VEHICLE I 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN I 1 . . 3 51112W8 I Total ~ BROADWAYlPROGRESS ~ Total • 5 ~ BROADWAYfSAINT CHARLES EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEfPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK Total ~ j BROADWAYlST CHARLES `E.XPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2~ I Total 2 BROADWAYlSULLIVAN DEFECTNE EXHAUST SYSTEM I I DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 2 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI) 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE ~ 1 ~ EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2` FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 2 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 7 S FAILURE TO SIGNAL 1 ILLEGAL PARKING IN A HANDICAP ZONE 4 2 IMPORPER U-TURN (CURVES 8 HILLS 500') ~ 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE , IMPROPER USElALTEREDISWITCHED PLATES , J LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 1 MISSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED VIEW, NO OR DEFECTI ~ 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON 1~ NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 1 PED CROSSING NOT AT CROSSWALK I 1 POSSESSIONIDISPLAY OF ANY CANCELED, REVOKED, OR SUSPEND 1 Total 4 31 BROADWAYNERCLER FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 1 LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED I 2 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN I 1 , SPEEDING I Total 6 BROADWAY/WILLOW CREST FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN • ' J Total i i 4 5/112008 Total ~ BROADWAYIWOODLAWN SPEEDING 1 ~~1 I Total 1 ~ : COLLINStBROADWAY FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRI I 1 Tota I 1 EVERGREEN/BROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGIVAL LIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 SPEEDING 4 Total 12 MCCABElBROADWAY EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 3 Total 3 MCDONALDlBROADWAY DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE 1 I EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 ; . % FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 1 LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 2 NEGLIGENT ORIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) 1 ' Total 9 PINES RDlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE BRAKELIGHTS AFTER'64ITURN SIGHNALS AFTER'60 1 DEFECTfVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 DISOBEY TRAFFIC CO(JTROL DEVICE ~ 1 I DUI (MANDATORY) 1 I DWLS - 1ST DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 DWLS - 3R0 DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 3 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2 A FAIL TO TRANSFER TITLE - 45 DAYS (MANDATORY) ~ 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED I 3 , I NO UCENSE ON PERSON I 1 5 5/1/2008 I Total I PINES RDIBROADWAY OPEN CONTAINER/DRINKING IN VEHICLE ~ 1~ RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) SPEEDING 1 f I Total 20 PINES RDIBROADWAY AV EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 Total 1 PINESlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE BRAKELIGHTS AFTER'641TURN SIGHNALS AFTER'60 1 DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 DUI (MANDATORY) 1 • OWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORl) Z FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 5 I REFUSAL TO COOPERATE OR GIVE INFORMATION (MANDATORIf) I 1~ Total 11 PROGRESSlBROADWAY FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY INTERSECT I SPEEDING 1 Total 2 I SULLIVANlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE TAIL UGHTS OR UCENSE PLATE LIGHT DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 . DUI (MANDATORY) • ~ ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 5 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT ` 1 FAIL TO YIELD FROM DRIVEWAY I 1~ ~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 5 FAILURE TO SIGNAL . I I FOLLOWING TOO CIOSE I 1 HfTlRUN - ATTENDED (MAMDATORY) 2 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 ' LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED 4 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS 2~ OPERATE AN W10 REGISTRATION PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 6 5/1120a8 • Total SULLIVAN/BROADWAY ~ PROVIDING FALSE EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE (MANDATORI) 1 I SAFETY RESTRAIIdTS MAND USE I 1 SPEEDING 2 I Total I 37 Tota I 29,51 7 5I1/2008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES 8 SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 01I0112004 - 12J3112004 (IIJTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULfTPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAYIMCDONALD OR MCDONALD/6ROADWAY, ETC) Total I ADAMS RDlBROADWAY FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 ' SPEEDING I I ' Total 3 BESTIBROADWAY NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS I I~ Total I 1 BROADWAYIADAMS RD I DWLS -1ST DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 Total 5 BROADWAYIBANNEN ILLEGAL STUDDED T1RES ~ 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS ~ 1 Total 2 I BROADWAYiBEST DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT . 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURAtdCE CARD OR PROOF OF I I VlOLATION OF DRIVER'S LICENSE RESTRICTIONX I' w TOtal ' 4 BROADWAYlBLAKE ~ EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEIPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1 ' I Total 1 I BROADWAY/BURNS EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 SPEEDING I 1 Total I 3 II BROADWAYlCOLUNS FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 FOLLOWWG TOO CLOSELY I ~ TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS ~ I ~I~ I Total 3 ~ 5!S /2008 Total 1 BROADWAYlEVERGREEN DEFECTIVE BRAKELIGHTS AFTER'641TURN SIGHNALS AF7ER'60 ~ 1 DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORIn ` I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGIdAL UGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 5 FAILURE TO SIGNAL I I I FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN q I FOLLOWMG TOO CL05ELY 6 1 HIT/RUN - UNATTENDED (MANDATORY) 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS ti` NVOL WIOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORY) 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 2 I Total 21 BROADWAYIGEVERGREEN FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 9 Total . ` J BROADWAY/MAMER EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO AAONTHS 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSElEXPIRED TABS 1 i UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE WI7H DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT ~ 1 Total 6 BROADWAYIMAMER RD NVOL WlOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORY) 1~ Total 1 I BROADWAYIMCABE EXCEED SPEEO SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 I Total , 2 BROADWAYlMCCABE • DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE - 1 i~ DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) I ' 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ~ j 2 5/1/2008 Total ,~BROADWAY/MCCABE I FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 3 I , FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ' 9 I FAILURE TO SIGPIAL FOR TURN I 1 FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALKlPASSING VEHIC 1 I ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON I 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I 1 SPEEDING I I ~ i Total 65 BROADWAYIMCDONALD DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 2 I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRI 1~ FAIL TO YIELD RtGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGH7 ~ 4' FAIL TO `fIELD RIGH7 WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT I 1. ~FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 -•FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 SPEEDING 1 i VIOLA710N OF INTERMEDIATE DRNER'S UCENSE , 1 Total 19 BROADWAYIPINES FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 FA(LURE TO YIELD FROM ALLEY/DRIVEWAY 1' NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSElEXPIRED TABS 1 Total 5 BROADWAY/PINES RD DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ~ 1 ' EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 4 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS 1 SPEEDING 3 Tota I 11 BROADWAYlPROGRESS DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 3 5/1/2008 I Total I BROADWAYIPROGRESS I EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEJPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1 9 FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN 1; ; FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT ~ ti~' ! FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT WAY TO VEHICIE ON RIGHT 2 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 4 LEAVING UNATTENDED VEHICLE ON HIGHWAY 1 SPEEDING 1 , i Total 13 BROADWAYlSAINT CHARLES NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 1 Tota I 1 BROADWAYISULLIVAN DEFECTIVE BRAKELiGHTS AFTER'641TURN SIGHNALS AFTER'60 'i ~ I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OYER TWO MONTHS ~ 3' FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 9 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN i 1 6 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 I 1 HITlRUN -ATTENDED (MANDATORY) ~ J 1-IIT/RUN - UNATTENDED (MANDATORY) 1 l ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 I INCORRECT COLOR OF LAMPS OR REFLECTORS NO UCENSE ON PERSON 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 2 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 2 SPEEDING 3 • TV IN V1EW OF DRIVER OR WEARING HEADPHONES 1 UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 Total 35 BROADWAY/VERCLER DEFECTIVE OR BALD TIRES 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF , l Total 4 5l1/2008 I Total BROADWAYNERCLER RD ~ FAILURE TO OBEY OFFICER, FLAGMAtd, OR FIREMAN (MANDATORY) I 1 f ~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 I l\..~ TOtal Z I BROADWAYNVOODLAND FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 NVOL WNAUD ID (INFRACTION) I 1 Total 2 BROADWYlPINES RD DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES 1 I I Total 3 BURPISIBROADWAY FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total I 1 COLLINSlBROADWAY DEFECTNE TAIL LIGHTS OR LJCENSE PLATE LIGHT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE ItdSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 NVOL WIOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORY) I I I RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) I I~ Total i 4 EVERGREEN/BROADWAY BLUE UGHTS ONLY ON LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLES I 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 I ~ EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 3 j FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE I I 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I I I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 ' NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 1 NVOL WNAUD ID (INFRACTION) 2 SPEEDING 1 I Total 13 MCCABE/BROADWAY EXCEEO SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ~ 5 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total 6 I MCDONALDI6ROADWAY , FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT ~ FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 1 I ' 5 511l2008 Total MCDONALDlBROADWAY I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSElEXPIRED TABS Total PINES RD/BROADWAY FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Tota I I 1 PIMES RDlBRAODWAY I NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEJEXPIRED TABS I I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 Total 2 PINES RDlBROADWAY DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 5 FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 7 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 2~ ILLEGAL TRANSFER OR SWITCHING OF LICENSE PLATES 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE . 1 I • - 1 NEGUGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) ~ NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 2 UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE WITH DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1 VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED ~ I Total 25 ~ PINESlBROADWAY OWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total I 2 ST CHARLESlBROADWAY FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total 1 SULLIVANfBROADWAY I DEFECTIVE CLEARANCE OR MARKER LIGHTS 1 DEFECTIVE HEADLIGHTS 1 DEFECTIVE TAIL UGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE UGHT I I DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE I I DRIVE WIOUT-OF-STATE LIC WHILE DINLS (MANDATORY) I , DUI (MANDATORY) 6 5/1/2008 Tota l SULLIVANlBROADVIIAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 6 ~ FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 10 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN I 1 FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALKIPASSING VEHIC I 1 ILLEGAL PARKING IN A HANDICAP ZONE I 1 NEGLIGENT DRNING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) 1 I NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS 2 Total I 35 WOODLAWN/BROADWAY FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I 1' Total 1 Tota I I 308 •i • ' 7 5l112008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 01/0112005 - 12131/2005 (IIJTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULITPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAY/MCDONALD OR MCDONALD/BROADWAY, ETC) 0 ~ TotaJ I ADAIUISBROADWAY I FAILURE TO PROViDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF _ 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) • 1 Total I 2 ADAMS/BROADWAY AV I SPEEDING I 1 Total I _ 1 d BRAODWAYICOLLINS FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total Z I BROADWAYIADAMS EXPIRED VEHICLE LlCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I SPEEDING 1 Total z BROADWAYIADAMS RD DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE UGHT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 21 NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSEfEXPIRED TABS 1 I Total 41 BROADWAYlBEST EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 6 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT ~ 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 2i NO LICENSE ON PERSON 11 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS I i I Total I 6 BROADWAYlBURNS EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 I Total ( 2 BROADWAY/COLUNS EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 11 I ' FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 NO VAL.ID VEHICLE LICENSEJEXPIRED TABS I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I I ~ 5/1/2008 Total ~ BROADWAYICOLLINS I SPEEDING ~ Total • y r, . \ BROADWAYlEVERGREEN DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT ~ 2 FAIL TO TRANSFER TITLE - 45 DAYS (MANDATORY) ~ 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT ~ 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ g ' FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY f I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I 3, Total ~ 14 BROADWAYIMAMER EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEIPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ~ I EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS ~ 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1~ SPEEDING ~ 1 Total 4 BROADWAY/MCCABE DISOBEYING SCHOOL PATROL EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 4 ~ I I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF d 3 ' NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSE/EXPIRED TABS I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 2 SPEEDING q 1 ; I Total I ! 24 ' BROADWAYlMCDONALD DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 I DUI (MANDATORY) I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI) 1 ~ d EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1+ i EXPIRED VEHICLE LlCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I~ ~ FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 3~ FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT • ~ FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT FAILURE TO PROYIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 5/1120Q8 Tota l I I BROADWAY/MCDONALD F Total 15 ~,zOADWAYIPINES I BODY AND BODY HARDWARD REQUIREMENTS • 1 ~ DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (PJIANDATORY) 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 6 I FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 I FAILURE TO YIELD EMERGENCY VEHICLE ~ 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON 1 NO SPLASH GUARDS OR FENDERS ON VEHICLE 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN I 1 SPEEDING I 2 UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE WITH DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1 Total 17 BROADWAYfPINES RD NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEfEXPiRED TABS 1 O Total ~ 1 F-7ROADWAYfPROGRESS EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK . 3 I FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN I 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 ' NO VAUD VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 1~ VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED 1 Total 10 BROADWAYlSAINT CHARLES EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 2 RD FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 NO MOTORCYCLE ENDORSEMENT I I Tota l 5 BROADWAY/SULLNAN DISOBEY TRAFFlC CONTROL DEVICE 1 I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 41, FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 4 f FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I R 3 5/1/2008 ~ Total BROADWAYlSULLIVAN FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELO OR STOP SIGN 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRI I 1, FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT B 1' FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 13 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 2 ILLEGAL WINDOW TINTING 3 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 2 NO OR DEFECTIVE BUMPERS 1 NO VAUD VEHICLE LICENSEfEXPIRED TABS 5~ NO WORKING LICENSE PLATE UGHT 1 NVOL W10UT IDENTIF (MANDATORY) 1 NVOL WNALlD ID (INFRACTION) 2 OPERATE WIO HEADLIGHTS 1 OPERATING WITH NO/LEGAL PLATES 1 VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED 1 I Tota I 48 ~ BROADWAYNERCLER FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 SPEEDING 1 Total 5 EVERGREEWBROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2 FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAIL TO V1fEAR SEATBELT 3 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 IMPROPER USElALTEREDISWITCHED PLATES 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON ' 1 I VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED ' 1 Tota I 12 t WIAMERlBROADWAY NO UCENSE ON PERSON NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXP1RED TABS `i"i 4 511/2008 Total ~ MAMEWBROADWAY I Total 21 CCABElBROADWAY EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK Total 1 MCDONALDIBROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 I ~ FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 FAILURE TO SIGNAL 1 IGNfTiON LOCKOUT VIOLATION (MANDATORY) 1 NO WORKING LICENSE PLATE UGHT 1, NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTIOM) 1 SPEEDING 1 I VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED 1 ~I WALKING INION ROADWAY WHEN SIDEWALKS PROVIDED 2. Total 14 DINES RDIBROADWAY DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 ' FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2! NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 1 Total 4 PINESlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE OR BALD T1RES I 1. DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 ' EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 7 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 2 ILLEGAL STUDDED T1RES 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 IMPROPER USElALTEREDlSWITCHED PLATES 1 MIRRORS REQUIRED 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEfEXPIRED TABS I 3 l I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I 3 5 5l1I20Q8 Tota I , PINESIBROADWAY ~ SPEEDING 1 I VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED Total 28 ~ f SULLIVANIBROADWAY DEFECTIVE HEADLIGHTS 1 DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE UGHT 1 DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 2' DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 2 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT ' 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARO OR PROOF OF 11 ~ FAILURE TO YIELD EMERGENCY VEHICLE 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY I 2 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 2 NO VAUD VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS i 11 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN 1 _ VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED % Total 41 WOODLAWNIBROADWAY DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP DUI (MANDATORY) ~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF Total 3 ~ Total I 274 : 6 5J112008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 01101/2006 - 06/30l2006 (INTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULITPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAYIMCDONALD OR MCDONALDlBROADWAY, ETC) Tota I I ADAMS RDIBROADWAY I FAILURE TO PROYIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF Total ~ I ADAMSIBROADWAY FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN ~ Total ~ I BROADWAY/ADAMS RD DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) ~ FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 I FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 IAAPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I 1 NVOL WIOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORY) 1 I Total 6 I BROAOWAYIBEST ASSISTING ANOTHER IN STARTING VEHICLE W1TH IGNITION INTERLO 1 DUI (MANDATORY) 11 DWLS • 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 I I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 NO SPLASH GUARDS OR FENDERS ON VEHICLE I NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) I , , OVER LICENSED CAPACITY 1ST OFFENSE ~ VEHICLE REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND SIGNED I ~ Total 101 BROADWAYlBLAKE EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS Total ~ BROADWAYIEVERGREEN DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ~ EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS ~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 21 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY ~ 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) I 1 i I ~ NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS I ~ B 1 5J1/2008 I Total 4 BROADWAYfEVERGREEN Total 7 . BROADWAYIMCCABE DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ~ 7` 9FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT ~ 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I~ FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALKIPASSING VEHIC l 1 Totai 11 I BROADWAYIMCDOANLD IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I ~ Total I 1 BROADWAY/MCDONALD DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT I~ FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT y Z FAILURE TO OBTAIN SPECIAL ROAD PERMIT (OVERSIZE,WEIGHT) 1 FAILURE TO PROYIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSE/EXPIRED TABS 1 Total 7 ~ , ~ BROADWAYlPINES FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN , 1, Total ~ 2 BROADWAYlPROGRESS FAIL TO AQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS 1~ I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY I ' I SPEEDING 1 Total 5 BROADWAYlSULLIVAN DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 2' EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 3 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 LEAVING CHILD UNATTENDED IN VEHICLElMTR RUNNING (MANDAT ~ 1 NEGLIGENT DRNING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) I NO LICENSE ON PERSON 2 5l1/2008 Total BROADWAYlSULLNAN I NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 1 I NVOL WNALID ID (I{dFRACTION) ' 1 OVER LEGAL WEIGHT (TANDEM AXELS) 1 Total I 15 EVERGREENBROADWAY I DWIS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORl) 1 i DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (IVIANDATORI) ~ 1~ EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 2 FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 FAIL TO YIELD TO STATIONARY EMERGENCY VEHICLE 1 d FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I • 3 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN _ 1 SPEEDING 1 Total 13 ' li M-rDONALDIBROADWAY DRIVING ON SIDEWALK 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 2 Total 3 PINESlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR UCENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 'i . EXPIRED YEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO A90NTHS 1 FAIL TO AQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS 1 I FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSEfEXPIRED TABS 1 Total 8 SULUVANJBROADWAY DEFECTIVE TAIL UGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 DEFECTIVE TURN SIGNAUSTOP LAMPS 1 'DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1 i~DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 1 / EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1~ 3 511/20d8 Total SULLIVANBROADWAY I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY a IMPROPER U-TURN (CURVES 8 HILLS 500') I ~ ~ NO LICENSE ON PERSON ~ SPEEDING 2 Total 181 Total 109 _ i 4 5/1/2008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 07/01/2006 - 12/31/2006 (INTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULITPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAY/MCDONALD OR MCDONALD/6ROADWAY, ETC) ~ ~ I Total ADAMSlBROADWAY I SPEEDING ~ 1 Total 1 ' BROADWAYlADAMS RD I DEFECTNE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 Total 2 . BROADWAYIBURNS DEFECTIVE TURN SIGNALISTOP LAMPS FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total 3 BROADWAYICOLUNS DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 1, FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total 2 ~BROADWAYJEVERGREEN DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE UGHT 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 I SPEEDING 3 Tota I 5 BROADWAY/MCDONALD I DEFECTIVE HEADLIGHTS ~ 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 'f I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total 5 I , BROADWAYlPIIdES OISOBEY TRAFFIC COIJTROL DEVICE 1 DWLS - iST DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 NO VAUD VEHICLE UCENSElEXPIRED TABS 1 Total 4 ~~'ROADWAYlPINES RD DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEIPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK I i l ~ 5/1/2008 Total BROADWAYIPINES RD I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 Total E r~BROADWAY/PRGRESS EXCEED SPEEO SCHOOL ZONElPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1_ .J Total 1 BROADWAYlPROGRESS EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEIPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK ' 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 Total g ' BROAOWAYlST CHARLES RD DEFECTIVE BRAKELIGHTS AFTER'64JTURN SIGHNALS AFTER'60 1 I DUI (MANDATORY) I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ 1 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 1 IMPROPER USE OF 2-WAY LEFT TURN LANE 1 PRONIBfTED AND 1MPROPER TURN I Total g BROADWAYlSULLIVAN CROSSING PHYSICAL BARRIER/MEDIAN OR WRONG WAY ON FREEW DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP 1 I DWLS -1ST DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 4 EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 4 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT ~ g FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 8 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 2 MISSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED VIEW, NO OR DEFECTI 1~ NEGLIGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) I 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSFJEXPIRED TABS ' 2 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) ' 2 I UNLAWFUL OPERATION OF VEHICLE W1TH DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1' Total 33 BURNSlBROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) OBSCUREDFlLLEGIBLE PLATES I ~ I 2 Sf 1 f2008 ~ Total BURNS/BROADWAY I Total 2 ~/ERGREENIBROADWAY FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN I ~ I ~ . Total 1 j MCDOIVALDIBROADWAY DEFECTIVE HEADLIGHTS 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 2 Total I 4 PIPfES RD/BROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 3 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN ~ 1 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 4 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS I 3 Total I 13 PINESlBROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES I 1 I RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) 1 Totgl 4 PROGRESSIBROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATOR`f) 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF VIJAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total I 3 SULLIVANIBROADWAY DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE I 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MIANDATORY) 3 , EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 ~ FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT I 3 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 3i FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY ~ I ~ IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE Z q NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS