2008, 06-10 Regular Meeting AMENDF.D AGF.NI)A SFOKANF Vt11.LFY CIT1' COLTNCIL RFGLY[.AR MEEIING Council Mcctiug #138 Tucsday, Jnec 10, 2008 6:00 p.m. Spa{cAne Vallry City Hsll Council Chambers 11707 E 5praguc Avenne Council Rcquests Plrcuc Sllenre Fuur Cell Ahonrs During CauncU,Slcuink CALL TO ORDFR: INYOCATinN: Pastur Al IIullen, Valley Assmbly Chur►:h PLEUGE UF ALLEGIANCF_: RnLI. C ALL: APPROV:iL OF r►GEVDA: LN'i'RODtiC:7'ION UF SPEC1A1. GUES'I'S A-'VD PRESENTATi()rS: C014i11i11'1"EE. BOARD, I.IAISON SUMMARY REFORT5: INL1ti"UR'S ItEpUR'I': YUBLIC CON1MENTS: This is An opromjnity for thc public to spcak on any subjcct nat on thc ngcnda fur a.,-tion. Wlien you comc tv the polium, plea:r 5t,titr tc,ur namc and addrcsc for thc; rccnrd and limit rcmatl►s tu tltree ntinutcs i. PC►BLIC HEAtlN(;: Nrc7posrJ 2049.201 •1 I'ransportatinn IinProN eriirnt PR,aram {'I l1')- 5teve Woriey 2. PUNLIC HF-414ING: Stnte Prrtorniuncc Aiidit Rcport on Puhlic Itecards -lustin FW, Pcrforrnancc Audit Managrr of 1Uashingtnn State Auditar's Officr 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Cansists of itcros considcred routinc which 1re upprovucl ns agr+,up. Cuuncilmnmbrr may removc an itcm from thc C'orixnt Agrnda to be ci>nsidcred scpurately. a. Appruval uf fo[lnwing clnim vouchcrs: Y0111(:HFR I,IST VOIICIIf:Et iis '1'0'1'AL VOI:CHER DA1'F: AMOl.fy7' 051080-008 Bc innin wi#14352., cndin w1#14467 422,495.68 ~ 05!2012008 I l3e innin wl m 14468, rndin • w1# 14554 514,345.31 L05;30 !2b0$ Be innin r w! #1455i, endin w!#!46~-? 836,818 10 i CRANn TOl'Al. $3,373.659,1 Q b. Paymll For Pay Pcriod Ending May IS, 2048: S27().469.e7 c. Payrall for Pay Period Encfing Ntay 31, 2408; $31 2,527.43 d. Apprm-al of Resalution 08-012 Srtting Planning Cnmmissinn JuI, 10, :UOK Yuhiic lir;iring for Stroet Vacation Requcst STV O 1•08 c. Stnrm Druinagc T.ascmont - Cary Drisj►cll f. Apprava) t,f tilcc:ting Minutcz af May 6, ?AO$ Council Studv $cssion (;!iniil ',ti;r,tdi rx~-10-OR aes>*uinrMacir ; pagc 1 4? g. Approvat af ti7ceting Nfinutes uF,Ma}' 13, 2008 Cutuicil Rcgular %xiccting h. Approvul uf'vloctiog Minutcs attilay 20, 200$ Councit Eaccutivc Scssion Sprcial hicuting i. :Lpprov:il nt Mertinc Minuitc; c►f R1ay 20, 2009 ("'ouncil 5tudv Ser.sion NEW Bl1SiNF_SS: Froposei RL-sulutian 08-013 Dclcguting Signature Authority fur Utility McmUrnnclum of tlnclerstnndings - Mikc Jacl►san ipubllc commcuti 5. Rioti,±n Considcration: [larker ftoad E3ridge C}1'141 Hill Ccmtrgct Amendmetit - Steve Worlev [pablfc commentl PLF[3LIC COb1hiIEnTS Fliis u an opportunity for tlie puhlic to speak an any subjcct nat an the aKznda fiir action. When you comc tn thr pclium, plcase stntr yrnur name and nddreia for thc rccord ancf lirnit remarks to thrte miitute,. :1nMIyIS'TRAM"F. RFPORTS: n. Transponntion i3enefit District Upclatc - Cary !?riskell 7. F'uhlic Vl'Lirkt C'usinmer Serrice Imirov-ement.s. Plnns - Strve Worlcyl Ncil Kerstcn I1TORMA"1'lUN UNLY: }i. Rcsprmsc tc, ('uhl:c {,omnEent; k:i1h} Mc('lunQ EXEC-19MV ' ' i. i+o*-Rcmo%,cd from Agrnda Al?JOURItiNtENT FUTL'RE S(IIF. D UTE Regular Cvancil.VertlRgs aie grnerrrlli. he/d 2nd and 4" Tuesday.s, beginning ut 6: UUP.nr. Counci! SYuch} .S'Nsti•inns orr gerteralhp held 1", r pnd Slh Tire►sda}•s, beginning aJ 6: 00 p.m N(yT7CE: IndcN iduuli , Ianniag w nttcnd !he meeunb «ht) tcyu[re _i1ecInl acsistanCc lo eccummodute ph}si;;ul, heariu& cv QIliet impnitment.:, j,lcxc c„n[act the Citv C'Irrf: nt (504) W?! • I!01 a: •;oi,n ai possihle %ci that ntrsngemente mav L+c mxk_ t'ounctl •1~c;~d.a 14-,~A FtcgnlL NIcctir.f. Pagc 2 ut 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business [D public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING - Draft 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35.77.010, Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Presentation of draft 2009-2014 Six Year TIP at Council's May 6, 2008 Study Session BACKGROUND: The City is required by RCW 35.77.010 to prepare and after public hearing adopt a revised and extended comprehensive transportation program for the ensuing six calendar years. This plan must be submitted to the Washington State Secretary of ~ Transportation before July 1g' of each year. The attached Draft 2009-2014 Six Year TIP has been revised slightly from the one presented at the May 6 Study Session. As a result of the passing of the STA 0.3% sales tax levy the following five projects are now listed as "secured" for funding: 1. PineslSprague Intersection PCC 2. EvergreenlSprague Intersection PCC 3. IndianalSullivan Intersection PCC 4. McDonald/Sprague Intersection PCC 5. Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC OPTIONS: Public Hearing RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Public Hearing BUDGETlFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The proposed 2009-2014 TIP projects will be budgeted within the Street Capital Projects Fund, which has the revenue resources to accommodate the projects with secured funding. At the current level of projected revenues not all projects listed in the draft 2009-2014 TIP can be funded at this time. See attached Capital Improvement Program Funding spreadsheet showing "2009-14 secured projects - TIP° highlighted in yellow. The bottom of the spreadsheet also shows "Pavement Mgmt. Program° and "Unfunded planned TIP projects° highlighted in green. Staff will continue to evaluate available resources for all "planned° projects relative to future transportation grant opportunities. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Steve Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1) Public Hearing Draft 2009 - 2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), 2) Capital Improvement Program Funding spreadsheet i `mok~ne 0^ p Valle y ~ iIVE YEAR ANNIVEIISARY 01 INCORPORATION March 31, 2003 to Morch 31, 2008 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Public Hearing DRAFT 2009 - 2014 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Draft 2009 - 2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ooNars in rrtoudanas Funding Projnct I Description I Cument Status Longth PE RW CN Total Sourcea 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Tobl o Broadway Avenue Safety ProjQCt - Pines(SR-27) 3 74 25 B34 Ga? ciry 187 187 ta Park UAP '4(i 745 ADl1 & Shipfllg Iri1ptOVemeilts lD fedUCr ar.ricfnnts along KroaOway Carranr Furkdfng Secured (T1B 8-3-200N003}- h Project Totat 933 933 ~ PineslMansiield 0,01 o o 1.7% t.;gs Ciry 20e sos YVSDQT 10 10 T?P 718 718 This pro}ect w►II rocortRgute ihe WB romps of 1-90 a! SFt77 It will aBa wide. n and ratnn5t*ud Manslleld Ave. fram Devebp 212 212 Wilbur Rd, to SR27 to e 34ene rvadway witfi curb, gutter and sidewatk crs CMAO 463 483 Funding 5ecured ('f1B #9-E-432(016)-1 and Srtc04-21) STA 187 187 Pro)ect Total 1,798 1,796 2 Barker Road Bridge 0.1 0 a 4,159 4,15D BR 3.631 1,611 city 204 204 ather 324 324 Replace Dridge #55'13 ,ZD Spokan= River Funding Secured - CRy Tunding for Canltngency Projecl Total 4,159 4,159 3 ApplawaylSpraguelDlshman-Mlca ITS -190 to 2-66 0 0 373 373 Ciry so 60 Dishman Mica CMAQ 323 323 WSDOT Upgrade sipnal eontropen at 20 Intersedlons. Instaq canduit anh fio?r cablh and r.onnect to SF:TMC central system Fundmg Spcured (SRTC 06-25) Prcijscf Totsl 373 173 "r~iects anq trcnehgmee dantMeO fn INe TIP ere tn he cw+sldCrsd oetimalet oNy lhal rtcpy cMnpe due la a variety ol ctircurrWanoea, oni am rot Intended by fhe C1(y b Oe ieied upon hy penperty ownon rn developm h mwklnp eerelopment dedsbna 61312008 Pnae 1 ~ ir ~ _ Draft Loo7 - '7' SptTtm-7- Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ 1~~;~ DoQire in Thcusancls Funding Project / Description I Current Status Lartgth PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 4 STEP Paveback 0 0 a 4.299 4,299 City 1,29' ' 204 1.204 9,699 SW ?U{? 195 ' 45 599 FuU.wir11h pAVmg anrl !irainag= assoualect witt~ 'snnkane Gountys STEP Fundinq Secured - CRy Funds Proiect Tolsl 1,600 1,399 1,198 4,298 6 Street Preservat}on Projact - Varlous Street n 539 0 10.512 11.053 City 1,224 1,224 1.224 2,261 2,260 2.260 10,453 SW 69 69 89 131 131 151 600 Annual atreel presPrvation projects Funding Securt►d - Cky Funds Projact Tutsl 1,293 1,293 1.293 2,392 2,391 2,391 11,053 b Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flora 0.73 o e0 t,roe 1.768 chy 12 saZ asa UAP 48 1 35r, 1,414 Recortsiruct 8 widen 8roadway tn 34ane section, 180 fl E. of Moorn lo Flnra FundinQ SeCtuld (718 /8-E-208(001)• 1) _ Project Totnl 60 1.706 1,768 7 AppEeway - University to Evergreen z 02 477 3 318 7.734 11.530 Cky 121 206 sae »s srn 409 I.ao 2.626 4.075 WSDOT 4 3 480 167 Extend llpplc-way BlvU wifn multi•I:+n=- !aciGty ncludin3 r.LAS 3.7d 5-cfc~'A'o0F: UCP 4.200 4,200 01her 403 1,810 2,013 Secured STF(U) IS t 2 md> VJSDOT _ ProJact Totat 937 2,859 7.734 11,630 Prrqec:s arya hmniromes idertlhEd in the ilt' ate hi he cn~sf,rd es!.^tatet nnty It;a1 may d'_1njn d.,e ~-j avnr~rty rd r,r[unatai~:rn an. arr rot inlanded Dy the City W be reNed upon Uy proper7Y ownArs nr dmoHperc making devoinpment doaa~_n=_ 61312008 Page 2 t"Nt T,% ,r Draft 2009 - 1014 ~m Six-Year Transportation improvement Program 4;00%1~~ ~ I>oIhrs •n Thousands Funding Project / Descriptfon / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sourcers 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total e WSDOT Urban Ramp Projects - Broadway, :,1-10 ciry 3oc~ son Argonne, Freya IIC Pavemmit RehHh of in ~~~n;urn:tion witn LVSUCi i Ramp pm~e---c; Pio)ect Total 300 300 ° Pines/Sprague Intersectlon PCC o 657 742 ctry 152 152 STA 590 690 Repl:tce asphait psavprnpnt wiih porttarrtl CFment Cnrr_r(!le pzv=mer,1. Furviing secured - STA D:?: 5.7i!~5 Iaa' Iavy ;flproved Project Tahl 742 742 10 44th Ave Pathway: Sands to Waodrufi ion a o 32e 32e cfty aa w STP(E) : B+1 284 Asphall Pgthwoy wd btlce lane<_ alnng road CN Funding Secured - Deley fo 2009 b coold[nAta w! ccsunty sewer project Project Total 128 328 Broadway Avenue Reheb #2: Fencher to 0.34 61 o 547 608 City 82 82 Thlorman srp(u) 526 526 Gnnd and intav with +r,ches nl asphatt concrete pnvement Fundng SecureD (SRTC 06-7) Project Total 608 60b PralnCtS and timafrnmec dantiFieJ In the T1P ate to be r,on5laered estirrwea only nat may char.r- due U a vine!y ot ctriunRSances, ani ero rwt Irttended Dy Ihe Gity fo Da mlleE upan by property wimen ar dsvnbpen Ln m" development tfntiarons 61312048 Paoc 3 000 ~ Draft 2009 - ' 4 ~ Six-Year Transportation improvement Program .40~ %lley uo+la+s in rnouaar,aj Funding Project / Description ! Current Status Lenglh PE RW CN Total Sourcos 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 12 Park Road - t! 2(PE Only)• Broadway to Indiana 075 352 0 0 352 city aA 48 STP(U) 303 304 Prol. 92 - Reconstruct end widen to 3 lares wiih bike iones ana 8ldevmlks Funding Sewred (SRTC 06-11) ProJoct Total 362 362 13 SuilivaNSprague Intersectien PCC oI e3 o 778 861 ciry »s stp(u) 745 745 Replace nittpd asphalt pavement vnth par7fand concrete cemen! Funding Secuted (SRTC 06-8) ProJett Total 861 861 14 Mansfield Extension • SR27 to Mirabeau 0.51 1e1 875 11,"8 2.494 ckyr 207 290 497 PerkWSy UAP 829 1,158 1.987 Constnid 3-kane artnrial tmm Pines to Mirabesu ParlrNay Pruject Total 1.036 1,4t8 2,484 15 Flora Road - Sprague to Mission Ioo 3.271 c►ry e9 298 26e 666 UAP W t 199 tMU 2.616 Re[on5frir.t to a trir~r -lane artc>.hal ProJect 7ofal 447 1,487 1,337 3,271 Prejettl pnd fmv!rorr,m oenGlkd In Ihe TIP are lo bo cor.sidr.rod n?stimatrc any lnat moy chenpe Qex+ m a u-,vrw!y nf r.ircurr3carr.es, rn. ere not Mlendcii Dy tne Ciry ro be rMied upo^ hy prnc+ortY rm*te!s or deveic+pr.n in makmp dowtbpment APClsfcnc, W12Oa8 Page 4 1P02 ' Dratt 2009 - 2014 4, ~~ni ~ Six•Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ %1ky oalwj i7 r+xLSanLti Funding Project / DescNpUon / Current 5tatus Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 16 Sprague Ave. Resutiaeing Project 1- University = o: '31 0 1.5215 :8.%- c'ty 1.956 2.e66 tD Evergreen Rf-iurtacz Sprague Ave fnni Unrvarsi;y P.d fn Fvergmen Rd ProJect Total 2,856 2,856 17 Evergresn/Sprague Inte3rsection PCC a 110 o 1.023 1 133 city 233 233 sTa sne 0oo Repl:iro asnhalt paverrent witn nnr;land --emvirt conrreoP ;:3u?f)lf•r)T Fu-~d~ng secwL-cl -51 A Cr •l, . sales tax fo)vv approded Project Total 1,133 1.133 18 lndianalSultivan Intersaction PCC c 128 0 1.216 1,342 clty 275 275 STA 1,DG" 1,067 Replar_e asphait pnverrient wdh porHand cement concrete oAVemenL Funding aecured - STA 0.3% sales tax levy Wroved Pro)ect Total 1,342 1.142 19 Park Road - Bridging the Valleyl BNSF Grade 0.2 900 2,000 13,620 16,51e ctty 31 so 2e6 zeB 693 Separation FMSta 227 651 2,061 2.0e1 6,000 Othor 364 1,045 3.308 3.308 8,026 Fed Rec.nnstrud Patk Roed to separate the gredes oi Park Road snd the BNSF rehoad tracks Other- 37 104 330 330 601 RR l}CP 91 280 824 824 1,899 'O►her' Funding irom BNSF RR _ Pro)ett Totet 750 2.160 6,609 6,809 16,518 Pcopcts and tlmohart+es kbntt11e0 In Me TIP are b Da oonsldared estimelns on[y ttsat mey chsnQe duo 1a a vwnety of moumstantbt, aiu are not nlended by ft CMy Oo De eelled uDnn M tmP" mwsra or dewebpwt in matnq dovelopment dedelona 8WQOS Page 5 Draft 2009 - 4 Six-Year Transportation improvement Program Dotla!u ln 7►wusan4s Funding Projoct 1 Descriptlon I Curront Stntus Lrngth PE RW CN Total Saurces 2409 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 20 Sprague Ave. Resurfacing Projoct 2- % 231 n 2,625 : e56 ctty 2.e56 2.e56 Evergroen Rd to Sullivan Rd Resurtnce 5prague Ave from Everprekn Rd to Surtivan P.d ProJect Total 2,868 2,856 21 Sullivan Road (PE only)- Euclid to Wellesley 1 595 o 0 596 cny 9o so STP(U) S15 516 Reconstruct tn a seven-lann urban artgnol. Fundmfl Sacured (SRTC 06-12) Project Total 695 596 22 Sullivan Road North Extension (8fgelow Gulch) 0.25 Q 1 54 55 CiN 56 55 P.econsrnir_: and unden the Suqlvan Road extension norfh ahso known as Bgelow Gulrh Raad to a4-InnF roadvvai with K-lorf shaulders and A 12-fOOf hvo wAy IBTt 1um lane Project Total 55 66 2-A McDonaldlSprague IntersscUon PCC o 102 o 967 I.oe, city 219 214 STA 650 Q50 Replacn asphalt pavrement with pori[and cement r.ancrr-tA paven*nt. Fundmg secured - STA 0.3% ssks tau fevy appraved - - - ProJect Total 1,069 1,089 (";oJCG15 11ki LIfTCIrfTlff dIQrf7f:Cd m 1hE TIP 1(p lu G!' : cnLIdP,lPC e5!I1Tiatm. O^I! 'hal mxi cham)n rFur !n Y Y.IfiCry rJI GYl'~.DU' f.f.CS an. aro no! fnletx7ed try M+e GHy bo be reNotf uPan b1' PmPenY awnon a DOvtlnpers e+ makInq de%*lopmonl decis-ir*. &,1121pg Pnge 6 / N4M~ Dratt ZUUy • 1U14 M Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ Va~ ~ i]ouars in r:.ru_:snc1, Fundlnfl Project 1 Description / Current Status LenAth PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 24 BroadwaylSullivan Intersection PCC f' 'Iti f) 1 111.11 1.%"C) city 25_1 253 sTa y-, sn Renlace asphait pavemPnt wisii pnrtland c?ment con--ete pavHrnent Fundinp secur»d - STA 0.396 salee tax bvy approvad ProJect Total 1,230 1,230 25 Argonne Road • 190 to Trent 0.3e 76 5ao 713 1289 Ciry 77 101 17e CMAO 499 617 1,111 Revise Slgnal Phxsing, Add NB Rqht Turr. Lana at Montgamr..ry Intcrse:'tions Ir-nro4ements a! Knox Funding Secured (Sf?Tr- 06-31 ) Pro)oct ToU11 676 713 1,288 27 Suliivan Road West Bridge 0.08 1,370 tOa 61112 4,582 BR 735 735 4,056 4.058 94112 Re_onshuct and wrfen wggt Dridas PraJect Total 716 735 4,058 4,056 9,582 29 Broadway Ave - Flora to Barker 1 314 zso 2,e26 1,390 CitSr 83 50 565 678 UCP 251 200 2.261 2,712 Reconstrur_t to 3-Ianes. Flora to E3ar~er Project Total 314 260 2.826 3,390 Pre}ed: nnd !<den'ihr.cl :n Ihe TlP wc tu he t;--s,Uere•j eeln•.i~.,. cnly 1',at mxf :r.argr d.,e 10 ;i vun•,re r.r_:,msf3n~~•- n'are noi InteMerl Oy Ihe City to he ro(is4 uPon uY GroC9nY awnen ot deveiopera In macnp CeveODpmnnt oecisiont 5/312048 Peoe ' ~r000 ~ Draft 2009' 4 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program nomrs in r►+„usa~+nz Funding Project / Description I Cunmnt Status Lnngth PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Totsl 29 Appleway-Thierman EB LAne 0,36 i, 10 150 1a; cicy : z2 Zs CMAQ 23 1139 162 Adci EB rt,1ht tum 13rra to Appleway ~ Theerman ProjoctTotal 26 181 187 30 Misslon Ave - Flora to Barker 099 345 300 3,103 3.747 ciry 99 340 310 749 UAP 398 1,381 5,241 2,998 New 3-Ianc :.er.tion Flora io 8arker Project Total 496 7,701 1,561 3.747 31 Dishman Mica Rehab - 16th to Schafer & 2-1 230 a 1270 1.50o cny 202 202 Bowdish to City Limits sTP(P) 1.2(18 1•298 Gnnd/inlay Axwting macrway Projett Total 1.500 1,500 32 SalteselSullivan Signal :sa 15 .164 414 cmr taa 104 Other 42 42 Ottior ?.&A 268 Improvements to fntzrse!d+an In Coorcfinetian w/ Spokane Cauny Project Total 114 414 Pm+eds 1nui pmc", rnat dtnhfied ~n !he Tif' sre to be L=~nSr~eroi ~:"+'~AtrS O"Ir thn' T3y chanpe duc lo a rAflQty ilt C.:I,^Ufl'ISLYf1CP.5 a++nre nDt ar*nded Dy ine Cdy lo be relteA upon tyy proptrty cw-ers or dEVCbG+en in meknp drrelopmRnt dor.ltiicma fi!3lZOOB Pa9e 'I t,,,,r Dratt lUUy - lU'14 ~pO~ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~%1ley Qnllarx m Thousana, Funding Project ! Description f Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 34 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent =22' ciry 2e~1 280 cfano 1,601 Tralr:r. Sranal (.:nnrml sy-em rnr t~oR!~oFunAing SeGUred (SRTC 06-26) Projoct Total 2.081 2,081 3f) Barker Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue 0.26 274 ' S^p '.34P, 3 tc=, ctry 156 2e9 ise 633 UAP 622 1156 754 2,512 Reczn-,truct [o a fh:s-la"1e arterul with ce,)tr_r turn tare irorr App~nwsy lo Cros;tv:,7y r•al :4n Rrraovray Fast el Bnrver Project Total 778 1,445 942 3,165 36 Park Road -#2 (CN Only)- Broactway to Indiana 0.75 0 2,000 2,326 4.326 Cityr 270 314 594 sTP1ul + 73e 2.012 3.742 Prot #2 - Recnnstruct and widen to 3 Lanes wNh bike ianes and sidenrrAn,s Project Total 2.000 2,J26 4,326 37 32nd Avenue - Evergreen to Best c z_. 7e 25r' 703 ~.1331 uty 21 24 95 uo 3TP(U) 132 151 608 691 P,ecnnsnur.t and wirien ro inree lanas Mh curhs and siaFwai.s ProJoct Total 153 175 703 1,031 Proiectc gnd timelreme5 ic}enli+ed in 1M1c• Tif 3te !u "e conxOWL'3 es:imate% n~pv mar mrr ~hangp, fSue !n .3 vanetr L:IGII.TS':1~^r-p ~nare rrol mlended by Cie CQy (e be mNec1 upon by pruperty owners or dwebpnre in meklhp aavelopmen; deoanrs 6~2008 Pogo 9 i Draft 2007 ' *6mmilo., Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ Vaa! ~ D0ll.375 1fl TAf1J6a/06 Funding Project I Doscription f Current Status Length PE RW CN Tota! Sourc" 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 38 Evergreen/32nd - 16th to 32nd, Everyreen to 125 406 120 3.6e1 4.20; ciry 108 755 853 STP(U) 418 2926 3,3" SR-27 Rer.er.siruct and n•rde,i:a Ihree IanAs Project Total 528 5,681 4,207 39 Barkor Road - 8th to Appteway 0.75 7%2 500 2,449 3.220 Ctty 74 80 490 s,ts UCP 223 240 1,469 1,932 Other 74 AO 490 644 Rnrnnstrucl tn a thrce-lane uiban arterial trnm 9th to Applewsy. ProJoct Total 371 400 2,419 3.220 40 Sullivan Road (RWlCN only) - Euclid to Wellesley 1 o 1.000 2.525 3,525 cny Iea w 706 STPIU) fA[i 2.180 2,820 Rernnsfrur,t'p a sevttn-lana urban erteno! ProJect Totat 800 2,725 3,626 42 Pines Corcidor ITS: Sprague to 16th 53n ;85 cicy 106 106 C W1Q 679 679 Trflffir. 5ignil Cnntml Systr.m for Cnrridor PnoJett ToLaI 785 766 f•roiw_qz arny hmehsrrz s~fe,l,f;ed m tTe T1P -in) ir: Cp rcntltlerh!1 zt11f1ift6i W" lllit tfyq Gttp[Igo ilur tn ~ vn!:eN oi ;.i•cumct~nr.e~ an are rnt irtenrfRd GJ I`= r•rty t,, he rolled uprin trv pfopfrtY crHneis r,r dcn!IaFen n mekmQ dRVCtripme^t :Irci_vj^.s 6Y:12008 PI9e '•f' „ ,r ~ `ft uratt Luuy - 'LU'14 ~~~nc Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ..~-Kiley [k:Hats n ThAtisands Funding Project / Description / Current Status LoRgth PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Totai 43 Sullivan Road Rehab - Indiana to Euclid 'Ci: 1 h5 0 935 ~.1012 c+tv 22 126 148 STP(P) 143 809 952 Gr.ndllnlay exsitiny roacsHay ProJoct Total 166 935 1104 as 32nd Ave Rehab - Oishman Mica to SR-27 1.88 212 0 1,198 1,410 crty 29 162 1e1 gT'p(p) 183 1,036 1,219 Gnndiinlay exsonp roadway Pro)ect Total 212 1,188 1,410 46 Carnahan Truck Lane - 8th to City Limits 0.3 234 o 0 234 city 32 32 STP(U) 202 202 Add SB hur.k Lane te rnad prajact Tcrtal 234 234 47 Appleway Extension - Evergceen to Tshirley 2-27 834 o a e34 chy 113 srP 721 721 oche► srate ExtenJ App!eway EilvA with a mutti-Iane farillry mcludinp ai{dS 9nd s c4ewaikS UCP ProJect Tolal 834 834 Prnlid; rintl U~nc±'rame= rlentmr.d n trr ilP a:e 1,j ue C-,:.n5ide-~7 ~51 ^atrs rn.tv T:ti! n:ay c'n^;;e due tn i.nrFro ~ i iJrr.uo^s!arr.F±. ariare no' mtended by the City !o be reE*A u(nn by propertY ownerq of aevCMpere in rtiak'eg dovclapment deUt:ors 8/312008 Pane t 1 / ~ Draft 2009 - 4 SNQr- Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ~ VaJ ~ DoWs in 71,oimarMc Funding ProJoct / Descript3on ! Curront Shtus Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2049 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total ae University Road Intay 2: 15th to 4tfi o ss 52 o 462 441 Cny so eo STPI Pl 581 581 Gnrid tind RD'+e N'ni• 2 °-nches o! nsphalt concrele paverrxnt Prn]ect Total 441 441 49 Universfty Road Inlay 1: Oishman-Mica Rd to 129 ffe o o es cny 20 zo 15th Ave STP(P) 79 Te Gnnd and pave with 2 inche<_ of asphaft mnrretc pnvnrnant pro)ect TnW 99 98 0.5 142 0 0 141 City 12 12 52 Park Road -#3 - Sprague tn Broadway srP(u) >zz 122 Othcr 7 7 Rsconstruct and widen to a standnrd Ihree-lena arteriel atreet with wrhs aRd sidewatks. PCC an 8roadvvay UCP Rro}ect Totnl 141 141 53 g8rker Roacl - Spokane River to Trent 11.a 303 o a aoa Ctty at 41 STP(U) 282 262 RerAnslr,trt to a ltireft-lana curbeil arteriel In Coordirtabon w/ BN Project Tohl 303 303 PrGlt'eIs a^J ;imei'aInes r7nnbtaQ •i tt15 TIr' art t.? C:,~iei'le'et e57iT:5!tr5 ~r`~ h:r! •.aq , ri,i-:7e uuc o va-oc••i i,t rm:t.;mcttnr.er i:,,a-e nut Inlandnd bY ft Cdy W be rnlica upon try r.-:perty cnNmerz or devniSar: i^ ma~ina der>iopment Lk.-CiWeru. 613.12008 Rsge 12 «<„rw4poop-Dratt 1UU9 - 1U14 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program v ~ r►nlta!E m Thr.usands Funding Project I Oescription ! Current Staws Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Totsl 54 Euclid Ave! Flora Rd - Flora Euclid to Euclid, 1 1' 379 c o 379 ciry r,1 61 Euclid Flora to Barker STP(U) 3:A 328 Rrconstruct lo prowrle a mree lare shouldL-red orterinl Projoc! Totai 379 379 TOtals: 10,690 13,474 96,369 120,534 19,673 16.893 22,618 23,616 24,345 12.832 119,900 Pmle: ts aru: t n•ro`ramr.~ ldnn!tfie' n the Tlr are t[i Ue J;,n.ti,:lrrr.l e!t,rraf~3 arJy Cist 7iay di;e t:, n v_ir.et' 01 n,_ :m~.tyr.:r•. nn aro not mterxled by Ifm Gfy to De reGed upon try property awners or ocwelopara m mnk~ng dovelupment tlecisions 61312008 Page 13 Draft 2009. 14 ~ti~tf ' ~ - Six-Year Transportation li~.ve avement Program ~w1ey Six-Year Transportation Im rp ovement Program Totals Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other Cfty Year Fecleral StaM Other City Year Federal Sfate Other Ctty 2009 $8.276 $1,522 $32E0 54.402 2000 $409 $4 $403 53,2T7 2000 'S8,685 $1,528 S3.893 $7.879 2010 $1.014 $1.366 $1,827 53.663 2010 $2,182 S1,759 $1.847 $3.455 2010 53.178 53.125 s3.474 3T,118 2011 S2.413 SO SO $3,073 2011 f5.843 99.136 $414 $1,758 2011 $8.256 S9.136 yitA $4,832 2012 SO $O 50 $2,392 2012 $9,644 $6.955 S404 $2.221 2012 $9.644 $8.955 $404 $4,613 2013 SO SO $O $2.391 2013 $14,098 $5,120 $410 $2.329 2013 =14,098 55.120 $410 S4,T20 2014 :0 $O $0 =2,391 2014 56.728 $1,469 $497 31,T47 2014 S6.728 S1.469 S46T $4.139 Totel f9.703 S2,868 S5,107 518,312 Tota) sJ8,SU $26,443 i3,T76 i14,788 TOtfl $48,687 $29,331 sE,882 f13.100 I'+o;ect% and tm+ahsmes IdenlKrwJ In 1M 71P arr to te cnnslderod enmmmee nnry tnat m»yr chanpr tlue lo a variely r4 -„runstan_e~ a^.at n nM IMwiied bY tlr Cify to Da rerod upon bY DmWtY awnerrt or devebPen in msklnp davolopment dnciabt+s 5,'32008 PaqC ' City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Prajects wt no lderrtltfed Laa! Matdi wlthln the 2009 Sfx•Yaar TIP ootl.ra ►n Ti,o„sartas kdeat Ns I~m*t11n thrt YIW Trdi trt 8th Avenue Phase 1- Camahan to Reconstruct ft Ave. to a thne-lane 2015 $3.615 Havana sedron wlih curb, qutter. aldewalks and bike lanes 8th Avenue Phase 2- Park to Dideey Reconstruct eth Ava. W o throe-lane 2015 $3.156 section wfth wrb, putter, sldawella end bika lanea. flth Avenue Pnase 3- Oickey to ReCOnstruCt Bth Ava. to a lhtle-IaRe 2015 53,81 1 Camahan seWon with arb, yutter, skfewaks snd bke lanes B"t Road Reconstructlon. 92n4 to Spokano County Projact, 2015 540 Bth Raoonatruct 8arker to 3-Lane Secrion. City Partner mstch Bowdhh Road - 32nd to 8ih Reconstruct rnd wldon roadwey to 2015 $4,593 three lanea. 6awdlsh Raad Rnhsb - Dtehmen 2" GnnC and Inlay exlfting roaa 2)15 $2 7i1 PAica to 32nd SFZ27/Ainear161hlntarsection Improvementitointersectionir)uai 2016 $3,13: lene RoundsboW) Unl,rerslry/Sprague IMarsec6on PCC Replace asphitt pavement wlth 2016 $997 parUand cement canaeta pavement Totale: $18,614 Hra;e,_u anC lmefra-es :jeriUfea in!ne i 1F afE SO De OOf1sIdlrRtl Qwzim3!P5 Omly that rnay Change due to a varlcPy cf c,rcumstnn:.ea ar,d aTa n•T irttrndad by Ctu Cq to De re11aC upon Cy prpury owners or developvs N max}nQ develapment decisons Mondey. June 02. 2008 Pagt 1 af I City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Worlcs Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PM - 2M Do4rs in T»ousand 2= no # "at Ifs A'Mn'fl i~ ilty Amog ToLI AesK 0 Braadwey Avenue Salety Project - Pmes(SR•27) UAP 187 933 to Parfc 1 PineslMansfield TFP 208 1,798 2 8arlcer Road Bridge BR 2134 4,159 3 ApplewaylSprague/D1shRSan-Mics fTS - 190 to CMAO s0 373 Dishrtten Mica 4 STEP Pevebaak Cky 1,291 1,500 5 Street Preservatbn Pro)ed - Vatious Street City 1,224 1,293 6 Broedway Ave 180 R E. oi Moore to Flora UAP 12 60 7 Appleway - Untvenity to Evergreen STP 121 937 S W5D0T Urben Ftemp ProJeds - Broadwey, City 300 300 Arponne. Freya I/C 9 PfnesJSprsgut InteraecUon PCC STA 152 742 10 44th Ave PathwaY Sands to 1Noodfuft STP(E) 44 328 11 Braadway Avenua Rahab 02: Fancher ta STP(U) 82 608 Thierman 12 Park Raad - # 2(PE Orily)- 8rosdway to Indiane STP(U) 48 352 13 SulUvan/SpraQue Intersadfan PCC STP(U) 116 861 16 Sprsflua Ave Resurfacing Ptoject 1- Univer5r.y City 2,856 2,85$ to Evergrecn 17 Evergreer►/Sprague Intersection PCC STA 233 1,133 18 Indlana/SuNiwdn IntersecUan PCC STA 275 1,342 2009 Totals: $7.401 $19,573 aro,Ktts anC tlmelramee ioantified in lne TIP ve to be candftnee aotlmates onty that may chsnpa due ta a veriety of crwmarancee, and era nct m;MdeC hy the Clty to be retied upon by proqrty owners or devdopern fi msNng dwftpment Oeclafons Acded Fro;h,!s s•e ehorrn In Greer ir C-n•~f4nded PsojsCt ste shown In &Iue Tuesday, Juno 03. 2008 Pa;e t oi 4 m ItM# R*ot d= hU'y iiiiiro 94 MWN iIW MN■it 4 STEP Pevebadc CrZy 1,204 1,399 5 SVeet Preservetion Project - Various Streat City 1,224 1,283 8 &oadway Ave 180 R E. oi Moore to Flora UAP 342 1,708 7 Appleway - Univarsft to Evergroen Other 208 2,859 14 Mensfrtld Extension SR27 to Mirabeau Farkr:ay UAP 207 1,036 16 Flare Road • Spraaue to Mlsabn UAP 89 447 19 Pgrk Road - BndgJng the Velleyf BNSF Grada Other Fed 31 750 Seperadon 20 Sprsgue Ave Reawiadng ProJeQ 2- Evergreen Cihl 2,856 2,856 Rd to Sullivan Rd 21 SuNlvan Road (PE only)- Eudid to Wel{estey S7P(U) 80 585 23 McDonafd/5prague tnterseclion PCC STA 219 1,066 24 BnasdwaylSullivan InlersecUon PCC STA 263 1,230 25 Argortne Road -190 to Trertt CMAO 77 576 27 Sullivan Road West Bridge 8R 0 735 28 8roadway Ava - Flora to 6erktr UCP 63 314 29 qppltway-Tltierman E8 Lnne CMAO 3 26 2010 Totals: $6,854 S16,893 2rn ItM# h'*at Nn hiNW7 ioiiilrs Oty AMW irhi AN" 4 STEP Paveback Ctty 1,204 1,399 5 Street Preservatian Project - Various Streat City 1,224 1,293 7 Appleway - Univeroky to Everpreen UCP +48 7,734 14 F.lansrsid Exians=on • SP,Zi to MIrZbcSU Pa,ic,vey UAP 290 1,448 15 Fiora Road - Spague to Misaton UAP 298 1,487 19 Par1c Rwd - Bddging the VapeylBNSF GraGe Other Fed 90 2,150 Sepa+'aUcr• 23 Argotme Road -190 to Trent CMAQ 901 713 27 SuUfvan Road West Bridpe BR Q 735 28 6rcadvray Ave -Flara ta Btukcr UCP 50 250 29 Applewey-Thietman EB Lene CMAQ 22 161 30 Missior. Ave - Ftosa ta Barker UAP 89 495 31 Dishmer. Mlcs Rohab • 18th to 8cheder b STP(P) 202 1,500 6awdlsh to City Limits 32 Sa(teselSutllvan Sipnal Other 104 414 34 Pines Corrfdor ItS: Sprague Eo Trent CMAQ 280 2,081 35 E+a6:c- Foad - Appiewey ta BrGBdWRy AYBrIUo UAP 156 778 - - - - - - - - - - 2011 Totals: :4,56E $22,638 ProjecG and Cmehamas idanOhed In tha TIP xm to Dt canaidered estlmalas orly tl+at nuy chmnQe due lo a vukry oi cimumstancxt :nG arc nat intanded try Ihe Clb ID De rolled upon Oy propOrty ownen or developef b+ rrtsklnQ derrebpntent deCblans. AddrtQ ProJrds we enw+n 4n Gtw ;Furtdea P►o}ecti at shov+n in 61ue Tuesday, !une D:, 2008 Paga 2 ot 4 20 Ito#t nw11m h1lW7 iilta Oty AWwt TILI Aomt 5 Street Presarvation Projed - Vanous Straet Ciry 2,261 2,392 15 Flora Road - Sprague to Mlssion UAP 268 1,337 19 Pdrk Road - Brldgira thr Vaitey/ pNSF Graae Other Fed 286 8,809 Saparahnn 27 Sullivan Road Wes! Bndge BR 0 4.056 28 Broadwop %+ve - Flora. 1tD B: tkpr UCP 585 2,828 30 Mmslon Ave - Flora to Barker UAP 340 1,701 35 Her4cer Road f+PAieway tn 6roath•:ay A':<<nup UAP 289 1,445 38 Park Road - 02 (CN Only)- Broadwey to Indiana STP(U) 270 2,000 37 32nd Avenue • Everyreen to 8est STP(U) 21 153 38 EvergreeM32nd - 18th to 32nd, Evergreen to SR- STP(U) 108 r 27 39 Ba6.er Roa-i E;n tn Appl6;,4y UCP 74 - - - - - - - - 2012 Totais: $4,482 $ 20 MM# PI'W NM N'r/'y $aI'a GMANiit 1aWwll i: 5 Street PreservaUon Projed - Various Street City 2,280 2 3~r i 19 Fsrk Road - Bridginy the Vaney! BNSF Grade Other Fed 286 66C Separapon 22 Sulllvan Road North Exteneion (BiQelow Gulch) Ciry 55 27 SuWvan Road West Bridge BR 0 < 30 M,ss,on kve - FI~r;i to 6srkcr UAP 310 1,65 35 Barksr Road -%,~.~pte;ray 1D HrG2dwiy nven:se UAP 188 94: 38 Park Road -#2 (CN Only)- Broadway lo Indiana STP(U) 314 2.32, 37 32nd Avenue - Evergreen to Best STP(U) 24 t7: 38 Evergfeen/32nd - 18th to 32nd, Evergreen ta SR• STP(U) 755 3,6& 27 39 Earker Road - 81.h lc Applrway UCP 80 40if 40 Suliivan Road (RW1CN only) - Eudid to Wellesley STP(U) 160 BAC, 42 Pines Corridor f7S: Sprague to 16th CMAO 108 785 43 Sulinrsn Road Rehab • Indiana W EudiO STP(P) 22 185 45 32nd Ave Rahab - pishmen Mica tn SR-27 STP(P) 29 212 - - 2013 Totais: 54,689 $24.348 ProJaCte and hn►eilremea IGeMltied in tl+e TIP ere ro be rorsydena esdrtrat=a anly that rtvy Cunye Cue to a vofely ot ercumstances, end ere nor intenGed by the Cityr W be retled upon by property awnen or develooe+a In making Gevebpmenl Geclsfona Added Projectr aro shown In Grsen Fc..., cr c,,~ •i~,_•;. FundeC PmJeW ate bhown h Qlue Tuesdar, June 03. 2008 Page 3 of 4 2D11 Ite# "W M= Rftlr'y i~ oh AMEit iIW A~IIit 5 SVeet Prasenrabcn Project - Various Straet CKy 2,260 2.391 37 32nd Avanue - Everpreen l0 8esi STP(U) 86 703 39 Barker Roe4 • 8th to Applewoy UCP 490 2.449 40 Supiven Roed (RWICN only) - Eudld to We1lesfey STP(lJ) 545 2.725 43 Sulkivan Road Rehsb - Indiana to Euclid STP(P) 128 935 45 32nd Ava Rehab - Di6txnen Mice te SR-27 STP(P) 162 1,198 46 Camahan Trudc Lane - 8th to City Limtts STP(U) 32 234 47 Applewsy Extens(on - Ever4teen to Tahirley STP 113 834 48 Univarsity Rcad Inlay 2: 15Rh to 4th STP(P) 80 441 49 Unlversiry Rosd Inley 1: Diehman-Mlca Rd to STP(P) 20 99 15th Ave 52 Park Road - tlq - Sprague to Sroedway STP(U) 12 141 53 Barker Rosd - Spokane River to Trertt STP(L) 41 303 64 Euclid Avd Flora Rd - Flora EucNd W Eudid, STP(U) 51 376 Euclid Flora to Barker - - - - - 2014 Tobla: $4.007 $12,832 ProJsels and dmehamsf IdanMfrod h dw TtP are to bs coni+dereC estlmatea only Inat may Chanpe due 00 a vsrtery of c'C.J-6tances anc arr r.ol intended bti tlu Gty Oo Oe rolled upan by WvO" ownet or developen In mak3np develapmen! deci6lona Aecea Proprcts are shvwr, ir. Grae+, r-: F P•: r r_ ,.i,;e FunQM Praiects arr shvwn In @iue Tuesday, June 03, 2008 Page 4 cf 4 City of Spokane Valley - Capital Impruvcrnent Program Funding Problem Statement #3 June 1, 2008 DRAFT _ Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 RESOURCES: BEG. QAL $ 11,000,000 $ 6,459,980 S 2,733,960 $ 816,960 $ (21.040) $ (229,040) S(436,040) CAP PROJECTS REEf 1 $ 1,040,000 $ 1,000.000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 SPEC. CAP PROJECTS REET 2 $ 1.OQO.000 $ 7,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1.004,000 $ 1,000,000 S 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 PARKS CAP. IMPRV. FUND $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - INVES1i1AENT EARNINGS $ 150,000 $ 100,000 $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ - COBG FROM COUNTY S 230,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 S 300,000 SPOKANE COU(YTY $ 1,600.000 a - $ - $ - $ - S - STATE - UNIV. PARK $ 8D0,000 S - S - $ - $ - $ - PARKS GRANT S - $ 200,OQO $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - STORM WATER DRAINAGE $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 S 300,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 COUNTY STEP PROJ.-STORM DRN S 200,000 $ 200.000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - GEN. FUND $ 70,000 $ 20.000 S 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 16.360,000 f 9.689,960 $ 5,693,960 $ 3,686,860 $ 2,798,960 $ 2,590,960 $ 2,383,980 EXPfNDt7URES: PARKS $ 3,260,000 $ 800,000 $ 580,000 $ 100.000 $ 100,040 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 UNNERSAL PARK $ 800,000 $ 200,080 DEBT SERVICE PYMTS $ 185,040 $ 187,000 $ 184,000 $ 185,000 $ 186,000 $ 186,040 $ 190,000 ADA, Clty Cent. Art projecis $ 424,000 $ 200,000 $ 50.000 S 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - S - S - S - $ - S - 2008-14secured"eds-TIP s 4,911,040 $ 4,402,000 $ 3,683,000 $ 3.073,000 i 2,392,000 ; 2.391.000 $ 2.391,000 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 BARKER BRIDGE ADOTL FUNDING $ - S 767,000 S - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDtTURES i 9.680,040 S 6.856,000 $ 4,777,000 i 3.708,000 ~ 3,028,000 i 3,027,000 i 3,031,000 CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR $ 6,469,960 $ 2,733,960 $ 816,960 f (21,040) _ (229.040) $ (436.040) i(647,040) Pmerttdtii Mgml. Ptogt'arn $ (4.435,000) $ (4,435,000) S (4,435,000) $ (4.435,000) $ (4,435,OQQ) $ (4,435,000) $ (4.495.000) Uhfunded piannedTlP projects S - $ (3,682.004) $ (3,927,000) $(1,758,000) $ (2,221,000) $ (2,329,000) $ (1,747,000) F,l;if200B9 57 AM I' 1('uhlic WorlcstC.ap+ta! Prejr.risiClV-TlP FixxlinglKen's Six Yee► CIP Fundinfl x4s City of Spokane Valley N V plp~bwGatA) L Draff 2409-2014 Six Year TIP n YVf@lIB6 8 a ~ c T O . . a D + ~ t tl ~ 7 ~ 4 m - 3kdWn Ilaad luck Avs i Raea bGid lucld b Nirry fbe frck kluc9d IaMr bad r a (ufd Fbw b IorYr ~n R~w b vWt \ - - Eucbd Euclld ~ w~~wboarwo. • Mlrebeau s~e,o~ Euctld waa , haiaecrotaid r T~ ~ anlg mery m./Momnwd ;1 34 1~1 Mmwubew Pomwup hrk dooa -t MlnlooAq f- tlv 1 GaEe Mpormlon 1~ ~ Indiann Fbeo b lar►im i Su~wnboOYhdNb29 a Un M+nianFcC 1 _ AP9~eltood r ' / Iy1M COIIIdp Ilf I 1ail~AaoO 110b1m~ G•` M8310t1}-~' y tiRo0wloltoM l• ~ ~ !I~ ~i~'' 12- Naad~o►b Mdana oad"' ri Yoadwr Rw MooQ~oY/iurvan QI Aw 3i _ fpmpro AvuMt YiK"el" Ki Ib01 E d Maa~ talkru ,i i i Ibro b 6aAM ~ ~ A~eMfocinG hokcf 11 - _ iafar ~ood .S all [p m y ' INwi/) b Ewpem - . ~ ~ - Ip{+MMay !c - ]r ~ ' knvcnvy A+vn.re IA Brondwa t cOona"lpopue . J~ N~eclon ~CC is f f 1NealSptaque ~ u* IAerwchon /CC I ~upve b hYron , .f.. - - J 't a u~ i Mwwclon K t i.• I I I ,.iwaen,r -I ~ -71.11 ' ~~.ypr ~ ~ NaodNay Awnw ~ ~ Aoiw bood 12:Farch~UtAlMrrtnn 0AbAppwear ~ 1s't SP~gU P{eway 4-'3 d~ T • ~ 1"~ LL+Iwry bod lrky 7 r APP»-f ~ ~w Anew Applrao~ 6dmda~ ~ e I ishban fugil, ~bitenecson rcc . --wdocrronq.dn . t..v.n,roI mn" : MP~warf'•Imwrmn lhlvrfy laE+orgroon . ~ .i~ [rwP~+bSVvon ~ e _couaoinaLm. _ m.s coefto m ~ - ' kmou.wi4m r,rI,i~o~a 1 Y ~ • N90 fo 6bhaMi►4Nco Cbnalwn hucM lane ~ Q1i i I i• , itnrocMumh a6ih i N~A Q m ~ G 9 10 {1UWI~Y b10A lIrQy 1 Q . ~ Whmn4ft01o1Sth SR - • r - ?Ql~l ~ 24111 7 Sah»/3~IronSlpnd x Q.. ]tnd Are A~Mab dhM+en Mcn fn SA•71 ~Avww• 32nb EVNWM^t^ob Legend ~ Project Year -:F - a twowom n~ r 0. b~INAkund.MiO~ bS&27 - Gnoo9 201n u. G pdmon AYco M~ _I ; Illh b SAsAe~ l M"d^bCoy Lbvft a ~ 2010 ~ 2013 au, 2011 2014 i E Note. ~ Q ~alle ~A~~r ~ W5D0T Urban Ramp ProJects, s~„e~~ow~arya Q Streeet Preservation P~ojects and ~ STEP Paveback Projects not shown on fhis map June 4, 2008 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new buslness 0 pubuc heanng ❑ information ❑ admin report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: YUBLIC fiF4RING: Statc Ferformancc Audit Kcpori, Public Itecorcls )ustin Flaa, Auditor's Oflice GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Justin Flaa, Performance Audit Manager of the Washington State Auditor's Office, will give a brisf overview of the May 19, 2008 Final "Performanc:e Audit Report Open" conceming public records pradfces af thirty govemment entities, one of which was Spokane Valley. OPTIONS: RECOMMENOEO ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT~ ATTACHMENTS May 19, 2008 Performance Audit Report (under separate cover) Performance Audit Report Open Public Records Practices at 30 Government Entities Report to Spokane Valley City Counal ~ ..Y 1~*20~ i, t ~ 1 I I 1 ~ i -t ~ Tuesday, June 10, 2008 . , v.~`;~ ~ Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag, CGFM www.sao.wa.gov Objecti`s~,-/ ~hat may be necessary for the entity to properly i~~ This performance audit was designed to answer the out its functions. following question: 8. Analysis of the entity's performance data, performance measures and self-assessment systems. How effective were 10 selected cities, 10 selected counties 9• Identification of best practices. and 10 selected state agencies at responding to 10 public records requests in a prompt and cooperative manner? Scope We measured entities' performance against the following We conducted the work from IVovember 2006 through benchmarks and best practices: March 2008 in accordance with Generally Accepted • The Public Records Act. Government Auditing Standards prescribed by the U.S. • The Washington Attorney General's model rules on public Government Accountability Office. The audited agencies records practices. were: • The audited entities' performance compared to their Cities . Agencies peers. Bellevue Benton Department of Corrections In addition, I-900 requires the State Auditor's Office to Everett Clark Department of General address the following elements: Administration 1. Identification of cost savings. Federal Way King Department of Labor and 2. Identification of services that can be reduced or Industries - eliminated. Department of Social and 3. Identification of programs or services that can be Kent Kitsap Health Services transferred to the private sector. Seattle Pierce Department of Revenue 4. Analysis of gaps or overlaps in programs or services and Office of Financial recommendations to correct them. Spokane Snohomish Management 5. Feasibility of pooling the entity's information technology systems. Spokane Valley Spokane Office of Insurance 6. Analysis of the roles and functions of the entity and Commissioner recommendations to change or eliminate roles or Tacoma Thurston State Investment Board functions. Vancouver Whatcom Washington State Lottery 7. Recommendations for statutory or regulatory changes Yakima Yakima Washington State Patrol 1 Methodology same format as the standard letter. A phone number To address the objectives, we submitted 10 unannounced was not included in the request. requests at the 30 entities using a variety of inethods. • One request was made in person at each entity by a Some of the requestors were Auditor's Office staff who team of two Auditor's Office employees. did not identify themselves as such, others were not employees of the Auditor's Office. We believe that had the We chose the type of records to request by ease of retrieval requests been identified as coming from the State Auditor's for the entity. The list of requested records was established Office, the results would not reliably portray entities' with the following criteria: responsiveness to citizens. Furthermore, unannounced • The records likely existed at all 30 entities. procedures are a standard methodology under professional . The records would be readily identifiable. auditing standards. Since most public records requests are received in writing, we made our requests in the following • The records should not impose a significant burden upon the agencies to locate and retrieve. manner: • Eight requests at each entity were sent using a standard ' All 30 entities received the same requests. The e-mailed letter format, clearly describing the record we sought. and mailed requests were sent on the same day. An e-mail address and phone number were provided in these requests, which were sent to the entity via the U.S. Uniformity and consistency among the requests was critical Postal Service. Four were sent by certified mail and four to our ability to measure the entities' performance and were sent through standard mail. provide meaningful comparisons, analysis and conclusions. • One request was sent to each entity via e-mail in the Overarisu-ui9 Conclusion Oerarching Recommendations ~ Our audit work revealed that, by and large, most of the 30 INe developed the follovuing overarching recommendations: entities we audited are providing good customer service We recommend that entities institute as many elements in responding to public records requests. We tested the as possible from the best practices in this report and the entities' performance by submitting 10 public records Washington Attorney General's model rules regarding paper requests to each entity like a citizen would and identified and electronic records. some trouble spots in which entities need training on the Public Records Act; have problems tracking requests; or are The 1Nashington Attorney General's Office should create unable to receive them due to e-mail filters or other issues standard, formal training curriculum, which may or may not with their mail systems. include a credential, for all public records officers in the state based on the model rules. The Washington Legislature We identified best practices thatthe audited entities should should provide funding to the Attorney General's Office to consider in order to improve their performance. Those best establish and maintain this training curriculum. The State practices are contained in this report on page 33 and are: and each local government will be responsible for arranging The Washington Public Records Act the training for its public records officer(s) and ensuring new The Washington Attorney General's model rules for paper public records officers receive the training. and electronic records. Entities' performance We recommend entities consider tracking costs associated with responding to requests as a tool that management Our overarching conclusion is that most of the selected can use to determine appropriate levels of staffing and entities responded cooperatively and in a timely manner to resources. our public records requests. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ • ' ~ ' ~ . • 1. Thirty-one of 300 unannounced We recommend that entities follaw the Attorney General's model rules and the best practices identified in this public records requests (10 percenO report to the fullest extent possible, particularly in regard to the follotving: were considered nonresponsive. • Establish and follotiv processes to ensure that all requests are received. An additional seven responses (2 • Evaluate processes and controls around incoming mail to ensure records requests are found and properly percent) were either nonconforming routed. or incomplete. • Refrain from redirecting requestors to another department Urithin the same entity or requiring requestors to initiate a"newn request vdithin the same entity. • Avoid the use of e-mail fifters that result in the entity rejecting or overlooking public records requests. See related Finding No. 2. • Review responses and communicate vJith requestors to ensure the records to be provided are consistent with the request. 2. Some entities do not accommodate We recommend that entfties: a variety of public records requesfis - Establish policies that are consistent with the Public Records Act, using the Attorney General's model rules and therefore do not provide the as a guide. public with the fullest assistance. • Conduct broad staff training on the Public Records Act • Accommodate as many modes of requesting public records as is practically possible. • Select and set e-mail filters at a level that will not block public records requests. 0 Consider receiving records requests online. 0 Develop a policy that clearly outlines how public records requests can be accepted and make that policy readily available to the public. 3. Some entities did not provide We recommend fihat entities: complete and satisfactory • Provide comprehensive training and resource materials on legal exemptions to staff wfio respond to explanations for redactions of public records requests. records and some records were • Describe the specific exemption that applies to each redaction vrhen the records are provided to improperly redacted. requestors. • Inform requestors about their rights fio appeal the entity's denial of all or part of their records request and the process available to them to appeal the denial. • Seek guidance w1ien determining whether redactions are legal. 4. Some entities provided the We recommend enfities review their public records requests processes to identify and eliminate those requested public records in a less elements that may delay providing records. Specifically, we recommend entities: timely manner than their peers. • Prioritize incoming records requests to identify those that require review and/or redaction versus more straightfonward requests that can be fulfilled more quickly. • Use e-mail to respond fio public records requests whenever possible. • Explore opportunities for providing records electronicaliy. • Provide training for staff on processing public records requests. • Provide cross-training to ofiher staff to prepare them for acknowledging and responding fio requests. • Provide records in installments. • Consider waiving copying charges for small records requests. • Fngage in angoing communication with the requestor about priorities and timelines when a request is identified that may take some time to fill. Findiny , Thirty-one of 300 unannounced public records requests (10 percent) were considered nonresponsive (response or records not recenred by requestor). An additional seven responses (2 percent) were either nonconforming or incomplete. Condition by Entity Entity : quests no Entity • t: d Entity msponse Entity did no Entity did no Entity i mvid:d received Publlc : q . 11 (1 d ' d 1 e• / 1 process - : 1 format incomplete Records Officer bmit request 1 but no : d b 1 mquest; 1 1 1 mquest 1 m another office within e1 1 response _ :d records • ' Clty ot Seattie - Yakima County 4 1 Dept. oi Corrections 1 Kitsap County 2 Thurston County 2 City o! Spokane 1 1 Ciry oi Everett Washlnqton State 2 Lottery Washington State 1 1 Investrr►ent Board King County 1 1 Pierce County 1 Snohomish County 1 Spokane County Clark County 1 Whatcom County 1 1 6enton County City of Federal Way 1 City of Kent 1 Office of Insurance 1 Commissioner Dept. af Labor and 1 Industnes 0 • ' • c Finding 2 have other means of interacting with the entity. Some entities do not accommodate one • Spokane County • City of Spokane or more means of communicating public Despite their stated policies, these entities accepted and records requests and therefore do not responded to our unannounced e-mailed requests. provide the public with the fullest assistance. • The following entities' e-mail filters prevented them from Condition receiving the records requests sent by SAO to e-mail addresses provided on their Web sites as a means for During our audit interviews, we were informed of the the public to contact them: foflowing: • Pierce County: hstansb@co.pierce.wa.us • The following four entities stated they require a public • City of Seattle: clerk@seattle.gov records request form for in-person requests. However, • Washington State Lottery: Director's_Office@ two of the four entities (City of Spokane and Thurston walottery.com County) did not require us to fill out a public records form • Some entities use various types of available technology when we conducted our walk-in requests for a copy of for the public to submit requests through their Web sites. the entity's sexual harassment policy. The following entities provide downloadable records • City of Spokane request forms on their Web sites, but do not allow those • City of Kent' forms to be submitted through their Web sites. • Thurston County • Spokane County • Office of tfie Insurance Commissioner • Pierce County • The following entities' policies or practices do nofi • Whatcom County accommodate public records requests submitted by • City of Vancower e-mail. Such policies may prevent requestors who do not • City of Bellevue 1 The City of Kent will accept other written forms provided they include • City of Everett afl af the foNowing, per City Code, KCC 1.05.060: • City of Spokane Valley • The date of the request • The name of the requester; • City of Federal Way • The full address of the requester; • Departrnent of Labor and Industries • The telephone number of the requester; • Washington State Patrol • A complete description of the requested record; • Department of Social and Health Services • The title and date af ihe requested record, if known; • The tocation of the requested record, if known; and • Five entities stated they do not accommodate public • Whether tfie requester intends to review the records or to obtain a copy records requests by telephone. They were: of the records. • Benton County (Commissioner's Office, Sheriff's C.,,.,.rtment, and Pianning and Building Department) firough their Web sites: • City of Spokane (Cierk's Office and Police ~ Kitsap County Departrnent) • Department of Revenue • City of Kent does not accommodate requests by • Department of Corrections telephone or fax • City of Kent • Office of the insurance Commissioner • City of Tacoma • Washington State Patrol The remaining entities did not have Web sites that The following entities employ a best practice of provided public records request forms that could be facilitating online public records request submittal downloaded or submitted through their Web site. Fi n d i n g 3 • Pierce County: Vacation records for entity's top financial officer, Some entities did not provide complete • Snohomish County: Entrtty-owned cell phone record for and satisfactory explanations for the top non-elected officer, January through June 2006 redactions of public records and some ~ Spokane County (2): records were improperly redacted. • 4ut-of-state Travel • Voucher for employee awards • Washington State Investrnent Board: Out-of-stafie travel Condition • Whatcom County: Travel vouchers for selected We received 43 records with acceptable redacfions, 11 (26 employees percent) of which did not cite the specific legal exemption In one instance, we believe elements of the records were for the redactions, as required by the Act. redacted inappropriately. The redactions affected the • Benton County: Five highest-paid employees usability of the records. As described in Finding 1, when • City of Bellevue: Out-of-state travel the City of Kent responded to our request for the names • City of Everett: Out-of-state travel and salaries of the five highest-paid employees, some of • Department of Corrections: Travel vouchers for selected the redactions were appropriate, such as Social Security employees numbers and home addresses. However, the names of the • Department of Revenue: Travel vouchers for selected employees were legally required to be disclosed, and the employees records did not provide that information. ; Finding 4 Thurston County 3 8 Some entities provided the Yakima County 2 5 requested public records in a less C;~ af spokane vat~ey ~ 9 ' time ly mannert han t he ir peers. 10 City of Bellevue 7 10 Condition City of Tacoma 6 10 The table below shows how many responses per entity were City of Yakima 6 10 faster than the average response rate. Ciiy af Everett 5 8 City of Federal Way 4 9 Audit Results Table City of Spokane 4 8 City of Kent 3 9 The information presented in this table is discussed in more City of Seattie 2 2 detail in Findings 1, 2, 3, 4 and Appendices A(counfies), B (cities) and C(state agencies). Oepartrnent of General 10 10 Administrafion Washington State Lotte 8 8 Department of Social and Health 7 10 Entny Name # of Requests # of Requests Services Quicker Than out of IO Office of Insurance 7 9 Average' that Provided Commissioner Cortforming Records Office of Financia! Management 6 10 Spokane County 7 9 Washington State Investrnent 5 8 Whatcom County 7 g Board Benton County 7 g Department of Revenue 4 10 Kitsap Couniy 7 g Department of Labor and 4 9 lndusfies Clark County 6 9 Washington State Patrol 3 10 Snohomish County 6 9 Department of Corrections 3 8 King County 4 9 ' Each entity's response dme was compared against the average Pierce County 4 9 for its entity type; i.e., Spokane County was compared to all otfier counties' response times. Best pra......es we observed at the audited entities: vhere to obtain public records • Acknowledgement and response were concurrent • Entity provided requestor opfions in the format of the • Acknowledgement informed requestor request was being records to be provided. forwarded for further action. • Entity provided copy of original request witfi response. • Copy fees were explicitly waived in the response. • Entifiy provided detailed summary of the documents • Entity met estimated fime frame provided in their initial provided in response response for providing records a Entity provided options of different records available • Entity responded with a web page referral instead of to ensure the requestor obtains exactly what they are copied documents. looking for. • Response Exceeded Expectations • Explanation provides entity's rafionale describing how • Customer Service - Follow-up explicitly to ensure records the response provided is consistent with the letter of the previously provided or records proposed to be provided request. are acceptable to the requestor • Response provides detail of entity's program to inform • Correspondence provided excellent detail of the status the requestor and establish a basis for expectation of the of the request to assure requestor the request was being records provided. given the highest priority • Entity restates the letter of the request in their response. • Receipt was provided to show payment of copy fees was • Signed affidavit from the Requestor acknowledging the received. documents provided will not be used for commercial • Response provided process for appeating redactions in purposes. the records provided. • Entity numbered the pages provided to ensure all pages • Entity uses an On-Line Form for requestors to use to were provided in response. submit requests ondine. • Entity included reason for redactions directly on the • Entity uses a touch screen in lobby to direct the public to copies where each redaction was applied. c Commonly Asked Questions from Entities about Initiative 900 Annual Performance Audit Follow-Up Reports Initiative 900 requires that each audited entity's ~ Status of the entity's implementation of the audit legislafiive body must consider the audit report in recommendations. "Status" refers to whether connection with its spending practices. The legislafive the recommendation has been implemented, body must submit a report by July lof each year detailing partially implemented or no action has been the status of the legislative implementation of the taken. State Auditor's recommendations. Justification must be • The corrective actions planned and taken. provided for recommendations not implemented. Details • Justificafions for why the municipality has of other corrective action must be provided as well. chosen not to implement the recommendations. 1. To whom does the audited entity submit its 4. The Public Records audit identified four report? findings, with 23 recommendations and The fegislative body shall submit its report to the three overarching recommendations, one of public at a public hearing and provide a copy ofi the which was made directly to the Washington report to the State Auditor's Office, which will post Attorney General's Office. Does each entity's the report on its Web site. report need to include detail for all 27 recommendations - even those not relevant to 2. For how many years must the audited agency us or those that we are already doing? prepare and submit this report? Each entity's report need onfy detail For as long as the recommendations have not been recommendations that apply to that entity. fully implemented or until jusfificafion has been reported for not implementing or fully implemenfing me complete text of Initiative 900 can be found at: the recommendations. http://www.sao.wa.gov/PerformanceAudit/ PDFDocuments/1900.pdf. 3. What form does this report take? The reporting requirements for audited entities can Initiative 900 requires the legislative bodies of be found at the top of page four in tfiat document. audited enfities to submit a report at a public Please read the Initiative requirements in addition to hearing that details: our comments. .o . . - - - - - - ~ r . Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag, CGFM sonntagb@sao.wa.gov (360) 902-0360 Director of Performance Audit Linda Long, CPA, CGFM, CGAP longl@sao.wa.gov (360) 902-0367 Deputy Director of Perfornnance Audit Chris Cortines, CPA cortinec@sao.wa.gov (360) 725-5570 Director of Communications Mindy Chambers chamberm@sao.wa.gov (360) 902-0091 Performance Audit Communications Kara Klotz klotzk@sao.wa.gov (360) 725-5569 Public Records Officer Mary Leider (eiderm@sao.wa.gov (360) 725-5617 Main phone number (360) 902-0370 Toll-free hottine for reporting government waste, efficiency (866) 902-3900 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY -J Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-10-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ neµv business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval ofthe Following Vouchers: VOUCI-IER LIST VOUCI-IER #s TOTAL VOUCHER DATE AN4OCNT 05108P2008 F3e ginnin w/914352. endin yv0 14467 2,022,495.68 05/2012008 Beginnin w! #14468. endin Nv/414554 514,345.31 05/30f2008 Be innin Nv/ # 14555. ertdiii w/# 14652 Z33G,818.20 GRAND TOTAI.. 3.373 659.19 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 0510812008 4:01:15PM Spokane VaIIEy Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO t~ DescriptionlAccount Amount 14352 4J23f2008 000140 WALT'S MAILING SERVICE Pastcards BARKER BRIDGE POSTCARDS #00 945.86 Total : 945.86 14353 4/24/2008 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 15647 41995 BARRACUDA NiESSAGE ARCHIVEF 10,442,86 Total : 10,442.86 14354 4/28/2008 0100140 WALTS MAILING SERVICE 12148 PRINTING/POSTAGE #0053 180.55 Total : 180.55 14355 5/2/2008 000900 DEPT OF L& I 91251 ELEVATOR INSPECTION: CP 109.40 Tota I : 109.40 14356 5/2/2008 001377 COMBS, USA Mileage MILE/aGE REIMBURSEMENT 17.17 Total : 17.17 14366 5J5I2008 000391 SPOKANC VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 1st Qtr 2408 1ST QTR 2008 (=1RE DISTRICT FEE: 11,048.81 Total : 11,048.81 14367 51812008 000001 SPOKANE CO. TRFASURER Mar 2008 MAR 08 SERVICES 1,361,480.79 Total : 1,361,480.79 14368 5/9/2008 000958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 40055 41981 STREET VACTORING CONTRAC7 {i 20,545.69 40060 41987 S7REE1' SWEEPING CONTRACT #C 59,030.47 Total : 79,576.16 14369 519/2008 00064$ ABADAN 115640 PLANSISPECS REPRODUCTIOPV 195.54 21500 42013 ABADAN BOMD PAPER 133.93 Total : 329.43 14370 5l9/2008 001666 ACCURATE DATA SERVICE 36727 SERVICE CAI_L: EPSON S7YLUS PF 866.83 Total : 866.83 14371 519/2008 000197 AIR INC 16401 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING 175.00 Total : 175.00 14372 5l9/2008 001668 nLDWORTH, CRAIG Expenaes SURVEY SUPPLIES 32.57 Page: 1 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 2 05l0812008 4:01:15PM Spokane VallEy Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescrtiptionJAccount Amount 14372 5/9J2008 001668 001668 ALDWORTH, CRAIG (Continued) Total : 32.57 14373 5/9/2008 001534 ALL PRINT 11050 BUSINESS CARDS/NAME PLATES 378.58 Total : 378.58 14374 5l912008 001081 ALSCO LSP0392287 AAATS: PRECINCT 14_06 LSp0396203 PAATS: CITY HALL 70.71 LSP0400068 PfIATS: PRECINCT 14.07 Total : 98.84 14375 5/912008 000335 ALTON'S 71RE INC. 6-33397 TIRE/OIL SERVICE: 38910D 105.79 6-33465 OIL CHANGE: 40210D 25.72 6-33598 OIL CHANGE: 40209D 24.01 6-33614 W I P ERS: 40205D 29.26 Total : 194.78 14376 5J9/2008 000221 AM PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC 41228 20138 ANNUAL DUES: KERSTEN 143.00 Total : 143.00 14377 5/912008 001654 ANDERSON, ShIANE Refund REFUND PERMIT FEES 750.00 Total : 750.00 14378 5l9/2008 000135 APA 21 1 61 0-080302 N1F_IwiBERSHIP: SCHMIDT 68.00 Total : 68.00 14379 5/9l2008 000050 At'A - INI.AND EMPIRE SEC710N Registration 2008 CONFERENCE: MCCORMICK 250.00 Registration 2008 CONFERENCE: KUHTA 254.00 Total : 500.00 14380 519J20b8 001583 ARC OF SPOKANE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSfT 275.00 Total : 275.00 14381 5!9/2008 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC INV001706 MAR 08: PR[CINC7 JANII'ORIAL 2,082.17 Total : 2,082.17 14382 51912008 000030 AVISTA 41G068444 MAR 08: MAS7ER 131LLING 20,165.21 Total : 20,165.21 Page: 2 , . ~ . . ~ vchlist , Voucher List Page: 3 05108f2008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank eode : apbank Voucher Date Vendor lnvoice PQ # DcscriptinnlAccount Amount 14383 51912048 000271 6AINBRIDG E, CNRISTING Ercpenses 7RAVELE}CPENSES 71.21 7atal: 71.21 14384 51912008 001606 aANNER BAPlK 4359 VIS,4; TAYLOR 1,018_43 4367 VISA' MlJNSON 173.66 4353 V]SA: WILHITE 20.04 4391 V1SA= MERCIER 625_29 4458 VISA: PASSMORE $46,49 Total: 2,683.97 14365 519f20Q8 001565 BERREf'H THpMAS PRINTIfidG 24770 S PRAGUEIAPPLEVUAY REV BROCF 677.86 Total : 677.66 14386 51912008 001409 BEST L.INE 05310320200$ APR 08: ANSV4+E RIhiG S11C 20,00 Total: 20.00 14387 5i9l2008 000168 BLACK BOX NEI"4NORI{ SVC 147424 ,4h+EPLIFY SpUNb 1 N CHAMBERS 214A3 TOt211 : 27 4.d3 14-388 5191200$ 00091 8 BLUE R1BBON LINEN SUPPLY 3NC 8910500 LIfJEN $ERVICE; CP 222_96 8912456 LINEN 8 ERVICE : C P 303_07 S0050202 LCNEN SF_RVICE: CP 418_49 S0050681 LINEN SERVICE: CP 129_38 S0051270 LINEN SERVICE' CP 51.24 S0051379 LINEN SERVICE: CP 37_30 Ta#a I : 7,168.44 14389 aJ912008 000148 BLUN7EhffWA1_ UN IFOFtMS & EQLFIP 665229 41973 EM BLEM C HANGE: COSV PC LfCE 6.52 685309 47$73 EMBLEM CHAPlGE: CDSV POL«E 4_34 666440 41973 E MBLE M CEfANGE: C OSV POLICE 21_72 666872 41973 E MBLEM Ch1ANGE: C OSV POLICE 4.34 665959 41973 Eh4StEh+f CHANGF=; G0513 POLICE 8.89 667063 41973 Eh+iBLEM CHANGE= COSV POLICE 19.55 667141 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE; COSV POLICE 4.34 Tatal : 69.50 74390 51912008 001022 CARR SALES CO S1012087.D1 SIfPPLIES: PREGINCT 64_87 Page= 3 vchlist • VOUCher Llst Page: 4 05/0812008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apaank r Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14390 5/9/2008 001022 001022 CA(2R SALES CO (Continued) Total : 64.67 14391 5/91200$ 000572 CARTER, CAROL Ecpenses TRAVEI_ EXPENSES 7.25 Total : 7.25 14392 519/2008 000863 CEtdTURY WEST ENG CORP 023925 41996 TRANSPORTATION PI.ANNING SEF 1,88529 Total : 1,885.29 14393 5/9I2008 000379 CITY OF SPOKANE WALLEY APR 08 REPLENISH PETTY CASH 6.50 Total : 6.50 14334 51912008 001Q48 C17Y PARCEL 3280061 COURIER SERVICE: CD 9.08 3280085 COURIER SERVICE: CD 27.24 Total : 36.32 14395 5/912008 001665 CLIFF SCHMITZ CONSTRUCTION Permit Refun PF_RMI7 REFUND #08-0897 595.84 Total : 595.64 14396 5l912008 000646 CNiRS-POC 05320424 REFILL POSTAGE METER 5,000.00 Total : 5,000.00 14397 5l9120U8 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS IPJC 59217 COFF[G SERVICE: CP 60.91 59366 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 77.95 59613 COFFEE SERVICE: CI7Y HALL 224.70 Total : 363.56 14398 51912008 000646 COLUMBIA FIBER SOLU710NS 1562 DARK FIBER LEASE 228.06 Total : 228.06 14399 519/2008 001076 CONNELLY, MICHAEL Mileage l'R/1VEL EXPENSES 505.00 Total : 505.00 14400 5/912008 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEEf 870166725804 APR 08: FLEET FUEL BILL 2,842.0$ Total : 2,802.08 14401 5/9/2008 000326 CONSOLIDAI'ED IRRIGATION #19 DEPOSIT IRRIGATION SVC #0016 9,300.00 Total : 9,300.00 14402 5/9/2008 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC INC 25464 41911 CUBICLES AND INSTALLATION 3R1 2,416.79 - Page: 4 ~ , vchlist . Voucner List rage: 5 0510812008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14402 519/2008 000603 000603 CONTRAC7 DESICN ASSOC INC (Continued) Total : 2,416.79 14403 519/2048 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 176812819-001 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 143.86 178203514001 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 406.77 Tota I : 550.63 14404 519/2008 000683 DAVID EVAPIS 8 nSSOCIATES 245749 MAR 08: PLAT REVIEIN SVC 3,481.50 246515 41993 CONTRACT td0. 08-008 TR/1FFIC EI 7,493.05 Total : 10,974.55 14445 5J9f2008 OOa693 DEP7 OF INFO SERVICCS 2008030223 41964 AUTOCAD LICENSE WA COIJTRAC' 7,509.45 Total : 7,509.45 14406 519f2008 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 314942638 APR 08: CP ADVERTISING 222,23 Total : 222.23 14407 5l9/2008 001624 DON G 7ROTTFR CONSTRUC710N 04072008 42007 INSTALLATION OF BALLARDS AT P 3,377.46 Tota I : 3,377.46 14408 5/9/2008 000999 EASTERN WA AlTORNEY SVC, INC 119$4 SGRVICE: ROSS 40.00 11597 SERVICE: WALSTON 45.00 12707 SrRVICE: HELNiQr12GER 45.00 Total : 130.00 14409 5/912008 001658 EIDE-SANDERS, 7Y'M Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 208.00 Total : 208.00 14410 519/2008 001655 ESP, INC SI-29035 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PRECINC" 22.05 Totai : 22.05 14411 519/2008 000010 FEDIX KINKO'S 28970028802 MOUNTING MAP: CP 32.58 Tota I : 32.58 14412 519I2008 001632 FORENSIC VIDEO SOLUTIONS 032708DG 42002 HP PLOTTER 1,895.00 Total : 1,895.00 14413 5l912008 001447 FREE PRESS PUBUSHING INC 30258 LEGAL Ap: PW 54.40 30259 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 68.85 Page: 5 vChlist , Voucher List Page: 6 0510812008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO tt DescriptionlAccount AmouM 14413 5/9/2008 001447 FREE PRESS PUI3LISHItJG INC (Continued) 30288 LEGAL AD: PW 46.85 30289 LEGAL AD: FINAtdCE 52.40 30291 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 38.25 • 30292 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 47.60 30293 IEGAL AD: PIJANNIPIG 58.65 30294 LEGAL AD: PIr4NNING 188.70 30295 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 56.10 Total : 611.80 14414 5/9l2008 001003 GEOENGINEERS INC 0092397 ENGINEERING SERVICES: tt0092 4,671.15 Total : 4,671.15 14415 5/9/2008 001652 GIA7YIMG JACKSON KERCWER 0029825 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,625.00 Total : 6,625.00 14416 5/9/2008 000917 GRAYBAR 932943912 ELECTRICAL SUPPUES: PRECINC- 17.29 Total : 17.29 14417 5l912008 000011 GREATER SPOKANF_ VALLEY 200675 2008 SPRINGlSUMMER DIRECTOR' . 1,575.00 Total : 1,575.00 14418 5/9120138 000222 ICMA REI'IREMEPIT CORP. 4073 2ND QTR 2008 PLAN FEE 125.00 Total : 125.00 14419 5/9/2008 000086 INI.AND EfViPIRE UTILITY, COORDINATIN 08 PJIEhABER DUES 2008 UTILITY MEMBER DUES 1,100.00 Total : 1,100.00 14420 5/9/2008 000388 IRV1N WATER DIST. #6 112500.0 UTILITIES: 13504 E MIRABEAU PKY 182.60 112500.0 UTILITIES: 13504 E MIRABEAU PKY 184.26 Tota I : 366.86 14421 5/9/2008 000864 JUB F_NGIiVEERS, INC. 0052093 41166 06-001 STREET MASTER PLAN 19,806.32 Total : 19,806.32 14422 5J9/2008 001598 KN11=E RIVER PM7 #1 41953 laPPLEWAY AVE CONSTRUCTION 228,528.35 ToL31 : 228,528.35 Page: 6 _ vchlist Vou~ cher List Page: 7 05108/2008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank codo : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14423 519/2008 001602 KNUTSON, KEPI Reimbursement TRAVEL EXPENSES 84.45 Total : 84.45 14424 5l912008 000472 LAWTON PRItdTIP1G 22447 2006 CAFR 754.77 Total : 754.77 14425 519/2008 040993 LES SCWWAB TIRE CEN7ER 718127 WINTER CHANGEOVER: 06769D 56.47 718345 WINTGR CHANGEOVER: 40203D 56.47 718383 WINTER CMANGEOVER: 32810D 56.47 718571 WINTER CHANGEOVER: 32809D 56.47 719273 WINTER CHANGEOVER: 389134D 66.47 Total : 282.35 14426 519120Q8 001656 LINC, NICHOLE Refund REFUND DAAfIAGE DEPOSfT 104.00 Total : 104.00 14427 5l91200$ 001667 MARCHANT, 7ERRINA Expenses TRAVEi-EXPENSES 130.00 Mileage TRAVEL FJCPEPVSES 16.67 Total : 146.67 14428 5/912008 001669 MARTIN, MARY K/aTE Ecpensas TRAVEL ECPENSES 20.72 Total : 20.72 14429 5/9/2008 000069 MERCIER, DAVID May 08 • AUTO ALLOWANCE: MAY Q8 400.00 Total : 400.00 14430 51912008 000258 MICROFLEX INC. 00017710 MAR 08: TAXTOOLS SOFTWARE 341.95 Total : 341.95 14431 5f912008 000387 MODEL IRRIGATION DIST. #18 06-0400.0 UTILfTIES: 3400 S UNIVERSITY 10.62 Total : 10.62 14432 519/2008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04562-11 MAR 08: UTILITIES 106.35 0978402 MAR 08: PRECINCT UTILITIES 982.11 Total : 1,088.46 14433 Wf2008 001035 NETWORK DESIGN 8 MANAGEMENY 15905 MAR 08: SERVER AAAINT 4,517.50 15968 42008 WEB BLOCKER 3,152.11 Page: 7 vchlist • Voucher List Pagc: 8 0510812008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 14433 519/2005 001035 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & MANAGEMEN (Continued) Total : 7,669.61 14434 519/2008 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STl1MF' IP1C. 66449 STAMP Pl1DS: FIN 17.27 66683 STAMP PADS: FIN 21.56 Total : 38.83 14435 519/2008 000193 NORTHWEST CHRIS7IAN SCNOOL INC 4th Qtr CAM 4TH QTR 2007: CAM CWARGES 1,218.52 MAY 2008 RENT: 11AAY 2008 36,467.94 Rent Increase RENT IPICREASE 859.37 Total : 38,545.83 14436 5/9/2008 000121 NORTHWEST P/IAII_ING, INC 56220 ANNUAL MAINT CON7RAC7: POSTo 705.90 Total : 705.90 14437 5l9/2008 000243 NORThiWEST SIGN SUI'I'LY INC. 823535 SIGN SUI'PLIES: CD 346.71 Tota I : 346.71 14438 5I9/2008 000283 NRP/1 12203 2008 MEMBERSHIP: STONE 103.34 143431 2008 MEMBERSHIP: PAPICH 103.33 144507 2008 MEMBF_RSMII': CAR7ER 103.33 Total : 310.00 14139 5I9/2008 000036 OFFICE DEPOT CREDfT PLAN, DEPT 56- 966112186000 SUPPLIES: CD 84.95 Total : 94.95 14440 5/9/2008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 424616082-001 FILE FOLDERS: FIN 74.79 424846925-001 FILE FOLDERS: FIN 183.39 425-UA48609-001 42004 OFFICE DEPOT 38.37 425589229-001 42009 KITCHEN SUPPLIES 87.07 Total : 383.62 14441 5/912008 001604 PnCIFIC NW PAPER 97423 COPY PAPER 144.44 Tota I : 144.44 14442 5/9/2008 001338 PASSMORE, SUSAN Mileage TRAVEL EXPENSES 11.11 Total : 11.11 14443 5/9/20138 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1334040919 3-COLOR LOGO LEITERHEAD 1,19$.02 Page: 8 ` ~ ~ ~ 0 0 vchlist . Voucher List Nage: 9 0510812008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Qate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14443 51912008 040119 PIP PRIPITING INC. (Continued) 1330040920 GRAYSCALE LOGO ENVELOPES 430.34 1330U44921 3-COLOR LOGO ENVELOPES 1,577.82 Total : 3,206.18 14444 519/2008 000322 QWEST 509-924-4707 7406 PHONES: TERRACE VIEW 97.01 Total : 97.01 14445 5/912008 000341 RICOW ANIERICAS CORP Final Payment FItdAL PMT: 1060 866.62 Total : 866.62 14446 5I9/2008 001659 RUEN-YEAGER & ASSOC INC 23442 QRO/1DWAYIFANCHER #0067 9,800.00 Total : 91800.00 14447 519/2008 040709 SENSKE IAWN & TREE CARr INC. 2983295 l1AR 08: CP LANDSCAPING 50,795.38 2983310 APR 08: CENTENNIALTRAIL MAIM 1,977.28 3020523 41969 PEST CONTROL: PRECINCT 271.50 Total : 53,044.16 14448 5I9/2008 000733 SOFI'WARE HOUSE IN'fERNATIONAL 3DC22 42005 SYMANTEC BACKUf' EXEC RENEN 366.33 Total : 366.33 14449 5n/2008 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COUR7 Filing Fees FILING FEES: CODE ENFORCEMEI~ 200.00 Total : 200.00 14450 5l912008 000001 SPOKANE C0. TREASUR[R 11000269 WATER LINE INSPECTION #0057 2,033.41 41500585 MAR 08: GEIGER HOUSING 21,872.00 Total : 23,905.47 14451 519f20U8 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 015364I065364 MAR 08: SEWERIWASTEWATER 248.29 016631l066631 MAI2 08: SEWER/VWASTEVUATER 36.81 017022l067022 MAR 08: SEWERlWASTEWATER 116.64 024433l074433 MAR 08: SEWER/WASTEWATER 116.64 0271291077129 MAR 08: SEWERNVASTEWATER 57.34 031608f081608 MAR 08: SEWER/WASTEWATER 260.97 . 034354/106428 MAR 08: SEWERIWASTEWATER 73.98 037059l109325 MAR 08: SEWERIWASTEWATER 75.31 042903l115953 MAR 08: SEWERMIASTEWATER 862.11 Page: 9 vchiist • Voucher List Page: 10 05108/2008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14451 5f912008 000323 OOa323 SPOKANC C0. UTILI'fIES (CantinL►ecl) Total : 1,848.09 14452 5f91200$ 000451 SPOKANE REG SPOR7S COMMISSION 1st Qtr Lodging 1ST QTR 2008 LODGING TAX 32,367.00 Total : 32,367.00 14453 5l9/'2008 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL FIEAL7H DI57 58-6563 SITE EVALUATION: TERRACE VIEV 810.00 58-6576 SITE EVAI: MISSION 1,170.00 Total : 1,980.00 14454 5/917.008 000311 SPF2INT SPECTRUM, L.P. 0141276664-3 APR OS: CELL PHONE BILL 802.47 0602678198-7 APR 08: WAPS FOR LAPTOPS 506.90 Total : 1,309.37 14455 5/912008 000202 SRCA{1 4545 2ND QTR 2008: ASSESSMENT FEE 29,36725 Total : 29,367.25 14456 51912008 000065 S7APl.ES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 3100246681 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 186.48 Total : 186.48 14457 519/2008 001657 SUTTON, RACHEL Refund REFUNp OAMAGE DEPOSIT 860.00 Total : 860.40 14458 51912008 000063 TAYLOR, STEVE Expenses Yf2AVEL EXPENSES 25.00 Total : 25_00 14459 519/2008 00Oa93 7HE SPOKESMIAN-REVIE1rV INC. 565298 PARKS/REC GUIDE: CP 3,253.81 Total : 3,253.81 14460 519/2008 000676 THOMSON WEST 815556896 FEB 08: LEGAI_ SUCiSCRIPTION 514.42 81575342$ MAR 08: LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 514.42 Total : 1,028.84 14461 51912008 000337 UPS 0660Y3F950128 SMIPPING:I7 26.24 Total : 26.24 14462 5/9/2008 001670 VAN DYK, KEN Expenses SUPPLIES FOR PROJECT#016 82.53 Total : 82.53 14463 5/9/2008 000167 VERA ►l1JA7ER & POWEF2 0004-000755.01 MAR 08: U71LI71E5 103.14 Page: 10 . 0 vchlist• Voucher List Page: 11 05/0812008 4:01:15PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14463 519/2008 000167 VERA WATER & POWER (Continued) 0005-016348.01 MAR 08: U71LI71ES 65.41 0006-033021.00 MAR 08: UTILfTIES 21.63 0007-017753.01 MAR 08: UTILITIES 21.03 0016-007780.00 MAR 08: UT1LfTIES 22.98 Total : 234.19 14464 5/9/2008 000711 1NMCA 7RFASURER 2008 Dues 2008 MEMBERSHIP DUES: sAINBRI 75.00 2008 Dues 2008 MENISERSHIP: ACOSTA 75.00 , Total: 150.00 14465 5/9/2008 000129 WRPA 08-225 2008 MEMBERSHIP: STONE 156.00 Total : 156.00 14466 519l2008 000667 WSDOT, ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS 2008 Renev,ral 42021 WSDOT PUBLICATIONS 100.00 Total : 100.00 14467 5/9/2008 001074 ZEE MEDICAL 0161287132 1ST AID CABIfdEl': SUI7E 304 233.98 Tobl : 233.98 707 Vouchers for bank codc : apa8nk Bank total : 2,022,495.68 Total vouche►s : 2,022,495.68 I, 1:he undersigned, do certify under penalty of pcrju..ry, that thc mater3als have been furnished, the se.r.vices rendered, ox thc labor perf'ormed ae descri.bed. herein and that the cl::iim is just, due and an unpaid obligataon against the Caty of. Spokane Valley, and that Itim autho.r,ized to . uthenticate And. cer.tify ssid claim. ~ Finance . , or T~ate 00, ayor ~ ]7fl a---- Counc;il ~iber ate Page: 11 • .w~ ~ . ~ ~ vchlist VouCher List Page: 1 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14468 5113/2008 001606 C3ANNER BANK 4441 VISA: CARD 4 2,556.85 Total : 2,558.85 14469 5l13J2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4433 V1SA: CARD 1 1,010.91 Totat : 1,010.91 14470 5113120G8 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINIST012AGE 41584 MAY 2008 REM' 123.00 Total : 123.00 14171 5/1412008 001295 NICE Registration RADON: BENTLEY 65.00 Total : 65.00 14473 5/2012008 000030 AVISTA 638212974 SERVICE AGREEMENT: PARK RD F 4,392.85 Total : 4,392.85 14474 5/20/2008 000001 SPOKAPIE CO. 7RF_ASURER Filinfl Fees REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDA 10.00 Total : 10.00 14475 512012008 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE Filing Fees FILING CORRECTION QUI'f CLAIM 47.00 Total : 47.00 14476 5120l2008 004958 AAA SWEEPING, LLC 40230 41981 VACTORING CONTRACT 1108-002 20,719.71 40232 41987 SINEEPING CONTRACT #08-004 90,862.62 Total : 111,582.33 14477 5/2012008 000648 ABADAN 115895 COPIES: PIJV 691.13 116409 COSV POOL UPGRADE PRINTING 129.56 Total : 820.69 14478 5/20/2008 001081 ALSCO LSP0407932 MATS: PRECINCT 14.06 LSP0407933 MATS: PRECINC7 11.16 Total : 25.22 14479 5/20/2008 000335 ALTON'S l'IRE INC. 6-33914 OIL CHANGE: 35517D 37.92 6-33964 AUGNMENT/OIL CHAfdGE: 46204D 101.34 6-34044 BAITERY: 4020E3D 147.87 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Vouchcr Date Vendor Invoice PO 11 DescriptionlAccount Amount 14479 5f20/20Q8 000335 000335 ALTON'S 71RE INC. (Continued) Total : 287.13 14480 5120/2008 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC INV001807 RATE CHANGE: JAN-MAR 187.41 INV001849 APR OS: PRECINCTJANITORIAL 2,144.64 Total : 2,332.05 14481 5/20/2008 000030 AVIS7/•1 090091047 APR 08: CP UT1LfTIES 6,37921 410102159 UTILITIES: BARKER/IWIISSIOM SIG 48.21 Tota I : 6,427.42 14482 5/20/2008 001344 4ENTLEY SYSTEMS IPJC 47147832 SOFNVARE SUBSCRIPTION: PW 1,824.48 Tota I : 1,824.48 14483 5/20l2008 001449 BEST LINE 053104172005 APR 08: ANSWERING SVC 20.75 Total : 20.75 14484 5/20/2008 000173 BIPIGAMAN, GRF_G Nfileage TRAVEL DCPENSES 70.70 Total : 70.70 14485 5/201200$ 000918 BLUE RII3BOP1 L1NEN SUPPLY INC 8914406 LIMEN SERVICE: CP 372.06 8916357 LINrN SERVICF_: CP 258.03 8918301 LINEN SERVICE: CP 367.23 C0041707 CREDIT MEMO: CP -232.30 S0052355 LINEN SERVICE: CP 414.09 Total : 1,179.11 14486 5f20/2008 000148 BLUMENTWAL UNIFORMS & EOUIP 666773 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.69 666812 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 19.55 666812-001 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POUCE 2.17 667315 41873 EM6LEM CHANGE: COSV POUCE 21.72 667579 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 4.34 667825 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.69 667971 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 4.34 668457 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 26.06 668740 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 13.03 668790 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 17.38 6,68887 41973 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 4.34 Page: 2 - _ ; - ' ~ • vchlist Voucher List Nago: 3 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 14486 5J2012008 000148 000148 BLUMGNTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP (Corrtinued) Total : 130.31 14487 5120f2008 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC IPlC P07375-2 41915 GEOTECHNICAL AtdALYSIS #067 1,969.72 Total : 1,969.72 14488 5l20/2008 000101 CDW-G KBL7223 42001 HP XW6400 WORKSTATION AND M 6,64825 Total : 6,648.25 14489 51201208 000968 CI-IARLEY'S CA'iERING CO Catering CATERING: SERVA7RON 284.01 Total : 284.01 14490 5/20/2008 000143 CITY OF SP0ICAN[ 104058 VALLEY TRANSFER 84.46 Total : 84.46 14491 5120/2008 000109 COFFEE SYSTEMS INC 59612 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 192.04 60015 COFFEE SEf2VICE: CITY HALL 276.63 60027 COFFEE SERVICE: CP 162.19 Total : 630.86 14492 5I2012008 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 05859.0 APR 08: UTILITIES 64.71 06377.0 APR 08: UTILITIES 55.57 06377.2 APR 08: UTILITIES 44.42 11534.2 APR 06: UTILfTIES 17.00 11982.2 APR 08: UTILITIES 11.50 11982.2 APR OS: UYIUTIES 11.50 11983,2 APR 08: UTILITIES 11.50 Totat : 216.20 14493 5/2012008 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC INC 25563 42016 CHAIRS FOR NEW HIRES 738.48 Total : 738.48 14394 5/20/2008 000035 CORPORATF_ FXPRESS 181996919001 42020 KITCHEN SUPPUES 424.16 182178549001 OFFICE SUPPUES: FIN 70.17 182214665001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN 36.86 Total : 531.19 14495 5t20/2008 000665 DEPT OF GENERAL ADMIN Renevral 2 YR-MEMBERSHIP REMEV1JAL 4,000.00 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 05120/2008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank " Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO #i DescriptionlAccount Amount 14495 512012008 000665 000665 DEPT OF GENERAL ADMIN (Continued) Total : 4,000.00 14496 5/2012008 000693 DEPT OF INFO SERVICES 2008040208 AAR 08: A4ASTER LICENSG BILLINC 13.22 Total: 13.22 14497 5120/2008 000422 DISHMAN DODGE INC DOGS175119 OIL CHANGE: 40205D 31.39 Total : 31.39 14498 5120/2008 001264 DOORKNOB ENTERPRISE 780241 OIL CHANGE: 23.58 955208 OIL CHANGE: 29.31 98029$ 01L CHANGE: 32.57 980422 OIL CHANGE: 18.44 984593 OIL CHANGE: 40.16 983844 OIL CHANGE: 31.48 Tota I : 175.54 14439 5/2012008 Oa0152 DOT A7B80415028 180-SULLIVAN #064 258.44 ATB80415116 PINES/MANSFIELD #005 962.34 Total : 1,220.78 14500 5/20/2048 001672 DSHS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEP 200.00 Total : 200.00 14501 5120/2008 000246 EAS7 SPOFCANE VtIATER DIS7 #1 09006100 APR 08: UTILITIES 69.58 09026100 APR 08: UTILITIES 12.79 08066100 APR 08: UTIL1TlES 138.66 09078100 API2 08 UTILfTIES 69.58 Total : 290.61 14502 5120/2008 001333 EAST VALLEY HS Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEP 265.00 Total : 265.00 14503 5/20l2008 000106 FEDEX 2-617-26151 SHIPPWG CMARGES: CD 149.30 Total : 149.30 14504 5l201200$ 001676 FIRE SYSTEIviS WEST INC 3-14-804021 SERVICE CALL CI' 229.15 Total : 229.15 Page: 4 ~ I ' . l ~ 0 0 I~._ ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14505 512012008 001677 FREEMAN WS Rcfund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 200.00 Total : 200.00 14506 5/20/2008 000287 FRIENDS OF CENTENNIAL TRAIL _ Refund DAMAGE DEPOSIT REFUND 330.00 Total : 330.00 14507 5/20/2008 001243 GARY ROBERTO PMOTOGRAPHY 1532 RGCORD 08 STATE OF CITY ADDRI 108.60 Total : 108.60 14508 5/20/2008 001674 GENERAL DYNAMICS 12efund REFUND DAMAGE DEP 47.90 Total : 47.90 14549 5I2012008 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC 1st Qtr 2008 1ST QTR: ECONOMIC DEV 16,250.00 Total : 16,250.00 14510 5/20/2008 001673 HOSPICE OF SPOKANE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEP 440.00 Total : 440.00 14511 5120f2008 000052 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 008864 B'DAY SUPPLIES - COSV PARTY 58.80 Total : 58.80 14512 5/20/2008 008259 HUMANIX INC. 165693 STAFFING SEI2VICE: CP 479.45 Total : 419.45 14513 5/2012008 000022 IPJLAND BUSINESS PROqUCTS, INC. 55942 PHOTO ID CARD: FISCHER 23.88 Total : 23.89 14514 5/20/2008 000070 INI.AND POWER & UGHT CO 94202-002 APR 08: UTILITIES 96.56 94202-003 APR 08 UTILITIES 126.88 94202-005 APR OS UTILITIES 280.60 94202-006 APR 08 U7ILITIES 423.36 Total : 927.40 14515 5120/2008 001635 ISS FACILITYlEVENT SERVICES 19127 APR 08: CP JANITORIAL 7,136.00 Total : 7,136.00 14516 5l2012008 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. 