Ordinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.07-007 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 06-024 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 14, 2006 AND ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2007 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2007 APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ESTABLISHED POSITIONS." WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, amendments, appropriations and transferring funds in order to properly perform various City functions,services and activities; WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the adopted .budget to reflect anticipated revenue, expenditures, fund balances, and appropriating same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE,The City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues. Ordinance No. 06-024,as adopted or amended, adopted a budget for the twelve months ending December 31, 2007. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund is hereby amended as follows. A. General Fund of the 2007 budget is amended to provide for additional revenue in the amount of$7,068,000 from unrestricted fund balance, additional development fees of$237,000 and a transfer from the Street Fund in the amount of$35,000. B. Street Fund of the 2007 budget is amended to provide for additional revenue in the amount of $238,000 from unrestricted fund balance. C. Street Capital Projects Fund revenues of the 2007 budget are amended by $863,000 to provide for an additional $620,000 funded through grant proceeds and developer contributions along with an inter-fund transfer of$243,000 from the Special Capital Projects Fund. D. Capital Grants Projects Fund revenues are increased by $1,730,000 from grant proceeds and an inter-fund transfer of$270,000 from the Arterial Street Fund for the Appleway—Tschirley to Hodges project. E. Stormwater Fund revenues are increased by $340,000 funded through carried over unrestricted fund balance. For purposes of these budget amendments, Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as set forth in full. Ordinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget Page 1 of 3 REVENUES: REVENUES: FUND FUND ORIGINAL BUDGETED ENDING NUMBER NAME REV.&FUND BAL. AMENDMENTS REVENUES 001 GENERAL $ 38,907,470 $ 7,340,000 $ 46,247,470 101 STREET $ 7,420,000 $ 238,000 $ 7,658,000 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 912,000 $ - $ 912,000 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 21,000 $ - $ 21,000 105 HOTEUMOTEL $ 658,000 $ - $ 658,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 600,000 $ - $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 4,120,000 $ - $ 4,120,000 302 SPECIAL CAP. PRJ $ 4,420,000 $ - $ 4,420,000 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 6,939,843 $ 863,000 $ 7,802,843 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 441,000. $ - $ 441,000 305 STREET BOND PRJ $ 816,000 $ - $ 816,000 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ - $ - $ - 307 CAPITAL GRANTS $ 7,300,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 9,300,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 700,000 $ - $ 700,000 309 PARKS CAPITAL PRJ $ 3,550,000 $ - " $ 3,550,000 310 CIVIC BUILDING $ 1,460,000 $ - $ 1,460,000 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 325,000 $ - $ 325,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,200,000 $ - $ 5,200,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 540,000 $ - $ 540,000 402 STORMWATER $ 2,855,762 $ 340,000 $ 3,195,762 501 EQUIP REPL&RES $ 944,375 $ - $ 944,375 502 RISK MGMT $ 217,100 $ - $ 217,100 TOTALS $ 88,347,550 $ 10,781,000 $ 99,128,550 Section 2. Expenditures Appropriated. To appropriate the amendments from the above estimated revenues and beginning unrestricted fund balances for each separate fund, the expenditure appropriations for the period January 1 through December 31,2007 are amended as set forth below. EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: FUND FUND 2007 ORIGINAL TOTAL NUMBER NAME APPROPRIATIONS AMENDMENTS APPROPRIATIONS 001 GENERAL $ 31,549,504 $ 7,340,000 $ 38,889,504 101 STREET $ 4,088,372 $ 238,000 $ 4,326,372 102 ARTERIAL ST. $ 912,000 $ - $ 912,000 103 TRAILS/PATHS $ 21,000 $ - $ 21,000 105 HOTEL/MOTEL $ 658,000 $ - $ 658,000 204 DEBT SERVICE $ 600,000 $ 600,000 301 CAPITAL PROJ. $ 4,120,000 $ - $ 4,120,000 302 SPEC.CAP. PRJ $ 4,420,000 $ - $ 4,420,000 303 STREET CAP PRJ $ 6,939,843 $ 863,000 $ 7,802,843 304 MIRABEAU PT $ 441,000 $ - $ 441,000 305 STREET BOND PRJ $ 816,000 $ - $ 816,000 306 COM DEV BLK GRNT $ - $ - $ - 307 CAPITAL GRANTS $ 7,300,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 9,300,000 308 BARKER BRDGE FED $ 700,000 $ - $ 700,000 309 PARKS CAP. PRJ $ 3,550,000 $ - .