I 2 I, I OVER LEGAL WEIGHT (TANDEM AXELS) 1 3 5I1/2008 Torai p SULLIVANIBROADWAY ~ VIOLATION OF INTERMEDIATE LICENSE - NO PASSENGERS UNDER 2 { ~ Total ~ 1Fr, VERCLERIBROADWAY DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 ~ , Total I 3 121 ~ Total ~ % 4 5/1 /2008 TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES 8 SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 01l0112007 - 12131/2007 (INTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULfTPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAY/MCDONALD OR MCDONALD/BROADWAY, ETC) Total ADAMS RDJBROADWAY AV I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Tota I 1 ADAMSJBROADWAY DEFECTtVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total 2 BESTlBROADWAY FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN I 1 Total I 1 BRAODWAYIEVERGREEN SPEEDING 1 Total 1 BRAODWAYNERCLER IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 Total I 1 BROADWAYlAOAMS RD CROSSING PHYSICAL BARRIERlMEDIAN OR WRONG WAY OPd FREEW 1 DWLS - 3R0 DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 C) EVERY BIKE MUST HAVE BRAKE; LIGHTS WHEN OPERATING IN DAR 1 SPEEDING 1 Total I 4 BROADWAYlBEST FAIWRE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN ' 1 Total 2 BROADWAYlBURNS I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MAtdDATORY) 7 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I~ 1 FAIL TO AQUIRE WA REGISTRATION WITHIN 30 DAYS I 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 Total I 4 BROADWAYlCOLLINS DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TiRES I 1 I SPEEDING I 1 I ~ 5/1/2008 Total BROADWAYICOLLINS I Total 5 I BROADWAYlEVERGREEN I DISOBEY TRAFFIC CON7ROL DEVICE : DUI (MANDATORY) d DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORl7 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS I 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT I 1 ~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 2 FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALKIPASSING VEHIC 1 • FOLIOWING TOO CLOSELY I 1~ HfTlRUN • ATTENDED (MANDATORY) 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES ~ 1 IMPROPER PASSING - LEFT ~ NO LICENSE ON PERSON ~ NO VALlD VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS ~ PROHIBfTED AND IMPROPER TURN ~ RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) Total I ' BROADWAYlMCCABE DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM I 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 2 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total I 4 BROADWAYlMCDONALD DUI (MANDATORY) I 1 ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 2 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 4 HITlRUN - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) I ILLEGAL STUDDED 71RES I 1 . NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS I 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER TURN , SPEEDING I 2 j ~ 2 5/1/20Q8 ~ Tota I I ~ BROADWAYlMCDONALD Total 16 ~ JtOADWVAYIPINES EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONE/PLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1 I FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 4 PROHIBITEO AND IMPROPER TURN 1 UNATTENDED MOTOR VEHICLE 1 I Total ~ 8 BROADWAYfPINES RD DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM '1 DEFECTNE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICEIdSE PLATE LIGHT 1 DUI (MANDATORY) I I DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 3 ~ EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT 1~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 7 _ FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY I _ . ~ IMPROPER TEMPORARY PERMIT ~ I NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSE/EXPIRED TABS ~ Z II • Total 20 BROADWAYfPROGRESS EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEfPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 5, FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN ~ 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY AFTER YIELD OR STOP SIGN I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 2 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS I I i SPEEDING I 2 Total . I 12 I BROADWAYlSULLIVAN DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEV1CE 1 DRIVING WRONG WAY ON ONE WAY STREET I 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 3 EXPIREO VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 4, FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL UGHT I 1 I FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT - 1 3 5/5/2008 Total ~ BROADWAYISULLIVAM • I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO VEHICLE ON RIGHT S ~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ . FAILURE TO YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALK/PASSING VEHIC V FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 4 HfTIRUN - ATTENDED (h9ANDATORY) I 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE 1 IMPROPER PASSING ~ ' MISSING OR IMPROPER BUMPER 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) i I NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS ~ 5 NVOL WlOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORY) I 1 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) ~ I SOUCITING A RIDE ~ 1 VIOLATION OF INSTRUCTION PERMIT I I I Total I 40 , BROADWAYNERCLER ~ DUI (MANDATORY) 1 ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) .!EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN ~ FAILURE TO PROVtQE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ 3 NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) ~ _ I SPEEDING Total . ! 9 EVERGREENlBROADWAY ~ DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 3 ~ FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT ~ 2~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 4 FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY I 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED 71RES 1 IMPROPER USEfALTEREDISWITCHED PLATES 1 MISSING OR 1MPROPER BUMPER I I NO VALID VEHICLE UCENSE/EXPiRED TABS iVVOt WNAUD ID (INFRACTION) I ~ I f 4 J11 /60Q V I Total ~ EVERGREENI6ROADWAY J OBSCUREDIILLEGBLE PLATES ~ 1 RECKLESS DRIVING (MANDATORY) ~ 1 Total , 17 MCDONALDIBROADWAY ( DIS08EY TRAFFiC CONTROL DEVlCE i'• DUI (MANDATORY) I EXPIREb VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 i FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LlGHT 1 FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 3, FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 MIRRORS REGlUIRED 1 ~ NO LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1 I ~ NVOL W10UT IDEIdTIF (MANDATORY) 1 , REFUSAL TO COOPERATE OR GIVE ItdFORMATION (MANDATORY) 1 I ' Total 13 NES RDIBROADWAY CHILD RESTRAINT VIOLATtONS 1 I •DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR UCENSE PLATE LIGH7 I 1 OtSOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) f 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ~ 3 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MOHTHS II z ! FAIL TO STOP AT STOP SIGN ~ 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PF200F OF, I 6 , FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN I 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFi2ACTlOtd) I 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS I 1 NVOL WNAUD ID (INFRACTION) 1 Total 20 ~ PINESlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE UCEWSE PLAT'E LAMP ~ 1 DUI (MANDATORY) 1 r' - ' f DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDA70RY) 2 I ~ FAIL TO NOTIFY D.O.L. OF ADDRESS CHANGE i 5 5/1120Q8 Total 6 PiNES/BROADWAY I FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 4~ ' ILLEGAL STUDDED T1RES ~ 2 IMPROPER USEIALTEREDlSWITCHED PLATES 1 I MtSSING FRONT WINDSHIELD, OBSTRUCTED VIEW, NO OR DEFECTI 1 NVOL WlOUT IDENTIF (MANDATORI) 1 POSSESSIONlDISPLAY OF ANY CANCELED, REVOKED, OR SUSPEND 1 VEHICLE REGISTRATION REGlUIRED AND SIGNED I 1' VIOLATIOtd OF DRIVER'S UCENSE RESTRICTION 1~ Total 19 PROGRESSlBROADWAY DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE UGHT 1' DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 ' FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1~ Total 3 I ST CHARLESI6ROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) • 1 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ? 1 . / Tota I 2 SULLIVANlBROADWAY OEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 2~ DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 2 I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ' 3 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO IVIONTHS 2 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 2 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 9 FAILURE TO SIGNAL 1 l FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY 2 NEGLIGENT DRNING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) i NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSElEXPIRED TABS 2 ~ NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 RACING 2 SPEEDING n , 'Total :3U i 6 5!1l20Q6 ' TRAFFIC TICKETS BETWEEN PINES & SULLIVAN AT INTERSECTIONS ON BROADWAY 01/01/2008 - 03/31/2008 (INTERSECTIONS MAY BE LISTED MULITPLE WAYS FOR EXAMPLE BROADWAYfMCDOtdALD OR MCDONALDlBROADWAY, ETC) ; \ . I Total I BESTlBROADWAY AV I EXPIREO VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 I ' FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 Total Z BRAODWAY1PiNES FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ 1 NO LICENSE ON PERSON I I Total I 2 i BROADWAYIBEST FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT I 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total 2 I BROADWAYIBURNS DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATOR`n 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEfEXPIRED TABS 1 SPEEDING I I ~ Total I 3 ~ ,13ROADWAYICHARLES NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIREO TABS I 1 I Total 1 BROADWAYfCOLLINS DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ti FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1~ NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS 1 , Tobl 3 ~ BROADWAY/EVERGREEN DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 I I ! FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT 1 Tota I 2 BROADWAYIPACCABE I DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM ` 1 DEFECTIVE OR BALD TIRES ( 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI) ~ FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT ~ I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I i ~ ~ } MIRRORS REQUIRED ~ ~ Total 6 ~ ~ 511 I2008 Total BROADWAYlMCDONALD DUI (MANDATORY) ~ I FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY WHEN TURNING RIGHT ~ FAILURE TO STOP (NOT FELONY ELUDING) (MANDATORY) 1 iTotal 3 BROADWAY/PINES FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN 1 ' SPEEDING ~ 2 Tota I 4 BROADWAYfPINES RD DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORI() 3 EXPIRED VEHICLE LICENSE - OVER TWO MONTHS 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 k Total 5 BROADWAY/PROGRESS EXCEED SPEED SCHOOL ZONEIPLAYGROUND CROSSWALK 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I 1 I Total 2 BROADWAYISULLIVAN FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT i ~ FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 HITlRUN - ATTENDED (MANDATORY) I 1 ILLEGAL STUDDED TIRES ~ 1 IMPROPER LANE TRAVEL OR UNSAFE LANE CHANGE I ti 1 NEGLIGENT DRIVING - 2ND DEGREE (INFRACTION) I 1 ~ NVOL WNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 IPASSING IN NO PASSING 20NE I I PROHIB(TED AND IMPROPER TURN I 2 . Total I 13 BROADWAYNERCLER ~ DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 2 FAILURE TO SIGNAL I NVOL WVNALID ID (INFRACTION) 1 Total I e, - - EVERGREENIBROADWAY DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP I 1 I ' 2 5/1 /2008 Total E1/ERGREENIBROADWAY I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 EXPIRED VEHICLE UCENSE - OVER TWO MOIJTHS 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total I 4 MCDOtdALDfBROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 I FAILURE TO SIGNAL 1 NO VALID VEHICLE LICENSE/EXPIRED TABS I 1 `Total 3 I PINES RDI6RAODWAY I DEFECTIVE LICENSE PLATE LAMP 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) ' 1 I FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 1 I I Total q 3 PINES RDlBROADWAY DEFECTNE BRAKELIGHTS AFTER'64lTURN SIGNALS AFTER'60 1 I DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM ( I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) I 2 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 6 ~ J IGfdITION LOCKOUT VIOLATION (MAtdDATORY) I NVOL WNAUD ID (INFRACTION) 1 PROHIBITED AND IMPROPER T'URN 1 I Total 131 PINESlBORADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORl) I Total 1 , PINESlBROADWAY I DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MAtdDATORY) I 3' FAILURE TO DIM UGHTS I I~ FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF 3 j FAILURE TO SIGNAL FOR TURN I 1 FOLLOWING T00 CLOSELY I 1~ NO VAUD VEHICLE LICENSEIEXPIRED TABS Total 10 PROGRESSlBROADWAY SPEEDING I ~ C), I Total I 1 ~ SULLNANIBROADWAY ~ DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS OR LICENSE PLATE LIGHT 1~ 3 5/112008 Total ~ SULLIVANIBROADWAY I DISOBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 6 1 t DWLS - 2ND DEGREE (MANDATORI) 1 DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 FAIL TO WEAR SEATBELT 1 . FAIL TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM PRIVATE ROAD, ALLEY OR DRI I 1 9 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE CARD OR PROOF OF ~ 4 IMPROPER TURNING MOVEMENT I 1 Total I 11 SULLIVANIBROADWAY AV DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANDATORY) 1 I FAIL TO STOP -TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT 1 FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE.CARD OR PROOF OF I 1 Total 3 VERCLER/BROADWAY DWLS - 3RD DEGREE (MANOATORY) i Total + I ~ 103 ~ Total 4 511/2408 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: - Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing (D infarmation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Draft Program for New City Hall Facility GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Bernardo Wills and GGLO conducted the first programming/visioning meetings with each department and key staff on November 15, 2007. On December 11c" they conducted two programming/visioning meetings with all members of the City staff. On January 12t" they conducted a two hour'programming/visioning meeting with the City Council at their winter retreat. On January 170' and 18`h they conducted two full days of detailed meetings with each department regarding specific needs for individual spaces, equipment, support spaces and functional relationships within the departments and between other departments. The draft program has been reviewed by the administration, department directors and other key staff. Attached is a copy of the final draft program document. We plan to have Bernardo Wills &GGLO present the program to Council on June 24'h. If Council has concerns with the draft program they would like to discuss with staff prior to that presentation, please let us know. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS ~ , `rkaooool~ ne ,;,oOValley i~=- - - r i ; ~ - ~ ~ • a r - A -aa.~~_r~~R 1 r,i•l Y ~ :u1 ~ ~ j~ . ~ ~n . '~r T~ a ~ J i~ LEY . ~ - -IT PRO, May-vi os W12 B W f~. : D6-fil LLS RCHITECTS • Ciry oSSpokane Valley Ciry Hall Program May 13, 20Qa3 Table of Contents Executive Summary ..............................................................................................................................3 ?rogramming Process._...._.._._..-.--..-.--..-.--.--.--.._.._.._._.._._._....._..........._..........._...._._.........................._.._.._._..-.-.--.-.-.-.-.--.._.._.._.................._......._........_..,....3 Section 1: Project Introduction ...........................................................................................................6 Project Sumrnary 5 Section 2: Mission Statement & Project Goals ...................................................................................8 A/,ission StatemQrit ,........._.~....._........8 City Goals ._.._.._.._._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._._.._S Staff Goals............ .................._...._....m................_.._.._.._....._._.._.._...._...._._.._.._....._...._.........._...._.............._.._._....._..-~---._.._._._._.._._._....W..................8 Community Goals .................._....._......._.._._.._.._...._._._.._.._._.._....._.._.._...~......................,..........,._......._._.._.._._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._...._.............._...._._...................._9 EconomEc Goals....... _.._._........_._....._..--.-..--.----.--._.._.._._._._.............._......._..........._._............._.._.._.._._._.._._._._._._.............._...v.._..........m~..__.._.._.._._._...._9 Sustainable Design Goals._.._...._ ................_................_......._._.._._...._...._.._.._....._._...._._...................._...._.........._._.._._._.-.---.._..~.._._._._.__........_...10 Design Team Goals..........._...._ ............._._._._..---.-_--._._...._._._.._._._._...................._...,_._......._._...._.._...._._._._._.._....._._._.__.........._._._............._.._...11 Section 3: Project Context and Background ....................................................................................16 Site......._............_._.....,._..._....._._._.._...._._.._._._._._._.__.._._.W........... ......................._...._._._...._._._._._...._..........W..................._..._.._.._._._._._.._.._._._.... 16 :-;istory .............e.e-....................._.._....._._...._.._.._.._._._._._.._.._....._......._._._._..........__._.._._..---.---.._._._.._._.._.......W.........._. 16 Identiy & Civic . i 7 R2sidents 17 Government........_..._.W....e._.__._.........._._._.-.-.-.---.--.._......._._._._............... 17 Section 4: Staff & Council lnput .........................................................................................................20 Staff ?rocramming Meeting Noies........... .............._.._.._.._.._....._.._._._.._._....W._.._.............._._._._.._._.._._.._._.._.._._.._20 ~ City touncil Programming Meeting N~tes .............._.._.._.._._._.._._.._.._.._.._.._...._._._................................_._.._._._.-.---..._._._.._._._...._._....._...,....3i Section 5: Projert Data .......................................................................................................................35 Bui{ding Area Summary............... ._.._._.._._.._.._.._..._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._._...............,,..,..............._.._.._.._.._._---.._.._._.._._..._................._.................._..37 Department Space Requfrements.. ...r................................... 40 Adjacency Niatrix...._._...._..,........._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._._._.._._................,_...._,_,_,............._...._._.._._.._._._.._.._.._.._._........_._._........,... 6b Stoff Lfst: Current and Prape-t~.._,_._._._._.........._.._._.._.._....._.._._.._._.._._.._.._.._.............._,..._._,.........._.._.._.._.._.._..------._._._..._...........W...._._....._....._.._._67 Section 6: Diagrams ...........................................................................................................................72 List of Diagrams......_._....~_.._.._.._....._.._.._.._._._._._._... ................_.m._...._...._._........_.._._._._._.._.._........_.............._._..........._._._.._..-----._.._....._.._.._.................72 Section 7: Systems Narratives ...........................................................................................................85 Civil Narraiive (Prepared byDClEngin2ers, February T~, ~008) _.............._._._._._._._._._.._._.._...._.._......_..,._...._.._._._._._.86 Strurural Narrative (Prepared byCKf fngineers, rebruury tZ 2008) W......_._.89 Mechanlcal Narrativz (Prepared by,+Aeufink Engineers, F~bruory 19, 20(•t3}.._._._......._ .............._._.._._._.._._._..._.......W...._...._._........_._.91 Elearical Nar2tive 1Prepared by5pading Enginz2rs, F°bruory T9, 20Ua) ................_._._.............._.._.....----_---._.._._.W.............._....._........_.95 Sedion 8: Opinion of Cost 101 Section 9: Project Timelines 105 Programming Timeline........~.._._._._._._._._._._._.._....._......._._....._...._.........._....._.._._....._._._...._...._.......................~.._._._._.._._.._.._.._.....__.._.W.........106 ?roJect Ov2rvietiv Timeline.~ ............................._._...._.--~--~--~--.._.._.._.._._.._.._........_.............,........._._._._._._._._._.._._.._..W....W...._..,._........_.._.._..--~-~--.._.._ 107 % ~ 1 Citya; Spokane Valley Ciry Hall Program May 13, 6008 ~ Photography: City of Spokane Valley Spokane Valley Online: wwv.spokanevalleyonline.aom 2 Ciry of Spokane Valley City Hall Program 14ay 13, 2008 Executive Summary ThQ City of Spokarie lfalley envisions a Ciry NaU chat epitorr,izes the values, aspirtions, and goals of its residenti. This document is a summary o+ -.ne programming information gathered during the Pre-Desicn phase ofth? n2w Spokane Valley Ciy Hall Draject. More importantly, it is a"iivinc document" mzani to guide the City, Desic-n Team, and other project sakzhfllders totimrds achieving Their sihzred goals for this nzw structure and ft. Surroundings. This documeni also pravides bath qualitative descripteons and auant-itathe2 data. Together this information is mEanc to °sate the problem" af the project, whith is the first step ;owards fnding the most appropriate solution for its design. Programming Process Bemprdo Vyills Arehitects of SpokanE ;_md GGLO e# S.eattle v,~ere commissioned in bcteber, 2007, to prepare this document. Duting December, 2007, and January, 2008, the Design Team conductec rr~eatincs and inten+iews %vith Qepartment Heads, Staff anc ihe Ciry Council to obtain the planning criteria netessary for the design olthe project. From Ch2se mee-Lings, the Desion Team prepared detailed notes, diagrams ant3 summaries Cescdbing their understanding of the Ciy's needs and asDiracions. kdditional meetincs were held Wrh representatives from the Ciry, the owmar ef the ptopose-d site, and the Spokane Library Di;tric: to revietiM the layaut and phasing of rltie prapaseo Ciry Center m9xed-use develaprnent in Freedm.an Tung & 6ottomelys November, 2007, draft of the Sprague & Anpleway Cotridors Subarea Plan. Coordinatian among the various parcies invah+ed in the City Center project was iden:ifiec as vital ;o the success of the Ciy 11-11'all projec. Fo0o+.v up meetinas were held tvith the City in Pebruary and March, 2008, to revietiv and refine this document and establisn eaaals ior -.he projett. Site acqui;ition, testing and surveys are the neacc accivitiES rzquiree+ of the Ciry prior the s-tart of design. Pro}ect design is anticipated to st2r in the SUmm2, of 2008. For aoditional ir,formation regarding the Froject Schedule, referto Section 9 otthis do:ument. . 3 i . _ _ , _ ~ ,ti , . . ~ ~ _ ~ , , . ~ ' ~ ; , i ; _ I ~ , y , . ~ ~ . , ~ : _ , _ . t , . , , . . , - r . , . , ~ . . . . . , « ' T~!' ,~I 1 ~ i e ~ . 1 _ _ 1 _ - _ 'Ipg '3rn Section 1: Project Introduction Project Summary i np Clrry of Spakona Valiey proposes to bu.td a new Gty ha;i at :he si?e of the fc;rmer l,lnirvrrsicy O:y shopp+ng tenter wean Spragiie Avenue and Appleway Boulevard near Dartmouth Road. The site was seEc-cted :`or tu relatively r?rtraf IOC3tlpn Wiihln the ['sry and its puter-itial for'Rlace making' when cambined wtth the rie►N Spolcane Vailey ~ iorary and adjacent mlxcd-use devebpment as part of The pcoposed Oty Center devzlopmerrt. le Gty Center developmenE would create a new pedestrian-anented 'heart' for the crty. The Cty HaII and tne ~--%uicane Va11ey Library serve as civk ancho!5, wh(le the proposed mixed•use deveiopmert is intended to add retaH, sEr: ')ce, restaurant and rESidenti3l uses to create a liveiy desina:ion for :he citys :esidents and visitors. 1;5 hoped that :,,c• Clty Cent2r deveinpmer,t will c=eate a csstinct Idnntity far the city and will be a model for future deve4opmest in See Freedman Tung & 8,.~~*tomelyS November, 2007, drafr of *he Spraoue & Appleway Corridarz 5uh.3rea Plan 'i ' 'TU!~ fr'~:. !:Jc -~•r'{jr.~ •r;t, (c~ I J. . - ~ . - - , . . :>;_qU!,'ea i:s s.-Le. Ic is also like!y that L?ar,mouth Raad v:, + rieed tu 1-- re!cxated east of ai lcusrent IX--3tlcn ;oailow eriough space far Clry Hall, 3ased on programming irz`ormatbn retehled to date, the Clry Hall bu,tding is projected to be appraximately 6C. sauare feet in wea and wIU occupy ;wo to three storles and passibly abasement level. It is imponant ihat tFe ructur2 be L=Il enough to command a CiviC presence when vie►ved amongst the fucure adjaient multi-s*.c.; --,e developrrent. Prmary functions for the building lnclude publlt meeting space for Cry touncil and off,: : -iference and support 5pate for thz Citys AdmininratWe. Coundl, Executive, Rnance, Legal, Commuiiry Develapment 3nd Pu51ic 41'orc;s Dep3rrmentS. I_?ase space may aise be r.onsif±ered as an econor+-,ir.al mear„ `uIur2 expa. ~s, r ~~-.,r,. I - . i ot ~i a r ' ti~~''t-'11` 3`,= )~,.?;fi" ifl 3f' t ~~n~ ~~_i ~ ~x-eflDf SpaCeS. -x?r?fibf SpdCeS arE 37, fr,r.-a' jni .:iC1{:n~'lci t i'i' ~,IG,~•~i I f'r>~ Spd:Ei f,~=~ :J =3~ ~ifILJIG !U il'.i' •.r.b; ,.r,~f~_ :ired for the proJect and allow for a variety of uses and elemen►s. Fossibie Cesired uses intlude space ior pL;. id ceemonial qatherings, ever.!s, chitdren s piay and s-,arrrwater managemer,t Space far an entry plaza, f-: n-zrkets, artwalks, and posslbly an amphitheater were ail disn;3sed as possible elements to be considerad i- ~rsign of the apen space. Caardina:lon of th: extenor spaces and archttec:ure of the City Hall, Ubrary; ano :3djacent mhced•use devebpment are desired wherg possEble tn the hopes of creating a caheitve deveiopn, T1 -.e de3lgn of tfie p!oject is to respand to ihe site's uno-que context and dimate and embody ttie communi-, 3spira:ior5, aM1d gaals SustaiRable design principles are to be incaporated to the gteatest extent pessihle witnrn the p,aject's budget. Since the developmen*, Is ;ntended to be along-?erm assrt to the communlty, it needs ta m;rirri; :5 moa~: on the envi-onmer* be a hea!thy p!ace ro,,vcrk _r,d v';it, and be uonomlcal'o ope.Qie and ma r 6 1 yy u~ 1 ~~9 1 : ~ • K~ ~a 4 i ) it « 4 ~ ,'1 4 ` . s, - ~'~Y ~ R• . . ~ . ~ _ . . . ~ ._-f~; . . , ~ . ' . . . . . ~ _ .,1 ` • wl~ , . . ~ . . . . . b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 00 j"-_ . ' Section 2: Mission Statement & Project Goals ~ hfal19h ;he t_-'~nA :~ifi~ :TtISSlOfi 3~d G=3 ~ti'2 5e~~~ CIe'ire the reason for the proj~'S existence ai Itl? righest level, -ini; helps both?he Gty ar-d The dNSgn (eo-r1 5:8y'ur) track' as ~ve evaluat.2 possible strategies, make ,=;i5fOn5, and move fnrwa.*d wlth the design af tfie pfoject Reler to Sectian 4 for detarled meeting na*es from the Cep3Rmen'. Sto`~'s; id r:'y t_oun,_i: th3: `Dr*ied Tt-ia F175!5 ro, iF•FSe I5, Mission Statement ~n? Clryof SpQkalle'►'olltyy5 ili51Gn ?ta:t'nCrit Is: ''i o; ~fT1 U~'l~ utC~r h~'".ir:.ril(~l';!it; G' 111i.'Pv'~UUii1s Q~'~ ~J~'7iIG's ~u!1 y,'r~',4• ;rd busrnesses witl flourrzh ond pro:Flaf Vti`e 2ropose the profec['s Mission Staternent to be . We wiU build a Clry Hall that represenu and serves a communfty of opportunity where Indwiduals and famllles can graw and play and buslnesses will flourish and prosper'. In er3er co wpport tnis rr.fssian statement, a is helptul to develop a set of gcals wtth each of the stakehoWerS;nvalved in;he proJect_ Beloware goafs that weT Identtfied during the Programming Phase. Ccry goats were `flrmulateii by the -11-y Council. Dcpar*men! Heads and 5?c`f. They are mr-ant -o be rnore frxused on :ne big plcturp rather than de*ai15. City Gaals • a'aviale a pe,'manent, cMk hor-z fc,r c!,ry g r_nre--imr-r! th;:t ti.ppo~ts the Ciry's misslan and promD:es nteraction wlth ail residenu and v:5rvr5 In a fnendly, welcoming and accessibie manneT. • 1- •Eate a key tomponent fn a new Clry Center that wnll build a new identiry and hea- inr r~~e 5Ty. • 3ulld a s!ructure ar+d suttoundings that wiil complemenc the proposed 5pokaneVa 3d;acent mixed-ise development. • rre52nt a time1e55, yet unique moderr~ image - One of "Inf►ov3:ion t7a5ed on iradltio-," - ..~lg;ween monumertal and apprcachable, white conveyfng a civic character. • 'n(OR1'1 VISI?OfS, c1;IzeRS and staff abaut :he a(!'9'c h!ctn^;, -irrnt qnot,J", 3nd fJ?U'? ~G??f ii • =e a good steward of :he communiry's resr_.~, _reative, durablQ and Innovatnre greQn pra;~. • 3ulld a project that responds ta and is rzpte-- . i- • . De;Ign the buitding in a manner that promotes :.;xn, acct ss~r_~~ iocal y;,vrmm~- • • ~'C)Vid~ r•xt?nOr ;~'3C?5'.'i'~l 3 R?U~IiU(jP ~1{ Ui°5 tf1aT fo5'r+ a5Ef!5~~ O~ Lomm! -~i; . Stsff Gaals I~ civ~~liU'i ji..~l;~:~i~~(j~; l.::j ciG<;~i ....r~l a!