002310026 DISPLAY AD: CP 575.00 Total : 575.00 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Datc Vendor Invoicc P0# Dcscription/Account Amount 14517 5/2012608 000864 JUB ENGINEEI2S, INC. 0052029 41409 CON712ACT NO 06-001, ST MASTEF 10,463.34 Total : 10,463.34 14518 5/20/2008 001462 I_EM/1STER DANIELS PLLC 2011557 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 3,035.00 Total : 3,035.00 14519 5f2012008 000993 LES SCHWAB TIRr CENTER 305557 BRAKES: 40204D 399.29 Total : 399.29 14520 5120121308 001669 MARTIN, MAI2Y KATE Mileage TRAVEL EXPENSES 202.00 Total : 202.00 14521 5/2012008 0015$1 MCCLUNG, KATHY Expenses EXP[NSES REIMBURSED 120.89 Total : 120.89 14522 512012008 000132 MODERN ELECTRiC WATER CO 04500-01 APR 08: UTILITIES 84.39 04515-02 APF2 08: UTILITIES 5123 04553-01 APR 08: UTILITIES 80.59 04556-01 APR 08: U71LiTIES 80.21 04639-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 46.04 04669-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 62.39 U4691-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 33.87 04745-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 72.91 04792-02 nPR 08: UTILITIES 70.53 04836-02 APR OS: UTILITIES 59.95 04966-02 APR 08: STREET LIGHTS 6,036.90 04971-01 APR 08: UTILITIES 145.60 06811-02 nPR 08: UTILITIES 71•91 07099-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 69.63 07247-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 69.05. 07750-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 39.04 07850-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 60.59 07861-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 47.10 08297-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 69.00 08343-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 84.08 09779-01 APR 08: UTILITIES 244.00 09909-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 81.22 09910-02 APR Q8: UTILITIES 28.73 Page: 6 0 0 vcHSist 1loucher L.ist rage: 7 o5f2012008 'I 0:25:O1,4M Spokane Valley Bank cods : apbank VoLicher Date Vendor Invoice PO k DescriptionlAccount Amount 14522 512Qf200$ 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO (Gory#inued) 09911-02 APR OB: U7ILITGES 70_27 09963-02 APR 08= UTILITIES 31_07 10031-02 APR QS: U7IL1TIE9 12213 9EI-038-U7 APR 08; U71LIT1ES 48,00 1DD33-01 APR08; U7ILITIES 29.80 1004"1 APF2 08: UTILiTIES 29_80 40041-01 APR 08: UTILfTCES 29_80 70042-01 APR OS: IMTILITIF-S 22_60 10048-02 }kPR 08: U7iL171ES 60,06 1 U44"2 A P R 08: UTILIl1ES 41,03 1017~1 APR 08' UTILITIES 22,60 Total : 8,084.19 74523 5120l2008 0U7675 N7QllN7AIN WESr BANK Opening Balance OPEN PODLACCOUNY 5i)D.00 To#al : 500.00 14524 5120120D8 00 1677 M7 S PQKAh1E H.$_ Refund REFUND DAN4AkGE DEP 196.00 Tota I : 196,00 14'j-25 5f20l2008 000062 MUNSON, RICWARD Eixpenses TRAVEL EKPENSES 212.54 Total : 212.54 145Z6 61Z=01)8 00 1035 NETU4+ORK DES1fiN & MAPfJ1GEM EEV7 15949 WP MEMORY 283_23 Totai : 283,23 14527 512012008 000652 OFFIGE DEP OT IPIC. 427196414-001 TONER CAR7R10CES 707.04 420'18 427521798-1001 42019 KITC!-IEN SLIPPLIES 55_71 d27fi17067-U11'I $UPPLIES FOR DE PT MOVE 144_B9 TotaC - 301.64 14528 512Of2008 000899 4NEEIfiWTY NENlDRKS 605042 ETHERNET: CP 832.16 Total ; 032_76 14529 M0IZ008 001259 ORBARCHISECTSINC. 9 41599 PARGCRDPOOL#073 4,059_73 Page: 7 vChlist VoUCIter List Page: 8 0512012008 90:25:01AM Spakane Valley Bank eode : aPbarik boucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amaunk 14529 5120J200B 001258 DRBARCWITGCI`SINC_ (Continued) 9 4160O TERRACE VIEW POOL #074 2,029_86 41600 ,y 41601 VALLEY MI$$ION PQOL#075 2,029.86 41601 Total : 9,119.d5 14530 5120f2008 0U7089 POE ASPIqALT PAVING, IN C. 42572 41983 CONTRACT 908-01 14,076.60 42573 47983 COM7F2ACT#08-001 9,420.34 42574 47983 CONTRACT#4S-DD9 3,24G.07 42575 41983 CONTRACT#DE009 907.20 42590 49983 CDN1PACT408-001 40.637.07 425,qi 419$3 PDE AS PHAL7 C0N7RACT #Q8-0D1 53,313_13 42592 41983 CONTFtAC7 #08-00't 4,857.95 42593 41983 COP+lTRACT#08-007 60,031,90 42584 41983 C DNTRACT -d08-007 5,304.50 42595 41983 CONTRACT M08-OQ1 24.301.89 Total : 216,096.65 14531 5120f2008 000479 PURRFECT L0G4S, INC_ 21260 ARBOR bAY BANNER 78.79 rotal : 78.19 14532 512012098 4DD322 QWEST 509-922-7091 0603 FHOPfES; MISSION PQOL 103,27 509-924-4707 740B PHDNES' TERRAC E VIEVU PC OL 105.98 509-926-7840 1948 PHONES' PARK RD PDOL 97.12 l`otal : 30827 74533 5t2012008 000415 POSI+IUERS U-CIIY INC. 580854 SNACK SUPF LIEG: CP 14_45 'COtdt ' 14_45 14534 512012008 000937 ROYAI_ N7QVENG, INC, 25Z4 N70VINC DEPT OFFIGES 652_101) Total : 652X4 94535 5120J2008 0 OD709 S EPlS KE LAWN & TREE CARE INC, 2983296 MAY 08 MAIN7: CP 50,795.38 2983:~11 MAY 08 MAIMT: CEMTENNIALTRI_ 1,977_28 3047161 PUR CHASE ARBORD,4YTREES 487.50 Tota! : 53,20_96 pagc; 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 05120/2008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14536 5120/2008 000935 SERVICE PAPER COMPANY 30423923 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 769.70 30424233 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 814.02 30424335 • JAhlITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 58.14 30425285 SUPPLIES: CP 176.54 30425292 JAtdITORI/>L SUPPLIES: CP 231.14 30425715 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP 638.68 _ Totai : 2,688.22 14537 512012008 001174 SPACESAVER NW 545403 MISC SUPPUES: CD ' 642.51 Total : 642.57 14538 512012008 000230 SPOKAfdE CO AUDITORS OFFICE 0010838 RECORDING FGES 149.00 0011345 RECORDING FEES 137.00 0012125 RECORDING FEES 145.00 0012844 RECORDING FEES 392.00 0014060 RECORDING FEES 113.00 0014062 RECORDING FEES 32.00 0014397 RECORDING FEES 348.00 0015581 RECORDIPIG FEES 196.00 0015945 RECORDING FEES 137.00 Total : 1,649.00 14539 5/'20/2008 000001 SPOKANE CO. TREASURER 40100126 0&M: B[STlMCDONALD 657.69 41500570 MAR 08: GEIGER WORK CREWS 2,316.10 Total : 2,973.79 14540 5/2012008 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0271291077129 MAY 08: UTILITIES 63.07 042303l115953 MAY 08: UTILITIES 948.32 Total : 1,011.39 14541 5/20/2008 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIS7. #3 170-0040-03 APR 08: WATER 25.52 475-1495-00 UTILITIES: 1508 S WOODRUFF 167.10 Total : 192.62 14542 5120I200$ 000898 SPOK/lNE PROCARE 203614 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 78.74 203615 41930 08-003 LANDSC/aPIIdG CONTRACT 78.74 203616 41930 08-003 LAMDSCAPItdG CON7RACT 78.74 203973 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RACT 73.31 Page: 9 vchlist VouChet' LiSt Page: 10 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 14542 5/20/2008 000898 SPOK/1NE PROCARE (Continued) 203974 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 195.48 204774 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 46.70 204814 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 195.48 204815 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 141.18 204888 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 78.74 204893 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 705.90 205540 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON712AC7 450.69 205541 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CON7RAC7 105.89 205552 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 173.76 205554 41930 08-Q03 LANDSCAPING COM"RnCT 135J5 205799 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING COM"RACT 342.09 205800 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 59.73 206029 41930 08-003 LANDSCAPING CONTRACT 29.32 Total : 2,970.24 14543 5/20/2008 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CON7R01_S 24673 MAR 08: PRECINCT 491.42 24766 SERVICE CALL: PRECINCT 205.25 Total : 696.67 14544 5/20/2008 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ApVANTAGE 31016603$8 CREDIT RETURN: CD -140.62 3101664369 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 301.15 3101664390 RETURN fTEM: CD -29.31 3101660391 OFFICE SUPPUES: CD 29.31 3101660392 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 44.44 3101660393 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 11.37 Total : 216.34 14545 5/2012008 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1348 SPRAGUElAPPLEWAY CONSULT 9,480.00 Total : 9,480.00 14546 5/2012008 000419 SUMhh17 LAW GROUP 37208 MAR 08: GEN LABOR ADVICE 120.00 Total : 120.00 14547 5/2012008 001217 THOMAS, DEAN & MOSKINS ING 21309 SPRAGU1=/60WDISH #092 2,705.90 Total : 2,705.90 14548 512012008 aU1464 TIME WARNER TELECOM 02135639 INTERMET/DI1TA: CP 895.90 Page: 10 _,J . ~ _ vchlist Voucner List Page: 11 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Valley Bank codc : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14548 5/20/2008 001464 001464 TIPAE WAI2NER TELECOM (Continued) Total : 895.90 14549 5f20/2008 001444 UNITED UABORATORIES 13416 CLEANING SUPPLIES: CP 636.94 Tota I : 636.94 14550 5/2012008 000337 UPS 0000Y3F950168 MISC SERVICE 1.31 Total : 1.31 14551 5120J2008 000167 VERA WA7ER & POWER 0001-031971.02 APR 08: UTILITIES 65.11 0001-032805.00 APR OS: UTILITIES 21.63 0602-001425.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 169.54 0008-010790-01 APR 08 UTILITIES 52.54 0010-003488.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 103.57 0011-010826_01 APR 08: U7ILITIES 39.95 0012-004137.02 APR 08: UTILITIES 65.07 0012-004137.02 APR 08: U7ILITIES 65.12 0013-032589.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 4623 0014-4U4275.01 APR 08: UTILfTIES 29.44 0014032971.00 APR 08: UTILITIES 23_20 0018-031941.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 48.73 0015-032752.00 APR 08: U71U71FS 20.71 0030-031942.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 52.18 0099-000005.00 APR 08: U7ILITIES ' 1,714.40 Total : 2,517.42 14552 5/2012008 001590 WA STATE COU{2T OF APPEALS 7650 PRINTING/BINDING 6.08 Total : 6.08 14553 5120J2008 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0040605-1518-8 LANDFILL CHARGES: PW 3,975.58 2121489-2681-0 APR 08: 7RASW REMOVAL 316.48 2121490-2681-8 TRASW REMOVAL SVC: PRECIPICT 262.79 Total : 4,554.85 14554 5120/2008 001074 ZEE MEDICAL 0161287185 1 SY AID SUPPLIES: CP 127.68 Total : 127.68 86 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total • 514,345.31 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 0512012008 10:25:01AM Spokane Vailey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 96 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 514,345.31 I, the undexsigned, do certify under penalty o£ perjury, that thc mnterials have been furnishcd., the services reudered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim iq just, due 1nd an tuipaid obli~,~ation against the City of Spolcane Val.ley, and that I vu authorized '4 authenticate and certify said cL•iun. Financ Dzte aypr atc " Councal iVlember •e • Page: 12 i . • ' ~~f ~ vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 05/3012008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount ' Amount 14555 5/23J2008 000924 ELLER CORP 9 BARKER RD #004 22,059.16 ToW I : 22,059.16 14556 5/23f2008 Oa0497 THE BANK OF NEW YORK 05105/08-1703 JUN 08: DEBT SERVICE PP/IT 203,436.25 Total : 203,436.25 14557 5/27/2008 000779 SOUTHARD, BRAD 301318 41928 DEAD ANIMAL PICKUP SERVICES 380.00 Total : 380.00 14558 5/2712008 001295 NICE Registration BLDG CODE CLASS, BEBOU7 65.00 Total : 65.00 14559 5127l2048 000603 CONTRACT DESIGN ASSOC INC 25149 41938 CHAIRS FOR NEW HIRES 2,715.00 41936 Total : 2,715.00 14560 5127/2008 000086 INLAND EPJIPIRE UTILITY, COORDINATIN 08 MEMBER DUES 2008 UTIUTY MEMBER DUES 1,000.00 Total : 1,000.00 14561 5/2812048 001649 KILGORE CONSTRUCTIOtd INC Pmt #1 POOL UPGRADES - PK,N,VM 300,779.81 Total : 300,779.81 14582 5l3012008 001085 ACTIVE NETWORK, INC INC408519 06 ANNUAL SAFARI SOFTWARE 3,391.58 Total : 3,391.58 14563 5130/2008 000998 AIR FIL7ER SALES NW INC. 49359 AIR FILTERS: CP 248.04 Total : 248.04 14564 5/30/2008 000150 ALIIED FIRE & SECURITY SVC321189 SERVICE CALL: CIIY MALL 158.38 Total : 156.38 14565 5130/2008 001081 ALSCO LSP0404057 MA7S: CI'lY HALL 68.73 LSP0415774 MATS: PRECINCT 14.07 LSP0419654 MATS: CITY HALL 68.73 Total : 151.53 14566 5130/2008 000335 ALTON'S TIRE IP1C. 6-32744 TIRES: 32811 D 517.44 Page: 1 vchlist VouCher List Page: 2 05130/2008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank • Voucher Date Vendor Invoico PO # Description/Account Amount 14566 513012008 000335 ALTON'S TIRE INC. (Continued) 6-34237 TIRE CHAPIGEOVER: 06770D 126.28 Total : 643.72 74567 5/34/2008 001039 AM BUILDIMG MAINTENANCE CO 4793678 MAR 08: CP 525.00 Total : 925.00 14568 5/3012008 001324 ASE KIDS, LLC Stretch-n-Grow S712E7CH M GROW CLASS 215.00 Total : 215.00 14569 5/30120U8 000030 AVISTA 410069444 PARKS MASTER BILLING 3,28229 Total : 3,282.29 14570 5/3012008 001606 BANNER BANK 4367 VISA: MUNSON 557.00 Total : 557.00 14571 5l30/2008 001648 BERK 8 ASSOCIATES 5682-04-08 CTED GRANT 16,015.00 Total : 16,015.00 14572 5130/2008 001545 BERNARDO WILLS ARCHITECTS PC 2008-1538 41956 CITY HALL CONTRAC7 07-018 10,876.44 Total : 10,876.44 14573 5f30/2008 001565 BERRETH THOMAS PRIM'IiVG 24954 42026 GRID SHEETS 200.91 Total : 200.91 14574 5l30/2008 001449 BEST LINE 053105152008 MAY 08: ANSWERING SVC 26.75 Tota I : 26.75 ---145;75---5f30li9@8-$B694B-BL~&RIBBO(d-Eh1!EN-SI~PP'.,G a0 L-EANMl6-S URRLIES: 6P 448.89 - 30426 RN€S=GR 90.6i IN~~&ERVIGE: -6P ' 88-7~5- • 88218 L-INEfJ-SER-WGE=GP '8- SOOG'F9-1-1 - --LIP}EN-.SERWC&-C-P - 55-39- --Total-: 1;286:03-- 14576 5l3012008 090148 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORiVIS 8 EQUIP 667792 EMBLEPJI CHANGE: COSV POLICE 21.72 668061 EMBLEl1 CHANGE: COSV POUCE 28.41 669022 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.69 Page: 2 . ~ ~ Voue.~~ iist P-~-/ 3 vchlist 05/3012008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank . Voucher Date VQndor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 14576 5/30/2008 000148 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP (Continued) 669048 EMI3LEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 13.03 669386 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.69 669544 EA4BLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 13.03 668988 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.68 669991 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 6.52 670155 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.60 670549 EMBLEIIN CHANGE: COSV POLICE 4.34 670551 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 4.34 670570 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 8.69 . 671123 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 43.44 671387 ENiBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 17.38 671804 EMBLEM CHANGE: COSV POLICE 4.34 674057 EMBLEM CMANGE: COSV POLICE 17.38 Total• : 217.36 14577 5/3012008 000673 BUDGET ARBOR 8 LOGGING LLC 48-538 42010 TREE REIIAOVAL 325.80 . Total : 325.80 14578 5130/2008 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC PA07309-2 APPLEIWAY RECON #016 5,623.00 Total : 5,623.00 14579 5/3012008 000101 CDW-G KCS8130 42015 PRESENTATION REMOTES 137.75 Total : 137.75 14580 5/30/2008 001048 CITY PARC.EL 4280083 COURIER SERVICE: CD 9.12 Total : 9.12 14581 5/30I2008 001440 CLEARPATH RE, LLC 62 CITY CENTER PROJECT: CD 8,041.81 - Tota I : 8,041.81 14582 5/3012008 000109 COFFEE SYSl'EMS INC 60423 COFFEE SERVICE: CI' 134.00 Total : 134.00 14583 5/3012008 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 87016-6725 MAR 08: FUEL BILL 2,737.74 Total : 2,737.74 14584 5/3012008 001678 DACH, LYLE ' Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Page: 3 vchlist . Voucher List Page: 4 05/30/2008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8pbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14584 5/3012008 001678 001678 DACH, LYLE (Continued) Total : 50.00 14585 5/3012008 001415 DALE S DECKER, LLC 363 CONTRACT 07-019 1,839.00 Tota I : 1,839.00 14586 5/30/2008 000235 DATA BASE RECORDS DESTRUCTION 30107 MAR 08: RECORDS DESTRUCTION 90.00 31576 APR 08: RECORDS DES7RUCTION 90.00 Total : 18D.00 14587 5130/2008 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIA7ES 248465 41993 CONTRACT NO. 08-UQ8 TRAFFIC EI 8,049.98 Total : 8,049.98 14588 5134/2008 000900 DEPT OF L& I 91753 OPERATING PERMI7: CP 109.40 Total : 109.40 T~~-~@F~fl88-009Z88-BEP~-OF-NC-ENSitd° - 0 -Ren 1 ~ LiGENsERErvEWAt-A-L-&vuo ao-eo- ' . 68-F160 32.-''rS- - 432.28 14590 5/30/2008 000912 DEX MEDIA WEST 200353924 MAY 08: ADVERTISING CP 218.90 Total : 218.90 14591 5/30/2008 000152 DOT ATB$0415063 SIGNAUILLUMINATION MRINT 22,477.70 AT880415064 STATE ROU7E ROADWAY MAINT 23,050.73 AT880513117 APPLEWAY RECON #016 93.56 AT680513119 PINES/MANSFIELD #005 478.77 Total : 46,100.76 14592 5l30/2008 000278 DRISKELL, CARY Expenses TRAVEL EXPEPISES: WSAMA 586.76 ' Mileage TRAVEL EXPENSES 83.54 Tota I : 670.30 14593 5/30/2048 001569 DUNCAM, JULIE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 200.00 Total : 200.00 14594 5130f2008 000540 [WU 102-410 UNIVERSAL F'AF2K: ARCH. STUDIE: 3,405.63 Total : 3,405.63 Page; 4 ~ ' ~ f " 1 r~ vchlist Vou~~~ rc1 List 0513012008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank ' Voucher Date Vendor Invoicc PO DoscriptionlAccount Amount 14595 5/30/2008 000106 FEDEX 2-669-53728 SHIPPIPlG CHARGES . 92.37 I / dl'~% ~ Total : 92.37 .58- 44596 6ro9J2096-080010 --FEBEX-I41 VI~A~ '89~90~049 AAI-FIBAMG9RE,:-C0 22 --TotaIT 3:.58- 14597 513012008 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 30314 LEGAL AD: PW 150.40 30317 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 39.10 30318 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 96.05 . 30319 • LEGAL AD: PLANNING 56.95 30381 LEGAL AD: PLAPINING 90.10 30382 LEGAL AD: PLANPIING 93.50 30383 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 92.65 34384 LEGAL AD: PLANMING 96.05 30385 LEGAL AD: PLANNING 69.70 63956 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 88.00 64088 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 88.00 64235 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 104.00 64508 ' LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 104.00 Total : 1,168.50 14598 5/30/2008 000735 FREEDMAN TUNG BOTTOMLEY 60513 SPRAGUE/APPLEWAY SUBAREA 1,302.21 Tota I : 1,302.21 14599 5130/2008 001253 GORDOtd TNOPAAS HONEYWELL G4042 APR 08: LOBBYIST SERVICES 2,246.00 Total : 2,246.00 14600 5130/2008 000007 GRAINGER . 9626762257 MISC SWITCHES: PRECINCT 13.22 9629776338 41925 WHITE PAINT, MISC 700LS 37.97 9637817793 41925 BLK STRIPING PAINT 14.25 Tota I : 65.44 14601 5/30/2008 000259 HUMANIX INC. 165797 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 552.09 165901 STAFFING SERVICE: CP 562.85 Totai : 1,114.94 14602 5/34/2008 000022 INLAND BUSINESS PRODUC7S, ItdC. 55944 PHOTO ID CARDS 23.89 55973 PHOTO ID CARDS 23.89 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher LiSt . Page: 6 05/3012008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Descriptlon/Account Amount 14602 5/30/2008 a00022 INI.AND BUSINESS PRODUCTS, IPdC. (Continued) 55988 PWOTO ID CARDS 23.89 Total : 71.67 • ,i 44600 -6/3A12008-Ufl9632-.,~"~ r~~ GOB&GOUNGI6~-hA€hABE- r? 18000. ~ 14604 5/30/2008• 001635 ISS FACILITYlEVEN7 SERVICES 19313 MAY 08: CP HOUSEKEEPING 7,136.00 Total: 7,136.00 14605 5/3012008 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INC. INV002309508 LEGAL AD: HR 90.00 INV002310501 LEGAL ADS: PW 840.00 INV002311031 ADVERTISING: CP 575.00 Tota I : 1,505.00 14646 5130l2008 000786 K& N ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. 0087709 41826 SW PUMP ELECTRICAL REPAIR 597.30 0087963 41926 SW I'UMI' ELECTRICAL REPAIR 288.01 Total : 883.31 14607 5/30/2008 000635 KUHTA, SCO'IT Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 94.75 ' Tota I : 94.75 14608 5l3012008 001679 MARSELL, JEFF Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 14609 5/30/2008 000073 MCCORMICK, GREG Expenses TRAVEL EXpEtJSES 53.45 Total : 53.45 14610 5I30P2008 001620 MCCORNiICK, LYNICE Refund REFUND DANiAGE DEPOSI7 25.00 Total : 25.00 14611 5/3012008 000076 AlICNUTT, STAN E Consulting Service 2008 CONSULTIPIG SERVICE 1,875.00 Total : 1,875.00 14612 5f30/2008 000069 MERCIER, DAVID Expenses ' 'PRAVEL EXPENSES 234.86 Jun 08 JUN 08: AU"f0 ALLOWANCE 400.00 Total : 634.86 Page: 6 ~ ~ 0 . n ~ vchlist Vou~~~~~ ~ist Pay~• 7 0513012008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : 8pbank Voucher. . Dabe Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14613 5/30l2008 000132 PAODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 04559-01 APR 08: UTILITIES 99.84 04562-11 APR 08: UTILITIES 127.51 04605-02 APR U$: UTILTIES 4625 04732-01 APR 08: UTILITIES 42.34 09784-02 APR 08: UTILITIES 1,300.59 Total : 1,616.53 14614 5J30/2008 001035 NETWORK DESIGN & PlIANAGEMENT 16001 APR 08: SERVER MAIN7 3,997.50 Total : 3,997.50 14615 5130/2008 000239 NORTHWEST BUSINESS STAMP INC. 68673 CONS7RUCTION STAMP: CD 103.82 68700 NOTARY STAMP: Gf21FFITH 37.96 Total : 141.76 14616 513012008 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC JUN OS REtdT JUN 08: REPlT 36,467.94 Total : 36,467.94 14617 5/30/2008 000121 NORTHWEST MAILING, INC 56071 FOLDING MACHINE SERVICED 200.81 Total : 200.91 14618 5/3012008 000058 OCCUPATIONAL P/IEDICINE ASSOC. /a500163 PRE EMPLOYMEtJ7 SCREENING 650.00 Total : 650.00 14619 5/3012048 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 427140447-4d1 42014 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 165.10 427140495-001 42014 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 12.71 427992881-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN/CITY CLERI 124.49 429946419-001 42030 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 205.09 429946459-001 42030 OFFICE SUPPLICS: PW 7.17 Total : 514.56 14620 5130l2008 000899 ONEEIGHTY NETWORKS 608562 E7HERNET: CP 844.94 Total : 844.94 14621 5/3012008 001258 ORB ARCHITECTS INC. 10 41599 I'ARK ROAD POOL DESIGN #073 3,044.80 10 41600 TF_RRACE VEIW POOL DESIGN #07 1,014.93 41600 10 41601 VALLEY MISSION POOL DESIGN #C 1,014.93 41601 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 05l30/2008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley 8ank code : apbank Vouchor Date Vendor Involce PO # OoscriptionlAccount Amount 14621 5/3412008 001258 001258 OR8 ARCHITECTS IPdC. (Gontinued) Total : 5,074.66 14622 5/30I2008 000119 PIP PRINTING INC. 1330U40861 WINDOW EPIVELOPES: FIN 538.12 Tota I : 538.12 14623 5/30/2008 000019 PURRFECT LOGOS, INC. 20918 REPAIR CRUISER LOGO 407.25 21417 SUMNiER DROP-IN BANNER: CP 234.58 21450 42028 STAFF UNIFORM: CP 358.38 Total : 1,000.21 14624 5/30120138 000322 QWEST 509-921-6787 5116 PHONES: MIRABEAU N9EADOWS 46.39 509-926-1840 1948 PHONE: PARK RD POOL 106.93 Totat : 153.32 14625 5130/2008 D00952 RECALL SECURE DES7RUCTlON, SERV 3901134066 APR QB: RECORDS DESTRUCTION 20.14 Total : 20.14 14626 5J3012008 000415 ROSAUERS U-CITY INC. 702351 SNACKS: CP 19.02 Total : 19.02 14627 5/30P2008 000709 SENSKE LAWPI & TREE CARE INC. 3052893 LAWfd CARE: PRECINCT 42.35 3057800 VEGETATION 11AGT: PRECINCT 346.43 3057894 IRRIGATION START-UP: PRECINCT 43.39 Total : 432.17 14628 5/34/2008 000172 SPOKANE CO. ENGINEER VLY0804 APR 08: ENGIPIEERIPIG SERVICES 49,786.44 VLY0804 APR 08: ENGINEERING 14,388.63 Total : 64,175.07 14629 5130f2008 000001 SPOKANE C0. TREASURER 11000334 V1lA7ER LIPIE INSPECTION #057 2,200.26 41500606 APR 06: GEIGER WORK CREW 1,903.50 Total : 4,103.76 14630 5/3012008 000323 SPOKANE CO. UTILITIES 0316081081608 APR 08: SEWEWWASTEWATER 260.97 Total : 260.97 14631 5/30/2008 000324 SPOKANE CO. WATER DIST. #3 475-1495-00 APR 08: 1508 S WOODRUFF RD 173.85 Total : 173.85 Page: 8 ~ vchlist oucner Llst P~9 05I3012008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Dato Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 14632 5130/2008 000406 SPOKANE REGIONAL CVB 't-OS Tourism APR OS: TOURISM CONTRACT 25,500.00 Total : 25,500.00 14633 5130/2008 000420 SPOKAAlE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST 1st Qtr 2008 1ST QTR 08: WATER 7ESTING 172.00 Total : 172.00 14634 5/3012008 aa0589 SPOKANE WVINERY ASSOC 368576 FOLDER DISPLAY SERVICE 1,932.00 Total : 1,932.00 14635 5/30/2008 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 43197 JUN OS: 1 L46 RENT 123.00 Total : 123.00 14636 5/3012008 001083 STAIdDARD PLBG HEATING CON7ROLS 24825 APR 08: PRECINCT MAINTENANCE 491.42 Total : 491.42 14637 5/30l2008 000065 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVAPlTAGE 3100798091 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 14.12 3100798092 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 155.29 3100798093 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 165.39 3101386872 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CD 140.62 3101386873 OFFICE SUPPUES: CD 640.63 Total : 1,116.05 14638 5/3012008 000773 STUDIO CASCADE, INC. 1354 CTED GRANT 7,595.00 Total : 7,595.00 14639 5/30f2006 001690 SWANSON, CHRISTY Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Total : 50.00 14640 5/30/2008 001250 SYTE NET SERVICES 6180 NETWORK CABLE INSTALLA710N 162.90 Total : 162.90 14641 513012008 000093 THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW INC. 1069315 LEGAL AD: CITY CLERK 228.93 50869 CLASSIFIED ADS:*HR 1,276.56 50869 CLASSIFIED ADS: HR 1,939.29 Tota I : 3,444.78 14642 5/30/2008 001217 THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. 2150$ EP1G SERVICE: #092 5,394.10 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 05/30/2008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apaank Voucher Date Vsndor Invoice PO # Descryption/Account Amount 14642 5/34/2008 001217 001217 THOVIAAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. (Contfnued) Total : 5,394.10 14643 513012008 000676 THOMSON VNEST 81594fl656 APR OB: LEGAL SUBSCRIPTION 514.42 Total : 514.42 14644 5/30J2008 001024 UNITED REPITALS, INC. 72957532-001 41931 HARD HAT: VAN DYK 11.50 Total : 11.50 14645 5/30/2008 000337 UPS OOOOY3F950188 SHIPPING CHARGES: PW 13.82 Total : 13.82 14646 5130J2008 001077 V.H. SERVICES, INC. 9875 BRAKE SERVICE: 06769D 564.14 Total: 564.14 14647 5/3012008 000295 VAILEYFEST Registration SOCIAL SERVICE BOOTH: PI 25.00 ' Total : 25.00 14848 5/34/2008 000167 VERA WATER & POWER 0004000755.01 APR 08: UTIUTIES 102.79 0005-016348.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 61.81 0006-033021.00 A1PR 08: UTILfTIES 21.75 0007-017753.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 18.05 0008-010790.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 52.24 0011-010826.01 APR 08: UTILITIES 39.95 0016-007780.00 APR 08: Ul'ILI7IES 25.23 Total : 321.82 1-4649------5t9 , f A~ .46 -Total : 8"6- 14650 5f30/2008 000038 WASTE NiANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0041 234-1 51 8-6 GRAHAivI RD LANDFILL 5,150.87 Total : 5,150.87 14651 5l30/2008 000417 WESTERN DANCE ASSOC Winter 08 • WINTER 08: UTIUTIES USE 30+8.00 Total : 306.00 14652 5I30/2008 000255 WFOA •Membership 2008 MENiBERSHIP DUES: MARCI-i 50.00 Tobl : 50.00 page: 10 ; - - ~ vchlist Vou~'„~~~~~ List . 11 05l30I2008 3:20:45PM Spokane Valley , B9nk code : apbank Vouchor Datc Vondor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 98 Vouchers for bank codo : apbank Bank total : 838,530.54 98 Vouchers In this report Total vouchers : 838,530.54 \JO t ITE51vS < I-► t Z. 34, V b I-6. ~ 1, the undersigned, clo certify unde.r pentLlty of pei jury, that the materiflls havc been £u,rnished, the aervices r.endcred, ar the labor performed as dcecribed herein and that the claim is just, duc and an unpaid ob].igation against the City of Spokfuie Vallcy, and that I sin authorized to uthenticat:e and certify eaid claim. FinanceD' Date , ~ , *at COunc I ember Da Page: 11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-10-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: N consent ❑ old business ❑ neev business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending May 15, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: O OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $ 193,733. 12 Benefits: $ 26,736.55 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 220,469.67 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 06-10-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply; (E consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending May 31, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: ~ OPTIONS: RECOMNiENDED ACTION OR IVIOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: Grass: $ 206,756.37 Benefits: $105.771.06 TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 312,527.43 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTACHMENTS . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Actlon Meetlng Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sien-oft: Item: Check all that apply: E consent ❑ oid busineas ~ new buainess ❑ public hearing ❑ lnformation ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legistation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: ResoluUon 08-012 setting a date for a Public Hearing betore dhe Planning Commission - Request to vacate approximately 140 feet in length of the alleyway located approximately 145 fest nortfi oi the intersection of TreM Avenue and Avalon Road. BACKGROUND: The applicant Alan L. Schneider, P.O. Hox 25327. Yuma, AZ. 85367 reyucsu the vacation of thc above describetf aUeyw$y wfiich dissects tus pan;eis. ~ . • 7 i ~ M 1 ~ . G .t; ' { • . ' V: ~ Ca, c` -u':r'•-'`c7 ,t• . s- ! . ~ • r►^ ~ Y~-:4,~ ' •F `y ~ ~ , ~ * ~ Y ' . ~i►'~ ^ ~T. _ s~►L ' . ,,.a . ' ~ ~ OPTIONS: . RECOMMENDED MOTION: "f move !o approve resolution 08-012." STAFF CONTACT: Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner DRA F7' ClTY OF SPOItANE VALLEY SPOKAh'F, COUNfI', WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 08-012 A ItF.SOLLITION OF THE C[TY OF SPOKANE VALLEI'. SPOKANIE COUhTIr. WASHINGTON, SC,TTING TFTE PUBLIC HEARING llATE AND TIME FOR 7'HE PLANNING COMVIISSION TO CONSiDER STRFET V 4CATION RF.QUE.ST STV-01- 08 PURSUANT TO RCW 35.79.010. Wl-{EREAS, the applicant's representative Petcr S. Schwcda o4 behnlf of the owner Alan L. Schneider rcquests a vacation of a portion of an alley (16 feet wide by 140 feet decp). The allcy is lucated approximately 145 north uf Trent Avenue and abuts parcel numbcrs 45031.0306. 45031.0307, 45031.03,OR, and 45031.0309. WHT•.RCAS, RCN' 35.79.010 specifies thnt thr leuislati\e riuthority shall establish by resoluti ! thc time whcn a Strc, committee thenrof; anLi %471TRT'.AS, tl~. ar'1411L•Rl:r1N, Jpo{.uttc 4uficy hlun►ctp:►I Ludc :.::..i•+U.U::U spc~itir, that ilte 1'l,uui Cammission shall conduct the public hearing rcquired pursuant to KC\l' z~ 70.0ln: ,n<f sh ~II dc\,' nnd fonvnrd a rcxommendation for a requested Street Vacation to the C NOW Ti~REPORr. t. ountN, Washington, as follov Secdon I. FSUiblishment u( I'u!_!ic 11c.►nn4 DdtC auLi IInie lvi S I\-ii l-US. t IJC reyuirCLI; public hearing for Strect Vucation Request STV-41-08 shaU be conducted before the Spokane ValleN Planning Commission, July 10. 2008 heginning at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers At the Ciry Hall of the City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E:ast Spraguc Avenue, Suitc lUl, Spoknne Vallcy, Washingtan 99206. Scction 2. ERcctive Data 11iis Rcsolutian shnll be in full forcc and effect upon adoption. ildoptcd this I Oth day of June, 2008. CI I-Y OF SPOKANE VAI.I.FY AT'"fLST: kichard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridfie, City C'lerk r'1pPrcved ac to form: t")lfice of thc Cit,, rttturncv - R:.nlutinn hn 1)8-0 12 !_stahfi•,himciit ot f'uhlic 1leunng L)atc nrn:t fIrnc [vr Sl\'-UI -IiN f'aec Iof 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ` Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: la aonsent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Storm Drainage Easement GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: At thc May 20, 2008 Council study session mccting, Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that thrnugh SpAkane County prior to incorporation, we purpor[edly own a storniwater easement acquired frotn Robert Bnnuccelli of East Bannen Properties; ttiat the address caf the property where the easement was granted is 14211 East Sprague Avenue, tind that Mr. T3onuccelli is not the legal owner nf this specific parcel and therefore could not (dr should not) have granted an easement; buC that this improperly granted easement now currently acts as a"cloud" on the title and this release will release any right that may have been tteyuired, although he added that it is cloubCfiil any easement rights eYists; and that this actinn would clear up a clerical rnistalce. There was Cauncil consensus to place this item on the next Consent t\tenda. BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: BUDGETIFINANCIAL' IIVIPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Release of easement document Memorandum regarding Drainage Easement Surplus Map ~ J . ~ RELEASE OF EASEMENT REFERENCE 8706020260 GRANTOR: Robert A.Bonuccelli, East Bannen Properties GRANTEE: Spokane County- SHORT LEGAL: Ptn.SW1/4 FW1/4 14-25-44 ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 45143.9087 KNOW ALL iVIEN BY THESE PRESENTS that City of Spokane Valley, as the successor in interest pursuant to RCW 35.02.180, is the owner of a storm water easement acquired from Robert A. Bonuccelli, East Bannen Properties, dated May 21, 1987 and recorded, under Spokane County Auditor's File No. 8706020260, records of Spokane County, Washington, over the real property Aescribed therein as follows: • That portion of the Southwest Qua'rter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 14, Township 25 North, Range 44, East, IN.M., described as follows: Beginning 1097.50 feet East and 80,00 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Section, thence North 25.00 feet, then East 30.00 feet, thence South 18.00 feet, thence 60.00 feet, thence South 7.00 feet, thence West 90.00 feet to the True Point of beginning. The City of Spokane Valley does hereby abandon and release all rights . acquired under said easement. IN WITNESS 1NHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed this day of 12008. BY: . Printed name - , ~ . J STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE On this day of , 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and swom, personally appeared to me know - to be the person who signed as ---title--- the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be her free and , voluntary act and deed and the free and voluntary act and deed of ---grantee-- ~ for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and on oath stated that she/he ~ J authorized to execute the said instruction on behalf of said --grantee-. IN.INITNESS WHERE OF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature of Notary) (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at: • (C ity) My Appointment Expires: i Natary seal, texd End all notaflflns must be 1' margins ; - SooKane 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley V!A 99206 s~~~ m ~1,11ey 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: 1Vlayor Rich Munson, Members of the City Council From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director CC: Dave Mercier, City Manager, Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Date: March 19, 2008 Re: Drainagc Easement Surplus The City ofi Spokanc Valley obtained a stormwater easement (located at 14211 - Last Sprague Avenue) Erom Sgokane County upon incorpnratiQn, pursuant to RCW 35.02.180. The County was erroneously grmlted the easement• by the properfy owncr of the adjoinang property, because the leeal description cont:ained an error identifying the vNTOng property. Due to the erroneous tra.nsfer, the Finance Department is recomuending that the City of Spokane Va,Lley relea..~e any rights acquired for the easement on parcel 45143.90$7. After researching t6.is transfer, it is appareni: that the adjoining property ovvner is the legal owncr of the parcicular parcel in question. 'Z'herefore, a Release aF Easement needs to be completed. SVViC Section 3.40.070(b) requires a declaration ttiat real property be deelared surplus by the Spokane Valley City Council prior to its disposal. The criteria For a declaration of surplus properiy uiclude the following: l. Tfie City has or anticipates no practical; efficient, or appropriatc usc for the property. 2. Tbe purp4se scrvcd by the property can be ac;complished by use of a bctter, less costly or more efficient alternative. 3. `T'hc purpose served by the proper1:y no ]onger exists as determined by a change of policy or practice. My opinion is that all threc of these criteria a.re met in. this instance. This • easement is a cloud nn the pr.operty title and docs not benefit the legal property , oi.vmer. 1`he impropcrly granted easement extends nearly the Nvidth of the property 1 frontage, and pr.ecludes effective access to the interior of the properry. The Release of Easement will allow the progerty oNvncr to develop the parcel. ~ , 2 ~ ~ ` _ ~ + _ l ~ ♦ ~ r~- e - auc~ AS E ~A I G ! '~his skefch pro~sd, ~tho~ ~dt 1 ~ for your info~at~n. it inot !n~ ~ show aIF ina erq related to me p I~ ~ The Compan~ assumes O LIA ~ for any matteri'~ is sketc~IF ~ F-j✓ w L ~ .907 3,9170 $.91$9 ,9Z1 •9 ~ 3.9171 ~ ,510 3.9097 3 3,917215.9175 ~ ~ Q ~ ~ N[.YON -~:A v E .9UQ 3,9E387 3.9271 3. 74~ ~ .910 h~h0~ 3.9181 ~ w L , 3.9123 3.9085 3.9077 ~ ~ .i ~ 3,9224 3,9078 ~ ~ 3.9252 .917 3.917 I .O 4 3.9254 ~ MAIN ;~v~ 3.912 ~ 3.9079 ~ td A1&r -e..: , 3.9299 3,9Q82 A VE + .920 3.9080 ly, 1 1 1920 3.9081 C-1 ,92 2 3.9270 ~ 3.9081 621 ' 3.9258 3.9082 ~ 9.9295 I ~ 3.9083 I 3.4229 9.9247 + 3,9084 ~ L1:4 3,9006 ~ 3.925a .926 ► 3.9227 3.908.5088 3.9251 ~ 3.9058 ~ _ % i r ~ _ ~.aoee M SPRAGUE AVE z~;--44 ~ U/YAFT itiliNUTES C:[`CY OF SPOKANE VAT.,T~EY C1TY COUiNCLf, SI'[TDY SESSIQN Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Preseiil: Councilmembers: Sta.ff: Rich Munson, Mayor Uave Mercier, City Manager L7ick Uenenny, Dcputy Vlayar U1ike Jackson, Deputy City Nianager R.ose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Atkorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ncil Kerst:en; I'ublic VVorks Director Gary Schimmels, Councilmembcr Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir St:eve Taylor, Councilmember Mike Stone, T'arl:s & Rec Director Diana Wilhi/e, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven, l'olice Chief Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Greg McCnnnick, Planiiing Manager Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Carolbellc Branch, l'ublic lnformation Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and weleomed everyone to the meeting, and recognized and welcomed Spokane Councilmember AI 1"rench. Mayor Munson also mcntionecl that this is "Public Employee Recognition Week" and he expressed his appreciation of staff's work -and professionalism; and Deputy Mayor Denenny added congratulations for Jennifer Papich's reeent receipt of the "Young ProCessional af tlie Year Award" trom ihe Washington Parks and Kecreation Association. l l. Affordable Housing - I:en Mewhinney and Chris Venne K.en Mewhinney, Government Affairs Chair for Spokane Association of Realtors; Chris Vennc, Uevelopment Finance vlatiager of Housing Services Community T'rameworks, ancl Spokane Councilmember t11 French (who is also an architect and real estate developer) gavre a presentation on "affordablc housina." JJMr. Mewhinney explained that affordablc housing is not synonymous with "low income housing" but is more in keeping with the meaning of what a person of average income in our cnmmunity ca.n affordable for s horne. Slides were sho,.vn of a"housing market snapshot" Erom selecCed counties in Washington Sate ciuring the fouith quarter of 2007, comparing the median resale price of homes in Spolcane County, King County, Pierce CounCy, Snohomish County and $ertton CounCy, i.e. $194,200, $439,000, $275,000, $375,000; and $171,600 respectively; ancl that a person with an averagc annual wage of $40,000 can afford about $120,000 for a home. Mr. MeNvliutney said thaL our County greatly differs from «iedian homes in K.ing County of $400,000 aiid wc don't have the same wages as Seattle; but thst in reviewina khe Multiple Listing Service (vILS) list of available homes, only 10% are under $140,000. He aIso mentioned hat the largcst migrant a*roup moving to our aren are from California and Arizona, and that U-1-laul designaCed our area as the seventh most popular plitce tn move to. Mr. Verinc saicl that they itre concerned «+ith the long-tcrrn trencl as prices are escalating faster than ineome, and what s4meone might be ablc to afford today, they might not be able to afford four years in the future. Viayor Munson asked how many existing residents bought homes last year compared with how many new residents bought homes, ant! Iv1r. Venne said he can get those statistics for vlayor Vluiison. Nfr. Mewhinney also remarkcd that the demand is less now for a new home, the supply is large, and therefore prices have.escalated; and that some current homeowners trying to sell lheir home must face the reality that their home will not net as much proFt as espected. Further discussion and COIT11TlCilt inclucied mention of die G.MA (Gro«rth Management Act) and the ~ impact it has on housing; lancl prices almost doubling; construceion costs escalating; needed in&astnicture; the diminishing lu.cury of larber lots; needing a joint parCnership between dhose who deal with real estate and tlie Cities in order ta explore creative ways to control eosts; possible incentives from Study Session Mee3iiig Minutes:05-06-03 Pegc 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 1).RAF7' municipalities; bonus densities; and "community" or other IypCS Of Iill1CJ LTUSIS t}l1t involvc tlaving a _ senarate mvner for the home and for the land. ' Councilmember Gnthmann distributcd copies and discussed his informational charts and graphs showing "Housing C1ppoKunity Index by affordability rank Csource: NAHI3IWells Fargo I-lousing Opportunity Tndex], and said we have space to grotiv and everyone has I:he opportunity to raise their income, and gave the suggestion of teaching people how to get better incomes ancl how to save for hornes; and said that most first time home owners buy oIder homes; so there could be ways to help those who want to purchase ' fixer-uppcrs. Mr. Mewhinney 11so mentioned that staCe bond programs are a possibiliCy to help people with fixer-uppers. Iaeputy Mayor Taenenny askect about the market for the smaller, cottage-like homes, and Mr. Mewhinney rE:spo►ided that they are very marketable, to whieh Mr. rrench added that a smaller home doesn't mean less qulility. vlayor vlunson thanked the group for their presentation. 2. Proposed 2009 Transportation Improvetnent Flan (TIP) - Steve Worlev Fngineer Worley gave a summary of the draft 2009-2014 1'IP, but addcd that this draft should be considered a"Nvork in protgess" and will be updated again prior to the June public hearing. Regarding the surn►nary, Mr. Worlcy explained chat of the 47 projects Iisted (diere are some missing numbers), that eleven have bcen funded on TIP graTit,S or other grants, five are anticipated to be funded if the STA 3/10`h bond issue passes; hweriry are presentation projects; four are extension projects; thirtecn are planned for reconstruction; and five of those thirteen are in the Greenacres area due to the anticipated gowth in that arca wliich means inereased trlffic volumcs. Mr. Worley adcied that the level of projects listed in this TTP may not fit 1'1'IL}7ltt die-funding lcvels we currently have for road projects; and Mayor Munson said Cauncil rcalizes we can only do what we can afforci. 3. Community Development Block Cirant/Hom_e Consortiurn Participatinn - Greg vleCormick Planning Manager McCvrrnick explained that the County is now due to re-qurlify for Consortium Participatinn for f scal years 2009 through 2011; that this requaliiication requirement results in Spokane Valley beina in the position to clecide whether to renew its participation in the County's CU$G/HOIvIE Consortium, or become a direct entitlement recipient from HUD; and said that our City has been a participant sinec 2004; and that Cor Spokane County to meet its obligation uncier the WUD requirements, Spokane Valley must provide writien notice of the City's decision by May 23, 2008. Mr. VicCormick explained that staff had cliscussions with Spokane County staff about Spokane Valley reeeivino a set- aside amount basc an historical C[7BG swards. IV1r. McCormick Furthcr statecl our concern wiCh funding levels received for Spokane Vllley, a.s last year saw only $77,000, althQUgh previous years have been as l,igh as $400,000; lncl that we have asked the County for a specific set itmaunt for the city or a percentaoc of the trmount from the County's award, ta be awarded and use.d for our capital projccts; and that the County seems receptive to that pmposal; but askect if we would provide a letter formally requescing that set aside amingements be set up in the raext three-year period; adding that the Boa.rcl of Couniy Commissioners would makc a decision to allow that oe not. After diseussing this proposal wit;h Tim Crowley of the County's Com.munity laevelopment Department, Mr. `7cCormick explaincd that we will reyue•st that $300,000 be sek aside for Spokane Valley Capital projects; ancl Co 3llow us to actively request - Funding in odier categories aoiiipeting with the remainder of the jurisdietions. iMr. McCormick also rnentioned that regarcling timing, he spoke with Mr. Croevley who indicated that the County Comniissioners will likely be briefed on this issue May 13, with an anticipated action al lheir May 20 meeting. .T.n response to Council question, Mr. McCormick said these set aside fimds would be available only for canital projects, which as Mr. Mercier pointecl out, is the infi'astructure category. Brief diseussion included couneil remark.s in favor oF th.is proposal; that we want to oet the best reasonable deal for our citizens; that we dan't want to suffer with another repeat oF the year we were _ alloc.ated $77,000; and rather than press For greatcr funding, staff feels the $300,000 is a reasonable amount; tha[ we will pi-esent a motion Por Council to make a cammitment for the uext tliree-year cyele, which stares in 2010; and that we will malce it clear 'tn the letter that this is a conditional proposal hoping Study Session Meeting I0inutes:05-Ob-03 Page 2 of4 Approvecl by Giuncil: DRAFT for a favArable reaction. As chair of the Cla]3G Committee, Councilmember GoChmann said he will ]ikely not chair I:hat meeting, but would ask the vice-chair to preside over the meeting which will hear that issue. 4. Comprehensive Plt►n Schedule - Greg `IcCormick Planning Manager McCormiek reported that the Planning Commission held a study session last Thursday nioht ancl reviewed the eight privately-inikiaCed map amendments; that there cvere a number of text amendments which are mostly clean up or updating data in tables; that a part of a few chapters will have policy change recommendations by staff, and the most signifcant of those are in the Chapter 2 Land Use, rvhich addresses potential annexation areas, and to ideiitify those Urbtin Grnwth rlreas (UGAs) as tlesignated by Spokane County, which is an internlediate step between now and when the County updates . their plan. Mr. tilcCormick said the Ylanning Coinmission publie hearing is set far Thursday with anoCher hearing date set aside for.May 22 in the event the first hearing results in not cnough t►me to hear aU publie eomments, and allow the PlFUUiing Commission suffcient eime to revieLV all recommended and requested changes. In addition, N1r. vlcCormick noted that was an error in setiding out hearing no[iees as Chey Nvere sent to the wrong list of people, so that had to be re-noted for the 22i°; but he stated he feels the iterns aan be reacly for Council by a June study session. City' Ariomey Connelly added that to be annexed, an area must be within the UGA, and that aiinexation must be consistent with our Comprehensive Plan, and that our currenl Plan specifically excludes any grawth outside our eorporate boundiiries; so that section of die plan will need to be amendecl, then the issue will get pursued with the County to get them to cjesignate joint planning areas. Mayor Munson also mentionecl that the GMA will be holding a public hearin; M. ay 21 on amendmenl;s to Coimty wide Plannin? Policies and Urban Growlh tUeas regarcling frequency of UGA amcndment, and eriteria for anending a UGA. Furl:her discussion includecl the CTBD's (Community Trade and Economie Development) prncess nF re- writing WACS (Washington Aclminislr.itive Code) implementing the GMA (GroNvth Management Act); climate change actions and the Gv1A pracess; mention by Mr. Cannelly of his previous anneaation memo J and that he will re-send to Council for further review; mcntion of eonnectivity tn make sure corridors are identified for the basic street mtip; housing affordabiliry and lot si7~es for duplexcs as some eitizens have cnmplained about this issue; ajid mention by ti1r. MeCormick that while that issue is not scheduled for t:his rouncl of proposed changes, staff is checking for consistency behveen nur comp plan pQlicy in chapter 2 and our zoning regulations. Mayor Munson askcd about the restricCed lot size which will not allow duplexes, and Mr. Mercier said ehaC issue is dependent upon when the legislative body wanl:s to revisit thal; and vlr. McCormick said it is on the list arid is a UDC issue and therefnre a timing issue as well. 5. NVEDFA Tax Exempt Economic Development F,3oncl, S30 million. Waste Management, Inc. - Dave Niercier Gity Manager Mercier explained thlt staff receivecl a letter from 1Vashington Econoniic Development Finance Authority (1VEDFA) seekina CAUnci1's support of a resolution approving WEDFA's issuance of approaimately $30,000,000 in non-recourse revenue bonds to finance a i'acility for Waste Management, Inc.; and that this will not obligate the Cily for any revenues, nor would it replacc any of the City's ►iorrnal permitt:ing processes; tuld that there is no liability against the City by WEl7rA's issuance of these bnnds. Alayor Munson eecommended this itern be pl.iced on the Council's next conseiit agenda. Council concurred. Mayor Munson called for a short recess at 7:30 p.m. and he rcconvened the meeting at 7:45 p.m. 6. Council's Six-Year 7"ransportatiQn rinancial Goals - Dave Mercier The following is the result of the discussion of possible siY-year transportation goals, keeping in mind the objective to "provide residents and businesses with a physically and financially souncl local transpariation (street) system that mcets their needs now and in the future." Stixty Sessian ivteeting Ivfinutes:05-06-03 Page 3 of 4 Approvcd by Council: DXA FT VOTES: 7 Cstablish a sustainable funding option for maintenance, and (2) prescrvation 5 Implement aplan for long-term maintenance ancl preservatidn 5 Develop an alternative plan based nn aetual revenues S Seek to develop legislative altzrnatives 5 Identify the basis of taxpayer resistance; identify ways to fill the i.nformation gap 4 Establish public information program for funding needs over six years 2 Establish timelines to accomplish goals 1 Ulilize be.st practice in the expenditures of tTanspoilation dellars 1 Council exercise increased level of knowlcdge and resolve 0 Examine funding alternaCives 0 Plan-cut general fund services to generatc dollars for street fund 0 Be aware of regional funding requirements 0 Maximize e.'fficiency of road stafF 7. Advance A"ncta - ,~fayor Munson Council and staff discussed the May 13 GreenacrES rezone item and determined that the Greenacres statistics will be ineluded as part of that issue, to discuss prior to the motion. Other items discussed includect the i.TOC items shnwn on the "pending items" of the advance agenda along with mention of an upcorning tentative scheclulc f'or possible U17A amendments; Mayor Munson's request to include an update on the purchase of the Vallcy Hospital for the June 3 meeting; and various law enForecment issues khat will Ue included for (liscussion at the June reCreat. 8. Information 011 1Y: The .l3arker Raad Briclge Bitl Awurd mid 24`h Averrue Bid Award ►vere for infor»ratiorr orily and were nni discussed or reparlEd, - , 9. Council Check-in - Mayor Munson Counciliiiember Schimmels said the Solid 1Waste group is in the midst of audiCing the system, and would like to choose a technical person to be on the cocnntittec, and diat he wauld likc the assistance of Cnuncil and Mr. Kcrsten in ideas for such a person; and if possible, he would like to have a name (not a councilmember or staffi person) by next week. 10. City Manager Comment's - Dave Z!Iercier: No comments. EXECUTIVE SESSIO\T: It was moved by Deput}) Aluyor Denenn~y, secorrded atid unanimously ngreed !a crtjoarrn into executive session.jor thirry »arnutes to tiiscuss lund acquisitiort; atrd lhal no action is anticipated aftenvarcls. Council adjourned into executivc session at 8:30 p.m. [Notc: Councilmember Schimmels cxcused himself from the e:cecutivc session as he felt ill and went hpme.] At 9:00 p.m., laeputy City Manager Taakson announced that the exeeulive scssion would continue for another estimated ten minules. At 9:05 p.m., Mayor Munson declarcd Council out of exec:utive session. It wns tlten n:oved by Councibrren2ber Garhmann, seconded rnrd urraniniously ugreed to adjozmr. The meeting acljourned at 9:06 p.m. ATTEST: Richarcl Munson, Mayor ChrisCine Rainbridge, City Clerk 1 Study Scssiun AReeting Knutes:05-06-03 Page 4 af 4 Approved by Council: . . DRAFT 1VilNUTES . ~ J City of Spokane Valley City Couneil Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 13, 2008 Mayor Munson called the meeting to orcier at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed evcryone to the 137th meeting. Atterrdn►tce: Citv Stni'! Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick D-enenny, Deputy Niayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Rose llempsey, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finwice Airector Bill Gothmann, CowicilmGmber Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Taylor, CoLmcilmember Kathy McClung, Commtmity Dev. Director Uiana VVilhite, Councilmember Mikc Stone, T'arl:s &c Recreation Director A1ike Basinger, Senior Planner Absent: Carolbelle Branch, Public Information pff.icer Gaiy Schimmels, Councilmember Ctu-is Bainbridge, City Clerk liNVOCATTON: Pastor Manuel Denning of Fnuntain Niinistries gave the invocation. PLrDGF OF ALY,EGL1~'vCE: At Mttyor Munson's rcquest:, Councilmember Iaempsey led the Pledgc of Allegiance. ROLL CAi..L: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll, all Councilmembers were present except Couneilmember Schirnrnels. It ivas nioved Uy Coru7cilmeniber 7`rrylnr, secondecl artd unarlinrously agreed to exctese Councilmember SchimrnelS,YO!!I fO711gl11's naeetiyrg. APPRQVAi., OF AGE\`DA: It was moved hy Cowicrlntember FViIhite and seconded to approve the amended agendu: In I'avor: Mayor Munson, Depiity lyfayor .Denennry, aird Councilmernbers. 'la}:lor, Dempsey, and Wilhite. Opposetl: Alone. Ahstentiotzs: Notie. (Note: CawtcilmernGer Gothmann mantentarily steppetl oiu of the rnont so he dicl not hcrve an opporlunily lo vote.) Molion carried. INTRnDUCTIOiY UF SPCCIAI., GUESTS A\`D PRESEN"I"ATIONS: Mayor Ivlunson read the "Older American's Month" Yroclamation. COMiv1ITTFE, B0A2D, LIAISON SUDTNTARY RFPORTS: Councilmember Taylor: mentioned lie attencied a six-hour Spokane Clean Air Agency annual board retreat meEli_ng, where they discusscci buclgets, air pollu[ion, and enforcernent acdons. Councilmemher Wilhite: reportecl that she attended the Junior Livestock pancal:e breakfast at thc rairgrotuids; thc L.aw Enforcement 13reakfast; the Convention Visitor's Bureau Board meeting and award for people in the hotel industry who prqvide exceptional service to visitors; and the honorary Commander's funciinn at Fairchild flir Force Base. Taeputv MaYOr Denenni said that he attendcd a Highway 27 funetion regarding their safety project uf developing ways lo mitigate the number of accidents, which was Fashioned from the same typc oP project perforcned in Cheney, wtuch resulted in fewer accidents; he attended the ftmction wherc the announcemenc was made about the Spokane Region hnsting the figure skating; and attended the Faircliild function. Councilmember Gothmann: explai.ned that he rlict with Doug Silver who taces are of the stetistics for the Sheriffls Office, and they discussed che differe»ce between statistics needed to make stra-tegic decisions and those used for malcing tactiea.l or claily decisions; he mentioned that the Weed ancl Seed now have a number of prog7ams going on in the Center and t1hey discussed funding far next year; he attended thc law enforcement breakf-ast and law cnforcement memorial service; the Spokane Conveution Visitor's Bureau Coimcil Itegular Ivieeting: 05-13-0$ Page l oi'6 Approved by Council: 1:)R:AFT tourism awarcts; the Junior Lilac parade, and the HCllAC meeting whic6 recommended having a speeirc amount of fiuids set asitie For Spokane Valley capital projects grants. ~ Councilmember Taempsey: reported that she attended lhe Junior Lilac parade; the law enforcement breakFast and dedication later that day; tliat the SCudent tldvisoiy Couneil met and they are in a tTansitian period now as the schnol ycar draws to an end and sorne of their members are graduating; and she mei with Mark 1'eters ofthc lnternational Tracle Alliance. MAYOR'S 1ZE~PORT: Ma}°or Nlunson reported that he attended a Jury Appreciation Ceremorry; attendecl the Government Mf-airs I.unch; spoke at ehe Junior Livestock Show; attended dle STA ' Committee meeting; -the .iunior Lilac 1'a.rade; read a proclamation in conncetion with the 100`h Anniversary Celebration for the Nurses Association; became an "Honorary Commancler" at Fairchild Air Force Base; anci welcomed the Special Olympics at Mirabeau Hotel. Mayor Munson also reparteti that commiimcnt appointments have bEen determined for the Pan.handlin? Ad Hoc Committee, with Councilmember Gothmann as Chair, Councilmember Dempscy, Ian Robertson, Ma.g£;ie Crabtree, Kathy Neet, Connie Nelson and Joe Schutz, and he thankect all those who submitted applica4ions, and said that Councilmember Gothmann will be invited at later meetings to give progress repork.s to the Council of this Committee's activities. PTJBLIC COMMEi\TS: Mayor Ntunson invited public comment. Steve Tr;ibun, 191$ S. Stanley Lane: spoke conccrning outdoor lighting standartls oE' our UDC Title 22.60; stated that his ncigMbor recently installed a 15-20 R, lOQO watt metal halide commercial grade llood area light to illuminate a sporC eourt, and that as a result, Ivir. Trabun's family has experienced • significant light trespass kMat is interfering with their quiel enjoyrnent; he said that he submitted a Cil'izen Aetion Request rorrn to our staffand was informcd that the light is nnt a violation oPUDC Titlc 22.60 a.s it does not apply to single ftunily residcntial; and that last week he submitYed anotlier Citizen action Request regardinS nuisanccs; and he asked that this issue be reviewed. May4r Mtuison explained that staff will review the materials and contact hi.m. Lucinda Marshall, E , 22711.F.,uclid Ave Otis (7rchards: submitted copies of petitions from Otis Orchards resiclents opposed to annexation of any paai: of OCis Orcliards by viy neighboring communil'y; ancl she explained that Otis Orchaeds opposes any anneYalion, whether f'rorn Spokane Valley or Liberty Lake; and she mentioned she also researched the issue of UGAs on the Internet and distributcd copies to council of inf'armstioii :tbout the United \jations l7ivisian f'or Sustsiiiable Development, and the nmericsn [.and Rights Assoc:iation National Inllolders Associltion. 1vfary Pollard. 1721_6 F_ Ba(dwin Avenue: spoke about the lighting issue and said that for the last severttl years, she has consisfently advocated for residential lighting that would not trespass; she also mentioned the possibility of the proposed new jail being located in Spokane Valley, and said that she feels ttie Cotmeil or st<iff should have been present at those meet-ings, that ot:her municipalities were represented but Spokane Valley was not; and she added that people don't want the jail in the Valley. Mayor ►Vlunson remarked that breaking news from ICEZEiM announcecl that the Spokane County jail proposal will be at the currerit location rather tlian a new faeility elsewhere, 1. CONSFNT ACENllA: Consists of items considerecl routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approva) of following claim vouchers: list dated 4/21/2008, beginning with voucher #14276, ending wilh voucher ##14351, Cotal amount $471,396.13 b. Payroll for I'ay 1'eriod Ending April 30, 2005: $305,908.28 c. Approval nf vleetint Minutes of April 15, 2008 Counci) Study Session d, Approval of Mceting M.inutes of Apxil 22, 2008 Council Regular Meeting ~ e. Approval of vteeting Minutes of April 29, 2008 Coumcil Study Scssion f. Approval of Resolution 08-006, WEDFA TiLx Exempt Eeonomic Development Bond Council Regular Meeting: 05-13-08 Page 2 of 6 Apprdved by Cpuncil: nRAFT g. Approval of Resolution 08-007 Rccreation/Conscrvation Grant Por Greenacres h. flpproval of 240 Avcnuc Scwer J ine Utility rlgreement i. Approval of STA Cooperative Grant, SpragueJBowdish Intersection It tivas nioyed by Coutrcilniember Trrylor, seconded arrd unrntintously agreed to approve the consent agerrda. NEW BUSTl\'FSS: 2 Uniforni Development Code Area-Wide Rezone Greenacres Lot Size - Vlike Basinger, Kathv vlcClun~ vlayor Munson esplained that because Councilmember Schimmels is absent tonight, there is the c;hanee rhis issue coulcJ resu(t in a tie vote, which would bc a failed rnotion; or Council could entertain tabling this issuc which could also re,.sult in a tied or failed motian. On a point of order, Councilmember Taylor asked if this discussion is pertinEnt or appropriate. Mayor Munson explained that for public comments on this issue, each person wilt be allotted no more than five minutes, and to keep the meeting time to a reasonable hour, he asked that comments not be repeti[ive. It was maved hy Coctrtcilnreirrber Gotluncnifi rntd secantled, lltut thE SpokutYe Valley City Cowrcil direct stqff ta corLsider an ureu-wide chunbe in residential zonitrg clasSf~cations /'replacing ilae existing R3 classificalian with R2J in tire Greenucres neighhorhood as part of t11e rn:nual Cbjnpre{ietasive f'lan c{rmrge update commefrcing iri rVovenzber of 2008 for consitlerulion in 2009. Senior Planner Basinger gave a brief background on the maps in Couneil's paeket of matcrials, showing Greenacres land quantity analysis f4r 10,000 square foot lots, 7,500 square foot lots, and a vactint and partially used land analysis, and stated that Greenacres is pri.marily zoncd single-family residential district, or R3; wilh a minimum lot size of 7,500 square foot; and that based on 2008 land quantity analysis, the potential chvellings and populatio►a for R2 is 504 and 1,259 respectively; and for R3 is 576 and 1,439 respectively, indicating a different in fz2 (10,000 square f[) antl TL3 (7,500 square feet), of 72 potential dwellings, and 180 more people; and added that the different is an allowable 80 foot wide lots in R2, ancl 65 Cool widc lost in R3, showing again a different in lot width of 15 feet. Mr. Basinger explai.ned tliat areA-wide rezones followed the comp plan amendmenC process and would bc considcrcd along witli the annual comp plan upctate, Nvhich provides for a Noverliber 1, 2008 deadline for aiiy change consideration in 2009. In response to a council questinn about afforclabte housing, Mr. }3asingcr said that smaller lnfs are generally more affordablc. Deputy Mayor Denenny asked about the procedure if sorneone were ta espedite a short plat as quickly as possible, and Mr. Basinber said that iP an application were received tomorrow, that applicacion weuld vest upon completion of the application and paytnent of thc fce, and that t1ie cost varies depending if the request is for a short nr long plat, or for a boundruy lol 3dju51ment_ Mayor vlunson t}ien iiivited public comcnent, said dhat eKzc11 speaker would have a maximum of five minutes, and he asked speal:ers not to repeat what others have already stated. Lric I-Iouse 1711 N Flora 12.oad and 1711 1/2 \T Flora Roaca: Mr. HouSC stated that he lives in the Greenacres neighborhooci ancl he works witb a wide array of new home purchasers; and that people want smaller lots as they require less maintenance; that times change and we must change with them; peaple saicl t}iey don't have the time or energy or don't want to make time or energy to do extended properiy . maintenancc; and khe smaller lots are what the majority of people can afford; that the 10,000 lot size crcates higtier taxes as well as hi'her maintenance; and asked when did homes $170,000 to $250,000 becortte low irtcoiTie homes'? ~ J Erickl Johnson, 17112 E Baldwin: said she has lived in north Greenacres almost her whole life; and yuestions where the protection is for the current residents a.s she has seen neighbors pushed out who felt Cotmcil Rebular Meeiing: 05-13-08 Pace 3 of 6 Approvetl by Council: ' nR.aSr there was no prQtection; that the lots were 12,000 and with the change, she said she feels the rc.sidents were trying to meet the City half-xvay; but she feels there is no effor[ to compromise; they asked for, paid for and receiveci a change in zoning, which was subsequcntly taken away, and she asked that Council re- visit this issue and make the ehange back to the 10,000 square font lots. Pete Miller. 18124 rMission, in Greenacres: stateti she is a licensed real estate broker, and that t.here is a is a right and therc is a wrqng; thst Greenacres residents paid for and receivecl approval for a R3 zone change; that the Planning Commission recommended approval of tliat; there was ample and suppori:ive input from 700 citizens; that 10,000 square foot lots still meet the GMA requirements; and the CounciPs vision is noC easily achieved with language buried in the code; shc Nvants Council to allpw Grecnacres a moral victory and begin the proeess to res[ore the zoning peeviously aNproved and paid for; and wants Council to remove the language, iricludinj conier touches and property located across a public right-ofi way, in Title 19.30.030; and slid that the path of least resistancc is by nrotccting existing property owmers. Mary Pullard, 17216 E Baldwin Avenue: she asked Council to restore the 10,000 square fool lots, and said that this should be representative of what the majority people want; t:haC many new people told her they bouLj-ht big'ter IoCS sizes as thcy wanted roorn f.'or their children; and she stated diat Greenacres is over a critical part of the aquifer; that it sits above the deepest and fastest moving part of the aquifer; and should he protected due to its vulnerabilit:y to pollulion of the aquifer; and chat Council should keep their word. Diane Johnson. 17112 E l3aldwin: she read a letCer claled May 13, 2008 from Riek ancl Laura Weingiu-z, . who are home owmers in "I-Tiddcn Valley;" that the letter states they purposely boug}it a larger lot because of'their de,Sire tor having room for raising a family and for providing privacy; that visitors should not have a first impression of liow many homes can be cr-►mmed into one sCreet-; that larger baekyards provide ,l safety for children; a.nd that smaller lots means more houses, driveways and addiCional eover that coulcl afTec;t ttie ability for surface water to eff'"ectively rccharge tlie aquifer. Mayor iblunsnn asked far fiinher public eomment; and ic was noted ehat Council previously received an e- rnail frocn Alden and Gail Sherrodd asking Council to restore the zoning to 10,000 square foot lats; and received anot-her e-mail fi-om Lots NT Lancl dated May 12, 2008, whieh is a land cleveloper and supplier of lots, au-guing in f'avor of the smaller lots. John Patrouch. E 18015 N Rivenvav: said he supports the lower densities. . Dick ]3chm, 3626 S Riclgeview nrive: rcinforced what N1ary Pollard says; saicl he was in the frst group to desianate the aquifer as sole source aquifer and widi that desigiiation comes certain responsibilities; loss of grass fields haci an affect on the Rathdrum Prairic as it purified the water before going it; that high density in t.hat area not good idea because of possible contaminants going in that neighUorhood; and he encourages council to get a copy nf USGS report on the aquifer and how tliis relates to different areas in valley; and said it should have some influence on densities. 17aniel Vlelville, of Landed Gentrv 17eveloUment 504 E F'airhaven Avenue Burlington Wa• said he has been involved with real estate development since 1975, and been involved in Spokane Valley since 197$; that down zoning doesn't meet naCional trends; that a study was jusl completed an new home trends which shows tllere are more households without kids then ever befvre; and if Council clowuzones the area that it will be devaluing the respective property values for these people for when they want to scll [hcir property; but dlat active adults don't want lai-ge lots; that he would be happy to discuss "aetive adull developments" with Cnuncil; and said in response to Council question, if the lots were at 10,000, it would increase the per lot cost for infraslructure; and that he calculates dividing the total horne price in thirds, with one thirci for land east, one third for develnpment, and one third for profit. Council Regular Meecing: 05-13-08 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: DRAFT Jennic Willardson,_ 12722 E 23`d: stated dhat she has lots of friends in Greenacres; that the people want their 10,000 square foot lots that they paicl for; she stated a concern of our City becoming like a city that doesn't allow l:ids; that we need the lots for kids, we ueed parks and school and impaet fees to pay for those; wid child-friendly neighborhoods. Mayor Munson asked invited further public comment; and there were no furtlier eomments. Council discussiqn iricludeci comments from Councilmember Gotlimarin that he agrees widi Dick Behm and Mary Pollard's concern about tlic aquifer, <<.nd as a senion ce likes the larger IoLs, anct that many seniors prefer to stay iri their homes throughout their Ii_Ee; comment from Council.member 17empsey that it is not ribht of a developer to change the neiphbdrhood and Council should protect and defend the cil:izens who have a right to have the lot si-rx they ask and paid Cor; tha[ 17eputy V1ayor Denenny remarked that 7,500 foot lots do not stop someone from splitting lheir interest into 1,200 CooC lots, that we are talking about 180 people differencc, that we have developed a Doocl starniwater prograrn which protects tlie aquifer and the argument to the contrary is merely a red herring, ancl he does not see any negatives in maintaining the 7,500 f'oot lots. Cauncilmember Taylor cYpressed concern with the direction this motion takes the city, . and said .ve neeci consisteney in regulations, and less housing opportunities will foree development into Otis Orchards, and that the City recently secured funding ancl purehasecl property t4 develop a goacl-siced park in Greenacres, which will allow for plenty nf room for children to play. COLmcilmember Wilhite added that personal property rights are iiTiportant, and we need to do what is allowecl within the zonina rcgulations. Ma}ror Munson said that since the County changed zoning in Greenacres without getting the citizens involvecl, we encouraged them to write a neighbnrhood plan, which thcy did; ehat they raised the money fer the rezone wfiich was granted by council unanimously; anci that he didn't hear anythittg about tliis being ternporary until the Iast vote; that he fecls Council previously erred and he is willing to mal:e the change, which starts by bringing this issue back to die Planning Commission. Yv1e by Acclmnatiorr: In 1%uvor: Mayor Mtoison, and Coturcilnrenibers Cothmann und Dempsey. Opposetl: Deputy Miryor Ueftetrny and Couricibizen:bers `I'crylor rnrd tYilhhe. A'o Absteirtioyar. A tie vote rescdted tiv/rich is cc fuilecl ntotion. Mayor Munsqn called for a short recess at 7:44 p.m., an(i he convened dle meeting at 7:55 p.m. 3. Second Reading Proposul Ordinance 08-009 Amencling; 2008 $udget - Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Caiarcilme»iher Tcrylor uncl seconded to adoj)1 Ordinance 08-009. Mayor viunson invited public comment; no comrnents were offcred. Finance Director 1'hompson explained that this ordinance will amend the bud;et ldopted last October, thae Cotmcil held a public hcaring on these amendments last month, and the amendments include . those iterns stated in the R.equest for Council Action rorm. Mayar ti'Iunson invited public comment; no c.omments wcre offerecl. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. .Abstentiotrs: iVone. Alotiort ccrrried. 4. 1'roposed Resolutiori 08-008 Amending 200$ Transporfation Improvement Program (TIP) - Steve Worle It tia.as moved by Councilnietnber Taylor and secondecf tv approve Resol:ition 08-008 adopting the amendect 2008 TIP as presented. Publie NVorks Director Kersten said thae this amendment is nec.essary to include funding received for several projects; Broaclway Avenue IZeconstruction, Bowdish/Sprague Intersection, aiid Broadway Avenue GrindfOverlay. Mayor Munson invited publie comment, no cnmments were offered. Vote by Acclamatiorr: `br Favor: Ununin:ous. Opposed.• Naie. Absteritiorrs.