$ 3,550,000 310 CIVIC FACILITIES $ 1,460,000 $ - $ 1,460,000 120 CENTERPLACE OP. $ 325,000 $ - $ 325,000 121 SERVICE LEV. STAB $ 5,200,000 $ - $ 5,200,000 122 WINTER WEATHER $ 540,000 $ - $ 540,000 402 STORMWATER. $ 1,900,309 $ 340,000 $ 2,240,309 501 EQUIP REPL&RES $ 944,375 $ - $ 944,375 502 RISK MGMT $ 217,100 $ - $ 217,100 TOTALS $ 76,702,503 $ 10,781,000 $ 87,483,503 Ordinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget Page 2 of 3 These amendments include a transfer from the General Fund to the Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund and Service Level Stabilization Fund of $1,746,000 and $161,000, respectively; an increase due to creating road standards and development plan review of$77,000, and $237,000, respectively; $50,000 increase for consultant fees regarding the design of the proposed Town Center; $35,000 for the increase of copy and printing costs; an increase of $34,000 for Council salaries and benefits; an increase of $5,000,000 to establish a 15% operating reserve; an increase of professional services by $238,000 for Street Fund projects which includes creating a street master and transportation plan, road standards and a level of service analysis; an increase in the Street Capital Projects Fund of$863,000 which includes the 2006 carry over costs of$620,000 from the Pines/Mansfield Project and septic tank elimination programs of$243,000; an increase of$2,000,000 in the Capital Grants Fund for construction costs of Appleway from Tschirley to Hodges; and$340,000 in the Stormwater Fund for the Beverly Hills drainage project. Section 3. Positions. The City of Spokane Valley's full time equivalent positions are 76.15. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this 24`"day of April, 2007. A ST. Diana Wilhite,Mayor h`ristine Bainbri•ge,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office o he Ci W.ttorney Date of Publication: 05-04-07 Effective Date: 05-09-07 Ordinance 07-007 Amending 2007 Budget Page 3 of 3 City of Spokane Valley Exhibit A Amendments to 2007 Budget April 2007 4/19/2007 REVENUE EXPENDITURE Fund INCREASE INCREASE Explanation 001 Unrestricted fund bal. $ 7,068,000 Carry over from 2006: $ 77,000 Pub.Wks road stds. JUB 237,000 Increase dev.Fee estimate 104,000 2007 Development eng review 65,000 2007 Development survey review 35,000 Trans frm St fund-SRTC 50,000 R.E.Consultants-town center New transfers: 1,746,000 Meet goal for Civic Facilities 161,000 Meet goal for service level stabilization Corn. Dev.&PW Dev Review 68,000 Dev review serv.Improvements Other: 31,000 Council salaries 3,000 Council benefits various gen fund copy/printing costs 35,000 Copy&printing cost adjustment Cash flow reserve 5,000,000 To meet 15%reserve goal Total Gen. Fund $ 7,340,000 $ 7,340,000 101 Street Fund Unrestricted fund bal. $ 238,000 Carry over from 2006: $ 44,000 Transportation ping. Century West $ 147,000 Street master plan JUB $ 38,000 road standards JUB $ 9,000 LOS analysis DEA Total Street Fund $ 238,000 $ 238,000 303 Street Capital Projects SRTC $ 277,000 TIB&Developers $ 343,000 Pines/mansfield $ 620,000 Carry over 2006 project REET2 $ 243,000 Vera Terrace(Step) $ 133,000 Carry over 2006 project Veradale Heights(Step) $ 110,000 Carry over 2006 project Total Street Capital $ 863,000 $ 863,000 307 Capital Grant Projects Arterial St. $ 270,000 SRTC $ 1,730,000 Appleway-Tschirley to Hodges $ 2,000,000 2007 phase II project Total Capital Grant Fnd $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Several other 2006 projects carried over but no adjustment needed to 2007 budget 402 Storm Water Fund Unrestricted fund bal. $ 340,000 402.402.000.597.00.55.03 $ 340,000 Beverly hills project Total Storm Water Fnd $ 340,000 $ 340,000 GRAND TOTALS---> $ 10,781,000 $ 10,781,000