•U'. it'~r I.i''y' _ _ . . ~ , : _ 5ctD theirworkenvironmenL Theseinclude._. • 'rovide a casual, yet pro`essfonal, we11-orgar,:r.ed anC er a Ievel of order & security appropriatz ro a ga4-emment bjil,J -ig • ?romote easy way}'inding via a clear, open layout witn good signac- • Provide good daylightfng to reclure the need for artifktat iighung ai • Capitali:.e on surraunding vsews from interior spaces where possibl, • Provide Ir-dlvfdual temperature cont►ol where possibEe in work spa._ • °nturpo2te warm, local ma:erials and color. • arwlde suppc,rt spac2S and transportation aitematives that Rrortx:tr ,:I;; Y~;:::, c,~ 3nd foster a sense of communfty among employees- • aravlde a hlerarchy of spaces rangfng from pubik !o private to foster interactbn wherc desired, yet Iimit ,nterruption of more faused work • r lan for future expan5lon and flexibllity of Spaces where possibfe to maximize the bullding's !Ifesa3n. • Maximae eicient storage of documents, equipment and empieyees' persanal belangings. • Cor.sider technological salu,lons ro mintmize the need for pater and stora4e of same_ • f:'lL.. ~JIf F -D B ,F , . .,~i,y ~•Idll Progra^i . Community Gosls The Communlry expre55ed inieniicins about :he -,-ity H311 loca;ia -.through :6-ie ~prdyije & i,ppizi,vay Ovrndots Sut:crea lan (Frzeciman 7ur~g & BattomQly, Nov.'07 drafr), generated from'the cammunity's deslre :o reverse the visual and economk deciine of the Sprague and Appleway cortid4rs, renore the beaM and vhafiry of cfiese carridocs, and ir st►gate the oreatlon o; the Gty of Spok-ane Valleys first Ctry Center' The draft dorument summarizes the Plans' ir*en _lr,m;, one of whKh spe3ks tathe constructlan or ;he new Ory Center. =.pokone VaNey was iricotpo►ated rn 2003, cmd does ncr concain on erlsring or hisrarit downrowrt dis7kr. i ht Spokane Valtey communrry in reneis cv see to 1t rhdr a new ciry certer is canstrutred. A Clty Cerrer is :1e flned ir, tnrs canttxt ro meon o compoctand synergn;ic clusrerafartvlry-generating shoin servues ond eareriles zhaing o vvalkobJe•scoled disrricr carr ►vlth Ovk buikiings, urbon sry'~e horrtits and ,,-brkplacrs, a1l orgor.tzed amund publk spoce urd peirstrlart-orlente0 stwt envrronmerrts TrLp:,b~ic' space is awned by tto- publl[, not the privace sectoc Much o# the new dflwntown planned tor The Ciry C~mer wtil be developed Cy commercial Irterests. Therefore, Cry Fiali and rs integrated public space will play a ~ i ucial ro'e alang wltfi tne Ubrary In providing a truly tPvic, democratic territary witin this development. • C}Ty Hal{ and lu Integrated open space will 6e one of curo tlvk anchors for the new, pedestrlan-arienied heaR of $polane Valley. • Jpen spaces shauki promoce a varieay of uses wlth the goal of bringing residents together on a regular • Ciry HaII an-d ?s oc>---.-) sGaces shaUld complemen! the othFr uses where po5s+ble Econornic Gaats C;y Nafl a_ia r,t new_cray, ariz af,,?inpa'ec 'c be ei:)-iorr.: dslvess in the C7y Center p%Eit- It Is arzicipa;ed :hat qu3l,,*v ~-=--uc-r~r aj v,tn the C'NiC comprir,e-,ls will encoufage pr}v3te developer5 .o invest in [he desired !r ~e~-,.~~ ~_r - _ ~r_ --lposed ecana.mic 9aals: . I~a~~ ~,':a i:r m ac:ordance wlth a predeterm(ned budget with allrnwances for unforeseeri de: ar,d cons:rucULr. co%;,ngenCles. • Retum an investment, energy efflciency, bng-iertn mafr:enance costs and effects on wotlcer productiv ro be considered when making de-sign decisiQns. • _easespaceisproposed asameansofbulidingina~r;,~~bl.,:-rr,,,r.,;-,,:-,--?rer`~_~~uren~-;,?h~n~~~._ Sa^vira =5 3 naw L' J51RoiS II'.L_~aSnr f.r rr,rr•^S~nC . 9 ~ Sustalnable Deslgn Goals ,,l;i- l",? tiJ_,;!ey i5 3}'OUng Clty ;i::1ECiIlg iJw'nfQS ih? 1LIJfE ?i I'l", Q[-,`l5ii:,r~S jbJL: ITi (3tiJi,tiih JkIRg ,^.ld!]C 1'Jiihli 1 Ii5 vti'Ji;S _.n 3 da iy z;as4, Gty H311 w.II play a tritical role In wherhgr the ciry deveioFs In a sus~:alrabte or nan-suminable ,1,annEr. It Is, ,herefore, hard ,o lmaglne a more appropriate proJect In wi-=+ch to apply the pnnclpGes of sustalnable development to. ! n 1967, the UN 1►r'orld Cammission on Ernrironment and Development defined sustamabit.-,y as'mteting rl-,eneedsof -r,epresentgenerarfun Kirhout tompromising the abrirry of furire generarrons to meer rheir own needs'. With chese etfiorts ir- mind the followfr+g sustainable-design goals are proposed: • C-y Fiall wlll aspire to be asustalnable projea at its broadm, de`:inition, wfiich inciucies not onty :-rvirr.,rtmenrol sustainabil'ry but also social and economic s,.~stainabillry. Goals within each of these realms ~r,clude EnvlronrnQnlal suttalnablllly Ar a minimum, acr,ieve a LEEI:• Gufd rating hom the UNted 5tates Green 3ullding Cauncil. IfEO's New an5inx~tlcn RaiiRg 1yst~rn, ViEiston 2.2, wUl apply *o this proJeci h"vvi.,.usqbt org). See ihe end of this x-~ctfon for a draft l.fEl? 5cerecard wrh po:ential LHD crediu identined i he Design Team rxommentls a detailed fso{harette meetiiq r&rith all project sakeholders at the bNinning of ,he proJea's SchematK Csesign Phase to establ:sn the actual sustalriable-deslgn gr,als and evatuate other ratin3 systern5 that may be -jesire(j for the praJec.;. ,~-,rr poten'ial rettng pragrams to consider may include: : 3scadia Region Llving Build,ng Challenge (wwwcascadiagbcorgilbc). '_,-,?rgy Star Challenge (www.energystar,gov) =_i30 tha(lenge `rom Architecture 2030 (wAv+-arch4ecture2030.orgJ2030_ctsallenge) L_=-_ h of tfiese programs takes a sllghtly dlfferent approach te awerding projects; hawever, with a go,31 of LEED Gold Cer,ificatfan or higher, Clry Ha!I wfN liicely comply wRh zorne, if not atl, d the ;equirements of ; nese o-ther prr.,grams thereby aotentially rairng the exposure afThe Ctty as a rew3rd for its efiarts. Snclal susta nahlfttv \,-onstrurt a bulding that is reprzsgntotive of opzn and rzs.- . - , _ . . . - , , , : ISftbrS OS a:l sociel. demograptiic and etoncr--,!' ii:-t. c, , . - Economk Susta(nahilltv =,ource labor and materials locally or region~' , , .i . - impaRS resultir,g from T!an5port:Fng materl;i; :.t:;-:;•eate a bwlding that setves as a source ot Inspilratian for ottxl: s =uF;oinable marner and entourage entr2prPneur3hip in new grz-_ ;,i: : ~ ILJL,; 1 ; :c-a!nabie-clesign go31s inCiude. ' • 3e a healthy and comfortable enviranmpnt for stofft and visnors • cmFioy the concept of'restora-;ive developm'rr.t' th*o+aghaut the project • 'nfprm the pubHc and s!aff about the posltnre impacts oF sustainable dQVetopment • Ercoucage the ise of altema►.+ve (non-sinqle acupar:t auta) transportatlon methods • t Imit the demand for aff-site energy and resources through carefl'ul management an-slte • Join Spoicane In signfng on to The U.S Council of Mayors Clmate Frotectbn Ag;eement :t e ihe end of chi5 sectlan for a preiiminary LEED Scorecard that Ident r`ies a full rang? of potential sustalrtable •_tr;eqiei tF-at ca1ld be incorporated in the proJect A dQtaile0 ana'ysis of eath potential strategy needs to De ('-•IflCfTfti?,d ot the hegiririt-,Z pf the vpSlgn ph35e Witn L:?v'"cpreSZn?3"r•?5 frnRT P3Ch p'G;rCi Stakaho!d£r t;f0'J() if1 d 10 _ , - L;.~~ :~,311 + ~Og!'JM trilr ' 3 :lri Deslgn Taam Goals The De51gn Team i5 Thr,l►ee wrn the oGpoRunity io help the i;,+ _,,f SrQROne velley shape iu inaye ai}d cr~~te 'h-_art' of its :o^',mUnry. The programming process has ne:ped us undernand nat ony the physkal needs Uf ,h& ;i'ity, but also the untque h", cuhure and oppcutun'r.y oi Spokane Vailey and the importanre of the C►ry Haii ~htn the proposed City Cer~ter mixed-use dev~lopmert Through our distussians with the Cry Cou~dl artid Stoi' have Jointly determined th.at :he buildmg must da mUCh more than Just pravide eflic+ent and econom+cal office spaL I; rnLtst atso fulfill a rymboiic rale far the commun~,y and define l,s cfiaracter. In atitiltion to the City, Staff, tomm-in~~., r.r _nomlc, and Sustalnabllity goats, the DeSign Team proposes the following gaals: • Geate an endunng de3ign that tells the storyof, br'•=iT1*-5 a Syrnfi01 t;yt_ ~7,~ Spokane V3lfey. • Design a bvjlding that frspires others to buNd bEr-r • Delivercie QrfljectviaacollaborativelntegratedC',,~,;,,- _x~--.- er.vironmental benef*.s with the least cQSt • Zatilitate the Cfry's unde:siiindirg anC buy-+n tc the proposed deslgn pnor to can3trvctlan ihrough the us? L;imenzional, enerqy and daylight mode:ing sottware tools. • Conduct a twst-ocwpancy stucy so that educarionai mat•~,,;;ii C-;n irlfOfm Ih: jhij- rz!garding the bene`its and realit=es of buiidfng sustainablti-. _"If3f CO the G.y's propo5ed Mission 5ta*.ement above, Lflt' Df's~91 i c3"l P'OpCiEi ii lcT cPfDfe~,-i M5k;0 STcitT.c7,; ,eoared dur.ng the earty part of the Schematic Design Phase wiTh Input Ram all proJect stakehofde►z. 'ihis YW" =t atement 15 Intended to guide and inspire the Deyl!;'1 e 3rfrn.l,_iFl'•~.:?'rG "1uf~p 'f i~u .^fnje.=j •,l 'Ir1 'fle 1'1^ii w 31-~~rc 3 tlI E' f'i?.~ ij;fii 1 ,irud ?fT~ICI-?.-2 5'lll'1 ii n {Qf (rlr ~Q/ l_ EE R-NC ~ m LEED-NC Verslon 22 - DRAFT Project Scorecard p 2. Spakane Valley Gty Mell Las1 Updatod: Z"27108 n T ~ Spoknne Valley, Washington By: f30L0 (OW) I1 ~u 10~ J10 ~ a N ~ < I I fhmry t GOMWCtlOt1 ACUVt1y 00Wt10d1 Pnv00t1011 I~~w IPrewm! sod eruaio~. akmtnvale~ seebmurda~•rn~ R astio~ne du;,; Ty~n<~Ily ~e:p,u eni iu~ 9ilt Sahellon I 1 ~Sebd~viwusly devs~ ede. D~wlopment OMdty t Cnmmunqy Coo~clirqy ~ I IV~fMy O~ QOn Ily 01 u~s7up cW~u~riivly fletaNvNy knv ea~e4ii;~ den~7y niay nOl ooq* Owner prov{ds Ffiase 11 repoR and na►roYYS l documwMnUOn lot aNanup v0i YN ol Btvrrnllsld Roarwlopment I msaeuras wrplomenlmd; dosuDe how locd oode rtwU deacwdt CPA IS37JH•92-005: , Aaboelas lo erlttl "dlnnc ca ouali v~ ~ I cr.~t 41 NlsrrMtlw Tnttspotlslbn. fOuGllc T{atrROOrttdbtr Aacwss I ~ fG"J 2 or rivrn trn~ N Me`~ wt1Nn 1~ ~.~.s 4 s Allsrruq~►s T~nipohatbn. 81~ytls $~oia~ & ChonQlr~ Roonu 1 ~ IP vriie bi~e aturape for ~ u( UU~tS~~ UM1w MN t:Iuuwlry I d+oww Imdlllliw kw 0 5'. Nbrlytlv~ Tr~nspwlrlbn. Larv-EmMIIr~ a~cJ FtwbEl~Idni k~"'-•"acur,~ ww tu.~.n~a~,l ,wmd.s i« m dFTE aoo~,or~ «~w~o 1 c"O~ 4 3 Vahklao I pmklr~q for bw-emMCmp arrf luei-s8icient vahldas lor 57G at M Io1al puktip capwcaj, ar insletl allNnatlw luel rolusWq Wtlons lor 3% ol IM bld wlwl* parWna cwpoclty 1 cr.a 4 . AilertrlM Tranaporta/bn. Parkiq Cepa~rJly ~ Do nol *xowd =oNrq rputsd m4W1um parNkq and proNdo P~+r. P- rO ro► n eapo sa s ecniw b 9'fL ol bt t'~y~"~ I sasces Ri vr proci 60% o~R» s I~vdnoY foolprMal) voiIti nmive w adapWf z 3ib Dewlofxn~nl, PiWmcs d Raawti NabYal I ~ t a.s 6 2 V& Denl9gffl4ll. M11*mizt RM FaAO~ I ~ Iq(ooul conina ooon apocs lar sM tx 25%. 1 G•r l I 910vttmMt Qp1Il9n. OuanEtr ConISPJ I ~ wu oWwmwaier "o(I on s" pv 2M 7 gtprmwmqf Dts) QuYlr Conhot I ~ Tnal slo~(mraNr nplt (omyv~ of av/~aQ~ annuol ratntaA. - 1 I 00071 lNel I~Isnd i'ift~aN on~i~oa ~ ~ u1 ali aiw ~scv~q In %f~rfRf. il I df+dtv. a poraw aI.ovMls Ifphl rwhilc6v++ 3 ~ ! 50X ol "k~''~,~ ~ ~ I I ce.ee 73 Ffevl IpIwM Erytcl. Rod t Ll~l~~ra~~r~ rovl lar /3~ ol roql p~r1~e ar pnw~ ronl Inr !St)'~ nl rnol wrlir.* ~ t.«r • U4ht Potluqon Reduotlon I ~ fMnirmzmze b~eaene Iorm IR+abuildMm and aie sRe • ~ u cnm I 1 WoIw Eliklant Lsndscoplot{. Fleduoa by SM I ~Nfgh alliafency IniV°lion system und droopld alarant plrib. r,w i a r/sfK EfClolrnt l.andecsp4ili, No Poloble UM or No hngt/on I iDrotglU lolvranl pFantr. CamicMr ratnwaMrr di0am for ir►ipalion, ~ c,w t kxwvallw WeeIavrNr Toctrw" I ~ I~ ~~-coMWnO tl,aune, rwr►~~°Usb4 woler, a hool wastowolor a+ stelo rawc• t ~ u.dr 3 i 11dsr lM lteducYo~. 20x ►lKdue9on I ~ IUso waMr-conswvlnp Wumbilnp Laqs 1~ ~ Crrm a t WaNr Us* RalucUon. 30% RecMclon I ~ I r~: M ~ w ti. 16 0 0 e t L~ I r►.e.~ ~ Fwxl~m~nlN Comtnbsloninp ol tlf~ (1uNdktp 6~9y 3I'~Nm~ ~ a.vulw VeNtr fwt tM bulldapb w»rpp rststrO syaMns ars fnstaMd, aaNbsl~d and pwform lo = v mme'AR wi..a ; MMdmum Enveyy Pa~msncw n+rr.d ~ g ~ ~1 rt~ W ~ GoJeL E-ampe: pnlr~pMr h~l~A ~s (nYtinw ~ii11n ~ ~ buiMdk+p .~.M.~ ~.Mg...n, ~W, i ~..a t0 ~ aW~ ~ Oplltdts En~rpy PerformMw~ I t Ir 10 pv ~ Impivwaunt d wwqir Poriormor►co obava bawilno prwoqui~N. A~Rnimwsi ~ - 2 poin0~ sd. Ust ot}~rrw~bl~ onarpy oyswn b o11M1 DuNArq anwp~r ooot and ndut0 drSIM MtNw"Ernty72 S'w, 7.5x t Z S~G qn~rtn~ls i w.t ~nhmmo yy Ntia-kra. Rcannnencl a nirwmm d 1 aRiil la durwnslraliun ~ osas• 1 0n. s gnhanced Cvnmiubnkp InoWIrea 3rd tat1r pant Nied br Oanor b fetylleM opUnrmOion ol buYdfnq's ornryy ~ r.#.a 4 Enbnnced RefrFpettnt MMtpetneM I ~ *~Wtffsu «ttlaniat d maqKxKtde qtal oantrtbutr lo otarn deplution and I waan lor pnst uaWsvusvi oonupawy. iWqttoo rn►lK1rq mqA{urswl ~ r.~.a~ 6 tAoaoynttnnl L Ywqkdlw~ ~ y~1 c,T~ minin~m► =wr1t~~~iy~loNp+wWe 357. M buiduq's poww from ~ Gmn Paww rwiewoble aowaoa ~ a I s ~ 4 ~ y ~ rti..v 1 $to►aqs b CdMClbtf ol tjecwlWias ` n.ard ~Ilrork3o aoaeeat~lo araa dodwatad b Woraqo and aotbcUon vt ieorateblN. ~ Uwo I i BWIdln4 Rwsa. Martarn '~~d~L d ExuLt~ WrAs. Flaoro b Rual I i kol lesftls dua to a11 now conakuttlon a cr.al 12 8toIdtna Re11ss, Mantwn 100% ol ErfW1ti WoM0. Woaa & Hooi ~ ~ 11,69 feasible din bma now mmoucdp^ 3 i u.a e3 pWidlrrQ Awse. Ms4,twn 509C d Mterjor Non•~"wl rlKnwrfs I INd Ieacbladus ta al1 rww oonnYUCllon t cr.s 7+ Corutrucllrni Worto "swywnrnt, f1wwH fiM han D'ayxnul ~ I INnd ro canRim noydip untv exlsls nwiy, ~ t ct.s t: Coro"tloa YYnte Wr+agamem, Ot-mit 75% tmm Dspoaal t INeed Io tenDlm roct" aw+ter eApm nearbr. c..A 31 MNef1a1f NMJf,t. !i1L ' t Itrloll ►e~ad maiotlaia, i ttNO~d oa oasi. Gat Oa WfiOUN b atllMrre. • c..a 32 wtsri.k R«»..1~ ~~1os1 Nkmly na twarr.. t ~~«a ai R"lad Conlwft. 10% (pod-com►ena • )i {x►caxumMl I kInWall nww nwMdak rltlh rocvdrd oonbtM. 'K Gwd an rnsL i ~ c...M t: ReCrcled Con. ''01L N ow-conamw • 1'r Dm•coneurtrr) 1 ~IncLiR now mal~ids wdh rsc,~Md oonl~nl 1~ baoad on coaL t uwt s i ~obnal fk•t b. Id7L iaa , roc~«! aMonulnchsnd ~ IMelwisV wllhln 600 min of ue b nduw Innapalalian Nnpwt X bafsd on ooal. t~ppon~ih - I cnr s~ ~~~°na11N8t0rf~b. !O% EaLaabd. ProosooW i Mnr~ufochr~d ~Mau►hM xllhln 600 mYhs ol oua W r~duw NanapoAulbn MnqKt 7~ bag~d on oost. ao+~al~Y ~ ~~.s e "ty Mer"aOM MM~rUM ~ ~ Malertar mud t» piwn{Ummed w4h 10 man. hawai cytio.? 3% d 4ri*y aost ....r 7 Gr111Md Wnod M i 190K ot ifl wond-bwsod mMsrtNla murl l» F9C-w"Nd. ~ I w 1 ~ ~ 0 ~ Yw ~ M~ ~ o • ~ ~ P«+y i Minlmum Mwfoa Alr Gudlfv Ptrtomwnce n.g+.a IGom" wrlh Secoona4•10l ISNW1E 62.1•1W1 Imwita War"non caf@o) I' nwnaa lnvlronm~nul ToDaeeo 6moke fETSI Contrvl (%ae+-' Pt°~~bit e R+n in ~ulidlno (W ~°~J~' rtwls 11i+e racsuhrt~l) r~--- 1 I I cnm I Ouldoo~ Ak D~IMesry MonilorinQ I I Carbon ~~o ard o~ alr~maniloring e~lem. , 1 I I I~ z IncrsaMd Vsn111sUo~ I I N~'~ ~tionat aildovt a1r ventMsUon. 30% e6ov~ AStiRAE 02.1 ~TOOA ~ I I IC,•x 3 , con.wouon uw M.n.4emew Pan, our.,a conwr,cW, ~ I IMaot SMAClyA. protvct absarptlw malwlils hom vwatlm. IAERV 8 phn on HVAC. I t I I I cr.a 3 a con,tn+ouo., uio M.n.qem«r Plan. e.lon ocaiwuK'v 1 i IMechwkaN tlu.n-out ouJdng or rywkxm ak-cwaiilv aa+um aio+ to oca,pancy. I cra s t Lmv-EmHIFtwi Wltrids. Arfhsslws 8 SoslrMS ~ i 14atad br•VOC mnlorlva• 1 u.r 4 z Low-EmHl" hUlerfals. Pamro 6 Coadnps ~ i lIn" bvrYOC tncWfilc I I I ICre• 4 a Low-EmhiMq M.t.r1.». c.wd srM.m• I I pr+" low-wc roso.►ws. cr.w 4 4 L,ow.EmAllng Abterisls. Gantxxills Wuod A AfMdIIbN Wuducla ~ t Ftamani" add~d un►uaarmwlJehyds contwii tr+ t►~srwls. t,ooor a Iwnow,t souroe conuoo onlrywar s"rtts, mpugle adflauu Id copyrjaiulc►i rrxxr« MFfiV 1:1 Illlwh urdNA 1 CwtlrollabiUty ol Eystems, Uptirip ~ t llndkvWwl FqhlhO tororols !or 40% of bulldnV ocaipafla and oonhofs lor a11 ih.it scf "+un' I u@&Y2 ConWdWiiflyol SVWAne. 7lwtmnl Comlat I ~ IlnJrrrlwl wmltt~l twd+uls 1~ 509L ul bullditg occu~►wl~ wxl w*di lur rll stiNrUnl mufU~rd wa~~s Tvulcollvvouues und~ioa svg~vm. ~ I I I cl.a~ 7 t Th*rmal Camlorl. Dw~n I t I NVA syetsrtm arxf ~rhfnq en De lo uomOY wrlh 115NRAE 56-2001. 1 cr.s Is Thtnnd Camlom V*rdkaiian I lGax1uu1 ocoupwN ewvey ol thentA cnndo►1 wlttiY+ 6- 111 r*mYn al oaouparw.y. T i u.a r, o"►ohl a vN,... Dny1bM 75'ti6 0! 5paaee I , iMinirnum olabrq tactor d 29L in 76X d rpputarir.~w.d a•as. I I I ~ G~ AJ DayllgMl a V4nrs, VYn" Iw f10'. ol Spsoae ~ i lProvide w~ews b oxlerfar bel~n 70• wnd Do" ■bov. lioa la DDqc d tipulady oaa+NiaJ h» • 06 lo +e t ~i 4- - ~ t ~ uwa I t Innovatbn In Dnf4n: paA41L in WE 3.1 b td% I 1 ~Headdy ochwvobls wAA Aw{-tkoah blkh a+d walwlosa wkWa. ~ n ~ 1~ Grb i: Inrovelbn !n Oesi4n EYt%a!alinnwl Oufisech ProqmFn ~ 1 111(lilyxahen4ve educaW~nt ntaruid, lue~ (2 a13 racxiirwQ Innpretbn In OMipn: Grwn I/wsekNWg ('Mn ~ 11,rt.,~j{~man pion tr ~n maiManance staq ~ qnO~ 's Innovolbr~ 1nOplqn: Ex~/ndwy petlortn~noe ~t~ wmuoa" CWM dlvmsbon tMr In MN71o Vj% w #wcycJaJ cunlont In AAf34 tu 3U`.+ LEEDo Aocrsdt0ed P"#}lqrrl ~ t IGGLU to bn t+oled odminbt+elw ro Ae.tivu. -[..rrp.V PwM ar 47 1!1 a C~rltllaT~}-~Nr~. 71M~3}.l8iµ~lP O+u1d~0St~+utM~ rlaNivn'~2-09ynnn . ~ttAwa~ nrfl ~n.~ ts._ I.~ r nf prNrta.c: Sitaei] tn lt4iRC: o.aM~aam ~ ~ ; : - - - . . - - - . . - . . n' . :1 ~ ~ , , ~ r~s . ~ . - - _ . , . _ ~ .,.~ii . . * 1~``'~ _ . ~ . . ~ ~ ~ y , ,.i ~ _ ti . " ~4 ~ Section 3: Project Context and Background 'Al~.aI Tc~:": 0,r Ci7r' 01, The mcI~T ~i:•Cf.=ipr13SA dFSigIllOf lhZ Ciry I-lall will 7racefutly I aci;ntm;le-'ge bt, iby, ar,d a: L,est. exp'e55 ?hOSr• ,,s.p&-s *hat make 5pok3ne V311ey clif=eren*,'h3n 3nywher~ c152. SK! ro;,unacciy, the i=ity hias deciced ta nQt hastiiy se,:ure as:e an :h? `ir;; vacart parce! :t found and uji1;1 e`~~ 'y t,rr:ho1t regard to fts surroundings ins[ead, the Gry Hail is proposed :o be a signifltant anchor alon4 with a n~.~. Spakane Valtey Library in a pedestnarr-onented, mtxed-use developrnent caNed the Ciry Cen;er, The sheer s;:.e c,i r-epQSed Cty Center development along with Rs p.,om►nent locatlan along Sprague Avenue should help lt s?anc: ci~•. ` om ;he repEtrt)ve spra"d characterlsic of ;his central corridor through the cfty. Funher, planned improvements an~ ~oning changes alang Sprague and Appleway will cnange thecharacter of tKs paftian afthe Uty increasing the II~,?lIf1o0d lh31 tfl? ri1/ Crn•,zf 11''',il bCyCQfrP 1f1? hean -,f Thr? c.-,y thdC ai1d c'1Z2f15 3!e f0f. History ',Yh'~e :!'ie C'Y Ur a(30k?ne ~Va lr'Y IS qUlit' y0U'lg, lr!' Sj?O'kefle'V,,I{t?)~ te-_'Gfl haS 3 d!vcfic drd 'iC', hd5C01'✓ iri3i Jlfe!5 rLmeraus snuzes fnr design irspiretian, t'et besides ctle twtentiaI to (subiry or ove~-,ly) influence the buildirxg s ^esign, this his?ary (n and of Itself should be exprrssed in a manner thai reweals itsetf to those who will work and visi• ~ iry iiail. Tne dynamlt Geologic history of the Valley is impressv2 in the breadth aj e%,er5ts that took place to shape The area ~s ~ I; known today. Fur:hei research of tne area's natu2l history is merted a5 br,th an inspirattnnal a5 well, as practical iri!lueRCE of the bufld-Ing'sdesign. Examples rangefrom forma' o-' :holzes based u[►on iaaliy availahle natural resauues : arher research and dlscission of local Natlve Amen~an ht;~ort ic:f lh= Spa~aine ' ,,,.,d :fibal 52RSItNfise: _ :!-~•Tl _.~~..,~.i~,._ .'yi1 f.~,__Sa..' j- :h',u. V?Ileyr'S dti:en` --t .errent in _ e k^}' L^_q_ ,l-' dr^u" ~-c, J:•_ _ i.• - ~1D 'j=1`_ F`~ ~I~1~= ~~.1.~ ~fi. --Enscontlnental railrc.-ads ana mini7g broughi early serr;ers ;o bcth areis :h,o~gh the end of ihe I9`r tentury.like -,any areas in :he wenern Unlted 5ta?es, Spokane Valley's origins can be tflad through 5tartes of fartune-seekers trylr,g ~j tultd a better Ilfe. The boldness of thfs piarteefing spirlt may be an appropriote source of archltettural Inspirarion I I r,gation from a la;ge aquifer brought an agrirultural boom dorninatn-d by apple ordards and zubsequerit popufat1cr 71~cwTh for che fir,t ;wo decades of the 20" tentury. Yet. ;he irxlusiry tumed aut ;o be non-suztainable and by :he -,me of The Cre3t Deflre55fos'►, many oithards were abandartied in favcx of smaHe: crops that were sold vut of ;h-- _ f truck5. World Wat ll braughi another emplayment boom with aluminum ptoduction and a Navy suppty depec had a ripple effw o( yPt more area growth. Mo!e and more res►dents moved out of Spok3ne -o th.e Vaite, ~".e post•war years, lulled by a new freeway, tajger aNardable 1ou and ,he dream of the popular suburban Iffestyle ;-iigh-tech cornpanfes and cantinulng commercializatsan in ensuing decades brought addltlonal resistents ;o tht•._ =Y the latter half ofthe 2'1"' Cc :UI'. rn~''~=i~f^af'': ~1 chaIlc=('iaES ~`~r•C;3f1'p ia1:t' Th~- f'~!i larn communi;y atter,' groupofdPdK7i2dc-.:- --astrrn portion of 5pokar,e ~~L-Ity :o help imFdC:vc Iht' le'vcl Oi p;,bhc ~ervice; io mL' fE51reC'ES. A,ii?f iljuf P'e:'': ±-=:I--i attempts at Ircorporation, voters rerrowly passe:i a rrftn measure to Intarporate +n 2003, wich 2pprcxim='=1. r D OOQ reikients. Since 2003, the Ciry has been growing at a rate of approximarely 1,000 new peoplz per ye:- Vuth of the Valley/s modem history fs one of expanslon, optimism, and growth wlsh anempu to manage tr6i gro~-dzri ,,-,U iu irnpacts. The C,ry Hall should certa►nty build upon the OptIMism of the communqy and be a fonvard-thinking Luilding In rts plannfng and deslgn. As wi,h the gealog+c and pre-settlement t(me petfods, theie will be severaf 5vufcei of dctjl~ 3 yr~~i:ciV uf :~v~~5. "~_r F~;F71iiT a!1~~ jthers suk~ilia 16 liay h 1f~J'~f31'T1 i.h>> =Lc:;E a~: l r Identity & Cfvic Pride 5~~,ore Valizy, [he crry, fs qu2z young and st;ll deveiap:ng its id-rniity. Yc-t az aes_nbed abava, Spokane Valley, the rrgion, has drown pxap'e for generarians and con!~nues to dn so. -ihi; provokes the question: why do people Ilve In Spakane Valley? Ciry s;aff Ident`tled a number oFcharacterestics aLiout the area in ►esponse to the question'1Nhat makes Spokane Valley unique?' l'Wt+ile some of tie responses are not necessarlly singular to Spokane Va►Sey, :hey nanethPleSS 5pedk i0 •r.ziional charoctertstics :hat cftlz+ens en)oy. A relathrely sunry, dry d'+mate wittZ iour dlstinct seasar5: conven►ent access ;o nearby ou2dnor recreatbn 3rm such as lakes, river5 and mauntains; iis fcmtly orientation with good 5chooi5; and c•,nven+ent access to multfple modes of transpor,ztion makP the Crry a desirable plate to Ihe 3nd work O:her charac:eristtks are truly unique to the Crty, most notably :he defining bounaory ofi the Spokarte Rlver and, the 37-mile-long Centennial Trail th,at runs aiong the rfver. This traN saw more than 15 milllon users in 2005 ,with r,s n,rai 5egmenc *unnEng the lengh of SpoKar,e Valley. For the slze of The dry, Spokane Va+ley has an abundarxe of r~,ll and commercia) properry which pravides a strang tax base for implerren;ing ,he publiC Imprrrrr2ments that the i .r• r~?ec_. Restdants The o'r,3'5 his;Dry. S:~~a,e Valle;'s tt'SiOer,'S 1%'irr' i~'-bcd b,y t_ .y, .':tf' .--a with ~n 'ir,dependQnt spirit'. Many are well-eaucaied, psaud a( whe:e they We and weJcomi-g;o the :ont:nufng stream af ~etivcomers. ~;pul-otron grawch appears to be dES:ributed acress dlvtr5e der,►oi,-rapr~cs, yet there is a noticeable increase in The `U'T1I?E'{ Of rGiifeei DT1lj tldEfly rC5ldLfitS. ACC@55ib(lity for ail users of all ab+fities was nted by the Ciry as high prlority for ?he new buliding. poll raken during :he tncorporation enoR and published il) The Saoknmn neview in 2000, also r,ad findings -,,Dtzwarthy for this Program. Par,►cvl3tty, whlle marry residEnts were pleased with the maturing of Inftaitructu2. municipai se.vices ond g►zater atcess to commert"sal opportunities In their own area (distincz from thz c1ry of cDokane), many felt that a*rue sense of communty was latking. Strong crancarni also mme up abouc unchecked ~uaurban sprawl and the impact of rapcd grorrvtfi on ilvabilry, erniranmen*a1 quaUty and thr' a;2a's na►ural .rr~Uf1L~qS. Govemment '!,e C;'y af Spokane Vatley yavemment cansfsts of a seven-member Ciry Council as the LegKla:ive authariry, with a _:y Manager Iead~ng the vanous Depa:tme+-ts to implement the Countll's poticies_ The Maybr is eletted by The :)unc►I ftom amangst fts membeecs as the presiding officer wtth equ31 voting power as the other Council rrember, A 5.epu.y Mayor li e,eczed as well. Council members each secve fouryear terms and are a11 eleRed at-iarge so that --erests of thf: entire Ci'y are teptesen.ed by Pach Cnuncll member_ i r,e Council hotds two pub!(c meetings and two ta three Council mAy sessions eacfi morsth. =2 Seetlon 6 fcr an organintional chart and varbus dlagrarns regarding the mucture and In;eractions of The Cfty I';r•;_,;'' - - 17 , ~ ' - _ • ~ s•; '-I)II Pr~C*3m 18 O i . AND COUNCIL INP S ~ • `'n. _F y:,;._~ i . • ' > . •:~i ~ ,.,a.-• r» 'k'ti , ~ rti ~.+I•~, CI-y Hall ?r.:~gram Section 4: Staff & Council Input Staff Programming Meeting Notes -1,e !ullOVvlng ROlCS w@re :eken from meeurgs Y✓iIh kE'y '[PfeiEfiioTtv25 ftOM ii ie L0f1}M6r,1:y Deve+apTe;11 C-~pamnert, Lcxgal t.~.epartment, Finance Depar*.ment, and Pual►c W4r~:s t7epartment on Nwembet 15.2007 and addic+anal staff mambers in aI-rollow up meeting on December 11, 2007. The same questions were posed in the >c-cand meeting as ihE first and responses ftom the first meeting werz shared v+rirn the staff in the secand meeting. Gtnnrally, s-affi rnembers agreed with the Nwember 15 respor.ses Ln1e55 nmed a:heRViSe below. Onty additional or '~•y~v Informat on is Iisted underthe December t t rr,c---ting heading. Imaga / Precedents I. What fmage do you belleve outsider3 have af the Spokane Valley7 '~;~~ernber 15. 2DQ7 r;one, many do not know :hat Spokarie Valley Is a distiw, ciry from Spokane :rming foundatian ""read out, luw densiry, au;omoblle dependent "13phazard pfann!ng mas!s, c..r lc,ts,lDtS otConC;e:?. 4ng resall and Industrial uses identity is an tssue 11 2,007 -~.t.aurb of Spokane -"ao re3son to come here, noz a desinacian I i-dustrial charatter, ugly long strip devebpment afong Sp+ague & I-90 F'ct I drab :=etting bttrr 2. What makes Spokane VaAey unigue? ':nvember 15. 2007 -`:PdC:alher, q diitinct seasons, +elaiively sunny / dry c+imate Convenien, actess to outdoor recreation (lakes, rtvers and mountains) -~pakane Rnrer/Cmennial Trail =Ood transport3tlon atcess to alrpar,. I-90, railroad _ _:,.ge aquAer -'Gr,od place to buy a cart' 11-3txA shopGfng, but noi pedes;rian frlendly -No hlgh-end carnmertial or residerrtial Quiet, safe cammunity -~ma U town feQi ~•,ewcomers Ilke the newness, and the po,enttal oppo~un:ry tte area presents ~ewcomers fzel the area Is progress've, good th:ngz are happening DLrem L t t . 2007 E.edroom community to Spokane Farm antma's st+ll wlth;n the Gry -Gravtl safls cts of opportunitles... nk s'ate, lptS Gf rOOm for grow[h Bnd develOpmeni a, land and indusiry 20 Gty of Spokane VaIIQy Ciry Ftall Program May 13, 2003 l N, 3. 'Jdhat aspects of Spakane Valley are citizQns most proud of? ` i n~nvpmhPr 15_ 2067 ~ Srr,all iown community feel -Family-;riendly -Schools are relatively gaod, netiv hegh school building is nite -Center?lace at Niirabeau ?oins Park -Centennial Trail -YN9CA at Mirabeau Point Park -Plan:zs Ferry Park pt-rpmber 11. 2007 -Miore rural, not City of Spokane -RPally big, single family lots -Great placz :o raise a family -Ea_ry circulatlon, length of iravel is shoi7 -Valley Fast -Dishman Hills -Siggest small town -Soccer tamplex ai r lantes Ferry Park 4. How would you characterize the area's rnsidents? Nrn+ember i S. 2007 -rriendly and welcoming witn a pionee~ing spirit -I.ongeime residents proucf oi -iheir communiry 2nd its history, withour snobbery -Newcomers excited aboLr the area's potential -Area has aAvays seemed to ottract these with a pioneering, inaependent spirit -Ntany are well-educated ~eceml'~r 1 i. 2007 -Melting pot af diilferent kinds oil pnople -Many nevv tiransplants from other areas -Lots oficivic pride -Some:vhat cisengaceo fram civic invoivement -Rural-minded, hands-off mindser 5. What image wauld you like your City Hall to present to residents and visitors? Nbvembgr i 5. 2007 -Timeless, yet modern...one of 'Innovation based on Tradition° -Friendly and v+tlcoming -Civic, sense of permanence building -Casual, but with structured spaces to maintain a level of ord2r & security appropria;e to a governmer,t -ReflecCive of the local environment, utilize local materials-stone ~ brick ~p gpbar 11 _ 2 007 -Professional, put toefether, clean and orgenized -Single location, current offices are in mulFiple buildings -Unique wich tivit tharacter -SmaR,treativ2, innovative -Green ' -GOOCS InvPStrreenE, nflt ChQdp -Natural, warm feeling expressed in rn3[erials -Historital, re9ective of past in some m?nner -Strike a balance benveen moriumental and approachable -Passibly incorparate stalrs ai}d an entry nlaza to give it a grander feel than surraUilding Luildinas 21 City of Spok;~3nt 1+a1 ley Ciry Hall Frog rarn fi,.ay 13. 2003 Uinimize ~ he ba[~ tonsider [-Aro entde4, on8 auto-related and i h~ other p°d°~erian - -Coordinate ima ge v*h tCha~ of tl3e new libiary so they [ompl2ment one areother b. How importa rit Is Lhe ackr)owlr_- dgement of la[al h [5[ory In th e new Ci-Ly HaIE building? ~ November i 5. 2M7 -Cansider in[orpor,~ i ing exhibits from the Cit)/s Heitage fvluseu m inEhe Luilding or in?h8 open spa[eoutsioe LhL bUllding, AnOther op?ion may be to have~ Lhe He rit,~g° NivSeu m felo[dTe To SpaCo~ in N, nevu City Cenied, Buildirrg shoul4 acknawledge tiive3iW_ Deeember 11. 2QQ2 -Vital, Ci-z~r Hafl shou-ld educite ~ Iie pubCic abcut the area's hRStory, -Faistory of the various communities (i.e. Opportunity, Vc-rBdsle, Gr°2na4r8s) should be recognind_ 7, kh+hat otb er city halls da you ad mire ar[d why? i 7 -Lavela nd, Colorado: Civic campus wEth a mix of uses -Feder2l Way, V4rA PBrmit Cen, er: Good funrtior6al Iayout -Bainbridge Island, WA: Fits [ont~x[, i; xhr~rm and apptoach able, not impcsirig -GGLO noted ~h2t i Itere a r8 52ve ral oih8r n8vr City Halls proposed or r°cently compl8teo ii3 k.vestem Washfnaaon ~na? may provide irsspirbtion, Puyalliap, Edge+Nood, Pedmond, Seattfe,'Aioodirn+ille, IGts-N p Caunry Admin BuilcEng -111rkland, I+VA; ront was akso no-L ad as a pleas=nt ext2rior CIvIC Sp~Ce du~- in p?r-L to its public ar-L. fje&jmber i i _ ?Q~17 -No [omrneni r8carcEng the above -City ol Posa Falls, ldaha: ner,v bvileing nearino completion, ~hould b8 a nice faciMk_ . S, What o?her city halls orcivie bulldings do you dislike and ~why7 Nov2mb2r15_2 001 -Bellevue's new City I J aII +Nds thouaht to b° too grandios8, %vw?h too mucn stainless s-teel, sraFf hidoen behirad a I?rg2 kv~ll, Vsitors foreed to stand at ahigh caunter v,rhen u~ Iking wVh {taff. Qp-[ember i i. 2{]0 7 -Oo eornrnent reaarding ihe above oaher than some expressed wh?4 they did n44 vr~;n c Ea be }+isible zo Oe public upon entry as it sometimes frustr?res cusiomers wh2f1 LFIe}+ a fe FIOL peffllkied LO 5p2aIS 5,w+ith stai-T mc-mbers thst th8y can see from rhe r~~pdon area_ -SpokaneCoun-Ly ?ublic Health Builcing was thvuvhLzo be uglv 9. Wh at Spoka ne Va E18y5 pokane Area building s do you admir~ ~nd wny? Ncn+ernber 15. 2 007 All perCeiveti to have stdang civic pr4~s2nc° and hfgh-qualitj materials {enLef Pld{2 dt klircb°2u Park -Gonzaoa llnik+ersi-Ly Laur School -Spolca ne Valley 1'MCA at M ir,~be,~ u Pi~ rk -Fish & Game Buaiding ~~t Cen[erPbc2 -Modern Electric- Buildirig, Spoka ne Vz llc-y ppfo~cha bl8 bu ilding} -N ex,v ICB Ban k, Spokane Valdey (by Cos:co) 'C~~One COURI iOl!5e. Do^1r7to4+Jil SpQkclle -52ranac BuiGding Remodel, Dcnrdntawn Spokane (greer) rMotiel oF~n existing boildin4p} December 11. 