• None. iWotior? curried. Counc:il Regular Meeting: 05-13-0$ Page 5 of 6 Approved by CounciL• l)RAFT 5. Proposed Reso lution 08-009 Cha.nge of Speecl I.imit, Mirabeau Farlcway - Nei] K.ersten Tt ►va.r moved by Couricilmeinber Tcrylor und secorrded to establislr a nEw purk speed zofte in the areas of Alirabeau Parlr►vay from 1350 feet north of Mcrrrsfield AvE to 1100 feet east of Pinecroft IYay pursuanl to tSpokune Ijtrllev eift.rnicipal Cvcle Chcrpter 9.05.030, irr other tivords, Fo apprave resvlution 08-009. Public VVorE:s I7irector Kcrslen explained diat this reduction in the speed limit will ereate a speed zone of approximately 2000 feet in length; that the speed limits will be in effect year-roLmd, and the remainder of Vlirabeau 1'arkway will remain at 35 m.p.h. Mr. Kersten adc3cd lhat staff submitted a grant for the fla,shing beacon and that we have about a qne in dieee chance of receiving fiinding. Mayor Munson invitecl public cornment; no comnlents were offered. Vote by Acclarirntiofa: In Fmior: Uirar:inious. Opposed: 11fone. Abstentions: None. Motiort ctrrried 6. Vlotion Considerafion 24" A.venuc Rid Award - Neil Kersten It ivns nrvvEd by Deputy jWrryor Denenrry ancl seconded ta tnvurd the 24'" Aventte recot7strtectioit prrject bid to the lowest resporrsible bidder, tivhich is Hulme Cotrstrzictioa itr the anrourit of $937,102.02. Mr. Kersten s.aid that we receivect several good bids Fuid that staff does not feel «<e would receive any lnwer bids thcn what was received. vlayor Munson invited public comment; no camments were oC~fered. Vote by AcclamatiorT: Iri Favor: Uiiayrinrutis. Oppased: None. Abstentions: Notre. Motion carried 7. vlotion Consideration iJniversa) Park Contract for Architectural Services - NIike Stone It was moved by Coanicilirrember I'aylor mzd seconded 1a autharize the City ellanager or tlesibmee !v fanalizc c'rnrl e.recute u eontraet fnr arc{litecttn•ul services with EcoPlrni ayrd Design Cor,cepts for the Children's Utiiversal 1'nrk project.. Pitrks and RECreation Director St:one eKplained that in accordance witli previous council dii-ection to proceed with die development of the Children's Universal I'ark, last November staff issued a ReyuesC Cor Proposals whieh resultetl in four proposals being subrnittcd; and ofi thase faur*, aljer interviews wcrc held staff recommcnds rrcoPlao and T)esign Coricepts a,s the team rnost qualified f'or this projee,t, with a proposal amount of $131,460.00. v1r. Stone said that staff invited several community leaders to tonight's meeting, and that many were unzible to aCtend, but Chal ]7r. Terry Browm is here and would lik.e to address council. Dr. Brown remarked that he has contributed 42 years to working in the Uublic sector, and that one of his greatest adventures was Mirabeau Point, which he sees as the 3reenest place in ttiis vallcy; he tliaaiked Council arid in particular Councilmembcr Wilhite fqr the efforts to gain.legislature suppoit; and again thanked all Council on behalf of all the kids Nvha will benefil from this park. PUBLIC COiMNiENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMIlVISTRATIVE REPORTS: n/a T1~TFQRMATIQN ONLY: The 1'otential Electric Billboards. Animal Control Update, Barker Road BridgelCH2MHill Concract rlmendment, ~evclu~rricut:'~:rrcOrncrit~~cii~~c_s/.K:`c►hl. s, ait~l Pnol Ce?jisi:ruction C°" ~iii~;i~' encv I3ud~et radded `iienls~ were for information only and were not reported or discussed. It w( rs moved by Councrlnrenrber Wilhite, seconded and vnanirnourly agreed to ad1ozirir. The rneetino, adjourned at £320 p.m. ATTF ST: Richard ARunson, ARayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Couneil Regular vlecting: 05-13-03 Page 6 of6 Apprdved by Catmeil: DRAFT vII N UTES City nf Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, VIay20, 20q8 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Rich Munsnn, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager laick Taenenny, Dsputy Mayor vtike Jackson, Denuty City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Rich Nlunson, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Gary Sch. i.m.mels, Councilmember Cathy IvtcClung, Community Dev. Tairector Diana Wilhite, Cquncilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Munsnn called the meeling to orc3er at appraximately 5:00 p.m. Ic was moved by Councilmernber Wil}iite, seconded artd unanimously agreed to move into.Executive Session for approximately an hour to discuss land acquisition and public employee performance review, and that no ac.tion would be takcn. The Fixecutive Session began at approximatcly 5:02 p.m. The mceting adjourned at 3pprovmately 5:28 p.m. Riehard Vlunson, Mayor A'ITEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Cleek cauno;l n1inutes: os-zaas Pagc ! oE 1 AQproved by Covncil: nRAFr INEWUTES CiTY OF SPOKANE VALT.,EY C1TY COiNCTL S'1 UllY SESSION Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Mayor Munson caUed the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed ever}jone to thc meeting PreseiTt: Couneilmembers: Staff: Rich lViunson, V1avor Dave Vlercier, City Manager llick 17enenny, Deputy Mayor vlike Jackson, Depury City Ylanager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorncy Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Communify Development Dir. Steve Taylor, Councilmembcr Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Diana Wilhite, Cnuncilmember Ken Thompson, Finance DireeCor Steve W8rley; Senior T'tagineer - Greg McCormick, I'lanning Manager Greg Ringaman, IT Speeialist Carolbelle Brancli, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk 1Vew TrnployEe Iritraductioru: finance Dit•ector Thompson introduced I'I' Specialist l3ill Miller, and • Aceountant/Budget Analyst Saydee Wilson; followed by intrQductions by Seniar Engineer Worley introduci.ng Traffic hitem Michelle Pieree, and SCormwater Interns Scott Kneeht anct `Villian rloyd. ~ Council greeted ancl welcomed the new employees. hiayor Munson alsn acknoNvledged Derek I:vansCon, Student Advisory Vice Chair who in turn aclcnowledged several of'his follow sCudents in attendance. Mayor Vtunsoti invitcd general public comments; and no comments were nffered. ACTION ITEMS (items are in the order taken at the meeting): :1. Resolutinn 08=01;0. "l? mpor•aril~~RestrictineA.tcess%tii Spokiinc'Itive~ It wcrs ntaved by Councilmerrther Taylor cznc'1 secarzded, to approve Ile,.rolution 08-010. City Attorney Connelly explained that wc were cnntacted this afternoon by Spokane County and inf'ormecl thaC due to the river now reaching flood stage, along with debris in the river, the Sheriffls Office felt the river is unsafe even For rescue teams; that the F3oard of County Commissioners passed an Order to restrict Access, atid the City aP Spokane will also address this matter tomorroiv at an cmergency meeting; that Liberty Lake has also been coutacted, and our staff contacted Municipal Research Services Center (YTRSC) wtiich researcheci our authority to restrict river access, and it was deemcd appropriate; that we need to protect the public and protect the watenvays, adding that this Resolution is identical to that which was passed by the Couney, and the Sheriff's O_fftce and Police I7epartment feel there is significant public healeh risk if people were to recreate on lhe river. vlayor Munson inviCed public comment; no comments were offered. Vole by.lcclmnatian: Ir: Favor: Unaninrora. Opposed.• Norre. Ahstenlions: None. Motion curriecl. 1. ICaren Kendall T'irst Reading, Ordinance 08-010 STV 01-07 Ct ti+-as rnoved by Coirncilmember 1 crylor und secontled to udvance orditianee 08-010 to a secQrid reuding. After City Clerk 13ainbridge read the ordinance title, rlssistant Planner K.endall explained the proposed street vacatiou via her PowerPoint, and in response to Council comment, mentioned that the brick buildings facinc Sprdgue zire not part of tliis streeC vacation, but would be eYa.mined when such project was further propos£cl. Nlayor Munson invited public comment; no commenls were offered. Yote by Acclnrrlation.' In f%crvor: Unaninzous. Opposeci.• None. Abstentiotrs.• None.. Motion crnrred. $tudy Session Meeting Minutes:05-06-08 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Coujicil: nxAFr - [removed from the agenda] 3Motion Considemtion: Cooperation Agreement for Comrnunitv Devclopment Block Grant (CllBG) ; and Home Investment Partriership Funds - Greg MeCarmick ,T1►vas moved by CouncibnembEr Wrlhite arrd secortded to authorize the City 11Ian<.rger or desigrree lo sigrr the Cooperutive Agreement for the Conmr:n:iry Development Black Grartt and HOMI' Inveshnent Purmership FuncLc subject to the establishment of a set aside ftatding policy by ~Snokrn2e Counry spec fcally for the sole use by the City vf ,Spokurie Valley fvr eligihle capital projects. Planning Manager IvleComiick explained that as Spekanc County is now due to re-qualify fpr fiscal yeiirs 2009 dirough 2011, we are again in the position to decide whether to renew participation in the CDBG/HOME Consortiurn, or become a direct entitlement recipient &om HUD; 3nd that the County must provide written notice of our decision by May 23, 2008. iVlr. McCormick neted that on May 8 Spokane County staff presentecl a request to the Housing and Commuriity Development Advisory Committee (I4C[7AC) from us to create a$300,000 set-aside fimd for Spokane Valley to be available only for qualifying capital prajects; that the HCDAC t+oted unanimously to fonvv-d lhat reconimendaCion of anproval to the }3oard of'County Commissioners; and the F3oard ultimately approved a resnlution cstablishing that policy change to include the $300,000 seC-aside fund for our city. Mayor Munson invited public commcnt; no cammcnts were offered. Vote by Acclamuliotr: Irr Favor: Ununirnous. Opposed: None. Abster7tionu: None. Motivn ccrrrred. 5. Vlotion Consideration: Latid Acquisitinn YolicY Points - Scott Kuht.1 1t wtr,s maved by Cowrcilntentber {~Yilhile and secof7ded lhat sttiff be a:ilfrorized cu ii7iliute negotiatioris using the polreypplnts as outlined irerein (e.g.: ""rhe negqtiations shnulcl inelude, but not be limitecl to the following: a. vaciitiUn and relocation ot' laartmoudi Avenue; b. ProNerfy owners to divide property for purchase via a l3inding Site Plan; e. Specific defmition of land to be acyuired, eurrently anticipated eo be loaated acljaecnt tA Dartmouth beriveen Sprague ancl Apple-vvay; d. Valuation of property as of the date the LOI was agreed tA [April 22, 200$] and signed by both parties [Univ. City 5-13-08; City of SV 5-15-08]; e. Purcliase price tn be dctermined by an appraisal process similar to khat process used by the Spokane County Library Taistrict in thei.r purchase and sale agreement. Staff will explore possibility of using the appraisal wArk done nn the Library Uistrict's purchase and sale agrecment; f. Removal nF existinj buildings, including the fornler Cresecnt building [currently a call center] located across the future 17arCmouth from the propased City 1-lall site prior to occupancy of City Hall or sooner if necessary Por the coiistruction of Dartmoudi; Staff to esplore financingJownersliip options that are allowcd by state law for the future City.H. a11 City Attorney Connelly stated that on tlpril 22, 2008, Council authoriced the City vlanager to sign a non-binding Ictter of Tntent to purchase property within property owned by University City, Inc.; and thaC agreement has been si;ned by the parties; Chal staf#' now seeks Council's di.rectivn to meet with the property owner pursuarit to the Letier oF Intcnt to begin negotiation of the - Purehase and Sale Agreement for property to site a new City I-Iall. Mayar Ivlunson invited public comments; no comments were offercd. Vote Gy Acclamatian: In F'avor.• Unaniniaus. OpFased: Norle. Abstentions: None. Mvlion carried. 4. Tvlotion Consideration: Developrnent Agreement: Lowe's/JCohl's - John Hohman It was moved by CouncilmemGer YVillrite and seconded to aaill:orize the City Mcmager or designee !o execute the agreement with Black Enterprises, JP. Communify Developtnent Director MeClung, standing in for tilr. Holiman, explainecl that this agreement is similar to that which was approvetl last October for the Shellcy Lake Development, thAt as this project will contribute u.icreased traffic volumes, the intersection of Sprague Avenue/Conklin would warrant a traffic signal; ancl Blaek Enterprises has aareed to the amnunC of the contribution and opted to pay for the signal design, which t►as hecu reviewed and accepted by the City; that the total cost For the developer is $108,446.79. Ivlayor Vlunson invited • public comments; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclnnialion: In Fuvor: Uncrnimotd. Opposed.• Norte. rlbslenlions: Norre. Motion cayried 19 :R. (vi,Mon C.onsi~ler<<ci~n: P.uul onsUVCti~nRC~on LTnTv~oBucige! 'v.t:i.ke:St~n , Snady SeaSion Viceting Minutes:05-06-0$ Page 2 of 7 Appmved by Council: DRAFT It tivas moved Gy Deputy jWcryn, r Denentry rurd seconcled to atdhorize the City Marruger or Designee to re- allocute $190,000 of Parks Capilal linprovement dallars to pravide cor2tingency furiding for the 2008- 2009 pool renovatiorrs proJects. Parks a»d Recreation Director Stone explained dhat lfter discussions wiih the pool consultant and contractor, s[afF' detcrrnined that the pool renavation project witl not be completed until 2009; that it is anticipated that 70% of the total renovation project will be completed by the end of 2008, with the remaining 30% to be completed in 2009; that prior to the bid opening, the poo) projeet budget incliidecl a contingency provision oC $200,000 in 2008; that when the bids came in high, the $200,000 contingency was reduced to $10,000 so that we could reallocate the difference to cover construction costs. ln response tn Cnuncil question, Mr. Stone stated that the 70% work incl«des all three baChhouses. Mayror Munson invitecl publie comment; no cornments Nvere ofFcrecl. Vo1e by At•elcrmution: In Favor: ltgayor lVfunson, Depirly Arlayor Denenny, rnid Cotn7cilmernbers Scjrinzrnels, C,'otltnumn, Dentpsey und FYilhite. Opposed: Cvta7cil►nembtr Tuylvr. Abstentions: None. Ma1ion currietl. !1, .~rast9 ~lcctr,iel~l3ar.ker Itond Kr.id~e l.r,oiec 111 •mor.andunz of LTn~ie~st~~ndin~ - Steve ~1~oGle. It tivas iiioved by Councilnrenrber Wilhite and secotrded ta atrtl7orize the City 1Varrager or designee to sigrr rntd execide the Al'emorcmdun-i of Uriderstrnrding. Engineer Worley thanked Cnuncil for the nppor[unity to expedite this item as an action item ton.ight; he explainecl that bicls Nvere apened for the eonstruction oP' the new $arker Road Bridge, and that Avista Utilities has an electrical distribution line directly east of the bridge that must be relocated prior tn the construction nf the new bridge; that the construction will require tempnrarily reloeating the IinES onto private properCy; that they are still Nvarl:ing with Avisttt on some of t}ie language, and incntioned hat Article 2 Scction 1 will have a minor change as the work will not be completed five weeks after execution of the agreement. Mayor Munson invited public conunent; no comments were offered. Vote Gy Acclrimation: Itr Fctvor: Unm7imotcs. ppppsed: Nolre. A$stentinns: A'one. Alotiari carrietl. Mayor Vlunson again invited general public camments; no comments were offei-ed. Mayor Vlunson called for a short reeess at 6:45 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 6:55 p.m. REGTJI..AR S7'i1DY SFSSION i7'EMS: 6. Nireman's Fraternal Association: "Fill the Boot for Muscular UystroRhy" - John '1\1elson. Steve Spuler vlayor Munson statcd that wc have asked lhat the Fircfighters observe our Qrciinanee, Spokane Valley vlunicipzl Code 8.25, and said we don't want people entering the right-of-«<ay stopping traffic and collecting funds, and in that regard, Mr. iNelson asked for an opportunity t4 present the case f'or Muscular Dystrophy. Steve Spuler, Presiclent of the Valley firefighters, gtive a brief histary of the "f 11 the bnor" campaign, that this has been occurr•ing for 54 years ajid is a major fund raising event whicli has raised over $300 million over the course of the event, and raised $25 million last year; that they have been in the valley For 24 years and last year's fundraiser had over 200 people benefit from that activity; he said cutting the fundraising would be a bia tuistakc; tliat KREM did a survcy and received over SO% positive comments; that they wrork at intersections when the traffic is stopped; that they understand the flow of craffc and titlce great care not to abstruct it; and that he is unaware of any traffic event that was caused as a result of this activity. Mr. Spuler furthcr explained that the .firefighters have speci.fc lraining and cYperience in worki.ng in L'hal environment; and that the organization carries over $1 tnillion dollars in ]iability insurance; that the firefighters are in uniform and are thereby distinct and recognizable; and he poinCecl out via his clocumentation in the Council packet, oF euunples of how odier cities have addressed this issue. . Further discussion ensued including mentioned that the SherifPs O.ffice has been supportive of this event in the past; that the Muscular Dystrophy Association is a very good or-mlization; comment from DepiUy Vlayor laenenny that he would like to txy to fincl some mechanism to allow them to proceed without jcopardizing equal treatment to all other fundraisers; mention fram aV1r. Nelson that 'C'acoma and severa) ~ othcr citics cmploy a pcrmit process for certain entities who are trained to wnrk in such environments as compared with such entities as guild school mcmbers seeking donations; mention by N1r. Spuler that they are not really in traffic F►s the automobiles are stopped; mention by Councilmember Taylor about havina, Study Session vltxting Minutes:05-05-03 Pige 3 oC7 Approved by Council: DRAFT traini.ng guidelines with respoosE from vir. Nelson that the individuals are trained as part of their profession; further mention by Councilmember Taylor of his hesitancy in givinp an exception of one eharity over another, antl that any ordinance addressing this issue should include specifc Uaining guidelines; mention from City Attorney Connelly that our current ordinance prohibits walkina into right- of-way Ianes of travel. Tlrere iva,r Council conser:sais tjzat sttiff researcli this issue to ulti»urtely draf[ an .nrdinunce or other mFChunisnr to allaw thrs sirlgle e.renaptian !o cnntimre urider specific environmerzts tivith nurrow parameter•s of YVj10 CC01 CIO 1J71S OY YVF2C11 fYU117111g tivould be neetled to clo tlzis, and 1a include sttc6t thirigs as not jeopardiziyig the enforcenrent of panhancllitig regulations; tlur[ i1 shoultl not Ge cfrarity specrfrc; und it sjwuld incltide a specinl permiltingprocess. lvlayor Munson mentioned that until we can get th.is issue before Council again, he «<ould appreciate the firetighters "filling the boot" from the curb; t:hat he supports what they are doing but asked them Co i`ollow the ordinance we have until we can initiate changes. Mr. Spuler said this year's evenC is scheduled for Auoust 2. City Attorney Connelly remindeci everyone that Council daes not ctiforce the law•s or mtil:e decisions about enforcement, that thal is done by the administrative part of govemmene; and while Council can -.ATite the laws, enforcement should not bE debated by Cotmcil. 7. «'ebcasting- Gretz Bingarnan/Ken Thompson hir. Bingaman stated that Council haS expressed interest in broadcasting andlor webcasting council mectings, and he has concluctcd some initial research attct obtained some fnancial estimates on various pptions; and that he sceks further input to eontinue the research nr wait until a#ranchise agreement is in place, or other options. iVlayor Munson asked for more detail on the budget and why sueh a large range; to which Mr. Bingaman replied dlat research has revealed tliere are no Washi.ngton cities currently using webcasCing or►ly; &IICI tI13t WebC3SL1I1g f0l' IT1qSt other cities has evolved as a"byproduct of televisian broadcasCing." Mr. Thompsnn added that most cities also revealed they began with an expen5e of , $60,000, which ge.v substantially up to a quarter million over just one or two years; and that $100,000 annually buys about one and one-half cmployees nnd some harclwarc, but we would also need a channel or other means to broadca.st. After Mr. $ingaman cxplained the options included in his Request for Council Action, he added lhaC without the cable franchise ageemerit iii place, we would be respansible f'or purchasing the necessary hardware to create the nceded signal. Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bingarnan mcntipned the importitneE of putting on a"quality show" tio see and liear. There was further discussion of the cASts involved in all the mentioned options, and ir. I3i.naarnan mentioneti that on our website, the agendas rcccive few "hits" while the minutes receive substantial hits; ancl he said that a systcro such as CTranicus web streaming also has the ability to allow citizens to go to any particular part af the meeting which interests thein rnost, and simply watch that portion rather than the encire meeting. Couneilmember Gothmann ment:ianecf he also conducted some research and found that in the city of Lynnwood, about 25% of their population watch the council meetings, and 'tn Vancouver :it least one- quarter of cable subscribers watch a televised meeting; ancl saitl that would put estirnates of our citizens to about 5,500 watching council meetings out of 22,00 Comaast subscribers, whic6 is an enonnous amount of annual hits. Mayor Ntunson asked Council their preference on this issue, and through an informal acl:nowledgement of preference, reSulCed in a four to three preference to not move fonvard at this time. nstnictiN Gont•i» renc:~EFMQet-:~1ike Stone - niovccl u'~F~ 'ae;t,~►clti~as~a.~~;~cti 9. Steve Worley (10 ►ninutes) Barker Road Brids,eJCH2M Iiill Contract Amendment Engineer Worlcy explained that the present prnposal will be brought forClt for eventual Council appraval consideracion; that the bid opening was Friday; and to assisC in the construction managemenf of diis large project, staff requests to amend their conti-act so that they help provide consGruetion management scrvic.es for us; and stated that this is typicll and has been done on okhcr large projects; that the CW2Vi Will Snidy Scssiun MectingMinutes:05-06-08 Page 4 of 7 Approvcd by Council: ' DRAFT Company is the designer so they would be the logical choice as the canstruction administrators. Mr. ~ Worley noted that the draft scope of work is attached, anci some areas of that scope are scill being finalired. ARer a brief discussion concerning the budgetary inipacts of this praject, there was Couiicil consensus to move this project forward. "1wiYst•~s~~i~~3€~ ` o...:, , - `niii~~ed •u ttiz:a'"enifa as ~anaccio `f R 11. Storrn Drainage Easement - Cary Iariskell Deputy City Attorney llriskell eYplained that through Spokane Cottnty prior to our incorporation, we purportedly owned a stormwater ea,sement acquired &ozn Robcrt l3onuceelli of East Bannen Propcrties; that the address of the property where the easement was granted is 14211 East Sprague Avenue, and that vfr. Aonuccclli is not the legal owner of this speeific pareel ancl therefore coulci not (or shoulcl not) have granted an easement; but that this improperly granted easement now currently acts as a"cloud" on the tille ancl this release will releASe any right that may have been aequired, xlthough he addeci that it is doubtfiil any easement rights exisLs; and tMat this action would clear up a clerical mistake. There cvas Council consensus to place dhis item on the next Consent Agenda. 12. Countv-wide Planning I'alicies (CWPP) Update - Mike Connellv City Attnrney Cannelly explaineci that this issue was recently before Council for review and comment on the Spokane County request for financial assistancc in complcting the neccssary capital faciliCy analysis and environmental studies needetl for the adoptioii of expanded UGA boundaries; aiid that his accampanying repoirt is an update to that request. Mr. Connelly then explaincd his accompanying Memnrandum outlining the Spokane County compliance status, the proposed changes to the Spokane County area wide planning policies, and the regional collaboration urban g7`ON'CIl area update recomrnendations and polic.y considerations, whictt includes key policy issues the SCeering Committee ~ will be asked to consider, i.e., (a) the cliange in Counry wide planning policie,s as se•t f'orth in the above- referenced mernoranduin; (b) the adoption o1' a fi.nal population project for Spokiuie Counfy, and (c) discussinn of the cnntinuing implementation of regiona( collaboration pursuant to CWPP Topic 2, Joint , Planning Within Urban Growth Ateas. Mr. Connelly aclded chitt while state law requires UGAs be amended every ten years, the County is technically not out of compliance with state law, but arE out of cornpliance with Counry law as that states the UGAs are lo be updatecl every fve yezirs. ivlayor Ivlunson mentioned tha1: the Steering Commiccee`s public hearing will be held tomorrow. Mr. Connelly also mentioned that the two changes for attention are rnoving fi•om five to ten years, which the Technical Committee has no objection to, and the second concerns the issue that population gro«rth widiin all UGAs that have not been assigned to a city equals or eYCeeds Fifty percent of the additional population capacity estimated for the unassigned UGAs at t}ie start of a nwenty-year planning periotl; and [hat the conccrn seems eo be a reaognilion that the County can have UGAs that are independent and not assigiied to any cities, or can have stand-alone UGAs; and if groNvth within a UGA is not allocatect to any grom}i that equals or excee(ls 50% of the estimate, they can go back and make the UGA larger. Thcrc was discussion on the "Triggers for Review of the UGr1" as shown an ylr. Connelly's "Ea:hibit 1" and in particular of that section dealing with population growth exceeding 50% of the addit:ional populaxion, anci Ivlayor Iviunson saicl he feeLs the triggers are mEiint only tn require a County-wide update to die UGAs, not tv expand anything, but to go with the plannino update process which narmally occurs every l•en years, and if it hits the 50% mark, then it triggers discussion and review. Mr. Connelly agrced wit.h thaf interpretation, buC said that the t.hird trigger is what was added, 3nd the controversy with Spokane County is the fceling that we coiild have UGAs that axe not JPAs (joint planning areas); and he asked if Council is comfortable ,viih the way it is stated, as he believes the "not assigned to a city" is not consistent with GNSA (Growth vlanagement Act). After further discussion nn wllether to agree with die "trie,_,gers," it was deter►nined that at the Steering vleeting tomorrow, that Mayor Munson and Councilmember VJilhite would voice ttieir opposition to section c. Section 18c was discussed as well [`Comrneecial or industrial land consumption within all UGAs that ttave not been assigned to cities equals Study Session Meeiing Minutes:05-06-08 Page 5 of 7 Approved by CounciL• DRA FT or exceeds fifty percent of the develop<<ble i:ommercial or industrial land supply within the unassigned UGAs at the start of the tw•enty-ycar planning periocl.J. Mayor Munson asked if at tomorrow's meetinD, , the consensus is not to adopt c, how would this Council prefer he and Councilrnember Wilhite to vote ,i regarding the overall changes; and I7eputy Iviayor Denenny and Councilmember Schimmels agreed if this - can't be omitted, to oppose the overall changes; while Councilmeniber Gothmann metitioned he has not read the entue clocument, and Counciimember Taylor statecl his Funbivalence but perhaPs lhere should not be a votc on the final dncument if ~ve can't omit "c." Attorney Connelly said a thircl area of discussion eonceriiing the population proiection is that previously the GNiA Steering Cocnmittee recommended the Office of rinancial Mana{;ement (OFM) medium number, and at a subsequent meeting approvcd the Commissioner's request to support the O•T"VI plus 12.5%; ancl mentiAned that this will be the third time this is.sue will be adclressed; and he asked Couneil w•hich numhcr they prefer to support. After discussion of past actions of the Stcering Committee and tltc Board of County Gnmmissioners (13oCC); mention that a formal vote was never talcen; and chat this issue can be revisited at arly tinie; it was Council consensus to support the OT'M number, realizing that the final decision rests witfi the BoCC. Mayor Munson also mentioned that the Caunty sent us a letter asking for a response if we would be willing to help pay for an EIS (F•nvironmental Impact Study) for the County in preparation to completing the UGA updatc; and after brief discussion on this issue, it was (fetermined that Council needed more informatiorl prior to making a recornmendation on that: topic. . It tivcrs moved by Deputy Mayor Derrenrry, seconded and in:artimotaly ugreed tn extend tlie n:eeling to 1 U:00 p. m, Mayor Munson called for a brief recess at 9:00 p.m., and reconvened the meeling at 9:05 p.m. 13. Transportation Financial Gap Analysis: Financial Opi:ions and Facts - Uave h7ercier City Ivtanager Vlercier distributed a copy oF the "Street Fund Problem Statement 42" and openecl discussion on the ga{) a.nalysis and Financing options; and explained that we rely upon the screet fund to provide for the basic maintenzinec of.'the 430 miles nf road in our city; and that the tiata shows that we ~ spent $4.195 millian in 2008, and th3t the expenditure line for this across the next five years is $4.2 million, and that we won't propose to spend any more annually for street maintenance until we can identify a mcans to close the gap between dhe $4.5 million current and the $2.1 received revenue. The following is the result of eouncil suggestians to close the gap, alnng wilh the first and second vote of the top options. M..r. Mercier said stitff will cqme back at the next cliseussion, scheduled for July, to address those chosen options to see how to develnp that theme, and seek further council direction. (Vole t-allies sliqwn on the left are the frst round of votes, and vptc t;aIlies showti on the right are the sccond round of votes.) as` Votc Item 2"d Vnte Total item Vote.s fi So ici a,t~ r'ranchise l ? SL,e t: ~iti']it}~ t~ia wh'en au:~il~b e} + z «ar "1'a s ' .H.L+) 5 .R~~ ~T ta.t reallocali r:i ~ }'r~~aert~t~~.• =1 7 `e ~p lOn~• t Lil'it} Ta~ ~1 7 ~as a~-3 ~ 4 2 7ransfer of general funcl 1 3 2 Lobby the Legislat'iire 1 3 1 B&O Tax 1 1 Cut 4•ansportatinn services 1 0 Electric Utility Tax Q 0 Limitecl Improvement District 0 . 0 Councilmanic Bonds 0 ' 0 Gcneral Obligation Bonds 0 - Study Session A4eeting Minutes:05-06-08 Page 6 of7 Approvcd by Council: DRAFT 14. Advance agenda - Mayor Munson Mayor Ivlunso❑ mentioned the upeqmin5 ciiscussion on solid wsste tax which topic would include disc:ussion of mandatoiy pick up so that Council caui get an idea of what that means for rates and ratepayers. IS. Informulion Dnly Items: the itern,s of (u) Spokane Yalley f'ire Del,,arnnent Ambulance Service IrlterlQCaf trnd Letter; (b) Cof2sadtant Selectiorr Crty Cenler IIS; artd (c) Denartrnent Repons, were for injornration only and were not discussecl. 16. Cnuncil Check in - Mavor Munson: \To eomments. 17. Ci y Nlanager Comments - Davc Nicrcier Vlr. Mercier said hc wantcd to mentinn to all the Councilrnernbers khat he, Mayor Nlunson and . Councilmember i}empsey met with the lead lobbyisl to discuss a range of aptions of interest to besin buildirig the lcgislative agenda for 2009; that they discussed street ulility, lebislative support for increased funding for 911, capital buciDel requests to fill the $200,000 gap for the Greenacres f'ark, aid asked that lhey review the capital budget committee allocalions over the last five years to gain a better idea of the span of projects that aet funding and whether a certain project has a propensity for bei.ng fimded, and then cletermine what we have that might tit. vfayor vlttnsen addetl that they continue to support AWC's efCorts on GIvtA ref.'orm; Mr. vlercier meneioned that they have asked tior coniinucci assistance in collaborating with other jurisdictions in trying to offer a requcsc to the fetleral government to support interopcrability expenses statewide. Mayor Munsnn said he would like Council permission Co approaeh each of the electric utility companies to ask it thcy would discuss forniulating or recornmcndino a minimum electric utility tax. Councilmember Gothmann questioned if a citizen could challenae this even if an electrie utility company clicl not; and Ivfayor Munson said he will begin a clialog.ie to help thnse companies understand what we're tiying to do, anci how roatl maintenance -vvould be Ueneficial to all custorr►ers. Councilmember Schimmels mentioned he fecls it is worth ctiscussing, and brought up the tApic of water conservatinn and water rights/expansion. There being no further business, the meeting adjotu-iied at 9:41 p.m. . ATTEST: Richard Munson, Nlayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk i ~ Study Session Meeting A4inutes:05-06-08 Pagc 7 af 7 Approvcd by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sign-aff: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business Z new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Resolution 08-013 Delegating Signature Authority for Utility Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 35A.11.020 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council consensus at March 18, 2008 Study Session to place this 'rtem on a future agenda for motion consideration. BACKGROUND: It has been past practice for City Council to review and approve individual Utility MOU's related to Street Capital Projects and authorize the City Manager to execute these agreements. In order to streamline the Utility MOU process, staff is suggesting that Council delegate this authority to the City Manager. Essentially, this would save the time of developing the RCA and presenting the item to Council. It potentially wauld save process time as there would be no need \__J to schedule with Council. . A process of staff review and approval would be followed in processing the MOU's. In addition, the MOU's would be reported to City Council on a routine basis. The following are previous Utility MOU's which Council has approved. Please note most of these are related to the utiliry companies reimbursing the City for worlc the City contractor did for them. Others, as noted, are the opposite where we paid the utility company for work they did for us. Barker Road Project Spokane County Utilities Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Spokane County Utilities City of Liberty Lake County STEP Projects MOU each year (2003 through 2008) (we reimbursed Spokane County for full road width paving) Barker Bridge Project Avista Gas Avista Electric (we reimbursed them for additional work on temporary relocation of overhead lines) Spokane County Utilities Consolidated Irrigation District #19 24th Ave Reconstruction Project Timberlane MOU for sewer construction - Vera Water and Power Co MOU for waterline construction (Still waiting for City execution) ; Broadway Rehab Project - Phase 1(190 EB Off Ramps to Park) Spokane County Water District No 3 MOU for waterline construction (under negotiation) OPTIONS: Approve Resolution 08-013 delegating authority to City Manager Approve Resolution 08-013 with changes as requested by Council Take no action and continue with existing process. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 08-013 delegating authority to the City Manager or designee to execute agreements with utility companies. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson, Steve Worley ATTACHMENTS Resolution 08-013 \ DRr1Fr C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY - ~ srUx.&N-E CQUN7Y, WASI3LYGTON _ R.F.SOL•UTIONNO.U8-O1.3 A RFSQLUTION DELEGA'CJIqC GEiYERAL AUTHORI'I'Y TO CITY N1Ai\TAGFR TO EXECUTE UTIIdiTY COiN[PAIYY AGREEA'1ENTS (MEMORAIVDUMS, Ol+ LTND.F..RSTANll1NG) NECESSITATTD IIY CiTY STI2EET CAPITAL PRp.IE CTS WHERFAS, the City Council has authority to execute agreements pursuant to its general authority granted under RCW 35A.11.020; and WHEItEAS, the City Couticil has the power to organize and regulate its internal aifairs, and in the inierest of efYiciency, may choose to delegate the aut;hority to execule agreements to administracive employees of the Cit:y; and VdHCR.rAS, from time to time, the City finds it necessary to evter into agreements in the course of planning and construetinD its street capital projects to accommodatc the location of facilities of a utility cnmpt►ny, or to idenl:ify issues relaCing to allocation of responsibilitics between the parties; anci 1VT-IEREAS, the City Council desires to delegate its authority to execute such agreements that R11y arise due to plannirio and construction of City strcet capital projects, to the City Manager. NOW '1'HERFPOEZE, be it resplved by the City Couneil of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washing-COn, as follows: • Section 1. llelcgation of Authority to Execute Utility Amcments Arising from Citv St:rcet Capital Projects: The City Council does hcreby delegate its stahitory authority to enter mto utility co►npany agreements necessitated by planning and construction of sCreet capital projects, to the City Manager or the City Mananer's designee. Scction 2. Report vlade to City Council. Thc City Manager will notify the City Couneil in writing within thirty (30) days of the entry of such an ag-cement. Section 3. Severabilitv. If any seetion, subsection, sentence or clause of this Resolution is for any reason held Ca be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of tMis Ttesolution. Section 4. Effectivc Date, This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted t#iis day of June, 2008. City of Spokane Valley - ATTEST: . Maynr Richard Munson City Clerk, Cltristine Bainbridge ; Approved as to Form: ~ . pffice of the City Attorney Resolution 03-013 Delegation of Authoriry Page 1of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent EK old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Barker Road Bridge Project - CH2M HILL Contract Amendment for Construction Management Services GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Approval of 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, Wvhich includes the Barker Road Bridge project, 2) Approval of a Local Agency Agreement and Project Prospectus with WSDOT, 3) Approval of Consultant Services Agreement with CH2M HILL for Type, Size and Location Study and Final Design Services, 4) Informational Memo and draft scope of work on this proposed contract amendment included in Council's May 13, 2008 packets. BACKGROUND: CH2M HILL has been the City's engineering and environmental consultant for the design of the Barker Road Bridge Project. As we move into the construction phase staff is recommending an amendment to CH2M HILL's contract for Construction Manageinent Services. The City has hired a bridge inspector for on-site, day-ta-day observations and docurnentation but additional assistance is required to manage the construction contract in accordance with federal requirements. Attached is a draft scope of work developed in coordination w'rth City staff. The total contract amendment is $560,000, which includes a 10% Management Reserve Fund to cover unexpected additional costs. CH2M HILL's original estimate for construction services was $829,000. By hiring our own inspector and negotiating CH2M HILL's scope of work, we have reduced the construction management costs to an estimated $729,200 saving the City approximately $100,000. ' OPTIONS: 1) Approve the contract amendment for construction services, or 2) provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Authorize the City Manager or designee to amend the current contract with CH2M HILL to include construction management services in the amount of $560,000. BUDGETJFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The total estimated project cost is 11,153,000 of which $9.985 million is available through a federal Bridge Replacement Grant. The Street Capital Projects Fund has the resources to cover the remaining costs. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Consultant scope of work for construction management services. EXHIBTT B2 Scope of Work for % Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project Construction Management, Office Engineering, and Supplemental Inspection Services . City of Spokane Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM 4123(004) June 2008 GENERAL 'I°he pu.rpose of this Scope of Work is to establish thc specific scope of Q-12M I-IILL's proEessional engynee.ri.ng services a.n.d. compensation for Construction Management (CM), OEf7ce Enga.neexing Serv.ices, anci Construction lnspection Serviccs far the Barker P.oad Brid.ge Peplacement project. The City of Spakar►e Valley (Sp4kane Valley) may make or approve changes within the ~ general scopc of this agreemEnt. If such changes affect CH2M HILL's cost of, or tin-ie ' requirecl for, perfarmancc of the scrvices, an equitaUle adjustment will be made through an a.mendment to this agreement. CYI2Iv1 HILL will notify Spokanc Valley in writing of the. occu.r. rence of a change and an estimate of the cost impaet. Spakane Valley wi]1 pravicle wril-ten approval of change. A.1.0 percenl conti.ngency f.und. has been establ.ished. For m,inor chan-es to Fhe Scope of Wvrk. Use of the conti.ngency fi.cnd requixes wril'Yen aulhorizat7on from Spok-ane Valley. CH2M HILL will prptTide C4n5truction A,fanagPmPnt Serviees, Office Engineering Services, anci Supplemental Construction Inspectinn Services, as defu-ied below. T11ese serviCes are intended to assist Spakane Valley to adnlinister the cantract for canstruction, monitor the perfo.rmance of the conskru.etion Contractor ("Contractor"), veriEy that the Contractor's work is in substantial compliance with lhe construction Contract Documents, and as5ist Spaka.nc Valley in respondutg to events that occur durulg the construction. Assumptions . 1. 'Iliis scope of work is pretnised on a Not;ce to Proceed d.ate of approxi.mately june 2008 with a.n 18 month project ciuration for construction cngineering support activitics. Devi7tians from the anticipated construCtion activities, schedule, or duxation of constru.chion will materially affect the scape of these services and CI 12M I-fILL's • . eompensation for thc services, uid Natill require an adjushnent to CH2M HILL.'s campensation. CI-I2M HILL will not perform services beyond the agreed to c4ntract scnpe without written authorization From Spoka.ne Val.ley. f ~ i SPlUCl1 BkRKER ROAD BRILyGE M"f OS302'4Q3.DOC 1 OF 9 188201.R1.8R EMeir ez 2. Spokane Valley will provide appropriate si•aff to perforIIi the d.ay-to-day construction inspection. ' • 3. The level of effo.r.t requirEd to provide thc seiviCes described hereui is high.]y dependent on the experience and capabil.itaes of both the Spokane Valley field i.nspector and the low-Uid construction cAntractor awarded the project. Cnnsequetitly, CH2M HILL has " limited con.trol over the nu.mber and type.s oF field inquu•ies receivPd a.nd the • correspondirig level of eFfo.rt required to respond to those inquiries. 7herefore, the level of efforh For all tasks is lunited Yo thc, amount of labor and expenses as i,ndicated in the attached fee iten-dzation. 'Additional services beyond thcse limits will be provided as extra work. 4. CH2y1 HILL's Pexsonncl at Construct7on Site The presence or duties of CH2M HILL's personnel at a construction site, whel-hex as - Qnsi.te representatives or otherwisc, do not inake C1-i2M I IILL or CH2M H7Li,,'s perso.n.nel in any way respomiblc for those duties that belong to Spokane Valley anci/or the constrliction contractors or other entihies, and do not relieve the construction conhractors or any otller Pnti.ty of their oUligadons, du.ties, and responsibilities, includi.ng, but nat limited to, al.l conshuction met,od.s, means, techiuques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coorciinatulg and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with tl1e construction Contract Documents and any health or safcty precautions required by such construction work. CH2M I IILL's personnel havc no authority lo exercisc any cpntrol over any construction ~--J cantractor qr other entity ar their employees in eonnection with their wark or any healfill nr safety pr.ecautions and have no d.uty for inspectuig, noti,ng, observing, correctutg, or rcporting on health or safety defir.iencies of the construction contractor(s) er other entity or any other persons at the site except CH2I\4 I IILL's ow-n person.nel.. Ihe presence QE CH2M I-HLL's persAnnel at a eonshuction site is for the purpose of pravriding ta Spokane Va]].ey a greater degree af confidence that the completed construction work wi.l.l conform generally to the conshuction Contract Docu.ments and that thc integrity of the d.esign concept a.s reflecteci in the construction Conkract Documents has been unplemented and prescrved by the contractor(s). CH2M HILL neither gua.rarltees the performance of fihc contractor(s) noz asswnes responsibility for contractor's failure to perfQrm work in accordarlce vnrith the construction Contract Documen ts. For this agreement only, construction si.tes include place.s oE manu.f.actu.re for materials incorporated into the construction work. 5. CH212 I-IILL's sQrvices listeci bElow will Ue provided in accordance with applicable gtudelines fro.m the most current versions of the WSDQT ConsLruction Mmual and the titiSt70T Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) Manual. 6. Spokane Valley cvill conkracl separately with the Washington State Departnenfi of. Transpai°tatioxl (~NSUOT) to perform testi.ng, quality control, and i.nspection services ~ - ; required by the speci[icati.ons for the manufactuxe oF the precast concrete girders. SFiUC~/. 3A:RICcRROAD BR[DGf u0M1'l053C2II1&e7QC 20F9 9&l20111_8R • E)CiIBIT 62 7. Spokane Valley wilI contract with an independent firm to perform znaterials testing, sa.m.pl.ing, and qualily cnntrol seivices for the praject. 8. Spokane Valley wi11 have r.esponsibi.l.ity ko review die CQntractor's traffic control plan submittaLs. ' Based on the abave assum.pti.ons, CH2M HILL will perform the folloivu-ig services: 1.0 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1.1 Establish Document Management System, . CI-I22A I IILL will estaUlish a system cind set of proc€clures far mdnaging, hacking and stdring all relevant documEnts betwcen thc Canfractor, CI-I2A4 I-iILL, and Spokane Valley • produced during the Construction and Closeout phases of the project. CHn4 HILL will - utilize an appropriate coutputer based document managenlent system selected by CI I2M I-IILL. CI-I2M HILL will, in coordulation with Spokane Val.lcy, maultaul hard copy records, suitably organizcd, af aIl rclevant documentation. CH2M HILL -vvill also implement procedures for thc loggulg and trackutg of all relEVant correspondence and documents. CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley u1 monitoring all OlltStF►1ldlllg dfC1S10IL5, approvals, or responses required from Spokzne Valley. 1.2 Conduct Pre-Construction Conference CI-I2Ivi HILL will coarduzate and attend onc pre-construction conferencc with thc Contractor ta review the praject eontinu.nicadan, coordination aizd ather procedures and . dascuss the Contractor s general tivorkplan and requirements for the project. CH2M HILL will ta.ke minu.tes and may otherwise reco.rcl the results of this conEerence. Ii: is assumecl that the prP-constructic,n con.ference wiJ.l be atteneled by CI-I2M HTL.I's project . manager, sen.ior bcidge engi,neer, and sen.ior geotechn,ical engi.neer. - 1.3 Project Site Meetings - Spoka.ne Vallev's o.nsite inspector will conduct tijeekly rneetings with the Contrartor and . wiJl pxepare the m:i.nutes of these meeti.ngs. CH2M HILI., cv.i.Ll. periodically attend these meetings. CH2\4 HILL's budget is based on aii as.suinption that CH2M HILL's Consiniction Malager will attend these meetulgs twice per month. 1.4 General CM Support CH2M I iILL will previde services in coordinating thc site activities, acinlinistering thc contract for cQnstruction, mon,itoring the ContrackoK s performance, .respondi.ng to design and technical submittals, and closing out the contract for eonsh-uction. The follorving services are included as part of thiS task: 1.4.1 Progress Payments CI-i2M HILL will prepare Contractor pay rcqucsts, including appropriate documentation of force account and bid item documentation via paynates. CI-12M HILL will use the j^~SDOT Construcdon Manual and VVSDOT LoCal Agejicy Guidelines (LE1G) Manual u1 the preparahion oE tl1e contractor's pay request. SPIGCf.I BAR(ER ROAO BRIDG[ 801A'M2008.00C 3 OF 9 • 169201.131.ER EXl'.IBIT 82 CI I2tiI HfT L will advise SpakanP Valley as to the status of the total anzounts requested, paid, and r.emainulg to be paid under the terms af lhe construction Confract Documents. , Recommendations by CH2M Hil:;f to Spokaiie Valley for pay-ment will bE based upon CH2M HILC's measuremenrs, calculations and/er other i.nformation as . requ.ired Uy dle m.easurement and paymenh sections of the constructi.oi1 Cnntract Documents and the applicaUle WSTaOT Manua]s. Such recommendati.ons do not - represent that the Contractor has coniplEted the work in exact accorclance cvitll the contract for construction; that CI I2A4 HILL has made ari exacni.nation to ascerhai.n . h4w or for what purpose the Contractor has used the moneys paid; that title ko any aE the cvork, materials or equipmenr h.as passed t4 Spokane Vallcy free and clear cf liens, claims, security, intcrests, or encumbrances. 1.4.2 Field Instrvctions and Orders CH2M I-IILL will issue fi.eld instructiqns, o.rders or sinular docnments durulg const7ucti.on as provided i.n the contract fQr construction. 5 1.4.3 Correspondence and Communications CI I2M HILL will i.niplement and maintain regular co.mmunications with the Cantractor du_r.ing the construct-i.on. CI-I2M HILL wi.l.l receive and log all . conununiCations .f.ram the Contractor and will coord.i.nate the comulunications Uetween Spokane Valley and Contractor. CH2N HILL will not provide direction directl.y to the Contrachor's subcontractnrs. CI-[2M I IILL will prepaxe tivritttzl cor.n.munications to the Contractor and provad.e rccommendations to Spokanc Valley fQr written conunutucations betwcen Spokane Valley and ContractAr. 9.4.4 Minor Variations in the Work CH2M I-IILL may authorize mulor vaciations in the work wh.ich do not involve an acljustrnEnt ut the Conkractar's coYltrlct pcice nor time Eor construetian and are not • inconsistent with. the i.ntent af thc constru.ct7.on Contract DqeuLnents. 1.4.5 Environmental/Agency Permits CH2M I-IIGL will review, anci assist in en.forcing reyuiretnents stipulated in Spokane Valley's permits issued by regulatory and envu•orunenhal agencies. CH21\4 HILL, wi.l.l coordi.nate and pa.rti.cipate in a meeting and discussions -with Spokane Valley, Wash.i.ngton State Depar.tment of Fish and Wi_1dlifc, and the Cqntractor ta estaUlish mitigatian requirements .related to the C-Iyd.r.aulic Praject Approval (HPA). 9.4.6 Coordinate lssuance of Changes CH2IvC .E-TILL tivill receive and revicw the Contractor's response to the request for chari,g,e and tirill abtain such Eurt•her infarn-Lition as a.s necessary to evaluate the basis For the Conti•actor's proposal. CH2Iv4 HTLL ~a~ill assist Spvkane Valley with negotiations oE the proposal atid, upon approvaI by Spokane Valley, prepare f.inal change orcler docunlents far execution by Spokane Valley zu1d ContKaci:or. 1.41 Review of Contractor's Requested Changes CH2Ivf H[LL will review construction contract changes. CH2M HILL wi.l.l make recommendations to Spoka.ne Valley regardi.ng the acceptability of the Contractar's request nnd, upan approval of Spokane ValJey, assist Spokane Valley in negotiations sPKrcM eARKER iRaAe MocE soW M02008.Wc 4 OF 9 188201.01.8R EXF:IHIT 32 of the requ.ested change. UpCn agreem.ent and approval, CH2M HTLL ~aTill prcpare final change order docuinents. 1.4.8 Change Order Reporfs CH2M HILL will provide peri.od.ic reports to Spnkane Valley about the status of Change Orders. The report will. include i.ssued Cl►ange Orciers, pend.i.ng changc ord.er.s, and change order amounts. 9.4.9 Claims and Disputes CH2M HILL will receive, log, and notify'Spokane Valley about all letters a.nd nohices f.rom the Contractor concenling claims or ctisputes between the Contractor and Spokane Va.l.ley perhauung to the accEptability of the work or the interpretation af the requ.i.rements oE the contract for coristruction. CH2MH:I:LX, wi:ll reviecv all such letters and notices and will discuss them with the Contract•or as necessai-y to understand each such clai.m or dispute. C.H2M 1-CCLL wil:l ad-vise Spolcane Vailey regarding the Conh•actar's compliance u~ith t:he conl-racl• requirements for such claims and disputes. CH2M HILL will assist Spoka.ne Val.ley '►n discussions writh the Contrachor to resolve clauns u1d disputes. CH21\4 H:1:LL will. nofi issue decisions on Conhactor claims or disputes. CH2M HTLL will not, except• as part of Addiiaonal Services, m-idertalce comprehensive and detailed inxiestigation or a.na.lysis oF Contractor's claiuzs and disptites, nar parti.cipatz a.n judicia] or alteniltive dispute resolution procedw-es fo.r lh.e clai.ms c►r dispul•es. CH2M HILL- will use the IATSDOT Construeti.on Manual a.nd LAG IVfanual i.ri the resolution of c1aims and ctisputes. 1.4.10 Contractor's Schedule Submittal CI-I2M HILL will revi.etiv the Contraclor's Cot-istruction schedulc and verify that it is consistent with the require.ments of the conhract for construction. CI I2M I IILL tivill advise the Contractor of any areas where the sc.hedule is not in compliance Nrith the contxact for constructian. CI I2M I-IILL will provide comments to Spokane Valley ta assist Spokane Valley ut approving, acceptuig or taking other acti.on on the contractor's schedule, in accardalzce with the cantrack for construction. CH2M HILL's review and coiiwtents shall not be considereci as aguaxantee or coxtEirmation that thc Cantractor ivi11 complPte the work i.n accordwlce widl the Con.kcact fox construcriQn. 1.4.11 Contractor's Schedule Updates CH2M I-IILL will revicw the Contract•or's peri.od.ic sehedule updates or otllcr schedule Submissions. CH2M HILL will advisc the Contractor iE the updates vr other submissions a.r.e not• i.n aeeordance tiith the contract for construetion. CH2M MLL will provide comments to Spokane Val.(ey regaxdi,ng the updates or other submissions. CH2M HILi.. -vvill maiutor thE Contractor's progress on aweekiy Uasis and repart any sigmiEicar►Y changes t•o the projecNs available flQat and/ar the projecNs critical path. ~ ; Si'KIC41 BAR'i{Eb2 RQ,4Q 3RIDGE S01053G20019.DOC 5 OF 9 188201.0I.bR E%NiBff 82 0 1.5 Conduct- Shaft Pre-Construction Conference CH2M HILL will coorclinate and attencl a separate shaft pre-construction conference at the project site to riiscuss the prapQSed. shaft constrvction pracedures, personnel, equipment to be used, and otk►er. elenients of the appraved shaft installation plan in accoxdance with the specifications. CI-i2M HiLL will take mi.nutes and may otherwise record the results of this - canference. It is assumed that• the shaft pre-co.nstructi4n conference -will be attended by CH2M I IILL's pxoject managex, senior bridge enguleer, ju.n.ior sh-uctural engincer, -md geotechnical - engi.neer. 1.6 Final Inspection / Closeout / Warranty CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley in issuing doctmr►ents for suhst•antial coinpletion and acccptance o[ the wCrk. CH2M I IILL will adv.ise Spnkane Val,ley on payment, and partial release of xetention. CH2M I-IILL xvill assisti Spokane Valley i.n issuing documents for final compl.etion and accepla.nce of the work. CI I2~1~i HILL- wi1.1, advise Spokarie Valley - an fu-ial payment, release of retentian, acld release of insurance and bonds. CH2M H_XLL will provicle to Spokane Valley an orp .,,anizecl set of project documents and records. C1-12M F[ILL is not responsible for ary unauthorized reuse or alteratian of projecr dacumenis. 2.0 OFFICE ENGINEERING SERVICES 2.1 Submittals CI I2M HTfdr will review shop d.rawulgs, sainples, and submittals for conformance vvith the design concept and compliance with the requirements af the plans and specifications for Constru.ctian. A list of a_ndripated submattals to be reviewed by CI-I2M HIL.L and an Psti.mate ef associal•ed review hours is attached. C142M HI7 L will a.lso reqture thP Contractor to subulit these items as requ.ired by the construction contract, the LAC Ma.nual and the Construction Manual. rn addition, CH2M HXId will log arZd track shop cirawulgs, sam.ples, and submihtals. CH2v1 HILL's review af shop drawings, samplcs, a.nd submittals will be for con[ormance with the design concept and complian.ce with the requi.Kemerits of the contrach for construction. Such review shall not relieve the Contracl•ar f~ram its responsibilily for performance in accordance with thP contract for constxuction, nor is such review a guaxa.ntce that the work covered by the shop drawings, samples,, and suUinittals is free of errors, i.nconsistencies, or omissions. 2.3 Requests for Information • CH2M HILL will review the Contractor's requests for information (RFD or cIarifi.cation of the pla.ns and specificatYOns for con$truction. CI I2M HIL,L will coordinatE such review with the dESign tearn and with Spokane Valley as appropr.iate. CI-I2M HILL wi.l.l coordinate and iSSUe responscs to the RfIs. CH2M HTLL wi1l log and track the Contractor's RFLs. SPI~~iG1A 9Aa'tKER ROAO ARIDGE SO'NCS?G2{lQ3.DOC 6 OF 9 188371Ai.t3R EX}i1HIT 62 CH2M HILL ti=ill assist SpAlcane Val.ley in revieiving and respon. da.ng to the Contractor's . requesis for substitution of materials and equipme.nt. CH2Ivi HILL will review such requests and,,wil.l advise Spokane Va.[l.ey as to the acceptabi.l.ity of such substitut7ons. 2.4 Record Drawings CH2M I IIi L. wi,ll revise the origi.nal d.esign drawulgs to refl.ecfi available recorcl inlormation provicied by the Contractor, inspec:tor's reports, or survey d.ata. Qne reproducibl.e set and three hard copies will be su.bm.ifited to Spokane Valley. Copies of electronic AutoCA17 files wi.l,l also be subnlitted. CH2M. HTT L is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of as-buil.t d.rawing or survey information provided by the Contractor or other entities. 3.0 CH2M HILL SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION 3.1 Periodic Site Visits CI-I2iti1 HILT will perfqrm up to six (6) one-day si.te vi,sits t4 the project site to observe the work ancl confirm that the worlc is Ucing accomplishPd in general canfarma.n.ce to the pla.ns and specificahions. 3.2 Material Testing and Special Inspection CI-I2r,1 HILL will. review tl1e reports and other information prepared by thE material. testing Eirm contracted. i.ndependenfily wifih Spokane Vall.ey. Spokane Valley's onsitc inspector will coorclinate the testi.ng Eirms' schedules, transmittal of reports, fuldings or other in.formatyon to the Cantractor and CH21\4 HTLL. . 3.3 Technical Field Inspection - Foundation and Structures CH2NI H:ILfd wil] prAVide tecluZical specialists to provide utispection of t1ne* con.kractor's work speciEicall.y related tq the bridge faiuzdation, br.idg•e structure, and retainuig wa1Js for this project. The scope and budget assumes the Eollowing: • Up to i~,elve (12) days of stn.ictua•al engineering fielcl supporl'. ~ Up tp 12 days of geotechnical. field support to observe ttle Eour (4) 7.0-foot ciiameter clrilled shafts (3 clays per shalt). , . • Up to :l2 days of geotechnical field support to observe the eight (8) 5-foot diarneter dx.illed shafts (1-1/2 days per shaf.t). 3.4 Surveying CH21v1 HIL.L xaTi]1 provicic field su_rveying to establish and veriEy survey cont•rQl points shown to be prAvided by Spokane VaJ.ley i.n the coi-istniction Contract i7ocumenrs. CI-I21vf I-IILL wil.l a.iso provide additional surveying to deluleate the right-of-way ' boundaries or other elements of the project, as may bc rcquested by Spokane Valley. Survey.i.ng u.nder this task daes not include work to layout thE bridge ancl retauti.ng wal.l struchues or xoad.way and utility work. Nor does th.is task included licensed surveyutg to dacument the location of or reset existing manuments. "1'he Contractor will bc responsible for al.l suxveying necessary to layout the brid.ge and retauling wall struct-ures, roadway and utility elements, a.nd for establishing wzd resetting monu.r.nents i.n accordance cvith the SPKlCfd 8A;fC=R ROV4D H.tiIDG-C SOY! 0530200&OOC 7 OF 9 1 E3201.D1.flR EXfi1BIT 82 ~ construction Contract Documents. `I'he budget assumes up to 3 days of survey crew and ofEice time needed to perforrn surveying uncier this task. 3.5 Cultural Resources Monitoring . ' CH2M HILL will provide an onsite archacaloot to mon.itor grou.nd-disharbing activities for disc4very of pot•enL-ial or knocvn archaeological resources. Act7.vities to be.monitoreci include the follo-wing: • Upper 15 feet of soil excavation for the d.ril.l.ed shafts. • 17emolition and remaval of the below-grade portions of l•he exisl7.ng briclge abuhments and piers. . ~ Excavations for the new bridge abutr.nents and retain.ing walls. Excavations for utilities adjacen.t to the new bridge structurE will be in previously disturbed _ areas and -will not be monitored. The scape zzmd budget assunle 100 Eiours for the cultural resotuces monitorulg effort. The achidllevEl of effort required may i.ncrease or d.ecrease depend.ing on the archaeologisYs jud.gment of canditions oUserved. CH2M HIL1=. will provide tireekly updates to the Spokane Valley of the hours actually spent onsite du-ring pexi.ods o( gxound-disturbing aciivities. The buclgetecl Ievel of effart %a,ill not be exceeded u.nless authorized by the City of Spokane Valley. 4.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION CI-I2M I-IILL will provide overall project management and coordination cvith Spokane Valley. A total time of 20 rrmonths is assumecl to be the duratian for this work. Praject mulagement services inelude: • Project utistructions and work plan • Staff and subconsultant nlanagement . • C3ualiry management plan _ • Control bud.get auzd schedulc • Monkhly prog-ress repnrts and 'ulvoices (`I'he progress repart/i.nvoice will ideniYfy t•he work perEormed Ear that period, nzajor decisions, schedule, and Uudget stahts. • Routine couimunieabon and coordi.nation wilh.Spoka_ne Vall.ey. , 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following services.will be provided by CH2IV1 HILL upon written authorization of Spokane Valley and agreement an compEnsation to CH2M HILL. An a.mendinenfi to the cCntract will serve as written authorization. • 5ervices necessary ciue to thc default of the Contractor. SPNJCId Ee1RiCER ROhD BRIDGE SOtV 0M00&DQC 8 OY 9 5B9e'1D1.Di ~R ExFasr es • Services related to dacnages caused by fire, flood, earthquakc or other acts of God_. Serviccs related to warranty clauns, en.forcement a.nd i.nspechon. • Preparation for anci serving as a witness in connection ivith any public or private hearulg or otller foium related to the project. • Services to support, prepare, document, bring, defencl, or assist in litigation u.nciErtalccn or clefendea by Spokane Valley. • Perfornl miscellancaus aZd suppleniental services related to the project as requested by Spokane Valley. :Ylek~k • ; spKcrn eaRKEff P= sRIoGEC saAI C620200a.ooc 9 OF 9 188201,01.eR CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager S1gn-off: item: CheCk all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ ald business ❑ new business ❑ public heanng ❑ infaRnation 9 admin report Ci pending IegEslation AGENDA ITEM TTTLE: Transportation Benefrt District Formation GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.73 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Discussion at winter retreat, January 12, 2008; administrative repon January 15, 2008; administrative report February 12, 2008; Council discussion about infrastructure funding options, instruction to staff to proceed with drafting legislation allowing for establishment of a Transportation Benefa District; April 6, 2008, discussion and update on formation of TBD, discuss draft ordinance. BACKGROUND: The Council last discussed this matter on April 8, 2008. Since that time the C+ty Attomey's Office has met with representatives from the Associatian of Washington Cities, the Assoclation of Washingtan Caun6es and the Spokane Regianal Transportation Commission regarding methods to implement a Transportation Beneftt DisVict fee for the purpose of ongoing maintenance needs. The City Attorneys Office will provide an update on those meetings Please note that this is a draft only, and subject to change. OPTIONS. No action required at this time. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION- NA BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: To be provided at a later date. STAFF CONTACT: Cary P. Dr'tskell ATTACHMENTS DraK ordinance foRning TBD provided to Council on Apnl 8, 2008. WORK[NG DRAFT_ C ITl' OF SPUK4.n E VALL I? SPOKANE COUNTY, R'ASHIN I OItDINANCE NQ. 08-"'" AN ORUINANCF CRE4TIhG A T'RANSPORTATlON fiL1 Ef i l lll*-s l itlc SPECTFYING THE BOUNDARLES FOR TRE TRAri5PORTATION BF.NEFIT DISTRICT, AivD SPEC1nTkiG THE ?11.4I.NTENANCElPRESERVATION OF EXISTING TR.ANSPORTATION LMPROVEMENTS AND TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY THE TRA.NSPORTATION BEh'EF'IT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEI'. WHEREAS, the Cin of 5pol:ane VKllc} hxs the car r.,; e~ ~ corporate limits of the City pursusnt to RCW 35A.1 1.020; an, V4`t-EREAS, proper care and cusiody of the puhlir v. . ~ - transpxirtation improvements to avoid catasvi: sianificaiit additianal funds to rocanstruct; an~i «'NLREAS, the Stttte of Washington pruvides appruximatCl~ 52.1 inilliou annually iu tunui. . for maintenanceJpreservation of transpartation impmvements tn the City. Maintenancelprescrvation oi trans}wrtation improvements ineludes snow control (plowing, sanding, de-icing), pothole patchine. street lighting, shoulder repair, pavement removal and reptacemertt, creck sealing, road and bridge i►z~,nL :i; wccd ck-tntrol, as weU as othcr miscellaneous activities; and «'!-iE[tEAS, a consen-ative c-stimnte of the amount of funds neeessary for u&yuAiz° 1111T1fovef.^,E'T1I~ Ifi 1}1C C11x' f(1r '7009 !5 C,4.6 i771tlf -I'.. vunsponntion iinprvvemnnt maintenance/preYCrvation, v . , . ' , ~ disvict pursuant to RCW 35.21.225 snd RCW 36.73; and V1'I-MRL•AS, the City dcsires to form a Trnnsporiauon li~:nclit c11111~ C.itk. of Spokane Vallev as thc boundaries currently exist or as they may exist in the future follmvin.~ aiincxalion of additional areas: and V4'i-IERI:AS, thc 2007 Melrupuliiun Transportatioa Plan adopted by the Spokant: _ Transpartation Council swtes in Sectien 6 that maintenance of existing road facilities is an apprupriate use of fees generated by a local transportation benefit disvict; and NYHEREAS, ctir 2007-2426 Washin,4;,tun "Trnnsportation Plan ukated~%, the Washington I'poreation Commission identific, in Seajgn ll that there is no marc fundamcnW ttannortation inva-tmcnt than cxisting Mstem preservation. to kcep the ghysical infraswcture in safe and efficient (Inc-a!i>>: rlrLditi~,n: and wIEIF.REAS, the Ciry doeS not currentl), have sufficient funds w•ith which to pay for transportatian capital improvemcnts thai are identif eci as necessary in thc CiWs Camprehensive Plan, by ~ the Spokane Regianal Transportadon Council as a project Qf regional eignificance, r% the 2007-20~6 chain,a,a oE-oo• Estabtishins TT.rupanncwn Herterc Msna - t- WORKING DRAFT incton_ TjnnsporL1cion i'ian. and L&l;ihe, ar+e ncccssary to address cxisting or reasonobly faresceablc congestian levels dut w anticipatcd populacion and/or dcnsity increases; and WNEREAS, prcscrving/maintaining cxisiing transportaiian improvemcrtts Ls the mo;t cost- effective wsy to address increased demand on the vansportation systcm; and WIiEREAS, the City Council will propose e ballot item for imposition of an annual vehicie fec for qualifying vchicles in the amount of as sct forth in RCW 82.80.140. Of that amount, an cstimated $0 will be used for strcet maintcnancclpreservation, and an estimated will be used for capital projects in the City that are of regional significance which are neressitated by cxisting and reasnnAbly foresccable congestion; and WHEREAS, the Cin• Council shall establish a goveming body camprised of the Ciry Council. NOV1J THEREFORE, ilic City Council of the Ciry of Spokane Vallcy, Spakane Count}•, VJashington, ardains as follo,-vs: SeeNon 1. Pumose. The purpose uf this Ordinancr is ta estabtish a Transpwrtation Beoefit District ptu3uant to RCW 35.21.225 and RCW 36.73, as the City Council finds it is in the public interest to provide adequate levcls of funding for transportation improvcment nnd mninienance%preservation in the City of Spokaac Valley. Scetion 2. Geation of New Chavte Providing for Fvrmation af a Ttnnspo[tatian Beneft istric . The City of Spokane Valley adopts a new chagter to the Spakane Valk}• Municipal Code, 3.85 entitlod "Tmnsportation Bcnefit District", which is sct forth as follows: 3.85.010 E-stablishing TrxnspartaHon 8euelit Di-sicict. There is cneated a transportation benefit district with geographical bciundaries comprised of the corporate lunits of the Ciri as they cumently exist or as they tnay exist foUowing future annexntions. 3.85.020 GovernLeg Board. A. Thc governiog buard af the transpartatian bcnefit district shall be the Spokane Valicy City Council acting in sn ex officio snd indcpendent capacity, which shatl hare the authority to exer►;ise the statutoty powers set forth in RCW 36.73. B. The treasuret of the transportution hencfit dib-trict shnll trz the City Finance Uirzctur. C. The board shaU devolop a material change policy ta address major plan changes that aff'ect projxt delivrn' or the ebility to finnnce the p1an, pursunnt to the requirements set fnrth in RCW 36.73.160(1). D. The bnard shall issue an annual rept►rt, pursuant to the requirements of RCV►,' 36.73.160(2). 3.85.030 Traust>ortatioQ ImQrovements Fuuded. A. An estimatcd eighry percent of the funds generated by the transportation benefit district shaU tx used ta pey far maintensncelpresenation of existing traasportndon improvements of regivnal significance as identificd by the Spokrine Regional Transportation Council in the cunently adopted Ocdinmcc 08-DO0 Establishin£ Transpcxtatwn Bc=f t[hauict - 2 • wORKLNG DR.AF"i' Metropofitan Transporiatioa P1an, spccificaUy including control af snow and ice, pothole patching, pavemrut removal and replaccment, gravel road grading, shoulder repair, crack sealing, bridge end road inspection, bridge repau, median maintenance, brush clearing and tree vimming, weed cantrol, littcr cantrol, traffic cooirol, sigmalization, signagc, sviping, and other similar on-going maintenance tasks. The expenditure items shall be idcntificd each year in the Cityrs street fund budget, and shalt be neccssitatcd by eYiSting and reasongbly forcseeablc congcstion. B. An estimated twenty percent of the funds generated by the transportation benefit district shall be used to pay for constntction of new transpartatian faciliries of regional significance identified by thc City's Comprehensive Pian and by the Spokaae Regional Transpartatian Council in the curnently adopted Mevcopolitan Transportation Plan, and which are necessitatrd by existing and reasonably forrseeablc congestiun. 3.85.040 Establjshment qf Vehicfe License Fee. l'he annual vehicle fce for the Ciry is established at to be collected by the VVashingtoa Departmcat of Licensing an qualifying vehicles, set fi-irth in RCV1,' 82.80.140 and Chapters 36.73 and 46.16. 3.85.050 SuASrURepealer r iuio . The code pravisions adupted under Ordinance 08-00' shall terminete by aperxtion uF law six years aRer eollection of funds actually begins. The code pror•isions adopted under Ordinance 08-000 shall be repealed by aperation of law and cease to exist as : the City nc~&-o#'a smeet utiliry,.gs ciie end of the calendar %tar ijU whichwi•n; fi 90-d tt,.. Rpl;ve i`the Cin•. Councit rc cdIS SDknnC V21IleN Munii:Q:0 C_~odr chapter 3,85 aa ndc+ptgd ur amended. Sect on 3. Severability. [f any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordiasnce shoutd be held to be invalid or unconstitutional b}• a court of competent jurisdiction, such inti-alidiry or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. ' etio 4. EPFectivc Date. This Ordinance shall bccame effective five days after publication of the ordinance, or a summary thereof, in the official nevvspeper of the City. ` Adopted [his da> of -":r=-= 200$. City of Spokane Vnllcy Nfayor, Richard Munson A7TFST: City C'ierk, Christine Bainbridge 4pproved as to Form: Ufficc af tl3c Citv Attorney ( rt,!I^anr, 0V.nk l.euth[Is*::ng'CransjUrtauon Heaxfil [?uvnct - : , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ - Request for Council Action Meeting Date: June 10, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ~jc admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Customer Service Improvement Plan (CIP of Public Works) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Information Memo September 18, 2007; Administrative Report October 2, 2007; Motion Consideration October 9, 2007 BACKGROUND: The City regularly reviews its operations to make sure we are organized in the most effective way. Staff presented to Council the CIP Organizational Model late last year and received approval to increase the CIP staff by four positions. ~ OPTIONS: Admin Report Only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Admin Report Only BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: With the increased staff the CIP Division is able to move forward with existing grant funded projects thus eliminating the risk of losing grant funds. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director ' Steve M. Worley, Senior Capital Projects Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Presentation slides. 3 . Public Works Depa'rtment • . Customer Service Improvement Plan Capital Projects Engineering & Administrative Support i s r Capital ■ Projects ■ ~v■ ~ ~ s on o December 2006 - Successful in receivin g $10.5 million in federal street capital project funding o Provided a combined total of $35 million in funded street projects. o At that time the Capital Projects Division had a minimal level of staffing; 1. Project Engin.eerand 2 Engineering Technicians . Capital Projects Division o We filled the vacant Engineering Technicia'n position in September 2007 o After Council approved upgrading the vacant Project Engineer position to Senior Project Engineer we filled the position in November 2007 o Council approved 4 new CIP positions in the 2008 budget. , , J 0 Capital Projects Division o December 2007 - Hired Administrative Assistant - o January 2008 - Hired Senior Project Engineer, Assistant Engineer, and Engineering Technician o This has provided a significant improvement in our ability to accomplish capital projects. 2008 PRO.YECTS Project Estirmted Total Project 0 Road Constructlon Projects Funding Manager Compfetlon Cast 0003 Bar1cer Raad Bridge Replacement - Baker Rd. at Spokane River 8R Knutson 1211~09 $ 11,317,040 0005 PinesMlanstield Prqect- Wlburio Pines, to I-90 TIBVCMAQ Knutson 1011l09 $ 5,610,361 0016 AppLeway Avenue Reconsiruciion - Tschirley lo iiodges STP(U) Arlt 911108 S 6,099,568 0053 24th A+nenue Reconstrudion - Sullivan to Veracrest & 22nd Gty Aldworth 911108 $ 900,000 0062 SpraguelAppEewaylDishman I7S - Sprague/Apple-tivay/Dishman Knutson $ 830,700 0067 BroadvrayfFancher nOC In4eisection - Sroad-+vsy and Fanchor Sl'P(U) Atdworth 9011N8 $ 1,295,000 0068 Broadvray Ave. GrindlOveriay- I-90 to Pak Rd. (CtV) Akivrorth S 351,000 0071 Signal Gontroller Upgrade Irtga Note $ 258,400 0077 SptagueJConklin Signa! - Sprague and Conklin Davelopers Arlt 101808 $ 300,000 0092 SpragueBowcSsh FCC Intersection - Sprague and 9wvdish STA AtdwoAh 818l08 $ 892,000 Parks Projocts 0072 Old Saiior Ceritet Demdition - Plission and Bowcfish • Parks West $ 50,000 0473 Park Rd Sv;;mming Pooi Upqrade- Park 12d. Parks Wpst 615109 0074 'Cerrace Vew Swrimming Pool Upgrade- 24tn End Terraos ~fievr Parks West 615'V09 $ 3,379,775 0075 Valley Mission Saimming Pool Upgrade - Mission Avie. Parks Wesf 615109 0076 VaOEy Missim Park Upgrade - Mission Ave. Parks Aldwortfn 0086 Childrerf s Univeisal Park -Mirabeau Paricv.ay PaiRSlStatc Worley 2049 S 1,000,000 Cer2ennial Trai1 Restroom WaterServoce Partcs Worley 2406 Street Preservation ProJects $ 1,290,000 Disman Mica Rehab -/appleway Avo to 16th Ave G!y Kloin Montgomery Ave Rehab - Argonne Rd to University Rd Glity 14ein Eudid Ave Rdhab - Sullivan Rd ko Flaa Rd City KDein Road Desiqn Projeds 0054 44th Avenue Pathway- Woodrufi to Sancs (PE) STP(E) Aldworth S 355,000 4066 Broadway Ave. f2ehab - Fancher b Thierman (PE) STP(U) Atdwotth S 500,000 0088 Broadtivay Aue. - Moore to Flora (PE, RWj TIB Alcivvorih $ z198,000 16th & Bettrnan Stormv.ater Improvements (2009 STEP) Gty Aldworth Sewer ProjecLs 00.56 Spa6dings - Pavebadc - Indiana aest d Montgomery City Adt 111V07 $ 16,043 0057 GrandviewAQes - Paveback - Bidlerto Cemant, Fairv~-_wto Empire City Ar1t 611I07 $ 7,278 0058 Trentwood - Paveback- Vercler b Evergreen, Trent to Wellesley City Arlt 611107 $ 8,000 0091 RodcwoOSunmerfoeld Phase I- Pavrebadc - Rockv.ell, Everyreen fo Suflivan Ciiy Ar{t i 111ro8 S 63,327 0094 Rodcvre0 - Paveback - Avalon to Ad3ms, Trerd to Wabash Caty Arft 11/1A8 $ 324,500 0084 Summerfiokt - Parveback - Atfams to Sullivan, Trent to Ofympic Gty Ar1t 11I1,48 $ 158,885 0082 Sutters - Pavebadc - Evergraen to Progess, 16th to 8;h ) ty Arlt 1if108 $ 157,517 0061 White Birch - Paveback- SLiGvanto Flora, 4th to Broadway Gty Arlt 5111/08 $ 157,205 Other ProJecb 0009 Vall2y Corridor Envitanmental Study - Urivt.rsity to Tshirley STP(U) bVortey Jun-07 $ 293,000 0023 Valley Corridor - Pro;ect2 - Uniuersity to Evergeen' STP(U) Worley $ 4,200,000 0095 SullivanRdBridgeoverTrentlnspectlon Gty West S 15,000 0089 City HaJI ProgrammingJSite Pianning City Keisten StormHeter Decant FaciliEy (06109) City West Street Maintenance Storage Facility Gty 1Cersten VaDEy Precinct Bldg Floa urain Parks VVest ' Partial FLnding ToYal S 4Z027,559 O 2009 PROJECTS Project Total Projcct # Road Constrvction Projects Funding Marcager Cost 0003 Barker Road Bridge Replacement - Barker Rd. at Spokane River BR Knutson 0066 BroadvrayAve. Rehab Project #2 (CN) - Fancher toThierman STP(U) Aldworth $ 608,000 0088 Broad4vayAve. (PEIRVVj - Moore to Flora TIB Atdworth 0063 BroadwayAve. - Safety Projed (PE,GN) - Pines b Park TIB AldavoRh $ 932,850 0054 44th Averiue Pattnvay (CNj - Sands to Wooctuff S'IP(E) Aldworth FineslSprague Intersedion PCC STA Aldworth $ 742,000 Evergeen/Spiague Intersection POC STA Aldworth $ 1,133,000 Indianal5ullivan Intersedion PCC STA Aldworth $ 1,342,000 ParKs Projects 0073 Par1c Rd Swimming Pool Upgrade - Park Rd City West 0074 Terrace View Sbrimming Pool Upgrade - 24th and Terrace Vie4v City West 0075 Valley Nlissbon Ssvimmlng Pool Upgrade - h4ission Rd City West 0076 Childien's Universal Paik - Mirabeau Parkway City/5tate Knuison Greenacres Park- Phase 1 CityrState Knutson $ 1,100,000 Street Preservation Projects $ 1,290,000 BroadwayAve. - Park to Vista Caty Klein Park Rd. - Valleyviay to Broadvvay City Klein Road Design Projects OOoB Par4c Rd #2 Reoonstruciion (PE) - Broadway to Indiana STP(U) Knutsan $ 352,000 Sewer Projects $ 1,100,000 qemenl City Arit ftotchford Aaes City Arit Valley Vetiv, City Atit West Ponderosa City Ar1t Other Projects City t-Eall Programming/Site Planning Qlty Kersten 16th Ave and Bettman Rd & Dranage Improvemenfs City Aldworth Storrnwater Decant Facility Gty West Tota1 $ 8,599,850 2010 PROJECTS Project Total Project # Road Construction Projects Funding Manager Cost 0065 Sullivan/Sprague PCC (PE,CN) - Sprague and Sullivan STP(U) Aldworth S 861,400 0088 Broadway- Moore/Flora (CN) -Moore to Flora T16 Aldworth McAonaldlSprague Intersection PCC S7A Aldworth $ 1,069,000 BroadwaylSullivan Intersection PCC STA Aldworth $ 1,230,000 Road Design Projects 0060 Argonne 12oad Corridor Upgrade (PE) - I-90 to Tnent QMAQ Knutson $ 1,289,200 0070 Sullivan Rd Reconstruction (PE) - Euclid b WelJesley STP(U) Knutson $ 595,000 Parks Projects Browns Park - 32nd Ave and Pines aty Balfour Park - 1 sk Ave and Balfour pity Street Preservation Projects $ 1,290,000 4th Ave. - Dishman Mica to Farr aty Klein Dishman-Mca - Bawdish to Hodges aty Klei.n , Kahur►a - Carnahan to East end aty Klein Sewer Prolects $ 1,100,000 Corbin aty Arft Cronk aty Arit S Greenacres aty Arit West Farms aty Arit Total $ 7,434,600 2011 Projects Road Construction Projects . 0060 Argonne Rcad Corridor Upgrade (CN) - I-90 to Trent GVIAQ Knutson Road Design Projects 0061 Pines (SR27) ITS Improvements (PE) - Sprague to Trent CMAQ Knutson $ 2,080,700 Parks Projects Greenacres Park - Phase 2 City Edgecliff Park - 8th Ave and Park City . Mirabeau Park - Band SheCJ - Mirabeau City Street Preservation Projects $ 1,290,0D0 Schafer - Dishman-MicalCimmaron - Dishman Niica to Cimmaron Ciry Klein Sewer Projects $ 1,100,000 4th Ave - Camahan Adt Belle Terre Adt Green Haven Adt Mica Vieri Adt Total $ 4,470,700 Total Funded Project Costs 2008-2011 $ 62,707,709 Capital Projects Division o Future Projects . • Sprague/Appieway Corridor - Revitalization • City Hall & City Center • Bridging the Valley • Federal/State Transp. Grant Projects , • Parks Dept & other Misc Projects o Continue to evaluate CIP Organizational Model • ~ Capital Projects Division . Questions? ~ . . . Spakane - ~ Valley 4;00 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 * Spakane Valtcy WA 99206 549.