20(}2 -ARew Coeur d' Alene ChambeLr of Commerc2 & Publie Gbrary 22 Ciry of Spo}:ane Valley City Hall Prograin A4ay 13, 20D6 -Eastern Washington Universiry Riverpoint Campus -Senior Hall and Library at Eastem +Nashington UniversirY -Schadde Tatvers, Dovvntflwn Spakane -lydeg Canstruction Building, Spokane Valley -A.merican 11lest Bank Builoing, DOwmtown Spokan2 (nice brick, grand presenc2) -Paulsen Building, [3owniawn Spokane -STA Plaza 8uilding Interior, Dav.mtowm Spokane -h4cCarthey Center ai Gonzaga Universiry -Old Safeco Building, Spakane Valley -Hutton Building, Dawntown Spokane -0Id Camegie Builcfing, Downtown Spok?ne -Seminar BUildings at Evergreen State College, Olympia (for high Qerformanc2 gr2en 1eatures) Detnographics / Economic Deve(opment 10. What is ihe recent grov+Kh rate of Spokane Valley? Nbyember i5.?W7 -Approximately 1,000 peoplz per year since incorporation {urrent population approximotely 88,000 -See City Comprehensive Plan for more info -County sets !he grotiAzh rate jhPcPmbPr 11. 2007 -No new commzn-ts 11. What is its antlcipated grotivth rate? ; Novzm,b} 5. 2007 -See Ciry Comprehensiv2 Ptan Dei--emhPr 11 2007 -No new comments 12. Is growth primarily from young people, families, elderty, or is it falrly balanced? Nnvamh?r 15. 2007 -Fopulation grov+rh perceivetj to be fzirly b3lanced among different age groups artd f?rnily units -Netiv re5idenCS tnostly irom outsice easfern VJashington -Eldzrly/retiree populatian se2ms to be growinca {ity Hall design to be accessible co people of all abilitizs Decernber 1 1. 2067 -No new tomments 13. Wh?t industries are consldered most important to Spokane Valley's economic growth? November 14. ?007 -Hisoric Farming, applF orchards, truck farms. -Industrial: Railroads, military, aluminum, magnesium, & brick manufaruring. - RecenUCurrent: Retail, auto, boai, RN sale:, leght indusirial, staragE facilities, sQme high-tech (mare prominent in Liberry l.ake). Majarity of businesses are Iocally ov,=ned. Spokane Valley is a%rading post" af sorts for nearby racreation areas. - Fuiure: Green Industry? Energy effitinncy, biofuels, green materials manufacturing, recreational tourism, higher education. ` j -Gaod air, rail and Ereetway access coupled with affordable real estate and a large aquifer make Spokone Valley an aetractive place for future economic development. 23 Ciry of Spokane Valley City Hall Program May 13, 2008 -Ciry Hall should represent ihe values of thE communiry and be a symbol to n2wcomer that chis is a place thot is maving for:reard in a positive mannec ~ -iourism may be a challengz. Spokane Valley not knm.vn a5 a place ta com2 and stay. DPrambzr 1 i. 200Z -Future: Research and faevelopment companies. Design Process 14. VJho else besides City staff should have input in the City Hall programming? iNnvPmb_-r 15.2007 -Ciy Council for historical pErspective and knotvledge of local history. Programming workshop with Council to be :chedulec. -Public comrnent cauld be solicited in an open hause aifter Staff and Council input is obtained. bzceMLer 11. 7007 -Publft should tiveigh in on shared uses for outdoor spaces. Ptanning IS. Are shared uses dzsired in th2 City Hall building? Novimmber 15 2407 Possibly, belo,-v pre some dh3t were discussed: - Cornmuniry meeting facilities Na, new librzry to provide_ -Ciry Hall stal wauld li;;e to partner with the library in some manner regardinc snaring eacterior spaces -Council Cnarnbers not io be utilized for comrnunity meetings. ~ -Foad ser,+ice ~ dviaybe a small caf2 or co?ee shop eith2r in the City Hall or in aiti adjacerit building. In-hfluse could be 5nonciol challenge for operator. - Polic2 / Courts Na, information only. police servite eurrently contracteti »lafi th2 County. Caurts in separtz facility. - fire Yes, for plan review func;ion. Informatlon to be available for remaind2r of fire department seatices. - Parking Public parkina cou{d passibly be sh?ret3 with remainder of City Center development. City ov✓ned vehides need secure parking areo. Ciry maintenance vehicles to b2 stflied offsite. - Other P?r!;s & Ret. Dept. to be oiite with iniorma-ion av?ilable. Space for future Ciy Arbodst would be good. -hEriCage Niuseum Possibly, in an interpretive display or rorpting exhibit. Photas, memorabilia, art.vark, and / or iaped stories could provide interest anti a unique sense of place. WSU taped the stories of long-time residents during the VdGshington Centennial Celebrztion. -Gift Shop / 6ookstore Possibiy, with tie to Heritage Museum or Chamber ol Cammerce. -Ecanomic Gevelopment C7ffice Possibly, (does not currently exist) may U2ni to allow space for future sa~ . -Visitor Center Passibly, concierge concept waS dISCU55ed vvhere information on various city senlices can be obtained via a greeter, in p=mphlet forrn, 2nd at a convenient computer ierminal. -Recreation / Communicy Centzr No, CznterFlae2 at Mirabeau Park fulfills this lunction. Ciry does neeti a teen center. parember 11. 2007 + -G211ery or exhibition space for local artists 24 City of Spokane Valley Ciry Hall Program N,ay i3, 20D8 -Cammon oreas for after hours us@, seturiy needs to be addressed ~ -Cflnvention center menCEoned as aftiture cicy center use 16. Are exterior gathering spaces desired far public mentings and events? R~avernber 15. %QQZ -Yes, gathering spaces for rallies, speeches, quests, community events, parades ond holiday displays are desired -Exterior should cisplay nGiive plants and demonstrate stewardship of tivater rezources -ExteTiar of building should have yome kind of iconic feature about it DPrpmbzr 11 2007 -Farrn2r's Market -Arts g Crafts fp-irs -Public input should be sol9cijed far exterior spaces Environmental 17. Does the City wish to set an example of environmencal stewardship? If so, to what extent? NCLeember iS. 200Z -Yes, City Nall should sho,,v lepdership and be a symbal far the rype of dc-,,elopment desired in the future. Public educ?tion role is important es-torasiJe development, rather than just doing less bad, may inspire orl}ers -lfisible cemonstriion of sustainabili.ry to help tafth public education -Storm and domestic Water manaoement, good daylighting, and healthy environment very impor:anE -Green rooft, solar povNer generatlon to be considered -Alternative transporeotion meahods to be encouraged. Bike parking and changing / shative, facilities desired -Design tezm co submit fol{o-,Ar up questions regarding current energy / r2source use and w-ast2 io sec a project baseline for compari;on vAth the new facilicy DeC2rnber 11 7,¢~07 -Consider monitoring wells for the Aquifer to inform visitors of current water qualiy -Consicer awnather station on si:e or the roof to monitor weather canditlons and report rezl iirn2 enerqy / vaatar savings performance of?he building to izj users Organization 18. does the Emplayee List dated 10/24/07 represent all departments? IvhaCs rnissing? Navember 15. 2007 -Yes, all dzparcments are Hsted. Individual updates are needed for ceMain positions. HR staff to update list ano provicie to design team. Contract employees, audi:ors, anc futlire staf to be addressec in Llpcated liit De[eqlber i t . 2007 -HR to includz listings for temporary workers if they require worl:stations 19. Are all staff inembers on the Employee List expected to be in tfne new City Hall? Nnvpmber i S• 2007 -Yes, except for Parks and Recreation siaff wha are currzntly in CQnterPlace at A4irabeau Park Lti2cember 11. 2007 -No nEvv tomments 20. What is the 2stimated staff growth for each? ~ - tJaveinka?r y 5. 20t17 25 0-ky oa Spokane Vzlley Cliy W211 Pfogfarn fdiay 13, ?003 -Some futUre MfforoVOth is a nTLicipat8d in all depdrrments -More 5pecic numbers to be determined in th2 n8xt progaamminc session ~ -AddEdorraI support staff far pollce k•rill be needed if City take5 bver Police sA. rAc8 I rom the Coun~y. A furure -Polic2 Department wEI~ r-,4L be IOCai2d in -ih8 new City H,~ II -See ane Ch,/s 6-year business pGaiti for more informatEOn rKember 11. 2 007 -Neil Kersten to copy desigri team on C:iT,/s 6-year plan. 2 1. Are any future depsrtro ents 2nticipated? j1Jn%.+arnhPr 15.20Q7 -Ciry P~II i5 primafily a planning, permft a nd 18rislatiVe oi-Tice -Utili4oes me independentzgpl}CIe3, no p1a n?o brirag under Ckycontrol -Folice and flre seovic° a re to remain in separate f.~[ilitie5. Po9ire serviee is eontirac:ted ~A n the Counzy. If Pollce . 5wItch2d [a Ci-cy, addrional ad-min suppori 5t)fi will be reqvired -The `ollawina were idpnciFed zs possiblc- future departmeTits; Economic pevelooment LdI1d M 3f13g °fll°fl`e ReCOfdS Informatian T~chnology ' Fs<ility Manag8m8nt Jd f11T4Qloa -Multi-5tor}r bullding zinxi[ipatead Nc m6-r 11.2Q07 -Some grow[It in ~ I I d8partments shouGd b@ i~ ntidpzTed, more irrpv[ -io be gathered in Janvary at follon^i up staff me°tings -O-Lhei potenti=1 Future departments , Hurr+an Resource5 Neiqhborhoa4s -Others z+tur8 positions 1departmenrs to consider; Arts & Cu Itu rBi Affi irs Arbo(st Bo?rds & Commissions I naergovernmentalReiation5 Health & Hurn~ n Services HcusYng Publie Inform2rion Oaficer Sustairrability a n d tnviroRment 2 2_ Which depaftrrtients i ntUE~cI most closely with o rie a nat her? Novembaf 15. 2007 -AdrrEinis-t ration 1 firii~ ntie ! L2orl 1 City Couneil -Community Devalopmen;1 ?u b1ic 4vorks l Legal -litiforma?ionTe[h no logylAll aepW men~5 Decamber 11. 2007 -Agreed wiih -L he above, moie input to be 92)thered in Ja nua ry rt folloW U p staff me~-L irras 23. Whfch d4partments 1 5taff Imefart 1NI[I1 iI1e pllbIIC Ofl a C0ntIf1Ual, frg~quent or infrequarst basis: Nnkyetnber 15. 2&D7 -Con-tinual: Informatian Technology vi;~ the CiV webslte, f...--~ 26 Ciy of Spol:ane Valley City Hall Program May 13,2008 -Frequent Building and Pl3nning, Parl:s and Reazat6on, Ini'osmasion Technolooy (support fcr pubiic meetings, ~ meetings +tirych vendor: and tontractors), Ciry Clerks for voevving public retards, Human Resourtes for intenrie,wing -inferequent: Finance, Legal December 1 i 2007 -Agreed +Nith chQ above, -exc?pt for Yhn folloxving clarificacion: -Continual: Aod Ciiy Council, move BUilding and Plznning irom Frequent to Continual Work Environment 24. 1Nhat do you likz most about the current work environment (What's workina)? Nnvp mtser i5.2007 -Gaod parking -Convenient IocaEion -Frlendly, tan do attitude among staff jDeceMhgr 11 2QQ7_ -Gaod scoff -riiqh ceilings -Single level (about to change +vrh expansion) -Elevatar lobby at top tloar pravides nice vie.vs -Close restaurants -Trees (in back?) 25. VJhat do you dislike about it (What isn't wotkfng)? ` iNovember 1 ti. tti0i `-Sterile sp.aces with no color, not w2lcoming -wayfintiing is poar, tustflmzrs h3ve --rauble Eindine City Hall ofti{es and musi walk through th2 work spaces to get io tlle conierence rooms -Doesn': i-it the image the City woule like to portray to its ciiizens and visitor, looks like a generic office building, not the center olCity govemment -0.przssinc phystcal environment, sterile, dull -No connection to the 2xi2rior, no viev,n -Doea not improv2 merale -Dysfunctional loyouc af offices and d2parm2nts -Onadequate meeting, kitchen, break room and gaThering space -Paor control Qf HVAC sysiems -Cannot open a windove -No place fos reteiving supplies -Vehicular iraffic out front is not pec3estrinn friendly December 11.2oa7 -No idenciCy due ta non,descript building and poor signaae -Not all in one building, confvsing co visitors & ineffitient for staff -Poor auta access ta Sprague -Sterile cubides 26. Destrfbe your ideal work environment? November 15.20a? -1+1+elcoming and friendly, but vviih adequate security ; -Open layaut, but vvith dear de inition of public and private spaces -Staff shaulo be visible to public and not hidoen in a back room ' 27 01, of Spokane Valley Cfry Hall Program May 13, 2403 {onference rooms for meetings with the public to be dose to the lobby anci transparent to reinforce toncept - o; flpen aovernrnenr -Perceptlon af soace, not all sraces the same height -Ample nacur31 lieht brought deep into +he spaces -ColorFul spaces, no-L monotone likz current offices -Vews to 9rezn spaces, connerian to exterior -Well-ciesioned wrork tenters, work rooms and work stations -Work centers thai zre separate from urork areas • -Adjustable height waeCstat+ons allawing staff to stand or sit -Secure space for storage of persanal iiems ane a place to hang yrour coat -Lots of eficient siorage -Good layout areas in vrork scotions and comman spaces -NicE l:itchen/breakroom with 2xi2riar seating oreo. Sizz bre?kroom zo zllow office-+vide gatherings -Locker rooms with shawers and bile lockers Fo encourage exercise and bike commuting -Possibly include on ex2rcise room -Accessible servnr room -Private confzrence roam with telephane needed for personal calls {onsider iechnolwy solutions to reduce space neees and create paperless offite where possible -Diesel backup generator for IT December,Vi, 2007 -Agreed with rhe abave, plus... -Quie; toom{s} for personal calls, breaks and nursing mothers -Full kitch2n wiFh ov2n, rana2, dishvvasher, microwave, refrigeratar/freez2r -Conf2rencz roams to accommodaae zechnology/vioeo confer2ncing -Iniormal ~vork / study areas for staff use -VJorkrooms / copy rooms separaie frocn worlc saaces -Roorop garoen or areen spaces possibly ~-Oith ierrace to enjoy views, consodet this space flor employee br2ak df°a - ~ -Interior gre2n spaczs with d?yiighiinc -Mud room for inspec-tors, locate dose to inspettor vEhicle parking -Vdeo proouction rodm adjacent to Council Chamber; -Scaff troining classroom for approximi-ately 20-30 p2ople -Consioer e)(terior acr_ommfldations {or smokers -Small break stations in aodition ta m}in kischen / break room for ree'iIling beveraaes 27. Any examples of previous work environments you enjoyed? What are they? Wnot did you like about them or made chem unique? NQyem hPr 1 S . 200 7 -Cen-, erPlace at h4irabeau Park: Gooci qualiy materials, views to ext-erior, goad daylighting -Fecierol V,/ay Permit Center. Funcional layout, cenTral routing area for plans, nice, big work roDm, larae ceniral caunter with storage underneath that doubled as a aothering space for celebrtions D2cembPr 11. 2007 -Na new comments 28. Are open or private work spaces preferred? INhy? NoveMbPr 15. 2007 -Some of bath are needed -Many tasks require conceritration -Finance ana human resources neecf prlvacy and lockable record siorage -Information tethnology staiff would like awhi-te-noise systern if oiffice areas are eo remain open -Worl(spaces must be func-tional f rst and foremost i' 28 Ciry otSpakane Valley City Hall Program May 13,2008 ~ DxPmbi-r 11. ?057 J -,4greed tvith the abrn+e, more (nput to be gather2d in January at follow up st}ff meetings 29. Do individual amployees or t2ams relocate ir2quently? 1Nhy? Is a flexible 9oor pl?n layout desired? Nrnlember i5.2007 -No, employe2s do not mov2 frequenily, (grotn2h may thange this) -Some staff are nighiy resistant to change -Turnover is relaTively Iov so far (vJfluld like ta maintain this) -Inspector., anc plan reviewers are cross t2ined, so [hese staff inember ro-ate in and out morn than othErs -Equiry of space is important, workstztions should orety much look the szme -IT staffwould prefer standardited workstations vrhere possible -Hotel rypn war'<siations ar2 needed for contract ~vmrkers, consultants and auditors Qtcember 11. M07 -Agreed vvith the above, more input to be gathereti in January at follativ up staff mc~etings 30. Are ample daylight/views desirab{e or distractions? Why? i\InvPmbpr 15. 2007 -D2sirable, but daylighi needs to be controlled ta avoid overheating and glar2 -Gooc task lighting is vlso desirable -Minimize ariilcial lighting il'possible OPrember 11, 2007 -Acreed v,riih the above 31. Is natural ventilztion (windows that open) dzsirzd? Why? Novprnh-p-r 15, 2007 -Yes by some, no by others due to dus and pollen impaci on interior environmeni -Individual e2maerature control more important -Temperature control a big problem in the current Cirj Hall building December 11. 2007 -Some tnought operable windrnvs posed too many issues wlch the F.VAC system and seturity -0thers Iikzd the idEa olor having rhe cptian to open awindow -Seminar Buildinas at Evergreen State College in Olympia vvere cited as a oood case study if natural ventilatian strategy is to be pursued 32. How oft-en are staff meetings held? How many typicalty attend? Novembe r 1i 5,. 2007 -Frequenty was not addressed -Meetincs rypically consist of 4-5 people,l0-20 people or 20+ people -Occassionally, SO person seaceci meetings otcur -Meetinos invasving the entire staf currently occur in the Council Chambers -Council needs a pre-function space to have dinner proor to Courtcil meetings pecembPr 11. 2Q~7 -Agreed with the abav2, mare input to be gachered in January at follotiv uD staff meetings 33. Are informal areas desired for impromptu mnecings? ' Novem er ] . 2007 - -Yes 29 C-ry of SQokane Valley City Hall Program May 13,2003 Dpr?mber 111. 2007 -Informzl mee:ing areas far staffand public are desired for brief sit-down mc-etings in lieu of talking rn~er a counter. kdditional proaramming info fot these space5 to be collecterj in January 39. Are there other arributes to the building we need to consider? D2cerLibPr 1 1.2067 -ConsidenwEa:her station on sire or root. See 12/11 response ;o Question 17 ; i 30 Ciry of Spokane VaEley Ciey Hall Pragram May 13, 2008 ~ City Council Programming Meeting Notes The following notes were zak~n from a meeting with the Ciy Covncil and Department Man?gers on January 12, 2008. Most of the questions wzre pos2d to s-taff and aepartment heads at meetings on Novzmber 15, 2007, znd December i i, 2007. Attendees at this meeting generalty aareed with input from the November and D0.cember mzetings. Onty new input is nocec! belo~^c p.rached for referente are the notns Cocumenting the qrior -tNO meEtings. [mage / Precedents 1. What Image do you believe outsiders have of the Spokane Valley? - B:droom communiy of Spokane - Shopping area - Varying bvsinesses - Nice place to live - family oriented - r?eople bringing jobs vM/ chem - Ci00d SCh0015 - Afforoable 2. What makes Snokane Valley unique? - Job grotiv:h/oppomuni.ry - Governrnenr is know - Easy acczss to recreoTion - Conservatlivz - Vdork hard/play hard... - Friendly people/open ~ 3. Whzt zspects olSpakane Valley are cltfzens most proud of? - Spokane Rivar - Not Icaho/ NoE Spo~ane _ Friendliness - Close to Iots of things veryaccessible - Good coads - Environmentolly fripnaly open areas - Cooperstive G:vernment - Low crime/safe 4. How would you characterize the area's residents? - .4ge-aive:se - Indeaend-ant - Pf3Ci1Cel - Value education - Great kids! - ConsPrvative (slow to change) - Farnily-Import3n.! S. Hotiv importani is the acknowledgement of local hlstory in the new Qty Hall building? - Very Important 6. What other cfiy halls do yau odmire and why? Gresharn,OR/balance benween traditional &cornemporary - Canberra,,;ustrzlia 31 Clry of Spokon= Valley Clty NaII Program NSay 13, 2008 7. What other city halls do you dislike enri why? - Moses I A}:e - - - City of Spol:ane - funcional but aoesn't look like a tity building - C.aIgary, klbert? 8. What Spokane Valley/Spokane Area build(ngs do you admlre and w'hy? - State of Ozegon Public Buildings - AI0J13 +Jov:mrovvn 3uilaing - Coeur d'hlene Resort/ HaQedone Oofflce Suilding - Vera Foveer EconomEc / Cuttural Development 9. What industries / institutions are considered most impor?ant to Spokane Valley's economic and cultural development? - Spokann River - Green Indus-ay - Hlglrtecn companies... - Bio-iecn - Performing arts venue (none rurrently exi;ts, but shoula]i Visioning 10. City's mission statement is `To deliver efficient and eifective services that facilitate etonomic opportunlry and enhsnce quality of life'. how do you envision this being expressed in the new Gty Hall? , - Family-crlendly vwlcl) evening uses - Incorporote fzatures into building and site dhat appeal to families (i,e. play area outslde, S:ids aree in permit center) - Remember that people inside huilding are more important chan the building, builcing needs to wrork - InterprEtive Center to ac4cna+Medgz histoy and ini'orm the pubfit tegarding the sUSt?inable features - Coordinate architecture and apen spaces with the nel:v Library to form goaci civic connerion benveen che two 11. Deflne any spedflc goals you have for chls proJea. - Iconic feature sLlch a.s a dock toveer and / plaza to serve as o symbol for che ciy anc a meeting place - Design ihe building znd ex-terior to b-- very accessible to all p2ople - Destgn shoulc Gaornmooate +veacher-excremes, cold and not to make atcess sai'e and comi'or:able 12. Imagine the Ci►y Hall Is completed and the dace Is 2028. You are wrlcfng a note to a friend who is coming to visit aic-ter 20 years away and are describing the City Hall project. Describe In a sentence or two the completed Ciry HaII. - - They thougni ahead-aesign tivas fonvard rhinl;ing - Warm - Inviting - Sound of water - A place that accomrnodates mulclple generaclan;...grandson & graRd-father pla;+ing outside - Design ties the cfry rocether ~ 32 C"ry of SpoNane Valley City Hall Program M3y 13. Z0D$ Environmental ; ~ 13, As a community role model, how do you envision rhe City Nall expressing its leadership in promoting sustainable oevelopment? - Deflnitely should be a sustainoble design, eateni will be derermined by cos of features - Somi questionei v,fiether sustainzbie iectures should be overdy expressed, building neetis to look like a C3ty Hall, noc a resea;ch cencer. - Design tearn to host an upcoming meetina to der'ine the level of green buifding certificatSon desir2a Planning 14. What shared uses do you envision for the Clry Hall, both for the building and slce? {i.e. museum, gallery, retail, food snro(ice, flex space for future Expznslon) - AL-Lencees agreedtivith staff coinrnents (5e° an-21ched December 11, 2007 me-eting notes) 15. What (fvic or community uses do you envision for rhe extzrior spaces of Ciy Fiall? Is pUblit art imporant in these spaces and is i96 for public art a requirement for inclusion in ihe budget? - LoS of oLrtside use>...communiry gathering everits - t ubllc art ouestion was not answered - A«endees agreed wid) stzffcomments (See ettached Decernber 11, 2007 meeting notes) Organization Are any future ciry departrnents anticipated? - Attendces agreed wfch st3if commenis (See amch?d De;-ember 11, 2007 meetiny notes) CityCouncil 17. Approximately how many people need to be able to arend a City Council meEting? Are the meetings :elevi;ed? Please describe the audio / visual needs. - 10d maAmum - Televised meedngs noc 3nticipated ng.v, but abiliry co do so later shovld be built inio the design - Sloped floor versus flat floor discUSSed. Flzt fioor viev.,edas rrtore flexible - Seadng area for media and adjacent praduceton room was reciuesced 18. Vdhat kinds of spaces are ne2d2d ca support Ciry Council functions7 - Pre-t"unciion room / place to eat dinner - Conierence room snovid aCCOmmodate 12 people - Same sepsration desired bervoeen C.C. spaces and sar/ Cy Hall spates 19. Da the councll metnbers need office spaces in Qry Hall? lf so, should they be open or prPvate? - Open offlce spaces for C.C. members - Privace oEfice for Mayor 20, Whlch deparments nave the most frequent interaction with Clry Council? Do any of these need to be in close proximiry? - Public Infofrnztion Officer - Ciry Clerk/ Qry ma nager /Deputy Cicy Manager r 1 - Financial ~ \ % - Legal - - t rox1mityde-.ails co be eddressed in upcoming staff proaramrning meeunos (i/i 7& i/t 8) 33 Ciry of Spokane Valley Ciry Hall Program N~ay 13, 2M8 Work Environment ' i 21. 1Nhat do you Iike most a5out the current work enviranment (What's working)? - Attendees agree-d with s:aff comments (See attached December 11, 2007 me:ting notes) 22. What do you dislike about it (U✓hat isn't working)? - Current office Izyout is a conifusing maze - Attendees agreed -,krith staff comments (SeG attathed December 11, 2007 meeting notes) 23. Desctibe your ideal ofnce and tivic building environment. - A«endees agrezd ~+Ith staff commena (See artached Detember 11, 2007 meeting notes) - NeetJ to pay atten.ion to rhe lobby znd o-azhering spaces 24. Any examples of prevlous ofica and tivic buflding environrrients you enjoyed? - What are they? - What did you Iike zbout them or made them unique? - kttendees agrezd vAth szff commenrs (See artachet! December 11, 2007 meeting notes) Design Process 2-3. Who else besldes Ciry Staff should have inpur In the City Hall pragramming? - Attendees 2greed with staf, commErrts (See atTached December 11, 2007 meeting notes) - tonsider irniiting the Teen f~d~4sory Council io apublic open hoUSe_ Other 26. Are there other aspects of the programming we have overlooked? - No corr,ments 34 ~ - T- . ~ ~ i a . r~ f ~ . ~ . , ~ - . ~ ~ ~ . City ofSpakane Valley City Hall Program May 13,21008 Buitding Area Summary ; TqREq 7 - - TOTAL"AREA ' DEPT : DEPi4RTMENT , UFFICE/WORKSTATiOWROOM_. ~ SIZE (SeSting) ~ `1',QTY!I__ _ _.(sfl, _ _~TOTAL; , TOTAL~ Mayor 12k18' 216 1 216 COUNGIL CHAMBER Deputy Mayor 10'x15' 150 1 150 & OFFICES Council Member Workstsfian 81X8' 64 5 320 Production/Editing Room 8'X8' 64 1 64 AAedia lnterview Area 0 0 1 0 Council Restrooans 5kT 35 2 70 Council Chamber (100) 2800 1 2,800 Councii ConferenCe Roam 12'X20' (20) 240 1 240 Net Arsa Subtatal 3,860 CirculationJNon-Assignable Are2 25% 905 4,825 EXECUTIVE 8 LEGlSLATIVE SUPPORT CITY MANAGER City Wlanager 15k15' 225 1 725 Ciry Cierk 105c15' 150 1 150 Stafi Workstations 6k$' 64 5 320 Public ReCOrr9s Siordge Roorn 10' x 12' 120 1 120 Pubfic Rscocds Viewing 12aorn 10'x10' (w) 100 1 100 355 CirculationlNon-AssiRnab{a Aroa 259'0 229 1.144 LEGAL Cfry Attomey i 2'xi 8' 216 1 216 Deputy City Attomey 10'x15' 150 4 600 rr 1 Staff Worfcstations 8'x8' 64 3 192 Reception (wJ counter) 8'x8' 64 1 64 Rscords Room B8 1 88 88 Legal ConierenCe Room 10k18' (10) 180 1 i8U Net Area Subtotal 1,340 CirculationlNon-Assivnable Area 2556 335 1,675 FiNANCE Finance Director 12'x18' 216 1 216 Staff Workstations 6k10' 30 13 1,040 Finance ConferenCe Room 10'x90' (4) 100 1 100 Audi!or Conference Room 10'x18' viI targe tabiE 160 1 160 Net Area Subtotal 1,516 , Circulation/Non-AssignableArea 25°'0 379 1,895 0 , 37 Ciry of Spokan= VzHey Ciry Hall Program May 13,2003 AREq i _ 7 ~TOTAC-AREA -?SUB - -,DEPT- ng), QTY I. ~TOTAL TOTAL_' ~ DEPARTMENT : OFFIGEIWORKSTATIOJJ/FtQOM •;S[ZE (Seati OPERATIONS AND ~ADMfINISTRATION Deputy City Manager 12'x1 B' 296 1 216 Central Receptionis! 8'x10' 60 1 80 Office Assistant 8'x10' 80 1 BO Public Infarmatloci Officer 8'x97 80 1 BO Senior Adminisirative AnaFyst 6'x10" 80 1 80 OpslAdmin S3afi►voQfcstations 8'x10' 80 8 640 Buiiding Mechanics Work Area 12'x15' 160 1 180 Fluman Resources Manager 10'x15' 154 1 150 NR Staf(wor{cslatbons 8'x50' 80 3 240 ReceptionlCmiferencellNaiUng 10'z12' (6) 120 1 120 Dept. Conference Room 19x10' (4) 100 1 100 Net Area Subtotal 1,956 CirarlatiorVNorr-Assignable Area 25°JO 492 2,456 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT SeniorEngineer 14'xti5' 150 1 150 ENGfNEERING StaN Workstations 8'xS0' BO B 840 Team Meeting RooQn 10'x18' (10) 180 1 180 N8( AI'Sa SU4t0i21 970 CirculationlMon-Assipnsb{e Arsa 25% 243 1,213 PLANtd1NG Community Development Direcfor 17z1 B' 216 1 216 Planning Manager 10'xt5 150 1 150 Senior Pianner 8'x10' 80 2 160 ' Staff Workstations 8k10' 84 11 860 . GIS woQlcstation 8'xti2' 96 1 96 Team MeeSng Room 10'x16' (10) 180 1 180 Net Area Subtaal 1,662 CirculatioNNon-Assignable Area 25°1O 421 2,103 BUILDING Permit Center Permit Genter 917 1 917 Permit Speciafist - Buikding 3'x6' Gounter 18 2 36 Offlce Assistant1Cashier 3'x6' Counter 18 1 18 Permit Speciafisi - P)snning 3'x6' Ca.enter 18 2 36 Net Area Subtotal 1,007 Circuls5onlNon-Assignable Area 25':'0 252 1.259 Siaff Work Area $uilding Ofsicial 10'z15 150 1 i5fl Senior Plans Examiner 10"z15' 1 SQ 1 150 Permit Specialist Workstations 8'z8' 64 4 256 Plan Rev6aw Worksiations 8'x10' BO 1 80 Ofiice Assistant 8'z10' 3 10 80 Compliance Worlcstalions 8'x10' 80 3 240 Inspeetor Workstations 8'x10' 30 7 560 Common Tables W/ Storage 7'x6' 42 2 64 Large Public Conferenoe 20'x30' (20) 600 1 600 Small Public Conference 1pk18' (10) 180 1 180 Team Con.erence - StsN only 19x15' (6) 150 1 150 Net Area Subtotal 2,530 CirculatioNNon-Assignable Area 25% 633 3,163 ~ 38 Cl?y of Spo}:ane VaIIey Clty Nall Program May 13,2008 ; ~ - - ; - - _ _ AREJV •T.OTAL AREA : SUB _ ' DEPARTMENT- - -'OFFICElWORKSTATIONiROOM ,I_ ~SQE'(ScaUn91 (sf}.. 'I:QTY`(sf) TOTAL. PUBLIC WORKS General Senior Eng9neer - Cap3tal Projecls 10'x15' 150 1 150 Public Works Directar 12'x18' 216 1 216 S3aff Workstatians 81x10' 80 10 600 Street Senior Engtnesr - Traffic i 0'x 15' S 5U 1 150 Public Works Supsrintendent 10u15' 150 1 150 Flex Workstation - TrafFic 8k10' BO 1 80 Staff Workstatia-►5 8"x10' 80 5 400 Stormwater SEomrv.aler Engineer SO'z15 150 9 150 Staffi V'Jorkstations 85c10' BO 18 1,440 Intem BullpenlPad to sQat 4 1 6k20' 320 1 320 Largc Shared Corrfercncs Roam 20'n30' (40) 600 1 600 Infwmal Conference Area 10'x12' 120 i 120 Net Area Subtote! 4,576 CircutaSonlNon-Assiqnable Area 25% 1,144 5,720 LOBSY 3,UOD 3,000 SUPPORT (I.T.AAlE/Ph/Data) 3.450 3,459 RESTROOMS ~ 1.400 1,aao C[RCULATION (+Lobby Speces on 3,2, & S) 4,500 4,540 OTHER SR2ff Br2ak Room - Third Level 1.14D Storage - Basement 1.500 Archive Storege - Basement 1,140 ExpansioNGalkerylLe3se Space 5,70D Staffi TralnEng/M.P. Room 1,800 Unfinishsd Basemeni 2,000 Net Area Subiotal 13,200 CirculationlNon-Assignable Are3 28% 3,300 . 16,500 ~ TOTAL AREA 54,305 39 Ciry of Spokane Valley City Hall Program N4ay 13, 2003 Department Space Requirements ;_X OFFICES Total Square Footage: I 4,625 ~ SF Space Function 1 Activlties & Type of Environment Desired rlinction 1 Activities: Appravalrejsct legislation and budget. Host puhlic meetings/hearfngs. Represen; the citizens. 7voe oi Environment Deslred: Professional, opBn, (orsvard thinkina, cavic, sustainable. D gpartment VVo~; S~g1 (s.g. 90°,0 ooflaborativa with 10% need for privacy 6o camplete tasks): A4fls't1y oolleborative in Council Chambsrs and Perfection spaces. Locate near: 1Aain Lobby (should be on ground floor) Locate away from: Council offices away from noise in nain lobby. _ J Current Oeeupancy (Totaq: SEaff 7 Publici lrsilor, 1- i00 Future Occupancy (Total): SiaY 7 Publid Visitors 1-100 Vdorkstations & Offices Worksiation/OftirP requirements OpeNFl=-x spaca E+rea Private Office aea Shelvirg Filing Positfon name: Area siza (sF) Qtv Room size (SF) Qiy (linear ft) (linear fl) Council Member Workstation 8'x8' 64 5 FJ,ayor ti 2'x i 8' 216 1 ~ Deputy M2ynr 10'xl5' 150 'i SuAport Spaces , ProducEionfEdieing Roam 8'X8' 84 1 ' at rear of chamber U,ith windovf I Nedia lnfsn+iew Area S w/ gireen scrsen N ba- ckdrop . Council Restroorns 5'x7' 35 2 ~ adl to Council Conference Room Workstation Prnwer, Tslco & Data Needs: All offices io have powar, telephone and intemet aao-ess. Power to have surge p;otection. ; 40 Ciy of Spolcane Valley Ciry Hall Progtam rVoy 13, 2008 ~ Conference Room Requirements Open/Sh.ared Area Privaie Area SheNing Size (sd, QN Sizel(Seatirua) (s: ) oN ilinear fll, Cauncil Chamber (100) 2$00 1 i Gfluncil Conference Room 92'X20' (24) 240 ~ 1 ~I 12 at ihe tab!e ' A4ismllaneous requuemsnts7 Councl Chamber seating to be movable. Provide space for Rrass coverage of meetings. Dias to have seating for 11 (7 council, 1 clerk, 1 IT, Giiy Manager, City,4tiomey). AN requirements? Chamber to have projection screen, proper iightin4 and aoous5cs for televEsion! radio broadcast, cabls tv and intemo# ac*.:ess; box near dias io oonvert digftsl images to broadcast strearn; video oonierencing capability; voter board to view oouncil vates. Conference room to havs conferenx call, cabte tv, intern°t access, projection screen, built-in oounter wi,fi sink, vfiite boarci, adjustable lighting, and daylight contro7. Department SEorage (Non-fi]ingfsheMng): Square t=ootaga: SF Details of Storage It.ems/Needs: Special Equipment (e.g. microfichs vievrer, tiatbed scannsr): AN eonsultant fo assist w+th design oi councif chamber. Large eopier in eommon work centar. Personal Safeey 8 Visual Access Needs: Counc9l chamber to be visible from lob5y. Department Pawer, Telco, Data & AN Needs: Common Areas: Daylight Access & Ventiiation Needs: h4ainlein visibilfty between bbby and chamber tdoWndrnws behind Colinci1 Chamber dias ConErollable daylight and ventlation in Chamber and ofice sljits Perfo-mancs G7teria for infierior inishes (e.g. carpet, static dissipstnrz flooring, acoustical ceiling): Ceiiing: Ayoustically appropriais for Cdtiamber. Acoustical in afF'iars. Walls: Acous#ically appropriats for Ghamber. No special neecis in ofices. Flooring: Carpet Miscellaneous Needs & Preferences: Meet %ith City of Spokane ragarding Iessons leamed durieug recznt Chamber remodel. l . _ 41 City of 5pokane 'Jalley City Hall Program - May i 3, 2008 Total Square Faotage:i 1,144 ISF -1 Space Function / Actfvities & Type uf Environment Desired j Func#ian ! Acflvitiss; Ci;y der4c prepares meeting agendas, minutes and maintain;ldistribufes public reconds. Tvfle of Environmenf Desired: Proi'essional, open, Eorward Uhinking, civic, sus'.aina5le. De a ffpent Work SMe (e.g, 3D`b collaborati,ra with 50°k nsedfor privacy to complate fasks): h4ostiy pmpaie in offices. Locata near: A4ain Lobby (shoutd be on grnund loor). Locate away from: ; Ex=cutive amcQs av, ay fi-om noise in rnain Iobby. " Current Otcupancy (Total): Staff 7 PubliJ VEsiiors 1-4 Future Occupancy (Totaf): Stafi 7 Publicl Visi?ors 1-4 Workstations & Offices Workstationl0fnce requiramsnts Open/Flex space Area Privaie Offlce 4raa SheNing Ffling Posi►.ion name: Araa sjze (SF) Ory Room srze fsF) t141y Oinear fl) (linsar n) Ciiy A4anager 15'x15' 225 1 City Ckerk 10'x15' 150 1 Staff Wori:stations 3'x8' 64 5 ~ b VJorkstation Paw2r, Telco & Data 14eeds: All ofrps to have po+ver, telephone and internet aoc>--ss. Rower io h2ve surge protection. Mryor's ofice Fo have space for Ioveseat, 42" diamater table wiEh 4 chairs, and 3' bookshelves. Citly manager to havre space for 36" table, 4 chairs, and booksheNes. 42 Ciry oi Spalcane Vall2y Clry Hall Program May i 3, 2008 Other Room Requirements Open/Sharad ,area Priuate Area Shelving ' - Size (SF)I Qy ( Size1(Seatinq} (SF) Qty (linear IM Public Reconds Storge Room , 10' x 12' 120 1 Public Records Vie+ning Room ~ i0'xi4' (4) 100 1 9 Miscellaneous requirements? AN requirenents? DepaRment Storage (Non-fifinglshelvirw): SQuare Faotage: SF Delails of Storage Iiems[Nseds: Public RecorcJs storage room to be fire ratsd Coat storege clasef or pbinet Special Equipment (e.g. microfiche viewer, 8atbed scanner): Large copier in common tivork center. Peesonal Ssfety & Vsual licoess Neesls: `~...J Department Power, Tefco, Data & A!V Ngeds: Common Areas: GouncilExeculive ofncs suite to have urork center with upper and lower cabinets and laraa copier. Can be in a separa6e v.bdcroom. Vsitor seating for 4 people and coiiee table at entry to suite. Daylight Ar..cess & Ventflation Ne9ds: Controllable daylight and ventitasion in office sufte. Performance criteria for interior flnishes (e.g. carpet, static dissipalit~e fiooring, acoustical ceiling): Ceiling: Acoarsticat in ofcices. Walls: No saecial neads in offibas. Flooring: CarpsL A4isceIlaneous Needs & Prefe;ences: f! ~ 43 Ciiy of Spal2ne Valley City Hall Program ti'iay 13, 2003 ■ 1,675 ;';SF Space Funttion / Activities & Type of Environment Desired ~ Function f Ar-tivities: Dratt legisladon and defend City against claims. Primary client is Ciry Staifi. Legal worl:s v,ith Human Resources some. Lega1 does not intertac9 much wiih Finance or Par#:s. Twe of Environment Desirad: Profassional, similar to a small Ia,v firm. Legal needs its rnnm suite, separate irom other departments. Susiainable Qeoartmen! Work Stvie (e.g. 90% collabora4ive %hth 10% nsed for privacy to complets tasks) Mostly paivaie. Acoustical and vfsual privacy needed between officss. Balance %hrith desire for daylighE in all of~ices. Lotate near: City Manager, if pcssible. Legal wor'res mosF oftp-n u-i4h Pu51ic Wor4cs and Community Devel4pment. (can be on upper level.) Locate away from: Lobby and Seneral aubiic. Current Occupancy (Total): Staffi 5 1-6 Future Occupancy (Total): Staff 10 1-6 Worlcstations & OKices VJorkstatlonfOtfice requii-ements OpenlFlex spaCe Area Private Office nrea Shelving riling Posiuon nama: Area s9ze (sP)I oty Room size w (sF) (titvaar ft1 (linear fl) CIty AttORtBy 12'X 1$' S 3' 216 ~ DepuryCityAttarney ~ 10'xi5' 15 150 Staffi Workstations 8'x8' 64 3 Reception (w! Countar) , 8'x8' 64 1 I Support Spaces ' Records Room 8'x1 ti' 88 1 ~ ~ Wostcstabon Powor, TBIoo & Data Needs: All offices io have paw2r, tetephone, data, and internEt access. Fotivar io fnave slirge proEection. 44 City of Spo};ane Valley City Nall Program, May 13,2008 Conference Room Requ(rements OpenlShared Private nrea Shelving ~ Size Qty Si7e/(Seat7ng) w (S: ) plnear ft) Legal Conference Room 10'x18' (10) 18 160 6' Miscellaneous raquiremerts? Gredenza, white board, adjusEahle Iighting, daytight control, bookshelves for legal library. AN raquiremenU? Conference call, cable tv, intemet aocess, projection scrzen. Departmeni Storage (Non-fifiNlshelving): Square Footage: SF Details of Storage ItemsfNseds: Legal Ubrary in Conferencs room (6' length of tvall required for shelves). Swire Records Room - appraximately 6'x15' with 6 Iateral file cabinrEs. File cabinets cou{d ba- in Sufte if lockabla. File cabinets to be away from public access to sui~e. Speaal Equlpment (e.g. microfiche v'rewer, flathsd scanner): Small high oounferJtable adjaop-n# tfl raoords file cabinets for reviewing files, Full size copierlprinter/fax. Under oounter refigerat9r. Personal Safety 8 Visual Access Naeds: _ Cr~~ SUfte and pm~atta oifices to fock. fj Lggal receptionist and conference raom to be near entrance to suiRe. Conference room to bv glass for good visibifity. ?rivate offices to bs screened from public view. Department Pa%var, Te1co, Data & A1'V Nesds: Daylight Access & Ven4lation Nseds: Controllable day4ignE and ventilatien desfred in all offices. Consider vlews from 5uilding Eo s~lrroundings. Performanre criteria for interior frnishes (e.g. r,arpet, static dissipaWe flooring, aaoustical ceiling): Ceiling: Acoustical Walls: No speci?I needs Flooring: Garpet Misceltaneous Neflds & Preferences: Provide 2 chairs anti side tabfe for vnsitors ai entry to suite. (D 45 Ciy of SpoY,an2 valley Ciry Hall Program A4ay 13, 2003 rr'INANCE ~ 1,895 ! SF ~ Space Function ! Actfvities & Tyoe of Environment Desired Function / AcNvNies: Procsss payroll, accounts payablelreceivabte, budget, purchasina, cash receip4s irom Departmenu. Information Ti echnology cvrrently in Finance DeparUneni. Gould be a fuMUre indepsndent departmen?. Finance atso hosts outside auditors. Visftflrs consist of staff from other departments. Majoriry ol invoices proA„esseed by Finance are generated by Parks and Public Works. Tuoe of Environment Desired: Secure, quiet, no pvblic interattion. PAainfain sennce orientation to visiang staff. Informe'tion Tachnoiogy needs its awn serure suite. DeQartrnent lNork Stvla. (e.g. 94% collabora5ve with 10°fa need for privacy fo cotnpiete tasks) Private, independent, minimal coliabartion. Locate near: Human Resources (can be on an upper ieval). Ci?y ManageNDeputy Cit), I✓anagsr's of fices 3s possible (Finance Oirecior int?racLs frsqvently). IT servsr room: A4aintain cantral la:ztion in buibding, 328 foot limit on copppr wire, lowte near IT suita. Locate away frorn: ; Lobby and Pernit Cenier Current Occupancy (Total): StafF SO Publicl \fisitors 0 Future Occupancy (Totaq: Stall 14 PubliG Visitors 0 Workstations 8 Offices lNorkstationlOfficp- reaufrements OaenlFlex space nrea Private Office aea Shelving Filing Posi`ibn name: .4rea sizs (SF) Qty Room stze (sr) Qty (linear fl) (tinear ft) Ftnance Diractor 12'x18' 216 1 Staff Workstatiflns 6'x10' BO 13 Workstaiion Pawer, Telco & Data Needs: All ofiices to hava power, tslephone, da1p-, and iniernet access. Power to have surge proiection. 46 Ciy of Spakane Vzlley Cfty Hall ?rogram May 13, 2003 Conference Room Requlrements OpenlShared tirea Private Area SheJving J (S7 oty Size!(Se.aUng) (SF) QtY (li7zarft) Finance Conference Room 10'x10' (4) i00 1 i AUditor Conferenca Room 10'x16w! large tabl9 160 1 A4isceUaneous reqvirements? Crsdenza, v:hiteboard, adjustable IighUng, daylight oontroL Locas.e oonference room near entry 1o suite. AN requirements? Gonierence call, cable tv, intemet aocess, projection scresn, Department Storage (Non-filinglsheiving): Square Foolage: SF Detatls of Storage IfemsfNseds: Ofrice supplies and equipmenL bufk paper goods. Provide caonvenian; elevator access and raar loading accsss doors for pallsts of materials. Finatuo Storaoe onFy: Financs siaff rnanages 1,540 sf warehouss Item S,za (u!dftb) Oty for o7ice equipment waifing to be Sold. 4-draKtr Lateral Fiing C.abineis 42• 7 Financ3 ilp storage (spedfy amounf). 2-drav.tr under desk 6ting 35' 4 Payroll flla cabfnat (secure). 4-draftr Fiiiing Cabinets 1 S• 2 Lockable storage for City cradit cards end sEOre cards 6'tali storege cabtnats M. 2 Spscial Equipment (e.g. microfic3ie viswar, Hatbed srznner): Deposit box for cash drop off when department is clased, Saie ior storage of cash and blank cviecks. Consider combining wiui City Clerk's Pu51ic Recorcfs storage nseds. Large copier/printe, and smaDer desktop printrr. Personal Safeiy & Visual Access Needs: IT would like building set up for futuro card key acr,ess. Sea.rrity cat-neras for IT and Fin3nce svitss. IT server room to be secure and separate from IT suite. Teksoom to be combined Aith servzr room. Department Pawer, Teico, Data & AN NesrJs: IT desiras diesel gensra4or for compuler backup. IT to discuss level oi backup necessary with City Manager. Phone system to be VIOP wlth category 6 c3bles. IT reqljests no cords or plugs on floor of sewar room. Dayiighi Access & \rantiiation N-aeds: Separate NVAC for Seiver room only. controlla5le daylight arud ventilation desired in all offices. Feriorrnance criteria for intpri4r finishes (e.g. carpef, static dissipative flooring, acoustical c,eiling): Ceiling: Aooustical, no ceiling in fT Servet Room. Walls: No speciaf n-aeds. Fboring: Carpet fn officn spaces, sealed concrete in IT servar room. 1Jisasl]an,ous Nesds & Preferences: Provide tivhiteboards in Finance and IT suiles. Provide whiteboard in Finenw Directors offtce. IT would like trail¢r F►eight laading dack to aocommodate delivery truc3;s irom UPS and oFice equipment suppliers. IT needs DMARC closets ior eacah floor to aocommodafa IT tivirina. IT needs large urork araa for sett3ng up and repair of offeop equipment. 47 Ciry ot Spokorle Vallry City Hall Program A4ay 13, 2008 t-r"PERATIO • i otal Square Footage:l 2,458 I SF Space Function J Activities 8 Tyoe of Environment Desired Function 1 Aotivities: Process mail, gree4 vRSiiors (by pho1e and in person), certml reeeotion/waifing a-ea. Sell business and pet licerues, handke G=..sh. Separate out public records raquests. Nandls complaint forms and job applicaGions. Greeters diract job applicants to website for h9rin,g status upda4ss. Human Resources handles inten7e►vs, stcY compensation, bznefi+.s and oiher enploym ent ralated usues. Public Itiforma:ion Offirzr is the vaice of the city, infarms E.ne pubiic of the citys activitiss, positions and decisions. DepuEy City h4anager directs staff in thts department_ N~ail processing io be done without leavitig central recegtion oounter/war}:space T+roe of Environment Desired: Friendly anrl tvelooming. Consider acoustics at greeter's desk. Need to be able to hear callar,. HR and PIO need private spatzs. Deaactment tNocic SMe (e.g. 90°,b coIlaborativa with 10% need ior privacy to compl9ta tasks): Greeters and analysls wotfc in Gose collaboraJon. PIO works indapendently. HR intereacss with all cary staft at some level. Siafr work A-reas nsed privacy. Locate near. Recepiion 4o ba highly visible from Lobby. Staff mailboxes fo ba in c4ose proximity to racsption. HR to be near tobby for nliing ou~ job applicauons. HR to use opsladmin eonferenca room for jo5 intenbews. (Ground floor toVation iikely). Locate away from: StaN wor#: are3s to b-a bcated away fcom noisy areas. Current Octupancy (Toiaf): Staffi 9 Pvbfic! VisiEors 1-10 Future Occupancy (Total): Stafi 18 Publicl V'rilors 1-10 Workstatfons & Offices Worksfation/Office reqUirements Open/Flex space Area Pritiate Offica Arsa Shelving Fiiing Position name: Area size (SF) Qty Roorn stze (Sr) Qry (linaar R) (linaar ft) Deputy City h4anager ~ i2"x18' 216' i Central Receptionist 8'x10' 80 1 Ofice Assistant 8'x50' 80 1 Public Informa#ion Offifizr B'x i0' 80 i Senior Adminisiratlve Analyst 8'00' ' 80 1 OpslAdmin Staff worksiations 8'x10' 80 ~ 8 Building tJechani;s VJork Arsa 72"x15' 180 1 (2 people) Human Resouices hdanager 10'x15' I 150 1 HR Staff %,wrkslations 3'x10' 80 3 I VJorkstation Power, Teloo & Data Needs: All ofiices to have pawer, falephone, dafa, and intemet access. Potiwer ta have swrge proiection. 48 City of Spokene I+alley City Hall Program Noy 13,2008 Gonference Room Requirements OpentShared arsa Private Area Shc-h4ng SizJ(Seatirv.a) (SF) Qty S9zel(Seatinq) (Sr") t2rY Oinsar ftl ReoeptioNConference/lNfaiting N, t0'x12' (6) 120 t Dept. Conference Room , i0'xS0' (4) 100 1 i; Miscellaneous rsquiremenis? Locats boih near Recsptionist area. AN requirements? WaiFing araa to hava intemst accp-ss and 'alephone tor lor..al calls. Conferenw ca11, cable N, internet access, and proj-action scresn. Department Storage (Non-filinglshehnng): Square Footage: SF Deiaiis of Storage IfemslNeeds: Ciey records archive stored off site. (Nead specific space criteriq, number of cabinQts, etc.) IncominglOutgo9ng delivery shelves, (spes,ify # and siz--) Building deaning suppliesrjaniEorial Special Equipment (e.g. microficha viewar, flatbgd scanner): Posiag9 machin9 Roam for big wall maps computer kios4; Printerlfax oombo Parsonal SafeFy & V'tsual Aocess Needs: Cle.ar sig5t lines from lobby lo rsception required. Department Povfer, Tslce, Data & AN Nseds: Cemputer terminal required fo access information on busineas licenses. Computer kiosk near raception counter ta seai-ch Cily's wsbsite and obtain infarmation a5out the city. aaylight Accass & Ven-lilaifan Neeas: Controllable daylighE and ven4ilation desirsd in aU offls..s. Performance cri4eria for intsrior finishes (e.g. carpet, sEetic dissipa?iva fiooring, aoousiical ceiling): Cefling: Aooustical? Walls: No spscial nseais, fack baard or display case_ Flooring: Carpet in ofSce araas. A4iscellaneflus Needs & Preferances: Need separate area for public infolelecf.ronic kiosk, city stafi busin-ass rards and brochures. Need st9rage room for building maintenance supplies. 49 Ctry of Spokane Valley City Hall Program A4ay 13, 2003 1 T otal Square Footage: I 1,213 SF,--- Space Function ! Activities 8 7ype of Environment Desired ~ Funation / Acxivities: Intake, revlew and approve land use applic2tions and building permits Intake acea to bc separate from Building's_ Design and r.oordinate with outside oonsultants regarding City planning projec;s in the Permit Center. Store snd i-etrieve pubiic records. Fornrard to Ciiy Clerlc for,6riewing by public. Maintsin cenVal address file. Separate file mainiained for every address in City. Tvos of Ertvirunment Desired: Profe>sian3l, quiet, peaceful in stafi%wrk area. Friendly, service orienied in land use intake areal permit centet. Sust3inable. Qgnartment Work SMe (e.g. 90°fi coll-aboraUve vrith 10ib need for privaCy 4o complete tesks): MosUy private, independent CoElaboration 3nd aonference calls fake plac9 in a.nclosed conferenCe rooms. Loaate near. BvilcFing and Planning Divisions Lobby (can be on second level) CenVal address files Development Inspector near Building Inspector Locate away from: - Noisy areas, nesd acousticalAresual sAparation of staf( work aroas fran intake arealpcrmit center. ~ Currcnt Occupancy (Totaf): Staff 27 PublicJ Visitrns 1-8 Future Occupancy (Total): Slaff 27 Publicl Visitors 1-6 Workstations & Offiees Workstatiocil0ff►ce requiremenLg bpenlFlcx space nreal Pritiets Oft'ice arc,a Shelving Filing Position name: Area size l W(SF) Qty Room siae (SF) Qtv (linear ft) (linear ft) Senior Engineer ' ! 10'05' 150 1 5taff tNorksta6ons 8'x10' 8 90 BO 8 ' 1 shared %0th Public Works ~ Ofrice Equipmenl Nesds: Prir•ate ofrices to have desk with sidebar and rear credeeiza, 3' caonferencs tabie with 4 chairs, boolcshetves. Woticstations: File cabinsL shelving, good task liphtinq Workstation Power, Telco & Qefa Needs: F111 okfices to have power, Ep-lephone, data, and in4emet access. Fower Eo h3ve surge protection. 50 Clty of Sookane 1+alley City Hall Program 1J,ay 13,2003 Conference Room Requirements OpenlShared Area Ptivate Area Shalving Size L w(Sr') Qty Sizel(Saati'o) iSF} Qty (linear ft) i aam Meeting Room 10'x1 B' (10) 1 BO 1 Locate n=zr publlc arsa to prevent traffic in s1aff area Mismllansous requiremenEs? Credenza, Whiteboarcl, adjustable lighting, daylighF control AlV requiremenis? Canferenca call, caEsla tv, inEemei access, projecdon scraen DspaRment Storage (Non-fling/shelving): Square Footage: SF Details oi Siorage IternslNesds: Phiblic Records files (define lineal feet of shelving). Flat fles (define size and qtjsniity). 7hree (3) bookczses for technical & reiersnce documents File cabinets (de ine rype, sizs and number ot each I:ind) Curr2nt P9annilg files area is 11'x16', wi,h an additian of i 1'x53'. Devebopmen! Enginesring 61es are in (4) 7'x9'-6" clessfs, ►vith (111) 18" wide x 25-114° deep fike cabinets per doset. with current tiles in D.E. area in (6) 18°w x 26°desp x 4 draw°f C2tiJl(1°is. D.E. frles can be remote in basemant. Special Equiprnent (e.g. microflche viewer, Ra'tbed scanner): Large moniior for GIS worlcstation (speciEy size). (2) Large tormat copier(scanners, (1)11x17 copier, (5) trimmer, (1) laminating machine (pravids sizas). Personal Safe#y & Visual Access Needs: ~ Staifiwork areas to be out of view of public lobbiestv~~itin~ ar~as. Public to be visibls to Offim Assistant upon entaristg siaff v,ork area. Intake area to be visible from mafn lobby. Stafi mrk araa to be secure after ragular wark hours. Department Power, Te1co, Data & AN Naeos: Common Areas: Wor};roorn for supplies, oofiee, tefrugerator (speciy approximate size). Waiiing area with ssating for four in staif work area. Cayiight Access & \'entilatlon Nesds: Controltable daylight ar►d ventilsteon oesired in aU offices. Avaid dayiight on public rzcorcfs and map starage areas. Performance criteria for inferior finishes (e.g. carpet, static dissipative floo(ng, acoustical co-miling): Ceiling: AoousticaUsound absorbing in siaff wor{c areas. Walls: No special naeds. Flooring: Carpet in s~aff Urork areas. Miscellaneaus Needs & Prefsrences: Department 'to shara laroe layout table with Building Department (see Building). Current size oi W,- ical cubicle is 8'X10'. Provide central location for (6) 36"x48' plat maps. Wall io hang reference maps 51 City ofSpoN.an° Valley City Hall Program A4ay 13, 2008 --OMMUNITY D Total Square Footage:1 2,103 !,SF ~Space Function ! Activities & Type of Environment Desired FuncSon 1 Activities; Intake, review and approve land use applications and building permits. Intalce ares to be separa4e from Buiiding's. Design and c.oordinate with outsids onnsultants regarciing City planning projects in the Permii Center. Store and retrieve public reowds. Forward 4o City Clerk for viewing by pubHc. Ivtain;ain central adtiress file. Separats file maintained for every address in City. Tvne of Environrnent Desired: Professional, quiet, peaceful in staff work area. Friendly, service ocientc3d in land use intake areaJ permit centsr. Sustainable. DeQartmen4lNork Siv{e: Mostly pRVais, independeni. Coliaboration and con'i'erance calls take ptaoe in enclossd ooniersnce rooms. 60% oollaborative wM 40°o neeti for privacy to completz tasks Locate near: Building Division + Development Engineering Lobby (can be on second level) Centraf addrass flles Locate away from: Noisy araas, need acousticaUvisual seRarabon of stafi work areas from intake arealpermit csnter. Current Occupancy (Total): Staff 27 Public! Visitors 1-8 Future Occupancy (Total): Staff 27 Public! Visitws 1-8 Workstations & Offlces WorkstaSon/Office requirsmenis Oper►IFIex space a Private Olfice area Shelving Filing Position name: Area size {SF) Qty Roam size (SF) Qry (linaar R} (linear R) Community Development Director 12'x18' 216 1 Planning Manager 10'x15 150 1 Senior Planner , 8'x10' 80 2 i Staff 1Norkstations 81x10' BO 111 (1 shared with Public Works) GIS worksla6on 8'x12' 96 1 Office Equipment Needs: Private ofices to have desk with sidebar and rear credenza, 3' conference iable with 4 chairs, bookshelves. Workstations: File cabinst, shelving, good task Ifghbng Worlcsta5on Power, Ti elco & Data Needs: All offices to have power, telephone, data, and intsmeQ avicess. Powar to have surge proEection. - I 52 Ciry of Spokane Valley C1ty NaN Program Ahay 113, 20D8 Conference Room Requirements OpsnlShared nrea Private a-ea Shelving ~ Size (SF) 4tY Size!(SeaSnq) (SF) Qty {iinear ii} Team Meetirg Roam 90'08' (10) 180 i -locate near public area to prevent H traic in staff area Miscellaneous requinments? Credenza, v.hdsboard, adjvstable I'ghting, dayiight oontrol 0p9rabla wall adjacent to staff area to acoommodo€e grouith AN requiremsnts? Conisrence call, cable tv, intemef aatrss, projection screen Qepartment Stor-age (tJon-filingfshalv'tng): Square Footage: SF Details ot Storage ItemslNsecfs: Pubfic Records tiles (decine line.al faet of shelving). Ftat filas (define size and quantity). File cabinets (dz-fine type, size and rnimber oi each kiZd) Gurrent planning files area is 91'x56' and Devetopment Er►gineering flles ate in (4) Ta9'-6° closets, with (51) 18" wide X 25-1114" deep file cabinets per closet_ D.E. fikes cab be remote in new buflding. Special Equipment (a.g. microfsche vie`ver, flatbed scanner): l..args monilor for GIS wortcstation (specify size). Large format pcinters, copier, trimmer, larninating machirte (provide sizes). Personal Saftity & Visual Access Neecls: St4Y work areas te be out o~ vietv o6 pu51ic IobbieSA.~aiti,ryg ar9as. Public to be visible to O~fiice Assis?ani upan entsring slaf, wor4c area. Intake am2 io bs visibla from main lobby. Staff work area to be secure after ragutar %vork hours. Dapartment Power, Tefoo, Oata & AN Needs: Common Areas: 1Nor}:room for supplies, coffee, refeioerator (speciiy appreximate size). Waiting arsa with seating for four in staff work area. Dayfight Access & Ventilation Needs: Controllabin d2fight and ventflatfen dssited in ali orfixs. Avo9d daylight on pubiic records and rnap storage areas. Performance aiterra for intenor finEshes (e.g. carpnt, static dissipative 9oo(ng, aaoustical ceiling): Ceiling: AoousticaUsound absorbing in staff warl: areas. Walls: No spsciai nerds. Flooring: CarEset in staff war); areas. Miscellaneous Needs & PrefPrences: Depsclment to share Iaroe layovt table with Building Depariment (se-A Building). Copier io be close to Pl3nners and Adtninistra[ive Assistant Oeanna Griffitfi. Current s+zY of ?ypical cubicla is 6'X10'. Provide central locztion for (6) 36"x48" plal maps. ; . J 53 Uy of SpoYane VaIley ❑ry Hall Program May13, 2048 • DEVELOPMENT: BUILDING Total Square Footage::~ 3,163 'SF Space Function 1 Activities & 7vRe of Environment Desired Funcxion / Activities: 4 F~lnctions: Permit Cenfer, Plan Review, Campliance and inspection. Permit Center provicies informotion, receives permit application ooinrertions and wmplaints, prncess°s payments and issues permits. Ptan Review chscks permk appliptions for code compliano-a and issuss corection notices. Campliance fQlbws vp on code viokalons. Inspec/ian RevisUrs buildings and cons.ruc#ion io confirm cocnplianes wiEh building codes and approved persnit dor.uments. Tvos of Envimnment Desired: Permii Center. Friendly and weicoming, but profeasional. Space Ea be reEaxing and facilitai9 openlpartnering refa'tionship with customers. Transparency oi operations is important. Staff VJork Areas: Quiet and professiolal to promole con;,entraflion. Sustainabke in boih Deoartment Work SMe (e.g. SO°n oollaborative with 10°,o nved for privacy to tiomplete +asks): Pe-mit Gsnter to be vary ooElaboratne spacs. Siaeff v,vrk araa 30% collaborative, 60% priva9e, ib°r6 siorage. Locate near: Pe-mit Center to be ciearly vi,ible fro;n ?ublic Lobby (can be on 2nd level). Permit Cen!er and Plan RQview to be clase, but acousft-ally separate. Cashier to be nsxF to Permi# Specialist counters, Inspscters to be naar Compsiance. Pianning Division T Deva{opment Engin=e7ng Locatc away from: Acoustically separat? Perrnit Center from St.afs wor}: areas. / Coda complianca staff can be independeni from othef Bui{ding Departmant staff except Inspec+or. ` Separate stafi work ateas from copiers Current Occupancy (Total): S4af1 15 Publicl Visiiars 20? Future Occupancy (Total): Staff 20 Publicl Visitors 30? Workstations & Offices lNorkstationlOriice raquiremenu OpeNFlex sp,ace Area Pifvate Officz 4rea Shslving Fi[ing Position name: A;ea size (Sr) Qty Room size (SF) Qry (finear ft) (linear ft) Permit C :nter 917 i °eirniE Specialisi - 6uilding 76' Covn#er 18 2 Office AssistanElCashier 3'x6' Cavnter ~ 18 1 , Permit Speciaf'tst - Planning 3'x6' Counier i B 2 Staffi Work Area: Building OfficEal 10'x55' 150 i SeniorPlansExaminsr 10'x15' 150 1 Permit Specialis# Workstations 8'x8' 64 4 Plan Rsvie,v Workstaiions 8'x10' 80 1 ' Office As;islant 8'x10' 80 i Compliance Wor};sia5ons 8'x10' 80 3 Inspector lNorkstations 8'x10' 80 7 I Common 7ables W/ SEOrags 7'x6' ~ 42 ~ 2 VJork-station Potvar, TeIco & Doia Needs: All offices to tiave power, telephone, data, and intemet acc$ss. Prnwer to have surge protectian. VJorksiations: File cabinet, shelving, good task lghting ~ 54 Ciry of Spokane Vallty Ciry F:all Program A4ay 13, 2t3ae Conference Room Requirements Open/Shared r.rea Private ncea Shelving Size (S=) QiV S¢el(Seotinq) (Sr) Qty {linea- ft) Large Public Conierence ii 20`x30' (20) ' 600 1 wf glass wal1s fn Permit Ctr Lobby Small Public Conf=rence , i0k18' (110) ~160 1 w/ glass Uafis near Perm, it Cfr lobby Team Conterence - Stsfr onfV 1 u 11 0'x15' (6) 1150 1 h4iscellansaus reqljifements? Credenza: whiiebaarrf, adjusiable lighting, deylight control, Codeboo4: Ifbrary in Team meeting raom. An! requirements? Ccmzerznce call, cable N, intemet access, projection scraen, video aonferancing in targe oonference roorn. Depar`tment S'orage (Non-filinglshelving): Square Foofage: Sr DetafEs of S[orage ItemslNesds: Permit Center. Permit Submittal Shelving Display space for inforrnation, businass cards and self help (specify =4 of lineal feet). Coat storaae for visito;s (specify # and whether on hooks or in a cabinet). Address coat ant9 boot storags for staffi eisi►er in cubides or in taomrnon focker rooms. IJio+rabis iles (specify # and size). Spscial Equipment (e.g. microfich$ viewer, flatbed scanner): Copier, fax machine: locate class to Permit Center Covntar. Cesh box. Di,play boards in lobby to aninownca postings Printer, address Iabel maksrs for Compliance ScannerlLarge plotter ~ Personal Saiety & Vsual Access Nesds: Need oomplsie visual access of conierence nooms irom Parmi't GPnter Lobby. Staff work areas should not be visible from Permft Cenisr Lobby. Provids panic atarms aE counters in Permit Csnter Lobby, aGarms to activate strobes in supervisors offices. Atarms to dial law enioresment ei night. Departneni Pawsr, felco, Data & AN Naeds: Common Areas: Provitie table and chairs in Permit Cenier Lobby for bri=f msetings. Provide addi#ional seayng for those waiting in Permit C.enter Lobby (specify seating capacity). Protinde internsE access in Permit Center L9!:iby ProVide separa9e stafi entrance taith mud roQm and lockers for inspectors. Daylight Access & Ventitation Nseds: COntrollable dayiight and venEilation desiced in ail oYc..s. Ferformanae cri4aria for inierior flnishes (e.g. carpet, static dissipative flooring, aooustical Ceiling): Ceiling: Ar..oustical in staH work areas 1Nafl.s: No spec'tal needs, Bull nase com?r noted by Nik Bentley. F6ooring: carpet in s+aff work areas. F{erd surfaee fiooring in inspactor, v.rork area and Permit Center Lobby. Misc;Pl3aneous Needs & Freferences: Permit Specialists cannot take monay. Payments musi be made to cashier. . Mary Kate to ianward design toam photos of Federal Way Permit Center. Permit Specialists Fo assisf customers at sealed lovr counters, not standing hpight, g,-ertlng aounter cp-n be higher. Vehide key toc;box. Basketball hoop in parking 1oi for staff. Typical Plan Review Cubicls: Layavf space large enough for 2 sets of plans (30' deep counteis for plan layout) Room for code books, questions, phone, phone log, oonputer, and ad}acent storage space for review5 in progress. S'orage shou4d clearly define status of review so others can re3dily oonflrm status for customer. _ 55 C►ry of Spokane Valley Ciy Hall Progrm Mzy 13, 2033 O- 5,720 I SF , Space Function 1 Activities & Type of Environment Desired , Function ! Activities; Design, aoordinate and managa capital projects wiih in-house stafi, outsi6e consultants and other jurisdictions. Host open houses Eo o5tain pubfic input on projects. 