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 * cityhall@spokanevalley.org June 4, 2008 Steven Trabun 1918 S. Sianley Lane Spokane Valley, WA 99212 -3273 RE: Citixens Action Request SV-48-02290 Dear Mr. Trabun, - The City xeceived your complaint, regardi.ng the residential lighti.ng of your neighbor's property, on 1VIay 8, 2008. Chris Berg, Code Compliance Officer; Mary Kate Martin, Buildin; Ufficial and T met May 13, 2008 to discuss your comp.laiut. Chris Berg is accurate that Section 22.60.020 of the Spokane Va11ey Mun,icipal Code (SWIC) Outdoor Lighting Standard.s is not appl.icable to single family residences and/or duplexes. ~ ",The requirements of tlzis cJulpler and the Washingtan Fnergy Code (Chapter 51-11 WAC) apply ta outdoor lighting reyuirements for all developments except ane aful hvo family d►velling.s and public street lighting. " Subsequent to your conversation with Chris Berg, you submitted a Cifizen Action Request based on Section 7.05 of the SVMC, stati.ng that the neighbor's light is a nuisanee and interferes with the quiet enjoyuient of your property. Tal:en at face value, I am sure that this is true, based on the pictures you havc sub.mitted. However, this section of SVVIC cannot be read i.n isolRtion of the entire section. The pucpose and intent of Sec6on 7.05.010 is: "The purpose and intent of this chapter is to create and maintain a safe and healtlty environment for the citizens of the City by identifying unrl reducing the conditions thai cantrihute to irlury, illness, devalucrtion of properiy, urid tl:e incidence of cri»ie through the existence of nuisance . candztions on public unrl privale praperty. " "IVuisance" is defined in the SVMC Section 7.05.020 and fiuther itemized in Section 7.05.040Nuisanccs prohibited. Clutdoor lighti.ng is not in the itemized section. "Xuisance" means the unreasonable or unltnvful tcse by a person, of real of• personal.property, or the unreasonrrble, intlecent or unlawfid per.sonal conduct which materiully iizterferes wzth or jeopardize.s ty:e health, sa.fety, prosperily, quiet enjoyment af' properly or welfare of others, ofJ'ends commari decency ar public morality, ar obstrucl.s or interferes with the free use ofPublic ways, places nr hodies of water. , w. steve 'rrabun . Lighting Complaini . June 4, 2008 Page 2 . T`he City does not feel ttiere is sufficient basis to pursue a public nuisance action. You can appeal the interp.retation of SVMC 22.60.020 to the Hearing Examiner under Section 17.90.040 of the SVMC. You may also apply for a code amendmcni to add residential lighting standards to the SVIvTC Section 1930.440. However, even if the Code was changed at thi,S ti.me, your neighbtir's light may be legally non-confonni.ng (grandfathered) and resirictions on that particular light rnay have to occux after a reasonable pe-riod of ti,me. You do havc the option to file a private nuisancc action if you feel that is appropriate. T have attached a code araendment application if you decide to pursue that route. Sincerely, ~ Kathy McClung Gom.munity Tacvelopment 17i.rector City of Spokane Valley Of:fice (509) 688-0030 CC: AK Marti.n, Buildi.ng Official Chris Betg, Coac Camplianee Officer Address 1-de KM/dg _ . , , . Open Public Records Practices 30 Government Entities - ReportNo. 1000011 ~ - T . ~ May 1 9f 2008 Washington State Auditor Brian Sonntag, CGFM www.sao.wa.gov -~u - s _:t ~J w 1 ~ i ~ ~1 i. . ! • _ Ta the Citizens of Washing#on: , - ~f This reocrt contains the results Df flur audit of 30 governmeni agencies° periormance in respar+ding to , pub1ic records requests. This audit me~sures the state's, ci#ies" and cijunties' commftment to epen ~overnmient. a Opera goaernmeilt Fs essentia1 to acc~ufitabylityr and lransparenc.yo We Ll3l[leFtO[7k thls aUdIt aS $ fesp0fl5e to c1t92en$, aI?d wikh the alfr~ of firidGng out what Eeads to sur-cess(ul ~ response5 to public reCordS request5. As y~u wiCl see in the audit repor#, tone at the top anci a commitment to _ goad custamer servace are big fackvrs in (M success, grian $onntag, CGFM We make rrjany other constructive suggestions as well. WVashingion State Auditar ~ '4Ve dl~o would likc to congratulate entilies thtiat dernonstrated khat top-iiotch cus~tomer service iri i,.-°°e:,panding to requests. We aIS4 app1'ec13te the re5poflSes t3f 4thef ef1tYtfes TIlat plan to use this report as a road rnap to improve operat~oris. In my rrbifld, tha# is #he best outcome an 311tltk cqn Prf3dlJce. r~ ~ I _Mission Staterxreni j~ The State AuditorS Office rndependen fly serves the - citizens vf Washington by promoting accoun[abrlity, fistal integrrty and openness ir~ and Jocal goverrruxent. Workrng with these governments and wrttx crtizerxs, we strive to errxure the efficrent ar~d effectrve c~se of public resources. - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ . s ~ ~r - • . , ~ ashington uoters approved Initiatjve 900 in Noverraber 2005, gov,ng the Thecomplete text of State .Audit+ar's Office the autherity to condtict independent per#arrnarice initiariife 900 rs avadabJe audits of state and local governmpnt entitieS Gn behalf of citizens ko promr-tte ~ ar Www.s00.Wa,90v1 accountabilAty and cost-effectiue uses of public reSourCeS, ~ PerformanceAirdttl The Stake Aciditor's Offi,:e ;;oncluctei9 shr; performar;ce aeidit in accordanc+e with PUDOCrlmErtS1060. Generaily Accepted Gouernrrlent Auciiting Standards, Those standards requir~ ~ pdf that we plan and perform the aud9t to obtairi sufficient. apprnpriate euidenr-e that provides a reascinable basis far our findings ancl a,oi7clusions based vfl our audit ~ objecti►res. We believe that the evEdence we abtained provides a reasanabl+e basis ~ fior our finding5 and conclusions based on our audFf ob;ectives. Aftertheperfor'?"'W-e a • ~ he reiease of this avditreport [riggers a series af ackions by the Legisla#ure ~ ! and the legisla.trve bfldieS of the fitaes and counties ►nc1ijded in twEe audit, The ~ Eollowrng actions must occur ier ~ccord3inee wath lnrtiafitre 900= ~ - S#ate +~overrtment agenci~s M1t wWW: i ~ ~~~.~~~~~~I • Ti~e Legislature rnust h~~ald at [east ane put~li, heari~ig withir~ 30 da~~s ot tkiis report°s publication to consocler the audit hndirtgs anc9 rec-eive pubkEC testiriror,y. ~ AerformaraceAudit'' * The ftdwngs ancl recommendaticirrs contained in #h[s report rraust be ,:ons,dered audi# repotts.b tm durc+ig tfi.e appropnabons process_ ~ ~~r,` • The ,Joint Legisiative Ai,tdit and Review Commitkee wmll issue a report by 1uay Fiitl report leach yew detailing the Legislature's progress in r~sponding to the Statc- ~ • Audfted ay~ncie5, ALiditor's recGrnmendations_ fihe repart rnust justify any rer-amrriefidationI, Etie rPSponSeS, aCtlon Legisfature did not respond to aiiiJ (JAtail addGtiarja4 correctrue measure.'s 1aken. ~ ~ pia+~~ LocaI government err#i#ies ~ • NotrCes ofpUbhC Within _~O dayS Gf ihGs rePGr,'s issaie. the legislative badies tor the cities anri ~ heGrin9s coun#ies wn this report must hoEd at least afle pulak hearing ta ewider the irridirwgs - Arrhr`ves of post ~ af [l7e audit and to receuve comments frorr7 the pkiblic, ~ Pubk Ireclrlrig.s ~ The correspnriding Iegisfa~ve budy riiust consicler thss report iri {wonnection 4via1i ~ks s~ending pfactices_ An report maast be subrraitked by kht? Regrslative body by ~ JuEy 1 each year detailtng the status ofi the Ieglslat4ve irrtp1ementabon of the State ALid?tar's recomrneir~~ti%ofis. Justiftcation must be provided for recarnm~fldalaon~. ~ rint tmplemented_ aetarls of other corrective action must be pravaded as weii. ~ G The sLate Legrslacure's Jvynt LegFSlative Audet atid Revyeaw Commitkee (JLARC) w,II: Summarize any staEewide issues that recyuire actdon from aLARC, ~ • No#iiy the appropriate fiscaN and po11cy camrrrfttees of pvblic rbearing agendas. ~ FoIIow-up perfortinance audi#s ~ ~ Follouv-up perfarniartce a4adits on any state anr,! lGcal jgnvi~rnment entifiy may kre i conduclea1 when deteri-naned necessary by tiie State Auditor. Initiative 900 requ:g¢es ~ state and Gocal gouernments to prnvi'de justfftcation for recorr7merrdatior►s not 2 , followerl. Those justificatior!s, rnay be subject tv tollow.up perfGrrnance audiCs. ~ i - ' ` - - - - - - i~ ~ ~ ■ • n: f • ■ n ~y I 1. ThIffiy•,:.;~e ul sLll_I Vv r_- re i-u r,iiTi~vr:iJ ~j l e- r.Ci [I.j fiiIiFrM t(°, fiF?v Ci i% s ;I.,od e 1 f:Jle 3f;..j t'lr_ ~ unanriuun~~~ puhlE~ ~~cc)rds best practGCes fdentrfied iri 9his repora Eo P9ie iullest exterit ~~s.9ible, paflicularly requests ~ 10 percent) wvere in regafd to the fo1lowirrg: ~ consic}ered nonresponsE+ue_ a tsEablFSh drid foIGow processes ko ensLire that aly requests are received. An additsonal ~even • [:rraluate processes and corttrofs around oncorr7fng marl 40 ensure Eecords ~ respons~s (.2 perceO were requesks are found and properly rDuted, eather noncarifofnn[ng or • Refrain from redGrecung recjuesEo(s to anodher depar!tmen# wrthin the sarne ~ entity or requiring reque5tors to Inttlafe a "Pkew" request wIthn the Sarne ent Itj{, #~void th+e use of e-mail Filters that result wn the enbty refecting or overlDuking ~ pubfoc reeards requests. See refatp-d Finding No. 2. 0 Reuiew responses. and cvmmurrica#e wut;h requestars to ensure the recards to be prourded are consis#ent with the request. ~ 2. Sarrte entities efo r~~t We recorrbmend that entitres: ~ accomrnodate a variety o# *Establish policies [hat are con5istent wrri#h the Public Records Act, usiFrog the I ptiblic rECoec[s requests and Atiorney General's Piadel rules as aguide_ ~ theerefore clo riot prowide • Coriduct laroad stadi trairning an if~e Puhlic Recotds Act ~ thc pLtbaic wi#h the fullest « Accommadate as rnany modes of requesting pubkAC records as i_ Varactically assistane e. possoble. ~ ~SeEect and set e-mail filters at a Revel thai will rtot block ptihlLe recards requests. ~ • Consider rec.eiving records requests onfine. • DeveIop a policy ihat clearly oijifines how puk,lic rec-oriJ; reqtjests +eail be accepted an~~4 make thak poIicy readily avaalable tt] th- pi.iblRC:. 3 Some :~ntities did nr~l prrivir1e We recomrnerid tMiat enb#ies: ~ comiAete artd sa#is#ac1ary +F'rouide corriprehensive trairiirtg and resouree materials orL legal exemptioris explanatiQns for re~actions ta staff whc) resporid to records reqttests. of public records and sorrre • C]escribe the specific exemptEon thal applws to each recJactron when the ~ records wcre wmprriperly recc,rds are provicied tv requestors, reclacted. a Infarm requestrrs about fheir rigl7ts to appeaC the enWs cfeniaI fif all of part of ~ their records rc.Yquest and th~e process avaifable to them to app~al the deniaL ~ ► Seek guidapee when determining whether redactons are Iega1. ~ 4_ Son1e entities proveded the We recnertmend entitFes rev~ew their public records requesN prace,ses ta ~ reqUested pubgic rerord5 in a idenxify and elaminate th4se eleriients khat may delay prouiding fecr)rds. Iess timely rriannert than, their SpecificMy, we recommend entities, ~ peers. ■ Priorrtu7e incammg recards requests to iclentif,y xilase that f~quire review and,lor redactiDn ver5us mare stfiaaghftrward requests that can be fulfillec9 ~ rrrore quickly, i LJsP L-rrlail to responci tn pulblac eecords requests whenever possible. ~ • Explore appor#unthes for providiRg recards eNectronically- • Pmvide trakning fDr staf# an processrng public recotds reques#s, ~ • Provide cross-traming to other staff to prepare them tot acknowledging and responcJing tn requests. ~ + Provade recor(Is irr iristallments. ~ •Cr)nsFder waivirwg copying charges for small records reque51s. • f ngage im ongoing ciDmmunicatlon u& the requesCor about prio►ities and ~ timeMines when a request is idenhfied that may take some tirr4e to fiU. - ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1~ Ld q01 0;qiSrl Ltn 0i p ~rI Ouil~)ui) SikIJ 41ir~ ~~4L>kaGsse AJaJiJ aALI sOui,Aes isoj # at,auaDlO onE-I i)ql 01 JUeA01~~ SWA Slu3pq styj ~ ; ~~WN 'sppwaddyr erolaq "tr ~urpMUi ja4e paulpno7 •sinpeJd isaq #o Loq~3y!#uoRf -6 IL1'o:~.~rS ilJtil4lJa'-.45'"[?,p5 J?!J!" ti.-7Jf15~.'?IJJ O.lueuiioyp~+c ,4s@iJiau@ ~fql 10 sr~Al~!iav ? I I 'su4~a~n~ s}i ino Aaon ~Joooid a} sappa aql ar~l fuesso~aq S~'I!~]=p{lfll J[) y~y~CU cSF;:!J'4,~''t~ isJ c~11F,!~ul '4 '.:IJf}G~:?~IIJ~IJJ11147~'c~,l i. r PUE =~1]I~IJr ~~G ;E' c,:Jfrll''Llflj r Jt. n[il I;7 ~'s'i~JF'I,fV~'Fj J~l~ll~Lll pt I Alawil e ui o; P-apt~aasa,+ sz ip aa~tsUa al ~sanb~ai e Jol f#lpqasuodsai guA~el penpmrpua ue Aq ugAGap si a`Sund5uJ 10 uNauni aql sLi 'sisar,bai spimai ~FGqnd Supolluow UG swalsA,~", ABC}Gow,j7u; Lli]IleLt34p id uflQvildde ay; U~ ~RAJR;qD Se~ ~~~~UPApe 91aiDuInM paJe ieala ov pu:e PiDuaGUex~ SL'M luawata s1141 AgoNoupo; taopwacJui 2aFlovd ro o%pr!maA q Socr.lar,10 Jo S2l~It2C~lJdLIJL110dl ~ puP q3:~a,uos i0 5?JJPaRald iii s1~~~JBnO JQ sdU.;O ue m; paiiala4~ aq puue? [dai~l ps saqipqisuodsaj aql aJO}~~OLN WRI 81V)s CILE- I ua41im pUP anilQIJIui arlqnd ~ japun paqsi~~epa ser~ IN aLpi -s~~~~Z& kUDUJuMAca,~ Jr~I-Oas ~~~AUd aW IFe ~o ~4ipqisuo€isaa e si spo~~~ ~o Eunsalasic 01 p9lxaJsuRZ Dq dea leyi sa~Ir~~a-.; jo suuejBaid p uor~~ONUIP1 `E` '~?J~c~llllll~i7 .I[, pr:lllptol iFq :Jnl j!IJl ssis,!A ix:r;`s ;Cl lso~ )ik" Inw, , 'liodai s.iqi ui P;~SsaJPPe sa 006 ~~auillnu sluauu~~~ ~~tu aql j(j Epea ax~qm s=qs alye4 ~,urnollo~ a4i il yq.' - - ~ _ - - - • a ~ _ . -T' ~ ~ s ~ - ~ _ - _ - - ` - - °sjuawllelsu! uoJ2uiy5vM aq) ylim sal3spO leuaalui ajedwnj , ui slsanba~ ~ jo~aj oirtd a~ ~ I~# el aPIAOld * -~p.JraaaJ 3ikqnd aicao~~~ap °RnFJDaJ4a-ls~D wow aq heu~ ~~jiey~ JUtAO.IJ18J pu~ OUrn,LrDR Ru.lpae2w sai:qad ssasseaH . ~uMAdo-a e ~vInWM La:)ItJM ul sa~)uRJSur pue S}soa -AlleWuGJ40ala 2ur4doi jane~~~~ ~e:) A~ a 00i At ul sa~ue~~ ~4 .~1 , ui SaOJs@Rbax GZ S.PJOOOa 9urpinoJd liqiyoAd Aeuu filpapa -sa~jeqj Ru«tdoo uo sar)i[od ~~enp~a-aa . leyl saarJ~~id jo saioiaad Iftlsix8 aJtMqPn@-ad . ,suia~sAs pue suoqeaildd~ anwips mau Ni.MedoEDn9p :aje qsanbaj spaoa,@A ao 2ullenJEna uaqm sail!liqPdeo uorpepaj Jap!suao . aalqn~ 'duissax~d 01 sRUMs lso5 leillu~lod aAa,pe o; -S}sanbaa spJa~~J 04 SasuOds~J Wl;aalla Pu2 suorlepuawwaDaJ o4oaas ino °ua,legkJid ZUGp!Or~e Wo.JJ luaiagja ajow jai sailiuriWddo Ajiluapi ol sp,oiaa s;lnsaa li?y~ shmes ;soo aleln:)Rpa lou pip am,, ~ ai,lqnd uc sain~ ~~~oui aagio s,Ieaauag Aaulollt! 's2uIAes Isa:) ,aol soijiur~~joddo payiluapi am y~nayll , L. - ~i i ~ 0 - - - ~ - - _ - - - - - - - ~ Washingtarn State Auditor 19 Brian Sonntag, CGFM sanntagb@sao,wa,gc~~ (360)902-0360 ~ Dir+ector of Rerfaarmance Audit ~ Linda Long, CPA, CGFM, CGAP IongG@Sao.wa.gov (360) 902-0367 ~ Deputy Director of Performance Audit ~ Chris Cortine5, CFA cortinec@sao.wa.gov (360) 725-5570 ~a Direct~ar of +~ornrr~un"catior~s ~ Mindy C6~ambers chamberm@sao.wa.gov (360) 902-0091 ~ ~ Perform~nce Audit Communications Kara KIot;z klc~tzkoasao.wa.gov (360) 725-5569 ~ ~ Publ4c Recards Officer Mary Leider leiderm@sao.wa.gGv (360) 725-561~ ~ ~ Main phone nurnber (360) 902-0370 ~ Toll-free hotline for reporting governmen# waste, effici~~cy (866) 902-31900 ~ ~ ~ ~ To receive electronic natificatian ~ of audit reports, rrisit; lc lnttp s://wuvw.sao. wa.govlapplications{ subscription services/ ~ ~ ~ ~ lc AMeritanS wvith Disabilities ~ In accordance with the Arnericar~s with Disabilitie_a Art, thes documertt will be madc available in afternate tormats. ~ Photo by Generrkeve (}"Sullivan Please calV {360} 902-0370 for ntore iniorr~~~~~ori, ~ 6 ~ MfashkWort Statt ll,udihhsaa~ OfI"i€r Prrfpfonantr Audd# ptpdrt 09ssn~ulrl'-.!?e+:fi rii;Prr,Liye~~Jt ~l1?;4,vY,rnrnn, Ertinr~ - kFporto 4 [lfi±~111 ~ Tabie of Contents Ataout the p«blic records act .....1 About the Aud it............. . 4 Audit results . 8 Finding 1 ..................a...,...,........... ..,..,..............,10 Finding 2 ..............o.......,........16 Finding 3 ...........o 19 Finding 4 ..,,..,....23 Best practices identified during the audit............................................................33 Appendix A - Results by Count~ ~nd Responses .,,~.,...a.............................. 43 Appendix B - Results by City and Responses.............,...,....,..........t.....__.,...........80 Appendix C- Results by+ State ,Agency and Respcrnses 116 Appendix D - ~ummary Observations from Entity fnterviews..................1 39 Appendix E - Svurces of informatian about the Public Records Act....... 143 Appendix F Tkps for Obtaining Public R~cords 144 AppendRx G - Communications from th~ Governor on the PubpPC Recoxd 5 Act . ...............o..._..,.......... 1 45 Appenciix H Recent R~velopments in Public Re<ords Management.., 148 Appendix f- 5ample ,public records request.........................................~......,.. 149 Append Ix .I - Overall R~su Its ....1 50 Appendix !C = CrEteria 1 63 ~ WashtnVon 5rm AwditDr's i#Ikv Perfasnnancu ALtdif keporc :I~aMn Nly614 Hf-.c;nl, prwFrNS ol 117 faarerairrirrti Eniril!r,- Repw ~~tW;l,l[![11 f Abolat the public recordS act in 1972,Wasbrcigton voter~ aPDroved lnifiative 276, requirtng that most records maifltaiiied by state, caunty anti city governments be available to rnembers af the vijblic. The original cifizens initia kive contained 10 exemptions to public records disclasure. Since 1972, more than 300 exempC`ons have been added_ Fufthermore, rnany courl decisdans have affected ti1e applica4ion of state Iaws an disclosure. Public disclosure 1aws are tound in chrapter 42.56 iru the Revised Code of Washingta~ and are now re#erred to as the "Pubfic Records Ac[." Tlae 2007 Legisiaiure creaied t+~~ Sunshine Commit#ee, to reuiew exemptiorts to t:he public records act annually and to recornmend exerraRUons to repeaN or arr~end. In 2005, the Legaslature tiorected khe State Aktorney Generai to adopt aclui-sery i pUbIIC fBCLlI'CIS m(]deI fLlleS fUf State a[ld GocdI ~gef1G1e5, A5 nf?ted -in the rriodel rules, "The overall goal of the model rules is to estakalish a culture of compliance among agenc~es and a culture of coaperation among reqraestof5 by standardiziog best practices thraughout the state." These rnodel rules arp- now published in the Washington Adnnistrative Code, Chap#er 44-14. In Jurre 2007, the A#torney Genera!'s Offir.e amended i#s mDcfel rudes t4 provide guidance related to eiectranie records. The rr-wociel rules focus primatily tip~n discaosure procedures; liowever. the ruCeS provide gUidanCe regarding Some SpeCifrG diScloSure exernptiorl5, suc11 aS the right to ViVaCy, attorr~ey-t_lient pnvilege and the deliberative process exempti4n. The model rules, aEong with the public recards act, were used t~ ~eve1op expeclations oE processes state and Irical goarernments shouid have in place. AcOmplete copy vf the Attorney Generat"s rr~iodel rules can be frauncf at the Attorney Ger[eral of the Stafe of V4'ashirigton's Web sste; htkp:/fwww.atg.wa.gov/page.aspx?id-zil668 The foM9owing sumrnarlze5 the key e1erneflt5 fDund in t~e Wasroirigtofl's Publlc Records Act. Much o! the inforrrration preseiited below rs from the Attarriey Gea7eral°s Office"s "Open Governnlent Internet Deskbook.°" Those key eCements are summ~r-lzed as follvws: ~ Tlie Public Records Act (Act) is to be int+erpre3ed an iavor ai clisciosure. The citizens ofi khe state ha,re the rrght to know almost all the detads af how state and k);;aI gOVernmet1t5 are r61tt, ~VJliat is a Public Record? The definetiosn af a Rubl+c record is #ound in RCW 42.56,010(2) in part' "1'ubliC reccrrd include5 any werttng containEng info,rmation relatrn.g to the canduct of ~overnment or the perforr-nance o► any gaverrkmental or proprietary (unction Prapared, owfied, used, or re#ained by any sxat:e or Iocal agency regardless of pktys+ca1 f~;~rm or characterFSti~.-s." PLtialic records ran be fC,us7rl irG a variety o; tcgms, Public rec.rard5 are more than Cext afi paper, but iricEude rriaps, pl~otographs, and pubaacatiiaris as well, F'ublic. ~-p-cords also knclude kheir electronrc equivalents inctudirtg word processing files, .spreadsheets. da[abases, graphics artd rricieo and sounei recotdings. ~ What is am "agepcy" suhjec# to the Act? Beyond sta#e agenc«5, the Act applies eu.ualay to "every county, ciky, town, mufltcipal corporatian, quasi-rnunicipal corpora4ion, ar sPecial Durpoge district" or Oany office, department, druisiorr. T 1Nmhkngtae Statt riudFRU~s 9Rke Prrifarmanct Jkuft f#epart ~ Qpgn i"ublat f[ecaNs i'rutt€es at 34 Gmrnment EnWiTicS - R@paprt 0 1 GiXn ~ W ~ bur~ali, board, commisseon, or agency thereof, or other aocal public ager«y." ~ ~Records retefltjon dubes o# agenc4e5: State law requires agencies to adopt and enforce reasonable ruaes tO prOteC! pLablic records frorn damage or d154FgafllZa1JoT} 3fld t4 fetaIfl f2C0rdS utlIIZIf~~ the Stati' ArcFfIV9St'S f2CC}fd;5 retention scliedule. Addi#ionaily. agencies shoultl have iri Rlace reasrrnable ~I prachces which allow them #o promptly Iocate a«d produce requested documerits if lhey are reasoriably identified. Frocedures ta make a request: ~ t Records requesks sY+aulrJ t~c- as:knoavfedged artd accepted fn avaraety of forrris_ ~ Tllose farnns nnay include: ~n-persort, telephcane, e-makl, #ax, and standard or certified ma[4, ~71 ~Requestars are ncat required ta provide a reason for their request. Agencies are allowe+d to a5k qijestions to help identify the specific recard(s) beGng reque-5ted_ ~ - Rewords r~LlUestS, for lists of indiuiduals for cornmeEcial purposes are not ~ permEY#ed- ~ Indexes of an agency's fiecords must b~ ~ade available to the pubiic ~ •OnNy "identifiabfe records" must be provFded. Agericies are not requared to create recards in response to a request. ~ Agene.y responsEbalities unEJ-er tr7e Aft. ~ AgeneNes rnust provide the full-Ist assistance to irquirers and Ihe MO-M' tiMe9y possible actAon on requests for 1n#arrnat»n_ Some specific reqLtrrenients are: ~ * Agencies musk h,ave a public records rafficer. ; Agenc»s must rnake documents awaEfable, eather for inspectior-, or as c.ripes, ~ + Agea7ci~s must rnake their facilstie5 availablr~ for copying. ~ ~ A~eficies must establish times for rnspection and copyang. • Agencies may 0arge for 4;apies of records pravided to cover kheir copying cosf s. ~ • Agencies r~iusi prowde prGrnpt written responses. • Agertctes niusfi deCete or redact port€oris af record5 exernpt under the state Iaw ~ and discNose th+e resk of the c9ocurnent, +Agencies arid #heir empEoyees have no 1,abiIrEy to third parties f~~r "good faiih" responses wh+here an exenipt por#ion o# a r~cord is inadvertently disclosed. i fi~s axpnirilin,7 clof~s not irapfy to an agency's faifure to rJisclose wnforrnaC0j't, ~ C€rsts o# Noncompliance Untimely ansl Unresponsiue #o Public Records Requests ~ In recent yeafis, court cases irx whlch state agencies and Ioc.ae gouernrnent5 have 1,eefl assessed fines and penaltRes have been specificalfy reiated to the entitses' ~ improperly withholding pubfic records and/'or deEayir+g release a1 the records. We dir-J ~ riot identrfy litigqation that was based ofl ~n,,4r ;eS' practices a-ther than improper denials, or excessrve deIays_ In additiGn tff penaltses, att€~rrieys' dees, arrd costs awarded by ~ the cour1, Ihe errtity also taears ft own legae costs of the litigation. Accordirigly, minrrr court awards car7 tse expensive ii [he legaE cos#s as~ociated wit'h the litigation ~r-P ~ eonsrdered as well. Examples of recerit kawsOs include= + The Deparkment oi Correetaans settled d fawstjit for S65.000 in liate 2007, A 'Cacoma man made pubki~ ~ecoTds requests at 10 governrnent agencres for infrrrnatioii about emplnyee hea1th insurance coverage. The Departrnent sa'fd ~ it could not eleetroriicaily recJiaet th+e requf-tsted records and ofiered to prov~de ~ paper copaes at a cost of S8,900. A Thurston Count'y Iudge ruled wfl thjS case that the Pub1i' Records ACt does r~~t mquire agencies to provide recrards In ~ ~ 2 WBStdryg1on 5-[8#! A11dftT`~ OfFC! Plffor11H14g AYdft paP9f[ Upen F'uhlk Rec-ards PnttirFs a134Cv7ffmmrtrt Eaytities - Aepnrt rlOt1i1Q} I ari electronic farmat. Howeuer, the agency ultrMately p(awded the records esectron1cally to the r~questor. ~ The Departmeflt of Correczions settred anather public records 1awsuit eariier in 2007 for $541,000. P'rison Legae News, a watchdog newspaper, reques~ed rerords sn 2000 arad dNSagreed wiih DC]C regarding the docurnents withheld and the tirrP it toak ta provrde the r~cords r~Quested. Tfie Thurst4n €:ounty Supericar CourE order supported fih~ position of the Department and, orr appeal, thal decpsion was su~.~porfied by the Washington Court of Appeals. After a favorable deCRSIQPI ff47fi1 the twr) IoWef CQUfts, the SLipreme Court reversecl thesr deciss-ons and ordered the ducuiTients to be reEeased. DOC was ardered to pay stakkJlory penalties, aktoraiey fees and costs tncurred ouer the 7 years 'r# #ook for the case to paas ttrrougli the appeliate process. The case irrvai+~ed wssues aver exemptions an the PubEMC Records Act. ; In 2'006, the City n~ ~pokane settled a case fcir 5299,000 mvolving, its re(usal to refease pub1ic records regardong firiancing of aparking garage. At the tinne, it was thaty$ht tc~ be the Iargest public records-rekated set#Iemen# in the Iiistory of the 1972 Publie Recordrs Act, ~ A state Court cl~ Appeals judge m20~7 fined the KRng Counly Executiue $123,000 far faiEFng to c~mp9y with the statP's pubiic Disclosure Act. A Seattie busiriessman#oQk a case to court in 2000 af[er the Executive's of-fice failed to respond to a 1997 publir records requesR for documents regardirrg the public financing of Qwest FieEd. A King County Superior Courx judge ariginaEly fined the Ex+ecutive ~5 per day fDr each day it faiPed 4o peo€iuce the reqijested records_ The Act allows up to 5100 ,per day. The case was sEdll being resofved at the time of the atadFt. In addition to the firiaocral expense oq being invoived in a Cegal dispute invol+vong publir, reeords, faaling to respond properly to pubCic records requests can erode khe public's overalf Erust and regard fior the enii~~ aiid government in general. Recen# Developments in Public Records Managemen# Challenges of Records N1anagement in the EIectronic Age In recetit years, (lie nurriber of electronic records tha[ are created and stored eIectrorifcall,y and are not preserved qn a paper fiorrri has grown sbgn7ficantly. Astudy pL,blished iri 2004 by the Universityof Carifoenia Berkeley fOund that the am~urit of new inforri7at3on had rnughly doubIed in prior three years. About 93 p,ercent oC that informatron was cfeated and stored electronicaidy. This fias affected the way government does business. Consequenily. records are be~oming mare difficult to manage. fn iact this was one of the miast pfominent cancerris vr~icer,f by the entities in our iflterviews. Crie area corisFStently mentianed is the desire of the 6ntitaeS tG i!rnprove storage and access fc) eIectrtanic recsards. Mar,agirig e-mail es a chaiaer4ge. F-rriadl messages shauld be handled the same as any F other pubRic recards. 9 3 VJa5hin9ta n 5#a#e Aud'Rar's Offrie Perfamtanqe Audit Report Open PUbfIC R2oo-tds PrdCtiCeS a~ 30 Gpvernment Entities= Aepqrt 91000011 About the Audlt objective This performance aud i# was desFgned to answer the faGiovy i n g question; Hoyv eff ective were 10 selected ci#ies, 10 selected counties a n d 10 selected state ~ agencies at respofl ding to 10 publ~c records requests in aprompt and coopera#ive fnanner? Our audEt objective was ko evalDate perfGrmance af the selected entibes wn res panding to public records requests. 7he P ublic Recards Act and the Vti+ashi ngton ' At#orney General's model rules on public records practices pravided benchmarks and best practices for our evaluations of entities' performance. During our audit planning and throughvu# the auditr we identified a number studies and audits of the public records processes conducted #hroughout the United States in recent years. Additionally, we identified a number of significant lawsuits involvifig public records requests in our state. We also identified internet sites o# organizations and blogs dedicated to governmeflt accauntability and transparency as well as newspaper articles and editorials concernEng public recards requests. This information assisted us in developing our audit objectives, criteria, methodology and assisted in vur analysis of the audit evidence gathered and conclLisions reached. Stope . We canducted our work fram November 2006 through March 2008 in accordance , with generaGly accepted government auditing standards. The audit evaluated #he operational performance of the following 30 entities; Counties Cities State Agen[ies King Seattle Department of Revenue Pierce Spokane Office of Insurance Commissioner Snahomish Tacoma Department af Social and Mealth Services Spokane Uancouver Department of Labor and Industries Clark Bellevue Washington State Patrol Kitsap Everett Department of General Administration Yakirna Spakane Valley Depar-tment of Corrections Thurston Federal UUay Washington State Lottery Wha#com Iteii# Office of Financwal Management Benton 1`aki~rria Washington State Investrnent 8oard We provided adraft of this repork ko the 30 entities for their review and comments, which are in Appendices A{Counties), B (Cities} and C {State agencies}, The State Auditor's Office conducted this performance audit in accordance with Generally Accepted G.overnment Audifing Staridards, Prescribed by the U.S. Government Accauntability Office. Those staodards require that we plan and perfGrrrs the audit to ob#ain sufficient, appropriate evidence that provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on aur audit objectives. The scope of our 4' _ WashingOOn S#a#e Auditoi'S 4ffice Pe rfo rmanse Audit Bepan Open Ppi blit Recprds PeaWCeS ak }p Gqyernment Efltities- R2por[ #1000011 audit was limited to an analysis af results of our unannounced public records requests and interviews with PubGc Records Officers. Our audit procedures did rlot extend to verifying and evaluating the design ar effectiveness Gf the entities' internal contrals aver its public records reques# processes. We believe #he evidence we abtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conckusians based on our audit - objectives. . Phllethodology Ta address the objectives, we submitted 14 unar,nounced requests at the 30 entities using a variety of inethods, Sorr~e of the requestors were Auditor's Office staff who - did not identi#y themselves as such, a#hers were nat emplayees of the Auditor's Office. We believe that had the requests been identified as coming from the State - Auditor's Office, the results would not reliably porkray entities' responsiveness to citizens. Fur-thermore, unannGunced procedures are a standard methodalGgy under professional auditing standards. Since most publ3c records requests are received in writing, we rnade our requests ifl the fallGwing manner; • Eight requests at each entity were sen# using a staridard letter format, clearly describing the record we saught. An e-mail address and phone number were provided in these requests, which were sent to the entity via the U.S. Postal - Service, F our were sen# by certified mail a n d faur were sent #h roug h standard rrrail, *One reques# was sent ta each entity via e-mail in the sarne format as the standard letter. A phane number was not included in the request, •One request was rnade in persori at each en#ity by a team of two Auditar's Offkce - emplayees, We chose the type af records to request by ease of retrieval for the entity. The lisfi of requested recards was established with the follawing criteria: The records lilcely existed at all 30 entities. • The records would be readily identifiable. - • The records should not impose a significant burden upon the agencies to lacate and retrieve_ All 30 entities received the same reques#s_ 7he e-{nailed and mailed requests - vv2r2 sent on the same day. Unifarmity and consistency among the requests was critical to our abifity to measure 'the entities' performaoce and provide meaningful comparisons, analysis and conclusions. The fallowing are the 10 requests afld the rnethods we used to make thern; ` Request iVlode Description - In,Per~,on Request Copy of the entitVs sexuai harassmf~nt palicy. These requests occurred between February 9 and February 16, 2007, Cer#ified Letter Request Copies of tt7e 2005 year-end 4V-25 or equivalent recards for the top five highest campensated ernplayees far calendar year 2005_ The requeMs were sent on Novernber 22, 2006. EFnail Request Copy of entiys travel pojicies. These requests were sent on December 14, 2006. uJashfngtan 5tate AudItarrs Oifi€e Performancc Audit Repart Open Puhlic Records Practicesat 34 Gouernment Entitie5- R[yaoi[ 6 1000011 I Request Mvde Description ~ Certified Letter Request Travel Voucher(s) for selected ernployees far July through December 2005, jhese requests awere sent on December 21, 2006, Certified Letker Request May 2006 entity-owned cell phone record for the top nar~elected afficial or chief ogency official. These requests were sent on Qec2mber 2$, 2006. Standard I-etter Request Vacation records Eor the entiVs top, non• eIected financial afficer for January 2006 khrougn June 2006. These requests were sent on Recernber 28. 2006_ Stondard Letter Requesk Job description for the entity's Director of Infcirmotion Technology pr equivalent ' errrployee. These requests were sent on December 28, 2006. Certified Letter Request AMI recorcls arrd vouchers showing out-of- statz travel reimUrsernents or travel co5t5 for July 2005 thraugE} June 2006. One individual was selected fram each entity, For Counties and Cities, the top Iow enforr-emenk affter vias selected. ThnSe reqL1eSt5 LVere sent on December 29, 2006, Standard Letter fequest For selected enJty depar#rnents, all records or vauchers showing expenditures far ernployee awards arid/ar recognition in December 2005 and January 2006, Tnese . reQuestS were sent on JanUary 3, 2007. Standard Lett~r Request Requested a copy of the entity's rnost current phone directory or af one department of #he entity wheri we believed the entire entity directary wauld be too large. These requests were sent aa January 5, 2007. IIAeasuring Each Enti#y's Perforrnance We used #he foilowing criteria to determine whether the eritity was respansive ar noorespansive: *Sufhcient responses (conforming records). We considered responses sufficien# if the records we received were consistent wi#h vvhat we reciuest2d. Vti+e considered responses complete if a record was ciose to being responsive ko the request and if the entity explained i# was the best available iriformation. We alsa c4nsidered ' responses sufficient if the entity indicated that it did not have the record. • Insufficient or incornplete records or responses_ We considered responses insu#ficient or iocomplete if- * The record was not relevant to the request. * The record was incomplete, • The record 4vas impraperly redacted, • 7he entity provided a link to a Web site tna# cantained infarmation that did not fulfill the request. ■ Nonresponsive, We considered entities noriresponsive if the entity did nat provide records, ~ Request not received. Entity stated it did not receive the request. , ~ Washing#an Staxe AudFtoPs Offzre Performance Aud i# Report 4penPubli[Re[orcEsprairicesat3pGomnment Entrties-Report#100pp) 1 14leasuring the Entity's Performance Responsiveness An entity's responsiveness wa5 measured by its performance iri providing the - requested recards in respanse to the first reques#_ Entities were evaluated on how quickly the}+ pravided the recards. Enti#ies were also evaluated based on how they respopded. It an en#ity provided records or indicated no recards existed, they were _ considered responsive. Entities were considered nonresponsive if: * The entity did not acknowledge the request; _ * The enti#y acknowledged the request but required the requestor ta si,bmit a secand reques# to another department; • The entity acknowledged the request but d`rd not provide the records or inform the requestor that no recards had been faund that were responsive to the request; or * 7he entity's response was no# receaved by the requestor. We still corisidered entities resparisive even if the records were irrcamplete or not consistent wi#h the request, but no#ed the errars observed. Timeliness To evaluate how quickIy entities responded with records, we measured each enbty's = perforrrrance by the number of business days it taok to respond to our public records requests. We did not count haiidays or weekends. Our count started with the business day aiter we serit the request and included all business days until the da#e we received the entity's response. Certain adjustments were made to reduce the tirne - counted when the er,tity sought clarification and coufd not fulfill the request until tney - received further instruction. In instarrces where the entity charged for records and - th2n pravided the recards ance payrnent was received, the time was counted in the measure, Interrriews with Public Records Officers and Caordinators We interviewed 59 Public Records Officers/Coordinators of the 30 entities to assess = their kriowledge of the Public Records Act and to gain an uilderstanding of each entity's organizational structure and paEicies and pracedures for respopding to public - records requests, Our audit pracedures were limited to the representations made ta Lrs by the inter-viewees. We encauntered one incident in which the scape af aur audit was limited and may -have affected our audit results. The Thurston County Commissioners reftised our request to interview their Public Records Officer alone and insisted that our interview be canducted in the presence of aCounty Commrssioner. The Commissioner°s = presence during the interview could have affected the interviewee's ability to speak freely to the auditors. The letter from the Thurstori County Commissioners denying our ability to iriterview the public records officer without oversight is contained in Appendix A. The scope of our audi# vvas lirnited to an analysis of results of our public records requests and interviews with Public Records 0#ficers, Our audit procedures did not _ include verifying and evaluating the design or effectiveness of the entities' internal controls aver i#s public records request processes_ i Washingtun Stakte Audf#nrs0ifiae FerWrmance Audit Report i Open PU bliC Reords Reactites at 3Q G overn n12n# Eoklkles - Rep4rt R 1000011 i ~ ALIdIt I'eslilts Overarching Canclusinn Our audit work revealed #hat, by and larger most of the 30 entities we audi#ed are providing good customer service in responding to public records requests. INe tested the entities' performance by submatting 10 public records requests to each entity like acitizen would and identified some trouble spots in which en#ities need training on the Public Records Act; have prablems tracking requests; or are unable to receive them due to e-mail filters or ather issues u+ith their rnail systems. We iden#ified best practices that the audited en#ities should consider in order to improve their performance. Those best practices are contained in this report on page 33 and are: • The Washington Public Records Act ~ * The Washington Attorney General°s model rules for paper and elec#ronic records. * Entities' performance Our overarching conclusion is that most of the selected entEties respanded cooperatively and in a timely manner #a our public records requests. Overarching Recommenda#ions We deveMoped the folaowing overarching recommendatians; * We recommend that entities institUte as many eMemen#s as possible from #he best practices in thES report and the Washington Attorney General°s model rules regarding papef and electronic records, # The Washington Attorney General's Office should create s#andard, formal #raining curriculum, which may or may not include a credential, far all public records afficers in #he state based an the model rules. The Washington Legislature should provide funding to the Attorney General's Office to establish and maintain #his training curriculum, The State and each local government vt+ill be responsible for arranging the training for its . public records officer{s) and ensuring new public records officers receive the training, * We recomrnend entities consider tracking costs associated with responding to ' requests as a tool that management can use to determine appropriate levels of staffing and resources. 8 ~ Wims hingta n 5tate Audi#o r~i Oi5 ce Perfurmance% Aud R Repart ---Open PuhEiC RecOrds PractoCeS a[ 30 Government Entities- RepOr[ #10000 11 AUd1t ReSLfM#STdble . The infarmation presented rn this table is discussed in more detail in Findrngs 1, 2, 3, F' 4 and Appendices A(counties), 8(cities) and C (sta#e agencies). i Entity fVame # of Reques#s Quicker # of Requests out Than Average* af 10 tha# Rrnvided J li Con#orming Records , i SpoEcane County 7 g Whatcom Count}+ 7 g Benton Caunty 7 g ~ Kitsap County 7 ~ i~ CIark County 6 9 Snahamish County 6 9 ~I King County q 9 ; Pierce County 4 g Tnurstan County 3 g Yaicirna County 2 5 City of Spokane Valley 9 lp CiEy d Vancouver $ 10 , City of Bellevue 7 10 ; City of Tacomd b 10 CF#y of Yakima 5 10 Ciky o# Everett 5 a City of Federal UUap 4 9 i ' City of Spokane 4 $ , ~ City of Kent 3 g ~ ' City o# Seaftle 2 2 . ~ ~ aepartment of General 10 10 ~ Administration , I ' +Nashington State Lottery 8 g . ~ Depar#ment of Social and 7 10 i Weaf#Fi Services ~ Office ef Insurance 7 9 ; i COfrifi11S5ioner .i ~ Offir-e of Financial 6 10 I , Marragernen# , ; Vs+ashirigton S#ate Investment 5 g 8uard ' Department af F?eveoue 4 1 C) 4 ~ i Departrnent of Labor ancJ 4 9 ~ Iridustries ~ I ~ 1+1+ashing#on State Patral 3 lp ~ i Departmen# d Carrectiona 3 g ' Eacn entity'5 response time was compared again5t the average for r#s en#itY t]+Pe; i-i~-, I Spokarre County was compared to all ather coun#ies' resPonse times. ~ I ~ , ~ ~ Washing#o n 5#a#e Aud i#ur's Oifire Perfnrrrw noe Audit Report ~ Operi Pubfic Reao-rds Practices a~ 30 Gouernment Entities- Repon 91000011 ~ I Finding 1 ~ Thirty-ane af 300 unannounced public recards requests (1D percent) were ~ ~ cansidered nonrespansive (response ar fecnrds not received by requestorl. ~ ~ A+t addi#ional seven responses (2 percent) were either nanconforming or incomplete. ~ Backgraund ~ We co ns idered en#ities nonresponsive it: ~ I * The entity did nat acknowledge the request. I • The entity acknowledged the request but required the requestar ta submit a ~ second request to another department or ofhce within the same enti#y. ~ * The en#ity acCcnowledged the request but did not provide the records or inform the requestor that no records had been found that vvere responsive to the request. ~ • The entity's response was not received. ~ UVe considered the entitry responsive hGwever the records were incomplete ar ~ inconststent with the reques#. For exarnple; ~ ■ The records were redacted so extensively that #he infarmatiori fequested was no Ionger visible, ~ * The records were for a period of time outside of the tirrNe period requested, • The records provided were not the best available ta fulfill the request. In one r case we received ageneric job description for "Director" wwhen a more accura#e , document was available. ~ • The requestar was painted to a Web site that did not provide #he records ~ requested. • 7he entity did nat provide all of the available pages. ~ , Overall Condition ~ i Vti+e did not receive responses to 31 (10 percent) af our 300 public records requests. ~ Summary of Nanresponsive Reqe,ests ~ idoes nok include the seve(i incGmplete recards) # ■ * ■ ■ ■ Request f • i ` Request Method Nurnber of Nanresponsive Percerr# Requests {response or fVonrespansive ~ records no# received by ~ requestor} 6 CeTtified Wil 1 20 1a 8.39a S#andard Mail 120 12' 10,096 I E-mail 30 s 263% j In PerSOn 30 1 b.7% ~ To#als 1300 31 6.7% ~ 1 The Public Records Officers at tVO entities did rrot have a record a# receiving #hree ~ of #he5e requests. Two ot the requests were submitted to !{itsap County aaid one request I was submitted to City cif Everett_ We could not detf~rmine the reason the requests were not 1 ~ received. , Washingtnn 5#axe Aud Itar's Oiftre Pe%rforrtlan Ce i{ud'R Report Open PuUlic Records Practices at 30 ~Mernment En#ikies - RePort 91000G11 Condition by Errtity Entity Requests Entity Entity Entity Entity Entity no# rJirec#ed response did not did not provided received requestnr drafted correctiy accept incomplete - Public to or issued, process format or Records resubmit but not #he of #he insufficien# _ 0#ficer request to received request; reques# records anather by no office requestor response within received _ entity City of Seaktie 7 1 Yalcima County 4 1 -bep#. (~if 1 Correctians - Kitsap County 2 Thurston 2 County City of 1 1 Spokane - City of Everett 1 1 - Washingtan 2 State Lottery VVashiiigton 1 1 S#ate Investment Baard _ King County 1 Pierce County l Snohomish 1 County Spolcane 1 County Clark County ~ Whatcarn 1 County Benton County 1 _ City of federal 1 Way -Ciky of }tent 1 Office of 1 - Insurance Commis5ioner Dept, of Labar 1 and Industries Totals 3 10 9 5 4 fi 1 14ash9ngkon State AuditoFs 0#fice PerfarmanceAudit Repart ~ Open Pub li[ ReCOrds Proci[es dt 30 GO++m nrenk Enliti29 - R2port #10000 11 Descrip#ion of the nonresponsive reques#s ~ In instances in which neither responses nar records were recekved, or when #he ~ records were no# responsive to the request, we sought explanakion frarn the entifies. ~ ExplanatioRs were; = Requests were not received by entities: Twa enti#ies° Public Records Officers stated they had no record of receiving three (1 percent} of our reqi,ests, ~ • Kitsap CouRty - Two requests submitted via standard mail, •City of Everett - One request submitked via s#andard mail, ~ Vle submitted nine writteil requests to each entity and submitted one request to each ~ entity in person. We submitted all mailed requests ta each entity tG the same address ~ as part of the audit testing. Vti+e could not deterrnine whether the three requests in question were lost prior to reacning the entity or kf they were lost iri the entities' ~ in#ernal mail handling system. Therefore, yve could not use these requests to evaluate the enti#y's respoflsiveness, ~ • Requests redirected back to the requestor; Ten of aur requests (almost 3 percent} ~ vvere redirected, The ~equest was received by the entity but the requestor was directed to resubmi# the request ta another department, divisioo or office within 4 the entity. Ifl these circurnstances, we consider the entity ta be nonresponsive to ~ our origknal request. This occurred at: ~ • #ting County - One instance ~ • City af Seatkle - Seven instances • Thurston County - Two iristances ~ Ifl each in5tanCer the requests were acknowledged as received by the entities and a ~ search of the departnient for responsive records was perfarmed with no result. The entity department then told the requestat in the acknowledgerrNect ta resubmit the ~ request a second #ime to ano#her department or office within the same entity, ~ ~ When we brought our cancerns about redirected public records requests to the ~ atken#ion of Thurstan County, we received the following reply from the County's Chief Administrative Officer, ~ ~ "4Ve do not believe the Baard of Commissioners can, or 5hould be respansible for ~ coordinating pLrblic records requests for otheT Elected Officials such as the Sheriff or Auditar. Consequently, we believe our #imely written responses to these iwo ~ requests shauld be regarded as responsive. AdditiGnally, nGt only did the County respond, but forwarded the requests and a copy of our response letter to the Sheriff ~ arid Auditor's offices as a courtesy. We believe this is the apprapriate practice fae a county government that has 21 independently elected officials, each of wham is ~ independently accountable to the public." ~ The Thurstan County Treasurer submitted asimilar concern to our Office. ~ Thurston County's full response regarding redirecting requests is available in Appendix ~ A. ~ # Responses no# received by requestGr: In riine ins#ances Q percentl, we dicf not receive responses to the initiat request from the entities fGr reasons we were ~ unable to determine. We noted two instances in which #he entities provided documents shawing they responded ta our requests. In one instance, the ~ 12 ~ ~ Washlnt}tan S#ia#e AudFturs (Iffice Nrfa rrnance Audit Report Open Piib1ii Records Pra[~tes at 30 Gowetn mcm Enri[ie5 - Report 4 1000011 ~ at the front des~ was an employee o# a private third party and was not familiar with the Public Records Act. A# the time af the walk-in request, the requestors ~ believed they were submitting their records request to a Lattery ernployee. ~ Three requests sent via e-mail ko three separate entities were not received. The entities stated that they suspected the e-mails were blacked by their e-mail fiGters. ~ We were able to verify the e-mail filter as the cause only at the Lottery because ~ the other entities do nat keep a recard of blocked (-mails. The e-mail addresses we used to ma4ce tMe reques#s were provided on the ~ entities' own Web sites. 7hose three entities w2re; ~ • Pierce Gounty: hstansb@co.j)ierce_wa,us • City of Sea#tle; clerk@seattle.gov I + Washington S#ate Lottery: Director's_Office@valottery,corn I • Nvncantorming recards received: We received seven responses (more than 2 I percent) #hat ei#her did flot canform to our requests or were incomplete, +City of 4{en#. 7he City received a request for the five hwghest-paid ~ employees. The City responded with W-2 forms that were almos# completely redacted, identifying only "Employer" and "Gross Wages," renderiflg the docurnent of no use. 7he City's respofise was incansistent with the request, which stated, "1 would like to identify your agency's five highest compensated employees" bY Providing "copies of the 2005 year- end W-2s ar equivawent records," •Office of the Insurance Commissioner; The auditars subrnitted a walk-in request for the Office's sexual harassrnent policy. The agency sent its response via e-mail vvith an irnage file of the docurrwents attached, which did no# cGntain page 3 of the four-page docUrnent, • Department of Labor and Indus#ries: The auditors submitted a walk- in req uest far the De pa rtment's. sexual h arassmeflt policy. An ag ency employee asked the auditars to write dawn the request on a plain piece of paper and t~en directed the auditors to the Hurrran Rights Commission_ •City of Spokane; The City received an e-rnail request for its #ravel policy, The Ciky's initial response to the request pravided a Web addr2ss that did not prodUCe the records or lifik to #he records, bu# rather proUlded links ta o#her City palicies, which included a Business Expense Policy, When we follawed up, tMe Citj+ provided a correct Web address and we wwere able ta locate the requested eecords, • Department of Correctians; The Depar#ment received a certified letker requesting the Health Services Administrator's travel records, The Depar#ment responded via e-mail with ari attachmefl# that dGd not cankain page 2 of the nine-page file. • Washington State Investment Baard; The Baard received a certified mail requesting the entity's five Nghest-paid employees for 2005. The 8oard responded to Gur request via e-maii by providirig a Web skte iink ta the State of Washington's Office of Financial Management "2005 Persannel Detail Report." However, the general saiary inforrna#ion listed in the report cofltained the December 2004 compensation and compensation rates, 1Nhen we followed up with the Board, it provided the requested information. * Yakima County; The County received astafldard mail request far the job description of its Information Technology Dwrector. In response, the County sent a generic job description for a"Director" pasition. Our fallow-up wi#h the CGunty faund it had a job descrip#ion specifically applicable to its 14 r- , Washing#an 5taxe Aud'Rvrls Offtae Periorman rn Au~ Ft Repa rt fT ~ OpenPuhlicAecordsPractitesar36Government WiCEes-Aeport ff 70000 11 ~ F fnformatian Technvlagy Directo r and we were Provid Ed that record a# that time_ Cause ; The underlying cause far failure #o successfully resoarid to public records requests is ' i wheri entities do nat tollow best practices and the guidelines contained in the Attorney General's rnodel rules. Cor,tributirig factors rnclude; •Entities that do not review records #a make sure #hey fulfill the request before providing them to requestors, * Entities that rely on a method of mail delivery #hat faifed,_ suO as e-rnail % transmission failt,res ar delivery failures. h E##ect or potential effec# h 'i The failure ta be respansive to pijblic records requests exposes tYre entities to a loss af public #rust and possible litigation. Recarnrnendations We recomrnend that eotities follow #he Attorney General'S model rules and the best i practices identified in this repart to the fullest ex#ent possibler particularly in regard to the tollovving: •Establish and follow processes to ensure tha# all reques#s are received. ' ( •EvaJuate processes and controls over incoming rrEail to ensure records requests I are found and praperly routed, Refrain fram redirecting requestors to another departrnent or office vvithin the same entity or requiring requestors to initiate a"nevtr° request within the sarne eflti#y. , • Avai d the use af e-mail filters that re sult in th e entity rejec ting or overlio aPciri g public records requests. See refated Finding Na, 2. I ~ Review responses and communicake with requestars to errsure that recards ' provided are consistent wi#h the request. r Cri#eria ~ ~ - ~ See Appendix i i i ~ i I Elltltle5' ReS f}OnSeS I I See App2lldl7{ A, $ a11d C i ~ I i ? ~ a ~ 'r ~ ; I i I i i ( 1~ WasNington State Aud itor's OiNe perforna nse Audit Beport ~ Qpen Puhfi€ Rea4rds Practices ak30 Gouernment Ent[Cies- Rqor[ N 1000011 ~ Findlng 2 Some entities do not accommoda#e nne or more rneans ~ of communicating public records reques#s and there#ore ~ do not provide the public wi#h #he fullest assistance. ~ Condi#ion ~ Ruring our audit interviews, we were inforrned of the following; ~ * The following faur entities sta#ed they require a public records request torm fGr in- person requests. hiowever, two of the f our entitRes (C ity of Spokan e and Thurston ~ County) tlid not require us to fill out a public recards forrn when we conducted our walk-in requests far a copy of the entitys sexual harassment policy_ ~ • City of Spokane * City of }tent' ~ * Thurston County * Office af the Insurance Commissiorrer ~ * The follawing entities' policies or practices do not accamrnodate public records ~ requests subrrMitted by e-mail. Such policies rnay prevent requestors who do not ~ have other means of interacting with the entity. ■ Spokane Caunty ~ * Ciky of Spokane Despite their stated palicies, these entities accepted and responded to our ~ uflannounced e-mailed requests. . ~ • The following eritities' e--rrail filters prevented them from receiving the records g requests serit by SAO to e-mail addresses provided on their Uti+eb sites as a means for the public to contact them: ~ • Pierce County; hstansWca_pierce_wa_us • Ci#y of Seattle: clerk@seat#le.gov ~ • Washingtan State Lottery; Director's_Office@valGttery.corn ~ *Sorne entities use various types of available technolGgy for the pubGc to submit requests thraugh their Web sites_ ~ The fallowing entities provide downloadable records request forms an their Web ~ sites, but do no# allow thos2 forms to be submitted through their Web sites. ~ • Spokane County • Pierce Coun#y ~ • Uti+hatcam County 1 The C ity of Kent wi1l accept other writken farrns provided #h ey include all of the ~ fallawing, Per City Code, KCC 1 .05_060' ~ . The date af the request; ~ • The name of the requester; ~ +The full address of the requester; y ~ The telephone nurnber of the requester; ~ * Acomplete description of the requested record; •The title and date of the requested record, if known; ~ i The Iocation of the requested record, if knovvn; and * Whether the requester intends to review the recards or ta ob#ain acopy of the ~ records, ~ 16 , ~ ~ - - _ Washin gton State Au ditor'S Oi~ire Periarma nce A~dit Repart ' Upen puhlil R~Ords Pra cticel at 30 f,overn mcrl# Fntities - Repor# 9 1000a11 ~ City of Vancouver : ■ City af 8eilevue ' • City of Everett • City of Spokane Valley ' • City of Federal Wa}r • Department of Labor and Industries * Washrngton State Patrol I • Departrnent of Social and hiealth Services k * Five entities stated they do not accomrrrodate public records requests by telephone. They 4n+ere; ~ Benton Coupty {Cvrrrmissioner's Office, Sherif#'s Department, and Planning and $uilding Departrnent} ' ~City 4f Spokane (Clerk's Office arrd Police Depar#rrrent) •City of Kent does not accomrrradate requests by teJephor,e or tax Office of the Insurance Commissioner Washington State Patrol , The following entities ernpaoy abesk practice ot facili#ating online puMlrc records request submittal through their Web sites; • }(itsap County ~ Department of Revenue ~ i Department of Correctians I ' City of Kent City of Tacoma ! . The remaining entities did nat have Web sites that provided public records ~ request forms that cauld be downloaded vr submitted through their Web site. ~ Cause Fulfilling public records reqi,ests is a uniQue and fundamen#al responsibility af govern ment far providing acco untabili#y and #ransparer~cy #o the public, The au dit , revealed #hat an entity's attitude tawards public records requests in general influepces , how responsive it will be to public records requests, ~ ~ Entities that dernonstra#e an avvareness of how they tan make public records requests easier for citizens demonstrated be#er custorrier service in responding to ~ public records requests_ ~ Entity leaders and managers can encourage entity staff to ernbrace the spirit af the ~ Public Records Act by cornmunicating the impartance of promoting transparency and ! openness thraugh fulfilling public records requests. ; ' E#fect ~ s ! Entities tha# do nat accornmodate a variety of farms of public records requests ' ! do not pravide the public wfth #he fLli le s# assistance required by th e Act. Failure to respond #o pubfic records requests has a negative affect on the public's perception of ~ ! the entity's openness to citizens and increases an entity's litigation risk, ~ ! F i ; ~ I I ; 17 I , Washingtan Stato Audltors Office Performanae Audie Repnrt ~ Opcn Ruhlic Recqrds PracticEsat3fl Government Entities- Report fr1400Q11 ~ RBCO Ill l'17eFl da# lonS a We recomrnend #hat entities: " * EstabGs h policies th at are coflsistent with #h e Public Rec4rds Act, using the I Attarney General's model rules as aguide. 6 Conduct braad staff trai~ning on the Public Records Act. ~ *Accommodate as many rnodes of requestiflg public records as is practically possible. •Selec# and set e-mail filters at a level that will not block public recards requests. •Consider receiving records requests anline, ~ • Develop a policy that clearly outlines hGw public records requests can be accep#ed and rnalce that palicy readily available to the public. ' Criteria See Appendix K. The entikies Gsted in #he last paragraph of the ConditiGn (page 17) are cited as ' employing a best practice for online records requests. , En#ities' Responses See Appendix A, B and C 1$ Wash~ngtorr5ta#e Atrdi#ars Qffiae Perfitirmmrrce AudltRepart F!~`i C~II~g OPe~i PUh~i( Rebards Prat~i[es 3t 3~J Gor2rnmenf Enkities ~ Repoa# d! tQ00Qi 7 ~ - S ome erttxties did no# provrde comprete an d sa#isfactor explanations for redac#ions of public records an y some records were irnproperly redac#ed. ~ - Background . Numerous exemptions from public disclosure of ir~{orma 'on _ P+iblic F~ecords Act says redacted docLrrrrer,ts shall also ~xi~t in ~tate ~aw_ TF~e - reda~ti~n~. ave an expfanation for the - More tFrarr 300 exemptions are contarned ~n the Public Records scattered througF~out state law, The Sur~sF~ine Comrrrittee F~as idn tfred the 3exemptior~s, located at: Y m~re are _ h~A,1/www.a#g.wa.gav ~~+~s /opengoverrrtn ent/su ns h#rre. aspx, - T~e Attorrrey Genera['s Office Open Gavernmerlt Internet M ~ current exemOons, is availab+e at; anual, which tncJt,des ~t#p://www.atg.wa.gov/DPenGovernrnen#/1nternetN+anuaf.as x T~a origlnal 10 exernptians from 1972 are: ~ 1, Personal information in any Nes rnair,tained for studerrts irr public sc patients or clier~ts ot public ~r~stitutions or pubtic ~,ealth agencie$r weJfa~es, - reclpfentsF prisorrers, prabationers or Parolees. 2_ Personaf informatian in hiles mairitained for ernp+oyees apPoiRltees officiaJs ot ariy p(i blic agency to the extent that discIosure wo uJd vio+ate +ected to pr~ivacy. t~eir rig~t 3. Jrrfarmation requirk of any taxPayer in carrnectior, w+th the assessment or + ~ cviJectiori of any tax it the discJosure of t17e infarmation to ather ~ violate the taxpayer's right to ,~rivacy ar u~rould resuft rr~ unfaiF competi#ive disad~+antage to s~rch taxpayer_ Rersorr~ ~+o~~d I ~ 4. SPecific ,nteff~~etice infoFmation and SP?cific investigative files comp~led by irr+~eStigative, law er~forcemer,t an d penalog ~ ~ I ~rested ~ wfth the res~ansil~i+ity to drsctpline rr~embes ~~~~Y cie~, pfofes.~an~ior), ~tate the ager~ nondiscae~c~osure ~ ot whicn is essential to effective law entor-cerrrerit ar for the protectiorr ot i I ~ Persar~'S right ta privacy. ? I ~ 5, iilformatian rev2al+ng the identity of persans wMa fife cornpJaints wi I investigative, law errforcement or th an II~' rnay authorize. penolo9]' ager,c+es, except as the camplainant ! I 6. 7est q uestions, sco ring keys, and other examination data us ' I ficense, er~ployment or academic exa " ~ ed to administer a I I- 7. Except as provrded b}r chapter 8,26 RCW ,the corrterlts ot real e5ta ~ made for or b ~ is abar~daned a~ur~tlgS~cF~ #rm+e as ~l of thec ~sition af property unt ~ the project I I+ ` ~~~rfy ~as been acq~,ire~, b~t in no ever~t ~hail disclosure be der~ie~! far more than tFrr-ee Years after the a,~Draisal. ' VaJu able forrriulae, des~gns , drawings, aod resear ~ I h witFr+n fi~re years of the request for ~fisclosure whend~ c~~~tainec~ by ~r~~ a~er~cy ~ prrvate gair~ and pubfic loss I. Prelimi~ary dra~s, nates, recommer~datior~s, and i e wor~J~ prod~rce ~ wMich opirlions ar~ 2xPr2ssec~ or po++cies fo~.~ula~ dro r ecom~ne de~{ ~~urns ~r~ ' that a SAecifc recard sha++ rrot be exempt when publi-a~r cited bY ar~ agency in ~ conr~ect+or? with ariy agericy action. ~~At ~ ! I ~ ~ I~ Washingta n State Aud itnr's Oiftce Periprme nae kudit Repar# Open Pu bti[ Recards Pracftes at 3fl Gouernment Entities - Report 91000011 10. Records which are relevant to a contraversy to which an agency is a party but which records would riot be available ta another party under the rules of pretrial discovery for causes pending in the superior courts. All af the origirial 10 exemptions still exist in state law, but most have been modified from their ariginal forms. All entity recards are available far review by the public unless state law specifically exempts thern from dwsclosure. If no exemption applies, the requested records are disclosable. People wFio are named in a record or whG are the subject of a record may seek acourt injunction to prevent the disclosure 4f a record_ Public en#ities are cot relieved of their obligatians ta respand to requests for public records because aportion of the document is exempt. Public entifies have a duty to redact specific inforrnatian covered by an exernption and drsclose the remainder of the docurnent, The Public Records Act provides that exemptions are to be narrowly construed, Agaod #aith response by a public agency in releasing apublic record absalves the agency or any public official or ernployee from liability arising from the disclosure_ For example, an individual named in a public record may riot hold apublic agency Iiable for a good faith release af #hat record on tne grounds that disclosure violates an individual's "right to privacy," Agencies that release recards with possibie privacy irnplications may wish to contact the individual. Washington courts have not defined specifically which records, if released, could violate a righ# of privacy. Far exarriple, state law specifically exempts residential . addresses and telephone numbers far public employees from disclasure. The Act lists 34 categories o# public recards that are exempt from disclosure_ These are exemptROns, nGt prohibitions; an agency may waive an exemption if it chooses to do so. Other state laws specifically prohibit the release of some information. And rnany docurnents contain some information that is exernpt along with other information that is nat exempt. Condi#ion Vti+e received 43 records wikh acceptable redactions, 11 (26 percent) of which did not cite the specific legal exemption for the redactbns, as required by #he Act, i Benton County: Five highes#-paid employees City of $ellevue; Out-of-state travel * City of Everett; Out-af-state travel •Department of Carrections- Travel vGuchers for selected employees ~Depar#merit of Revenue- Travel vouchers fGr seEected emplayees ~Pierce County; Vacation records for entity's top financial officer, iSnobomish Counky: Entity-awned cell pharie record for the top con-elected officer, January through June 2006 * Spokane Coun#y f21- + Out-of-state Travel 9 Voucher for emplayee awards , iWashington State Investment 8oard: Ou#-af-state travel i Ul+hatcom County: Travel vouchers far selec#ed employees 20 ~ - - i Washington S#axc Au ditoF's Offiae RerFnrrrrance Au<f it Repn rt Opcn Publi{ Recurcfs Pr2tu4es at 30 Gowern ment Enkikies - Aeport #1 pOpa11 In ane Rnstance, we believe elements of the records were redacted inappropriately, , The redactions affiected the usability of #he records. As described in Finding 1, when ' the City o# Kent responded to our request for the names and salaries of the five highest-paid employees, sorne of the redactians were appropriate, such as Sacial Securi ty nurrrbers and home addresses. Hawever, the names of the employees were legally required to be disclased, and the records did nat provide that informati~on. ~ ' Cause The causes for the 11 instances af unexplained redactians as vvell as the one instance of overredacbon were twofold; ~ Entitres did not review the recards prior to th2ir release to ensure redactions were explained, • Entities were cancerned about releasing °private" information about employees II but may not have verified that the redactions were allowed under state law, Our s#udy of state laws and adrninistrative codes, media coverage of public records issues, cornmu nic atio ns tc) agerrcies from the Goverrrar and interviews with pu blic , records s#aff af the 30 entities iden#ified causes that may contribu#e #o entities rrot fully di~closing recards: Lack of trainin . • In same instances, entity staff who are responsible for filling records requests ~ , da not appear to understancf what informat+on may be Iegally redacted and ~ wha# information ma}+ not be redacted. Based on our review and anailysis af the records that entities provided in response to the requests, it was ~ evident the records had been compiled and put through a redactiorl revrew ~ ~ process_ However, the reasons for the redactians were riot explained in the correspondence with #he requestor_ ~ •Entity staff may interpret "right #o privacy" much more broadJy than state Jaw ' does. Our interviews 4n+ith entity s#aff indicated that some public employees and public records officers have a perception that public emplayees' right to privacy is ~ compromised by public records requests. In fact, ernployee informatron such as ~ ~ salaries, is disclosable under state law_ • At least three enti#y public records disclosure staff who respvnded ta our ~ uriannounced request stated fhey felt privacy laws were unclear. As a result, ~ ~ they were apprehensive about failing to redact iilformatiorr that is exer-npt from ' ~ disclosure, 7his may result in inappropriate redactians and illustrates the need for ~ trafning, ~ i ~ Conflict with the rg uestor ; Some entities receive a large number of records requests from asmall nurrNber of ~ ~ individuals and io some cases, arr adversarfal relationship has developed betweerl the F ; entity and the requestor(s). i ~ Attitude ; +Same entities see #he Ac# as an unfunded rnandate imposed upon the entity. ~ •Some er+tities expressed caricern tha# same records could err}barrass the entity, ~ I ~ ~ Effe[# or poten#ial ef#ect ~ ' I 1 Citzens want and expect government to be acc4untable and transparent. A ~ PLiblic entity's failure to expUn redac#ions can lead to distrust and suspiciorl by ~ the requestar and can erode #he public's perception of the enfity's cornmitment to f 1 21 I Washingkan Staxe Auditors 0#fice PerFarrnance Audit Report Open Pablit Recards Pra0ces at 30 Gowern nrens biti[ies - Repon 9 1000011 I accountability and transparency. Additionally, improper redactians increase entities' ~ risk of lawsuits, court-imposed penalties and associa#ed legal costs for failure #o ~ comply with the requirements af the Act, ReCOmmendativn-s I We recomrnend that entities; +Provide cofnprehensive training and resource materials on legal exemptions to staff who respond to records requests, * Describe the speciFic exemptian that applies to each redactian when the records i are provided to requestors, * Inform requestors about their rights #o appeal the entity's denial af aII or part of their recards reques# and the process available to thern ta appeal the denial, ~ Seelc guidance when determining whe#her redaction5 are legal. ~ Criteria See Appendix K ~ a EntitieS' RespOrtseS See Appendix Ar B and C ~ 1 I 22 C--- - - ~ Washingtpn State Au ditar's Q fl5qe PeFfo rrnance Audlt Repprt ' Op en Publit Retords Ptactim at 30 Gawernment En[ities - Repart R 1000011 ~ ~ FIndIC1g 4 Some en#ities provided #he requested public records ~ in a less #imely manner than their peers. i , Background ~ UVithin five business days of receiving a public records request, state law requires ~ ~ entities to; * Pravide the requested record. • Acknowledge receipt of the request and provide a reasoriable estimate af the ~ ; tirne required to fill the request. ' + Deny the request and notify the requestor of tlhe reasan, i' Public entities invest much af their resources in their day-to-day aperaiions, Althaugh ~ public records requests often occur at busy times, the Public Recards Act requires pubGc entities to adop# procedures that pravrde full access to public reco rds while preventing excessive interfererice with their other essential functions a n d to pravide the "fullest assistarice" to requestars a n d provide the "mo5t #irnely possible ac#ion" on public record s requests. As noted in the Attorney General's C)ffice's advisory model rules: ~ i "In general, an agency should devote suhcien# staff #ime to processing records ~ requests consistent witt~ the act's re ~,irem n t q ets that fulfilling requests should not be ~ an "excessive interference" wrth the agericy's °other essential functions.'° The agency I should recagnize that fulfilGng public records requests is one of the agericy's du#ies, ; . along with its others_" ; ~ 7he Public Records Act requires entities to address these questions when they ~ ; receive a request for public records: , # Is/are the rectues#ed record(s) exerrrpt from disclosure or prohibited from being ' disclosed? ~ * If the requested record(s) is/are exempt, what intormatian can be redac#ed #rorn ~ ~ the recard{s} so the records might sfill be released? ~ ' 7he Act requires a"timeEy° response, which it loosely defines as "prompt" and "most ; I tirnely possible." Factors affecting the timeliness af responses to public records j recluests are; ~ • Entity seeks clarification from the requestor_ ~ * The amount of time it takes to locate and assemble the records, ~ • Notifying third parties or agencies af#ected by the request. _ ~ Determining whether any of the information is exempt and whether a denial should ~ be rnade ta all, or part, of the reque~t_ f * The volume, nature and availability of the requested records, ri ~ ~ Condi#ion j The table below shows the slowest' requests by entity . The table shows how lang ~I ~ each entity toGk to respond to the reques#s, the average for other entities of the ~ same type and the reason for the length of time for the response. i I - I 1"Slowest° was defined using the average time for each reques# bp each entity type, ~ To be c onsidered for i n c lusion, a#hresh old vvas d eveloped th at listed all respo nses that ~ took longer than 10 business days and were 5 business days ar more than average. 23 I 14esNi Rgtun State Au ditur'x Rffine Perfo rmance Aud i# Repar# ~ Open Puh lit Recprffs Pra trices at 30 Covern ment EnririQs - Report 0 1000011 ~ En#ity Requesi Ac#ual Average Reasons$ Response Days ~ Tirne* Response ~ Time for en#i#]I ~ I#ype*§ I C4untie5 ~ Pierce Caunfy Travel 19 10 Copies wi~re provided ~ vouchers fP+erCe Cour7ly after requestor paid produced arr copying fees. The County ~ e-mait dated sent a letti~r reques#Eng I111107 payment that was ~ Wat wn not received six calendar days recerved by after date of *he let#er. ~ the requestor Records were received Corrsideration three bu5ine55 days afker of that e-rrraia payrnent was Enailed, ~ wou+d haVe resulted in a a resporrse provrded tn 16 ~ bus+ness days) Pierce County Cell phone 11 6 Capies yvere provided ~e invoice after requestor paid copying fees, Records ~ were received three . busirress da}+s after ~ ' payment was mailed_ Snohomisfx C211 14 6 Copies viere provided ~ County phone invoice aFter requestar paid copying fees. Records ~ were reteived tvJ~ business day5 af#er ~ payment was mailed. Snohamish Vaca#ion 22 8 Capies were ptavided ~ Caunty records after requestor paid r-opying fees_ 7he County ~ rniscalct,lated the cost of the COpieS and adju5ted charges. The requestor provided payment for ~ an unrelsted incarrect amaunt. These errars by ~ the Caunty and rec{uestar delayed the response by 14 business days_ 7he ~ records were rer-eived four business days, after ~ correct payment was rriailed. ~ * BUSlf1e55 ~ Average $ Reasons given by days days a the entity or obserwed resporise byauditors tOOk for ~ Kiti2g, rounties ~ or state agencies ~ 24 ~ Washingtnn State Aud itnrs Offtce performan ce Aud ik Repa n 4pen Piib]k[ Re[ards Prarri[es a[ 30 6 auernrnent Entities- RePorE 6 10400 11 En#i#y Request Ac#ual Average Reasons$ Response Days Time* Response Time for . ert#i#y - type*§ Snohomisn Out-o#-state 22 15 Gopies were provided Caunty #ravel afker requestor paid capying fees, Records - were #ravided three business days after payment woas rnailed, Spokane In#orrriation 18 7 County spologized for _ County TechnalogY berrrg "iate" with the Director response witnout providing job descriptian an explanation. - Spokane Emplayee 15 8 The County did not Caunky recogflition provide a reasan for the awafds leng#h of time t❑ respond. The en#ity providf~d a large nurnber ot documerits {32 pages with redaction5}, - Kitsap County Out-of-state 29 16 Caunty said the respanse travel was delayed because it - wa5 "misdirec#ed thraugh the County rnail system" - when it was transferred ta #he Sherr#f's Office. The Office received #he request six business days - after it was rnailed. 