3-lost bid openings, preconstpictiah msetirvgs and consultant jurisdiction neetings. Streets stsK condUCts siie vtsits and p°rforms viork in the flebcl. Senior Traific Engineer works closely wiitti Communiry Dsvelopment. Tvoe of Environmant De- + rtd: Professional, qutst, simitar to an angineerirug firrn for in4emal team. SustairtiaWe A4ud roomlchanging area for streets field staff (sse oommon arsas bebw). D=Dartment Work StAe (e.g. 90°/a oollaborative uith 10% nsed for privacy to compiets tasks): Mostly private, minimal public interaction in staff wark area. Collaboration SviEh cansuttan's, staH ar►d other 3ganciss limited to conference rooms. Locate near: Finance and Lsgal departments (can be on upper leval). Locate away from: Fermii Centee, ldlain Lobby, noisy araas. Current Occupancy (Totaq: Staff 22 Publirl Visitor 1 -40 Future Occupancy (Total): Staff 33 Publid \rrsiiors 0 Workstations & Offices VJorksia-ionlOfflce raquirements OpenlFlex spacp- a,roa Privaie Office tuw Shelving riling Positbon name: Area sizz (SF) Qty Room size (SF) Qtv (Ilnpar ft) (linear ft) Public Works Diractflr 12'x18' 216 5 Senior Engineer - Capital t'rojects i ~ 10'x15' 150 i Staff WorkstatEons 8'x10' 80 14 SeniorEngineer - Traffic 10'x15' 150 S I r'uWicWor1;sSuperiniendent , 10'x151 150 i Flex b'Jor#;siation - Traffc B'x10' 80 1 StafiWorkstaUons 8'xti0' 80 S S4omwater Enaineer 10`x15' 150 S ~ Staff Worcsiations B'x10' 80 18 Infam BuIIpeNPod to seet 4 16'x20' 320 1 V Worksia5on Power, Telco & Data Nseds: All offices to have prnwer, telephone, data, and intemet acx-ass. Powar supply to have surge pnoteciion. Public Works Direc6or tfl hav9 space for drafting 4abie and bookshelvas. 56 Ciry of Saokane Valley City Hall Program A4ay i 3, 20+33 , Conference Room Requirements OaenlSharmat area Privats arca Shelving / 5izs (SF) QiV SizQi(Seating) (SF) Qty (lineat fl) Large Shared Conference Room 2Q'x36' (40) 600 i in Permit Center Informal Conference Area 10'x12' 120 1 A4iscellaneaus requiraments? Credenza, wfiifahoard, adjustable lighting, daylight control, display raits on walis of large conferena-m room. AN requiremenis? Conference call, cable tv, internei ac.cess, proJection screen, large flat saewn display, smartba3rt? Depar#msnt Sdorage (Non-filinglshslving) Square Footage: SF Datails of Siorage IEemslNeeds: Librarylfil-3 room Wth hanging files for plans and shelving for manuals and submittals. A4ay need storage space for street and utiliry maps (County curnntty storing these). Public tibr#;s to provbde addiiional specifM input on storage needs. Spa-cial Equipment (e.g. microfiche vift~er, flatbed scanner): Copier, irimmer, plotter (provids sizes). lNould lika larga format scanner (speciiy size). Larg° fl-at panel display shrnwing traffic in reaI time. Persortial Safaiy & Visual Access Nesds: Locate (2) adrnmisto-ativa staff worksEations near entrancx Eo suit-3. Suiie 9o be visibfe from eievator Iqbby. Suile io 5e seaire after regufar worlc hours. Departrnent Power, Telco, Data & AN Needs: Common Areas: • Display area regarding stoTnwater ceuse in lobby. Display area regarding current Public tiAlorks projecEs Mud Room: Space to h?ve direct accsss to staff parking. Used by Sfreets field staff and buiiding inspPctors. Provide minimum of (6) lockers for Public VJor1;s stafi, mud sink, sp.ace for hard haL, end raincoats. Bicycie Storage: Piovide doset shared with other depaRmenis. Day16ght Access & Vontil3Eion Needs: Contrall3ble dayiighi and ven?ilation desired in all off'ices. Performance ctiteria fot inisrior finishes (e.o. rzrpet, sfatic dissipative floonng, acoustical ceiHng): Ceiling: Acoustical lNalks: No special nseds. Fbooring: Garpet in staff work areas. F.4iscellaneaus Nesds 8. Przferences: No counier required in staff wrork are3 for gree6ng visitors. tin'rsh out stairs and provids windows, if possible, ?o encourage use. Proviide staff quiet raom w+th telephone and window, ff possible, for personal rzlts, nursing mothers, brsaks. Share with other depaRments. Does not hava to be in Public Works sui4e. (1) workstation fo be for traffic mo-nitoring. Nesds to accommodate traffic condiWn moniio5 and Eraffic caunter. 57 Ciy of Spal:zne VaIIey Ci.ry Nall r rogram May 13, 2003 • : 3,000 SF , - ~ Space Function 1 Activities & Type of Environment Desired Function ! ActKities: Visi'tors vrill enter thA bu[lding ihrougn Eh4s space - after passing through possiblA secUrity checkpoint Visitor wiil access efluncil chambers, meaang rooms, departnent stafif, etc_ V'uitors will en6er carculation pathways, enter rsstrooms, eEc. Vtsitors will accsss cify & oommunity infornation through kfosksfinio des4:Poulletin boardsldispfaysleic. The kobby tvdl provide peopie i0th casual, informal places to meet &talk. T'iiis sparz w+ll bs used for community presentafions, holiday displsys & events, spectal speaker,Jarolips, etc. Tvo-3 oi Envirnnment Desirad: Open, spacious, ample daylight. Fdendly & inviting. Active, oolorful space. Message to visitors: this is a place to mest, talk, Iaam, do business, etc. Serve as the "living room° far thP city hall. Previde a sense of civiclcommunity pride. Previde an acknanAedgement of hisiory of city & region. De-nartment Worfc Stvle (e.g. 90°o coUaborative with 10°k neei for privacy fo complete tasks): N!A Loca4e near: h4ain Entranoe Council Chambers Meeting 1 Conference Rooms ; Vertical CirculaWn Main Level Lease Space ! Gallery Space Public Restrooms Locate away from: Stafi entrance. Current Occupancy (Total): Staifi Pubii.c! VEsiiors Future Occupancy (Total): Staft Pu41ic! \rsi~ors 0 Workstations & Offices WorkstationlOfftce requiremen3s OpenfFiex space nrea Private Ofice nroa Shstving Filing Position name: Area sus (SF) Qty Room slze (Sr) Qty (Ilnear i) (Gnear ft) ~ I I I i Workstation Pawar, Telco & Data Needs: . ~ 58 Gyof Spokanevalley Ciry Hall Program Nizy 13, 2003 Conference Room Requirements OpanlShared area Privaie Area Shelving ~ Size !sFI Qry Si?e!(Seadng) (st-) Qcy (linear fl) ~ I AAisceJlaneous requirements? AfV reQuirements? Department Siorage (Non-ilinglshetving): Square rooiage: SF No specflc storage located directly in Mein Lobby. Special Equipmen# (e,g. microi'iche viewsr, flaibeci scannsr): fW consultant to assist wiih deslgn of A4ain Lobby. Personal Safety & V'rual Access Needs: Security _rys4ern -possitile security checkpoin4 st main enirance. Provide panic alarms at information desk/adjacen6 o~'iceslcouniers, alarms to activate strobes in suparv~sor's officss. Provicie dirsctional signagefway-finding sys+am in Lobby. Department Potver, Telco, Data &AN Needs: Provide AN sys9em for possible public funcfions (presentations, speeches, etc.) in Main Lobby. DaylighE Ar,cess &Ventilatian Needs: Controllable daylight and venl.ilation in t,Aain Lobby. Performance cn:eria for intsrior finishes (e.g. carpel, siatic dissipative flooring, acoustical ceiling): Ceiling: Blend of acoustical, passiblywood, gyp. board. Passible special ceiling ao:,entsFeeatures. Walls: Possible tirainscoting of some 4yp0 in this area. Durable wall finishss. Fiooring: Nsrd surface - possibly tile. Limited caipet - only in seating smas. MisCellaneous Nesds 8 Preierences: Location for pemanent ot rotating public art installalionsldfs plays. Location fQr display^s of ciiy & oommuniBy events, rneatings, calendars, spacial groups, etc. Possible location for local heritage musellm displays. Provide casoial seatinglmeeting areas. Furthsr meetirvgs needed tvb key ciy staY to help define this space. ~ 59 Uay of Spokane Vallc-y City Fiall Program May 13, 2008 - P• • 3,450 SF \ Space Function ! Activities & Type of Environment Desired • Function / Activltl=5: HVAC equipment rooms. Electrical equipnent rooms. Communicatio.ts equipment rooms. Custodial equiprt»n? & supplies. Buiiding maintenance equipmeni & supplies. Staff exercise and 5ike storage Tvne of Environmeni Desired: G9ean, efiic3ent spaces. Well-organized spaces. Highty durable finishes. Deaartmant bvork SMe (e.g. 90','o collaborative vviEh 10% nesd for privacy to oomplete tasks): Locate near. Vertical arculation Restrooms Lxate away frorn: N~ain Lobby ~ Council Chambers Meeting Rooms Current Ocwpancy (Total): Sta1f PublicJ Visitors ' Future Occupancy (Totaf): StafF Public1 `Jisitors 0 Wor{cstations & Offices lNorl;stationlOtfice requirements OpeNFtex space Area Private Office area Shelvirya Filing Paoition name: Area size (sF) Qty Room size (5F) Qry (Itnear ft) (1lnear fl1 H r Ci ~ u Workstatbon Power, Teico & Data Needs: 60 Ciry of Spokane Vzlley Cf.ry Hzll Program 102y 13, 20c7A Conference Room Requirements OpenlSharsd nrea Pm~ate nrea Sh?Iving ~ Size (5F) Ory Siza!(Seatinq) (SF) Qry (line9r ft) i Misoellaneaus requirements? AN requiremenEs? aepartmenf Siorage (Non-nlinglshelving): Squara Footage: SF Special Equipment (e.g. microfiche +r~ewer, riatbed scanner): Personal Safety & Visual Access Needs: Department Pawar, Tekao, Data & AN Neecs: Daylighl Access & Ventiladon Needs: Performance criteria for intsrior finishes (e.g. carpef, sta5c dissipative flooring, acoustical ceifing): Ceiling: lNalts: =looring: Miscelianeous Needs & Praiarences: 61 Ciry of Spo{cane Valley City Hall Program fvtay 13, 2008 - - • • 1,400 SF Space Functlon ! Activities & Type of Environment Desired Function / Actitiiti= Use restroom, U•ash hands, change diaper, nurse Cabies ' Twe of Environment Desired: 6rignt, c9ean, usabke, funcaional Highiy durabl-a finishas Easily maintainQd inishes & flxEures Deoartm=nt Woti: Stvle (e.g. 94% collaborative tvith SO% neetl fot privacy to complet= tasks); NlA Locate near. Main Lobby, Council C~amSers, Meeting Rooms Staff inee4ing areas Staff Break Room 1 Staff Fitness Room Locete away from: ' Current Occupancy (Total): Staff Public! Vsiiors Future accupancy (Total): Staff PubliU Visilors 0 Woiicstations & Offices WorksfationlOflSce requiremenfs Open/Flex space nree Private Oica area Shelvi»o Filing Posltfon n2me: Araa size (St-) Qty Roan s6ze (SFl QtV Oinaar fl) (finear fl) I I , 1Nor4cstation Powar, Teloo & Dala Needs: No islephone or data lines 62 Ciry of Spolane Valley Ciry Hall Program h4ay 13, 2008 Conference Roam Requirements OpenlShareal Aroa Private Area Shelvino Slzs (SF) Qty Size!{Seatinol (SF) QtY (lin:.arfl) ~ Misceltaneous requfrements? AN requirements? Fumiture & Equipment in each: Souare Footaoe: SF On-a coUntertop with mulfip{e basins A4ultipl-a fixtures; toilets in mmen's, toilets and urinals fn men's. ADA aocessible fix9ures as required by cods Stalts naed hook on back of door and shslf 3or parsonal items; seat cover dispsnsPr in each; sanitary dispas.al in women's To+lat paper dispenssr need Eo be high capacity h4irror above basins Soap and paper trnwel dispenser Iniegra,ad U;msEe receptacles large czpacity Diaper changing unit in each wiL't Vash receptacle Banch seat in +nromen's for nursing ,4oditianal waste rscpptacle near door Display board for city evenls Storage cabinets helpful for suppliss Psrsonal S3fery & Visual Accsss Nseds: Department Prnwer, 7eloo, Dsta & AN Neeas: No telephone or data fines p2yligfit Acxess & Ventitafion Needs: Normal lighting Ievel InGudiryg appi-opriate lightirg at enLy and in s4alFs - no dark shadows; ahi6d firiendly Separate HVAC zone from Ciry Hall proper PerformanVe criteria for inierior finishvs (e.g. carpet, static dissipa5va flooring, acoustical ceiling): Ceiling: Aoous±ical ceiling or gyp. board lNalks: 'ull heighi or watnsaot of ceramic file onwa115. Soundbatt insulation in all perimeier walls. Flooring: Ceramic 'tile ot sheet vinyl Misc-zllaneous Needs & Preferances: - 63 tity of Spokane Valley Ciry Nall Program May 13, 2008 -JERTICAL ATIO 4,500 SF % Space Function ! Activities & Type of Environment Desired Functi4n I Activitiss: Provide visitors & staff wiFh circulsEion through the buibding via stairways & etevatora. Provide 9asy & eificient arress tfl various Ievels of the bu7ding. Tvne of Environanent besired: Welooming, comenient {ocations. User-friendly for all age groups. Good signage 8way-findir►g. Deoartment Wark StvEo (e.g. 90:'o collabortive with 10'/o naed for privacy to oomplete tasks): N!A Locats near: Main Lobby AAeeting rooms ~ Locate avray from: Current Occupancy (Total): Staff Public! Visitors Fu4ure Occupancy (Total): Staff PubilclVisitors 0 Workstations 8 Offices Wor9;station/Office requirements OpaNFtex space area Privats Of7ce nrea Shelvlna ,'-iling Posiiion nams: krea size (SF) Qty Rown s3ze (SF) (Iiy (tinear fl} (linear it) N Workstation Power, Telco & Data Needs: N!A / 64 Cfry of Spol:ane Vaftey City Hall Pragram N.ay 13, 2008 ~ Conference Room Requirements OpeniShared arca Private e.rea Shsiving ~ Sizs (SF) Qty Sizef(Seatinql (SF) Q;y (linear R) I I I Ahiscellaneavs requirements? AN requirements? Deparim=nt Storage (Mon-filinglsheNing): Square Footage: SF NIA Special Equipmenf (a_g. microfiche viswer, 9atbed scanner): N/A Aersonal Safety & Mistial Aace^,s Neetis: Frovide f+reas of Evacuation Assistance - as requirsd by aode. Provide all signage & oommunication equipmeni - as raquired by oode. Dspartment Pouar, TelrA, Dafa & AN M1leeds: Deylfght Acx.rss & Ventilation NeecFs: Performance critecia for inteeior finEshes (e.g. c,.rpet, s;atic dissipative flooring, acoustical ceiling): Ceiling: Acoustir,al W alts: Flooring: Carpei or ceramic file IAiscel(aneaus NeAds & Preferences: i ~ J 65 Ciy of Spokane Valley City }iall Program Niay 13, 2008 Ad jacency Matrix DEPARTMENTSISPACES WaQ#~. vi ~ = u z t9 c ~ ~ ' ~ O z Z y ~ '.Yy t~i ' U l~ U ct _r H ~ 3 O ~ N z ~ < p w z ~ Q z ° t ,c ~ Q a~ a ~ Z z C) ~ tn u., ~ o Zz x u o ~ o s Z ~ ~ ~ Q o °o = ~ ir', p v~ p a z z~~ r= u :u ~e o ° a2 ~ z z j n o 0 o w z J o O O~ u~C c 0- a_ x x d D Q Q Q Q > ~Jy > O ~ su c O O O J 06 06 Lt~ RS Q p, J J Z Z zi l.L SL tL J J ti. C Y Y L.uj a Vl t!1 Vf Vi il~ C1 C ~ C~ LJ. tL SL L• tit i.tJ uj 5 5 5 < 0 n F D ~ X x u w ~ O 0 ~ O O O v u u a a _ ~ u a v~ ~n ~n a a0 u: w Y I ~ I I, 1 I I I I I N Y I Y I I p I I I I I, CITV COUNaL (OFFfCES) ~ Y? I I I I I ' N I Y I I ~ I I I I EXECUTIVE / CIiY WIANAGER ~ Y? ~ Y Y Y I N I I I I I b LEGAL ~ ~ 8 Y 177 N 1 i ~ N I OPS. &At?Pd11N.-b£PU'IY CITY N+GR Y I Y I I_ _ I I Y I_I ~ I I I Y I I I OPS. & ADMIN.-HUtti4AN RESOURCES ~ Y I I I, . I IN I 0 I I, I I, I I ~ I OPS. & ADM1N.-FINANCE I~ I I I I( I, N j I I I I I, I i il I OPS. & ADMIN.-I.z_ ~I Y I Y I ~ I Y I, I I I I ~ I ~ I C.D.-DEVELOPNENTi ~ Y I I Y I, ~I I I I ~ I I I I C.D.-PL.ANNING Y( C.D.-6UILDINIG Y I Y I N I I I I I II PU6UClh~ORKS-GEi+ERkI ~ Y IN I I I ~ I I~ PU6LIC INORKS-STREETS ; 0 N PUBLIC WORKS-STORtv1WAfER Y I Y Y Y MAIN L033Y ansm Y Y Y COUNCIL CHAA49ER Y Y PUBLIC RESTROOh45 - ~ I Y I I I Y I I STAFF MUD / LOCKER ROOM ► Y STrFF BREAK ROQPA / KITCH£N ~ „ ('=A I q I STnFF EXERCISE ROQM ~ K- -4 1 Legend: Y I PUBLIC PEDES7RIAN EMTRY Desirable Adjacency:J Y Y ~ PUBLIC PARKING ENTRY Undesirable Adjacency:J N N STAFF PARKIPIG ENTRY ~ Proxirnity t~lot Imporant:i . IEXTERIOR PLAZA .a EXTERIOR RGOF DECK 66 Cry cf Spokan2 Valley Ciry liall Program May 13, 2008 Staff List: Current and Projected COUNCIL 5pace needs Position Title I Office I Cube COUNCILMEMBc-R ~ x COUNCILMEMBER x CQUNCILMEMF3ER ~ I x DEPUTY A7AYOR x I MAYOR I x COUNCILA4EMBER ~ x COUNCILMEMBER x CURREN'f STAFF 7 EXECUTIVE & LEGISLATII/E SUPPORT City Manaqer SpaCe nseds Position Title I Oifice I Cube ClTY MF+NAGER I x I CITY CLERK I x I ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAtdT I x ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I x DEPUTY CITY CLERK I x CURRENT STAFF 5 Future: DEPUTY CITY CLEi2K ~ I x ~ DEPUTY CITY C! ERK ' I x FUTURE STAFF 2 Leg al Saace needs Position Title Office ~ Cube ~Cli`Y A770RNEY x LEGAL INTERN I X LEGALINTERN I x DEPUTY CrTY ATTORNEY x I ADM IN ISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I x CURRErFT STAFF S Future: DEPUTY CITY ATTO::NEY ~ x ~ DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ~ x DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY I x I ADRAINISTRATiVE ASSISTANT x FUTUf2E STAFF 4 Finance . Space needs Position Title I Office I Cube I ACCOUKTIPJG TECMNICIAN I ~ x I FINANCE DIRECTOR I x ACCAUNTANT/BUDGET ANALYST x IT SPECIALIST ~ I x ACCQUrlT1NG MANAGER I x I7 SPECIAUS7 I x ACCOUIy'TANTIBUDGET ANALYST I x ACCAUNTANTJBUDGET ANALYST I x GISfDATABASE ADA4INISTRATOR I x INTERN I x CURRENT STAFF 10 Future: ACCOUNTANT I x ADMINiSTRATIVE ASSISTANT I x IT SPECIALIST I x IT SPECIAUST I I x ~ FUTURE STAFF 4 67 Cfty of Spokane Valley Cq Hall Program May 13, 2W4 OPERATIONS & ADMINISTRATION - Deputy City Manager Space needs Position T'die M Office I Cube ADtUIINISTRA i IVE ASSISTANT I I x DEPUTY CITY MANAGER I x CENTRAL RECEPTIONIST I x SR. ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST I x PUBIIC INFORMATION OFFICER I x AOMINISTRA7111E ANALYST I, x OFFICE ASSISTANT II I x CURRENT STAFF 7 Future: ADMIMISTRATNE ANALYST I x INTi ERN PUBUC INFORMATION OFFICER I x PUBLIC INFORM.4TION ASSISTANT I x Buiiding NiA1NTENANCE MECHANIC I - Building MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I - INTERN PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER I x INTERN ADMINIDTRATIVE ASSISTANi ~ z FUTURE STAFF 7 Ftuman Resources Soace needs Position Title ~ Office I Guba I FiUMAN RESOURGES MANAGER I x I I FiUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN I I x I CURRENT STAFF 2 Futura: NR ASSISTANT I x HR ASSISTAN i I x 1 FUTURE STAFF 2 68 Cy ofoSpo'.kane Valley City Hall €'rogram 1✓ay 13, 2003 ~ COMMUNfTY DEVELOPAEENT Devetopment Erigineering Space needs Pasition TiNe ~ Ofnce I Gube I ENGINEER I I x ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ~ I x ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I I x12 E.NGWEERING TECHNICIAN I I xl2 SENIOR ENGIPlEEr'2 I x I SENIOR ENGINEE.R I x ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I x CONSTRUC710NINISPECTOR I x I . OFFIGE ASSISTANT I ~ x ~ ASSISTANT TlZAFFIC ENGINEER I x CURRENT STAFF 9 Pianning DIRECTOR I x I ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I I x Pi.ANNING INTERN I I, x PiANNING INTERN I I x ASSOCIATE PLANNER - CURftENT I I x SEWIOf2 PLANNEFt I x SENIOR PLANNER I x PLANNING MAIVAGER - LT I x ASSOCIATE PIANIVER I I x ASSIS7ANT PLANNER I I x ASSISTANT PLANNER ~ I x PIANNING TECHNICIAN I I x OFFICrz ASSISTANT I ~ I x ASSISTANT PLANPIER I ( x GIS SPECIALIST - COUNTY COPftRACT I I x CURREN7 STAFF 15 - ~ Buiiding , BUILDING INSPECTOR 11 I I x BUILDING INSPECTi OR II I I x PERMf i SPECIAUST I X CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER x CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I x CONSTRUC i ION INSPECTOR I x Pi.AN S EXAA4 W ER I I, x SENIOR PERMIT SPECIALIST I I x SENIOR PLANS EXAPvfINER I x I BUILbItVG INISPc-CTOR II ~ I x CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I I, x BUIWfNG IMSPECTOR II I I x BUILDING OFFICIAL I x I PERMIT SPECIAUST I x OFF(CE ASSISTANT II ~ x CURRENT STAFF 15 FuturO: CODE COA4PLIANCE OFFICER ~ I x pN CALL BUILDWG INSPECTOR I I x PE92MIT SPECIALIST I I x FIRE DEPARTPJiENT PI..AN REVIEIN SPACE I I x FUTURE SiAFF 4 , ; 69 Ciry oiSpokane Valley ❑ty Hall Prograrn May 13, 2008 PUBLIC WORKS General Fund Space needs Position Tide ~ Office I Gube SENIOR ENGINEER CAPITAL PROJECTS I x I ENGR. Ti ECH. I I x PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR x I ENGR. TECH. II I x ADMIINISTRATIV'E ASSISTANT I x SENIOR ENGINEER - PROJECT MGR. I I x SENIOR F~JGINEER -?ROJECT MGR_ I I x ASSISTANT ENGINEER I x ENGR. TECH. I I x ADMIN'18TRATIVE ASST. I x TEAAP. COfVS7RUCTIOM INSPECTOR I x EtdGINEERIMG INTERN ~ I x CURRENT STAFF 12 Street Fund SENIOR ENGINEER - TRAFFIC x I 1 ASSISTAWT ENGIN'EER I x MAINTENANGE INSPECTOR I x PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT I x I SENIOR ENGINEER - f'LANNING & GftAfdTS I I x TRAFFIC INTERN I x ENGINEER - PAVEA4ENT MANAGEMENT I x CUR#2ENT STAFF 7 Stormwater Fund STORMINATEFt ENGINEER I x I STORNINATER ASSISTANT ENGINEEE2 I I x ENGINEERING TEGNWICIAN I I x MAIA"TENANCE INSPECTOR I I x STi ORMWATER INTERN x S i ORMWATER INTERN I I x , ' CURREIdT STAFF 6 Future: PW ACCOUNTANT ~ I x ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN - PAVEtu9ENrT I x SEN10R ENGWEER - PRQJECT AAGR. I x SEPIIOR ENGINEER - PROJECT MGF2. I x CIP - ASSIST. ENGIENG. TECH II I x CIP - ENG. TsCH ! I x SR. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I I x TRAFFIC - ASST. ENGR.!ENGR TECti II I I X ADNdNIST12ATIVE ASSISTAtJT I x STFtEET MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR I x STORMWAI'Eft hhAINTENANGE INSPECTOR I x PROPERTY/ROW MGR ~ X PROPlROW ENG TECH I I x FUTURE STAFF 13 TOTAL CITY HAI.I. STAFF SPACES CURRENT 100 FUTURE 3s TOTAL 136 i 70 . F{`~ 5 v i ~ . ~.s.:iiF~ , . . _ ~ - ' ~1 ~ r . ~ . _ ~ . . ~ ~t t ` --I_~,.ka.e G.y F!all • rogram Section 6: Diagrams nm?flcan NerttxeGic?ionory cefines a dlagram ds *3 p13f1, Slieich, CfdvV lg, Qf 0uiIIf1P dCSigi icd Su OIrfTtOI)iiMat2 Of ;---o:pain how 5ome*hing warks or to cloify the rela:,onship be:ween the parr3 af a who►e'. The `oilowing asagrams ,-ynthesize lnfornation callected regarding the Citys departmental reiatbnship5 and space reguirerrrents and grphkally Illustrate -bam to communko:e the Descgn Team's undernanding of them prbr to actuai floor p(ans being dr=titi~, The;e dia~:~~cms should be used as vi-ual tools ia ;esting assumptlans and provoking further disrusslan prior phaseGfthep;oJect List of Diagrams t. Department OryantzatfonlHienrcfiy/Frequency of Interactlon (1 p.) `f10,'.'S thf' iwer31;1'vr. Cf C:'y De~'JdfTMCI-,'i 1'61 h Citih Gi(l?' -aIOfig 'wfifl hCtiti'1(NUef;t th3T iwC'rJc'iOrl i}: 2. Ctty Organlntbn Chart 0 p.) Snows the orcan11,3i ICn of each Ciry Jep3rtmt-n; (ftorn CIy o1 5r,f~f;ane Valley), 3. Public/Non-Public HlQnrcfiy (1 p.) ;nows :re degr?~ to,tihkh e3cn C~~v Cepartment ~ntcra~ i vrlih T'lf PUb;ic, ranging from frequent to minimal r"-2f3Cilo', 4. Functional Adjscency Dlagroms (4 pp.) s hese fau! diaaram4 bwld upor, th? p,eviaus rwu ;~e Dep: r?m.ens coutd t)e s-2[;:rated ar-~d s-jppol sp3_es a-e 3'ro irt~Cduced. S. Prelfminary Space Dis9rartu (4 pp.) 'rhe last'our di-agtkms buiid on the Adjacency D:a.•crn5 nntF:, cUOVn oy dep+cting the re otive SIZei of eaCh -ri31pr program component wl[h Its antltlpatQd verical lacation, ;t Is important to no.e that these diagrams are fluor pians,,ust s:udies .o test whirh spaces fn best wlth other spaces based on their retative sLzes and need r -•;n cammur;c~tio~. 72 Department Organizatiori / Hierarchy / Frequency of Interaction Lagond FrequonCy ol lntoractlon , - ! ! Frsquer,t ~ , CITY ~1, <I D Moaereie COUNCiL ~ ~a ~YOR F - - - - - - 4 lnfmquer,t ~ • - . . - ~i ► CtTY MANA6ER OPERATiONS 8 ~~~~~~r Raw ADMINISTRATlON Cl ~ ~ Y ~ fINANlCE LEQAL ~ COMMUNITY PARiCS a DEVELOPMENT 'V~C ~~a RECREATION ~ ~ . q . L -,K'.. ~ - , ` - - - - - - I ,i r> City Organization Chart <<,s ut zirsl-m CMIMANUM - IGr C+~ IGw AWyrl Qt(lUfy It~/i'i) ~si ~ I'•'-'--• 1:11~ Ma+u~ya+ A~.w.r+l Olk.~ MM Y 11 a~ ? Rq iifl~iEi I_ u~~rie~ 1 f r:►,~.~.w ' - ~ i ;~:~ns~ I ~ ~ ~ ~►.m. «w u u.on~j.' ri4o•°"+~►~ 1 ~w.~r ~wr~+ Cr~}n~w 1~lfMl NAftE) ; C~ l'wwr t Gn.v.r~ DMV i~~~ ~rrr+.[~n I tiU~ (AwAI. ~tLL~SlJ mr' .rri l1ArlrrM ' (~~0~ ~ w -v J r- LLJ ~ W lsPw' Sr Gyr~ . I ti~ay ~ iw~ i+pnr n, LY~ ~M~AMp 7l~ CJ~ 4rrl/ A~ ~ ~V (~wMpn~v~ ~ ~rD~Tfi i~pfnl f~0►~l nURp nuYtFi ~ (l~►T~1 ~IAI7F1 1Y~ ) A• „A~IIr~ i~~RINwMr ~ 6 O~fy~ ~.W~~V~I f~+ I IOIV1~f~1A ~ ~ (2 0►iii W tl Ftdl CS D frCl Qo.~.uMw r tar+.~ It~1rtil Iq►tR► o~v.w.~ erarr ~IR~Or!_61 (I.ORti 1'rw6[ar~rr WI. ~ M IW~6~crIM 110~1~' IMIT(Wcrw O~M~A~wr+l ~rn►tei ~+nnci Tadil t1-Ufiq I i_ 7 v ~ Public/Non-Public Hierarchy ~ MOST PUBLIC LEAST PUBLIC ~Frequent Public Interaction Minimal Public Interactfon n ~ -r ~ ~ COMMUNITY OPERAT10NS 4 _ cnv Cm KSAKAp~ rumiuc ~i 6IpAL ~ a DEN8L0►MlNT DM~NI07RATt0 ~ LP Functional Adjacency Diagrams - Public ! Ground Level _ Layond ' L~___-____-_~ i~ ~ /YMJ6 MAQI ~ W , f TA/f71lON-Itl~LIG NAC~ - - - - - - - - - - - . . CITY ' COUNWL cwuwcuon Type CtTY MANAOEit GpUNCJL ~ CHAMBHR ~ rv~,►c • i p m~ruc O Q RAF► OILLY O ~ ~ oreRnnoNS a 3TAFF ENTRY ADMINI3TRA710N ' 7UMN LOOOY *-----41 rUELIC lMT11Y % ~ o ~ ' ~ EanL - - - - c. - ~ (F,Iiarnot~re ; GALLERY / Loc.alla~~j . ~ LEABE SPACE , - i . s ~ w ~~J! W V Q~ . 1 Functional Adjacency Diagrams - Publlc / Semi-Public (2nd Lsvel) Y Lepend a ~ iY ~ A7NJC ~rACe ~ ci: J-V - - ~TYR7q1~IYMbO MAC! C O MM U N1TY LCOMMUNI.TY Conn*cuon Type DEVELOPMENT: OPMNT: PLANNING OPMENT I ~ ►vruc ■ ~ O O a rrArr ow.r ~ _______1 Ir-__..._ ~ V n ; COMMUNIi'Y STAFF EliT'R1f >J DEVELOPME'NT: UPPER LOBBY ~ PERMIT CENTER r.I+.' \ \ ~ ~ 1 3 coMMUN~rir I , DEVELOPMENT: LEASE SPACE HUILDING ~ V v r, o~t-PubliG (314 Lsvvl) l.o~nd ;t ramg_~,~t.pubfic ~ N Ad~aGency pia9 ~ Function Go~u+~ctlanSYPo i~ f---_`_ -i *v"WK I, ~1 1.Et1ALneASE ftNJ►MGE C "'a• aM.~.~-~.y ~ - C . • w. iC % - r w ~ ; c ~ uppt=R , i ' L-oaBY ; y~ ~ ~ ~rr 5 I ~ O~ BRex woru ~ s ! ROOM ~ Functional Adjacency Diagrams - Service Spaces (Basement) ~ •.n Lepond ~ ~ ? W ~ ►uwc srnw 11 4 GrArrnIoM-ruIuo aAM ConneoUon Tn» ~ w~uc ■ p sew-nmic D STA" OILY ~ - . . ' . r. ,t . ('1 T. nI MECHAHICAL r-~ ELECTRICAL 8TORAOE LIVE _ v ~ - p S~ 7 . . . . ' . + • e i . ~ " r~w~~+ j7' y~ ~~I*~I~Tj~,~ l, . . % ~ ~ . . . ~ ' • ,1 I'n~r*~~Y~~ ~.~~.~,~~..4J M~..r ' .1 . . . . . . + , ~ . ~~r ~ ~1 1,. . • . ' - 'r , f • 1'`-.~1a"~ +J {','~'i~~"',~.•~'tirY~1 ~ J;t I ' . . . 11'-R•~~~ !1' . . ~IY ` ~j ~J Preliminary Space Diagram - Main Level (all areas ApNraximaf~~) Ll scaff ~ -w Entrance ~ Secv►ce 8 suppon Legal 850 st (Allamrtiva Laapnn) Qperations 8 1075 Adminjstration City Manager 2'4~8 %I venlcal ,,,,.t Circulai(on 450 61 r_ I ~ Restrooma Clty CounCMl 700 ar Main Pubiic o. Lobby ~ 300o a Gaflery Lease Spacs ~ Council Chambers ~e~s u 2ooo,i Main Public Entrance Outdoor Public Main Level Toial: 16,977 sf P(aza (wl aAomatnre localion lor Legel Oept ~ O ~ Preliminary Space Diagram - Second Levei (a!larossapproxirnate) : Community Community Development: Development: ~OB Planning ~ Qevelopment S~~ Z 103 %r Engineering t,ais.r Vertlcal Rosi Perni;t ~ CirculaWn Rooms C~nter g~•~ 3% a, K Second Lev~t ~ Cammunity LObby " Development: 70°•r ~ Building ~ 3 3,183 N Atrium Expansion / I oper) w "ow Lease Space 3.500 sf • Second Level Total: 13,538 sf ~U Preliminary Space Diagram - Third Level (all arQas epproxima(O) ~ J~ ~ U N ~ Legal ,.a; 5 sr Finance stat► eroak t.g~, a1 Room t , 375 ~t Vertical Rest Support CirculaUon Rooms 300 ~t 650 sf ]50 af 300 ~t n ~ - .r- u PUbIiC WOfkS Third L$vel o Expanslon J Space 1.75061 Auium ~ open to Bslow i Third Level Total: 14.915 sf . co rQ Preliminary Space Diagram - Basennent (arl arcas rippaixrmtrtv) Mechanical Archive - Eiectncal Storage PhGtlC/OeW 1,375 sf ' ! i00 pt ~ - Vertical Support Circulation 300 af 65051 ~ Storage 1,875 al ~ n ~ Basement Lobby = w fi00 af - G 3 Stafi Training / Multi-Purpose Room Unfnished 2.250 sr Space Basement Levei Total: 10,550 sf . Q~ w cm 8b,ti r ~ spokaIlle Vailey i~ } . ~ ~ "t , - . ~ ~ . ~ ; - - . ~ ' - . ~ ~ . , . , : „ < "'P ~ 1-- . r y,. ° , , , - ~ 2 ' ~ ` a s ` ~ ~ a~~ y ~ - _ N . • ~ 1 - - _ . s ~ ' - r. ' Civi! Nari'ative Exlstiag Conditions: 71h_ gererai topogra¢hy cf the exstmg Ur,,1e,s :y C 7y snappng r,enter gr3dually slop-p-s dotivnwar~o at app~r:Xim&,e!y t ao to 296 from south to narth. Several exining u;iianes are laated araund and thraugh the proposed project area i-,cluding two 8' water lines. 8' and 4' sanitary sewer Ilnes, and a a" natural gas Iine as tivell os rnrerhead efecrical p.,wEr and telepTt-one Ilnes. Mucfi of 0, e development area is paved and zeveral bUlldingS are lacated tFaoughout the development area. Storm dra-inage for the slte Fs c-lirrentty rou,ed ;a several c3;ct, ttasins and dryvetls laa?ed in the GarG:~-' _ Slte Plz: - 1~?J2Ti: . - ~_3c+l c•~ordinatz the .onstruction at the new Ilbrary, the new ci.y hall, and the re-ci of the City Center In diffe-ent tiva , Survey: Tapogcaphl;al ard boundary suiveys should be completed to confirm property line conditians and to gatt-.- - nformation 3men6es, anci Existing Stree r:: Sp'3gue Aven:_ . _ _ . . . . improved to tt•,r extent of :tie .►ighi-Of-v✓3y. A pplewayAvenueborderstheSeteanthesoutfiandi5fappraxiT,=*-_,, ~_?d-mouth Road burdeR the general extent of the sZe an the wQSt and iz a small, two•lane sidc _ c;:raguQ yveriue ard Apvlevray Avtinue s-ervicing thrr.-e bu5fne55A5 31Orig -ne strnet Access Control and Ciraladon Ptan: X! Erigirec-rs ~.se /wt3-T:_,-n sofzvere to help deslar, bu< <oop route of iravel, flre ianes, and pariuny^ field Iz_, ~~1; oughout the City Crnter. The bus Ioop routes and f►re lanes wlll be desogned with a thicker pavement sectio-, heavier traffc laads. i he inrenor access drfveway designs wul be coordlnated vwtn exlsting/patenr~ ~'=i.• i ;ry Cen*er. -'-c exierlor ~~rcuia2'ion ,o and a:ound the site is well u s -,ad, 3;1d D2R7T10UII1 Rps3d SUROUlidlslSJ the PfGjE+R _ Sclls: 4geote+chnl~312valud'IOfIOf:~?EplOjC'CTShOi.Id bE~~.1.~:_.:i :-tcfCOlailO(1 fdie5 t'Of DIl-Sli@ SIOlR1►NaiEY dISp05aI. I hc- r==r.~n^ in'h iAn' ~'1~5'~;^•ir~ n1,ha s~,~~ ~•stabiliry, drainage capadry, and yroundwater condr1 :'r;icknesseS. 5'^u~:.ur3i ci=:ign Criteria, tind ctn:,'*~ral • Temporary Erosion Sedimant Conhol (TESC) Pla r'1 I i:~~ ~hi1 1'Ji~lb2 Cje:E:0peclj0 C1~R~.`U~ ;;cidreis practices, methodologies„ and requcements fo* eros►on control. 11Ke plan will be devetoped during the design process and be foUowed dunng constrtjction. This plan Is lntend2d to result in the es:abllshmen[ af Best Var.agement Practtces (gMPs) -to be :rnplemented and faliowed during constnuetlon to prevent erosion af exposed ,oiIs, as well as Qcevant sediment from leaving the proJztt sRe. Adjarent propertfes and pipe starm d►aln Systems nust be protected from sediment deposition, a; well as inrreases in vnlume, •relocicy, and peak flaw raies of ;cr.~rmwacer runotf from the project site. Erosion car,trol measures w4I include the use of temporary sc=dlment h=_ - Tnf "@hfl~ fFT1-F?S, i~,«.!s strw !-,tas, 2~ava) CE1?r4 [jar^,c zr,r! G;l tth ~n r!~~t~ c~',~~~ ':1~ ~ff,11TT1 i'1 •hn F Cry of Spokane vaUey City Hall Program May 13, 2003 ~ speciications, and the reqUirements of the "Srorrn ftterManogernenti✓rnuol for Eosrern V✓dshington" (SMA4EV►O. J Inspections of the erosion concrQl BN+P's will be required at intervals of not less than onte a,,veek and v.+ithin 24 hours of every signiflcant storm. Erosion control measures will be inspected by a Certified Erosion and SedimeTitaiion Conrro! LFad (CEESCL). The ZESC plan wiII rneEt the requir2merits o'I'LEFUs Sustainable Sites Prerequisize i, "Construaion Activity Pollution Preverition". LEED's documentazion will rzquire z Starmvrater Pollution ?reveniEon Plan (or SWPPP). Demolition: Demolition may incluee resnoval of sPVeral existing one and nvo-scory buildings, pavement removal itrorri Existing parking lots and pavptf drive aisles, and the abandonment and remavBl of severai underground septic c2inftelos, storm drainage piaes, sanitary sev~rer pipes, woter pipes, and n?tural gas piDes. Grading: Site grades gen2rally slope downward from south to riorth. There is an approximan-efy 196 to 2%sloQe atross the site. In general, grading araund the aerimetar of the proposeci builcings will follo~v existing topogrant~y. Pathways, plaza areas, and side~~vall:s arouna the buildings will be designed to be cornpliant with applit'able City of Spokane Valley standards and the %.rriericans vdith Disabilities Act (P,L7A). DCI Engineers will +vorlc ta blend the :ite development arades and elevations wiih the streets on three sides ana the reinaineer of the Universiry Shopping Center an the east side. Care will be taken in seixing the proposed new finished 9oar zlevation (FfE) of the buildings in concert tvith :he 2levations or the other site rems, such as driver,v_ys, v<<alkvvays, curb lines, detention basins, and so on. Mass ext3vatian should be anticipatnd if any of the propcsnd builoings will h?v2 belovv earade (basement) spaczs. Storm Drainage: kn orrsite stormwdter Grir,aoe design vvill b2 developed using the Rational Method ta calculate the past-devzlopeti 5torm wz€2r rUnoff flor the 24-hour storm aa the 10-year freGUency, _--s required by the "Spokane County Guidelines t'or Scormv,+ater ManagerrieTit" manual. Rr-I Engineer will design the storm v,,ater Sysiem to hantlle the starmwater runoff (peak raie and volume) v,fiile providing biofltration treatment of runoff, from the pollution generating fmper.rious suraces (PGIS). Tne storm uvater managem2nt systems will include a system af cotch basins, cornreyance pipes, surface infiltration sv,,ales, and drywells. The scormwarer managers►ent system will meet ! EEtr's SUStainable Sites CrecRS 6.1 and 5_2, "Storm~-%rater GPSian Quantity Control and Qu-Aliry Control", resp2ctively. Roof downspauts/rain water leaders will most likaly be pip2d directly to dryw211s, nrc:lided the roof systems are classified as "non-pollution generating°. Sanitary Sewer: Spokane Couny is the utiliry purveyror for sanitary setiver. ihere is an existing 8" diameter sanitary sewer line in Sprague Avenue, witn a b" diameter stub to the site along the north sid2. There is an 8" diameter sanitary sevver service line near ihe southvvest porion of the slte tnat runs souifti to a E8" diameizr SewEr line in Appleta,ay I{venue. Aflproximatety 600 lineal feet ai the existing sewer lines may need. co be rerouted out oirthe proposed new building footprints in a{ew locarions. Any new se+ver lines will be 8" in dlameter maximum. Water. A4odem Eleccrit l+tlater Company (h4BMq is the utiliry purveyor for waler, fhere zre t►NO 8" diameter uater mains in Sprague Avenue, a 10" tiiameler water main in Dartmouih Road, as well as 8" and 6" diameter watFr loops through ahz existing shopping tenter, cflrnplete wIch fire hydrants. Locatlons of ineters, vaults, and so on will need ta bn coordinatzd to satisfy the utiliry purvzyor (MEWQ. Appraximaiely 1,500 lineal feet of existing 6" and 8° +voier lines may need ta be rerouted out of the proposed new buildinq footprinis in a few locations, although much Qf what is relocated will be useful in creating a new kmater loop throughout the City Center, complete with tir2 hydrants. Fire Protedion: DCI Engineers +^fiD cooreinate ~A.rith the Spokane VaIIEy Fire Department's nrq thief and the projecE's fire pro-tection engine2r -io deterrnine the most efficient fire protection design for the facilries. A nev,+vvater m2in loop throvch the projer is expecteG to pfovide a redundani, reliable system for fire procection. New water mains {probably 6°, 8°, and 10° aiomEter} will be rplocated, reconstructed, and nevN7y const. ruaed, as required, ?o provice adequetz fire protettian for the site. ~ 87 ~ Ciry of Spokane Valley City Hall Program May 13,2008 Other Underqround Utilities: Py . Modern Elerric VJa--er Company is the purveyor. ~ Natural Gas: Avis-ta is ;hz purveyor. Norural gas is available to che development area. 7fiere is an 8" diameter natural Gas line in Sprague Avenue ano 4° diameter line tooning into The site, behind the Rosauers storefrom the east. Tel ghnne: Qw2s is the utility purveyor. Cable N: Unknown at ihis time. Fibgr Opzics; Qvaest is The uiility purveyor. There is an existing large bank of fib2r aptics running east-~~*st along the s4uthern portion of the sice. The ouct bank is buried v0rh anly three feet of crn1er ano will likety need to be re{ocated to accommodote the future cevelopment plans. jUioarioq: Modem tc-lectric 1+4+atEr Company is the purveyor. Stormwotpr reuse may be considered in the interast o#' sustain.able design practitez. Landsraeirlg: SeE larrscapz archiiiecL Street tmprovements: Perimc-tier- None are expe-cted as the screets are a11 i'tiIly improved around zhe pe(mezer. Inic-rior- Any new interior srreets will be designed and tonstnjcteo to tne Cry olSpokane Valley stondards and specifications. Dartmouih Road- i) If Dartmouth Raad is relocated to the east (under Option Q it +vill be desian2d and tonstructed ;o the Ciy ol' Spokone Valley stanoar~'s and specrications. Approach Permit: Nevv drivevdays will rieed to be designed and permitted according ta the City of Spokane V'alley standards and specificaiians. Right-of-Way ?ermit: Requirzci for any access to ot work tivithin rhe road right-o"-way. Traffic: ' Any Traffic Impact Analysis srudies will be coordinated with the Ciry of Spok3ne Valley, as required. , .i 88 City af Spokane Vailay C'ry Hall t ragram May 13, 2008 Structural Narrative (Preporedhyoc+E„y;neers, Februory 122008) Overview The projett \•vi0 consist of a nex.vCicy Hall building for the City ol' Spokane Valley, Washingtor►. ThF building will likely be a three-story structure o'lr approximately 60,000 square fe2t in size. It is al5o possible that the buildirsg will contain a basement. This document is iriteneed?o piovicfe an ouciine of :he struciurzl systems that we f2el will combine the best aspects oil ntonomy, tonstructability, anc qual'ry 2hat %vill be required for ihis proJect. Our goal is io providm meaningful and accuraw informztion at this staoe of the pro}ecc, vrhile also retognizing that ihe structural systems will be further re ined as the project eevelops. Th2 following information i; based upon a study of the available documQnts and on extensive przviaus experience Uriah structutes of this type. Design Criteria Building Code: 2006 International Building Cade Design Live Loads: Rooi (Snow) 30 PSF (1) Office 50 PSt= + 20 PSF (Partft9ons) Storage 125 PSF Corfidors 100 PSF (Firss Floor), 84 PSF (Upper Floors) Lobbies 100 PSF Stairs & Londings 100 PSF (2) Mechanical Rooms 150 PSF Designed for drifting snow in accordance with IBC Sec.1608. Stair treads designea for 300 Ib conc2ritrated lood placed to produce maximum strass. , ` 1Vind/Seisrnic Gesign: Basic V►+ind Soe2d (3 sec. gust) 85 MPH Exposure B II Occupancy Ca-2gory Importance Factors: Snolh) i .0 ltirnd i.0 Seismic 1•0 Floor Framing System The primary issues that any of-fice huildino'; structural sys;em must aadress are strervgth, durability, sound trznsmissian, vibration susceptibiliry, and cost-efactiveness. The mzterials and structural systems selzcted for this proje~ sA711 address xhese iss-jes of econorriy and quality, in addition to providiriQ tha flexibiliry To fl[ within the architettural anc programming concept, Wrhile each system h3s inherent acivornages and disa~'vantaoes, both concrete and steel will be tonsidered for the building's floor strucrure. Ttie leading op-tions ar2 indicat@d below: Pasr-Tensipned Cnncrge: This systern is comprised ol'a;aost-tensfaned cancr2te slab, whfch scans benween cast-in- place concretc tolumns. A very corr,mon office IayoUt consists of an 8` rheck flat slab supponed by columns spaced at approximately 30 feet in each direction. if IongFr spans are desirec, up to approximately 40 feet, wide-shallotN beams can be incorporated inta the floor structure. Generally, these beams ore approximataly 3'-6' wide, and no more than 16" de2p, including the depih of tl}e :lab. Stucrails would be used to eliminate the need tor drap caps at the columns. t 1 ~:Moositte VJi& Flar,ae &a /Gircers This system consists of wide flange steel beams and girders supporinc a -concrrte floor slab pour2d on a composite metal deck. VJelded headed shear studs are placed on -he btiam: and 89 Cfcy of Spokane Valley Gty k;all Prog ram A4ay 13, ?OOd girders to achieve composite actlonbetvJeen the floar slab 3nd the st2el 7aming. For z;hrze-story building, the mcssc cos-effective columns would likely be wide flanae shapes, but tube steel columns are also a pessibility. dptimurn column sp3cing for this syszem ranges frarn about 30 feet io 35 c%--t At This spa{ing, the averzll sfruc;ural depth for a ; composite sysiem v,rouid be appiroximately 30 inches. A post-t2nsioned concret2 system will have r.he advantage of mlnimizing the structural depth, v,+hibe also providing a hioh quality product. ! ess structural depch often maans L'nat floor-to-floor height5 can be rnduced, resulting in a lower cost for expensi+.,e exterior finishes, as well as otner i-tems. A cancrete sy5tem is inherencly less suueptible to vibration and to noise transmission than a ste21-framed system. In adcition, the concrete slab and columns Nvill achieve a 1-haur fire racing withaut The applica:ion of fireprflafing. Onz acvantage of a steel system, when compared to a cast-in-place concrece sys2m, fs speed of tonstrutteon. ;nflther acvantage is thac a steel-framzd -cystem vvill almost always weigh In55'ellan a contrete system, which could resUlt in a cosE savings in the building's founcations and in the lateral force-resisting system. P,IthouSn the concreiz slab an metal deck can be oesigned to eliminoce the need for spray,on fireprooing, the columns, beams, and girders will neec to be firzproofed to achieve a 1-iiour fire rting. Floor Framing System Reqardless of the iloer syszm selettion, the roofframina will lil:ely consist oi steel deck suppon2d by open-web ste21 joists and glyders. Open-~-veb ste21 jaists aRd girders offEr.a cest-effieaive means of praviding a long-lasting and non- combustible roof sysem. To profide positive drainage at ihe roolIevnl, the structure itsell c?n be sloped or tapered rigid insulation czn be applied above the steel deck Lateral Framing System 5te21 bracet9 framas or coRCrele snearvvalls vOII resolve lateralloads due to wind 3nd seismic forces. T he metal deck at the roof and the concrece slabs (whether post-censioned concre_e or concrete on me.al deck} at the floor levels will act as horizontal diaphraams to tran>fer fflrces to :he braced frames or shear walls_ Sheanvalls and braced frmzs will be placed ~a(Ain wall; adjacent to stair and zlevator tores, vvherever possible, to IimiF the impact of chese nlement: on the exterior elevations and on the imerior layout. Foundations and Slabs on Grade / 6ased on pre•Aous experiznce witn projpcts in the viciniy oilrhe proposed site, is is likely tnat ih-2 soils at the site will be suitabl2 for sprea-d Tootinqs. If this is coni-irmed by the georechnical report, th:n aU %valls and cobumns wauld be suppored cy Coitiventional methods. Exterior perimeler foDrinas will be founded a minimum of 24 incnes below adjacent arade to erisure adeouate frost prate~tion. All interior fooLings vAII be placed so the cops of tha footings will be ICcoted a minimLirn of eight inches below the iop of the concrete slab on grade_ Tlhe concrete slab on grade at the main floor wili be faur inches thick Preliminary Material Specifications Concrete: Foundaiions 3,000 ; sf Slabs on Grade & Sidewalks 3,040 psi t osz-Tensioned Slabs 5,000 psi Slabs on A4etal Gack 3,000 psi 1rJ?lfs and Columns 4,000 to 6,000 p51 Reb2r. Cancrete Reinfcrcement: ASTM .A615, Grade 60 Post-Tensioning Tendons: °h" Diameter Unbondeci Tendons: 270 kSi, lovv rela!cation, fully encapsulpted. Structural5teel: 1'JF 3eams/Columns ASTMA992 Tubz Steel ASfM AS00, Grade B Miscellaneou5 Shapes & Plates tiSTM A36 ' i 90 Ciry of Spokan= Valley Clty HaII Program May 13, 2003 ~l Meehanieal Narrative (PteaQred bylJeulin?; Engineers, february i9, 2008) For the purposes of ciiscussion, the most common types of systems that would be considered for a LLED Gold I?vel office building have be2n d'rvidee into the follotiving thrze categories. It is uneersoot4 ihat these caiegor'tes oo not encompass all of the system ypes, but rather, those most commenly used for this ype of application_ In addition, we have also included a section Qn ap2rting strategies for iurtlier maximL-ing the energy efficinncy of typical ofite building HVAC sys:ems. Dedicated Outside Air System Description: This system uses a centralized dedicated ouuide air fan system io filter and temper the ovtside air that is reauired to maintain an a.ceptzble level of iridoor air qualiry with a lnodern office building. The tempered air (SS F to 65 F) is distributed to multiple fdn coil uniis th?*, provide individual zone control to difirerent parts of the building. The dedicai2d oueside air system (DOAS) draws air into the buildinG ihrough a set af 34% and chen a set of 80% filters to remave the majflrity of particula:e marter ftom the air. After the filten, the air is passed through a h2at reclaim coil tnat preheau the air tivitli tvaste heat fram the buflding exhaust system. Next the air is passed through heating and caoling coils which operz; e depenaing upon the ambi2nz tonriitians. A supply fan is then used tc distribute the tnmpe-red outside air throuah the building to the fan coil units. The fan coil uniu utlllze twa independent coils, one for heating and one far cooling, Niodoilating cwling znd heating valves for controlling toil canacities allaw this type of system to only deliver the cuantiry of heoting or cooling requir2d by the space lozd. lhe autside air ren-jui~ed for each space is delivered direcciy to the tan toil which in turn mixes it tivith ihe return air from the space. The excnss air displacee by the temper2d outside air is ihen routed through the ceilinc plenum wfiere it continues te pick up tivaste heat. The DOAS exhaust fan drawh this air through a heGi reclaim cail wnith in turn transi'nrs the vrastz building hzat icrom the exhaust air to -.he outsi^e air bet'ore the air i: dischflrged outside. ~ This systern approath allows e3cn cempanent of the HVAC sysem to da whot it does best Zone Ievel heBtino and ~ J cooling equipment provides occupants vrith air circulapion and ehermal comfoi t by modulating coil capacity to m3ach ;he sensible laad in the space. iulearnvhile the DOAS oir nandling unr meEts the requirzmenis a:S0Uei2C \NIi71 heating and cooling the ou-Lsioe rir. Praviding a dedicated path of outside air io each Zone mak2s rpossible to measure anc verify that each space is indead receiving the prop°r amount af autsid2 air. This sysem also preverits retirculation ofair between zones since each space i: served by i!s awn system. This system requites a central thiller and a boiler to provide the heaeing ana cooling water loop. The wacer is circula[ed to the DOkS and fan coils located in varlous places urithin the facilicy. Ad+rantag es: • Central equipment moy be sized smalle+ by taking advantage oi building heating and coollna ciiversity, • Unoccupied areas ofrhe building may be isolated and :hut dat,+m, saving money. • Zones can be individualiy concrolled. • The system can accommodate up to iOd% outside air capabiliy. This _rystem is very energy efficient and prcxrFdes a high level of indoor air qualiry. For er.ample, vae have used this system in seven school renavztions for the Spokane School Dostria. 7he new pG`AS systems brings in three times a5 much outsEde air as the original systems, yet the building eriErgy costs hzve bo-en maintained at roughly ttze same Ievel. Disacvantages: In-room or in-space m?intenance intluding frequent filter replacement at the fan coil units. W3ter laap neerJs to be chemicalfy ere?t2d periodically zo prevent toffosion and failure of the componen-'s it is circulatc-d through. 91 Gy of Spakane Valtey Clry Hall Prograrn tViay 13,2003 Water Source Heat Pumps Descnption: AWpTer source heat puma sy5tem uses a circulatfng water loop that is routed to each unii. The heating ana coolinc source af this loap can corne ftom L-ither the ground, or z cooling tower and boiler b?sPd sys-tem. buring coolin, the heat pump transier hEat from the space to the water loop. As the vveter loop circulai-es tnrough the building, oiher heat pumps that may bee calling for heating, can transfEr this heat back in,o other porions ofthe building v.there i-t can be userJ. If a majoriry of the heat purnps erz in cooling mode, the ad Ji-tianal loop heat i; rejeected to the atmosphere chrough the cooling tower or to the oround if a grolind loop system is used. During hezting moCe, the reverse sec;uence occurs. I1'a majariry of the heat pumps are in the heating mode, additional heat is provided to thn v.ater loop by the boiler or the ground ii a graund laop _rys:em is used. HeoC pumps v.111 zail premaeurely ff they are required to hEat up air from a ternperature belotiv SO F on a continual basis_ This canditian occurs whzn the outside air required by code is cold, and the resultant mixture of outside ond return air coming into the uni; has reduced the temprrature to a point belavr this thresltiold. For this teason, Ehese sysiems sholild be desioned ivith a make up air fan ana heatfng coil to delivzr tempered outside air to each uni[. :;dvar)taaes: • IYs very flexible. The system can be subdivided or expanded fnto nexv zonzs to fit building remodeling or adcitions easily and inexpensn+ety. . 0 lf aunit fails, ;'he entire _rystem do2sn't shut down. 0 This type of systpm can easity be designed to facil'r:ate pattial occup?ncy of the building while the r2maining portions are unoccupied. Disadvan:ages: • Z'he disthGrge temperature to the spate cannot b-a modulated to suit the space laad. Similzr to a house fumacn, the units are elcher on or off ~Atth respect ; o heating and cooling. • In-room or in-spate maintenance including frea,uent filier replacemene. ~ • Fumps, boiler anc Coolina io"ter v.111 required periodic maintenance. • ill'a grounc loap sys:em i; used, it requirzs a wbstantizl piece of real zstate. A verical bore syhtem typically requires 180 ft per ton at a 10 foot spacing. For example, a 50,000 sG.ft building v,rould require approxim?:ely 120 tens of cooling, rzsulting in a group ofwells wkh z;otal length of 21,600 z. If a horizont?I "slinky" system is usAd, then ihe rule of thumb is 3 ions af caoling per i~ acre. This same builcina woulo require approximately 20 acres for the groUrid loop. hlowever these numbers can aII be rzduced ;hrough the use of "hyhrid sy;terns". a Water loop neees to be chemecally tteated periodically to prevent corrosion and failure of the comnonents it is circulai?d through. o Each unlt contains a compressor, care needs to be taE:en wicM respect to the design and placement to reduce the raciated sound levels. Underfloor Vav Distribution Description: This system is a floor based VfiV system. The plenum ih3t houses the pownr, vroice and data cabling is pressurizer -Mth 60 F space condrioning ?ir. A roo'lRop heaF pump }ir handling unit is useci to condi[ian and pravide the air io the plenum. Ta fatilitate humidity contrel, the air is caoled ta 5S F at the rooftop hEat pump and fhem miced ~•%riih return 2ir t0 60 'r, or higher depending upon the outside temperarure condition;. Floor mounted variable air volume (VAV) boxes are placec according to che zone requirements of the spaces being served. In nhe Spokana are3, perimeier electric hevt is also required to plck up the h2at loss at the exterior ~-vaIls during ;he Mriter. Acivantages: li's very olexible. The system can be subdivioed or expanded inta netiv zonas to fi[ builcing remodeling or 2dditiorii easlly and inexpensively. " 92 City of Spo~-Ane 1r'allcy Ci►y Hall Program May 73, 2003 Other advantages of the UFkD inciude increased air qualiy, easy access for the building infrastructure, and '-4VAC sysem can be easily r2con igured to match cnanginca Floor plans. rans consurne a sianificant ponion of the energy in tne building, and VA`J system fans run at substantially loNver volumes most of che time_ This off?rs the poientlal for signi-ficant energy savings. T'rie UFAD system has overall enerGy advantaoes compared to a rypital VAV system. Energy diffEreniiation can be seen in the iollo%ving 3reas: • Reduced ian energy costs due to lawer stat6c = 3.245 overall energy savings_ • Redue2d cniller loads =1.845 averall eriergy savings. • Redurion in energy usage with 10 degree extended economizer usage = 3% Overall energy savings. Disadvantages: o If not aII portions of the building are served by an under iloor system, than the insallation cost can be significantly higher than an ins-tallation that encompasses all of the building foot print • All porions af the raised floor perimeter need to be properly sealed during construciian, If tight constpuct6on practfces are not maintained, significant reduction in system efficiencies can occur. HVAC Operating Strategies to Maximize Energy Savings Varying air handler fan soe2ds: Fan speeds may be adjustzd not only in response to heating or cooling needs, but also to limit o2ak electrlcal tiemond. Most buildings exhibr tl}Ermal inertia, mesning that the ma;s of the s?ruc-ture and its tantent5 tnnd to s-tabilize temperature changes even when heeting and cooling systems vvarlk Fo alter -thern. Some faciliry maintenance engineer havz taken advzntage of tliis stabilizing effett by reducing air handler fan spe-zds and the cooling or hEating inherent fn circulating air for brief periods {;pr example, iU minutes out of an hour} when porver ccst is mosa costPy. Ey sequenti=liy shifting this reduction among zll air handlers, no one spac2 feels the reduction long enaugh to result in a significan; chznge to occupant com{ort Cooling and heating coil waier supply temperotures: An outdoor air sensor may b2 used with appropriate programming io reise heating watertemperature as ouidoar iemperatures drop, and lo,,.»r is en moderate days. Supply water tempera.-ures also may be r2;et based on return wzter or retum air i2mperaCL'fe whzre r.hey refler: the need for cor,ditioning speciflc zones or on a time schedule to rEflecr octupanry. When no on2 is in the spac:, its temperature may b2 aIlowed to vary wid21y. Carbon cilcsxide sensors: Carbon dioxicie sensors can be used to con?rol outsfee air in?ake. As with temperature control, 5ound NVAC desian provodet suffieient fresh air to deal ,•vith the worsx case scenaria, including full occupancy in a zone such ?s m2eting rooms or cafeterias. Most of the time, hotivever, these spaces are only partially filled, so thot br more outsidp air is brought in than requireci by code or tomfort under this condition. Conditioning o`out.side air, at times, can account for nzady diaBf tine load on an HVAC systzm. By measuring carbon cioxode in retum air, a reasonzble estimate ol' the number of accupanis may be made, allowing for a r2ductfon in outsede air. Chilled and hez-ting warar pump speed= Pump spe2d can be redUCed through the use of variable speed drives. When zone coil water control valves throtcl2 back in responsz to a reduced Ioad in the space, a pressure sensor located \vithin the pipino system tan sense the change in pressure and reduce ;he flow through rhe sysiem accordingly. Cooling tower fan spe2d: Cooling trnver fan speed m?y be reduced dLring periods oi low outdoor humidiy or temperaiure. There are many cases where high speed is only required 20% of thE time, allavireg ma}or savings during tlle other 8W._ 93 Ciry af Spokane Valley Ciy Hall Program May 13, 200.3 VJa:erSide economizer: Cooling tovver vvater may be used in lieu of EhiUed vhater through ThE use oT a heat exchanger during transrionpl ~season5 or ~-vfien winter cooling is ne:ceci for such areas as computer server roomc Vdhen outdoor concitions are right and when --rnver fan speed is at full, cooling Fawer water may be suoficienily cool to allotiv chilier comprzsyors to be shut off, taking advantage of che 2vaporotive cooling capabiliry of the tower. While cotver fan and pump electritiy use will rise, the net result is a Crop in elecirical oemand when the c7iller compressors a rz off. . 94 Ciy or Spckane I+allEy Cfry Hall Program N~ay i 3. 2008 J, EIECt1'ICaI Ndl'1'atlVe fPreparedby5porlingEngin:ers, F2bruQry 19,2000} Codes and Design Standards Coces: Naiional Electrical Code 2008 (or turrent aditlori) as amended by the; Vdashington Stare ,fidministrative Code (VV,Aq; American Disabilities Act; and Internatianal BuilGing 2008, Fire CodES 2008 and other local ordinances. SeismiG Design Criteria: Seismic support znd brace electrical equipment end rateways per IBC 2003 for an essenrial facility. • Importance Factor =1.5 • SDosmic Use Graup III • Seismic 0.sign CGFegory D • See structural for special response Coeficients Sds and Sdi. Equipmeni Seismic Ceri icaiion: Electrical equipment will be I?-beled'1BC 2003 Seismic Certified". LEED Certiflcation: Project to obtain LEED Gold Certifi{'otion. Design Criterta Building Proille: The proJect +ndudes a new 3-story facility Gompiised of approximately 60,000 squore feet u4rh outdoor at grade parking. The building is classified Gs an essential facility. Building Power Service Normal Power System Power Delivery ond Transformation: The new ciry hall tMll ioe served underground vi3 A~~ista primary powzr sys[em. Pcnver v✓ill be extended from Avista's primary system underground to the ne+ti padmaunted eranSformer. The sennce to city hall from th2 t2nsfotmer vdill be 1600 amp, 480Y/27; V-volt, 3 plase and terminate in a main service sv,ritchbaard locate-d in the esectrical room fn the building. Pawer Dis-Lributiorr. 1'he rnain ser,+oce sti:4ttltbodrd tc be located in tltie mein elettrical room. Distribution feeders from this servlce switthbo.?rd to brancn circuit panelboards via 600+r insulated conductor; in metal canduie. Panelboards arE circult breakzr ypF. In general, building Ioads will be served by a 4$QY/277 volt, 3 phase, 4wire grounrleti 1+Vye system. Th: majorhy of the mechanical HVAC s}stem and lighting loads vAll b2 snrveci o? 480 vo!ts. In general, mechanical loads will bE on a eedireced feededdinribution :ystem. Lighting xvill be served at 277 volt unles, othenvise noted. 0~ices, teteptaCles 2nd other 120V la,aus will be served by a 203Y/120 volt 3fl 4~Niire povver synem dnrived frem scec,,do`am transfoTmers located iii elecr,ricaf dis-Lribution rooms. Branch Circuit 1+1+iring Distribution Niethods: Distribution of pav,,ar from the ganelboarcis to be via 60.7 volt conductors in metal racetivays.The graunding system will be via green insulaied araund tonductors in the branch circuit conduit syseem to each da>>ice. ReceptacPes %viil be provideti in adequate quaniiti2s throughour the building anr.i wiQ have a grounci conduror installzd. Dedicated cirours where required. DistribUtion of power from the panelbeords vAll be toncealed to the exeent passible. From the electrical panelboares cii-cuit vviring will be run in electrical metallic rubing (EMi) concealed %vithin the vvalis or abav2 suspenced ceilincs throughout the buitding :o variotrs elec[rial Ioads, connercions and convenience receptades. !,n unfinished soat?s tli: wiring will be contained in EMT run exnased alorw3 ceiling and w?Ils. In open are?s v,,keere conv2nienc2 receptacles are required, fiush floor boxes will be utilized for the reteptacles. In othar arEas convenience rece;ntacles will be placeti flush in walls,l8" above th2 floor at locations rcouired. ~ Brancn Cirtuic vhiring shall be Type T-MrN. Separie circuks for computer worksta.ians can be nrovided tivhere re-quiret3, 95 Ciry oa'Spokane Ualiey Ciry Hall Program May i 3, 2OLd H'dpC Sysem Equipment: ' ~ Eleccrical powervhiU be pravided ;o all H1IAC system equipment - Building Expansion None on this project. 