7he County #ook an additional 23 business days to provide 21 redacted documer4s. Yakima County 2005 top five 14 6 The County did not _ highest-paid pravide a reason far the employees length of kime to respond, Thurston Travel 15 10 7he Gaunky called the Caunty voucheT7, requestor to apologize - for delay, caused by s#aff #aking ernergency leave, - Ci#ies Spok~ne fravel 16 9 The City anticipated delays - voijchers in providing the records due to short staffing ~ duririg the holidays, ~ Business 5 Average # Reasans given by days daysa the ent ity o r obse rve d response by auditors #ook far cities, caunties ior s#ate agencies 2E Washingtan State ALtditiof's 4ffice Pertnrmance Audit Re#qrt $ Open Public Records Practiaes at 30 GavernmeriP En#i#ies - Report 41 pQOp 11 ~ . ~ Enti#y Reyues# Actual Average Reasons$ $ Response Days Time* Response ~ Tirne far entity type*§ Tacoma Out-of•state 40 16 City told requestor travei response was del~yed due ~ te weather and staff issu3s. Vaocauver Cell phone 13 7 In qs ackrrowledgement, ~ invoice the City said it "wil! need approxirnately 15 business ~ daya ko assemble the requested dacurnents and ~ review thern for release,° BeIlevue Out-of-state 21 16 The City provided the ~ travel statu5 of requnst during processing. The City ~ prpvided 105 pages W ref..urd5, which took 14 btisiness days, ~ Federal Way Tfavel 19 9 Records were received ~ vouchers iwo busiiiess days after the requeskor inailed paym2nt for copying. The City did not provide . a reason for the leng#h of ~ tirne to respond, Federal Way Out-of-state 35 16 City provided records ~ travi~l five busines5 days after requestor mailed copy paymen# but d i d not ~ explain the respanse tirrre. Kent 2005 top five 20 7 City estirnated respanse irr ■ nighest-paid 21 calendar days Ut did ~ employees not explain, ~ iCent Irrfarmation 13 5 City estirnated respanse in Technology 21 talendar Oys but did ~ Dir2C#or job not explain. de5crip#ion State Agencies ~ Department of 2005 Tog 5 26 lp Entity e-mail2d reque5tor ~ Revenue highest-paid with clarification reQuest. ernployees E-mails sent by the ~ repui~stor were denied by the entity'S e-mail 5y5tem. ~ Requestor provided ~ informatiarr by mai1, wnicEr ~ slowed the process, "6usiness §Average *Reasnnsgivenby ~ days daysa tlteen#i#yorobserved responae by auditars took far ci#ies, Coun#ies ~ OF Stdt2 d~@11 CI ~5 ~ 26 ~ ~ 4lashingUn S#a#e Audita 0i Oif~ ce pprfprmance Aud it Repart J 4pen Puhli€ Reapris pracki[25 at 3QGrnrernmcnt EntGCfes- Reporta100U011 i Entity Request Ac#ual Auerage Reasons$ Response Days ~ I Time* Response Time fvr e ntity tYPe*~ , ' Office of the Travel policy 13 4 The Office apologized to ~ Insurante the requestor for the delay I~ I j Commissioner in providing the records - I and attribu#ed the delay to equiprnen# problerns. Department 2005 top five 17 12 Departrnent informed of Social highes#•paid the requestor more time i j and HeaC#h emplayees vJas needed to provide , Services emplayees narned in the ' requesk tirne ta seek a ~ court in~unction to black the release of the records, Con5i5t2flt wIth It5 prpGed41reS, i Department Vacation 14 9 The Oepartrnent's of Social records acknowledgernent said it i !I and Health "estirnateidl 20 business " ~ servicf~s days,,, t(~ Ii~pca#e, review, and copy the records you requested," , Departmen# Out-of•state 19 8 The Department's ; of Si~pcial travel aclcnowledgement and Nealth said it "estirnate(d) 20 i Service5 busirtes5 days... to Iocate, review, and prepare ' i the information you requested." I ; lvote; DSNS stated #hree of the frve employees +xWed in the request for payrofi recards are subjec# I ~ to 3 cotlective bargainrrrg i3greement tkrat requires th e agenty to na#rfy amployees when docurnents in i a personnel fife are requ25#ed urrder publrc dtsdosure faws. ,4s a resLrlt, the UeAar#rnent's responses to sucb reqtjests are Ukely ro take fonger to be frlled tharr for agerrcres tkrat are not subject to the saone ' agreemenL 7hat DeAartrnerrt did rrot communi(,xe that when rt provWed the records, i i Department Entitry phone 14 6 The Departmen# did not i af Labor and direc#orY pr~pvide a reason for the Industries If~ngth ef time to respond. I i Washington Travel 27 13 Records were received ~ State Patrol vouchers from the entity 10 business day~, after the requestor mailed copying ~ fee5. The entity did not f pravide a reason for the l length of time to reapond. + * Business § Average # Reasons given by ' days days a the entity or observed I resppnse byauditars f #ook for I I i citiea, ~ Cuunties ~ ~ or Std#e i cry ge#1C i25 i I i I ~ 27 Washington Staxe AuditWsOffice Perfarrnance Audit Report ~ Open Pu blic Re[ords Pracsices a[ 30 Couern meFit Ensisies - Repart ~ j000011 ~ En#i#yr Request Ac#ual Average Reasons$ Response Days ~ Time* Response ~ Time for ert#ity ~ type*§ Washington Cell 13 8 Did not provide a reason ~ State Patrol phone invoice far the length of timf~ to ~ respond. Washington Out-of-stMe 24 $ Records were received ~ State Patrol travel faur business days after the requestar rnailed ~ capying fees_ Patral did not pravide a reasan #or ~ tle reSpOf15E Jllle, bLJt provided 57 redacted pages, Wa5hington Emplayee 15 8 Did not provide a reason ~ State Patrol recognition for the lerrgth af time to awards respond_ ~ Department of 2005 Tap 5 17 12 Departrnent inforrned the Corrections highest-paid requestar the request ~ errEployee~, avauld require staff to manually sort W-2s for more than 16,000 ~ employees to find the . infOrrnation_ R2COrdS ~ LVeFB feC$IV$d 21ght bU51f1E55 ~8y5 fOllOWIfIg acknowledgement. Departrnent of Travel 21 13 Depar#men# apolagized Corrections vouchets for response timelina, citing "weather and other ~ events" for the cJelay. Dep artirrei7t ot Cell phone 14 8 Records were reteived ~ Corrections invoice nine business days after #he requestor mailed ~ payment for copying Department of Yacation 19 9 Department inditoted an ~ Corrections records additii~nal 10 business day5 was needed to give ~ #he staff named a chance to block the requesk by ~ seekiog court arder, ftecards were received fi,ve business days after the requestar mailed payrnen# for ci~pying fee~_ ~ ~ Business § Average * Reasons given by ~ dayS day5 a #he er+tity or observed response byauditors tookfor Eities, countiea ~ or state 4genCies ~ ~ 28 F- - - " a-... Washirsgton State Avditars Offire PerWrman[e Audit Report I . Oprn Public Recards Pra[#iaes at 30 Governmcnt Eosities - Report 9 1000011 Entity Reques# A[#ual Average Reasons$ ~ Response Days Time* Response , Time for en#ityr I type*§ , ~ Departrnent of Infarrnatian 20 :7] Recards were receivi~d 12 Correc#ions Technofogy busrness days after the ~ Direckor job reque-stor maiNed payrnen# ~ descripti0r+ for copying fees. Departrnent ot Phane 14 6 Rerards were received six Carrec#ions Direc#ary bu5iness days after the requestor mailed payment for cppying. ' 4Vashington TraveJ 19 13 The Baard stated the state vouchers request would be defayed Investmen# because the records $aard needed #o be redacted_ i The entity pravided 105 ! pages with redactions, I vjnich was larger khan any other entify's response #o ~ khis reques#_ ~ Washrng ton Cell phone 15 8 The Board did not provide ~ : State inveice a reason tor the leng#h of Investment #irne ta respond, ' * Business § Average $ Reasans given hy ~ I i daYs days a the entity or obseruetl respanse by auditars I ' took fnr j ti#ies, I coun#ies ~ ~ Or State i dgeneies , i ~auSe ~ i ~ ; $ased ori our arrafysis of the responses to our unannounced records requests, i I in#erviews with the en#ities and aur research, we found timelirress in responding #o public records requests is affected by: AititLide An organization's atkitude toward records requests is critical to how successfuNy an ~ ~ entity responds to publrc recards requests. In our interviews with entity staff, more I ~ i tharr half responded #hat attitude and custorr,er service are critical elemerrts to a ~ successful response, {See Appendix p} I E One entrty - the City af Spokane - stated that the Pubiic Records Act is an "unfunded ~a ~ mandate" and placed it on its legislative agenda to modify the Act. ~ ~ I r ' I ; Enti#y focM I An entity can facus oc what records or elerrrents of records should nat be provided I , or it can focus ori providing the records, while stifl complying with exernptions from ~ disclosure. It comes dovrn to whe#her the entity's overall goaa is to establish a culkure i i 29 j Washingtnn State Au ditar's Office Perffl rmance Audat Report I Open Publi[ Reroris Practites at 30 (lowern ment Wltie5 - Repori 0 1000011 of campliance accarnpanied by a cuwture of cooperation in responding ta public ~ records requests. ~ Training ~ Iri our interviews, staff at 18 of the 30 entities identified training as a critical factor in successfully responding to publGC records requests. OLrr audit testing and follow- ~ up interviews suggests that a lack of understanding of the Act and the Attorney ~ General's rnodel rules affects an entity's timeliness in responding to public records requests_ For example, during interviews, we heard concerns about public ernplayees' ~ "right to privacy" acd a lack of unders#anding oii which records are dksclosable and which.are exempt, This appears ta have resulted in sorne en#ities being less timely in ~ responding to reques#s. ~ Communications with the requestor Some entities provided records without providing a reason why the length of time it took ta respond was riecessary_ We noted at least two cases at riro entities in which the entities allowed ernployees named in the request addGtional time #o seek acourt ' injunc#ion. T h e entities informed the req uestaT that this process was taking place ~ and would likely result in adelay in providing the records, The enti#ies explained this process was part af their po1icy ar procedures. They did not explain why these ~ policies or prGcedures were necessary. Far these requests, the eifect was a Mess timely response than entities that did nGt apply the same practice. . Operatinp- enviranmerrt . We identified three factors affecting an ~ntitry's operating eflvironmeflt= •Sensitive and proprietary recards; In instances iri wwhich many of a public entity's 1 activities deal with proprietary or sensitEVe informatiari, staff has a heightened , sensitivity to records requests that could piace an agency in vialation of state iaw. For exampler the Department of Reveriue indicated it has incarpora#ed procedures #ha# are applied to all responses to avaid disclosing records inappropria#ely_ . *Size and cornplexity; An eDti-Vs size arid complexity may contribute to kt being less timely in locating and responding to public records requests. Actilture of { bureaucracy can a#fect the process. In sarne cases, this is seen in an agency's failure to empower employees to provide records, irrcluding simple reqt,ests, ; without supervisory review, ' _Organizational struc#ure: Organizational structure can affect an entity's timely ' response ta records requests. Many publGC entities are organized into separate divisions ar workgroups that operate with significant autonomy from the yvhole_ We noted instances, including Thurston County and Cify of Seattle, where an en#ity's departments, offices, ar organizational units have individual and different policies and practices for processing records requests. This is problematic because the public ofken perceives one entity - such as a county - as a unified organization and if the recluestor does not make a reQueSt to #he appropriate departrnen# or office, the timeliness of #he response can be significantly delayed. Orie entity told us that rather than referring the req ues# internally to the appropriate department or office for the requestar, they help the requestor identify the appropriate department or office and direct #hem to resubmit the request. Electronic records Our testing showed #ha# #he average response tirrie with electronic records was 1.6 days, versus an average of 4_2 days with paper records. In otfner words, enti#ies responded aDproximately three times faster when they pravided electronic records 30 ~ - - Washington 5taxe Auditar'sOffire Performanre Audik Repart -R Qpen Pu bli[ Reaarls Prattices ar 36 G overnrnent EM[ies - RePort ff 1000011 ~ ~ instead of hard copies of records, Providing records electronically also avoids the expense associated with producing, mailing and billing for capies. ~ I Flowever, we also recognize that the use of e-rnail comes with challenges as fiFbers are , aPpJied by requestor to their e-rrEail accounts which can irrtparr the effer-tiveness of the communication by entibes. Reques#ors should be aware, when requesting and receiving ; records using e-mafl of the risks of non-receipt and entities should be aware they can jaccur and cansider using faliotiv-up phone calls to indicate a response has beerr provided. ' ~ I I As part af our upannounced public records requests we provided the entities with an ~ e-mail address. Marry ot the entities used the e-rr}aif addresses to respond arid to I ~ provide the recards electronically, ' I~ Staff Menriewed at 17 of the 3 0 entities vo iced the desire for their enti#ies ta canvert ; more records to electronic format, believing it would improve the accessibility and ~ retrieval of records (See Appendix p), F Copy Fees Forty-six respanses from 19 entities included charges far copying fees. Entities th at ~ provided copies with a bilM far copy fees responded to #heir requests faster #han entitres that provided records after receiving payrnent fram the reques#or. Entities ; tha# required paymen# before sending out the records did have the records available ~ for fnspection prior to release to the requestor, I I Fo ur entities provided records along with the request for payrrrent af capy fee s; . * Spokane Caunty - ane resporrse ~ * City of Seatkle - one response ~ , i Office af Firianci~al Managemerit - two responses • Washington State Iflvestment Board - three responses ~ Nine eritities vvithheld copies of recards pending payment of the copy fees- ' ■ Kirrg County - one respanse ' ~ * Snohornish County - three responses a Whatcorrr County - two respanses ' i • City ofi Tacama -one response ' i City of BeIlevue - one response i •Ci#y of Federal Way - two responses I • City af PCent - ane response I i 0 Washington State Patrol - twG responses • Departrnent of Corrections - five respanses - Six errtities had mixed resul#s where some records were provided with the request far f ~ payrnent and siame capies of the records vvere withheld pending payment of capy fees: i • Pierce County -three respanses withheld; Gne response provrded ~ • i(itsap Coun#y - one respanse withheld; one response provided ~ •City af Spokane - one response wifhheld; one response provided t ~C ity of Everet# - on e response withheld; three responses pravided ~ ~ *C ity af S pakane Valley - three responses provided; one response withheld ; ; • Departmen# of Social and Health Services - one request wi#hheld; three requests I ~ ~ provided ~ ~ t r 31 . Washingtan State Au4 itor'S Oifooe Perforrnd nae Audit Report Open PU qlit Reaprds Practites at 3G Gouernment Entities - Repart 9 1000011 ~~~3~10115 I We examined whether redactions affected an entity's timeliness in providing public records. We expected tnat if a requested record contained inforrnation subjeck to recfaction, it would slow down the resparise. The resuits of our analysis of the unaniiounced requests disclosed that resporises with records containing redactions ' took an average of 13.3 days versus 5.7 days for records without redactiails. E#fect or po#en#ial ef#ect •Entities failing to respond in a timeiy rrranner risk the loss of pubGc confidence and litigaton. 1 • Nlany public records are perceived as being "tirrre sensitive" ta requestors. Whefl a public entity fails to provide recGrds in a timely manner, the result may be that the records are no longer useful to the requestor. Recornrnendations We recommend entities review their public records reques#s processes to ideritify arid eliminate those elernents that may delay providing records. Specifically, we recommend entities: , • Prioritize incoming records requests to identify those that require review andfar redaction versus more straightforward repuests that can be fulfilled more quickly, ~ • U5e e-mail to respond to public records requests whenever possible, • Explore oppvttuni#ies for providing records ekectronicall}r, * Provide training far staff on processing public records requests. . • Provide cross-training to ather staf# ta prepare #hem for acknowledging and responding to repuesks. • Provide records iri instalwments, • Consider wvaiving copying charges for small records requests, + Engage in ongoing comrnunication with the reques#or about priori#aes and tirneliries when a request is identified that may take sorne time to fill, Criteria See Appendix K Entities' fiesponses See Appendix A, B and C 32 ~ " - - I._ Wasll ington 5tate Audi#a r's Q#rtice PerfDrmance Aud i# Report .i Open Publi€ Rec4rds Practiies at30 Gowernment Entities- Repprt #1000011 ~ ~ Best practices identified during the audit We observed during #he audit that entitRes #hat receive a large volurne Gf public i records requests are beginning tv use rnany of #he practices faund in the Attorney ' General's Office model rules ta address the public's perception of accountability and transparency, Our audi# identified elements and processes we carrsider #o be best practices in responding to publrc records requests. Same of these alsa are found in the Attorney i ; General's Cffice model rules and are addressed in the audit findings. They are- , •En#ity management's attitude #award customer service partly deterrnirtes how it will respond to public records requests. This element is addressed in ~ the Atkorney General's Office model rules with an overall gaal of establishing a"culture of compliance" for the public entities and a"culture of cooperation°' . arnong the requestors. Public records officers and coordinators s#ated that when public records requests are given a priGrity, it positively affects the entity's efficiericy and effectiveness in fiJling those requests. An entity with a commitment ~ to customer service and that responds to records reqLrests in a positive mann2r ~ ' dernonstrates the errtity's commitmen# to accountabiJity and transparency, Such ' an entity will likely diifuse tension, reduce conflrct, and more importantly buifd gaodwill and trust with the public. A positive attitude is also demonstrated when eRtities follow up after the request has been filled to ensure that the information reqUested was provided and usefui #o the re(luestor_ ~ ; •Training i5 necessary to an entit}'s success in respanding to records requests. An entity must be knowledgeable af the Act and of exerrkptions to public ~ , ~ disclosure. i i i Publrc recard5 training should exterid beyond the entity's managemen# aod ~ supervisors. EPti#ies should provide training #o alf entity staff likeiy #o encounter ~ rnembers ot the public requestang pubfic records, ror exarnple, training should ~ be provided to front-Iine staff who come into darly contact with the public ta assist ! them in recognizing when a requesVinquir}r from the public shoufd be considered ! a records request. ~ I; When aIJ apprapriate enti#y staif receive training in the Public RecGrds Act and ' ~ in their own entities' policies, they are in a better posi#ion #o provide the fulaest ~ assistance to the public and ta take the most #imely possible action in respanding ~ to requests, ; I • Prioritizing requests. Wherr a records request is received, entities should f ~ assess its cornplexity. Requests tha# are easy to accamrnodate should be ~ processed more quickly than the larger and more complex requests. Entities ' ~ should avoid the "one size fits ali" aDproach to respGnding to pubJic records feqUests. i I I In the case of rnare carnpaex records requests, er~tities may want to do a more i~ ~ detaiJed evaluatian to determine the record's existence, location, sensitivity to f exemptions and the fime needed to Jocate the records and then get thern to the ' I requestor, The Act, however requires the entity ta acknowledge the request within j five business days, and states if #he record{s} carr't be provided at that time, a ~ i ~ 33 I Washingta n 5tate Aud itarrs Oifiac Pcrforma nac Audit Repurt ~ Open Pu bl i[ Reoo-rds Pra[LP[es as 3,0 Govemukent Entities - Repa rt $10000 11 reasonable estimate of wnen #he records will be provided must be given, ~ ~ i Trackirrg requests. Agencies shauld have a process for tracking requests that begins when the request is received. Traclcing requests reduces the risk of losing I or ov2rlooking rectuests, can speed up resporisiveness and pravides a paper trail in khe event of dispu#es. All entities irtdicated they had a variety af inechanisms ~ es#ablished for tracking requests received, hawever these ranged from informal, manual tracking to database software applicatians. The level of sophistication was determined b}r the quantity of requests an entity receives. Further, these vary ~ based on the department or office within the entity. ~ • Eifective monitoring. Effec#ively managing and monitoring records reques#s from receip# ta completion provides a mGre timely and camplete response to ~ requests. Further, monitoring public records requests helps verify that record(s) provided were reviewed for consistency witn the letker of the request(s) prior to g being pravided to the requestar(s). TMis was evident from the number of requests ~ that received correct responses, as noted in out "Overall Results in Appendix J." . • Monitoring e-mail blocked bp e-mail filters. Effective monitoring of incoming ~ e-mails en5ures e-mails of a legitimate business na#ure are tdentified and provides ~ improved assurance the entity will be responsive to records requests. ~ ■ Central paint of contact for public records. Ta7e administration of public records snould be cetitralized in sorne fashian to irnprove effective monitoring of ~ the entity's efficiency and effectiveness in responding to public records tequests. The concept of centralization is more than the entity using a central location for publiC reCOrds administCation. f or large and complex entities, centralization can occur when the departments, offices, or divisions have separately designa#ed public recards afficers and elected o#ficials who field and pracess requests ~ specific #o their offices. - Regardless af the entity's organi2ational skruc#ure, it is impartant that na matter ~ vvhere the request is received, the request must be referred internally to the ~ appropriate departmen#, office or divisian. The entity should avaid redirecting the requestor to another department, office ar division, ~ Our analysis of the responsiveness of #he entities using centralized rrNOnitoring ~ systems versus #hose with adecentralized monitoring process shows centralized me#hods were more likely to provide correct responses. Entities who exhibited centralized processing functians are as follows; ~ ~ City of Bellevue • City of Kent ~ • City of Spokane Valley - • City of Vancauver ~ * Oty af 1Fakima • Clark Cauoty • Kitsap Coun#y * Snohomish Coun#y ~ • Spakane County ~ * Whatcom Courity • Yakirna County ~ • Ali 10 State Agencies ~ j 34 ~ , . 44ashfngtpn 5tat-a AuditoYs 4fFice Perfarrnanqe Audit Repart , Open Publ ic Recofds Practites at 30 Gavernmeai Entiries - Repart 9 1i100011 • VIsIble ~ e. PrO~IIC~IfI ~CI~ gsignage to assist requesturs in directintheir re ues ~ w ts + prov+des acustomer-friendly atmosphere a n d d emonstrates a cLrlture of ' openness; Erltities should evaluate signage to determine if it assists the public in making successful pubGc records requests. For exampJe, I{itsap Caunty's admirristration building hauses a kiosk with a touch screen listirig all services provided bY the Courrt , mcaudin Y g public disclosure requests. Entitres where vi.sible signage was observed by those who subrnitted our walkmifl requests were; I~~I 6 Pierce Caunty 9 Kitsap Courrty * City of Seat#le ' ■ City of Tacoma ■ City of 1'akirna i bepartment of General Admiriistration ; ~ ` • Transparencp and cnrnmunication. Providirrg tools si,cFr as a Web site to assist requestors is abest practice that should be cansidered, Keeping requestors informed of #he status of their requests, in particLilar, seeicing ~ ciarificatiop of the requests arld/or requesting additian(il time ti) fulfill the ' request(s) derrranstrates acCountability and transparency. Praviding an accurate and reasonable estimate of when the records vvill be prGvided is also criticai. One challenge identrfied in our intervievt+s result from instances when the entity seeks clarifica#ion from #Me requestor ta erisure the specific elements of the request are being addressed. Entities expressed coricern about baiancing the need for clarificatiGn vvhile avoiding asking the requestors "why' they are making the request. We observed er,tity responses which exceeded the intent of the request, . We identified these as best prac#ices. In summary, repues#or expectatrons are exceeded vyhen the entity provides acfditional informa#ion itlentified during gathering which may heRp the requestor, or pravide detailed communication to i ~ ensure the requestor is informed throughout the pracess, User-friendly Web site. When en#ities provide guidance and information to the ~ pUbIrC for filakif1g publiC reCordS fEqUES# Dfl Its Web sItE, this communrcates acUlture of openness to #he public and reinforces the enti#y°s cammitment to ~ accoutitability and trarrsparency. Conversely, when an enti#y does not provide this kind of Fnformatian on its Web site, poterrtial requestars may becorne frustrated and question the entify's commi#ment to aperrness, accountability and ; trarisparency. Our audrt discovered a oumber of entities that use Web sites #o ~ provide assistance in making an effective public records request. One of the bes# ~ ! examples we found was Whatcom County's V4+eb site (ht#p:/lwww.vvhatcomcounty, usfpublicrecords/), which provides a direct link tv the caunty's Public Records Ofificer urrder a heading of "Hot Topics". The county's "Public Disclosure ; Information" page provides extensive informatian to assist the public in submittiog i a public records reques$; For example, I ~ Pubiic Records Offacer's name, address, phone nurrrber, fax number and ~ e-mail address, ~ • Electronic public records request forrrf, @ I •Link to the County'S public records palicy i Link to the PubJic Records Act , Link #o a lis#ing of exempt records ~ i • LRnk #o other laws that define exempt records j ~ List of onJine sources of public records Cost for copying pubiic records ~ • RoJe of the Public Records Dfficer i ~ . ~ I 35 I ~ Washington State Auditors Offi[e PerfprmanceAudit Repart Open PubliE RHaods Pracli[es at 34 Go++ernment Entities - Repor[ #M000 I 1 ~ • Summary af key elemects af the County's public record's po1icy ~ Qther entities whose Web sites were easy to use during our iiiitial planning included; * City of Bellevue ~ * City o# Everett • City of Federal Way ~ • City of Kent i City of Seat#le ~ * City of Spokane ~ • City of Spokane Valley * City o# Tacoma • City of Vancouver * Clark Country ~ • }(ing Goun#y * Kitsap County ~ • Snohomish County * spo4cane Cclunty ~ ~ Whatcom County I • pepartment of Revenue _ • Departrnent of Corrections ~ • Department of Labar and Industries" * Office of the Insurance Commissioner ~ ~ Washington State fiatrol 'Ne nated the Department of Labar and Iuidustries Web site received national recognition in winniag the 2005 "People"s Voice" Webby award for Insurance related s+tes fSee http;JJwvvw.webbyawards_com/webbys/wirrners-2005.php#vebby_entry_ , government} ~ . Records management and information technology. 7he use of information ~ technalogy can assist entities in being more responsive to records requests and ~ demonstrates transparency and accountability. Specifically, providing cornrnonly requested public records on Web sites is in our opinian, abest practice based on the ~ results of aur unannounced records requests, ; Public Records Q#fic2rs and Coordinators #old us that they want their entities to convert more recvrds to electranic form, which would facilikate retrieval aod expedite #he process of providing records to the public. We believe tnis was verified by the , results of our unannounced requests, in which a number af entities provided the recluested records #o us in a timely manner Lising the e-mail addresses we provided in { our requests. During our audit, 23 percent of the requests we rnade via e-mail were nonresponsirre. While the Operi Public Records Act does no# specifically address e-rnail reques#s, public entities are to provide #he fullest assistance ta requestors and take the most timely possible action in respondrng to requests. En#ities tha# do not accept publtc records requests electranicaGky may want to reassess this position, as it appears to conflict with the spirit af the Act and Attorney General's Office's model rules. Public eritities should consider establishirig an e-mail address dedicated to public records requests and proOde that address an #heir +Neb sites. During our audi#, we nated some entities are using filters ta trap Lknwanted e-ma<<s. One vvay to avoid issues with e-rnail being filtered is the use of aWeb farm to be used for making records requests, See Finding 2 for additianal discussion of this element. 36 ~ - . . . - - - - ~ 1Nashington State Atrditor's Office Performa nae Audit Repo rt I a Open NPblit Records Pra [fi[es at 30 o++ern nfent EPI[ities - Repor[ 61000011 ' E ~ iC-opying charges. For errti#ies with establish~ed poficies on charges for copies I ~ of public records should consider establishft a de minimis copy Policy, which states #hat if it costs more to charge requestors for recards tMan it costs to ~ rej)roduce the records, the entity wilf waive copying charges_ Vti+e estimate the , cost of processing copy tee payrnents by an entity at approximately $4 just for 4 labor_ This estirnate is based an #he assumptiorr tnat it takes appraxima#ely 20 rrtinutes for an emplGyee, avefaging an hOuriy pay ratE Of appfOximately $12 - I $14, #o make capies. Therefore charging for copies for amounts totaling less #han the $4 wouJd b~ e less costly to the enfit if the co i based on these assumptior,s. Entities are ~ ~Y ~ees w~re waived~ 2ncour aged to assess their costs in I pracessing pa}+ments and deveJotheir ow ~ n threshald s as costs and #ime can dif{er from one entity to anather_ I ' We prepared a simple analysis for determining when it is more cost effective to . waive copying charges far small records requests. RCW 42.56.120 perrnits an agency ta charge a rnaxrmum of 15 cents per ; page unless that agency has established and publrshed the actual cos#s af copying. In the event the agency determines its own fee rate, the law stipulates that i# may Pot include amounts for "iocating public documents and ' making them available for copyirrg." a' fVineteen of #he 30 entities charged far records in at least one instance. Because 15 of these 19 (79 percenf) charged the standard 13 cents per page, i we opted to use this ra te for our ana lysis, ' i We estrmate it takes roughly 20 minutes of empioyee time to rePar 4 P e and mail ~ an invaice and to receRpt and record the subsequent payment. Develaping a conservative estimate, we used an hourly rate of $12.63 determined by ~ ~ averaging the middle ranges (steps F and G) for an Office Assistant 1($11,91 ~ and $12.18, respectively) and a Fiscal Technician 1 ($13.06 and $23.36, i respectivel}r) as shawn on the state°s Departmen# af Persannel website. ; ! The break-even calculation is shown as folfows: I i ~ 8 reak-even based on the nu rr}ber- of pages provided (at $0 .15 re r coPy): ~ ~ ~ $0.1 5x = $12_63 x {20 minutes - 60 minutes) ~ I x 28 pages ~ I f j . Determining #he casts associates with rocessin , ~ g payment for capies charged ; by entities in establishing a"break-even" point: ~ ; x=$12;63 x(20 rriinutes ~ 60 minutes) I ; ~ - - - -x - $4,21 C ; i ] ; CanclusiGn: This analysis implies that it is inefficient ta charge requestars far i j requests of fewer tnarr 28 pages wherr Lising the standard 15 cents per page, I Further, if #otaI f e e s sought are les s than $4,22, the costs as sociafed wi#h 'G pracessing the payrnent aJo ne wiN likely rrot be recovered by th e fees co llected, ~ 'a , I I 37 Washin ytnn State kuditWs Offiae Perfa rtnitn[e Audit Repart ~ Opcn Pvblk Fle+oards Practices 3t 30 G owetn n1e14# En0cs - Repart 4 1004U 11 ~ • Using the wnstallment method far large public records requests. She in#ent o# the ~ installment methad is to allow an entity to respand to requests withaut adversely impacting its operations. ~ In 2005, the Legislature authorized agencies ta ask requestars to pay deposits ~ on copying charges and to respond to records requests in instaGlments_ Fat ~ large records reques#s, a public entity may require a deposit of not more than 10 percent af the estimated cast of providing copies. If a public entity makes ~ a request available in installments, the en#ity may charge for each part of the request as it is provided_ If an installment is not cjaimed or revaewed, the public ~ en#ity is not obligated to fulfill the balance of the request. When considerir,g using the installment rnethod, the entity should seek clarificatian from the requestor ~ because the information the requestor is seeking may not require the valurrNe of records originally requested. However, in any event, the enti#y should provide the ~ records in #he most timely pGssible manner. ~ •Cornmunica#e the appeals process for records denials. If a public records request is denied or the requestor believes recor~s were improperly redacted, it is impor#ant the entity provide the requestor Gnformation about the appeal pracess ~ available that vvould allow for an independent assessment of the denial. From our analysis af the responses to our unannounced records requests and in our ~ intervievvs, we noted that some entities, as a matter of policy, do not infarm #he requestor of their rights to appeal if a request is denied. The table below details ~ those entities wha communicated the appeals process ta the requestor in their respanse. ~ i Documentirrg the requesk process, It is important far entities to set ui) a system ~ to create a record of #he request. 1n the event a denied request is litigated, ~ docurneriting the pracess provides apaper trail of what happened with the request. See finding 1 for #he entities who told us they 52nt information but did ~ nat keep a record of the communkcatian, ~ Other best practices observed at the entities during the audit are presented below- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 38 ~ r r Washing#on 5xaxc Aw di[nes flfl5ce Pertarma rece Audit ftepa rt i Open PuNi[ Records Fracticex at 30 Government Enrirics Repo rt N 1000011 Best Practice Counties that Ci#ies #hat State i Description demonstrated demonstrated agencies that best pras:#ices best practices demons#rated I identified identified bes# practices ~ (nurnber of (nurnber of identified occurrences occurrences (number of observed) abserved) occurrences observed) Aclcnowledgernerrt King County i71 City of Sea#tle (1) Dept. of Revenue f$1 , and respanse 44ere Pierce County (1) City of Spokane ~6} Office of the 'concurrerit Snohomish County City af Tacama (3) Insurance (3) City of Vancouver i61 Cornmissioner {6} Spokane County f61 City of Bellevue f51 bep#_ of Sacial and ' Clarlc County {7} City of Everett f61 Health Services (6) I Kitsap County {6~ Ciky of Spakar+e Dept. of Labar and i Yakirna County {5} Valley f51 Industries (2) Thurston County {5} City of Fetferal Way Washingtan State Whatcom County (1) i31 Patrol {4} ! Benton County (6} City of I{ent (1) Dep#. of General City of Yakima {5} Adrninistration (6) , Dept, of Correttions : {3~ WdShing#on State Lattery f71 Office of finanCial ~ M8n~gt~men# (4) , Washing#on Stat2 Iovestment Board {5} . Acknowledgemen# King County ( 1) City of Tacoma (1) ' inforrried req4restor Pierce County {6) City of Federal Way reque~,t was being Snok}omish County (3) ' forw~rded for further (4) ~ ' action. Thurstan County {2} ~ UUhatcom County (6) Senton County i11 Capy tees were }Cing County {2} City of Yakima (3) Dept, of Sacial and ~ explicitly waived in Spokane County 0 Health Services {2} the respanse. 7hurstan County (1) Washington State a 4Vhatcom County (1) Investment Baard {1} Enfty rr7et estirnated Kiiig County (2) City of Spalcane (1) Office of the ; #Rme frame Snohomish County City af Tacama (1) Insur~nce , } provided in their (4) City of Vancouver (4) Commissioner ~31 I initial response for Spakane County {2~ City of 8ellevue (4) Dept, of Sacia4 and ~ providing recards Clark County (1) City of Everetk (1) Mealth Services {3} ' 1{itsap County (1) City of Federal Way Dept. of Labor ond 4Vha#cum County {b} {3} Industries f51 Bentorr County {2) City of }Cent (7) Washington Sta#e ~ City of Yakirrra (2) Patral;5} ~ ~ Qffice of Finantial ~ Mdnagement (5) ~ Washington State ' Invest,rnent Board {3} ; Entity responded with King Ci:punty (2) Co of Seattle i21 Dept, of Reven4re f1~ I ~ ~ a web page reterral Snohamish County C i#y of Spokane (1) Dept, of Social and - ~ ; in5tead of capied (1) City of Bellevue (1) Heal#h Services (2) ' documents_ Ciky of Spokane Dept, of Corrections I~ Valley{2} (1) City of Federal 41+ay Office of Financial i' ~ ~ 1 } M~n,~gem2nt {2} , 39 Washington State Auditiarrs 4ffice PertarmanceAudit Rep art ~ Open Publi[ Re[ords Pra [tices at 30 Garernment Entities - Repart f[1O00011 i Best Practice Counties that Cities tfiat State Description demonstra#ed dernons#rated agencies tha# ~ best prac#ices best practices demons#rated iden#ified identified best practices ~ (number of (number of identified occurrences occurrences (number of ~ observed) observed) occurrences observed) Respor+se Exceeded King Coun#y {3} Ci#y of Spokane (1) Dept. of Revenue (2) Expectatians Pierce County (1) City of Tacama (1) Dept, of Social and ~ S pokane C ounty {21 Ciky of Van~ouver (1) Heal#h Services (1) Kitsap Caun#y (l) Ci#y o# Bellevue ~1) Qep#, of Labor and ~ Thurstan Caunty {1} Industries f2? Benton Caunty f31 Dept, of General ~ Adrni n i stration ~l1 Office of Finaflcial ~ N7anagement (1) Washington State Investmerit Board (l) Customer Service - King County (1) City of Spakane ~ Followi.,p explicily Valley { 1 ~ . to ensure records ~ previou5ly provided or records proposed ~ ta be pravided are acceptable to the reques#ar Carrespondence i{ing Count}+ M City of Spolcane f11 Dept, of Carrections ~ pravided excellent Sni~homish Cciunty City of Tacorna f11 {1} detail of trie status of (3) City of Spokane the repuest to assure Spokane County {1} Valley (1) ~ requestor khe reque5k Yakime County fll City o# Yakima {1} was being given the Thurston County U1 ~ highesk priority Bentan Caunty {11 Receip# wa5 provided King County (1) Ci#y e# Tacoma (1) ~ ta shaw payrnent Pierce County (2) City of Spokane (1) a# copy fees was Snohami5h Coun#y Ci#y o# Bellevue (1) ~ received, {1} Ci#yof Spokane Kitsap CoKinty {2} Valley {1} .j Whatcom Couiity (1) City of Federal 4Vay {2} ~ City of }tent (1) Response pravided Kitsap County (1) Dept. o# Social and ~ process for Nealth Services (2) appealing redactiens Oept, of Laber and ~ in the records Industries (1) provided_ Dept_ of Corri~ctions • ~1} Entity uses an Thurstan County City of Kent Dept, of Revenue ~ Qn-Line Form for reques#ors to use ~ ta subrni# requests on-line, ~ Errtity uses a touch i{itsap Caunty screen in lobby #e # direct the public ta where to obtain ~ public records ~ 40 ~ Washingtan 5#a#e Aud itars Oiftre periorman ee Aud it Repprt Open Vuh lii Records Prat[i[e5 at 30 C ouern men# Enkikies - Repors o1 QQ{1011 Best Practice Counties tha# Cities that State Descr,ption dernonstrated demonstrated agencies that best practices best practices demonstrated = t identified identified best practices (number of (number of iden#ified - occurrences occurrences (nurnber of nhsenred) nbserved) accurrences observed) Entity provided 4Vhatcom County (l) City of Bellevue ~31 Dept. of Social and reque5kor optians Ciky of FederaC Way Health Services {1} in the format of (1) Washington Ska#e the records to be Lottery (1) prouidi~d. Entity provided copy Pierce County f31 City of Spokar+e f2l Gffici~ of #he of original request Snohpmish Courrty City of Tacorna (2) Inaurance with response. (1) City of Varrcouver {2~ Commissioner f11 Spokane County (1) City of Bellevue {1} Dept, of Social and -,w Clark County f71 Ci#y of Everett {2} Heal#h Services f41 Kitsap Courrky (1) City of Spokane Dept, of Labar and _ n Thurston CoUnf}+ (1) Valley {1} Indmtries {1} Nnton County (3) Ci#y of Federal 4Vay Dept. of General (1) Administration {3) City of Yakima (2) Dept. of Corrections M Entity provided King County (1) City of Voncouver f11 Dep# of Revenue M - detailed summary Spokani~ County (3) City of Fedeeal Way Dep# of Labor and of #he documerrts f2? Industries i11 pravided in respanse. City of Yakirria {1} Washington State ` InveStment Board (1) Entity providf~d Pierce County {1) City of 8ellevue {1} Vs+ashington State aptrons of ditferent City of Spokane Patrol (1) - ri~cords avaFlable to Vailey {1} ' ensure the repuestor obtains exactly what - - they are 1ooking far_ Explanation provides kCing County ~4} Cify of Spekane (3) Dept_ of Revenue f61 entity's rationale Pierce Coun#y ~21 City of Tacarrra f61 Dep#, of Labor and describing fiow the Snohomish County City of Vancouver f41 Industries fll resp(~nse pravided is i21 City of Bellevue f21 Dept, of General consistentwith the SpOkann County f21 City o4 Everett (1) Administration {5} letter of the reQuest, Clark County (2} City of Spakane Washing#an State Yalcima County (l) Valley i31 Lottery f11 Thurston Coun#y {2} City of Federal Way Washingkon State Bentan County f11 (1) Investment Board M , City of lfakima (1) Response providf~s Kiiig Coun#y {2} City of Everett (1) Oept. of ftevf~nue (1) detail of entity's Prerce County {1} Dept, of Ger+eral program to infarm Spolcane County (1) Adrt7inistration (1) the requestar and Kitsap Caunty (1) 4Vashington State establish a basis far 4VhMcam Count}+ (1} Investrnent 8oartf i11 expectation o# the ' records provided, 41 Washing#an 5#a#e Aud ikaVs Uifiae PerFortna nce ALidit Repurt ~ Upen PubEic Reao-rds PractEces a[ 30 Gowmmem EpG«tfes- Repart 9 1000411 ~ Best Prac#ice Counties that Ci#ies #ha# State Description demonstra#ed demonstrated agencies that ~ best practices best practices demonstrated identifeed identified best practices ~ (number of inurnber of identified occurrences occurrences (number of ~ observed) observed) accurrences observed) ~ Entity restakes khe King County {7} City of Seattle (7) Dept, of ftevenue f81 ~ letter a# #he request Pierce County {S} City of Spakane ~51 ~ffice of the in their respanse. Snohomish County City of Tacama ~51 Iflsurance (8) City of Vancouver (8) Commissioner (4) ~ Spokane County (5) City of Bellevue (8) Dept, of Social and Kitsap County (5) Ciky of EverfAk i51 Heal#h Services f91 ~ YaStima County (2) City of Spcikane Qept, of Lahar and Thurstan Caunfy (2) Valley (6) Industries (7) ~ Whatcorn Courrty {3} City o# Federal Way Washingkon State Bentan Caunty (5) (6) Patrol {9} ~ CGty of Kent ~71 Dept. of General Cr#y of Yakima (3) Administratioii N ~ Dept, of Corrections ~ Washing#pn Stake ~ Lottery (6) Ofhce of Financial ~ Management (1) Washingtan State ~ Investment Board (8) . Signed affidavit City of 1{errt (1) Washington State ~ trem the Requestar Patml {2} ackni~%wledging the ~ doCUments provided 441II not hE IJSBd for c(~imrnercial purpases_ ~ Enti#y nurnbered Dept at Corrections the pages provided (I1 ~ to ensure all pages were provided in ~ response, En#ity included City of Yakima Q} reasan for redaction5 directly an #he copies where each redaction was applied, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 42 'MKashingxan Statt &edleor'~ Olke PrrfiQemmm Andlt lRWrt {1pmWo41k Rtcord0rarl ir,pis at 3oGuwmmenf fncrt~es -R"Gj f 1[i4l}G71 Appendix A - Resuits by County and Responses About King County With a population of rnore thari 1.8 million Pec;;ple. King County is the eraos# popolrius couii7ty in U1+ashrngtorr and the 12th most populaus Fn ttre United States, The Couraty Cauncil is the poiicy making bady of the County. The Coun;ckl has nine elec#ed merrlbers who serve full tirrre, The County`s ptabMlc records process is decentraiized. The Cvijnty has at Ieast one public record3 nMcer fcar each department. The CGunty relies on indiwiduai departmerits to process aiid respond to their own requesks. The folfowing departments ar offices were included in our audit, ~ Human Resource5 Depattrnent County Executive's Office ~ Departmeeit of Transpot#atoon i Fanance and Business Operations Sheriff"5 Office iOffice a# B«siness ReIations and Econarnic aeuelopment Conforrning responses tn the initial request -9 ou# of 10 Requests King County Responsiveness to 10 RequeS#s ~ Sufi'icient respQnse received ~Request nvt reeeived by the entity's Public Recards Officer ~ Entity directed requestoz ta resu bmit the request to another department E Entity respvnse was drafted ar issued, within the enticY but not reeeived by the requestor ~ I 43 ~ Washinoon 5tijte AudkuY% Ofi(a Perform;ect lLUdit Repart ~ Qpeo F'«hU Rr•tords Pn Mr.es ai 3(? Gnvemmezrr FAPiPies Report 0 101]{,Hi1 ~ Respons9weness T 10 Reques#s -Cornpareti to Atirer,3ge for Coun#ies King County Response tlme versus s++erage fr.r cauntt" ;Bmw .l rrn icspan;, [o enl9iLiP r~~u_".f lur rtcurdi 1 40 ~ 35 30 ~ 25 ~ ~ ~ . i ~ 20 ~ 15 ~ 1 ~ 11; a ~ ; " 5 ~ u 0 ~ '-ln If rK'N-.~r M+trr 'AilaM Fm~ {m i'Frre- `:eaiir ..~ii. r • . Y ,~;.,I r .:'r~ , _ . , p. ~wna[,wri iujryr., .'nrivu ..I-it.xo n., raH, ~ m.~~rri. hawl Hv~mp~u'~ur C~~en:r i1dF.b •.:I -.hub~i7~ardL RNLieSt DPscription ilut6.nusx iirys tu arhtslm rwmrd ~Akueraqe bumnnua deys faar mll couo.[4ce 4e 44 ~ Washingtpn Sta#p Aud i#ar's OiFrrn Perfarman ce Au4 i# Rpport Qpen Puhlit Recprds Prxfices a[ 30 G pvern ment Entities - Report fi1040011 ~ JCing Courrty's Response i I I ~ . L-9 ' ; Kirtg Courtty ~ i Ran SimS , ~ King CourYCy Executive 701 Flfth Avenue, Sulte 32 Sp , SeattlP, WA 90104 , 206=29"040 F3x 206-296-4194 i 7'T'Y RL15y; 711 , ' wwt4-kMg 4ounty, gav I ~ i Ii ApI'!l 22, 2008 B118fl $Unntag, ~~~ate Alld1tOP Washington State Auditor's Olizce I~ Sunset BIdg., 32{}0 Cagitol Bldg- P. O. Box 40031 ' Olympia, WA 9$5 04-003 1 . F~'; King County response Eo Perfannance Audit of Public Recards Requests Deae Mr, Sonntag= ' '1'hank you for the opportunity to rev3ew. yottr draft audit report on perform ancc~ in pTOViding public records to citizens. J. would like to tharlc you and yaur staf£ for taking the time to ~ examine this issue with so many local governmcnts in Washiitgton State_ TCing Caunty is fully ' cammirted to transparency in government and we have worked extremely hr►rd oh our publia disclosure program during the pa.st several years_ The At[orney General's Modcl Ru1es an ; public dtsclosure have been $pplicd aIrnost in #heir entirety to 'ki ng County's public disclosurc , resporsc pmtocol. Thaak yau For acknbwledging our accomplishmcn ts in the Hest Yractices ~ porEian ef ydar draft eeport. ~ We noted an pag;,e 46 of you e report that iCing County is not listed among the enti#ses using a I centralized manitoring system. Although nvt a II of King County's separately elacted affices ~ Mnve adopted [Ite, execu#ive branch ceniralizGd tracking system {the Public Disclosure Tracker}, I this system is currently be ing used by both the executive branch and District Court_ King - I County I.$bnr Relations has also adopted the t=ker for monitoring recorcls requests ftled tuider i ?,CW 41,56, C'allectiveBargaining. Fui#hermare, King County's Publ3c Disclosure Tracker has I 9 I pmved sa successful that bath thez Wash ingtan Attorney C'icncral and the Port of'Cacom a havc s signed liceosing agreements and King Caunty has providcd the; tracker ta these agencies fvr ~ their own use free ofcharge, 4 I 1 I I xeag L'oAMy !s ua EpRd OppOrtuaelyl.{JfirmRtJve A[tiUn Empfoyar i 43+i d [omplie4r wR+h +hf,qmtrica&s w+fh D+s42bHilrcj A qt i ~ i ~ I 45 I VJashfngtan State Audltar~i Oifice Performance AudFt Repnrt ~ Open Public Recards Practicesa[ 34 Gnuemment Entitits- Report 9 1000Q11 ~ . ~ Brian Sonntag Apri! 22, 2008 ~ Page 2 ' A[Cached are responses to each of`the findings and recommmdazions addressed to King County. ~ If you have questiDnS abouC the responses p1eaSe COnt&CC Pauia Adams, County Public Disclosure Officer, at 206-296-4223, or Internal Audit Maiiager David Lawson, at ~ 206-205-07$0. rely, 3 o~ irr~s Kitig County Executive ~ Attachmmt: Responses to Finding and Recnrninendatians ~ cc: King County Coeutcil Ivlcmbets ~ King County Elec#ed Officials ~ TCing County Department Dir"tors [{urt Tnp[et, C hie.f of S laff, 0#'f'ice of tlie King Counly Executive ~ Cheryfe Braorn, Y{.ing County Auditor Paula Adams, King County Publ4c DESClosure Officer, Department nfExecutive Services ~ ' David Lawson, l+lanager, Exccutive Audit Services ~ ~ ! . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ i '.I J~ ~-y {y T1J 1 41 r - - Washingtnn State Auditoes Office Ferformanae Audit Repart Ope+s P0Id[ R2cords Fra C[iCe3 at 30 fpwerAment ~q6Ei25 ~ Reppct g 1040471 ;i Kin a Count °s ~ Res nnse to State Auditor Findin sahd Recom#riendali(ir1S ~Entities Performa nte in Ptlovidin Publi c Ftecqrds ta Citizeus Finding l: 'Z'hirty-[wo of 300 unaanounced gublic records requests (11 percent) were ~ considerecE non-responsive. An additional soven responses (2 percen#) were either nonL;anforrning or incnmplete, Kin Cotintv directed oite requestor to another branch of ~ Coun#y govern ment . i i ~ Recommeudatinn: Refrain from redirecting reqtleslors #o another department with in llye same i~ntity or rcquinng req uestars to initiate a new reques# wiiltjn the same entitJ' - i Cnunt Res (ins P. YCing COUZity goverririlent cDns]SCS Ofsix Sep&rate eleC[ed affiCeS, , Althaugh these atfices comrowucate eft'ectively about public disclasure requests , involvirtg more tharf one separa#ely-elected office, #he Executive cannot direct other i elected nfficials an rnatLCrs af tlieir aciministrative operstions. However, procedures have been estabGshed to coordinate respanses ta request for records. When a King CounEy agericy responds tcs a recorcis reques# involving rnore than one separately-elected off~ce, it informs the requestorin wriking that i[ is tespanding an behalF of its brancb of I . governTrtent, Agrncies atso no[ify the requestar 3n writing i#' other separatrly-cIected ; o#fices could have rtesponsiv~ rocords snct provide apprognate staffcontact infarmatiort to assist requestors io obtaining in#"ormation, We aiso notify the affected separately- - , elected office so thaE they can anti6pate the request. ~ ' F3nding 4: Sorne entities pmviderl the requestc:d public records in a less timely martner than their peers. Forry-six responses from 19 enttties included charges for copying fees. En#ities that provided copies with a bill for copy fees re~ponded ta their requests faster ; than entitie~ that pravided recards after receiviag payrnents from the eequestor, Entitics ~ that requ3red payrnent before sertcling out Ch e records did have the rcoords avai Iabte far I inspection prior Co Y2lease to the requestor. Nline entiEies, irtcludirg one King Cowify ri~spoose, witlxheld records pe~nding paymeat of the copy fees_ I ~ RecammendatiorK: Entities rcview tlyeir public ri~cords request process to idcntify and ~ elirninate thase elements that may deiay groviding records. Specifically, that entities ~consider waiving copy charges fot small records requcsts. r Cnun#v Resqnnse: King County routinely requires paysnent For record5 prior to - relusing tMerrr to the custody of the requestar_ T'his is autliorized under RCV4' 42_56. However, Ki Coun Iw as ives tk~e reque ~ ~ ~Y ~ Y~ stor the fuether ophan ofrcviewing thc ~ records free ofcharge within a cotinty facxliky as required in 42.56_ We are committed to quatity custoFner service in the context o#' public disciosure. While the no-cost aiternative I~ is required by statute, we also feel it is {znportant from x customcr service standgvint, I . 7 Requiring payment prior to physically releasing the recards can be irnpart$nt lo i ~ government.s when responding to requests that are cxtrc:mely large andlor valuminaus, ' Although goveraments Pan no longer dcny a request for betng overiy braad, the Attomey i General's Mcrdel Rules penrut goverttments to respond in hatcN~s and secure payment far 1 anY given batch beforc producing subsequent batcaes. This enables governtnents to , I ef~'icient3y utilize staff resources assigned #o public disclasure, snd aIso gusrcis against a I Fninority oF requests designed to haras.s or abuse government s#aff. j ~ ~ K3ng County often waives copying fees for rccords prnductions that coristitute only a few ~ pages of rnaterial_ ~ r ~ ' 47 I Wsshlngtun 5tate AVediRoes Offiet Pwkrmancr iiudUt Repart ~ Dprn F'i€hlrr ArtinFEf a Ptdt711rtai W~mormfnent Fn9ioip,~ - Rai;WrT C11101 ll [ About Plerce County ~ ~ Pierce County serves approximateiy 790,504 resideittse Ttie elected, seven-rnerrrber ~ County Council tls t.he poIRry-settirig MegislAue body of the Courjty. The Counfiy's public records process fs decentralozecl. The County has at Ieast orip- pubPic records officer for each department. The County relies an tfiQ 4ildtvfdu3f ~ departments to process and r+espond to requests received The foa9owing departments or affices were included in our audit: ~ ■ Publ€c V4+or4s - Transportation Services * Hurndn Resaurces Departrrient • Budget and Finance Department ~ * County Cx~cLitcve's Offi~~ 0 Sheriff's Of ~icp Conforming responses to the ini#ial request - 9 ou# of 10 Requests ~ ~ P"ier~ce County ~ Respvrtsiveness ta 10 Requests ~ ~ ~ - I~ ~ ~ ~ Sufficien~ ~~spcrnse received ~ Request not received by the entity's ~ Pu61ic Records Oflicer ' Entity +di rected requestnr tv re su bm it ~ the request to ano#her department ~Entiky responsewas draFt+ed or issued, within the entity but not rereived by the requestor ~Entity did not correctly process the EntMty respon+ded with incornrptete ar ~ request, no response :eceived insufficient records ~ Entity did nox atcep1: the format of the request ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 48 . Washlrxg[um 3Eaee Auslitnes 1lfficc Perfatnazuw AA3lit Repn OpeR PrMlIrc Rmtdi Ptac&es at 39 (iowernmenr lnrirdrs - Reprrn timU[111 Respo nsiveness - 10 Requests -Compa red to likverage for Couraties Piel'ce Coun#y Respcsnse time versus avei'age fcar [c►un#ies ;~siri Ori !Usrrt]nsz to irtiii,;l rNqUe-,t !ar oKnrti~l 40 35 30 ~ +f'~ ~{J 65 4 r 20 ~ ~ 14 m 1 5 a 1-7 1 fa ~ 10 ~ ~ 6. 6 ~ - 6 7 ~ (3 0 s~~ww 2a}!.==p5 Is.~:.. ,~~r,Y Ira-~tl bfay:`i}lo .~.,i.~„:~ ~nl.irrnr7nvi :ni,r~,~PS[dte f~r~~~i:,laa PFar~r - NJraesmr~:s riu~lx~l +lcvi..hrr. r.'nllYh,7na -4vi.ds fartin,..d.KI., Trs:^al 4~;err~Gr.,~r,;n Cryrce2ornr P',sl~iy T'aid irrx*:xce Gucciurrra'_r 4kydrdi . Eillqlu'F'ef L1N~. Request Des[riptean FluSJriass efmys Eo ithtaYn rrsard ~ Averaye bu stlne-s% d;aiys ia r all i auneWa . I, I ~ 49 Washingtan State Audita r's Oifice Performanre Aadik Repvrt ~ Open Publi€ Reaards Practi[esa[ 30 6oveu7roent Entitfes- Repof# 91000411 ~ Pierce County's Re5ponse ~ Pierce Ciaun.ty ~ Budget and Finonce Dopartmont RATRIGK KENNEY dirUGlor ~ Gi5 Snuth 9th 8Ereel, SusEa ip4 Tacoma. Washingkon U4054673 (253) 799-7A50 - FAx (253) 70a-6699 ~ i A Fri129, 2008 Ne3torlNewn,v11, Audit Mianager ~ Wasliiitigtoii Sv-ae Auditor's Officc Perfonnance Audit ~ 1616 Co rnwall Avenue, S uite 107 f3e11inglixrn, WA 98225 ~ SEN"f VIA 6MAIL & US POSI'AL SE fLVlCE ~ Dvar Mr. NCwmzi11= I "]'hank you For the upportkknity Ea respond io iha PCrI'Orm3iiGe Ai1dlk Drzifl ReporE r~.gxrt3ing publlC ~ reco rds rcques rs. Pierce C 0 4Mnty's respon se to the FlRd ]ilgS 811d SLIp p [e111e k1ta 1 ini-onnat i o n is as VlOwS: + 1 Poge 19 - The iable tr`llcd C,'oncfrlrons b y Lwrry iCIEnltfieS PierCe coxrnfy as 007 erarly iIlol dQ nrJf rrccepl rhefornaai aj'a reqtresr (e-Fnurf). Yage 22 -Reqtrest,s noi occegfed c}rrc i aformrxl c+f ~ .kubmrllal. . ~ Comrnk~nt= F'ierce C:nun(y departments fegularly receivc xnd process public rccords- rvclues[s via e- ~ maiE. it is iiicorrect and misie3ding to sEaie that Pierce Cotanry docs not ac;ccpt recItIests in thiL, fo rmxi. AS nOte d 111 th c a k1{Iit rCpOft, il couYd nut be. d ctermined Why L he c - n,ail ~ requesi w8S noi reCeiYed From tl]eaudilor-_ ~ l'uge 2 7 - C'onrlrrrorr .sfares... "erai U ras s-»rarf filiers {rrevenrc-d rhernfi-onr receav+:fg d7e record.s requesr serar by SAC7,,,,, j Comment: { As previously nored, thc auditors and tlie Caumy wero unxbE4; to [}etennille xvhy the e- mail requt~it WaM not r4.ceiVed. PierCe C:oilnt-y dep37Tt.meTS4s regullirly reccive and proccss ~ pubGac record-, reques(s via e-mai!_ The County does acconin,ndati! variciy ot'request Iofi7lats and pravidcS thC p4iblic witli thc fililles[ assastance. I !'age 3 f- N[,te f vwes "}'iercc Co aanly prrrdrrce[I oyi e=rn[rii seiri on }!f ll2 007 fhar 16-[rN n 0 f I rr:cea vec! by rije reqaresror. Ca+asiclera; ron of rhw e-,r:rrrf w(rulr} have resrrired rri a respon,tie prrrurdecf rn 16 b arsiness !IC{VS, x fareE IJPSSrfiJeSS dRyS le.s.s lhan whcrf ri+e OGSErveCI. fyommenl: Thc. email in [IueSliorl w8s sent to [lle rCi{ueskol` to ComI1lvniCav, tht uost ftnd availabilii}' oF rccords. Fur ti nknown o-easans, t h e emaiG resl) onse was noE rc c~.ived by she requestor. Tiiraughotit tI,e dratt repoet there is an emphasis cncoursging ihe a,se o#'e-maif in processin g records, As a standard practice, Pierce Couniy scccpts a nd responds to reuerds requests received via e-rrkail, ]n Finding I, r.he repoet conclUde:s tktc CuuntY Aerountin g - f3udyq! Hmrenua • Genoral S.ervioes F'Lutl7ASihy • FleeL ~ i~reti ~ ~~efae ps~m 5c) F--~ - - , - - 1NashfngUn StateAUda#or's Office Perfurmance i{udit Repprt Opcn Pubfi€ Rea4rds prMlIes aFH Governmen[ €ntities- Repor[ t10o0p11 wa5 rkon-res}7oijsive to an e-tt18i 1 request sertt by the t7udtCOrs, fn Fikiding 4, the auditors appsrently [iid no[ rcceive an e-maal reply 3ent by the Co4eniy ai7d Chs[ is aJso irea[td as non-rcsponsive Rn tMke audir report. ' P62ge 140 0jW1 ff r•e/rorf (ApPer7dr'_r - C) perrrfl ResufeS) clescrtb es cr 4vcr{k -fn ret{uesY "70dB !u I'rerce CouWy Humarr }2esources.0epcarrrnerrt_ I Corn men r: ~ Thc repor# sl'ates tlic reque~,t tiDok an hotMr to FulfiIl and implies tl7at the requestor was ~I i nteracting with 1`1 urrian Resources stafffor this I erygth nftini e, 'f'FMc report alsa stale& "tli e entity's s[aff asked seviceal ques[ivns borcEt~ring (in contcntiQtPs befc)re ageecing to pravide I C>>e reCOrd." Based on iiiformalioii supplied by $AO, the requestor initiafly wc;nt to tl3e offiice of another slepartincnt ia7 a difTerent building tv rn21k[; the re[Eue-S[. Appareiltly the requeslOr Ekad difficulty lacating tfic Hmmark ftesokarccs Depariment offica.s bLit tlie entire elapsec3 pcriod is used iMi the calcLrlation of length oftime rec7uired ro obtain the record. in fact, e~Lcordiiig tb Hurnan Resourccs Departrnent sraff, the auditorlreyucstor was actually in tl7eir oCFice for 15 rninUtes ai' les*, ~ I~ The individtixl making l'hf~ walic-in a'ecILIes# to 1-lurrkan Resources did not usc specific ' termino lagy such as pt,blic recoeds re:qti est or public cirsclosurc. The depa rt inen t stahandling [hc request has explained [hal _51he Wiis iryinp, Co detern3iioe whether or not [he , requcstoe wns an employce ofPicrce County and inay be in need oF I'urthei' assis[ance beyond t.he policy docurnent itself, [f ehe- requestor was an ernplayec de;sling with a j haYaSSmeryC SituatiOfl, the sCaff person woufrl have advised [he individuaC of several f aptiorks, i.e_, cooiixct kvitll a prciFessional s[aff pcrsokl in ihe HuiYian Resotarce af-fice, ' referral to the E;A]' program, etc. I ; . 1`hc sCaCed oblective of tl7e Public RewrtJs Perfoernance ,qLrdit is CO dcrerniine 13ow a effectivC eaclti F:ntity i5 a[ rCSpandirig to reqkles[s in a prornpt and cooperative rnanner. The draft atadii rcport emphaqizes custoi'ner service in the stateinents of findings, I~ ~ co,lditions, and beyt praC[iLES. ThC Siiu~Rloil LICSCr1bCd ahOVe dOeS nOt i'epi'OSCnt arI efrorC ~ io withlioGtl or obstruct ncccss to public records_ Rather the situation rt:flects a calirsioii I of policies and goo<I inkentions io pravicic the best pOSstble custorncr scrvice in aII circurnsiances whc[her a public recof[{s reqkiesi nr servioe #o an empinyee in ekced. i ~`l'hank you again for lhe opportmiity rcr provide s eesponse to the drat} repart. JfyoLi have, any ; quws#ions or wiwll tb discuss ehese comrnents, pJcase coillact n1e at {253} 74$-755G qr via c-p3,ail at I , kk~~x[in~cn.pi~rce_w€r,ti~_ i I , KaYhryn A. l4eatiiyg, ~ AGODUnting Msnager ! i E3elsy Sawyets, Hurrtan Resources Direc~lor r ~ Yaul Paskor, PierCe Cou~ SheriF~ I , cc: Jol7n L2ac~enhurg, Pierce C:crunty Lx~;cutive CY 1,yIe Quas'rw, Chief of Staff Skap StanSbury, Spccial Assigta~it to the Counly Executive Ton}r Tipton, Public Works Supporl Services kManager - 14 Terry Lee, C hair, P ierce Count Couiyc- ~I A u deey Hotistoii, Public Works Recc r[}s S pec i a list i I `Sha%.vn 8unney, Picrte County Counc.il Rob WiIlis, Public Works Admirtistrative SeTVices Mant'~,~er C$lvin Goings, !'ierce County Council Sue WahJberg, Hurnan Resources AdmiiyislTalive Assistant i ` kogcr Bush, Pieece County Council Craig Adains, Pierce Couniy Sheriff Legaf Counsel -Tirnothy ramell, I'icrce CouGxty Couilci] Malt Temmel, Performailce Atpdit Office ' Barbara C'ieiman, Pierce CO4int}+ Council Wiiliam Vetter, PerFormance Audit Office ~ ; Dick Mtiri, f'ierce County Coiincil Joe Sirnmons, SAO . Pattick iCeii riey, Bud gct and Fin;a nce Director Mnrk Rapozo, SAO Brian Ziugler, PubJic Works Director Tom Bernard, ~AQ ~ 5~ M1asWng[art Stttt 14u+diwrlj Office Pertornurr€t Audkt Rapm Open PUa)lN Eke~anas Pr6LTi~PiA 141 C,mrrnmfinl FiIrii IP-, - Zrpnrt 01 A(K)t1 i s About SnahomESh County SnohornG~h Caunty fiias a popLilation of approxarr,iitely 686,300, County uoteds eleck a five•member Caurtty CouncwC and a County Executive. The Couruty's pijbfic rccords process is centralized_ The {;ounty`s Public Records ~fficer is Iocated in the Departrnent of Irifofin-iation Ser-viceslTechnolagy Department. County departTnents have at 1eas1 ane pub]ic recvrd5 de5fgnee oe ~oordinator, The County rel~~~ oii department coordinators to pracess and resportd to requests. The foGlowing departmerrts or offices uuere included in nur audit: * Centralized I~forrnataon Desk (Clerk's Office) * Sheriff'~ Office Conforming r+esponses #o #he ini#ial reques# - 9 c►ut of 10 Requests Snohvm`ssh County Responsivenessto 10 Reques#s 4 ~ 0 L ~ Sufficient r+esponse re-ceived ~ Request not receiveci by the entity`s F'ublic Records Officer Entit}r direc#ed requestor to resubmit th+e request to another departrnent ~Entaty response was c3raftc-d or iss►ie€i, wirhin tfne entpty but nat received by the requestcrr Responsiveness -10 Requests -Campared to Average for Caunties Snohomish County Respon se tirne +►ersus a+rerage for counties :R,; ual r,ri iEipr-, n*Fi+.iril iwq;ic- :t Inr rer.irris! 40 r 35 ~ r~`c 30 - r~ 25 ~ 20 s~ 14nPamr wd in ; i L 15 14 .am~nwl,. ~ 10 ~s R z ~ E a { £ . I 7 z Q a 0 ~ • ~ ~ j ..-r+ iratNil,r:y ar,w ii " -Cn.iy..u -..n..i.i ..i•(-,,ne im~.;.r r-.,:• 5mur _fel ILvmi•r•ilclur.,.',~ ...i;;-harr . ,:,p.:. 'i^ ire:,.c^i.r.. Fcl-_, ='ad ...r... . . . 8usu+rssdayi9onbtsinrreard ~Awar~xynLasinussj ayrlnrsll..caunties ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ Vlaahirg4an 51atR JGudFnOs 4lfice Rtrfwminre Audit Rep4rt Open Publia Rrtcord5Prwke5et3436UWeMff1ent Entrties -Rrpart #N]4pOt1 SnohomisFa County's Response Snoharnish Counly ,Aaraa Reardkm 111f~~flor1 SerYRce3 CoLH'sty EA[&e1_itV0 WS 9709 3= Rackvfall4r R+rarrUm (425) 388-4349 Evwetr. WA 4SMM-4[}16 FAX (425) 3615-,~9W Apria 21. 200$ Mr, Nestor Newvrnart N9r. Thvmss Bemard State Auditoes Offics 1616 Comwall A4venug 5ufte 107 Beliingharn,1111A 98225 Re: PutiCac Disdasure Performancce ,4udit C3en#1ernen; Thenk yrou fnr khe opportuni#y to participate in this P'erformance Audik s#tttdy. Snahomesh CounKy bel~eves stranggy in the values tf governrnenl "nspatency, accauntablffty and respan~iveness, ancl we view the results of the study as e chan" to examine arad improve our public diaclosure qnxass+3s_ We vwciuld like t€a provfde the folJowfng addiiiOrial Eniarmation on speciiic issues on which Snoharrnfsh County was acored, ar1d address some [a4ncams we heae vAth particlr6ar areas crf the audit: 41 The first issue relates to #he r$cords request recetvod via U.S. MallP +n+h{ch indic:ateci €essWnse byr eitheF U.S. Mail or e-rna}I was ar.,ceptable. +U1fe respianded by e-mail, but the requeWar did not receive csur response. Nothbng coutd be ' kderi'tified on our end that would have preventoti ft e-rriail baing sen# pr rec€tivad. In .luly 2007, when asked by Aur}it Staff about ~ubject reHquest, we pmvided a oopy of our e-mailad raspcxnse sent January 9, 2007 #o bkarrne1tan@aol.[om. We suspect the e-mil may harre baen blocked at the requestor's and. s This issijo Is signifir-ant beoause it effects ti7e rrost vrsualiy prominen[ area of scvring In the report- Appendix A, creatfng an ovedy negative picture of a-ur responsiven+sss. AIlktough we resp€sndec# ap~~pri$kely to the request, factors vver wh'tch we have no cvntrol prevente,i t3le e-maiI firom being r+aceived. 53 1lra5hlmgton Stata Auditails Ekffice Parksnancie J4uidi# RepnrT l''~.;b:ir FIr-i; -nJs I'r.3wtic:.,, tt aIR','irjti•~mmPnr Erq1?'r•e_ - HPpon ~'•;i~lti`I i Mr, Nestor Alewrnan Pvblic Qisclosure Perfon`nartr,e Auciit Iti+lr. Thprrras Bernard fi►priC 21, 2008 Sfater Audftor's OWme . 1`he second issue reIates to our un#im-ely response to the request for Financiaa Officer Vacation Recofds. We ackr-tovwledga 'rt dW take too Iong t[~ ~roduce the respansive matetials. I#kely due to confusion ovet copy fees. We ha+re typically heGd resportsive dc>cum~nLs untiR oopy fe" have been receiued; however, Snohr}mish Gauntyr is currently conduciing an analysis of the publfc disc1osure request prvcess 1n eac[n department with vne goal being standardization+ Induding develvpirtg a consisterat kaiflirrrg pola~y for responsEw+e documents. The billing policy will ineAijde waivfng char~~s for a min}mal nurrrbef ta# paper copkes, as recommende# in the best praciice:s s4LK,,ttFOn of the audk. •The ihird isave ralates ta the request for Executi.ive Cell Pfnarae E~ecords, AUr #urtkter review i4 appears tMaz the red2wtion was a sirrpple masunders#anding on the part of the iredividual who prepared tha records, antf not an intendonal at#empt to auoid expEaining the redacted information_ The part of the record that was redacCed [fid not refate to the records reques# as it +vas rsutside of the dat~s rerquestsd. The records were produced in aUrnely manrier_ We +~ew the public disclosure process as cruclal to our a=untabllity_ Since the audit. we oontinUe tci make grvat prog~~n developing 1Do1s to heap ensure we proviide tmnsparen,cp that cffizeras must hawe for effectiva gover-nment. Our most sEgnificant new element is a centralizetl software tool to ensure all publec disclosure reques#s are cecor+def and morritareci. The techrrical specitications for this software apprication Mue completeti, and design is uneServway. We antidpate fuil impGamentatiom of thLs sys#em before the enci of ihis year. We continue to conduct monMy meetiNs of aur Public Diseinsure Commiktee trat includes parficipants from the offir-es fl# ali electetf off`tcials as ure11 as appcrFnted departrrtont dit`e+ctors. These rneeUngs include updates an leogislation and caurt decisions, discussion oF c.ase studies, guesf spegkees, instruction and a forum for Snohomlsh Cvuntyr'is Public Records t'}ffrer to remind €rur Public Recor~~ Sper„ialists of aur primary goa9 - transparent, acr.sountab4e anti responsive govemment. Si ncm r, ell y, arry kt r Dits+dorfPubiic Rewrds Officer cc: Rt~r N8urfta6er, Finan+:e f)areCtor 2 of2 54 ~I Wss"soe 54atie Jlkdlwt`i OMflcr PrrFonnanee Audit Rapart flpen RuUlit Nlwcards Fraarres az iD Govsrnnwni EntlfiCi - Re"r[ J If.ow 1 I A~out Spvkane Couri#y Spokane Cociriiy is lhe fourEh mosfi pepufcsus county in the 5tate, with an estirna#ed 451,200 residents. Tiie County's executive, ieg«lative and pviicymaking body is khe elected, three-member Board of ComrriissEpners. The CaUnty'~ pub4fc reeortfs process is centrafized. The Coun#Vs Publkc Ftecords +:~ffter is Iocateci in the Coun#y's ProsecuUng Attorney's Offrce. Eaeh departrrient has ' at iea5t ane public records coordinatot. The County relies on indiaridual departments to process and respond to requeaks. The foINowang departrrbents or offices were included Mn our audit; • Publ~c Recorcls Officer - Pfoser-uting A##arney"s Office • f-Iuman Restaurces Departrnent * Courity Ruditor's Office * Sher+ff's Office Conforming respnnses to the rnitial request - 9 out of 10 Requests 'Spokane County Respt►n3i+reness !cs 10 Requesis , . 0 Suff cient respanse reVPiVeci 0 Request not received by the erstilly's PILIbl9c Fte-ciGfdS OffiCef .0 Entity direc#ed ret[uestor to resubmit the request tv ano#her depa.ftrnent 0 Ent ity respon 5e was d raFted or issued, within the entity b,at not received by the requestnr Responsiveness 10 Requests - +~ompared to Average far Co+unties Spokane County liesponse tirne versu3 avexage for cuunfies i.n,:d -j n re5p-ninep rn,r.itial r~q i iecr ior ir~I nc951 40 - 35 d ~ 30 I ~ 25, ~ a~ ~y - °wh L0 I1~ tC 1 ~15 ~ ~ ~ - y 1t7 1t~ ~ ~ 10 - ~ _ - ~ ~ ~ a ~ I ' IL ' ~ - R. ~ Ll i] ~ I I I, I I ~ ~ " .u.i ]f~= lup. s lu~w I'..~ry i,+n=, ~S.y 3Qfrt ~~w,rrisouc ~ i"in_ F 114iaL`.ri4 Ili4f-1-l ~h11.;1~T i wlll9 cf.a, I1w_1n. 1. c-::rf I,- + . lillr I'*Ir:p ..I I.i- F'.. nwMr. i„i1:l.,- I'..s. i' Requet,E Description I I 13 1as1~11 tlrv+m ebt.ainrerrrA U ,4rfdagPliawm5ri3oY9rorillcowat~ _D "7' 11Ya.shing[on 5[ats 1luditor's (k11Tim hrformanCe Auffit Repnrt 4ptti f'rrbiii. RqKordt F"raairm ai 30 Gow!f nmrnt $ntRao; fi,-p"rr x >,~ii:s~l ~ S pokarte Cou nty's Re spo n s e , a,~ y S P 0 K A N E~` 0 U rV T Y i'-NL4x►.R1- ]'x0.[ ?;11?I',f4i.~•,Ek i-:ll.'t+.4s.IJt,tllE:lit`iT6t1Ty,.,TAT-~~Fti'l ~ ~ E A 1..f;''}d i"tlq Aprit 15,2008 "CJH APR 18 A 8 754 Fropt,rabye BTian Soanlug ►1Jashlngtaia Staeo Auditor Insuraore Fluilding P.U. Bat 40021 Oiymp* Wiishingtan 98504-0021 R..E_ S~r~e C'rrt~r~ty lSe4pfJJdSe ~'t~ R€CfT~'7f!'19E`17~i~i~I~o~fs IS-BT~l1~l ",if) ~'r~,FCrir~' f'~'r~c~rrnr;rrt~~e /ii . }'roviding t'ublrr kecorr}s Tn C`frrzens ,+lfiirrh 19, 2(]08 " f loriora?nlr f3rian 5onwag- 7`hfs cnrrcspondence is in respcartse tt, Youe Iotcr ol'k1arh 11), 2008. ln that iutter, :aou providud Sptikane iCuuritv with a €lr•afl ut- the abovc rcfc=Gcl reC,rir! (••Repor#"). '4'ou also invilcti Spokane Cvaint±r lu pruvidc r'mpnnses Fo the rccontrraendalions accn~panyzi» c-ach o!` the tour 1;4} findirags .in the R.cpnrl. Ini#ia11y, Spc+kanc CoutRly woijld aike to n(ate that we am exqrLmel}` pl~mcd wirh illr posii[i+.lc aur3it oLitccrmr samples Londuc7ed in 5pokme Couraty a% idenufied an the Ri.-p(rn_ Spokattie C►~ttinty has bccrr and wifl continuc to pruvic1e tfmely and iItiorougiti respoe-ses to pUbiic rmond requests cnnsistent with the provrsiiafls vf chagter 42,56 R{'Va' and 5pak-$nc County's F'ubli+: Recortd Fo#icy, We ackrti,.~wledge the "Bcst Yrae4xces" idcntified in thc 1t"n and wilt rnakt adjustraents in our prtwrn4 pmcticcs whert dcc.~rried npprupriate. in 1ight of thr- pasitive results whLich SpoIcmic Count}{ receivcd in the Rcporl, wc c!o noi be larvL si is iiccessarv to address lhe recummcndaE~ons accoenpanying cac1i of your ~olir (4) F'dnding3. Howeucr, WC lI0 t7Cl14`V+G 3i IS appmpf1aSC to po1ffii [3171 5G'VCY'8t LopICS 1543# 3Cjdre6,St3LI 149 the RzpoTt. Firtit, the Repott do-~ss nol address lhc distincfion hetwecn a publoc eecord requeit and a request fort For rxanplc, m:iny rnernbcrs of the puhlit zrse pubiic record rr4um. is as a vehiclc to ask yuest€orrs as apposed to +riew or nbEamn capies of pubiic mcQrd.s_ Thss misundersianding as to Ilie Pur~se ura pubtic reCclrd requ+-5t i:rratcs trusLrsttion on 1ha part of publie assd subMantial f'oustv resources to aciclrm thc rcqFaest far in#omtatiordservice, 5econd* the Report does not address the level oE s1aifing nece~.ary to uccemmodaie publir ruCord CNUcsCS or khe r~onslbil}Ty of Che I4filaturc tra pfovidg f'rnimcial resourm to pubrsc agecicies to meet sta~F'~ng needs. It is our cxperieac+e ttat respond2ng [o puhlir rcxord re:que-sh entaals substtwtlal tirne in code CGtanfie8 ot' ncat only elec[ed cafticiais, but a1so legul staff an4i appropnaie suppcari staff such as paral-cgals- ►"11t~~ugh thz ltgislalurt his el[ot~cd hubliw ageracies lltti3i~'E_~rPl[cw,,fii~u~,ti'r.A~r~~,E. • 5~tpr~.~~;i.l~dn_yFnnaa„Rra~?~?hf1-01{1l3 • ~5!~~1'7_ry};,~ ~ ~i - T WaSIIiItgCall st11tC AIliliCOr'S Ra1te f!f'ftftijwA Audix "rl Om Pubdec Rewsds Prtrtices at 30G0vffnmLnt intilm - Reom 0 1l9mJi 1 ttonorable Briaa Soant~g Washington State Auditor Aprfl 15, 2008 Fage 2 wiih the vety+ irnportant respunsibility oCrespvnding to public record roqiiests, it has not grovided necc~sary firtancial rcsvuroc:s to aceorn~any such resporisibilides, The V4Washing[on Staie Atcomay Ciencral has provicled guir3aneu to pubjic agencies in naeai~g their respansibiliks undcc the F'uGlic Iiecords Act. Hnwever,lhe Iegisiaturc ha,s nat provide ~y rinai~~ial rcsources. I'o unsure pub1ic agenc%es can adequaCely mcet the dictates oi` the Publ.i~ Records Actw the Sta#e Auaiitors Of~~~ and htsorney~ Gener•al should suppnri lo,cA govemm"ts in seeking legislative funrling. Finally, the Report rcccsmmen& that ptNic ag~.~neies ..Avoyd the usi~ of e-ffiaiI fitters lliiii reSuIt in the entity rcjecting or owcrlooking public eeGoxd.s sequests." LlnForturoat~ly, rhis i-ecommenclwioa sin3plifies the r+ery comprex proccess which information systems depwmants usc to rnaintain the inte~,~-ety n3" thcir c-rnail systems_ Ii has bcen Spokane County's experience ttrat relaxing e-mail filters fa+cilitaies cnurncrabl~ ttnwanRed c-rnails. `1`hese unwantef e-znails for the m~~t pan ate not public recoxd requesCs, but are requests fCr regonses to questions Or uinwanted e-mails_ Wr, thauak you vcry rrtuch for an ~ppoMnlty to provicfc input ln the kepotL Tic +pufs, ac ic rds~ 0 iic er cC: E3oard af County Carnmissiv~ers Victy M. Da11[on, Audi#or Bi11 Fiedler, Dirwor 1SD ~ i . I ~7 M!`as"t4n state Aoelfit¢f'sDlfice PffftHrinufirrt i4uiEt fftpast flperr i"ublK fictnrds Pwrlirexat 30C,avemmenT itaSCilies -Repa,rT n 17[rCi11 I Abrout Clark County C Iark County'S poAUlation is approximateiy 41 [ 5,6rJ01. ari elected, three-tuember Board of Commgsss~ners. I he C°ount~s public records proeess is centralized, ThF }::ounty's I'ublic Fdecor(is ~ Of-fieer- is khe County ~dminasttator wocated in lhe Gornmissi~ner's Office. Departrtents have at least one pub#ic records coordinator, for a total of 27 cDordtnators. 7f~~ ~ County reaies rrn department coortlinators to prncess and respond tc, requesls. The fo4Cowirrg department5 or otfices were pnrluded in oue audit: ~ 6 Cavnty Commissiorier's Office • Coianty Auditur's Office Conforrning ri-~sponses to the initial request - 9 out of 10 Requests ~ CIark County ~ Responsiveness to i a Requests ~ ~ ~ i ~ . ~ ~ ~ N SuFficient respanse receiveci 0 Request not reeeived by the entity's ~ PubTicRecorc#s (]fficer ~2 Entity direaerJ requestar ta resubmit ~ the request to anrthes depattment ~ Entity reWnse wa s dra Fted or issued, within the entit-y buk ncrt re-teived by [he reque-st4r 0 Entity did nat ccsrreetly procesg the ~ Entity responsied with incornplete or KequeSt. no response r+e[6ved in:sufficienk re[ords F: ~ Respornsiveness - 70 Requests -Compared to Avrerage for Courrties Clark Cvunty ~ Respansr time versus average tor ccsurrlies ~ I Fi.,7.4rti`~ ~r I. s~'SF ~?ll4'."r' I'f, i:ll Fi,k~ • pq~ui ;1 I ,I t fC i d~ C~'_'. 4V 35 ~.e. 30 ~5 7, € ~ 4j ~ 20 15 10 ~ ~ A ~ 3 7 e ' ~ 0 I ~j I `X= I.-e. Wo,.":ti[. . i,il' ilma69fq!TT I.r.• .i.i r ,.._...1 ar i. i r~o .i.n. liI-.o. si I: i~ . tYivv i=1 In+-r . .:I+.I .Nr:+:l-~ o c,. RaqtteS[ DE"SS:PIp91o1i ~ H.~ xo-,.. et.y. r~.k.e.... url ~ J.wrt~dw ~uinras dryf,.y all cnuntlr 58 ~ '4VKNnytaniTate Audltor's Mee 1`e049nant.e Jludii Rrpon 17~en publir RefGr45 J3nrricm x '0 Go-wr.riimrioC Ensliaes - Rr.pori A 1+:cm 11 ClSrk CoufIL~'s ReSpOnse }ra+41d DCF+i. F~rMM~wle~ ~rfw.~ OL,4Rit Cc>W;hl3'Y . `WA:IIIM[F4ti MafCh 31, 2008 ~ Nestof PVewman. Perfarrnance Audit Nianager ~ Thamas Bemard, Aszkstant Periormanre Audit Manager ~ Washingion Stale Auddor's Office Insuran~ Building ~ P.O, Box 40{}21 ~ Olympia, V1fashingkvn $B504-0021 ~ ~ GentEerrien: ~ ~ ° We have received and reviawerJ your draft report, 30 Enttsitties Performance in ~ ~ Providing Rublic Records to Citizens. senl can March 19. 2006. We have hwo ` tecFanical corrections fur yauc carrsidefstann. r4 en ^ This draft raport incEuc#es Clark Coun4y in Finding #1. Qrre of our ten responses : was not receiut~f the firm time lhati i1 was requested Our staff sent our G7 prepare€i response 1o the wrvng address. However, the coun#y did obtain the ~ requesteci materials, prePared a respro,nse, ancf attempted to send il to the proW requestor in a #imely manner, Theretot'e the repori rrtischaracterizeg (on page 17) the COUrrly's ac#ionS under Cfie captican "Re+qrkeSi nol prtocessed, response not issued ~ ~ ~ ~ The draft report does nal tell the reader that the r..oun#y subsequ"tly sent a ~ sec-ond respor,se, iraclvdkng a f0low-up ielepiton►e caIJ to verity nKeipt of the ~ ma#eei~ls. with the tequeslor, once it was qsnowra 1hat the oNinal resppnse had ~ been rreisdirected ~ C ~ The currenx r,ategory in Finding #1 (Request no1 processed. response rr~t issued) inciudes exarnples where the jurie.dickiaras did not prepare a rasponse ~ or send one vur. CIai~ County was in fact responsiue. A respanse rnras ~ prepa,reci and Icagged in, Unfortunately it was mailed t€~ the address of ano#her ~ o requ~eritang parly. ~ ~ We would suggest lhat the couri:ky finding m.ay be better included in th-a ~ captioneti sut+-beading 'Responses !►tot Receeved by oa,r Office" under Findwng - ~ #1, since our response ►n,*as prepared and sent. but nol ac:##ualiy receiued by the ~ correct party. ~ ~ Paye t af 2 ~ ~ 59 wasfilnyuia s4rtt kudit~r's olFice Performance J4udft Rrport Open Public f?e_siiYJy f'ractriesat 3{1 EicrvFrrjanWenl t.utrrres - Hrpa+i x1U!ui,.rl I I In the aI#ematire, W'£'. V1xoi11PLS flftet yoUf GoP5sMdB~aboG1 o'f pOssI~ly placMI'1g lhCs A irts4anoe intv fin#ing #4 reda#ed to the timing of the response. Examp6es in this findpng are-a include everyt#rwng from nc~ explanatian #o staff shortages and ~ weather Te1a#ed r~sues. A clerical error may be be#t~~ ptaced in this titrreiiness sectiori rather than in the non-respansivene5s sectaan ~ Sec:ondPy, orr pags 63, in dsscAussing CIark Gounty, the report indicaies that Publwc Recorcfs 4ffloer ks rn the Proseeuting Afkcrrney's O#fice. Our Public Records Offtcer is the Caunty Aciministraiar Iocated in the Comrrrissivner's Offioe. (Also, an t:his page of tfte report, i# the "non-respansivoJuntlmely response is re-ca#egcanzed, the pie chart graphic wnukd a1sa need io be ~ arnended.) ~ Thank you fvr providi!ng this oppor#uni#y ko tomrmnt on the draii report. Pease feel Free to contact rne G}+ telepht►ne at (360) 397-2232, of by emai4 al BTII.Barran~ark,+~aa, vv, if you have any questions ar eommenks based on our iechnicaE response, ~ 1shvuld note the hEgh terrel of professionalrsm exhibited by yaur staff and the ~ signifrcant wurtesy khey extended to Ciark Craunty cluring the held wofk. ~ SincereEy, ~ ~ ?el . ~ BiIl Eiarron CCtunty Adrninistfiaiot ~ ce: C1ark County gvard af Commissionsi-s Greg Kimsey, Gourrty Audq€rr ~ De n ny Hunler, Prosecuting Attorney"s C]ff k* IC ~ ~ ~ ~ Ragle 2 of 2 ~ ~ ~~t7 ~ WAsMngtaff 3tO* AwdliQrs Offire hrfarmance Audlt Rqwrt Qpen Ihiblii RKocds i"rseticocat 30 {auvvrmnrr3e Enhrles - Repfrrt I f4JU{J011 Ahout Ki#sap County KitsaR Coupiy's popu6ation ;s approxirraately 244.800. The C,ourlty is governed by an electerl, three-member Board of Commissioners. The Cvtinty`s pijblic records process is dp-e_entralizeei. The Public Records Officer as located Fn tPie CoLrnty's Depae#ment of #drrisnisteation O#hce. Each department has a# feast one public recvrds coordinator, The Coijnty relies ofl the individual departments to assist the Pubiic Records Officer irr gather+ng tnfr~rmattvn felated to requests. We directed our eeque5ts to thp Cour.ty Cou;rnissioner's Q(fice. Conforrning respranses to the initiai request - 8 ou# of 10 Ftequests K1#Sc7~ Cof.lf1ty Respnniiveraess to 10 Requests ^ : j" (I i Suffirien# respon5e receiwed ~ Request noe m-reived by the enti[y's Publfc Ftecafids Offiter Entity directed fequestor ta restrbmik t h e request to anothe r de partrnen# ~Entfty response rwas drafted or issued, wich in t he entixY but not re-[e ived by t h e eequestot 0 Efltit+f dId fi{5[ [arrpCtty"pYocesS xI1e Entity respanded with in~omptete vr reqUest, np response re[elived insuTficierrt xecotd5 Etesponsiveness - 70 Requests - Campared to Average for Counties Kitsap County FEesponse #ime +rersus average for Eauntlts ilSr5r2tl C~ I°;~a!u.r. i q'i'Yicll r~i~1;•Sr frlr r.?'r7Fd5. YV 35 ~ ,q e'~} ~ 25 t ~ ~ - ~ 20 ~ 15 - I 0~ I~+ i- ~ I I 11 + 0 i b!g.l]I 1:J5-'~M', -I~Yd!Yf.SY Yi i R13`. I I+ J.Y II. r..!"'.171J[. liii~:in~'w Io-r/,v ReqRrest Descriptiatifi bualari,. aisya 9.a abESMS r.cvrd ■ A+rf*.;ryr iawsineoc rlAyi 4a aM cowngwi I ~ 61 Was111nqiDF! S'CwtE AYdtt*6 QlkS P'$fforma;lie Aadi! R!p#rt - OpenFuJakirfleordtFracT►rr%,)s30C,aMernmpnt?n1iri r-, flrficw .rls'Fu'f"11 ° Kitsap County`s Response M s: 4q FAX De;parbment of #dr~(nistra.tive Services ~ Kib■ap County Cour#house 514 QNMion 8"+t, MS-7, Pnn tkuh=A wrtAr►otan Ye30&4M Pnaraa t3601 337-7 160 • rim f3r~10) n7~~ "anin A FIoWd Apri! 29, 2008 - Neslcrc E. Newmaa State A uditu;'s Office 1616 Comwall A3++cnw, Strite 107 BelLisglam, WA 98225-4087 RE: Perfbrmanq t MqbEic Rsatrrds"' R M Dw Mr, :htvwmerx: Kitup CaLmty mc+elvcd rws (2) finddngs durang *xir pmfieiag.ame aWit of Publ ic Recrnda Reqwssta. 'dbku Eaipt, I'wa C23 ova ofOe te4 (10) rcqaaw wem not received bp thc Psablic Ractrrim Offl= eW the secsnd, was o clelay In a reuponsc to r requiest A, now iufbrmataon syiiiam wil1 be Lmplcm;,entcd thai wM avw3na1e d3e mtprtion arr,d smpwm af r+;qutm #'or imformefic+rt dirurted '4owa,n* Kit%V Ca►m1y ~Et^~rat~tttaa,r~ts, Thc objcsctive i:s #o impsvve tha coac►tivs alfflity to eaq)ond Uo mquestg £or informawn. ln #Miti4it tlyo dau-pt1imtx[ t}srnugk1 thii aWllc.4an Wfll provitiC PL dxta aommC f41' ft isnpkaxneatatfaa of anslpis activiti+es inwolvjng Teport, re"rtse aiudyzb aid Procen a fTfti-nreoeaa atudir,a couad=ed b}+ adwdrAsumAye caff, °I3ic ptatfmm ffia wl]C be und tn impimmi this rffftem ia Nf;rmeoft's eitizne Fte1dita~ Manapmonl, (CRI+'[}. This lis e pro ex that wilL fi3 En witi thm dWoymont of'tine ComtYrt Opm I.iiasx 4Lx0 is iulm~ to reWa up W a3 1 '1 ayawzss, Wc havc c.ompleted the mqulrcmeace gsthes`ugg pkxmo aod are cun=tly in tba dasign p-has+c. Please fcel fm to rzuftct us at as1y 1.imc wi#h %ddiiisna] qupiiuus ecrn=ttLng this Pmgran. '['hnrA you. . SisicarjyF ~ r Rskomw OrC . . PurchmWg Rmcords Mmqw cc: Ran lHollanr3, A+dmWsm#ive Servicas Dirtcwr . 62 Wga,ington Stata Aijdixars Aft* Parfornmme Wit Repwt Oqen I'uhklc Rkcadi PFa6tices ar 34 (ia)vrrnmMr Lnti1 iM -(8e"rr d 10UC701 T About Yakima Coun'ty Yakima County's population is approxfmately 2;4,?00 residents. fhe Coupty is ad'ministered by an elected, three•member Board of Comrnissroflers. The County's pubaic recards proeess as c-entralrzed. The County's Public Records Officer is Iocated in the Courrty's ProsecutinE Attorney's Office, Departrr7ents have at Ieast one pubIec records coordinator. The Countyr relies on iri~ividlaal departments to ga4her records in response to reQLaes.#s. The fa11owing departments or offices were inrluded in oijr audit: • Publie Record~ Officer - Prosecuting A#torrley`s OfFir.e • Hurnan Resour~~s Depart:mertt ■ County Commissioner's Offrce • Sher[ff's Office Conforming rcsponses to the initial requts# - 5out of 10 F~equests Yakima +Coun#y Resp onsiveness #0 10 #tequ es#s ~ 5ufficient response received ~ Reqrrest not rt+ce'rued by the entity`$ E~tit dire~t~e~ r F~ublic F~et~ar~ds C]#frcer Y equestor ta resubrrmit the requesK to ,nother departmerat ~ Entity respQnse was cfrafted or issued, withKn the entiiy bu€ not re,ceiveti by #he requestor ~ Enti#y did nat correctly procefs the ~ Entity respond'ed ws'th incornplete or req uest, na respo nse recetved tnsuffici"t recards ~ Entity did nat ac€ep# the formalt oE the request ~ ~ 63 4iiasbinoanSute lludi°t+rrs O'!I[ce Rar#ofmrrw@AudFe Rapeert ~ (]pen {'ubHc 43ecaid5 PraCiite4 at 30 Gwmmen1 EnTite~ - AeDo!t M lfu;-9;l11 Respowrsiveness - 10 Requests - Compared #ts Average for Counties ps Yakima County Respanxe tinre versu3 arrarag e for cauntYe3 ~ I T,a,,yl -i 1 10;;), xi,e= H , i urts,wl ~eqi,E_z fiw e,',.