2096 spare capaciry will be designed intc The sySI2m fflf IOad groxvCh. Generator Power System Standby C2neratot Pati-er. Standby generator power xvill be brought --o the ciry hall via an outdoor genErator in a sound attenuated endosure. This generator will pover the seelected cry hall loads in the event oil a utiliy power outaoe. Fuel source vAl be ciesel from a storage tank being Eurnished under U~uion 15. r1 small day tank wili be furnishea with the set and vA11 have oouble w311 with IFak detection as required by current codes for fuel tanks. i his set evdl be a 480Y/277 vol[, 3 phasE set :'Jlifl MW C'ciing as determined by tne amolunt of loac selected -te operte from the set durine a utiliy povv2r outage. tiWe need direction oi} the City code noise ordinance.lkle will assumn for nav., rhat 60 Dba at 7 mnten from the genera _ar set will meet the noisp- crdinance. Ups Power A UPS will be fumished to pravide uniraerruptible power to the equipment locatec in thz IT equipment room. The batteries in The UP5 will povv2r rhe fT equipmerit for 15 rr,inuies after the genertar stops running. Surge Protedion SUrge suppression device5 ti»II bA pfovided for 208Y/i 20 volt emergency distributi.on panels and for the data equipment room panels. Protective Device Coordination The power system vA11 be selectively coordinaied so the ouercurrent devicn nearest the fault will dear the faulted circuit. Protective devices shall be of the same manUfarture to prevent unacc2ptable coordination be7vzen ov2rcurrent devities. Panelboares vdill b2 fu Ily rot2d_ Grounding System The grounding system %Mll be in accord.3nte with the Notional clectrical Codp- The building ground viiU consist of a#4/0 loop aroun*.i the building prrim?ter bonded :o graund rods,builcing reinfozcing steel, and fooiing rebar. Graund rods will be providzd around the building perimeter at appraximarety 25int?rvals. Graunding af condult sysiems and panilbOards orill consist ob a pathway through The conduit systern vAth a redundant insulateci green grounding cenCUCtor bondecs at eatih panelboard and at inrermedizte pull boxes. Cable trcy5 ehroughoUt the building wriN be bonded to the buildina reoni'orcing steel at multiple locations to treate a Iow impedance sigr-tal ground in addition to being graunderl at the main service. {nsulated green ground wires will be installed to all recepcacles_ In all t26e/data cammunication doseu anci roams, a separate ground bus shall be provided. Each of these buses shall be tied togeTher via a ground conductar ane extended to building ground. 1 i 96 City of Spokane Valley Ciy Hall Program May 13,2008 ~ Lighting Systems: _J General: Lighting system WII b2 d2signed for LEED Gobd Certification. Lighting 1ev21s to be restricced by the const2ints of the lighting buagEt (wa«age) 311awzd by the tNashincion Energy Cp;3e, VJe anticipate 1.0 ivatts per square fooc will be the maximum woitage allatived by the en2rgy tode. 1+lrith I.EED goals effort +vill be made to achEere lawer energy use where the lower light Ic+iels can be toler2ted and v.fier2 task lightirw, will be installed. Interfor lighting taqll be fluoresctrn writh minimal accent lighting. Ligh:ing in computer areas io bF IOt,,, glare, pendant mounteci d i rect/ind i rect type. j. Fbuore5cent Lamps -A711 b2 Bi-Pin, i-5 orT-$ r: pic start; 3500 Cegree K color temperature, comp3r TT and GTf; 3500 degr?e Kcolflr temperature. 2_ i-ligh Intensity Discharg2 (HlD): Metal Halide vvith 10,000 hours life. 3. Fluaresc2nt Ballass - Electronic type. lnterior: The intzrior ligh[ing sysitem will utilize energy effli ient fixtures to maet currznt lrJashingtan State EnErqy Code. Lighting level; will be restricied co the current wartage unit power allowance (LPk) not2d above_ lighting levzl ti-iill vary according to the tasks becng p2rformed and be designed In general to the 34-60 ambient {oot-candle rai-ige. Roorns are not required to have occupaney sensors R-,,y eneray cade, Ibowever to lovv2r energy consumption tney wiII be planned for most rooms. Occupancy sensors will tum liahting on upon entering room and shut them off when room i; unoccupied. Local room switches will be ins?alled as required by energy cod2 allrnving the manual tum on-ofr af the light fxtures. ~ Office light foctures will be rowrs of i'\Mde nva Iamp ixtures kvrh glare control provisions: 1. Glare coritrol lamp image (glare) of of computer screens. 2. Rows of' fx[ures give betteroualiry Iighting than individual 2k4' p_rbolics on 8'tenters. Individual ixtures vr,~h louvers pump lig(nt cown with sharp cutofiF at 45 oegrees. ihe effec-t is light and dark spots depending on ilf is direccly uncer a fixturz or outside the cutoff amle. • prior to energy code individual flxtures could be sp.aced dose enough to overlap the cutof angl2s. • Wirh energy code the flxtures must be spaceti on an 8'x10` grid. Ttiis spacirig is insufflcient to give uniformity as the glare analesviill net avzrlap. a VJal15 are especially diffitulr as the 45 dzgree causes "scalloping" of liahc-dark: ligF,t-darc across the tivalls. • Aryy whice boarci surface must have a centinuous row across its ton to give a unifomi level of light acrass iis surface in lieu oT'scalloping° • If a fixture is not within 2' of a wall i:s cutoif v.+ill s7ike the wall too low and resoilt in the top half being dark ana bo-tiom half befng lighs. This is undesirable on ar7y t•vall but is paiticularly undesirable on v.alls ~%ith reacing matefials. By Udlizing ravvs oif tvro lamp fixtures we can spreaci the lamps over the room in a more uniform pattem, keep them within 2' olf the walls and thus result in a lighting system with consicierable greater uniformity and visual comfor for the users. Finished spaces wiDl be illuminated to Illuminatian Engineering Sa.iery (IES} recomm2nded faot-tandle leti,els, subject to Energy Code compliancn. F"rxtures utilized will vary as follov.h: iDesign will be co elimin3te the roam's dark ceiling appearance by urili?ing frxtures vWhich toncain an upligh[ componen?. Rooms wiih high open ceilings Nvill be illumirtated with pendant mounteci aireNindlrett fluosescent fixtures. l.ow flaC suspended and qypsum wall boarci (G.1N,3.) ceiling areas in wror4c spaces aizd office areas tvill be lit with rec2sseci fluorescent fixtures. Lightirto fln[ures will ypically b~e pendant mour~ted dire~n~direc 1uore~.tent ~~~hEre ceilings are 9'-6' 97 Gry of 5pokane Vzlley City Hall Program May i3, 2003 or higher. For lawer ceilines retessed fixturQS tiv411 be utifized. Compact fluorescen: recesse:~ tan type pxtures v,,l l be used Wfiere zcterit loghtinc is required ar full size fixtures ~-rdl R-ot be suitable. SvJtching for smaller rfloms wilt be controlled indrti+idually. SvAtchino for The common are3(s) will be tentralfy located near the reception desk1s) ` Toilet rooms kNiII be illuminaced with recessed fluorescent Type leghting fixrures. In areds where glare anales are relatively unimpor[anti sUCh as resrooms, corridars, and stairv,rays, smndard recessed ftxR,res with 3crylic lenses v,+ill be pravided. In areas where glare awles are an impoitant considertion, such as offices k0rth video display terminats, reczssed fixtures "erh deep dish silver parabolEc IouN2rs wi11 be psovided. Unfinishea spaces will be illuminated to Ilbuminacion Engineering Society (IES) rzcommendzd foot-czndle levels, subj2ci to Eneray Code compliance. Fixtures u:ilized %•%iill be industnzl style fluorescent sinp tyoe, surFace mounize.+ to the ceiling. Ughting Level; IE5 recomrnended illumination Ievels are as follows: A /LOCATIaN FQnT-Cf;NDl ES ExteriOrFntryv»ys 3-5 Lobbies 15-20 Receptbn Areas 1 5-20 LoungDs i S-20 Restrooms 15-20 VJor{sations 50-70 Carridoss 1 5-20 Offic-es 30-50 Util"ry Spaces 20-30 tnterior Lighting Control: UCFrting systam wil Ib2 designed for !EED Golcf Certificotion. ~ All rooms will be rurnisnec k0ih individual manual light control stivitches. i tvo Invels ofillumin?:ion Will be insalled per area when required or d2sired. Swry.ching shall meet reqL!irements of the Washington State EnQrgy Code. Occupenty sensors are nAt required, bus could be furnished ir desirec and project 5udget allows. Emergenty Lightln5: Exit Signs anc emergency exit pachway lighcing will be provided as rea,uired by code. Emergency pmNter will be provided by the standby generotor or bar-rry bac;up type fixtures_ Exterior: Outdoor lighting tixiures shall utilize metal halide lamps. For LLED Gold tertification cut-off style light fixrutes will be utilized. Parking Lot Lighting: Exterior liahting ior parking areas will be providec~ with pole mounted H.I.D. ~xttures wirh metal halide lamps. Current IES recommendec lighcing illumination design Ic-rel is OS foot-candle, with an maxirnum [o minimum uniformit), ratin of 15: i. Building txterior Lighting: Exterior lighting will empF,asiLe che eniries. Archicectural featutes oi une Euildina induding entry areas, ouidoor use areas, gathering places and terraCes will be emphasized with metzl hali-u'e illuminoiion sources - whether ground mounted, bollard mounted or pol-, mounted. Ex-teriar Lighting Controls: Exteriar lighting cQnErols will be via phota tnlls and timF dock controls, Fire Alarm System: Firz cetettion and alarm system will be provlGed in accorGance with local code requirements and thA Authoriry Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). In tlle fully sprinklerzd building ai-ire alarm sysem will be installed cflnforming with current local fire elarm code. This system will be an aodresspble system. It is anticipated Fhz system will contain manual pull staeions at exit daors, homs with r1DA rated sirobe light indication ehroughout, vAth sprinkler fiiow anc tamper sMach 98 Ciry of Spakane Valley City Hall Program May 13,2008 cannectiQns and fan shutdcmrn tircuiery as r2quired. Systern vrill be prrnrided with condur to the telephone board for a connettion m the central manitoring system the Cry contracts with. Telecommunications And Security Systems Pathways: Cable tray will be provided in 311 spaces for telecammunications cable routing. This tray vvrill be shared with the various low voltage systems induding the securiry system. Telecommuniczdion outlets v^+ill be dual-gang 4"x4" boxes 2.25 inches deep with 1 gang plBsizr ring. Frorn the outlet loca7ons, a minimum of 1" conduit will be run from the outlet location to tlie nearest cabl2 etay overhead. 'nII tonduits tivill contzin pull cards with footage markinos,l z" minimum slack at each end. There will be a requirement thot no length of conduit run shall excexS 750 feet and shall not tontzin more than nvo 90-deeree bend; vv)thout a pull bax. In aedition to this reqtjlrement a pravision will be made that all conduit bends must accommocate fuiure fiber optic installs. These requirements include provisions for bend radius protection, pull box requiremenes, an-d other tonsideratiflns as outli«ed in TIA standards. Server Rooms: The tempErature in the Sen~er Room shall not excned 64-75 degrees F and the hurnEdity level shrll not excezd 30-5596 RN, .411 vvalls will be lined Wiih 3/4" 4 x 8' kCX Douglas flr plywoad atiiih A side aut from a height of 9° A.F.F. :0 8'-9" A.F_F. 8ackboards sh?!I have tvjo co, ts of kvnite, satin finish (washable) paint. 12" wide bas4cei wire cable tray will kee provlcied around the periphery of the server roam at 8'-6" ,4FF_ 'f7ie troy shall be lo:.ated shc inches foom thE batkboard tivall. 12" wide laoder cable tray will be provided over and attached to each rack. 12' wid2 ladder table tr?y +Nill be vertical mounted ior floor to ceiling ris2rs. All racks znd tr2y5lNIII b2 5°15f1lIcdIly braced- according to local cace. Miscellaneous: Clocks~ O+vner will furnish be[tery powered clocks. (Cfty ta Confirrn) ! ightning PrQtection Sysiem on Roof Top: Nlonn arrencty desired (Ciy ta confirm) Telecommunlcacions (IT} 1'Aring and Outl2t;: Wi11 be per Ciry IT stancards. (Ciry io tonfirm) Other systems described elsewhere Telecommunications Infrastructure and Vkrring System. Access Con?roVSeruriry Sys-tem. Systems being designed by others, See elsewhere for descriptions: Telephone Sy3tem Wireless Nletwork F,nzenna's for the abov2 systems AV System AV Racetvay System Cable Television System: CableTelevision Rdee+vcy System . i, ~ 99 . _ . . . ~ .r • fi1 ~ - ~ ~ ,~.lC ~ _ { ♦ . 1/'* r~,.. . 2 yL~.•i t ~ . ~ _ ~ 4~ ~ 1 ~j~ . ~ i!1- ' ~ ' . ~r ~ I lryw ~C ~ ~ ' • ` ' . ~ ~ ~ f k ~ r ~ • j v' J" , . - . . - . . ` ~ ~ ' e _ . ' • . ~.f'. , _ ~ , w,~ r ~ • ~ . _ . _ , t • -`x~` ~~wr'~; . - , r~~. ~ ~ - 40000 rl `.~.1 May 13, 2008 ~ Matthew G. Jaooby Associate Bemardo V1Fills Archibects 107 S. Howard, Fourth Flnor Spaicane. WA 992 0 t Re- Opinion nf C~)s: i,"'r i',:J;I Dear Mat' hew It is a p{easure to be involved in thts project wttli GGLO. BWA and tha City of Spokane Valley. We lao=: forvirard to working with all of you thro:ygh'he ?^f1.*E de5igtt p?'ocecs providiRg c*st esti;r.ates 2nd th2n watching as the taCiHty !s connsituc!'ed The last flve yeats have been a very tumuituous with regards to wnsirucuon cest which have caught rr,ary owners, public and private, off-guard resulting in loss of proJects or unsucoesstul projects. Our projected budget for the proposed Spokane Valley City Hall does nat retiect the worst case scenarb which wouid be a ladc of oompetfion ai the Ume of bid, but vve feel we have included the proper oonfingencies tc better dezl wlth fluciuaticxm In the Increases af constructfan cost One very impottant item to not lase bcus of is the med)od of construction; the steel suppliers' inventories in this country ara currenUy at a 10 year low. They are seefng a severe rise In the cosi of steel ma6ariels as the consfixxbn season begins in 2008. In recent months the commodities markets have raelty apiked causing rrsatstiel prices to fluctvate greatty. We have prepared our Opinion of ProbaWa Cost tor the Spokane Valley CP;y Ha11 basetf upon the following criiena and assumptions: 1. The bullding is to be rougnly a 3 story (acili,y to;aling 54,305 squara feet cor.:prisei oi fbors 1- 3 at 43,755 square feet and 10,550 square feet of basement. 2. The cost of the basement assumes standard soifs with no rock excavatio+i. There have baen no allowances for deweteting or speciel toundations in this project including geo piers or p~ling of any sort on this pro}eci Assumes minima{ finkshes In the basement area. 3. The estimata indudes cost far a simple steel frame structuca that is ctad with precasi and brick, as weH as very limited areas of curtain waH, siorefront and insuWed metal panels OIYMPIf ASSO(IATES COMPANY A:th~tecture • Eny:rieer -g • Projec~ M, ~s,gcr~ent 0379 No•th Cornia Er+e, Spoiu-ve. WA 99209 t 50V 4"2206 1 SCA 464.2208 1Gt C~enr Ave+u~ Norr~ ~3~1, 5~rn4r. WA ~ ~ . . • , - Mr. Mattttew Jacoby Bemado Wdls Archttects Saok3nQ Valiey Ctty He4 Oplnion of Cost -he estirtiate inciudes a totat escalation factor based upon starbng construction in De;ambar o`. '009. We are cakxriaUng a midpdnt of canstructJon of 30 months from May 2006. Rider LevQrt 3ucknall ca{cutated the natlonat average rete of lnflation In 2007 ef 7,496 while lhe.ir = yc-ar averege 2004 to 2007 was roughty 1096 per year_ The web paqe fior RLB is litIp://wvMw.a;tieric:as.rib.com/dxumeRWcost/re oortsl2008 a1 acr.odf For the p~rpos~s of !nis nudgei we are using 99+6 per year as the NortSrurest has noi besn as subject to the nati~onai -~ooriamy throughout recsnt years. The totai escalation rate b the midpoint of consbwion wouid be 25.1396 to be addEd to the hard cost of the facility. The bidding environment in the SpoE;anc atea ks beaXning more compeVtive, so are assurning we woukf hava at {east 4 gererat ;,ontractors blddIng the project 5 ~'Ve are assumlt'►g thEs wil) be a LEED t3q1d ratad buildirig when campicte Yti'c 7ave ,~c:luded ~n Tabte 1,;20,000 for the generol conttactDr to a6sist with LEED documentation as weQ as a 21~:) prernium to the constructbn cast 3s a premfum for LEED Gold ~VE a-A Cl?e ; fo; ti,<; pr:,Je;.t ?5 'r1eA 3s LEED ce-.fic3t.on 3rv in;,!udedl in Tab1e 2. r: 'eJe 11:i""o r',Dt inCluGed 3niy sr ~:~31 c~~st iCr r[;:3[j re-3c3`ion e-_icl $ iA -OnCitir.'1S: 31 orts;;~ _--Dst have not been jnduded in the cast esi mW? in the estimate numbers shawn befow % We have rtot inctuded any demofrtion cosi af ths eus:ing builaings or the siie surrounding as we are rtot sur8 of the !xalion and scape of stx:h wak We have assumed this to be a siandalorte faality. Thera could be sgntficant LEED polnts awarded if exira attention !s pa+•i d:jrir•g tlte dernolibon phase by :ecycf'mg or reus}ng fia'ersafs e Trus budget in Tab1e 1 is forcatstruction oost only and does not ;ncludea soft ccsfs S.:ch as design fees, SUfVBy, g90 t8Ct1, FF&E, peff~'it5. 31:a',Cf7ief{t, :.h3f?Q`V Oidei :O~:ifl~•~'i~~%S ?nd ti'tl'ti'V5T is aIso ex~Ud'd `rom ~e CJ't;73:P. "~L - . c.. ~ J; !.s .l +'f~h;BOU, 3S ~ _~~r;1h'~ -ti A',`se : t ~i • I i'~U~~°_i. ~Jt ~~"OGatr~~ c•J.;. . ~~h'f11Gf1 ~l~ (J TASLE 1 Descrlptton Coat por Size Total Coat Escatation Totai Escalated SF Cast aasement I s1oo I10,550 st s1,055,000 I$265,122 ( s1,320.122 Buildinq $210 ~ 43,755 st $9,188,550 ~ $2,309,083 ~ S111,497 Site $6 130,680 sf S784,480 ~ $197,039 ~ s981,1 GC LEED CW ~ S20,000 ~ a5.02$ ~ 525,C2 LEED Gc~:~ . ~ - . . , Premiu ~ - Q ?77 Assocates, Bemardo 1+lfrits and GGLO, provides antiGpated soft costs of the proJed based upon ti, escaiated btal ecst above. Historically soit costa on a project are between 35q6 and 40% of the to* constructlon cast These soft costs should be verified with the consultant team at the oomptetion of sct►emat;c design when the pro}ect scape is betier defined. Mr. Metthew Jacoby Bernado Wilis Architects Spokane Vafiey City Hafl Opfnion of Cost ;I@ 2 Dascriptlon ~ Notes ~ Cost Change Ocder Contlngency 596 of consVuction cost ~ S705,019 r;x-,ures, Fumishings. EqLIIp,il°nt Mix of new and existing $1,004,OU0 , ail0wance only wl owner to verifi) Des,gn Fees' ► 12.5% ot construction oast 1 51,762,547 Geo Tecfinical ~ Estlmabe ~ $25,000 SurveY I Estimate J $25.000 l.^ya;r, n gton State Sales Tax 8.6% Canstruction 8 Change $1,273,264 Conl Tr;t;nq 8 tnspection I Estimate ~ S20,0pQ r a, m+`. & Fees includ!rg L8t + Estimats ~ $200,000 Enargy Review ~ Estimats ~ 314,000 ! EED Commissioning ~ Estimate ~ s70,000 A'E LEED Cost ~ Estimate 360,00C TOTA L I $5,170,830 ~ Ftlll SBNIC@ NEE: itii:3 `roC1 SChFfll?i!v u?Sf3^ t~ fo~;gh c~o:i5?i UCelO'1 pf1aS° jCNIcZj ;G! !C~t5 kIlld oi p!'Of°:t usually range from 6.5% to 9.5% ot the constuction cost for the basic architectural, structural, mechanicai, and e(ectricai enginaering besed upon tlhe Stats Fee Schedule. Wttth the inGus'ron of spedalty consuKan:s such as bviiding envelope, inkriar deskgn, civil (on and aftsite), landscape, etc, total fees wiil likely be 11 _ 13% of the Construcbon Costs. The tees associated with specialty iigh!ing, acousiical and voce/data/secunry ara not included in the faes Us2ed above E3ased on ail of the facbors listed above, we believs it woulid be pr,xient tc budgLt S260 per square iuot ~or buiiding and on site consiruction ccsts. We highly recommend another estimate be deveioped in the schematic design phase to verity the assumptions made here and to make sure the project ls on track firo-n `Lhe beglnning This budget is very preitm,rar~ as t'l? I-ayout Oflf12 iaCt~ ~V 'S r,: L:n^tiY11, npf 13 'il, 97Ctr--ilt 0f the sme arrd related slte improvements Ifyou have ary questions 9!ease fee~ ir.e 'o giv-a r;e a~~aJ a; 509-46 -1-'2,0c Sincerely, ; Jeff Jurgensen, CPE, PMP, CG~,4, r.VS Sr Prajeci ManagerlSr. Estim 7-t:: - r, y . ~a - j r ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s 1 { y , ~ : ~ ~y~'[ ~ ! ~ • . y~ll.,~ + _ ✓ . ~Jt•t ~ ` . y, + 4 ~ ~ ~ , . ' • ♦ ~ ~I.. { °l ~ ~ ~ , ~ J. , ' . S.~ f . * ~ ti ~i : , r' f'• ~ ~ : i ~ f` ~y ~ 1 ~ j ~~...w~+ . ~r~-"~ ~ ~ 1 ~ --~i ' I ~ M. ` . ~ ' 3 ~ . . r~ . 'c ~ ~ ~ ~ ` R ~ ~ . ~ ~ w , ' -;e:' - ~ ~1 t ~ . ~ O ~ • a PNASE T PHASE II 3 ~ P;r,;,itnnnint, 3 d EN6A6C ~ YIaION APPLY MOVEhItP GECENDta JAMUARI FLONNAAr IIApCI A/'Nll 31'MINL,:unn[R n,""Www- . r . • • ~ fD I►u~au~moN • r gAm FIasT AWuu Sgca+r, l.u~v Buiwu+c~ GAnHewr+r, PuH►w+c PL.va144 ;pwi ' Puau~uu GnarutTrA ~ F+"ur • . . . . » w ° PAEPw«M P40GlA#A1 c NoGAAAWreu Coacrpmu Car+caiwu: Pnoc.MA 5Irc SwtvM StTE Conccrrs . . . . • • DwAw Ugrms PwE 11 Uawn BfciN BuLa►w ; Piaootw~wr+c i - • Ga+nucr. Dwcn Ptust , y . . d . ~ • C:LInL~ ~ rq.~ ~1 .a1011M . mer1 Nf11 CItY • iN1wb1*4. M!!lmu YMW %%Vm el Mdl .b('YM rN[II Rllpill . CNy Cfm H MwIMy . hrtlMiW7 W cd11["1H 0 lwlMdYr I kRN rYN t11y CWts - p10r~byrAy Ajlp/OYM dr11y "40 10 Ra~rn. Wu tOD a • Fk►,+~,.q.q.A►n • o..aus~ n.Mwmy oe.dw r+.u~~NWf arr. ywca wy,.~ ~ wnaes tnr«:tw .w~hw 3 ~ Cur Twm Si~r 0►aMun SpKe f►oIw •c . , . . 4eee wlth Cor'Tema 1ap hfRIwY1~ry . Qwlep hv01nh~Y M1neM hlm*1 i • fi~Mn Iwa~/lQD PmIa1tlMlqi ' .,.nt,.n►,o~~ R.y ;~nrr ~ 1~e Dtpi■n~ 7pas O.q..~ • warar w tUr twar , i • • ~ . p~+lp O~ntW r~ • • • • ' • • - • • • • • . • • J . . . • . ~ ~ 3 - _ ~ 0 Q ~ Q 0 ~ • 0 0 • 0 0 . ! i t n e n ' ' a a o 6 0 • j , , i u - . . . . . . . v. scwEpu~e sEr j.,,,~~~~ C I T Y H A L L .«,t...i~ o~h,.,..,,,,, , L\j~L~ J Lti•....i.~RU~v.rlr~ O Luuyi~r..mirllr VaII-YPROCESS & SCHEDULE . , ~UPDATE: FE[lRUARY OS, 2008 0 a~ ~ - 0 r~ - O ~ L ~ PaoCMeRA aY MoNiri J ;iu ~ut xuG si.r ' uci Miiv utC :~n rte m. . . , . ~ P~oo~~h~iHC ; P~oa~an laNU Puncu~cc/ ~ O[fSGN I 3• 19 PIUlC c l~►~e0v~i . N[GOtlAttAN ~ PIIASC 7 f0 ¢tt~w ` C[►r ; P I ~XY' I pAS[ j R6YIfM ~ P~~~~~" i B1n ! CDM'fMAt f ; n ~ ' COM[T~YGT{pM I u ~ • ~ I i CONi1oU6110K ~~Tv I ° - - . . • _ I SkZkan CITY HALL jxiialky DRAFT: PROJECT OVERVIEW TIMELINE J A N U A R Y 23 2008 0 DTtAFT ADVANCL AGENUA r , For Plan.ning Discussion Purposes Only . ~ as of May 28, 2008; 3:30 p.m. Please notc chis is a work in progress; iteins are ientative Tn: Council & Staff • From:' City ManabEr Re: 17mft Schedule for Upcoming Council.vleetings June 10. 2008, ltceulai• Mectine, 6:00 n.m. [due daEe iMonday, June 21 1. PUBLiC HF..Aitn'G: 2009-2014 TIT' [15 minutes] 2. PU13Y,IC IiEA.RING: State Perfnrmance fludit Report, Public R.ecords [15 minutes] 3. Consent Aeenda: Clai.ms, Payroll, ivlinutes, Storm Drainage Fasement; ResoluCion Setting Public Hearing fQr Strect Vacation STV OI-OA [S minutes] 4. FirsC Reacting Proposed Ordinance Amendins Comp Plan - Greg Iv1cCormick [15 minutes] 5. Proposed Resolution laelegating Sitmature Authori .ry for Utility MOU - Milce Jacl:son (10 minutes] 6. Motiori Cnnsideration: Ba.rker Road Bridae CH2yt Hill Contract Amendment- Steve Worley [10 minutes] 7. Admin Rcport: Transportation Benefit District Upclate - Cary Driskell [20 minutes] - Admin Reporl:: Custbmer Service Improvernent Plvis (C1P of I'W) - Steve Worley /Neil Kersten [20 minutes] EXLCTJ'I'IVF, SESSiON -[*estimatecl meeting: 110 minutesJ Sxturcl av, ,June 14: 9 a.m. tU apqrox 3 p.m. CounciUStaff Retreat (Dick llcnevnv's Cabin)[due Nlon, June. 21 Tentative.Topic,s: 1) Updated Financial Forecast-Ken Thompson 7) Ortline per►nitting - ICathy vleClung 2) Rcview 2008 Cnuncil Goals - Taave Mercicr 8) City Center Tnitiative - Kathy v'IcClung 3) 2009 Council Goals - Dave vlercier 9) [ aw Enforce.rrient Services - Dave Mercier 4) Public Informiition Program - Ivlike Jackson 10) I3rainstorniina ~ 5) "l'ransportaCion Punding-1<en Thompson 11) lnfo item: Work Program . 6) Shoreline iMasterProgram - KaChy NtcClung • Jane 17, 2008: No N.ieetinf! or Studv Session (June 17 - 20, t1WC AnnuaI Conferenee - Yakitna) .)une 24. 2008. Rezular Meeting, b:UO n.m. (duc datc Monday, Jorie 161 1. Corisent Asenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 miilutes] 2. Secqnd Reading Proposed Ordinvice Amending Comp Plan - Greg McCormick [20 minutes] 3. Yroposed .Resolution Adopting 2009-2014 TLP - Steve Worley (15 minutes) 4. .ivlntion Consideeation: PinesMansfield Contract A%vard - Steve Worley [5 rni.nutes] 5. Admin Report: Bentardo 1Villis and GGLO, City Hall ProA 1m -isleil Kerscen [20 minutes] 6. Adrnin Rcpart: Jim Armstrong, Spokane Cotmty Conscrvation I'rogram [10 minutes] s7.lnfo,Only: Tient Reports; City Hall,site Flanninf; C;ontrack 8. EXECUTIVE SESSTQN ['"estimated meeting: 75 minates] Julv 1. 2008, Studv Session 6:00 n•m. [duc datc 1'fonday, June 23 ] 1. Mark Pcteis (iTA), Quarterly Update (15 minut:es) 2. Telephone Utility Taa Options - Ken 1'hompson (15 minutes) 3. VVaste lVIanagemcnt ppliais - Ken Thompson/Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 4. Transportation BEnefit Districl -Ken'I'hompson/Cary 17risicell/Dave Mercier (15 minutes) 5. City f-Ia11 Suite 1'lanning Contract - Nei! Kersten (20 m.inutes) 6. Info Only: .Resolution Amending Resolution 03-040, Granting Banking Authority -I{en Thorvpson T07'AL Nl:[l\rUTFS: 80 minutrs i " . i ; July 8 2008, Reeular Meetine, 6:00 n.m. [due dste Monclay, .Tunc 301 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [S minutes] 2. Reso(ution Amending Resolution 03-040, Granting.Banking Authority - ICen Thompson [5 minutesJ 3. vlotion Considerstion: Ciiy 1-[all Sitc Planning Contract -Neil Kersten [10 minutes] (*esdmatcd mecting: minirtes] Draft Advancc !1gencia 5l28/2008 3:26.27 PM Page ] of 3 ,Tuly 15, 2008, Studv Scssiou 6:00 v.m. [due date Nlonday, July 71 1. Comp I'lan Amendmcnt Quarterly Update - Greg Nk4cCormick (20 minutes) 2. Sireet MasterPlan Update - Neil Kcrsten (30 minutes) 3. Splashdown Contract - Mike Stone (20 minutes) `4. Preliminary 2009 budget, revcnueslespenditures - Ken Tbompson (20 minute5) 5. Declarinj ltems as Surplus - Ken Thompson (15 minutes) T(7rAL M]NUTES:.l(15 minutes .Tulv 22, 2008. Regular MeetinL. 6:00 p.m. [due date Nlondsy, July 141 1. YUBLTC HFARWG:: Propnsed 2009 Revenues 2. Consent Agencla: Claicns, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 3. Adrnin Report: Praperty Tax Levy Ordinance Review - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] 4. Adcnin Report~ "1'ar Levy Confirmation Ordinance Review - Ken Thompson [10 minutes] . 5. Admin Report: CoIlaborative Planning Options for UGAs - Kathy McCluna [20 minutes] 6. Strateaic Finaiicial Plan - Dave Mercier [60 minutes] 7. Lnfq Only: Dept Reports [*estiinated meeting: 105 minutes] July 29. 2008. Joint Council Planninz Commission Studv Session 6:00 a.m. [duc date Vlon, July 211 1. Collaborative Planning Uptions for UGAs - Susan Winchell of BRB; and Bill Grimes Studio Cascade (60 min) Aueust 5, 2008. No Me.eting (presznr:ed Nnliaral Night Out) August 12, 2008. Reffulfir Meetinp, 6:00 p•ni• [duc date n7ond:iy, August 41 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes CS minutesJ 2. Motion Consideration: Council Sets Budget Hearings f'or Sept 9 and Dee 9- K.en `1 hompson [10 niinutes] 3. Admin Report: Presentatioii of Preliminary Budget - Dave Mereier [20 minutes] , 4. lnfo Only: Dept ReporCs ["`estimated meeting: ininutes] tPY.11IlCU1 L71';Iecfiorr£~llJ 1 ~ , . Aueust 19. 2008, Studv Session 6:00 uan. Idue date Monday, August 11 ] 1. Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan (SAR[') Iaiscussion - ScotC Kuhta (60 rninutes) 2. Strcet L7csigii Standitrds -Neil Kcrsten (60 minutes) 3. Outside Agencies present to Council - Ken ThQmpson (45 minutes) TOTAL 1'1Tj\`OTES: 165 minutes August 26, 2008, Reaular Mcetiue, 6:00 n•m. [clue date Munday, August 181 1. PUl3L1C FIEA12ING: SARP - Scott I<uhtn . (6(1 rninutes] 2, Conscnt Floenda: Claims, Fayroll, lviinutes (5 minutes) 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Adopting SAKF' - Scott Kuhta [20 minutes] 4. infn Only: Taept R.eports [*estimated meeting: $5 minutcs] Sept 2, 2008 (no nzeeting,Labor Day) September 2008, Reeular iN'Ieetiniz, 6:00 p.rn. (due date iN9onday, Sept 1] 1. PUBL7C HEAI'tING: Proposed 2009 f3udgct - Ken Thompson [15 minutes] 2. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Nlinutes (5 minutes] 3. Second IZeaclinj Proposed Ordinance Adopting SA,RP - Scott Kuhta [20 minutes] 4. First Reading Proposed drtlinance Propcrty Tax - Kcri "I'hornpson [10 minutes] 5. First Reading Proposed Tax Confirmation Ordina.nce - K.en 'fhompson [10 minutes] _ 6. Admin Report: Airport O<<erlay 7one -[vlikc CannellylI:.athy vlcClung [20 minutes] [$esNru.ited meeting: 80 minutcs] Seaternber 16. 2008, Study Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Sept 8] 1. Records Management ContracWpdate - Chris I3ainbridge (20 m inuces) Draft Advcwce rlgenda 512li/2003 3 26:27 PM Page 2 of 3 44 SeutcmUer 23. 2008, RcLyular Nlectina. 6:00 n.m. [due date Nlonclay, Sept 1.51 1. Consent Agencla: Claiins, Payroll, IVtinutes [5 minut:es] 2. Second Reading Prpposed Urdinance Property Tax - Ken Thompson (10 minutes] 3. Secorid Readin}; Proposed Tax Corifnnatiari Ordinance Ken Thompson [10 minutes) 4: ~utitin Cqitsit3erati0n-rSales:Purchase Agreement~'I~~fil.e Connell}~/Se0_ft Kuh~ra ( I S minutes] [*eslimatecl meetin;: minutes] O'CHER PENDIPIG AND/QR UPCQ.Mli1`G 1SSLTFSINiF:ETIIN1GS,: Aquifer Yrotection/Water Conservation (Fost Falls, Spokane) # Accessory Dwelling Uni~.s (Ord 08-006 inodifications) I3uctget 2009: 12/9 & 12/16, I-Iearing, ordinances etc City Center ReporC co Council Code Compliance A.mendments (UllC) Comp 1'lan A.mend-Qrtrly Update ( Oet, 1aci, April, July) Comn Plan Update/UGA/.TPA East Gateway Vionument Structure # Gcneral EIccCion November 4 # GraHiri Update 4 Impact Fee Itequest Central Valley School Dist:rict 1T Specialist Classificstion Resolution Jaint Meeting w/Citv of Suokkme la VJec1 in Julv?l: # "I'entative topics: Joint Planning T'fiforts, Crime Check Prnposal , Waste water treatment, lrnpact fees Law Enforcement Analysis; 1 aw Enforcement Contract Lcaislative Aiz~enda, Lentative tooics: InterooeraUilitv. Streei uCilitv: DNIt L,ease (50/30 year), il7uqzling for 911„Carecriacres Park llevelonmenf, City C:znter, Pitrk Acqiaisitions Libraiy 13otird Update # ~ j NLC l~leeting I~bv l 1-15; Orlando, Florida # \ioct}ieast Housing Solutions City Mcmbership Overweightlover size vehicle orclinance Publie Safety Presentation/Trends - Chief VanLeuven (20 minutes) Transportation Impacts U1)C Code Amendmcnts Use Agrcement (Gary I7riskcll) 'Cransporcakion Benefit Distric:tlTBD1 ~Juncl.Tul~~1: a. Lstalalish ordinance; (b) seE public hearing; (c) draft resolution; (d) ballot Ianguabe [4 tlwaiting ackion by o[hers; * Dors not inelude time for public cornments.] ~ Draft Advance Agenda SP28/2003 3;26:27 PM Page 3 of 3