+,+ds, 40 - ~ 35 ~ 30 2rj r 20 rt= L~16 ~ m la j = ~ - 15 • i? ~ 10 'J IJ u1~ ldr Ar „ui, I"i+y:rf-n Reque59 ae5cfip#lart BUuiieaa diYs tu liAf+e..I, iilvuroqa bicsieirei Cava fur all - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F [c tc F 64 ? Washfnytan 5Uft Aucktan Offur Ptiiorarurmr Auda Rrpon Open f'rfhli4 Ret"s Prac[atm x Jp Go4erneraent Inr.itiea -~rpqrr t 1rmu3 f Yakima County's Resporrse BOAar~ VAKIMA COUNTX, C~►Mr~IsSIc~NERs I S 1 AT E ! `I L"Ualhm Mlchsol D. leIta Rane)d F. Gamache Rand EI#kr#t Apri] 15. 2+[ar8 MB AM 17 A8 ;~3 Brian Sonntag, Wr;aahingtun Swe Auclite~r LnSilfaffCe 13l1Sldiryg P.O. Bi`p74 40021 OlyffipIFi, WA 985(44)021 Dear $ILEifI: Pxca~ie u~.cpl iht folI€rwing inFotrrna4ion wi Yuktma CocintV's uCricia] tQ the publie r€cord5 p~~~rmance atidit: 'M'akiina C cunly provjdtrJ coniplcte and tunel y resportgen co alI of 1h-e puhlic rmords requets rr~adt by agcws DC the Washinglon Swtc AtidiEnr's OfFice, Ccspaes caf clepailtd docuaiicncstiun artswcring thesc put)lic mcorci% rcqiiests in a tiititly manner, wcre pmvided t~ the usa-9ite aueiiums dtifing the intEr+view phase of Lhe pcri'nrn,ancr ausfrt anc~ aguin as an atfeciitraenc to ulctter Uul Marrh l?, 200$ tc) the Statc 1lucfitor's Offii:e. Il is imptobable lh:st ottly tlyese four rc:ords rcquesis wcre ni~-;hundlor,i in the CrxLoty mail s}^stern that cmw-ctly proru4sms hurs~rcds af thousands of picms of uoil pc; yccarr. [..Tnloaturtauejy. u thorrough review oF the tnail h.aiqdling pmccduir_s s>C Ihc Vtir'ushiitglun ' 5tatc Auditor`n f7Ff-ice s4nd YA-im Counly werc oot patt af thi:; perform.ar+:e rcview. I Yakiziw f:outtty will rev iew its ovcral ! -processcs anrl procvdures fiu hand.E,ng pu€slic aecord;s sicqtiests and cair.i idur implem entaiion tof al! pr-.rclices thnR will pmvide the hvv -wr+Fiec 4ti, nur cititens at the 1enst ccfat. ff you havc any questions. plca,e do not kresi3s4~ to coiatakt rsie. iincerely, kt}n,ald F_ Garfrgcltt I Chaimian. Binard 4IF Yakirn8 ~~ttnty Ccarrtmrsn'~x~rs Cc: Craig Wamer, Budgr-t Dirertor .A,udir Comrnittee Fi!e 129 Nnriti Seeaand 51rue 1 = 17afsinia, 1NashinqTrsra 98901 •509-574-1500 • FA7c 50ig-574-1501 ~ 65 W85hii4p61i StaCE AIidiCAf$ GffK! Pe1f17lFlfmL! Aildi'{ Ri+pOfl km i}pen Puhric Rccords Practiies af 30 6iavemrnLnt 1I:nra[je5 - itrp(.rt itn+]nn11 ~ Af~out Thurston Coun#y ikrurston county's q)opu9ation is approximately 238,0C )0 rc-sidents and Fc, adrrnn:;tered ~ by an e6ected, ttrree•member Board W Commiss1011ers. ~ The Ccaunzy's public records priacess is decentralized. 1~e Coun'ry has at least one pi,biic rec~rds officer €or each efected officaais' office and relies. cfl individuaP offices to process and respond tu requests, These offices esfablish kheir owri polics~s and procedures, Tffe fallowing offices wpre inrltided rn otir aud~t'. ~ Caunty Commiss,arter`s C~~hce ~ i County AudFtor's Office ~ ■ Sheriff's Office Conforming responses to #he initial re+ques't -8 out of 10 Requests ~ Tlaurstort County ~ ReSpc7llsi werle5s to 10 R@quests - ~ ~ _ - ~ ~ 5uffirIeIlC Fe5FtiOt75e feCefVed E Request not receiued b y the enti4y's ~ Pr~~hi~ R~c~reis Officer ~ Entitycfirectes! ret~uestor to re5ubmit the request ta another c#epartnent ~ En#I#y respanse was draft€d or ks3ued, F: within the entiity but not received by the requestor F Responsiveness -1CI Reques#s -Compa red to Average for Counties ~ Thurstvn Coun#y Respan se tirne versus awtrag e for coon[fes ~ d ri ri ieq:t,n w- n, in,rsrl !e-qL:r,t frir if'uiLh? 40 F 35 F ,n 3r.~ ~ - - _ ~ ~ 25 20 ~ 15 4 +4 l e ~ 5 L ~ ':nu..i ..':I_i. i. r•ir1.•i,.w ia,al u44:s•!6r .L•iYnr .iTali;r ii: ~-rh_5~ .n. J . IiF`+ i . .f ~~{~~1W51 d{SfS]FXTIt317 ~ Bcn+nm- .1xyL Li+4heai.,..4rirtl iAUm.i agrbumlnsi c,tnys#oraNcaunbo' ~ ~ 66 MtaI4tingmn 5#M 14ud"rm rs 0ffice Prrformanca Audi# Rqart 4prn F+ubrie fircorrlN I'eacues a! 's0 Goaernmcnf Fntni~ - Ba!{serr A 1dL~13D1I Correspondence - Th+urston County Commissioners as~srs F Al ,64uwiruu~i CQUN-'1` C-A MMIS.;iIO'NaS I C~t1~Y 1Yr'nife Dtaurt: One t7iaeae OI:SCfq416jl [)it~nc9 'rwa 11 tt RabcGS N. M,ckod ~ km fNurlci Tkuuac THUR~~~~~~ ~~~~~~Y MW~~~1 BO1'~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSI'~~~RS) July 10, 7{It}l h+fr. Chri5 Co[fix5u. AuditCoordi,atar WA State Ataditoes Cffice PO Box 40031 L~llyinj]ja, Washington 98,5I14-(?0.31 Nar [43r. Cxfrdties' VUe are writing in respomsc tn your r+equest tn hnve a matnber Qf your periDaYrbartice evaluatinn audi# leam interv;ew aur Public R+ecosv3s CoesrdinaAQr, Ttobin C:caurts in aatw~m-€sTw setting. T7ze oLen goverrrimcatit poLicy we fclinr+w countYwid~ dc-es nat suppart en da3k-eaview nf t,is type. [t is n priority for us to prateet f}le r~ghts of nt:r employees and we p1ac9e a high value €rn t!-- af11£bCiCL.~~ a~1c!'an°e. Iiev~e yrcrue r-L ui mE~it rtf ccvntJuc~g ar~ tntervie+v fi~ tYiis A,aruzer iq unneasuiali le and xnrauld contiprorniPe t3ae xne.del of aur business operatiom. It is nLsrr irr cnnfliCt witkr the cumtnitme„t Ec~ ~cooperative 4pirit srtade tsy Au+aitor Sonr►tag for rliis ~ILOCL~'q& 'flticref«rr, we resp€etfuPly decUeyuus requesF. We wouid be tiapPy to eorsent ta nn hitervie+v istiuolvsng i'+As. Couets .xnd aujtrt~ogerLre ° taiive frcrm our c,Ffite svch z4 Camma:tsicrner Qberqut14 Cyr;Utia ewart, Assistant Chsef Adrnisistrative f)fi5cs--r; far EJ.iz~abeLh I'etrich, Deputy 1'sos"u4ing At#oerey wit}1 s1 II'4embeC' LtF yovr team. P1ewe c€antact ovr office (360) 7&6-5+€40 i.d' tlus +wrruld krc aeceptsble to yau. Sincerely. Diane erquel1. i..-hairn-can ~ ~ u~bert N kt~~lead, Vi~ ~ viir ~ Cathy wolf _on,,,.,T,ss r ~ul~di~yg xkl. [tcx~m ~6~. ,~{?f10 ~.k~rl~,~r C?rGVt ~~3V, C~Ixe~~:a. VG'a~tsan-~Yrcm ~~~,~r:,kfi~~~ { 7#~;-.~+4+;+ G.I]_F`►. (364) 751•'~.'913 67 Ytiihlegton State Auditaars OfKcr P,erfarmanct Audit Report Open Nbl,r itecnrds pTdctlces at 30t;r,rprnmenr Entiiies - ~i?pr~rt C4iOI C; ~.L l- WN h 's kC~'14' f'Fi,I ric-e t.`h:+r f ~f,aaIC 0670kk«a4l I_hNTficr Tuti, l~t ilv_r~ N. St~~~i~..~.i I N-rnct Th.rc-y- ~ri-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~TY +✓4+ARD 'V!A COUNTR C\JMMISSIVNERS jai7kIQCy 22. 2008 Ms. Tracv Ag{ti. Assi:ytaalt Sk~,~te.Au~.ii4or Wa1W'1h laij'yt15n St 43tF"' .'iil:lLilts+t'w Offi CL' SUSw[ BLliddqnn PO N9\ 40031 U1ympw. WA 9k51A L7+ear ;41s, Aga; 7'hi ank you {t~+r pn;viding us with lh,ti draft reperr -irr yt,ur F'ubloc Rj--cerd-5 Verrc,rntmce A%jdit 0-f Zburstcxn Cc}unky asrd tlic opporkunity to commenf, We understand the potentsal t+cnefik crf pfrfiarrttanee audiLs and support the geraeral sntenC. Followi~ig is our r~.~punse fu the initial drafk cekinjy "conditicrns notti*d": Redsrecting the request #o the eeques#or. Yc:auF draft cass#ends th4E twn publie rEcords reque-As wem imprctp-erlti, returned #o the rt-quastc,r. Thew- twro sp4wific reyuests were Fkir infarn7ataon fn?ns the Cuustity SltierYff a3id thti County Atiditofs Liffires, ~~~fli iiid+.~pend,.arrtly Erlet-ted R}i![tilLiEti for wrhich the County C'esrnmissioners have no direct authorisy_ We d+., nnt believe the Bouircl rsf Cotinty Commisssonerti 4;un, a1r s17nudLI 1,c resporksFhle f(,r CCK)rdinahng publac rccord.-i reque,-ti for c,kkher Ecrtc-zi C3fficiaL4 such as tt-P S}tenff ,nr Audi#or° Cca~ts`~~uently, we believe our timely writtun resporses ko tEsc~.t two requests should b', regarded as respcanLSive. Additic±rkill.}f, not only did ti-te Ceiunk7r rl-s-pcvnci. but flM forwarcied tht_ requestr, aLici a copy of L,ur fespc,nse 1etter on ro tht- sherifi' and Audikoi s c3ffbce.s as ~courtt-sy- Vl+e Nt6eve titfs is the appropriate practice fesr a county go+rezszmunt that has 21 uidependentl~' eIecE~i c~;#fiLiaLs, ea+ch of whum is indepi}sycljently acccauntablv to the public. - Aresamrnudaling audik prQeedum: The dr.7fi nFFxirt r4iises a ctancem thuk the f3c)ard L-f C.ount~~ Conun,.-~sic3ners iFisLQed uur Nblit Recur& Ctaot°dirvaiur be occorrrpaniec1 by ati ubserverduriaig an audit in#ervicw. lhurstt,rl County €icws not belier+t tFi115 2sssUv lS rlppfi,bpr'latE' fC1r ldE'F1C1{1c8tIt7n in the reporlF . Tht Stzte Auditoes OfF'iet has no Eegal authrrrity tc) aeq1i ire confiden#ial intcrviews for its perfarrnance audits and there Ls tio ev.idcmce presentcd that having an obseever present affei~wd the inkerview m-_rporvws, More importantly, an izx4L,;tence Tjpcan having a eortfidential interwiew is incc~jisistent with assurances made by the State Auditcar's fJffice lhat this speciFic perforeatancc audit was not inter~decl to measzue comp1jiance, hut rathea fio identily bx-sk pra+:tices ` Co ZYL1pI°UL'i' 'LhC eFfecti1'~~s iin,d efficien+cy o[ puhlic record; dLwlosu.re prarticcs. In !;pite oI our objk.ctiorts to tlw.} manner in which thi~i purForrwr~cv audit was I'andled, the County did fully J c(cverate. LJRAdana +I . 111rLsteII 269, :.~i~~,.~ LArtldd;e [frGv-e tiW, t}GFmpa;~~. WaskloijuFn')~yS0.~`.-6.70 I itk)) T.D.D. (Y;C1 754=2103 ,c :iP.A•,. WASMngsun Staft IMudibo►'s OAAh: Fedarm+Mncr #udir Nepart Open POk R"rds Pract"s at 30 Gtfvmmena I ntitin -oepurT 0 1M 11 . •;Mr• rLa►yl-.. rl I = • I'.,..;.i Applisxkion of the redackions tn dcscuments prcasrided ta rr:sponse: 1Ne belie+te this is ar~ apprtipriaie curn.ment and ackntwvwledge the utforsnatican w;is n4t red;ed. We have Ftrllawed up with the invc,lved staFf ko eruure thf-y ar~ aware tl,at sp~dfic informiltion neeels to W resiacted for public record rec~ues~.~. Agairi. we ;~ppeeciake tltt~ oppc7rluni#;,f #o respectfully 4ubsnit +sur et}mments ki the Staw AudikoC'w CJI'FioL draft report 5 e . ~nafd 1. pp CUrf A:irn:iniSCratiVeOfrlrw:r h ~ I ; cc laiiaai+?;i:r l;ariUney E4nnn9 Of CommJewl,wn Joe6: flty7rGl, wlempia A vAritEor 6q i 'YkasbingCm St#73e Audftcrr# 09fke Veriarnnmhct Audit 8epart l Open PufiCic ReeprGs Pra€tKesat 9fl Gmemenent Lertfties - Rtlarz I 11 "i'HUMS'i'[]N C4~.TNTY R013IN L. FIUNT, CIPA F 'P 2" [.AeFlidV C}r3ae W. Olymplai. Wishi€rgtun 985G2-60SO + 360-M•5350+ PAX 3=65•734-4683 ~~bnmI`}+ 2008 h I_ 1 `v' f IJ Brian Sortirttug, SWe Auditer o 4 I fi PO BOX 40021 O1yrnpiat V!VA 9850460021 FLO -L~ 1-6 Ilear $riaw. [ recencly reeeivc€i eopies of [hc prelirninary results of thA- slatewide per3'orrr►nt1cc audit on public reeords. Iarn writing ta share rny u~ncerw-, about the conclusiorrs and directaons of the reporc. t had vaicec# these ssame concerns at a mecting with your staff at the "entrance" canfere~~e they lx~ld on publie recc~ids. 'I'hey appear to have [imkted practica1 knowledge or understandirtg oF statutotiy ,go+ucrnanee strueture, As an iric~ependent2y clected afficial, !don'c xeport t.o rbe C:uunty Corrniissioners. Nor is the treasurer's oper-ation a "departrxacot" of the County. 1 don't rely on the Comntfssioner'~ ~Laff Ec~ enstue thatt I Mei my statintory responailaiZidies including s;arnplying with Lhc PubLic Recvrds ' Ac.t. 1dan°t expect Lhem co adeqn~Eclv aarderstandthave the a,bility to implcinent ihe spe-c:ific pols`eies Ihave advpied in this area. 7`0 write general rrports that imply that cfie counzy musY hsve, a single pcrson in [tic Cammissianer's office to d~al with al1 public recorcls request is odd. IaEn not aware khat we hold SPI accountable for provid'ang public tecords €rom DNR - iqoch agencies headed by independently eZected officaals under the urntvrelIa of the state. I would expecx a fcrrrner t=l electec[ of~icial to uaderstand this basic organizationai and Cega1 struc[ure mid would hopc that knosuledg,e was usefiil tiirouLzhout your azaff. instead it agpears you are releasin~ a d+trcurriczt that reflects the indivgdua9 biases of the examiners wha wes°e here. Those biases are obvaous feoen hnw the audiL questiun was r-onstrucxed and wFac infarrnation you chose to exclude ass well a.s from tlicir non-understtanding disraissil of oijr . inquiries at tht etttrance eonfercnce. I dan't see hvw the gubSic is best served by this tvpe, of reporting. 5incereiy. ~ Robin L. Hutit, CPr'4 Thurston Coutuy Treasurer 70 'Ylffthlnqton SLiRe Awdkxo"f OfirIHM hrl4rnM#ef[e Arrrlit Rrpon [FperN PwIh314 Ai!ci)rdti Pran tti V 306Mmmanr rntirrM Arrpon t117L1dUi 1 Thurston Cou~ty's Response r, .t it.lNflY C -rMMl;ylt lhf3: k€.°. t=.t~l=~y ~~,dte lh»rrhCt ~wnr 11i-uiv l?4vtv6«cIC ~ 17~a~srut Tuu ~ RUkierl N. ~l:hk:ix] 1T I ~1.5IF7c E TI 7 fk^c ~}r'+1.~4?~~~~ YTO1V COU11TY IANU lntiA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONIERS April I?. 2009 I'hc ! lurlorahlc Brran 4nnrntag W'tLshingtnn Siate Auditor PO f3ox 40021 (]IYn~~ia, WaShington 98504-002I ±;ubjeTt 0MCI0LRqp4me. PuoUI: RCc{lfCis PCrfOf`tE1Y4Cc A1ldif ~ ~ Deflf Audf& Sf)nfl ` 41 'i'his let;orkrvej fhurston Caunl;v`s orTeia] forrnal responsr to thr Finm,Y drqfl versiun o f" lHe ab~~ix-d performmtice autlit, I'$gC 20 C4f LI1~ 17iri$i.~ ~nift a4bdfE Con.IIf1lA6':i l16 desct7u5: C1VMJ -[If"MSIF5Sof'i CoUIItV'Fs mspi+nscw Lo reyuwste-fi rreanis as "non-rmpxansivc." We be6gcrve this l~i be m inaccuratc aad. e-rraneous clescriptimi thai aeeds ko he corrvded in the final rx:port. T'hurston Cou,kty did mTond Iegally aiad appropriweiy to bo[h of the spmific rNuexts in qucglia?n. 1huatie sitachcc3 a Lopy of rach af our rcapansc~s to Lhcse rrcquests_ In attldition lo c+umc;iing the regort, I us:[c iJtat final audk# repor# inciude ktsis 1etter ancl aitru,:imenu_ numk. yo!u for pmviding an opportunity ta cornm4nt cart fiual ctraR repnrt.. i cl p: l4ru ' Chi . ~cIministmtiv I fficcr c C: :V cvor Ale+wrfs,an Trucy r1gu ~ A tl tac:hntients Ndrlelirlk - I. ftorrn 269, :C~7G~ L.rkcte4luc I?m~ SW, tFI1ta5l,ia, Ufl:iqhmjnxm L)AIN-604+ I160? 786 5440 ~ . "I.I), D. f 36(1) r54•Nf.3 I 71 51lasMugitnn Stata Jludibor's I'ii'fico Perbrminw Rudk Ilvpam ~ 17GIrrr Pi ifi Isr Pr-r nrc7s F'x,l i 21r r=, ,i9 1~ 1-3nvrmrrienr Fm ii irs -Rrpnri 0 S'llll"4l I; ~ _ . ~ I ' . , . , .i . ~ ~~`~r,~.;- # £~P` . I •rn,e d . ~ ~j, ~ x rr i f , ,`.-rn F L . . _ .c. - _ . . P-rlrN i Thr.- ~ ''I1-il_!RSTC]N COU;wTV C~A4RD L1F COUNTY C;OhiMlSSiONERS ~ [ i'••e'Ifi~H`F lid, :Ill~r ~ ~ M, r, ;unillc Pod,i ~ 32-14 fii-o~ 4iits•n °,rrr-sj ~i• 04`1t1p1d. Wn4lUSl.rCon ~-KSI I I Eh7af PYI[-. Pi0~d On beL17l.iM L45ET~S:1iYC47~1~Y.MI.CLY~`Lt.ara145{~l n:-bV3r-,th-rrskhli. rO'LO:d•; ~ d.tted rJr-c umYn r.F, ?I~.~rJ sV2:e, r~~•iti~e~ Bn stW 4 Ec,~ . ra l.h:i•*rr f ti r„}. ~ uk=. Chit Orfke iOra 3i'It jXmMM1 arLY tlE 11'-c ft-icse,i V"u arr seek.enK w.'iIli 1rWus9 t„ Va:.,rJlil[L I111 Ckop4itti- Aesslltnn cii FinAnce.'LYr ;rrnrrm.-mi }'i,u redirrri V41ti3 r"ve~.! 11, !11,. "I}iLr-4,~l 4'r,isris.e ?lidYlur-s o3iicr- ~ 1ba7'Lk YL36.1 fitt Vi.r tr cFCLvIR'uk VC « AR a'~ {"~°~Ltphi 6: j~6B~'~t" }idKel't9al..hili~SG'V?E4".~ ~ - ` ~'%ii : ~r.it'I.•;~.li ~:I'i-_-. I~°_ilnll.~r.. ~ - C4~~~y.~ ~ r _ . R:ul•i~rr P; 5ia ~F,,, ~ THLAUSTCMN COUNT_ 1}iein:e iUAa tse_* 11{}ARD ~,~F C~.~UNTY COMNI1SS1ONERq ~ laa,•.~.sna::~Hr ~ ~ M'Ir Cro?-an MreA ~ 694 Stemclec R1vd., Ek~+; lo;' Seatlle, WalFrinKtr-n yb]NiF+ r7lezr hlr. hlYm ~ t7vi LtvkealL c`f the Tlt+unfi~VI c€n=y Bowd *f CoXr--xiLA8iUXcxa. }w-ru:' 4rut•lk rULMdk ~ cWrd G]Ccrn,bff Z9. 2Ll1C1e wds e*ce'ac-LLci in mr aWc•= citt f acuaary 4, :l.ti??. l3'I+l' -nlLLC9i;Atl CrrLFI64y C[+LRB4IcXYllvYel}4 124}ICY df:R'4 fSUt YnMOR76 aflV' 'r'{~UCN!n a,S [€941!-17f-4i1(i ~ Irawo) isn+ts hI[ J6➢tV 2M5lktmugh Ju75e 211IM diq f+alrw [ SExe[ift G771r Pilx•ati)s k;~u uwr wall I.u mleM..'t +.•rn.r rry~K ti, fhc nur3!t!ft CMmh- %r rtP:'r nNil;r r- TtauLR ytru krt }uur lnYr,ft-st. ~Yr,~tr~24, IF k.~~~'~f ,Z,~in A. cklump ~ 1 ELch I i+: Rti[ioeda CLanlajy 71n: ~ ~ Waslri" SWIN Andilw~ Mce Pynfarinaec+t #uifit Rep4tt Ofrcn,PUWK Rc4aa& Prdclltfn at M 6erw-mirneul f nYrlles Repurfi t I DQl7D T T J4bout V1Thatcvm County Whatcorn k;0II3nty'5 pOpulatIDn fs appraximately I88,300 resideflts, The County+ is gaverned by a se+ren-mernber, elected County Councol. 1`he Couniy°s pubIFc records process is eentralozed. The Caunty's Pubric Records ~fficer as Gocated rn the County.s Adrrtiiniskratrve Services° pepartnn+erTt, Departrrberrts ttavt aE least Dne pubkrc records cvordinatQr_ The County rePees on individuaB departments to gather records in resDonse to requests. fihe County's onfy Public Records Officer pmtion was our tarimary poGnt p# corftact dur;ing aur audit. Conforrning responses #o the initial request , 9 out of 10 Reques#s Whatcom County I~~spon sivraness #o 10 ftequests E 5ufficient response reteived 0 Request not recei+ved tay the entfty's ' Entity directed requestor #o resubrnit PuEslic Records Offirer #he requesk to another department N Entity respoan5e was drafted qr issued, withfn khe entity but not received by rthe re-questor Responsiveness - 70 Requests - Cornpared #o Average for Cvuntwes Wha#com County Resparn se lime versus av+erage for countkrs iKa.oi{ on unFfiut+.r fi i in.rral rr+~ui-.I I.ir rm' :rrlil ~ 40 - 35 - 30 ~ L5 25 ~ _ 20 = d GG+ 15 e T p o. ~ fi ~ ~ - p A~Y ~ 4 - i n I8 d 5 5 ~ ' 3 I :1 - ~ ~ ~ - fLlf CI T . ~.r llidi`1 U!r'ral,a~.w r,ys.~ k7rrNlue. rw:lis, hi~imrrtr.:7e.^r•,iIn~tlr.a ,•,.ea u w n. f•.i.:.rr..n r N l l' hoqr r~x Ta,i AIIt+ I v r4,xF R T-}^I `-I :-I i_ Il,..i..r I r , ii•Y3.:4 rff:.l4xJ R+~ueii f~SCfl~Fdlaro FJirinws+llYR}alrt2lnrtc~rPSl ~1Vreraqe4~ailrw.srliyclo!i9lcnwM.lzs 73 Washlrmgtnn Statr Audix3ae3 i}1ftcA Ptdeaainaner Audit Beparit 4pen Frabak: Ftg:nrds F'nitPireq dt 30 Gnti°grrlment {nBilirti - R'rp,3ri A 4(Wx111 1Nhatconn ~~unty's Response 3Ei07157466 FAJBLrc ~ISCLr~ PAr;,E 01 ,r02 VU'HATCt7M CQl.lNTY ADfwhlNlaTRATI11E $ERV1CES 5ECURITY &COMMUNICt7I[]NS WhaWMaI Gsunty i7tKirt.110ux Public 5afet+t Burklirug 311 C. and Avenue.SUIM I[M 311 Grand Awanue EleClln,ghxrn. LVrA SN2754935 SCll1rtgfum, WA 46225-403$ ddesler+&cO.whatcom.w0a.uti ~eitlc~m:wh~7#~,nm.w~.ws - @El+V`k'Y G. DESLE'R GEDRGE IiOD M1', Nrzt7f Newrn= ApI7l 28, WsS17.Wgtc1ii S1aW A11dltaf'9 OffiIpe 1616 Com%mll Avenue, Swt,e 107 Bel4rnghm, WA, 9$7.Z5 Ms. Newman= Tbank you far meetitng wit3s W'bstcom CA+urtty cx4 Aprcil 16~ 20l}'$, r+cgwrding the r+acent Pub~c Recarris pcrfoTmmc+c sudit exit intn-vifrw. As ecfe=~ ~ dlic cxit ais%Wu'iew, VAkatrom Goumdy i3 pleamxl bo bc a4cnLafied as a " Hest Prarricc Casurty " W ihe 2r--a c}f P'uTlslac Recor& policias and preccsvw. Fallawi~g are "QVhdcsm Ccnmty's coruments r~lAtiiig w each findi,ng addr,:rused in ~v-~ audit; Finding 1: Thfrry-two of the 300 wnannamcedptehlic recards requttar (I I pereeni) were ccsmidere(i xorrre,spur,siuc. .dn additronal~own rcspomes (2 perccr+tJ wcre efrbsr nomonjiormPng nr We agree wrffi the rmrntunczdattoxis mudc bY tb[e Washington Stato Audilot`'s Officc, Wlust.ccsm Catmcy dsd respmd to the requmk for acopy of the "1`ravel Poficy by am]iuiz an +alectwmic lanlc !r,o the docuuaent, Y~owever, the FeQ1es#oS d[d nai Lezeive xhr, rcWolI.SC Sew by the Courty_ Whattom Caun#y has lamx szcWviDS Public Diis+cla=c rclraGtcd *-ma.i3 requesz n,nd repkies since lanuaxV 2007 sa pmof of response can be retrievrA vheslif nece-9SM7 Md:iag 2. .Sorrw c,ntitic,€ do ncar accDmmod,te a +►aricro' ofPuhlic rL crtrds raqaesfs and r1rerafrrre do i►ol provide rlw pubdie vuirh rhefultev ru.titrance i44'e agree +xish tbc rccomnfiD&tians mas3e by the WssHt~~ SWe Auclixcrr's {1tffice. Whatwm +Crnnty has published a pubhc recvr& mqumst fom ork oua wcb site. Ye~ caboiscc our cfforts we ase worldssg wiih mwr hnFat'matim TccbzWugy IN +rision tn nllow the retum c+f a e4rmgletrd requctst farm ftough thev.mb sitc. ~ FstimAted uxmprlelicm daue: 3+sly 1,200$ ~ ~ M4min4ftiL1t+a 5rcuritX A CA+nwMmkztkm count? MmWwr& C3W $7fi,6717 135M F.74•7034 f3M 975-957{3 ru '43&M b7"775 Fix S3641 076-6806 TTIf 1350} 7M-455S ~ 74 ~ i ~ Washiexpon Se,me AuelitaA ftlfikr FZrfoNalaknC# Audlt Rrpare ~ L1pn PuN ir RMnrP; PhyrTiles at 3ta Gcnrernmtqr E nririry - Reiprw I lfwj11 04d{ViVCre L3F~5 36971,9-74 GiS rLiK.iC- idLSCI-M^XE PAMaL 4tP0I Find1LLg3: SvrMe en1titte.w dh!d not provrrk cvrripl.rec and xcat#sfartrary explanartlvwfor redractiaris nf pubdic r+ccords arsrf ~orne recnrds wirrc imprWxrly riudaard WG awm 'wsth the ieeommewdatiow made by the W&*WEpn Sta#e Audltai's f3ffiCe. FraitLing and rewurce metorials have heea pravided dqring the trminiryg proees+es. Changc* iyn the tvaxung prooesses vviU ke ma& to eaThuixe the redaction =d exemptiims aca of the AcC. Fiudiag 4s S"ome 4ntatesprrrvtded the rcquestedprt#rlfe recs,rcis rrr io fr.rj than tzme4j mmrer fJaan thelir phetrs_ We agrezo with the reomncruiafiaas madc tay #br, vs+"ashington 3tWc .4uditor"s O#U c~Wb&t=n Ccawscy rtias ro ftn(Up in thiS AMS. Who4br-om CoUMy is cOmMittrd to enhweiu3g ottr procedwrs and processes in aur continueci effat to improve our performance in provicting public rocQrds. AA Jr. Public Ftecoxd~ Oifficc[ Whatmm Ccsumly (360) 676-7694 cc: Pctc Kseixim Cvur~.#y Executive De+arey Ltcsler, A.dminimatiue Stvic.c~ ~irroor Bsad Bom#i, Pineac;c. Mat7ge r I , ~ ~ 75 Nfashl" Stat* Audltor's *Nn[s PerNm#nce Audi1 Rrpart i]~r~ Fwhi~t R~rds Pr~niers ar 3f} ~rritrtrn ~r~t f nt~sirs - ctp:,rt ° adr;;~.as i I o AbrQlit Benton COliflt)F Befltori {:,our',ky's populatior~ i; wppraxiri iaie!v 162,9100. 1 f7ree rvorrirj7IvISiOW~11 administer the Ccrurtitv. The County's public records process rs ~ecentralized. The ifounty has at Iea°~t vne pubfic record5 afficer for eaeh department. The County re1ies an wndividufjf. departmefht5 l0 pripces5 ~nd reSpond to r~(jUestsv The following departR7ents or ~ nfFices were incfuded m our avdrt- * County Cornmisseoner's Oifrce + County Personr7el Resoijrces D'epar'trnent ~ • Pk,t71~c Works. Depar[meiit • Plarinfl7g and Buiading Departmont ~ ~ SFreriff's Offire ~ Conforming responSes t:o the iniiial request a 9out of 10 Requexts ~ Ben#on Cowri#y Responsiven ess #0 1 Q Requests ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5uffiicoent re5ponse received 0 Request n.ot receiwed by tlne entity's Pubiic Recor& Ckffi[~r .~i Entity dIret#e1 requestor [o fesubrnit the request to ancstherdepartrroent N E ntityr re-s po n se wasdrafted oir issued. arrithin the entity but not re[eived by the requestar ~ Ent'sty d'id rtot correctly procesx the 0 Entity respanded with irrcnrnplele or ~ requeSt, no respon5e re[eived insuffi [ient ce[ords ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 C) ~ W"lhin910e its" And1ftWs 41AYrtm Rrrhaunte Jiudit Rep4rt Open Publii Ret'.cirds Prail iircif 30 Governmaat Etrinies - itepor# N ){)M11 Responsiveness -1Q Ftequests -Carmpared to Average for Counttes Ben#vn County Respon3e tirne Mer3us avefage for cciunties IFLd9id L}47 Yrij.Mlflla` ic, II"111.O fi`I.plle'4f iL}I FI'tiE7ffli; 40 3J ~ry I ~ 3i~ ~ ~ 25 _ 9J r 20 - ~ Z w n rt; ~ o u~ E 5 p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d I~ 9 o 0 iCJI~++ 4lQ °'tiXl " la . .I 11ry~ -IfJ~ f liir, lr ~+'r.l ...T -J In L.Iil~~.xt il~rr# - ~ .r~~~ ~.r fnbP!•r~,r Nr_L~,x I . .i R2q6Je.S# Df?sETfpt9€ln fkuilnwssrlaYSi.nadse.l,..regrd ~,ky'rsgW vuwenl4sday-i fai d ll,r:mantl~~ I ~ ~ ~ ! 77 Washingttan Stnito Auditark 4ffice ir'orkrmoncx Audit Report Capen fuhlis Reaords Praafaces aR 30 GnvemmerFr Fm-a,l:l, - f~Ep,un VOi1t,t-1 I I Benton County's Rexponse [l4l1 '?/-1i09 r[ara ~3:33 p~ ~4a5{d4~ Lko SuwrrAi4 BQard of CAunty CQ mmi;a"slOners D•~vid Spap^kt ~.`+klri tt 1 Coaise#y Adntinl,stratot Max Fenim Jr: BENTON COUNTY Disrrict 2 14rrtta Smith Ketty CCrwde Oli,rer Deputy Cotrnt}r ,4dm,rr~stnatar Distri rt 3 SIAT-f aul}iTO MB AM 16 A8 :ti 7 A.pxiJ 14, 2008 " Brian .,anh",Hesx>rib1o State Audilor ~ Imuraism Builcling ~i P+C] 13ox 40021 4lynpaa, Wq, 9,9504-6021 ~ Re: Pubiic Re.ourds Paformnoe Atrdic ltWri -ReVonsc ~ Dear 1LrfF. SptM'taW. ~ Wv app=iate #he opporrunfty to wramrnt on the chaft P-ubli cRecorcis P1::L*m=Ce Audit m,;ent~~ ~ provadcd tiD Bk~ntan Couiziy. F1ease corisid[zr this Ieuer cts ftnion Cvuntv'g corrimeK which you sr.qtuw" in.your M=h 19th 2otccr. ~ Tri+ere am scvcml itezns crr smesnwts in }+our +cad ropcsrt das ovazrans rr,spnnse by Bwon Countr+. Tttew are outlined 1xlow_ Redir+cctCng Requests/Re3ponaibili#y fvr FCeqmeiFa #o Eltcted [lYfiremLh. Ya¢rq= doms noi cite auy prub1= aos c-ritictsm of Bon.'[~u County on ihs"s lopic_ HowmverF vre would like to #ake th'ss oppa[trsni#.y to stat,e #hat we wholchr.aM,r1y concuc with thc seaiments of 1he Thtg°iiton Cvurtty ~ 13oaA of Cammiassottffs and TFn3rnnn C-ourrty Trcasums acficatsi in tber 1ettus tcx ynur office tiAd we irscluded on pips 72-74 ofyour draft reporL RCVIF 42.37.020(2} dcfiaw ]ocai egCSU.~3r ia M'ruk ~ oLssy office of cvery caurity. Ju.sC a e-etch suLte egtncy Is an insiependtnt eniiky as Far s`b lega] mspon3ibil'1ty to respotad uac3rr ths Publ:c Ite-cords Aet, wm t+eheve tlte [ogistatvnc shcsuld and has afforda,i local ly e]~od aff'icJals ft satne iredepetndrnca. Th%s intmpt~`,ion ia calWatent wi lh tha reality thut 1oc44 Iy eIootad ofF ciafs ltavc na ovesralght or e:ontral o+ver otltet' lor.AUy eJec#rrl offioWs for #he S=c cutmly. Al#h4ug11 Bcntun C9llniy nlected~ ofrLc#ais eoapmtte very offici xvcly on this iseue and your r"rt did rot crWolze Baatog Co=ty in thFs asped, tor ttic above =cna wc 1aew ~ yaur rcport e,rroneously criticizes vthet /Wilu rc to R cs~+ ~d to Requ+rat fa r`Frp~teM P+rii~. Your rq,sst-t e~tly r~ot~ S3aEi B ~m4or~ Ct~u~ty ~ . di d r~t cq~~t~y ,pracem one of the oess sequests made ro ii duriag this pexfnzmaricz audit- "r1at ~ req-uast vuw mad cby email tn x:1'i~ Benton Cotanty $oard uf aC"`.a,nmwomrs for a topy of drnc County's tsavek polic}F. F6r seaeons we hava no# br.en ab3e ta Uly do#ermim shs County did oot reapon3 to that r°.~.que.st ss yaur report skazes. V4'e tavc fo] lowtd us 'v+with mff to ansure tlte}r are awamof their stWnsibilitses 'tn #h°ss at`ea. AIso, an osder to help }arevvnt s imilar rni st*es i n She #'utuae, the Cuunty ~ P.O. Sox 1917. P'ro-Kier.1'4'A 9935M]50: Phone {W4}78&5fiW or (W9) 736-IM, Pax (50$) 786-56:-S ~ commW1onerAko.bentori.ws.us 78 PM W42hi6"n Stu#r Audl[arr's4fFiov Pa+"Pol'tunm kdit itepm I)pen PIah 111 RecwAs f r,tci 1cr5 ei 30 Goarrrwmerrt Intitlin - RepasE ~ 1 U(O 11 04l1712008 TRIJ 13t 3~ lAx ~~l0]1443 Brian Saimtag April 14, 2008 P'age Two . ~OmmissionluV OFfFece tras pcpmd aM impl==ed ewritt= rntuM policy au#linfng the ptmWutcs far r~sPOndiW tO sueh Mq=ls. Addit~oaliy, whm V.16 MgJ'je aus teccivcd, sxh mml ~-aire nnw being forvarded.tcr a Second p=011 in the office 03 auftuar& V& wrould aisq lifce to pouR out tw tw situELtion bi&W= tbe- conocrrs Yve lyave, about ft agprDpei,e~nM of all0wing M*rd3 rcqursto via =€ur. Our officc rro6ves dozens i!Fwt hundmds of enmils par daY rrrost Of which iave nodAw tcti do with requega fior Public• raaords. Arfo=vr.r, atr,h enaaL,g.= 96=ul ly eent to in IP addmss moniWrcd by orily c~~e maplcrym, 7'hat emglayrt my or may,not be in the o XIan that dsy, weelc ar cv,= =nth. 17e oonxbingxioR of tlx= jacts warrmnu co~~~ ~f WIIMcr thcs Act abould be Amended tO prmIudc re,mrrc[s requesis ~y =ai I. lVniificatlop of Bajtb for R0di+ea0aa. your dmft sepoart ct+rrcctiy wtcs +p3t pm;ge 27 t,hat Smfam County fm'lcei W,cida dw spCC-ific le& e€amptiion far the tedactior;s ofcrtWtt pamral inforrmation tb'u wss set forth an [he dn=nmw scfift-ting tha live bigbest paid employops of Ehe counry. 1't, agpe= tlm tm manMAr hwxRing (bi g response simply nad~ a wist*e in na~t includirig rhw chNtion = in hes re,spmm knez. She: hm k04:42 100rmzI ofttus e,rrar. and c+ur officc witl be tnlting firth ~ ~s ta e~a~t~ th~t e,ch memb~r ofiU atai~`~~ this rcNiram~t e~d its impa~a. AceommodQtlingTekph+uW-CR0qpf41tfi. Onpap 23 af aw draft rq)crt thao b o► gencrg stg=ug t2rat 0~rw'o#~ic= or dcwtmmts witbin Benton Corrnty gommmj![rt dr~ Oct accommodatc; tdcphanic =Orrds mqucsls- Witlout fus#hor dee,il, it is difficult for o to Mvidc o0a=m#. p~egio ix W*Wre,„ however, ttvu tho staff va+iUa the C(ymmkMMncr*S o~`ice &nd tlie P1=AN atrd Buildicrg Dcp"nelnf have bom sdvUej afthe nr,,ed to end in fac# (io e==nDdW pele~hmic teqwcm if insfsW trpori, it ss uue tlsat'tFlm sUffmemben wAy' auggcgt tO the mgu,stDr thas awittero rNum Is p~'crable aM rr,ay evcra te in ~e rec~ucstvr"a'kaest b~ri a~ wjit~ ~aeq~ ~ g~e~fty ~,at s~xsi~d 3~'t,~ ~UasW is nbt mmeanabte tn corlpicd ng +uur forra far reqase,szing pubiic rtwrds. AgRin, wc apPrc03%W t'hc OPpfldunI#y f,.o submit t+ur aorrn=te to your dmft xapnrt. BOARD C3F COUNTY C{]MXVlISSIC}d+lERS . r:c: Carnmissstontn 1?eptibty Caznty Admlmistrwr Pmsonrdng Aitorney i';w Wathin" Stvm Auditneii 0lfi€r PcrfQrneantt iyudFt #tepari ~ f7pen'Puhlic Recoads Prarti(es zt 30 Gavemrrkent Entitic-i - RepnPa a 1t ~ Appendix B - Results by City and R+esponses ~ ~ Abouc City of Seattle The CMty of SeattCe iS the kargest cifiy in W'a5liiiington_ win a population +D" approxiriiately 586,200. It has a mayor-council fprm of gouernment wiih nine eIrcted ~ ~oijncil 141embers, an elected Mayor and an e1ec#ed City Attorney. ~ The Caty"s public recvrds process is d~centralized_ 7he City has at Ceast one public ~ recoFds officer for each de{aartrnenk. The City relies on indNVidual departments to prcacess and respond to requests. rhe fo6lovving departrnents or -offices were inc'hudeci ~ iri our aLidit: * Ci#y Clerk's Office icaverskglit of Of~icers an ihe Legaslative Branchk ~ •Mayor's Offiice dower5ight oi Officers on the ExecuCive Branchi • Poiice Departrrient ~ * PersonflellbeparterEent = In#ormation aechriology C'~eparfimenfi ~ Confvrrting responses to the initial re~uest -2 out o# 10 Requests ~~ty orf Se2Mt#~~ F= Responsiveness to 10 Requests ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ SuffiCienk rL-sponse receiwed ~ Request nn4 received by the entity.s Puhli~ F~eccar~s ~J~Se~r ~ ; Entbty €~irected tequ~st~,r x4 resubmit t h e req ue st to a nother departrrse nt ~ Entity r~~ponse was drafted or rssu&d, within the errxity but not received by the reques.tar Entity ded not correctly process tMe ~ Entity respont#ed wikh incarnp1e#e or request, no response rerei►red 3nsuffieient records ~ ~ Entity did r+ot accept the format nf the rNuest ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 80 ~ Ww"Snn 5tatA Audhwl 0lke POrFarmanct Audkt Reporx 47pM Fublic'Aeco rd5 Nracti(rs,~t34) Gg)vhIri,rrrtall E rnirir!5 - RomrTA liH" 1S Respansiveness - 10 Requests - Compared to Average for Cities City of Sea#tle Respcrnse tkme vergu5 average Far cit#in 40 fe;e5r,l ~Fe~ ~~5~~~rr,n rr: ,ne~inl ~r..Jii±~t de7r tr~.~~rdsl 35 s # a ~ 30 ~ 2 • ~ ~ ~ ' ~e ~ ~ ? a a = s- ~ ~ ~ ~ a 20 go it, x 0, - + ~ f • b ' } A~ ~,~.i :~.~.±-ur ~ 'n~r~Ptvic~ i~..., ►r,«,n:si, .v..aur~.~,n,n.~r . ~.ix~. r,■d,.-r~ ~ri •i,~um.~iv,.,~ .'7r~r_t w,r~.. frciw~r~~~F w~-_.~n f.y .n ~:~~~I,' J T:.,~: !-:Ilev ib~U . Fw, !ILi'... ~tQ~ques! ~~u:ra}~cirsn 9u~~in-eMys t~.~k+~.en rite~rd ~ A+.~e9a burlr.e.:t daysfGr.ll cFtlea V I I h ~ Wm"ROn Styft AvdltaeS Dffitit rlydantlalkCe Audft Ft#qcr3 ~ [3p-en Nhlu Fkerortls Fractices. at 30 GcvremmcTrd Ern ities -R?pDrt 0 lllNO I~ City of Sea#tte's Ietter of Macch 31. 20138 ~ ~ ~ Gregory J. Nickel.~ ~ %ikryor oE Se.m Ie ~ ~ M,areh 31, 2008 Brian Sonnkag, CGFM Washingtan S4'ate AudiRc3r " Insurance BuikJing, P.D. Box 40021 ~ OIympia, 4VA 38504-0021 ~ RE: Public Records Periormance AudEt Draf# Fteport ~ Fhan#c you for !he oppWunity to provGde technhcal camments vn the perfonmance ~ of the cik}r of Seattle's executive br;anch d'unng 4'he pubiiC mcvrds au-di# ctxnducted m 200 7 .'irVVe were hapPy to see ihat the qverarching cond w;iort is that good custonrrer servim is being provided state wwide Fn tesponse tv public records ~ requests, f am aIso personahly pleased with our perfafrnance in respcanse to the eight requestr> that wete direc'#ed to the execu#i►+'e branch out of Seattie's totai ~ 5,528 recelved in 2007 However, Gam disturbeci thai pcaur audit's conduzion abo-ut SeattRe's perfgernance and cvmpiiance wdh the P'ublic Recor[f5 ,Rc+t is at adds with the date collected from the ten anonymcaus requests made to the cfiy ~ The Audit Qoeis NotSupport the Findings The sltpPortng dvcumen#s Cieariy dcs n(5t suppor[ the findlrigs rhl5 d~aft audlt depicEs the city of Seat#le as nern eornplGant with the F'ublic Records Act (F'RA) and consequentay at nsk for thousands of doIlar~ of penalties. We asser[ fhat the audit is generally ffawed and iis fndings incorrect tecause they are based upan f-aufty methodoaog y unsupporCed !ay Iaw o r (he erridenoe oorutained in I he repor"l `r#se tf The mnst grLevvus inaccurecres are based upon the loregone GonClusion. deuelopei mid-aud+t, thad ~centr-a! pnint of cvntacl and int+arnaC referral is the anl msthod for handfing requests ~ As a resu9t, lhe city's ackuaf responses vkrere discarded. For exarrNple, on p~~e two of the cirait audil, a chart lis#s the city o( Seaitie as providing confarming secords to ~ on6y 20% vf the requests Howevet, ot!her than ~~e emaii mquest that +ruas returned to you a$ undeliverable, your eswn supporling documentalion Shonrs that ~ the city of SeaYtGe was ac:tuaitylDO% responssue: every requesi we received had a respons+e wikhin frve days and receiued khe raques4ed rec.rds ~ Srattk l_rtw 1ia11, 71..h Fkptia, NM.i Fswrlh Aw°cnu.e, E',ll h4ii Y474(k, Scs'rlc, tiv:~,9X]244749 121 i 206~6h4 4W}' TCO i7o61615.047(s ' ~ax {;{K,1W-53e'k1• www_:,e:r[klrpoiertdyLir An t+4,iv.mqdaYnirel4ppyeIInIL5'. aifivd~~~ ac9.wmtmP4iw +~nimmcri.4u,ua f•~ p~:.ru►~ w.+h~~hILLn Kr,4k.f prM te4u6+1 `1~"'" . ~ 8L ~ WsEWagton #Ute Auditors Qffice PfrMrewce Jlnift ReVort 0;wr, FiiiiliE Rreoni;1"rarrtrtr4.it R1 Convernmem fnlmes - Rfipao ~Tt1co?11 This sarne chart stakes tha# the crty of Seaftfe only resporrde-d to 20% of the reqUests quicker khan city averages C]nce again, do+cuments retreal that once the apprcpria#e agency received the request, many vf the city's responses u7refe actually quicker than other tnuch srnaller ci1,ies. By examindrtg the actual evid~nce, wihich ihe audiit Oored, it is clear that SeaffGe was responsive. 9 Qn January 26th the [7epartmertt of Finance recekved your request far the vaeation records of the Finance Direc#or. Dr► Fearuary 10 the re+r.ords wer+e an the m,aGl - 4 busrness L[ays. Yaur audi# Iists th~s respottae as nort con#orntirrg snd slower #ham average. *0 n January 24"' the Npartamerrt of Informadon and 7erhrrra9ogy received your l1SPO requesl [crr a tob descri,ption of the CTO. On January 26 the descrap tican was ernaiied to the re- qvestor- 2 busine ss d ays. Ya ur audic fists this respnnse as non cooforrrming arad alower t,han average. 0 On .larruary 2e 1Fe Mayor"s Office receivad a request for celi phone recorcSS of the De,puty Mayor, On February 2"d they vuere rn the rtaai1 -4 husiness dayrs Your audit lists this response as riorr conformtng and slawer than averrage. • C]uring the end oi year prccessing rwv requests to Personnel far a iis# of the top firre highesk paitd employees and empXoyee recagnitiDn aurra rds toak 16 and 27 days respecEively. In bolh =$s, the requestar aeceived a response ' wsth,in rive cfays af thefr request whrch provided ar~ ~sfimatc% o# when the records would be available and an explanation for the de9ay. "h resporrses were rnarle aaailable as requeslewd_ Ynur audit lis#s this riDsponse as nom c~nforarafng ,and unr,asponsive. In e+very r.ase. the Glf#gEftal fequ$sR r£`{Q6[4'ed a te3pDn56 1MIlFilf'I the FiV6 ~ayS requared by the Ac#. !n euery case thi,% response incJu ded the speciFc cuntac# name and +departrrrent EVet7 JG1cIi1dkng the tve da]1g IIIVoIved In the fe-dI(eCt -Xhe city's responses were welP within the average r~~ofise tirrtes. The Fundamental Prernfae ia Ffawvved The audit Eabeled SeattMe"s perforrrtance as non conforrning b~sed trn the pfemrse that enti#ies must have single point af access. This promise is not supporl+ed by the data and find irtgs wd h En the repart i"lF a-ecaurse there is nin corelatiors betNeen +nrAether a loca l gove rn ment's pubi ic r~cords proceas is c.entra iixed and its p►erformanre. The cR~a(t vn page 12 Qf the draft reqort purpnds to rank en#ities by their per#ormanGe- WhiW SpoJkane County, the ttp-raleri' counky, ia eentrltzed, so is lfakirrra County, the lowes#,rated count}r. Benton Ccaunty, whicl~ ~s decentraliz+ed, pecrformed as well as the other iwo counties arnong the lop-rated three , . UYas!►ingloo 3tate Audkoes Qlficr Prriornunce Audkx R"rt ~ Open Puislic IfetoA5 f°racticpsx 30 Gcsveinmena Enfiitoeni -Aesn,r1 a 1111 '410 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ResuYts fiot th+e cit~s are ssmilar_ 1`F~e 6ky of Spolane Valfey, ttre top-rated cdy, is ~ cantra laod, But if qne removes t#* city ~f SeaCtle, wftvse ac'#uai performance wvas ~ not measured, the city of Kent, which is centrawized, is 1he Iowest-rated city, CentraJization is nol the key tv gccd periormance_ ~ ~ontmlized Aecess ia Not AWaya a Eleat Practiee ~ At numervus poin#s the draft states that ttae legisEative inienf of the aet is to provrde requesfors with a sirtgie point af contact in svbrrrotting and prtrcessing requests ~ vw+ithen an entEky_ Thi~s -ts not true. The IegisEatiwe dntent is #o proMe lhe fuJlest as,sislance. The Cpty of Seat#le"s empfoys 53 Public Uisciosure Offcers (PDO) ~ and two Ia+eyers ko prevenR ~e bo!#Ie-neck arad resultin,g paralysis that one central contac1 would inctar InforrnatiCara on subrr+it#ing a requies#, as vv+all as a fist of ~ agen+cy P00s, is posteri on both the home page tor bath the MEiyor and the Councitl, ~ The iQ requests submitted Wi yflur audit were sirnple arrd straightforwaTd. Ani yes. F= requests for simple identifiabIe records residirag in asingfe departrrrent coukd and ar+e easiiyr referred interrrally by Gi#y of SeattVe agencies, H+pwvever, marry af aur ~ raquests are nat so simple and a centralized syrstem wcruld add expense. d-elay and unnecessary bureaucfacy. it a,s not urrcomrrton !o reveive a.request asking fot a11 records related to an is5ue ~ or even ageagraphicai area such South Lake Union_ If the ciky weve to enforce the one size fits a[l approach you have incosrectly €fe#'ined as a 'cvnfofming' ~ resporrse, then the frst person ta get the request vvould merely fotwarci it [o the six or more ddferent departrnents khat might haue records', F'arks. Ci'ty Ligh#. Seattie ~ Pubkic Utliikies, Transporks~ion, Fleets arnd Facillies4 the Council, e!c and a vesy C[rrrfusing 'cIarification' prxess vuould ensue ~ fri our experienee, mosf requestors would ad7ually p#efer tD apeak vviih sarreone ~ who can help them unders#and vrhat kinds of records exNSt Tha# is why we choose io #irst pravide a response with a comprehensir+e list af departments and pubpic ~ disclosure officers that might have responsive records. Clarifiying broad reguesls ps not a one-5#ep or sirripIe procBSS and is atway5 beSl acGDmplashed by records custodians, antd not another midrJle man. 1Ne ask thak you dzange ihis in your final report as neither our extende-d exper'rerrce nor your findings suppot# this. ~ Xhe Audit Unfairly Compares Lacal !Governmants Your benehmarks are aCso questior~aN_-. 'i"he City of Seattle is carrapated to a cF#y ~ which incorporated in 2003 (Cdy of Spokane Valley)- Ent'rtoes aTe arbi#rarihy grouped by cityr, state. or cauniy Size, numaer of annual requests, and the ~ cvmplexity of gcrvemrrrevrtal sen+ices would prowide rnore useFul compafterns_ ~ l'he Caty vf Seatthe successfuIVy harrdled 5526 public disciosure reqvvesk in 2007 This is an lncre-ase of 1425 sFnce 2004, 6ncorpora[ed irr 1869, the chy fieJds ~ requests for 25 depar#ments, 50 koards and commissivns, a separately eIecKed nirle-mernber CounCil, Iegal depariment and municipal court_ ~ ~ ~ 84 IM W+shiMWn Stgft rAudWf Offrcr RedotSninw AudFt Nepon 4pen Pubk1e€e+4s PratriCei t M GcrrrrnFnem Entitits -Reporr y i DpUf! i 1 We hav~ a azen base of 578.000 and 10.000+ empioyees. And yet, as your audit discovered but Failed to showF at 4east 50% of the requesis received by the ciky were re-sportdeO to qu'rclcer than the ave►agea fm much srnaller cities. The PRA requares an agency to provide a prampt and accur~tiD response to a ~ public records request not that a c'rty provide a c3ntralized ae,quests process, The au€iit daresn't pvrlray how the city of Seatle actuafly responded to eight at the requests. RatFwef, by basing ils findings on vuhether the city canforrred ta a "best pract+ce" not required by the PRA or supported by the evidence, d creates the taCse irnpresscon that the cityt tsf Seaktle rs nrat carnpCying wit[h the PRA 4ja+e ask that the State Aaditor's Mae change the audit ter align wftth the facts. Ftes II Tirri Ce D$" Mayor ~ i ! 4 ~ ~ Washictgton State Auslitur5i Mre Radarmzn€e Audit Rfpan ~ f?peii i'iahartAtYurrl,.f'QaMcc5ar3[Ffemttrnmearf Eiqtis,F5 -fr.epurik'.:lli(n)1i City Q~ ~ea~lle#5 Resp[71'1Se ~ ~ ~ ~~~.d1't•I' ,i~~':6t1~t ~ ~ ri1 ? I . 2 00 9 ~ t Iri•;~ ~,r~;~~~,. c_ I','1 N,VasliiElg,tora State Auditor InSur~~~~e Fitiil-Jim'.. I'.#.l, I:iox 40Cw2 9 ~ riipia. Va'r"~ 98504-002 I Mifl k1r. C'ofiillic'w. ~ ~ itf.:: I'Lthlic Reeords 1'erfcMrnimiiire Ateciif Uraff I~~l-tni•t -('antmenls an I{ inal Dr-ai't ~ As %~c di.wussed in e-azii° eirrwicr teckr«icae ~orwi~~nk as kkell Larw w\il rttler% yeEx last ~~~ek ktie r~ti I ~ tfse .3rulit ,ill incorrccl :mai lirtl-rirr portr;j%:il oI-~ftie L!#t%rnacRis:es, Tiir ilt-v t1l'S4kiSllc ta:~s our p«blic c1iselcastir+L responsibiNiti~~ , er^~ scriously asid althc,Ligli v~an cai6E31151),' 070!W ntlt to n(}te lhis in ihe aLidit_ it is Y•eflected in our• rierfi,rmunLe. ~ lu faititiir}g mil, enrwtic:; '►taTe 4o17*iadeFe[I noil-Ce;;pmltij~,t il- t}aC FCtjLrC,l41r ,vw: direxN~~~ io s~pw0wr ~ dc:partmeijt tti sul,tliit iI}eir reque,I. A4cursJitig i,:, 0 tis slandard_Seati~e was c°ited a-s ct±y~ipictel. ~ 1titt5-tV1:1}01t:;iV C iTt 7 rml ol' 10 rc°qui~,m-i. TltC sitowlll iNO f tith4'; 110i VNPI161I 1}it ri~ti0rlqYh: I iar fi«r7siderii16l this l}ractice a:~~ Ilt"pn-re±±pf}I15R1+w, bul (itII't[lLe (ale e?ali illl`:t'vYt;w 4'olll° [?ftk4e ex1fl9lii.ed ~ ti°tat ~Letl ileeided tiiicl=audit tlyai i[aterna[ as oIipnsed ics extt.rEtal realirectw -wea-c coaiside.r°ed kti 13e hc:lt,:r viv~9osiicr wrvice Iior 4he averm w requestm-, I Iiis r3nc-sirc-dits-aN~ 4-ipproac1► doc', n„x w►:t)rk I'or nLir tmit!,. .fu;t a-s reql-dc:.sts dtF'1er, s4, dai tEjc methods tor peor idiirog Itjlir~.r a,,isoarrce T1w nucli1 chami 11w kiIV pLCfi.lfpli[Ilwt' accorClItIg fio (11C ?)l,fi1ll3ir of }"+tlalilL':~~ Eha\-,4. iq took i+.s rvsporacl tlo eitch reque;l (pt~~-o 98). ln 121c- cascs ►vllerw 1~~c auditr.xr receix~ed a respc3iyw (llzxt ~ Illcjlldeii LIIv ti)nLaLt tiaiiie titit° lilt tippi-tipriale del)at-tmcnl. iIic iiucjit alcics mal irticlude tli* aitritil ei4N respR3nic_ In fact ii inaccuratck sliosks t}ie cit~ as non-respoaisivc- 11s we cslpfii~iuriieiilccl (Jurin&l ttIC c.Xil 411.01-w4CrA'. t.he t-it~rLClirccte~l tC~e re4I~.icsts ir~ ~,rcder ~ prLiviule t~i~. re~:~srds Eiiore rapi~ll~ _~'e lna~~c altachecl g'chart iiisE shows lhe aitua I resutt; ii?r 10 rea1kic,l', vole ;;tthmidlctl to Bkic L:111•. WC 11W.-C inClLatiCkl Iki~ ~~-'Cral~-e +11'04 ii tOiA CitiCs la, rCspt.,rlt9 ~ .Hrad tEtie ,JOual 111-1~MiitCw% rl.tVs it Itotiil± II~t: 61'+ c+fScatkle it) rcwp~wil micc 0ltti rc4ltjc-st reachcd t110 ~ ri,oit ag , c.ncr•. 'e iisk thar thts cliart be incfLiclecl ffl 1he l-iRaI .r'lkidit Repi,rt in oriier tt, accurateC~ E'€:fleer th.3t Idic Citv, o!'Seat114 rt.~pot7ded 1() 1110 r•cdFrc:cted r4(JeL,~;tS. ~ ~ titirlle ~ak 6iil1!_ 'rli l hf11°F f ~:~flrth :154rvjr. f'.li. 8Z,_i,r ~i ~'•d'~, `;a-;iolir. '.V-N d~I i?~IrsM{~~}.a-~1~fliY, 9 r~~: Cryl1t+I+.!#~-i;d`~il.+5ey~s.~Y[Er.~~:ssF9Tr,.~}Lir ~ 'Ir~~ti~lcrrrsrl~r4r~~tiilr~~,~wrrri~r~ith iuiarrn.~.i4~.i~t~.,ri2ni~l~+,r-d 4c~:•~nn~c~s~:~tit}~i-,"si-:r~+cn~,Yr+.~.it~ict~,ll,ifilitia~sre5~i~ir.i,i~vsrire~~i:c~i ~ Washington S#tr,,4WlWs 41fice Fcr#ormae" Aludit Repun l,p^r6't!b!i;H-tii,3nlsl"an,[;,:,r,',t'~Iuti.i,~i iiriirnt§filoii4: Pcfinrrl1fln:V1WC ~MPPf4'.l.:l;LtC tilc ckPEtiOriL,rjitN chis auiAi[ lia, E)r(~~ ldcc1 10 4VU11111c Our• prk,~Cdu(-,:s fOr r~spondiiig tta reccwds requests. We bclievc lhat it was appr(ipriali: (c) redrrerl the ;sudit's retgtaest~ bv serrilirig d61+: contact nainc ot`t.hc upproprfate puhlic disc losurc ofliccr. 11«wever, we reZLlize lhis coiilcl lti-Llve 17cen achie-veil tttior-e e\peditit)tia~jy trN' - ' iP1y(Ine eitll oc an crnail t4) tlic: requi°sic,r ri~~~ awa) rathet- Ihun afozmal post 4~tfice Ictier mijiied a#'tcr 5 day;. This is a more tlypical pr-actice in liiie l~'ith n{lC]I1.:iI £i1y prca~edurcs. and ~will he includa:d tttor~~ ~~ecificully in our trainings and policies as a r►;sti lt nf'the atadit. Attswhecl is ihe corrccu;d c#wrt o.I`cily r~spos7sc to tlii l,:n aioni, mous r~~~~c-s1s KM~,weII zs aCr~py od-tfie lechnic~~ L~ornmcnls we subni ittc:d on MzvruFt 31'', W~ 1.vOuld like (ti sev: both inclucled in thC tinal aLidi1.. Itvspeo tili1y. Nat~~~' Cr~~~i~r. SIram-,ic :'1dvisor '1f1ity t) r`s 0 I1ace + Ih1I1c 4 A:E'444;C t1 tie,,yillt.'.L~o4 Nesior Nevryttian, ('1'A.W;]shiZ1tlfotl Siait AtIdilor's (=1t~ict: l r]rtr licmtarci. C,I'A. WasIEim-moll Si,13k: AL16101'~', 01111CC f h+rMMiT°oiarihAVI:nuC, [a"'f;lf,++.-rr.titme[1e,W:# 'k8 104-5873 1+:1: i.2116) fr84-4i it lll. MD: P ryl k,1 #p1 4. i l-4 76, VAV (21}fpy 68-9 _i i t,l}. ~lll Cz.p.1" I:C7'Rf1 I i1lIT1t!-IL :a1i&i- 1 f'[Uf71['.. .4 131 RFliilitr' JtiYll%I CII4jq,...k!7 A4iIJmTflI OLlll~~n'a [5C I 4!l`I-sk 341F,I 1 ijl4'1N I I"5.4`Y I"rfILir.~l-'j ;i[4iP'- rvtlllcgl, ~ wa5raxgani $tas+r Aisdftmrs affice p,edorn,ance Auakt Remn Op~fl P11blif RFfQfdS Pf,"K'{Icg3 at i() rMpfort1t'w F I'lm. Ir'S jkpjr l0 l l1ib:Al I;CitNr ofSeatt1e - Revie►v of Final ['erforrr~an+ce Audit on Public Recorc~~ ~ 3CI - - - - ~ 20 1 ~ P ~ L p t a ~ `~a R.ve rar~., ~ ~ _ '1 1714V4SFI - 2 ~ . ~ . , - - ~ Y'!Ai'll _III_!iT-'Ii~4Y'k}~Y iY~aalf ,r~ fF.'Wn -v ri !.?[l. .rl•'/ l.ir .eLfHF~IIIIIP* . ~ . 11g.99R'nAril 1411ii..l I'-1 V:n~Ix4r4~ 1 I$+;.•-ra P.'" I+ni iLJa''YtiY ~3@GLflGlli+9f1 I I.esNw . lel! Ej'M1rinr'r I'*F-.Y r'i} ::[:tlT I:a',~.. I_trwr.lar rs~YnQf-e:rYt+r fT.rul* Reca,7nMw'u' •IJU514k I r.u'ii f]f fT I fir~~ M1~ Yf'.Ib r I }i. rt I lp ~ ~ ~ 1 Sexual Harassment ~lerk Wadk-;n request handled by Clerk"s Office. ~ Policy They tvok requestor s narne and replied the sanie da 2a F±rre Highest Paid Emp Personne! Request +v,ra~ interna!I forwarded by cIerk 4o ~ Person.rrel who acknowledged and sent esbrnate Pn 2 days - ~ 2b Trauel PoIscy Clerk This request vras never receiued by the citY E9-rtiail request sent back as undeEiverable 3a Trave9 Vouchers fof #'st this point, audikor had ch~~~ged rnethodal'ac3y Sf7OT direcCor and dsd not re-send the request tts the ~ department wveri to t~em gn the res nn-e . 3b Ce11 Phorte Records for Maycar hr+layar"s affrce receiued request on N1vnday and Trrn Ceis Sef1t ft?cD!'ds {Yd1 Ff[C~ay ~ 3c Vacativn Recc►rds for rirrance Finance off'rce received request on Monilay and C}irector of Financ-e sent records Thursday. ~ 3d ,lob Description tor DoaT DoVT received request on fiuesday and sent ~ Director of DoIY rer-ords on Friday ~ ~e Out of Siate Traval fear Police City prowEded reccrrds within the estrrnated tfrne Chief of Police frame ~ 311: Expendikures For Emp Personne1 City provaded recariJs uvithen the estimated tim~ ReGOgf11fNf}fY A"ati+aPdS frame 3g PFenne Directory Cleek CIark teceived request on Monday. sent recorcis ~ vn Tu~~day Of more than 5M rt7essages that were adtiressed to dornains managed by the !Cikp, anly 2.2 ~ M of these were addressed to valid addresses. Of that nurnber, 14% were delivered, 76 511/n were blocked as SF~AM, and 9.5°/d were quarantgncd ~ ~ 88 ~ Richard Cvnfin Seattle City Council President .~prit 17, 2008 Brian Sc~oraag, CGFM Washitigt+on St~te Awditor [rrsuranc+e Builc#ing PO Bax 4t1021 Olyntpia, W,4 985N-W21 RE: 1'ablir Recarels Per#`nrrtancc Audit Draf# Rclwrt T'hmk you ft►r providing o the opporfurti[y So rresspoztd la your rceenS audit o1 publrc disclcss= reqtiets pmsentad to the City of Scatt3e. PIcase be aurucd that the Ctty will thoraug9ily revicw thc suditars` repoat and rqaLkke chsstges to azrr process as neccssary #o rrieet both tae leLter w~d the spirit af #he lavus relat€xi tn pukrlic reec3r&. P Mc~e fee1 Crcc t+a contact my sraff dis-cctly if you kavc any que.stions orcanems. ~iricaet~.l}, . ~ Ri~iat-d C:nn[in Council Prr-siderit. Chiy HaIP BU Four#h Aventio, Floor 2, Pp Box 34025, Seattle. +NA 981244025 i 1 I (206) 684-8805, Fox° (2{7-6) 684-,M87, 'fTY: (206) 233-0025 E-Mail Address: rlchard.conIln@segWe.gov InternetAddress; http:llw+nn,v,cit'yrafseatkle.,netlcouncl[fcoinlin! Art EEO employer_ Accamrr5odatlcans ior pe~opte with tiisebillfies provided upon raquest_ ~ NR,~h#EtigR0rr S#rtt ~di~t's Of~ice PerfmrmancV J~udl~ Repr~r~ aP~ ~'ul~lir Ffriod%Pr.Vtal€CIs xl 1Q Gtr*mmem bntitaes - Rqpti K1(M)1]011 i About City of 5pokane 'The Crhy af Spokarie. is khe ~,second tlacgest cq in the state wath apopuaation of aPptoximateiy 202,900. VoteFS efect a NCayo F and a severr-member City Couricil. The Cityr's publir records process is ciecentraaized as the Co has ihree pubGic records ofi~`icers al the City Cferk's Office, the Palice Departrrpent and the Municipal Coijrt. The City Cferk reIMes on Fridividiial departments to gather records in response tio reques#s. The falfowirr;g departments or othces auere inclraded mour audit: * City Clerk`~ Office • i'ctFice Deparirilerlt Conforming respanses ta the initial request - g nut of 10 Requests City of Spt]kaf1e Respnnstrren ess #ts ] 0 Requests 4 a. Sufficient response reteived 0 Request not receJvecf by the erttitys ~En4ity difected requestpr to resubrnit Public Records Offrcer the request to ancs[her depart.ment MEntfty resporase ►nras drafted vr issued, vwithin the entity b u t nat rec,ed+red hy the reques#*r ■ Entity did not [orrettly process the 0 Entity r~sponded +wvi#h incornplete pr reques-t, no response i-ece'rued insu£~'itient rec[+tds Respvnsiveness - 90 Requests - Corrrpared to Auerage far Cities City of Spokane Ritsponse tirrle versus aveFagt for €itift Kyso'F on r~spcnsr Rij, Initi,YJ requr9a fui recoorjs~ 40 35 30 25 ~ C 2ry. ~ W m~ nwP-..e rre r..u i.wr ~ ~ r..nr¢s; ~.H.wisr4+tr.lien?t 1 [ + ~ 75 w9.Idrv~..srtal,armnA r~~ ~ + ~h ~ 10 ~ ~ ~ t~ z I 0 IJYIJ:iiiml Illie-- M` f]I~Ik MwP § - ra:al~ R'.1rin.ll~ `hr[iiYiL*L I^~?~. I-IuY. . I i'~:,'f Mllie :i rrLIG 4ah 1 n.,;iru,~'f!fi,~lJ~'St Q~iCTI~[IC?fl 1lu;an~s cfa~~. 6~ ohr~i.saorrl ~~,,r~y~ 6ciiews deya da. n11 cleF., 89 ~u Ml"nge4rt St3te 1H+dllWs Dffice Prrfarmamr,kurLi[ Regart d Open Publi( Rttu,U% ilraoircnat N Grrvrrnment Entitip-s - Fievues 0 1[](.0111 ' City of Spokane's Response ~ ~ ~ h $lIL~IirhIVE CITY C[~!t~N+~.aL. OKA~ ::II;; '1'. i:.rCl•, I'~ ~ ~P,~~~ ~ Ta_ Nestoe New€nan ~ Audil Manager Washingttxti S#.a#e Auditor's C?ff`tce ~ RE: Pub9ic Reeards AudGl Response ~ Dear Mr. Nerrvman; ~ T-rreCityof Spokarte SuppOa't5 OpeTi pubpiC gOUemmerik 8nd oUf sWte's FubIic Rectlrels ACt and reCQgrti~p~', I:hal the Publie di[sckosure Act is one of ft primary w-ays ft public keepS lnformed aWu9 governme,7t ~ Parirctpetion in the CJkf.zen"s Initiativs 900 arad the Stste Audqoe"s C1fFice objectn,+e anaVy,is w41M assisE ~ne. Ciiy Ir, impraving prograrn perforrrnance and operat9ons_ Adminiskrstive poflcy ztnd procedur" far pubIie ~ records requests are currenUy uncter revier+w by the ~~ency and rvila be upda#ed mlndful of the reCent developrr9enEs In public records management, the Pubbee Records Act and the Washington Attorrkey General`S modei rules fvr papes and electronlc records. ~ The $Late Audit+~r's war~s ides~~lfled 21 hest ~rractl~ in 19 ranter~i ar~s inr Y~cxw the ~City prrocesses ptiblic rmmrd5 requests, This 'tnforrnation, as we11 ds the c:r~+mparatiue best practices oi oifier agenches, is ~ vrelcamed as a krol for impnavernent. As more public records have beK~orne auailable eiectresnu:ally the City has recagnized the opPorluniky to e work wilh people whn request eEec'tronic copr,es of publlc recoIrds, EIec#ron6c CopFes of rrecatds 8re ma+de auarlable En efectr'onic forrxtat when possibe. M e The C1!y's Nlanagement Crifr,rmation System5 Departrrtent has investeci resounces af neariy 1 rvMiallon d€sllars, excGUdirag slaff time, ar~ a dcxcumani Imaging sys#em frx the Palice DepaHmen1 and Cilyr C1afk's ~ CJffice_ This syst+em was implemented In rnld 211343 and has beian contfnuously rrtakntained and Irnpepved m with an angoirrg investment. This syslem is mainly used tor the stiorage of City C'ferlc docurnersts and i5 available to the public i(i a searchaGre far-mat cari ths Ct4y's web-site_ The +v~alue af this wnrre5#ment kS ~ reflected in th1s report wrhich notes Rhat the website was easy lo use In the S#~te Audikor's ave1it planri'ing. ~ ~ Irt the first q,uar#er c~~ 2008 an Ert#etprlse Vaukl was se# up as an ernal1 archiving scslulaon klnat allauus fot mote procfuctive etnail s#orage ancE recovery vf aur ertrsFl sy F#em_ Ti his &-chEvrng enables ft capab6liky ta ~ search and 9ocziia orraa 11 eantent and c#ocuments io meet Golti Ieg al anrk regulatory com plianre ~ requireme.rrts + l`he Spokane Munopak Co+d+e pro+uides for orte designated pubfkc rectards offlow, the Ciky Cierrk, afthough ` par# of the requesiis are fllied In the deparkmanSs ofi Police and 11+1unlcipal Court, whirch is the reSUVI of lfra specific inftormation requh`~menl5 arsd the voCume c+f requesxs. Effective as of MaJr 5. 2008, the City will ~ have fi11eQ a n.ew Depuky Ckerk pasi4im In A.he City Ciei`k's Office_ 7frAS rew position wlbl provlde acldillonal resources +uvheee there heve beon Cons#rahts in staffing tn #h-e paSt_ ~ The cift~~ ~f Spakane are erngaged trs city affairs, The Ct1y laelieves ihal the Public Reco(ds Act ss good ~ and pc~sINe for ali ~ovemmen'C5 ko fofGovr. The Ciiy agtees thal Impnn+riN a=unCabifity and transparency " +nrlhi6e engagir+g citkzens Ieads Io #el[er govemment. ■ M r r 90 W"hln" Suft JMudftr~l (1ffict ParinrrnaMa Audlrt Ftepon OpuS Pt►dlk Accord5 F'r2~ities aY -it} (itrvmmeni ErNtities - Rap~,rt s 1M 1 i in unanrrounc.ed puMc r$cords requests, the Gity did not meet the State Aud"rtors cri[ena #o be +.*nsidem,d a Sufficfant eesponse in rtwa of the ten pubCfr. recards requestS: I . Request not ~an-eetty processed, no response rewived tay th e req uestor The City received a certified mail request for the Poli-e [7epartrnent's ou1 af sEate trave9. The staff mernbeT proossing the request had abr+eak dawn +n ciarnmunlcalrQn rrrhile se°elting gUidance irOfn 2no##her dep8r6rT'we ntwh1ch led to a non fespens9, 2_ Reques[ tivas considered nonctandbrRaing; The C'tCy reCeived an e-rnaif request for the tmuel policy of the agency. F-fo'wrt?ver, the City provldELd the requestor with the we#a address for the agecrcy'~ business expense po66cy. When the requestor fioIbwe# up the lrauel pollcy was provPded as prevlously reque5#e4. The business expense policy wras originaIfY provided in a good faith effor! 'ko resprarpd to the F$qklftt, afthough thls re5p$Cbse IS Ct]nSI.d~.'fed flofk CCMnfl]i"I'T11Fig to tr1~ StatQ AVdItE3f's perFoernanc~e auc[it c-iritens and the responsi-veness Lo CItazens_ fi#tis request was in eompliance uwith the Attomey General"s rrsod+el rules for publi~; recarcls which recornmends that the parties work tc~ether bo furfill the requesi V+VAC 44-14Y104003(2). 7his analysis wall assist khe Cbty pn improving perto,rmarice and operatlons in the ar$a afi publlc record5. AIA fdenfified attrlbUtes wfll be considem~d, and lo the extent posSible will atso 'b~ fl'M'1plef~1BY~ted, aS RBW 9t2ffMl7g R'SQ~tCC~ afe a1GOGated 'lQ posifivelyr impact how public reccords requ"ts are processed VNhen the City feceEVed an in--person request for a copy of the sexual hara:ssment the report indicWed that the eequestor was not required tv fiCC out a publlc records request. The request ipr the age ncy°s sexua0 harassrnent poficy is consi€#e.red !he kype oF Intprma#ion whtch i~ ~guEarly prrowfded This Inforrna#ion is aIread}+ pub9iciy availabfe fln the web5ite. Therefore, part csf the Gi#y's 'ard9nary b uS-Ine{ss pra~'tces` does not requlre a farrn ta be fllletl ou k to be rece Ived. This prpcedure Ls ccansistent wrbth the Adrnin"s"kive palicy current9y In place. The CIty believes that the State Auditor's Pubfic Records Aud9t Report is Mkh faif ar~~ baIar'eaed arid cifz$n Jnput as part of til is audit process shoufd prove to be espec"rali y helpful Irt sscS+sting the City in i~s conGnuaus fmprovemer[t efforts. Be5t Regards, ~ ~ Nancy A1~ ~ughffn Council Presideril Pro Tem . G,rren Fufl -'V~rni+~r. CPA, 11+1BA Spokane City Auditof 91 ~ tiYashinglan S" Audhor'i OiAce Peria+n+aa[e Audie Rrpon ~ klpen I'uislie i;etrird- l'racii€es af iil Gc+Kerrsment E►ithuei - lie~o;rl 0 1UwXil1 I About City ofTacorr1a ~ T'he C Fiy nf Tacc,ma's pnpulatGOn is aRproximatel~ 201, 700 peop6e in Pierre ~ Couiity. The City nperates under a ccrunci!-manager form of governrnent, tivith nFr~e 9:= iridependentky elected Council Members, includirig A.he Mayar. The Council Members ele~t d Deputy Mayar, The City Manager Es appornterj by tl,e City Councij and is ~ responsib!e fot day-to-day aperatian-s of the City. ~ The Cdty'5 publMC feLorC~s pfOceS5 IS !CjecEfltral6zEd. The City has two public records officers, rne for genera1 governmertt anci the ather fot utili#ies. Tf~e City Clerk re9ies on individual departrnents to gather records in response ka requests. We direct~d our record5 rFquests to the I'ubfir Recards Oth~~r i;n the 01:y CIerk"s Department. ~ Conforming responses !ko the initial request - 10 out of 10 Requests ~ City of Tacoma ~ Responsiveness to 14 Requests ~ ~ 1 0 SufFicient resQanse reeewued ] Requesx not refeived by #he entTty'x Ptiblic ftecards Officer Responsiveness - 10 Requests -Cvmpared tv Average fo~ ~ities City of Tacoma Resp nn se ti mc versus avern ge lcsr c iXie5 iN~cti~l r~rt r-rapY ri:a tciair~Wl +r~ai ros1 i~:,r ~z~rltii 4V SL 35 tn 3~.y _ ~ ~ 1 25 20 h' plfi m 1~ _ ~ 10 ~ ~ A ~ - - ~ , l E 1 ~ 2 ~ .!F'.-.11 . ' 1. n .i I' ~.-n I:.K VI ~.h1 L'n P ~iiflisl 'k41 iil-.ral-x Am;l°Y• - MiNrwi~ii ..F..i 4.:iaC0 i.'.:Q~~ ~i_ci, rlii::irv °~lls' frW ~f?(rU~'~~ «LS~fl~]tJfS~l pi..ln,.I. sl+rY• In nt'o r In 1~-1 . Avs.aqw hrte.n..,, rl.y, Fz, all :II.s 92 4Ymhlnqtan Stato Audimfs {F1!!wpe Perfurrbaaoe AuM Rtpare 01W1 PI,' 31 iciCkX o+al5 P'raL111rsat30 GaMernmeiat lMatfe4-HtiFptwe110009i1 City of Tacorna's Response . w { CItv oFlac.:onm ■~1~1r City Managcr Aprtl 23, °?ll08 Ar'i411 !;,.,rih tas, - 4ta4c Au+Jjlor , P_0. B[9~ 40071 Olympia, WA 98504-0021 1.1car. ?4'ir, *errrtntag: Wr~ wc)kild like (ci tksarl(Vc3Lir s6lTiac.: fot cunducli4g th(,~ l'iiblic RecoCds I'crfumla~c-c Avtlit anil 1-br fihe uPPOrtUnity to msparad t~i ft~ au€Lit_ Wv sn: p1rm~~~ to see huw %uL:lC our progra.rxi cumpartd ,kltiv othvr eiut-s aiicl i4i rc"ive Feedbaeic a~xtuC u;sy5 (n improve csur Prucesy. (?Li~ ~~~To rises i D t 13i~ ak Ld it dinc#iri-gs are ]isl~:d hx:low. F"inding 1: Tliirtv-tw% rl., t" 300 uat,tjvtouneecl PLlF+l ic r+:c,+,rds rec}uest-, (d lpcreent ) wei°r crri~.~:lclrred ria,[ires,ponsxve. An iLrlclltac?nat scve[i Mirran.1ie:; (s Ptrrent) werc eitFter n(iiiwon!"omiing or inLtlnsplete, 1`ht° ('ir,) - rfI'' 1ficr.}rracz ivas I fii eo?nplddnre wrrlt adf 10 r€:q uest,i Thi_4 flrrding does riot re~crr~ tr7 r~rt~ r"if~r~r'1r~~.~~mta Sirmc ras[ilitk dt) ikirl. 1':i;L31ILiIUCLlt t~flk; e5I II'k0171- ttit.311--, t+t Ct?eokrrrun.;k'k;ltD~? P. s.3l,i!t:, itwi.YCth r_yi,esls and, tlierefore, Llu nL,l pnwi€3~ the rtublil Witki ikle 3i:rlJ~.'-9t ;LELs.. tstaucc- jrhe f'rli, ej/`Iucr1mc7 L7ccc?mmUrlcrfNs rf'qrd4.v.5' fn 4°lirrlntti mflni7er,4 tefCJAr>rPe, erraarf. INa,;rut mcit1?, rsppferae rirrough fhe C:'iry'x wc b.srle, rirrnf irr {rvrson " F'inr.ling 3: Sspmc L-ntitoty did nc3t prcrvicle tirrrEpIvtc and 51465faCtOry expfanation5 for reda6Uor~w of ptih9qc ser.nrds itinci ~;u:ne rccc,rit-, wff e inn proper9y redztcl ed 7n£ [`rn- (?J T'cacr~rrrrx wcv.~ br cramplianee - thi4 finchrzg dc?es not ,welme fic) Me C`!ty r~l 1~~r; ~,rrrr~. 747 Mar'kei 9!'&SL, Room 12110 1 'rwrinue. 44&QhingLsm 984112-:MFl 1 l?P~31 5+1 149 13U 1 I&~ I25A f 5fb1 -5 I:°'t q 3 Washin" Suxe Aud"st4r`s 01W IPerhinnorrss JKadi! Repart kjpE'fl F'llhh- Peliiri]`.Pn'TfPi ?T 11) 1 'rS?4're111e71`IIT E fIIITH+% - rU-,C±ll.;d~lll~l'I l'tsi.ec Rvc'iui& April 213. 2008 1'age T%Lrr, Feniling -t= :1oftt4 vtllli:C°z vl o%,1i'.Cd I'eq11e-iV1.1 i'L'L('o-9'-1, Pl J[;`:lJy 1111;'.154!' ;e;;311 L1i.L; p4efs t'z,;t raj 1"ir,2+~n irr R e.i;rarrnve ,rrtcll'fan ned r'rrrr•et.-IrVt ,•tL:rirnis- [ 'eimpare[} fU Ma; r~tht r r'Zlle,S C#Rfdfic'd, t+he s 'it~, of Taeonr(i prov#dect responsks qrj i{}€rrorpt•f.xodel fif,ferr;equrs.st.x f7rerufd,rfrrCa4Yr]ffaeumra.ltrrve.+rla {rrrrvrrde rrIfOrrds rc,spr+lr,cwe rr7 a71i' rfqtre.F1s trr a r:me I l', s-rropFrcv4rc aaarJ ~ffixr_a'ent mrrnm! r :I.4 na.lrj,'d dn v'J7f!' f'viDf;df f, fh1,' O7Lifle~,F7gd,.i' fJf TiPI.JFrqgdF7{F* Ye{'f.]FL[.5°, +rf,lth O$CivRn.fi; ;"l17i: I)caJ70r. 4-10"riflrlr~S rr' hc 9r1Cr-VrMn9~v djffindr, rbrts-crcalrng ohvtacle.w in rqpandor,g lo I.ra.Jfffc r}rset[a.a'ccre requests }f r_V irrrrlrrtrara krtowfe,cfge 11ttif rcrqvest,~ vrrn!lrjtre lc? i nerva.ye c very ,vrur a wareness grows, lita~~~e ver, ct s lJ~e City t~f I"arurnu i"r:knrirmu3 fo CnhiJnGE UilF pTr:r,gre7iii, wrr afrrrcipate crdc#ing addia`rOnal sia}f ro fi'tiIita~e "he rx]'Ptrblrc rvt°tFr'd,s reque.st.s arsd dei t'antinrta: traiflara, t°FMj'r?+J?"t!o rtfl dhL' JnTliorPUnve unc1 t#:e lrrrrwfv {1rocvs:sing ~('PONc° dlsclc,.sar°v reoue.>.st,s. A dc#ifiorrvlly, ran electrnmc ccaritenr rrrana~,~eme nr ti-~.srtrrt i.s rlarrer~ii7beirrZ,20rfrerrz{?lcrted h-v^ rke ('ity, u+r~~ch x}di grearlk- enl;am_~: r?drr ahrhf}' fa:r rPPtMJl4;!r publat• rerords cind s•umpik drrcrararerrl,~ c~~'+vre,a;~s-. Wv, wLqu ph~as+:;dd woCh sht! auclis (mtci)mV ;111d 100]c [Orwgr11 to c4,nipleting thp- akulii rcpoi-tiiig pa-,,uv9s whcri wiu cunduwa iir I}~ti-Iic hcOring in rE v 1ii;,srcL ~ Lnc Ankr:;uri CC. {;ilV EL nC il ~leijwl;rV, , C}ir~l+.rr ~FC: k°i:a t'«a`nr,in~C: 't;laLil l.~iiiJ a L.ong t'htlstwyplicr ( "airthics, C)c~~uf~' Dira:s:tt`r` F°crI±4rrU.,nce ,1iii.li! Tom 13cfitiard, Pi~rl->rntance Audi1 Feani N4~lor Nwwrnan. ]-ry~~rknrtxtastcL ALjd it TCa111 !s~PArrnt-, Kli:in, Assimaait AiiLlit Nfiinugcr - 1 Wa,Ru3 ;iC[}tji4 Nl?i. l]1jClTla[ A1Si.lLTttT "I'a.n`v E Euvwacd, r',Nsiscant to thL City '~4arsag•.r Rey Arellmio. _kssisi:ait Ciiy Munaprs.r'Cli) 4':Iir,~bedt Pauli. City Asterf~c.v L?ori.s Sciriun, Cit}° C1crk 'r',aj.u5c YRecort.1; 1Lsni:gs°r 94 Washlr4ton SkatM AudlEars Mue F+erfarimance i4amHt Itq+prt OIm Publir ~ffnnrra~s Practrcft at 30 Cio-wrrnmenc Eni is ies -Rtpnrr i 1OM11 Akbou# City of Vancouver zhe City nf Vancvuver's popUlation is rracre thara 160,800 peaple in GEark Caurty. The City is adminis#ered by+ a mayor•eouncil form of governrrient wilh a councRk-aRppinted Cqtg,r Manager. The City's publit records pracess ks cefitralized. ifie City"s Pubbc Records Officer is Iocated in the City'~ Cefitral R'ecocds Departrnerrt. The OFficer relies crn ind9vidual departments to gather recafds in response Co r~quests. Our primary pc,int o# corttact yvas the PLiblic Recflrds O1ficer. Canforrninrg resporeses #o #he irritial request -10 aut of 70 Requests C1ty of Vaf1CUlJVer Respa ns ivene5s #0 10 Requests ~ 0 Suffitient response receaved 0 Req e,est n ot received by t h e entft}'s PubliC ReCo KdS a ffiter Respansivenesx 10 Requests - Compared #a Average forCitzes City of Vaneouver Respons* R Isne varsut avera ge fnr ci#Ies jFlaw-il Esn M5polisr ttr Iriifial Piquesi €Lir ux orrJsj 40 3s fi 30 25 n 2,ry ll ~b 15 tt ;D 10 9 f ~ ~ ~ ,-I 0 '.ri .Lr.;~, .uwlldu.r ~•r.a M.grl'J '..rdur r •.:~:<,_t+.,~+',in. Imµlarer li~~. IIa+iEY:lf-1 ea4 . 11iihii Lxl'rlIla,-ih INiY.1rE4, :i3.0 M1n.;~yPl!ivCNaUrsr Ii.v I'ai.l . L11-1tY~ a.wue.~., e 'aan. o HequesE Descriptlnn PRlHF1351 dYyf 1406k61Fk ~O[d ~ AVflr!J/i C4WOLtl'+1l1,41I0~11SM II II {IIYRf_{ i`I Wsshkvqton Sta[r Rmditor's L4ffixt Rrrkrmancr 14udtt peport - i7Frrn Pa9hlie FCrr6rdt Pr1t11c+-) d4 30613'reMrtl4-111 Eni161v. -4.,pr,rt C'.,lln'l'l + Ci#y of Vancouver's Response P.0_ Btsx 1995 VAMCOU11ER' Vancouuer, WA 98668-1995 5 rt 14 1 0 t, i w+rrwr_cl_vanccuver.wa.us Apnl 2?', 20W Brian Sonrrta~ State ,4uiiitnk. P. Cl. Bcrx 4002 l - {]1yIIlp!a, Washingtort %504-0021 RE: Pi?1?1[_IC RKORDS P1:RFORMA`tiCIL.AUDlT RFP(9R F Deae NSr tioniiiag= The C:ity oif Vancouv4.r wou1d like to l~rmk tttic Stalc r4uditor's Olice for the tiFne and cnergy in+ve8ted in cv~iducting this aLrdit and drat'fing the perfnrrnance r,eport. Tfne City o!' Vartcouvzr is coiliruttcd to 1IrON id1jr'~' T)rnfrf`,t :H«d C00}'rerari;e ;~e4q)1an;es ts) aI ! p u1i lic rccords rrque~:ts. As ya}Lii fti'p{li'l lP_i{Lcil[e:s, oSit it° '_)lc F]rcf7lwi" t't?jztilll"ES i3t lhe 3Liti111 lt'3,~ Es;3 1'i'C1Jy 011 LU-St11@l1ir se[-4'iCe. -rhc City u~ ~~~nc~uvcr cornmrt.tcd tu providing outsaan3dng, custunicr sertiaice - 11"iat thc h=t ul ail kb e cIi.) as sC'iry. 'kh't treat «ur riti'trcitis a5 wr wou3d I 1&rtn bc lre-atcd; rcsVin5rveEy, twmcIu, Tuw~cci:fukly, FairEy, and pleasantlv. 7-he City"S aim is [n Of#eT S011110T15 and out4pme;5 whiCFl exC~ed our "St[rniers' e7LpeCTc"it11}FLS. A5 SLICi3, ►ve are conirndpted to carefilIly reviewing the recornmwrtdations n-iadc in Llzc audit repur[ and iticarporatisg thosc whir;h will cnhancc uur rcs-ponsircnc.*;s to pub1sc recos&i requests.. -fhe City wi11 continile to ~rriphasizae tninlng and ci't'cc4iwe c-cimr~iun; cat~on amtang our s'r,aif us it relate-s Yo the F'ub4it. Records Atct (the Act), We will continue fa re-Oeva: our proc~~res to accomrr,odQte best przictices and any changes tu the Act. V4`e helieve this witl atd us Ln F°►rovidkng nutilandyng customer Scr%1Lcc a5 u•ell a.s complving wa4h - appl~cablr laws und r4gulations, . -nir C:6Gy of Viintcruwcr is pruud af its pcrfomiance dn thds aud9l. We belieue tltiat our cominitznent lo hig;h slandi-rJs. Wh ita tcrms «f cusltsrreer scrvice anci compltanec, is reprewntcd in our cxcrnplatv pcrf'Gmiance. The City ifi perfot°rrtwng yn a rrranner w17ich as ciDnbislcrak wikh rnany of thc best pz'aCtices not,M in ihe mport. For example, we belitye the Citv has es4zb1iahcd a"cuCtuFe of coaMlianc;e" and a .`tuidurc of s:oopc~-.~t9on" uv~th requestors, T°hc City hag eitablosheci appropnate tminin,g, artd pi-ioritszes, txzscks, and troraits,r~ requests that arc rcceivcd. Thc C'ity titilizes a ccndrat point of r;ontact for public - reecrrds whiE:h haS reMted in erthanerd resprstisivmcss ta r+equesEs, 'I'hc City vl'fers a uscr-fricn~ly website t+a prervede relcvant infnmiaiioil and even providing an optiortiil public records requ"~ torm for rcquestrsrs. ln addj[ion, khe City wafi rne-ntioned as dirncan,tnEirrg "best practices" in a nurt7l`aer of spec:ffi(!- asreas dtlailcd in the rcpari. Again, we tivauld like io exterrc{ Our apprC-CiattOn taF YOL4e ~wdit staff for oppaztwntty lG have Wo1`ked through this, prot~rs.s in a ccjrrpemtive mani}+=r. Thank you Cor opportLynitv to req-A)nd tn thos rcpun, Sinc:crely, ~ C'at I4!IcUonncll 96 [:iiN u# Vac3cotiver, Ciev Murzai.,or WaSW"EQMI Stlif Ai1d1526 OMQE PWOMNpii Altdii Re"fS OPe+l hhIiG Rtrnrds RrKA kdm a~f. 30 GaqrmmenR Enlitlm - ReP+art I ➢OQt1[411 About City D'f BelleVue I he City af Bellevue's po,pulation as approxir~~Li2ly 118, 100 ~eople rri King County: Ttie City operates under a counchknanager form of government with seven eMected Council Meinbers. one of wMom is sefecteci by the Councii to serve as Mayor for a two-year kerm. Ttie CGys pubfrc records process is centralized. The City'qi PubFRc ReCC}fd5 OffiCer !s Iocated in the City Clerk's Departmen#. TIIe Officer reiies on and9v'd-tial departrttients to gather recprds Prl rESponSe t[} requcStS, Conforrnirrg responses #o tFte initial re+quest - ~~out of 10 Requests City of BelleYue ReSpansivenessEo 181~eq uests ; ~ 41 ~ ] Sufficient response receiuet# n Reque$t not received by thg entity'S PublicRetords OFficer Respon~iveness - 10 Requests - Coempared tn Average for Cities City of Bellevrae Respon$e tlrrae versus average for [ifies Iflic+L`Ll J!I I[ltijn:,f';r7 IJ! nlli~-? rN~iaf~.i 1y,,tlr11'I.S~ 40 35 30 ci 25 20 E I ca 15 a 3~ ;n I r b J ~ ` 5 ~ 0 . Rpqu?st Geseript+oEi IIG-i3Y11 f4myA [O t.NAln fT[nfd ■,i.rmraqn Iw..iryr.xi dsYi fur rYI .;Snerilxi 97 1washingtan Sti#a AwAiknrx Othiv Periarman€e Ji4udi# Rep4rt ~ Opl'n FGhiif RKtaPd4 PfdCTeCti df 36(r0YkKflm&1t EFhIf.t?n - Rep[Irl NiLY06 11 City af Bellerrue's Respvnse ~ 2007=2008 SA~~ ~er-foemance Audit Exit ltems ~ with Cily arf Be11evue Response ~ Apri1 200f4 ~ Finding 2: Snnie entit`res do ii.ot acC[1mrt1od~~ea varicty of puL,lic recnrds requests ar1d tfreref~~~~ ~ dt, rittt provide khe pubIar with fullest assislanee,... 'I`hc fvllnwEng enkikies (lr's t tnclude-°d I3c:Tlevuel provide records request fnrrtns on their Web sites, ~ but dca not allow those Eorntti tu be subrnittid through their WeU sikes. ~ itespnnse: Wew3rv it) tllU PFr~CV.Ss c,f impCumenkin}, an El+.~rkrOnit ('Onlc}tll ~ 4lakiagernvatlS+.'sEeni (L.CN1), iu-td aful:ure phast p1anned 1'or var1+,• ZJ108 L4'Ill iixclLade ti~e (1pportL1n1ty #[~r requeti9:itt'ti kit !;ub17i11 a t^arietv eif diFfewrtit pes ofe1eitroriic documents ~ anrl,lc,f tc7rms, ia-icludiniy, puhlic disciostire ra~cjuests, twr the City '4'IdL +LgllC 44ef? Slta?. PNuesq)rs currently IraVe ijle abil.itV to dcptiw-fllcead our tc3rm arid cekurn it ttti lhe Ciiv iiia ti'ariety' oI %vat's incltzwiingo FAX, P'c1f (scarineti and ser7t v't.i i-it7ai1), regular mai.l, anddrop in. IVL! af~o acL~~t pub[ic disclrrsures roque,;Gs an rtrwon. by. umiiiI, and over the tgjlep1zc,tiE3, Lind senLE 19-ic i°equestor a ctanfirntiit3g 1ettc•r +.tr C.Mid doC«m~.~nting bw recluest_ ~ Finding 3: Sortie Qtttilies did ttok provide citmplete and satisEacteary explanatiosts, for redaGt.iot~~ ~ of public rc.rt,rds and sonic records were improperly rediicEe+d..,.lhfe rvceivcd 43 reciords wikh accc:ptabCe rcda€kinris, 11 ot wh~ch di+d not eite the spucific legal exeni}ation fnr !he redacticxns, as ~ req trired by the Art. flr-sf tp{ d T eritrtrt=s thal rdr,{ nr7[ cr`de thr r^xempticrrt rrdc~lurdcTd Ba°ilez-rrej ~ Ll ~!pqnsc,: Ati te r+~~st3l1 cF[ ttiis PCrfOMt;Mt-L' dudit ~-Orl,nwrtil. ti~~{t 11.Wi2 ['1{102d d !<+iuS 011 ~ rr,V iL#itig 4il,p r.ip ri.:s#e exp Iami tions ftar red actit ,yi--!. t s! Ftiuk,lit rec'kkrt ls i it t,ki r inte rnit] tra inis1 g it}r handiin€; non-riautine roquos#s. fi7 adciiti{-yn lca our Pt i bli~~ Rvcc;a°ds C1fficer'w s,veisrght ci# ~ LlE' F1llb11c dLsLl47±tIfi3 prl7ct?s`y, 1+vt_'ti]C;i fll}W EltlilZelflg zl .~+1n",5 tumpt,rarv'E-TT1pjC}C'C't' dE:}dti;aled 545 C,,,oTdinating ail aditZllll'4tfa L7vc' as,%_c15 %,f t,tir prt,k°tg%S 10 F,rO+.-id~ gre.iterquality d43nlroC ~ ilrIl-l COnSMcrIc-k° in Iz~nd1ii3r,,fLit,C~~~it.,t-iling t'esponses tc, rcyuesLs, ii1~ludinjP Fj'IG9C1'~~rI~iII~r; ~ ~ Kt-dfii['~io11ti. ~s Finding 4: San3e enlitics pecav':cied tlic requi!%#ed pub[ie eecurds in a 1es5 ticne[v ii3artner lhart iheir peers..,, ~ r%ctua1 Avrrrag€ Re3snn(ti) L'[5miii4¢[7pt'slLed of ~ ftespnnsr Business L7ays eNplAnatitinw c~~st!n,~ed al the Lntity Requsvst Tirnre (business Rtispoc~se .l'inte tinnt= fecDr& werc sent ici SMe ddy'9) fi?r entit i e fe RIe51oT Ciky nF HeI1evue Out-oE-state 21 +entit_y pruvidt-d tht ~ lr.ivel sta[uc ,af tihe rcquest durtng procer;iiiiig_ The respsanse ~ ap~years I+i havc: bren de1ayed due tu the 13rge ~ nuin ber u f recurds (105 ~ p ages) galJte red, wltiich tno k 141-mItSinessclayti. rcsulis of our analysis crf the unannounccd requists disclcased that respnnses wikh ~ ttCcare~~ contAning r€.ydactions tuuk an average tkf 13.3 ,ila}'-, versus 5.7 davs ft7r rccc►rds aviihoul. I redaetinns. washirqt,rn scse. +1udiear% olFkm Perfaramce Anot Repw O{ren i'ubf i[ RvoNs PraRic i!; ai'JO Gavernlncwt Ei,Ei€9es Hepe(t d' 1 O4)qD] 9 F~tesi.,,nfir: -ks rc,Fwil Dil pa};o~ T 2 ayl nce 61r.y19 p~2rl+rrmaracs ~wrJ,t rc pms, tht Cirv re5~.~aa4.1ed q[ta;-kor llsart .%+:eral±c_ rrn -A.^vvn rit khi' twn outhl fi'lj1ki`4'L'.. I-}fi` !FFk4'ffif e~lpresl 4ha9 i5 rtCU^I-tid tit L1Cis ,4uJit uarmrraent +i,kllai htP lr.tvi-k vtiua hE+rti firr Rhv 4"af}''w 1s09Jii [:ltked ~nv~•E a lSVtlw'e IxaiitIffi j7VrM[H.T1 5~i3ilfF1F7~~ tW{5 CaiILlY4Ia5i' yi'.YLS (#hl' " S1110 khayL ld:ilcjj~v ~,Ll`iLLUlI UIR F.lVti' 4 u( tYu! ?S.tE:li C I{o rwirl 5ti ggtSB tf4a1 rit oYCLw we-T.* -aiuglst fo r iron l4° sik Ilauthtktlij, tilltcm !}hP tq.-LIur•`I nA4 nrE'Iti^wei. SIx nMimths 4.,•Lirtlt r.~0 thc .c exti-rIrLlS FtAci aE9eAdht~['~ ~rilt CaI cifE-sai1~ sl~,r~egr ~ Ilte• f[tlluwreny tiAbli' a1oc1imeRLs cotltit3eaiiiabcirss ln•4ws-k-n litt' C. tt5''5 EitiioCS.lS L7#tia-Ur ani-l th[3 eev.~~~e~ta+r' b!?t 2(LX)6 ~it:`~~YFe`•i°.l }i.'lYt f.ir1t1Ark' 1, 2iCl;' P~~~ ~tr=-;9 rcweie-cd L}v Cilv .f.y11u,11rv 4 l IIL' i[i111l.YC f{?.sp4°1f1_SF I?t. t9'IL,11.1 LI7At Yi'LlfCdti 4Y'rsLl[L[ be rf11ekit! 4;'.1E.IH1' on or ha-trifi' pantxat'4' .31 Je11lLl,11-b' 19 _C 1lv '4 [i'SEhtY!_'il` l:1'4" ti C7Ll-L•Illad 11flYTif1y, i}pporIkllk]C1, ER+.vIL'.W rtlicar{lsti,,•luen.,us.Lrin b1v Iprnci~ssen Clll9ti,lrlb~i - ~a-- fariumrv 14 Fmail~mrrareticd lea,tiE ,e-quL!.tuQ v;king th,ii rc- aFnis L~ ~kukd tLi liI rrti jsnuarS" 1`+ t."t4y'+ n•cFin;-mt, hN• refijrnr entaLl tat4liL.IEutPq rusiFr[Lti wo0d 9*t , Iwalt~rbl~ alTrszTimaleay jarwurlrt- 24 J:«'qJ.IrF` 2. ~ C_ll'k"y en7.a71 Te5rR7ltic lFtiil ft'iikfjj9 H~~Yc nLLtW ,Ir•.ejlak+Et' VI ~i ~ a: ~ ~ mi ~tlrt~ [t7~3+,' ~t~y,+' u~:~ risn}; ~•a ' Ianu.inF' fl i: .FteimF-t !±w CafymbI- parmr-=rll frrrtiipA'19YL/¢i,.roilin~co4wti I~in~f~~r~' t FC~rt*rti~~ m.~1~~€~43 ts; tE~us~t4~r Tho r±turkis rryu.utti t ortsiderablxa F"olt.-aL lk~par[t1ta!n1 sUff ti,nv !a`,ew.Pa7ible. 1.r&11 nyif?k% ki , ,WPLWN: i xVeilf,tFrteitiJ en+41OCt]i5ns, [LAtiidrr.1bFc- Lim,t• isr reJOL h.lon ci! CiIV [`1-L-Liit ;,irif a~ri1 ~,~~r~a~s.~l anturmAFn, .tinai 51f*r~1ldi:,71i1 "Li':tIlsil" bMi ti~~ r~};uE.,r m,1i~ 1710 :11kuMeV (~ctWrdl't; [kialN{ 1e+:0S111Ifi_• Eta.lt !w'fioli- PTnc-ILElat~r pu1l9ik' rIL-4OrdIr M aii L~s,°nt4L] funbfiua.aTy o9 '111 a};eils:t', !1 ls nst! FUIL~uMad 1LI aih.lru li.irt iL+~ otltuC isLwcttjLjl duxnctimka 1[i ;}rt{Nf dG? P91IEiEl puL-lki mcnrt1-s A-qui*.~ts. rlgI'ili'sVS ML: LAi.cvur~l}*,t>Lf ti.r Ix• klfi'~'IhEe FZnkl P. 1'i.XC±5 414 fF1i1R14° F+_'LILIctib W. },cr-:si,blc. t-va>n tt thw-$.ern 110111 {"i}L'LI 5illt 1!t S4filer. A-4 rcleititlewo7 mhwv, khtCitv -'~x'nt Nihm1lrG,eliL koiljt' rtSPs.-n1-linP, tv- CJeC`. rF11"t=t1 i4M5SI e 0[9kI17LL111L.ift'iI I'd'k,uLtr3v s3 clh tiep, rtayurS191 d' iin lltt'!iCe7IUSl1I ikLti Tiqll{-4t. I F7F 7kYq414".1 34'LLSII~[Sk~7ElLL"Lj 4h'SF.Fll[1 [k91' 4'ti Ll ]17m1' S1 I1171{7{piil114'. +`llw) 9tiolr-4 jpwR!V ILAa3,lt', tht' t-ih• hXti incVItd'd Nth Ot+ EC '4°F 41,'sia.-m liubt Iti IwEng. ontrTralr-ti1 wi11G mir Fubma•e/ f IR 4q,'wdti•iYh,S+'liia'h !~1u!UfLl SEp,nIFir.1rlt1% r+'aiua4' tklt .1riYwru11i ui tarnV wyu,recl in [4itwe 1cro,~s--~,aiUhp rrrcfrdti th:ot =ir-_, responsive tv t3liti ivpe trf rk:t{laest. Bls k lIr.k[kic-c* iiftnFa£aed during ihe A utlil.,, _VI4SbS4~ ulg7SdF,E'. I-rijtlll`$ WFIL'Fl"Viylbj4' hl '~]ligc kYdS atlLtwtVed Lty Iltu4c whu submil#rd au.r walk-in req[kc'-:1N wrri•, {titi1 iyf 2 ( 'ouniicv, ? c ltic-s, +311L! E)S.::1: 11c7lriuaii, Pirif listrjM RactxsiLc: .'4L a.El Ntiblw izitrances to t~ av i-I.t01, rLnritI snk.nl 6,],v lrL inkv sLgR.tr, L• AtrL l a Fli 1a+r [tilLU'k 14Et•nixlv thr3'vh1ii- R:kt-o9'rl5Celtitir lariLjfn.-kltin k]u•tir.vI 13OLer1 14 C'lkV E1.W fUtC Citl'a wrFrsaEi' akHep Cleri-x:iti 61'L1914"_5Cil1'ti ?Ll Illt lt~~-etirI1S ('z'tlfjrY) L`tmk,lz aypn.tigi~ i{ pmvWed k,r.Iafi orl t9zp cvsuntor imd 1iw- Ei!kisCtk t ".lI[Ur Lis wd•Il w. 1l5 tPSr° Cenlti°r"= 'F'uF+hr i#4 :Idtno I{oot7t ,vYitin. `rublis' tli~i krMat+• r0'7P0nNt1N A[t' E1UdP Ltii'd0141714• Im u iewinK krx~ fl-kji.a,"tOr; kkr,.fi t+ar'J. ( )rfii e• F+!pfi'ytllQclE6ti'is Q4Ls.Ik' uJwrr r.~uL",t 10r pkla' CRIT'e L.MuLtl JL,}r°.4tiLAisr3,i J,b,ll~Y m Iht? `e'['L'74e' T7Ii.,,{ 4~~ITil~~k`Fwb1LI1 I.'f a Ik'{\ .tiI4:~~4.tw.5k' trirni fha' lZ.tti'o[d.5~L!nCt°:r. 99 I YMashiRgtpri Stiotv AwdkCgr s $fflue feriommum 31udrt Repur# i)ErmL F~rhlir Rgcordi Pmrtrr.c% as 1.06mernnrml intiriPs - R4,11crri 4 5001Mil I Abou# City of Euerett - Th+e City of Everett"s popukatiorN is approxirnate6y 101,800 cotizer~~ in SnQhomish Counfy. The City is adrriinistered by a mayor-rouncil fiorni o# government with seven, eIecked Councif Members and an ,ndependently elected h+tayor, The City's ptibRic records process is ceritralnred. The Caty's Public Records Jfficer is Iacater1 iii the City Clerk's Department. T~~ ~ffir.er relies on the indivrdual deRartrner+ts kr gather reccrrds in raso{,r~sf? s=:, re4jUestS, The F'-ublic E~eccarda Ofhcer 4VaS C]uT piflfTlai°y p41nt of CL3nt3Ct. Con#orming resp*rrses to the initial request - 8out of 14 Requests City Everett Responsiueness to 10 Reques#s _ I'a ~ 5uffi€ient response reteiued N Re~~es-t no# rieceiwed by+ #h~ en#ity"s Publi[ Records OfFiter -1 Entity directerf requestar ta resu tarrrit the request to another departreient N Entity re5pon5e was drafteti ar issuesi, tn+ikhin the entity but nat received by the requesxcr _ ~ Entfty ded nr,t [orrectly prot~sx thi~t Er1C1#y ruSpiUd'1ded wf#Il IFICo1'P1pIeTe t'If feq11e5t. 17O reSpK}f15e feCetVed lf1'SU'Fh C1e 11t t'eCDrdS Responsiveness - 10 Requests - Compared to Average for Cities City o# Everett 40 - Rmpnnse tima wersus avef.age {cr rftlex 35 iL~asai s?n rfip-jnr3 m inrtlikl r~Ql ,E;a rr,r, rr n,,rt{.;. S 30 - 25 - 20 a 15 g ~ F ~ ,rrW: iLyr'.U.w1i a.n t .r..,l r.;.•q.. . r.:n = a-:cr -a r'c--•rr.r roa. ir.•„i.nuii;i , . .,n,,, i 'i_,r~,,,.y, r.,. .a-• , Renuest De:,triprinn 9uy+a,w-9,.y, w :.leewlns ..curd ~ AwlnUr W+31i+ei J.y, fnr A11 sPl Iei 1 [JO 1 I Washirxjtan Sta#r Aud3trr,& SHbu Parlnnawr AudYt Re"n +,lP±'rf*wrdrIrHI!sI) nliRrd i.Caces ar34Goxei runPn1 frFtFtrrK -Rr.p rt d11]9UBiT City of Eue!retl's Resporise L7ear Torrr, Tnank you fvr the perf(irmance audit report rega;rcJing puGlic disclasure. We have fmplemented khe folloavNng changes in the way we process public disclosure requests 6ased uPon points brought forth m your reporte • We are responding to the requestor that we have received hds/'her request irrImedtately upnn receipt of the request, evefl if we vriU be fiiding thai request vvithin the five day timeframe. • We afe coIlectang fees pricir aa the releasc of records, • We wall riat be colfecling fees ;for the mirlimum arnour~~s per your reporl. it is noted th,at one redactfon was missgng arr explaflation, if as not our narmal practice ta omit the explanation [ar redaction, but in #h,s case rt was a Gredit card accaurkt nuriiber and Ehe exp9anation wasn't verbalired. We continue to try to edwra1e aPF employees of the c+iy regardfng reques'Es ftar feeord~ our erriplayee to~lki~ r-lass artd ane on one SUpervisFOn. U4"e wrll Eook forward to 5p-eing you toriiorrcw, SincerelyF CI rY OF E1fERETT Sharan Pu4arks City Clerk 101 Wnshingdtan Statr du6itor's Qfte Pertosmsnce J1udit peport [ipwi F'ukilit ANords Practaces aA 3d GOvetnm[nt EAMaL-5 - HrP%jrr 4;0n00101> Abaut City cnf Spoicane Va1~ey 1he Gity of Spokane VaIIey's pQpulatian Fs aPPrcixGrT4atc-ly 88.280 ir~ Spr.~kf~ne ~ounty, The City operate5 under a cauncil-rnanager form of government. Voters elect a seven-rnember City Co(anca9, wbich then appoints one niembe-r as Mayor and another rnernber as Deptuty Mayar - Thre City's pubfic recards process Fs centralized. lhe F'~ibIac RecorcJs O6fir,er is lacated in khe City Clerk's DePartment_ The C}fficer rel~c-s on tlie indivpdua'I dppartrrierwts to gather records in response ta requests. fitre Public Records Officer was ouf prima(y point of contact,. Conforming responses to the initiai request - 70 ou# o# 10 Req+ues#s City Of Sp[}kaf'1e Vc'il I ey Re5pansi+ueness to 14 Requ25ts ~ ~ Sufi{~ciera't respvrsse oecs_-ivrcl ~ Ftequest no4 receiwed by the entityr's Paxhlir Rprnrrpc [lffirpr - Responsiveness 10 aequests -Compared to Auerage for Cities City of Spokane Valley Nespanse tirrse versu5 average fpr Citres I I1.7 ui . i^,G n pi e5P Ii P Itl•f..el ; F4Il iN tl rt I r 1 40 35 ~ 30 25 2{~ L7 y~ ~ Em 15 ~ ~ 7 z 4.+ yry I 1 . ~ ~ - - 9 ~ . . . . . . . . - .a .uiat~maui ii.r.~- .i=.., 1••.. r..r.'e_ i.;r i _ . n,aK.t , i i.r•nReqx»st bescriptlon hUvnrsadsp iooUk.Mn•a-zarel i0.vraqaqrlauslnsi1days hartll[Ilde!F 102 - - ~ - - Washinyta Statr Audita6 Oflm Pt+ft+rmancr Audi# Fitpon QPrri f udrliL Rc~ojri1 -i Jjractk OKa[ 31] Grrvrrnmenl €ntitirs -~eporr iI flqOf11 T Cilt+y of 5pokane Valley,s Respons,e fihe City of Spokane Vailey opted ta not subrnit a response ko !he audil- 1 03 IMaslulagtan #tace JAudi&96 011'in ftdormanc9r Audtt litpurt ~ (1;PN rR`s,4lar FtCt430SN44 airM .11 i4(,i,vprrimoTrr Fniitan -Reporr 0 :,4 11 '41I: About City o# Federal Way ~ The CiEy of Fecferal Vl+ay's Pc~PL11216011 IS 3PPrCXin7alely 87,390 citizens in kting Cciunty and operatP5 under a councc[•manager torm ofi governerfent wft seven eFected ~ Counc.il Members, The Council elects one member each tv serve as Mayor and Deputy dU1ayor f,,ir two-year fierrns. T4 fiity Manager r~ ~ppc}i . nteci hv tFGe CoijnriE and ~ « re:;ponsible far day-to-ciay operaxions of t.f« Cityr, ~ Tfie City's public records prr~cews is centrai,~~~ as, kMae City"s Fjubi,c Records Officer is 6ocated in the City CEerk's Departrr9enk. Tf~~ Officer relies an mdiUiduaF deparlTnents t❑ ~ gather records in response to reqEaests, The Publi%- Recor~s O#firer was aur primary ~ p'irit r+f ron#ac#. ~ Conforming responses to the initia l request - 9 out of 10 Reques#s Ci#y of Federal Way ~ Respcrnsiwer+ess to 14 fkequests ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ 5ufficient response receiwed 0 Request ncat received by the entity"s ~ PubNt Records [3fficer Entity directed reqo,estor to resubmit ~ the request to another department ~ Errtity resprrnse was drafted or .issue-d, within [he entity but not receirred by the reque5tos R+esponsiveness - 10 Requests - Cornpar+ed to Average for Cities ~ City ~vf Federal Way Re-spQnsa [ime versus average for iities I f6? ;rti1 Uri r+'SI li I I'azr ;r r Ir il 11.11 rvti raJa•iG Fil+ NY•'ir li i ~ 40 3J '4 ~ ~n 30 25 e. ai C 20 i ? ~ 1s 3 7 ` `a ~ n ~ " ~ E ' i 5 z w r) ~ ~ :ioll.1]IISTi~+ T'Mrl ~ni f tiprl IAaY T~' Ma I + 'HYmlliwI. II li~.Wa Rmn ~ ' ~ 'S1;Iy 'J!7 .ri? L• l',ri..lt.rY • ..,.I~ ~i43'"'"h j..rf'iF RQqL1e5[ DE5{diptl0il ~ ilsneness dayn, iA alrtaln rr+tvrr{ ~ Jkaa rnyv boilrnns5 rfays ior sh r.itlr4 104 YI Wia"'#ore 3'latt AYdltps's Q11icr PrHo17tfaMr Audit flepont Oprn Publle RQtsrrds PfArSwes at 30 Govwtnwnfi EnTirir.i- Repa7rt 0 1 [~fJL~LiT G Ci#y of Federal Way*s Response CiTY OF Federal Way 'rom BernardF Ass;~~~t Audit Managev 360-676-2I 65, ext 109 beraidc&sao.uva.zav Ncstar Newman, Audit lvtaaager 360-676-2165, ext IfJB ftewraan:t~@-,ao.wa.P,ov April 18, 2008 Subje-et: PDA Audit - Response (o Firal Draft, ~ity of Federall Way - Entity #19 Ttank yTou for meeting ►vith us todav to d.iscuss the PerForat€ince Audit Fi€rdings for the City of Fetder~l Way. We appretiate the opportunity to respond io the fina.l draft and hnve nur r~sponsccs included in the finaJ report. As we discussed in the exix confcmnce. the Ci[y requcsts that the term °nun-responsive" be chaatged for the ane request khe# Avas not reccivel by the requestor. The C3ty %x)uld like the chart ta show that al] reyuests were respcanried tv. We request diff'ere-nt terminolagy be usecl. Eag,e b nfyour finaI draft repore states Lhe City of Tederal 'U4W'aly requires a1l requestoas to usr a Pub li~ Records Req uest Forrn and dow; not accommodate othrr fornas o f requesu. By the Stflte's own admissiort, a Public Record Request was submi#ted via email and the city respcsntled bv emait ,with the requcsted documenmtion attached. `l hai particulart request was the one "undeterminecc[" rcsponse. Howevetr, the tact tha# v►~ mponded to tKe email request with an emil response and rttlactunent ch~ar1y shows that the City d€es not require pub1ic rec-ord requests to be i.n scearsain fonn;. P nf the report suggests [he Ciiy prov'sde a biJl for capv fees versus waiting to receive payrrtrtt. The City of Federal ~ay Ias, in lhe past, had numerous requests for public rexer& that were newet paid f+vr wrhen abill ravBs prvvided along wieh the mcords. ThereFore, City policy is to lave the reyuestor }a}r fcrr recortls up front. Fg 52 of the rinal draf't find.s thnt the City does not have acenxra[ized monitoting systern. As we dvscikwd earlier today, the City Clerk's office Ias for the past three yem msinWned an cxcel spreadsheet which records afl requests r~ived. Pertinent inforrnnatiort is r-on1.~~ed +an the spreadsheet including when i[ rnust k►e responded to, the department/division assigrted, arjd The outcomc. Cvgirs of this spreadsheet were 105 'NTashirnguta §taxe r4uditor'5 Ofte Periurnuraee Avdit "r4 ^j2~riPiihli°f{;!en~~•Preirlio!s.:yf?iit~ir,~Ni~~r;~iit ~ril~l:~r;•-Fi!'1'n:r6 1Co[Ir'11 aubrniued to the Auditoe's Gffice at your request a[ thc time Drthe iaitial audit inierviev. Al1 public tecords requests (with s.k exceptian of the Po1ice Deparlment and Niunicipal Court who have their Qwn systems) cofae thxtkugh ttae City Clerk'$ Of~ice fot entry on this system prior to assignrnent. '1'here wene twc+ inslances wtierc the City took Iorger !han lhe avcmge ko provide the rcque5ted record.s: The out csf statc travel request (35 dsys), and th4e travel vc~ucher request (19 days 1. In kwth instanr,~ a 4'5-&}r" lerter Aw sent to the reques[er stating addicional sime w~ needetl to i'ialfill the reque,st. The City attributes ba[h tlyese de1ays to limitetl s#aff rcscrurces. We have alsa made sure that the reason for any an#icipated d~lay is included in our extension lelters. The Citv of Federal Wa~ agrees urith ihe auditors repnrt tftat our s;rstem should be upgradei co allow a zequestor to not orly print (3►st a requesc form from tiur website but to aJso submit the re:qum thraugh nur website. As stased in our initial re"nse an aartuary 10, 2008, the City aekrtowledgcs the following: 1, 4nquires of the Requestror: i -ne City:s palicy is rtvt to ask t4te reque;;tor why they want the m-corcls_ However, the Ciry alse► has a policy to provieie policy documents frce nf chaeg,e ~f the requesting Partj' is at ernpl4yee, a government agency, or a venderlser:ice pravider who ha.s btasiness relut-zons wikh the city and who needs the policy in orsier to comply witkt city ;requirernents. Tt is for lhis rcason Ith+e countet statT needs to inquirc whether kh.e requc~~~m = "ednploycee" or froaz "an agency" s pec i F"ically, 2. Waitircr o#` lVliTtimum Copy Charge-s: -ne CiCy aIlows sUff disc;retion in w-aiving c,npy charges for cvpies ot r.~~ pagQs or less. Hawevar, depending on tttie type of in#orrnati~n requ~ted, and to discourage a r~~uestos l!raim div3dEn,~ lar,ger requests into smaller installments (which takes More staff u.mc co fulfil!), s~taff- may d+ecide nol to waa+ve such chtuges. Fos irswce, tmvel expemqc sheets and cell phane invnir,es are reccrrds that have been reques#ed numemus times, sepawelv. from r~e sarne rNuestor. These records urould lt~~~e been mare efficicnf ko rcscarcla if thcy had been cornbined. [f the rccurds requesEs are „5plit up" or subrni-ttcd individual1y. cup;v fee fcrr each request may NI ju.st Shon af `~e $4 fteshold your office suggests, but dw combined nequest fa,r cxceeds the z'hresholcl. T'he ropy fee aniy ca+vcrs a small portian af the cosc ~.~aciared with _ fulfilling records requcsis. TFie costs to retrieve necords from anhival storage, sufT t~~~ to rescamh the requests, ctc. am not eecoverable. Ttt}erefore, the City will , con[inue tcr cvllect the single tee provided for under stute law. 1 0F: Wdshingtas~ StAt* AudfitaYs Oilke PWarmincr 1iudil R"urt Open Pubfir R?~ortls Fra,,ti(es ak 3U G+rurmtwq E:nfiitieti - Rpp~rr tloopibll 'fbe City of FederW Way sUives to he accvtjntable; cordia:l and efficient to out custornen and will continue to dci sv. In rnost inciderLces !hc City peovides reqoested dcr~rnen~ within a f,e,w business dsy~s or irnm~i~ely~ i~' Passible. Vb'r al.~o rna~ce public rcc.ords availahle on our ivebsi[e i.n order to rnake ~~~ess to our public records- =y #or our CLLst~mers. There are 0-1cas ions when the rc(] uest wilI take mom time and Che City s'trives to he very respunsive arad give our best est.irnate on how long it will tace to Furfill the reques#. W'e w'id.l c+unUnue to periodicalCy conduci crruinin.g with crnployees to eosure that +emplovices are aw-are of alI PI?A provisinnsJpo7icies. PIease do ncal IttSitatC to r„ontact rne should You hav€: any yuesfions or tiecd anv adcfitionaJ informacion Tegarding the above. S'Mcerely, City oF Federal Way Qa6ura N~lhaw~~, ~it~r [:1 e: C"ity~ Council C ity Manager Neal 13ects Ass:istant City Nlanager 1 u►reb Wang I'at Richardson, City Anomcy Fiie ~ 107 4Maxhing[qn Stins Arrdi7or's Offit* FsrfarnoanKe A"it bte"re Open 1'ia73131 Reira* NXIitf~i,tT 10 Ga^rmmrna Entnies Re.00+T a IO~Y)u Abaut City of Kent T17e City of Kent's populatfon rs appro-ximately 86,660 peopEe mKung t:ourTty. An independeptly elected Mayor and severi e]ected Council Members adrrE9nister khe Csty. The City's pubk records praeess is centralii-ed, The Caty"5 Public Records Officer is I[►cated in the City C1ef k's ~epartrnent and rekies on individual deparlnients fio gathe( reGards iri r~sportse ko rf;flLikSslS, Thi= F'ubfic Rec;ords Offi1ccr :^ias €;,ur prmlarv G.aoirit of cantacr. Conforming respanses to the ini#ial requex# -9 ou# of 10 Requests City of Ket'It Respo~~iveness to 10 Requests ~ ~ N Sufficient response received ~Request no+t receeved by che entRty.s ~ Rublit Retords Officer ~a €ntity directes# requestt►r to resubmit ~ the request #o another departrnent ~ Entity respar,se w+ras drafted ar issued, ~ within the entity laut not receiued by the rtquostar ■ Entity d9d ncst ~orrettly pro[oss the Entity responded witb incompletg or reque5t, no response received insuffieient records ~ ~ FCesponsirreness , 10 Requests mCorrtpared to Average f~r Cities City of Kent ~ Response time versu3 average fa r cieies ~ 40 aiii*iayu[, WwLlllYJI.v'~~i4s+*.o ' t41~(~Mlltrry:~*'fW♦rll.l"i~ Y~'In ~TYM'ultN~lkH$1+8lWflf.'. r 30 II.Illlp~+ ~ 25 ~ C 20 lPi. I~ 15 ~ I Fl 9 U. ,:a i 10 ' • E _ 5 f~ c+ ' P 11'~Y! .~pp. 1115 I•:,i..`- leiY.il III-I,ill:i . I:II:. Ili•i~it.. i i r, Ii..l i ~ , ~ i mkiryr-f'r•n4•i~R~~~u~st Elert~~~~klrrir ~ 6uarnrs5 deys to ablain rreord ~ h'+eFgge buW.xss tiaye ror a11.-iqlpa ~ ~ 108 WiS39i11" Stitit AU~ Qlke PedQf111i04t 1411d1'~ ~apoIS 1~prrt Fk: bEr Hecords Pract4ces at 30 Gairetnment f nTirlfis - firpun J a MT 1 City of Kent's Respanse csry CL[RK 9ror4a 3ar+6Ger, EMC cIty iz:Ierk 22041h Awgn4C Sau#h ~ 3denE, hi'4J4 48833 T fax_ 153-856-6725 . Pf#iiNE: 253-831i-3725 Apfil 21r 2008 Mf_ Bftal°Y S[?f3Fkt2gr CGFM Washington State Audktor Insurance Busiding P.O. 8ox 40021 o]ympia, W,4 913504-002I R Ea CI[y of Ken['S RespOnSe Co khe Drafk Puhki[ ReCofds Pe+forli'Earsce Au[iit of the Washing[on State AudItar"s Office Gear Mr. Sonntag: _ 1"har~k you For giv3ng khe City of Kenk the apportunity to rev9ew and respond to the Stake Audikor's [?fttce draft repor°t of its R'ublEc Records F'erfQrrnanr-e ,4udit. VVe, at the Cdky of FCent+ s'trive t+a provisle a Frigh Ievel of customer ser-vice to anyone requestioig a record. We aII have the sarne goal: en~uring that the fina1 rep+art correct1y and 1`airfy reRects the results of the pef#ofmance audit. Hnwever, the City n!` Kent vvas somewhat s+~rprdsed ka see a number of Factual erTors fn the dr,aft report regarding our City. 2n adCfitirn, the draft report appears to SomeErmes make ge~eralEzation5 or draw crrnclusions wlt#tout providing speciFlc 1`actual support f(ar Chese comrnents. Finally, there vMrete certafn IterrMS not prevtously comrnunicated to the Clty In ]anuary 2005 th,fRUgh the "draft reS~lts." TFae irrtpartant thing is that wre coIlectFVe4y have an opportuni'ty Co make suu'e Chat the repnrt Is cvrrect. Please noke that t[hls docurnent Is Inkended tv be khe CCty"~ ~fficia1 resp+7nse fCrr Mndu51[rn trl the c+util:t report. Specific Areas of Concem: Audtt Findlng 1: On page 16 of the draft repart you have a tabE8 demhfing the 32 non-resporrstve answers thait you recekved durIng the course of your a€id€t. On page 19 you have a table in whir-h the firsk five colucnns tv the rlghC of the enti!ty narrpe detall the areas of non-response by en€Ity, The sixth column enCitled "EnUty res~ponded wlrh Inr_omplete or bnsufficlent re![ords'° includes responses whfch are cpnsidered re5ponsive Gy the audit Z! bu[ are fncluded an the table €letailing the ncsn-respnrtsive concerns by entit+j+. We ~ wcsuld ask for thfs column tiD bie appropriately kabtled „Entit+y responsi+re but responde$ ~ with fncamp€ete +ar InsuFtlcient records"' ar ellminate the colunnn as 9t related back to R the previous page baat doe5 nc+t corokakn the sarne inFormatkan; ~ 3 9 # Mkwcte Su; rm Cna►.F City 4f fLent AdIn1nIgRFatloil lahn Non¢son„ CAq 1 4:~ YlrNnngton 5t,tte Md"OVIS QAiu Pwermana Audtit R~re Opn Nblac FCcAcards PoarfiieM Jr 30 Gn°remmetrr Entitles RepDrt R 1t1000 E i h1r. $rlan SOnnCag, CGFM WashJngton Stat,e 14u[fi[or Apflq 21, 2408 Page; 2 We have a sirni#ar concen°o rekateid to page 23 of khe draft fepDrt wher~ ~bijfleked subheading €,F the overall page 20 headfng vf 'DescrlptEon +af Ncrn-resportsive FteqUests" is tit9ed "Noncorrformliig records received". Again, per your deFlnitian these r-esponses ar~ considered r-esppnslve but are again inr-auded as a par-t of non-respotl5iue recQlpts. We would ask that the buElet Indention Ibe det~ted and the sec-tiiDro tr-e titled "Respansive but incomplete or inConslstarLt re[ords received" Audit Finding 2; On page 25 of the draft audEt you state under nCondItIorl% "During our audit F inxervlews, we were informed of the foll.otiwing." . The fcrllowfng errtitfes" Policfes or prac~~ces reaurre al1 requestm to use a public r and do raot accorn,rraodate o[her forms cri request5. The inclusion of the City of Kent under this bullet ls noC factuaiKy correct. The City qF K,ent ckoes nvt requlre aik fequestars [o use onky a publfe records request Form, nor does the CO fail to accommndate other fornns oF requests. SeGtion 1.05.060(B) oF the Kent City Code states: tCCC 1.05.06 0, Fo,rm arrd manrrer of request for perbfic records. B. The cfty wrll provid'e a public reccards requpw form that may be u_5ecj" by chose requesring ,pubrfc reco+-ds, rrre pubrrc r8cords requesr may be subrmitted on the form prvvided by t~e citr, crr in anather wntcen forrnat that contains the foJfowri,ng irr,forrrtatron: 1. The date of ttre ,rt~quest, 2, 7he name of the requester; 3. The fult at7dr,ress of td7e requester,. 4. The telephorre nLomber of the requester,- -5. A ccampJete clescrrptian crf the requested reco€d; 6. The [itle arrd date of the requested ,record, df kr~owra; The tocation of ttre reques[ed recard, if kn awrrr and S. rNhetlrer the requester lntends to revrew t€te r~ords nr tn obtarn a cvpy caf thie rewrd5. As alfes7dy Ft'4t@Ij, requ85'Ci3fS fT1ay 'LSSe tI'Ie onllne p4JbaAC fie!C{lrd5 PEqLi@5t f4i'fS1 l7C any ot,het tyrpe of written carrrmwnicab~cn. Tae City cioes esk cuskomers wha request records thak wilf invvl+ve a large nurrfbee of pages or 1tems that wEil have ta be r-eceived €rom rnultlple departmenus to #lII out a forrrM so Cnat both parties kratrw exackiy what record5 are treing asked for to ellmina[e any eonfusEon when ttie reeords are provided; Ftar srnaIM requests, such as aciopy of an ordlnance or sieniEar kype of easif+y retrieved g ~~a 4Msshinyean 5vrte Auiditns's Oficr Pmfanunce JLudlt Bspor# - 013rn Puqfi€ RNasrd, Fractkes Li1 30 Goweanmcnfi Eniities - RequrT ilM 1 I Mr. Brian Sonntag, GGFM SNashinq[on Skate Aasditcsr Aiprll 21, 200$ Page: 3 record, the request is filked irnmediateky and nca writter► forrri Ms used. We Wfeve khat aur actinns in this eegard compiy with both Ehe letter and spirik of WAC44-14-03006. The thard bulleted ftem states "The follo wFng +entiCies policres arpra ctrces do n aeeqmmvdatg publr`c rec s a~eoests sub iCied bv g-rrrarl. ..Despite their stated pQl!'CleSf these ~,'fi~iti~.'s aCceJ'7ted af}d d°eSpdl7ded t0 oLPC 11T~Ta1717OUncL°d Q-fTfa1lE'd requLast5.' Thls statement ds not Factually ~eorretrt_ The City oF Kent, a5 a matker af QffiG}till pol fL"y (.'ieer f"..h. 1,05 Qf tfYe Kent CIt'~ Co~~ ~~ove)r aCcept feqklestS thrC}t1gF7 the IFItemet,. Thx7t IS W't1y the City l=e~~~ In~emat C@'qUeSCS IIl y411P CaSE- If1tE'fll~~ are Wkeweki as $ "'writlng" bo4h Ifti ~erTns of LI'e '~ity.rs pr{~l1Cy and $tate la~w. tlr P sornehow, the audEtor draws a€iCs#knction between acc€ss to receive, rill outr and 5ubrnik a reque5t form vIa the C€ty°s Iro'ternet webpage and aLce55 to downlaad and submfk a forrn vla emall, that distimctior+ (whlch appears ko be a distancxdon wlthout a difference) should be explained. On page 27 of the draft audft report, you state, "During our audtt, ~observerJ these eraatr'es haad acfopted a wveb forrrrr al1M1ow1rrg requestars to su6mit requests through the enbty'S web S+te," The irnplicatlon of your statemerst Is that the City of Kent has created thk5 ability wfthin the Iast several months< The Oty vf Kent ha5 a11owed public recor'ds r~quests to be subrnltted thrcaugh the City's website (www.el.kent.wa.us) for at feast 10 years. In fact, of the 785 pubpic records requests receiued by tht! City in 20477, 4{}2 (51%) wrrere reteived elec#ronir-ally. Audit Findina 3:. Gn page 33 of Che drtaft r~por-k, there Is asWlon labeled "Attitude:'". Tt goes on ta say: • SoJ7Te ed7ttL"1e5 sL@ the AGt aS an unfil17de1 mdndate i+rppn the entdty. + SDP77@ entitfeS ~xprLQSSEd col1CE*fil7 that spfl7! 1'eiCC?!'da iColJfld E'lT7bc?I'IaSS Che E'nCity. The draft report daes dekaMl a Iogdslativf! posltian oF the City of Spolcane rerenirrg to the publ~~ recards act as an unfunded rnandate. Thak Es khe only reference to an unfunded mandaze. Ti'eere i5 ntr support in the report fbr the stz'ternent on ernbarcassr°nt_'rit by any of the entiti+es revievued. 1he Clty QF Kenk does not support ttie statem+ertts Clsted under "aLtiCude" and takes CsSt~e with the u5e of "Some Errtltles..." w'hlch impugns not only the Clty but aII nf ihe 30 entities reviewed. We would reqr~est thst NF such statements are supported by audVt evfdence, those entVties uvha have thnse opinions be d95c~~sed and tha't your agency not coIor aII taF the other entities under review wilfi Chis br'oad brush. AUdiindina 4• [n the backgroun+9 secti+an of this 6nding (page 3S of the draR) you lnclude the requlrercients ta respond to the requestor of apub4ic record withErr five days. °i`he tFrree elerrlerits cited are that wikFwin thaC f€ve day period rhe entity is re-quired Co, ~ WaxbingUpe Stite 1Wdftitis [IAfte P't+#,Urmawr Awd'nt lErpari (Jptn f u3ilir gr.coriJs+1rat7Mf5 at ID Gouesningrt Fntrfim - NfLpnet a Ilkii it- 11 MP. Qiia17 SOI31ItagA CGFM IMashington State Audltor ARrll 21, 2008 Rdge: 4 1. Provkde the requested re[ord 2. ,Acknowledge fecelpt of the request and pFOvlde a reasonable eS[lrxtiate of the time required ~o fidl the cequest 3. Deny the request and natii`y the requestor of the reason The Clty of Kent faithtukly campl9es with these requirernents. We we« surprised ta see ourse}ves included t1yfce (page 41) on the list oF the 'slouvest reqtMests by entlty," bu.t were euen more surprisetl to see in the cniumn Iabeled °Reason" the staterraent 'Ent+ty estimated a respvn5e within 21 calendar days or less, taut c#gd not explain why°. We acknowVedge the respon5e tlme buL do not urxder5tand the additional rp-quireiment to explain the ratinnale for the estimated response. The reqLirement [o explain the "reasonabfe eskirnak+e of the Cime required to fiII the request'° Is flot inciu+ded ln the Revlsed Code of lwll'ashington (RCW)f the Wastaingtcrrr Adrryfnfstratlve Code (WAC), or the requfrement5 Ifsted irti yourt audit. We +nrouVd ask that Lkte phrase "buk dit9 not explain why" be de{eted fi-om the table on page 41 as Et relates to the Ciky af Kent. Again, we ackrrowledge to tlrrte that it tooks us to respond to the request cnmpared ta the auerage time From alR entiti+es, we do not acknouyrr~~ge the expan$ion 4f the Mve day requirement adding an explanation nF wrhat wwe conSi&!red a reasonable e5tirna[e of the time required tQ fkll the recluest. Adtfiti-onaMly, on page 47 of the draF'C repart an the seckiQn "Camrnun«atians wikh the requestpr" the repOrt states; ~Some entities provided ri~cords without prnvGding a reason why the leng[#a of tim~ ~t Uwk [o respond was necessary." This 5katernenk, as in the abave paragraph, seems to be an expansion of the requ 'trernent vf the requurernents to respand within five dayrs, 1`he City of Kent trie5 to provide gotd customer service to perrons who request public records, tsut does have signiFicanC Concerns aIready complying with the desire to pravlde the requesCed records along with r-evlewing and cOrnp€ying wikh the o+~er 300 exemptions specffied in the RCW's. For example, state paw specIFlcaally sCates fihat home addresses of pubEic saf8Cy iemployees are not disciosatsle. If a r4i~!quQSted record [neludes the address of a publlc - 5afeky empEayee do we redact the entire address, the horne ~ddr+ess number by leave in the streeCf ar redact e+verything but the city and zlp cpde. The Washingkon +eour*s have nnt ruled vn t9~ Issue so we must revlew the reCords arrd kry to bakance the exempt[on wE[h the desire to provide the recdrd. We abjeck to addiny addptManal requirerr3enk5 into a prvcess thafi aEready is long enpugh, Additi+Drtal Ar+ea of £on eern: On page 103 nF the draft audit, wn the section detalling infarrr+aklorp on cltiess specificawly on the Ci.ty of Kenk, tFr+ere 15 a ple ehart tltled "General Ouerala Responsrveness to the In'tt}iaI Request'°. In the Gase of the Ci'tyr Df ICent i[ nates that we were respansfve to the irrltfal request irr 9of 10 cases. We beliewe that this Is I~ err4r. On pages 13 dr1d 17 as +nreH a► in the di5cussion in ,4udlt Fin[iing 1, there is a dfscussion aF the crVteria for ronsideriny rtpkies as either r'esponsive ar non-responslue. ConsistentMy, it sta[es that aresponSe was consrdered ko be r~Sponsive even iF the 111 W"ng#cra Statr lludiox~ Oilfo "rmante 1iydit Repar# (1Grpp PkrG#it Flri%Arch. Pr.iit!irs m }Q a{Jvrnarkrnt (ntnie-s - Rrvoai 0 lfmW i I Nlr. Brfan Sanntag, CGFM Washington Stake AudJtor ,Aprll 21, 2008 response contained incomplete or lnconslstent records. llnder your 4deinition the City should be 1asted as respons9ve to 10 o# 10 requests, The City has acicnowledged to you what +w'e helieve [o be, upon refleetion, an iMproper redaCtion Qf the employ€e narne from your request related ko W-2"s. We har++e acknowledge+d it and have taken step5 ko in5ure thdk it v+eill not be repeated. That dtse5 not charsge the fact that the draPk audlt repart is hneansistent wJth Itselfi In the definition af and display of Gnformdtion on re$ponsfueness. 'Vhre wouEd a5k that khe Chdrt be arnended and, as skaCed in the ~efinitlvn oF page 13, note tl-ae errors abserued. Tharik you for y4ur con5ideration of the Cityr of Kent's concerns tv the State Auditcrr'S Oifice draft pubklc recoxds perfiorrnance audit repart. ' If you require any further fnformatlont yoaa may reach rrte at (253) 856-5728. 5incerely. ~ Br~nda Jaceber, CMC City Clerk ce:Rabert 1Vach1inger, Kent Rnance C?ifer-tor Rob+ert Goehring, CR'Ar CFE, KenC Audit Manager Tom Brubaker{ Kerit Cft-J Attomey Thorrias Gulifall, Kent A.5Sk~tant Gfty A+tkorney . _.......s-.~..,.~..~~.,..~._ rl Wiisril" 5#M AuiMtoft 41Cine P+er'Famwma Jludit Repc+rt Qpnn Fhtb6i( Nfforrl, PrAstrcrs at 30 f304P111RIrnT rMitrel - Afl1naa x l4:<;?f11:;=1 I Abou# City of Yakima The Ciiy of Yak4rna h~~ a poptilakmon cif Tkpproxamately 82.940 in Yaksma Couniy. rh,, Coty Councif tonsistS ot seueq e€ec#ed Cvuricr1 Members, The Cnunc.il chooses the ~ f41ayDr euery twa years I'rom witrin its own rr'reriibershrip. ~ fihe Citys public records process is centralized. The Cit:y's PUt;I~c Record5 Officc-r is located in the C+ry Clerk's Depaftnnent. The Officer re9ie5 on the indivfdua4 ~ departments to gather recorcis ir7 r(,sponse !o requt:st=. TI7e PL~3:r1ic. heccrr6 i:ifificer ~ was our primary porr,t of eontaci. Conforming resp*nses to #he initial request 10 out of 10 Requests ~ CI ty o'~ ~akI 1 !"1 a ~ Respo nsiveness to 10 Requests ~ ~ ~ 41 ~ " n Sufficient respvnse received ~ Rtquest nak re~ e ived by theentEty's ~ Public f#ecvrtls Officer ~ ftesporrsivencss - 10 Requests -Compared to Average for Cities ~ City of Yakima ~ Respanse tlme versus arrerage fQr cities 'F,t==^'+,r rar.;-.n,ro,.ninal rr q.irni lrrr ri-:1,riJ°o 40 - 35 - ~ fi 30 ~ r~ 25 ~ c 2~ rr. m is ~ ~ 10 ~ 1 1.- ~ Y ~ ~ 0 L I14:-11.vl; I:1". Roquest Ue3Cpiptior1 f3u+enqss dayi to ak+ealr, wo-rc! ~ Xtr.rsi.ye hasir.rf s~yfvr aU cHJer 1~ ~ ~ ~ 1 E4 ~ Washlngton St4tm JW41tor's {!ffike Pa+iornonce AuM RtpaR Open PubIit fSKUM) RIaclicesx 30 Gqvrrnmenl EnGalirs Fteprxt I iQ"a 7 £ity af Yakima's Response ~ A dowka N 0-t~rr•ar 1-,- f 0 F Trrr:, 4 11 ~ ti.rA ~A r.FR 1 'J 1'ar7'h St^rcrrrd :1'irrrr ' d ~~'}"lfr~~L, 1~rzJ.ret+~. F4'u_aliir~,~tv~rr 989&1 !'~rnr~r i ~IJ41 4~';.l,II~tJ %1a% 1.2008 V1 A EdiiaiI .Ploulus Fa:ernwrd. CP A ,Vodilor o{-Wiiwhington `atutc 161 CoTTi %.+all A r c nue. Suiic 107 fi` ] lingluuLS. W.-t 98225 Tti,c_,~tor Ncwmun. CF'A. CCil• Ni Audiirxr c,f washington state a fr I#i C"om-mall :Lv°et3tee. SURC 107 f3L!dlin~harn_ 'KA 11822-i I Mw 1'-hu mus unJ ;'*l-ylEi r- I hr C'ity taf YakisTSa aspp+reciaECd ihc 11pNnUniLw to hr intiludLd ira ihe titutc Auditnr'~r l+uhlic rect}r& pcrfnrmanc-c araclit uZ- 31:1 enlilie, '14'e rcccpticd ha~h mar", Kan uur };Ln`raI tFvrrall crsponsivtiness ta 10 ou` oi EU 7cque,Ls a,nd would iikc p4a congrawlcttr our enjplowccs IVr sheir m!c in dhis ;sc'a:onsplish,menl. 7'hc CS1Ic~~M~7rt?r`,IS:~'445 pu~,lpc nccarci~ rvyosL~~tq ~°ith a cu~senmer wrr~~icc cthic. (lur }scriiiffr~a~.ce~ dtiring thr Swc Audiiar's f1fFtc+r a.udit is rellecliwe ew}'lhccKtmmitmcttl Ltur staff wtxr4ing in this rsrica mninLairts isn u Jsily bt~,.~ia, 4bncc kssu.ancc oF lhe perfonm~ncc aulii dr~sfi rrNn. the C'ttv ni Yakin¢ra h+as taken ,iddioiontt.E stcpi iai ensl= aomisicn{y x,,3th ohc .•!c[orn~v Gcnrr;1`; Mtaricl [tul`s and the rqNnmm=diufir)n.& trv the Stais: Auditt+cs Oitikx Si ncmiv. Uave ZabelI ~ 'Nssis=t C_'itN '''lanat-wr ~ l ] 1hPasWingitm StAte ikuditor's 0fficr P*ri'ormance Jkudit Beport I I I Riil±lit Idecards Pfdl.IllP ~;Fr 30 (j+rMevninrnl I ntitEes - Rcparm 0 1C'10u0l?11 Appendrx C - Results by State Ac~ency and Responses About t)ffi~~ of Insurance Camirrrissianer The Of-Ace uf the Iry-suonct} Comrniss«iler :i5 resporisible for regulatirig tfIC IriSuranre business in Wash9ngtor7, Ti7e Insurance CQmmissioner is elected by +vaters to four-yc-ar terms. The Office empEoys approxlriiately 240 people in Tumwater, Seaitle, Spokane and Olympia. fihe public rerords process ~s centralc~ed with one fiLiblic Records OffiCefi who rel+es on division conrdmators to assbst ira gathering records in respcnse to requests, The PubEic ~'~ecords Officer was our RrimarypDult Gi cc ntact. Conforming responrses to the initial reques# - 9 0u# of 10 Re~~~sts 0ffice of 1ns!urance CommESsioner Responsivenesstcs 14 Requests i ~ 0 Sufficien# re5ponse received 0 Request nat received by the entity's Rulall[ Retorti5O'Fficer 1 En#it'y directed reque,s#or to rcstibmit the reques# to another departmer?t 0 Entity respvn5e wae, cirafteci or issued, withwn the entit}+ but not receave[4 by dh ti requeStor Entity did not eor'rectly protess the ~ Entity r+es"nded witFti incomplete ar cequest, no £esptsnse reLceived insuFfieient recards Re5ponsiveness - 14 R+eqraests - Compared #o Average for S#ate Office o# Insurance Commassivncr R aSr7(}RSe t1191Evef5kd5 .tiverage ior nther state agen.[ies ~ i hf;frmP•qpe'fr=`..'o rrlii..11 r,~-I% ir-sl 4w 4V ~ 3J ~ 30 ~ ~5 dj w 20 /~k,Viyepua ~Itii co 15 xi~~ msrinn~ 13 13 ~ ;I ~ 10 ~ L E 0 5 z ,1ryr ~1AkRI1'•N Vr~ll . I.Y. .~I1 + I-n.. I I.pXl+ll I'w:l.'y I`.rN'f 13 ! Iiieliie I. F ,y' ~ f1'P+;jlie.5'4 Ves.cripri{}n ~ fiUSlr.r7..Ysr r:sblsn anrxrrd ~ RYOT451iFR!}IneaerY. 1.ue all ryri-: ige116 ~ Was"can SUto lwudlxor'x Offi€e Per[orm1nt*,Aud1t Ntepan Oprn Publ ic Records Nractices at 34) Govkio rntieni Entities - lieport I 11KN9[l1 I OfCice +af Irtsurance Comrnissipner's Response STATE OF WAS}fIIVGTOR] IAKE KREIG1ttER arwnip i360) '215-79U] n=~~ SFATF IN8I,1F4,1"4k.£ LC+UMYS~SI'Uh£~i w+.a,.~!hurrre wq ~ ~ t OFFtC E t?F iit CLIVED Ir+1SURAfVCE COMMMSSIO1+lER SIATE +moJO9TUR Apnl 21, 2005 ~l6 APR 21 R 4 :l 8 'Ihe Monorable Brian 5onntag '4Vashing+t[m S#ate a4uditor P O Box 4C?021 Olympla, W,A 98504-0021 Dear dalr, S[rnnl$g° Thank you for the OPPtariunity tt~ ~spond ka the Publi~ Records Performance Audil Repcar#. Iagree Chat the mSts aBsoCiated wflh rLancC5mplianc±e with the Puk+3eC R2corC#s Ac# ar+3 ekttrerne9y seripus and the trList of our citimnry i5 put iw+ jeopLar+dy if thl5 acrum My agency wark+ed c9osely with the A,uditar's C]fflce st-atf throughW the audi# prccess, and vwe appredaCed Ihse,r courtesy and profesmanalism The encl[aed response provdes insapht into two #indMrgs where my offioe ss notecf f€af not meeting expckations. J also have prcrwdad a 4st of the best practices we pRan io fmpiement to heEp u$. skrearnEarre r3ur public fiecortls processes aM improue customer serrice Iam pI"sed thal the Insurance Gam nnd5ssiuner's Offire (01 C) was racognix$d far adhering to r.ertain besx practicas and the easy usage c+f our Intemet srte. VVe are pro,d of our succa5s in using techriaar,ygy to provicia 0ec3ron'rc access to pub1ic irrformation hNe now have a searchable d~tatase that pmwides drrec# a=ess !n frlings from insurance +r~smpanieg req ue-s#ing appr,oval tDr paIIcy langua," and ra#ees TFe number of publdc diisclosure requests has decreasei by ~ppmscimateEy 40 percent, which we attribute to improved acoess. arrd custvmer se-rvic.e Th'r5 datahase Ns a+vaalable thfough our ag$rcy ►n►ebsite (wwwv,insurarjce_wa.Qov). Ayaon. vwe appreciate khe effvr#s af your s#aff, and we Iook forwdrd ia warkirtg together irv the iukure to provkde accountability a»d efFk~anq in prcavuding ac,ces,sea to the OIC's pubJie reCrrrtls s4K1C E0 MFkg KfoIdlBi' Insuranr_e Commassionar Enclosure cC: Vemon Stoner, Chief peptirty Commissaonef Deb McCurley, Deptlty Comrriissraner for Operaiions Eric M$rk, Publie Ree;ords Manager NA,11r15g AAAdFEi94- P 0. O474 41125't` ".C~yrllpa WA Sirael rlddra.n: 5(M GaFilul am t. • Turnwatrot, LVRI 98501 ~ 117 Washiftonn Seasr Audlta,'I i?1hcs Fa"rniinte Audi1 HaporR ~ Ope1i PublitRt-rardsf'rl4srtw;al ?:ntiirWrrnniFar I,ntiria;-Fk~Lpejn4 dili'n°A111 ~ ~ 0f#icial Response to PubliC []esciosure Audil trom tlrse Office of t#tie Irrsurance Ccammissi-oner A,pnI 21, cDGB Flndlnrg 1: Yhlrty4wa of 300 unanrraunced pubtlc r+ecords reaque-9 ls were constderec1 rtonreopansire. An adtlitiQnal sewen responses were eititer noncontorming or Irlc[xt►pFB#e. 7'he Office ot Fhe insuearpce C.ommissivner had one requeat that was irkcvmplete (Request ficr the Off'ace's Sexual harassmeni polacy -ReqUest 1) This resptanse was +c+ounteK'i as 'noncespr3rtsiue' due to a missing page and aPpears to have been an aversighl due lv hurrkan etror Whhile our staff m-oni#or a11 public disclosure req ue5ts, this indarrg retlnforcers Nhe ireEportarce of scrutinizng res ponses pfior tcs proaduc#7on_ 7he PtibIiG Recarc~s Manager hw ifnplernanted a proces.s charrge ar'd staft now cross cheCk v+fork ta ertsure tha# aII request5 are Gornpl~ete. Finding 4. Some enGties peowided the e'equea'6ed public recotds in a less #irttiely ~annsr than thefr pem. The Office ofi tte Insuran[e Comrnissionef had t,r~e Wuest tttad was si,gnificantly Iess timely than +~~r peem (Requ+esk fcr Travel PoMicy - requW 28) Our oifiee woul+d €ike ta address the timeliness oi out respanse to thts mqu€st. Approximately 60% of owr agency reiquests for pubPic rec~~s are fof fifings drom insurance cexmpanres r€questrng approval fof pOkcy language and rates. VVhen 4he ceq u+ast frrf a "kravel poflcy" was received, lhe erropioyee undsrs#a ndably tkrotighi the request was for W"eI insurance po6icreFs fiked by Gnsurarrce cornpanies. The fifirsgs typica lly ircciucie paiicies submi#ted far indi+nduals wbo want c,overage for iraveV =Gfs ancllor medmal expertses while traveding. Orice ciariFitation was pro+rded by the fequester. crur artfice aktempteci tn respond eIectronk-,alty, as requested_ In daing so. our staff encoun#efed art equpment pd'oblerrt Irtuol3nng th!e scanner osed far puk+lic disMsure _ reque-sts, Our Plart tra knpl$men# Beat Practices IderAified During the Audit Training The PubiQC Recor& Manager hasincofporatetl F"uNic C1isclvsure and Reeords Mau"iagement TFalT1iE9g 1nkt] o41P ag@I7cy's csore trafning reqtjirernents_ TramNng wi11 be prouided to alf ag-ency person"l by JWn~ 2008 ►lisible Sign~ge ' SignagQ fof wafk-in reque5#ers wiU fae crea#ed and posted by June 2008 I 1 1 YV'arfilrtgtoo 5xm Auditat'i 0#IFct PerlfarnaMnm 14udh Rqpart CIp.Puhii4A~i7rrI~F'rorrmcpsil3tFd~trvrmotmm Enf6m -R"rr VU(I0]1 u l~8019 the [ns#aIlrnent IIAeIhod for L,irga Public Recards Requests Our office has been using [his as a best practice, uwhen appficable. tMe wiil ir4dut1e languuage to reileCt this ;xa~tic.e in the next ra~►isr€~r to our p~c~Uic dis~ure p~icY- CR Conmunicating the ,a►ppeA.ls Process fcw Etecards [?enia1s Ad#hough this informa#ton is in our agettcy ruies fat publlc ddscRosure, our stirff is workrng on uNaking the websits Po 6nclude tNs procm. FulE im plementation is expected in May 20i}6. Inco,rporatfng the Aftcirerey General's Madel Rules Into 1NhC 28A-03 As many of lhe best practfcas Iclentified are assocFa#ec1 wi#h'El~ase model ruWs, we are cutrerady cnnsidering EncorporaUng the rutes Vnto the Vu'ashington Adrrrinistratiwe Code on pubfk disdnsure. A decasion abeauC this wil9 be rnade by Jr,ly 2008. I Custornef Service We vACf Gneorpca(ate customer fotiaw-up into our pmress and haue ieguorr wcerk on a GJStomBf feedbar-t LQol PegBrdIffg tl~e le1/Ql fJF {JLlf $eN7c$ We e5[peCt 11T1p4$i1'IeFMt3t1{]n by ' Aug4Jst 2008. Pub#iC []iscl4sure R$quests by P1'Iork+e TF'e Public Recards hAanager i5 [Feveloping a Forrm and prvt.ess to documeril requesks that are rec.emred by phone: S9nce the intent is a berefft to tFse customer, we are - exp#aring `lessans fearred" From the entilies wha Currerrtly accept mquests Gy phoere so that our process ensures an accurate irnderstandlng of v►rhat's being mquested lls+ar-FrI~iidly Web Sfte 1`h7e #rtsurarsce CommiSSiones Office w-as recapnmed for havrng a user-Friendly website In N4vember 2007, we implernerrteci a searchab~e d~tabase that pr4vides dire€-t acce5-S lo a majority af the filirfgs submMe?d tay Insuranc3 companit~s smkirg approval ft~r polacy language and rates. The number af pu~fic disdosure requesks i~~s decreased by 2ppfoanrnat+3ly 40 percen#, `avbEch are afilribrate to rmprove[i access and cus#emaf ser,,+ice , 1 1 WashlrEgtnn 5tste Audf[or's(Fllire Pedermince Audit R-opG+rt ~uen F'~h~l~ Rr~cr~1k PGac~ice~ ai 31~~n~ rnn~ese[ fn~i~ics- k~p~rr e~[~~~~t>>> About 1Nashington State lnvestment Board TheWashington 'State Investmen1 Board was cre-rited in 1981 10 estabhish investment pcalicies and procedures designed tn maximiLe return on the state's invesCments at a prudent leveI af f isk. The !Board rnapages investmenrs for 14 retirement funds for pubWc employees, teachers, school emplayees. Vaw enforcemerit officers, firefighter, afid judges. The Board a[so manages investments for 19 other pub9ic fui7ds that suppark cir benefit industrial insurance, colAeges and universitivs, developrnental rJisabihties and wifdiife protect#rn. 1"he publkc records process rs centraGzed. The Agericy l7,s ane pdrblf4r fff.ards ot~icer wn the f ub4ic Aftairs nffice, who was our primary po,nt oi c:antact. Conforming responses t€r the irritial request - 8 ou# of 10 F[equests 11Wlashington State Irrvestment Board ResponSiueness tG 10 Reques#s ~ id ~ - 0 $offi[ient response received ~ FCequest not received by the enzi[y's, Public Ftetords Of'Ficer ~M Entity directed requestor 1o ri-5ubmii t.he re-quest [a another,~e pa r#ment ~Enfity response w+ras deafted or Essued, within the enfity but not receive{d by the requestvr 0 Entiky did not [orrecily process the ~I Entity r+esponded with in[ornplete or request, nn response receVved insufFi[ient recards Respansiveness - 10 Requests -Compared to Average for State Washing#vn Sta#e lnvestrrM+ent Board Responsetime wersus averagC #a6 4#her siate agerrc4es lRF]'.'1~ iTnl Ir}griii5f-+.^ fft illl~.3~ fr''1'~I!h'9, fr.nrg~+~~y 4U 35 e M h +:vr~.+r~t wh ulFkm[rsi:veTPL.. ffYRIF -.Y rlcr q41 nnE F-kYi j,30 ~~rrdw~d ~ 25 n ~ 20 ~ ~ 1~J y'l - 145 ~ ~ h r+ { l? H B ~ ~ E 4 z k- ~ ~.~.I ]bti lw 3 I rJwl Mf:r d'rn 4., a~",i e.ws..d . , . . , . . '.r.. . .i .....r Ir+.,i•n... xili:i: Requmst i]ew riptierri Fi,eilpwia Asya 7n radi man r~rd ■ ItvF"tidwi.yvl,~.a. ilrya ItYr XII ygt+Fl.[ius 120 Washington Seatr A"tur's Qffice PerioffAme€c Jlwllt Repmrt Open Putltc ilc.urda RrRticr,at 30 iSOWr"mVraC EasRssrrs - kepara 0 ttJlN1R11 Washington State Inrrestment Board's Response ~ ~ r. ~ - ~ ~ u 4~'~'.- Si'A7£ OF 4VA' 81k'4GTC]N STATE lN'VCSTJviENT BOARC) aPfJO fvTlrg",e#t Jxari Drire S4Y • Pf], grji 40916 +{Vp7rlpi1. lA+;pfhld7gF4m1 + 9'$a4"-09f6 t.7+40) 956•4600 • fkk r36Ud 4,56-1785 • wn►rr,si8.w.&Vk' Apri121, 200$ "Ihe liannrablc Brian 5vnntag Statr, A tidiior C)ffice of 4tir StaR+: AudiEcar po&t Officr Box 40021 Cllympia, Wri► 485[]4-0021 Dear Auditor Sonntag: T'hank yov foF thc opganunyiy to fvrmal9y rcapencl to the pcr'Fcrrmancc auclil of Lhe 'V4'mhington State fn+restr-ent Baiarti (WSID) and 29 oihcr cntities on pr+vviding public sec4tds to citizens. W~ ore pleusel wilh the overall finding that thu majoriLy of entities aUCfiicd, inclnding [Fe 'iVSIF3. are doing an cxccllenLjob in prpviclang good customer scrviec in responding to pUblic reccinds requc9Es_ The WSIB is strongly cummttei1 tca truns.pare,u:y arrd aciGun#tthi lity ;inci wo risZxily bclieve thsa perFmTraance audiLs offer exc:cllcri [ crpp+arl unitics tcs idtntify ?ic:~t practiceis and whcrv these is twm for ittapro+.cr[ent. T'hc WSTB is O9o strongiy crarnrnittcd to enstuing thar it-i pubC~c r=ords respc,rtsc prmess is apen, tienely. and corrrpletcty accuratt in accarclmncce with th-c full spirit of ibc lsw. I;usu;rc aau the WSlli i-4 ta.king [hi! t€ntLings of this uudhi vety sc.riousl;r and har airrau#~develaged urtei imptcmctoied stcps to mA.ke isrtprovements aryrJ olher chanp,ez; based on your suggcsuGns and recomrnr,-tttlwions. }!'s+'c ]ook torwazd to wnrking with thc I.cgislnt!lire as it evaluacth the srsults of thi!i audxt and in heipimg ¢n uchievc [hc ma.xirnijm h+enetie possi hie irs i«ctrTporuting and win.g besd practiee4 throughou[ sLace gnverrtment in responding to myuests t'or infonnutien. Sin~erely, Josco A. Deaur Etceutive I]imCCar - ~1 121 r 9Yaakngtan 5uto Anditcs°s Offlce Prrtormance IiudNt R"ort ~ EriiitiM - RPp[~rts 111001141 ~ ,R,bvut C3epartment of Fievenue' T1-« Departi°rieFjt ul Revenue collects taxes, adrnirai,ters prograrns to fund QLOiic services and develaps tax poNacy in conjurtciion. The Agency collects approxwmately S14,2 biGlion irt state taxes ,and S2.4 hill'lan in focal taxes each year from more than 460p000 regFstered businessesa C= The Agency's p#JblPC fiecol'd5 Qf4ceSs iS Gentfali7eCV. 7he PublNC ReCoFd5 ~fficLr 9S ~ kocated in t1le Taxpayer Sen+ice~ ~iviskon and relies oti indivtcbuai diwrisions to g,ather recorcJs in rp-;i}onse ko reque:~t~,. The F'ubiic i~ecorrJs 0iFicer was our prirliary poir~tot ~ coritaci_ ~ Con#orrning respvnses to the inrtial requ€st - 10 ou# of 10 FCequests Departmef1~ ~f Revenue Resp~onsiveness#o 14 Request5 iL ~ Su#fifienx respun se receiveci ~ Requesf not rese6ved by the entity'S Pub1it FtetO rdS Office r Responsiveness = 10 Requests - Compareci ta Average for State Department of RevenUe Response time varsus average For otkaer sieike agencies ;lrir~.j ali, i•S;u.n ,5r 7 C. iCil I Id I C1-q;IF-_t 1=~C fE~fFiG1'J 40 35 MJ -30 ~ ry L 5 20 `w SYJ 15 L I ~ , ~ 0 I.A ~ 0 0 t ..r... . :.wl . , , •hid.vn..,,.p + ii . _ _ . -•h Ii;m. r...; - ..u. .i i i,_ , i . , Fi-,uues! Rescraptian BvslnessdapsEa,bln.nra,:....1 ~A..w,.I rgeLUUnraurJayefnrwlraryenctre l 7he respon ;e fcir all .'tate ageric#es uilder fifiip- purview of #he Guvern~.-~r is c7rska-ined at irr~ Qrirf M !his f1~9pier. 122 ~ wlasNnotam 5xatt JlardlWes Llffice Pfthwmanar Audit Rqpon Opvn PtI W l( lie4 artit f'raatltes 9 M 154vernrerenf f nt~ lt€- fieparr 0 IMlfJ T l About Departmen# of Social and Health SerrvFCes The Departrtient is divided into fiue administra~icins: Heafili and Recavery ~ervlces, Econam,c Servwces, Aging and Disability Services, Juvenfle Rehabe4itabon Services and Children"s Ser'vQCes. The Health and Recovery Services Adminiskratoon, wh~ch rncludes the Medicaeci Prog~am, which accounts for more than hal€ of khe Department's total budge#_ The Departmenk spends approxfrnately biIlion a year, about one-third ot the state budget. The public recrarcfs pracess is centrahzed. The agency has one Pu'bl,c Records Officer who coordinates the efiorts af close to 300 persons invaived +n pubirc recqfds disclo,ure across aII prograrris and held affices, wath abouk 36 enipNoye~s who are primarr[y d~~icated to 1h6s functron and ouer 250 who are regLilar9y invodved as part o# thpir as-qigned dutaes. The Public Records Officer was aLir prirnary poirit of contact_ Conform fng responsex tc► the initiaf requext - 10 out of 10 Reques#s Departrnent of Social & H+ealth Services Responsiveness #rr 10 Requests 4 0 Suffitient respqnse received 0 Request not rece`ved by the entity's Public Reeords Officer Responsiveness - 10 Requests -Ccrmparcd ta Average for S#ate Department o#' Social & Health Services Respqri3e tlmx versus iiverage #err othef state agenei+rs. Ik JS,•c;~ . ~c i., .F~«n;n, i e rtsl :>~~,e sr i.,i ~ k.x i I, 40 35 ` ~ }0 ~ G ~ 25 ~ c a= 20 1 a ~ - O 15 ,12 13 k4, E L r ~ 7 J ;S 3 4 I ~ tl z o '~swl d'. :~rv I, h• s i r ^~r~ a. r i i:r. -li . ...i i i 2 .y~ I pi rr i'aiiwl ^4UFS1f .i. •i;llirr 11. 1-IIeNr,it: I...ai r:Jii'f ~411 I. . rl.rr lnfi?.i. . mro4Pw lYr.. ili:i ~i~~ry4~e5t L~~srrl~[i[~oti F ~1f5llbf.ll 1IF~! iO dIF[ilEp Rsrr?r.rJ ■ Awrr.rp* 6auclnsI o Aayw Inr An agrre~r.le4 123 WasNioT4n 5tatr AudidfrkOffrce Pewfmnnsnct aAwdit Ileporr ~ OpenPutijic AfL(ords Praaiai:rA ~[if.rwtrirsrent I rrciairi -~irporr Y 1liilCA71 I ~ Atbout Department of Labor and Indus#ries ~ I he Departmezit of Labor and lrt€1UStrses works ro help employe~s mpet satety and ~ Ilealth stan+dards and inspects woeicplaces #at hazards. The Department adnitnist2rs ~ the state's Warkers' Compensation System, whrich proOdes medical and aimited wage ~ replacement coverage to workers uvith jokrf elated irijuries and illness. The Department ~ a:lso regulates self-insured emplayers, provides firiancial ared medical heIp to uict;nis of vialertit crime, cor)ducts EEeCtrical eIeva#or and boiler inspections. re,gisters ~ canstructiDn cantrac#ors, issue~ ~icenses and enforces prevailing wage rega,lations. The Cepartrt7ent's pubfie reeards pracess as ceritralized. Il has one PubIGC Records (7#Ficer who re1ies ori the e#forls of a Public ~ecords Manager, a Legal Sefwices Proprafri Manager and five Forms arad Records A~~lysrs wor4rs tc) compile and review records in respoDse to requegfis_ The Depart~ent has nunierou5 points o4 c;ontact, but tfie Ptiblic Records Officer 4roaS Off prirrrmy pfaini uf cr7rstack. Con#orrning responses #o tlhe initial reques# - 9out of 10 Requests Crep►artrnent of Labor & rndustries Responsiveness to 10 Fkequesks °u I ~ ~ 5uffi6ent respons~preceivetl ~Request no[ ceceiued tay the entity"s Pu blic Reto rds O#ficer 1: Encixy+dwrected requestarto resubmic the request ta ana#her departFnent t, Entity response was drafted cxr issued, wrthin the enti+Ey but not recelved by the requestor N E ntity did nax cnrre"iy process the Entkty responded w ith bncom plete or requesti f][3 Y£spoCx5e r129CeiYe~d insuFficien# records 124 Wasbknq!taa S#te Audheris 01fict Parfarmance Au+AM Report OpenNu'hficqrf QFClSPraafK esa6#06arrrrnmrni Entitic-5 -RepnR0 tiM 11 Responsaveness - 10 Requests - CarrEpared io A+verage for State Clepartment of Labor & Industries Rgsponse tim-a versus average fpr pther s#ate agerec4g rF' SL']a9','` !i i~ fwil i.iG ra•!jlie, ft ]!°ir frr_:I yf- hi 40 75 7 30 _ CJ ' ~ 25 - w = N 20 13 14 ~ 5 IL' b I F. ~ +.~rr ;i]ii5^~X; i~.x~aay~~y I~n.wi Kiav!iYr.-~ ar:.i,-r, ~rq~mN•.v u_-_-~~rxi,~ .,,~~Idprr h'lnY I.T. -11111.[F :li+h~ I:IL SNar.~i • r-,BjwIII!Y ,",I'E:I9~ Request DeSCnpti4n U~inass da}s ea oF 1Aan Pe[nrrJ ~ aY..wWo 6minam efxye fr:. +u ry..,s,e■ ' 1L5 'YKashing~ 5#~#a Aud~'i 4lf~ee Per#or~tiar►rv ~dit R+rport ~~~aeE~ F'Lit~lir f~~c~anl+Prj~:ri,r~~~ ds lG ~ua~vca~'1fia1-nr €rlrftwra - R~i~~a7 fitf~~tur) 11 At~out Washington State F~atra! The Washington State Patrn4 provides public safety services, wncludeng hFghway patrnls. torens[c labcaratorieS, secucity on t~e WashirG~~on State ferraes and drug enforcemen#, The Agency has eight Pub4ec Records Dificers, one in each d«trict of-fice, ihey help coordpnate th~~ ccirnpilation of records in respanse to requests, The Pubk Recards Officer in the C]lympoa district otfrce was our primary pairrt of Contact. Conforrning responses to th:e initial request - 10 ou# of 10 #~~quests Washing#on St,ate Patral Respansiveness to 10 Rcquests ~ ~ ~Suffitient responst? re+teisreti N Request noi reteiued by the entity"s Pu blic Reco rds Offi cer Responsiveness - 7 0Requ+~sts - Cvmpared to Average for S#ate Washington 5tiite Pa#rol Responsr tarne wrsus a vgrage #ar ath er sSa[ea genties an ic -sG+an;eto-riirial i._atiwtriur rerenj;i 40 35 ~0 ~ ~ 25 ~ ~ 20 ~ 1-5 ~ _=a,,~ i ~ 5 a :M.. I.,{.': i: i, e I °Jwl iA'R •irr uiJllrIIIlt J :a.',° .i . . ; r.. i t... 4YL'St..:I11!J~241 :rl°!Ir. 'fl:h.x~ 4RIR!'1a ✓.^-..'Ktlf -i . - " r.lv..I.rl 7er+ . !Pr+iisr l.h .is ..•/t... .....(-i.lfi1 RQq IIE°it DpSCFjFpi ll@€E n-IririS Ltayi en ryhuiil ercaid ~ Avrnag~ IhueinaasdsMi.f~ s11 zgerxisi 1rU Washlriiipan Stitr Aw3YtOr% 0'fftm ftrfarwaa Audl# RtpOrt l~~,cnc~~ral~c#t[Vnrfj~ Pra(ji{4!-sai30 G0r[rFimrnt f+MrdM -kt-panRlm l t A'$out Department of General 14dministration The Departrrtent ofi General Admanistrabon provides expertise in essential support senrices to otber agencies_ The Department's primary custorrrers are skate agericies, 231th~~gh ser-vices are also offered to municipaGties a-etoss the state_ The ,genera6 oublic aIso receives direet ben0t from the Department"s managemerwt ot the CaRit~nl Carnpus buildings, graundsr and parks. The Departrrtent has thr~c- divistons, lacilities, services and adminrstratican. The I]epartii7ent's public records process ss centraNizeJ tor non-routine, high-r`sk and Iow-uvlur~~ ~equests and has one Pubkic Records Officer within iks executive Ci1anageRiei1t. O11 a part-t1fif1e baSiS, this officer and ancither executive cvmmunications affice rriember rrianage the aulk of requests the c#eparkment receives. However, the. piIbIIC rE`CofR~s pfOGe55 Is deceCitCaIfzed f{7f ceftakf3 fC}Ut1CIF: VoILIme reqLIestS. prorriarily related !o bidding and procurement documcnts. LEeven crther designat~d d tiselosure coortllna#CrS pCoCeSs feqi]eStS recElved if1 tr12 dtWfS1ofb5' programs an a par#-tirne bases_ We darected our recards requests to thp_ PubIic Records Officer posibofi w0in #he execuliue nianagerrient. Conformang responses #a the ini#ial request -10out of 10 Reques#s Department of Genera1 Administration Responsiueness to 10 Reque sts 1 E 5uFFicaenc response received 0 F#equesc not retei+vef by the entity'S Puhlic Recvrds [)fficer Responsiverress - 10 Requests - Cornpareci to A+verage #or State Department of GeneraI I4dministra#ion Respanse time wtraus average f+o-r ather s#ate agencieg IN itir.y! eyF5 Aw.`uto4r' ILi Ituflal ImjIpP41 B41' ;H-I iicl"40 35 30 fi ~ 25 ~w ~ 20 ~ m is 13 ~ ~ 10 6 i f H 6T d . , 0 r} fis 1 ; ;ruai . i., i.. I-;i I i„r•, a6:k~r. .:s'm `.,.m+rlum iJ.i-I i.i. Y.~ays. e'nnn. :~r r,i wvPb, carn:. y:i. ewar, ?ar~wt Urs. rU:rR£C`UESf 0ESCFiPti00 tluslnesada3+stnmhtalnrecord Avwsysbuslrx.ssdeFSlozapssrrrri- 127 WashingTasr State Audftcmr'Y Oifrce Perfnrn€aaca Audirt Aaport Clpen Pubfic 11,?corcJ, NrartksF:3 at ?It uqvern+asonr Frrtrtrr% - Aepor+ INih;" 71 About Depar'#rnent of Correc#ions The Departme-fit Gf Correchons car,sists of the Ofiice of ihe~ Secre,,ar~ and ihr(ee ~ divisEcrls, each }ieaded by a Lepu1y Secretary_ t,he Pnsions Divisiofl, thF Comr~~unity ~ Correctsons Divasioi7 ancl the Admsnfstratiue Services Divisron, ~ COrre-CtMOTIs` public records process us centralize,d. 1t f7as one F'ubliti: Records Officer who felies on a stali of eight fu19•Ijime ernp6oyee5 and 25 coordinators who con7pike artd review reeords in respotise tcr reql.oe~,ts, The- Hd:.ad4rytiarte rc ;taf; ptoces:;er1 .in~ re_„iC711ded ro i1Llf Ufl"c1T1fI;.lIJf1;-_i~'dJ r['qLIetit.,S, ~ ~ Conf#rm117g Fe5pon5@S ti} the 11'MItIs7I feqi.ie5t -$ouLo'F IOReqUIeSt$ ~ Department af Corrections ~ Responsiveness to 10 Requests ~ ~ ~ . . _ _ F= ~ Sufficient response reteived 0 Entity response was drafited or issued, but n+at recei+red by tY+e requeoor ~ 0 Entity aesRonded kufth ►ncomplete ar insufficient recorcls Respvnsiveness - 10 Requests -Compared #o Auerage Far State Departmen# of Ctrrrec#ions Resporise tim$ versus avmye fior o#her s#ate agencles riii rr>€fx.asrsPmirenq,nl+r_Isae_71i.:•r re~tcir;.9s,! 40 35 ~ lu:n: iM+yc~4±sl ~ar nrraipl.Y.rsra~c }3AJ ~ ~ w~yoa~mlllw~ _ ~ V* 25 ~ f l cx 20 14 = I+~ ~ 15 10 j~ d S F A 7 „II `i i p 0 1131 l .I1-0 ei'I'lllr. s iiil~ I~•w.rNp~.uilYal 11t"iei,~ II.... . Ii:a r'Vry ial~.. --I. Fteqlli2yi D?s[rIiPCll]il I4uaF*+e3tl+Y+ 7» ~41e1n rrccsc~ ~ Av~rs~ b..rsin.tir dayi ira..6.q.nz.4.a 1L8 - 4liithinqeon StaU Jkrsdltnrs Qi'frct Nduffnancr Audit Ro"rt C]pen Pubfic RecaPda Ptattkes mt 3i1 6overnrnrnr k m iq iPS - ilpp+urt 11o" 11 Abou#'4A1a5hington S#ate Lot#ery ~~stiir7ELorn's Lottery was r:reated by the stafie Legislaiure in,luly 1982_ Trie agent;y opera#es a state Ic,ttery and sells several types of gaming #ickets ra adufts in the general pubfwc, in arder that such lattery produce the rr7aximum revenue for the st~~e cor7sonant wi-th tt~e dignity af the state and general welfare of khe people. The Lottery`s publac recards proee5s is centralized. It has one Publfc Records Officef and or~e Public Records Coordinator wha process responses an aIl public records requests, The Of-ficer aperates aut of the agency's LegaG Serwices Qepartment. -1`he Pub1ic Recsards Officer at the Legal Ser+rGces department was caur primary point of contact. Conforming responses to the anitiaM reques# - a out o# 10 R.equests Washington State Lo##ery ResRonsiveness Ro 10 Requests $ . ..•~`Mii - - ~ 5ufficient re-spo nse receY+red M En4'rty did no[ accept the frrrrrsat of th e request Resportsiveness - 10 F~~quests -Compareci to Average for State Vwlashang#on S#ate Lottery Respanse tirsFe varsus aVerage fo r ptl5er 5#ete agrncies iBa w-cl nn rc'ti+;]n-yv 0aa ii}i1100 erQiuf',i tiar 10-1_01dij 40 35 3(} 25 - - 20 o~ 15 7 = $ 12 sj 10 J 5 r g ,4 Gk: rl~ _t e ~ I,t-~ ~ rii 0 !i. a+ei .VAP •i_c iiJin' i41t::e io:. . ..„I i!, I'!i._. . •,I.rn t{d IHu r .xl. I.'--~-.~! :1.df h . .vliil:.. i.... I..:.. lii.. . f I.im: _-n 1:. K-.1 i7vn: . [e:.: EtC~q ue,t GescrI ptini, ~ 9uclma~ rteryl{ !u iYkFGwlai r4i.n7ij ~ Auo.ag. ti5roF,re e rlMYS for all agarycltc I Mf+ih7agt4n Slate AudlRnr's Llffi€+r Pasfarnrancie Audat "rt ~ Optn 9ha61K AKord% f'ixtir.eq at 30 GoYemm2of Enfiisin Rep-Drr u 111f;91 I" Abou# Offi+~e o# Financial Management ~ Th~ 01-fiee of FinaDcial Management prGuidesassisiancr- to the Governor, t[ie ~ Legrslature and state agencies in several areas irrcfuding: ~ •Budget planrrwng artd monitorin~ and hnancial administratovn for execu~ive branch agefieies, ~ • Preparrng ihe Gouernor`s bLidget praposaMs and legisiation for pfesentabon to thcv Legislature. ~ • Developpng, suDervising and matnka[nirig the sEatewide aecotinting syst~n,,5 arO 6he certtral cFaafit af aecounts. ~ • P'roviding accounting services to srr7all agencies and vtrerseeing statewfl:#e personal service contracts, ~ • Fofecasting estimates o# state and lpcal Roputa#ian, peojecting the state's reven~~~ ~ and nionitaring chariges in the state economy and Iabar fioree_ The Office's public recoTds pro-cess is Centrdlized. The agency has tirte Public ~ Recards Officer who relies on five to s€x coordinators assigned to #fie Agee~cy's ~ divisions #o carnpile and reuiew records in rp5ponsv. kc) rl`~. .j L.1 42 sts. T4lp F'util¢c f~ecor,i_, Ofhcer was our prlmary p[srr4 of cantac!, ~ Canfarming responses to the initial reques# - 10 out of 10 Requests ~ Office of Financ'ral Management ~ Rg5p4n SIV'e11$55tfJ 10 RC'q Ue StS ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ _ - ~ ~ ~5ufficient respanse reteoved ~ Request not re[eiwed by the entity's ~ PublEc Recofds Officer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 130 ~ ~ ~ STATC Of WAISf-flNGTON Apr°il 22, 2008 Ttte: Huttordhle Bri:isi Scsnntag ~SEaie Auditnr P.O. Box 40021 C]I}rziapia. WA 98504-0021. Dcar A 4i d itorS ozintag: rChank you tor i~~c oppcariiarrrty to pr-Livic1t this caorciinated re,qpnRse for the +uighk Gc~avGrnor's Cabinet agencitts iravoi~~ed irti [lae purforrrsilnce avdit on opcn public rt:cords. As noted ir, ~~c~ur rupc~rt, Covemcsr C_re~vire Iias. r~ti~ryde a+ccountat~iqity t,~ the peoplc~a pric►nty. tn a nicino t+~~s state agc:nui« in FobriAary 2006, Cvverner Gregvirc reirerawd [lze irnportance or ttic Public RLc:ords Act iri establi~hingpuh9iQcoi1fidcncc, 51~e direct4tt all agenciUs to ricneNv tht~ir tommitment [c) apenne::s and t* t~ffecfive irt3ppenticntation of'thc act. (n 2007, Governor Gregnire prlt resOurces I'n pCact: En inc~ease dhe availability tsfc.sls:•cLronlc cvpies of public re:cords_ 'fhe posi tive rrsui[s of shxs ;ikiciit dettanxtistratc I Iie cammi4merrrt of state agencies to the princ.iple's of upetu~ess a~id accouaitahrtity_ 1J1+'e al--,e, were vcry pleaascd wiLli LIie numhcr ofbest praclics,~s found iit :ind. practiecd by dhc ~;tate Ligencies. In addition. we cozttinUally :;rrive For improvemcnt aiicl are eva]uaElng tlie sugge.s#ions in tlic teport. Qn bctialfof dfie Cabiriet agericit;s involued in Ihc auditt 1~ave attached aueJoiarl respolist ti-I the report. Actions to turther Strengtherr openne&s anc1 e#iciency hauc beer~ under way fcor somc [imu_ Mshrty irnpravernersts were niade in ahe year beEwecn lhe enci of audit tie3dwertk- and the wss~:c~.ei~~ ~ f t9ae re;~~zt, As parl cxt-ouF ioordimited r~.*~pon.w, we liave iiieluded a table of our actaCrn 5lcpS. F'rogrc55 o61 4h1S aCtlf}T1 pa3f1 W°iil !b~e tr:icked by agencics. '4'4'.ts 111- 11 ~;t~an :~tate ~ovemmenl kvas recently recognuze~ by tI~~ Pew C"eiittr ori ttyc Stat~.~s as one ofU1e [op ilirce slaEes f0r shUnr)s; irilormation, tirti+'e are proud of this achi~v,~-.ment and arc coiaintitted to becomin~ t~y- on hettee at provideng p4ablic access to tinlt:ly, accur-~te iiilorniali0n. Sincerely. VicCOr A. Mraore:, Direct~~r Of'Fice Eif Fiiixiiicial Managcntien4 Cric losati'c ~ cc. t'iridv 1:cEinder, Chicfcit Stit't', (_:~r'f~ce oi'the Governor Jovice; fiurnce, i~cpury c1~~ef oI`SLiLn'. omce oi'the [3ovesnor Larisa Benscsn: L)irec4c-,r. G~.'~vernment Mariagenient .1,ecounlaEriCily and Fcrft+mtwice Eldcsn Vai6. Secrctary, I?eparzment of Correctsons ~ I.olflt~a BfC:lllL;fi, Drrccwr, De}yartm~W oI'Guncral Administeatkon JL.OyP f7arecis,r, Dep:irtmciti of LaE+4,r and Enciusiirie,:s C61aiwEoptiet 1.1u, Dir-uv«r. W:ish11jglL1iZ SC.3Il: Lutiory Joe L3ear, Bt'culivi~ Ll3rec:tor, Was13ingion S[ate Inves4meni Bourd 1o17n $atiqe, (:hiel', Washirtk~tOn St;slC I'.11rOl Ciiidy 1-iojittistroiii, I]Ercctor. Dtpartment ot' Revenuc f~obiti Arnvld-Wiilianis.Secretarv, L~ep:5m4:E7t l3f Si]Cle"lI iS47{.I Ile;1lii1 Semcc.ws i 4Maslringtoo 5t,ylt# Audllar's OtIFu Pedotrnancit i4udit Ai!por4 0 p€e, Pu ta4ic hsros Rra€ticrs di M ci.rvellnrr►em ! n1 ctws - Nrpnrr tl 1 MN 11 Responseweness - 10 Reques#s -Compared to Average for Sxate Office vf Financial Management Response tdme versus avem+ge far a4her state agtn,cies ~A+nwF-rl ein atr,pon5e ke~ inertiel ir~i;~~Fity9 Piyf rur}'IJc" 4V 35 ,,•t,e 30 ~ C ~ ~J G C '3!l Ae~panasFr~h~~IF7I 'u+ ~ti~ ` limmuua 7 ~ 1ll ~ lo 3 ~ ~ 1U'iIW 71}O.lYM~S i~~Vr1.5;iIfV ~~Yral 41'Y~"IM qj{aIllfll yil . IAI ~a.I••I': ii. I.mL+ly_s r: f 11~~19'H'4flll 11U1i.i_ '04'T'ffi LdI- F{iui1. Ilrr h !{4~~'~u4w l~.~.~gl I~r:~y~i~~.~.ii .i~✓ .:~~y. i,~ h. ..-i L1~pl4i~.~ U€yrrmr.=, peq4le-5t t}fSCTlptf[3f1 9u+1R..+ i7+ya io abtakn neneq ~ kvWrOqa huslnFt..lry, 14,r e!I wwncFss ~ 3 i Washicrgtun 5rm Awsdf#ar's OfPice f'erformancr Aodd R"tt Oimt PoNer Ref ora~ P'famtm at 30 GoYrrnmer,r k nririm - Alpc,rr I r I)r~~ j- Respcsnse frorn Cabinet Agencies OEri+:ia! State C'uilinet Agene► RespK,nse to tlie 2008 @'rrfornluncc Audit [leptirt .,At.L!JLF!'Njhiljt;x and Responsi.vencus of vuhlie Agcgicie°;; tgi I'uhlic Reci,rcls Rtqur~is,; April ?4NIN The f'c}Ekuxving [eoverta01"°S, Cahirtct agencie-s prepared this cot-erdinuted n1kjnagerricn1 rw,por~,,Q i'+ir lhc aiiilil t'~po t'l r~ce iveil iin f°rida~}', pril 1#~, y~~{~H= I)~'~7a1'LET1C,~ll ~3d~~C.[)rTC~~'iloRs. ~L~fI1c1: ctf l I, inancial w+'Iar~agetncnl. Dcpisrltticnl oI-Gctieral AdTT1iIi6titPwld)al. DC'.p;iFft7lL,'.Ill CIf L..c1bL}f iL7dLC IndLdstrie3. Wtisttiiriglcwrs Slale Loitcr%, . Wa,,hin gfsw Si .lrc F'aerol, I)cpartniii}t itifItcx criL«..rria! I)cpartment c~f St}cial artd I-~cu11.h Sefviccs. F'incling I : -ihirty-sine M'3041 tjnHnnounced puttlic t°ccorc[s rc(fiiertN (19) p~,+rtcer►i) Ar;re cotislclered nnnm~~spontiivt (rcsponse no# received b►" rtquesit►r). ?►rr addi#ion;rC -srvii` rispotose±~ (~~~ereciiI ) werc eithefi non-conformtng tMr inc+umplele. RFSI'( lhlSlWe ~,alue anc.f cmlirzic:e iran-sparciicy an.d ctipcintess. wtcJ sirive tii provide rr~cord, tiw Ilie publit; for iis qtiiekI±, a; possibfe. As aioted in our cover lelter. Ocs,~crnor (ir~goirl: I1w, Iii~.C~ expectation; 1i,r 'Lwe«cies 10 I611OW 1`101 OttlN tltC ICttCr - iydat i-11sO ti}e ,j~ii-ir - 01' [he l'u1,lic Re+.`or'~s A+.`C. Wc l,clicvc thaq statc a-4c3icics ex1iikiia a hi~~fi ,Iandartd k+,r rk~;poiia4htig to puf+lic rorc;rci-, requcs4,_ and tliut iEierc 3s al\ti,Lr,,-s icaom I'sar iniprc},%crncw. We hwc c'xarnhied the r4wps,n~;c;., 1fait c[ii~ ~lot fll4oul thL' :"`4'IJdlt4fl' 4ri:leria, in ~111 8tlVr11[)1 d0 ~dClttrf4 whei•e •%e c:ai7 impro-ti- w` 'W,~lk-An recluc;;ts, [.lvera91, i.'abVnct agencics ir~vrtigcd 7,5 imintit~~ in LZ ti, CUahli r4.COrds reqt,esis iiiadc ii ti pe rs oii_ I~ower.=t~ r. v,vo ex c~p i. icans vv c re ncrte d in ill~.x reporl. G k c i t tatc r,-,ii,Fd rv;poosc~ toitiic t,I-tlle r~iqjiarif-N stit`reytsisls, %,ve btlieve thc cxceplicins Giix(}niI~ liVL~. • ;1t tltie Wash'Mgtcm State Lottcn- h~adq«arters huildhg. tl~c i-cque::c was madc rn u nc,n- slaiQ Lniployet: ~ti'ltcs provides sccuriis- C-cir t}ac buildiri-1, This thied-p:irt} contractun° mlciriptcd Io 1Ji4 request~rrw. hul h.3d rir,t ex}iericiiced ai "-alk-iri puk+IEL: r~cords re~~uesl pr'evinusIN - ■ In Ek~c other inwlan~.c. ,irt 4tjtipIo~~c ai tBtc I7Cptit'idT1c1t1 ~WI Oboi° & Inc3to:~rries :iko irie~ lo 1iifp [ha rtquctitors, E'hc em~.?loN cc l-OlY{svtccf (kte Model Itulv,-, nnt1 askLd tl-ie redlucsttirs t,:, "ritc cto~." litcar rc'}"vwt_ F14-seci uii tlic inirarrtiation provii1ed. rhC irr1j)itsN CC btlicvccJ i1ic requesti?r~ xvere lookitq! Ii,r tnlssrmation E'rLtini a s0EraMt~ SUiie Cntc!}, :~nc~ cJirccic(.f t9tCsll ia+ Ific ~~ai~4~ litc etnr+l.E)'~eC 1~11 COuld he:;a iiij,wer iEte rcqLicst. A kIlRal9i~!E3 II1C i-ccttACStOra (lir;i itt-rt recepvc w17at tlieu wea'e Iollkiflg F(?T frlklil 167e EiggrncN. thc CnlPli~~~CC ;socsj in g<,Lld d:Gith to pri>t iLit ll1t117 NN ELII i}le ]I1Zili'TYliltILSIl 'Lf14N wantcd, .hlttikxtigli wa8k-tri requtsts ar4 cx#rerneI}• rare, iEic iigvncies wNLaluaiecJ timc rasulls firrod took :.1qim: i4r streng1hcri i}tcir CLaStOrilCr scr%,•A~c ti}r %%i)lk-iti r,~ques¢~ iri rE7ti tuturt- 1rr ihe casc ot`nk,n_ cntpIov ow~. tEie i_salterv prov i~~ed 1E7!;CrLAcill}n card5 fL)d' cCiCliCti.ct securitx• perstEnnel [o rLf'cr to ist llr~ QveeXO tt~ey rt~cQdvc annther v,.slk-in PLil-IEiC eeLorJs reLILiC,I. ~ I71maiL (`.ah;net agenci~~ averag<d 4lIgfitI,~ il4'tf fw!ll days in r~~poncling ti-i ilik: puhli+: recc,rcIN omail rcquest_ 'I"hc rep-ort noted 1~~~~ ~~ceplicens rc1Lalcd (ii Liiiiiii. Ir cloe i~smriw+:. the agem~} re;p«Ricied Iiac~ to IIIC'. fc-qUwtiltfP vIa imcLII. iind a"A f0r Cl.itCl~'c1L1{)11 Llf (I1L" rCc,~~Ic-,t. Tfic rcsr)c'nse %-a=as rtiol r4cei'~- et~ I-,y tEie requesic,l'. I'l3~ ~~~~~~y pri,v iEled Ei cc,~y o!- iis cinaii r~spr,inwc tci ihe uuditors v~hcn ia~~ed :th04iX tha;~ rCsPOr~NC, l 13C ap,enqy• acttid in good 1'aitki t4i provadti tEac ~ ~ WAghiftgton 5tata 1Mudi#ar~ 01" hrfarAt"tv Audlt Repart OW Nihlir ftt,iordf f'ia r.:ltrsat 30 GovfktnmM f.nrit_Lea -Repnrt p1(X)[J(jj1 tli'rici" l tifatLl Cabinet 4genev Rc:stx{yn;sc tu the 200€i 1'erformance ;~udit Ftepnrl "A ccewsi ti ilit}' a nd Respo ns iven ess o C Publtc A genceey fc► Puh Cic itecr) rsys k eyuesly" 2'#pril 2I108 inf'orrriatiurs, ~liJ fticillier the agency iwr the auditnrs Cc}ufd iletc.nmit~e wrly th~. ret~~lestor dicl nt,t `E'hi Other exueplion selatedl Wan emai l Iilter ti~Cd hv ~n .1gerIc4 tt) p r4ates:l el-1; irtlt) rrx»tion 1ecI7riultr-2.1,' syste1l15. (]UI' t11rire [I4taOed respn115~.y 1o ili~ us,~ tjl-a:mtrjf tilter.%- is ccintained in the r~~~portise t~i Finriing 4?_ PrfiSsing Page. O{it nl`al-lc rvumewus ,~~ges thal C"abin~t k1y~.r7cies pr~~videcl in responwe to iti~.h rec~~1L!sf;. One P~19e 1,ka-s rrti~~ing. Arr .~~enc%, ttiumbcrL:eJ Ehc pages of"rls rcspon;;e cloc~jer7enk; ancJ Sent t}lem vP:I email ;3SPaa:hrTlenl to ilic thte Js{tue l-Wtlle response +.vas nmiFted 1rom i ile i3iiiitll tlteli[. !n ifiv- hest praciices sectic an. nurn~+erin~ tIte ~aa~es ~~f'its resp~~nsi~. IL ;~~as [hrc,r~e}i iIiis hj~llracliee Ihw tho audbtcms were ah1-c to de(c.o-miiie that a pa~c~ ,ii1,~. ''Ii~;n the a~~e~C ~~a*~ cc~ntact~:~i ul1~,ut [tie r~rztii:~swc~n. it ;prornpilk• sent the rr3assirig page. We believe the.se insaanccs ure irij!} etic-eptioals. and dc, rtol ,tdtiqua#eI1 CeileL'I [7r itLEract fI43r1'G' the cxce9leitl rus#onrer' pro" iclecl ttx requestr,rs (11-pLrb1i c recurds. Action titcps; # 1'r-iirting to third-parro~ se~:tiril~ per:;~~nnul re~~trcl~ng walk-ii~ pu1ilic a-vc~)rds requests at [hc no1ed atgencN has been iompfete-d. * r'~gencies +.i ill ccantinue it► provicle rnkiftrple avcnues t't'r NUM3MirLing puhli,,: records reques1s at~d wPtmtling agl°fic4' pLEI7'LC rect-)rals talficers. ta CM;uR! that rCLluCst.,, {rte receivecl ancl PrOeQ,sed appro3printely• • Akencies ]ia~~e aIreakk e.s€ablishr:d Policie, coin,istint xi-itfti ihe PuL}1ic Ikeccairds AcE. and vvill consider int;orpc)ratirj6, ihti advisc,ry N1c)cli,! Rtiles il'tE3e,~. h,sve not L,cen aJr~ady citmti • Agettcic5 ivill c.valu:lte 113e ideliliii€;d 13us1 pr.,;lulicr:s to dexertitine %vItich. may be sp~~~cd, F'indiil~ 2; Su~rle E~rililtes ~lra fiaMl a~cc1lf~imc~Cl~iie r~rl+~ ipr ~lOt+~ nle~'iEi~ ~sf ~.r~mnll~r1ic~:~l1li.g puliliC :i rescardti reque4ts ar'lci 1htFreture dir nr~t pesivi[!c- the pub[ic w4th I~le frjllc_;t lis sise:jirtee. Et1=til'PNSk:.: Fhe ci_L,,hz C`abiraet agencie; in tlii5 eeptprt ::ccc~rnmrr(1;itc afp 9orn~s W'puhlic re.:ords rcquests, :l.nd provide CFit p4ahlic kvilti kiie f`ullesi ilssi.tanc:e in accordattcv L%ittt thaMc,dcl Rul4.s of' the F'uhli~ Recc)rc1s AtE and staie public reci)e'ds la~~. (R{'la1' 42,56}, A Agcncy Ti Vri4ti~ 1 °"~'crl,~l ~~~eh saEe ` ~CIfo ~1ter, t ~1~4'ulk-!n, 4 , t~~.ti4 a~~ s 1~~~C'orrck,~i9i~rts ~.1ftiUC d,f' ~ Y~d;ti ~ll~ 1~'S4'44.11}~ ,V.3. ~t~'4'I{:M1311I~C~?f~{:.P~l1II.i.i~ FI IliErtcI al - ~4a97i1ge1211`,fl L Page ? ti f ] II 133 MlashingeQe 53a4v Auditaes tkAkr PrrFormancr A,dit Regtrn OKn Puk:lit RKu40y Pr~ilirr-4 a~ IF) GsFwcMmtn4 Enlitif!i - Ro.-pcr[ a10u00 ►1 Offiria! 4tatt- f 'ahinet Agcncy Resp{anin Io the Nd1R F'crfcwnian+:v ,4adi( Rqwri `•Accessih ili ty a nd Rc~~to nsivcness isf 1'uh li4 Ager~~ies to F'uh iic ftcic s.) rai-4 ktail u c., ts" April 2NFNFK ~ [3ept.4if-Crcneral Yes 'r`es Itit111_L~ti~~•_~~9.~+~~~.~~~►~}~44k~li+:-r~crIrtl.BsirD Adrn'rct3strauuri ()ept_of i_abor 'kr`~s Yi:.L~ ~~t~:':~a~~ak~.lttu►+.a_~tt~.~l~'~:~i~~!r~I~r~~L°xll~I'~hliel~i~~+~s IncisuL;trie:~ tme' V4:tisl3in~tur~ 1r'c~: J' Cs hi~n-r;~~+.•~~~~ ~+~~I~~ttel-~.c~~m•'s~~~~e3G~~~~~~s;sEt4 rS L}4(4u11, Slale [.:ot#es'y . Wsishingti.r~i ycs _ ye~; in t~t~:,rk.v,kutii),vti.i.Lok rrip[~p'tUbdiSI_Ii[Pil "t:ttt: !"atrol ptrwcrn. nir ~ over° the i)iptl_ tat es "r'es http s:i.'#E7rtmss,~.6 6;+~%jnriefi ae/cs3ntea-it;'ci7n tacCus'c rn a k~CVer1ue il.`b r d_I I sm - - I flept. (s B ticrc iti l 1'e; y r.., 11:iA4YL'.4#;:1}4,64'a_ }i.tbd14,~~y[rn] :.t[lir I leillt'}ti I S..C:1'-'4'Lit.'S I-.- ` . *`I'iYe M uc~~I R 0 IC' ; tnCo Li ruge eeLl uc st ~.~rs t~) p roN i~~ ixrinen reccirds reqNJests. T~e T-Lr[Qs :tEso rk~qu ire 1'uhlic Rcc+irclk; O1'ficera ttx docunneni reqtiems reaei,, esi irt perscyn asr i-}st tt9e teleplione- ( W !1C" 44 - 14 -0;(1 , s eL.'I ic,n 4. } Tt`kail filter.►: Fh%~ kiriditxg cil~~i Wil). rine iclSliincc wIroerc aiti ~!ni1il eequest was riot recGik-L~+.j hy a state 4;o,tnc}~_ W~ cons itler I f~e ow9: instytrtce :L4 i1L4`rIc:.1I. aticl 1101 tisl +~V~niPlIO e#f ti 1-aidC:;rrte,lci pEl?bEem ,"aC#h ctil#III, I I[xwcver. ~xe are vcre: coiicezned ;1bnut llz~ possihle rarnilicm a~~~s of irit~leirici1iiiiv- !!}e rcLoniniLmda6iort 1k.i •',,,e[ect and ti4'.L 1=n7:11l hlwrk ;►1 ti. Icve1 ttiat ttot block ~~iblic rc:corcls reqticsts.`' The Iavv requirts agenciv., tt, adhere to iI}c po1icies a,itid standarils iSSuecl bN the ,luze ITI1't3rmatiori Scr'% jte* 13oarit tt3 sea'ure stitte It7t(1T'Illati4]n '~edlR{dl11g'4~ sy-iEeititi artd tticir data_ Agtrtcies riitis1 baIancc the nccd ti-ir access Kt, inl-Orrrtatir,n tVith iltie ne.ed l-or in.iinlaitfit1~1, ktw rntegrtl% t,I'4uwlt ini+orrrta[i4,n, 1-cFr Lr:ample_ ageaic:ius :afe t'eqtiired tn si~feen ernuils 11(+T kna7wn ~ wrxtses and disallw,% thcwse eiliKii-s ihat czu1not Iic exaitii~iecl, We strtve tu pros.. id~ ~xceGicnt customer serwaic h% prea\, aditig cmaii acidresscs- fior req►tc;sts. I it woul6 lie impossihliz l'Oe° 4a., Et- etiminate irc,rti uur spatii 1ilwrs aG1 o!' ihe pia[eiltaa9 criteria tl-rU( Mxght cause di ~ublic rcrc,rds requtst eniail tcx I,e JabeJetl 4,s "sparrti" " ith{,ut dafewing, the purpose o!`!'tte-A~~g prt7~ective filters. E~edUcit]Q the' 9eveC of protection aroiaird informalie,n tectiriolc~gy ay;tunis is dartgernus snrl ill-udvise^d. Individtialiv. Slttae ak.CrICi~s, re4_ei%e ihnu;.ends c3fspim em-~iil; eacFr da}. F'cir exartopl%~. in one recei3# 30-dav I,eriod llic OlYict ufFir~anci11 Munagerrsent. ~,vIticll is a relativeEy ';nlail Slaxe irgCrta). r~.4ceiv~~~ ~~earlv miIlioFa spEtl3t ntessages. tir {}i1 licrceni of b;ll ll'~com1f1g eniail_ I$errtexvina ?ll "w-'sages bl~iLki:~ bv a spani lilier I-Or posaih+la recorils cequesIs m~<,ttld bc inelliciont arirJ ec,nsunic sigrtifican[ iax~w,,°~r dollars. We believe a hoter soIuKiian is ti,r a:;enc'te; mkiltipIe ofcor'ttrlitimeatlisn f+nr ho%N a ciiir.en c:an ~inke a reyuest_ I'ame 3 of 7 134 wssMlngroa s[a'te ,kuditatri offio Piedonmancrr J4nait RepaM iipn Piklic ~ert!:~: ~ ra~ rio ay°> ar 3a16ovF rnm,~nt k 1111-HO -;r0p„ri ~ p fPI[M 1 t.li`fecial State (';abFnet f'~gcnt%- fte5pcrnsc [t, ttr{h 200K F'erFormancc Aildit kcprpri - 'Acc~essibititv und Ittsponsivctresw isf k'uliiic Agencius Io Puhlie Recr~rds RequesW' April 241#1H Swjbinittinp, fi►eni!; vea wefa si#e: b'~e ag,rut ttiat providinu t-Or iiii: :;ubrtdiltal oR',i ptihlic r~cord, rvque„st #iorm tlYrotigi~ a wih site 9, a hest practice, VIoe~ever. stating that thrce *;tate: agencies do not aIlo►~ puhlic rrccords request fbrms to he 44thii71[ted Lllf[]Cigh lMtclE web sFtes is misleading at htst~ lhc~~ ~~~ncies provide l'tlflns lli'1 ti341r 44eI1 *.,"ilt: Lllirli S:Titl be ciitailed, artrl an email address that a;dn be used ttF ;uhmit the reque:;t us well, 'I'hes~.~ same aggncie:; Eire aEso lestcd un&r "13est f'riietiees" 4is havirt~ a user-t'rientlk x+ib site, sci sl seents inccsnsrw~em lhal i1~e-, iire caI~ed oul aS hLi'ril! 'I'elephc~ne reyurs6-: Ehw Modc1 Riiles i6.succi h~ the Aitf?I'IZCy GL;nufiJJ-:ti I.JIfiCI; IjC4El= (Il'JL aiiN ,.onc-stre-t31s-all" apprc~aclY niw, noi be besl Cur FequG%tors or agencies. 'I-lre rules DJS4) em~ouragw myauestor~ to pEovicie written records reyueLivs. afid r~quire ilul,lie Records Ofticers to ciocLrniciit reWuew[s ft~ceivcd in Verwon or or7 ihe [e Iephon~ (WI1C 44- 14-f? ;0, section 4 1- "fhe Washiitigtun Stute f';itrr71 riiad~.~ an ir,tezitiont~l decision niit to {itc•ept Pi1hlic rec-orcl; requests via tel4pItone ii,r mn n~amons: I} !he tiigFi prohahi l itv of`tlie reyuestoF's intenr ncrt bciitig LaptueM aL:curatcly. 2~ V4'rillen pul,lik: disclusure reyuesls cIearl~ c#efine 1lic- ma[critil exptcterJ. !t'.a dispu[c arises, rogarE#in g a verbal reqtacst, t}ict'c: is no reccxrtl or dcicu mes7tation fT~~m ihe req uesitor doad ina wI}at he oir she wa5 oF'Ik'.InaIIy St~tklTlg. Wri[ien raque:sls msoke pixtenlial rii isuridersl:md iitgs. rtduce peslcr,liaJ 1141g,ili011. cut~ pr~a~,~icie 13<itar ~~tisi~nm~:r:;erv~~~. Acliton S#eps: # Agencies, Mti.ive alre.ady establsshed POliCieS COn1,ia1Qr11 YOt}ti ilic 13taE,lic Recorcls Ac#. and wrEl Ca,nIlicJcr ir~cot'parruling. the advison Modtd Rupus ifihe} have noi been alreacly done ; L'i1Ch i1gi14nC4' 11] the 31JdI1 l'uITf'11LI1'' f11ilkt;ti lr:iln]!1g iklti t37k,- P41bIIC Ficcords Ac[ .;x aelahlt i.tr its staI f. Ftar example, DSI iS #.r~inetl 18.000 indx~~idualti on the hasic eicmenks Ok` pUhliC rCcords [li-sclc~sur~. nti 2006=2007 _ SotTle agencies nf~~Cr ~'sn-1ine nr a-.~~b-hasett traiiiing. N1~~ny I'eablic Re.cords Ot`IGcers ulsta regularly reti.eiv'e aiid pi'ovide (rainirtg ilS:si counl~ C0111.1rt«ir~~ legaI ed «cat ioai dC l.f crealirs. • Aa--encics %ki1l Cr3rtilinut to actonnmodate rYitNllipse modr;.s ot'requesiting, piibPic r~cords. SeVtiral 4g,.er1CiCs aTe evaltiatirtg a chanLe tu tlicir e,~eb sites (c) allow lvel-.i fi`rrtti:, CA) be suhn,iCtecl directdy thro4jgh ilic siie. + Agencies Iktat rcccive largk: n`sz-nbe,rs of requcsts Ilaa-e alrcad~~ de+~eIopeJ infortltalioai iltal cttitliiic+ how publii records rCLrUt~-Aw caii be ittxd&. ~~lkI 111s11 ir1E4)rnUitiOF1 is rtiidily availahle ttr t}le p7klblic. P'iii[fing 3: So,me cnti#1es did nol prVv1:C1e cumlilefC +lild sil'LkCuCI4Mr4' etplanatiran-% fot` redacliuns ofliublic r'ecorrls aRati s(ame rcciir(ls w:re imprciperlv reVacteii. l~17-SI1ON-Sl-:: We urc plea,~ed llial LItv eecords provid~d bN St.-ft :sgCrIOa:; }tCrC aEtiproprizalely retiac.teal, -I-+~o r~~~onses alicl riot c itw llic sFxa:,:il7c fegrMl e:aciiipIE,,n f(sr the redactiairi, ti6nuc° the 113f?,4' 4 [~U 7 l35 I Washieqian 5txm Aufta'`s 00FeLb F'*rhnnsamr Audi[ $1epaa f]pen Yublic Aecnads F'rarti[es at 30 Governmrnr E n4ff iff - 92epon N 1 CHKW ! 1 4)fficiaf Stlite Cabinct Ag£11Cy R4.SF7[F[ksC f0 tLtk. 2008 CeCfif.lCCE1i3nC@ Ail4lii I{epurE ::.1ccessihiliiy uncf Rei~pon:►i%eness oCPublicAgencics [o 1'ublic 1~~~curtls i#cqucF~i.s„ ttpril 2[II]8 otiicF rcdttcted responsc:s prcividi:d h%. iIicsc agencir:a dic3 inClti[lC the: ~~~tutan- r'easoii. vve ha:lieve 111e L►w°t3 fiSF7iLi1'!st'S tve1'e a[1 tlve['41gh1 lind l1ot afl I(1C.IEca19+:1n ol-A sytitC`I11N4: [)PUbIe111. Neverthekes-8, oncc' aler1ed lca t}~e oversit-dtt. K)El~ agencies (ex)k s~L~Vs io 4nwure tlic c:xpl:iwition c,t°eed;ic;tif,ns iit. I'uEUrc rea:cirds requtisS responses, .Aelion Slep*a: ■ I'E~~~~ ~~g,~!oacies provi+.ie c4~rnpreltierlsive traiEiitig and rCSO«rce n7atcriaEs «n 1cgal e*.ea-d~~~lMIw 4tt st;tff-wIy[o resptiricl tu r~.xcords requests. TI~ey alsis r~ak-c traiii'tng on tl-ic I'tibl'si~ I~ei`ord4 Act. stvailahlt~ to lheir artc3 of°fir reguaar ort-line s.or wcb=b:~~cd trttiyiing. * l-he agCnciLs rZlQnlioricd havc already [aI;cn si~ps ikM ensur%~ LII~ specItlc s:xCm~.7L1Ufi3 1I1a-t .tpplics it, redal,~lioAi i" prtividCr,l to tfic reilucst(ir. F+'intling 4: Some enIEEi~x pror ided ititx i'tciucstid publie rtcorcfs iri a less iiiiiely nasknner fliari tltieir pestirs. RLSI}ONSlro State agencics 4 aCLkk:. '4`'o~w`C'I'I"EIT7eEli 11p1'f3flLtiti and sl.five is? proviile the hest CH:~t{i3"ner ;ervice pussihlc.~. As rii)[eel in ti3~ r>vcrall tiudal conclusAon, ageraci+~~ pt~r!`iwrmcd vvr~ %kcll. attd did cven belier when ni~~vmreEl ag4iinst il9e cxisfing Ieg.ai at-xicJarLI lisr Cuslc+r-rtCr a0rNiCe atid c 11 ir: i en cv. The la" sets a %Iandard for mea4uping ciyrtrraier *ce-viee and efricacnry in providing ptihlic rccnrds. Agencies are rciquircd hy liiw t4, acnd a T-e:;pKinse wilhin li~e daVS t3I l'G:4G'1pF 4ii`1iie CtLj41Cti1_ !1 pTt1t21pC r~spo11se !4 dtFined as c]lE]eC st!]dIfit! 1h c aclktl;iI fC C[!Cd trl` prw. 1d 1f1L, .i. Nai wO 1 1:1b1e €~~*Eim:jte o fwlwn tt1e r~~ue,t can he luliillcd. %V i r h Ill e exceptrort of.s f"~w c l,~rical f:>vcrsights Ihxtii hriv•t been crwrrected, ~~k~CnCie.-, rCsP0n(1ed tlic rccltxireci Ii~c d~~~s or :;[i[911i°C lil t!i•tiCl CLltii- The zrqidit mc4thuclology irtclitdcs fuctrim- nietside of the ageneecs` conTrnl. I fic chart; at7 tlic repor1 61tiartrc[crizu "7eapc,nse tinie" as iIic number caf ~~ys, it took tPow 1iee rn4rmom ~l C'4ClLIatik M;tdC 4ir scrit to tire tirrlt! ;s R~Splprthl~ willz aII t`~cords requesled was ru,,:eGvcd. SBartitit, tlic c:ount wltcii ;r reqLiest was scit1 ts, a3ri aectieN % ersus ~%,hen iL Nvtis received h+. t1ie ageFit`v atlds timt. tr) t}ic ru,mlis, LtnfJ inc:ludes circumstar~~~s olkfsl&' Ihe c(iRilr«l ot`[Iic a 'Ct~~ies. Sinfilardw. vrtdint-, t}ic COunt when a rtspcxn~e wa..~ recciveii l,y tltie re~.~t~~~t(ar ver5uS WhCri -11 %+,ris b► [1le agclai± inrlates the ecspixnse tIfiTIc 44'11t1 49f6'LEITisi'rl?1C'tk, T1[?t cotitf'iillk:El h4 ugerii.:ies. We recog,nize thut usine- ars averap-e bv cicfirMiliaiii ttt~ans th,jl 'ti{}177e S1LL'llcIL"4 4E`IdL:II Clp L3eI41vy C}ll: tiveragiz amr,uiil oflirie. We hkli~~~e this i'Ot'n3 4r!'r~~~k~~r~.rtt+:er1 _gikes airi arIEliciiil tincf st+mew in~ccur.at4 piciurt ot~~~gcncl~ perliyrnlante_ J Ize t i % c-d:iy re,ponse I zixN is tised :-Ls a rfi7eash.jrer-i7ent o!'eustorner seevice and oI1'tcieolcN laecatiNe it IiL'lds agencics accouniablc tl'or tIu}s4 ["ac(rsrs xvilhAn [}ieir control. Aci ager~ev c{diitrois hapNn; lc) u reyEiL~t OriCC ii is r~ceivecl hy tEic .fig~~cy. It d4,cs nKxt eonCrc+l, I`i3r exsrnple, lio►t• long i4 Iakes tlic l_I,S. I'«stt7l Sera~ice It, dcliv-cr Ei rCcI«Cst 1o the ti~L!ea7cN . or hc?%% IonL ii finkL~ti thL~ rr:•spttnse Lt; reach ihe rec.ipient OnCC it i, a0111. 136 Washlexgton State h0*6 Of6a l+erPnnms,ecr J1udiE R" i`i~,enfuL+IseReraMsPracticr•.zti0 G,;ivrrjvrtiM•it [n4i~ws-FIEpL,,rt 11€%`7N}11 OfFicial :[atm Cabinet a'`Lg4',Clcy Ri'4pS1rElad' er, 4lae 2008 Per[orrrruncc AudjK I#epirrl _ ~lcce*Nihility and Responsivcntw±;s i,f E'ulilic Agencics to Pu61ic Recordw Iteque+Es•, April 2009 State ugencie:s provirle~ go€►cl coizamtinicsrtion with ttie reyuesxars. AgeIiC'i#:s ci111lifiUllTcafc.[~ ~%!illi llie rt:c}ue:;tors ahcxut hc~~~~ ~~iuch dit-ne it &ould take 4c~ ~rovtclc rectarcls. ~md il3 rwarly everv' c~Lsc weF+~ able it5 prckr, ede the rca;ctie~~ %vathin th,~ estitnatect lirtlCf'rurne. Accordiiag tt, thc Irt,.,*. agencies mu-Lil give a rea..~oll;thle est.%rn~~e oI`k►hen a requesl s:an be E'uItilEcd, Musl dsl'the - responses in ttae cEi;irt inc3udeci rnany pages. and requirisd :~pprc,priate redac°~ions 431`cortiJidcr►tial inrormaEion (e.g..'Vf!s:r1 card nurnhers). f'Mlesc respciris+:s iLik't ~~~~~ger lc, lulli]i. iioted bv lhr auditsrrs in the "'("aus.e" .~ection 4a f the titis#in g. AgCncE~s a(3lFr'~ppriately h,i11dI.ed requesiti reytjiring r~~pying fees. 'I Iie rcrort states ihat iiieee itkink:ies'°t"Ofhheld rCc~.ird-s pending p3y171en1 nftftc c~.~py feea." We Ieel th~~ churactei'izatioai is niti,leaciireg. P7C ~~LLTencie:: Ciwded ici ific repcirt providc sufCicieni ncrxilicatioii of iFycir ptilic:ies c3n copy l'ees. In addition, (lte M1'}dLI R4iICti tilale lhal a P:ijR14.5t1t1` L'4h{5 5,6i411eti I{1 havs: copies tll' rec:atrds ntacie I instcac1 of'siri7ply inspecting tliem). shotild Fnake arrangement lt) pay for copies of` i}ie 1'ecord5 car :1 de.potiit_ St.ile agencies arv expLriencii~g. ata increasinu, nurnber of'recOrds requests. For exttrnp}u, [he inhlc helo►v iHuserare; Ila' nlklxlber of Ccques'fs rticcd+vt~d tiv iI3CCe offfi4_ -slalt ~gencics in lhe audii; Agency Approxini.-ste titimber trC Putalic iZczords c Reyuc'sCs in 2007 DCliurlrnCnt 11f C'o C«eL'[It'►n6,700 7;«o t-r4rrri inctirw;uraded oftenderw. Washington Nlale f'atroli 10.0{)(} Depariment (}I'SociaG ~irtci l [ealih - - 24.000 S c rs b~: c CollLci[1~~ cop1 fe4s U:In aIl'ci:t Ct1e tiT7ikxd in t!~hIch Ceqllestol`s F'cwufve ihe.lf do(:llRlents. CILtt4cvc.l'. lhese ta:c:; IZcip ar~~ncies [ci recovar tftc etgsls ctt"prok iciirag Iitintft`ed-+ ofthousanda of pages oi` dc,cuments. Artiort 4tep*;: • lii 2007, thc 6i}verriarr ciirected Ls-gLncies to tvodertake a signelicant e!i'ori ta> explore oppa)ritinilies I'C}r prut-iding records e1ec-tEonicall%. ruitdiiij., reyueswd li'}r tktis e#-[orl wus ncat it1[oc:,oc4i in tk~e 1-009 Ecoislati,~~e ses,ton, Noneffickess, :i muhi-agen~N wsk Iciece Ij~s aircadr~ ~ccn formed ti) i,5ist ~r~,~:.nc te:~ iri sI'~Eir~ng he,,t prai;ti~~~ ~~ld a[Idress9i~_g [ht~ chsltenges prescnwd by 41ectruni4 docrimefii requests. ~ Ill 2()()7, thr ( )fficc of Frnorici.,11 N4W1tigeMr11t impIertIe_iatCci :i ptiblic rccctirds rcquest lis1 sen ice especiall% f~~r litrge, ~:c~rn,~Nex. ~~r ~Ieci~'~~~~i+~ ilca~;LtilrCnt reque:;ts_ 'l lie goaI i~ ~~~vouravc ccsrnmuriicatior~ aiiiong agency rewords o fiioera anJ ttw eii -oire 1`tall corripliancu ~k ilh llye Iw.~,, tir.'oid cos#Iy errora by itnpro%ving tinneGines;.artd prs:r+widc I-Ull. COTIsiNWry[ dpprnaclics !o re.",fiti{?riseti, I'a-r 6 oI' 7 137 ~ W"twngtan 5xaft Audirnsr"s Ofrtce Pertnrnynte Au+dit Regrart ~ aprn PuNir P.erOMs PrtiGrirs-ti ;it 341 tiuwpmmen; EriTiiie: -%ppDrT 0 11lKAa2 S ~ Officisrl State Cabinet Agt-uey ftaipunsiL: tu tli€ 2008 11r:rfurmutrcc Auclit lt+L-l,urt ":Acrc-ssib3lity and Respor~~Avencss i)f P'uhtic Agenci€w trx l'ubsic R.ecarrls I~equer1--s" Aprrl 20[!8 • TIte fZisk Managenienl Divisiort ol'llte 0111ce ol°Financial 1'v~anagemenE is holding trainir~~ ft:trl,~f~iS t(ir agcnc~° p~~~ilic rec:c~r~l_~ cil-I icers. I I~`4~ I1}I`lli'11 14'ii°~ I}tl[.I in Ma.rch 21009. 1~.ko riaom 1i-jrurrt% are tGirrentl}° pIanneLl. irIclti4lTng onc in ezisterri WasItiitigtori. • Eac:li ae-e.ncy 1n lhe aualit currently makes 4raintng «ii 1N! !'uE-flie Recor4Ns Acl aila1,1e tt, i(ts ti4, ~#Ij. I`oP exc1117pIt, I.lSl lS trait7c~ I8,000 ittdi% icluafa on ihtz h~IL: c41emecit±, ot' pul,lic reccarcls dasc}~~sure in 20(16-2007. tiome ;~~encies ()Mr erii-1ii7e car k*cb-based [r.ainin~,. I~4ara) P4ik~lic F~ceurils Ot`ficets aIso ~egulark rcrceive arid pro% ide traanin,~, llILI( COuMS, as cOaltirtui[}LI Ie~!a1 educ:xlion lt'1.F.) 4r+Aits, [ e n I he [:1u~,artr~c~nt ci[' [~{1TF{'cIli7r~'y 1`i ~S'f}YkIrj~: l~~IIN~ the k~lihlic ;inci the r'~lfi,~rri~:~~ t_;c:r~4rt~l'w [~~t~icc &t+ &-velop s~e~,ti ruies Iior clecti•{,ific d95LI1?sYli'c Vf 1[s r1ubllc CL'1:orl.js. * A1~enCIt;ti t}1zi11 l'eCe]L'~ lal`ge vL~lu1T3es iiif (}LIbl1c reCUrds reqL]eti[:: wll I C1'i1l41Jlc lhe prlspt)v~;:d galll.s iIti efriC#enC4 ilild .ilsl► e'leClivefless ot chat3g1t1g to Qi ii1e1j1od o[`3Cit7rYi[llldti 111~:+.~~331f1~~ NcIu~~~ I~OFSUw curIlLnving to procc4~ ~equests with ki °'lirs9 in. ftrm Out" ~j[~~~rawich. i Agcrlc1Cs wIIN CCFT1t1r1lIC tC+ tlfiC Cn1alI io r~sporlil to ptikslic rccr.,rds rCcstiCSIS vvhe.xriever possiFsle, 0 r'~gcnci,--s will con4irit,c lt} lirovic1e I{irge records reclucss; in irtstalkments %khur~ ~ppr+.+priate. * Av,eitcic,- ill conlinue tc.) provide Tequesiors ~r%ilh L'sfii-fl'a1tK:5 C)j'Illlly4' 1oI1g i~ xvill take to tulii ll put-+lit records rc~~csts, xN hcrr. cxlr:nding mt~re lhari fivt: dbiv's Vace 7 cil- 7 138 Wahing#m Sxi#a,wudit*esQffim Fer[arnuwe l6udit Re"rlt {kpen PoLhik Rt%rj)rdr R+drr,twt ei ~i 30 Govremment Erittes Repnrt 01 M 1,1 A~pendix D - Summary Ok~servations from Entity I nt~rviews We sought comrrrents #rarr7 the staN who responded to our reqilestJ as tc) their general perception of their entity'= cijrrent processe5 and pr~cflce5 i.ri respoitdin,g tv palblrr records fequesCs vuith IhE? fciPloydlrtig ir1terview, queStionS, ■ "What attributes in yaur syskern accommodates timely arid efftckent responses to {aublic records requests?" At#i'#ucfe rOore tf7an half of the interviewees stated that attitude and customer servECe ar+e a cr:tical att.ribtjte to ~,A.~cc~ss-iulfy re~ponding to public records requests. Training. Fi'ty pefcenf of tlle Nnterviewee5 stated [hai [rafning ks a crit'pcal factor m succe5sfully rasponding to pubEic. records re-quests.. Rec~ul~st Trakiniz Ntore ihan rialf of the iriterviewees state+.i ihat iraeMcir~g p7jblrc records ro-qijests is a - critical aftibute to successfufly resporading to pLiblic recort~s r2quests, Electr+artic Dacuments More than hakf of the irrterviewees staded that coraverting public dacuments ta ?lectronrc form wiAI rmproue tlle accesaibility and retrieval of publie recnrds_ Centralizatior~ Twen$y percent of tfte interuiewee5 consrdered centraiizatPon of Lhe pubJif- records process as r criticai factor to successfvlfy respond to public: records requests. Assistance bY,F?=qAhjjq Fiecvrds Officers Nearly 25 percent of the intervuewees considered assistance fram the entity's public mrords officer tc) be a crifpcal factGr in sue.t.essiufCy respoqding t+a public records re q ue, Iyrlor~it~~rir~~-& A,c courntAbfi ft fVeaily 25 per~ei-it of tha ir;terviewees can~id.ered a systeral of monitorNrig and dcf,ountability tr~ be a crizicaG factor in successfully respond4ng to public records requests. Vde 4aught COMMelIts fram the staff who responcled to our requests ataout challenges in resporiding to requests afld in fhe pr~cesses they have in place; a "What are tfie rraror attributes,Arnpediments that wmpair 1he entaty`s ability Co resporrcl fiimp-ly and efficientky to public records requests?" 0 "What would you change, if anythong, regardong li~~ pracesses you currently have in pEace?" Staff & Resources Near1y 50 pp~;.ew oi ihe qrGtervfewees stated that a laek uf sta6Firig and re5ources ailoca1;ed to puk}+lic recurds requests s~ ekraRMengang 1o meet: the publir. expectations 13(1 Washinqtoet stt,atc Audhrt's 0fface Per'furmanae Audi[ flepart ~ tlpen F'ublic Retord3 Pradicm at 311 Gov"+urmnK fnlhws- ReVart tlwot}71 cfl most cases, ptiblic records requesrs are en aracallary duty assigned to staff whc~ ~ find that fu]Filltng pubfic rei:ards requests impact!i thefr abrlity to tulfiil Eheir ptirnary „ assignetJ dutres and functions. ~ C~eg_gI..r Bei#er Guidance Approximately 20 percer,t of the iflteruiewees stat[c1 thaf ihey would like kaetfer ~ ~~idance ort f~ow tQ pracess and administer PLiblic records feqUests. ~ ~Argft Rectuest~ ~ Alrrios[ 20 percenx of the inter+riewees stated that a c`rial9enge an fLi9filling public records requests were Uaat some requests irrvolveda Iafge number of records artd ~ ihte associated ehalkenges in Io€:aftrrg ant~ ~ompiling those recc~rda, ~ Mi,isance_(Maficious? Requesfs Nearly 20 perceE~t oi lrie interaiewee5 noted n3aliciotis, diSiilgen4tOus or 111.511-ECere ~ retlUestS are submitted becau5e of had feeling or conflrc1 the reque5kvr may be ~ havir,g with their entity or the desire to d~lay or b1ock a patential actfon by the entlity u~~~g vafuable tirEre and resources to [uIfifC. ~ Increas~~g Volume of Requests_ ~ Nearly 20 per::ent af the intervip-wees stated that qte volume of public recGrds requeMs is significantly increassrig at an increasing rate. ~ Locating Records ~ Approxirnately 20 percwnk of the interv~eu,rees stated Ifias 4hat 1orating thi-, requested. records i5 at tim~s d-OrLi1t, ~ Costs 8~ Funding ~ Approxirn.-it0y 15 pers±ent oG anterviewees stated khat the kai-ne de'dicated to resporlding zD public recGrds rerlue5i5 pTesented a cf7aIGengp gi+teTi tt7e COsTS assocraxed with the activiky and the Eark of d+eclicat:ed furiding for thrs ac#ivity by tficir ~ efltlly. ~ Va~me- Afilmu ests Nearly 20 perccnt ,f intervGewees stateti eliat ane (31 the chalCeerges in fulfilling put)lLC ~ records requests is iderdEifyir~g wl-ial spev-ifsc records the requestar is sp-e4cing. They feeI fin,istrained because tftey are aware they can't as.k the requestors "why" [hey are ~ rnakrng the rmquas# hut ti~oijId 1ikp. to dra so to pr[iuide gr2ater clarity t~~ the requests_ ~ Five-Qay Rul ' e ~ Nearly 20 7:yercew nf iretervi:ewea~ ~taterf that ti7ey f6t 5iD r11fiear7t ~fF-1 SSUrP- to respond to the requestors in the statutorily required fiv~ bijsiness days. Tiiere appears lo be some confusion aiid nii5Linderstariding by the irsferviewees' applicatiorr of tl« Iaw. The law requires the entity to ackno+wledge ,t bas received the request in Five busirtess ~ riays. If the record can"t be prcivaded. entities are affQrded the ability to pravide a reaseriable estirrtate of when the records wouad be iD~ovlded ancl provide khem wheTi ~ Rhey are as;emhlecl anri awailable for ir~~p4--.,ction. In any event, eriCbtie~s should provide ~ the reQuested records rdi the rnost trmely possibEe manner. We communicated With eacli audited en#ity many tsmes cfuring lhe aucfRt, Additsonally, irrformaticrii rarne to our aftenfion crjitqtjrng the PUbaic Rer.ords Act frcarn publtc afficials. Publir,. PRtities, r+ew~paper editorials, public Qecords blags and a nationwirie stLrdy of public recnrds processes, fihose areas are as #ollovas- ~ 140 ~ y1Pasldnqloo Sta#eAuQlte6 Offce Per#ormanca iiudlt Re{ron l7lirla Nbk~ il,xur6 PQLrls:O• Aa 30, f uvyriir,eroG {r,nte!7~ - Reoer 0 1W001 t Pti4fic Ftacards Revuests Submi#ted for CommerOal Use auring our intervGews, fQUC entJbes expreS5ed ConCeTns regaCdMiag the tIrne r~clulre(1 to fill recards reques#s tha# arp-, irr ti7eir v~ew, used for ccrmmercia9 pijrposes: _ • fSing Caunty * Y,akima Courity • Department of Labar and dridtistries 0 Washirrgton State Fatro! For exarriple, the Washington State PatroI, tio1d us s~giiihcant resources are spent prov+dirg accident reports ko attofneys as laws aIlow commercial use of collision reports obtained frOrr~ ~ptiblic records request. The entities besieve the time spena on tfnese requests is costly ,and uses resources that eould be applied to day-to-day operations. FErre entities ir~~erviewed stated they receive requests from priuate attorneys they belie+ue are #or commercial uFe: * King County 0 Yakima Counry • Go of Seatt4e 0 Departnierrt oi Labor anfJ 4ndustr*s * WaShI91gton State PatF4l We observed frorrt uur requesfi for entiK7es' pl7cane dorectories contairnng rtames and cantact information khat the City of Kent reqiarred the requestor tv sign an a€fidavit attesting that the wrtfOrrnatiOn provided woulrJ nat be used for cofnmerc!aI purposes. Tt~e Washiqgtori State F'atmi aIso pravided a sognature Iiine fcir the requestors to certify thyey understood the records prouGded were noi to be used ror cGrnm~rcial purposes- Publi+~ R~qu+~sts Subrr~i~te~i cn._l.ieu of A#tiarney. Discvvery Rrocess Kirig Couiliy an,d the City o[ Seatt1e stakecJ they were receiuilng ar7 increas9ng number of requests from attorraeys using the Public Recor+ds Act to gather public c~ocuments pi ior to nling likigaiion. The efitities befieve that Lhese types of Dublic recarcls requests shift the costs previous[y barne by the altorrieys in the disco+uery process to Ihe public entities that rnust prouidc- the fp-cords under ttte PubEic Rectirds Act. We observed the Washrngtan State Patrol provided a signature Ifne #af the req4iestoc *o sagn, r-erti$yrng #hey understoad the rerords provaded were nat to be used for c-omrneac ial p urpr}ses. Priv0cy Restric#i qrs Ir~l~~{. Collective Bargain~~g Agreements Duri~~~ our evaluaiion of tf`Fe coiiirrkitafu'tg factors r~s-Liltirig asi an Pi'iti#y beitig Iess kGrrlelY fr•i providing recrsrds, (tie Oepartmp-nt of Social anci HeaMth Seraices aduised us tfrar r~cords Eec[uests directed at sper:ific indiuiduatls were delayed because the entws caGlective bargainmg agreernenls wath emp3ciyee unians requrre the Npartrnent empJoyees to he notified a~ public records requests tD apYOW them 4Oe apportunity to seek, a couel ordec preuentmg discEosure ofi the rp-quested records or eIemenis oi the records. Records Reques#s frorit Incarcerated Prisaners Fared tivith what Washingtoro State Atforney General Bob McKenna calls a "cottage jridtistry" of prison inmates filing requests for 4arge nurr7bers of gauernrr,ent records irw f7opes af colaeckGng ppnafties for sli"oJ, stake Iawmakers are cons;dering 14! ~ Wasaleglan Stm fluditw's 0111kr Ptrlnrnsamt AudikAepors ~ OlmYI PubIi[ ReL09sd5 PTaCtIC!'S at 30 Gt►veHlrtwijl EFIfl11e", - RWtk t 1 QNl 11 char~ inthe ruaes. The proposal ca14s #or pa 6ng, ar~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y pQnahties into tne 5tate's vactim- corr7pensation fund, rather tf5an to trge inmate. A,ccarding to the Attorney Gerierai's Office: ~ •Since 2402, orie irunate r,as f4led 494 requesk~: tsataling 1, 9,000 pages of ~ government reco(ds, plus audio tapes and CDs. • Anoihec inmate f~led 788 records reqLtests [n [be Iast five months of 20,05. ~ Tftip- Department ai Carrections deternTibr~ed that approximate{y 73 perr.ent of tne ~ records reqUests received in 2007 were recerved firom inmates. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 142 Wash]*geark 3satt +4uiilwr's Offkm hrfaiananc+e J4udis Rep,ora Cipen PubFieiitctf4s Fr3rricr-s at N GawrtelmCial Enli11e5. -RL-part 0 1{)04{111 Appendix E s Sources of inforrnatic~~ ~~out the Pulalic Records A~~ k P04~ Rln-qrds Acc ~~CW 42.56 ~btkP.,+'i ~nps.leg,wa.giau,*f~CW/detauft.aspx?cjte=42, 56 Woshing#nn_A~karney Genera1's Niodel Rules: +h€~ Atk«rrrey (ieneral"s C}thce d?velopecl ni4dei rules regarding pap-er and PFectronoc public rec4rds that have been adopted ag7d pubENSlied in the 1NashErigtvn Administrati+ve C'cade. The r~~dO rules are nnn-binding be5# pr~ctices to assist records req~estors and agencEes, 20176 Model Ruf~~ (Paper Records): hitkp;,l/www.atg.wa,go+r/uploadedFile~~`Anotber/About_the_Offcce/0pen_ GouernmenVFinal%2OModel'~2ORules%20WACs.pd{ 2007 Mcx#eI Rules (EIectranic Recnrds) h)ttp:/Iwvvv,atg.wa,gru,/up1cadedFales,iAnother/Ataaut the_.Office/C~en_ 1,~r~uerniiier)tr1Giof~el a2ORuies~,s,20Electrari~c%2ORee_ords_pdi Public Recorr#s and {}pen PubJic Meetings http:,`/"www, a kg.%va.gOv;f"F' u bfIC-Re cord s/defau It_ aspx "Obtaining Pubi kc Rec o rds" - ht#p:,'/'www,a tg .wa.gov,/Re cc rds,as px i he Attorney General's Office hw: a Web pagp- decficated #o guicfe public record5 requestars on how to request ree.orrls and what rer-orr}s are available far InJpel.41{]fl. ~i?pert Gouemment Internet Manual" http',r',Itivwva. atp.,tiva.griv;/Oper~~overnnieRit/ln#ernctManual.aspx Sunshine Comrnniftee: Iittp:i:/"~w.atg.wa.govIoperigovednment,'sunshifle.aspx Pther Resources Municipal Research Service Cerrter http:,°r'wt,rw.mrsc_c)rg%sut)Gec.9 s,'~~g-aI,r`Rrd/'prd.asox Washington CoalitiQn for Open Government http,/;°'~vww.washingtonc_og.orp,f i~ ; Wrashlrkgteni St,stt Aikdhw~i 01fie@ Perinrnrmce J9xodft Repart Oprn Fub€ie H~co-rds. Practitci at 30 GaveMrnenl Eri titw&s - kcparl N IW1(M11 Appendix F - TipsfWor Obtaining Public Records Be pEecise Make yaur eequest as sKaecaft as yuLi can and be willfng to tre Flexihle in working wiEli the erit,ty to narrow yaur request. Prouide, Ndeally +n writing, a reasonable cles[:rRption that wil1 enable the agency Iocate the rec-ortl. AIso, beeause many gavernrrcents are Iargie and decentralazed, try ta deief rni~e wkaich affiee or departrrrent may Iiold tne recGrd(s) you are requesiing. ~0 pleasanfi Erioty !.;;aff will t]e rTivrP inclinpd i.er Eissist you IoLate a rectirrl if yr~ti appEoa4h the,m professionally, If the ent4y statt appears unable io assGSt you, ask to bp- reter~ed 4o the enEity`s Publi~ Rp-cords Ofhcer for guQ~ance aerd assistance, B"ffjjs'tgrit Assume the record you are fecluesting is ~publec recorci and if e~~ed be, s#ate that yot, are rriaking a'"ptibE3c recards request..' pt is the responsibifity at the entity tcr deterrnme df a recard or partions of a recorcl ar~ exempt. If #he ento tells you record is exempt and denGes your (eq!UeSt. it !-0101,11d 4iIsn proUide you wrth ziic, speeifi-, iegal citation of the exernption. Sourte- Cn~phed Ircrm - "Tips rriEih.-, rec:ord gatPaeririg. easter" - Adam Lynri, Sperkesman-Revrew 4vwav.opertwva sh trng ton.c.ornJ 144 Weihfnglmn StaCrAud1Ws Qlltte PtftrltMau" A,Udit Rapaft iipeit f'ublic Hecards Rraclrces at 30 C,iimnnrcnt I wrtirw - Rrpi?rt i 1p!}ppt I Appendix G - Communicatior~~ from th~ ~~vernor on the Pub1Mc Records Act STATE OF wAsHwNGrON OFFICE t7F THE GOVER1Vt7R P Sc;ix +~+.?~+'~Z • ~tryrr,~s.,a 4Y.ri~rr~ri~,otm 9Rr>e-C~t~'J2 - i ,;Gw+~ 'S3-678f~ • wuuw ~vi;rrror s~r.a r,~v - F4k+ruan 7_ 2006 T( :'1l1 Ngertw% ilirectc7rw FRCyN-1: €'h riwtine1 r C. ireizaire Gni1ketr1Ltit til 13JLCT: Wa3shintPiori I-'uhli4 Disclusure Act l atm kwrrqing alxrul a stxhjei:t pliail i4 vcrt+ imju}rf.rrol I0 IIfi.4 adniinISsr:9l.Mn and tlirz pq:etp1e ia1' L4`il-shinkiott. V41lti!'k paStil'd {7Lii' PUETCIC DIStI~~sum r1ct ms un lrtitaaiive in 1972. °Ilie purpcssc, ol'thi5 mcnturandurn ss trr vmplis,i}c mv c.vp4ciation tlrosn tha4 adntini.wtniiqn will liVI! kir 1L, [f6r SPirit x',filtiw attaP0r1:1n1 l:lae. N% eA6 4hurt [}sr goae «f ijlva°i^a.sin~, eljz crtdlhality «f slat~ gouLrnmeat 11Lb I"ajhliL is a vital ic-4rl in ficdpi~g uw ackiiEU•c Ehat qoal_ Tltr corrcep4 brliind thc f°tl.~'1~IG r~ktiLp~!tiL1TL° r',kf1 Y~ tiLTll~1~t t"~l) Ilt~il~'Pl'145~ ~L~4?~1~ ~ti ~.'-S~4'R1tF~I~ I11 4.1{IF I~St~~I a10 ki+'a•~rrr~rtirtr. 'I'he p►ihCi4 musl rctuin Ltiralr+,l iIi`un,~'L:mMcn[ unJ rh4 „nlv tvuv ii car► cEo i3iut is zi, hti irhfortnrd ahm.a wFijat p-G,vernrncni iw dc,ing. Htire is hmv dr:tttirS, iiFihe IluhiiQ ~~b~tt~35GSre r1cT ryLI iC- " •Vhe p+:aiplt~ y3f lhps wdble do nnT vir.1d fficir ,c,r-crcaknty fiu 9hc agcncics that scrvc [licm. Tlhe pcaplr. irr tlplega[ing iiuihc!rity. J!, nc5t tiive iheir pub3ac ser+rant3 I`1t flghl IL'1 6lt4idL' %w f1,iSt I.4. g41ff{I foi th~ 13.wplt L..) knu"- snd ^,%9ti:tt i~ nnt g,xod tLir th4m Io kittFw I'il[: PesRF?tC 11r~j4;t Lrtt t4stir4tj;tijjw i iif7rtaltd thidi 1dwy may ntainiain conirol a3~er E}ir instrurrecn~% diai thcv hzt~-c c.rcuted_" tithtr4 Pd,irit Uut LI14 Lhe ntLare ira!'sarrn4.Li ;1t%yFlC UrIZ, tirk: bV414:r [hrv wili kic guti•cncal isnd IIt-si ga.rvemouniE rr4.r1i0rn1_a krc-sC when al is opcei and acr.ountable. 1he f'ublic 17isctosun :1ct is onL l?f LIYL pY1CT9lll'~ ti4'i.Ly4; [l}t poiific kcep:q inisiemed 7laLru1 ~ulecPRmitr4l. ! 1hcrcl4rrc dlrc,~'.l LiIl Ligcoic9r.4 to rericx+ their comniiln~cn4 ldz opcrir7csi_ tt, ihc unde:rlyEng prenciplc, cif tlie awt, :ind in it!; Aii,'CtiVU irfifpl1M1tstt4)11Ixta, I: Ia4.It sWttr4:5 MiaO Like a tlri~sh 9nrrk nc its mtCtilvriftw:ariO'i rat'(_FictP[Cr-i.,IT Ft('W, r~°.luvc an4• bauk14?u ,jn d~"Wlr)~Lirv rec.~~jvwt4. and Pi,,tcr an apprrciatwn d--d thc imps,rt:snce riCruhiic di5cls;sltrt 1Pll-lioy.f, 11'.. -,-ITYJ1lm,~4t I'L I, Tiyl? iij7Ct~SaE1im 1~! 1jllb;dill~I~f11hT~11[I?yil #~I;If 5tiw ~x1`~ pd5ti5k lL-i Washias►ogtun State Auditaes Offlue P#rfaasriance Audit Report f}p~tii E'vbli, Rmordti Pri, E itm aq ?ll f~imyhirirat [€stirim - Ropr;n k ft"1[liN?1 I \4':i'4'ti L} CllflkIl`V 4'4ki.y1 I}3i IeifcF J71iI kP IfII oj lI1c E}4lbfic]3i4cCo$urc At.L rLitf7cr lltsa, lot,k 101 +wdr'w kLi ti; iiMir~d disdosure, { )LLC palI. 5hoUld bC tl.y estllbl.1:5f1 j txYLt7I,14. C.e:+]kili.i~`.ikCj:' 1E171 E'I4{I 1 Il4if141iISt11I f'Iuk [hL`:5h1I fI.y [ii d4bC`t5 9h4 T`E'7; liPd"i flk.'tMs:dj 94P f1L71P h1111 e?i" l3ef LJfIC{4:fSl.iltiij tiI.:i[C g04'LMLIT1C131-S JG&B{}f1S ;Sf7LI hllii fficL° c3$L fShclde, rtl dC4 C[lilt. '44'e F1ii,@;;t b4 Cr?1T11T1.ItCCil I11 tlpt'riT1C'iti. dJ]{' I)P:JL:1 .ICC IL {!31 a dafl% basis b%, Lnbwtic:sm: pui,lic aecc~, ajtd c-.risurarig- ri~cordb aTc r-eItawcd iai ~i 1imO}. rtiapcctl`u [ +.ti, I}. TIM-C is nO ~auWtilk)n ftat reltia-.14; 01'sR)mc euc{r.~d-, cara tgc lrnle c011auMiet" M. Jilliti011_3J11J sumetirrics rv ci i eaiilr.atrassiiig, Bul we ritiuit al w.ay; rcin tm m ber kve arc acc «unr ahle tt, sho PCOPlC UnaJ [ha( McaitS, Wc hatic ILt uperaae wilEi an opcrrnesr tleat sllows [heili to havc inpill 015 Whal ►4C dci, uJOCrAltand L,ur deci+is,r4 fllilkhi~. arld uftirr41t1-lV sit in pudgmUni 01' baur tilWrk. We CrRist all W-Urk IsO l5Urld fkt11 Vtalllee C011JidLmti'e 191;1k stiytc gti+w'nemeay9 is +irx--K~i :un~! .~ct~4urisu~l~ [ 46 w1lashingldn 5tare Aodltnr`s l3tlice Pteiawmamf JwdIE Repon 0 pt!nPuhficRe~ordsT'raok.esat30 GowrmrrEnl Enriiim -~ICcp+artI iDUUO11 [:liRtlSlf1*rT: C1. ~,RC{iJ14tE ~ C.c~+m*n+x _ SfkT€ C1F L'4'k~Hl*4CTp?4 C1FFECE C}f- THE ~OVERNQR f;O. Bna 40002 +0;ympdx, W441MRngdner 08.56CUth02 - (360) %53-678D + w'ww.~,nvrrranr u~a.~~ September 18, 200" TD: Statc e4grncv D:reclttrs FFtOIYi: C.ioti°tenor CM3 firreg&AAA S4JB.MECi": Opm Reeord3ff'ub1ic ltc~a~r~i.~ Acr; ' 1 know yDki sEiarc rnv wppcrrt for opeiti gowenariient and our sta#c's PiAli~ Records Aet (,Ati), A4 1ilC1rc pt1bChc feC4id3 RTC aV86lYble 2IeC"YitCEIEly, stAte ngciiclcs liave an r~~perKtiGrt-Il+f l0 V.YiPk w][h pC[7p[e WhU Ceqlley[ CNectio136C CQpICS of !¢7Ub11C i'2a:.ords QSId, u+licii possible, mnke eIcc.tr,nac cupies o#'non-caccmpt Pu'bli~ ~~ards availablc in clectrottiic farrnxt. Numcrcius wntrm, scholars and l3wycrs havc sxprtsseci views ont,o (apie uf producfian iJf rlc~.«Oolic re~OWs, VeFY fCw slarCs hiive eddres:ei nzay us7mr-t of thss is5ue in ihese state public reec~sds Caws_ At ]cast oite court has ruJ€d t}3at Washhitigtun's f'ublic Rmur41s Act d,irs rtut sequi~e dic prodkiclian of e.lecRraiiic copics of non-,cxerttpt pub[ie re+:ard:s_ 'roclt3y. regarclless of tlte tcthnicnl raluir,enaents of ttic Aec, I arn esking all smi~ apnuv - publre =nrd-4 ut`fia:cm 10 WOrk W~~h PCOP1I: WhO rQqtbest Cl+ec,drQtt;.C CZpiCs ud-ciU«~XcmP! gublic reeeQ rds and. wltene vcr po ss rkslc, ku 5atisfy lhese requs:s6.s, I krsow this w-il I k nc~., work ansJr in surne cases, u new a:hallertge for smte agcrreies, To ~rrp) uicle siIppO ri, C um dS'kiflg tEL11 the Dcpaatrr,cni otlnfot7matioii 5e6-vim desigiu,lc a icam tu scrvc as a resotirce tor s~~c ilgeney r,uords oFticem and W"arn,ation toclsnoicrgy dep,aruiYentts, a.w thc}r work tv respanck to thm re-qtmses in thc c-ou' ng yean 147 11rAihi6gian State JkudFtuF's itiliCe Pflfolfmina! 14udii Rlpcit Upen Peablrr Hrtiord c f'T&ljse5 at 34 (ryftmmienr En9iwies - Elep;ar p tFJrK~i 7~ ~~pendix H - Recent I~evelopments in Public Records Management ~~~en* amendO Akk~.rne~r General"s Mode# RuFes addressrng efec#ronic MqAr4s_ The Attorney General"s Office recentay amended rts rrtodel rules to provide guidanre ta pubfic entites erfl haw to prnv+deaccess 4o anLi Gopies of electfonic ;tuhleC reCor(1=.. ~ Sr~tary..of StalLe.- S tate Argivi90 ig[#aN Archivina Prakct ~ in 2005, khe SecreEary ui Siate's C1ffice State Archiuist pureh.a:.,eci a soik;vare systerT, tr) convert 5tate and Icrcal ,~overrirnent documants to makc- lhem avai,IaiaR? ~ e6eCtronically throughvut the 5tate. I he Digital Archi~uing sy5#em a15o will heIp preserue the state's historical records while simplifyirig citrzefl acc€ss ta those ~i recorrJs, ~ Department of Information Services,'N4'ashington State ENectroni+c Recdrds YauUW4erwl 9= Tk7e state s Dicparcment of Nr7forrnalicri Servic:es is putt4ng irw pl~~e WaServ, a r,ev~) e-mawa rete;ition and discovery systern [4r use by a!I stake ageficies Thc Uepa►tmen1 ~ plans ta have the riew service r~ady tor use in 2009 or thereafter. ~ Many slate. agencies now store c~rna+o in a formaa lhat aften is not searcl-iat,le, Zh,i-, requires t.ho- 8geflcy tG cQTidract a t,me-consurnfng search ot individualfy stored e-mails vaFte;, a publrc disclosure request is receiuecl.WaSeru is designQd to creafe ~ a standard archaunig metho~i and is al+gned with ¢he Secretary o# State'3 Digitak Archiving PrGject, With the new system, state agencies wrll be ahle to respond faster ~ to ptablic records reques#s. 4-±~nipEefik, conipre.herisiv~ ~~~rches aild illake r-erords refentac5ri practtces uniforrri. ~ the De~~Ftment utates 1NaSenr w+ll resu11 irs reducncf data ;toragp rosts be:3use ~ stora~e will 6e shared vrith cither st~te agenci . es_ ~ Intefnet Se-a.rrh_FineLsr~7r~rc_.~'~b~i_~ +p,4!~~ ~ An Intcrnet search engene pro+uides free consuEtGing and software tn seueral states in an effort to rnake it easier fDr Users to search for governrnent iRfcirrnation oD 0°ie ~ Internet. The records that will show up in sear~h-ertgine querEes a1rear,y are availabif-, oiiline bu# many are hard to find. Many state ag-Ificy Wet) s;tes and ?Iec:~ronic reccrr_1 s Iiaveti't been indexed by popu1ar searchx engiiies. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~1 ] 48 Was"tan Srate Audicar's Offim Perfarnsaem hndfe FFapott ~Jpen PuUI Ic RLtart~~ PraitKn ;tt 31~ Gsrromrnesat Enfl1i?~ - F4epc►rl i! 1OD4O11 Appendix I - Sample pubiic records requ~~st This Feiter is ari examole rf a Puk,kif- r-ecords request. We serit thps letter as one at oiir ;:7i.iPalie rer-ordq retILleSk:s. A?~ccrn+~w~ ' ~ ?~?~Y1 ~jW:nx~l d.'uUP[} h9tn: I' Wr1k Rc~cscu Otfi~er kieNa{hmm, WA 487.33 I~ 1~1±I~s R~ ~iltgces, I~ ~a1~al~d ro +~trda~ ~~hr Cpr i rxa q~ POiiod ui ~ ma~rp bkc r ebm ofd tmid w+turhen oudaDOMMLOUM wAwmimg Chow +mcbtro idrlNlX thecU0 i~ 2w We 7effx'y LQwtm^ Publwc #lierk+ fJut+aome. lf !drwy %1~ _ ww oot mOnl prailmP batawen t* m# Daom2lha 701}3, PTaw' Ri°vid° tho roT~reaW rsrM& ow t#a,s Mu bLu [bc p2r1m dia~ thr pa4aw 5d maw- Pk1CiC I,IYd 4r,4'JC 99C~ 44 my J&hCn Pl,r~ 1iL4 &cm 9n c.;r49a~p me *ri& rty* . Sti~Y YMWL, f' r ! F" ~ q'~.1t1474.'~S 1 ~l i~Gv~^2~aamoLum 3 C: i=~... Wishingenn Seate Auditor'SOiTicsPvrfax~nc+e 14udit Repart Dpvas PubJii Rftnr6 I'NITitw3al WJiMrrirnrnt E416115 -Repon0 iW{FU1 1 Appendix J - Overall ResuIt~ ~~lur 300 uriar;nourkcerl pubfic records, r?auFsis ac:hrerrerj fr,e Ir644a:,wing resO'~. Public F~~cords Request Results Responses receiaed were inct►fnplete or insufficient 7 Requests with no respon se receiveci by r°equestor 32 . responses 261 ~ Types of Incomple#e Respons+~s 5~ Request not re€eqvest Entity did nat aecept firy the entity's Public the farrnat of t#re 9= Recotcf~ ~p~i[er reqt~est Entity CFlrected reques#or 9= to res ubrnit she ue%t F ntY[y did nor correclly to artip[her department pr4Cess the request. ~ withVn ihe en#tRY ' n4 re3ponse reeoivetl ~ ~ ~ Enticy responded with insorr3plet-e or insuffs[ient Entity repanse rerords drafeed pr issued, 6ut not receirred by 7 ~ requeator 9 ~ E3ased upon oUr foIIow-up wit1~ the eotific-s. ~w ■ Two eritir'Ws' Pub6ic Recr~rds Officers asserteci they ha(0 no remrd of r~~-celvlng ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ _ ^ 1 Washinglan Se4rte Au*Gw's Otfice Ferlbnr,&rw Audit "Fi OpPR P1ph9k Rewrds Praifice5 4130 Grnrerrrme-nt fnhisrs - R~e:port 0 1 Wfi 1 three (1 percent) of ovr requests. ~ Seven responses (3 percenf) did nof [ulfil[ our requesis. Two entEties' pukalic records officers stated • F4ur requests were rejected because the entity d€d not accepi the method of d$iiveTY- * in or►e insiaracer r~~quest-ors were tald vnEy requests submitted via U.S. Maai would be accepted wheri they atkempted to submit a verbal, ir~,person feques#_ • Three requests that were subrnitted by e-niail wene not respai7ded to. C}ne enii#y was ab1e to verify the request was blcrcked by an e-rraail fiPfier, In the other fiwc) cases, thp- entitres staspected the e-marls w~~e blocked b+y an e-ma{I filter. but +were urtable to ascertain LFiat. 4D Z€] {3 percent) of our requests were rece,ued by the entity, but we were directe-ri to resubrnFt the request to anotlier department or division. Pn these circum5tanc.es, We con;51d2f the enbt}j to be nonre5pon5V41e to the orlgll73l reqLsest, ~ Nine Q percent} requests were respanded Co by the entity but never rece'rved by our Offte. We nated severi instances in which the entity caufd document that recvrds were prepared ar sent, but we never received them. In ane sristarice, Ihe entity sent a reiqr,est for cIar~~catFori that we never receiued. * Five request5 were not fulfilled becaus+e entfty staff did not p►ocess the requests. WaIk-Ira requests for enti1ty sexual harassment poficy The re5ultls oi our waIk-in requests varied based on the corTipiexity r~( the #acllity and availability of rnstructioris such as sigrtage ofti where xo go to file a reqijest, and the numiber of tit-nes the requestor was directer1 to ariather departrnerit to place the request, Our audit expectati~n was entkty staft would (lot ask ahouk the purposi? of the request urifes,s it was rlearly ta aid in khe identification caf the eecords. This expectation is CorfsAStent waEh the spirit of the Pubs,c Disclosure Act. en the case described beMow, we found the rnquJry regarding the reasoaa the policy was beiTig sought as barrier to obtairiing the records. i Our walk•in request ai Pierce Cou~nty took an hour - at leask doubCe the anaount ctf kime the other reqiaests took - and required a5fgnfhcant ef#art ori khe. part of the requesior b~~ause the entity's sEaff asked several questions bardering arr cvritentious be#ore agreeing tD prourcfe the record. An excerpt ofi the audftors' exper~efice wher7 making the ►eq,ues.t follnws; "During nur walk-rn request for the Caunty's sexual harassment policy, reqLiestors vuere asked why khey were interested in the poIicy by the frant desk staFf at the CIerk°s Ofhce. and the F+urnan ~~~ources front desk staff and manager. The manager asC~eci addiiional questions before the policy vras provided; where the reques#oes went ta school and what brarrch of the schtiad they attended. Requestof s asked why these questwops urere being asked and were inf«rmed the maflager fieeded ta know where the policy was going befafe slie couid prov:de it to thern. After answering all of tlle questions, the manager pfovided the po1icy severaf minutes Gat+er." The foIlovuirig charts present the number oE mfnutes it took fequestors to enter the facilfty, pCace the reques4 and leave the facrlity. 15~ Wasldngton itaxa Oludetffr's S14Ike Perfiunrnamre AodiK Reparl Open WutalIr &~(0 r11s Pr4rr1 n's 01 3il raovnrnmenr f nTrRM - Aepna N IfXaiir.ll Average Time Spent by Requestor in Submitting +Walk-in Requests (by Entity type) LrItIty TyVe Auerage Mi-?4rtes!rrres~ed Gaunties 18 r,isnur.es Cikip's 12 rriirutes StaEe Agenr_ie5 8 mi~r«t~S Walk-in Request: Time inuested rn submitting thereques# Enti'#y Minutes - - - - Cour,t:es Clafk CCJl]Tl{]i'' ~ Spokarae C[stinfiy 9 - Kitsdp Cauriky 10 Thurstori County 10 Snc,homish CoLoy 15 Y,~kima CO4mty 15 W1'iakcorn Cotjn}y 15 Bentan Cour'it~+ ~t.~ Kirig Co,jftty 25 Pierce Counkv 50 4':ities C'.ity Of Var7ccLrVer City of Everett V, City of Kent 5 -piry ri@ Souhanl~ VaIlrMy 10 Cir}r raf Feder-iwVAY 10 C i~y of Y8 k,.rr==: 11=! Ci4y of 5:aokjrie 12 - City of Si~attPe 15 City of Bellewu~ 15 C::1y of Ta;::wruz 30 Stat@ Ag8fl-L.ie4 'Niashingtan State Pa;rol i Deri#. of -90cia1 & I-9~a'"M aervicP;~ 5 Dw. of GO~nera€ AdrTirr3isiraiiora 5 4'u'A Si=3te Olfice of 5ri,ancial Mgtriw 5 Office ct Iristirrance C;ammissiongr 7 L?°ot o# Labor and Industrie5 1 Was17ingtori :State Li--,tt?ry De:i;. of Correctiuris 8 WA St. Invpstmena ?fjard lU Cnpafiment of Revenu~ 152 We then rpeasured the number of busmess days at took to obtain the r~~~rds cfnce 4Yashingtun StAte Audleors I}fficR Pe€M~ce Aeldk jtepc►n Opern Nd{K Recvrds Nm!irm.rt 30 GavrrnmsFu kfPtlIim - Rrpori OT6i0[ItMI 1 #he request vuas submitter1. Enfities are not required to prpuide th~e record upon demand; rather. they are reqtjired ko accept our request and forward it to the appropriaCc ,p+erson ior pracessing. Enti#ies that show a zera ("0") are enfities that provided the records at the time of #he vis'rt. T-rsese requests accurred between February 9 and Febraiary 16, 200 7. Resuits from vvaik-in reqaes#s for sexWal harassrnent polrcy Ci:y of eeiievua " Crty~~EV*Fltn ~ Casy of Fet3trar VKsy tl GSy of lient ? CYty of Seatkle 0 Ctty of Spokang 0 Cit}i aP 5pwaicafie 5la#6ay q tity of 7aCorna C CRty of Vancauver 13 Ciey af Yaitkmu 0 Ben#oFt Cseufity 0 Clirk [auflfy ~ F[fng Cmunty 0 Khm p County a ~ Pierr4 {4un1y p $,n4bG{IIisf1COuil#pp Spokan-LL County a I'hurst4n C4unty Q YMlhnlC4m County a b'akEma Caunty q D'aPr. of CET[iQS#IOflf tlont d4i k tslaed r+E 4eilOr [.4S]lile bxk latlr DlpL. uF G@neral IA.dtl'NlirristR1t14Eh a Dfpt nf Lahor a Industries Entlty Aft9vk~Ff~ MPkCCYd'r7,tS PEipaf11Y ilYd l-wrM r4qIIt{F9F R4iY541lhwi a9~pti[y Ei~p ikifls~~n+;E ' D*pt- of Rearerive 0 Ol pt. ofSocGaI& Herfth5ervIcas 0 E°"AityroFp~~de-6,•rlh in[4R7(1l+rla 1li4t$s; Op■ Officeaf Flnamfirl h+lanagamans O p,iFVe m13 i1n~ ~OIF1ce a! tha Gnsura nco [mmm I isJanor ~ WA Sfale anve itJilent 608fd 0 WflSkaxe Lo'tleRp Fre+eFtdcSLlndirstrrsllhAeIha wouadmeF axeo te ueIYaVIj%LfSM1,i~ YVA Si.110 Patrpl d - 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Numb~er of days it too k xo receiwe res ponsee to the initiaI reques t 11+1ai1-In Requests: A+rerages far Each Request Mode Request Nlode Auerage Days tn Respand C°fil~ed Vi311 Stlfldafd MaIl E-fflall ~ ~ i Washiragtam S#a#r Audxtar's #lfte i+erf4rpnaalee A+tiM Repori DW['n Phlblic Atxi►rds WrdCtM[m dr 10 Goufimwnt f r6aes Rrfuar; a ii1 Certified le##er request for 5 highest paid empIvyees O«t first reQues, askecl the entity to pravide records fhat showed Tne 1-0,'rres, pb tiiie-;- and compensation amounts tor trae eiitity's Five Iti€ghest-pa~~ em~~oyees tor caIend3i- Year 2005_ The reques#s were serit hy cprHe-d mail ran Nowember 22, 2006. Resutts of certi~ed rrtail request far salarie$ of the S highest paid _ empIoyees ciry of B$Hewue a _ Entify raspcndrd wltPi City cd E+rsrati b brrro mpla€e ar IniufficlgnT rctar~ti; re~daetl$ea a apJieci +u CDty of F~da~ril'N1it~F ~ MOOO r.aturdl rort.dipreJ i hcrn City Of Xen1 N unumahl: C11j'Qt$2a11dL• l.ni[Cydirn[!c[Bar!-urs[eeIU4~~u.$a7.•41t7kirap.i,reLt~aAryb1IrTd[.cuYilB-*r.h'prtrlt!i1ne15rrFItrR CJ ty of Spokarro Ci" of SpHakane YaYley Ctty al 7acaums 7 CYky of Vansno+rgr 6 tFtyr oi Yakima 7 BtntonCaunty 10 Clark Counity 2 King CoufitY 5 ICMtsap Courrtyr 2 P4aree Cau.nty $ Srroharnish CountY 5 _ 5pokane Count}+ 4 7lhurstlort County 10 iAlhatcom County 3 Yakirna Counly 14 UepL. ai Enrrectbans 17 [i"t. of Genefal Ad€ninisttatiorr T aept, of Labor & Industries 13 [}4pt of RUWMue 76 Depi, of 5acial $ weiilsh Servirtes 17 Offica ai Finantlaf Nfanagarnan! 3 ffficrt of th4lnsurane$ CammYSSban4r ;r r,tory,respondsr€tw„h inj urAclent rezurdi drtltlAl web Okd alad nn4 P:,owidt eequrttr.a y4A Slata Inaastrnani Baard SD 4`1111`1111111 WA State lLottery WR State Pstrol 13 0 5 10 15 20 25 3V 35 40 Numbef o# days it took to refeiue response to #he inFtial wequest l'.54 -~Aud"rt~ OEm F'ub l W&shingeror~5 ic #P*nrartlc5t~rrtt4r 3(]~r'ss~vernmr,~tEr~eia,e4 - OANce P~rmanctPAudi~or7t R~ripari1 ts 1 ~ E-mail request for entity travel policyr This was #he or[dy request sent LIsIng EL-mail, These requests were seiit r~n December 14. 2006, Results frorn e--maiJ request #or encity travel policyr City oF selIevu6 1 City of Evelrm En1is ~i+d oa~ cors€-erl ~a€ess ~he ra uRs1. ONo ras r~~cs~, reu,rro,~ Cliyo# Fedtr&d WaY frrets ee~~nv. Was f.:surd han not ror■jvocE& 1he rV urrlor City o# Kane # City of3'#iMttit I~~t' dhd a~t~1 acre t cha lerrmbt arrfia~u,~sL 4E. ri;nili SFIA ht fiFt¢! ~us et~4 City erF Spcrkiiine ~ - FR klTy re9pmnd4d wqfY ini9ilflci■7et nciNtiji: 111ifJ41 [ City Q+ SppF361! VBII#y 1 6Veb LIiC dJd nai ptrtrvi[b RrqtitftCd ea59NFiI City oF PeComa g City 4f VBnSQuwr 1 CieyofYekima 2 R#flton Wurlty Aid rvotc+jrrec!I {rrrrsusi[EICaR v~r~:.nr~rrs ~,n~atrc.nrad i7ark Couni~ ~ King Cownty ~ M{i'tsap r-ouniy 2 P1efClC[xuRtY En1eA r.c,taK-,yfre si«s-:lEtnatilSP+#Fi1Mlpr~~t~, ~od 5nohomiF~p CaunfY p4spSfnsfi rtlteWaj Fn 40 rrtiri~.r4#! Wkanv Counky 2 Thurstarr Catinty 4 Whiii[4m iCounty [nr~~yroagori4ewAadrxMvr9uols3uwa{. ipuonorrece:rad by sfisreque~.~~~ Yekim$Coura4y 5 Dapt af Cnrrections ~ [IImyILofGen,eraIJXdminilssraihan ~ DopL oO tAbor a Intfustrifs ~ Dppt_ o# FttFwenur g D@pt of Sodal $r Fiealth Servdcas 2 []'tPice af Fir1anei„p1 Mnnag#rtenl R nir r~ceived Irs !5 r~tEnur~~ ~ c+f the In€uranC4 Camrnlstsinner IYA 5t#{i* II1VeitAlE11I. BOdPd En011 ,-iP r!.c" a°ra~,:air ~rvcr-sr rJ,. rr. ueae, na rca n~t r~e~vad ~WA SLIl1t L9St0^y inte~ . c71S3 nOt i[~e f~~Pft~Ilaf F o~~tE~n.~~f bluc~rd SF~AM ~i~er Mt,q State, Patrol 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Nurnber af days it took tu receive respome tc, tlte initiel reques# 155 Was9hing"n 5tate 1nditn6 OiTice Prrftmiarue Awlit ReTwn t]pen Pu!blir RetGrd; Praineesat 349 Govemmmrnl Enrities - lieport P 1 1lN0 ' 7 Certified let#er request for travel records We asked #he ent3ty tor copres of travel vouctrer(s) far specified enkity staff for July through DecembeR 2005: The request was sent uia certified mail on Decen7bef 21. 2006, Resul'ts from certified maiN request for tra►►el v4uchers eiry of Beuevs,e ~ eity of Ewc-reli s City of Fedaers4 Wby - - 19 City of ISRnx 11 C9ty of S#ilYlf en[tlR diroSted d U~laaf la ref.ui3faeil [d4w f% uri[ 9c arict37rr 044531jr7j7i.Wii.[ wlrlr+n Ciau anl!'y cEf]r QfSRUkii1'Y~ 16 CiIy of Wkent Valley S CitX of 7acorna ~ City of Vanc+aijva► b City of YAkinna El Benfon Courtty 12 CIark taunty 4 kiia+e} Caur+Sy 12 KFBsop Counsyr 8 'F"Fer[r C+aunty 19 Snaharnlsh C-ounty 4 ~ Spokane County 4 ThurstunCoureh+ 75 En~uy r~sp4:nd~rd w~ih ~i 4YIttFtictfml CAUn [y 8 YrrcamP9RtO rorords: nn4 f+~i7u mls~asuq ~ YSkiITi C5F'Ulpt"{ ~ tlppt. ci4 C~srrervt~ns zi ~ep~. of G~rntraf Advntlr~istrstaon 3 F= C]epc. cf I.aboo & 9ndus#rwos 14 C~epl. of R[uenve 9 ~ Off-pt, o( 5Xia9 & He81th S~rvicos S ~ Oft* o} Finaohs#a] Managarnen t 13 Oifit-e of tha Insurance Ca?nmisskrner g ~ WA Sta l:e Inuesdmant Buard 19 WA SRate LoEie ey 44A 51ate Ratraal 27 - ~ ~ ~ 10 15 40 Nurn6er o#,da+ys it toak #o receive response to the initial Request ~ ~ ~ f` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~R 156 ~ ~ r Waxhinqton Starte Audit,ar`s 0lkt Prriorntamm 14+41t RerypM L1peFl Pu blic RcKort15 Ilr,7riitm'tl 70 G{rrernmem lnt~tirf - fdrpart e 1 a;+r,u] f 3 Certified mail reques# for cell phone records We asked the entity for the May 2006 entity-owned cell phofie record for the entity's top nvn-elected o#ficiaJ ar chief agency official. The requeSt was sevyt via certiied mail c)n Dpcembefi 28, 2006. Results frorn certified mail request far cell phone records ~ ~ tFCY of a,altevs,e ~ Cfly ef Exrrcil 3 City of F4dersl'4VaY City uf 1Cent i CRl}~ o~f 5 IEs71:P114 !C~1~~'ytlfre~~rr~ rrtiueitor ko rrser'r..i,i €i,n r.r jii~~t.^.snnlhap coe~..tm+rhe .rrr~usi !?,r r.~E=q.~ Oly 4i 5pokene L) Cify oP 5poieana Valtley ~ City of tecorna A [iRyfff Vnhcr~uvec 1 i City nT Yr kirrxa 7 Bantan County 3 i Clark Caunty 6 ~ Ki" ISdi3Ap County ; PieFC! COUnty 4 ~ SnokFOilllih Cai1fM4'y 14 SfltFk811ieC!nun`[y 4 rClurs[o-n C9u~l1k 7 44Fts~lcam Caur1[9~ ~ Y3k11~'~ACOY'd'Yf~Y €rt~~iy.r~.-~.-~r.•...3.b7eaiTrdrrils,:ed isu.hnnkr*CoiMvdhythe r*que21or E*PT. of Correcl ipfF3 14 I I Dept. of GenrraS Adthd nistratloM 3 Dept oi Lebore & Industrie s DOp4. ofi Re~renue 8 O~rt, c~i5o€ist & Heaith 5arvir~es 41T9:ce or Fin~q~lciel Managetnrnt 9 ~r►fic* nt Uh,r Versurancr CBmniissiQ~ef le Wa0. Stite I nvrs#rnent !3 mard 1s 1AfA §tatc 03(itry 5 WA 5#ete PairESl 13 0 5 10 15 2L! L~ 40 Nurn$er of day5 it tnok ta receive response to the initial reque5t 157 Mfashl"Rae Stase Audi[orli Mce F'arkrnance Audh (tepost Llpenhahli[fIE'[osdiPUiTlsk'5A 3c46tiY,'rrkmOnni €rrnivie, -Rppasrt0 111pNlit S#andard mail request fa►r vacation re-cords We asked the enWy for the var,ation records af the entity's top, rion-elected Firiancial officer for .January ttirough Jurie 2006. The request was sent ufa sfianciard maiV on DeCet'i1beC 28, 2006- !Re su tts ^#rorxr standard ma il request for rracatio n recvrds city of E14R I I e wtiee 7 Ci#y oF EvesetK 9 Clh' S7d Fed@ral Way 2 Ciey of Krnt 3 c1'L]I cpf se.7ttAil Ei7 sjiYeClZ ~i[ U65t4FtFF fl4Ubmli 1fk! e# Ufo'{ I:P anvlh4v tle-iallmOllt VrXFIYlA lilelftih€. C16y 4f S pokana 5 Cityof5pokaneValPey 3 C1tyofTatanra 3 Ctiy oiWanrauwrr 5 [IFy oiYakirtsa g Beentan Caurrty 7 C]brk County ~ N-ing Cnunty ~ Krtsap County 3 Pkrea CounRy itl Sn4h+smish Counry 22 Spmkan4 Cnuraty 9 Ths,[rs[flriCotlnt}+ C rtie di;i<iaclrr uv+tuatnresubmlKfhrr uas##osebotha+de arimen1w!lhlnlho-ner[,i VirhaLG[7m CPUnty 7 _ "laklrndCounky ' ,i.,~=: s'iEv;.1:: ~-.;it.•±,i ,.uc,': °..1 110tee?S1119 Ntay71511 hf. qUrili3r Dept. 15f COfIVitt1C91.f 19 Drpt, oF G@neral AdmEnlstratlo„ Qept. of LrCor3 Indusrries 10 DLPL of IiaYanil!! 8 bept. af 5aclal & HQaEIh Servi€es 14 t7f14ce of Flnarwcial Man#gamAf+t 10 c7fFica ai th4 Insuranoe Camrnossione. 5 WA S[it! Il7ylf117AlT1t H#aI'd 4 Wi1 .5R3t! 4.Ptt!Cry 1! S WA State Patrak 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Number of da}rs it #ook to Peteive response to the initial request 158 Walfflmgtosa SWeAiudli,o,6 0iffics PrThsrmanearJludk Nepon 4pen PWbMit Fleccrds Praruce3 al 30Gorerinrwni €Mtltks - Repmrt s iM Ii St.anciard mail requestfor Informa#ion Technoitagy Directar job description Thc- reques# 4vas sent via standard rriail c,r, Deceaiber 28, 2006. Results #or standard mail request fof Infnrrnation Technalvgy Dtrectnr job description City of BelEevkJe 3 City of E'Y'lfcl! 6ir`..uxti9 r*ot ecer4usci b. A.hi en19'f ; NulPlii rl*c.~tcl, 771icrr City iDt F!'d4fil WA'f4 City trf lSent 13 City 6f Seattle Enut rllrefted re ueetul en eefuhestl4 tlp.+r saela Ie anotlerr =1r eer#nRA! W sh11n t9Ir.:ntre ci!tyaf Spohana 5 City of 5pokan4 Vsllry $ City nf Tarom4 ! p City of Vmn[ouvtr ~ City ofi Ybkima 4 Brnlon Cuunty 4 Clark Cnunty 5 Kiny Caun1)+ Si iiiWl}ScaIJnty Grauestea~errsrir" 13 rl€ot nt6 'i-Fllb1w~■i~nl't€Mfl`e~-r FFlFce'Cli W17Sy ~ SnGhomish CpunSY 3 Spokane C9Wnt}' Ta7urstrsnCounty 5 WFsA1C40M COLcnty fi Fr,qitqr.ctinnrl.~turl~nin~ul~ic'rsn~ YBkIfI7LCC11J71Ry. ~ +KC6rc~+.:~a~eaufR[.veylrtCOr'1~4f7llStes'~ VaPK, oF Carrrctians 20 aepL aI (~enarbl Ada'ninkt9 ratYQrr 5 DePi-flf I.Abor & IndusLries 5 Dept. oi HeYgn ue J Qr,p#. o# 5ocl4T & F+fadlh 5rsvites 3 OFfaCr of Flnrneia! rdlanag#enen1 ~ Uffoce of tho 1iil,Nrance [nmmiskknner 3 YYA 51ate lnwe^Stmbnt 8a01`~d fr WA 5[ite La1Ser~r 9 WJ# STiit-a Patrvl I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Number vf days it faok to receive response to the initial request ~ -.4 IMmhingltun Seitm Auelltnt's OI!!'i€e Porfarmanc+e 14ud#t Ikqort ~ [1U+'+g Nhlk RFHI)rd~ Pracdces a1 30 Govemmks+t Eni uws -Ropr,rt a 1t1Na) 1 : ~ Certified mail reques# #or vut-of-staICe trarrel records We asked fior aIf recards and vouchers shawrng aut-o#-state travel reimbu(serrierEts or ~ travel costs for Ju1y+ 2005 through June 2006_ One individLial vras sefected frnm each entity. For rourities and c~ties, t.he top Iaw enforcement officer was seiected. Tlic, ~ request was sent via certifieci riiail ati Dece'raber 29. 2006. ~ Results for rertiied mail request for out-cf-state travel exrpenditures F= Cdty af Sallerue City atl Fywett 5 City ol Federzl Wsy 35 ~ City of k{ent 1+4 ~ Clty oF 5e8ttlO EnAlt ;4eM[tV9 rnri7eostflr' eaKyiuhrhll 7he t ursi M 1111V11++: &;wime411 wlihin th, .rsi,tv Ci'EygfSPOEiA11# Ea9it jid n~7 turrrtl3-Cottie ilee retlserjt. h•^ rrPlX+rLar rrEU~red . ~ City of SpQkane Ya19 ey 2 [ity of Tetorna 41) ~ CltyaEVancou+rir ~ City Qf Yaknna $ ~ Srntan County d CIYfk CLF1iYl[y Fn!Ii ei:dnaitvers[19 YC[uya7firfc~W~t7.1§iit,..5F14~,cC~r,ivCS F= KIngG?4iFtg tn~yf Cl4fstSi!{If~'{URSS(SFE$i#1~WI}IlFICYI99FPS`klYfSSDJ19Fi1I^I~FLIC aroP,Kaityithiir,qtieaaPS,t ~ Kilsap COU nCy 29 Yfer[e CAUnty 77 ~ 5naham;ifFh Caunly Sp4kln@ LDun1y 1(} ~ ThurstahCounty C'rii-[+ dleee!cd±,7iaej4rj+4:>rf+.rt~1'Fliik3t* lfillj49YtoanqEhords artntenlwkl~rnE~+aant~d lhrhalrorn r-ounly 15 ~ YukYmd Ctsurtly ~rr7. ri~. r.ntR +x: ~;raftrrl nr icsur2l: 15sui na7nssl~Yd ~-tl~6e ~1Yristrdrf E9ap[.61 C4r7ftti4n1 6 dept_a}GeneealAdminJxirsl'uGrr (}ePi. a! 4,;ahor #r Indultnes b ~ Gap#. 4f 1Ytv~~ru~e i ~ C?rpt, a# SaCfil 8t FlesRth SorvECel 19 Uflic0 of F1nrncial Managamant 7r M [Dffice gf the lrksuranct Cummis sdanwr i 4 ~ YYA S#pte lnvestFnens p oend 6 1NA State Lu#teEry 4 U4pA, 5[414 FkaPral 24 0 5 10 15 2,0 25 30 35 40 ~ Number of days itlook tv receive respvnseto the initial request ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Cl ~ WAShlnPan State Au3itar's Mc~ ~vrfanmnKr ALdit R"ure Qp~rnF"~ihJuH~atsf~~'rmrli~rw~ti~MCrc~w~r~ment E+s[~E~es - R~~a~EkTC4~flt'y~1 ~ Standard rxtiail request for employee recogni#ion award expenditures We asked for all records of voUChers showirxg expenditures for employee awards and; ar- recognition irt C~~~eniber 2005 and January 2046 for selected efltity ~ deaartrrFents, The request was sent vaa standard maip on January 3, 2007. ~ Resuffs for standard mail request far ernployee recognrtian award exp►ensiite,res Ci,y of B+Ilt+►ue 10 Ci1yaf EveraRt ~ City e[ Eedreal WaY y City Of Moni 10 . 'CIty of sCS[#io EnS1iXdoi'ritrd:o- uwktr:te[.3~aC OoV.11 r:-.. n` ~wh,,n !hr rne4 City of SpUiCpTWqu ~ Ci1-y of Spner;anp'Ya MIpy IC) Cit}f 4fTaCtarne 7 City oF Vancuuu#► 5 Clty of YA kfttu 4 Benton C#wniy 5 Clork Caur~ty p K4ng +Cn~entY 7 7 14iksap ~~4UnRy ~ Piarte Ca~,r~ty 5 5noh4md'h Caunty ~ 5pnkfnafnuntp ?5 d'huntpn CburwKy 5 447sa4corn CaunSy Y'aYima County ~ C"[.Of [Q'r14tT}flRi enYetN!'t3V[rnii-m wa 4d& miT.cel~rles+eer.eW#71A1hn[rw Ct - IWadh !h!I'e ~rsinr Dept.of Geri#rA3 Adrninittratioq 5 5 UrVt, of l,ehrar d IndustrieS g Dept, af Reve1ur t2 [7*pR• of 5~xial & Neii Nth 5rrwicas { Offi[ao'fFi+ttlncealMiriaqemaot 5 Mce nf fh[ Inswan€e C4rnlnfssdvn&Lr' 11 WA katir Envefirnrnt BnarA ~ 1AfA Stnlo Ltrlterp 3 I WA Steta Patrak 1 s - I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Nurnb+ef of days it took tO receive respo n se ko the initial reque°st I ~ 161 99rasdkngton 5#an Aa&06 DI'Ifrtr Pe,iormanct Audit " ri Llpen F'ubllc Re[o?rix Pr.,yr4icrc.lt 10 Gowernment En9ilie5 -aeporr 0 1iiqCM 7 Standard rrrail request #or entaty phone directory In caJes wIieFe wve believed the eutire dKrec:Eaf y woul-d be toa large, we requestecl a directary for (irie deparlrlient withiri thp entity. The request was sent via starrdard mail on Jar,uary 5, 2007 i Resufts #car standard rnail request for entity phone directary cityar8rliewu@ ~ Ciitly aF EuErett ~ Cily of Fcderal Way 3 CilyatKent ~ City of 54m4i{* 2 Cty of spokan$ ~ Cl1]' ufSpaPcmnEVilley 1 - City of Tacome 2 [itjof llaartouvcrr 2 Cikg of Yakima 2 BantRnCaunty C9erk C4unly 2 ~ 1€[ng +Cauniy a Xi ES8p Coun#}' Acuue5lnutreetivedljy I Nte4nalt aP,ikilfc.'~ec,~rd~I]FflcEe ~ PYott*County Y SnoFrnmish Cbunty Enti res naf awdt dea[ted nr tms,aod, Aut nar rereorv911 h thrt r;a;teatnr 5;7oftall! CGudSty EnKtrv r.spnast w$► ciraI#ed ar Iieaatd 6s4t nos rs;_vNvsd b the r nesSn r thuriton County 4 - ~ WhatfomCourety k YakimuCaunSy Ca,~lt ,n un,rrrzl.Je;elTali ai .•:u-+i,.i-:w1 n0i rVeniva+i trtku.cunecca ~ brpGaf Corractlonj _ 14 ~ Dept. vi Gensral &dmJnistratlon 9 ~ Dept- Of labnr & In[RuStrFes. - - 14 Dept_ of Re+ranur $ Dept, of Sotial & Fiselih 5er,rites ~ ~ 0 Mc e 4t Fnanc4r Mlanagemrtne 5 Offifa mi' ehe insurance Cc ntmii%ionrf i ~ '44A5tapl4lnvestrnentSourd 2 WAitataLotiery 4 ~ w,4 St,ato Patral 3 ~ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ~ i4umber of days it took to re+reive resportse to the initial request ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 62 ~ 11PashinV0n 5CA1e AudlRur's Of'AOt F'irfiarnMrpGC Audit Repqr# (1ptm iuh.lac Rt+i ord: Ptarlisfiti a I: fG Csnvrrrainetir EiSdaies - Hrpr+ 0 TCv[I[Y ] 1 ~ppendi)C K - CfftE'rIa 1 ~eneta1 Perform,ance Gri1eria: RC'W 42.56.030 states. "The peopie of this sta#e do rrot yield their sovereigntyr to #he agencies tnat s,erve tho m. The poapfe, an dehe gating authvrity, d a not g ive tb eir pu b lie servants the right to decide wha# 115 good fcrr the peopke to know an,d what is riot good for th-ern ta know. The people insist on remaenmg irtfarrned so that they may masritam coritrol over the instrurraents #hey liave created. The pijblic records subdivisiofl af this chap#er shafl be ftberal~~ construed and its exemptions rrarrowly construed to promvte this public policy and to assLire that thp- pubfic interest will be fully protected. In the event oi conftk betweeri Ehe provisions of this chapter and any other act, the pravispcns oi th~s r-hapter shaIJ gouern," Jnstiative 216, Rassed iri 1972, contairbed a similar publrc poffcy stateanent: "It is heretay declared by the sovereign people ko be the public policy of the stafe af 'W'ashington: ~~11) Thai, mindfua of the right of rrdvirfuals to privacy and of the desarabifrty of the effi-clent adrt7iflistration oi government, (ull ar-cess to wn~~trnation cancerning the eonduct o[ gvveronient ran every level must be assured as a fundamental a:nd necessary pe~conditioru ta the sound governance of afree society," CFiIfiERIA - Finding 1 We rdentified the top-performing efikities trased an the ur7annatinced requests. p Practices uSerJ by the #op pprforrrters becarne pur per6ormxlce criteria. A IiSt of I the top performers is in Appendix _J, "c7ueraf[ Results" sectioei of this report. Tap ptirforming entifoes prcruade~i all requested records and those reeord5 weee compJete aFid consiskent w9th those that were requ+e$ted. Top perfarming entities did not redirect the requestor to subrrrit his or her reques# a second brrNe to a different departrT7eiit wdhiri khe state agency ar Iocar government. The Iega1 crateria preseiiied belaw €s pravided for context, as this audit was nop ~ focused ori compliance with the Public ~p-cords Aci but on the effectiveness and efficienr,y af state agencies' and local governments resparises to recor-ds requests. The citations rriade beiow are eithefi ofl whoie or in part as tkrey relate tQ the subjeck matter af the firiding. Ernphasks, as uldicated by underline or bold font., has beell added, i. WAC 44-14•44004 - Rcsponsibilities vf agenc;y in providing records states in par!: dl ~GeneraG. An agency may sirnply provide the records or anake fihem availab1e w4thin khe frve•business day Period of the inrtial response. When it cloes w an agericy sliould also provide the requeslsar a written cover Ietter or e-riiarl br6efly describirig fhte records prowided and Pnf4rming t1ie requestor that the r~quest has been closed. fihis assists the agency an dater prDvirrg tiiaC it provided fihe specified recards on a certain date arrd tolci the requestor t#7at tfie request had been closed. However, a cover aetter or e-mail might nat k~e prac[ical in some circureistat~cies, s~~h as whetl 1he agency provides a sniall ilumber of recvrds or fu1filfs rou~irie requests. Ari agericy can, of course, provide the recore~~ sonner than five busirress days. 163 Wsshington 5[aRa Aodi4ar'y $!~'i~v Pwfbrmantx i4u& Rreperi Optn Fiab lar Reiord0rJ[1irNat 1p Gtnemmntrr f ntities -F Reporr o ini:Krn, t Prcraidmg the "fulIesC assistaince~ tC1 a feq11eStC2F WCJLIld Cfkeaf`Y pfCI'illdIng a i'eadIIy available recorri as svcn as possfble. For exampfe, an agericy migkrt routirieEy prepare a premeeting packet of docurnents three days in aduance of a cFty counc:il meeting. The packet ws readily auailabie so the agency should provwde it to a requestrar an thte sar~ic, rJay of the request 5e, he or she can Itaue it ftar the cowic-il meeting. ~ f4) Faelure tD provide records. A "derri,al" af a re(luesi ~an occur when ar, agency: ~ Does not have fihe record; ~ Fai9s to resPond to a request, CIairns an exemptcon of the eritire record or a parEion of if: or ~ U1+ithaut juslafir_itiori. fai15 ko nr[:vit:le the rer,ord after the r+=asonahle estirnate exprfies. Ut#TER#A - Finding 2 ~ We rdentined the tap-pertorniing entrlies based on aw unar;nounced requests as performarce criteria. I'hose toP perinrrners can be found in the Overuiew of A„riit ~ fiesults section of this r-epnrl. Top perfnrmers inc4ude those that accept pubiir records requests in rnultipie forms that include in person, by a-rnail, in wrEting, tiy ~ fax, and by phone. Tol) per[orniers do not filter or bkock public records requests submitted by e-maal to pubiic records officers. Top perforrners do not require requestors to complete publoc rer,ords request forrms_ Howe+ler, top perforrn€.~r's aIlow requestors the opteon of usMng on-line reqtjest forms fnr requeskmg rtcards and submiEting those requests electronicakly, ~ The legal eriterfa below is prrrv+dec1 for coi7text, aS khis a46dit w{~S flat f€~cused an ~ compliarice witkr the PubfGC Records Act but on the ef#ectiveness arid efficfency of state agencies' and Gcrc:al gavernments r~sponses Eo records requests, Tlre Cikak~ons ~ rnade beluw are eil'her iri wholc- or in part as theyr reEate to the subject mattef of th€, fir)ding. Lmp97asGS, as indicated by underfufle or bold font, has 6een added. ~ RCW 42.56. 100 - Prntecticin of publoc records-Public access. Agencies shaII adDpt ~ ~ and erTforce reasonable rules ae+d regulaborks, ~nd the office o# the 5ecretary Qt the senate and the office oi tjle chief clerk af the house +af represontat`ves shall adapt reasanable peacedures aElowirrg for the time. resource, aiid personne1 cnrtstraint~ ~ assijciated with legislative sessrons. cansunan# with the iiiteiit of tfirs chapiet to provAde (uIC public access to pUblie recofds, to pmtect public records frorn dan7age or ~ disarganizaban, and k.a preuent excessi+ve interferen~e with other esseritial fuilck3ons of the agency, the office of the secrEtary a# the senake, or the office of thie chief ~ ckerk of the house of representatiues. Such rules and regulatians sha11 provede for the ~ fu11e51 a5si5tam;e ta onciuirers aitd the niosl tinriely po55ible action on requests fof infiormatioil, No#hkng in faiis sectiori s1iaE1 eelieve ager`cies, the ofhce of [i7e secre9ary of tl~le sen,ate. and the oifiic.:e of ffie chaef cberk af the riouse ot representatives frorn ftono(ing requests teceMved by maI~ for cop«s af identifiabEe public records. ~ 'NAC 44•14•030 Aua+lability af public records. ~ Making a request fior public ►ecords. Any person vrishmg to ir+spect or copY pvblic records cif the {riame of agericYJ ~ should ma~e the re(luest An writing on the ~name of agency's) request forrri, or by Ietxer, fax, or e-mail addres;ed to the pt+blic, recnrds officef ancl iRCludirtg the fOllG'Wing informakion: ~ 164 ~ 1Ylshfngtan 5tate Jl,uditors Uffiu Pgdormance Audit Rnprx Opert Public RnonES Practka~ .Ot 30 6anrernrnfnG C nl i6J" - RCporq R fo{7014] 1 ~ • NaRIe Of feqLleStCIr; ~ y Addfess C3f fEq[JeStaf; • {71her cantact ;nf(irmation, irrcfuding tele0orle flumber and any e-maif address: • Identification of R~it- pi,blic records adequate far the pt,blic recocds afFcer or desegnee t~ locate the fecords; and *The date and tirrfe of day oi the request. (b)1t the rcquestor wishes to hauc copies of the recflrds made instead of simply in,spectiflg; therrG, he ar sha should so indicate and niake artan~ements ta pay f~~ ~opies of the reci3rds or a deposit. Pursuant to section (insert sectian). standard photocop~es will be provided at (amovrrt) ce€a#s per page. (c) A #orm is avaflabre for tise by requestors a[ the of~rce of the publ.ir recvrds vfficer ar~~ on-line at (web site address)- (d} The pLabllc records pffiCer or designee may accepi ~~quests for public recvrds tha# ccantain the above inft)rm.at~~i-i by telephorie of in person. ff the publKc records officer or designe~ acc.eprs such a requesr. 17e or she wilk coaifirm receipt of the infCr=rrratian and the substaiice of the request in wrihng. WAC 44-1. 4-03006 - Form of reqvests states ip part: There rs r~o -statutorily required formak for a valid putipir records request. A repuest can be sent in by maii. RC.1A+ 42.1 7.2}0/42,56.i0(3. A reqLrest can aaso be ~ made by e-T-r,aal, fax, or orally. A requesX should be made to the agency's public records officer_ An agency may presctibe rnearas ot reqLiests in 'rts rudes. RCtuN 42.1 7.25[]/42.56,t?4O and 42.17.260M/42,56.0700); RCW 34,05.220 (stdEe agencies), An dgency is ~ncouraged to make its public recards requ,est form avai2abie on its web s'f#e. A flumber af agencies aYcept oral, rn-perscan public rec+ords requests (for example, asking to Iook at a bu„Idir~a perrnit), Some dgencies Firid oral requests to be the best way ta provade certain kit7ds r)f records. However, for ~arger requests, o{al reqoests may be problematrc. An oral requesE does not providP arecord of what was re,~auested arad 1.fierefore prp-vents a requestor or agency fram ]ater proving what ~ was incfrided in the request. Furtfiermore, as described in WAC 44• 14-04402(1 a reqUesfpr rmusk provitte the ager~cy wrth reasanable notice thaf the request is for the discPoSt~~e of public records: oraf requests, especially to a~~~icy stafi othee thara the pubfc r~cords officer [a~, de5igriee, map nat prcavide the agency with the requir+ed {easonable notpce. There#ofe, requestors are s#rorigly encouraged to rnak,e wntten requests. Ii an agenc.y rec~ives an oral r~ciuest. the agency 5taff persorr reCei~ing it shavld imrnedwat+ely retluce Pt to y+rriking aflrf then verity ir) wri[Ing with the requestor 1~~t ft cortectly describes the teqLrest. CRITERIA - FFnding 3 Wc- identified t~ie top-perforn7ing eriti4ie5. basecl upon our unannounced requests as perforrnance crkteria, Those tap perfamiers can be found in the Overvfew ar' Audit Results sectoon cf thGs report_ Top performing eniities did not redact recards or fimrted their redar-trvns #o those aflmved or required by state law a5d explained the purpose af the reclaclians to ll:he requestc)r. The legal criteria presenfed beIovr is provided f4r Context, as this audit was nat d fiocused on -compliance wtth the ,Public Records Act bUt an the effeckcveness and efFic-iency of s#ate agencies' and IGr3l governar,ents respolises to records requests. 1~~ i 'Vfrsh#n" Stitt 14udhqr`s Offier Ptr#ornrante AWle itapar4 Upen Pu6klrMnnlii'ractKesat3{]rmminv7sElstilue: Repurlt l(Nirl1p11 Xhe cikatioris rrkade be1ciw are either rrr whoEe or in par# as they reEate fo the subject makter oi tjie findeng. Emphasis. as 7ndicated by underline or bo1d fonT, lias ~ep-n arJ~ed. I~~W 42.56',060 Disclairner o~ public liability. No pubaic agency, riublic uffic-al, public employee. Of C.LiStod1a1) ShaII be YEabEe, raor shall a cause of action exist, frar any fass or damage based upon the release of apublic record if the pubMwc agency, pvblic offtcial, public ernploy+ee, ar cus~odian acted in goad fa9th in atte-mpt+ng to compGy wi4fi the provisions of tk~~s chapter RCW 42.56.210 - Certain personal and ather ~ecor-ds exernpl. (1) Except fof information descnbecl in RCW 42.56.230(3)(a) and ;vonfidential inc~,rrie data exernpted frorn public inspecthon pursuant to RCW 84_40_020, the exemptfons of this chapter are rnapplicable to the exten! Ahat infarmatiuri, the dasclosure ofi wh~ch would violate personak privacy or vital governmental inkerests, cari be deleted irom the spe€:ific records s-oughC. No exemption rriay be cons#rued to perm+t the no ndisc lasure oi s#atistica1 in formafio n ri ot tiesc f iptive of anv read ily ide`i Ri Fiab1e pers4n oF pef5on5. ~ (2) 4nSpeclion or copyi~g oi afty specific recaeds exei-tipt under ihe provistons oi this ~ cliapter may be permitterl if ifie supekr c:ourt in the courit}+ in uvl7ich the record is maintaineti firids, afker a hearir[g with no#ice khereof tc) every person in antefest and ~ the agency. khat tlie exPrnpUon of such recofcis 9s clearly urrner_(lssary to protect any indMduaG's, right of privacy or any uiial got+ernrnental ftinctron. ~ (3) Agency responses refusing, in whole or in Rart, inspecfRoTi of any publir rrcord ~ shall irtcfude a 5tvtement of the specific exernption authorizrng the wikhMolding ot the ~ fecord (or part) aiid a brfef expGanation of how thse exernp~ion app&ies tij ttte re-cr~rcf. withheld. ~ Tfie #tkorney ~.,eneral,s "Model Rules~ " F rruides advisofY guoeiance on redacfions. ~ Specificafly. WAC 44-14~4004, "Responsibilitics of agency ~n proufelmg r~~~Nc34.. states in part: f~ (4) Failure #a provide records. A "c1Prw,al." of a reclu~~~ ~an os;cur w9icn ar7 ~gen; y: ~ Daes Aot have the record; Fails to resporid to a request, ~ Clarrns an exernption of the ?ritire reeord ar a porkion t3f ,t; or 9: Without justpfacatia7n, fai1s to provir1t1 tne rec:ord a(ter ktie reasor3F►bhe, c, s7 ;;matcy expires. {h) CIaimiFig exemptaons. 1P 0) RedactiDns, If a portRon oE a ~Grd i5 exempk frorn rJfscl4sure, but thp- ~ rerTtair'ider is Tiat, an agency geTteral[y is required to fedact (blac.~ olit) kfie exerr7pt portion and then provide the remainder_ RCW 42,17.3100142,56.210(1 TherP are a [evw exceptions. Witliholdir+g an ortire recard whEre tirily a portion of st is exeRipf uioeates tkae act. Some records are aamo,t entireCy exempt bt,t smal9 porhort3 ~ reniain rronexempt. For example, inforrnatinn revealing the pdentity of acrime victim ~ es exemqt frcrrn discrosure. RCW 42.17_3I0 (1)(e);''42.56.240(2), ff a requestor requestec~ a police report iri acase m wlioch charges have been Ned, t~~ ~gp-ncy niust reda-c't the victim's i%dentifying informalicfti but pravlde the rQst of the report, ~ S1.atist3eal inf4rrnatiori "not descriptive of arry readily ideiitifraGle person or persons" 1r ~ genera61y r}ot slibjeek to redaction or withholding. RCW 42.17_310(2)/'42.56,210f11. ~ 166 ~ WMhingtan 5tstt Jludila's Otficr ierkramam Audit Hapon 0 ppri Pii#afl4 Aet.ord~ Ilractn ew iiE 3U C,+rvernmenl En16es -ReparT t 10000 11 for exarr7ple. ,f astakrate exeiiipled tne idenii'ty of a persan who had been assessed aparticular ktnd of penalty. and an agency record sh4wed tfie aniount o{ penaitges assessed against uarrous persons, the a$ency must prDvade the recvrd with the names af the persans red.acterJ but with the penalky arnoun#s rerr`aming. Orrgirtials should not be ~eclacted. For papet records. an agency should tedart rnateraals by first copyeng the record and Eheri eifher using a bEack marker on the lu copy or caueriflg the exempt portions witfi capying tape, arad then ma'kfng a copy. 1t i~ oiften a gorad pract€ce fo keep the initial copies which were redacted in case xhere is a need tr make additaortak coPies for dr;closure or #o shaw what was restlac4ed. Far electranic recards such as data bases, an agency cari sornetimes redact a field of exempt informa#ion by excluding, it fcorn the set of fieVds to be copied. Howevet, in som,e instanep-s eIectronic redaction might nat he feasible and a paper copy Gf the recard with traditional redactiafl m:ight be the oniy way to provide the redacted record. If a reca(d us redacted electranically, by cieletlng a f~eld of data or in~ any othef way, the agency mtist ider,tiFy the cedaction and state the basis far the cIaqmed P-x.ernDtion as rp-quired by RCW 42,56.2100. 5ee (b){ii) of this sUk)&00011. (10 griet explariaPion of withhold+Tig. When an ageRcy clairns an exemptiari for an entire recard or partion of ane, kt must inform the requeskor oi tMe statutofy ~ exeniptton and ptouade a bri~f explanaf.ion o# haw the exemptior~ ~pplies to the record " or porkion withheld. ~CW 42.17~310I41/42.56.2I0(3). The brief explaraabori should cite thp. statute #he agericy cLairns grants an exemptFon from disclosure, 1-he brief expIaiiatrcan shoLtrd provide enough irG.formEition for a requestor to make a threshold - deterriiination of whet#7er tlie clairr~ed exemptdon is proper. Nonspecefic cl,arrrES of exekpt4on such as "propeieCary„ or "priva[:'y`° are trrskitfis:ieri, k?ne v4r~~ ~o pr~perly Rrovide abrk----f etpPanation of the voitnrelrl record or rtdaeE,cDn is for ihe agency to pro+~ide a withholding iiidex. Et id+eritifies lhe type of record, its date and number o# pages, anL~ the alfft'f of feCkpEent of th~ reGord (LlF1Ie5S t11@iI' Idefltfty is exempt). The wittncoldirig iridex need nrat be eIaborale but should aIlow arequestor to make a ttireshok(i r}etermRnatiori of whether the agency has prOperly ifivaked the exemptiori. l k;e At#oeney General's "Modee RuPe;" i)feavides advbsary guidance 4n exernpti4ns. specifically. WAC 44•14-060 -Exemptions. (1) The Publie Records Act prouides #hat a number af types of doeuments are exempt from pLibliC inspectio(i and copYing. In additian, dac,uentnts. are exempt from cfisr.1o5tire if any "other statute" exempts crr prohibits dastlosure. Requesiars shotild be aware of the folNowing exemptians, outsEeie the Ptibkar ~~cords Act, tfiat restract th+e avabbabhlity of some documents held by {rtame of agenc;y} for inspecbon and cnpyrng; 0 The (agency) Fs prahibqed by statute from disclcrsrng lrsts of indi-viduaRs fof carnrrtercial purposes, [Statutoiy Auth a rAty: 2005 c 48 3 § 4, RCW 4 2 .17.34 B. 0 6-0 4 -0 7 9, § 4 4-14-060, Iled 1131/0 6, effec t,ue 1/3/'01.1 WA(; 44-14•0600I - Agency must publish list af appEocable exennptions. An ~gency rnust pubf+sh 1rwd maintaiR a Iist of the "other statute" exei-riptions from discCosLire {that is, tflose exemptGons fourid Qutside tt}e f-'ub[ic Records 167 ~ _ • ~ Wnnimpon feate A,drtors Office Pt~anc-e Anait Reporr ~ Open Nth9rt Fletord:4 Pratvre5 al 31)Gowrmmerrt Enmin - Hepuam 9 GWO01 I Act1 that it Ibe1ieves poteratGally exempt recoeds it kaolds iroen disclostire. RCW ~ 42,17_260(2)/42.56.074(2). The 4i~~ is> "fofi informabonal purpo5es" onty and an ~ agency's faiiure to f«t an exernption "shafG not affect the eificacy of any exemptior+." RCW 42.1 7.2600I42.56.070(2). A list o[ possibfe "athef statute" exemptiOns is posted on t1ie web s+te vi the Municipal Research Service Center at Mvvj.mrsi:,org,r Publicatiora5/Prdpuh04-pdf (scroll tr Appendix C). ~ [Statulory AutMicrety; 200,5 c483 § 4, RCW 42,17.348. 06-04AO79, § 44-14-06001, ~ fiied 1/31/06. efifeetive 3/3106.1 ~ WAC 44] 4-06002 - Summafy of exernptions_ (1} GerreTa1_ The act and o~her ~ statutes contaen huridreds of exeniptions from discl~sure and dozer+s of eourt cases interpret them. A fukE Ereakmerit of all exernptio~~ beyvaid the scape of th~ ~ model rLiles. Instead, these eomrnents to the r~odel rules provic3e general graadan~e cin exemp#iorus and surrtrnanze a lew at the most freciuently drivoked exernptiores- ~ However. the scope of exernptions is detefrnined exclusively by statu#e ailrl case ;awv; khe comments to the madea rules merely prouide ~~idance ~in ,3 few of tfie most ~ common rssues. ~ Aci exemptkor7 from disclosute will be narrowly construed in {avor rf clisclasure. R(dW ~, An exemption ffeam cMi:sc9osvre must specifrcally exempt a fecof(~ ~r portipfl C3f d feuorci frorrk disclosure. RCW 42.17.260(1)l42.56.070&11. An ~ exemptlon will not be inferre.v. F= An agerrcy carinoi define the scope oF a statutory exemption thrGugh rule makEng br pc?li[:y. An ageCIcy agr2ef71enE (i~ ~~oms5e not to dksC@oSe a PEcofd Caf1n4[ mal~~ ~ a d~sclosable record exempt fTor~ diisc1o3ure. RCW 4Z 1 7.260j)/42.56.070(fl. Any agency coiltrac[ regarding the discFosure of recorc#s should recite that [he act ~ ~ An Eigertcy rnus[ de~icratafv tivhy eath witai[tdlcf reccird or redac'ted poriior) of a recorcf ~ r; exempt from disclosure RCW 42.I7.310(4)/42.56,2101~41. ~~e way to descrEUe why a reeord was withheld or redac#ed is by usierg a withholdirig inc1ex. ~ After invoking an ercemptian pn rts respcanse, an agency niay revise its original clakert o1 ~ exempEocan in a respoflse a r-rtotkon io sho+n, cause. ~ Exerrbotrons are "°perrnissive rather than rriandatory,°" Op, #Wy Gen. l (1960), at ~ 5_ Therefore, afl agency has the discre#ion to provMde an exempt record. Howeue.r, in ccntrast to a waivable "exernption," an agency cannot provicie a record 3arhen a ~ statute makes it "confidentiaB" or atherwise prohrdbits desclosure. Far exampleo t17e health Care Iriforrrtation Act generally prohibiks the disclosure oP medical inf~(matron ~ withcrirt the pafaent"s consent. RCW 70.02.020(1}. Nf a statute cIassifies tntc~rmaticarl as "corifidential" or uth.erwise pfohAbaks disclosure, an ager)ry has no discretion, to release a record or the confidentiaE portion afi d. Same statutes provicie civrl and crRminal penaIties for C" r0ease of particular °coiifidefltial" records. See RCW 82.32.330(5) (release af cerlain s~~e Lax information amhsderr3eanur). ~ (2) "Privacy" exerription. There Q~ no general "preuacy" exerr7ption. Dp, Atry Gen. ~ 12 (I988), Howevee, a few specific exemptians rncorporate priuacy as crre ~he eEernents of the exerriptiQn. For example, personal in#ormataon an agency employee ~ files ws exernpt to the extent that disclusure wauMd violate the employee's rigfrt to "pnvacy," RCW 42.17.3I0 {1 )(b)/42.56.21t] (1)(b). "Prruacy" is Lben uRie of the ~ 1 68 09 IMohin" Statr JLuefl lpr s Oif[ce Ferlarnmar€e Audit RRpon Open F'ubk Reefortis f}+actosm aE id 6ffummeni Erililies Aepr.rrt e10&A 1 a I eIeet7ents, in addition to the others in ~CW 42,17310 (1)(b)/42,56.2 1. 0 ~ 1 )(b), that an agency ar a third party resisting discMosure must peove. "~~ivacy" is defined in RCW 42.17.255/42.56.050 as the disclosure of inforrrnatioit thak "M WvuCd be highWy offensive to a reasanabke person, and (2) is not oi Ie,gitimate I cancefin tD the pubCic," This is a two-qart test requfrrng the parly seeking to prevent discl~sure to prove both elemenks, Because "privacy" is not a stand-alone exernpttorr, afl agency cannot cEaim RCW 4Z 17,255/42.56.050 as an exeniptiorr, ~ i Q) Attorney-clfent privilege. The attorney-chent privilege statute. RC'W 5.60_060 (a), is an "other statute" exempbon from drsclosure. In addition, RCW 42. 17.31C1 (1)f1)I42.56.Zl [J (1}(i) 4xempts atiorraey uvork-product inuolvwng a "controuersy," urhich means comp€ei.eci. existing, or reasanably antfcipated Iitigation involving thte agency. Ttte exact bovnda(ies of the at#arney-client privilege and wark-produci doctrine is beyond rhe scope of these comments. Howeuer, in general, the attor.°iey. clien# priviGege cov2rs records refEecting communicatrons transmifted in confidenre betnreen a publ,c Gfficjad or emplayee of a pubeFC: agency acting in the performance of hrs nr her duties and an aftarpey servRng in the capacity cf IegaI adrrisar for the purpose of renderfng or obtaining IegaM advice, and re-cords pmpared by the attoriley in furtf4erance of fhe rgndition o# fegaf advice. The attorney-slie;it pravilege does not exernpE records rnerely becaiise ihey reflect conirnunicaki t~ns in rneetings where legal counsel was present or because a record or capy of a record w~~s provided ta Iegal cpunsel if the other elemeflts of thi? privilege are not met_ Aguidanre documerit pt+epared by the aEtarneY gerieral's office on tfte attorfley-client privi4ege and woric, praduc# doctrme r~ avaalab1e ak www,atg_wa.gow/rpcords,{`modelrules. Deliberateve process exemDtion. RCW 42_17,3I0 (I)(0I42,56.210 M(1) exempts "PrelEtrtanary drafts, notes, recommendatiian5, and intra-agency rnemorandurris in whir:}i opinions are express~ed or polia:ies forrrrulated or recvmrnended" except if the recard is cited by khe agency, fn otder to rely an this exernption, an agency must sliaw that the records contain predecisrorial opin+orrs vr recomrr+eridaUons of subordirrates, expresseri as part oi a deliberative process; that d'isclc~sure wouCd be ri7juriaus ta the deliberative of consultative fLrnction af Ehe pro,cess; that di:sclosure woukd inhrbft the flo", of recomrrkendations, rbservations, arNd opirnons; and fina11y, khar ttte materrals covered by Che exemptioa°i reflect poFEr,y r~~ommeRdations and opinw~~~ and nvt khe raw factual da#a on which a decisian is based. Courts have helci that tfirs exerrtption es "sewerely Iimited" by its purpose, whic:h is to protect tbe free now of aprnions byr policy makers. !t applie$ only to those portGons of a record containing recarnmendations, open~ofis, aPld pPfJpC?Sed pQIICEL's: it do-es not sppdy to factual data cantaFned Pn the record. The exefripbon does not apply tc► records or pnrtioris of records corrcerning th~ implementation of pcalicyr ar the factual hasis for ffie palicy. Th~ exemption tioes rrod~ apply merely because a recard ~is caICed a ,'ctraft" or stanipeci "draft." Reeonimendatiaiis that are actually mlpJemented Pose irfe;r protection from discltasure after they have been adopted by the agency. ~ (5) "Overbroad" exempFeori. There is no "oveebroad" exemp[iorr, RCW 42.1 i .27E}/42.56.48{l, 5ee WAC 44-1 4-04002(3). ffi~ Commercial use exemption. The act does not aIf~.~w an agency ta provade 169 lksshinptan 5eaW iwdltork Me PatrfarnranLm 14udt# Repar# ~ L1prr, Rnhait Rrror'6 f'r,lcuepi a# 10 Qyrmwnr Fnrilies - Rmporr 4 101 ltX111 access to "lists of iradividuals requested ~or commercial purposes.." RC'JV ~ 42.17.26G(9)/42.56,070fg1. An ~~ency may require a requestor to sign a ~ declaration that he or she will nat put a list of mdividuals in thte recard to use for a cornmercial purpose. This authofity is linitxed to a list of indiuiduals, not a aist ~ of carripanies. A reqiiestar who signs a cierlaration promising not to use a list of it7dividuals for a cvmrnercial purpose, but who then violates #his declarativn, ceiild IZ; arguably be charged wi#h khe crrme of false sweariag. RCW 9A.72,040. ~ M Trade secrets, Maciy agencies hold serisitrve proprketary intormatbn crf businesse5 they regulate. For example„ an agericy might requ[ee ar~ al)pIiCaFif Eor a reguFatery appraval to submrt designs fat aproduct it prod!uces. A recard is exempt ~ frorn disc~osure it Af carist€tutes a"trade secret" under tl~e Uniform Trade Secrets Act. rhapte r 19 .~08 RC W. Hc)we ve r, the Jet n ibon of a "trade se cre t" can be ve r}' 'El corrslDlex and often tf1e tacts s17oweng why tfie record os or ds not a trade secret arE! opl}I known by khp- poteritial 11~ld2r of the trade 3ecr¢i whO sLpbrnitted rhe record in ~ questron. ~ When afr agency receiuesa reqrae;t for a rec.ord tfiak nlight be a trade secFe#. often ~ does not have enough inforrriaiiors tio deterrnone whefMer the record arguably quaIifies as a"trade secret." An agency is akrowre+d addiziorial tome under thue act tr-) d~.~tern7ine It an exemptiori mrighe apply, R'CW 42.17,320,I42.56.520. ~ When an agency caranot deterrnine wfiether a reqLrested rtecord comaws a "tr[is~~ ~ecrel," bsually it shauld c;ornmunacaie with the fequeslor that the agency is providing the potential holder of the trade secre# ar~ opperrttinity to ot~ject t4 #he d+srIGsure. ~ The agency shouad then contact #he pc~~ential hoIder of the trade seccet in questaon anrl state khak the record will Oe re1~~sed in a certain amount oi fime unless the hoIder fiCes a cour-t action seeking an inlunctian prohibating the agency frDm disclas3ng the record under RCW 42.17.330/42.56.540, A1ternatiueY}, the a~ency can ask the i~ p+atentral holder of the trade secr~et for aR explanatior1 of why it con#ends the r?crrd es a firade seeret, and state that if the recofc3 is not a trad~ ~er-ret or estherwise 2xerrwpt ~ from disclo5ure khat the agenc,y intends tri re1ease if. rhe agency shou1d iniorrra tIle potentaaC hoider nf a trade sec(et that its explanataof7 will be shared with the requestor, TiYe expianaboii can a5sist the agp-iia,y in determining whether it will ctaim the trade secre# exemption, If the agency conclLxdes tha# tne recvrd is argkdab9y not exernpt, it should provide a n~~ice of inten# tc) disclose unless the potentral holder of the firade 5ecret obtairts an injunction preveT7ting 6sLlt~sure under RCW 42.17.330/42.56,540. As a general makter, riiany agenCies do reot assert the lrade secret exemptiort oil ~ behalf of tfie pozentia1 holder of the trade secrct but rather aIlow The potential halder ~ ko seek an inpvnctian. ~ All entity recorc~s are avai1ab3e for reviev,P by fihe pubErc unless a daw specifically exerr-ipts thern frorn dfsclosure. If no exerriptiorx applies, the requested recard rnus-t be discIosed. Further, public erttities arp not relieved ofi trtear oblsgations Eo respond tAD fiequests [or puhlac rectards because a pertion o[ the docurnerii ie exernpl. Public enfitms have a dtity ti) fedac# 5pecific inforrrhation covered by art exemptron arsd ~ dis~c'Iose the een7ainder of the documenz. TMae PubGoc Reeords ,Act provi-des thaf exemptions are to be narrowiy constfued. ~ A gnGd taith respe►nse by a pubGic agency in releasing a publsc record absolves the ~ agency or any public officral or employee (rorrt liability arESinig frorn the disclosure. -for exarnple, an indiwidual narzied in apublic record may not hoI(i a public agency liable ~ 1fi0 ~ WaLirfn" S#xteJludkaf'i 0#14te Per#urrmnca i4urtit f[epart ~ Open i'uhiK R~cords E`rarfaces at ifl Gnyrrn,menr Ensmm - Rt'pnrt t 1000011 I for a good #aith release of that reccard on the gr~urids that discfosijre uiolates the ~ ar+ 'rndividual"s "fiight to pri~racy." Agenc-ies khat release records wi+kh passible priuacy irr3plicatiarms rroay wisli to s:ontact the indivadual, 1uVashGngtan courts have noi ~efined specifically whicb records, jf feleased, could vic)fate a right ot privaey; however, for exarrlple, residential addresses and telephone nurnbers for state employees are specificafly exempt under state law. The f'ublic .ftecords Act KW 42.56) lists 34 categories of pub9ic records that are exempt frorr-i disclosure. These are ex.emptions, not prohibftions; an agency may waive an exerripbon if il chooses ta do so. Otiier state laws specafically pro9iibit the releasc of same anforniat+on, And many documen#s conta3n some informativn that rs exempt along with offier information tt7at is not exernpt_ It is estimatied #kiat rnore than 300 exemptions are coritadned rn state law. To address whether these exemptioris are still ne~essa€y, the 20C?7 LegRslature created a Sunshine Committee to recorrimend whethcr each one shalitd be continued widh~ul. modihcation, modified. scheduled far sunset rev7ew at a #utuee date. ar terminated. Addituonal informatior~ aboijt the Sunshine Cornrnittee can be found at; http;%!'4vww. ~ atg_wa,gav/opengovernmeiit,/sunshine.aspx CRITERIA - Fin+ding 4 '%'b"tl cayCLilatecl the average resparise tRme for each entity type anck for each request within that entit~ type. Us,ng tMp- average respanse time, we identified ~-?ritity responses that were Eess tirrtely than their peers, Once identifiecl, the i~:arresponderice was exarriined to determine af tht, entity wa~ aware the requesl vras deIayecl anrJ if the reason(s) was provicled to tiie reqiiestor. We tfien saught ta identwfy the speci:fic raus.es associated with each Iess tarriely response. We identified the top-performi~~ enUtees, based upon our unannaunced ret~ueMs as perforrr7ance criteria. Those "tnp" perh( rnners can be found iii th-p Overview of Audit Hest,1ts section of this report. Top perfiorrnrng entities providPd requested records i-io,re quickly than other counties, cEties and agenctes iricEuded in thi5 audi1. i f,e citatians ma+de below are either ifl whole or in part as [hey repate to the subject f11attF'f C1f the fifldlfMg. EfTtlpha5lS, as indECated by tinderline or bold forit, 'has been added, LegaI Cfltefia addI'eS51P1g "(ullest assiskance" and "most timely possib9e action'"; KW 42.56, 100 -ProkectioFl of pubtic recofdsaPublic access. Agencies shall adopt ar-id enforce reasonable rules and regulations. and the afifice of the secretary oi the senate and the office of the chaef cferk of the house of representatives shall adopt r'easorrable f)racedures aIlowmg #or the tirne. tesource, and personnel Constraints assriciated with Iegi5lative sessione, consonant wtih the itttent of thas chapter €o provide iuNl publie access to public records, to pr4tect pubiic re+cords frorn damage or f~isargarnzation, and t4 preven$ eXC~sshVe 1nterference 4vlth other e5~efl#I~~ fu[iLti0n5 k if the agency, the offi-ce of the secretary of the senate, or the caffice of the chief (:.Ierk of the Faause of representatives. Such ru1es arud r~gulations sha91 provide fot the fuliest assistance to inquirers and the most timefy passitrle actionon requests for Intormat.ion. Notfiirrg in thGS seckian shap refreue agencies, 11-ie office of the secrekasy 171 Wa*hinqtan 5tirtit Auditar's Otfke PkrFurmantt d[odle Repnrr Open PtibRi4 Retx►rd5Pratmes9 MovernmenT Entrteri - Rrpneea'lCp:,PlI of the senate, artd the office of the chkef clerk of the house of tepresentati'ves from hanoring requests reeei~ed by mail for caoaes of sclentwfiable pubiic recofids, RCW 42.5-6,520 ~ F'rDmpt resporeses reqijired. Respnnses to requests for public records shafl be macEe proralptly by agencies, the ntfice o= the secrelary o[ the senaEe, and the office of the chief clerk of the house af representattves. Within 4ve business days of recefving a publtc record request, an agency, the office of the secretary of the 5enate, or Lhe office oi 1l1e chief cIerk oi tt7e house af reprtsentatives must resporic9 by erther (1) Arouiding the record; ack~awledging that tfle agency, the office of thp- sec(etary of the senate, or the office of the chiet caerk of the house of represerttatGVes has receive1 the request afld providirsg a reasorrable estmate of the time the agency, the office of the sin-cretary of the serrate. Or the office of the chief clerk of the hause of representatives will requir~ to respc?nd to the eeque5k; or (3) denying the pijLlic ref-ard request. AdditiGnal time reqsjired to resporid to a requesk niay b e based upan 1he need tD clarifiy the interit Of the request, to Iocate and asserrbble the Wnforrriatian requested, to notifiy third persans or age+icies affected by the reques#. rar to determ►n~ whether any af the informaticrr requested is exemQt and that a denaa1 should be rnade as to a9] or part ai the request. fn ~cknowlcdgin,g receipt of a publGC record request that as ianclear, an agency, the office ot the sacEetary oa the sertate, or the office of the chie# clerk oi the house of represeritatiwes may as4~ the requestor to clari€y what irsformatfofi the requestor Gs seeking_ ti' the feeyuestor faiis to clardy the requesR, the agency, the ❑ffice of the secretary af the senate, ar ~ the office of the chiO clerk of the ~ouse of representatives need not resparrd to it. Creri9ais of re~cjuests mLfst be accompanied by a wrilten statement of the sp~ctc ~ reasans there#or. Agencies, the affice of klie secretary of the senate, ancf the affice of the choef cIerk of the house of represeritakrues shall es#ab1ish mechanp5ms f4r fifie ~ most prornpt posswbie review af decesions denying inspectiori, ark~ such revieyv shall be deerned campleted aa the end of the sec:orid busrness day foliowing the deniaf of inspectiofl and shall eonstitute final agenCy act:on or hrGal act,orG by 1fie affice ot trit'. 5ecrp-tary ot the senate or ttie office of the chief cIcrk oi the house ot representatkvew fof the purposes of judictal review, ~ f~CW 42.56.050 - Ir7vasrorG ~f privacy, when. A person's "right to prFvacy," "right od ~ privacy,"'.privacy," or "persortal privacy." as ttaese terrns are u~ed iti t.his Chapter, i5 i:nvaded or v«lated only it disclosure of dnforrrtaUor7 about the person: (1) Wnulti tre ~ higlify offensive to a reasonatjlP person, anrJ (2) is not of legipimate cancern ko the public. The p(ouisions af phis cliapt~r dealing with the right to privacy in cert7m public ~ records do nut create any right of privacy t~pyond thqse eights #fiat afie specoFied in ~ thks [:iiapter as express exemptiiicis from tire public's rEght ko frrspect, exarrt+i7e, ur coPY public recard5. ~ RCW 42.56.550 - Jijclecial review of agericy actiores - states in pai'#, (4) Any person wFro prevai4s agair.st an agency in any acLi[rn in the courts seeking the right to inspee,t or copy any public recnrd or the rigfii to teceive a response t~ ~ ~ publac rea:ord reques# within a reasorrabl~ ~mciunt o# tfme shalN t,e avaarded aII costs, including reasoriab1e atto(ney fees, tncurrerJ irE connectic)n with sijch 1ega9 actiori. In ~ addition, ii shaII be within the discretiori of the couEf to awar~ ~~cfi person an amoun~ not less than five dvliar~ ~nd not to ex~eied one hundred doalars for each day that he ~ nr she was dtnied the righi to inspect or c+Dpy said publie_ recard. ~ ~ ~ 112 ft